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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: September 22nd, 2013

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MinceRgnSep 22 00:37
*ohama ( has joined #techrightsSep 22 01:11
*Guest22241 has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Sep 22 01:12
*Guest26812 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Sep 22 01:16
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Sep 22 01:17
*eebrah|FTS ( has joined #techrightsSep 22 01:20
*nj3ma ( has joined #techrightsSep 22 01:21
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Quit: Cirrus_Minor)Sep 22 03:39
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsSep 22 07:16
schestowitz_mobj 22 07:17 Software Freedom Is Spreading 22 07:17
schestowitz_mob"SFD use OpenStreetMaps ! Cool! :-)"Sep 22 07:17
schestowitz_mob 22 07:18
schestowitz_mob"I was at the New Zealand one yesterday."Sep 22 07:18
schestowitz_mob 22 07:20 LinkedIn: medium where people send address books from hard drives to the NSA 22 07:20
schestowitz_mobThey did this to me, not through my email contacts but just joe-jobbing me (sending emails to others with my name on them)."777"Sep 22 07:20
schestowitz_mob 22 07:20
schestowitz_mob"I've "known" they somehow hack and snoop my email contact addresses for quite a while. In my case, they recommend people for "connection" that I know but may have had email contact with once or twice, ever, sometimes years ago that I never deleted the email address and contact info."Sep 22 07:20
schestowitz_mob"Oddly enough, I see some good coming of this (and other, similar revelations): People will now begin to ask themselves important questions, "Why should I trust x with my information or data?" and "What has x done to earn and keep my trust?" The world [finally] awakens..."Sep 22 07:21
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsSep 22 08:14
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkSep 22 08:14
*oiaohm ( has joined #techrightsSep 22 08:37
*oiaohm has quit (Changing host)Sep 22 08:37
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsSep 22 08:37
iophkold - 22 08:37 | Did NSA Put a Secret Backdoor in New Encryption Standard?  [ ]Sep 22 08:38
oiaohmiophk: warning that NSA had good bad was when they pulled out fo SE Linux in 2002Sep 22 08:38
iophkWasn't that under pressure from / obedience to M$ ?Sep 22 08:42
iophkNSA was starting to get a lot of positive press about SELinux then suddenly pulled down their pages and quieted up.Sep 22 08:43
iophk 22 08:50
*eebrah|FTS has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Sep 22 08:50
*eebrah|FTS ( has joined #techrightsSep 22 08:52
oiaohmiophk: it was not Microsoft presure.Sep 22 08:56
iophkThey were attracting a lot of attention to the fact that they were developing F/OSS systemsSep 22 08:57
oiaohmiophk: the group behind Grsecuirty was reviewing every patch the NSA was putting in.Sep 22 08:59
iophkI remember that for a while there were frequent announcements about their work.  Perhaps they were done weekly.  But then it got quiet all of a sudden and the SE Linux pages were then off in a corner somewhere.Sep 22 09:00
oiaohmSe Linux enters Linux year 2000Sep 22 09:00
oiaohmEnd year 2001 Grsecuirty find list of code bugs.Sep 22 09:00
oiaohmMid 2002 NSA disappears.Sep 22 09:00
iophkyeah that's about the timeline I recall. Sep 22 09:00
oiaohmiophk: It was more of a case of criminal in head lights.Sep 22 09:01
oiaohmYou really wonder why they run so fast.Sep 22 09:01
oiaohmReason in 2002 was very bogus NSA came out that they feared drug lords and other parties using it so  they could not crack in 2002.Sep 22 09:02
iophkYes the lame excuse was one reason I considered that it had been pressure from M$Sep 22 09:02
oiaohmI really suspect back then it was that they could not keep on attempting to insert back doors the auditing was far too hard.Sep 22 09:02
iophkBut it was also getting more attention by 2002Sep 22 09:02
oiaohmiophk: is the Grsecuirty stuff is why I don't suspect MS.Sep 22 09:03
oiaohmOk not in the way you think.Sep 22 09:03
iophkOk.  That's something I did not know about or recognize at the time.Sep 22 09:03
oiaohmIf the NSA was outed for inserting back doors in 2002 how long before people would have put two and two of the NSA signing key in Windows and worked out it was backdoored as well.Sep 22 09:04
oiaohmiophk: I don't see it as presume from MS.  I see NSA had no choice but to run.Sep 22 09:04
iophkCould have been both.Sep 22 09:05
oiaohmHmm what year did we change form ranbow book to current crap.Sep 22 09:07
iophk 22 09:09 | Rainbow Series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Sep 22 09:10
