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qu1j0t3 | XFaCE: "Stephen Harper's government is planning to spend $1 billion on a fleet of attack drones for Canada." | Mar 20 01:34 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: | Welcome Care2 supporters! .::. Size~: 25.05 KB | Mar 20 01:34 |
formic__ | awesome | Mar 20 01:35 |
formic__ | drones are sick | Mar 20 01:36 |
schestowitz | yeah | Mar 20 01:49 |
schestowitz | predator UAVs anyway | Mar 20 01:49 |
schestowitz | some drones used to be good | Mar 20 01:49 |
schestowitz | but a lot of them are now tools of cntrol by thr rich | Mar 20 01:50 |
schestowitz | large drones are expensive, ordinary people can't afford the big drones | Mar 20 01:50 |
qu1j0t3 | "some drones used to be good" | Mar 20 01:50 |
qu1j0t3 | what on earth do you mean? | Mar 20 01:50 |
qu1j0t3 | "some guns used to be good" ? | Mar 20 01:51 |
schestowitz | | Mar 20 02:05 |
TechrightsSocial | ***Yesterday:*** **CENTRAL BANK MAFIA STEALS ALMOST 10% OF MONEY DIRECTLY OUT OF ALL ACCOUNTS OF ALL CYPRUS CITIZENS** *Chase Bank Beta-Tests Same 'Shock Therapy' Scheme in US* Yesterday, the Globalist Elite who capture governments through banking fraud stole 10% of the wealth out of the accounts of *all* citizens in the Eurozone nation of Cyprus. Pause for a moment. Imagine it. This small country is the | Mar 20 02:05 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: The Great Cyprus Bank Robbery Shows That No Bank Account, No Retirement Fund And No Stock Portfolio Is Safe .::. Size~: 240.98 KB | Mar 20 02:05 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Chase Bank customers temporarily see '0' balance | .::. Size~: 64.16 KB | Mar 20 02:05 |
schestowitz | qu1j0t3: before they got armed this frequently | Mar 20 02:05 |
qu1j0t3 | schestowitz: huh? | Mar 20 02:05 |
qu1j0t3 | schestowitz: what are they needed for at all? | Mar 20 02:05 |
schestowitz | mostly used to gather footage decades ago | Mar 20 02:05 |
qu1j0t3 | footage of what? | Mar 20 02:06 |
schestowitz | mapping, terrain, field forces | Mar 20 02:06 |
schestowitz | the Hellfire-armed drones are quite new | Mar 20 02:06 |
schestowitz | I first heard of them less than a decade ago | Mar 20 02:06 |
schestowitz | Bush started with them, | Mar 20 02:06 |
schestowitz | Improvments in GPS and other stuff makes them more attractive an option | Mar 20 02:07 |
schestowitz | Boeing makes some good money off them | Mar 20 02:07 |
schestowitz | | Mar 20 02:09 |
TechrightsSocial | #Chicago #car elevator #1936 #old #photo #photography | Mar 20 02:09 |
TechrightsSocial | Photo by | Mar 20 02:09 |
qu1j0t3 | schestowitz: so how do we put the genie back in the bottle? | Mar 20 02:09 |
schestowitz | LOL, like we need to waste yet more metal+fuel to accommodate metal | Mar 20 02:09 |
schestowitz | qu1j0t3: like we do with wars, hardly | Mar 20 02:11 |
schestowitz | too many people watch men dancing like girls on TV, they won't get involved in backlash | Mar 20 02:11 |
schestowitz | "conducted by the University of Minnesota" | Mar 20 02:18 |
schestowitz | | Mar 20 02:18 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Poll: Majority of Americans Opposed to Being Killed by Drone : The New Yorker .::. Size~: 109.58 KB | Mar 20 02:18 |
schestowitz | maybe they need to stage another Dorner et al. to buy consent | Mar 20 02:18 |
schestowitz | more "bad apples" inside the US | Mar 20 02:18 |
schestowitz | /var ran out of space, forcing mysql to shut down. I've compressed and deleted some old http logs | Mar 20 09:53 |
schestowitz | | Mar 20 09:55 |
TechrightsSocial | Python Software Foundation wins a battle for the #Python name #programmming #trademark | Mar 20 09:56 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Python Software Foundation wins a battle for the Python name | Python - InfoWorld .::. Size~: 97.74 KB | Mar 20 09:56 |
schestowitz | "right....some guy registers a url aprox 10 years after the first release of the language and now the url-holder extorts the python foundation because of the name....." | Mar 20 09:56 |
schestowitz | qu1j0t3: | Mar 20 09:56 |
TechrightsSocial | "My son and his friends are quitting Facebook and I don't know how to track his activity anymore!" | Mar 20 09:56 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Toby Thain's answer to Teenagers and Teenage Years: My son and his friends are quitting Facebook and I don't know how to track his activity anymore! Help!!!!? - Quora .::. Size~: 45.54 KB | Mar 20 09:56 |
schestowitz | "Perhaps talking to their kid might make sense? Or are they wanting to stalk them?" | Mar 20 09:56 |
schestowitz | > Hi, Roy, | Mar 20 09:58 |
schestowitz | > | Mar 20 09:58 |
schestowitz | > I took out one of the pcap files, it was 54MB only though. | Mar 20 09:58 |
