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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: October 12th, 2013

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s-532@globalvoices    I'll be watching @WikiLeaks' #MediastanOct 12 00:07
s-532 retweeted by    tonight, will you? ^SHGOct 12 00:07
s-532 @wikileaks      Oct 12 00:07
s-532........................................ 12 00:07 | Watch Mediastan – a WikiLeaks Road Movie · Global VoicesOct 12 00:07
s-532@techdirt        EFF Quits Global Network Initiative To ProtestOct 12 00:24
s-532                 Tech Firms' Inability To Be Transparent On…Oct 12 00:24
s-532        12 00:24 | EFF Quits Global Network Initiative To Protest Tech Firms' Inability To Be Transparent On Surveillance Issues | TechdirtOct 12 00:24
s-532........................................ 12 00:24
s-532@slashdot        Oil Traders Misread Tweet, Oil Prices SpikeOct 12 00:24
s-532        12 00:24
s-532........................................ 12 00:24 | Oil Traders Misread Tweet, Oil Prices Spike - SlashdotOct 12 00:24
s-532@globalvoices    I'll be watching @WikiLeaks' #MediastanOct 12 00:33
s-532 retweeted by    tonight, will you? ^SHGOct 12 00:33
s-532 @ioerror        Oct 12 00:33
s-532........................................ 12 00:33
s-532@wikileaks       RELEASE: Six new videos of Edward #Snowden inOct 12 00:33
s-532 retweeted by    Moscow; with Sarah Harrison Oct 12 00:33
s-532 @ioerror 12 00:33
s-532........................................ 12 00:33 | Video: Edward Snowden wins Sam Adams awardOct 12 00:33
s-532@ioerror         #WhatsApp crypto is still awful and usersOct 12 00:38
s-532                 should abandon ship: 12 00:38
s-532........................................ 12 00:38 | Critical WhatsApp crypto flaw threatens user privacy, researchers warn | Ars TechnicaOct 12 00:38
s-532@deCespedes      "These programs do not make us more safe."Oct 12 00:38
s-532 retweeted by    Edward #Snowden speaks about #NSA programs atOct 12 00:38
s-532 @ioerror        Sam Adams award 12 00:38
s-532........................................ 12 00:38 | Edward Snowden speaks about NSA programmes at Sam Adams award presentation in Moscow - YouTubeOct 12 00:38
s-532@slashdot        Anti-Chemical Weapon Group Awarded Nobel PeaceOct 12 00:45
s-532                 Prize 12 00:45
s-532........................................ 12 00:45 | Anti-Chemical Weapon Group Awarded Nobel Peace Prize - SlashdotOct 12 00:45
s-532@ioerror         Two of my favorite Free Software Projects areOct 12 00:53
s-532                 @flashrom_org and @coreboot_org - pleaseOct 12 00:53
s-532                 consider supporting their work.Oct 12 00:53
s-532........................................ 12 00:53
s-532@jilliancyork    At 5:30pm (just 45m away!) go seeOct 12 01:04
s-532 retweeted by    @raineyreitman @KimZetter and Cindy Cohn talkOct 12 01:04
s-532 @wikileaks      about The 5th Estate & WikiLeaksOct 12 01:04
s-532        12 01:04
s-532........................................ 12 01:04 | The Fifth Estate v. WikiLeaks: Unraveling Fact from Fiction in Hollywood's Dramatization of the WikiLeaks Story,  | Electronic Frontier FoundationOct 12 01:04
s-532@slashdot        Irony: iPhone 5S Users Reporting Blue Screen ofOct 12 01:06
s-532                 Death 12 01:06
s-532........................................ 12 01:06 | Irony: iPhone 5S Users Reporting Blue Screen of Death - SlashdotOct 12 01:06
s-532@umairh          Awesome! “@domdelport: #SiliWood : @Orange &Oct 12 01:20
s-532                 @HavasMedia announce cutting edge jointOct 12 01:20
s-532                 research centre 12 01:20
s-532........................................ 12 01:20 | Orange and Havas Media announce the creation of SiliWood, a cutting edge joint research and business development centre in Los AngelesOct 12 01:20
s-532@umairh          Hahaha “@BruceBartlett: Wanker in chiefOct 12 01:22
s-532                 @EWErickson wants to kill the GOP. I volunteerOct 12 01:22
s-532                 to help.”Oct 12 01:22
s-532........................................ 12 01:22 | RedState's Erick Erickson Vows To Help Boehner, McConnell's OpponentsOct 12 01:22
s-532@techdirt        DailyDirt: Strawberries Are Technically NotOct 12 01:24
s-532                 Berries 12 01:24
s-532........................................ 12 01:24 | DailyDirt: Strawberries Are Technically Not Berries | TechdirtOct 12 01:24
s-532@wikileaks       The constantly inaccurate UK propaganda outletOct 12 01:27
s-532                 @Reuters, fasely calls Sarah HarrisonOct 12 01:27
s-532                 "journalism student" 12 01:27
s-532........................................ 12 01:27 | Laptops Snowden took to Hong Kong, Russia were a 'diversion'Oct 12 01:27
s-532@JourneymanVOD   Assange tackles the press in his new #WikiLeaksOct 12 01:27
s-532 retweeted by    documentary. Watch it free in the UK hereOct 12 01:27
s-532 @wikileaks 12 01:27
s-532........................................ 12 01:27 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 01:27
s-532@wikileaks       The constantly inaccurate UK propaganda outletOct 12 01:39
s-532 retweeted by    @Reuters, fasely calls Sarah HarrisonOct 12 01:39
s-532 @ioerror        "journalism student" 12 01:39
s-532........................................ 12 01:39
s-532@CDA             Wait, why haven't we demanded that Yahoo enableOct 12 01:50
s-532 retweeted by    HTTPS By Default amidst the NSA revelations?Oct 12 01:50
s-532 @ioerror        Oct 12 01:50
s-532........................................ 12 01:50
s-532@techdirt        CIA Warned About Snowden Trying To Get IntoOct 12 01:54
s-532                 Computers He Wasn't Authorized On Back In 2009Oct 12 01:54
s-532        12 01:54
s-532........................................ 12 01:54 | CIA Warned About Snowden Trying To Get Into Computers He Wasn't Authorized On Back In 2009 | TechdirtOct 12 01:54
s-532@flashrom_org    If you need features not offered by flashromOct 12 02:00
s-532 retweeted by    and its tools, tell us or send patches. We're aOct 12 02:00
s-532 @ioerror        small team, contributors welcome!Oct 12 02:00
s-532........................................ 12 02:00
s-532@wikileaks       This Day in #WikiLeaks: WL doc MEDIASTANOct 12 02:25
s-532                 online; Videos of #Snowden receiving Sam AdamsOct 12 02:25
s-532                 Award; New #Assange interviewOct 12 02:26
s-532        12 02:26
s-532........................................ 12 02:26 | This Day in WikiLeaks: 11 October 2013Oct 12 02:26
s-532@JourneymanVOD   Assange tackles the press in his new #WikiLeaksOct 12 02:30
s-532 retweeted by    documentary. For everyone outside the UK, youOct 12 02:30
s-532 @wikileaks      watch it here: 12 02:30
s-532........................................ 12 02:30 | Mediastan on - The Best Documentaries... Instantly On DemandOct 12 02:30
s-532@ayeshaijazkhan  Mind-blowing MT “@yusaf_khan: watch MediastanOct 12 02:30
s-532 retweeted by    here on youtube:Oct 12 02:30
s-532 @wikileaks 12 02:30
s-532                 excellent documentary about limitations ofOct 12 02:30 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 02:30
s-532                 journalism"Oct 12 02:30
s-532........................................ 12 02:30
s-532@jembendell      From Turkmenistan to UK, while editors'Oct 12 02:30
s-532 retweeted by    explanations differ, the outcome is a lack ofOct 12 02:30
s-532 @wikileaks      media freedom. See #Mediastan @wikileaksOct 12 02:30
s-532                 @AbbyMartinOct 12 02:30
s-532........................................ 12 02:30
s-532@ioerror         Looking for an amazing job doing good work?Oct 12 02:30
s-532                 Technical lead with a hacker’s heart in anOct 12 02:30
s-532                 awesome human rights group:Oct 12 02:30
s-532        12 02:30
s-532........................................ 12 02:30 | HRDAG is hiring – technical lead | Human Rights Data Analysis GroupOct 12 02:30
s-532@ggreenwald      Maybe some day the NYT will learn thatOct 12 02:31
s-532 retweeted by    mindlessly & uncritically publishing anonymousOct 12 02:31
s-532 @ioerror        govt claims is bad journalism?Oct 12 02:31
s-532        12 02:31
s-532........................................ 12 02:31
s-532@JourneymanVOD   “@ornellaS: Great! I can buy a download copy ofOct 12 02:31
s-532 retweeted by    #mediastan! Why should you still watch #tv inOct 12 02:31
s-532 @wikileaks      2013? @JourneymanVOD”Oct 12 02:31
s-532........................................ 12 02:31 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 12 02:31 | Journeyman Pictures : documentaries : Mediastan (HD)Oct 12 02:31
s-532@luke_myer       Anyone planning to watch #TheFifthEstate thisOct 12 02:31
s-532 retweeted by    weekend should also watch #Mediastan. It's goodOct 12 02:31
s-532 @wikileaks      to get two sides. 12 02:31
s-532........................................ 12 02:31 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 02:31
s-532@ioerror         To work with Patrick Ball in Human Rights wouldOct 12 02:47
s-532                 be an amazing experience:Oct 12 02:47
s-532        12 02:47
s-532........................................ 12 02:47
s-532@EthanZ          Sad that @EFF is leaving @theGNI, not because IOct 12 02:52
s-532 retweeted by    disagree with their decision, but because it'sOct 12 02:52
s-532 @ioerror        yet more harm from NSA's crimes.Oct 12 02:52
s-532........................................ 12 02:52
s-532@techdirt        The Registrars Who Shut Down Websites AfterOct 12 02:54
s-532                 Demands From City Of London Police Likely…Oct 12 02:54
s-532        12 02:54
s-532........................................ 12 02:54 | The Registrars Who Shut Down Websites After Demands From City Of London Police Likely Violated ICANN Policy | TechdirtOct 12 02:54
s-532@newshtwit       in fairness, their name is "intel".  I guess weOct 12 02:54
s-532 retweeted by    should be surprised if it DIDNT have aOct 12 02:54
s-532 @ioerror        backdoor.Oct 12 02:54
s-532........................................ 12 02:54
s-532@ioerror         As usual @newshtwit takes #NSA spying jokes toOct 12 02:56
s-532                 new levels: 12 02:56
s-532........................................ 12 02:56
TechrightsSocial@newshtwit: in fairness, their name is "intel".  I guess we should be surprised if it DIDNT have a backdoor.Oct 12 02:56
s-532@wikileaks       Para Julian Assange, Bradley Manning y EdwardOct 12 03:01
s-532                 Snowden #mexicoOct 12 03:01
s-532........................................ 12 03:01 | Para Julian Assange, Bradley Manning y Edward Snowden - YouTubeOct 12 03:01
s-532@slashdot        Valve Shows How Steam Controller Works In RealOct 12 03:03
s-532                 Life 12 03:03
s-532........................................ 12 03:03 | Valve Shows How Steam Controller Works In Real Life - SlashdotOct 12 03:03
s-532@newshtwit       If you want a machine without hidden OSs andOct 12 03:09
s-532 retweeted by    CPUs, no AMT/TET/TPM, no TZ/mobicore/TEE.. whatOct 12 03:09
s-532 @ioerror        are the options? fpga? 12 03:09
s-532........................................ 12 03:09 | Genode Labs - FPGA GraphicsOct 12 03:09
*s-532 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Oct 12 03:16
*s-532 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 12 03:17
s-532@efa_oz          Pilot research: Please send hashtags from dataOct 12 03:17
s-532 retweeted by    retention & surveillance news from 2006 on EGOct 12 03:17
s-532 @ioerror        #istandwithedwardsnowden #drd #natsecinquiryOct 12 03:17
s-532@efa_oz          Pilot research: Please send hashtags from dataOct 12 03:17
s-532 retweeted by    retention & surveillance news from 2006 on EGOct 12 03:17
s-532 @ioerror        #istandwithedwardsnowden #drd #natsecinquiryOct 12 03:17
s-532........................................ 12 03:17
s-532........................................ 12 03:17
s-532@Mike_EH_52      '@ayeshaijazkhan: Mind-blowing MT "@yusaf_khan:Oct 12 03:34
s-532 retweeted by    watch Mediastan here on youtube:Oct 12 03:34
s-532 @wikileaks  exc doc abt limits ofOct 12 03:34
s-532                 journalism"Oct 12 03:34 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 03:34
s-532@Mike_EH_52      '@ayeshaijazkhan: Mind-blowing MT "@yusaf_khan:Oct 12 03:34
s-532 retweeted by    watch Mediastan here on youtube:Oct 12 03:34
s-532 @wikileaks  exc doc abt limits ofOct 12 03:34
s-532                 journalism"Oct 12 03:34
s-532........................................ 12 03:34
s-532........................................ 12 03:34
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 12 03:49
s-532@techdirt        FISA Court Rubber Stamps Continued CollectionOct 12 04:12
s-532                 Of Metadata On Every Single Phone CallOct 12 04:12
s-532        12 04:12
s-532@techdirt        FISA Court Rubber Stamps Continued CollectionOct 12 04:12
s-532                 Of Metadata On Every Single Phone CallOct 12 04:12
s-532        12 04:12 | FISA Court Rubber Stamps Continued Collection Of Metadata On Every Single Phone Call | TechdirtOct 12 04:12
s-532........................................ 12 04:12
s-532........................................ 12 04:12
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has left #boycottnovell-social ("Konversation terminated!")Oct 12 04:26
s-532@umairh          LOL “@esoltas: I think @BruceBartlett is great,Oct 12 04:55
s-532                 but the language he's using to describe the GOPOct 12 04:55
s-532                 undermines his credibility"Oct 12 04:55
s-532@umairh          LOL “@esoltas: I think @BruceBartlett is great,Oct 12 04:55
s-532                 but the language he's using to describe the GOPOct 12 04:55
s-532                 undermines his credibility"Oct 12 04:55
s-532........................................ 12 04:55
s-532........................................ 12 04:55
s-532@umairh          Insulting idiots! Why, what has this nationOct 12 04:58
s-532                 come to?! We're one step away from telling theOct 12 04:58
s-532                 truth!! And then we'll all be fucked!Oct 12 04:58
s-532@umairh          Insulting idiots! Why, what has this nationOct 12 04:58
s-532                 come to?! We're one step away from telling theOct 12 04:58
s-532                 truth!! And then we'll all be fucked!Oct 12 04:58
s-532........................................ 12 04:58
s-532........................................ 12 04:58
s-532@umairh          Journalists telling people not to tell theOct 12 05:03
s-532                 truth, because it ruins their...credibility.Oct 12 05:03
s-532                 It's like taking fashion advice from Kanye.Oct 12 05:03
s-532@umairh          Journalists telling people not to tell theOct 12 05:03
s-532                 truth, because it ruins their...credibility.Oct 12 05:03
s-532                 It's like taking fashion advice from Kanye.Oct 12 05:03
s-532........................................ 12 05:03
s-532........................................ 12 05:03
s-532@umairh          I think it's kind of awesome how we wereOct 12 05:18
s-532                 supposed to be exploring outer space by now andOct 12 05:18
s-532                 instead, we got...the Cock Brothers.Oct 12 05:18
s-532@umairh          I think it's kind of awesome how we wereOct 12 05:18
s-532                 supposed to be exploring outer space by now andOct 12 05:18
s-532                 instead, we got...the Cock Brothers.Oct 12 05:18
s-532........................................ 12 05:18
s-532........................................ 12 05:18
s-532@slashdot        Nobel Winners Illustrate Israel's "Brain Drain"Oct 12 05:54
s-532        12 05:54
s-532@slashdot        Nobel Winners Illustrate Israel's "Brain Drain"Oct 12 05:54
s-532        12 05:54
s-532........................................ 12 05:54
s-532........................................ 12 05:54 | Nobel Winners Illustrate Israel's "Brain Drain" - SlashdotOct 12 05:54
*s-532 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Oct 12 06:00
*s-006 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 12 06:00
s-006@carwinb         Mediastan 12 06:11
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 06:11
s-006 @wikileaks      Featuring legend Sarah Harrison.Oct 12 06:11
s-006                 (She's a journalist, and she is also the best.)Oct 12 06:11
s-006........................................ 12 06:11 | Mediastan on - The Best Documentaries... Instantly On DemandOct 12 06:11
s-006@qu1j0t3         "why doesn’t the #NSA spy on Wall St? ThisOct 12 06:12
s-006                 could get … all the evidence they could need toOct 12 06:12
s-006                 successfully prosecute" 12 06:12
s-006........................................ 12 06:12 | NSA wants even greater powers … to defend Wall Street - Salon.comOct 12 06:13
s-006@x7o             Watching #mediastan to battle insomnia. Wow.Oct 12 06:13
s-006 retweeted by    It's great. Where did this thing come from?Oct 12 06:13
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 06:13
s-006........................................ 12 06:13
s-006@Watkinswf       Really touches on some important aspects ofOct 12 06:14
s-006 retweeted by    democratic society and our future-#MEDIASTANOct 12 06:14
s-006 @wikileaks #WikiLeaksOct 12 06:14
s-006........................................ 12 06:14 | MediastanOct 12 06:14
s-006@scnnr           Just finished viewing #Mediastan. A lovely,Oct 12 06:14
s-006 retweeted by    well-crafted documentary. Can't fault it. WillOct 12 06:14
s-006 @wikileaks      look great in a cinema too. @wikileaksOct 12 06:14
s-006........................................ 12 06:14
s-006@marahsoir       I definitely plan on watching Mediastan insteadOct 12 06:15
s-006 retweeted by    of the Hollywood crap-fest that is The FifthOct 12 06:15
s-006 @wikileaks      Estate.Oct 12 06:15
s-006........................................ 12 06:15
s-006@CassandraRules  Anyone planning to watch #TheFifthEstate thisOct 12 06:15
s-006 retweeted by    weekend should also watch #Mediastan.  I'mOct 12 06:15
s-006 @wikileaks      excited to watch it. :) 12 06:15
s-006........................................ 12 06:15 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 06:15
s-006@globalvoices    Watch Mediastan for free – a WikiLeaks RoadOct 12 06:15
s-006 retweeted by    Movie #assangeOct 12 06:15
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 06:15
s-006........................................ 12 06:15 | Watch Mediastan – a WikiLeaks Road Movie · Global VoicesOct 12 06:15
s-006@m_cetera        MEDIASTAN is the #WikiLeaks documentary we'veOct 12 06:21
s-006 retweeted by    all been waiting for. Everyone needs to watchOct 12 06:21
s-006 @wikileaks      it: 12 06:21
s-006........................................ 12 06:21 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 12 06:21
s-006@qu1j0t3         Petition to stop US military games destroyingOct 12 06:21
s-006                 Pagan Island—the precious home of both peopleOct 12 06:21
s-006                 and unique flora& fauna 12 06:21
s-006........................................ 12 06:21 | Save Pagan Island and Its Inhabitants! - The Petition SiteOct 12 06:21
s-006@SHhOoAaiB       #MEDIASTAN the movie by Wikileaks shows whatOct 12 06:42
s-006 retweeted by    actually this world is all aboutOct 12 06:42
s-006 @wikileaks      #PakistanOct 12 06:42
s-006........................................ 12 06:42
s-006@assangistan     @wikileaks 2 Thumbs Up #MEDIASTANOct 12 06:42
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 06:42
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 06:42
s-006........................................ 12 06:42
s-006@sanjaymatkar    #MEDIASTAN. Great documentary. Worth watchingOct 12 06:43
s-006 retweeted by    end-to-end. It sure gives a unknown perspectiveOct 12 06:43
s-006 @wikileaks      about how media works in reality.Oct 12 06:43
s-006........................................ 12 06:43
s-006@qsaddam         Anyone planning to watch #TheFifthEstate thisOct 12 06:52
s-006 retweeted by    weekend should also watch #Mediastan.  I'mOct 12 06:52
s-006 @wikileaks      excited to watch it. :) 12 06:52
s-006........................................ 12 06:52 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 06:52
s-006@stevensauro     #MEDIASTAN is unquestionably the most honestOct 12 06:52
s-006 retweeted by    and transparent film made, it serves no purposeOct 12 06:52
s-006 @wikileaks      other that to show the work the truthOct 12 06:52
s-006........................................ 12 06:52
s-006@m_cetera        Some people still think #WikiLeaks just "dumps"Oct 12 06:52
s-006 retweeted by    documents. MEDIASTAN shows the immense effortOct 12 06:52
s-006 @wikileaks      put into the material. 12 06:52
s-006........................................ 12 06:52 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 12 06:52
s-006@crockettoo_     This weekend I will be paying my $ and watchingOct 12 06:52
s-006 retweeted by    #MEDIASTAN. 12 06:52
s-006 @wikileaks      @wikileaksOct 12 06:52
s-006........................................ 12 06:52
s-006@groundviews     Purchased #Mediastan over VimeoOct 12 06:53
s-006 retweeted by and looking forward toOct 12 06:53
s-006 @wikileaks      seeing it this weekend. Imp. to see, even toOct 12 06:53
s-006                 disagree. #mediaOct 12 06:53
s-006........................................ 12 06:53 | Mediastan on - The Best Documentaries... Instantly On DemandOct 12 06:53 | MediastanOct 12 06:53
s-006@Hanissee        same answer from Guardian and AsiaPlus inOct 12 06:53
s-006 retweeted by    Tajikistan about non publishing /redactingOct 12 06:53
s-006 @wikileaks      cables: "They'll sue us"  #MediastanOct 12 06:53
s-006........................................ 12 06:53
s-006@JRddin          #Mediastan is awesome #WikiLeaksOct 12 06:54
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 06:54
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 06:54
s-006........................................ 12 06:54
s-006@scnnr           Just about to sit down and watch #Mediastan,Oct 12 06:54
s-006 retweeted by    the "@WikiLeaks Road Movie" Oct 12 06:54
s-006 @wikileaks 12 06:54
s-006........................................ 12 06:54
s-006@InacioVieira    #MEDIASTAN mostra o verdadeiro @arusbridgerOct 12 06:55
s-006 retweeted by    confrontado por Assange a respeito de decisõesOct 12 06:55
s-006 @wikileaks      controversas do Guardian 12 06:55
s-006........................................ 12 06:55 | Mediastan on - The Best Documentaries... Instantly On DemandOct 12 06:55
s-006@sambonfante     Watching #Mediastan....amazing, revealing andOct 12 06:55
s-006 retweeted by    necessary work.Oct 12 06:55
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 06:55
s-006........................................ 12 06:55
s-006@terseword watch AssangeOct 12 06:57
s-006 retweeted by    documentary on the limitations of the pressOct 12 06:57
s-006 @wikileaks      #MEDIASTANOct 12 06:57
s-006........................................ 12 06:57
s-006@Dak_Sriv        Hearing a lot about #MEDIASTAN. Going to theOct 12 06:58
s-006 retweeted by    top of my 'watch-list'..Oct 12 06:58
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 06:58
s-006........................................ 12 06:58
s-006@EmmaSNico       To anyone who intends on seeing #TheFifthEstateOct 12 06:59
s-006 retweeted by    this weekend should also watch #MEDIASTAN BestOct 12 06:59
s-006 @wikileaks      to get two sides.  @wikileaks #WikiLeaksOct 12 06:59
s-006........................................ 12 06:59
s-006@satan1st        Whats #mediastan ? And why is everyone crazyOct 12 07:00
s-006 retweeted by    about it???Oct 12 07:00
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 07:00
s-006........................................ 12 07:00
s-006@mathalahemanth  #MEDIASTAN wow!! Great documentary.worthOct 12 07:00
s-006 retweeted by    watching,shows about how media works inOct 12 07:00
s-006 @wikileaks      reality.Oct 12 07:00
s-006........................................ 12 07:01
s-006@DhrishniDT      Is wanting to watch #Mediastan . Twitter isOct 12 07:01
s-006 retweeted by    making me desperate to watch it.Oct 12 07:01
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 07:01
s-006........................................ 12 07:01
s-006@kinneymoremohol  #MEDIASTAN  the movie was a true revelation IOct 12 07:04
s-006 retweeted by    watched it in an #Emirates flight to EuropeOct 12 07:04
s-006 @wikileaks      #assange and #Snowden   Are computer whizz kidsOct 12 07:04
s-006........................................ 12 07:04
s-006@JeKhawbung      #Mediastan - amazing, revealing and necessaryOct 12 07:04
s-006 retweeted by    work.Oct 12 07:04
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 07:04
s-006........................................ 12 07:04
s-006@linuxtoday      How to set up web-based database managementOct 12 07:04
s-006                 system with Adminer: Xmodulo: This tutorialOct 12 07:04
s-006                 describes how to set u...Oct 12 07:04
s-006        12 07:04
s-006........................................ 12 07:04 | Linux Today - How to set up web-based database management system with AdminerOct 12 07:04
s-006@abhi_sakhumalla  This weekend, instead of wasting your time andOct 12 07:05
s-006 retweeted by    money on Hollywood  propaganda, why not watchOct 12 07:05
s-006 @wikileaks      #MEDIASTAN instead?”Oct 12 07:05
s-006........................................ 12 07:05 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 12 07:05
s-006@glynmoody       Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 131011 -Oct 12 08:20
s-006        yesterday's tweets as aOct 12 08:20
s-006                 single Web page #MMDDOct 12 08:20
s-006........................................ 12 08:20 | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 131011Oct 12 08:20
s-006@glynmoody       Trading away citizen and environmentalOct 12 08:23
s-006                 safeguards - dergulationOct 12 08:23
s-006                 and #ISDS in #TAFTA/#TTIP #racetothebottomOct 12 08:23
s-006........................................ 12 08:23 | Trading away citizen and environmental safeguards | European VoiceOct 12 08:23
s-006@glynmoody       (last v @c_natacha @olivierhoedeman)Oct 12 08:24
s-006........................................ 12 08:24
s-006@slashdot        3D Printing a 'Terminator' Arm ... Or a WholeOct 12 08:42
s-006                 Body 12 08:42
s-006........................................ 12 08:42 | 3D Printing a 'Terminator' Arm ... Or a Whole Body - SlashdotOct 12 08:42
s-006@glynmoody       The spooks strike back over #GCHQ leaks -Oct 12 08:47
s-006        fortunately they areOct 12 08:47
s-006                 bumbling incompetents when it comes toOct 12 08:47
s-006                 spreading FUDOct 12 08:47 | The spooks strike back over GCHQ leaks – but they have a history of exaggerating threats | Richard Norton-Taylor | Comment is free | theguardian.comOct 12 08:47
