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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: July 13th, 2013

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MinceRgnJul 13 01:07
amarsh04 13 01:39
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Telstra storing data on behalf of US government .::. Size~: 115.39 KBJul 13 01:40
*sebsebseb (~sebsebseb@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrightsJul 13 02:12
sebsebsebhiJul 13 02:12
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jul 13 03:31
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*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJul 13 03:34
*waykool (411b5576@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrightsJul 13 03:58
*waykool has quit (Client Quit)Jul 13 04:01
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*cubezzz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 13 04:34
*cubezzz ( has joined #techrightsJul 13 04:35
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*cubezzz ( has joined #techrightsJul 13 05:17
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@unaffiliated/cirrus-minor/x-6868843) has joined #techrightsJul 13 05:24
*nj3ma (~Nj3ma@ has joined #techrightsJul 13 06:10
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*nj3ma (~Nj3ma@ has joined #techrightsJul 13 07:19
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*nj3ma (~Nj3ma@ has joined #techrightsJul 13 07:31
*nj3ma has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jul 13 07:33
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 13 07:41
*nj3ma (~Nj3ma@ has joined #techrightsJul 13 07:42
DaemonFCI managed to find an old buckling spring keyboard.Jul 13 07:43
schestowitz 13 07:44 Installing Mega (Android app just weeks old, already lots of downloads). Sharing files securely; #dropbox might be in #prism #nsa bed soon.Jul 13 07:44
schestowitz"Thanks for the F-Droid link y'all, that's super helpful. I love ownCloud so much."Jul 13 07:44
schestowitzamarsh04: yeahJul 13 07:44
schestowitz 13 07:44 NSA, USA 13 07:44
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting image/gif typeJul 13 07:44
schestowitz"That's a good one, lol."Jul 13 07:44
*Nj3ma_yomama (~Nj3ma@ has joined #techrightsJul 13 07:44
schestowitz 13 07:45 If blogging about the #NSA and opposing its crimes makes one "not business-friendly", what does that say about today's business ethics?Jul 13 07:45
schestowitz"It is oligarchy with solid vertical integration and investments."Jul 13 07:45
schestowitznj3ma: did you see the report about LPI in Kenya?Jul 13 07:45
schestowitz 13 07:46 To find out if a connected computer is under surveillance, ping and from it. Sites abundantly use those.Jul 13 07:46
schestowitzI'm curious also, but have a few random ideas...Jul 13 07:46
schestowitzCould it be (a) humor = of course your computer is under surveillance if you're reaching out to them! - either by URL or ping; (b) a technical observation of actual ping time/duration/lag... (c) related to the route taken to the server (related to "b"); (d) you're [potentially] under surveillance because when you ping them, you make yourself a liability to your own privacy goal; or, (e) all of the above... ?Jul 13 07:46
schestowitz[shrug]Jul 13 07:46
schestowitzQUOTE^Jul 13 07:46
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jul 13 07:47
schestowitz 13 07:48 When #fbi illegally raided #megaupload and confiscated the servers did it image (for #surveillance or 'evidence') them before mass-deletion?Jul 13 07:48
schestowitz 13 07:48 If Windows lets #NSA access PCs remotely, then no wonder there is war on HDD encryption. Breaking Constitution in US, rights voided in UK.Jul 13 07:48
schestowitz 13 07:48 Some companies w/ ties to GCHQ/NSA have already started their battle against secure VOIP, using litigation & #swpats 13 07:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: BT Attacks SIP — Not Just Android/Linux — With Software Patents | Techrights .::. Size~: 102.58 KBJul 13 07:48
schestowitz 13 07:48 #Mega gives 50GB of free storage space, puts #privacy & legit encryption first (unlike DropBox). #DeleteDropBox & tell them why. #NSADropBoxJul 13 07:48
schestowitz 13 07:48 Other #NSA -free services are launched to replace the traitor (to its users) #dropbox  #NSADropBoxJul 13 07:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Norway Cloud Service Touts NSA-Free Storage As Alternative To Dropbox, SkyDrive And Other U.S. Services  |  TechCrunch .::. Size~: 74.22 KBJul 13 07:48
schestowitz 13 07:49 To have secure Web space is now 'proof' that you commit a crime (or whenever using encryption). How long before using local HDD is "only for criminals"?Jul 13 07:49
*Nj3ma_yomama has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jul 13 07:49
schestowitz 13 07:49 The #NSADropBox wants you to upload your hard drive 13 07:49
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Dropbox wants to replace your hard disk | News | PC Pro .::. Size~: 84.11 KBJul 13 07:49
schestowitz 13 07:49 #NSADropBox wants MAOR of your personal data  "Dropbox has been hacked before" and deserves #bankruptcy nowJul 13 07:49
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: The promise and perils of replacing your hard drive with Dropbox | PCWorld .::. Size~: 83.11 KBJul 13 07:49
schestowitz 13 07:49 The Nexus 7, by default, pushes users to upload all their files to the NSA datacentres (multiplexed with Google). 13 07:49
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title:  » Blog Archive   » Nexus 7: Great Gear, Spooky Software .::. Size~: 40.37 KBJul 13 07:49
DaemonFCThe only NSA-free storage is your own hard drive, and only if you're not using one of the NSA-bugged proprietary operating systems.Jul 13 07:49
*DaemonFC loves this keyboard.Jul 13 07:50
schestowitz 13 07:50 Google's David Drummond is a liar, based on more recent leaks. 13 07:50
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Google’s clearest statement yet on NSA & PRISM: No server access, no back door, no drop box, no free-for-all | VentureBeat .::. Size~: 100.82 KBJul 13 07:50
schestowitz 13 07:50 "you can do away with Google Drive and Dropbox, and instead use a service like Kim Dotcom’s Mega, Ubuntu One" 13 07:50
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: How To Get Out Of PRISM and Avoid NSA Spying | SiliconANGLE .::. Size~: 40.09 KBJul 13 07:50
DaemonFCThey're almost impossible to find except when they're used.Jul 13 07:50
schestowitz 13 07:50 "Twitter was not mentioned in the PRISM programme because it declined to comply with the NSA’s dropbox proposal." 13 07:50
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Top companies want to disclose data requests - The Hindu .::. Size~: 64.29 KBJul 13 07:50
schestowitz 13 07:51 BT's home hub is actively discouraging and warning people who set up open #wifi (even after hundreds of times dismissing the alerts)Jul 13 07:51
DaemonFCAlong the way, they decided to cheap out.Jul 13 07:51
DaemonFCThe more they can sell that break in a year or two, the more they sell.Jul 13 07:51
schestowitz 13 07:52 The war on computer geeks letting the #NSA do illegal things while arresting those who do legal stuffJul 13 07:52
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Groklaw - Illustrious Security Researchers file amicus brief telling court: We do what Andrew Auernheimer did. ~pj .::. Size~: 155.84 KBJul 13 07:52
