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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: August 20th, 2013

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s-278@jonworth        The royal baby is more important than #MirandaAug 20 00:00
s-278 retweeted by    for The Times and The Telegraph - coverageAug 20 00:00
s-278 @glynmoody      comparison @jayrosen_nyuAug 20 00:00
s-278........................................ 20 00:00 | For The Times and The Telegraph, the royal baby is more important than the David Miranda case | Jon WorthAug 20 00:00
s-278@wikileaks       Jake Appelbaum (@ioerror) on the dentention ofAug 20 00:01
s-278 retweeted by    David Miranda and the seizure of his laptopAug 20 00:01
s-278 @ioerror 20 00:01
s-278........................................ 20 00:01
s-278@glynmoody       UK Police defends detaining partner -Aug 20 00:03
s-278        nothing to see here,Aug 20 00:03
s-278                 move along please... (v @jackschofield)Aug 20 00:03
s-278                 #mirandaAug 20 00:03
s-278........................................ 20 00:03 | Police defends detaining partnerAug 20 00:03
s-278@wikileaks       WikiLeaks journalist Sarah Harrison now inAug 20 00:05
s-278 retweeted by    self-exile after David Miranda detainmentAug 20 00:05
s-278 @ioerror profile:Aug 20 00:05
s-278        20 00:05
s-278........................................ 20 00:05 | BBC News - David Miranda detention a 'breach of law' - Julian AssangeAug 20 00:05 | Profile: Sarah HarrisonAug 20 00:05
schestowitz 20 00:08
TechrightsSocial@bdcory: @schestowitz How can any responsible business rely on US tech co's w/o expecting to have USG snooping around? It's economic espionage.Aug 20 00:08
s-278@glynmoody       "They'll Be Laughing in Moscow and Beijing." AAug 20 00:09
s-278                 Former British Defence Minister Writes... -Aug 20 00:09
s-278        and how #snowden #nsaAug 20 00:09
s-278........................................ 20 00:09 | "They'll Be Laughing in Moscow and Beijing." A Former British Defence Minister Writes... by Tom WatsonAug 20 00:09
s-278@schestowitz     Why #FootballManager is playable on #Linux ,Aug 20 00:10
s-278                 but not #Windows RT 20 00:10
s-278                 tables have turnedAug 20 00:10
s-278........................................ 20 00:10 | Why Football Manager is playable on Linux, but not Windows RT | PCGamesNAug 20 00:10
s-278@emilybell       As @arusbridger says 'we will soon be back toAug 20 00:11
s-278 retweeted by    pens and paper'. What a mockery of the notionAug 20 00:11
s-278 @glynmoody      of 'open government' this story isAug 20 00:11
s-278........................................ 20 00:11
s-278@schestowitz     Open Standards show and tellAug 20 00:12
s-278        #uk #egov #standardAug 20 00:12
s-278........................................ 20 00:12 | Open Standards show and tell | Government Digital ServiceAug 20 00:12
s-278@rafat           2013 will go down as the Year Of 1984.Aug 20 00:12
s-278 retweeted by    Aug 20 00:12
s-278 @glynmoody      Aug 20 00:12
s-278........................................ 20 00:12
s-278@schestowitz     August 2013 #GNU Toolchain updateAug 20 00:13
s-278        20 00:13
s-278........................................ 20 00:13 | nickclifton - August 2013 GNU Toolchain updateAug 20 00:13
s-278@schestowitz     Dev kit runs Linux on quad-core Cortex-A9 SoCAug 20 00:14
s-278        #linux #embeddedAug 20 00:14
s-278........................................ 20 00:14 | Dev kit runs Linux on quad-core Cortex-A9 SoC ·  LinuxGizmos.comAug 20 00:14
s-278@schestowitz     Reality Check: Why #Linux for #ARM Will MakeAug 20 00:16
s-278                 The Cloud Greener andAug 20 00:16
s-278                 remove monopoly abuser Intel, tooAug 20 00:16
s-278........................................ 20 00:16 | Reality Check: Why Linux for ARM Will Make The Cloud Greener | Linux.comAug 20 00:16
s-278@asimone         I love @ioerror's zen calm during this BCCAug 20 00:16
s-278 retweeted by    segment about the Miranda detainment.Aug 20 00:16
s-278 @ioerror 20 00:16
s-278........................................ 20 00:16 | BBCTwo recording between Louise Mensch and Jacob Applebaum on VimeoAug 20 00:16
s-278@schestowitz     "another #KDE  4.x major release has beenAug 20 00:19
s-278                 released and today it has hit [extra] afterAug 20 00:19
s-278                 some day in [testing]." 20 00:19
s-278........................................ 20 00:19 | Andrea Scarpino - Google+ - Hi all, another #KDE  4.x major release has been released…Aug 20 00:19
s-278@schestowitz     The "popularity" #myth justifies the FUD thatAug 20 00:22
s-278                 #gnu #linux not secure (if the user installsAug 20 00:22
s-278                 malware him/herself) 20 00:22
s-278........................................ 20 00:22 | Who's Afraid of Linux Malware? | Community | LinuxInsiderAug 20 00:22
s-278@schestowitz     Window Maker, the Unity for Old Guys?Aug 20 00:23
s-278        #windowmaker #gnu #linuxAug 20 00:23
s-278........................................ 20 00:23 | Window Maker, the Unity for Old Guys? | Linux JournalAug 20 00:23
s-278@schestowitz     The #nsa under fresh legal probesAug 20 00:27
s-278        20 00:27
s-278        20 00:27
s-278........................................ 20 00:27 | Rand Paul Wants Supreme Court to Review Constitutionality of NSA's Surveillance ProgramsAug 20 00:27 | EU privacy watchdogs seek details on NSA spying - Yahoo! NewsAug 20 00:27 | Let Non-Secret Courts Decide if NSA Surveillance Is Constitutional | Katherine HawkinsAug 20 00:27
s-278@slashdot        Why the NSA Can't Replace 90% of Its SystemAug 20 00:27
s-278                 Administrators 20 00:27
s-278........................................ 20 00:27 | Why the NSA Can't Replace 90% of Its System Administrators - SlashdotAug 20 00:27
s-278@techdirt        UK Gov't Forces Guardian To 'Destroy' HardAug 20 00:29
s-278                 Drives With Snowden Info; Guardian SaysAug 20 00:29
s-278                 Reporting… 20 00:29
s-278........................................ 20 00:29 | UK Gov't Forces Guardian To 'Destroy' Hard Drives With Snowden Info; Guardian Says Reporting Continues From NY | TechdirtAug 20 00:29
s-278@schestowitz     Among the NSA's Own Tips for SecuringAug 20 00:30
s-278                 Computers: Remove the WebcamAug 20 00:30
s-278        20 00:30
s-278........................................ 20 00:30 | Among the NSA's Own Tips for Securing Computers: Remove the Webcam - Alexis C. Madrigal - The AtlanticAug 20 00:30 | NSA-dodging mail service explains why email can never truly be private and secure | PCWorldAug 20 00:30
s-278@schestowitz     Climate revisionists want #NSA power (like DEA)Aug 20 00:31
s-278        20 00:31
s-278........................................ 20 00:31 | Climate Skeptic Asks NSA For Access To Former EPA Director's Emails | ThinkProgressAug 20 00:31 | EPA critic to NSA: Hey, want to share? - Erica Martinson - POLITICO.comAug 20 00:31
s-278@schestowitz     The Success of Firefox OS Will Depend on theAug 20 00:34
s-278                 Success of Apps for It 20 00:34
s-278                 #mozilla #firefoxAug 20 00:34
s-278........................................ 20 00:34 | The Success of Firefox OS Will Depend on the Success of Apps for ItAug 20 00:34
s-278@schestowitz     Richard Stallman on MediaAug 20 00:34
s-278        20 00:34
s-278........................................ 20 00:34 |  » Blog Archive   » Richard Stallman on MediaAug 20 00:34
s-278@schestowitz     Korora 19 "Bruce" Korora 19 "Bruce"Aug 20 00:38
s-278        #fedora #korora #gnuAug 20 00:38
s-278                 #linuxAug 20 00:38
s-278........................................ 20 00:38 | Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD.Aug 20 00:38
s-278@kashhill        Power of encryption: Glenn Greenwald 'not atAug 20 00:39
s-278 retweeted by    all worried' about Britain gathering info fromAug 20 00:39
s-278 @ioerror        his partner's devices 20 00:39
s-278........................................ 20 00:39 | Glenn Greenwald 'Not Worried At All' About Britain Getting Info From His Partner's Seized Electronics - ForbesAug 20 00:39
s-278@robf            .@arusbridger: GCGQ destroyed @guardian hardAug 20 00:39
s-278 retweeted by    drives in a bid to stop #Snowden publicationAug 20 00:39
s-278 @ioerror #pointless #cluelessAug 20 00:39
s-278........................................ 20 00:39 | David Miranda, schedule 7 and the danger that all reporters now face | Alan Rusbridger | Comment is free | The GuardianAug 20 00:39
s-278@schestowitz     Intel Haswell Laptop Impact When Running XMirAug 20 00:45
s-278        #mir #xmir #haswellAug 20 00:45
s-278........................................ 20 00:45 | [Phoronix] Intel Haswell Laptop Impact When Running XMirAug 20 00:45
s-278@schestowitz     Descent|OS 5 Will No Longer be Based on DebianAug 20 00:48
s-278        #debian #gnu #linuxAug 20 00:48
s-278........................................ 20 00:48 | Descent|OS 5 Will No Longer be Based on DebianAug 20 00:48
s-278@Thomas_Drake1   Wake up "How many have truly understood theAug 20 00:51
s-278                 absolute threat to journalism implicit in theAug 20 00:51
s-278                 idea of total surveillance"Aug 20 00:51
s-278        20 00:51 | David Miranda, schedule 7 and the danger that all reporters now face | Alan Rusbridger | Comment is free | The GuardianAug 20 00:51
s-278........................................ 20 00:51
s-278@schestowitz     How To Avoid Data #Surveillance ProgramsAug 20 00:51
s-278        for starters, stop usingAug 20 00:51
s-278                 proprietary and #fogcomputingAug 20 00:51
s-278........................................ 20 00:51 | How To Avoid Data Surveillance Programs | UnixmenAug 20 00:51
s-278@fugueish        "Officials have intensified efforts to blockAug 20 00:52
s-278 retweeted by    access to critical views on the Internet."Aug 20 00:52
s-278 @ioerror 20 00:52
s-278........................................ 20 00:52 | Log In - The New York TimesAug 20 00:52
s-278@rj_gallagher    UK can surely expect to plummet in next pressAug 20 00:52
s-278 retweeted by    freedom index...& we're already at 29Aug 20 00:52
s-278 @ioerror This keeps up I'm off toAug 20 00:52
s-278                 Finland.Aug 20 00:52
s-278........................................ 20 00:52 | Press Freedom Index 2013 - Reporters Without BordersAug 20 00:52
s-278@slashdot        Netflix Comes To Linux Web Browsers ViaAug 20 00:57
s-278                 'Pipelight' 20 00:57
s-278........................................ 20 00:57 | Netflix Comes To Linux Web Browsers Via 'Pipelight' - SlashdotAug 20 00:57
s-278@schestowitz     Links 19/8/2013: Linux Foundation onAug 20 00:59
s-278                 'Hobbyists', Heathrow Row Over MirandaAug 20 00:59
s-278        #techrightsAug 20 00:59
s-278........................................ 20 00:59 | Links 19/8/2013: Linux Foundation on ‘Hobbyists’, Heathrow Row Over Miranda | TechrightsAug 20 00:59
s-278@Thomas_Drake1   .@wikileaks @trevortimm @benwiznerAug 20 01:07
s-278                 @JesselynRadack Reuters wrong. Assange right onAug 20 01:07
s-278                 double Espionage charges for non-spyAug 20 01:07
s-278                 disclosures to mediaAug 20 01:07
s-278........................................ 20 01:07
s-278@acarvin         David Miranda, schedule 7 and the danger thatAug 20 01:15
s-278 retweeted by    all reporters now face | Alan RusbridgerAug 20 01:15
s-278 @ioerror via @guardianAug 20 01:15
s-278........................................ 20 01:15 | David Miranda, schedule 7 and the danger that all reporters now face | Alan Rusbridger | Comment is free | The GuardianAug 20 01:15
s-278@dangillmor      Obama administration doesn't even pretend itAug 20 01:15
s-278 retweeted by    believes in civil liberties anymore. LatestAug 20 01:15
s-278 @ioerror        from mobile phone front: 20 01:15
s-278........................................ 20 01:15 | Obama administration asks Supreme Court to allow warrantless cellphone searchesAug 20 01:15
s-278@jilliancyork    Read @cda @doctorow me, and others debate: CanAug 20 01:15
s-278 retweeted by    free speech and Internet filters coexist?Aug 20 01:15
s-278 @doctorow 20 01:15
s-278........................................ 20 01:15 | Can Free Speech and Internet Filters Co-Exist? - Room for Debate - NYTimes.comAug 20 01:15
s-278@cybergoths      @doctorow Did you see Jack of Kent's legalAug 20 01:15
s-278 retweeted by    analysis on the Miranda detention?Aug 20 01:15
s-278 @doctorow 20 01:15
s-278........................................ 20 01:15 | Nine hours in the life of David Miranda  | Jack of KentAug 20 01:16
s-278@ioerror         “There are a lot of bad people out there. . . .Aug 20 01:17
s-278                 This will help us remove some of those pestsAug 20 01:17
s-278                 from society,” he added: 20 01:17
s-278........................................ 20 01:17 | Seeing threats, feds target instructors of polygraph-beating methods | McClatchyAug 20 01:17
s-278@astepanovich    Pay no attention to the NSA behind the curtainAug 20 01:18
s-278 retweeted by    RT @ncardozo: Look! A puppy!Aug 20 01:18
s-278 @ioerror #NSAspyingAug 20 01:18
s-278........................................ 20 01:18 | Meet Sunny: The Obamas' New Puppy | The White HouseAug 20 01:18
s-278@sinak           The UK government raided the Guardian’s officesAug 20 01:18
s-278 retweeted by    and destroyed hard drives to suppress SnowdenAug 20 01:18
s-278 @ioerror        leaks. Shameful. -> 20 01:18
s-278........................................ 20 01:18 | U.K. government thought destroying Guardian hard drives would stop Snowden storiesAug 20 01:18
s-278@normative       Simultaneously adorable & horrifying // U.K.Aug 20 01:18
s-278 retweeted by    gov thought destroying Guardian hard drivesAug 20 01:18
s-278 @ioerror        would stop stories 20 01:18
s-278........................................ 20 01:18 | U.K. government thought destroying Guardian hard drives would stop Snowden stories - The Washington PostAug 20 01:18
s-278@techdirt        DailyDirt: So You Want To Be A Lawyer..?Aug 20 01:29
s-278        20 01:29
s-278........................................ 20 01:29 | DailyDirt: So You Want To Be A Lawyer..? | TechdirtAug 20 01:29
s-278@umairh          So today, given the fact that the US and UKAug 20 01:40
s-278                 forced the Guardian to destroy hard drives, weAug 20 01:40
s-278                 can another right goodbye: a free press.Aug 20 01:40
s-278........................................ 20 01:40
s-278@umairh          So the US and UK forced the Guardian to destroyAug 20 01:41
s-278                 hard drives. We kiss can another right goodbye:Aug 20 01:41
s-278                 a free press.Aug 20 01:41
s-278........................................ 20 01:41
s-278@umairh          Let's tick off some rights you've lost in theAug 20 01:43
s-278                 last decade. Privacy, association, free speech,Aug 20 01:43
s-278                 habeas corpus. And now a free press.Aug 20 01:43
s-278........................................ 20 01:43
schestowitz 20 01:44
TechrightsSocial@davejoh: @schestowitz I don't work for Microsoft and that's the literal opposite of what I contended: 20 01:44
TechrightsSocial-> | Geek Vs Geek: Should You Be Worried — Or Furious — About NSA Spying? | eHow Tech | eHowAug 20 01:44
schestowitz 20 01:47 "Brazil said that such a detention of one of its citizens was ‘unjustified’ and concerned the government." 20 01:47
TechrightsSocial-> | Brazil 'concerned' over NSA journalist's partner's 9-hour detention at UK airport under Terrorism Act | TruthDiveTruthDive  [ ]Aug 20 01:47
schestowitz"btw, talking about Brazil and journalism, i must take a huge care about news coming from brazilian sources - since their coup d'état in 1964, brazilian news sources were known as the most manipulative of the whole world - - - - http://www.Aug 20 01:47
TechrightsSocial ( status 404 @ )Aug 20 01:47 - "Aug 20 01:47 | Muito Além do Cidadão Kane (completo / dublado) - documentário sobre a Rede Globo - YouTube  [ ]Aug 20 01:47 | TUDO EM CIMA: Como o PiG noticiaria a "Guerra nas Estrelas"?  [ ]Aug 20 01:47
TechrightsSocial ( status 403 @ http://www )Aug 20 01:47 | Gagged in Brazil - Censura na Imprensa - YouTube  [ ]Aug 20 01:47
schestowitz 20 01:47 Most transparent administration *ever*, in speech only 20 01:47
TechrightsSocial-> | Obama has not delivered on May's promise of transparency on drones | Naureen Shah | Comment is free |  [ ]Aug 20 01:47
schestowitz"Aug 20 01:47
TechrightsSocial-> | Most transparent administration - Startpage Web Search  [ ]Aug 20 01:47
