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qu1j0t3 | | @bernietb What I would give for Australia to have one local news | Feb 24 00:36 |
qu1j0t3 | | outlet that wasn’t just full of parochial bullshit. | Feb 24 00:37 |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | Feb 24 00:37 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Twitter / bernietb: What I would give for Australia ... .::. Size~: 77.85 KB | Feb 24 00:37 |
XFaCE | schestowitz: | Feb 24 00:45 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Enough with the UEFI drama already .::. Size~: 21.56 KB | Feb 24 00:45 |
XFaCE | could be just me, but this seems fairly naive | Feb 24 00:45 |
*jackbooom (~jackbooom@ has joined #boycottnovell-social | Feb 24 02:48 | |
*jackbooom has quit (Client Quit) | Feb 24 02:49 | |
schestowitz | yeah | Feb 24 12:43 |
schestowitz | I linked to that | Feb 24 12:43 |
schestowitz | | Feb 24 12:58 |
TechrightsSocial | reshared: Ukrainian Ovcharka  #ukraine #dogs #big #large #ukrainianovcharka | Feb 24 12:58 |
TechrightsSocial | Not a web page! Aborting application/xml type | Feb 24 12:58 |
schestowitz | "What a cute puppy" | Feb 24 12:58 |
MinceR | not cute at all | Feb 24 13:17 |
schestowitz | you're a "pussy man" | Feb 24 13:23 |
*oiaohm ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Feb 24 14:14 | |
*oiaohm has quit (Changing host) | Feb 24 14:14 | |
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Feb 24 14:14 | |
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: by all) | Feb 24 15:52 | |
qu1j0t3 | o_O | Feb 24 16:03 |
qu1j0t3 | | @EmergentCulture RT @PitchforkTorchz: Central Bankers are behind all wars. | Feb 24 16:13 |
qu1j0t3 | | Must see TV. | Feb 24 16:13 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: All Wars Are Bankers' Wars - YouTube .::. Size~: 169.71 KB | Feb 24 16:13 |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | Feb 24 16:13 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Twitter / EmergentCulture: RT @PitchforkTorchz: Central ... .::. Size~: 88.04 KB | Feb 24 16:13 |
qu1j0t3 | | @exxonBP Part of MIC/Pentagon strategy has always been to distribute | Feb 24 16:14 |
qu1j0t3 | | retweeted by production among many states in order to make it harder to | Feb 24 16:14 |
qu1j0t3 | | @PoliticalBee kill "jobs" programs. | Feb 24 16:14 |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | Feb 24 16:14 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Twitter / exxonBP: Part of MIC/Pentagon strategy ... .::. Size~: 86.06 KB | Feb 24 16:14 |
qu1j0t3 | | @MotherJones Zero Dark Thirty may not deserve an award for accuracy on | Feb 24 16:16 |
qu1j0t3 | | the bin Laden story, but neither does the media: | Feb 24 16:16 |
qu1j0t3 | | #Oscars | Feb 24 16:16 |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | Feb 24 16:16 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: "Zero Dark Thirty" and the Mysterious Killing of Osama bin Laden | Mother Jones .::. Size~: 88.45 KB | Feb 24 16:16 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Twitter / MotherJones: Zero Dark Thirty may not deserve ... .::. Size~: 89.78 KB | Feb 24 16:16 |
qu1j0t3 | icóloga asegurada. | Feb 24 16:20 |
qu1j0t3 | | @Ringuette Editorial: Florida needs no advice from Jeb Bush on | Feb 24 16:20 |
qu1j0t3 | | retweeted by education... | Feb 24 16:20 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Editorial: Florida needs no advice from Jeb Bush on education... | .::. Size~: 83.42 KB | Feb 24 16:20 |
qu1j0t3 | | @qu1j0t3 | Feb 24 16:21 |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | Feb 24 16:21 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Twitter / Ringuette: Editorial: Florida needs no ... .::. Size~: 87.71 KB | Feb 24 16:21 |
qu1j0t3 | | @creepcops Afghanistan's president orders US Special Forces to leave | Feb 24 16:24 |
qu1j0t3 | | Wardak Province over allegations of rendition and torture. | Feb 24 16:24 |
qu1j0t3 | | | Feb 24 16:24 |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | Feb 24 16:25 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: BBC News - Karzai orders US special forces out of Afghan province .::. Size~: 81.84 KB | Feb 24 16:25 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Twitter / creepcops: Afghanistan's president orders ... .::. Size~: 86.48 KB | Feb 24 16:25 |
*puppywatch has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Feb 24 17:49 | |
*libertyboxes has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Feb 24 17:49 | |
*libertyboxes ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Feb 24 17:52 | |
*puppywatch ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Feb 24 17:52 | |
*puppywatch has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Feb 24 17:55 | |
*libertyboxes has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Feb 24 17:55 | |
