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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: June 25th, 2012

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DaemonFC:)Jun 25 00:00
formic_my teachers used to throw money around before their salary got cutJun 25 00:00
formic_teachers would buy us paper notebooks and pencils all the timeJun 25 00:00
DaemonFCthe teachers unions get them all kinds of moneyJun 25 00:00
formic_the unions went on strike like 5 timesJun 25 00:00
DaemonFCpolice tooJun 25 00:00
DaemonFCthe police shouldn't be allowed to unionizeJun 25 00:01
formic_I remember one year I got like a month off of schoolJun 25 00:01
-->scientes (~scientes@unaffiliated/scientes) has joined #techrightsJun 25 00:01
formic_a month long march breakJun 25 00:01
formic_A few years later I had a teacher who refused to participate in the stikes because he believed in the students needing educationJun 25 00:02
DaemonFCthe kids who want to succeed in school willJun 25 00:02
DaemonFCthe ones who don't, won'tJun 25 00:02
DaemonFCno amount of money will fix thatJun 25 00:02
formic_teachers unions also have no problem firing people with less seniority to get better benefitsJun 25 00:03
DaemonFCthere's no correlation between increased funding and better results because the teachers unions eat up all the money in raises for teacherJun 25 00:03
DaemonFCand there's no money left for anything elseJun 25 00:03
formic_once the teacher gets the raise, they dont perform any better eitherJun 25 00:03
formic_they feel entitledJun 25 00:03
formic_or "i want even moaaar!"Jun 25 00:04
DaemonFCthe teachers unions are the biggest problem in our school systemJun 25 00:04
formic_yupJun 25 00:04
formic_and not ALL unions are badJun 25 00:04
formic_they just dont belong in educationJun 25 00:04
formic_basicly, any job where a customer is supposed to receive good serviceJun 25 00:05
formic_unions are bad in those areasJun 25 00:05
DaemonFCmost jobs should be unionizedJun 25 00:05
DaemonFCnot police, teachers, or fire fightersJun 25 00:05
DaemonFCthese people are a critical part of the public systemJun 25 00:05
formic_unions should be for jobs where the worker doesnt have to interact with someone who is paying for some kind of serviceJun 25 00:06
DaemonFCshowing up for work shouldn't be optionalJun 25 00:06
formic_i dont like union bus driversJun 25 00:06
DaemonFCthey should not be entitled to obscene salaries and benefits when they're being paid out of the tax poolJun 25 00:06
formic_they are usually assholesJun 25 00:06
formic_gotransit for example, you can buy your ticket at the ticket booth, or you can pay @ the busJun 25 00:07
formic_sometimes when I pay @ the bus, the give me attitudeJun 25 00:07
DaemonFCwhen you have unions negotiating with private businesses, you usually end up with fair pay and benefits for the workersJun 25 00:07
formic_'do your fucking job and stop lecturing me asshole'Jun 25 00:07
DaemonFCwhen you have unions representing public servants, you get a cartelJun 25 00:07
formic_trueJun 25 00:07
DaemonFCan endless spiral of tax hikes to cover guaranteed salary and benefits increasesJun 25 00:08
formic_government unions = jobs 4 life and no customer service skills required or usedJun 25 00:08
DaemonFCyeah, Bureau of Motor VehiclesJun 25 00:09
formic_i saw this video on youtube of this marxist who wanted a union in his restaurant because he felt he didnt want to be told what kind of food to makeJun 25 00:09
formic_im thinking 'you fucking make what the customer orders, how hard is that?"Jun 25 00:09
formic_i dont want to order a hamburger and get some salad because the cook didnt want to make a hamburgerJun 25 00:10
DaemonFChe won't have a job very long at that point anywayJun 25 00:11
formic_im sure that once the video hit youtube he got firedJun 25 00:11
DaemonFChis bosses will get sick and tired of him and fire him for other reasons (like laziness) long before he gets a union in thereJun 25 00:11
formic_another one of his ideas is that everyone who worked there would get a fair share of the profitJun 25 00:11
formic_various problems with that oneJun 25 00:12
formic_none of them had any risk getting the job, vs the guy who put up the money to start the business and had to wait a few years before it became profittableJun 25 00:12
formic_then theres the issue of more staffJun 25 00:12
formic_once you hire more people, you gotta give them fair share too, and where does that lead? more people, less money for yourself.Jun 25 00:12
formic_if someone works there for 5 years, they get paid the same as someone just joiningJun 25 00:13
formic_how un-motivatingJun 25 00:14
DaemonFCnormally, a union contract specifies the starting wage/salary, a cost of living allowance, and a system for raises outside the COLAJun 25 00:14
formic_this dude was going beyond unions at this pointJun 25 00:15
DaemonFCyeah, he wanted to turn the restaurant into a hippie coopJun 25 00:15
DaemonFC:)Jun 25 00:15
formic_he was into the whole marxist everyone should be paid the same stuffJun 25 00:15
formic_it might work for labour jobs/industrial stuff where everyone basicly does the same jobJun 25 00:16
formic_when your workplace has all kinds of different job titles, it doesntJun 25 00:16
DaemonFCsome Meijer retail stores are unionizedJun 25 00:17
formic_somoene managing 7 stores shouldnt get the same wage as a cashier at oneJun 25 00:17
DaemonFCSEIUJun 25 00:17
DaemonFCMeijer isn't hurtingJun 25 00:17
formic_isn't walmart unionized too?Jun 25 00:17
DaemonFCthey're still building new stores and competing with WalmartJun 25 00:17
DaemonFCno, Walmart HATES unionsJun 25 00:18
formic_lolJun 25 00:18
DaemonFCthey will shut down an entire store if the employees there vote for a unionJun 25 00:18
formic_they hate unions but willingly pay people to stand around the entrance to say 'hi' ?Jun 25 00:18
scientesHey DaemonFC, I was just at the San Francisco gay pride paradeJun 25 00:18
formic_scientes: are you gay?Jun 25 00:18
DaemonFCformic_: Welcome to Walmart!Jun 25 00:18
DaemonFCAll are welcome!Jun 25 00:18
DaemonFCAll are welcome!Jun 25 00:19
scientesformic_, don't get in the way of my trollingJun 25 00:19
DaemonFCMay I pull your pants up so your butt isn't hanging out?Jun 25 00:19
DaemonFCOK then! Have a great day!Jun 25 00:19
formic_scientes: isn't San Francisco always gay pride 24/7 ?Jun 25 00:19
DaemonFCthe only reason these Gay Pride things happen is because of ultraconservative fundamentalist Christian bigotsJun 25 00:20
DaemonFCit pisses them offJun 25 00:20
DaemonFCI love itJun 25 00:20
formic_thats the modus operandi of the westboro churchJun 25 00:21
DaemonFCif the ultraconservative fundamentalist Christian bigots want the Gay Pride parades to stop, all they have to do is stop being shitheadsJun 25 00:21
formic_it pisses off ultraliberal atheist bigotsJun 25 00:21
DaemonFCnahJun 25 00:21
DaemonFCI sleep like a babyJun 25 00:21
formic_thats because Jesus loves youJun 25 00:22
DaemonFChaving learned how to enunciate and use soap and toothbrushes years agoJun 25 00:22
DaemonFCI'm more evolved B-)Jun 25 00:22
formic_scientes: troll faster, it doesnt work if you reply every 5 minutesJun 25 00:22
formic_scientes: tell him you'll vote for Steven UpdikeJun 25 00:23
scientes 25 00:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: San Francisco Gay pride 2012       - YouTube .::. Size~: 97.62 KBJun 25 00:23
scientespretty much what it was all likeJun 25 00:23
DaemonFCthe people who are the most outspoken against gay people tend to be dumpy white trash hicksJun 25 00:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] !Tzag Identizens. We might have a nice day here at last.Jun 25 00:24
formic_thats so weird, cause ive noticed a lot of gay people tend to be dumpy white trash hicksJun 25 00:24
scientesoh wow i didn't see this one 25 00:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: OccuPride Marches Unchecked Down SF Pride Parade Route       - YouTube .::. Size~: 103.7 KBJun 25 00:24
formic_just saw like 50 of them in that gay pride videoJun 25 00:24
DaemonFCSteve Updike is finished as a politician Jun 25 00:25
formic_lolJun 25 00:25
scientesthere were two anti-Wells Fargo groups ahead of Wells Fargo's floatJun 25 00:25
formic_i would hate to be the spandex wearing bicycle cops on gay prideJun 25 00:25
DaemonFCmaybe they're gay tooJun 25 00:25
scientesalso the "god hates fags" people were thereJun 25 00:26
DaemonFCWells Fargo it for people with lousy creditJun 25 00:26
formic_well...Jun 25 00:26
DaemonFCthey have subprime mortgages and "second chance" checking accountsJun 25 00:26
formic_I wondered to myself, what would Jesus do? He said "I'd hate fags"Jun 25 00:26
DaemonFCJesus sez, stop bouncing checks or you'll have to use Wells FargoJun 25 00:27
DaemonFCgood advice, thatJun 25 00:27
DaemonFC:)Jun 25 00:27
formic_lol DaemonFC, just so you know im just fucking with youJun 25 00:27
formic_if you couldnt already tellJun 25 00:28
formic_dont charge me with hate crimes!Jun 25 00:28
DaemonFCunder United States federal law, a hate crime is a sentencing enhancementJun 25 00:32
DaemonFChate speech in itself is not a crimeJun 25 00:32
DaemonFCeven states without hate crimes laws usually charge whoever motivated a crime as an accomplice, even if they did not actively participate :)Jun 25 00:34
DaemonFC 25 00:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The MSN TV Linux cluster -- Engadget .::. Size~: 125.13 KBJun 25 00:35
formic_freenode is also USJun 25 00:43
formic_good stuffJun 25 00:43
formic_you'll have to come to Canada to do anythingJun 25 00:43
*DaemonFC goes to Canada, settles in Quebec, insists they speak English, taps into the Canadian nanny state welfare systemJun 25 00:45
*DaemonFC finally gets around to suing formic_ for emotional distressJun 25 00:45
DaemonFC:)Jun 25 00:45
formic_you'll still have to drive over to ontarioJun 25 00:45
formic_you have 5 yearsJun 25 00:45
formic_i'll also argue freedom of speechJun 25 00:46
DaemonFCthat shouldn't be difficult actuallyJun 25 00:46
DaemonFCthe worst part about it will be having to drive through MichiganJun 25 00:46
DaemonFC:)Jun 25 00:46
formic_i could just suspend court a bunch of times you so have to come multiple timesJun 25 00:46
DaemonFCbut I can use Microsoft's Avoid Niggers GPS feature to help out thereJun 25 00:46
DaemonFC:)Jun 25 00:46
formic_ROFLJun 25 00:46
formic_ 25 00:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 0.03 KBJun 25 00:47
DaemonFCNo right to pink ponies?Jun 25 00:49
DaemonFCsavagesJun 25 00:49
formic_freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communicationJun 25 00:51
DaemonFCand pink poniesJun 25 00:51
DaemonFCand your neighbor's pink ponies too if the government agrees that you need them moreJun 25 00:52
formic_'The constitiution is just a god damned piece of paper' -BushJun 25 00:52
DaemonFC 25 01:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Denver woman says she urinated on $30 million painting during bath salt bender - NY Daily News .::. Size~: 148.97 KBJun 25 01:06
formic_Dude DaemonFC, haven't you seen Batman?Jun 25 01:09
formic_The originalJun 25 01:10
formic_Michael keatonJun 25 01:10
formic_not the adam west onesJun 25 01:10
formic_ 25 01:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Batman (1989) - IMDb .::. Size~: 106.4 KBJun 25 01:10
formic_In that movie, the Joker had a bunch of chemical companies. The way he was planning to poison gotham was by people using different combinations of cosmetic products.Jun 25 01:11
DaemonFCAdam West! Jun 25 01:12
DaemonFCAdam Weeeeeeeest!Jun 25 01:12
DaemonFC:)Jun 25 01:12
DaemonFC 25 01:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Woman Found Glued to Toilet Seat Inside Walmart                                                  |              Indiana's NewsCenter: News, Sports, Weather, Fort Wayne WPTA-TV, WISE-TV, CW, and MyFOX                                           |                Top News .::. Size~: 59.33 KBJun 25 01:18
DaemonFC:)Jun 25 01:18
DaemonFCyeah, you just coat the seat in super glue and wait for someone to sit downJun 25 01:18
formic_lolJun 25 01:18
formic_a woman did it tooJun 25 01:19
formic_ 25 01:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Man Seriously Injured By Falling Cactus                                                  |              Indiana's NewsCenter: News, Sports, Weather, Fort Wayne WPTA-TV, WISE-TV, CW, and MyFOX                                           |                Top News .::. Size~: 59.58 KBJun 25 01:20
formic_that's so awesomeJun 25 01:22
DaemonFCformic_: 25 01:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: TK sings Hey Dude theme song       - YouTube .::. Size~: 103.09 KBJun 25 01:25
DaemonFCbetter watch out for those man eating jackrabbits Jun 25 01:29
DaemonFCand those killer cacti!Jun 25 01:29
DaemonFC:)Jun 25 01:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @sameerverma ICT4D and ICT4E are passé. I give you ICT4F, where F stand for Fun.Jun 25 02:00
<--DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jun 25 02:01
---Disconnected (Connection timed out).Jun 25 02:44
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Jun 25 02:44:16 2012
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jun 25 02:59:03 2012
-->You are now talking on #techrightsJun 25 02:59
---Topic for #techrights is | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovellJun 25 02:59
---Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 13:16:19Jun 25 02:59
-->cubezzz ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 02:59
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Weird but somehow also beautiful - listen to a modem handshake - slowed down 700%. 25 03:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Page not found    - Noise made me do it - sound,music and things that tickle your ears .::. Size~: 11 KBJun 25 03:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Weird but somehow also beautiful - listen to a modem… .::. Size~: 134.44 KBJun 25 03:09
<--Gone_Away_2 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jun 25 03:25
roy__ 25 03:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Twitter / EddsLV: Apple zaudē tiesā Samsun .::. Size~: 76.54 KBJun 25 03:31
roy__ 25 03:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Twitter / tian2992: Microsoft added the FSF to .::. Size~: 76.59 KBJun 25 03:32
roy__"Microsoft added the FSF to the Gambling category. Let's not attribute to malice what can be just incompetence."Jun 25 03:32
---roy__ is now known as schestowitzJun 25 03:33
schestowitzIt's competence.Jun 25 03:33
schestowitzif they know at MS that FSF is a threat to themJun 25 03:33
schestowitz"iceweasel 10 to 14 betas has always ran beautifully in my debian. Wonder why some people have problems with firefox." 25 03:38 Firefox 13 - a review of sorts it went bonkers for me in Ubuntu 10.04 (from universe), as usual. Very disappointed. Extensions disabled.Jun 25 03:38
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Firefox 13 - a review of sorts .::. Size~: 13.99 KBJun 25 03:38
formic_they are being honest, it is gambling when they have billions invested in lobbyingJun 25 03:39
formic_In their shifty corrupted POVJun 25 03:43
schestowitztechrights in front page of reddit today 25 03:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Android Beats Oracle and Apple Patent Challenges : Android .::. Size~: 167.51 KBJun 25 03:45
<--jono_ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jun 25 03:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Brian Proffitt’s Imaginary Linux-Hardware Woes #linux #kernel #hardwareJun 25 03:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Brian Proffitt’s Imaginary Linux-Hardware Woes at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 39.41 KBJun 25 03:54
-->Gone_Away_2 ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 03:56
-->libertybox_ ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 03:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻@shot: „świat, w którym praca doktorska staje się kolektywną własnością wszystkich ludzi” ← o to w nauce chodzi, durniu 25 04:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Boni miota się od ściany do ściany | Piotr Zaremba .::. Size~: 150.16 KBJun 25 04:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #PinguyOS 12.04 LTS Has Been Released #gnu #linuxJun 25 04:14
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Pinguy OS 12.04 LTS Has Been Released ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog .::. Size~: 73.61 KBJun 25 04:14
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Virgin Atlantic IT director: airlines should work together on open source apps #opensourceJun 25 04:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Virgin Atlantic IT director: airlines should work together on open source apps ( - Software ) .::. Size~: 37.04 KBJun 25 04:15
<--Omega has quit (Excess Flood)Jun 25 04:23
-->Omega ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 04:23
<--Omega has quit (Excess Flood)Jun 25 04:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eebrah/@eebrah] RT @vascorsd If you're having problems with #grub2 on your #uefi system there are other ways to boot your kernel !ar ...Jun 25 04:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[greve/@greve] RT @ervin ♻ @FOSSwiki: An awesome book on #photography #free #opensource (via @octalmind)Jun 25 04:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: UEFI Bootloaders - ArchWiki .::. Size~: 32.89 KBJun 25 04:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Bastards Book of Photography by Dan Nguyen .::. Size~: 11.43 KBJun 25 04:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Twitter / vagmi: An awesome book on #photog .::. Size~: 77.33 KBJun 25 04:24
-->Omega ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 04:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Richard #ODwyer and the new internet war - Jimmy Wales's epetition - pl. sign a& RTJun 25 04:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jimmy Wales: Richard O'Dwyer and the new internet war | Comment is free | The Guardian .::. Size~: 237.22 KBJun 25 04:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Human Rights Petition: .@ukhomeoffice: Stop the extradition of Richard O'Dwyer to the USA #SaveRichard | .::. Size~: 55.35 KBJun 25 04:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Loch Ness monster cited by US schools as evidence that #evolution is myth - </facepalm> (v @Francis_Lam @Glinner)Jun 25 04:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Loch Ness monster cited by US schools as evidence that evolution is myth - Odd - .::. Size~: 236.13 KBJun 25 04:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Quadcopter #drone group held in London airport on suspicion of terrorism - this will become commonplaceJun 25 04:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Quadcopter drone group held in London airport on suspicion of terrorism  - Irish Innovation News – .::. Size~: 58.73 KBJun 25 04:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] 25 04:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Our final push: #ACTA vote in ten days, mail the European Parliament - we're nearly there, & we must win thisJun 25 04:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Our Final Push: ACTA Vote In Ten Days, Mail The European Parliament - Falkvinge on Infopolicy .::. Size~: 281.73 KBJun 25 04:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Our Final Push: ACTA Vote In Ten Days, Mail The European Parliament - Falkvinge on Infopolicy .::. Size~: 281.73 KBJun 25 04:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Winamp's woes: how the greatest #MP3 player undid itself - wonderful tale of what might have been...Jun 25 04:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] The Finch Report in a global #OpenAccess landscape - the debate continues #oaJun 25 04:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Winamp’s woes: how the greatest MP3 player undid itself | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 45.97 KBJun 25 04:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Open and Shut?: The Finch Report in a global Open Access landscape .::. Size~: 128.07 KBJun 25 04:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] Reshared post from Jan Wildeboer 25 04:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] .@glynmoody @Asher_Wolf I wrote it would be like this some months ago, incl. "terrorist" accusations: 25 04:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[greve/@greve] RT @glynmoody Loch Ness monster cited by US schools as evidence that #evolution is myth - </facepalm> (v @Francis_L ...Jun 25 04:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Nandan Vaidya - Google+ - Weird but somehow also beautiful - listen to a modem… .::. Size~: 170.46 KBJun 25 04:54
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting text/plain; charset=utf-8 typeJun 25 04:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Loch Ness monster cited by US schools as evidence that evolution is myth - Odd - .::. Size~: 236.29 KBJun 25 04:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] .@glynmoody @Asher_Wolf funny how quadcopters are *worse* "terrorist devices" than normal RC planes, yet the latter aren't seen as a problemJun 25 04:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Release Notes: Release Notes for siduction 2012.1.1 Desperado Reloaded #debian basedJun 25 05:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Release Notes for siduction 2012.1.1  Desperado Reloaded :: :: debian based live cd development .::. Size~: 15.56 KBJun 25 05:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] ht... 25 05:04
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Richard O'Dwyer's extradition looms over copyright infringement claims - video interview | Law | .::. Size~: 104.99 KBJun 25 05:04
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Nandan Vaidya - Google+ -… .::. Size~: 167.38 KBJun 25 05:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] Only reason for upcoming ban of #quadcopters is that they are the perfect tool to document Police missteps 25 05:07
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting text/plain; charset=utf-8 typeJun 25 05:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] Reshared post from glyn moody 25 05:14
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Nandan Vaidya - Google+ - Richard #ODwyer and the new internet war -… .::. Size~: 169.78 KBJun 25 05:14
-->iophk (~foobar@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJun 25 05:17
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJun 25 05:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @ladyniasan: What made the anti !ACTA protests in Poland a success? How to have influence? @rysiekpl at #lote 25 05:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] Quality Andrea Pirlo AMAZING Penalty Kick vs England HD 25 05:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Facebook does man-in-the-middle attack better reasons exist to avoid FB 25 05:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Edgeryders at LOTE - Interview with Michal aka rysiekpl       - YouTube .::. Size~: 107.36 KBJun 25 05:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Page not found .::. Size~: 0.84 KBJun 25 05:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Nandan Vaidya - Google+ - Quality Andrea Pirlo AMAZING Penalty Kick vs England HD … .::. Size~: 170.35 KBJun 25 05:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Facebook does man-in-the-middle attack .::. Size~: 21.97 KBJun 25 05:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Facebook - Techrights .::. Size~: 17.58 KBJun 25 05:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] Oh look, @asta_fish interview is also online: #LOTE #edgeryders :)Jun 25 05:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] .@inscius yes, because corporations are the modern-day nobility: :) #corporatocracyJun 25 05:27