s-006........................................ 12 08:47
s-006@isham55         TPPA: Najib may stay out if Malaysians opposeOct 12 08:48
s-006 retweeted by    it - Latest - New Straits TimesOct 12 08:48
s-006 @glynmoody via @sharethisOct 12 08:48
s-006........................................ 12 08:48 | TPPA: Najib may stay out if Malaysians oppose it - Latest - New Straits TimesOct 12 08:48
s-006@owenboswarva    Is @cabinetofficeuk censoring discussion ofOct 12 08:56
s-006 retweeted by    proposed #DataSharing Bill?Oct 12 08:56
s-006 @glynmoody + 12 08:56
s-006                 | #uktransparencyOct 12 08:56
s-006........................................ 12 08:56 | JISCMail - DATA-PROTECTION ArchivesOct 12 08:56 | JISCMail - DATA-PROTECTION ArchivesOct 12 08:56
s-006@glynmoody       #Brazil to host global internet summit inOct 12 08:57
s-006                 ongoing fight against #NSA surveillance -Oct 12 08:57
s-006         (v @DonaldGBoudreauOct 12 08:57
s-006                 @normative)Oct 12 08:57
s-006........................................ 12 08:57 | Brazil to host global internet summit in ongoing fight against NSA surveillance — RT NewsOct 12 08:57
s-006@glynmoody       Why Microsoft Word must Die -Oct 12 08:59
s-006        looks pretty deadOct 12 08:59
s-006                 already...haven't used it in years #libreofficeOct 12 08:59
s-006........................................ 12 08:59 | Why Microsoft Word must Die - Charlie's DiaryOct 12 08:59
s-006@glynmoody       Hillary Clinton: we need to talk sensibly aboutOct 12 08:59
s-006                 spying - unlike the headOct 12 08:59
s-006                 of MI5, who wants silence & obedience...Oct 12 08:59 | Hillary Clinton: we need to talk sensibly about spying | World news | The GuardianOct 12 08:59
s-006........................................ 12 08:59
s-006@glynmoody       Top sites (and maybe the NSA) track users withOct 12 09:05
s-006                 “device fingerprinting” -Oct 12 09:05
s-006        why am I not surprised?Oct 12 09:05
s-006                 #privacyOct 12 09:05
s-006........................................ 12 09:05 | Top sites (and maybe the NSA) track users with “device fingerprinting” | Ars TechnicaOct 12 09:05
s-006@glynmoody       Why We Need an Invasive #NSA -Oct 12 09:06
s-006        risible &Oct 12 09:06
s-006                 technologically illiterate attempt to whitewashOct 12 09:06
s-006                 global US surveillanceOct 12 09:06
s-006........................................ 12 09:06 | Why We Need an Invasive NSAOct 12 09:06
s-006@glynmoody       The core Internet institutions abandon the USOct 12 09:09
s-006                 Government - big:Oct 12 09:09
s-006                 "latest fallout from the #Snowden revelations"Oct 12 09:09
s-006........................................ 12 09:09 | The core Internet institutions abandon the US Government  | IGP BlogOct 12 09:09
s-006@glynmoody       Transatlantisches Freihandelsabkommen:Oct 12 09:10
s-006                 "Schlimmer als ACTA" - 12 09:10
s-006                 good report of my #TAFTa/#TTIP talk #ISDSOct 12 09:10
s-006........................................ 12 09:10 | Transatlantisches Freihandelsabkommen: "Schlimmer als ACTA" | heise onlineOct 12 09:10
s-006@glynmoody       for those who care, here's some background onOct 12 09:10
s-006                 #ISDS: … updates hereOct 12 09:10
s-006        … &Oct 12 09:10
s-006        12 09:10
s-006........................................ 12 09:10 | TTIP Update I - Open EnterpriseOct 12 09:10 | TTIP Update II - Open EnterpriseOct 12 09:10 | TTIP Update III - Open EnterpriseOct 12 09:10
s-006@glynmoody       Schedule 7 powers too intrusive, says committeeOct 12 09:22
s-006                 - urgently required; badOct 12 09:22
s-006                 law used abusively #ukOct 12 09:22
s-006........................................ 12 09:22 | Schedule 7 powers too intrusive, says committee | Law | The GuardianOct 12 09:22
s-006@SalmaYaqoob     BEFORE David NHS-is-safe-in-my-hands CameronOct 12 09:23
s-006 retweeted by    started giving our NHS to his mates & donors-Oct 12 09:23
s-006 @glynmoody      vs AFTER viaOct 12 09:23
s-006                 @marcuschownOct 12 09:23
TechrightsSocial@marcuschown: BEFORE David - NHS is safe in my hands - started cutting up the NHS and giving it to his friends - vs AFTER 12 09:23
s-006........................................ 12 09:23
s-006@glynmoody       #Snowden Honored By Intelligence Veterans: HeOct 12 09:25
s-006                 'Put His Life at Risk' to 'Expose TurnkeyOct 12 09:25
s-006                 Tyranny' - 12 09:26
s-006                 #whistleblowersOct 12 09:26
s-006........................................ 12 09:26 | Edward Snowden Honored By Intelligence Veterans: He 'Put His Life at Risk' to 'Expose Turnkey Tyranny' | AlternetOct 12 09:26
s-006@glynmoody       France cements #fracking ban -Oct 12 09:28
s-006        this would be a primeOct 12 09:28
s-006                 target for #ISDS in #TAFTA/#TTIPOct 12 09:28 | France cements fracking ban | Environment | theguardian.comOct 12 09:28
s-006........................................ 12 09:28
s-006@glynmoody       Registrars Who Shut Down Websites After DemandsOct 12 09:31
s-006                 From City Of London Police Likely ViolatedOct 12 09:31
s-006                 ICANN Policy - well,Oct 12 09:31
s-006                 wellOct 12 09:31
s-006........................................ 12 09:31 | The Registrars Who Shut Down Websites After Demands From City Of London Police Likely Violated ICANN Policy | TechdirtOct 12 09:31
s-006@emilyrees_eu    Chinese Telecom giant Huawei hires Serge Abou,Oct 12 09:32
s-006 retweeted by    former EU ambassador to China, in midst of ECOct 12 09:32
s-006 @glynmoody      dumping allegations #RevolvingDoorsOct 12 09:32
s-006........................................ 12 09:32
s-006@suigenerisjen   Support this petition to open #WestPapua toOct 12 09:58
s-006 retweeted by    foreign journalists 12 09:58
s-006 @glynmoody      Background: 12 09:58 | Call to allow foreign journalists into West PapuaOct 12 09:58
s-006........................................ 12 09:58 | West Papua to remain closed to outside world | 12 09:58
s-006@chbidmead       The Wikipedia has an interesting gloss on theOct 12 11:07
s-006 retweeted by    widespread use of M$ Word here:Oct 12 11:07
s-006 @glynmoody 12 11:07
s-006                 Oct 12 11:07
s-006                 @hounam @glynmoodyOct 12 11:07 | Chicken hypnotism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaOct 12 11:07
s-006........................................ 12 11:07
s-006@aral            ‘My body. My cleavage. My performance.’Oct 12 11:08
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 11:08
s-006 @glynmoody      —@GozdeKansu, actress fired from Turkish TVOct 12 11:08
s-006                 after criticism from Islamist MPOct 12 11:08
s-006        12 11:08
s-006........................................ 12 11:08
TechrightsSocial@aral: ‘My body. My cleavage. My performance.’ —@GozdeKansu, actress fired from Turkish TV after criticism from Islamist MP 12 11:08
s-006@zoobab          Spain has attacked the unitary patent, manyOct 12 11:15
s-006                 believe that this second challenge has aOct 12 11:15
s-006                 reasonable chance of successOct 12 11:15
s-006        12 11:15
s-006........................................ 12 11:15 | The New Unified Patent System In Europe – Key Issues - Intellectual Property - European UnionOct 12 11:15
s-006@glynmoody       Conflicts of Interest: Brussels' Revolving DoorOct 12 11:15
s-006                 for Top EU Officials - 12 11:15
s-006                 what chance does the public have against this?Oct 12 11:15
s-006........................................ 12 11:15 | Conflicts of Interest: 'We Have a Good System' - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 12 11:15
s-006@zoobab          Spain has attacked the unitary patent, manyOct 12 11:17
s-006 retweeted by    believe that this second challenge has aOct 12 11:17
s-006 @glynmoody      reasonable chance of successOct 12 11:17
s-006        12 11:17
s-006........................................ 12 11:17
s-006@glynmoody       #India braces for cyclone #Phailin -Oct 12 11:22
s-006        "super cyclone": howOct 12 11:22
s-006                 many have to die before countries act onOct 12 11:22 | India braces for cyclone Phailin | World news | theguardian.comOct 12 11:22
s-006                 #climatechange?Oct 12 11:22
s-006........................................ 12 11:22
s-006@glynmoody       TTIP Update III - 12 11:26
s-006                 debunking European Commission's feeble nonsenseOct 12 11:26
s-006                 about #TAFTA/#TTIP's highly-dangerous #ISDSOct 12 11:26
s-006........................................ 12 11:26 | TTIP Update III - Open EnterpriseOct 12 11:26
s-006@phat_controller  Uganda Minister says if women is raped andOct 12 11:28
s-006 retweeted by    dressed 'poorly' no one should be arrestedOct 12 11:28
s-006 @glynmoody #KibuuleMustResignOct 12 11:28
s-006........................................ 12 11:28 | NO TITLEOct 12 11:28
s-006@slashdot        Broadcasters Petition US Supreme Court In FightOct 12 11:30
s-006                 Against Aereo 12 11:30
s-006........................................ 12 11:30 | Broadcasters Petition US Supreme Court In Fight Against Aereo - SlashdotOct 12 11:30
s-006@glynmoody       #Phailin: Trees felled, Posco villages fearOct 12 11:31
s-006                 worst - trees are notOct 12 11:31
s-006                 optional: deforestation *kills* (v @ganesh3)Oct 12 11:31
s-006........................................ 12 11:31 | Phailin: Trees felled, Posco villages fear worst - The Times of IndiaOct 12 11:31
s-006@thegrugq        “national security” is the “sudo” of politicalOct 12 11:36
s-006 retweeted by    discourse. “sudo tear up the bill of rights”Oct 12 11:36
s-006 @glynmoody      Oct 12 11:36
s-006........................................ 12 11:37
s-006@GazetaRu        Стив Возняк: "Было бы хорошо, если бы компанияOct 12 11:41
s-006 retweeted by    сделала смартфон Apple на платформе Android.Oct 12 11:41
s-006 @glynmoody      Это шокирует мир" 12 11:41
s-006........................................ 12 11:41 | Îäèí èç îñíîâàòåëåé êîìïàíèè Apple Ñòèâåí Âîçíÿê ñ÷èòàåò, ÷òî Apple äîëæíà ñäåëàòü ñìàðòôîí íà ïëàòôîðìå Android, ÷òîáû «øîêèðîâàòü ìèð» - Ãàçåòà.Ru | ÎáùåñòâîOct 12 11:41
s-006@glynmoody       Überraschendes Minus: Chinas Exporte brechenOct 12 11:51
s-006                 ein - whoa: just a minorOct 12 11:51
s-006                 fluctuation, or something bigger? #chinaOct 12 11:51
s-006........................................ 12 11:51 | Exporte Chinas brechen im September überraschend ein - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 12 11:51
s-006@schestowitz     Osborne plan to cut energy efficiency funds forOct 12 12:33
s-006                 fuel poor is 'unforgivable'Oct 12 12:33
s-006        war on the poor, not onOct 12 12:33
s-006                 povertyOct 12 12:33 | Osborne plan to cut energy efficiency funds for fuel poor is 'unforgivable' | Environment | theguardian.comOct 12 12:33
s-006........................................ 12 12:33
s-006@schestowitz     Spies tested 12 12:36
s-006........................................ 12 12:36
TechrightsSocial@dcampbell_iptv: Duncan did the MI5 challenge "in 1 minute and scored 8/8." MI5 now recommends he apply to be an Intelligence Officer. 12 12:36
TechrightsSocial@dcampbell_iptv: Duncan did the MI5 challenge "in 1 minute and scored 8/8." MI5 now recommends he apply to be an Intelligence Officer. 12 12:36
schestowitz_bed2 12 12:37 There is no lack of money. There is lack of justice. People who relied on promises from financial institutions forgot that plutocrats run emOct 12 12:37
schestowitz_bed2"Some might argue that the very presence of money is correlated to this lack in justice."Oct 12 12:37
schestowitz_bed2Based on statistics, this is rationalOct 12 12:37
schestowitz_bed2 12 12:37 reshared: [![Image](](<br>**Eine Welt ohne Schokolade ist möglich...aber sinnlos!** <br>[](<br><br><br>#schokolde<br><sub> - [via Easyshare](</sub><br><br>Oct 12 12:37
TechrightsSocial-> | Diaspora* Easyshare :: Add-ons for FirefoxOct 12 12:37
schestowitz_bed2"Can someone explain me this sorcery!?"Oct 12 12:38
schestowitz_bed2"Put your cursor at the top right of the bar of chocolate - and you will see the reduction in the height of the bar - this is where the extra piece is lost ......."Oct 12 12:38
schestowitz_bed2"Thank you, i get it now. :)"Oct 12 12:38
s-006@schestowitz     Meet Lavabit's founder: An American hero hidingOct 12 12:41
s-006                 in plain sight someOct 12 12:41
s-006                 mates of mine used #lavabitOct 12 12:41 | Meet Lavabit's founder: An American hero hiding in plain sight | Cringely - InfoWorldOct 12 12:41
s-006........................................ 12 12:41
s-006@schestowitz     I was right about #skype falling into #nsaOct 12 12:43
s-006                 hands 2 years ago 12 12:43
s-006........................................ 12 12:43 | European data watchdog investigates Skype leaks to the NSA- The InquirerOct 12 12:43
s-006@schestowitz     You know the world is going in the wrongOct 12 12:44
s-006                 direction when 1984 is no longer fiction andOct 12 12:44
s-006                 people can no longer ridicule RMS withoutOct 12 12:44
s-006                 challenge.Oct 12 12:44
s-006........................................ 12 12:44
s-006@schestowitz     The #nsa weakens the empire rather than make itOct 12 12:45
s-006                 stronger 12 12:45
s-006........................................ 12 12:45 | The US is losing control of the internet (Wired UK)Oct 12 12:45
s-006@schestowitz     The outrageous permissions required by mobileOct 12 12:48
s-006                 payments appsOct 12 12:48
s-006         #securityOct 12 12:48
s-006........................................ 12 12:48 | The outrageous permissions required by mobile payments apps | CITEworldOct 12 12:48
s-006@schestowitz     Does a Chromebook replace a laptop?Oct 12 12:49
s-006        it runs #gnu #linuxOct 12 12:49
s-006........................................ 12 12:49 | Does a Chromebook replace a laptop? | TG DailyOct 12 12:49
s-006@schestowitz     Historically unprecedented climates to arriveOct 12 13:04
s-006                 by mid-century not thatOct 12 13:04
s-006                 Fox would cover itOct 12 13:04
s-006........................................ 12 13:04 | Historically unprecedented climates to arrive by mid-century | Ars TechnicaOct 12 13:04
s-006@ggreenwald      Videos of Edward Snowden accepting his SamOct 12 13:08
s-006 retweeted by    Adams whistleblower award this week Oct 12 13:08
s-006 @ioerror 12 13:08
s-006........................................ 12 13:08 | Video: Edward Snowden wins Sam Adams awardOct 12 13:08
s-006@avilarenata     The core Internet institutions abandon the USOct 12 13:08
s-006 retweeted by    Government 12 13:08
s-006 @ioerror        Oct 12 13:08
s-006........................................ 12 13:08 | The core Internet institutions abandon the US Government  | IGP BlogOct 12 13:08
s-006@ageis           #MEDIASTAN essential viewing for smart peopleOct 12 13:08
s-006 retweeted by    interested in the notion of journalism orOct 12 13:08
s-006 @ioerror        questions of media boundariesOct 12 13:08
s-006        12 13:08
s-006........................................ 12 13:08 | MediastanOct 12 13:08
s-006@patrickx27      @ioerror @newshtwit @flashrom_org @dragosr YouOct 12 13:12
s-006 retweeted by    might be more interested in further AMT workOct 12 13:12
s-006 @ioerror        that we did @fgsect: 12 13:12
s-006........................................ 12 13:12
s-006@ggreenwald      The never-ending, sad NYT dance: 1)Oct 12 13:15
s-006 retweeted by - 2)Oct 12 13:15
s-006 @ioerror - 3)Oct 12 13:15
s-006        12 13:15
s-006........................................ 12 13:15 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 12 13:15
TechrightsSocial@ggreenwald: Dear NYT: when publishing stories based on anonymous govt claims, maybe should also seek comment from Snowden's reps: 12 13:15
TechrightsSocial-> | ACLU coordinating NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden’s defense | The Raw StoryOct 12 13:15 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 12 13:15
s-006@arstechnica     Lavabit’s appeal: We’re actually not requiredOct 12 13:15
s-006 retweeted by    to wiretap our own users 12 13:15
s-006 @ioerror        by @joemullinOct 12 13:15
s-006........................................ 12 13:15 | Lavabit’s appeal: We’re actually not required to wiretap our own users | Ars TechnicaOct 12 13:15
s-006@ggreenwald      The never-ending, sad NYT dance: 1)Oct 12 13:16
s-006 retweeted by - 2)Oct 12 13:16
s-006 @glynmoody - 3)Oct 12 13:16
s-006        12 13:16
s-006........................................ 12 13:16
s-006@glynmoody       #TPP: Najib may stay out if Malaysians opposeOct 12 13:19
s-006                 it - sounds like anOct 12 13:19
s-006                 invitation, o people of #malaysia...Oct 12 13:19
s-006........................................ 12 13:19 | TPPA: Najib may stay out if Malaysians oppose it - Latest - New Straits TimesOct 12 13:19
s-006@ioerror         Martin Luther King assassinated by USOct 12 13:29
s-006                 government: MLK civil trial decision -Oct 12 13:29
s-006        (2011)Oct 12 13:29
s-006........................................ 12 13:29 | Martin Luther King assassinated by US government: MLK civil trial decision - National Nonpartisan | Examiner.comOct 12 13:29
s-006@ioerror         Where can I find a Bus Pirate or similarOct 12 13:30
s-006                 hardware in #Berlin?Oct 12 13:30
s-006........................................ 12 13:30
s-006@slashdot        Google ToS Change Means Your Photo Could Go InOct 12 13:30
s-006                 Ads 12 13:30
s-006........................................ 12 13:30 | Google ToS Change Means Your Photo Could Go In Ads - SlashdotOct 12 13:30
s-006@patrickx27      @ioerror @newshtwit @flashrom_org @dragosrOct 12 13:37
s-006 retweeted by    @fgsect we also had a 44con talk this year:Oct 12 13:37
s-006 @ioerror 12 13:37
s-006........................................ 12 13:37
s-006@wikileaks       "WikiLeaks Road Movie" MEDIASTAN available now.Oct 12 13:39
s-006        UK audiences watch FREEOct 12 13:39
s-006                 this weekend only: 12 13:39
s-006........................................ 12 13:39 | Mediastan on - The Best Documentaries... Instantly On DemandOct 12 13:39 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 12 13:39
s-006@ageis           #MEDIASTAN essential viewing for smart peopleOct 12 13:40
s-006 retweeted by    interested in the notion of journalism orOct 12 13:40
s-006 @wikileaks      questions of media boundariesOct 12 13:40
s-006        12 13:40
s-006........................................ 12 13:40 | MediastanOct 12 13:40
s-006@wikileaks       "WikiLeaks Road Movie" MEDIASTAN available now.Oct 12 13:41
s-006 retweeted by UK audiences watch FREEOct 12 13:41
s-006 @ioerror        this weekend only: 12 13:41
s-006........................................ 12 13:41
s-006@cudsey_         Just watched #Mediastan The truth of howOct 12 13:42
s-006 retweeted by    @wikileaks gave its cables to the media and howOct 12 13:42
s-006 @wikileaks      it didn't harm anyone yet showed the real truthOct 12 13:42
s-006........................................ 12 13:42
s-006@CayGreen        As much as Iove Daniel Brühl, I opted for theOct 12 13:42
s-006 retweeted by    other wikileaks movie out this week #mediastanOct 12 13:42
s-006 @wikileaks      - great stuff.Oct 12 13:43
s-006........................................ 12 13:43
s-006@NidaJafrii      Mediastan is making me so happy, it just showsOct 12 13:43
s-006 retweeted by    if you set out to do something you will achieveOct 12 13:43
s-006 @wikileaks      it. Even taking down national securityOct 12 13:43
s-006........................................ 12 13:43
s-006@shakashawn05    Just finished watching #mediastan the newOct 12 13:43
s-006 retweeted by    documentary film. It's a raw look at how mediaOct 12 13:43
s-006 @wikileaks      really works and how the US influences foreignOct 12 13:43
s-006                 newsOct 12 13:43
s-006........................................ 12 13:43
s-006@Sunny_Bunikyte  Everyone needs to go watch #MEDIASTAN. It'sOct 12 13:43
s-006 retweeted by    truly amazing.Oct 12 13:43
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 13:43
s-006........................................ 12 13:43
s-006@auerfeld        Just watched #mediastan - it draws itsOct 12 13:44
s-006 retweeted by    parallels extremely well #wikileaksOct 12 13:44
s-006 @wikileaks 12 13:44
s-006........................................ 12 13:44 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 13:44
s-006@milly09         You have to watch the #MEDIASTAN film. It isOct 12 13:44
s-006 retweeted by    brilliant. #thetruthOct 12 13:44
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 13:44
s-006........................................ 12 13:44
s-006@Doug_Snowden    #Mediastan A testimony to real journalism. AOct 12 13:45
s-006 retweeted by    must watch!! #Assange and @wikileaks peel backOct 12 13:45
s-006 @wikileaks      the curtain once again!! 12 13:45
s-006........................................ 12 13:45
s-006@Heelai_Noor     Instead of wasting your time&money on HollywoodOct 12 13:45
s-006 retweeted by    propaganda-spend your time watching #MEDIASTANOct 12 13:45
s-006 @wikileaks      instead? #wikileaks 12 13:45
s-006........................................ 12 13:45 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 12 13:45
s-006@Hincerooney     It's only AUD $1.75 to watch #Mediastan - theOct 12 13:46
s-006 retweeted by    new #WikiLeaks doco. Do it. Your criticalOct 12 13:46
s-006 @wikileaks      thinking facilities will thank you.Oct 12 13:46
s-006........................................ 12 13:46
s-006@Per_Eriksson    #Mediastan Excellent weekend movie I reallyOct 12 13:46
s-006 retweeted by    enjoyed it well done 12 13:46
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 13:46
s-006........................................ 12 13:46
s-006@ageis           watch #Mediastan if you want to see realOct 12 13:46
s-006 retweeted by    journalists holding timid and servile mediaOct 12 13:46
s-006 @wikileaks      institutions to account 12 13:46
s-006........................................ 12 13:46 | MediastanOct 12 13:46
s-006@Jaitwits        Adding #Mediastan to my next watch list!Oct 12 13:47
s-006 retweeted by    Hearing rave reviews about it.Oct 12 13:47
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 13:47
s-006........................................ 12 13:47
s-006@inowgb          TopTag(3hrs) 1:#MEDIASTAN 2:#Phailin 3:#webpageOct 12 13:47
s-006 retweeted by    4:#BookBuzzr 5:#Promote 6:#sm 7:#smsaudioOct 12 13:47
s-006 @wikileaks      8:#GentlerHorrorFilms ..Oct 12 13:47
s-006........................................ 12 13:47
s-006@peterkofod      You really HAVE to watch #Mediastan. AfterwardsOct 12 13:47
s-006 retweeted by    you won't even bother downloading a piratedOct 12 13:47
s-006 @wikileaks      copy of #FifthEstate. #Journalism. #wikiLeaksOct 12 13:47
s-006........................................ 12 13:47
s-006@reginasvs       MEDIASTAN is totally a materpiece.StandingOct 12 13:47
s-006 retweeted by    ovation for it!Oct 12 13:47
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 13:47
s-006........................................ 12 13:47
s-006@Bluejay_10      #Mediastan is amazing, must watch. #WikiLeaksOct 12 13:48
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 13:48
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 13:48
s-006........................................ 12 13:48
s-006@ageis           watch #Mediastan if you want to see realOct 12 13:49
s-006 retweeted by    journalists holding timid and servile mediaOct 12 13:49
s-006 @ioerror        institutions to account 12 13:49
s-006........................................ 12 13:49 | MediastanOct 12 13:49
s-006@joshdonbulet    #mediastan ? And why is everyone crazy aboutOct 12 13:50
s-006 retweeted by    it??? Am kind of desperate to watch it.Oct 12 13:50
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 13:50
s-006........................................ 12 13:50
s-006@wikileaks       #WikiLeaks + @SixteenFilms release #MEDIASTAN—aOct 12 13:51
s-006                 @WikiLeaks road movie, thru Central Asia,Oct 12 13:51
s-006                 Afghanistan, to ManhattanOct 12 13:51
s-006        12 13:51
s-006........................................ 12 13:51 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 12 13:51
s-006@tweet_tinu      "@scnnr: Just finished viewing #Mediastan. AOct 12 13:51
s-006 retweeted by    lovely, well-crafted documentary. Can't faultOct 12 13:51
s-006 @wikileaks      it. Will look great in a cinema too.Oct 12 13:51
s-006                 @wikileaks"Oct 12 13:51
s-006........................................ 12 13:51
s-006@LifeInLasVegas  #Mediastan much better than anticipated -Oct 12 13:53
s-006 retweeted by    expected total cheerleading but instead thereOct 12 13:53
s-006 @wikileaks      are actual facts.. well doneOct 12 13:53
s-006........................................ 12 13:53
s-006@wikileaks       #WikiLeaks + @SixteenFilms release #MEDIASTAN—aOct 12 13:53
s-006 retweeted by    @WikiLeaks road movie, thru Central Asia,Oct 12 13:53
s-006 @ioerror        Afghanistan, to ManhattanOct 12 13:53
s-006        12 13:53
s-006........................................ 12 13:53
s-006@SquatchyThought  I NEED to see #Mediastan, everyone's talkingOct 12 13:54
s-006 retweeted by    about it and I feel like it's a major learningOct 12 13:54
s-006 @wikileaks      experienceOct 12 13:54
s-006........................................ 12 13:54
s-006@DavidPRAldridge  Watch "the fifth estate" then "mediastan" andOct 12 13:54
s-006 retweeted by    you will learn what Hollywood propaganda looksOct 12 13:54
s-006 @wikileaks      like #wikileaksOct 12 13:54
s-006........................................ 12 13:54
s-006@patrickx27      @ioerror @newshtwit @flashrom_org @dragosrOct 12 13:55
s-006 retweeted by    @fgsect don't forget to check igor skochinsky'sOct 12 13:55
s-006 @ioerror        breakpoint 2012 slides 12 13:55
s-006........................................ 12 13:55
s-006@wikileaks       Another WikiLeaks produced film coming soon:Oct 12 13:56
s-006                 The Engineer (trailer) 12 13:56
s-006........................................ 12 13:56 | The Engineer Official Trailer on VimeoOct 12 13:56
s-006@wikileaks       UK: this weekend only, watch #MEDIASTAN – aOct 12 13:58
s-006                 WikiLeaks Road Movie 12 13:58
