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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: June 10th, 2012

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schestowitz 10 00:34 #Acer reveals sub-$200 7-inch quad-core Iconia Tab A110 naughty, naughty @Intel :-) This is #Tegra w/ #LinuxJun 10 00:34
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Acer reveals sub-$200 7-inch quad-core Iconia Tab A110 | The Verge .::. Size~: 125.91 KBJun 10 00:34
schestowitz"more Google. Still waiting for Christmas"Jun 10 00:34
*formic_ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Jun 10 02:56
*formic_ ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 10 03:01
*oiaohm ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 10 06:12
*oiaohm has quit (Changing host)Jun 10 06:12
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 10 06:12
schestowitzqU1j0t3: Screencasting car navigation in #Android An older version (in progress) of an app I'm developing. #linux #computervisionJun 10 13:12
TechrightsSocialTitle: Screencasting car navigation in Android       - YouTube .::. Size~: 101.5 KBJun 10 13:12
oiaohmschestowitz: that does look interesting.Jun 10 13:13
oiaohmschestowitz: maybe a car navigation system that can cope with brisbane Australia.Jun 10 13:14
oiaohmschestowitz: Yes we might be a small and young country at this stage brisbane still has not worked out how its road systems should work.Jun 10 13:14
MinceRneither has hungary.Jun 10 13:28
schestowitzoiaohm: I'll have a better demo soonJun 10 14:17
schestowitzI am adding some features to it ATMJun 10 14:17
schestowitzI also need to improve the classifier by more intensive trainingJun 10 14:17
qU1j0t3schestowitz: do you mind emailing the link to my friends that I introduced you to ?Jun 10 14:18
schestowitz Jun 10 14:22
schestowitz"This one is good..."Jun 10 14:22 reshared: #picture #funny #will #lifeJun 10 14:22
TechrightsSocial  Photo by 10 14:22
schestowitzqU1j0t3: the video demo?Jun 10 14:22
schestowitzthe blog has some videos 10 14:23
TechrightsSocialTitle: .::. Size~: 50.05 KBJun 10 14:23
oiaohmschestowitz: most important thing is a one way street detection.Jun 10 14:25
oiaohmschestowitz: most common problem with GPS nav systems sending people the wrong way down a one way street causing nasty problems.Jun 10 14:25
qU1j0t3there are a pile of gps errors, catalogued by comp.risks for years. they kill people all the time.Jun 10 14:26
qU1j0t3sending people on to rail tracks, into storm drains, rivers, lakes.Jun 10 14:26
qU1j0t3actually i shouldn't say gps errors, a lot of the time it's human error too :)Jun 10 14:27
schestowitzoiaohm: it's not GPS-basedJun 10 14:31
schestowitzit's not phoning home eitherJun 10 14:31
schestowitzexcept when I phone my personal site to fetch template image on the flyJun 10 14:31
schestowitzso I can modify what's found via FTPJun 10 14:31
oiaohmschestowitz: I was thinking as a option for combination.Jun 10 14:31
oiaohmschestowitz: GPS units have bugs we knowJun 10 14:31
oiaohmschestowitz: local information + gps would equal a safe naviation.Jun 10 14:32
MinceRyou could also add other satellite navigation systems like glonassJun 10 14:32
oiaohmschestowitz: basically what you are doing can collect the local information what is the big hole in all gps based nav or releated like glonassJun 10 14:33
MinceRand eventually galileoJun 10 14:33
MinceR(unless the eu collapses and it's never finished)Jun 10 14:34
MinceRand whatever the chinese haveJun 10 14:34
oiaohmMinceR: If you use australian mil tech you can use anything as a geo locating beaken that is geo stationary Jun 10 14:34
schestowitzoiaohm: but it's not what you assumeJun 10 14:34
schestowitzit helps the driver navigate by alarming about obstaclesJun 10 14:34
MinceR:)Jun 10 14:35
schestowitzit's not a touring thingJun 10 14:35
schestowitzit's public safetyJun 10 14:35
schestowitzfunded by the European Research CouncilJun 10 14:35
oiaohmschestowitz: and gps nativation trying to get you to drive off cliff is not a obstaclesJun 10 14:35
oiaohmschestowitz: or drive down the wrong way down a street.Jun 10 14:35
oiaohmschestowitz: basically yours for public safety could take out how gps nav trys to kill you.Jun 10 14:36
oiaohmschestowitz: some GPS errors are funny some are very serous.Jun 10 14:41
schestowitz 10 15:16
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: #Ubuntu 12.10 Will Have #OpenJDK 7 10 15:16
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Ubuntu 12.10 Will Have OpenJDK 7 - Softpedia .::. Size~: 46.5 KBJun 10 15:16