schestowitz | > | Mar 20 09:58 |
schestowitz | > Ok, the db being down is probably what caused the "500 Internal Server | Mar 20 09:58 |
schestowitz | > Error" messages. | Mar 20 09:58 |
schestowitz | No, it's the DB not available (for almost an hour this morning. | Mar 20 09:58 |
schestowitz | Too bad there was nothing useful in any of the vhosts' | Mar 20 09:58 |
schestowitz | > httpd error logs. | Mar 20 09:58 |
schestowitz | The error was not related to others. | Mar 20 09:58 |
schestowitz | | Mar 20 10:01 |
TechrightsSocial | $1,500,000,000.00 is the estimated cost of #vista8 embedding (aka "advertising") in banners, papers, catalogues, shelf space, TV... #pr | Mar 20 10:01 |
schestowitz | "Holy shit!" | Mar 20 10:01 |
schestowitz | > Another error is the script getting run twice, presumably by cron. | Mar 20 10:02 |
schestowitz | Mar 20 10:02 | |
schestowitz | Lot of issues with the site this year. Let's hope it'll be better the rest of the year. | Mar 20 10:02 |
schestowitz | | Mar 20 10:03 |
TechrightsSocial | Pope Francis, #CIA and ‘Death Squads’ "30,000 people for torture and murder from 1976 to 1983" | Mar 20 10:03 |
schestowitz | "Shut up, conspiracy theorist. Governments are Love." | Mar 20 10:03 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: PressTV - CIA drones freely kill civilians under pretext of 'war on terror': Edward Corrigan .::. Size~: 20.9 KB | Mar 20 10:03 |
schestowitz | "Oh, yeah, so is religion." | Mar 20 10:03 |
schestowitz | | Mar 20 10:04 |
TechrightsSocial | The Great #Cyprus Bank Robbery Shows That No Bank Account, No Retirement Fund And No Stock Portfolio Is Safe | Mar 20 10:04 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 20 10:04 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: The Great Cyprus Bank Robbery Shows That No Bank Account, No Retirement Fund And No Stock Portfolio Is Safe .::. Size~: 243.9 KB | Mar 20 10:04 |
schestowitz | The Cyprus experiment failed; for now. But they will try to do it again. They will tell you that "They are is no other way" and "If we don't do this there will be an uncontrolled bankruptcy". "There will be total collapse". That's what our politicians told us. Lies! Damn lies! | Mar 20 10:04 |
schestowitz | They already have billions but they want your savings too! | Mar 20 10:04 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 20 10:04 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 20 10:05 |
schestowitz | After the strict " NO " of Cyprus MPs I think the collapse of #Cyprus banks now is 'inevitable'. The day banks will reopen lots of money will get transferred to other countries and what is most urgent now is to find a way to protect savings of the normal Cypriots. Due to european laws savings are guaranteed up to 100 K by the government of Cyprus that doesn't have the money when banks collapse. My idea would be to let the | Mar 20 10:06 |
schestowitz | banks crash but use money from ESM to protect ordinary Cypriots savings and help the government of Cyprus to finance the needs. | Mar 20 10:06 |
schestowitz | Cyprus stock exchange suspends trading too but they as well will reopen and more losses are foreseeable. | Mar 20 10:06 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 20 10:06 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 20 10:06 |
schestowitz | It was an utmost stupid idea to put the hands on normal peoples savings and deposit insurance. Of course this will result in loosing confidence not only in Cyprus. I wonder how politicians can be that stupid. | Mar 20 10:06 |
schestowitz | The damage isn't even visible in its total. | Mar 20 10:06 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 20 10:06 |
schestowitz | Yes, the effect is global and Cyprus' reputation is ruined; it'll be remembered in coming years for bad things. | Mar 20 10:06 |
schestowitz | > Another error is the script getting run twice, presumably by cron. | Mar 20 11:47 |
schestowitz | > A rebuild is going to be necessary to get a bigger /var. I hadn't | Mar 20 11:47 |
schestowitz | > been tracking disk capacity. Do you know how fast it fills? It looks | Mar 20 11:47 |
schestowitz | > like right now, every time I check, more /var is being used. | Mar 20 11:47 |
