Join us now at the IRC channel.
s-365 | @RT_com #Assange statement on #Manning verdict: "The only ’victim’ | Aug 01 00:04 |
s-365 | retweeted by was US govt’s wounded pride" | Aug 01 00:04 |
s-365 | @wikileaks | Aug 01 00:04 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 00:04 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: RT @RT_com: #Assange statement on #Manning verdict: "The only ’victim’ was US govt’s wounded pride" | Aug 01 00:04 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Sentencing Private Manning: LIVE UPDATES — RT USA .::. Size~: 54.09 KB | Aug 01 00:05 |
s-365 | @techdirt Fifth Circuit Court Of Appeals Upholds Decision That | Aug 01 00:07 |
s-365 | Warrantless Cell Phone Tracking Doesn't… | Aug 01 00:07 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 00:07 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 00:07 |
TechrightsSocial | @techdirt: Fifth Circuit Court Of Appeals Upholds Decision That Warrantless Cell Phone Tracking Doesn't… | Aug 01 00:07 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Fifth Circuit Court Of Appeals Upholds Decision That Warrantless Cell Phone Tracking Doesn't Violate Fourth Amendment | Techdirt .::. Size~: 63.25 KB | Aug 01 00:07 |
s-365 | @wikileaks WikiLeaks Party says Bradley #Manning's fate is a warning to | Aug 01 00:36 |
s-365 | Julian #Assange | Herald Sun | Aug 01 00:36 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 00:36 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: WikiLeaks Party says Bradley #Manning's fate is a warning to Julian #Assange | Herald Sun | Aug 01 00:36 |
TechrightsSocial | No message found | Aug 01 00:36 |
s-365 | @wikileaks Bradley #Manning trial report, day 24: no individuals killed | Aug 01 00:39 |
s-365 | due to #WikiLeaks' Afghan and Iraq War Log releases | Aug 01 00:39 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 00:39 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 00:39 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: Bradley #Manning trial report, day 24: no individuals killed due to #WikiLeaks' Afghan and Iraq War Log releases | Aug 01 00:39 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: » Reaction to WikiLeaks: no sources killed due to war log releases: trial report, day 24 Bradley Manning Support Network .::. Size~: 25 KB | Aug 01 00:39 |
s-365 | @ggreenwald Ron Wyden - another person Dem NSA defenders pretend doesn't | Aug 01 00:39 |
s-365 | retweeted by exist - said NSA "misled Congress" | Aug 01 00:39 |
s-365 | @wikileaks | Aug 01 00:39 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 00:39 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: RT @ggreenwald: Ron Wyden - another person Dem NSA defenders pretend doesn't exist - said NSA "misled Congress" | Aug 01 00:39 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Sen. Wyden: New documents show Intel community misled Congress – The Lead with Jake Tapper - Blogs .::. Size~: 70.91 KB | Aug 01 00:39 |
s-365 | @trevortimm After all the hysteria, official admits under oath that the | Aug 01 00:39 |
s-365 | retweeted by WikiLeaks disclosures never led to the death of anyone | Aug 01 00:39 |
s-365 | @wikileaks | Aug 01 00:39 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 00:39 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: RT @trevortimm: After all the hysteria, official admits under oath that the WikiLeaks disclosures never led to the death of anyone http://t… | Aug 01 00:39 |
TechrightsSocial | Couldn't resolve host 't…' ( status 0 @ http://t… ) | Aug 01 00:39 |
s-365 | @slashdot Android Tablet Gives Rare Glimpse At North Korean Tech | Aug 01 00:45 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 00:45 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 00:45 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Android Tablet Gives Rare Glimpse At North Korean Tech | Aug 01 00:45 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Android Tablet Gives Rare Glimpse At North Korean Tech - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.45 KB | Aug 01 00:45 |
s-365 | @techdirt US Military Admits No One Died Because Of Manning's Leaks | Aug 01 01:07 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 01:07 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 01:07 |
TechrightsSocial | @techdirt: US Military Admits No One Died Because Of Manning's Leaks | Aug 01 01:07 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: US Military Admits No One Died Because Of Manning's Leaks | Techdirt .::. Size~: 48.79 KB | Aug 01 01:07 |
s-365 | @slashdot Congress Wants FCC To Auction TV White Spaces | Aug 01 01:27 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 01:27 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 01:27 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Congress Wants FCC To Auction TV White Spaces | Aug 01 01:27 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Congress Wants FCC To Auction TV White Spaces - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.58 KB | Aug 01 01:27 |
s-365 | @techdirt DailyDirt: Scientists, You Too Can Be Rich And Famous! | Aug 01 01:36 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 01:36 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 01:36 |
TechrightsSocial | @techdirt: DailyDirt: Scientists, You Too Can Be Rich And Famous! | Aug 01 01:36 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: DailyDirt: Scientists, You Too Can Be Rich And Famous! | Techdirt .::. Size~: 47.92 KB | Aug 01 01:36 |
s-365 | @wikileaks Government witness in #Manning trial says zero deaths linked | Aug 01 01:58 |
s-365 | to #WikiLeaks' Afghan War Diary release | HuffPost | Aug 01 01:58 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 01:58 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 01:58 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: Government witness in #Manning trial says zero deaths linked to #WikiLeaks' Afghan War Diary release | HuffPost | Aug 01 01:58 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Bradley Manning Trial Witness Says Zero Deaths Linked To Names In Afghan War Diary Release .::. Size~: 316.85 KB | Aug 01 01:58 |
s-365 | @slashdot Ask Slashdot: Is Tech Talent More Important Than Skill? | Aug 01 03:09 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 03:09 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 03:09 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Ask Slashdot: Is Tech Talent More Important Than Skill? | Aug 01 03:09 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Ask Slashdot: Is Tech Talent More Important Than Skill? - Slashdot .::. Size~: 62.04 KB | Aug 01 03:09 |
s-365 | @linuxtoday Free iOS 7-like Control Center app for Android: ITworld: | Aug 01 03:10 |
s-365 | Control Center is a free app for Android that strong... | Aug 01 03:10 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 03:10 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 03:10 |
TechrightsSocial | @linuxtoday: Free iOS 7-like Control Center app for Android: ITworld: Control Center is a free app for Android that strong... | Aug 01 03:10 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Linux Today - Free iOS 7-like Control Center app for Android .::. Size~: 36.55 KB | Aug 01 03:10 |
s-365 | @wikileaks US government falsely tried to imply WikiLeaks killed | Aug 01 03:16 |
s-365 | someone--but now admts claim to be false in court today | Aug 01 03:16 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 03:16 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 03:16 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: US government falsely tried to imply WikiLeaks killed someone--but now admts claim to be false in court today | Aug 01 03:17 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Bradley Manning leak did not result in deaths by enemy forces, court hears | World news | .::. Size~: 117.84 KB | Aug 01 03:17 |
s-365 | @ggreenwald Must-read from ACLU's @JameelJaffer & Brett Max Kaufman: How | Aug 01 03:17 |
s-365 | retweeted by to Decode the True Meaning of What NSA Officials Say | Aug 01 03:17 |
s-365 | @wikileaks | Aug 01 03:17 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 03:17 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: RT @ggreenwald: Must-read from ACLU's @JameelJaffer & Brett Max Kaufman: How to Decode the True Meaning of What NSA Officials Say http://t.… | Aug 01 03:17 |
TechrightsSocial | Couldn't resolve host 't.…' ( status 0 @ http://t.… ) | Aug 01 03:17 |
*MinceR_ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Aug 01 03:35 | |
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Aug 01 03:41 | |
s-365 | @wikileaks #Assange: We've got to remove national security extremism... | Aug 01 03:52 |
s-365 | It's absurd, it's ridiculous, it needs to go." | Aug 01 03:52 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 03:52 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 03:52 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: #Assange: We've got to remove national security extremism... It's absurd, it's ridiculous, it needs to go." | Aug 01 03:52 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Julian Assange: Release of Verizon Order Shows Unauthorized Leaks Force Gov’t Transparency | NationofChange .::. Size~: 56.37 KB | Aug 01 03:52 |
s-365 | @TheOliverStone Manning's sentence should have been "time served" - while | Aug 01 03:52 |
s-365 | retweeted by plenty of war criminals rest in obscurity. How low we've | Aug 01 03:52 |
s-365 | @wikileaks come! | Aug 01 03:52 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 03:52 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: RT @TheOliverStone: Manning's sentence should have been "time served" - while plenty of war criminals rest in obscurity. How low we've com… | Aug 01 03:52 |
s-365 | @wikileaks Manning’s conviction seen as making prosecution of #Assange | Aug 01 03:54 |
s-365 | likely | Washington Post | Aug 01 03:54 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 03:54 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 03:54 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: Manning’s conviction seen as making prosecution of #Assange likely | Washington Post | Aug 01 03:54 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Manning’s conviction seen as making prosecution of WikiLeaks’ Assange likely - The Washington Post .::. Size~: 200.82 KB | Aug 01 03:54 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Donate - Justice for Assange .::. Size~: 13.82 KB | Aug 01 03:54 |
s-365 | @slashdot Google Replaces AT&T At Starbucks | Aug 01 04:03 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 04:03 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Google Replaces AT&T At Starbucks | Aug 01 04:03 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Google Replaces AT&T At Starbucks - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.51 KB | Aug 01 04:03 |
s-365 | @wikileaks Recommended: @GGreenwald on @PiersMorgan re NSA with Jim | Aug 01 04:11 |
s-365 | Risen & @JeffreyToobin #snowden #nsa | Aug 01 04:11 |
s-365 | #wikileaks #prism | Aug 01 04:11 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 04:11 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: Recommended: @GGreenwald on @PiersMorgan re NSA with Jim Risen & @JeffreyToobin #snowden #nsa #wikileaks #prism | Aug 01 04:11 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Greenwald And NYT‘s James Risen Completely Deflate Jeffrey Toobin’s Tortured Logic On NSA, Snowden | Mediaite .::. Size~: 57.69 KB | Aug 01 04:11 |
s-365 | @Josh__Gardiner .@RoyceAkers flew to London to out-dress Julian Assange in | Aug 01 04:16 |
s-365 | retweeted by the Ecuadorian Embassy. Full clip live tomorrow | Aug 01 04:16 |
s-365 | @wikileaks #Wikileaks | Aug 01 04:16 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 04:16 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: RT @Josh__Gardiner: .@RoyceAkers flew to London to out-dress Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy. Full clip live tomorrow… | Aug 01 04:16 |
TechrightsSocial | ( status 404 @… ) | Aug 01 04:16 |
s-365 | @wikileaks #Russia's explicitly targeted in US global | Aug 01 04:46 |
s-365 | surveillance system (see slide "Why are we...") | Guardian | Aug 01 04:46 |
s-365 | #prism | Aug 01 04:46 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 04:46 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: #Russia's explicitly targeted in US global surveillance system (see slide "Why are we...") | Guardian #prism | Aug 01 04:46 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: XKeyscore: NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet' | World news | .::. Size~: 138.64 KB | Aug 01 04:46 |
*phIRCe-58299 ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Aug 01 05:13 | |
phIRCe-58299 | Failed to load module HelloWorld. Reason: Not found! | Aug 01 05:13 |
phIRCe-58299 | Module HelloWorld has been removed until restarted! | Aug 01 05:13 |
s-365 | @slashdot Computer Scientists Develop 'Mathematical Jigsaw Puzzles' To | Aug 01 05:33 |
s-365 | Encrypt Software | Aug 01 05:33 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 05:33 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Computer Scientists Develop 'Mathematical Jigsaw Puzzles' To Encrypt Software | Aug 01 05:33 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Computer Scientists Develop 'Mathematical Jigsaw Puzzles' To Encrypt Software - Slashdot .::. Size~: 62.6 KB | Aug 01 05:33 |
phIRCe-58299 | @slashdot: Computer Scientists Develop 'Mathematical Jigsaw Puzzles' To Encrypt Software | Aug 01 05:33 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Computer Scientists Develop 'Mathematical Jigsaw Puzzles' To Encrypt Software - Slashdot .::. Size~: 62.6 KB | Aug 01 05:33 |
s-365 | @RT_com US applies ‘double standards’ in #Manning case - Russian HR | Aug 01 05:38 |
s-365 | retweeted by commissioner | Aug 01 05:38 |
s-365 | @wikileaks | Aug 01 05:38 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 05:38 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: RT @RT_com: US applies ‘double standards’ in #Manning case - Russian HR commissioner | Aug 01 05:38 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: RT @RT_com: US applies ‘double standards’ in #Manning case - Russian HR commissioner | Aug 01 05:38 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: US applies ‘double standards’ in Manning case - Russian HR commissioner — RT News .::. Size~: 42.7 KB | Aug 01 05:38 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: US applies ‘double standards’ in Manning case - Russian HR commissioner — RT News .::. Size~: 42.7 KB | Aug 01 05:38 |
s-365 | @wikileaks NYTimes: Julian #Assange should celebrate | Aug 01 05:42 |
