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*fewt (~fewt@fuduntu/leader/fewt) has joined #techrights | Dec 08 00:20 | |
DaemonFC | shared The Other 98%'s photo. | Dec 08 00:25 |
DaemonFC | about a minute ago · Edited | Dec 08 00:25 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 08 00:25 |
DaemonFC | Actually, thanks to people like me, the polar ice caps will be around a little longer, and global heating is slowed down somewhat. Since we don't have children that are adding to the greenhouse gas problem, your children and grandchildren may live long enough to find a solution to the problem. | Dec 08 00:25 |
DaemonFC | You're welcome. | Dec 08 00:25 |
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | Dec 08 00:29 | |
*_Goblin has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 08 00:58 | |
MinceR | gn | Dec 08 01:44 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 08 02:17 | |
cubezzz | I guess the Microsoft FAT Patent has expired now? | Dec 08 02:34 |
Sosumi | carbon emissions are hardly a problem | Dec 08 03:03 |
Sosumi | sine they may at least contribute 1% to the overall global warming | Dec 08 03:03 |
Sosumi | and anyways, the planet wont last forever | Dec 08 03:04 |
Sosumi | so just make it last long enough till we can spread our seed across the multiverse | Dec 08 03:05 |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 08 05:56 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 07:29 |
TechrightsBot-tr | When Apple and Microsoft speak of security they mean national security i.e. back doors | Dec 08 07:29 |
schestowitz__ | "yeah, Federal security, and continuity of government." | Dec 08 07:29 |
schestowitz__ | "and money for Microsoft" | Dec 08 07:29 |
schestowitz__ | "Implying that Apple isn't all about money?" | Dec 08 07:29 |
schestowitz__ | "Not at all, Termy. Most software ownership is all about money and "security" to them means a continued revenue. Apple is just as nasty as Microsoft, but I had Microsoft on my mind from their recent, empty promises of privacy and security through another layer of encryption." | Dec 08 07:30 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 07:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | FBI infects computers | Dec 08 07:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | FBI’s search for ‘Mo,’ suspect in bomb threats, highlights use of malware for surveillance - The Washington Post [ ] | Dec 08 07:30 |
schestowitz__ | "As in some traditional searches, subjects typically are notified only after evidence is gathered from their property. That's not traditional at all. It's a violation of the fourth amendment that has been allowed in very narrow circumstances like airports and national borders. What ass wrote that piece of propaganda?" | Dec 08 07:30 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 07:31 |
schestowitz__ | The coverage of this intrusion is remarkably different from the usual news of "hacking". When someone is on trial for breaking into a corporate site, we hear complaints of how much it will cost to undo the damage done. The complaint is justified because systems really should be rebuilt when they are violated and cant' be trusted. In the case of Jeremy Hammond, the judge explicitly rejected Hammond's reasoning | Dec 08 07:31 |
schestowitz__ | that he broke in to expose a criminal. Here, when the FBI does the same thing indiscriminately to anyone who visits a web page we are told that it's all about fighting crime and that it must be done more now than ever. That's what happens when you make a story "fair" by balancing what you think with what the FBI tells you. | Dec 08 07:31 |
schestowitz__ | Even more remarkable is the unspoken degree of trust we are supposed to have of our computers as they are. What I read does not even consider the fact that non free software always gives software owners the power to spy. Corporate media won't tell you this because it's mostly owned and funded by people who own your software. Shame on the Washington Post. | Dec 08 07:31 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 07:31 |
schestowitz__ | Wall Street Journal defends the FBi turning the Android devices into listening devices (remotely) to "listen to criminals". The hypocrisy says it all really. The government engages in crime under the premise of "against terror"; next, against activism, protest, etc. | Dec 08 07:32 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 07:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | I still remember the days when #mandrake was the leading desktop distribution and I fondly remember using #mandriva full time. #gnu #linux | Dec 08 07:33 |
schestowitz__ | "Which OS do you use today?" | Dec 08 07:33 |
schestowitz__ | "<--- Mageia It's Mandriva, really." | Dec 08 07:33 |
schestowitz__ | I use Cauldron repos, however. Main repos are too safe." | Dec 08 07:33 |
schestowitz__ | "I use distro that could be called "a rightful heir" of Mandriva, forked from it over a decade ago now and awesome as ever, #PCLinuxOS!' | Dec 08 07:33 |
schestowitz__ | "Ubuntu! :)" | Dec 08 07:33 |
schestowitz__ | Debian and Kubuntu here | Dec 08 07:34 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 07:34 |
TechrightsBot-tr | A friend of mine from Afghanistan has just told me that he supports drone strikes as they target 'leaders'. Did not know 1 in 49 is leader. | Dec 08 07:34 |
schestowitz__ | "How does this compare to the numbers of collateral damage for manned bomber flights?" | Dec 08 07:34 |
schestowitz__ | Hard to tell, but for bombers you need to declare war; the drones are a loophole and they were kept secret by CIA. Illegal. | Dec 08 07:35 |
*Snowleaksange has quit (Quit: moving) | Dec 08 07:35 | |
schestowitz__ | "Leader-seeking missiles? And if a child was hit, well then that child must have been a leader." | Dec 08 07:35 |
*Snowleaksange ( has joined #techrights | Dec 08 07:43 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 08 07:48 | |
*iophk (~lars@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Dec 08 09:35 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Dec 08 09:35 | |
*synchris (~quassel@pdpc/supporter/student/synchris) has joined #techrights | Dec 08 10:34 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 10:55 |
schestowitz__ | "Using Ubuntu but I think Linux Mint Debian Edition is a great alternative." | Dec 08 10:55 |
schestowitz__ | "lmde rulz!" | Dec 08 10:55 |
*gde33 ( has joined #techrights | Dec 08 11:14 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 11:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Kris Kringle Appointed Head of NSA | [ ] | Dec 08 11:18 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 12:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Chris Hedges "Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over & The Descent Is Going To Be Horrifying!" - YouTube [ ] | Dec 08 12:32 |
MinceR | geekings | Dec 08 13:28 |
schestowitz__ |!topic/ | Dec 08 14:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Grupos de Google [ ] | Dec 08 14:06 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 14:19 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @Levenax: @schestowitz @robintcox Er, Mandela was imprisoned. Assange is in embassy 'cos he wants to be. Courts have decided so he should abide by law | Dec 08 14:19 |
schestowitz__ | Assange does not want to be in the embassy, just as Snowden does not want to be in Russia | Dec 08 14:20 |
iophk | | Dec 08 14:28 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | ruBSD 2013 — Яндекс.События — мероприятия Яндекса [ ] | Dec 08 14:28 |
iophk | | Dec 08 14:29 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | NYCBSDCon 2014 | Dec 08 14:29 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 15:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | "America’s libraries have been vulnerable to government intrusion ever since the passing of the Patriot Act" | Dec 08 15:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Top Stories - America’s Public Libraries take on the NSA - AllGov - News [ ] | Dec 08 15:14 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 15:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | EDGI - Techrights [ ] | Dec 08 15:14 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 15:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ ) | Dec 08 15:14 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 15:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ ) | Dec 08 15:14 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 15:14 |
schestowitz__ | ut oh, it's Bill Gates. I had not thought of Gates' fake charity as a vehicle for NSA spying before ... the perverse creativity of Gates evil mind continues to astonish me. Honest people just don't think this way. | Dec 08 15:14 |
schestowitz__ | The American Library Association (ALA), a group not known as a lobbying powerhouse in Washington, received a $1 million grant last month from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to advocate more on behalf of its members. | Dec 08 15:14 |
schestowitz__ | Watch for them to pay lip service to Microsoft, which is one of the worst things anyone can do for privacy. Whatever is true of NSA spying about libraries is also true about Microsoft Windows because Microsoft cooperates fully with the NSA. Even if they did not, Windows is non free software and always has the power to spy. As it is, the software comes with an EULA that grants Microsoft dubious legal rights to | Dec 08 15:14 |
schestowitz__ | spy on users and sell the results to partners. The connections and intentions could not be more clear at this point. No human rights advocate should use non free software. | Dec 08 15:15 |
schestowitz__ | The ALA should have rejected the money. If nothing else, this gift creates an illusion of Microsoft as a privacy and rights advocate. That's evil enough. We would hope librarians are well read enough to know this and would make the terms of the agreement clear. | Dec 08 15:15 |
schestowitz__ | Ick, Gates has been trickling millions of dollars to the ALA for every few years for a long time. In the first page of results, I see that Gates has also written the rules and benchmark of technology effectiveness for public libraries, a disturbingly named "Edge" program for anyone who remembers Microsoft anti-Linux program called EDGI. It's funny that for all that, the ALA uses a Google search appliance. | Dec 08 15:15 |
schestowitz__ | Gates has used his foundation to strategically dump Microsoft Windows onto libraries for more than a decade.. Unlike most real charities, there was no grant process for determining need, the foundation decided who would get gifts of non free software and computers. Like other NSA programs, the gifts came with a gag order and other strings. Libraries were forced to sign a NDA about the exact terms and were not | Dec 08 15:15 |
schestowitz__ | allowed to install other software onto the computers for as long as they had them. | Dec 08 15:15 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 15:15 |
Sosumi | charities and companies can be always be front groups for intelligence and military industrial complex | Dec 08 15:37 |
Sosumi | foundations and think tank groups too | Dec 08 15:37 |
Sosumi | things like the royal institute for international affairs and its sister organization council on foreign relations | Dec 08 15:41 |
Sosumi | or the tavistock institute | Dec 08 15:42 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 15:49 |
schestowitz__ | There are other reasons to reject Microsoft money and technology. As a supporter of exploitative publishing and digital restrictions, Microsoft's guidance probably spells doom for more fair publication like this. You can't have free libraries with digital restrictions. | Dec 08 15:50 |
schestowitz__ | As an ALEC member, Microsoft takes with the left hand what the right hand gives. ALEC works hard to strip state budgets of useful social services. I have not seen them take a stand against libraries like this idiot from Louisiana did but ALEC is a big supporter of privatized prisons that funnel public money to private hands at the expense of everything else. | Dec 08 15:50 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 15:50 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 15:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Louisiana Official Wants To Close Libraries Because “They’re Teaching Mexicans To Speak English.” ‹ I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists [ ] | Dec 08 15:50 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 15:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Libraries Go Direct To Indie Authors, Rather Than Deal With Big Publisher Ebook Limits | Techdirt [ ] | Dec 08 15:50 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 16:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Connecting the Dots between #Microsoft Backdoors, #NSA #Corruption and the Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme | Dec 08 16:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Article: Connecting the Dots between Microsoft Backdoors, NSA Corruption and the Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme | OpEdNews [ ] | Dec 08 16:08 |
schestowitz__ | "This is an interesting article but the author does not seem to understand that Windows itself makes any computer running it part of a Microsoft botnet and that non free software always comes with that power. He writes about various malware attacks and Microsoft collusion with the NSA without realizing that additional malware is simply redundant and may only exist because the NSA does not trust Microsoft." | Dec 08 16:08 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 16:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | FBI can secretly turn on laptop cameras without the indicator light in case you didn't know... | Dec 08 16:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | FBI can secretly turn on laptop cameras without the indicator light [ ] | Dec 08 16:09 |
schestowitz__ | "Hope they like videos of the back of a piece of electrical tape." | Dec 08 16:09 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 16:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Linux Journal Readers’ Choice Awards: Ubuntu Weak, Unity Shunned #ubuntu #linux #unity | Dec 08 16:09 |
schestowitz__ | "congrats... one of the GNU/Linux evangelists" | Dec 08 16:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Linux Journal Readers’ Choice Awards: Ubuntu Weak, Unity Shunned – Greg Laden's Blog [ ] | Dec 08 16:09 |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 08 18:16 | |
Sosumi | and how could I forget | Dec 08 18:17 |
Sosumi | In-Q-Tel | Dec 08 18:18 |
Sosumi | CIA's tech financing front | Dec 08 18:18 |
Sosumi | | Dec 08 18:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | In-Q-Tel — Central Intelligence Agency [ ] | Dec 08 18:18 |
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 08 18:19 | |
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | Dec 08 18:23 | |
Sosumi | | Dec 08 18:27 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | The Bitcoin Derivatives Market Has Arrived | Zero Hedge [ ] | Dec 08 18:27 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 19:03 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 19:06 |
schestowitz__ | To put it in perspective, even if you cover the camera, the microphone gives police all sorts of power. Think of the lengths the FBI had to go to when they bugged MLK so they could send audio recordings of someone having sex in his room to his wife. Who wants all their whoo-haa noises recorded and played back to them like that? | Dec 08 19:06 |
schestowitz__ | It's getting worse than 1984. Orwell only imagined people being able to afford one bug in their house that Winston could avoid. If all the devices in your house have this power, you won't be able to hide anywhere. It's already against the law in the US to mod devices by "jail breaking" them. How long will it be before disabling the Xbox camera is against some new copyright law and installing free software on | Dec 08 19:06 |
schestowitz__ | any computer is also forbidden? | Dec 08 19:06 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 19:06 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 08 19:50 | |
*_Goblin ( has joined #techrights | Dec 08 20:10 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to _Goblin | Dec 08 20:13 | |
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrights | Dec 08 20:57 | |
*synchris has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 08 21:23 | |
*njoyajoe1 (29f9818e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrights | Dec 08 21:24 | |
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Dec 08 21:42 | |
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Dec 08 22:07 | |
sebsebseb | Dec 08 22:07 | |
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) | Dec 08 22:31 | |
*njoyajoe1 has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | Dec 08 22:31 | |
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrights | Dec 08 22:32 | |
MinceR | gn | Dec 08 23:33 |
Sosumi | | Dec 09 00:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Microsoft exec hints at separate Windows release trains for consumers, business | Microsoft Windows - InfoWorld [ ] | Dec 09 00:11 |
Sosumi | dumping metro would be enough | Dec 09 00:12 |
Sosumi | but who cares, here M$ have a nitroglicerin box | Dec 09 00:13 |
Sosumi | and trow it to the ground with all strength you have | Dec 09 00:13 |
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Quit: Cirrus_Minor) | Dec 09 00:24 | |
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrights | Dec 09 00:31 | |
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Quit: Left) | Dec 09 01:26 | |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 09 04:47 | |
DaemonFC | 2 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 09 04:47 |
DaemonFC | I picked up some kind of free Lassus discount card that said 7 cents per gallon discount on gas. Then I noticed that you have to go online and give them your bank account routing number. | Dec 09 04:47 |
DaemonFC | My cash back credit card gives me 1.5% on everything. Gas is $3.35 a gallon right now. That's 5 cents per gallon back, and I don't have to give them my bank account number. | Dec 09 04:47 |
DaemonFC | So, giving them my routing number means that: | Dec 09 04:47 |
DaemonFC | 1. I get another 40 cent off, per tank of gas (2 cents per gallon * 20 gallon tank)... Woohoo. | Dec 09 04:47 |
DaemonFC | 2. If the card falls out of my wallet, anyone can gas up their car, and it comes out of my checking account, and I have no fraud protection like my credit card gives me. | Dec 09 04:47 |
DaemonFC | 3. If their server is cracked, then the thieves get my bank account routing number and can take as much money out of my bank account as they like, fraud protection. | Dec 09 04:47 |
DaemonFC | Is the card worth the risk? No. Maybe people without cash back credit cards would use it, but I don't think that saving $1 a month extra on gas is worth the risk. | Dec 09 04:47 |
*DaemonFC thinks he found the right one....again. | Dec 09 04:58 | |
DaemonFC | Maybe the 150th time is the charm. | Dec 09 04:58 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 09 05:03 |
DaemonFC | LOL | Dec 09 05:03 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 09 05:12 |
DaemonFC | Thankfully, Microsoft has spared itself the embarrassment of porting Internet Explorer to Android. I can't think of a single person who actually wants that thing. If it wasn't included with Windows without an uninstaller program, it would be toast. | Dec 09 05:12 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 09 05:12 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 09 05:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Rants | Dec 09 05:14 |
DaemonFC | 7/03/13 | Dec 09 05:15 |
DaemonFC | It's kind of disturbing how many of these backwards Windows 8 machines are out there now. I'm surprised there hasn't been more of a backlash. The average person is just going to put up with it, but reports are PC sales have significantly dropped. | Dec 09 05:15 |
DaemonFC | It is hilarious how Microsoft keeps pointing their finger and blaming tablets as the single cause of low PC sales. Everyone knows the real reason PC sales are dropping are: | Dec 09 05:15 |
DaemonFC | 1: Nobody wants Windows 8 | Dec 09 05:15 |
DaemonFC | 2: Old desktop computers are good enough | Dec 09 05:15 |
DaemonFC | 3: You can, indeed, look at pictures of cats on a tablet or "phone" without Windows. | Dec 09 05:15 |
DaemonFC | But people have forgotten why personal computing came about in the first place. Go back and look at the software that made companies buy IBM PCs in the first place. These were spread sheets, word processors, databases, financial programs and such. Those needs may seem mundane today but they are not magically going away, and they are just as critical to businesses as they were then. And those are not the sort of things you can easily do on a | Dec 09 05:15 |
DaemonFC | toy phone or tablet. | Dec 09 05:15 |
DaemonFC | If all you do is look at pictures of cats and clips of Family Guy, then by all means get a tablet. I don't care. But don't try and shove your dumbed down user interfaces on desktops where they don't belong. | Dec 09 05:15 |
DaemonFC | The really crazy thing is how each time a Windows 8 story comes up, comments are usually filled with obvious Microsoft shill posts saying things along the lines of "Windows 8 works great for me! It is so much better! And there is something wrong with you if you can't get used to it and like it". And never a single drop of detail backing up what they claim to be "better". | Dec 09 05:15 |
DaemonFC | And Microsoft shills are already flapping their heads about "Windows 8.1", trying to make it sound like a complete 180. All Microsoft has done is touch up a couple of things that shouldn't have been messed up in the first place. "They listened" my ass. Brought back the Start button? What a joke. I think this Penny Arcade comic sums up the situation quite nicely: | Dec 09 05:15 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Penny Arcade - What You Wish For | Dec 09 05:15 |
DaemonFC | BTW, Google sure knows its user base well! Using clips of Family Guy in their Chrome advertisements... Damn that show is so retarded. | Dec 09 05:15 |
*gde33 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia | Dec 09 05:46 | |
DaemonFC | shared Americans Against The Republican Party's photo. | Dec 09 06:51 |
DaemonFC | 6 seconds ago | Dec 09 06:51 |
DaemonFC | My cat's name was Yule before I changed it to Jabba. | Dec 09 06:51 |
DaemonFC | I doubt that the last owner got the irony of naming a neutered cat after a Scandinavian fertility god. | Dec 09 06:52 |
*vorgod ( has joined #techrights | Dec 09 07:02 | |
*iophk (~lars@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Dec 09 07:09 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Dec 09 07:09 | |
*vorgod has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 09 07:17 | |
DaemonFC | | Dec 09 07:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Report: Facebook paid no taxes in 2012, received massive rebate - Orlando liberal | [ ] | Dec 09 07:36 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 09 08:18 | |
*carlos_ (~carlos@ has joined #techrights | Dec 09 08:22 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Dec 09 08:25 | |
schestowitz__ | Now comes all the PR: | Dec 09 08:44 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Internet companies demand spying overhaul after NSA revelations – live reaction | World news | [ ] | Dec 09 08:44 |
schestowitz__ | DaemonFC: | Dec 09 08:46 |
schestowitz__ | I don't get it | Dec 09 08:46 |
schestowitz__ | Is she the fruitcake? | Dec 09 08:46 |
schestowitz__ | Isn't that a phrase for gay? | Dec 09 08:46 |
iophk | generally short for 'nutty as a ...' | Dec 09 08:53 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: what iophk said | Dec 09 08:55 |
DaemonFC | I've been promoting certain Android apps on my Facebook page. | Dec 09 08:56 |
DaemonFC | There's been a few that I've found very useful. | Dec 09 08:56 |
DaemonFC | I switched my Google search widget to DuckDuckGo and changed mobile Firefox to use that. I managed to get Adblock Plus working in Firefox. | Dec 09 08:56 |
DaemonFC | It's weird. | Dec 09 08:57 |
DaemonFC | You have to install ABP, force kill Firefox, restart Firefox, and then go into the settings menu to change ABP settings. | Dec 09 08:57 |
DaemonFC | The add on and the settings menu don't work until you force kill Firefox and restart it... | Dec 09 08:57 |
DaemonFC | This is not the only Android device I've had this problem with. | Dec 09 08:58 |
DaemonFC | I prefer using my Facebook account with Firefox instead of their app, because ABP blocks the "sponsored" garbage in my timeline. | Dec 09 09:00 |
DaemonFC | Some women decided to name their daughters "Ryan" back in the 80s and 90s. | Dec 09 09:01 |
DaemonFC | Someone told me that someone I knew was dating someone named Ryan. So I said "Is he gay?" and I got "No. Ryan is his girlfriend." | Dec 09 09:02 |
DaemonFC | WTF were those women thinking? | Dec 09 09:02 |
DaemonFC | This is just wrong. | Dec 09 09:02 |
iophk | | Dec 09 09:04 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Android Flashlight app rapped for leaking location information- The Inquirer [ ] | Dec 09 09:04 |
DaemonFC | I have a flashlight app. It came with the phone. | Dec 09 09:05 |
DaemonFC | There's a couple apps that I'd rather not have, but I'd have to root the phone and void the warranty to get rid of them. So I just disabled them. | Dec 09 09:05 |
DaemonFC | I don't want to void the warranty on a $650 phone. | Dec 09 09:06 |
DaemonFC | I love the phone though. That Gorilla Glass 3 is some TOUGH stuff. | Dec 09 09:06 |
iophk | The warranty is bundled to the software and not limited to hardware? | Dec 09 09:06 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 09:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Cablegate shows that US diplomats (potentially acting as covert #CIA agents also) just serve corporate agenda | Dec 09 09:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Cablegate - Techrights [ ] | Dec 09 09:06 |
schestowitz__ | "ALL diplomatic missions are primarily economic. A close relative was a british ambassador (Gr4), and used to speak candidly with my father and me." | Dec 09 09:07 |
DaemonFC | iophk: LG says they void the warranty if you root the phone. | Dec 09 09:07 |
DaemonFC | You have to root the phone to remove bundled apps. | Dec 09 09:07 |
schestowitz__ | iophk: I saw that | Dec 09 09:07 |
DaemonFC | It's just like a couple of apps I don't want, so I just disabled them. | Dec 09 09:07 |
DaemonFC | They have some spyware called Lumen Toolbar that comes with the phone. | Dec 09 09:08 |
DaemonFC | I didn't want it on so I disabled it. | Dec 09 09:08 |
DaemonFC | It says it will "interact with" Chrome/Android Browser and "provide relevant contextual information and related links". | Dec 09 09:09 |
DaemonFC | In other words, it's spyware and it probably injects fucking advertisements into web pages somehow. | Dec 09 09:10 |
DaemonFC | I didn't feel like dealing with that. It's in the Android app store too. It's rated 2 stars. | Dec 09 09:10 |
DaemonFC | "Any woman who married for love gets exactly what she deserves...a shitty ring and four ugly kids." | Dec 09 09:15 |
DaemonFC | My ex was quoting Joan Rivers. | Dec 09 09:15 |
MinceR | geekings | Dec 09 09:19 |
iophk | old - | Dec 09 09:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Dropbox…opening my docs? | wncinfosec [ ] | Dec 09 09:26 |
schestowitz__ | LOL: satire | Dec 09 09:29 |
schestowitz__ | " President Obama, who has denied previous knowledge of the site, assured Merkel that he has never seen any of the videos - which reportedly include such titles as "Chancellor Takes Husband's Giant Frankfurter" and "Menkel Farts in Leather Chair"." | Dec 09 09:29 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 09:29 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | NSA Promises to Shut Down Merkel Porn Site in Near Future - Strange News - Codewit World News [ ] | Dec 09 09:29 |
*Snowleaksange has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Dec 09 10:04 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 09 10:08 | |
*nj3ma is now known as nj3ma_Zzz | Dec 09 10:09 | |
*nj3ma_Zzz is now known as nj3ma | Dec 09 10:14 | |
*Snowleaksange ( has joined #techrights | Dec 09 10:17 | |
msb_ | | Dec 09 11:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Vermont Approves Single-Payer Health Care: "Everybody In, Nobody Out" [ ] | Dec 09 11:00 |
msb_ | With TV appearance by Sen. Bernie Sanders. | Dec 09 11:01 |
msb_ | But not complete until 2017. | Dec 09 11:02 |
msb_ | Lots of luck to him avoiding assassination til then. | Dec 09 11:05 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 11:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: <img src="" width="288" height="192" alt="c"> | Dec 09 11:13 |
schestowitz__ | "Some people think linux users are angry at Microsoft. We aren't angry, we pity the users of expensive and poorly produced shitware. I feel pity for myself during the days before linux was accessible to me. It was hell to have to use that mess, And you know I did try to use Windows 8 with this laptop because I'd been scared by the horror stories of UEFI. Thankfully it was an HP and the same day I said screw it, | Dec 09 11:13 |
schestowitz__ | I'd rather lose the thing that use it this way." | Dec 09 11:13 |
MinceR | | Dec 09 11:57 |
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Dec 09 13:24 | |
*sebsebseb_ ( has joined #techrights | Dec 09 13:24 | |
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schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 14:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @bmagnanti: Proposing to police the internet for things law enforcement can barely handle in real life strikes me as fundamentally disingenuous... | Dec 09 14:10 |
schestowitz__ | MinceR: that it proof of he the greatest creator | Dec 09 14:11 |
*abeNd-org (~kklenke@ has joined #techrights | Dec 09 14:19 | |
MinceR | | Dec 09 14:28 |
Sosumi | plants have feelings | Dec 09 14:31 |
Sosumi | they just happen to express them in a not so common way to humans to understand | Dec 09 14:31 |
Sosumi | but if you look at the chemistry you'll see | Dec 09 14:31 |
MinceR | indeed | Dec 09 14:32 |
MinceR | the chemical distress signal of grass smells nice :> | Dec 09 14:32 |
Sosumi | :) | Dec 09 14:32 |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Dec 09 14:36 | |
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*schestowitz__ has quit (*.net *.split) | Dec 09 15:02 | |
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-NickServ-schestowitz__! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | Dec 09 15:04 | |
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Sosumi | | Dec 09 15:34 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Apple joins Google, Microsoft, others in support of government surveillance reform [ ] | Dec 09 15:34 |
Sosumi | after the hypocrites were caught collaborating with the instelligence complex | Dec 09 15:34 |
Sosumi | now the want to save face | Dec 09 15:34 |
iophk | It's just empty PR | Dec 09 15:50 |
iophk | It wont' affect how they do business with the NSA in all likelihood. | Dec 09 15:51 |
iophk | But they have been making noise about it the last few days. | Dec 09 15:52 |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Dec 09 15:54 | |
*Andromm (~androirc@ has joined #techrights | Dec 09 16:06 | |
Sosumi | three In-Q-Tel companies complaining about the NSA | Dec 09 16:07 |
Sosumi | what a joke | Dec 09 16:07 |
Sosumi | specially google | Dec 09 16:07 |
Sosumi | who's business is datamining | Dec 09 16:07 |
Sosumi | and with crapple and M$ wanting to eat into that business | Dec 09 16:08 |
Sosumi | crapple with iAdd and M$ with BING Adds | Dec 09 16:08 |
Sosumi | sry, iAd | Dec 09 16:09 |
Sosumi | | Dec 09 16:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | iAd - Apple Developer | Dec 09 16:09 |
*ferrer (~ferrer@ has joined #techrights | Dec 09 16:18 | |
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*carlos_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 09 17:00 | |
iophk | | Dec 09 17:01 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Budapest District Loves FLOSS | Robert Pogson [ ] | Dec 09 17:01 |
MinceR | there's still a lot of resistance here | Dec 09 17:04 |
iophk | They resist as long as they exist, I expect. | Dec 09 17:05 |
iophk | | Dec 09 17:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | We cannot afford to be indifferent to internet spying | Technology | [ ] | Dec 09 17:08 |
iophk | | Dec 09 17:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Christmas comes early for the Open Document Faithful (ODF) - Public Sector IT [ ] | Dec 09 17:11 |
*Andromm (~androirc@ has joined #techrights | Dec 09 17:17 | |
MinceR | afaik there is no such thing as ".odf" (from the article) | Dec 09 17:32 |
MinceR | hm, i was wrong | Dec 09 17:32 |
MinceR | it's a formula document :> | Dec 09 17:32 |
*Andromm has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | Dec 09 17:44 | |
*Andromm (~androirc@ has joined #techrights | Dec 09 17:49 | |
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*gde33 ( has joined #techrights | Dec 09 18:13 | |
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iophk | | Dec 09 18:45 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Tech Companies Seeking Surveillance Reform Spent $35 Million Lobbying Last Year - Forbes [ ] | Dec 09 18:45 |
*nj3ma ( has joined #techrights | Dec 09 18:49 | |
*findmpa (~findmpa@ has joined #techrights | Dec 09 18:54 | |
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*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Dec 09 19:06 | |
sebsebseb | hi | Dec 09 19:06 |
*nj3ma_Zzz has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | Dec 09 19:14 | |
Sosumi | seb³ the magician | Dec 09 19:20 |
Sosumi | hey | Dec 09 19:20 |
*nj3ma ( has joined #techrights | Dec 09 19:25 | |
iophk | | Dec 09 19:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Xbox owners tricked into destroying consoles - Telegraph [ ] | Dec 09 19:31 |
*synchris (~quassel@ has joined #techrights | Dec 09 19:36 | |
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iophk | | Dec 09 20:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Wikileaks exposes secret, controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations | PCWorld [ ] | Dec 09 20:11 |
iophk | | Dec 09 20:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Group of soldiers 'mutinied over hungover bosses', court martial hears - Telegraph [ ] | Dec 09 20:14 |
iophk | | Dec 09 20:15 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | French agency caught minting SSL certificates impersonating Google | Ars Technica [ ] | Dec 09 20:15 |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 09 20:15 | |
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*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 09 20:17 | |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | Dec 09 20:33 | |
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iophk | third hand info : "Clem claims he has been asked by Canonical's legal department to license the binary packages used by Ubuntu. " | Dec 09 20:57 |
iophk | | Dec 09 20:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD. [ ] | Dec 09 20:57 |
iophk | too late: | Dec 09 20:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | EU warns Nokia not to become a "patent troll" | News | PC Pro [ ] | Dec 09 20:59 |
*iophk has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) | Dec 09 21:07 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Bye) | Dec 09 21:36 | |
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*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 09 21:44 | |
DaemonFC | The facts are in about the poverty rate, proposals to increase the minimum wage to $11 an hour, and switching Social Security Cost of Living Allowances using the Chained CPI for the Elderly (by raising the amount of Social Security tax that the wealthy pay). | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | The poverty rate (under the federal poverty gudelines) in Huntington, Indiana is over 18%. If you count people who are near the poverty line, the figure balloons to over 30%. | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | Raising the minimum wage to $11 an hour and using CPI-E for Social Security would reduce the poverty rate in Huntington, Indiana to something like 5-6%, and the near-poverty rate to something like 10-11%. | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | Nationally, these initiatives alone would also create over 250,000 new jobs over the next year after being enacted. | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | These proposals are being suppressed by the wealthy, who do not want to pay their workers, or pay a little more in taxes, and right-wing economists, who falsely claim that they would create price inflation. | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | What *is* creating price inflation, right now, and pushing millions of Americans into poverty or near-poverty is the right-wing policies of bailing out the banksters by expanding the monetary base, and asset price manipulation and speculation by the criminal "investor class" on Wall Street. | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | States with higher minimum wages don't necessarily have higher prices. The minimum wage in Washington state is over $9 an hour, and when you go to McDonalds or Walmart, the prices are about the same as they are in any other state. | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | What you do get when you raise the minimum wage are fewer people who need food stamps, medicaid, and rent subsidies, which are effectively corporate socialism. | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | In other words. "Hey, Walmart! Hey, McDonalds! It's cool that you don't want to pay your workers anything. We can create programs funded by the taxpayers to prop up your low wage structure and make your pay scale work.". | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | This is the government manipulation and distortion of the market that right-wingers are always complaining about, but they exist to enable treacherous megacorporations to continue paying their workers nothing. | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | Asking companies to pay their workers, rather than to take from the pockets of people who might not even do business there, seems like a really modest proposal to me. | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | Like · · Share · 14 minutes ago · Edited · | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | When I worked at Walmart, we had these things called "CBLs". It was basically a system where you sat down at a computer, which would "train" you to do your jobs. | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | Walmart makes no bones about their position. The CBLs state that Walmart does not exist to create jobs or guarantee any standard of living for their employees; they exist to create more money for their managers and shareholders. | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | That one is in the "Labor Relations" CBL that teaches employees to despise the unions that *could* use collective bargaining to improve the lives of their workers. It's also in the "management Labor Relations" module, that tells managers how to go about firing any employees that want a better standard of living, and are openly discussing unionization. | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | Corporations have no conscience. They only consider what will make them more money, and what they can get away with. | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | The law, at its best, will curtail some of those excesses. | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | And Corporate America has a message for the middle class as well. | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | "Quit worrying about the decline in your living standard that is being created by us. Instead, be outraged that someone else is going to be able to eat tonight." | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | Like · · Share · 7 minutes ago · Edited · | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | Fun Fact: If Walmart stopped spending $7 billion per year to buy back its own stock to keep the price high, it could raise the hourly wage of every employee to $14.86 per hour. | Dec 09 21:49 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 22:00 |
schestowitz__ | "Fedora 20 :P" | Dec 09 22:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a Diaspora post? | Dec 09 22:01 |
schestowitz__ | [20:59] <iophk> too late: | Dec 09 22:01 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | EU warns Nokia not to become a "patent troll" | News | PC Pro [ ] | Dec 09 22:01 |
schestowitz__ | Too late indeed | Dec 09 22:01 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 22:03 |
MinceR | EU "warnings" have no weight anyway | Dec 09 22:03 |
MinceR | they never do anything | Dec 09 22:03 |
schestowitz__ | "I prefer firefox and Whonix." | Dec 09 22:03 |
schestowitz__ | MinceR: it can still be a deterrence | Dec 09 22:03 |
schestowitz__ | in this case | Dec 09 22:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: ### The following is presented as a battle plan. But it is a disengagement plan:( | Dec 09 22:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | How To Combat Online Surveillance | The Occupied Times | Dec 09 22:03 |
MinceR | they even allow a dictatorship as a member state | Dec 09 22:04 |
schestowitz__ | better than no warning at all | Dec 09 22:04 |
MinceR | with full voting rights | Dec 09 22:04 |
MinceR | with all sorts of payouts | Dec 09 22:04 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 22:04 |
schestowitz__ | "lol :-D" | Dec 09 22:04 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a Diaspora post? | Dec 09 22:05 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 09 22:12 |
DaemonFC | Dear Republicans, | Dec 09 22:12 |
DaemonFC | When President Obama starts profiting off of the cocaine industry in Nicaragua to raise money to sell weapons to Iran, like your hero "Ronald Raygun", we'll start talking about "scandals". | Dec 09 22:12 |
schestowitz__ | [18:45] <iophk> | Dec 09 22:16 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Tech Companies Seeking Surveillance Reform Spent $35 Million Lobbying Last Year - Forbes [ ] | Dec 09 22:16 |
schestowitz__ | For surveillance? More of it?1 :-) | Dec 09 22:16 |
Sosumi | | Dec 09 22:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | New US spy satellite features world-devouring octopus | Ars Technica [ ] | Dec 09 22:25 |
Sosumi | your tax dollars at work | Dec 09 22:25 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 09 22:27 | |
schestowitz__ | no more for health | Dec 09 22:36 |
schestowitz__ | lots for corporate espionage | Dec 09 22:36 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 22:37 |
TechrightsBot-tr | The NSA should run a "terrorism and child porn appreciation day". Without them, NSA wouldn't have managed to be born and stay alive. | Dec 09 22:37 |
schestowitz__ | "LOOOL :D Amazing !!" | Dec 09 22:37 |
MinceR | :> | Dec 09 22:37 |
MinceR | they would have found or manufactured an excuse anyway | Dec 09 22:37 |
MinceR | gn | Dec 09 22:39 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 22:44 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Mother Jones Shows That Gates Foundation is a Hypocritical Ploy #billgates #deception #investment | Dec 09 22:44 |
schestowitz__ | "Most foundations exist merely as a tax-exempt dumping ground for the cash of the well-to-do. They get to deduct a boatload off of their taxes while making sure their cash goes to keep themselves rich and enhance their corporate interests." | Dec 09 22:44 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Mother Jones Shows That Gates Foundation is a Hypocritical Ploy | Techrights [ ] | Dec 09 22:45 |
schestowitz__ | They think og it as "doing good" while making money. They can't see that not paying tax is in itself not good. | Dec 09 22:45 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 22:45 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Fedora 20 About a Week Away | Dec 09 22:45 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Fedora 20 About a Week Away | Techrights [ ] | Dec 09 22:45 |
schestowitz__ | "so is your birthday?" | Dec 09 22:45 |
schestowitz__ | yes, 32nd | Dec 09 22:46 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz__: Fedora 20 neary out didn't know that | Dec 09 23:00 |
sebsebseb | they used to also release closer to the GNOME releases didn't they | Dec 09 23:01 |
sebsebseb | ,but I guess the delay that happended put htat of a bit? | Dec 09 23:01 |
sebsebseb | fEDORA 17 delay 18 or whatever it was | Dec 09 23:01 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz__: hmm you showed KDE in your screenshot not GNOME | Dec 09 23:01 |
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 00:05 | |
*abeNd-org has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 10 00:22 | |
-NickServ-roy__! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | Dec 10 00:40 | |
*roy__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 00:40 | |
*roy__ is now known as Guest89627 | Dec 10 00:40 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | Dec 10 00:46 | |
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*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Dec 10 03:13 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 10 03:20 | |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 03:21 | |
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*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 10 03:45 | |
*schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | Dec 10 06:30 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 06:31 | |
schestowitz | | Dec 10 06:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | GNU/Linux is getting some nice games | Dec 10 06:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | NO TITLE [ ] | Dec 10 06:32 |
schestowitz | "The guy who wrote this is a moron. OpenGL, by itself, is the best platform to play games. Linux, by itself, is the best platform to play games. Put them together and Neptune's the limit." | Dec 10 06:32 |
schestowitz | | Dec 10 06:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | "email security and encryption have become more complex and more of a necessity" | Dec 10 06:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Top Email Encryption Tools - Linux Links - The Linux Portal Site [ ] | Dec 10 06:32 |
schestowitz | "It's a bad time for Kmail to fall apart." | Dec 10 06:32 |
schestowitz | | Dec 10 06:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | "Britain's GCHQ and America's NSA" assisted by "Google, Facebook and Microsoft" complicit | Dec 10 06:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | GCHQ and NSA Join Forces to Hunt Paedophiles on 'Dark Net' - IBTimes UK [ ] | Dec 10 06:36 |
schestowitz | "This is probably the most direct and disturbing evidence of Google hijack. They have been convinced to turn their image recognition software against users and are acting as police." | Dec 10 06:36 |
*iophk (~lars@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 06:38 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Dec 10 06:38 | |
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Dec 10 06:54 | |
*nj3ma ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 06:55 | |
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*nj3ma ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 08:21 | |
iophk | Both Firefox and Chrome now : | Dec 10 08:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | [Phoronix] Mozilla Firefox Enables VP9 Video Codec By Default [ ] | Dec 10 08:50 |
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 08:50 | |
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*carlos_ (~carlos@ has joined #techrights | Dec 10 09:09 | |
schestowitz | | Dec 10 09:12 |
TechrightsBot-tr | The last time corporate press accused China of 'hacking' governments was shortly before NSAGate. Used to be monthly. | Dec 10 09:12 |
schestowitz | "[nodding] ...and how much has anyone said since...?" | Dec 10 09:12 |
schestowitz | iophk: yes, seen that | Dec 10 09:12 |
iophk | small but good news | Dec 10 09:12 |
iophk | more support of open codecs is an advancement | Dec 10 09:13 |
schestowitz | Yeah, Rianne posted it in TuxMachines | Dec 10 09:13 |
schestowitz | it's easy to miss the news | Dec 10 09:13 |
schestowitz | the original is just some code change | Dec 10 09:13 |
iophk | I'll have to start checking there more regularly | Dec 10 09:13 |
schestowitz | no announcment from mozilla that I can see | Dec 10 09:13 |
schestowitz | Phoronix does have an eye for things, though I reckon he gets headups in the forums, IRC, email, etc | Dec 10 09:14 |
schestowitz | Today I had some email arguments with Red Hat staff | Dec 10 09:14 |
schestowitz | over UEFI | Dec 10 09:14 |
iophk | are they still pushing restricted boot? | Dec 10 09:14 |
iophk | "and then pay $99 and sign that with Microsoft." | Dec 10 09:16 |
iophk | | Dec 10 09:16 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | mjg59 | Implementing UEFI Secure Boot in Fedora | Dec 10 09:16 |
iophk | though that was a year ago | Dec 10 09:17 |
schestowitz | yeah | Dec 10 09:21 |
iophk | I thought it was a bad precedent to establish a need for RH to pay M$ just for the privilege of booting. That means that the price and frequency of payment are possible to change now that they're over the big hump. | Dec 10 09:23 |
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 09:23 | |
iophk | | Dec 10 09:37 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Cops and Feds Routinely 'Dump' Cell Towers to Track Everyone Nearby | Threat Level | [ ] | Dec 10 09:37 |
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceR | Dec 10 09:53 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to MinceR | Dec 10 10:27 | |
*Agnesi ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 11:38 | |
*Sosumi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 10 11:38 | |
iophk | | Dec 10 11:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Agencies collected data on Americans’ cellphone use in thousands of ‘tower dumps’ - The Washington Post [ ] | Dec 10 11:42 |
*fewt has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Dec 10 11:42 | |
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*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Dec 10 12:36 | |
*gnufreex ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 12:43 | |
*iophk (~lars@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 12:51 | |
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*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk1 | Dec 10 12:56 | |
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*iophk1 is now known as iophk | Dec 10 13:00 | |
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 13:28 | |
sebsebseb | hi | Dec 10 13:28 |
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Dec 10 13:38 | |
iophk | | Dec 10 13:55 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | 20 years of Doom: the game that put a gun in your hand - Telegraph [ ] | Dec 10 13:55 |
*Faither ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 14:04 | |
*schestowitz__ ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 14:08 | |
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*schestowitz__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 14:08 | |
schestowitz__ | What does Ubuntu have for booting that other distros lack? nothing I can think of, it's just a matter of hobby/reserve engineering. | Dec 10 14:08 |
*schestowitz has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Dec 10 14:09 | |
iophk | I thought they all boot with grub or grub2 now. | Dec 10 14:09 |
schestowitz__ | [14:04] <schestowitz> | Dec 10 14:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | I once used a Chromebook. It's easy, too limiting _for me_. But some wrongly assume it's for everyone, then bash it. | Dec 10 14:11 |
schestowitz__ | [14:05] <schestowitz> "Once I hear that it is a piece of cake to install a distro of my choice on it, I'll be interested. I've heard otherwise." | Dec 10 14:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Review: Acer Chromebook C720 | [ ] | Dec 10 14:11 |
schestowitz__ | [14:05] <schestowitz> iophk: Wolfenstein predates it | Dec 10 14:11 |
schestowitz__ | [14:06] <schestowitz> "I bought one for my parents. My Dad was the techie at home until his stroke a few years ago fried that entire part of his brain. My mom had not used a computer until a few months prior. My brother got an HP laptop with XP for them and it worked well for a few months and then got some malware. He cleaned it and the cycle repeated for a while. They didn't want a tablet since it would be a new paradigm that they | Dec 10 14:11 |
schestowitz__ | would need to learn so I | Dec 10 14:11 |
schestowitz__ | [14:06] <schestowitz> picked up a Chromebook for them a few months ago. They have loved it! All that they need it for is surfing the internet and doing email, so it has been a perfect fit for them." | Dec 10 14:11 |
schestowitz__ | [14:06] <schestowitz> Good to hear | Dec 10 14:11 |
schestowitz__ | [14:08] <schestowitz> "I've heard of some getting Ubuntu up and running on it, but that's not my distro of choice." | Dec 10 14:11 |
iophk | Wolfenstein 3d predates it, but Doom was *the* phenomenon. | Dec 10 14:11 |
iophk | It was a major craze for a while. | Dec 10 14:12 |
iophk | It also made some people motion sick. | Dec 10 14:12 |
schestowitz__ | what has changed since? | Dec 10 14:12 |
schestowitz__ | though some FPS for Linux, UT IIRC, made me sick a few years ag | Dec 10 14:13 |
schestowitz__ | headache after less than an hour under Mint with standard monitor | Dec 10 14:13 |
iophk | You could see people dodging physically in their chairs when they played Doom | Dec 10 14:13 |
iophk | IIRC the early version did something nasty with the LAN using broadcast packets or something. | Dec 10 14:15 |
iophk | So it got a lot of attention from all sides. | Dec 10 14:15 |
schestowitz__ | [14:13] <iophk> You could see people dodging physically in their chairs when they played Doom | Dec 10 14:17 |
schestowitz__ | LOL | Dec 10 14:17 |
schestowitz__ | Instincts | Dec 10 14:17 |
iophk | People got quite absorbed. | Dec 10 14:18 |
schestowitz__ | To a lesser degree people sometimes do this, or they hit the keyboard harder as though the keyboard has sensors for strenght | Dec 10 14:18 |
iophk | Those that had computers in their dorm rooms played with headphones, late into the night. | Dec 10 14:18 |
iophk | Some of those would forget and end up shouting, waking up room mates, when surprised by monsters. | Dec 10 14:19 |
iophk | MUDs/MOOs were more detrimental. There were people that didn't eat/sleep/shave/attend class because of MUDs/MOOs | Dec 10 14:20 |
iophk | They usually were gone in a term or two. | Dec 10 14:21 |
Agnesi | MUDs/MOOs? | Dec 10 14:51 |
*Agnesi is now known as Sosumi | Dec 10 14:51 | |
Sosumi | made up drama? | Dec 10 14:54 |
iophk | | Dec 10 14:56 |
iophk | | Dec 10 14:56 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Twitter gobbles up more cookies with retargeted ads, says users have privacy choices | ITworld [ ] | Dec 10 14:56 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | How Will Twitter’s API Restrictions Affect Big Data Applications? DataSift Helps Clarify What’s Going On - EMC Big Data [ ] | Dec 10 14:56 |
iophk | channeling twitter users into narrower options, more likely to be exposed to ads | Dec 10 14:56 |
iophk | | Dec 10 14:58 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | New API severely restricts third-party Twitter applications | Ars Technica [ ] | Dec 10 14:58 |
iophk | old | Dec 10 14:58 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 15:22 |
TechrightsBot-tr | PCLinuxOS 2013.12 KDE, MATE and LXDE released #pclos #mate #lxde | Dec 10 15:22 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | PCLinuxOS 2013.12 KDE, MATE and LXDE released | ITworld [ ] | Dec 10 15:22 |
schestowitz__ | "kernel 3.4 is you fuh real, texstar?" | Dec 10 15:23 |
schestowitz__ | Wow | Dec 10 15:23 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 15:27 |
TechrightsBot-tr | I once used a Chromebook. It's easy, too limiting _for me_. But some wrongly assume it's for everyone, then bash it. | Dec 10 15:27 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Review: Acer Chromebook C720 | [ ] | Dec 10 15:27 |
schestowitz__ | "I have to use Ralink drivers on this laptop. I don't feel any way about that, it's just something I have to deal with until they get reverse engineered or opened to the public." | Dec 10 15:27 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 15:28 |
TechrightsBot-tr | USSR remembered: assassinating people abroad makes CIA no better than KGB | Dec 10 15:28 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Inside the KGB: Terror of the Soviet Union | History Documentary - YouTube [ ] | Dec 10 15:28 |
schestowitz__ | "Is that Ronald Reagan narrating?" | Dec 10 15:28 |
schestowitz__ | Like Obama, speaking seems to be his main skill | Dec 10 15:28 |
schestowitz__ | When I watched the credit at the end this morning I noticed that some people of Russian origins helped put it together, so there's some credibility to this information and it's not something like "History" channel. Overall, worth a watch. | Dec 10 15:29 |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 15:42 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 16:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | #uk attitude towards FOSS summed up by one idiotic statement | Dec 10 16:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Open source 'wasn't available' two years ago, says Universal Credit chief - [ ] | Dec 10 16:08 |
schestowitz__ | "Umm, I started installing Linux on things in 1995. So, ... ... ... s/he is about 15 years wrong?" | Dec 10 16:08 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 16:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Twitter adds ads. "Twitter will start delivering targeted ads on mobile devices based on Web browsing data" | Dec 10 16:09 |
schestowitz__ | "-> You twit ergo you buy <-" | Dec 10 16:09 |
*sebsebseb has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) | Dec 10 16:10 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 16:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Storyville: Pussy Riot A Punk Prayer - YouTube | Dec 10 16:11 |
schestowitz__ | Using one pretty face to get public sympathy and sell Westerners the story that only Russia is evil corrupt etc. | Dec 10 16:11 |
iophk | | Dec 10 16:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | “We cannot trust” Intel and Via’s chip-based crypto, FreeBSD developers say | Ars Technica [ ] | Dec 10 16:13 |
schestowitz__ | ta | Dec 10 16:20 |
iophk | It was in the news a few weeks ago in another context, too. Different developers saying about the same thing. | Dec 10 16:24 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 16:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Google #censorship again should be ashamed of themselves. #freespeech | Dec 10 16:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Condom to sex: Google's weird list of banned words for Android 4.4 KitKat [ ] | Dec 10 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | "The mine have no support for the cyanogenmod to :-(" | Dec 10 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 16:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | #Facebook and #Microsoft do *not* "unite to call for restrictions on NSA spying",they are uniting to change perception of collusion in crime | Dec 10 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 10 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | What I've found funny about the Facebook, Microsoft, and Google gamut; is that despite all their shouting. MS keeps shifting back to a game of "no comment" every time a new bit of their complicity comes out (e.g. the recent revelations about the X-Box live network) and they've basically taken an angle of "if you close your eyes they can't see you" as it pertains to Win8 and Server 2012 basically being made huge trojans worked out | Dec 10 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | with IBM, Cisco, Intel, and else.....that is to say, they've made just shy of no public comment on the matter. | Dec 10 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | Google's Eric has shifted to some odd acts of pretending like Google is looking to be i2p or something while simultaneously doing absolutely nothing like the i2p project. | Dec 10 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | And we have similar with Facebook. Notably with Facebook, it was funny to see comments made by Zuckerberg recently that led to a bunch of comments from his own users (for the most part) calling "Bull". | Dec 10 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 16:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | In heaven everything is fine - YouTube [ ] | Dec 10 16:43 |
schestowitz__ | The Enterprise market is running from all three facets (and A LOT MORE) in droves. Simply put, the Enterprise market isn't fooled by the statements and the companies are all more than aware of that. The statements are meant for fooling the consumer market public. I question if there moves here are effective.....or if they simply anger the public. (again, take a look at comments to Zuckerberg from Facebook users) | Dec 10 16:43 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 10 16:43 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 16:49 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @candtalan: Lack of trust in chip based cryto: @omgubuntu Please note? via @schestowitz | Dec 10 16:49 |
schestowitz__ | T'so complained. RAND seems tampered with. | Dec 10 16:49 |
iophk | Good memory | Dec 10 16:50 |
schestowitz__ | !google tso rand | Dec 10 16:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Rand + Jen | Chehalis, WA » JEROME TSO PHOTOGRAPHY – The ... | | Dec 10 16:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - Rand + Jennifer | Olympia Engagement » JEROME TSO ... | | Dec 10 16:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Musicafella - Live @ Tso's Butchery - Kagiso, West Rand [JHB ... | | Dec 10 16:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Jerome Tso Photography | Facebook | | Dec 10 16:51 |
schestowitz__ | !google tso rand linux | Dec 10 16:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Schneier on Security: Insecurities in the Linux /dev/random | | Dec 10 16:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - Linux /dev/random source | | Dec 10 16:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Rocky Rand | LinkedIn | | Dec 10 16:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Linus Responds To RdRand Petition With Scorn - Slashdot | | Dec 10 16:51 |
iophk | I got very different results. | Dec 10 16:51 |
iophk | Google varies from country to country I think. | Dec 10 16:51 |
iophk | "Did you mean: | Dec 10 16:52 |
iophk | tor and linux | Dec 10 16:52 |
iophk | torrent linux" | Dec 10 16:52 |
schestowitz__ | heh | Dec 10 16:52 |
schestowitz__ | I should wrtie about the FAT ruling | Dec 10 16:52 |
schestowitz__ | soon | Dec 10 16:52 |
schestowitz__ | maybe tonight, not sure when to work on thew RMS videos | Dec 10 16:53 |
iophk | did you get through the old ones already? Or will they be mixed with the new? | Dec 10 16:54 |
schestowitz__ | I finished the Oxford ones | Dec 10 16:56 |
schestowitz__ | I got the GNU questions answered | Dec 10 16:56 |
schestowitz__ | and it's not time-sensitive | Dec 10 16:56 |
schestowitz__ | I will catch up with it in a few days, I took vacation from work till 21st of Dec. IIRC | Dec 10 16:57 |
schestowitz__ | Some parties and other events coming, but other than that, lots of time to do project work like moving TuxMachines between servers | Dec 10 16:57 |
schestowitz__ | TM might be down soon | Dec 10 16:57 |
schestowitz__ | Lots of snowstorms in the US | Dec 10 16:57 |
schestowitz__ | and some threaten to take power down FOR DAYS | Dec 10 16:58 |
schestowitz__ | So I was told by the current host | Dec 10 16:58 |
iophk | Power outages will be more interesting with smartphones. Those only hold their charge for a few hours. | Dec 10 16:58 |
schestowitz__ | US becomes like post-USSR collapse Russia | Dec 10 16:58 |
schestowitz__ | Not like Finland | Dec 10 16:58 |
iophk | There were some hundreds of thousands with out power this season in southern Finland. | Dec 10 16:59 |
schestowitz__ | I've not had an outage here for like 3 years or more, not even for a few secon ds | Dec 10 16:59 |
schestowitz__ | iophk: ah, I didn't know that | Dec 10 16:59 |
schestowitz__ | is that near Estonia? | Dec 10 16:59 |
iophk | accross the water | Dec 10 16:59 |
iophk | Sweden doesn't do so well either, this last decade. | Dec 10 17:00 |
iophk | Tens of thousands without power in either place is not that uncommon in a big storm. | Dec 10 17:01 |
iophk | units = households | Dec 10 17:01 |
iophk | in both cases | Dec 10 17:01 |
schestowitz__ | wow, eye-opening | Dec 10 17:04 |
schestowitz__ | Maybe I forgot how to appreciate persistence of power | Dec 10 17:04 |
schestowitz__ | so instead I sometimes complain about BT | Dec 10 17:05 |
schestowitz__ | Which BTW has been OK for the past 2 months, a disaster before that... | Dec 10 17:05 |
MinceR | my smartphone could last for a day | Dec 10 17:10 |
MinceR | or more | Dec 10 17:10 |
MinceR | also, a power bank can help :> | Dec 10 17:10 |
iophk | In parts of the US many have simply bought generators. | Dec 10 17:14 |
iophk | That's a really inefficient and polluting way to provide less power overall. | Dec 10 17:14 |
MinceR | it does keep working when the power grid dies, though | Dec 10 17:15 |
iophk | Yeah, it's cheaper and less polluting to keep the grid going. | Dec 10 17:16 |
iophk | But that's apparently not a priority any more. | Dec 10 17:16 |
iophk | Maintenance has been cut back. | Dec 10 17:16 |
iophk | old - | Dec 10 17:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Copper Scavengers Loot High-Tech Infrastructure - Alexis C. Madrigal - The Atlantic [ ] | Dec 10 17:18 |
MinceR | if human civilization collapses, the power grid will follow :> | Dec 10 17:19 |
iophk | and the plumbing | Dec 10 17:19 |
MinceR | and eventually the paved roads | Dec 10 17:20 |
iophk | food is transported such long distances now that starvation will happen early on | Dec 10 17:21 |
iophk | I would expect that few if any farms would survive bandit and looters and waves of refugees. | Dec 10 17:21 |
iophk | Even if they did, they're no draft animals to speak of and the diesel would quickly run out. | Dec 10 17:22 |
iophk | Even if there were draft animals they'd get eaten by the above bandits, looters and refugees, so that the starvation would be complete. | Dec 10 17:23 |
iophk | Same for seed corn, etc. | Dec 10 17:23 |
*oioio (b4950cc2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrights | Dec 10 17:31 | |
iophk | ' President Obama criticized leaders "who claim solidarity with Mandela struggle for freedom, but do not tolerate dissent from their own people."' | Dec 10 17:34 |
iophk | | Dec 10 17:34 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Obama: Too Many Leaders Claim Solidarity With Mandela, "But Do Not Tolerate Dissent From Their Own People" | Video | RealClearPolitics [ ] | Dec 10 17:34 |
iophk | he said it in his speech in the stadium there. | Dec 10 17:34 |
iophk | There's probably another source online. | Dec 10 17:35 |
MinceR | | Dec 10 17:36 |
*oioio has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | Dec 10 17:36 | |
MinceR | | Dec 10 17:36 |
iophk | That is a lot of gall coming from him given his treatment of whistleblower, the ones his campaign platform would protect. | Dec 10 17:36 |
iophk | needs a better link though, site's not so good | Dec 10 17:43 |
*carlos_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 10 17:50 | |
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 10 18:15 | |
schestowitz__ | [17:18] <TechrightsBot-tr> | Copper Scavengers Loot High-Tech Infrastructure - Alexis C. Madrigal - The Atlantic [ ] | Dec 10 18:31 |
schestowitz__ | ohk, old... | Dec 10 18:31 |
iophk | yes old | Dec 10 18:31 |
iophk | but ongoing | Dec 10 18:31 |
schestowitz__ | but it shows what economic turndown may bring | Dec 10 18:31 |
schestowitz__ | !google east euruope inter down woman | Dec 10 18:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Georgian woman cuts off web access to whole of Armenia | World ... | | Dec 10 18:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - BBC News - Pensioner in Georgia cuts Armenia off from internet | | Dec 10 18:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Egypt arrests as undersea internet cable cut off Alexandria - BBC | | Dec 10 18:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Georgian Woman, 75, Arrested for Cutting Armenia's Internet - WSJ ... | | Dec 10 18:31 |
schestowitz__ | This was so hilarious | Dec 10 18:32 |
schestowitz__ | ina sick sense | Dec 10 18:32 |
schestowitz__ | some very old lady takes advanytage of the country's connectivity being so s***y | Dec 10 18:32 |
iophk | yeah in some cases they've dug up fiber and cut into that | Dec 10 18:32 |
iophk | I guess that will be one advantage when fibre becomes predominant, the looting will lessen or at least the thieves will learn to discern between copper and fibre. | Dec 10 18:34 |
iophk | | Dec 10 18:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | ( status 404 @ ) | Dec 10 18:35 |
schestowitz__ | iophk: 404 indeed | Dec 10 18:39 |
schestowitz__ | what was it? | Dec 10 18:39 |
schestowitz__ | so much for "arcgive" | Dec 10 18:39 |
schestowitz__ | *archive' | Dec 10 18:40 |
*jono has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 10 18:40 | |
iophk | Don't know. It was pointed to as the answer to a question in a forum from a couple of years ago. So the link died recently | Dec 10 18:40 |
iophk | The archiving of things is not a priority. | Dec 10 18:40 |
iophk | It should be. | Dec 10 18:40 |
iophk | Too much is getting lost. | Dec 10 18:40 |
iophk | Some on purpose, though. | Dec 10 18:40 |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 18:41 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 18:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Proof that the Free Software Movement Knows It Cannot Compete: Boycott Novell » 66 Pages of Microsoft Evilness [ ] | Dec 10 18:41 |
iophk | Some stuff seems to stay around... | Dec 10 18:41 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 18:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Boycott Novell Campaign Videos - YouTube [ ] | Dec 10 18:42 |
schestowitz__ | Avinad | Dec 10 18:42 |
schestowitz__ | Using my GIMp graphics | Dec 10 18:42 |
schestowitz__ | and making sheets based on the site | Dec 10 18:42 |
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 18:43 | |
schestowitz__ | RMS said this was the first time police force was used to drive away FS activists | Dec 10 18:43 |
iophk | In India? | Dec 10 18:44 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 18:44 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: ### The following is presented as a battle plan. But it is a disengagement plan:( | Dec 10 18:44 |
schestowitz__ | iophk: yeah | Dec 10 18:44 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | How To Combat Online Surveillance | The Occupied Times | Dec 10 18:44 |
schestowitz__ | "Audit means nothing if it's closed source." | Dec 10 18:45 |
*abeNd-org has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 10 18:45 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 18:54 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: the garden of cosmic speculation... | Dec 10 18:54 |
schestowitz__ | "#Groovy" | Dec 10 18:54 |
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 19:12 | |
Sosumi | | Dec 10 19:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | ( status 404 @ ) | Dec 10 19:36 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 19:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | #JoinDiaspora is #emerging as the most awesome social network, bigger in terms of participation and interaction than #identica and #twitter | Dec 10 19:38 |
schestowitz__ | "JoinDiaspora also uses Amazon servers which might as well be a direct line to the NSA." | Dec 10 19:38 |
schestowitz__ | Like DuckDuckGo | Dec 10 19:38 |
schestowitz__ | "diaspora is more than just the pod joindiaspora :p" | Dec 10 19:39 |
schestowitz__ | "Is identica still functioning ? Heard there was someother fork or website ? Also any news on account migration?" | Dec 10 19:39 |
Sosumi | amazon backwards | Dec 10 19:39 |
Sosumi | nOZAMA | Dec 10 19:39 |
Sosumi | watch out for nOZAMA | Dec 10 19:40 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 19:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | The first time I'm aware a protest was inspired by my writings | Dec 10 19:40 |
schestowitz__ | "Is this related to <a href="">this protest</a>?" | Dec 10 19:40 |
schestowitz__ | yes | Dec 10 19:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Friendly ‘Boycott Novell’ Supportes Robbed of Voice | Techrights [ ] | Dec 10 19:41 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 19:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Too many world leaders (even Bush) are playing w/ Mandela's corpse (pardon the phrase, ref to apartheid regime) for self-promotion purposes | Dec 10 19:41 |
schestowitz__ | "It's disgusting." | Dec 10 19:41 |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 19:47 | |
DaemonFC | | Dec 10 19:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | The Gates Foundation's Hypocritical Investments | Mother Jones [ ] | Dec 10 19:47 |
