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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: September 12th, 2013

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s-832@slashdot        How IP Law Helps FOSS CommunitiesSep 12 00:06
s-832        12 00:06
s-832........................................ 12 00:06 | How IP Law Helps FOSS Communities - SlashdotSep 12 00:06
s-832@techdirt        Details Reveal Crypto Standard Controlled BySep 12 00:12
s-832                 NSA; And How Canada HelpedSep 12 00:12
s-832        12 00:12
s-832........................................ 12 00:12 | Details Reveal Crypto Standard Controlled By NSA; And How Canada Helped | TechdirtSep 12 00:12
s-832@kashhill        Government defending NSA by saying they're notSep 12 00:15
s-832 retweeted by    spying on Americans wasn't helpful to companiesSep 12 00:15
s-832 @csoghoian      serving customers worldwide, says Zuck.Sep 12 00:15
s-832........................................ 12 00:15
s-832@kashhill        "The government blew it on communicating theSep 12 00:15
s-832 retweeted by    balance of what they were going for." -- MarkSep 12 00:15
s-832 @csoghoian      Zuckerberg on NSA @tcdisruptSep 12 00:15
s-832........................................ 12 00:15
s-832@ohiolinux       Come hear Jono Bacon discuss Building aSep 12 00:18
s-832 retweeted by    Convergent Future with Ubuntu. You won't wantSep 12 00:18
s-832 @jonobacon      to miss this talk. 12 00:18
s-832........................................ 12 00:18 | Saturday Schedule - Ohio LinuxFest 2013 | Ohio LinuxFest 2013Sep 12 00:18
s-832@csoghoian       The first step to protecting from post-PRISMSep 12 00:21
s-832                 gov spying threats is to describe them all.Sep 12 00:21
s-832                 Bravo. (via @packetknife)Sep 12 00:21
s-832        12 00:21
s-832........................................ 12 00:21
s-832@csoghoian       Unusable security can be a highly effectiveSep 12 00:22
s-832                 tool of the gov: make crypto so difficult toSep 12 00:22
s-832                 use that nobody will use it.Sep 12 00:22
s-832        12 00:22
s-832........................................ 12 00:22
s-832@SteveBellovin   @csoghoian Unusable security is so common thatSep 12 00:26
s-832 retweeted by    it doesn't take an NSA conspiracy; it merelySep 12 00:26
s-832 @csoghoian      takes an absence of taste and brilliance.Sep 12 00:26
s-832........................................ 12 00:26
s-832@mattblaze       @csoghoian Fortunately for them, there's anSep 12 00:26
s-832 retweeted by    enormous pool of unusable security talentSep 12 00:26
s-832 @csoghoian      already working in industry, without any govtSep 12 00:26
s-832                 help.Sep 12 00:26
s-832........................................ 12 00:26
s-832@slashdot        TSA Reminds You Not To Travel With HandSep 12 00:51
s-832                 Grenades 12 00:51
s-832........................................ 12 00:51 | TSA Reminds You Not To Travel With Hand Grenades - SlashdotSep 12 00:51
s-832@umairh          Love it. “@DaveBirckhead: @umairh - Umair, ISep 12 00:59
s-832                 quoted you in my blog post today -Sep 12 00:59
s-832        -Thx for theSep 12 00:59
s-832                 inspiration!”Sep 12 00:59 | How Great Poetry Helps Leaders Prevail « Dave BirckheadSep 12 00:59
s-832........................................ 12 00:59
s-832@techdirt        DailyDirt: Children Are The Future, EngineerSep 12 01:36
s-832                 Them Well, & Let Them Lead The WaySep 12 01:36
s-832        12 01:36
s-832........................................ 12 01:36 | DailyDirt: Children Are The Future, Engineer Them Well, & Let Them Lead The Way | TechdirtSep 12 01:36
s-832@nelson          So seriously, the US government hasSep 12 01:57
s-832 retweeted by    deliberately sabotaged Internet security. WhySep 12 01:57
s-832 @csoghoian      aren't people more angry?Sep 12 01:57
s-832........................................ 12 01:57
s-832@nelson          So seriously, the US government hasSep 12 02:24
s-832 retweeted by    deliberately sabotaged Internet security. WhySep 12 02:24
s-832 @qu1j0t3        aren't people more angry?Sep 12 02:24
s-832........................................ 12 02:24
s-832@csoghoian       HSBC laundered billions for drug cartels, gotSep 12 02:30
s-832                 off with a fine, but Yahoo's CEO thinks she'dSep 12 02:30
s-832                 to go to jail for revealing scale of NSASep 12 02:30
s-832                 spying?Sep 12 02:30
s-832........................................ 12 02:30
s-832@dbgrady         There is a zero-percent chance Mark ZuckerbergSep 12 02:30
s-832 retweeted by    would have been charged with treason and put inSep 12 02:30
s-832 @csoghoian      prison.Sep 12 02:30
s-832........................................ 12 02:30
s-832@qu1j0t3         Seriously, Zuckerberg, just shut the fuck up.Sep 12 02:31
s-832                 You are, and always will be, part of theSep 12 02:31
s-832                 problem. #Facebook #NSA #PrismSep 12 02:31
s-832........................................ 12 02:31
s-832@draglikepull    @csoghoian The tech companies should do a jointSep 12 02:31
s-832 retweeted by    reveal. What's the government going to do,Sep 12 02:31
s-832 @csoghoian      throw all of Silicon Valley in prison?Sep 12 02:31
s-832........................................ 12 02:31
s-832@wikileaks       RT @ECTV_Noticias: Próximamente porSep 12 02:31
s-832                 @ECTV_Noticias una entrevista exclusiva conSep 12 02:32
s-832                 JULIAN ASSANGE en LondresSep 12 02:32
s-832        @wikileaksSep 12 02:32
s-832........................................ 12 02:32 | Proximamente - YouTubeSep 12 02:32
s-832@JillMorris      I'm a terrorist. Pls RT!Sep 12 02:34
s-832 retweeted by    Sep 12 02:34
s-832 @qu1j0t3        Sep 12 02:34
s-832........................................ 12 02:34
s-832@csoghoian       How would the government punish Google orSep 12 02:36
s-832                 Facebook for revealing NSA spying? Shut themSep 12 02:36
s-832                 down? Imagine how upset voters would be w/oSep 12 02:36
s-832                 Facebook.Sep 12 02:36
s-832........................................ 12 02:36
s-832@slashdot        Exxon Charged With Illegally Dumping Waste InSep 12 02:51
s-832                 Pennsylvania 12 02:51
s-832........................................ 12 02:51 | Exxon Charged With Illegally Dumping Waste In Pennsylvania - SlashdotSep 12 02:51
s-832@PoliticalBee    Yahoo's #Mayer  & Zuckerberg admitting in TheSep 12 03:05
s-832 retweeted by    Guardian that they allowed ALL of their clientsSep 12 03:05
s-832 @qu1j0t3        to be spied on by #NSA from personal cowardiceSep 12 03:05
s-832........................................ 12 03:05
s-832@MahwishKD       Israel need to open up it weapons facilities toSep 12 03:12
s-832 retweeted by    U.N. weapons inspectors to get a fullSep 12 03:12
s-832 @qu1j0t3        accounting of any WMD Israel has.Sep 12 03:12
s-832........................................ 12 03:12
s-832@csoghoian       Yahoo CEO: "It is Treason for us to disobey theSep 12 03:48
s-832                 NSA" // But you don'tSep 12 03:48
s-832                 have to make it easy for them. Still no SSL.Sep 12 03:48
s-832........................................ 12 03:48 | Marissa Mayer: 'It's Treason' To Ignore The NSA - Business InsiderSep 12 03:48
s-832@mgeist          RT @guardiannews: European Union plans to endSep 12 03:54
s-832                 mobile phone roaming chargesSep 12 03:54
s-832        12 03:54
s-832........................................ 12 03:54 | European Union plans to end mobile phone roaming charges | World news | The GuardianSep 12 03:54
s-832@nickdepetrillo  Awesome, FaceTime Audio calls over cellularSep 12 03:54
s-832 retweeted by    work on iOS 7 across all devices. Audio is nearSep 12 03:54
s-832 @csoghoian      CD quality and does not use minutes.Sep 12 03:54
s-832........................................ 12 03:54
s-832@csoghoian       Trying to kill the queen is treason. ViolatingSep 12 04:04
s-832                 a gag order related to the surveillanceSep 12 04:04
s-832                 assistance you provide the government isn't.Sep 12 04:04
s-832........................................ 12 04:04
s-832@techdirt        Judge To Everyone In Georgia Prenda Case: WouldSep 12 04:06
s-832                 You All Just Please Shut Up AlreadySep 12 04:06
s-832        12 04:06
s-832........................................ 12 04:06 | Judge To Everyone In Georgia Prenda Case: Would You All Just Please Shut Up Already | TechdirtSep 12 04:06
s-832@csoghoian       Countdown till law enforcement agencies startSep 12 04:17
s-832                 freaking out about inability to wiretapSep 12 04:17
s-832                 FaceTime Audio via wireless carriers in 3, 2,Sep 12 04:17
s-832                 1.Sep 12 04:17
s-832........................................ 12 04:17
s-832@nickdepetrillo  Awesome, FaceTime Audio calls over cellularSep 12 04:19
s-832 retweeted by    work on iOS 7 across all devices. Audio is nearSep 12 04:19
s-832 @csoghoian      CD quality and does not use minutes.Sep 12 04:19
s-832........................................ 12 04:19
s-832@slashdot        Ask Slashdot: Cloud Service On a Budget?Sep 12 04:24
s-832        12 04:24
s-832........................................ 12 04:24 | Ask Slashdot: Cloud Service On a Budget? - SlashdotSep 12 04:24
s-832@nickm_tor       @csoghoian And now I know who @benwizner is.Sep 12 04:26
s-832 retweeted by    Please let me know if we can ever help you withSep 12 04:26
s-832 @csoghoian      anything.Sep 12 04:26
s-832........................................ 12 04:26
s-832@umairh          Vladimir Putin, the great humanitarian defenderSep 12 04:56
s-832                 of international law.Sep 12 04:56
s-832........................................ 12 04:56
s-832@doctorow        maryrobinette: Sesame Street products shouldSep 12 05:05
s-832                 really, really, really not make me think ofSep 12 05:05
s-832                 female internal anat… 12 05:05
s-832........................................ 12 05:05 | Cory Doctorow: maryrobinette:  Sesame Street products should...Sep 12 05:05
s-832@doctorow        Bookshelves of the ancientsSep 12 05:05
s-832        12 05:05
s-832........................................ 12 05:05 | Cory Doctorow: joehillsthrills:  riotclitshave:  By David...Sep 12 05:05
s-832@sjh_canada      @doctorow So now you're posting shelfies.Sep 12 05:14
s-832 retweeted by    Sep 12 05:14
s-832 @doctorow       Sep 12 05:14
s-832........................................ 12 05:14
s-832@slashdot        Meet the Guy Who Fact-Checks Stephen King OnSep 12 05:27
s-832                 Stephen King 12 05:27
s-832........................................ 12 05:27 | Meet the Guy Who Fact-Checks Stephen King On Stephen King - SlashdotSep 12 05:27
s-832@broccoli89      @umairh also why not NYC?Sep 12 05:29
s-832 retweeted by    Sep 12 05:29
s-832 @umairh         Sep 12 05:29
s-832........................................ 12 05:29
s-832@umairh          I'll do an NYC meetup next week when I'm backSep 12 05:29
s-832                 :) “@broccoli89: @umairh also why not NYC?”Sep 12 05:29
s-832........................................ 12 05:29
s-832@johncheese      My horoscope told me I'd be reading a snippetSep 12 05:44
s-832 retweeted by    of flowery, made-up horseshit at that exactSep 12 05:44
s-832 @jonobacon      moment. And now I don't know what to believe.Sep 12 05:44
s-832........................................ 12 05:44
s-832@doctorow        rstevens: Tonight’s comic is called “My Mind onSep 12 06:19
s-832                 my Cool Ranch and my Cool Ranch on my Mind”. Sep 12 06:19
s-832        12 06:19
s-832........................................ 12 06:19 | Cory Doctorow: rstevens:  Tonight’s comic is called “My Mind on...Sep 12 06:19
s-832@doctorow        Famed Disney Imagineer Yale Gracey with hisSep 12 06:19
s-832                 ghostly special effects creationsSep 12 06:19
s-832        12 06:19
s-832........................................ 12 06:19 | Cory Doctorow: ohmywalt71:  alittlebitofdisneymagic: ...Sep 12 06:19
s-832@doctorow        All the rides by ticket type from theSep 12 06:20
s-832                 Fall/Winter 1968 #Disneyland guidebook.Sep 12 06:20
s-832        12 06:20
s-832........................................ 12 06:20 | Cory Doctorow: gameraboy:  I reassembled all the rides by ticket...Sep 12 06:20
s-832@linuxtoday      How to use ActiveMQ with a language other thanSep 12 07:03
s-832                 Java: Wazi: Don't let lack of familiarity withSep 12 07:03
s-832                 Java stop you fr... 12 07:03