s-006........................................ 12 13:58 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 12 13:58
s-006@LifeInGotham    Every journalist should be required to watchOct 12 13:59
s-006 retweeted by    #MediastanOct 12 13:59
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 13:59
s-006........................................ 12 13:59
s-006@escapologybb    Watching the new #mediastan film, it’sOct 12 13:59
s-006 retweeted by    absolutely gripping.Oct 12 13:59
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 13:59
s-006........................................ 12 13:59
s-006@_JoeBrown_      Hearing rave reviews of @wikileaks docoOct 12 14:07
s-006 retweeted by    #Mediastan. Sounds like a must see. Going toOct 12 14:07
s-006 @wikileaks      watch now! #screwdisney/dreamworksOct 12 14:07
s-006........................................ 12 14:07
s-006@wikileaks       WATCH #MEDIASTAN FREE from UK this weekendOct 12 14:10
s-006                 only: Rest of the world:Oct 12 14:10
s-006        12 14:10
s-006........................................ 12 14:10
s-006@reginasvs       I would love to see another amazing documentaryOct 12 14:11
s-006 retweeted by    like MEDIASTAN.Four thumbs up for it!!Oct 12 14:11
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 14:11
s-006........................................ 12 14:11
s-006@sam__97         #MEDIASTAN what a very good piece of film. AOct 12 14:11
s-006 retweeted by    must watch if you actually care about theOct 12 14:11
s-006 @wikileaks      truth.Oct 12 14:11
s-006........................................ 12 14:11
s-006@DwivediSitesh   Great reviews of #Mediastan its a must watchOct 12 14:12
s-006 retweeted by    for every journalistOct 12 14:12
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 14:12
s-006........................................ 12 14:12
s-006@wikileaks       What is #MEDIASTAN about? Read our descriptionOct 12 14:15
s-006        12 14:15
s-006........................................ 12 14:15 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 12 14:15
s-006@sousa_ph        I am really longing to see #MEDIASTAN.Oct 12 14:16
s-006 retweeted by    Everybody is saying that it is a great movie.Oct 12 14:16
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 14:16
s-006........................................ 12 14:16
s-006@glynmoody       "The idea that Big Pharma uses the massiveOct 12 14:23
s-006                 profits on research is a blatant lie"Oct 12 14:23
s-006        #africa #patents (vOct 12 14:23
s-006                 @sunil_abraham)Oct 12 14:23
s-006........................................ 12 14:23 | The African Holocaust | Tehelka.comOct 12 14:23
s-006@slashdot        NY Comic Con Takes Over Attendees' TwitterOct 12 14:27
s-006                 Accounts To Praise ItselfOct 12 14:27
s-006        12 14:27
s-006........................................ 12 14:27 | NY Comic Con Takes Over Attendees' Twitter Accounts To Praise Itself - SlashdotOct 12 14:27
s-006@Leisuremostly   Watching the new #mediastan . Excellent!Oct 12 14:28
s-006 retweeted by    Absolutely gripping. @WikiLeaksOct 12 14:28
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 14:28
s-006........................................ 12 14:28
s-006@wikileaks       MEDIASTAN: NYT editor admits to daily phoneOct 12 14:31
s-006                 calls with USG, decision to conceal NSA'sOct 12 14:31
s-006                 surveillance programmes 12 14:31
s-006........................................ 12 14:31 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 12 14:31
s-006@cubadebate      #wikileaks publica primer vídeo de SnowdenOct 12 14:32
s-006 retweeted by    desde que está asilado en #RusiaOct 12 14:32
s-006 @wikileaks @wikileaksOct 12 14:32
s-006........................................ 12 14:32 | WikiLeaks publica primer vídeo de Snowden desde que está asilado en Rusia | CubadebateOct 12 14:32
s-006@rootbear67      @wikileaks doc MEDIASTAN is great; a censorshipOct 12 14:33
s-006 retweeted by    tour of the 'Stans becomes expose of how theOct 12 14:33
s-006 @wikileaks      system works in the West 12 14:33
s-006........................................ 12 14:33 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 12 14:33
s-006@schestowitz     Glenn Greenwald to publish Snowden leaks onOct 12 14:42
s-006                 France and Spain timeOct 12 14:42
s-006                 for an #internet redoOct 12 14:42
s-006........................................ 12 14:42 | Glenn Greenwald to publish Snowden leaks on France and Spain | The Raw StoryOct 12 14:42
schestowitz_bed2 12 14:44 Does a Chromebook replace a laptop? it runs #gnu #linuxOct 12 14:44
TechrightsSocial-> | Does a Chromebook replace a laptop? | TG Daily  [ ]Oct 12 14:44
schestowitz_bed2"As long as you don't mind Google watching everything you do."Oct 12 14:44
schestowitz_bed2That's their business model much of the time, lockin and/or observationOct 12 14:44
schestowitz_bed2"whats with the 10 % ?"Oct 12 14:45
s-006@bengoldacre     Amazing, really. RT @benmeg: Sir Andrew Witty,Oct 12 14:51
s-006 retweeted by    CEO of @GSK interviewed about clinical trialOct 12 14:51
s-006 @glynmoody      transparency #AllTrialsOct 12 14:51
s-006........................................ 12 14:51 | GlaxoSmithKline CEO on increasing transparency of clinical trials | Fox Business VideoOct 12 14:51
s-006@ioerror         ‘This is just like in the movies.’ - a visit toOct 12 14:58
s-006                 America: 12 14:58
s-006........................................ 12 14:58 | Why I will never return to the USA - Niels Gerson LohmanOct 12 14:58
s-006@escapologybb    We all know the US has its sticky fingers inOct 12 15:01
s-006 retweeted by    everything, but watching #mediastan is stillOct 12 15:01
s-006 @wikileaks      shocking to see to what extent.  Not sure why.Oct 12 15:01
s-006........................................ 12 15:01
s-006@dm1s            My whole #twitter feed is taken by #MEDIASTANOct 12 15:02
s-006 retweeted by    if that's not an incentive to watch, I don'tOct 12 15:02
s-006 @wikileaks      know what is #WikiLeaksOct 12 15:02
s-006........................................ 12 15:02
s-006@thinkinvisions  watching #mediastan one pound well spentOct 12 15:03
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 15:03
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:03
s-006........................................ 12 15:03
s-006@ioerror         Have there been any drone strikes in Socotra,Oct 12 15:03
s-006                 Yemen? It seems like one of the most beautifulOct 12 15:03
s-006                 places in the world to go diving - is it safe?Oct 12 15:03
s-006........................................ 12 15:03
s-006@Karic8          Enlight yourself,  watch #mediastanOct 12 15:04
s-006 retweeted by    documentary. #WikiLeaksOct 12 15:04
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:04
s-006........................................ 12 15:04
s-006@AymenC1         @wikileaks MEDIASTAN doc is amazingOct 12 15:05
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 15:05
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:05
s-006........................................ 12 15:05
s-006@wingpea_        Rented then Watched #Mediastan promptly BoughtOct 12 15:07
s-006 retweeted by    it because it's absolutely clear that the worldOct 12 15:07
s-006 @wikileaks      is NOT how they want us to think it is GET ITOct 12 15:07
s-006........................................ 12 15:07
s-006@lookatluca      Watching surreal @wikileaks Central Asia roadOct 12 15:09
s-006 retweeted by    movie "Mediastan"? Look out for Enayat, theOct 12 15:09
s-006 @wikileaks      Afghan wonderkid #toptellyOct 12 15:09
s-006        12 15:09
s-006........................................ 12 15:09 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 15:09
s-006@BKMUFC          Just watch #Mediastan and you willOct 12 15:10
s-006 retweeted by    understand... Wow!Oct 12 15:10
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:10
s-006........................................ 12 15:10
s-006@DaemonX99       Just watched mediastan awesome #WikiLeaksOct 12 15:10
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 15:10
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:10
s-006........................................ 12 15:10
s-006@santlani        @wikileaks Unbelievably Brilliant !! #MEDIASTANOct 12 15:13
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 15:13
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:13
s-006........................................ 12 15:13
s-006@wikileaks       MEDIASTAN: NYT editor admits to daily phoneOct 12 15:15
s-006 retweeted by    calls with USG, decision to conceal NSA'sOct 12 15:15
s-006 @davidgerard    surveillance programmes 12 15:15
s-006........................................ 12 15:15 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 12 15:15
s-006@wikileaks       So far we're beating the pants off Hollywood'sOct 12 15:17
s-006                 anti-WikiLeaks film 'Fifth Estate' with a $0Oct 12 15:17
s-006                 advertising spend. #MEDIASTANOct 12 15:17
s-006........................................ 12 15:17
s-006@MNaufal_AFikri  Just watch 'A #WikiLeaks Road Movie' theOct 12 15:18
s-006 retweeted by    marvelous documentary #MediastanOct 12 15:18
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:18
s-006........................................ 12 15:18
s-006@ankitkumars     #MEDIASTAN  by @wikileaks is a must watchOct 12 15:18
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 15:18
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:18
s-006........................................ 12 15:18
s-006@LifeinDerbyCity  Whether or not you support @Wikileaks and/orOct 12 15:18
s-006 retweeted by    #Assange - #Mediastan is still a great film -Oct 12 15:18
s-006 @wikileaks      the world needs more of thisOct 12 15:18
s-006........................................ 12 15:18
s-006@reverbfactory   Just watched and then purchased #Mediastan fromOct 12 15:18
s-006 retweeted by    #WikiLeaks Excellent stuff!Oct 12 15:18
s-006 @wikileaks 12 15:18
s-006........................................ 12 15:18 | MediastanOct 12 15:18
s-006@slashdot        The Game Controllers That Shaped the Way WeOct 12 15:21
s-006                 Play 12 15:21
s-006........................................ 12 15:21 | The Game Controllers That Shaped the Way We Play - SlashdotOct 12 15:21
s-006@MikeCMU13       Decided to see what this #Mediastan business isOct 12 15:21
s-006 retweeted by    all about. Glad i did. Great doc. EveryoneOct 12 15:21
s-006 @wikileaks      should watch!Oct 12 15:21
s-006........................................ 12 15:21
s-006@portamobile     Wow.. #Mediastan from @wikileaks is disturbingOct 12 15:22
s-006 retweeted by    stuff..Oct 12 15:22
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:22
s-006........................................ 12 15:22
s-006@inowgb          TopTag(3hrs) 1:#Mediastan 2:#PhailinOct 12 15:22
s-006 retweeted by    3:#WikiLeaks 4:#WCQ 5:#MarvelNYCC 6:#ACRAsOct 12 15:22
s-006 @wikileaks      7:#CyclonePhailin 8:#Capricorn ..Oct 12 15:22
s-006........................................ 12 15:22
s-006@ALVonChen       Must Watch #MEDIASTAN by @wikileaksOct 12 15:23
s-006 retweeted by 12 15:23
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:23 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 12 15:23
s-006........................................ 12 15:23
s-006@AFPespanol      @wikileaks publica los primeros vídeos deOct 12 15:26
s-006 retweeted by    #Snowden tras recibir asilo en Rusia #AFPOct 12 15:26
s-006 @wikileaks 12 15:26
s-006........................................ 12 15:26 | AFP: EEUU: primer vídeo de Snowden desde que se asiló en RusiaOct 12 15:26
s-006@peace_feet      @wikileaks MEDIASTAN. one word: Outstanding.Oct 12 15:27
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 15:27
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:27
s-006........................................ 12 15:27
s-006@Devilmath       For whoever is going to watch The Fifth EstateOct 12 15:28
s-006 retweeted by    this weekend: watch @wikileaks doc #MediastanOct 12 15:28
s-006 @wikileaks      as well, it's brilliant 12 15:28
s-006........................................ 12 15:28 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 15:28
s-006@Glinner         "The biggest cover-up in the history of theOct 12 15:28
s-006 retweeted by    State." From 2012, byOct 12 15:28
s-006 @glynmoody      Gemma O'Doherty, recently fired from Irish IndoOct 12 15:28
s-006........................................ 12 15:28 | Gemma O’Doherty: Truth about Fr Molloy's murder will rock the State - Independent.ieOct 12 15:28
s-006@ScorpiusMaximus  Fishermen in coastal villages of Andhra sayingOct 12 15:28
s-006 retweeted by    "We have never witnessed something like thisOct 12 15:28
s-006 @glynmoody      before"  #PhailinOct 12 15:28
s-006........................................ 12 15:28
s-006@iswarnethi      #MEDIASTAN creating big hypes on the internet.Oct 12 15:33
s-006 retweeted by    Gotta check it out.... When it's being promotedOct 12 15:33
s-006 @wikileaks      by Wikileaks, you know it's something good.Oct 12 15:33
s-006........................................ 12 15:33
s-006@JoePlaza        @wikileaks best documentary ive ever seenOct 12 15:34
s-006 retweeted by    #mediastanOct 12 15:34
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:34
s-006........................................ 12 15:34
s-006@arjunchetna     @wikileaks Watching now #MEDIASTAN. MindOct 12 15:34
s-006 retweeted by    blowing!Oct 12 15:34
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:34
s-006........................................ 12 15:34
s-006@Jaishanker959   @wikileaks MEDIASTAN. Three word: BESTOct 12 15:40
s-006 retweeted by    DOCUMENTARY EVER.Oct 12 15:40
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:40
s-006........................................ 12 15:40
s-006@merajkabir      #MEDIASTAN is trending well all over the globe;Oct 12 15:42
s-006 retweeted by    why not it's a @wikileaks creation by the way.Oct 12 15:42
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:42
s-006........................................ 12 15:42
s-006@doctorow        Photoset: teamsternation: Actually, things haveOct 12 15:43
s-006                 gotten worse since 2010. The 40% of AmericansOct 12 15:43
s-006                 no longer even... 12 15:43
s-006........................................ 12 15:43 | Cory Doctorow: teamsternation:  Actually, things have gotten...Oct 12 15:43
s-006@deCespedes      great reviews!  v @wikileaks  What isOct 12 15:47
s-006 retweeted by    #MEDIASTAN about? Read our descriptionOct 12 15:47
s-006 @wikileaks 12 15:47
s-006........................................ 12 15:47 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 12 15:47
s-006@merajkabir      I am thrilled about #MEDIASTAN - a rare truthOct 12 15:48
s-006 retweeted by    about journslism and how media get maligned byOct 12 15:48
s-006 @wikileaks      super powers - hats off to @wikileaks.Oct 12 15:48
s-006........................................ 12 15:49
s-006@p3t3_r          Wow it seems like a hurricane just swept thruOct 12 15:56
s-006 retweeted by    my TL with er'body talking about @wikileaksOct 12 15:56
s-006 @wikileaks      #MEDIASTAN. Gota watchOct 12 15:56
s-006........................................ 12 15:56
s-006@Viki_meo        3 words about #mediastan GREAT GREAT GREATOct 12 15:56
s-006 retweeted by    @wikileaksOct 12 15:56
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:56
s-006........................................ 12 15:56
s-006@karlaokane      #Mediastan I just watched it, a greatOct 12 16:00
s-006 retweeted by    documentary! #assange #WikileaksOct 12 16:00
s-006 @wikileaks 12 16:00
s-006........................................ 12 16:00 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 16:00
s-006@doctorow        Photo: Happiest inexplicable vehicular queue onOct 12 16:02
s-006                 Earth 12 16:02
s-006........................................ 12 16:02 | Cory Doctorow: Happiest inexplicable vehicular queue on EarthOct 12 16:02
s-006@NYTeXaminer     Who wants to review #MEDIASTAN for NYT eXaminerOct 12 16:03
s-006 retweeted by 12 16:03
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 16:03
s-006........................................ 12 16:03 | NYTimes eXaminer |  GET INVOLVEDOct 12 16:03
s-006@wikileaks       WATCH WikiLeaks #MEDIASTAN for FREE next 36Oct 12 16:05
s-006                 hours (UK) and rest of the world for as littleOct 12 16:05
s-006                 as $2 12 16:05
s-006........................................ 12 16:05 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 12 16:05
s-006@deCespedes      This is the real 5th Estate:Check outOct 12 16:06
s-006 retweeted by    #Mediastan - Click here to watch the full filmOct 12 16:06
s-006 @wikileaks      on Vimeo <3 #wikileaksOct 12 16:06
s-006                 #ManningOct 12 16:06
s-006........................................ 12 16:06 | MediastanOct 12 16:06
s-006@ClintWasTaken   #Mediastan was really eye-opening. Urge anybodyOct 12 16:06
s-006 retweeted by    interested in journalism and media to watch it.Oct 12 16:06
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 16:07
s-006........................................ 12 16:07
s-006@AnnieDarkhorse  Just watched #MEDIASTAN Very interestingOct 12 16:08
s-006 retweeted by    insight into Guerilla journalism & difficultiesOct 12 16:08
s-006 @wikileaks      in getting media orgs to publish bravelyOct 12 16:08
s-006                 @wikileaksOct 12 16:08
s-006........................................ 12 16:08
s-006@wikileaks       WikiLeaks releases first video clips of EdwardOct 12 16:11
s-006                 #Snowden in Moscow 12 16:11 | Video: Edward Snowden wins Sam Adams awardOct 12 16:11
s-006........................................ 12 16:11
s-006@AnnieDarkhorse  Just watched #MEDIASTAN Very interestingOct 12 16:12
s-006 retweeted by    insight into Guerilla journalism & difficultiesOct 12 16:12
s-006 @qu1j0t3        in getting media orgs to publish bravelyOct 12 16:12
s-006                 @wikileaksOct 12 16:12
s-006........................................ 12 16:12
s-006@Jan_in_France   #mediastan Impressive. Reveals the ridiculousOct 12 16:12
s-006 retweeted by    situation that journalism has found/put itselfOct 12 16:12
s-006 @wikileaks      inOct 12 16:12
s-006........................................ 12 16:12
s-006@wikileaks       WATCH WikiLeaks #MEDIASTAN for FREE next 36Oct 12 16:12
s-006 retweeted by    hours (UK) and rest of the world for as littleOct 12 16:12
s-006 @qu1j0t3        as $2 12 16:12
s-006........................................ 12 16:12 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 12 16:12
s-006@jennyclementir  You can skip #TheFifthEstate but notOct 12 16:12
s-006 retweeted by    #MEDIASTAN: 12 16:12
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 16:12
s-006........................................ 12 16:12 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 12 16:12
s-006@coleyisalegend  @wikileaks watched #Mediastan quality piece ofOct 12 16:12
s-006 retweeted by    film making!!Oct 12 16:12
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 16:13
s-006........................................ 12 16:13
s-006@hacksparrow     MEDIASTAN will open your eyes. Watch it!Oct 12 16:13
s-006 retweeted by 12 16:13
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 16:13 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 16:13
s-006........................................ 12 16:13
s-006@TheAnonReporter  To all of you wondering the hype and excitementOct 12 16:13
s-006 retweeted by    behind #MEDIASTAN please refer to this link:Oct 12 16:13
s-006 @wikileaks Also via @wikileaks.Oct 12 16:13
s-006........................................ 12 16:13 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 12 16:13
s-006@qu1j0t3         "How can the spirit of the earth like the whiteOct 12 16:14
s-006                 man? Everywhere the white man has touched it,Oct 12 16:14
s-006                 it is sore."—a Wintu Indian quoted by RoszakOct 12 16:14
s-006........................................ 12 16:14
s-006@slashdot        Fight Bicycle Theft With the Open Source BikeOct 12 16:15
s-006                 Registry 12 16:15
s-006........................................ 12 16:15 | Fight Bicycle Theft With the Open Source Bike Registry - SlashdotOct 12 16:15
s-006@wikileaks       Video: Edward #Snowden receives US integrityOct 12 16:16
s-006                 award in Moscow 12 16:16
s-006........................................ 12 16:16 | Video: Edward Snowden receives Sam Adams award in MoscowOct 12 16:16
s-006@wikileaks       Video: Edward #Snowden speaks about governmentOct 12 16:16
s-006                 transparency 12 16:16
s-006........................................ 12 16:16 | Video: Edward Snowden speaks about government transparency at Sam Adams award presentation in MoscowOct 12 16:16
s-006@wikileaks       New video: Edward #Snowden speaks about NSAOct 12 16:18
s-006                 dangers to democracy 12 16:18
s-006........................................ 12 16:18 | Video: Edward Snowden speaks about dangers to democracy at Sam Adams award presentation in MoscowOct 12 16:18
s-006@wikileaks       New video: Edward #Snowden speaks about NSAOct 12 16:18
s-006                 surveillance programs 12 16:18
s-006........................................ 12 16:18 | Video: Edward Snowden speaks about NSA programmes at Sam Adams award presentation in MoscowOct 12 16:18
s-006@wikileaks       New video: Edward #Snowden, Sarah Harrison,Oct 12 16:20
s-006                 NSA, CIA, FBI, DoJ whistleblowers share aOct 12 16:20
s-006                 secret joke 12 16:20
s-006........................................ 12 16:20 | Video: Edward Snowden at Sam Adams award presentation in Moscow [silent clip]Oct 12 16:20
s-006@WELT_Video      Moskau: WikiLeaks veröffentlicht Video vonOct 12 16:21
s-006 retweeted by    Edward Snowden: Die EnthüllungsplattformOct 12 16:21
s-006 @wikileaks      Wikileaks veröff... viaOct 12 16:21
s-006                 @weltOct 12 16:21
s-006........................................ 12 16:21 | Moskau :  WikiLeaks veröffentlicht Video von Edward Snowden - Nachrichten Politik - Ausland - DIE WELTOct 12 16:21
s-006@inowgb          TopTag(3hrs) 1:#Mediastan 2:#WikiLeaksOct 12 16:24
s-006 retweeted by    3:#shutdown 4:#Promote 5:#phailin 6:#ACRAsOct 12 16:24
s-006 @wikileaks      7:#business 8:#TDL 9:#vagenvy ..Oct 12 16:24
s-006........................................ 12 16:24
s-006@wikileaks       Edward #Snowden: "We don't have an oversightOct 12 16:26
s-006                 problem, we have an undersight problem."Oct 12 16:26
s-006        12 16:26
s-006........................................ 12 16:26 | Video: Edward Snowden wins Sam Adams awardOct 12 16:26
s-006@doctorow        "A student blows up at a teacher, drops theOct 12 16:32
s-006                 F-bomb. The usual approach at Lincoln – and,Oct 12 16:32
s-006                 safe to say, at..." 12 16:32
s-006........................................ 12 16:32 | Cory Doctorow: A student blows up at a teacher, drops the F-bomb....Oct 12 16:32
s-006@wikileaks       WIKILEAKS RELEASE #Israel: 113,259 emails fromOct 12 16:42
s-006                 US intelligence contractor #StratforOct 12 16:42
s-006        #gifilesOct 12 16:42
s-006        12 16:42
s-006........................................ 12 16:42 | GI Files  -Oct 12 16:42 | Donate to WikiLeaksOct 12 16:42
s-006@wikileaks       WIKILEAKS RELEASE #Israel: 1,061 sensitiveOct 12 16:42
s-006                 emails from US intelligence contractorOct 12 16:42
s-006                 #Stratfor #gifilesOct 12 16:42
s-006........................................ 12 16:42 | GI Files  -Oct 12 16:42
s-006@wikileaks       WIKILEAKS RELEASE #Israel: 316 very sensitiveOct 12 16:43
s-006                 emails from US intelligence contractorOct 12 16:43
s-006                 #Stratfor #gifilesOct 12 16:43
s-006........................................ 12 16:43 | GI Files  -Oct 12 16:43
s-006@techdirt        Awesome Stuff: Security Hardware For The MassesOct 12 17:09
s-006        12 17:09
s-006........................................ 12 17:09 | Awesome Stuff: Security Hardware For The Masses | TechdirtOct 12 17:09
s-006@ggreenwald      GOP establishment launches primary challengeOct 12 17:11
s-006 retweeted by    against GOP dissident and NSA criticOct 12 17:11
s-006 @csoghoian      @repjustinamash 12 17:11
s-006........................................ 12 17:11 | GOP rival announces Justin Amash primary - Tal Kopan - POLITICO.comOct 12 17:11
s-006@wikileaks       New York Times peddles smear of Assange andOct 12 17:13
s-006                 leaks | Cryptome 12 17:13
s-006........................................ 12 17:13 | New York Times Peddles Film Smear of Assange and LeaksOct 12 17:13
s-006@albion_music Amazing documentaryOct 12 17:17
s-006 retweeted by    #MEDIASTAN. Incredibly revealing about USOct 12 17:17 | NO TITLEOct 12 17:17
s-006 @wikileaks      imperialist-like control of internationalOct 12 17:17
s-006                 press.Oct 12 17:17
s-006........................................ 12 17:17
s-006@alexjosephmills  Essential insights into the complex boundariesOct 12 17:17
s-006 retweeted by    that govern press freedom & the variedOct 12 17:17
s-006 @wikileaks      motivations that underpin them: #mediastanOct 12 17:17
s-006                 @wikileaksOct 12 17:17
s-006........................................ 12 17:17
s-006@maskeddev       Guess I should watch #MEDIASTAN since everyoneOct 12 17:17
s-006 retweeted by    else has, and my feed is filled with peopleOct 12 17:17
s-006 @wikileaks      saying it's great!Oct 12 17:17
s-006........................................ 12 17:17
s-006@Vhamerton       C'mon people. Pay for #mediastan supportOct 12 17:17
s-006 retweeted by    @wikileaks and everything they do!!!! They riskOct 12 17:17
s-006 @wikileaks      so much for us.Oct 12 17:17
s-006........................................ 12 17:17
s-006@slashdot        Read Better Books To Be a Better PersonOct 12 17:18
s-006        12 17:18
s-006........................................ 12 17:18 | Read Better Books To Be a Better Person - SlashdotOct 12 17:18
s-006@sgtgingerchris  @wikileaks Just watched #MEDIASTAN wow what aOct 12 17:20
s-006 retweeted by    great film It's a must watchOct 12 17:20
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 17:20
s-006........................................ 12 17:20
s-006@NotMattJames    If you you're mind tank was filled to capacityOct 12 17:20
s-006 retweeted by    by #InsideJob, you'll really dig on #MediastanOct 12 17:20
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 17:20
s-006........................................ 12 17:20
s-006@jrodwyer        Just watching #wikileaks movie #assange onOct 12 17:20
s-006 retweeted by    #mediastan well worth a watch Free in UK thisOct 12 17:20