s-365 | better yet, fight: | Aug 01 05:42 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 05:42 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 05:42 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: NYTimes: Julian #Assange should celebrate better yet, fight: | Aug 01 05:42 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Julian Assange Should Celebrate Bradley Manning's Verdict - Room for Debate - .::. Size~: 29.44 KB | Aug 01 05:42 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: NYTimes: Julian #Assange should celebrate better yet, fight: | Aug 01 05:42 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Donate - Justice for Assange .::. Size~: 13.82 KB | Aug 01 05:42 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Julian Assange Should Celebrate Bradley Manning's Verdict - Room for Debate - .::. Size~: 29.44 KB | Aug 01 05:42 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Donate - Justice for Assange .::. Size~: 13.82 KB | Aug 01 05:42 |
s-365 | @wikileaks #Russia's explicitly targeted by NSA mass spying | Aug 01 05:45 |
s-365 | system (see slide "Why are we...") | Aug 01 05:45 |
s-365 | @RT_com @M_Simonyan | Aug 01 05:45 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 05:45 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: #Russia's explicitly targeted by NSA mass spying system (see slide "Why are we...") @RT_com @M_Simonyan | Aug 01 05:45 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: #Russia's explicitly targeted by NSA mass spying system (see slide "Why are we...") @RT_com @M_Simonyan | Aug 01 05:45 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: XKeyscore: NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet' | World news | .::. Size~: 163.13 KB | Aug 01 05:45 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: XKeyscore: NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet' | World news | .::. Size~: 138.66 KB | Aug 01 05:45 |
s-365 | @doctorow Photoset: hauntedmansionbackstage: Details from another fun | Aug 01 05:51 |
s-365 | vignette in the Graveyard. The Coachman crashes... | Aug 01 05:51 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 05:51 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 05:51 |
TechrightsSocial | @doctorow: Photoset: hauntedmansionbackstage: Details from another fun vignette in the Graveyard. The Coachman crashes... | Aug 01 05:51 |
phIRCe-58299 | @doctorow: Photoset: hauntedmansionbackstage: Details from another fun vignette in the Graveyard. The Coachman crashes... | Aug 01 05:51 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Cory Doctorow: hauntedmansionbackstage: Details from another... .::. Size~: 71.73 KB | Aug 01 05:51 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Cory Doctorow: hauntedmansionbackstage: Details from another... .::. Size~: 71.73 KB | Aug 01 05:51 |
s-365 | @doctorow Photo: maryrobinette: This may be one of the most compelling | Aug 01 05:51 |
s-365 | arguments for having kids I’ve seen yet. | Aug 01 05:51 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 05:51 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 05:51 |
TechrightsSocial | @doctorow: Photo: maryrobinette: This may be one of the most compelling arguments for having kids I’ve seen yet. | Aug 01 05:51 |
phIRCe-58299 | @doctorow: Photo: maryrobinette: This may be one of the most compelling arguments for having kids I’ve seen yet. | Aug 01 05:51 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 9.72 KB | Aug 01 05:51 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 9.72 KB | Aug 01 05:52 |
s-365 | @doctorow Photo: falling-inlove-with-books: Garden Library EOTR | Aug 01 05:52 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 05:52 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 05:52 |
TechrightsSocial | @doctorow: Photo: falling-inlove-with-books: Garden Library EOTR | Aug 01 05:52 |
phIRCe-58299 | @doctorow: Photo: falling-inlove-with-books: Garden Library EOTR | Aug 01 05:52 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 12.07 KB | Aug 01 05:52 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 12.07 KB | Aug 01 05:52 |
schestowitz | | Aug 01 05:56 |
phIRCe-58299 | ( status 500 @ ) | Aug 01 05:56 |
TechrightsSocial | ( status 500 @ ) | Aug 01 05:56 |
s-365 | @wikileaks ALERT: Edward #Snowden will release an important statement | Aug 01 05:57 |
s-365 | later today in light of the Manning trial verdict @WikiLeaks | Aug 01 05:57 |
s-365 | #prism #nsa | Aug 01 05:57 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 05:57 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: ALERT: Edward #Snowden will release an important statement later today in light of the Manning trial verdict @WikiLeaks #prism #nsa | Aug 01 05:57 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: ALERT: Edward #Snowden will release an important statement later today in light of the Manning trial verdict @WikiLeaks #prism #nsa | Aug 01 05:57 |
schestowitz | It is 6 hours into the new month and is still inaccessible. It said it had run out of bandwidth (yesterday afternoon), but now is a new month. | Aug 01 05:58 |
schestowitz | | Aug 01 06:16 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Diaspora* / Sign in .::. Size~: 8.69 KB | Aug 01 06:16 |
phIRCe-58299 | Title: Diaspora* / Sign in .::. Size~: 8.69 KB | Aug 01 06:16 |
s-365 | @schestowitz This American Life on Guatemalan Genocide | Aug 01 06:19 |
s-365 | "Washington's role is a story not | Aug 01 06:19 |
s-365 | worth telling" #revisionism | Aug 01 06:19 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 06:19 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: This American Life on Guatemalan Genocide "Washington's role is a story not worth telling" #revisionism | Aug 01 06:19 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: This American Life on Guatemalan Genocide "Washington's role is a story not worth telling" #revisionism | Aug 01 06:19 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: This American Life on Guatemalan Genocide — FAIR: Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting .::. Size~: 46.78 KB | Aug 01 06:19 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: This American Life on Guatemalan Genocide — FAIR: Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting .::. Size~: 46.78 KB | Aug 01 06:19 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Futuristic-looking piano | Aug 01 06:22 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 06:22 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Futuristic-looking piano | Aug 01 06:22 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Futuristic-looking piano | Aug 01 06:22 |
TechrightsSocial | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Aug 01 06:22 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Aug 01 06:22 |
s-365 | @wikileaks Disgraceful reportage once again from @Reuters - stating WL | Aug 01 06:25 |
s-365 | killed an Afghani, when exactly the opposite was proven | Aug 01 06:25 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 06:25 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 06:25 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: Disgraceful reportage once again from @Reuters - stating WL killed an Afghani, when exactly the opposite was proven | Aug 01 06:25 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: Disgraceful reportage once again from @Reuters - stating WL killed an Afghani, when exactly the opposite was proven | Aug 01 06:25 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Iraq war logs in Manning case 'hit us in the face': U.S. officer | Reuters .::. Size~: 92.47 KB | Aug 01 06:25 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Iraq war logs in Manning case 'hit us in the face': U.S. officer | Reuters .::. Size~: 92.47 KB | Aug 01 06:25 |
s-365 | @wikileaks .@Reuters truly is the worst newswire in the world. It is | Aug 01 06:29 |
s-365 | your journalists we exposed being murdered, in this very | Aug 01 06:29 |
s-365 | case, recall? | Aug 01 06:29 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 06:29 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: .@Reuters truly is the worst newswire in the world. It is your journalists we exposed being murdered, in this very case, recall? | Aug 01 06:29 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: .@Reuters truly is the worst newswire in the world. It is your journalists we exposed being murdered, in this very case, recall? | Aug 01 06:29 |
s-365 | @schestowitz NBC Misreports Collateral Murder Video | Aug 01 06:30 |
s-365 | #nbc changes history | Aug 01 06:30 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 06:30 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: NBC Misreports Collateral Murder Video #nbc changes history | Aug 01 06:30 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: NBC Misreports Collateral Murder Video #nbc changes history | Aug 01 06:30 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: NBC Misreports Collateral Murder Video .::. Size~: 50.13 KB | Aug 01 06:30 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: NBC Misreports Collateral Murder Video .::. Size~: 50.13 KB | Aug 01 06:30 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Th NSA's criminalities are further exposed | Aug 01 06:32 |
s-365 | #nsa #email #surveillance | Aug 01 06:32 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 06:32 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Th NSA's criminalities are further exposed #nsa #email #surveillance | Aug 01 06:32 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Th NSA's criminalities are further exposed #nsa #email #surveillance | Aug 01 06:32 |
TechrightsSocial | ( status 404 @ ) | Aug 01 06:32 |
phIRCe-58299 | ( status 404 @ ) | Aug 01 06:32 |
phIRCe-58299 | ( status 404 @ ) | Aug 01 06:32 |
TechrightsSocial | ( status 404 @ ) | Aug 01 06:32 |
s-365 | @wikileaks .@Reuters: is that because your not really a newswire? But | Aug 01 06:33 |
s-365 | after your merge with Thomson an intel contractor? | Aug 01 06:33 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 06:33 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 06:33 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: .@Reuters: is that because your not really a newswire? But after your merge with Thomson an intel contractor? | Aug 01 06:33 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 18.7 KB | Aug 01 06:33 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: .@Reuters: is that because your not really a newswire? But after your merge with Thomson an intel contractor? | Aug 01 06:33 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Exclusive: Reuters Chief Spikes Story on Killing of His Own Staffers In Baghdad .::. Size~: 67.63 KB | Aug 01 06:33 |
schestowitz | | Aug 01 06:36 |
TechrightsSocial | reshared: #LOL        | Aug 01 06:36 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/gif type | Aug 01 06:36 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/gif type | Aug 01 06:36 |
schestowitz | "How do these people function in life if they can't handle simple things?" | Aug 01 06:36 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/gif type | Aug 01 06:36 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/gif type | Aug 01 06:37 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/gif type | Aug 01 06:37 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/gif type | Aug 01 06:37 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/gif type | Aug 01 06:37 |
phIRCe-58299 | ( status 403 @ ) | Aug 01 06:37 |
phIRCe-58299 | ( status 403 @ ) | Aug 01 06:37 |
TechrightsSocial | ( status 403 @ ) | Aug 01 06:37 |
schestowitz | | Aug 01 06:37 |
schestowitz | "All natural, no preservatives, no adds... pure sillyness :P" | Aug 01 06:37 |
schestowitz | | Aug 01 06:37 |
phIRCe-58299 | Nokia Grows Frustrated With Microsoft's Pace In Windows Phone #nokia #microsoft | Aug 01 06:37 |
TechrightsSocial | Nokia Grows Frustrated With Microsoft's Pace In Windows Phone #nokia #microsoft | Aug 01 06:37 |
TechrightsSocial | ( status 404 @ ) | Aug 01 06:37 |
phIRCe-58299 | ( status 404 @ ) | Aug 01 06:37 |
schestowitz | "Must not be hot enough for Elop." | Aug 01 06:37 |
schestowitz | | Aug 01 06:38 |
phIRCe-58299 | Protests for #manning outside the #whitehouse right to question | Aug 01 06:38 |
TechrightsSocial | Protests for #manning outside the #whitehouse right to question | Aug 01 06:38 |
TechrightsSocial | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Aug 01 06:38 |
TechrightsSocial | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Aug 01 06:38 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Aug 01 06:38 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Aug 01 06:38 |
schestowitz | "Activists, now even closer to you :)" | Aug 01 06:38 |
schestowitz | | Aug 01 06:38 |
phIRCe-58299 | ASUS admits it's better with #linux - #Asus Announces New 10-inch MeMo Pad FHD Tablet no #wintel | Aug 01 06:38 |
TechrightsSocial | ASUS admits it's better with #linux - #Asus Announces New 10-inch MeMo Pad FHD Tablet no #wintel | Aug 01 06:38 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Asus Announces New 10-inch MeMo Pad FHD Tablet | Maximum PC .::. Size~: 88.18 KB | Aug 01 06:38 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Asus Announces New 10-inch MeMo Pad FHD Tablet | Maximum PC .::. Size~: 88.18 KB | Aug 01 06:38 |
schestowitz | "Asus, that was a step in the right way." | Aug 01 06:38 |
s-365 | @wikileaks US admits under oath that WikiLeaks disclosures never led to | Aug 01 06:40 |
s-365 | the death of anyone | Courthouse News | Aug 01 06:40 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 06:40 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 06:40 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: US admits under oath that WikiLeaks disclosures never led to the death of anyone | Courthouse News | Aug 01 06:40 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Courthouse News Service .::. Size~: 15.85 KB | Aug 01 06:40 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: US admits under oath that WikiLeaks disclosures never led to the death of anyone | Courthouse News | Aug 01 06:40 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Courthouse News Service .::. Size~: 15.85 KB | Aug 01 06:40 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Weekend soon | Aug 01 06:42 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 06:42 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Weekend soon | Aug 01 06:42 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Weekend soon | Aug 01 06:42 |
TechrightsSocial | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Aug 01 06:42 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Aug 01 06:42 |
s-365 | @schestowitz #NSA collects 'nearly everything a user does on the | Aug 01 06:43 |
s-365 | internet' "US officials vehemently | Aug 01 06:43 |