s-832........................................ 12 07:03 | Linux Today - How to use ActiveMQ with a language other than JavaSep 12 07:03
s-832@techdirt        French Farce: Hadopi's First And OnlySep 12 07:07
s-832                 Suspension Has Been SuspendedSep 12 07:07
s-832        12 07:07
s-832........................................ 12 07:07 | French Farce: Hadopi's First And Only Suspension Has Been Suspended | TechdirtSep 12 07:07
s-832@doctorow        "At the beginning of the Portal developmentSep 12 07:17
s-832                 process, we sat down as a group to decide whatSep 12 07:17
s-832                 philosopher..." 12 07:17
s-832........................................ 12 07:17 | Cory Doctorow: At the beginning of the Portal development...Sep 12 07:17
s-832@umairh          Funny how they'll sell the post offices but notSep 12 07:17
s-832                 jail the bankers. “@ITVLauraK: Govt confirmsSep 12 07:17
s-832                 Royal Mail sell off”Sep 12 07:17
s-832........................................ 12 07:17
s-832@umairh          How not to fix a broken economy. Dole outSep 12 07:20
s-832                 endless free money to banks that don't lend.Sep 12 07:20
s-832                 Sell off everything, to foot the bill.Sep 12 07:20
s-832........................................ 12 07:20
s-832@umairh          It amazes me that there are people so stupid inSep 12 07:23
s-832                 the world they don't want post offices as aSep 12 07:23
s-832                 public good.Sep 12 07:23
s-832........................................ 12 07:23
s-832@umairh          Dear middle classes. You had public goodsSep 12 07:26
s-832                 because they were cheaper for you. Now, you'reSep 12 07:26
s-832                 going to pay dearly. Enjoy!!Sep 12 07:26
s-832........................................ 12 07:26
s-832@umairh          You guys really don't get this, do you? YouSep 12 07:30
s-832                 think private parks, hospitals, trains, police,Sep 12 07:30
s-832                 post, are more efficient. LOLOLLOLLLLLLL.Sep 12 07:30
s-832........................................ 12 07:30
s-832@umairh          If you wanna know why you're having a lostSep 12 07:31
s-832                 decade, it's because you're choosing toSep 12 07:31
s-832                 impoverish yourselves.Sep 12 07:31
s-832........................................ 12 07:31
s-832@umairh          Guess what happens when middle classes have toSep 12 07:36
s-832                 pay more for privatized public goods? They getSep 12 07:36
s-832                 poor. Sound familiar? LOLLLLLLLOLOLSep 12 07:36
s-832........................................ 12 07:36
s-832@umairh          Why do you think we spent generations buildingSep 12 07:38
s-832                 liberal economies? Because they were moreSep 12 07:38
s-832                 expensive for middle classes? LOLLLOLOLSep 12 07:38
s-832........................................ 12 07:38
s-832@umairh          Christ, it's like trying to teach idiotSep 12 07:39
s-832                 children that gnawing off their own arms isn'tSep 12 07:39
s-832                 a great way to fill their stomachs.Sep 12 07:40
s-832........................................ 12 07:40
s-832@davidgerard     Fun! Go back in time and die a horrible death.Sep 12 08:04
s-832                 #NotDeadYet this is whySep 12 08:04
s-832                 we have vaccinesSep 12 08:04
s-832........................................ 12 08:04 | Interactive game of death in history: How would you have died in the past? - Slate MagazineSep 12 08:04
s-832@slashdot        Snowden Nominated For Freedom of Thought PrizeSep 12 08:09
s-832        12 08:09
s-832........................................ 12 08:09 | Snowden Nominated For Freedom of Thought Prize - SlashdotSep 12 08:09
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialSep 12 08:11
s-832@schestowitz     Net neutrality faces uncertain U.S. courtSep 12 08:15
s-832                 rulingSep 12 08:15
s-832        corporations always getSep 12 08:15
s-832                 their way when they fund the systemSep 12 08:15 | Net neutrality faces uncertain U.S. court ruling | PCWorldSep 12 08:15
s-832........................................ 12 08:15
s-832@schestowitz     Bruce Schneier is in The Guardian: "The USSep 12 08:16
s-832                 government has betrayed the internet. We needSep 12 08:16
s-832                 to take it back"Sep 12 08:16
s-832        12 08:16
s-832........................................ 12 08:16 | The US government has betrayed the internet. We need to take it back | Bruce Schneier | Comment is free | The GuardianSep 12 08:16
schestowitzThis week's "Suomenkuvalehti" magazine has on its cover the grave of a Nokia phone with the caption "1987-2013".  Last night a comedy program had a session where a guest smashed a series of Lumia phones on an anvil using a sledgehammer.  I realise the Finns are in love with M$ and worship Gates, but I hope they can finally connect the dots on this one and fight back.  Nokia really started on an irrevocable slide when they Sep 12 08:18
schestowitzstarted using Outlook-Exchange internally.  In principal, that gave full access to their internal communications to M$, if M$ had been so inclined.  (As it appears it was.)  On the other hand, Linux, the kernel itself, was started in Finland after all even if Linus did eventually move away.  So moving to Gnu/Linux should be seen as patriotic and Windows users a bunch of quislings who supplied funding for the destruction of Sep 12 08:18
schestowitzNokia.  Sep 12 08:18
schestowitz 12 08:18
s-832@schestowitz     Pew: Americans Given Up Hope of AnonymousSep 12 08:19
s-832                 Internet AccessSep 12 08:19
s-832        12 08:19
s-832        became #surveillanceSep 12 08:19
s-832                 platformSep 12 08:19 | Pew: Americans Given Up Hope of Anonymous Internet Access | News & Opinion  | PCMag.comSep 12 08:19
s-832........................................ 12 08:19 | Anonymity, Privacy, and Security Online | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life ProjectSep 12 08:19
s-832@schestowitz     One simple way to promote and defend onlineSep 12 08:20
s-832                 anonymity is to operate open Wi-Fi accessSep 12 08:20
s-832                 points (as we do here).Sep 12 08:20
s-832........................................ 12 08:20
s-832@schestowitz     As many of us knew for a ~decade, #NSASep 12 08:23
s-832                 manipulates standards for back doors.Sep 12 08:23
s-832        nice to confirmSep 12 08:23
s-832........................................ 12 08:23 | NSA's Decade-Long Plan to Undermine Encryption Includes Backdoors, Stolen Keys, Manipulating Standards | Threat Level | Wired.comSep 12 08:23
s-832@schestowitz     GCHQ and #NSA have 'cracked privacy encryption'Sep 12 08:25
s-832        cracking is OK when youSep 12 08:25
s-832                 work for the govt.Sep 12 08:25
s-832........................................ 12 08:25 | GCHQ and NSA have 'cracked privacy encryption'  - TelegraphSep 12 08:25
s-832@schestowitz     "$250m-a-year US program works covertly withSep 12 08:26
s-832                 tech companies to insert weaknesses intoSep 12 08:26
s-832                 products"Sep 12 08:26
s-832        #windowsSep 12 08:26
s-832........................................ 12 08:26 | Revealed: how US and UK spy agencies defeat internet privacy and security | World news | Guardian WeeklySep 12 08:26
s-832@glynmoody       Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 130911 -Sep 12 08:38
s-832        yesterday's tweets as aSep 12 08:38
s-832                 single Web page #MMDDSep 12 08:38 | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 130911Sep 12 08:38
s-832........................................ 12 08:38
s-832@glynmoody       Marissa Mayer Comments on the #NSA | Disrupt SFSep 12 08:41
s-832                 2013 - context forSep 12 08:41
s-832                 yesterday's tweet about "treason" (v @Codepope)Sep 12 08:41 | Marissa Mayer Comments on the NSA | Disrupt SF 2013 - YouTubeSep 12 08:41
s-832........................................ 12 08:41
s-832@glynmoody       #HRA plans for ensuring that UK trials areSep 12 08:44
s-832                 registered in a publicly accessible database -Sep 12 08:44
s-832        yay, good news #opendataSep 12 08:44
s-832........................................ 12 08:44 | PharmaGossip: Hurrah!Sep 12 08:44
s-832@glynmoody       Monty Python and the Holy Grail Modern TrailerSep 12 08:46
s-832                 - nicely done (vSep 12 08:46
s-832                 @superglaze) #remixSep 12 08:46
s-832........................................ 12 08:46 | Monty Python and the Holy Grail Modern Trailer - YouTubeSep 12 08:46
s-832@Stephen_Curry   Green hornets’ nest stirred as committeeSep 12 08:48
s-832 retweeted by    questions RCUK gold standard via @timeshigheredSep 12 08:48
s-832 @glynmoody 12 08:48
s-832........................................ 12 08:48 | Times Higher EducationSep 12 08:48
s-832@maira           "This painting is not available in yourSep 12 08:50
s-832 retweeted by    country." // new artwork for the @EFF office.Sep 12 08:50
s-832 @glynmoody 12 08:50
TechrightsSocial@maira: "This painting is not available in your country." // new artwork for the @EFF office. 12 08:50
s-832........................................ 12 08:50
s-832@glynmoody       #Russia's Latest Idea: An Internet WhitelistSep 12 08:50
s-832                 For #Copyright Materials -Sep 12 08:50
s-832        don't do it, Vlad...Sep 12 08:50 | Russia's Latest Idea: An Internet Whitelist For Copyright Materials | TechdirtSep 12 08:50
s-832........................................ 12 08:50
s-832@glynmoody       Conheça o braço direito do jornalista que osSep 12 08:50
s-832                 EUA mais odeiam hoje no mundo -Sep 12 08:50
s-832        interesting to seeSep 12 08:50
s-832                 #miranda profile hereSep 12 08:50
s-832........................................ 12 08:50 | Conheça o braço direito do jornalista que os EUA mais odeiam hoje no mundo - Terra BrasilSep 12 08:50
s-832@schestowitz     64-bit is now the default for the *buntu familySep 12 08:51
s-832                 of distros.Sep 12 08:51
s-832        12 08:51
s-832........................................ 12 08:51 | Please promote 64-bit images by default on the download pagesSep 12 08:51
s-832@schestowitz     Olympic sellout 12 08:53
s-832........................................ 12 08:53
s-832@glynmoody       Should #Wikipedia Force All Users To UseSep 12 08:57
s-832                 #HTTPS? - trickier thanSep 12 08:57
s-832                 it looksSep 12 08:57 | Should Wikipedia Force All Users To Use HTTPS? | TechdirtSep 12 08:57
s-832........................................ 12 08:57
s-832@glynmoody       #Mozilla Maker Party: a global lab -Sep 12 08:57
s-832        interesting projectSep 12 08:57
s-832........................................ 12 08:57 | Mozilla Maker Party: a global lab | commonspaceSep 12 08:57
schestowitz"Sep 12 08:57
schestowitzwe are seeing a generation of smartphone users born to surveillance as the normSep 12 08:57
schestowitz"It is this culture of surveillance and monitoring that Sep 12 08:58
schestowitzis seeping into their lives offline"Sep 12 08:58
schestowitz 12 08:58
schestowitz"Sep 12 08:58 | Girl Guides: 'Girls accept controlling relationships as 'normal' in digital era' - Telegraph  [ ]Sep 12 08:58
s-832@declanm         Yahoo's Marissa Mayer reveals she's ratherSep 12 08:58
s-832 retweeted by    confused about definition of #NSA "treason":Sep 12 08:58
s-832 @glynmoody (Hint: the public !=Sep 12 08:58
s-832                 enemy)Sep 12 08:58
s-832........................................ 12 08:58 | Marissa Mayer: 'It's Treason' For Yahoo To Disobey The NSA (YHOO) - SFGateSep 12 08:58
s-832@schestowitz     A different kind of webSep 12 08:59
s-832        "even scientists whoSep 12 08:59
s-832                 study such things haven't a clue." #scienceSep 12 08:59
s-832                 #natureSep 12 08:59
s-832........................................ 12 08:59 | We asked the experts what this weird Peruvian web-tower is. No-one knows (Wired UK)Sep 12 08:59
s-832@glynmoody       French Farce: #Hadopi's First And OnlySep 12 08:59
s-832                 Suspension Has Been Suspended -Sep 12 08:59
s-832        you can't make thisSep 12 08:59
s-832                 stuff up #copyrightSep 12 08:59 | French Farce: Hadopi's First And Only Suspension Has Been Suspended | TechdirtSep 12 08:59
s-832........................................ 12 08:59
schestowitz"Sep 12 08:59
schestowitzI polished up this page a bit in my wikibook:Sep 12 08:59
