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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: June 16th, 2012

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*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 16 00:00
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 16 00:00
qU1j0t3 16 03:22
TechrightsSocialTitle: AlexJonesLive, Ustream.TV: Alex Jones, police state, infowar, new world order, eugenics, vaccinations, fiat currency, federal reserve, police brutality, gu... .::. Size~: 44.72 KBJun 16 03:22
qU1j0t3 16 03:23
TechrightsSocialTitle: Occupy Bilderberg 2012 | Attack the Elite NOW! .::. Size~: 9.06 KBJun 16 03:23
qU1j0t3 16 03:23
qU1j0t3 16 03:23
qU1j0t3 16 03:23
TechrightsSocialTitle: LIVE VIDEO | Occupy Bilderberg .::. Size~: 128.25 KBJun 16 03:23
TechrightsSocialTitle: » Bilderberg 2012 Archive Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! .::. Size~: 79.79 KBJun 16 03:23
TechrightsSocialTitle: BILDERBERG 2012 LIVE : Federal Jack .::. Size~: 76.53 KBJun 16 03:23
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: by all)Jun 16 04:15
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 16 06:24
schestowitz[09:04] <schestowitz> Techrights fot anonymous'dJun 16 09:05
schestowitz[09:04] <schestowitz> if that's a word at allJun 16 09:05
schestowitz[09:04] <schestowitz> lots of their folks link to an article about MSJun 16 09:05
schestowitz[09:05] <schestowitz> oops, wrong channelJun 16 09:05
schestowitz*got anonymous'dJun 16 09:05
*schestowitz-andr ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 16 11:20
schestowitz 16 11:32 Unity alternatives - the many desktops of Ubuntu #ubuntu #gnu #linuxJun 16 11:32
schestowitz"@Reinhard: How many in your town?"Jun 16 11:32
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Unity alternatives - the many desktops of Ubuntu - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 48.38 KBJun 16 11:32
schestowitzlins** folks in D+Jun 16 11:33
schestowitz"Fuck the BBC, then."Jun 16 11:33
schestowitz"Their tech writers are a joke, anyway."Jun 16 11:33
schestowitz"Jun 16 11:34
schestowitzMake no mistake about the BBC. They are every bit as misleading as any of the U.S. mainstream press. They are just a bit more subtle in how they go about it, that's all.Jun 16 11:34
schestowitzHow any rationale mind could equate open source ethic with 'selfishness' is beyond me. Anybody that had even the faintest knowledge on the subject would reject the accusation as nonsensicaJun 16 11:34
schestowitz"Jun 16 11:34
schestowitz"^ So much win in the comment above."Jun 16 11:34
schestowitzMSBBC (many ex MS UK execs there)  heard Linus use the word "selfishness" somewhere and made it a good excuse to paint FOSS with the "selfishness" brush. Some bloggers rebutted this, but few bothered asking why the BBC used an award milestone as an excuse to label Linux "selfishness".Jun 16 11:35
schestowitzqU1j0t3: Based on cascade training with just 10 negatives and 20 positives (various cars and distances, poses) I got these results 16 11:41
TechrightsSocialTitle:  » Blog Archive   » Tiny Set for Training of a Local Binary Patterns (LBP) Classifier .::. Size~: 35.8 KBJun 16 11:41
*schestowitz-andr has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Jun 16 11:52
*schestowitz-andr ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 16 12:26
*schestowitz-andr has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 16 12:53
*qU1j0t3 is now known as FurnaceBoyJun 16 13:14
*FurnaceBoy is now known as qu1j0t3Jun 16 13:15
*ChanServ has quit (shutting down)Jun 16 15:09
*ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 16 15:25
* gives channel operator status to ChanServJun 16 15:25
schestowitz> Nokia did dip way under 2 EUR per share, but with an attempt at aJun 16 18:18
schestowitz> positive spin in the articles:Jun 16 18:18
schestowitz> Jun 16 18:18
schestowitz> "They were trading up 3.6 percent at 1.89 euros"Jun 16 18:18
schestowitz> Jun 16 18:18
schestowitz> 16 18:18
TechrightsSocialTitle: Moody's cuts Nokia to junk on fears of cash burn | Reuters .::. Size~: 97.2 KBJun 16 18:18
schestowitz> Jun 16 18:18
schestowitz> There was a big article today by Tomi Ahonen in one of the FinnishJun 16 18:18
schestowitz> tabloids headlined "Elop ruined Nokia"  It was pretty good but just aJun 16 18:18
schestowitz> subset (obviously) of what he has in his blog.Jun 16 18:18
schestowitz> 16 18:18
schestowitz> The headlines were on top half of the front page so every checkoutJun 16 18:18
TechrightsSocialTitle: Communities Dominate Brands .::. Size~: 273.25 KBJun 16 18:18
schestowitz> line in every store and news stand around the country saw at least theJun 16 18:18
schestowitz> headline.  The 'Iltalehti' did not have anything in the online versionJun 16 18:18
schestowitz> but the paper version is still very widely read.Jun 16 18:18
schestowitzHopefully the distant viewers (not just readers) know that Elop is a Microsoft mole and that therefore the pride of Finland got axed by Gates' mafia.Jun 16 18:18
schestowitz> One of Ahonen's blog themes has been Elops 'incompetence'.  That wasJun 16 18:31