schestowitzfreedom is slaveryAug 20 01:47
schestowitzsecrecy is transparancyAug 20 01:47
schestowitz"Aug 20 01:47
schestowitz 20 01:48 If New Zealand -- not Europe -- mapped the world 20 01:48
TechrightsSocial-> | Австралийская карта мира :: NoNaMe  [ ]Aug 20 01:48
schestowitz"Wooo... that looks strange... thinking out of the box may cause headache..."Aug 20 01:48
schestowitz 20 01:48 Dave Johnson from Microsoft writes for #CBS to tell us we don't need to worry about #nsa 20 01:48
TechrightsSocial-> | NSA spying: Should you be worried? - CBS News  [ ]Aug 20 01:48
schestowitz"I wonder if PRISM was Microsoft's idea."Aug 20 01:48
schestowitz 20 01:49 Google's #CCTV Glasses sell access into people's private lives spooky or what?Aug 20 01:49
TechrightsSocial-> | Google to charge advertisers "pay per gaze" with Google glass. | Muktware  [ ]Aug 20 01:49
schestowitz"It would be interesting to see what I really look at, but it's not something I'd like to share."Aug 20 01:49
s-278@wikileaks       Guardian forced by UK gov to smash #SnowdenAug 20 01:49
s-278                 harddrives in front of UK spiesAug 20 01:49
s-278        20 01:49
s-278........................................ 20 01:49 | David Miranda, schedule 7 and the danger that all reporters now face | Alan Rusbridger | Comment is free | The GuardianAug 20 01:50
s-278@wikileaks       UK: Detaining without charge: Miranda for 9h,Aug 20 01:57
s-278                 Assange, 986 days; smashing GuardianAug 20 01:57
s-278                 harddrives; threatening to invade theAug 20 01:57
s-278                 Ecuadorian embassy.Aug 20 01:57
s-278........................................ 20 01:57
s-278@wikileaks       UK's detention of #Assange in London embassyAug 20 02:01
s-278                 for 1 year 2 mths "is against the law", saysAug 20 02:01
s-278                 Ecuador 20 02:01
s-278........................................ 20 02:01 | Reino Unido comete un gravísimo error al no permitir salida de Assange de la embajada, sostiene canciller de Ecuador | ANDESAug 20 02:01
s-278@ronaldglaeser   Der NSA-Whistleblower @Thomas_Drake1 hat imAug 20 02:02
s-278 retweeted by    JF-Interview schon 2012 Wesentliches berichtet.Aug 20 02:02
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  Wollte nur keiner hören.Aug 20 02:02
s-278        20 02:02
s-278........................................ 20 02:02 | Archiv: JUNGE FREIHEIT - Wochenzeitung aus BerlinAug 20 02:02
s-278@wikileaks       US security official told @Reuters UK detentionAug 20 02:03
s-278                 of @ggreenwald's partner was to 'send aAug 20 02:03
s-278                 message' to people like usAug 20 02:03
s-278        20 02:03
s-278........................................ 20 02:03 | Britain forced Guardian to destroy copy of Snowden material - Yahoo! News CanadaAug 20 02:03
s-278@ChrChristensen  @Thomas_Drake1 Six questions journalists shouldAug 20 02:05
s-278 retweeted by    ask #Obama when he visits your countryAug 20 02:05
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1 @trevortimm @carwinbAug 20 02:05
s-278........................................ 20 02:05 | Six questions journalists should ask Barack Obama when he visits (enter your country name) | Christian Christensen - Stockholm UniversityAug 20 02:05
s-278@doctorow        Lying on your back, staring at the hanged manAug 20 02:07
s-278        20 02:07
s-278........................................ 20 02:07 | Cory Doctorow: Lying on your back, staring at the hanged manAug 20 02:07
s-278@wikileaks       We denounce the UK government's strong armingAug 20 02:10
s-278                 of the Guardian into destroying  history.Aug 20 02:10
s-278                 Remember what happens to book burners?Aug 20 02:10
s-278........................................ 20 02:10
s-278@wikileaks       Cenk Uygur calls out TIME magazine reporter forAug 20 02:11
s-278                 supporting drone strike on Julian Assange | TheAug 20 02:11
s-278                 Raw Story 20 02:11
s-278........................................ 20 02:11 | Cenk Uygur calls out TIME magazine reporter for supporting drone strike on Julian Assange | The Raw StoryAug 20 02:11
qu1j0t3schestowitz: 20 02:14
TechrightsSocial@bigpicguy: Hahahaha the #UK is #USA's little bitchAug 20 02:14
s-278@mattblaze       Re: sending encrypted docs by courier insteadAug 20 02:21
s-278 retweeted by    of electronically, it's easier to tell if aAug 20 02:21
s-278 @csoghoian      courier is intercepted.Aug 20 02:21
s-278                 #ButNotGreatForTheCourierAug 20 02:21
s-278........................................ 20 02:21
s-278@trevortimm      UK officials went into @Guardian HQ andAug 20 02:24
s-278 retweeted by    destroyed their hard drives, @guardian now doesAug 20 02:24
s-278 @csoghoian      all NSA reporting outside UK:Aug 20 02:24
s-278        20 02:24
s-278........................................ 20 02:24 | David Miranda, schedule 7 and the danger that all reporters now face | Alan Rusbridger | Comment is free | The GuardianAug 20 02:24
s-278@csoghoian       Encrypted "Insurance" files were the work ofAug 20 02:28
s-278                 paranoids when uploaded by Wikileaks. MajorAug 20 02:28
s-278                 media orgs may need to start using them too.Aug 20 02:28
s-278........................................ 20 02:28
s-278@normative       Seriously, say this out loud. A Western gov'tAug 20 02:31
s-278 retweeted by    just raided a newspaper's offices. To destroyAug 20 02:31
s-278 @csoghoian      their hard drives.WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?Aug 20 02:31
s-278........................................ 20 02:31
s-278@JuneYourTech    @doctorow Cartoon: Martin Rowson on DavidAug 20 02:34
s-278 retweeted by    Miranda's detention: 20 02:34
s-278 @doctorow       Aug 20 02:34
TechrightsSocial@GWorldComments: Martin Rowson on David Miranda's detention – cartoon 20 02:34
s-278........................................ 20 02:34
TechrightsSocial-> | Martin Rowson on David Miranda's detention – cartoon | Comment is free | The GuardianAug 20 02:34
s-278@Rod_McCallum    In 2012, global CO2 levels reached 393 partsAug 20 02:38
s-278 retweeted by    per million, the highest level in 800,000Aug 20 02:38
s-278 @qu1j0t3        years. #climate #climatechangeAug 20 02:38
s-278........................................ 20 02:38
s-278@wikileaks       The Guardian hard drive shredding scandalAug 20 02:41
s-278                 demonstrates why it is necessary to publishAug 20 02:41
s-278                 early publish often and publish globally.Aug 20 02:41
s-278........................................ 20 02:41
s-278@csoghoian       The Guardian watched UK gov destroying theirAug 20 02:46
s-278                 hard disks. The NYT might not learn theirAug 20 02:46
s-278                 Google hosted data was deleted till after theAug 20 02:46
s-278                 fact.Aug 20 02:46
s-278........................................ 20 02:46
s-278@wikileaks       Guardian #Snowden hard drive shred makes itAug 20 02:46
s-278                 clear why it is necessary for WikiLeaks toAug 20 02:46
s-278                 distribute insurance filesAug 20 02:46
s-278        20 02:46
s-278........................................ 20 02:46 | Wikileaks - Please mirror:  WikiLeaks insurance... | FacebookAug 20 02:46
s-278@normative       Seriously, say this out loud. A Western gov'tAug 20 02:47
s-278 retweeted by    just raided a newspaper's offices. To destroyAug 20 02:47
s-278 @qu1j0t3        their hard drives.WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?Aug 20 02:47
s-278........................................ 20 02:47
s-278@doctorow        #Labour said "trust us" about each insaneAug 20 02:48
s-278                 antiterror law & we said "You are loading a gunAug 20 02:48
s-278                 for every government that follows"Aug 20 02:48
s-278                 #DavidMirandaAug 20 02:48
s-278........................................ 20 02:48
s-278@slashdot        Dell Dumps Keyboardless Windows RT TabletsAug 20 02:51
s-278        20 02:51
s-278........................................ 20 02:51 | Dell Dumps Keyboardless Windows RT Tablets - SlashdotAug 20 02:51
s-278@tdobson         @doctorow It's a good thing your books areAug 20 02:51
s-278 retweeted by    CC-licenced or Reality would be owing you someAug 20 02:51
s-278 @doctorow       serious royalties at the moment...Aug 20 02:51
s-278........................................ 20 02:51
s-278@Karnythia       I pay more in taxes than I ever received inAug 20 03:03
s-278 retweeted by    benefits. And you know what? I want my taxAug 20 03:03
s-278 @qu1j0t3        dollars to go to helping people. #DVSurvivorAug 20 03:03
s-278........................................ 20 03:03
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Aug 20 03:05
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Aug 20 03:06
s-278@Brironic        Hotel in Montreal blocking web access to my DVRAug 20 03:23
s-278 retweeted by    as "P2P/File sharing". Unable to set aAug 20 03:23
s-278 @doctorow       recording. #censorship @doctorowAug 20 03:23
s-278........................................ 20 03:23
s-278@wikileaks       Still wondering why we need a stateless mediaAug 20 03:23
s-278                 entity like WikiLeaks? This is whyAug 20 03:23
s-278        support:Aug 20 03:23
s-278        20 03:23
s-278........................................ 20 03:23 | Still wondering why we need a stateless media entity like WikiLeaks? This is why — Tech News and AnalysisAug 20 03:23 | Donate to WikiLeaksAug 20 03:23
s-278@umairh          Carry on my wayward son.Aug 20 03:32
s-278........................................ 20 03:32
s-278@LarryEverest    @doctorow Donations Needed Now, Support YourAug 20 03:35
s-278 retweeted by    Revolutionary Bookstore! 20 03:35
s-278 @doctorow       via #constantcontactAug 20 03:35
s-278........................................ 20 03:35 | Donations Needed Now, Support Your Revolutionary Bookstore!Aug 20 03:35
s-278@techdirt        MP Keith Vaz: If Anti-Terrorist Law Is Going ToAug 20 03:35
s-278                 Be Abused To Detain Non-Terrorists, We Should…Aug 20 03:35
s-278        20 03:35
s-278........................................ 20 03:35 | MP Keith Vaz: If Anti-Terrorist Law Is Going To Be Abused To Detain Non-Terrorists, We Should At Least Be Upfront About It | TechdirtAug 20 03:35
s-278@wikileaks       When they insist the press is free in the UK,Aug 20 03:52
s-278                 ask if free newspapers are forced to watch asAug 20 03:52
s-278                 their data is physically destroyed by agents.Aug 20 03:52
s-278........................................ 20 03:52
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialAug 20 03:54
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialAug 20 03:55
schestowitz 20 04:01 Among the NSA's Own Tips for Securing Computers: Remove the Webcam 20 04:01
TechrightsSocial-> | Among the NSA's Own Tips for Securing Computers: Remove the Webcam - Alexis C. Madrigal - The Atlantic  [ ]Aug 20 04:01
TechrightsSocial-> | NSA-dodging mail service explains why email can never truly be private and secure | PCWorld  [ ]Aug 20 04:01
schestowitz"The NSA knows not to trust non free software. It's a shame they use OSX."Aug 20 04:01
s-278@blogdiva        BUT THE MUTATION OF FASCISM WE'RE WITNESSING INAug 20 04:05
s-278 retweeted by    US/UK is exactly why Obama is POTUS: he's aAug 20 04:05
s-278 @qu1j0t3        convenient cover for the kind of power theyAug 20 04:05
s-278                 seekAug 20 04:05
s-278........................................ 20 04:05
s-278@nickbruechle    It's official - "terrorism" is whatever theAug 20 04:22
s-278 retweeted by    govt says it is.Aug 20 04:22
s-278 @qu1j0t3        @FearDept 20 04:22
s-278........................................ 20 04:22 | Reaction to the detention of David Miranda at Heathrow airport – as it happened | Politics | theguardian.comAug 20 04:22
s-278@importantshock  Three Handy Tips for Cis White Dudes WritingAug 20 04:34
s-278 retweeted by    About Gender In Programming/CS:Aug 20 04:34
s-278 @qu1j0t3        Aug 20 04:34
s-278                 1) Don’tAug 20 04:34
s-278                 2) Do notAug 20 04:34
s-278                 3) I will hit you with a damn hammerAug 20 04:34
s-278........................................ 20 04:34
s-278@normative       Guessing their hard drives/spouses are safe. RTAug 20 04:50
s-278 retweeted by    @jilliancyork: Meanwhile, 50 journalists areAug 20 04:50
s-278 @csoghoian      currently writing about the new WH dog.Aug 20 04:50
s-278........................................ 20 04:50
s-278@kennwhite       .@csoghoian Interactive Advertising BureauAug 20 04:55
s-278 retweeted by    (IAB) lobbyists, meet semantic text analysis:Aug 20 04:55
s-278 @csoghoian      [ref]Aug 20 04:55
s-278        20 04:55
s-278........................................ 20 04:55 | IAB President & CEO Randall Rothenberg’s Statement Opposing Mozilla’s Intention to Block Third-Party CookiesAug 20 04:55
TechrightsSocial@kennwhite: .@csoghoian Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) lobbyists, meet semantic text analysis: [ref] 20 04:55
s-278@slashdot        UK Government Destroys Guardian's SnowdenAug 20 05:03
s-278                 Drives 20 05:03
s-278........................................ 20 05:03 | UK Government Destroys Guardian's Snowden Drives - SlashdotAug 20 05:03
s-278@wikileaks       Preview of Julian #Assange's interview onAug 20 06:02
s-278                 @triplejhack. Full interview tonight at 5:30pmAug 20 06:02
s-278                 AEST. #auspolAug 20 06:02
s-278                 #wiki4senateAug 20 06:02
s-278........................................ 20 06:02 | Julian Assange on Hack | Hack | triple jAug 20 06:02
s-278@jonobacon       Doing a night smoke. Here are the two victimsAug 20 06:39
s-278        20 06:39
s-278........................................ 20 06:39 | Doing a night smoke. Here are the two victims on TwitpicAug 20 06:39
s-278@techdirt        Irish Government Moves Into The Digital Age ByAug 20 06:40
s-278                 Treating Everything Like PaperAug 20 06:40
s-278        20 06:40
s-278........................................ 20 06:40 | Irish Government Moves Into The Digital Age By Treating Everything Like Paper | TechdirtAug 20 06:40
s-278@jonobacon       The place where animal is transformed intoAug 20 06:42
s-278                 tasty animal 20 06:42
s-278........................................ 20 06:42 | The place where animal is transformed into tasty animal on TwitpicAug 20 06:42
schestowitz 20 07:06 Window Maker, the Unity for Old Guys? #windowmaker #gnu #linuxAug 20 07:06
TechrightsSocial-> | Window Maker, the Unity for Old Guys? | Linux Journal  [ ]Aug 20 07:06
schestowitz"Aug 20 07:06
schestowitzWindow Maker is much like Unity because Canonical is copying Apple, which used OpenStep to make OSX.Aug 20 07:06
schestowitzI liked Window Maker but it is not as fast or as efficient as E16 is. I still use Window Maker applications, like Calclock, WMbutton and WMfire. There were other applications I enjoyed but they were replaced by the systray, which is smaller.Aug 20 07:06
schestowitzTonight, I'm running the KDE 3.5 kicker in a virtual box. It just works well with E16.Aug 20 07:06
schestowitz|Aug 20 07:06
schestowitz 20 07:07 The "popularity" #myth justifies the FUD that #gnu #linux not secure (if the user installs malware him/herself) 20 07:07
TechrightsSocial-> | Who's Afraid of Linux Malware? | Community | LinuxInsider  [ ]Aug 20 07:07
schestowitzActually, Chris, there are lots of steps free software takes to protect people from being tricked. The first is that free software comes from repositories that anyone can inspect. There's plenty of UI sanity in free software as well - like not automatically running random software on any USB or CD that's put in your computer, not running scripts from email without asking, and not hiding critical parts of file names.""Aug 20 07:07
s-278@linuxtoday      Open Source PHP Gets Updates for Stability,Aug 20 07:12
s-278                 Security: New PHP 5.5.2 and 5.4.18 updatesAug 20 07:12
s-278                 provide fixes for flaws...Aug 20 07:12
s-278        20 07:12
s-278........................................ 20 07:12 | Linux Today - Open Source PHP Gets Updates for Stability, SecurityAug 20 07:12
s-278@davidgerard     When the Prime Minister's office forced theAug 20 08:06
s-278                 destruction of UK copies of data at theAug 20 08:06
s-278                 Guardian via @guardianAug 20 08:06
s-278........................................ 20 08:06 | David Miranda, schedule 7 and the danger that all reporters now face | Alan Rusbridger | Comment is free | The GuardianAug 20 08:06
