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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: January 18th, 2013

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*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Jan 18 00:32
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellJan 18 00:33
*ainuxs has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Jan 18 07:27
*ainuxs (~ainuxs@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 18 07:34
*ainuxs has quit (Quit: ZNC - 18 09:38
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 18 10:29
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 18 10:30
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Jan 18 15:18
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Jan 18 15:18:05 2013
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Jan 18 15:18:31 2013
*Now talking on #boycottnovellJan 18 15:18
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-socialJan 18 15:18
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010Jan 18 15:18
*[freenode-info] channel trolls and no channel staff around to help? please check with freenode support: 18 15:18
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelJan 18 15:18
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz_logJan 18 15:18
*puppywatch ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 18 15:18
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 18 15:20
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 18 16:14
*abeNd-org (~Keith@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 18 16:23
roy__> Hi, Roy,Jan 18 23:57
roy__> Jan 18 23:57
roy__> If and when the server is rebuilt, can it be updated to use UTC in theJan 18 23:57
roy__> system clock?  That would make log munging much easier.  It's a highlyJan 18 23:57
roy__> recommended practice to use UTC.  Thanks.Jan 18 23:57
roy__No problem, it wad down again...Jan 18 23:57
*roy__ is now known as schestowitzJan 18 23:57

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