*BlueCloud ( has left #techrights | Dec 10 19:55 | |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Dec 10 20:20 | |
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 20:21 | |
sebsebseb | Dec 10 20:21 | |
MinceR | Dec 10 20:22 | |
*gde33 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia | Dec 10 20:28 | |
sebsebseb | MinceR: iophk openSUSE | Dec 10 20:33 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 10 20:34 | |
iophk | | Dec 10 20:34 |
sebsebseb | iophk: uhmm they can get SUSE stuff easilly from one of the sponsers | Dec 10 20:34 |
sebsebseb | I think that's one of the reasons why Mageia was out | Dec 10 20:34 |
iophk | Cant you get Mageia discs? | Dec 10 20:35 |
sebsebseb | iophk: yep | Dec 10 20:35 |
sebsebseb | ,but | Dec 10 20:35 |
sebsebseb | iophk: they may not want me to distribute those! | Dec 10 20:35 |
iophk | Can't stop you. | Dec 10 20:35 |
sebsebseb | iophk: meant to be agreeing on some merchanice on the next meeting | Dec 10 20:36 |
sebsebseb | so SUSE stuff, Ubuntu stuff, Mint stuff | Dec 10 20:36 |
sebsebseb | agenda says nothing about anting else,but I saidabobut MOzilla etc | Dec 10 20:36 |
iophk | Focus on Mozilla (thunderbird, firefox) and LIbreOffice and VLC and the cross-platform stuff. | Dec 10 20:36 |
sebsebseb | Mozllastickers and yeah | Dec 10 20:37 |
sebsebseb | ? | Dec 10 20:37 |
sebsebseb | I am thinking some MOzilla stuff and forLibre Office posisbly to as wlel | Dec 10 20:37 |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 20:37 | |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 20:37 | |
sebsebseb | iophk: going to bring some merchandise examples to the meeting | Dec 10 20:37 |
iophk | Cool. | Dec 10 20:37 |
sebsebseb | as for getting any Mint stuff, good luck to them I think | Dec 10 20:37 |
sebsebseb | seems Mint doesn't really have anything | Dec 10 20:37 |
sebsebseb | except t-shirts to buy an that kindof thing | Dec 10 20:38 |
*jono is now known as Guest63303 | Dec 10 20:38 | |
sebsebseb | iophk: what I find interesting is now this guy who wanted Mint can't d the event | Dec 10 20:38 |
sebsebseb | they want him to work longer in USA | Dec 10 20:38 |
sebsebseb | iophk: ,butnow he brings in this other guy who offered to help | Dec 10 20:38 |
sebsebseb | I suggestd bringing him in for the vote, but nope that didn't happen | Dec 10 20:38 |
iophk | If he's helping he should "vote" ... | Dec 10 20:39 |
sebsebseb | iophk: yeah maybe a re vote shuld happen then | Dec 10 20:39 |
sebsebseb | this guy who wanted Mint can't do the event | Dec 10 20:39 |
sebsebseb | now it turns out, I wasn't at the vote meeting, and now this other guy has been bought in as well | Dec 10 20:39 |
sebsebseb | iophk: maybe a vote shoud happen again with everyone there etc.. oh ,but they are unlikely to go with that | Dec 10 20:39 |
sebsebseb | iophk: Mint, Ubuntu, and openSUSE event | Dec 10 20:40 |
sebsebseb | iophk: doesn't matter that I was the one who pushed for the whole idea of having an event again, earlier this year | Dec 10 20:41 |
sebsebseb | when the idea just kindof died our sat there last year | Dec 10 20:41 |
iophk | That should count for something. | Dec 10 20:41 |
sebsebseb | yeah you would have thought woudn't you? | Dec 10 20:41 |
sebsebseb | ,but it seems not | Dec 10 20:41 |
sebsebseb | iophk: anyway the guy that is now being bought in, I get on with him | Dec 10 20:41 |
iophk | Collaboration. | Dec 10 20:42 |
sebsebseb | iophk: yeah exacty callobraation | Dec 10 20:42 |
sebsebseb | I guess I need to say something on Tuesday | Dec 10 20:42 |
sebsebseb | worth a try at least | Dec 10 20:42 |
sebsebseb | iophk: bingo callaboraoitn | Dec 10 20:42 |
sebsebseb | everyone working together | Dec 10 20:42 |
sebsebseb | no one being excluded | Dec 10 20:42 |
sebsebseb | that's what I wanted | Dec 10 20:42 |
sebsebseb | ,but now the opposite has happended really, it's not really my event now | Dec 10 20:43 |
sebsebseb | it's their event, not my event now, it seems | Dec 10 20:43 |
sebsebseb | have the genral overall goal in mind, but with differences, and that's where the issues been | Dec 10 20:43 |
sebsebseb | iophk: yep who pushed for hte idea again, it was me | Dec 10 20:44 |
sebsebseb | really that means nothing? | Dec 10 20:44 |
iophk | talk with that other fellow and figure out something for the meeting | Dec 10 20:47 |
sebsebseb | iophk: yeah he won't know about lots of stuff that happended etc | Dec 10 20:47 |
sebsebseb | iophk: I rmember sending entuthasitic emails to the list | Dec 10 20:48 |
sebsebseb | about having an event | Dec 10 20:48 |
sebsebseb | and having it with Mageia and such :d | Dec 10 20:48 |
iophk | Point that out. It is part of the plan then, if you have it documented. | Dec 10 20:49 |
sebsebseb | iophk: oh those emais are logged in the archeive | Dec 10 20:49 |
sebsebseb | it was just mainly talk to get interest in havingg an event | Dec 10 20:49 |
sebsebseb | ,but it was something still I guess | Dec 10 20:49 |
sebsebseb | iophk: I think softwarewise what I wanted is out probably hwatever happens now | Dec 10 20:50 |
sebsebseb | unless hmm | Dec 10 20:50 |
sebsebseb | iophk: ,but well ther's no Jitsi in the repo's anyway for this distro | Dec 10 20:50 |
sebsebseb | tried to get them to addit | Dec 10 20:50 |
sebsebseb | and I am a bit hmmm about installing codecs and Skype and all that, plus local brandng | Dec 10 20:51 |
*gde33 ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 20:51 | |
sebsebseb | iophk: ,but I still don't think certain things should have gone like they did really etc | Dec 10 20:51 |
sebsebseb | and it's to late to fork orwhatever | Dec 10 20:52 |
sebsebseb | have own event I think | Dec 10 20:52 |
sebsebseb | and not really worth the hassle the effort | Dec 10 20:52 |
sebsebseb | iophk: and things probabbly won't actsaully be as bad, when I meet them again or whatever, but hmm | Dec 10 20:52 |
sebsebseb | iophk: I think just got to go alon with things now really, and that's that, and it's nice to get away from computers more at times, have other interests etc :) | Dec 10 20:54 |
sebsebseb | uh I feel like I need more otherintersts at times now | Dec 10 20:54 |
sebsebseb | iophk: still about? | Dec 10 21:00 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: about? | Dec 10 21:00 |
MinceR | Dec 10 21:01 | |
sebsebseb | MinceR: ok | Dec 10 21:01 |
iophk | kindog | Dec 10 21:01 |
sebsebseb | Dec 10 21:01 | |
sebsebseb | MinceR | Dec 10 21:01 |
iophk | kindof | Dec 10 21:01 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: iophk does computer stuff ever make you feel sad? | Dec 10 21:01 |
MinceR | indeed | Dec 10 21:01 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: yeah it does with me at times for sure | Dec 10 21:01 |
iophk | when can you meet with that other fellow and plan working together? | Dec 10 21:01 |
sebsebseb | iophk: at the meeting, it's a group thing | Dec 10 21:02 |
iophk | what about discussing before hand? | Dec 10 21:02 |
sebsebseb | could eamil or something, but not sure if ther's much point | Dec 10 21:02 |
iophk | See if he's onboard with Mageia | Dec 10 21:02 |
sebsebseb | he might be, but others aren't | Dec 10 21:03 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: how does it make you feel sad? | Dec 10 21:03 |
MinceR | by keeping me from accomplishing my ends via shoddy software (m$ and co.) | Dec 10 21:03 |
MinceR | by making me look bad in front of others (see above) | Dec 10 21:04 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: see what above, I didn't see whatever | Dec 10 21:04 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: makng look bad how? | Dec 10 21:05 |
MinceR | by making me fail to accomplish my tasks | Dec 10 21:06 |
sebsebseb | which tasks? | Dec 10 21:06 |
sebsebseb | and fail acomplishing them how? | Dec 10 21:06 |
MinceR | depends | Dec 10 21:06 |
sebsebseb | and look bad how? | Dec 10 21:06 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: computers make you look bad how | Dec 10 21:07 |
sebsebseb | or computer interests? | Dec 10 21:07 |
MinceR | see above | Dec 10 21:08 |
sebsebseb | I don't see anything | Dec 10 21:08 |
sebsebseb | above | Dec 10 21:08 |
sebsebseb | joined about 50 minutes ago | Dec 10 21:08 |
*Guest63303 has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Dec 10 21:09 | |
sebsebseb | MinceR: iophk I think for me, sometimes these computer interests, effects other things | Dec 10 21:09 |
sebsebseb | maybe a bit more than just omeitmes depends | Dec 10 21:09 |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 21:09 | |
sebsebseb | someitmes being into computers | Dec 10 21:09 |
sebsebseb | is a curse really rather than a blessing | Dec 10 21:09 |
sebsebseb | not sure if anyone knows what I Mean ? | Dec 10 21:09 |
sebsebseb | yep a bad thing, rathe than a good thing | Dec 10 21:10 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: iophk know what I mean? ^ | Dec 10 21:10 |
iophk | How to make freedom popular? | Dec 10 21:10 |
sebsebseb | iophk: uh? | Dec 10 21:10 |
sebsebseb | no I am saying software freedom and all that | Dec 10 21:10 |
sebsebseb | it's ireivent in the wider picture of things | Dec 10 21:10 |
iophk | That's what some of it is about. | Dec 10 21:10 |
sebsebseb | the wider bigger picutre | Dec 10 21:10 |
MinceR | actually it's very relevant | Dec 10 21:10 |
sebsebseb | Desktp Liux may never go main streame | Dec 10 21:11 |
sebsebseb | etc | Dec 10 21:11 |
MinceR | it's the difference between buying a computer for yourself and buying a computer for the m$/crApple/whoever else botnet | Dec 10 21:11 |
sebsebseb | only about a few million peopel use Desktop Linux gobally | Dec 10 21:11 |
sebsebseb | out of the billions or so using WIndows or Mac OS X | Dec 10 21:11 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: well yes | Dec 10 21:11 |
iophk | >80% of smartphone use Linux | Dec 10 21:11 |
MinceR | and between owning your data vs. handing your data to someone else so that they can hold it hostage | Dec 10 21:11 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: ,but computers don't bring true happyness | Dec 10 21:11 |
MinceR | and lease it to you | Dec 10 21:11 |
iophk | probably most serverrs | Dec 10 21:11 |
sebsebseb | don't you find? | Dec 10 21:11 |
iophk | mainframes | Dec 10 21:11 |
MinceR | the functionality of computers can contribute to happiness | Dec 10 21:12 |
sebsebseb | ok might find soe nice girl via the Internet whlist using a computer for example | Dec 10 21:12 |
iophk | >98% of supercomputers | Dec 10 21:12 |
sebsebseb | ,but in general | Dec 10 21:12 |
iophk | lots of tvs, etc. | Dec 10 21:12 |
sebsebseb | computer interest don't bring true happyness etc | Dec 10 21:12 |
sebsebseb | don't tyou think | Dec 10 21:12 |
sebsebseb | ?? | Dec 10 21:12 |
MinceR | you can play games, watch videos, read stuff, learn | Dec 10 21:12 |
MinceR | you can gain and improve skills | Dec 10 21:12 |
sebsebseb | playing games isn't true happyness though | Dec 10 21:12 |
MinceR | maybe not for you | Dec 10 21:12 |
sebsebseb | finding that special someone if they haven't already, I think is true happyness for most people | Dec 10 21:13 |
sebsebseb | yes might find them using a computer, but the computer intersts them seles don't really bring true happyness, that's what I mean | Dec 10 21:13 |
MinceR | for those who have already found that | Dec 10 21:13 |
MinceR | what's "seles"? | Dec 10 21:14 |
sebsebseb | themselves | Dec 10 21:14 |
MinceR | computers can also take work out of your hand, leaving more resources for things that bring more happiness | Dec 10 21:14 |
sebsebseb | iophk: MinceR and Linux opensource/freesoftware is very opinanted and polotical, and well look what happens as a result, what I Was on about earlier | Dec 10 21:14 |
MinceR | blame m$ and their kind for that | Dec 10 21:14 |
iophk | The criteria defining Free software are clearly enummerated. | Dec 10 21:15 |
MinceR | they're the ones who decided that the IT world belongs to them, regardless of whether they can get things done or not | Dec 10 21:15 |
iophk | usuall "or not" | Dec 10 21:15 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: no for the specic thing I was onabout earlier, I gues blame upstream for that one uh | Dec 10 21:15 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: that most distro's are so simiar,becuase of upstream | Dec 10 21:15 |
sebsebseb | usually that's a good thing | Dec 10 21:15 |
sebsebseb | ,but then well what I put ealrier | Dec 10 21:15 |
MinceR | they're the ones who decided that there should be no competition in IT but totalitarian control in their hands | Dec 10 21:15 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: ok sure, but then look what happens | Dec 10 21:16 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: the Linux users for examle, get all opoinated and polotical | Dec 10 21:16 |
sebsebseb | about what ditro's to use and what interface | Dec 10 21:16 |
iophk | Interface is not a big deal. | Dec 10 21:16 |
sebsebseb | no mine is what hsould be used, not yours, no yoursshould be, no no yours no no etc | Dec 10 21:16 |
sebsebseb | iophk: for that event it is | Dec 10 21:16 |
MinceR | all computer users do, who are aware of such choices | Dec 10 21:16 |
iophk | Distro is not a big deal as long as it follows the ideas behind Free software. | Dec 10 21:16 |
sebsebseb | iophk: in general not that big a deal, b ut for that event it is | Dec 10 21:16 |
sebsebseb | iophk: and theres the idea for hte event, to use propritrary software, to help win people over to Linux from WIndows | Dec 10 21:17 |
sebsebseb | codecs, Skype etc | Dec 10 21:17 |
sebsebseb | iophk: free software alonewould be lacking, can't docertain things | Dec 10 21:18 |
iophk | There was a magazine that had a privacy remix of Ubuntu included in an issue. | Dec 10 21:18 |
MinceR | and to get them into suse so that they remain under m$'s thumb forever | Dec 10 21:18 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: yep openSUSE being one of the distro's | Dec 10 21:18 |
iophk | M$ has to rope them in before they wander far. | Dec 10 21:18 |
MinceR | IT in general can't do certain things | Dec 10 21:18 |
MinceR | and not because they're impossible in theory | Dec 10 21:18 |
sebsebseb | ok sure | Dec 10 21:19 |
sebsebseb | ,but | Dec 10 21:19 |
sebsebseb | if Linux can't do something that WIndows can do | Dec 10 21:19 |
sebsebseb | it's generally seen as a bad thing by many | Dec 10 21:19 |
MinceR | the ribbon and metro will make them change their minds, then | Dec 10 21:19 |
sebsebseb | many got used to that by now I think | Dec 10 21:20 |
sebsebseb | that was Office 2007 | Dec 10 21:20 |
iophk | Windows has years of indoctrination to get people to fear other systems, even OS X | Dec 10 21:20 |
MinceR | then m$ will find a way to make things even worse for them | Dec 10 21:20 |
sebsebseb | Android helps the experience another type of tech experience though | Dec 10 21:20 |
sebsebseb | and iOS if they got Iphones etc | Dec 10 21:20 |
sebsebseb | helps them above | Dec 10 21:20 |
sebsebseb | quite a lot of people just tend to use hteir phone for everthing now or prety much | Dec 10 21:21 |
sebsebseb | instead of their WIndows computer | Dec 10 21:21 |
iophk | iphones and iPods gained market share for Apple on the desktop. | Dec 10 21:21 |
sebsebseb | they reolise that they get a better expereince using the phone for their basic tasks, than their WIndows computer, but most don't really kow why that is | Dec 10 21:21 |
iophk | The same can happen with Android. | Dec 10 21:21 |
iophk | Especially now with the potential 'end' of XP | Dec 10 21:21 |
sebsebseb | iophk: oh that's to do with why having event when it wil be | Dec 10 21:21 |
sebsebseb | ,but | Dec 10 21:22 |
sebsebseb | I think I know what MinceR would think | Dec 10 21:22 |
sebsebseb | going by his thumb comment from earlier | Dec 10 21:22 |
MinceR | suse can be an intermediate step towards better distros, but it's unnecessary | Dec 10 21:23 |
iophk | best to go straight to the other distros, skip the M$ step | Dec 10 21:23 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: so you say, but yet loads of cmpanies use SUSE stll | Dec 10 21:23 |
MinceR | just because someone else is making bad decisions doesn't mean you have to do the same | Dec 10 21:23 |
sebsebseb | iophk: I guess hopefully most go for Ubuntu or Mint | Dec 10 21:23 |
iophk | Mint debian? | Dec 10 21:24 |
sebsebseb | nope | Dec 10 21:24 |
sebsebseb | standard one | Dec 10 21:24 |
iophk | :( | Dec 10 21:24 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: sure, but if a bad deicion has bene made regaridng the software choices for that, the visitors won't just know | Dec 10 21:24 |
iophk | find some like minded people and plan an installfest | Dec 10 21:24 |
iophk | using stock distros | Dec 10 21:24 |
iophk | no respins | Dec 10 21:24 |
sebsebseb | iophk: to late for that now I think | Dec 10 21:24 |
sebsebseb | or for that kind of date | Dec 10 21:24 |
iophk | you've got some months before April | Dec 10 21:25 |
sebsebseb | iophk: I got Brusuels to celbrate the release of a good distro and such :D | Dec 10 21:25 |
sebsebseb | coming up | Dec 10 21:25 |
iophk | yep | Dec 10 21:25 |
iophk | | Dec 10 21:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | FOSDEM 2014 - Home | Dec 10 21:26 |
sebsebseb | yeah | Dec 10 21:26 |
sebsebseb | iophk: and then local thing uh I guess | Dec 10 21:26 |
sebsebseb | iophk: I haven't decided yet, but maybe I'll go to Amsterdam this time tow | Dec 10 21:26 |
*gnufreex has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 10 21:26 | |
sebsebseb | with someone quite a lot older who's coming from USA | Dec 10 21:26 |
sebsebseb | meaning to emall him | Dec 10 21:27 |
sebsebseb | back | Dec 10 21:27 |
sebsebseb | find out more about his plans etc :) | Dec 10 21:27 |
sebsebseb | iophk: MinceR I think another issue could have been qute simpally that Mageia wasn't seen as being "mainstreame" enough by them | Dec 10 21:27 |
sebsebseb | they wanted mainstreame distro's | Dec 10 21:27 |
iophk | Community distros are naturally a bit smaller. | Dec 10 21:28 |
sebsebseb | well yeah true | Dec 10 21:28 |
iophk | It's mainstream enough. | Dec 10 21:28 |
sebsebseb | ,but the big paleyrs, Ubuntu, Suse, Fedora, Deban etc | Dec 10 21:28 |
MinceR | they wanted mainstream crap | Dec 10 21:28 |
MinceR | debian is mainstream and better than what they've come up with | Dec 10 21:28 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: ,but for a non technical user? | Dec 10 21:28 |
MinceR | probably so's fedora | Dec 10 21:28 |
MinceR | not sure what non-technicality has to do with it | Dec 10 21:29 |
sebsebseb | well Fedora got ruled out, since an idea that it would be a bit intermediate | Dec 10 21:29 |
MinceR | intermediate what? | Dec 10 21:29 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: it's an eent aimed at non technicla people | Dec 10 21:29 |
sebsebseb | who odn't really know about LInux | Dec 10 21:29 |
MinceR | all i can bring up against fedora is that yum is less reliable than apt | Dec 10 21:29 |
sebsebseb | I think Fedora would have been a good choie though, espeically with the remastering idea that came along | Dec 10 21:29 |
sebsebseb | pre install the codecs etc into Fedora and yea | Dec 10 21:29 |
sebsebseb | Fedora 20 soon | Dec 10 21:30 |
sebsebseb | Debian it would go aisnt their philsophey or whatever | Dec 10 21:30 |
sebsebseb | ,but could have put in the propriary stuff into a remaster of that to | Dec 10 21:30 |
sebsebseb | against their above | Dec 10 21:30 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: iophk oh yeah this remind me, GNOME 3 got the worst Linux idea of 2013 according to Linux Journal poll uh | Dec 10 21:31 |
sebsebseb | KDE got best de | Dec 10 21:31 |
sebsebseb | and things like that | Dec 10 21:31 |
sebsebseb | GNOME 3 is goo enough :) and can cusotmise it, or base on it and such | Dec 10 21:31 |
iophk | gnome is hard to customize last I heard | Dec 10 21:32 |
MinceR | indeed | Dec 10 21:32 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: indeed to which? | Dec 10 21:32 |
sebsebseb | no there are a few distro's based on GNOME 3 pingyOS etc | Dec 10 21:32 |
MinceR | to being hard to customize | Dec 10 21:32 |
iophk | Older versions I tried were all but impossible to customize. | Dec 10 21:32 |
iophk | Haven't bothered to look lately. Gnome is so over. | Dec 10 21:32 |
sebsebseb | iophk: well Mageia and GNOME out | Dec 10 21:32 |
MinceR | last time i checked you had to bring out gconf-editor or equivalent to tell the damned thing to not sleep if you close the laptop lid | Dec 10 21:32 |
sebsebseb | KDE n, but in openSUSE uh | Dec 10 21:32 |
MinceR | that's utterly retarded | Dec 10 21:32 |
sebsebseb | GNOME 3 is better now trust me | Dec 10 21:33 |
iophk | I'll take your word for it. | Dec 10 21:33 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: iophk yay Cinnamon a GNOME 3 fork by the Mint team, instead of uhmmm something such as LXFCE or LXDE hmm | Dec 10 21:33 |
sebsebseb | hmm maybe XFCE or LXDE would have been better reallly for that one, but I guess won't make much difference with CInnamon | Dec 10 21:34 |
sebsebseb | and then Unity instead of GNOME Shell | Dec 10 21:34 |
iophk | both XFCE and LXDE | Dec 10 21:34 |
sebsebseb | so got two things that are whta htey are, becuase of GNOME 3 really | Dec 10 21:34 |
sebsebseb | ,but no GNOME 3 itself | Dec 10 21:34 |
sebsebseb | and yep KDE there | Dec 10 21:34 |
iophk | though LXDE is moving to Qt or something | Dec 10 21:34 |
sebsebseb | iophk: MinceR appanratly someone left his LUG, because it was to Ubuntu, and that it was just a front for socialism orwhatever he was saying the other night | Dec 10 21:35 |
sebsebseb | not really aboutsoftware freedom | Dec 10 21:35 |
sebsebseb | iophk: MinceR so to political for him and so he leavs | Dec 10 21:36 |
MinceR | lol | Dec 10 21:36 |
sebsebseb | I think that's an issue right htre with Linux and other opensource/freesoftware in general | Dec 10 21:36 |
sebsebseb | as I was trying to say earier | Dec 10 21:37 |
MinceR | yes, people being idiots is an issue in general | Dec 10 21:37 |
sebsebseb | it's way to opinated and political at times | Dec 10 21:37 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: who are you reffering to? | Dec 10 21:37 |
MinceR | the "herp derp free software is socialism" crowd | Dec 10 21:37 |
MinceR | state socialism was all about dictatorical control from the top down on everything, so that's more m$/crApple if anything | Dec 10 21:38 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: well he said sociais is the worst sytem | Dec 10 21:38 |
iophk | M$ is top-down, command-economy, centrally controlled ... | Dec 10 21:38 |
sebsebseb | worst out of the three | Dec 10 21:38 |
iophk | gtg | Dec 10 21:39 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: what kind of society would you like to have? | Dec 10 21:40 |
MinceR | i would progress toward a less statist, more individualist, more free-market society and see what we can learn from it | Dec 10 21:41 |
sebsebseb | what a help your naighbour society | Dec 10 21:41 |
sebsebseb | ? | Dec 10 21:41 |
MinceR | that would be a part of it | Dec 10 21:41 |
sebsebseb | and where there isn't really money | Dec 10 21:42 |
MinceR | human nature being what it is now, you can't really expect any system to save us from it | Dec 10 21:42 |
sebsebseb | and peopel don't just work for the system and things like that | Dec 10 21:42 |
MinceR | so it would have to be evolved | Dec 10 21:42 |
MinceR | i don't think money is evil | Dec 10 21:42 |
MinceR | it's a useful tool | Dec 10 21:42 |
MinceR | but it shouldn't be worshipped | Dec 10 21:42 |
sebsebseb | I think there's a lot of issues really with the world | Dec 10 21:42 |
sebsebseb | ,but change takes time etc | Dec 10 21:43 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: I think there's food down stiars waiting for me though, so yeah bye for now | Dec 10 21:43 |
sebsebseb | or back in a bit | Dec 10 21:43 |
sebsebseb | or not sure qute | Dec 10 21:43 |
MinceR | :) | Dec 10 21:43 |
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Dec 10 21:43 | |
sebsebseb | why ;0 | Dec 10 21:44 |
sebsebseb | ? | Dec 10 21:44 |
sebsebseb | that's :) | Dec 10 21:44 |
sebsebseb | was meant to be :) | Dec 10 21:44 |
MinceR | not sure anymore | Dec 10 21:44 |
MinceR | probably regarding the food | Dec 10 21:44 |
sebsebseb | oh ok | Dec 10 21:44 |
MinceR | but yes, there are a lot of issues and change takes time | Dec 10 21:45 |
MinceR | (and more than time) | Dec 10 21:45 |
DaemonFC | Firefox now supports h264 if you have the gstreamer plug in for that. | Dec 10 21:46 |
DaemonFC | It'll also play it using the native codecs on Android, OS X, and Windows. | Dec 10 21:46 |
MinceR | i thought that wasn't new | Dec 10 21:46 |
DaemonFC | It's new in Firefox 26 | Dec 10 21:46 |
MinceR | they're adding support for some downloadable blob from fiasco now | Dec 10 21:46 |
DaemonFC | I guess it's easy to say they gave up, but really it's more or less Google's fault. | Dec 10 21:46 |
MinceR | (and they're trying to sell it as free software or open source...) | Dec 10 21:47 |
DaemonFC | If Google had converted all videos on Youtube to WebM and yanked h264 from Chrome like they said they would.... | Dec 10 21:47 |
MinceR | indeed | Dec 10 21:47 |
DaemonFC | h264 would have already been done fore. | Dec 10 21:47 |
DaemonFC | *for | Dec 10 21:47 |
MinceR | i have no idea what reason google could possibly have for not doing that | Dec 10 21:47 |
DaemonFC | It was probably part of their deal with the MPEG-LA. | Dec 10 21:48 |
DaemonFC | The one where the MPEG-LA let WebM users have a royalty free patent license for any MPEG-LA patents that WebM might infringe. | Dec 10 21:48 |
MinceR | pfft | Dec 10 21:48 |
MinceR | that deal was capitulation, then | Dec 10 21:49 |
DaemonFC | A lot of the terms of that deal are secret, but Google's decision to retain support for h264 in Chrome may have been one of the conditions. | Dec 10 21:49 |
MinceR | the whole point of WebM was to be unencumbered | Dec 10 21:49 |
DaemonFC | Right. Well, it was designed to try to avoid MPEG-LA's patents, but that doesn't mean it does. | Dec 10 21:49 |
DaemonFC | When things actually get to court, the definitions of what a patent covers are pretty "flexible". | Dec 10 21:50 |
MinceR | just like in the m$ case, we will probably never find out if it does | Dec 10 21:50 |
MinceR | it was probably just some vague threats towards google | Dec 10 21:50 |
DaemonFC | I'd imagine that it does violate at least one or more. | Dec 10 21:50 |
DaemonFC | It's hard to consider something so large not violating one of thousands of patents in a pool. | Dec 10 21:51 |
DaemonFC | *to not be violating | Dec 10 21:51 |
DaemonFC | So, it probably hits at least one, or a few, no matter how careful they were. | Dec 10 21:51 |
MinceR | at least in light of sw patents being incredibly vague and that nobody dares attack them on grounds of validity or prior art | Dec 10 21:51 |
MinceR | (i don't know why) | Dec 10 21:51 |
DaemonFC | Because there's thousands more. | Dec 10 21:52 |
DaemonFC | It's easier to pay up than try to fight 5,000 patents one by one. | Dec 10 21:52 |
MinceR | (perhaps patent lawyers expect their future living to depend on the system remaining as broken as it is now) | Dec 10 21:52 |
MinceR | what if the patent holder is made to pay for the costs of fighting every patent they lose? | Dec 10 21:52 |
MinceR | i guess the legal system doesn't work that way | Dec 10 21:52 |
DaemonFC | Actually, a bill has been brought up in the House of Representatives that would do loser pays. | Dec 10 21:53 |
DaemonFC | I think it was called the Innovate Act or something. | Dec 10 21:53 |
MinceR | let me guess, it lost | Dec 10 21:54 |
DaemonFC | It's still being considered. | Dec 10 21:54 |
DaemonFC | If it passes, the Senate has until the beginning of the new Congress in January of 2015 to pass it. | Dec 10 21:55 |
DaemonFC | If they don't, the bill dies and has to be reintroduced and passed in both chambers again. | Dec 10 21:55 |
DaemonFC | I don't know why that happens. Only about 5% of the House membership changes, and maybe 5-10% of the Senate. | Dec 10 21:56 |
DaemonFC | They just don't have that much turnover. | Dec 10 21:56 |
DaemonFC | They spent almost all of their time fundraising. | Dec 10 21:57 |
DaemonFC | Anyone that challenges them gets drowned out by all the spending that the incumbent can afford to do. | Dec 10 21:58 |
DaemonFC | Plus, most House districts are drawn to heavily favor one party. | Dec 10 21:58 |
DaemonFC | Whatever party is in control of the state that the district is in. | Dec 10 21:58 |
DaemonFC | My district is so heavily gerrymandered for the Republican that it would take a major scandal and a right-wing Democrat on the same year to get rid of him. | Dec 10 21:59 |
DaemonFC | It sucks. | Dec 10 21:59 |
DaemonFC | You can write to them, but they don't really listen. They're much more interested in what people with money tell them to do than what voters want. | Dec 10 22:00 |
DaemonFC | Most legislation they bring up is actually a threat to get more money out of whatever industry wants less regulation. | Dec 10 22:00 |
DaemonFC | And some industries want more regulation. | Dec 10 22:00 |
DaemonFC | The 2010 law that was supposed to reduce smoking rates did nothing to affect the smoking rate. | Dec 10 22:01 |
DaemonFC | It just banned most types of imported cigarettes and more kinds of advertising. | Dec 10 22:01 |
DaemonFC | The tobacco companies wrote the bill. They wanted no foreign competition, and to not have to pay to advertise to each others customers. | Dec 10 22:02 |
DaemonFC | So they got what they wanted. :) | Dec 10 22:02 |
DaemonFC | It reversed the Supreme Court and handed regulation of the tobacco companies over to the FDA. | Dec 10 22:02 |
DaemonFC | So, the FDA is supposed to protect the public health (I know. Haha!). | Dec 10 22:03 |
DaemonFC | And now you've got them regulating cigarettes that kill people. | Dec 10 22:03 |
DaemonFC | So the first thing they did was ban every flavor of cigarette with the exception for menthol. | Dec 10 22:03 |
DaemonFC | What a coincidence. Most flavors other than menthol are imports or from smaller companies. | Dec 10 22:04 |
DaemonFC | :) | Dec 10 22:04 |
MinceR | gn | Dec 10 22:15 |
DaemonFC | Menthol is a really nasty ingredient when you mix it with tobacco. | Dec 10 22:15 |
MinceR | why? | Dec 10 22:15 |
MinceR | i thought nicotine and natural MAOIs were nasty enough | Dec 10 22:16 |
DaemonFC | The menthol itself is perfectly safe, but it causes people to inhale more deeply and it makes it easier to breathe when the cigarettes are actually hurting your lung function long-term. | Dec 10 22:16 |
MinceR | ic | Dec 10 22:16 |
DaemonFC | I have an on and off addiction, and I usually smoke menthol cigarettes. | Dec 10 22:16 |
DaemonFC | But I signed a petition to the FDA to ban menthol. They say they're considering it. | Dec 10 22:16 |
DaemonFC | If they did that, it would have a huge effect on the number of people who smoke. | Dec 10 22:17 |
MinceR | or a huge effect on the black market of menthol cigarettes :> | Dec 10 22:17 |
MinceR | or menthol products designed to be added by the user | Dec 10 22:17 |
MinceR | remember the prohibition era :> | Dec 10 22:18 |
DaemonFC | Yeah. There would be a black market for them and they'd be smuggled in from Canada and Mexico. | Dec 10 22:18 |
DaemonFC | The price would go way up though. | Dec 10 22:18 |
DaemonFC | Black markets do that. So, fewer people could afford them. | Dec 10 22:18 |
DaemonFC | :) | Dec 10 22:18 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: I doubt many people would want them for $10 a pack. | Dec 10 22:19 |
MinceR | it would also lead to a rise in associated crime | Dec 10 22:19 |
DaemonFC | I don't see why it would be worse than what the war on drugs has caused. | Dec 10 22:22 |
DaemonFC | Marijuana is much less dangerous than the criminals that the prohibition has enabled to do business. | Dec 10 22:22 |
DaemonFC | But, I could see a stronger demand for the stuff that's already banned than menthol cigarettes. | Dec 10 22:22 |
DaemonFC | It's still legal to import enough clove cigarettes for personal consumption. | Dec 10 22:23 |
DaemonFC | I think you can import up to 10 cartons per year for yourself. | Dec 10 22:23 |
DaemonFC | But reselling them is illegal. | Dec 10 22:23 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: It's also legal to make a certain amount of beer or wine for yourself, or to give away. | Dec 10 22:24 |
DaemonFC | And you don't owe any taxes on it. | Dec 10 22:24 |
DaemonFC | But if you sell it, you've committed a felony. | Dec 10 22:24 |
MinceR | it seems very similar to the war on drugs | Dec 10 22:25 |
MinceR | as tobacco _is_ a drug | Dec 10 22:25 |
DaemonFC | Well, I hope I didn't disturb the neighbors too much last night.... | Dec 10 22:28 |
DaemonFC | LOL | Dec 10 22:28 |
DaemonFC | What they must think of me.... | Dec 10 22:28 |
DaemonFC | I've met a few people on those personals sites. The first two went nowhere, but this seems to be heading in the right direction. | Dec 10 22:29 |
DaemonFC | We were up all night watching movies and stuff. | Dec 10 22:29 |
DaemonFC | Those people on the side of the apartment where my TV is get mad at me for watching movies at a reasonable volume. | Dec 10 22:30 |
DaemonFC | They complained the the landlord about it, so I had the landlord come in and I demonstrated the volume that I normally watch movies at, and she told them to get over it. | Dec 10 22:30 |
DaemonFC | *to the | Dec 10 22:30 |
DaemonFC | She said not to let them bother me, they complain about _everything_. | Dec 10 22:31 |
DaemonFC | I asked my other neighbor, the nice one, if I was bothering her. She said she couldn't hear my TV at all. | Dec 10 22:31 |
DaemonFC | But, you get that living in apartments. There's a few nice neighbors, a few really mean ones, and a few that just pay you no attention at all. | Dec 10 22:32 |
DaemonFC | At least none of them are criminals. | Dec 10 22:32 |
DaemonFC | I've lived in worse apartments before. Way worse. | Dec 10 22:32 |
DaemonFC | I switched my phone and Mobile Firefox over to use DuckDuckGo. | Dec 10 22:33 |
DaemonFC | They have a really nice mobile app/site. | Dec 10 22:34 |
DaemonFC | :) | Dec 10 22:34 |
*DaemonFC shares Switch to Windows with MinceR and giggles. | Dec 10 22:36 | |
DaemonFC | I can't believe that Google actually allows that shit in their app store. | Dec 10 22:36 |
DaemonFC | Maybe they allowed it because it amuses them. | Dec 10 22:36 |
DaemonFC | Is anyone seriously going to switch from Android to Windows Phone? :P | Dec 10 22:37 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 10 22:43 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | House, Senate Negotiators Set to Announce Budget Deal - [ ] | Dec 10 22:43 |
DaemonFC | It's already cheaper to get in my car and drive to most places than to take a plane. | Dec 10 22:44 |
DaemonFC | Now they're going to charge even more for plane tickets.\ | Dec 10 22:44 |
schestowitz__ | [22:39] <s-255> @wikileaks Sweden was never denazified. Prior to 1945 it | Dec 10 22:51 |
schestowitz__ | [22:39] <s-255> supported Germany. After '44 Swedish utopian | Dec 10 22:51 |
schestowitz__ | [22:39] <s-255> fascism in the ruling class became more | Dec 10 22:51 |
schestowitz__ | [22:39] <s-255> discreet. | Dec 10 22:51 |
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DaemonFC | | Dec 10 23:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | PS4 is ’50% faster’ than Xbox One, report game developers | ExtremeTech [ ] | Dec 10 23:42 |
DaemonFC | So the XBOX One version will probably be crippled. | Dec 10 23:42 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: I agree with Richard Stallman about gifts. | Dec 10 23:54 |
DaemonFC | I was talking to Tim about this. I said "Look, neither one of us are doing exceptionally well right now. We can go to dinner or something every once in a while, but I don't want you to buy anything for me for Christmas, I'm serious. Don't." | Dec 10 23:55 |
DaemonFC | We were talking about that. | Dec 10 23:55 |
DaemonFC | :P | Dec 10 23:55 |
DaemonFC | We're both kind of stuck where we're at. | Dec 10 23:55 |
DaemonFC | I hate how these advertising cretins come out and tell people that you're a pile of shit if you don't spend money you don't have on Christmas and birthdays and expensive engagement/wedding rings. | Dec 10 23:56 |
DaemonFC | We're kind of lucky in one way. He works at a restaurant, so whenever we want to have dinner, we just eat there and it's half price. | Dec 10 23:59 |
DaemonFC | It's like every year, I feel like I'm in a vice, and it's getting tighter. | Dec 10 23:59 |
DaemonFC | There is no recovery for a lot of people. | Dec 10 23:59 |
DaemonFC | I'm starting to really see that now. | Dec 11 00:00 |
DaemonFC | If I get a 1% raise next year, then my rent, cable, food, and gas expenses will go up an average of 3-5%. | Dec 11 00:00 |
DaemonFC | It's been going in this direction for like five years now. | Dec 11 00:01 |
DaemonFC | I've pushed back against that where I can, but even that's starting to become less of a way to get some spending money out of my budget, and more of something I just have to do to get by. | Dec 11 00:02 |
DaemonFC | I've become more obsessed with gimmicks like credit card rebates and coupons, and so on. | Dec 11 00:02 |
DaemonFC | That's actually brought more money back into my budget than my usual raises. | Dec 11 00:02 |
DaemonFC | I can already feel next year getting tighter. My rent went up less than I thought it would. Only going up 1.3%. :P | Dec 11 00:04 |
DaemonFC | Everything is going up faster than the raise will be though. | Dec 11 00:04 |
DaemonFC | Such a joke. | Dec 11 00:04 |
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DaemonFC | That gas app on my phone has been pretty helpful. I can look at all the stations in the area that I plan to travel in and make sure I pull over at the cheapest station. That's cool. It's only a couple dollars per tank, but it's something. :P | Dec 11 00:05 |
DaemonFC | My step-mother still hasn't found work. She's been unemployed for a little over five years now iirc. | Dec 11 00:08 |
DaemonFC | The irony was that she was a claims "adjuster" for a health insurance company, and they fired her because she's not in good health. | Dec 11 00:08 |
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DaemonFC | That point where you're going through the ashtray looking for half-smoked cigarettes.... | Dec 11 00:43 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 11 00:49 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Nokia ‘Normandy’ said to be low-cost handset running custom version of Android | Android and Me [ ] | Dec 11 00:49 |
DaemonFC | Nokia is doing Android finally. | Dec 11 00:49 |
DaemonFC | If they get acquired by Microsoft, I'm sure that the first order of business will be to halt production and stop support for devices already sold. | Dec 11 00:50 |
DaemonFC | Might not be the best idea to buy it. | Dec 11 00:50 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 11 00:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | LG G2 mini with Snapdragon 800 chipset, 4.7-inch display in the works: Report | NDTV Gadgets [ ] | Dec 11 00:51 |
DaemonFC | I have the full sized 5.2 inch LG G2. | Dec 11 00:52 |
DaemonFC | I love it. | Dec 11 00:52 |
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DaemonFC | I'm generally in favor of the auto industry bailouts. The auto industry makes products. The financial sector, which got 100 times more money than the auto industry, makes people poor and in debt. | Dec 11 05:31 |
DaemonFC | The auto industry provides more than 2 million jobs, the financial industry produces assholes that buy $10,000 hamburgers and $75 ice cubes for their $20,000 scotch whisky. | Dec 11 05:31 |
DaemonFC | Like · · Share · 9 minutes ago · Edited · | Dec 11 05:31 |
Snowleaksange | financial sector benefits humanity.. | Dec 11 05:33 |
Snowleaksange | provides liquity and makes markets efficient | Dec 11 05:33 |
Snowleaksange | if it werent for speculators would take long time to buy/sell stuff and would be lot of price uncertainty | Dec 11 05:34 |
Snowleaksange | speculators/traders | Dec 11 05:35 |
DaemonFC | Thanks to speculators, the price can soar even in the middle of a supply glut. | Dec 11 05:35 |
DaemonFC | What would we do without them? :) | Dec 11 05:35 |
Snowleaksange | liquidity* | Dec 11 05:35 |
DaemonFC | In the end, what people are willing to pay usually helps control price inflation. | Dec 11 05:37 |
DaemonFC | But, when you are talking things like food or fuel to run their cars and power and heat their homes.... | Dec 11 05:38 |
DaemonFC | Not really optional, so they charge basically whatever they feel like. | Dec 11 05:38 |
DaemonFC | You can't do much to fight back against that. Turn the heat down. Then they up the price for electricity/gas some more and you're back to paying what you were before, only the house is colder. | Dec 11 05:39 |
DaemonFC | Cable TV price inflation is getting pretty wicked. Comcast sent me out a list of their normal non-promo prices for stuff. | Dec 11 05:39 |
DaemonFC | The cable TV bills are going up $5. So, that's kind of regressive. | Dec 11 05:40 |
Snowleaksange | sounds lime monopoly / duopoly / cartels | Dec 11 05:40 |
DaemonFC | People who don't subscribe to many channels get hit harder. | Dec 11 05:40 |
Snowleaksange | price gouging is crime | Dec 11 05:40 |
DaemonFC | I threw out the cable TV a LONG time ago. | Dec 11 05:41 |
DaemonFC | Holy shit. You want to talk about crazy? | Dec 11 05:41 |
DaemonFC | Their basic packages are over $100 a month, by the time they get you for the packages, hidden fees, equipment rental, per-jack fees, etc. | Dec 11 05:41 |
DaemonFC | And cable TV inflation was hitting double digits for a few years there. | Dec 11 05:42 |
DaemonFC | So there's no telling what it costs now. | Dec 11 05:43 |
DaemonFC | I think I'll go figure that out. | Dec 11 05:43 |
DaemonFC | What my mom didn't understand was that those bundle prices are not good deals. | Dec 11 05:44 |
DaemonFC | They talked her into buying phone service she never used...channels they never watch... | Dec 11 05:44 |
DaemonFC | Then they kept telling her that she was saving all kinds of money because they were hitting her up for an extra $40 in "services" she didn't really use. | Dec 11 05:45 |
DaemonFC | Those bundle prices are bullshit anyway. | Dec 11 05:45 |
DaemonFC | You threaten to cancel, you get better prices. | Dec 11 05:45 |
DaemonFC | I've had their internet for over two years now and haven't ever paid close to full price for it. | Dec 11 05:45 |
DaemonFC | This last time I was a bit more forceful and got my bill down to $29.99 a month. | Dec 11 05:46 |
DaemonFC | That's for their $69.99 plan. | Dec 11 05:46 |
DaemonFC | So there's a lot of room for negotiation, and she doesn't get that. | Dec 11 05:46 |
DaemonFC | Of course they're happy to let people who pay full price keep paying it. | Dec 11 05:47 |
DaemonFC | Some people get the high speed internet plan for $70, some people get it for $30. It just depends on whether or not you're willing to cut it off if you have to pay too much. If they think you will, they work with you. | Dec 11 05:47 |
DaemonFC | My mom and my stepdad are the kind of people who refuse to budget. | Dec 11 05:49 |
DaemonFC | They'd rather each spend another 10-15 hours at work every week than to figure out how to get more done with less. | Dec 11 05:49 |
DaemonFC | So they're always running around scrabbling for more money and complaining t hat they're broke. | Dec 11 05:50 |
Snowleaksange | negotiating ability is great skill to have | Dec 11 05:51 |
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DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 11 06:01 |
DaemonFC | What gets me is when religious charities, which operate mostly on money from the government, whose total annual expenditures amount to roughly 6% of the federal SNAP funding, say that we need to kill off SNAP and let private charity take on the needs of the many. | Dec 11 06:01 |
DaemonFC | It can't even handle the load that it has now. When the people actually show up, after about two weeks into the month, with nothing left on the SNAP card, they complain that having to handle half the total need is more than they are set up to deal with. | Dec 11 06:01 |
DaemonFC | Of course right-wingers are generally fine with religious organizations taking taxpayer money and inefficiently using it to distribute some food. The goal is to make people show up for religious services, starving, so that they may beg for something to eat. | Dec 11 06:01 |
DaemonFC | Snowleaksange: I'd rather argue the price of things down than try to find a way to make more money. | Dec 11 06:01 |
DaemonFC | Making more money is harder than figuring out where you're bleeding from and patching it up. | Dec 11 06:01 |
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DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 11 06:20 |
DaemonFC | In America, we now have Thanksgiving Lite and Thanksgiving, along with Christmas Lite and Christmas. | Dec 11 06:20 |
DaemonFC | The middle class and rich gather around the dinner table and enjoy each others company over good homemade food, and the people who work at places like Walmart and McDonalds get Holiday Lite, where they show up for $7 an hour (or else), and eat a fun size bag of chips on their lunch break. | Dec 11 06:20 |
DaemonFC | There is a person who I know, that is a nurse, and is making $50 an hour if she works on any major holiday, and apparently you just get totally disconnected from reality at this point. She said "I don't see what the big deal is. *I* have to work that day!". | Dec 11 06:20 |
DaemonFC | I said "Yes, for seven times as much money, good health insurance, a pension and a 401(k), and to do a job that needs to be done. Not selling toys and artificial food for $7 an hour." | Dec 11 06:20 |
DaemonFC | I mean, think about that for a second. She makes more in one hour than they do in an eight hour shift (if they can get one), and can't see the difference between being a nurse and selling cheap crap that people don't need. | Dec 11 06:20 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 11 06:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Get a clue, McDonald’s: Chain tells workers how much to tip their pool cleaners, dog walkers, and masseuses - [ ] | Dec 11 06:31 |
DaemonFC | "In July, the campaign highlighted a sample budget McDonalds offered for workers, which imagined an employee working two jobs and still devoting zero dollars to heat. In October, an activist worker recorded and shared her call to the company’s McResources hotline in which a counselor suggested she “would most likely be eligible” for food stamps, which “takes a lot of pressure off how much money yu spend on groceries.” And last month | Dec 11 06:31 |
DaemonFC | the SEIU-backed effort seized on a McResources website offering advice on budgeting, stress, and diet which included cutting food into smaller pieces and spending more time at church." | Dec 11 06:31 |
Snowleaksange | | Dec 11 06:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | The Cost Of An Ultrawealthy Uberclass: $1500 Per Worker | Zero Hedge [ ] | Dec 11 06:51 |
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DaemonFC | Might as well use uTorrent for Android. | Dec 11 08:16 |
DaemonFC | There don't seem to be any Free bittorrent apps. | Dec 11 08:16 |
DaemonFC | Frostwire was, until it wasn't. | Dec 11 08:16 |
DaemonFC | F-Droid still has an outdated version that they removed Google's proprietary advertising library from. | Dec 11 08:17 |
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iophk | old - | Dec 11 09:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | A CEO who resisted NSA spying is out of prison. And he feels ‘vindicated’ by Snowden leaks. [ ] | Dec 11 09:18 |
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MinceR | might as well run rTorrent or Transmission on GNU on Android. | Dec 11 09:37 |
MinceR | geekings | Dec 11 09:49 |
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iophk |,2817,2428164,00.asp | Dec 11 10:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | 20 Years Later: A Look Back at My Doom Love Affair | News & Opinion | [ ] | Dec 11 10:38 |
iophk | | Dec 11 10:46 |
iophk | | Dec 11 10:46 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Rick Falkvinge's 2013 List Of Stone Dead Industries - Falkvinge on Infopolicy [ ] | Dec 11 10:46 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Panic as Thousands Receive ‘Fines’ For Streaming RedTube Videos | TorrentFreak [ ] | Dec 11 10:46 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 11 11:07 | |
iophk | | Dec 11 11:37 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | 'Selfie' diplomacy: Michelle Obama looks unamused by Barack's joking with Danish prime minister - Telegraph [ ] | Dec 11 11:37 |
iophk | once again Windows to the rescue - | Dec 11 11:39 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | China hacked Europe before G20: reports [ ] | Dec 11 11:39 |
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iophk | | Dec 11 13:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Angry Birds Go is strong to the Finnish- The Inquirer [ ] | Dec 11 13:14 |
Sosumi | | Dec 11 13:17 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | NO TITLE [ ] | Dec 11 13:17 |
Sosumi | time crapazine chooses the pope for person of the year | Dec 11 13:17 |
Sosumi | instead of Snowden for his confirmations | Dec 11 13:17 |
iophk | Snowden has had and will likely have more positive impact over the next few years. | Dec 11 13:18 |
iophk | His whisleblowing has been in the news every week so far. | Dec 11 13:19 |
iophk | | Dec 11 13:19 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | 'Fake' Mandela memorial sign language interpreter provokes anger | SBS News [ ] | Dec 11 13:19 |
Sosumi | duno, I actually think that outside a certain circles, ppl have already forgotten | Dec 11 13:19 |
Sosumi | snowden for me only pops up on RT | Dec 11 13:20 |
Sosumi | nothing else | Dec 11 13:20 |
iophk | I see some on some tech news sites. | Dec 11 13:20 |
iophk | But many people still use MSN, Hotmail, and so on. | Dec 11 13:20 |
iophk | | Dec 11 13:27 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Pirate Bay Founder Held in Solitary Confinement Without a Warrant | TorrentFreak [ ] | Dec 11 13:27 |
Sosumi | | Dec 11 13:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | NO TITLE [ ] | Dec 11 13:31 |
Sosumi | ‘We cannot trust them anymore’: Engineers abandon encryption chips after Snowden leaks | Dec 11 13:31 |
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Sosumi | | Dec 11 18:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | [Phoronix] Activision Is Preventing A Game From Coming To Linux [ ] | Dec 11 18:59 |
Sosumi | | Dec 11 19:07 |
Sosumi | Phone Drive Eightythree 4.1.1 iOS - Multiple Vulnerabilities | Dec 11 19:07 |
Sosumi | iOS doesn't even have proper file management software | Dec 11 19:08 |
Sosumi | needing to rely on third party tools, lol | Dec 11 19:08 |
MinceR | afaik it doesn't even allow its crApps to access the same directories | Dec 11 19:27 |
MinceR | if it even allows them to access a filesystem at all | Dec 11 19:27 |
MinceR | jailbreaking can help, but the system and its APIs still aren't designed with this in mind | Dec 11 19:27 |
Sosumi | no idea | Dec 11 19:31 |
Sosumi | buty from what I heard jailbraking broke the encryption on the iphone | Dec 11 19:32 |
Sosumi | if it ever was well implemented | Dec 11 19:32 |
Sosumi | which I have no idea | Dec 11 19:32 |
Sosumi | but from what I heard of the iphone 3g back in 2009 at the defcon | Dec 11 19:32 |
Sosumi | it was useless | Dec 11 19:33 |
MinceR | well, it's untrustworthy | Dec 11 19:35 |
Sosumi | but if someone donates me a recent hypephone I'll check it for sure :) | Dec 11 19:35 |
Sosumi | ofc I'll see the phone later | Dec 11 19:35 |
MinceR | since the customer/user is not in control and it isn't even free software | Dec 11 19:35 |
MinceR | oh, and crApple being as sleazy as they are, of course | Dec 11 19:36 |
Sosumi | sleazy and lazy | Dec 11 19:36 |
Sosumi | they can't even come up with prompt security updates | Dec 11 19:36 |
Sosumi | even up to this day | Dec 11 19:36 |
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Sosumi | wait, silly me, OSX is totally secure, it's Unix! | Dec 11 22:04 |
Sosumi | even through XNU - XNU is not Unix | Dec 11 22:04 |
Sosumi | apple propaganda :P | Dec 11 22:06 |
MinceR | lol | Dec 11 22:08 |
*synchris has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 11 22:17 | |
schestowitz__ | " I was glad to see you took over the helm, the content seems even better now. " | Dec 11 22:47 |
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Sosumi | they actually wrote that on their science page | Dec 11 23:25 |
Sosumi | OSX is secure because it was built on a solid unix foundation | Dec 11 23:25 |
Sosumi | not my words, theirs | Dec 11 23:25 |
MinceR | gn | Dec 11 23:52 |
schestowitz__ | the FOSS trolls at it again | Dec 11 23:58 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Objectivity in the Linux world [ ] | Dec 11 23:58 |
schestowitz__ | networkworld loves em | Dec 11 23:58 |
schestowitz__ | IDG | Dec 11 23:58 |
Sosumi | | Dec 11 23:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | New Android threats could turn some phones into remote bugging devices | Ars Technica [ ] | Dec 11 23:59 |
Sosumi | wasn't bugging for at least, law enforcement, a feature? | Dec 12 00:00 |
Sosumi | referring to both ios and android | Dec 12 00:01 |
schestowitz__ | yeah | Dec 12 00:10 |
schestowitz__ | might get corporate media endorsement | Dec 12 00:10 |
schestowitz__ | state-approved | Dec 12 00:10 |
schestowitz__ | meaning secure in the national security sense | Dec 12 00:10 |
schestowitz__ | a punch in the natsec | Dec 12 00:10 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 00:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Protest over free education for all Quebec children ends peacefully #protest #canada | Dec 12 00:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Protest over free education for all Quebec children ends peacefully - Montreal | [ ] | Dec 12 00:11 |
schestowitz__ | "Well that's a change of pace.' | Dec 12 00:11 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 00:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Uruguay legalizes sale and production of marijuana maybe prohibition didn't work | Dec 12 00:11 |
schestowitz__ | "según me contaron los que intentan probar esto algunas personalidades como los de Monsanto y otros poderosos... pero creo que la Marihuana tiene grandes beneficios... podrían aplicarse a la medicina de forma más abierta." | Dec 12 00:11 |
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Sosumi | and news about DRM and leased data aka steam/origin games, amazon swindle books, etc | Dec 12 00:53 |
Sosumi | actually not news | Dec 12 00:54 |
Sosumi | but given the use google, M$, crapple, facebook, etc do with the data we put on | Dec 12 00:54 |
Sosumi | why can't I DRM my personal info | Dec 12 00:54 |
Sosumi | so in case I close my account with said service I have the guarantee I take my data with me | Dec 12 00:55 |
Sosumi | in many cases you can't close your account.... and nothing guarantees they actually delete the data | Dec 12 00:55 |
Sosumi | call it reverse DRM | Dec 12 00:56 |
Sosumi | in which I lease my data for X service for X amount of time | Dec 12 00:56 |
Sosumi | just like steam/origin and swindle does | Dec 12 00:57 |
Sosumi | and actually have that put on TOS | Dec 12 00:57 |
Sosumi | that wall of text that no one reads | Dec 12 00:58 |
Snowleaksange | | Dec 12 01:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Sec w/o ID [ ] | Dec 12 01:23 |
*TakinOver has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 12 02:38 | |
*TakinOver ( has joined #techrights | Dec 12 02:43 | |
*Agnesi ( has joined #techrights | Dec 12 03:20 | |
*Sosumi has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Dec 12 03:23 | |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 03:35 | |
*jono_ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Dec 12 03:56 | |
DaemonFC | shared Raise The Minimum Wage's photo. | Dec 12 04:03 |
DaemonFC | 4 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 12 04:03 |
DaemonFC | I'd still rather have a Starbucks in Huntington, than that Coffee D'Vine, which is ran by Tea Party scum. I will never spend any of my money at that store. | Dec 12 04:03 |
DaemonFC | The federal minimum wage needs to go up, which would help out everyone that works for a large, profitable, minimum wage employer. | Dec 12 04:03 |
DaemonFC | A lot of people who make more money get very pretentious and argue that the extremely poor deserve to be extremely poor because "they're not doing anything that important". | Dec 12 04:04 |
DaemonFC | I'd like to test that theory. Let's give everyone that makes under $10 an hour the week off and see what happens. Pretty soon, when you're unable to shop, eat out, buy groceries, see a movie, or get a cup of coffee, you'll figure it out. | Dec 12 04:04 |
*TakinOver has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 12 04:07 | |
DaemonFC | shared The Other 98%'s photo. | Dec 12 04:11 |
DaemonFC | about a minute ago | Dec 12 04:11 |
DaemonFC | Corporatism pretty much killed Home Economics. | Dec 12 04:11 |
DaemonFC | The last thing that the corporatocracy wants is a nation of frugal people who know how to draw up a monthly budget. | Dec 12 04:11 |
DaemonFC | They want people who are always having to scrabble for more money because of high interest credit cards and children. | Dec 12 04:11 |
*sebsebseb has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 05:31 | |
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 06:00 | |
sebsebseb | Dec 12 06:00 | |
*nj3ma ( has joined #techrights | Dec 12 06:18 | |
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*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Dec 12 06:41 | |
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Dec 12 06:47 | |
Agnesi | Snowleaksange, lose the card or have it stolen and you lose your login credentials for everything | Dec 12 07:31 |
*Agnesi is now known as Sosumi | Dec 12 07:33 | |
Sosumi | and imagine if the login database for the card was to be hacked | Dec 12 07:35 |
Sosumi | the, well the crackers (using the right term), would get your login credentials for everything in a single blow | Dec 12 07:36 |
Sosumi | those one do it all solutions don't work in the real world | Dec 12 07:37 |
Sosumi | just keep different passwords for everything the way you should | Dec 12 07:38 |
*pidgin_log has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Dec 12 07:57 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrights | Dec 12 07:58 | |
DaemonFC | | Dec 12 08:52 |
MinceR | national brotherhood week | Dec 12 08:54 |
MinceR | geekings | Dec 12 09:15 |
*iophk1 (~lars@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 09:22 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk1 | Dec 12 09:22 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 09:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | The Time for Freedom-Respecting Routers Has Come | Dec 12 09:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | The Time for Freedom-Respecting Routers Has Come | Techrights [ ] | Dec 12 09:24 |
schestowitz__ | "<a href="">LibreWRT</a> <a href="">is free</a>." | Dec 12 09:24 |
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Dec 12 09:24 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | | LibreWRT | Dec 12 09:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | List of Free GNU/Linux Distributions - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation [ ] | Dec 12 09:24 |
schestowitz__ | "I built one of these a few years back as a hobby project. Maybe time to dust it off and power it up again.." | Dec 12 09:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | LEAF — Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall | Dec 12 09:24 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 09:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | #drone strikes "began in the #Bush administration and has significantly widened under the #Obama administration." | Dec 12 09:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Drone Wars: What’s the Right Policy? » The Epoch Times [ ] | Dec 12 09:25 |
schestowitz__ | "<b>...and the civilised world ...</b> <br></b> u made my day :D" | Dec 12 09:25 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 09:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | "Informing the American people about how their government spies on them can be risky business for journalists." | Dec 12 09:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Snowden docs had NYTimes exec fearing for his life - Dec. 9, 2013 [ ] | Dec 12 09:26 |
schestowitz__ | "Oh really ... scary ... what a wimpy executive. What a big baby." | Dec 12 09:26 |
schestowitz__ | ""I don't want to see anything on those drives. I could be putting my life at risk." With journalists like that, who needs a paper?" | Dec 12 09:26 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 09:34 |
TechrightsBot-tr | > ---- | Dec 12 09:34 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | The NSA's Reach Might Be Even Bigger Than We Thought [ ] | Dec 12 09:34 |
schestowitz__ | "<strong> <a data-hovercard='/people/da68a1f811b0f71e' href="/u/schestowitz" class='mention hovercardable' >Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)</a> </strong><sup> 11/12/2013 11:26:26</sup> The NSA's Reach Might Be Even Bigger Than We Thought 3 hops=almost everyone <sub>via <a data-hovercard='/people/0b0498e2475ba7a6' href="/u/willhill" class='mention hovercardable' >Will Hill</ | Dec 12 09:34 |
TechrightsBot-tr | ( status 404 @ ) | Dec 12 09:34 |
schestowitz__ | a><br /></sub> #nsa #surveillance #privacy" | Dec 12 09:34 |
DaemonFC | The temperature has fallen to -2. :P | Dec 12 09:48 |
DaemonFC | Chilly.... | Dec 12 09:48 |
iophk1 | | Dec 12 10:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | America's hidden epidemic of tropical diseases - health - 11 December 2013 - New Scientist [ ] | Dec 12 10:09 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 12 10:20 | |
iophk1 | | Dec 12 10:21 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Koha wins trademark stoush with US defence contractor [ ] | Dec 12 10:21 |
*iophk1 is now known as iophk | Dec 12 10:21 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 13:24 | |
DaemonFC | In the hospital with my step dad. | Dec 12 13:25 |
DaemonFC | He's getting his knee surgery today. | Dec 12 13:25 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 13:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | NSA forces novelist to can his book "NSA has been doing exactly what he described in his books." #nsa | Dec 12 13:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | NSA forces novelist to can his book - Sci-Fi writer cancels trilogy | TechEye [ ] | Dec 12 13:31 |
schestowitz__ | 'to lough or to cry ? only thing that has not happened out of his "fiction book" is scotland gaining independence :D" | Dec 12 13:32 |
DaemonFC | He hurt his knee at work. | Dec 12 13:36 |
DaemonFC | Might be on medical leave for a few weeks. | Dec 12 13:37 |
DaemonFC | Hospital has Wi-Fi.seems pretty fast | Dec 12 13:38 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 13:39 |
TechrightsBot-tr | "Our audience debate whether the U.S. should halt the use of drones in warfare." | Dec 12 13:39 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Top comments: "How can a machine honor human rights?" | Al Jazeera America [ ] | Dec 12 13:39 |
schestowitz__ | "taht creature has only two words ; "reaper drones" . <br></br> <b>you'll never see them coming</b> <br></br> and the guy gets the nobel prize :D" | Dec 12 13:39 |
iophk | | Dec 12 13:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Former Megaupload Users Are Victims Too, EFF Tells Court | TorrentFreak [ ] | Dec 12 13:40 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 13:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | How long before #guardian or others (non in the #uk for sure) gets around to covering this facility? | Dec 12 13:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | menwith hill - the original big brother [ ] | Dec 12 13:48 |
schestowitz__ | "My dad pointed it out to me a few years back. I think the problem with it is that it has been forgotten so who knows what they're doing with it. I just assume they're spying." | Dec 12 13:48 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 13:52 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared:  | Dec 12 13:52 |
schestowitz__ | "I totally agree!" | Dec 12 13:52 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 13:53 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 13:54 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 13:59 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 13:59 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 14:33 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 14:33 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 15:03 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 15:03 | |
iophk | | Dec 12 15:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | 'Sexual harassment' dropped from boy's record - [ ] | Dec 12 15:03 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Client Quit) | Dec 12 15:03 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 15:04 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 15:06 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 15:07 | |
iophk | | Dec 12 15:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | In Katrina killing of Henry Glover, jury verdict sends one father home while family grieves for another | [ ] | Dec 12 15:14 |
iophk | | Dec 12 15:21 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | NSA chief defends phone spying: ‘There is no other way’ - Washington Times [ ] | Dec 12 15:21 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 15:24 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 15:25 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 15:28 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 15:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @dredeyedick: @schestowitz Those who instigated signature strike #drones engagement policy must be tried at the #ICC cc @peterkemplawyer @BiancaJagger | Dec 12 15:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @dredeyedick: @schestowitz @peterkemplawyer @BiancaJagger Reprise - Collateral War Crimes 2010 film I made | Dec 12 15:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | "Collateral War Crimes" - Videos - Viddler | Dec 12 15:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | "Collateral War Crimes - Medium - NTSC" - Videos - Viddler | Dec 12 15:36 |
*MadBug ( has joined #techrights | Dec 12 15:54 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 15:55 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 15:55 | |
*Faither_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Dec 12 15:57 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 16:25 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 16:26 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 16:28 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 16:28 | |
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*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 16:29 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Client Quit) | Dec 12 16:30 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 16:30 | |
iophk | Is this secondary processor preventing truly free phones? | Dec 12 16:33 |
iophk | | Dec 12 16:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Smartphones use a 2nd CPU and 2nd OS in their baseband processors [ ] | Dec 12 16:33 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 16:35 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 16:35 | |
schestowitz__ | [16:33] <s-255> @CasparBowden Blimey! IAPP audience! RT @DailyDashboard | Dec 12 16:43 |
schestowitz__ | [16:33] <s-255> retweeted by "@ioerror gets applause with call for "leak | Dec 12 16:43 |
schestowitz__ | [16:33] <s-255> @glynmoody more documents!" #DPCongress" | Dec 12 16:43 |
schestowitz__ | [16:33] <s-255> ........................................ | Dec 12 16:43 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @CasparBowden: Blimey! IAPP audience! RT @DailyDashboard "@ioerror gets applause with call for "leak more documents!" #DPCongress" | Dec 12 16:43 |
TechrightsBot-tr | (Re-tweeted by glynmoody) | Dec 12 16:43 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 16:44 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 16:45 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 16:49 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 16:49 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Dec 12 16:53 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 17:04 |
TechrightsBot-tr | If project "Normandy" someone saves #nokia from #microsoft #entryism will that make Microsoft the "Nazis"? | Dec 12 17:04 |
schestowitz__ | "Yep, I understand, I just answer the question with my point of view. I never said you did it. I appologize if I make a misunderstood" | Dec 12 17:04 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 17:05 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Avoid Oracle’s ‘Unbreakable’ Linux, Support Red Hat Enterprise Linux Instead #oracle #redhat | Dec 12 17:05 |
schestowitz__ | "Avoid Red Hat Enterprise Linux, support incommercial Debian instead." | Dec 12 17:05 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Avoid Oracle’s ‘Unbreakable’ Linux, Support Red Hat Enterprise Linux Instead | Techrights [ ] | Dec 12 17:05 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 17:05 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Guardian hypocrites. #Guardian received millions in bribes from #billgates for #propaganda just like #bbc | Dec 12 17:05 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | The BBC must declare the interests of its contributors, or lose our trust | George Monbiot | Comment is free | [ ] | Dec 12 17:05 |
schestowitz__ | "Thanks, but reading the most likely looking piece I'm non the wiser about the "funding". It's mentioned again and again, but without explanation or reference that I could see. Can you give me the link to a piece that contains the detail of what this funding is? Thanks" | Dec 12 17:05 |
schestowitz__ | The links are deeper inside, tens of millions of pounds given with strings attached. | Dec 12 17:06 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 17:06 |
schestowitz__ | "Avoid #redhat because of #gnome3 , or because of their ties with #nsa and amerikkkan #dod ." | Dec 12 17:06 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 17:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | #ownCloud 6 Community Edition Officially Released with Innovative Features I described it to RMS, he said it's OK | Dec 12 17:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | ownCloud 6 Community Edition Officially Released with Innovative Features [ ] | Dec 12 17:06 |
schestowitz__ | "I upgraded last night and am fairly impressed. The only things that have been problematic are some of the third party applications that I use daily are not compatible with version 6 yet. I've done a bit of playing with the new Documents app and it seems to do a bang up job of rendering .odt files, even if they have a bit of funky formatting. Overall, I'm quite pleased." | Dec 12 17:06 |
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 12 18:31 | |
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | Dec 12 21:28 | |
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*_Goblin ( has joined #techrights | Dec 12 22:09 | |
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_Goblin | If anyone hasn't seen the "new" net TV channel "The Peoples Voice" - I heartily recommend it, its run by good old David Jesus Icke, its got lizards, its got conspiracies and currently its talking about TV mind control by a person who claims to be friends with transdimensional star people....its a can't pay for this type of entertainment. | Dec 12 22:11 |
_Goblin | I thought I'd found strange folk on Usenet....they have nothing on this lot. | Dec 12 22:12 |
Sosumi | watch out for the reptilian shape shifting clone of pharaoh akenathon | Dec 12 22:50 |
Sosumi | obozo | Dec 12 22:50 |
Sosumi | that stuff is all BS and are using the ideas on the book "Vril, the Power of the Coming Race" | Dec 12 22:52 |
Sosumi | written by Ed Bulwer Lytton in 1871 | Dec 12 22:52 |
Sosumi | | Dec 12 22:52 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Vril - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | Dec 12 22:52 |
Sosumi | it's REAL | Dec 12 22:52 |
Sosumi | and I have a copy of it | Dec 12 22:56 |
Sosumi | in pdf so I won't be able to wipe my ars with it | Dec 12 22:56 |
Sosumi | unless I print it that is | Dec 12 22:56 |
Sosumi | brb | Dec 12 22:57 |
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 12 22:57 | |
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | Dec 12 23:04 | |
Sosumi | I think Helena Blavatski also based much of her crap on that | Dec 12 23:08 |
Sosumi | with the whole thing of the "hidden masters" | Dec 12 23:08 |
Sosumi | which is the same crap Ike talks about, since he's a plagiarist | Dec 12 23:08 |
Sosumi | don't forget, when Hitlery Clington tells you that GOD told her to run for president | Dec 12 23:10 |
Sosumi | /puke | Dec 12 23:10 |
Sosumi | it might be a reptilian whispering into her hear | Dec 12 23:10 |
Sosumi | :P | Dec 12 23:10 |
Sosumi | silly UFOol ppl | Dec 12 23:11 |
MinceR | gn | Dec 13 00:18 |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Dec 13 00:37 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 13 00:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Will Canonical force Linux Mint to license Ubuntu binary packages? #ubuntu greed and power? | Dec 13 00:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Will Canonical force Linux Mint to license Ubuntu binary packages? | ITworld [ ] | Dec 13 00:47 |