s-278@slashdot        Comcast Allegedly Confirms That Prenda PlantedAug 20 08:09
s-278                 Porn Torrents 20 08:09
s-278........................................ 20 08:09 | Comcast Allegedly Confirms That Prenda Planted Porn Torrents - SlashdotAug 20 08:09
s-278@glynmoody       Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 130819 -Aug 20 08:12
s-278        yesterday's tweets as aAug 20 08:12
s-278                 single Web page #MMDDAug 20 08:12 | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 130819Aug 20 08:12
s-278........................................ 20 08:12
s-278@haloefekti      What UK/US didn't understand, the messageAug 20 08:15
s-278 retweeted by    triggered #Streisand effect, the genie won't goAug 20 08:15
s-278 @glynmoody      back in the bottle. @asteris That's for sure!Aug 20 08:15
s-278........................................ 20 08:15
s-278@glynmoody       ICYMI, this is probably one of the mostAug 20 08:15
s-278                 important pieces you'll read this year:Aug 20 08:15
s-278        awful implications forAug 20 08:15
s-278                 liberty in #UKAug 20 08:16 | David Miranda, schedule 7 and the danger that all reporters now face | Alan Rusbridger | Comment is free | The GuardianAug 20 08:16
s-278........................................ 20 08:16
s-278@glynmoody       [RT] Nine hours in the life of David #Miranda -Aug 20 08:16
s-278        important analysisAug 20 08:16
s-278                 #policestateAug 20 08:16
s-278........................................ 20 08:16 | Nine hours in the life of David Miranda  | Jack of KentAug 20 08:16
s-278@glynmoody       "They'll Be Laughing in Moscow and Beijing." AAug 20 08:17
s-278                 Former British Defence Minister Writes... -Aug 20 08:17
s-278        and how #snowden #nsaAug 20 08:17
s-278........................................ 20 08:17 | "They'll Be Laughing in Moscow and Beijing." A Former British Defence Minister Writes... by Tom WatsonAug 20 08:17
s-278@glynmoody       "subverted the benefit of the doubt thatAug 20 08:19
s-278                 liberal democracies ask for whey they armAug 20 08:19
s-278                 themselves against terrorism" -Aug 20 08:19
s-278        20 08:19
s-278........................................ 20 08:19 | David Miranda detention: a betrayal of trust and principle | Editorial | Comment is free | The GuardianAug 20 08:19
s-278@glynmoody       "UK government's detention & questioning ofAug 20 08:26
s-278                 #Miranda was to send a message to recipients ofAug 20 08:26
s-278                 Snowden's materials" - 20 08:26
s-278........................................ 20 08:26 | Britain forced Guardian to destroy copy of Snowden material - Yahoo! News CanadaAug 20 08:26
s-278@glynmoody       re last tweet: whichever minister took theAug 20 08:28
s-278                 decision to engage in thug-like threats shouldAug 20 08:28
s-278                 have guts to own up and then resign #mirandaAug 20 08:28
s-278........................................ 20 08:28
s-278@charlesarthur   UK govt spooks try to recreate Fahrenheit 451Aug 20 08:29
s-278 retweeted by    in digital age at Gdn offices.Aug 20 08:29
s-278 @glynmoody 20 08:29
s-278........................................ 20 08:29 | David Miranda, schedule 7 and the danger that all reporters now face | Alan Rusbridger | Comment is free | The GuardianAug 20 08:29
s-278@asteris         What's next for the US & UK? KillingAug 20 08:30
s-278 retweeted by    journalists to stop them publishing? RoundingAug 20 08:30
s-278 @glynmoody      them up & torturing them? Where's the lineAug 20 08:30
s-278                 drawn?Aug 20 08:30
s-278........................................ 20 08:30
s-278@glynmoody       [RT] UK Police defends detaining partner -Aug 20 08:31
s-278        nothing to see here,Aug 20 08:31
s-278                 move along please... (v @jackschofield)#mirandaAug 20 08:31
s-278........................................ 20 08:31 | Police defend detaining partnerAug 20 08:31
schestowitz 20 08:33 Dave Johnson from Microsoft writes for #CBS to tell us we don't need to worry about #nsa 20 08:33
TechrightsSocial-> | NSA spying: Should you be worried? - CBS News  [ ]Aug 20 08:33
s-278@glynmoody       also: if #miranda intimidation was indeed toAug 20 08:33
s-278                 "send a message", means that UK gov blatantlyAug 20 08:33
s-278                 lied when they said it was a police decisionAug 20 08:33
s-278........................................ 20 08:33
schestowitz"they probably talked on this subject... it would not be surprising"Aug 20 08:33
s-278@davidgerard     On Bullshit Jobs 20 08:33
s-278                 actually good HN discussionAug 20 08:33
s-278        work ethic as StockholmAug 20 08:33
s-278                 syndromeAug 20 08:33
s-278........................................ 20 08:33 | On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs | Strike! MagazineAug 20 08:33 | On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs | Hacker NewsAug 20 08:33
s-278@IanBrownOII     UK intel agencies have created a globalAug 20 08:35
s-278 retweeted by    audience for the spectacle of @ggreenwaldAug 20 08:35
s-278 @glynmoody      beating them with indignant rebukeAug 20 08:35
s-278        20 08:35
s-278........................................ 20 08:35 | "They'll Be Laughing in Moscow and Beijing." A Former British Defence Minister Writes... by Tom WatsonAug 20 08:35
s-278@glynmoody       Bradley Manning and the Two Americas -Aug 20 08:43
s-278        good, wide-rangingAug 20 08:43
s-278                 analysis (v @MsLods) #snowden #nsaAug 20 08:43
s-278........................................ 20 08:43 | Bradley Manning and the Two Americas — Medium, Long — MediumAug 20 08:43
s-278@wikileaks       Jury is shown Collateral Murder video inAug 20 08:46
s-278                 Australian Ploughshares TrialAug 20 08:46
s-278        20 08:46
s-278........................................ 20 08:46 | Jury is shown Collateral Murder video in Australian Ploughshares Trial | WISE Up Action – A Solidarity Network for Bradley Manning and Julian AssangeAug 20 08:46
s-278@x7o             UK government threatens UK newspaper, sendsAug 20 08:48
s-278 retweeted by    spies to destroy journalists' hard drives inAug 20 08:48
s-278 @ioerror        the basement. 20 08:48
s-278........................................ 20 08:48 | David Miranda, schedule 7 and the danger that all reporters now face | Alan Rusbridger | Comment is free | The GuardianAug 20 08:48
s-278@wikileaks       Still wondering why we need a stateless mediaAug 20 08:48
s-278 retweeted by    entity like WikiLeaks? This is whyAug 20 08:48
s-278 @ioerror support:Aug 20 08:48
s-278        20 08:48 | Still wondering why we need a stateless media entity like WikiLeaks? This is why — Tech News and AnalysisAug 20 08:48
s-278........................................ 20 08:48 | Donate to WikiLeaksAug 20 08:48
s-278@teacherdude     #Manning leaks US diplomatic cables=60 years inAug 20 08:48
s-278 retweeted by    jail. Speer oversaw death of untold numbers ofAug 20 08:48
s-278 @ioerror        slave labourers in Nazi factories=20 years..Aug 20 08:48
s-278........................................ 20 08:48
s-278@anked           German citizen asked #NSA in #FOI request, whatAug 20 08:48
s-278 retweeted by    data they store about him and gets a declineAug 20 08:48
s-278 @ioerror        b/c of national security 20 08:48
s-278........................................ 20 08:48 | Brief von der NSA: Ich bin ein Terrorverdächtiger? | Magitek - ein Blog.Aug 20 08:48
s-278@wikileaks       The Guardian hard drive shredding scandalAug 20 08:50
s-278 retweeted by    demonstrates why it is necessary to publishAug 20 08:50
s-278 @ioerror        early publish often and publish globally.Aug 20 08:50
s-278........................................ 20 08:50
s-278@glynmoody       #China Takes Aim at Western Ideas -Aug 20 08:50
s-278        UK government indicatesAug 20 08:50
s-278                 it will do the same... #miranda #guardianAug 20 08:50
s-278........................................ 20 08:50 | Log In - The New York TimesAug 20 08:50
s-278@ioerror         (#NSA funded) #GHCQ officials enter #GuardianAug 20 08:53
s-278                 office and destroy equipment in an attempt toAug 20 08:53
s-278                 suppress publication: 20 08:53
s-278                 #UKAug 20 08:53 | David Miranda, schedule 7 and the danger that all reporters now face | Alan Rusbridger | Comment is free | The GuardianAug 20 08:53
s-278........................................ 20 08:53
s-278@glynmoody       major incidents in 2012: report by EU cyberAug 20 08:53
s-278                 agency ENISA - nothingAug 20 08:53
s-278                 to do with "cyberattacks" (v @NeelieKroesEU)Aug 20 08:53
s-278........................................ 20 08:53 | New major incidents in 2012 report by EU cyber security agency ENISA — ENISAAug 20 08:53
s-278@JanAlbrecht     So ist es. “@axelfi: Das ist der Tod derAug 20 08:54
s-278 retweeted by    Pressefreiheit, das darf die EU nicht dulden!Aug 20 08:54
s-278 @glynmoody      #guardian #snowdan”Aug 20 08:54
s-278........................................ 20 08:54 | Regierung zwang Guardian, Snowden-Daten zu löschen - Politik - Süddeutsche.deAug 20 08:54
s-278@JanAlbrecht     “@euobs: #EU data watchdog to investigate PrismAug 20 08:54
s-278 retweeted by    scandal -”Aug 20 08:54
s-278 @glynmoody      Aug 20 08:54
s-278........................................ 20 08:54 | / Justice & Home Affairs / EU data watchdog to investigate Prism scandalAug 20 08:54
s-278@glynmoody       Welcome 2 UK: Border officers can seizeAug 20 08:58
s-278                 personal data without reasonable suspicion -Aug 20 08:58
s-278        (v @geekeconomistAug 20 08:58
s-278                 @CasparBowden)Aug 20 08:58
s-278........................................ 20 08:58 | Welcome to Britain: Border control officers can seize personal data without reasonable suspicionAug 20 08:58
s-278@glynmoody       [RT] Undownloading: Further Proof Those #eBooksAug 20 08:59
s-278                 You Paid For Really Aren't Yours -Aug 20 08:59
s-278        how to ruin a good ideaAug 20 08:59
s-278........................................ 20 08:59 | Undownloading: Further Proof Those eBooks You Paid For Really Aren't Yours | TechdirtAug 20 08:59
s-278@glynmoody       Still wondering why we need a stateless mediaAug 20 09:03
s-278                 entity like WikiLeaks? This is why -Aug 20 09:03
s-278        what he said (vAug 20 09:03
s-278                 @superglaze)Aug 20 09:03
s-278........................................ 20 09:03 | Still wondering why we need a stateless media entity like WikiLeaks? This is why — Tech News and AnalysisAug 20 09:03
s-278@glynmoody       Snowden : le Guardian a dû détruire des disquesAug 20 09:05
s-278                 durs - yeah, that'llAug 20 09:05
s-278                 work </facepalm>Aug 20 09:05
s-278........................................ 20 09:05 | Snowden : le Guardian a dû détruire des disques dursAug 20 09:05
s-278@glynmoody       RT @tetRadio Θα συνεχίσει να εκπέμπει η ΕΡΤ,Aug 20 09:08
s-278                 μετά και την διακοπή του σήματος από την EBU,Aug 20 09:08
s-278                 μέσω του >>jolly niceAug 20 09:08
s-278                 tooAug 20 09:08
s-278........................................ 20 09:08 | - Ελεύθερη Ενημέρωση - ERT OpenAug 20 09:08
s-278@julianhuppert   The #Miranda case seems a clear abuse of theAug 20 09:09
s-278 retweeted by    over-broad terrorism laws. We've tightened themAug 20 09:09
s-278 @glynmoody      a bit - but clearly far more needs doing! #fbAug 20 09:09
s-278........................................ 20 09:09
s-278@NickCohen4      Almost 48 hours after the event, and still noAug 20 09:09
s-278 retweeted by    spokesman or woman from the Metropolitan PoliceAug 20 09:09
s-278 @glynmoody      has gone on air to explain Miranda detentionAug 20 09:09
s-278........................................ 20 09:09
s-278@CasparBowden    => profound insight into reality of UKAug 20 09:09
s-278 retweeted by    securocrat regime #GCHQAug 20 09:09
s-278 @glynmoody      supervised destruction @arusbridger hard drivesAug 20 09:09
s-278                 (sic)Aug 20 09:09
s-278........................................ 20 09:09 | David Miranda, schedule 7 and the danger that all reporters now face | Alan Rusbridger | Comment is free | The GuardianAug 20 09:09
s-278@julianhuppert   Home Affairs Select C'ttee has already launchedAug 20 09:11
s-278 retweeted by    an inquiry into counter-terrorism - #MirandaAug 20 09:11
s-278 @glynmoody      will now be part of that @CommonsHomeAffs #fbAug 20 09:11
s-278........................................ 20 09:11
s-278@ioerror         (#NSA funded) #GCHQ officials enter #GuardianAug 20 09:12
s-278                 office and destroy equipment in an attempt toAug 20 09:12
s-278                 suppress publication: 20 09:12
s-278                 #UKAug 20 09:12
s-278........................................ 20 09:12
s-278@OccupyWallStNYC  Speaking now at Barrett Brown & Jeremy HammondAug 20 09:14
s-278 retweeted by    Benefit event, @birgittaj: "Fight with yourAug 20 09:14
s-278 @ioerror        keyboards!" 20 09:14
s-278........................................ 20 09:14
TechrightsSocial@OccupyWallStNYC: Speaking now at Barrett Brown & Jeremy Hammond Benefit event, @birgittaj: "Fight with your keyboards!" 20 09:14
s-278@SZ              Angriff auf die Aufklärer: Druck auf "Guardian"Aug 20 09:24
s-278 retweeted by    nach #Snowden-Enthüllungen ist unwürdig,Aug 20 09:24
s-278 @glynmoody      schreibt @ploechinger 20 09:24
s-278........................................ 20 09:24 | Druck auf "Guardian": Angriff auf die Aufklärer - Medien - Süddeutsche.deAug 20 09:24
s-278@Asher_Wolf      If you haven't yet - revoke all Twitter apps,Aug 20 09:27
s-278 retweeted by    change your passwords 20 09:27
s-278 @glynmoody      Aug 20 09:27
s-278........................................ 20 09:27 | Twitter Hacked, Thousand of account leaked, millions compromised by Mauritania Attacker. ~ TechwormAug 20 09:27
s-278@glynmoody       #OpenSource in the UK: Sharing the Fire -Aug 20 09:49
s-278        exciting new project,Aug 20 09:49
s-278                 potentially bigAug 20 09:49
s-278........................................ 20 09:49 | Open Source in the UK: Sharing the Fire - Open EnterpriseAug 20 09:49
s-278@glynmoody       Was David #Miranda’s Detention Legally Sound? -Aug 20 09:57
s-278        the debate continues...Aug 20 09:57
s-278                 #ukAug 20 09:57
s-278........................................ 20 09:57 | Was David Miranda's Detention Legally Sound? | The DescrierAug 20 09:57
s-278@avilarenata     Destroying hard drives. Detaining andAug 20 10:01
s-278 retweeted by    threatening family members... will the UK beAug 20 10:01
s-278 @glynmoody      added to the yellow or red list by FreedomAug 20 10:01
s-278                 House Index?Aug 20 10:01
s-278........................................ 20 10:01
s-278@glynmoody       Court rules that IP cloaking to access blockedAug 20 10:05
s-278                 sites violates law - 20 10:05
s-278                 awful; huge implications for geoblockingAug 20 10:05
s-278........................................ 20 10:05 | Court rules that IP cloaking to access blocked sites violates law | Internet & Media - CNET NewsAug 20 10:05
s-278@slashdot        Uncle Sam Finally Wants To Hear From Us OnAug 20 10:09
s-278                 Digital Copyright Law? 20 10:09
s-278........................................ 20 10:09 | Uncle Sam Finally Wants To Hear From Us On Digital Copyright Law? - SlashdotAug 20 10:09
s-278@wikileaks       Julian #Assange interviewed on @triplejhackAug 20 10:12
s-278        #auspol #wiki4senateAug 20 10:12
s-278........................................ 20 10:12 | Julian Assange on Hack | Hack | triple jAug 20 10:12
s-278@glynmoody       "Guardian" musste Festplatten zerstören -Aug 20 10:12
s-278        people are noticing (vAug 20 10:12
s-278                 @rigow) #snowdenAug 20 10:12
s-278........................................ 20 10:12 | "Guardian": GCHQ ordnete Zerstörung von Festplatten an | tagesschau.deAug 20 10:12
s-278@privacyint      Downing Morales' plane. Destroying @guardianAug 20 10:25
s-278 retweeted by    newsroom. Detaining @ggreenwald's partner. AllAug 20 10:25
s-278 @glynmoody      bets off as to what #NSA/#GCHQ will do next.Aug 20 10:25
s-278........................................ 20 10:25
s-278@netzpolitik     Gegen Überwachung auf die Straße gehen: Int.Aug 20 10:25
s-278 retweeted by    Aktionstag für Privatsphäre & Freiheit stattAug 20 10:25
s-278 @glynmoody      Angst. #IDP13 / #FSA13Aug 20 10:25