iophkIff wikipedia is reliable...Sep 22 09:10
oiaohmiophk: got me to what I needed thanks. 22 09:14 | Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaSep 22 09:14
oiaohmiophk: the page suxs on history information.Sep 22 09:14 | Common Criteria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Sep 22 09:14
oiaohmiophk: 2005 does the common criteria start.Sep 22 09:14
oiaohmInteresting the time line.Sep 22 09:14
iophkPre-wikipedia / facebook www pages were good on history.  New pages and wikipedia and facebook suck on history.Sep 22 09:15
schestowitz_mobSpent the day in Castlefield yesterday.... catching up with #techrights IRC logs later this morningSep 22 09:17
oiaohmiophk: really the older the wikipedia page normally more quality it has got.Sep 22 09:17
oiaohmiophk: some of the post facebook existance wikipedia pages are quite decent.Sep 22 09:17
iophkAlso with wikipedia, we risk losing our primary sources.Sep 22 09:18
iophkschestowitz_mob: Is that a park within Manchester?Sep 22 09:18
oiaohmiophk: problem is primary sources have been disappearing for a long time.Sep 22 09:22
oiaohmiophk: only protection we really have against that is the waybackmachine.Sep 22 09:22
oiaohmor in real world terms the Library of Alexandra in Greece.Sep 22 09:23
oiaohmYes nice and perfectly centralised for a huge rock/bomb.Sep 22 09:23
iophkYepSep 22 09:23
iophkA long time ago there was some joke about wikipedia using elephant populations as the means to illustrate itSep 22 09:24
iophkI can't find it.Sep 22 09:24
iophkBut basically some interest group camps on wikipedia, bending it to their agenda until articles get written citing the wikipedia entry.  Then the entry uses those articles in turn to bolster its position. Sep 22 09:25
oiaohmiophk: the problem is wikipedia does if you down load the full thing have a full log of editesSep 22 09:26
oiaohmAnd by who.Sep 22 09:26
oiaohmSo yes interest groups messing with it can leave nice big foot prints leading back to them.Sep 22 09:27
schestowitz_mob 22 09:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Systemd 207 Gets Many Bug-Fixes, Minor Additions  #systemd #linuxSep 22 09:29
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Systemd 207 Gets Many Bug-Fixes, Minor AdditionsSep 22 09:29
schestowitz_mob 22 09:30
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Anti-Assad Death Squads Responsible for Gas Attack #syriaSep 22 09:30
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Anti-Assad Death Squads Responsible for Gas Attack | Veterans TodaySep 22 09:30
schestowitz_mob 22 09:32 "powerful new Ubuntu PC has been revealed by Linux computer company" 22 09:32
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Powerful New Ubuntu PC Unveiled By System76 | OMG! Ubuntu!  [ ]Sep 22 09:32
schestowitz_mob"64 gig is schon leckerst"Sep 22 09:32
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Sep 22 09:40
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Sep 22 09:40
iophk 22 09:56 | Yes, Microsoft really is doomed - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette  [ ]Sep 22 09:56
iophkold - 22 10:16 | Ken Shirriff's blog: A dozen USB chargers in the lab: Apple is very good, but not quite the best  [ ]Sep 22 10:16
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 22 10:23
iophk 22 10:50 | LinkedIn Customers Allege Company Hacked E-Mail Addresses - Bloomberg  [ ]Sep 22 10:50
*vallor has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 22 11:58
*vallor (~Ponzo@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/vallor) has joined #techrightsSep 22 11:58
*eebrah (~ibrah@ has joined #techrightsSep 22 12:02
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 22 12:13
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsSep 22 12:13
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: Leaving)Sep 22 12:42
iophk 22 13:53 | Reaction to Nirvanix Shutdown Reiterates Importance of Backup  [ ]Sep 22 13:53
schestowitz_mob 22 14:01
schestowitz_mob"That's cool to see high-end configurations on Linux. It's not only made for small, old PCs."Sep 22 14:01
schestowitz_mob 22 14:05
TechrightsBot-tr@_Goblin: @schestowitz Reminds me of the PS3 saga years ago, alot of "buy early sell on at high prices" people got badly burnt and lost money on that.Sep 22 14:05
oiaohmLot are still doing the same with xbox oneSep 22 14:06
iophkIs anyone even buying the xbone?Sep 22 14:07
schestowitz_mob 22 14:07
TechrightsBot-tr@hgfernan: @schestowitz Cool ! So you contacted NSA. Wonderful news. Have you posted that conversation in your blog ?Sep 22 14:07
schestowitz_mob 22 14:07
