Join us now at the IRC channel.
DaemonFC | and so I was effectively prevented from signing up for Verizon's FTTN VDSL | Jun 16 00:00 |
-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | Jun 16 00:00 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Jun 16 00:00 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrights | Jun 16 00:00 | |
DaemonFC | (which is much MUCH MUCH faster than AT&T's ADSL) | Jun 16 00:00 |
DaemonFC | so I decided that Comcast was my least bad option for internet service right now | Jun 16 00:00 |
DaemonFC | so I'm back with Comcast | Jun 16 00:00 |
scientes | ^^that video is pretty good | Jun 16 00:01 |
DaemonFC | Verizon's DSL service is apparently much better than AT&T's. most of AT&T is using ADSL (not even ADSL2 or ADSL2+) | Jun 16 00:02 |
DaemonFC | so even their expensive "business DSL" plans top out at 12 Mbps around here | Jun 16 00:02 |
scientes | verizon's dsl is generally alot cheaper than at&t, and they are essentially the same company | Jun 16 00:02 |
DaemonFC | for the same price, you can get Comcast at 50 Mbps | Jun 16 00:02 |
scientes | so otherwise it doesn't really matter | Jun 16 00:02 |
DaemonFC | and 50 isn't even Comcast's best plan | Jun 16 00:02 |
scientes | they both are in bed with the NSA | Jun 16 00:03 |
DaemonFC | Comcast has better network infrastructure than AT&T does | Jun 16 00:03 |
DaemonFC | and their caps are much more reasonable than AT&T's are | Jun 16 00:03 |
scientes | AT*T is tier 1 while Comcast is tier 2 IIRC | Jun 16 00:03 |
scientes | but both are dicks | Jun 16 00:04 |
DaemonFC | I don't know why people keep voting Comcast most hated company in America | Jun 16 00:04 |
DaemonFC | it should be AT&T | Jun 16 00:04 |
scientes | Qwest has extremely fraudulent billing practices | Jun 16 00:04 |
DaemonFC | Comcast might be in the top 5, but I don't see how they keep getting voted to the top of that list | Jun 16 00:04 |
DaemonFC | there's worse | Jun 16 00:04 |
DaemonFC | if I had to vote for most hated telecom, it would definitely be AT&T | Jun 16 00:05 |
scientes | last mile telecoms shouldn't exist | Jun 16 00:05 |
DaemonFC | if it was just what company of any kind that I hate the most, there's just so many contenders for that | Jun 16 00:06 |
DaemonFC | probably a tie between Walmart and DirecTV | Jun 16 00:06 |
scientes | | Jun 16 00:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Gregoire, Qwest Reach Service, Restitution Agreement .::. Size~: 46.26 KB | Jun 16 00:06 |
DaemonFC | DirecTV for deceptive/fraudulent billing practices, bill cramming, and gouging you for service calls | Jun 16 00:06 |
DaemonFC | Walmart for treating its employees like dirt and exploiting third world labor on the scale they do | Jun 16 00:07 |
scientes | and again: | Jun 16 00:07 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: McKenna calls on feds to protect consumers from “cramming” .::. Size~: 45.82 KB | Jun 16 00:07 |
DaemonFC | DirecTV's billing is the only thing I despise them for | Jun 16 00:07 |
scientes | and there are 3 or so more of those | Jun 16 00:07 |
scientes | basically, they just get a slap on the wrist | Jun 16 00:07 |
DaemonFC | the service itself is excellent but you're going to be raped on the billing | Jun 16 00:08 |
scientes | instead of treble damages and a mandate of auditing | Jun 16 00:08 |
DaemonFC | scientes: I keep saying this. | Jun 16 00:08 |
DaemonFC | Advertisements should have to state up front what you will pay and when. | Jun 16 00:08 |
scientes | also that new attornet general is a sleezy in-bed-with-corporations-lying asshat | Jun 16 00:08 |
scientes | gregoire actually did her job, even if they never properly persecuted the criminal companys | Jun 16 00:09 |
DaemonFC | Bills should be line itemed and each item readily understandable and something you agreed to pay up front | Jun 16 00:09 |
DaemonFC | If they later go back and do something that they didn't spell out in their advertisement, it should render your contract VOID | Jun 16 00:09 |
scientes | | Jun 16 00:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Phone bill cramming: "phony" charges rampant | UCAN .::. Size~: 38.1 KB | Jun 16 00:10 |
scientes | they do it across the board | Jun 16 00:10 |
scientes | I know people that have quit their jobs cause the corruption was just too much | Jun 16 00:10 |
DaemonFC | I put my utilities on my credit card | Jun 16 00:10 |
scientes | you can't buy service from those people and not get scammed | Jun 16 00:10 |
DaemonFC | that way if they hit me with an unexpected amount over something I didn't agree to, I can initiate a charge back | Jun 16 00:11 |
DaemonFC | and claw it back from them | Jun 16 00:11 |
scientes | sadly its true that the only method of getting control these days is credit cards | Jun 16 00:11 |
DaemonFC | you put your autopay accounts on a debit card, it's gone | Jun 16 00:11 |
scientes | becasue the small claims counts have basically been shut down | Jun 16 00:11 |
DaemonFC | they decide to slap your debit card with something you weren't expecting, it's gone | Jun 16 00:11 |
scientes | in the way they work | Jun 16 00:12 |
scientes | not enough class action | Jun 16 00:12 |
scientes | too many slaps on the wrist | Jun 16 00:12 |
scientes | not enough discovery and auditing of fraudulent practices after it has been prooven in a few cases | Jun 16 00:12 |
DaemonFC | I have a checking account, but I only use it to pay my credit card account with | Jun 16 00:12 |
DaemonFC | I pay my bills with money orders or my credit card | Jun 16 00:13 |
scientes | | Jun 16 00:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Washington State court deals a blow to one-sided EULAs | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 36.39 KB | Jun 16 00:13 |
DaemonFC | there's no way to take more money than what a money order was made out for | Jun 16 00:13 |
DaemonFC | and if you get improperly billed on a credit card, you dispute it and the card company will go deal with the merchant and get your money back | Jun 16 00:13 |
DaemonFC | lol, the AT&T Death Star | Jun 16 00:14 |
DaemonFC | $%#&*#ing Darth Vader Universal Sith Fee!!! | Jun 16 00:15 |
DaemonFC | what the #$@$ do they even need that $2 for!?!? | Jun 16 00:15 |
DaemonFC | B-) | Jun 16 00:15 |
DaemonFC | scientes: General Rule #1 when dealing with utilities | Jun 16 00:16 |
*DaemonFC is never going to sign another contract for phone or cable | Jun 16 00:17 | |
DaemonFC | it's going to be prepaid or month-to-month | Jun 16 00:17 |
DaemonFC | there's absolutely nothing in the contract that is beneficial to you | Jun 16 00:18 |
DaemonFC | it just means that when they jump out and yell "SURPRISE!!!! Your bill just tripled!" you have another year or so where there's nothing you can do about it | Jun 16 00:19 |
DaemonFC | I just finished winding down and canceling a DirecTV account, an AT&T DSL account, and an AT&T cell phone plan | Jun 16 00:20 |
DaemonFC | they all expired last month | Jun 16 00:20 |
DaemonFC | thank god, another few months of that and I'd have been finished | Jun 16 00:20 |
DaemonFC | in place of about $240 a month of bills, I replaced it with about $70 a month of bills between Comcast, iwireless, and Netflix | Jun 16 00:22 |
DaemonFC | that's going to be a huge weight off my shoulders | Jun 16 00:22 |
DaemonFC | especially with gas and food and rent and god knows everything else going up | Jun 16 00:22 |
*DaemonFC looked over that home soda fountain thing they had at Walmart | Jun 16 00:23 | |
DaemonFC | reminded me of that Margaritaville episode of South Park | Jun 16 00:24 |
DaemonFC | the economy is in the toilet and everyone is buying frivolous junk they don't need instead of saving their money | Jun 16 00:24 |
DaemonFC | the fountain machine is $80, the CO2 replacement cannisters are about $30 each and good for the equivalent of about 70 2-liter bottles of soda, the soda mix itself isn't too bad, $5 and it make 25 2-liter bottles | Jun 16 00:26 |
DaemonFC | I guess if you absolutely HAVE to have soda, you'll break even at some point vs. buying it premade | Jun 16 00:27 |
formic_ | Sweet Jesus you deal with co2?? | Jun 16 00:28 |
DaemonFC | but you'd have to make a lot of it just to hit that point and by that time, Walmart will probably stop carrying the concentrate and the CO2 cannisters or the company will have gone out of business and no longer make parts | Jun 16 00:28 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Next week, planned at 10 am on the 21st of June, INTA will vote on ACTA. Commissioner de Gucht has invited himself for... | Jun 16 00:28 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Next week, planned at 10 am on the 21st of June, INTA will… .::. Size~: 141.28 KB | Jun 16 00:28 |
DaemonFC | formic_: Yeah, they sell cannisters of CO2 gas at that display | Jun 16 00:28 |
formic_ | Omfg | Jun 16 00:28 |
DaemonFC | the $80 fountain itself comes with ONE cannister of it | Jun 16 00:28 |
formic_ | Global warming | Jun 16 00:28 |
DaemonFC | I think it's ridiculously contrived | Jun 16 00:29 |
DaemonFC | too damned many parts and pieces | Jun 16 00:29 |
DaemonFC | and a high up front cost | Jun 16 00:29 |
DaemonFC | they'll sell a few of them and go out of business | Jun 16 00:29 |
formic_ | Planet killer | Jun 16 00:31 |
DaemonFC | yeah, all this crap nobody needs | Jun 16 00:31 |
DaemonFC | then it'll end up in a landfill when the company goes under and everyone who bought the base system has something they can no longer use | Jun 16 00:32 |
DaemonFC | that's consumerism for you :) | Jun 16 00:32 |
DaemonFC | or like Carlin said | Jun 16 00:33 |
DaemonFC | your neighbor bought a vibrating dildo that plays "Oh come all ye faithful" so you need one too! | Jun 16 00:33 |
DaemonFC | he picked a bad example though | Jun 16 00:34 |
DaemonFC | vibrating dildos are good for the planet | Jun 16 00:34 |
DaemonFC | if they prevent someone from having procreative sexual intercourse, they've offset the materials and energy used to make that vibrating dildo several thousand fold | Jun 16 00:35 |