schestowitz 12 08:59
schestowitz"Sep 12 08:59 | OpenSSH/Cookbook/Host-based Authentication - Wikibooks, open books for an open world  [ ]Sep 12 08:59
s-832@schestowitz     "Starting around August 20, we started to see aSep 12 09:01
s-832                 sudden spike in the number of Tor clients."Sep 12 09:01
s-832        #privacySep 12 09:01
s-832........................................ 12 09:01 | How to handle millions of new Tor clients | The Tor BlogSep 12 09:01
s-832@schestowitz     "Don't run a Tor router and a hidden serviceSep 12 09:04
s-832                 from the same connection!"Sep 12 09:04
s-832        12 09:04
s-832........................................ 12 09:04 | Don’t run a Tor router and a hidden service from the same connection! | CyberSmashupSep 12 09:04
s-832@glynmoody       Edward #Snowden nominated for EU human rightsSep 12 09:05
s-832                 award - quite right tooSep 12 09:05
s-832........................................ 12 09:05 | Edward Snowden nominated for EU human rights award | EurActivSep 12 09:05
schestowitz"Sep 12 09:05
schestowitzpaypal freezes mailpile's assets; indiegogo's blog feature could do better by using real dates, but the post is from today (thurs)Sep 12 09:05
schestowitz 12 09:05 | Mailpile - taking e-mail back | Indiegogo  [ ]Sep 12 09:05
schestowitz"Sep 12 09:05
s-832@schestowitz     paypal freezes mailpile's assetsSep 12 09:06
s-832        #paypal #embargo aSep 12 09:06
s-832                 memory of #wikileaks - Big Banks forSep 12 09:06
s-832                 #surveillance and liesSep 12 09:06
s-832........................................ 12 09:06
schestowitz"Sep 12 09:07
schestowitzno date on this article but might be freshSep 12 09:07
schestowitz"Privacy groups ask FTC to oppose Facebook's policy changes"Sep 12 09:07
schestowitz 12 09:07 | Privacy groups ask FTC to oppose Facebook's policy changes | PCWorld  [ ]Sep 12 09:07
schestowitz"Sep 12 09:07
s-832@schestowitz     "PRISM and other recent revelations put a touchSep 12 09:08
s-832                 of gray in Chrome's silver lining."Sep 12 09:08
s-832         use #firefoxSep 12 09:08
s-832........................................ 12 09:08 | Why the NSA loves Google’s Chromebook | Ars TechnicaSep 12 09:08
s-832@glynmoody       OpenTeacher - 12 09:10
s-832                 "#opensource application that helps you learn aSep 12 09:10
s-832                 variety of subjects."Sep 12 09:10 | OpenTeacher - Free exam training softwareSep 12 09:10
s-832........................................ 12 09:10
s-832@schestowitz     Movie Studios Get UK ISPs to Block Torrent SiteSep 12 09:12
s-832                 ProxiesSep 12 09:12
s-832        #isp as #censorshipSep 12 09:12
s-832                 gateway. #ukSep 12 09:12 | Movie Studios Get UK ISPs to Block Torrent Site Proxies | TorrentFreakSep 12 09:12
s-832........................................ 12 09:12
s-832@schestowitz     Amazon hiring 'top secret' IT staff as itSep 12 09:15
s-832                 fights for #CIA workSep 12 09:15
s-832        boycott #amazonSep 12 09:15
s-832        12 09:15 | Amazon hiring 'top secret' IT staff as it fights for CIA work - ComputerworldSep 12 09:15
s-832........................................ 12 09:15 | Amazon - TechrightsSep 12 09:15
s-832@glynmoody       You won’t believe Sina #Weibo’s censorshipSep 12 09:15
s-832                 efforts: 150-man team handles 3 million postsSep 12 09:15
s-832                 every day - #chinaSep 12 09:15
s-832........................................ 12 09:15 | A Glimpse Into Sina Weibo's Censorship EffortsSep 12 09:15
s-832@glynmoody       .@MarietjeSchaake : Commissioner Kroes missesSep 12 09:26
s-832                 historic opportunity to guaranteeSep 12 09:26
s-832                 #netneutrality - good toSep 12 09:26
s-832                 see thisSep 12 09:26
s-832........................................ 12 09:26 | Schaake: Commissioner Kroes misses historic opportunity to guarantee net neutralitySep 12 09:26
s-832@glynmoody       #Tobacco firms under fire for EU lobbying -Sep 12 09:33
s-832        shameful peddlers ofSep 12 09:33
s-832                 #addiction & #cancerSep 12 09:33
s-832........................................ 12 09:33 | / Social Affairs / Tobacco firms under fire for EU lobbyingSep 12 09:33
s-832@glynmoody       #Lavabit’s Owner Appeals Secret SurveillanceSep 12 09:38
s-832                 Order That Led Him to Shutter Site -Sep 12 09:38
s-832        splendid chap #snowdenSep 12 09:38
s-832........................................ 12 09:38 | Lavabit's Owner Appeals Secret Surveillance Order That Led Him to Shutter Site | Threat Level | Wired.comSep 12 09:38
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has left #boycottnovell-social ("Konversation terminated!")Sep 12 09:44
s-832@doctorow        Must-read analysis of differences betweenSep 12 09:50
s-832                 Disneyland & WDW 12 09:50
s-832........................................ 12 09:50 | Cory Doctorow:  Passport to Dreams Old & New: My California AdventureSep 12 09:50
s-832@glynmoody       Mark #Zuckerberg on #NSA spying: 'TheSep 12 09:51
s-832                 government blew it' - soSep 12 09:51
s-832                 let's hope he tries to do something about itSep 12 09:51 | Mark Zuckerberg on NSA spying: 'The government blew it' | The VergeSep 12 09:51
s-832                 #facebookSep 12 09:51
s-832........................................ 12 09:51
s-832@SophieintVeld   #EPinquiry in camera debriefing by EUSep 12 09:52
s-832 retweeted by    Commission is a farceSep 12 09:53
s-832 @glynmoody      Sep 12 09:53
s-832........................................ 12 09:53
s-832@glynmoody       .@superglaze @jonworth @MarietjeSchaake bottomSep 12 10:00
s-832                 p. 7: "with an enhanced quality of services",Sep 12 10:00
s-832                 probably means breaking #netneutralitySep 12 10:00
s-832........................................ 12 10:00
s-832@slashdot        He Fixed 300,000+ Machines - America's OldestSep 12 10:36
s-832                 Typewriter Repairman Dies At 96Sep 12 10:36
s-832        12 10:36
s-832........................................ 12 10:36 | He Fixed 300,000+ Machines - America's Oldest Typewriter Repairman Dies At 96 - SlashdotSep 12 10:36
s-832@ClaudeMoraesMEP  #EPinquiry Need to reinforce right to #PrivacySep 12 10:41
s-832 retweeted by    on an International level - Time has come toSep 12 10:41
s-832 @glynmoody      discuss global right to secrecy ofSep 12 10:41
s-832                 communicationSep 12 10:41
s-832........................................ 12 10:41
s-832@SophieintVeld   #EPinquiry Kohnstamm: Safe Harbour will becomeSep 12 10:42
s-832 retweeted by    key issue in debate on Prism and similarSep 12 10:42
s-832 @glynmoody      programmesSep 12 10:42
s-832........................................ 12 10:42
s-832@mikko           If TIME doesn't select Edward Snowden as theSep 12 10:43
s-832 retweeted by    person of the year, what does it tell aboutSep 12 10:43
s-832 @glynmoody      TIME?Sep 12 10:43
s-832........................................ 12 10:43
s-832@CasparBowden    #EPinquiry WP29 Chair says US says don't worrySep 12 10:50
s-832 retweeted by    EU citizens have no rights, because AmericansSep 12 10:50
s-832 @glynmoody      don't have many left eitherSep 12 10:50
s-832........................................ 12 10:50
s-832@jenny_molloy    #openscidev ice-breakers - Is #openscienceSep 12 10:50
s-832 retweeted by    better science? Is science an inclusive term?Sep 12 10:50
s-832 @glynmoody      Are open approaches privilege of the resourceSep 12 10:50
s-832                 rich?Sep 12 10:50
s-832........................................ 12 10:50
s-832@glynmoody       .@jerezim @eurohumph if you can provide aSep 12 10:53
s-832                 "priority" lane for telemedicine, just provideSep 12 10:53
s-832                 it for all IP packets, but only use 4Sep 12 10:53
s-832                 telemedicineSep 12 10:53
s-832........................................ 12 10:53
s-832@glynmoody       .@jerezim @eurohumph that way you get yourSep 12 10:54
s-832                 priority speeds for telemedicine, but you alsoSep 12 10:54
s-832                 get net neutrality - no need to sacrificeSep 12 10:54
s-832                 latterSep 12 10:54
s-832........................................ 12 10:54
s-832@zoobab          A man from foundation, which has affiliationSep 12 10:56
s-832                 with Microsoft, telling devs how FOSS canSep 12 10:56
s-832                 benefit from software patentsSep 12 10:56
s-832        12 10:56
s-832........................................ 12 10:56 | Blogs from the Outercurve Foundation - Frenemies: How IP Law Helps FOSS Communities, guest blog by Clark AsaySep 12 10:56
s-832@mikko           It seems that somebody has used Bitly toSep 12 10:58
s-832 retweeted by    shorten links to URLs that are accessible onlySep 12 10:58
s-832 @glynmoody      from within the NSA: Sep 12 10:58
s-832                 #OPSECSep 12 10:58 | "" - Google SearchSep 12 10:58
s-832........................................ 12 10:58
s-832@EuroFreelancers  European #SharingEconomy Coalition soon to beSep 12 11:07
s-832 retweeted by    launched at the #EESC: 12 11:07
s-832 @glynmoody      #collcons #eu #openinnovation #SustainabilitySep 12 11:07
s-832........................................ 12 11:07 | European Sharing Economy Coalition - Euro FreelancersSep 12 11:07
s-832@joshgerstein    Obama taps prosecutor and ex-Mueller aide JohnSep 12 11:15
s-832 retweeted by    Carlin to oversee DOJ's anti-terrorism andSep 12 11:15
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1  anti-leak efforts 12 11:15
s-832........................................ 12 11:15 | Obama taps Carlin for DOJ national security post - POLITICO.comSep 12 11:15
s-832@glynmoody       EU-Kommission will Zweiklassen-Netz -Sep 12 11:16
s-832        "Das hat massiveSep 12 11:16
s-832                 Auswirkungen auf Meinungs- undSep 12 11:16
s-832                 Informationsfreiheit."Sep 12 11:16
s-832........................................ 12 11:16 | Kommentar: EU-Kommission will Zweiklassen-NetzSep 12 11:16
s-832@davidgerard     When the TSA has to actually tell people not toSep 12 11:18
s-832                 pack grenades, I wonder if the TSA isn't neededSep 12 11:18
s-832                 after all. 12 11:18
s-832........................................ 12 11:18 | The TSA Blog: TSA Travel Tips Tuesday: Leave Your Grenades at HomeSep 12 11:18
s-832@doctorow        520 words on Man Who Sold the Moon #dailywordsSep 12 11:25
s-832                 [for ASU’s Hieroglyph project]Sep 12 11:25
s-832        12 11:25
s-832........................................ 12 11:25 | Cory Doctorow: 520 words on Man Who Sold the Moon  #dailywords...Sep 12 11:25
s-832@MikeTaylor      .@AndreaJPowell Wow. It costs $20 per day toSep 12 11:42
s-832 retweeted by    run PeerJ's IT infrastructure, despite thisSep 12 11:42
s-832 @glynmoody      scalability/redundancy: 12 11:42
s-832........................................ 12 11:42 | How PeerJ's architecture keeps costs down for academics - PeerJ BlogSep 12 11:42
s-832@charlesarthur   Royal Mail selloff? Just a reminder -Sep 12 11:43
s-832 retweeted by    consultation on PAF (Postcode Address File)Sep 12 11:43
s-832 @glynmoody      runs until 20 Sep: 12 11:43
s-832........................................ 12 11:43 | Royal Mail launches consultation on simpler Postcode Address File licensingSep 12 11:43
s-832@KimDotcom       All the #NSA spying will soon be over.Sep 12 11:46
s-832 retweeted by 12 11:46
s-832 @glynmoody      Sep 12 11:46
TechrightsSocial@KimDotcom: All the #NSA spying will soon be over. 12 11:46
s-832........................................ 12 11:46
s-832@CasparBowden    US/Israel SIGINT memo 12 11:59
s-832 retweeted by    I.(c) says similar "no-peek" procs apply allSep 12 11:59
s-832 @glynmoody      #FVEY anyone seen that any other doc b4?Sep 12 11:59
s-832                 #SnowdenSep 12 11:59
s-832........................................ 12 11:59
s-832@techdirt        Former NSA Officer: Wikileaks Is A Front ForSep 12 12:07
s-832                 Russian Intelligence And Snowden's (Probably)Sep 12 12:07
s-832                 A… 12 12:07
s-832........................................ 12 12:07 | Former NSA Officer: Wikileaks Is A Front For Russian Intelligence And Snowden's (Probably) A Spy | TechdirtSep 12 12:07
s-832@PaulNemitz      #Google Loses Appeal in #StreetView DataSep 12 12:17
s-832 retweeted by    #Privacy Case via @ziteSep 12 12:17
s-832 @glynmoody      Sep 12 12:17
s-832........................................ 12 12:17 | Google Loses Appeal in Street View Data Privacy CaseSep 12 12:17