schestowitz"Quite illuminating how they've managed to turn the word "hacker" into a near synonym of criminal, outside dev circles."Jul 13 07:53
schestowitz 13 07:53 Snowden wants asylum in Russia, ready to meet condition not to damage US statement from #snowden: 13 07:53
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Snowden wants asylum in Russia, ready to meet condition not to damage US (VIDEO) — RT News .::. Size~: 47.47 KBJul 13 07:53
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Statement by Edward Snowden to human rights groups at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport .::. Size~: 19.24 KBJul 13 07:53
schestowitz"Well f*ck"Jul 13 07:53
schestowitz 13 07:53 CIA whistleblower: "Americans begin to realize that we are devolving into a police state" #ciaJul 13 07:53
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: CIA whistleblower to Snowden: 'Do not cooperate with the FBI' .::. Size~: 40.98 KBJul 13 07:53
schestowitz"When the average person begins to feel this, for better or for worse, the current established order is not far from crashing down. Once people get afraid and a panic starts it'll likely snowball. The question is who's most prepared for it and what happens after?"Jul 13 07:53
schestowitzDaemonFC: what keyboard?Jul 13 07:54
*nj3ma (~Nj3ma@ has joined #techrightsJul 13 07:54
schestowitz 13 07:54 To find out if a connected computer is under surveillance, ping and from it. Sites abundantly use those.Jul 13 07:54
schestowitz"I don't get it. How does pinging them tell you if your computer is under surveillance?"Jul 13 07:54
DaemonFCIt's an old HP one that Dave was going to put in his garage sale tomorrow.Jul 13 07:54
schestowitzThey haven't blocked NSA informantsJul 13 07:54
DaemonFCIt's pretty much like an IBM model M except it has Windows keys.Jul 13 07:54
DaemonFCProbably came with a computer that ran Windows 95.Jul 13 07:54
schestowitz 13 07:55 Tired of helping the CIA? Quit Facebook, Venezuela minister urges #venezuela #facebookJul 13 07:55
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Tired of helping the CIA? Quit Facebook, Venezuela minister urges - Yahoo! News .::. Size~: 196.78 KBJul 13 07:55
schestowitz"Great. Quit having North America spy on you... get South America to do it instead!"Jul 13 07:55
DaemonFCThe computers with Windows 98 started including all those damned extra keys.Jul 13 07:55
schestowitzThat's rather ironic indeed.Jul 13 07:55
schestowitzDaemonFC: and cheaply madeJul 13 07:55
schestowitzI still use a very cheap keyboard, discarding the expensive ones I haveJul 13 07:56
schestowitzbecause this one works better for me, fewer typosJul 13 07:56
schestowitz 13 07:56 There are many countries #Bush can't travel to for fear of being arrested. I wonder if the same is now true for Keith Alexander. #nsaJul 13 07:56
schestowitz"Alexander is just the latest sock puppet hydra head. If he disappeared tomorrow, the NSA would be doing just as horrific things with someone else at the helm. People love a villain with a name, but these people are effectively just worker bees managing the operation of the hive. Harmful, but utterly replaceable by the system that spawned them, much like the people still plugged in, in "The Matrix"./"Jul 13 07:56
schestowitz 13 07:57 "SELinux contains tens of thousands of rules, written in assembly language."" #selinuxJul 13 07:57
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Tresys Nails 'Hardened Security' With Brickwall & Upcoming Razor - Making Security Less Complicated - Reports - LinuxPlanet .::. Size~: 35.7 KBJul 13 07:57
schestowitz"Jeeze. I wonder how many people here actually get how scary the implications of that part actually are..."Jul 13 07:57
schestowitz 13 07:57 A lot of coverage about #Skype being a bug neglects to mention remedies (FOSS/SIP). They give the impression #surveillance unavoidable.Jul 13 07:57
schestowitz"I really with #Jitsi would get on with their long promised #Android version. I wonder how free one could really go with say Cyanogen mod and the #fdroid repo's..."Jul 13 07:57
schestowitzLinphone on Android is solidJul 13 07:57
schestowitz 13 07:58 The Supreme Court Has Severely Limited Workers’ Ability to Sue Employers for Discrimination #scotusJul 13 07:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: The Supreme Court Has Severely Limited Workers’ Ability to Sue Employers for Discrimination  | PR Watch .::. Size~: 57.28 KBJul 13 07:58
schestowitz"Shut up, drone! Back to work!"Jul 13 07:58
schestowitz 13 07:59 Obama considers ending #NSA #surveillance programs, Democratic senator says Hope. Change. Promises...Jul 13 07:59
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Obama considers ending NSA surveillance programs, Democratic senator says — RT USA .::. Size~: 43.58 KBJul 13 07:59
schestowitz 13 07:59 Heathrow reopens after Boeing Dreamliner 787 fire getting hard to trust airlinersJul 13 07:59
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: BBC News - Heathrow reopens after Boeing Dreamliner 787 fire .::. Size~: 88.22 KBJul 13 07:59
schestowitz 13 07:59 Snowden asks Russia for asylum fairly balancedJul 13 07:59
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Snowden asks Russia for asylum - YouTube .::. Size~: 115.52 KBJul 13 07:59
schestowitz 13 08:00 Fox 'news' flip-flops 13 08:00
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Bill O'Reilly Shows Massive Hypocrisy On NSA Surveillance - YouTube .::. Size~: 133.36 KBJul 13 08:00
DaemonFCschestowitz: I learned to type on one of these.Jul 13 08:01
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Jul 13 08:01
DaemonFCThey're basically indestructible.Jul 13 08:01
DaemonFCIt's harder to have typos with these, because you really have to press down on a key.Jul 13 08:02
schestowitz 13 08:03 Obama considers ending #NSA #surveillance programs, Democratic senator says Hope. Change. Promises...Jul 13 08:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Obama considers ending NSA surveillance programs, Democratic senator says — RT USA .::. Size~: 43.58 KBJul 13 08:03
schestowitz"Surely they will just give the NSA another acronym and then the spying can continue"Jul 13 08:03
DaemonFCnewer computers no longer have the PS/2 ports, but you can get the adapters.Jul 13 08:04
DaemonFCThis system I have was made just before they all got rid of PS/2.Jul 13 08:04
schestowitz 13 08:14 Snowden asks Russia for asylum fairly balancedJul 13 08:14
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Snowden asks Russia for asylum - YouTube .::. Size~: 118.83 KBJul 13 08:14
schestowitz"I think he actually is seeking asylum in Venezuela for the long term but in the short term, until he can figure out how to get there without having his plane be forced to land, he's seeking asylum in Russia."Jul 13 08:14
schestowitzYes, that's what it is...Jul 13 08:14
schestowitz 13 08:14 Obama considers ending #NSA #surveillance programs, Democratic senator says Hope. Change. Promises...Jul 13 08:14
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Obama considers ending NSA surveillance programs, Democratic senator says — RT USA .::. Size~: 43.58 KBJul 13 08:14
schestowitz"I love Ron Wyden, he is my Senator, but that is just wishful thinking at best."Jul 13 08:14
schestowitzWyden is awesome, but one of many. We need Wydenism.Jul 13 08:15
