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-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lamm/@lamm] Tips are not optional, they are how waiters get paid in America | Feb 04 00:02 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Tips are not optional, they are how waiters get paid in America | Chelsea Welch | Comment is free | .::. Size~: 119.68 KB | Feb 04 00:02 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 00:07 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @TrevorHeisler: Can't really call the Boxee Tv the 2nd generation of the Boxee Box. It does much less. @schestowitz R.I.P. #Boxee Box: 2010-2013 | Feb 04 00:07 |
*sebsebsebinBruss has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | Feb 04 00:12 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mray/@mray] RT @mlinksva A new !autonomous -y blog/guide/advocacy thing, @cznweb | Feb 04 00:18 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: CitizenWeb | .::. Size~: 17.86 KB | Feb 04 00:18 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Misunderstanding the danger of computing idea patents | Feb 04 00:47 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2012: November - February Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 925.16 KB | Feb 04 00:47 |
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Feb 04 00:56 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrights | Feb 04 00:57 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Apple maps | Feb 04 01:27 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Outrage | Feb 04 01:27 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 04 01:27 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 04 01:27 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 01:27 |
TechrightsBot-tr | ## böser, schadensfroher - gerechtfertigter - lacher ^^  #lol #gif #macula #humor | Feb 04 01:27 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: Nothing found for Wp-content Uploads 2012 09 Boat-faceplant Gif) .::. Size~: 17.08 KB | Feb 04 01:28 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt280/@lnxwalt280] New socks and underpants. I thought I might wait until I'd lost a little bit more weight, but I couldn't wait any longer. | Feb 04 01:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Facebook graph search: ideal tool for phishing | Feb 04 01:47 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2012: November - February Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 925.16 KB | Feb 04 01:47 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] While Laptops Bricked Due to Microsoft’s Anti-Linux Tactics, Media Spin About #Microsoft Liking #Linux #uefi | Feb 04 01:50 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: While Laptops Bricked Due to Microsoft’s Anti-Linux Tactics, Media Spin About Microsoft Liking Linux | Techrights .::. Size~: 92.17 KB | Feb 04 01:50 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt280/@lnxwalt280] We still have power in #Baton_Rouge. Must be a local thing. #Superbowl #outage. | Feb 04 01:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[newtonx/@newtonx] It’s Super Bowl Sunday, thank God! | Feb 04 02:02 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: It's My Blog, Dammit! .... Anything and Everything! | It’s Super Bowl Sunday, thank God! .::. Size~: 25.56 KB | Feb 04 02:02 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Microsoft Cash Cows Don’t Produce Milk Anymore #windows #office #linux | Feb 04 02:03 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft Cash Cows Don’t Produce Milk Anymore | Techrights .::. Size~: 84.25 KB | Feb 04 02:03 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Children #obama #brand approves tactic | Feb 04 02:08 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 04 02:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 04 02:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt280/@lnxwalt280] DEVO — Whip It | Feb 04 02:10 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Troll | Feb 04 02:10 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[0re0/@0re0] DEVO — Whip It // Not like you're doing anything else right now. | Feb 04 02:10 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: "Fridays TV Show" (1980) [Show F-09] Devo - "Whip It" (Live) [09 of 10] - YouTube .::. Size~: 189.77 KB | Feb 04 02:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 04 02:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: "Fridays TV Show" (1980) [Show F-09] Devo - "Whip It" (Live) [09 of 10] - YouTube .::. Size~: 190.27 KB | Feb 04 02:10 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Before and after | Feb 04 02:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 04 02:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Proposed constitutional amendment | Feb 04 03:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Guantanamo kangaroo courts squelch talk of torture | Feb 04 03:48 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2012: November - February Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 925.16 KB | Feb 04 03:48 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2012: November - February Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 925.16 KB | Feb 04 03:49 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt280/@lnxwalt280] Current #Baton_Rouge weather: clear, 45F, no wind. Later tonight: mostly cloudy, 45F. Tomorrow: 50% chance of rain, 75F. | Feb 04 04:20 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Urgent: Path to citizenship | Feb 04 04:50 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2012: November - February Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 925.16 KB | Feb 04 04:50 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Stable kernels 3.0.62, 3.4.29, and 3.7.6 released | Feb 04 04:52 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Stable kernels 3.0.62, 3.4.29, and 3.7.6 released [] .::. Size~: 6.07 KB | Feb 04 04:52 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[w3c/@w3c] #w3ccommunity Proposed Group: Information Architecture Community Group | Feb 04 05:02 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Proposed Group: Information Architecture Community Group | Community and Business Groups .::. Size~: 38.33 KB | Feb 04 05:02 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @tekk Er, not sure of the "Trailer Park Boys" significance (not seen it either) ... lately I've been watching 'The Wire' <> | Feb 04 05:05 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] Breast Cancer prevention with a pink twist: | Feb 04 05:08 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: This Is What Happens When Advertising Is Done For Women, By Women .::. Size~: 35.2 KB | Feb 04 05:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] the #SuperBowl sounds like a novel way to feed the dog or cat, no meals all year round & one HUGE Superbowl day | Feb 04 05:12 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] Good morning @theru and @navigium ... but I need to say good night, now too :) !tzaf | Feb 04 05:12 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] Good night @thistleweb (and !identiverse ) | Feb 04 05:13 | |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | Feb 04 05:19 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | Feb 04 05:19 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Feb 04 05:19 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] either that or slang for the celebration you have after a hellava bad bout of constipation, #superbowelmovement | Feb 04 05:50 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Urgent: Stop deafening whales with sonar | Feb 04 05:50 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2012: November - February Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 925.16 KB | Feb 04 05:50 |
*koolhead17 (~beermon@ has joined #techrights | Feb 04 06:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eebrah/@eebrah] RT @x11r5 Are there instructions for connecting this client to the end; then stop. ~Lewis carrol, alice in wonderland | Feb 04 06:27 | |
*amarsh04_ ( has joined #techrights | Feb 04 06:27 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Feb 04 06:28 | |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Feb 04 06:30 | |
*amarsh04__ (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Feb 04 06:53 | |
*amarsh04_ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | Feb 04 06:54 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Iraq arrests journalist for taking photos | Feb 04 07:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eebrah/@eebrah] Productivity begins .... Now! | Feb 04 07:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2012: November - February Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 925.16 KB | Feb 04 07:13 |
*koolhead17 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Feb 04 07:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Israel could be prosecuted in the International Criminal Court | Feb 04 07:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2012: November - February Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 925.16 KB | Feb 04 07:53 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eebrah/@eebrah] RT @anathema In search of the perfect match. (Which distro would you recommend?) | Feb 04 08:35 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] yes, certainly the same spirit | Feb 04 08:35 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 130203 - yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD | Feb 04 08:35 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: anathema's question: In search of the perfect match. (Which distro would you recommend?) - .::. Size~: 10.13 KB | Feb 04 08:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 130203 .::. Size~: 68.06 KB | Feb 04 08:35 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Queensland Gov. threatens to sue tobacco companies for cost to health sector - bravo (v @tobaccofreeaust @DrRimmer) #au | Feb 04 08:42 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Queensland LNP Government threatens to sue tobacco companies for the cost to health sector | The Courier-Mail .::. Size~: 106.91 KB | Feb 04 08:42 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] US Corporations Win Against #Privacy in EU Parliament Consumer Committee - why are some #MEPs so keen to serve US? | Feb 04 08:48 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: US Corporations Win Against Privacy in EU Parliament Consumer Committee | La Quadrature du Net .::. Size~: 36.12 KB | Feb 04 08:48 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Why Do #Copyright Monopolists Think They Can Just Take Somebody Else’s Work? - best form defence is attack | Feb 04 08:50 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Why Do Copyright Monopolists Think They Can Just Take Somebody Else’s Work? | TorrentFreak .::. Size~: 211.57 KB | Feb 04 08:50 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] How easily the US could have left Aaron Swartz alone | Feb 04 08:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #SCO Asks the Bankruptcy Court to Let It Destroy Its Business Records - nothing to hide? good, give them to us... | Feb 04 08:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Endlich! Peer Steinbrück revolutioniert die politische Blog-Kommunikation in Deutschland - hilarious #de | Feb 04 08:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2012: November - February Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 928.8 KB | Feb 04 08:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Groklaw - SCO Asks the Bankruptcy Court to Let It Destroy Its Business Records ~ pj .::. Size~: 68.8 KB | Feb 04 08:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Endlich! Peer Steinbrück revolutioniert die politische Blog-Kommunikation in Deutschland .::. Size~: 70.2 KB | Feb 04 08:53 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Federal Aviation Administration predicts explosion in drones market after 2015 - once they've fitted bombs, presumably | Feb 04 08:55 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Federal Aviation Administration predicts explosion in drones market after 2015 - Boulder Daily Camera .::. Size~: 100.45 KB | Feb 04 08:55 |
*iophk (~konv2@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Feb 04 08:59 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Feb 04 08:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] How academia betrayed and continues to betray Aaron Swartz - missed this before (v @DaHammerstein) #openaccess | Feb 04 09:00 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: How academia betrayed and continues to betray Aaron Swartz .::. Size~: 43.62 KB | Feb 04 09:00 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Al Gore: US democracy has been hacked - nicely put #corruption | Feb 04 09:02 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Al Gore: US democracy has been hacked | World news | .::. Size~: 115.71 KB | Feb 04 09:02 |
MinceR | geekings | Feb 04 09:03 |
iophk | "Posting our PDFs is all fine and good, but the real way to honor Aaron Swartz is to combat this pervasive institutional fecklessness and do everything in our power to make sure no papers ever end up behind pay walls again." | Feb 04 09:06 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Saudi preacher gets fine and short jail term for raping and killing daughter - warning: highly disturbing (v @kaatje36) | Feb 04 09:10 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Saudi preacher gets fine and short jail term for raping and killing daughter — RT .::. Size~: 55.15 KB | Feb 04 09:10 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] US objects to Indian government’s domestic technology sourcing plan - after all,there's no "'Buy American" in US...much | Feb 04 09:22 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: US objects to Indian government’s domestic technology sourcing plan @NextBigWhat .::. Size~: 38.93 KB | Feb 04 09:22 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] UK minister: 'There must be a limit to what the gov knows about its people' - it's a trap... | Feb 04 09:23 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: UK minister: 'There must be a limit to what the gov knows about its people' • The Register .::. Size~: 30.42 KB | Feb 04 09:23 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Foreign aid for sexual health sparks hot budget debate - strange: I would have thought bigots wanted fewer foreigners | Feb 04 09:25 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Foreign aid for sexual health sparks hot budget debate | EurActiv .::. Size~: 97.57 KB | Feb 04 09:25 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] BT to end traffic throttling - claims capacity is FAT - should help slay myth about need for traffic caps | Feb 04 09:32 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: BT to end traffic throttling - claims capacity is FAT • The Register .::. Size~: 29.12 KB | Feb 04 09:32 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Wine for Linux is going mobile - thus rendering #windows even more moot #android | Feb 04 09:35 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Wine for Android is Coming .::. Size~: 47.7 KB | Feb 04 09:35 |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Feb 04 09:41 | |
DaemonFC | | Feb 04 09:43 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Progressive Bumper Stickers - Liberal, Democratic > Republicans want smaller gov't for the same reason crooks want fewer cops. - James Carville .::. Size~: 30.78 KB | Feb 04 09:44 |
DaemonFC | | Feb 04 09:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Progressive Bumper Stickers - Liberal, Democratic > Capitalism will never fail. Socialism will always be there to bail it out. - Ralph Nader .::. Size~: 30.82 KB | Feb 04 09:47 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #EU Structured stakeholder dialogue "Licences for Europe" - let's hope the public is a stakeholder... (v @MarietjeD66) | Feb 04 09:47 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Licences for Europe - European Commission .::. Size~: 22.36 KB | Feb 04 09:47 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Zirkus in Mexiko: Tiger tötet Dompteur vor den Augen der Zuschauer - why tigers shouldn't be in circuses, no? | Feb 04 09:48 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Zirkus in Mexiko: Tiger tötet Dompteur vor den Augen der Zuschauer - SPIEGEL ONLINE .::. Size~: 52.3 KB | Feb 04 09:48 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Discounting iPhone Apps Increases Revenue by 159% - gosh, nobody ever thought that would happen, eh? | Feb 04 09:50 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 8.1 KB | Feb 04 09:50 |