s-006 @wikileaks      weekend Good stuffOct 12 17:20
s-006                 JulianOct 12 17:20 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 17:20
s-006........................................ 12 17:20
s-006@Andr3sCu3llar   You should watch "Mediastan". Will open yourOct 12 17:23
s-006 retweeted by    eyes, watch it!Oct 12 17:23
s-006 @wikileaks (This weekend free fromOct 12 17:23
s-006                 UK site)Oct 12 17:23 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 12 17:23
s-006........................................ 12 17:23
s-006@AverageSteve73  #MEDIASTAN pretty scary stuff... you alwaysOct 12 17:24
s-006 retweeted by    need to know both sides before you can judgeOct 12 17:24
s-006 @wikileaks      anything!Oct 12 17:24
s-006........................................ 12 17:24
s-006@musharib13      "@merajkabir: #MEDIASTAN is trending well allOct 12 17:24
s-006 retweeted by    over the globe; why not it's a @wikileaksOct 12 17:24
s-006 @wikileaks      creation by the way." It must be special iOct 12 17:24
s-006                 think :-)Oct 12 17:24
s-006........................................ 12 17:24
s-006@koolfy          #Mediastan is a very interesting view of howOct 12 17:25
s-006 retweeted by    very different media reacted to being offeredOct 12 17:25
s-006 @wikileaks      Cables by #wikileaks. Journalism must-watch.Oct 12 17:25
s-006........................................ 12 17:25
s-006@Jamut38         Amazing documentary #MEDIASTAN. IncrediblyOct 12 17:26
s-006 retweeted by    revealing about US  control of internationalOct 12 17:26
s-006 @wikileaks      press. via @youtubeOct 12 17:26
s-006........................................ 12 17:26 | Mediastan (2013) - YouTubeOct 12 17:26
s-006@wikileaks       Check out these Twitter trending graphs forOct 12 17:31
s-006                 #MEDIASTAN vs #FifthEstateOct 12 17:31
s-006        12 17:31
s-006........................................ 12 17:31
TechrightsSocial@m_cetera: Check out these Twitter trending graphs for #MEDIASTAN vs #FifthEstate 12 17:31
s-006@wikileaks       Graph: WikiLeaks documentary about mediaOct 12 17:35
s-006                 corruption eats alive multi-million dollarOct 12 17:35
s-006                 anti-WikiLeaks Hollywood filmOct 12 17:35
s-006        12 17:35
s-006........................................ 12 17:35
s-006@umairh          The future of everything “@maura: DoingOct 12 17:40
s-006                 Krokodil In Front Of A Banksy InstallationOct 12 17:40
s-006                 While Eating A Cronut: New York, 2013”Oct 12 17:40
s-006........................................ 12 17:40
s-006@umairh          This generation isn't going to get fucked. ItOct 12 17:44
s-006                 already is fucked. So fucked.Oct 12 17:44
s-006........................................ 12 17:44
s-006@umairh          There are really only three choices for thisOct 12 17:46
s-006                 generation. 1) protest 2) get fucked 3) fuckOct 12 17:46
s-006                 each other and get more fuckedOct 12 17:46
s-006........................................ 12 17:46
s-006@umairh          Ah, fuck it. Who gives a shit, anyways, right?Oct 12 17:49
s-006........................................ 12 17:49
s-006@DDavea42        Bought #MEDIASTAN from, which hasOct 12 17:50
s-006 retweeted by    a pleasant workable net procedure. DownloadingOct 12 17:50
s-006 @wikileaks      now.Oct 12 17:50
s-006........................................ 12 17:50
s-006@felipe_nica     #MEDIASTAN is very good. If you like realityOct 12 17:51
s-006 retweeted by    rather than hype, watch it.Oct 12 17:51
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 17:51
s-006........................................ 12 17:51
s-006@wikileaks       Graphil: Social media helps WikiLeaksOct 12 17:54
s-006                 #MEDIASTAN film eat Dreamworks/Disney movieOct 12 17:54
s-006                 'The Fifth Estate' 12 17:54
s-006........................................ 12 17:54
TechrightsSocial@m_cetera: Check out these Twitter trending graphs for #MEDIASTAN vs #FifthEstate 12 17:54
s-006@wikileaks       Graph: Social media helps WikiLeaks #MEDIASTANOct 12 17:54
s-006                 film eat Dreamworks/Disney movie 'The FifthOct 12 17:54
s-006                 Estate' 12 17:54
s-006........................................ 12 17:54
s-006@cnels43         #MEDIASTAN gives viewers a much deeperOct 12 17:55
s-006 retweeted by    understanding of just how far-reaching the USOct 12 17:55
s-006 @wikileaks      govt's tentacles extend throughout the world.Oct 12 17:55
s-006                 Shocking.Oct 12 17:55
s-006........................................ 12 17:55
s-006@faujdardev      #MEDIASTAN Gives viewers a much deeperOct 12 18:04
s-006 retweeted by    understanding of just how far-reaching the USOct 12 18:04
s-006 @wikileaks      govt's tentacles extend throughout the world.Oct 12 18:04
s-006                 AwesomeOct 12 18:04
s-006........................................ 12 18:04
s-006@ianbremmer      Combined wealth of the world’s 1,400Oct 12 18:04
s-006 retweeted by    billionaires: $5.5 trillion.Oct 12 18:04
s-006 @umairh         US, China & Japan are the only countries withOct 12 18:04
s-006                 higher GDPs.Oct 12 18:04
s-006........................................ 12 18:04
s-006@umairh          The world has 1400 billionaires. Most of us, onOct 12 18:08
s-006                 the other hand, don't have a future.Oct 12 18:08
s-006........................................ 12 18:08
s-006@slashdot        Ask Slashdot: Mitigating  DoS Attacks On HomeOct 12 18:15
s-006                 Network? 12 18:15
s-006........................................ 12 18:15 | Ask Slashdot: Mitigating  DoS Attacks On Home Network? - SlashdotOct 12 18:15
*schestowitz_bed2 has quit (Read error: No route to host)Oct 12 18:22
*pidgin_log has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Oct 12 18:22
*schestowitz_bed2 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 12 18:22
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 12 18:22
s-006@glynmoody       E-Mail-Sicherheit: Telekom will E-Mail an USA &Oct 12 18:23
s-006                 Großbritannien vorbeileiten -Oct 12 18:23
s-006        will be common (vOct 12 18:23
s-006                 @olewin @bendrath)Oct 12 18:23
s-006........................................ 12 18:23 | Telekom legt Vorschlag gegen britisch-amerikanische Überwachung vor - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 12 18:23
s-006@umairh          Capitalism walks into a bar. Everyone runs awayOct 12 18:49
s-006                 screaming.Oct 12 18:49
s-006........................................ 12 18:49
schestowitz_bed2 12 18:55 Does a Chromebook replace a laptop? it runs #gnu #linuxOct 12 18:55
TechrightsSocial-> | Does a Chromebook replace a laptop? | TG Daily  [ ]Oct 12 18:55
schestowitz_bed2"Install any linux on it and be free from google "Oct 12 18:55 | How to Install Linux on a Chromebook and Unlock Its Full Potential  [ ]Oct 12 18:55
schestowitz_bed2"Does installing your own Linux violate the TOS?"Oct 12 19:08
s-006@RationalWiki    Templeton Foundation's getting a reputation, soOct 12 19:09
s-006 retweeted by    now they fund studies through front groupsOct 12 19:09
s-006 @davidgerard 12 19:09
s-006........................................ 12 19:09 | A stealth Templeton grant? « Why Evolution Is TrueOct 12 19:09
s-006@slashdot        Hubble Finds Sign That Habitable Planets CouldOct 12 19:09
s-006                 Exist Beyond Solar SystemOct 12 19:09
s-006        12 19:09
s-006........................................ 12 19:09 | Hubble Finds Sign That Habitable Planets Could Exist Beyond Solar System - SlashdotOct 12 19:09
s-006@schestowitz     Impossibilities 12 19:09
s-006........................................ 12 19:09
s-006@schestowitz     Criminally faux reporting from the #bbcOct 12 19:43
s-006                 #propaganda machine 12 19:43
s-006........................................ 12 19:43 | Craig Murray  » Blog Archive   » Fake BBC VideoOct 12 19:44
s-006@Silent_Circle   We've just released version 1.6.5 ofOct 12 19:46
s-006 retweeted by    #SilentPhone (Android) to @github in aOct 12 19:46
s-006 @ioerror        buildable format: 12 19:46
s-006........................................ 12 19:46 | SilentCircle/silent-phone-android · GitHubOct 12 19:46
s-006@OccupyWallSt    A new generation has come of age with a reducedOct 12 19:50
s-006 retweeted by    expectation of what a person can be and of whoOct 12 19:50
s-006 @umairh         each person might become. via Jaron LanierOct 12 19:50
s-006........................................ 12 19:50
s-006@umairh          Hahahah ahaha “@paulpod: @umairh that guy? HeOct 12 19:50
s-006                 *never* buys a round”Oct 12 19:50
s-006........................................ 12 19:50
s-006@schestowitz     Snowden Accepts Whistleblower AwardOct 12 19:52
s-006        #snowden #nsaOct 12 19:52
s-006........................................ 12 19:52 | Snowden Accepts Whistleblower Award | ConsortiumnewsOct 12 19:52
s-006@glynmoody       Experte warnt vor "Patent-Trollen" durchOct 12 19:57
s-006                 Handelsabkommen - oh,Oct 12 19:57
s-006                 that would be me on #ISDS in #TAFTA/#TTIP (vOct 12 19:57
s-006                 @olewin)Oct 12 19:57
s-006........................................ 12 19:57 | TAFTA/TTIP: Experte warnt vor "Patent-Trollen" durch Handelsabkommen - Golem.deOct 12 19:57
s-006@slashdot        Dataland: the Emerging DystopiaOct 12 20:03
s-006        12 20:03
s-006........................................ 12 20:03 | Dataland: the Emerging Dystopia - SlashdotOct 12 20:03
s-006@glynmoody       Video: Edward Snowden wins Sam Adams award -Oct 12 20:05
s-006        in 6 short videos,Oct 12 20:05
s-006                 #snowden as eloquent as ever about importantOct 12 20:05
s-006                 thingsOct 12 20:05
s-006........................................ 12 20:05 | Video: Edward Snowden wins Sam Adams awardOct 12 20:05
s-006@NoahShachtman   I tried to tell you in July that #Snowden'sOct 12 20:14
s-006 retweeted by    laptops were just decoys.Oct 12 20:14
s-006 @csoghoian 12 20:14
s-006........................................ 12 20:14 | Laptops Snowden took to Hong Kong, Russia were a 'diversion' | ReutersOct 12 20:14 | What If Snowden's Laptops Hold No Secrets? - By Noah Shachtman | Foreign PolicyOct 12 20:14
s-006@csoghoian       This photo of NSA director Alexander is beggingOct 12 20:21
s-006                 for a few snarky captions (ViaOct 12 20:21
s-006                 @Asher_Wolf)"Oct 12 20:21
s-006........................................ 12 20:21
TechrightsSocial@Asher_Wolf: This image of NSA's Gen. Keith Alexander is ripe for remixing 12 20:21
s-006@glynmoody       #Snowden Accepts Whistleblower Award -Oct 12 20:25
s-006        useful written report ofOct 12 20:25
s-006                 the event (v @AnnieMachon)Oct 12 20:25
s-006........................................ 12 20:25 | Snowden Accepts Whistleblower Award | ConsortiumnewsOct 12 20:25
s-006@doctorow        Photo: Leader board 12 20:29
s-006........................................ 12 20:29 | Cory Doctorow: Leader boardOct 12 20:29
s-006@umairh          This is totally in for winter. Get yours now!Oct 12 20:37
s-006        12 20:37
s-006........................................ 12 20:37 | Comme Des Garçons Homme Plus Black Leather Pageboy Bunny Hat for men | SSENSEOct 12 20:37
s-006@techdirt        Gabriella Coleman's Favorite News Stories OfOct 12 20:40
s-006                 The Week 12 20:40 | Gabriella Coleman's Favorite News Stories Of The Week | TechdirtOct 12 20:40
s-006........................................ 12 20:40
s-006@rubcacenter     Finished watching #Mediastan, fascinating rawOct 12 20:54
s-006 retweeted by    coverage of the work & philosophy of @wikileaksOct 12 20:54
s-006 @wikileaks      as well as an adventure across #CentralAsia!Oct 12 20:54
s-006........................................ 12 20:54
s-006@rbit_lsi        Everyone should see #mediastan. It will be anOct 12 20:54
s-006 retweeted by    eye opener for some and a confirmation forOct 12 20:54
s-006 @wikileaks      others. Please, never stop what you doOct 12 20:54
s-006                 @wikileaks!Oct 12 20:54
s-006........................................ 12 20:54
s-006@zoemavroudi     Bill Keller: "It's not our job to decide whatOct 12 20:55
s-006 retweeted by    is destabilizing or to preserve the stabilityOct 12 20:56
s-006 @wikileaks      of countries elsewhere." #MEDIASTANOct 12 20:56
s-006........................................ 12 20:56
s-006@AlejandroAhumad  Interested how the media works? WatchOct 12 20:56
s-006 retweeted by    @wikileaks doc #Mediastan, it's brilliant:Oct 12 20:56
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 20:56
s-006        12 20:56
s-006........................................ 12 20:56 | Mediastan (2013) - YouTubeOct 12 20:56
s-006@Kernehed        #MEDIASTAN thanks for that wake-up call!Oct 12 20:56
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 20:56
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 20:56
s-006........................................ 12 20:56
s-006@zoemavroudi     So many interviewees in #MEDIASTAN arguedOct 12 20:57
s-006 retweeted by    against the importance of searching for andOct 12 20:57
s-006 @wikileaks      revealing the truth, it's actually scary.Oct 12 20:57
s-006........................................ 12 20:57
s-006@juliecupples79  I just watched #MEDIASTAN, a chillingOct 12 20:58
s-006 retweeted by    geopolitical account of the state of globalOct 12 20:58
s-006 @wikileaks      media democracy. #WikiLeaksOct 12 20:58
s-006........................................ 12 20:58
s-006@MaggieJustAwake  .@wikileaks The personally signed "fan-girl"Oct 12 20:58
s-006 retweeted by    photo to Arthur Sulzberger  from @BarackObamaOct 12 20:58
s-006 @wikileaks      was particularly moving! #MEDIASTANOct 12 20:58
s-006........................................ 12 20:58
s-006@ashkokoeva      I just watched #MEDIASTAN It was AMAZING!! MayOct 12 20:58
s-006 retweeted by    I just say that I respect #JulianAssange andOct 12 20:58
s-006 @wikileaks      the team of @wikileaks for everything they do!Oct 12 20:58
s-006........................................ 12 20:58
s-006@slashdot        Charlie Stross: Why Microsoft Word Must DieOct 12 21:00
s-006        12 21:00
s-006........................................ 12 21:00 | Charlie Stross: Why Microsoft Word Must Die - SlashdotOct 12 21:00
s-006@ramdac          "We used this handbook, and we did everythingOct 12 21:01
s-006 retweeted by    by the book!" 12 21:01
s-006 @csoghoian      Oct 12 21:01
TechrightsSocial@ramdac: "We used this handbook, and we did everything by the book!" 12 21:01
s-006........................................ 12 21:01
s-006@nqabamatshazi   Watching the wikileaks doccie #Mediastan, justOct 12 21:04
s-006 retweeted by    seen Eyanat an Afghan journalist I met lastOct 12 21:04
s-006 @wikileaks      year he helped Wikileaks guys with translationsOct 12 21:04
s-006........................................ 12 21:04
s-006@gwstauth        Just another who bought, watched, and enjoyedOct 12 21:05
s-006 retweeted by    #MEDIASTAN What a journey to prove what theyOct 12 21:05
s-006 @wikileaks      did. @wikileaksOct 12 21:05
s-006........................................ 12 21:05
s-006@MikeMelo1369    @wikileaks Just watched #Mediastan Wow what anOct 12 21:06
s-006 retweeted by    eyeopener. a Truly great behind the scenes lookOct 12 21:06
s-006 @wikileaks      at #OperationCablerunOct 12 21:06
s-006........................................ 12 21:06
s-006@NomasKnowmas    #MEDIASTAN gives viewers a much deeperOct 12 21:07
s-006 retweeted by    understanding of just how far-reaching the USOct 12 21:07
s-006 @wikileaks      govt's tentacles extend throughout the world.Oct 12 21:07
s-006                 Shocking.Oct 12 21:07
s-006........................................ 12 21:07
s-006@jasondunlap     @wikileaks just watched #MEDIASTAN what anOct 12 21:07
s-006 retweeted by    amazing film! I was completely blown away byOct 12 21:07
s-006 @wikileaks      it. Would love to see more!Oct 12 21:07
s-006........................................ 12 21:07
s-006@gersongomeza    @WIKILEAKS just watched #MEDIASTAN what anOct 12 21:11
s-006 retweeted by    amazing film! I was completely blown away byOct 12 21:11
s-006 @wikileaks      it. Would love to see more!Oct 12 21:11
s-006                 #SabadoDeGanarSeguidoresOct 12 21:11
s-006........................................ 12 21:11
s-006@rosehunnyheart  #Mediastan Eye-opening, engaging, honest filmOct 12 21:11
s-006 retweeted by    about how the media works watch free this wkendOct 12 21:11
s-006 @wikileaks      in UK @wikileaks #press #freedomofspeechOct 12 21:11
s-006........................................ 12 21:11
s-006@wikileaks       Check out these Twitter trending graphs forOct 12 21:13
s-006                 #MEDIASTAN vs #FifthEstateOct 12 21:13
s-006        12 21:13
s-006........................................ 12 21:13
TechrightsSocial@m_cetera: Check out these Twitter trending graphs for #MEDIASTAN vs #FifthEstate 12 21:13
s-006@linuxtoday      Hyper Light Drifter Drifts Zelda-esque DungeonOct 12 21:14
s-006                 Crawling Onto Linux: Machine Red: AlexOct 12 21:14
s-006                 Preston’s Kickstarter fo...Oct 12 21:14
s-006        12 21:14
s-006........................................ 12 21:14 | Linux Today - Hyper Light Drifter Drifts Zelda-esque Dungeon Crawling Onto LinuxOct 12 21:14
s-006@Cerri__         This is the world we live in. Best documentaryOct 12 21:15
s-006 retweeted by    you will ever see.#Mediastan Oct 12 21:15
s-006 @wikileaks 12 21:15
s-006........................................ 12 21:15 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 21:15
s-006@FuckYeahLibDems  Watch #mediastan free online from the UK:Oct 12 21:16
s-006 retweeted by Shockingly brilliantOct 12 21:16
s-006 @wikileaks      journalism.Oct 12 21:16 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 21:16
s-006........................................ 12 21:16
s-006@Rhea11          @Wikileaks (Mediastan, the film)... you areOct 12 21:20
s-006 retweeted by    amazing .. don't stop.Oct 12 21:20
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 21:20
s-006........................................ 12 21:20
s-006@vaijrb          @wikileaks Just started watching #MEDIASTAN andOct 12 21:20
s-006 retweeted by    my bone is chilling already!Oct 12 21:20
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 21:20
s-006........................................ 12 21:20
s-006@inowgb          TopTag(3hrs) 1:#MEDIASTAN 2:#MarvelNYCC 3:#WCQOct 12 21:21
s-006 retweeted by    4:#Phailin 5:#Pisces 6:#starwars 7:#followersOct 12 21:21
s-006 @wikileaks      8:#TalkAGoodGame ..Oct 12 21:21
s-006........................................ 12 21:21
s-006@1YANGAwakening  Only 3 minutes into #Mediastan and I'm alreadyOct 12 21:23
s-006 retweeted by    getting emotionally overwhelmed byOct 12 21:23
s-006 @wikileaks      #MehrabanbFaizulloh's #Guantanamo ordeal.Oct 12 21:23
s-006........................................ 12 21:23
s-006@graceopppy      Just watched #MEDIASTAN and it was trulyOct 12 21:23
s-006 retweeted by    eye-opening. I have a new level of respect forOct 12 21:23
s-006 @wikileaks      Assange and the entire @wikileaks organization.Oct 12 21:23
s-006........................................ 12 21:23
s-006@givenscj        I will say the Russian translation is reallyOct 12 21:42
s-006 retweeted by    good in #mediastan ...better than what is inOct 12 21:42
s-006 @wikileaks      regular Russian movies...Oct 12 21:42
s-006........................................ 12 21:42
s-006@wikileaks       #Assange: Nearly every significant person inOct 12 21:49
s-006                 Latin America is blackmailable by the U.S. |Oct 12 21:49
s-006                 EFE/FOX 12 21:49
s-006........................................ 12 21:49 | U.S. Monitors Latin American Communications At Will, Wikileaks' Julian Assange Says | Fox News LatinoOct 12 21:49
s-006@4everapplegrape  “@umairh: Capitalism walks into a bar. EveryoneOct 12 21:55
s-006 retweeted by    runs away screaming.”Oct 12 21:55
s-006 @umairh         More likeOct 12 21:55
s-006                 Capitalism walks into a bar. Everyone else getsOct 12 21:55
s-006                 thrown outOct 12 21:55
s-006........................................ 12 21:55
s-006@RichardMetzger  Happy Birthday Aleister Crowley,Oct 12 21:59
s-006 retweeted by    self-proclaimed Antichrist; Victorian hippieOct 12 21:59
s-006 @ioerror via @dangermindsblogOct 12 21:59
s-006........................................ 12 21:59 | Dangerous Minds  |  Happy Birthday Aleister Crowley, self-proclaimed Antichrist; Victorian hippieOct 12 21:59
s-006@umairh          Goddamit, the Cock Brothers broke into my carOct 12 21:59
s-006                 and stole my GPS.Oct 12 21:59
s-006........................................ 12 21:59
s-006@slashdot        JavaScript-Based OpenRISC Emulator Can RunOct 12 22:03
s-006                 Linux, GCC, Wayland 12 22:03
s-006........................................ 12 22:03 | JavaScript-Based OpenRISC Emulator Can Run Linux, GCC, Wayland - SlashdotOct 12 22:03
s-006@doctorow        Snowglobe Travel AdvisoryOct 12 22:03
s-006        12 22:03
s-006........................................ 12 22:03 | Cory Doctorow: Snowglobe Travel AdvisoryOct 12 22:03
qu1j0t3b 126Oct 12 22:23
s-006@wikileaks       UK's Channel 4 just aired a biased documentary,Oct 12 22:26
s-006                 'WikiLeaks: Secret's and Lies'. But nothing isOct 12 22:26
s-006                 what it seems.. 12 22:26
s-006........................................ 12 22:26 | Inside the secrets and lies behind ’Secrets and Lies’Oct 12 22:26
s-006@micahflee       Skype under investigation in Luxembourg overOct 12 22:33
s-006 retweeted by    link to NSA 12 22:33
s-006 @ioerror        Oct 12 22:33 | Skype under investigation in Luxembourg over link to NSA | Technology | theguardian.comOct 12 22:33
s-006........................................ 12 22:33
s-006@chagrinish      Favorite part of #Mediastan is theOct 12 22:33
s-006 retweeted by    introspective debate in the middle that holds aOct 12 22:33
s-006 @wikileaks      mirror to the films own motivations.Oct 12 22:33
s-006........................................ 12 22:33
s-006@EFF             Report from @pressfreedom says NSA surveillanceOct 12 22:34
s-006 retweeted by    creates a "fearful environment" for journalistsOct 12 22:34
s-006 @ioerror        working with sources 12 22:34
s-006........................................ 12 22:34 | New Report Finds Obama’s Policies Threaten an Independent Press | Electronic Frontier FoundationOct 12 22:34
s-006@wikileaks       UK's Channel 4 just aired a biased documentary,Oct 12 22:34
s-006 retweeted by    'WikiLeaks: Secret's and Lies'. But nothing isOct 12 22:34
s-006 @ioerror        what it seems.. 12 22:34
s-006........................................ 12 22:34
s-006@3C75            Anyone who has half an IQ point needs to watchOct 12 22:37
s-006 retweeted by    Mediastan, I beseech you. Brilliant. Excellent.Oct 12 22:37
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 22:37
s-006........................................ 12 22:37
s-006@headhntr        Video clips posted to @WikiLeaks website showOct 12 22:40
s-006 retweeted by    former #NSA analyst speaking for the first timeOct 12 22:40
s-006 @ioerror        since July asylum plea 12 22:40 | Edward Snowden says NSA surveillance programmes 'hurt our country' | World news | theguardian.comOct 12 22:40
s-006........................................ 12 22:40
s-006@tacone_         Una delle mie moderazioni preferite (rotfl)Oct 12 22:43
s-006        12 22:43
s-006........................................ 12 22:43
TechrightsSocial@tacone_: Una delle mie moderazioni preferite (rotfl) 12 22:43
s-006@Gingerbread_Jim  Finished watching #Mediastan. Really insightfulOct 12 22:50
s-006 retweeted by    and genuinely really inspiring. Holds a reallyOct 12 22:50
s-006 @wikileaks      good view of Wikileaks' inner workings.Oct 12 22:50
s-006........................................ 12 22:50
s-006@headhntr        "We don't have an oversight problem, we have anOct 12 22:52
s-006 retweeted by    under-sight problem" - a little surveillanceOct 12 22:52
s-006 @ioerror        state humor.Oct 12 22:52
s-006........................................ 12 22:52
s-006@zseward         Crazy/scary: Three powerful storms menace AsiaOct 12 22:57
s-006 retweeted by    at the same time 12 22:57
s-006 @glynmoody 12 22:57
s-006........................................ 12 22:57 | Radar images: Three powerful storms—Phailin, Nari, and Wipha—menace Asia at the same time  –  QuartzOct 12 22:57
TechrightsSocial@zseward: Crazy/scary: Three powerful storms menace Asia at the same time 12 22:57
s-006@slashdot        People Trust Tech Companies Over Automakers ForOct 12 23:00
s-006                 Self-Driving Cars 12 23:00
s-006........................................ 12 23:00 | People Trust Tech Companies Over Automakers For Self-Driving Cars  - SlashdotOct 12 23:00
s-006@Stephen_Curry   Astonishing to see @sciam & @sciamblogs runningOct 12 23:03
s-006 retweeted by    a gigantic, slow-motion car crash this weekendOct 12 23:03
s-006 @glynmoody /ht @docfreerideOct 12 23:03
s-006........................................ 12 23:03 | Standing with DNLee and “discovering science”. | Doing Good Science, Scientific American Blog NetworkOct 12 23:03
*Thing`l` ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 12 23:06
s-006@wikileaks       Another WikiLeaks produced film coming soon:Oct 12 23:07
s-006 retweeted by    The Engineer (trailer) 12 23:07
s-006 @ioerror        Oct 12 23:07
s-006........................................ 12 23:07 | The Engineer Official Trailer on VimeoOct 12 23:07
s-006@DSweetWCW       As disturbing as shut-down of #EBT cards todayOct 12 23:07
s-006 retweeted by    is the response of "go get a job." Millions ofOct 12 23:07
s-006 @ioerror        people who work still qualify for food stamps.Oct 12 23:07
s-006........................................ 12 23:07
s-006@davidgerard     Why I will never return to the USAOct 12 23:08
s-006        via @dasmagOct 12 23:08
s-006........................................ 12 23:08 | Why I will never return to the USA - Niels Gerson LohmanOct 12 23:08
s-006@CasparBowden    police have also proposed inclusion of separateOct 12 23:09
s-006 retweeted by    section for #Aadhar of criminals in theirOct 12 23:09
s-006 @ioerror        dossiers h/tOct 12 23:09
s-006                 @PrivacyProfOct 12 23:09 | Soon, voice samples to help identify criminals - The Times of IndiaOct 12 23:09
s-006........................................ 12 23:09
s-006@JLLLOW          ICANN, IETF + all five internet domainOct 12 23:24
s-006 retweeted by    registries pledge to sever ties with U.S govt.Oct 12 23:24