schestowitz 13 08:15 #Mega gives 50GB of free storage space, puts #privacy & legit encryption first (unlike DropBox). #DeleteDropBox & tell them why. #NSADropBoxJul 13 08:15
schestowitz"[](UKUSA "Five Eyes" Agreement. Services from New Zealand are to be trusted no more than services from the US/UK."Jul 13 08:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Bad title - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 17.05 KBJul 13 08:15
schestowitzDropBox is giving NSA back door access quite soon on the face of it. I doubt Dotcom would ever do that, and with encryption it can be guaranteed.Jul 13 08:16
schestowitz 13 08:19
TechrightsBot-trTitle: BBC News - Bolivia, Venezuela and Nicaragua offer Snowden asylum .::. Size~: 89.32 KBJul 13 08:19
schestowitz 13 08:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Venezuela, Bolivia offer asylum to U.S. intel leaker Snowden - .::. Size~: 95.08 KBJul 13 08:20
schestowitz 13 08:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Bolivia offers asylum to CIA former agent Edward Snowden - Daily News .::. Size~: 40.68 KBJul 13 08:20
schestowitz 13 08:22 You life only matters enough for an article if you work as an informant on billions of people for the NSA/CIA 13 08:22
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg reschedules flight, avoids plane crash .::. Size~: 36.27 KBJul 13 08:22
schestowitz*YourJul 13 08:22
schestowitz 13 08:23 When #fbi illegally raided #megaupload and confiscated the servers did it image (for #surveillance or 'evidence') them before mass-deletion?Jul 13 08:23
schestowitz"of course they did!"Jul 13 08:23
schestowitz 13 08:23 Obama considers ending #NSA #surveillance programs, Democratic senator says Hope. Change. Promises...Jul 13 08:23
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Obama considers ending NSA surveillance programs, Democratic senator says — RT USA .::. Size~: 43.39 KBJul 13 08:23
schestowitz"Mark Udall, the Senior Senator from Colorado, has also been doing a lot to bring visibility and much needed accountability to this issue. He's got it slightly harder too in my opinion, being from Colorado and all."Jul 13 08:23
schestowitz 13 08:28 "Secret court" means criminal court, violating the Constitution in secret 13 08:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: In Secret, Court Vastly Broadens Powers of N.S.A. - .::. Size~: 28.63 KBJul 13 08:28
schestowitz 13 08:28 The #megaupload raid shows that if you don't comply with illegal warrants or give direct/backdoor access, they'll break into your houseJul 13 08:28
schestowitz 13 08:28 The scales of power are shirting when privacy (e.g. encryption) for the people is considered a crime. If they can't crack you, they invade.Jul 13 08:28
schestowitz 13 08:29 Terror attacks are probably at an all-time low, yet #surveillance (privatised, i.e. $) is peaking. So excuses for spying don't hold water.Jul 13 08:29
*nj3ma (~Nj3ma@ has joined #techrightsJul 13 08:30
schestowitz 13 08:32 An Analysis of the Quantity and Qualities of Anticipated and Obvious Patents countering patent propagandaJul 13 08:32
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Where's the Innovation? An Analysis of the Quantity and Qualities of Anticipated and Obvious Patents by Shawn P. Miller :: SSRN .::. Size~: 38.3 KBJul 13 08:32
schestowitz 13 08:33 An Analysis of the Quantity and Qualities of Anticipated and Obvious Patents countering patent propagandaJul 13 08:33
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Where's the Innovation? An Analysis of the Quantity and Qualities of Anticipated and Obvious Patents by Shawn P. Miller :: SSRN .::. Size~: 38.3 KBJul 13 08:33
schestowitz 13 08:33 Patents are a tool of protectionism for plutocrats. We know that's so because we see the empires of corporations guarding those.Jul 13 08:33
schestowitz 13 08:35
TechrightsBot-trTitle: US attempts to block Edward Snowden are 'bolstering' case for asylum | World news | The Observer .::. Size~: 133.45 KBJul 13 08:35
*Nj3ma_ (~Nj3ma@ has joined #techrightsJul 13 08:36
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schestowitz 13 08:37
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Edward Snowden Accuses Germany of Aiding NSA in Spying Efforts  - SPIEGEL ONLINE .::. Size~: 52.34 KBJul 13 08:37
schestowitz"The partnerships are organized in a way that authorities in other countries can "insulate their political leaders from the backlash" in the event it becomes public "how grievously they're violating global privacy." Telecommunications companies partner with the NSA and people are "normally selected for targeting" based on their "Facebook or webmail content."Jul 13 08:37
schestowitz"PJ: Excuse me. Did you say webmail *content*?] "Jul 13 08:37
*Nj3ma_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jul 13 08:37
*nj3ma (~Nj3ma@ has joined #techrightsJul 13 08:37
schestowitz 13 08:38
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Whistleblower Snowden Claims German Intelligence in Bed with NSA - SPIEGEL ONLINE .::. Size~: 47.13 KBJul 13 08:38
schestowitz 13 08:42
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Log In - The New York Times .::. Size~: 10.49 KBJul 13 08:42
*nj3ma has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jul 13 08:43
*Nj3ma_yomama (~Nj3ma@ has joined #techrightsJul 13 08:43
*Nj3ma_yomama has quit (Client Quit)Jul 13 08:46
*nj3ma (~Nj3ma@ has joined #techrightsJul 13 08:46
*nj3ma has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jul 13 08:48
schestowitz 13 08:49 Governments of occupation (for corporations against humans) not just domestically but also internationally 13 08:49
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: US attempts to block Edward Snowden are 'bolstering' case for asylum | World news | The Observer .::. Size~: 133.45 KBJul 13 08:49
schestowitz 13 08:49 How can ##russia ever trust #sweden again?" rel="nofollow explains incestuous Sweden-US relationship #nsaJul 13 08:49
schestowitz 13 08:49
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Page Not Found - Error Code 404 - Falkvinge on Infopolicy .::. Size~: 229.73 KBJul 13 08:49 Why “we only spy on foreigners” doesn’t work any more for the #NSA it's a lie. See Bowden/ORG talkJul 13 08:49
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Why “we only spy on foreigners” doesn’t work any more for the NSA .::. Size~: 113.36 KBJul 13 08:49
schestowitz 13 08:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Cuba's Raúl Castro backs asylum offers for Snowden .::. Size~: 37.52 KBJul 13 08:50
*nj3ma (~Nj3ma@ has joined #techrightsJul 13 08:51
*nj3ma has quit (Client Quit)Jul 13 08:52
*nj3ma (~Nj3ma@ has joined #techrightsJul 13 08:56
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Quit: Do not disturb. Already disturbed)Jul 13 08:56
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@unaffiliated/cirrus-minor/x-6868843) has joined #techrightsJul 13 08:58
schestowitz 13 09:04 Telecom collusion, a conspiracy against #privacy 13 09:04
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Agreements with private companies protect U.S. access to cables’ data for surveillance - The Washington Post .::. Size~: 164.87 KBJul 13 09:04
schestowitz 13 09:05 "Ezra Klein noted that “Roberts’ nominations to the #FISA court are almost exclusively Republican",0,1255674.storyJul 13 09:05
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: We need a better way to pick FISA court judges - .::. Size~: 153.99 KBJul 13 09:05
