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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: July 6th, 2012

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*schestowitz-andr has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 06 00:01
schestowitz 06 00:41
TechrightsSocialTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 13.51 KBJul 06 00:41
TechrightsSocial@Pensador Louco (pensadorlouco)'s status on Thursday, 05-Jul-12 23:14:47 UTC - @schestowitz I don't, and I've learned the "whys" with you. Thanks a lot, doc. 8)Jul 06 00:41
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: 06 00:42
TechrightsSocialTitle: rikhard fsoss - Google+ - A Critical Examination of Bill Gates' Philanthropic Record… .::. Size~: 137 KBJul 06 00:42
schestowitz 06 00:49
TechrightsSocialNot a Diaspora post?Jul 06 00:49
schestowitz"yeah but fuck wal-mart and fuck asda too"Jul 06 00:49
schestowitz!google gates walmart techrightsJul 06 00:49
TechrightsSocial[1] - Gates Foundation Critique - Techrights | 06 00:49
TechrightsSocial[2] - Gates Foundation Bribes Officials, Press in Africa | Techrights | 06 00:49
TechrightsSocial[3] - “Walmart is No Longer Carrying the Zune“ and Microsoft's - Techrights | 06 00:49
TechrightsSocial[4] - The Gates Foundation Nearly Doubles Its Investment in Walmart ... | 06 00:49
schestowitz 06 00:55
TechrightsSocialTitle: JESUS AND THE FISHERMEN       - YouTube .::. Size~: 157.82 KBJul 06 00:55
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: you must be running hte wrong version; the version in the repo is 0.57Jul 06 02:45
FurnaceBoyi will now bump that to 0.58, because i forgot, last night.Jul 06 02:45
schestowitzlt me try...Jul 06 06:30
*TechrightsSocial has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 06 06:34
*TechrightsSocial (~b0t@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialJul 06 06:35
TechrightsSocialHello World! I'm TechrightsSocial running phIRCe v0.58Jul 06 06:35
TechrightsSocialTitle: Main Page - Techrights .::. Size~: 39.04 KBJul 06 06:35
schestowitz 06 06:35 #Linux #Android tablets now at $59.98 06 06:35
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Small Cheap Computers Keep Getting Cheaper at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 43.27 KBJul 06 06:35
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: excellent, thanks!Jul 06 06:37
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: cool!Jul 06 06:38
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: no wonder i was confused...Jul 06 06:38
FurnaceBoy 06 06:38
TechrightsSocial@EzoeRyou: Techrights | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom 06 06:38
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Techrights | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom .::. Size~: 155.12 KBJul 06 06:38
schestowitz 06 06:55 Final Chakra Archimedes Released #chakra #gnu #linuxJul 06 06:55
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Final Chakra Archimedes Released - Muktware .::. Size~: 28.27 KBJul 06 06:55
schestowitz"Hooray!"Jul 06 06:55
schestowitz 06 11:20 Richard Fontana speaks of GPLv4+ for non-software works 06 11:20
TechrightsSocial@Richard Fontana (fontana)'s status on Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 22:36:45 UTC - @cwebber actually in I'm thinking of replacing "Program" with "Work" to emphasize that license can be used for non-softwareJul 06 11:20
schestowitz"Using GitHub undermines Fontana's project."Jul 06 11:20
schestowitz 06 11:21 reshared: #house #architecture #natureJul 06 11:21
TechrightsSocial  Photo by 06 11:21
schestowitz"This is super cool! awesoooome!"Jul 06 11:21
schestowitz 06 11:22
TechrightsSocial@Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona (jgbarah)'s status on Friday, 06-Jul-12 07:53:34 UTC - Techrights on Nokia, Microsoft, #swpatents, how that affects to #Android, etc (collection of articles) via @schestowitzJul 06 11:22
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Nokia - Techrights .::. Size~: 37.06 KBJul 06 11:22
schestowitzdoes not say what's not correct: 06 11:30
TechrightsSocialTitle: Pinta Considered Dead, Mono Goes to Microsoft | Techrights .::. Size~: 84.93 KBJul 06 11:30
schestowitzthe mono booster: 06 11:30
TechrightsSocial@directhex: Well @gnomeuser made it to Boycott Novell, in some of Roy's most dishonest "reporting" in months. 06 11:30
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Pinta Considered Dead, Mono Goes to Microsoft | Techrights .::. Size~: 84.93 KBJul 06 11:30
schestowitz 06 13:39
TechrightsSocial@Alexandre Oliva (lxoliva)'s status on Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 19:00:54 UTC - @schestowitz and when protesters/dissenters *could* pay bail, their bank accounts are frozen and donations to them blocked so they can'tJul 06 13:39
schestowitz 06 13:40
TechrightsSocial@pcm2u: @schestowitz #Moodle Services @pcm2uJul 06 13:40