s-006 @ioerror Next stop? Brazil! *cueOct 12 23:24
s-006                 samba*Oct 12 23:24
s-006........................................ 12 23:24 | The US is losing control of the internet (Wired UK)Oct 12 23:24
s-006@micahflee       The US is losing control of the InternetOct 12 23:24
s-006 retweeted by 12 23:24
s-006 @ioerror        Oct 12 23:24
s-006........................................ 12 23:24
s-006@umairh          Your life will never feel true unless you fuckOct 12 23:31
s-006                 it up whenever it feels like a lie.Oct 12 23:31
s-006........................................ 12 23:31
*Thing`l` has quit ()Oct 12 23:34
s-006@slashdot        A Peek At Apple's Planned $5B HQ Oct 12 23:51
s-006        12 23:51
s-006........................................ 12 23:51 | A Peek At Apple's Planned $5B HQ  - SlashdotOct 12 23:51
s-006@Andr3sCu3llar   You have to watch "Mediastan". Will open yourOct 12 23:52
s-006 retweeted by    eyes, watch it!  (ThisOct 12 23:52
s-006 @wikileaks      weekend is free from UK)Oct 12 23:52 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 12 23:52
s-006                 #MEDIASTANOct 12 23:52
s-006........................................ 12 23:52
s-006@ACLU            The government says we have no #privacyOct 12 23:57
s-006 retweeted by    interest in our location data:Oct 12 23:57
s-006 @ioerror 12 23:57
s-006........................................ 12 23:57 | Massachusetts High Court to Become Latest to Rule on Warrant Requirement for Cell Phone Tracking | American Civil Liberties UnionOct 12 23:57
s-006@dangillmor      Today's @NYTimes story re Snowden is basedOct 12 23:57
s-006 retweeted by    entirely on unnamed sources with obvious bias.Oct 12 23:57
s-006 @ioerror        Inherently untrustworthy.Oct 12 23:57
s-006        12 23:57
s-006........................................ 12 23:57 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 12 23:57
s-532@globalvoices    I'll be watching @WikiLeaks' #MediastanOct 12 00:08
s-532 retweeted by    tonight, will you? ^SHGOct 12 00:08
s-532 @wikileaks      Oct 12 00:08
s-532........................................ 12 00:08 | Watch Mediastan – a WikiLeaks Road Movie · Global VoicesOct 12 00:08
s-532@techdirt        EFF Quits Global Network Initiative To ProtestOct 12 00:24
s-532                 Tech Firms' Inability To Be Transparent On…Oct 12 00:24
s-532        12 00:24 | EFF Quits Global Network Initiative To Protest Tech Firms' Inability To Be Transparent On Surveillance Issues | TechdirtOct 12 00:24
s-532........................................ 12 00:24
s-532@slashdot        Oil Traders Misread Tweet, Oil Prices SpikeOct 12 00:24
s-532        12 00:24
s-532........................................ 12 00:24 | Oil Traders Misread Tweet, Oil Prices Spike - SlashdotOct 12 00:24
s-532@globalvoices    I'll be watching @WikiLeaks' #MediastanOct 12 00:33
s-532 retweeted by    tonight, will you? ^SHGOct 12 00:33
s-532 @ioerror        Oct 12 00:33
s-532........................................ 12 00:33
s-532@wikileaks       RELEASE: Six new videos of Edward #Snowden inOct 12 00:33
s-532 retweeted by    Moscow; with Sarah Harrison Oct 12 00:33
s-532 @ioerror 12 00:33
s-532........................................ 12 00:33 | Video: Edward Snowden wins Sam Adams awardOct 12 00:33
s-532@ioerror         #WhatsApp crypto is still awful and usersOct 12 00:38
s-532                 should abandon ship: 12 00:38
s-532........................................ 12 00:38 | Critical WhatsApp crypto flaw threatens user privacy, researchers warn | Ars TechnicaOct 12 00:38
s-532@deCespedes      "These programs do not make us more safe."Oct 12 00:38
s-532 retweeted by    Edward #Snowden speaks about #NSA programs atOct 12 00:38
s-532 @ioerror        Sam Adams award 12 00:38
s-532........................................ 12 00:38 | Edward Snowden speaks about NSA programmes at Sam Adams award presentation in Moscow - YouTubeOct 12 00:38
s-532@slashdot        Anti-Chemical Weapon Group Awarded Nobel PeaceOct 12 00:45
s-532                 Prize 12 00:45
s-532........................................ 12 00:45 | Anti-Chemical Weapon Group Awarded Nobel Peace Prize - SlashdotOct 12 00:45
s-532@ioerror         Two of my favorite Free Software Projects areOct 12 00:53
s-532                 @flashrom_org and @coreboot_org - pleaseOct 12 00:53
s-532                 consider supporting their work.Oct 12 00:53
s-532........................................ 12 00:53
s-532@jilliancyork    At 5:30pm (just 45m away!) go seeOct 12 01:04
s-532 retweeted by    @raineyreitman @KimZetter and Cindy Cohn talkOct 12 01:04
s-532 @wikileaks      about The 5th Estate & WikiLeaksOct 12 01:04
s-532        12 01:04
s-532........................................ 12 01:04 | The Fifth Estate v. WikiLeaks: Unraveling Fact from Fiction in Hollywood's Dramatization of the WikiLeaks Story,  | Electronic Frontier FoundationOct 12 01:04
s-532@slashdot        Irony: iPhone 5S Users Reporting Blue Screen ofOct 12 01:06
s-532                 Death 12 01:06
s-532........................................ 12 01:06 | Irony: iPhone 5S Users Reporting Blue Screen of Death - SlashdotOct 12 01:06
s-532@umairh          Awesome! “@domdelport: #SiliWood : @Orange &Oct 12 01:20
s-532                 @HavasMedia announce cutting edge jointOct 12 01:20
s-532                 research centre 12 01:20
s-532........................................ 12 01:20 | Orange and Havas Media announce the creation of SiliWood, a cutting edge joint research and business development centre in Los AngelesOct 12 01:20
s-532@umairh          Hahaha “@BruceBartlett: Wanker in chiefOct 12 01:22
s-532                 @EWErickson wants to kill the GOP. I volunteerOct 12 01:22
s-532                 to help.”Oct 12 01:22
s-532........................................ 12 01:23 | RedState's Erick Erickson Vows To Help Boehner, McConnell's OpponentsOct 12 01:23
s-532@techdirt        DailyDirt: Strawberries Are Technically NotOct 12 01:24
s-532                 Berries 12 01:24
s-532........................................ 12 01:24 | DailyDirt: Strawberries Are Technically Not Berries | TechdirtOct 12 01:24
s-532@wikileaks       The constantly inaccurate UK propaganda outletOct 12 01:27
s-532                 @Reuters, fasely calls Sarah HarrisonOct 12 01:27
s-532                 "journalism student" 12 01:27
s-532........................................ 12 01:27 | Laptops Snowden took to Hong Kong, Russia were a 'diversion'Oct 12 01:27
s-532@JourneymanVOD   Assange tackles the press in his new #WikiLeaksOct 12 01:27
s-532 retweeted by    documentary. Watch it free in the UK hereOct 12 01:27
s-532 @wikileaks 12 01:27
s-532........................................ 12 01:27 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 01:27
s-532@wikileaks       The constantly inaccurate UK propaganda outletOct 12 01:39
s-532 retweeted by    @Reuters, fasely calls Sarah HarrisonOct 12 01:39
s-532 @ioerror        "journalism student" 12 01:39
s-532........................................ 12 01:39
s-532@CDA             Wait, why haven't we demanded that Yahoo enableOct 12 01:50
s-532 retweeted by    HTTPS By Default amidst the NSA revelations?Oct 12 01:50
s-532 @ioerror        Oct 12 01:50
s-532........................................ 12 01:50
s-532@techdirt        CIA Warned About Snowden Trying To Get IntoOct 12 01:54
s-532                 Computers He Wasn't Authorized On Back In 2009Oct 12 01:54
s-532        12 01:54
s-532........................................ 12 01:54 | CIA Warned About Snowden Trying To Get Into Computers He Wasn't Authorized On Back In 2009 | TechdirtOct 12 01:54
s-532@flashrom_org    If you need features not offered by flashromOct 12 02:00
s-532 retweeted by    and its tools, tell us or send patches. We're aOct 12 02:00
s-532 @ioerror        small team, contributors welcome!Oct 12 02:00
s-532........................................ 12 02:00
s-532@wikileaks       This Day in #WikiLeaks: WL doc MEDIASTANOct 12 02:26
s-532                 online; Videos of #Snowden receiving Sam AdamsOct 12 02:26
s-532                 Award; New #Assange interviewOct 12 02:26
s-532        12 02:26
s-532........................................ 12 02:26 | This Day in WikiLeaks: 11 October 2013Oct 12 02:26
s-532@JourneymanVOD   Assange tackles the press in his new #WikiLeaksOct 12 02:30
s-532 retweeted by    documentary. For everyone outside the UK, youOct 12 02:30
s-532 @wikileaks      watch it here: 12 02:30
s-532........................................ 12 02:30 | Mediastan on - The Best Documentaries... Instantly On DemandOct 12 02:30
s-532@ayeshaijazkhan  Mind-blowing MT “@yusaf_khan: watch MediastanOct 12 02:30
s-532 retweeted by    here on youtube:Oct 12 02:30
s-532 @wikileaks 12 02:30
s-532                 excellent documentary about limitations ofOct 12 02:30 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 02:30
s-532                 journalism"Oct 12 02:30
s-532........................................ 12 02:30
s-532@jembendell      From Turkmenistan to UK, while editors'Oct 12 02:30
s-532 retweeted by    explanations differ, the outcome is a lack ofOct 12 02:30
s-532 @wikileaks      media freedom. See #Mediastan @wikileaksOct 12 02:30
s-532                 @AbbyMartinOct 12 02:30
s-532........................................ 12 02:30
s-532@ioerror         Looking for an amazing job doing good work?Oct 12 02:30
s-532                 Technical lead with a hacker’s heart in anOct 12 02:30
s-532                 awesome human rights group:Oct 12 02:30
s-532        12 02:30
s-532........................................ 12 02:30 | HRDAG is hiring – technical lead | Human Rights Data Analysis GroupOct 12 02:31
s-532@ggreenwald      Maybe some day the NYT will learn thatOct 12 02:31
s-532 retweeted by    mindlessly & uncritically publishing anonymousOct 12 02:31
s-532 @ioerror        govt claims is bad journalism?Oct 12 02:31
s-532        12 02:31
s-532........................................ 12 02:31
s-532@JourneymanVOD   “@ornellaS: Great! I can buy a download copy ofOct 12 02:31
s-532 retweeted by    #mediastan! Why should you still watch #tv inOct 12 02:31
s-532 @wikileaks      2013? @JourneymanVOD”Oct 12 02:31
s-532........................................ 12 02:31 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 12 02:31 | Journeyman Pictures : documentaries : Mediastan (HD)Oct 12 02:31
s-532@luke_myer       Anyone planning to watch #TheFifthEstate thisOct 12 02:31
s-532 retweeted by    weekend should also watch #Mediastan. It's goodOct 12 02:31
s-532 @wikileaks      to get two sides. 12 02:31
s-532........................................ 12 02:31 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 02:31
s-532@ioerror         To work with Patrick Ball in Human Rights wouldOct 12 02:47
s-532                 be an amazing experience:Oct 12 02:47
s-532        12 02:47
s-532........................................ 12 02:47
s-532@EthanZ          Sad that @EFF is leaving @theGNI, not because IOct 12 02:52
s-532 retweeted by    disagree with their decision, but because it'sOct 12 02:52
s-532 @ioerror        yet more harm from NSA's crimes.Oct 12 02:52
s-532........................................ 12 02:52
s-532@techdirt        The Registrars Who Shut Down Websites AfterOct 12 02:54
s-532                 Demands From City Of London Police Likely…Oct 12 02:54
s-532        12 02:54
s-532........................................ 12 02:54 | The Registrars Who Shut Down Websites After Demands From City Of London Police Likely Violated ICANN Policy | TechdirtOct 12 02:54
s-532@newshtwit       in fairness, their name is "intel".  I guess weOct 12 02:55
s-532 retweeted by    should be surprised if it DIDNT have aOct 12 02:55
s-532 @ioerror        backdoor.Oct 12 02:55
s-532........................................ 12 02:55
s-532@ioerror         As usual @newshtwit takes #NSA spying jokes toOct 12 02:56
s-532                 new levels: 12 02:56
s-532........................................ 12 02:56
TechrightsSocial@newshtwit: in fairness, their name is "intel".  I guess we should be surprised if it DIDNT have a backdoor.Oct 12 02:56
s-532@wikileaks       Para Julian Assange, Bradley Manning y EdwardOct 12 03:01
s-532                 Snowden #mexicoOct 12 03:01
s-532........................................ 12 03:01 | Para Julian Assange, Bradley Manning y Edward Snowden - YouTubeOct 12 03:01
s-532@slashdot        Valve Shows How Steam Controller Works In RealOct 12 03:03
s-532                 Life 12 03:03
s-532........................................ 12 03:03 | Valve Shows How Steam Controller Works In Real Life - SlashdotOct 12 03:03
s-532@newshtwit       If you want a machine without hidden OSs andOct 12 03:09
s-532 retweeted by    CPUs, no AMT/TET/TPM, no TZ/mobicore/TEE.. whatOct 12 03:09
s-532 @ioerror        are the options? fpga? 12 03:09
s-532........................................ 12 03:09 | Genode Labs - FPGA GraphicsOct 12 03:09
*s-532 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Oct 12 03:16
*s-532 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 12 03:17
s-532@efa_oz          Pilot research: Please send hashtags from dataOct 12 03:17
s-532 retweeted by    retention & surveillance news from 2006 on EGOct 12 03:17
s-532 @ioerror        #istandwithedwardsnowden #drd #natsecinquiryOct 12 03:17
s-532@efa_oz          Pilot research: Please send hashtags from dataOct 12 03:17
s-532 retweeted by    retention & surveillance news from 2006 on EGOct 12 03:17
s-532 @ioerror        #istandwithedwardsnowden #drd #natsecinquiryOct 12 03:17
s-532........................................ 12 03:17
s-532........................................ 12 03:17
s-532@Mike_EH_52      '@ayeshaijazkhan: Mind-blowing MT "@yusaf_khan:Oct 12 03:34
s-532 retweeted by    watch Mediastan here on youtube:Oct 12 03:34
s-532 @wikileaks  exc doc abt limits ofOct 12 03:34
s-532                 journalism"Oct 12 03:34 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 03:34
s-532@Mike_EH_52      '@ayeshaijazkhan: Mind-blowing MT "@yusaf_khan:Oct 12 03:34
s-532 retweeted by    watch Mediastan here on youtube:Oct 12 03:34
s-532 @wikileaks  exc doc abt limits ofOct 12 03:34
s-532                 journalism"Oct 12 03:34
s-532........................................ 12 03:34
s-532........................................ 12 03:34
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 12 03:49
s-532@techdirt        FISA Court Rubber Stamps Continued CollectionOct 12 04:12
s-532                 Of Metadata On Every Single Phone CallOct 12 04:12
s-532        12 04:12
s-532@techdirt        FISA Court Rubber Stamps Continued CollectionOct 12 04:12
s-532                 Of Metadata On Every Single Phone CallOct 12 04:12
s-532        12 04:12 | FISA Court Rubber Stamps Continued Collection Of Metadata On Every Single Phone Call | TechdirtOct 12 04:12
s-532........................................ 12 04:12
s-532........................................ 12 04:12
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has left #boycottnovell-social ("Konversation terminated!")Oct 12 04:26
s-532@umairh          LOL “@esoltas: I think @BruceBartlett is great,Oct 12 04:55
s-532                 but the language he's using to describe the GOPOct 12 04:55
s-532                 undermines his credibility"Oct 12 04:55
s-532@umairh          LOL “@esoltas: I think @BruceBartlett is great,Oct 12 04:55
s-532                 but the language he's using to describe the GOPOct 12 04:55
s-532                 undermines his credibility"Oct 12 04:55
s-532........................................ 12 04:55
s-532........................................ 12 04:55
s-532@umairh          Insulting idiots! Why, what has this nationOct 12 04:58
s-532                 come to?! We're one step away from telling theOct 12 04:58
s-532                 truth!! And then we'll all be fucked!Oct 12 04:58
s-532@umairh          Insulting idiots! Why, what has this nationOct 12 04:58
s-532                 come to?! We're one step away from telling theOct 12 04:58
s-532                 truth!! And then we'll all be fucked!Oct 12 04:58
s-532........................................ 12 04:58
s-532........................................ 12 04:58
s-532@umairh          Journalists telling people not to tell theOct 12 05:04
s-532                 truth, because it ruins their...credibility.Oct 12 05:04
s-532                 It's like taking fashion advice from Kanye.Oct 12 05:04
s-532@umairh          Journalists telling people not to tell theOct 12 05:04
s-532                 truth, because it ruins their...credibility.Oct 12 05:04
s-532                 It's like taking fashion advice from Kanye.Oct 12 05:04
s-532........................................ 12 05:04
s-532........................................ 12 05:04
s-532@umairh          I think it's kind of awesome how we wereOct 12 05:18
s-532                 supposed to be exploring outer space by now andOct 12 05:18
s-532                 instead, we got...the Cock Brothers.Oct 12 05:18
s-532@umairh          I think it's kind of awesome how we wereOct 12 05:18
s-532                 supposed to be exploring outer space by now andOct 12 05:18
s-532                 instead, we got...the Cock Brothers.Oct 12 05:18
s-532........................................ 12 05:18
s-532........................................ 12 05:18
s-532@slashdot        Nobel Winners Illustrate Israel's "Brain Drain"Oct 12 05:54
s-532        12 05:54
s-532@slashdot        Nobel Winners Illustrate Israel's "Brain Drain"Oct 12 05:54
s-532        12 05:54
s-532........................................ 12 05:54
s-532........................................ 12 05:54 | Nobel Winners Illustrate Israel's "Brain Drain" - SlashdotOct 12 05:54
*s-532 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Oct 12 06:00
*s-006 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 12 06:00
s-006@carwinb         Mediastan 12 06:11
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 06:11
s-006 @wikileaks      Featuring legend Sarah Harrison.Oct 12 06:11
s-006                 (She's a journalist, and she is also the best.)Oct 12 06:11
s-006........................................ 12 06:11 | Mediastan on - The Best Documentaries... Instantly On DemandOct 12 06:11
s-006@qu1j0t3         "why doesn’t the #NSA spy on Wall St? ThisOct 12 06:13
s-006                 could get … all the evidence they could need toOct 12 06:13
s-006                 successfully prosecute" 12 06:13
s-006........................................ 12 06:13 | NSA wants even greater powers … to defend Wall Street - Salon.comOct 12 06:13
s-006@x7o             Watching #mediastan to battle insomnia. Wow.Oct 12 06:13
s-006 retweeted by    It's great. Where did this thing come from?Oct 12 06:13
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 06:13
s-006........................................ 12 06:13
s-006@Watkinswf       Really touches on some important aspects ofOct 12 06:14
s-006 retweeted by    democratic society and our future-#MEDIASTANOct 12 06:14
s-006 @wikileaks #WikiLeaksOct 12 06:14
s-006........................................ 12 06:14 | MediastanOct 12 06:14
s-006@scnnr           Just finished viewing #Mediastan. A lovely,Oct 12 06:14
s-006 retweeted by    well-crafted documentary. Can't fault it. WillOct 12 06:14
s-006 @wikileaks      look great in a cinema too. @wikileaksOct 12 06:14
s-006........................................ 12 06:14
s-006@marahsoir       I definitely plan on watching Mediastan insteadOct 12 06:15
s-006 retweeted by    of the Hollywood crap-fest that is The FifthOct 12 06:15
s-006 @wikileaks      Estate.Oct 12 06:15
s-006........................................ 12 06:15
s-006@CassandraRules  Anyone planning to watch #TheFifthEstate thisOct 12 06:15
s-006 retweeted by    weekend should also watch #Mediastan.  I'mOct 12 06:15
s-006 @wikileaks      excited to watch it. :) 12 06:15
s-006........................................ 12 06:15 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 06:15
s-006@globalvoices    Watch Mediastan for free – a WikiLeaks RoadOct 12 06:16
s-006 retweeted by    Movie #assangeOct 12 06:16
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 06:16
s-006........................................ 12 06:16 | Watch Mediastan – a WikiLeaks Road Movie · Global VoicesOct 12 06:16
s-006@m_cetera        MEDIASTAN is the #WikiLeaks documentary we'veOct 12 06:21
s-006 retweeted by    all been waiting for. Everyone needs to watchOct 12 06:21
s-006 @wikileaks      it: 12 06:21
s-006........................................ 12 06:21 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 12 06:21
s-006@qu1j0t3         Petition to stop US military games destroyingOct 12 06:21
s-006                 Pagan Island—the precious home of both peopleOct 12 06:21
s-006                 and unique flora& fauna 12 06:21
s-006........................................ 12 06:21 | Save Pagan Island and Its Inhabitants! - The Petition SiteOct 12 06:21
s-006@SHhOoAaiB       #MEDIASTAN the movie by Wikileaks shows whatOct 12 06:42
s-006 retweeted by    actually this world is all aboutOct 12 06:42
s-006 @wikileaks      #PakistanOct 12 06:42
s-006........................................ 12 06:42
s-006@assangistan     @wikileaks 2 Thumbs Up #MEDIASTANOct 12 06:43
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 06:43
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 06:43
s-006........................................ 12 06:43
s-006@sanjaymatkar    #MEDIASTAN. Great documentary. Worth watchingOct 12 06:43
s-006 retweeted by    end-to-end. It sure gives a unknown perspectiveOct 12 06:43
s-006 @wikileaks      about how media works in reality.Oct 12 06:43
s-006........................................ 12 06:43
s-006@qsaddam         Anyone planning to watch #TheFifthEstate thisOct 12 06:52
s-006 retweeted by    weekend should also watch #Mediastan.  I'mOct 12 06:52
s-006 @wikileaks      excited to watch it. :) 12 06:52
s-006........................................ 12 06:52 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 06:52
s-006@stevensauro     #MEDIASTAN is unquestionably the most honestOct 12 06:52
s-006 retweeted by    and transparent film made, it serves no purposeOct 12 06:52
s-006 @wikileaks      other that to show the work the truthOct 12 06:52
s-006........................................ 12 06:52
s-006@m_cetera        Some people still think #WikiLeaks just "dumps"Oct 12 06:52
s-006 retweeted by    documents. MEDIASTAN shows the immense effortOct 12 06:52
s-006 @wikileaks      put into the material. 12 06:52
s-006........................................ 12 06:52 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 12 06:52
s-006@crockettoo_     This weekend I will be paying my $ and watchingOct 12 06:52
s-006 retweeted by    #MEDIASTAN. 12 06:52
s-006 @wikileaks      @wikileaksOct 12 06:52
s-006........................................ 12 06:52
s-006@groundviews     Purchased #Mediastan over VimeoOct 12 06:53
s-006 retweeted by and looking forward toOct 12 06:53
s-006 @wikileaks      seeing it this weekend. Imp. to see, even toOct 12 06:53
s-006                 disagree. #mediaOct 12 06:53
s-006........................................ 12 06:53 | Mediastan on - The Best Documentaries... Instantly On DemandOct 12 06:53 | MediastanOct 12 06:53
s-006@Hanissee        same answer from Guardian and AsiaPlus inOct 12 06:53
s-006 retweeted by    Tajikistan about non publishing /redactingOct 12 06:53
s-006 @wikileaks      cables: "They'll sue us"  #MediastanOct 12 06:53
s-006........................................ 12 06:53
s-006@JRddin          #Mediastan is awesome #WikiLeaksOct 12 06:54
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 06:54
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 06:54
s-006........................................ 12 06:54
s-006@scnnr           Just about to sit down and watch #Mediastan,Oct 12 06:54
s-006 retweeted by    the "@WikiLeaks Road Movie" Oct 12 06:54
s-006 @wikileaks 12 06:54
s-006........................................ 12 06:54
s-006@InacioVieira    #MEDIASTAN mostra o verdadeiro @arusbridgerOct 12 06:55
s-006 retweeted by    confrontado por Assange a respeito de decisõesOct 12 06:55
s-006 @wikileaks      controversas do Guardian 12 06:55
s-006........................................ 12 06:55 | Mediastan on - The Best Documentaries... Instantly On DemandOct 12 06:55
s-006@sambonfante     Watching #Mediastan....amazing, revealing andOct 12 06:55
s-006 retweeted by    necessary work.Oct 12 06:55
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 06:55
s-006........................................ 12 06:55
s-006@terseword watch AssangeOct 12 06:57
s-006 retweeted by    documentary on the limitations of the pressOct 12 06:57
s-006 @wikileaks      #MEDIASTANOct 12 06:57
s-006........................................ 12 06:57
s-006@Dak_Sriv        Hearing a lot about #MEDIASTAN. Going to theOct 12 06:58
s-006 retweeted by    top of my 'watch-list'..Oct 12 06:58
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 06:58
s-006........................................ 12 06:58
s-006@EmmaSNico       To anyone who intends on seeing #TheFifthEstateOct 12 06:59
s-006 retweeted by    this weekend should also watch #MEDIASTAN BestOct 12 06:59
s-006 @wikileaks      to get two sides.  @wikileaks #WikiLeaksOct 12 06:59
s-006........................................ 12 06:59
s-006@satan1st        Whats #mediastan ? And why is everyone crazyOct 12 07:00
s-006 retweeted by    about it???Oct 12 07:00
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 07:00
s-006........................................ 12 07:00
s-006@mathalahemanth  #MEDIASTAN wow!! Great documentary.worthOct 12 07:01
s-006 retweeted by    watching,shows about how media works inOct 12 07:01
s-006 @wikileaks      reality.Oct 12 07:01
s-006........................................ 12 07:01
s-006@DhrishniDT      Is wanting to watch #Mediastan . Twitter isOct 12 07:01
s-006 retweeted by    making me desperate to watch it.Oct 12 07:01
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 07:01
s-006........................................ 12 07:01
s-006@kinneymoremohol  #MEDIASTAN  the movie was a true revelation IOct 12 07:04
s-006 retweeted by    watched it in an #Emirates flight to EuropeOct 12 07:04
s-006 @wikileaks      #assange and #Snowden   Are computer whizz kidsOct 12 07:04
s-006........................................ 12 07:04
s-006@JeKhawbung      #Mediastan - amazing, revealing and necessaryOct 12 07:04
s-006 retweeted by    work.Oct 12 07:04
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 07:04
s-006........................................ 12 07:04
s-006@linuxtoday      How to set up web-based database managementOct 12 07:04
s-006                 system with Adminer: Xmodulo: This tutorialOct 12 07:05
s-006                 describes how to set u...Oct 12 07:05
s-006        12 07:05
s-006........................................ 12 07:05 | Linux Today - How to set up web-based database management system with AdminerOct 12 07:05