schestowitz 13 09:05 Obama brand, Republican policies, Business Party (corporations call at the shots). Fortunately, more citizens now realise this.Jul 13 09:05
schestowitz 13 09:05 The data hoarding department #usdojJul 13 09:05
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Justice Dept. defends secret rulings in new spy court filing — Tech News and Analysis .::. Size~: 118.43 KBJul 13 09:05
schestowitz 13 09:05 Hints and Questions About the Secret Fourth Amendment Rulings of the #FISA Court "over a dozen significant rulings"Jul 13 09:05
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: The Volokh Conspiracy » Hints and Questions About the Secret Fourth Amendment Rulings of the FISA Court .::. Size~: 72.31 KBJul 13 09:05
schestowitz 13 09:06
TechrightsBot-trNot a tweet?Jul 13 09:06
schestowitz"When he came to power,he kept Bush Secretary of War because its business as usual (actually dems bomb more countries that reps)"Jul 13 09:06
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jul 13 09:07
schestowitz 13 09:07
schestowitz"Jul 13 09:07 #Mega gives 50GB of free storage space, puts #privacy & legit encryption first (unlike DropBox). #DeleteDropBox & tell them why. #NSADropBoxJul 13 09:07
schestowitzThe NSA/FISA documents that have been released so far clearly state the traffic that is stored and analyzed is primarily routed through the United States and partner countries. They also state all encrypted traffic is stored at NSA facilities, much of it indefinitely. All encrypted traffic.Jul 13 09:07
schestowitzI'm not saying other countries don't have surveillance schemes, or that any country or company within in particular should be trusted. What I am saying is if you're looking for a hosted data service, the ones that are to be least trusted are for sure going to be located within the United States and the signatories to the UKUSA Agreements.Jul 13 09:07
schestowitzI agree client source code should be available, that can help to ensure there is no backdoor into the systems a la DropBox, Skype, etc. That is important, yes, but neither making source code available nor employing encryption will do anything to negate the fact that no matter what, there is a fiber facility where your traffic is being siphoned off by a Narus STA 6400, stored, and possibly decrypted and analyzedJul 13 09:07
schestowitzat a later date. Ten years ago anyone who held the belief this was happening was labelled a crackpot, now it's accepted by all. When one raises the possibility of the NSA's capabilities to decrypt or crack encrypted data they are met with the same attitude expressed toward those who believed traffic capture was happening a decade ago.Jul 13 09:07
schestowitzThe point really is that nothing online can be trusted in the long run.Jul 13 09:08
schestowitz"Jul 13 09:08
schestowitzMy data has got to go through the wires soemtimes, e.g. email or media that I send to another person. BT uses DPI on my line, but encryption slows that down, deters or blocks DPI. Nothing is perfect, but knowing that Dotcom et al. hate the NSA with passion gives me a sense of relative security putting data there.Jul 13 09:09
*nj3ma (~Nj3ma@ has joined #techrightsJul 13 09:10
*nj3ma has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jul 13 09:12
schestowitz 13 09:12
TechrightsBot-trTitle: EUROPA - PRESS RELEASES  - Press Release - Statement by Vice President Neelie Kroes "on the consequences of living in an age of total information" .::. Size~: 22.38 KBJul 13 09:12
*nj3ma (~Nj3ma@ has joined #techrightsJul 13 09:13
*nj3ma has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jul 13 09:20
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jul 13 09:23
schestowitz 13 09:25 Privacy vs. security: 'False choice' poisons debate on #NSA leaks common lie, deception trickJul 13 09:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Privacy vs. security: 'False choice' poisons debate on NSA leaks - NBC .::. Size~: 43.7 KBJul 13 09:25
schestowitz 13 09:25 Here’s what can go wrong when the government builds a huge database "frequent abuse of the NCIC database"Jul 13 09:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Here’s what can go wrong when the government builds a huge database about Americans .::. Size~: 114.51 KBJul 13 09:25
schestowitz 13 09:25 US must fix secret Fisa courts, says top judge who granted surveillance orders #fisa #rogueJul 13 09:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: US must fix secret Fisa courts, says top judge who granted surveillance orders | Law | .::. Size~: 141.5 KBJul 13 09:25
schestowitz 13 09:25 - #Chrome Packaged Apps gaining #Android powers #linuxJul 13 09:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Chrome Packaged Apps gaining Android powers | Internet & Media - CNET News .::. Size~: 75.52 KBJul 13 09:25
schestowitz 13 09:29
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Former Windows chief illustrates Microsoft's mobile app dilemma | Mobile - CNET News .::. Size~: 78.1 KBJul 13 09:29
schestowitz"[PJ: That is exactly why the new Firefox phones make good sense for users. They are built to run the web itself, like you are used to on your desktop, but on a mobile. Apps are like how many flowers can you grow in your garden; the internet is boundless and there are no garden walls.]"Jul 13 09:29
schestowitzMinceR: "[PJ: Although I hate Apple's positions in the patent smartphone wars, I agree with Apple's position here.]"Jul 13 09:37
schestowitzShe encapsulates the companyJul 13 09:37
schestowitzAs if, yes, they're bad on patents, but there is the "good Apple"Jul 13 09:37
schestowitzThe MS defenceJul 13 09:38
schestowitz"the "good side of Microsoft"Jul 13 09:38
schestowitz 13 09:39
TechrightsBot-trTitle: This Is Not a Test: Emergency Broadcast Systems Proved Hackable | Threat Level | .::. Size~: 121.96 KBJul 13 09:39
schestowitz"[PJ: After this and finding out Microsoft signed up with the NSA first, Microsoft better never again criticize Google for privacy issues until the end of time.] "Jul 13 09:49
schestowitzThat's what I saidJul 13 09:49
schestowitz 13 09:50
TechrightsBot-trTitle: A look at the black underbelly of Windows 8.1 'Blue' | Microsoft windows - InfoWorld .::. Size~: 103 KBJul 13 09:50
schestowitz"If you search for "flugelhorn" on your local computer -- not on the Web, mind you, but on your own computer -- the results that Windows 8.1 shows you will include advertisements for flugelhorns on eBay and Amazon (no, I'm not joking -- try it), local flugelhorn manufacturers, flugelhorn party consultants, and no doubt some day flugelhorn addiction services. "Jul 13 09:50
schestowitz 13 09:50
TechrightsBot-trNot a Diaspora post?Jul 13 09:50
schestowitz 13 09:50 Apple drops 'app store' lawsuit against Amazon #trademark #appleJul 13 09:50
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Apple drops 'app store' lawsuit against Amazon | ZDNet .::. Size~: 57.37 KBJul 13 09:50
schestowitz 13 09:51
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schestowitz 13 09:51 Too Many Cops Are Told They’re Soldiers Fighting a War. How Did We Get Here? #police #armyJul 13 09:51
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Too Many Cops Are Told They’re Soldiers Fighting a War. How Did We Get Here? | American Civil Liberties Union .::. Size~: 85.71 KBJul 13 09:51
