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*formic__ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Mar 24 03:04 | |
*formic_ ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Mar 24 05:08 | |
*formic_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Mar 24 07:35 | |
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Mar 24 09:59 | |
*abeNd-org (~Keith@ has joined #boycottnovell-social | Mar 24 14:14 | |
schestowitz | | Mar 24 16:42 |
TechrightsSocial | Qt Creator 2.7 Released With Improved C++11 #qt #cpp #programming | Mar 24 16:42 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: [Phoronix] Qt Creator 2.7 Released With Improved C++11 .::. Size~: 18 KB | Mar 24 16:42 |
schestowitz | "Qt Creator roxxx" | Mar 24 16:42 |
schestowitz | | Mar 24 16:43 |
TechrightsSocial | <img src=""><br>[ <a href="">image source</a> ] <b>via </b>@{Dr. Roy Schestowitz ;} #cyprus #economy #cartoon #hellyeah | Mar 24 16:43 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Object not found! .::. Size~: 0.88 KB | Mar 24 16:43 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 24 16:43 |
schestowitz | <img src=""><br>[ <a href="">image source</a> ] | Mar 24 16:43 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Zero Hedge | On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero .::. Size~: 84.08 KB | Mar 24 16:43 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Object not found! .::. Size~: 0.88 KB | Mar 24 16:43 |
schestowitz | <b>via </b>Dr. Roy Schestowitz | Mar 24 16:43 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Zero Hedge | On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero .::. Size~: 84.08 KB | Mar 24 16:43 |
schestowitz | #cyprus #economy #cartoon #hellyeah | Mar 24 16:43 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 24 16:43 |
schestowitz | | Mar 24 16:43 |
TechrightsSocial | reshared:  #oxygen #o2 #trees #plants #environment #earth #breath #climate #nature | Mar 24 16:43 |
TechrightsSocial | Not a web page! Aborting text/plain type | Mar 24 16:44 |
schestowitz | "@jakefires Source?" | Mar 24 16:44 |
schestowitz | | Mar 24 16:44 |
TechrightsSocial | Statutes of Limitations Are Expiring on Some Bush Crimes but big crimes bring little or no time | Mar 24 16:44 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Statutes of Limitations Are Expiring on Some Bush Crimes | The Nation .::. Size~: 58.79 KB | Mar 24 16:44 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 24 16:45 |
schestowitz | This is talking about wire-tapping. Luckily, there is no Statute regarding War Crimes. And seriously, freedom is on the rise. I can say confidently for the first time in my life that I have a very good chance of seeing these pigs (including the CIA, Obama and the next president or two) hung for war crimes. :-D I'm talking everything from the faked WMD's, to torture, Honduras, Haiti, 9/11, OKC, to the banker bail-out and | Mar 24 16:45 |
schestowitz | drones. | Mar 24 16:45 |
schestowitz | I do things are approaching a cataclysmic crescendo though :( I fear we won't wisely use our current resources and freedoms effectively, and things will get much much worse before they gets better, however... | Mar 24 16:45 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 24 16:45 |
schestowitz | | Mar 24 16:45 |
TechrightsSocial | reshared: #palmoil #savetherainforest #savetheorangutans | Mar 24 16:45 |
TechrightsSocial | Photo by | Mar 24 16:45 |
schestowitz | "Palm oil not just for eating anymore" | Mar 24 16:46 |
qu1j0t3 | shampoo | Mar 24 16:47 |
schestowitz | | Mar 24 16:47 |
TechrightsSocial | @thenixedreport: @schestowitz #Samsung hardware simply has bad firmware. I still oppose "secure boot," but bad firmware has happened before. | Mar 24 16:47 |
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: by all) | Mar 24 16:50 | |
MinceR | real poo vs. shampoo | Mar 24 16:51 |
schestowitz | | Mar 24 16:52 |
TechrightsSocial | reshared:  #Image #Picture #Funny #Cartoon #GameBoy - TomBoy | Mar 24 16:52 |
TechrightsSocial | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Mar 24 16:52 |
schestowitz | "Q: What do vegan zombies eat?" | Mar 24 16:52 |
schestowitz | "A: GGGRRRAINNNNS!!!" | Mar 24 16:52 |
qu1j0t3 | ...ok | Mar 24 16:53 |
schestowitz | | Mar 24 17:18 |