s-365 | denied this specific claim." | Aug 01 06:43 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 06:43 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: #NSA collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet' "US officials vehemently denied this specific claim." | Aug 01 06:43 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: #NSA collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet' "US officials vehemently denied this specific claim." | Aug 01 06:43 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: XKeyscore: NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet' | World news | .::. Size~: 138.71 KB | Aug 01 06:43 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: XKeyscore: NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet' | World news | .::. Size~: 163.18 KB | Aug 01 06:43 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Browsers | Aug 01 06:45 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 06:45 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Browsers | Aug 01 06:46 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Browsers | Aug 01 06:46 |
TechrightsSocial | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Aug 01 06:46 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Aug 01 06:46 |
s-365 | @LarryEverest @doctorow Sermon from a cell - supporting #PBhungerstrike | Aug 01 06:46 |
s-365 | retweeted by #CAhungerstrike: | Aug 01 06:46 |
s-365 | @doctorow | Aug 01 06:46 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 06:46 |
TechrightsSocial | @doctorow: RT @LarryEverest: @doctorow Sermon from a cell - supporting #PBhungerstrike #CAhungerstrike: | Aug 01 06:46 |
phIRCe-58299 | @doctorow: RT @LarryEverest: @doctorow Sermon from a cell - supporting #PBhungerstrike #CAhungerstrike: | Aug 01 06:46 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 6.6 KB | Aug 01 06:46 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 6.6 KB | Aug 01 06:46 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Doritos | Aug 01 06:47 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 06:47 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Doritos | Aug 01 06:47 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Doritos | Aug 01 06:47 |
TechrightsSocial | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Aug 01 06:47 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Aug 01 06:47 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Putin's mind is working | Aug 01 06:48 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 06:48 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Putin's mind is working | Aug 01 06:48 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Putin's mind is working | Aug 01 06:48 |
TechrightsSocial | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Aug 01 06:48 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Aug 01 06:48 |
s-365 | @schestowitz NSA Director: Don’t Worry, Trust Us | Aug 01 06:51 |
s-365 | even when they're caught lying. #nsa | Aug 01 06:51 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 06:51 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: NSA Director: Don’t Worry, Trust Us even when they're caught lying. #nsa | Aug 01 06:51 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: NSA Director: Don’t Worry, Trust Us even when they're caught lying. #nsa | Aug 01 06:51 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: NSA Director: Don’t Worry, Trust Us | TechCrunch .::. Size~: 79.34 KB | Aug 01 06:51 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: NSA Director: Don’t Worry, Trust Us | TechCrunch .::. Size~: 79.34 KB | Aug 01 06:51 |
schestowitz | | Aug 01 06:52 |
TechrightsSocial | UK: default blocking to hit small ISPs and if they don't comply will #cameron accuse them of promoting kiddie pr0n? | Aug 01 06:52 |
phIRCe-58299 | UK: default blocking to hit small ISPs and if they don't comply will #cameron accuse them of promoting kiddie pr0n? | Aug 01 06:52 |
schestowitz | " | Aug 01 06:52 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Open Rights Group - Government wants default blocking to hit small ISPs .::. Size~: 26.99 KB | Aug 01 06:52 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Open Rights Group - Government wants default blocking to hit small ISPs .::. Size~: 26.99 KB | Aug 01 06:52 |
schestowitz | It will probably be the thin end of the wedge as they say. | Aug 01 06:52 |
schestowitz | You get a piece of software in to block one thing ....... then it goes on and on ........ until only the advertisers and sellers are left to make profits from us again. | Aug 01 06:53 |
schestowitz | Not sure what can be done ....... as no one can complain ..... and yet this was brought up time and time again in the past ........ | Aug 01 06:53 |
schestowitz | Every year ....... they do something to block the same things ...... | Aug 01 06:53 |
schestowitz | So why don't they go after the people that make these things - | Aug 01 06:53 |
schestowitz | Odd World ........ like a publishing company producing newspapers and to get rid of the newspaper they go after the readers. | Aug 01 06:53 |
schestowitz | Seems a tad odd ........ and they seem to do the same thing over and over again ........ | Aug 01 06:53 |
schestowitz | Public will never complain about it as they do not know what will be blocked next. | Aug 01 06:53 |
schestowitz | But maybe some limitations should be set now to stop them going mad with censorship ........ as we know what will happen once political censorship starts kicking in. | Aug 01 06:53 |
schestowitz | You cannot say that and you cannot say this ....... and meanwhile blocking your blog or site ....... | Aug 01 06:53 |
schestowitz | Definitely needs some Legal paperwork writing out soon - saying what they are allowed to block and what is not ok ........ | Aug 01 06:53 |
schestowitz | We either have FREEDOM or we have nothing ........ | Aug 01 06:53 |
schestowitz | " | Aug 01 06:53 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Letter from #sagan | Aug 01 06:54 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 06:54 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Letter from #sagan | Aug 01 06:54 |
TechrightsSocial | Not a web page! Aborting image/png type | Aug 01 06:54 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Letter from #sagan | Aug 01 06:54 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/png type | Aug 01 06:54 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Declassified Memos Confirm Dragnet Phone Surveillance | Aug 01 06:55 |
s-365 | Program Was No Secret From Congress | Aug 01 06:55 |
s-365 | #nsa #lies | Aug 01 06:55 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 06:55 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Declassified Memos Confirm Dragnet Phone Surveillance Program Was No Secret From Congress #nsa #lies | Aug 01 06:55 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Declassified Memos Confirm Dragnet Phone Surveillance Program Was No Secret From Congress #nsa #lies | Aug 01 06:55 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Declassified Memos Confirm Dragnet Phone Surveillance Program Was No Secret From Congress | Threat Level | .::. Size~: 128.02 KB | Aug 01 06:55 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Declassified Memos Confirm Dragnet Phone Surveillance Program Was No Secret From Congress | Threat Level | .::. Size~: 127.96 KB | Aug 01 06:55 |
s-365 | @schestowitz NSA Director Defends Surveillance Activities During | Aug 01 06:56 |
s-365 | they discredit the event by letting | Aug 01 06:56 |
s-365 | him speak | Aug 01 06:56 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 06:56 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: NSA Director Defends Surveillance Activities During they discredit the event by letting him speak | Aug 01 06:56 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: NSA Director Defends Surveillance Activities During they discredit the event by letting him speak | Aug 01 06:56 |
phIRCe-58299 | SSL: certificate subject name '*' does not match target host name '' ( status 0 @ ) | Aug 01 06:56 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: NSA Director Alexander Defends Surveillance at Black Hat | Threatpost .::. Size~: 72.44 KB | Aug 01 06:56 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: NSA Director Alexander Defends Surveillance at Black Hat | Threatpost .::. Size~: 72.44 KB | Aug 01 06:56 |
s-365 | @schestowitz “You lied to Congress. Why would people believe you’re not | Aug 01 06:58 |
s-365 | lying to us right now?” | Aug 01 06:58 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 06:58 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: “You lied to Congress. Why would people believe you’re not lying to us right now?” | Aug 01 06:58 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: “You lied to Congress. Why would people believe you’re not lying to us right now?” | Aug 01 06:58 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: NSA Director Heckled At Conference As He Asks For Security Community's Understanding - Forbes .::. Size~: 128.33 KB | Aug 01 06:58 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: NSA Director Heckled At Conference As He Asks For Security Community's Understanding - Forbes .::. Size~: 128.34 KB | Aug 01 06:58 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Keith Alexander is not catching "terrorists". He uses data | Aug 01 07:00 |
s-365 | he collects to put in prison computer wizards like ones | Aug 01 07:00 |
s-365 | found in this conference. | Aug 01 07:00 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 07:00 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Keith Alexander is not catching "terrorists". He uses data he collects to put in prison computer wizards like ones found in this conference. | Aug 01 07:00 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Keith Alexander is not catching "terrorists". He uses data he collects to put in prison computer wizards like ones found in this conference. | Aug 01 07:00 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Swartz, Barrett Brown, 'Weev' and many others might have a | Aug 01 07:01 |
s-365 | lot to say about Keith Alexander's claims if they were not | Aug 01 07:01 |
s-365 | dead or in prison. | Aug 01 07:01 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 07:01 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Swartz, Barrett Brown, 'Weev' and many others might have a lot to say about Keith Alexander's claims if they were not dead or in prison. | Aug 01 07:01 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Swartz, Barrett Brown, 'Weev' and many others might have a lot to say about Keith Alexander's claims if they were not dead or in prison. | Aug 01 07:01 |
s-365 | @schestowitz How Bank of England 'helped Nazis sell gold stolen from | Aug 01 07:02 |
s-365 | Czechs' #banking | Aug 01 07:02 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 07:02 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: How Bank of England 'helped Nazis sell gold stolen from Czechs' #banking | Aug 01 07:02 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: How Bank of England 'helped Nazis sell gold stolen from Czechs' #banking | Aug 01 07:02 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: How Bank of England 'helped Nazis sell gold stolen from Czechs' | Business | The Guardian .::. Size~: 118.73 KB | Aug 01 07:02 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: How Bank of England 'helped Nazis sell gold stolen from Czechs' | Business | The Guardian .::. Size~: 152.71 KB | Aug 01 07:03 |
s-365 | @wikileaks Is @Reuters bias due to being more intelligence contractor | Aug 01 07:05 |
s-365 | than newswire after merger with Thomson? | Aug 01 07:05 |
s-365 | … … | Aug 01 07:05 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 07:05 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: Is @Reuters bias due to being more intelligence contractor than newswire after merger with Thomson? … … | Aug 01 07:05 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 18.71 KB | Aug 01 07:05 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: Is @Reuters bias due to being more intelligence contractor than newswire after merger with Thomson? … … | Aug 01 07:05 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Exclusive: Reuters Chief Spikes Story on Killing of His Own Staffers In Baghdad .::. Size~: 67.63 KB | Aug 01 07:05 |
s-365 | @techdirt The Bradley Manning Verdict Will Create Massive Chilling | Aug 01 07:07 |
s-365 | Effects For Whistleblowers And… | Aug 01 07:07 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 07:07 |
TechrightsSocial | @techdirt: The Bradley Manning Verdict Will Create Massive Chilling Effects For Whistleblowers And… | Aug 01 07:07 |
phIRCe-58299 | @techdirt: The Bradley Manning Verdict Will Create Massive Chilling Effects For Whistleblowers And… | Aug 01 07:07 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: The Bradley Manning Verdict Will Create Massive Chilling Effects For Whistleblowers And Journalists | Techdirt .::. Size~: 55.54 KB | Aug 01 07:07 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: The Bradley Manning Verdict Will Create Massive Chilling Effects For Whistleblowers And Journalists | Techdirt .::. Size~: 55.69 KB | Aug 01 07:07 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Deep seabed mining | Aug 01 07:08 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 07:08 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Deep seabed mining | Aug 01 07:08 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Deep seabed mining | Aug 01 07:08 |
TechrightsSocial | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Aug 01 07:08 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type | Aug 01 07:08 |
s-365 | @TheStringer_ Manning conviction has serious implications for WikiLeaks | Aug 01 07:10 |
s-365 | retweeted by and whistleblowers | The Stringer | Aug 01 07:10 |
s-365 | @wikileaks | Aug 01 07:10 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 07:10 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: RT @TheStringer_: Manning conviction has serious implications for WikiLeaks and whistleblowers | The Stringer | Aug 01 07:10 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: RT @TheStringer_: Manning conviction has serious implications for WikiLeaks and whistleblowers | The Stringer | Aug 01 07:10 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Manning conviction has serious implications for WikiLeaks and whistleblowers | The Stringer .::. Size~: 56.27 KB | Aug 01 07:10 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Manning conviction has serious implications for WikiLeaks and whistleblowers | The Stringer .::. Size~: 56.27 KB | Aug 01 07:10 |
s-365 | @wikileaks .@Reuters Chief Spikes Story on Killing of His Own Staffers | Aug 01 07:11 |
s-365 | In Baghdad @johnjcook @Gawker | Aug 01 07:11 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 07:11 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: .@Reuters Chief Spikes Story on Killing of His Own Staffers In Baghdad @johnjcook @Gawker | Aug 01 07:11 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: .@Reuters Chief Spikes Story on Killing of His Own Staffers In Baghdad @johnjcook @Gawker | Aug 01 07:11 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Jim Lynch has produced fantastic #gnu #linux reviews in his | Aug 01 07:14 |