DaemonFC | so they're a good thing | Jun 16 00:35 |
DaemonFC | give everyone a dildo, a butt plug, or a pocket pussy I say | Jun 16 00:35 |
DaemonFC | you'll save the planet one sex novelty item at a time | Jun 16 00:35 |
formic_ | Lol | Jun 16 00:36 |
formic_ | If you do that right wingers will outnumber you | Jun 16 00:36 |
DaemonFC | oh well, I will grow old and die anyway, and I won't leave behind any of my kids for any of their kids to fuck over | Jun 16 00:37 |
DaemonFC | so last laugh is on me | Jun 16 00:37 |
formic_ | Nah | Jun 16 00:37 |
formic_ | They will laugh well after your death | Jun 16 00:37 |
DaemonFC | let their own kids deal with the shithole the planet has become | Jun 16 00:38 |
formic_ | Then the anarchists will kill them and laugh harder | Jun 16 00:38 |
DaemonFC | at least with the reverse evolution that birth control is causing, only the rich and stupid will be around to die with the planet | Jun 16 00:38 |
DaemonFC | I can see humanity reaching a point where it is surrounded by advanced technology and very few people understand how any of it works | Jun 16 00:40 |
DaemonFC | in fact, we're here! | Jun 16 00:40 |
DaemonFC | B-) | Jun 16 00:40 |
formic_ | Space exploring | Jun 16 00:42 |
oiaohm | DaemonFC: We are very much following the robotech story. | Jun 16 00:42 |
oiaohm | DaemonFC: not many countries can make new silcon chips. | Jun 16 00:42 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] Franke James Ode to the Omnibudget: "What is Harper Afraid Of? [illustrated essay]" | Jun 16 01:10 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: visual laurel - What is Harper Afraid Of? [illustrated essay] .::. Size~: 21.41 KB | Jun 16 01:10 |
-jtrucks-[Global Notice] - A reminder that at 2PM UTC on Saturday we have our long awaited services upgrade and database prune. All nicks unused for 150 days or more will be dropped from the database. Please make sure you have identified to your accounts and used your grouped nicks before the upgrade begins. Thank you! | Jun 16 01:12 | |
-jtrucks-[Global Notice] - Our services upgrade is scheduled for 2PM UTC on Saturday. We expect services to be unavailable for up to an hour, so please plan your channel management accordingly. Thank you! | Jun 16 01:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] Tumbling my days of the week: | Jun 16 01:15 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: visual laurel .::. Size~: 30.81 KB | Jun 16 01:15 |
DaemonFC | that filter pitcher did a pretty good job | Jun 16 01:23 |
DaemonFC | the tap water in this town tastes like swimming pool water | Jun 16 01:24 |
DaemonFC | and it has little specks floating in it | Jun 16 01:24 |
DaemonFC | the instruction manual says change the filter every 3 months, I better make it 2 | Jun 16 01:24 |
DaemonFC | the water in this town is just horrible | Jun 16 01:25 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] #TheEstablishment formula established: e=mc² (Establishment is equal to money multiplied by coffee-for-all squared) | Jun 16 01:26 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] As for why #OpenBar didn't last, I think it was because of #troll'ing by that guy from #Malta | Jun 16 01:31 | |
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Jun 16 01:34 | |
DaemonFC | ugggh | Jun 16 01:46 |
DaemonFC | it's going to get up over 100 tomorrow | Jun 16 01:46 |
DaemonFC | yikes | Jun 16 01:46 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] Sleep well and enjoy the music @kevie and @hgfernan !tzaf | Jun 16 01:58 | |
oiaohm | DaemonFC: some towns you are better to run a condener than clean the water. | Jun 16 02:02 |
*oddpuck has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Jun 16 02:07 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Jun 16 02:11 | |
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Jun 16 02:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[webmink/@webmink] How does one get on that list? Plenty of people seem to assume I'm on it but I've never been invited. | Jun 16 02:25 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[freenodestaff/@freenodestaff] Per and recent global notices, services will be offline for about an hour at 2PM UTC for upgrades and a database prune. | Jun 16 02:30 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Services upgrade and database prune « staffblog .::. Size~: 13.39 KB | Jun 16 02:30 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[freenodestaff/@freenodestaff] Blog post: - freenode's group registration system has been temporarily closed. | Jun 16 02:35 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Group Registration Closure « staffblog .::. Size~: 10.85 KB | Jun 16 02:35 |
DaemonFC | movie theater company sends out cheap ticket invites to Batman triple feature | Jun 16 03:07 |
DaemonFC | causes rush on their site | Jun 16 03:08 |
DaemonFC | Windows Server collapses, I can't buy a ticket | Jun 16 03:08 |
DaemonFC | FAIL | Jun 16 03:08 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Jun 16 03:51 | |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Jun 16 04:02 | |
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: by all) | Jun 16 04:15 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] Cold shower. | Jun 16 05:21 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] Successfully uploaded a gpx trace of an important link road in Kisii municipality to !osm Can't believe it wasn't on the map. | Jun 16 05:25 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] Check out this photo I took of a classroom at KUC Town Campus @perpetuahsugar @mtwita @tcsmola @qelvin | Jun 16 05:35 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Class | Flickr - Photo Sharing! .::. Size~: 148.66 KB | Jun 16 05:35 |
*RetroSec ( has joined #techrights | Jun 16 05:46 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] Wonder if anyone other than me, uses their gCals? | Jun 16 05:51 | |
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrights | Jun 16 06:24 | |
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | Jun 16 06:25 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Jun 16 06:31 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Jun 16 06:34 | |
*RetroSec has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Jun 16 06:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laf0rge/@laf0rge] amazing amount of rainfall during the last hour in #taipei. lucky I didn't go for a motorbike ride today. | Jun 16 07:11 | |
-mrmist-Our services upgrade and database prune is scheduled to start at 2pm GMT, which is just slightly less than 7 hours away. There will be no chanserv or nickserv for around an hour. Consider opping up on your channels in advance of the outage. More messages to follow. | Jun 16 07:12 | |
-mrmist-The observant ones noticed that my last message contained an error, it's 8 hours away from how. Remember also that this outage will contain our database prune. Nicks older than 150 days unused will be dropped from the nickserv database. Remember to identify to your accounts and use your alt nicks. THanks! | Jun 16 07:19 | |
*RetroSec ( has joined #techrights | Jun 16 07:33 | |
*tessier has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Jun 16 08:09 | |
*RetroSec has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | Jun 16 08:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt140/@lnxwalt140] #Statusnet sites used to be able to dereference bitly links and show the destination on mouseover. Bothers me that this changed. | Jun 16 08:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] Got another class at 5pm. :-) | Jun 16 08:18 | |
*RetroSec ( has joined #techrights | Jun 16 08:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] Phones low on charge. Plus I forgot my ATM cards at home. Sucky Saturday. :-( | Jun 16 08:23 | |
RetroSec | how many cards do you have? | Jun 16 08:38 |
*eebrah (~Ibrahim_K@ has joined #techrights | Jun 16 08:41 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] This would be my Flickr stream | Jun 16 08:41 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Flickr: nj3ma's Photostream .::. Size~: 114.91 KB | Jun 16 08:41 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] Will set up my to mirror my Flickr photostream feed. Soon. | Jun 16 08:51 | |
*iophk (~unknown2@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Jun 16 08:54 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Jun 16 08:54 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] "@ItsBuddhaBlaze: RT @NdoxMigogo: June 16 1976. We salute those young heroes who took a stand on that day. What's your stand? #YouthDay" | Jun 16 08:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eebrah/@eebrah] The horror! :P | Jun 16 08:56 | |
RetroSec | i once stood on the concept of you must put a pinch of salt in ice cream | Jun 16 08:58 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eebrah/@eebrah] Bored. So I am going to code an e-ticketing system for #ke shuttles and buses as my Saturday project, improving my skills and such | Jun 16 08:58 | |
RetroSec | will you get paid? | Jun 16 08:58 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Hier draußen tobt grad der samstägliche Rasenmäherkampf. Im Moment führt der Nachbar von schräg gegenüber mit ge... | Jun 16 09:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Hier draußen tobt grad der samstägliche Rasenmäherkampf. Im… .::. Size~: 140.57 KB | Jun 16 09:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] View from the hotel room in Brussels | Jun 16 09:28 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Photos - Google+ .::. Size~: 81.58 KB | Jun 16 09:28 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[kirschner/@kirschner] !fellowship meeting yesterday in the #metalab was really cool. Thanks to all the !fellows there!!! | Jun 16 09:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] It's a quarter to birds here, @sandersch | Jun 16 09:43 | |