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting text/plain; charset=utf-8 typeJun 25 05:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Commission & industry attacks on Parliament hit a new low - great summary of situation before big vote (v @netzpolitik)Jun 25 05:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] .@Asher_Wolf @glynmoody don't worry, they will not "lock kids up", they will only "assist them to the floor". 25 05:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Commission and industry attacks on Parliament hit a new low | EDRI .::. Size~: 9.31 KBJun 25 05:29
schestowitz"Hello Roy, time for an interview on TechRights?"Jun 25 05:34
schestowitzSure. About Mandriva or LibreOffice?Jun 25 05:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Techrights in the front page of Reddit today, thus a little slow. 25 05:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  » Blog Archive   » News from the Web: New Promotions, Pages, Projects .::. Size~: 36.74 KBJun 25 05:37
schestowitzTens of thousands of unique visitors.Jun 25 05:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Been months since I saw a troll column calling Linux "dead" #linuxJun 25 05:49
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Canonical & Dell Sell Ubuntu Laptops in India - Softpedia .::. Size~: 48.68 KBJun 25 05:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Microsoft puts the "BLET" in tablet 25 05:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Benoit des Ligneris : Open Source Catalyst: Windows keyblet : no disruptive innovation, still not open source... .::. Size~: 103.02 KBJun 25 05:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Interview with Mobeen Iqbal of #Vinux Project #gnu #linuxJun 25 05:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Interview with Mobeen Iqbal of Vinux Project | Unixmen .::. Size~: 90.78 KBJun 25 05:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] !Debian Wheezy !FreeBSD: Slower Than !Linux 25 06:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Where are the app developers? 25 06:04
TechrightsBot-trTitle: [Phoronix] Debian Wheezy GNU/kFreeBSD: Slower Than Linux .::. Size~: 20.46 KBJun 25 06:04
TechrightsBot-trTitle: jewelfox | Where are the app developers? .::. Size~: 29.29 KBJun 25 06:04
schestowitz 25 06:08
TechrightsBot-tr@Mikael (inscius)'s status on Monday, 25-Jun-12 09:57:16 UTC - @schestowitz roflJun 25 06:08
schestowitz"About LibreOffice first; but Mandriva could follow in another interview :-)"Jun 25 06:09
schestowitz"I would like to draw the attention about some interesting facts on what's going on between AOO and LibreOffice. IBM is playing dirty..."Jun 25 06:09
<--Aondo has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Jun 25 06:10
schestowitz"Or here's a different suggestion: let's do an interview about Mandriva, & I'll update you with some crunchy stuff on AOO & LibreOffice..."Jun 25 06:11
<--Omega has quit (Excess Flood)Jun 25 06:12
-->Omega ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 06:12
<--Omega has quit (Excess Flood)Jun 25 06:12
-->Omega ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 06:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #JavaFX 2.2 to allow native package creation #Oracle keeps it goingJun 25 06:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: JavaFX 2.2 to allow native package creation - The H Open: News and Features .::. Size~: 50.15 KBJun 25 06:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Fedora Committee Discusses Features For Fedora 18, Spherical Cow #redhat #gnu #linuxJun 25 06:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Fedora Committee Discusses Features For Fedora 18, Spherical Cow .::. Size~: 27.66 KBJun 25 06:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Has Microsoft opened the door to the !Linux desktop? - ZDNet (blog) 25 06:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Has Microsoft opened the door to the Linux desktop? | ZDNet .::. Size~: 243.57 KBJun 25 06:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Nvidia Employee Asks How They Can Improve Linux Support how about working with #Linux devs and not just sending blobs?Jun 25 06:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Nvidia Employee Asks How They Can Improve Linux Support .::. Size~: 27.96 KBJun 25 06:27
-->Aondo (~stian@ has joined #techrightsJun 25 06:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "OEMs can refuse to install M$’s key and the world will be at peace and “8″ will not boot on any PCs." 25 06:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Solving the “Secure Boot” Problem: Don’t Let Windows 8 Secure Boot at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 39.77 KBJun 25 06:54
schestowitz 25 07:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Eucalyptus moves back to full open source 25 07:05 "OEMs can refuse to install M$’s key and the world will be at peace and “8″ will not boot on any PCs." 25 07:05
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Solving the “Secure Boot” Problem: Don’t Let Windows 8 Secure Boot at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 39.77 KBJun 25 07:05
schestowitz"think any of them got the balls to do that ? 2 or 3 big ones would be enough ..."Jun 25 07:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Eucalyptus moves back to full open source - The H Open: News and Features .::. Size~: 49.64 KBJun 25 07:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Eucalyptus CEO Marten Mickos Evolves His Cloud Approach | The VAR Guy .::. Size~: 77.76 KBJun 25 07:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Former Federal Judge Calls US Prosecution Of Megaupload 'Really Outrageous' 25 07:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Former Federal Judge Calls US Prosecution Of Megaupload 'Really Outrageous' | Techdirt .::. Size~: 157.99 KBJun 25 07:07
<--iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Jun 25 07:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] Kurski "oburzony na samego siebie": 25 07:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[kirschner/@kirschner] !fsfe !Fellows aus der Nähe von Gießen: Meldet euch hier: 25 07:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Fellows in der Nähe von Gießen .::. Size~: 2.43 KBJun 25 07:54
-->prurigro (prurigro@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:bb8a) has joined #techrightsJun 25 08:22
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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[w3c/@w3c] 2012-Jun-29: Dominique Hazaël-Massieux gives a talk entitled: "Create a mobile app based on HTML5" 25 09:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Talks by W3C Speakers .::. Size~: 177.24 KBJun 25 09:12
-->nj3ma (~yaaic@ has joined #techrightsJun 25 09:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[trashbird1240/@trashbird1240] LOL: Why not to use Microsoft for network security 25 09:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[trashbird1240/@trashbird1240] I'm beginning to think she asked if I had registered to voteJun 25 09:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[trashbird1240/@trashbird1240] That does sound goodJun 25 09:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Dear Microsoft: is not a "gambling site" — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 30.08 KBJun 25 09:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] "@Barclays_Kenya: Today's Tip: If you're smart with Ksh 1000, you'll be smart with extra zeros. #BBKMegaMilli" #wordJun 25 10:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] Glückwünsche von der Spree an den Nil 25 10:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] RT @linuxcanuck Samsung Galaxy S3 sales will reach 10 million in July - The Inquirer 25 10:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Glückwünsche von der Spree an den Nil | Politik & Gesellschaft | DW.DE | 25.06.2012 .::. Size~: 51.11 KBJun 25 10:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Samsung Galaxy S3 sales will reach 10 million in July - The Inquirer .::. Size~: 63.7 KBJun 25 10:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[w3c/@w3c] TAPQUO S.L. joined W3C 25 10:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Welcome to Tapquo .::. Size~: 13.97 KBJun 25 10:17
-->iophk ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 10:19
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Judge Posner Rips Apart Apple's Patent Litigation Strategy: Being 'Really Annoyed' Is No Reason To Sue 25 10:19
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Judge Posner Rips Apart Apple's Patent Litigation Strategy: Being 'Really Annoyed' Is No Reason To Sue | Techdirt .::. Size~: 59.42 KBJun 25 10:19
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] What Rio+20 Can Teach the Open Government Partnership - interesting pointsJun 25 10:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: bitly | Page Not Found | 404 .::. Size~: 8.97 KBJun 25 10:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Court Denies Pirate Party Naming Right, Cites “Real Pirate” Confusion - "could mislead members of the public" #twJun 25 10:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 9.09 KBJun 25 10:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] The #OKF is recruiting! - wannajob? #opendata #openspendingJun 25 10:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The OKF is recruiting! | Open Knowledge Foundation Blog .::. Size~: 73.69 KBJun 25 10:45
-->Ziomatrix (~Ziomatrix@2600:1000:b01c:c14:0:2c:3ebb:f801) has joined #techrightsJun 25 11:14
<--Ziomatrix has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 25 11:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @kuro: Autoritaranism: #Japan Makes Unauthorized Downloading a Criminal Offense #p #copywrong !ACTA #FAILJun 25 11:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] #pt: Miguel Relvas, mais um putativo dr? Assim vai a republica das bananas! o outro putativo anda por França! 25 11:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Japan Makes Unauthorized Downloading a Criminal Offense | TorrentFreak .::. Size~: 25.26 KBJun 25 11:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Tugaleaks -  “Amigos” de Miguel Relvas tentam um novo caso Publico contra a comunicação social .::. Size~: 38.3 KBJun 25 11:15
-->Ziomatrix (~Ziomatrix@2600:1000:b024:afec:0:2c:3ec3:e401) has joined #techrightsJun 25 11:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] RT @glynmoody Court Denies Pirate Party Naming Right, Cites “Real Pirate” Confusion - "could mislead members of the ...Jun 25 11:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] RT @gnuteck !Linuxlibre 3.4.4 .deb is now available at the !fsfla & ... recipe at !libreplanet update! !GNU !FSF #Debian L ...Jun 25 11:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻@dekaminski NetClean, Interpol, Queen of @Sweden & SWE Embassy in Tokyo trying to sell net blocking tools? Together? 25 11:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 9.09 KBJun 25 11:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Deutsche Kinderhilfe - Deutsche Kinderhilfe participates in an international conference against commercial sexual exploitation of children in Tokio, Japan .::. Size~: 19.08 KBJun 25 11:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Church of England 'homophobic', says Vicar of Lancaster Captain ObviousJun 25 11:19
TechrightsBot-trTitle: BBC News - Church of England 'homophobic', says Vicar of Lancaster .::. Size~: 80.14 KBJun 25 11:19
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] where's the benefit of spending BILLIONS of TAX PAYERS money on a vanity project if you don't get in the limelight 25 11:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: BBC News - Olympic torch: Sebastian Coe to carry 2012 flame .::. Size~: 96.49 KBJun 25 11:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Newcastle Twitter user Natalie Westerman receives NatWest complaints 25 11:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fedora/@fedora] talking about Fedora 18's new Initial User Experience: 25 11:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[w3c/@w3c] Implementing ADMS and the Core Vocabularies 25 11:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: BBC News - Newcastle Twitter user Natalie Westerman receives NatWest complaints .::. Size~: 80.75 KBJun 25 11:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Fedora Linux 18 Set to Redefine the Initial User Experience - InternetNews. .::. Size~: 34.88 KBJun 25 11:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Implementing ADMS and the Core Vocabularies - W3C Blog .::. Size~: 15.3 KBJun 25 11:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Jimmy Carr: Tax row sees Channel 4 ratings soar they KNEW he'd get a verbal kicking; that's why they tuned inJun 25 11:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: BBC News - Jimmy Carr: Tax row sees Channel 4 ratings soar .::. Size~: 75.79 KBJun 25 11:24
<--Ziomatrix has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jun 25 11:24
iophk 25 11:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Witness Ridicules 'Hands-On' Reviews of Surface - Slashdot .::. Size~: 48.06 KBJun 25 11:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Booming #Iceland makes second early loan repayment to #IMF - Telegraph why the harakiri then? 25 11:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] at least #JimmyCarr reacted by stopping it, then appologising, then taking the verbal kicking - can't see ANY elites doing the sameJun 25 11:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Italians fear a euro apocalypse as crisis spreads to #Germany #italy #collapse #euroJun 25 11:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] "yes we avoided tax, but any mention of the word dodger and we'll sue you for defication, now shut your festering gob you peasant"Jun 25 11:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Booming Iceland makes second early loan repayment to IMF - Telegraph .::. Size~: 58.11 KBJun 25 11:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: rikhard fsoss - Google+ - #Iceland Advances in #EU Bid, Opens Talks in Three More… .::. Size~: 132.05 KBJun 25 11:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Italians fear a euro apocalypse as crisis spreads to Germany .::. Size~: 66.51 KBJun 25 11:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] PressTV - Former #Russia.n finance minister predicts eurozone’s #collapse #euroJun 25 11:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: PressTV - Former Russian finance minister predicts eurozone’s collapse .::. Size~: 16.26 KBJun 25 11:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[w3c/@w3c] Implementing ADMS and the Core Vocabularies 25 11:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] David Cameron on cutting welfare benefits tax dodger headlines? oh shit, there's some poor people we can shake downJun 25 11:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] #Germany fears eurozone #collapse would decimate country's economy | #euroJun 25 11:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Implementing ADMS and the Core Vocabularies - W3C Blog .::. Size~: 15.3 KBJun 25 11:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: David Cameron on cutting welfare benefits: Politics live blog | Politics | .::. Size~: 367.42 KBJun 25 11:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Germany fears eurozone collapse would decimate country's economy | Business | .::. Size~: 141.13 KBJun 25 11:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Dave; the moral high ground has been handed you on a plate - go after the rich tax dodgers, name & shame them, close loopholes - oh waitJun 25 11:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] same old same old #Tories, send billy clubs out after the poorest folks to distract from the rich tax dodging policial donors story #politicJun 25 11:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] #Cameron's planned welfare cuts show utter contempt for young people the young aka "future voters"Jun 25 11:34
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Cameron's planned welfare cuts show utter contempt for young people | Ed Howker | Comment is free | .::. Size~: 256.21 KBJun 25 11:34
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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Updating the home office. Should be good enough for some cloud at home :-) 25 11:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJun 25 11:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Updating the home office. Should be good enough for some… .::. Size~: 142.26 KBJun 25 11:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Jogos Santa Casa tenho problemas a visualizar o dito via Firefox, especialmente na área de apostas! mais alguém têm?Jun 25 12:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jogos Santa Casa - Página Principal .::. Size~: 31.73 KBJun 25 12:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[creativecommons/@creativecommons] Vote now for your favorite 'Why Open Education Matters' video - #OERJun 25 12:19
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Vote now for your favorite Why Open Education Matters video - Creative Commons .::. Size~: 21.59 KBJun 25 12:19
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @ufa: Wikileaks revela que EUA sabiam da intenção de golpe no Paraguai: - via @luisnassifJun 25 12:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Wikileaks: os EUA sabiam do golpe | Brasilianas.Org .::. Size~: 240.22 KBJun 25 12:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fsfe/@fsfe] New Fellowship Interview with Bjarni Runar Einarsson on #PageKite: !gnu !freesoftwareJun 25 12:44
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Fellowship Interview with Bjarni Runar Einarsson «  Fellowship Interviews .::. Size~: 29.26 KBJun 25 12:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @telecomix: Dear Microsoft, is not a gambling site !fsJun 25 12:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Should we Start a Government as Platform Business Association - cool idea; #opensource, please... #ogovJun 25 12:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Dear Microsoft: is not a "gambling site" — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 30.11 KBJun 25 12:45
schestowitzjust got myself two pints of iced tea (which I made this morning), just need to add the actual ice once it thaws a bitJun 25 12:48
schestowitzany news?Jun 25 12:48
schestowitzquite on the linux frontJun 25 12:48
schestowitziophk: thanks for the links, I add thoseJun 25 12:48
schestowitzTechrights got tons of traffic this weekend, we got a major front pagerJun 25 12:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] "Proprietary security software is an oxymoron - if the user is not fundamentally in control of the software, the user has no security." #FSFJun 25 12:49
schestowitzinterview coming with libreoffice tooJun 25 12:49
iophkWhich TR post attracted the attention over the weekend?Jun 25 12:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Petróleo abaixo dos 80 dólares pela terceira sessão consecutiva - JNo #pt estamos a ser roubados descaradamente!Jun 25 12:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Petróleo abaixo dos 80 dólares pela terceira sessão consecutiva- Mercados - Jornal de negócios online .::. Size~: 90.64 KBJun 25 12:52
schestowitzOver at Reddit, my article made the top pick today, within just hoursJun 25 12:52
schestowitz 25 12:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Android Beats Oracle and Apple Patent Challenges : Android .::. Size~: 173.26 KBJun 25 12:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] #PioneerOne website reported as an attack page? Oh come on, #Hollywood, try harder! !ccJun 25 12:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: PIONEER ONE an original dramatic series for VODO. .::. Size~: 27.32 KBJun 25 12:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Listening to RBS fiasco being blamed on legacy systems dating back to the 70's. Would a copy of Windoze 7 help them at all? :-)Jun 25 13:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[linuxfoundation/@linuxfoundation] Q&A w/ Intel's Sarah Sharp w/ advice 4 newbies + funniest moment as a #Linux kernel developer 25 13:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Planning to take one of my new servers and have a bunch of VMs on them with different slicers like Skeinforge, Slic3r.... 25 13:04
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Planning to take one of my new servers and have a bunch of… .::. Size~: 128.66 KBJun 25 13:04
-->bluebomber (~michael@ has joined #techrightsJun 25 13:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Massive Top 100 #security #tips | Cyberwarzone 25 13:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Massive Top 100 security tips | Cyberwarzone .::. Size~: 123.81 KBJun 25 13:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #Japan Criminalizes Unauthorized Downloads, Making DVD Backups -- And Maybe Watching YouTube - insane #copyrightJun 25 13:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Japan Criminalizes Unauthorized Downloads, Making DVD Backups -- And Maybe Watching YouTube | Techdirt .::. Size~: 35.74 KBJun 25 13:09
iophkBYOD paves the way for Linux, first via Android.  Jun 25 13:12
iophk 25 13:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: In five years, the iPhone changed nearly everything - FierceMobileIT .::. Size~: 47.95 KBJun 25 13:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Should I Change My Password? #security #onlinetools ; also PwnedList security 25 13:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Should I Change My Password? | How Safe Is Your Password? .::. Size~: 10.19 KBJun 25 13:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: PwnedList .::. Size~: 18.32 KBJun 25 13:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] PS contesta nomeação de Arnaut para a REN- Política - JNo #osdonosdeportugal #politicosdetodasascores #poucavergonhaJun 25 13:19
TechrightsBot-trTitle: PS contesta nomeação de Arnaut para a REN- Política - Jornal de negócios online .::. Size~: 95.73 KBJun 25 13:19
MinceRin five years, the hypePhone changed the meaning of "smartphone" from "PDA/phone" to "featurephone with a touchscreen"Jun 25 13:21
MinceRin five years, the hypePhone made a phone that doesn't really work as a phone acceptableJun 25 13:21
schestowitzMinceR: so trueJun 25 13:23
schestowitzmy PDA does more than the Android 4.0  tabletJun 25 13:23
schestowitzTablets hardly have any copy and paste abilityJun 25 13:23
schestowitzdrekJun 25 13:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Internet of food: Arduino-based, urban #aquaponics in Oakland - YouTube #preppersJun 25 13:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jankusanagi/@jankusanagi] StressItOut v0.1 has been released. You can download it from Qt-apps . This overdue release fixes compilation with Qt v 25 13:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Internet of food: Arduino-based, urban aquaponics in Oakland       - YouTube .::. Size~: 163.09 KBJun 25 13:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: StressItOut v0.1 is out! «  Jan+KDE .::. Size~: 55.04 KBJun 25 13:24
MinceRbefore every smartphone looked like BlackBerries! oh yeah, like the Treo 180! wait, that came out before the crackberryJun 25 13:24
MinceRand then i didn't even mention the IBM SimonJun 25 13:25
iophk,0,7489412.storyJun 25 13:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Samsung says it will ship 10 million Galaxy S IIIs by July - .::. Size~: 196.3 KBJun 25 13:25
formic_my android has copy & pasteJun 25 13:26
