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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: February 1st, 2013

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*libertyboxes has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 01 00:17
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*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Feb 01 03:37
*abeNd-org (~Keith@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 01 13:49
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schestowitz"Feb 01 16:44
schestowitz> This link to Taggstar looks like it could be a useful plug-in to enhanceFeb 01 16:44
schestowitz> some of the stuff on my web log.Feb 01 16:44
schestowitz> Feb 01 16:44
schestowitz> Check it out and let me know... 01 16:44
TechrightsBotTitle: Taggstar - bring your photos to life .::. Size~: 9.06 KBFeb 01 16:44
schestowitz> Feb 01 16:44
schestowitz> [Create. Enhance the images on your site by embedding video, music,Feb 01 16:44
schestowitz> pictures, text, maps and more...Feb 01 16:44
schestowitz> Feb 01 16:44
schestowitz> Shop the image - turn pictures into a shopping experience and earn.]Feb 01 16:44
schestowitzI've just looked up "taggstar" in wordpress plugin, but was unable to find it. Their official site says taggstar is not even approved by wordpress, so I worry that it might be malicious by nature. I can ignore my gut feeling and install it anyway if it seems beneficial enough; it seems like "enhance" for them, not "enhance" for the sites on which they want themselves installed.Feb 01 16:44
schestowitz"Feb 01 16:44
schestowitz> Hi, Roy,Feb 01 19:55
schestowitz> Feb 01 19:55
schestowitz> I could not find the report where Bruce Perens complains about HPFeb 01 19:55
schestowitz> wanting to astroturf.Feb 01 19:55
schestowitz> Feb 01 19:55
schestowitz> I did find a dead link in this article:Feb 01 19:55
schestowitz> 01 19:55
TechrightsBotTitle: Bruce Perens Calls Novell a “Highly Paid [Microsoft] Mouthpiece” | Techrights .::. Size~: 125.2 KBFeb 01 19:55
schestowitz> Feb 01 19:55
schestowitz> The one "he wrote" goes to the wrong article.  I think the correctFeb 01 19:55
schestowitz> link should be this one:Feb 01 19:55
schestowitz> Feb 01 19:55
schestowitz> 01 19:55
TechrightsBotTitle: Open-Source Leaders Speak Out on TomTom Case .::. Size~: 54.69 KBFeb 01 19:55
schestowitz 01 19:55
schestowitz 01 19:56
TechrightsBotTitle: Is YouTube’s “NovellVideo” a Novell AstroTurfer? | Techrights .::. Size~: 162.87 KBFeb 01 19:56
schestowitz"[J]ust about every PR firm offers to help “manage the perception of your company in online communities” these days. What do you think that means? Astroturfing Slashdot, Youtube, etc. In my various manangement positions it’s been offered to me. Indeed, some of the companies offer to create negative publicity for your competition that way – HP had a publicity firm for its Linux activities that told us it would do that when we Feb 01 19:56
TechrightsBotTitle: Microsoft Treating "Windows-Only" As Open Source - Slashdot .::. Size~: 46.66 KBFeb 01 19:56
schestowitzwanted. I never asked them to do so and hope nobody else did either.Feb 01 19:56
schestowitz"This stuff is just standard these days. You’ve got to expect it."Feb 01 19:56
schestowitz#HP is secretly anti-Linux and generally a disgusting company. 01 21:58 reshared: ![cts]( #gif #catsFeb 01 21:58
TechrightsBotNot a web page! Aborting application/xml typeFeb 01 21:58
schestowitz"No kitteh!! Those are bad for you!!!! O.O"Feb 01 21:58

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