RetroSec | yesterday is still young | Jun 16 09:44 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] My Tumblr Bill C-32 Omnibudget Protest Gallery !CDNpoli !Canada | Jun 16 09:45 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: visual laurel .::. Size~: 55.04 KB | Jun 16 09:45 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] It is time again for the official Saturday program. Packing up stuff for my visit to the dump. | Jun 16 09:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eebrah/@eebrah] morning @sandersch! | Jun 16 09:50 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] The story about the 9-year old girld and her blog about the food she gets at school has a direct result: 816%. Read th... | Jun 16 09:58 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - The story about the 9-year old girld and her blog about the… .::. Size~: 136.52 KB | Jun 16 09:58 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #Japan's appetite for whale meat wanes - well done, Japanese people: just say no... #whaling | Jun 16 10:05 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Japan's appetite for whale meat wanes | Environment | .::. Size~: 103.33 KB | Jun 16 10:05 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] Local o'clock. w/ @philosema | Jun 16 10:06 | |
*eebrah has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | Jun 16 10:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] good analysis of awful “investor state” dispute resolution panels of #TPP and why #NZ would be insane to accept them - | Jun 16 10:10 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: | Gordon Campbell on the leaks about the Trans Pacific Partnership .::. Size~: 98.65 KB | Jun 16 10:10 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] 4 Steps to immunity from UK snooping laws - immunity, no, but it wil slow them down a bit | Jun 16 10:11 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 4 Steps to immunity from UK snooping laws .::. Size~: 10.63 KB | Jun 16 10:11 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] The state of #Hadoop: Strong and poised to explode - not literally, one hopes...good to see #opensource powering ahead | Jun 16 10:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] The state of #Hadoop: Strong and poised to explode - not literally, one hopes...good to see #opensource powering ahead | Jun 16 10:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The state of Hadoop: Strong and poised to explode — Cloud Computing News .::. Size~: 76.89 KB | Jun 16 10:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The state of Hadoop: Strong and poised to explode — Cloud Computing News .::. Size~: 76.89 KB | Jun 16 10:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] New Zealand's High Court Steps Into Extradition Fight Over Kim Dotcom - good see some backbone here #nz | Jun 16 10:16 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @glynmoody 4 Steps to immunity from UK snooping laws - immunity, no, but it wil slow them down a bit | Jun 16 10:16 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: New Zealand's High Court Steps Into Extradition Fight Over Kim Dotcom | Techdirt .::. Size~: 69.77 KB | Jun 16 10:16 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 4 Steps to immunity from UK snooping laws .::. Size~: 10.63 KB | Jun 16 10:16 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] My tumblr is supposed to be for fun, but I had to post a ton of !Canada protest photos ... skip past to page 4 :) | Jun 16 10:21 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] How Long Before #VPNs Become Illegal? - a growing concern for me... | Jun 16 10:21 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: visual laurel .::. Size~: 51.56 KB | Jun 16 10:21 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 8.81 KB | Jun 16 10:21 |
*eebrah (~Ibrahim_K@ has joined #techrights | Jun 16 10:22 | |
*eebrah is now known as Guest35780 | Jun 16 10:22 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] ... best be crawling into my lair before the full sun hits .... 'gnight !identiverse | Jun 16 10:25 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] Anyone notice the Irony? | Jun 16 10:25 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] Anyone notice the Irony? | Jun 16 10:25 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] Anyone notice the Irony? | Jun 16 10:25 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: - .::. Size~: 11.19 KB | Jun 16 10:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: - .::. Size~: 11.19 KB | Jun 16 10:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: - .::. Size~: 11.19 KB | Jun 16 10:25 |
*Guest35780 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Jun 16 10:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eebrah/@eebrah] RT @glynmoody How Long Before #VPNs Become Illegal? - a growing concern for me... | Jun 16 10:30 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 8.81 KB | Jun 16 10:30 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @glynmoody How Long Before #VPNs Become Illegal? - a growing concern for me... | Jun 16 10:33 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 8.81 KB | Jun 16 10:33 |
*scientes has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Jun 16 10:47 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Jun 16 11:06 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Jun 16 11:09 | |
schestowitz | | Jun 16 11:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared:  #fotos #fun #verdad | Jun 16 11:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: 404 Not Found .::. Size~: 0.33 KB | Jun 16 11:10 |
schestowitz | "Verry true." | Jun 16 11:10 |
schestowitz | Hi RetroSec | Jun 16 11:11 |
*schestowitz-andr ( has joined #techrights | Jun 16 11:20 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Based on cascade training with just 10 negatives and 20 positives (various cars and distances, poses). The real FPS rat | Jun 16 11:25 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: » Blog Archive » Tiny Set for Training of a Local Binary Patterns (LBP) Classifier .::. Size~: 35.71 KB | Jun 16 11:25 |
schestowitz | | Jun 16 11:29 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: testing #jitsi Finally something that might actually be a good #freesoftware alternative to that bloody effing #Skype? | Jun 16 11:29 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: Jitsi (SIP Communicator) | Main / HomePage .::. Size~: 26.56 KB | Jun 16 11:29 |
schestowitz | "Jitsi is undoubtedly a really nice tool and a tough compeitor to skype but like everything else it has to be accepted by the masses to get the breakthrough.. Maybe people should think more about the software they use.. maybe then they would move to free software..." | Jun 16 11:29 |
schestowitz | network effect and peer pressure are a problem when it takes two to tango (phone, chat, etc.) | Jun 16 11:30 |
schestowitz | formic_: | Jun 16 11:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: # Why Opera IS a great Browser # Before Firefox 4 arrived, my main Browser used to be Opera. Eventually I moved away from it because it's not Open Source. But I'm still keeping an installation of it and even after a long time using Firefox, there are still Opera features I really miss in Firefox, some of which can't be replaced by plugins. ## an innovative Browser ## Opera has a long history of being innova | Jun 16 11:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: The HTML5 test - How well does your browser support HTML5? .::. Size~: 31.23 KB | Jun 16 11:30 |
schestowitz | "I don't use Opera because it was buggy. Haven't tried the latest builds though, so it may have improved." | Jun 16 11:30 |
schestowitz | "It's buggy with a lot of other websites, too. Sadly nobody out on the web supports Opera, so things always break. It's not really their fault, but since noone cares about web standards, the only way to solve this would be to make their engine 100% compatible with Webkit or Firefox ... if they don't do that, they will never get away from their tiny market share." | Jun 16 11:31 |
schestowitz | "It's proprietary, and I have very nice FLOSS browsers :P" | Jun 16 11:31 |
schestowitz | "I really like Opera, and the lack of standards compliance in websites isn't their fault. Opera mini is tiny, which is important to me on my HTC desire (that is always running out on memory)." | Jun 16 11:31 |
schestowitz | "<rant>Konqueror supported these features (tabs, download manager, bittorrent support, session saving, mouse gestures, subwindows (split windows) with arbitrary KPart-supported content...) even before Opera, but it is still less popular ;-), only its commodified engine (WebKit) is popular. it also supports any content on any protocol: including write support where available. I have reported a bug to | Jun 16 11:31 |
schestowitz | support magnet: protocol in Opera for Bittorrent, yet I have not received a reply since over a year... </rant>" | Jun 16 11:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: KDE = P2P desktop or Join the global magnetic field! | whilo's blogsite .::. Size~: 49.13 KB | Jun 16 11:31 |
schestowitz | "h0nest Annie: +9999!" | Jun 16 11:32 |
*oddpuck (~me@unaffiliated/oddball33) has joined #techrights | Jun 16 11:37 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] was rendered quite dysfunctional a few months ago when a software update had been applied. | Jun 16 11:51 | |
*schestowitz-andr has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Jun 16 11:52 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Android #tablets beating out iPad in business and IT: Report Linux >> Apple. Linux hype < Apple hype. | Jun 16 12:01 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Android tablets beating out iPad in business and IT: Report | ITworld .::. Size~: 126.87 KB | Jun 16 12:01 |