schestowitz 13 09:51 US agency baffled by modern technology, destroys mice to get rid of viruses Darwinism in actionJul 13 09:51
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: US agency baffled by modern technology, destroys mice to get rid of viruses | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 40.92 KBJul 13 09:51
schestowitz 13 09:51 This accused hacker is a jerk. Here’s why he shouldn’t be a felon. #securityJul 13 09:51
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: This accused hacker is a jerk. Here’s why he shouldn’t be a felon. .::. Size~: 114.56 KBJul 13 09:51
schestowitz 13 09:51 Many #firefox ads 13 09:51
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Firefox OS bilboards in Warsaw - a set on Flickr .::. Size~: 196.69 KBJul 13 09:51
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 13 09:53
schestowitz 13 09:53 Remember that it's #Microsoft that signed up with the #NSA first and Microsoft that tells NSA of ways to crack Windows.Jul 13 09:53
*nj3ma (~Nj3ma@ has joined #techrightsJul 13 09:56
schestowitz 13 09:59
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Microsoft COO Kevin Turner refuses to lose | Microsoft - CNET News .::. Size~: 79.64 KBJul 13 09:59
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jul 13 10:01
schestowitz 13 10:03 Prenda’s motion to reduce $238,000 appeal bond falls flat #prenda #copyrightJul 13 10:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Prenda’s motion to reduce $238,000 appeal bond falls flat | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 40.7 KBJul 13 10:03
schestowitz 13 10:03 It is worth noting that #yahoo got hijacked by #microsoft /after/ it resisted the #nsa 13 10:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Exclusive: Yahoo seeks to reveal its fight against NSA Prism requests - San Jose Mercury News .::. Size~: 103.3 KBJul 13 10:03
schestowitz 13 10:03 Court rules Apple fixed ebook prices, led an illegal conspiracy #apple #pricefixing #conspiracyJul 13 10:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Court rules Apple fixed ebook prices, led an illegal conspiracy — paidContent .::. Size~: 140.41 KBJul 13 10:03
schestowitzWhitewash 13 10:15
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Log In - The New York Times .::. Size~: 10.46 KBJul 13 10:15
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 13 10:16
schestowitz 13 10:19 Google Chromebook Under $300 Defies PC Market With Growth #gnu #linux #chromebookJul 13 10:19
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Google Chromebook Under $300 Defies PC Market With Growth - Bloomberg .::. Size~: 148.51 KBJul 13 10:19
schestowitz 13 10:19 More NSA Code Names #nsa #privacy #linkedinJul 13 10:19
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Schneier on Security: More NSA Code Names .::. Size~: 48.52 KBJul 13 10:19
*iophk (~konv2@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJul 13 10:20
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schestowitz 13 10:20
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schestowitz"I guess it depends of where you re sitting, in some regions,criminal gangs wage war... … "Jul 13 10:20
TechrightsBot-trTitle: 07.05.07 Balanco Geral - Tiroteio na favela Vila Cruzeiro RJ - YouTube .::. Size~: 103.29 KBJul 13 10:20
schestowitz 13 10:21 #Mega gives 50GB of free storage space, puts #privacy & legit encryption first (unlike DropBox). #DeleteDropBox & tell them why. #NSADropBoxJul 13 10:21
schestowitz"no online storage is really to be trusted... always see all data uploaded online as compromised. even more that one posted at big services, or services hosted in the us...."Jul 13 10:21
schestowitz 13 10:22 The #NSADropBox wants you to upload your hard drive 13 10:22
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Dropbox wants to replace your hard disk | News | PC Pro .::. Size~: 84.1 KBJul 13 10:22
schestowitz"I guess they have never used comcast, huh?"Jul 13 10:22
schestowitz 13 10:22 When #fbi illegally raided #megaupload and confiscated the servers did it image (for #surveillance or 'evidence') them before mass-deletion?Jul 13 10:22
schestowitz"Forensic procedures would undoubtedly include multiple copies to multiple in-house experts for parallel analysis, and each of those branches would undoubtedly make backups of the images to restore from. 99.999%"Jul 13 10:22
iophkschestowitz: I've seen some of the higher end Chromebooks and they seem good.  How usable are the $199 Chromebooks in practice?Jul 13 10:40
iophkAside from the lock-in to Google's online services..Jul 13 10:41
schestowitzit can be avoided on AndroidJul 13 10:56
schestowitzthough not easilyJul 13 10:56
schestowitz 13 10:56 The "Koch Club": New Report Details How the Brothers Spend the Big Bucks #koch #astroturfJul 13 10:56
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: The "Koch Club": New Report Details How the Brothers Spend the Big Bucks | PR Watch .::. Size~: 48.77 KBJul 13 10:56
schestowitz 13 10:56 Net Neutrality: Will Kroes Fool Citizens (And Give In to Telcos)? #kroes #netneutrality #euJul 13 10:56
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Net Neutrality: Will Kroes Fool Citizens (And Give In to Telcos)? | La Quadrature du Net .::. Size~: 32.98 KBJul 13 10:56
schestowitz 13 10:56 "WikiLeaks' "journalistic reputation" had been undercut; he was criticizing the Times for maligning WikiLeaks." 13 10:56
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Did NYT Tarnish 'Journalistic Reputation' of WikiLeaks? .::. Size~: 65.4 KBJul 13 10:56
schestowitz 13 10:56 Pirate Party UK: "The last month nearly killed our most active volunteers.." 13 10:56
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: - Pirate Party UK .::. Size~: 7.35 KBJul 13 10:56 Freedom of expression groups urge Baroness Ludford to support strong privacy law #privacy #ukJul 13 10:56
TechrightsBot-trNot a web page! Aborting application/pdf typeJul 13 10:57 BeagleBone Black $15 metal enclosure ships #linux #embeddedJul 13 10:57
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: BeagleBone Black $15 metal enclosure ships .::. Size~: 28.2 KBJul 13 10:57 Windows security 13 10:57
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schestowitz 13 10:57 In Memoriam of Seth Vidal #yum #redhatJul 13 10:57
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: In Memoriam of Seth Vidal | .::. Size~: 48.65 KBJul 13 10:57 Android-powered STB transcodes 4 channels at once #android #linuxJul 13 10:57
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Android-powered STB transcodes 4 channels at once .::. Size~: 31.27 KBJul 13 10:57 El fundador del GNU/Linux Richard Stallman se reúne con Julian Assange I meet him MondayJul 13 10:57
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: El fundador del GNU/Linux Richard Stallman se reúne con Julian Assange .::. Size~: 82.1 KBJul 13 10:57 Estonia opens up its e-voting system in push for transparency, security #estonia promised this for a whileJul 13 10:57
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Estonia opens up its e-voting system in push for transparency, security — Tech News and Analysis .::. Size~: 80.95 KBJul 13 10:57 New licences for Wakanda 5 "Community Edition, which, with the AGPLv3 licence"Jul 13 10:57
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: New licences for Wakanda 5 - The H Open: News and Features .::. Size~: 52.76 KBJul 13 10:57
