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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: June 2nd, 2012

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*abeNd-org (~KKlenke@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 02 02:40
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 02 03:33
qU1j0t3schestowitz: 02 12:40
TechrightsSocial@herbkim: Brilliant column by Economist Paul Krugman - - the not-so-hidden agenda behind Osborne's austerity driveJun 02 12:40
TechrightsSocial-> Title: The Austerity Agenda - .::. Size~: 58.23 KBJun 02 12:40
schestowitzformic_: remember the Everything is OK guy?Jun 02 13:37
schestowitzThe one from YouTube?Jun 02 13:38
schestowitzI've just met him, he wants to hook uo..Jun 02 13:38
schestowitzquote:Jun 02 13:39
schestowitz> We decided to go to CityJun 02 13:39
schestowitz> Centre to buy some squash shoes and so we went to some shops in town andJun 02 13:39
schestowitz> had a look. I carried on walking with Mark when suddenly I saw thisJun 02 13:39
schestowitz> famous British activists whom I followed closely for 3 years. He'sJun 02 13:39
schestowitz> usually around London and all sorts of places around the world. He'sJun 02 13:39
schestowitz> really quite cool and well known (to millions). So I let Mark carry onJun 02 13:39
schestowitz> in his way home and told him I wanted to talk to this activist, Charlie,Jun 02 13:39
schestowitz> if only just to thank of for what he does. He was surrounded by a crowdJun 02 13:39
schestowitz> with about 5 cameras pointing at him. When I stopped nearly he stoppedJun 02 13:39
schestowitz> talking and said something, "I like this person who has jus stoppedJun 02 13:39
schestowitz> here" and then he walked up to me. I never met him in person. Then IJun 02 13:40
schestowitz> told him I knew who he was and explained to him my own work; he wasJun 02 13:40
schestowitz> fascinated and now that he lives around Manchester he wants to hook upJun 02 13:40
schestowitz> with me. So I'm gonna contact him shortly. Maybe I'll meet him somewhereJun 02 13:40
schestowitz> around here.Jun 02 13:40
schestowitzHe has a new g/f now..Jun 02 13:40
schestowitzSo he lives in SwintonJun 02 13:40
schestowitzHow usefulJun 02 13:40
schestowitzI only recognised his voice in the streetJun 02 13:40
schestowitzJust mailed him like he asked me to...Jun 02 13:41
schestowitz"It's Roy, the guy whom you met at City Centre. I recalled later on that I had mailed you about a year ago when I found out Danny was kept track of by the Met, knowing quite well that the only reason we don't know if the same applies to you is that we haven't seen the evidence yet. I have followed your work since 2009"Jun 02 13:41
oiaohmschestowitz: really the UEFI stuff could be the best thing for Linux.Jun 02 14:35
oiaohmschestowitz: Now Linux world will serousally have to look for own platforms.Jun 02 14:35
MinceRand that's a good thing?Jun 02 14:37
MinceRbeing exiled from one of the major platforms?Jun 02 14:38
*qU1j0t3 scratches headJun 02 14:39
MinceRalso, why isn't there an antitrust lawsuit going on against m$ yet because of uefi restricted boot?Jun 02 14:50
MinceRwhat a fucked up fascist world we live inJun 02 14:50
schestowitzxactlyJun 02 14:51
qU1j0t3+1000Jun 02 14:58
qU1j0t3meanwhile redhat pays them for the privilege of being able to bootJun 02 14:58
qU1j0t3another income stream from the criminal racketJun 02 14:58
MinceRyupJun 02 14:59
MinceRthough the original article now says verisign got the $99Jun 02 14:59
MinceRstill, it's suspectJun 02 14:59
oiaohmMinceR: is x86 a good platform.Jun 02 15:07
oiaohmMinceR: reality from power usage and design is not that good.Jun 02 15:08
MinceRwell, it has many flaws and leftover crud, but it's really powerfulJun 02 15:08
MinceRi'm not sure if there currently are other platforms that can match it in CPU power and available GPU power.Jun 02 15:08
oiaohmtile canJun 02 15:09
*MinceR reads up on tileJun 02 15:09
oiaohmthere are many 100 core systems out there.Jun 02 15:09
oiaohmtile is only one.Jun 02 15:09