oiaohm | | Jun 16 12:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft, AOL close $1.056 billion patent deal | ZDNet .::. Size~: 94.36 KB | Jun 16 12:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Newegg: No, We'll Totally Take Returns After You Install #Linux running away from #pr disaster. | Jun 16 12:21 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Newegg: No, We'll Totally Take Returns After You Install Linux - The Consumerist .::. Size~: 61.14 KB | Jun 16 12:21 |
*schestowitz-andr ( has joined #techrights | Jun 16 12:26 | |
iophk | | Jun 16 12:34 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Apple charges 54% more to replace Retina MacBook Pro's battery - Computerworld .::. Size~: 143.4 KB | Jun 16 12:34 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] The return of a bad idea - historical parallel to UK's proposed warrantless #surveillance programme (v @privacyint) | Jun 16 12:35 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The return of a bad idea | Index on Censorship .::. Size~: 39.12 KB | Jun 16 12:35 |
iophk | "Apple's price for replacing the Retina MacBook Pro's battery is $199" | Jun 16 12:35 |
iophk | Disposable computers are not very green. | Jun 16 12:36 |
iophk | | Jun 16 12:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: New MacBook Pro called unrepairable .::. Size~: 51.58 KB | Jun 16 12:36 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Und plötzlich sind wir kriminell - disproportionate enforcement is pushing #copyright into irrelevance | Jun 16 12:40 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Und plötzlich sind wir kriminell › .::. Size~: 41.01 KB | Jun 16 12:40 |
*schestowitz-andr has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Jun 16 12:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Green from the Grassroots - wise words from late Elinor Ostrom #rio | Jun 16 12:58 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: "Green from the Grassroots" by Elinor Ostrom | Project Syndicate .::. Size~: 74.08 KB | Jun 16 12:58 |
*Diablo-D3 has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | Jun 16 13:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Reshared post from André Krüger | Jun 16 13:18 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Da will ich hin. .::. Size~: 139.46 KB | Jun 16 13:18 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] #Firefox 13 tripped up by Flash patch - Update - The H Open Source another piece of crap made by adobe!!! die flash die | Jun 16 13:31 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Firefox 13 tripped up by Flash patch - Update - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 43.15 KB | Jun 16 13:31 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Rupert Murdoch pressured Tony Blair over Iraq, says Alastair Campbell | Jun 16 13:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Hunt for cigarette eye stab blonde #Leeds #UK | Jun 16 13:33 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Rupert Murdoch pressured Tony Blair over Iraq, says Alastair Campbell | Media | The Guardian .::. Size~: 111 KB | Jun 16 13:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Hunt for blonde who allegedly stubbed lit cigarette in man’s eye | The Sun |News .::. Size~: 54.09 KB | Jun 16 13:33 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Ringmark now fully open sourced - The H Open Source #floss | Jun 16 13:35 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Ringmark now fully open sourced - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 40.87 KB | Jun 16 13:35 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] NVIDIA recommends new MacBook Pro to CUDA developers - The H Open Source and also #gnulinux | Jun 16 13:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] #Funnyjunk's Lawyer Charles Carreon Just Keeps Digging: Promises He'll Find Some Law To Go After Oatmeal's Matt Inman | Jun 16 13:38 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: NVIDIA recommends new MacBook Pro to CUDA developers - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 41.03 KB | Jun 16 13:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Funnyjunk's Lawyer Charles Carreon Just Keeps Digging: Promises He'll Find Some Law To Go After Oatmeal's Matt Inman | Techdirt .::. Size~: 140.35 KB | Jun 16 13:38 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Skype for Linux 4.0 released, moves out of beta - The H Open Source microsoft happy with #gnulinux | Jun 16 14:00 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Skype for Linux 4.0 released, moves out of beta - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 41.11 KB | Jun 16 14:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Skype replaces P2P supernodes with Linux boxes hosted by Microsoft (updated) | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 36.93 KB | Jun 16 14:00 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Last window of hope for EU #transparency talks still open - let's hope | Jun 16 14:03 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: EU Last Window .::. Size~: 45.4 KB | Jun 16 14:03 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Opposition grows to 'Snoopers' Charter' amid data-mining fears - yes: #datamining one of the key problems (v @Glinner) | Jun 16 14:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] backed my #Logitech LS1 mouse endorsement with a purchase, shoulda done it yesterday, but it's on it's way \o/ | Jun 16 14:11 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Opposition grows to 'Snoopers' Charter' amid data-mining fears | Security Threats | ZDNet UK .::. Size~: 57.52 KB | Jun 16 14:11 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Notes From The #Ebook Trenches - "choose to pay for the things they enjoy, sometimes after they’ve enjoyed them." yup | Jun 16 14:31 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Notes From The Ebook Trenches | TechCrunch .::. Size~: 67.62 KB | Jun 16 14:31 |
-kloeri-[Global Notice] Hi all. We'll begin the services upgrade in half an hour so services will be down for a while. Staff will be present in #freenode and able to help in case of channel emergencies but please consider opping before services disappear. Thank you for using freenode. | Jun 16 14:33 | |
*DaemonFC ( has joined #techrights | Jun 16 14:33 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Changing host) | Jun 16 14:33 | |
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Jun 16 14:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Running X11 applications under #Wayland - The H Open Source oh my!!! why complicate? go X!!!! | Jun 16 14:40 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Running X11 applications under Wayland - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 42.02 KB | Jun 16 14:40 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] » #Syria: #Clinton Admits U.S. On Same Side As Al Qaeda To Destabilize Assad Government #usa #nato | Jun 16 14:51 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: » Syria: Clinton Admits U.S. On Same Side As Al Qaeda To Destabilize Assad Government .::. Size~: 11.62 KB | Jun 16 14:51 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Just What Is Mario Draghi Hiding? #ECB Declines To Respond To Bloomberg FOIA Request On Greek-Goldman Swaps | ZeroHedge | Jun 16 14:56 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Just What Is Mario Draghi Hiding? ECB Declines To Respond To Bloomberg FOIA Request On Greek-Goldman Swaps | ZeroHedge .::. Size~: 173.44 KB | Jun 16 14:56 |
*ChanServ has quit (shutting down) | Jun 16 15:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[freenodestaff/@freenodestaff] !freenode services (NickServ, ChanServ, etc.) are now offline for scheduled upgrades. ETA for return is 1 hour. Emergency? /join #freenode | Jun 16 15:10 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Is #Greece heading for a #diebold moment? , ; #hackingdemocracy | Jun 16 15:11 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: As Greek Polling Moratorium Begins, Syriza Goes Out With A Bang: Europe Now Flying Blind | ZeroHedge .::. Size~: 141.01 KB | Jun 16 15:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Mike Krieger Says To Remember The Words Of Joseph Stalin | ZeroHedge .::. Size~: 163.58 KB | Jun 16 15:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Hacking Democracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 43.59 KB | Jun 16 15:11 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] My #vagina monologue: what #Michigan #GOP lawmakers didn't want to know | Jun 16 15:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ml2mst/@ml2mst] Stability problems /w Debian Testing. Migrated to #Kubuntu, not part of Canonical. Let's hope Kubuntu will not sellout to #Microsoft | Jun 16 15:18 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: My vagina monologue: what Michigan GOP lawmakers didn't want to know | Lisa Brown | Comment is free | .::. Size~: 236.36 KB | Jun 16 15:18 |
*ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #techrights | Jun 16 15:25 | |
* gives channel operator status to ChanServ | Jun 16 15:25 | |
-NickServ-This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>. | Jun 16 15:25 | |
-kloeri-[Global Notice] Hi again. The services upgrade and database pruning is all done now. There's a number of new features that you can familiarise yourself with using /msg nickserv help and /msg chanserv help. Thank you for your patience and thanks for being part of the freenode community. | Jun 16 15:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[freenodestaff/@freenodestaff] !freenode services upgrade is now done, and services are back online. Thanks for your patience, and please report issues to #freenode :) | Jun 16 15:41 | |
DaemonFC | Mitch Daniels continues to sign laws that claim to "give us rights" | Jun 16 16:07 |
DaemonFC | A law cannot give rights, a law can only take rights away. | Jun 16 16:07 |