schestowitz | > | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > for i in ./*;do du -sh "$i";done | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 12K./account | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 65M./cache | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 8,0K./crash | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 8,0K./cvs | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 28K./db | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 32K./empty | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 8,0K./games | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 2,7G./lib | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 8,0K./local | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 152K./lock | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 607M./log | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 16K./lost+found | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 4,0K./mail | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 8,0K./nis | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 76K./opt | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 8,0K./preserve | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 8,0K./racoon | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 552K./run | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 876K./spool | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 9,0M./tmp | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 2,2M./www | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > 8,0K./yp | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > It seems to be mysql using the most. There is a little in what looks | Mar 20 11:48 |
schestowitz | > like puppet and rpm data. | Mar 20 11:48 |
qu1j0t3 | | Mar 20 12:40 |
TechrightsSocial | @mikeloukides: Learn From Iraq? Don't count on it. Must-read. | Mar 20 12:40 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Flipboard Landing Page .::. Size~: 2.22 KB | Mar 20 12:40 |
qu1j0t3 | you're using puppet?? | Mar 20 12:40 |
qu1j0t3 | has anybody checked memory use on the server? | Mar 20 12:41 |
qu1j0t3 | | Mar 20 13:00 |
TechrightsSocial | @leppie: NYPD Spent 1 Million Hours In Ten Years On Marijuana Arrests, Analysis Finds | Mar 20 13:00 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: NYPD Spent 1 Million Hours Over Last Decade On Marijuana Arrests, Analysis Finds | ThinkProgress .::. Size~: 44.19 KB | Mar 20 13:00 |
*abeNd-org (~Keith@ has joined #boycottnovell-social | Mar 20 13:03 | |
qu1j0t3 | schestowitz: | Mar 20 16:48 |
TechrightsSocial | @allanfriedman: Stranger than fiction: NZ former chief of signals intelligence forced to resign for illegal surveillance of Kim Dotcom wrt web streaming. | Mar 20 16:48 |
MinceR | (animated) | Mar 20 17:50 |
TechrightsSocial | Not a web page! Aborting image/gif type | Mar 20 17:50 |
qu1j0t3 | | Mar 20 17:56 |
TechrightsSocial | @d6: COINTELPRO was wrong and so is FBI's manufacturing of "terrorists" | Mar 20 17:56 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: The FBI's anticipatory prosecution of Muslims to criminalize speech | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | .::. Size~: 134.14 KB | Mar 20 17:56 |
qu1j0t3 | XFaCE: | Mar 20 18:30 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Justin Trudeau declares he can beat Stephen Harper in a federal election: ‘Just watch me,’ he writes in note on airplane | Toronto Star .::. Size~: 71.33 KB | Mar 20 18:30 |
*MinceR watches | Mar 20 18:32 | |
XFaCE | qu1j0t3: too bad he's already establishment | Mar 20 19:56 |
qu1j0t3 | quite | Mar 20 19:57 |
qu1j0t3 | i know | Mar 20 19:57 |
XFaCE | qu1j0t3: though I think Michael Harris was right when he said the best he could do as leader is split the vote | Mar 20 19:57 |
qu1j0t3 | but Harper isn't an option | Mar 20 19:57 |
XFaCE | neither was romney | Mar 20 19:57 |
qu1j0t3 | if it takes Trudeau to get rid of Harper then so be it | Mar 20 19:57 |
XFaCE | it's a broken system | Mar 20 19:57 |
qu1j0t3 | it is | Mar 20 19:57 |
qu1j0t3 | completely broken | Mar 20 19:57 |
XFaCE | yep | Mar 20 19:57 |
schestowitz | | Mar 20 21:11 |
TechrightsSocial | reshared: ... [  ]( <br>#greenme <br><sub> - [via Diaspora* Publisher]( -</sub> | Mar 20 21:11 |
TechrightsSocial | Not a web page! Aborting application/xml type | Mar 20 21:11 |
schestowitz | "looks like ogm" | Mar 20 21:11 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: FriendFeed - Advanced search .::. Size~: 9.13 KB | Mar 20 21:11 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Chrome Web Store - Diaspora* Publisher .::. Size~: 20.68 KB | Mar 20 21:11 |
schestowitz | | Mar 20 21:15 |
TechrightsSocial | reshared: ### [Dell's new Ultrabook costs around £120 less with Ubuntu than with Windows]( At the time of writing, #Dell 's UK online shop lists the #XPS 13 #Ubuntu Developer Edition solely under products for SMEs. Users buying for personal use can also buy from here, but will need to add VAT, increasing the pri | Mar 20 21:15 |
TechrightsSocial | Photo by | Mar 20 21:15 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: 404 - not found - The H Open: News and Features .::. Size~: 15.88 KB | Mar 20 21:15 |
