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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: July 18th, 2013

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schestowitz 18 01:13
TechrightsSocialNot a tweet?Jul 18 01:13
schestowitz"Classic denial mechanism at work here. If you're not part of solution, you become part of the problem and more!"Jul 18 01:13
schestowitz 18 01:43 Those who do password recovery by E-mail, if done in plain text, should assume the password is also sent to the #NSA (retention)Jul 18 01:43
schestowitz"is there a way to do it encrypted? not that i know"Jul 18 01:43
schestowitz 18 01:44 US slams Russia for giving 'propaganda platform' to Snowden #blackmail #imperialismJul 18 01:44
TechrightsSocial-> Title: US slams Russia for giving 'propaganda platform' to Snowden - YouTube .::. Size~: 129.21 KBJul 18 01:44
schestowitz"Why USA lifts reputation of Russia up?"Jul 18 01:44
schestowitz 18 01:44 GNOME Photos 3.9.4 Allows Users to Access Photos from Flickr #gnu #linux #gnome #flickrJul 18 01:44
TechrightsSocial-> Title: GNOME Photos 3.9.4 Allows Users to Access Photos from Flickr .::. Size~: 53.41 KBJul 18 01:44
schestowitz"Mozilla Firefox 22.0 Allows Users to Access Photos from Friendica, Flickr,, tumbr, Diaspora*…"Jul 18 01:44
schestowitzJust wrote to the former manager of LinuxDevicesJul 18 02:15
schestowitz"Could you save the old domain or content? Has the company that put it all down contacted you? I hope the stories can all be rescued one way or another..."Jul 18 02:16
schestowitzalso want to save the identica accountsJul 18 02:17
schestowitz"Can you send me a full backup of the account from my statusnet account in (account schestowitz)? I am going to set up a StatusNet 1.1.0 instance and then import this data into it, which I hope is simply to achieve."Jul 18 02:17
schestowitz 18 03:19
TechrightsSocialTitle: Asay: Offline and Off-topic: Happy days are here again .::. Size~: 18.5 KBJul 18 03:19
schestowitz"I haven't felt this settled in my work for years. 10gen is a wonderful company filled with people that I really love. My work is engaging and, I think, important. Not "the world will end if I don't do my job well" important, but we're enabling the next generation of technology, and I get to play a part by working with our partners. It feels like I'll be here for 10 years, which is something I don't know that I've ever felt Jul 18 03:19
schestowitzin a job."Jul 18 03:19
schestowitzWhy? Because fortunately (and unfortunately), I tend to like people, though I can be a bit of a hermit about meeting new people. Even with strangers, I want people to like me, and I want them to be happy, and will go to great lengths to ensure this.Jul 18 03:20
schestowitz 18 03:20
TechrightsSocialTitle: Asay: Offline and Off-topic: My hardest job .::. Size~: 18.43 KBJul 18 03:20
schestowitz 18 03:57
TechrightsSocialTitle: Schneier on Security: More NSA Code Names .::. Size~: 48.99 KBJul 18 03:57
schestowitz 18 04:06
TechrightsSocialTitle: Snowden Asks for Temporary Asylum in Russia | Russia | RIA Novosti .::. Size~: 76.11 KBJul 18 04:06
schestowitz 18 04:07
TechrightsSocialTitle: NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden surfaces to meet activists at Moscow's Sheremetyevo  airport | Information, Gadgets, Mobile Phones News & Reviews | .::. Size~: 83.41 KBJul 18 04:07
schestowitz 18 04:11
TechrightsSocialTitle: Snowden has 'no regrets,' seeks asylum in Russia .::. Size~: 40.98 KBJul 18 04:11
schestowitz 18 04:13
TechrightsSocialTitle: Edward Snowden appears at Moscow airport and renews asylum claim – as it happened | World news | .::. Size~: 200.45 KBJul 18 04:13
schestowitz" 18 04:26
TechrightsSocialTitle: [cryptography] [liberationtech] - "The Beautiful &Secure Messenger" .::. Size~: 5.41 KBJul 18 04:26
schestowitz"Jul 18 04:26
schestowitzIt's worth noting that the maintainer of record (me) for the Linux RNG quit the project about two years ago precisely because Linus decided to include a patch from Intel to allow their unauditable RdRand to bypass the entropy pool over my strenuous objections.Jul 18 04:26