DaemonFC | If a law is passed that says you are specifically allowed to do something which was never illegal to begin with, then there is no point in enacting the law. | Jun 16 16:08 |
schestowitz | [16:07] <DaemonFC> A law cannot give rights, a law can only take rights away. | Jun 16 16:09 |
schestowitz | +1 | Jun 16 16:09 |
schestowitz | or prevent them getting taken away | Jun 16 16:09 |
schestowitz | !google holland net neutrality | Jun 16 16:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Netherlands passes net neutrality law, first among EU nations | The ... | | Jun 16 16:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - Dutch Lawmakers Adopt Net Neutrality Law - | | Jun 16 16:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Holland has pure net neutrality | | Jun 16 16:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - BBC News - Netherlands makes net neutrality a law | | Jun 16 16:10 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: Political posturing in this case. | Jun 16 16:10 |
DaemonFC | Indiana passed a law that says you're allowed to carry guns in a state park. | Jun 16 16:10 |
DaemonFC | Even though there was no law that said you couldn't. | Jun 16 16:10 |
DaemonFC | in the absence of a law that says I can't do something, I assert that I can do that thing | Jun 16 16:12 |
DaemonFC | Indiana has so many offices with executive powers that there's really no reason for us to even have a governor | Jun 16 16:13 |
DaemonFC | as far as state governor's go, Indiana's is the least powerful governor in the entire country | Jun 16 16:14 |
DaemonFC | most of the powers that a governor typically has are held with offices that are elected separately from the governor | Jun 16 16:14 |
DaemonFC | if he vetoes a bill, the General Assembly can overrule him with a simple majority vote in the originating chamber (which makes it less difficult to override a veto than it was to send him the bill in the first place) | Jun 16 16:15 |
DaemonFC | it reminds me of The Bobs from Office Space | Jun 16 16:16 |
DaemonFC | "Would you mind telling us.....exactly what it is you do here?" | Jun 16 16:16 |
DaemonFC | B-) | Jun 16 16:16 |
DaemonFC | the only really meaningful thing an Indiana governor can actually do is call a special session of the General Assembly | Jun 16 16:17 |
DaemonFC | he's also in command of the Indiana National Guard, except when he's not | Jun 16 16:19 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: I think we have the opposite problem of a dictatorship here. | Jun 16 16:20 |
DaemonFC | a Constitution that is so afraid of someone having too much power that it puts it into the hands of hundreds of bureaucrats instead | Jun 16 16:21 |
DaemonFC | I think if you're going to set someone up to get most of the blame when things go wrong, or most of the praise when things go well, that you should hand them enough authority to steer the way things are going. | Jun 16 16:23 |
DaemonFC | then when none of them want to put their name on something, they put it on a ballot and make me vote on it | Jun 16 16:26 |
DaemonFC | "I see what you did there!" | Jun 16 16:26 |
DaemonFC | MinceR would probably like that | Jun 16 16:27 |
schestowitz | why? | Jun 16 16:28 |
DaemonFC | "Republics decline into democracies and democracies degenerate into despotisms." - Aristotle | Jun 16 16:28 |
DaemonFC | MinceR likes the idea of 51% passes anything | Jun 16 16:29 |
DaemonFC | :) | Jun 16 16:29 |
DaemonFC | and when something like "property tax caps" comes up, the people who own land will vote to lower their property taxes | Jun 16 16:30 |
DaemonFC | even when the people who don't own land will end up paying higher sales tax | Jun 16 16:30 |
DaemonFC | :) | Jun 16 16:30 |
DaemonFC | so my landlord got himself a nice big fat tax break | Jun 16 16:31 |
DaemonFC | and I get to pay another 1% on everything I buy to fund it | Jun 16 16:31 |
DaemonFC | isn't that fair? | Jun 16 16:31 |
DaemonFC | I mean, after all, it was DEMOCRACY! | Jun 16 16:31 |
DaemonFC | the rich landowners voted to raise my taxes | Jun 16 16:31 |
DaemonFC | and there's not a damned thing I could do about it because more than half the population of the state owns land and wants their personal taxation levels to decrease | Jun 16 16:32 |
DaemonFC | and these bastards at INDOR wonder why people get online and order shit from Amazon | Jun 16 16:33 |
DaemonFC | hello, 7% sales tax that used to be 6%, that was 5% before that! | Jun 16 16:34 |
DaemonFC | it's just keeps going up so that they can give all the rich people their tax breaks | Jun 16 16:34 |
DaemonFC | I don't see any reduction in my rent when my landlord's taxes go down | Jun 16 16:34 |
DaemonFC | but I do pay sales tax | Jun 16 16:34 |
DaemonFC | I suppose you might make the theory that if they didn't go down then inflation combined with an unchanged taxation rate on property taxes might have compelled him to raise my rent | Jun 16 16:36 |
DaemonFC | and that I might have been spared a rent increase | Jun 16 16:36 |
DaemonFC | but there's no way to know what would have happened | Jun 16 16:36 |
DaemonFC | he's obviously not hurting for money if he let Dawn live there for six months without paying any rent | Jun 16 16:37 |
DaemonFC | as she went through $30 worth of booze and cigarettes a day and sucked and screwed everything she could find at the local bars | Jun 16 16:38 |
DaemonFC | I put it like this on the radio the other day.... "They tax us like we live in Massachusetts and give us public services like we live in Arkansas. Pick one already!" | Jun 16 16:44 |
DaemonFC | if we're going to live on the very fringes of what could be considered modern civilization, we shouldn't be paying the kind of state taxes we are paying | Jun 16 16:45 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] ♺ @x11r5: He had one of the famous unions of protestant and catholic, or sunni and shia | Jun 16 16:46 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Apple Presses Hard for Android Bans While Android Leapfrogs Apple in Tablets, Not Just Phones #apple #android | Jun 16 16:46 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Apple Presses Hard for Android Bans While Android Leapfrogs Apple in Tablets, Not Just Phones | Techrights .::. Size~: 90.01 KB | Jun 16 16:46 |
DaemonFC | instead of improving infrastructure (water, roads, etc.) they hire more thugs (police) and give them new thug cruisers | Jun 16 16:46 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Our products just aren't engineered for security." -Brian Valentine, Microsoft executive | Jun 16 16:51 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] As Hardware Prices Fall, Windows Becomes Far Too Expensive to Compete With Linux #android #linux | Jun 16 16:56 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: As Hardware Prices Fall, Windows Becomes Far Too Expensive to Compete With Linux | Techrights .::. Size~: 85.37 KB | Jun 16 16:56 |
schestowitz | DaemonFC: had a chat today about it | Jun 16 17:05 |
schestowitz | people are not aware of those things | Jun 16 17:05 |
schestowitz | I lost hope | Jun 16 17:05 |
schestowitz | This guy whom I talked to for half an hour is from Afghanistan | Jun 16 17:06 |
schestowitz | he's just so thankful for what he got here that he's willing to defend all the injustices | Jun 16 17:06 |
schestowitz | like predatory bankers and fraud | Jun 16 17:06 |
schestowitz | class war, spying... | Jun 16 17:06 |
schestowitz | very weird.. | Jun 16 17:06 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Groklaw Article Advocates Not Getting Rid of All Software Patents #groklaw #swpats | Jun 16 17:06 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Groklaw Article Advocates Not Getting Rid of All Software Patents | Techrights .::. Size~: 84.5 KB | Jun 16 17:06 |
schestowitz | Some people go like, OK.... let's just accept everything that's wrong because I'm feeling OK | Jun 16 17:06 |
schestowitz | By the time they're out in the streets they're too feeble to educate themselves about what's going on and moreso to do soemthing about it | Jun 16 17:07 |
schestowitz | like even the printing of flyers or banners | Jun 16 17:07 |
schestowitz | | Jun 16 17:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @Sander (sandersch)'s status on Saturday, 16-Jun-12 16:00:58 UTC - @schestowitz why would they? It's not like they get blamed. Everyone uses MS software so it probably supposed to be this way. | Jun 16 17:08 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: They raised our water bills 47.5% over the last two years | Jun 16 17:14 |
DaemonFC | the quality of the water has gotten worse | Jun 16 17:14 |
DaemonFC | there's stuff floating in it and it tastes like swimming pool water | Jun 16 17:14 |
DaemonFC | I eventually broke down yesterday and bought a filtering pitcher | Jun 16 17:14 |
DaemonFC | it should be interesting to see how they fudge this year's EPA/IDEM mandated water quality report | Jun 16 17:15 |
DaemonFC | I don't know how you can increase the chlorination levels without a rise in trihalomethanes | Jun 16 17:16 |
DaemonFC | somehow they manage to get their readings into compliance at the injection point, but I don't think what comes out of my tap would pass | Jun 16 17:16 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Links 16/6/2012: Deploying Chromebooks, New Mandriva Foundation #techrights | Jun 16 17:20 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Links 16/6/2012: Deploying Chromebooks, New Mandriva Foundation | Techrights .::. Size~: 106 KB | Jun 16 17:20 |
schestowitz | "True words :-)" | Jun 16 17:22 |
schestowitz | | Jun 16 17:22 |
TechrightsBot-tr | One of the reasons I got into web forums and news clippings if that in 2004 I had a lot of idle time waiting for experiments to complete. | Jun 16 17:22 |
schestowitz | | Jun 16 17:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Is this the end of Windows Server? #microsoft #windows #gnu #linux | Jun 16 17:23 |
schestowitz | " | Jun 16 17:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: Is this the end of Windows Server? | Technology Treason .::. Size~: 50.3 KB | Jun 16 17:23 |