formic_its not easy but it worksJun 25 13:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻@ladyniasan Over 60% of companies lobbying to get !ACTA ratified, missing from #EU #Transparency #Register. !copyfraudJun 25 13:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: / Institutional Affairs / EU lobbyist register gives incomplete picture .::. Size~: 47.68 KBJun 25 13:29
MinceRdo does mineJun 25 13:29
MinceRi think "calling a phone with no copy/paste a smartphone" is really a crApple/m$ thingJun 25 13:29
MinceRat least nowadaysJun 25 13:29
MinceRs/do do/so do/Jun 25 13:31
prurigroschestowitz: what's wrong with android 4 copy/paste?Jun 25 13:32
prurigrocopy and paste work great in both android and iOS at the moment for meJun 25 13:32
prurigroand what PDA for that matter?Jun 25 13:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] FFS! RT @trevortimm: Facebook just changed everyone’s email to without permission. Here’s how to fix it: 25 13:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] .@ChokePointP @cataspanglish see? this is *precisely* what I was talking about on the "Decentralisation" workshop at #loteJun 25 13:49
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Facebook Changed Everyone's Email to; Here's How to Fix It .::. Size~: 87.09 KBJun 25 13:49
formic_mincer - iOS has copy/pasteJun 25 13:50
formic_*and* antenna issue fixed tooJun 25 13:50
formic_might want to read the news more oftenJun 25 13:50
MinceRfor a long time the hypePhone was marketed as a "smartphone" while lacking copy/paste, which is what i was referring toJun 25 13:51
MinceRmight want to learn how to understand what people writeJun 25 13:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] ccbuhr: RT @NeelieKroesEU: Whether you're small co. buying ICT svces or citizen buying music:barriers in #Cloud mak 25 13:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] ccbuhr: RT @NeelieKroesEU: Where else will you see me on stage w Hugh Grant? MT @NewMediaForum: Final few hrs to re 25 13:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] ccbuhr: RT @NeelieKroesEU: Slow #broadband?Instead of complaining,this lady starting digging:blog on digital hero @ 25 13:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] ccbuhr: RT @NeelieKroesEU: Over 5 yrs, cloud boost = €200 billion, 800,000 jobs - in Germany alone. Need a Europe 25 13:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] ccbuhr: RT @DigitalAgendaEU: On 26/06, @NeelieKroesEU we ask stakeholders 2 help us identify obstacles that may li 25 13:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] ccbuhr: RT @ScraperWiki: ScraperWiki's Chief Data Scientist, Julian Todd, walks you through the holy grail of web s 25 13:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 0.13 KBJun 25 13:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 0.13 KBJun 25 13:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 0.13 KBJun 25 13:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 0.13 KBJun 25 13:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 0.13 KBJun 25 13:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 0.13 KBJun 25 13:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] Judges don't like it when you act like a " copyright troll " 25 13:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Fair use gets stronger—thanks, “What What (In the Butt)” | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 37.31 KBJun 25 13:54
-->ThistleWeb ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 13:55
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-->ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #techrightsJun 25 13:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Lights Over Lapland the Aurora #Borealis Experience on Vimeo #photography #video greeeeaaatttttJun 25 13:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Information on defending your digital privacy at the Israeli border, co-authored with @jonklinger 25 13:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] People, #Facebook does Man in the Middle attacks on your e-mail: #privacy #securityJun 25 13:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Lights Over Lapland the Aurora Borealis Experience on Vimeo .::. Size~: 32.66 KBJun 25 13:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Defending Privacy at the Israeli Border: Information for Travelers Carrying Digital Devices   | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 46.58 KBJun 25 13:55
formic_might want to stop pushing obsolete 'facts'Jun 25 13:56
formic_thats like telling people windows isn't y2k compliant because it wasn't in the pastJun 25 13:57
MinceRmight want to come to terms with cognitive dissonanceJun 25 13:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] "email addresses are free hence, we must all want one" FB 25 13:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More .::. Size~: 33.74 KBJun 25 13:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Facebook forces all users over to e-mail addresses | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 33.38 KBJun 25 13:57
formic_might want to stop being dishonest or people will stop listening to youJun 25 13:57
MinceRmight want to decide whether you're secure about having a hypePhone. if not, stop flaming about it. if yes, smugly shut up.Jun 25 13:58
formic_when you state facts that are obviously wrong, people will ignore everything you sayJun 25 13:58
MinceR"facts that are obviously wrong" -- citation needed.Jun 25 13:58
ThistleWebdavid ike 2.0 is here?Jun 25 13:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Panel Tomorrow: "Danger: Attempts to Change Internet Governance & Implications for Press Freedom" 10:30 EST. Tune in: 25 13:59
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] Facebook forces all users over to e- mail addresses 25 13:59
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Clear and Present Danger: Attempts to Change Internet Governance and Implications for Press Freedom | Center for International Media Assistance .::. Size~: 31.46 KBJun 25 13:59
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Facebook forces all users over to e-mail addresses | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 33.38 KBJun 25 13:59
formic_yeah, the copy pasta false infoJun 25 13:59
MinceRmight want to re-read that line, this time striving to understand what was actually saidJun 25 14:00
MinceRenglish is not difficult, you might want to learn it somedayJun 25 14:00
formic_for a way longer time, the hypephone has had copy pastaJun 25 14:00
formic_longer than it was lacking itJun 25 14:00
MinceRit was pushed as a "smartphone" when it did notJun 25 14:00
formic_where is the official definition of smartphone that i can look up that includes copy pasta?Jun 25 14:01
MinceRnot sure, but the fact is, nobody else marketed a phone so crippled as a "smartphone"Jun 25 14:01
MinceRexcept for m$Jun 25 14:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] If u find ur display e-mail has been hijacked by a ad, fret not a quick edit of the settings will let you restore a personal adJun 25 14:02
prurigroare you talking about windows CE?Jun 25 14:02
ThistleWebwindows comunity edition? ;)Jun 25 14:02
formic_the first smart phone is from the 70'sJun 25 14:02
MinceRno, i'm talking about windows phone 7Jun 25 14:03
formic_copy and paste wasn't even inventedJun 25 14:03
MinceRcitation neededJun 25 14:03
formic_ 25 14:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Smartphone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 342.6 KBJun 25 14:03
prurigroeveryone I've talked to with WP7 has raved abou itJun 25 14:03
MinceRalso, might want to notice that this isn't the 70sJun 25 14:03
formic_so?Jun 25 14:03
prurigrodoes it not include copy/pasta?Jun 25 14:03
MinceRcrApple might be still living in the 70s, but the rest of the world is notJun 25 14:03
MinceRprurigro: afaik it still has no copy/pasteJun 25 14:03
formic_nitpicking the name 'smartphone' when the defintion changes is not getting you any popularityJun 25 14:03
prurigroMinceR: no kidding- lemme confirm that for usJun 25 14:03
formic_heck, my android phone is called a "superphone"Jun 25 14:04
MinceRthe whole point was about "changing the definition"Jun 25 14:04
MinceRformic_: are you even trying to follow the conversation or just pick words or short phrases and rage?Jun 25 14:04
formic_im not raging, you areJun 25 14:04
MinceRcitation neededJun 25 14:04
formic_^^Jun 25 14:04
formic_citation neededJun 25 14:04
ThistleWeba smartphone is like an advisor in your pocket, chipping in with advice before you do something stppoid "no dumbass, don't call her now, wait until she'scalmed down a bit, I'll let you know when"Jun 25 14:05
MinceRlolJun 25 14:05
MinceRthat would be niceJun 25 14:05
prurigroai-phone?Jun 25 14:05
ThistleWeba pocket lothario feeding you linesJun 25 14:06
ThistleWeb"wait a minute until I disable logging, and put myself into fake profile mode before you enter the strip club"Jun 25 14:07
formic_ 25 14:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Nokia 9000 Communicator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 60.5 KBJun 25 14:07
formic_I wonder if this thing had the memory to handle copy & pasteJun 25 14:07
prurigroreal copy/paste doesn't take muchJun 25 14:08
prurigrothough modern implementations are a bit more bloatedJun 25 14:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] #MozParty round-up: "The weekend the world learned the web" 25 14:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The weekend the world learned the web  |  o p e n  m a t t .::. Size~: 23.81 KBJun 25 14:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Security advisories for Monday 25 14:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Security advisories for Monday [] .::. Size~: 9.13 KBJun 25 14:10
MinceRGEOS did copy/paste even on a C64, so chances are it did also on the communicatorJun 25 14:10
MinceRthen again, i don't know if that worked between applicationsJun 25 14:11
formic_google is guilty of making the term 'superphone'Jun 25 14:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Japan amends copyright law, enacting harsher enforcement measures. ISPs may use spyware to detect user activity. 25 14:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jail For File-Sharing Not Enough, Labels Want ISP-Level Spying Regime | TorrentFreak .::. Size~: 35.72 KBJun 25 14:12
formic_with the nexus oneJun 25 14:12
formic_its also a marketing term exclusive to androidJun 25 14:12
MinceRat least their platform isn't subparJun 25 14:13
prurigrolol, for a second there I read "at lest their platform isn't super"Jun 25 14:14
formic_I have Android and iOS, they both have advantages and disadvantages on each otherJun 25 14:14
prurigroand was like "wow, MinceR really had a change of heart"Jun 25 14:14
prurigroas a fellow user of both operating systems, I have to agree with formic_Jun 25 14:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Miami Heat Owner Sues Blogger & Google Over 'Unflattering' Photo - can I be the 281st person to say "streisand effect"Jun 25 14:15
formic_I definately wouldn't use Android for its podcast support or music, the flac app is winamp pro, or 'andless' which has a crap UI. VLC is coming but its still beta, and that still won't sync podcasts.Jun 25 14:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Miami Heat Owner Sues Blogger & Google Over 'Unflattering' Photo | Techdirt .::. Size~: 49.53 KBJun 25 14:15
prurigroandroid actually has awesome podcast support on that noteJun 25 14:16
formic_For everything but music, I'll use Android.Jun 25 14:16
prurigrodo you use google listen?Jun 25 14:16
formic_noJun 25 14:16
formic_whats google listen?Jun 25 14:16
prurigroits their podcast appJun 25 14:16
formic_does it sync with pc somehow?Jun 25 14:16
prurigroadd a rss feed and you can queue up a bunch which'll download itJun 25 14:16
prurigroem*Jun 25 14:16
formic_i'll listen to a podcast on the pc, sync, and take my device with me and resume where I left offJun 25 14:17
prurigroit doesn't need to sync with a PCJun 25 14:17
prurigroI think it *might* sync with google reader on that noteJun 25 14:17
prurigrobut I haven't played around too muchJun 25 14:17
formic_I guess I could use that and use line-in on my pcJun 25 14:18
prurigroword, line-in is sick-- +1 for pulseaudio on making that friendlier tooJun 25 14:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] The Economic #Collapse Is Not A Single Event #preppersJun 25 14:19
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] Next iPhone could help popularize NFC in the US #mobile #paymentsJun 25 14:19
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Economic Collapse Is Not A Single Event .::. Size~: 178.84 KBJun 25 14:19
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The next iPhone could help popularize NFC in the US | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 34.11 KBJun 25 14:19
MinceRdunno, my Archos came with a Music player that does play FLACJun 25 14:19
prurigroit might depend on what hardware codecs the chipset supportsJun 25 14:20
MinceRyes, it mightJun 25 14:20
MinceRthere might even be a hardware equalizer in thereJun 25 14:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] If you buy it, you should own it. That's why we're standing up for the #right2own – and you can too. 25 14:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Stand Up for Owners' Rights | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 37.45 KBJun 25 14:22
prurigrohopefully not enabled by defaultJun 25 14:23
MinceRit's set to Flat by defaultJun 25 14:25
prurigroMinceR: just checked with my WP7 owning friend and it does have copy/pastaJun 25 14:26
prurigroand good-- flat is def the way to go unless a track is lackingJun 25 14:26
MinceRmust be a newer versionJun 25 14:26
prurigroI dunno, she only got it a month or so agoJun 25 14:26
MinceRin the beginning they were all like "copy/paste is totally unnecessary in our system, because it's so smart"Jun 25 14:26
ThistleWebcopy / paste arrived with an update many months after it's first release and it was widely mocked for not having itJun 25 14:27
prurigroie: its not ready yet and we want to make it sound like a good thingJun 25 14:27
MinceR:>Jun 25 14:27
ThistleWebmango?Jun 25 14:27
MinceRi thought they didn't even intend to have itJun 25 14:27
prurigromarketing people ftwJun 25 14:27
ThistleWebdunno, but they tried to play it down after folks pointed it out and mocked them for itJun 25 14:28
MinceR"7.0.7390 "NoDo" added CDMA support, Copy and Paste, fast application startup, and deeper Facebook Integration"Jun 25 14:28
ThistleWebeventually they tried the "it was always part of the plan, it's in the update" cardJun 25 14:28
prurigroyum, facebook integrationJun 25 14:28
prurigrothe thing pushing me away from iOS6Jun 25 14:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] What's .Google want with 101 new .domains, anyway? 25 14:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: What's .Google want with 101 new .domains, anyway? | Internet & Media - CNET News .::. Size~: 98.31 KBJun 25 14:29
ThistleWebI suspect the phone was rushed out kinda feature bare, to get some sales, and they planned on adding in some basic features later with updatesJun 25 14:29
ThistleWebcopy paste just happened to be noticed and mockedJun 25 14:29
MinceRi don't get how that was supposed to workJun 25 14:29
MinceRwhen several major versions earlier they had properly working copy/pasteJun 25 14:30
MinceR(in wince/pocketpc/winmobile)Jun 25 14:30
prurigrothey did a redesign didn't they?Jun 25 14:30
prurigroall new OS more strictly designed around touch?Jun 25 14:31
MinceRyupJun 25 14:31
MinceRa redesign that made the OS worse in every single respect except touchscreen supportJun 25 14:31
MinceR(iirc wm didn't have support for multitouch)Jun 25 14:32
prurigroI heard winCE was horrible and that windows phone is pretty slick?Jun 25 14:32
ThistleWebI hear wp7 is actaully ok, the prob they have, is that there's little interest from folks who have already sold on android & ios, and that microsoft are trying to sell it as a premium "copy apple" modelJun 25 14:33
MinceRwm5 was actually somewhat capable, except for alarms and stabilityJun 25 14:33
MinceRafaik wp7 is really crippled even nowJun 25 14:33
MinceRit's just m$ trying to do ios all over againJun 25 14:34
ThistleWebthey're trying to sell an average if competent phone at apple prices, with apple restrictions, when it's a newcomer to the whole game, with an untrendy image and little user tractionJun 25 14:34
ThistleWebapple get away with all the lock down and restrictions because they have a fantastic product, they can charge huge premiums for the same reasonJun 25 14:34
ThistleWebmicrosoft are trying to do all the same stuff, with an average product and little reason to buyJun 25 14:34
MinceRapple gets away with the lockdown and restrictions because they are fashionableJun 25 14:35
ThistleWebwhere they could nail a lot of folks, is a super long length batteryJun 25 14:35
ThistleWebexact;yJun 25 14:35
MinceRm$ apparently thought they're fashionable because their products are so crippledJun 25 14:35
MinceRapparently that's not the whole deal after all :>Jun 25 14:35
ThistleWebthey've confused a large market share because customers can't choose anything else, and a huge market share because folks see other products and opt to buy what they likeJun 25 14:36
formic_facebook in ios6 is evilJun 25 14:37
formic_its like citytv, its everywhereJun 25 14:37
MinceRfacebook is fashionable tooJun 25 14:37
ThistleWebapple are one of the few companies on the planet who can thrive with vastly inflated premium pricesJun 25 14:37
MinceRplus it's not google, so apple is in love with them nowJun 25 14:37
formic_daemonfc is amusing, he uses opera mobile which has access to system logs & phone recordsJun 25 14:38
MinceRsaid the iOS userJun 25 14:39
formic_another friend of mine uses facebook on his android, and beause phonebook sync is turned off in the app itself he thinks its not using its permissions to copy his phone stuffJun 25 14:39
prurigroandroid accesses your junk tooJun 25 14:39
formic_said the iOS/android userJun 25 14:40
prurigrofacebook crashes if you disable its access to your phonebookJun 25 14:40
prurigroI've triedJun 25 14:40
prurigro(on android)Jun 25 14:40
prurigroon iOS it doesn't crashJun 25 14:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] #internet - DOMO :: Blog :: How Much #Data is Created Every Minute? almost all of that powered by #gnulinux and #bsdJun 25 14:40
prurigrobecause the way apple did the permissions model doesn't require the app requesting permissions to have access to literally functionJun 25 14:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: DOMO :: Blog ::   How Much Data is Created Every Minute? .::. Size~: 14.97 KBJun 25 14:40
prurigroon both OS' you need to hack to disable app access to your personal stuffJun 25 14:42
formic_how dare!Jun 25 14:42
MinceRdoes iOS even enforce the permissions or do they only check them when approving for the crApp Store?Jun 25 14:43
prurigroiOS heavily enforces an access model that allows apps access only to their own info and a very specific subset of the phone infoJun 25 14:43
formic_sandboxing?Jun 25 14:44
prurigroyou can install a jailbreak tweak to have them ask permission each time, and which allows you to deny accessJun 25 14:44
prurigroyea, via sandboxJun 25 14:44
ThistleWebspeaking of permissions, I've noticed a disturbing trend in android apps, where they want to see your confidential data & contact people in your contacts without your permission.......for providing benign read only services, like football score updatesJun 25 14:44
prurigroandroid gives apps way more access, but tells users what they're accessing on install-- if an app requires a permission in android it'll die withoutJun 25 14:45
MinceRicJun 25 14:45
prurigroThistleWeb: that's totally a business model for a huge % of free appsJun 25 14:45
prurigroI dislike both setupsJun 25 14:45
prurigroI also dislike the native cloud sync for your apps both android and ios enable by defaultJun 25 14:46
formic_actually i had to wipe my android recently cause of something i downloadedJun 25 14:47
prurigrooh?Jun 25 14:47
formic_some app started notifying me i won an ipad2Jun 25 14:48
formic_no traces of it in  the running processesJun 25 14:48
formic_anti-virus didnt even pick it upJun 25 14:48
formic_so i restored a backup i made in aprilJun 25 14:48
prurigroyou sure it wasn't a txt message?Jun 25 14:48
prurigroor was this your tab?Jun 25 14:48
formic_yeah, android tablet, not my phoneJun 25 14:48
prurigroword, scary lolJun 25 14:48
formic_ 25 14:49
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Red star in notification area .::. Size~: 63.67 KBJun 25 14:49
formic_same as this ^^Jun 25 14:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Big Corporations Are Gathering Every Shred Of Information About You... Apple: Big Brother Incarnate 25 14:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Data Mining: Big Corporations Are Gathering Every Shred Of Information About You That They Can And Selling It For Profit .::. Size~: 186.51 KBJun 25 14:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Apple: Big Brother Incarnate (Part I) - CollapseNet Blogs | CollapseNet .::. Size~: 17.09 KBJun 25 14:50
<--jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jun 25 14:57
-->jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsJun 25 14:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Why my child will be your child's boss - CBS #Switzerland reminds me this #preppersJun 25 15:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Why my child will be your child's boss - CBS News .::. Size~: 119.19 KBJun 25 15:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Lessons of My Father:  "Depussification" by Nutnfancy       - YouTube .::. Size~: 176.95 KBJun 25 15:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] think Fakebooze ♻ @hgfernan: Facebook ? What's that ? ;)Jun 25 15:05
formic_prurigro: google listen uses google reader for subscriptions :(Jun 25 15:07
formic_Eric Schmidt knows what conspiracy show I listened to last summer...Jun 25 15:08
prurigrolol, is that a bad thing?Jun 25 15:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fsf/@fsf] #Microsoft's gambling problem fixed... mostly: !fsf !gnuJun 25 15:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] FreeRangeKids #bushcraft #preppersJun 25 15:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Dear Microsoft: is not a "gambling site" — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 30.61 KBJun 25 15:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: FreeRangeKids .::. Size~: 89.21 KBJun 25 15:10
-->DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJun 25 15:11
formic_he did go to bilderburgJun 25 15:11
formic_dude, it also reads phone state and identity infoJun 25 15:12
formic_ 25 15:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Listen - Android Apps on Google Play .::. Size~: 104.06 KBJun 25 15:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Kernel boot command-line parameter reference: Chapter 9 - Linux Kernel in a Nutshell - O'Reilly Media #gnulinux #tipsJun 25 15:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Industrial-strength Linux lockdown, Part 2: Executing only signed binaries #hardening #gnulinux #tipsJun 25 15:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Kernel boot command-line parameter reference: Chapter 9 - Linux Kernel in a Nutshell - O'Reilly Media .::. Size~: 143.81 KBJun 25 15:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Industrial-strength Linux lockdown, Part 2: Executing only signed binaries .::. Size~: 59.09 KBJun 25 15:12
formic_fsck.reiserfs thatJun 25 15:12