schestowitz__ | License them as what? and why?"77" | Dec 13 00:47 |
schestowitz__ | "Fuck Canonical." | Dec 13 00:47 |
schestowitz__ | "They need to get new PR people." | Dec 13 00:47 |
*MadBug has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 13 00:49 | |
Sosumi | friday the 13th today | Dec 13 00:51 |
Sosumi | and it's steam os launch day | Dec 13 00:51 |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 04:54 | |
*iophk (~lars@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 07:19 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Dec 13 07:19 | |
iophk | | Dec 13 07:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | With the New Gmail, People Will Know When You Open That Message | Wired Business | [ ] | Dec 13 07:53 |
iophk | | Dec 13 07:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | NZ judge: Kim Dotcom is likely still being spied upon (Wired UK) [ ] | Dec 13 07:53 |
iophk | | Dec 13 07:54 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Pirate Bay founder is being held in solitary confinement without a warrant- The Inquirer [ ] | Dec 13 07:54 |
DaemonFC | My phone says it's installing an Android system update.... | Dec 13 07:59 |
DaemonFC | I wonder what version it's going to install. I am running Android 4.2.2 right now... | Dec 13 07:59 |
Sosumi | question, | Dec 13 08:00 |
Sosumi | can you disable automatic updates on android? | Dec 13 08:00 |
iophk | | Dec 13 08:01 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Dear Gmailer: I know what you read last summer (and last night and today) | Ars Technica [ ] | Dec 13 08:01 |
DaemonFC | You don't have to accept them. | Dec 13 08:01 |
DaemonFC | I don't know why you'd refuse them though. | Dec 13 08:01 |
Sosumi | well until you know it's an official update, you should refuse | Dec 13 08:02 |
Sosumi | not just on android, but on all platforms | Dec 13 08:02 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 13 08:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Sprint LG G2 (LG LS980) Software Update: LS980ZV8 [ ] | Dec 13 08:04 |
DaemonFC | Looks like that was the update I just got. Still Android 4.2.2. | Dec 13 08:04 |
Sosumi | law enforcement *cough* could spoof an update to you in order to install a backdoor | Dec 13 08:04 |
Sosumi | yeah | Dec 13 08:04 |
Sosumi | | Dec 13 08:10 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 13 08:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Find and update the software version on your LG G2 [ ] | Dec 13 08:10 |
iophk | | Dec 13 08:16 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Google Says That Despite Changes, Marketers Can Still Track Open Rates In Gmail | TechCrunch [ ] | Dec 13 08:16 |
iophk | | Dec 13 08:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Is Microsoft 'Scroogling' itself with attacks on Google? [ ] | Dec 13 08:18 |
iophk | "For the Turris router, we are developing our own custom hardware. The hardware design will be available under an open source license." | Dec 13 08:46 |
iophk | | Dec 13 08:46 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Hardware :: Project:Turris | Dec 13 08:46 |
iophk | | Dec 13 09:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Microsoft may be desperate enough to offer Windows Phone and Windows RT for free ( - Software - Hardware Systems - Consumer Electronics ) [ ] | Dec 13 09:23 |
*vinzv has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) | Dec 13 09:35 | |
*vinzv (~quassel@2a03:f80:354:37:235:49:104:1) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 09:35 | |
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iophk | "The main goal of project Turris is to gather information and experience necessary to creating an effective security system. By allowing us to collect such data from their network traffic, the users will help us to realize this goal. In return, the user will get enhanced network security and out router for a symbolic price." | Dec 13 09:59 |
iophk | | Dec 13 09:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Frequently asked questions :: Project:Turris | Dec 13 09:59 |
MinceR | | Dec 13 10:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Harrison Bergeron [ ] | Dec 13 10:00 |
iophk | not that open then really | Dec 13 10:00 |
iophk | if an "unlocked" version were available it would be interesting. | Dec 13 10:00 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 13 10:04 | |
*Disconnected (Connection timed out). | Dec 13 10:22 | |
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*Now talking on #techrights | Dec 13 10:23 | |
*Topic for #techrights is: | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovell | Dec 13 10:23 | |
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 18:16:19 2012 | Dec 13 10:23 | |
*puppywatch ( has joined #techrights | Dec 13 10:23 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrights | Dec 13 10:25 | |
iophk | | Dec 13 10:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | The NSA is out of control and must be stopped | The Verge [ ] | Dec 13 10:40 |
MinceR | | Dec 13 11:45 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | xkcd: Profile Info | Dec 13 11:45 |
MinceR | geekings | Dec 13 11:51 |
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | Dec 13 13:28 | |
*schestowitz ( has joined #techrights | Dec 13 13:29 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host) | Dec 13 13:29 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 13:29 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 13 13:30 | |
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iophk | new - | Dec 13 14:05 |
iophk | old - | Dec 13 14:05 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Google Removes Vital Privacy Feature From Android, Claiming Its Release Was Accidental | Electronic Frontier Foundation [ ] | Dec 13 14:05 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Awesome Privacy Tools in Android 4.3+ | Electronic Frontier Foundation [ ] | Dec 13 14:05 |
iophk | really lame excuse | Dec 13 14:05 |
*iophk has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Dec 13 14:11 | |
*iophk (~lars@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 14:35 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Dec 13 14:35 | |
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Dec 13 14:47 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 15:28 | |
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*vinzv (~quassel@fedora/vinzv) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 15:42 | |
*jono has quit (*.net *.split) | Dec 13 16:38 | |
*tessier_ has quit (*.net *.split) | Dec 13 16:38 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 16:39 | |
*tessier_ (~treed@kernel-panic/copilotco) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 16:39 | |
Sosumi | is steam os finally out? | Dec 13 16:41 |
Sosumi | Microsoft Office&Cloud - Persistent Encoding Vulnerabilities: | Dec 13 16:42 |
Sosumi | | Dec 13 16:42 |
Sosumi | also, no point in yelling at the cloud when your documents rain at someone else's turf | Dec 13 16:43 |
*tessier ( has joined #techrights | Dec 13 16:45 | |
*tessier has quit (Changing host) | Dec 13 16:45 | |
*tessier (~treed@kernel-panic/copilotco) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 16:45 | |
MinceR | :> | Dec 13 16:47 |
*jono has quit (*.net *.split) | Dec 13 16:50 | |
*tessier_ has quit (*.net *.split) | Dec 13 16:50 | |
Sosumi | | Dec 13 16:55 |
Sosumi | Google Removes Vital Privacy Feature From Android, Claiming Its Release Was Accidental | Dec 13 16:55 |
Sosumi | Google, M$, Apple... are like comparing which turd smells less bad than the other | Dec 13 16:57 |
MinceR | well, at least some google products work | Dec 13 16:57 |
MinceR | even if they're evil | Dec 13 16:57 |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 16:58 | |
*schestowitz_bed2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 13 17:14 | |
*schestowitz_bed2 ( has joined #techrights | Dec 13 17:14 | |
*schestowitz_bed2 has quit (Changing host) | Dec 13 17:14 | |
*schestowitz_bed2 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 17:14 | |
Sosumi | it's not that they are evil | Dec 13 17:30 |
Sosumi | it's their business to hoard data | Dec 13 17:31 |
Sosumi | and it's that way they make money | Dec 13 17:31 |
Sosumi | and it's also the business of MS and crapple too to a certain extent | Dec 13 17:32 |
Sosumi | bing ads, iAd, Siri and the whole cloud thing | Dec 13 17:33 |
Sosumi | they'll be selling that data too | Dec 13 17:33 |
Sosumi | and no one should have any expectation of privacy when using their products | Dec 13 17:34 |
Sosumi | that is for sure | Dec 13 17:34 |
Sosumi | | Dec 13 18:01 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Older Versions of Safari Store Login Info in Plain Text - Mac Rumors [ ] | Dec 13 18:01 |
Sosumi | already knew that, but I don't recommend anyone to store login credentials on the their computer | Dec 13 18:02 |
Sosumi | no on zee cloud *rollseyes* | Dec 13 18:02 |
Sosumi | *nor | Dec 13 18:02 |
schestowitz_bed2 | RMS on Linux Format: | Dec 13 18:22 |
schestowitz_bed2 | > It was helpful of him to write GNU/Linux sometimes; | Dec 13 18:22 |
schestowitz_bed2 | > however, he did not make a consistent distinction between | Dec 13 18:22 |
schestowitz_bed2 | > GNU/Linux and Linux, so I am not going to rejoice. | Dec 13 18:22 |
schestowitz_bed2 | Compared to the previous editor, it is a small step forward. | Dec 13 18:22 |
Snowleaksange | does RMS own any bitcoin? | Dec 13 18:27 |
Sosumi | was linux format that magazine who got a new editor? | Dec 13 18:43 |
Sosumi | the one that mentioned GNU/linux | Dec 13 18:44 |
Sosumi | nvm | Dec 13 18:44 |
Sosumi | I had the link still open | Dec 13 18:44 |
*iophk (~lars@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 19:06 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Dec 13 19:06 | |
schestowitz_bed2 | I can fetch it | Dec 13 19:26 |
schestowitz_bed2 | go to their site | Dec 13 19:26 |
schestowitz_bed2 | I told RMS | Dec 13 19:26 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 19:37 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Police Who Seized Woman's Phone As 'Evidence' Of Bogus Crime Now Complaining About Criticism gang in costumes | Dec 13 19:37 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Police Who Seized Woman's Phone As 'Evidence' Of Bogus Crime Now Complaining About Criticism | Techdirt [ ] | Dec 13 19:37 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "yes , I can see that the Constitution on , wich "home of the brave" has been built , has been vigorously upheld by all the ranks of three branches of Government . Not to mention that citizens of the USA have no problem that their Government is deprieving millions over the world of their human rights , put aside any legal rights of those people , or any legal obligations the USA has as a country in international law ." | Dec 13 19:38 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "If you did not believe in people's rights, their violation would not bother you. The bill of rights was well written. The UN declaration of the rights of man is also well done. The idea which we strive for should not be abandoned because a few bullies ignore the law." | Dec 13 19:38 |
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Dec 13 19:39 | |
schestowitz_bed2 | "I am just saying (and this might come as a shock to you ) that when the nation that was built on genocide , on land unlawfully taken from other humans , without any kind of respect for their human rights , not to mention on slavory of other humans , comes to be the ultimate defender and propagator of human rights , that's a bit more than hypocricy . Founding fathers of USA had black slaves , up untill arround 1970's black people | Dec 13 19:39 |
schestowitz_bed2 | were barred from taking a seat in public transportation , and then somebody talks about bill of rights ? whose rights , white-anglosaxon-protestant's rights ? the only people in USA who got the bill of rights the right way are militia nutjobs who see that their bill of rights was not ment for some "sand niggers" or "charlies" , that it was ment for them . don't take this personally , but to anyone living outside USA , your | Dec 13 19:39 |
schestowitz_bed2 | Constitution is a good laugh , nothing more , nothing less ." | Dec 13 19:39 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "If you've got a better write up, I'd love to see it." | Dec 13 19:39 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "about what ?" | Dec 13 19:39 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 19:39 |
schestowitz_bed2 | well , I guess this is a good writeup about equality that USA offers . man , am I glad I am white . | Dec 13 19:39 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 19:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | ### #Attention - if you have a good mood: After reading this article you will feel definitely bad :( [ ] | Dec 13 19:40 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 19:40 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "Thanks, but I'm more interested in a Bill of Rights." | Dec 13 19:40 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "bill of rights guarantees you a fair trial,does it not ? due process ? read the post I linked , and then tell me how would this guy go in amerikkkan court if he was black ?" | Dec 13 19:40 |
schestowitz_bed2 | Depends where and when | Dec 13 19:40 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 19:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a Diaspora post? | Dec 13 19:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 19:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 19:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | NSA Backdoors In Open Source and Open Standards: What Are the Odds? - Slashdot [ ] | Dec 13 19:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "I work for Red Hat. Not for the NSA. SELinux code does not go from me through the NSA, it actually goes the other way around. The NSA asks me to put code in the Linux kernel and I pass it to Linus. I have reviewed each and every line at one point or another. " | Dec 13 19:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 19:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "@Agora if U have red the snowden leaks , you have seen the NSA boasting to the british intelligence officers about their ties with amerikkkan corporate entities . who would be a better target for amerikkkan spying than a company that delivers most comprihensive (and probably most widely used) cloud-computing platform ?" | Dec 13 19:42 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "I have been following the Snowden leaks. This "evidence" is substantial at best." | Dec 13 19:42 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 19:42 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 19:42 |
schestowitz_bed2 | yet another interesting read provided by dr. roy :D | Dec 13 19:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Wolf Richter: Why IBM Throws Another Billion At Linux (With NSA-Designed Backdoor) | naked capitalism [ ] | Dec 13 19:42 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 19:42 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "I did not say "evidence" , are you sudgesting that slides provided in leaks are not genuine ?" | Dec 13 19:42 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 19:42 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 19:42 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "The SIGINT Enabling Project actively engages the US and foreign IT industries to covertly influence and/or overtly leverage their commercial products' designs. These design changes make the systems in question exploitable through SIGINT collection Endpoint, MidPoint, etc.) with foreknowledge of the modification. To the consumer and other adversaries, however, the systems' security remains intact. In this way, the SIGINT Enabling | Dec 13 19:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Log In - The New York Times [ ] | Dec 13 19:42 |
schestowitz_bed2 | approach uses commercial technology and insight to manage the increasing cost and technical challenges of discovering and successfully exploiting systems of interest within the ever--more integrated and security--focused global communications environment." | Dec 13 19:42 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 19:42 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 19:48 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | How we're building a Startup Europe: one year on - European Commission [ ] | Dec 13 19:48 |
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 13 20:41 | |
_Goblin | Apparently in the "911 truthers" community....thermite is now's mini nukes thats taking the spotlight...Whats next? Rayguns from the Planet Skaro? | Dec 13 21:05 |
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 21:25 | |
sebsebseb | hi | Dec 13 21:25 |
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 21:30 | |
_Goblin | :) | Dec 13 21:54 |
fewt | \o | Dec 13 22:00 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 22:58 |
TechrightsBot-tr | #apple cheap garbage when it comes to #security also #nsa approved.. | Dec 13 22:58 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Older Versions of Safari Store Login Info in Plain Text - Mac Rumors [ ] | Dec 13 22:58 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "Didn't know anyone still used this shit xD" | Dec 13 22:58 |
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Dec 13 23:03 | |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 23:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | If project "Normandy" someone saves #nokia from #microsoft #entryism will that make Microsoft the "Nazis"? | Dec 13 23:09 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "Do you mean this?,1271775890,nazibillgates.jpg " | Dec 13 23:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | ( status 404 @,1271775890,nazibillgates.jpg ) | Dec 13 23:09 |
MinceR | 404 :/ | Dec 13 23:10 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "Microsoft's history is unfinished so we may one day think of them like Nazis. It depends on where US history goes but already we have deep fascism and a police state. Bill Gates' massive propaganda campaigns has infused the US with a lethal hatred and selfishness. He is happy to exploit racism and sexism for his own good. The US already talks about how it's OK to spy on and kill non US citizens. We have also launched wars of | Dec 13 23:10 |
schestowitz_bed2 | aggression without regard to world opinion. Any real push back against that aggression could trigger a nuclear confrontation that would make WW2 look like a minor outburst of cruelty. If the US liberates itself from ruthless plutocrats, we may be able to forget about Microsoft, NSA spying and other badness. If we don't, there's no telling what will happen next. Microsoft, despite deep technical incompetence, is one of the chief | Dec 13 23:10 |
schestowitz_bed2 | architects of censorship and spying around the world. They can be blamed for what follows." | Dec 13 23:10 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 23:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Microsoft's mole Stephen "burning platforms" #Elop uses the word "Normandy" to characterise #android project | Dec 13 23:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | AllSeen Alliance to Standardize Internet of Things | Software | LinuxInsider [ ] | Dec 13 23:11 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "this points to AllSeen alliance article which is way creepier than I thought it was." | Dec 13 23:11 |
schestowitz_bed2 | correct link: | Dec 13 23:12 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Normandy May Lead Nokia's Surprise Android Attack | Smartphones | LinuxInsider [ ] | Dec 13 23:12 |
MinceR | i wonder what sort of "attack" that will be -- an attempt to make android look bad by making bad android phones? :> | Dec 13 23:13 |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 23:53 | |
schestowitz_bed2 | Yeah | Dec 13 23:58 |
schestowitz_bed2 | but I think it's just a sign of confusion | Dec 13 23:58 |
schestowitz_bed2 | or turf wars inside the compant | Dec 13 23:59 |
schestowitz_bed2 | perhaps Microsoft occupation has not been entirely complete | Dec 13 23:59 |
schestowitz_bed2 | after MeeGo there was another stab at Linux | Dec 13 23:59 |
schestowitz_bed2 | !google nokia second Linux OS secret | Dec 13 23:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - The Real Reason Microsoft Bought Nokia. Transaction Costs - Forbes | | Dec 13 23:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - DailyTech - The History of Normandy: How Nokia Plotted a Low-End ... | | Dec 13 23:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Mobile-OTP: Strong Two-Factor Authentication with Mobile Phones | | Dec 13 23:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Nokia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | | Dec 13 23:59 |
schestowitz_bed2 | !google nokia melmete | Dec 14 00:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - About - Facebook | | Dec 14 00:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - k2 meter phone app - How do i make a gap in my name on bbm | | Dec 14 00:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Main/Everyone Knows Morse - Television Tropes & Idioms | | Dec 14 00:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - 4 - | | Dec 14 00:00 |
schestowitz_bed2 | !google nokia meltemio | Dec 14 00:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Nokia's Meltemi project tipped to bring new low-end Linux OS to 'the ... | | Dec 14 00:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - Nokia sigue actualizando MeeGo, para el Nokia N9 - Xataka Móvil | | Dec 14 00:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Última Hora: Microsoft compra Nokia | Pplware | | Dec 14 00:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Nokia przygotowuje dwa smartfony z MeeGo? « Komó | | Dec 14 00:00 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 14 00:01 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: ice cream cone worm... | Dec 14 00:01 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "eww" | Dec 14 00:01 |
schestowitz_bed2 | 'look strange :-)" | Dec 14 00:01 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 14 00:02 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: #Chomsky #Ideas | Dec 14 00:02 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Photo by | Dec 14 00:02 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "I think that a hero is someone that knows what has to be done, and unlike everyone else actually does it." | Dec 14 00:02 |
MinceR | is it still possible for unregistered users to read | Dec 14 00:02 |
MinceR | insisted on logging in | Dec 14 00:02 |
schestowitz_bed2 | I heard people can't sign up anymore | Dec 14 00:03 |
schestowitz_bed2 | otr something like that | Dec 14 00:03 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 14 00:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: #omnomnom :) | Dec 14 00:03 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "he are hungry :-D" | Dec 14 00:03 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "Now ... there's a good idea from a hero of mine ;-)" | Dec 14 00:03 |
MinceR | i didn't want to sign up, just to read messages | Dec 14 00:09 |
MinceR | but apparently that went away with StatusNet | Dec 14 00:09 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | Dec 14 00:15 |
DaemonFC | about a minute ago · Edited | Dec 14 00:15 |
DaemonFC | Trickle down evokes the mental image of a leaky tap. The poor are nothing but slave labor at best, and a nuisance group of "useless eaters" at worst, according to the rich. The rich have actually convinced people that there is dignity in all work as they themselves do nothing and accumulate wealth mostly through graft and fraud, at the expense of the bottom 90%. | Dec 14 00:15 |
DaemonFC | The most that 78% of the country can hope to gain from work is that their bills will be paid for the next week... The top 10%, that owns pretty much everything, never has to worry about anything like that. | Dec 14 00:15 |
DaemonFC | The biggest part of the system that keeps people from ever making any financial progress is our for-profit health insurance system. Medical bills are still the leading cause of bankruptcy. The medical industry is worse than the damned mafia. They inflate the cost of everything by about 1,000% as another way to confiscate the real assets of the middle class and poor. | Dec 14 00:18 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 00:22 |
DaemonFC | Senator Bernie Sanders introduced another Medicare For Everyone bill into the US Senate the other day. I suspect that people would love Medicare if they could all get it. The for-profit insurance companies would be finished in less than a week, regardless of whether or not they were officially banished. Most people would kill to have a monthly premium of $0-150-$275 (depending on income) for health insurance that didn't argue with them and | Dec 14 00:22 |
DaemonFC | try to kill them off, and just paid every legitimate medical expense that was submitted. | Dec 14 00:22 |
DaemonFC | While the Sanders bill has little chance of passing, it shows us all what we *could* have instead of the fucking insurance cartel. | Dec 14 00:22 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 00:38 |
DaemonFC | It's supposed to snow all night and all day tomorrow until about 6 PM. | Dec 14 00:38 |
DaemonFC | Hopefully, the worst government in Indiana history (TEAbagger Mike Pence and his criminal ALEC minions in the Indiana legislature) haven't cut the road salt budget yet. | Dec 14 00:38 |
DaemonFC | They made $53 million worth of cuts the other day, because tax revenue is down since they decided to cut the corporate tax rate again and phase out the estate tax on gazillionaires. | Dec 14 00:38 |
DaemonFC | Eventually, austerity that affects the 90% will be completely obvious. I suppose that most people still haven't seen the worst of it, but they will if Pence and his army of flying monkey monsters get their way for a few more years. | Dec 14 00:38 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 00:40 |
DaemonFC | I was in Fort Wayne several weeks ago, during an ice storm, and even after it had been going on for hours, there was no sign of any salt trucks on US 24 or interstate 69. | Dec 14 00:40 |
DaemonFC | Sending out plows and salt trucks cost the state money. Letting dozens of people die or have their cars go off the road and become totalled doesn't cost them anything really. Welcome to Tea Party budgeting. | Dec 14 00:40 |
DaemonFC | Ryan Farmer | Dec 14 00:42 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 00:42 |
DaemonFC | In Kentucky, the Tea Party has even more of a foothold. The fire departments in some counties will now come out and simply watch your house burn down unless you pay a fire protection fee of a few hundred dollars every year. | Dec 14 00:42 |
DaemonFC | about a minute ago · Edited | Dec 14 00:52 |
DaemonFC | The Tea Party reminds me of those wasps that stick their stinger into an ant's brain and force the ant to walk back to the nest so that the wasp can lay its eggs in the ant's body. | Dec 14 00:52 |
DaemonFC | The Republicans used to at least be mild Keynesians and pro-business. | Dec 14 00:53 |
DaemonFC | The Tea Party is doing things that aren't even good for most businesses anymore. They serve a few gazillionaires and megacorporations that just don't want to pay any taxes, ever, and that's about it. They wrap their agenda up inside the veneer of right-wing fundamentalist Christianity. A very vile, wicked, and bent-up interpretation of the message of Jesus Christ. | Dec 14 00:53 |
DaemonFC | They're not necessarily anti-tax. The fees for government services that are left go up for the bottom 90%, and fees are basically the same thing as taxes. | Dec 14 00:53 |
DaemonFC | (Although sometimes, you can opt out. For example, if you want the fire department to let your house burn down. *grin*) | Dec 14 00:53 |
DaemonFC | Now they're actually proposing a system, in Indiana, where everyone that drives has to plug a spyware module into their car (that they have to pay for), so the state can see where they are at, at all times, and send them a bill for however many miles they travelled. | Dec 14 00:53 |
DaemonFC | about a minute ago · Edited | Dec 14 01:03 |
DaemonFC | What right-wing Christians don't seem to understand about the Randian philosophy of the Tea Party, is that the principles put forward by Ayn Rand are basically the same thing as the tenets of LeVayen Satanism. Individualism, Epicureanism, and "eye for an eye" morality. | Dec 14 01:03 |
MinceR | gn | Dec 14 01:19 |
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Dec 14 01:55 | |
DaemonFC | a few seconds ago | Dec 14 02:09 |
DaemonFC | The best explanation for the violence caused by the police state that we have in the United States..... | Dec 14 02:10 |
DaemonFC | "When all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail." | Dec 14 02:10 |
DaemonFC | The police are used to try to "solve" every problem in society these days, literally right down to a child farting in class. | Dec 14 02:10 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 02:23 |
DaemonFC | I still play Plague Inc. quite a bit. It's an Android game where you're playing a virus and trying to kill as many people in the world as possible. | Dec 14 02:23 |
DaemonFC | You get to pick a region to start out with, and then you get boosters that you can use to try to make the virus spread faster or become more lethal. | Dec 14 02:23 |
DaemonFC | If it was more realistic, there'd be an option to send campaign contributions to the Republicans so that the CDC and HHS would be too underfunded to respond to it once you've escaped the third world countries that nobody cares about, which you used as your incubators. | Dec 14 02:23 |
*vinzv has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) | Dec 14 03:05 | |
*vinzv (~quassel@2a03:f80:354:37:235:49:104:1) has joined #techrights | Dec 14 03:10 | |
*vinzv has quit (Changing host) | Dec 14 03:10 | |
*vinzv (~quassel@fedora/vinzv) has joined #techrights | Dec 14 03:10 | |
*vinzv has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) | Dec 14 03:18 | |
*vinzv (~quassel@fedora/vinzv) has joined #techrights | Dec 14 03:20 | |
*prurigro has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Dec 14 04:14 | |
*XFaCE has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Dec 14 04:14 | |
*XFaCE_ (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techrights | Dec 14 04:14 | |
*XFaCE_ is now known as XFaCE | Dec 14 04:15 | |
*prurigro (prurigro@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:bb8a) has joined #techrights | Dec 14 04:20 | |
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Dec 14 04:27 | |
DaemonFC | via Truthout | Dec 14 04:32 |
DaemonFC | One of Obama's executive orders told federal agencies to increase their compliance with Freedom of Information Act requests by releasing information unless they can list compelling reasons not to. Of course, the federal agencies that have the most information that they don't want to publicly release have come up with more excuses to not release it, leading no no increased compliance with FOIA requests. | Dec 14 04:32 |
DaemonFC | It's funny how that works? Right? | Dec 14 04:32 |
DaemonFC | Right now, the FBI, CIA, NSA, and other government agencies have more information about the average American than the former government of East Germany had on the average East German citizen. | Dec 14 04:32 |
DaemonFC | Much of that is made possible by the proprietary software created by companies like Apple and Microsoft. Thanks to the proprietary nature of the software, nobody knows what it's doing when they run it on their computers, and it is nearly impossible to ever find out. We know that some of the security problems with their software are by design, to allow the governments to easily install additional malware later. | Dec 14 04:32 |
DaemonFC | Microsoft gave the NSA their own signing key in Windows 98/2000, and Apple left at least one critical security hole open in iTunes for years because the British government was exploiting it to install spyware on Macs. | Dec 14 04:32 |
DaemonFC | Like · · Share · 2 minutes ago · Edited · | Dec 14 04:32 |
DaemonFC | "A bad credit rating costs you money in other ways. The difference in car insurance premiums between 500 and 700 can be a couple hundred dollars per year all by itself. | Dec 14 04:45 |
DaemonFC | Besides, I'd like to put down on a house someday, and would prefer my score to be in the 750s or higher to get a better interest rate. | Dec 14 04:45 |
DaemonFC | Companies like to use FICO scores as a way of beating poor people into the ground and forcing them to subsidize the rich." | Dec 14 04:45 |
DaemonFC | Once you know how their system works, and with a little bit of luck here and there, you can turn the tables around on them. | Dec 14 04:46 |
DaemonFC | it's the only way they could fathom becoming rich. | Dec 14 04:56 |
DaemonFC | The chances of winning a major lottery game are so bad that, in some cases, I could write down the name of a specific person living in the People's Republic of China (population 1.35 billion) and ask you to point out that specific person at random, and you'd have a better chance of accidentally guessing correctly than of winning the jackpot. | Dec 14 04:56 |
DaemonFC | And, as more states join a game like Powerball or Mega Millions, the odds of winning go down. The odds of winning Mega Millions, by guessing the numbers and the Megaplier are something like 1 in 700 million. In other words, if everyone in the United States, men, women, and children, all bought two Mega Millions tickets and played truly random and non-overlapping sets of numbers, there would not be a 100% chance that one ticket would win, but | Dec 14 04:56 |
DaemonFC | the lottery *would* take in ~$650 million that week, lowering the tax burden on the rich. | Dec 14 04:56 |
DaemonFC | High lottery participation rates are indicative of corrupt societies where people have given up trying to achieve social mobility through any other means. | Dec 14 04:56 |
DaemonFC | Studies have shown that poor people spend as much as 10-12% of their annual income in some cases, in pursuit of this future imaginary wealth. That comes at the direct and immediate cost of current needs. | Dec 14 04:56 |
DaemonFC | shared a link via Daily Kos. | Dec 14 05:01 |
DaemonFC | 3 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 14 05:01 |
DaemonFC | It's bad enough that the Republicans have moved so much further to the right in the last 20 years that they no longer even recognize their own plan for health insurance reform. | Dec 14 05:01 |
DaemonFC | The Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan plan to privatize Medicare would have left it looking something like Obamacare, only it would have still only been available to people over age 65, and it would have actually ended up costing more than Medicare, it's just that more of the burden would have been placed on the individual receiving the insurance, in the form of higher premium expenses to cover the profit layer of the insurance companies. That's kind of | Dec 14 05:01 |
DaemonFC | what Obamacare did to everyone under 65 when they passed that instead of Medicare For Everyone. The thing that enabled them to do that is that nobody under 65 already had access to a much superior single payer system, so it was easier to rob them. | Dec 14 05:01 |
DaemonFC | 2 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 14 05:10 |
DaemonFC | The chances of getting a decent job after going to college are getting pretty dicey. The only thing that is absolutely certain is that people who go will be left with a huge amount of debt that will either crush them, or erase all of their economic gains for the next decade or three. | Dec 14 05:10 |
DaemonFC | And the Republicans made it even worse this year, when they doubled the student loan interest rate. | Dec 14 05:10 |
DaemonFC | I worked with a lot of people who said they should have never gone to college because they ended up working a cash register at Walmart or picking shoe orders for rich people in the end anyway.... | Dec 14 05:10 |
DaemonFC | It's not everyone, but that sure is demoralizing. | Dec 14 05:10 |
DaemonFC | Well, the second part was before they automated the shoe warehouse and moved it to Kentucky, where the tax subsidies were better. | Dec 14 05:11 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 05:13 |
DaemonFC | The political pundits are amazed that my generation is moving so far to the left. It's the only thing that this environment is capable of producing when people my age are paying attention. | Dec 14 05:13 |
DaemonFC | It's really a form of generational warfare where people my age are getting sick and tired of being screwed, and people over 40 are trending to the far-right and shouting "Screw you, I've got mine!". | Dec 14 05:14 |
DaemonFC | How about blaming the guy that did a hostile takeover of the company, raided your pension, and then fired you? There's a concept. | Dec 14 05:30 |
DaemonFC | 2 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 14 05:31 |
DaemonFC | From a post of mine in the comment section of a news article: | Dec 14 05:31 |
DaemonFC | I'm getting kind of tired of reading these stories, where someone walks into a restaurant or orders a pizza, and then leaves no tip, and then tries to excuse their bad behavior. As if there was any excuse for stealing the labor, and possibly the gas money, of the guy that makes two bucks an hour serving you. | Dec 14 05:31 |
DaemonFC | They'd be better off without your business. | Dec 14 05:31 |
DaemonFC | If you can't afford to leave a tip, then don't eat out. Don't be an asshole and leave a note telling them to "get a real job " or "I loved the service, but you're gay, so no tip.". | Dec 14 05:31 |
DaemonFC | Sometimes I'm just left in total disbelief of the gall of these people. | Dec 14 05:32 |
DaemonFC | 26 seconds ago · Edited | Dec 14 05:36 |
DaemonFC | Quantitative Easing by the Fed ensures that there will be no job gains. As long as corporate America knows that the free money will continue as long as they don't hire people, they will continue trying to avoid hiring people. | Dec 14 05:36 |
DaemonFC | The amount of money that the Fed is dumping into their bond-buying program could have created millions of jobs paying $50,000 per year. | Dec 14 05:36 |
DaemonFC | Instead, the money has been going to millionaires and billionaires, who produce nothing, to compel them to continue producing nothing, because they can make more money ripping off taxpayers. | Dec 14 05:36 |
DaemonFC | It would be better if the Fed didn't do any "stimulus" at all. | Dec 14 05:36 |
DaemonFC | The European Central Bank is doing the same thing, and so are others. The unemployment rate in some of those countries is exceeding 30%. Pretending that the bond-buying programs create work stinks of such bullshit that I'm surprised they can call it a jobs program without smirking. | Dec 14 05:38 |
DaemonFC | 'm a strong proponent of Keynesian Economics, but this isn't Keynesian Economic policy, it's daylight theft. | Dec 14 05:39 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | Dec 14 05:41 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 05:41 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 14 05:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Stanley Fischer Will Please Centrists, But He's the Wrong Choice for the Fed | Next New Deal [ ] | Dec 14 05:41 |
DaemonFC | Austrian Economics is not a legitimate economic position. It's more like Salvadore Dali economics, where everything in the picture is just warped. | Dec 14 05:41 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | Dec 14 05:44 |
DaemonFC | 33 seconds ago · Edited | Dec 14 05:44 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 14 05:44 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Daily Kos: Sen. Mike Lee worries that delaying Obamacare rule will lead to single-payer health care [ ] | Dec 14 05:44 |
DaemonFC | If and when Obamacare does fail, it will increase the demand for Single Payer. That wasn't the intention, but it's what might happen. I don't know if the Republicans realize that undermining the system that was put in place could lead to a result that they dislike even more, but it will be good for most Americans if it plays out this way. | Dec 14 05:44 |
DaemonFC | 53 seconds ago · Edited | Dec 14 05:47 |
DaemonFC | The system of health insurance as a perk for employed people was largely put in place as one of the things that came out of World War 2, when the economy was booming because most of the productive capacity of the rest of the world was ruined, and the United States economy was booming and providing more-or-less full employment. (If people couldn't find a job in that environment, they were probably unemployable.) | Dec 14 05:47 |
DaemonFC | It was never sustainable in the long term. It was only made possible because the wartime economy heated up the labor market. | Dec 14 05:47 |
DaemonFC | 2 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 14 05:55 |
DaemonFC | In the past, pricing was pretty much totally determined by the demand curve for a good or service. It still kind of is, but we have so much market distortion caused by monopolies, that it just doesn't always hold true anymore. | Dec 14 05:55 |
DaemonFC | In the information economy, demand curve can't drive up prices, because a lot of the goods are intangible. Apple can copy a music file as many times as it wants, because it's just computer data. There's no limit to production other than artificial limits to production caused by copyright edict and artificial restrictions, called "DRM", what I call "Digital Restrictions Malware", and which could be described as a system of "artificial scarcity | Dec 14 05:55 |
DaemonFC | . | Dec 14 05:55 |
DaemonFC | In other words, the prices are set high because the law protects a monopoly on copying and sharing, which is enforced by corporate malware, like iTunes, iPod, iPhone, iWhatever... | Dec 14 05:55 |
DaemonFC | It's no longer a given that increased buying power will lead to inflation, when something can be produced as many times as you like, while requiring almost no resources dedicated to the productive capacity for the goods. | Dec 14 05:55 |
DaemonFC | The only limit to what you can charge is what people will pay, and companies like Apple squeeze that system for every last dime. | Dec 14 05:55 |
DaemonFC | err, "can't drive up prices all by itself" | Dec 14 05:56 |
*DaemonFC fixes that | Dec 14 05:56 | |
DaemonFC | "Santa is just white? Who are you actually talking to? Children who are sophisticated enough to be watching a news channel at 10 o'clock at night, yet innocent enough to still believe Santa Claus is real, yet racist enough to be freaked out if he isn’t white." | Dec 14 06:05 |
DaemonFC | ---Jon Stewart | Dec 14 06:05 |
DaemonFC | Actually, he's transparent. Things that don't exist tend to be transparent, because matter is not occupying the space where they are alleged to exist. | Dec 14 06:05 |
DaemonFC | Damn you, physics! | Dec 14 06:05 |
DaemonFC | Like · · Share · 2 seconds ago · | Dec 14 06:05 |
Snowleaksange | | Dec 14 06:05 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | The REAL Death Of The Music Industry - Business Insider [ ] | Dec 14 06:05 |
Snowleaksange | artits make most their money off ringtones now | Dec 14 06:06 |
Snowleaksange | yea piracy! | Dec 14 06:06 |
Snowleaksange | | Dec 14 06:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Fat Wreck Chords feature - Interview with Fat Mike, Part 1 of 2 // Tribal Area - YouTube [ ] | Dec 14 06:08 |
DaemonFC | What really disturbs me about a lot of these mobile apps is that they demand a lot of privileges that most of them shouldn't need if they only do what they say they do. | Dec 14 07:07 |
DaemonFC | Google implemented fine-grained permission control and then backed it out and said it's because it's "not done yet". | Dec 14 07:07 |
DaemonFC | We'll see if it ever comes back. | Dec 14 07:08 |
DaemonFC | They're not as bad as crApple, but they do a lot of the same nasty things. | Dec 14 07:08 |
DaemonFC | Since most of the apps are proprietary software, it's pretty much a given that they'll do something nasty that they don't say they do. | Dec 14 07:09 |
DaemonFC | The permissions screen, being all or nothing, pretty much leaves you with the choice to install the app and take that risk, or to not have the app. | Dec 14 07:09 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz mentioned F-Droid, but that doesn't have a lot of apps. It's because most apps are not fully Free. | Dec 14 07:10 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 07:36 |
DaemonFC | So, I thought that the quote on Walmart selling 2.8 million bath towels on Black Friday might have been some kind of a gag, but Walmart's own website backs that up. | Dec 14 07:36 |
DaemonFC | I hope they also sold a few million bars of bath soap and some non-pajama clothing items. | Dec 14 07:36 |
DaemonFC | Some of their customers might look and smell a little better next year. | Dec 14 07:36 |
DaemonFC | Maybe Walmart thought that People of Walmart had gone on long enough. | Dec 14 07:37 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 07:42 |
DaemonFC | Unfortunately, Walmart also sold a lot of crApple iBads, enemy of your Freedom. | Dec 14 07:42 |
*Snowleaksange has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Dec 14 08:04 | |
*nj3ma is now known as nj3ma_Zzz | Dec 14 08:10 | |
*nj3ma_Zzz is now known as nj3ma | Dec 14 08:20 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 14 08:27 | |
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*amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Dec 14 09:28 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Dec 14 09:45 | |
DaemonFC | via Salon | Dec 14 10:38 |
DaemonFC | "The left likes school shootings". | Dec 14 10:38 |
DaemonFC | Yes, that's why we're trying to keep guns out of the hands of the criminals and the dangerously mentally unstable people who commit school shootings. | Dec 14 10:38 |
DaemonFC | Oh wait... | Dec 14 10:38 |
DaemonFC | Go back to bed, America! The nutcases have figured it all out again! | Dec 14 10:38 |
DaemonFC | Go back to bed, America! The Tea Party is thinking for you! | Dec 14 10:38 |
DaemonFC | shared a link via Bill Moyers. | Dec 14 10:52 |
DaemonFC | 4 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 14 10:52 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 14 10:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Guns in America After Newtown | Smart Charts, What Matters Today | [ ] | Dec 14 10:53 |
DaemonFC | The NRA responds to these with ludicrous plans like arming the teachers, or putting more armed police officers in schools. This has a few downsides. | Dec 14 10:53 |
DaemonFC | 1. Cost to taxpayers. I haven't seen Wayne LaPierre come out and offer to increase NRA dues so that they can pay for this. | Dec 14 10:53 |
DaemonFC | 2. The school shootings will keep happening, because it fails to take guns away from irresponsible gun owners, criminals, the insane, and their children. It would take an armed teacher or police officer minutes to respond, and by that time, the shooter would have already killed many people. | Dec 14 10:53 |
DaemonFC | 3. You have to forget all about the fact that arming several thousand teachers and school police officers means that it's only a matter of time until one of them goes nuts and starts shooting everyone. | Dec 14 10:53 |
DaemonFC | You'd have to be really ignorant to think that putting more guns in a school is going to solve this problem, but ignorant people are the base of the Republican Party. | Dec 14 10:53 |
DaemonFC | shared a link via Salon. | Dec 14 10:57 |
DaemonFC | 10 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 14 10:57 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 14 10:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | The Christian right wants civilization to collapse - | Dec 14 10:58 |
DaemonFC | The far-right fundamentalist Christians are insane. If gay marriage is legalized, it will not cause the collapse of society. Canada legalized gay marriage years ago, and their economy is booming, everyone has healthcare, their roads and bridges are well-kept, their schools are better than ours, and there's rarely a natural disaster. | Dec 14 10:58 |
DaemonFC | I'd suspect that if god was pissed at Canada, then something would have happened by now, but it hasn't. | Dec 14 10:58 |
DaemonFC | Now, on the other hand, the right-wing fundamentalist Christians haveactually tried to cause the end of the world every time they've been in office. They do things like arming Israel *and* the Taliban-style Muslims, and then trying to piss them off enough at each other to actually have a war to end all wars. There's nothing new here at all.... | Dec 14 10:58 |
DaemonFC | The downfall of America will either be caused by the right-wingers successfully starting World War 3, or because military spending is an unsustainable and whopping 70% of the federal budget, and has us accumulating debt like there is no tomorrow, which will eventually cause a debt crisis. | Dec 14 10:59 |
*gnufreex ( has joined #techrights | Dec 14 12:56 | |
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*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 14 13:01 | |
MinceR | geekings | Dec 14 14:39 |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 14 14:39 | |
DaemonFC | There's a major snowstorm going through the area. | Dec 14 14:40 |
DaemonFC | That car handles like crap on the snow. I barely made it up that big hill. :P | Dec 14 14:40 |
iophk | | Dec 14 15:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | BT internet filter to protect all devices including smartphones and tablets | News | TechRadar [ ] | Dec 14 15:00 |
iophk | no mention of The Digital Tipping Point : | Dec 14 15:04 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Taking 'A Total Disruption' Open Source | Turnstyle [ ] | Dec 14 15:04 |
MinceR | "protect" | Dec 14 15:04 |
MinceR | cameron protects his subjects from freedom | Dec 14 15:04 |
iophk | the "f" word | Dec 14 15:05 |
iophk | RMS throws it around, that's caused him trouble. | Dec 14 15:05 |
MinceR | that's because many people are idiots | Dec 14 15:05 |
MinceR | it's just a word. | Dec 14 15:05 |
iophk | It scares some people, especially some politicians. | Dec 14 15:06 |
MinceR | it's sad it doesn't scare them appropriately and reliably | Dec 14 15:06 |
MinceR | i could just say it over and over again and have freedom in hungary if it did | Dec 14 15:06 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 14 15:08 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Dec 14 15:08 | |
iophk | M$ Jack giving "advice" on Linux laptops : | Dec 14 15:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Linux laptops: should you avoid buying Windows? | Technology | [ ] | Dec 14 15:09 |
iophk | | Dec 14 15:15 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Report: NSA mulls Snowden amnesty (but it probably won’t happen) | Ars Technica [ ] | Dec 14 15:15 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 14 15:47 | |
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | Dec 14 16:56 | |
iophk | | Dec 14 17:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Why Google Might Drop Intel for ARM [ ] | Dec 14 17:24 |
iophk | | Dec 14 17:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Google Said to Mull Designing Chips in Threat to Intel - Bloomberg [ ] | Dec 14 17:25 |
*fewt has quit (Ping timeout: 263 seconds) | Dec 14 18:06 | |
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Sosumi | has anyone tried steam os yet? | Dec 14 18:33 |
Sosumi | and posted some benchies | Dec 14 18:33 |
*Snowleaksange ( has joined #techrights | Dec 14 18:39 | |
*nj3ma|mobile (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrights | Dec 14 18:49 | |
Sosumi | | Dec 14 18:54 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | US Videogame Sales Fall In November Despite New Consoles - Digits - WSJ [ ] | Dec 14 18:54 |
Sosumi | most games are crap anyways | Dec 14 18:54 |
Sosumi | and giant farmfests | Dec 14 18:54 |
*nj3ma|mobile has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 14 18:59 | |
*_Goblin ( has joined #techrights | Dec 14 19:01 | |
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iophk | | Dec 14 19:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Lawsuit accuses IBM of hiding China risks amid NSA spy scandal | Reuters [ ] | Dec 14 19:33 |
Sosumi | | Dec 14 19:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Log In - The New York Times [ ] | Dec 14 19:33 |
Sosumi | oops | Dec 14 19:33 |
Sosumi | | Dec 14 19:33 |
Sosumi | Google acquired Boston Dynamics | Dec 14 19:34 |
Sosumi | which makes sense, since they are also heavily invested into AI stuff and have Kurzweil on board and everything | Dec 14 19:35 |
Sosumi | | Dec 14 19:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | How the NSA pinpoints a mobile device - The Washington Post [ ] | Dec 14 19:36 |
*nj3ma|mobile (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrights | Dec 14 19:37 | |
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*TakinOver ( has joined #techrights | Dec 14 19:51 | |
iophk | | Dec 14 20:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Guardian discussion | Linux laptops: should you avoid buying Windows? [ ] | Dec 14 20:24 |
iophk | The cheap option would be to get a Chromebook and install Gnu/Linux on that either dual or boot or plain. M$ is too scared of Chromebooks so M$ Jack would obviously avoid mentioning them. His excuse for pushing Windows on the reader is that it is "cheaper", but if cost were the matter, a Chromebook would be cheaper still. Further, there is the issue of Restricted Boot which comes on Vista 8 machines and hinders or prevents booting Linux. It can de | Dec 14 20:30 |
*BlueCloud ( has joined #techrights | Dec 14 20:41 | |
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Sosumi | | Dec 14 21:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Apple fanbois warned: No, Cupertino HASN'T built a Bitcoin mining function into Macs • The Register [ ] | Dec 14 21:38 |
Sosumi | :( they should have never covered such thing | Dec 14 21:38 |
Sosumi | and let the mactards just shoot themselves on the foot | Dec 14 21:38 |
Sosumi | all the way | Dec 14 21:38 |
Sosumi | :P | Dec 14 21:38 |
*Andromm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 14 21:52 | |
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Sosumi | Torvalds on google removing that privacy feature out of Android | Dec 14 22:31 |
Sosumi | "This is sad. | Dec 14 22:31 |
Sosumi | With all the posturing Google has done over the NSA stuff, and having encouraged people to sign the petition to require a warrant for email snooping (which I heartily agree with), this just makes Google look hypocritical." | Dec 14 22:31 |
Sosumi | and he's right | Dec 14 22:32 |
MinceR | indeed | Dec 14 22:32 |
*Andromm has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Dec 14 22:41 | |
*fewt (~fewt@fuduntu/leader/fewt) has joined #techrights | Dec 08 00:20 | |
DaemonFC | shared The Other 98%'s photo. | Dec 08 00:24 |
DaemonFC | about a minute ago · Edited | Dec 08 00:24 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 08 00:24 |
DaemonFC | Actually, thanks to people like me, the polar ice caps will be around a little longer, and global heating is slowed down somewhat. Since we don't have children that are adding to the greenhouse gas problem, your children and grandchildren may live long enough to find a solution to the problem. | Dec 08 00:25 |
DaemonFC | You're welcome. | Dec 08 00:25 |
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | Dec 08 00:29 | |
*_Goblin has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 08 00:57 | |
MinceR | gn | Dec 08 01:44 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 08 02:17 | |
cubezzz | I guess the Microsoft FAT Patent has expired now? | Dec 08 02:33 |
Sosumi | carbon emissions are hardly a problem | Dec 08 03:02 |
Sosumi | sine they may at least contribute 1% to the overall global warming | Dec 08 03:03 |
Sosumi | and anyways, the planet wont last forever | Dec 08 03:03 |
Sosumi | so just make it last long enough till we can spread our seed across the multiverse | Dec 08 03:05 |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 08 05:56 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 07:28 |
TechrightsBot-tr | When Apple and Microsoft speak of security they mean national security i.e. back doors | Dec 08 07:28 |
schestowitz__ | "yeah, Federal security, and continuity of government." | Dec 08 07:29 |
schestowitz__ | "and money for Microsoft" | Dec 08 07:29 |
schestowitz__ | "Implying that Apple isn't all about money?" | Dec 08 07:29 |
schestowitz__ | "Not at all, Termy. Most software ownership is all about money and "security" to them means a continued revenue. Apple is just as nasty as Microsoft, but I had Microsoft on my mind from their recent, empty promises of privacy and security through another layer of encryption." | Dec 08 07:29 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 07:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | FBI infects computers | Dec 08 07:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | FBI’s search for ‘Mo,’ suspect in bomb threats, highlights use of malware for surveillance - The Washington Post [ ] | Dec 08 07:30 |
schestowitz__ | "As in some traditional searches, subjects typically are notified only after evidence is gathered from their property. That's not traditional at all. It's a violation of the fourth amendment that has been allowed in very narrow circumstances like airports and national borders. What ass wrote that piece of propaganda?" | Dec 08 07:30 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 07:31 |
schestowitz__ | The coverage of this intrusion is remarkably different from the usual news of "hacking". When someone is on trial for breaking into a corporate site, we hear complaints of how much it will cost to undo the damage done. The complaint is justified because systems really should be rebuilt when they are violated and cant' be trusted. In the case of Jeremy Hammond, the judge explicitly rejected Hammond's reasoning | Dec 08 07:31 |
schestowitz__ | that he broke in to expose a criminal. Here, when the FBI does the same thing indiscriminately to anyone who visits a web page we are told that it's all about fighting crime and that it must be done more now than ever. That's what happens when you make a story "fair" by balancing what you think with what the FBI tells you. | Dec 08 07:31 |
schestowitz__ | Even more remarkable is the unspoken degree of trust we are supposed to have of our computers as they are. What I read does not even consider the fact that non free software always gives software owners the power to spy. Corporate media won't tell you this because it's mostly owned and funded by people who own your software. Shame on the Washington Post. | Dec 08 07:31 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 07:31 |
schestowitz__ | Wall Street Journal defends the FBi turning the Android devices into listening devices (remotely) to "listen to criminals". The hypocrisy says it all really. The government engages in crime under the premise of "against terror"; next, against activism, protest, etc. | Dec 08 07:32 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 07:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | I still remember the days when #mandrake was the leading desktop distribution and I fondly remember using #mandriva full time. #gnu #linux | Dec 08 07:32 |
schestowitz__ | "Which OS do you use today?" | Dec 08 07:32 |
schestowitz__ | "<--- Mageia It's Mandriva, really." | Dec 08 07:33 |
schestowitz__ | I use Cauldron repos, however. Main repos are too safe." | Dec 08 07:33 |
schestowitz__ | "I use distro that could be called "a rightful heir" of Mandriva, forked from it over a decade ago now and awesome as ever, #PCLinuxOS!' | Dec 08 07:33 |
schestowitz__ | "Ubuntu! :)" | Dec 08 07:33 |
schestowitz__ | Debian and Kubuntu here | Dec 08 07:33 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 07:34 |
TechrightsBot-tr | A friend of mine from Afghanistan has just told me that he supports drone strikes as they target 'leaders'. Did not know 1 in 49 is leader. | Dec 08 07:34 |
schestowitz__ | "How does this compare to the numbers of collateral damage for manned bomber flights?" | Dec 08 07:34 |
schestowitz__ | Hard to tell, but for bombers you need to declare war; the drones are a loophole and they were kept secret by CIA. Illegal. | Dec 08 07:34 |
*Snowleaksange has quit (Quit: moving) | Dec 08 07:34 | |
schestowitz__ | "Leader-seeking missiles? And if a child was hit, well then that child must have been a leader." | Dec 08 07:34 |
*Snowleaksange ( has joined #techrights | Dec 08 07:43 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 08 07:47 | |
*iophk (~lars@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Dec 08 09:34 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Dec 08 09:34 | |
*synchris (~quassel@pdpc/supporter/student/synchris) has joined #techrights | Dec 08 10:33 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 10:54 |
schestowitz__ | "Using Ubuntu but I think Linux Mint Debian Edition is a great alternative." | Dec 08 10:54 |
schestowitz__ | "lmde rulz!" | Dec 08 10:55 |
*gde33 ( has joined #techrights | Dec 08 11:13 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 11:17 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Kris Kringle Appointed Head of NSA | [ ] | Dec 08 11:17 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 12:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Chris Hedges "Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over & The Descent Is Going To Be Horrifying!" - YouTube [ ] | Dec 08 12:32 |
MinceR | geekings | Dec 08 13:27 |
schestowitz__ |!topic/ | Dec 08 14:05 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Grupos de Google [ ] | Dec 08 14:06 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 14:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @Levenax: @schestowitz @robintcox Er, Mandela was imprisoned. Assange is in embassy 'cos he wants to be. Courts have decided so he should abide by law | Dec 08 14:18 |
schestowitz__ | Assange does not want to be in the embassy, just as Snowden does not want to be in Russia | Dec 08 14:19 |
iophk | | Dec 08 14:27 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | ruBSD 2013 — Яндекс.События — мероприятия Яндекса [ ] | Dec 08 14:28 |
iophk | | Dec 08 14:29 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | NYCBSDCon 2014 | Dec 08 14:29 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 15:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | "America’s libraries have been vulnerable to government intrusion ever since the passing of the Patriot Act" | Dec 08 15:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Top Stories - America’s Public Libraries take on the NSA - AllGov - News [ ] | Dec 08 15:13 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 15:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | EDGI - Techrights [ ] | Dec 08 15:14 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 15:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ ) | Dec 08 15:14 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 15:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ ) | Dec 08 15:14 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 15:14 |
schestowitz__ | ut oh, it's Bill Gates. I had not thought of Gates' fake charity as a vehicle for NSA spying before ... the perverse creativity of Gates evil mind continues to astonish me. Honest people just don't think this way. | Dec 08 15:14 |
schestowitz__ | The American Library Association (ALA), a group not known as a lobbying powerhouse in Washington, received a $1 million grant last month from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to advocate more on behalf of its members. | Dec 08 15:14 |
schestowitz__ | Watch for them to pay lip service to Microsoft, which is one of the worst things anyone can do for privacy. Whatever is true of NSA spying about libraries is also true about Microsoft Windows because Microsoft cooperates fully with the NSA. Even if they did not, Windows is non free software and always has the power to spy. As it is, the software comes with an EULA that grants Microsoft dubious legal rights to | Dec 08 15:14 |
schestowitz__ | spy on users and sell the results to partners. The connections and intentions could not be more clear at this point. No human rights advocate should use non free software. | Dec 08 15:14 |
schestowitz__ | The ALA should have rejected the money. If nothing else, this gift creates an illusion of Microsoft as a privacy and rights advocate. That's evil enough. We would hope librarians are well read enough to know this and would make the terms of the agreement clear. | Dec 08 15:14 |
schestowitz__ | Ick, Gates has been trickling millions of dollars to the ALA for every few years for a long time. In the first page of results, I see that Gates has also written the rules and benchmark of technology effectiveness for public libraries, a disturbingly named "Edge" program for anyone who remembers Microsoft anti-Linux program called EDGI. It's funny that for all that, the ALA uses a Google search appliance. | Dec 08 15:14 |
schestowitz__ | Gates has used his foundation to strategically dump Microsoft Windows onto libraries for more than a decade.. Unlike most real charities, there was no grant process for determining need, the foundation decided who would get gifts of non free software and computers. Like other NSA programs, the gifts came with a gag order and other strings. Libraries were forced to sign a NDA about the exact terms and were not | Dec 08 15:14 |
schestowitz__ | allowed to install other software onto the computers for as long as they had them. | Dec 08 15:14 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 15:14 |
Sosumi | charities and companies can be always be front groups for intelligence and military industrial complex | Dec 08 15:36 |
Sosumi | foundations and think tank groups too | Dec 08 15:37 |
Sosumi | things like the royal institute for international affairs and its sister organization council on foreign relations | Dec 08 15:41 |
Sosumi | or the tavistock institute | Dec 08 15:41 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 15:49 |
schestowitz__ | There are other reasons to reject Microsoft money and technology. As a supporter of exploitative publishing and digital restrictions, Microsoft's guidance probably spells doom for more fair publication like this. You can't have free libraries with digital restrictions. | Dec 08 15:49 |
schestowitz__ | As an ALEC member, Microsoft takes with the left hand what the right hand gives. ALEC works hard to strip state budgets of useful social services. I have not seen them take a stand against libraries like this idiot from Louisiana did but ALEC is a big supporter of privatized prisons that funnel public money to private hands at the expense of everything else. | Dec 08 15:49 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 15:49 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 15:49 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Louisiana Official Wants To Close Libraries Because “They’re Teaching Mexicans To Speak English.” ‹ I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists [ ] | Dec 08 15:49 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 15:49 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Libraries Go Direct To Indie Authors, Rather Than Deal With Big Publisher Ebook Limits | Techdirt [ ] | Dec 08 15:49 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 16:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Connecting the Dots between #Microsoft Backdoors, #NSA #Corruption and the Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme | Dec 08 16:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Article: Connecting the Dots between Microsoft Backdoors, NSA Corruption and the Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme | OpEdNews [ ] | Dec 08 16:08 |
schestowitz__ | "This is an interesting article but the author does not seem to understand that Windows itself makes any computer running it part of a Microsoft botnet and that non free software always comes with that power. He writes about various malware attacks and Microsoft collusion with the NSA without realizing that additional malware is simply redundant and may only exist because the NSA does not trust Microsoft." | Dec 08 16:08 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 16:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | FBI can secretly turn on laptop cameras without the indicator light in case you didn't know... | Dec 08 16:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | FBI can secretly turn on laptop cameras without the indicator light [ ] | Dec 08 16:08 |
schestowitz__ | "Hope they like videos of the back of a piece of electrical tape." | Dec 08 16:08 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 16:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Linux Journal Readers’ Choice Awards: Ubuntu Weak, Unity Shunned #ubuntu #linux #unity | Dec 08 16:09 |
schestowitz__ | "congrats... one of the GNU/Linux evangelists" | Dec 08 16:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Linux Journal Readers’ Choice Awards: Ubuntu Weak, Unity Shunned – Greg Laden's Blog [ ] | Dec 08 16:09 |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 08 18:15 | |
Sosumi | and how could I forget | Dec 08 18:17 |
Sosumi | In-Q-Tel | Dec 08 18:17 |
Sosumi | CIA's tech financing front | Dec 08 18:17 |
Sosumi | | Dec 08 18:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | In-Q-Tel — Central Intelligence Agency [ ] | Dec 08 18:18 |
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 08 18:19 | |
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | Dec 08 18:22 | |
Sosumi | | Dec 08 18:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | The Bitcoin Derivatives Market Has Arrived | Zero Hedge [ ] | Dec 08 18:26 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 19:03 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 19:05 |
schestowitz__ | To put it in perspective, even if you cover the camera, the microphone gives police all sorts of power. Think of the lengths the FBI had to go to when they bugged MLK so they could send audio recordings of someone having sex in his room to his wife. Who wants all their whoo-haa noises recorded and played back to them like that? | Dec 08 19:05 |
schestowitz__ | It's getting worse than 1984. Orwell only imagined people being able to afford one bug in their house that Winston could avoid. If all the devices in your house have this power, you won't be able to hide anywhere. It's already against the law in the US to mod devices by "jail breaking" them. How long will it be before disabling the Xbox camera is against some new copyright law and installing free software on | Dec 08 19:05 |
schestowitz__ | any computer is also forbidden? | Dec 08 19:05 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 19:05 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 08 19:49 | |
*_Goblin ( has joined #techrights | Dec 08 20:10 | |
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sebsebseb | Dec 08 22:06 | |
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MinceR | gn | Dec 08 23:33 |
Sosumi | | Dec 09 00:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Microsoft exec hints at separate Windows release trains for consumers, business | Microsoft Windows - InfoWorld [ ] | Dec 09 00:11 |
Sosumi | dumping metro would be enough | Dec 09 00:11 |
Sosumi | but who cares, here M$ have a nitroglicerin box | Dec 09 00:12 |
Sosumi | and trow it to the ground with all strength you have | Dec 09 00:12 |
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Quit: Cirrus_Minor) | Dec 09 00:23 | |
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*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 09 04:46 | |
DaemonFC | 2 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 09 04:46 |
DaemonFC | I picked up some kind of free Lassus discount card that said 7 cents per gallon discount on gas. Then I noticed that you have to go online and give them your bank account routing number. | Dec 09 04:46 |
DaemonFC | My cash back credit card gives me 1.5% on everything. Gas is $3.35 a gallon right now. That's 5 cents per gallon back, and I don't have to give them my bank account number. | Dec 09 04:46 |
DaemonFC | So, giving them my routing number means that: | Dec 09 04:46 |
DaemonFC | 1. I get another 40 cent off, per tank of gas (2 cents per gallon * 20 gallon tank)... Woohoo. | Dec 09 04:46 |
DaemonFC | 2. If the card falls out of my wallet, anyone can gas up their car, and it comes out of my checking account, and I have no fraud protection like my credit card gives me. | Dec 09 04:46 |
DaemonFC | 3. If their server is cracked, then the thieves get my bank account routing number and can take as much money out of my bank account as they like, fraud protection. | Dec 09 04:46 |
DaemonFC | Is the card worth the risk? No. Maybe people without cash back credit cards would use it, but I don't think that saving $1 a month extra on gas is worth the risk. | Dec 09 04:46 |
*DaemonFC thinks he found the right one....again. | Dec 09 04:57 | |
DaemonFC | Maybe the 150th time is the charm. | Dec 09 04:57 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 09 05:02 |
DaemonFC | LOL | Dec 09 05:02 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 09 05:11 |
DaemonFC | Thankfully, Microsoft has spared itself the embarrassment of porting Internet Explorer to Android. I can't think of a single person who actually wants that thing. If it wasn't included with Windows without an uninstaller program, it would be toast. | Dec 09 05:11 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 09 05:11 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 09 05:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Rants | Dec 09 05:14 |