schestowitz | @Justin: Microsoft SQL and Exchange Server are two reasons someone (or a corporate entity) will run Windows on a server. Then there's the far larger knowledge base and availability of people who have experience supporting it. | Jun 16 17:23 |
schestowitz | Those might not seem like valid reasons for you, but if you've ever worked in a large IT department for a company with thousands of users, you'll understand how hard it is to use anything else, especially when the CIOs have little to no experience with or desire for other solutions, and why Windows Server products are just so prevalent. | Jun 16 17:23 |
schestowitz | " | Jun 16 17:23 |
schestowitz | | Jun 16 17:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | A few years ago #torvalds complained that news sites - even #slashdot - chose headlines to sensationalise. [...] BBC chose to associate Linux with "Selfishness" _in its headline_. Could it have done a better job? Seems like FUD, no? #bait #troll | Jun 16 17:23 |
schestowitz | "Does anyone have the headline available for examination, and also a link to the article?" | Jun 16 17:23 |
schestowitz | [17:14] <DaemonFC> the quality of the water has gotten worse | Jun 16 17:23 |
schestowitz | it always gets worse | Jun 16 17:23 |
schestowitz | there's more of us humans pissing in it and throwing chemicals in it... non-organic | Jun 16 17:24 |
schestowitz | just got this: | Jun 16 17:24 |
schestowitz | " | Jun 16 17:24 |
schestowitz | Hello, | Jun 16 17:24 |
schestowitz | I have a quick and simple [I hope] question. What are the shortcommings of using mono-based app? I've checked all linux dock-apps and didn't find anything reasonable but Docky. The problem is that Docky is based on Mono, which - from what I heard - is not a good thing. Is it a security threat to use mono-based apps? | Jun 16 17:24 |
schestowitz | Regards | Jun 16 17:24 |
schestowitz | " | Jun 16 17:24 |
schestowitz | Mono helps those who oppose software freedom and technically speaking it's also bloated | Jun 16 17:25 |
schestowitz | | Jun 16 17:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | "Our products just aren't engineered for security." -Brian Valentine, Microsoft executive | Jun 16 17:25 |
schestowitz | haha! good irony!"" | Jun 16 17:25 |
schestowitz | " | Jun 16 17:29 |
schestowitz | Ok. Thank you for your reply! | Jun 16 17:29 |
schestowitz | BTW do you know any good alternatives to Mono? [the ones that are not that popular and not that easy to find] | Jun 16 17:29 |
schestowitz | " | Jun 16 17:29 |
schestowitz | | Jun 16 17:29 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Mono Applications - Techrights .::. Size~: 24.24 KB | Jun 16 17:29 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] ccbuhr: RT @NeelieKroesEU: A Cellphone for Every Woman | Jun 16 17:38 | |
iophk | Mono is bloated and produces unstable apps. | Jun 16 17:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: A Cellphone for Every Woman - .::. Size~: 50.35 KB | Jun 16 17:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 0.13 KB | Jun 16 17:38 |
iophk | So perhaps this is the reason for both the exorbitant OEM prices for ARM Windows and for the attempt to lock out other systems from ARM : | Jun 16 17:56 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft Windows Tablet Has its Sights Set on iPad, Kindle - Mobile and Wireless - News & Reviews - .::. Size~: 119.37 KB | Jun 16 17:56 |
iophk | | Jun 16 18:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2012 - Software Freedom Day Wiki .::. Size~: 12.11 KB | Jun 16 18:08 |
schestowitz | thanks | Jun 16 18:19 |
schestowitz | I have some more posts in drafts | Jun 16 18:19 |
schestowitz | 6 more | Jun 16 18:19 |
schestowitz | one about NOK | Jun 16 18:19 |
iophk | One reason for M$ making its own tablets might be that none of the OEMs were willing to touch the project with a barge pole. | Jun 16 18:24 |
schestowitz | Samsung tried Origami once | Jun 16 18:24 |
schestowitz | I don't think it ever let Vistagami fly | Jun 16 18:24 |
schestowitz | it was too fat | Jun 16 18:24 |
schestowitz | and origami hardluy sold | Jun 16 18:24 |
schestowitz | MS tablets in general sold a total of 1 million at one point, IIRC | Jun 16 18:25 |
schestowitz | I mean, those old chubby tablets | Jun 16 18:25 |
schestowitz | like 4 KG | Jun 16 18:25 |
schestowitz | not 0.4 KG | Jun 16 18:25 |
schestowitz | laptop with touchscreen morelike | Jun 16 18:25 |
*oddpuck has quit (Quit: later, y'all) | Jun 16 18:25 | |
DaemonFC | by sold, you a massive reduction in prices to get rid of them? | Jun 16 18:25 |
DaemonFC | AKA "Fire Sale Prices" | Jun 16 18:25 |
DaemonFC | AKA "Zune" | Jun 16 18:25 |
DaemonFC | :) | Jun 16 18:25 |
schestowitz | | Jun 16 18:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: #fake #alle-gegen-bild #acab | Jun 16 18:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Photo by | Jun 16 18:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Photo by | Jun 16 18:26 |
DaemonFC | I'd have to get a pretty damned good price on a Zune, and I still wouldn't buy one unless their variant of MTP is reverse engineered | Jun 16 18:26 |
schestowitz | android uses ntp also | Jun 16 18:30 |
schestowitz | in ICS | Jun 16 18:30 |
schestowitz | f*ing PITA | Jun 16 18:30 |
schestowitz | Just got a "Big thanks! " re the mono advice | Jun 16 18:32 |
*DaemonFC has more or less stopped using Google | Jun 16 18:41 | |
DaemonFC | their search engine results have deteriorated and they are starting to copy some of the features of Duck Duck Go | Jun 16 18:42 |
DaemonFC | poorly | Jun 16 18:42 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: I might send a water sample off to IDEM from my kitchen sink just to see what is actually coming out of my tap | Jun 16 18:46 |
DaemonFC | they will send a test kit out for $10 | Jun 16 18:46 |
DaemonFC | that should be interesting | Jun 16 18:47 |
DaemonFC | | Jun 16 18:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: IDEM: Maximum Contaminant Levels for Drinking Water .::. Size~: 39.7 KB | Jun 16 18:47 |
DaemonFC | | Jun 16 18:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting application/pdf type | Jun 16 18:50 |
DaemonFC | in 2012, there are more contaminates than in 2011 | Jun 16 18:52 |
DaemonFC | in 2011 Chromium and Barium weren't detected | Jun 16 18:53 |
brendyn | DaemonFC: what?? their results have deteriorated? | Jun 16 18:53 |
DaemonFC | and now we have Uranium, radon, and beta/photon emitters | Jun 16 18:53 |
DaemonFC | oh great | Jun 16 18:53 |
schestowitz | | Jun 16 18:54 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: # Why Opera IS a great Browser # Before Firefox 4 arrived, my main Browser used to be Opera. Eventually I moved away from it because it's not Open Source. But I'm still keeping an installation of it and even after a long time using Firefox, there are still Opera features I really miss in Firefox, some of which can't be replaced by plugins. ## an innovative Browser ## Opera has a long history of being innova | Jun 16 18:54 |
schestowitz | " | Jun 16 18:54 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: The HTML5 test - How well does your browser support HTML5? .::. Size~: 31.23 KB | Jun 16 18:54 |
schestowitz | @JanKusanagi | Jun 16 18:54 |
DaemonFC | brendyn: apparently we now have more contaminates that we never had before in detectable amounts | Jun 16 18:54 |
schestowitz | Hmm besides the fancyness of Diaspora and its lack to make it easily hackable by outside parties, which pushed me to Friendica, how am I supposed to add your profile? I cannot find your nick AT anymore on your page. I could guess, but this annoys me a bit. Diaspora seems to be focused primarily on its own success and not on federated social networking... :-/ | Jun 16 18:54 |
schestowitz | " | Jun 16 18:54 |
DaemonFC | including radioactive ones | Jun 16 18:54 |
schestowitz | "Are you involved in KDE development?" | Jun 16 18:55 |
schestowitz | "Nope, I'm still just learning Qt ATM :D" | Jun 16 18:55 |
brendyn | where | Jun 16 18:55 |
iophk | Diaspora could benefit by hiring or contracting someone that knows HTML and CSS to make web pages that are accessible in more than a tiny handful of browsers. | Jun 16 18:55 |
schestowitz | [18:41] * DaemonFC has more or less stopped using Google | Jun 16 18:55 |
schestowitz | same here | Jun 16 18:55 |
schestowitz | I use lxquick and Google only if I have no other choice | Jun 16 18:55 |
iophk | Same here, though DDG is still lacking in search results. | Jun 16 18:55 |
brendyn | have you heard of seeks? | Jun 16 18:55 |
brendyn | yeah and its slow | Jun 16 18:55 |
brendyn | at least for me | Jun 16 18:56 |
iophk | Annoyingly Google now requires both Javascript and Cookies to use their News search. | Jun 16 18:56 |
DaemonFC | 0.89 ppm fluoride | Jun 16 18:56 |
schestowitz | iophk: yes, and they made it less compatible with many browsers over time | Jun 16 18:56 |
brendyn | where are these contaminants? | Jun 16 18:56 |
*tessier (~treed@ has joined #techrights | Jun 16 18:56 | |
*tessier has quit (Changing host) | Jun 16 18:56 | |
*tessier (~treed@kernel-panic/copilotco) has joined #techrights | Jun 16 18:56 | |
schestowitz | Google does a lot of ajax | Jun 16 18:56 |
schestowitz | ijn youtube redesigns too | Jun 16 18:57 |
schestowitz | konq is no longer working with youtube for uploads | Jun 16 18:57 |
schestowitz | I gave up and did what GOOG wanted... I upload via Chromium | Jun 16 18:57 |
brendyn | meh, i dont even look at youtube beyond grabbing a link and youtube-dl | Jun 16 18:57 |
DaemonFC | "The U.S. specifies the optimal level of fluoride to range from 0.7 to 1.2 mg/L (milligrams per liter, equivalent to parts per million), depending on the average maximum daily air temperature; the optimal level is lower in warmer climates, where people drink more water, and is higher in cooler climates." | Jun 16 18:57 |