TechrightsBot-tr@hgfernan: @schestowitz It would be really nice to beat the drum and tell everybody about that lack of communication.Sep 22 14:07
*eebrah|FTS has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Sep 22 14:07
schestowitz_mobComms with NSA is one-way, except when they lie to Congress.Sep 22 14:08
schestowitz_mob"Mixed conversations. 8-S I supposed you were talking about the Sorry..."Sep 22 14:08
schestowitz_mob"I'll comment that with the support crew -- they're excellent persons. Have a nice week and a cool Sunday."Sep 22 14:08
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Sep 22 14:09
oiaohmiophk: I know a few people who work in game stores who have preorders.Sep 22 14:10
oiaohmiophk: of PS4 and Xbox one.Sep 22 14:10
oiaohmiophk: lets say some people don't learn.Sep 22 14:10
iophkInteresting.  With the older versions, it looked like they couldn't give it away.  Sep 22 14:10
iophkThe display units often had the Red Ring o'Death in recent years.Sep 22 14:11
iophkBut since launch, it was rare to see kids playing the demo units.  They'd be standing in line for the PS or Nintendo, but let the xbox lie idle.  Sep 22 14:11
iophkI had the feeling that some shops tried to push kids by turning off the other demo units, but that seemed  to just have the effect that kids played nothing.Sep 22 14:12
iophkAlso a number of bad fires got started by the old xboxes' power supplies.Sep 22 14:12
oiaohmiophk: even with the older ones there were the pre orders.Sep 22 14:14
oiaohmiophk: yes you know the people I must be better than the Joneses people.Sep 22 14:14
oiaohmOr idiots with more money than common sense.Sep 22 14:14
iophkI guess there are a few demented ones that insist on M$ over function.Sep 22 14:14
oiaohmno some of these demented ones any new console is a purchace order.Sep 22 14:15
oiaohmiophk: they are not MS particular.Sep 22 14:15
iophkI see.  The buy whatever happens to be on sale just to be first?Sep 22 14:17
oiaohmiophk: yep that beastSep 22 14:22
oiaohmiophk: so consoles will always sell so many.Sep 22 14:23
*eebrah has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Sep 22 14:34
*eebrah|FTS ( has joined #techrightsSep 22 14:38
*nj3ma ( has joined #techrightsSep 22 14:39
schestowitz_mob 22 15:14 | New Operating System Seeks To Replace Linux In the Cloud - Slashdot  [ ]Sep 22 15:14
schestowitz_mobvpaourware?Sep 22 15:14
iophkCould be.  But they do have something for download.  The design concept seems iffy.Sep 22 15:15
iophkIt looks single-user.Sep 22 15:20
oiaohmschestowitz_mob: its not vaporware  its code is around for download.Sep 22 15:22 | cloudius-systems/osv ยท GitHubSep 22 15:22
oiaohmiophk: 22 15:29 | OSv - CloudOpen 2013 - Google Drive  [ ]Sep 22 15:29
oiaohmiophk: in fact its not single user its single application.Sep 22 15:29
oiaohmiophk and schestowitz_mob OSv suites particular cloud workloads.   Ones it suite exteamly impressive performance.Sep 22 15:30
iophkHow? some applications use multiple processesSep 22 15:30
oiaohmiophk: OSv does not support fork or execSep 22 15:31
iophkSo there would be a lot of daemons that cannot run on OSv then.Sep 22 15:31
iophkDon't a lot of them fork for privilege separation?Sep 22 15:31
oiaohmiophk: OSv does not have privilege separation.Sep 22 15:32
oiaohmOSv is not an all round OS.Sep 22 15:32
iophkI guess not.  It much be for a certain niche.Sep 22 15:33
oiaohmvirtual machine running like a java based website iophkSep 22 15:33
oiaohmOSv can be a good choice thinking that Java normally skipped over the host secuirty items anyhow.Sep 22 15:34
oiaohmiophk: OSv suites particular cloud loads and that is it.Sep 22 15:34
oiaohmAnything needing multi user or multi application OSv is basically out.Sep 22 15:35
schestowitz_mob 22 15:35
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: OpenZFS launched this week! #zfs #sun #oracleSep 22 15:35
TechrightsBot-tr-> | OpenZFSSep 22 15:35
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Tiny Core 5.0 Distribution Is Very Tiny and Powerful #gnu #linuxSep 22 15:35
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Tiny Core 5.0 Distribution Is Very Tiny and PowerfulSep 22 15:35
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Keeping your Red Hat Enterprise Linux current #gnu #linux #rhel #redhatSep 22 15:35
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Keeping your Red Hat Enterprise Linux current | ZDNetSep 22 15:35
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Raspberry Pi's Eben Upton Demos Wayland Support on the Pi #linux #waylandSep 22 15:35
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Raspberry Pi's Eben Upton Demos Wayland Support on the Pi | The Linux FoundationSep 22 15:35