*libertyboxes ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Feb 24 17:57 | |
*puppywatch ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Feb 24 17:57 | |
qu1j0t3 | | @drones US Air Force developing swarms of tiny insect-sized drones | Feb 24 18:29 |
qu1j0t3 | | retweeted by (video) | Feb 24 18:29 |
qu1j0t3 | | @jeff_kaye | Feb 24 18:29 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: U.S. Air Force Developing Swarms of Tiny Insect Sized Drones (VIDEO) .::. Size~: 52.73 KB | Feb 24 18:29 |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | Feb 24 18:29 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Twitter / drones: US Air Force developing swarms ... .::. Size~: 95.19 KB | Feb 24 18:29 |
qu1j0t3 | | @YukonGale Meanwhile back in Kitsilano: MT | Feb 24 19:21 |
qu1j0t3 | | @Bergg69 Harper spends > $28 mil on 200 yr ago war | Feb 24 19:21 |
qu1j0t3 | | #cdnpoli | Feb 24 19:21 |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | Feb 24 19:21 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Kitsilano Coast Guard Base Closes .::. Size~: 290.38 KB | Feb 24 19:22 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Conservatives draw fire for War of 1812 spending - Politics - CBC News .::. Size~: 62.63 KB | Feb 24 19:22 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Twitter / YukonGale: Meanwhile back in Kitsilano: ... .::. Size~: 89.06 KB | Feb 24 19:22 |
qu1j0t3 | | @SenSanders The US has tripled its defense spending since 1997 and | Feb 24 19:29 |
qu1j0t3 | | retweeted by spends more on defense than the rest of the world combined. | Feb 24 19:29 |
qu1j0t3 | | @PoliticalBee #Sequester | Feb 24 19:29 |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | Feb 24 19:29 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Twitter / SenSanders: The US has tripled its defense ... .::. Size~: 89.8 KB | Feb 24 19:29 |
qu1j0t3 | | @uncutcg A jet that doesn't work, which costs us all $5,000 apiece, | Feb 24 19:38 |
qu1j0t3 | | retweeted by or meals on wheels, which costs $0.10 apiece. Guess which | Feb 24 19:38 |
qu1j0t3 | | @PoliticalBee one we cut? #sequester | Feb 24 19:38 |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | Feb 24 19:38 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Twitter / uncutcg: A jet that doesn't work, which ... .::. Size~: 88.93 KB | Feb 24 19:38 |
qu1j0t3 | schestowitz: | Feb 24 20:33 |
TechrightsSocial | @MotherJones: Oops: You just let a private-prison company name your football stadium: | Feb 24 20:33 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: "Owlcatraz" and 9 Other Terrible Corporate-Named Sports Venues | Mother Jones .::. Size~: 82.75 KB | Feb 24 20:33 |
qu1j0t3 | | @mattmdiaz When US kills its detainees it's called suicide. When Israel | Feb 24 20:45 |
qu1j0t3 | | retweeted by does it, it's natural causes. #Palestine #Guantanamo | Feb 24 20:45 |
qu1j0t3 | | @Tosfm | Feb 24 20:45 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Palestinian prisoner dies in Israeli custody - Al Jazeera English .::. Size~: 8.28 KB | Feb 24 20:45 |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | Feb 24 20:45 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Twitter / mattmdiaz: When US kills its detainees ... .::. Size~: 90.52 KB | Feb 24 20:45 |
qu1j0t3 | | @FearDept Best Pictures: #Lincoln celebrates executive privilege. | Feb 24 20:54 |
qu1j0t3 | | #ZeroDarkThirty pays tribute to our methods. #Argo glorifies | Feb 24 20:54 |
qu1j0t3 | | our mission. #Oscars | Feb 24 20:54 |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | Feb 24 20:54 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Twitter / FearDept: Best Pictures: #Lincoln ... .::. Size~: 94.16 KB | Feb 24 20:54 |
qu1j0t3 | | @jeff_kaye Karzai rep: US special forces... murdering & torturing | Feb 24 20:54 |
qu1j0t3 | | people...elemental factor in deteriorating security | Feb 24 20:54 |
qu1j0t3 | | situation" | Feb 24 20:54 |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | Feb 24 20:55 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Afghan government accuses US special forces of civilian death and torture | World news | .::. Size~: 115.76 KB | Feb 24 20:55 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Twitter / jeff_kaye: Karzai rep: US special forces... ... .::. Size~: 88.02 KB | Feb 24 20:55 |
qu1j0t3 | | @umairh So, what kind of vapid mediocrity are we celebrating | Feb 24 21:18 |
qu1j0t3 | | tonight? | Feb 24 21:18 |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | Feb 24 21:18 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Twitter / umairh: So, what kind of vapid mediocrity ... .::. Size~: 85.17 KB | Feb 24 21:18 |
qu1j0t3 | | @occpal Israel developed over 100 torture methods against | Feb 24 21:20 |