DaemonFC | 7/03/13 | Dec 09 05:14 |
DaemonFC | It's kind of disturbing how many of these backwards Windows 8 machines are out there now. I'm surprised there hasn't been more of a backlash. The average person is just going to put up with it, but reports are PC sales have significantly dropped. | Dec 09 05:14 |
DaemonFC | It is hilarious how Microsoft keeps pointing their finger and blaming tablets as the single cause of low PC sales. Everyone knows the real reason PC sales are dropping are: | Dec 09 05:14 |
DaemonFC | 1: Nobody wants Windows 8 | Dec 09 05:14 |
DaemonFC | 2: Old desktop computers are good enough | Dec 09 05:14 |
DaemonFC | 3: You can, indeed, look at pictures of cats on a tablet or "phone" without Windows. | Dec 09 05:14 |
DaemonFC | But people have forgotten why personal computing came about in the first place. Go back and look at the software that made companies buy IBM PCs in the first place. These were spread sheets, word processors, databases, financial programs and such. Those needs may seem mundane today but they are not magically going away, and they are just as critical to businesses as they were then. And those are not the sort of things you can easily do on a | Dec 09 05:14 |
DaemonFC | toy phone or tablet. | Dec 09 05:14 |
DaemonFC | If all you do is look at pictures of cats and clips of Family Guy, then by all means get a tablet. I don't care. But don't try and shove your dumbed down user interfaces on desktops where they don't belong. | Dec 09 05:14 |
DaemonFC | The really crazy thing is how each time a Windows 8 story comes up, comments are usually filled with obvious Microsoft shill posts saying things along the lines of "Windows 8 works great for me! It is so much better! And there is something wrong with you if you can't get used to it and like it". And never a single drop of detail backing up what they claim to be "better". | Dec 09 05:14 |
DaemonFC | And Microsoft shills are already flapping their heads about "Windows 8.1", trying to make it sound like a complete 180. All Microsoft has done is touch up a couple of things that shouldn't have been messed up in the first place. "They listened" my ass. Brought back the Start button? What a joke. I think this Penny Arcade comic sums up the situation quite nicely: | Dec 09 05:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Penny Arcade - What You Wish For | Dec 09 05:14 |
DaemonFC | BTW, Google sure knows its user base well! Using clips of Family Guy in their Chrome advertisements... Damn that show is so retarded. | Dec 09 05:14 |
*gde33 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia | Dec 09 05:45 | |
DaemonFC | shared Americans Against The Republican Party's photo. | Dec 09 06:51 |
DaemonFC | 6 seconds ago | Dec 09 06:51 |
DaemonFC | My cat's name was Yule before I changed it to Jabba. | Dec 09 06:51 |
DaemonFC | I doubt that the last owner got the irony of naming a neutered cat after a Scandinavian fertility god. | Dec 09 06:51 |
*vorgod ( has joined #techrights | Dec 09 07:02 | |
*iophk (~lars@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Dec 09 07:08 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Dec 09 07:08 | |
*vorgod has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 09 07:17 | |
DaemonFC | | Dec 09 07:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Report: Facebook paid no taxes in 2012, received massive rebate - Orlando liberal | [ ] | Dec 09 07:35 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 09 08:17 | |
*carlos_ (~carlos@ has joined #techrights | Dec 09 08:21 | |
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schestowitz__ | Now comes all the PR: | Dec 09 08:43 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Internet companies demand spying overhaul after NSA revelations – live reaction | World news | [ ] | Dec 09 08:43 |
schestowitz__ | DaemonFC: | Dec 09 08:45 |
schestowitz__ | I don't get it | Dec 09 08:45 |
schestowitz__ | Is she the fruitcake? | Dec 09 08:45 |
schestowitz__ | Isn't that a phrase for gay? | Dec 09 08:45 |
iophk | generally short for 'nutty as a ...' | Dec 09 08:52 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: what iophk said | Dec 09 08:55 |
DaemonFC | I've been promoting certain Android apps on my Facebook page. | Dec 09 08:55 |
DaemonFC | There's been a few that I've found very useful. | Dec 09 08:55 |
DaemonFC | I switched my Google search widget to DuckDuckGo and changed mobile Firefox to use that. I managed to get Adblock Plus working in Firefox. | Dec 09 08:56 |
DaemonFC | It's weird. | Dec 09 08:56 |
DaemonFC | You have to install ABP, force kill Firefox, restart Firefox, and then go into the settings menu to change ABP settings. | Dec 09 08:56 |
DaemonFC | The add on and the settings menu don't work until you force kill Firefox and restart it... | Dec 09 08:57 |
DaemonFC | This is not the only Android device I've had this problem with. | Dec 09 08:57 |
DaemonFC | I prefer using my Facebook account with Firefox instead of their app, because ABP blocks the "sponsored" garbage in my timeline. | Dec 09 08:59 |
DaemonFC | Some women decided to name their daughters "Ryan" back in the 80s and 90s. | Dec 09 09:01 |
DaemonFC | Someone told me that someone I knew was dating someone named Ryan. So I said "Is he gay?" and I got "No. Ryan is his girlfriend." | Dec 09 09:01 |
DaemonFC | WTF were those women thinking? | Dec 09 09:01 |
DaemonFC | This is just wrong. | Dec 09 09:02 |
iophk | | Dec 09 09:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Android Flashlight app rapped for leaking location information- The Inquirer [ ] | Dec 09 09:03 |
DaemonFC | I have a flashlight app. It came with the phone. | Dec 09 09:04 |
DaemonFC | There's a couple apps that I'd rather not have, but I'd have to root the phone and void the warranty to get rid of them. So I just disabled them. | Dec 09 09:05 |
DaemonFC | I don't want to void the warranty on a $650 phone. | Dec 09 09:05 |
DaemonFC | I love the phone though. That Gorilla Glass 3 is some TOUGH stuff. | Dec 09 09:06 |
iophk | The warranty is bundled to the software and not limited to hardware? | Dec 09 09:06 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 09:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Cablegate shows that US diplomats (potentially acting as covert #CIA agents also) just serve corporate agenda | Dec 09 09:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Cablegate - Techrights [ ] | Dec 09 09:06 |
schestowitz__ | "ALL diplomatic missions are primarily economic. A close relative was a british ambassador (Gr4), and used to speak candidly with my father and me." | Dec 09 09:06 |
DaemonFC | iophk: LG says they void the warranty if you root the phone. | Dec 09 09:06 |
DaemonFC | You have to root the phone to remove bundled apps. | Dec 09 09:06 |
schestowitz__ | iophk: I saw that | Dec 09 09:06 |
DaemonFC | It's just like a couple of apps I don't want, so I just disabled them. | Dec 09 09:06 |
DaemonFC | They have some spyware called Lumen Toolbar that comes with the phone. | Dec 09 09:08 |
DaemonFC | I didn't want it on so I disabled it. | Dec 09 09:08 |
DaemonFC | It says it will "interact with" Chrome/Android Browser and "provide relevant contextual information and related links". | Dec 09 09:09 |
DaemonFC | In other words, it's spyware and it probably injects fucking advertisements into web pages somehow. | Dec 09 09:09 |
DaemonFC | I didn't feel like dealing with that. It's in the Android app store too. It's rated 2 stars. | Dec 09 09:09 |
DaemonFC | "Any woman who married for love gets exactly what she deserves...a shitty ring and four ugly kids." | Dec 09 09:14 |
DaemonFC | My ex was quoting Joan Rivers. | Dec 09 09:14 |
MinceR | geekings | Dec 09 09:19 |
iophk | old - | Dec 09 09:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Dropbox…opening my docs? | wncinfosec [ ] | Dec 09 09:26 |
schestowitz__ | LOL: satire | Dec 09 09:28 |
schestowitz__ | " President Obama, who has denied previous knowledge of the site, assured Merkel that he has never seen any of the videos - which reportedly include such titles as "Chancellor Takes Husband's Giant Frankfurter" and "Menkel Farts in Leather Chair"." | Dec 09 09:28 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 09:28 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | NSA Promises to Shut Down Merkel Porn Site in Near Future - Strange News - Codewit World News [ ] | Dec 09 09:28 |
*Snowleaksange has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Dec 09 10:04 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 09 10:07 | |
*nj3ma is now known as nj3ma_Zzz | Dec 09 10:08 | |
*nj3ma_Zzz is now known as nj3ma | Dec 09 10:13 | |
*Snowleaksange ( has joined #techrights | Dec 09 10:17 | |
msb_ | | Dec 09 11:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Vermont Approves Single-Payer Health Care: "Everybody In, Nobody Out" [ ] | Dec 09 11:00 |
msb_ | With TV appearance by Sen. Bernie Sanders. | Dec 09 11:01 |
msb_ | But not complete until 2017. | Dec 09 11:01 |
msb_ | Lots of luck to him avoiding assassination til then. | Dec 09 11:04 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 11:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: <img src="" width="288" height="192" alt="c"> | Dec 09 11:13 |
schestowitz__ | "Some people think linux users are angry at Microsoft. We aren't angry, we pity the users of expensive and poorly produced shitware. I feel pity for myself during the days before linux was accessible to me. It was hell to have to use that mess, And you know I did try to use Windows 8 with this laptop because I'd been scared by the horror stories of UEFI. Thankfully it was an HP and the same day I said screw it, | Dec 09 11:13 |
schestowitz__ | I'd rather lose the thing that use it this way." | Dec 09 11:13 |
MinceR | | Dec 09 11:56 |
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Dec 09 13:23 | |
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schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 14:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @bmagnanti: Proposing to police the internet for things law enforcement can barely handle in real life strikes me as fundamentally disingenuous... | Dec 09 14:10 |
schestowitz__ | MinceR: that it proof of he the greatest creator | Dec 09 14:10 |
*abeNd-org (~kklenke@ has joined #techrights | Dec 09 14:18 | |
MinceR | | Dec 09 14:27 |
Sosumi | plants have feelings | Dec 09 14:30 |
Sosumi | they just happen to express them in a not so common way to humans to understand | Dec 09 14:31 |
Sosumi | but if you look at the chemistry you'll see | Dec 09 14:31 |
MinceR | indeed | Dec 09 14:31 |
MinceR | the chemical distress signal of grass smells nice :> | Dec 09 14:31 |
Sosumi | :) | Dec 09 14:32 |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Dec 09 14:35 | |
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*schestowitz__ has quit (*.net *.split) | Dec 09 15:01 | |
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Sosumi | | Dec 09 15:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Apple joins Google, Microsoft, others in support of government surveillance reform [ ] | Dec 09 15:33 |
Sosumi | after the hypocrites were caught collaborating with the instelligence complex | Dec 09 15:34 |
Sosumi | now the want to save face | Dec 09 15:34 |
iophk | It's just empty PR | Dec 09 15:49 |
iophk | It wont' affect how they do business with the NSA in all likelihood. | Dec 09 15:50 |
iophk | But they have been making noise about it the last few days. | Dec 09 15:51 |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Dec 09 15:54 | |
*Andromm (~androirc@ has joined #techrights | Dec 09 16:06 | |
Sosumi | three In-Q-Tel companies complaining about the NSA | Dec 09 16:06 |
Sosumi | what a joke | Dec 09 16:06 |
Sosumi | specially google | Dec 09 16:06 |
Sosumi | who's business is datamining | Dec 09 16:07 |
Sosumi | and with crapple and M$ wanting to eat into that business | Dec 09 16:07 |
Sosumi | crapple with iAdd and M$ with BING Adds | Dec 09 16:07 |
Sosumi | sry, iAd | Dec 09 16:08 |
Sosumi | | Dec 09 16:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | iAd - Apple Developer | Dec 09 16:08 |
*ferrer (~ferrer@ has joined #techrights | Dec 09 16:17 | |
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*carlos_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 09 17:00 | |
iophk | | Dec 09 17:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Budapest District Loves FLOSS | Robert Pogson [ ] | Dec 09 17:00 |
MinceR | there's still a lot of resistance here | Dec 09 17:04 |
iophk | They resist as long as they exist, I expect. | Dec 09 17:04 |
iophk | | Dec 09 17:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | We cannot afford to be indifferent to internet spying | Technology | [ ] | Dec 09 17:08 |
iophk | | Dec 09 17:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Christmas comes early for the Open Document Faithful (ODF) - Public Sector IT [ ] | Dec 09 17:11 |
*Andromm (~androirc@ has joined #techrights | Dec 09 17:16 | |
MinceR | afaik there is no such thing as ".odf" (from the article) | Dec 09 17:31 |
MinceR | hm, i was wrong | Dec 09 17:32 |
MinceR | it's a formula document :> | Dec 09 17:32 |
*Andromm has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | Dec 09 17:44 | |
*Andromm (~androirc@ has joined #techrights | Dec 09 17:48 | |
*Andromm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 09 17:52 | |
*gde33 ( has joined #techrights | Dec 09 18:12 | |
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iophk | | Dec 09 18:44 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Tech Companies Seeking Surveillance Reform Spent $35 Million Lobbying Last Year - Forbes [ ] | Dec 09 18:44 |
*nj3ma ( has joined #techrights | Dec 09 18:48 | |
*findmpa (~findmpa@ has joined #techrights | Dec 09 18:53 | |
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*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Dec 09 19:05 | |
sebsebseb | hi | Dec 09 19:06 |
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Sosumi | seb³ the magician | Dec 09 19:20 |
Sosumi | hey | Dec 09 19:20 |
*nj3ma ( has joined #techrights | Dec 09 19:25 | |
iophk | | Dec 09 19:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Xbox owners tricked into destroying consoles - Telegraph [ ] | Dec 09 19:30 |
*synchris (~quassel@ has joined #techrights | Dec 09 19:35 | |
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iophk | | Dec 09 20:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Wikileaks exposes secret, controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations | PCWorld [ ] | Dec 09 20:11 |
iophk | | Dec 09 20:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Group of soldiers 'mutinied over hungover bosses', court martial hears - Telegraph [ ] | Dec 09 20:13 |
iophk | | Dec 09 20:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | French agency caught minting SSL certificates impersonating Google | Ars Technica [ ] | Dec 09 20:14 |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 09 20:15 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Client Quit) | Dec 09 20:16 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 09 20:16 | |
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*nj3ma_Zzz is now known as nj3ma | Dec 09 20:49 | |
iophk | third hand info : "Clem claims he has been asked by Canonical's legal department to license the binary packages used by Ubuntu. " | Dec 09 20:56 |
iophk | | Dec 09 20:56 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD. [ ] | Dec 09 20:56 |
iophk | too late: | Dec 09 20:58 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | EU warns Nokia not to become a "patent troll" | News | PC Pro [ ] | Dec 09 20:58 |
*iophk has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) | Dec 09 21:06 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Bye) | Dec 09 21:35 | |
*synchris has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 09 21:37 | |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 09 21:44 | |
DaemonFC | The facts are in about the poverty rate, proposals to increase the minimum wage to $11 an hour, and switching Social Security Cost of Living Allowances using the Chained CPI for the Elderly (by raising the amount of Social Security tax that the wealthy pay). | Dec 09 21:47 |
DaemonFC | The poverty rate (under the federal poverty gudelines) in Huntington, Indiana is over 18%. If you count people who are near the poverty line, the figure balloons to over 30%. | Dec 09 21:47 |
DaemonFC | Raising the minimum wage to $11 an hour and using CPI-E for Social Security would reduce the poverty rate in Huntington, Indiana to something like 5-6%, and the near-poverty rate to something like 10-11%. | Dec 09 21:47 |
DaemonFC | Nationally, these initiatives alone would also create over 250,000 new jobs over the next year after being enacted. | Dec 09 21:47 |
DaemonFC | These proposals are being suppressed by the wealthy, who do not want to pay their workers, or pay a little more in taxes, and right-wing economists, who falsely claim that they would create price inflation. | Dec 09 21:47 |
DaemonFC | What *is* creating price inflation, right now, and pushing millions of Americans into poverty or near-poverty is the right-wing policies of bailing out the banksters by expanding the monetary base, and asset price manipulation and speculation by the criminal "investor class" on Wall Street. | Dec 09 21:47 |
DaemonFC | States with higher minimum wages don't necessarily have higher prices. The minimum wage in Washington state is over $9 an hour, and when you go to McDonalds or Walmart, the prices are about the same as they are in any other state. | Dec 09 21:47 |
DaemonFC | What you do get when you raise the minimum wage are fewer people who need food stamps, medicaid, and rent subsidies, which are effectively corporate socialism. | Dec 09 21:47 |
DaemonFC | In other words. "Hey, Walmart! Hey, McDonalds! It's cool that you don't want to pay your workers anything. We can create programs funded by the taxpayers to prop up your low wage structure and make your pay scale work.". | Dec 09 21:47 |
DaemonFC | This is the government manipulation and distortion of the market that right-wingers are always complaining about, but they exist to enable treacherous megacorporations to continue paying their workers nothing. | Dec 09 21:47 |
DaemonFC | Asking companies to pay their workers, rather than to take from the pockets of people who might not even do business there, seems like a really modest proposal to me. | Dec 09 21:47 |
DaemonFC | Like · · Share · 14 minutes ago · Edited · | Dec 09 21:47 |
DaemonFC | When I worked at Walmart, we had these things called "CBLs". It was basically a system where you sat down at a computer, which would "train" you to do your jobs. | Dec 09 21:47 |
DaemonFC | Walmart makes no bones about their position. The CBLs state that Walmart does not exist to create jobs or guarantee any standard of living for their employees; they exist to create more money for their managers and shareholders. | Dec 09 21:47 |
DaemonFC | That one is in the "Labor Relations" CBL that teaches employees to despise the unions that *could* use collective bargaining to improve the lives of their workers. It's also in the "management Labor Relations" module, that tells managers how to go about firing any employees that want a better standard of living, and are openly discussing unionization. | Dec 09 21:47 |
DaemonFC | Corporations have no conscience. They only consider what will make them more money, and what they can get away with. | Dec 09 21:47 |
DaemonFC | The law, at its best, will curtail some of those excesses. | Dec 09 21:47 |
DaemonFC | And Corporate America has a message for the middle class as well. | Dec 09 21:47 |
DaemonFC | "Quit worrying about the decline in your living standard that is being created by us. Instead, be outraged that someone else is going to be able to eat tonight." | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | Like · · Share · 7 minutes ago · Edited · | Dec 09 21:48 |
DaemonFC | Fun Fact: If Walmart stopped spending $7 billion per year to buy back its own stock to keep the price high, it could raise the hourly wage of every employee to $14.86 per hour. | Dec 09 21:49 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 21:59 |
schestowitz__ | "Fedora 20 :P" | Dec 09 22:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a Diaspora post? | Dec 09 22:00 |
schestowitz__ | [20:59] <iophk> too late: | Dec 09 22:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | EU warns Nokia not to become a "patent troll" | News | PC Pro [ ] | Dec 09 22:00 |
schestowitz__ | Too late indeed | Dec 09 22:00 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 22:03 |
MinceR | EU "warnings" have no weight anyway | Dec 09 22:03 |
MinceR | they never do anything | Dec 09 22:03 |
schestowitz__ | "I prefer firefox and Whonix." | Dec 09 22:03 |
schestowitz__ | MinceR: it can still be a deterrence | Dec 09 22:03 |
schestowitz__ | in this case | Dec 09 22:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: ### The following is presented as a battle plan. But it is a disengagement plan:( | Dec 09 22:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | How To Combat Online Surveillance | The Occupied Times | Dec 09 22:03 |
MinceR | they even allow a dictatorship as a member state | Dec 09 22:03 |
schestowitz__ | better than no warning at all | Dec 09 22:03 |
MinceR | with full voting rights | Dec 09 22:03 |
MinceR | with all sorts of payouts | Dec 09 22:03 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 22:03 |
schestowitz__ | "lol :-D" | Dec 09 22:04 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a Diaspora post? | Dec 09 22:04 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 09 22:11 |
DaemonFC | Dear Republicans, | Dec 09 22:11 |
DaemonFC | When President Obama starts profiting off of the cocaine industry in Nicaragua to raise money to sell weapons to Iran, like your hero "Ronald Raygun", we'll start talking about "scandals". | Dec 09 22:11 |
schestowitz__ | [18:45] <iophk> | Dec 09 22:15 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Tech Companies Seeking Surveillance Reform Spent $35 Million Lobbying Last Year - Forbes [ ] | Dec 09 22:15 |
schestowitz__ | For surveillance? More of it?1 :-) | Dec 09 22:15 |
Sosumi | | Dec 09 22:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | New US spy satellite features world-devouring octopus | Ars Technica [ ] | Dec 09 22:24 |
Sosumi | your tax dollars at work | Dec 09 22:24 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 09 22:26 | |
schestowitz__ | no more for health | Dec 09 22:35 |
schestowitz__ | lots for corporate espionage | Dec 09 22:35 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 22:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | The NSA should run a "terrorism and child porn appreciation day". Without them, NSA wouldn't have managed to be born and stay alive. | Dec 09 22:36 |
schestowitz__ | "LOOOL :D Amazing !!" | Dec 09 22:36 |
MinceR | :> | Dec 09 22:36 |
MinceR | they would have found or manufactured an excuse anyway | Dec 09 22:37 |
MinceR | gn | Dec 09 22:39 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 22:44 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Mother Jones Shows That Gates Foundation is a Hypocritical Ploy #billgates #deception #investment | Dec 09 22:44 |
schestowitz__ | "Most foundations exist merely as a tax-exempt dumping ground for the cash of the well-to-do. They get to deduct a boatload off of their taxes while making sure their cash goes to keep themselves rich and enhance their corporate interests." | Dec 09 22:44 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Mother Jones Shows That Gates Foundation is a Hypocritical Ploy | Techrights [ ] | Dec 09 22:44 |
schestowitz__ | They think og it as "doing good" while making money. They can't see that not paying tax is in itself not good. | Dec 09 22:44 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 22:45 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Fedora 20 About a Week Away | Dec 09 22:45 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Fedora 20 About a Week Away | Techrights [ ] | Dec 09 22:45 |
schestowitz__ | "so is your birthday?" | Dec 09 22:45 |
schestowitz__ | yes, 32nd | Dec 09 22:45 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz__: Fedora 20 neary out didn't know that | Dec 09 23:00 |
sebsebseb | they used to also release closer to the GNOME releases didn't they | Dec 09 23:00 |
sebsebseb | ,but I guess the delay that happended put htat of a bit? | Dec 09 23:00 |
sebsebseb | fEDORA 17 delay 18 or whatever it was | Dec 09 23:00 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz__: hmm you showed KDE in your screenshot not GNOME | Dec 09 23:01 |
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 00:04 | |
*abeNd-org has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 10 00:22 | |
*roy__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 00:39 | |
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*schestowitz has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | Dec 10 00:46 | |
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*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 02:49 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Dec 10 03:12 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 10 03:20 | |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 03:20 | |
*sebsebseb has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 10 03:20 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 10 03:44 | |
*schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | Dec 10 06:30 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 06:31 | |
schestowitz | | Dec 10 06:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | GNU/Linux is getting some nice games | Dec 10 06:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | NO TITLE [ ] | Dec 10 06:31 |
schestowitz | "The guy who wrote this is a moron. OpenGL, by itself, is the best platform to play games. Linux, by itself, is the best platform to play games. Put them together and Neptune's the limit." | Dec 10 06:31 |
schestowitz | | Dec 10 06:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | "email security and encryption have become more complex and more of a necessity" | Dec 10 06:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Top Email Encryption Tools - Linux Links - The Linux Portal Site [ ] | Dec 10 06:32 |
schestowitz | "It's a bad time for Kmail to fall apart." | Dec 10 06:32 |
schestowitz | | Dec 10 06:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | "Britain's GCHQ and America's NSA" assisted by "Google, Facebook and Microsoft" complicit | Dec 10 06:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | GCHQ and NSA Join Forces to Hunt Paedophiles on 'Dark Net' - IBTimes UK [ ] | Dec 10 06:36 |
schestowitz | "This is probably the most direct and disturbing evidence of Google hijack. They have been convinced to turn their image recognition software against users and are acting as police." | Dec 10 06:36 |
*iophk (~lars@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 06:37 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Dec 10 06:37 | |
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Dec 10 06:53 | |
*nj3ma ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 06:54 | |
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | Dec 10 07:12 | |
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iophk | Both Firefox and Chrome now : | Dec 10 08:49 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | [Phoronix] Mozilla Firefox Enables VP9 Video Codec By Default [ ] | Dec 10 08:49 |
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 08:49 | |
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*carlos_ (~carlos@ has joined #techrights | Dec 10 09:08 | |
schestowitz | | Dec 10 09:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | The last time corporate press accused China of 'hacking' governments was shortly before NSAGate. Used to be monthly. | Dec 10 09:11 |
schestowitz | "[nodding] ...and how much has anyone said since...?" | Dec 10 09:11 |
schestowitz | iophk: yes, seen that | Dec 10 09:11 |
iophk | small but good news | Dec 10 09:12 |
iophk | more support of open codecs is an advancement | Dec 10 09:12 |
schestowitz | Yeah, Rianne posted it in TuxMachines | Dec 10 09:12 |
schestowitz | it's easy to miss the news | Dec 10 09:12 |
schestowitz | the original is just some code change | Dec 10 09:13 |
iophk | I'll have to start checking there more regularly | Dec 10 09:13 |
schestowitz | no announcment from mozilla that I can see | Dec 10 09:13 |
schestowitz | Phoronix does have an eye for things, though I reckon he gets headups in the forums, IRC, email, etc | Dec 10 09:13 |
schestowitz | Today I had some email arguments with Red Hat staff | Dec 10 09:13 |
schestowitz | over UEFI | Dec 10 09:13 |
iophk | are they still pushing restricted boot? | Dec 10 09:14 |
iophk | "and then pay $99 and sign that with Microsoft." | Dec 10 09:16 |
iophk | | Dec 10 09:16 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | mjg59 | Implementing UEFI Secure Boot in Fedora | Dec 10 09:16 |
iophk | though that was a year ago | Dec 10 09:16 |
schestowitz | yeah | Dec 10 09:20 |
iophk | I thought it was a bad precedent to establish a need for RH to pay M$ just for the privilege of booting. That means that the price and frequency of payment are possible to change now that they're over the big hump. | Dec 10 09:22 |
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 09:22 | |
iophk | | Dec 10 09:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Cops and Feds Routinely 'Dump' Cell Towers to Track Everyone Nearby | Threat Level | [ ] | Dec 10 09:36 |
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceR | Dec 10 09:52 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to MinceR | Dec 10 10:26 | |
*Agnesi ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 11:37 | |
*Sosumi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 10 11:37 | |
iophk | | Dec 10 11:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Agencies collected data on Americans’ cellphone use in thousands of ‘tower dumps’ - The Washington Post [ ] | Dec 10 11:42 |
*fewt has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Dec 10 11:42 | |
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*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | Dec 10 11:51 | |
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*nj3ma_Zzz is now known as nj3ma | Dec 10 12:13 | |
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Dec 10 12:35 | |
*gnufreex ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 12:43 | |
*iophk (~lars@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 12:50 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Dec 10 12:50 | |
*iophk1 (~lars@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 12:55 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk1 | Dec 10 12:55 | |
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Dec 10 12:59 | |
*iophk1 is now known as iophk | Dec 10 12:59 | |
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 13:27 | |
sebsebseb | hi | Dec 10 13:27 |
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Dec 10 13:37 | |
iophk | | Dec 10 13:54 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | 20 years of Doom: the game that put a gun in your hand - Telegraph [ ] | Dec 10 13:54 |
*Faither ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 14:03 | |
*schestowitz__ ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 14:07 | |
*schestowitz__ has quit (Changing host) | Dec 10 14:07 | |
*schestowitz__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 14:07 | |
schestowitz__ | What does Ubuntu have for booting that other distros lack? nothing I can think of, it's just a matter of hobby/reserve engineering. | Dec 10 14:08 |
*schestowitz has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Dec 10 14:08 | |
iophk | I thought they all boot with grub or grub2 now. | Dec 10 14:09 |
schestowitz__ | [14:04] <schestowitz> | Dec 10 14:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | I once used a Chromebook. It's easy, too limiting _for me_. But some wrongly assume it's for everyone, then bash it. | Dec 10 14:10 |
schestowitz__ | [14:05] <schestowitz> "Once I hear that it is a piece of cake to install a distro of my choice on it, I'll be interested. I've heard otherwise." | Dec 10 14:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Review: Acer Chromebook C720 | [ ] | Dec 10 14:10 |
schestowitz__ | [14:05] <schestowitz> iophk: Wolfenstein predates it | Dec 10 14:10 |
schestowitz__ | [14:06] <schestowitz> "I bought one for my parents. My Dad was the techie at home until his stroke a few years ago fried that entire part of his brain. My mom had not used a computer until a few months prior. My brother got an HP laptop with XP for them and it worked well for a few months and then got some malware. He cleaned it and the cycle repeated for a while. They didn't want a tablet since it would be a new paradigm that they | Dec 10 14:10 |
schestowitz__ | would need to learn so I | Dec 10 14:10 |
schestowitz__ | [14:06] <schestowitz> picked up a Chromebook for them a few months ago. They have loved it! All that they need it for is surfing the internet and doing email, so it has been a perfect fit for them." | Dec 10 14:10 |
schestowitz__ | [14:06] <schestowitz> Good to hear | Dec 10 14:10 |
schestowitz__ | [14:08] <schestowitz> "I've heard of some getting Ubuntu up and running on it, but that's not my distro of choice." | Dec 10 14:11 |
iophk | Wolfenstein 3d predates it, but Doom was *the* phenomenon. | Dec 10 14:11 |
iophk | It was a major craze for a while. | Dec 10 14:11 |
iophk | It also made some people motion sick. | Dec 10 14:11 |
schestowitz__ | what has changed since? | Dec 10 14:12 |
schestowitz__ | though some FPS for Linux, UT IIRC, made me sick a few years ag | Dec 10 14:12 |
schestowitz__ | headache after less than an hour under Mint with standard monitor | Dec 10 14:12 |
iophk | You could see people dodging physically in their chairs when they played Doom | Dec 10 14:13 |
iophk | IIRC the early version did something nasty with the LAN using broadcast packets or something. | Dec 10 14:14 |
iophk | So it got a lot of attention from all sides. | Dec 10 14:14 |
schestowitz__ | [14:13] <iophk> You could see people dodging physically in their chairs when they played Doom | Dec 10 14:16 |
schestowitz__ | LOL | Dec 10 14:16 |
schestowitz__ | Instincts | Dec 10 14:17 |
iophk | People got quite absorbed. | Dec 10 14:17 |
schestowitz__ | To a lesser degree people sometimes do this, or they hit the keyboard harder as though the keyboard has sensors for strenght | Dec 10 14:17 |
iophk | Those that had computers in their dorm rooms played with headphones, late into the night. | Dec 10 14:18 |
iophk | Some of those would forget and end up shouting, waking up room mates, when surprised by monsters. | Dec 10 14:18 |
iophk | MUDs/MOOs were more detrimental. There were people that didn't eat/sleep/shave/attend class because of MUDs/MOOs | Dec 10 14:20 |
iophk | They usually were gone in a term or two. | Dec 10 14:20 |
Agnesi | MUDs/MOOs? | Dec 10 14:50 |
*Agnesi is now known as Sosumi | Dec 10 14:50 | |
Sosumi | made up drama? | Dec 10 14:53 |
iophk | | Dec 10 14:55 |
iophk | | Dec 10 14:55 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Twitter gobbles up more cookies with retargeted ads, says users have privacy choices | ITworld [ ] | Dec 10 14:55 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | How Will Twitter’s API Restrictions Affect Big Data Applications? DataSift Helps Clarify What’s Going On - EMC Big Data [ ] | Dec 10 14:55 |
iophk | channeling twitter users into narrower options, more likely to be exposed to ads | Dec 10 14:56 |
iophk | | Dec 10 14:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | New API severely restricts third-party Twitter applications | Ars Technica [ ] | Dec 10 14:57 |
iophk | old | Dec 10 14:57 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 15:21 |
TechrightsBot-tr | PCLinuxOS 2013.12 KDE, MATE and LXDE released #pclos #mate #lxde | Dec 10 15:21 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | PCLinuxOS 2013.12 KDE, MATE and LXDE released | ITworld [ ] | Dec 10 15:21 |
schestowitz__ | "kernel 3.4 is you fuh real, texstar?" | Dec 10 15:22 |
schestowitz__ | Wow | Dec 10 15:22 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 15:27 |
TechrightsBot-tr | I once used a Chromebook. It's easy, too limiting _for me_. But some wrongly assume it's for everyone, then bash it. | Dec 10 15:27 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Review: Acer Chromebook C720 | [ ] | Dec 10 15:27 |
schestowitz__ | "I have to use Ralink drivers on this laptop. I don't feel any way about that, it's just something I have to deal with until they get reverse engineered or opened to the public." | Dec 10 15:27 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 15:27 |
TechrightsBot-tr | USSR remembered: assassinating people abroad makes CIA no better than KGB | Dec 10 15:27 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Inside the KGB: Terror of the Soviet Union | History Documentary - YouTube [ ] | Dec 10 15:27 |
schestowitz__ | "Is that Ronald Reagan narrating?" | Dec 10 15:27 |
schestowitz__ | Like Obama, speaking seems to be his main skill | Dec 10 15:28 |
schestowitz__ | When I watched the credit at the end this morning I noticed that some people of Russian origins helped put it together, so there's some credibility to this information and it's not something like "History" channel. Overall, worth a watch. | Dec 10 15:29 |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 15:41 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 16:07 |
TechrightsBot-tr | #uk attitude towards FOSS summed up by one idiotic statement | Dec 10 16:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Open source 'wasn't available' two years ago, says Universal Credit chief - [ ] | Dec 10 16:08 |
schestowitz__ | "Umm, I started installing Linux on things in 1995. So, ... ... ... s/he is about 15 years wrong?" | Dec 10 16:08 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 16:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Twitter adds ads. "Twitter will start delivering targeted ads on mobile devices based on Web browsing data" | Dec 10 16:08 |
schestowitz__ | "-> You twit ergo you buy <-" | Dec 10 16:08 |
*sebsebseb has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) | Dec 10 16:09 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 16:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Storyville: Pussy Riot A Punk Prayer - YouTube | Dec 10 16:10 |
schestowitz__ | Using one pretty face to get public sympathy and sell Westerners the story that only Russia is evil corrupt etc. | Dec 10 16:10 |
iophk | | Dec 10 16:12 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | “We cannot trust” Intel and Via’s chip-based crypto, FreeBSD developers say | Ars Technica [ ] | Dec 10 16:12 |
schestowitz__ | ta | Dec 10 16:20 |
iophk | It was in the news a few weeks ago in another context, too. Different developers saying about the same thing. | Dec 10 16:24 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 16:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Google #censorship again should be ashamed of themselves. #freespeech | Dec 10 16:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Condom to sex: Google's weird list of banned words for Android 4.4 KitKat [ ] | Dec 10 16:41 |
schestowitz__ | "The mine have no support for the cyanogenmod to :-(" | Dec 10 16:41 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 16:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | #Facebook and #Microsoft do *not* "unite to call for restrictions on NSA spying",they are uniting to change perception of collusion in crime | Dec 10 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 10 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | What I've found funny about the Facebook, Microsoft, and Google gamut; is that despite all their shouting. MS keeps shifting back to a game of "no comment" every time a new bit of their complicity comes out (e.g. the recent revelations about the X-Box live network) and they've basically taken an angle of "if you close your eyes they can't see you" as it pertains to Win8 and Server 2012 basically being made huge trojans worked out | Dec 10 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | with IBM, Cisco, Intel, and else.....that is to say, they've made just shy of no public comment on the matter. | Dec 10 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | Google's Eric has shifted to some odd acts of pretending like Google is looking to be i2p or something while simultaneously doing absolutely nothing like the i2p project. | Dec 10 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | And we have similar with Facebook. Notably with Facebook, it was funny to see comments made by Zuckerberg recently that led to a bunch of comments from his own users (for the most part) calling "Bull". | Dec 10 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 16:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | In heaven everything is fine - YouTube [ ] | Dec 10 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | The Enterprise market is running from all three facets (and A LOT MORE) in droves. Simply put, the Enterprise market isn't fooled by the statements and the companies are all more than aware of that. The statements are meant for fooling the consumer market public. I question if there moves here are effective.....or if they simply anger the public. (again, take a look at comments to Zuckerberg from Facebook users) | Dec 10 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 10 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 16:48 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @candtalan: Lack of trust in chip based cryto: @omgubuntu Please note? via @schestowitz | Dec 10 16:48 |
schestowitz__ | T'so complained. RAND seems tampered with. | Dec 10 16:49 |
iophk | Good memory | Dec 10 16:49 |
schestowitz__ | !google tso rand | Dec 10 16:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Rand + Jen | Chehalis, WA » JEROME TSO PHOTOGRAPHY – The ... | | Dec 10 16:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - Rand + Jennifer | Olympia Engagement » JEROME TSO ... | | Dec 10 16:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Musicafella - Live @ Tso's Butchery - Kagiso, West Rand [JHB ... | | Dec 10 16:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Jerome Tso Photography | Facebook | | Dec 10 16:50 |
schestowitz__ | !google tso rand linux | Dec 10 16:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Schneier on Security: Insecurities in the Linux /dev/random | | Dec 10 16:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - Linux /dev/random source | | Dec 10 16:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Rocky Rand | LinkedIn | | Dec 10 16:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Linus Responds To RdRand Petition With Scorn - Slashdot | | Dec 10 16:50 |
iophk | I got very different results. | Dec 10 16:50 |
iophk | Google varies from country to country I think. | Dec 10 16:51 |
iophk | "Did you mean: | Dec 10 16:51 |
iophk | tor and linux | Dec 10 16:51 |
iophk | torrent linux" | Dec 10 16:51 |
schestowitz__ | heh | Dec 10 16:51 |
schestowitz__ | I should wrtie about the FAT ruling | Dec 10 16:52 |
schestowitz__ | soon | Dec 10 16:52 |
schestowitz__ | maybe tonight, not sure when to work on thew RMS videos | Dec 10 16:52 |
iophk | did you get through the old ones already? Or will they be mixed with the new? | Dec 10 16:53 |
schestowitz__ | I finished the Oxford ones | Dec 10 16:56 |
schestowitz__ | I got the GNU questions answered | Dec 10 16:56 |
schestowitz__ | and it's not time-sensitive | Dec 10 16:56 |
schestowitz__ | I will catch up with it in a few days, I took vacation from work till 21st of Dec. IIRC | Dec 10 16:56 |
schestowitz__ | Some parties and other events coming, but other than that, lots of time to do project work like moving TuxMachines between servers | Dec 10 16:57 |
schestowitz__ | TM might be down soon | Dec 10 16:57 |
schestowitz__ | Lots of snowstorms in the US | Dec 10 16:57 |
schestowitz__ | and some threaten to take power down FOR DAYS | Dec 10 16:57 |
schestowitz__ | So I was told by the current host | Dec 10 16:57 |
iophk | Power outages will be more interesting with smartphones. Those only hold their charge for a few hours. | Dec 10 16:57 |
schestowitz__ | US becomes like post-USSR collapse Russia | Dec 10 16:57 |
schestowitz__ | Not like Finland | Dec 10 16:57 |
iophk | There were some hundreds of thousands with out power this season in southern Finland. | Dec 10 16:58 |
schestowitz__ | I've not had an outage here for like 3 years or more, not even for a few secon ds | Dec 10 16:58 |
schestowitz__ | iophk: ah, I didn't know that | Dec 10 16:58 |
schestowitz__ | is that near Estonia? | Dec 10 16:58 |
iophk | accross the water | Dec 10 16:59 |
iophk | Sweden doesn't do so well either, this last decade. | Dec 10 16:59 |
iophk | Tens of thousands without power in either place is not that uncommon in a big storm. | Dec 10 17:00 |
iophk | units = households | Dec 10 17:01 |
iophk | in both cases | Dec 10 17:01 |
schestowitz__ | wow, eye-opening | Dec 10 17:04 |
schestowitz__ | Maybe I forgot how to appreciate persistence of power | Dec 10 17:04 |
schestowitz__ | so instead I sometimes complain about BT | Dec 10 17:04 |
schestowitz__ | Which BTW has been OK for the past 2 months, a disaster before that... | Dec 10 17:04 |
MinceR | my smartphone could last for a day | Dec 10 17:09 |
MinceR | or more | Dec 10 17:09 |
MinceR | also, a power bank can help :> | Dec 10 17:09 |
iophk | In parts of the US many have simply bought generators. | Dec 10 17:13 |
iophk | That's a really inefficient and polluting way to provide less power overall. | Dec 10 17:13 |
MinceR | it does keep working when the power grid dies, though | Dec 10 17:15 |
iophk | Yeah, it's cheaper and less polluting to keep the grid going. | Dec 10 17:15 |
iophk | But that's apparently not a priority any more. | Dec 10 17:15 |
iophk | Maintenance has been cut back. | Dec 10 17:16 |
iophk | old - | Dec 10 17:17 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Copper Scavengers Loot High-Tech Infrastructure - Alexis C. Madrigal - The Atlantic [ ] | Dec 10 17:17 |
MinceR | if human civilization collapses, the power grid will follow :> | Dec 10 17:18 |
iophk | and the plumbing | Dec 10 17:19 |
MinceR | and eventually the paved roads | Dec 10 17:20 |
iophk | food is transported such long distances now that starvation will happen early on | Dec 10 17:20 |
iophk | I would expect that few if any farms would survive bandit and looters and waves of refugees. | Dec 10 17:21 |
iophk | Even if they did, they're no draft animals to speak of and the diesel would quickly run out. | Dec 10 17:21 |
iophk | Even if there were draft animals they'd get eaten by the above bandits, looters and refugees, so that the starvation would be complete. | Dec 10 17:22 |
iophk | Same for seed corn, etc. | Dec 10 17:22 |
*oioio (b4950cc2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrights | Dec 10 17:30 | |
iophk | ' President Obama criticized leaders "who claim solidarity with Mandela struggle for freedom, but do not tolerate dissent from their own people."' | Dec 10 17:34 |
iophk | | Dec 10 17:34 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Obama: Too Many Leaders Claim Solidarity With Mandela, "But Do Not Tolerate Dissent From Their Own People" | Video | RealClearPolitics [ ] | Dec 10 17:34 |
iophk | he said it in his speech in the stadium there. | Dec 10 17:34 |
iophk | There's probably another source online. | Dec 10 17:34 |
MinceR | | Dec 10 17:35 |
*oioio has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | Dec 10 17:35 | |
MinceR | | Dec 10 17:35 |
iophk | That is a lot of gall coming from him given his treatment of whistleblower, the ones his campaign platform would protect. | Dec 10 17:35 |
iophk | needs a better link though, site's not so good | Dec 10 17:42 |
*carlos_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 10 17:50 | |
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 10 18:15 | |
schestowitz__ | [17:18] <TechrightsBot-tr> | Copper Scavengers Loot High-Tech Infrastructure - Alexis C. Madrigal - The Atlantic [ ] | Dec 10 18:30 |
schestowitz__ | ohk, old... | Dec 10 18:30 |
iophk | yes old | Dec 10 18:30 |
iophk | but ongoing | Dec 10 18:30 |
schestowitz__ | but it shows what economic turndown may bring | Dec 10 18:30 |
schestowitz__ | !google east euruope inter down woman | Dec 10 18:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Georgian woman cuts off web access to whole of Armenia | World ... | | Dec 10 18:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - BBC News - Pensioner in Georgia cuts Armenia off from internet | | Dec 10 18:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Egypt arrests as undersea internet cable cut off Alexandria - BBC | | Dec 10 18:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Georgian Woman, 75, Arrested for Cutting Armenia's Internet - WSJ ... | | Dec 10 18:31 |
schestowitz__ | This was so hilarious | Dec 10 18:31 |
schestowitz__ | ina sick sense | Dec 10 18:31 |
schestowitz__ | some very old lady takes advanytage of the country's connectivity being so s***y | Dec 10 18:31 |
iophk | yeah in some cases they've dug up fiber and cut into that | Dec 10 18:31 |
iophk | I guess that will be one advantage when fibre becomes predominant, the looting will lessen or at least the thieves will learn to discern between copper and fibre. | Dec 10 18:34 |
iophk | | Dec 10 18:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | ( status 404 @ ) | Dec 10 18:35 |
schestowitz__ | iophk: 404 indeed | Dec 10 18:39 |
schestowitz__ | what was it? | Dec 10 18:39 |
schestowitz__ | so much for "arcgive" | Dec 10 18:39 |
schestowitz__ | *archive' | Dec 10 18:39 |
*jono has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 10 18:39 | |
iophk | Don't know. It was pointed to as the answer to a question in a forum from a couple of years ago. So the link died recently | Dec 10 18:39 |
iophk | The archiving of things is not a priority. | Dec 10 18:39 |
iophk | It should be. | Dec 10 18:39 |
iophk | Too much is getting lost. | Dec 10 18:40 |
iophk | Some on purpose, though. | Dec 10 18:40 |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 18:40 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 18:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Proof that the Free Software Movement Knows It Cannot Compete: Boycott Novell » 66 Pages of Microsoft Evilness [ ] | Dec 10 18:40 |
iophk | Some stuff seems to stay around... | Dec 10 18:41 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 18:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Boycott Novell Campaign Videos - YouTube [ ] | Dec 10 18:42 |
schestowitz__ | Avinad | Dec 10 18:42 |
schestowitz__ | Using my GIMp graphics | Dec 10 18:42 |
schestowitz__ | and making sheets based on the site | Dec 10 18:42 |
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 18:42 | |
schestowitz__ | RMS said this was the first time police force was used to drive away FS activists | Dec 10 18:42 |
iophk | In India? | Dec 10 18:43 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 18:44 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: ### The following is presented as a battle plan. But it is a disengagement plan:( | Dec 10 18:44 |
schestowitz__ | iophk: yeah | Dec 10 18:44 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | How To Combat Online Surveillance | The Occupied Times | Dec 10 18:44 |
schestowitz__ | "Audit means nothing if it's closed source." | Dec 10 18:44 |
*abeNd-org has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 10 18:45 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 18:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: the garden of cosmic speculation... | Dec 10 18:53 |
schestowitz__ | "#Groovy" | Dec 10 18:53 |
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 19:12 | |
Sosumi | | Dec 10 19:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | ( status 404 @ ) | Dec 10 19:36 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 19:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | #JoinDiaspora is #emerging as the most awesome social network, bigger in terms of participation and interaction than #identica and #twitter | Dec 10 19:38 |
schestowitz__ | "JoinDiaspora also uses Amazon servers which might as well be a direct line to the NSA." | Dec 10 19:38 |
schestowitz__ | Like DuckDuckGo | Dec 10 19:38 |
schestowitz__ | "diaspora is more than just the pod joindiaspora :p" | Dec 10 19:38 |
schestowitz__ | "Is identica still functioning ? Heard there was someother fork or website ? Also any news on account migration?" | Dec 10 19:38 |
Sosumi | amazon backwards | Dec 10 19:39 |
Sosumi | nOZAMA | Dec 10 19:39 |
Sosumi | watch out for nOZAMA | Dec 10 19:39 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 19:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | The first time I'm aware a protest was inspired by my writings | Dec 10 19:40 |
schestowitz__ | "Is this related to <a href="">this protest</a>?" | Dec 10 19:40 |
schestowitz__ | yes | Dec 10 19:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Friendly ‘Boycott Novell’ Supportes Robbed of Voice | Techrights [ ] | Dec 10 19:40 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 19:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Too many world leaders (even Bush) are playing w/ Mandela's corpse (pardon the phrase, ref to apartheid regime) for self-promotion purposes | Dec 10 19:41 |
schestowitz__ | "It's disgusting." | Dec 10 19:41 |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 19:46 | |
DaemonFC | | Dec 10 19:46 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | The Gates Foundation's Hypocritical Investments | Mother Jones [ ] | Dec 10 19:46 |
*BlueCloud ( has left #techrights | Dec 10 19:55 | |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Dec 10 20:19 | |
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 20:20 | |
sebsebseb | Dec 10 20:21 | |
MinceR | Dec 10 20:21 | |
*gde33 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia | Dec 10 20:27 | |
sebsebseb | MinceR: iophk openSUSE | Dec 10 20:33 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 10 20:33 | |
iophk | | Dec 10 20:33 |
sebsebseb | iophk: uhmm they can get SUSE stuff easilly from one of the sponsers | Dec 10 20:33 |
sebsebseb | I think that's one of the reasons why Mageia was out | Dec 10 20:34 |
iophk | Cant you get Mageia discs? | Dec 10 20:34 |
sebsebseb | iophk: yep | Dec 10 20:34 |
sebsebseb | ,but | Dec 10 20:34 |
sebsebseb | iophk: they may not want me to distribute those! | Dec 10 20:34 |
iophk | Can't stop you. | Dec 10 20:35 |
sebsebseb | iophk: meant to be agreeing on some merchanice on the next meeting | Dec 10 20:35 |
sebsebseb | so SUSE stuff, Ubuntu stuff, Mint stuff | Dec 10 20:35 |
sebsebseb | agenda says nothing about anting else,but I saidabobut MOzilla etc | Dec 10 20:35 |
iophk | Focus on Mozilla (thunderbird, firefox) and LIbreOffice and VLC and the cross-platform stuff. | Dec 10 20:36 |
sebsebseb | Mozllastickers and yeah | Dec 10 20:36 |
sebsebseb | ? | Dec 10 20:36 |
sebsebseb | I am thinking some MOzilla stuff and forLibre Office posisbly to as wlel | Dec 10 20:36 |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 20:36 | |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 20:36 | |
sebsebseb | iophk: going to bring some merchandise examples to the meeting | Dec 10 20:36 |
iophk | Cool. | Dec 10 20:37 |
sebsebseb | as for getting any Mint stuff, good luck to them I think | Dec 10 20:37 |
sebsebseb | seems Mint doesn't really have anything | Dec 10 20:37 |
sebsebseb | except t-shirts to buy an that kindof thing | Dec 10 20:37 |
*jono is now known as Guest63303 | Dec 10 20:37 | |
sebsebseb | iophk: what I find interesting is now this guy who wanted Mint can't d the event | Dec 10 20:37 |
sebsebseb | they want him to work longer in USA | Dec 10 20:37 |
sebsebseb | iophk: ,butnow he brings in this other guy who offered to help | Dec 10 20:37 |
sebsebseb | I suggestd bringing him in for the vote, but nope that didn't happen | Dec 10 20:38 |
iophk | If he's helping he should "vote" ... | Dec 10 20:38 |
sebsebseb | iophk: yeah maybe a re vote shuld happen then | Dec 10 20:38 |
sebsebseb | this guy who wanted Mint can't do the event | Dec 10 20:38 |
sebsebseb | now it turns out, I wasn't at the vote meeting, and now this other guy has been bought in as well | Dec 10 20:39 |
sebsebseb | iophk: maybe a vote shoud happen again with everyone there etc.. oh ,but they are unlikely to go with that | Dec 10 20:39 |
sebsebseb | iophk: Mint, Ubuntu, and openSUSE event | Dec 10 20:39 |
sebsebseb | iophk: doesn't matter that I was the one who pushed for the whole idea of having an event again, earlier this year | Dec 10 20:40 |
sebsebseb | when the idea just kindof died our sat there last year | Dec 10 20:40 |
iophk | That should count for something. | Dec 10 20:40 |
sebsebseb | yeah you would have thought woudn't you? | Dec 10 20:40 |
sebsebseb | ,but it seems not | Dec 10 20:40 |
sebsebseb | iophk: anyway the guy that is now being bought in, I get on with him | Dec 10 20:41 |
iophk | Collaboration. | Dec 10 20:41 |
sebsebseb | iophk: yeah exacty callobraation | Dec 10 20:41 |
sebsebseb | I guess I need to say something on Tuesday | Dec 10 20:41 |
sebsebseb | worth a try at least | Dec 10 20:41 |
sebsebseb | iophk: bingo callaboraoitn | Dec 10 20:42 |
sebsebseb | everyone working together | Dec 10 20:42 |
sebsebseb | no one being excluded | Dec 10 20:42 |
sebsebseb | that's what I wanted | Dec 10 20:42 |
sebsebseb | ,but now the opposite has happended really, it's not really my event now | Dec 10 20:42 |
sebsebseb | it's their event, not my event now, it seems | Dec 10 20:42 |
sebsebseb | have the genral overall goal in mind, but with differences, and that's where the issues been | Dec 10 20:42 |
sebsebseb | iophk: yep who pushed for hte idea again, it was me | Dec 10 20:43 |
sebsebseb | really that means nothing? | Dec 10 20:44 |
iophk | talk with that other fellow and figure out something for the meeting | Dec 10 20:46 |
sebsebseb | iophk: yeah he won't know about lots of stuff that happended etc | Dec 10 20:47 |
sebsebseb | iophk: I rmember sending entuthasitic emails to the list | Dec 10 20:48 |
sebsebseb | about having an event | Dec 10 20:48 |
sebsebseb | and having it with Mageia and such :d | Dec 10 20:48 |
iophk | Point that out. It is part of the plan then, if you have it documented. | Dec 10 20:48 |
sebsebseb | iophk: oh those emais are logged in the archeive | Dec 10 20:48 |
sebsebseb | it was just mainly talk to get interest in havingg an event | Dec 10 20:49 |
sebsebseb | ,but it was something still I guess | Dec 10 20:49 |
sebsebseb | iophk: I think softwarewise what I wanted is out probably hwatever happens now | Dec 10 20:49 |
sebsebseb | unless hmm | Dec 10 20:49 |
sebsebseb | iophk: ,but well ther's no Jitsi in the repo's anyway for this distro | Dec 10 20:50 |
sebsebseb | tried to get them to addit | Dec 10 20:50 |
sebsebseb | and I am a bit hmmm about installing codecs and Skype and all that, plus local brandng | Dec 10 20:50 |
*gde33 ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 20:51 | |
sebsebseb | iophk: ,but I still don't think certain things should have gone like they did really etc | Dec 10 20:51 |
sebsebseb | and it's to late to fork orwhatever | Dec 10 20:51 |
sebsebseb | have own event I think | Dec 10 20:51 |
sebsebseb | and not really worth the hassle the effort | Dec 10 20:51 |
sebsebseb | iophk: and things probabbly won't actsaully be as bad, when I meet them again or whatever, but hmm | Dec 10 20:52 |
sebsebseb | iophk: I think just got to go alon with things now really, and that's that, and it's nice to get away from computers more at times, have other interests etc :) | Dec 10 20:53 |
sebsebseb | uh I feel like I need more otherintersts at times now | Dec 10 20:54 |
sebsebseb | iophk: still about? | Dec 10 21:00 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: about? | Dec 10 21:00 |
MinceR | Dec 10 21:00 | |
sebsebseb | MinceR: ok | Dec 10 21:00 |
iophk | kindog | Dec 10 21:00 |
sebsebseb | Dec 10 21:00 | |
sebsebseb | MinceR | Dec 10 21:00 |
iophk | kindof | Dec 10 21:00 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: iophk does computer stuff ever make you feel sad? | Dec 10 21:00 |
MinceR | indeed | Dec 10 21:00 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: yeah it does with me at times for sure | Dec 10 21:01 |
iophk | when can you meet with that other fellow and plan working together? | Dec 10 21:01 |
sebsebseb | iophk: at the meeting, it's a group thing | Dec 10 21:01 |
iophk | what about discussing before hand? | Dec 10 21:01 |
sebsebseb | could eamil or something, but not sure if ther's much point | Dec 10 21:02 |
iophk | See if he's onboard with Mageia | Dec 10 21:02 |
sebsebseb | he might be, but others aren't | Dec 10 21:02 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: how does it make you feel sad? | Dec 10 21:02 |
MinceR | by keeping me from accomplishing my ends via shoddy software (m$ and co.) | Dec 10 21:03 |
MinceR | by making me look bad in front of others (see above) | Dec 10 21:03 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: see what above, I didn't see whatever | Dec 10 21:03 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: makng look bad how? | Dec 10 21:05 |
MinceR | by making me fail to accomplish my tasks | Dec 10 21:05 |
sebsebseb | which tasks? | Dec 10 21:05 |
sebsebseb | and fail acomplishing them how? | Dec 10 21:05 |
MinceR | depends | Dec 10 21:06 |
sebsebseb | and look bad how? | Dec 10 21:06 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: computers make you look bad how | Dec 10 21:07 |
sebsebseb | or computer interests? | Dec 10 21:07 |
MinceR | see above | Dec 10 21:07 |
sebsebseb | I don't see anything | Dec 10 21:07 |
sebsebseb | above | Dec 10 21:07 |
sebsebseb | joined about 50 minutes ago | Dec 10 21:07 |
*Guest63303 has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Dec 10 21:08 | |
sebsebseb | MinceR: iophk I think for me, sometimes these computer interests, effects other things | Dec 10 21:08 |
sebsebseb | maybe a bit more than just omeitmes depends | Dec 10 21:08 |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 21:08 | |
sebsebseb | someitmes being into computers | Dec 10 21:08 |
sebsebseb | is a curse really rather than a blessing | Dec 10 21:09 |
sebsebseb | not sure if anyone knows what I Mean ? | Dec 10 21:09 |
sebsebseb | yep a bad thing, rathe than a good thing | Dec 10 21:09 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: iophk know what I mean? ^ | Dec 10 21:09 |
iophk | How to make freedom popular? | Dec 10 21:09 |
sebsebseb | iophk: uh? | Dec 10 21:10 |
sebsebseb | no I am saying software freedom and all that | Dec 10 21:10 |
sebsebseb | it's ireivent in the wider picture of things | Dec 10 21:10 |
iophk | That's what some of it is about. | Dec 10 21:10 |
sebsebseb | the wider bigger picutre | Dec 10 21:10 |
MinceR | actually it's very relevant | Dec 10 21:10 |
sebsebseb | Desktp Liux may never go main streame | Dec 10 21:10 |
sebsebseb | etc | Dec 10 21:10 |
MinceR | it's the difference between buying a computer for yourself and buying a computer for the m$/crApple/whoever else botnet | Dec 10 21:10 |
sebsebseb | only about a few million peopel use Desktop Linux gobally | Dec 10 21:10 |
sebsebseb | out of the billions or so using WIndows or Mac OS X | Dec 10 21:10 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: well yes | Dec 10 21:10 |
iophk | >80% of smartphone use Linux | Dec 10 21:10 |
MinceR | and between owning your data vs. handing your data to someone else so that they can hold it hostage | Dec 10 21:11 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: ,but computers don't bring true happyness | Dec 10 21:11 |
MinceR | and lease it to you | Dec 10 21:11 |
iophk | probably most serverrs | Dec 10 21:11 |
sebsebseb | don't you find? | Dec 10 21:11 |
iophk | mainframes | Dec 10 21:11 |
MinceR | the functionality of computers can contribute to happiness | Dec 10 21:11 |
sebsebseb | ok might find soe nice girl via the Internet whlist using a computer for example | Dec 10 21:11 |
iophk | >98% of supercomputers | Dec 10 21:11 |
sebsebseb | ,but in general | Dec 10 21:11 |
iophk | lots of tvs, etc. | Dec 10 21:11 |
sebsebseb | computer interest don't bring true happyness etc | Dec 10 21:11 |
sebsebseb | don't tyou think | Dec 10 21:11 |
sebsebseb | ?? | Dec 10 21:11 |
MinceR | you can play games, watch videos, read stuff, learn | Dec 10 21:11 |
MinceR | you can gain and improve skills | Dec 10 21:11 |
sebsebseb | playing games isn't true happyness though | Dec 10 21:11 |
MinceR | maybe not for you | Dec 10 21:12 |
sebsebseb | finding that special someone if they haven't already, I think is true happyness for most people | Dec 10 21:12 |
sebsebseb | yes might find them using a computer, but the computer intersts them seles don't really bring true happyness, that's what I mean | Dec 10 21:12 |
MinceR | for those who have already found that | Dec 10 21:13 |
MinceR | what's "seles"? | Dec 10 21:13 |
sebsebseb | themselves | Dec 10 21:13 |
MinceR | computers can also take work out of your hand, leaving more resources for things that bring more happiness | Dec 10 21:13 |
sebsebseb | iophk: MinceR and Linux opensource/freesoftware is very opinanted and polotical, and well look what happens as a result, what I Was on about earlier | Dec 10 21:13 |
MinceR | blame m$ and their kind for that | Dec 10 21:14 |
iophk | The criteria defining Free software are clearly enummerated. | Dec 10 21:14 |
MinceR | they're the ones who decided that the IT world belongs to them, regardless of whether they can get things done or not | Dec 10 21:14 |
iophk | usuall "or not" | Dec 10 21:14 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: no for the specic thing I was onabout earlier, I gues blame upstream for that one uh | Dec 10 21:14 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: that most distro's are so simiar,becuase of upstream | Dec 10 21:14 |
sebsebseb | usually that's a good thing | Dec 10 21:14 |
sebsebseb | ,but then well what I put ealrier | Dec 10 21:15 |
MinceR | they're the ones who decided that there should be no competition in IT but totalitarian control in their hands | Dec 10 21:15 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: ok sure, but then look what happens | Dec 10 21:15 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: the Linux users for examle, get all opoinated and polotical | Dec 10 21:15 |
sebsebseb | about what ditro's to use and what interface | Dec 10 21:15 |
iophk | Interface is not a big deal. | Dec 10 21:15 |
sebsebseb | no mine is what hsould be used, not yours, no yoursshould be, no no yours no no etc | Dec 10 21:15 |
sebsebseb | iophk: for that event it is | Dec 10 21:15 |
MinceR | all computer users do, who are aware of such choices | Dec 10 21:15 |
iophk | Distro is not a big deal as long as it follows the ideas behind Free software. | Dec 10 21:16 |
sebsebseb | iophk: in general not that big a deal, b ut for that event it is | Dec 10 21:16 |
sebsebseb | iophk: and theres the idea for hte event, to use propritrary software, to help win people over to Linux from WIndows | Dec 10 21:16 |
sebsebseb | codecs, Skype etc | Dec 10 21:16 |
sebsebseb | iophk: free software alonewould be lacking, can't docertain things | Dec 10 21:17 |
iophk | There was a magazine that had a privacy remix of Ubuntu included in an issue. | Dec 10 21:17 |
MinceR | and to get them into suse so that they remain under m$'s thumb forever | Dec 10 21:17 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: yep openSUSE being one of the distro's | Dec 10 21:17 |
iophk | M$ has to rope them in before they wander far. | Dec 10 21:17 |
MinceR | IT in general can't do certain things | Dec 10 21:17 |
MinceR | and not because they're impossible in theory | Dec 10 21:18 |
sebsebseb | ok sure | Dec 10 21:18 |
sebsebseb | ,but | Dec 10 21:18 |
sebsebseb | if Linux can't do something that WIndows can do | Dec 10 21:18 |
sebsebseb | it's generally seen as a bad thing by many | Dec 10 21:18 |
MinceR | the ribbon and metro will make them change their minds, then | Dec 10 21:19 |
sebsebseb | many got used to that by now I think | Dec 10 21:19 |
sebsebseb | that was Office 2007 | Dec 10 21:19 |
iophk | Windows has years of indoctrination to get people to fear other systems, even OS X | Dec 10 21:19 |
MinceR | then m$ will find a way to make things even worse for them | Dec 10 21:19 |
sebsebseb | Android helps the experience another type of tech experience though | Dec 10 21:19 |
sebsebseb | and iOS if they got Iphones etc | Dec 10 21:19 |
sebsebseb | helps them above | Dec 10 21:20 |
sebsebseb | quite a lot of people just tend to use hteir phone for everthing now or prety much | Dec 10 21:20 |
sebsebseb | instead of their WIndows computer | Dec 10 21:20 |
iophk | iphones and iPods gained market share for Apple on the desktop. | Dec 10 21:20 |
sebsebseb | they reolise that they get a better expereince using the phone for their basic tasks, than their WIndows computer, but most don't really kow why that is | Dec 10 21:20 |
iophk | The same can happen with Android. | Dec 10 21:20 |
iophk | Especially now with the potential 'end' of XP | Dec 10 21:21 |
sebsebseb | iophk: oh that's to do with why having event when it wil be | Dec 10 21:21 |
sebsebseb | ,but | Dec 10 21:21 |
sebsebseb | I think I know what MinceR would think | Dec 10 21:21 |
sebsebseb | going by his thumb comment from earlier | Dec 10 21:21 |
MinceR | suse can be an intermediate step towards better distros, but it's unnecessary | Dec 10 21:22 |
iophk | best to go straight to the other distros, skip the M$ step | Dec 10 21:22 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: so you say, but yet loads of cmpanies use SUSE stll | Dec 10 21:22 |
MinceR | just because someone else is making bad decisions doesn't mean you have to do the same | Dec 10 21:23 |
sebsebseb | iophk: I guess hopefully most go for Ubuntu or Mint | Dec 10 21:23 |
iophk | Mint debian? | Dec 10 21:23 |
sebsebseb | nope | Dec 10 21:23 |
sebsebseb | standard one | Dec 10 21:23 |
iophk | :( | Dec 10 21:23 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: sure, but if a bad deicion has bene made regaridng the software choices for that, the visitors won't just know | Dec 10 21:23 |
iophk | find some like minded people and plan an installfest | Dec 10 21:24 |
iophk | using stock distros | Dec 10 21:24 |
iophk | no respins | Dec 10 21:24 |
sebsebseb | iophk: to late for that now I think | Dec 10 21:24 |
sebsebseb | or for that kind of date | Dec 10 21:24 |
iophk | you've got some months before April | Dec 10 21:24 |
sebsebseb | iophk: I got Brusuels to celbrate the release of a good distro and such :D | Dec 10 21:24 |
sebsebseb | coming up | Dec 10 21:24 |
iophk | yep | Dec 10 21:25 |
iophk | | Dec 10 21:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | FOSDEM 2014 - Home | Dec 10 21:25 |
sebsebseb | yeah | Dec 10 21:25 |
sebsebseb | iophk: and then local thing uh I guess | Dec 10 21:25 |
sebsebseb | iophk: I haven't decided yet, but maybe I'll go to Amsterdam this time tow | Dec 10 21:25 |
*gnufreex has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 10 21:26 | |
sebsebseb | with someone quite a lot older who's coming from USA | Dec 10 21:26 |
sebsebseb | meaning to emall him | Dec 10 21:26 |
sebsebseb | back | Dec 10 21:26 |
sebsebseb | find out more about his plans etc :) | Dec 10 21:26 |
sebsebseb | iophk: MinceR I think another issue could have been qute simpally that Mageia wasn't seen as being "mainstreame" enough by them | Dec 10 21:27 |
sebsebseb | they wanted mainstreame distro's | Dec 10 21:27 |
iophk | Community distros are naturally a bit smaller. | Dec 10 21:27 |
sebsebseb | well yeah true | Dec 10 21:27 |
iophk | It's mainstream enough. | Dec 10 21:27 |
sebsebseb | ,but the big paleyrs, Ubuntu, Suse, Fedora, Deban etc | Dec 10 21:27 |
MinceR | they wanted mainstream crap | Dec 10 21:27 |
MinceR | debian is mainstream and better than what they've come up with | Dec 10 21:27 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: ,but for a non technical user? | Dec 10 21:28 |
MinceR | probably so's fedora | Dec 10 21:28 |
MinceR | not sure what non-technicality has to do with it | Dec 10 21:28 |
sebsebseb | well Fedora got ruled out, since an idea that it would be a bit intermediate | Dec 10 21:28 |
MinceR | intermediate what? | Dec 10 21:28 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: it's an eent aimed at non technicla people | Dec 10 21:28 |
sebsebseb | who odn't really know about LInux | Dec 10 21:28 |
MinceR | all i can bring up against fedora is that yum is less reliable than apt | Dec 10 21:28 |
sebsebseb | I think Fedora would have been a good choie though, espeically with the remastering idea that came along | Dec 10 21:29 |
sebsebseb | pre install the codecs etc into Fedora and yea | Dec 10 21:29 |
sebsebseb | Fedora 20 soon | Dec 10 21:29 |
sebsebseb | Debian it would go aisnt their philsophey or whatever | Dec 10 21:29 |
sebsebseb | ,but could have put in the propriary stuff into a remaster of that to | Dec 10 21:29 |
sebsebseb | against their above | Dec 10 21:29 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: iophk oh yeah this remind me, GNOME 3 got the worst Linux idea of 2013 according to Linux Journal poll uh | Dec 10 21:30 |
sebsebseb | KDE got best de | Dec 10 21:30 |
sebsebseb | and things like that | Dec 10 21:30 |
sebsebseb | GNOME 3 is goo enough :) and can cusotmise it, or base on it and such | Dec 10 21:31 |
iophk | gnome is hard to customize last I heard | Dec 10 21:31 |
MinceR | indeed | Dec 10 21:31 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: indeed to which? | Dec 10 21:31 |