s-278........................................ 20 10:25 | Gegen Überwachung auf die Straße gehen: #IDP13 und #FSA13Aug 20 10:25
s-278@DigitalAgendaEU  Internet on TV, TV on Internet: @EU_CommissionAug 20 10:26
s-278 retweeted by    seeks views on rapidly converging audiovisualAug 20 10:26
s-278 @glynmoody      world 20 10:26
s-278........................................ 20 10:26 | EUROPA - PRESS RELEASES  - Press Release - Internet on TV, TV on Internet: Commission seeks views on rapidly converging audiovisual worldAug 20 10:26
s-278@davidgerard     Rocknerd: The function of music in theAug 20 10:32
s-278                 workplace. 20 10:32
s-278........................................ 20 10:32 | Rocknerd  » Blog Archive   » The function of music in the workplace.Aug 20 10:32
s-278@privacyint      Downing Morales' plane. Destroying @guardianAug 20 10:36
s-278 retweeted by    newsroom. Detaining @ggreenwald's partner. AllAug 20 10:36
s-278 @davidgerard    bets off as to what #NSA/#GCHQ will do next.Aug 20 10:36
s-278........................................ 20 10:36
s-278@ralpost         None of the defenders of Miranda's detentionAug 20 10:36
s-278 retweeted by    seem in the slightest bit bothered by the factAug 20 10:36
s-278 @davidgerard    that counter-terror powers were used to do it.Aug 20 10:36
s-278........................................ 20 10:36
s-278@FreedomofPress  Investigating journalism using "terrorism" lawsAug 20 10:36
s-278 retweeted by    is a hallmark of authoritarian regimes andAug 20 10:36
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  should not be tolerated.Aug 20 10:36
s-278        20 10:36
s-278........................................ 20 10:36
s-278@Redpeter99      Teachers in the 80s didn't know Section 28Aug 20 10:36 | Investigating Acts of Journalism Under 'Terrorism' Laws Is A Hallmark of Authoritarian Regimes | Freedom of the Press FoundationAug 20 10:36
s-278 retweeted by    would never be used.  The threat of instantAug 20 10:36
s-278 @davidgerard    dismissal was a powerful one. #5LiveAug 20 10:36
s-278........................................ 20 10:36
s-278@SamSykesSwears  This picture was intended to illustrate theAug 20 10:37
s-278 retweeted by    "horrors" of suffrage, but damn if that doesn'tAug 20 10:37
s-278 @davidgerard    look like an awesome bar 20 10:37
s-278........................................ 20 10:37
TechrightsSocial@SamSykesSwears: This picture was intended to illustrate the "horrors" of suffrage, but damn if that doesn't look like an awesome bar 20 10:37
s-278@Redpeter99      The fact that Section 28 was never used isAug 20 10:37
s-278 retweeted by    irrelevant.  As a teacher in 80s I facedAug 20 10:37
s-278 @davidgerard    instant dismissal for saying it's acceptable toAug 20 10:37
s-278                 be gay.Aug 20 10:37
s-278........................................ 20 10:37
s-278@democracynow    CIA Admits Carrying Out 1953 Coup in IranAug 20 10:37
s-278 retweeted by 20 10:37
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  Aug 20 10:37
s-278........................................ 20 10:37 | Headlines for August 19, 2013 | Democracy Now!Aug 20 10:37
s-278@ralpost         It's OK everyone, our intel services areAug 20 10:38
s-278 retweeted by    surveilling us for our own good, the furore isAug 20 10:38
s-278 @glynmoody      just libertarian linkbaitingAug 20 10:38
s-278        20 10:38
s-278........................................ 20 10:38 | Paul Canning: The left must challenge GreenwaldAug 20 10:38
s-278@ciphergoth      For shorter meetings, try burning a banknoteAug 20 10:39
s-278 retweeted by    every few minutes 20 10:39
s-278 @davidgerard    Aug 20 10:39
s-278........................................ 20 10:39 | The Opportunity Cost of Events | Ozzie GooenAug 20 10:39
s-278@glynmoody       "So this is the last #Groklaw article" -Aug 20 10:40
s-278        if you don't thinkAug 20 10:40
s-278                 things are serious, read this; tragic,Aug 20 10:40
s-278                 unnecessary lossAug 20 10:40 | Groklaw - Forced Exposure ~pjAug 20 10:40
s-278........................................ 20 10:40
s-278@ioerror         German word of the day: aufenthaltstitelAug 20 10:46
s-278........................................ 20 10:46
s-278@Thomas_Drake1   "grossly negligent to rely on the NSA as a keyAug 20 10:47
s-278                 source of information" but is key  source forAug 20 10:47
s-278                 keepin' our information. 20 10:47
s-278........................................ 20 10:47 | German Government Fails to Get Past NSA Spying Scandal - SPIEGEL ONLINEAug 20 10:47
s-278@ioerror         What does #NSA spying means for a free pressAug 20 10:51
s-278                 and for a free society? "this is the lastAug 20 10:51
s-278                 Groklaw article" HopeAug 20 10:51
s-278                 not. :(Aug 20 10:51
s-278........................................ 20 10:51
s-278@smarimc         Mailpile has >96% of the funding it needs. IfAug 20 10:52
s-278 retweeted by    we go over, we will try to hire more people toAug 20 10:52
s-278 @glynmoody      get more done faster. 20 10:52
s-278........................................ 20 10:52 | Mailpile - taking e-mail back | IndiegogoAug 20 10:52
s-278@emptywheel      Man WH is desperate. Michael Hayden broke theAug 20 11:00
s-278 retweeted by    law by engaging in domestic spying. So toAug 20 11:00
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  reassure us no domestic spying they citeAug 20 11:00
s-278                 Hayden!Aug 20 11:00
s-278........................................ 20 11:00
s-278@Thomas_Drake1   Obama Admin asking SCOTUS to rule 4th AmendmentAug 20 11:05
s-278                 allows warrantless cellphone searches. MakingAug 20 11:05
s-278                 privacy transparent.Aug 20 11:05
s-278        20 11:05
s-278........................................ 20 11:05 | Obama administration asks Supreme Court to allow warrantless cellphone searches - The Washington PostAug 20 11:05
s-278@ioerror         German phrase of the day: AufenthaltserlaubnisAug 20 11:06
s-278                 und Arbeitsgenehmigung gewährt.Aug 20 11:06
s-278........................................ 20 11:06
s-278@wikileaks       Former Icelandic Interior Minister states FBIAug 20 11:08
s-278                 wanted Iceland to help "frame" Julian #AssangeAug 20 11:08
s-278                 : 20 11:08
s-278........................................ 20 11:08 | WikiLeaks's baby-faced Traitor: Sigurdur Thordarson, Julian AssangeAug 20 11:08
s-278@wikileaks       Former Icelandic Interior Minister states FBIAug 20 11:13
s-278 retweeted by    wanted Iceland to help "frame" Julian #AssangeAug 20 11:13
s-278 @ioerror        : 20 11:13
s-278........................................ 20 11:13
s-278@cshirky         Groklaw shuts down:"There is now no shield fromAug 20 11:13
s-278 retweeted by    forced exposure" by the US.Aug 20 11:13
s-278 @ioerror I started crying,Aug 20 11:13
s-278                 reading PJ's last post.Aug 20 11:13
s-278........................................ 20 11:13 | Groklaw - Forced Exposure ~pjAug 20 11:13
s-278@ggreenwald      This has big factual errors (1/2): he didn't goAug 20 11:17
s-278 retweeted by    to customs; didn't try to enter UK; didn't makeAug 20 11:17
s-278 @wikileaks      the claimed denials 20 11:17
s-278........................................ 20 11:17 | Why does being a relative of Glenn Greenwald place you above the law? – Telegraph BlogsAug 20 11:17
s-278@ggreenwald      Last point about that state-worshiping column:Aug 20 11:21
s-278 retweeted by    nobody is saying he's above the law, but thatAug 20 11:21
s-278 @ioerror        law was *abused 20 11:21
s-278........................................ 20 11:21 | Nine hours in the life of David Miranda  | Jack of KentAug 20 11:21
s-278@ggreenwald      This has big factual errors (1/2): he didn't goAug 20 11:25
s-278 retweeted by    to customs; didn't try to enter UK; didn't makeAug 20 11:25
s-278 @ioerror        the claimed denials 20 11:25
s-278........................................ 20 11:25
s-278@ggreenwald      More points (2/2): he wasn't questioned aboutAug 20 11:25
s-278 retweeted by    Terrorism, UK had no idea if he had anything;Aug 20 11:25
s-278 @ioerror        no other G person was ever stopped at airportAug 20 11:25
s-278........................................ 20 11:25
s-278@SarahLudfordMEP  Welcome energetic response from @julianhuppertAug 20 11:26
s-278 retweeted by    on #Miranda abuse. LibDems must insist policeAug 20 11:26
s-278 @glynmoody      state powers unacceptable under coalition.Aug 20 11:26
s-278........................................ 20 11:26
s-278@ggreenwald      This has big factual errors (1/2): he didn't goAug 20 11:28
s-278 retweeted by    to customs; didn't try to enter UK; didn't makeAug 20 11:28
s-278 @glynmoody      the claimed denials 20 11:28
s-278........................................ 20 11:28
s-278@ggreenwald      More points (2/2): he wasn't questioned aboutAug 20 11:28
s-278 retweeted by    Terrorism, UK had no idea if he had anything;Aug 20 11:28
s-278 @glynmoody      no other G person was ever stopped at airportAug 20 11:28
s-278........................................ 20 11:28
s-278@wikileaks       Interview with Julian Assange as he runs forAug 20 11:29
s-278                 Australian Senate from the Ecuadorian EmbassyAug 20 11:29
s-278                 in London 20 11:29
s-278........................................ 20 11:29 | Julian Assange on Hack | Hack | triple jAug 20 11:29
s-278@wikileaks       Interview with Julian Assange as he runs forAug 20 11:30
s-278 retweeted by    Australian Senate from the Ecuadorian EmbassyAug 20 11:30
s-278 @ioerror        in London 20 11:30
s-278........................................ 20 11:30
s-278@Groklaw         Forced Exposure ~pj --- This is the lastAug 20 11:36
s-278                 Groklaw article. Thank you for all you've done.Aug 20 11:36
s-278                 I will never forget you and our work together.Aug 20 11:36
s-278........................................ 20 11:36
s-278@glynmoody       The Canary in the Coal Mine: #Groklaw ShutsAug 20 11:39
s-278                 Down - now might be aAug 20 11:39
s-278                 good time to get angry and act #privacyAug 20 11:39
s-278........................................ 20 11:39 | The Canary in the Coal Mine: Groklaw Shuts Down - Open EnterpriseAug 20 11:39
s-278@glynmoody       The next moves in the Spooks v. News cold war -Aug 20 11:44
s-278        more reasons we needAug 20 11:44
s-278                 #opensource solutionsAug 20 11:44
s-278........................................ 20 11:44 | The next moves in the Spooks v. News cold war - Charlie's DiaryAug 20 11:44
s-278@netzpolitik     Online-Magazin Groklaw macht dicht: “Ich kannAug 20 11:45
s-278 retweeted by    nicht online bleiben, ohne meine MenschlichkeitAug 20 11:45
s-278 @glynmoody      zu verlieren.” 20 11:45
s-278........................................ 20 11:45 | Online-Magazin Groklaw macht dicht: “Ich kann nicht online bleiben, ohne meine Menschlichkeit zu verlieren.”Aug 20 11:45
s-278@privacyint      Closing of @Groklaw demonstrates how centralAug 20 11:46
s-278 retweeted by    right to #privacy is to free expression. MereAug 20 11:46
s-278 @glynmoody      threat of #surveillance enough to self-censor.Aug 20 11:46
s-278........................................ 20 11:46
s-278@glynmoody       #Obama Goes to Bat for Big #Tobacco in #TPP -Aug 20 11:48
s-278        when you think obamaAug 20 11:48
s-278                 can't sink any lower, he does...Aug 20 11:48
s-278........................................ 20 11:48 | Obama Goes to Bat for Big Tobacco in TPP  |  ASH > Action on Smoking & HealthAug 20 11:48
s-278@ioerror         The #UK has overstepped legal boundaries andAug 20 11:51
s-278                 the boundaries of common decency with theAug 20 11:52
s-278                 detainment of David #Miranda: Aug 20 11:52
s-278        20 11:52
s-278........................................ 20 11:52 | Nine hours in the life of David Miranda  | Jack of KentAug 20 11:52
s-278@TheBradBlog     "Screaming in Bradley Manning's Trial"Aug 20 11:52
s-278 retweeted by @davidcnswanson'sAug 20 11:52
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  must-read account from inside the court room.Aug 20 11:52 | The BRAD BLOG : Screaming in Bradley Manning's TrialAug 20 11:52
s-278........................................ 20 11:52
s-278@davidgerard     Groklaw shuts down due to lack of email privacyAug 20 11:56
s-278        20 11:56
s-278........................................ 20 11:56 | Groklaw - Forced Exposure ~pjAug 20 11:56
s-278@stavvers        .@sussex_police Yeah, bollocks to that. YouAug 20 11:57
s-278 retweeted by    purposely inflicted pain on someone to forceAug 20 11:57
s-278 @davidgerard    them to do what you wanted, you fuckfacedAug 20 11:57
s-278                 shitbags.Aug 20 11:57
s-278........................................ 20 11:57
s-278@JorgeStolfi     Snowden did not *steal* any information, heAug 20 11:57
s-278 retweeted by    just *copied* it.  The UK government didAug 20 11:57
s-278 @davidgerard    *steal* Miranda's equipment and *destroyed*Aug 20 11:57
s-278                 Guardian's.Aug 20 11:57
s-278........................................ 20 11:57
s-278@Falkvinge       two articles to write today: "ReportersAug 20 11:57
s-278 retweeted by    harassed is the very last warning bell ofAug 20 11:57
s-278 @davidgerard    totalitarianism, we told you this would happen"Aug 20 11:57
s-278                 andAug 20 11:57
s-278........................................ 20 11:57
s-278@wikileaks       Julian #Assange persecuted without charge forAug 20 12:00
s-278                 988 days, 428 days in Ecuadorean EmbassyAug 20 12:00
s-278                 #wikileaks #wiki4senate 20 12:00
s-278........................................ 20 12:00 | Donate - Justice for AssangeAug 20 12:00
s-278@davidgerard     In which @DPJHodges of the Telegraph appliesAug 20 12:00
s-278                 for the position of government stenographerAug 20 12:00
s-278        20 12:00
s-278........................................ 20 12:00
TechrightsSocial@ggreenwald: This has big factual errors (1/2): he didn't go to customs; didn't try to enter UK; didn't make the claimed denials 20 12:00
TechrightsSocial-> | Why does being a relative of Glenn Greenwald place you above the law? – Telegraph BlogsAug 20 12:00
TechrightsSocial@ggreenwald: More points (2/2): he wasn't questioned about Terrorism, UK had no idea if he had anything; no other G person was ever stopped at airportAug 20 12:00
s-278@JPdeRuiter      .@ggreenwald Dan Hodges is very loyal to BigAug 20 12:01
s-278 retweeted by    Brother. Big Brother is grateful and will notAug 20 12:01
s-278 @davidgerard    destroy his hard disks.Aug 20 12:01
s-278........................................ 20 12:01
s-278@wikileaks       Julian Assange's lawyer 'prevented fromAug 20 12:01
s-278                 boarding flight at Heathrow'Aug 20 12:01
s-278        (archive)Aug 20 12:01
s-278........................................ 20 12:01 | Julian Assange's lawyer 'prevented from boarding flight at Heathrow' | Media | theguardian.comAug 20 12:01
s-278@ioerror         I've requested that the #BBC use my agreed uponAug 20 12:01
s-278                 title as discussed before the interview; theyAug 20 12:01
s-278                 have failed again: 20 12:01
s-278........................................ 20 12:01 | BBC News - David Miranda detention : Ex-MP Louise Mensch v hackerAug 20 12:01
s-278@benhammersley   Wikileaks Insurance Files now make more sense.Aug 20 12:02
s-278 retweeted by    Not melodramatic posturing: they'reAug 20 12:02
s-278 @ioerror        men-with-hammers-proofing. A new protocolAug 20 12:02
s-278                 suggests itselfAug 20 12:02
s-278........................................ 20 12:02
s-278@ioerror         This is the voice of modern BritishAug 20 12:05
s-278                 totalitarianism: "You've had your debate.Aug 20 12:05
s-278                 There's no need to write any more."Aug 20 12:05
s-278        20 12:05
s-278........................................ 20 12:05 | David Miranda, schedule 7 and the danger that all reporters now face | Alan Rusbridger | Comment is free | The GuardianAug 20 12:05
s-278@kgosztola       Headed to Ft. Meade to ride out judge'sAug 20 12:05
s-278 retweeted by    deliberation on Bradley Manning's sentence fromAug 20 12:05
s-278 @ioerror        media centerAug 20 12:05
s-278........................................ 20 12:05
s-278@doctorow        Four Points To Remember In Connection With TheAug 20 12:07
s-278                 Detention of David Miranda - seanbonner:Aug 20 12:07