s-832@superglaze      Kroes and @RyanHeathEU are promising genuineSep 12 12:18
s-832 retweeted by    transparency and discussion opportunities onSep 12 12:18
s-832 @glynmoody      #netneutrality fears, so take them up on it.Sep 12 12:18
s-832........................................ 12 12:18
s-832@ClaudeMoraesMEP  Oct. Plenary draft agenda out-includesSep 12 12:29
s-832 retweeted by    "Commission statement- Suspension of the #SWIFTSep 12 12:29
s-832 @glynmoody      agreement as a result of #NSASep 12 12:29
s-832                 surveillance"#EPInquirySep 12 12:29
s-832........................................ 12 12:29
s-832@schestowitz     How to participate in GNU Telephony DevelopmentSep 12 12:34
s-832        helping to restoreSep 12 12:34
s-832                 #privacy with #gnuSep 12 12:34
s-832........................................ 12 12:34 | GNU Telephony  » Blog Archive   » How to participate in GNU Telephony DevelopmentSep 12 12:34
s-832@schestowitz     Deeper Siemens-Microsoft connection notedSep 12 12:51
s-832        12 12:51
s-832........................................ 12 12:51 | NSN becomes Nokia Solutions and Networks as Nokia completes buy out of Siemens' stake | NDTV GadgetsSep 12 12:51
s-832@schestowitz     Siemens has been leading proponent of #swpatsSep 12 12:53
s-832                 in #europe alongside #nokiaSep 12 12:53
s-832        ...Sep 12 12:53
s-832        12 12:53
s-832........................................ 12 12:53 | Siemens’ and Microsoft’s Actions in Germany May Harm KDE | TechrightsSep 12 12:53 | Siemens has been ...Sep 12 12:53
s-832@schestowitz     Siemens has been leading proponent of #swpatsSep 12 12:53
s-832                 in #eu alongside #nokia 12 12:53
s-832        12 12:53
s-832........................................ 12 12:53 | Siemens is Bad for Industry, Partly Due to Microsoft | TechrightsSep 12 12:53 | Siemens Betrays Germans by Legalising Software Patents in Europe | TechrightsSep 12 12:53
s-832@BCheadle        Twelve years after 9/11 it has been reduced toSep 12 12:58
s-832 retweeted by    30 minutes of free mini muffins.Sep 12 12:58
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1 12 12:58
TechrightsSocial@eclectrica: What 12 12:58
s-832........................................ 12 12:58
TechrightsSocial@eclectrica: What 12 12:58
s-832@trautbj         A big congrats to @jeremyscahill for winningSep 12 12:58
s-832 retweeted by    the much-deserved @WindhamCampbell Prize -Sep 12 12:58
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1 @DirtyWarsSep 12 12:58
s-832                 @MediaSanctuarySep 12 12:58
s-832........................................ 12 12:58 | Jeremy Scahill | The Donald Windham - Sandy M. Campbell Literature PrizesSep 12 12:58
s-832@schestowitz     "Mr. Elop, ... whose family still lives in theSep 12 12:58
s-832                 Seattle area"Sep 12 12:58
s-832        he still works forSep 12 12:58
s-832                 #microsoftSep 12 12:58
s-832........................................ 12 12:58 | Log In - The New York TimesSep 12 12:58
s-832@schestowitz     NYTimes: "Shedding Handsets, Nokia Looks to theSep 12 12:59
s-832                 Future"Sep 12 12:59
s-832        no mention of #Jolla -Sep 12 12:59
s-832                 #linux not allowedSep 12 12:59
s-832........................................ 12 12:59 | Log In - The New York TimesSep 12 12:59
s-832@slashdot        Flash Mobs of Trading Robots Coalescing To RuleSep 12 13:09
s-832                 Markets 12 13:09
s-832........................................ 12 13:09 | Flash Mobs of Trading Robots Coalescing To Rule Markets - SlashdotSep 12 13:09
s-832@schestowitz     "AT&T helping US drug cops in 'vast, troubling'Sep 12 13:10
s-832                 phone snoop scheme"Sep 12 13:10
s-832        #att not just a commsSep 12 13:10
s-832                 companySep 12 13:10
s-832........................................ 12 13:10 | AT&T helping US drug cops in 'vast, troubling' phone snoop scheme • The RegisterSep 12 13:10
s-832@emptywheel      Has Joel Brenner weighed in to defend the NSA'sSep 12 13:20
s-832 retweeted by    gross violation of Section 215 orders under hisSep 12 13:20
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1  watch while NSA IG?Sep 12 13:20
s-832........................................ 12 13:20
s-832@oshma           "Illegal, but [we'll] do it anyway"  AndreaSep 12 13:21
s-832 retweeted by    Sears talks to @eff re: #NSASep 12 13:21
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1  @Tokyo_TomSep 12 13:21
s-832                 @Thomas_Drake1Sep 12 13:21
s-832........................................ 12 13:21 | LibsynSep 12 13:21
s-832@slashdot        Linux 3.12 Codenamed "Suicidal Squirrel"Sep 12 13:27
s-832        12 13:27
s-832........................................ 12 13:27 | Linux 3.12 Codenamed "Suicidal Squirrel" - SlashdotSep 12 13:27
s-832@doctorow        Photo: South African networking humor tees areSep 12 13:29
s-832                 not evenly distributed /cc @greatdismalSep 12 13:29
s-832        12 13:29
s-832........................................ 12 13:29 | Cory Doctorow: South African networking humor tees are not evenly...Sep 12 13:29
s-832@techdirt        Another Teen's Facebook 'Threat' Results InSep 12 13:38
s-832                 Criminal Charges Being FiledSep 12 13:38
s-832        12 13:38
s-832........................................ 12 13:38 | Another Teen's Facebook 'Threat' Results In Criminal Charges Being Filed | TechdirtSep 12 13:38
schestowitz"Sep 12 13:38
schestowitz2013-09-03Sep 12 13:38
schestowitzOn the tor lists, it looks like tor might be under a fairly large ddos or botnet. No one is sure yet as to the cause of the sudden increase of traffic.Sep 12 13:38
schestowitz"Sep 12 13:38
s-832@jjarichardson   Police officers beat up parliamentarySep 12 13:40
s-832 retweeted by    researcher then attempt to pervert the court ofSep 12 13:40
s-832 @glynmoody      justice by lying in court:Sep 12 13:40
s-832        12 13:40
s-832........................................ 12 13:40 | Met Police Commissioner apologises for his officers’ assault on Parliamentary researcher caught on CCTV outside House of Commons | Bindmans LLPSep 12 13:40
s-832@GreensEP        So ends a bonanza week for dirty lobbyists inSep 12 13:41
s-832 retweeted by    the European Parliament 12 13:41
s-832 @glynmoody      #tobacco #biofuels #ILUC #fracking #ShaleGasSep 12 13:41
s-832........................................ 12 13:41 | Lobbying and transparency - Content - The Greens | European Free AllianceSep 12 13:41
s-832@davidgerard     Why the healthcare problem isn't in theSep 12 13:42
s-832                 research 12 13:42
s-832........................................ 12 13:42 | 17% vs 9% | Spherical BullshitSep 12 13:42
s-832@normative       Latest FISA docs confirm NSA does "patternSep 12 13:43
s-832 retweeted by    analysis" on the call records database, whichSep 12 13:43
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1  they've been slippery about previously.Sep 12 13:43
s-832........................................ 12 13:43
s-832@davidgerard     WordPress 3.6.1 is out, and it's a securitySep 12 13:43
s-832                 release 12 13:43 | Version 3.6.1 « WordPress CodexSep 12 13:43
s-832........................................ 12 13:43
schestowitz"Sep 12 13:44
schestowitzhostile takeover. M$ should be punished but let Nokia go, it is dead since Elop killed it. Are their grounds for a suit against M$ or even against Elop himself?Sep 12 13:44
schestowitz 12 13:44 | Official: Microsoft To Acquire Nokia Devices and Services Business - Slashdot  [ ]Sep 12 13:44
schestowitz"Sep 12 13:44
s-832@schestowitz     Elop is a scam viaSep 12 13:47
s-832                 MinceR on #techrightsSep 12 13:47 | Dear MR NOKIA! | Musta tuntuuSep 12 13:47
s-832........................................ 12 13:47
s-832@schestowitz     The tabloid #zdnet engaging in revisionism,Sep 12 13:48
s-832                 #nokia didn't start to fail until Elop's memoSep 12 13:48
s-832        12 13:48
s-832........................................ 12 13:48 | Why Nokia plus Microsoft won't equal Apple: It's much more complicated than that | ZDNetSep 12 13:48
schestowitzkrb5, a little oldSep 12 13:49
schestowitzcan it be M$ influence to saturate, diffuse and confuse the ubiquitous security standard in order to instead promote their competitor AD?Sep 12 13:49
schestowitz 12 13:49 | 'Re: CVS: src' - MARC  [ ]Sep 12 13:49
s-832@schestowitz     Russia Issues Travel Warning to Its CitizensSep 12 13:50
s-832                 About United States and ExtraditionSep 12 13:50
s-832        In Soviet Russia, UncleSep 12 13:50
s-832                 Sam...Sep 12 13:50
s-832........................................ 12 13:50 | Log In - The New York TimesSep 12 13:50
s-832@slashdot        UK Gov't Outlines Plans To Privatize Royal MailSep 12 13:51
s-832        12 13:51
s-832........................................ 12 13:51 | UK Gov't Outlines Plans To Privatize Royal Mail - SlashdotSep 12 13:51
s-832@schestowitz     Thatcher is dead, but #Thatcherism is backSep 12 13:52
s-832        12 13:52
s-832........................................ 12 13:52
schestowitz"Sep 12 13:54
schestowitz"Microsoft reaches $7.2B deal for Nokia handset business"Sep 12 13:54
schestowitz 12 13:54
schestowitzLicense or own?Sep 12 13:54 | Microsoft reaches $7.2B deal for Nokia handset business  [ ]Sep 12 13:54
schestowitz"The Redmond, Wash., company will also pay 1.65 billion EUR Sep 12 13:54
schestowitzto license Nokia's patents,"Sep 12 13:54
schestowitz 12 13:54
s-832@csoghoian       I've received more PGP encrypted emails fromSep 12 13:54
s-832 retweeted by    journalists in the last month than in theSep 12 13:54
s-832 @ioerror        previous 6 years. Thank you Edward Snowden.Sep 12 13:54 | Deal Is Easy Part for Microsoft and Nokia -  [ ]Sep 12 13:54
s-832........................................ 12 13:54
schestowitzSo Elop really was a belluzzo.Sep 12 13:54
schestowitz"Sep 12 13:54
s-832@ggreenwald      This is the crypto standard that the NSASep 12 13:54
s-832 retweeted by    sabotaged 12 13:54
s-832 @ioerror        Sep 12 13:54
s-832........................................ 12 13:54 | This is the crypto standard that the NSA sabotaged - Boing BoingSep 12 13:54
s-832@ggreenwald      NSA/Israel agreement governs communications ofSep 12 13:55
s-832 retweeted by    "officials of the US House of RepresentativesSep 12 13:55
s-832 @ioerror        and Senate and the US federal court system"Sep 12 13:55
s-832........................................ 12 13:55
s-832@schestowitz     RT @ggreenwald NSA/Israel agreement governsSep 12 13:59
s-832                 communications of "officials of the US House ofSep 12 13:59
s-832                 Representatives and Senate and the USSep 12 13:59
s-832                 federal.."Sep 12 13:59
s-832........................................ 12 13:59
schestowitz 12 13:59
TechrightsSocial@gkrishnaks: @schestowitz Do you recommend Truecrypt? I have been using it but since the code is not Free, I have  started to get doubts about it.Sep 12 13:59
schestowitzCrypto that's proprietary is never to be trusted. The interfaces matter less, the protocol and implementation do.Sep 12 14:00
s-832@RationalWiki    POPE Francis has given atheists permission toSep 12 14:01
s-832 retweeted by    use their brains independently of God.Sep 12 14:01
s-832 @davidgerard 12 14:01
s-832........................................ 12 14:01 | Pope gives atheists permission to thinkSep 12 14:01
schestowitzIOW, any company that asks you to trust some cryptic crypto algo because "Trust Us" is not to be trusted.Sep 12 14:01
s-832@zoobab          RMLL to take money from swpat dealers? TheirSep 12 14:04
s-832                 policy was very good not to take sponsorshipSep 12 14:04
s-832                 from those patent filers 12 14:04
s-832........................................ 12 14:04 | RFC: Révision de la politique de sponsoring des RMLL - LinuxFr.orgSep 12 14:04
s-832@glynmoody       Allow more development in England's nationalSep 12 14:04
s-832                 parks, says planning minister -Sep 12 14:04
s-832        money before beauty, ofSep 12 14:04
s-832                 course #toriesSep 12 14:04
s-832........................................ 12 14:04
schestowitz 12 14:04 | Allow more development in England's national parks, says planning minister | Environment | theguardian.comSep 12 14:04
schestowitz 12 14:04 | Microsoft buys Nokia smartphones, services in $7.6B deal - Business - CBC News  [ ]Sep 12 14:04
schestowitz 12 14:04 | Nokia Sells Handset Business To Microsoft At A Shockingly Low Price - Forbes  [ ]Sep 12 14:04 | Communities Dominate Brands: Another Death in Smartphone Bloodbath - Windows Phone strategy so failed, now Nokia handset unit sold - to MIcrosoft  [ ]Sep 12 14:04