MinceRare they competitive in prices as well?Jun 02 15:09
MinceRare they available in mobile versions?Jun 02 15:09
MinceRwhat GPU can be used on the TILE platform?Jun 02 15:10
MinceRalso, WP says their max. clock rate is 900 MHz. doesn't that limit its power in certain applications?Jun 02 15:10
oiaohmAny that go into pci express with open source drivers.Jun 02 15:10
oiaohmtile big problem is lack of floating point.Jun 02 15:11
MinceRicJun 02 15:11
oiaohmBut there are a few other 100 core mips with floating point that are more flexableJun 02 15:11
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jun 02 15:11
oiaohmAnd fasterJun 02 15:11
oiaohmBasically the chips to kick x86 but exist.Jun 02 15:12
oiaohmBut need volume to get price down.Jun 02 15:12
schestowitz 02 15:12
TechrightsSocial@Jose R Rodriguez (metztli)'s status on Saturday, 02-Jun-12 13:55:23 UTC - Despite PR spin, #Microsoft's as malicious as ever against !Linux: !RedHat on its Knees To Get Past #UEFI Restrictions 02 15:12
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Microsoft Takes Up a Notch Effort to Tax and Control Linux | Techrights .::. Size~: 87.45 KBJun 02 15:12
MinceRshould we expect the uefi fuckup to give it the volume to do that?Jun 02 15:12
oiaohmAllwinner doing 1.1-1.5 Ghz duel cores will gain.Jun 02 15:13
schestowitzDidn't Canonical also participate in the Red Hat response to UEFI?Jun 02 15:13
schestowitzwouldn't shock me if MarkS also pays MS to just say "a-ok" to UEFI and be able to boot its "pesky little OS"|Jun 02 15:14
qU1j0t3rightJun 02 15:14
oiaohmMinceR: Ubuntu Debian Fedora  SUSE has put more focus into cross arch support.Jun 02 15:15
oiaohmUbuntu started multi-arch push in the debian worldJun 02 15:15
oiaohmAs response to UEFIJun 02 15:15
MinceRwell, ARM is certainly on the rise, but will there be desktop/laptop machines built on ARM that will match high-end x86 machines in power?Jun 02 15:16
oiaohmIf we see engery cards that will be used in server on desktop yes.Jun 02 15:17
oiaohm16 core 1.1 to 1.4 ghz arm cards.Jun 02 15:17
oiaohm32 bit at this stageJun 02 15:17
oiaohmWith upgrade to 64 bit coming.Jun 02 15:17
MinceRseems like some applications will still suffer if it's only 1.4 GHz per coreJun 02 15:17
oiaohmBe aware a 1.4 ghz arm is not exactly slow.Jun 02 15:18
oiaohmarm run at a very stable speed.Jun 02 15:18
MinceRi suspect that compared to some i7-s, it isJun 02 15:18
oiaohmIn fact its interesting.Jun 02 15:19
oiaohmSome workloads are slower on a i7 than a 1.4 ghz arm.Jun 02 15:19
MinceRwell yes, and some workloads can be parallelized well, so they'll fly on 16 coresJun 02 15:19
oiaohmSo some applications will be hurt and some will be boost.Jun 02 15:19
oiaohmNo I am not talking parallelizedJun 02 15:19
MinceRi'm worried about the ones that will be significantly faster on x86Jun 02 15:20
oiaohmI am talking single thread different.Jun 02 15:20
MinceRi knowJun 02 15:20
oiaohmx86 translation to internal code is not really that nice.Jun 02 15:20
MinceRi'm aware of thatJun 02 15:20
oiaohmAs arm dia size reduces it speed is lifting.Jun 02 15:21
oiaohmMinceR: 02 15:22
TechrightsSocialTitle: ARM Cortex-A9 chip runs comfortably at over 3GHz - CPU - News - .::. Size~: 41.5 KBJun 02 15:22
oiaohmMinceR:  That is the 64 bit versions Jun 02 15:22
MinceRwell that's really niceJun 02 15:22
oiaohmEngnery card with 4 quad cores of that.Jun 02 15:23
MinceRif they can pair it up with a powerful GPU and avoid other snags, it would be a nice alternative to x86 PCsJun 02 15:23
MinceRif someone will build themJun 02 15:23
oiaohmEngerycard is also very creative.Jun 02 15:23
oiaohmEach cpu on the card boots individually.Jun 02 15:24
oiaohmSo can operate fully isolated from each other.Jun 02 15:24
oiaohmAdd in wayland with frame buffer control.Jun 02 15:24
oiaohmThen you can have flush away envorments after use for internet or the like and keep on running.Jun 02 15:25
MinceRis it really spelled "engery"?Jun 02 15:25
MinceR(i'm trying to look it up)Jun 02 15:25
oiaohmMinceR: 02 15:26