TechrightsSocial | Why #Samsung Hardware With UEFI Boot Gets Bricked by Linux #linux #uefi | Mar 24 17:18 |
schestowitz | Nobody filed a complaint? Really?! | Mar 24 17:18 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Why Samsung Hardware With UEFI Boot Gets Bricked by Linux | Techrights .::. Size~: 95.23 KB | Mar 24 17:18 |
schestowitz | yes, really. FSF made a petition, FSFE issues a starement, nobody filed a formal complaint though. Cowardice and complicity. | Mar 24 17:18 |
schestowitz | | Mar 24 17:30 |
TechrightsSocial | Linux, Mozilla eye smartphone market #linux #mozilla #firefox | Mar 24 17:30 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Linux, Mozilla eye smartphone market .::. Size~: 162.06 KB | Mar 24 17:30 |
XFaCE | schestowitz: In the event I have to replace my UEFI 1.0 (pre-nonsense) laptop, what would you recommend? | Mar 24 17:31 |
XFaCE | going to a general computer store for a laptops appears to be a waste of time | Mar 24 17:32 |
XFaCE | All Windows 8, no selection | Mar 24 17:34 |
schestowitz | | Mar 24 17:37 |
TechrightsSocial | The stories offered to #wikipedia were first offered by #manning to #newyorktimes and #washingtonpost which rejected them. #selfcensorship | Mar 24 17:37 |
schestowitz | "That's #wikileaks rather than #wikipedia, I presume." | Mar 24 17:37 |
schestowitz | | Mar 24 17:39 |
schestowitz | '" | Mar 24 17:39 |
schestowitz | too much salt will kill you ;) , seems now that the only journalism is found on independent blogs. | Mar 24 17:39 |
schestowitz | As #steveignorant from #crass says: the rest is #propaganda. | Mar 24 17:39 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 24 17:39 |
TechrightsSocial | In Western media it's becoming routine to characterise Russian and Chinese press as shady and propagandistic. The hypocrisy... | Mar 24 17:39 |
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Mar 24 17:43 | |
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Mar 24 17:52 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host) | Mar 24 17:52 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Mar 24 17:52 | |
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Mar 24 17:55 | |
schestowitz | | Mar 24 23:10 |
TechrightsSocial | reshared: #one #nation #under #the #gun: #thousands Of Gun #deaths #since #newtown. | Mar 24 23:10 |
TechrightsSocial | Photo by | Mar 24 23:10 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: One Nation Under The Gun: Thousands Of Gun Deaths Since Newtown .::. Size~: 376.19 KB | Mar 24 23:10 |
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer). | Mar 24 23:24 | |
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*Now talking on #boycottnovell-social | Mar 24 23:24 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell | Mar 24 23:24 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010 | Mar 24 23:24 | |
*schestowitz_log has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | Mar 24 23:24 | |
*libertyboxes has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | Mar 24 23:24 | |
*abeNd-org has quit (*.net *.split) | Mar 24 23:24 | |
qu1j0t3 | schestowitz: if a crazy number of guns on the streets and in homes MADE PEOPLE SAFER, the USA would be safe. | Mar 24 23:24 |
MinceR | qu1j0t3: well, i guess citizens are screwed anyway | Mar 24 23:24 |
schestowitz | qu1j0t3: how many bullets per person? 100? | Mar 24 23:24 |
MinceR | if you're less armed than your government, they can do anything they want to you | Mar 24 23:24 |
qu1j0t3 | schestowitz: you only need one to suicide or go to jail for a nice long time. | Mar 24 23:24 |
schestowitz | some people are losers in life (not money-wise), they have nothing to lose in armed revolutions | Mar 24 23:25 |
MinceR | and if you're more armed than your government, you aren't doing anything except preparing for a war on your government | Mar 24 23:25 |
qu1j0t3 | MinceR: yeah | Mar 24 23:25 |
MinceR | i guess humanity will solve this issue by exterminating itself | Mar 24 23:25 |
MinceR | probably also taking most of earth life out as well | Mar 24 23:25 |
schestowitz | depopulation | Mar 24 23:26 |
schestowitz | not that I endorse it | Mar 24 23:26 |
abeNd-org1 | they need to move on that a bit faster | Mar 24 23:26 |