schestowitz | "what do you need windows for...?? ;)" | Mar 20 21:15 |
schestowitz | "to look outside. Can't we call windows wind OS because it's mostly a lot of hot air." | Mar 20 21:15 |
schestowitz | "my hairdryer makes more and better hot air than windumb will ever do ;) ...and i dont even use it ^^" | Mar 20 21:16 |
XFaCE | schestowitz: The latest Enterprise uses windows for the bridge, seems dangerous | Mar 20 21:17 |
schestowitz | heh | Mar 20 21:18 |
schestowitz | > Hi, | Mar 20 21:28 |
schestowitz | > | Mar 20 21:28 |
schestowitz | > I have finished editing of some more RMS interview they are in .ogg and | Mar 20 21:28 |
schestowitz | > .webM format. If you need I can share with you. | Mar 20 21:28 |
schestowitz | I would love to have links to Oggs that I can share in techrights little by little to increase exposure of these. | Mar 20 21:28 |
schestowitz | | Mar 20 21:56 |
TechrightsSocial | reshared: **Taking a picture**<BR>  <BR> #photo | Mar 20 21:56 |
TechrightsSocial | Not a web page! Aborting application/xml type | Mar 20 21:56 |
schestowitz | "Birds are supercool!" | Mar 20 21:56 |
schestowitz | Someone borked the techrights DB | Mar 20 22:02 |
schestowitz | m: | Mar 20 22:02 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 20 22:02 |
schestowitz | I now see why I cannot log in anymore. | Mar 20 22:02 |
schestowitz | [boycottn@techrights ~]$ ./ | Mar 20 22:02 |
schestowitz | mysqldump: Got error: 145: Table './boycottn_wrdp1/wp_usermeta' is marked as crashed and should be repaired when using LOCK TABLES | Mar 20 22:02 |
schestowitz | I don't have experience running "repair" on MySQL DBs and I don't want to see something incorrect that may lead to unnecessary data loss. Can I get a hand here, please? | Mar 20 22:02 |
schestowitz | the lack of disk space clearly crashes mysql in a way which I hope was not destructive to data. The latest posts (shown in read mode) suggest that the latest posts are in tact, hopefully all comments too. The backup file from the night before (19/03) is likely to be complete, perhaps with the omission of one single post that I can merge in if we recover by reverting to the last backup before the crash. | Mar 20 22:02 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 20 22:02 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 20 22:02 |
schestowitz | /var ran out of space, forcing mysql to shut down this morning (around 8 | Mar 20 22:03 |
schestowitz | AM). I've compressed and deleted some old http logs, later doing the | Mar 20 22:03 |
schestowitz | same, but it appears as though the disk is filling up very fast. The | Mar 20 22:03 |
schestowitz | actual files on it are about half the partition, so I don't understand | Mar 20 22:03 |
schestowitz | where the growth comes from. I tried to track it in real time, but | Mar 20 22:03 |
schestowitz | couldn't figure out what was eating up space. Meanwhile, I noticed that | Mar 20 22:03 |
schestowitz | I can't log into WordPress. "You do not have sufficient permissions to | Mar 20 22:03 |
schestowitz | access this page," it says. The pages are available to me as long as I | Mar 20 22:03 |
schestowitz | don't log in. | Mar 20 22:03 |
schestowitz | Could it be some VM awkwardness? | Mar 20 22:03 |
schestowitz | Notice how disk space gets used up quickly without the files actually | Mar 20 22:03 |
schestowitz | growing much. | Mar 20 22:03 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 20 22:03 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 20 22:03 |
schestowitz | Never mind, I found out what it was. It was tcpdump running, keeping a | Mar 20 22:03 |
schestowitz | an open file and causing a big mess. | Mar 20 22:03 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 20 22:03 |
qu1j0t3 | har har | Mar 20 22:04 |
qu1j0t3 | tcpdump wasn't even... | Mar 20 22:04 |
qu1j0t3 | gonna help | Mar 20 22:04 |
schestowitz | it became a massive disaster | Mar 20 22:23 |
schestowitz | and a waste of time all round | Mar 20 22:23 |
schestowitz | we're trying to fix the DB now | Mar 20 22:23 |
qu1j0t3 | don't use MyISAM | Mar 20 22:23 |
schestowitz | restoring from backup now | Mar 20 22:40 |
schestowitz | I'll put some info here shortlu | Mar 20 22:40 |
qu1j0t3 | seriously: Don't use MyISAM./ | Mar 20 22:40 |
schestowitz | anyway, we;re lucky it's all recoverable, just massive waste of time | Mar 20 22:40 |
schestowitz | we'll move to centos 6 soon, starting out with a new VM to test on | Mar 20 22:40 |
schestowitz | [09:52] <schestowitz> /var ran out of space, forcing mysql to shut down. I've compressed and deleted some old http logs | Mar 20 23:55 |
schestowitz |  | Mar 20 23:55 |
schestowitz | [20:57] <schestowitz> ping | Mar 20 23:55 |
schestowitz | [22:20] <tessier> Hi | Mar 20 23:55 |