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jul 13 12:57
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsJul 13 13:06
schestowitz 13 13:22
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schestowitz"still no luck at logging in to #identica? Pw recovery and login should work now with firefox (didn't try other browsers)."Jul 13 13:22
schestowitz 13 13:22
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schestowitz"If you don't like the new #pumpio #identica, you're invited to join a federated #statusnet instance, ... "Jul 13 13:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: List of Independent Statusnet Instances (Mirror) - Supremos team .::. Size~: 126.61 KBJul 13 13:23
MinceRschestowitz: the only good crApple is the dead crAppleJul 13 13:43
MinceRgeekingsJul 13 13:47
oiaohmMinceR: I would not be too sure of that.Jul 13 13:59
oiaohmSome of the old Apple machines made good Linux PC MinceRJul 13 14:00
MinceRnon-crApple machines tend to make better GNU/Linux PCsJul 13 14:00
oiaohmMinceR: some models have perfect driver support.Jul 13 14:03
oiaohmMostly because Linus had a few.Jul 13 14:03
oiaohmMinceR: ie crapples same models as Linus owned good.Jul 13 14:03
MinceRyeah, he took one for the team so Linux could support thoseJul 13 14:04
oiaohmMinceR: Apple gave particular models free of charge to particular Linux developers.Jul 13 14:06
oiaohmMinceR: those were also the models with sainer EFI and other things.Jul 13 14:06
MinceRwell, that's one way to pay exact value for the product ;)Jul 13 14:06
MinceRwell, non-crApple PCs used to have something a lot saner than EFIJul 13 14:06
oiaohmbios unfortanly was not sane.Jul 13 14:07
oiaohmIn fact the same OEM bios screw up guys are making EFI even more insnae.Jul 13 14:07
MinceRsaner than EFIJul 13 14:07
oiaohmNoJul 13 14:08
oiaohmHP has been able to make EFI more insane.Jul 13 14:08
oiaohmThe auto reseting EFI.Jul 13 14:08
MinceRwell, if you like FAT and PE, you must like EFI :>Jul 13 14:08
MinceRoh, and self-bricking PCsJul 13 14:08
oiaohmSelf bricking was possible under some OEM bioses.Jul 13 14:08
oiaohmChange the MBR to somethign other than OEM provided and computer either faile to boot or write back what MBR is in bios.Jul 13 14:09
oiaohmThose were particular fun to install Linux on.Jul 13 14:09
MinceRthey were also rarer than self-bricking [U]EFI systemsJul 13 14:09
oiaohmEFI to spec normally does not brick.Jul 13 14:10
oiaohmSamsung forgot to include a O my god mode.Jul 13 14:10
oiaohmas the EFI spec states should be there.Jul 13 14:11
oiaohmMinceR: early PC bioses ie the early clones of IBM bios bricked machines in some quite nasty ways as well.Jul 13 14:12
oiaohmFirst generation firmware designs have a habit of being insanely nasty.Jul 13 14:12
oiaohmOf course this is not help by HP doing a HP directory in EFI  that if EFI partition is altered reset as per the HP directly.Jul 13 14:12
MinceRall the more reason to pick a BIOS-based system over an EFI-based one :>Jul 13 14:12
oiaohmThe problem here BIOS systems will be no more.Jul 13 14:13
MinceRBIOS is well beyond its early generationsJul 13 14:13
MinceRyeah, m$ killed the PCJul 13 14:13
oiaohmMost legacy mode systems today have EFI under them.Jul 13 14:13
oiaohmIf secure boot had not been put on EFI it would been quite decent.Jul 13 14:13
MinceRand you'll find out about that when they brick themselvesJul 13 14:14
oiaohmOk PE is annoying.Jul 13 14:14
MinceRno it would not have been decentJul 13 14:14
MinceRits still a bloated messJul 13 14:14
MinceRfull of bugs and m$-specific elementsJul 13 14:14
oiaohmSo is bios.Jul 13 14:14
MinceRBIOS is a lot simpler and a lot more matureJul 13 14:14
oiaohmNoJul 13 14:14
MinceRbesides, the industry could have moved on to corebootJul 13 14:14
oiaohmMicrosoft has added so many extentions to it.Jul 13 14:15
oiaohmThat bios is a complete disaster area.Jul 13 14:15
oiaohmcoreboot would have been a better move than EFI I will agree.Jul 13 14:15
oiaohmBut staying on bios with the hacks on top of hacks.Jul 13 14:15
oiaohmWas not really a option.Jul 13 14:15
MinceRwell, i prefer hacks that work to hacks that don'tJul 13 14:15
oiaohmI have used intel reference implementations.Jul 13 14:16
oiaohmof EFIJul 13 14:16
oiaohmThose reference ones work fairly cleanly.Jul 13 14:16
oiaohmLimited number of nasty.Jul 13 14:16
oiaohmMost nasty is changing the platform key and remove MS signing.Jul 13 14:17
oiaohmMinceR: lets bring a few simple points.   If a EFI is built to EFI spec it should support multi OS installs cleanly.Jul 13 14:18
oiaohmNone of this having to put bootloaders over boot loaders.Jul 13 14:18
oiaohmReality this does not work because OEM firmware implementations are stupid.Jul 13 14:19
MinceRand who will build EFI to EFI spec, as opposed to what m$ requires of them?Jul 13 14:19
oiaohmMinceR:  in fact OEM's don't even build correct for what MS requires of them either.Jul 13 14:19
oiaohmYes the old bios one we will just add a driver to hide that bios bug.Jul 13 14:19
oiaohmOEM have not been building firmware to spec for years.Jul 13 14:20
oiaohmMinceR: here is a good one.   If OEM had been building to MS requirements.  4 years ago every motherboard should not been able to boot Windows.Jul 13 14:22
oiaohmMinceR: because the MS testsuite for confirming bios function had a bug in it that should have resulted in Windows not booting.Jul 13 14:23
oiaohmMinceR: and they are meant to pass that suite to put MS windows certification on there devices.Jul 13 14:23
MinceRwe had no luck, thoughJul 13 14:23
oiaohmMinceR: PE was selected for EFI for the most stupid reason that the most compliers could make that format.Jul 13 14:25
MinceRsounds like an excuseJul 13 14:26
oiaohmReally yes and no.Jul 13 14:26
oiaohmTry to find a format other than PE that MS compliers build.Jul 13 14:27
MinceRdesigning a boot firmware around m$ compilers is a major mistakeJul 13 14:27
oiaohmllvm and gcc are both able to make PE.Jul 13 14:27
oiaohmIn fact I wish binutils could be fixed up to be able to build all formats from 1 binary again.Jul 13 14:28
oiaohmMinceR: they did try coff but it turns out MS compliers cannot make that any more.Jul 13 14:28
oiaohmReally I am thank ful its not coff.Jul 13 14:29
MinceRand of course the whole universe has to adapt to m$ and not the other way around, right?Jul 13 14:29
oiaohmMinceR: the secure boot bit that is MS.Jul 13 14:31
MinceRso's FAT and PEJul 13 14:31
oiaohmFAT was only accepted once MS agreed not to apply patents against it for EFI usage.Jul 13 14:32
oiaohmBefore that we were going to end up with UDFJul 13 14:32
oiaohmThat would have been interesting to say the least.Jul 13 14:32
oiaohmWith all the buggy UDF drivers out there.Jul 13 14:32
MinceRi wonder how binding that agreement isJul 13 14:32
MinceRi also wonder whose UDF drivers are buggyJul 13 14:33
MinceRi'm guessing it starts with "M"Jul 13 14:33
oiaohmMS and OS XJul 13 14:33
MinceRthe usual suspectsJul 13 14:33
oiaohmAnd many other OSJul 13 14:33
MinceRso again, everyone has to suffer because those two companies can't do anything rightJul 13 14:33
oiaohmOnly 3 that work is FreeBSD,  LInux and Solaris.Jul 13 14:33
MinceRexcept of course corruptionJul 13 14:34
oiaohmWith UDFJul 13 14:34
oiaohmAs per spec.Jul 13 14:34
oiaohmEverything other OS is broken somewhere.Jul 13 14:34