s-278                 wilwheaton: * When... 20 12:07
s-278........................................ 20 12:07 | Cory Doctorow: Four Points To Remember In Connection With The Detention of David MirandaAug 20 12:07
s-278@ioerror         So @BenedictEvans says no public interest inAug 20 12:17
s-278                 the Guardian's reporting on #GCHQ spying:Aug 20 12:17
s-278        So - are youAug 20 12:17
s-278                 interested? Why?Aug 20 12:17
TechrightsSocial@BenedictEvans: @ioerror @patrickc No. Seems like a legitimate point to make though. No public interest value in the Guardian's coverage. Just, well, 'fun'Aug 20 12:17
s-278........................................ 20 12:17
s-278@CassandraRules  @ioerror @BenedictEvans  “Journalism isAug 20 12:21
s-278 retweeted by    printing what someone else does not wantAug 20 12:21
s-278 @ioerror        printed, everything else is public relations.”Aug 20 12:21
s-278                 OrwellAug 20 12:21
s-278........................................ 20 12:21
s-278@puellavulnerata  .@ioerror Because authoritarians likeAug 20 12:21
s-278 retweeted by    @BenedictEvan sure seem keen on keeping itAug 20 12:21
s-278 @ioerror        secret.Aug 20 12:21
s-278........................................ 20 12:21
s-278@rj_gallagher    So UK gov now saying Miranda detained as hadAug 20 12:23
s-278 retweeted by    info that cld "help terrorism":Aug 20 12:23
s-278 @ioerror Echoes of US "aidingAug 20 12:23
s-278                 enemy" theory here.Aug 20 12:23
s-278........................................ 20 12:23 | BBC News - UK defends Miranda airport detentionAug 20 12:23
s-278@pauljamesharper  @ioerror I made a complaint about bias to theAug 20 12:24
s-278 retweeted by    BBC. 20 12:24
s-278 @ioerror        Aug 20 12:24
s-278........................................ 20 12:24 | BBC - Complaints - HomeAug 20 12:24
s-278@ggreve          Groklaw shutting down. Never thought I'd beAug 20 12:24
s-278                 running a privacy refugee camp one day.Aug 20 12:24
s-278        20 12:24
s-278........................................ 20 12:24 | Groklaw shutting down. « freedom bitsAug 20 12:25
s-278@wikileaks       When they insist the press is free in the UK,Aug 20 12:25
s-278 retweeted by    ask if free newspapers are forced to watch asAug 20 12:25
s-278 @ioerror        their data is physically destroyed by agents.Aug 20 12:25
s-278........................................ 20 12:25
s-278@wikileaks       Guardian #Snowden hard drive shred makes itAug 20 12:26
s-278 retweeted by    clear why it is necessary for WikiLeaks toAug 20 12:26
s-278 @ioerror        distribute insurance filesAug 20 12:26
s-278        20 12:26
s-278........................................ 20 12:26 | Wikileaks - Please mirror:  WikiLeaks insurance... | FacebookAug 20 12:26
s-278@wikileaks       We denounce the UK government's strong armingAug 20 12:26
s-278 retweeted by    of the Guardian into destroying  history.Aug 20 12:26
s-278 @ioerror        Remember what happens to book burners?Aug 20 12:26
s-278........................................ 20 12:26
s-278@wikileaks       UK: Detaining without charge: Miranda for 9h,Aug 20 12:26
s-278 retweeted by    Assange, 986 days; smashing GuardianAug 20 12:26
s-278 @ioerror        harddrives; threatening to invade theAug 20 12:26
s-278                 Ecuadorian embassy.Aug 20 12:26
s-278........................................ 20 12:26
s-278@ioerror         I'll be on #DemocracyNow soon with AmyAug 20 12:31
s-278                 discussing #NSA/#GCHQ illegal spying and theAug 20 12:31
s-278                 repression/harassment ofAug 20 12:31
s-278                 journalists/family/friends.Aug 20 12:31
s-278........................................ 20 12:31
s-278@benposch        @doctorow this must be what they froze waltAug 20 12:31
s-278 retweeted by    disney for. :D 20 12:31
s-278 @doctorow       Aug 20 12:31
s-278........................................ 20 12:31 | Five hundred new fairytales discovered in Germany | Books | theguardian.comAug 20 12:31
s-278@glynmoody       Q: Did this go straight to Number 10?  Yes,Aug 20 13:00
s-278                 says Rusbridger. - 20 13:00
s-278                 #cameron too cowardly to comment, thoughAug 20 13:00
s-278                 #guardianAug 20 13:00
s-278........................................ 20 13:00 | David Miranda detention - latest developments and reaction | Politics | theguardian.comAug 20 13:00
s-278@glynmoody       Q: Did this go straight to Number 10?  Yes,Aug 20 13:01
s-278 retweeted by    says Rusbridger. - 20 13:01
s-278 @qu1j0t3        #cameron too cowardly to comment, thoughAug 20 13:01
s-278                 #guardianAug 20 13:01
s-278........................................ 20 13:01
s-278@glynmoody       "Those who oppose this sort of action need toAug 20 13:03
s-278                 think about what they are condoning" -Aug 20 13:03
s-278        Home Office's usualAug 20 13:03
s-278                 scummy trickAug 20 13:03
s-278........................................ 20 13:03 | David Miranda detention - latest developments and reaction | Politics | theguardian.comAug 20 13:03
s-278@slashdot        Joining Lavabit Et Al, Groklaw Shuts DownAug 20 13:03
s-278                 Because of NSA Dragnet 20 13:03
s-278........................................ 20 13:03 | Joining Lavabit Et Al, Groklaw Shuts Down Because of NSA Dragnet - SlashdotAug 20 13:03
s-278@jensscholz      Just saw this: #unitymedia cites "LittleAug 20 13:04
s-278 retweeted by    Brother" by @doctorow in their ad today.Aug 20 13:04
s-278 @doctorow       #oplittlebrother 20 13:04
s-278........................................ 20 13:04
TechrightsSocial@jensscholz: Just saw this: #unitymedia cites "Little Brother" by @doctorow in their ad today. #oplittlebrother 20 13:04
s-278@ioerror         Stephen Harper to seek prorogation of CanadianAug 20 13:17
s-278                 Parliament, again! TheAug 20 13:17
s-278                 Governor General's power is anti-democratic.Aug 20 13:17
s-278........................................ 20 13:17 | Stephen Harper to seek prorogation of Parliament - Canada - CBC NewsAug 20 13:17
s-278@ioerror         Tune into the live stream of #DemocracyNow:Aug 20 13:19
s-278        20 13:19
s-278........................................ 20 13:19 | Democracy Now!Aug 20 13:19
s-278@qu1j0t3         What I don't get about the #groklawAug 20 13:25
s-278                 announcement is that PJ *ever* thought #emailAug 20 13:25
s-278                 was free from surveillance? #wowAug 20 13:25
s-278........................................ 20 13:25
s-278@slashdot        Company Using Proxy To Evade Craigslist BlockAug 20 13:45
s-278                 Violated CFAA 20 13:45
s-278........................................ 20 13:45 | Company Using Proxy To Evade Craigslist Block Violated CFAA - SlashdotAug 20 13:45
s-278@doctorow        The Expeditioners and the Treasure of DrownedAug 20 13:50
s-278                 Man's Canyon #review 20 13:50
s-278........................................ 20 13:50 | Cory Doctorow: The Expeditioners and the Treasure of Drowned Man's CanyonAug 20 13:50
s-278@slashdot        China Plans To Stop Harvesting Organs From Aug 20 14:03
s-278                 Executed Prisoners 20 14:03
s-278........................................ 20 14:03 | China Plans To Stop Harvesting Organs From  Executed Prisoners - SlashdotAug 20 14:03
s-278@jobsworth       @doctorow how ironic that the verb "toAug 20 14:08
s-278 retweeted by    Mirandise" may soon mean diametrically opposedAug 20 14:08
s-278 @doctorow       things on two sides of the Pond.Aug 20 14:08
s-278........................................ 20 14:08
s-278@democracynow    Watch our interviews with journalist LauraAug 20 14:10
s-278 retweeted by    Poitras, @ioerror and NSA whistleblower WilliamAug 20 14:10
s-278 @ioerror        Binney in April 2012 20 14:10
s-278........................................ 20 14:10 | April 20, 2012 | Democracy Now!Aug 20 14:10
s-278@mgeist          .@groklaw: Forced Exposure: Legal site shutsAug 20 14:11
s-278                 down due to concerns over US surveillance &Aug 20 14:11
s-278                 email privacy 20 14:11
s-278........................................ 20 14:11 | Groklaw - Forced Exposure ~pjAug 20 14:11
s-278@davidgerard     Freda feeding the birds at Hollow Ponds.Aug 20 14:11
s-278        20 14:11
s-278........................................ 20 14:11
TechrightsSocial@davidgerard: Freda feeding the birds at Hollow Ponds. 20 14:11
s-278@jon_cham        @ioerror @directhex people like to end debatesAug 20 14:13
s-278 retweeted by    when they are losing.Aug 20 14:13
s-278 @ioerror        Aug 20 14:13
s-278........................................ 20 14:13
s-278@JesselynRadack  GCHQ destroying #Miranda's hard drives 2 "makeAug 20 14:14
s-278 retweeted by    sure nothing can pass 2 China" is gov myth thatAug 20 14:14
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  #journalism=#espionageAug 20 14:14
s-278        20 14:14
s-278........................................ 20 14:14 | Log In - The New York TimesAug 20 14:14
s-278@conniptions     Oh @guardian: - theAug 20 14:15
s-278 retweeted by    BBC's description of @ioerror was unfortunateAug 20 14:15
s-278 @ioerror        but that's no reason to repeat it.Aug 20 14:15
s-278........................................ 20 14:15 | David Miranda detention - latest developments and reaction | Politics | theguardian.comAug 20 14:15
s-278@mgeist          MT @privacyint: Closing of @GroklawAug 20 14:17
s-278                 demonstrates link btwn privacy & freeAug 20 14:17
s-278                 expression. Surveillance threat enough toAug 20 14:17
s-278                 self-censor.Aug 20 14:17
s-278........................................ 20 14:17
s-278@DannyShawBBC    Guardian is taking legal action against HomeAug 20 14:22
s-278 retweeted by    Office over detention of David Miranda &Aug 20 14:22
s-278 @ioerror        confiscation of his laptop & phoneAug 20 14:22
s-278........................................ 20 14:22
s-278@slashdot        Urban Terror Code Stolen 20 14:24
s-278........................................ 20 14:24 | Urban Terror Code Stolen - SlashdotAug 20 14:24
s-278@ln4711          Groklaw closes down 20 14:31
s-278 retweeted by    Collateral damage of dragnet surveillance orAug 20 14:31
s-278 @ioerror        more according to plan? *weeps*Aug 20 14:31 | Groklaw - Forced Exposure ~pjAug 20 14:31
s-278........................................ 20 14:31
s-278@levjoy          "…it's not possible to be fully human if youAug 20 14:31
s-278 retweeted by    are being surveilled 24/7." Indeed.Aug 20 14:31
s-278 @ioerror  #StopWatchingUsAug 20 14:31
s-278........................................ 20 14:31
s-278@xeni            What is yet to be released from the SnowdenAug 20 14:31
s-278 retweeted by    leaks that has our government so worried? Aug 20 14:31
s-278 @ioerror 20 14:31 | Glenn Greenwald's partner David Miranda to take legal action - CNN.comAug 20 14:31
s-278........................................ 20 14:31
s-278@davidsirota     If u had proof of lawbreaking from a govt thatAug 20 14:31
s-278 retweeted by    tortures whistleblowers & extrajudiciallyAug 20 14:31
s-278 @ioerror        executes, would u stay where that govt couldAug 20 14:31
s-278                 get u?Aug 20 14:31
s-278........................................ 20 14:31
s-278@dhh             Committing investigative journalism, or aidingAug 20 14:31
s-278 retweeted by    such journalists, is an act of terrorism per UKAug 20 14:31
s-278 @ioerror        gov. 20 14:31
s-278........................................ 20 14:31 | BBC News - David Miranda Heathrow detention: No 10 'kept abreast of operation'Aug 20 14:31
s-278@x7o             "You've had your debate." I can't think of fourAug 20 14:31
s-278 retweeted by    words that summarize more completely theAug 20 14:31
s-278 @ioerror        contempt in which the UK state holds itsAug 20 14:31
s-278                 public.Aug 20 14:31
s-278........................................ 20 14:31
s-278@zooko           “4 host-proof or PRISM-proof Cloud storageAug 20 14:32
s-278 retweeted by    services”– (yes,Aug 20 14:32
s-278 @ioerror is one of them)Aug 20 14:32
s-278........................................ 20 14:32 | – 4 host-proof or PRISM-proof Cloud storage servicesAug 20 14:32 | Least AuthorityAug 20 14:32
s-278@ArarMaher       Pls read this piece & let me know whether youAug 20 14:34
s-278 retweeted by    think the UK is still a sound democracy:Aug 20 14:34
s-278 @ioerror 20 14:34
s-278........................................ 20 14:34 | Guardian says Britain made it destroy Snowden material | ReutersAug 20 14:34
s-278@kgosztola       Bradley Manning has been in confinement forAug 20 14:35
s-278 retweeted by    1,293 days, as of today. This will be timeAug 20 14:35
s-278 @ioerror        served credit.Aug 20 14:35
s-278........................................ 20 14:35
s-278@kgosztola       Judge Lind says earliest she will rule onAug 20 14:35
s-278 retweeted by    sentence for Bradley Manning will be tomorrowAug 20 14:35
s-278 @ioerror        morning.Aug 20 14:35
s-278........................................ 20 14:35
s-278@nathanLfuller   Bradley #Manning sentence to be deliveredAug 20 14:36
s-278 retweeted by    tomorrow morning at the earliestAug 20 14:36
s-278 @ioerror        Aug 20 14:36
s-278........................................ 20 14:36
s-278@ChrChristensen  Any pundit using the "he must have been doingAug 20 14:36
s-278 retweeted by    something wrong" defense of discriminatoryAug 20 14:36
s-278 @ioerror        policing should resign. #Miranda @ggreenwaldAug 20 14:36
s-278........................................ 20 14:36
s-278@nathanLfuller   At noon today, judge will come back to sayAug 20 14:37
s-278 retweeted by    whether she needs more time. OtherAug 20 14:37
s-278 @ioerror        administrative issues this afternoon. #ManningAug 20 14:37
s-278........................................ 20 14:37
s-278@ggreenwald      Guardian Editor-in-chief @arusbridger is in theAug 20 14:37
s-278 retweeted by    comment section answering questions about theAug 20 14:37
s-278 @ioerror        news he just broke: 20 14:37 | David Miranda, schedule 7 and the danger that all reporters now face | Alan Rusbridger | Comment is free | The GuardianAug 20 14:37
s-278........................................ 20 14:37
s-278@ggreenwald      UK Govt threatened GuardianUK with priorAug 20 14:37
s-278 retweeted by    restraint, forced it to destroy its hard drivesAug 20 14:37
s-278 @ioerror        & NSA files, by @arusbridgerAug 20 14:37
s-278        20 14:37
s-278........................................ 20 14:37
s-278@kgosztola       Procedure being established for release ofAug 20 14:38
s-278 retweeted by    transcripts from Bradley Manning's courtAug 20 14:38
s-278 @ioerror        martial—AFTER he is sentenced to prisonAug 20 14:38
s-278........................................ 20 14:38
s-278@nashtonhart     Sad day for the Internet: Groklaw shutting downAug 20 14:38
s-278 retweeted by    over surveillance: 20 14:38
s-278 @ggreve         Aug 20 14:38
s-278........................................ 20 14:38 | Groklaw shutting down. « freedom bitsAug 20 14:38
s-278@carwinb         Judge says earliest sentence delivered isAug 20 14:38
s-278 retweeted by    tomorrow morn-- expects sentence tomorrowAug 20 14:38
s-278 @ioerror        unless she needs more time. Will know at lunchAug 20 14:38
s-278                 #ManningAug 20 14:38
s-278........................................ 20 14:38
s-278@PogoWasRight    Anyone surprised that @CNN just headlinedAug 20 14:39
s-278 retweeted by    @ggreenwald "threatens to reveal stateAug 20 14:39
s-278 @ioerror        secrets?" It's NOT REVENGE, CNN. It'sAug 20 14:39
s-278                 JOURNALISM.Aug 20 14:39
s-278........................................ 20 14:39
s-278@ioerror         When @ggreenwald's refuses to be silentlyAug 20 14:45
s-278                 terrorized, it is not revenge; it isAug 20 14:45
s-278                 professional integrity. "Revenge" is aAug 20 14:45
s-278                 slanderous lie.Aug 20 14:45
s-278........................................ 20 14:45
s-278@glynmoody       #Miranda was not given any reason forAug 20 14:46
s-278                 detention, say lawyers - 20 14:46
s-278                 staggering police state abuse of power ifAug 20 14:46 | David Miranda was not given any reason for detention, say lawyers | World news | theguardian.comAug 20 14:46
s-278                 confirmedAug 20 14:46
s-278........................................ 20 14:46
s-278@glynmoody       #Guardian had held back "a great deal" of theAug 20 14:51