schestowitz | [22:20] <schestowitz> hi mate | Mar 20 23:55 |
schestowitz | [22:20] <tessier> Need any further help? | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:20] <schestowitz> I've emailed you | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:20] <tessier> ok | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:21] <schestowitz> a friend had run tdcdump to debug, for weeks we have been trying to find out what was causing httpd hangups | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:22] <tessier> I'll try to get a new VM stood up for you soon to migrate to. | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz |  | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:22] <schestowitz> thanks, no hurry of course. Do you know how to repair the DB? | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:24] <tessier> Yes...let me take a look... | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:24] <schestowitz> thanks a lot! | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:26] <tessier> mysql> use boycottn_wrdp1 | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:26] <tessier> mysql> repair table wp_usermeta; | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:26] <tessier> That's how to repair it. That's one table fixed...let me see if there are any others... | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:27] <schestowitz> cool, I can log in now | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:27] <schestowitz> I'll do a DB backup and see if any errors are reported throughout, I will also check the integrity of the latest posts. | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:28] <tessier> boycottn_wrdp1.wp_objectcache seems to be missing | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:28] <tessier> Mysql claims that is corrupt and also missing. | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:29] <schestowitz> being cache, I wonder what impact this will have | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:29] <tessier> But the actual files are present... | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:30] <schestowitz> | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:30] <schestowitz> "WP_Object_Cache is WordPress' class for caching data which may be computationally expensive to regenerate, such as the result of complex database queries." | Mar 20 23:56 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Class Reference/WP Object Cache « WordPress Codex .::. Size~: 19.72 KB | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:30] <tessier> /var/lib/mysql/boycottn_wiki/objectcache.MYD | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:31] <tessier> That exists but objectcache doesn't seem to exist in boycottn_wiki | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:32] <schestowitz> seems to be part of wordpress, but I see that both the wiki and blog load up without issues | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:33] <schestowitz> would you say it's safe to work adding content to the current DB, or maybe safer to restore from pristine DB backup, then add the diffs? | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz |  | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:36] <tessier> Do you have a backup of the schema of that missing table? | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:36] <tessier> Since it is just a cache it might be a good idea to recreate the table with the schema. | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:36] <schestowitz> 230873671 Mar 19 19:43 wordpressdatabase-19032013.dump.gz | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:37] <schestowitz> this would be a complete backup from before the crash | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:37] <tessier> Everything else looks good though, shouldn't be a need to reload from pristine backup. That table could have even been missing for quite a while. I did locate objectcache and it doesn't show up. Only the wiki one shows up. | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:37] <schestowitz> and the wiki has not changed either | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:37] <schestowitz> for the same date | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [22:37] <schestowitz> mayeb best to restore from these two, 19th of March | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | [23:15] <schestowitz> is it being done now or later? | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz |  | Mar 20 23:56 |
schestowitz | Need to fix cron job (if any) to prevent recurrence of this mess: | Mar 20 23:56 |
formic__ | you're running techrights on centos 5.x ? | Mar 20 23:58 |
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