s-006@abhi_sakhumalla  This weekend, instead of wasting your time andOct 12 07:05
s-006 retweeted by    money on Hollywood  propaganda, why not watchOct 12 07:05
s-006 @wikileaks      #MEDIASTAN instead?”Oct 12 07:05
s-006........................................ 12 07:05 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 12 07:05
s-006@glynmoody       Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 131011 -Oct 12 08:20
s-006        yesterday's tweets as aOct 12 08:20
s-006                 single Web page #MMDDOct 12 08:20
s-006........................................ 12 08:20 | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 131011Oct 12 08:20
s-006@glynmoody       Trading away citizen and environmentalOct 12 08:23
s-006                 safeguards - dergulationOct 12 08:23
s-006                 and #ISDS in #TAFTA/#TTIP #racetothebottomOct 12 08:23
s-006........................................ 12 08:23 | Trading away citizen and environmental safeguards | European VoiceOct 12 08:23
s-006@glynmoody       (last v @c_natacha @olivierhoedeman)Oct 12 08:24
s-006........................................ 12 08:24
s-006@slashdot        3D Printing a 'Terminator' Arm ... Or a WholeOct 12 08:42
s-006                 Body 12 08:42
s-006........................................ 12 08:42 | 3D Printing a 'Terminator' Arm ... Or a Whole Body - SlashdotOct 12 08:42
s-006@glynmoody       The spooks strike back over #GCHQ leaks -Oct 12 08:47
s-006        fortunately they areOct 12 08:47
s-006                 bumbling incompetents when it comes toOct 12 08:47
s-006                 spreading FUDOct 12 08:47 | The spooks strike back over GCHQ leaks – but they have a history of exaggerating threats | Richard Norton-Taylor | Comment is free | theguardian.comOct 12 08:47
s-006........................................ 12 08:47
s-006@isham55         TPPA: Najib may stay out if Malaysians opposeOct 12 08:48
s-006 retweeted by    it - Latest - New Straits TimesOct 12 08:48
s-006 @glynmoody via @sharethisOct 12 08:48
s-006........................................ 12 08:48 | TPPA: Najib may stay out if Malaysians oppose it - Latest - New Straits TimesOct 12 08:48
s-006@owenboswarva    Is @cabinetofficeuk censoring discussion ofOct 12 08:56
s-006 retweeted by    proposed #DataSharing Bill?Oct 12 08:56
s-006 @glynmoody + 12 08:56
s-006                 | #uktransparencyOct 12 08:56
s-006........................................ 12 08:56 | JISCMail - DATA-PROTECTION ArchivesOct 12 08:57 | JISCMail - DATA-PROTECTION ArchivesOct 12 08:57
s-006@glynmoody       #Brazil to host global internet summit inOct 12 08:57
s-006                 ongoing fight against #NSA surveillance -Oct 12 08:57
s-006         (v @DonaldGBoudreauOct 12 08:57
s-006                 @normative)Oct 12 08:57
s-006........................................ 12 08:57 | Brazil to host global internet summit in ongoing fight against NSA surveillance — RT NewsOct 12 08:57
s-006@glynmoody       Why Microsoft Word must Die -Oct 12 08:59
s-006        looks pretty deadOct 12 08:59
s-006                 already...haven't used it in years #libreofficeOct 12 08:59
s-006........................................ 12 08:59 | Why Microsoft Word must Die - Charlie's DiaryOct 12 08:59
s-006@glynmoody       Hillary Clinton: we need to talk sensibly aboutOct 12 08:59
s-006                 spying - unlike the headOct 12 08:59
s-006                 of MI5, who wants silence & obedience...Oct 12 09:00 | Hillary Clinton: we need to talk sensibly about spying | World news | The GuardianOct 12 09:00
s-006........................................ 12 09:00
s-006@glynmoody       Top sites (and maybe the NSA) track users withOct 12 09:05
s-006                 “device fingerprinting” -Oct 12 09:05
s-006        why am I not surprised?Oct 12 09:05
s-006                 #privacyOct 12 09:05
s-006........................................ 12 09:05 | Top sites (and maybe the NSA) track users with “device fingerprinting” | Ars TechnicaOct 12 09:05
s-006@glynmoody       Why We Need an Invasive #NSA -Oct 12 09:06
s-006        risible &Oct 12 09:06
s-006                 technologically illiterate attempt to whitewashOct 12 09:06
s-006                 global US surveillanceOct 12 09:06
s-006........................................ 12 09:06 | Why We Need an Invasive NSAOct 12 09:06
s-006@glynmoody       The core Internet institutions abandon the USOct 12 09:09
s-006                 Government - big:Oct 12 09:09
s-006                 "latest fallout from the #Snowden revelations"Oct 12 09:09
s-006........................................ 12 09:09 | The core Internet institutions abandon the US Government  | IGP BlogOct 12 09:09
s-006@glynmoody       Transatlantisches Freihandelsabkommen:Oct 12 09:10
s-006                 "Schlimmer als ACTA" - 12 09:10
s-006                 good report of my #TAFTa/#TTIP talk #ISDSOct 12 09:10
s-006........................................ 12 09:10 | Transatlantisches Freihandelsabkommen: "Schlimmer als ACTA" | heise onlineOct 12 09:10
s-006@glynmoody       for those who care, here's some background onOct 12 09:10
s-006                 #ISDS: … updates hereOct 12 09:10
s-006        … &Oct 12 09:10
s-006        12 09:10
s-006........................................ 12 09:10 | TTIP Update I - Open EnterpriseOct 12 09:10 | TTIP Update II - Open EnterpriseOct 12 09:10 | TTIP Update III - Open EnterpriseOct 12 09:10
s-006@glynmoody       Schedule 7 powers too intrusive, says committeeOct 12 09:22
s-006                 - urgently required; badOct 12 09:22
s-006                 law used abusively #ukOct 12 09:22
s-006........................................ 12 09:22 | Schedule 7 powers too intrusive, says committee | Law | The GuardianOct 12 09:22
s-006@SalmaYaqoob     BEFORE David NHS-is-safe-in-my-hands CameronOct 12 09:23
s-006 retweeted by    started giving our NHS to his mates & donors-Oct 12 09:23
s-006 @glynmoody      vs AFTER viaOct 12 09:23
s-006                 @marcuschownOct 12 09:23
TechrightsSocial@marcuschown: BEFORE David - NHS is safe in my hands - started cutting up the NHS and giving it to his friends - vs AFTER 12 09:23
s-006........................................ 12 09:23
s-006@glynmoody       #Snowden Honored By Intelligence Veterans: HeOct 12 09:26
s-006                 'Put His Life at Risk' to 'Expose TurnkeyOct 12 09:26
s-006                 Tyranny' - 12 09:26
s-006                 #whistleblowersOct 12 09:26
s-006........................................ 12 09:26 | Edward Snowden Honored By Intelligence Veterans: He 'Put His Life at Risk' to 'Expose Turnkey Tyranny' | AlternetOct 12 09:26
s-006@glynmoody       France cements #fracking ban -Oct 12 09:28
s-006        this would be a primeOct 12 09:28
s-006                 target for #ISDS in #TAFTA/#TTIPOct 12 09:28 | France cements fracking ban | Environment | theguardian.comOct 12 09:28
s-006........................................ 12 09:28
s-006@glynmoody       Registrars Who Shut Down Websites After DemandsOct 12 09:31
s-006                 From City Of London Police Likely ViolatedOct 12 09:31
s-006                 ICANN Policy - well,Oct 12 09:31
s-006                 wellOct 12 09:31
s-006........................................ 12 09:31 | The Registrars Who Shut Down Websites After Demands From City Of London Police Likely Violated ICANN Policy | TechdirtOct 12 09:31
s-006@emilyrees_eu    Chinese Telecom giant Huawei hires Serge Abou,Oct 12 09:32
s-006 retweeted by    former EU ambassador to China, in midst of ECOct 12 09:32
s-006 @glynmoody      dumping allegations #RevolvingDoorsOct 12 09:32
s-006........................................ 12 09:32
s-006@suigenerisjen   Support this petition to open #WestPapua toOct 12 09:58
s-006 retweeted by    foreign journalists 12 09:58
s-006 @glynmoody      Background: 12 09:58 | Call to allow foreign journalists into West PapuaOct 12 09:58
s-006........................................ 12 09:58 | West Papua to remain closed to outside world | 12 09:58
s-006@chbidmead       The Wikipedia has an interesting gloss on theOct 12 11:07
s-006 retweeted by    widespread use of M$ Word here:Oct 12 11:07
s-006 @glynmoody 12 11:07
s-006                 Oct 12 11:07
s-006                 @hounam @glynmoodyOct 12 11:07 | Chicken hypnotism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaOct 12 11:07
s-006........................................ 12 11:07
s-006@aral            ‘My body. My cleavage. My performance.’Oct 12 11:08
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 11:08
s-006 @glynmoody      —@GozdeKansu, actress fired from Turkish TVOct 12 11:08
s-006                 after criticism from Islamist MPOct 12 11:08
s-006        12 11:08
s-006........................................ 12 11:08
TechrightsSocial@aral: ‘My body. My cleavage. My performance.’ —@GozdeKansu, actress fired from Turkish TV after criticism from Islamist MP 12 11:08
s-006@zoobab          Spain has attacked the unitary patent, manyOct 12 11:15
s-006                 believe that this second challenge has aOct 12 11:15
s-006                 reasonable chance of successOct 12 11:15
s-006        12 11:15
s-006........................................ 12 11:15 | The New Unified Patent System In Europe – Key Issues - Intellectual Property - European UnionOct 12 11:15
s-006@glynmoody       Conflicts of Interest: Brussels' Revolving DoorOct 12 11:16
s-006                 for Top EU Officials - 12 11:16
s-006                 what chance does the public have against this?Oct 12 11:16
s-006........................................ 12 11:16 | Conflicts of Interest: 'We Have a Good System' - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 12 11:16
s-006@zoobab          Spain has attacked the unitary patent, manyOct 12 11:18
s-006 retweeted by    believe that this second challenge has aOct 12 11:18
s-006 @glynmoody      reasonable chance of successOct 12 11:18
s-006        12 11:18
s-006........................................ 12 11:18
s-006@glynmoody       #India braces for cyclone #Phailin -Oct 12 11:22
s-006        "super cyclone": howOct 12 11:22
s-006                 many have to die before countries act onOct 12 11:22 | India braces for cyclone Phailin | World news | theguardian.comOct 12 11:22
s-006                 #climatechange?Oct 12 11:22
s-006........................................ 12 11:22
s-006@glynmoody       TTIP Update III - 12 11:26
s-006                 debunking European Commission's feeble nonsenseOct 12 11:26
s-006                 about #TAFTA/#TTIP's highly-dangerous #ISDSOct 12 11:26
s-006........................................ 12 11:26 | TTIP Update III - Open EnterpriseOct 12 11:26
s-006@phat_controller  Uganda Minister says if women is raped andOct 12 11:28
s-006 retweeted by    dressed 'poorly' no one should be arrestedOct 12 11:28
s-006 @glynmoody #KibuuleMustResignOct 12 11:28
s-006........................................ 12 11:28 | NO TITLEOct 12 11:28
s-006@slashdot        Broadcasters Petition US Supreme Court In FightOct 12 11:30
s-006                 Against Aereo 12 11:30
s-006........................................ 12 11:30 | Broadcasters Petition US Supreme Court In Fight Against Aereo - SlashdotOct 12 11:30
s-006@glynmoody       #Phailin: Trees felled, Posco villages fearOct 12 11:31
s-006                 worst - trees are notOct 12 11:31
s-006                 optional: deforestation *kills* (v @ganesh3)Oct 12 11:31
s-006........................................ 12 11:31 | Phailin: Trees felled, Posco villages fear worst - The Times of IndiaOct 12 11:31
s-006@thegrugq        “national security” is the “sudo” of politicalOct 12 11:37
s-006 retweeted by    discourse. “sudo tear up the bill of rights”Oct 12 11:37
s-006 @glynmoody      Oct 12 11:37
s-006........................................ 12 11:37
s-006@GazetaRu        Стив Возняк: "Было бы хорошо, если бы компанияOct 12 11:41
s-006 retweeted by    сделала смартфон Apple на платформе Android.Oct 12 11:41
s-006 @glynmoody      Это шокирует мир" 12 11:41
s-006........................................ 12 11:41 | Îäèí èç îñíîâàòåëåé êîìïàíèè Apple Ñòèâåí Âîçíÿê ñ÷èòàåò, ÷òî Apple äîëæíà ñäåëàòü ñìàðòôîí íà ïëàòôîðìå Android, ÷òîáû «øîêèðîâàòü ìèð» - Ãàçåòà.Ru | ÎáùåñòâîOct 12 11:41
s-006@glynmoody       Überraschendes Minus: Chinas Exporte brechenOct 12 11:51
s-006                 ein - whoa: just a minorOct 12 11:51
s-006                 fluctuation, or something bigger? #chinaOct 12 11:51
s-006........................................ 12 11:51 | Exporte Chinas brechen im September überraschend ein - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 12 11:51
s-006@schestowitz     Osborne plan to cut energy efficiency funds forOct 12 12:33
s-006                 fuel poor is 'unforgivable'Oct 12 12:33
s-006        war on the poor, not onOct 12 12:34
s-006                 povertyOct 12 12:34 | Osborne plan to cut energy efficiency funds for fuel poor is 'unforgivable' | Environment | theguardian.comOct 12 12:34
s-006........................................ 12 12:34
s-006@schestowitz     Spies tested 12 12:36
s-006........................................ 12 12:36
TechrightsSocial@dcampbell_iptv: Duncan did the MI5 challenge "in 1 minute and scored 8/8." MI5 now recommends he apply to be an Intelligence Officer. 12 12:36
TechrightsSocial@dcampbell_iptv: Duncan did the MI5 challenge "in 1 minute and scored 8/8." MI5 now recommends he apply to be an Intelligence Officer. 12 12:36
schestowitz_bed2 12 12:37 There is no lack of money. There is lack of justice. People who relied on promises from financial institutions forgot that plutocrats run emOct 12 12:37
schestowitz_bed2"Some might argue that the very presence of money is correlated to this lack in justice."Oct 12 12:37
schestowitz_bed2Based on statistics, this is rationalOct 12 12:37
schestowitz_bed2 12 12:38 reshared: [![Image](](<br>**Eine Welt ohne Schokolade ist möglich...aber sinnlos!** <br>[](<br><br><br>#schokolde<br><sub> - [via Easyshare](</sub><br><br>Oct 12 12:38
TechrightsSocial-> | Diaspora* Easyshare :: Add-ons for FirefoxOct 12 12:38
schestowitz_bed2"Can someone explain me this sorcery!?"Oct 12 12:38
schestowitz_bed2"Put your cursor at the top right of the bar of chocolate - and you will see the reduction in the height of the bar - this is where the extra piece is lost ......."Oct 12 12:38
schestowitz_bed2"Thank you, i get it now. :)"Oct 12 12:38
s-006@schestowitz     Meet Lavabit's founder: An American hero hidingOct 12 12:41
s-006                 in plain sight someOct 12 12:41
s-006                 mates of mine used #lavabitOct 12 12:41 | Meet Lavabit's founder: An American hero hiding in plain sight | Cringely - InfoWorldOct 12 12:41
s-006........................................ 12 12:41
s-006@schestowitz     I was right about #skype falling into #nsaOct 12 12:43
s-006                 hands 2 years ago 12 12:43
s-006........................................ 12 12:43 | European data watchdog investigates Skype leaks to the NSA- The InquirerOct 12 12:43
s-006@schestowitz     You know the world is going in the wrongOct 12 12:45
s-006                 direction when 1984 is no longer fiction andOct 12 12:45
s-006                 people can no longer ridicule RMS withoutOct 12 12:45
s-006                 challenge.Oct 12 12:45
s-006........................................ 12 12:45
s-006@schestowitz     The #nsa weakens the empire rather than make itOct 12 12:45
s-006                 stronger 12 12:45
s-006........................................ 12 12:45 | The US is losing control of the internet (Wired UK)Oct 12 12:45
s-006@schestowitz     The outrageous permissions required by mobileOct 12 12:48
s-006                 payments appsOct 12 12:48
s-006         #securityOct 12 12:48
s-006........................................ 12 12:48 | The outrageous permissions required by mobile payments apps | CITEworldOct 12 12:48
s-006@schestowitz     Does a Chromebook replace a laptop?Oct 12 12:49
s-006        it runs #gnu #linuxOct 12 12:49
s-006........................................ 12 12:49 | Does a Chromebook replace a laptop? | TG DailyOct 12 12:49
s-006@schestowitz     Historically unprecedented climates to arriveOct 12 13:04
s-006                 by mid-century not thatOct 12 13:04
s-006                 Fox would cover itOct 12 13:04
s-006........................................ 12 13:04 | Historically unprecedented climates to arrive by mid-century | Ars TechnicaOct 12 13:04
s-006@ggreenwald      Videos of Edward Snowden accepting his SamOct 12 13:08
s-006 retweeted by    Adams whistleblower award this week Oct 12 13:08
s-006 @ioerror 12 13:08
s-006........................................ 12 13:08 | Video: Edward Snowden wins Sam Adams awardOct 12 13:08
s-006@avilarenata     The core Internet institutions abandon the USOct 12 13:08
s-006 retweeted by    Government 12 13:08
s-006 @ioerror        Oct 12 13:08
s-006........................................ 12 13:08 | The core Internet institutions abandon the US Government  | IGP BlogOct 12 13:08
s-006@ageis           #MEDIASTAN essential viewing for smart peopleOct 12 13:08
s-006 retweeted by    interested in the notion of journalism orOct 12 13:08
s-006 @ioerror        questions of media boundariesOct 12 13:08
s-006        12 13:08
s-006........................................ 12 13:08 | MediastanOct 12 13:08
s-006@patrickx27      @ioerror @newshtwit @flashrom_org @dragosr YouOct 12 13:12
s-006 retweeted by    might be more interested in further AMT workOct 12 13:12
s-006 @ioerror        that we did @fgsect: 12 13:12
s-006........................................ 12 13:12
s-006@ggreenwald      The never-ending, sad NYT dance: 1)Oct 12 13:15
s-006 retweeted by - 2)Oct 12 13:15
s-006 @ioerror - 3)Oct 12 13:15
s-006        12 13:15
s-006........................................ 12 13:15 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 12 13:15
TechrightsSocial@ggreenwald: Dear NYT: when publishing stories based on anonymous govt claims, maybe should also seek comment from Snowden's reps: 12 13:15
TechrightsSocial-> | ACLU coordinating NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden’s defense | The Raw StoryOct 12 13:15 | Log In - The New York TimesOct 12 13:15
s-006@arstechnica     Lavabit’s appeal: We’re actually not requiredOct 12 13:15
s-006 retweeted by    to wiretap our own users 12 13:15
s-006 @ioerror        by @joemullinOct 12 13:15
s-006........................................ 12 13:15 | Lavabit’s appeal: We’re actually not required to wiretap our own users | Ars TechnicaOct 12 13:15
s-006@ggreenwald      The never-ending, sad NYT dance: 1)Oct 12 13:16
s-006 retweeted by - 2)Oct 12 13:16
s-006 @glynmoody - 3)Oct 12 13:16
s-006        12 13:16
s-006........................................ 12 13:16
s-006@glynmoody       #TPP: Najib may stay out if Malaysians opposeOct 12 13:19
s-006                 it - sounds like anOct 12 13:19
s-006                 invitation, o people of #malaysia...Oct 12 13:19
s-006........................................ 12 13:19 | TPPA: Najib may stay out if Malaysians oppose it - Latest - New Straits TimesOct 12 13:19
s-006@ioerror         Martin Luther King assassinated by USOct 12 13:29
s-006                 government: MLK civil trial decision -Oct 12 13:29
s-006        (2011)Oct 12 13:29
s-006........................................ 12 13:29 | Martin Luther King assassinated by US government: MLK civil trial decision - National Nonpartisan | Examiner.comOct 12 13:29
s-006@ioerror         Where can I find a Bus Pirate or similarOct 12 13:30
s-006                 hardware in #Berlin?Oct 12 13:30
s-006........................................ 12 13:30
s-006@slashdot        Google ToS Change Means Your Photo Could Go InOct 12 13:30
s-006                 Ads 12 13:30
s-006........................................ 12 13:30 | Google ToS Change Means Your Photo Could Go In Ads - SlashdotOct 12 13:30
s-006@patrickx27      @ioerror @newshtwit @flashrom_org @dragosrOct 12 13:37
s-006 retweeted by    @fgsect we also had a 44con talk this year:Oct 12 13:37
s-006 @ioerror 12 13:37
s-006........................................ 12 13:37
s-006@wikileaks       "WikiLeaks Road Movie" MEDIASTAN available now.Oct 12 13:39
s-006        UK audiences watch FREEOct 12 13:39
s-006                 this weekend only: 12 13:39
s-006........................................ 12 13:39 | Mediastan on - The Best Documentaries... Instantly On DemandOct 12 13:39 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 12 13:39
s-006@ageis           #MEDIASTAN essential viewing for smart peopleOct 12 13:40
s-006 retweeted by    interested in the notion of journalism orOct 12 13:40
s-006 @wikileaks      questions of media boundariesOct 12 13:40
s-006        12 13:40
s-006........................................ 12 13:40 | MediastanOct 12 13:40
s-006@wikileaks       "WikiLeaks Road Movie" MEDIASTAN available now.Oct 12 13:41
s-006 retweeted by UK audiences watch FREEOct 12 13:41
s-006 @ioerror        this weekend only: 12 13:41
s-006........................................ 12 13:41
s-006@cudsey_         Just watched #Mediastan The truth of howOct 12 13:42
s-006 retweeted by    @wikileaks gave its cables to the media and howOct 12 13:42
s-006 @wikileaks      it didn't harm anyone yet showed the real truthOct 12 13:42
s-006........................................ 12 13:42
s-006@CayGreen        As much as Iove Daniel Brühl, I opted for theOct 12 13:43
s-006 retweeted by    other wikileaks movie out this week #mediastanOct 12 13:43
s-006 @wikileaks      - great stuff.Oct 12 13:43
s-006........................................ 12 13:43
s-006@NidaJafrii      Mediastan is making me so happy, it just showsOct 12 13:43
s-006 retweeted by    if you set out to do something you will achieveOct 12 13:43
s-006 @wikileaks      it. Even taking down national securityOct 12 13:43
s-006........................................ 12 13:43
s-006@shakashawn05    Just finished watching #mediastan the newOct 12 13:43
s-006 retweeted by    documentary film. It's a raw look at how mediaOct 12 13:43
s-006 @wikileaks      really works and how the US influences foreignOct 12 13:43
s-006                 newsOct 12 13:43
s-006........................................ 12 13:43
s-006@Sunny_Bunikyte  Everyone needs to go watch #MEDIASTAN. It'sOct 12 13:44
s-006 retweeted by    truly amazing.Oct 12 13:44
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 13:44
s-006........................................ 12 13:44
s-006@auerfeld        Just watched #mediastan - it draws itsOct 12 13:44
s-006 retweeted by    parallels extremely well #wikileaksOct 12 13:44
s-006 @wikileaks 12 13:44
s-006........................................ 12 13:44 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 13:44
s-006@milly09         You have to watch the #MEDIASTAN film. It isOct 12 13:45
s-006 retweeted by    brilliant. #thetruthOct 12 13:45
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 13:45
s-006........................................ 12 13:45
s-006@Doug_Snowden    #Mediastan A testimony to real journalism. AOct 12 13:45
s-006 retweeted by    must watch!! #Assange and @wikileaks peel backOct 12 13:45
s-006 @wikileaks      the curtain once again!! 12 13:45
s-006........................................ 12 13:45
s-006@Heelai_Noor     Instead of wasting your time&money on HollywoodOct 12 13:45
s-006 retweeted by    propaganda-spend your time watching #MEDIASTANOct 12 13:45
s-006 @wikileaks      instead? #wikileaks 12 13:45
s-006........................................ 12 13:45 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 12 13:45
s-006@Hincerooney     It's only AUD $1.75 to watch #Mediastan - theOct 12 13:46
s-006 retweeted by    new #WikiLeaks doco. Do it. Your criticalOct 12 13:46
s-006 @wikileaks      thinking facilities will thank you.Oct 12 13:46
s-006........................................ 12 13:46
s-006@Per_Eriksson    #Mediastan Excellent weekend movie I reallyOct 12 13:46
s-006 retweeted by    enjoyed it well done 12 13:46
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 13:46
s-006........................................ 12 13:46
s-006@ageis           watch #Mediastan if you want to see realOct 12 13:46
s-006 retweeted by    journalists holding timid and servile mediaOct 12 13:46
s-006 @wikileaks      institutions to account 12 13:46
s-006........................................ 12 13:46 | MediastanOct 12 13:46
s-006@Jaitwits        Adding #Mediastan to my next watch list!Oct 12 13:47
s-006 retweeted by    Hearing rave reviews about it.Oct 12 13:47
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 13:47
s-006........................................ 12 13:47
s-006@inowgb          TopTag(3hrs) 1:#MEDIASTAN 2:#Phailin 3:#webpageOct 12 13:47
s-006 retweeted by    4:#BookBuzzr 5:#Promote 6:#sm 7:#smsaudioOct 12 13:47
s-006 @wikileaks      8:#GentlerHorrorFilms ..Oct 12 13:47
s-006........................................ 12 13:47
s-006@peterkofod      You really HAVE to watch #Mediastan. AfterwardsOct 12 13:47
s-006 retweeted by    you won't even bother downloading a piratedOct 12 13:47
s-006 @wikileaks      copy of #FifthEstate. #Journalism. #wikiLeaksOct 12 13:47
s-006........................................ 12 13:47
s-006@reginasvs       MEDIASTAN is totally a materpiece.StandingOct 12 13:48
s-006 retweeted by    ovation for it!Oct 12 13:48
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 13:48
s-006........................................ 12 13:48
s-006@Bluejay_10      #Mediastan is amazing, must watch. #WikiLeaksOct 12 13:48
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 13:48
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 13:48
s-006........................................ 12 13:48
s-006@ageis           watch #Mediastan if you want to see realOct 12 13:49
s-006 retweeted by    journalists holding timid and servile mediaOct 12 13:49
s-006 @ioerror        institutions to account 12 13:49
s-006........................................ 12 13:49 | MediastanOct 12 13:49
s-006@joshdonbulet    #mediastan ? And why is everyone crazy aboutOct 12 13:50
s-006 retweeted by    it??? Am kind of desperate to watch it.Oct 12 13:50
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 13:50
s-006........................................ 12 13:50
s-006@wikileaks       #WikiLeaks + @SixteenFilms release #MEDIASTAN—aOct 12 13:51
s-006                 @WikiLeaks road movie, thru Central Asia,Oct 12 13:51
s-006                 Afghanistan, to ManhattanOct 12 13:51
s-006        12 13:51
s-006........................................ 12 13:51 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 12 13:51
s-006@tweet_tinu      "@scnnr: Just finished viewing #Mediastan. AOct 12 13:51
s-006 retweeted by    lovely, well-crafted documentary. Can't faultOct 12 13:51
s-006 @wikileaks      it. Will look great in a cinema too.Oct 12 13:51
s-006                 @wikileaks"Oct 12 13:51
s-006........................................ 12 13:51