schestowitzoiaohm: depends on whether people take their eye off the roadJun 10 15:17
schestowitz!google gps woman cliffJun 10 15:17
TechrightsSocial[1] - GPS Tracking Disaster: Japanese Tourists Drive Straight into the ... | 10 15:17
TechrightsSocial[2] - Hocking Hills State Park - Cantwell Cliffs | 10 15:17
TechrightsSocial[3] - Why computer voices are mostly female - | 10 15:17
TechrightsSocial[4] - IDOC: Rockville Correctional Facility (Women) | 10 15:17
schestowitzsome people take their eyes off the roadJun 10 15:17
schestowitzthe idea is to trigger alerts without requiring the eyes to move awayJun 10 15:17
oiaohmschestowitz: Its sometimes a hazard combination.Jun 10 15:18
schestowitz"Three Japanese tourists in Australia found themselves in an embarrassing situation after their GPS navigation system lured them down the wrong path."Jun 10 15:18
schestowitztomtom and others do audioJun 10 15:18
oiaohmThat crossing is a death trap even to locals.Jun 10 15:21
oiaohmYes its possible in a very powerful 4 wheel driveJun 10 15:21
oiaohmAt the right timeJun 10 15:21
oiaohmNormal car you are so screwed.Jun 10 15:21
schestowitz"Jun 10 15:23
schestowitzif only...Jun 10 15:23
schestowitzit's still controlled by intransparency and secrecy.Jun 10 15:23
schestowitz"Jun 10 15:23
schestowitz 10 15:23 Teach our kids to code because code controls society these daysJun 10 15:23
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Teach our kids to code - e-petitions .::. Size~: 7.37 KBJun 10 15:23
oiaohmMind you that path by offical standards is only for amphous vechials.  schestowitzJun 10 15:24
oiaohmschestowitz: Yet even today the sign is not in place saying taht.Jun 10 15:24
oiaohmschestowitz: problem is some of the old australian road maps still list world war 2 amphous vechials roads.Jun 10 15:29
oiaohmschestowitz: Yep roads that if you car is not amphous you are in so much watter is not funny.Jun 10 15:29
oiaohmschestowitz: after a lot of people got stuffed trying to go to fraser island by sand bridge that one also got corrected.Jun 10 15:30
schestowitzthe tablet is boilingJun 10 15:37
schestowitzi need a wooden platform for itJun 10 15:37
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: by all)Jun 10 16:15
schestowitzqU1j0t3: 10 17:09
TechrightsSocialTitle: Car Navigation 5.6 (on Android HD Tablet)       - YouTube .::. Size~: 97.99 KBJun 10 17:09
schestowitzthis is my latest buildJun 10 17:09
schestowitzthis was put in "context" for my vid in YT 10 17:38
TechrightsSocialTitle: Hidden Camera In Wardrobe       - YouTube .::. Size~: 125.12 KBJun 10 17:38
*MinceR has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Jun 10 19:10
*MinceR ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 10 19:11
*MinceR has quit (Changing host)Jun 10 19:11
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 10 19:11
schestowitz 10 19:28
TechrightsSocialNot a Diaspora post?Jun 10 19:28
schestowitz"Arguing with Microsoft Technical Evangelists is like this too. That's why it's only worth while in a public place where everyone can see how retarded they are."Jun 10 19:28
schestowitzgood lluck with all that..Jun 10 19:29
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jun 10 19:29
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jun 10 19:29
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 10 19:29
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 10 19:29
qU1j0t3schestowitz: i passed on that info to my friendJun 10 20:44
schestowitzthanksJun 10 21:24
*schestowitz-andr ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 10 22:28
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*schestowitz-andr ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 10 22:40
*schestowitz-andr has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 10 23:06
schestowitz"Could you next times please add #fossgaming to your games under linux post. We have somebody who wants to kickstart this tag; his nick is qubodup and he is into fossgaming since many years"Jun 10 23:16
schestowitz 10 23:16 Holyspirit, Free and Open Source Diablo Like Action RPG for Linux #games #linux #rpgJun 10 23:16
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Holyspirit, Free and Open Source Diablo Like Action RPG for Linux ~ Ubuntu Vibes | Daily Ubuntu Linux Updates .::. Size~: 225.13 KBJun 10 23:16
*schestowitz-andr ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 10 23:38
*schestowitz-andr has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 10 23:42

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