schestowitz> in the tabloid article, too.  However, I plan to write him asking ifJun 16 18:31
schestowitz> maybe he is doing it on purpose.  Not that there's anything left toJun 16 18:31
schestowitz> save of Nokia, except maybe if the phones are gone, testing ofJun 16 18:31
schestowitz> handsets.  But one thing that might come out of this could be anJun 16 18:31
schestowitz> awareness of the danger of M$ to the world.Jun 16 18:31
schestowitzA danger that increases now that more MS moles have entered NOK.Jun 16 18:31
schestowitz>> A danger that increases now that more MS moles have entered NOK.Jun 16 19:14
schestowitz> Jun 16 19:14
schestowitz> Not just Nokia but elsewhere, too.  A large risk, if not the greatestJun 16 19:14
schestowitz> threat, is that these might not be seen for the moles that they are.Jun 16 19:14
schestowitzI am currently writing about another company which Microsoft moles are said to be involved in. And I reckon you saw the ./ item about US govt. moles inside Microsoft - helps explain Stuxnet, incidentally.Jun 16 19:14
qu1j0t3LOL, no shitJun 16 19:15
*schestowitz-andr ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 16 19:37
schestowitz> There was a quote that I'll never be able to find from the anti-trustJun 16 19:40
schestowitz> trial (DOJ vs MS) where one of the executives said something to theJun 16 19:40
schestowitz> effect of that it would be their patriotic duty to put back doors inJun 16 19:40
schestowitz> their software if called upon to do so by their government.  WithinJun 16 19:40
schestowitz> the week, the DOJ seemed to back off.Jun 16 19:40
schestowitz> Jun 16 19:40
schestowitz> I wouldn't doubt that there are also moles from other governmentsJun 16 19:40
schestowitz> inside M$, Israel and China for example.  But the main problem is thatJun 16 19:40
schestowitz> by running M$ software, governments are making things like Stuxnet andJun 16 19:40
schestowitz> Conficker possible.  They're voluntarily setting themselves up for theJun 16 19:40
schestowitz> trouble.  That and feeding the real mafia's botnets.  M$ Dot Net == M$Jun 16 19:40
schestowitz> Bot Net.Jun 16 19:40
schestowitz> Jun 16 19:40
schestowitz> Back to Nokia, my dad spoke with a German the other day and the fellowJun 16 19:40
schestowitz> was bit uniformed.  He was easily corrected because my dad is more upJun 16 19:40
schestowitz> to date on Nokia, but the fellow initially asserted that Windows phoneJun 16 19:40
schestowitz> is Nokia's second chance.  In some circles, the lead that Meego hadJun 16 19:40
schestowitz> and the lead that Meltami was getting have been redacted completely.Jun 16 19:40
schestowitz> On the plus side, one person in the grocery store today did know thatJun 16 19:40
schestowitz> Meego had been axed by Elop and that it had been a leading system.Jun 16 19:40
schestowitz> Jun 16 19:40
schestowitz> However, former technology sites like Slashdot have been helping pushJun 16 19:40
schestowitz> the M$ party line, albeit more subtly:Jun 16 19:40
schestowitz> 16 19:40
TechrightsSocialTitle: Ask Slashdot: What's Your Beef With Windows Phone? - Slashdot .::. Size~: 435.4 KBJun 16 19:40
*schestowitz-andr has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Jun 16 20:07
*schestowitz-andr ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 16 20:34
schestowitz 16 20:42
TechrightsSocialTitle: Extensive Static Test of Car Tracker (for Navigation/Collusion)       - YouTube .::. Size~: 94.73 KBJun 16 20:42
*schestowitz-andr has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 16 20:51
schestowitz 16 21:09
TechrightsSocialTitle: Groklaw - ITC Recommends Finland and Canada Help Barnes & Noble Get  Evidence from Nokia and MOSAID  ~pj .::. Size~: 107.54 KBJun 16 21:09
schestowitz"At the time that Elop joined Microsoft, Silicon Beat Microsoft beware: Stephen Elop is a flight risk mentioned that he was still commuting to Silicon Valley from his home in Canada (all paid for by his employer). He may be in Finland now, but depending on what his visa says or what property he may own in Canada, then he may be resident (enough) in Canada for legal purposes. "Jun 16 21:09
*schestowitz-andr ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 16 22:14
*schestowitz-andr has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 16 22:52
*schestowitz-andr ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJun 16 23:28
schestowitz 16 23:29
TechrightsSocial@Patrick Vossen (pdvossen)'s status on Saturday, 16-Jun-12 22:18:39 UTC - Just looking for a good  Mandriva or rpm version of Krecord or Gnome Sound Recorder for simple recording. Audacity is to laborious at times.Jun 16 23:30
TechrightsSocial@Patrick Vossen (pdvossen)'s status on Saturday, 16-Jun-12 22:17:32 UTC - Loving Mageia 2. Only one update problem, but I reinstalled using the video driver preferred during installation. Installing mine failed.Jun 16 23:30
*schestowitz-andr has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 16 23:30

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