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-NickServ-You are now identified for schestowitz. | Apr 15 00:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt280/@lnxwalt280] College #baseball: #Alabama 2, #Ole_Miss 5; final | Apr 15 01:07 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Urgent: Izembek wilderness | Apr 15 01:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2013: January - April Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 1194.31 KB | Apr 15 01:13 |
*schestowitz ( has joined #techrights | Apr 15 01:22 | |
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schestowitz | | Apr 15 01:45 |
TechrightsBot-tr | How Private Should Text Messages Be? totally private, that's why it's called private messaging. #privacy | Apr 15 01:45 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: How Private Should Text Messages Be? .::. Size~: 39.21 KB | Apr 15 01:45 |
schestowitz | "E2e strong encryption, it's the only way to be sure | Apr 15 01:45 |
schestowitz | | Apr 15 01:45 |
TechrightsBot-tr | #YouTube / Web power: PSY gets well over million direct views per hour since release tell us how #Internet hurts artists | Apr 15 01:46 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: PSY - GENTLEMAN M/V - YouTube .::. Size~: 124.41 KB | Apr 15 01:46 |
schestowitz | "Does he now have "Gonorrhea"? <LOL>" | Apr 15 01:46 |
Sosumi | my god | Apr 15 01:52 |
Sosumi | PSY............. | Apr 15 01:52 |
Sosumi | how can ppl like his "music" | Apr 15 01:52 |
schestowitz | yeah.. | Apr 15 01:52 |
schestowitz | he had one good song | Apr 15 01:53 |
schestowitz | the rest are shite, inc. this latst on (nothing too special, trying to redo the last hit) | Apr 15 01:53 |
schestowitz | h did a lot of god for the reputaton of k-pop | Apr 15 01:53 |
schestowitz | !google spy n iraq war | Apr 15 01:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Kim Hyun Hee, Ex-North Korea Spy, Says Kim Jong Un Struggling ... | | Apr 15 01:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - BBC News - Iraq: The spies who fooled the world | | Apr 15 01:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Valerie Plame - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | | Apr 15 01:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - The War Logs - WikiLeaks Documents - Interactive Feature ... | | Apr 15 01:53 |
schestowitz | oops | Apr 15 01:53 |
schestowitz | !google psy n iraq war | Apr 15 01:54 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - PSY apologizes for viral anti-American lyrics - | | Apr 15 01:54 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - Gangnam Psy's Apology & Translation of His Rap Protesting Iraq War | | Apr 15 01:54 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Audio: Here's the anti-American song, 'Dear American,' Psy sang in ... | | Apr 15 01:54 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Heat is on South Korean rapper Psy for anti-American rap ... | | Apr 15 01:54 |
schestowitz | "anti-American rap" | Apr 15 01:54 |
schestowitz | That label again | Apr 15 01:54 |
schestowitz | "anti-American" | Apr 15 01:54 |
schestowitz | Not heard of "anti-North Korea" yet | Apr 15 01:54 |
schestowitz | he must need a psychologist, he is "anti-American" | Apr 15 01:54 |
Sosumi | indeed | Apr 15 01:55 |
schestowitz | To be fair, his lyrics are quite cruel, he advocates punishing women and children of the troops, who might not even consent to the occupation | Apr 15 01:55 |
schestowitz | the troops too are ofen brainwashed and misguided | Apr 15 01:55 |
schestowitz | he should have named government officials like Cheney | Apr 15 01:55 |
Sosumi | all of them are, otherwise we wouldn't have wars | Apr 15 01:56 |
Sosumi | even heinz kissinger labelled them under dumb animals | Apr 15 01:56 |
Sosumi | a couple of years ago | Apr 15 01:56 |
schestowitz | I think he's quoted as saying that in some book | Apr 15 01:58 |
schestowitz | I had to trace down the source | Apr 15 01:58 |
schestowitz | So we don't know for sure what words were used | Apr 15 01:58 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[newtonx/@newtonx] A bit more about Google … | Apr 15 02:00 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: It's My Blog, Dammit! Anything and Everything! | A bit more about Google … .::. Size~: 40.48 KB | Apr 15 02:00 |
schestowitz | "ending American involvement in the Vietnam War." | Apr 15 02:00 |
schestowitz | LOL | Apr 15 02:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Henry Kissinger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 342.69 KB | Apr 15 02:00 |
schestowitz | his father lived to become 95, his mother 97, so maybe he too will drop the bucket soon | Apr 15 02:01 |
schestowitz | Wikileaks did him a lot of damage recently | Apr 15 02:01 |
schestowitz | "Kissinger is still considered an influential public figure.[3] He is the founder and chairman of Kissinger Associates, an international consulting firm." | Apr 15 02:01 |
Sosumi | he still looks quite good despite his age | Apr 15 02:02 |
schestowitz | lloks are deceiving | Apr 15 02:03 |
schestowitz | he may have played an important role in US emperialism | Apr 15 02:03 |
schestowitz | at the expense of others | Apr 15 02:03 |
schestowitz | Yes, ironic given the prosecution he had dodged as a child | Apr 15 02:04 |
schestowitz | then again, the CIA had absorbed many Nazis in its genesis too, a transfer of Stasi infrastructure and import for world domination against the Soviets | Apr 15 02:04 |
schestowitz | Right now they still have some "rogue" states | Apr 15 02:04 |
schestowitz | i.e. states which Russia supports to a degree, and China too, which makes them "rogue" | Apr 15 02:05 |
schestowitz | Cuba, Venezuela, NK, Iran, Syria, maybe more | Apr 15 02:05 |
schestowitz | Syria is the CIA's mos recent project | Apr 15 02:05 |
schestowitz | they sent 160 cargo planed (maybe more by now) to Syrian "rebels" | Apr 15 02:06 |
schestowitz | Even Pentagon mouthpieces like NYT confirmed this | Apr 15 02:06 |
Sosumi | well not just that, but the've been arming them through the GCC members | Apr 15 02:06 |
schestowitz | To me, however, questions remain: | Apr 15 02:06 |
schestowitz | is the world better off under US domination? That's plausible. A USSR- or China-run world would not be much better.. | Apr 15 02:07 |
schestowitz | Thatchers inherits the mindset of idiots like GOP figures, e.g. Reagan and brings that to the UK | Apr 15 02:08 |
schestowitz | the UK recently "climbed" | Apr 15 02:08 |
schestowitz | Climbd o no. 2 spot | Apr 15 02:08 |
Sosumi | well, you know the US was set up from the beggining to "standardize" the world | Apr 15 02:08 |
schestowitz | in wealth disparity in the Wstern world | Apr 15 02:08 |
schestowitz | There's lots of wealth in the 'UK', or raher the hands of UK folks, but it's stored offshore | Apr 15 02:08 |
schestowitz | So there's lots of poverty while all the money goes to few hands | Apr 15 02:09 |
schestowitz | Trade agreements help formalise the corporate takeover of the world | Apr 15 02:09 |
schestowitz | the mega-corporations can't yet get to everything, there's some social movement in South America and with growing unrest it's becoming harder to manage | Apr 15 02:10 |
schestowitz | Policies still getting inherited from the US, torture outsourced to the whole world (54+ countries) by the CIA, drone strikes, etc. | Apr 15 02:10 |
schestowitz | Which I might not mind in theory, given that dominance by Nazi Germany (if it hadn't been defeated by he Soviets) would have brought about less humane policies | Apr 15 02:11 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[evan/@evan] RT @duck1123 If they ever made a pill to help with idempotence, it wouldn't matter how many you take once it's working. | Apr 15 02:12 | |
schestowitz | and as long as you live in he 'right' country (not Iraq for example), you might feel an iron fist but not an iron shell of a bomb | Apr 15 02:12 |
schestowitz | | Apr 15 02:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Testing embedded pics..  | Apr 15 02:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Apr 15 02:13 |
schestowitz | " | Apr 15 02:13 |
schestowitz | I hear this claim often, but it's ridiculous on it's face. | Apr 15 02:13 |
schestowitz | “The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern peoples to have arms. History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so.” | Apr 15 02:13 |
schestowitz | Also, people claim 'Hitler didn't ban guns.' This, of course, is also ridiculous (because he did: ie Jews, communists, unionists, gypsies, political criminals, etc), but what it refers to is the fact that guns were already banned during the economic crisis that brought him in. Hardly an argument for gun-grabbers to seize on. | Apr 15 02:13 |
schestowitz | For instance, the gun ban in place (that he did later expand) stated the following: | Apr 15 02:13 |
schestowitz | A permit [necessary first step] to acquire a handgun or to carry firearms may only be issued to persons whose trustworthiness is not in question and who can show a need for a permit [turning a natural right to self-defense into a political privilege]. In particular, a permit may not be issued to: | Apr 15 02:13 |
schestowitz | 2. legally incompetent...persons; [Geez, I guess as a sexual minority, I would have still retained my rights?] | Apr 15 02:13 |
schestowitz | 3. Gypsies or vagabonds; [Good thing our country doesn't have any scapegoats. Ask veterans, black males, Hispanic 'gang' members, political activists, etc] | Apr 15 02:13 |
schestowitz | 4. persons under mandatory police supervision [i.e., on parole] or otherwise temporarily without civil rights; [umm...this *isn't* troubling?] | Apr 15 02:13 |
schestowitz | 5. persons convicted of treason or high treason or known to be engaged in activities hostile to the state; [I'm sure they were very judicious in determining this...] | Apr 15 02:14 |
schestowitz | 6. persons who for assault, trespass, a breach of the peace, **resistance to authority, a criminal offense or misdemeanor, ** [**EVERY* single word in there, through the Nazi filter, should raise hairs on your neck.] | Apr 15 02:14 |
schestowitz | show more | Apr 15 02:14 |
schestowitz | 5 minutes | Apr 15 02:14 |
schestowitz | " | Apr 15 02:14 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Low-wage workers | Apr 15 02:15 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2013: January - April Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 1194.31 KB | Apr 15 02:15 |
schestowitz | The "conquered Eastern peoples" not the same as domestic population. Which is what the argument is about. | Apr 15 02:15 |
Sosumi | well, hitler did ban guns, hitler was also put in there by the british and was Time magazine person of the year | Apr 15 02:17 |
schestowitz | In a state of brainwash (like his, and today's USA), the overwhelming part of the population is pro-Government and is willing to use weapons to fight foreigners, scapegoats, etc. It can make the state stronger. People who are against gov. (any gov.) are almost always a small minority that managed to escape the matrix of indoctrination and peer pressure that reinforces it. | Apr 15 02:17 |
schestowitz | !google hitler Time magazine person of the year | Apr 15 02:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Adolf Hitler: Man of the Year, 1938 - TIME |,9171,760539,00.html | Apr 15 02:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - TIME Magazine Cover: Adolph Hitler, Man of the Year - Jan. 2, 1939 ... |,16641,19390102,00.html | Apr 15 02:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Time Person of the Year - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | | Apr 15 02:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Time Magazines' Most Controversial "Person of the Year" Covers ... | | Apr 15 02:18 |
Sosumi | and not just that, but albert pike said himself, two wars to unite europe and a thrid one to unite the world | Apr 15 02:18 |
schestowitz | heh | Apr 15 02:18 |
schestowitz | to be fair: | Apr 15 02:18 |
schestowitz | man of the year is not a sign of good | Apr 15 02:18 |
Sosumi | yep | Apr 15 02:18 |
schestowitz | it means he's the person most spoken about or whatever | Apr 15 02:18 |
schestowitz | he never got the Nobel prize for peace | Apr 15 02:19 |
schestowitz | only nominated, maybe by his own supporters | Apr 15 02:19 |
Sosumi | but it shows how much the anglo-american elites actually liked him | Apr 15 02:19 |
schestowitz | I heard it's untrue he had banned guns | Apr 15 02:19 |
schestowitz | let me check | Apr 15 02:19 |
schestowitz | Sosumi: not sure about "Anglo" | Apr 15 02:19 |
schestowitz | German-Americans -- yes | Apr 15 02:19 |
schestowitz | | Apr 15 02:20 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: hitler gun control - Search results - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 32.74 KB | Apr 15 02:20 |
Sosumi | nah, there's a book written churchill's secretary that mentioned him in private saying that was the great opurtunity to unite europe | Apr 15 02:21 |
Sosumi | *by | Apr 15 02:21 |
schestowitz | | Apr 15 02:21 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Gun control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 98.8 KB | Apr 15 02:22 |
schestowitz | ADL quotes there | Apr 15 02:23 |
schestowitz | "Lawyer Stephen Halbrook, in the article "Nazi Firearms Law and the Disarming of the German Jews", asserts that "Gun control laws are depicted as benign and historically progressive. However, German firearm laws and hysteria created against Jewish firearm owners played a major role in laying the groundwork for the eradication of German Jewry in the Holocaust."" | Apr 15 02:23 |
schestowitz | That's religion-selective | Apr 15 02:23 |
schestowitz | So there was as much as a "ban" on guns as there was on "Jew" engaging in Occupation X | Apr 15 02:24 |
schestowitz | The rest could still own guns | Apr 15 02:24 |
Sosumi | actually, about the gun control, bill cooper (like him or not) said in "behold a pale horse" abou the use of MKultra subjects to start shooting in order to traumatize the USA citizens | Apr 15 02:24 |
schestowitz | Now, if the US was for "gun control for Mexican-born," then that's another thing | Apr 15 02:24 |
Sosumi | and make them beg the gov for gun ban | Apr 15 02:24 |
*Sosumi need to get a new kb :( | Apr 15 02:25 | |
Sosumi | start shooting in schools, etc | Apr 15 02:25 |
schestowitz | "In December 1918 during the Russian Civil War the Bolsheviks made it a crime for citizens other than members of their own party to own guns. Bolsheviks were allowed to own one rifle and one revolver." | Apr 15 02:25 |
schestowitz | Again, the issues is DISCRIMINATION in gun ownership | Apr 15 02:26 |
schestowitz | "Before the American Civil War ended, state slave codes prohibited slaves from owning guns" | Apr 15 02:26 |
schestowitz | See the pattern? | Apr 15 02:26 |
schestowitz | The issue is, when a government/tyrant robs one part of the population of means of self-defence, that's when there are problems | Apr 15 02:27 |
Sosumi | well, if the slaves could own guns, they'd liberate themselves | Apr 15 02:27 |
schestowitz | Had Obama said, we need to get guns out of the hands of blacks, I'd argue that's a major issue | Apr 15 02:27 |
Sosumi | nop | Apr 15 02:27 |
schestowitz | The army doesn't need to worry too much about guns | Apr 15 02:27 |
schestowitz | they have bombs | Apr 15 02:27 |
Sosumi | just end the CIA arms contraband to gangs, etc | Apr 15 02:27 |
schestowitz | see the way they bombed that group decades ago... WILCO or something? | Apr 15 02:28 |
schestowitz | Their danger is the population being turnedagainst the gov. | Apr 15 02:28 |
schestowitz | TV propaganda helps counter opposing views, inc. leaks or espionage | Apr 15 02:28 |
Sosumi | you mean WACO right? | Apr 15 02:28 |
schestowitz | yeah | Apr 15 02:29 |
schestowitz | The problem is selective gun control | Apr 15 02:29 |
schestowitz | ""The Berlin Police President, Count Wolf Heinrich von Helldorf, announced that as a result of a police activity in the last few weeks, the entire Jewish population of Berlin had been 'disarmed' with the confiscation of 2,569 hand weapons, 1,702 firearms and 20,000 rounds of ammunition."" | Apr 15 02:29 |
Sosumi | well, but the selection is that everyone loses the right bear arms | Apr 15 02:31 |
Sosumi | except for military, fema, dhs.. | Apr 15 02:31 |
schestowitz | With some research using it seems like gun control that's selective based on groups is the issue, not gun control as a whole. | Apr 15 02:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Gun control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 98.91 KB | Apr 15 02:31 |
schestowitz | | Apr 15 02:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Testing embedded pics..  | Apr 15 02:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Apr 15 02:31 |
schestowitz | " | Apr 15 02:32 |
schestowitz | Liberty is not a joke, or a passing fad: | Apr 15 02:32 |