s-278                 secret material obtained from Edward #Snowden -Aug 20 14:51
s-278        & that's all abroad...Aug 20 14:51
s-278........................................ 20 14:51 | David Miranda detention - latest developments and reaction | Politics | theguardian.comAug 20 14:51
s-278@Thomas_Drake1   NSA lies to hide, cover up, obstruct oversight.Aug 20 14:53
s-278                 Vast spying enabled by secret exec rule.Aug 20 14:53
s-278                 Subverts citizen sovereigntyAug 20 14:53
s-278        20 14:53
s-278........................................ 20 14:53 | Intelligence Official Says He Was Fired For Not Lying To Congress; Says Rogers & Feinstein Don't Know What's Happening | TechdirtAug 20 14:53
s-278@hertling        @doctorow Kolab websites offline after GroklawAug 20 14:55
s-278 retweeted by    founder moves email there for privacy:Aug 20 14:55
s-278 @doctorow 20 14:55
s-278........................................ 20 14:55 | Groklaw - Forced Exposure ~pjAug 20 14:55
s-278@glynmoody       2005 BlackBerry E-Mail: “Britische BehördenAug 20 14:56
s-278                 haben Zugriff auf das gesamteAug 20 14:56
s-278                 Nachrichtenaufkommen” - 20 14:56
s-278                 (v @dozykraut)Aug 20 14:56
s-278........................................ 20 14:56 | BSI 2005 über BlackBerry E-Mail Push-Dienst: “Britische Behörden haben Zugriff auf das gesamte Nachrichtenaufkommen”Aug 20 14:56
s-278@democracyATwork  If the Greens plus ALP surplus is less than 14%Aug 20 15:01
s-278 retweeted by    then #Assange @wikileaksparty can win inAug 20 15:01
s-278 @wikileaks      Victoria @ausvotesAug 20 15:01
s-278                 Aug 20 15:01
s-278        20 15:01
s-278........................................ 20 15:01 | democracy AT work: Rise Up Australia: The Battle for the Balance of Power in the SenateAug 20 15:01
s-278@slashdot        Predictors of Suicidal Behavior Found In BloodAug 20 15:06
s-278        20 15:06
s-278........................................ 20 15:06 | Predictors of Suicidal Behavior Found In Blood - SlashdotAug 20 15:06
s-278@McKelvie        Remember page 79 of the Tory 2010 electionAug 20 15:06
s-278 retweeted by    manifesto (”Restore Our Civil Liberties”)?Aug 20 15:06
s-278 @glynmoody      Because I do. 20 15:06
s-278........................................ 20 15:06
s-278@RiffleChildrens  @doctorow I featured Little Brother in a listAug 20 15:07
s-278 retweeted by    of Sci Fi kids books with cool technology here:Aug 20 15:07
s-278 @doctorow 20 15:07
s-278........................................ 20 15:07 | So You Think Your Smartphone's Cool?Aug 20 15:07
s-278@glynmoody       #Cameron had advance warning of #MirandaAug 20 15:08
s-278                 detention, No 10 confirms -Aug 20 15:08
s-278        they're beginning toAug 20 15:08
s-278                 lose their nerve...Aug 20 15:08 | David Cameron had advance warning of Miranda detention, No 10 confirms | World news | theguardian.comAug 20 15:08
s-278........................................ 20 15:08
s-278@Thomas_Drake1   How democracy dies. "you can't go to a countryAug 20 15:11
s-278                 where they have laws that allow the abuse ofAug 20 15:11
s-278                 liberty for nothing"Aug 20 15:11
s-278        20 15:11
s-278........................................ 20 15:11 | David Miranda: 'They said I would be put in jail if I didn't co-operate' | World news | The GuardianAug 20 15:11
s-278@davidgerard     Petition for public consultation on #zerohoursAug 20 15:12
s-278                 contracts going in tomorrow - please sign andAug 20 15:12
s-278                 forward 20 15:12
s-278........................................ 20 15:12 | 38 Degrees  |  properly investigate zero hours contractsAug 20 15:12
s-278@Thomas_Drake1   How democracy dies. "you can't go to a countryAug 20 15:14
s-278 retweeted by    where they have laws that allow the abuse ofAug 20 15:14
s-278 @glynmoody      liberty for nothing"Aug 20 15:14
s-278        20 15:14
s-278........................................ 20 15:14
s-278@glynmoody       "Home Office has decided to go on offensive &Aug 20 15:16
s-278                 offer wholehearted support for police" -Aug 20 15:16
s-278        means May's job is onAug 20 15:16
s-278                 the lineAug 20 15:16
s-278........................................ 20 15:16 | Miranda had 'highly sensitive stolen information', Home Office suggests | World news | theguardian.comAug 20 15:16
s-278@SydScarborough  So much for the wheelchair and carers space weAug 20 15:18
s-278 retweeted by    booked @FGW Where's the place? Or the trainAug 20 15:18
s-278 @davidgerard    manager? Please RT 20 15:18
s-278........................................ 20 15:18
TechrightsSocial@SydScarborough: So much for the wheelchair and carers space we booked @FGW Where's the place? Or the train manager? Please RT 20 15:18
s-278@RationalWiki    Indian rationalist Narendra DabholkarAug 20 15:18
s-278 retweeted by    assassinated 20 15:18
s-278 @davidgerard    Aug 20 15:18 | Narendra Dabholkar assassinated in India » PharyngulaAug 20 15:18
s-278........................................ 20 15:18
s-278@glynmoody       Theresa May urged to answer questions overAug 20 15:19
s-278                 David #Miranda detention -Aug 20 15:19
s-278        OK, how long before sheAug 20 15:19
s-278                 is sacrificed?Aug 20 15:19 | Theresa May urged to answer questions over David Miranda detention | World news | theguardian.comAug 20 15:19
s-278........................................ 20 15:19
s-278@glynmoody       "UK government's detention & questioning ofAug 20 15:23
s-278                 #Miranda was to send a message to recipients ofAug 20 15:23
s-278                 Snowden's materials" - 20 15:23
s-278........................................ 20 15:23 | Britain forced Guardian to destroy copy of Snowden material - Yahoo! News CanadaAug 20 15:23
s-278@dmataconis      Congressional backlash against NSA growingAug 20 15:25
s-278 retweeted by    after latest revelations 20 15:25
s-278 @glynmoody      Aug 20 15:25
s-278........................................ 20 15:25 | Congressional backlash against NSA growing after latest revelations | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited GovernmentAug 20 15:25
s-278@matthieuzilliox  . @Spotify_France qui te propose un titre àAug 20 15:27
s-278 retweeted by    écouter. Tu cliques et #boom... #failAug 20 15:27
s-278 @glynmoody      #drmmadness cc  @gchampeauAug 20 15:27
s-278        20 15:27
s-278........................................ 20 15:27
TechrightsSocial@matthieuzilliox: . @Spotify_France qui te propose un titre à écouter. Tu cliques et #boom... #fail #drmmadness cc  @gchampeau 20 15:27
schestowitz> Hi, Roy,Aug 20 15:29
schestowitz> Aug 20 15:29
schestowitz> This struck out of the blue:Aug 20 15:29
schestowitz> Aug 20 15:29
schestowitz> 20 15:29 | Groklaw - Forced Exposure ~pj  [ ]Aug 20 15:29
schestowitz> Aug 20 15:29
schestowitz> The administration thus score a point for their M$ allies.  It's a sadAug 20 15:29
schestowitz> day for technology.Aug 20 15:29
s-278@glynmoody       UK Authorities Force Journalists to Report #NSAAug 20 15:29
s-278                 In Exile - "normallyAug 20 15:29
s-278                 reserved for worst of authoritarian regimes"Aug 20 15:29
s-278........................................ 20 15:29 | UK Authorities Destroy Guardian's Hard Drives, Force Journalists to Report NSA Stories In Exile | Freedom of the Press FoundationAug 20 15:29
s-278@davidgerard     Wikimedia plans for HTTPS-only logins on trackAug 20 15:39
s-278                 for tomorrow 20 15:39
s-278        #wikipediaAug 20 15:39 | [Wikitech-l] HTTPS for logged in users on Wednesday August 21stAug 20 15:39
s-278........................................ 20 15:39 | HTTPS - MetaAug 20 15:39
s-278@Thomas_Drake1   Subversions of State: When freedom restricted,Aug 20 15:40
s-278                 rights violated & liberty detained forAug 20 15:40
s-278                 questioning & confiscation.Aug 20 15:40
s-278        20 15:40
s-278........................................ 20 15:40 | On revenge and the NSA | Privacy SOSAug 20 15:40
s-278@WeMeantWell     It's legal when the President does it: WH,Aug 20 15:45
s-278 retweeted by    State Dept leaks regarding highly-classifiedAug 20 15:45
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  Stuxnet 20 15:45
s-278........................................ 20 15:45 | In classified cyberwar against Iran, trail of Stuxnet leak leads to White House - Washington TimesAug 20 15:45
s-278@slashdot        Amazon Angling For Same-Day Delivery BeyondAug 20 15:45
s-278                 Groceries 20 15:45
s-278........................................ 20 15:45 | Amazon Angling For Same-Day Delivery Beyond Groceries - SlashdotAug 20 15:45
s-278@schestowitz     The #nsa has killed #groklawAug 20 15:50
s-278        can't blame her afterAug 20 15:50
s-278                 Miranda harassment. They're afterAug 20 15:50
s-278                 dissent/journalism.Aug 20 15:50 | nsa - Google SearchAug 20 15:50
s-278........................................ 20 15:50
s-278@schestowitz     UK ordered Guardian to destroy hard drives inAug 20 15:51
s-278                 effort to stop Snowden revelationsAug 20 15:51
s-278        in the #uk journalism isAug 20 15:51
s-278                 terrorism"Aug 20 15:51
s-278........................................ 20 15:51 | UK ordered Guardian to destroy hard drives in effort to stop Snowden revelations — RT NewsAug 20 15:51
s-278@mgeist          RT @MobileSyrup: Ontario Court sides withAug 20 15:51
s-278                 Rogers, says Chatr 'fewer dropped calls' adsAug 20 15:51
s-278                 were accurate 20 15:51
s-278........................................ 20 15:51 | Ontario Court sides with Rogers, says Chatr 'fewer dropped calls' ads were accurate | MobileSyrup.comAug 20 15:51
s-278@schestowitz     IMHO (yes, personal opinion), #nsaAug 20 15:57
s-278                 #surveillance is why we need more of #groklaw -Aug 20 15:57
s-278                 fighting back against the /biggest/ globalAug 20 15:57
s-278                 threat.Aug 20 15:57
s-278........................................ 20 15:57
s-278@schestowitz     Over two dozen official news sites alreadyAug 20 15:58
s-278                 wrote articles about #groklaw shutting downAug 20 15:58
s-278                 over NSA, but after weeks what will it do toAug 20 15:58
s-278                 protest?Aug 20 15:58
s-278........................................ 20 15:58
s-278@rvkgrapevine    Commenting on Snowden files destruction,Aug 20 16:02
s-278 retweeted by    WikiLeaks spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson warnsAug 20 16:02
s-278 @wikileaks      of the "rise of... 20 16:02
s-278........................................ 20 16:02 | Govts threats to journos 'signalling rise of fascism' - WikiLeaks - YouTubeAug 20 16:02
s-278@Thomas_Drake1   Submit & obey=pathology of power. Threatened w/Aug 20 16:02
s-278                 life in prison if I didn't coopr8 w/ AuthorityAug 20 16:02
s-278                 for defending liberty. 20 16:02
s-278........................................ 20 16:02 | David Miranda: 'They said I would be put in jail if I didn't co-operate' | World news | The GuardianAug 20 16:02
s-278@wikileaks       WikiLeaks spokesman: Gov threats to journalistsAug 20 16:03
s-278                 is 'signalling rise of fascism'Aug 20 16:03
s-278        20 16:03
s-278........................................ 20 16:03 | Govts threats to journos 'signalling rise of fascism' - WikiLeaks - YouTubeAug 20 16:03
s-278@hrw             Shocking detention of David #Miranda, partnerAug 20 16:04
s-278 retweeted by    of @ggreenwald, appears aimed at punishing orAug 20 16:04
s-278 @wikileaks      intimidating journalists 20 16:04
s-278........................................ 20 16:04 | UK: Detention Appears Aimed at Intimidating Journalists | Human Rights WatchAug 20 16:04
s-278@schestowitz     British Snoops to The Guardian: Nice LittleAug 20 16:04
s-278                 Newspaper You Got. It'd Be a Shame if SomethingAug 20 16:04
s-278                 Happened to It 20 16:04
s-278........................................ 20 16:04 | British Snoops to The Guardian: Nice Little Newspaper You Got. It'd Be a Shame if Something Happened to It - Hit & Run : Reason.comAug 20 16:05
s-278@wikileaks       WikiLeaks spokesman: Gov threats to journalistsAug 20 16:05
s-278 retweeted by    is 'signalling rise of fascism'Aug 20 16:05
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1 20 16:05
s-278........................................ 20 16:05
s-278@schestowitz     I think I was stopped 3 times last time IAug 20 16:06
s-278                 travelled by plane (IIRC). More than once onAug 20 16:06
s-278                 the same trip. Unnecessary harassment.Aug 20 16:06
s-278........................................ 20 16:06
s-278@hrw             Shocking detention of David #Miranda, partnerAug 20 16:06
s-278 retweeted by    of @ggreenwald, appears aimed at punishing orAug 20 16:06
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  intimidating journalists 20 16:06
s-278........................................ 20 16:06
s-278@starsandstripes  US military judge deliberating Manning'sAug 20 16:07
s-278 retweeted by    sentence for disclosing classified info.Aug 20 16:07
s-278 @wikileaks      #WikiLeaks 20 16:07
s-278........................................ 20 16:07 | US military judge deliberating Manning's sentence  - Stripes - Independent U.S. military news from Iraq, Afghanistan and bases worldwideAug 20 16:07
s-278@x7o             Why is the BBC's story on David Miranda in theAug 20 16:08
s-278 retweeted by    "Latin American" section? It's about a UK abuseAug 20 16:08
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  of a foreign national. 20 16:08
s-278........................................ 20 16:08 | BBC News - David Miranda detention a 'breach of law' - Julian AssangeAug 20 16:08
s-278@schestowitz     The Conservancy Behind Samsung’s Decision toAug 20 16:16
s-278                 Embrace GPL After Violating the GPLAug 20 16:16
s-278        #gpl #samsungAug 20 16:16
s-278........................................ 20 16:16 | The Conservancy Behind Samsung’s Decision to Embrace GPL After Violating the GPL | TechrightsAug 20 16:16
s-278@rydermc         Perverse irony of #schedule7 powers is thatAug 20 16:17
s-278 retweeted by    because you are NOT a terrorist suspect, youAug 20 16:17
s-278 @glynmoody      don't get protections suspects get #mirandaAug 20 16:17
s-278........................................ 20 16:17
s-278@glynmoody       "No wonder the Police are quite confidentlyAug 20 16:19
s-278                 stating that they acted legally" -Aug 20 16:19
s-278        this law is a disgraceAug 20 16:19
s-278                 #mirandaAug 20 16:19
s-278........................................ 20 16:19 | What is a terrorist? | TechnoLlamaAug 20 16:19
s-278@davidgerard     The Greenwald Effect, on the @ggreenwaldAug 20 16:23
s-278                 approach of actually doing *journalism*.Aug 20 16:23
s-278        It's sad that this isAug 20 16:23
s-278                 remarkable.Aug 20 16:23
s-278........................................ 20 16:23 | The Greenwald effect » Mano SinghamAug 20 16:23
s-278@slashdot        Write Windows Phone Apps, No Code RequiredAug 20 16:27
s-278        20 16:27
s-278........................................ 20 16:27 | Write Windows Phone Apps, No Code Required - SlashdotAug 20 16:27
s-278@glynmoody       Will #copyright be extended 20 more years? AnAug 20 16:32
s-278                 old debate returns - 20 16:32
s-278                 come on, should be *cut*, massivelyAug 20 16:32
s-278........................................ 20 16:32 | Will copyright be extended 20 more years? An old debate returns — Tech News and AnalysisAug 20 16:32
s-278@Thomas_Drake1   Truth is treason in empires of lies & deceit.Aug 20 16:32
s-278                 "We live in a time when people can neitherAug 20 16:32
s-278                 speak nor travel freely."Aug 20 16:32
s-278        20 16:32
s-278........................................ 20 16:32 | Continuation of Whistleblower "No-Fly Zone" Policy - Government Accountability ProjectAug 20 16:32
s-278@mgeist          RT @peternowak: Lessons from New Zealand onAug 20 16:32
s-278                 Crown telecom firms 20 16:32
s-278........................................ 20 16:32 | Lessons from New Zealand on Crown telecom firms | WordsByNowakAug 20 16:32
s-278@davidgerard     U.S. security official confirms detention andAug 20 16:34
s-278                 questioning of Miranda was to "send a message"Aug 20 16:34
s-278                 to Snowden recipients 20 16:34