oiaohmiophk: really it will do Linux good having OSv to work out how much overhead the secuirty is causing.Sep 22 15:39
oiaohmiophk: the big nasty about OSv is the fact is another independant created libc.Sep 22 15:41
iophkFrom a web-application perspective, it seems less than useful.  Sep 22 15:42
iophkThere you need at least two processess AFAIKSep 22 15:42
iophkcreating a new libc can be buggySep 22 15:43
oiaohmiophk: java base web applications don't need to create 2 processes.Sep 22 15:52
oiaohmiophk: evils of threading.Sep 22 15:52
iophkSo the target might be JSP applications?Sep 22 15:53
oiaohmiophk: that is what is already has.Sep 22 15:53
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 22 16:03
iophk,24342.htmlSep 22 16:56 | Valve Revealing First Part of Linux Invasion on Monday  [ ]Sep 22 16:56
iophk 22 17:03 | Smart Scopes to anonymize images before landing in the user's Dash (privacy oriented) | Iloveubuntu: Ubuntu blog  [ ]Sep 22 17:03
*Faither ( has joined #techrightsSep 22 17:11
iophk"the Canonical severs are anonymizing directly"Sep 22 17:38
iophkso the info is still leaving the machineSep 22 17:38
*Roderick has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)Sep 22 17:50
*Roderick ( has joined #techrightsSep 22 17:50
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@unaffiliated/cirrus-minor/x-6868843) has joined #techrightsSep 22 17:52
*eebrah|FTS has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)Sep 22 18:45
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*eebrah|FTS ( has joined #techrightsSep 22 19:01
*nj3ma ( has joined #techrightsSep 22 19:01
schestowitz_mobiophk, yesSep 22 19:35
schestowitz_mob 22 19:36
TechrightsBot-tr@candtalan: @schestowitz uk parry peoplemovers flywheel trams r worth consideration #energy @ParryAssociatesSep 22 19:36
schestowitz_mob> Is it just me, or are these some of the most offensive things you'veSep 22 19:43
schestowitz_mob> ever heard a libertarian come out with?Sep 22 19:43
schestowitz_mob> Sep 22 19:43
schestowitz_mob> 22 19:43
schestowitz_mob> Sep 22 19:43
schestowitz_mob> 22 19:43
TechrightsBot-tr@Kasparov63: Sorry, but I would rather have free people than free health care.Sep 22 19:43
TechrightsBot-tr@garrethsmith: #1A protects your disagreement with #2A #2A protects all of them. #guncontrol #gunsense #LiberalControlSep 22 19:43
schestowitz_mob> Sep 22 19:43
schestowitz_mob> But this was funny - if maybe not intentionally:Sep 22 19:43
schestowitz_mob> Sep 22 19:43
schestowitz_mob> 22 19:43
TechrightsBot-tr@psnively: Interesting that the easiest way to sound like a radical fruitcake in America is to quote the Founding Fathers.Sep 22 19:43
schestowitz_mobI had to check if Kasparov63 is now a forgery/parody account because for a chess champion it's too silly a statement and position to have.Sep 22 19:43
schestowitz_mob 22 19:45 Adelaide's Solar Buses Could Be the World's Greenest Public Transports #energySep 22 19:45
schestowitz_mob"I wish one day the whole world is solar powered."Sep 22 19:45
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Adelaide's Solar Buses Could Be the World's Greenest Public Transports  [ ]Sep 22 19:45
schestowitz_mobMany other species are already solar-powered; we use those species in dead or live form for our energy.Sep 22 19:46
schestowitz_mob> I had to check if Kasparov63 is now a forgery/parody account becauseSep 22 20:43
schestowitz_mob> for a chess champion it's too silly a statement and position to have.Sep 22 20:43
schestowitz_mob>>Sep 22 20:43
schestowitz_mob> Sep 22 20:43
schestowitz_mob> Sep 22 20:43
schestowitz_mob> I think the theory goes, he can say whatever pro-fascist crap he likes,Sep 22 20:43
schestowitz_mob> because EX SOVIET OMGSep 22 20:44
schestowitz_mob> Sep 22 20:44
schestowitz_mob> Let's assume an alternate universe where Kasparov beat out Vlad K.G.B.Sep 22 20:44
schestowitz_mob> Putin and turned Russia into a Hobbesian libertarian paradise. Not muchSep 22 20:44
schestowitz_mob> would change, it's already Hobbesian...Sep 22 20:44
schestowitz_mob 22 20:45 The Fall, Story Driven Exploration Game, Could Arrive on Linux in 2014 22 20:45
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The Fall, Story Driven Exploration Game, Could Arrive on Linux in 2014 | eXtremeta  [ ]Sep 22 20:45
schestowitz_mob"Thanks for the link. Here's mine: FRONTIERS - exploration driven exploration game will arrive on Linux in 2014."Sep 22 20:45
*iophk has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Sep 22 21:27
MinceRgnSep 22 23:51
*gde33 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia 22 23:59

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