schestowitz | “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every | Apr 15 02:32 |
schestowitz | bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We | Apr 15 02:32 |
schestowitz | didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” | Apr 15 02:32 |
schestowitz | ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn | Apr 15 02:32 |
schestowitz | show more | Apr 15 02:32 |
schestowitz | 14 minutes ago | Apr 15 02:32 |
schestowitz | " | Apr 15 02:32 |
schestowitz | "No, Hitler Did Not Ban Guns - And Neither Did Mussolini, Castro, Stalin or Pol Pot... -" | Apr 15 02:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Everything Possible Happens .::. Size~: 54.6 KB | Apr 15 02:32 |
Sosumi | yeah, hitler did not ban them for nationals | Apr 15 02:35 |
Sosumi | non jews | Apr 15 02:35 |
schestowitz | He armed those who were his supporters | Apr 15 02:35 |
schestowitz | The equivalent would be apt if one said, Obama plans to disarm black people | Apr 15 02:36 |
schestowitz | it's not an army/civilian polarity | Apr 15 02:36 |
Sosumi | but Obama wans to disarm everyone, that's what I hear everytime | Apr 15 02:37 |
Sosumi | not just black minorities | Apr 15 02:37 |
Sosumi | and he's using neuroscience and VA to 1st get the guns out of veterans | Apr 15 02:37 |
schestowitz | I think it would reduce domesic crime which is deadly | Apr 15 02:38 |
schestowitz | there would still be violence | Apr 15 02:38 |
schestowitz | but mortality would drop | Apr 15 02:38 |
schestowitz | in the UK you're likely to see some brawls sometimes, but gunshots are rarely heard at all, I hardly hear of stabbings either (I think they're common in other parts of EUrpe) | Apr 15 02:38 |
schestowitz | Stabbings are used as a deterrent sometimes | Apr 15 02:39 |
schestowitz | when you stab once and leave the person to bleed until the ambulance arrivs | Apr 15 02:39 |
schestowitz | guns don't have the "deter" mode | Apr 15 02:39 |
schestowitz | maybe shot to the leg us | Apr 15 02:39 |
schestowitz | *is | Apr 15 02:39 |
Sosumi | well, simply waiving a gu at someone would be the deterrant | Apr 15 02:40 |
Sosumi | no need to actually shoot it | Apr 15 02:40 |
Sosumi | but, you see that in case of a gun ban | Apr 15 02:41 |
schestowitz | the deterrent can escalate to action | Apr 15 02:41 |
Sosumi | only the law respecting citizens would give up their guns | Apr 15 02:41 |
schestowitz | also, to kill someone with a knide is hard | Apr 15 02:41 |
schestowitz | if there is medical attention not far away | Apr 15 02:42 |
schestowitz | you have to really work hard at it, or know how to do it | Apr 15 02:42 |
Sosumi | the criminals would still have them | Apr 15 02:42 |
Sosumi | and would still be able to aquire them in the black market | Apr 15 02:42 |
schestowitz | and you have to be rather cruel | Apr 15 02:42 |
schestowitz | like seeing someone crying, begging, bleeding and then steal rips the body to pieces | Apr 15 02:42 |
schestowitz | guns are easier | Apr 15 02:42 |
schestowitz | out of hand | Apr 15 02:42 |
schestowitz | also, two guys with knives less likely to engage | Apr 15 02:43 |
schestowitz | they keep their distance, unilateralyy walk away | Apr 15 02:43 |
Sosumi | yep, but in case of the US | Apr 15 02:43 |
schestowitz | when a shot is less than a second awway, a Saloon-type scenario, you might shoot quickly for self-defence | Apr 15 02:44 |
schestowitz | with stabbings you still have time to bargain for withdrawal | Apr 15 02:44 |
schestowitz | "please don't hurt me, I promise I'll leave... have mercy..." | Apr 15 02:44 |
Sosumi | the right to bear arms is to defend the constitution, form the jeffersonian militias, etc, etc | Apr 15 02:44 |
schestowitz | you are more likely to shoot if you assume the other person MAY have a gun too | Apr 15 02:45 |
schestowitz | otherwise you just use it to coerce, lke "give me your wallet" | Apr 15 02:45 |
schestowitz | The US constitution, the "Constitution", was written in a different era | Apr 15 02:45 |
schestowitz | like he Bible was | Apr 15 02:45 |
schestowitz | it has amendments | Apr 15 02:46 |
Sosumi | but those who want firearms, will always get them | Apr 15 02:46 |
Sosumi | that has nothing to do with banning the ownership of firearms | Apr 15 02:47 |
Sosumi | I live in portugal, if someone tries to rob me on the street or tries to rob my home | Apr 15 02:48 |
schestowitz | get them off store shelves | Apr 15 02:48 |
Sosumi | I immediatly assume they must be armed | Apr 15 02:48 |
schestowitz | when I'm in the US sports shop sell them | Apr 15 02:48 |
schestowitz | I have a pellet gun I bought with no docs | Apr 15 02:48 |
schestowitz | the UK has unregistered guns, but the supply of arms is limited by the law | Apr 15 02:48 |
schestowitz | The US market is flooded with gun barrels | Apr 15 02:48 |
schestowitz | there's more to 'leak' to ethnic ghettos, more so than in here | Apr 15 02:49 |
Sosumi | I also have a pellet gun, no documents or anything to aquire one | Apr 15 02:49 |
schestowitz | they don't keep track of where a gun is kept and who by | Apr 15 02:49 |
schestowitz | US needs gun culture | Apr 15 02:50 |
schestowitz | they keep world dominance by making kids play with guns which are glorified since a young ago | Apr 15 02:50 |
schestowitz | *Age | Apr 15 02:50 |
Sosumi | actually, | Apr 15 02:50 |
schestowitz | Guns are toys there | Apr 15 02:50 |
schestowitz | and torture device the symbol of the national religion | Apr 15 02:51 |
Sosumi | they have been desensitised | Apr 15 02:51 |
Sosumi | since young age | Apr 15 02:51 |
Sosumi | specially now | Apr 15 02:51 |
schestowitz | how so? Now more than before? | Apr 15 02:51 |
Sosumi | with videogames | Apr 15 02:51 |
schestowitz | oh, yes, that's another subject | Apr 15 02:52 |
Sosumi | kill, kill, kill, kill more | Apr 15 02:52 |
Sosumi | just kill | Apr 15 02:52 |
schestowitz | whether games make people more violent or provide a mere outlet | Apr 15 02:52 |
schestowitz | My view is not based on evidence | Apr 15 02:52 |
schestowitz | there's some supporting each side | Apr 15 02:52 |
schestowitz | my gut feeling is that it helps army recruitment | Apr 15 02:52 |
schestowitz | Not sure if it makes people more violent or increases violence, but a larger army does, in turn, allow coercion | Apr 15 02:53 |
schestowitz | even if by other force, e.g. sanctions, like in the case of NK | Apr 15 02:53 |
schestowitz | They have like 100 bases around NK, there are US troops in each, armed | Apr 15 02:53 |
schestowitz | Stallman talks about power over others, not necessarily in a violent context | Apr 15 02:54 |
schestowitz | If I have the source code, and only I have it, and you are using my program, then I can mistreat you | Apr 15 02:54 |
schestowitz | if you have more troops, who believe they are heroic and "patriotic" (serving duty to man-made "borders"), then you have power over others | Apr 15 02:55 |
schestowitz | the US would rather scare into submission than to "engage" | Apr 15 02:55 |
schestowitz | Or use the CIA for covert wars | Apr 15 02:55 |
schestowitz | I can't blame NK for state propaganda | Apr 15 02:56 |
schestowitz | They need to keep themselves safe from US mental warfare | Apr 15 02:56 |
schestowitz | The US is blocking Iranian TV channels in the West, along with its allies | Apr 15 02:56 |
Sosumi | it's propaganda vs propaganda | Apr 15 02:56 |
schestowitz | So we're just as guilty as NK | Apr 15 02:56 |
schestowitz | yes, both evil | Apr 15 02:56 |
schestowitz | Like RT vs CNN | Apr 15 02:56 |
schestowitz | calling each others' BS | Apr 15 02:56 |
Sosumi | both are terrible | Apr 15 02:56 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] ♻ @ricardopoppi: No blog: Resultado do encontro de planejamento do CISL - | Apr 15 02:57 | |
schestowitz | yes, and state-supported | Apr 15 02:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Resultado do encontro de planejamento do CISL .::. Size~: 67.79 KB | Apr 15 02:57 |
schestowitz | I have not much hope for humanity | Apr 15 02:57 |
schestowitz | If onyl there was a split in Earth, there would be a chance of restarting, but human nature is bound to mess things up sooner or later | Apr 15 02:57 |
schestowitz | a friend of mine who's a biology prof says the same, we're basically doomed by design, as a civilised culture | Apr 15 02:58 |
schestowitz | we need to trade off one power for another | Apr 15 02:58 |
schestowitz | and silence the oppressed to the degree possible to assure stability | Apr 15 02:58 |
Sosumi | well, but you see, you can't can't do anything for those who don't care | Apr 15 02:59 |
schestowitz | There will most likely be some more nuclear strikes coming this century, hundreds of nuclear explosions in the last one already contribute to cancers | Apr 15 02:59 |
schestowitz | Sosumi: `they don't care because it's designed to be so | Apr 15 02:59 |
schestowitz | Apathy for power | Apr 15 02:59 |
Sosumi | those who don't will be there to be prayed uppon like steaks on the table | Apr 15 03:00 |
schestowitz | not by the apathetic | Apr 15 03:00 |
schestowitz | but there is a growing movement of informed people | Apr 15 03:00 |
schestowitz | yes, well, literally too | Apr 15 03:00 |
Sosumi | those who care will move foward and that's it | Apr 15 03:00 |
schestowitz | cannibalism will make a comebakc one day | Apr 15 03:00 |
schestowitz | we're running out of food, and the ground is made less fertile, less easy-to-tap oil for farming and transport.. | Apr 15 03:01 |
schestowitz | Many nations still eat the same animals they keep as pets, so even in civilised nations this is becoming "acceptable" | Apr 15 03:01 |
Sosumi | well, they're lower life forms | Apr 15 03:02 |
schestowitz | In some they eat uterus, in other they use dead embryos to help rich people mitigate the 'risk' of wrinkles | Apr 15 03:02 |
schestowitz | we're not life forms, we're "Humans" | Apr 15 03:02 |
schestowitz | God gave us Earth! | Apr 15 03:02 |
schestowitz | the animals are here only for us to enjoy | Apr 15 03:02 |
schestowitz | even if by body mass we're not so high up | Apr 15 03:02 |
Sosumi | well I never heard him say that | Apr 15 03:03 |
schestowitz | termites and ants outdo us, I think, by far | Apr 15 03:03 |
Sosumi | but man is the only animal with intelect | Apr 15 03:03 |
schestowitz | and we're no so high up the food chain | Apr 15 03:03 |
Sosumi | although some folks tend to show the lack of it... | Apr 15 03:03 |
Sosumi | think, like this | Apr 15 03:04 |
schestowitz | Monkeys can climb trees, they have better feet... some animals we are prey to unless equipped with some machinery, although fewer and fewer of then, we call them bad and then engage in speciescide (sharks, tigers, etc.) | Apr 15 03:04 |
schestowitz | [03:03] <Sosumi> but man is the only animal with intelect | Apr 15 03:04 |
schestowitz | says man | Apr 15 03:04 |
schestowitz | Democracy and capitalism is the best ting since slice bread | Apr 15 03:04 |
schestowitz | Say those at the top of capitalist pyramids, who control the media and the election | Apr 15 03:05 |
schestowitz | *sliced | Apr 15 03:05 |
schestowitz | notice that it's almost unthinkable these days to speak out against "Democracy and capitalism " | Apr 15 03:05 |
schestowitz | Deeply ingrained since kindergarten, reinforced by peers, family, etc. | Apr 15 03:06 |
Sosumi | I speak against democracy all day | Apr 15 03:06 |
schestowitz | I'm all for democracy | Apr 15 03:06 |
schestowitz | But it's a Utopian thing | Apr 15 03:06 |
schestowitz | we never had it | Apr 15 03:06 |
Sosumi | I'm all for a republic | Apr 15 03:06 |
schestowitz | the US was never created as democratic | Apr 15 03:07 |
Sosumi | because only the republic can protect the rights of the minority | Apr 15 03:07 |
schestowitz | It was set up explicitly as a place to be run by the "rich and responsible" | Apr 15 03:07 |
Sosumi | democracy is the rule of the mob | Apr 15 03:07 |
schestowitz | democracy was probably mentioned more and more when the "spreading democracy" PR campaign of Heinz and chums began | Apr 15 03:07 |
schestowitz | We needed a good motto/slogan | Apr 15 03:07 |
schestowitz | capitalism is not a good word | Apr 15 03:08 |
schestowitz | democracy implies equality, economic parity perhaps, a bit like Marxism | Apr 15 03:08 |
schestowitz | Capitalism is too synonymous with greed | Apr 15 03:08 |
schestowitz | and division | Apr 15 03:08 |
schestowitz | you'd never hear someting like "speaking capitalism" to NK | Apr 15 03:09 |
schestowitz | *spreading | Apr 15 03:09 |
Sosumi | ofc not | Apr 15 03:09 |
Sosumi | it wouldn't go well with the "masses" | Apr 15 03:09 |
Sosumi | so they do it under the cover of democracy, Which in reality just means the control by those with the money | Apr 15 03:10 |
schestowitz | which in the state of globalism means foreigners | Apr 15 03:11 |
Sosumi | usually huge conglomorates | Apr 15 03:11 |
schestowitz | (plus, potentially, some local sellouts like the guys in BRIC who sell 'labour' to the West, under the umbrella of "domestic") | Apr 15 03:11 |
schestowitz | "Microsoft China" | Apr 15 03:12 |
schestowitz | "BT Global" | Apr 15 03:12 |
Sosumi | and an IMF, world bank loan for reconstruction, after all civilian infastrocture has been bombed to smitherins | Apr 15 03:12 |
schestowitz | for their own benefit (the locals) | Apr 15 03:14 |
schestowitz | we break so we can build | Apr 15 03:14 |
schestowitz | and sell you loans | Apr 15 03:14 |
schestowitz | "Broken Windows" theory | Apr 15 03:14 |
Sosumi | and have big companies rebuild everything | Apr 15 03:14 |
Sosumi | because the local construction companies are no more | Apr 15 03:15 |
schestowitz | this is why the financial industry, not just industry that's practising and producing, should be made suspect. The banks as a sector is not the #1 campaign contributor in US elections | Apr 15 03:15 |
schestowitz | *now | Apr 15 03:15 |
Sosumi | if it was only in the US elections, lol | Apr 15 03:16 |
schestowitz | now you are just a "conspiracy theorist"! | Apr 15 03:16 |
schestowitz | Now let's just label the bankers "illuminati" and "bilderberg" | Apr 15 03:17 |
schestowitz | And then get all "racist" | Apr 15 03:17 |
Sosumi | wrong | Apr 15 03:18 |
schestowitz | Bankers are "scapegoats" | Apr 15 03:18 |
schestowitz | I am being sarcastic | Apr 15 03:18 |
schestowitz | I think that a lot of the "controlled demolition" crowd has been good distraction from the possibility that the hijackers were overlooked - maybe with knowledge of what they might so - which in itself merit some discussion about the Commission's report | Apr 15 03:18 |
schestowitz | Likewise, some explanations of things get caught up in anti-Semetic burden in order to discredit them, it keeps the debate scary for intellectual to enter | Apr 15 03:19 |
schestowitz | it's hard to talk about the Empire of Multinationals | Apr 15 03:19 |
schestowitz | This too carries some burden of "controlled opposition" | Apr 15 03:19 |
schestowitz | There are some things that can still be discussed without this burden, e.g. coups, drones, WoMD fabrications | Apr 15 03:20 |
schestowitz | But other debates are denied entry without getting caught up in bad connotations and associations | Apr 15 03:20 |
schestowitz | Gun control debate is entering the brink or verging the same stuff as "aliens" | Apr 15 03:21 |
Sosumi | well that's because of conditioning | Apr 15 03:21 |
schestowitz | You get tied up to NRA and GOP and some anti-gov. movements | Apr 15 03:21 |
schestowitz | yes, conditioning | Apr 15 03:22 |
schestowitz | Switzerland has high gun ownership and not many shootings | Apr 15 03:22 |
schestowitz | It's a cultural thing | Apr 15 03:22 |
schestowitz | The US can't afford to phase out guns and ban fragging games | Apr 15 03:22 |
schestowitz | !google carlin we like war | Apr 15 03:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - George Carlin - We Like War - YouTube | | Apr 15 03:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - George Carlin 'We Like War' - YouTube | | Apr 15 03:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - George Carlin We Like War - YouTube | | Apr 15 03:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - George Carlin - We Like War - YouTube | | Apr 15 03:23 |
Sosumi | well you can't ban fragging games but you can make them more realistic | Apr 15 03:23 |
schestowitz | How? Inflict pain? | Apr 15 03:23 |
schestowitz | Or maybe show the dead with their guts hanging out? | Apr 15 03:24 |
schestowitz | Or crawling on the floor begging for help? | Apr 15 03:24 |
schestowitz | !google enemy territory need a medic | Apr 15 03:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Enemy Territory :: Voice Chats | | Apr 15 03:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Medic Gameplay On Oasis - Part 1 ... | | Apr 15 03:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Enemy Territory - Need a medic! | | Apr 15 03:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Return To Castle Wolfenstein & Enemy Territory 4 Newbies - Medics | | Apr 15 03:24 |