schestowitzFrom a quick skim of current sources, much of that has recently been rolled back (/dev/random, notably) but kernel-internal entropy users like sequence numbers and address-space randomization appear to still be exposed to raw RdRand output.Jul 18 04:26
schestowitz(And in the meantime, my distrust of Intel's crypto has moved from "standard professional paranoia" to "actual legitimate concern".) Jul 18 04:26
schestowitz"Jul 18 04:26
schestowitzAnd now an Intel programmer is smearing Linus a bitJul 18 04:26
schestowitz 18 04:27
TechrightsSocialNot a tweet?Jul 18 04:27
schestowitz"Both @laquadrature and @netzpolitik are misleading European citizens. I have promised an absolute safeguard of the open internet #NetNeutrality"Jul 18 04:28
schestowitz 18 04:47 How to Turn a PC Into a #Linux Web Kiosk 18 04:47
TechrightsSocial-> Title: How to Turn a PC Into a Linux Web Kiosk | .::. Size~: 36.91 KBJul 18 04:47
schestowitz"Oh I hoped to get instructions on how to lock Linux down like that, thought I'd learn something. INstead it's just about a tool :(. Might come in handy to know though."Jul 18 04:47
schestowitz 18 05:26 Very detailed article about "verbal abuse" remarks from Sharp (with whom I agree on this) 18 05:26
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Female dev asks Torvalds to curb list abuse .::. Size~: 146.88 KBJul 18 05:26
schestowitz"The gender angle comes from anonymous hate mail she's getting. People are saying it's actually from some developer, and it could be, but for all I know Ed Bott wrote them."Jul 18 05:26
schestowitz"Jul 18 05:46
schestowitzI don't pay attention to the Linux Kernel Mailing List (LKML), but I've been around long enough to know that Linus does lose his temper.Jul 18 05:46
schestowitzSo do I.Jul 18 05:46
schestowitzSometimes anger is a good thing--a necessary defense mechanism. It's your mind's way of telling you that something is really wrong and you need to not accept what is being put forth.Jul 18 05:46
schestowitzBut then there is, for example, what my father did to my mother--which was continuous verbal abuse. (Somehow, after 16 years, she mustered up enough sense to tell him to get the fuck out.) I don't know where the line is on LKML or if Linus has crossed it, but we should also remember that just because something is wrong doesn't mean you'll be able to articulate just what is wrong at that particular moment.Jul 18 05:46
schestowitz"Jul 18 05:46
schestowitzbased on " Intel has been having some beef with Linus as of late, I found this out some hours ago... but probably nor related.Jul 18 05:47
TechrightsSocialTitle: [cryptography] [liberationtech] - "The Beautiful &Secure Messenger" .::. Size~: 5.41 KBJul 18 05:47
schestowitzMinceR: 18 05:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: Yuhong Bao's blog: How I found CVE-2013-1310 in IE6 and IE7 .::. Size~: 56.31 KBJul 18 05:48
schestowitzour old 'friend'Jul 18 05:48
MinceRpftJul 18 06:21
schestowitz 18 07:21 Very detailed article about "verbal abuse" remarks from Sharp (with whom I agree on this) 18 07:21
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Female dev asks Torvalds to curb list abuse .::. Size~: 146.81 KBJul 18 07:21
schestowitz"Linus has taken some good pro freedom stances lately. Telling Nvidia FU and refuting the rush to incorporate UEFI nasties as an "ass sucking contest" might have pushed the oligarchs against him. He's enjoyed more than a decade as a lamestram media in their attempt to smear GNU and create a civil war. Maybet they want to replace him with more pliant tool."Jul 18 07:21
schestowitz"Jul 18 07:32
schestowitzI'm not wild about the whole UEFI mess either (though I do like the GPT partitioning scheme). But does Linus have an alternative?Jul 18 07:32
schestowitzThe problem here is really the same as it has always been: hardware manufacturers will not go out of their way to accommodate Linux. If the end result of this is that we have an operating system that we can't run because all the machines that can run it are old and dying, that's not so good.Jul 18 07:32
schestowitzAnd there's no guarantee that manufacturers will continue to allow users to disable the signing mechanism that I assume is at the heart of this argument.Jul 18 07:32