MinceRin that case, crApple and m$ can do what they always do and rip the driver off FreeBBSDJul 13 14:34
MinceRs/BB/B?Jul 13 14:34
MinceRarghJul 13 14:34
MinceRs/BB/B/Jul 13 14:34
oiaohmMinceR: cause of breakage is nasty.Jul 13 14:34
oiaohmin MS and OS X.Jul 13 14:34
oiaohmMS and OS X default install is fine.Jul 13 14:35
oiaohmInstall some third party dvd playback software heven help you.Jul 13 14:35
oiaohmwith UDFJul 13 14:35
MinceRthey could also just use GCC to generate ELF executables, they don't even have to pay licensing feesJul 13 14:36
oiaohmUmmJul 13 14:36
oiaohmGCC elf generation is slightly left of spec.Jul 13 14:36
MinceRshould be easy to fixJul 13 14:36
MinceRit's free softwareJul 13 14:36
oiaohmSun wrote the ELF spec.Jul 13 14:37
MinceRunlike visual studio and associated garbageJul 13 14:37
MinceRyes, and afaik most of the unix world accepted itJul 13 14:37
oiaohmAnd most of the Unix world tweeked ELF as well in places.Jul 13 14:37
oiaohmleading to the little migrain.Jul 13 14:37
MinceR(where m$ and crApple get the little bits of code in their products that work)Jul 13 14:38
oiaohmUnder ELF you would have to declare a new platform.Jul 13 14:38
oiaohmAnd that is written in the spec.Jul 13 14:38
MinceRwhile under EFI, the platform is already declared: windows.Jul 13 14:38
oiaohmMinceR: in fact you can set PE to say any platform and EFI just goes fine.Jul 13 14:39
oiaohmAs long as you declare cpu arch right.Jul 13 14:39
oiaohmIn fact PE include a no platform option in its platform delares.Jul 13 14:39
MinceRit doesn't need anyJul 13 14:39
MinceRit's a m$ formatJul 13 14:40
oiaohmIt does need it.Jul 13 14:40
MinceRit's what m$ twisted COFF into for their own designsJul 13 14:40
oiaohmRemember PE is used in xbox and other things.Jul 13 14:40
MinceRxbox is just a particularly unreliable and limited kind of winblows PCJul 13 14:40
MinceRor should i say, "it's a windows PC until it dies, which happens quickly"Jul 13 14:41
oiaohmMinceR: here is something scary Mac OS X 10.5 can run a PE binary.Jul 13 14:41
MinceRof course it canJul 13 14:41
oiaohmMinceR: a PE binary that is OS X only.Jul 13 14:41
MinceRm$ and crApple are two sides of the same coinJul 13 14:41
oiaohmBeOS and SkyOS also used PE at some points.Jul 13 14:42
oiaohmPE has not always been Windows.Jul 13 14:42
oiaohmMinceR: there is another stupid reason why PE was slected. 13 14:44
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Comparison of executable file formats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 55.5 KBJul 13 14:44
oiaohmMinceR: there are bugger all formats that offically include a included ICON option.Jul 13 14:44
oiaohmLIke OS with picture on boot slector was thought as a good option.Jul 13 14:45
MinceRfacepalmJul 13 14:46
oiaohmI know the feeling.Jul 13 14:47
oiaohmwhen I found out most of the reasons it was like O crap its that bad.Jul 13 14:47
MinceRit's like we put the fate of the industry in the hands of a bunch of retarded childrenJul 13 14:48
MinceR"ooh, shiny icons!"Jul 13 14:48
oiaohmNo the icon has valid reason.Jul 13 14:48
MinceRsure, bling trumps everythingJul 13 14:49
oiaohmNo its not bling.Jul 13 14:49
oiaohmYou think getting into a computer where the boot menus are in the wrong language.Jul 13 14:49
MinceRi think english is fineJul 13 14:49
MinceRi also think that getting a language selection at the start is fineJul 13 14:50
MinceRgdm can do it tooJul 13 14:50
oiaohmEFI boot menus are utf8Jul 13 14:51
MinceRbesides, which OS has a name that needs to be translated?Jul 13 14:52
oiaohmMinceR: they were thinking recovery modes.Jul 13 14:53
oiaohmMinceR: remember EFI supports third party fix up programs like anti-virus.Jul 13 14:53
oiaohmMinceR: ps utf8 that is not a recommend Fat encoded is in fact EFI recommendation for fat to be encoded in for EFI.Jul 13 14:54
MinceRso it's FAT that won't even work with winblows? :>Jul 13 14:54
oiaohmNot quite.Jul 13 14:55
oiaohmIts fat that if you edit from windows at tiems your computer will not boot.Jul 13 14:55
oiaohmYes EFI brings some interesting hell  MinceRJul 13 14:55
oiaohmAnd here you saying its Microsoft only.Jul 13 14:55
oiaohmthe utf8 bit was set down when the filesystem was UDFJul 13 14:56
MinceRwell, m$-only being completely broken even in m$-land isn't exactly newJul 13 14:56
oiaohmLinux kernel complains.Jul 13 14:56
MinceRso they could have avoided it if they stuck with UDF?Jul 13 14:56
oiaohmYes they could have.Jul 13 14:56
MinceRfacepalmJul 13 14:56
oiaohmbut the other UDF issues are nasty.Jul 13 14:56
oiaohmBad UDF dirvers can in fact make UDF lose directories for everything bar that driver.Jul 13 14:57
oiaohmNow that on boot partition would be real big pain in ass.Jul 13 14:57
MinceRshould have gone with ext3Jul 13 14:57
oiaohmOther than Linux nothing else can safely alter ext3Jul 13 14:58
MinceRthere's Ext2IFS for winblowsJul 13 14:58
MinceR(they could have also gone with ext2...)Jul 13 14:58
oiaohmext2 that would have been a maybe.Jul 13 15:00
oiaohmNo matter how much we hate FAT it kinda was the best choice out of a extreamly bad bunch.Jul 13 15:00
MinceRi'm not seeing itJul 13 15:00
oiaohmext2 would have been as bad as going exfatJul 13 15:00
MinceRext2 isn't patent-encumberedJul 13 15:01
MinceRboth FAT and UDF are mishandled by drivers that believe they can handle the fs, but really can'tJul 13 15:01
oiaohmMinceR: to be used in EFI patent claims had to be dropped for that user.Jul 13 15:01
MinceRafaik ext2 does not have that issueJul 13 15:01
oiaohmext2 drivers on platforms other than Windows have had a long list of driver issues causing data loss.Jul 13 15:01
MinceRi wonder how far-reaching is that waiverJul 13 15:01
oiaohmwindows and Linux.Jul 13 15:01
MinceRsure, i can boot without paying patent licenses, but can i create a tool that changes the contents of the filesystem?Jul 13 15:02
oiaohmFat is about the only driver support by all OSs.Jul 13 15:02
MinceRbut as you said, FAT is not supported for use in this way by winblowsJul 13 15:02
oiaohmMinceR: the EFI license covers altering the EFI patition by any tool you make.Jul 13 15:02
oiaohmSo yes that is something that demarded and got.Jul 13 15:02
MinceRwhat if i make a backup of the EFI partition? what if i alter that? what if i restore it?Jul 13 15:03
oiaohmSo modify EFI partitions there is no payment for having tools todo that.Jul 13 15:03
oiaohmSame with backup and restoreJul 13 15:03
oiaohmAny modifictation linked somehow to the boot process no matter how vague is covered.Jul 13 15:03
MinceRgoing with an unencumbered fs would have been cleanerJul 13 15:03
oiaohmfat will be unencumbered soo.Jul 13 15:04
oiaohmAnd the only unencumbered without issues was the old redbook for read only cds.Jul 13 15:04
oiaohmMinceR: fat patents die 2014Jul 13 15:05
MinceREFI was released well before 2014Jul 13 15:05
oiaohmTrue but its had the cover that complete time.Jul 13 15:06
oiaohmAnd legacy mode with EFI has been mandorary until after 2014Jul 13 15:06
oiaohmMinceR: EFI only systems will only appear after FAT patents are no more.Jul 13 15:07
MinceRit's not "EFI only" that's the issue, thoughJul 13 15:08
oiaohmEFI GPT is requred for 2TB+ drives.Jul 13 15:08
oiaohmBecause the old bios design cannot hand 2TB+ drives.Jul 13 15:09
MinceRi'll take a PC with a <=2TB boot drive over a winblows-only appliance that bricks itselfJul 13 15:10
MinceRespecially when the x86 version of winblows that will only run IE-based ("Metro") applications from the m$ crApp store comes outJul 13 15:10