s-832@schestowitz     RT @zoobab RMLL to take money from swpatSep 12 14:04
s-832                 dealers? Their policy was very good not to takeSep 12 14:04
s-832                 sponsorship from those patent filersSep 12 14:04
s-832........................................ 12 14:04
schestowitz2013-09-02Sep 12 14:05
schestowitz 12 14:05
TechrightsSocialCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Sep 12 14:05
s-832@glynmoody       #Abortion rights under threat from 'Zoe's law',Sep 12 14:07
s-832                 say Australian women's groups -Sep 12 14:07
s-832        pervasive right-wingSep 12 14:07
s-832                 hatred of womenSep 12 14:07
s-832........................................ 12 14:07 | Abortion rights under threat from 'Zoe's law', say Australian women's groups | World news | theguardian.comSep 12 14:07
s-832@schestowitz     Stockholm afraid of driversSep 12 14:07
s-832        12 14:07
s-832........................................ 12 14:07 | Stockholm police: Don't drive during Obama visit - The LocalSep 12 14:07 | Stockholm braces for Obama traffic circus - The LocalSep 12 14:07
s-832@TimothyS        SAIC to WSJ: "For this industry, the SnowdenSep 12 14:09
s-832 retweeted by    event is extremely disturbing. We're allSep 12 14:09
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1  appalled." But what about NSA surveillance? NotSep 12 14:09
s-832                 asked.Sep 12 14:09
s-832........................................ 12 14:09
s-832@EFF             The NSA is violating Americans' privacy, but itSep 12 14:10
s-832 retweeted by    also may be doing real damage to businesses andSep 12 14:10
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1  the US economy: 12 14:10
s-832........................................ 12 14:10 | How The NSA Revelations Are Hurting Businesses - ForbesSep 12 14:10
s-832@glynmoody       French Fukushima cartoon offends Japan -Sep 12 14:12
s-832        Japan's PM offeredSep 12 14:12
s-832                 "personal assurances" under control - that'sSep 12 14:12
s-832                 OK, then...Sep 12 14:12 | French Fukushima cartoon offends Japan | World news | theguardian.comSep 12 14:12
s-832........................................ 12 14:12
s-832@glynmoody       The #Koch brothers' secret bank -Sep 12 14:15
s-832        "largest sugar daddy forSep 12 14:15
s-832                 conservative groups in the last election"Sep 12 14:15 | Behind the Curtain Exclusive: The Koch brothers’ secret bank - POLITICO.comSep 12 14:15
s-832........................................ 12 14:15
s-832@ncilla          Very funny and brilliant article on how theSep 12 14:20
s-832 retweeted by    world lost it’s mind after 9/11/01.Sep 12 14:20
s-832 @glynmoody 12 14:20
s-832........................................ 12 14:20 | The 6 Weirdest Things We've Learned Since 9/11 | Cracked.comSep 12 14:20
s-832@EU_TTIP_team    There is a new search engine on the DG TradeSep 12 14:22
s-832 retweeted by    website! Better, faster - available now!Sep 12 14:22
s-832 @glynmoody 12 14:22
s-832........................................ 12 14:22 | Search - Trade - European CommissionSep 12 14:22
s-832@glynmoody       e-petition calling for immediate action onSep 12 14:25
s-832                 #radioactive discharges at Tepco’s #FukushimaSep 12 14:25
s-832                 Plant - (vSep 12 14:25
s-832                 @MiyamaeYukari)Sep 12 14:25
s-832........................................ 12 14:25 | Urgent international petition calling for immediate action on the uncontrolled radioactive discharges at Tepco's Fukushima Nuclear Power PlantSep 12 14:25
s-832@ioerror         Isn't it nice that #NSA asks #Israel to protectSep 12 14:26
s-832                 *some* #US Government employee's data but notSep 12 14:26
s-832                 the rest of us? 12 14:26
s-832........................................ 12 14:26 | NSA and Israeli intelligence: memorandum of understanding – full document | World news | theguardian.comSep 12 14:26
s-832@doctorow        NAT is not a firewall #ispa13Sep 12 14:27
s-832........................................ 12 14:27
s-832@kgosztola       Obama admin concedes some of Brazil's questionsSep 12 14:28
s-832 retweeted by    about NSA spying on country are "legitimate"Sep 12 14:28
s-832 @ioerror 12 14:28
s-832........................................ 12 14:28 | US to Brazil: 'Legitimate Questions' about NSA | KSTP TV - Minneapolis and St. PaulSep 12 14:28
s-832@cheshire_puss   A children’s guide to the NSA (and a fairy taleSep 12 14:28
s-832 retweeted by    for the rest of us) 12 14:28
s-832 @ioerror        Sep 12 14:28
s-832........................................ 12 14:28 | A children’s guide to the NSA (and a fairy tale for the rest of us)  » The Privacy SurgeonSep 12 14:29
s-832@wiretapped      I wonder how long it will take for someone toSep 12 14:30
s-832 retweeted by    confirm iPhone fingerprint authentication failsSep 12 14:30
s-832 @ioerror        @matthew_d_green's mud puddle testSep 12 14:30
s-832........................................ 12 14:30
s-832@matthew_d_green  Went spelunking in the OpenSSL FIPS code thisSep 12 14:30
s-832 retweeted by    afternoon to see if it uses the NIST-suggestedSep 12 14:30
s-832 @ioerror        Dual-EC params. It seems to...Sep 12 14:30
s-832........................................ 12 14:30
s-832@viaSimonRomero  U.S. intelligence agencies seek to predictSep 12 14:32
s-832 retweeted by    unrest in #Brazil. Algorithms used to analyzeSep 12 14:32
s-832 @ioerror        tweets & web searches=> 12 14:32
s-832........................................ 12 14:32 | Brazil Riots Predicted by U.S. Intelligence Research Project - Wall Street Journal - WSJ.comSep 12 14:32
s-832@slashdot        First Bay Trail Windows 8.1 Convertible ToSep 12 14:33
s-832                 Start At $349 12 14:33
s-832........................................ 12 14:33 | First Bay Trail Windows 8.1 Convertible To Start At $349 - SlashdotSep 12 14:33
s-832@ageis           Nice to see that Yahoo, Facebook, Google andSep 12 14:34
s-832 retweeted by    Microsoft are all asking the FISA court to letSep 12 14:34
s-832 @ioerror        them disclose more information about requests.Sep 12 14:34
s-832........................................ 12 14:34
s-832@ggreenwald      A coalition of current and former military,Sep 12 14:35
s-832 retweeted by    police, and other public officials place hugeSep 12 14:35
s-832 @ioerror        pro-Snowden ad in Metro 12 14:35
s-832........................................ 12 14:35 | Oath Keepers Group Places Massive Pro-Snowden Ad Inside Pentagon Metro Station - Hit & Run : Reason.comSep 12 14:35
s-832@wiretapped      NDA prevents disclosing who paid to addSep 12 14:36
s-832 retweeted by    #Dual_EC_DRBG (years after it was suspect) toSep 12 14:36
s-832 @ioerror        #OpenSSL 12 14:36 | Re: Consequences to draw from the latest Snowden revelations?Sep 12 14:36
s-832        12 14:36 | Re: New FIPS 140-2 validation underwaySep 12 14:36
s-832........................................ 12 14:36
s-832@ioerror         A nice find by @wiretapped on the topic ofSep 12 14:36
s-832                 #OpenSSL #Dual_EC_DRBG #NSA backdoor:Sep 12 14:36
s-832        12 14:36
s-832........................................ 12 14:36
TechrightsSocial@wiretapped: NDA prevents disclosing who paid to add #Dual_EC_DRBG (years after it was suspect) to #OpenSSL 12 14:36
s-832@wiretapped      "no disgrace in *implementing* weakSep 12 14:37
s-832 retweeted by    cryptography […] sin is in *using*  weakSep 12 14:37
s-832 @ioerror        cryptography when not forced to" — SteveSep 12 14:37
s-832                 Marquess, of #OpenSSLSep 12 14:37
s-832........................................ 12 14:37
s-832@randomoracle    Open-source #transparency FTW via @wiretappedSep 12 14:37
s-832 retweeted by    NDA prevents disclosing who paid to addSep 12 14:37
s-832 @ioerror        #Dual_EC_DRBG to #OpenSSLSep 12 14:37
s-832        12 14:37
s-832........................................ 12 14:37
s-832@wiretapped      What actually uses Dual_EC_DRBG? Anything?Sep 12 14:37
s-832 retweeted by    Feels like NYT is throwing us a bone here.Sep 12 14:37
s-832 @ioerror        Definitive statement of NIST complicity isSep 12 14:37
s-832                 nice, tho.Sep 12 14:37
s-832........................................ 12 14:37
s-832@ioerror         On the topic of the #Dual_EC_DRBG #NSASep 12 14:40
s-832                 backdoor: 12 14:40
s-832........................................ 12 14:40 | DRBG Validation ListSep 12 14:40
s-832@csoghoian       HSBC laundered billions for drug cartels, gotSep 12 14:42
s-832 retweeted by    off with a fine, but Yahoo's CEO thinks she'dSep 12 14:42
s-832 @ioerror        to go to jail for revealing scale of NSASep 12 14:42
s-832                 spying?Sep 12 14:42
s-832........................................ 12 14:42
s-832@ioerror         @csoghoian @astradisastra Aren't there SECSep 12 14:43
s-832                 requirements regarding disclosure of theseSep 12 14:43
s-832                 kinds of issues? Or is there an exception forSep 12 14:43
s-832                 NatSec?Sep 12 14:43
s-832........................................ 12 14:43
s-832@gattaca         Yahoo CEO Mayer: we faced jail if we revealedSep 12 14:44
s-832 retweeted by    NSA surveillance secrets 12 14:44
s-832 @ioerror        Sep 12 14:44 | Yahoo CEO Mayer: we faced jail if we revealed NSA surveillance secrets | Technology | theguardian.comSep 12 14:44
s-832........................................ 12 14:44
s-832@ioerror         This is totally awesome and exactly what weSep 12 14:46
s-832                 need in America: 12 14:46
s-832........................................ 12 14:46 | Oath Keepers Group Places Massive Pro-Snowden Ad Inside Pentagon Metro Station - Hit & Run : Reason.comSep 12 14:46
s-832@ioerror         #Yahoo and #Facebook are pushing to reveal theSep 12 14:50
s-832                 scale of their collaboration:Sep 12 14:50
s-832        Will they push to stopSep 12 14:50
s-832                 collaboration?Sep 12 14:50
s-832........................................ 12 14:50 | Yahoo CEO Mayer: we faced jail if we revealed NSA surveillance secrets | Technology | theguardian.comSep 12 14:50
s-832@n8fr8           Zuck coming around on privacy, now that NSASep 12 14:51
s-832 retweeted by    threatens his own plan for global domination:Sep 12 14:51
s-832 @ioerror 12 14:51
s-832........................................ 12 14:51 | Zuckerberg On NSA Scandal: US 'Blew It'Sep 12 14:51
s-832@slashdot        Facebook Deletes Social Fixer Community PageSep 12 15:12
s-832                 Without Explanation 12 15:12
s-832........................................ 12 15:12 | Facebook Deletes Social Fixer Community Page Without Explanation - SlashdotSep 12 15:12
s-832@Thomas_Drake1   Prop of "American resolve" as signal to Iran bySep 12 15:16
s-832                 bombing Syria "spectacularly failed." Times areSep 12 15:16
s-832                 a changin' for US FP?Sep 12 15:16
s-832        12 15:16
s-832........................................ 12 15:16 | With War Off the Table, It's Time for Syria Cease-Fire, Negotiations and Talking to IranSep 12 15:16
s-832@michaelarria    Everyone should read this post by @onekadeSep 12 15:17
s-832 retweeted by    about company exploiting the Boston bombing toSep 12 15:17
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1  sell military trucks.Sep 12 15:17
s-832        12 15:17
s-832........................................ 12 15:17 | Massachusetts company shows off its military trucks for police, but did they help? | Privacy SOSSep 12 15:17
s-832@csoghoian       I'm not aware of a company ever being fined orSep 12 15:22
s-832                 otherwise punished for refusing to comply withSep 12 15:22
s-832                 a surveillance order. Why the fear from Yahoo?Sep 12 15:22
s-832........................................ 12 15:22
s-832@csoghoian       MT @DrPizza: Qwest's ex CEO is in jail forSep 12 15:25
s-832                 insider trading, not non-compliance withSep 12 15:25
s-832                 wiretap demands."Sep 12 15:25
s-832........................................ 12 15:25
s-832@MotherJones     How we got from 9/11 to massive NSA spying onSep 12 15:27
s-832 retweeted by    Americans—a timeline: 12 15:27
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1  Sep 12 15:27
s-832........................................ 12 15:27 | How We Got From 9/11 to Massive NSA Spying on Americans: A Timeline | Mother JonesSep 12 15:27
s-832@Thomas_Drake1   .@emptywheel @resnikoff That's bcuz USSep 12 15:31