schestowitz"Jul 18 07:32
schestowitz 18 07:39 How to Turn a PC Into a #Linux Web Kiosk 18 07:39
TechrightsSocial-> Title: How to Turn a PC Into a Linux Web Kiosk | .::. Size~: 36.91 KBJul 18 07:39
schestowitz"Jul 18 07:39
schestowitzI have done this recently in lubuntu. Here's a mini Howto:Jul 18 07:39
schestowitz1) Configure autologin userJul 18 07:39
schestowitz2) Configure firefox to autostartJul 18 07:39
schestowitz3) Disable right click from your Windows ManagerJul 18 07:39
schestowitz4) Kill any panels in the DesktopJul 18 07:39
schestowitz5) Install R-Kiosk firefox pluginJul 18 07:39
schestowitzEnjoy!Jul 18 07:39
schestowitz"Jul 18 07:39
schestowitz 18 19:05 Duck Duck Go: Illusion of Privacy for #privacy use #ixquick or #startpage (Dutch)Jul 18 19:05
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Ether Rag: Duck Duck Go: Illusion of Privacy .::. Size~: 257.62 KBJul 18 19:05
schestowitz"No, neither #DDG nor #IxQuick/#StartPage offer enough security. Both are non-free software as a service, and both rely on non-free services (#Bing, #Yandex, #Blekko for DDG, #Google and #Bing for IxQuick, Google for StartPage). I would recommend #Seeks, since it's free software, but it is usually a privacy-aware frontend for several of the aforementioned search tools and thus falls in the same privacy trap in the end. And I Jul 18 19:06
schestowitzwould recommend #YaCy instead, given that it's both a distributed network and free software, but the results it returns are hardly useful, if ever. In short, fully private web searches are currently nigh-impossible."Jul 18 19:06
schestowitz"but I think its a good start by not putting it easy for Google and Bing to track us... at least until YaCy matures"Jul 18 19:07
schestowitz"You can link YaCy and Seeks; I think this leads to YaCy being more robust eventually, by expanding it's indexing of webpages. The more avenues, the better :)"Jul 18 19:07
schestowitz 18 21:22 Free Software : Eben Moglen on GPL license at EU Parliament 18 21:22
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Free Software : Eben Moglen on GPL license at EU Parliament 2013 07 09 - YouTube .::. Size~: 107.81 KBJul 18 21:22
schestowitz"totally liking this, better than a TEDx, thanks Dr Roy"Jul 18 21:22
schestowitz> Using Flash and Skype in a conversation about PRISM and privacy:Jul 18 21:26
schestowitz> Jul 18 21:26
schestowitz> 18 21:26
TechrightsSocialTitle: C|Net Reporter Declan McCullagh Talks About Privacy (Video) - Slashdot .::. Size~: 102.1 KBJul 18 21:26
schestowitz> Jul 18 21:26
schestowitz> How stupid.Jul 18 21:27
schestowitz 18 21:30 NSA explains on how it spies on people who know people who know people who are terrorists 18 21:31
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Nothing found for  2013 07 18 Nsa-official-explains-on-how-it-spies-on-people-who-know-people-who-know-people-who-are-terrorists #ixzz2ZQHIomsf .::. Size~: 32.64 KBJul 18 21:31
TechrightsSocial-> Title: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 8.7 KBJul 18 21:31
schestowitz"terrorist means 'male adult'?"Jul 18 21:31
schestowitzNo militant means that, if you live in a certain stretch of land (as large as most nations)Jul 18 21:31
schestowitzqu1j0t3: te bot has been down for days. Can it be run also in techrights channel?Jul 18 21:39
schestowitz 18 21:40 Six degrees of separation, NSA-style #nsa #stasiJul 18 21:40
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Six degrees of separation, NSA-style — Tech News and Analysis .::. Size~: 72.73 KBJul 18 21:40
schestowitz"Sometime ago (several years actually) I read an article about how the internet decreased that number to 4.74 or 3 depending on which article you read (there's one in the NY times I believe)."Jul 18 21:40
schestowitzIf you extend connection to "people you heard about"Jul 18 21:40
schestowitz 18 21:41 Very detailed article about "verbal abuse" remarks from Sharp (with whom I agree on this) 18 21:41
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Female dev asks Torvalds to curb list abuse .::. Size~: 147.53 KBJul 18 21:41
schestowitz"So I've gotta go overseas now to buy a computer?"Jul 18 21:41

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