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | Feb 04 09:50 | |
DaemonFC | | Feb 04 09:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Customer Discussions: Why does the left hate success... .::. Size~: 195.88 KB | Feb 04 09:51 |
DaemonFC | (to mock another thread) | Feb 04 09:51 |
*iophk (~konv2@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Feb 04 09:52 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Feb 04 09:52 | |
iophk | | Feb 04 09:52 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Why Do Copyright Monopolists Think They Can Just Take Somebody Else’s Work? | TorrentFreak .::. Size~: 222.76 KB | Feb 04 09:52 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] An Economic Alternative to Exploitative Free Market Capitalism - it's Diggers 2.0 #commons | Feb 04 09:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: An Economic Alternative to Exploitative Free Market Capitalism | Common Dreams .::. Size~: 37.29 KB | Feb 04 09:53 |
iophk | | Feb 04 09:56 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Chromebooks in Schools at Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 43.77 KB | Feb 04 09:56 |
*neildarlow ( has joined #techrights | Feb 04 09:57 | |
DaemonFC | | Feb 04 10:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Customer Discussions: HBO sends a DMCA complaint to Google, over .::. Size~: 197.5 KB | Feb 04 10:03 |
DaemonFC | ZOMG PINK PONIES says: | Feb 04 10:07 |
DaemonFC | | Feb 04 10:07 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: HBO Wants Google to Censor…. | TorrentFreak .::. Size~: 81.58 KB | Feb 04 10:07 |
DaemonFC | "Every week Google is asked to remove more than four million URLs from its search engine. While these automated requests are usually legitimate, mistakes happen more often than one might expect. In a recent DMCA notice HBO asked Google to censor links to, as well as several other legitimate sites and blogs. " | Feb 04 10:07 |
DaemonFC | --- | Feb 04 10:07 |
DaemonFC | I keep mentioning how the DMCA complaint method is not meant to be automated, and that it is a federal felony to use it like this, if it ends up taking down a non-infringing resource. | Feb 04 10:08 |
DaemonFC | Thanks to the DMCA and government pressure for Google to de-list sites that are legal, which the US government just doesn't like very much (delete it -OR- we WILL make a new law that forces you to), the internet is disappearing from Google's index almost as fast as they can add new links to other resources. | Feb 04 10:08 |
DaemonFC | In the short term, switching from Google to another search engine may work. In the long term we will not only need our own Peer to Peer search system with an anonymity layer, but the US will probably start DNS-based censorship too, so then we will need to use alternate DNS servers. Eventually, we may need to use an overlay such as TOR just to browse the uncensored internet at all... | Feb 04 10:08 |
DaemonFC | The $%#$ing DMCA, which only seems to get worse under Eric Holder's Department of Injustice has Google disappearing so quickly, it almost reminds me of that episode of Lexx, which I think was called "Patches in the Sky", where those Mantrid drones have gotten to be so numerous, and are converting so much of the light universe into new drones so quickly, that entire galaxies are starting to disappear off of the Lexx's long range sensors. ( | Feb 04 10:08 |
DaemonFC | Which cause it to become disoriented and ill.) | Feb 04 10:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Interesting. Bitcoin is not only a currency. ht... | Feb 04 10:12 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Oleg Andreev - Direct use value of Bitcoin .::. Size~: 18.22 KB | Feb 04 10:12 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Interesting. Bitcoin is not only a… .::. Size~: 147.16 KB | Feb 04 10:12 |
iophk | | Feb 04 10:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The Verge Hires Writer Who Quit CNET in Protest - .::. Size~: 71.51 KB | Feb 04 10:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Apple Keeps Losing Patent Cases, Now Pursues Trademarks on Designs! #apple #uspto | Feb 04 10:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Apple Keeps Losing Patent Cases, Now Pursues Trademarks on Designs! | Techrights .::. Size~: 85.37 KB | Feb 04 10:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #BlackDuck , Founded by Microsoft Marketing Guy and Seemingly Funded by MS (in Part), is Openwashing #Microsoft Again | Feb 04 10:27 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Geeks are the New Guardians of Our Civil Liberties - good summary to hand out to non-geeks (v @Falkvinge) | Feb 04 10:27 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Black Duck, Founded by Microsoft Marketing Guy and Seemingly Funded by Microsoft (in Part), is Openwashing Microsoft Again | Techrights .::. Size~: 87.41 KB | Feb 04 10:27 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Geeks are the New Guardians of Our Civil Liberties | MIT Technology Review .::. Size~: 77.55 KB | Feb 04 10:27 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Chris Huhne pleads guilty - earlier might have been wiser... #uk | Feb 04 10:33 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Chris Huhne pleads guilty: Politics live blog | Politics | .::. Size~: 190.73 KB | Feb 04 10:33 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Skeletal evidence provides 'highly convincing case' that this is Richard III - but will people be convinced? | Feb 04 10:38 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Richard III: scientists announce whether skeleton is that of king – live | Science | .::. Size~: 113.91 KB | Feb 04 10:38 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #USPTO Approves Another ‘Slide to Unlock’ Sham #swpats #markcuban | Feb 04 10:40 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: USPTO Approves Another ‘Slide to Unlock’ Sham | Techrights .::. Size~: 86.63 KB | Feb 04 10:40 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The Verge Hires Writer Who Quit CNET in Protest #cnet owned and run by corporation, *for* corporations (not news) | Feb 04 10:42 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The Verge Hires Writer Who Quit CNET in Protest - .::. Size~: 71.51 KB | Feb 04 10:42 |
*neildarlow has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Feb 04 10:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] New lows for the USPTO as public opinion shifts against it and patent lawyers, the rising robber barons in technology, | Feb 04 10:50 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] RT @ New lows for the USPTO as public opinion shifts against it and patent lawyers, the rising robber barons in technology, http://ur1. ... | Feb 04 10:50 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: USPTO Approves Another ‘Slide to Unlock’ Sham | Techrights .::. Size~: 86.63 KB | Feb 04 10:50 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] New #techright page about #CNET | Feb 04 10:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @alberto_cottica: "If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research" A. Einstein | Feb 04 10:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] To Resist, To Join Together, Occasionally To Win | Feb 04 10:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Make #climatechange a priority - "$500 billion annually in fossil-fuel subsidies" says president of the World Bank | Feb 04 10:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] RT @gquaggiotto: "Like a coral formation on a sunken ship" - citizen engagement in the era of #opengov | Feb 04 10:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] (last tweet v @RobertKleiburg @monkchips) | Feb 04 10:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Corporate power: exposing the global 1% infographic | Feb 04 10:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: CNET - Techrights .::. Size~: 14.74 KB | Feb 04 10:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: To Resist, To Join Together, Occasionally To Win | Common Dreams .::. Size~: 24.78 KB | Feb 04 10:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Make climate change a priority - The Washington Post .::. Size~: 190.72 KB | Feb 04 10:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Costruire comunità di policy per la scala europea » Contrordine compagni .::. Size~: 40.37 KB | Feb 04 10:54 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Corporate power: exposing the global 1% | Reflections on a Revolution ROAR .::. Size~: 41.86 KB | Feb 04 10:54 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 10:56 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Utterly deceiving headline pretends #Valve market share is universal OS market share, belittles #linux boosts #vista8 | Feb 04 10:56 |
schestowitz | "What's also misleading is the omission of the fact that, so far by a huge margin, fewer games are offered on #linux as opposed to Windoze. If the playing field were equal, I think we'd see a much larger share." | Feb 04 10:56 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: Steam: Windows 7 under 70%, Windows 8 Passes Vista, Ubuntu 1% .::. Size~: 51.46 KB | Feb 04 10:56 |
iophk | "CNET - Techrights" -- it's labor intensive to manually build link lists. Can't WordPress tag articles and then allow searching for tagged articles? | Feb 04 10:57 |
schestowitz | it's an issue | Feb 04 10:58 |
DaemonFC | | Feb 04 10:58 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 'Gangnam Style' Wonderful Pistachios Super Bowl Commercial Stars Viral Sensation Psy (VIDEO) .::. Size~: 266.1 KB | Feb 04 10:58 |
schestowitz | when writing the blog you never quite label things with tags and categories you cannot predict based on how well accommodated they'll become | Feb 04 10:58 |
schestowitz | it's possible to categorise them at a later stage, but they cannot quite easily be presented as just a list of headlines, not without some wordpress plugins | Feb 04 10:59 |
iophk | ok | Feb 04 10:59 |
schestowitz | the wiki pages give some more flexibility | Feb 04 10:59 |
schestowitz | it was a reader from Morocco who suggested something like a wiki <round 2009 and some said the blog structure is not adequate for new visitors, who want the fukll picture rather than just latest stories and some archives. | Feb 04 11:00 |
*DaemonFC is listening to Gangnam Style by PSY on Six Rules Part.1 [Amarok] | Feb 04 11:02 | |
DaemonFC | why not? :) | Feb 04 11:02 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻@Asher_Wolf Remember when Assange told @nytimes, @guardian not to keep Cablegate on Internet-connected servers, Keller called him paranoid? | Feb 04 11:02 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] It's him: skeleton found in car park is that of Richard III - throw in a bit of DNA, now they seem certain... | Feb 04 11:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #GoldmanSachs to improve Russia's image for $500,000 doing "God's work" again? | Feb 04 11:03 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: It's him: skeleton found in car park is that of Richard III – live coverage | Science | .::. Size~: 116.23 KB | Feb 04 11:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Goldman Sachs to improve Russia's image for $500,000 | Russia Beyond The Headlines .::. Size~: 44.97 KB | Feb 04 11:04 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Julian #Assange receives #YokoOno #Lennon Courage Award for the Arts "displayed extraordinary courage" | Feb 04 11:08 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2013-02-04 Julian Assange receives Yoko Ono Lennon Courage Award for the Arts | WL Central .::. Size~: 16.67 KB | Feb 04 11:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Ellsberg, Ratner, Yoko, Garzon, Patino | Feb 04 11:10 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: bayimg - image: courageaward.jpg - free uncensored image hosting .::. Size~: 2.9 KB | Feb 04 11:10 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] The EU Commission's Outrageous Attempt to Avoid #Copyright Reform - 75% in UGC are *industry* groups /cc @MarietjeD66 | Feb 04 11:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The EU Commission's Outrageous Attempt to Avoid Copyright Reform | La Quadrature du Net .::. Size~: 35.34 KB | Feb 04 11:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] BREAKING: #WIKILEAKS TAKES ON #OXFORD UNION #censorship | Feb 04 11:17 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: BREAKING: WikiLeaks Takes On Oxford Union | The Tab Cambridge .::. Size~: 76.3 KB | Feb 04 11:17 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #WikiLeaks accuses Union of "censorship" #censorship | Feb 04 11:22 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: - Oxford / News / World / WikiLeaks accuses Union of "censorship" .::. Size~: 143.48 KB | Feb 04 11:22 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Supervisor of Intelligence Estimate Hailed for Preventing War with Iran #iran | Feb 04 11:27 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Supervisor of Intelligence Estimate Hailed for Preventing War with Iran .::. Size~: 53.39 KB | Feb 04 11:27 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "This is a selection of articles related to Cablegate." #Cablegate | Feb 04 11:30 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Cablegate Archive - cabledrum .::. Size~: 20.1 KB | Feb 04 11:30 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Google knows, essentially, what you've been thinking" "knows every Web site that you've visited" | Feb 04 11:32 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Segundo Assange, CIA usou redes sociais para buscar dados da equipe do WikiLeaks - YouTube .::. Size~: 143.68 KB | Feb 04 11:32 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: Well, soon, Google will have deleted all of its own links and every search will just lead to 8 pages of "We received a DMCA complaint" | Feb 04 11:33 |
DaemonFC | I wonder if there are any good VPN services, that are reasonably priced, and don't make you install Windows crapware | Feb 04 11:36 |
DaemonFC | and I just want one for bittorrent traffic.... | Feb 04 11:36 |
*DaemonFC is going to have to look into this | Feb 04 11:36 | |
DaemonFC | Comcast is going to start Copyright Alerts next month | Feb 04 11:36 |
DaemonFC | | Feb 04 11:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Customer Discussions: Antigua getting ready to implement sanctions on the United States, under a World Trade Organization ruling. The US has ratified the WTO treaties, and can't legally stop them. LOL! ;) .::. Size~: 200.45 KB | Feb 04 11:42 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] MT @Coadec @VassiliouEU: "Without investment in quality content, hard to imagine growth in Net & social media" it *all* happened without it | Feb 04 11:43 | |
DaemonFC | ZOMG PINK PONIES says: | Feb 04 11:44 |