s-365 | blog for years. Ever since he joined IDG he keeps FUDing | Aug 01 07:14 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 07:14 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 07:14 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Jim Lynch has produced fantastic #gnu #linux reviews in his blog for years. Ever since he joined IDG he keeps FUDing | Aug 01 07:14 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Jim Lynch has produced fantastic #gnu #linux reviews in his blog for years. Ever since he joined IDG he keeps FUDing | Aug 01 07:14 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Is the Ubuntu Edge phone doomed? | ITworld .::. Size~: 111.98 KB | Aug 01 07:14 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Is the Ubuntu Edge phone doomed? | ITworld .::. Size~: 111.86 KB | Aug 01 07:14 |
s-365 | @schestowitz What makes me curious is, why did Jim Lynch, a GNU/Linux | Aug 01 07:15 |
s-365 | proponent, decide to smear it 90% of the time under IDG as | Aug 01 07:15 |
s-365 | his employer? | Aug 01 07:15 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 07:15 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: What makes me curious is, why did Jim Lynch, a GNU/Linux proponent, decide to smear it 90% of the time under IDG as his employer? | Aug 01 07:15 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: What makes me curious is, why did Jim Lynch, a GNU/Linux proponent, decide to smear it 90% of the time under IDG as his employer? | Aug 01 07:15 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Pwned again: An exclusive look at Pwnie Express’ newest | Aug 01 07:17 |
s-365 | hack-in-a-box #gnu #linux #security | Aug 01 07:17 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 07:17 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Pwned again: An exclusive look at Pwnie Express’ newest hack-in-a-box #gnu #linux #security | Aug 01 07:17 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Pwned again: An exclusive look at Pwnie Express’ newest hack-in-a-box #gnu #linux #security | Aug 01 07:17 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Pwned again: An exclusive look at Pwnie Express’ newest hack-in-a-box | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 47.13 KB | Aug 01 07:17 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Pwned again: An exclusive look at Pwnie Express’ newest hack-in-a-box | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 47.13 KB | Aug 01 07:17 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Pwned again: An exclusive look at Pwnie Express’ newest hack-in-a-box #gnu #linux #security | Aug 01 07:17 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Pwned again: An exclusive look at Pwnie Express’ newest hack-in-a-box | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 47.13 KB | Aug 01 07:17 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Microsoft booster Gavin Clarke is heckling GNU/Linux & | Aug 01 07:23 |
s-365 | Oracle for having 3 hours of scheduled maintenance | Aug 01 07:23 |
s-365 | #troll | Aug 01 07:23 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 07:23 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Microsoft booster Gavin Clarke is heckling GNU/Linux & Oracle for having 3 hours of scheduled maintenance #troll | Aug 01 07:23 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Microsoft booster Gavin Clarke is heckling GNU/Linux & Oracle for having 3 hours of scheduled maintenance #troll | Aug 01 07:23 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Breaking bad: Oracle's Unbreakable Linux website takes a break • The Register .::. Size~: 46.41 KB | Aug 01 07:23 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Breaking bad: Oracle's Unbreakable Linux website takes a break • The Register .::. Size~: 45.28 KB | Aug 01 07:23 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Announcing Season of KDE 2013 | Aug 01 07:29 |
s-365 | #kde #gnu #linux | Aug 01 07:29 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 07:29 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Announcing Season of KDE 2013 #kde #gnu #linux | Aug 01 07:29 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Announcing Season of KDE 2013 | David Edmundson's Web Log .::. Size~: 8.99 KB | Aug 01 07:29 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Announcing Season of KDE 2013 #kde #gnu #linux | Aug 01 07:29 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Announcing Season of KDE 2013 | David Edmundson's Web Log .::. Size~: 8.99 KB | Aug 01 07:29 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Martin Michlmayr gets the O'Reilly Open Source Award | Aug 01 07:29 |
s-365 | #debian #gnu #linux | Aug 01 07:29 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 07:29 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Martin Michlmayr gets the O'Reilly Open Source Award #debian #gnu #linux | Aug 01 07:29 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Martin Michlmayr gets the O'Reilly Open Source Award #debian #gnu #linux | Aug 01 07:29 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Bits from Debian - Martin Michlmayr gets the O'Reilly Open Source Award .::. Size~: 5.04 KB | Aug 01 07:29 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Bits from Debian - Martin Michlmayr gets the O'Reilly Open Source Award .::. Size~: 5.04 KB | Aug 01 07:29 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Marble: an open source alternative to Google Earth | Aug 01 07:30 |
s-365 | #kde #freesw #privacy #marble | Aug 01 07:30 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 07:30 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Marble: an open source alternative to Google Earth #kde #freesw #privacy #marble | Aug 01 07:30 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Marble: an open source alternative to Google Earth #kde #freesw #privacy #marble | Aug 01 07:30 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Marble: an open source alternative to Google Earth .::. Size~: 29.64 KB | Aug 01 07:30 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Marble: an open source alternative to Google Earth .::. Size~: 29.64 KB | Aug 01 07:30 |
s-365 | @schestowitz What inspires Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst? | Aug 01 07:32 |
s-365 | “because I’m not afraid to tackle | Aug 01 07:32 |
s-365 | difficult challenges.” | Aug 01 07:32 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 07:32 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: What inspires Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst? “because I’m not afraid to tackle difficult challenges.” | Aug 01 07:32 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: What inspires Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst? “because I’m not afraid to tackle difficult challenges.” | Aug 01 07:32 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: What inspires Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst? - Triangle Business Journal .::. Size~: 86.74 KB | Aug 01 07:32 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: What inspires Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst? - Triangle Business Journal .::. Size~: 86.72 KB | Aug 01 07:32 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Version 4.1 pushes LibreOffice across the 500 border | Aug 01 07:33 |
s-365 | #odf #tdf #libreoffice | Aug 01 07:34 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 07:34 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Version 4.1 pushes LibreOffice across the 500 border #odf #tdf #libreoffice | Aug 01 07:34 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: OfficeBuzz: Version 4.1 pushes LibreOffice across the 500 border .::. Size~: 46.11 KB | Aug 01 07:34 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Version 4.1 pushes LibreOffice across the 500 border #odf #tdf #libreoffice | Aug 01 07:34 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: OfficeBuzz: Version 4.1 pushes LibreOffice across the 500 border .::. Size~: 46.1 KB | Aug 01 07:34 |
s-365 | @ITARTASSnews_en Paperwork necessary for the arrival of Edward Snowden’s | Aug 01 07:34 |
s-365 | retweeted by father in Russia will start soon | Aug 01 07:34 |
s-365 | @wikileaks | Aug 01 07:34 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 07:34 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: RT @ITARTASSnews_en: Paperwork necessary for the arrival of Edward Snowden’s father in Russia will start soon | Aug 01 07:34 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: RT @ITARTASSnews_en: Paperwork necessary for the arrival of Edward Snowden’s father in Russia will start soon | Aug 01 07:34 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: ИТАР-ТАСС : Paperwork necessary for the arrival of Edward Snowden’s father in Russia will start soon .::. Size~: 81.79 KB | Aug 01 07:34 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: ИТАР-ТАСС : Paperwork necessary for the arrival of Edward Snowden’s father in Russia will start soon .::. Size~: 81.79 KB | Aug 01 07:35 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Twitter reportedly hiring for its new office in Sunnyvale | Aug 01 07:35 |
s-365 | FOSS and Linux folks | Aug 01 07:35 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 07:35 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Twitter reportedly hiring for its new office in Sunnyvale FOSS and Linux folks | Aug 01 07:35 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Twitter reportedly hiring for its new office in Sunnyvale FOSS and Linux folks | Aug 01 07:35 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Twitter reportedly hiring for its new office in Sunnyvale - .::. Size~: 80.55 KB | Aug 01 07:35 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Twitter reportedly hiring for its new office in Sunnyvale - .::. Size~: 80.55 KB | Aug 01 07:35 |
schestowitz | | Aug 01 07:36 |
TechrightsSocial | @GaryArmstrong: A must read to educate. RT @schestowitz: How Bank of England 'helped Nazis sell gold stolen from Czechs' #banking | Aug 01 07:36 |
phIRCe-58299 | @GaryArmstrong: A must read to educate. RT @schestowitz: How Bank of England 'helped Nazis sell gold stolen from Czechs' #banking | Aug 01 07:36 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: How Bank of England 'helped Nazis sell gold stolen from Czechs' | Business | The Guardian .::. Size~: 118.68 KB | Aug 01 07:36 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: How Bank of England 'helped Nazis sell gold stolen from Czechs' | Business | The Guardian .::. Size~: 152.66 KB | Aug 01 07:36 |
schestowitz | | Aug 01 07:37 |
TechrightsSocial | reshared: #LOL        | Aug 01 07:37 |
schestowitz | "That first one. Holy shit." | Aug 01 07:37 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/gif type | Aug 01 07:37 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/gif type | Aug 01 07:37 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/gif type | Aug 01 07:37 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/gif type | Aug 01 07:37 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/gif type | Aug 01 07:37 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/gif type | Aug 01 07:37 |
phIRCe-58299 | Not a web page! Aborting image/gif type | Aug 01 07:37 |
phIRCe-58299 | ( status 403 @ ) | Aug 01 07:37 |
phIRCe-58299 | ( status 403 @ ) | Aug 01 07:37 |
TechrightsSocial | ( status 403 @ ) | Aug 01 07:37 |
s-365 | @wikileaks WikiLeaks legal advisor Jennifer Robinson on Bradley Manning | Aug 01 07:41 |
s-365 | case v. Heritage foundation | BBC | Aug 01 07:41 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 07:41 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: WikiLeaks legal advisor Jennifer Robinson on Bradley Manning case v. Heritage foundation | BBC | Aug 01 07:41 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: WikiLeaks legal advisor Jennifer Robinson on Bradley Manning case v. Heritage foundation | BBC | Aug 01 07:41 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: What is the impact of the Bradley Manning conviction- BBC World News TV - YouTube .::. Size~: 97.7 KB | Aug 01 07:41 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: What is the impact of the Bradley Manning conviction- BBC World News TV - YouTube .::. Size~: 97.47 KB | Aug 01 07:41 |
s-365 | @wikileaks Sweden's "Hannibal Lector" cleared of all convictions after | Aug 01 08:06 |
s-365 | being framed by police and judiary for eight murders | Aug 01 08:06 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 08:06 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 08:06 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: Sweden's "Hannibal Lector" cleared of all convictions after being framed by police and judiary for eight murders | Aug 01 08:06 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Sweden's 'Hannibal Lecter' cleared of all charges .::. Size~: 69.33 KB | Aug 01 08:06 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: Sweden's "Hannibal Lector" cleared of all convictions after being framed by police and judiary for eight murders | Aug 01 08:06 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Sweden's 'Hannibal Lecter' cleared of all charges .::. Size~: 69.33 KB | Aug 01 08:06 |
s-365 | @wikileaks Sweden's "Hannibal Lector" cleared of all convictions after | Aug 01 08:07 |
s-365 | being framed by police and judiciary for eight murders | Aug 01 08:07 |
s-365 | … | Aug 01 08:07 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 08:07 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: Sweden's "Hannibal Lector" cleared of all convictions after being framed by police and judiciary for eight murders … | Aug 01 08:07 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: Sweden's "Hannibal Lector" cleared of all convictions after being framed by police and judiciary for eight murders … | Aug 01 08:07 |
s-365 | @slashdot Study Finds 3D Printers Pay For Themselves In Under a Year | Aug 01 08:09 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 08:09 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 08:09 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Study Finds 3D Printers Pay For Themselves In Under a Year | Aug 01 08:09 |
phIRCe-58299 | @slashdot: Study Finds 3D Printers Pay For Themselves In Under a Year | Aug 01 08:09 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Study Finds 3D Printers Pay For Themselves In Under a Year - Slashdot .::. Size~: 62.28 KB | Aug 01 08:09 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Study Finds 3D Printers Pay For Themselves In Under a Year - Slashdot .::. Size~: 62.28 KB | Aug 01 08:09 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Adult #science fair showcases open-source technology | Aug 01 08:47 |