<--iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 25 15:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[linuxfoundation/@linuxfoundation] Today's featured T-shirt contest design finalist: @andohc w/ a Tux mosaic of distro logos. Vote: 25 15:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - .::. Size~: 11.39 KBJun 25 15:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Pettenò: Debunking x32 myths 25 15:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Pettenò: Debunking x32 myths [] .::. Size~: 8.23 KBJun 25 15:20
formic_however, my tablet doesnt even have a phone, so maybe Jun 25 15:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Xfce Minimal Installation on Squeeze - #Debian - e-Notes #lowspecbox #gnulinuxJun 25 15:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Xfce Minimal Installation on Squeeze - Debian - e-Notes .::. Size~: 11.88 KBJun 25 15:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] !tzag and Good afternoon ! ... it's a beautiful *seasonal* 17.8 °C in Southern Ontario at 3:15 p.m.Jun 25 15:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] #Debian User Forums • View topic - Perfect #Xfce desktop install #lowspecbox #gnulinuxJun 25 15:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Debian User Forums • View topic - Perfect Xfce desktop install .::. Size~: 53.21 KBJun 25 15:30
<--bluebomber has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 25 15:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Linux: #Debian NetInstall: instalação personalizada [Artigo] #lowspecbox #gnulinuxJun 25 15:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Linux: Debian NetInstall: instalação personalizada [Artigo] .::. Size~: 45.83 KBJun 25 15:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Great interview with CEO of, an independent ISP committed to protecting users' data. 25 15:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: CEO Of Internet Provider We Delete User Logs After Two Weeks. Your Internet Provider Should, Too. - Forbes .::. Size~: 74.9 KBJun 25 15:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] .@kyrah404 I think that's "stupid Flanders" neighbourlyJun 25 15:50
<--nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Jun 25 15:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mrdenticator/@mrdenticator] Yesterday top #statustician is sandersch from with 127 dents!Jun 25 15:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] wow, great post! ♻ @brettcsmith: Kudos to maddog for publishing this: 25 16:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: In Honor of Alan Turing: A message from the sponsor - Linux Magazine Online .::. Size~: 64.03 KBJun 25 16:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Computer security research at risk in European Parliament: #infosecJun 25 16:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Coders' Rights At Risk in the European Parliament | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 39.5 KBJun 25 16:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fsf/@fsf] #ThankGNU, Robert L. McDonald! !gnu !fsfJun 25 16:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Thank GNUs 2012 - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation .::. Size~: 13.6 KBJun 25 16:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Donate to the FSF - Free Software Foundation .::. Size~: 31.03 KBJun 25 16:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] is public performance propagation or conveyance? ♻ @tekk: @arnebab you put songs under the gpl? how does that work?Jun 25 16:39
DaemonFCformic_: How long do you figure it'll be before the US government dumps "bath salts" into the drinking water of a city somewhereJun 25 16:39
DaemonFCand blames it on terroristsJun 25 16:39
formic_after their done with lithiumJun 25 16:44
DaemonFCI'm not sure that it's really even drugsJun 25 16:46
DaemonFCformic_: I think we might have run out of deep fried raccoon asshole on a stickJun 25 16:46
DaemonFCand people are starting to want to eat cops for their high fat contentJun 25 16:47
DaemonFC 25 16:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Brandon DeLeon, High On Cloud 9 Bath Salts And Four Loko, Tries To Bite Police: Report (VIDEO) .::. Size~: 358.88 KBJun 25 16:47
DaemonFCnext you'll hear about some cop getting his big fat cop ass chewed offJun 25 16:47
formic_lolJun 25 16:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3 25 17:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3 [] .::. Size~: 8.32 KBJun 25 17:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Reshared post from Steven Vaughan-Nichols 25 17:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Facebook does it to its users again. This time, without a… .::. Size~: 142.28 KBJun 25 17:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Help Us Shape Our Strategy for Intellectual Property Enforcement - USians: an offer you can't refuse (v @digiphile)Jun 25 17:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Help Us Shape Our Strategy for Intellectual Property Enforcement | The White House .::. Size~: 59.25 KBJun 25 17:17
DaemonFCformic_: 25 17:19
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJun 25 17:19
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Senators Call for Increased Transparency, Including Broader Consultation on Internet Freedom - #TPP #ACTAJun 25 17:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: With Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations Set to Continue in California Next Week, Senators Call for Increased Transparency, Including Broader Consultation on Internet Freedom .::. Size~: 35.59 KBJun 25 17:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #ca Fed Court Says No #Copyright Infringement For Linking, Posting Several Paragraphs from Article - necessary winsJun 25 17:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Michael Geist - Cdn Fed Court Says No Copyright Infringement For Linking, Posting Several Paragraphs from Article .::. Size~: 55.87 KBJun 25 17:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @fontana even though public performance might enable other parties to make copies, e.g. by recording the song?Jun 25 17:29
DaemonFC 25 17:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Funny Pictures at WalMart First Day Of Summer .::. Size~: 49.59 KBJun 25 17:29
formic_lol i love that siteJun 25 17:31
formic_im gonna make peopleofhamilton.comJun 25 17:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Forscher fordern Grundrechte für Menschenaffen - I agree: "Sie sind wie wir"Jun 25 17:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Grundrechte für Menschenaffen wie Gorillas und Schimpansen - SPIEGEL ONLINE .::. Size~: 70.75 KBJun 25 17:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Some Facts & Insights Into The Whole Discussion Of 'Ethics' And Music Business Models - lots of crucial pointsJun 25 17:34
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Some Facts & Insights Into The Whole Discussion Of 'Ethics' And Music Business Models | Techdirt .::. Size~: 232.15 KBJun 25 17:34
MinceRgnJun 25 17:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] Happy Birthday George Orwell 25 17:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - .::. Size~: 11.24 KBJun 25 17:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @_tomash: 2nd turn of @MusicRageorg ended selling 1425 packs and gaining over $9000. Congrats and waiting for next one!Jun 25 17:59
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] .@petewearspants @nclarkjudd these days freedom and privacy are dismantled one #facebook visibility setting at a time.Jun 25 18:00
<--oddpuck has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 25 18:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Nano Patents and Innovations: Eat Slowly And Reduce Diabetes Risk #healthJun 25 18:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Nano Patents and Innovations: Eat Slowly And Reduce Diabetes Risk .::. Size~: 255.75 KBJun 25 18:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] If the European Parliament rejects #ACTA next week, will it actually go away? Maybe not. 25 18:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: If Europe rejects ACTA, will it actually go away? | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 40.01 KBJun 25 18:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] RD @eff If the European Parliament rejects #ACTA next week, will it actually go away? Maybe not. 25 18:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: If Europe rejects ACTA, will it actually go away? | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 40.01 KBJun 25 18:07
DaemonFC 25 18:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jedi believer wins apology from Jobcentre after being kicked out for wearing a hood  | Mail Online .::. Size~: 171 KBJun 25 18:07
formic_WeirdJun 25 18:12
formic_I remember Luke often didn't wear his hoodieJun 25 18:12
formic_And all the Jedi in the new moviesJun 25 18:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] How NatWest's IT meltdown developed 25 18:19
TechrightsBot-trTitle: How NatWest's IT meltdown developed | Technology | .::. Size~: 243.98 KBJun 25 18:19
formic_DaemonFC: Have you used google music for android? Works greatJun 25 18:21
formic_I just tested it with m4aJun 25 18:21
DaemonFCuhhhmJun 25 18:21
DaemonFCnopeJun 25 18:21
formic_Should be fine with flac and no license fees Jun 25 18:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fsf/@fsf] Thank you to #Trisquel, #gNewSense, and Free Software Corsica for joining with the !FSF to stop Restricted Boot: 25 18:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Stand up for your freedom to install free software — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 43.96 KBJun 25 18:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] Nice to see you, @marjoleink ... it's been quite a while!Jun 25 18:29
<--jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jun 25 18:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Scientists crack RSA SecurID 800 tokens, steal cryptographic keys 25 18:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Scientists crack RSA SecurID 800 tokens, steal cryptographic keys | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 39.04 KBJun 25 18:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[pietercolpaert/@pietercolpaert] RT @ pietercolpaert: @swersanne Hé Anne, heb je geen goesting in een mega-wijs project ;)Jun 25 19:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[pietercolpaert/@pietercolpaert] RT @ pietercolpaert: @swersanne We doen 3 weken #iSoc12 waar studenten projecten uitwerken voor betere wereld. Zin om die bu http://ur1. ...Jun 25 19:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[pietercolpaert/@pietercolpaert] RT @ pietercolpaert: @Sander_R_ wat weet je van iRail?Jun 25 19:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[pietercolpaert/@pietercolpaert] RT @ pietercolpaert: @hannesvdvreken my bar would be called pubsubpub @wimremesJun 25 19:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[pietercolpaert/@pietercolpaert] RT @ pietercolpaert: @sandervdm Verdorie toch. Met te veel werk in Brussel blijven hangen :( /cc @annabelle__sJun 25 19:05
DaemonFC 25 19:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Mao Sugiyama Cooks, Serves Own Genitals At Banquet In Tokyo (GRAPHIC PHOTOS) .::. Size~: 348.74 KBJun 25 19:06
schestowitzDaemonFC: good siteJun 25 19:06
schestowitz 25 19:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Funny Pictures at WalMart .::. Size~: 24.66 KBJun 25 19:06
schestowitzI bet the Waltons don't like the siteJun 25 19:06
schestowitz 25 19:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Funny Pictures at WalMart Leave A Comment To Win! .::. Size~: 366.87 KBJun 25 19:07
schestowitz"People of Walmart: Shop & Awe..."Jun 25 19:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] Wait, I am so confused - is #nuclear power good or bad, then? And is #Iran good or evil? !lol #usaJun 25 19:09
DaemonFCschestowitz: Because it shows the kind of trailer trash that shops there?Jun 25 19:09
DaemonFCeveryone who has ever been to a Walmart has seen thatJun 25 19:09
schestowitzonly thoseJun 25 19:09
schestowitzit doesn't show the FarmersJun 25 19:09
<--Diablo-D3 has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)Jun 25 19:10
schestowitzI have always thought rhe term "white trash" is very racist in thr Jun 25 19:11
schestowitz*the USJun 25 19:11
DaemonFC 25 19:11
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Funny Pictures at WalMart Crackin’ Backs .::. Size~: 82.4 KBJun 25 19:11
schestowitzbecause it lends to the idea that "brown people" are trash by defaultJun 25 19:11
schestowitzand then there's white, and white trashJun 25 19:11
schestowitzewwwJun 25 19:11
schestowitzI didn't need to see THATJun 25 19:12
schestowitzMaybe it's like the sagging pants, which inmates use as a sign they're ready for buttsecks in jailJun 25 19:12
schestowitz"Jun 25 19:12
schestowitzI’d hit that….Jun 25 19:12
schestowitzwith a 2×4Jun 25 19:12
schestowitz"Jun 25 19:12
schestowitz"dude or chick?"Jun 25 19:13
schestowitz"That’s no crack…it’s a fissure."Jun 25 19:13
scientesschestowitz, yeah both "white trash" and "cracker" are racial slursJun 25 19:13
DaemonFC 25 19:13
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Funny Pictures at WalMart Pretty Pretty Princess .::. Size~: 82.56 KBJun 25 19:13
DaemonFC 25 19:14
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Funny Pictures at WalMart Heaven & Hell .::. Size~: 64.22 KBJun 25 19:14
DaemonFC 25 19:14
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Funny Pictures at WalMart Pac Attack .::. Size~: 91.48 KBJun 25 19:14
DaemonFC 25 19:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Funny Pictures at WalMart Ass Like That .::. Size~: 121.13 KBJun 25 19:16
DaemonFC 25 19:16
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Funny Pictures at WalMart Apply Now! .::. Size~: 57.02 KBJun 25 19:16
DaemonFCLOLJun 25 19:16
schestowitzHeheJun 25 19:16
schestowitzI was eatingJun 25 19:16
schestowitzAlmost blew it at the keyboard a few timesJun 25 19:16
schestowitzhehe... "pac attack"Jun 25 19:17
schestowitzaka crap suitcaseJun 25 19:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] ♺ @unseenstudio: #Crivins leaves it's teenage years behind with episode 20 - the #Mageia special wi Seb & Colin #ccmusicJun 25 19:17
<--ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jun 25 19:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Crivins Episode 20 | Unseen Studio Audiocasts .::. Size~: 25.55 KBJun 25 19:17
schestowitz"Her ass cheeks are eating her stretchy pants pockets."Jun 25 19:18
DaemonFC 25 19:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Funny Pictures at WalMart No Return To Innocence .::. Size~: 48.29 KBJun 25 19:18
schestowitz 25 19:19
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Funny Pictures at WalMart Random Photos .::. Size~: 29.84 KBJun 25 19:19
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] Seems like #OECD should send observers to upcoming #US elections: 25 19:24
scientesschestowitz, you hadn't seen that site before?Jun 25 19:24
DaemonFCthat site is enough to make you go....Jun 25 19:25
DaemonFC"I think I'll just have a few saltine crackers instead"Jun 25 19:25
*DaemonFC should have warned schestowitzJun 25 19:25
DaemonFCthat one where the Japanese guy let people eat his penis was the worst of the bunchJun 25 19:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] "We think the prohibition of some drugs is creating more problems to society than the drug itself" go, Uruguay! 25 19:29
DaemonFCmaybe because it had photos if his penis and balls in a plastic bag all cut up and ready to cookJun 25 19:29
DaemonFCblood and allJun 25 19:29
DaemonFCeeeeeJun 25 19:29
*DaemonFC shuddersJun 25 19:29
DaemonFC*ofJun 25 19:29
DaemonFCschestowitz: What's even more bizarre is that someone paid $100,000 to eat thatJun 25 19:30
<--tsloughter has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jun 25 19:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] "#Siri Really Speaks Chinese, Just Don’t Ask Her About Tiananmen" #Apple #CrappleJun 25 19:30
-->tsloughter ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 19:31
schestowitzewwwJun 25 19:32
schestowitzsave me the detailsJun 25 19:32
schestowitzhe could just eat a normal cockJun 25 19:32
schestowitz3 quid at Aldi... with bonesJun 25 19:32
DaemonFCI know right?Jun 25 19:32
schestowitzyou eat cockJun 25 19:32
DaemonFCthough most people who showed up just had the crocodileJun 25 19:32
schestowitzof both kinddsJun 25 19:33
schestowitzthe animal also..Jun 25 19:33
DaemonFCmmmmmmmm, cockJun 25 19:33
schestowitzthat's croc!Jun 25 19:33
<--tessier has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)Jun 25 19:33
DaemonFCyou know if you spice it just right....maybe deep fry itJun 25 19:33
DaemonFCchicken, talking about CHICKENJun 25 19:33
DaemonFCpervertJun 25 19:33
DaemonFC:PJun 25 19:33
schestowitzthe cock knife helps separate the wingsJun 25 19:33
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DaemonFCschestowitz: The worst part about it is that it was Asian cock, so you're just going to be hungry again in an hour anywayJun 25 19:35
DaemonFC:)Jun 25 19:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] That's blatant !copyright infringement and #NASA should pay exorbitant (pun intended) amount of money to #Disney! 25 19:35
schestowitz:/Jun 25 19:35
schestowitzsmall cocks are a bad thingJun 25 19:36
schestowitzfor girls, it's less of a problem... until delivery of a babyJun 25 19:36
<--libertybox_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jun 25 19:36
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DaemonFCyou'd think that we'd be evolving towards bigger and bigger cocksJun 25 19:36
DaemonFCI mean, at least based on female preferenceJun 25 19:37
schestowitzaaaaJun 25 19:37
schestowitznaaaJun 25 19:37
schestowitzhad a chat about it todayJun 25 19:37
scientesgaaah!Jun 25 19:37
*DaemonFC wonders if the federal government is studying that yetJun 25 19:37
schestowitzhow c-sections make us dependent on themJun 25 19:37
scientesschestowitz, yepJun 25 19:37
schestowitzwomen pass their genes that would have killed the mother at birth some hundreds of years agoJun 25 19:37
scientesbut that is pretty controversial stuff.....Jun 25 19:37
schestowitzand people no longer selecting based on stuff we 'cure'Jun 25 19:37
scientesand also not neccicarily very sure science, its more hypothesis than anythingJun 25 19:38
schestowitzbracers and retainers alsoJun 25 19:38
schestowitzstill in the DNAJun 25 19:38
-->kari_ ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 19:38
scientescause there is a hell of alot of multi-generational complexity to DNAJun 25 19:38
schestowitzi started with..Jun 25 19:38
scientesthat isn't actually stored in the DNA sequence itsselfJun 25 19:38
schestowitzif mixed couples lead to varying baby sized too bigJun 25 19:38
-->abeNd-org (~KKlenke@ has joined #techrightsJun 25 19:38
DaemonFCschestowitz: I had a couple extra teeth that I had to have pulledJun 25 19:38
DaemonFCthat was just weirdJun 25 19:39
schestowitzTyrese is black and his sister had a 10-pound babyJun 25 19:39
<--kari has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)Jun 25 19:39
DaemonFCthat's in addition to the wisdom teeth of courseJun 25 19:39
schestowitzso you're ok nowJun 25 19:39
DaemonFCyepJun 25 19:39
schestowitzto pass genesJun 25 19:39
DaemonFCnahJun 25 19:39
schestowitzactually, I'm being told I'm "to big"Jun 25 19:39
DaemonFCunless science figures that one out tooJun 25 19:40
schestowitzto the point where it hurts rather than is always pleasurable, but I can deal with that :-)Jun 25 19:40
DaemonFCyou just need to look aroundJun 25 19:40
DaemonFCmaybe put it on your eharmony profileJun 25 19:40
DaemonFCWarning: Third leg!Jun 25 19:40
DaemonFC:)Jun 25 19:40
schestowitzheheJun 25 19:40
schestowitzmade that joke some days ago.. or last nightJun 25 19:41
schestowitzbetter too big then too smallJun 25 19:41
schestowitz*thanJun 25 19:41
DaemonFCOr you could post a tweet offering to do the same thing that Japanese guy didJun 25 19:42
DaemonFConly for $200,000Jun 25 19:42
schestowitzewwwJun 25 19:42
schestowitzstop it..Jun 25 19:42
schestowitz!google weatherman size dickJun 25 19:42
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Weatherman Compares Snowfall to Size of his Dick - College Humor | 25 19:42
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Pete Bouchard: The Biggest Weatherman In The Biz (VIDEO) | 25 19:42
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Local Weatherman References His Manhood In Describing Snow ... | 25 19:42
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Weatherman Drops A Dick Joke – Banned In Hollywood | 25 19:42
DaemonFC"Hey, sure it's twice as expensive, but you get three times as much!"Jun 25 19:42
DaemonFCyou make up for it in volumeJun 25 19:42
schestowitzthe buyer had scrambles eggs that nightJun 25 19:43
schestowitzand then he took a crapJun 25 19:43
schestowitzewwwJun 25 19:43
schestowitzthat's just so disgustingJun 25 19:43
schestowitzcannibalism on auction even as legal?Jun 25 19:44
schestowitz!google munster cannibalJun 25 19:44
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Sebastian Munster - Woodcut Images | 25 19:44
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - 'Munsters' Reboot Pilot Features Cannibals & Ancient Shapeshifters ... | 25 19:44
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Vanilla Ice - Mudd Munster Lyrics | 25 19:44
DaemonFCschestowitz: 25 19:44
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Weather Penis       - YouTube .::. Size~: 147.85 KBJun 25 19:44
DaemonFCthat one is betterJun 25 19:44
schestowitzhey, I figured out a joke today...Jun 25 19:44
schestowitzWhy don't jewish people eat pigs? That would be cannibalism ;-pJun 25 19:45
DaemonFCMuslims tooJun 25 19:45
schestowitzyeahJun 25 19:45
schestowitzfaithsJun 25 19:45
schestowitzgo figureJun 25 19:45
schestowitzit figures, donnit?Jun 25 19:45
DaemonFCreligion and dietJun 25 19:46
DaemonFCit's like religion and hatsJun 25 19:46
schestowitzToday I passed by Church of ScientologyJun 25 19:46
DaemonFCCarlin joked about thatJun 25 19:46
schestowitzBanned in Wikipedia nowJun 25 19:46
schestowitzThey have some desks where they sell their BSJun 25 19:46
schestowitzSaw it from the outside in ManchesterJun 25 19:46
DaemonFCoh well, more bacon for meJun 25 19:46
schestowitzThey havr something like "soul... thetan" on the front windowsJun 25 19:46
schestowitzThen I thought, why is this legal?Jun 25 19:46
schestowitzSurely a scamJun 25 19:46
schestowitzBut then I thoughtJun 25 19:47
schestowitzThey don't ban churches, do they?Jun 25 19:47
DaemonFCthey can say whatever they want because it's a "religion"Jun 25 19:47
DaemonFC"religion" = exempt from false claims lawsJun 25 19:47
schestowitzThey're all scams, but like rich robbers they have enough power to legalise their criminal behaviourJun 25 19:47
schestowitztax evasion, mass deceit...Jun 25 19:47
schestowitz!google chiropractors try to become religionJun 25 19:48
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Where is God in Chiropractic? | Chiropractic Blogs | 25 19:48
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Chiropractary | 25 19:48
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Chiropractic promotions - bogus tests, false claims, and testimonials | 25 19:48
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Daniel David Palmer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | 25 19:48
DaemonFCschestowitz: They use religion as a smoke screen to sell you shit and make tons of tax free moneyJun 25 19:48
DaemonFCtelevangelists do it all the timeJun 25 19:48
schestowitzyeahJun 25 19:48
schestowitzcalling yourself "religion" imminises you from this thing called "common sense" and law of the landJun 25 19:48
schestowitzto some people, it's Ok to conflate culture and heritage with religionJun 25 19:49
DaemonFCschestowitz: If a person has no bullshit filter, they will not stop at religionJun 25 19:49