s-832                 effectively suspended the Constitution >9/11Sep 12 15:31
s-832                 under secret Continuity of Gov't/NatSecSep 12 15:31
s-832                 emergency ordersSep 12 15:31
s-832........................................ 12 15:31
schestowitz 12 15:33
TechrightsSocial@gkrishnaks: @schestowitz Yes. It is non-free "opensource"..and I read that people who built from code couldn't hash match with its distributed binarySep 12 15:33
s-832@slashdot        Satellite Images Suggest N. Korea  HasSep 12 15:33
s-832                 Restarted Small Nuclear ReactorSep 12 15:33
s-832        12 15:33
s-832........................................ 12 15:33 | Satellite Images Suggest N. Korea  Has Restarted Small Nuclear Reactor - SlashdotSep 12 15:33
s-832@techdirt        What Convinced Obama To Change His Position OnSep 12 15:39
s-832                 NSA Surveillance? 12 15:39
s-832........................................ 12 15:39 | What Convinced Obama To Change His Position On NSA Surveillance? | TechdirtSep 12 15:39
s-832@slashdot        Can the iPhone Popularize Fingerprint Readers?Sep 12 15:54
s-832        12 15:54
s-832........................................ 12 15:54 | Can the iPhone Popularize Fingerprint Readers? - SlashdotSep 12 15:54
s-832@techpologist    NSA 'subverted random-number code'Sep 12 15:55
s-832 retweeted by 12 15:55
s-832 @ioerror        Sep 12 15:55
s-832........................................ 12 15:55 | BBC News - NSA 'altered random-number generator'Sep 12 15:55
s-832@Thomas_Drake1   "the battle for your digital soul has turnedSep 12 15:56
s-832                 ... towards Privacy’s corner because we nowSep 12 15:56
s-832                 know what we are up against"Sep 12 15:56
s-832        12 15:56
s-832........................................ 12 15:56 | The Battle for Your Digital Soul | Silent Circle BlogSep 12 15:56
s-832@conor64         Hypothesis: Lack of deference to theSep 12 15:56
s-832 retweeted by    establishment is interpreted as extremism,Sep 12 15:56
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1  regardless of the positions being argued.Sep 12 15:56
s-832........................................ 12 15:56
s-832@glynmoody       #NetNeutrality under Threat in Europe -Sep 12 15:59
s-832                 Unnecessarily - ifSep 12 15:59
s-832                 doesn't have to be this way; here's whySep 12 15:59
s-832........................................ 12 15:59 | Net Neutrality under Threat in Europe - Unnecessarily - Open EnterpriseSep 12 15:59
s-832@Thomas_Drake1   Chilling "if you don’t comply it’s treason.”Sep 12 16:01
s-832                 Follow orders. Resistance is futile. We willSep 12 16:01
s-832                 assimilate you & your data.Sep 12 16:01
s-832        12 16:01
s-832........................................ 12 16:01 | Marissa Mayer: 'It's Treason' For Yahoo To Disobey The NSA | Business Insider AustraliaSep 12 16:01
s-832@dmkravets       Lavabit’s Owner Appeals Secret SurveillanceSep 12 16:04
s-832 retweeted by    Order That Led Him to Shutter SiteSep 12 16:04
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1 12 16:04
s-832........................................ 12 16:04 | Lavabit's Owner Appeals Secret Surveillance Order That Led Him to Shutter Site | Threat Level | Wired.comSep 12 16:04
s-832@IAI_TV          Boing Boing’s @doctorow on making sureSep 12 16:05
s-832 retweeted by    computers say "Yes, master" and not "I can'tSep 12 16:05
s-832 @doctorow       let you do that, Dave." 12 16:05
s-832........................................ 12 16:05 | The Internet is Not a Waffle Iron Connected to a Fax Machine » IAI TVSep 12 16:05
s-832@normative       Rigorous Oversight: 31 NSA Analysts ran 2,373Sep 12 16:05
s-832 retweeted by    searches of the massive call records databaseSep 12 16:06
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1  WITHOUT KNOWING THEY WERE DOING ITSep 12 16:06
s-832........................................ 12 16:06
s-832@kolaborg        We are Improving Our Documentation and MakeSep 12 16:16
s-832 retweeted by    Contributing Easier 12 16:16
s-832 @ggreve         @gitlabhqSep 12 16:16
s-832........................................ 12 16:16 | Improving Our Documentation and Making Contributing Easier | CommunitySep 12 16:16
s-832@techdirt        MPAA Gets Its Wish: Court Basically Says It CanSep 12 16:22
s-832                 File Bogus DMCA Takedowns Without Concern For…Sep 12 16:22
s-832        12 16:22
s-832........................................ 12 16:22 | MPAA Gets Its Wish: Court Basically Says It Can File Bogus DMCA Takedowns Without Concern For Fair Use | TechdirtSep 12 16:22
s-832@slashdot        Insider Steals Data of 2 Million VodafoneSep 12 16:36
s-832                 Germany Customers 12 16:36
s-832........................................ 12 16:36 | Insider Steals Data of 2 Million Vodafone Germany Customers - SlashdotSep 12 16:36
s-832@schestowitz     Microsoft Exodus Continues, But With It ComesSep 12 16:44
s-832                 Contamination of Other Parts of the SystemSep 12 16:44
s-832        #microsoft #swpatsSep 12 16:44
s-832........................................ 12 16:44 | Microsoft Exodus Continues, But With It Comes Contamination of Other Parts of the System | TechrightsSep 12 16:45
s-832@schestowitz     Battling Microsoft’s Abusive Hardware-SoftwareSep 12 16:45
s-832                 Bundling by Showing That #GNU #Linux is BetterSep 12 16:45
s-832                 Than Windows #uefiSep 12 16:45
s-832........................................ 12 16:45 | Battling Microsoft’s Abusive Hardware-Software Bundling by Showing That GNU/Linux is Better Than Windows | TechrightsSep 12 16:45
s-832@wikileaks       This trivially fake cable (we published noSep 12 16:46
s-832                 cables for 2012) on BahrainSep 12 16:46
s-832        is being used by ArabSep 12 16:46
s-832                 press.  @najebyalhamerSep 12 16:46
s-832........................................ 12 16:46 | ÝÖÇÆÍ ÈÌáÇÌá ãä æíßáíßÓ ááäÇÆÈ ÃÓÇãÉ ÇáãÊÓãí ÈÇáÊãíãí - ãäÊÏíÇÊ ããáßÉ ÇáÈÍÑíäSep 12 16:46
s-832@umairh          I understand that you guys don't understandSep 12 16:51
s-832                 much. That's OK. Because its OK to be you. YouSep 12 16:51
s-832                 need to be you if you want to love you.Sep 12 16:51
s-832........................................ 12 16:51
s-832@citizenlab      NIST advises against use of random bitSep 12 16:53
s-832 retweeted by    generator algorithm apparently backdoored bySep 12 16:53
s-832 @csoghoian      NSA 12 16:53
s-832........................................ 12 16:53 | NIST advises against use of random bit generator algorithm apparently backdoored by NSA - FierceGovernmentITSep 12 16:53
s-832@umairh          OK, the last tweet was bullshit. I'm going toSep 12 16:55
s-832                 make a few points, because you guys areSep 12 16:55
s-832                 honestly a little clueless.Sep 12 16:55
s-832........................................ 12 16:55
s-832@AdamWagner1     Great news: cameras to be allowed into Court ofSep 12 16:56
s-832 retweeted by    Appeal from next month 12 16:56
s-832 @glynmoody      Sep 12 16:56
s-832........................................ 12 16:56 | Cameras to be allowed in English courts for the first time - TelegraphSep 12 16:56
s-832@umairh          If you're dumb, should I call you smart?Sep 12 16:56
s-832                 “@lindseykistler: And finally, @umairh loses mySep 12 16:56
s-832                 interest completely.  Lazy and insulting.”Sep 12 16:56
s-832........................................ 12 16:56
s-832@nitot           oh, ZTE OPEN Firefox OS phone is now availableSep 12 16:56
s-832 retweeted by    at ZTE e-Bay UK store again!Sep 12 16:56
s-832 @glynmoody 12 16:56
s-832........................................ 12 16:56 | ZTE Open powered by Firefox OS - 3G unlocked smartphone orange - eBay exclusive! | eBaySep 12 16:56
s-832@GovAcctProj     EPA chemist, revealed toxic dust affectingSep 12 16:58
s-832 retweeted by    first responders to 9/11 fired by the agency aSep 12 16:58
s-832 @glynmoody      second time 12 16:58
s-832........................................ 12 16:58 | EPA Chemist Who Revealed Twin Towers Toxic Dust Fired - Again | Environment News ServiceSep 12 16:58
s-832@ggreenwald      This is a good article except "Flying Pig" is aSep 12 16:59
s-832 retweeted by    GCHQ program, not NSA   Sep 12 16:59 | Report: NSA's "Flying Pig" Program Mimics Google to Monitor "Target" Web Users | Mother JonesSep 12 16:59
s-832 @glynmoody      @JoshHarkinsonSep 12 16:59
s-832........................................ 12 16:59
s-832@slashdot        Michael Dell To Buy Dell Inc.Sep 12 17:15
s-832        12 17:15
s-832........................................ 12 17:15 | Michael Dell To Buy Dell Inc. - SlashdotSep 12 17:15
s-832@umairh          It amazes me that there are people so stupid inSep 12 17:17
s-832                 the world they don't want post offices as aSep 12 17:17
s-832                 public good.Sep 12 17:17
s-832........................................ 12 17:17
s-832@umairh          Dear middle classes. You had public goodsSep 12 17:17
s-832                 because they were cheaper for you. Now, you'reSep 12 17:17
s-832                 going to pay dearly. Enjoy!!Sep 12 17:17
s-832........................................ 12 17:17
s-832@umairh          You guys really don't get this, do you? YouSep 12 17:18
s-832                 think private parks, hospitals, trains, police,Sep 12 17:18
s-832                 post, are more efficient. LOLOLLOLLLLLLL.Sep 12 17:18
s-832........................................ 12 17:18
MinceRumairh's needle seems to be stuckSep 12 17:19
s-832@umairh          Guess what happens when middle classes have toSep 12 17:19
s-832                 pay more for privatized public goods? They getSep 12 17:19
s-832                 poor. Sound familiar? LOLLLLLLLOLSep 12 17:19
s-832........................................ 12 17:19
s-832@umairh          If you wanna know why you're having a lostSep 12 17:20
s-832                 decade, it's because you're choosing toSep 12 17:20
s-832                 impoverish yourselves. There's no greatSep 12 17:20
s-832                 mystery.Sep 12 17:20
s-832........................................ 12 17:20
s-832@schestowitz     Microsoft’s Patent Attack on #Linux #AndroidSep 12 17:22
s-832                 Advances to Next Stage With New NokiaSep 12 17:22
s-832                 Acquisition, Patent SetupSep 12 17:22
s-832        12 17:22
s-832........................................ 12 17:22 | Microsoft’s Patent Attack on Linux/Android Advances to Next Stage With New Nokia Acquisition, Patent Setup | TechrightsSep 12 17:22
s-832@glynmoody       What Convinced Obama To Change His Position OnSep 12 17:27
s-832                 #NSA Surveillance? - 12 17:27
s-832                 good questionSep 12 17:27
s-832........................................ 12 17:27 | What Convinced Obama To Change His Position On NSA Surveillance? | TechdirtSep 12 17:27
s-832@techdirt        The Abuses That Nearly Led To The Bulk MetadataSep 12 17:31
s-832                 Program Being Shut Down Aren't Considered…Sep 12 17:31
s-832        12 17:31
s-832........................................ 12 17:31 | The Abuses That Nearly Led To The Bulk Metadata Program Being Shut Down Aren't Considered 'Abuses' By The NSA | TechdirtSep 12 17:31
s-832@_cypherpunks_   NSA Whistleblower @Thomas_Drake1 on “TheSep 12 17:36
s-832 retweeted by    government’s Efforts to Break, Bankrupt &Sep 12 17:36
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1  Blackball People” 12 17:36
s-832                 (@sibeledmonds)Sep 12 17:36
s-832........................................ 12 17:36 | Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate MinoritySep 12 17:36
s-832@Thomas_Drake1   Remarkable pitch perfect Putin piece in NYTSep 12 17:39
s-832                 upstaging Obama. Takes US to task 4 use ofSep 12 17:39
s-832                 force rather than Rule of Law.Sep 12 17:39
s-832        12 17:39
s-832........................................ 12 17:39 | Log In - The New York TimesSep 12 17:39
s-832@umairh          I know, politics. So dumb!! MotivationalSep 12 17:50
s-832                 nuggets. Smart! “@ruthangelina: @umairh youSep 12 17:50
s-832                 tweet the dumbest things sometimesSep 12 17:50
s-832                 #twitterholicMuch?”Sep 12 17:50
s-832........................................ 12 17:50
s-832@slashdot        Slashdot will be at Interop in NYC on Oct. 2-3.Sep 12 17:52
s-832                 Stop by to visit, check out the site & pick upSep 12 17:52
s-832                 some swag! 12 17:53