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Moodle Services - PCm2U | PCm2U .::. Size~: 82.32 KBJul 06 13:40
XFaCEschestowitz: mono booster always sounds a little weird no? :PJul 06 13:41
schestowitzwhy?Jul 06 13:47
XFaCEschestowitz: It doesn't positive at allJul 06 13:47
XFaCEschestowitz: The connection to the diseaseJul 06 13:48
XFaCEIt doesn't sound positive at allJul 06 13:48
XFaCEA person who is a Mono booster doesn't sound like he's doing a good thingJul 06 13:48
XFaCEand that's before you realize what "mono" isJul 06 13:49
schestowitzhe's drilling mono into LinuxJul 06 14:02
XFaCEschestowitz: so long as it stays seperate from the kernelJul 06 14:04
*marcoheijink ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJul 06 14:17
schestowitzhi marcoheijinkJul 06 14:17
schestowitzXFaCE: no point to it in a kernelJul 06 14:17
marcoheijinkHi,Jul 06 14:17
marcoheijinkI am trying to get Wireless authentication to work on my Cisco small business access point. I want to authenticate users from my domain by using RADIUS, and i am working with IAS and RAS on the domain controller to make it work. But i seem to be unable to get it work. I have been trying for a couple of days now, and i am wondering if someone has some tips or tricks to help me out.Jul 06 14:17
marcoheijinkI copied the question from another channel, maybe someone here has som tips or tricks..Jul 06 14:18
XFaCEschestowitz: for nowJul 06 14:24
schestowitzmarcoheijink: probably not our expertiseJul 06 14:27
marcoheijinkokJul 06 14:27
schestowitz 06 14:28
TechrightsSocial@Dr. Roy Schestowitz (schestowitz)'s status on Friday, 06-Jul-12 13:19:56 UTC - WikiLeaks Releases 2.5m ‘Syrian Emails’ #syria #wikileaks #transparency ... now we know why encryption mattersJul 06 14:28
TechrightsSocial-> Title: WikiLeaks Syria Emails Released .::. Size~: 60.85 KBJul 06 14:28
schestowitz 06 15:09
TechrightsSocial@satipera (satipera)'s status on Friday, 06-Jul-12 14:03:42 UTC - @Schestowitz. Google is not the problem but it is a problem.Jul 06 15:09
schestowitzso get thisJul 06 15:19
schestowitzthe US gives many people to be furiousJul 06 15:19
schestowitzand if they get furious the FBI gives them bombs or adds them to suspect listJul 06 15:19
schestowitzfor merely being angry over legitimate thingsJul 06 15:20
schestowitzIOW, being sane is criminalisedJul 06 15:20
schestowitzBeing deluded is law-abidingJul 06 15:20
schestowitzis there a work for this type of situation/condition in the English language?Jul 06 15:20
FurnaceBoyKafkaesqueJul 06 15:22
FurnaceBoyor OrwellianJul 06 15:22
FurnaceBoyi've long been talking about the upside-down state of thingsJul 06 15:22
FurnaceBoywhere everything claims to be its oppositeJul 06 15:23
FurnaceBoyOrwell did it, though. Minitrue, MinipaxJul 06 15:23
FurnaceBoyWar is PeaceJul 06 15:23
XFaCEFurnaceBoy: schestowitz Makes the dystopian future in "A Clockwork Orange" seem downright plausibleJul 06 15:24
XFaCEmarcoheijink: [10:19] <DaemonFC> 06 15:25
TechrightsSocialTitle: Cisco backpedals after uproar, drops cloud from default router setting | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 39.27 KBJul 06 15:25
FurnaceBoyXFaCE: aren't we living that?Jul 06 15:32
XFaCEFurnaceBoy: Minus the aversion therapyJul 06 15:33
FurnaceBoyi think he got that part wrongJul 06 15:33
XFaCEFurnaceBoy: And young men groups going around murdering and rapingJul 06 15:34
FurnaceBoywhat has actually happened is a kind of inverseJul 06 15:34
FurnaceBoyXFaCE: well, maybe not in _your_ neighbourhood.Jul 06 15:34
FurnaceBoyXFaCE: but certainly that is how the large states behaveJul 06 15:34
XFaCEFurnaceBoy: Weird costumes and all?Jul 06 15:34
XFaCEFurnaceBoy: Aversion therapy has been more or less banned, IIRCJul 06 15:34
FurnaceBoythe aversion therapy scene never rang true to me.Jul 06 15:34
FurnaceBoywe have something worseJul 06 15:34
FurnaceBoynormalisation, but not in one man, but in a whole cultureJul 06 15:35
XFaCEFurnaceBoy: It does work in cases of alcoholJul 06 15:35
FurnaceBoymaybe, but we were discussing A Clockwork Orange and whether its dystopia existsJul 06 15:35
XFaCEFurnaceBoy: But it's very flaky and dangerous in many casesJul 06 15:35
FurnaceBoyi'd say no, literally not, but we have something worse.Jul 06 15:35
*marcoheijink has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Jul 06 15:46
schestowitz 06 16:52 reshared: #eagle #aigle #Mouette<br>[ ![Image]( ]( <br>Jul 06 16:52
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Not found (404) - Kegtux image hosting script .::. Size~: 3.13 KBJul 06 16:52
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Viewing image 7vr8u.jpg - Kegtux image hosting script .::. Size~: 8.04 KBJul 06 16:52
schestowitz"Even at an eagle? damn those annoying birds ¬¬"Jul 06 16:52
FurnaceBoy 06 19:00
TechrightsSocialTitle: Feds Plan 'Fog of Disinformation' To Track Information Leaks - Slashdot .::. Size~: 287.86 KBJul 06 19:00