sebsebseb | no there are a few distro's based on GNOME 3 pingyOS etc | Dec 10 21:31 |
MinceR | to being hard to customize | Dec 10 21:31 |
iophk | Older versions I tried were all but impossible to customize. | Dec 10 21:31 |
iophk | Haven't bothered to look lately. Gnome is so over. | Dec 10 21:31 |
sebsebseb | iophk: well Mageia and GNOME out | Dec 10 21:32 |
MinceR | last time i checked you had to bring out gconf-editor or equivalent to tell the damned thing to not sleep if you close the laptop lid | Dec 10 21:32 |
sebsebseb | KDE n, but in openSUSE uh | Dec 10 21:32 |
MinceR | that's utterly retarded | Dec 10 21:32 |
sebsebseb | GNOME 3 is better now trust me | Dec 10 21:32 |
iophk | I'll take your word for it. | Dec 10 21:32 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: iophk yay Cinnamon a GNOME 3 fork by the Mint team, instead of uhmmm something such as LXFCE or LXDE hmm | Dec 10 21:32 |
sebsebseb | hmm maybe XFCE or LXDE would have been better reallly for that one, but I guess won't make much difference with CInnamon | Dec 10 21:33 |
sebsebseb | and then Unity instead of GNOME Shell | Dec 10 21:33 |
iophk | both XFCE and LXDE | Dec 10 21:34 |
sebsebseb | so got two things that are whta htey are, becuase of GNOME 3 really | Dec 10 21:34 |
sebsebseb | ,but no GNOME 3 itself | Dec 10 21:34 |
sebsebseb | and yep KDE there | Dec 10 21:34 |
iophk | though LXDE is moving to Qt or something | Dec 10 21:34 |
sebsebseb | iophk: MinceR appanratly someone left his LUG, because it was to Ubuntu, and that it was just a front for socialism orwhatever he was saying the other night | Dec 10 21:35 |
sebsebseb | not really aboutsoftware freedom | Dec 10 21:35 |
sebsebseb | iophk: MinceR so to political for him and so he leavs | Dec 10 21:35 |
MinceR | lol | Dec 10 21:36 |
sebsebseb | I think that's an issue right htre with Linux and other opensource/freesoftware in general | Dec 10 21:36 |
sebsebseb | as I was trying to say earier | Dec 10 21:36 |
MinceR | yes, people being idiots is an issue in general | Dec 10 21:36 |
sebsebseb | it's way to opinated and political at times | Dec 10 21:36 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: who are you reffering to? | Dec 10 21:36 |
MinceR | the "herp derp free software is socialism" crowd | Dec 10 21:37 |
MinceR | state socialism was all about dictatorical control from the top down on everything, so that's more m$/crApple if anything | Dec 10 21:37 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: well he said sociais is the worst sytem | Dec 10 21:37 |
iophk | M$ is top-down, command-economy, centrally controlled ... | Dec 10 21:37 |
sebsebseb | worst out of the three | Dec 10 21:37 |
iophk | gtg | Dec 10 21:38 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: what kind of society would you like to have? | Dec 10 21:40 |
MinceR | i would progress toward a less statist, more individualist, more free-market society and see what we can learn from it | Dec 10 21:40 |
sebsebseb | what a help your naighbour society | Dec 10 21:40 |
sebsebseb | ? | Dec 10 21:40 |
MinceR | that would be a part of it | Dec 10 21:41 |
sebsebseb | and where there isn't really money | Dec 10 21:41 |
MinceR | human nature being what it is now, you can't really expect any system to save us from it | Dec 10 21:41 |
sebsebseb | and peopel don't just work for the system and things like that | Dec 10 21:41 |
MinceR | so it would have to be evolved | Dec 10 21:41 |
MinceR | i don't think money is evil | Dec 10 21:41 |
MinceR | it's a useful tool | Dec 10 21:41 |
MinceR | but it shouldn't be worshipped | Dec 10 21:41 |
sebsebseb | I think there's a lot of issues really with the world | Dec 10 21:42 |
sebsebseb | ,but change takes time etc | Dec 10 21:42 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: I think there's food down stiars waiting for me though, so yeah bye for now | Dec 10 21:42 |
sebsebseb | or back in a bit | Dec 10 21:42 |
sebsebseb | or not sure qute | Dec 10 21:42 |
MinceR | :) | Dec 10 21:43 |
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Dec 10 21:43 | |
sebsebseb | why ;0 | Dec 10 21:43 |
sebsebseb | ? | Dec 10 21:43 |
sebsebseb | that's :) | Dec 10 21:43 |
sebsebseb | was meant to be :) | Dec 10 21:43 |
MinceR | not sure anymore | Dec 10 21:44 |
MinceR | probably regarding the food | Dec 10 21:44 |
sebsebseb | oh ok | Dec 10 21:44 |
MinceR | but yes, there are a lot of issues and change takes time | Dec 10 21:44 |
MinceR | (and more than time) | Dec 10 21:44 |
DaemonFC | Firefox now supports h264 if you have the gstreamer plug in for that. | Dec 10 21:45 |
DaemonFC | It'll also play it using the native codecs on Android, OS X, and Windows. | Dec 10 21:45 |
MinceR | i thought that wasn't new | Dec 10 21:45 |
DaemonFC | It's new in Firefox 26 | Dec 10 21:45 |
MinceR | they're adding support for some downloadable blob from fiasco now | Dec 10 21:45 |
DaemonFC | I guess it's easy to say they gave up, but really it's more or less Google's fault. | Dec 10 21:46 |
MinceR | (and they're trying to sell it as free software or open source...) | Dec 10 21:46 |
DaemonFC | If Google had converted all videos on Youtube to WebM and yanked h264 from Chrome like they said they would.... | Dec 10 21:46 |
MinceR | indeed | Dec 10 21:46 |
DaemonFC | h264 would have already been done fore. | Dec 10 21:46 |
DaemonFC | *for | Dec 10 21:46 |
MinceR | i have no idea what reason google could possibly have for not doing that | Dec 10 21:46 |
DaemonFC | It was probably part of their deal with the MPEG-LA. | Dec 10 21:47 |
DaemonFC | The one where the MPEG-LA let WebM users have a royalty free patent license for any MPEG-LA patents that WebM might infringe. | Dec 10 21:48 |
MinceR | pfft | Dec 10 21:48 |
MinceR | that deal was capitulation, then | Dec 10 21:48 |
DaemonFC | A lot of the terms of that deal are secret, but Google's decision to retain support for h264 in Chrome may have been one of the conditions. | Dec 10 21:48 |
MinceR | the whole point of WebM was to be unencumbered | Dec 10 21:48 |
DaemonFC | Right. Well, it was designed to try to avoid MPEG-LA's patents, but that doesn't mean it does. | Dec 10 21:49 |
DaemonFC | When things actually get to court, the definitions of what a patent covers are pretty "flexible". | Dec 10 21:49 |
MinceR | just like in the m$ case, we will probably never find out if it does | Dec 10 21:49 |
MinceR | it was probably just some vague threats towards google | Dec 10 21:49 |
DaemonFC | I'd imagine that it does violate at least one or more. | Dec 10 21:50 |
DaemonFC | It's hard to consider something so large not violating one of thousands of patents in a pool. | Dec 10 21:50 |
DaemonFC | *to not be violating | Dec 10 21:50 |
DaemonFC | So, it probably hits at least one, or a few, no matter how careful they were. | Dec 10 21:50 |
MinceR | at least in light of sw patents being incredibly vague and that nobody dares attack them on grounds of validity or prior art | Dec 10 21:51 |
MinceR | (i don't know why) | Dec 10 21:51 |
DaemonFC | Because there's thousands more. | Dec 10 21:51 |
DaemonFC | It's easier to pay up than try to fight 5,000 patents one by one. | Dec 10 21:51 |
MinceR | (perhaps patent lawyers expect their future living to depend on the system remaining as broken as it is now) | Dec 10 21:51 |
MinceR | what if the patent holder is made to pay for the costs of fighting every patent they lose? | Dec 10 21:51 |
MinceR | i guess the legal system doesn't work that way | Dec 10 21:52 |
DaemonFC | Actually, a bill has been brought up in the House of Representatives that would do loser pays. | Dec 10 21:52 |
DaemonFC | I think it was called the Innovate Act or something. | Dec 10 21:52 |
MinceR | let me guess, it lost | Dec 10 21:53 |
DaemonFC | It's still being considered. | Dec 10 21:54 |
DaemonFC | If it passes, the Senate has until the beginning of the new Congress in January of 2015 to pass it. | Dec 10 21:54 |
DaemonFC | If they don't, the bill dies and has to be reintroduced and passed in both chambers again. | Dec 10 21:55 |
DaemonFC | I don't know why that happens. Only about 5% of the House membership changes, and maybe 5-10% of the Senate. | Dec 10 21:55 |
DaemonFC | They just don't have that much turnover. | Dec 10 21:56 |
DaemonFC | They spent almost all of their time fundraising. | Dec 10 21:57 |
DaemonFC | Anyone that challenges them gets drowned out by all the spending that the incumbent can afford to do. | Dec 10 21:57 |
DaemonFC | Plus, most House districts are drawn to heavily favor one party. | Dec 10 21:57 |
DaemonFC | Whatever party is in control of the state that the district is in. | Dec 10 21:57 |
DaemonFC | My district is so heavily gerrymandered for the Republican that it would take a major scandal and a right-wing Democrat on the same year to get rid of him. | Dec 10 21:58 |
DaemonFC | It sucks. | Dec 10 21:58 |
DaemonFC | You can write to them, but they don't really listen. They're much more interested in what people with money tell them to do than what voters want. | Dec 10 21:59 |
DaemonFC | Most legislation they bring up is actually a threat to get more money out of whatever industry wants less regulation. | Dec 10 21:59 |
DaemonFC | And some industries want more regulation. | Dec 10 22:00 |
DaemonFC | The 2010 law that was supposed to reduce smoking rates did nothing to affect the smoking rate. | Dec 10 22:00 |
DaemonFC | It just banned most types of imported cigarettes and more kinds of advertising. | Dec 10 22:00 |
DaemonFC | The tobacco companies wrote the bill. They wanted no foreign competition, and to not have to pay to advertise to each others customers. | Dec 10 22:01 |
DaemonFC | So they got what they wanted. :) | Dec 10 22:01 |
DaemonFC | It reversed the Supreme Court and handed regulation of the tobacco companies over to the FDA. | Dec 10 22:02 |
DaemonFC | So, the FDA is supposed to protect the public health (I know. Haha!). | Dec 10 22:02 |
DaemonFC | And now you've got them regulating cigarettes that kill people. | Dec 10 22:02 |
DaemonFC | So the first thing they did was ban every flavor of cigarette with the exception for menthol. | Dec 10 22:03 |
DaemonFC | What a coincidence. Most flavors other than menthol are imports or from smaller companies. | Dec 10 22:03 |
DaemonFC | :) | Dec 10 22:03 |
MinceR | gn | Dec 10 22:14 |
DaemonFC | Menthol is a really nasty ingredient when you mix it with tobacco. | Dec 10 22:14 |
MinceR | why? | Dec 10 22:14 |
MinceR | i thought nicotine and natural MAOIs were nasty enough | Dec 10 22:15 |
DaemonFC | The menthol itself is perfectly safe, but it causes people to inhale more deeply and it makes it easier to breathe when the cigarettes are actually hurting your lung function long-term. | Dec 10 22:15 |
MinceR | ic | Dec 10 22:15 |
DaemonFC | I have an on and off addiction, and I usually smoke menthol cigarettes. | Dec 10 22:15 |
DaemonFC | But I signed a petition to the FDA to ban menthol. They say they're considering it. | Dec 10 22:16 |
DaemonFC | If they did that, it would have a huge effect on the number of people who smoke. | Dec 10 22:16 |
MinceR | or a huge effect on the black market of menthol cigarettes :> | Dec 10 22:16 |
MinceR | or menthol products designed to be added by the user | Dec 10 22:17 |
MinceR | remember the prohibition era :> | Dec 10 22:17 |
DaemonFC | Yeah. There would be a black market for them and they'd be smuggled in from Canada and Mexico. | Dec 10 22:17 |
DaemonFC | The price would go way up though. | Dec 10 22:17 |
DaemonFC | Black markets do that. So, fewer people could afford them. | Dec 10 22:18 |
DaemonFC | :) | Dec 10 22:18 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: I doubt many people would want them for $10 a pack. | Dec 10 22:18 |
MinceR | it would also lead to a rise in associated crime | Dec 10 22:19 |
DaemonFC | I don't see why it would be worse than what the war on drugs has caused. | Dec 10 22:21 |
DaemonFC | Marijuana is much less dangerous than the criminals that the prohibition has enabled to do business. | Dec 10 22:21 |
DaemonFC | But, I could see a stronger demand for the stuff that's already banned than menthol cigarettes. | Dec 10 22:22 |
DaemonFC | It's still legal to import enough clove cigarettes for personal consumption. | Dec 10 22:22 |
DaemonFC | I think you can import up to 10 cartons per year for yourself. | Dec 10 22:22 |
DaemonFC | But reselling them is illegal. | Dec 10 22:22 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: It's also legal to make a certain amount of beer or wine for yourself, or to give away. | Dec 10 22:23 |
DaemonFC | And you don't owe any taxes on it. | Dec 10 22:23 |
DaemonFC | But if you sell it, you've committed a felony. | Dec 10 22:23 |
MinceR | it seems very similar to the war on drugs | Dec 10 22:24 |
MinceR | as tobacco _is_ a drug | Dec 10 22:24 |
DaemonFC | Well, I hope I didn't disturb the neighbors too much last night.... | Dec 10 22:27 |
DaemonFC | LOL | Dec 10 22:27 |
DaemonFC | What they must think of me.... | Dec 10 22:27 |
DaemonFC | I've met a few people on those personals sites. The first two went nowhere, but this seems to be heading in the right direction. | Dec 10 22:28 |
DaemonFC | We were up all night watching movies and stuff. | Dec 10 22:28 |
DaemonFC | Those people on the side of the apartment where my TV is get mad at me for watching movies at a reasonable volume. | Dec 10 22:29 |
DaemonFC | They complained the the landlord about it, so I had the landlord come in and I demonstrated the volume that I normally watch movies at, and she told them to get over it. | Dec 10 22:29 |
DaemonFC | *to the | Dec 10 22:29 |
DaemonFC | She said not to let them bother me, they complain about _everything_. | Dec 10 22:30 |
DaemonFC | I asked my other neighbor, the nice one, if I was bothering her. She said she couldn't hear my TV at all. | Dec 10 22:31 |
DaemonFC | But, you get that living in apartments. There's a few nice neighbors, a few really mean ones, and a few that just pay you no attention at all. | Dec 10 22:31 |
DaemonFC | At least none of them are criminals. | Dec 10 22:31 |
DaemonFC | I've lived in worse apartments before. Way worse. | Dec 10 22:32 |
DaemonFC | I switched my phone and Mobile Firefox over to use DuckDuckGo. | Dec 10 22:33 |
DaemonFC | They have a really nice mobile app/site. | Dec 10 22:33 |
DaemonFC | :) | Dec 10 22:33 |
*DaemonFC shares Switch to Windows with MinceR and giggles. | Dec 10 22:35 | |
DaemonFC | I can't believe that Google actually allows that shit in their app store. | Dec 10 22:35 |
DaemonFC | Maybe they allowed it because it amuses them. | Dec 10 22:36 |
DaemonFC | Is anyone seriously going to switch from Android to Windows Phone? :P | Dec 10 22:36 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 10 22:43 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | House, Senate Negotiators Set to Announce Budget Deal - [ ] | Dec 10 22:43 |
DaemonFC | It's already cheaper to get in my car and drive to most places than to take a plane. | Dec 10 22:43 |
DaemonFC | Now they're going to charge even more for plane tickets.\ | Dec 10 22:43 |
schestowitz__ | [22:39] <s-255> @wikileaks Sweden was never denazified. Prior to 1945 it | Dec 10 22:50 |
schestowitz__ | [22:39] <s-255> supported Germany. After '44 Swedish utopian | Dec 10 22:50 |
schestowitz__ | [22:39] <s-255> fascism in the ruling class became more | Dec 10 22:51 |
schestowitz__ | [22:39] <s-255> discreet. | Dec 10 22:51 |
*pidgin_log1 has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Dec 10 22:53 | |
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DaemonFC | | Dec 10 23:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | PS4 is ’50% faster’ than Xbox One, report game developers | ExtremeTech [ ] | Dec 10 23:41 |
DaemonFC | So the XBOX One version will probably be crippled. | Dec 10 23:41 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: I agree with Richard Stallman about gifts. | Dec 10 23:53 |
DaemonFC | I was talking to Tim about this. I said "Look, neither one of us are doing exceptionally well right now. We can go to dinner or something every once in a while, but I don't want you to buy anything for me for Christmas, I'm serious. Don't." | Dec 10 23:54 |
DaemonFC | We were talking about that. | Dec 10 23:54 |
DaemonFC | :P | Dec 10 23:54 |
DaemonFC | We're both kind of stuck where we're at. | Dec 10 23:54 |
DaemonFC | I hate how these advertising cretins come out and tell people that you're a pile of shit if you don't spend money you don't have on Christmas and birthdays and expensive engagement/wedding rings. | Dec 10 23:55 |
DaemonFC | We're kind of lucky in one way. He works at a restaurant, so whenever we want to have dinner, we just eat there and it's half price. | Dec 10 23:58 |
DaemonFC | It's like every year, I feel like I'm in a vice, and it's getting tighter. | Dec 10 23:59 |
DaemonFC | There is no recovery for a lot of people. | Dec 10 23:59 |
DaemonFC | I'm starting to really see that now. | Dec 10 23:59 |
DaemonFC | If I get a 1% raise next year, then my rent, cable, food, and gas expenses will go up an average of 3-5%. | Dec 11 00:00 |
DaemonFC | It's been going in this direction for like five years now. | Dec 11 00:00 |
DaemonFC | I've pushed back against that where I can, but even that's starting to become less of a way to get some spending money out of my budget, and more of something I just have to do to get by. | Dec 11 00:01 |
DaemonFC | I've become more obsessed with gimmicks like credit card rebates and coupons, and so on. | Dec 11 00:01 |
DaemonFC | That's actually brought more money back into my budget than my usual raises. | Dec 11 00:02 |
DaemonFC | I can already feel next year getting tighter. My rent went up less than I thought it would. Only going up 1.3%. :P | Dec 11 00:03 |
DaemonFC | Everything is going up faster than the raise will be though. | Dec 11 00:03 |
DaemonFC | Such a joke. | Dec 11 00:03 |
*_Goblin has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 11 00:03 | |
DaemonFC | That gas app on my phone has been pretty helpful. I can look at all the stations in the area that I plan to travel in and make sure I pull over at the cheapest station. That's cool. It's only a couple dollars per tank, but it's something. :P | Dec 11 00:05 |
DaemonFC | My step-mother still hasn't found work. She's been unemployed for a little over five years now iirc. | Dec 11 00:07 |
DaemonFC | The irony was that she was a claims "adjuster" for a health insurance company, and they fired her because she's not in good health. | Dec 11 00:07 |
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | Dec 11 00:29 | |
DaemonFC | That point where you're going through the ashtray looking for half-smoked cigarettes.... | Dec 11 00:42 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 11 00:48 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Nokia ‘Normandy’ said to be low-cost handset running custom version of Android | Android and Me [ ] | Dec 11 00:48 |
DaemonFC | Nokia is doing Android finally. | Dec 11 00:48 |
DaemonFC | If they get acquired by Microsoft, I'm sure that the first order of business will be to halt production and stop support for devices already sold. | Dec 11 00:49 |
DaemonFC | Might not be the best idea to buy it. | Dec 11 00:49 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 11 00:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | LG G2 mini with Snapdragon 800 chipset, 4.7-inch display in the works: Report | NDTV Gadgets [ ] | Dec 11 00:51 |
DaemonFC | I have the full sized 5.2 inch LG G2. | Dec 11 00:51 |
DaemonFC | I love it. | Dec 11 00:51 |
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*DaemonFC` is now known as DaemonFC | Dec 11 04:28 | |
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*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 11 04:29 | |
*Faither has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | Dec 11 05:01 | |
DaemonFC | I'm generally in favor of the auto industry bailouts. The auto industry makes products. The financial sector, which got 100 times more money than the auto industry, makes people poor and in debt. | Dec 11 05:31 |
DaemonFC | The auto industry provides more than 2 million jobs, the financial industry produces assholes that buy $10,000 hamburgers and $75 ice cubes for their $20,000 scotch whisky. | Dec 11 05:31 |
DaemonFC | Like · · Share · 9 minutes ago · Edited · | Dec 11 05:31 |
Snowleaksange | financial sector benefits humanity.. | Dec 11 05:32 |
Snowleaksange | provides liquity and makes markets efficient | Dec 11 05:32 |
Snowleaksange | if it werent for speculators would take long time to buy/sell stuff and would be lot of price uncertainty | Dec 11 05:33 |
Snowleaksange | speculators/traders | Dec 11 05:34 |
DaemonFC | Thanks to speculators, the price can soar even in the middle of a supply glut. | Dec 11 05:34 |
DaemonFC | What would we do without them? :) | Dec 11 05:34 |
Snowleaksange | liquidity* | Dec 11 05:35 |
DaemonFC | In the end, what people are willing to pay usually helps control price inflation. | Dec 11 05:37 |
DaemonFC | But, when you are talking things like food or fuel to run their cars and power and heat their homes.... | Dec 11 05:37 |
DaemonFC | Not really optional, so they charge basically whatever they feel like. | Dec 11 05:37 |
DaemonFC | You can't do much to fight back against that. Turn the heat down. Then they up the price for electricity/gas some more and you're back to paying what you were before, only the house is colder. | Dec 11 05:38 |
DaemonFC | Cable TV price inflation is getting pretty wicked. Comcast sent me out a list of their normal non-promo prices for stuff. | Dec 11 05:39 |
DaemonFC | The cable TV bills are going up $5. So, that's kind of regressive. | Dec 11 05:39 |
Snowleaksange | sounds lime monopoly / duopoly / cartels | Dec 11 05:39 |
DaemonFC | People who don't subscribe to many channels get hit harder. | Dec 11 05:39 |
Snowleaksange | price gouging is crime | Dec 11 05:40 |
DaemonFC | I threw out the cable TV a LONG time ago. | Dec 11 05:40 |
DaemonFC | Holy shit. You want to talk about crazy? | Dec 11 05:40 |
DaemonFC | Their basic packages are over $100 a month, by the time they get you for the packages, hidden fees, equipment rental, per-jack fees, etc. | Dec 11 05:41 |
DaemonFC | And cable TV inflation was hitting double digits for a few years there. | Dec 11 05:41 |
DaemonFC | So there's no telling what it costs now. | Dec 11 05:42 |
DaemonFC | I think I'll go figure that out. | Dec 11 05:42 |
DaemonFC | What my mom didn't understand was that those bundle prices are not good deals. | Dec 11 05:43 |
DaemonFC | They talked her into buying phone service she never used...channels they never watch... | Dec 11 05:43 |
DaemonFC | Then they kept telling her that she was saving all kinds of money because they were hitting her up for an extra $40 in "services" she didn't really use. | Dec 11 05:44 |
DaemonFC | Those bundle prices are bullshit anyway. | Dec 11 05:44 |
DaemonFC | You threaten to cancel, you get better prices. | Dec 11 05:44 |
DaemonFC | I've had their internet for over two years now and haven't ever paid close to full price for it. | Dec 11 05:45 |
DaemonFC | This last time I was a bit more forceful and got my bill down to $29.99 a month. | Dec 11 05:45 |
DaemonFC | That's for their $69.99 plan. | Dec 11 05:45 |
DaemonFC | So there's a lot of room for negotiation, and she doesn't get that. | Dec 11 05:46 |
DaemonFC | Of course they're happy to let people who pay full price keep paying it. | Dec 11 05:46 |
DaemonFC | Some people get the high speed internet plan for $70, some people get it for $30. It just depends on whether or not you're willing to cut it off if you have to pay too much. If they think you will, they work with you. | Dec 11 05:47 |
DaemonFC | My mom and my stepdad are the kind of people who refuse to budget. | Dec 11 05:48 |
DaemonFC | They'd rather each spend another 10-15 hours at work every week than to figure out how to get more done with less. | Dec 11 05:49 |
DaemonFC | So they're always running around scrabbling for more money and complaining t hat they're broke. | Dec 11 05:49 |
Snowleaksange | negotiating ability is great skill to have | Dec 11 05:50 |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Dec 11 05:56 | |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 11 06:00 |
DaemonFC | What gets me is when religious charities, which operate mostly on money from the government, whose total annual expenditures amount to roughly 6% of the federal SNAP funding, say that we need to kill off SNAP and let private charity take on the needs of the many. | Dec 11 06:00 |
DaemonFC | It can't even handle the load that it has now. When the people actually show up, after about two weeks into the month, with nothing left on the SNAP card, they complain that having to handle half the total need is more than they are set up to deal with. | Dec 11 06:00 |
DaemonFC | Of course right-wingers are generally fine with religious organizations taking taxpayer money and inefficiently using it to distribute some food. The goal is to make people show up for religious services, starving, so that they may beg for something to eat. | Dec 11 06:00 |
DaemonFC | Snowleaksange: I'd rather argue the price of things down than try to find a way to make more money. | Dec 11 06:00 |
DaemonFC | Making more money is harder than figuring out where you're bleeding from and patching it up. | Dec 11 06:01 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Dec 11 06:01 | |
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DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 11 06:19 |
DaemonFC | In America, we now have Thanksgiving Lite and Thanksgiving, along with Christmas Lite and Christmas. | Dec 11 06:19 |
DaemonFC | The middle class and rich gather around the dinner table and enjoy each others company over good homemade food, and the people who work at places like Walmart and McDonalds get Holiday Lite, where they show up for $7 an hour (or else), and eat a fun size bag of chips on their lunch break. | Dec 11 06:19 |
DaemonFC | There is a person who I know, that is a nurse, and is making $50 an hour if she works on any major holiday, and apparently you just get totally disconnected from reality at this point. She said "I don't see what the big deal is. *I* have to work that day!". | Dec 11 06:20 |
DaemonFC | I said "Yes, for seven times as much money, good health insurance, a pension and a 401(k), and to do a job that needs to be done. Not selling toys and artificial food for $7 an hour." | Dec 11 06:20 |
DaemonFC | I mean, think about that for a second. She makes more in one hour than they do in an eight hour shift (if they can get one), and can't see the difference between being a nurse and selling cheap crap that people don't need. | Dec 11 06:20 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 11 06:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Get a clue, McDonald’s: Chain tells workers how much to tip their pool cleaners, dog walkers, and masseuses - [ ] | Dec 11 06:30 |
DaemonFC | "In July, the campaign highlighted a sample budget McDonalds offered for workers, which imagined an employee working two jobs and still devoting zero dollars to heat. In October, an activist worker recorded and shared her call to the company’s McResources hotline in which a counselor suggested she “would most likely be eligible” for food stamps, which “takes a lot of pressure off how much money yu spend on groceries.” And last month | Dec 11 06:30 |
DaemonFC | the SEIU-backed effort seized on a McResources website offering advice on budgeting, stress, and diet which included cutting food into smaller pieces and spending more time at church." | Dec 11 06:30 |
Snowleaksange | | Dec 11 06:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | The Cost Of An Ultrawealthy Uberclass: $1500 Per Worker | Zero Hedge [ ] | Dec 11 06:50 |
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DaemonFC | Might as well use uTorrent for Android. | Dec 11 08:15 |
DaemonFC | There don't seem to be any Free bittorrent apps. | Dec 11 08:16 |
DaemonFC | Frostwire was, until it wasn't. | Dec 11 08:16 |
DaemonFC | F-Droid still has an outdated version that they removed Google's proprietary advertising library from. | Dec 11 08:16 |
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Dec 11 08:21 | |
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iophk | old - | Dec 11 09:17 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | A CEO who resisted NSA spying is out of prison. And he feels ‘vindicated’ by Snowden leaks. [ ] | Dec 11 09:17 |
*carlos_ (~carlos@ has joined #techrights | Dec 11 09:19 | |
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MinceR | might as well run rTorrent or Transmission on GNU on Android. | Dec 11 09:37 |
MinceR | geekings | Dec 11 09:48 |
*nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Dec 11 09:57 | |
*Faither ( has joined #techrights | Dec 11 10:10 | |
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iophk |,2817,2428164,00.asp | Dec 11 10:37 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | 20 Years Later: A Look Back at My Doom Love Affair | News & Opinion | [ ] | Dec 11 10:37 |
iophk | | Dec 11 10:45 |
iophk | | Dec 11 10:45 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Rick Falkvinge's 2013 List Of Stone Dead Industries - Falkvinge on Infopolicy [ ] | Dec 11 10:45 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Panic as Thousands Receive ‘Fines’ For Streaming RedTube Videos | TorrentFreak [ ] | Dec 11 10:45 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 11 11:06 | |
iophk | | Dec 11 11:37 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | 'Selfie' diplomacy: Michelle Obama looks unamused by Barack's joking with Danish prime minister - Telegraph [ ] | Dec 11 11:37 |
iophk | once again Windows to the rescue - | Dec 11 11:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | China hacked Europe before G20: reports [ ] | Dec 11 11:38 |
*jono_ ( has joined #techrights | Dec 11 11:43 | |
*synchris (~quassel@pdpc/supporter/student/synchris) has joined #techrights | Dec 11 12:05 | |
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iophk | | Dec 11 13:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Angry Birds Go is strong to the Finnish- The Inquirer [ ] | Dec 11 13:14 |
Sosumi | | Dec 11 13:16 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | NO TITLE [ ] | Dec 11 13:16 |
Sosumi | time crapazine chooses the pope for person of the year | Dec 11 13:16 |
Sosumi | instead of Snowden for his confirmations | Dec 11 13:17 |
iophk | Snowden has had and will likely have more positive impact over the next few years. | Dec 11 13:17 |
iophk | His whisleblowing has been in the news every week so far. | Dec 11 13:18 |
iophk | | Dec 11 13:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | 'Fake' Mandela memorial sign language interpreter provokes anger | SBS News [ ] | Dec 11 13:18 |
Sosumi | duno, I actually think that outside a certain circles, ppl have already forgotten | Dec 11 13:19 |
Sosumi | snowden for me only pops up on RT | Dec 11 13:19 |
Sosumi | nothing else | Dec 11 13:19 |
iophk | I see some on some tech news sites. | Dec 11 13:19 |
iophk | But many people still use MSN, Hotmail, and so on. | Dec 11 13:20 |
iophk | | Dec 11 13:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Pirate Bay Founder Held in Solitary Confinement Without a Warrant | TorrentFreak [ ] | Dec 11 13:26 |
Sosumi | | Dec 11 13:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | NO TITLE [ ] | Dec 11 13:30 |
Sosumi | ‘We cannot trust them anymore’: Engineers abandon encryption chips after Snowden leaks | Dec 11 13:30 |
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Dec 11 14:38 | |
*Faither_ ( has joined #techrights | Dec 11 15:53 | |
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Sosumi | | Dec 11 18:58 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | [Phoronix] Activision Is Preventing A Game From Coming To Linux [ ] | Dec 11 18:58 |
Sosumi | | Dec 11 19:06 |
Sosumi | Phone Drive Eightythree 4.1.1 iOS - Multiple Vulnerabilities | Dec 11 19:06 |
Sosumi | iOS doesn't even have proper file management software | Dec 11 19:07 |
Sosumi | needing to rely on third party tools, lol | Dec 11 19:07 |
MinceR | afaik it doesn't even allow its crApps to access the same directories | Dec 11 19:26 |
MinceR | if it even allows them to access a filesystem at all | Dec 11 19:26 |
MinceR | jailbreaking can help, but the system and its APIs still aren't designed with this in mind | Dec 11 19:26 |
Sosumi | no idea | Dec 11 19:30 |
Sosumi | buty from what I heard jailbraking broke the encryption on the iphone | Dec 11 19:31 |
Sosumi | if it ever was well implemented | Dec 11 19:31 |
Sosumi | which I have no idea | Dec 11 19:31 |
Sosumi | but from what I heard of the iphone 3g back in 2009 at the defcon | Dec 11 19:32 |
Sosumi | it was useless | Dec 11 19:32 |
MinceR | well, it's untrustworthy | Dec 11 19:34 |
Sosumi | but if someone donates me a recent hypephone I'll check it for sure :) | Dec 11 19:34 |
Sosumi | ofc I'll see the phone later | Dec 11 19:34 |
MinceR | since the customer/user is not in control and it isn't even free software | Dec 11 19:34 |
MinceR | oh, and crApple being as sleazy as they are, of course | Dec 11 19:35 |
Sosumi | sleazy and lazy | Dec 11 19:35 |
Sosumi | they can't even come up with prompt security updates | Dec 11 19:35 |
Sosumi | even up to this day | Dec 11 19:36 |
*msb_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 11 19:48 | |
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Sosumi | wait, silly me, OSX is totally secure, it's Unix! | Dec 11 22:03 |
Sosumi | even through XNU - XNU is not Unix | Dec 11 22:03 |
Sosumi | apple propaganda :P | Dec 11 22:05 |
MinceR | lol | Dec 11 22:07 |
*synchris has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 11 22:16 | |
schestowitz__ | " I was glad to see you took over the helm, the content seems even better now. " | Dec 11 22:46 |
*gde33|2 ( has joined #techrights | Dec 11 23:04 | |
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Sosumi | they actually wrote that on their science page | Dec 11 23:24 |
Sosumi | OSX is secure because it was built on a solid unix foundation | Dec 11 23:24 |
Sosumi | not my words, theirs | Dec 11 23:25 |
MinceR | gn | Dec 11 23:51 |
schestowitz__ | the FOSS trolls at it again | Dec 11 23:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Objectivity in the Linux world [ ] | Dec 11 23:57 |
schestowitz__ | networkworld loves em | Dec 11 23:57 |
schestowitz__ | IDG | Dec 11 23:57 |
Sosumi | | Dec 11 23:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | New Android threats could turn some phones into remote bugging devices | Ars Technica [ ] | Dec 11 23:59 |
Sosumi | wasn't bugging for at least, law enforcement, a feature? | Dec 11 23:59 |
Sosumi | referring to both ios and android | Dec 12 00:00 |
schestowitz__ | yeah | Dec 12 00:09 |
schestowitz__ | might get corporate media endorsement | Dec 12 00:09 |
schestowitz__ | state-approved | Dec 12 00:09 |
schestowitz__ | meaning secure in the national security sense | Dec 12 00:09 |
schestowitz__ | a punch in the natsec | Dec 12 00:09 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 00:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Protest over free education for all Quebec children ends peacefully #protest #canada | Dec 12 00:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Protest over free education for all Quebec children ends peacefully - Montreal | [ ] | Dec 12 00:10 |
schestowitz__ | "Well that's a change of pace.' | Dec 12 00:10 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 00:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Uruguay legalizes sale and production of marijuana maybe prohibition didn't work | Dec 12 00:10 |
schestowitz__ | "según me contaron los que intentan probar esto algunas personalidades como los de Monsanto y otros poderosos... pero creo que la Marihuana tiene grandes beneficios... podrían aplicarse a la medicina de forma más abierta." | Dec 12 00:10 |
*Guest89627 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 12 00:19 | |
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Sosumi | and news about DRM and leased data aka steam/origin games, amazon swindle books, etc | Dec 12 00:53 |
Sosumi | actually not news | Dec 12 00:53 |
Sosumi | but given the use google, M$, crapple, facebook, etc do with the data we put on | Dec 12 00:53 |
Sosumi | why can't I DRM my personal info | Dec 12 00:54 |
Sosumi | so in case I close my account with said service I have the guarantee I take my data with me | Dec 12 00:54 |
Sosumi | in many cases you can't close your account.... and nothing guarantees they actually delete the data | Dec 12 00:55 |
Sosumi | call it reverse DRM | Dec 12 00:55 |
Sosumi | in which I lease my data for X service for X amount of time | Dec 12 00:56 |
Sosumi | just like steam/origin and swindle does | Dec 12 00:56 |
Sosumi | and actually have that put on TOS | Dec 12 00:57 |
Sosumi | that wall of text that no one reads | Dec 12 00:57 |
Snowleaksange | | Dec 12 01:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Sec w/o ID [ ] | Dec 12 01:23 |
*TakinOver has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 12 02:37 | |
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*Agnesi ( has joined #techrights | Dec 12 03:19 | |
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DaemonFC | shared Raise The Minimum Wage's photo. | Dec 12 04:03 |
DaemonFC | 4 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 12 04:03 |
DaemonFC | I'd still rather have a Starbucks in Huntington, than that Coffee D'Vine, which is ran by Tea Party scum. I will never spend any of my money at that store. | Dec 12 04:03 |
DaemonFC | The federal minimum wage needs to go up, which would help out everyone that works for a large, profitable, minimum wage employer. | Dec 12 04:03 |
DaemonFC | A lot of people who make more money get very pretentious and argue that the extremely poor deserve to be extremely poor because "they're not doing anything that important". | Dec 12 04:03 |
DaemonFC | I'd like to test that theory. Let's give everyone that makes under $10 an hour the week off and see what happens. Pretty soon, when you're unable to shop, eat out, buy groceries, see a movie, or get a cup of coffee, you'll figure it out. | Dec 12 04:03 |
*TakinOver has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 12 04:06 | |
DaemonFC | shared The Other 98%'s photo. | Dec 12 04:10 |
DaemonFC | about a minute ago | Dec 12 04:10 |
DaemonFC | Corporatism pretty much killed Home Economics. | Dec 12 04:10 |
DaemonFC | The last thing that the corporatocracy wants is a nation of frugal people who know how to draw up a monthly budget. | Dec 12 04:10 |
DaemonFC | They want people who are always having to scrabble for more money because of high interest credit cards and children. | Dec 12 04:10 |
*sebsebseb has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 05:30 | |
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sebsebseb | Dec 12 05:59 | |
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Agnesi | Snowleaksange, lose the card or have it stolen and you lose your login credentials for everything | Dec 12 07:31 |
*Agnesi is now known as Sosumi | Dec 12 07:32 | |
Sosumi | and imagine if the login database for the card was to be hacked | Dec 12 07:35 |
Sosumi | the, well the crackers (using the right term), would get your login credentials for everything in a single blow | Dec 12 07:35 |
Sosumi | those one do it all solutions don't work in the real world | Dec 12 07:37 |
Sosumi | just keep different passwords for everything the way you should | Dec 12 07:37 |
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DaemonFC | | Dec 12 08:51 |
MinceR | national brotherhood week | Dec 12 08:54 |
MinceR | geekings | Dec 12 09:15 |
*iophk1 (~lars@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 09:21 | |
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schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 09:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | The Time for Freedom-Respecting Routers Has Come | Dec 12 09:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | The Time for Freedom-Respecting Routers Has Come | Techrights [ ] | Dec 12 09:23 |
schestowitz__ | "<a href="">LibreWRT</a> <a href="">is free</a>." | Dec 12 09:23 |
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Dec 12 09:23 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | | LibreWRT | Dec 12 09:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | List of Free GNU/Linux Distributions - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation [ ] | Dec 12 09:23 |
schestowitz__ | "I built one of these a few years back as a hobby project. Maybe time to dust it off and power it up again.." | Dec 12 09:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | LEAF — Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall | Dec 12 09:23 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 09:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | #drone strikes "began in the #Bush administration and has significantly widened under the #Obama administration." | Dec 12 09:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Drone Wars: What’s the Right Policy? » The Epoch Times [ ] | Dec 12 09:24 |
schestowitz__ | "<b>...and the civilised world ...</b> <br></b> u made my day :D" | Dec 12 09:24 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 09:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | "Informing the American people about how their government spies on them can be risky business for journalists." | Dec 12 09:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Snowden docs had NYTimes exec fearing for his life - Dec. 9, 2013 [ ] | Dec 12 09:25 |
schestowitz__ | "Oh really ... scary ... what a wimpy executive. What a big baby." | Dec 12 09:25 |
schestowitz__ | ""I don't want to see anything on those drives. I could be putting my life at risk." With journalists like that, who needs a paper?" | Dec 12 09:25 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 09:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | > ---- | Dec 12 09:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | The NSA's Reach Might Be Even Bigger Than We Thought [ ] | Dec 12 09:33 |
schestowitz__ | "<strong> <a data-hovercard='/people/da68a1f811b0f71e' href="/u/schestowitz" class='mention hovercardable' >Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)</a> </strong><sup> 11/12/2013 11:26:26</sup> The NSA's Reach Might Be Even Bigger Than We Thought 3 hops=almost everyone <sub>via <a data-hovercard='/people/0b0498e2475ba7a6' href="/u/willhill" class='mention hovercardable' >Will Hill</ | Dec 12 09:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | ( status 404 @ ) | Dec 12 09:33 |
schestowitz__ | a><br /></sub> #nsa #surveillance #privacy" | Dec 12 09:33 |
DaemonFC | The temperature has fallen to -2. :P | Dec 12 09:47 |
DaemonFC | Chilly.... | Dec 12 09:47 |
iophk1 | | Dec 12 10:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | America's hidden epidemic of tropical diseases - health - 11 December 2013 - New Scientist [ ] | Dec 12 10:08 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 12 10:19 | |
iophk1 | | Dec 12 10:20 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Koha wins trademark stoush with US defence contractor [ ] | Dec 12 10:20 |
*iophk1 is now known as iophk | Dec 12 10:20 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 13:23 | |
DaemonFC | In the hospital with my step dad. | Dec 12 13:24 |
DaemonFC | He's getting his knee surgery today. | Dec 12 13:24 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 13:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | NSA forces novelist to can his book "NSA has been doing exactly what he described in his books." #nsa | Dec 12 13:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | NSA forces novelist to can his book - Sci-Fi writer cancels trilogy | TechEye [ ] | Dec 12 13:31 |
schestowitz__ | 'to lough or to cry ? only thing that has not happened out of his "fiction book" is scotland gaining independence :D" | Dec 12 13:31 |
DaemonFC | He hurt his knee at work. | Dec 12 13:36 |
DaemonFC | Might be on medical leave for a few weeks. | Dec 12 13:36 |
DaemonFC | Hospital has Wi-Fi.seems pretty fast | Dec 12 13:37 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 13:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | "Our audience debate whether the U.S. should halt the use of drones in warfare." | Dec 12 13:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Top comments: "How can a machine honor human rights?" | Al Jazeera America [ ] | Dec 12 13:38 |
schestowitz__ | "taht creature has only two words ; "reaper drones" . <br></br> <b>you'll never see them coming</b> <br></br> and the guy gets the nobel prize :D" | Dec 12 13:38 |
iophk | | Dec 12 13:39 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Former Megaupload Users Are Victims Too, EFF Tells Court | TorrentFreak [ ] | Dec 12 13:39 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 13:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | How long before #guardian or others (non in the #uk for sure) gets around to covering this facility? | Dec 12 13:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | menwith hill - the original big brother [ ] | Dec 12 13:47 |
schestowitz__ | "My dad pointed it out to me a few years back. I think the problem with it is that it has been forgotten so who knows what they're doing with it. I just assume they're spying." | Dec 12 13:47 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 13:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared:  | Dec 12 13:51 |
schestowitz__ | "I totally agree!" | Dec 12 13:51 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 13:52 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 13:53 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 13:58 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 13:58 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 14:32 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 14:33 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 15:02 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 15:02 | |
iophk | | Dec 12 15:02 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | 'Sexual harassment' dropped from boy's record - [ ] | Dec 12 15:02 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Client Quit) | Dec 12 15:02 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 15:03 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 15:05 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 15:06 | |
iophk | | Dec 12 15:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | In Katrina killing of Henry Glover, jury verdict sends one father home while family grieves for another | [ ] | Dec 12 15:14 |
iophk | | Dec 12 15:20 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | NSA chief defends phone spying: ‘There is no other way’ - Washington Times [ ] | Dec 12 15:20 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 15:23 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 15:24 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 15:27 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 15:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @dredeyedick: @schestowitz Those who instigated signature strike #drones engagement policy must be tried at the #ICC cc @peterkemplawyer @BiancaJagger | Dec 12 15:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @dredeyedick: @schestowitz @peterkemplawyer @BiancaJagger Reprise - Collateral War Crimes 2010 film I made | Dec 12 15:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | "Collateral War Crimes" - Videos - Viddler | Dec 12 15:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | "Collateral War Crimes - Medium - NTSC" - Videos - Viddler | Dec 12 15:35 |
*MadBug ( has joined #techrights | Dec 12 15:54 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 15:54 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 15:55 | |
*Faither_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Dec 12 15:57 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 16:24 | |
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iophk | Is this secondary processor preventing truly free phones? | Dec 12 16:32 |
iophk | | Dec 12 16:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Smartphones use a 2nd CPU and 2nd OS in their baseband processors [ ] | Dec 12 16:32 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 16:34 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 16:34 | |
schestowitz__ | [16:33] <s-255> @CasparBowden Blimey! IAPP audience! RT @DailyDashboard | Dec 12 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | [16:33] <s-255> retweeted by "@ioerror gets applause with call for "leak | Dec 12 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | [16:33] <s-255> @glynmoody more documents!" #DPCongress" | Dec 12 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | [16:33] <s-255> ........................................ | Dec 12 16:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @CasparBowden: Blimey! IAPP audience! RT @DailyDashboard "@ioerror gets applause with call for "leak more documents!" #DPCongress" | Dec 12 16:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | (Re-tweeted by glynmoody) | Dec 12 16:42 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 12 16:43 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 16:44 | |
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schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 17:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | If project "Normandy" someone saves #nokia from #microsoft #entryism will that make Microsoft the "Nazis"? | Dec 12 17:03 |
schestowitz__ | "Yep, I understand, I just answer the question with my point of view. I never said you did it. I appologize if I make a misunderstood" | Dec 12 17:04 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 17:04 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Avoid Oracle’s ‘Unbreakable’ Linux, Support Red Hat Enterprise Linux Instead #oracle #redhat | Dec 12 17:04 |
schestowitz__ | "Avoid Red Hat Enterprise Linux, support incommercial Debian instead." | Dec 12 17:04 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Avoid Oracle’s ‘Unbreakable’ Linux, Support Red Hat Enterprise Linux Instead | Techrights [ ] | Dec 12 17:04 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 17:04 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Guardian hypocrites. #Guardian received millions in bribes from #billgates for #propaganda just like #bbc | Dec 12 17:04 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | The BBC must declare the interests of its contributors, or lose our trust | George Monbiot | Comment is free | [ ] | Dec 12 17:04 |
schestowitz__ | "Thanks, but reading the most likely looking piece I'm non the wiser about the "funding". It's mentioned again and again, but without explanation or reference that I could see. Can you give me the link to a piece that contains the detail of what this funding is? Thanks" | Dec 12 17:04 |
schestowitz__ | The links are deeper inside, tens of millions of pounds given with strings attached. | Dec 12 17:05 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 17:05 |
schestowitz__ | "Avoid #redhat because of #gnome3 , or because of their ties with #nsa and amerikkkan #dod ." | Dec 12 17:05 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 17:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | #ownCloud 6 Community Edition Officially Released with Innovative Features I described it to RMS, he said it's OK | Dec 12 17:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | ownCloud 6 Community Edition Officially Released with Innovative Features [ ] | Dec 12 17:06 |
schestowitz__ | "I upgraded last night and am fairly impressed. The only things that have been problematic are some of the third party applications that I use daily are not compatible with version 6 yet. I've done a bit of playing with the new Documents app and it seems to do a bang up job of rendering .odt files, even if they have a bit of funky formatting. Overall, I'm quite pleased." | Dec 12 17:06 |
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 12 18:31 | |
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_Goblin | If anyone hasn't seen the "new" net TV channel "The Peoples Voice" - I heartily recommend it, its run by good old David Jesus Icke, its got lizards, its got conspiracies and currently its talking about TV mind control by a person who claims to be friends with transdimensional star people....its a can't pay for this type of entertainment. | Dec 12 22:10 |
_Goblin | I thought I'd found strange folk on Usenet....they have nothing on this lot. | Dec 12 22:11 |
Sosumi | watch out for the reptilian shape shifting clone of pharaoh akenathon | Dec 12 22:49 |
Sosumi | obozo | Dec 12 22:49 |
Sosumi | that stuff is all BS and are using the ideas on the book "Vril, the Power of the Coming Race" | Dec 12 22:51 |
Sosumi | written by Ed Bulwer Lytton in 1871 | Dec 12 22:51 |
Sosumi | | Dec 12 22:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Vril - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | Dec 12 22:51 |
Sosumi | it's REAL | Dec 12 22:52 |
Sosumi | and I have a copy of it | Dec 12 22:55 |
Sosumi | in pdf so I won't be able to wipe my ars with it | Dec 12 22:55 |
Sosumi | unless I print it that is | Dec 12 22:55 |
Sosumi | brb | Dec 12 22:56 |
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 12 22:56 | |
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | Dec 12 23:03 | |
Sosumi | I think Helena Blavatski also based much of her crap on that | Dec 12 23:07 |
Sosumi | with the whole thing of the "hidden masters" | Dec 12 23:07 |
Sosumi | which is the same crap Ike talks about, since he's a plagiarist | Dec 12 23:07 |
Sosumi | don't forget, when Hitlery Clington tells you that GOD told her to run for president | Dec 12 23:09 |
Sosumi | /puke | Dec 12 23:09 |
Sosumi | it might be a reptilian whispering into her hear | Dec 12 23:09 |
Sosumi | :P | Dec 12 23:09 |
Sosumi | silly UFOol ppl | Dec 12 23:10 |
MinceR | gn | Dec 13 00:17 |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Dec 13 00:36 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 13 00:46 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Will Canonical force Linux Mint to license Ubuntu binary packages? #ubuntu greed and power? | Dec 13 00:46 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Will Canonical force Linux Mint to license Ubuntu binary packages? | ITworld [ ] | Dec 13 00:46 |
schestowitz__ | License them as what? and why?"77" | Dec 13 00:46 |
schestowitz__ | "Fuck Canonical." | Dec 13 00:46 |
schestowitz__ | "They need to get new PR people." | Dec 13 00:46 |
*MadBug has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 13 00:48 | |
Sosumi | friday the 13th today | Dec 13 00:50 |
Sosumi | and it's steam os launch day | Dec 13 00:50 |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 04:53 | |
*iophk (~lars@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 07:18 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Dec 13 07:18 | |
iophk | | Dec 13 07:52 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | With the New Gmail, People Will Know When You Open That Message | Wired Business | [ ] | Dec 13 07:52 |
iophk | | Dec 13 07:52 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | NZ judge: Kim Dotcom is likely still being spied upon (Wired UK) [ ] | Dec 13 07:52 |
iophk | | Dec 13 07:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Pirate Bay founder is being held in solitary confinement without a warrant- The Inquirer [ ] | Dec 13 07:53 |
DaemonFC | My phone says it's installing an Android system update.... | Dec 13 07:58 |
DaemonFC | I wonder what version it's going to install. I am running Android 4.2.2 right now... | Dec 13 07:58 |
Sosumi | question, | Dec 13 07:59 |
Sosumi | can you disable automatic updates on android? | Dec 13 07:59 |
iophk | | Dec 13 08:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Dear Gmailer: I know what you read last summer (and last night and today) | Ars Technica [ ] | Dec 13 08:00 |
DaemonFC | You don't have to accept them. | Dec 13 08:00 |
DaemonFC | I don't know why you'd refuse them though. | Dec 13 08:00 |
Sosumi | well until you know it's an official update, you should refuse | Dec 13 08:01 |
Sosumi | not just on android, but on all platforms | Dec 13 08:01 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 13 08:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Sprint LG G2 (LG LS980) Software Update: LS980ZV8 [ ] | Dec 13 08:03 |
DaemonFC | Looks like that was the update I just got. Still Android 4.2.2. | Dec 13 08:03 |
Sosumi | law enforcement *cough* could spoof an update to you in order to install a backdoor | Dec 13 08:03 |
Sosumi | yeah | Dec 13 08:03 |
Sosumi | | Dec 13 08:09 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 13 08:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Find and update the software version on your LG G2 [ ] | Dec 13 08:09 |
iophk | | Dec 13 08:15 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Google Says That Despite Changes, Marketers Can Still Track Open Rates In Gmail | TechCrunch [ ] | Dec 13 08:15 |
iophk | | Dec 13 08:17 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Is Microsoft 'Scroogling' itself with attacks on Google? [ ] | Dec 13 08:17 |
iophk | "For the Turris router, we are developing our own custom hardware. The hardware design will be available under an open source license." | Dec 13 08:46 |
iophk | | Dec 13 08:46 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Hardware :: Project:Turris | Dec 13 08:46 |
iophk | | Dec 13 09:22 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Microsoft may be desperate enough to offer Windows Phone and Windows RT for free ( - Software - Hardware Systems - Consumer Electronics ) [ ] | Dec 13 09:22 |
*vinzv has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) | Dec 13 09:34 | |
*vinzv (~quassel@2a03:f80:354:37:235:49:104:1) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 09:34 | |
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iophk | "The main goal of project Turris is to gather information and experience necessary to creating an effective security system. By allowing us to collect such data from their network traffic, the users will help us to realize this goal. In return, the user will get enhanced network security and out router for a symbolic price." | Dec 13 09:59 |
iophk | | Dec 13 09:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Frequently asked questions :: Project:Turris | Dec 13 09:59 |
MinceR | | Dec 13 09:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Harrison Bergeron [ ] | Dec 13 09:59 |
iophk | not that open then really | Dec 13 09:59 |
iophk | if an "unlocked" version were available it would be interesting. | Dec 13 09:59 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 13 10:03 | |
*Disconnected (Connection timed out). | Dec 13 10:22 | |
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*Now talking on #techrights | Dec 13 10:22 | |
*Topic for #techrights is: | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovell | Dec 13 10:22 | |
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 18:16:19 2012 | Dec 13 10:22 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrights | Dec 13 10:24 | |
iophk | | Dec 13 10:39 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | The NSA is out of control and must be stopped | The Verge [ ] | Dec 13 10:39 |
MinceR | | Dec 13 11:44 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | xkcd: Profile Info | Dec 13 11:44 |
MinceR | geekings | Dec 13 11:50 |
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | Dec 13 13:27 | |
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*schestowitz has quit (Changing host) | Dec 13 13:28 | |
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*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 13 13:30 | |
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iophk | new - | Dec 13 14:04 |
iophk | old - | Dec 13 14:04 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Google Removes Vital Privacy Feature From Android, Claiming Its Release Was Accidental | Electronic Frontier Foundation [ ] | Dec 13 14:04 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Awesome Privacy Tools in Android 4.3+ | Electronic Frontier Foundation [ ] | Dec 13 14:04 |
iophk | really lame excuse | Dec 13 14:04 |
*iophk has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Dec 13 14:10 | |
*iophk (~lars@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 14:34 | |
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*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 15:27 | |
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Sosumi | is steam os finally out? | Dec 13 16:46 |
Sosumi | Microsoft Office&Cloud - Persistent Encoding Vulnerabilities: | Dec 13 16:46 |
Sosumi | | Dec 13 16:46 |
Sosumi | also, no point in yelling at the cloud when your documents rain at someone else's turf | Dec 13 16:46 |
*tessier (~treed@kernel-panic/copilotco) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 16:46 | |
MinceR | :> | Dec 13 16:46 |
*jono has quit (*.net *.split) | Dec 13 16:49 | |
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Sosumi | | Dec 13 16:54 |
Sosumi | Google Removes Vital Privacy Feature From Android, Claiming Its Release Was Accidental | Dec 13 16:54 |
Sosumi | Google, M$, Apple... are like comparing which turd smells less bad than the other | Dec 13 16:56 |
MinceR | well, at least some google products work | Dec 13 16:56 |
MinceR | even if they're evil | Dec 13 16:56 |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 16:57 | |
*schestowitz_bed2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 13 17:13 | |
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*schestowitz_bed2 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 17:13 | |
Sosumi | it's not that they are evil | Dec 13 17:30 |
Sosumi | it's their business to hoard data | Dec 13 17:30 |
Sosumi | and it's that way they make money | Dec 13 17:30 |
Sosumi | and it's also the business of MS and crapple too to a certain extent | Dec 13 17:32 |
Sosumi | bing ads, iAd, Siri and the whole cloud thing | Dec 13 17:32 |
Sosumi | they'll be selling that data too | Dec 13 17:32 |
Sosumi | and no one should have any expectation of privacy when using their products | Dec 13 17:33 |
Sosumi | that is for sure | Dec 13 17:33 |
Sosumi | | Dec 13 18:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Older Versions of Safari Store Login Info in Plain Text - Mac Rumors [ ] | Dec 13 18:00 |
Sosumi | already knew that, but I don't recommend anyone to store login credentials on the their computer | Dec 13 18:01 |
Sosumi | no on zee cloud *rollseyes* | Dec 13 18:01 |
Sosumi | *nor | Dec 13 18:02 |
schestowitz_bed2 | RMS on Linux Format: | Dec 13 18:21 |
schestowitz_bed2 | > It was helpful of him to write GNU/Linux sometimes; | Dec 13 18:21 |
schestowitz_bed2 | > however, he did not make a consistent distinction between | Dec 13 18:21 |
schestowitz_bed2 | > GNU/Linux and Linux, so I am not going to rejoice. | Dec 13 18:21 |
schestowitz_bed2 | Compared to the previous editor, it is a small step forward. | Dec 13 18:21 |
Snowleaksange | does RMS own any bitcoin? | Dec 13 18:27 |
Sosumi | was linux format that magazine who got a new editor? | Dec 13 18:42 |
Sosumi | the one that mentioned GNU/linux | Dec 13 18:43 |
Sosumi | nvm | Dec 13 18:43 |
Sosumi | I had the link still open | Dec 13 18:43 |
*iophk (~lars@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 19:05 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Dec 13 19:05 | |
schestowitz_bed2 | I can fetch it | Dec 13 19:25 |
schestowitz_bed2 | go to their site | Dec 13 19:25 |
schestowitz_bed2 | I told RMS | Dec 13 19:25 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 19:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Police Who Seized Woman's Phone As 'Evidence' Of Bogus Crime Now Complaining About Criticism gang in costumes | Dec 13 19:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Police Who Seized Woman's Phone As 'Evidence' Of Bogus Crime Now Complaining About Criticism | Techdirt [ ] | Dec 13 19:36 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "yes , I can see that the Constitution on , wich "home of the brave" has been built , has been vigorously upheld by all the ranks of three branches of Government . Not to mention that citizens of the USA have no problem that their Government is deprieving millions over the world of their human rights , put aside any legal rights of those people , or any legal obligations the USA has as a country in international law ." | Dec 13 19:37 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "If you did not believe in people's rights, their violation would not bother you. The bill of rights was well written. The UN declaration of the rights of man is also well done. The idea which we strive for should not be abandoned because a few bullies ignore the law." | Dec 13 19:37 |
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Dec 13 19:38 | |
schestowitz_bed2 | "I am just saying (and this might come as a shock to you ) that when the nation that was built on genocide , on land unlawfully taken from other humans , without any kind of respect for their human rights , not to mention on slavory of other humans , comes to be the ultimate defender and propagator of human rights , that's a bit more than hypocricy . Founding fathers of USA had black slaves , up untill arround 1970's black people | Dec 13 19:38 |
schestowitz_bed2 | were barred from taking a seat in public transportation , and then somebody talks about bill of rights ? whose rights , white-anglosaxon-protestant's rights ? the only people in USA who got the bill of rights the right way are militia nutjobs who see that their bill of rights was not ment for some "sand niggers" or "charlies" , that it was ment for them . don't take this personally , but to anyone living outside USA , your | Dec 13 19:38 |
schestowitz_bed2 | Constitution is a good laugh , nothing more , nothing less ." | Dec 13 19:38 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "If you've got a better write up, I'd love to see it." | Dec 13 19:38 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "about what ?" | Dec 13 19:38 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 19:38 |
schestowitz_bed2 | well , I guess this is a good writeup about equality that USA offers . man , am I glad I am white . | Dec 13 19:39 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 19:39 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | ### #Attention - if you have a good mood: After reading this article you will feel definitely bad :( [ ] | Dec 13 19:39 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 19:39 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "Thanks, but I'm more interested in a Bill of Rights." | Dec 13 19:39 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "bill of rights guarantees you a fair trial,does it not ? due process ? read the post I linked , and then tell me how would this guy go in amerikkkan court if he was black ?" | Dec 13 19:39 |
schestowitz_bed2 | Depends where and when | Dec 13 19:39 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 19:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a Diaspora post? | Dec 13 19:40 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 19:40 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 19:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | NSA Backdoors In Open Source and Open Standards: What Are the Odds? - Slashdot [ ] | Dec 13 19:40 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "I work for Red Hat. Not for the NSA. SELinux code does not go from me through the NSA, it actually goes the other way around. The NSA asks me to put code in the Linux kernel and I pass it to Linus. I have reviewed each and every line at one point or another. " | Dec 13 19:40 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 19:40 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "@Agora if U have red the snowden leaks , you have seen the NSA boasting to the british intelligence officers about their ties with amerikkkan corporate entities . who would be a better target for amerikkkan spying than a company that delivers most comprihensive (and probably most widely used) cloud-computing platform ?" | Dec 13 19:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "I have been following the Snowden leaks. This "evidence" is substantial at best." | Dec 13 19:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 19:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 19:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | yet another interesting read provided by dr. roy :D | Dec 13 19:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Wolf Richter: Why IBM Throws Another Billion At Linux (With NSA-Designed Backdoor) | naked capitalism [ ] | Dec 13 19:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 19:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "I did not say "evidence" , are you sudgesting that slides provided in leaks are not genuine ?" | Dec 13 19:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 19:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 19:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "The SIGINT Enabling Project actively engages the US and foreign IT industries to covertly influence and/or overtly leverage their commercial products' designs. These design changes make the systems in question exploitable through SIGINT collection Endpoint, MidPoint, etc.) with foreknowledge of the modification. To the consumer and other adversaries, however, the systems' security remains intact. In this way, the SIGINT Enabling | Dec 13 19:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Log In - The New York Times [ ] | Dec 13 19:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | approach uses commercial technology and insight to manage the increasing cost and technical challenges of discovering and successfully exploiting systems of interest within the ever--more integrated and security--focused global communications environment." | Dec 13 19:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 19:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 19:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | How we're building a Startup Europe: one year on - European Commission [ ] | Dec 13 19:47 |
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 13 20:40 | |
_Goblin | Apparently in the "911 truthers" community....thermite is now's mini nukes thats taking the spotlight...Whats next? Rayguns from the Planet Skaro? | Dec 13 21:04 |
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 21:24 | |
sebsebseb | hi | Dec 13 21:24 |
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 21:29 | |
_Goblin | :) | Dec 13 21:54 |
fewt | \o | Dec 13 21:59 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 22:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | #apple cheap garbage when it comes to #security also #nsa approved.. | Dec 13 22:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Older Versions of Safari Store Login Info in Plain Text - Mac Rumors [ ] | Dec 13 22:57 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "Didn't know anyone still used this shit xD" | Dec 13 22:57 |
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Dec 13 23:02 | |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 23:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | If project "Normandy" someone saves #nokia from #microsoft #entryism will that make Microsoft the "Nazis"? | Dec 13 23:08 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "Do you mean this?,1271775890,nazibillgates.jpg " | Dec 13 23:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | ( status 404 @,1271775890,nazibillgates.jpg ) | Dec 13 23:08 |
MinceR | 404 :/ | Dec 13 23:09 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "Microsoft's history is unfinished so we may one day think of them like Nazis. It depends on where US history goes but already we have deep fascism and a police state. Bill Gates' massive propaganda campaigns has infused the US with a lethal hatred and selfishness. He is happy to exploit racism and sexism for his own good. The US already talks about how it's OK to spy on and kill non US citizens. We have also launched wars of | Dec 13 23:09 |
schestowitz_bed2 | aggression without regard to world opinion. Any real push back against that aggression could trigger a nuclear confrontation that would make WW2 look like a minor outburst of cruelty. If the US liberates itself from ruthless plutocrats, we may be able to forget about Microsoft, NSA spying and other badness. If we don't, there's no telling what will happen next. Microsoft, despite deep technical incompetence, is one of the chief | Dec 13 23:09 |
schestowitz_bed2 | architects of censorship and spying around the world. They can be blamed for what follows." | Dec 13 23:09 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 23:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Microsoft's mole Stephen "burning platforms" #Elop uses the word "Normandy" to characterise #android project | Dec 13 23:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | AllSeen Alliance to Standardize Internet of Things | Software | LinuxInsider [ ] | Dec 13 23:10 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "this points to AllSeen alliance article which is way creepier than I thought it was." | Dec 13 23:10 |
schestowitz_bed2 | correct link: | Dec 13 23:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Normandy May Lead Nokia's Surprise Android Attack | Smartphones | LinuxInsider [ ] | Dec 13 23:11 |
MinceR | i wonder what sort of "attack" that will be -- an attempt to make android look bad by making bad android phones? :> | Dec 13 23:12 |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 23:52 | |
schestowitz_bed2 | Yeah | Dec 13 23:57 |
schestowitz_bed2 | but I think it's just a sign of confusion | Dec 13 23:58 |
schestowitz_bed2 | or turf wars inside the compant | Dec 13 23:58 |
schestowitz_bed2 | perhaps Microsoft occupation has not been entirely complete | Dec 13 23:58 |