iophk | It may be Ajax but does not degrade gracefully and just plain does not work with either cookies off or javascript off. JS is a security concern. | Jun 16 18:57 |
iophk | And privacy, | Jun 16 18:57 |
DaemonFC | apparently ours isn't usually added, because there's enough naturally occurring fluoride or farm fertilizer runoff to bring us in compliance with the law | Jun 16 18:58 |
DaemonFC | hehe | Jun 16 18:58 |
brendyn | i saw an article where someone fixed firefox problems with google by changing its user agent to fake as chrome :) | Jun 16 18:58 |
brendyn | i get the same bug - pages simply stop loading for no reason. though i havnt tested that fix | Jun 16 18:59 |
DaemonFC | yeah, that only works until they start checking again using Javascript | Jun 16 18:59 |
DaemonFC | then you're fucked | Jun 16 18:59 |
brendyn | so you also think google is screwing with firefox? | Jun 16 18:59 |
DaemonFC | unless someone writes a user script to make all the tests for Chrome's javascript engine pass | Jun 16 18:59 |
DaemonFC | :) | Jun 16 18:59 |
brendyn | i dont even get the point of user agents, i dont want one | Jun 16 18:59 |
DaemonFC | brendyn: No, I don't think Google is fucking with Firefox/Opera users | Jun 16 18:59 |
brendyn | ok | Jun 16 19:00 |
DaemonFC | I....KNOW Google is fucking with Firefox/Opera users | Jun 16 19:00 |
DaemonFC | :) | Jun 16 19:00 |
brendyn | where is this knowledge? | Jun 16 19:00 |
brendyn | i.e, source | Jun 16 19:00 |
DaemonFC | they break certain features depending on your user agent | Jun 16 19:00 |
DaemonFC | try loading their image search results in Opera and see what happens when you change your google site prefs to Identify as Firefox (or Safari, or Chrome) | Jun 16 19:01 |
DaemonFC | even though Opera is perfectly capable of using all the Google image search features, it hands Opera a degraded results page with fewer features, which is clearly meant for Internet Explorer users | Jun 16 19:01 |
DaemonFC | Google fucks with Opera a LOT more than they fuck with Firefox | Jun 16 19:02 |
DaemonFC | even though Opera has a much better rendering engine | Jun 16 19:02 |
brendyn | oh well, its proprietary anyway | Jun 16 19:02 |
DaemonFC | Opera is technically superior to Firefox in all ways except one | Jun 16 19:03 |
DaemonFC | their extensions support is somewhat worse | Jun 16 19:03 |
DaemonFC | not enough that you'd notice for the kind of extensions most people want | Jun 16 19:03 |
brendyn | how did they manage that | Jun 16 19:03 |
DaemonFC | but the secure request rewrite API that would be needed for HTTPS Everywhere to be properly ported to Opera is not implemented | Jun 16 19:03 |
DaemonFC | Opera extensions are more like Chrome extensions than Firefox extensions | Jun 16 19:04 |
DaemonFC | a Mozilla browser extension becomes a part of the browser itself and can do anything | Jun 16 19:04 |
DaemonFC | that can be good or bad | Jun 16 19:04 |
DaemonFC | if it's a malicious extension or one with a lot of bugs it can do all sorts of naughty things | Jun 16 19:05 |
DaemonFC | Opera and Chrome have a well defined API that is available to an extension and run the extension in what amounts to a sandbox | Jun 16 19:05 |
DaemonFC | additionally, Opera inspects all the extensions that are submitted to make sure they aren't malicious | Jun 16 19:06 |
DaemonFC | Mozilla Add-Ons has had problems with malicious extensions being approved a few times and there seems to be no end to the number of poorly written ones they will approve | Jun 16 19:06 |
DaemonFC | and since Mozilla has no requirements that extensions are to be free software, and an extension becomes part of the browser itself, installing most of the extensions on their site will make your browser nonfree software anyway | Jun 16 19:07 |
DaemonFC | but assuming the extension is well written and assuming that it isn't malicious (which are both big assumptions), sometimes the degree of control they have over the browser can be beneficial | Jun 16 19:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] Hear ye, hear ye: The !establishment group has been established. | Jun 16 19:08 | |
DaemonFC | (think HTTPS Everywhere or Adblock Plus) | Jun 16 19:08 |
DaemonFC | Chrome has APIs now that enable real ad blocking and HTTPS Everywhere, but for a long time you couldn't really do either one | Jun 16 19:09 |
DaemonFC | Opera has a built-in content blocker which you can add a pre-made list of rules to | Jun 16 19:09 |
DaemonFC | Mozilla browsers have a lot of things wrong with them that effectively make them nonfree, at least the way they are often distributed or end up being used :) | Jun 16 19:10 |
brendyn | trisquel maintain a list of free plugins | Jun 16 19:10 |
brendyn | sometimes the mozilla site simply doesnt mention the license, so its good to use that | Jun 16 19:10 |
brendyn | i think ive installed nonfree plugins by accident before | Jun 16 19:11 |
DaemonFC | if your definition of free software is that they have a pile of open source software laying around that one could conceivably compile and use, then Chrome is also free software | Jun 16 19:11 |
DaemonFC | except that it isn't, but don't let a little thing like that stop you :) | Jun 16 19:11 |
brendyn | :P | Jun 16 19:11 |
DaemonFC | most people have Flash, Flash makes any browser that loads it nonfree | Jun 16 19:12 |
brendyn | i dont | Jun 16 19:12 |
DaemonFC | most people install extensions, more than half of them on AMO will make your Mozilla browser nonfree | Jun 16 19:12 |
DaemonFC | most people either use the Firefox binaries which are nonfree or get nonfree Firefox binaries from their distribution | Jun 16 19:12 |
DaemonFC | and the official ones are even worse because they come statically linked to a bunch of libraries that are already on the system | Jun 16 19:13 |
brendyn | i have noscript, download them all (dont even use it), https everywhere, mozilla archive format, murdochalert. trueblock | Jun 16 19:13 |
DaemonFC | Chrome and Opera have the same issue | Jun 16 19:14 |
DaemonFC | statically linked private copies of libraries you already have | Jun 16 19:14 |
brendyn | im using iceweasel, also. probably doesnt make much difference | Jun 16 19:14 |
DaemonFC | you shouldn't use Trueblock, it is not maintained | Jun 16 19:15 |
brendyn | damn | Jun 16 19:15 |
DaemonFC | he recommends Adblock Lite now | Jun 16 19:15 |
brendyn | is that run by the same people? | Jun 16 19:15 |
brendyn | as adblock | Jun 16 19:15 |
DaemonFC | no | Jun 16 19:15 |
DaemonFC | it's a different fork | Jun 16 19:15 |
DaemonFC | it follows Adblock Plus 2.0.x the code but leaves the interface from 1.4.x | Jun 16 19:15 |
DaemonFC | there's a patch against it that reverts the commit that added "acceptable ads" | Jun 16 19:16 |
DaemonFC | so the code itself isn't even there | Jun 16 19:16 |
brendyn | thats what i wanted | Jun 16 19:16 |
DaemonFC | the "feature" itself was implemented in a way that makes it trivial to get rid of | Jun 16 19:17 |
DaemonFC | so the patch shouldn't need to change that much | Jun 16 19:17 |
DaemonFC | otherwise it can keep following whatever Adblock Plus does upstream | Jun 16 19:18 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #CCDP First impressions: A bill with too few safeguards - NB "filtering" provisions - v problematic (v @lilianedwards) | Jun 16 19:25 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: CCDP First impressions: A bill with too few safeguards « Complicity .::. Size~: 40.87 KB | Jun 16 19:25 |
*scientes (~scientes@unaffiliated/scientes) has joined #techrights | Jun 16 19:26 | |
*schestowitz-andr ( has joined #techrights | Jun 16 19:37 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Reshared post from Philipp Sickmann | Jun 16 19:43 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - "Medienhistoriker werden eventuell einst festhalten dürfen,… .::. Size~: 141.36 KB | Jun 16 19:43 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] While europe should be closely watching and analyzing what happens tomorrow in Greece - an election that could result ... | Jun 16 19:48 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - While europe should be closely watching and analyzing what… .::. Size~: 141.35 KB | Jun 16 19:48 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Leveson Inquiry: how truth about David Cameron's meetings was revealed - fab graphic - kudos to dtel (v @jeffjarvis) | Jun 16 20:03 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Leveson Inquiry: how the truth about David Cameron's meetings was revealed - Telegraph .::. Size~: 58.07 KB | Jun 16 20:03 |
*schestowitz-andr has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Jun 16 20:07 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] Lynn Russwurm's free Gore Park concert series features Randy Morrison & the Flatt River Band Sunday night | Jun 16 20:10 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Randy Morrison and Flatt River | Lynn Russwurm .::. Size~: 19.84 KB | Jun 16 20:10 |
*iophk has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Jun 16 20:10 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Motorized projection screen fitted to the wall. Speakers on top. Ready for some cool movies. Or news. But alas, no new... | Jun 16 20:21 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Motorized projection screen fitted to the wall. Speakers on… .::. Size~: 138.79 KB | Jun 16 20:21 |
*RetroSec has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Jun 16 20:24 | |
*schestowitz-andr ( has joined #techrights | Jun 16 20:34 | |
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has left #techrights ("PART #xfs :QUIT :Leaving.") | Jun 16 20:35 | |
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Jun 16 20:39 | |
*schestowitz-andr has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Jun 16 20:51 | |
schestowitz | | Jun 16 21:08 |