schestowitz | !google post war trauma | Apr 15 03:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Posttraumatic stress disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | | Apr 15 03:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - Post-War Trauma | | Apr 15 03:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - eMedicineHealth | | Apr 15 03:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Post-traumatic stress is a war within for military and civilians ... | | Apr 15 03:24 |
schestowitz | !google us troops suicide | Apr 15 03:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - US Military's Suicide Rate Surpassed Combat Deaths In 2012 - NPR | | Apr 15 03:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - US Military suicides continue to climb, reaching record in 2012 ... - RT | | Apr 15 03:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - More U.S. troops committing suicide than being killed fighting in ... | | Apr 15 03:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - U.S. military suicides exceed combat deaths - CBS News | | Apr 15 03:25 |
Sosumi | well, not just that, but instead of conveing the message of a super soldior that junior would like to imitate | Apr 15 03:25 |
schestowitz | tell the youth, you don't get to respawn | Apr 15 03:26 |
schestowitz | you respawn 1 meter underground | Apr 15 03:26 |
Sosumi | send a different message | Apr 15 03:26 |
schestowitz | !google walton murdoch gates us education | Apr 15 03:26 |
Sosumi | even if it needs to get political | Apr 15 03:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Gates, Buffett, the Waltons, and the Rest of Us | Caelum Et Terra | | Apr 15 03:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - How the Gates Foundation Undermines Teachers' Rights | Diane ... | | Apr 15 03:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation & Other Top U.S. ... | | Apr 15 03:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Gates Throws $111K To New Haven Schools | New Haven ... | | Apr 15 03:26 |
schestowitz | cladded with paid PR | Apr 15 03:27 |
schestowitz | must indoctrinate the youngsters | Apr 15 03:27 |
schestowitz | childwasging as "for children" | Apr 15 03:27 |
Sosumi | yep, billy and mellinda gates foundation geiving tainted vaccines and promotting eugenics in the entire planet | Apr 15 03:28 |
schestowitz | they don't call it eugenics | Apr 15 03:29 |
schestowitz | they just work to reduce births in poor nations | Apr 15 03:29 |
schestowitz | "Family planning" and condoms | Apr 15 03:29 |
schestowitz | AIDS aids their agenda | Apr 15 03:29 |
schestowitz | depopulation as "against STDs" | Apr 15 03:29 |
schestowitz | the only thing the vaccines are tainted with are patents | Apr 15 03:30 |
Sosumi | it's bio-ethics | Apr 15 03:30 |
schestowitz | GSK et al. have former execs in key positions in Gates Foundation | Apr 15 03:30 |
schestowitz | inc. chiefs for health for example | Apr 15 03:30 |
Sosumi | vaccines are tainted with mercury adjuvants and other metals | Apr 15 03:31 |
schestowitz | they get to promote their drugs (kickstarting with userbase) and litigation risk-free clinical trials of large scale | Apr 15 03:31 |
schestowitz | mercury and other metals can act as conducives, they're not all bad | Apr 15 03:31 |
schestowitz | like passing nerval signal better, I spoke to a medical student abut it the other week | Apr 15 03:31 |
schestowitz | GMO's worst component is the patents, not carcinogens | Apr 15 03:32 |
schestowitz | Focys on the business benefits, don't be bothered too much by health consequences | Apr 15 03:32 |
schestowitz | Corporations don;'t get paid by the effectiveness of the drugs/crops but by the fees that can be charged for those and reach/breath of clientèle base | Apr 15 03:33 |
Sosumi | well the h1n1 vaccine caused narcolepsy to some children | Apr 15 03:33 |
schestowitz | A goof friend of mine who is a medical prof with friends in pharma companies tells me many of the drugs they produce they know to have little effect | Apr 15 03:34 |
Sosumi | and there were some abortions here related to the vaccination | Apr 15 03:34 |
schestowitz | they just bribe people for 'studies' that help marketing | Apr 15 03:34 |
Sosumi | and there are death linked to the hpv vaccine | Apr 15 03:34 |
schestowitz | but it's not placebos, some drugs are effective | Apr 15 03:34 |
schestowitz | maybe, but HPV on its own can also cause death | Apr 15 03:34 |
Sosumi | yeah, some are, but the studies done don't show you long term side effects | Apr 15 03:35 |
schestowitz | so you to weight the risks | Apr 15 03:35 |
schestowitz | *weigh | Apr 15 03:35 |
schestowitz | FDA is corrupt, but not totally corrupt. It can still help discern quacks from legit remedies | Apr 15 03:35 |
Sosumi | you do, but in the case of socialist states with a national vaccination, you can't opt out | Apr 15 03:36 |
schestowitz | The real h1n1 scandal is the media hype and people earning billions from it | Apr 15 03:36 |
schestowitz | like y2k | Apr 15 03:36 |
schestowitz | Sosumi: right, cause some of these viruses can be passed to other children | Apr 15 03:36 |
Sosumi | yes, and it was also one of the first times the WHO stepped out to set himself has a world authority | Apr 15 03:37 |
schestowitz | I'm all for forced vaccination for lesser controversial (in academic circles) vaccines | Apr 15 03:37 |
schestowitz | WHO has been corrupted by the rich people | Apr 15 03:37 |
schestowitz | But then again | Apr 15 03:38 |
schestowitz | most bodies with some influence get hijacked like that | Apr 15 03:38 |
Sosumi | I don't, it's to the individual to make the choice | Apr 15 03:38 |
schestowitz | they might even come into existence only owing to the backing of the world's superlords | Apr 15 03:38 |
Sosumi | *up | Apr 15 03:38 |
schestowitz | but the world might be better off with them than without them | Apr 15 03:38 |
schestowitz | would you rather shut down the FDA and rely just on some google searches before purchasing some pills or foods? | Apr 15 03:39 |
Sosumi | nop, | Apr 15 03:39 |
Sosumi | some evils are necessary | Apr 15 03:39 |
schestowitz | some argue for euthanasia | Apr 15 03:39 |
schestowitz | some put constraints, like time delays | Apr 15 03:39 |
Sosumi | the problem with euthanasia | Apr 15 03:39 |
schestowitz | people who want to kill themselves can do it anyway, even by fall | Apr 15 03:39 |
Sosumi | is that if you give the power to kill you to the state | Apr 15 03:39 |
schestowitz | GOvernment control can't police the dead | Apr 15 03:40 |
schestowitz | "Suicide watch" only works in prison | Apr 15 03:40 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Urgent: Minimum wage | Apr 15 03:40 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt280/@lnxwalt280] I missed this. #Jitsi 2.0 released. #XMPP and #SIP client now supports #Opus, #Speex, #VP8 codecs. | Apr 15 03:40 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2013: January - April Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 1194.31 KB | Apr 15 03:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: News | Jitsi .::. Size~: 114.04 KB | Apr 15 03:40 |
schestowitz | [03:39] <Sosumi> is that if you give the power to kill you to the state | Apr 15 03:40 |
schestowitz | Only with one's own consent | Apr 15 03:40 |
schestowitz | the state can already kill you | Apr 15 03:40 |
schestowitz | they just need to cover it up well enough | Apr 15 03:40 |
Sosumi | yes, well, I forgot, NDAA | Apr 15 03:41 |
schestowitz | yes | Apr 15 03:41 |
schestowitz | it's being hijacked by k00ky circles now | Apr 15 03:41 |
schestowitz | who say "coffins" and "FEMA" | Apr 15 03:41 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 15 03:42 | |
schestowitz | to dry and dilute discussion about the internment camps and NDAA of 2012 onwards | Apr 15 03:42 |
Sosumi | and hollow points being purchased by the DHS | Apr 15 03:42 |
schestowitz | or the hiring of wardens for those since 2010 | Apr 15 03:42 |
schestowitz | Plus the leaked manuals that explain how to operate those camps and 'recondition' inmates | Apr 15 03:42 |
Sosumi | yes, I heard about those | Apr 15 03:43 |
schestowitz | they're not death camps | Apr 15 03:43 |
schestowitz | it's not starting out like this | Apr 15 03:44 |
Sosumi | they're reconditioning camps | Apr 15 03:44 |
schestowitz | unless you start to lose a war and then ethics are not a priority | Apr 15 03:44 |
Sosumi | like those in china or in the URSS | Apr 15 03:44 |
schestowitz | starts with political prisoner, then can involve labour when you need helmets, weapons, etc. | Apr 15 03:44 |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Apr 15 03:44 | |
schestowitz | AT the end you're left with little food to provide and non-producing labour, so you treat it like a slaughterhouse and people are hen | Apr 15 03:45 |
Sosumi | they indoctrinate you with the use of drugs | Apr 15 03:45 |
Sosumi | etc | Apr 15 03:45 |
schestowitz | or NK | Apr 15 03:45 |
schestowitz | NK prisons are not as bad as Gitmo | Apr 15 03:45 |
Sosumi | but it can also be used for work brigades | Apr 15 03:45 |
schestowitz | they don't get those orange uniform and face masks | Apr 15 03:45 |
schestowitz | they get waterboarded (they don't call it that) only if you misbehave | Apr 15 03:45 |
schestowitz | and you can't be abducted into those camps based on racial profiling, I think | Apr 15 03:46 |
schestowitz | it's for political opposition | Apr 15 03:46 |
schestowitz | also, gittmo is no as cold as NK in winter, you're less likely to get limbs amputated for frost bites | Apr 15 03:46 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wayneborean/@wayneborean] Agreed. Capitalism is freedom. Lock in through patents isn't Capitalism. | Apr 15 03:47 | |
Sosumi | in other words, one is less bad than the other | Apr 15 03:48 |
schestowitz | NK is ahead of us | Apr 15 03:48 |
schestowitz | in the slippery slope | Apr 15 03:48 |
schestowitz | The UK, AFAIK, has no camps except for those designed to deport undocumented people | Apr 15 03:49 |
schestowitz | or people whose visas if non-existent, invalid, etc. ANd those camps are a temporary measure... | Apr 15 03:49 |
schestowitz | So there too the US is ahead of the UK | Apr 15 03:49 |
schestowitz | our assault on free speech if serious though | Apr 15 03:50 |
schestowitz | libel laws, police chasing down people for 'hate speech', satirical jokes, etc. | Apr 15 03:50 |
Sosumi | but in order for those camps to be activated | Apr 15 03:50 |
Sosumi | something bad has to happen | Apr 15 03:51 |
schestowitz | The US has a strong militia movement, so the govt. there moved on from spying to preparation for mental 'rehab' based on political views, where "dissenting"="ill" | Apr 15 03:51 |
schestowitz | Sosumi: be patient, it'll come | Apr 15 03:51 |
schestowitz | they need to train the staff, so to speak | Apr 15 03:51 |
schestowitz | they'll find some scapegoat soon | Apr 15 03:51 |
Sosumi | I know | Apr 15 03:51 |
schestowitz | mabe American-Iranians or something | Apr 15 03:52 |
schestowitz | not all of them | Apr 15 03:52 |
schestowitz | stating like the Nazis did | Apr 15 03:52 |
schestowitz | sending political prisoners to Auschwitz in Poland (outside Germany, like Gitmo, outsourcing human rights violation) | Apr 15 03:52 |
Sosumi | but in order for those camps to be activated something on the level of 9/11 needs happen | Apr 15 03:52 |
schestowitz | Gitmo is too small to contain US crowds, and expensive to deport to | Apr 15 03:53 |
schestowitz | Sosumi: that would be easy | Apr 15 03:53 |
Sosumi | yep, | Apr 15 03:53 |
schestowitz | in Sting Operations the FBI already offers bombs (fake ones) | Apr 15 03:53 |
schestowitz | maybe a real one will slip the net at some stage | Apr 15 03:53 |
schestowitz | then they'll fight some WACO to justify, with public consent, imprisonment based on affiliation | Apr 15 03:54 |
Sosumi | yes, but not to cause histeria in order to fill up the camps | Apr 15 03:54 |
schestowitz | they already do that | Apr 15 03:54 |
schestowitz | With AQ | Apr 15 03:54 |
schestowitz | they drone you, torture you, imprison you for being "suspected" aided of AQ | Apr 15 03:54 |
schestowitz | *aider | Apr 15 03:54 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[laurelrusswurm/@laurelrusswurm] "Somewhere, someone forgot that it’s this thinking that has lead to the demise of the #Liberals." #NDP !CDNpoli | Apr 15 03:55 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The NDP stumbles over the 'S' word: Strategy | .::. Size~: 35.51 KB | Apr 15 03:55 |
schestowitz | AQ is an easy scpegoat | Apr 15 03:55 |
schestowitz | because of 9/11 | Apr 15 03:55 |
schestowitz | Like Hamas to Israel | Apr 15 03:55 |
schestowitz | Say "Hamas" about someone, then you can do anything to that someone | Apr 15 03:56 |
schestowitz | IRA to the British | Apr 15 03:56 |
Sosumi | yes I know, but something "big" had to happen in order to fill up those camps | Apr 15 03:56 |
Sosumi | either with forced work brigades | Apr 15 03:56 |
schestowitz | how many camps are there? | Apr 15 03:57 |
Sosumi | or with militia man and dissidents | Apr 15 03:57 |
schestowitz | NSA DC in the mis-west can help classify, digitally, people belonging to X or prone t Y | Apr 15 03:57 |
schestowitz | For "natiobnal security" reasons you can do what the US did to Japanese-associated members of the nations | Apr 15 03:58 |
schestowitz | *nation | Apr 15 03:58 |
schestowitz | [03:56] <Sosumi> either with forced work brigades | Apr 15 03:58 |
schestowitz | That already happens | Apr 15 03:58 |
schestowitz | it's call US Ptrison | Apr 15 03:58 |
schestowitz | 3 million prisoners, I think, more than the whole world combined maybe (like arms spendings) | Apr 15 03:58 |
Sosumi | yes, I read about the US prisional industrial complex | Apr 15 03:58 |
schestowitz | !google forced labor us prison | Apr 15 03:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Penal labour - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | | Apr 15 03:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - The Pentagon and Slave Labor in U.S. Prisons | Global Research | | Apr 15 03:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - The Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business or a New ... | | Apr 15 03:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Penal Labor | Fight Slavery Now! | | Apr 15 03:59 |
schestowitz | they make stuff like helmets, I heard... shades of Nazi Germany | Apr 15 03:59 |
schestowitz | And they dare call NK camps "labour camps" | Apr 15 03:59 |
schestowitz | They don't tell you those are people who are political prisoners, and therein lies the real problem | Apr 15 03:59 |
Sosumi | well, it's called hipocrisy | Apr 15 04:00 |
schestowitz | !google leaked video jail white man tortured | Apr 15 04:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Torture, or Mental Health Treatment? Leaked Video Shows - unprison | | Apr 15 04:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - Disturbing Leaked Video Shows Alleged Mistreatment of Maine ... | | Apr 15 04:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Leaked Video: Torture in US Prisons | Moorbey'z Blog | | Apr 15 04:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Video Shows Maine Prisoner with Mental Illness Brutally Subdued ... | | Apr 15 04:00 |
schestowitz | see [2] | Apr 15 04:00 |
schestowitz | very disturbing | Apr 15 04:00 |
schestowitz | he's not even a risk to them | Apr 15 04:00 |
schestowitz | he spat at some officer, that's all | Apr 15 04:00 |
schestowitz | "with Mental Illness" < didn't know about that | Apr 15 04:01 |
schestowitz | they cuffed him and then pepper-sprayed him | Apr 15 04:01 |
schestowitz | I've heard of nobody being jailed, penalised, dismissed over it | Apr 15 04:01 |
schestowitz | maybe still under investigation | Apr 15 04:02 |
schestowitz | if he was black, it would either make a lot of news only in the black community or no news at all because, hey, "he's just another gangster" | Apr 15 04:02 |
Sosumi | yes, I see | Apr 15 04:04 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lxoliva/@lxoliva] !GNU !Linuxlibre 3.8.7-gnu, 3.4.40-gnu, 3.2.43-gnu, and 3.0.73-gnu mipsel .debs for !gnewsense !yeeloong are now available | Apr 15 04:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] FBI surveillance programs | Apr 15 04:15 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2013: January - April Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 1194.31 KB | Apr 15 04:15 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lnxwalt280/@lnxwalt280] Also, this weekend, I changed my standard password from 24 random characters to 36. That means I get to start #repasswording all my accounts | Apr 15 04:17 | |
schestowitz | that won't improve security | Apr 15 04:21 |
schestowitz | 8 hard to guess charts can be enough | Apr 15 04:21 |
schestowitz | social engineering or slopiness more likely to beat security when the password cannot be remembered mentally | Apr 15 04:21 |
schestowitz | *chars, not charts | Apr 15 04:22 |