DaemonFC | I'd pay them the $5 just to laugh about it as Obama's criminal scumbags at the DoJ are left pissing into the wind. | Feb 04 11:44 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @jerezim: "Licensing Europe" ( ) Do you accept the terms and conditions? [YES] [NO] [REFORM !COPYRIGHT NOW] | Feb 04 11:45 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The EU Commission's Outrageous Attempt to Avoid Copyright Reform | La Quadrature du Net .::. Size~: 35.56 KB | Feb 04 11:45 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 11:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @kgosztola: .@emptywheel's thorough post on US govt using PATRIOT Act powers for secret surveillance to investigate WikiLeaks | Feb 04 11:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: DOJ: We Can’t Tell Which Secret Application of Section 215 Prevents Us From Telling You How You’re Surveilled | emptywheel .::. Size~: 58.86 KB | Feb 04 11:51 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Sponsor of PBS drone coverage | Feb 04 11:55 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2012: November - February Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 939.78 KB | Feb 04 11:55 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Leaked footage from US/ISAF/NATO air strikes in Afghanistan posted online by an unknown uploader. … | Feb 04 11:57 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: - Air Support missions, Afghanistan. .::. Size~: 53.56 KB | Feb 04 11:57 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Help Protect The Next Aaron #Swartz #aclu | Feb 04 11:58 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Help Protect The Next Aaron Swartz | American Civil Liberties Union .::. Size~: 18.8 KB | Feb 04 11:58 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Aaron's Law 2.0: Major Steps Forward, More Work to Be Done #swartz #openaccess | Feb 04 12:00 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Aaron's Law 2.0: Major Steps Forward, More Work to Be Done | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 38.69 KB | Feb 04 12:00 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 12:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Storm as the UK 'justifies torture' of the fighter who helped topple Gaddafi | Mail Online .::. Size~: 172.59 KB | Feb 04 12:06 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Storm as the #UK 'justifies torture' of the fighter who helped topple Gaddafi #Gaddafi | Feb 04 12:07 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Storm as the UK 'justifies torture' of the fighter who helped topple Gaddafi | Mail Online .::. Size~: 172.59 KB | Feb 04 12:07 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Mystery spook's identity confirmed #nz | Feb 04 12:08 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: General Keith Alexander Confirmed As Visiting US... | .::. Size~: 68.87 KB | Feb 04 12:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Secret Rules to Let #Obama Start Cyber Wars "virtually limitless power to start cyber wars" | Feb 04 12:12 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Secret Rules to Let Obama Start Cyber Wars -- News from .::. Size~: 30.18 KB | Feb 04 12:12 |
schestowitz | Uninstalling Fear: ███████████████▒░ 95% complete | Feb 04 12:12 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Broad Powers Seen for #Obama in #Cyberstrikes | Feb 04 12:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The New York Times > Page Not Found .::. Size~: 7.26 KB | Feb 04 12:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Broad Powers Seen... .::. Size~: 10.9 KB | Feb 04 12:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] NY Times: "attacked" by "china" since 2010. Tells us about it only last week and this week helps #obama legitimise cyberwar #theyStartedIt | Feb 04 12:15 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] New developments in the case against #JeremyHammond. leaked evidence of #us #stasi | Feb 04 12:17 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: New developments in the case against Jeremy Hammond. | Revolution News .::. Size~: 44.1 KB | Feb 04 12:17 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] NYTimes: " Officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk on the record." Controlled 'leaks'. | Feb 04 12:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] it's OK for NYTimes to "leak" and blow whistles when it serves the #pentagon line, but it's a crime otherwise? "Crime"=not help | Feb 04 12:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] NYTimes: "The [new cyberattack] rules will be highly classified, just as those governing drone strikes have been closely held." | Feb 04 12:20 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The corporate media only knows one T word and that's "Terrorism" ( | Feb 04 12:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #CIA #torture #whistleblower honored after criminal sentencing "not a case about leaking;this was a case about torture" | Feb 04 12:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] In corporate media, only "them" (not "us") can ever engage in "Terrorism" and "Torture". We just "spread democracy" and "interrogate". | Feb 04 12:25 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "America’s use of cyberweapons could be used by others as justification for attacks on the United States." https://ww | Feb 04 12:27 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Obama Is Now America's Hacker in Chief | Feb 04 12:27 | |
*TechrightsBot-tr has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Feb 04 12:27 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] RT @_cypherpunks_ ...leaking about 'power to order preemptive cyber strikes' to the NY Times. Guess nobody will be prosecuted for that... | Feb 04 12:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] RT @kgosztola NYT story on Obama having power to order preemptive cyber strikes is based on selective leaking from Obama admin officials. | Feb 04 12:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Tomgram: Noam Chomsky, Why It's "Legal" When the U.S. Does It"legal"_when_the_u.s._does_it/ #hypocrisy | Feb 04 12:30 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Peace cannot be achiieved through can only be attained through understanding" ~Albert Einstein | Feb 04 12:32 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Drugs as pretext for imperialism | Feb 04 12:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #FBI intensifies war on whistleblowers "overused and abused term that our Government can attach to" oppress | Feb 04 12:37 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The #Torture Apologists Ignore the 4,000 Americans They Killed #cia #humanrights | Feb 04 12:37 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Why One Known Historian Is Disgusted by Oliver Stone & Peter Kuznick’s ‘Untold History’ selective better? | Feb 04 12:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] RT @ColMorrisDavis Leon Panetta: We did not need torture to get bin Laden. @MeetThePress @NBCNewsPR #torture | Feb 04 12:40 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The CIA's case for torture poor case. "And what can we learn from it?" | Feb 04 12:40 | |
*TechrightsBot-tr (~TR@ has joined #techrights | Feb 04 12:40 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Hello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.58 | Feb 04 12:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Main Page - Techrights .::. Size~: 39.29 KB | Feb 04 12:40 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] When Can the U.S. Kill Americans? The White House Won't Say. #drones #dissent | Feb 04 12:42 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: When Can the U.S. Kill Americans? The White House Won't Say. - .::. Size~: 64.91 KB | Feb 04 12:42 |
DaemonFC | " This will be funny when it gets into the US court system and some judge is going to have to shrug and point to the WTO treaties and let the defendants all go. It's nice watching an entire corrupt system fall apart. " | Feb 04 12:42 |
DaemonFC | on Antigua's pirate site | Feb 04 12:42 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 12:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @kgosztola: Obama "admin officials" leak details on White House rebuffing Clinton-Petraeus deal to arm Syrian rebels | Feb 04 12:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: In Behind-Scene Blows and Triumphs, Sense of Clinton Future - .::. Size~: 59.72 KB | Feb 04 12:42 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] RT @kgosztola Obama "admin officials"leak details on White House rebuffing Clinton-Petraeus deal to arm Syrian rebels | Feb 04 12:45 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Log In - The New York Times .::. Size~: 10.67 KB | Feb 04 12:45 |
*formic_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Feb 04 12:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Prince George’s considers copyright policy that takes ownership of students’ work #copyright as "theft" | Feb 04 12:50 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Prince George’s considers copyright policy that takes ownership of students’ work - The Washington Post .::. Size~: 180.02 KB | Feb 04 12:50 |
*formic_ ( has joined #techrights | Feb 04 12:51 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Panetta: Any Spending Cuts Would Make US a ‘Second-Rate Power’ why only power? | Feb 04 12:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Panetta: Any Spending Cuts Would Make US a ‘Second-Rate Power’ -- News from .::. Size~: 35.49 KB | Feb 04 12:53 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] RT @TangerineBolen Icelandic Parliamentarian @birgittaj twitter and BANK acct's subpoenaed by USG. This is why we fear #NDAA | Feb 04 12:57 | |
*raininja is now known as raijin | Feb 04 12:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Why #Police Lie Under Oath | Feb 04 13:00 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Log In - The New York Times .::. Size~: 10.61 KB | Feb 04 13:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Why #Police Lie U... .::. Size~: 10.83 KB | Feb 04 13:00 |
*cubelog has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Feb 04 13:00 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] Sad :( | Feb 04 13:02 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KB | Feb 04 13:02 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nandan Vaidya - Google+ - Sad :( … .::. Size~: 156.55 KB | Feb 04 13:02 |
*cubelog ( has joined #techrights | Feb 04 13:02 | |
*eebrah (~chatzilla@ has joined #techrights | Feb 04 13:03 | |
*abeNd-org (~Keith@ has joined #techrights | Feb 04 13:04 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Former #Guantanamo Prosecutor Speaks Out Against #Torture "He resigned in objection to evidence gained by torture" | Feb 04 13:05 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Former Guantanamo Prosecutor Speaks Out Against Torture | WUNC .::. Size~: 70.38 KB | Feb 04 13:05 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 13:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @Thomas_Drake1: Brennan: Para-pathological projector of pre-emptive power, torture/surveillance apologist, extra-judicial exec advisor. Shadow intel chief. | Feb 04 13:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @jxself: Using my APT repository to get #Linuxlibre ? Now there's a low-volume announcement list for important info: | Feb 04 13:15 | |
DaemonFC | I wonder if just banning all IP ranges from the United States would help with the copyright troll problem | Feb 04 13:23 |
DaemonFC | of course I am in the United States, so that could put a crimp on my download rate | Feb 04 13:23 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @glynmoody: Why Do Copyright Monopolists Think They Can Just Take Somebody Else’s Work? - best form defence is attack | Feb 04 13:23 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Why Do Copyright Monopolists Think They Can Just Take Somebody Else’s Work? | TorrentFreak .::. Size~: 293.32 KB | Feb 04 13:23 |
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrights | Feb 04 13:28 | |
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | Feb 04 13:31 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @glynmoody: Al Gore: US democracy has been hacked - nicely put #corruption | Feb 04 13:33 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Al Gore: US democracy has been hacked | World news | .::. Size~: 114.99 KB | Feb 04 13:33 |
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceR | Feb 04 13:37 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @glynmoody: How academia betrayed and continues to betray Aaron Swartz - (v @DaHammerstein) #openaccess | Feb 04 13:38 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: How academia betrayed and continues to betray Aaron Swartz .::. Size~: 43.62 KB | Feb 04 13:38 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Sollte da die Vorbesitzerin des Handys nicht als Autorin gelten und entsprechend entlohnt werden? Oder gilt das Urhebe... | Feb 04 13:40 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eebrah/@eebrah] This --> #google maps | Feb 04 13:40 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eebrah/@eebrah] RT @glynmoody How academia betrayed and continues to betray Aaron Swartz - missed this before (v @DaHammerstein) #o ... | Feb 04 13:40 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Sollte da die Vorbesitzerin des Handys nicht als Autorin… .::. Size~: 149.66 KB | Feb 04 13:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: xkcd: Expedition .::. Size~: 6.36 KB | Feb 04 13:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: How academia betrayed and continues to betray Aaron Swartz .::. Size~: 43.62 KB | Feb 04 13:40 |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to MinceR | Feb 04 13:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Open Knowledge Foundation has signed the #AllTrials petition - have you? please do - this will save countless lives | Feb 04 13:47 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @glynmoody: An Economic Alternative to Exploitative Free Market Capitalism - it's Diggers 2.0 #commons | Feb 04 13:47 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Organisations | All Trials .::. Size~: 23.13 KB | Feb 04 13:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: An Economic Alternative to Exploitative Free Market Capitalism | Common Dreams .::. Size~: 37.29 KB | Feb 04 13:47 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] did #Beyonce sing at the | Feb 04 13:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Public procurement: plurilateral GPA and bilateral #FTAs - hard keeping up with all these | Feb 04 13:50 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Ex-Gitmo Prosecutor: Obama's #Drone Surge as Damaging as #Bush #Torture Program #obama | Feb 04 13:50 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] did #Beyonce sing at the #Superbowl? or did she mime again? karaoke is more honest than miming IMHO | Feb 04 13:50 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Public procurement: plurilateral GPA and bilateral FTAs - Grahnlaw .::. Size~: 75.51 KB | Feb 04 13:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Ex-Gitmo Prosecutor: Obama's Drone Surge as Damaging as Bush Torture Program | Common Dreams .::. Size~: 29.98 KB | Feb 04 13:50 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Bin Laden’s death hasn’t stanched metastasizing of al Qaeda either have #drone strikes | Feb 04 13:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Bin Laden’s death hasn’t stanched metastasizing of al Qaeda - Washington Times .::. Size~: 97.58 KB | Feb 04 13:53 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Help open up the postcodes - in the age of #opendata, this is long overdue: let's make it happen now | Feb 04 13:55 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @glynmoody: Geeks are the New Guardians of Our Civil Liberties - good summary to hand out to non-geeks (v @Falkvinge) | Feb 04 13:55 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "only thing Americans agree on these days is gratitude bordering on reverence for our military." | Feb 04 13:55 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] RT @nadia_z: Nice piece on #mobile health: how cell #phones can improve #health care: - #social #innovation via @N ... | Feb 04 13:55 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Help open up the postcodes | Open Rights Group .::. Size~: 11.49 KB | Feb 04 13:55 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Geeks are the New Guardians of Our Civil Liberties | MIT Technology Review .::. Size~: 77.55 KB | Feb 04 13:55 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: An America cramped by defensiveness - The Washington Post .::. Size~: 186.37 KB | Feb 04 13:55 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: How the cell phone can improve health care - .::. Size~: 51.92 KB | Feb 04 13:55 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #Bayer Fights #India's Compulsory Licensing Of Cancer Drug By Claiming It Spent $2.5 Billion Developing It - ORLY? | Feb 04 13:58 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Bayer Fights India's Compulsory Licensing Of Cancer Drug By Claiming It Spent $2.5 Billion Developing It | Techdirt .::. Size~: 52.64 KB | Feb 04 13:58 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Today, the wealthiest 400 individuals in this country own more wealth than the bottom half of America - 150 million people" Bernie Sanders | Feb 04 14:00 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] The era of monolithic trade agreements is over? - "On some issues, EU & US will be able to reach agreement easily" #TAP | Feb 04 14:00 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The era of monolithic trade agreements is over? | ACTA .::. Size~: 17.79 KB | Feb 04 14:00 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Anothet non-factual cheap shot: Assange, the senator of #Ecuador some don't want him running | Feb 04 14:03 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Julian Assange, the senator of Ecuador | The Courier .::. Size~: 43.46 KB | Feb 04 14:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Legal hurdles ahead for Assange political bid | Lawyers Weekly .::. Size~: 23.27 KB | Feb 04 14:03 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Assange receives Yoko Ono Lennon Courage Award for the Arts #us press does not cover this | Feb 04 14:05 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Assange receives Yoko Ono Lennon Courage Award for the Arts: Voice of Russia .::. Size~: 69.64 KB | Feb 04 14:05 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @jerezim: I suggest "User-soiled" for anything that wasn't approved by Universal Music... #LicencesForEurope | Feb 04 14:07 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #us press widely syndicates the AP report I mentioned days ago as it demonises Iceland for deporting #fbi | Feb 04 14:07 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @Asher_Wolf: Have mercy. RT Geeks are the New Guardians of Our Civil Liberties via @BiellaColeman | Feb 04 14:07 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: LONDON: Minister: Iceland refused to help FBI on WikiLeaks - Technology - .::. Size~: 94.88 KB | Feb 04 14:07 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Geeks are the New Guardians of Our Civil Liberties | MIT Technology Review .::. Size~: 77.61 KB | Feb 04 14:07 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @Asher_Wolf: Wikipedia entry to Richard III today. A+ trolling. Corrected later . "Now is the parking of our discontent?" | Feb 04 14:08 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Another new example of inciting against #wikileaks for reporting on #fbi #iceland situation spin abound | Feb 04 14:08 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Wikileaks reveals Icelandic FBI shennanigans • The Register .::. Size~: 28.56 KB | Feb 04 14:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @artied: Great line from GWilson "Engineering is what happens when you blend science & economics" | Feb 04 14:10 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Greg Wilson - What We Actually Know About Software Development, and Why We Believe It's True on Vimeo .::. Size~: 37.18 KB | Feb 04 14:10 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] I might have managed to get a "chip & sign" card instead of "chip & pin", the banks tend to prefer to keep that option a secret from folks | Feb 04 14:12 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] awaiting a confirmation call & hopeful ordering of a card | Feb 04 14:12 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @schestowitz: #Assange receives Yoko Ono Lennon Courage Award for the Arts #us press does not cover this | Feb 04 14:12 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] What's it called when you are "bad" for commiting the act of journalism and are "bad" also for being hunted down? It's called *agenda*. | Feb 04 14:12 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Assange receives Yoko Ono Lennon Courage Award for the Arts: Voice of Russia .::. Size~: 69.61 KB | Feb 04 14:12 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] CEO Coalition - the blind leading the bland - again, that little thing called the public conspicuous by its absence #eu | Feb 04 14:15 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: CEO Coalition - the blind leading the bland | EDRI .::. Size~: 19.06 KB | Feb 04 14:15 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 14:16 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Yoko Ono Is Wrong on Fracking - On Energy ( .::. Size~: 42.69 KB | Feb 04 14:16 |
schestowitz | "US News" | Feb 04 14:16 |
schestowitz | promoting Big Energy | Feb 04 14:16 |
schestowitz | "Michael Lynch is the president and director of global petroleum service at Strategic Energy & Economic Research." | Feb 04 14:16 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Not a single article from Western media re award to #assange even though she speaks English, 'foreign' press covers it | Feb 04 14:17 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Yoko Ono - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 261.64 KB | Feb 04 14:17 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] #Google's #Chromebook gains momentum: Just enough to annoy #Microsoft | Feb 04 14:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Western media good at attacking Ono. by "president and director of global petroleum service" | Feb 04 14:18 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Google's Chromebook gains momentum: Just enough to annoy Microsoft | ZDNet .::. Size~: 68.52 KB | Feb 04 14:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Yoko Ono Is Wrong on Fracking - On Energy ( .::. Size~: 42.69 KB | Feb 04 14:18 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] CIA Whistleblower: “US is a Police State, Obama Consciously Allows Torture” Western media was spinning it | Feb 04 14:22 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: CIA Whistleblower: “US is a Police State, Obama Consciously Allows Torture” | Global Research .::. Size~: 66.99 KB | Feb 04 14:22 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Having watched ~100 headlines, corp. media almost always tells story like, "CIA man leaks info, causes danger, goes to jail" (no torture) | Feb 04 14:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] La Hadopi favorable à un dépôt légal sans DRM à la BNF, mais limité - sick: treats #DRM as norm, and #open as exception | Feb 04 14:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] It's not just about whether the media reports on issues. It's about *how* it reports. The Iceland-FBI case (with AP spin) a great example. | Feb 04 14:23 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: La Hadopi favorable à un dépôt légal sans DRM à la BNF, mais limité .::. Size~: 86.83 KB | Feb 04 14:23 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #UK press headlines: Ch4: "CIA leak agent to discover jail term"; BBC: "A former CIA agent who leaked a covert officer's name to the media" | Feb 04 14:25 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Even @guardian failed to report properly on story that's to do w/ *illegal* #torture so #guardian is *complicit* w/ Pow | Feb 04 14:27 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Even @guardian fa... .::. Size~: 10.78 KB | Feb 04 14:27 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eebrah/@eebrah] RT @jrobertson There's not many things that shocks me nowadays, however electricity is a different matter. | Feb 04 14:30 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] WashingtonPost (gov. press) prefers giving air time to #drones assassinations proponents unbelievable #hogwash | Feb 04 14:30 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Panetta defends drone strikes .::. Size~: 106.73 KB | Feb 04 14:30 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #WashPo justifies "Mehsud’s wife was also on the rooftop, giving her husband a massage... Panetta told his officers to take the shot." | Feb 04 14:32 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Poor Panetta. Look at the photo and this #hogwash from #ap - great example of spin | Feb 04 14:33 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Global News | Panetta says decisions to use unmanned drone strikes don't come lightly .::. Size~: 42.61 KB | Feb 04 14:33 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 14:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 04 14:36 |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | Feb 04 14:37 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | Feb 04 14:37 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Feb 04 14:37 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #Copyright: Finally, the Evidence is Coming - it's take long enough; now we need the policymakers to take note | Feb 04 14:37 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Following orders" | Feb 04 14:37 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Copyright: Finally, the Evidence is Coming - Open Enterprise .::. Size~: 93.07 KB | Feb 04 14:37 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 04 14:37 |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has left #techrights ("Konversation term") | Feb 04 14:40 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Anti-drone rally held before Monday consideration of resolution that's today | Feb 04 14:40 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The #drone was just following orders (algorithm). | Feb 04 14:40 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Anti-drone rally held before Monday consideration of resolution - Daily Progress: Local .::. Size~: 111.48 KB | Feb 04 14:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: City Council to Vote on Anti-Drone Resolution Monday .::. Size~: 107.23 KB | Feb 04 14:40 |
*schestowitz ( has joined #techrights | Feb 04 14:40 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host) | Feb 04 14:40 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Feb 04 14:40 | |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 14:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Drone robots to add more teeth to anti-Maoist operations - The Times of India .::. Size~: 130.28 KB | Feb 04 14:40 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] For Denver Post, assassination is trust, just like war is peace | Feb 04 14:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Bill Moyers: Barack #Obama , Drone Ranger | Feb 04 14:43 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Privacy worries may stall commercial use of drone aircraft - The Denver Post .::. Size~: 140.52 KB | Feb 04 14:43 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Barack Obama, Drone Ranger | On Democracy, What Matters Today | .::. Size~: 50.94 KB | Feb 04 14:43 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] US Allies Aid #Drone Strikes, But Hope to Ditch Legal Responsibility | Feb 04 14:47 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] Reshared post from glyn moody | Feb 04 14:47 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: US Allies Aid Drone Strikes, But Hope to Ditch Legal Responsibility -- News from .::. Size~: 30.42 KB | Feb 04 14:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The New York Times > Page Not Found .::. Size~: 7.26 KB | Feb 04 14:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: US Allies Aid #Dr... .::. Size~: 11.15 KB | Feb 04 14:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nandan Vaidya - Google+ - #Bayer Fights #India's Compulsory Licensing Of Cancer Drug… .::. Size~: 159.23 KB | Feb 04 14:47 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "tribes... have announced to move the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against the US drone attacks" | Feb 04 14:50 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Waziristan tribesmen to move ICJ against drone hits - .::. Size~: 44.27 KB | Feb 04 14:50 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] OUR OPINION: Africa drone base a first step for U.S. #spying is Step 1 | Feb 04 14:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: OUR OPINION: Africa drone base a first step for U.S. » Standard-Times .::. Size~: 102.48 KB | Feb 04 14:53 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 14:54 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: DARPA's 1.8 Gigapixel Drone Camera Could See You Waving At It From 15,000 Feet - Alexis C. Madrigal - The Atlantic .::. Size~: 106.56 KB | Feb 04 14:54 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] US attacks are... well, "under attack". But who's attacking? Watch the photo? How about burned corpses? | Feb 04 14:57 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Use of drone warfare by U.S. under attack .::. Size~: 120.74 KB | Feb 04 14:57 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Weak security in security cameras | Feb 04 14:58 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2012: November - February Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 939.78 KB | Feb 04 14:58 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Obama speaks the language of last resort, but his use of drones doesn’t really seem to follow that principle" | Feb 04 15:00 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The Morality of Drone Strikes | Q&A | .::. Size~: 59.7 KB | Feb 04 15:00 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "toy shares the "Predator" name...irony of making drones into children's toy (currently out of stock) is not lost" | Feb 04 15:02 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] EU Ombudsman's decision deepens #ECB unaccountability - not good | Feb 04 15:02 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Amazon Users Pen Sarcastic Drone 'Reviews' For Children's Unmanned Aircraft Toy .::. Size~: 412.51 KB | Feb 04 15:02 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: EU Ombudsman's decision deepens ECB unaccountability | Corporate Europe Observatory .::. Size~: 77.43 KB | Feb 04 15:02 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Be happy. Always low prices. | Feb 04 15:03 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 04 15:04 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #washpo says Va. House panel OKs 2-year moratorium on #drone use also predators | Feb 04 15:07 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Va. House panel OKs 2-year moratorium on drone use - The Washington Post .::. Size~: 175.27 KB | Feb 04 15:07 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Obama’s CIA pick takes heat for calling drone attacks ‘ethical and just’ - World - .::. Size~: 55.46 KB | Feb 04 15:07 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] NYC officials threaten funding of College over Israel event - & I always thought USians were big on freedom of speech | Feb 04 15:08 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: NYC officials threaten funding of Brooklyn College over Israel event | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | .::. Size~: 127.07 KB | Feb 04 15:08 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 15:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @Metztli_IT: ♺ @schestowitz #GoldmanSachs to improve #Russia's image for $500k West slings #FUD/missiles for the banksters to profit | Feb 04 15:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: Goldman Sachs to improve Russia's image for $500,000 | Russia Beyond The Headlines .::. Size~: 45.55 KB | Feb 04 15:09 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 15:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @metacode: Secret Rules to Let Obama Start Cyber Wars (@schestowitz @antiwarcom) | Feb 04 15:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: Broad Powers Seen for Obama in Cyberstrikes - .::. Size~: 53.62 KB | Feb 04 15:09 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] MT @jerezim Maria Martin-Prat moderator of "user-generated content" working group #LicencesForEurope >> you can't make this stuff up | Feb 04 15:12 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Roundup ad misleading: #Monsanto forced