schestowitz_bed2 | after MeeGo there was another stab at Linux | Dec 13 23:58 |
schestowitz_bed2 | !google nokia second Linux OS secret | Dec 13 23:58 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - The Real Reason Microsoft Bought Nokia. Transaction Costs - Forbes | | Dec 13 23:58 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - DailyTech - The History of Normandy: How Nokia Plotted a Low-End ... | | Dec 13 23:58 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Mobile-OTP: Strong Two-Factor Authentication with Mobile Phones | | Dec 13 23:58 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Nokia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | | Dec 13 23:58 |
schestowitz_bed2 | !google nokia melmete | Dec 13 23:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - About - Facebook | | Dec 13 23:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - k2 meter phone app - How do i make a gap in my name on bbm | | Dec 13 23:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Main/Everyone Knows Morse - Television Tropes & Idioms | | Dec 13 23:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - 4 - | | Dec 13 23:59 |
schestowitz_bed2 | !google nokia meltemio | Dec 13 23:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Nokia's Meltemi project tipped to bring new low-end Linux OS to 'the ... | | Dec 13 23:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - Nokia sigue actualizando MeeGo, para el Nokia N9 - Xataka Móvil | | Dec 13 23:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Última Hora: Microsoft compra Nokia | Pplware | | Dec 13 23:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Nokia przygotowuje dwa smartfony z MeeGo? « Komó | | Dec 13 23:59 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 14 00:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: ice cream cone worm... | Dec 14 00:00 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "eww" | Dec 14 00:00 |
schestowitz_bed2 | 'look strange :-)" | Dec 14 00:01 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 14 00:01 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: #Chomsky #Ideas | Dec 14 00:01 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Photo by | Dec 14 00:01 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "I think that a hero is someone that knows what has to be done, and unlike everyone else actually does it." | Dec 14 00:01 |
MinceR | is it still possible for unregistered users to read | Dec 14 00:01 |
MinceR | insisted on logging in | Dec 14 00:01 |
schestowitz_bed2 | I heard people can't sign up anymore | Dec 14 00:02 |
schestowitz_bed2 | otr something like that | Dec 14 00:02 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 14 00:02 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: #omnomnom :) | Dec 14 00:02 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "he are hungry :-D" | Dec 14 00:02 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "Now ... there's a good idea from a hero of mine ;-)" | Dec 14 00:02 |
MinceR | i didn't want to sign up, just to read messages | Dec 14 00:08 |
MinceR | but apparently that went away with StatusNet | Dec 14 00:08 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | Dec 14 00:14 |
DaemonFC | about a minute ago · Edited | Dec 14 00:14 |
DaemonFC | Trickle down evokes the mental image of a leaky tap. The poor are nothing but slave labor at best, and a nuisance group of "useless eaters" at worst, according to the rich. The rich have actually convinced people that there is dignity in all work as they themselves do nothing and accumulate wealth mostly through graft and fraud, at the expense of the bottom 90%. | Dec 14 00:14 |
DaemonFC | The most that 78% of the country can hope to gain from work is that their bills will be paid for the next week... The top 10%, that owns pretty much everything, never has to worry about anything like that. | Dec 14 00:14 |
DaemonFC | The biggest part of the system that keeps people from ever making any financial progress is our for-profit health insurance system. Medical bills are still the leading cause of bankruptcy. The medical industry is worse than the damned mafia. They inflate the cost of everything by about 1,000% as another way to confiscate the real assets of the middle class and poor. | Dec 14 00:17 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 00:21 |
DaemonFC | Senator Bernie Sanders introduced another Medicare For Everyone bill into the US Senate the other day. I suspect that people would love Medicare if they could all get it. The for-profit insurance companies would be finished in less than a week, regardless of whether or not they were officially banished. Most people would kill to have a monthly premium of $0-150-$275 (depending on income) for health insurance that didn't argue with them and | Dec 14 00:21 |
DaemonFC | try to kill them off, and just paid every legitimate medical expense that was submitted. | Dec 14 00:21 |
DaemonFC | While the Sanders bill has little chance of passing, it shows us all what we *could* have instead of the fucking insurance cartel. | Dec 14 00:21 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 00:37 |
DaemonFC | It's supposed to snow all night and all day tomorrow until about 6 PM. | Dec 14 00:37 |
DaemonFC | Hopefully, the worst government in Indiana history (TEAbagger Mike Pence and his criminal ALEC minions in the Indiana legislature) haven't cut the road salt budget yet. | Dec 14 00:37 |
DaemonFC | They made $53 million worth of cuts the other day, because tax revenue is down since they decided to cut the corporate tax rate again and phase out the estate tax on gazillionaires. | Dec 14 00:37 |
DaemonFC | Eventually, austerity that affects the 90% will be completely obvious. I suppose that most people still haven't seen the worst of it, but they will if Pence and his army of flying monkey monsters get their way for a few more years. | Dec 14 00:37 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 00:39 |
DaemonFC | I was in Fort Wayne several weeks ago, during an ice storm, and even after it had been going on for hours, there was no sign of any salt trucks on US 24 or interstate 69. | Dec 14 00:39 |
DaemonFC | Sending out plows and salt trucks cost the state money. Letting dozens of people die or have their cars go off the road and become totalled doesn't cost them anything really. Welcome to Tea Party budgeting. | Dec 14 00:39 |
DaemonFC | Ryan Farmer | Dec 14 00:41 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 00:41 |
DaemonFC | In Kentucky, the Tea Party has even more of a foothold. The fire departments in some counties will now come out and simply watch your house burn down unless you pay a fire protection fee of a few hundred dollars every year. | Dec 14 00:41 |
DaemonFC | about a minute ago · Edited | Dec 14 00:51 |
DaemonFC | The Tea Party reminds me of those wasps that stick their stinger into an ant's brain and force the ant to walk back to the nest so that the wasp can lay its eggs in the ant's body. | Dec 14 00:52 |
DaemonFC | The Republicans used to at least be mild Keynesians and pro-business. | Dec 14 00:52 |
DaemonFC | The Tea Party is doing things that aren't even good for most businesses anymore. They serve a few gazillionaires and megacorporations that just don't want to pay any taxes, ever, and that's about it. They wrap their agenda up inside the veneer of right-wing fundamentalist Christianity. A very vile, wicked, and bent-up interpretation of the message of Jesus Christ. | Dec 14 00:52 |
DaemonFC | They're not necessarily anti-tax. The fees for government services that are left go up for the bottom 90%, and fees are basically the same thing as taxes. | Dec 14 00:52 |
DaemonFC | (Although sometimes, you can opt out. For example, if you want the fire department to let your house burn down. *grin*) | Dec 14 00:52 |
DaemonFC | Now they're actually proposing a system, in Indiana, where everyone that drives has to plug a spyware module into their car (that they have to pay for), so the state can see where they are at, at all times, and send them a bill for however many miles they travelled. | Dec 14 00:52 |
DaemonFC | about a minute ago · Edited | Dec 14 01:02 |
DaemonFC | What right-wing Christians don't seem to understand about the Randian philosophy of the Tea Party, is that the principles put forward by Ayn Rand are basically the same thing as the tenets of LeVayen Satanism. Individualism, Epicureanism, and "eye for an eye" morality. | Dec 14 01:02 |
MinceR | gn | Dec 14 01:18 |
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Dec 14 01:54 | |
DaemonFC | a few seconds ago | Dec 14 02:09 |
DaemonFC | The best explanation for the violence caused by the police state that we have in the United States..... | Dec 14 02:09 |
DaemonFC | "When all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail." | Dec 14 02:09 |
DaemonFC | The police are used to try to "solve" every problem in society these days, literally right down to a child farting in class. | Dec 14 02:09 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 02:22 |
DaemonFC | I still play Plague Inc. quite a bit. It's an Android game where you're playing a virus and trying to kill as many people in the world as possible. | Dec 14 02:22 |
DaemonFC | You get to pick a region to start out with, and then you get boosters that you can use to try to make the virus spread faster or become more lethal. | Dec 14 02:22 |
DaemonFC | If it was more realistic, there'd be an option to send campaign contributions to the Republicans so that the CDC and HHS would be too underfunded to respond to it once you've escaped the third world countries that nobody cares about, which you used as your incubators. | Dec 14 02:22 |
*vinzv has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) | Dec 14 03:04 | |
*vinzv (~quassel@2a03:f80:354:37:235:49:104:1) has joined #techrights | Dec 14 03:09 | |
*vinzv has quit (Changing host) | Dec 14 03:09 | |
*vinzv (~quassel@fedora/vinzv) has joined #techrights | Dec 14 03:09 | |
*vinzv has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) | Dec 14 03:17 | |
*vinzv (~quassel@fedora/vinzv) has joined #techrights | Dec 14 03:19 | |
*prurigro has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Dec 14 04:13 | |
*XFaCE has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Dec 14 04:13 | |
*XFaCE_ (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techrights | Dec 14 04:14 | |
*XFaCE_ is now known as XFaCE | Dec 14 04:14 | |
*prurigro (prurigro@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:bb8a) has joined #techrights | Dec 14 04:19 | |
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Dec 14 04:26 | |
DaemonFC | via Truthout | Dec 14 04:31 |
DaemonFC | One of Obama's executive orders told federal agencies to increase their compliance with Freedom of Information Act requests by releasing information unless they can list compelling reasons not to. Of course, the federal agencies that have the most information that they don't want to publicly release have come up with more excuses to not release it, leading no no increased compliance with FOIA requests. | Dec 14 04:31 |
DaemonFC | It's funny how that works? Right? | Dec 14 04:31 |
DaemonFC | Right now, the FBI, CIA, NSA, and other government agencies have more information about the average American than the former government of East Germany had on the average East German citizen. | Dec 14 04:31 |
DaemonFC | Much of that is made possible by the proprietary software created by companies like Apple and Microsoft. Thanks to the proprietary nature of the software, nobody knows what it's doing when they run it on their computers, and it is nearly impossible to ever find out. We know that some of the security problems with their software are by design, to allow the governments to easily install additional malware later. | Dec 14 04:31 |
DaemonFC | Microsoft gave the NSA their own signing key in Windows 98/2000, and Apple left at least one critical security hole open in iTunes for years because the British government was exploiting it to install spyware on Macs. | Dec 14 04:31 |
DaemonFC | Like · · Share · 2 minutes ago · Edited · | Dec 14 04:31 |
DaemonFC | "A bad credit rating costs you money in other ways. The difference in car insurance premiums between 500 and 700 can be a couple hundred dollars per year all by itself. | Dec 14 04:44 |
DaemonFC | Besides, I'd like to put down on a house someday, and would prefer my score to be in the 750s or higher to get a better interest rate. | Dec 14 04:44 |
DaemonFC | Companies like to use FICO scores as a way of beating poor people into the ground and forcing them to subsidize the rich." | Dec 14 04:44 |
DaemonFC | Once you know how their system works, and with a little bit of luck here and there, you can turn the tables around on them. | Dec 14 04:45 |
DaemonFC | it's the only way they could fathom becoming rich. | Dec 14 04:55 |
DaemonFC | The chances of winning a major lottery game are so bad that, in some cases, I could write down the name of a specific person living in the People's Republic of China (population 1.35 billion) and ask you to point out that specific person at random, and you'd have a better chance of accidentally guessing correctly than of winning the jackpot. | Dec 14 04:55 |
DaemonFC | And, as more states join a game like Powerball or Mega Millions, the odds of winning go down. The odds of winning Mega Millions, by guessing the numbers and the Megaplier are something like 1 in 700 million. In other words, if everyone in the United States, men, women, and children, all bought two Mega Millions tickets and played truly random and non-overlapping sets of numbers, there would not be a 100% chance that one ticket would win, but | Dec 14 04:55 |
DaemonFC | the lottery *would* take in ~$650 million that week, lowering the tax burden on the rich. | Dec 14 04:55 |
DaemonFC | High lottery participation rates are indicative of corrupt societies where people have given up trying to achieve social mobility through any other means. | Dec 14 04:55 |
DaemonFC | Studies have shown that poor people spend as much as 10-12% of their annual income in some cases, in pursuit of this future imaginary wealth. That comes at the direct and immediate cost of current needs. | Dec 14 04:55 |
DaemonFC | shared a link via Daily Kos. | Dec 14 05:00 |
DaemonFC | 3 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 14 05:00 |
DaemonFC | It's bad enough that the Republicans have moved so much further to the right in the last 20 years that they no longer even recognize their own plan for health insurance reform. | Dec 14 05:00 |
DaemonFC | The Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan plan to privatize Medicare would have left it looking something like Obamacare, only it would have still only been available to people over age 65, and it would have actually ended up costing more than Medicare, it's just that more of the burden would have been placed on the individual receiving the insurance, in the form of higher premium expenses to cover the profit layer of the insurance companies. That's kind of | Dec 14 05:00 |
DaemonFC | what Obamacare did to everyone under 65 when they passed that instead of Medicare For Everyone. The thing that enabled them to do that is that nobody under 65 already had access to a much superior single payer system, so it was easier to rob them. | Dec 14 05:00 |
DaemonFC | 2 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 14 05:09 |
DaemonFC | The chances of getting a decent job after going to college are getting pretty dicey. The only thing that is absolutely certain is that people who go will be left with a huge amount of debt that will either crush them, or erase all of their economic gains for the next decade or three. | Dec 14 05:09 |
DaemonFC | And the Republicans made it even worse this year, when they doubled the student loan interest rate. | Dec 14 05:09 |
DaemonFC | I worked with a lot of people who said they should have never gone to college because they ended up working a cash register at Walmart or picking shoe orders for rich people in the end anyway.... | Dec 14 05:09 |
DaemonFC | It's not everyone, but that sure is demoralizing. | Dec 14 05:09 |
DaemonFC | Well, the second part was before they automated the shoe warehouse and moved it to Kentucky, where the tax subsidies were better. | Dec 14 05:10 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 05:12 |
DaemonFC | The political pundits are amazed that my generation is moving so far to the left. It's the only thing that this environment is capable of producing when people my age are paying attention. | Dec 14 05:12 |
DaemonFC | It's really a form of generational warfare where people my age are getting sick and tired of being screwed, and people over 40 are trending to the far-right and shouting "Screw you, I've got mine!". | Dec 14 05:13 |
DaemonFC | How about blaming the guy that did a hostile takeover of the company, raided your pension, and then fired you? There's a concept. | Dec 14 05:29 |
DaemonFC | 2 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 14 05:30 |
DaemonFC | From a post of mine in the comment section of a news article: | Dec 14 05:30 |
DaemonFC | I'm getting kind of tired of reading these stories, where someone walks into a restaurant or orders a pizza, and then leaves no tip, and then tries to excuse their bad behavior. As if there was any excuse for stealing the labor, and possibly the gas money, of the guy that makes two bucks an hour serving you. | Dec 14 05:30 |
DaemonFC | They'd be better off without your business. | Dec 14 05:30 |
DaemonFC | If you can't afford to leave a tip, then don't eat out. Don't be an asshole and leave a note telling them to "get a real job " or "I loved the service, but you're gay, so no tip.". | Dec 14 05:30 |
DaemonFC | Sometimes I'm just left in total disbelief of the gall of these people. | Dec 14 05:31 |
DaemonFC | 26 seconds ago · Edited | Dec 14 05:35 |
DaemonFC | Quantitative Easing by the Fed ensures that there will be no job gains. As long as corporate America knows that the free money will continue as long as they don't hire people, they will continue trying to avoid hiring people. | Dec 14 05:35 |
DaemonFC | The amount of money that the Fed is dumping into their bond-buying program could have created millions of jobs paying $50,000 per year. | Dec 14 05:35 |
DaemonFC | Instead, the money has been going to millionaires and billionaires, who produce nothing, to compel them to continue producing nothing, because they can make more money ripping off taxpayers. | Dec 14 05:35 |
DaemonFC | It would be better if the Fed didn't do any "stimulus" at all. | Dec 14 05:35 |
DaemonFC | The European Central Bank is doing the same thing, and so are others. The unemployment rate in some of those countries is exceeding 30%. Pretending that the bond-buying programs create work stinks of such bullshit that I'm surprised they can call it a jobs program without smirking. | Dec 14 05:37 |
DaemonFC | 'm a strong proponent of Keynesian Economics, but this isn't Keynesian Economic policy, it's daylight theft. | Dec 14 05:38 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | Dec 14 05:40 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 05:40 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 14 05:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Stanley Fischer Will Please Centrists, But He's the Wrong Choice for the Fed | Next New Deal [ ] | Dec 14 05:40 |
DaemonFC | Austrian Economics is not a legitimate economic position. It's more like Salvadore Dali economics, where everything in the picture is just warped. | Dec 14 05:40 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | Dec 14 05:43 |
DaemonFC | 33 seconds ago · Edited | Dec 14 05:43 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 14 05:43 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Daily Kos: Sen. Mike Lee worries that delaying Obamacare rule will lead to single-payer health care [ ] | Dec 14 05:43 |
DaemonFC | If and when Obamacare does fail, it will increase the demand for Single Payer. That wasn't the intention, but it's what might happen. I don't know if the Republicans realize that undermining the system that was put in place could lead to a result that they dislike even more, but it will be good for most Americans if it plays out this way. | Dec 14 05:43 |
DaemonFC | 53 seconds ago · Edited | Dec 14 05:46 |
DaemonFC | The system of health insurance as a perk for employed people was largely put in place as one of the things that came out of World War 2, when the economy was booming because most of the productive capacity of the rest of the world was ruined, and the United States economy was booming and providing more-or-less full employment. (If people couldn't find a job in that environment, they were probably unemployable.) | Dec 14 05:46 |
DaemonFC | It was never sustainable in the long term. It was only made possible because the wartime economy heated up the labor market. | Dec 14 05:46 |
DaemonFC | 2 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 14 05:54 |
DaemonFC | In the past, pricing was pretty much totally determined by the demand curve for a good or service. It still kind of is, but we have so much market distortion caused by monopolies, that it just doesn't always hold true anymore. | Dec 14 05:54 |
DaemonFC | In the information economy, demand curve can't drive up prices, because a lot of the goods are intangible. Apple can copy a music file as many times as it wants, because it's just computer data. There's no limit to production other than artificial limits to production caused by copyright edict and artificial restrictions, called "DRM", what I call "Digital Restrictions Malware", and which could be described as a system of "artificial scarcity | Dec 14 05:54 |
DaemonFC | . | Dec 14 05:54 |
DaemonFC | In other words, the prices are set high because the law protects a monopoly on copying and sharing, which is enforced by corporate malware, like iTunes, iPod, iPhone, iWhatever... | Dec 14 05:54 |
DaemonFC | It's no longer a given that increased buying power will lead to inflation, when something can be produced as many times as you like, while requiring almost no resources dedicated to the productive capacity for the goods. | Dec 14 05:54 |
DaemonFC | The only limit to what you can charge is what people will pay, and companies like Apple squeeze that system for every last dime. | Dec 14 05:54 |
DaemonFC | err, "can't drive up prices all by itself" | Dec 14 05:55 |
*DaemonFC fixes that | Dec 14 05:55 | |
DaemonFC | "Santa is just white? Who are you actually talking to? Children who are sophisticated enough to be watching a news channel at 10 o'clock at night, yet innocent enough to still believe Santa Claus is real, yet racist enough to be freaked out if he isn’t white." | Dec 14 06:04 |
DaemonFC | ---Jon Stewart | Dec 14 06:04 |
DaemonFC | Actually, he's transparent. Things that don't exist tend to be transparent, because matter is not occupying the space where they are alleged to exist. | Dec 14 06:04 |
DaemonFC | Damn you, physics! | Dec 14 06:04 |
DaemonFC | Like · · Share · 2 seconds ago · | Dec 14 06:04 |
Snowleaksange | | Dec 14 06:04 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | The REAL Death Of The Music Industry - Business Insider [ ] | Dec 14 06:04 |
Snowleaksange | artits make most their money off ringtones now | Dec 14 06:05 |
Snowleaksange | yea piracy! | Dec 14 06:05 |
Snowleaksange | | Dec 14 06:07 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Fat Wreck Chords feature - Interview with Fat Mike, Part 1 of 2 // Tribal Area - YouTube [ ] | Dec 14 06:07 |
DaemonFC | What really disturbs me about a lot of these mobile apps is that they demand a lot of privileges that most of them shouldn't need if they only do what they say they do. | Dec 14 07:06 |
DaemonFC | Google implemented fine-grained permission control and then backed it out and said it's because it's "not done yet". | Dec 14 07:06 |
DaemonFC | We'll see if it ever comes back. | Dec 14 07:07 |
DaemonFC | They're not as bad as crApple, but they do a lot of the same nasty things. | Dec 14 07:07 |
DaemonFC | Since most of the apps are proprietary software, it's pretty much a given that they'll do something nasty that they don't say they do. | Dec 14 07:08 |
DaemonFC | The permissions screen, being all or nothing, pretty much leaves you with the choice to install the app and take that risk, or to not have the app. | Dec 14 07:08 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz mentioned F-Droid, but that doesn't have a lot of apps. It's because most apps are not fully Free. | Dec 14 07:09 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 07:35 |
DaemonFC | So, I thought that the quote on Walmart selling 2.8 million bath towels on Black Friday might have been some kind of a gag, but Walmart's own website backs that up. | Dec 14 07:35 |
DaemonFC | I hope they also sold a few million bars of bath soap and some non-pajama clothing items. | Dec 14 07:35 |
DaemonFC | Some of their customers might look and smell a little better next year. | Dec 14 07:35 |
DaemonFC | Maybe Walmart thought that People of Walmart had gone on long enough. | Dec 14 07:36 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 07:41 |
DaemonFC | Unfortunately, Walmart also sold a lot of crApple iBads, enemy of your Freedom. | Dec 14 07:41 |
*Snowleaksange has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Dec 14 08:03 | |
*nj3ma is now known as nj3ma_Zzz | Dec 14 08:09 | |
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*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 14 08:26 | |
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DaemonFC | via Salon | Dec 14 10:37 |
DaemonFC | "The left likes school shootings". | Dec 14 10:37 |
DaemonFC | Yes, that's why we're trying to keep guns out of the hands of the criminals and the dangerously mentally unstable people who commit school shootings. | Dec 14 10:37 |
DaemonFC | Oh wait... | Dec 14 10:37 |
DaemonFC | Go back to bed, America! The nutcases have figured it all out again! | Dec 14 10:37 |
DaemonFC | Go back to bed, America! The Tea Party is thinking for you! | Dec 14 10:37 |
DaemonFC | shared a link via Bill Moyers. | Dec 14 10:51 |
DaemonFC | 4 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 14 10:51 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 14 10:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Guns in America After Newtown | Smart Charts, What Matters Today | [ ] | Dec 14 10:52 |
DaemonFC | The NRA responds to these with ludicrous plans like arming the teachers, or putting more armed police officers in schools. This has a few downsides. | Dec 14 10:52 |
DaemonFC | 1. Cost to taxpayers. I haven't seen Wayne LaPierre come out and offer to increase NRA dues so that they can pay for this. | Dec 14 10:52 |
DaemonFC | 2. The school shootings will keep happening, because it fails to take guns away from irresponsible gun owners, criminals, the insane, and their children. It would take an armed teacher or police officer minutes to respond, and by that time, the shooter would have already killed many people. | Dec 14 10:52 |
DaemonFC | 3. You have to forget all about the fact that arming several thousand teachers and school police officers means that it's only a matter of time until one of them goes nuts and starts shooting everyone. | Dec 14 10:52 |
DaemonFC | You'd have to be really ignorant to think that putting more guns in a school is going to solve this problem, but ignorant people are the base of the Republican Party. | Dec 14 10:52 |
DaemonFC | shared a link via Salon. | Dec 14 10:56 |
DaemonFC | 10 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 14 10:56 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 14 10:56 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | The Christian right wants civilization to collapse - | Dec 14 10:56 |
DaemonFC | The far-right fundamentalist Christians are insane. If gay marriage is legalized, it will not cause the collapse of society. Canada legalized gay marriage years ago, and their economy is booming, everyone has healthcare, their roads and bridges are well-kept, their schools are better than ours, and there's rarely a natural disaster. | Dec 14 10:57 |
DaemonFC | I'd suspect that if god was pissed at Canada, then something would have happened by now, but it hasn't. | Dec 14 10:57 |
DaemonFC | Now, on the other hand, the right-wing fundamentalist Christians haveactually tried to cause the end of the world every time they've been in office. They do things like arming Israel *and* the Taliban-style Muslims, and then trying to piss them off enough at each other to actually have a war to end all wars. There's nothing new here at all.... | Dec 14 10:57 |
DaemonFC | The downfall of America will either be caused by the right-wingers successfully starting World War 3, or because military spending is an unsustainable and whopping 70% of the federal budget, and has us accumulating debt like there is no tomorrow, which will eventually cause a debt crisis. | Dec 14 10:58 |
*gnufreex ( has joined #techrights | Dec 14 12:55 | |
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*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 14 13:00 | |
MinceR | geekings | Dec 14 14:38 |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 14 14:38 | |
DaemonFC | There's a major snowstorm going through the area. | Dec 14 14:39 |
DaemonFC | That car handles like crap on the snow. I barely made it up that big hill. :P | Dec 14 14:39 |
iophk | | Dec 14 14:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | BT internet filter to protect all devices including smartphones and tablets | News | TechRadar [ ] | Dec 14 14:59 |
iophk | no mention of The Digital Tipping Point : | Dec 14 15:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Taking 'A Total Disruption' Open Source | Turnstyle [ ] | Dec 14 15:03 |
MinceR | "protect" | Dec 14 15:03 |
MinceR | cameron protects his subjects from freedom | Dec 14 15:03 |
iophk | the "f" word | Dec 14 15:04 |
iophk | RMS throws it around, that's caused him trouble. | Dec 14 15:04 |
MinceR | that's because many people are idiots | Dec 14 15:04 |
MinceR | it's just a word. | Dec 14 15:04 |
iophk | It scares some people, especially some politicians. | Dec 14 15:05 |
MinceR | it's sad it doesn't scare them appropriately and reliably | Dec 14 15:05 |
MinceR | i could just say it over and over again and have freedom in hungary if it did | Dec 14 15:05 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 14 15:07 | |
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iophk | M$ Jack giving "advice" on Linux laptops : | Dec 14 15:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Linux laptops: should you avoid buying Windows? | Technology | [ ] | Dec 14 15:08 |
iophk | | Dec 14 15:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Report: NSA mulls Snowden amnesty (but it probably won’t happen) | Ars Technica [ ] | Dec 14 15:14 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 14 15:46 | |
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | Dec 14 16:55 | |
iophk | | Dec 14 17:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Why Google Might Drop Intel for ARM [ ] | Dec 14 17:23 |
iophk | | Dec 14 17:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Google Said to Mull Designing Chips in Threat to Intel - Bloomberg [ ] | Dec 14 17:24 |
*fewt has quit (Ping timeout: 263 seconds) | Dec 14 18:05 | |
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Sosumi | has anyone tried steam os yet? | Dec 14 18:32 |
Sosumi | and posted some benchies | Dec 14 18:32 |
*Snowleaksange ( has joined #techrights | Dec 14 18:38 | |
*nj3ma|mobile (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrights | Dec 14 18:48 | |
Sosumi | | Dec 14 18:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | US Videogame Sales Fall In November Despite New Consoles - Digits - WSJ [ ] | Dec 14 18:53 |
Sosumi | most games are crap anyways | Dec 14 18:53 |
Sosumi | and giant farmfests | Dec 14 18:53 |
*nj3ma|mobile has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 14 18:58 | |
*_Goblin ( has joined #techrights | Dec 14 19:00 | |
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iophk | | Dec 14 19:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Lawsuit accuses IBM of hiding China risks amid NSA spy scandal | Reuters [ ] | Dec 14 19:32 |
Sosumi | | Dec 14 19:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Log In - The New York Times [ ] | Dec 14 19:32 |
Sosumi | oops | Dec 14 19:32 |
Sosumi | | Dec 14 19:32 |
Sosumi | Google acquired Boston Dynamics | Dec 14 19:33 |
Sosumi | which makes sense, since they are also heavily invested into AI stuff and have Kurzweil on board and everything | Dec 14 19:34 |
Sosumi | | Dec 14 19:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | How the NSA pinpoints a mobile device - The Washington Post [ ] | Dec 14 19:35 |
*nj3ma|mobile (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrights | Dec 14 19:36 | |
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*TakinOver ( has joined #techrights | Dec 14 19:49 | |
iophk | | Dec 14 20:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Guardian discussion | Linux laptops: should you avoid buying Windows? [ ] | Dec 14 20:23 |
iophk | The cheap option would be to get a Chromebook and install Gnu/Linux on that either dual or boot or plain. M$ is too scared of Chromebooks so M$ Jack would obviously avoid mentioning them. His excuse for pushing Windows on the reader is that it is "cheaper", but if cost were the matter, a Chromebook would be cheaper still. Further, there is the issue of Restricted Boot which comes on Vista 8 machines and hinders or prevents booting Linux. It can de | Dec 14 20:29 |
*BlueCloud ( has joined #techrights | Dec 14 20:40 | |
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Sosumi | | Dec 14 21:37 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Apple fanbois warned: No, Cupertino HASN'T built a Bitcoin mining function into Macs • The Register [ ] | Dec 14 21:37 |
Sosumi | :( they should have never covered such thing | Dec 14 21:37 |
Sosumi | and let the mactards just shoot themselves on the foot | Dec 14 21:37 |
Sosumi | all the way | Dec 14 21:37 |
Sosumi | :P | Dec 14 21:37 |
*Andromm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 14 21:51 | |
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Sosumi | Torvalds on google removing that privacy feature out of Android | Dec 14 22:30 |
Sosumi | "This is sad. | Dec 14 22:30 |
Sosumi | With all the posturing Google has done over the NSA stuff, and having encouraged people to sign the petition to require a warrant for email snooping (which I heartily agree with), this just makes Google look hypocritical." | Dec 14 22:30 |
Sosumi | and he's right | Dec 14 22:30 |
MinceR | indeed | Dec 14 22:31 |
*Andromm has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Dec 14 22:40 | |
-->DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 08 00:56 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 02:28 |
TechrightsBot-tr | When Apple and Microsoft speak of security they mean national security i.e. back doors | Dec 08 02:28 |
schestowitz__ | "yeah, Federal security, and continuity of government." | Dec 08 02:29 |
schestowitz__ | "and money for Microsoft" | Dec 08 02:29 |
schestowitz__ | "Implying that Apple isn't all about money?" | Dec 08 02:29 |
schestowitz__ | "Not at all, Termy. Most software ownership is all about money and "security" to them means a continued revenue. Apple is just as nasty as Microsoft, but I had Microsoft on my mind from their recent, empty promises of privacy and security through another layer of encryption." | Dec 08 02:29 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 02:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | FBI infects computers | Dec 08 02:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | FBI’s search for ‘Mo,’ suspect in bomb threats, highlights use of malware for surveillance - The Washington Post [ ] | Dec 08 02:30 |
schestowitz__ | "As in some traditional searches, subjects typically are notified only after evidence is gathered from their property. That's not traditional at all. It's a violation of the fourth amendment that has been allowed in very narrow circumstances like airports and national borders. What ass wrote that piece of propaganda?" | Dec 08 02:30 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 02:31 |
schestowitz__ | The coverage of this intrusion is remarkably different from the usual news of "hacking". When someone is on trial for breaking into a corporate site, we hear complaints of how much it will cost to undo the damage done. The complaint is justified because systems really should be rebuilt when they are violated and cant' be trusted. In the case of Jeremy Hammond, the judge explicitly rejected Hammond's reasoning | Dec 08 02:31 |
schestowitz__ | that he broke in to expose a criminal. Here, when the FBI does the same thing indiscriminately to anyone who visits a web page we are told that it's all about fighting crime and that it must be done more now than ever. That's what happens when you make a story "fair" by balancing what you think with what the FBI tells you. | Dec 08 02:31 |
schestowitz__ | Even more remarkable is the unspoken degree of trust we are supposed to have of our computers as they are. What I read does not even consider the fact that non free software always gives software owners the power to spy. Corporate media won't tell you this because it's mostly owned and funded by people who own your software. Shame on the Washington Post. | Dec 08 02:31 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 02:31 |
schestowitz__ | Wall Street Journal defends the FBi turning the Android devices into listening devices (remotely) to "listen to criminals". The hypocrisy says it all really. The government engages in crime under the premise of "against terror"; next, against activism, protest, etc. | Dec 08 02:32 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 02:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | I still remember the days when #mandrake was the leading desktop distribution and I fondly remember using #mandriva full time. #gnu #linux | Dec 08 02:32 |
schestowitz__ | "Which OS do you use today?" | Dec 08 02:32 |
schestowitz__ | "<--- Mageia It's Mandriva, really." | Dec 08 02:33 |
schestowitz__ | I use Cauldron repos, however. Main repos are too safe." | Dec 08 02:33 |
schestowitz__ | "I use distro that could be called "a rightful heir" of Mandriva, forked from it over a decade ago now and awesome as ever, #PCLinuxOS!' | Dec 08 02:33 |
schestowitz__ | "Ubuntu! :)" | Dec 08 02:33 |
schestowitz__ | Debian and Kubuntu here | Dec 08 02:33 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 02:34 |
TechrightsBot-tr | A friend of mine from Afghanistan has just told me that he supports drone strikes as they target 'leaders'. Did not know 1 in 49 is leader. | Dec 08 02:34 |
schestowitz__ | "How does this compare to the numbers of collateral damage for manned bomber flights?" | Dec 08 02:34 |
schestowitz__ | Hard to tell, but for bombers you need to declare war; the drones are a loophole and they were kept secret by CIA. Illegal. | Dec 08 02:34 |
<--Snowleaksange has quit (Quit: moving) | Dec 08 02:34 | |
schestowitz__ | "Leader-seeking missiles? And if a child was hit, well then that child must have been a leader." | Dec 08 02:34 |
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schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 05:54 |
schestowitz__ | "Using Ubuntu but I think Linux Mint Debian Edition is a great alternative." | Dec 08 05:54 |
schestowitz__ | "lmde rulz!" | Dec 08 05:55 |
-->gde33 ( has joined #techrights | Dec 08 06:13 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 06:17 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Kris Kringle Appointed Head of NSA | [ ] | Dec 08 06:17 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 07:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Chris Hedges "Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over & The Descent Is Going To Be Horrifying!" - YouTube [ ] | Dec 08 07:32 |
MinceR | geekings | Dec 08 08:27 |
schestowitz__ |!topic/ | Dec 08 09:05 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Grupos de Google [ ] | Dec 08 09:05 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 09:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @Levenax: @schestowitz @robintcox Er, Mandela was imprisoned. Assange is in embassy 'cos he wants to be. Courts have decided so he should abide by law | Dec 08 09:18 |
schestowitz__ | Assange does not want to be in the embassy, just as Snowden does not want to be in Russia | Dec 08 09:19 |
iophk | | Dec 08 09:27 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | ruBSD 2013 — Яндекс.События — мероприятия Яндекса [ ] | Dec 08 09:27 |
iophk | | Dec 08 09:29 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | NYCBSDCon 2014 | Dec 08 09:29 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 10:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | "America’s libraries have been vulnerable to government intrusion ever since the passing of the Patriot Act" | Dec 08 10:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Top Stories - America’s Public Libraries take on the NSA - AllGov - News [ ] | Dec 08 10:13 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 10:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | EDGI - Techrights [ ] | Dec 08 10:13 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 10:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ ) | Dec 08 10:14 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 10:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ ) | Dec 08 10:14 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 10:14 |
schestowitz__ | ut oh, it's Bill Gates. I had not thought of Gates' fake charity as a vehicle for NSA spying before ... the perverse creativity of Gates evil mind continues to astonish me. Honest people just don't think this way. | Dec 08 10:14 |
schestowitz__ | The American Library Association (ALA), a group not known as a lobbying powerhouse in Washington, received a $1 million grant last month from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to advocate more on behalf of its members. | Dec 08 10:14 |
schestowitz__ | Watch for them to pay lip service to Microsoft, which is one of the worst things anyone can do for privacy. Whatever is true of NSA spying about libraries is also true about Microsoft Windows because Microsoft cooperates fully with the NSA. Even if they did not, Windows is non free software and always has the power to spy. As it is, the software comes with an EULA that grants Microsoft dubious legal rights to | Dec 08 10:14 |
schestowitz__ | spy on users and sell the results to partners. The connections and intentions could not be more clear at this point. No human rights advocate should use non free software. | Dec 08 10:14 |
schestowitz__ | The ALA should have rejected the money. If nothing else, this gift creates an illusion of Microsoft as a privacy and rights advocate. That's evil enough. We would hope librarians are well read enough to know this and would make the terms of the agreement clear. | Dec 08 10:14 |
schestowitz__ | Ick, Gates has been trickling millions of dollars to the ALA for every few years for a long time. In the first page of results, I see that Gates has also written the rules and benchmark of technology effectiveness for public libraries, a disturbingly named "Edge" program for anyone who remembers Microsoft anti-Linux program called EDGI. It's funny that for all that, the ALA uses a Google search appliance. | Dec 08 10:14 |
schestowitz__ | Gates has used his foundation to strategically dump Microsoft Windows onto libraries for more than a decade.. Unlike most real charities, there was no grant process for determining need, the foundation decided who would get gifts of non free software and computers. Like other NSA programs, the gifts came with a gag order and other strings. Libraries were forced to sign a NDA about the exact terms and were not | Dec 08 10:14 |
schestowitz__ | allowed to install other software onto the computers for as long as they had them. | Dec 08 10:14 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 10:14 |
Sosumi | charities and companies can be always be front groups for intelligence and military industrial complex | Dec 08 10:36 |
Sosumi | foundations and think tank groups too | Dec 08 10:37 |
Sosumi | things like the royal institute for international affairs and its sister organization council on foreign relations | Dec 08 10:41 |
Sosumi | or the tavistock institute | Dec 08 10:41 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 10:49 |
schestowitz__ | There are other reasons to reject Microsoft money and technology. As a supporter of exploitative publishing and digital restrictions, Microsoft's guidance probably spells doom for more fair publication like this. You can't have free libraries with digital restrictions. | Dec 08 10:49 |
schestowitz__ | As an ALEC member, Microsoft takes with the left hand what the right hand gives. ALEC works hard to strip state budgets of useful social services. I have not seen them take a stand against libraries like this idiot from Louisiana did but ALEC is a big supporter of privatized prisons that funnel public money to private hands at the expense of everything else. | Dec 08 10:49 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 10:49 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 10:49 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Louisiana Official Wants To Close Libraries Because “They’re Teaching Mexicans To Speak English.” ‹ I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists [ ] | Dec 08 10:49 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 10:49 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Libraries Go Direct To Indie Authors, Rather Than Deal With Big Publisher Ebook Limits | Techdirt [ ] | Dec 08 10:49 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 11:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Connecting the Dots between #Microsoft Backdoors, #NSA #Corruption and the Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme | Dec 08 11:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Article: Connecting the Dots between Microsoft Backdoors, NSA Corruption and the Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme | OpEdNews [ ] | Dec 08 11:08 |
schestowitz__ | "This is an interesting article but the author does not seem to understand that Windows itself makes any computer running it part of a Microsoft botnet and that non free software always comes with that power. He writes about various malware attacks and Microsoft collusion with the NSA without realizing that additional malware is simply redundant and may only exist because the NSA does not trust Microsoft." | Dec 08 11:08 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 11:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | FBI can secretly turn on laptop cameras without the indicator light in case you didn't know... | Dec 08 11:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | FBI can secretly turn on laptop cameras without the indicator light [ ] | Dec 08 11:08 |
schestowitz__ | "Hope they like videos of the back of a piece of electrical tape." | Dec 08 11:08 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 11:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Linux Journal Readers’ Choice Awards: Ubuntu Weak, Unity Shunned #ubuntu #linux #unity | Dec 08 11:09 |
schestowitz__ | "congrats... one of the GNU/Linux evangelists" | Dec 08 11:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Linux Journal Readers’ Choice Awards: Ubuntu Weak, Unity Shunned – Greg Laden's Blog [ ] | Dec 08 11:09 |
-->DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 08 13:15 | |
Sosumi | and how could I forget | Dec 08 13:17 |
Sosumi | In-Q-Tel | Dec 08 13:17 |
Sosumi | CIA's tech financing front | Dec 08 13:17 |
Sosumi | | Dec 08 13:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | In-Q-Tel — Central Intelligence Agency [ ] | Dec 08 13:18 |
<--Sosumi has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 08 13:19 | |
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Sosumi | | Dec 08 13:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | The Bitcoin Derivatives Market Has Arrived | Zero Hedge [ ] | Dec 08 13:26 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 08 14:03 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 14:05 |
schestowitz__ | To put it in perspective, even if you cover the camera, the microphone gives police all sorts of power. Think of the lengths the FBI had to go to when they bugged MLK so they could send audio recordings of someone having sex in his room to his wife. Who wants all their whoo-haa noises recorded and played back to them like that? | Dec 08 14:05 |
schestowitz__ | It's getting worse than 1984. Orwell only imagined people being able to afford one bug in their house that Winston could avoid. If all the devices in your house have this power, you won't be able to hide anywhere. It's already against the law in the US to mod devices by "jail breaking" them. How long will it be before disabling the Xbox camera is against some new copyright law and installing free software on | Dec 08 14:05 |
schestowitz__ | any computer is also forbidden? | Dec 08 14:05 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 08 14:05 |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 08 14:49 | |
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sebsebseb | Dec 08 17:06 | |
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MinceR | gn | Dec 08 18:33 |
Sosumi | | Dec 08 19:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Microsoft exec hints at separate Windows release trains for consumers, business | Microsoft Windows - InfoWorld [ ] | Dec 08 19:11 |
Sosumi | dumping metro would be enough | Dec 08 19:11 |
Sosumi | but who cares, here M$ have a nitroglicerin box | Dec 08 19:12 |
Sosumi | and trow it to the ground with all strength you have | Dec 08 19:12 |
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DaemonFC | 2 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 08 23:46 |
DaemonFC | I picked up some kind of free Lassus discount card that said 7 cents per gallon discount on gas. Then I noticed that you have to go online and give them your bank account routing number. | Dec 08 23:46 |
DaemonFC | My cash back credit card gives me 1.5% on everything. Gas is $3.35 a gallon right now. That's 5 cents per gallon back, and I don't have to give them my bank account number. | Dec 08 23:46 |
DaemonFC | So, giving them my routing number means that: | Dec 08 23:46 |
DaemonFC | 1. I get another 40 cent off, per tank of gas (2 cents per gallon * 20 gallon tank)... Woohoo. | Dec 08 23:46 |
DaemonFC | 2. If the card falls out of my wallet, anyone can gas up their car, and it comes out of my checking account, and I have no fraud protection like my credit card gives me. | Dec 08 23:46 |
DaemonFC | 3. If their server is cracked, then the thieves get my bank account routing number and can take as much money out of my bank account as they like, fraud protection. | Dec 08 23:46 |
DaemonFC | Is the card worth the risk? No. Maybe people without cash back credit cards would use it, but I don't think that saving $1 a month extra on gas is worth the risk. | Dec 08 23:46 |
*DaemonFC thinks he found the right one....again. | Dec 08 23:57 | |
DaemonFC | Maybe the 150th time is the charm. | Dec 08 23:57 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 09 00:02 |
DaemonFC | LOL | Dec 09 00:02 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 09 00:11 |
DaemonFC | Thankfully, Microsoft has spared itself the embarrassment of porting Internet Explorer to Android. I can't think of a single person who actually wants that thing. If it wasn't included with Windows without an uninstaller program, it would be toast. | Dec 09 00:11 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 09 00:11 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 09 00:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Rants | Dec 09 00:14 |
DaemonFC | 7/03/13 | Dec 09 00:14 |
DaemonFC | It's kind of disturbing how many of these backwards Windows 8 machines are out there now. I'm surprised there hasn't been more of a backlash. The average person is just going to put up with it, but reports are PC sales have significantly dropped. | Dec 09 00:14 |
DaemonFC | It is hilarious how Microsoft keeps pointing their finger and blaming tablets as the single cause of low PC sales. Everyone knows the real reason PC sales are dropping are: | Dec 09 00:14 |
DaemonFC | 1: Nobody wants Windows 8 | Dec 09 00:14 |
DaemonFC | 2: Old desktop computers are good enough | Dec 09 00:14 |
DaemonFC | 3: You can, indeed, look at pictures of cats on a tablet or "phone" without Windows. | Dec 09 00:14 |
DaemonFC | But people have forgotten why personal computing came about in the first place. Go back and look at the software that made companies buy IBM PCs in the first place. These were spread sheets, word processors, databases, financial programs and such. Those needs may seem mundane today but they are not magically going away, and they are just as critical to businesses as they were then. And those are not the sort of things you can easily do on a | Dec 09 00:14 |
DaemonFC | toy phone or tablet. | Dec 09 00:14 |
DaemonFC | If all you do is look at pictures of cats and clips of Family Guy, then by all means get a tablet. I don't care. But don't try and shove your dumbed down user interfaces on desktops where they don't belong. | Dec 09 00:14 |
DaemonFC | The really crazy thing is how each time a Windows 8 story comes up, comments are usually filled with obvious Microsoft shill posts saying things along the lines of "Windows 8 works great for me! It is so much better! And there is something wrong with you if you can't get used to it and like it". And never a single drop of detail backing up what they claim to be "better". | Dec 09 00:14 |
DaemonFC | And Microsoft shills are already flapping their heads about "Windows 8.1", trying to make it sound like a complete 180. All Microsoft has done is touch up a couple of things that shouldn't have been messed up in the first place. "They listened" my ass. Brought back the Start button? What a joke. I think this Penny Arcade comic sums up the situation quite nicely: | Dec 09 00:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Penny Arcade - What You Wish For | Dec 09 00:14 |
DaemonFC | BTW, Google sure knows its user base well! Using clips of Family Guy in their Chrome advertisements... Damn that show is so retarded. | Dec 09 00:14 |
<--gde33 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia | Dec 09 00:45 | |
DaemonFC | shared Americans Against The Republican Party's photo. | Dec 09 01:51 |
DaemonFC | 6 seconds ago | Dec 09 01:51 |
DaemonFC | My cat's name was Yule before I changed it to Jabba. | Dec 09 01:51 |
DaemonFC | I doubt that the last owner got the irony of naming a neutered cat after a Scandinavian fertility god. | Dec 09 01:51 |
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DaemonFC | | Dec 09 02:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Report: Facebook paid no taxes in 2012, received massive rebate - Orlando liberal | [ ] | Dec 09 02:35 |
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schestowitz__ | Now comes all the PR: | Dec 09 03:43 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Internet companies demand spying overhaul after NSA revelations – live reaction | World news | [ ] | Dec 09 03:43 |
schestowitz__ | DaemonFC: | Dec 09 03:45 |
schestowitz__ | I don't get it | Dec 09 03:45 |
schestowitz__ | Is she the fruitcake? | Dec 09 03:45 |
schestowitz__ | Isn't that a phrase for gay? | Dec 09 03:45 |
iophk | generally short for 'nutty as a ...' | Dec 09 03:52 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: what iophk said | Dec 09 03:55 |
DaemonFC | I've been promoting certain Android apps on my Facebook page. | Dec 09 03:55 |
DaemonFC | There's been a few that I've found very useful. | Dec 09 03:55 |
DaemonFC | I switched my Google search widget to DuckDuckGo and changed mobile Firefox to use that. I managed to get Adblock Plus working in Firefox. | Dec 09 03:56 |
DaemonFC | It's weird. | Dec 09 03:56 |
DaemonFC | You have to install ABP, force kill Firefox, restart Firefox, and then go into the settings menu to change ABP settings. | Dec 09 03:56 |
DaemonFC | The add on and the settings menu don't work until you force kill Firefox and restart it... | Dec 09 03:57 |
DaemonFC | This is not the only Android device I've had this problem with. | Dec 09 03:57 |
DaemonFC | I prefer using my Facebook account with Firefox instead of their app, because ABP blocks the "sponsored" garbage in my timeline. | Dec 09 03:59 |
DaemonFC | Some women decided to name their daughters "Ryan" back in the 80s and 90s. | Dec 09 04:01 |
DaemonFC | Someone told me that someone I knew was dating someone named Ryan. So I said "Is he gay?" and I got "No. Ryan is his girlfriend." | Dec 09 04:01 |
DaemonFC | WTF were those women thinking? | Dec 09 04:01 |
DaemonFC | This is just wrong. | Dec 09 04:02 |
iophk | | Dec 09 04:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Android Flashlight app rapped for leaking location information- The Inquirer [ ] | Dec 09 04:03 |
DaemonFC | I have a flashlight app. It came with the phone. | Dec 09 04:04 |
DaemonFC | There's a couple apps that I'd rather not have, but I'd have to root the phone and void the warranty to get rid of them. So I just disabled them. | Dec 09 04:05 |
DaemonFC | I don't want to void the warranty on a $650 phone. | Dec 09 04:05 |
DaemonFC | I love the phone though. That Gorilla Glass 3 is some TOUGH stuff. | Dec 09 04:06 |
iophk | The warranty is bundled to the software and not limited to hardware? | Dec 09 04:06 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 04:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Cablegate shows that US diplomats (potentially acting as covert #CIA agents also) just serve corporate agenda | Dec 09 04:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Cablegate - Techrights [ ] | Dec 09 04:06 |
schestowitz__ | "ALL diplomatic missions are primarily economic. A close relative was a british ambassador (Gr4), and used to speak candidly with my father and me." | Dec 09 04:06 |
DaemonFC | iophk: LG says they void the warranty if you root the phone. | Dec 09 04:06 |
DaemonFC | You have to root the phone to remove bundled apps. | Dec 09 04:06 |
schestowitz__ | iophk: I saw that | Dec 09 04:06 |
DaemonFC | It's just like a couple of apps I don't want, so I just disabled them. | Dec 09 04:06 |
DaemonFC | They have some spyware called Lumen Toolbar that comes with the phone. | Dec 09 04:08 |
DaemonFC | I didn't want it on so I disabled it. | Dec 09 04:08 |
DaemonFC | It says it will "interact with" Chrome/Android Browser and "provide relevant contextual information and related links". | Dec 09 04:09 |
DaemonFC | In other words, it's spyware and it probably injects fucking advertisements into web pages somehow. | Dec 09 04:09 |
DaemonFC | I didn't feel like dealing with that. It's in the Android app store too. It's rated 2 stars. | Dec 09 04:09 |
DaemonFC | "Any woman who married for love gets exactly what she deserves...a shitty ring and four ugly kids." | Dec 09 04:14 |
DaemonFC | My ex was quoting Joan Rivers. | Dec 09 04:14 |
MinceR | geekings | Dec 09 04:19 |
iophk | old - | Dec 09 04:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Dropbox…opening my docs? | wncinfosec [ ] | Dec 09 04:26 |
schestowitz__ | LOL: satire | Dec 09 04:28 |
schestowitz__ | " President Obama, who has denied previous knowledge of the site, assured Merkel that he has never seen any of the videos - which reportedly include such titles as "Chancellor Takes Husband's Giant Frankfurter" and "Menkel Farts in Leather Chair"." | Dec 09 04:28 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 04:28 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | NSA Promises to Shut Down Merkel Porn Site in Near Future - Strange News - Codewit World News [ ] | Dec 09 04:28 |
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msb_ | | Dec 09 06:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Vermont Approves Single-Payer Health Care: "Everybody In, Nobody Out" [ ] | Dec 09 06:00 |
msb_ | With TV appearance by Sen. Bernie Sanders. | Dec 09 06:01 |
msb_ | But not complete until 2017. | Dec 09 06:01 |
msb_ | Lots of luck to him avoiding assassination til then. | Dec 09 06:04 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 06:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: <img src="" width="288" height="192" alt="c"> | Dec 09 06:13 |
schestowitz__ | "Some people think linux users are angry at Microsoft. We aren't angry, we pity the users of expensive and poorly produced shitware. I feel pity for myself during the days before linux was accessible to me. It was hell to have to use that mess, And you know I did try to use Windows 8 with this laptop because I'd been scared by the horror stories of UEFI. Thankfully it was an HP and the same day I said screw it, | Dec 09 06:13 |
schestowitz__ | I'd rather lose the thing that use it this way." | Dec 09 06:13 |
MinceR | | Dec 09 06:56 |
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schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 09:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @bmagnanti: Proposing to police the internet for things law enforcement can barely handle in real life strikes me as fundamentally disingenuous... | Dec 09 09:10 |
schestowitz__ | MinceR: that it proof of he the greatest creator | Dec 09 09:10 |
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MinceR | | Dec 09 09:27 |
Sosumi | plants have feelings | Dec 09 09:30 |
Sosumi | they just happen to express them in a not so common way to humans to understand | Dec 09 09:31 |
Sosumi | but if you look at the chemistry you'll see | Dec 09 09:31 |
MinceR | indeed | Dec 09 09:31 |
MinceR | the chemical distress signal of grass smells nice :> | Dec 09 09:31 |
Sosumi | :) | Dec 09 09:32 |
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Sosumi | | Dec 09 10:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Apple joins Google, Microsoft, others in support of government surveillance reform [ ] | Dec 09 10:33 |
Sosumi | after the hypocrites were caught collaborating with the instelligence complex | Dec 09 10:34 |
Sosumi | now the want to save face | Dec 09 10:34 |
iophk | It's just empty PR | Dec 09 10:49 |
iophk | It wont' affect how they do business with the NSA in all likelihood. | Dec 09 10:50 |
iophk | But they have been making noise about it the last few days. | Dec 09 10:51 |
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Sosumi | three In-Q-Tel companies complaining about the NSA | Dec 09 11:06 |
Sosumi | what a joke | Dec 09 11:06 |
Sosumi | specially google | Dec 09 11:06 |
Sosumi | who's business is datamining | Dec 09 11:07 |
Sosumi | and with crapple and M$ wanting to eat into that business | Dec 09 11:07 |
Sosumi | crapple with iAdd and M$ with BING Adds | Dec 09 11:07 |
Sosumi | sry, iAd | Dec 09 11:08 |
Sosumi | | Dec 09 11:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | iAd - Apple Developer | Dec 09 11:08 |
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iophk | | Dec 09 12:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Budapest District Loves FLOSS | Robert Pogson [ ] | Dec 09 12:00 |
MinceR | there's still a lot of resistance here | Dec 09 12:04 |
iophk | They resist as long as they exist, I expect. | Dec 09 12:04 |
iophk | | Dec 09 12:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | We cannot afford to be indifferent to internet spying | Technology | [ ] | Dec 09 12:08 |
iophk | | Dec 09 12:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Christmas comes early for the Open Document Faithful (ODF) - Public Sector IT [ ] | Dec 09 12:11 |
-->Andromm (~androirc@ has joined #techrights | Dec 09 12:16 | |
MinceR | afaik there is no such thing as ".odf" (from the article) | Dec 09 12:31 |
MinceR | hm, i was wrong | Dec 09 12:32 |
MinceR | it's a formula document :> | Dec 09 12:32 |
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iophk | | Dec 09 13:44 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Tech Companies Seeking Surveillance Reform Spent $35 Million Lobbying Last Year - Forbes [ ] | Dec 09 13:44 |
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sebsebseb | hi | Dec 09 14:06 |
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Sosumi | seb³ the magician | Dec 09 14:20 |
Sosumi | hey | Dec 09 14:20 |
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iophk | | Dec 09 14:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Xbox owners tricked into destroying consoles - Telegraph [ ] | Dec 09 14:30 |
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iophk | | Dec 09 15:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Wikileaks exposes secret, controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations | PCWorld [ ] | Dec 09 15:11 |
iophk | | Dec 09 15:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Group of soldiers 'mutinied over hungover bosses', court martial hears - Telegraph [ ] | Dec 09 15:13 |
iophk | | Dec 09 15:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | French agency caught minting SSL certificates impersonating Google | Ars Technica [ ] | Dec 09 15:14 |
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iophk | third hand info : "Clem claims he has been asked by Canonical's legal department to license the binary packages used by Ubuntu. " | Dec 09 15:56 |
iophk | | Dec 09 15:56 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD. [ ] | Dec 09 15:56 |
iophk | too late: | Dec 09 15:58 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | EU warns Nokia not to become a "patent troll" | News | PC Pro [ ] | Dec 09 15:58 |
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DaemonFC | The facts are in about the poverty rate, proposals to increase the minimum wage to $11 an hour, and switching Social Security Cost of Living Allowances using the Chained CPI for the Elderly (by raising the amount of Social Security tax that the wealthy pay). | Dec 09 16:47 |
DaemonFC | The poverty rate (under the federal poverty gudelines) in Huntington, Indiana is over 18%. If you count people who are near the poverty line, the figure balloons to over 30%. | Dec 09 16:47 |
DaemonFC | Raising the minimum wage to $11 an hour and using CPI-E for Social Security would reduce the poverty rate in Huntington, Indiana to something like 5-6%, and the near-poverty rate to something like 10-11%. | Dec 09 16:47 |
DaemonFC | Nationally, these initiatives alone would also create over 250,000 new jobs over the next year after being enacted. | Dec 09 16:47 |
DaemonFC | These proposals are being suppressed by the wealthy, who do not want to pay their workers, or pay a little more in taxes, and right-wing economists, who falsely claim that they would create price inflation. | Dec 09 16:47 |
DaemonFC | What *is* creating price inflation, right now, and pushing millions of Americans into poverty or near-poverty is the right-wing policies of bailing out the banksters by expanding the monetary base, and asset price manipulation and speculation by the criminal "investor class" on Wall Street. | Dec 09 16:47 |
DaemonFC | States with higher minimum wages don't necessarily have higher prices. The minimum wage in Washington state is over $9 an hour, and when you go to McDonalds or Walmart, the prices are about the same as they are in any other state. | Dec 09 16:47 |
DaemonFC | What you do get when you raise the minimum wage are fewer people who need food stamps, medicaid, and rent subsidies, which are effectively corporate socialism. | Dec 09 16:47 |
DaemonFC | In other words. "Hey, Walmart! Hey, McDonalds! It's cool that you don't want to pay your workers anything. We can create programs funded by the taxpayers to prop up your low wage structure and make your pay scale work.". | Dec 09 16:47 |
DaemonFC | This is the government manipulation and distortion of the market that right-wingers are always complaining about, but they exist to enable treacherous megacorporations to continue paying their workers nothing. | Dec 09 16:47 |
DaemonFC | Asking companies to pay their workers, rather than to take from the pockets of people who might not even do business there, seems like a really modest proposal to me. | Dec 09 16:47 |
DaemonFC | Like · · Share · 14 minutes ago · Edited · | Dec 09 16:47 |
DaemonFC | When I worked at Walmart, we had these things called "CBLs". It was basically a system where you sat down at a computer, which would "train" you to do your jobs. | Dec 09 16:47 |
DaemonFC | Walmart makes no bones about their position. The CBLs state that Walmart does not exist to create jobs or guarantee any standard of living for their employees; they exist to create more money for their managers and shareholders. | Dec 09 16:47 |
DaemonFC | That one is in the "Labor Relations" CBL that teaches employees to despise the unions that *could* use collective bargaining to improve the lives of their workers. It's also in the "management Labor Relations" module, that tells managers how to go about firing any employees that want a better standard of living, and are openly discussing unionization. | Dec 09 16:47 |
DaemonFC | Corporations have no conscience. They only consider what will make them more money, and what they can get away with. | Dec 09 16:47 |
DaemonFC | The law, at its best, will curtail some of those excesses. | Dec 09 16:47 |
DaemonFC | And Corporate America has a message for the middle class as well. | Dec 09 16:47 |
DaemonFC | "Quit worrying about the decline in your living standard that is being created by us. Instead, be outraged that someone else is going to be able to eat tonight." | Dec 09 16:47 |
DaemonFC | Like · · Share · 7 minutes ago · Edited · | Dec 09 16:48 |
DaemonFC | Fun Fact: If Walmart stopped spending $7 billion per year to buy back its own stock to keep the price high, it could raise the hourly wage of every employee to $14.86 per hour. | Dec 09 16:49 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 16:59 |
schestowitz__ | "Fedora 20 :P" | Dec 09 17:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a Diaspora post? | Dec 09 17:00 |
schestowitz__ | [20:59] <iophk> too late: | Dec 09 17:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | EU warns Nokia not to become a "patent troll" | News | PC Pro [ ] | Dec 09 17:00 |
schestowitz__ | Too late indeed | Dec 09 17:00 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 17:03 |
MinceR | EU "warnings" have no weight anyway | Dec 09 17:03 |
MinceR | they never do anything | Dec 09 17:03 |
schestowitz__ | "I prefer firefox and Whonix." | Dec 09 17:03 |
schestowitz__ | MinceR: it can still be a deterrence | Dec 09 17:03 |
schestowitz__ | in this case | Dec 09 17:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: ### The following is presented as a battle plan. But it is a disengagement plan:( | Dec 09 17:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | How To Combat Online Surveillance | The Occupied Times | Dec 09 17:03 |
MinceR | they even allow a dictatorship as a member state | Dec 09 17:03 |
schestowitz__ | better than no warning at all | Dec 09 17:03 |
MinceR | with full voting rights | Dec 09 17:03 |
MinceR | with all sorts of payouts | Dec 09 17:03 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 17:03 |
schestowitz__ | "lol :-D" | Dec 09 17:04 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a Diaspora post? | Dec 09 17:04 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 09 17:11 |
DaemonFC | Dear Republicans, | Dec 09 17:11 |
DaemonFC | When President Obama starts profiting off of the cocaine industry in Nicaragua to raise money to sell weapons to Iran, like your hero "Ronald Raygun", we'll start talking about "scandals". | Dec 09 17:11 |
schestowitz__ | [18:45] <iophk> | Dec 09 17:15 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Tech Companies Seeking Surveillance Reform Spent $35 Million Lobbying Last Year - Forbes [ ] | Dec 09 17:15 |
schestowitz__ | For surveillance? More of it?1 :-) | Dec 09 17:15 |
Sosumi | | Dec 09 17:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | New US spy satellite features world-devouring octopus | Ars Technica [ ] | Dec 09 17:24 |
Sosumi | your tax dollars at work | Dec 09 17:24 |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 09 17:26 | |
schestowitz__ | no more for health | Dec 09 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | lots for corporate espionage | Dec 09 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 17:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | The NSA should run a "terrorism and child porn appreciation day". Without them, NSA wouldn't have managed to be born and stay alive. | Dec 09 17:36 |
schestowitz__ | "LOOOL :D Amazing !!" | Dec 09 17:36 |
MinceR | :> | Dec 09 17:36 |
MinceR | they would have found or manufactured an excuse anyway | Dec 09 17:37 |
MinceR | gn | Dec 09 17:39 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 17:44 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Mother Jones Shows That Gates Foundation is a Hypocritical Ploy #billgates #deception #investment | Dec 09 17:44 |
schestowitz__ | "Most foundations exist merely as a tax-exempt dumping ground for the cash of the well-to-do. They get to deduct a boatload off of their taxes while making sure their cash goes to keep themselves rich and enhance their corporate interests." | Dec 09 17:44 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Mother Jones Shows That Gates Foundation is a Hypocritical Ploy | Techrights [ ] | Dec 09 17:44 |
schestowitz__ | They think og it as "doing good" while making money. They can't see that not paying tax is in itself not good. | Dec 09 17:44 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 09 17:45 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Fedora 20 About a Week Away | Dec 09 17:45 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Fedora 20 About a Week Away | Techrights [ ] | Dec 09 17:45 |
schestowitz__ | "so is your birthday?" | Dec 09 17:45 |