Sosumi | well, when your passwords is too big that you can't memorize it | Apr 15 04:24 |
Sosumi | it's no loger safe | Apr 15 04:24 |
schestowitz | you can request it by email | Apr 15 04:24 |
schestowitz | so the NSA can save a copy :-) | Apr 15 04:24 |
Sosumi | yes, lol | Apr 15 04:24 |
schestowitz | or write it down so that the missus can enter it too | Apr 15 04:24 |
schestowitz | some of our customers use very sloppy passwords | Apr 15 04:25 |
schestowitz | even for root on hundreds of machines | Apr 15 04:25 |
schestowitz | they use firewalls for extra security though, very tight access rules | Apr 15 04:25 |
schestowitz | no lockouts because passwords short enough to remember or to copy without typos | Apr 15 04:26 |
Sosumi | where do you work at? | Apr 15 04:26 |
schestowitz | home | Apr 15 04:26 |
Sosumi | doing what? | Apr 15 04:27 |
schestowitz | work, FOSS stuff | Apr 15 04:28 |
schestowitz | support | Apr 15 04:28 |
schestowitz | sysadmin | Apr 15 04:28 |
Sosumi | I see... | Apr 15 04:28 |
Sosumi | well the good thing I see from working at home | Apr 15 04:30 |
Sosumi | is that you can be near the family all the time | Apr 15 04:31 |
Sosumi | look out for the children, instead of dropping them somewhere | Apr 15 04:31 |
Sosumi | that helps keep up the family united | Apr 15 04:31 |
Sosumi | duno if that's the case with you, but that's how I see it | Apr 15 04:32 |
schestowitz | | Apr 15 04:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @Wayne Borean (wayneborean)'s status on Monday, 15-Apr-13 02:46:00 UTC - Agreed. Capitalism is freedom. Lock in through patents isn't Capitalism. | Apr 15 04:47 |
schestowitz | Sosumi: it is | Apr 15 04:47 |
schestowitz | I speak to my wife all the time while working | Apr 15 04:47 |
Sosumi | :) | Apr 15 04:48 |
schestowitz | I can't imagine having just a rushed morning coffee chat, then speaking while doing the housework and before going to bed | Apr 15 04:48 |
schestowitz | I've not been forced to work at an office for a long time | Apr 15 04:48 |
schestowitz | which leaves time for intellectual pursuits, better diet, exercise, naps, etc. | Apr 15 04:49 |
schestowitz | school indoctrination, student debt, mortgage, 8-6 jobs are prisons | Apr 15 04:49 |
schestowitz | | Apr 15 04:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared:  #Gif [Fuente]( | Apr 15 04:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting application/xml type | Apr 15 04:50 |
schestowitz | "It's a crazy man and his gun" | Apr 15 04:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: V de Berenjena .::. Size~: 122.16 KB | Apr 15 04:50 |
schestowitz | | Apr 15 04:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Testing embedded pics..  | Apr 15 04:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Apr 15 04:50 |
schestowitz | " | Apr 15 04:51 |
schestowitz | Miguel, I preempted that article when I broke down that he did ban guns (I tailored my post to that exact article), and that most of the work was already done for him. | Apr 15 04:51 |
schestowitz | Hitler didn't ban guns (much), because he didn't have to. It was already done for him by the Treaty of Versailles and the 'Regulations on Weapons Ownership of 1919'. Did you read my explanation? You're literally claiming that Hitler wasn't for gun control. That's called mental gymnastics. He later 'relaxed' a couple regulations (the much touted lowering the age from 20 to 18), but only after society was completely totalitarian, and | Apr 15 04:51 |
schestowitz | even children spied on their parents for the State. You might as well use him using 13yo's in the streets of Berlin as the Allied forces invaded as an example of him being a civil rights advocate. And his quote about disarming and subjugating occupied lands couldn't make his thoughts on this particular point of Statecraft any clearer. | Apr 15 04:51 |
schestowitz | Also, yes, Dr. Roy. I completely agree. But the selective groups matter. Often there's a racial contingent, but it's always fundamentally a political thing, and it's always to benefit the Elite. Most historical events are carried out by an extremely small minority, whether they're on the side of liberty or tyranny. But registering weapons and licensing owners is always the first necessary step toward disarming 'select' groups. From | Apr 15 04:51 |
schestowitz | there, it rarely gets better for them. | Apr 15 04:51 |
schestowitz | show more | Apr 15 04:51 |
schestowitz | about 2 hours ago | Apr 15 04:51 |
schestowitz | " | Apr 15 04:51 |
Sosumi | yes, I see | Apr 15 04:59 |
schestowitz | "To put it more simple we in Europe and elswere do not get wet dreams from guns... Guns are not a right, not a natural not a human right..." | Apr 15 05:09 |
schestowitz | "Guns no matter in what hands never have brought anything good and they never will..." | Apr 15 05:09 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Mahdi al-Behadili | Apr 15 05:17 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2013: January - April Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 1194.31 KB | Apr 15 05:17 |
schestowitz | Microsoft tax: | Apr 15 05:34 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: InformationWeek – Open Source > BSE slashes operational costs by adopting Linux .::. Size~: 92 KB | Apr 15 05:34 |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 15 05:43 | |
schestowitz | | Apr 15 06:05 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared:  #Gif [Fuente]( | Apr 15 06:05 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting application/xml type | Apr 15 06:05 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: V de Berenjena .::. Size~: 121.7 KB | Apr 15 06:05 |
schestowitz | "Yep and only "sane" people like American presidents can threaten with war of course (and not only threaten)..." | Apr 15 06:05 |
*Diablo-D3 has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | Apr 15 06:05 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Urgent: Grand Swindle | Apr 15 06:17 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2013: January - April Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 1194.31 KB | Apr 15 06:17 |
DaemonFC | Just got back from a trip to Walmart. | Apr 15 06:18 |
DaemonFC | They have let that place go. The aisles are not stocked properly in some departments. Couldn't find two things I went there for. | Apr 15 06:18 |
DaemonFC | I managed to unload $21.68 in coupons though :) | Apr 15 06:18 |
DaemonFC | They try to discourage people from unloading dozens of coupons now. | Apr 15 06:21 |
DaemonFC | If you use more than 10 coupons at Walmart, it makes them flag down a supervisor. | Apr 15 06:21 |
DaemonFC | That's fine with me. It's their stupid policy. If they want to tie up a lane for several minutes where they could be scanning items, that's their fault. | Apr 15 06:22 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 15 06:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Melitta 46894 10-Cup Thermal Coffeemaker: Kitchen & Dining .::. Size~: 406.24 KB | Apr 15 06:31 |
DaemonFC | I bought one of these. | Apr 15 06:31 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Kernel prepatch 3.9-rc7 | Apr 15 06:32 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Kernel prepatch 3.9-rc7 [] .::. Size~: 6.28 KB | Apr 15 06:32 |
DaemonFC | Woke up yesterday and turned the coffee maker on. No coffee. The pump must have gone out. | Apr 15 06:32 |
DaemonFC | You save money in the long run with one that uses cone filters, because it brews the coffee better, so you can use less. | Apr 15 06:33 |
DaemonFC | They tend to be a little more expensive up front. | Apr 15 06:33 |
schestowitz | | Apr 15 06:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Testing embedded pics..  | Apr 15 06:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Apr 15 06:41 |
schestowitz | "Hitler encouraged people to have guns , except jews, gays and gypsies but they weren't allowed to do much else either..." | Apr 15 06:41 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 15 06:45 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Toyota tops purchase consideration with millennials .::. Size~: 34.51 KB | Apr 15 06:45 |
DaemonFC | According to the poorest generation of Americans in 100 years..... | Apr 15 06:45 |
DaemonFC | Toyota makes a very nice car that most of us can't afford. | Apr 15 06:46 |
MinceR | funny, they have lots of guns in Switzerland, and yet few gun-related deaths | Apr 15 06:49 |
DaemonFC | [01:41] <schestowitz> "Hitler encouraged people to have guns , except jews, gays and gypsies but they weren't allowed to do much else either..." | Apr 15 06:50 |
DaemonFC | We were allowed to be gassed or shot. | Apr 15 06:50 |
DaemonFC | Whatever mood the Germans were in that day, I guess. | Apr 15 06:51 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 15 06:51 |
MinceR | the non-gay germans, you mean | Apr 15 06:51 |
schestowitz | MinceR: says a lot about their culture | Apr 15 06:51 |
schestowitz | maybe US culture views guns differently and has more friction inside, it might be better off with fewer guns | Apr 15 06:52 |
DaemonFC | The culture of large US cities tends to be very violent and dehumanizing. | Apr 15 06:52 |
MinceR | or it might be better off with less friction | Apr 15 06:52 |
schestowitz | too late | Apr 15 06:52 |
DaemonFC | The more people in one, the higher the rate of every kind of violent crime. | Apr 15 06:52 |
MinceR | it's never too late | Apr 15 06:52 |
schestowitz | also too late to take away the guns | Apr 15 06:52 |
schestowitz | can render illegal many who don't register them | Apr 15 06:52 |
schestowitz | the War on Guns | Apr 15 06:53 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Debian Project Leader Election 2013 Results | Apr 15 06:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Debian Project Leader Election 2013 Results [] .::. Size~: 6.18 KB | Apr 15 06:53 |
DaemonFC | It also doesn't help that the Federal government dumps a bunch of diversity visa Muslims and other undesirables everywhere. | Apr 15 06:53 |
schestowitz | guns, like wine, age well ;-) | Apr 15 06:53 |
schestowitz | :"vintage" | Apr 15 06:53 |
DaemonFC | "Oh, let's import a bunch of poor people from Somalia who are having a civil war with each other!" | Apr 15 06:54 |
DaemonFC | "They can sell drugs and shoot at each other here instead." | Apr 15 06:54 |
DaemonFC | "It'll be wonderful!" | Apr 15 06:54 |
schestowitz | Muslims aren't behind gun crimes | Apr 15 06:55 |
schestowitz | nor ar Arabs | Apr 15 06:55 |
DaemonFC | If the federal government would quit importing criminals from other countries.... | Apr 15 06:55 |
schestowitz | ethinic groups with high gun crime rates are not Arab in the US | Apr 15 06:55 |
DaemonFC | The problem might settle down a little bit. | Apr 15 06:55 |
schestowitz | And gun crime kills many more than 9/11 victims | Apr 15 06:55 |
schestowitz | +USS Cole etc. | Apr 15 06:55 |
DaemonFC | On the evening news, almost every shooting in Fort Wayne involves some kind of person the federal government has unwisely imported. | Apr 15 06:56 |
schestowitz | "import"? | Apr 15 06:56 |
DaemonFC | And they get all the welfare and all the assistance from the religious charities. | Apr 15 06:56 |
schestowitz | People are objects with duty on them now? | Apr 15 06:56 |
schestowitz | bollox | Apr 15 06:56 |
schestowitz | welfare is not the issue | Apr 15 06:56 |
schestowitz | it's the solution | Apr 15 06:56 |
schestowitz | to many crime, too | Apr 15 06:56 |
DaemonFC | The Catholic church even sponsors a lot of them. | Apr 15 06:56 |
schestowitz | the issue is tax evasion and megacorporatism | Apr 15 06:57 |
DaemonFC | So they can perform menial minimum wage labor for the church. | Apr 15 06:57 |
schestowitz | that's where all US money is going | Apr 15 06:57 |
schestowitz | not welfare | Apr 15 06:57 |
schestowitz | war, executives, etc. | Apr 15 06:57 |
DaemonFC | No, they set up low income housing for these people. | Apr 15 06:57 |
DaemonFC | It's all paid for with tax money. | Apr 15 06:57 |
MinceR | why no mention of bullet crime? | Apr 15 06:57 |
schestowitz | he Church can help miserable people hopeful | Apr 15 06:57 |
DaemonFC | Then they give them food stamps too. | Apr 15 06:57 |
MinceR | cults can also send people at each others' throats | Apr 15 06:57 |
schestowitz | without it, many would possibly commit suicide, which is not necessarily worse, it's up for discussion | Apr 15 06:58 |
MinceR | "kill them, they're evil and they're going to hell" | Apr 15 06:58 |
DaemonFC | Leave them in their own country. Let them decide to maybe build something there. | Apr 15 06:58 |
DaemonFC | Quit letting them wreck ours. | Apr 15 06:58 |
DaemonFC | Haven't we done enough? | Apr 15 06:58 |
schestowitz | warlords of Indiana would rather be a war overseas | Apr 15 06:58 |
schestowitz | *at | Apr 15 06:58 |
DaemonFC | I'd rather not. | Apr 15 06:59 |
schestowitz | | Apr 15 06:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr |  #Obama #money #debts #finance #USA #kids #children #dollar #fail #system #capitalism #economy | Apr 15 06:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting text/plain type | Apr 15 06:59 |
schestowitz | "No they can't have it Theodotus. It's called "small social society raised in the cold"." | Apr 15 06:59 |
DaemonFC | Isolationism sounds pretty good at the moment. | Apr 15 06:59 |
DaemonFC | Whenever we have dealings with other countries, it is usually not beneficial for Americans. It usually either means that we just lost three million more jobs or that we're bombing brown people again. | Apr 15 07:00 |
MinceR | it doesn't sound so good if you consider your dependency on trade :> | Apr 15 07:00 |
DaemonFC | I didn't ask for that. | Apr 15 07:01 |
DaemonFC | It was decided by the white collar criminals that make the sourcing decisions for retail stores. | Apr 15 07:01 |
MinceR | they're also the ones to whom isolationism doesn't sound good :> | Apr 15 07:01 |
DaemonFC | Exactly. They outsourced to break US labor unions. | Apr 15 07:02 |
DaemonFC | Now some of the jobs return for half of what they paid before. | Apr 15 07:02 |
DaemonFC | Instead of assembling cars for $20, now it's $11-12 an hour for the same job. | Apr 15 07:03 |
DaemonFC | And they also move to states that are hostile as possible to labor and have minimal environmental regulations. | Apr 15 07:03 |
DaemonFC | Like Indiana. | Apr 15 07:03 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 15 07:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Gun Amnesty Day Next Saturday | Indiana's NewsCenter: News, Sports, Weather, Fort Wayne WPTA-TV, WISE-TV, and CW | Local .::. Size~: 81.37 KB | Apr 15 07:06 |
MinceR | i wonder why they need "amnesty" for something that isn't a crime | Apr 15 07:06 |
DaemonFC | You can voluntarily disarm yourself, and be a citizen informer against your neighbors. | Apr 15 07:06 |
DaemonFC | I wonder if there's free doughnuts and coffee. | Apr 15 07:06 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: It might be a crime. | Apr 15 07:07 |
MinceR | it's like christianity: you're born sinful but "God" forgives you | Apr 15 07:07 |
DaemonFC | They have people turn in grenades sometimes. | Apr 15 07:07 |
DaemonFC | Things like that. | Apr 15 07:07 |
DaemonFC | “These are the guns that you found at your house, may have taken away from your children, or nephews or whoever, and don't know what to do with it. Or you may be a widow and don't know what to do with it, and you say I have this gun laying around the house so instead of letting it lay around the house, bring it to us. We'll take it and dispose of it, and do the proper thing for you so you don't have to worry about it getting into the wrong | Apr 15 07:08 |
DaemonFC | hands,” said Detective Timothy Russell with FWPD. | Apr 15 07:08 |
DaemonFC | uhhhm | Apr 15 07:08 |
DaemonFC | Why the hell would anyone do that? | Apr 15 07:08 |
DaemonFC | It's got resale value of hundreds of dollars. | Apr 15 07:08 |
DaemonFC | If you don't want it, you sell it. Why would you give it to the police for free? | Apr 15 07:08 |
DaemonFC | "I just feel so safe and sound in a city where the police are doing such a fine job of watching all the gang shootings and never solving one. So, I don't need this gun anymore. I think the police will protect me. That's what the side of their car says. To serve and protect!" | Apr 15 07:11 |
DaemonFC | (To serve the state, and protect it from you.) | Apr 15 07:11 |
DaemonFC | Your money is never really yours, either. | Apr 15 07:13 |
DaemonFC | You can put it in a bank and maybe they will take it from you. | Apr 15 07:14 |
DaemonFC | Or you can carry large amounts of cash, and maybe armed thieves, such as the police, will take it. | Apr 15 07:14 |
DaemonFC | (civil asset forfeiture) | Apr 15 07:14 |
DaemonFC | "Oh, you have money on you. Must have been from selling all those drugs!" | Apr 15 07:14 |
DaemonFC | I never carry more cash on me than what I plan to spend that day. | Apr 15 07:15 |
