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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: September 28th, 2012

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*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Sep 28 02:27
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Sep 28 02:27:22 2012
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Sep 28 02:27:49 2012
*Now talking on #boycottnovellSep 28 02:27
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-socialSep 28 02:27
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010Sep 28 02:27
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelSep 28 02:27
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz_logSep 28 02:27
*puppywatch ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 28 02:28
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 28 02:29
*libertybox_ ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 28 09:25
*roy_ is now known as schestowitzSep 28 09:44
*oiaohm ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 28 12:01
*oiaohm has quit (Changing host)Sep 28 12:01
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellSep 28 12:01
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: by all)Sep 28 15:16
schestowitz 28 17:58 #Nokia should kick #elop out and bring #Jolla inSep 28 17:58
schestowitz"Jolla may well be better on their own, but kicking Elop out would surely be a step in the right direction."Sep 28 17:58
*MinceR_ ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 28 19:11
*MinceR_ has quit (Changing host)Sep 28 19:11
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellSep 28 19:11
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to MinceR_Sep 28 19:13
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Sep 28 19:14
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceRSep 28 19:14
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 28 19:21
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 28 19:43
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Sep 28 19:43
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellSep 28 19:43
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzSep 28 19:43
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Sep 29 01:30:26 2012

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