abeNd-org1 | humans, always lazy about everything | Mar 24 23:26 |
schestowitz | how many died in WW2? 60 million? | Mar 24 23:26 |
schestowitz | I don't know how China is counted.. | Mar 24 23:26 |
schestowitz | and it also suppressed birth rates | Mar 24 23:26 |
MinceR | as far as i know, it isn't really known how many people died in communist states | Mar 24 23:26 |
schestowitz | showing the effect of economic bubbles on population numbers | Mar 24 23:26 |
MinceR | since they were/are so secretive | Mar 24 23:26 |
MinceR | especially about killing their own people, of course | Mar 24 23:27 |
schestowitz | I heard 60 million in USSR and CHina | Mar 24 23:27 |
schestowitz | Depends how you classify death in Siberian goulags too | Mar 24 23:27 |
schestowitz | Labour camps were very popilar at the time, all-or-nothing approach | Mar 24 23:27 |
MinceR | also, Holodomor | Mar 24 23:27 |
schestowitz | maybe we'll see that happen again (I wish not) | Mar 24 23:28 |
schestowitz | The Greek Nazis gain a lot of popularity | Mar 24 23:28 |
abeNd-org1 | only if im the one pushing the big red button! | Mar 24 23:28 |
MinceR | the greek nazis don't have much of a military though, do they? | Mar 24 23:28 |
MinceR | then again, they could join forces with other nazis | Mar 24 23:29 |
schestowitz | or convert them | Mar 24 23:30 |
schestowitz | the Dutch Nazis grow in popularity too, but they're less vulgar I think | Mar 24 23:30 |
schestowitz | the British Nazis seem to be kept at bay by the MI6-c0ntrolled state media that demonises them heavily | Mar 24 23:31 |
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Mar 24 23:41 | |
*Disconnected (Remote host closed socket). | Mar 24 23:41 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Mar 24 23:41:25 2013 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Mar 24 23:43:06 2013 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-social | Mar 24 23:43 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell | Mar 24 23:43 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010 | Mar 24 23:43 | |
*[freenode-info] if you're at a conference and other people are having trouble connecting, please mention it to staff: | Mar 24 23:43 | |
schestowitz_log | ranks | Mar 24 23:47 |
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (*.net *.split) | Mar 24 23:52 | |
*libertybox_ has quit (*.net *.split) | Mar 24 23:52 | |
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schestowitz | So, it's not "gun violence" - it's violence. Period. And even with our remarkably low violent death rate (compared to gun-grabbing countries like England, Russia, etc, we rank very low), most of our deaths are directly attributable to suicides (a majority of which are tied to the Second Great Depression, and could be carried out less gruesomely without guns), and PROHIBITION (gang violence, and the FAILED and racist 'War on | 23:13 |
schestowitz | Drugs'). | 23:13 |
schestowitz | Here's just a few stories the Huffington Post conveniently missed (I'm sure there's many more): -Mother of two protects children from home invader, The Atlanta Journal Constitution, Atlanta, GA 1/4/13 -Father protects infant son from violent attack, The Columbus Dispatch, Columbus OH 1/8/13 -Homeowner halts crime spree, WAFB, Baton Rouge, La. 1/18/13 -Gun owner saves boy from pit bull attack, Washington Post, Washington D.C. | 23:13 |
schestowitz | 1/22/13 -Man defends himself and wife from home invader, WOWT, Omaha, Neb. 1/26/13 -Homeowner fells wanted criminal, The News-Star, Shawnee, Okla. 1/31/13 -Homeowner scares off home invader, The News Sentinel, Fort Wayne Ind. 2/1/13 -70yr old basketball coach defends self and players, WXYZ, Detroit, Mich. 2/4/13 -Woman saves sister from robbery and assault, St.Louis Dispatch, St. Louis Mo. 2/10/13 -Homeowner kills career | 23:13 |
schestowitz | criminal, NBCDFW, 2/18/13 and The Dallas Observer, 2/19/13 Dallas,TX -Son defends parents home from invaders, KHOU, Houston, TX 2/22/13 -Women defends home and children from armed intruder, WDSU, New Orleans, La. 3/5/13 -81yr old halts robbery attempt, The Miami Herald, Fla. 3/11/13 -Right to carry permit holder saves women from vicious beating, WITI, 3/12/13 and Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 3/13/13 Milwaukee, Wis. -Couple | 23:13 |