s-365 | #sharing | Aug 01 08:47 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 08:47 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Adult #science fair showcases open-source technology #sharing | Aug 01 08:47 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Adult #science fair showcases open-source technology #sharing | Aug 01 08:47 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Adult science fair showcases open-source technology - YNN - Your News Now .::. Size~: 77.98 KB | Aug 01 08:47 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Adult science fair showcases open-source technology - YNN - Your News Now .::. Size~: 78.05 KB | Aug 01 08:47 |
s-365 | @jonobacon Wonderful to see @Leadwerks success in their Kickstarter | Aug 01 08:50 |
s-365 | campaign, and will provide first-class support for #Ubuntu | Aug 01 08:50 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 08:50 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 08:50 |
TechrightsSocial | @jonobacon: Wonderful to see @Leadwerks success in their Kickstarter campaign, and will provide first-class support for #Ubuntu | Aug 01 08:50 |
phIRCe-58299 | @jonobacon: Wonderful to see @Leadwerks success in their Kickstarter campaign, and will provide first-class support for #Ubuntu | Aug 01 08:50 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Leadwerks Is Bringing Game Development To Linux | SemiAccurate .::. Size~: 45.67 KB | Aug 01 08:50 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Leadwerks Is Bringing Game Development To Linux | SemiAccurate .::. Size~: 45.67 KB | Aug 01 08:50 |
s-365 | @jonobacon A video interview @timothylord did with me for @Slashdot at | Aug 01 08:53 |
s-365 | #OSCON about #Ubuntu Phone and #ubuntuedge is now up - | Aug 01 08:53 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 08:53 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 08:53 |
TechrightsSocial | @jonobacon: A video interview @timothylord did with me for @Slashdot at #OSCON about #Ubuntu Phone and #ubuntuedge is now up - | Aug 01 08:53 |
phIRCe-58299 | @jonobacon: A video interview @timothylord did with me for @Slashdot at #OSCON about #Ubuntu Phone and #ubuntuedge is now up - | Aug 01 08:53 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Jono Bacon Talks About Ubuntu Phone Progress (Video) - Slashdot .::. Size~: 130.26 KB | Aug 01 08:53 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Jono Bacon Talks About Ubuntu Phone Progress (Video) - Slashdot .::. Size~: 130.26 KB | Aug 01 08:53 |
s-365 | @schestowitz HDMI stick PC runs Picuntu on Cortex-A9 SoC | Aug 01 08:56 |
s-365 | #hdmi #linux #picuntu | Aug 01 08:56 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 08:56 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: HDMI stick PC runs Picuntu on Cortex-A9 SoC #hdmi #linux #picuntu | Aug 01 08:56 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: HDMI stick PC runs Picuntu on Cortex-A9 SoC · .::. Size~: 27.83 KB | Aug 01 08:56 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: HDMI stick PC runs Picuntu on Cortex-A9 SoC #hdmi #linux #picuntu | Aug 01 08:56 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: HDMI stick PC runs Picuntu on Cortex-A9 SoC · .::. Size~: 28.02 KB | Aug 01 08:56 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Planetary Annihilation Custom Planet Battle And New Live | Aug 01 09:01 |
s-365 | Stream #games #gnu #linux | Aug 01 09:01 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 09:01 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Planetary Annihilation Custom Planet Battle And New Live Stream #games #gnu #linux | Aug 01 09:01 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Planetary Annihilation Custom Planet Battle And New Live Stream #games #gnu #linux | Aug 01 09:01 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: GamingOnLinux - Planetary Annihilation Custom Planet Battle And New Live Stream .::. Size~: 27.44 KB | Aug 01 09:01 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: GamingOnLinux - Planetary Annihilation Custom Planet Battle And New Live Stream .::. Size~: 27.44 KB | Aug 01 09:01 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Using Open Source Methods in a Private Company | Aug 01 09:06 |
s-365 | #opensource #sharing #freedom | Aug 01 09:06 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 09:06 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Using Open Source Methods in a Private Company #opensource #sharing #freedom | Aug 01 09:06 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Using Open Source Methods in a Private Company #opensource #sharing #freedom | Aug 01 09:06 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Using Open Source Methods in a Private Company .::. Size~: 51.67 KB | Aug 01 09:06 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Using Open Source Methods in a Private Company .::. Size~: 51.67 KB | Aug 01 09:06 |
schestowitz | useful idiots | Aug 01 09:09 |
phIRCe-58299 | No message found | Aug 01 09:09 |
TechrightsSocial | No message found | Aug 01 09:09 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Richard Stallman on NSA Surveillance | Aug 01 09:14 |
s-365 | #nsa #surveillance #privacy | Aug 01 09:14 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 09:14 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Richard Stallman on NSA Surveillance #nsa #surveillance #privacy | Aug 01 09:14 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Richard Stallman on NSA Surveillance #nsa #surveillance #privacy | Aug 01 09:14 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Bytes Media - Richard Stallman on NSA Surveillance .::. Size~: 38.48 KB | Aug 01 09:14 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Bytes Media - Richard Stallman on NSA Surveillance .::. Size~: 38.48 KB | Aug 01 09:14 |
s-365 | @garwboy The last sentence on the last page of my PhD thesis says | Aug 01 09:23 |
s-365 | retweeted by 'Well that's what I think anyway". Nobody's noticed yet. | Aug 01 09:23 |
s-365 | @davidgerard #Sciconfessions | Aug 01 09:23 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 09:23 |
TechrightsSocial | @davidgerard: RT @garwboy: The last sentence on the last page of my PhD thesis says 'Well that's what I think anyway". Nobody's noticed yet. #Sciconfessi… | Aug 01 09:23 |
phIRCe-58299 | @davidgerard: RT @garwboy: The last sentence on the last page of my PhD thesis says 'Well that's what I think anyway". Nobody's noticed yet. #Sciconfessi… | Aug 01 09:23 |
s-365 | @techdirt Trade Agreements With Mexico And South Korea Turned Out To | Aug 01 09:37 |
s-365 | Be Disasters For US: So Why Pursue… | Aug 01 09:37 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 09:37 |
TechrightsSocial | @techdirt: Trade Agreements With Mexico And South Korea Turned Out To Be Disasters For US: So Why Pursue… | Aug 01 09:37 |
phIRCe-58299 | @techdirt: Trade Agreements With Mexico And South Korea Turned Out To Be Disasters For US: So Why Pursue… | Aug 01 09:37 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Trade Agreements With Mexico And South Korea Turned Out To Be Disasters For US: So Why Pursue TPP And TAFTA/TTIP? | Techdirt .::. Size~: 48.1 KB | Aug 01 09:37 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Trade Agreements With Mexico And South Korea Turned Out To Be Disasters For US: So Why Pursue TPP And TAFTA/TTIP? | Techdirt .::. Size~: 47.9 KB | Aug 01 09:37 |
s-365 | @wikileaks Edward #Snowden's father says FBI asked him to fly to Moscow | Aug 01 09:47 |
s-365 | | Guardian #nsa #prism #WikiLeaks | Aug 01 09:47 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 09:47 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: Edward #Snowden's father says FBI asked him to fly to Moscow | Guardian #nsa #prism #WikiLeaks | Aug 01 09:47 |
TechrightsSocial | Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ ) | Aug 01 09:47 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: Edward #Snowden's father says FBI asked him to fly to Moscow | Guardian #nsa #prism #WikiLeaks | Aug 01 09:47 |
phIRCe-58299 | ( status 503 @ ) | Aug 01 09:47 |
TechrightsSocial | Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ ) | Aug 01 09:47 |
phIRCe-58299 | ( status 503 @ ) | Aug 01 09:47 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Report: Android dominates tablet market with over half of | Aug 01 09:48 |
s-365 | global shipments #android #linux | Aug 01 09:48 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 09:48 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Report: Android dominates tablet market with over half of global shipments #android #linux | Aug 01 09:48 |
phIRCe-58299 | @schestowitz: Report: Android dominates tablet market with over half of global shipments #android #linux | Aug 01 09:48 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Report: Android dominates tablet market with over half of global shipments | ZDNet .::. Size~: 76.73 KB | Aug 01 09:48 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Report: Android dominates tablet market with over half of global shipments | ZDNet .::. Size~: 76.82 KB | Aug 01 09:49 |
s-365 | @wikileaks Predating family members is a common FBI tactic. Barrett | Aug 01 09:50 |
s-365 | Brown's mother and Bradley Manning's aunt were similarly | Aug 01 09:50 |
s-365 | abused. #nomoralstandards | Aug 01 09:50 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 09:50 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: Predating family members is a common FBI tactic. Barrett Brown's mother and Bradley Manning's aunt were similarly abused. #nomoralstandards | Aug 01 09:50 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: Predating family members is a common FBI tactic. Barrett Brown's mother and Bradley Manning's aunt were similarly abused. #nomoralstandards | Aug 01 09:50 |
s-365 | @wikileaks Three years on, #WikiLeaks cables still quoted daily. | Aug 01 09:51 |
s-365 | Zimbabwe elections: Egypt: | Aug 01 09:51 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 09:51 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 09:51 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: Three years on, #WikiLeaks cables still quoted daily. Zimbabwe elections: Egypt: | Aug 01 09:51 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: Three years on, #WikiLeaks cables still quoted daily. Zimbabwe elections: Egypt: | Aug 01 09:51 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Q&A: Why Zimbabwe elections matter - .::. Size~: 70.4 KB | Aug 01 09:51 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Q&A: Why Zimbabwe elections matter - .::. Size~: 70.4 KB | Aug 01 09:51 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Egypt: Military coup or people's revolution? - DAWN.COM .::. Size~: 45.59 KB | Aug 01 09:51 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Egypt: Military coup or people's revolution? - DAWN.COM .::. Size~: 45.59 KB | Aug 01 09:51 |
s-365 | @wikileaks How to Win the Media War Against Grassroots Activists: | Aug 01 09:53 |
s-365 | Stratfor's Strategies #WikiLeaks | Aug 01 09:53 |
s-365 | #Assange @kellietranter | Aug 01 09:53 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 09:53 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: How to Win the Media War Against Grassroots Activists: Stratfor's Strategies #WikiLeaks #Assange @kellietranter | Aug 01 09:53 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: How to Win the Media War Against Grassroots Activists: Stratfor's Strategies #WikiLeaks #Assange @kellietranter | Aug 01 09:53 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: How To Win The Media War Against Grassroots Activists: Stratfor's Strategies .::. Size~: 85.59 KB | Aug 01 09:53 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: How To Win The Media War Against Grassroots Activists: Stratfor's Strategies .::. Size~: 85.59 KB | Aug 01 09:53 |
s-365 | @wikileaks Edward Snowden safest in Russia, says father - video | Aug 01 10:00 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 10:00 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 10:00 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: Edward Snowden safest in Russia, says father - video | Aug 01 10:00 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: Edward Snowden safest in Russia, says father - video | Aug 01 10:00 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Edward Snowden safest in Russia, says father - video | World news | .::. Size~: 85.87 KB | Aug 01 10:00 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Edward Snowden safest in Russia, says father - video | World news | .::. Size~: 90.74 KB | Aug 01 10:00 |
s-365 | @wikileaks Latvian foreign minister to veto extradition of 20 year old | Aug 01 10:22 |
s-365 | 'hacker' to the US on human rights grounds | Aug 01 10:22 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 10:22 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 10:22 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: Latvian foreign minister to veto extradition of 20 year old 'hacker' to the US on human rights grounds | Aug 01 10:22 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: Latvian foreign minister to veto extradition of 20 year old 'hacker' to the US on human rights grounds | Aug 01 10:22 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Google tulkotājs .::. Size~: 132.22 KB | Aug 01 10:22 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Google tulkotājs .::. Size~: 132.22 KB | Aug 01 10:22 |
s-365 | @wikileaks #Snowden revela nuevo 'programa de espionaje' | El Universal | Aug 01 10:29 |
s-365 | MX | Aug 01 10:29 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 10:29 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: #Snowden revela nuevo 'programa de espionaje' | El Universal MX | Aug 01 10:29 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: #Snowden revela nuevo 'programa de espionaje' | El Universal MX | Aug 01 10:29 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: El Universal - El Mundo - Snowden revela nuevo 'programa de espionaje' .::. Size~: 51.18 KB | Aug 01 10:29 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: El Universal - El Mundo - Snowden revela nuevo 'programa de espionaje' .::. Size~: 51.18 KB | Aug 01 10:29 |
s-365 | @slashdot Cybercriminals Has Heroin Delivered To Brian Krebs, Then | Aug 01 10:36 |
s-365 | Calls Police | Aug 01 10:36 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 10:36 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Cybercriminals Has Heroin Delivered To Brian Krebs, Then Calls Police | Aug 01 10:36 |
phIRCe-58299 | @slashdot: Cybercriminals Has Heroin Delivered To Brian Krebs, Then Calls Police | Aug 01 10:36 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Cybercriminals Has Heroin Delivered To Brian Krebs, Then Calls Police - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.84 KB | Aug 01 10:36 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Cybercriminals Has Heroin Delivered To Brian Krebs, Then Calls Police - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.84 KB | Aug 01 10:36 |
s-365 | @doctorow 500 words on Man Who Sold the Moon - #dailywords [for ASU’s | Aug 01 10:40 |