schestowitz__ | yes, 32nd | Dec 09 17:45 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz__: Fedora 20 neary out didn't know that | Dec 09 18:00 |
sebsebseb | they used to also release closer to the GNOME releases didn't they | Dec 09 18:00 |
sebsebseb | ,but I guess the delay that happended put htat of a bit? | Dec 09 18:00 |
sebsebseb | fEDORA 17 delay 18 or whatever it was | Dec 09 18:00 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz__: hmm you showed KDE in your screenshot not GNOME | Dec 09 18:01 |
-->Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrights | Dec 09 19:04 | |
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schestowitz | | Dec 10 01:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | GNU/Linux is getting some nice games | Dec 10 01:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | NO TITLE [ ] | Dec 10 01:31 |
schestowitz | "The guy who wrote this is a moron. OpenGL, by itself, is the best platform to play games. Linux, by itself, is the best platform to play games. Put them together and Neptune's the limit." | Dec 10 01:31 |
schestowitz | | Dec 10 01:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | "email security and encryption have become more complex and more of a necessity" | Dec 10 01:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Top Email Encryption Tools - Linux Links - The Linux Portal Site [ ] | Dec 10 01:32 |
schestowitz | "It's a bad time for Kmail to fall apart." | Dec 10 01:32 |
schestowitz | | Dec 10 01:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | "Britain's GCHQ and America's NSA" assisted by "Google, Facebook and Microsoft" complicit | Dec 10 01:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | GCHQ and NSA Join Forces to Hunt Paedophiles on 'Dark Net' - IBTimes UK [ ] | Dec 10 01:36 |
schestowitz | "This is probably the most direct and disturbing evidence of Google hijack. They have been convinced to turn their image recognition software against users and are acting as police." | Dec 10 01:36 |
-->iophk (~lars@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 01:37 | |
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iophk | Both Firefox and Chrome now : | Dec 10 03:49 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | [Phoronix] Mozilla Firefox Enables VP9 Video Codec By Default [ ] | Dec 10 03:49 |
-->MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 03:49 | |
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schestowitz | | Dec 10 04:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | The last time corporate press accused China of 'hacking' governments was shortly before NSAGate. Used to be monthly. | Dec 10 04:11 |
schestowitz | "[nodding] ...and how much has anyone said since...?" | Dec 10 04:11 |
schestowitz | iophk: yes, seen that | Dec 10 04:11 |
iophk | small but good news | Dec 10 04:12 |
iophk | more support of open codecs is an advancement | Dec 10 04:12 |
schestowitz | Yeah, Rianne posted it in TuxMachines | Dec 10 04:12 |
schestowitz | it's easy to miss the news | Dec 10 04:12 |
schestowitz | the original is just some code change | Dec 10 04:13 |
iophk | I'll have to start checking there more regularly | Dec 10 04:13 |
schestowitz | no announcment from mozilla that I can see | Dec 10 04:13 |
schestowitz | Phoronix does have an eye for things, though I reckon he gets headups in the forums, IRC, email, etc | Dec 10 04:13 |
schestowitz | Today I had some email arguments with Red Hat staff | Dec 10 04:13 |
schestowitz | over UEFI | Dec 10 04:13 |
iophk | are they still pushing restricted boot? | Dec 10 04:14 |
iophk | "and then pay $99 and sign that with Microsoft." | Dec 10 04:15 |
iophk | | Dec 10 04:15 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | mjg59 | Implementing UEFI Secure Boot in Fedora | Dec 10 04:16 |
iophk | though that was a year ago | Dec 10 04:16 |
schestowitz | yeah | Dec 10 04:20 |
iophk | I thought it was a bad precedent to establish a need for RH to pay M$ just for the privilege of booting. That means that the price and frequency of payment are possible to change now that they're over the big hump. | Dec 10 04:22 |
-->Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 04:22 | |
iophk | | Dec 10 04:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Cops and Feds Routinely 'Dump' Cell Towers to Track Everyone Nearby | Threat Level | [ ] | Dec 10 04:36 |
---MinceR_ is now known as MinceR | Dec 10 04:52 | |
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to MinceR | Dec 10 05:26 | |
-->Agnesi ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 06:37 | |
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iophk | | Dec 10 06:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Agencies collected data on Americans’ cellphone use in thousands of ‘tower dumps’ - The Washington Post [ ] | Dec 10 06:42 |
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sebsebseb | hi | Dec 10 08:27 |
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iophk | | Dec 10 08:54 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | 20 years of Doom: the game that put a gun in your hand - Telegraph [ ] | Dec 10 08:54 |
-->Faither ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 09:03 | |
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schestowitz__ | What does Ubuntu have for booting that other distros lack? nothing I can think of, it's just a matter of hobby/reserve engineering. | Dec 10 09:08 |
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iophk | I thought they all boot with grub or grub2 now. | Dec 10 09:09 |
schestowitz__ | [14:04] <schestowitz> | Dec 10 09:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | I once used a Chromebook. It's easy, too limiting _for me_. But some wrongly assume it's for everyone, then bash it. | Dec 10 09:10 |
schestowitz__ | [14:05] <schestowitz> "Once I hear that it is a piece of cake to install a distro of my choice on it, I'll be interested. I've heard otherwise." | Dec 10 09:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Review: Acer Chromebook C720 | [ ] | Dec 10 09:10 |
schestowitz__ | [14:05] <schestowitz> iophk: Wolfenstein predates it | Dec 10 09:10 |
schestowitz__ | [14:06] <schestowitz> "I bought one for my parents. My Dad was the techie at home until his stroke a few years ago fried that entire part of his brain. My mom had not used a computer until a few months prior. My brother got an HP laptop with XP for them and it worked well for a few months and then got some malware. He cleaned it and the cycle repeated for a while. They didn't want a tablet since it would be a new paradigm that they | Dec 10 09:10 |
schestowitz__ | would need to learn so I | Dec 10 09:10 |
schestowitz__ | [14:06] <schestowitz> picked up a Chromebook for them a few months ago. They have loved it! All that they need it for is surfing the internet and doing email, so it has been a perfect fit for them." | Dec 10 09:10 |
schestowitz__ | [14:06] <schestowitz> Good to hear | Dec 10 09:10 |
schestowitz__ | [14:08] <schestowitz> "I've heard of some getting Ubuntu up and running on it, but that's not my distro of choice." | Dec 10 09:11 |
iophk | Wolfenstein 3d predates it, but Doom was *the* phenomenon. | Dec 10 09:11 |
iophk | It was a major craze for a while. | Dec 10 09:11 |
iophk | It also made some people motion sick. | Dec 10 09:11 |
schestowitz__ | what has changed since? | Dec 10 09:12 |
schestowitz__ | though some FPS for Linux, UT IIRC, made me sick a few years ag | Dec 10 09:12 |
schestowitz__ | headache after less than an hour under Mint with standard monitor | Dec 10 09:12 |
iophk | You could see people dodging physically in their chairs when they played Doom | Dec 10 09:13 |
iophk | IIRC the early version did something nasty with the LAN using broadcast packets or something. | Dec 10 09:14 |
iophk | So it got a lot of attention from all sides. | Dec 10 09:14 |
schestowitz__ | [14:13] <iophk> You could see people dodging physically in their chairs when they played Doom | Dec 10 09:16 |
schestowitz__ | LOL | Dec 10 09:16 |
schestowitz__ | Instincts | Dec 10 09:17 |
iophk | People got quite absorbed. | Dec 10 09:17 |
schestowitz__ | To a lesser degree people sometimes do this, or they hit the keyboard harder as though the keyboard has sensors for strenght | Dec 10 09:17 |
iophk | Those that had computers in their dorm rooms played with headphones, late into the night. | Dec 10 09:18 |
iophk | Some of those would forget and end up shouting, waking up room mates, when surprised by monsters. | Dec 10 09:18 |
iophk | MUDs/MOOs were more detrimental. There were people that didn't eat/sleep/shave/attend class because of MUDs/MOOs | Dec 10 09:20 |
iophk | They usually were gone in a term or two. | Dec 10 09:20 |
Agnesi | MUDs/MOOs? | Dec 10 09:50 |
---Agnesi is now known as Sosumi | Dec 10 09:50 | |
Sosumi | made up drama? | Dec 10 09:53 |
iophk | | Dec 10 09:55 |
iophk | | Dec 10 09:55 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Twitter gobbles up more cookies with retargeted ads, says users have privacy choices | ITworld [ ] | Dec 10 09:55 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | How Will Twitter’s API Restrictions Affect Big Data Applications? DataSift Helps Clarify What’s Going On - EMC Big Data [ ] | Dec 10 09:55 |
iophk | channeling twitter users into narrower options, more likely to be exposed to ads | Dec 10 09:56 |
iophk | | Dec 10 09:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | New API severely restricts third-party Twitter applications | Ars Technica [ ] | Dec 10 09:57 |
iophk | old | Dec 10 09:57 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 10:21 |
TechrightsBot-tr | PCLinuxOS 2013.12 KDE, MATE and LXDE released #pclos #mate #lxde | Dec 10 10:21 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | PCLinuxOS 2013.12 KDE, MATE and LXDE released | ITworld [ ] | Dec 10 10:21 |
schestowitz__ | "kernel 3.4 is you fuh real, texstar?" | Dec 10 10:22 |
schestowitz__ | Wow | Dec 10 10:22 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 10:27 |
TechrightsBot-tr | I once used a Chromebook. It's easy, too limiting _for me_. But some wrongly assume it's for everyone, then bash it. | Dec 10 10:27 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Review: Acer Chromebook C720 | [ ] | Dec 10 10:27 |
schestowitz__ | "I have to use Ralink drivers on this laptop. I don't feel any way about that, it's just something I have to deal with until they get reverse engineered or opened to the public." | Dec 10 10:27 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 10:27 |
TechrightsBot-tr | USSR remembered: assassinating people abroad makes CIA no better than KGB | Dec 10 10:27 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Inside the KGB: Terror of the Soviet Union | History Documentary - YouTube [ ] | Dec 10 10:27 |
schestowitz__ | "Is that Ronald Reagan narrating?" | Dec 10 10:27 |
schestowitz__ | Like Obama, speaking seems to be his main skill | Dec 10 10:28 |
schestowitz__ | When I watched the credit at the end this morning I noticed that some people of Russian origins helped put it together, so there's some credibility to this information and it's not something like "History" channel. Overall, worth a watch. | Dec 10 10:29 |
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schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 11:07 |
TechrightsBot-tr | #uk attitude towards FOSS summed up by one idiotic statement | Dec 10 11:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Open source 'wasn't available' two years ago, says Universal Credit chief - [ ] | Dec 10 11:08 |
schestowitz__ | "Umm, I started installing Linux on things in 1995. So, ... ... ... s/he is about 15 years wrong?" | Dec 10 11:08 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 11:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Twitter adds ads. "Twitter will start delivering targeted ads on mobile devices based on Web browsing data" | Dec 10 11:08 |
schestowitz__ | "-> You twit ergo you buy <-" | Dec 10 11:08 |
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schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 11:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Storyville: Pussy Riot A Punk Prayer - YouTube | Dec 10 11:10 |
schestowitz__ | Using one pretty face to get public sympathy and sell Westerners the story that only Russia is evil corrupt etc. | Dec 10 11:10 |
iophk | | Dec 10 11:12 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | “We cannot trust” Intel and Via’s chip-based crypto, FreeBSD developers say | Ars Technica [ ] | Dec 10 11:12 |
schestowitz__ | ta | Dec 10 11:20 |
iophk | It was in the news a few weeks ago in another context, too. Different developers saying about the same thing. | Dec 10 11:24 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 11:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Google #censorship again should be ashamed of themselves. #freespeech | Dec 10 11:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Condom to sex: Google's weird list of banned words for Android 4.4 KitKat [ ] | Dec 10 11:41 |
schestowitz__ | "The mine have no support for the cyanogenmod to :-(" | Dec 10 11:41 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 11:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | #Facebook and #Microsoft do *not* "unite to call for restrictions on NSA spying",they are uniting to change perception of collusion in crime | Dec 10 11:42 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 10 11:42 |
schestowitz__ | What I've found funny about the Facebook, Microsoft, and Google gamut; is that despite all their shouting. MS keeps shifting back to a game of "no comment" every time a new bit of their complicity comes out (e.g. the recent revelations about the X-Box live network) and they've basically taken an angle of "if you close your eyes they can't see you" as it pertains to Win8 and Server 2012 basically being made huge trojans worked out | Dec 10 11:42 |
schestowitz__ | with IBM, Cisco, Intel, and else.....that is to say, they've made just shy of no public comment on the matter. | Dec 10 11:42 |
schestowitz__ | Google's Eric has shifted to some odd acts of pretending like Google is looking to be i2p or something while simultaneously doing absolutely nothing like the i2p project. | Dec 10 11:42 |
schestowitz__ | And we have similar with Facebook. Notably with Facebook, it was funny to see comments made by Zuckerberg recently that led to a bunch of comments from his own users (for the most part) calling "Bull". | Dec 10 11:42 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 11:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | In heaven everything is fine - YouTube [ ] | Dec 10 11:42 |
schestowitz__ | The Enterprise market is running from all three facets (and A LOT MORE) in droves. Simply put, the Enterprise market isn't fooled by the statements and the companies are all more than aware of that. The statements are meant for fooling the consumer market public. I question if there moves here are effective.....or if they simply anger the public. (again, take a look at comments to Zuckerberg from Facebook users) | Dec 10 11:42 |
schestowitz__ | " | Dec 10 11:42 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 11:48 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @candtalan: Lack of trust in chip based cryto: @omgubuntu Please note? via @schestowitz | Dec 10 11:48 |
schestowitz__ | T'so complained. RAND seems tampered with. | Dec 10 11:49 |
iophk | Good memory | Dec 10 11:49 |
schestowitz__ | !google tso rand | Dec 10 11:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Rand + Jen | Chehalis, WA » JEROME TSO PHOTOGRAPHY – The ... | | Dec 10 11:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - Rand + Jennifer | Olympia Engagement » JEROME TSO ... | | Dec 10 11:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Musicafella - Live @ Tso's Butchery - Kagiso, West Rand [JHB ... | | Dec 10 11:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Jerome Tso Photography | Facebook | | Dec 10 11:50 |
schestowitz__ | !google tso rand linux | Dec 10 11:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Schneier on Security: Insecurities in the Linux /dev/random | | Dec 10 11:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - Linux /dev/random source | | Dec 10 11:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Rocky Rand | LinkedIn | | Dec 10 11:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Linus Responds To RdRand Petition With Scorn - Slashdot | | Dec 10 11:50 |
iophk | I got very different results. | Dec 10 11:50 |
iophk | Google varies from country to country I think. | Dec 10 11:51 |
iophk | "Did you mean: | Dec 10 11:51 |
iophk | tor and linux | Dec 10 11:51 |
iophk | torrent linux" | Dec 10 11:51 |
schestowitz__ | heh | Dec 10 11:51 |
schestowitz__ | I should wrtie about the FAT ruling | Dec 10 11:52 |
schestowitz__ | soon | Dec 10 11:52 |
schestowitz__ | maybe tonight, not sure when to work on thew RMS videos | Dec 10 11:52 |
iophk | did you get through the old ones already? Or will they be mixed with the new? | Dec 10 11:53 |
schestowitz__ | I finished the Oxford ones | Dec 10 11:56 |
schestowitz__ | I got the GNU questions answered | Dec 10 11:56 |
schestowitz__ | and it's not time-sensitive | Dec 10 11:56 |
schestowitz__ | I will catch up with it in a few days, I took vacation from work till 21st of Dec. IIRC | Dec 10 11:56 |
schestowitz__ | Some parties and other events coming, but other than that, lots of time to do project work like moving TuxMachines between servers | Dec 10 11:57 |
schestowitz__ | TM might be down soon | Dec 10 11:57 |
schestowitz__ | Lots of snowstorms in the US | Dec 10 11:57 |
schestowitz__ | and some threaten to take power down FOR DAYS | Dec 10 11:57 |
schestowitz__ | So I was told by the current host | Dec 10 11:57 |
iophk | Power outages will be more interesting with smartphones. Those only hold their charge for a few hours. | Dec 10 11:57 |
schestowitz__ | US becomes like post-USSR collapse Russia | Dec 10 11:57 |
schestowitz__ | Not like Finland | Dec 10 11:57 |
iophk | There were some hundreds of thousands with out power this season in southern Finland. | Dec 10 11:58 |
schestowitz__ | I've not had an outage here for like 3 years or more, not even for a few secon ds | Dec 10 11:58 |
schestowitz__ | iophk: ah, I didn't know that | Dec 10 11:58 |
schestowitz__ | is that near Estonia? | Dec 10 11:58 |
iophk | accross the water | Dec 10 11:59 |
iophk | Sweden doesn't do so well either, this last decade. | Dec 10 11:59 |
iophk | Tens of thousands without power in either place is not that uncommon in a big storm. | Dec 10 12:00 |
iophk | units = households | Dec 10 12:01 |
iophk | in both cases | Dec 10 12:01 |
schestowitz__ | wow, eye-opening | Dec 10 12:04 |
schestowitz__ | Maybe I forgot how to appreciate persistence of power | Dec 10 12:04 |
schestowitz__ | so instead I sometimes complain about BT | Dec 10 12:04 |
schestowitz__ | Which BTW has been OK for the past 2 months, a disaster before that... | Dec 10 12:04 |
MinceR | my smartphone could last for a day | Dec 10 12:09 |
MinceR | or more | Dec 10 12:09 |
MinceR | also, a power bank can help :> | Dec 10 12:09 |
iophk | In parts of the US many have simply bought generators. | Dec 10 12:13 |
iophk | That's a really inefficient and polluting way to provide less power overall. | Dec 10 12:13 |
MinceR | it does keep working when the power grid dies, though | Dec 10 12:15 |
iophk | Yeah, it's cheaper and less polluting to keep the grid going. | Dec 10 12:15 |
iophk | But that's apparently not a priority any more. | Dec 10 12:15 |
iophk | Maintenance has been cut back. | Dec 10 12:16 |
iophk | old - | Dec 10 12:17 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Copper Scavengers Loot High-Tech Infrastructure - Alexis C. Madrigal - The Atlantic [ ] | Dec 10 12:17 |
MinceR | if human civilization collapses, the power grid will follow :> | Dec 10 12:18 |
iophk | and the plumbing | Dec 10 12:19 |
MinceR | and eventually the paved roads | Dec 10 12:19 |
iophk | food is transported such long distances now that starvation will happen early on | Dec 10 12:20 |
iophk | I would expect that few if any farms would survive bandit and looters and waves of refugees. | Dec 10 12:21 |
iophk | Even if they did, they're no draft animals to speak of and the diesel would quickly run out. | Dec 10 12:21 |
iophk | Even if there were draft animals they'd get eaten by the above bandits, looters and refugees, so that the starvation would be complete. | Dec 10 12:22 |
iophk | Same for seed corn, etc. | Dec 10 12:22 |
-->oioio (b4950cc2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrights | Dec 10 12:30 | |
iophk | ' President Obama criticized leaders "who claim solidarity with Mandela struggle for freedom, but do not tolerate dissent from their own people."' | Dec 10 12:34 |
iophk | | Dec 10 12:34 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Obama: Too Many Leaders Claim Solidarity With Mandela, "But Do Not Tolerate Dissent From Their Own People" | Video | RealClearPolitics [ ] | Dec 10 12:34 |
iophk | he said it in his speech in the stadium there. | Dec 10 12:34 |
iophk | There's probably another source online. | Dec 10 12:34 |
MinceR | | Dec 10 12:35 |
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MinceR | | Dec 10 12:35 |
iophk | That is a lot of gall coming from him given his treatment of whistleblower, the ones his campaign platform would protect. | Dec 10 12:35 |
iophk | needs a better link though, site's not so good | Dec 10 12:42 |
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schestowitz__ | [17:18] <TechrightsBot-tr> | Copper Scavengers Loot High-Tech Infrastructure - Alexis C. Madrigal - The Atlantic [ ] | Dec 10 13:30 |
schestowitz__ | ohk, old... | Dec 10 13:30 |
iophk | yes old | Dec 10 13:30 |
iophk | but ongoing | Dec 10 13:30 |
schestowitz__ | but it shows what economic turndown may bring | Dec 10 13:30 |
schestowitz__ | !google east euruope inter down woman | Dec 10 13:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Georgian woman cuts off web access to whole of Armenia | World ... | | Dec 10 13:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - BBC News - Pensioner in Georgia cuts Armenia off from internet | | Dec 10 13:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Egypt arrests as undersea internet cable cut off Alexandria - BBC | | Dec 10 13:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Georgian Woman, 75, Arrested for Cutting Armenia's Internet - WSJ ... | | Dec 10 13:31 |
schestowitz__ | This was so hilarious | Dec 10 13:31 |
schestowitz__ | ina sick sense | Dec 10 13:31 |
schestowitz__ | some very old lady takes advanytage of the country's connectivity being so s***y | Dec 10 13:31 |
iophk | yeah in some cases they've dug up fiber and cut into that | Dec 10 13:31 |
iophk | I guess that will be one advantage when fibre becomes predominant, the looting will lessen or at least the thieves will learn to discern between copper and fibre. | Dec 10 13:34 |
iophk | | Dec 10 13:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | ( status 404 @ ) | Dec 10 13:35 |
schestowitz__ | iophk: 404 indeed | Dec 10 13:39 |
schestowitz__ | what was it? | Dec 10 13:39 |
schestowitz__ | so much for "arcgive" | Dec 10 13:39 |
schestowitz__ | *archive' | Dec 10 13:39 |
<--jono has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 10 13:39 | |
iophk | Don't know. It was pointed to as the answer to a question in a forum from a couple of years ago. So the link died recently | Dec 10 13:39 |
iophk | The archiving of things is not a priority. | Dec 10 13:39 |
iophk | It should be. | Dec 10 13:39 |
iophk | Too much is getting lost. | Dec 10 13:40 |
iophk | Some on purpose, though. | Dec 10 13:40 |
-->jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 13:40 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 13:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Proof that the Free Software Movement Knows It Cannot Compete: Boycott Novell » 66 Pages of Microsoft Evilness [ ] | Dec 10 13:40 |
iophk | Some stuff seems to stay around... | Dec 10 13:41 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 13:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Boycott Novell Campaign Videos - YouTube [ ] | Dec 10 13:41 |
schestowitz__ | Avinad | Dec 10 13:42 |
schestowitz__ | Using my GIMp graphics | Dec 10 13:42 |
schestowitz__ | and making sheets based on the site | Dec 10 13:42 |
-->abeNd-org ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 13:42 | |
schestowitz__ | RMS said this was the first time police force was used to drive away FS activists | Dec 10 13:42 |
iophk | In India? | Dec 10 13:43 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 13:44 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: ### The following is presented as a battle plan. But it is a disengagement plan:( | Dec 10 13:44 |
schestowitz__ | iophk: yeah | Dec 10 13:44 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | How To Combat Online Surveillance | The Occupied Times | Dec 10 13:44 |
schestowitz__ | "Audit means nothing if it's closed source." | Dec 10 13:44 |
<--abeNd-org has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Dec 10 13:45 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 13:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: the garden of cosmic speculation... | Dec 10 13:53 |
schestowitz__ | "#Groovy" | Dec 10 13:53 |
-->Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 14:12 | |
Sosumi | | Dec 10 14:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | ( status 404 @ ) | Dec 10 14:36 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 14:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | #JoinDiaspora is #emerging as the most awesome social network, bigger in terms of participation and interaction than #identica and #twitter | Dec 10 14:38 |
schestowitz__ | "JoinDiaspora also uses Amazon servers which might as well be a direct line to the NSA." | Dec 10 14:38 |
schestowitz__ | Like DuckDuckGo | Dec 10 14:38 |
schestowitz__ | "diaspora is more than just the pod joindiaspora :p" | Dec 10 14:38 |
schestowitz__ | "Is identica still functioning ? Heard there was someother fork or website ? Also any news on account migration?" | Dec 10 14:38 |
Sosumi | amazon backwards | Dec 10 14:38 |
Sosumi | nOZAMA | Dec 10 14:39 |
Sosumi | watch out for nOZAMA | Dec 10 14:39 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 14:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | The first time I'm aware a protest was inspired by my writings | Dec 10 14:40 |
schestowitz__ | "Is this related to <a href="">this protest</a>?" | Dec 10 14:40 |
schestowitz__ | yes | Dec 10 14:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Friendly ‘Boycott Novell’ Supportes Robbed of Voice | Techrights [ ] | Dec 10 14:40 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 10 14:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Too many world leaders (even Bush) are playing w/ Mandela's corpse (pardon the phrase, ref to apartheid regime) for self-promotion purposes | Dec 10 14:41 |
schestowitz__ | "It's disgusting." | Dec 10 14:41 |
-->DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 14:46 | |
DaemonFC | | Dec 10 14:46 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | The Gates Foundation's Hypocritical Investments | Mother Jones [ ] | Dec 10 14:46 |
<--BlueCloud ( has left #techrights | Dec 10 14:55 | |
<--jono has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Dec 10 15:19 | |
-->sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 15:20 | |
sebsebseb | Dec 10 15:21 | |
MinceR | Dec 10 15:21 | |
<--gde33 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia | Dec 10 15:27 | |
sebsebseb | MinceR: iophk openSUSE | Dec 10 15:33 |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 10 15:33 | |
iophk | | Dec 10 15:33 |
sebsebseb | iophk: uhmm they can get SUSE stuff easilly from one of the sponsers | Dec 10 15:33 |
sebsebseb | I think that's one of the reasons why Mageia was out | Dec 10 15:34 |
iophk | Cant you get Mageia discs? | Dec 10 15:34 |
sebsebseb | iophk: yep | Dec 10 15:34 |
sebsebseb | ,but | Dec 10 15:34 |
sebsebseb | iophk: they may not want me to distribute those! | Dec 10 15:34 |
iophk | Can't stop you. | Dec 10 15:35 |
sebsebseb | iophk: meant to be agreeing on some merchanice on the next meeting | Dec 10 15:35 |
sebsebseb | so SUSE stuff, Ubuntu stuff, Mint stuff | Dec 10 15:35 |
sebsebseb | agenda says nothing about anting else,but I saidabobut MOzilla etc | Dec 10 15:35 |
iophk | Focus on Mozilla (thunderbird, firefox) and LIbreOffice and VLC and the cross-platform stuff. | Dec 10 15:36 |
sebsebseb | Mozllastickers and yeah | Dec 10 15:36 |
sebsebseb | ? | Dec 10 15:36 |
sebsebseb | I am thinking some MOzilla stuff and forLibre Office posisbly to as wlel | Dec 10 15:36 |
-->DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 15:36 | |
-->jono ( has joined #techrights | Dec 10 15:36 | |
sebsebseb | iophk: going to bring some merchandise examples to the meeting | Dec 10 15:36 |
iophk | Cool. | Dec 10 15:37 |
sebsebseb | as for getting any Mint stuff, good luck to them I think | Dec 10 15:37 |
sebsebseb | seems Mint doesn't really have anything | Dec 10 15:37 |
sebsebseb | except t-shirts to buy an that kindof thing | Dec 10 15:37 |
---jono is now known as Guest63303 | Dec 10 15:37 | |
sebsebseb | iophk: what I find interesting is now this guy who wanted Mint can't d the event | Dec 10 15:37 |
sebsebseb | they want him to work longer in USA | Dec 10 15:37 |
sebsebseb | iophk: ,butnow he brings in this other guy who offered to help | Dec 10 15:37 |
sebsebseb | I suggestd bringing him in for the vote, but nope that didn't happen | Dec 10 15:38 |
iophk | If he's helping he should "vote" ... | Dec 10 15:38 |
sebsebseb | iophk: yeah maybe a re vote shuld happen then | Dec 10 15:38 |
sebsebseb | this guy who wanted Mint can't do the event | Dec 10 15:38 |
sebsebseb | now it turns out, I wasn't at the vote meeting, and now this other guy has been bought in as well | Dec 10 15:39 |
sebsebseb | iophk: maybe a vote shoud happen again with everyone there etc.. oh ,but they are unlikely to go with that | Dec 10 15:39 |
sebsebseb | iophk: Mint, Ubuntu, and openSUSE event | Dec 10 15:39 |
sebsebseb | iophk: doesn't matter that I was the one who pushed for the whole idea of having an event again, earlier this year | Dec 10 15:40 |
sebsebseb | when the idea just kindof died our sat there last year | Dec 10 15:40 |
iophk | That should count for something. | Dec 10 15:40 |
sebsebseb | yeah you would have thought woudn't you? | Dec 10 15:40 |
sebsebseb | ,but it seems not | Dec 10 15:40 |
sebsebseb | iophk: anyway the guy that is now being bought in, I get on with him | Dec 10 15:41 |
iophk | Collaboration. | Dec 10 15:41 |
sebsebseb | iophk: yeah exacty callobraation | Dec 10 15:41 |
sebsebseb | I guess I need to say something on Tuesday | Dec 10 15:41 |
sebsebseb | worth a try at least | Dec 10 15:41 |
sebsebseb | iophk: bingo callaboraoitn | Dec 10 15:42 |
sebsebseb | everyone working together | Dec 10 15:42 |
sebsebseb | no one being excluded | Dec 10 15:42 |
sebsebseb | that's what I wanted | Dec 10 15:42 |
sebsebseb | ,but now the opposite has happended really, it's not really my event now | Dec 10 15:42 |
sebsebseb | it's their event, not my event now, it seems | Dec 10 15:42 |
sebsebseb | have the genral overall goal in mind, but with differences, and that's where the issues been | Dec 10 15:42 |
sebsebseb | iophk: yep who pushed for hte idea again, it was me | Dec 10 15:43 |
sebsebseb | really that means nothing? | Dec 10 15:43 |
iophk | talk with that other fellow and figure out something for the meeting | Dec 10 15:46 |
sebsebseb | iophk: yeah he won't know about lots of stuff that happended etc | Dec 10 15:47 |
sebsebseb | iophk: I rmember sending entuthasitic emails to the list | Dec 10 15:48 |
sebsebseb | about having an event | Dec 10 15:48 |
sebsebseb | and having it with Mageia and such :d | Dec 10 15:48 |
iophk | Point that out. It is part of the plan then, if you have it documented. | Dec 10 15:48 |
sebsebseb | iophk: oh those emais are logged in the archeive | Dec 10 15:48 |
sebsebseb | it was just mainly talk to get interest in havingg an event | Dec 10 15:49 |
sebsebseb | ,but it was something still I guess | Dec 10 15:49 |
sebsebseb | iophk: I think softwarewise what I wanted is out probably hwatever happens now | Dec 10 15:49 |
sebsebseb | unless hmm | Dec 10 15:49 |
sebsebseb | iophk: ,but well ther's no Jitsi in the repo's anyway for this distro | Dec 10 15:50 |
sebsebseb | tried to get them to addit | Dec 10 15:50 |
sebsebseb | and I am a bit hmmm about installing codecs and Skype and all that, plus local brandng | Dec 10 15:50 |
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sebsebseb | iophk: ,but I still don't think certain things should have gone like they did really etc | Dec 10 15:51 |
sebsebseb | and it's to late to fork orwhatever | Dec 10 15:51 |
sebsebseb | have own event I think | Dec 10 15:51 |
sebsebseb | and not really worth the hassle the effort | Dec 10 15:51 |
sebsebseb | iophk: and things probabbly won't actsaully be as bad, when I meet them again or whatever, but hmm | Dec 10 15:51 |
sebsebseb | iophk: I think just got to go alon with things now really, and that's that, and it's nice to get away from computers more at times, have other interests etc :) | Dec 10 15:53 |
sebsebseb | uh I feel like I need more otherintersts at times now | Dec 10 15:54 |
sebsebseb | iophk: still about? | Dec 10 16:00 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: about? | Dec 10 16:00 |
MinceR | Dec 10 16:00 | |
sebsebseb | MinceR: ok | Dec 10 16:00 |
iophk | kindog | Dec 10 16:00 |
sebsebseb | Dec 10 16:00 | |
sebsebseb | MinceR | Dec 10 16:00 |
iophk | kindof | Dec 10 16:00 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: iophk does computer stuff ever make you feel sad? | Dec 10 16:00 |
MinceR | indeed | Dec 10 16:00 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: yeah it does with me at times for sure | Dec 10 16:01 |
iophk | when can you meet with that other fellow and plan working together? | Dec 10 16:01 |
sebsebseb | iophk: at the meeting, it's a group thing | Dec 10 16:01 |
iophk | what about discussing before hand? | Dec 10 16:01 |
sebsebseb | could eamil or something, but not sure if ther's much point | Dec 10 16:02 |
iophk | See if he's onboard with Mageia | Dec 10 16:02 |
sebsebseb | he might be, but others aren't | Dec 10 16:02 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: how does it make you feel sad? | Dec 10 16:02 |
MinceR | by keeping me from accomplishing my ends via shoddy software (m$ and co.) | Dec 10 16:03 |
MinceR | by making me look bad in front of others (see above) | Dec 10 16:03 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: see what above, I didn't see whatever | Dec 10 16:03 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: makng look bad how? | Dec 10 16:05 |
MinceR | by making me fail to accomplish my tasks | Dec 10 16:05 |
sebsebseb | which tasks? | Dec 10 16:05 |
sebsebseb | and fail acomplishing them how? | Dec 10 16:05 |
MinceR | depends | Dec 10 16:06 |
sebsebseb | and look bad how? | Dec 10 16:06 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: computers make you look bad how | Dec 10 16:07 |
sebsebseb | or computer interests? | Dec 10 16:07 |
MinceR | see above | Dec 10 16:07 |
sebsebseb | I don't see anything | Dec 10 16:07 |
sebsebseb | above | Dec 10 16:07 |
sebsebseb | joined about 50 minutes ago | Dec 10 16:07 |
<--Guest63303 has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Dec 10 16:08 | |
sebsebseb | MinceR: iophk I think for me, sometimes these computer interests, effects other things | Dec 10 16:08 |
sebsebseb | maybe a bit more than just omeitmes depends | Dec 10 16:08 |
-->jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Dec 10 16:08 | |
sebsebseb | someitmes being into computers | Dec 10 16:08 |
sebsebseb | is a curse really rather than a blessing | Dec 10 16:09 |
sebsebseb | not sure if anyone knows what I Mean ? | Dec 10 16:09 |
sebsebseb | yep a bad thing, rathe than a good thing | Dec 10 16:09 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: iophk know what I mean? ^ | Dec 10 16:09 |
iophk | How to make freedom popular? | Dec 10 16:09 |
sebsebseb | iophk: uh? | Dec 10 16:10 |
sebsebseb | no I am saying software freedom and all that | Dec 10 16:10 |
sebsebseb | it's ireivent in the wider picture of things | Dec 10 16:10 |
iophk | That's what some of it is about. | Dec 10 16:10 |
sebsebseb | the wider bigger picutre | Dec 10 16:10 |
MinceR | actually it's very relevant | Dec 10 16:10 |
sebsebseb | Desktp Liux may never go main streame | Dec 10 16:10 |
sebsebseb | etc | Dec 10 16:10 |
MinceR | it's the difference between buying a computer for yourself and buying a computer for the m$/crApple/whoever else botnet | Dec 10 16:10 |
sebsebseb | only about a few million peopel use Desktop Linux gobally | Dec 10 16:10 |
sebsebseb | out of the billions or so using WIndows or Mac OS X | Dec 10 16:10 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: well yes | Dec 10 16:10 |
iophk | >80% of smartphone use Linux | Dec 10 16:10 |
MinceR | and between owning your data vs. handing your data to someone else so that they can hold it hostage | Dec 10 16:11 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: ,but computers don't bring true happyness | Dec 10 16:11 |
MinceR | and lease it to you | Dec 10 16:11 |
iophk | probably most serverrs | Dec 10 16:11 |
sebsebseb | don't you find? | Dec 10 16:11 |
iophk | mainframes | Dec 10 16:11 |
MinceR | the functionality of computers can contribute to happiness | Dec 10 16:11 |
sebsebseb | ok might find soe nice girl via the Internet whlist using a computer for example | Dec 10 16:11 |
iophk | >98% of supercomputers | Dec 10 16:11 |
sebsebseb | ,but in general | Dec 10 16:11 |
iophk | lots of tvs, etc. | Dec 10 16:11 |
sebsebseb | computer interest don't bring true happyness etc | Dec 10 16:11 |
sebsebseb | don't tyou think | Dec 10 16:11 |
sebsebseb | ?? | Dec 10 16:11 |
MinceR | you can play games, watch videos, read stuff, learn | Dec 10 16:11 |
MinceR | you can gain and improve skills | Dec 10 16:11 |
sebsebseb | playing games isn't true happyness though | Dec 10 16:11 |
MinceR | maybe not for you | Dec 10 16:12 |
sebsebseb | finding that special someone if they haven't already, I think is true happyness for most people | Dec 10 16:12 |
sebsebseb | yes might find them using a computer, but the computer intersts them seles don't really bring true happyness, that's what I mean | Dec 10 16:12 |
MinceR | for those who have already found that | Dec 10 16:12 |
MinceR | what's "seles"? | Dec 10 16:13 |
sebsebseb | themselves | Dec 10 16:13 |
MinceR | computers can also take work out of your hand, leaving more resources for things that bring more happiness | Dec 10 16:13 |
sebsebseb | iophk: MinceR and Linux opensource/freesoftware is very opinanted and polotical, and well look what happens as a result, what I Was on about earlier | Dec 10 16:13 |
MinceR | blame m$ and their kind for that | Dec 10 16:14 |
iophk | The criteria defining Free software are clearly enummerated. | Dec 10 16:14 |
MinceR | they're the ones who decided that the IT world belongs to them, regardless of whether they can get things done or not | Dec 10 16:14 |
iophk | usuall "or not" | Dec 10 16:14 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: no for the specic thing I was onabout earlier, I gues blame upstream for that one uh | Dec 10 16:14 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: that most distro's are so simiar,becuase of upstream | Dec 10 16:14 |
sebsebseb | usually that's a good thing | Dec 10 16:14 |
sebsebseb | ,but then well what I put ealrier | Dec 10 16:15 |
MinceR | they're the ones who decided that there should be no competition in IT but totalitarian control in their hands | Dec 10 16:15 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: ok sure, but then look what happens | Dec 10 16:15 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: the Linux users for examle, get all opoinated and polotical | Dec 10 16:15 |
sebsebseb | about what ditro's to use and what interface | Dec 10 16:15 |
iophk | Interface is not a big deal. | Dec 10 16:15 |
sebsebseb | no mine is what hsould be used, not yours, no yoursshould be, no no yours no no etc | Dec 10 16:15 |
sebsebseb | iophk: for that event it is | Dec 10 16:15 |
MinceR | all computer users do, who are aware of such choices | Dec 10 16:15 |
iophk | Distro is not a big deal as long as it follows the ideas behind Free software. | Dec 10 16:16 |
sebsebseb | iophk: in general not that big a deal, b ut for that event it is | Dec 10 16:16 |
sebsebseb | iophk: and theres the idea for hte event, to use propritrary software, to help win people over to Linux from WIndows | Dec 10 16:16 |
sebsebseb | codecs, Skype etc | Dec 10 16:16 |
sebsebseb | iophk: free software alonewould be lacking, can't docertain things | Dec 10 16:17 |
iophk | There was a magazine that had a privacy remix of Ubuntu included in an issue. | Dec 10 16:17 |
MinceR | and to get them into suse so that they remain under m$'s thumb forever | Dec 10 16:17 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: yep openSUSE being one of the distro's | Dec 10 16:17 |
iophk | M$ has to rope them in before they wander far. | Dec 10 16:17 |
MinceR | IT in general can't do certain things | Dec 10 16:17 |
MinceR | and not because they're impossible in theory | Dec 10 16:18 |
sebsebseb | ok sure | Dec 10 16:18 |
sebsebseb | ,but | Dec 10 16:18 |
sebsebseb | if Linux can't do something that WIndows can do | Dec 10 16:18 |
sebsebseb | it's generally seen as a bad thing by many | Dec 10 16:18 |
MinceR | the ribbon and metro will make them change their minds, then | Dec 10 16:19 |
sebsebseb | many got used to that by now I think | Dec 10 16:19 |
sebsebseb | that was Office 2007 | Dec 10 16:19 |
iophk | Windows has years of indoctrination to get people to fear other systems, even OS X | Dec 10 16:19 |
MinceR | then m$ will find a way to make things even worse for them | Dec 10 16:19 |
sebsebseb | Android helps the experience another type of tech experience though | Dec 10 16:19 |
sebsebseb | and iOS if they got Iphones etc | Dec 10 16:19 |
sebsebseb | helps them above | Dec 10 16:20 |
sebsebseb | quite a lot of people just tend to use hteir phone for everthing now or prety much | Dec 10 16:20 |
sebsebseb | instead of their WIndows computer | Dec 10 16:20 |
iophk | iphones and iPods gained market share for Apple on the desktop. | Dec 10 16:20 |
sebsebseb | they reolise that they get a better expereince using the phone for their basic tasks, than their WIndows computer, but most don't really kow why that is | Dec 10 16:20 |
iophk | The same can happen with Android. | Dec 10 16:20 |
iophk | Especially now with the potential 'end' of XP | Dec 10 16:21 |
sebsebseb | iophk: oh that's to do with why having event when it wil be | Dec 10 16:21 |
sebsebseb | ,but | Dec 10 16:21 |
sebsebseb | I think I know what MinceR would think | Dec 10 16:21 |
sebsebseb | going by his thumb comment from earlier | Dec 10 16:21 |
MinceR | suse can be an intermediate step towards better distros, but it's unnecessary | Dec 10 16:22 |
iophk | best to go straight to the other distros, skip the M$ step | Dec 10 16:22 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: so you say, but yet loads of cmpanies use SUSE stll | Dec 10 16:22 |
MinceR | just because someone else is making bad decisions doesn't mean you have to do the same | Dec 10 16:23 |
sebsebseb | iophk: I guess hopefully most go for Ubuntu or Mint | Dec 10 16:23 |
iophk | Mint debian? | Dec 10 16:23 |
sebsebseb | nope | Dec 10 16:23 |
sebsebseb | standard one | Dec 10 16:23 |
iophk | :( | Dec 10 16:23 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: sure, but if a bad deicion has bene made regaridng the software choices for that, the visitors won't just know | Dec 10 16:23 |
iophk | find some like minded people and plan an installfest | Dec 10 16:23 |
iophk | using stock distros | Dec 10 16:24 |
iophk | no respins | Dec 10 16:24 |
sebsebseb | iophk: to late for that now I think | Dec 10 16:24 |
sebsebseb | or for that kind of date | Dec 10 16:24 |
iophk | you've got some months before April | Dec 10 16:24 |
sebsebseb | iophk: I got Brusuels to celbrate the release of a good distro and such :D | Dec 10 16:24 |
sebsebseb | coming up | Dec 10 16:24 |
iophk | yep | Dec 10 16:25 |
iophk | | Dec 10 16:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | FOSDEM 2014 - Home | Dec 10 16:25 |
sebsebseb | yeah | Dec 10 16:25 |
sebsebseb | iophk: and then local thing uh I guess | Dec 10 16:25 |
sebsebseb | iophk: I haven't decided yet, but maybe I'll go to Amsterdam this time tow | Dec 10 16:25 |
<--gnufreex has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Dec 10 16:26 | |
sebsebseb | with someone quite a lot older who's coming from USA | Dec 10 16:26 |
sebsebseb | meaning to emall him | Dec 10 16:26 |
sebsebseb | back | Dec 10 16:26 |
sebsebseb | find out more about his plans etc :) | Dec 10 16:26 |
sebsebseb | iophk: MinceR I think another issue could have been qute simpally that Mageia wasn't seen as being "mainstreame" enough by them | Dec 10 16:27 |
sebsebseb | they wanted mainstreame distro's | Dec 10 16:27 |
iophk | Community distros are naturally a bit smaller. | Dec 10 16:27 |
sebsebseb | well yeah true | Dec 10 16:27 |
iophk | It's mainstream enough. | Dec 10 16:27 |
sebsebseb | ,but the big paleyrs, Ubuntu, Suse, Fedora, Deban etc | Dec 10 16:27 |
MinceR | they wanted mainstream crap | Dec 10 16:27 |
MinceR | debian is mainstream and better than what they've come up with | Dec 10 16:27 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: ,but for a non technical user? | Dec 10 16:28 |
MinceR | probably so's fedora | Dec 10 16:28 |
MinceR | not sure what non-technicality has to do with it | Dec 10 16:28 |
sebsebseb | well Fedora got ruled out, since an idea that it would be a bit intermediate | Dec 10 16:28 |
MinceR | intermediate what? | Dec 10 16:28 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: it's an eent aimed at non technicla people | Dec 10 16:28 |
sebsebseb | who odn't really know about LInux | Dec 10 16:28 |
MinceR | all i can bring up against fedora is that yum is less reliable than apt | Dec 10 16:28 |
sebsebseb | I think Fedora would have been a good choie though, espeically with the remastering idea that came along | Dec 10 16:29 |
sebsebseb | pre install the codecs etc into Fedora and yea | Dec 10 16:29 |
sebsebseb | Fedora 20 soon | Dec 10 16:29 |
sebsebseb | Debian it would go aisnt their philsophey or whatever | Dec 10 16:29 |
sebsebseb | ,but could have put in the propriary stuff into a remaster of that to | Dec 10 16:29 |
sebsebseb | against their above | Dec 10 16:29 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: iophk oh yeah this remind me, GNOME 3 got the worst Linux idea of 2013 according to Linux Journal poll uh | Dec 10 16:30 |
sebsebseb | KDE got best de | Dec 10 16:30 |
sebsebseb | and things like that | Dec 10 16:30 |
sebsebseb | GNOME 3 is goo enough :) and can cusotmise it, or base on it and such | Dec 10 16:31 |
iophk | gnome is hard to customize last I heard | Dec 10 16:31 |
MinceR | indeed | Dec 10 16:31 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: indeed to which? | Dec 10 16:31 |
sebsebseb | no there are a few distro's based on GNOME 3 pingyOS etc | Dec 10 16:31 |
MinceR | to being hard to customize | Dec 10 16:31 |
iophk | Older versions I tried were all but impossible to customize. | Dec 10 16:31 |
iophk | Haven't bothered to look lately. Gnome is so over. | Dec 10 16:31 |
sebsebseb | iophk: well Mageia and GNOME out | Dec 10 16:32 |
MinceR | last time i checked you had to bring out gconf-editor or equivalent to tell the damned thing to not sleep if you close the laptop lid | Dec 10 16:32 |
sebsebseb | KDE n, but in openSUSE uh | Dec 10 16:32 |
MinceR | that's utterly retarded | Dec 10 16:32 |
sebsebseb | GNOME 3 is better now trust me | Dec 10 16:32 |
iophk | I'll take your word for it. | Dec 10 16:32 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: iophk yay Cinnamon a GNOME 3 fork by the Mint team, instead of uhmmm something such as LXFCE or LXDE hmm | Dec 10 16:32 |
sebsebseb | hmm maybe XFCE or LXDE would have been better reallly for that one, but I guess won't make much difference with CInnamon | Dec 10 16:33 |
sebsebseb | and then Unity instead of GNOME Shell | Dec 10 16:33 |
iophk | both XFCE and LXDE | Dec 10 16:34 |
sebsebseb | so got two things that are whta htey are, becuase of GNOME 3 really | Dec 10 16:34 |
sebsebseb | ,but no GNOME 3 itself | Dec 10 16:34 |
sebsebseb | and yep KDE there | Dec 10 16:34 |
iophk | though LXDE is moving to Qt or something | Dec 10 16:34 |
sebsebseb | iophk: MinceR appanratly someone left his LUG, because it was to Ubuntu, and that it was just a front for socialism orwhatever he was saying the other night | Dec 10 16:34 |
sebsebseb | not really aboutsoftware freedom | Dec 10 16:35 |
sebsebseb | iophk: MinceR so to political for him and so he leavs | Dec 10 16:35 |
MinceR | lol | Dec 10 16:36 |
sebsebseb | I think that's an issue right htre with Linux and other opensource/freesoftware in general | Dec 10 16:36 |
sebsebseb | as I was trying to say earier | Dec 10 16:36 |
MinceR | yes, people being idiots is an issue in general | Dec 10 16:36 |
sebsebseb | it's way to opinated and political at times | Dec 10 16:36 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: who are you reffering to? | Dec 10 16:36 |
MinceR | the "herp derp free software is socialism" crowd | Dec 10 16:37 |
MinceR | state socialism was all about dictatorical control from the top down on everything, so that's more m$/crApple if anything | Dec 10 16:37 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: well he said sociais is the worst sytem | Dec 10 16:37 |
iophk | M$ is top-down, command-economy, centrally controlled ... | Dec 10 16:37 |
sebsebseb | worst out of the three | Dec 10 16:37 |
iophk | gtg | Dec 10 16:38 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: what kind of society would you like to have? | Dec 10 16:40 |
MinceR | i would progress toward a less statist, more individualist, more free-market society and see what we can learn from it | Dec 10 16:40 |
sebsebseb | what a help your naighbour society | Dec 10 16:40 |
sebsebseb | ? | Dec 10 16:40 |
MinceR | that would be a part of it | Dec 10 16:41 |
sebsebseb | and where there isn't really money | Dec 10 16:41 |
MinceR | human nature being what it is now, you can't really expect any system to save us from it | Dec 10 16:41 |
sebsebseb | and peopel don't just work for the system and things like that | Dec 10 16:41 |
MinceR | so it would have to be evolved | Dec 10 16:41 |
MinceR | i don't think money is evil | Dec 10 16:41 |
MinceR | it's a useful tool | Dec 10 16:41 |
MinceR | but it shouldn't be worshipped | Dec 10 16:41 |
sebsebseb | I think there's a lot of issues really with the world | Dec 10 16:42 |
sebsebseb | ,but change takes time etc | Dec 10 16:42 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: I think there's food down stiars waiting for me though, so yeah bye for now | Dec 10 16:42 |
sebsebseb | or back in a bit | Dec 10 16:42 |
sebsebseb | or not sure qute | Dec 10 16:42 |
MinceR | :) | Dec 10 16:42 |
<--iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Dec 10 16:43 | |
sebsebseb | why ;0 | Dec 10 16:43 |
sebsebseb | ? | Dec 10 16:43 |
sebsebseb | that's :) | Dec 10 16:43 |
sebsebseb | was meant to be :) | Dec 10 16:43 |
MinceR | not sure anymore | Dec 10 16:44 |
MinceR | probably regarding the food | Dec 10 16:44 |
sebsebseb | oh ok | Dec 10 16:44 |
MinceR | but yes, there are a lot of issues and change takes time | Dec 10 16:44 |
MinceR | (and more than time) | Dec 10 16:44 |
DaemonFC | Firefox now supports h264 if you have the gstreamer plug in for that. | Dec 10 16:45 |
DaemonFC | It'll also play it using the native codecs on Android, OS X, and Windows. | Dec 10 16:45 |
MinceR | i thought that wasn't new | Dec 10 16:45 |
DaemonFC | It's new in Firefox 26 | Dec 10 16:45 |
MinceR | they're adding support for some downloadable blob from fiasco now | Dec 10 16:45 |
DaemonFC | I guess it's easy to say they gave up, but really it's more or less Google's fault. | Dec 10 16:46 |
MinceR | (and they're trying to sell it as free software or open source...) | Dec 10 16:46 |
DaemonFC | If Google had converted all videos on Youtube to WebM and yanked h264 from Chrome like they said they would.... | Dec 10 16:46 |
MinceR | indeed | Dec 10 16:46 |
DaemonFC | h264 would have already been done fore. | Dec 10 16:46 |
DaemonFC | *for | Dec 10 16:46 |
MinceR | i have no idea what reason google could possibly have for not doing that | Dec 10 16:46 |
DaemonFC | It was probably part of their deal with the MPEG-LA. | Dec 10 16:47 |
DaemonFC | The one where the MPEG-LA let WebM users have a royalty free patent license for any MPEG-LA patents that WebM might infringe. | Dec 10 16:48 |
MinceR | pfft | Dec 10 16:48 |
MinceR | that deal was capitulation, then | Dec 10 16:48 |
DaemonFC | A lot of the terms of that deal are secret, but Google's decision to retain support for h264 in Chrome may have been one of the conditions. | Dec 10 16:48 |
MinceR | the whole point of WebM was to be unencumbered | Dec 10 16:48 |
DaemonFC | Right. Well, it was designed to try to avoid MPEG-LA's patents, but that doesn't mean it does. | Dec 10 16:49 |
DaemonFC | When things actually get to court, the definitions of what a patent covers are pretty "flexible". | Dec 10 16:49 |
MinceR | just like in the m$ case, we will probably never find out if it does | Dec 10 16:49 |
MinceR | it was probably just some vague threats towards google | Dec 10 16:49 |
DaemonFC | I'd imagine that it does violate at least one or more. | Dec 10 16:50 |
DaemonFC | It's hard to consider something so large not violating one of thousands of patents in a pool. | Dec 10 16:50 |
DaemonFC | *to not be violating | Dec 10 16:50 |
DaemonFC | So, it probably hits at least one, or a few, no matter how careful they were. | Dec 10 16:50 |
MinceR | at least in light of sw patents being incredibly vague and that nobody dares attack them on grounds of validity or prior art | Dec 10 16:51 |
MinceR | (i don't know why) | Dec 10 16:51 |
DaemonFC | Because there's thousands more. | Dec 10 16:51 |
DaemonFC | It's easier to pay up than try to fight 5,000 patents one by one. | Dec 10 16:51 |
MinceR | (perhaps patent lawyers expect their future living to depend on the system remaining as broken as it is now) | Dec 10 16:51 |
MinceR | what if the patent holder is made to pay for the costs of fighting every patent they lose? | Dec 10 16:51 |
MinceR | i guess the legal system doesn't work that way | Dec 10 16:52 |
DaemonFC | Actually, a bill has been brought up in the House of Representatives that would do loser pays. | Dec 10 16:52 |
DaemonFC | I think it was called the Innovate Act or something. | Dec 10 16:52 |
MinceR | let me guess, it lost | Dec 10 16:53 |
DaemonFC | It's still being considered. | Dec 10 16:54 |
DaemonFC | If it passes, the Senate has until the beginning of the new Congress in January of 2015 to pass it. | Dec 10 16:54 |
DaemonFC | If they don't, the bill dies and has to be reintroduced and passed in both chambers again. | Dec 10 16:55 |
DaemonFC | I don't know why that happens. Only about 5% of the House membership changes, and maybe 5-10% of the Senate. | Dec 10 16:55 |
DaemonFC | They just don't have that much turnover. | Dec 10 16:56 |
DaemonFC | They spent almost all of their time fundraising. | Dec 10 16:57 |
DaemonFC | Anyone that challenges them gets drowned out by all the spending that the incumbent can afford to do. | Dec 10 16:57 |
DaemonFC | Plus, most House districts are drawn to heavily favor one party. | Dec 10 16:57 |
DaemonFC | Whatever party is in control of the state that the district is in. | Dec 10 16:57 |
DaemonFC | My district is so heavily gerrymandered for the Republican that it would take a major scandal and a right-wing Democrat on the same year to get rid of him. | Dec 10 16:58 |
DaemonFC | It sucks. | Dec 10 16:58 |
DaemonFC | You can write to them, but they don't really listen. They're much more interested in what people with money tell them to do than what voters want. | Dec 10 16:59 |
DaemonFC | Most legislation they bring up is actually a threat to get more money out of whatever industry wants less regulation. | Dec 10 16:59 |
DaemonFC | And some industries want more regulation. | Dec 10 17:00 |
DaemonFC | The 2010 law that was supposed to reduce smoking rates did nothing to affect the smoking rate. | Dec 10 17:00 |
DaemonFC | It just banned most types of imported cigarettes and more kinds of advertising. | Dec 10 17:00 |
DaemonFC | The tobacco companies wrote the bill. They wanted no foreign competition, and to not have to pay to advertise to each others customers. | Dec 10 17:01 |
DaemonFC | So they got what they wanted. :) | Dec 10 17:01 |
DaemonFC | It reversed the Supreme Court and handed regulation of the tobacco companies over to the FDA. | Dec 10 17:02 |
DaemonFC | So, the FDA is supposed to protect the public health (I know. Haha!). | Dec 10 17:02 |
DaemonFC | And now you've got them regulating cigarettes that kill people. | Dec 10 17:02 |
DaemonFC | So the first thing they did was ban every flavor of cigarette with the exception for menthol. | Dec 10 17:02 |
DaemonFC | What a coincidence. Most flavors other than menthol are imports or from smaller companies. | Dec 10 17:03 |
DaemonFC | :) | Dec 10 17:03 |
MinceR | gn | Dec 10 17:14 |
DaemonFC | Menthol is a really nasty ingredient when you mix it with tobacco. | Dec 10 17:14 |
MinceR | why? | Dec 10 17:14 |
MinceR | i thought nicotine and natural MAOIs were nasty enough | Dec 10 17:15 |
DaemonFC | The menthol itself is perfectly safe, but it causes people to inhale more deeply and it makes it easier to breathe when the cigarettes are actually hurting your lung function long-term. | Dec 10 17:15 |
MinceR | ic | Dec 10 17:15 |
DaemonFC | I have an on and off addiction, and I usually smoke menthol cigarettes. | Dec 10 17:15 |
DaemonFC | But I signed a petition to the FDA to ban menthol. They say they're considering it. | Dec 10 17:16 |
DaemonFC | If they did that, it would have a huge effect on the number of people who smoke. | Dec 10 17:16 |
MinceR | or a huge effect on the black market of menthol cigarettes :> | Dec 10 17:16 |
MinceR | or menthol products designed to be added by the user | Dec 10 17:17 |
MinceR | remember the prohibition era :> | Dec 10 17:17 |
DaemonFC | Yeah. There would be a black market for them and they'd be smuggled in from Canada and Mexico. | Dec 10 17:17 |
DaemonFC | The price would go way up though. | Dec 10 17:17 |
DaemonFC | Black markets do that. So, fewer people could afford them. | Dec 10 17:18 |
DaemonFC | :) | Dec 10 17:18 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: I doubt many people would want them for $10 a pack. | Dec 10 17:18 |
MinceR | it would also lead to a rise in associated crime | Dec 10 17:19 |
DaemonFC | I don't see why it would be worse than what the war on drugs has caused. | Dec 10 17:21 |
DaemonFC | Marijuana is much less dangerous than the criminals that the prohibition has enabled to do business. | Dec 10 17:21 |
DaemonFC | But, I could see a stronger demand for the stuff that's already banned than menthol cigarettes. | Dec 10 17:22 |
DaemonFC | It's still legal to import enough clove cigarettes for personal consumption. | Dec 10 17:22 |
DaemonFC | I think you can import up to 10 cartons per year for yourself. | Dec 10 17:22 |
DaemonFC | But reselling them is illegal. | Dec 10 17:22 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: It's also legal to make a certain amount of beer or wine for yourself, or to give away. | Dec 10 17:23 |
DaemonFC | And you don't owe any taxes on it. | Dec 10 17:23 |
DaemonFC | But if you sell it, you've committed a felony. | Dec 10 17:23 |
MinceR | it seems very similar to the war on drugs | Dec 10 17:24 |
MinceR | as tobacco _is_ a drug | Dec 10 17:24 |
DaemonFC | Well, I hope I didn't disturb the neighbors too much last night.... | Dec 10 17:27 |
DaemonFC | LOL | Dec 10 17:27 |
DaemonFC | What they must think of me.... | Dec 10 17:27 |
DaemonFC | I've met a few people on those personals sites. The first two went nowhere, but this seems to be heading in the right direction. | Dec 10 17:28 |
DaemonFC | We were up all night watching movies and stuff. | Dec 10 17:28 |
DaemonFC | Those people on the side of the apartment where my TV is get mad at me for watching movies at a reasonable volume. | Dec 10 17:29 |
DaemonFC | They complained the the landlord about it, so I had the landlord come in and I demonstrated the volume that I normally watch movies at, and she told them to get over it. | Dec 10 17:29 |
DaemonFC | *to the | Dec 10 17:29 |
DaemonFC | She said not to let them bother me, they complain about _everything_. | Dec 10 17:30 |
DaemonFC | I asked my other neighbor, the nice one, if I was bothering her. She said she couldn't hear my TV at all. | Dec 10 17:31 |
DaemonFC | But, you get that living in apartments. There's a few nice neighbors, a few really mean ones, and a few that just pay you no attention at all. | Dec 10 17:31 |
DaemonFC | At least none of them are criminals. | Dec 10 17:31 |
DaemonFC | I've lived in worse apartments before. Way worse. | Dec 10 17:32 |
DaemonFC | I switched my phone and Mobile Firefox over to use DuckDuckGo. | Dec 10 17:33 |
DaemonFC | They have a really nice mobile app/site. | Dec 10 17:33 |
DaemonFC | :) | Dec 10 17:33 |
*DaemonFC shares Switch to Windows with MinceR and giggles. | Dec 10 17:35 | |
DaemonFC | I can't believe that Google actually allows that shit in their app store. | Dec 10 17:35 |
DaemonFC | Maybe they allowed it because it amuses them. | Dec 10 17:36 |
DaemonFC | Is anyone seriously going to switch from Android to Windows Phone? :P | Dec 10 17:36 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 10 17:43 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | House, Senate Negotiators Set to Announce Budget Deal - [ ] | Dec 10 17:43 |
DaemonFC | It's already cheaper to get in my car and drive to most places than to take a plane. | Dec 10 17:43 |
DaemonFC | Now they're going to charge even more for plane tickets.\ | Dec 10 17:43 |
schestowitz__ | [22:39] <s-255> @wikileaks Sweden was never denazified. Prior to 1945 it | Dec 10 17:50 |
schestowitz__ | [22:39] <s-255> supported Germany. After '44 Swedish utopian | Dec 10 17:50 |
schestowitz__ | [22:39] <s-255> fascism in the ruling class became more | Dec 10 17:50 |
schestowitz__ | [22:39] <s-255> discreet. | Dec 10 17:51 |
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DaemonFC | | Dec 10 18:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | PS4 is ’50% faster’ than Xbox One, report game developers | ExtremeTech [ ] | Dec 10 18:41 |
DaemonFC | So the XBOX One version will probably be crippled. | Dec 10 18:41 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: I agree with Richard Stallman about gifts. | Dec 10 18:53 |
DaemonFC | I was talking to Tim about this. I said "Look, neither one of us are doing exceptionally well right now. We can go to dinner or something every once in a while, but I don't want you to buy anything for me for Christmas, I'm serious. Don't." | Dec 10 18:54 |
DaemonFC | We were talking about that. | Dec 10 18:54 |
DaemonFC | :P | Dec 10 18:54 |
DaemonFC | We're both kind of stuck where we're at. | Dec 10 18:54 |
DaemonFC | I hate how these advertising cretins come out and tell people that you're a pile of shit if you don't spend money you don't have on Christmas and birthdays and expensive engagement/wedding rings. | Dec 10 18:55 |
DaemonFC | We're kind of lucky in one way. He works at a restaurant, so whenever we want to have dinner, we just eat there and it's half price. | Dec 10 18:58 |
DaemonFC | It's like every year, I feel like I'm in a vice, and it's getting tighter. | Dec 10 18:59 |
DaemonFC | There is no recovery for a lot of people. | Dec 10 18:59 |
DaemonFC | I'm starting to really see that now. | Dec 10 18:59 |
DaemonFC | If I get a 1% raise next year, then my rent, cable, food, and gas expenses will go up an average of 3-5%. | Dec 10 19:00 |
DaemonFC | It's been going in this direction for like five years now. | Dec 10 19:00 |
DaemonFC | I've pushed back against that where I can, but even that's starting to become less of a way to get some spending money out of my budget, and more of something I just have to do to get by. | Dec 10 19:01 |
DaemonFC | I've become more obsessed with gimmicks like credit card rebates and coupons, and so on. | Dec 10 19:01 |
DaemonFC | That's actually brought more money back into my budget than my usual raises. | Dec 10 19:02 |
DaemonFC | I can already feel next year getting tighter. My rent went up less than I thought it would. Only going up 1.3%. :P | Dec 10 19:03 |
DaemonFC | Everything is going up faster than the raise will be though. | Dec 10 19:03 |
DaemonFC | Such a joke. | Dec 10 19:03 |
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DaemonFC | That gas app on my phone has been pretty helpful. I can look at all the stations in the area that I plan to travel in and make sure I pull over at the cheapest station. That's cool. It's only a couple dollars per tank, but it's something. :P | Dec 10 19:05 |
DaemonFC | My step-mother still hasn't found work. She's been unemployed for a little over five years now iirc. | Dec 10 19:07 |
DaemonFC | The irony was that she was a claims "adjuster" for a health insurance company, and they fired her because she's not in good health. | Dec 10 19:07 |
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DaemonFC | That point where you're going through the ashtray looking for half-smoked cigarettes.... | Dec 10 19:42 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 10 19:48 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Nokia ‘Normandy’ said to be low-cost handset running custom version of Android | Android and Me [ ] | Dec 10 19:48 |
DaemonFC | Nokia is doing Android finally. | Dec 10 19:48 |
DaemonFC | If they get acquired by Microsoft, I'm sure that the first order of business will be to halt production and stop support for devices already sold. | Dec 10 19:49 |
DaemonFC | Might not be the best idea to buy it. | Dec 10 19:49 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 10 19:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | LG G2 mini with Snapdragon 800 chipset, 4.7-inch display in the works: Report | NDTV Gadgets [ ] | Dec 10 19:51 |
DaemonFC | I have the full sized 5.2 inch LG G2. | Dec 10 19:51 |
DaemonFC | I love it. | Dec 10 19:51 |
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DaemonFC | I'm generally in favor of the auto industry bailouts. The auto industry makes products. The financial sector, which got 100 times more money than the auto industry, makes people poor and in debt. | Dec 11 00:31 |
DaemonFC | The auto industry provides more than 2 million jobs, the financial industry produces assholes that buy $10,000 hamburgers and $75 ice cubes for their $20,000 scotch whisky. | Dec 11 00:31 |
DaemonFC | Like · · Share · 9 minutes ago · Edited · | Dec 11 00:31 |
Snowleaksange | financial sector benefits humanity.. | Dec 11 00:32 |
Snowleaksange | provides liquity and makes markets efficient | Dec 11 00:32 |
Snowleaksange | if it werent for speculators would take long time to buy/sell stuff and would be lot of price uncertainty | Dec 11 00:33 |
Snowleaksange | speculators/traders | Dec 11 00:34 |
DaemonFC | Thanks to speculators, the price can soar even in the middle of a supply glut. | Dec 11 00:34 |
DaemonFC | What would we do without them? :) | Dec 11 00:34 |
Snowleaksange | liquidity* | Dec 11 00:35 |
DaemonFC | In the end, what people are willing to pay usually helps control price inflation. | Dec 11 00:37 |
DaemonFC | But, when you are talking things like food or fuel to run their cars and power and heat their homes.... | Dec 11 00:37 |
DaemonFC | Not really optional, so they charge basically whatever they feel like. | Dec 11 00:37 |
DaemonFC | You can't do much to fight back against that. Turn the heat down. Then they up the price for electricity/gas some more and you're back to paying what you were before, only the house is colder. | Dec 11 00:38 |
DaemonFC | Cable TV price inflation is getting pretty wicked. Comcast sent me out a list of their normal non-promo prices for stuff. | Dec 11 00:39 |
DaemonFC | The cable TV bills are going up $5. So, that's kind of regressive. | Dec 11 00:39 |
Snowleaksange | sounds lime monopoly / duopoly / cartels | Dec 11 00:39 |
DaemonFC | People who don't subscribe to many channels get hit harder. | Dec 11 00:39 |
Snowleaksange | price gouging is crime | Dec 11 00:40 |
DaemonFC | I threw out the cable TV a LONG time ago. | Dec 11 00:40 |
DaemonFC | Holy shit. You want to talk about crazy? | Dec 11 00:40 |
DaemonFC | Their basic packages are over $100 a month, by the time they get you for the packages, hidden fees, equipment rental, per-jack fees, etc. | Dec 11 00:41 |
DaemonFC | And cable TV inflation was hitting double digits for a few years there. | Dec 11 00:41 |
DaemonFC | So there's no telling what it costs now. | Dec 11 00:42 |
DaemonFC | I think I'll go figure that out. | Dec 11 00:42 |
DaemonFC | What my mom didn't understand was that those bundle prices are not good deals. | Dec 11 00:43 |
DaemonFC | They talked her into buying phone service she never used...channels they never watch... | Dec 11 00:43 |
DaemonFC | Then they kept telling her that she was saving all kinds of money because they were hitting her up for an extra $40 in "services" she didn't really use. | Dec 11 00:44 |
DaemonFC | Those bundle prices are bullshit anyway. | Dec 11 00:44 |
DaemonFC | You threaten to cancel, you get better prices. | Dec 11 00:44 |
DaemonFC | I've had their internet for over two years now and haven't ever paid close to full price for it. | Dec 11 00:45 |
DaemonFC | This last time I was a bit more forceful and got my bill down to $29.99 a month. | Dec 11 00:45 |
DaemonFC | That's for their $69.99 plan. | Dec 11 00:45 |
DaemonFC | So there's a lot of room for negotiation, and she doesn't get that. | Dec 11 00:46 |
DaemonFC | Of course they're happy to let people who pay full price keep paying it. | Dec 11 00:46 |
DaemonFC | Some people get the high speed internet plan for $70, some people get it for $30. It just depends on whether or not you're willing to cut it off if you have to pay too much. If they think you will, they work with you. | Dec 11 00:47 |
DaemonFC | My mom and my stepdad are the kind of people who refuse to budget. | Dec 11 00:48 |
DaemonFC | They'd rather each spend another 10-15 hours at work every week than to figure out how to get more done with less. | Dec 11 00:49 |
DaemonFC | So they're always running around scrabbling for more money and complaining t hat they're broke. | Dec 11 00:49 |
Snowleaksange | negotiating ability is great skill to have | Dec 11 00:50 |
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DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 11 01:00 |
DaemonFC | What gets me is when religious charities, which operate mostly on money from the government, whose total annual expenditures amount to roughly 6% of the federal SNAP funding, say that we need to kill off SNAP and let private charity take on the needs of the many. | Dec 11 01:00 |
DaemonFC | It can't even handle the load that it has now. When the people actually show up, after about two weeks into the month, with nothing left on the SNAP card, they complain that having to handle half the total need is more than they are set up to deal with. | Dec 11 01:00 |
DaemonFC | Of course right-wingers are generally fine with religious organizations taking taxpayer money and inefficiently using it to distribute some food. The goal is to make people show up for religious services, starving, so that they may beg for something to eat. | Dec 11 01:00 |
DaemonFC | Snowleaksange: I'd rather argue the price of things down than try to find a way to make more money. | Dec 11 01:00 |
DaemonFC | Making more money is harder than figuring out where you're bleeding from and patching it up. | Dec 11 01:01 |
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DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 11 01:19 |
DaemonFC | In America, we now have Thanksgiving Lite and Thanksgiving, along with Christmas Lite and Christmas. | Dec 11 01:19 |
DaemonFC | The middle class and rich gather around the dinner table and enjoy each others company over good homemade food, and the people who work at places like Walmart and McDonalds get Holiday Lite, where they show up for $7 an hour (or else), and eat a fun size bag of chips on their lunch break. | Dec 11 01:19 |
DaemonFC | There is a person who I know, that is a nurse, and is making $50 an hour if she works on any major holiday, and apparently you just get totally disconnected from reality at this point. She said "I don't see what the big deal is. *I* have to work that day!". | Dec 11 01:19 |
DaemonFC | I said "Yes, for seven times as much money, good health insurance, a pension and a 401(k), and to do a job that needs to be done. Not selling toys and artificial food for $7 an hour." | Dec 11 01:20 |
DaemonFC | I mean, think about that for a second. She makes more in one hour than they do in an eight hour shift (if they can get one), and can't see the difference between being a nurse and selling cheap crap that people don't need. | Dec 11 01:20 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 11 01:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Get a clue, McDonald’s: Chain tells workers how much to tip their pool cleaners, dog walkers, and masseuses - [ ] | Dec 11 01:30 |
DaemonFC | "In July, the campaign highlighted a sample budget McDonalds offered for workers, which imagined an employee working two jobs and still devoting zero dollars to heat. In October, an activist worker recorded and shared her call to the company’s McResources hotline in which a counselor suggested she “would most likely be eligible” for food stamps, which “takes a lot of pressure off how much money yu spend on groceries.” And last month, | Dec 11 01:30 |