schestowitzbut that's wrong. History is history, but bad ideas and myths are notJun 25 19:49
DaemonFCthey'll get sucked into ponzi scamsJun 25 19:49
DaemonFCand other stuff like thatJun 25 19:49
schestowitzor placebosJun 25 19:49
DaemonFCI need to go to the store and get some sunburn creamJun 25 20:01
DaemonFCthis burn is getting really irritatingJun 25 20:01
*DaemonFC hasn't had a sunburn in yearsJun 25 20:01
<--DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jun 25 20:06
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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Why We Fork aptosid :: :: #debian based live cd development 25 20:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Why We Fork aptosid :: :: debian based live cd development .::. Size~: 22.38 KBJun 25 20:29
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DaemonFCthey did have sunburn lotion at the dollar store.... yayJun 25 20:50
DaemonFCevil evil sunJun 25 20:50
*DaemonFC starts a religion where the sun is evilJun 25 20:50
DaemonFCschestowitz: I have an MSNTV box that I got at an auction yesterdayJun 25 20:55
DaemonFCan RCA RM2100 with 8 MB of RAM and a MIPS processorJun 25 20:55
DaemonFCI didn't bid on it, it was part of a lotJun 25 20:55
DaemonFCany suggestions on what to do with it?Jun 25 20:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Wikipedia's @jimmy_wales opposes extradition of UK teen Richard O'Dwyer to US on weak copyright charges. 25 21:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jimmy Wales: Richard O'Dwyer and the new internet war | Comment is free | The Guardian .::. Size~: 227.17 KBJun 25 21:02
<--pidgin_log has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 25 21:09
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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Is Stuxnet an act of war? 25 21:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Is Stuxnet an act of war? /  Jerry Brito .::. Size~: 16.61 KBJun 25 21:35
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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Are Patent Wars Worth the Price Tag? 25 21:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Are Patent Wars Worth the Price Tag? - Slashdot .::. Size~: 218.17 KBJun 25 21:47
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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] #USTR Gives #MPAA Full Online Access To #TPP Text, But Still Won't Share With Senate Staffers 25 21:49
TechrightsBot-trTitle: USTR Gives MPAA Full Online Access To TPP Text, But Still Won't Share With Senate Staffers | Techdirt .::. Size~: 68.92 KBJun 25 21:49
<--MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Jun 25 22:08
DaemonFCschestowitz: Did I mention the county commissioner that is under a sexual harassment investigation by the Indiana State Police?Jun 25 22:08
DaemonFC:)Jun 25 22:08
DaemonFCHe told a woman that worked for him cleaning some of his offices and rental properties that if she was "REALLY nice to him" that he would "take [her] to Big Lots" and "get [her] some nice stuff"Jun 25 22:09
DaemonFCPENIS SCANDAL!!! woohooJun 25 22:09
DaemonFCthese pricks spend year after year fucking Huntington County over and driving employers and the tax paying residents away....Jun 25 22:10
DaemonFCwhen do we start caring?Jun 25 22:10
DaemonFCoh right, when one of them slaps the cleaning lady on the ass and says he'll take her to Big LotsJun 25 22:10
DaemonFCapparently....Jun 25 22:10
DaemonFCthis is tragic Jun 25 22:11
DaemonFCthis is what happens when society punishes "moral charges" more severely than actual crimesJun 25 22:12
DaemonFClike bribery and graftJun 25 22:13
DaemonFCevery once in a while if one of them won't play ball, they're "taken care of"Jun 25 22:13
DaemonFCthat's when you start hearing about a congressman with a freezer full of $100 billsJun 25 22:14
DaemonFCthey all do it, you only get to hear about it when the people bribing them have gone too far and they won't play ball anymoreJun 25 22:14
DaemonFC 25 22:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Rupert for Governor .::. Size~: 85.23 KBJun 25 22:20
DaemonFCdecided to vote for him this yearJun 25 22:20
DaemonFCthe Democrat and the Republican are both the same thingJun 25 22:20
DaemonFC 25 22:53
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Press Release: Sabayon Linux 9 | Sabayon | Home .::. Size~: 41.65 KBJun 25 22:53
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DaemonFC 25 23:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Netrunner 4.2 Dryland – Second Edition released .::. Size~: 110.88 KBJun 25 23:00
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<--DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jun 25 23:05
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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @tekk I'm pretty sure there were suspicious of reverse engineering for purposes of wire compatibilityJun 25 00:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] I am reminded of that famous Barry #Commoner essay that is cited as evidence of folly of ignoring #collectiveaction problemsJun 25 00:30
*oddball33 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 25 00:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] Except I can't locate copy or title or anything so maybe not so famousJun 25 00:34
schestowitz 25 00:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - Italy edge past England on penalties .::. Size~: 40.18 KBJun 25 00:37
schestowitz 25 00:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: UEFA EURO – .::. Size~: 122.19 KBJun 25 00:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Semi-final picture takes shape – .::. Size~: 61.71 KBJun 25 00:40
schestowitzSpain will winJun 25 00:40
schestowitzSemi-finalsJun 25 00:41
schestowitzWednesday 27 June 2012Jun 25 00:41
schestowitz#29: POR v ESP, 20.45CET, DonetskJun 25 00:41
schestowitzThursday 28 June 2012Jun 25 00:41
schestowitz#30: GER v ITA, 20.45CET, WarsawJun 25 00:41
schestowitzFinalJun 25 00:41
schestowitzSunday 1 July 2012Jun 25 00:41
schestowitz#31: W#29 v W#30, 20.45CET, KyivJun 25 00:41
*gnufreex has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jun 25 00:43
*Diablo-D3 ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 00:46
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Heavy #Illuminati Symbolism In Australian Ad " For The Love of Music" | The Vigilant Citizen #vc #xfilesJun 25 01:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Heavy Illuminati Symbolism In Australian Ad " For The Love of Music" | The Vigilant Citizen .::. Size~: 391.29 KBJun 25 01:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] the two #Windows PCs on the supercomputer list are like #JohnTerry in the #ChampionsLeagueFinal - running on at the end for the photos #loJun 25 01:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Katy Perry's "Wide Awake" : A Video About Monarch Mind Control | The Vigilant Citizen #vc #xfilesJun 25 01:42
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Katy Perry's "Wide Awake" : A Video About Monarch Mind Control | The Vigilant Citizen .::. Size~: 114.01 KBJun 25 01:42
*formic_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jun 25 01:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Creating Customized #Debian CDs #gnulinux #tipsJun 25 02:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Creating Customized Debian CDs .::. Size~: 10.15 KBJun 25 02:17
*Disconnected (No route to host).Jun 25 02:42
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*Now talking on #techrightsJun 25 02:42
*Topic for #techrights is: | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovellJun 25 02:42
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 18:16:20 2012Jun 25 02:42
*[freenode-info] please register your nickname...don't forget to auto-identify! 25 02:42
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 02:43
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] Dear Microsoft: is not a "gambling site" !fsf !effJun 25 03:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Free Software Foundation — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 27.94 KBJun 25 03:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Dear Microsoft: is not a "gambling site" — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 30.11 KBJun 25 03:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[diablod3/@diablod3] Dear Microsoft: fsf dot org is not a "gambling site" !fsf !effJun 25 03:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Dear Microsoft: is not a "gambling site" — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 30.11 KBJun 25 03:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fontana/@fontana] Reading #Boost SC thread on #CLA's - there are companies that don't want to *use* sw because project has no CLA? New 1 on me. cc: @bkuhnJun 25 03:39
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Jun 25 04:23
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Jun 25 04:23:04 2012
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jun 25 04:23:31 2012
*Now talking on #techrightsJun 25 04:23
*Topic for #techrights is: | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovellJun 25 04:23
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 18:16:20 2012Jun 25 04:23
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 04:25
*formic_ ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 04:25
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJun 25 04:33
DaemonFCthe police decided to stop a driver who was driving erratically, he panicked and crashed into a house....Jun 25 04:36
DaemonFCWhere's Updike when you need him? There could have been a mound of trash there to stop the guy's car! :PJun 25 04:37
DaemonFCBting back Updike!Jun 25 04:37
DaemonFC*BringJun 25 04:37
formic_Who?Jun 25 04:40
DaemonFCformic_: The former mayorJun 25 04:41
DaemonFCthe one who stopped trash pickups and let the trash pile up until people agreed to pay his new taxesJun 25 04:41
formic_Updike who?Jun 25 04:41
DaemonFCSteve UpdikeJun 25 04:42
DaemonFC:)Jun 25 04:42
*DaemonFC is sunburned :(Jun 25 04:43
DaemonFCwent to an auction today and got a bunch of stuffJun 25 04:43
DaemonFCmanaged to get an old MSN TV console for a pennyJun 25 04:43
DaemonFCgoing to see if I can make it do something usefulJun 25 04:43
formic_steven updike did fix the sewage problem with a higher capacity treatment plant so the sewage stopped leakingJun 25 04:47
formic_you realize stuff costs money right?Jun 25 04:48
DaemonFCno, we still have the old systemJun 25 04:48
DaemonFCthey upped our taxes and instead of upgrading the system, they just pay the EPA fines every yearJun 25 04:48
formic_bill 1001 cut your taxes, so he had to pull money out of your pocket in other waysJun 25 04:48
formic_you'll know in 16 years from 2008 if his sewage plan worked, if his successor didnt drop itJun 25 04:49
DaemonFCthere was a property tax cap in Indiana, they just raised all our other taxes to get it backJun 25 04:49
DaemonFCit was a total scamJun 25 04:49
formic_looks like the money was spent revitalizing the water system, fixing sewage, putting up new street lights and sidewalksJun 25 04:50
DaemonFCnoJun 25 04:50
DaemonFCthe sidewalks are mostly 50-100 years oldJun 25 04:51
DaemonFCsome of them are still the brick ones they put in 100 years agoJun 25 04:51
formic_i dunno, i think i'd take the word of unbiased researchJun 25 04:51
formic_vs, what you sayJun 25 04:51
DaemonFCthis town is fuckedJun 25 04:51
DaemonFCthe politicians steal all the moneyJun 25 04:51
DaemonFCfind ways to divert it to perks and raises for themselvesJun 25 04:51
formic_so what do the books say?Jun 25 04:52
formic_have you even looked?Jun 25 04:52
DaemonFCwell, Updike had his wife as his "executive assistant" for $50,000 a yearJun 25 04:52
DaemonFCin a town of less than 17,000 peopleJun 25 04:52
DaemonFChe's one crooked fuckJun 25 04:52
formic_basicly what I see: proprety taxes were cut and other taxes were raised. Since YOU don't own property, it hit you the most.Jun 25 04:52
formic_BiasJun 25 04:52
formic_Basicly the tax burden was pushed from land owners to renters.Jun 25 04:53
formic_the net effect is that everyones taxes are a little bit higher since land owners are paying in different ways and you have new taxes.Jun 25 04:54
DaemonFCno, theirs are lowerJun 25 04:55
formic_this is a picture of him probably using Microsoft Excel to spreadsheet that out: 25 04:55
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJun 25 04:55
DaemonFCif the prperty tax got cut by half to a third and saved my landlord $600 a year on this building, and I have to pay another 1% on the sales tax, I'm losing hereJun 25 04:55
DaemonFChe's money aheadJun 25 04:55
formic_yeah they probably shoot have axed bill 1001Jun 25 04:56
DaemonFCUpdike surfing some more pornJun 25 04:56
formic_they wouldn't have been able to axe it since land owners usually have lots of lobbying powerJun 25 04:56
DaemonFCI voted no on itJun 25 04:57
DaemonFCfor whatever that was worth :PJun 25 04:57
formic_balancing books never makes friendsJun 25 04:58
DaemonFCwould be nice if they actually did balance the books without robbing peter to pay paulJun 25 04:58
formic_in ontario mike harris got a bad rap for getting us out of debt, he only had to cut stuff people wantedJun 25 04:58
formic_took me a long time to find out he got us out of debt tooJun 25 04:59
formic_so much propaganda from schoolJun 25 04:59
formic_teachers hated him, he cut school funding and school execs passed that on to the teachersJun 25 04:59
DaemonFCthey thorw more money into the school system, the system is a failureJun 25 04:59
DaemonFCso they give it more money, it's a failureJun 25 04:59
DaemonFCso they give up and cut it, those bastards!Jun 25 04:59
DaemonFC:)Jun 25 04:59
formic_my teachers used to throw money around before their salary got cutJun 25 05:00
formic_teachers would buy us paper notebooks and pencils all the timeJun 25 05:00
DaemonFCthe teachers unions get them all kinds of moneyJun 25 05:00
formic_the unions went on strike like 5 timesJun 25 05:00
DaemonFCpolice tooJun 25 05:00
DaemonFCthe police shouldn't be allowed to unionizeJun 25 05:01
formic_I remember one year I got like a month off of schoolJun 25 05:01
*scientes (~scientes@unaffiliated/scientes) has joined #techrightsJun 25 05:01
formic_a month long march breakJun 25 05:01
formic_A few years later I had a teacher who refused to participate in the stikes because he believed in the students needing educationJun 25 05:02
DaemonFCthe kids who want to succeed in school willJun 25 05:02
DaemonFCthe ones who don't, won'tJun 25 05:02
DaemonFCno amount of money will fix thatJun 25 05:02
formic_teachers unions also have no problem firing people with less seniority to get better benefitsJun 25 05:03
DaemonFCthere's no correlation between increased funding and better results because the teachers unions eat up all the money in raises for teacherJun 25 05:03
DaemonFCand there's no money left for anything elseJun 25 05:03
formic_once the teacher gets the raise, they dont perform any better eitherJun 25 05:03
formic_they feel entitledJun 25 05:03
formic_or "i want even moaaar!"Jun 25 05:04
DaemonFCthe teachers unions are the biggest problem in our school systemJun 25 05:04
formic_yupJun 25 05:04
formic_and not ALL unions are badJun 25 05:04
formic_they just dont belong in educationJun 25 05:04
formic_basicly, any job where a customer is supposed to receive good serviceJun 25 05:05
formic_unions are bad in those areasJun 25 05:05
DaemonFCmost jobs should be unionizedJun 25 05:05
DaemonFCnot police, teachers, or fire fightersJun 25 05:05
DaemonFCthese people are a critical part of the public systemJun 25 05:05
formic_unions should be for jobs where the worker doesnt have to interact with someone who is paying for some kind of serviceJun 25 05:06
DaemonFCshowing up for work shouldn't be optionalJun 25 05:06
formic_i dont like union bus driversJun 25 05:06
DaemonFCthey should not be entitled to obscene salaries and benefits when they're being paid out of the tax poolJun 25 05:06
formic_they are usually assholesJun 25 05:06
formic_gotransit for example, you can buy your ticket at the ticket booth, or you can pay @ the busJun 25 05:07
formic_sometimes when I pay @ the bus, the give me attitudeJun 25 05:07
DaemonFCwhen you have unions negotiating with private businesses, you usually end up with fair pay and benefits for the workersJun 25 05:07
formic_'do your fucking job and stop lecturing me asshole'Jun 25 05:07
DaemonFCwhen you have unions representing public servants, you get a cartelJun 25 05:07
formic_trueJun 25 05:07
DaemonFCan endless spiral of tax hikes to cover guaranteed salary and benefits increasesJun 25 05:08
formic_government unions = jobs 4 life and no customer service skills required or usedJun 25 05:08
DaemonFCyeah, Bureau of Motor VehiclesJun 25 05:09
formic_i saw this video on youtube of this marxist who wanted a union in his restaurant because he felt he didnt want to be told what kind of food to makeJun 25 05:09
formic_im thinking 'you fucking make what the customer orders, how hard is that?"Jun 25 05:09
formic_i dont want to order a hamburger and get some salad because the cook didnt want to make a hamburgerJun 25 05:10
DaemonFChe won't have a job very long at that point anywayJun 25 05:11
formic_im sure that once the video hit youtube he got firedJun 25 05:11
DaemonFChis bosses will get sick and tired of him and fire him for other reasons (like laziness) long before he gets a union in thereJun 25 05:11
formic_another one of his ideas is that everyone who worked there would get a fair share of the profitJun 25 05:11
formic_various problems with that oneJun 25 05:12
formic_none of them had any risk getting the job, vs the guy who put up the money to start the business and had to wait a few years before it became profittableJun 25 05:12
formic_then theres the issue of more staffJun 25 05:12
formic_once you hire more people, you gotta give them fair share too, and where does that lead? more people, less money for yourself.Jun 25 05:12
formic_if someone works there for 5 years, they get paid the same as someone just joiningJun 25 05:13
formic_how un-motivatingJun 25 05:14
DaemonFCnormally, a union contract specifies the starting wage/salary, a cost of living allowance, and a system for raises outside the COLAJun 25 05:14
formic_this dude was going beyond unions at this pointJun 25 05:15
DaemonFCyeah, he wanted to turn the restaurant into a hippie coopJun 25 05:15
DaemonFC:)Jun 25 05:15
formic_he was into the whole marxist everyone should be paid the same stuffJun 25 05:15
formic_it might work for labour jobs/industrial stuff where everyone basicly does the same jobJun 25 05:16
formic_when your workplace has all kinds of different job titles, it doesntJun 25 05:16
DaemonFCsome Meijer retail stores are unionizedJun 25 05:17
formic_somoene managing 7 stores shouldnt get the same wage as a cashier at oneJun 25 05:17
DaemonFCSEIUJun 25 05:17
DaemonFCMeijer isn't hurtingJun 25 05:17
formic_isn't walmart unionized too?Jun 25 05:17
DaemonFCthey're still building new stores and competing with WalmartJun 25 05:17
DaemonFCno, Walmart HATES unionsJun 25 05:18
formic_lolJun 25 05:18
DaemonFCthey will shut down an entire store if the employees there vote for a unionJun 25 05:18
formic_they hate unions but willingly pay people to stand around the entrance to say 'hi' ?Jun 25 05:18
scientesHey DaemonFC, I was just at the San Francisco gay pride paradeJun 25 05:18
formic_scientes: are you gay?Jun 25 05:18
DaemonFCformic_: Welcome to Walmart!Jun 25 05:18
DaemonFCAll are welcome!Jun 25 05:18
DaemonFCAll are welcome!Jun 25 05:19
scientesformic_, don't get in the way of my trollingJun 25 05:19
DaemonFCMay I pull your pants up so your butt isn't hanging out?Jun 25 05:19
DaemonFCOK then! Have a great day!Jun 25 05:19
formic_scientes: isn't San Francisco always gay pride 24/7 ?Jun 25 05:19
DaemonFCthe only reason these Gay Pride things happen is because of ultraconservative fundamentalist Christian bigotsJun 25 05:20
DaemonFCit pisses them offJun 25 05:20
DaemonFCI love itJun 25 05:20
formic_thats the modus operandi of the westboro churchJun 25 05:21
DaemonFCif the ultraconservative fundamentalist Christian bigots want the Gay Pride parades to stop, all they have to do is stop being shitheadsJun 25 05:21
formic_it pisses off ultraliberal atheist bigotsJun 25 05:21
DaemonFCnahJun 25 05:21
DaemonFCI sleep like a babyJun 25 05:21
formic_thats because Jesus loves youJun 25 05:22
DaemonFChaving learned how to enunciate and use soap and toothbrushes years agoJun 25 05:22
DaemonFCI'm more evolved B-)Jun 25 05:22
formic_scientes: troll faster, it doesnt work if you reply every 5 minutesJun 25 05:22
formic_scientes: tell him you'll vote for Steven UpdikeJun 25 05:23
scientes 25 05:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: San Francisco Gay pride 2012       - YouTube .::. Size~: 97.62 KBJun 25 05:23
scientespretty much what it was all likeJun 25 05:23
DaemonFCthe people who are the most outspoken against gay people tend to be dumpy white trash hicksJun 25 05:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] !Tzag Identizens. We might have a nice day here at last.Jun 25 05:24
formic_thats so weird, cause ive noticed a lot of gay people tend to be dumpy white trash hicksJun 25 05:24
scientesoh wow i didn't see this one 25 05:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: OccuPride Marches Unchecked Down SF Pride Parade Route       - YouTube .::. Size~: 103.7 KBJun 25 05:24
formic_just saw like 50 of them in that gay pride videoJun 25 05:24
DaemonFCSteve Updike is finished as a politician Jun 25 05:25
formic_lolJun 25 05:25
scientesthere were two anti-Wells Fargo groups ahead of Wells Fargo's floatJun 25 05:25
formic_i would hate to be the spandex wearing bicycle cops on gay prideJun 25 05:25
DaemonFCmaybe they're gay tooJun 25 05:25
scientesalso the "god hates fags" people were thereJun 25 05:25
DaemonFCWells Fargo it for people with lousy creditJun 25 05:26
formic_well...Jun 25 05:26
DaemonFCthey have subprime mortgages and "second chance" checking accountsJun 25 05:26
formic_I wondered to myself, what would Jesus do? He said "I'd hate fags"Jun 25 05:26
DaemonFCJesus sez, stop bouncing checks or you'll have to use Wells FargoJun 25 05:27
DaemonFCgood advice, thatJun 25 05:27
DaemonFC:)Jun 25 05:27
formic_lol DaemonFC, just so you know im just fucking with youJun 25 05:27
formic_if you couldnt already tellJun 25 05:28
formic_dont charge me with hate crimes!Jun 25 05:28
DaemonFCunder United States federal law, a hate crime is a sentencing enhancementJun 25 05:32
DaemonFChate speech in itself is not a crimeJun 25 05:32
DaemonFCeven states without hate crimes laws usually charge whoever motivated a crime as an accomplice, even if they did not actively participate :)Jun 25 05:34
DaemonFC 25 05:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The MSN TV Linux cluster -- Engadget .::. Size~: 125.13 KBJun 25 05:35
formic_freenode is also USJun 25 05:43
formic_good stuffJun 25 05:43
formic_you'll have to come to Canada to do anythingJun 25 05:43
*DaemonFC goes to Canada, settles in Quebec, insists they speak English, taps into the Canadian nanny state welfare systemJun 25 05:45
*DaemonFC finally gets around to suing formic_ for emotional distressJun 25 05:45
DaemonFC:)Jun 25 05:45
formic_you'll still have to drive over to ontarioJun 25 05:45
formic_you have 5 yearsJun 25 05:45
formic_i'll also argue freedom of speechJun 25 05:46
DaemonFCthat shouldn't be difficult actuallyJun 25 05:46
DaemonFCthe worst part about it will be having to drive through MichiganJun 25 05:46
DaemonFC:)Jun 25 05:46
formic_i could just suspend court a bunch of times you so have to come multiple timesJun 25 05:46
DaemonFCbut I can use Microsoft's Avoid Niggers GPS feature to help out thereJun 25 05:46
DaemonFC:)Jun 25 05:46
formic_ROFLJun 25 05:46