s-832........................................ 12 17:53 | Interop New York 2013 | IT Conference and ExpoSep 12 17:53
s-832@slashdot        Who are software developers? A comprehensiveSep 12 17:53
s-832                 survey. (SlashCloud) 12 17:53
s-832........................................ 12 17:53 | Who Are Software Developers?Sep 12 17:53
s-832@slashdot        Social Media Is a New Vector For MassSep 12 17:57
s-832                 Psychogenic Illness 12 17:57
s-832........................................ 12 17:57 | Social Media Is a New Vector For Mass Psychogenic Illness - SlashdotSep 12 17:57
s-832@trevortimm      CloudFlare CEO: ‘Insane’ NSA gag orders areSep 12 17:58
s-832 retweeted by    costing U.S. tech firms customersSep 12 17:58
s-832 @csoghoian 12 17:58
s-832........................................ 12 17:58 | CloudFlare CEO: ‘Insane’ NSA gag order is costing U.S. tech firms customersSep 12 17:58
s-832@dellcam         Journos can't be forced to testify againstSep 12 18:06
s-832 retweeted by    sources if they have a "media outlet" contractSep 12 18:06
s-832 @glynmoody      for 3mo within last 5 yrs. Well, yay!Sep 12 18:06
s-832                 #shieldlawSep 12 18:06
s-832........................................ 12 18:06
s-832@Thomas_Drake1   Doc "World Wide War-The Secret Fight for Data"Sep 12 18:08
s-832                 on ZDF TV. Interview w/ @JesselynRadack & meSep 12 18:08
s-832                 "There is a war going on"Sep 12 18:08
s-832        12 18:08
s-832........................................ 12 18:08 | World Wide War: Der geheime Kampf um die Daten - heute-NachrichtenSep 12 18:08
s-832@trevortimm      “The National Security Agency will kill theSep 12 18:09
s-832 retweeted by    U.S. technology industry singlehandedly.”Sep 12 18:09
s-832 @glynmoody 12 18:09
s-832........................................ 12 18:09 | NSA Spying Seen Risking Billions in U.S. Technology Sales - BloombergSep 12 18:09
s-832@doctorow        My favorite #youngadult #book #reviews - plsSep 12 18:14
s-832                 rt! 12 18:14
s-832........................................ 12 18:14 | Cory Doctorow: My favorite young-adult book reviewsSep 12 18:14
s-832@doctorow        Shield law broadens definition of 'journalist'Sep 12 18:20
s-832                 - mitchwagner: Congress is having a tough timeSep 12 18:20
s-832                 coming up with... 12 18:20
s-832........................................ 12 18:20 | Cory Doctorow: Shield law broadens definition of 'journalist'Sep 12 18:20
s-832@kgosztola       Kissinger to Pinochet: "You did a great serviceSep 12 18:27
s-832 retweeted by    to the West in overthrowing Allende."Sep 12 18:27
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1 #NeverForgetSep 12 18:27
s-832........................................ 12 18:27 | KISSINGER AND CHILE: THE DECLASSIFIED RECORD ON REGIME CHANGESep 12 18:27
s-832@JasonLeopold    The CIA has begun delivering weapons to rebelsSep 12 18:30
s-832 retweeted by    in Syria. The shipments began streaming in overSep 12 18:30
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1  the past two weeks. 12 18:30 | U.S. weapons reaching Syrian rebels - The Washington PostSep 12 18:30
s-832........................................ 12 18:30
s-832@techdirt        Reporter Barton Gellman Explains Why It'sSep 12 18:32
s-832                 Extremely Unlikely The Russians Or ChineseSep 12 18:32
s-832                 Have… 12 18:32
s-832........................................ 12 18:32 | Reporter Barton Gellman Explains Why It's Extremely Unlikely The Russians Or Chinese Have Snowden's Documents | TechdirtSep 12 18:32
s-832@Asher_Wolf      Verizon phone records go to the NSA. InSep 12 18:33
s-832 retweeted by    Australia, Verizon contracts include health,Sep 12 18:33
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1  Defence, AFP, CrimTrak 12 18:33
s-832........................................ 12 18:33 | AusTender: Contract Notice View - CN1302461Sep 12 18:33
s-832@JustinRaimondo  A country that spies on its own people, engagesSep 12 18:34
s-832 retweeted by    in torture, and funds revolution abroad -- gee,Sep 12 18:34
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1  aren't you glad the Soviet Union is gone?Sep 12 18:34
s-832........................................ 12 18:34
s-832@slashdot        Here Come the Chromebooks, As Google and IntelSep 12 18:39
s-832                 Cozy-Up On Haswell 12 18:39
s-832........................................ 12 18:39 | Here Come the Chromebooks, As Google and Intel Cozy-Up On Haswell - SlashdotSep 12 18:39
s-832@doctorow        Little Brother bus-ads in San Francisco - HowSep 12 18:39
s-832                 cool is this? 12 18:39
s-832........................................ 12 18:39 | Cory Doctorow: Little Brother bus-ads in San FranciscoSep 12 18:39
s-832@avilarenata     When the Constitutional Lawyer-PresidentSep 12 18:41
s-832 retweeted by    behaves like a soldier promoting permanentSep 12 18:41
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1  state of siege and the President-Spook callsSep 12 18:41
s-832                 for peace.Sep 12 18:41
s-832........................................ 12 18:42
s-832@umairh          A Prolegomenon to a Theory of Justice, bySep 12 18:48
s-832                 Vladimir Putin.Sep 12 18:48
s-832........................................ 12 18:48
s-832@anarcho         Barrett Brown: Gagged by the Cyber-intelligenceSep 12 18:54
s-832 retweeted by    Complex? 12 18:54
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1  Sep 12 18:54
s-832........................................ 12 18:54
TechrightsSocial ( status 404 @ )Sep 12 18:54
s-832@Thomas_Drake1   A light moment of humor and parody forSep 12 18:56
s-832                 kickstarting World War III on something quiteSep 12 18:56
s-832                 serious. Holding up the mirror.Sep 12 18:56
s-832        12 18:56
s-832........................................ 12 18:56 | Help Kickstart World War III! - YouTubeSep 12 18:56
s-832@umairh          In six words. I believe in you. Do you?Sep 12 18:58
s-832                 “@arpit_chauhan: I have never understood theSep 12 18:58
s-832                 mindset of @umairh even after reading forSep 12 18:58
s-832                 months. :p”Sep 12 18:58
s-832........................................ 12 18:58
s-832@wikileaks       WIKILEAKS RELEASE #SriLanka: 8,145 emails fromSep 12 19:04
s-832                 US intelligence contractor #StratforSep 12 19:04
s-832        #gifilesSep 12 19:04
s-832        12 19:04
s-832........................................ 12 19:04 | GI Files  -Sep 12 19:04 | Donate to WikiLeaksSep 12 19:04
s-832@linuxtoday      Justice Department Websites May Go Open Source:Sep 12 19:05
s-832                 Next Gov: The agency posted a sole-sourceSep 12 19:05
s-832                 solicitation on Tues... 12 19:05
s-832........................................ 12 19:05 | Linux Today - Justice Department Websites May Go Open SourceSep 12 19:05
s-832@MichaelMicklow  @Thomas_Drake1 A truth-seeker under theSep 12 19:05
s-832 retweeted by    sprawling shadow of the empire plays the gameSep 12 19:05
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1  One Degree of Dissident. Sep 12 19:05
s-832        12 19:05
s-832........................................ 12 19:05 | One Degree of Dissident | MEDIA ROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party LinesSep 12 19:05
s-832@wikileaks       WIKILEAKS RELEASE #SriLanka: 65 sensitiveSep 12 19:05
s-832                 emails from US intelligence contractorSep 12 19:05
s-832                 #Stratfor #gifilesSep 12 19:05
s-832........................................ 12 19:05 | GI Files  -Sep 12 19:05
s-832@wikileaks       WIKILEAKS RELEASE #SriLanka: 13 very sensitiveSep 12 19:06
s-832                 emails from US intelligence contractorSep 12 19:06
s-832                 #Stratfor #gifilesSep 12 19:06
s-832........................................ 12 19:06 | GI Files  -Sep 12 19:06
s-832@lilianedwards   What effect of #PRISM on the pnr agreement? TheSep 12 19:14
s-832 retweeted by    SIFT agreement? TTIP? Time for EU to goSep 12 19:14
s-832 @glynmoody      hardball? @ianbrownoii the ECtHR?Sep 12 19:14
s-832........................................ 12 19:14
s-832@slashdot        Apple Has a Lot In Common With The RollingSep 12 19:18
s-832                 Stones (Video) 12 19:18
s-832........................................ 12 19:18 | Apple Has a Lot In Common With The Rolling Stones (Video) - SlashdotSep 12 19:18
s-832@davidgerard     The University of Manchester says: "JurassicSep 12 19:24
s-832                 Park is fiction": darnSep 12 19:24
s-832                 that scientism, destroying beauty in the world!Sep 12 19:24
s-832........................................ 12 19:24 | The University of Manchester says: “Jurassic Park is fiction” « Why Evolution Is TrueSep 12 19:24
s-832@doctorow        Photo: humansofnewyork: Today in microfashion…Sep 12 19:35
s-832        12 19:35
s-832........................................ 12 19:35 | Cory Doctorow: humansofnewyork:  Today in microfashion…Sep 12 19:36
s-832@doctorow        Photo: hodgman: Seen at LaGuardia. I wishSep 12 19:36
s-832                 someone would turn this sign into a birthdaySep 12 19:36
s-832                 card so I could send... 12 19:36
s-832........................................ 12 19:36 | Cory Doctorow: hodgman:  Seen at LaGuardia. I wish someone would...Sep 12 19:36
s-832@glynmoody       More than 56,000 detained underSep 12 19:36
s-832                 counter-terrorism powers in year -Sep 12 19:36
s-832        time to revise thisSep 12 19:36
s-832                 illiberal law #ukSep 12 19:36
s-832........................................ 12 19:36 | More than 56,000 detained under counter-terrorism powers in year | UK news | theguardian.comSep 12 19:36
s-832@techdirt        Though Wrong About 'Treason', Yahoo's MarissaSep 12 19:42
s-832                 Mayer Shows Why It's Hard To 'Just Say No'Sep 12 19:42
s-832                 When… 12 19:42
s-832........................................ 12 19:42 | Though Wrong About 'Treason', Yahoo's Marissa Mayer Shows Why It's Hard To 'Just Say No' When The NSA Comes Calling | TechdirtSep 12 19:42
s-832@nelydajo        @doctorow at #iWeek2013 talking about whySep 12 19:46
s-832 retweeted by    biometric id cards are a bad idea Sep 12 19:46
s-832 @doctorow 12 19:46
s-832........................................ 12 19:46 | Cory Doctorow on South Africa's new ID cards: They're a really bad idea - YouTubeSep 12 19:46
s-832@glynmoody       Though Wrong About 'Treason', Yahoo's MarissaSep 12 19:48
s-832                 Mayer Shows Why It's Hard To 'Just Say No' WhenSep 12 19:48
s-832                 The NSA Comes Calling - 12 19:48
s-832........................................ 12 19:48
s-832@doctorow        torbooks: Check out the Little Brother displaySep 12 19:49
s-832                 at the San Francisco Public Library! Sep 12 19:49
s-832        12 19:49
s-832........................................ 12 19:49 | Cory Doctorow: torbooks:  Check out the Little Brother display...Sep 12 19:49
s-832@wikileaks       Senate Judiciary Comm. passes media shield lawSep 12 20:00
s-832                 bill which attempts to exclude WikiLeaks fromSep 12 20:00
s-832                 journalistic protections 12 20:00
s-832........................................ 12 20:00 | Media Shield Law Compromise Reached In SenateSep 12 20:00
s-832@slashdot        It's Official: Voyager 1 Is an InterstellarSep 12 20:00
s-832                 Probe 12 20:00
s-832........................................ 12 20:00 | It's Official: Voyager 1 Is an Interstellar Probe - SlashdotSep 12 20:00
s-832@MarkeyMemo      Want to know #'s of law enforce requests forSep 12 20:17
s-832 retweeted by    mobile phone info from wireless carriers wereSep 12 20:17
s-832 @csoghoian      made in '12? #privacy 12 20:17
s-832........................................ 12 20:17 | Senator Edward MarkeySep 12 20:17
s-832@ColMorrisDavis  Props to #Putin: he got the US to back offSep 12 20:17
s-832 retweeted by    illegal attack on #Syria & @nytimes to publishSep 12 20:17
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1  his op-ed ... I couldn't do either one.Sep 12 20:17
s-832                 @SulliviewSep 12 20:17
s-832........................................ 12 20:17
s-832@slashdot        Intel aims Windows-free mutant tablets atSep 12 20:18
s-832                 datacentersSep 12 20:18
s-832                 (SlashDataCenter) 12 20:18
s-832........................................ 12 20:18 | Intel Aims Windows-Free Mutant Tablets at DatacentersSep 12 20:18
s-832@flamsmark       It's lovely that @LastPass have assured us thatSep 12 20:20