schestowitz | "It should also be noted that PJ (Groklaw founder) states at the top of the article that this is not her opinion, but that of Professor Michael Risch, the article's author. It advocates a pragmatic approach, and is intended to spark debate." | Jun 16 21:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Groklaw Article Advocates Not Getting Rid of All Software Patents #groklaw #swpats | Jun 16 21:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: Groklaw Article Advocates Not Getting Rid of All Software Patents | Techrights .::. Size~: 84.64 KB | Jun 16 21:08 |
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #techrights | Jun 16 21:10 | |
DaemonFC | | Jun 16 21:12 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: JD Vegas Cam: We Smokers Warned You The Health Police Would Come After You As Well - The Jerry Doyle Show .::. Size~: 28.89 KB | Jun 16 21:12 |
DaemonFC | he's a bit too far to the right sometimes, but occasionally he makes a point | Jun 16 21:15 |
DaemonFC | he's correct that it is ridiculous to subsidize health insurance for a family of 4 that is making $96,000 a year | Jun 16 21:16 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mrdenticator/@mrdenticator] Yesterday top #statustician is sandersch from with 156 dents! | Jun 16 21:16 | |
DaemonFC | if anything, they should be doing something to help single people without any kids who are within 150% or so of the federal poverty level | Jun 16 21:17 |
DaemonFC | nobody talks about us | Jun 16 21:17 |
DaemonFC | but we're the ones getting fucked over here in this healthcare deal | Jun 16 21:17 |
DaemonFC | it's ridiculous to say that a family of four that has a household income of $96,000 is poor | Jun 16 21:18 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] TeK > #ACAPOR confiante numa solução que passa por bloqueio dos piratas a #mafiaa e o seu aliado! | Jun 16 21:18 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: TeK > Notícias > Internet > ACAPOR confiante numa solução que passa por bloqueio dos piratas .::. Size~: 47.07 KB | Jun 16 21:18 |
DaemonFC | why is that stupid? well, let me tell you why that's stupid :) | Jun 16 21:18 |
DaemonFC | you have one person in a house and one rent/mortgage payment | Jun 16 21:19 |
DaemonFC | you have four people in a house, you've rent/mortgage payment | Jun 16 21:19 |
DaemonFC | you have one person in a house, you get dinged on groceries because you can't buy the massive sizes that gets you the special low unit pricing (usually) | Jun 16 21:20 |
DaemonFC | you have four people in a house, you buy the econo-size version of everything because you don't worry so much about waste | Jun 16 21:20 |
DaemonFC | you have one person in a room, you need to light that room with a lightbulb, having more people in a room doesn't make you have to light the room more | Jun 16 21:21 |
DaemonFC | you have one person in a house, you need air conditioning and heat in the house | Jun 16 21:21 |
DaemonFC | you have four people in a house, you're paying about the same thing to air condition or heat the house | Jun 16 21:21 |
DaemonFC | the federal poverty guidelines are so fucking stupid, because they don't properly account for efficiencies that multi-person housholds have that single-person households don't | Jun 16 21:22 |
DaemonFC | and at some point, there's going to be a limit on how much income one person can make, but if you have two working adults in the house, you're at an advantage | Jun 16 21:23 |
DaemonFC | because your bills don't double just because there's two of you with an income rather than one | Jun 16 21:23 |
DaemonFC | they go up a little, but they don't double | Jun 16 21:23 |
DaemonFC | I think the FPL should penalize multi-person households by accounting for the fact that they have roughly double the income but only about 20% or so higher operating expenses | Jun 16 21:24 |
DaemonFC | but it doesn't | Jun 16 21:24 |
DaemonFC | :D | Jun 16 21:24 |
DaemonFC | so they take from me and give them more | Jun 16 21:24 |
DaemonFC | what else is new? am I right? | Jun 16 21:25 |
DaemonFC | there's some more of MinceR's Democracy Inaction | Jun 16 21:25 |
DaemonFC | :) | Jun 16 21:25 |
DaemonFC | democracy necessarily takes from the have nots to give the haves more than they need | Jun 16 21:26 |
DaemonFC | it's a redistribution of wealth FROM the poor, to the people who are middle class or above | Jun 16 21:26 |
DaemonFC | and after this stupidity, you don't qualify for federal assistance AFTER the federal government has driven you into poverty | Jun 16 21:27 |
DaemonFC | because "you don't have kids" | Jun 16 21:27 |
DaemonFC | like THAT should be encouraged! | Jun 16 21:27 |
DaemonFC | and after you have some kids, you still might not get help if you're a man | Jun 16 21:28 |
DaemonFC | if you don't have custody of the kids you pay child support | Jun 16 21:28 |
DaemonFC | if you do have custody, you don't get welfare because you're not a woman | Jun 16 21:28 |
DaemonFC | but that hardly comes up because the courts are so biased towards women always getting the kids unless you can prove she's an ax murderer or something | Jun 16 21:29 |
DaemonFC | as we become more equal, all of this bullshit that makes men less equal keeps falling down from the liberal politicians | Jun 16 21:30 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: Let's take a vote on how equal we should all be | Jun 16 21:31 |
DaemonFC | I'm sure that nobody will become a favorite because of simple numerical advantage | Jun 16 21:31 |
DaemonFC | ;) | Jun 16 21:31 |
*DaemonFC is personally in favor of repealing all alimony, not just making sure that each gender gets 50% statistically | Jun 16 21:33 | |
DaemonFC | tell them to quit whining and go find a job | Jun 16 21:33 |
DaemonFC | of course, men only receive 3% of alimony payments while they pay 97% of them | Jun 16 21:34 |
DaemonFC | because we're such an equal society of equals | Jun 16 21:34 |
DaemonFC | Doyle touches on the Dictator of New York City, Michael Bloomberg | Jun 16 21:36 |
DaemonFC | and that actually hits closer to home for me than you might think considering that Fort Wayne. Indiana has a mayor that points to whatever Bloomberg is up to and says "Hey! You guys! Let's do that here too!" | Jun 16 21:37 |
DaemonFC | so the soda bans and the restrictions on popcorn size and salt can't be far behind | Jun 16 21:37 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Group A flipping around in a way I never expected, I thought Russia were a dead cert, Greece hopeless, but that's !football #ec2012 | Jun 16 21:40 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] #Greece qualifying is a fantastic story given the country is on it's knees financially - good luck to them, they need a bit of a boost | Jun 16 21:40 | |
DaemonFC | | Jun 16 21:49 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: JD Vegas Cam: Do You Want an Electronic Device Monitoring Your Driving? - The Jerry Doyle Show .::. Size~: 29.69 KB | Jun 16 21:49 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt140/@lnxwalt140] My favorite movie of all time? "Demolition Man" What else could it be? #MFMOAT | Jun 16 21:50 | |
DaemonFC | | Jun 16 22:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Consumer Action :: Insurance Premium Installment Fees .::. Size~: 36.58 KB | Jun 16 22:08 |
DaemonFC | Geico has a $4 a month installment fee for using debit/credit cards, but only a $1 a month fee if you use bank draft, so I set myself up for recurring bank draft and then end up paying it with my credit card | Jun 16 22:09 |
DaemonFC | that way I get to use my card but only pay the $1 fee | Jun 16 22:09 |
DaemonFC | and on the last month, you can get out of paying the last installment fee by choosing "remaining amount" before it becomes due | Jun 16 22:10 |
DaemonFC | so it gets you down from $48 a year in installment fees to $10 | Jun 16 22:10 |
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Jun 16 22:11 | |
*DaemonFC really hates how they ding people for not paying in full | Jun 16 22:11 | |
DaemonFC | with a lot of car insurance companies, you'd actually be better off paying the term in full on a credit card even if it means you pay interest on it for a couple of months | Jun 16 22:12 |
DaemonFC | because the installment fees will be higher than the interest on your credit card | Jun 16 22:12 |
*schestowitz-andr ( has joined #techrights | Jun 16 22:14 | |
*Diablo-D3 ( has joined #techrights | Jun 16 22:19 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] ♺ @johnnynull: @nybill @thistleweb UFC: Ultimate Fighting Cacti | Jun 16 22:30 | |
formic_ | Lol | Jun 16 22:51 |
*schestowitz-andr has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Jun 16 22:52 | |
DaemonFC | oh right | Jun 16 22:57 |
DaemonFC | it's not going to rain today | Jun 16 22:57 |
DaemonFC | that's why there's a thudnerstorm coming | Jun 16 22:57 |
DaemonFC | oh well, we need whatever we can get | Jun 16 22:58 |
DaemonFC | 90% of Indiana is now in "severe drought" | Jun 16 22:59 |
DaemonFC | they're starting to talk about corn and soybean crops dying | Jun 16 22:59 |
DaemonFC | which means in a few months grocery prices will skyrocket if the drought doesn't lift (then the federal government will pay the farmers for not growing anything) | Jun 16 23:00 |
DaemonFC | then they shoot one cow and milk the other one and pour the milk down the drain | Jun 16 23:01 |
DaemonFC | then they make you fill out paperwork about the missing cow | Jun 16 23:01 |
DaemonFC | I believe is how this one goes..... | Jun 16 23:01 |
*RetroSec ( has joined #techrights | Jun 16 23:04 | |
*RetroSec has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Jun 16 23:14 | |
*schestowitz-andr ( has joined #techrights | Jun 16 23:28 | |
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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[webmink/@webmink] Yes please. Then I can nominate @bkuhn and watch heads explode. | Jun 16 23:41 | |
*RetroSec ( has joined #techrights | Jun 16 23:42 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Jun 16 23:52 |
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