formic_ 25 05:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 0.03 KBJun 25 05:47
DaemonFCNo right to pink ponies?Jun 25 05:49
DaemonFCsavagesJun 25 05:49
formic_freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communicationJun 25 05:51
DaemonFCand pink poniesJun 25 05:51
DaemonFCand your neighbor's pink ponies too if the government agrees that you need them moreJun 25 05:52
formic_'The constitiution is just a god damned piece of paper' -BushJun 25 05:52
DaemonFC 25 06:06
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Denver woman says she urinated on $30 million painting during bath salt bender - NY Daily News .::. Size~: 148.97 KBJun 25 06:06
formic_Dude DaemonFC, haven't you seen Batman?Jun 25 06:09
formic_The originalJun 25 06:10
formic_Michael keatonJun 25 06:10
formic_not the adam west onesJun 25 06:10
formic_ 25 06:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Batman (1989) - IMDb .::. Size~: 106.4 KBJun 25 06:10
formic_In that movie, the Joker had a bunch of chemical companies. The way he was planning to poison gotham was by people using different combinations of cosmetic products.Jun 25 06:11
DaemonFCAdam West! Jun 25 06:12
DaemonFCAdam Weeeeeeeest!Jun 25 06:12
DaemonFC:)Jun 25 06:12
DaemonFC 25 06:18
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Woman Found Glued to Toilet Seat Inside Walmart                                                  |              Indiana's NewsCenter: News, Sports, Weather, Fort Wayne WPTA-TV, WISE-TV, CW, and MyFOX                                           |                Top News .::. Size~: 59.33 KBJun 25 06:18
DaemonFC:)Jun 25 06:18
DaemonFCyeah, you just coat the seat in super glue and wait for someone to sit downJun 25 06:18
formic_lolJun 25 06:18
formic_a woman did it tooJun 25 06:19
formic_ 25 06:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Man Seriously Injured By Falling Cactus                                                  |              Indiana's NewsCenter: News, Sports, Weather, Fort Wayne WPTA-TV, WISE-TV, CW, and MyFOX                                           |                Top News .::. Size~: 59.58 KBJun 25 06:20
formic_that's so awesomeJun 25 06:22
DaemonFCformic_: 25 06:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: TK sings Hey Dude theme song       - YouTube .::. Size~: 103.09 KBJun 25 06:25
DaemonFCbetter watch out for those man eating jackrabbits Jun 25 06:29
DaemonFCand those killer cacti!Jun 25 06:29
DaemonFC:)Jun 25 06:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[harishpillay/@harishpillay] RT @sameerverma ICT4D and ICT4E are passé. I give you ICT4F, where F stand for Fun.Jun 25 07:00
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jun 25 07:01
*cubezzz2 has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)Jun 25 07:31
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*eebrah ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 07:55
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*cubezzz ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 07:59
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Weird but somehow also beautiful - listen to a modem handshake - slowed down 700%. 25 08:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Page not found    - Noise made me do it - sound,music and things that tickle your ears .::. Size~: 11 KBJun 25 08:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Weird but somehow also beautiful - listen to a modem… .::. Size~: 134.44 KBJun 25 08:09
*Gone_Away_2 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jun 25 08:25
roy__ 25 08:31
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Twitter / EddsLV: Apple zaudē tiesā Samsun .::. Size~: 76.54 KBJun 25 08:31
roy__ 25 08:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Twitter / tian2992: Microsoft added the FSF to .::. Size~: 76.59 KBJun 25 08:32
roy__"Microsoft added the FSF to the Gambling category. Let's not attribute to malice what can be just incompetence."Jun 25 08:32
*roy__ is now known as schestowitzJun 25 08:33
schestowitzIt's competence.Jun 25 08:33
schestowitzif they know at MS that FSF is a threat to themJun 25 08:33
schestowitz"iceweasel 10 to 14 betas has always ran beautifully in my debian. Wonder why some people have problems with firefox." 25 08:38 Firefox 13 - a review of sorts it went bonkers for me in Ubuntu 10.04 (from universe), as usual. Very disappointed. Extensions disabled.Jun 25 08:38
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Firefox 13 - a review of sorts .::. Size~: 13.99 KBJun 25 08:38
formic_they are being honest, it is gambling when they have billions invested in lobbyingJun 25 08:39
formic_In their shifty corrupted POVJun 25 08:43
schestowitztechrights in front page of reddit today 25 08:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Android Beats Oracle and Apple Patent Challenges : Android .::. Size~: 167.51 KBJun 25 08:45
*jono_ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jun 25 08:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Brian Proffitt’s Imaginary Linux-Hardware Woes #linux #kernel #hardwareJun 25 08:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Brian Proffitt’s Imaginary Linux-Hardware Woes at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 39.41 KBJun 25 08:54
*Gone_Away_2 ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 08:56
*libertybox_ ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 08:56
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻@shot: „świat, w którym praca doktorska staje się kolektywną własnością wszystkich ludzi” ← o to w nauce chodzi, durniu 25 09:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Boni miota się od ściany do ściany | Piotr Zaremba .::. Size~: 150.16 KBJun 25 09:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #PinguyOS 12.04 LTS Has Been Released #gnu #linuxJun 25 09:14
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Pinguy OS 12.04 LTS Has Been Released ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog .::. Size~: 73.61 KBJun 25 09:14
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Virgin Atlantic IT director: airlines should work together on open source apps #opensourceJun 25 09:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Virgin Atlantic IT director: airlines should work together on open source apps ( - Software ) .::. Size~: 37.04 KBJun 25 09:15
*Omega has quit (Excess Flood)Jun 25 09:23
*Omega ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 09:23
*Omega has quit (Excess Flood)Jun 25 09:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eebrah/@eebrah] RT @vascorsd If you're having problems with #grub2 on your #uefi system there are other ways to boot your kernel !ar ...Jun 25 09:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[greve/@greve] RT @ervin ♻ @FOSSwiki: An awesome book on #photography #free #opensource (via @octalmind)Jun 25 09:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: UEFI Bootloaders - ArchWiki .::. Size~: 32.89 KBJun 25 09:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Bastards Book of Photography by Dan Nguyen .::. Size~: 11.43 KBJun 25 09:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Twitter / vagmi: An awesome book on #photog .::. Size~: 77.33 KBJun 25 09:24
*Omega ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 09:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Richard #ODwyer and the new internet war - Jimmy Wales's epetition - pl. sign a& RTJun 25 09:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jimmy Wales: Richard O'Dwyer and the new internet war | Comment is free | The Guardian .::. Size~: 237.22 KBJun 25 09:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Human Rights Petition: .@ukhomeoffice: Stop the extradition of Richard O'Dwyer to the USA #SaveRichard | .::. Size~: 55.35 KBJun 25 09:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Loch Ness monster cited by US schools as evidence that #evolution is myth - </facepalm> (v @Francis_Lam @Glinner)Jun 25 09:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Loch Ness monster cited by US schools as evidence that evolution is myth - Odd - .::. Size~: 236.13 KBJun 25 09:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Quadcopter #drone group held in London airport on suspicion of terrorism - this will become commonplaceJun 25 09:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Quadcopter drone group held in London airport on suspicion of terrorism  - Irish Innovation News – .::. Size~: 58.73 KBJun 25 09:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] 25 09:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Our final push: #ACTA vote in ten days, mail the European Parliament - we're nearly there, & we must win thisJun 25 09:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Our Final Push: ACTA Vote In Ten Days, Mail The European Parliament - Falkvinge on Infopolicy .::. Size~: 281.73 KBJun 25 09:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Our Final Push: ACTA Vote In Ten Days, Mail The European Parliament - Falkvinge on Infopolicy .::. Size~: 281.73 KBJun 25 09:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Winamp's woes: how the greatest #MP3 player undid itself - wonderful tale of what might have been...Jun 25 09:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] The Finch Report in a global #OpenAccess landscape - the debate continues #oaJun 25 09:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Winamp’s woes: how the greatest MP3 player undid itself | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 45.97 KBJun 25 09:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Open and Shut?: The Finch Report in a global Open Access landscape .::. Size~: 128.07 KBJun 25 09:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] Reshared post from Jan Wildeboer 25 09:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] .@glynmoody @Asher_Wolf I wrote it would be like this some months ago, incl. "terrorist" accusations: 25 09:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[greve/@greve] RT @glynmoody Loch Ness monster cited by US schools as evidence that #evolution is myth - </facepalm> (v @Francis_L ...Jun 25 09:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Nandan Vaidya - Google+ - Weird but somehow also beautiful - listen to a modem… .::. Size~: 170.46 KBJun 25 09:54
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting text/plain; charset=utf-8 typeJun 25 09:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Loch Ness monster cited by US schools as evidence that evolution is myth - Odd - .::. Size~: 236.29 KBJun 25 09:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] .@glynmoody @Asher_Wolf funny how quadcopters are *worse* "terrorist devices" than normal RC planes, yet the latter aren't seen as a problemJun 25 09:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Release Notes: Release Notes for siduction 2012.1.1 Desperado Reloaded #debian basedJun 25 10:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Release Notes for siduction 2012.1.1  Desperado Reloaded :: :: debian based live cd development .::. Size~: 15.56 KBJun 25 10:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] ht... 25 10:04
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Richard O'Dwyer's extradition looms over copyright infringement claims - video interview | Law | .::. Size~: 104.99 KBJun 25 10:04
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Nandan Vaidya - Google+ -… .::. Size~: 167.38 KBJun 25 10:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] Only reason for upcoming ban of #quadcopters is that they are the perfect tool to document Police missteps 25 10:07
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting text/plain; charset=utf-8 typeJun 25 10:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] Reshared post from glyn moody 25 10:14
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Nandan Vaidya - Google+ - Richard #ODwyer and the new internet war -… .::. Size~: 169.78 KBJun 25 10:14
*iophk (~foobar@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJun 25 10:17
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJun 25 10:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @ladyniasan: What made the anti !ACTA protests in Poland a success? How to have influence? @rysiekpl at #lote 25 10:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] Quality Andrea Pirlo AMAZING Penalty Kick vs England HD 25 10:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Facebook does man-in-the-middle attack better reasons exist to avoid FB 25 10:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Edgeryders at LOTE - Interview with Michal aka rysiekpl       - YouTube .::. Size~: 107.36 KBJun 25 10:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Page not found .::. Size~: 0.84 KBJun 25 10:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Nandan Vaidya - Google+ - Quality Andrea Pirlo AMAZING Penalty Kick vs England HD … .::. Size~: 170.35 KBJun 25 10:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Facebook does man-in-the-middle attack .::. Size~: 21.97 KBJun 25 10:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Facebook - Techrights .::. Size~: 17.58 KBJun 25 10:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] Oh look, @asta_fish interview is also online: #LOTE #edgeryders :)Jun 25 10:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] .@inscius yes, because corporations are the modern-day nobility: :) #corporatocracyJun 25 10:27
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting text/plain; charset=utf-8 typeJun 25 10:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Commission & industry attacks on Parliament hit a new low - great summary of situation before big vote (v @netzpolitik)Jun 25 10:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] .@Asher_Wolf @glynmoody don't worry, they will not "lock kids up", they will only "assist them to the floor". 25 10:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Commission and industry attacks on Parliament hit a new low | EDRI .::. Size~: 9.31 KBJun 25 10:29
schestowitz"Hello Roy, time for an interview on TechRights?"Jun 25 10:34
schestowitzSure. About Mandriva or LibreOffice?Jun 25 10:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Techrights in the front page of Reddit today, thus a little slow. 25 10:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle:  » Blog Archive   » News from the Web: New Promotions, Pages, Projects .::. Size~: 36.74 KBJun 25 10:37
schestowitzTens of thousands of unique visitors.Jun 25 10:38
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Been months since I saw a troll column calling Linux "dead" #linuxJun 25 10:49
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Canonical & Dell Sell Ubuntu Laptops in India - Softpedia .::. Size~: 48.68 KBJun 25 10:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Microsoft puts the "BLET" in tablet 25 10:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Benoit des Ligneris : Open Source Catalyst: Windows keyblet : no disruptive innovation, still not open source... .::. Size~: 103.02 KBJun 25 10:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Interview with Mobeen Iqbal of #Vinux Project #gnu #linuxJun 25 10:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Interview with Mobeen Iqbal of Vinux Project | Unixmen .::. Size~: 90.78 KBJun 25 10:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] !Debian Wheezy !FreeBSD: Slower Than !Linux 25 11:04
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Where are the app developers? 25 11:04
TechrightsBot-trTitle: [Phoronix] Debian Wheezy GNU/kFreeBSD: Slower Than Linux .::. Size~: 20.46 KBJun 25 11:04
TechrightsBot-trTitle: jewelfox | Where are the app developers? .::. Size~: 29.29 KBJun 25 11:04
schestowitz 25 11:08
TechrightsBot-tr@Mikael (inscius)'s status on Monday, 25-Jun-12 09:57:16 UTC - @schestowitz roflJun 25 11:08
schestowitz"About LibreOffice first; but Mandriva could follow in another interview :-)"Jun 25 11:09
schestowitz"I would like to draw the attention about some interesting facts on what's going on between AOO and LibreOffice. IBM is playing dirty..."Jun 25 11:09
*Aondo has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Jun 25 11:10
schestowitz"Or here's a different suggestion: let's do an interview about Mandriva, & I'll update you with some crunchy stuff on AOO & LibreOffice..."Jun 25 11:11
*Omega has quit (Excess Flood)Jun 25 11:12
*Omega ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 11:12
*Omega has quit (Excess Flood)Jun 25 11:12
*Omega ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 11:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #JavaFX 2.2 to allow native package creation #Oracle keeps it goingJun 25 11:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: JavaFX 2.2 to allow native package creation - The H Open: News and Features .::. Size~: 50.15 KBJun 25 11:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Fedora Committee Discusses Features For Fedora 18, Spherical Cow #redhat #gnu #linuxJun 25 11:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Fedora Committee Discusses Features For Fedora 18, Spherical Cow .::. Size~: 27.66 KBJun 25 11:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Has Microsoft opened the door to the !Linux desktop? - ZDNet (blog) 25 11:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Has Microsoft opened the door to the Linux desktop? | ZDNet .::. Size~: 243.57 KBJun 25 11:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Nvidia Employee Asks How They Can Improve Linux Support how about working with #Linux devs and not just sending blobs?Jun 25 11:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Nvidia Employee Asks How They Can Improve Linux Support .::. Size~: 27.96 KBJun 25 11:27
*Aondo (~stian@ has joined #techrightsJun 25 11:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "OEMs can refuse to install M$’s key and the world will be at peace and “8″ will not boot on any PCs." 25 11:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Solving the “Secure Boot” Problem: Don’t Let Windows 8 Secure Boot at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 39.77 KBJun 25 11:54
schestowitz 25 12:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Eucalyptus moves back to full open source 25 12:05 "OEMs can refuse to install M$’s key and the world will be at peace and “8″ will not boot on any PCs." 25 12:05
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Solving the “Secure Boot” Problem: Don’t Let Windows 8 Secure Boot at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 39.77 KBJun 25 12:05
schestowitz"think any of them got the balls to do that ? 2 or 3 big ones would be enough ..."Jun 25 12:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Eucalyptus moves back to full open source - The H Open: News and Features .::. Size~: 49.64 KBJun 25 12:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Eucalyptus CEO Marten Mickos Evolves His Cloud Approach | The VAR Guy .::. Size~: 77.76 KBJun 25 12:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Former Federal Judge Calls US Prosecution Of Megaupload 'Really Outrageous' 25 12:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Former Federal Judge Calls US Prosecution Of Megaupload 'Really Outrageous' | Techdirt .::. Size~: 157.99 KBJun 25 12:07
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Jun 25 12:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] Kurski "oburzony na samego siebie": 25 12:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[kirschner/@kirschner] !fsfe !Fellows aus der Nähe von Gießen: Meldet euch hier: 25 12:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Fellows in der Nähe von Gießen .::. Size~: 2.43 KBJun 25 12:54
*prurigro (prurigro@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:bb8a) has joined #techrightsJun 25 13:22
*oddpuck (~me@unaffiliated/oddball33) has joined #techrightsJun 25 13:26
*spoobil (~Adium@ has joined #techrightsJun 25 13:30
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*Guest15573 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 13.0.1/20120614114901])Jun 25 14:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[w3c/@w3c] 2012-Jun-29: Dominique Hazaël-Massieux gives a talk entitled: "Create a mobile app based on HTML5" 25 14:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Talks by W3C Speakers .::. Size~: 177.24 KBJun 25 14:12
*nj3ma (~yaaic@ has joined #techrightsJun 25 14:41
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[trashbird1240/@trashbird1240] LOL: Why not to use Microsoft for network security 25 14:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[trashbird1240/@trashbird1240] I'm beginning to think she asked if I had registered to voteJun 25 14:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[trashbird1240/@trashbird1240] That does sound goodJun 25 14:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Dear Microsoft: is not a "gambling site" — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 30.08 KBJun 25 14:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] "@Barclays_Kenya: Today's Tip: If you're smart with Ksh 1000, you'll be smart with extra zeros. #BBKMegaMilli" #wordJun 25 15:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] Glückwünsche von der Spree an den Nil 25 15:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] RT @linuxcanuck Samsung Galaxy S3 sales will reach 10 million in July - The Inquirer 25 15:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Glückwünsche von der Spree an den Nil | Politik & Gesellschaft | DW.DE | 25.06.2012 .::. Size~: 51.11 KBJun 25 15:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Samsung Galaxy S3 sales will reach 10 million in July - The Inquirer .::. Size~: 63.7 KBJun 25 15:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[w3c/@w3c] TAPQUO S.L. joined W3C 25 15:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Welcome to Tapquo .::. Size~: 13.97 KBJun 25 15:17
*iophk ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 15:19
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Judge Posner Rips Apart Apple's Patent Litigation Strategy: Being 'Really Annoyed' Is No Reason To Sue 25 15:19
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Judge Posner Rips Apart Apple's Patent Litigation Strategy: Being 'Really Annoyed' Is No Reason To Sue | Techdirt .::. Size~: 59.42 KBJun 25 15:19
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] What Rio+20 Can Teach the Open Government Partnership - interesting pointsJun 25 15:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: bitly | Page Not Found | 404 .::. Size~: 8.97 KBJun 25 15:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Court Denies Pirate Party Naming Right, Cites “Real Pirate” Confusion - "could mislead members of the public" #twJun 25 15:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 9.09 KBJun 25 15:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] The #OKF is recruiting! - wannajob? #opendata #openspendingJun 25 15:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The OKF is recruiting! | Open Knowledge Foundation Blog .::. Size~: 73.69 KBJun 25 15:45
*Ziomatrix (~Ziomatrix@2600:1000:b01c:c14:0:2c:3ebb:f801) has joined #techrightsJun 25 16:14
*Ziomatrix has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 25 16:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @kuro: Autoritaranism: #Japan Makes Unauthorized Downloading a Criminal Offense #p #copywrong !ACTA #FAILJun 25 16:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] #pt: Miguel Relvas, mais um putativo dr? Assim vai a republica das bananas! o outro putativo anda por França! 25 16:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Japan Makes Unauthorized Downloading a Criminal Offense | TorrentFreak .::. Size~: 25.26 KBJun 25 16:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Tugaleaks -  “Amigos” de Miguel Relvas tentam um novo caso Publico contra a comunicação social .::. Size~: 38.3 KBJun 25 16:15