s-365 | Hieroglyph project - sponsor it] | Aug 01 10:40 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 10:40 |
TechrightsSocial | @doctorow: 500 words on Man Who Sold the Moon - #dailywords [for ASU’s Hieroglyph project - sponsor it] | Aug 01 10:40 |
phIRCe-58299 | @doctorow: 500 words on Man Who Sold the Moon - #dailywords [for ASU’s Hieroglyph project - sponsor it] | Aug 01 10:40 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 7.64 KB | Aug 01 10:40 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 7.64 KB | Aug 01 10:40 |
s-365 | @wikileaks “It’s like frozen broccoli getting tied to the Pentagon | Aug 01 11:10 |
s-365 | Papers" | Politico @mashirafael | Aug 01 11:10 |
s-365 | @ricardopatino_ec #snowden | Aug 01 11:10 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 11:10 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: “It’s like frozen broccoli getting tied to the Pentagon Papers" | Politico @mashirafael @ricardopatino_ec #snowden | Aug 01 11:10 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: “It’s like frozen broccoli getting tied to the Pentagon Papers" | Politico @mashirafael @ricardopatino_ec #snowden | Aug 01 11:10 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Edward Snowden, broccoli and roses - Hadas Gold - .::. Size~: 90.13 KB | Aug 01 11:10 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Edward Snowden, broccoli and roses - Hadas Gold - .::. Size~: 90.13 KB | Aug 01 11:10 |
s-365 | @techdirt Cameron's Anti-Porn Program Tells ISPs To Do The Impossible: | Aug 01 12:07 |
s-365 | Only Block Bad Content; Don't… | Aug 01 12:07 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 12:07 |
TechrightsSocial | @techdirt: Cameron's Anti-Porn Program Tells ISPs To Do The Impossible: Only Block Bad Content; Don't… | Aug 01 12:07 |
phIRCe-58299 | @techdirt: Cameron's Anti-Porn Program Tells ISPs To Do The Impossible: Only Block Bad Content; Don't… | Aug 01 12:07 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Cameron's Anti-Porn Program Tells ISPs To Do The Impossible: Only Block Bad Content; Don't Block Good Content | Techdirt .::. Size~: 59.05 KB | Aug 01 12:07 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Cameron's Anti-Porn Program Tells ISPs To Do The Impossible: Only Block Bad Content; Don't Block Good Content | Techdirt .::. Size~: 58.93 KB | Aug 01 12:07 |
s-365 | @booksnineworlds 10th Aug @ 20.30: 'Teenage Kicks' Panel: Writing for YAs. | Aug 01 12:08 |
s-365 | retweeted by Guests: @LizUK @tomhpollock @doctorow @BannerCatherine Mod: | Aug 01 12:08 |
s-365 | @doctorow @ALRutter @strangechem | Aug 01 12:08 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 12:08 |
TechrightsSocial | @doctorow: RT @booksnineworlds: 10th Aug @ 20.30: 'Teenage Kicks' Panel: Writing for YAs. Guests: @LizUK @tomhpollock @doctorow @BannerCatherine Mod: … | Aug 01 12:08 |
phIRCe-58299 | @doctorow: RT @booksnineworlds: 10th Aug @ 20.30: 'Teenage Kicks' Panel: Writing for YAs. Guests: @LizUK @tomhpollock @doctorow @BannerCatherine Mod: … | Aug 01 12:08 |
s-365 | @IBM_ICS_BPs Apache #OpenOffice 4.0 open for business! #IBMPartners learn | Aug 01 12:49 |
s-365 | retweeted by more Aug 21 TechTalk and Jul 10 replay | Aug 01 12:49 |
s-365 | @rcweir #Socbiz @ApacheOO | Aug 01 12:49 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 12:49 |
TechrightsSocial | @rcweir: RT @IBM_ICS_BPs: Apache #OpenOffice 4.0 open for business! #IBMPartners learn more Aug 21 TechTalk and Jul 10 replay… | Aug 01 12:49 |
TechrightsSocial | ( status 404 @… ) | Aug 01 12:49 |
phIRCe-58299 | @rcweir: RT @IBM_ICS_BPs: Apache #OpenOffice 4.0 open for business! #IBMPartners learn more Aug 21 TechTalk and Jul 10 replay… | Aug 01 12:49 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: IBM Registration .::. Size~: 0.88 KB | Aug 01 12:49 |
s-365 | @wikileaks FLASH: Edward Snowden has successfully acquired refugee | Aug 01 12:54 |
s-365 | status in Russia and will shortly leave the airport. | Aug 01 12:54 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 12:54 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: FLASH: Edward Snowden has successfully acquired refugee status in Russia and will shortly leave the airport. | Aug 01 12:54 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: FLASH: Edward Snowden has successfully acquired refugee status in Russia and will shortly leave the airport. | Aug 01 12:54 |
s-365 | @wikileaks FLASH: We can now confirm that Edward Snowden's welfare has | Aug 01 13:05 |
s-365 | been continuously monitored by WikiLeaks staff since his | Aug 01 13:05 |
s-365 | presence in Hong Kong. | Aug 01 13:05 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 13:05 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: FLASH: We can now confirm that Edward Snowden's welfare has been continuously monitored by WikiLeaks staff since his presence in Hong Kong. | Aug 01 13:05 |
phIRCe-58299 | @wikileaks: FLASH: We can now confirm that Edward Snowden's welfare has been continuously monitored by WikiLeaks staff since his presence in Hong Kong. | Aug 01 13:05 |
s-365 | @slashdot Aussie Wi-Fi Patent Nears Expiry In the United States | Aug 01 13:06 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 13:06 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 13:06 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Aussie Wi-Fi Patent Nears Expiry In the United States | Aug 01 13:06 |
phIRCe-58299 | @slashdot: Aussie Wi-Fi Patent Nears Expiry In the United States | Aug 01 13:06 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Aussie Wi-Fi Patent Nears Expiry In the United States - Slashdot .::. Size~: 59.03 KB | Aug 01 13:06 |
phIRCe-58299 | -> Title: Aussie Wi-Fi Patent Nears Expiry In the United States - Slashdot .::. Size~: 59.03 KB | Aug 01 13:06 |
*phIRCe-58299 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Aug 01 13:12 | |
s-365 | @wikileaks Edward Snowden was granted temporary asylum in Russia for a | Aug 01 13:19 |
s-365 | year and has now left Moscow airport under the care of | Aug 01 13:19 |
s-365 | WikiLeaks' Sarah Harrison | Aug 01 13:19 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 13:19 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: Edward Snowden was granted temporary asylum in Russia for a year and has now left Moscow airport under the care of WikiLeaks' Sarah Harrison | Aug 01 13:19 |
s-365 | @wikileaks We would like to thank the Russian people and all those | Aug 01 13:24 |
s-365 | others who have helped to protect Mr. Snowden. We have won | Aug 01 13:24 |
s-365 | the battle--now the war. | Aug 01 13:24 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 13:24 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: We would like to thank the Russian people and all those others who have helped to protect Mr. Snowden. We have won the battle--now the war. | Aug 01 13:24 |
s-365 | @slashdot FreeBSD, Ubuntu Offer Same NVIDIA OpenGL Support As Windows | Aug 01 13:45 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 13:45 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 13:45 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: FreeBSD, Ubuntu Offer Same NVIDIA OpenGL Support As Windows | Aug 01 13:45 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: FreeBSD, Ubuntu Offer Same NVIDIA OpenGL Support As Windows - Slashdot .::. Size~: 62.71 KB | Aug 01 13:45 |
s-365 | @jonobacon Pledge an Ubuntu Edge and get a free one year LastPass | Aug 01 13:47 |
s-365 | Premium subscription - #ubuntu | Aug 01 13:47 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 13:47 |
TechrightsSocial | @jonobacon: Pledge an Ubuntu Edge and get a free one year LastPass Premium subscription - #ubuntu | Aug 01 13:47 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Ubuntu Edge | Indiegogo .::. Size~: 73.66 KB | Aug 01 13:47 |
s-365 | @doctorow When I Was Small - Beautiful picture book | Aug 01 13:50 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 13:50 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 13:50 |
TechrightsSocial | @doctorow: When I Was Small - Beautiful picture book | Aug 01 13:50 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 8.41 KB | Aug 01 13:50 |
s-365 | @techdirt NSA 'Leaks' Own Documents Before Senate Committee Grilling; | Aug 01 14:07 |
s-365 | Inadvertently Reveals Its… | Aug 01 14:07 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 14:07 |
TechrightsSocial | @techdirt: NSA 'Leaks' Own Documents Before Senate Committee Grilling; Inadvertently Reveals Its… | Aug 01 14:07 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: NSA 'Leaks' Own Documents Before Senate Committee Grilling; Inadvertently Reveals Its Previous Lies To Congress | Techdirt .::. Size~: 56.33 KB | Aug 01 14:07 |
s-365 | @mgeist .@JamesMoore_org’s Commitment to Wireless Competition, | Aug 01 14:26 |
s-365 | Resolution Style | Aug 01 14:26 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 14:26 |
TechrightsSocial | @mgeist: .@JamesMoore_org’s Commitment to Wireless Competition, Resolution Style | Aug 01 14:26 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Michael Geist - Industry Minister James Moore's Commitment to Wireless Competition, Resolution Style .::. Size~: 50.89 KB | Aug 01 14:26 |
s-365 | @slashdot Snowden Granted One-Year Asylum In Russia | Aug 01 14:27 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 14:27 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 14:27 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Snowden Granted One-Year Asylum In Russia | Aug 01 14:27 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Snowden Granted One-Year Asylum In Russia - Slashdot .::. Size~: 62.27 KB | Aug 01 14:27 |
s-365 | @benposch @doctorow One for your disney collection. | Aug 01 14:44 |
s-365 | retweeted by | Aug 01 14:44 |
s-365 | @doctorow | Aug 01 14:44 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 14:44 |
TechrightsSocial | @doctorow: RT @benposch: @doctorow One for your disney collection. | Aug 01 14:44 |
TechrightsSocial | @benposch: @doctorow One for your disney collection. | Aug 01 14:44 |
s-365 | @slashdot ByteLight Unveils NFC Alternative Called Light Field | Aug 01 15:06 |
s-365 | Communication | Aug 01 15:06 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 15:06 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: ByteLight Unveils NFC Alternative Called Light Field Communication | Aug 01 15:06 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: ByteLight Unveils NFC Alternative Called Light Field Communication - Slashdot .::. Size~: 63.09 KB | Aug 01 15:06 |
s-365 | @slashdot Fearful of Reader Reaction, Facebook Delays Video Ads | Aug 01 15:15 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 15:15 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 15:15 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Fearful of Reader Reaction, Facebook Delays Video Ads | Aug 01 15:15 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Fearful of Reader Reaction, Facebook Delays Video Ads - Slashdot .::. Size~: 62.35 KB | Aug 01 15:15 |
s-365 | @mgeist What a govt resolution might look like explaining | Aug 01 15:25 |
s-365 | @JamesMoore_org’s decision to stick w/wireless policy | Aug 01 15:25 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 15:25 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 15:25 |
TechrightsSocial | @mgeist: What a govt resolution might look like explaining @JamesMoore_org’s decision to stick w/wireless policy | Aug 01 15:25 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Michael Geist - Industry Minister James Moore's Commitment to Wireless Competition, Resolution Style .::. Size~: 53.13 KB | Aug 01 15:25 |
s-365 | @techdirt Report On TSA Misconduct Finds 1 In 16 Employees Was | Aug 01 15:37 |
s-365 | Investigated Last Year | Aug 01 15:37 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 15:37 |
TechrightsSocial | @techdirt: Report On TSA Misconduct Finds 1 In 16 Employees Was Investigated Last Year | Aug 01 15:37 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Report On TSA Misconduct Finds 1 In 16 Employees Was Investigated Last Year | Techdirt .::. Size~: 52.85 KB | Aug 01 15:37 |
s-365 | @slashdot With Microsoft Office on Android, Has Linus Torvalds Won? | Aug 01 15:45 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 15:45 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 15:45 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: With Microsoft Office on Android, Has Linus Torvalds Won? | Aug 01 15:45 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: With Microsoft Office on Android, Has Linus Torvalds Won? - Slashdot .::. Size~: 62.03 KB | Aug 01 15:45 |
s-365 | @mgeist RT @peternowak: Wireless companies' claims need reality | Aug 01 15:50 |
s-365 | checks | Aug 01 15:50 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 15:50 |
TechrightsSocial | @mgeist: RT @peternowak: Wireless companies' claims need reality checks | Aug 01 15:50 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Wireless companies’ claims need reality checks | WordsByNowak .::. Size~: 82.7 KB | Aug 01 15:50 |
s-365 | @doctorow BruceS: Crypto Anarchy, 1988 - brucesterling: Back to | Aug 01 16:13 |
s-365 | From: | Aug 01 16:13 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 16:13 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 16:13 |
TechrightsSocial | @doctorow: BruceS: Crypto Anarchy, 1988 - brucesterling: Back to From: | Aug 01 16:13 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Activism: Cypherpunks .::. Size~: 15.14 KB | Aug 01 16:13 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 8.88 KB | Aug 01 16:13 |
s-365 | @doctorow “EVERY day for up to ten minutes near the London Stock | Aug 01 16:14 |
s-365 | Exchange, someone blocks signals from the GPS... | Aug 01 16:14 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 16:14 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 16:14 |
TechrightsSocial | @doctorow: “EVERY day for up to ten minutes near the London Stock Exchange, someone blocks signals from the GPS... | Aug 01 16:14 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Cory Doctorow: EVERY day for up to ten minutes near the London... .::. Size~: 47.38 KB | Aug 01 16:14 |
s-365 | @linuxtoday Darling: Wine for OS X Applications: OSTATIC: The latest in | Aug 01 16:15 |
s-365 | the "interesting, but perhaps misguided" departmen... | Aug 01 16:15 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 16:15 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 16:15 |
TechrightsSocial | @linuxtoday: Darling: Wine for OS X Applications: OSTATIC: The latest in the "interesting, but perhaps misguided" departmen... | Aug 01 16:15 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Linux Today - Darling: Wine for OS X Applications .::. Size~: 37.56 KB | Aug 01 16:15 |
s-365 | @edwardahall @doctorow Could I persuade you to help spread the word about | Aug 01 16:17 |
s-365 | retweeted by the fund-raiser for our sf anthology, #Mothership? | Aug 01 16:17 |
s-365 | @doctorow | Aug 01 16:17 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 16:17 |