DaemonFC | The only place that still pretty much demands cash are ALDI and a little diner that I like to go to once in a while down the street from me. | Apr 15 07:16 |
DaemonFC | That diner has been there since 1948. | Apr 15 07:17 |
DaemonFC | Obamacare might run them out of business, though. | Apr 15 07:17 |
MinceR | cash also helps protect your privacy | Apr 15 07:17 |
DaemonFC | The law says they have to post the calorie content of everything on their menu. | Apr 15 07:17 |
DaemonFC | and it has to be approved by the health department (the calorie listings). | Apr 15 07:18 |
DaemonFC | If you change a recipe, you have to get that re-approved. | Apr 15 07:18 |
DaemonFC | Yeah, another reason they want cash gone | Apr 15 07:18 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Promoting terrorism | Apr 15 07:18 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2013: January - April Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 1194.31 KB | Apr 15 07:18 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: I keep some purchases in cash. | Apr 15 07:22 |
DaemonFC | I put others on my rewards credit cards. | Apr 15 07:22 |
DaemonFC | Who cares if they know I buy shampoo or something? :P | Apr 15 07:22 |
DaemonFC | That's not particularly useful to them, I'd imagine. | Apr 15 07:22 |
MinceR | dunno | Apr 15 07:22 |
MinceR | they might get more info out of it than you can, via statistics :> | Apr 15 07:23 |
DaemonFC | hmmm | Apr 15 07:28 |
DaemonFC | The restaurant we're going to for my birthday sent me a coupon that wouldn't print out. | Apr 15 07:28 |
DaemonFC | So I just took a rectangular selection screenshot and printed that out. :) | Apr 15 07:29 |
*iophk (~Adium@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Apr 15 08:09 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Apr 15 08:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Alegeți ceva mai bun decât Windows 8! „Închideți Windows, deschideți porțile” #microsoft #windows #gnu #linux #software | Apr 15 08:12 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] RT @gijs Dutch government to use open source for its new e-ID card #joinup @BelgiumEID | Apr 15 08:12 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] RT @dns777 !GNU !LinuxLibre 3.8.7 packages now available for !u !trisquel → :-) | Apr 15 08:12 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Upgrade from Windows 8 — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software .::. Size~: 32 KB | Apr 15 08:12 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Dutch government to use open source for its new e-ID card | Joinup .::. Size~: 33.44 KB | Apr 15 08:12 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Linux-Libre Mainline : “Linux Libre Packages” team .::. Size~: 26.75 KB | Apr 15 08:12 |
*sebsebseb has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 15 08:18 | |
DaemonFC | ZOMG PINK PONIES says: | Apr 15 08:26 |
DaemonFC | I was using Vista 8 again today. | Apr 15 08:26 |
DaemonFC | It's very confusing. I keep pressing the menu button, and it takes you to that tiles screen. I press Control and Escape because that's what brings up the Task Manager on KDE, but it takes you to the tile screen on Vista 8. | Apr 15 08:26 |
DaemonFC | I was stuck using a guest account, and kept having something called McAfee Security Scan pop up. I was using an outdated version of Firefox because I didn't have "permission" to upgrade it *sigh*, and so I had to install a completely separate copy inside "guest's" home folder, or whatever you call that on Windows. | Apr 15 08:26 |
DaemonFC | It's a pretty jarring experience. | Apr 15 08:26 |
DaemonFC | Anyway, that's why I was away for today, I don't trust Windows to not be running some sort of malware in the background, so I don't log in to anything when I am browsing on such a system. | Apr 15 08:26 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Pressure from Cheney | Apr 15 08:32 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2013: January - April Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 1194.31 KB | Apr 15 08:32 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 15 08:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Customer Discussions: Who will Destroy America first? The Liberals, the Rich, the Moochers, the Communists, the Conservative Christians, or the Islamic Fanatics? .::. Size~: 243.56 KB | Apr 15 08:32 |
DaemonFC | ZOMG PINK PONIES says: | Apr 15 08:32 |
DaemonFC | The US branch of the Norsefire party, I mean the Tea Party. | Apr 15 08:32 |
DaemonFC | *grin* | Apr 15 08:32 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] thanks | Apr 15 08:37 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 130414 - yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD | Apr 15 08:37 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 130414 .::. Size~: 69.74 KB | Apr 15 08:37 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] [RT] Hacktivists as Gadflies - "legal reality not different from that faced by Socrates"; good analysis (v @timbray) | Apr 15 08:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] [RT] Malaysians must reject #TPP - "no public discussions on why participation useful to its interests" | Apr 15 08:38 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Hacktivists as Gadflies - .::. Size~: 75.97 KB | Apr 15 08:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: M’sians must reject the US trade deal | Free Malaysia Today .::. Size~: 86.03 KB | Apr 15 08:38 |
*patr|ck_ ( has joined #techrights | Apr 15 08:42 | |
*patr|ck has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | Apr 15 08:45 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] „Nu mai vrem 10 Mai / Fără Regele Mihai !” Alăturați-vă ANRM #romania #monarhie #rege | Apr 15 08:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Home .::. Size~: 37.97 KB | Apr 15 08:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Alianța Națională pentru Restaurarea Monarhiei- ANRM | Facebook .::. Size~: 282.21 KB | Apr 15 08:53 |
*iophk has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Apr 15 09:12 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 15 09:17 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nicole Janeway vs Kathryn Janeway 1/2 - YouTube .::. Size~: 195.54 KB | Apr 15 09:17 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Government librarians | Apr 15 09:20 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2013: January - April Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 1194.31 KB | Apr 15 09:20 |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 15 09:29 |
*iophk (~Adium@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Apr 15 09:38 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Apr 15 09:38 | |
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | Apr 15 09:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Schon auffällig. Während der Grossteil der Presse beschlossen hat die Piraten niederzuschreiben finden die angegratu... | Apr 15 10:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Schon auffällig. Während der Grossteil der Presse… .::. Size~: 174.68 KB | Apr 15 10:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eebrah/@eebrah] RT @mahmood Congratulations to Lucas Nussbaum , the next !Debian Project Leader :) @lnussbaum | Apr 15 10:15 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Croatian weapons | Apr 15 10:20 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2013: January - April Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 1200.37 KB | Apr 15 10:20 |
*warrens (~dadou@ has joined #techrights | Apr 15 10:42 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Euro Truck Simulator 2 Linux closed beta begins, my initial thoughts nice graphics. #linux #gnu | Apr 15 10:45 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "quite a bit of demand for #Linux system administrators and engineers, global recession and all notwithstanding." | Apr 15 10:45 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 5-millionth Linux-powered Roku player ships #linux | Apr 15 10:45 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Important Notice: The future of #Cinnarch "keeping the name Cinnarch could seem misleading." | Apr 15 10:45 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: GamingOnLinux - Euro Truck Simulator 2 Linux closed beta begins, my initial thoughts .::. Size~: 29.82 KB | Apr 15 10:45 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Dedoimedo with: A Beard and a Pipe ~ Linux Advocates .::. Size~: 232.91 KB | Apr 15 10:45 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 5-millionth Linux-powered Roku player ships « Embedded Linux News .::. Size~: 29.1 KB | Apr 15 10:45 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Important Notice: The future of Cinnarch | Cinnarch .::. Size~: 24.01 KB | Apr 15 10:45 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Rupert'w Fox 'news': #Surveillance state: Fox News watched by #NSA , questioned by #FBI | Apr 15 10:50 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: How will 'Big Data' impact your privacy? | Fox News Video .::. Size~: 28.83 KB | Apr 15 10:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Surveillance state: Fox News watched by NSA, questioned by FBI - BizPac Review .::. Size~: 80.96 KB | Apr 15 10:50 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Fox #hogwash this is a lie: "NSA'S NEW DATA CENTER UNDER FIRE" subhead also a lie | Apr 15 10:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: NSA data center front and center in debate over liberty, security and privacy | Fox News .::. Size~: 52.46 KB | Apr 15 10:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: NSA’s new data center under fire .::. Size~: 44.49 KB | Apr 15 10:53 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Negative to Positive: Interview with Mayan Developer Roberto Rosario "GPL violation against his most popular project" | Apr 15 10:55 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] VLC not allowed to support Blu-ray disc playback in France #drm #vlc #france | Apr 15 10:55 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Negative to Positive: Interview with Mayan Developer Roberto Rosario .::. Size~: 81.46 KB | Apr 15 10:55 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: VLC not allowed to support Blu-ray disc playback in France ~ Linux and Life .::. Size~: 48.58 KB | Apr 15 10:55 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 15 10:56 | |
*warrens has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 15 10:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 10 Things to Connect to Your #RaspberryPi Meet UDOO - the Super Pi #linux | Apr 15 10:57 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The Linux Setup - Meg Ford, GNOME Developer #gnome #gnu #linux | Apr 15 10:57 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: MAKE | 10 Things to Connect to your Raspberry Pi .::. Size~: 93.19 KB | Apr 15 10:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Meet UDOO - the Super Pi ~ Linux and Life .::. Size~: 50.26 KB | Apr 15 10:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The Linux Setup - Meg Ford, GNOME Developer - My Linux Rig .::. Size~: 58.33 KB | Apr 15 10:57 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Stasi was created for "national security"; internment camps set up for political prisoners before they turned to death camps. #ndaa #nsa | Apr 15 10:58 | |
*warrens (~dadou@ has joined #techrights | Apr 15 10:59 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Indefinite detention: Michigan House panel 'push back' against government #ndaa - the b0rg will assimilate #michigan | Apr 15 11:02 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Indefinite detention: Michigan House panel approves 'push back' against federal government | .::. Size~: 85.47 KB | Apr 15 11:02 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] US "began the forced evacuation and “internment” of people of Japanese descent." #ndaa | Apr 15 11:05 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Liberty Preservation: The states say ‘NO’ to NDAA – Tenth Amendment Center .::. Size~: 50.07 KB | Apr 15 11:05 |
*warrens has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Apr 15 11:06 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Development begins on a lightweight KDE version #kde #gnu #linux | Apr 15 11:07 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] KWin dev: What makes a “lightweight” desktop environment lightweight? "couldn’t come up with | Apr 15 11:07 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #ubutnu riding Google's coattails | Apr 15 11:07 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Dutch government to use open source for its new e-ID card | Apr 15 11:07 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Development begins on a lightweight KDE version - The H Open: News and Features .::. Size~: 52.6 KB | Apr 15 11:07 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: What makes a “lightweight” desktop environment lightweight? | Martin's Blog .::. Size~: 219.19 KB | Apr 15 11:07 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: KWin dev: What ma... .::. Size~: 11.42 KB | Apr 15 11:07 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: [Phoronix] Why Canonical Is Using Android Drivers For Ubuntu Mir .::. Size~: 20.5 KB | Apr 15 11:07 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Dutch government to use open source for its new e-ID card | Joinup .::. Size~: 33.46 KB | Apr 15 11:07 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] War on cancer? No, war with cancer #disturbing footage. So who's got WoMD? | Apr 15 11:12 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Invisible War - Depleted Uranium and the politics of radiation - YouTube .::. Size~: 118.59 KB | Apr 15 11:12 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Bill Huston's Blog (Binghamton NY): Finally! Proof of the use Depleted Uranium in fracking perf-guns .::. Size~: 85.7 KB | Apr 15 11:12 |
schestowitz | | Apr 15 11:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr |  #Image #Picture #Funny #Cartoon #Korea | Apr 15 11:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Apr 15 11:13 |
schestowitz | a bit opposite; the US keeps teasing NK with sanctions and threats. | Apr 15 11:13 |
*warrens (~dadou@ has joined #techrights | Apr 15 11:15 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Photography ~50 years later | Apr 15 11:17 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Apr 15 11:17 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Protesters celebrate Thatcher's death in London's #Trafalgar Square (VIDEO, PHOTOS) #thatcher | Apr 15 11:20 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Protesters celebrate Thatcher's death in London's Trafalgar Square (VIDEO, PHOTOS) — RT News .::. Size~: 61.58 KB | Apr 15 11:20 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] People protest US assassinations drones in #Washington channel censored in the West, NK-style | Apr 15 11:23 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: PressTV - People protest US assassinations drones in Washington .::. Size~: 16.28 KB | Apr 15 11:23 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Pentagon generals once approved plans to foment terrorism in major U.S. cities. | Apr 15 11:25 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Operation Northwoods .::. Size~: 71.7 KB | Apr 15 11:25 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Venezuela : #WikiLeaks .. 'NGOs' to cover intervention "overthrow government and defend US corporate interests" | Apr 15 11:28 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Venezuela: WikiLeaks shows US use 'NGOs' to cover intervention | Green Left Weekly .::. Size~: 24.68 KB | Apr 15 11:28 |
*warrens has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Apr 15 11:29 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] India: #Australia closely monitoring Bradley Manning's prosecution in WikiLeaks case | Apr 15 11:30 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Australia closely monitoring Bradley Manning's prosecution in WikiLeaks case - World - DNA .::. Size~: 31.28 KB | Apr 15 11:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Maulana Azad Medical College finds mention in WikiLeaks cable - India - DNA .::. Size~: 30.7 KB | Apr 15 11:30 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #WikiLeaks cables confirm collusion between #Vatican & dictators "Augusto Pinochet to Argentina’s Jorge Rafael Videla" | Apr 15 11:32 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: WikiLeaks cables confirm collusion between Vatican and dictators - World Socialist Web Site .::. Size~: 48.94 KB | Apr 15 11:32 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Gov. press #bcc says Proect K "full of swagger and bombast, replete with the rhetoric of public service." | Apr 15 11:35 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: BBC News - Why Julian Assange would target Henry Kissinger .::. Size~: 90.73 KB | Apr 15 11:35 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Labour | Apr 15 11:38 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Apr 15 11:38 |