to accept verdict - yes, facts are such awkward things... | Feb 04 15:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Roundup ad misleading: Monsanto forced to accept verdict .::. Size~: 38.89 KB | Feb 04 15:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Last year from FOSS-hostile man: Richard #Stallman Was Right All Along #Obama had signed #ndaa !fsf | Feb 04 15:15 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Richard Stallman Was Right All Along .::. Size~: 36.91 KB | Feb 04 15:15 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] In new controlled 'leak', #NYT says #obama has a new secret law that permits him to crack everyone's computer, network, etc. #stuxnet | Feb 04 15:17 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Pirate Bay Censorship Turns Proxies Into Local Heroes - it's a, er, rum world... | Feb 04 15:17 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Pirate Bay Censorship Turns Proxies Into Local Heroes | TorrentFreak .::. Size~: 43.68 KB | Feb 04 15:17 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] “Stop Erasing Hong Kong's History” - regrettable | Feb 04 15:18 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: “Stop Erasing Hong Kong’s History” · Global Voices .::. Size~: 170.5 KB | Feb 04 15:18 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] What I generally found is, many people who ridiculed #Stallman having been incited against him find out he worked for them all along | Feb 04 15:20 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Yet Another #OpenAccess Inquiry in UK - please make a submission if you can | Feb 04 15:20 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #UPnP on your router is a back door | Feb 04 15:20 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Yet Another Open Access Inquiry | Open Knowledge Foundation Blog .::. Size~: 60.51 KB | Feb 04 15:20 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: How to fix the UPnP security holes | ZDNet .::. Size~: 76.36 KB | Feb 04 15:20 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] THE SECRET TO BEING CREATIVE mixing | Feb 04 15:22 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] AFP: WSJ "announcement came a day after The New York Times said hackers, possibly connected to China's military" -> smells funny | Feb 04 15:22 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The Secret To Being Creativebclund .::. Size~: 40.55 KB | Feb 04 15:22 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] MT @Coadec EU Moderator shutting down discussion of exceptions despite ppl highlighting problems with licensing>> this is the trick they use | Feb 04 15:23 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Canada's Globe and Mail newspaper, Mark MacKinnon, meanwhile said he had been hacked in 2011" NYT->2010. Why hype up it *now*? | Feb 04 15:23 | |
*oddpuck (~me@unaffiliated/oddball33) has joined #techrights | Feb 04 15:25 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Braindump. File with a patent application how much money was used to develop the claimed "invention". Make a thorough ... | Feb 04 15:25 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Samsung now selling three TVs every second, helping in its bid to dominate consumer households - apple doesn't... | Feb 04 15:25 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Braindump. File with a patent application how much money… .::. Size~: 148.29 KB | Feb 04 15:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Samsung Now Selling Three TVs Every Second .::. Size~: 38.38 KB | Feb 04 15:25 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #obama passes new law to permit sabotaging people's computing. But don't worry, it's all for "national security" and "defence". | Feb 04 15:27 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Law and politics in the GSU case - "Based on the weakness of the brief, I think the law still favors GSU." | Feb 04 15:27 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Law and politics in the GSU case | Scholarly Communications @ Duke .::. Size~: 50.23 KB | Feb 04 15:27 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] New scandal reveals glimpse at how "press" works always selling someone's agenda, that's the business model | Feb 04 15:28 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: CES tells CNET: You’re fired! | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 34.04 KB | Feb 04 15:28 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #obama #brand To Stamp Out Fair Use At Universities "just promoted a former RIAA VP to second in command." | Feb 04 15:30 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "I'm Rep Zoe Lofgren, Here is a Modified Draft Version of Aaron's Law Reflecting the Internet’s Input" | Feb 04 15:30 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Obama Administration Considers Joining Publishers In Fight To Stamp Out Fair Use At Universities | Techdirt .::. Size~: 138.49 KB | Feb 04 15:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: I'm Rep Zoe Lofgren, Here is a Modified Draft Version of Aaron's Law Reflecting the Internet’s Input : IAmA .::. Size~: 639.78 KB | Feb 04 15:30 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] ‘Aaron’s Law’ Proposes Reining in Federal Anti-Hacking Statute #swartz #copyfight #copyright | Feb 04 15:32 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 'Aaron's Law' Proposes Reining in Federal Anti-Hacking Statute | Threat Level | .::. Size~: 123.97 KB | Feb 04 15:32 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Twitter, like NYT/WSJ/WashPo, *now* panics over 250,000 users password compromise. But they have ~500,000,000 users (x200 times) | Feb 04 15:35 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] clear that EU's #licencesforEurope is a sham, designed 2 move argument away from real issues, & real #copyright reform, towards more control | Feb 04 15:35 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @question What if it didn't happen? OK I'll try not to do absorbing K-Tel ads) so much. (btw death anniversary of Aaron H. Swartz is ... | Feb 04 15:35 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Systems get cracked, password get guessed, data leaks (e.g. stolen drives). Get over it. it's not new and human factors play a role. | Feb 04 15:35 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] !Tzag & Good morning !Identiverse | Feb 04 15:35 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "security" issues now the #SwineFlu and #y2K of the week/year because West tries to *sell* "solution" which attacks our #civilrights | Feb 04 15:37 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] ♺ @windigo: @jk I believe I was looking up the unix "beard" command, and wondering if the --gandalf switch was a good idea. | Feb 04 15:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @x11r5 @laurelrusswurm A question to the masses | Feb 04 15:40 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] WSJ (Rupert Murdoch), which hyped up #china "hacks" a week ago, now publishes "Hackers Targeted Twitter User Data". Oh, how timely! | Feb 04 15:40 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] G'day @tobias :) | Feb 04 15:40 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @forteller @cyberkiller Yeah, that's pretry stupid. We need more politicians who actually understand computers! | Feb 04 15:42 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Go to WSJ front page. Note there are only 4 ads there. 3 of them are for Microsoft products, labelled "sponsored links". *There's* your hole | Feb 04 15:42 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @glynmoody Yet Another #OpenAccess Inquiry in UK - please make a submission if you can | Feb 04 15:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Bill Gates-funed #PBS now cites #CNN as another victim of "china". The buildup for news laws from the corporocracy, controlling the Web. | Feb 04 15:43 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Yet Another Open Access Inquiry | Open Knowledge Foundation Blog .::. Size~: 60.51 KB | Feb 04 15:43 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #assange #applebaum and #swartz fight for truth, freedom, anonymity, sharing on Web. One besieged, one harassed, one dead. | Feb 04 15:45 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] MT @Coadec As we have to discuss *licensing ONLY* [we] discuss CCBY. Certain industry says "too early to discuss" #licences4europe shameful | Feb 04 15:45 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] It's funny how one corporate news site cites all the others as "China" victims. CNN, WashPo, PBS, WSJ, NYTimes... circular linking. | Feb 04 15:47 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[torproject/@torproject] Meeting with the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) in London: | Feb 04 15:47 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[torproject/@torproject] Training Journalists in Istanbul: | Feb 04 15:47 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Meeting With SOCA in London | The Tor Blog .::. Size~: 12.93 KB | Feb 04 15:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Training Journalists in Istanbul | The Tor Blog .::. Size~: 17.3 KB | Feb 04 15:47 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 15:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: New York Times Computer System Target of Lengthy Chinese Hacking Attack | PBS NewsHour | Jan. 31, 2013 | PBS .::. Size~: 57.26 KB | Feb 04 15:47 |
schestowitz | "there were hundreds of other organizations targeted by the same group that hit The New York Times. You just haven't heard about any of them. " | Feb 04 15:47 |
schestowitz | So what? | Feb 04 15:47 |
schestowitz | Why hype it up now? | Feb 04 15:47 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #licences4europe forbidden to talk about anything but licensing, but when cc-by is brought up, that's dismissed too. this is a total farce | Feb 04 15:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] PBS says "hundreds of other organizations targeted by the same group that hit The New York Times" but names none. Not timing either. | Feb 04 15:50 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] !Copyright is a problem b/c creativity doesn't live in a vacuum ♻ @schestowitz THE SECRET TO BEING CREATIVE !FreeCulture | Feb 04 15:50 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] New York Times et al. should spend more time worrying about #nsa #surveillance on world population, not China trying to spy on few in US. | Feb 04 15:50 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The Secret To Being Creativebclund .::. Size~: 40.55 KB | Feb 04 15:50 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #EU lead on clinical trials comes out in favour of transparency. Hurrah! - great news #openclinicaltrials now | Feb 04 15:52 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @glynmoody #licences4europe forbidden to talk about anything but licensing, but when cc-by is brought up, that's dismissed too. this ... | Feb 04 15:52 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: EU lead on clinical trials comes out in favour of transparency. Hurrah! – Bad Science .::. Size~: 75.81 KB | Feb 04 15:52 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] But China is "attacking", I can hear the New York Times whispering. But wait, didn't New York Times cover story on #stuxnet being US gov? | Feb 04 15:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Manufacturing consent for Western spying, govt. cyberattacks, targeted assassinations, and torture. Yes, we spread freedom. Yes, sir. | Feb 04 15:53 | |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 15:54 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Google seen missing another deadline in EU antitrust case - Computerworld .::. Size~: 133.8 KB | Feb 04 15:54 |
schestowitz | " [PJ: I have a question. Why is Mr. Alumnia publicly making snarky comments about Google? In point of fact, his implication that the company would miss the deadline proved unfounded.] " | Feb 04 15:54 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] MT @PostActa very good PR to launch #licencesforEurope exactly a year after we said NO to #ACTA >>slap in the face, more like | Feb 04 15:55 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] UK Thankfully Rejects Plans For New IP Czar With Mandate To 'Increase, Protect & Enforce' - outbreak of good sense | Feb 04 15:57 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: UK Thankfully Rejects Plans For New IP Czar With Mandate To 'Increase, Protect & Enforce' | Techdirt .::. Size~: 39.02 KB | Feb 04 15:57 |
schestowitz | Notice Microsoft manager here : | Feb 04 16:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Be Very Afraid: Notes from a ‘Data Privacy Day’ Town Hall - GeekWire .::. Size~: 103.08 KB | Feb 04 16:00 |
*jercos has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | Feb 04 16:01 | |
*jercos ( has joined #techrights | Feb 04 16:02 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] does not mention that she worked for #mafiaa #copyright #rigged #system #obama #biden | Feb 04 16:03 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: U.S. Copyright Office .::. Size~: 27.56 KB | Feb 04 16:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: U.S. Copyright Office - Karyn T. Claggett Biography .::. Size~: 9.37 KB | Feb 04 16:03 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] How #MIT Can Honor Aaron Swartz "Fight to make academic journals open to everyone." #openaccess | Feb 04 16:05 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Aaron Swartz, JSTOR: MIT can honor the Internet activist by fighting to make academic journals open to everyone. - Slate Magazine .::. Size~: 115.32 KB | Feb 04 16:05 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Chinaphobia from Rupert Murdoch this Friday (despite his wife)? selective criticism, hypocrisy | Feb 04 16:08 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Exclusive: Google's Eric Schmidt Unloads on China in New Book - Corporate Intelligence - WSJ .::. Size~: 58.82 KB | Feb 04 16:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #China accused by WSJ (by proxy) of routers control ,but #cisco too (plus #nsa at chokepoints) do no better than China on the Web | Feb 04 16:10 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] It's that time of the year again soon :-) | Feb 04 16:10 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KB | Feb 04 16:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - It's that time of the year again soon :-) .::. Size~: 147.3 KB | Feb 04 16:10 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] So concerned about other people's alleged freedoms that we lose sight of our own, try to impose our euphemistically-named views on others. | Feb 04 16:12 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Reddit review puts some teeth into “Aaron's Law” most computer laws just require a lobbyist and two-party bribe | Feb 04 16:12 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Reddit review puts some teeth into “Aaron’s Law” | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 34.8 KB | Feb 04 16:12 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Former #Microsoft worke Zack Whittaker attributes concerns about #privacy to #Microsoft I smell agenda | Feb 04 16:15 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Yes, U.S. authorities can spy on EU cloud data. Here's how | ZDNet .::. Size~: 90.23 KB | Feb 04 16:15 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Country that abducts innocent #eu citizens for illegal #torture can access *all* #eu data, but hey, let's worry&obsess over #china 'hacks' | Feb 04 16:17 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #ffii was right. #us #empire wants to bring #swpats #monopoly to the whole world. #eu 'harmonisation' merely first stage | Feb 04 16:18 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Federal Register | Notice of Public Hearing and Request for Comments on Matters Related to the Harmonization of Substantive Patent Law .::. Size~: 116.01 KB | Feb 04 16:18 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Cablegate on global patent system | Feb 04 16:20 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Cablegate: Japan Working to Cultivate More Patent Monopolies in China, Rooting for Global Patent System (With Software Patents) | Techrights .::. Size~: 109.44 KB | Feb 04 16:20 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Cablegate: USPTO, JPO, and EPO Prepare a Global Patent System | Techrights .::. Size~: 122.51 KB | Feb 04 16:21 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Obama Can Determine If Software Patents Go Away or Go Global | Techrights .::. Size~: 125.24 KB | Feb 04 16:21 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Polish EU Presidency Helps Global Patent Regime | Techrights .::. Size~: 96.08 KB | Feb 04 16:21 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Global Patent System | Techrights .::. Size~: 107.14 KB | Feb 04 16:21 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[zotz/@zotz] Can I interest you in some items from Ronco / Popeil? | Feb 04 16:23 | |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 16:28 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Help Protect The Next Aaron #Swartz #aclu | Feb 04 16:28 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: Help Protect The Next Aaron Swartz | American Civil Liberties Union .::. Size~: 18.8 KB | Feb 04 16:28 |