s-006@LifeInLasVegas  #Mediastan much better than anticipated -Oct 12 13:53
s-006 retweeted by    expected total cheerleading but instead thereOct 12 13:53
s-006 @wikileaks      are actual facts.. well doneOct 12 13:53
s-006........................................ 12 13:53
s-006@wikileaks       #WikiLeaks + @SixteenFilms release #MEDIASTAN—aOct 12 13:53
s-006 retweeted by    @WikiLeaks road movie, thru Central Asia,Oct 12 13:53
s-006 @ioerror        Afghanistan, to ManhattanOct 12 13:53
s-006        12 13:53
s-006........................................ 12 13:53
s-006@SquatchyThought  I NEED to see #Mediastan, everyone's talkingOct 12 13:54
s-006 retweeted by    about it and I feel like it's a major learningOct 12 13:54
s-006 @wikileaks      experienceOct 12 13:54
s-006........................................ 12 13:54
s-006@DavidPRAldridge  Watch "the fifth estate" then "mediastan" andOct 12 13:54
s-006 retweeted by    you will learn what Hollywood propaganda looksOct 12 13:54
s-006 @wikileaks      like #wikileaksOct 12 13:54
s-006........................................ 12 13:54
s-006@patrickx27      @ioerror @newshtwit @flashrom_org @dragosrOct 12 13:55
s-006 retweeted by    @fgsect don't forget to check igor skochinsky'sOct 12 13:55
s-006 @ioerror        breakpoint 2012 slides 12 13:55
s-006........................................ 12 13:55
s-006@wikileaks       Another WikiLeaks produced film coming soon:Oct 12 13:56
s-006                 The Engineer (trailer) 12 13:56
s-006........................................ 12 13:56 | The Engineer Official Trailer on VimeoOct 12 13:56
s-006@wikileaks       UK: this weekend only, watch #MEDIASTAN – aOct 12 13:58
s-006                 WikiLeaks Road Movie 12 13:58
s-006........................................ 12 13:58 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 12 13:58
s-006@LifeInGotham    Every journalist should be required to watchOct 12 13:59
s-006 retweeted by    #MediastanOct 12 13:59
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 13:59
s-006........................................ 12 13:59
s-006@escapologybb    Watching the new #mediastan film, it’sOct 12 13:59
s-006 retweeted by    absolutely gripping.Oct 12 13:59
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 13:59
s-006........................................ 12 13:59
s-006@_JoeBrown_      Hearing rave reviews of @wikileaks docoOct 12 14:07
s-006 retweeted by    #Mediastan. Sounds like a must see. Going toOct 12 14:07
s-006 @wikileaks      watch now! #screwdisney/dreamworksOct 12 14:07
s-006........................................ 12 14:07
s-006@wikileaks       WATCH #MEDIASTAN FREE from UK this weekendOct 12 14:10
s-006                 only: Rest of the world:Oct 12 14:10
s-006        12 14:10
s-006........................................ 12 14:10
s-006@reginasvs       I would love to see another amazing documentaryOct 12 14:11
s-006 retweeted by    like MEDIASTAN.Four thumbs up for it!!Oct 12 14:11
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 14:11
s-006........................................ 12 14:11
s-006@sam__97         #MEDIASTAN what a very good piece of film. AOct 12 14:11
s-006 retweeted by    must watch if you actually care about theOct 12 14:11
s-006 @wikileaks      truth.Oct 12 14:11
s-006........................................ 12 14:11
s-006@DwivediSitesh   Great reviews of #Mediastan its a must watchOct 12 14:12
s-006 retweeted by    for every journalistOct 12 14:12
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 14:12
s-006........................................ 12 14:12
s-006@wikileaks       What is #MEDIASTAN about? Read our descriptionOct 12 14:15
s-006        12 14:15
s-006........................................ 12 14:15 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 12 14:15
s-006@sousa_ph        I am really longing to see #MEDIASTAN.Oct 12 14:16
s-006 retweeted by    Everybody is saying that it is a great movie.Oct 12 14:16
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 14:16
s-006........................................ 12 14:16
s-006@glynmoody       "The idea that Big Pharma uses the massiveOct 12 14:23
s-006                 profits on research is a blatant lie"Oct 12 14:23
s-006        #africa #patents (vOct 12 14:23
s-006                 @sunil_abraham)Oct 12 14:23
s-006........................................ 12 14:23 | The African Holocaust | Tehelka.comOct 12 14:23
s-006@slashdot        NY Comic Con Takes Over Attendees' TwitterOct 12 14:27
s-006                 Accounts To Praise ItselfOct 12 14:27
s-006        12 14:27
s-006........................................ 12 14:27 | NY Comic Con Takes Over Attendees' Twitter Accounts To Praise Itself - SlashdotOct 12 14:27
s-006@Leisuremostly   Watching the new #mediastan . Excellent!Oct 12 14:28
s-006 retweeted by    Absolutely gripping. @WikiLeaksOct 12 14:28
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 14:28
s-006........................................ 12 14:28
s-006@wikileaks       MEDIASTAN: NYT editor admits to daily phoneOct 12 14:32
s-006                 calls with USG, decision to conceal NSA'sOct 12 14:32
s-006                 surveillance programmes 12 14:32
s-006........................................ 12 14:32 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 12 14:32
s-006@cubadebate      #wikileaks publica primer vídeo de SnowdenOct 12 14:32
s-006 retweeted by    desde que está asilado en #RusiaOct 12 14:32
s-006 @wikileaks @wikileaksOct 12 14:32
s-006........................................ 12 14:32 | WikiLeaks publica primer vídeo de Snowden desde que está asilado en Rusia | CubadebateOct 12 14:32
s-006@rootbear67      @wikileaks doc MEDIASTAN is great; a censorshipOct 12 14:33
s-006 retweeted by    tour of the 'Stans becomes expose of how theOct 12 14:33
s-006 @wikileaks      system works in the West 12 14:33
s-006........................................ 12 14:33 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 12 14:33
s-006@schestowitz     Glenn Greenwald to publish Snowden leaks onOct 12 14:42
s-006                 France and Spain timeOct 12 14:42
s-006                 for an #internet redoOct 12 14:42
s-006........................................ 12 14:42 | Glenn Greenwald to publish Snowden leaks on France and Spain | The Raw StoryOct 12 14:42
schestowitz_bed2 12 14:44 Does a Chromebook replace a laptop? it runs #gnu #linuxOct 12 14:44
TechrightsSocial-> | Does a Chromebook replace a laptop? | TG Daily  [ ]Oct 12 14:44
schestowitz_bed2"As long as you don't mind Google watching everything you do."Oct 12 14:44
schestowitz_bed2That's their business model much of the time, lockin and/or observationOct 12 14:45
schestowitz_bed2"whats with the 10 % ?"Oct 12 14:45
s-006@bengoldacre     Amazing, really. RT @benmeg: Sir Andrew Witty,Oct 12 14:51
s-006 retweeted by    CEO of @GSK interviewed about clinical trialOct 12 14:51
s-006 @glynmoody      transparency #AllTrialsOct 12 14:51
s-006........................................ 12 14:51 | GlaxoSmithKline CEO on increasing transparency of clinical trials | Fox Business VideoOct 12 14:51
s-006@ioerror         ‘This is just like in the movies.’ - a visit toOct 12 14:58
s-006                 America: 12 14:58
s-006........................................ 12 14:58 | Why I will never return to the USA - Niels Gerson LohmanOct 12 14:58
s-006@escapologybb    We all know the US has its sticky fingers inOct 12 15:01
s-006 retweeted by    everything, but watching #mediastan is stillOct 12 15:01
s-006 @wikileaks      shocking to see to what extent.  Not sure why.Oct 12 15:01
s-006........................................ 12 15:01
s-006@dm1s            My whole #twitter feed is taken by #MEDIASTANOct 12 15:02
s-006 retweeted by    if that's not an incentive to watch, I don'tOct 12 15:02
s-006 @wikileaks      know what is #WikiLeaksOct 12 15:02
s-006........................................ 12 15:02
s-006@thinkinvisions  watching #mediastan one pound well spentOct 12 15:03
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 15:03
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:03
s-006........................................ 12 15:03
s-006@ioerror         Have there been any drone strikes in Socotra,Oct 12 15:03
s-006                 Yemen? It seems like one of the most beautifulOct 12 15:03
s-006                 places in the world to go diving - is it safe?Oct 12 15:03
s-006........................................ 12 15:03
s-006@Karic8          Enlight yourself,  watch #mediastanOct 12 15:04
s-006 retweeted by    documentary. #WikiLeaksOct 12 15:04
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:04
s-006........................................ 12 15:04
s-006@AymenC1         @wikileaks MEDIASTAN doc is amazingOct 12 15:06
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 15:06
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:06
s-006........................................ 12 15:06
s-006@wingpea_        Rented then Watched #Mediastan promptly BoughtOct 12 15:07
s-006 retweeted by    it because it's absolutely clear that the worldOct 12 15:07
s-006 @wikileaks      is NOT how they want us to think it is GET ITOct 12 15:07
s-006........................................ 12 15:07
s-006@lookatluca      Watching surreal @wikileaks Central Asia roadOct 12 15:09
s-006 retweeted by    movie "Mediastan"? Look out for Enayat, theOct 12 15:09
s-006 @wikileaks      Afghan wonderkid #toptellyOct 12 15:09
s-006        12 15:09
s-006........................................ 12 15:09 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 15:09
s-006@BKMUFC          Just watch #Mediastan and you willOct 12 15:10
s-006 retweeted by    understand... Wow!Oct 12 15:10
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:10
s-006........................................ 12 15:10
s-006@DaemonX99       Just watched mediastan awesome #WikiLeaksOct 12 15:11
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 15:11
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:11
s-006........................................ 12 15:11
s-006@santlani        @wikileaks Unbelievably Brilliant !! #MEDIASTANOct 12 15:13
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 15:13
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:13
s-006........................................ 12 15:13
s-006@wikileaks       MEDIASTAN: NYT editor admits to daily phoneOct 12 15:16
s-006 retweeted by    calls with USG, decision to conceal NSA'sOct 12 15:16
s-006 @davidgerard    surveillance programmes 12 15:16
s-006........................................ 12 15:16 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 12 15:16
s-006@wikileaks       So far we're beating the pants off Hollywood'sOct 12 15:17
s-006                 anti-WikiLeaks film 'Fifth Estate' with a $0Oct 12 15:17
s-006                 advertising spend. #MEDIASTANOct 12 15:17
s-006........................................ 12 15:17
s-006@MNaufal_AFikri  Just watch 'A #WikiLeaks Road Movie' theOct 12 15:18
s-006 retweeted by    marvelous documentary #MediastanOct 12 15:18
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:18
s-006........................................ 12 15:18
s-006@ankitkumars     #MEDIASTAN  by @wikileaks is a must watchOct 12 15:18
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 15:18
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:18
s-006........................................ 12 15:18
s-006@LifeinDerbyCity  Whether or not you support @Wikileaks and/orOct 12 15:18
s-006 retweeted by    #Assange - #Mediastan is still a great film -Oct 12 15:18
s-006 @wikileaks      the world needs more of thisOct 12 15:18
s-006........................................ 12 15:18
s-006@reverbfactory   Just watched and then purchased #Mediastan fromOct 12 15:18
s-006 retweeted by    #WikiLeaks Excellent stuff!Oct 12 15:18
s-006 @wikileaks 12 15:18
s-006........................................ 12 15:18 | MediastanOct 12 15:18
s-006@slashdot        The Game Controllers That Shaped the Way WeOct 12 15:21
s-006                 Play 12 15:21
s-006........................................ 12 15:21 | The Game Controllers That Shaped the Way We Play - SlashdotOct 12 15:21
s-006@MikeCMU13       Decided to see what this #Mediastan business isOct 12 15:22
s-006 retweeted by    all about. Glad i did. Great doc. EveryoneOct 12 15:22
s-006 @wikileaks      should watch!Oct 12 15:22
s-006........................................ 12 15:22
s-006@portamobile     Wow.. #Mediastan from @wikileaks is disturbingOct 12 15:22
s-006 retweeted by    stuff..Oct 12 15:22
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:22
s-006........................................ 12 15:22
s-006@inowgb          TopTag(3hrs) 1:#Mediastan 2:#PhailinOct 12 15:22
s-006 retweeted by    3:#WikiLeaks 4:#WCQ 5:#MarvelNYCC 6:#ACRAsOct 12 15:22
s-006 @wikileaks      7:#CyclonePhailin 8:#Capricorn ..Oct 12 15:22
s-006........................................ 12 15:22
s-006@ALVonChen       Must Watch #MEDIASTAN by @wikileaksOct 12 15:23
s-006 retweeted by 12 15:23
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:23 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 12 15:23
s-006........................................ 12 15:23
s-006@AFPespanol      @wikileaks publica los primeros vídeos deOct 12 15:26
s-006 retweeted by    #Snowden tras recibir asilo en Rusia #AFPOct 12 15:26
s-006 @wikileaks 12 15:27
s-006........................................ 12 15:27 | AFP: EEUU: primer vídeo de Snowden desde que se asiló en RusiaOct 12 15:27
s-006@peace_feet      @wikileaks MEDIASTAN. one word: Outstanding.Oct 12 15:27
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 15:27
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:27
s-006........................................ 12 15:27
s-006@Devilmath       For whoever is going to watch The Fifth EstateOct 12 15:28
s-006 retweeted by    this weekend: watch @wikileaks doc #MediastanOct 12 15:28
s-006 @wikileaks      as well, it's brilliant 12 15:28
s-006........................................ 12 15:28 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 15:28
s-006@Glinner         "The biggest cover-up in the history of theOct 12 15:28
s-006 retweeted by    State." From 2012, byOct 12 15:28
s-006 @glynmoody      Gemma O'Doherty, recently fired from Irish IndoOct 12 15:28
s-006........................................ 12 15:28 | Gemma O’Doherty: Truth about Fr Molloy's murder will rock the State - Independent.ieOct 12 15:28
s-006@ScorpiusMaximus  Fishermen in coastal villages of Andhra sayingOct 12 15:28
s-006 retweeted by    "We have never witnessed something like thisOct 12 15:28
s-006 @glynmoody      before"  #PhailinOct 12 15:28
s-006........................................ 12 15:28
s-006@iswarnethi      #MEDIASTAN creating big hypes on the internet.Oct 12 15:33
s-006 retweeted by    Gotta check it out.... When it's being promotedOct 12 15:33
s-006 @wikileaks      by Wikileaks, you know it's something good.Oct 12 15:33
s-006........................................ 12 15:33
s-006@JoePlaza        @wikileaks best documentary ive ever seenOct 12 15:34
s-006 retweeted by    #mediastanOct 12 15:34
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:34
s-006........................................ 12 15:34
s-006@arjunchetna     @wikileaks Watching now #MEDIASTAN. MindOct 12 15:34
s-006 retweeted by    blowing!Oct 12 15:34
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:34
s-006........................................ 12 15:34
s-006@Jaishanker959   @wikileaks MEDIASTAN. Three word: BESTOct 12 15:40
s-006 retweeted by    DOCUMENTARY EVER.Oct 12 15:40
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:40
s-006........................................ 12 15:40
s-006@merajkabir      #MEDIASTAN is trending well all over the globe;Oct 12 15:42
s-006 retweeted by    why not it's a @wikileaks creation by the way.Oct 12 15:42
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:42
s-006........................................ 12 15:42
s-006@doctorow        Photoset: teamsternation: Actually, things haveOct 12 15:43
s-006                 gotten worse since 2010. The 40% of AmericansOct 12 15:43
s-006                 no longer even... 12 15:43
s-006........................................ 12 15:43 | Cory Doctorow: teamsternation:  Actually, things have gotten...Oct 12 15:43
s-006@deCespedes      great reviews!  v @wikileaks  What isOct 12 15:47
s-006 retweeted by    #MEDIASTAN about? Read our descriptionOct 12 15:47
s-006 @wikileaks 12 15:47
s-006........................................ 12 15:47 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 12 15:47
s-006@merajkabir      I am thrilled about #MEDIASTAN - a rare truthOct 12 15:49
s-006 retweeted by    about journslism and how media get maligned byOct 12 15:49
s-006 @wikileaks      super powers - hats off to @wikileaks.Oct 12 15:49
s-006........................................ 12 15:49
s-006@p3t3_r          Wow it seems like a hurricane just swept thruOct 12 15:56
s-006 retweeted by    my TL with er'body talking about @wikileaksOct 12 15:56
s-006 @wikileaks      #MEDIASTAN. Gota watchOct 12 15:56
s-006........................................ 12 15:56
s-006@Viki_meo        3 words about #mediastan GREAT GREAT GREATOct 12 15:56
s-006 retweeted by    @wikileaksOct 12 15:56
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 15:56
s-006........................................ 12 15:56
s-006@karlaokane      #Mediastan I just watched it, a greatOct 12 16:00
s-006 retweeted by    documentary! #assange #WikileaksOct 12 16:00
s-006 @wikileaks 12 16:00
s-006........................................ 12 16:00 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 16:00
s-006@doctorow        Photo: Happiest inexplicable vehicular queue onOct 12 16:03
s-006                 Earth 12 16:03
s-006........................................ 12 16:03 | Cory Doctorow: Happiest inexplicable vehicular queue on EarthOct 12 16:03
s-006@NYTeXaminer     Who wants to review #MEDIASTAN for NYT eXaminerOct 12 16:03
s-006 retweeted by 12 16:03
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 16:03
s-006........................................ 12 16:03 | NYTimes eXaminer |  GET INVOLVEDOct 12 16:03
s-006@wikileaks       WATCH WikiLeaks #MEDIASTAN for FREE next 36Oct 12 16:06
s-006                 hours (UK) and rest of the world for as littleOct 12 16:06
s-006                 as $2 12 16:06
s-006........................................ 12 16:06 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 12 16:06
s-006@deCespedes      This is the real 5th Estate:Check outOct 12 16:07
s-006 retweeted by    #Mediastan - Click here to watch the full filmOct 12 16:07
s-006 @wikileaks      on Vimeo <3 #wikileaksOct 12 16:07
s-006                 #ManningOct 12 16:07
s-006........................................ 12 16:07 | MediastanOct 12 16:07
s-006@ClintWasTaken   #Mediastan was really eye-opening. Urge anybodyOct 12 16:07
s-006 retweeted by    interested in journalism and media to watch it.Oct 12 16:07
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 16:07
s-006........................................ 12 16:07
s-006@AnnieDarkhorse  Just watched #MEDIASTAN Very interestingOct 12 16:08
s-006 retweeted by    insight into Guerilla journalism & difficultiesOct 12 16:08
s-006 @wikileaks      in getting media orgs to publish bravelyOct 12 16:08
s-006                 @wikileaksOct 12 16:08
s-006........................................ 12 16:08
s-006@wikileaks       WikiLeaks releases first video clips of EdwardOct 12 16:11
s-006                 #Snowden in Moscow 12 16:11 | Video: Edward Snowden wins Sam Adams awardOct 12 16:11
s-006........................................ 12 16:11
s-006@AnnieDarkhorse  Just watched #MEDIASTAN Very interestingOct 12 16:12
s-006 retweeted by    insight into Guerilla journalism & difficultiesOct 12 16:12
s-006 @qu1j0t3        in getting media orgs to publish bravelyOct 12 16:12
s-006                 @wikileaksOct 12 16:12
s-006........................................ 12 16:12
s-006@Jan_in_France   #mediastan Impressive. Reveals the ridiculousOct 12 16:12
s-006 retweeted by    situation that journalism has found/put itselfOct 12 16:12
s-006 @wikileaks      inOct 12 16:12
s-006........................................ 12 16:12
s-006@wikileaks       WATCH WikiLeaks #MEDIASTAN for FREE next 36Oct 12 16:12
s-006 retweeted by    hours (UK) and rest of the world for as littleOct 12 16:12
s-006 @qu1j0t3        as $2 12 16:12
s-006........................................ 12 16:12 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 12 16:12
s-006@jennyclementir  You can skip #TheFifthEstate but notOct 12 16:12
s-006 retweeted by    #MEDIASTAN: 12 16:12
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 16:12
s-006........................................ 12 16:12 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 12 16:12
s-006@coleyisalegend  @wikileaks watched #Mediastan quality piece ofOct 12 16:13
s-006 retweeted by    film making!!Oct 12 16:13
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 16:13
s-006........................................ 12 16:13
s-006@hacksparrow     MEDIASTAN will open your eyes. Watch it!Oct 12 16:13
s-006 retweeted by 12 16:13
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 16:13 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 16:13
s-006........................................ 12 16:13
s-006@TheAnonReporter  To all of you wondering the hype and excitementOct 12 16:13
s-006 retweeted by    behind #MEDIASTAN please refer to this link:Oct 12 16:13
s-006 @wikileaks Also via @wikileaks.Oct 12 16:13
s-006........................................ 12 16:13 | Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road MovieOct 12 16:13
s-006@qu1j0t3         "How can the spirit of the earth like the whiteOct 12 16:14
s-006                 man? Everywhere the white man has touched it,Oct 12 16:14
s-006                 it is sore."—a Wintu Indian quoted by RoszakOct 12 16:14
s-006........................................ 12 16:14
s-006@slashdot        Fight Bicycle Theft With the Open Source BikeOct 12 16:15
s-006                 Registry 12 16:15
s-006........................................ 12 16:15 | Fight Bicycle Theft With the Open Source Bike Registry - SlashdotOct 12 16:15
s-006@wikileaks       Video: Edward #Snowden receives US integrityOct 12 16:16
s-006                 award in Moscow 12 16:16
s-006........................................ 12 16:16 | Video: Edward Snowden receives Sam Adams award in MoscowOct 12 16:16
s-006@wikileaks       Video: Edward #Snowden speaks about governmentOct 12 16:16
s-006                 transparency 12 16:16
s-006........................................ 12 16:16 | Video: Edward Snowden speaks about government transparency at Sam Adams award presentation in MoscowOct 12 16:16
s-006@wikileaks       New video: Edward #Snowden speaks about NSAOct 12 16:18
s-006                 dangers to democracy 12 16:18
s-006........................................ 12 16:18 | Video: Edward Snowden speaks about dangers to democracy at Sam Adams award presentation in MoscowOct 12 16:18
s-006@wikileaks       New video: Edward #Snowden speaks about NSAOct 12 16:19
s-006                 surveillance programs 12 16:19
s-006........................................ 12 16:19 | Video: Edward Snowden speaks about NSA programmes at Sam Adams award presentation in MoscowOct 12 16:19
s-006@wikileaks       New video: Edward #Snowden, Sarah Harrison,Oct 12 16:20
s-006                 NSA, CIA, FBI, DoJ whistleblowers share aOct 12 16:20
s-006                 secret joke 12 16:20
s-006........................................ 12 16:20 | Video: Edward Snowden at Sam Adams award presentation in Moscow [silent clip]Oct 12 16:20
s-006@WELT_Video      Moskau: WikiLeaks veröffentlicht Video vonOct 12 16:21
s-006 retweeted by    Edward Snowden: Die EnthüllungsplattformOct 12 16:21
s-006 @wikileaks      Wikileaks veröff... viaOct 12 16:21
s-006                 @weltOct 12 16:21
s-006........................................ 12 16:22 | Moskau :  WikiLeaks veröffentlicht Video von Edward Snowden - Nachrichten Politik - Ausland - DIE WELTOct 12 16:22
s-006@inowgb          TopTag(3hrs) 1:#Mediastan 2:#WikiLeaksOct 12 16:24
s-006 retweeted by    3:#shutdown 4:#Promote 5:#phailin 6:#ACRAsOct 12 16:24
s-006 @wikileaks      7:#business 8:#TDL 9:#vagenvy ..Oct 12 16:24
s-006........................................ 12 16:24
s-006@wikileaks       Edward #Snowden: "We don't have an oversightOct 12 16:26
s-006                 problem, we have an undersight problem."Oct 12 16:26
s-006        12 16:26
s-006........................................ 12 16:26 | Video: Edward Snowden wins Sam Adams awardOct 12 16:26
s-006@doctorow        "A student blows up at a teacher, drops theOct 12 16:32
s-006                 F-bomb. The usual approach at Lincoln – and,Oct 12 16:32
s-006                 safe to say, at..." 12 16:32
s-006........................................ 12 16:32 | Cory Doctorow: A student blows up at a teacher, drops the F-bomb....Oct 12 16:32
s-006@wikileaks       WIKILEAKS RELEASE #Israel: 113,259 emails fromOct 12 16:42
s-006                 US intelligence contractor #StratforOct 12 16:42
s-006        #gifilesOct 12 16:42
s-006        12 16:42
s-006........................................ 12 16:42 | GI Files  -Oct 12 16:42 | Donate to WikiLeaksOct 12 16:42
s-006@wikileaks       WIKILEAKS RELEASE #Israel: 1,061 sensitiveOct 12 16:42
s-006                 emails from US intelligence contractorOct 12 16:42
s-006                 #Stratfor #gifilesOct 12 16:42
s-006........................................ 12 16:42 | GI Files  -Oct 12 16:42
s-006@wikileaks       WIKILEAKS RELEASE #Israel: 316 very sensitiveOct 12 16:43
s-006                 emails from US intelligence contractorOct 12 16:43
s-006                 #Stratfor #gifilesOct 12 16:43
s-006........................................ 12 16:43 | GI Files  -Oct 12 16:43
s-006@techdirt        Awesome Stuff: Security Hardware For The MassesOct 12 17:10
s-006        12 17:10
s-006........................................ 12 17:10 | Awesome Stuff: Security Hardware For The Masses | TechdirtOct 12 17:10
s-006@ggreenwald      GOP establishment launches primary challengeOct 12 17:11
s-006 retweeted by    against GOP dissident and NSA criticOct 12 17:11
s-006 @csoghoian      @repjustinamash 12 17:11
s-006........................................ 12 17:11 | GOP rival announces Justin Amash primary - Tal Kopan - POLITICO.comOct 12 17:11
s-006@wikileaks       New York Times peddles smear of Assange andOct 12 17:13
s-006                 leaks | Cryptome 12 17:13
s-006........................................ 12 17:13 | New York Times Peddles Film Smear of Assange and LeaksOct 12 17:13
s-006@albion_music Amazing documentaryOct 12 17:17
s-006 retweeted by    #MEDIASTAN. Incredibly revealing about USOct 12 17:17 | NO TITLEOct 12 17:17
s-006 @wikileaks      imperialist-like control of internationalOct 12 17:17
s-006                 press.Oct 12 17:17
s-006........................................ 12 17:17