s-278........................................ 20 16:34 | Britain forced Guardian to destroy copy of Snowden material - Yahoo! News CanadaAug 20 16:34
s-278@glynmoody       #Cameron und der Geheimdienst-Skandal: Im LandAug 20 16:34
s-278                 der schwarzen Helikopter -Aug 20 16:34
s-278        "jedes Maß verloren hat"Aug 20 16:34
s-278........................................ 20 16:34 | Geheimdienst-Skandal: Cameron-Regierung gegen "Guardian" - SPIEGEL ONLINEAug 20 16:34
s-278@pastachips      "'Ouch!': Western Feminists 'WoundedAug 20 16:34
s-278 retweeted by    Attachment' to the Third World Prostitute" isAug 20 16:34
s-278 @davidgerard    probably my favourite title ever.Aug 20 16:35
s-278        20 16:35
s-278........................................ 20 16:35
s-278@carwinb         I'm going to say this now rather than laterAug 20 16:35
s-278 retweeted by    (b/c if later may be mistaken for bravado).  NoAug 20 16:35
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  matter what happens tomorrow...Aug 20 16:35
s-278........................................ 20 16:35
s-278@carwinb         Private First Class #Manning is not going downAug 20 16:35
s-278 retweeted by    without a fight.  He is not disappearing gentlyAug 20 16:35
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  into that good night (as the USG might wish).Aug 20 16:35
s-278........................................ 20 16:35
s-278@carwinb         All of us who've covered this trial (I ventureAug 20 16:35
s-278 retweeted by    to guess) are aware once this trial is over theAug 20 16:35
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  public might actually come to know the facts.Aug 20 16:35
s-278........................................ 20 16:35
s-278@carwinb         I think it is fair to say, the in many respectsAug 20 16:35
s-278 retweeted by    this is the end of the beginning. We are ALLAug 20 16:35
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  three years wiser. #ManningAug 20 16:35
s-278........................................ 20 16:35
s-278@carwinb         My favorite phrase before the #Manning trialAug 20 16:35
s-278 retweeted by    was, 'More will be revealed.'  It is still myAug 20 16:35
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  favorite phrase.Aug 20 16:35
s-278........................................ 20 16:35
s-278@glynmoody       #Fracking operations triggered 100 quakes in aAug 20 16:37
s-278                 year - never mind, atAug 20 16:37
s-278                 least they don't cause earthquakes - oh, waitAug 20 16:37
s-278........................................ 20 16:37
s-278@JesselynRadack  Following hacker-whistleblower-spy trajectoryAug 20 16:38
s-278 retweeted by    RT .@emptywheel: We now have aAug 20 16:38
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  journalist-hacker-terrorist continuum!Aug 20 16:38
s-278........................................ 20 16:38
TechrightsSocialname lookup timed out ( status 0 @ )Aug 20 16:38
s-278@JesselynRadack  Following hacker-whistleblower-spy trajectoryAug 20 16:38
s-278 retweeted by    RT .@emptywheel: We now have aAug 20 16:38
s-278 @glynmoody      journalist-hacker-terrorist continuum!Aug 20 16:38
s-278........................................ 20 16:38
s-278@glynmoody       RT @davorg Good to see @LouiseMensch displayingAug 20 16:40
s-278                 her expertise on matters digital again -Aug 20 16:40
s-278        >>brilliant commentsAug 20 16:40
s-278........................................ 20 16:40
TechrightsSocial@LouiseMensch: Edward #Snowden stole it and thanks to our first rate security police at LHR, our security forces have it back. Well done to the policeAug 20 16:40
s-278@kgosztola       Former JAG who served sentence for violatingAug 20 16:41
s-278 retweeted by    Espionage Act comments on his case & BradleyAug 20 16:41
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  Manning's trial 20 16:41
s-278........................................ 20 16:41 | Former JAG Who Served Sentence for Violating Espionage Act Comments on His Case & Bradley Manning’s Trial |  The DissenterAug 20 16:41
s-278@glynmoody       ( last link v @PoliceStateUK)Aug 20 16:41
s-278........................................ 20 16:41
s-278@BenedictEvans   @ioerror rather sad none of your followers canAug 20 16:47
s-278 retweeted by    mount an argument. Just insults and childishAug 20 16:47
s-278 @ioerror        assertions.Aug 20 16:47
s-278........................................ 20 16:47
s-278@hrw             Shocking detention of David #Miranda, partnerAug 20 16:48
s-278 retweeted by    of @ggreenwald, appears aimed at punishing orAug 20 16:48
s-278 @ioerror        intimidating journalists 20 16:48
s-278........................................ 20 16:48 | UK: Detention Appears Aimed at Intimidating Journalists | Human Rights WatchAug 20 16:48
s-278@x7o             Let's not forget AP *did* circulate just thatAug 20 16:49
s-278 retweeted by    type of memo about WikiLeaksAug 20 16:49
s-278 @ioerror and about SnowdenAug 20 16:49
s-278        20 16:49
s-278........................................ 20 16:49 | Some news outlets stop calling WikiLeaks a ‘whistle-blower’ | The Cutline - Yahoo! NewsAug 20 16:49 | Michael Calderone: AP Editor: Do Not Describe Edward Snowden As A 'Whistleblower'Aug 20 16:49
s-278@wikileaks       Glenn Greenwald says his partner was questionedAug 20 16:49
s-278 retweeted by    solely about what Guardian publishing next |Aug 20 16:49
s-278 @ioerror        BBC #WikiLeaks #AssangeAug 20 16:49
s-278........................................ 20 16:49 | Glenn Greenwald Says His Partner Was Questioned SOLELY About What Guardian Was Publishing Next! - YouTubeAug 20 16:49
s-278@ioerror         UK: Detention Appears Aimed at IntimidatingAug 20 16:50
s-278                 Journalists - Review of Counterterrorism Laws’Aug 20 16:50
s-278                 Search Powers Needed: 20 16:50
s-278........................................ 20 16:50
s-278@x7o             When they tell you the press is free in the UKAug 20 16:51
s-278 retweeted by    ask them if a free press is one that has toAug 20 16:51
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  send reporters abroad just to report the news.Aug 20 16:51
s-278........................................ 20 16:51
s-278@x7o             When they tell you the press is free in the UKAug 20 16:53
s-278 retweeted by    ask them if a free press is one that has toAug 20 16:53
s-278 @glynmoody      send reporters abroad just to report the news.Aug 20 16:53
s-278........................................ 20 16:53
s-278@Asher_Wolf      Sentence in US v Pfc. Bradley #Manning will beAug 20 17:06
s-278 retweeted by    given tomorrow at 10AM EST.Aug 20 17:06
s-278 @glynmoody      Aug 20 17:06
s-278........................................ 20 17:06
s-278@slashdot        Can There Be Open Source Music?Aug 20 17:06
s-278        20 17:06
s-278........................................ 20 17:06 | Can There Be Open Source Music? - SlashdotAug 20 17:06
s-278@ramdac          Google has been talking about deploying a meshAug 20 17:07
s-278 retweeted by    network. Please don't let google own the MeshAug 20 17:07
s-278 @glynmoody      industry.Aug 20 17:07
s-278........................................ 20 17:07
s-278@wikileaks       RT @carwinb: Sentence in US v Pfc. BradleyAug 20 17:10
s-278                 #Manning will be given at 10 am US EST AugustAug 20 17:10
s-278                 21, 2013Aug 20 17:10
s-278........................................ 20 17:10
s-278@ioerror         Ein Akt staatlicher Anfeindung:Aug 20 17:10
s-278        20 17:10
s-278........................................ 20 17:10 | Jacob Appelbaum zum „Guardian“: Ein Akt staatlicher Anfeindung - Medien - FAZAug 20 17:10
s-278@mgeist          RT @taylor_owen: A look at what we know andAug 20 17:11
s-278                 don't know about the Canadian surveillanceAug 20 17:11
s-278                 state: 20 17:11
s-278........................................ 20 17:11 | Canadian Surveillance 101 » CICAug 20 17:11
s-278@timberners_lee  "Once you start conflating terrorism andAug 20 17:14
s-278 retweeted by    journalism, as a country I think you're in someAug 20 17:14
s-278 @glynmoody      trouble" - Rusbridger 20 17:14
s-278........................................ 20 17:14 | Rusbridger: destroying hard drives allowed us to continue NSA coverage | Media | theguardian.comAug 20 17:14
s-278@johncusack      What we have here - is a failure to communicateAug 20 17:16
s-278 retweeted by    -  RT @Thomas_Drake1: RT @WeMeantWell: It'sAug 20 17:16
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  legal (cont) 20 17:16
s-278........................................ 20 17:16 | TwitLonger — When you talk too much for TwitterAug 20 17:16
s-278@johncusack      Get you mind right .  RT @Thomas_Drake1: SubmitAug 20 17:16
s-278 retweeted by    & obey=pathology of power. Threatened w/ lifeAug 20 17:16
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  (cont) 20 17:16
s-278........................................ 20 17:16 | TwitLonger — When you talk too much for TwitterAug 20 17:16
s-278@carwinb         Sentence in US v Pfc. Bradley #Manning will beAug 20 17:19
s-278 retweeted by    given at 10 am US EST August 21, 2013Aug 20 17:19
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  Aug 20 17:19
s-278........................................ 20 17:19
s-278@ggreve          Gizmodo: Why Kolab Might Be the Best SecureAug 20 17:20
s-278                 Email Service Still StandingAug 20 17:20
s-278        20 17:20 | NO TITLEAug 20 17:20
s-278........................................ 20 17:20
s-278@glynmoody       Guy Who Wrote Legal Memos Defending US #TortureAug 20 17:23
s-278                 Defends #NSA Because It Takes Too Long To ObeyAug 20 17:23
s-278                 The #Constitution - 20 17:23
s-278........................................ 20 17:23 | Guy Who Wrote Legal Memos Defending US Torture Defends NSA Because It Takes Too Long To Obey The Constitution | TechdirtAug 20 17:23
s-278@Thomas_Drake1   More proof of pathofascist  genuflectingAug 20 17:27
s-278                 revenge mindset of National Security State &Aug 20 17:27
s-278                 its fawning sycophants 20 17:27
s-278........................................ 20 17:27 | Grunwald vs. Greenwald: Who’s the “activist” journalist, now? - Salon.comAug 20 17:27
s-278@nsisodiya       Documentary on Indian Cow:Aug 20 17:28
s-278        via @youtubeAug 20 17:28
s-278........................................ 20 17:28 | Documentary on Indian Cow - YouTubeAug 20 17:28
s-278@wikileaks       WikiLeaks spokesman: Gov threats to journalistsAug 20 17:29
s-278 retweeted by    is 'signalling rise of fascism'Aug 20 17:29
s-278 @ioerror 20 17:29
s-278........................................ 20 17:29 | Govts threats to journos 'signalling rise of fascism' - WikiLeaks - YouTubeAug 20 17:29
s-278@nsisodiya       मैंने @YouTube वीडियो को पसंदीदा बनायाAug 20 17:31
s-278        Documentary on IndianAug 20 17:31
s-278........................................ 20 17:31 | Documentary on Indian Cow - YouTubeAug 20 17:31
s-278@schestowitz     Actions of US Gov Shut Down GroklawAug 20 17:31
s-278                 Pre-emptively; Observing the US’ SanctionsAug 20 17:31
s-278                 Economy and the Danger of ExpansionAug 20 17:31
s-278        20 17:31
s-278........................................ 20 17:31 | Actions of US Government Shut Down Groklaw Pre-emptively; Observing the US’ Sanctions Economy and the Danger of Expansion to Europe | TechrightsAug 20 17:31
s-278@onekade         FBI reportedly visits anti-fracking activists,Aug 20 17:32
s-278 retweeted by    anarchists in northeast, northwest, MarylandAug 20 17:32
s-278 @ioerror 20 17:32
s-278........................................ 20 17:32 | FBI reportedly visits anti-fracking activists, anarchists in northeast, northwest, Maryland | Privacy SOSAug 20 17:32
s-278@arusbridger     Destroying hard drives let us continue to coverAug 20 17:32
s-278 retweeted by    #NSA - BBC interview 20 17:32
s-278 @ioerror        Aug 20 17:32
s-278........................................ 20 17:32 | Rusbridger: destroying hard drives allowed us to continue NSA coverage | Media | theguardian.comAug 20 17:32
s-278@ggreenwald      "If detention... of Miranda was for a purposeAug 20 17:33
s-278 retweeted by    other than to determine if he was a terrorist,Aug 20 17:33
s-278 @ioerror        then it was unlawful" 20 17:33
s-278........................................ 20 17:33 | Nine hours in the life of David Miranda  | Jack of KentAug 20 17:33
s-278@makehacklearn   Chilling effects: Groklaw shuts itself downAug 20 17:33
s-278 retweeted by    because of NSA spying. 20 17:33
s-278 @ioerror        Aug 20 17:33
s-278........................................ 20 17:33 | Groklaw - Forced Exposure ~pjAug 20 17:33
schestowitz> Aug 20 17:34
schestowitz> TR can pick up some of the people from GL but it would be very nice toAug 20 17:34
schestowitz> have the start page fixed so that the RSS feed is displayed there.Aug 20 17:34
schestowitz> The regular RSS feed works so it is something else that is broken.Aug 20 17:34
schestowitzMaybe I'll look for a substitute hook.Aug 20 17:34
schestowitzI tried to introspect a little and rationalise my fight -- not defeat -- in the face of surveillance state 20 17:34
s-278@tensory         Of Silent Circle, Lavabit & Groklaw, I onlyAug 20 17:36
s-278 retweeted by    knew SC before shutdown. Expecting moreAug 20 17:36
s-278 @ioerror        eulogies for resources I didn't know and nowAug 20 17:36
s-278                 never will.Aug 20 17:36
s-278........................................ 20 17:36
s-278@arusbridger     Home Sec confirms she was told in advanceAug 20 17:37
s-278 retweeted by    Miranda might be detained. But police decision,Aug 20 17:37
s-278 @ioerror        she says 20 17:37
s-278........................................ 20 17:37 | David Miranda detention - latest developments and reaction | Politics | theguardian.comAug 20 17:37
s-278@newshtwit       "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to cloudAug 20 17:37
s-278 retweeted by    service anymore" - lavabit, silent circle,Aug 20 17:37
s-278 @ioerror        groklawAug 20 17:37
s-278........................................ 20 17:37
s-278@ioerror         As usual @newshtwit nails it:Aug 20 17:38
s-278        20 17:38
s-278........................................ 20 17:38
TechrightsSocial@newshtwit: "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to cloud service anymore" - lavabit, silent circle, groklawAug 20 17:38
s-278@RonDeibert      Of course, Blackberry can basically hand overAug 20 17:38
s-278 retweeted by    user data wholesale to foreign governments andAug 20 17:38
s-278 @ioerror        doesn't register a blip in Canadian media...Aug 20 17:38
s-278........................................ 20 17:38
s-278@dangillmor      Groklaw, which shuts down due to govt spying,Aug 20 17:38
s-278 retweeted by    held powerful interests accountable. They'll beAug 20 17:38
s-278 @ioerror        thrilled. Another victory for the bad guys.Aug 20 17:38
s-278........................................ 20 17:38
s-278@arusbridger     Live blog gathering all reactions to the use ofAug 20 17:38
s-278 retweeted by    terror laws against David Miranda #NSAAug 20 17:38
s-278 @ioerror 20 17:38
s-278........................................ 20 17:38
s-278@johncusack 20 17:39
s-278 retweeted by    Aug 20 17:39 | Grunwald vs. Greenwald: Who’s the “activist” journalist, now? - Salon.comAug 20 17:39
s-278 @ioerror        Aug 20 17:39
s-278........................................ 20 17:39
s-278@RonDeibert      The certain reintroduction of lawful accessAug 20 17:39
s-278 retweeted by    bills in Canadian parliament this fall shouldAug 20 17:39
s-278 @ioerror        offer opportunity to open CSEC debate.Aug 20 17:39
s-278........................................ 20 17:39
s-278@mtyka           NSA says it does 20 million queries a month (=Aug 20 17:41
s-278 retweeted by    7/second) 20 17:41
s-278 @ioerror        Aug 20 17:41 | The NSA Reveals That It Does 20 Million Database Queries Per Month | TechdirtAug 20 17:41
s-278........................................ 20 17:41
s-278@JanJBultmann    #TA3M -Seattle last night off to a promisingAug 20 17:41
s-278 retweeted by    start at Ada's Technical Books. Mission:Aug 20 17:41
s-278 @ioerror        Privacy for Activists. Classes, talks, slides.Aug 20 17:41
s-278........................................ 20 17:41
s-278@ioerror         The @democracynow clip from this morning is nowAug 20 17:45
s-278                 online: #DavidMirandaAug 20 17:45
s-278                 #NSA #GCHQ #UK #USAAug 20 17:45