*warrens (~dadou@ has joined #techrights | Apr 15 11:40 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "recruited CIA officers for a "project to insert small teams of assassins into other countries"" | Apr 15 11:45 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Nicolás Maduro declared Venezuela election winner by thin margin - | Apr 15 11:45 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Top revelations from The Way of the Knife - The Week .::. Size~: 92.86 KB | Apr 15 11:45 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nicolás Maduro declared Venezuela election winner by thin margin | World news | .::. Size~: 126.62 KB | Apr 15 11:45 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Australia: Spies 'back in killing business' under Barack Obama | Apr 15 11:47 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian .::. Size~: 31.42 KB | Apr 15 11:47 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #obama has just assassinated 5+ more people "militants"=adult males | Apr 15 11:48 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Drones strike kills four in North Waziristan – The Express Tribune .::. Size~: 52.5 KB | Apr 15 11:48 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: US drones kill five in North Waziristan .::. Size~: 113.87 KB | Apr 15 11:48 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] “The bodies of the militants were severely burnt and it was hard to identify them,” Haji Gul Badin, a local shopkeeper, told AFP. | Apr 15 11:50 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] A recent leak (someone from inside, obviously) showed AQ leaders rarely killed in strikes. More about terrorising the people.Shock and awe. | Apr 15 11:50 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "no way to ascertain the identity of the slain men as their bodies were mutilated." no ID, no accountability? | Apr 15 11:52 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Recently, #cia got caught lying about killing AQ leaders. People whom they say they killed (along with random civilians) speak publicly. | Apr 15 11:52 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Four killed in NWA drone attack - .::. Size~: 43.49 KB | Apr 15 11:52 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The latest strike seems to be the first in 3 weeks public backlash helped slow this threat/hate factory down | Apr 15 11:57 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] How #proapganda works: show US flag burning, not bodies burning. "aged 8 to 18, were all militants at some point." | Apr 15 11:57 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: US drone kills four militants in Pakistan .::. Size~: 75.91 KB | Apr 15 11:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: In Swat Valley, U.S. drone strikes radicalizing a new generation - .::. Size~: 56.74 KB | Apr 15 11:57 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] CNN (fake left) helps characterise kids as young as 8 as legitimate assassination targets. Great. And you thought NK propaganda was cruel... | Apr 15 11:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Dear #cnn - what's "radicalizing a new generation" are #cia #drone strikes. It's not hard to learn this. Ask them! Do research. Journalism. | Apr 15 12:00 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Obama Is Flying Blind on #Drones “misleading the public about the scope of who can legitimately be targeted” | Apr 15 12:00 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Obama Is Flying Blind on Drones - Bloomberg .::. Size~: 127.29 KB | Apr 15 12:00 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #US #drone strikes radicalizing new generation and it's so obvious. Just speak to them. Even US officials say so. | Apr 15 12:03 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: US drone strikes radicalizing Pakistan’s new generation .::. Size~: 251.34 KB | Apr 15 12:03 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] People #Protest #Drones in #Washington two Iranian sites covered it, 0 coverage I can find (now) in Western press | Apr 15 12:05 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Fars News Agency :: People Protest US Assassination Drones in Washington .::. Size~: 12.67 KB | Apr 15 12:05 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #Italy's Great Leap Forward for Openness? - let's hope so: looking good... #opensource #opendata | Apr 15 12:07 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Italy's Great Leap Forward for Openness? - Open Enterprise .::. Size~: 86.94 KB | Apr 15 12:07 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Do they "hate us" because we kill them or do we kill them because they "hate us" Start here: #bp #aioc #oil #coup | Apr 15 12:08 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 1953 Iranian coup d'état - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 281.98 KB | Apr 15 12:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Iran's oil industry was nationalized with near-unanimous support of Iran's parliament" similar to #chile w/ #chavez | Apr 15 12:10 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 1953 Iranian coup d'état - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 281.98 KB | Apr 15 12:10 |
*iophk (~Adium@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Apr 15 12:10 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Apr 15 12:10 | |
schestowitz | | Apr 15 12:12 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @Perry Garner (perrygarner331)'s status on Monday, 15-Apr-13 10:54:32 UTC - Sad but true. | Apr 15 12:12 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Conversation - .::. Size~: 12.67 KB | Apr 15 12:12 |
schestowitz | | Apr 15 12:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @Sander (sandersch)'s status on Monday, 15-Apr-13 10:13:39 UTC - @schestowitz interesting | Apr 15 12:13 |
schestowitz | | Apr 15 12:16 |
TechrightsBot-tr |  #Image #Picture #Funny #Cartoon #Korea | Apr 15 12:16 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Apr 15 12:16 |
schestowitz | "but he has chosen the wrong way to draw attention to the NK situation (imho)" | Apr 15 12:16 |
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Apr 15 12:17 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] What is the government going to do? Make the 2.5 million unemployed people share 450,000 "jobs" | Apr 15 12:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Qt 5.0.2 Brings 600+ Improvements #qt #kde #gnu #linux | Apr 15 12:22 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: [Phoronix] Qt 5.0.2 Brings 600+ Improvements .::. Size~: 19.62 KB | Apr 15 12:22 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Nouveau Improves Some Games With #Linux 3.9 #Kernel | Apr 15 12:23 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: [Phoronix] Nouveau Improves Some Games With Linux 3.9 Kernel .::. Size~: 22.87 KB | Apr 15 12:23 |
*gde33 has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | Apr 15 12:26 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) 13.05 announced #gnu #linux | Apr 15 12:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Linux #Kernel Power Management Targeting Memory | Apr 15 12:33 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) 13.05 announced | Muktware .::. Size~: 64.58 KB | Apr 15 12:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: [Phoronix] Linux Kernel Power Management Targeting Memory .::. Size~: 19.56 KB | Apr 15 12:33 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Some nice German hackers have supplied English language files for the Duokan kindle touch epub hack cc @Dvdmrsdn | Apr 15 12:35 | |
*XFaCE has quit (Quit: Retiring completely) | Apr 15 12:43 | |
*prurigro has quit (Quit: Quitting) | Apr 15 12:43 | |
*warrens has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | Apr 15 12:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] "We are not planning to sell ebooks and we do not think we will get left behind" Small bookshop owner on radio. | Apr 15 12:47 | |
*warrens (~dadou@ has joined #techrights | Apr 15 12:47 | |
*warrens has quit (Read error: No route to host) | Apr 15 12:51 | |
*warrens (~dadou@ has joined #techrights | Apr 15 12:51 | |
*warrens has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Apr 15 12:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 6 (More) Signs the Open Source Cloud Is Gaining Ground #saas #opensource | Apr 15 12:57 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] | Apr 15 12:57 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 6 (More) Signs the Open Source Cloud Is Gaining Ground | .::. Size~: 47.17 KB | Apr 15 12:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Duokan: Kindle Közösségi Oldal: Duokan angol nyelvi fájl "gatyába rázva"! .::. Size~: 141.59 KB | Apr 15 12:57 |
*prurigro (prurigro@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:bb8a) has joined #techrights | Apr 15 12:58 | |
*XFaCE (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techrights | Apr 15 12:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] James Gosling Smartens up Floating Robot with Linux/Java "Regulus" OS #gnu #linux #java | Apr 15 12:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Took my Gazelle to the office today. The leather bag is from my grandfather. It's hand made and 70 years old. Proud to... | Apr 15 12:58 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: James Gosling Smartens up Floating Robot with Linux/Java "Regulus" OS | .::. Size~: 47.3 KB | Apr 15 12:58 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Took my Gazelle to the office today. The leather bag is… .::. Size~: 194.22 KB | Apr 15 12:58 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Counter-Strike: GO Might Soon Be Out On Linux #gnu #linux #games | Apr 15 13:00 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: [Phoronix] Counter-Strike: GO Might Soon Be Out On Linux .::. Size~: 20.06 KB | Apr 15 13:00 |
schestowitz | | Apr 15 13:07 |
TechrightsBot-tr | People #Protest #Drones in #Washington two Iranian sites covered it, 0 coverage I can find (now) in Western press | Apr 15 13:07 |
schestowitz | "I cant find anything on the protests in Washington total media black out i" | Apr 15 13:07 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: Fars News Agency :: People Protest US Assassination Drones in Washington .::. Size~: 12.67 KB | Apr 15 13:07 |
schestowitz | Maybe they'll pay attention when the protesters start burning the US flag; not the coverage they would want, though... | Apr 15 13:07 |
schestowitz | | Apr 15 13:07 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: PressTV - People protest US assassinations drones in Washington .::. Size~: 16.28 KB | Apr 15 13:08 |
schestowitz | That's the only other article I found. Iranian also. | Apr 15 13:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #OilRush on #Steam for #Linux | Apr 15 13:12 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Oil Rush on Steam for Linux | Muktware .::. Size~: 65.22 KB | Apr 15 13:12 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Microsoft | Apr 15 13:22 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2013: January - April Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 1200.37 KB | Apr 15 13:22 |
schestowitz | | Apr 15 13:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | People #Protest #Drones in #Washington two Iranian sites covered it, 0 coverage I can find (now) in Western press | Apr 15 13:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> Title: Fars News Agency :: People Protest US Assassination Drones in Washington .::. Size~: 12.67 KB | Apr 15 13:26 |
schestowitz | " | Apr 15 13:26 |
schestowitz | Yep that's the sad part .... they are only pulling into the media things that upset people at the moment ...... | Apr 15 13:26 |
schestowitz | Noticed everyday they manage to get a dig in at both North Korea and Iran ........ even though nothing of real interest seems to be taking place now. | Apr 15 13:26 |
schestowitz | But they are drawing China in as if its their problem. ( USA plays War games to wind the Koreans up - then goes and tells someone else to sort it out ) my worry is they never seem to think any of their own actions actually upset anyone. | Apr 15 13:26 |
schestowitz | But that's life I guess ..... poke next door neighbours dog with a stick ........ then blame its master because the dog is now barking at him. | Apr 15 13:26 |
schestowitz | " | Apr 15 13:26 |
*gde33 ( has joined #techrights | Apr 15 13:38 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] How Big Agribusiness Is Heading Off The Threat From Seed Generics -- & Failing To Keep The Patent Bargain - worrying | Apr 15 13:43 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: How Big Agribusiness Is Heading Off The Threat From Seed Generics -- And Failing To Keep The Patent Bargain | Techdirt .::. Size~: 66.87 KB | Apr 15 13:43 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Turkish pianist Fazil Say convicted of insulting Islam - terrible news 4 him, #turkey & free speech (v @MarietjeD66) | Apr 15 13:45 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: BBC News - Turkish pianist Fazil Say convicted of insulting Islam .::. Size~: 75.77 KB | Apr 15 13:45 |
*Diablo-D3 (~diablo@ has joined #techrights | Apr 15 13:46 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Links 15/4/2013: Underwater Linux, More Android Phones #techrights | Apr 15 13:47 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Links 15/4/2013: Underwater Linux, More Android Phones | Techrights .::. Size~: 196.94 KB | Apr 15 13:47 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] RT @NeelieKroesEU: #drumroll Who's the best entrepreneur in Europe? Here are @Europioneers finalists: Well done! | Apr 15 13:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] RT @NeelieKroesEU: Looking forward to finding out the best entrepreneur in Europe on 24 April: @Europioneers | Apr 15 13:58 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Twitter / ? .::. Size~: 22.84 KB | Apr 15 13:58 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Europioneers 2012 - European Entrepreneur of the year Awards .::. Size~: 6.13 KB | Apr 15 13:58 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Funf 0.4 brings under the hood changes to sensor framework | Apr 15 14:08 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Funf 0.4 brings under the hood changes to sensor framework - The H Open: News and Features .::. Size~: 52.26 KB | Apr 15 14:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Android 4.1 launches for #Samsung #Galaxy S2 Skyrocket | Apr 15 14:10 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Android 4.1 launches for Samsung Galaxy S2 Skyrocket | Mobile - CNET News .::. Size~: 74.45 KB | Apr 15 14:10 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Chromebook Pixel LTE arriving today #linux | Apr 15 14:12 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Chromebook Pixel LTE arriving today | Internet & Media - CNET News .::. Size~: 72.74 KB | Apr 15 14:12 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Prominent Cuban dissidents | Apr 15 14:23 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2013: January - April Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 1200.37 KB | Apr 15 14:23 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Still no OUYA. Still no LEAP Motion. Still no Eliooo book. Crowdfunding requires a lot of patience. #justsayin | Apr 15 14:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] This has got to hurt | Apr 15 14:30 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/gif type | Apr 15 14:30 |
fewt | Fuduntu Team meeting output, big changes looming - | Apr 15 14:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: » Fuduntu Team meeting held on April 14, 2013 Fuduntu .::. Size~: 24.38 KB | Apr 15 14:31 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[evan/@evan] Glad it worked out! | Apr 15 14:32 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS vs. Ubuntu 13.04 Benchmarks #gnu #linux #ubuntu | Apr 15 14:33 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: [Phoronix] Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS vs. Ubuntu 13.04 Benchmarks .::. Size~: 20.17 KB | Apr 15 14:33 |
*iophk (~Adium@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Apr 15 14:35 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Apr 15 14:35 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Bitcoin Mining Comes To Radeon Open-Source OpenCL #amd #linux | Apr 15 14:42 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: [Phoronix] Bitcoin Mining Comes To Radeon Open-Source OpenCL .::. Size~: 19.14 KB | Apr 15 14:42 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Lucas Nussbaum is new Debian leader #debian #gnu #linux #bsd | Apr 15 14:43 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Lucas Nussbaum is new Debian leader .::. Size~: 136.21 KB | Apr 15 14:43 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] EOMA-68 cards could lead to upgradeable tablets (and other computers) #linux #android #tablet | Apr 15 14:45 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: EOMA-68 cards could lead to upgradeable tablets (and other computers) - Liliputing .::. Size~: 47.48 KB | Apr 15 14:45 |