schestowitz | captures burglar, KVAL, Eugene, Org.3/15/13 -Cab driver thwarts robber, News Day, Melville, N.Y. 3/14/13 -Couple battles violent home invaders, KENS, San Antonio, TX, 3/21/13 | 23:13 |
schestowitz | Huffington Post is now owned by AOL, who's owned by Time-Warner, who's owned by Comcast, who's owned by NBC, who's owned by GE. Follow the money, and Fuck Them | 23:13 |
schestowitz | Also, I'm tired of the gun-grabbing Elite pigs, who have armed guards at their kids' private schools, pimping dead children to blame ME, a peaceful civilian, and others collectively, for the horrible actions of the statically insignificant prozac-heads and TV-heads who go on rampages.** Hire a guard, if it's a real threat. Allow teachers to keep firearms. | 23:13 |
schestowitz | And maybe the Fortune 500 media should stop hyping, sensationalizing, advertising and glorifying this statistically insignificant "epidemic". Because every police chief knows, if the media hypes a jumper's suicide off the Empire State building, they have to patrol it until the media stops cynically exploiting it, in order to prevent copy-cats. | 23:13 |
schestowitz | I'm also tired of these PIMPS blaming me, when our Nobel 'Peace' Laureate president installed a brutal dictatorship in Honduras, with one of the lowest gun-ownership rates in the world, but with second highest murder rate in the world (after 'gun-free' Mexico, that Attorney General Eric Holder was caught funneling thousands of guns to drug cartels to). Especially since these fucking pigs are fake-crying over a school shooting, | 23:13 |
schestowitz | while drones are incinerating entire fucking villages - mostly children. | 23:13 |
schestowitz | Yeah, I'll gladly turn firearms into these people - who are also collapsing economies around the world like dominoes. | 23:13 |
schestowitz | The only thing protecting Americans from the high-jacked U.S. and the Globalist Elite (and the martial law apparatus they've been building for two decades), IS our guns. Cause with all their technology, these thugs couldn't even hold Fallujah! You want to abolish the Bill of Rights, and the natural right to self-defense? | 23:13 |
schestowitz | COME GET THEM. | 23:13 |
schestowitz | " | 23:13 |
schestowitz | These responses have led me to reconsidering my position on fireaems in the US, esp. after I read about the record of Switzerland, where gun ownership is also high. I'm starting to adopt the possibility/tendency to accuse other elements of society - something systemic - for the high crime rates, where guns are the weapon of choice. Having said that, I stand by my view that many who commit easy and quit suicide by a gun might | 23:15 |
schestowitz | otherwise have had their life spared and that assault weapons are rarely *NECESSARY* for defend. They're even called "ASSAULT" rifles. | 23:15 |
schestowitz | *quick suicide | 23:16 |
schestowitz | *firearms | 23:16 |
schestowitz | *defence | 23:16 |
qu1j0t3 | gun ownership in switzerland is not the reason gun crime is low in switzerland | 23:19 |
qu1j0t3 | correlation != causation, etc | 23:19 |
schestowitz | I know | 23:19 |
--> abeNd-org1 has joined this channel (~Keith@ | 23:20 | |
MinceR | i wonder which weapons are "necessary for defend" | 23:20 |
schestowitz | but it shows that given a different value system people are less inclined to use the guns | 23:20 |
qu1j0t3 | nukes | 23:20 |
schestowitz | MinceR: [23:16] <schestowitz> *defence | 23:20 |
qu1j0t3 | having anything less than the government has is for losers who want a DOA revolution! | 23:20 |
qu1j0t3 | so you need nukes, F-22, etc | 23:20 |
MinceR | as far as i can tell, any effective defense against lethal force involves using lethal force | 23:20 |
schestowitz | the poster of the above tags himself in the profil as "anarchism" | 23:20 |
qu1j0t3 | prayer, MinceR | 23:21 |
schestowitz | LosAngeles | 23:21 |
qu1j0t3 | you forgot prayer | 23:21 |
schestowitz | Hitler loves spreading guns | 23:21 |
qu1j0t3 | oh sorry you said "effective" | 23:21 |
schestowitz | it didn't help stop him | 23:21 |
schestowitz | it only helped make the dictatorship worse | 23:21 |
schestowitz | look at blackwater | 23:21 |
schestowitz | CIA connected | 23:21 |