schestowitz | "But the ACLU is not always liberty's friend." | Feb 04 16:28 |
schestowitz | Links? | Feb 04 16:28 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] [RT] Geeks are the New Guardians of Our Civil Liberties - good summary to hand out to non-geeks (v @Falkvinge) | Feb 04 16:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] EU's copyright reform talks a waste of time, says digital rights group - frames UGC in terms of licensing, not rights | Feb 04 16:28 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Geeks are the New Guardians of Our Civil Liberties | MIT Technology Review .::. Size~: 77.55 KB | Feb 04 16:28 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: bitly | Page Not Found | 404 .::. Size~: 8.97 KB | Feb 04 16:28 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 16:29 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Julian #Assange receives #YokoOno #Lennon Courage Award for the Arts "displayed extraordinary courage" | Feb 04 16:29 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: 2013-02-04 Julian Assange receives Yoko Ono Lennon Courage Award for the Arts | WL Central .::. Size~: 16.67 KB | Feb 04 16:29 |
schestowitz | "At the highest levels Assange works with the feds." | Feb 04 16:29 |
schestowitz | Like I work with Aliens | Feb 04 16:29 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 16:29 |
TechrightsBot-tr | "only thing Americans agree on these days is gratitude bordering on reverence for our military." | Feb 04 16:29 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: An America cramped by defensiveness - The Washington Post .::. Size~: 186.17 KB | Feb 04 16:29 |
schestowitz | "America has turned militarism into a religion—even critics of war are quick to preface any anti-war statements or commentaries with praise for "our brave men and women..." :P Any criticism of the military or of military personnel is treated as blasphemy of the highest order..." | Feb 04 16:29 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 16:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: George Carlin - We Like War - YouTube .::. Size~: 212.4 KB | Feb 04 16:30 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] @zotz I remember Ronco, but never heard of Popeil | Feb 04 16:30 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Feb 04 16:31 | |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 16:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | What's it called when you are "bad" for commiting the act of journalism and are "bad" also for being hunted down? It's called *agenda*. | Feb 04 16:31 |
schestowitz | "You make a lot of posts :b" | Feb 04 16:31 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] !Tzag I dentizens. @Reality @Schestowitz @Dickturpin. | Feb 04 16:32 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] RT @openattitude Apps? No root? Your device serves others: Berners-Lee (via ZDNet) | Feb 04 16:32 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Apps? No root? Your device serves others: Berners-Lee | ZDNet .::. Size~: 68.09 KB | Feb 04 16:32 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 16:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Bill Gates-funed #PBS now cites #CNN as another victim of "china". The buildup for news laws from the corporocracy, controlling the Web. | Feb 04 16:32 |
schestowitz | " | Feb 04 16:32 |
schestowitz | >Bill Gates-fun[d]ed #PBS | Feb 04 16:32 |
schestowitz | What's that supposed to mean, other than a genetic fallacy? | Feb 04 16:32 |
schestowitz | >The buildup for news laws from the corporocracy, controlling the Web. | Feb 04 16:32 |
schestowitz | Really? How do you infer that from a single story? Sounds like a slippery slope. | Feb 04 16:32 |
schestowitz | " | Feb 04 16:32 |
schestowitz | PBS is not public and making the point is simpler with the slope. | Feb 04 16:33 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] RT @NeelieKroesEU: @PostActa @kaatje36 this is just one track of #copyright work. The other looking at legislative reform.... | Feb 04 16:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Problem with saying hello to people you recognize on first page when @Schestowitz is denting is that it does not leave much room. | Feb 04 16:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] StormFly Wants To Childproof Your Computer With Its Ubuntu-Booting USB Bracelet #ubuntu #linux | Feb 04 16:35 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Playing Wesnoth with a Rush soundtrack :) #strategy | Feb 04 16:35 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: StormFly Wants To Childproof Your Computer With Its Ubuntu-Booting USB Bracelet | TechCrunch .::. Size~: 72.6 KB | Feb 04 16:35 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Wine for #Linux is going mobile: You will soon be able to run #Windows apps on #Android | Feb 04 16:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Sexual terms used to explain war (Carllin classic) | Feb 04 16:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[zotz/@zotz] look how much it costs to make movies: | Feb 04 16:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] €10,000 Bounty On Cracking Mega Encryption note the currency. #mega | Feb 04 16:38 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Wine for Android is Coming .::. Size~: 50.96 KB | Feb 04 16:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Bill Gates-funed ... .::. Size~: 10.69 KB | Feb 04 16:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Hollywood Accounting Strikes Again: Investors In 29 Paramount Films That Earned $7 Billion Dollars Get No Return | Techdirt .::. Size~: 170.45 KB | Feb 04 16:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: €10,000 Bounty On Cracking Mega Encryption | Muktware .::. Size~: 60.72 KB | Feb 04 16:38 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #PCLinuxOS 2013.02 Released #gnu #linux #pclos | Feb 04 16:40 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Religions are political parties with too much time on their hands. | Feb 04 16:40 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: PCLinuxOS 2013.02 Released | Muktware .::. Size~: 68.01 KB | Feb 04 16:40 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] SCO Asks the Bankruptcy Court to Let It Destroy Its Business Records ~ pj wait, they do *business*? | Feb 04 16:42 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Groklaw - SCO Asks the Bankruptcy Court to Let It Destroy Its Business Records ~ pj .::. Size~: 80.32 KB | Feb 04 16:42 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[zotz/@zotz] To be fair, I have never seen any press coverage here for any previous awards they may have given. | Feb 04 16:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] MT @Coadec "How have you evaluated licensing as being best solution?" Moderator: "well, we want to deliver something" >>who needs evidence? | Feb 04 16:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Debt ceiling | Feb 04 16:45 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 04 16:45 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] "Sweet memories, flashing very quickly by" | Feb 04 16:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Anonymous posts over 4000 U.S. bank executive credentials #boa had threatened #wikileaks over leaks | Feb 04 16:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] ♻ @jerezim Now more than ever convinced: a push for reforming !copyright must come from EU Parliament, not EC #licencesforEurope #democracy | Feb 04 16:48 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Anonymous posts over 4000 U.S. bank executive credentials | ZDNet .::. Size~: 61.88 KB | Feb 04 16:48 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Even more delays to the UK's Digital Economy Act - time to take it round the back and put it out of its misery.. #deact | Feb 04 16:50 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Even more delays to the Digital Economy Act | Open Rights Group .::. Size~: 17.75 KB | Feb 04 16:50 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 16:52 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @Satipera (satipera)'s status on Monday, 04-Feb-13 16:45:54 UTC - @Schestowitz did you have a chance to look at the legal notice in Ubuntu distro's. Sensitive enough to be put in front of the punter. | Feb 04 16:52 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @Satipera (satipera)'s status on Monday, 04-Feb-13 16:50:42 UTC - @Schestowitz Another one for your enquiring mind. Look up HMRC patent pots. I wonder if it counts for #swpats | Feb 04 16:52 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Patent box. #taxfortherichracetothebottom. | Feb 04 16:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] As national debts around the world rise, so are the bank balances of the 1% (offshore), which says a lot about who the lender is. | Feb 04 16:53 | |
schestowitz | It would be good to see some warnings somewhere, even in the antifeature itself. I guess Canonical will silently remove it. | Feb 04 16:54 |
*sebsebsebeeepc (~sebastian@ has joined #techrights | Feb 04 16:56 | |
sebsebsebeeepc | Feb 04 16:56 | |
*koolhead17 (~beermon@ has joined #techrights | Feb 04 16:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Increasingly worrying that Google eduwashes sales (using children to sell products), e.g. RaspberryPI donation (PR)&now | Feb 04 16:58 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Official Google Enterprise Blog: A Look Back at 2012: The Expansion of Learning on the Web .::. Size~: 77.98 KB | Feb 04 16:58 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Old trick in the books is, say you don't seek greed, just to help children. If opposition arises, say it's against those children. | Feb 04 17:02 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] How to label your opposition "against children", "sexist", and "racist": Take photos like this for the press & smirk | Feb 04 17:07 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #billgates donated *minus* seven billion dollars to the world last year like a vacuum cleaner, taxi | Feb 04 17:07 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Feb 04 17:07 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Bill Gates up $7 billion in 2012, world's second richest | Brier Dudley's Blog | The Seattle Times .::. Size~: 79.63 KB | Feb 04 17:07 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: #billgates donate... .::. Size~: 10.94 KB | Feb 04 17:07 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 17:07 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Bill Gates-funed #PBS now cites #CNN as another victim of "china". The buildup for news laws from the corporocracy, controlling the Web. | Feb 04 17:07 |
schestowitz | "I don't understand. In what way is PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) not public? Because it's funded by donations?" | Feb 04 17:07 |
schestowitz | donations that tell him *what* to cover | Feb 04 17:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Bill Gates Pays National Television (This Time PBS) for Self-Serving Propaganda | Techrights .::. Size~: 111.25 KB | Feb 04 17:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Everyday Linux User Review of Linux Lite #gnu #linux | Feb 04 17:08 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Katriona Duck had one of those bodies with shorter legs but a delightful mid section. Wouldn't want to see it now. | Feb 04 17:08 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Everyday Linux User: Everyday Linux User Review of Linux Lite .::. Size~: 112.8 KB | Feb 04 17:08 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 17:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Bill Gates-funed #PBS now cites #CNN as another victim of "china". The buildup for news laws from the corporocracy, controlling the Web. | Feb 04 17:11 |
schestowitz | "If it's not public, you should be able to answer what company owns it... right?" | Feb 04 17:12 |
schestowitz | Shared stakeholder. There's many like it, too. | Feb 04 17:12 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] New Sync Menu Landed in Ubuntu 13.04 #ubuntu #gnu #linux | Feb 04 17:12 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: New Sync Menu Landed in Ubuntu 13.04 - Softpedia .::. Size~: 48.19 KB | Feb 04 17:12 |
schestowitz | s | Feb 04 17:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Op-Ed: PBS broadcast on drones funded by drone-maker Lockheed-Martin .::. Size~: 37.95 KB | Feb 04 17:13 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 17:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @Satipera (satipera)'s status on Monday, 04-Feb-13 17:02:23 UTC - @Schestowitz It is there in the dash for all to see "Legal Notice" | Feb 04 17:14 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 17:21 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Bill Gates-funed #PBS now cites #CNN as another victim of "china". The buildup for news laws from the corporocracy, controlling the Web. | Feb 04 17:21 |
schestowitz | >Shared stakeholders. | Feb 04 17:21 |
schestowitz | Oh so PBS sells stock? Maybe you could tell me where I could buy some. | Feb 04 17:21 |
schestowitz | (Hint: NO, THEY DON'T.) | Feb 04 17:21 |
schestowitz | Stakeholders, not shareholders | Feb 04 17:22 |
schestowitz | "PBS stock symbol is PowerShares Dynamic Media, NOT Public Broadcasting Service." | Feb 04 17:23 |
schestowitz | "You're not going to make a boogeyman out of PBS. I won't allow it. CNN, sure. They're in it for the money. But not PBS." | Feb 04 17:23 |
schestowitz | NPR has the same issue as PBS. Rich people/corporations exploit their donation openings. | Feb 04 17:23 |
schestowitz | In the US, corporations are people (ask SCOTUS), so they fund politics, national press, etc. | Feb 04 17:24 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 17:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | #billgates donated *minus* seven billion dollars to the world last year like a vacuum cleaner, taxing PCs, food, oil, drugs... | Feb 04 17:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: Bill Gates up $7 billion in 2012, world's second richest | Brier Dudley's Blog | The Seattle Times .::. Size~: 79.61 KB | Feb 04 17:25 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Links 4/1/2013: Linux 3.8 RC 6, Privacy Issues Big in the News #techrights | Feb 04 17:27 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Links 4/1/2013: Linux 3.8 RC 6, Privacy Issues Big in the News | Techrights .::. Size~: 148.37 KB | Feb 04 17:27 |
*sebsebsebeeepc has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Feb 04 17:31 | |