*Ziomatrix (~Ziomatrix@2600:1000:b024:afec:0:2c:3ec3:e401) has joined #techrightsJun 25 16:16
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] RT @glynmoody Court Denies Pirate Party Naming Right, Cites “Real Pirate” Confusion - "could mislead members of the ...Jun 25 16:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] RT @gnuteck !Linuxlibre 3.4.4 .deb is now available at the !fsfla & ... recipe at !libreplanet update! !GNU !FSF #Debian L ...Jun 25 16:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻@dekaminski NetClean, Interpol, Queen of @Sweden & SWE Embassy in Tokyo trying to sell net blocking tools? Together? 25 16:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 9.09 KBJun 25 16:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Deutsche Kinderhilfe - Deutsche Kinderhilfe participates in an international conference against commercial sexual exploitation of children in Tokio, Japan .::. Size~: 19.08 KBJun 25 16:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Church of England 'homophobic', says Vicar of Lancaster Captain ObviousJun 25 16:19
TechrightsBot-trTitle: BBC News - Church of England 'homophobic', says Vicar of Lancaster .::. Size~: 80.14 KBJun 25 16:19
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] where's the benefit of spending BILLIONS of TAX PAYERS money on a vanity project if you don't get in the limelight 25 16:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: BBC News - Olympic torch: Sebastian Coe to carry 2012 flame .::. Size~: 96.49 KBJun 25 16:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Newcastle Twitter user Natalie Westerman receives NatWest complaints 25 16:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fedora/@fedora] talking about Fedora 18's new Initial User Experience: 25 16:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[w3c/@w3c] Implementing ADMS and the Core Vocabularies 25 16:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: BBC News - Newcastle Twitter user Natalie Westerman receives NatWest complaints .::. Size~: 80.75 KBJun 25 16:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Fedora Linux 18 Set to Redefine the Initial User Experience - InternetNews. .::. Size~: 34.88 KBJun 25 16:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Implementing ADMS and the Core Vocabularies - W3C Blog .::. Size~: 15.3 KBJun 25 16:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Jimmy Carr: Tax row sees Channel 4 ratings soar they KNEW he'd get a verbal kicking; that's why they tuned inJun 25 16:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: BBC News - Jimmy Carr: Tax row sees Channel 4 ratings soar .::. Size~: 75.79 KBJun 25 16:24
*Ziomatrix has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jun 25 16:24
iophk 25 16:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Witness Ridicules 'Hands-On' Reviews of Surface - Slashdot .::. Size~: 48.06 KBJun 25 16:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Booming #Iceland makes second early loan repayment to #IMF - Telegraph why the harakiri then? 25 16:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] at least #JimmyCarr reacted by stopping it, then appologising, then taking the verbal kicking - can't see ANY elites doing the sameJun 25 16:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Italians fear a euro apocalypse as crisis spreads to #Germany #italy #collapse #euroJun 25 16:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] "yes we avoided tax, but any mention of the word dodger and we'll sue you for defication, now shut your festering gob you peasant"Jun 25 16:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Booming Iceland makes second early loan repayment to IMF - Telegraph .::. Size~: 58.11 KBJun 25 16:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: rikhard fsoss - Google+ - #Iceland Advances in #EU Bid, Opens Talks in Three More… .::. Size~: 132.05 KBJun 25 16:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Italians fear a euro apocalypse as crisis spreads to Germany .::. Size~: 66.51 KBJun 25 16:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] PressTV - Former #Russia.n finance minister predicts eurozone’s #collapse #euroJun 25 16:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: PressTV - Former Russian finance minister predicts eurozone’s collapse .::. Size~: 16.26 KBJun 25 16:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[w3c/@w3c] Implementing ADMS and the Core Vocabularies 25 16:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] David Cameron on cutting welfare benefits tax dodger headlines? oh shit, there's some poor people we can shake downJun 25 16:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] #Germany fears eurozone #collapse would decimate country's economy | #euroJun 25 16:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Implementing ADMS and the Core Vocabularies - W3C Blog .::. Size~: 15.3 KBJun 25 16:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: David Cameron on cutting welfare benefits: Politics live blog | Politics | .::. Size~: 367.42 KBJun 25 16:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Germany fears eurozone collapse would decimate country's economy | Business | .::. Size~: 141.13 KBJun 25 16:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Dave; the moral high ground has been handed you on a plate - go after the rich tax dodgers, name & shame them, close loopholes - oh waitJun 25 16:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] same old same old #Tories, send billy clubs out after the poorest folks to distract from the rich tax dodging policial donors story #politicJun 25 16:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] #Cameron's planned welfare cuts show utter contempt for young people the young aka "future voters"Jun 25 16:34
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Cameron's planned welfare cuts show utter contempt for young people | Ed Howker | Comment is free | .::. Size~: 256.21 KBJun 25 16:34
*Ziomatrix (~androirc@2600:1000:b024:afec:0:2c:3ec3:e401) has joined #techrightsJun 25 16:34
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*jono ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 16:50
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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Updating the home office. Should be good enough for some cloud at home :-) 25 16:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJun 25 16:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Updating the home office. Should be good enough for some… .::. Size~: 142.26 KBJun 25 16:54
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Jogos Santa Casa tenho problemas a visualizar o dito via Firefox, especialmente na área de apostas! mais alguém têm?Jun 25 17:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jogos Santa Casa - Página Principal .::. Size~: 31.73 KBJun 25 17:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[creativecommons/@creativecommons] Vote now for your favorite 'Why Open Education Matters' video - #OERJun 25 17:19
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Vote now for your favorite Why Open Education Matters video - Creative Commons .::. Size~: 21.59 KBJun 25 17:19
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @ufa: Wikileaks revela que EUA sabiam da intenção de golpe no Paraguai: - via @luisnassifJun 25 17:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Wikileaks: os EUA sabiam do golpe | Brasilianas.Org .::. Size~: 240.22 KBJun 25 17:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fsfe/@fsfe] New Fellowship Interview with Bjarni Runar Einarsson on #PageKite: !gnu !freesoftwareJun 25 17:44
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Fellowship Interview with Bjarni Runar Einarsson «  Fellowship Interviews .::. Size~: 29.26 KBJun 25 17:44
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @telecomix: Dear Microsoft, is not a gambling site !fsJun 25 17:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Should we Start a Government as Platform Business Association - cool idea; #opensource, please... #ogovJun 25 17:45
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Dear Microsoft: is not a "gambling site" — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 30.11 KBJun 25 17:45
schestowitzjust got myself two pints of iced tea (which I made this morning), just need to add the actual ice once it thaws a bitJun 25 17:48
schestowitzany news?Jun 25 17:48
schestowitzquite on the linux frontJun 25 17:48
schestowitziophk: thanks for the links, I add thoseJun 25 17:48
schestowitzTechrights got tons of traffic this weekend, we got a major front pagerJun 25 17:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] "Proprietary security software is an oxymoron - if the user is not fundamentally in control of the software, the user has no security." #FSFJun 25 17:49
schestowitzinterview coming with libreoffice tooJun 25 17:49
iophkWhich TR post attracted the attention over the weekend?Jun 25 17:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Petróleo abaixo dos 80 dólares pela terceira sessão consecutiva - JNo #pt estamos a ser roubados descaradamente!Jun 25 17:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Petróleo abaixo dos 80 dólares pela terceira sessão consecutiva- Mercados - Jornal de negócios online .::. Size~: 90.64 KBJun 25 17:52
schestowitzOver at Reddit, my article made the top pick today, within just hoursJun 25 17:52
schestowitz 25 17:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Android Beats Oracle and Apple Patent Challenges : Android .::. Size~: 173.26 KBJun 25 17:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] #PioneerOne website reported as an attack page? Oh come on, #Hollywood, try harder! !ccJun 25 17:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: PIONEER ONE an original dramatic series for VODO. .::. Size~: 27.32 KBJun 25 17:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Listening to RBS fiasco being blamed on legacy systems dating back to the 70's. Would a copy of Windoze 7 help them at all? :-)Jun 25 18:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[linuxfoundation/@linuxfoundation] Q&A w/ Intel's Sarah Sharp w/ advice 4 newbies + funniest moment as a #Linux kernel developer 25 18:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Planning to take one of my new servers and have a bunch of VMs on them with different slicers like Skeinforge, Slic3r.... 25 18:04
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Planning to take one of my new servers and have a bunch of… .::. Size~: 128.66 KBJun 25 18:04
*bluebomber (~michael@ has joined #techrightsJun 25 18:06
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Massive Top 100 #security #tips | Cyberwarzone 25 18:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Massive Top 100 security tips | Cyberwarzone .::. Size~: 123.81 KBJun 25 18:07
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #Japan Criminalizes Unauthorized Downloads, Making DVD Backups -- And Maybe Watching YouTube - insane #copyrightJun 25 18:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Japan Criminalizes Unauthorized Downloads, Making DVD Backups -- And Maybe Watching YouTube | Techdirt .::. Size~: 35.74 KBJun 25 18:09
iophkBYOD paves the way for Linux, first via Android.  Jun 25 18:12
iophk 25 18:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: In five years, the iPhone changed nearly everything - FierceMobileIT .::. Size~: 47.95 KBJun 25 18:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Should I Change My Password? #security #onlinetools ; also PwnedList security 25 18:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Should I Change My Password? | How Safe Is Your Password? .::. Size~: 10.19 KBJun 25 18:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: PwnedList .::. Size~: 18.32 KBJun 25 18:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] PS contesta nomeação de Arnaut para a REN- Política - JNo #osdonosdeportugal #politicosdetodasascores #poucavergonhaJun 25 18:19
TechrightsBot-trTitle: PS contesta nomeação de Arnaut para a REN- Política - Jornal de negócios online .::. Size~: 95.73 KBJun 25 18:19
MinceRin five years, the hypePhone changed the meaning of "smartphone" from "PDA/phone" to "featurephone with a touchscreen"Jun 25 18:21
MinceRin five years, the hypePhone made a phone that doesn't really work as a phone acceptableJun 25 18:21
schestowitzMinceR: so trueJun 25 18:23
schestowitzmy PDA does more than the Android 4.0  tabletJun 25 18:23
schestowitzTablets hardly have any copy and paste abilityJun 25 18:23
schestowitzdrekJun 25 18:23
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Internet of food: Arduino-based, urban #aquaponics in Oakland - YouTube #preppersJun 25 18:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jankusanagi/@jankusanagi] StressItOut v0.1 has been released. You can download it from Qt-apps . This overdue release fixes compilation with Qt v 25 18:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Internet of food: Arduino-based, urban aquaponics in Oakland       - YouTube .::. Size~: 163.09 KBJun 25 18:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: StressItOut v0.1 is out! «  Jan+KDE .::. Size~: 55.04 KBJun 25 18:24
MinceRbefore every smartphone looked like BlackBerries! oh yeah, like the Treo 180! wait, that came out before the crackberryJun 25 18:24
MinceRand then i didn't even mention the IBM SimonJun 25 18:25
iophk,0,7489412.storyJun 25 18:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Samsung says it will ship 10 million Galaxy S IIIs by July - .::. Size~: 196.3 KBJun 25 18:25
formic_my android has copy & pasteJun 25 18:26
formic_its not easy but it worksJun 25 18:26
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻@ladyniasan Over 60% of companies lobbying to get !ACTA ratified, missing from #EU #Transparency #Register. !copyfraudJun 25 18:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: / Institutional Affairs / EU lobbyist register gives incomplete picture .::. Size~: 47.68 KBJun 25 18:29
MinceRdo does mineJun 25 18:29
MinceRi think "calling a phone with no copy/paste a smartphone" is really a crApple/m$ thingJun 25 18:29
MinceRat least nowadaysJun 25 18:29
MinceRs/do do/so do/Jun 25 18:31
prurigroschestowitz: what's wrong with android 4 copy/paste?Jun 25 18:32
prurigrocopy and paste work great in both android and iOS at the moment for meJun 25 18:32
prurigroand what PDA for that matter?Jun 25 18:34
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] FFS! RT @trevortimm: Facebook just changed everyone’s email to without permission. Here’s how to fix it: 25 18:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] .@ChokePointP @cataspanglish see? this is *precisely* what I was talking about on the "Decentralisation" workshop at #loteJun 25 18:49
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Facebook Changed Everyone's Email to; Here's How to Fix It .::. Size~: 87.09 KBJun 25 18:49
formic_mincer - iOS has copy/pasteJun 25 18:50
formic_*and* antenna issue fixed tooJun 25 18:50
formic_might want to read the news more oftenJun 25 18:50
MinceRfor a long time the hypePhone was marketed as a "smartphone" while lacking copy/paste, which is what i was referring toJun 25 18:51
MinceRmight want to learn how to understand what people writeJun 25 18:51
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] ccbuhr: RT @NeelieKroesEU: Whether you're small co. buying ICT svces or citizen buying music:barriers in #Cloud mak 25 18:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] ccbuhr: RT @NeelieKroesEU: Where else will you see me on stage w Hugh Grant? MT @NewMediaForum: Final few hrs to re 25 18:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] ccbuhr: RT @NeelieKroesEU: Slow #broadband?Instead of complaining,this lady starting digging:blog on digital hero @ 25 18:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] ccbuhr: RT @NeelieKroesEU: Over 5 yrs, cloud boost = €200 billion, 800,000 jobs - in Germany alone. Need a Europe 25 18:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] ccbuhr: RT @DigitalAgendaEU: On 26/06, @NeelieKroesEU we ask stakeholders 2 help us identify obstacles that may li 25 18:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] ccbuhr: RT @ScraperWiki: ScraperWiki's Chief Data Scientist, Julian Todd, walks you through the holy grail of web s 25 18:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 0.13 KBJun 25 18:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 0.13 KBJun 25 18:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 0.13 KBJun 25 18:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 0.13 KBJun 25 18:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 0.13 KBJun 25 18:52
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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] Judges don't like it when you act like a " copyright troll " 25 18:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Fair use gets stronger—thanks, “What What (In the Butt)” | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 37.31 KBJun 25 18:54
*ThistleWeb ( has joined #techrightsJun 25 18:55
*ThistleWeb has quit (Changing host)Jun 25 18:55
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #techrightsJun 25 18:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Lights Over Lapland the Aurora #Borealis Experience on Vimeo #photography #video greeeeaaatttttJun 25 18:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Information on defending your digital privacy at the Israeli border, co-authored with @jonklinger 25 18:55
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] People, #Facebook does Man in the Middle attacks on your e-mail: #privacy #securityJun 25 18:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Lights Over Lapland the Aurora Borealis Experience on Vimeo .::. Size~: 32.66 KBJun 25 18:55
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Defending Privacy at the Israeli Border: Information for Travelers Carrying Digital Devices   | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 46.58 KBJun 25 18:55
formic_might want to stop pushing obsolete 'facts'Jun 25 18:56
formic_thats like telling people windows isn't y2k compliant because it wasn't in the pastJun 25 18:57
MinceRmight want to come to terms with cognitive dissonanceJun 25 18:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] "email addresses are free hence, we must all want one" FB 25 18:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More .::. Size~: 33.74 KBJun 25 18:57
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Facebook forces all users over to e-mail addresses | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 33.38 KBJun 25 18:57
formic_might want to stop being dishonest or people will stop listening to youJun 25 18:57
MinceRmight want to decide whether you're secure about having a hypePhone. if not, stop flaming about it. if yes, smugly shut up.Jun 25 18:58
formic_when you state facts that are obviously wrong, people will ignore everything you sayJun 25 18:58
MinceR"facts that are obviously wrong" -- citation needed.Jun 25 18:58
ThistleWebdavid ike 2.0 is here?Jun 25 18:58
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Panel Tomorrow: "Danger: Attempts to Change Internet Governance & Implications for Press Freedom" 10:30 EST. Tune in: 25 18:59
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] Facebook forces all users over to e- mail addresses 25 18:59
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Clear and Present Danger: Attempts to Change Internet Governance and Implications for Press Freedom | Center for International Media Assistance .::. Size~: 31.46 KBJun 25 18:59
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Facebook forces all users over to e-mail addresses | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 33.38 KBJun 25 18:59
formic_yeah, the copy pasta false infoJun 25 18:59
MinceRmight want to re-read that line, this time striving to understand what was actually saidJun 25 19:00
MinceRenglish is not difficult, you might want to learn it somedayJun 25 19:00
formic_for a way longer time, the hypephone has had copy pastaJun 25 19:00
formic_longer than it was lacking itJun 25 19:00
MinceRit was pushed as a "smartphone" when it did notJun 25 19:00
formic_where is the official definition of smartphone that i can look up that includes copy pasta?Jun 25 19:01
MinceRnot sure, but the fact is, nobody else marketed a phone so crippled as a "smartphone"Jun 25 19:01
MinceRexcept for m$Jun 25 19:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] If u find ur display e-mail has been hijacked by a ad, fret not a quick edit of the settings will let you restore a personal adJun 25 19:02
prurigroare you talking about windows CE?Jun 25 19:02
ThistleWebwindows comunity edition? ;)Jun 25 19:02
formic_the first smart phone is from the 70'sJun 25 19:02
MinceRno, i'm talking about windows phone 7Jun 25 19:03
formic_copy and paste wasn't even inventedJun 25 19:03
MinceRcitation neededJun 25 19:03
formic_ 25 19:03
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Smartphone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 342.6 KBJun 25 19:03
prurigroeveryone I've talked to with WP7 has raved abou itJun 25 19:03
MinceRalso, might want to notice that this isn't the 70sJun 25 19:03
formic_so?Jun 25 19:03
prurigrodoes it not include copy/pasta?Jun 25 19:03
MinceRcrApple might be still living in the 70s, but the rest of the world is notJun 25 19:03
MinceRprurigro: afaik it still has no copy/pasteJun 25 19:03
formic_nitpicking the name 'smartphone' when the defintion changes is not getting you any popularityJun 25 19:03
prurigroMinceR: no kidding- lemme confirm that for usJun 25 19:03
formic_heck, my android phone is called a "superphone"Jun 25 19:04
MinceRthe whole point was about "changing the definition"Jun 25 19:04
MinceRformic_: are you even trying to follow the conversation or just pick words or short phrases and rage?Jun 25 19:04
formic_im not raging, you areJun 25 19:04
MinceRcitation neededJun 25 19:04
formic_^^Jun 25 19:04
formic_citation neededJun 25 19:04
ThistleWeba smartphone is like an advisor in your pocket, chipping in with advice before you do something stppoid "no dumbass, don't call her now, wait until she'scalmed down a bit, I'll let you know when"Jun 25 19:05
MinceRlolJun 25 19:05
MinceRthat would be niceJun 25 19:05
prurigroai-phone?Jun 25 19:05
ThistleWeba pocket lothario feeding you linesJun 25 19:06
ThistleWeb"wait a minute until I disable logging, and put myself into fake profile mode before you enter the strip club"Jun 25 19:07
formic_ 25 19:07
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Nokia 9000 Communicator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 60.5 KBJun 25 19:07
formic_I wonder if this thing had the memory to handle copy & pasteJun 25 19:07
prurigroreal copy/paste doesn't take muchJun 25 19:08
prurigrothough modern implementations are a bit more bloatedJun 25 19:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] #MozParty round-up: "The weekend the world learned the web" 25 19:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The weekend the world learned the web  |  o p e n  m a t t .::. Size~: 23.81 KBJun 25 19:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Security advisories for Monday 25 19:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Security advisories for Monday [] .::. Size~: 9.13 KBJun 25 19:10
MinceRGEOS did copy/paste even on a C64, so chances are it did also on the communicatorJun 25 19:10
MinceRthen again, i don't know if that worked between applicationsJun 25 19:11
formic_google is guilty of making the term 'superphone'Jun 25 19:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Japan amends copyright law, enacting harsher enforcement measures. ISPs may use spyware to detect user activity. 25 19:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jail For File-Sharing Not Enough, Labels Want ISP-Level Spying Regime | TorrentFreak .::. Size~: 35.72 KBJun 25 19:12