s-278........................................ 20 17:45 | UK Media Crackdown: Greenwald’s Partner Detained, Guardian Forced to Destroy Snowden Files | Democracy Now!Aug 20 17:45
s-278@newshtwit       This is huge.  If someone blocks your IP andAug 20 17:46
s-278 retweeted by    you change your IP to get around the block, youAug 20 17:46
s-278 @ioerror        are now considered to be breaking the law!Aug 20 17:46
s-278........................................ 20 17:46
s-278@glynmoody       [RT] The Canary in the Coal Mine: #GroklawAug 20 17:47
s-278                 Shuts Down - now mightAug 20 17:47
s-278                 be a good time to get angry and act #privacyAug 20 17:47
s-278........................................ 20 17:47 | The Canary in the Coal Mine: Groklaw Shuts Down - Open EnterpriseAug 20 17:47
s-278@Groklaw         Forced Exposure ~pj --- This is the lastAug 20 17:47
s-278 retweeted by    Groklaw article. Thank you for all you've done.Aug 20 17:47
s-278 @ioerror        I will never forget you and our work together.Aug 20 17:47
s-278........................................ 20 17:47
s-278@RonDeibert      FWIW, i write about #CSEC, #BlackberryAug 20 17:48
s-278 retweeted by    surveillance and more in #BlackCodeAug 20 17:48
s-278 @ioerror 20 17:48
s-278........................................ 20 17:48 | Black Code: Inside the Battle for CyberspaceAug 20 17:48
s-278@YourAnonNews    Snowden Wars Episode V: The Surveillance StateAug 20 17:48
s-278 retweeted by    Strikes Back 20 17:48
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  Aug 20 17:48
s-278........................................ 20 17:48 | Snowden Wars Episode V: The Surveillance State Strikes Back | Mother JonesAug 20 17:48
s-278@glynmoody       [RT] Court rules that IP cloaking to accessAug 20 17:48
s-278                 blocked sites violates law -Aug 20 17:48
s-278        awful; huge implicationsAug 20 17:48
s-278                 for #geoblockingAug 20 17:48
s-278........................................ 20 17:48 | Court rules that IP cloaking to access blocked sites violates law | Internet & Media - CNET NewsAug 20 17:48
s-278@slashdot        NHTSA Gives the Model S Best Safety Rating ofAug 20 17:48
s-278                 Any Car In History 20 17:48
s-278........................................ 20 17:48 | NHTSA Gives the Model S Best Safety Rating of Any Car In History - SlashdotAug 20 17:48
s-278@TimothyS        Flashback: BOOZing it up at the DNI. FromAug 20 17:48
s-278 retweeted by    "Money Doesn't Talk It Swears," January  8,Aug 20 17:48
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  2007: 20 17:48
s-278........................................ 20 17:48
s-278@trevortimm      A step-by-step guide to why the detention ofAug 20 17:48
s-278 retweeted by    @ggreenwald's partner by the UK was almostAug 20 17:48
s-278 @ioerror        certainly unlawful. viaAug 20 17:48
s-278                 @bmazAug 20 17:48
s-278........................................ 20 17:48
s-278@ggreenwald      "If detention... of Miranda was for a purposeAug 20 17:49
s-278 retweeted by    other than to determine if he was a terrorist,Aug 20 17:49 | BOOZing it up at the DNI | "money doesn't talk, it swears"Aug 20 17:49
s-278 @Thomas_Drake1  then it was unlawful" 20 17:49
s-278........................................ 20 17:49
TechrightsSocial ( status 404 @ )Aug 20 17:49 | Nine hours in the life of David Miranda  | Jack of KentAug 20 17:49
s-278@wiretapped      I assume @craignewmark isn't tweeting aboutAug 20 17:49
s-278 retweeted by    #Craigslist's legal victory because he'sAug 20 17:49
s-278 @ioerror        ashamed to be complicit in criminalizing theAug 20 17:49
s-278                 internet.Aug 20 17:49
s-278........................................ 20 17:49
s-278@kheops2713      It isnt about whether Miranda's detainment wasAug 20 17:49
s-278 retweeted by    lawful or not. It's about the fact thatAug 20 17:49
s-278 @ioerror        exception laws must not exist, no matter theAug 20 17:49
s-278                 pretext.Aug 20 17:49
s-278........................................ 20 17:49
s-278@schestowitz     ~17,000 blog posts in #techrights & many moreAug 20 17:50
s-278                 pages have 800MB of logs per month (access andAug 20 17:50
s-278                 error), log trashed indefinitely after 4 weeksAug 20 17:50
s-278........................................ 20 17:50
s-278@dangillmor      If you promote the national security state orAug 20 17:51
s-278 retweeted by    Wall St. in your media, you're still aAug 20 17:51
s-278 @ioerror        journalist; otherwise, notAug 20 17:51
s-278        20 17:51
s-278........................................ 20 17:51 | Grunwald vs. Greenwald: Who’s the “activist” journalist, now? - Salon.comAug 20 17:51
s-278@schestowitz     Techrights IRC logs published every week, lastAug 20 17:51
s-278                 one published this morningAug 20 17:51
s-278        going back 5 years, PJAug 20 17:51
s-278                 participated tooAug 20 17:51
s-278........................................ 20 17:51 | IRC Proceedings: August 11th-August 17th, 2013 | TechrightsAug 20 17:51
s-278@lucidplot       Theresa May’s justification for Miranda arrestAug 20 17:51
s-278 retweeted by    is, we suspected he was carrying secrets thatAug 20 17:51
s-278 @glynmoody      could aid terrorists. Close to thought crime.Aug 20 17:51
s-278........................................ 20 17:51
s-278@wikileaks       UK Media Crackdown: Greenwald’s PartnerAug 20 17:52
s-278                 Detained, Guardian Forced to Destroy #SnowdenAug 20 17:52
s-278                 Files | Democracy Now 20 17:52
s-278........................................ 20 17:52 | UK Media Crackdown: Greenwald’s Partner Detained, Guardian Forced to Destroy Snowden Files | Democracy Now!Aug 20 17:52
s-278@arusbridger     Home Sec confirms she was told in advanceAug 20 17:53
s-278 retweeted by    Miranda might be detained. But police decision,Aug 20 17:53
s-278 @glynmoody      she says 20 17:53
s-278........................................ 20 17:53 | David Miranda detention - latest developments and reaction | Politics | theguardian.comAug 20 17:53
s-278@VOIPCEO         @doctorow It's the Little Brother network forAug 20 17:54
s-278 retweeted by    real in Athens: 20 17:54 | How to Keep the NSA Out of Your Computer  | Mother JonesAug 20 17:54
s-278 @doctorow       Aug 20 17:54
s-278........................................ 20 17:54
s-278@declanm         Sad news: PJ Jones shuts down legal siteAug 20 17:54
s-278 retweeted by    Groklaw, saying she wants to "get off of theAug 20 17:54
s-278 @ioerror        Internet" post-#NSA revelationsAug 20 17:54
s-278        20 17:54
s-278........................................ 20 17:54 | Groklaw - Forced Exposure ~pjAug 20 17:54
s-278@elinormills     Surveillance concerns bring an end to crusadingAug 20 17:55
s-278 retweeted by    site Groklaw via @CNETAug 20 17:55
s-278 @ioerror        by @stshankAug 20 17:55
s-278........................................ 20 17:55 | Surveillance concerns bring an end to crusading site Groklaw | Politics and Law - CNET NewsAug 20 17:55
s-278@umairh          LOL “@hblodget: RT @ianbremmer: Of US collegeAug 20 17:55
s-278                 grads who are employed, 48% have jobs requiringAug 20 17:55
s-278                 less than a four-year college education.”Aug 20 17:55
s-278........................................ 20 17:55
schestowitz 20 18:04
TechrightsSocial@gnutelephony: @schestowitz another world is possible, but not in the American Union until collapse and/or revolutionAug 20 18:04
*qu1j0t3 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Aug 20 18:10
schestowitz 20 18:30 | My wife was moved...  [ ]Aug 20 18:30
*qu1j0t3 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialAug 20 19:35
schestowitz 20 20:19 Against #Drone Strikes on People Who Only 'Act' Like Terrorists fatal "suspicious behaviour" 20 20:19
TechrightsSocial-> | The Case Against Drone Strikes on People Who Only 'Act' Like Terrorists - Danya Greenfield - The Atlantic  [ ]Aug 20 20:19
TechrightsSocial-> | Apache Helicopter Killing Terrorists In Iraq Using Night Vision - YouTube  [ ]Aug 20 20:20
schestowitz"Blocked on copyright grounds content from Pathe and Break Media"Aug 20 20:20
schestowitz 20 20:24 | Obama Administration Secretly Suspends Military Aid To Egypt, Patrick Leahy Says  [ ]Aug 20 20:24
schestowitzArticles all link to the Daily Bast, which recently was the go-to place for CIA to plant propaganda over so-called AQ conference call (which never happened) to help NSA and scare US citizens, allow bombings in Yemen.Aug 20 20:25
schestowitz*Daily BeastAug 20 20:26
schestowitz 20 21:39
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: LXLE Paradigm goes final with 12.04.3 update. #lxle #gnu #linuxAug 20 21:39
TechrightsSocial-> | Articles < The LXLE DesktopAug 20 21:39
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: RhinoLINUX Lite 6.0 Xfce Edition Is Based on Ubuntu 13.04 #ubuntu #gnu #linux #rhinolinuxAug 20 21:39
TechrightsSocial-> | RhinoLINUX Lite 6.0 Xfce Edition Is Based on Ubuntu 13.04Aug 20 21:39
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Firms like #boozallen learned from a recent #wired article that bribes do buy votes and that the ROI is very high (billions for millions)Aug 20 21:39
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Over time the West is becoming more like China, the world's most capitalist economy. Look not at Orwell's 1984 for future but China's 2008.Aug 20 21:39
schestowitz 20 21:49 | Grizzly Hunt - YouTube  [ ]Aug 20 21:49
schestowitzUS culture summarisedAug 20 21:49
schestowitzshaking hands like killing is a sportAug 20 21:49
schestowitzand wearing army clothesAug 20 21:49
schestowitz 20 21:55
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Android pico-projector doubles as mini-PC #android #linuxAug 20 21:55
TechrightsSocial-> | Android pico-projector doubles as mini-PC ·  LinuxGizmos.comAug 20 21:55
TechrightsSocial@schestowitz: Linux offers real diversity on the desktop #linux #gnuAug 20 21:55
TechrightsSocial-> | Linux offers real diversity on the desktop | ITworldAug 20 21:55
schestowitz 20 22:00
schestowitz"Frankly the best piece of advice I can give anyone who has been horrified by the current state of affairs is to read Naomi Wolfs "The end of America". The 10 steps which both Mussolini and Hitler used to close down democracy are in play now within the US and some other western countries. We can all go on discussing this, even maybe deny what is going on but all the while our governments are becoming evermore oppressive and Aug 20 22:00 | Greenwald partner sues Home Office as UK defends 'Miranda op' — RT News  [ ]Aug 20 22:00
schestowitzthe people's voice is becoming weaker. "Aug 20 22:00
schestowitzWatch the comments. The West is becoming a laughing stock because of these actions. Even the Russians and Latin Americans are having a go at us...Aug 20 22:01
schestowitz 20 22:10 | Kunduz airstrike - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Aug 20 22:10
schestowitzGort to the defend the oi.... errr people.Aug 20 22:11
schestowitzSpill blood, not oil.Aug 20 22:11
schestowitz 20 22:54 Why stop the illegal activity when you can simply legalise the illegal? #bush did that many times but did not innovate it; Obama masters itAug 20 22:54
schestowitz"Yeah, republicans can't complain about Obama, he's so much more bush than bush ever could have been."Aug 20 22:54
schestowitz 20 22:55 IMHO (yes, personal opinion), #nsa #surveillance is why we need *more* of #groklaw - fighting back against the /biggest/ global threat.Aug 20 22:55
schestowitz"To think that <a href="">just 28 months ago, PJ was ready to say that "Linux won" and quit</a>. We are all losing in a big way when places like Groklaw are shaken down. I'm afraid this is the end result of unacceptable government corruption on behalf of Microsoft."Aug 20 22:55 | Groklaw - Groklaw Articles Ending on May 16th  [ ]Aug 20 22:55
schestowitz 20 22:57 The #nsa has killed #groklaw can't blame her after Miranda harassment. They're after dissent/journalism.Aug 20 22:57
TechrightsSocial-> | nsa - Google Search  [ ]Aug 20 22:57
schestowitz"Aug 20 22:57
schestowitzI have invited people on g+ to come join. It's not grave dancing, it's fighting back. Someone needs to do it. There are several organizations already doing this but it would be nice to pick up some more legal people for Techrights.Aug 20 22:57
schestowitzI don't know that Techrights can protect people's identity because I don't know about the hosting arrangements. People who could not keep helping Groklaw because of that might not be able to help at Techrights. That's all the more reason to protest and fix the problem.Aug 20 22:57
schestowitz"Aug 20 22:57
schestowitzhushmail has been used to inform TR. Hosting is independent and there's no surveillance at the nodes; then again, there's no SSL either, people connect a Varnish instance. Logs get deleted.Aug 20 22:59
*s-702 (~PircBot@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialAug 20 23:35
s-702@bkampmark       Manning, Apology and an Onerous FidelityAug 20 23:35
s-702 retweeted by via @sharethisAug 20 23:35
s-702 @wikileaks      #bradleymanning #Wikileaks #WLPartyAug 20 23:35
s-702........................................ 20 23:35 | Manning, Apology and an Onerous Fidelity  |  Dissident VoiceAug 20 23:35
qu1j0t3how could PJ have been so naïve as not to realise email has been snarfed for a very long time?Aug 20 23:36
qu1j0t3probably a longer time than Groklaw has been aroundAug 20 23:36
s-702@BarnabyEdwards  I'm so glad the Coalition got rid of that peskyAug 20 23:38
s-702 retweeted by    old nanny state - this new totalitarian policeAug 20 23:38
s-702 @glynmoody      state is so much better.Aug 20 23:38
s-702........................................ 20 23:38
s-702@slashdot        Germany Produces Record-Breaking 5.1 TerawattAug 20 23:42
s-702                 Hours of Solar Energy In One MonthAug 20 23:42
s-702        20 23:42
s-702........................................ 20 23:42 | Germany Produces Record-Breaking 5.1 Terawatt Hours of Solar Energy In One Month - SlashdotAug 20 23:42
s-702@davidgerard     Conspiracy to commit journalismAug 20 23:42
s-702        20 23:42
s-702........................................ 20 23:42 | Conspiracy to commit journalism »  PressthinkAug 20 23:42
s-702@BarnabyEdwards  I'm so glad the Coalition got rid of that peskyAug 20 23:42
s-702 retweeted by    old nanny state - this new totalitarian policeAug 20 23:42
s-702 @qu1j0t3        state is so much better.Aug 20 23:42
s-702........................................ 20 23:42
s-702@democracynow    "If everything is under surveillance, how canAug 20 23:46
s-702 retweeted by    we have a democracy?" asks computer securityAug 20 23:46
s-702 @Thomas_Drake1  researcher @ioerror. 20 23:46
s-702........................................ 20 23:46 | Jacob Appelbaum: If Everything is Under Surveillance, How Can We Have a Democracy? - YouTubeAug 20 23:46
s-702@doctorow        We're hiring! - fuckyeahfeminists:Aug 20 23:46
s-702                 plannedparenthood: Are you an expert at socialAug 20 23:46
s-702                 media? Do you live in New...Aug 20 23:46
s-702        20 23:46
s-702........................................ 20 23:46 | Cory Doctorow: We're hiring!Aug 20 23:46
s-702@doctorow        Richard Kadrey's Damn Tumblr: RIP ElmoreAug 20 23:48
s-702                 Leonard. Leonard had a big impact on my work,Aug 20 23:48
s-702                 which might... -... 20 23:48
s-702........................................ 20 23:48 | Cory Doctorow: Richard Kadrey's Damn Tumblr: RIP Elmore Leonard. Leonard had a big impact on my work, which might...Aug 20 23:48
s-702@davidgerard     In 2013, the slightest loyalty to your companyAug 20 23:51
s-702                 will leave you fucked. 20 23:51
s-702........................................ 20 23:51 | Loyalty and Layoffs | Heart, Mind and CodeAug 20 23:51
s-702@davidgerard     Rep Morgan Griffith: If Latest Leaks On NSAAug 20 23:53
s-702                 Came Out Earlier, NSA-Defunding Amendment WouldAug 20 23:53
s-702                 Have Passed viaAug 20 23:53
s-702                 @TechdirtAug 20 23:53
s-702........................................ 20 23:53 | Rep. Morgan Griffith: If Latest Leaks On NSA Had Come Out Earlier, NSA-Defunding Amendment Would Have Passed | TechdirtAug 20 23:53
s-702@OccupyBrazil    "Acha que os Estados Unidos vão parar de nosAug 20 23:57
s-702 retweeted by    enviar armas?", "Não, é a única coisa que elesAug 20 23:57
s-702 @qu1j0t3        ainda exportam." 20 23:57
s-702........................................ 20 23:57 | Occupy Brazil - "Acha que os Estados Unidos vão parar de... | FacebookAug 20 23:57

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