TechrightsSocial | @doctorow: RT @edwardahall: @doctorow Could I persuade you to help spread the word about the fund-raiser for our sf anthology, #Mothership? http://t.c… | Aug 01 16:17 |
TechrightsSocial | Couldn't resolve host 't.c…' ( status 0 @ http://t.c… ) | Aug 01 16:17 |
schestowitz | | Aug 01 16:18 |
TechrightsSocial | on why removing features makes people unhappy | Aug 01 16:18 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: news - on why removing features makes people unhappy .::. Size~: 5.09 KB | Aug 01 16:18 |
schestowitz | "@ Will Thanks for the link." | Aug 01 16:18 |
schestowitz | | Aug 01 16:19 |
TechrightsSocial | @CandidCanon: Welcome to Art Class: Time To Draw Some Conclusions @PatentProgress @AntiSoftwarePat @schestowitz @patentology | Aug 01 16:19 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Welcome To Art Class: Time To Draw Some Conclusions | IP Troll Tracker .::. Size~: 54 KB | Aug 01 16:19 |
s-365 | @slashdot CouchDB: Roll Your Own, Or Go With a Service? | Aug 01 16:27 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 16:27 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 16:27 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: CouchDB: Roll Your Own, Or Go With a Service? | Aug 01 16:27 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: CouchDB: Roll Your Own, Or Go With a Service? - Slashdot .::. Size~: 62.47 KB | Aug 01 16:27 |
s-365 | @FFII WashPo: Here’s why economists hate software patents | Aug 01 16:31 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 16:31 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 16:31 |
TechrightsSocial | @FFII: WashPo: Here’s why economists hate software patents | Aug 01 16:31 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Here’s why economists hate software patents .::. Size~: 99.29 KB | Aug 01 16:31 |
s-365 | @mgeist RT @globepolitics: Canada’s hang-up with foreign mobile | Aug 01 16:36 |
s-365 | #cdnpoli | Aug 01 16:36 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 16:36 |
TechrightsSocial | @mgeist: RT @globepolitics: Canada’s hang-up with foreign mobile #cdnpoli | Aug 01 16:36 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Canada’s hang-up with foreign mobile - The Globe and Mail .::. Size~: 89.37 KB | Aug 01 16:36 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Corporations Still Focus on Patent Trolls While the Public | Aug 01 16:43 |
s-365 | (People) Worry About Patent Scope | Aug 01 16:43 |
s-365 | #swpats | Aug 01 16:43 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 16:43 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Corporations Still Focus on Patent Trolls While the Public (People) Worry About Patent Scope #swpats | Aug 01 16:43 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Corporations Still Focus on Patent Trolls While the Public (People) Worry About Patent Scope | Techrights .::. Size~: 88.16 KB | Aug 01 16:43 |
s-365 | @techdirt President Obama: NSA Surveillance Was Necessary To Make Sure | Aug 01 16:45 |
s-365 | Boston Bombings Weren't Part Of… | Aug 01 16:45 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 16:45 |
TechrightsSocial | @techdirt: President Obama: NSA Surveillance Was Necessary To Make Sure Boston Bombings Weren't Part Of… | Aug 01 16:45 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: President Obama: NSA Surveillance Was Necessary To Make Sure Boston Bombings Weren't Part Of Bigger Plot | Techdirt .::. Size~: 59.76 KB | Aug 01 16:45 |
s-365 | @wikileaks WikiLeaks Statement Giving Details on Edward #Snowden’s | Aug 01 16:51 |
s-365 | Successful Russian Asylum Bid | Aug 01 16:51 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 16:51 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: WikiLeaks Statement Giving Details on Edward #Snowden’s Successful Russian Asylum Bid | Aug 01 16:51 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Statement on Snowden’s Successful Russian Asylum Bid .::. Size~: 18.62 KB | Aug 01 16:51 |
s-365 | @schestowitz As Apple Loses Notorious Software Patent the Debate About | Aug 01 16:57 |
s-365 | Software Patents Reappears in the Corporate Media | Aug 01 16:57 |
s-365 | #swpats | Aug 01 16:57 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 16:57 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: As Apple Loses Notorious Software Patent the Debate About Software Patents Reappears in the Corporate Media #swpats | Aug 01 16:57 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: As Apple Loses Notorious Software Patent the Debate About Software Patents Reappears in the Corporate Media | Techrights .::. Size~: 88.65 KB | Aug 01 16:57 |
s-365 | @wikileaks Photo of Edward #Snowden leaving Moscow airport today with | Aug 01 16:58 |
s-365 | #WikiLeaks' Sarah Harrison | Rossiya 24 | Aug 01 16:58 |
s-365 | #Assange | Aug 01 16:58 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 16:58 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: Photo of Edward #Snowden leaving Moscow airport today with #WikiLeaks' Sarah Harrison | Rossiya 24 #Assange | Aug 01 16:58 |
TechrightsSocial | @mashant: Picture of #Snowden leaving the airport today | Aug 01 16:58 |
s-365 | @slashdot Are We At the Limit of Screen Resolution Improvements? | Aug 01 17:03 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 17:03 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 17:03 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Are We At the Limit of Screen Resolution Improvements? | Aug 01 17:03 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Are We At the Limit of Screen Resolution Improvements? - Slashdot .::. Size~: 59.21 KB | Aug 01 17:03 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Hardware Companies Continue to Dump Microsoft Windows | Aug 01 17:13 |
s-365 | #windows #microsoft | Aug 01 17:13 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 17:14 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Hardware Companies Continue to Dump Microsoft Windows #windows #microsoft | Aug 01 17:14 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Hardware Companies Continue to Dump Microsoft Windows | Techrights .::. Size~: 89.59 KB | Aug 01 17:14 |
s-365 | @mgeist RT @JesseBrown: New from me: our telecom overlords want a | Aug 01 17:21 |
s-365 | hug. | Aug 01 17:21 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 17:21 |
TechrightsSocial | @mgeist: RT @JesseBrown: New from me: our telecom overlords want a hug. | Aug 01 17:21 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Why Canada’s wireless industry needs Verizon - Blog Central, Jesse Brown - .::. Size~: 57.52 KB | Aug 01 17:21 |
s-365 | @slashdot Watch the Crab Nebula Expand Over a 13 Year Period | Aug 01 17:27 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 17:27 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 17:27 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Watch the Crab Nebula Expand Over a 13 Year Period | Aug 01 17:27 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Watch the Crab Nebula Expand Over a 13 Year Period - Slashdot .::. Size~: 58.34 KB | Aug 01 17:27 |
s-365 | @schestowitz Microsoft is Trying to Occupy South Africa’s Computing | Aug 01 17:29 |
s-365 | Infrastructure in Schools #gnu #linux | Aug 01 17:29 |
s-365 | #southafrica | Aug 01 17:29 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 17:29 |
TechrightsSocial | @schestowitz: Microsoft is Trying to Occupy South Africa’s Computing Infrastructure in Schools #gnu #linux #southafrica | Aug 01 17:29 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Microsoft is Trying to Occupy South Africa’s Computing Infrastructure in Schools | Techrights .::. Size~: 90.61 KB | Aug 01 17:29 |
schestowitz | | Aug 01 17:29 |
TechrightsSocial | @_nasdaf_: @schestowitz @hicksfilosopher The collective delusion of 'intellectual property' is the ultimate downfall of the enlighenment. | Aug 01 17:29 |
s-365 | @slashdot In UK, Google Glass To Be Banned While Driving | Aug 01 17:45 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 17:45 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 17:45 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: In UK, Google Glass To Be Banned While Driving | Aug 01 17:45 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: In UK, Google Glass To Be Banned While Driving - Slashdot .::. Size~: 62.47 KB | Aug 01 17:45 |
s-365 | @techdirt Lawyer Gets Court To Assign Copyright On Negative Review To | Aug 01 17:45 |
s-365 | Him, Then Sues For Copyright… | Aug 01 17:45 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 17:45 |
TechrightsSocial | @techdirt: Lawyer Gets Court To Assign Copyright On Negative Review To Him, Then Sues For Copyright… | Aug 01 17:45 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Lawyer Gets Court To Assign Copyright On Negative Review To Him, Then Sues For Copyright Infringement | Techdirt .::. Size~: 58.26 KB | Aug 01 17:45 |
s-365 | @slashdot Google Pressure Cookers and Backpacks: Get a Visit From the | Aug 01 18:24 |
s-365 | Feds | Aug 01 18:24 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 18:24 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Google Pressure Cookers and Backpacks: Get a Visit From the Feds | Aug 01 18:24 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Google Pressure Cookers and Backpacks: Get a Visit From the Feds - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.88 KB | Aug 01 18:24 |
s-365 | @mgeist RT @tamir_i: CIPPIC joins 120+ other NGOs endorsing privacy | Aug 01 18:25 |
s-365 | principles for the digital age. Here's why: | Aug 01 18:25 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 18:25 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 18:25 |
TechrightsSocial | @mgeist: RT @tamir_i: CIPPIC joins 120+ other NGOs endorsing privacy principles for the digital age. Here's why: | Aug 01 18:25 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Privacy Principles for the Digital Age | Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC) .::. Size~: 37.01 KB | Aug 01 18:25 |
s-365 | @davidgerard Google 'Pressure Cookers' and 'Backpacks,' Get a Visit from | Aug 01 18:39 |
s-365 | the Cops | Aug 01 18:39 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 18:39 |
TechrightsSocial | @davidgerard: Google 'Pressure Cookers' and 'Backpacks,' Get a Visit from the Cops | Aug 01 18:39 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Google 'Pressure Cookers' and 'Backpacks,' Get a Visit from the Cops - Philip Bump - The Atlantic Wire .::. Size~: 71.4 KB | Aug 01 18:39 |
XFaCE | qu1j0t3: | Aug 01 18:41 |
TechrightsSocial | Title: Trade Agreements With Mexico And South Korea Turned Out To Be Disasters For US: So Why Pursue TPP And TAFTA/TTIP? | Techdirt .::. Size~: 81.73 KB | Aug 01 18:41 |
XFaCE | also schestowitz ^ | Aug 01 18:41 |
s-365 | @techdirt NSA Boss & Defenders Insist NSA Can't Abuse Surveillance | Aug 01 18:45 |
s-365 | Systems; Forgets To Mention It… | Aug 01 18:45 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 18:45 |
TechrightsSocial | @techdirt: NSA Boss & Defenders Insist NSA Can't Abuse Surveillance Systems; Forgets To Mention It… | Aug 01 18:45 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: NSA Boss & Defenders Insist NSA Can't Abuse Surveillance Systems; Forgets To Mention It Already Has | Techdirt .::. Size~: 61.59 KB | Aug 01 18:45 |
s-365 | @slashdot Companies Petition Congress To Reform 'Business Method' | Aug 01 19:06 |
s-365 | Patent Process | Aug 01 19:06 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 19:06 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Companies Petition Congress To Reform 'Business Method' Patent Process | Aug 01 19:06 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Companies Petition Congress To Reform 'Business Method' Patent Process - Slashdot .::. Size~: 63.48 KB | Aug 01 19:06 |
s-365 | @techdirt Bradley Manning Gets Punished Twice Because He Accessed | Aug 01 19:15 |
s-365 | Information 'With A Computer' | Aug 01 19:15 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 19:15 |
TechrightsSocial | @techdirt: Bradley Manning Gets Punished Twice Because He Accessed Information 'With A Computer' | Aug 01 19:15 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Bradley Manning Gets Punished Twice Because He Accessed Information 'With A Computer' | Techdirt .::. Size~: 45.37 KB | Aug 01 19:15 |
s-365 | @davidgerard NSA pays £100m in secret funding for GCHQ, expects GCHQ to | Aug 01 19:27 |
s-365 | 'pull its weight' spying on US citizens | Aug 01 19:27 |
s-365 | via @guardian | Aug 01 19:27 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 19:27 |
TechrightsSocial | @davidgerard: NSA pays £100m in secret funding for GCHQ, expects GCHQ to 'pull its weight' spying on US citizens via @guardian | Aug 01 19:27 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Exclusive: NSA pays £100m in secret funding for GCHQ | UK news | The Guardian .::. Size~: 119.86 KB | Aug 01 19:27 |
s-365 | @slashdot Turning Santa Cruz Into a Haven For Hackers, Makers & | Aug 01 19:48 |
s-365 | Startups | Aug 01 19:48 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 19:48 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Turning Santa Cruz Into a Haven For Hackers, Makers & Startups | Aug 01 19:48 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Turning Santa Cruz Into a Haven For Hackers, Makers & Startups - Slashdot .::. Size~: 64.15 KB | Aug 01 19:48 |
s-365 | @hayleycampbelly Just gave @doctorow the From Hell Companion and he got me to | Aug 01 20:04 |
s-365 | retweeted by sign it right by my lovely, flowery childhood drawings. | Aug 01 20:04 |
s-365 | @doctorow | Aug 01 20:04 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 20:04 |
s-365 | @cfarivar The Door (yes, the actual door) to the FISA Court | Aug 01 20:04 |
s-365 | retweeted by cc @ncardozo @babaksiavoshy | Aug 01 20:04 |
TechrightsSocial | @doctorow: RT @hayleycampbelly: Just gave @doctorow the From Hell Companion and he got me to sign it right by my lovely, flowery childhood drawings. h… | Aug 01 20:04 |
s-365 | @doctorow @HanniFakhoury @onthemedia @doctorow | Aug 01 20:04 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 20:04 |
TechrightsSocial | @doctorow: RT @cfarivar: The Door (yes, the actual door) to the FISA Court cc @ncardozo @babaksiavoshy @HanniFakhoury @onthemed… | Aug 01 20:04 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: The Door to the FISA Court | Eric Mill .::. Size~: 18.26 KB | Aug 01 20:04 |
s-365 | @techdirt US Officials Freak Out Over Russia Giving Snowden Temporary | Aug 01 20:15 |
s-365 | Visa | Aug 01 20:15 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 20:15 |
TechrightsSocial | @techdirt: US Officials Freak Out Over Russia Giving Snowden Temporary Visa | Aug 01 20:15 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: US Officials Freak Out Over Russia Giving Snowden Temporary Visa | Techdirt .::. Size~: 64.01 KB | Aug 01 20:15 |
s-365 | @slashdot Survey says more companies building in-house API programs | Aug 01 20:25 |