schestowitz | a violent culture at home makes a violent one abroad | 23:21 |
schestowitz | maybe the whole assault rifle thing helps recruit for the army | 23:22 |
schestowitz | you can use those weapons sparingly and legally then, have life targets | 23:22 |
schestowitz | qu1j0t3: but I have to admit I rethink my position | 23:23 |
<-- schestowitz_log has left this server (Ping timeout: 248 seconds). | 23:23 | |
<-- libertyboxes has left this server (Ping timeout: 248 seconds). | 23:23 | |
qu1j0t3 | it would be wiser to look at the situation on the ground in USA than to look at gun ownership figures in Switzerland. | 23:23 |
MinceR | qu1j0t3: lol | 23:23 |
qu1j0t3 | gun ownership in USA is sky-high | 23:23 |
schestowitz | Seeing how systems worldwide collapse, I would rather groups of citizens have firepower in some places rather than the regime of thugs with gun monopoly | 23:23 |
<-- abeNd-org has left this server (*.net *.split). | 23:23 | |
schestowitz | NDAA is a scary one | 23:24 |
qu1j0t3 | schestowitz: but it doesn't work, does it? which breaks any imputed correlation. | 23:24 |
--> libertybox_ has joined this channel (~liberty@ | 23:24 | |
qu1j0t3 | schestowitz: if a crazy number of guns on the streets and in homes MADE PEOPLE SAFER, the USA would be safe. | 23:24 |
MinceR | qu1j0t3: well, i guess citizens are screwed anyway | 23:24 |
schestowitz | qu1j0t3: how many bullets per person? 100? | 23:24 |
--> schestowitz_log_ has joined this channel ( | 23:24 | |
<-- schestowitz_log_ has left this server (Changing host). | 23:24 | |
--> schestowitz_log_ has joined this channel (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz). | 23:24 | |
MinceR | if you're less armed than your government, they can do anything they want to you | 23:24 |
qu1j0t3 | schestowitz: you only need one to suicide or go to jail for a nice long time. | 23:24 |
schestowitz | some people are losers in life (not money-wise), they have nothing to lose in armed revolutions | 23:25 |
MinceR | and if you're more armed than your government, you aren't doing anything except preparing for a war on your government | 23:25 |
qu1j0t3 | MinceR: yeah | 23:25 |
MinceR | i guess humanity will solve this issue by exterminating itself | 23:25 |
MinceR | probably also taking most of earth life out as well | 23:25 |
schestowitz | depopulation | 23:26 |
schestowitz | not that I endorse it | 23:26 |
abeNd-org1 | they need to move on that a bit faster | 23:26 |
abeNd-org1 | humans, always lazy about everything | 23:26 |
schestowitz | how many died in WW2? 60 million? | 23:26 |
schestowitz | I don't know how China is counted.. | 23:26 |
schestowitz | and it also suppressed birth rates | 23:26 |
MinceR | as far as i know, it isn't really known how many people died in communist states | 23:26 |
schestowitz | showing the effect of economic bubbles on population numbers | 23:26 |
MinceR | since they were/are so secretive | 23:26 |
MinceR | especially about killing their own people, of course | 23:27 |
schestowitz | I heard 60 million in USSR and CHina | 23:27 |
schestowitz | Depends how you classify death in Siberian goulags too | 23:27 |
schestowitz | Labour camps were very popilar at the time, all-or-nothing approach | 23:27 |
MinceR | also, Holodomor | 23:27 |
schestowitz | maybe we'll see that happen again (I wish not) | 23:28 |
schestowitz | The Greek Nazis gain a lot of popularity | 23:28 |
abeNd-org1 | only if im the one pushing the big red button! | 23:28 |
MinceR | the greek nazis don't have much of a military though, do they? | 23:28 |
MinceR | then again, they could join forces with other nazis | 23:29 |
schestowitz | or convert them | 23:30 |
schestowitz | the Dutch Nazis grow in popularity too, but they're less vulgar I think | 23:30 |
schestowitz | the British Nazis seem to be kept at bay by the MI6-c0ntrolled state media that demonises them heavily | 23:31 |
 | ||
--> libertyboxes has joined this channel ( | 23:41 | |
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<-- schestowitz_log has left this server (Changing host). | 23:43 | |
--> schestowitz_log has joined this channel (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz). | 23:43 |
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