TechrightsSocialTitle: Calxeda - EnergyCards .::. Size~: 11.68 KBJun 02 15:26
MinceRthanksJun 02 15:26
oiaohmMinceR: yes scary is 16 sata ports.Jun 02 15:27
oiaohmYes some of this arm tech they get the clock speeds up heven help x86Jun 02 15:28
oiaohmMinceR: 02 15:30
TechrightsSocialTitle: ZiiLABS ZMS-40 Quad ARM Cortex-A9 .::. Size~: 13.82 KBJun 02 15:30
oiaohmfew more generations of tech for android and its will be desktop as well.Jun 02 15:32
oiaohmMinceR: can you see why now see UEFI being locked on on x86 we might end up looking back as a good thing.Jun 02 15:36
MinceRwell, it could be, but i'm not sure how likely it isJun 02 15:37
oiaohmI would say more how.Jun 02 15:39
oiaohmWe will have the energycards and stuff like it used in the server rooms.Jun 02 15:39
oiaohmSo that is going to be produced in huge volumes.Jun 02 15:40
MinceRyeah, i guess then someone might afford to start building it into personal computersJun 02 15:40
oiaohmWe are going to have items like the padphone from the android fighting the netbook and notebook market.Jun 02 15:40
oiaohmSo its basically a case of low end and high end with x86 in the middle.Jun 02 15:41
oiaohmQuestion is what one will consume the middle.Jun 02 15:41
oiaohmIts not like android devices are going to get less powerful.Jun 02 15:42
oiaohmUEFI lock out why x86 is coming under attack from both sides is not a healthy move.Jun 02 15:43
oiaohmMinceR: only risk is if windows 8 some how takes off on arm.Jun 02 15:45
MinceRwhich is extremely unlikelyJun 02 15:45
schestowitzya never know..Jun 02 15:45
schestowitzthey pull dirty tricksJun 02 15:45
MinceRthen again, hypePhones were unbelievably crap and people still bought themJun 02 15:45
MinceRfor twice the price of a smartphoneJun 02 15:45
oiaohmReally google android still lacks a common dockJun 02 15:46
MinceRwhat's that?Jun 02 15:46
oiaohmMinceR: that is why iphone did so well.Jun 02 15:47
MinceRthe physical connector?Jun 02 15:47
oiaohmMinceR: people walk into shop and look at the number of devices they can plug into it.Jun 02 15:47
MinceRandroid devices tend to have standard microusb.Jun 02 15:47
oiaohmYep.Jun 02 15:48
MinceRmany of them can even function as a host.Jun 02 15:48
oiaohmMinceR: standard usb and audio ports on different locations on the device.Jun 02 15:48
oiaohmSame with hdmi ports.Jun 02 15:48
oiaohmIts androids one defect.Jun 02 15:48
MinceRthey could use cables, like any reasonable person would.Jun 02 15:48
oiaohmIts lookJun 02 15:49
MinceRi think crApple's proprietary connector is only a disadvantage.Jun 02 15:49
oiaohmTo anyone who not that computer skilled.Jun 02 15:49
oiaohmApples connector gave Apple a market advanage.Jun 02 15:49
oiaohmTo a rough look.Jun 02 15:49
oiaohmI have done surveys asking people why they bough an iphone.Jun 02 15:50
oiaohmNumber one is they though it had more attachments.Jun 02 15:50
MinceRwhich leads back to my earlier point, "people are stupid and will buy any sort of crap." :>Jun 02 15:50
oiaohmandroid has not branded a lot of attachments as compadible either.Jun 02 15:51
oiaohmLittle things are important basically.Jun 02 15:51
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: by all)Jun 02 16:35
MinceR 02 17:11
TechrightsSocialTitle: Biblical prophecy fail via .::. Size~: 1.64 KBJun 02 17:11
MinceR 02 17:24
TechrightsSocialTitle: Can God stop iron chariots? .::. Size~: 7.68 KBJun 02 17:24
MinceR 02 17:26
TechrightsSocialTitle: Iron Chariots Wiki .::. Size~: 21.65 KBJun 02 17:26
formic_08:37 < schestowitz> formic_: remember the Everything is OK guy?Jun 02 17:33
formic_I remember you stopped liking the guy because of his opinion on the 7/7 bombingsJun 02 17:33
formic_10:50 < oiaohm> I have done surveys asking people why they bough an iphone.Jun 02 17:38
formic_10:50 < oiaohm> Number one is they though it had more attachments.Jun 02 17:38
formic_everyone I know got one cause it was shiney and had appsJun 02 17:38
formic_the idevices happen to charge really fast using their proprietary cableJun 02 17:39
