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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 19th, 2012

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*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellMay 19 01:31
schestowitz> Hi, Roy,May 19 11:04
schestowitz> May 19 11:04
schestowitz> Will M$ funnel cash to Nokia via intermediaries like it did with SCO?May 19 11:04
schestowitz>  Or will it let Nokia die and shift the patents over to more trolls?May 19 11:04
schestowitz> May 19 11:04
schestowitz> May 19 11:04
schestowitz> 19 11:04
TechrightsBotTitle: Worries mount as Nokia burns through cash - Hindustan Times .::. Size~: 105.64 KBMay 19 11:04
schestowitz> May 19 11:04
schestowitz> 19 11:04
TechrightsBotTitle: DailyTech - Analysts: Nokia Could be Out of Cash in Just a Year .::. Size~: 123.65 KBMay 19 11:04
schestowitz> May 19 11:04
schestowitz> Also, Groklaw hasn't covered much of anything with Motorola.May 19 11:04
schestowitzMark and Pamela are focusing on just one case. At least PJ is not spending her effort helping Apple (vs Spystar) anymore.May 19 11:04
schestowitz> LOL yes.   It's more of the M$ marketing rule that Linux is neverMay 19 11:18
schestowitz> mentioned.  I've seen it way back when they launched AD, wronglyMay 19 11:18
schestowitz> claiming that FOSS had no single signon - despite the fact that mostMay 19 11:18
schestowitz> universities were using Kerberos+LDAP at the time.  Back when NokiaMay 19 11:18
schestowitz> was working on Meego/Maemo, before they fired all the teams, both theMay 19 11:18
schestowitz> company and the products were getting strongly favorable buzz andMay 19 11:18
schestowitz> news.  Even now, I occasionally read of people going out of their wayMay 19 11:19
schestowitz> to track down and purchase the Linux based phones.May 19 11:19
schestowitzI recall VERY clearly that Nokia's mole, Elop, buried the "burning platform" almost on the very same day AlienDalvik was announced, making available for MeeGo like hundreds of thousands of apps (plus the OEM advantage of Nokia). There's something similar for Tizen now, announced only days ago (Tizen is a client of one of my employer, so I have some inside info, too,  not just access to the project servers).May 19 11:19
schestowitz May 19 11:19
schestowitz> On 5/19/12 1:04 PM, Roy Schestowitz wrote:May 19 11:19
schestowitz>> Mark and Pamela are focusing on just one case. At least PJ is not May 19 11:19
schestowitz>> spending her effort helping Apple (vs Spystar) anymore.May 19 11:19
schestowitz> May 19 11:19
schestowitz> Yeah, I've noticed that they spend all their time on Oracle v Google.May 19 11:19
schestowitz>  Do they have an official explanation or is it something that 'justMay 19 11:19
schestowitz> happens' ?May 19 11:19
schestowitzI don't care that much. TBH, I hardly speak to Pamela anymore, not since she claimed to had "left" (she didn't).May 19 11:19
*benJIman has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)May 19 14:52
*benJIman ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 19 14:52
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: by all)May 19 15:47

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