oiaohmReally I have been using EFI with Linux.Jul 13 15:11
MinceRand the x86-based crApple appliances that will only run hypeOSJul 13 15:11
oiaohmEFI boots faster than bios.Jul 13 15:11
oiaohmBecause you skip a huge stack of start up that was require so bios would tell dos stuff.Jul 13 15:12
oiaohmBiggest issue I run into is secure boot.Jul 13 15:12
oiaohmAnd fast boot mandoary Jul 13 15:12
oiaohmSimplest way to enter firmware on a Windows 8 machine is unplug harddrive.Jul 13 15:13
oiaohmWorst bug of EFI is no key to force enter.Jul 13 15:13
oiaohmfirmwareJul 13 15:13
MinceRthere are worse bugs than thatJul 13 15:13
oiaohmWhat bugs.Jul 13 15:14
oiaohmI guess most you are refering to are OEM broken implementations.Jul 13 15:14
MinceRrestricted boot, self-bricking, broken m$ formatsJul 13 15:14
MinceRthose tooJul 13 15:14
oiaohmself-bricking if the thing following efi spec should be impossible.Jul 13 15:14
oiaohmthe spec recovery is unplug/disable storage media.Jul 13 15:15
oiaohmThen you should drop into firmware then you should be able to redirect it somewhere to repair.Jul 13 15:15
oiaohmThe removed storage media is even meant to work in case of EFI vars full.Jul 13 15:17
oiaohmGuess what some implementations are nicely busted.Jul 13 15:17
oiaohmrestricted boot requirement on arm by Microsoft I hate.Jul 13 15:17
MinceRit would probably be easier to implement a spec that isn't overgrownJul 13 15:17
oiaohmMinceR: compared to bios spec its small.Jul 13 15:18
oiaohmbios has grown into a super huge monster.Jul 13 15:18
MinceRafaik it isn't required to be as huge as [u]efi isJul 13 15:18
oiaohmto support modern hardware it has to be larger than UEFIJul 13 15:19
oiaohmAll the power management crap.Jul 13 15:19
oiaohmbios has to presume its going to land in dumb dos MinceRJul 13 15:19
MinceRcan't they wait until the OS boots with power management?Jul 13 15:19
oiaohmThat is what make bios horible huge.Jul 13 15:19
oiaohmMinceR:  with EFI powermanagement can be set light.Jul 13 15:20
oiaohmNo background task requirement.Jul 13 15:20
oiaohmbios using smm and other background things runs powermanagement.Jul 13 15:20
oiaohmFor the case something like dos loads that does not have a clue how to turn things on and off so it works for the user.Jul 13 15:21
oiaohmBasically less smm code running hidden in the cpu causing random interputions to the OS's.Jul 13 15:21
oiaohmusing EFI.Jul 13 15:21
oiaohmbios has to die.Jul 13 15:22
oiaohmThe design ideas for bios are just so far wrong its not funny.Jul 13 15:22
MinceRsame with efiJul 13 15:22
oiaohmEFI is less wrong.Jul 13 15:23
oiaohm 13 15:23
TechrightsBot-trTitle: System Management Mode - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 38.94 KBJul 13 15:23
oiaohmHeavy usage of System Management Mode is a a cause of lots and lots of strange issues.Jul 13 15:23
oiaohmLike lets say bios system management mode power management code does not turn off when the OS takes over.Jul 13 15:24
oiaohmNow you have two things trying to manage what its turned on and off.Jul 13 15:24
oiaohmwelcome to hell.Jul 13 15:24
MinceRthe OS can turn that off though, can it not?Jul 13 15:24
oiaohmOnly if the bios is not buggy.Jul 13 15:24
oiaohmSystem management mode is outside the control of the OS.Jul 13 15:25
MinceRbuggy implementations kill both schemesJul 13 15:25
oiaohmEFI does not start it in the first place.Jul 13 15:25
oiaohmSets defaults and presumes OS knows how to powermanage in EFIJul 13 15:25
MinceRbut at least bios doesn't come with os lock-in in most casesJul 13 15:26
oiaohmor you will load an extra bit in the bootloader.Jul 13 15:26
oiaohmTo allow for the fact your OS is dumb.Jul 13 15:26
oiaohmMinceR: most EFI boards I have handled for x86 unlock very well.Jul 13 15:26
oiaohmMinceR: EFI does not have to be a complete prick.Jul 13 15:27
oiaohmMinceR: there are plans in EFI standards to support multi signed loaders.Jul 13 15:27
oiaohmMinceR: that will make the install and change simpler.Jul 13 15:28
MinceRit would be better to just not ship with keysJul 13 15:28
oiaohmby the time EFI comes mandoary it should be a lot nicer except on MS arm stuff.Jul 13 15:28
oiaohmMinceR: I do hate that MS does not want user to be able to change platform key.Jul 13 15:29
oiaohmMinceR: and on arm platform unable to disable secure boot.Jul 13 15:30
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jul 13 16:18
iophk 13 16:32
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Collaborative Projects: Transforming the Way Software is Built | .::. Size~: 45.55 KBJul 13 16:32
iophk 13 16:54
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Forget Snowden: What have we learned about the NSA? • The Register .::. Size~: 54.91 KBJul 13 16:54
schestowitz 13 17:30 Microsoft Deal Kills Barnes & Noble #barnesnoble #patent #microsoft #novellJul 13 17:30
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Microsoft Deal Kills Barnes & Noble | Techrights .::. Size~: 91.98 KBJul 13 17:31
schestowitz 13 17:31 Obama Apparently a Patent Judge Now #obama #appleJul 13 17:31
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Obama Apparently a Patent Judge Now | Techrights .::. Size~: 90.62 KBJul 13 17:31
iophk 13 18:44
TechrightsBot-trTitle: Microsoft Sues U.S. Customs for Failed Google Phone Ban - Bloomberg .::. Size~: 150.49 KBJul 13 18:44
*sebsebseb (~sebsebseb@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrightsJul 13 19:33
sebsebsebhiJul 13 19:33
iophk 13 20:02
TechrightsBot-trTitle: How Tor Works - A ComputeCycle Deep Dive - YouTube .::. Size~: 156.49 KBJul 13 20:02
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@unaffiliated/cirrus-minor/x-6868843) has joined #techrightsJul 13 20:38
schestowitz./me prepares draft "Microsoft a Patent Terrorist, Sues the Governnment for Now Playing Along"Jul 13 21:02
schestowitz*NotJul 13 21:03
schestowitz 13 21:25
TechrightsBot-trNot a tweet?Jul 13 21:25
schestowitz"@ggreenwald @haloefekti It says an awful lot about the decline of independent and honest journalism"Jul 13 21:25
*iophk has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jul 13 21:36
schestowitz 13 22:07 Net Neutrality: Will Kroes Fool Citizens (And Give In to Telcos)? #kroes #netneutrality #euJul 13 22:07
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Net Neutrality: Will Kroes Fool Citizens (And Give In to Telcos)? | La Quadrature du Net .::. Size~: 32.98 KBJul 13 22:07
schestowitz"This is also a serious threat to software freedom because free software depends on community cooperation."Jul 13 22:07
schestowitz 13 22:07 Tired of helping the CIA? Quit Facebook, Venezuela minister urges #venezuela #facebookJul 13 22:07
TechrightsBot-tr-> Title: Tired of helping the CIA? Quit Facebook, Venezuela minister urges - Yahoo! News .::. Size~: 196.54 KBJul 13 22:07
schestowitz"Jul 13 22:07
schestowitzFacePopular is just a "closed" clone of Facebook... The irony: "connect with Facebook" to open an account.Jul 13 22:07
schestowitz"Open source" is for nerds, not for "masses". The government don't care whether it is open or closed. This network was proposed by the "Ministry of Lands", not even "Minister of Technology" (an Argentine-Venezuelan).Jul 13 22:07
schestowitz"Jul 13 22:07
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jul 13 22:14
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