formic_it cant be too proprietary if chinese companies are already knocking it off and selling them for $1.00Jun 02 17:40
*libertybox_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 02 17:55
*puppywatch_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jun 02 17:55
schestowitz"An interesting play on the real name for HUD, and overall a positive article!" 02 17:58 Ubuntu’s HUD: Heuristic Universal Discovery #hud #ubuntuJun 02 17:58
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Ubuntu's HUD: Heuristic Universal Discovery .::. Size~: 59.26 KBJun 02 17:58
*libertybox_ ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 02 18:00
*puppywatch ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 02 18:00
schestowitz 02 18:05 reshared: ### Wozniak calls for open Apple     ![Steve Wozniak](     [James Hutchinson/](,wozniak-calls-for-open-apple.aspx)           Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has voiced a renewed desire to see the consumer electronics giant open its architecture to the masses, allowing savvy Jun 02 18:05
schestowitz"Good luck, Woz. You made up most of the parts that made Apple good. Steve made most of the parts that made it profitable. No prizes for guessing why he's now basically a saint and you're an outcast there."Jun 02 18:05
TechrightsSocial-> Title: | Not Found .::. Size~: 20.72 KBJun 02 18:05
TechrightsSocial-> Title: 500 - Internal server error. .::. Size~: 1.18 KBJun 02 18:05
TechrightsSocial-> Title: 500 - Internal server error. .::. Size~: 1.18 KBJun 02 18:05
*puppywatch has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jun 02 18:05
*libertybox_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 02 18:05
MinceRlolJun 02 18:05
MinceRwozo suddenly thinks it's no longer wrong for people to "want free stuff"?Jun 02 18:06
MinceRor he thinks he invented "openness" just now?Jun 02 18:06
MinceRwhat a fucking joke, that personJun 02 18:06
MinceR 02 18:07
TechrightsSocialTitle: Apple's Wozniak Bad-Mouths Open Source | Blogs | .::. Size~: 74.25 KBJun 02 18:07
*qU1j0t3 looksJun 02 18:08
*puppywatch ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 02 18:08
*libertybox_ ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 02 18:08
qU1j0t3MinceR: wowJun 02 18:11
qU1j0t3MinceR: i wonder if he is fully mentally competentJun 02 18:11
MinceRhe isn'tJun 02 18:11
MinceRhe also thinks that the hypePhone is great despite having to carry a real phone as "backup"Jun 02 18:12
*puppywatch has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 02 18:12
*libertybox_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 02 18:12
*libertybox_ ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 02 18:15
*puppywatch ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 02 18:15
schestowitzMinceR: yeahJun 02 18:27
schestowitzI finally got that POS Confluence removed from my debian boxJun 02 18:27
schestowitzit's like trying to remove a java virusJun 02 18:27
schestowitzeventually I just userdel -f'd the account of the program operatorJun 02 18:27
schestowitzit was the faster way to just kick this pile of crap out... and the company kept sending spam to meJun 02 18:28
schestowitzcorollary: don't install confluence. If you do, prepare to face consequences,  i.e. waste of timeJun 02 18:28
MinceR:>Jun 02 18:32
*schestowitz-andr ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 02 19:44
*schestowitz-andr has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jun 02 20:20
MinceR 02 22:23
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJun 02 22:23
*schestowitz-andr ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 02 22:29
schestowitzthere has got to be some simpler way for this.. 02 22:42
TechrightsSocialTitle: android import contacts - Ixquick Web Search .::. Size~: 81.37 KBJun 02 22:42
schestowitzwhy can't it be simple to do something like this withour 'cloud' BS that gives companies one's contacts listsJun 02 22:43
*schestowitz-andr has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 02 23:03

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