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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: February 23rd, 2013

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schestowitz>     Or can you tell me a site which hosts WebM without needing any Flash or Feb 23 09:28
schestowitz>     Javascript? Feb 23 09:28
schestowitz> Feb 23 09:28
schestowitz> Your site can do this.  Any site can host a WebM file.Feb 23 09:28
schestowitz> We can also put it at 23 09:28
schestowitz> Feb 23 09:28
schestowitz> If a lot of people try to fetch it, you can make a torrent.Feb 23 09:28
schestowitz> Please do not post my interview on YouTube.  YouTube requiresFeb 23 09:28
schestowitz> use of nonfree software, making it unacceptable.Feb 23 09:28
schestowitz> Regardless of what the problem is, YouTube is not the solution.Feb 23 09:28
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 23 09:56
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 23 09:57
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Feb 23 09:57
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 23 09:57
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzFeb 23 09:57
schestowitz 23 14:22 Armstrong (cyclist) amassed a fortune of $0.1bn by cheating; I like it just because it shows how rigged competitive sport has become.Feb 23 14:22
schestowitzhence competitive sport is bunk, which is the point I was trying to get acrossFeb 23 14:23
schestowitz"Feb 23 14:23
schestowitzIt wasn't "cheating", it was the norm. The performance expected from the athletes would not be possible without these substances which replace the haemoglobin in the blood. Feb 23 14:23
schestowitzIt would have been better if everyone was open about it and said tat it was part of research to test performance enhancing substances - which could be useful to people in extreme conditions such as high altitude or underwater or even space activity - quite apart from the military. Feb 23 14:23
schestowitzSport is all about cheating - when the first team started using telecomms to improve communications within the team or developed carbon fibre frames, better tyres etc. - all that is cheating. Feb 23 14:23
schestowitzIn any case, what non-fans don't know is that the Tour de France and the other tours is a team sport and winning depends on a good team supporting and protecting their leader - it isn't a competition between individuals.Feb 23 14:23
schestowitzshow moreFeb 23 14:23
schestowitz"Feb 23 14:23

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