iophk | | Apr 15 14:49 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The Copyright Monopoly Was Always Intended To Prevent Freedom Of Expression | TorrentFreak .::. Size~: 205.28 KB | Apr 15 14:49 |
iophk | | Apr 15 14:55 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Massive BitTorrent and Cyberlocker Domain Crackdown Underway | TorrentFreak .::. Size~: 43.23 KB | Apr 15 14:55 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Dedoimedo reviews #OpenPandora - Chapter one! #linux | Apr 15 14:57 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Best Download Managers For Linux #gnu #linux | Apr 15 14:57 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Dedoimedo reviews OpenPandora - Chapter one! .::. Size~: 24.74 KB | Apr 15 14:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Best Download Managers For Linux | TechSource .::. Size~: 98.73 KB | Apr 15 14:57 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] RT @NeelieKroesEU: @begemann You're on shortlist for Eurn Tech Entrepreneur of the Year - congrats! Winners 24 April | Apr 15 14:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] RT @NeelieKroesEU: Congrats @eldsjal @SwiftKey @christianreber - who will be Eurn Young Tech Entrepreneur of the Year?... | Apr 15 14:58 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] RT @NeelieKroesEU: @hirokitakeuchi @t_blom @mattjackrob You're on shortlist to be Eurn Young Tech Entrepreneur of the Year... | Apr 15 14:58 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Europioneers 2012 - European Entrepreneur of the year Awards .::. Size~: 6.13 KB | Apr 15 14:58 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #copyright #monopoly a matter of "national security" Massive BitTorrent and Cyberlocker Domain Crackdown Underway | Apr 15 15:07 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Massive BitTorrent and Cyberlocker Domain Crackdown Underway | TorrentFreak .::. Size~: 44.85 KB | Apr 15 15:07 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The Copyright Monopoly Was Always Intended To Prevent Freedom Of Expression corporate profit convenient for #censorship | Apr 15 15:08 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The Copyright Monopoly Was Always Intended To Prevent Freedom Of Expression | TorrentFreak .::. Size~: 207.33 KB | Apr 15 15:08 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Spreading Democracy® less to do with spreading more to do with extracting (resources). NatSec more to do with personal insecurity. | Apr 15 15:10 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Tuning Btrfs vs. F2FS, EXT4, XFS File-Systems #linux #kernel #benchmark | Apr 15 15:12 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: [Phoronix] Tuning Btrfs vs. F2FS, EXT4, XFS File-Systems .::. Size~: 21.93 KB | Apr 15 15:12 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Enable Different Wallpapers for Each Workspace in Ubuntu 13.04 #kde made that possible a decade ago | Apr 15 15:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Enable Different Wallpapers for Each Workspace in Ubuntu 13.04 .::. Size~: 27.2 KB | Apr 15 15:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 7 Subtle #Unity Changes You Might Not Notice in 13.04… keeping up with #ubuntu #gnu #linux | Apr 15 15:15 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] A Dual Model of #OpenSource License Growth New research from Prof. #dirkriehle | Apr 15 15:15 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Washington State hardly taxes Microsoft and makes up for it by taxing dancing. - #corporatewelfare | Apr 15 15:15 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 7 Subtle Unity Changes You Might Not Notice in 13.04... | OMG! Ubuntu! .::. Size~: 43.06 KB | Apr 15 15:15 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: A Dual Model of Open Source License Growth | Software Research and the Industry .::. Size~: 30.12 KB | Apr 15 15:15 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Washington State Apparently Taxes Clubs For People Saying On Yelp That They Danced | Techdirt .::. Size~: 87 KB | Apr 15 15:15 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 10 Reasons to Love Lubuntu 12.10 #lxde #gnu #linux | Apr 15 15:17 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Unsolicited but Offered: 10 Reasons to Love Lubuntu 12.10 Part 1 .::. Size~: 21.28 KB | Apr 15 15:17 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] New Gnome 3.8 Review... | Apr 15 15:20 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] How Big Agribusiness Is Heading Off The Threat From Seed Generics -- And Failing To Keep The Patent Bargain - | Apr 15 15:20 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Gnome 3.8 Review... Still Shit! - YouTube .::. Size~: 225.85 KB | Apr 15 15:20 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: How Big Agribusiness Is Heading Off The Threat From Seed Generics -- And Failing To Keep The Patent Bargain | Techdirt .::. Size~: 92.75 KB | Apr 15 15:20 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] "Real news" (it says so) #cher #mirror #uk #tabloid #thatcher | Apr 15 15:23 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/png type | Apr 15 15:23 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Demonstrating in Britain? Apply to the police who will decide if you can. They may let you as long as you carefully follow there insructions | Apr 15 15:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] RT @NeelieKroesEU: @victorjacobsson @NiklasAdalberth You're on shortlist for Eurn Tech Entrepreneur of the Year - congrats!... | Apr 15 15:30 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] RT @NeelieKroesEU: @acton You're on shortlist for Eurn Tech Entrepreneur of the Year - congrats! Winners 24 April | Apr 15 15:30 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] RT @NeelieKroesEU: @alexanderljung You're on shortlist for Eurn Tech Entrepreneur of the Year - congrats! Winners... | Apr 15 15:30 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] RT @NeelieKroesEU: @klarnasebastian You're on shortlist for Eurn Tech Entrepreneur of the Year - congrats! | Apr 15 15:30 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Europioneers 2012 - European Entrepreneur of the year Awards .::. Size~: 6.14 KB | Apr 15 15:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Europioneers 2012 - European Entrepreneur of the year Awards .::. Size~: 6.14 KB | Apr 15 15:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Europioneers 2012 - European Entrepreneur of the year Awards .::. Size~: 6.14 KB | Apr 15 15:30 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] A new life for Fuduntu | Apr 15 15:38 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: A new life for Fuduntu [] .::. Size~: 6.81 KB | Apr 15 15:38 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[evan/@evan] RT @evan "Urbsly" #agriculture #opendata #seeds | Apr 15 15:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Joining the Munich library today. You should also join your local library. Save our culture of sharing. Libraries are ... | Apr 15 15:43 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Openfire | Urbsly .::. Size~: 25.71 KB | Apr 15 15:44 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Joining the Munich library today. You should also join your… .::. Size~: 178.58 KB | Apr 15 15:44 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Ernst and Young put in charge of Mid Staffs NHS foundation trust. | Apr 15 15:45 | |
*jono_ ( has joined #techrights | Apr 15 15:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] FOTOGRAFII: Dezbatere despre Monarhie în România, la Jockey Club #romania #monarhie #foto | Apr 15 16:05 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: DEZBATERE JOCKEY CLUB | Facebook .::. Size~: 83.65 KB | Apr 15 16:05 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] FIFA’s Anti-racism Is a Greater Threat to Football than “Racism” - | Apr 15 16:07 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: FIFA’s Anti-racism Is a Greater Threat to Football than “Racism” | Dissident Voice .::. Size~: 50.1 KB | Apr 15 16:07 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[joabj/@joabj] Rackspace to offer OpenStack deployments for service providers (Network World): | Apr 15 16:12 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Rackspace to offer OpenStack deployments for service providers - Network World .::. Size~: 125.31 KB | Apr 15 16:12 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wayneborean/@wayneborean] Popehat - In Which A London Solicitor Threatens Me #law #lawyers #libel #fools #humor | Apr 15 16:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Chris Grayling Minister of Justice. Plain Nasty. | Apr 15 16:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: In Which A London Solicitor Threatens Me | Popehat .::. Size~: 61.79 KB | Apr 15 16:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: BEN'S PRISON BLOG - Lifer On The Loose: Plain Nasty .::. Size~: 97.4 KB | Apr 15 16:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] FOTOGRAFII de la întâlnirea „Monarhia constituțională, un proiect legitim pentru #România!” (Biblioteca Națională) | Apr 15 16:15 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: MONARHIA CONSTITUTIONALA, UN PROIECT LEGITIM PENTRU ROMANIA! | Facebook .::. Size~: 111.99 KB | Apr 15 16:15 |
iophk | | Apr 15 16:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Hisense Mobile, Solarflare and Thomas-Krenn Join Linux Foundation | The Linux Foundation .::. Size~: 43.8 KB | Apr 15 16:23 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Guest Post: The Great Postal Fraud | Zero Hedge #ussa #socialism | Apr 15 16:23 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Guest Post: The Great Postal Fraud | Zero Hedge .::. Size~: 137.86 KB | Apr 15 16:23 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] The #IRS May Be Reading Your Emails Right Now | Zero Hedge #ussa #socialism #fascism #surveillance #policestate | Apr 15 16:25 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The IRS May Be Reading Your Emails Right Now | Zero Hedge .::. Size~: 118.47 KB | Apr 15 16:25 |
iophk | | Apr 15 16:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: As PC sales tank, what's Microsoft's Plan B? | Microsoft - CNET News .::. Size~: 75.98 KB | Apr 15 16:30 |
iophk | Which real reviewer actually praised M$ Surface? | Apr 15 16:31 |
iophk | It's DOA like Vista 8 is. | Apr 15 16:31 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rsandu/@rsandu] Casa Regală și educația #romania #monarhie #scoala | Apr 15 16:32 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Casa Regală și educația | Romania. Altfel .::. Size~: 32.1 KB | Apr 15 16:32 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] ♺ @wayneborean: Popehat - In Which A London Solicitor Threatens Me #law #lawyers #libel #fools #humor | Apr 15 16:33 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: In Which A London Solicitor Threatens Me | Popehat .::. Size~: 70.02 KB | Apr 15 16:33 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] #Windows: It's over | Apr 15 16:42 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Windows: It's over | ZDNet .::. Size~: 83.32 KB | Apr 15 16:42 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] This is Why an Always-on Xbox Would Be a Bad Idea | Apr 15 16:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Time for a beer! If you are close, come on over. Lindengarten, at Friedenspromenade in Waldtrudering. https://plus.go... | Apr 15 16:43 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: This is Why an Always-on Xbox Would Be a Bad Idea | Gizmodo UK .::. Size~: 84.94 KB | Apr 15 16:43 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Couldn't resolve host 'plus.go...' ( https://plus.go... ) | Apr 15 16:43 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Time for a beer! If you are close, come on over.… .::. Size~: 193.42 KB | Apr 15 16:43 |
iophk | | Apr 15 16:46 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Windows tablets don't even rate a blip in the $64 billion tablet market, say report | Computerworld Blogs .::. Size~: 85.9 KB | Apr 15 16:46 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] despotify: Again, no guidance for you | Inconsolation #gnulinux #cli | Apr 15 16:48 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Why The Traditional Sales Model Can't Sell Enterprise Software | Apr 15 16:48 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: despotify: Again, no guidance for you | Inconsolation .::. Size~: 52.81 KB | Apr 15 16:48 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Why The Traditional Sales Model Can't Sell Enterprise Software – ReadWrite .::. Size~: 42.4 KB | Apr 15 16:48 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ovigia/@ovigia] Best Command Line Apps [GNU/Linux]? : commandline #cli | Apr 15 16:52 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] RT @wayneborean Popehat - In Which A London Solicitor Threatens Me #law #lawyers #libel #fools #humor | Apr 15 16:52 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Best Command Line Apps [GNU/Linux]? : commandline .::. Size~: 112.91 KB | Apr 15 16:52 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: In Which A London Solicitor Threatens Me | Popehat .::. Size~: 76.13 KB | Apr 15 16:52 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Sun, beer, Bruce Schneier. Feels good to live in Bavaria :-) | Apr 15 16:53 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KB | Apr 15 16:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Sun, beer, Bruce Schneier. Feels good to live in Bavaria :-) .::. Size~: 196.35 KB | Apr 15 16:53 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Margaret Thatcher funeral: Big Ben to be silenced as mark of respect - we can guess what people will sing then... | Apr 15 17:00 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Margaret Thatcher funeral: Big Ben to be silenced as mark of respect | Politics | .::. Size~: 188.11 KB | Apr 15 17:00 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[richardsmedley/@richardsmedley] 12 minutes of being told "Your call is important to us" is not convincing me that it is, Motorway Direct plc. | Apr 15 17:05 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] Gitmo Is Killing Me - no comment necessary #guantanamo #torture | Apr 15 17:05 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Security updates for Monday | Apr 15 17:05 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Log In - The New York Times .::. Size~: 10.47 KB | Apr 15 17:05 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Security updates for Monday [] .::. Size~: 7.13 KB | Apr 15 17:05 |
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Apr 15 17:08 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[linuxfoundation/@linuxfoundation] Breaking News: Xen Becomes Linux Foundation Collaboration Project: #lfcollab #virtualization #cloud | Apr 15 17:12 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Xen to Become Linux Foundation Collaborative Project | The Linux Foundation .::. Size~: 44.77 KB | Apr 15 17:12 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] #Xen to Become Linux Foundation Collaborative Project - another big win for @linuxfoundation (v @stshank) | Apr 15 17:15 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Xen to Become Linux Foundation Collaborative Project | The Linux Foundation .::. Size~: 44.87 KB | Apr 15 17:15 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[glynmoody/@glynmoody] What does ambergris look like? - good question; here's the answer | Apr 15 17:23 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: What does ambergris look like? - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 48.23 KB | Apr 15 17:23 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] US drought | Apr 15 17:25 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2013: January - April Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 1200.37 KB | Apr 15 17:25 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[evan/@evan] How do you know that's not me? | Apr 15 17:28 | |