s-006@alexjosephmills  Essential insights into the complex boundariesOct 12 17:17
s-006 retweeted by    that govern press freedom & the variedOct 12 17:17
s-006 @wikileaks      motivations that underpin them: #mediastanOct 12 17:17
s-006                 @wikileaksOct 12 17:17
s-006........................................ 12 17:17
s-006@maskeddev       Guess I should watch #MEDIASTAN since everyoneOct 12 17:17
s-006 retweeted by    else has, and my feed is filled with peopleOct 12 17:17
s-006 @wikileaks      saying it's great!Oct 12 17:17
s-006........................................ 12 17:17
s-006@Vhamerton       C'mon people. Pay for #mediastan supportOct 12 17:18
s-006 retweeted by    @wikileaks and everything they do!!!! They riskOct 12 17:18
s-006 @wikileaks      so much for us.Oct 12 17:18
s-006........................................ 12 17:18
s-006@slashdot        Read Better Books To Be a Better PersonOct 12 17:18
s-006        12 17:18
s-006........................................ 12 17:18 | Read Better Books To Be a Better Person - SlashdotOct 12 17:18
s-006@sgtgingerchris  @wikileaks Just watched #MEDIASTAN wow what aOct 12 17:20
s-006 retweeted by    great film It's a must watchOct 12 17:20
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 17:20
s-006........................................ 12 17:20
s-006@NotMattJames    If you you're mind tank was filled to capacityOct 12 17:20
s-006 retweeted by    by #InsideJob, you'll really dig on #MediastanOct 12 17:20
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 17:20
s-006........................................ 12 17:20
s-006@jrodwyer        Just watching #wikileaks movie #assange onOct 12 17:21
s-006 retweeted by    #mediastan well worth a watch Free in UK thisOct 12 17:21
s-006 @wikileaks      weekend Good stuffOct 12 17:21
s-006                 JulianOct 12 17:21 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 17:21
s-006........................................ 12 17:21
s-006@Andr3sCu3llar   You should watch "Mediastan". Will open yourOct 12 17:23
s-006 retweeted by    eyes, watch it!Oct 12 17:23
s-006 @wikileaks (This weekend free fromOct 12 17:23
s-006                 UK site)Oct 12 17:23 | Watch MEDIASTANOct 12 17:23
s-006........................................ 12 17:23
s-006@AverageSteve73  #MEDIASTAN pretty scary stuff... you alwaysOct 12 17:24
s-006 retweeted by    need to know both sides before you can judgeOct 12 17:24
s-006 @wikileaks      anything!Oct 12 17:24
s-006........................................ 12 17:24
s-006@musharib13      "@merajkabir: #MEDIASTAN is trending well allOct 12 17:24
s-006 retweeted by    over the globe; why not it's a @wikileaksOct 12 17:24
s-006 @wikileaks      creation by the way." It must be special iOct 12 17:24
s-006                 think :-)Oct 12 17:24
s-006........................................ 12 17:24
s-006@koolfy          #Mediastan is a very interesting view of howOct 12 17:25
s-006 retweeted by    very different media reacted to being offeredOct 12 17:25
s-006 @wikileaks      Cables by #wikileaks. Journalism must-watch.Oct 12 17:25
s-006........................................ 12 17:25
s-006@Jamut38         Amazing documentary #MEDIASTAN. IncrediblyOct 12 17:27
s-006 retweeted by    revealing about US  control of internationalOct 12 17:27
s-006 @wikileaks      press. via @youtubeOct 12 17:27
s-006........................................ 12 17:27 | Mediastan (2013) - YouTubeOct 12 17:27
s-006@wikileaks       Check out these Twitter trending graphs forOct 12 17:31
s-006                 #MEDIASTAN vs #FifthEstateOct 12 17:31
s-006        12 17:31
s-006........................................ 12 17:31
TechrightsSocial@m_cetera: Check out these Twitter trending graphs for #MEDIASTAN vs #FifthEstate 12 17:31
s-006@wikileaks       Graph: WikiLeaks documentary about mediaOct 12 17:35
s-006                 corruption eats alive multi-million dollarOct 12 17:35
s-006                 anti-WikiLeaks Hollywood filmOct 12 17:35
s-006        12 17:35
s-006........................................ 12 17:35
s-006@umairh          The future of everything “@maura: DoingOct 12 17:40
s-006                 Krokodil In Front Of A Banksy InstallationOct 12 17:40
s-006                 While Eating A Cronut: New York, 2013”Oct 12 17:40
s-006........................................ 12 17:40
s-006@umairh          This generation isn't going to get fucked. ItOct 12 17:44
s-006                 already is fucked. So fucked.Oct 12 17:44
s-006........................................ 12 17:44
s-006@umairh          There are really only three choices for thisOct 12 17:46
s-006                 generation. 1) protest 2) get fucked 3) fuckOct 12 17:46
s-006                 each other and get more fuckedOct 12 17:46
s-006........................................ 12 17:46
s-006@umairh          Ah, fuck it. Who gives a shit, anyways, right?Oct 12 17:49
s-006........................................ 12 17:49
s-006@DDavea42        Bought #MEDIASTAN from, which hasOct 12 17:51
s-006 retweeted by    a pleasant workable net procedure. DownloadingOct 12 17:51
s-006 @wikileaks      now.Oct 12 17:51
s-006........................................ 12 17:51
s-006@felipe_nica     #MEDIASTAN is very good. If you like realityOct 12 17:51
s-006 retweeted by    rather than hype, watch it.Oct 12 17:51
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 17:51
s-006........................................ 12 17:51
s-006@wikileaks       Graphil: Social media helps WikiLeaksOct 12 17:54
s-006                 #MEDIASTAN film eat Dreamworks/Disney movieOct 12 17:54
s-006                 'The Fifth Estate' 12 17:54
s-006........................................ 12 17:54
TechrightsSocial@m_cetera: Check out these Twitter trending graphs for #MEDIASTAN vs #FifthEstate 12 17:54
s-006@wikileaks       Graph: Social media helps WikiLeaks #MEDIASTANOct 12 17:54
s-006                 film eat Dreamworks/Disney movie 'The FifthOct 12 17:54
s-006                 Estate' 12 17:54
s-006........................................ 12 17:54
s-006@cnels43         #MEDIASTAN gives viewers a much deeperOct 12 17:55
s-006 retweeted by    understanding of just how far-reaching the USOct 12 17:55
s-006 @wikileaks      govt's tentacles extend throughout the world.Oct 12 17:55
s-006                 Shocking.Oct 12 17:55
s-006........................................ 12 17:55
s-006@faujdardev      #MEDIASTAN Gives viewers a much deeperOct 12 18:04
s-006 retweeted by    understanding of just how far-reaching the USOct 12 18:04
s-006 @wikileaks      govt's tentacles extend throughout the world.Oct 12 18:04
s-006                 AwesomeOct 12 18:04
s-006........................................ 12 18:04
s-006@ianbremmer      Combined wealth of the world’s 1,400Oct 12 18:04
s-006 retweeted by    billionaires: $5.5 trillion.Oct 12 18:04
s-006 @umairh         US, China & Japan are the only countries withOct 12 18:04
s-006                 higher GDPs.Oct 12 18:04
s-006........................................ 12 18:05
s-006@umairh          The world has 1400 billionaires. Most of us, onOct 12 18:08
s-006                 the other hand, don't have a future.Oct 12 18:08
s-006........................................ 12 18:08
s-006@slashdot        Ask Slashdot: Mitigating  DoS Attacks On HomeOct 12 18:15
s-006                 Network? 12 18:15
s-006........................................ 12 18:15 | Ask Slashdot: Mitigating  DoS Attacks On Home Network? - SlashdotOct 12 18:15
*schestowitz_bed2 has quit (Read error: No route to host)Oct 12 18:22
*pidgin_log has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Oct 12 18:22
*schestowitz_bed2 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 12 18:22
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialOct 12 18:22
s-006@glynmoody       E-Mail-Sicherheit: Telekom will E-Mail an USA &Oct 12 18:23
s-006                 Großbritannien vorbeileiten -Oct 12 18:23
s-006        will be common (vOct 12 18:23
s-006                 @olewin @bendrath)Oct 12 18:23
s-006........................................ 12 18:23 | Telekom legt Vorschlag gegen britisch-amerikanische Überwachung vor - SPIEGEL ONLINEOct 12 18:23
s-006@umairh          Capitalism walks into a bar. Everyone runs awayOct 12 18:49
s-006                 screaming.Oct 12 18:49
s-006........................................ 12 18:49
schestowitz_bed2 12 18:55 Does a Chromebook replace a laptop? it runs #gnu #linuxOct 12 18:55
TechrightsSocial-> | Does a Chromebook replace a laptop? | TG Daily  [ ]Oct 12 18:55
schestowitz_bed2"Install any linux on it and be free from google "Oct 12 18:55 | How to Install Linux on a Chromebook and Unlock Its Full Potential  [ ]Oct 12 18:55
schestowitz_bed2"Does installing your own Linux violate the TOS?"Oct 12 19:08
s-006@RationalWiki    Templeton Foundation's getting a reputation, soOct 12 19:09
s-006 retweeted by    now they fund studies through front groupsOct 12 19:09
s-006 @davidgerard 12 19:09
s-006........................................ 12 19:09 | A stealth Templeton grant? « Why Evolution Is TrueOct 12 19:09
s-006@slashdot        Hubble Finds Sign That Habitable Planets CouldOct 12 19:09
s-006                 Exist Beyond Solar SystemOct 12 19:09
s-006        12 19:09
s-006........................................ 12 19:09 | Hubble Finds Sign That Habitable Planets Could Exist Beyond Solar System - SlashdotOct 12 19:09
s-006@schestowitz     Impossibilities 12 19:09
s-006........................................ 12 19:09
s-006@schestowitz     Criminally faux reporting from the #bbcOct 12 19:43
s-006                 #propaganda machine 12 19:43
s-006........................................ 12 19:43 | Craig Murray  » Blog Archive   » Fake BBC VideoOct 12 19:44
s-006@Silent_Circle   We've just released version 1.6.5 ofOct 12 19:46
s-006 retweeted by    #SilentPhone (Android) to @github in aOct 12 19:46
s-006 @ioerror        buildable format: 12 19:46
s-006........................................ 12 19:46 | SilentCircle/silent-phone-android · GitHubOct 12 19:46
s-006@OccupyWallSt    A new generation has come of age with a reducedOct 12 19:50
s-006 retweeted by    expectation of what a person can be and of whoOct 12 19:50
s-006 @umairh         each person might become. via Jaron LanierOct 12 19:50
s-006........................................ 12 19:50
s-006@umairh          Hahahah ahaha “@paulpod: @umairh that guy? HeOct 12 19:50
s-006                 *never* buys a round”Oct 12 19:50
s-006........................................ 12 19:50
s-006@schestowitz     Snowden Accepts Whistleblower AwardOct 12 19:52
s-006        #snowden #nsaOct 12 19:52
s-006........................................ 12 19:52 | Snowden Accepts Whistleblower Award | ConsortiumnewsOct 12 19:52
s-006@glynmoody       Experte warnt vor "Patent-Trollen" durchOct 12 19:57
s-006                 Handelsabkommen - oh,Oct 12 19:57
s-006                 that would be me on #ISDS in #TAFTA/#TTIP (vOct 12 19:57
s-006                 @olewin)Oct 12 19:57
s-006........................................ 12 19:57 | TAFTA/TTIP: Experte warnt vor "Patent-Trollen" durch Handelsabkommen - Golem.deOct 12 19:57
s-006@slashdot        Dataland: the Emerging DystopiaOct 12 20:03
s-006        12 20:03
s-006........................................ 12 20:03 | Dataland: the Emerging Dystopia - SlashdotOct 12 20:03
s-006@glynmoody       Video: Edward Snowden wins Sam Adams award -Oct 12 20:05
s-006        in 6 short videos,Oct 12 20:05
s-006                 #snowden as eloquent as ever about importantOct 12 20:05
s-006                 thingsOct 12 20:05
s-006........................................ 12 20:05 | Video: Edward Snowden wins Sam Adams awardOct 12 20:05
s-006@NoahShachtman   I tried to tell you in July that #Snowden'sOct 12 20:14
s-006 retweeted by    laptops were just decoys.Oct 12 20:14
s-006 @csoghoian 12 20:14
s-006........................................ 12 20:14 | Laptops Snowden took to Hong Kong, Russia were a 'diversion' | ReutersOct 12 20:14 | What If Snowden's Laptops Hold No Secrets? - By Noah Shachtman | Foreign PolicyOct 12 20:14
s-006@csoghoian       This photo of NSA director Alexander is beggingOct 12 20:21
s-006                 for a few snarky captions (ViaOct 12 20:21
s-006                 @Asher_Wolf)"Oct 12 20:21
s-006........................................ 12 20:21
TechrightsSocial@Asher_Wolf: This image of NSA's Gen. Keith Alexander is ripe for remixing 12 20:21
s-006@glynmoody       #Snowden Accepts Whistleblower Award -Oct 12 20:25
s-006        useful written report ofOct 12 20:25
s-006                 the event (v @AnnieMachon)Oct 12 20:25
s-006........................................ 12 20:25 | Snowden Accepts Whistleblower Award | ConsortiumnewsOct 12 20:25
s-006@doctorow        Photo: Leader board 12 20:29
s-006........................................ 12 20:29 | Cory Doctorow: Leader boardOct 12 20:29
s-006@umairh          This is totally in for winter. Get yours now!Oct 12 20:37
s-006        12 20:37
s-006........................................ 12 20:37 | Comme Des Garçons Homme Plus Black Leather Pageboy Bunny Hat for men | SSENSEOct 12 20:37
s-006@techdirt        Gabriella Coleman's Favorite News Stories OfOct 12 20:40
s-006                 The Week 12 20:40 | Gabriella Coleman's Favorite News Stories Of The Week | TechdirtOct 12 20:40
s-006........................................ 12 20:40
s-006@rubcacenter     Finished watching #Mediastan, fascinating rawOct 12 20:54
s-006 retweeted by    coverage of the work & philosophy of @wikileaksOct 12 20:54
s-006 @wikileaks      as well as an adventure across #CentralAsia!Oct 12 20:54
s-006........................................ 12 20:54
s-006@rbit_lsi        Everyone should see #mediastan. It will be anOct 12 20:54
s-006 retweeted by    eye opener for some and a confirmation forOct 12 20:54
s-006 @wikileaks      others. Please, never stop what you doOct 12 20:54
s-006                 @wikileaks!Oct 12 20:54
s-006........................................ 12 20:54
s-006@zoemavroudi     Bill Keller: "It's not our job to decide whatOct 12 20:56
s-006 retweeted by    is destabilizing or to preserve the stabilityOct 12 20:56
s-006 @wikileaks      of countries elsewhere." #MEDIASTANOct 12 20:56
s-006........................................ 12 20:56
s-006@AlejandroAhumad  Interested how the media works? WatchOct 12 20:56
s-006 retweeted by    @wikileaks doc #Mediastan, it's brilliant:Oct 12 20:56
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 20:56
s-006        12 20:56
s-006........................................ 12 20:56 | Mediastan (2013) - YouTubeOct 12 20:56
s-006@Kernehed        #MEDIASTAN thanks for that wake-up call!Oct 12 20:56
s-006 retweeted by    Oct 12 20:56
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 20:56
s-006........................................ 12 20:56
s-006@zoemavroudi     So many interviewees in #MEDIASTAN arguedOct 12 20:57
s-006 retweeted by    against the importance of searching for andOct 12 20:57
s-006 @wikileaks      revealing the truth, it's actually scary.Oct 12 20:57
s-006........................................ 12 20:57
s-006@juliecupples79  I just watched #MEDIASTAN, a chillingOct 12 20:58
s-006 retweeted by    geopolitical account of the state of globalOct 12 20:58
s-006 @wikileaks      media democracy. #WikiLeaksOct 12 20:58
s-006........................................ 12 20:58
s-006@MaggieJustAwake  .@wikileaks The personally signed "fan-girl"Oct 12 20:58
s-006 retweeted by    photo to Arthur Sulzberger  from @BarackObamaOct 12 20:58
s-006 @wikileaks      was particularly moving! #MEDIASTANOct 12 20:58
s-006........................................ 12 20:58
s-006@ashkokoeva      I just watched #MEDIASTAN It was AMAZING!! MayOct 12 20:58
s-006 retweeted by    I just say that I respect #JulianAssange andOct 12 20:58
s-006 @wikileaks      the team of @wikileaks for everything they do!Oct 12 20:58
s-006........................................ 12 20:58
s-006@slashdot        Charlie Stross: Why Microsoft Word Must DieOct 12 21:00
s-006        12 21:00
s-006........................................ 12 21:00 | Charlie Stross: Why Microsoft Word Must Die - SlashdotOct 12 21:00
s-006@ramdac          "We used this handbook, and we did everythingOct 12 21:01
s-006 retweeted by    by the book!" 12 21:01
s-006 @csoghoian      Oct 12 21:01
TechrightsSocial@ramdac: "We used this handbook, and we did everything by the book!" 12 21:01
s-006........................................ 12 21:01
s-006@nqabamatshazi   Watching the wikileaks doccie #Mediastan, justOct 12 21:04
s-006 retweeted by    seen Eyanat an Afghan journalist I met lastOct 12 21:04
s-006 @wikileaks      year he helped Wikileaks guys with translationsOct 12 21:04
s-006........................................ 12 21:04
s-006@gwstauth        Just another who bought, watched, and enjoyedOct 12 21:05
s-006 retweeted by    #MEDIASTAN What a journey to prove what theyOct 12 21:05
s-006 @wikileaks      did. @wikileaksOct 12 21:05
s-006........................................ 12 21:05
s-006@MikeMelo1369    @wikileaks Just watched #Mediastan Wow what anOct 12 21:06
s-006 retweeted by    eyeopener. a Truly great behind the scenes lookOct 12 21:06
s-006 @wikileaks      at #OperationCablerunOct 12 21:06
s-006........................................ 12 21:06
s-006@NomasKnowmas    #MEDIASTAN gives viewers a much deeperOct 12 21:07
s-006 retweeted by    understanding of just how far-reaching the USOct 12 21:07
s-006 @wikileaks      govt's tentacles extend throughout the world.Oct 12 21:07
s-006                 Shocking.Oct 12 21:07
s-006........................................ 12 21:07
s-006@jasondunlap     @wikileaks just watched #MEDIASTAN what anOct 12 21:07
s-006 retweeted by    amazing film! I was completely blown away byOct 12 21:07
s-006 @wikileaks      it. Would love to see more!Oct 12 21:07
s-006........................................ 12 21:07
s-006@gersongomeza    @WIKILEAKS just watched #MEDIASTAN what anOct 12 21:11
s-006 retweeted by    amazing film! I was completely blown away byOct 12 21:11
s-006 @wikileaks      it. Would love to see more!Oct 12 21:11
s-006                 #SabadoDeGanarSeguidoresOct 12 21:11
s-006........................................ 12 21:11
s-006@rosehunnyheart  #Mediastan Eye-opening, engaging, honest filmOct 12 21:11
s-006 retweeted by    about how the media works watch free this wkendOct 12 21:11
s-006 @wikileaks      in UK @wikileaks #press #freedomofspeechOct 12 21:11
s-006........................................ 12 21:11
s-006@wikileaks       Check out these Twitter trending graphs forOct 12 21:13
s-006                 #MEDIASTAN vs #FifthEstateOct 12 21:13
s-006        12 21:13
s-006........................................ 12 21:13
TechrightsSocial@m_cetera: Check out these Twitter trending graphs for #MEDIASTAN vs #FifthEstate 12 21:13
s-006@linuxtoday      Hyper Light Drifter Drifts Zelda-esque DungeonOct 12 21:14
s-006                 Crawling Onto Linux: Machine Red: AlexOct 12 21:14
s-006                 Preston’s Kickstarter fo...Oct 12 21:14
s-006        12 21:14
s-006........................................ 12 21:14 | Linux Today - Hyper Light Drifter Drifts Zelda-esque Dungeon Crawling Onto LinuxOct 12 21:14
s-006@Cerri__         This is the world we live in. Best documentaryOct 12 21:15
s-006 retweeted by    you will ever see.#Mediastan Oct 12 21:15
s-006 @wikileaks 12 21:15
s-006........................................ 12 21:15 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 21:15
s-006@FuckYeahLibDems  Watch #mediastan free online from the UK:Oct 12 21:16
s-006 retweeted by Shockingly brilliantOct 12 21:16
s-006 @wikileaks      journalism.Oct 12 21:16 | Mediastan - YouTubeOct 12 21:16
s-006........................................ 12 21:16
s-006@Rhea11          @Wikileaks (Mediastan, the film)... you areOct 12 21:20
s-006 retweeted by    amazing .. don't stop.Oct 12 21:20
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 21:20
s-006........................................ 12 21:20
s-006@vaijrb          @wikileaks Just started watching #MEDIASTAN andOct 12 21:20
s-006 retweeted by    my bone is chilling already!Oct 12 21:20
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 21:20
s-006........................................ 12 21:20
s-006@inowgb          TopTag(3hrs) 1:#MEDIASTAN 2:#MarvelNYCC 3:#WCQOct 12 21:21
s-006 retweeted by    4:#Phailin 5:#Pisces 6:#starwars 7:#followersOct 12 21:21
s-006 @wikileaks      8:#TalkAGoodGame ..Oct 12 21:21
s-006........................................ 12 21:21
s-006@1YANGAwakening  Only 3 minutes into #Mediastan and I'm alreadyOct 12 21:23
s-006 retweeted by    getting emotionally overwhelmed byOct 12 21:23
s-006 @wikileaks      #MehrabanbFaizulloh's #Guantanamo ordeal.Oct 12 21:23
s-006........................................ 12 21:23
s-006@graceopppy      Just watched #MEDIASTAN and it was trulyOct 12 21:23
s-006 retweeted by    eye-opening. I have a new level of respect forOct 12 21:23
s-006 @wikileaks      Assange and the entire @wikileaks organization.Oct 12 21:23
s-006........................................ 12 21:23
s-006@givenscj        I will say the Russian translation is reallyOct 12 21:42
s-006 retweeted by    good in #mediastan ...better than what is inOct 12 21:42
s-006 @wikileaks      regular Russian movies...Oct 12 21:42
s-006........................................ 12 21:42
s-006@wikileaks       #Assange: Nearly every significant person inOct 12 21:49
s-006                 Latin America is blackmailable by the U.S. |Oct 12 21:49
s-006                 EFE/FOX 12 21:49
s-006........................................ 12 21:49 | U.S. Monitors Latin American Communications At Will, Wikileaks' Julian Assange Says | Fox News LatinoOct 12 21:49
s-006@4everapplegrape  “@umairh: Capitalism walks into a bar. EveryoneOct 12 21:55
s-006 retweeted by    runs away screaming.”Oct 12 21:55
s-006 @umairh         More likeOct 12 21:55
s-006                 Capitalism walks into a bar. Everyone else getsOct 12 21:55
s-006                 thrown outOct 12 21:55
s-006........................................ 12 21:56
s-006@RichardMetzger  Happy Birthday Aleister Crowley,Oct 12 21:59
s-006 retweeted by    self-proclaimed Antichrist; Victorian hippieOct 12 21:59
s-006 @ioerror via @dangermindsblogOct 12 21:59
s-006........................................ 12 21:59 | Dangerous Minds  |  Happy Birthday Aleister Crowley, self-proclaimed Antichrist; Victorian hippieOct 12 21:59
s-006@umairh          Goddamit, the Cock Brothers broke into my carOct 12 21:59
s-006                 and stole my GPS.Oct 12 21:59
s-006........................................ 12 21:59
s-006@slashdot        JavaScript-Based OpenRISC Emulator Can RunOct 12 22:03
s-006                 Linux, GCC, Wayland 12 22:03
s-006........................................ 12 22:03 | JavaScript-Based OpenRISC Emulator Can Run Linux, GCC, Wayland - SlashdotOct 12 22:03
s-006@doctorow        Snowglobe Travel AdvisoryOct 12 22:03
s-006        12 22:03
s-006........................................ 12 22:03 | Cory Doctorow: Snowglobe Travel AdvisoryOct 12 22:03
qu1j0t3b 126Oct 12 22:23
s-006@wikileaks       UK's Channel 4 just aired a biased documentary,Oct 12 22:26
s-006                 'WikiLeaks: Secret's and Lies'. But nothing isOct 12 22:26
s-006                 what it seems.. 12 22:26
s-006........................................ 12 22:26 | Inside the secrets and lies behind ’Secrets and Lies’Oct 12 22:26
s-006@micahflee       Skype under investigation in Luxembourg overOct 12 22:33
s-006 retweeted by    link to NSA 12 22:33
s-006 @ioerror        Oct 12 22:33 | Skype under investigation in Luxembourg over link to NSA | Technology | theguardian.comOct 12 22:33
s-006........................................ 12 22:33
s-006@chagrinish      Favorite part of #Mediastan is theOct 12 22:33
s-006 retweeted by    introspective debate in the middle that holds aOct 12 22:33
s-006 @wikileaks      mirror to the films own motivations.Oct 12 22:33
s-006........................................ 12 22:33
s-006@EFF             Report from @pressfreedom says NSA surveillanceOct 12 22:34
s-006 retweeted by    creates a "fearful environment" for journalistsOct 12 22:34
s-006 @ioerror        working with sources 12 22:34
s-006........................................ 12 22:34 | New Report Finds Obama’s Policies Threaten an Independent Press | Electronic Frontier FoundationOct 12 22:34
s-006@wikileaks       UK's Channel 4 just aired a biased documentary,Oct 12 22:34
s-006 retweeted by    'WikiLeaks: Secret's and Lies'. But nothing isOct 12 22:34
s-006 @ioerror        what it seems.. 12 22:34
s-006........................................ 12 22:34
s-006@3C75            Anyone who has half an IQ point needs to watchOct 12 22:37
s-006 retweeted by    Mediastan, I beseech you. Brilliant. Excellent.Oct 12 22:37
s-006 @wikileaks      Oct 12 22:37
s-006........................................ 12 22:37
s-006@headhntr        Video clips posted to @WikiLeaks website showOct 12 22:40
s-006 retweeted by    former #NSA analyst speaking for the first timeOct 12 22:40
s-006 @ioerror        since July asylum plea 12 22:40 | Edward Snowden says NSA surveillance programmes 'hurt our country' | World news | theguardian.comOct 12 22:40
s-006........................................ 12 22:40
s-006@tacone_         Una delle mie moderazioni preferite (rotfl)Oct 12 22:43
s-006        12 22:43
s-006........................................ 12 22:43
TechrightsSocial@tacone_: Una delle mie moderazioni preferite (rotfl) 12 22:43
s-006@Gingerbread_Jim  Finished watching #Mediastan. Really insightfulOct 12 22:50
s-006 retweeted by    and genuinely really inspiring. Holds a reallyOct 12 22:50
s-006 @wikileaks      good view of Wikileaks' inner workings.Oct 12 22:50
s-006........................................ 12 22:50
s-006@headhntr        "We don't have an oversight problem, we have anOct 12 22:52
s-006 retweeted by    under-sight problem" - a little surveillanceOct 12 22:52
s-006 @ioerror        state humor.Oct 12 22:52
s-006........................................ 12 22:52
s-006@zseward         Crazy/scary: Three powerful storms menace AsiaOct 12 22:57
s-006 retweeted by    at the same time 12 22:57
s-006 @glynmoody 12 22:57
s-006........................................ 12 22:57 | Radar images: Three powerful storms—Phailin, Nari, and Wipha—menace Asia at the same time  –  QuartzOct 12 22:57
TechrightsSocial@zseward: Crazy/scary: Three powerful storms menace Asia at the same time 12 22:57
s-006@slashdot        People Trust Tech Companies Over Automakers ForOct 12 23:00
s-006                 Self-Driving Cars 12 23:00
s-006........................................ 12 23:00 | People Trust Tech Companies Over Automakers For Self-Driving Cars  - SlashdotOct 12 23:00
s-006@Stephen_Curry   Astonishing to see @sciam & @sciamblogs runningOct 12 23:03
s-006 retweeted by    a gigantic, slow-motion car crash this weekendOct 12 23:03