s-832 retweeted by    the NSA &c. have never asked them to betraySep 12 20:20
s-832 @csoghoian      their users. 12 20:20
s-832........................................ 12 20:20 | LastPass : The last password you'll have to remember: LastPass and the NSA ControversySep 12 20:20
s-832@Asher_Wolf      The NSA sponsors ‘cyber operations’ training atSep 12 20:23
s-832 retweeted by    universities. Here’s what students learnSep 12 20:23
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1 12 20:23
s-832........................................ 12 20:23 | The NSA sponsors ‘cyber operations’ training at universities. Here’s what students learn.Sep 12 20:23
s-832@slashdot        Former DHS Official Blames Privacy AdvocatesSep 12 20:42
s-832                 For TSA's Aggressive ProceduresSep 12 20:42
s-832        12 20:42
s-832........................................ 12 20:42 | Former DHS Official Blames Privacy Advocates For TSA's Aggressive Procedures - SlashdotSep 12 20:42
s-832@techdirt        Former DHS/NSA Official Says You Should BlameSep 12 20:42
s-832                 Privacy Advocates For The TSA Groping YouSep 12 20:42
s-832        12 20:42
s-832........................................ 12 20:42 | Former DHS/NSA Official Says You Should Blame Privacy Advocates For The TSA Groping You | TechdirtSep 12 20:42
s-832@mgeist          RT @canadaCJFE: A great recap of our #TPP chatSep 12 20:49
s-832                 with @mgeist and @jessebrown by @akingsmith:Sep 12 20:49
s-832        #CJFEliveSep 12 20:49
s-832........................................ 12 20:49
TechrightsSocial ( status 500 @ )Sep 12 20:49
s-832@umairh          Bingo. “@maxwellelliot: I have one piece ofSep 12 21:06
s-832                 advice for entrepreneurs. Pick a big problem.Sep 12 21:06
s-832                 You have but one life to live. Don't waste it.”Sep 12 21:06
s-832........................................ 12 21:06
s-832@slashdot        Pentaho’s latest business analytics platformSep 12 21:11
s-832                 focuses on data blendingSep 12 21:11
s-832                 (SlashBI) 12 21:11
s-832........................................ 12 21:11 | Pentaho’s Latest Business Analytics Platform Focuses on Data BlendingSep 12 21:11
s-832@techdirt        Shield Law Moves Forward, Defines Journalism SoSep 12 21:12
s-832                 That It Leaves Out Wikileaks & Random BloggersSep 12 21:12
s-832        12 21:12
s-832........................................ 12 21:12 | Shield Law Moves Forward, Defines Journalism So That It Leaves Out Wikileaks & Random Bloggers | TechdirtSep 12 21:12
s-832@glynmoody       Shield Law Moves Forward, Defines Journalism SoSep 12 21:22
s-832                 That It Leaves Out Wikileaks & Random BloggersSep 12 21:22
s-832                 - awfulSep 12 21:22
s-832........................................ 12 21:22
s-832@slashdot        Ask Slashdot: Can We Still Trust FIPS?Sep 12 21:24
s-832        12 21:24
s-832........................................ 12 21:24 | Ask Slashdot: Can We Still Trust FIPS? - SlashdotSep 12 21:24
s-832@sven_giegold    Geschafft! Europaparlament stellt GrossbankenSep 12 21:28
s-832 retweeted by    unter EU-Aufsicht mit starker parlamentarischerSep 12 21:28
s-832 @glynmoody      Kontrolle.Sep 12 21:28
s-832........................................ 12 21:28
s-832@metrosverige    Gottfrid Swartholm Wargs mamma tror att det ärSep 12 21:45
s-832 retweeted by    kopplingar till Wikileaks som fäller hennesSep 12 21:45
s-832 @wikileaks      son. #piratebaySep 12 21:45
s-832                 #wikileaksSep 12 21:45
s-832........................................ 12 21:45 | Gottfrid Svartholm Wargs mamma: Han är offer för en sammansvärjning – MetroSep 12 21:45
s-832@csoghoian       The best part of my appointment to the shadowSep 12 21:49
s-832                 NSA review board? No security clearanceSep 12 21:49
s-832                 required! Thanks @mmasnickSep 12 21:49
s-832        12 21:49 | Who Should Be On The 'Independent' NSA Surveillance Review Board? | TechdirtSep 12 21:49
s-832........................................ 12 21:49
s-832@wikileaks       US Senate adds 'Assange clause' in attempt toSep 12 21:49
s-832                 exclude WikiLeaks from legal protectionSep 12 21:49
s-832        defend:Sep 12 21:49
s-832        12 21:49 | Terrorists and Julian Assange Aren't Considered Journalists by the Senate - Philip Bump - The Atlantic WireSep 12 21:49
s-832........................................ 12 21:49 | Donate to WikiLeaksSep 12 21:49
s-832@schneierblog    Ed Felten on the NSA Disclosures: Ed Felten hasSep 12 21:53
s-832 retweeted by    an excellent essay on the damage caused by theSep 12 21:53
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1  NSA secretly br... 12 21:53
s-832........................................ 12 21:53 | Schneier on Security: Ed Felten on the NSA DisclosuresSep 12 21:53
s-832@Asher_Wolf      10 yrs later, DHS still plagued withSep 12 21:53
s-832 retweeted by    cybersecurity, critical infrastructure problemsSep 12 21:53
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1 12 21:53
s-832........................................ 12 21:53 | 10 yrs later, DHS still plagued with cybersecurity, critical infrastructure problems | Computerworld BlogsSep 12 21:53
s-832@csoghoian       Typical Silicon Valley, @mmasnick: When formingSep 12 21:54
s-832                 a board to examine NSA spying, pack it withSep 12 21:54
s-832                 geeks instead of lawyers 12 21:54
s-832........................................ 12 21:54
s-832@slashdot        First Gear Mechanism Discovered In NatureSep 12 22:06
s-832        12 22:06
s-832........................................ 12 22:06 | First Gear Mechanism Discovered In Nature - SlashdotSep 12 22:06
s-832@techdirt        Who Should Be On The 'Independent' NSASep 12 22:08
s-832                 Surveillance Review Board?Sep 12 22:08
s-832        12 22:08
s-832........................................ 12 22:08 | Who Should Be On The 'Independent' NSA Surveillance Review Board? | TechdirtSep 12 22:08
s-832@davidgerard     Libertarianism retains the qualities that ledSep 12 22:16
s-832                 to its disappearance from the public stage: ItSep 12 22:16
s-832                 doesn’t make any sense. 12 22:16
s-832........................................ 12 22:16 | 11 questions to see if libertarians are hypocrites - Salon.comSep 12 22:16
s-832@davidgerard     Something nearby is blatting our wifiSep 12 22:20
s-832                 regularly. How to deal with this? Short ofSep 12 22:20
s-832                 tinfoiling the house (we have phones). How toSep 12 22:20
s-832                 trace it?Sep 12 22:20
s-832........................................ 12 22:20
s-832@textfiles       Spoiler: Twitter’s filing an IPO means twitterSep 12 22:20
s-832 retweeted by    will spend the next couple of years gettingSep 12 22:20
s-832 @davidgerard    shittier and shittier and shittier still.Sep 12 22:20
s-832........................................ 12 22:20
s-832@latentexistence  Can't defend the #BedroomTax? Call out theSep 12 22:24
s-832 retweeted by    critics as a witch! 12 22:24
s-832 @davidgerard    Sep 12 22:24
TechrightsSocial@latentexistence: Can't defend the #BedroomTax? Call out the critics as a witch! 12 22:24
s-832........................................ 12 22:24
s-832@umairh          OK, lets all stop tweeting now.Sep 12 22:31
s-832........................................ 12 22:31
s-832@umairh          After the storm. 12 22:33
s-832........................................ 12 22:33
TechrightsSocial@umairh: After the storm. 12 22:33
s-832@techdirt        Pretty Much Everyone Sues Sirius XM OverSep 12 22:38
s-832                 Copyright Issues On Pre-1972 RecordingsSep 12 22:38
s-832        12 22:38
s-832........................................ 12 22:38 | Pretty Much Everyone Sues Sirius XM Over Copyright Issues On Pre-1972 Recordings | TechdirtSep 12 22:38
s-832@umairh          You, unsurprisingly, are a computer scienceSep 12 22:42
s-832                 student. #geekculture #dumbass “@riamuhasan:Sep 12 22:42
s-832                 @umairh You're such a faggot :)”Sep 12 22:42
s-832........................................ 12 22:42
s-832@slashdot        IETF Floats Draft PRISM-Proof SecuritySep 12 22:45
s-832                 Considerations 12 22:45
s-832........................................ 12 22:45 | IETF Floats Draft PRISM-Proof Security Considerations - SlashdotSep 12 22:45
s-832@nitashatiku     The ACLU's response to Marissa Mayer cryingSep 12 22:53
s-832 retweeted by    treason? "LOL" 12 22:53
s-832 @csoghoian      #bravebrandsSep 12 22:53
s-832........................................ 12 22:53 | ACLU's Response to Marissa Mayer's Crying Treason? "LOL"Sep 12 22:53
s-832@EdHowker        The cop who investigated #CyrilSmith tellsSep 12 22:54
s-832 retweeted by    Dispatches: "There were very powerful peopleSep 12 22:54
s-832 @glynmoody      making sure we didn't succeed"Sep 12 22:54
s-832........................................ 12 22:54
s-832@Falkvinge       New article: The #NSA and US Congress hasSep 12 22:55
s-832 retweeted by    destroyed all web #security. We must rebuild itSep 12 22:55
s-832 @glynmoody      from the ground up. 12 22:55
s-832........................................ 12 22:55 | The NSA Has Destroyed All Web Security. We Must Rebuild It. - Falkvinge on InfopolicySep 12 22:55
s-832@dangoodin001    Getting encrypted email set up  correctly isSep 12 23:00
s-832 retweeted by    killing my productivity.Sep 12 23:00
s-832 @csoghoian      Sep 12 23:00
s-832........................................ 12 23:00
s-832@wikileaks       WikiLeaks Spy Files: Spyware servers in SouthSep 12 23:04
s-832                 Africa - more details emergeSep 12 23:04
s-832        data:Sep 12 23:04
s-832        12 23:04
s-832........................................ 12 23:04 | Spyware servers in SA: more details emergeSep 12 23:04 | Spy Files 3Sep 12 23:04
s-832@davidgerard     US shop up now for @arkadyrose's T-shirts!Sep 12 23:21
s-832        Shirts from $18, andSep 12 23:21
s-832                 free postage with two shirts and code FALL2013.Sep 12 23:21
s-832........................................ 12 23:21 | Designs | Arkadian DreamsSep 12 23:21
s-832@slashdot        The Ig Nobels Are TonightSep 12 23:21
s-832        12 23:21
s-832........................................ 12 23:21 | The Ig Nobels Are Tonight - SlashdotSep 12 23:21
s-832@charlesarthur   I'm worried that the Voyager spacecraft leavingSep 12 23:21
s-832 retweeted by    the solar system might not learn about theSep 12 23:21
s-832 @davidgerard    Twitter IPO.Sep 12 23:21
s-832........................................ 12 23:21
s-832@AlisonW         Royal Mail already has the requisite "freedoms"Sep 12 23:21
s-832 retweeted by    - and uses them! Privatisation is just a waySep 12 23:21
s-832 @davidgerard    for Cameron to give profits to his mates #bbcqtSep 12 23:21
s-832........................................ 12 23:21
s-832@farfromallover  If this gets 100 retweets I'm buying a fullSep 12 23:22
s-832 retweeted by    size Dalek. #DoctorWhoSep 12 23:22
s-832 @davidgerard    Sep 12 23:22
s-832........................................ 12 23:22
s-832@umairh          Three! All for me :) “@chrstphrbrwn: @umairhSep 12 23:46
s-832                 One scoop or two?”Sep 12 23:46
s-832........................................ 12 23:46
s-832@TimothyS        "US developing missile that can hit anywhereSep 12 23:53
s-832 retweeted by    within one hour." DoD report via Carnegie.Sep 12 23:53
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1  Hankyoreh: 12 23:53
s-832........................................ 12 23:53 | Report: US developing missile that can hit anywhere within one hour :  North Korea : HomeSep 12 23:53
s-832@KenDilanianLAT  I love the irony of Rogers and RuppersbergerSep 12 23:53
s-832 retweeted by    bemoaning leaks by an intel contractor at a Sep 12 23:53
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1  conference sponsored by intel contractors.Sep 12 23:53
s-832........................................ 12 23:53
s-832@fuc51           Westlife have split up. Hooky already planningSep 12 23:55
s-832 retweeted by    gig where he'll play one of their classicSep 12 23:55
s-832 @davidgerard    albums in full.Sep 12 23:55
s-832........................................ 12 23:55
s-832@JameelJaffer    #NSA continues its effort to insulateSep 12 23:56
s-832 retweeted by    #surveillance laws from judicial review. Sep 12 23:56
s-832 @Thomas_Drake1 12 23:56
s-832........................................ 12 23:56 | Feds Fight To Prevent NSA Disclosures In Criminal Cases | TPMDCSep 12 23:56

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