FurnaceBoy 06 19:02
TechrightsSocialTitle: Another Death in the Cloud As Apple Kills Off iWork - Slashdot .::. Size~: 252.91 KBJul 06 19:02
XFaCEFurnaceBoy: iWork? NopeJul 06 19:03
FurnaceBoy 06 19:04
TechrightsSocial@qu1j0t3: Point to remember: #Linux had vital role in discovery of new boson at #CERN. Linux systems used every day in analysis 06 19:04
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Linux Played a Vital Role In Discovery of Higgs Boson - Slashdot .::. Size~: 293.68 KBJul 06 19:04
schestowitz 06 19:16 A great article of the beginning of Microsoft and the relationship between Bill Gates and Paul Allen... 06 19:16
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Microsoft's Odd Couple | Business | Vanity Fair .::. Size~: 109.51 KBJul 06 19:16
schestowitzI fail to see what's good about glorification and whitewashing of an unethical patent troll and arguably the world's biggest criminal who privatises the public sector for monopoly and profit.Jul 06 19:17
XFaCEschestowitz: Gotta "inspire hope"Jul 06 19:17
schestowitzthe little douche was planning to take over the world even as a kidJul 06 19:18
schestowitzhe was a sociopath in a famiyl of snobby sociopathsJul 06 19:18
XFaCEschestowitz: What article are you reading this from?Jul 06 19:19
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: yesJul 06 19:19
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: my favourite example is his Albuquerque mug shotJul 06 19:19
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: you can see in his face Jul 06 19:19
schestowitzdaddy will bribe the right peoplJul 06 19:22
schestowitzhe runs the countryJul 06 19:22
schestowitz!google Gates law firmJul 06 19:23
TechrightsSocial[1] - K&L Gates | 06 19:23
TechrightsSocial[2] - Gates, Halbrune, Hatch, & Guise, P.C. | 06 19:23
TechrightsSocial[3] - Preston Gates & Ellis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | 06 19:23
TechrightsSocial[4] - Cotton & Gates, Attorneys at Law | 06 19:23
schestowitz 06 19:36
schestowitz"Jul 06 19:36
TechrightsSocialTitle: The next GPL: Why it's being shaped on GitHub : gnu .::. Size~: 44.6 KBJul 06 19:36
schestowitzI really want to like this article. I really do.Jul 06 19:36
schestowitzBut first, they never mention free software*, preferring instead the term "open source". This is perhaps a result of their concern for the "corporate interests" (which sound a little dangerous), but nevertheless strange since they're talking about the FSF and the GPL.Jul 06 19:36
schestowitzSecond, they say GitHub is an implementation of Git, which it isn't. When a tech writer makes such a mistake in wording, it's hard for me to like them.Jul 06 19:36
schestowitzFinally, they managed to get in Gitorious, but only at the very end. I'm glad they did mention it, but they definitely could have given more question to the fact that this GPL fork is being developed on a non-free platform.Jul 06 19:36
schestowitz"Jul 06 19:36
schestowitzThe author is the President of the Open Source Intitative.Jul 06 19:36
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 06 19:54
FurnaceBoy 06 20:42
TechrightsSocial@Lavender_Blume: Brilliant piece by @ElizabethMay on Harper, Oda and what we should really be pissed off about: #cdnpoliJul 06 20:42
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Defending Bev Oda - but not for the reasons you think | .::. Size~: 39.82 KBJul 06 20:42
FurnaceBoy 06 20:46
TechrightsSocial@thenation: How to make Bernie Madoff and Enron’s Ken Lay look like mere amateurs in financial crime: 06 20:46
TechrightsSocial-> Title: - Shorten urls, share files and track visits - Owly .::. Size~: 2.21 KBJul 06 20:46
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJul 06 21:56
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Jul 06 21:56
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJul 06 21:56
schestowitz"The history about it and what kind of a person he always has been. Even in the beginning always trying to grab as much money as he could even from someone that was kinda like a friend."Jul 06 23:01
schestowitz 06 23:01 A great article of the beginning of Microsoft and the relationship between Bill Gates and Paul Allen... 06 23:01
schestowitz^GatesJul 06 23:01
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Microsoft's Odd Couple | Business | Vanity Fair .::. Size~: 109.51 KBJul 06 23:01
schestowitz 06 23:20 reshared: ![mexico]( #Mexico #Politics #Election #Government #Fraud #fail #DemocracyJul 06 23:20
TechrightsSocialMissing content type. Ignoring.Jul 06 23:20
schestowitz" 06 23:57 reshared: ![mexico]( #Mexico #Politics #Election #Government #Fraud #fail #DemocracyJul 06 23:57
TechrightsSocialMissing content type. Ignoring.Jul 06 23:57
schestowitz"Wish our neighbor to the south did have a democracy, not our corporatocracy. but a real democracy."Jul 06 23:57

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