*cubelog has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) | Feb 04 17:33 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Feb 04 17:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] It might not be a popular idea but economics is for men sex and for women resources. Above this we are all being taken for arses. #consumers | Feb 04 17:33 | |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | Feb 04 17:34 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | Feb 04 17:34 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Feb 04 17:34 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ml2mst/@ml2mst] #Microsoft Office365 for idiots who are stupid enough to spend $100 every year when they could use the same for FREE! | Feb 04 17:35 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft Office 365 for $100 vs Google Docs for Free | Fresh Infos .::. Size~: 42.67 KB | Feb 04 17:35 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] This isn't half bad !Listening | Feb 04 17:37 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mairin/@mairin] the pain of staring at the delicious granola bar behind the glass and being unable to reach it because the machine won't accept your money | Feb 04 17:37 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Arcade Fire - Empty Room - YouTube .::. Size~: 196.29 KB | Feb 04 17:37 |
*Teufelchen ( has joined #techrights | Feb 04 17:40 | |
iophk | Office and Office360 {sic} reviews always fail to mention Google Docs or LibreOffice. | Feb 04 17:43 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[newtonx/@newtonx] ‘Real-life Grand Theft Auto’ | Feb 04 17:43 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: It's My Blog, Dammit! .... Anything and Everything! | ‘Real-life Grand Theft Auto’ .::. Size~: 28.28 KB | Feb 04 17:43 |
iophk | 5 days of downtime atleast | Feb 04 17:44 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] If the Chinese was open I would be preparing to retrieve to many tasty calories. | Feb 04 17:45 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] too | Feb 04 17:45 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] US control is diminishing, but it still thinks it owns the world | Feb 04 17:52 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Music why do we like it? Note it was not why do we have a "Passion" for it. That would be arse. | Feb 04 17:52 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: US control is diminishing, but it still thinks it owns the world | Noam Chomsky | Comment is free | .::. Size~: 124.68 KB | Feb 04 17:52 |
schestowitz | "Can you cite one example where a donation has definitively influenced the content?" | Feb 04 17:53 |
schestowitz | I already did, two examples | Feb 04 17:53 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] RAID 5/6 code merged into Btrfs | Feb 04 17:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: RAID 5/6 code merged into Btrfs [] .::. Size~: 6.75 KB | Feb 04 17:53 |
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | Feb 04 17:55 | |
*oddpuck has quit (Quit: later, y'all) | Feb 04 17:58 | |
*iophk (~konv2@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Feb 04 18:01 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Feb 04 18:01 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Google: We know where to get you and why to hang you. | Feb 04 18:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[frostbite/@frostbite] hello everyone I hope your day is going well. | Feb 04 18:05 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ml2mst/@ml2mst] Mijn antwoord aan @LoorSchrijft sloeg hier op: | Feb 04 18:05 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[frostbite/@frostbite] I'mn still enjoying my fluxbox desktop | Feb 04 18:05 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Asscher: Stilteruimte op pretpark Walibi niet alleen voor moslims - Kerknieuws - Kerk & Religie .::. Size~: 45.52 KB | Feb 04 18:05 |
*koolhead17 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | Feb 04 18:06 | |
iophk | | Feb 04 18:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Pirate Bay Censorship Turns Proxies Into Local Heroes | TorrentFreak .::. Size~: 62.52 KB | Feb 04 18:06 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Question for your elected representative. Why in our democracy are the rich getting richer and the poor getting hammered? | Feb 04 18:07 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Reykjavik from Wednesday till Saturday. Care to meet? Would love to chat with fellow hackers, makers and pirates :-) | Feb 04 18:08 | |
iophk | | Feb 04 18:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Police drug search intrudes on husband's final moments with deceased wife | Deseret News .::. Size~: 75.02 KB | Feb 04 18:09 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richardsmedley/@richardsmedley] "Leading by example occurs whether you like it or not" ~ Jateen Parekh, CTO @ Jelli | Feb 04 18:10 | |
schestowitz | iophk: bad timing.. | Feb 04 18:10 |
schestowitz | can be worse | Feb 04 18:10 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] VIM Adventures #flosstools #gnulinux | Feb 04 18:12 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: VIM Adventures .::. Size~: 19.48 KB | Feb 04 18:12 |
iophk | Probably intentional timing. | Feb 04 18:12 |
schestowitz | not sure ow accurate the report is, but it makes a good headline | Feb 04 18:13 |
schestowitz | didn't hear the police's side, but didn't read beyonf first para | Feb 04 18:13 |
schestowitz | guy tells paper a man bites dog story | Feb 04 18:14 |
schestowitz | claims these were his last moments | Feb 04 18:14 |
schestowitz | with her | Feb 04 18:14 |
schestowitz | I reckon the real story is a tad more complicated | Feb 04 18:14 |
schestowitz | but whatever the police says is likely a lie | Feb 04 18:14 |
schestowitz | backed by yet more liars down at the department, they cover up for each other | Feb 04 18:14 |
iophk | The fact that they showed up so soon and rummaged around seems not to be disputable. | Feb 04 18:15 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Copyright Insanity: School Policy Requires Students Hand Over Copyright On All Work wtf? | Feb 04 18:15 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] #DEA Circumventing Oregon State Law To Grab Medical Records Without A Warrant | Feb 04 18:15 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Copyright Insanity: School Policy Requires Students Hand Over Copyright On All Work | Techdirt .::. Size~: 53.1 KB | Feb 04 18:15 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: DEA Circumventing Oregon State Law To Grab Medical Records Without A Warrant | Techdirt .::. Size~: 73.41 KB | Feb 04 18:15 |
iophk | They could have at least waited for the body to depart. | Feb 04 18:15 |
iophk | If it was in fact that urgent. | Feb 04 18:15 |
iophk | " | Feb 04 18:16 |
iophk | Fackrell said there's nothing in the controlled substances act that allows police to enter a home and search for prescription drugs without a warrant. | Feb 04 18:16 |
iophk | He said it's apparently common practice for Vernal police when someone dies | Feb 04 18:16 |
iophk | " | Feb 04 18:16 |
iophk | | Feb 04 18:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: City of Munich disagrees with HP's Linux migration study - The H Open: News and Features .::. Size~: 54.58 KB | Feb 04 18:18 |
iophk | Predictably: "Munich's City Council doesn't consider the [M$] study to be scientifically sound, and that it therefore sees no reason to adjust its figures. | Feb 04 18:19 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 18:29 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Bill Gates-funed #PBS now cites #CNN as another victim of "china". The buildup for news laws from the corporocracy, controlling the Web. | Feb 04 18:29 |
schestowitz | "Back to your original argument, that PBS is not public. Do all public institutions necessarily need to be free from influence?" | Feb 04 18:29 |
schestowitz | influence should be public's | Feb 04 18:29 |
schestowitz | he entered a circular argument | Feb 04 18:29 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @greg: Keep fighting. We can't stop. The immoral in our society won't ever stop trying to gain (power, money, same thing) by any means | Feb 04 18:32 | |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 18:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Julian #Assange receives #YokoOno #Lennon Courage Award for the Arts "displayed extraordinary courage" | Feb 04 18:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: 2013-02-04 Julian Assange receives Yoko Ono Lennon Courage Award for the Arts | WL Central .::. Size~: 16.67 KB | Feb 04 18:33 |
schestowitz | "I actually promote Alien ideology in a low level program of the OTO. There is a pattern with the Alien idea that is establishment. There is also a pattern of this 'police state' paranoia that plays a specific role in a higher agenda. While Assange does release good info, he would not have a platform to the public if he did not serve other purposes." | Feb 04 18:33 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 18:34 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: #Atheist #SuperBowl Commercial Thoughts? | Feb 04 18:34 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: Atheist SuperBowl Commercial - Best Commercial At The SuperBowl! - YouTube .::. Size~: 191.58 KB | Feb 04 18:34 |
schestowitz | "What I find interesting about it is that it claims the power of logic for atheism yet atheism is based on faith not logic." | Feb 04 18:34 |
schestowitz | ?? | Feb 04 18:35 |
schestowitz | "LOL!!! Typical religious argument. You'd think how they argue, they'd actually have the balls to admit there isn't any evidence for what they believe. (The Bible is not proof; it's the claim.)" | Feb 04 18:35 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] #GoDaddy: smart and sexist | Feb 04 18:35 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Tugaleaks - TVI e Correio da Manhã copiam notícia falsa de blog humorístico do Brasil a qualidade dos #msm #pt | Feb 04 18:35 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: GoDaddy: smart and sexist | The Verge Forums .::. Size~: 100.46 KB | Feb 04 18:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Tugaleaks - TVI e Correio da Manhã copiam notícia falsa de blog humorístico do Brasil .::. Size~: 38.8 KB | Feb 04 18:35 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 18:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Help Protect The Next Aaron #Swartz #aclu | Feb 04 18:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: Help Protect The Next Aaron Swartz | American Civil Liberties Union .::. Size~: 18.8 KB | Feb 04 18:35 |
schestowitz | " | Feb 04 18:36 |
schestowitz | Dismantling the Boy Scouts' high-school programs can't be virtuous. The BSA is as grass roots an organization as there is. Since the ACLU took on the scouts, the BSA has been transformed from a 11-18+ year-old's program to an 11-15 year-old's program. This is just an agenda to force kids towards more government schooling and more debt for higher education. | Feb 04 18:36 |
schestowitz | The ironic role of the ACLU is not in the people they defend, it's in the rights they don't defend. This is were they become yet another political football. If folks at the ACLU actually objected to establishment agendas, then there are thousands of other people having their rights trampled that those in charge can distract them with. | Feb 04 18:36 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 18:37 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: U.S. Supreme Court Ruling that Boy Scouts Can Discriminate is 'Damaging but Limited,' ACLU Says | American Civil Liberties Union .::. Size~: 63.04 KB | Feb 04 18:37 |
schestowitz | " | Feb 04 18:37 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @openattitude: Apps? No root? Your device serves others: Berners-Lee (via ZDNet) | Feb 04 18:37 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Apps? No root? Your device serves others: Berners-Lee | ZDNet .::. Size~: 68.42 KB | Feb 04 18:37 |
iophk | BSA is awesome | Feb 04 18:38 |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Feb 04 18:38 | |
schestowitz | heh | Feb 04 18:39 |
schestowitz | I see what you did there | Feb 04 18:39 |
schestowitz | "Church. What you say applies just as much to atheism. Atheists should have the balls to admit it. AT least the religious all accept that their claims are based ultimately on faith. Thats honest. Atheists claim their beliefs are based on logic. Thats dishonest." | Feb 04 18:40 |
schestowitz | LOL | Feb 04 18:40 |
iophk | Interesting change : | Feb 04 18:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Linux and Windows 8: Fast Startup puts data at risk - The H Open: News and Features .::. Size~: 57.54 KB | Feb 04 18:42 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: I did what Stallman mentioned at Walmart about an hour ago | Feb 04 18:43 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[frostbite/@frostbite] What does everyone think of the move Ubuntu is making with these scopes? | Feb 04 18:43 | |
tessier | Stallman was at Walmart an hour ago? | Feb 04 18:44 |
DaemonFC | no | Feb 04 18:44 |
DaemonFC | he said that when he's at stores with self-checkouts, he shouts "When you use those, it is causing Americans to lose their jobs" | Feb 04 18:44 |
DaemonFC | so I yelled that over to the people using the self-checkout | Feb 04 18:45 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Man Sees Satan In Hell And Realizes There Is Life After Death! ( Near Death Experience ) - YouTube #xfiles | Feb 04 18:45 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Man Sees Satan In Hell And Realizes There Is Life After Death! ( Near Death Experience ) - YouTube .::. Size~: 217.5 KB | Feb 04 18:45 |
DaemonFC | our public library is recommending ipads | Feb 04 18:47 |
DaemonFC | they have some kind of book "lending" system that I am now paying for (because I pay taxes) | Feb 04 18:47 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] @Frostbite I have not noticed your dents until recently. Welcome. | Feb 04 18:48 | |
MinceR | lol @ self-checkout phrase | Feb 04 18:49 |
MinceR | i don't trust self-checkouts | Feb 04 18:49 |
MinceR | they couldn't make vending machines that work reliably either | Feb 04 18:49 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Governo quer taxar telemóveis, tablets e MP3 #pl118 #pt #mafiaa ; imposto que servirá para isto | Feb 04 18:52 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Noticias ao Minuto - Governo quer taxar telemóveis, tablets e MP3 .::. Size~: 38.64 KB | Feb 04 18:52 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: SPA paga 2 milhões a antiga funcionária - .::. Size~: 82.84 KB | Feb 04 18:52 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[frostbite/@frostbite] @jezra My wife and i started watching wisker wars. Your not on that show are you? | Feb 04 18:53 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[fsfe/@fsfe] !FSFE's newsletter is out for February: #UnitaryFail, no !fs users as teachers, #vlc #drm #android and more | Feb 04 18:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[frostbite/@frostbite] @jezra Yeah that is true. | Feb 04 18:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[zotz/@zotz] | Feb 04 18:58 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Ron Popeil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 53.52 KB | Feb 04 18:58 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Respect for tradition | Feb 04 19:02 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[frostbite/@frostbite] @jezra Cool I only watched 1 episode. | Feb 04 19:02 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2012: November - February Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 939.78 KB | Feb 04 19:02 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[kirschner/@kirschner] RT @fsfe !FSFE's newsletter is out for February: #UnitaryFail, no !fs users as teachers, #vlc #drm #android and more | Feb 04 19:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ml2mst/@ml2mst] Erg goed stuk IMHO: Slik geen onzin van Moslims meer! #antifada | Feb 04 19:12 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Politiek Incorrect Blog: Slik geen onzin van moslims meer! .::. Size~: 94.03 KB | Feb 04 19:12 |
schestowitz | | Feb 04 19:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: #Atheist #SuperBowl Commercial Thoughts? | Feb 04 19:13 |
schestowitz | " | Feb 04 19:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: Atheist SuperBowl Commercial - Best Commercial At The SuperBowl! - YouTube .::. Size~: 170.32 KB | Feb 04 19:13 |