s-365 | (SlashCloud): | Aug 01 20:25 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 20:25 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Survey says more companies building in-house API programs (SlashCloud): | Aug 01 20:25 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: More Companies Building In-House API Programs: Survey .::. Size~: 34.25 KB | Aug 01 20:25 |
s-365 | @scarletsherlock RT @MissLiberty: SUPER excited for this @TachyonPub book, | Aug 01 20:36 |
s-365 | retweeted by feat @doctorow, @ChristophGolden, @AnnoDracula & more! | Aug 01 20:36 |
s-365 | @doctorow WANT | Aug 01 20:36 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 20:36 |
TechrightsSocial | @doctorow: RT @scarletsherlock: RT @MissLiberty: SUPER excited for this @TachyonPub book, feat @doctorow, @ChristophGolden, @AnnoDracula & more! http:… | Aug 01 20:36 |
s-365 | @villoks Tomorrow at #assyt: @doctorow's presentation and fireside | Aug 01 20:36 |
s-365 | retweeted by chat 15:00: (also in AssemblyTV, | Aug 01 20:36 |
s-365 | @doctorow | Aug 01 20:36 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 20:36 |
TechrightsSocial | @doctorow: RT @villoks: Tomorrow at #assyt: @doctorow's presentation and fireside chat 15:00: (also in AssemblyTV,… | Aug 01 20:36 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Cory Doctorow – Assembly Summer 2013 – Hartwall Areena, Helsinki .::. Size~: 20.58 KB | Aug 01 20:36 |
TechrightsSocial | ( status 404 @… ) | Aug 01 20:36 |
s-365 | @slashdot Big Data for People and Revolutionaries, Not Just Businesses | Aug 01 20:36 |
s-365 | (Video) | Aug 01 20:36 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 20:36 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Big Data for People and Revolutionaries, Not Just Businesses (Video) | Aug 01 20:36 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Big Data for People and Revolutionaries, Not Just Businesses (Video) - Slashdot .::. Size~: 64.5 KB | Aug 01 20:36 |
s-365 | @RT_com BREAKING: White House 'extremely dissapointed' with Edward | Aug 01 20:39 |
s-365 | retweeted by Snowden asylum | Aug 01 20:39 |
s-365 | @wikileaks | Aug 01 20:39 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 20:39 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: RT @RT_com: BREAKING: White House 'extremely dissapointed' with Edward Snowden asylum | Aug 01 20:39 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: White House ‘evaluating utility’ of summit with Russia after Snowden granted asylum — RT USA .::. Size~: 45.41 KB | Aug 01 20:39 |
s-365 | @techdirt Now That The Intelligence Community Got Away With Lying, How | Aug 01 20:45 |
s-365 | Can You Trust Anything They Say? | Aug 01 20:45 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 20:45 |
TechrightsSocial | @techdirt: Now That The Intelligence Community Got Away With Lying, How Can You Trust Anything They Say? | Aug 01 20:45 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Now That The Intelligence Community Got Away With Lying, How Can You Trust Anything They Say? | Techdirt .::. Size~: 49.11 KB | Aug 01 20:45 |
schestowitz | | Aug 01 20:46 |
TechrightsSocial | Microsoft is Trying to Occupy South Africa’s Computing Infrastructure in Schools #gnu #linux #southafrica | Aug 01 20:46 |
schestowitz | "Great blog." | Aug 01 20:46 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Microsoft is Trying to Occupy South Africa’s Computing Infrastructure in Schools | Techrights .::. Size~: 90.61 KB | Aug 01 20:46 |
schestowitz | techrights :-) | Aug 01 20:47 |
s-365 | @slashdot Repurposed: Ground Circuit Board Waste Can Clean Up Toxic | Aug 01 20:51 |
s-365 | Metals | Aug 01 20:51 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 20:51 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Repurposed: Ground Circuit Board Waste Can Clean Up Toxic Metals | Aug 01 20:51 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Repurposed: Ground Circuit Board Waste Can Clean Up Toxic Metals - Slashdot .::. Size~: 62.48 KB | Aug 01 20:51 |
s-365 | @VoiceofRussia #WikiLeaks thanks #Russia for granting #asylum to #Snowden | Aug 01 20:58 |
s-365 | retweeted by #news #US #whistleblower | Aug 01 20:58 |
s-365 | @wikileaks | Aug 01 20:58 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 20:58 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: RT @VoiceofRussia: #WikiLeaks thanks #Russia for granting #asylum to #Snowden #news #US #whistleblower | Aug 01 20:58 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: WikiLeaks thanks Russia for granting asylum to Snowden - News - World - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video .::. Size~: 121.42 KB | Aug 01 20:58 |
s-365 | @doctorow Photo: matociquala: I love this photo with an irrational | Aug 01 21:02 |
s-365 | love. @doctorow, @MaryRobinette, @scalzi, me, and... | Aug 01 21:02 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 21:02 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 21:02 |
TechrightsSocial | @doctorow: Photo: matociquala: I love this photo with an irrational love. @doctorow, @MaryRobinette, @scalzi, me, and... | Aug 01 21:02 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Cory Doctorow: matociquala: I love this photo with an... .::. Size~: 43.13 KB | Aug 01 21:02 |
s-365 | @doctorow Photo: Tattoo of literary glory | Aug 01 21:03 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 21:03 |
TechrightsSocial | @doctorow: Photo: Tattoo of literary glory | Aug 01 21:03 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Cory Doctorow: Tattoo of literary glory .::. Size~: 56.39 KB | Aug 01 21:03 |
s-365 | @doctorow Aaron Swartz’s father blasts MIT’s claim of neutrality, | Aug 01 21:03 |
s-365 | citing school’s own report | Aug 01 21:03 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 21:03 |
TechrightsSocial | @doctorow: Aaron Swartz’s father blasts MIT’s claim of neutrality, citing school’s own report | Aug 01 21:03 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Cory Doctorow: Aaron Swartz’s father blasts MIT’s claim of neutrality, citing school’s own report .::. Size~: 33.29 KB | Aug 01 21:03 |
s-365 | @wikileaks White House ‘evaluating utility’ of summit with Russia after | Aug 01 21:04 |
s-365 | Snowden granted asylum | RT | Aug 01 21:04 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 21:04 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: White House ‘evaluating utility’ of summit with Russia after Snowden granted asylum | RT | Aug 01 21:04 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: White House 'extremely dissapointed' with Snowden asylum — RT USA .::. Size~: 44.93 KB | Aug 01 21:04 |
s-365 | @slashdot Web development UI: managing complexity with jQuery | Aug 01 21:07 |
s-365 | (SlashBI) | Aug 01 21:07 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 21:07 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Web development UI: managing complexity with jQuery (SlashBI) | Aug 01 21:07 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Web Development UI: Managing Complexity with jQuery .::. Size~: 32.92 KB | Aug 01 21:07 |
s-365 | @wikileaks WikiLeaks declares victory over Edward #Snowden asylum bid: | Aug 01 21:07 |
s-365 | battle won, war continues | Aug 01 21:07 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 21:07 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: WikiLeaks declares victory over Edward #Snowden asylum bid: battle won, war continues | Aug 01 21:07 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Statement on Snowden’s Successful Russian Asylum Bid .::. Size~: 18.62 KB | Aug 01 21:07 |
s-365 | @slashdot Samsung Offered StackOverflow Users $500 For "Organic" | Aug 01 21:15 |
s-365 | Publicity | Aug 01 21:15 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 21:15 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Samsung Offered StackOverflow Users $500 For "Organic" Publicity | Aug 01 21:15 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Samsung Offered StackOverflow Users $500 For "Organic" Publicity - Slashdot .::. Size~: 63.04 KB | Aug 01 21:15 |
s-365 | @slashdot Queen's WWIII Speech Revealed | Aug 01 21:39 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 21:39 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Queen's WWIII Speech Revealed | Aug 01 21:39 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Queen's WWIII Speech Revealed - Slashdot .::. Size~: 58.69 KB | Aug 01 21:39 |
s-365 | @techdirt Feds Seize 46 Domains... And Then Let Them All Expire Two | Aug 01 21:46 |
s-365 | Weeks Later | Aug 01 21:46 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 21:46 |
TechrightsSocial | @techdirt: Feds Seize 46 Domains... And Then Let Them All Expire Two Weeks Later | Aug 01 21:46 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Feds Seize 46 Domains... And Then Let Them All Expire Two Weeks Later | Techdirt .::. Size~: 53.42 KB | Aug 01 21:46 |
s-365 | @davidgerard The state of taking Wikipedia all-SSL - a technical update | Aug 01 21:57 |
s-365 | @jimmy_wales | Aug 01 21:57 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 21:57 |
TechrightsSocial | @davidgerard: The state of taking Wikipedia all-SSL - a technical update @jimmy_wales | Aug 01 21:57 |
s-365 | @slashdot iPhone Hacked In Under 60 Seconds Using Malicious Charger | Aug 01 21:57 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 21:57 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 21:57 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: The future of HTTPS on Wikimedia projects — Wikimedia blog .::. Size~: 19.54 KB | Aug 01 21:57 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: iPhone Hacked In Under 60 Seconds Using Malicious Charger | Aug 01 21:57 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: iPhone Hacked In Under 60 Seconds Using Malicious Charger - Slashdot .::. Size~: 62.9 KB | Aug 01 21:57 |
s-365 | @Suw Ugh. The @ukhomeoffice feed is just a disgrace at the | Aug 01 21:58 |
s-365 | retweeted by moment. This is how vile and despicable the Tory government | Aug 01 21:58 |
s-365 | @davidgerard is. | Aug 01 21:58 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 21:58 |
TechrightsSocial | @davidgerard: RT @Suw: Ugh. The @ukhomeoffice feed is just a disgrace at the moment. This is how vile and despicable the Tory government is. | Aug 01 21:58 |
s-365 | @kpunk99 Judging by the @ukhomeoffice twitter feed, literally all the | Aug 01 21:58 |
s-365 | retweeted by Home Office does is harass immigrants and crow about it. | Aug 01 21:58 |
s-365 | @davidgerard | Aug 01 21:58 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 21:58 |
TechrightsSocial | @davidgerard: RT @kpunk99: Judging by the @ukhomeoffice twitter feed, literally all the Home Office does is harass immigrants and crow about it. | Aug 01 21:58 |
s-365 | @techdirt Peru Proposes Default Internet Censorship Requiring Opt-in | Aug 01 22:15 |
s-365 | To View Pornography | Aug 01 22:15 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 22:15 |
TechrightsSocial | @techdirt: Peru Proposes Default Internet Censorship Requiring Opt-in To View Pornography | Aug 01 22:15 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Peru Proposes Default Internet Censorship Requiring Opt-in To View Pornography | Techdirt .::. Size~: 47.5 KB | Aug 01 22:15 |
s-365 | @slashdot /cal: Deadline approaches for ESA's summer of code! | Aug 01 22:33 |
s-365 | (Here's how to apply: | Aug 01 22:33 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 22:33 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 22:33 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: /cal: Deadline approaches for ESA's summer of code! (Here's how to apply: | Aug 01 22:33 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: About SOCIS | ESA Summer of Code in Space 2013 .::. Size~: 9.76 KB | Aug 01 22:33 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: SOCIS Frequently-Asked Questions | ESA Summer of Code in Space 2013 .::. Size~: 27.35 KB | Aug 01 22:33 |
s-365 | @wikileaks Obama 'extremely disappointed' at #Snowden's asylum -- but | Aug 01 22:36 |
s-365 | not nearly as disappointed as many who voted for him in | Aug 01 22:36 |
s-365 | 2008. | Aug 01 22:36 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 22:36 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: Obama 'extremely disappointed' at #Snowden's asylum -- but not nearly as disappointed as many who voted for him in 2008. | Aug 01 22:36 |
s-365 | @slashdot 9th Circuit Court Elevates Celebrity Privacy Rights Over | Aug 01 22:39 |
s-365 | Video Game Portrayals | Aug 01 22:39 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 22:39 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: 9th Circuit Court Elevates Celebrity Privacy Rights Over Video Game Portrayals | Aug 01 22:39 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: 9th Circuit Court Elevates Celebrity Privacy Rights Over Video Game Portrayals - Slashdot .::. Size~: 63.55 KB | Aug 01 22:39 |
s-365 | @mgeist RT @fullcomment: Kelly McParland: Block Verizon or Moncton | Aug 01 22:53 |
s-365 | gets it, Big Wireless warns | Aug 01 22:53 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 22:53 |
TechrightsSocial | @mgeist: RT @fullcomment: Kelly McParland: Block Verizon or Moncton gets it, Big Wireless warns | Aug 01 22:53 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Kelly McParland: Block Verizon or Moncton gets it, Big Wireless warns | National Post .::. Size~: 73.61 KB | Aug 01 22:53 |
s-365 | @techdirt Zynga Thinks You Might Confuse Having Casual Sex With | Aug 01 23:15 |
s-365 | Playing A Scrabble Knockoff, Because It… | Aug 01 23:15 |
s-365 | | Aug 01 23:15 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 23:15 |
TechrightsSocial | @techdirt: Zynga Thinks You Might Confuse Having Casual Sex With Playing A Scrabble Knockoff, Because It… | Aug 01 23:15 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Zynga Thinks You Might Confuse Having Casual Sex With Playing A Scrabble Knockoff, Because It's 'With Friends' | Techdirt .::. Size~: 49.15 KB | Aug 01 23:15 |
s-365 | @slashdot Hands On With Motorola's Moto X | Aug 01 23:21 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 23:21 |
TechrightsSocial | @slashdot: Hands On With Motorola's Moto X | Aug 01 23:21 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Hands On With Motorola's Moto X - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.91 KB | Aug 01 23:21 |
s-365 | @wikileaks Video: Julian #Assange Talks to VICE About Bradley #Manning | Aug 01 23:41 |
s-365 | and Political Payback | Aug 01 23:41 |
s-365 | ........................................ | Aug 01 23:41 |
TechrightsSocial | @wikileaks: Video: Julian #Assange Talks to VICE About Bradley #Manning and Political Payback | Aug 01 23:41 |
TechrightsSocial | -> Title: Julian Assange Talks to VICE About Bradley Manning and Political Payback | VICE United Kingdom .::. Size~: 128.22 KB | Aug 01 23:41 |
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