*iophk (~Adium@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Apr 15 17:49 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Apr 15 17:49 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Advertisers and developers ask FTC to delay new children's protection laws | Apr 15 17:50 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Judge's Random, Unrelated Rant Against Facebook Leads To Child Porn Sentence Being Overturned | Apr 15 17:50 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Advertisers and developers ask FTC to delay new children's protection laws | The Verge .::. Size~: 109.19 KB | Apr 15 17:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Judge's Random, Unrelated Rant Against Facebook Leads To Child Porn Sentence Being Overturned | Techdirt .::. Size~: 88.77 KB | Apr 15 17:50 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[linuxfoundation/@linuxfoundation] Announcing Automotive Linux User Design Experience contest. Design future of infotainment: #lfcollab | Apr 15 17:52 | |
*patr|ck_ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Apr 15 18:09 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Afghanistan a UN expert said that some crops pay more than opium, but they can't get it to market. Drug dealers logistics must be good. | Apr 15 18:12 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Do I believe my own government when they say Syria has been using chemical weapons? No, they have lied too much in the past. | Apr 15 18:13 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[wayneborean/@wayneborean] The writer is a moron. It's that way in ALL industries. Software is not unique. I know, used to be OEM Sales for major manufacturer. | Apr 15 18:15 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 15 18:16 | |
*amarsh04 ( has joined #techrights | Apr 15 18:22 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Urgent: Arms Control Treaty | Apr 15 18:27 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] Present housing policy is going to drastically alter the social mix in many areas. #pooroutofsiteoutofmind | Apr 15 18:27 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[newtonx/@newtonx] BitTorrent Live | Apr 15 18:27 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] In pictures: Today we start a new era in our digital fortress on Eddy Street. | Apr 15 18:27 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2013: January - April Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 1200.37 KB | Apr 15 18:27 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: It's My Blog, Dammit! Anything and Everything! | BitTorrent Live .::. Size~: 37.86 KB | Apr 15 18:27 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The Eddy Street Era Begins | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 48.3 KB | Apr 15 18:27 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] "There are no moles in Ireland, B&Q were forced to withdraw sonic mole repellents when this was pointed out to them" | Apr 15 18:42 | |
*patr|ck ( has joined #techrights | Apr 15 18:56 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mairin/@mairin] i guess when they redesigned they didn't think much about icons. the stupid size label obliterates the actual thumbnail | Apr 15 19:20 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Google Images .::. Size~: 48.47 KB | Apr 15 19:20 |
iophk | | Apr 15 19:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Cabinet Office appoints Open Standards Board to drive open source use - IT News from .::. Size~: 98.5 KB | Apr 15 19:25 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Policy laundering | Apr 15 19:27 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2013: January - April Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 1200.37 KB | Apr 15 19:27 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] !Listening to Eric and Ernie on the radio #magic | Apr 15 19:35 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[didiermisson/@didiermisson] RT @webatou Mozillian? Add your T-Shirts! !Mozilla !Firefox !Thunderbird #webstory | Apr 15 19:42 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Wear it Proudly .::. Size~: 11.99 KB | Apr 15 19:42 |
iophk | | Apr 15 19:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Thatcher’s data protection legacy: Just fill out this 16-page form • The Register .::. Size~: 35.72 KB | Apr 15 19:42 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[didiermisson/@didiermisson] RT @pscoffoni Bonnes pratiques : Les blogs #WordPress victimes d’une vague de piratage : comment s’en protéger ? - | Apr 15 19:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[didiermisson/@didiermisson] RT @pscoffoni Surprise. #Xen becomes a “Linux Foundation project - | Apr 15 19:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Reshared post from Vash Crowley | Apr 15 19:43 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Bonnes pratiques : Les blogs #Wordpress victimes d’une vague de piratage : comment s’en protéger ? | Philippe Scoffoni en version courte .::. Size~: 23.6 KB | Apr 15 19:43 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Surprise. #Xen becomes a “Linux Foundation project | Philippe Scoffoni en version courte .::. Size~: 23.61 KB | Apr 15 19:43 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - I'VE DONE IT! I'VE PERFECTED GRUMPY NYAN CAT!! BWAHAHAHA!! … .::. Size~: 190.63 KB | Apr 15 19:43 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] "Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python" released | Apr 15 19:45 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[didiermisson/@didiermisson] RT @pscoffoni Tout passe tout lasse. Les ados sont-ils en train de deserter les réseaux sociaux ? - | Apr 15 19:45 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[didiermisson/@didiermisson] RT @webatou RT @cedricgodart: De l'affaire AppGratis à !Firefox OS !Mozilla entend réveiller le web dans la Vallée (et le monde). http:/ ... | Apr 15 19:45 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: "Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python" released [] .::. Size~: 6.3 KB | Apr 15 19:45 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Tout passe tout lasse. Les ados sont-ils en train de deserter les réseaux sociaux ? | Philippe Scoffoni en version courte .::. Size~: 23.8 KB | Apr 15 19:45 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[didiermisson/@didiermisson] RT @framasoft Avec la nouvelle page d'accueil nous avons également mis à jour "Framanav" notre barre de navigation ... | Apr 15 19:47 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] 'Bitrot' Not a GNU/Linux Issue #gnu #linux #server #desktop | Apr 15 19:47 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Alertez les manchots… Framanav, le retour - Framablog .::. Size~: 85.35 KB | Apr 15 19:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 'Bitrot' Not a GNU/Linux Issue ~ Linux Advocates .::. Size~: 206.53 KB | Apr 15 19:47 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[satipera/@satipera] !Tzag Identizens. Early reading tonight. | Apr 15 20:03 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #Microsoft Falls as Another Major Ally Gives up on Investment in It #goldmansachs | Apr 15 20:05 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft Falls as Another Major Ally Gives up on Investment in It | Techrights .::. Size~: 91.99 KB | Apr 15 20:05 |
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | Apr 15 20:12 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] New Firefox version born? | Apr 15 20:18 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Apr 15 20:18 |
*iophk (~Adium@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Apr 15 20:19 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Apr 15 20:19 | |
*sebsebseb (~sebsebseb@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Apr 15 20:28 | |
sebsebseb | hi | Apr 15 20:28 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Glamorising prostitution | Apr 15 20:28 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Reshared post from aimee whitcroft | Apr 15 20:28 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2013: January - April Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 1200.37 KB | Apr 15 20:28 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - An absolutely brilliant ad. Couldn't agree more with its… .::. Size~: 207.5 KB | Apr 15 20:28 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Microsoft Falls as Another Major Ally Gives up on Investment in It #microsoft #android #linux | Apr 15 20:30 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft Falls as Another Major Ally Gives up on Investment in It | Techrights .::. Size~: 92.96 KB | Apr 15 20:30 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[creativecommons/@creativecommons] Al Sweigart's Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python book: All proceeds go to CC, @eff, and @torproject. Thanks, Al! | Apr 15 20:37 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: The “Invent with Python” Blog — “Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python” Released .::. Size~: 26.26 KB | Apr 15 20:37 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Reshared post from Steven G | Apr 15 20:38 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Someone has apparently let off a bomb at the Boston… .::. Size~: 204.96 KB | Apr 15 20:38 |
iophk | That sucks very, very much : | Apr 15 20:39 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Explosions at the Boston Marathon - Alexander Abad-Santos - The Atlantic Wire .::. Size~: 64.41 KB | Apr 15 20:39 |
*iophk has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Apr 15 20:39 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[mrdenticator/@mrdenticator] Yesterday top #statustician is jrobb from with 64 dents! | Apr 15 20:43 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Misleading Debates About Patents #swpats #uspto | Apr 15 20:50 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Explosions at the #Boston #Marathon /w early footage | Apr 15 20:50 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Misleading Debates About Patents | Techrights .::. Size~: 91.07 KB | Apr 15 20:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Explosions at the Boston Marathon - Alexander Abad-Santos - The Atlantic Wire .::. Size~: 66.12 KB | Apr 15 20:50 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] Microsoft’s #UEFI Restricted Boot Delays #GNU #Linux Releases, Causes Many Issues for Windows ‘Refugees’ !fsf | Apr 15 21:10 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft’s UEFI Restricted Boot Delays GNU/Linux Releases, Causes Many Issues for Windows ‘Refugees’ | Techrights .::. Size~: 94.92 KB | Apr 15 21:10 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[gotunandan/@gotunandan] Reshared post from Google India | Apr 15 21:20 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[newtonx/@newtonx] Tax havens must be ‘eradicated in Europe and worldwide’ — François Hollande | Apr 15 21:20 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Nandan Vaidya - Google+ - Celebrating the first passenger train journey in India On… .::. Size~: 260.13 KB | Apr 15 21:20 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: It's My Blog, Dammit! Anything and Everything! | Tax havens must be ‘eradicated in Europe and worldwide’ — François Hollande .::. Size~: 40.17 KB | Apr 15 21:20 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] More reasons to treat UEFI restriction tricks from Microsoft as an antitrust violation and some new delays, bad experie | Apr 15 21:22 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] RT @ More reasons to treat UEFI restriction tricks from Microsoft as an antitrust violation and some new delays, bad experie http://ur1. ... | Apr 15 21:22 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Microsoft’s UEFI Restricted Boot Delays GNU/Linux Releases, Causes Many Issues for Windows ‘Refugees’ | Techrights .::. Size~: 94.92 KB | Apr 15 21:22 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] #AICTE is Still Corrupt, Time to Shut it Down After Repeated #Microsoft Collusions #india #education | Apr 15 21:27 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: AICTE is Still Corrupt, Time to Shut it Down After Repeated Microsoft Collusions | Techrights .::. Size~: 92.75 KB | Apr 15 21:27 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[lwnnet/@lwnnet] Xen becomes a Linux Foundation project | Apr 15 21:28 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Xen becomes a Linux Foundation project [] .::. Size~: 6.68 KB | Apr 15 21:28 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[creativecommons/@creativecommons] How does Qatar share? Contribute your creative work and you could win a Samsung Galaxy Note II from CC Qatar! | Apr 15 21:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[schestowitz/@schestowitz] The India Council for Technical Education gives Microsoft total control over students, even in schools that adopted Fre | Apr 15 21:33 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[boycottnovell/@boycottnovell] RT @ The India Council for Technical Education gives Microsoft total control over students, even in schools that adopted Fre http://ur1. ... | Apr 15 21:33 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: “Qatar Shares” Contest | Creative Commons Qatar .::. Size~: 25.35 KB | Apr 15 21:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: AICTE is Still Corrupt, Time to Shut it Down After Repeated Microsoft Collusions | Techrights .::. Size~: 92.75 KB | Apr 15 21:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Couldn't resolve host 'ur1.' ( http://ur1. ) | Apr 15 21:33 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[ccbuhr/@ccbuhr] RT @NeelieKroesEU: @fassolas I will provide every support I can 2 make it easier 2 start a business (online or off) in #EU @eldsjal... | Apr 15 22:07 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Reshared post from Meri Amber | Apr 15 22:13 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Jan Wildeboer - Google+ - Sharing songs and secrets... My new music video for… .::. Size~: 211.59 KB | Apr 15 22:13 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Boston Marathon explosions: two dead and 23 injured | Apr 15 22:23 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Boston Marathon explosions: two dead and 23 injured – live updates | World news | .::. Size~: 133.35 KB | Apr 15 22:23 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[newtonx/@newtonx] Buckyballs and buckycubes, ‘pose a substantial risk of injury and death’ to children and teenagers: UPSC | Apr 15 22:27 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: It's My Blog, Dammit! Anything and Everything! | Buckyballs and buckycubes, ‘pose a substantial risk of injury and death’ to children and teenagers: UPSC .::. Size~: 47.24 KB | Apr 15 22:27 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Urgent: Ban neonicotinoid pesticides | Apr 15 22:30 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2013: January - April Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 1200.46 KB | Apr 15 22:30 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] Conservative claims about benefits are not just spin, they're making it up | Apr 15 22:37 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Conservative claims about benefits are not just spin, they're making it up | Declan Gaffney and Jonathan Portes | Comment is free | .::. Size~: 118.77 KB | Apr 15 22:37 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[jwildeboer/@jwildeboer] Good night. I need sleep. | Apr 15 22:43 | |
MinceR | gn | Apr 15 22:46 |
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: Linkinus - | Apr 15 23:03 | |
*patr|ck has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Apr 15 23:11 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] ♺ @kevie: RD @UnseenStudio The auld gits have released #Crivins 59 wi #opensource and #ccmusic | Apr 15 23:18 | |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] ♺ @kevie: New blog post: CCJam - Community Podcast #music #ccmusic | Apr 15 23:18 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Crivins Episode 59 « Crivins .::. Size~: 37.88 KB | Apr 15 23:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: Linux, open source & anything else: CCJam - Community podcast .::. Size~: 86.11 KB | Apr 15 23:18 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[thistleweb/@thistleweb] ♺ @kevie: RD @UnseenStudio New podcast: CCJam Episode 1 has been released #music #ccmusic | Apr 15 23:20 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: CCJam Episode 1 « CCJam .::. Size~: 29.69 KB | Apr 15 23:20 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[rms/@rms] Sudan massacres civilians | Apr 15 23:30 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 2013: January - April Political Notes - Richard Stallman .::. Size~: 1200.46 KB | Apr 15 23:30 |
-TRIdentica/#techrights-[eff/@eff] Civil Liberties groups send letter to Congress urging a no vote on privacy-invading CISPA "cybersecurity" bill | Apr 15 23:48 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Title: 34 Civil Liberties Organizations Oppose CISPA After Amendments | Electronic Frontier Foundation .::. Size~: 43.73 KB | Apr 15 23:48 |
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | Apr 15 23:56 |
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