formic_with the nexus oneJun 25 19:12
formic_its also a marketing term exclusive to androidJun 25 19:12
MinceRat least their platform isn't subparJun 25 19:13
prurigrolol, for a second there I read "at lest their platform isn't super"Jun 25 19:14
formic_I have Android and iOS, they both have advantages and disadvantages on each otherJun 25 19:14
prurigroand was like "wow, MinceR really had a change of heart"Jun 25 19:14
prurigroas a fellow user of both operating systems, I have to agree with formic_Jun 25 19:15
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Miami Heat Owner Sues Blogger & Google Over 'Unflattering' Photo - can I be the 281st person to say "streisand effect"Jun 25 19:15
formic_I definately wouldn't use Android for its podcast support or music, the flac app is winamp pro, or 'andless' which has a crap UI. VLC is coming but its still beta, and that still won't sync podcasts.Jun 25 19:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Miami Heat Owner Sues Blogger & Google Over 'Unflattering' Photo | Techdirt .::. Size~: 49.53 KBJun 25 19:15
prurigroandroid actually has awesome podcast support on that noteJun 25 19:16
formic_For everything but music, I'll use Android.Jun 25 19:16
prurigrodo you use google listen?Jun 25 19:16
formic_noJun 25 19:16
formic_whats google listen?Jun 25 19:16
prurigroits their podcast appJun 25 19:16
formic_does it sync with pc somehow?Jun 25 19:16
prurigroadd a rss feed and you can queue up a bunch which'll download itJun 25 19:16
prurigroem*Jun 25 19:16
formic_i'll listen to a podcast on the pc, sync, and take my device with me and resume where I left offJun 25 19:17
prurigroit doesn't need to sync with a PCJun 25 19:17
prurigroI think it *might* sync with google reader on that noteJun 25 19:17
prurigrobut I haven't played around too muchJun 25 19:17
formic_I guess I could use that and use line-in on my pcJun 25 19:18
prurigroword, line-in is sick-- +1 for pulseaudio on making that friendlier tooJun 25 19:18
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] The Economic #Collapse Is Not A Single Event #preppersJun 25 19:19
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] Next iPhone could help popularize NFC in the US #mobile #paymentsJun 25 19:19
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The Economic Collapse Is Not A Single Event .::. Size~: 178.84 KBJun 25 19:19
TechrightsBot-trTitle: The next iPhone could help popularize NFC in the US | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 34.11 KBJun 25 19:19
MinceRdunno, my Archos came with a Music player that does play FLACJun 25 19:19
prurigroit might depend on what hardware codecs the chipset supportsJun 25 19:20
MinceRyes, it mightJun 25 19:20
MinceRthere might even be a hardware equalizer in thereJun 25 19:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] If you buy it, you should own it. That's why we're standing up for the #right2own – and you can too. 25 19:22
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Stand Up for Owners' Rights | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 37.45 KBJun 25 19:22
prurigrohopefully not enabled by defaultJun 25 19:23
MinceRit's set to Flat by defaultJun 25 19:25
prurigroMinceR: just checked with my WP7 owning friend and it does have copy/pastaJun 25 19:26
prurigroand good-- flat is def the way to go unless a track is lackingJun 25 19:26
MinceRmust be a newer versionJun 25 19:26
prurigroI dunno, she only got it a month or so agoJun 25 19:26
MinceRin the beginning they were all like "copy/paste is totally unnecessary in our system, because it's so smart"Jun 25 19:26
ThistleWebcopy / paste arrived with an update many months after it's first release and it was widely mocked for not having itJun 25 19:27
prurigroie: its not ready yet and we want to make it sound like a good thingJun 25 19:27
MinceR:>Jun 25 19:27
ThistleWebmango?Jun 25 19:27
MinceRi thought they didn't even intend to have itJun 25 19:27
prurigromarketing people ftwJun 25 19:27
ThistleWebdunno, but they tried to play it down after folks pointed it out and mocked them for itJun 25 19:28
MinceR"7.0.7390 "NoDo" added CDMA support, Copy and Paste, fast application startup, and deeper Facebook Integration"Jun 25 19:28
ThistleWebeventually they tried the "it was always part of the plan, it's in the update" cardJun 25 19:28
prurigroyum, facebook integrationJun 25 19:28
prurigrothe thing pushing me away from iOS6Jun 25 19:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[nj3ma/@nj3ma] What's .Google want with 101 new .domains, anyway? 25 19:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: What's .Google want with 101 new .domains, anyway? | Internet & Media - CNET News .::. Size~: 98.31 KBJun 25 19:29
ThistleWebI suspect the phone was rushed out kinda feature bare, to get some sales, and they planned on adding in some basic features later with updatesJun 25 19:29
ThistleWebcopy paste just happened to be noticed and mockedJun 25 19:29
MinceRi don't get how that was supposed to workJun 25 19:29
MinceRwhen several major versions earlier they had properly working copy/pasteJun 25 19:30
MinceR(in wince/pocketpc/winmobile)Jun 25 19:30
prurigrothey did a redesign didn't they?Jun 25 19:30
prurigroall new OS more strictly designed around touch?Jun 25 19:31
MinceRyupJun 25 19:31
MinceRa redesign that made the OS worse in every single respect except touchscreen supportJun 25 19:31
MinceR(iirc wm didn't have support for multitouch)Jun 25 19:32
prurigroI heard winCE was horrible and that windows phone is pretty slick?Jun 25 19:32
ThistleWebI hear wp7 is actaully ok, the prob they have, is that there's little interest from folks who have already sold on android & ios, and that microsoft are trying to sell it as a premium "copy apple" modelJun 25 19:33
MinceRwm5 was actually somewhat capable, except for alarms and stabilityJun 25 19:33
MinceRafaik wp7 is really crippled even nowJun 25 19:33
MinceRit's just m$ trying to do ios all over againJun 25 19:34
ThistleWebthey're trying to sell an average if competent phone at apple prices, with apple restrictions, when it's a newcomer to the whole game, with an untrendy image and little user tractionJun 25 19:34
ThistleWebapple get away with all the lock down and restrictions because they have a fantastic product, they can charge huge premiums for the same reasonJun 25 19:34
ThistleWebmicrosoft are trying to do all the same stuff, with an average product and little reason to buyJun 25 19:34
MinceRapple gets away with the lockdown and restrictions because they are fashionableJun 25 19:35
ThistleWebwhere they could nail a lot of folks, is a super long length batteryJun 25 19:35
ThistleWebexact;yJun 25 19:35
MinceRm$ apparently thought they're fashionable because their products are so crippledJun 25 19:35
MinceRapparently that's not the whole deal after all :>Jun 25 19:35
ThistleWebthey've confused a large market share because customers can't choose anything else, and a huge market share because folks see other products and opt to buy what they likeJun 25 19:36
formic_facebook in ios6 is evilJun 25 19:37
formic_its like citytv, its everywhereJun 25 19:37
MinceRfacebook is fashionable tooJun 25 19:37
ThistleWebapple are one of the few companies on the planet who can thrive with vastly inflated premium pricesJun 25 19:37
MinceRplus it's not google, so apple is in love with them nowJun 25 19:37
formic_daemonfc is amusing, he uses opera mobile which has access to system logs & phone recordsJun 25 19:38
MinceRsaid the iOS userJun 25 19:39
formic_another friend of mine uses facebook on his android, and beause phonebook sync is turned off in the app itself he thinks its not using its permissions to copy his phone stuffJun 25 19:39
prurigroandroid accesses your junk tooJun 25 19:39
formic_said the iOS/android userJun 25 19:40
prurigrofacebook crashes if you disable its access to your phonebookJun 25 19:40
prurigroI've triedJun 25 19:40
prurigro(on android)Jun 25 19:40
prurigroon iOS it doesn't crashJun 25 19:40
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] #internet - DOMO :: Blog :: How Much #Data is Created Every Minute? almost all of that powered by #gnulinux and #bsdJun 25 19:40
prurigrobecause the way apple did the permissions model doesn't require the app requesting permissions to have access to literally functionJun 25 19:40
TechrightsBot-trTitle: DOMO :: Blog ::   How Much Data is Created Every Minute? .::. Size~: 14.97 KBJun 25 19:40
prurigroon both OS' you need to hack to disable app access to your personal stuffJun 25 19:42
formic_how dare!Jun 25 19:42
MinceRdoes iOS even enforce the permissions or do they only check them when approving for the crApp Store?Jun 25 19:43
prurigroiOS heavily enforces an access model that allows apps access only to their own info and a very specific subset of the phone infoJun 25 19:43
formic_sandboxing?Jun 25 19:44
prurigroyou can install a jailbreak tweak to have them ask permission each time, and which allows you to deny accessJun 25 19:44
prurigroyea, via sandboxJun 25 19:44
ThistleWebspeaking of permissions, I've noticed a disturbing trend in android apps, where they want to see your confidential data & contact people in your contacts without your permission.......for providing benign read only services, like football score updatesJun 25 19:44
prurigroandroid gives apps way more access, but tells users what they're accessing on install-- if an app requires a permission in android it'll die withoutJun 25 19:45
MinceRicJun 25 19:45
prurigroThistleWeb: that's totally a business model for a huge % of free appsJun 25 19:45
prurigroI dislike both setupsJun 25 19:45
prurigroI also dislike the native cloud sync for your apps both android and ios enable by defaultJun 25 19:46
formic_actually i had to wipe my android recently cause of something i downloadedJun 25 19:47
prurigrooh?Jun 25 19:47
formic_some app started notifying me i won an ipad2Jun 25 19:48
formic_no traces of it in  the running processesJun 25 19:48
formic_anti-virus didnt even pick it upJun 25 19:48
formic_so i restored a backup i made in aprilJun 25 19:48
prurigroyou sure it wasn't a txt message?Jun 25 19:48
prurigroor was this your tab?Jun 25 19:48
formic_yeah, android tablet, not my phoneJun 25 19:48
prurigroword, scary lolJun 25 19:48
formic_ 25 19:49
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Red star in notification area .::. Size~: 63.67 KBJun 25 19:49
formic_same as this ^^Jun 25 19:49
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Big Corporations Are Gathering Every Shred Of Information About You... Apple: Big Brother Incarnate 25 19:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Data Mining: Big Corporations Are Gathering Every Shred Of Information About You That They Can And Selling It For Profit .::. Size~: 186.51 KBJun 25 19:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Apple: Big Brother Incarnate (Part I) - CollapseNet Blogs | CollapseNet .::. Size~: 17.09 KBJun 25 19:50
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jun 25 19:57
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsJun 25 19:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Why my child will be your child's boss - CBS #Switzerland reminds me this #preppersJun 25 20:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Why my child will be your child's boss - CBS News .::. Size~: 119.19 KBJun 25 20:00
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Lessons of My Father:  "Depussification" by Nutnfancy       - YouTube .::. Size~: 176.95 KBJun 25 20:00
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] think Fakebooze ♻ @hgfernan: Facebook ? What's that ? ;)Jun 25 20:05
formic_prurigro: google listen uses google reader for subscriptions :(Jun 25 20:07
formic_Eric Schmidt knows what conspiracy show I listened to last summer...Jun 25 20:08
prurigrolol, is that a bad thing?Jun 25 20:08
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fsf/@fsf] #Microsoft's gambling problem fixed... mostly: !fsf !gnuJun 25 20:10
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] FreeRangeKids #bushcraft #preppersJun 25 20:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Dear Microsoft: is not a "gambling site" — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 30.61 KBJun 25 20:10
TechrightsBot-trTitle: FreeRangeKids .::. Size~: 89.21 KBJun 25 20:10
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJun 25 20:11
formic_he did go to bilderburgJun 25 20:11
formic_dude, it also reads phone state and identity infoJun 25 20:12
formic_ 25 20:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Listen - Android Apps on Google Play .::. Size~: 104.06 KBJun 25 20:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Kernel boot command-line parameter reference: Chapter 9 - Linux Kernel in a Nutshell - O'Reilly Media #gnulinux #tipsJun 25 20:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Industrial-strength Linux lockdown, Part 2: Executing only signed binaries #hardening #gnulinux #tipsJun 25 20:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Kernel boot command-line parameter reference: Chapter 9 - Linux Kernel in a Nutshell - O'Reilly Media .::. Size~: 143.81 KBJun 25 20:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Industrial-strength Linux lockdown, Part 2: Executing only signed binaries .::. Size~: 59.09 KBJun 25 20:12
formic_fsck.reiserfs thatJun 25 20:12
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 25 20:13
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[linuxfoundation/@linuxfoundation] Today's featured T-shirt contest design finalist: @andohc w/ a Tux mosaic of distro logos. Vote: 25 20:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - .::. Size~: 11.39 KBJun 25 20:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Pettenò: Debunking x32 myths 25 20:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Pettenò: Debunking x32 myths [] .::. Size~: 8.23 KBJun 25 20:20
formic_however, my tablet doesnt even have a phone, so maybe Jun 25 20:22
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Xfce Minimal Installation on Squeeze - #Debian - e-Notes #lowspecbox #gnulinuxJun 25 20:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Xfce Minimal Installation on Squeeze - Debian - e-Notes .::. Size~: 11.88 KBJun 25 20:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] !tzag and Good afternoon ! ... it's a beautiful *seasonal* 17.8 °C in Southern Ontario at 3:15 p.m.Jun 25 20:30
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] #Debian User Forums • View topic - Perfect #Xfce desktop install #lowspecbox #gnulinuxJun 25 20:30
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Debian User Forums • View topic - Perfect Xfce desktop install .::. Size~: 53.21 KBJun 25 20:30
*bluebomber has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 25 20:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Linux: #Debian NetInstall: instalação personalizada [Artigo] #lowspecbox #gnulinuxJun 25 20:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Linux: Debian NetInstall: instalação personalizada [Artigo] .::. Size~: 45.83 KBJun 25 20:35
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Great interview with CEO of, an independent ISP committed to protecting users' data. 25 20:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: CEO Of Internet Provider We Delete User Logs After Two Weeks. Your Internet Provider Should, Too. - Forbes .::. Size~: 74.9 KBJun 25 20:37
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] .@kyrah404 I think that's "stupid Flanders" neighbourlyJun 25 20:50
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Jun 25 20:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mrdenticator/@mrdenticator] Yesterday top #statustician is sandersch from with 127 dents!Jun 25 20:57
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] wow, great post! ♻ @brettcsmith: Kudos to maddog for publishing this: 25 21:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: In Honor of Alan Turing: A message from the sponsor - Linux Magazine Online .::. Size~: 64.03 KBJun 25 21:17
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Computer security research at risk in European Parliament: #infosecJun 25 21:24
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Coders' Rights At Risk in the European Parliament | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 39.5 KBJun 25 21:24
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fsf/@fsf] #ThankGNU, Robert L. McDonald! !gnu !fsfJun 25 21:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Thank GNUs 2012 - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation .::. Size~: 13.6 KBJun 25 21:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Donate to the FSF - Free Software Foundation .::. Size~: 31.03 KBJun 25 21:29
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] is public performance propagation or conveyance? ♻ @tekk: @arnebab you put songs under the gpl? how does that work?Jun 25 21:39
DaemonFCformic_: How long do you figure it'll be before the US government dumps "bath salts" into the drinking water of a city somewhereJun 25 21:39
DaemonFCand blames it on terroristsJun 25 21:39
formic_after their done with lithiumJun 25 21:44
DaemonFCI'm not sure that it's really even drugsJun 25 21:46
DaemonFCformic_: I think we might have run out of deep fried raccoon asshole on a stickJun 25 21:46
DaemonFCand people are starting to want to eat cops for their high fat contentJun 25 21:47
DaemonFC 25 21:47
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Brandon DeLeon, High On Cloud 9 Bath Salts And Four Loko, Tries To Bite Police: Report (VIDEO) .::. Size~: 358.88 KBJun 25 21:47
DaemonFCnext you'll hear about some cop getting his big fat cop ass chewed offJun 25 21:47
formic_lolJun 25 21:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3 25 22:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3 [] .::. Size~: 8.32 KBJun 25 22:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Reshared post from Steven Vaughan-Nichols 25 22:09
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Facebook does it to its users again. This time, without a… .::. Size~: 142.28 KBJun 25 22:09
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Help Us Shape Our Strategy for Intellectual Property Enforcement - USians: an offer you can't refuse (v @digiphile)Jun 25 22:17
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Help Us Shape Our Strategy for Intellectual Property Enforcement | The White House .::. Size~: 59.25 KBJun 25 22:17
DaemonFCformic_: 25 22:19
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJun 25 22:19
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Senators Call for Increased Transparency, Including Broader Consultation on Internet Freedom - #TPP #ACTAJun 25 22:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: With Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations Set to Continue in California Next Week, Senators Call for Increased Transparency, Including Broader Consultation on Internet Freedom .::. Size~: 35.59 KBJun 25 22:20
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #ca Fed Court Says No #Copyright Infringement For Linking, Posting Several Paragraphs from Article - necessary winsJun 25 22:25
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Michael Geist - Cdn Fed Court Says No Copyright Infringement For Linking, Posting Several Paragraphs from Article .::. Size~: 55.87 KBJun 25 22:25
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] @fontana even though public performance might enable other parties to make copies, e.g. by recording the song?Jun 25 22:29
DaemonFC 25 22:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Funny Pictures at WalMart First Day Of Summer .::. Size~: 49.59 KBJun 25 22:29
formic_lol i love that siteJun 25 22:31
formic_im gonna make peopleofhamilton.comJun 25 22:31
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Forscher fordern Grundrechte für Menschenaffen - I agree: "Sie sind wie wir"Jun 25 22:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Grundrechte für Menschenaffen wie Gorillas und Schimpansen - SPIEGEL ONLINE .::. Size~: 70.75 KBJun 25 22:32
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Some Facts & Insights Into The Whole Discussion Of 'Ethics' And Music Business Models - lots of crucial pointsJun 25 22:34
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Some Facts & Insights Into The Whole Discussion Of 'Ethics' And Music Business Models | Techdirt .::. Size~: 232.15 KBJun 25 22:34
MinceRgnJun 25 22:50
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] Happy Birthday George Orwell 25 22:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: - .::. Size~: 11.24 KBJun 25 22:52
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @_tomash: 2nd turn of @MusicRageorg ended selling 1425 packs and gaining over $9000. Congrats and waiting for next one!Jun 25 22:59
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] .@petewearspants @nclarkjudd these days freedom and privacy are dismantled one #facebook visibility setting at a time.Jun 25 23:00
*oddpuck has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 25 23:01
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Nano Patents and Innovations: Eat Slowly And Reduce Diabetes Risk #healthJun 25 23:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Nano Patents and Innovations: Eat Slowly And Reduce Diabetes Risk .::. Size~: 255.75 KBJun 25 23:02
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] If the European Parliament rejects #ACTA next week, will it actually go away? Maybe not. 25 23:05
TechrightsBot-trTitle: If Europe rejects ACTA, will it actually go away? | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 40.01 KBJun 25 23:05
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] RD @eff If the European Parliament rejects #ACTA next week, will it actually go away? Maybe not. 25 23:08
TechrightsBot-trTitle: If Europe rejects ACTA, will it actually go away? | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 40.01 KBJun 25 23:08
DaemonFC 25 23:08
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Jedi believer wins apology from Jobcentre after being kicked out for wearing a hood  | Mail Online .::. Size~: 171 KBJun 25 23:08
formic_WeirdJun 25 23:12
formic_I remember Luke often didn't wear his hoodieJun 25 23:12
formic_And all the Jedi in the new moviesJun 25 23:12
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] How NatWest's IT meltdown developed 25 23:19
TechrightsBot-trTitle: How NatWest's IT meltdown developed | Technology | .::. Size~: 243.98 KBJun 25 23:19
formic_DaemonFC: Have you used google music for android? Works greatJun 25 23:21
formic_I just tested it with m4aJun 25 23:21
DaemonFCuhhhmJun 25 23:21
DaemonFCnopeJun 25 23:21
formic_Should be fine with flac and no license fees Jun 25 23:21
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fsf/@fsf] Thank you to #Trisquel, #gNewSense, and Free Software Corsica for joining with the !FSF to stop Restricted Boot: 25 23:27
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Stand up for your freedom to install free software — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 43.96 KBJun 25 23:27
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] Nice to see you, @marjoleink ... it's been quite a while!Jun 25 23:29
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jun 25 23:45
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[silner/@silner] Scientists crack RSA SecurID 800 tokens, steal cryptographic keys 25 23:52
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Scientists crack RSA SecurID 800 tokens, steal cryptographic keys | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 39.04 KBJun 25 23:52

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