schestowitz | Atheism isn't the one making the claim. The only thing it states is "You say there is a god? Well, I don't believe you." | Feb 04 19:13 |
schestowitz | Are you saying I have to prove that I don't believe you? | Feb 04 19:13 |
schestowitz | " | Feb 04 19:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Here is what will happen. The Usians and their willing of the coalition will go home. Pakistan will carry on in their own interest. | Feb 04 19:17 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] posted from it! :-) thanks! ♻ @gabrielsaldana: Identica-mode 1.3 release | Feb 04 19:27 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Identica-mode 1.3 release | Gabriel Saldaña's blog .::. Size~: 51.4 KB | Feb 04 19:27 |
MinceR | nice video | Feb 04 19:27 |
iophk | "Reported Attack Page! | Feb 04 19:29 |
iophk | This web page at has been reported as an attack page and has been blocked based on your security preferences." | Feb 04 19:29 |
*Teufelchen_ ( has joined #techrights | Feb 04 19:29 | |
*Teufelchen has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Feb 04 19:32 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @asta_fish: Please consider supporting the Parltrack project - making #Europarl more transparent since 2011! - | Feb 04 19:37 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Better European Laws: fund your future by supporting Parltrack | Indiegogo .::. Size~: 47.43 KB | Feb 04 19:37 |
DaemonFC | | Feb 04 19:39 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Gangnam Icy Style - YouTube .::. Size~: 149.38 KB | Feb 04 19:39 |
DaemonFC | :) | Feb 04 19:39 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Activist Post: The Exploding Autoimmune Epidemic - Dr. Tent #health #bigpharma | Feb 04 19:40 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Activist Post: The Exploding Autoimmune Epidemic - Dr. Tent .::. Size~: 234.99 KB | Feb 04 19:40 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Nobody should face the threat of prison for terms of service violations. How everyday activities may be "criminal": | Feb 04 19:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Activist Post: #INDECT: Big Brother's Full Spectrum Surveillance Project #eu #policestate - #pnr #samurai #adabts | Feb 04 19:43 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Rebooting Computer Crime Law Part 1: No Prison Time For Violating Terms of Service | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 42.06 KB | Feb 04 19:43 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Activist Post: INDECT: Big Brother's Full Spectrum Surveillance Project .::. Size~: 248.75 KB | Feb 04 19:43 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Activist Post: Rise Of The Preppers: 50 Of The Best Prepper Websites And Blogs On The Internet #preppers | Feb 04 19:45 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Activist Post: Rise Of The Preppers: 50 Of The Best Prepper Websites And Blogs On The Internet .::. Size~: 244.75 KB | Feb 04 19:45 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[linuxfoundation/@linuxfoundation] "We had the year of the Linux desktop and nobody even knew it." #linux | Feb 04 19:47 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The 'Year of the Linux Desktop'? That's So 2012 – ReadWrite .::. Size~: 42.21 KB | Feb 04 19:47 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mrdenticator/@mrdenticator] Yesterday top #statustician is johnnynull from with 160 dents! | Feb 04 19:58 | |
DaemonFC | Bird’s Eye Voila Skillet Meal, Frozen, Select Varieties, 21 to 22 oz, $3.19 (reg $6.39) | Feb 04 19:59 |
DaemonFC | lol | Feb 04 19:59 |
DaemonFC | that's bullshit | Feb 04 19:59 |
DaemonFC | last time they did those, they only worked out to $2.80 during the sale | Feb 04 19:59 |
DaemonFC | so they increased the price and then did the half off sale | Feb 04 19:59 |
DaemonFC | I know 40 cents is not a big deal, but it is when you buy 20-30 of them at once when they go on sale | Feb 04 20:00 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] TeK > AGEFE diz que projeto do Governo para a cópia privada vai contra orientações europeias #pt #mafiaa #pl118 | Feb 04 20:02 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: TeK > Notícias > Internet > AGEFE diz que projeto do Governo para a cópia privada vai contra orientações europeias .::. Size~: 47.39 KB | Feb 04 20:02 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Fellow paranoids - are you too paranoid to use password managers like Lastpass? : netsec #security | Feb 04 20:08 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Fellow paranoids - are you too paranoid to use password managers like Lastpass? : netsec .::. Size~: 516.99 KB | Feb 04 20:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] Bravo! ♻ @zbraniecki: Standard ECMA-402 - the first spec document with my name on the contributors list *^^* | Feb 04 20:12 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: ECMAScript Internationalization API Specification – ECMA-402 Edition 1.0 .::. Size~: 205.08 KB | Feb 04 20:12 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Light Blue Touchpaper » Blog Archive » “ #Security Engineering” now available free online #books | Feb 04 20:15 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Light Blue Touchpaper » Blog Archive » “Security Engineering” now available free online .::. Size~: 11.07 KB | Feb 04 20:15 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] » States Considering Laws That Would Make it an Act of Terrorism to Report on Abuses at Factory Farms | Feb 04 20:20 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: » States Considering Laws That Would Make it an Act of Terrorism to Report on Abuses at Factory Farms .::. Size~: 9.84 KB | Feb 04 20:20 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Historical trends in the usage of Linux versions, February 2013 #debian #gnulinux #stats | Feb 04 20:28 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Historical trends in the usage of Linux versions, February 2013 .::. Size~: 8.6 KB | Feb 04 20:28 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] “Lucky Thirteen” attack snarfs cookies protected by SSL encryption (ars technica) | Feb 04 20:35 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Security updates for Monday | Feb 04 20:35 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: “Lucky Thirteen” attack snarfs cookies protected by SSL encryption (ars technica) [] .::. Size~: 7.07 KB | Feb 04 20:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Security updates for Monday [] .::. Size~: 7.99 KB | Feb 04 20:35 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] VaGLinda! ♻ @VaGla: :) | Feb 04 20:42 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Łatwo przewidzieć przyszłość - YouTube .::. Size~: 92.19 KB | Feb 04 20:42 |
*iophk has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Feb 04 20:44 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Firefox and Chrome have a chat | Feb 04 20:45 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Firefox and Chrome have a chat [] .::. Size~: 6.66 KB | Feb 04 20:45 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Garrett: Don't like Secure Boot? Don't buy a Chromebook | Feb 04 20:47 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Garrett: Don't like Secure Boot? Don't buy a Chromebook [] .::. Size~: 6.43 KB | Feb 04 20:47 |
*oddpuck (~me@unaffiliated/oddball33) has joined #techrights | Feb 04 20:48 | |
DaemonFC | | Feb 04 20:52 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The IT Crowd Piracy Ad - YouTube .::. Size~: 123.94 KB | Feb 04 20:52 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Equifax buys personal data of American workers | Feb 04 21:03 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2012: November - February Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 939.78 KB | Feb 04 21:03 |
DaemonFC | | Feb 04 21:05 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Log In - The New York Times .::. Size~: 10.68 KB | Feb 04 21:05 |
DaemonFC | clown time's over | Feb 04 21:06 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[linuxquestions/@linuxquestions] 2012 Members Choice Award Winners have been announced: <- congratulations to all nominees! | Feb 04 21:32 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[creativecommons/@creativecommons] .@CC_Canada Participates in the Open Government Licence Consultation - | Feb 04 21:32 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: .::. Size~: 43.81 KB | Feb 04 21:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2012 Members Choice Award Winners .::. Size~: 50.05 KB | Feb 04 21:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Creative Commons Canada Participates in the Open Government Licence Consultation | Creative Commons Canada .::. Size~: 25.28 KB | Feb 04 21:32 |
*oddpuck has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Feb 04 21:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻@teirdes “In EU data protection is a fundamental right. What’s right & wrong isn’t decided in Silicon Valley, it's decided in our capitals” | Feb 04 22:00 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Illegal detention by ICE | Feb 04 22:05 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2012: November - February Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 939.78 KB | Feb 04 22:05 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[creativecommons/@creativecommons] New job listing at CC: Regional Coordinator, Europe | Feb 04 22:07 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Work for Creative Commons in Europe: new Regional Coordinator job opening up - Creative Commons .::. Size~: 23.76 KB | Feb 04 22:07 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] vai usar o seguinte, o “Servidor XI!”? :-) ♻ @pensadorlouco: deixar de usar o “Servidor X” | Feb 04 22:08 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] New Job at Global Integrity: Research Manager - could be you | Feb 04 22:28 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: We are hiring: Research Manager | Global Integrity .::. Size~: 32.62 KB | Feb 04 22:28 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Google and Mozilla show off video chat between #Chrome and #Firefox thanks to WebRTC support - good to work together | Feb 04 22:30 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #PAIPO Phoenix - that's a pity #africa | Feb 04 22:30 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox Video Chat via WebRTC .::. Size~: 42.14 KB | Feb 04 22:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: PAIPO Phoenix » infojustice .::. Size~: 33.77 KB | Feb 04 22:30 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] RIAA Set For Historic 10,000,000th Google URL Takedown - absurd waste of effort | Feb 04 22:32 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: RIAA Set For Historic 10,000,000th Google URL Takedown | TorrentFreak .::. Size~: 39.61 KB | Feb 04 22:32 |
*formic_ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Feb 04 22:35 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Why Aaron Died - "But I say it again: Aaron’s death was not caused by depression." | Feb 04 22:37 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Richard Stallman's Solution To 'Too Big To Fail' - thought-provoking as ever #rms | Feb 04 22:37 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: TarenSK | Why Aaron died .::. Size~: 83.44 KB | Feb 04 22:37 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Richard Stallman's Solution To 'Too Big To Fail' - Slashdot .::. Size~: 296.71 KB | Feb 04 22:37 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Only a bird - you want transitional forms? we got transitional forms #evolution | Feb 04 22:38 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Only a bird | Pharyngula .::. Size~: 44.19 KB | Feb 04 22:38 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Staatskrise in Rumänien: Rumäniens Präsident blockiert Immunitätsgesetz - bravo #ru | Feb 04 22:40 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Rumäniens Präsident blockiert Immunitätsgesetz - SPIEGEL ONLINE .::. Size~: 61.74 KB | Feb 04 22:40 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Poesía #Argentina - nice #cc | Feb 04 22:42 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] What a model train project can teach us about the future of 3D scanning and printing - facinating #3dprinting | Feb 04 22:42 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Creative Commons Chile » Blog Archive » Poesía Argentina .::. Size~: 19.92 KB | Feb 04 22:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: What a model train project can teach us about the future of 3D scanning and printing — Tech News and Analysis .::. Size~: 80.62 KB | Feb 04 22:42 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] “Security Engineering” now available free online - "free online copies and paid-for paper copies can be complements" | Feb 04 22:45 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Light Blue Touchpaper » Blog Archive » “Security Engineering” now available free online .::. Size~: 11.07 KB | Feb 04 22:45 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Work for Creative Commons in Europe: new Regional Coordinator job opening up - yet more jobs #cc | Feb 04 22:48 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | connect() timed out! ( ) | Feb 04 22:49 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Collateral Censorship: Oxford Union Replaces Assange Speech Backdrop, Citing 'Copyright' Concerns - pathetic | Feb 04 22:50 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Collateral Censorship: Oxford Union Replaces Assange Speech Backdrop, Citing 'Copyright' Concerns | Techdirt .::. Size~: 85.9 KB | Feb 04 22:50 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] [RT] Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 130203 - yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD | Feb 04 22:52 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 130203 .::. Size~: 68.06 KB | Feb 04 22:52 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @IgorOstrowski: razem z @IgorOstrowski napisaliśmy w GW tekst w rok po #ACTA #otwarte #praut | Feb 04 22:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Rok po protestach w sprawie ACTA .::. Size~: 88.71 KB | Feb 04 22:53 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Watched the Superbowl final last night. That is the first time it ever seemed liked a game to me. | Feb 04 22:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Investigative Journalist Claims Her Public Tweets Aren't 'Publishable;' Threatens 2 Sue Blogger Who Does Exactly That - | Feb 04 23:10 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Investigative Journalist Claims Her Public Tweets Aren't 'Publishable;' Threatens To Sue Blogger Who Does Exactly That | Techdirt .::. Size~: 45.24 KB | Feb 04 23:10 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rysiek/@rysiek] ♻ @glynmoody: Collateral Censorship: Oxford Union Replaces Assange Speech Backdrop, Citing 'Copyright' Concerns - pathetic | Feb 04 23:12 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Beginners guide to why !capitalism is shite via @Zoowar | Feb 04 23:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Corpocrisy: The Systematic Betrayal of American Workers | Common Dreams .::. Size~: 32.16 KB | Feb 04 23:13 |
MinceR | gn | Feb 04 23:19 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] !Tzaf Identizens. | Feb 04 23:22 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[frostbite/@frostbite] Thanks to @methoddan for supporting the sonar project. | Feb 04 23:28 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Sonar Project | Indiegogo .::. Size~: 45.7 KB | Feb 04 23:28 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] ♺ @unseenstudio: almost at the big 50, #Crivins 49 is oot enjoy :D #ccmusic #FOSS | Feb 04 23:37 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Maintenance .::. Size~: 0.28 KB | Feb 04 23:37 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[webmink/@webmink] She's now protected her Twitter streaam. | Feb 04 23:38 |
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