qu1j0t3 | | retweeted by Palestinian prisoners | Feb 24 21:20 |
qu1j0t3 | | @mdp4202 | Feb 24 21:20 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Israel developed over 100 torture methods against Palestinian prisoners | Occupied Palestine | فلسطين .::. Size~: 206.64 KB | Feb 24 21:20 |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | Feb 24 21:20 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Twitter / occpal: Israel developed over 100 torture ... .::. Size~: 92.88 KB | Feb 24 21:20 |
qu1j0t3 | | @BaFana3 #KSA : Saudi King Abdullah's advice to citizens on capital | Feb 24 21:37 |
qu1j0t3 | | retweeted by punishment? "Stay clear of acts that lead to beheadings." | Feb 24 21:37 |
qu1j0t3 | | @sickjew | Feb 24 21:37 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Saudi Gazette - ‘Unemployment, housing shortage upset the King’ .::. Size~: 36.98 KB | Feb 24 21:37 |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | Feb 24 21:37 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Twitter / BaFana3: #KSA : Saudi King Abdullah's ... .::. Size~: 88.9 KB | Feb 24 21:37 |
qu1j0t3 | | @intifada Young Palestinian father Arafat Jaradat dies after Israeli | Feb 24 21:53 |
qu1j0t3 | | interrogation in G4S-equipped prison | Feb 24 21:53 |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | Feb 24 21:53 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Young Palestinian father dies after Israeli interrogation in G4S-equipped prison | The Electronic Intifada .::. Size~: 58.18 KB | Feb 24 21:53 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Twitter / intifada: Young Palestinian father Arafat ... .::. Size~: 86.49 KB | Feb 24 21:53 |
*libertyboxes has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Feb 24 21:58 | |
*puppywatch has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Feb 24 21:58 | |
*libertyboxes ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Feb 24 22:01 | |
*puppywatch ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Feb 24 22:01 | |
qu1j0t3 | | @glynmoody EPA Contaminated by Conflict of Interest - | Feb 24 22:01 |
qu1j0t3 | | "borrowed from the Big Tobacco | Feb 24 22:01 |
qu1j0t3 | | playbook, using science to create doubt" | Feb 24 22:01 |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | Feb 24 22:02 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: EPA Contaminated by Conflict of Interest | Feb. 13, 2013 | PBS NewsHour | PBS .::. Size~: 53.7 KB | Feb 24 22:02 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Twitter / glynmoody: EPA Contaminated by Conflict ... .::. Size~: 85.94 KB | Feb 24 22:02 |
qu1j0t3 | XFaCE: | Feb 24 22:04 |
TechrightsSocial | @EverettColdwell: Stephen Harper’s real agenda on religious freedom:Siddiqui (courting specific minorities to help party electorally) | Feb 24 22:04 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Stephen Harper’s real agenda on religious freedom: Siddiqui | Toronto Star .::. Size~: 67.75 KB | Feb 24 22:04 |
qu1j0t3 | | @OccupyWallSt MT @jilliancyork US allowed tear gas to be exported to | Feb 24 22:33 |
qu1j0t3 | | retweeted by Egypt, on condition of stripping "made in USA" label. | Feb 24 22:33 |
qu1j0t3 | | @PoliticalBee | Feb 24 22:33 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Stripped of 'Country of Origin' Label, US Agrees to Sell Tear Gas to Egypt | Common Dreams .::. Size~: 32.32 KB | Feb 24 22:33 |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | Feb 24 22:33 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Twitter / OccupyWallSt: MT @jilliancyork US allowed ... .::. Size~: 88.72 KB | Feb 24 22:33 |
qu1j0t3 | | @Rod_McCallum #Obama talked about action on #globalwarming. Yet 11.8 | Feb 24 22:41 |
qu1j0t3 | | million acres in Alaska opened to oil and gas development. | Feb 24 22:41 |
qu1j0t3 | | | Feb 24 22:41 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: New management plan for Alaska petroleum reserve .::. Size~: 37.9 KB | Feb 24 22:41 |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | Feb 24 22:41 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Twitter / Rod_McCallum: #Obama talked about action ... .::. Size~: 86.52 KB | Feb 24 22:41 |
schestowitz | I think about going back to the university shortly.. | Feb 24 23:51 |
schestowitz | industry not fun sometimes.. | Feb 24 23:52 |
schestowitz | After my doctorate dealing with brain MRI I worked on heart MRI for almost two years until reaching a fellowship with ERC funding. In recent years I gained experience in the industry, but I wish to return to full-time research. | Feb 24 23:52 |
schestowitz | Acquired enough relevant experience, got Fellowship but hard to retain while working remotely from the UK | Feb 24 23:54 |
schestowitz | still working from home | Feb 24 23:55 |
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