DaemonFC | the SEIU-backed effort seized on a McResources website offering advice on budgeting, stress, and diet which included cutting food into smaller pieces and spending more time at church." | Dec 11 01:30 |
Snowleaksange | | Dec 11 01:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | The Cost Of An Ultrawealthy Uberclass: $1500 Per Worker | Zero Hedge [ ] | Dec 11 01:50 |
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DaemonFC | Might as well use uTorrent for Android. | Dec 11 03:15 |
DaemonFC | There don't seem to be any Free bittorrent apps. | Dec 11 03:15 |
DaemonFC | Frostwire was, until it wasn't. | Dec 11 03:16 |
DaemonFC | F-Droid still has an outdated version that they removed Google's proprietary advertising library from. | Dec 11 03:16 |
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iophk | old - | Dec 11 04:17 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | A CEO who resisted NSA spying is out of prison. And he feels ‘vindicated’ by Snowden leaks. [ ] | Dec 11 04:17 |
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MinceR | might as well run rTorrent or Transmission on GNU on Android. | Dec 11 04:37 |
MinceR | geekings | Dec 11 04:48 |
<--nj3ma has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Dec 11 04:57 | |
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iophk |,2817,2428164,00.asp | Dec 11 05:37 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | 20 Years Later: A Look Back at My Doom Love Affair | News & Opinion | [ ] | Dec 11 05:37 |
iophk | | Dec 11 05:45 |
iophk | | Dec 11 05:45 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Rick Falkvinge's 2013 List Of Stone Dead Industries - Falkvinge on Infopolicy [ ] | Dec 11 05:45 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Panic as Thousands Receive ‘Fines’ For Streaming RedTube Videos | TorrentFreak [ ] | Dec 11 05:45 |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 11 06:06 | |
iophk | | Dec 11 06:37 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | 'Selfie' diplomacy: Michelle Obama looks unamused by Barack's joking with Danish prime minister - Telegraph [ ] | Dec 11 06:37 |
iophk | once again Windows to the rescue - | Dec 11 06:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | China hacked Europe before G20: reports [ ] | Dec 11 06:38 |
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iophk | | Dec 11 08:13 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Angry Birds Go is strong to the Finnish- The Inquirer [ ] | Dec 11 08:14 |
Sosumi | | Dec 11 08:16 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | NO TITLE [ ] | Dec 11 08:16 |
Sosumi | time crapazine chooses the pope for person of the year | Dec 11 08:16 |
Sosumi | instead of Snowden for his confirmations | Dec 11 08:17 |
iophk | Snowden has had and will likely have more positive impact over the next few years. | Dec 11 08:17 |
iophk | His whisleblowing has been in the news every week so far. | Dec 11 08:18 |
iophk | | Dec 11 08:18 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | 'Fake' Mandela memorial sign language interpreter provokes anger | SBS News [ ] | Dec 11 08:18 |
Sosumi | duno, I actually think that outside a certain circles, ppl have already forgotten | Dec 11 08:19 |
Sosumi | snowden for me only pops up on RT | Dec 11 08:19 |
Sosumi | nothing else | Dec 11 08:19 |
iophk | I see some on some tech news sites. | Dec 11 08:19 |
iophk | But many people still use MSN, Hotmail, and so on. | Dec 11 08:19 |
iophk | | Dec 11 08:26 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Pirate Bay Founder Held in Solitary Confinement Without a Warrant | TorrentFreak [ ] | Dec 11 08:26 |
Sosumi | | Dec 11 08:30 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | NO TITLE [ ] | Dec 11 08:30 |
Sosumi | ‘We cannot trust them anymore’: Engineers abandon encryption chips after Snowden leaks | Dec 11 08:30 |
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Sosumi | | Dec 11 13:58 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | [Phoronix] Activision Is Preventing A Game From Coming To Linux [ ] | Dec 11 13:58 |
Sosumi | | Dec 11 14:06 |
Sosumi | Phone Drive Eightythree 4.1.1 iOS - Multiple Vulnerabilities | Dec 11 14:06 |
Sosumi | iOS doesn't even have proper file management software | Dec 11 14:07 |
Sosumi | needing to rely on third party tools, lol | Dec 11 14:07 |
MinceR | afaik it doesn't even allow its crApps to access the same directories | Dec 11 14:26 |
MinceR | if it even allows them to access a filesystem at all | Dec 11 14:26 |
MinceR | jailbreaking can help, but the system and its APIs still aren't designed with this in mind | Dec 11 14:26 |
Sosumi | no idea | Dec 11 14:30 |
Sosumi | buty from what I heard jailbraking broke the encryption on the iphone | Dec 11 14:31 |
Sosumi | if it ever was well implemented | Dec 11 14:31 |
Sosumi | which I have no idea | Dec 11 14:31 |
Sosumi | but from what I heard of the iphone 3g back in 2009 at the defcon | Dec 11 14:32 |
Sosumi | it was useless | Dec 11 14:32 |
MinceR | well, it's untrustworthy | Dec 11 14:34 |
Sosumi | but if someone donates me a recent hypephone I'll check it for sure :) | Dec 11 14:34 |
Sosumi | ofc I'll see the phone later | Dec 11 14:34 |
MinceR | since the customer/user is not in control and it isn't even free software | Dec 11 14:34 |
MinceR | oh, and crApple being as sleazy as they are, of course | Dec 11 14:35 |
Sosumi | sleazy and lazy | Dec 11 14:35 |
Sosumi | they can't even come up with prompt security updates | Dec 11 14:35 |
Sosumi | even up to this day | Dec 11 14:36 |
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Sosumi | wait, silly me, OSX is totally secure, it's Unix! | Dec 11 17:03 |
Sosumi | even through XNU - XNU is not Unix | Dec 11 17:03 |
Sosumi | apple propaganda :P | Dec 11 17:05 |
MinceR | lol | Dec 11 17:07 |
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schestowitz__ | " I was glad to see you took over the helm, the content seems even better now. " | Dec 11 17:46 |
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Sosumi | they actually wrote that on their science page | Dec 11 18:24 |
Sosumi | OSX is secure because it was built on a solid unix foundation | Dec 11 18:24 |
Sosumi | not my words, theirs | Dec 11 18:25 |
MinceR | gn | Dec 11 18:51 |
schestowitz__ | the FOSS trolls at it again | Dec 11 18:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Objectivity in the Linux world [ ] | Dec 11 18:57 |
schestowitz__ | networkworld loves em | Dec 11 18:57 |
schestowitz__ | IDG | Dec 11 18:57 |
Sosumi | | Dec 11 18:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | New Android threats could turn some phones into remote bugging devices | Ars Technica [ ] | Dec 11 18:59 |
Sosumi | wasn't bugging for at least, law enforcement, a feature? | Dec 11 18:59 |
Sosumi | referring to both ios and android | Dec 11 19:00 |
schestowitz__ | yeah | Dec 11 19:09 |
schestowitz__ | might get corporate media endorsement | Dec 11 19:09 |
schestowitz__ | state-approved | Dec 11 19:09 |
schestowitz__ | meaning secure in the national security sense | Dec 11 19:09 |
schestowitz__ | a punch in the natsec | Dec 11 19:09 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 11 19:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Protest over free education for all Quebec children ends peacefully #protest #canada | Dec 11 19:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Protest over free education for all Quebec children ends peacefully - Montreal | [ ] | Dec 11 19:10 |
schestowitz__ | "Well that's a change of pace.' | Dec 11 19:10 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 11 19:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Uruguay legalizes sale and production of marijuana maybe prohibition didn't work | Dec 11 19:10 |
schestowitz__ | "según me contaron los que intentan probar esto algunas personalidades como los de Monsanto y otros poderosos... pero creo que la Marihuana tiene grandes beneficios... podrían aplicarse a la medicina de forma más abierta." | Dec 11 19:10 |
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Sosumi | and news about DRM and leased data aka steam/origin games, amazon swindle books, etc | Dec 11 19:53 |
Sosumi | actually not news | Dec 11 19:53 |
Sosumi | but given the use google, M$, crapple, facebook, etc do with the data we put on | Dec 11 19:53 |
Sosumi | why can't I DRM my personal info | Dec 11 19:54 |
Sosumi | so in case I close my account with said service I have the guarantee I take my data with me | Dec 11 19:54 |
Sosumi | in many cases you can't close your account.... and nothing guarantees they actually delete the data | Dec 11 19:55 |
Sosumi | call it reverse DRM | Dec 11 19:55 |
Sosumi | in which I lease my data for X service for X amount of time | Dec 11 19:56 |
Sosumi | just like steam/origin and swindle does | Dec 11 19:56 |
Sosumi | and actually have that put on TOS | Dec 11 19:56 |
Sosumi | that wall of text that no one reads | Dec 11 19:57 |
Snowleaksange | | Dec 11 20:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Sec w/o ID [ ] | Dec 11 20:23 |
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DaemonFC | shared Raise The Minimum Wage's photo. | Dec 11 23:03 |
DaemonFC | 4 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 11 23:03 |
DaemonFC | I'd still rather have a Starbucks in Huntington, than that Coffee D'Vine, which is ran by Tea Party scum. I will never spend any of my money at that store. | Dec 11 23:03 |
DaemonFC | The federal minimum wage needs to go up, which would help out everyone that works for a large, profitable, minimum wage employer. | Dec 11 23:03 |
DaemonFC | A lot of people who make more money get very pretentious and argue that the extremely poor deserve to be extremely poor because "they're not doing anything that important". | Dec 11 23:03 |
DaemonFC | I'd like to test that theory. Let's give everyone that makes under $10 an hour the week off and see what happens. Pretty soon, when you're unable to shop, eat out, buy groceries, see a movie, or get a cup of coffee, you'll figure it out. | Dec 11 23:03 |
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DaemonFC | shared The Other 98%'s photo. | Dec 11 23:10 |
DaemonFC | about a minute ago | Dec 11 23:10 |
DaemonFC | Corporatism pretty much killed Home Economics. | Dec 11 23:10 |
DaemonFC | The last thing that the corporatocracy wants is a nation of frugal people who know how to draw up a monthly budget. | Dec 11 23:10 |
DaemonFC | They want people who are always having to scrabble for more money because of high interest credit cards and children. | Dec 11 23:10 |
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sebsebseb | Dec 12 00:59 | |
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Agnesi | Snowleaksange, lose the card or have it stolen and you lose your login credentials for everything | Dec 12 02:31 |
---Agnesi is now known as Sosumi | Dec 12 02:32 | |
Sosumi | and imagine if the login database for the card was to be hacked | Dec 12 02:34 |
Sosumi | the, well the crackers (using the right term), would get your login credentials for everything in a single blow | Dec 12 02:35 |
Sosumi | those one do it all solutions don't work in the real world | Dec 12 02:36 |
Sosumi | just keep different passwords for everything the way you should | Dec 12 02:37 |
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DaemonFC | | Dec 12 03:51 |
MinceR | national brotherhood week | Dec 12 03:54 |
MinceR | geekings | Dec 12 04:15 |
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schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 04:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | The Time for Freedom-Respecting Routers Has Come | Dec 12 04:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | The Time for Freedom-Respecting Routers Has Come | Techrights [ ] | Dec 12 04:23 |
schestowitz__ | "<a href="">LibreWRT</a> <a href="">is free</a>." | Dec 12 04:23 |
<--iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Dec 12 04:23 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | | LibreWRT | Dec 12 04:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | List of Free GNU/Linux Distributions - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation [ ] | Dec 12 04:23 |
schestowitz__ | "I built one of these a few years back as a hobby project. Maybe time to dust it off and power it up again.." | Dec 12 04:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | LEAF — Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall | Dec 12 04:23 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 04:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | #drone strikes "began in the #Bush administration and has significantly widened under the #Obama administration." | Dec 12 04:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Drone Wars: What’s the Right Policy? » The Epoch Times [ ] | Dec 12 04:24 |
schestowitz__ | "<b>...and the civilised world ...</b> <br></b> u made my day :D" | Dec 12 04:24 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 04:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | "Informing the American people about how their government spies on them can be risky business for journalists." | Dec 12 04:25 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Snowden docs had NYTimes exec fearing for his life - Dec. 9, 2013 [ ] | Dec 12 04:25 |
schestowitz__ | "Oh really ... scary ... what a wimpy executive. What a big baby." | Dec 12 04:25 |
schestowitz__ | ""I don't want to see anything on those drives. I could be putting my life at risk." With journalists like that, who needs a paper?" | Dec 12 04:25 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 04:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | > ---- | Dec 12 04:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | The NSA's Reach Might Be Even Bigger Than We Thought [ ] | Dec 12 04:33 |
schestowitz__ | "<strong> <a data-hovercard='/people/da68a1f811b0f71e' href="/u/schestowitz" class='mention hovercardable' >Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)</a> </strong><sup> 11/12/2013 11:26:26</sup> The NSA's Reach Might Be Even Bigger Than We Thought 3 hops=almost everyone <sub>via <a data-hovercard='/people/0b0498e2475ba7a6' href="/u/willhill" class='mention hovercardable' >Will Hill</ | Dec 12 04:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | ( status 404 @ ) | Dec 12 04:33 |
schestowitz__ | a><br /></sub> #nsa #surveillance #privacy" | Dec 12 04:33 |
DaemonFC | The temperature has fallen to -2. :P | Dec 12 04:47 |
DaemonFC | Chilly.... | Dec 12 04:47 |
iophk1 | | Dec 12 05:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | America's hidden epidemic of tropical diseases - health - 11 December 2013 - New Scientist [ ] | Dec 12 05:08 |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 12 05:19 | |
iophk1 | | Dec 12 05:20 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Koha wins trademark stoush with US defence contractor [ ] | Dec 12 05:20 |
---iophk1 is now known as iophk | Dec 12 05:20 | |
-->DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 08:23 | |
DaemonFC | In the hospital with my step dad. | Dec 12 08:24 |
DaemonFC | He's getting his knee surgery today. | Dec 12 08:24 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 08:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | NSA forces novelist to can his book "NSA has been doing exactly what he described in his books." #nsa | Dec 12 08:31 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | NSA forces novelist to can his book - Sci-Fi writer cancels trilogy | TechEye [ ] | Dec 12 08:31 |
schestowitz__ | 'to lough or to cry ? only thing that has not happened out of his "fiction book" is scotland gaining independence :D" | Dec 12 08:31 |
DaemonFC | He hurt his knee at work. | Dec 12 08:36 |
DaemonFC | Might be on medical leave for a few weeks. | Dec 12 08:36 |
DaemonFC | Hospital has Wi-Fi.seems pretty fast | Dec 12 08:37 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 08:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | "Our audience debate whether the U.S. should halt the use of drones in warfare." | Dec 12 08:38 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Top comments: "How can a machine honor human rights?" | Al Jazeera America [ ] | Dec 12 08:38 |
schestowitz__ | "taht creature has only two words ; "reaper drones" . <br></br> <b>you'll never see them coming</b> <br></br> and the guy gets the nobel prize :D" | Dec 12 08:38 |
iophk | | Dec 12 08:39 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Former Megaupload Users Are Victims Too, EFF Tells Court | TorrentFreak [ ] | Dec 12 08:39 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 08:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | How long before #guardian or others (non in the #uk for sure) gets around to covering this facility? | Dec 12 08:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | menwith hill - the original big brother [ ] | Dec 12 08:47 |
schestowitz__ | "My dad pointed it out to me a few years back. I think the problem with it is that it has been forgotten so who knows what they're doing with it. I just assume they're spying." | Dec 12 08:47 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 08:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared:  | Dec 12 08:51 |
schestowitz__ | "I totally agree!" | Dec 12 08:51 |
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iophk | | Dec 12 10:02 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | 'Sexual harassment' dropped from boy's record - [ ] | Dec 12 10:02 |
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iophk | | Dec 12 10:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | In Katrina killing of Henry Glover, jury verdict sends one father home while family grieves for another | [ ] | Dec 12 10:14 |
iophk | | Dec 12 10:20 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | NSA chief defends phone spying: ‘There is no other way’ - Washington Times [ ] | Dec 12 10:20 |
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schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 10:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @dredeyedick: @schestowitz Those who instigated signature strike #drones engagement policy must be tried at the #ICC cc @peterkemplawyer @BiancaJagger | Dec 12 10:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @dredeyedick: @schestowitz @peterkemplawyer @BiancaJagger Reprise - Collateral War Crimes 2010 film I made | Dec 12 10:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | "Collateral War Crimes" - Videos - Viddler | Dec 12 10:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | "Collateral War Crimes - Medium - NTSC" - Videos - Viddler | Dec 12 10:35 |
-->MadBug ( has joined #techrights | Dec 12 10:54 | |
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iophk | Is this secondary processor preventing truly free phones? | Dec 12 11:32 |
iophk | | Dec 12 11:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Smartphones use a 2nd CPU and 2nd OS in their baseband processors [ ] | Dec 12 11:32 |
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schestowitz__ | [16:33] <s-255> @CasparBowden Blimey! IAPP audience! RT @DailyDashboard | Dec 12 11:42 |
schestowitz__ | [16:33] <s-255> retweeted by "@ioerror gets applause with call for "leak | Dec 12 11:42 |
schestowitz__ | [16:33] <s-255> @glynmoody more documents!" #DPCongress" | Dec 12 11:42 |
schestowitz__ | [16:33] <s-255> ........................................ | Dec 12 11:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | @CasparBowden: Blimey! IAPP audience! RT @DailyDashboard "@ioerror gets applause with call for "leak more documents!" #DPCongress" | Dec 12 11:42 |
TechrightsBot-tr | (Re-tweeted by glynmoody) | Dec 12 11:42 |
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schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 12:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | If project "Normandy" someone saves #nokia from #microsoft #entryism will that make Microsoft the "Nazis"? | Dec 12 12:03 |
schestowitz__ | "Yep, I understand, I just answer the question with my point of view. I never said you did it. I appologize if I make a misunderstood" | Dec 12 12:04 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 12:04 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Avoid Oracle’s ‘Unbreakable’ Linux, Support Red Hat Enterprise Linux Instead #oracle #redhat | Dec 12 12:04 |
schestowitz__ | "Avoid Red Hat Enterprise Linux, support incommercial Debian instead." | Dec 12 12:04 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Avoid Oracle’s ‘Unbreakable’ Linux, Support Red Hat Enterprise Linux Instead | Techrights [ ] | Dec 12 12:04 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 12:04 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Guardian hypocrites. #Guardian received millions in bribes from #billgates for #propaganda just like #bbc | Dec 12 12:04 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | The BBC must declare the interests of its contributors, or lose our trust | George Monbiot | Comment is free | [ ] | Dec 12 12:04 |
schestowitz__ | "Thanks, but reading the most likely looking piece I'm non the wiser about the "funding". It's mentioned again and again, but without explanation or reference that I could see. Can you give me the link to a piece that contains the detail of what this funding is? Thanks" | Dec 12 12:04 |
schestowitz__ | The links are deeper inside, tens of millions of pounds given with strings attached. | Dec 12 12:05 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 12:05 |
schestowitz__ | "Avoid #redhat because of #gnome3 , or because of their ties with #nsa and amerikkkan #dod ." | Dec 12 12:05 |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 12:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | #ownCloud 6 Community Edition Officially Released with Innovative Features I described it to RMS, he said it's OK | Dec 12 12:06 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | ownCloud 6 Community Edition Officially Released with Innovative Features [ ] | Dec 12 12:06 |
schestowitz__ | "I upgraded last night and am fairly impressed. The only things that have been problematic are some of the third party applications that I use daily are not compatible with version 6 yet. I've done a bit of playing with the new Documents app and it seems to do a bang up job of rendering .odt files, even if they have a bit of funky formatting. Overall, I'm quite pleased." | Dec 12 12:06 |
<--Sosumi has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 12 13:31 | |
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_Goblin | If anyone hasn't seen the "new" net TV channel "The Peoples Voice" - I heartily recommend it, its run by good old David Jesus Icke, its got lizards, its got conspiracies and currently its talking about TV mind control by a person who claims to be friends with transdimensional star people....its a can't pay for this type of entertainment. | Dec 12 17:10 |
_Goblin | I thought I'd found strange folk on Usenet....they have nothing on this lot. | Dec 12 17:11 |
Sosumi | watch out for the reptilian shape shifting clone of pharaoh akenathon | Dec 12 17:49 |
Sosumi | obozo | Dec 12 17:49 |
Sosumi | that stuff is all BS and are using the ideas on the book "Vril, the Power of the Coming Race" | Dec 12 17:51 |
Sosumi | written by Ed Bulwer Lytton in 1871 | Dec 12 17:51 |
Sosumi | | Dec 12 17:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Vril - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | Dec 12 17:51 |
Sosumi | it's REAL | Dec 12 17:52 |
Sosumi | and I have a copy of it | Dec 12 17:55 |
Sosumi | in pdf so I won't be able to wipe my ars with it | Dec 12 17:55 |
Sosumi | unless I print it that is | Dec 12 17:55 |
Sosumi | brb | Dec 12 17:56 |
<--Sosumi has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 12 17:56 | |
-->Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | Dec 12 18:03 | |
Sosumi | I think Helena Blavatski also based much of her crap on that | Dec 12 18:07 |
Sosumi | with the whole thing of the "hidden masters" | Dec 12 18:07 |
Sosumi | which is the same crap Ike talks about, since he's a plagiarist | Dec 12 18:07 |
Sosumi | don't forget, when Hitlery Clington tells you that GOD told her to run for president | Dec 12 18:09 |
Sosumi | /puke | Dec 12 18:09 |
Sosumi | it might be a reptilian whispering into her hear | Dec 12 18:09 |
Sosumi | :P | Dec 12 18:09 |
Sosumi | silly UFOol ppl | Dec 12 18:10 |
MinceR | gn | Dec 12 19:17 |
<--jono has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Dec 12 19:36 | |
schestowitz__ | | Dec 12 19:46 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Will Canonical force Linux Mint to license Ubuntu binary packages? #ubuntu greed and power? | Dec 12 19:46 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Will Canonical force Linux Mint to license Ubuntu binary packages? | ITworld [ ] | Dec 12 19:46 |
schestowitz__ | License them as what? and why?"77" | Dec 12 19:46 |
schestowitz__ | "Fuck Canonical." | Dec 12 19:46 |
schestowitz__ | "They need to get new PR people." | Dec 12 19:46 |
<--MadBug has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 12 19:48 | |
Sosumi | friday the 13th today | Dec 12 19:50 |
Sosumi | and it's steam os launch day | Dec 12 19:50 |
-->DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 12 23:53 | |
-->iophk (~lars@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 02:18 | |
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iophk | | Dec 13 02:52 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | With the New Gmail, People Will Know When You Open That Message | Wired Business | [ ] | Dec 13 02:52 |
iophk | | Dec 13 02:52 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | NZ judge: Kim Dotcom is likely still being spied upon (Wired UK) [ ] | Dec 13 02:52 |
iophk | | Dec 13 02:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Pirate Bay founder is being held in solitary confinement without a warrant- The Inquirer [ ] | Dec 13 02:53 |
DaemonFC | My phone says it's installing an Android system update.... | Dec 13 02:58 |
DaemonFC | I wonder what version it's going to install. I am running Android 4.2.2 right now... | Dec 13 02:58 |
Sosumi | question, | Dec 13 02:59 |
Sosumi | can you disable automatic updates on android? | Dec 13 02:59 |
iophk | | Dec 13 03:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Dear Gmailer: I know what you read last summer (and last night and today) | Ars Technica [ ] | Dec 13 03:00 |
DaemonFC | You don't have to accept them. | Dec 13 03:00 |
DaemonFC | I don't know why you'd refuse them though. | Dec 13 03:00 |
Sosumi | well until you know it's an official update, you should refuse | Dec 13 03:01 |
Sosumi | not just on android, but on all platforms | Dec 13 03:01 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 13 03:03 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Sprint LG G2 (LG LS980) Software Update: LS980ZV8 [ ] | Dec 13 03:03 |
DaemonFC | Looks like that was the update I just got. Still Android 4.2.2. | Dec 13 03:03 |
Sosumi | law enforcement *cough* could spoof an update to you in order to install a backdoor | Dec 13 03:03 |
Sosumi | yeah | Dec 13 03:03 |
Sosumi | | Dec 13 03:09 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 13 03:09 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Find and update the software version on your LG G2 [ ] | Dec 13 03:09 |
iophk | | Dec 13 03:15 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Google Says That Despite Changes, Marketers Can Still Track Open Rates In Gmail | TechCrunch [ ] | Dec 13 03:15 |
iophk | | Dec 13 03:17 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Is Microsoft 'Scroogling' itself with attacks on Google? [ ] | Dec 13 03:17 |
iophk | "For the Turris router, we are developing our own custom hardware. The hardware design will be available under an open source license." | Dec 13 03:46 |
iophk | | Dec 13 03:46 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Hardware :: Project:Turris | Dec 13 03:46 |
iophk | | Dec 13 04:22 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Microsoft may be desperate enough to offer Windows Phone and Windows RT for free ( - Software - Hardware Systems - Consumer Electronics ) [ ] | Dec 13 04:22 |
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iophk | "The main goal of project Turris is to gather information and experience necessary to creating an effective security system. By allowing us to collect such data from their network traffic, the users will help us to realize this goal. In return, the user will get enhanced network security and out router for a symbolic price." | Dec 13 04:59 |
iophk | | Dec 13 04:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Frequently asked questions :: Project:Turris | Dec 13 04:59 |
MinceR | | Dec 13 04:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Harrison Bergeron [ ] | Dec 13 04:59 |
iophk | not that open then really | Dec 13 04:59 |
iophk | if an "unlocked" version were available it would be interesting. | Dec 13 04:59 |
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iophk | | Dec 13 05:39 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | The NSA is out of control and must be stopped | The Verge [ ] | Dec 13 05:39 |
MinceR | | Dec 13 06:44 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | xkcd: Profile Info | Dec 13 06:44 |
MinceR | geekings | Dec 13 06:50 |
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | Dec 13 08:27 | |
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iophk | new - | Dec 13 09:04 |
iophk | old - | Dec 13 09:04 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Google Removes Vital Privacy Feature From Android, Claiming Its Release Was Accidental | Electronic Frontier Foundation [ ] | Dec 13 09:04 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Awesome Privacy Tools in Android 4.3+ | Electronic Frontier Foundation [ ] | Dec 13 09:04 |
iophk | really lame excuse | Dec 13 09:04 |
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Sosumi | is steam os finally out? | Dec 13 11:40 |
Sosumi | Microsoft Office&Cloud - Persistent Encoding Vulnerabilities: | Dec 13 11:41 |
Sosumi | | Dec 13 11:41 |
Sosumi | also, no point in yelling at the cloud when your documents rain at someone else's turf | Dec 13 11:42 |
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MinceR | :> | Dec 13 11:46 |
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Sosumi | | Dec 13 11:54 |
Sosumi | Google Removes Vital Privacy Feature From Android, Claiming Its Release Was Accidental | Dec 13 11:54 |
Sosumi | Google, M$, Apple... are like comparing which turd smells less bad than the other | Dec 13 11:56 |
MinceR | well, at least some google products work | Dec 13 11:56 |
MinceR | even if they're evil | Dec 13 11:56 |
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Sosumi | it's not that they are evil | Dec 13 12:30 |
Sosumi | it's their business to hoard data | Dec 13 12:30 |
Sosumi | and it's that way they make money | Dec 13 12:30 |
Sosumi | and it's also the business of MS and crapple too to a certain extent | Dec 13 12:31 |
Sosumi | bing ads, iAd, Siri and the whole cloud thing | Dec 13 12:32 |
Sosumi | they'll be selling that data too | Dec 13 12:32 |
Sosumi | and no one should have any expectation of privacy when using their products | Dec 13 12:33 |
Sosumi | that is for sure | Dec 13 12:33 |
Sosumi | | Dec 13 13:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Older Versions of Safari Store Login Info in Plain Text - Mac Rumors [ ] | Dec 13 13:00 |
Sosumi | already knew that, but I don't recommend anyone to store login credentials on the their computer | Dec 13 13:01 |
Sosumi | no on zee cloud *rollseyes* | Dec 13 13:01 |
Sosumi | *nor | Dec 13 13:02 |
schestowitz_bed2 | RMS on Linux Format: | Dec 13 13:21 |
schestowitz_bed2 | > It was helpful of him to write GNU/Linux sometimes; | Dec 13 13:21 |
schestowitz_bed2 | > however, he did not make a consistent distinction between | Dec 13 13:21 |
schestowitz_bed2 | > GNU/Linux and Linux, so I am not going to rejoice. | Dec 13 13:21 |
schestowitz_bed2 | Compared to the previous editor, it is a small step forward. | Dec 13 13:21 |
Snowleaksange | does RMS own any bitcoin? | Dec 13 13:26 |
Sosumi | was linux format that magazine who got a new editor? | Dec 13 13:42 |
Sosumi | the one that mentioned GNU/linux | Dec 13 13:43 |
Sosumi | nvm | Dec 13 13:43 |
Sosumi | I had the link still open | Dec 13 13:43 |
-->iophk (~lars@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 14:05 | |
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophk | Dec 13 14:05 | |
schestowitz_bed2 | I can fetch it | Dec 13 14:25 |
schestowitz_bed2 | go to their site | Dec 13 14:25 |
schestowitz_bed2 | I told RMS | Dec 13 14:25 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 14:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Police Who Seized Woman's Phone As 'Evidence' Of Bogus Crime Now Complaining About Criticism gang in costumes | Dec 13 14:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Police Who Seized Woman's Phone As 'Evidence' Of Bogus Crime Now Complaining About Criticism | Techdirt [ ] | Dec 13 14:36 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "yes , I can see that the Constitution on , wich "home of the brave" has been built , has been vigorously upheld by all the ranks of three branches of Government . Not to mention that citizens of the USA have no problem that their Government is deprieving millions over the world of their human rights , put aside any legal rights of those people , or any legal obligations the USA has as a country in international law ." | Dec 13 14:37 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "If you did not believe in people's rights, their violation would not bother you. The bill of rights was well written. The UN declaration of the rights of man is also well done. The idea which we strive for should not be abandoned because a few bullies ignore the law." | Dec 13 14:37 |
<--iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Dec 13 14:38 | |
schestowitz_bed2 | "I am just saying (and this might come as a shock to you ) that when the nation that was built on genocide , on land unlawfully taken from other humans , without any kind of respect for their human rights , not to mention on slavory of other humans , comes to be the ultimate defender and propagator of human rights , that's a bit more than hypocricy . Founding fathers of USA had black slaves , up untill arround 1970's black people | Dec 13 14:38 |
schestowitz_bed2 | were barred from taking a seat in public transportation , and then somebody talks about bill of rights ? whose rights , white-anglosaxon-protestant's rights ? the only people in USA who got the bill of rights the right way are militia nutjobs who see that their bill of rights was not ment for some "sand niggers" or "charlies" , that it was ment for them . don't take this personally , but to anyone living outside USA , your | Dec 13 14:38 |
schestowitz_bed2 | Constitution is a good laugh , nothing more , nothing less ." | Dec 13 14:38 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "If you've got a better write up, I'd love to see it." | Dec 13 14:38 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "about what ?" | Dec 13 14:38 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 14:38 |
schestowitz_bed2 | well , I guess this is a good writeup about equality that USA offers . man , am I glad I am white . | Dec 13 14:39 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 14:39 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | ### #Attention - if you have a good mood: After reading this article you will feel definitely bad :( [ ] | Dec 13 14:39 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 14:39 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "Thanks, but I'm more interested in a Bill of Rights." | Dec 13 14:39 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "bill of rights guarantees you a fair trial,does it not ? due process ? read the post I linked , and then tell me how would this guy go in amerikkkan court if he was black ?" | Dec 13 14:39 |
schestowitz_bed2 | Depends where and when | Dec 13 14:39 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 14:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Not a Diaspora post? | Dec 13 14:40 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 14:40 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 14:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | NSA Backdoors In Open Source and Open Standards: What Are the Odds? - Slashdot [ ] | Dec 13 14:40 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "I work for Red Hat. Not for the NSA. SELinux code does not go from me through the NSA, it actually goes the other way around. The NSA asks me to put code in the Linux kernel and I pass it to Linus. I have reviewed each and every line at one point or another. " | Dec 13 14:40 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 14:40 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "@Agora if U have red the snowden leaks , you have seen the NSA boasting to the british intelligence officers about their ties with amerikkkan corporate entities . who would be a better target for amerikkkan spying than a company that delivers most comprihensive (and probably most widely used) cloud-computing platform ?" | Dec 13 14:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "I have been following the Snowden leaks. This "evidence" is substantial at best." | Dec 13 14:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 14:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 14:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | yet another interesting read provided by dr. roy :D | Dec 13 14:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Wolf Richter: Why IBM Throws Another Billion At Linux (With NSA-Designed Backdoor) | naked capitalism [ ] | Dec 13 14:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 14:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "I did not say "evidence" , are you sudgesting that slides provided in leaks are not genuine ?" | Dec 13 14:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 14:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 14:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "The SIGINT Enabling Project actively engages the US and foreign IT industries to covertly influence and/or overtly leverage their commercial products' designs. These design changes make the systems in question exploitable through SIGINT collection Endpoint, MidPoint, etc.) with foreknowledge of the modification. To the consumer and other adversaries, however, the systems' security remains intact. In this way, the SIGINT Enabling | Dec 13 14:41 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Log In - The New York Times [ ] | Dec 13 14:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | approach uses commercial technology and insight to manage the increasing cost and technical challenges of discovering and successfully exploiting systems of interest within the ever--more integrated and security--focused global communications environment." | Dec 13 14:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | Dec 13 14:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 14:47 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | How we're building a Startup Europe: one year on - European Commission [ ] | Dec 13 14:47 |
<--Sosumi has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Dec 13 15:40 | |
_Goblin | Apparently in the "911 truthers" community....thermite is now's mini nukes thats taking the spotlight...Whats next? Rayguns from the Planet Skaro? | Dec 13 16:04 |
-->sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 16:24 | |
sebsebseb | hi | Dec 13 16:24 |
-->ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 16:29 | |
_Goblin | :) | Dec 13 16:54 |
fewt | \o | Dec 13 16:59 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 17:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | #apple cheap garbage when it comes to #security also #nsa approved.. | Dec 13 17:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | Older Versions of Safari Store Login Info in Plain Text - Mac Rumors [ ] | Dec 13 17:57 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "Didn't know anyone still used this shit xD" | Dec 13 17:57 |
<--ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Dec 13 18:02 | |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 18:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | If project "Normandy" someone saves #nokia from #microsoft #entryism will that make Microsoft the "Nazis"? | Dec 13 18:08 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "Do you mean this?,1271775890,nazibillgates.jpg " | Dec 13 18:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | ( status 404 @,1271775890,nazibillgates.jpg ) | Dec 13 18:08 |
MinceR | 404 :/ | Dec 13 18:09 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "Microsoft's history is unfinished so we may one day think of them like Nazis. It depends on where US history goes but already we have deep fascism and a police state. Bill Gates' massive propaganda campaigns has infused the US with a lethal hatred and selfishness. He is happy to exploit racism and sexism for his own good. The US already talks about how it's OK to spy on and kill non US citizens. We have also launched wars of | Dec 13 18:09 |
schestowitz_bed2 | aggression without regard to world opinion. Any real push back against that aggression could trigger a nuclear confrontation that would make WW2 look like a minor outburst of cruelty. If the US liberates itself from ruthless plutocrats, we may be able to forget about Microsoft, NSA spying and other badness. If we don't, there's no telling what will happen next. Microsoft, despite deep technical incompetence, is one of the chief | Dec 13 18:09 |
schestowitz_bed2 | architects of censorship and spying around the world. They can be blamed for what follows." | Dec 13 18:09 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 18:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Microsoft's mole Stephen "burning platforms" #Elop uses the word "Normandy" to characterise #android project | Dec 13 18:10 |
TechrightsBot-tr | -> | AllSeen Alliance to Standardize Internet of Things | Software | LinuxInsider [ ] | Dec 13 18:10 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "this points to AllSeen alliance article which is way creepier than I thought it was." | Dec 13 18:10 |
schestowitz_bed2 | correct link: | Dec 13 18:11 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Normandy May Lead Nokia's Surprise Android Attack | Smartphones | LinuxInsider [ ] | Dec 13 18:11 |
MinceR | i wonder what sort of "attack" that will be -- an attempt to make android look bad by making bad android phones? :> | Dec 13 18:12 |
-->DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 13 18:52 | |
schestowitz_bed2 | Yeah | Dec 13 18:57 |
schestowitz_bed2 | but I think it's just a sign of confusion | Dec 13 18:58 |
schestowitz_bed2 | or turf wars inside the compant | Dec 13 18:58 |
schestowitz_bed2 | perhaps Microsoft occupation has not been entirely complete | Dec 13 18:58 |
schestowitz_bed2 | after MeeGo there was another stab at Linux | Dec 13 18:58 |
schestowitz_bed2 | !google nokia second Linux OS secret | Dec 13 18:58 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - The Real Reason Microsoft Bought Nokia. Transaction Costs - Forbes | | Dec 13 18:58 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - DailyTech - The History of Normandy: How Nokia Plotted a Low-End ... | | Dec 13 18:58 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Mobile-OTP: Strong Two-Factor Authentication with Mobile Phones | | Dec 13 18:58 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Nokia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | | Dec 13 18:58 |
schestowitz_bed2 | !google nokia melmete | Dec 13 18:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - About - Facebook | | Dec 13 18:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - k2 meter phone app - How do i make a gap in my name on bbm | | Dec 13 18:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Main/Everyone Knows Morse - Television Tropes & Idioms | | Dec 13 18:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - 4 - | | Dec 13 18:59 |
schestowitz_bed2 | !google nokia meltemio | Dec 13 18:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Nokia's Meltemi project tipped to bring new low-end Linux OS to 'the ... | | Dec 13 18:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - Nokia sigue actualizando MeeGo, para el Nokia N9 - Xataka Móvil | | Dec 13 18:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Última Hora: Microsoft compra Nokia | Pplware | | Dec 13 18:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Nokia przygotowuje dwa smartfony z MeeGo? « Komó | | Dec 13 18:59 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 19:00 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: ice cream cone worm... | Dec 13 19:00 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "eww" | Dec 13 19:00 |
schestowitz_bed2 | 'look strange :-)" | Dec 13 19:00 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 19:01 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: #Chomsky #Ideas | Dec 13 19:01 |
TechrightsBot-tr | Photo by | Dec 13 19:01 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "I think that a hero is someone that knows what has to be done, and unlike everyone else actually does it." | Dec 13 19:01 |
MinceR | is it still possible for unregistered users to read | Dec 13 19:01 |
MinceR | insisted on logging in | Dec 13 19:01 |
schestowitz_bed2 | I heard people can't sign up anymore | Dec 13 19:02 |
schestowitz_bed2 | otr something like that | Dec 13 19:02 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | Dec 13 19:02 |
TechrightsBot-tr | reshared: #omnomnom :) | Dec 13 19:02 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "he are hungry :-D" | Dec 13 19:02 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "Now ... there's a good idea from a hero of mine ;-)" | Dec 13 19:02 |
MinceR | i didn't want to sign up, just to read messages | Dec 13 19:08 |
MinceR | but apparently that went away with StatusNet | Dec 13 19:08 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | Dec 13 19:14 |
DaemonFC | about a minute ago · Edited | Dec 13 19:14 |
DaemonFC | Trickle down evokes the mental image of a leaky tap. The poor are nothing but slave labor at best, and a nuisance group of "useless eaters" at worst, according to the rich. The rich have actually convinced people that there is dignity in all work as they themselves do nothing and accumulate wealth mostly through graft and fraud, at the expense of the bottom 90%. | Dec 13 19:14 |
DaemonFC | The most that 78% of the country can hope to gain from work is that their bills will be paid for the next week... The top 10%, that owns pretty much everything, never has to worry about anything like that. | Dec 13 19:14 |
DaemonFC | The biggest part of the system that keeps people from ever making any financial progress is our for-profit health insurance system. Medical bills are still the leading cause of bankruptcy. The medical industry is worse than the damned mafia. They inflate the cost of everything by about 1,000% as another way to confiscate the real assets of the middle class and poor. | Dec 13 19:17 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 13 19:21 |
DaemonFC | Senator Bernie Sanders introduced another Medicare For Everyone bill into the US Senate the other day. I suspect that people would love Medicare if they could all get it. The for-profit insurance companies would be finished in less than a week, regardless of whether or not they were officially banished. Most people would kill to have a monthly premium of $0-150-$275 (depending on income) for health insurance that didn't argue with them and | Dec 13 19:21 |
DaemonFC | try to kill them off, and just paid every legitimate medical expense that was submitted. | Dec 13 19:21 |
DaemonFC | While the Sanders bill has little chance of passing, it shows us all what we *could* have instead of the fucking insurance cartel. | Dec 13 19:21 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 13 19:37 |
DaemonFC | It's supposed to snow all night and all day tomorrow until about 6 PM. | Dec 13 19:37 |
DaemonFC | Hopefully, the worst government in Indiana history (TEAbagger Mike Pence and his criminal ALEC minions in the Indiana legislature) haven't cut the road salt budget yet. | Dec 13 19:37 |
DaemonFC | They made $53 million worth of cuts the other day, because tax revenue is down since they decided to cut the corporate tax rate again and phase out the estate tax on gazillionaires. | Dec 13 19:37 |
DaemonFC | Eventually, austerity that affects the 90% will be completely obvious. I suppose that most people still haven't seen the worst of it, but they will if Pence and his army of flying monkey monsters get their way for a few more years. | Dec 13 19:37 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 13 19:39 |
DaemonFC | I was in Fort Wayne several weeks ago, during an ice storm, and even after it had been going on for hours, there was no sign of any salt trucks on US 24 or interstate 69. | Dec 13 19:39 |
DaemonFC | Sending out plows and salt trucks cost the state money. Letting dozens of people die or have their cars go off the road and become totalled doesn't cost them anything really. Welcome to Tea Party budgeting. | Dec 13 19:39 |
DaemonFC | Ryan Farmer | Dec 13 19:41 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 13 19:41 |
DaemonFC | In Kentucky, the Tea Party has even more of a foothold. The fire departments in some counties will now come out and simply watch your house burn down unless you pay a fire protection fee of a few hundred dollars every year. | Dec 13 19:41 |
DaemonFC | about a minute ago · Edited | Dec 13 19:51 |
DaemonFC | The Tea Party reminds me of those wasps that stick their stinger into an ant's brain and force the ant to walk back to the nest so that the wasp can lay its eggs in the ant's body. | Dec 13 19:51 |
DaemonFC | The Republicans used to at least be mild Keynesians and pro-business. | Dec 13 19:52 |
DaemonFC | The Tea Party is doing things that aren't even good for most businesses anymore. They serve a few gazillionaires and megacorporations that just don't want to pay any taxes, ever, and that's about it. They wrap their agenda up inside the veneer of right-wing fundamentalist Christianity. A very vile, wicked, and bent-up interpretation of the message of Jesus Christ. | Dec 13 19:52 |
DaemonFC | They're not necessarily anti-tax. The fees for government services that are left go up for the bottom 90%, and fees are basically the same thing as taxes. | Dec 13 19:52 |
DaemonFC | (Although sometimes, you can opt out. For example, if you want the fire department to let your house burn down. *grin*) | Dec 13 19:52 |
DaemonFC | Now they're actually proposing a system, in Indiana, where everyone that drives has to plug a spyware module into their car (that they have to pay for), so the state can see where they are at, at all times, and send them a bill for however many miles they travelled. | Dec 13 19:52 |
DaemonFC | about a minute ago · Edited | Dec 13 20:02 |
DaemonFC | What right-wing Christians don't seem to understand about the Randian philosophy of the Tea Party, is that the principles put forward by Ayn Rand are basically the same thing as the tenets of LeVayen Satanism. Individualism, Epicureanism, and "eye for an eye" morality. | Dec 13 20:02 |
MinceR | gn | Dec 13 20:18 |
<--jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Dec 13 20:54 | |
DaemonFC | a few seconds ago | Dec 13 21:08 |
DaemonFC | The best explanation for the violence caused by the police state that we have in the United States..... | Dec 13 21:09 |
DaemonFC | "When all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail." | Dec 13 21:09 |
DaemonFC | The police are used to try to "solve" every problem in society these days, literally right down to a child farting in class. | Dec 13 21:09 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 13 21:22 |
DaemonFC | I still play Plague Inc. quite a bit. It's an Android game where you're playing a virus and trying to kill as many people in the world as possible. | Dec 13 21:22 |
DaemonFC | You get to pick a region to start out with, and then you get boosters that you can use to try to make the virus spread faster or become more lethal. | Dec 13 21:22 |
DaemonFC | If it was more realistic, there'd be an option to send campaign contributions to the Republicans so that the CDC and HHS would be too underfunded to respond to it once you've escaped the third world countries that nobody cares about, which you used as your incubators. | Dec 13 21:22 |
<--vinzv has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) | Dec 13 22:04 | |
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DaemonFC | via Truthout | Dec 13 23:31 |
DaemonFC | One of Obama's executive orders told federal agencies to increase their compliance with Freedom of Information Act requests by releasing information unless they can list compelling reasons not to. Of course, the federal agencies that have the most information that they don't want to publicly release have come up with more excuses to not release it, leading no no increased compliance with FOIA requests. | Dec 13 23:31 |
DaemonFC | It's funny how that works? Right? | Dec 13 23:31 |
DaemonFC | Right now, the FBI, CIA, NSA, and other government agencies have more information about the average American than the former government of East Germany had on the average East German citizen. | Dec 13 23:31 |
DaemonFC | Much of that is made possible by the proprietary software created by companies like Apple and Microsoft. Thanks to the proprietary nature of the software, nobody knows what it's doing when they run it on their computers, and it is nearly impossible to ever find out. We know that some of the security problems with their software are by design, to allow the governments to easily install additional malware later. | Dec 13 23:31 |
DaemonFC | Microsoft gave the NSA their own signing key in Windows 98/2000, and Apple left at least one critical security hole open in iTunes for years because the British government was exploiting it to install spyware on Macs. | Dec 13 23:31 |
DaemonFC | Like · · Share · 2 minutes ago · Edited · | Dec 13 23:31 |
DaemonFC | "A bad credit rating costs you money in other ways. The difference in car insurance premiums between 500 and 700 can be a couple hundred dollars per year all by itself. | Dec 13 23:44 |
DaemonFC | Besides, I'd like to put down on a house someday, and would prefer my score to be in the 750s or higher to get a better interest rate. | Dec 13 23:44 |
DaemonFC | Companies like to use FICO scores as a way of beating poor people into the ground and forcing them to subsidize the rich." | Dec 13 23:44 |
DaemonFC | Once you know how their system works, and with a little bit of luck here and there, you can turn the tables around on them. | Dec 13 23:45 |
DaemonFC | it's the only way they could fathom becoming rich. | Dec 13 23:55 |
DaemonFC | The chances of winning a major lottery game are so bad that, in some cases, I could write down the name of a specific person living in the People's Republic of China (population 1.35 billion) and ask you to point out that specific person at random, and you'd have a better chance of accidentally guessing correctly than of winning the jackpot. | Dec 13 23:55 |
DaemonFC | And, as more states join a game like Powerball or Mega Millions, the odds of winning go down. The odds of winning Mega Millions, by guessing the numbers and the Megaplier are something like 1 in 700 million. In other words, if everyone in the United States, men, women, and children, all bought two Mega Millions tickets and played truly random and non-overlapping sets of numbers, there would not be a 100% chance that one ticket would win, but | Dec 13 23:55 |
DaemonFC | the lottery *would* take in ~$650 million that week, lowering the tax burden on the rich. | Dec 13 23:55 |
DaemonFC | High lottery participation rates are indicative of corrupt societies where people have given up trying to achieve social mobility through any other means. | Dec 13 23:55 |
DaemonFC | Studies have shown that poor people spend as much as 10-12% of their annual income in some cases, in pursuit of this future imaginary wealth. That comes at the direct and immediate cost of current needs. | Dec 13 23:55 |
DaemonFC | shared a link via Daily Kos. | Dec 14 00:00 |
DaemonFC | 3 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 14 00:00 |
DaemonFC | It's bad enough that the Republicans have moved so much further to the right in the last 20 years that they no longer even recognize their own plan for health insurance reform. | Dec 14 00:00 |
DaemonFC | The Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan plan to privatize Medicare would have left it looking something like Obamacare, only it would have still only been available to people over age 65, and it would have actually ended up costing more than Medicare, it's just that more of the burden would have been placed on the individual receiving the insurance, in the form of higher premium expenses to cover the profit layer of the insurance companies. That's kind of | Dec 14 00:00 |
DaemonFC | what Obamacare did to everyone under 65 when they passed that instead of Medicare For Everyone. The thing that enabled them to do that is that nobody under 65 already had access to a much superior single payer system, so it was easier to rob them. | Dec 14 00:00 |
DaemonFC | 2 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 14 00:09 |
DaemonFC | The chances of getting a decent job after going to college are getting pretty dicey. The only thing that is absolutely certain is that people who go will be left with a huge amount of debt that will either crush them, or erase all of their economic gains for the next decade or three. | Dec 14 00:09 |
DaemonFC | And the Republicans made it even worse this year, when they doubled the student loan interest rate. | Dec 14 00:09 |
DaemonFC | I worked with a lot of people who said they should have never gone to college because they ended up working a cash register at Walmart or picking shoe orders for rich people in the end anyway.... | Dec 14 00:09 |
DaemonFC | It's not everyone, but that sure is demoralizing. | Dec 14 00:09 |
DaemonFC | Well, the second part was before they automated the shoe warehouse and moved it to Kentucky, where the tax subsidies were better. | Dec 14 00:10 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 00:12 |
DaemonFC | The political pundits are amazed that my generation is moving so far to the left. It's the only thing that this environment is capable of producing when people my age are paying attention. | Dec 14 00:12 |
DaemonFC | It's really a form of generational warfare where people my age are getting sick and tired of being screwed, and people over 40 are trending to the far-right and shouting "Screw you, I've got mine!". | Dec 14 00:13 |
DaemonFC | How about blaming the guy that did a hostile takeover of the company, raided your pension, and then fired you? There's a concept. | Dec 14 00:29 |
DaemonFC | 2 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 14 00:30 |
DaemonFC | From a post of mine in the comment section of a news article: | Dec 14 00:30 |
DaemonFC | I'm getting kind of tired of reading these stories, where someone walks into a restaurant or orders a pizza, and then leaves no tip, and then tries to excuse their bad behavior. As if there was any excuse for stealing the labor, and possibly the gas money, of the guy that makes two bucks an hour serving you. | Dec 14 00:30 |
DaemonFC | They'd be better off without your business. | Dec 14 00:30 |
DaemonFC | If you can't afford to leave a tip, then don't eat out. Don't be an asshole and leave a note telling them to "get a real job " or "I loved the service, but you're gay, so no tip.". | Dec 14 00:30 |
DaemonFC | Sometimes I'm just left in total disbelief of the gall of these people. | Dec 14 00:31 |
DaemonFC | 26 seconds ago · Edited | Dec 14 00:35 |
DaemonFC | Quantitative Easing by the Fed ensures that there will be no job gains. As long as corporate America knows that the free money will continue as long as they don't hire people, they will continue trying to avoid hiring people. | Dec 14 00:35 |
DaemonFC | The amount of money that the Fed is dumping into their bond-buying program could have created millions of jobs paying $50,000 per year. | Dec 14 00:35 |
DaemonFC | Instead, the money has been going to millionaires and billionaires, who produce nothing, to compel them to continue producing nothing, because they can make more money ripping off taxpayers. | Dec 14 00:35 |
DaemonFC | It would be better if the Fed didn't do any "stimulus" at all. | Dec 14 00:35 |
DaemonFC | The European Central Bank is doing the same thing, and so are others. The unemployment rate in some of those countries is exceeding 30%. Pretending that the bond-buying programs create work stinks of such bullshit that I'm surprised they can call it a jobs program without smirking. | Dec 14 00:37 |
DaemonFC | 'm a strong proponent of Keynesian Economics, but this isn't Keynesian Economic policy, it's daylight theft. | Dec 14 00:38 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | Dec 14 00:40 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 00:40 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 14 00:40 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Stanley Fischer Will Please Centrists, But He's the Wrong Choice for the Fed | Next New Deal [ ] | Dec 14 00:40 |
DaemonFC | Austrian Economics is not a legitimate economic position. It's more like Salvadore Dali economics, where everything in the picture is just warped. | Dec 14 00:40 |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | Dec 14 00:43 |
DaemonFC | 33 seconds ago · Edited | Dec 14 00:43 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 14 00:43 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Daily Kos: Sen. Mike Lee worries that delaying Obamacare rule will lead to single-payer health care [ ] | Dec 14 00:43 |
DaemonFC | If and when Obamacare does fail, it will increase the demand for Single Payer. That wasn't the intention, but it's what might happen. I don't know if the Republicans realize that undermining the system that was put in place could lead to a result that they dislike even more, but it will be good for most Americans if it plays out this way. | Dec 14 00:43 |
DaemonFC | 53 seconds ago · Edited | Dec 14 00:46 |
DaemonFC | The system of health insurance as a perk for employed people was largely put in place as one of the things that came out of World War 2, when the economy was booming because most of the productive capacity of the rest of the world was ruined, and the United States economy was booming and providing more-or-less full employment. (If people couldn't find a job in that environment, they were probably unemployable.) | Dec 14 00:46 |
DaemonFC | It was never sustainable in the long term. It was only made possible because the wartime economy heated up the labor market. | Dec 14 00:46 |
DaemonFC | 2 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 14 00:54 |
DaemonFC | In the past, pricing was pretty much totally determined by the demand curve for a good or service. It still kind of is, but we have so much market distortion caused by monopolies, that it just doesn't always hold true anymore. | Dec 14 00:54 |
DaemonFC | In the information economy, demand curve can't drive up prices, because a lot of the goods are intangible. Apple can copy a music file as many times as it wants, because it's just computer data. There's no limit to production other than artificial limits to production caused by copyright edict and artificial restrictions, called "DRM", what I call "Digital Restrictions Malware", and which could be described as a system of "artificial scarcity" | Dec 14 00:54 |
DaemonFC | . | Dec 14 00:54 |
DaemonFC | In other words, the prices are set high because the law protects a monopoly on copying and sharing, which is enforced by corporate malware, like iTunes, iPod, iPhone, iWhatever... | Dec 14 00:54 |
DaemonFC | It's no longer a given that increased buying power will lead to inflation, when something can be produced as many times as you like, while requiring almost no resources dedicated to the productive capacity for the goods. | Dec 14 00:54 |
DaemonFC | The only limit to what you can charge is what people will pay, and companies like Apple squeeze that system for every last dime. | Dec 14 00:54 |
DaemonFC | err, "can't drive up prices all by itself" | Dec 14 00:55 |
*DaemonFC fixes that | Dec 14 00:55 | |
DaemonFC | "Santa is just white? Who are you actually talking to? Children who are sophisticated enough to be watching a news channel at 10 o'clock at night, yet innocent enough to still believe Santa Claus is real, yet racist enough to be freaked out if he isn’t white." | Dec 14 01:04 |
DaemonFC | ---Jon Stewart | Dec 14 01:04 |
DaemonFC | Actually, he's transparent. Things that don't exist tend to be transparent, because matter is not occupying the space where they are alleged to exist. | Dec 14 01:04 |
DaemonFC | Damn you, physics! | Dec 14 01:04 |
DaemonFC | Like · · Share · 2 seconds ago · | Dec 14 01:04 |
Snowleaksange | | Dec 14 01:04 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | The REAL Death Of The Music Industry - Business Insider [ ] | Dec 14 01:04 |
Snowleaksange | artits make most their money off ringtones now | Dec 14 01:05 |
Snowleaksange | yea piracy! | Dec 14 01:05 |
Snowleaksange | | Dec 14 01:07 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Fat Wreck Chords feature - Interview with Fat Mike, Part 1 of 2 // Tribal Area - YouTube [ ] | Dec 14 01:07 |
DaemonFC | What really disturbs me about a lot of these mobile apps is that they demand a lot of privileges that most of them shouldn't need if they only do what they say they do. | Dec 14 02:06 |
DaemonFC | Google implemented fine-grained permission control and then backed it out and said it's because it's "not done yet". | Dec 14 02:06 |
DaemonFC | We'll see if it ever comes back. | Dec 14 02:07 |
DaemonFC | They're not as bad as crApple, but they do a lot of the same nasty things. | Dec 14 02:07 |
DaemonFC | Since most of the apps are proprietary software, it's pretty much a given that they'll do something nasty that they don't say they do. | Dec 14 02:08 |
DaemonFC | The permissions screen, being all or nothing, pretty much leaves you with the choice to install the app and take that risk, or to not have the app. | Dec 14 02:08 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz mentioned F-Droid, but that doesn't have a lot of apps. It's because most apps are not fully Free. | Dec 14 02:08 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 02:35 |
DaemonFC | So, I thought that the quote on Walmart selling 2.8 million bath towels on Black Friday might have been some kind of a gag, but Walmart's own website backs that up. | Dec 14 02:35 |
DaemonFC | I hope they also sold a few million bars of bath soap and some non-pajama clothing items. | Dec 14 02:35 |
DaemonFC | Some of their customers might look and smell a little better next year. | Dec 14 02:35 |
DaemonFC | Maybe Walmart thought that People of Walmart had gone on long enough. | Dec 14 02:36 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Dec 14 02:41 |
DaemonFC | Unfortunately, Walmart also sold a lot of crApple iBads, enemy of your Freedom. | Dec 14 02:41 |
<--Snowleaksange has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Dec 14 03:03 | |
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DaemonFC | via Salon | Dec 14 05:37 |
DaemonFC | "The left likes school shootings". | Dec 14 05:37 |
DaemonFC | Yes, that's why we're trying to keep guns out of the hands of the criminals and the dangerously mentally unstable people who commit school shootings. | Dec 14 05:37 |
DaemonFC | Oh wait... | Dec 14 05:37 |
DaemonFC | Go back to bed, America! The nutcases have figured it all out again! | Dec 14 05:37 |
DaemonFC | Go back to bed, America! The Tea Party is thinking for you! | Dec 14 05:37 |
DaemonFC | shared a link via Bill Moyers. | Dec 14 05:51 |
DaemonFC | 4 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 14 05:51 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 14 05:51 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Guns in America After Newtown | Smart Charts, What Matters Today | [ ] | Dec 14 05:52 |
DaemonFC | The NRA responds to these with ludicrous plans like arming the teachers, or putting more armed police officers in schools. This has a few downsides. | Dec 14 05:52 |
DaemonFC | 1. Cost to taxpayers. I haven't seen Wayne LaPierre come out and offer to increase NRA dues so that they can pay for this. | Dec 14 05:52 |
DaemonFC | 2. The school shootings will keep happening, because it fails to take guns away from irresponsible gun owners, criminals, the insane, and their children. It would take an armed teacher or police officer minutes to respond, and by that time, the shooter would have already killed many people. | Dec 14 05:52 |
DaemonFC | 3. You have to forget all about the fact that arming several thousand teachers and school police officers means that it's only a matter of time until one of them goes nuts and starts shooting everyone. | Dec 14 05:52 |
DaemonFC | You'd have to be really ignorant to think that putting more guns in a school is going to solve this problem, but ignorant people are the base of the Republican Party. | Dec 14 05:52 |
DaemonFC | shared a link via Salon. | Dec 14 05:56 |
DaemonFC | 10 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 14 05:56 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 14 05:56 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | The Christian right wants civilization to collapse - | Dec 14 05:56 |
DaemonFC | The far-right fundamentalist Christians are insane. If gay marriage is legalized, it will not cause the collapse of society. Canada legalized gay marriage years ago, and their economy is booming, everyone has healthcare, their roads and bridges are well-kept, their schools are better than ours, and there's rarely a natural disaster. | Dec 14 05:57 |
DaemonFC | I'd suspect that if god was pissed at Canada, then something would have happened by now, but it hasn't. | Dec 14 05:57 |
DaemonFC | Now, on the other hand, the right-wing fundamentalist Christians haveactually tried to cause the end of the world every time they've been in office. They do things like arming Israel *and* the Taliban-style Muslims, and then trying to piss them off enough at each other to actually have a war to end all wars. There's nothing new here at all.... | Dec 14 05:57 |
DaemonFC | The downfall of America will either be caused by the right-wingers successfully starting World War 3, or because military spending is an unsustainable and whopping 70% of the federal budget, and has us accumulating debt like there is no tomorrow, which will eventually cause a debt crisis. | Dec 14 05:58 |
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MinceR | geekings | Dec 14 09:38 |
-->DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 14 09:38 | |
DaemonFC | There's a major snowstorm going through the area. | Dec 14 09:39 |
DaemonFC | That car handles like crap on the snow. I barely made it up that big hill. :P | Dec 14 09:39 |
iophk | | Dec 14 09:59 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | BT internet filter to protect all devices including smartphones and tablets | News | TechRadar [ ] | Dec 14 09:59 |
iophk | no mention of The Digital Tipping Point : | Dec 14 10:02 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Taking 'A Total Disruption' Open Source | Turnstyle [ ] | Dec 14 10:03 |
MinceR | "protect" | Dec 14 10:03 |
MinceR | cameron protects his subjects from freedom | Dec 14 10:03 |
iophk | the "f" word | Dec 14 10:04 |
iophk | RMS throws it around, that's caused him trouble. | Dec 14 10:04 |
MinceR | that's because many people are idiots | Dec 14 10:04 |
MinceR | it's just a word. | Dec 14 10:04 |
iophk | It scares some people, especially some politicians. | Dec 14 10:04 |
MinceR | it's sad it doesn't scare them appropriately and reliably | Dec 14 10:05 |
MinceR | i could just say it over and over again and have freedom in hungary if it did | Dec 14 10:05 |
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 14 10:07 | |
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iophk | M$ Jack giving "advice" on Linux laptops : | Dec 14 10:08 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Linux laptops: should you avoid buying Windows? | Technology | [ ] | Dec 14 10:08 |
iophk | | Dec 14 10:14 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Report: NSA mulls Snowden amnesty (but it probably won’t happen) | Ars Technica [ ] | Dec 14 10:14 |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Dec 14 10:46 | |
-->Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | Dec 14 11:55 | |
iophk | | Dec 14 12:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Why Google Might Drop Intel for ARM [ ] | Dec 14 12:23 |
iophk | | Dec 14 12:24 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Google Said to Mull Designing Chips in Threat to Intel - Bloomberg [ ] | Dec 14 12:24 |
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Sosumi | has anyone tried steam os yet? | Dec 14 13:32 |
Sosumi | and posted some benchies | Dec 14 13:32 |
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Sosumi | | Dec 14 13:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | US Videogame Sales Fall In November Despite New Consoles - Digits - WSJ [ ] | Dec 14 13:53 |
Sosumi | most games are crap anyways | Dec 14 13:53 |
Sosumi | and giant farmfests | Dec 14 13:53 |
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iophk | | Dec 14 14:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Lawsuit accuses IBM of hiding China risks amid NSA spy scandal | Reuters [ ] | Dec 14 14:32 |
Sosumi | | Dec 14 14:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Log In - The New York Times [ ] | Dec 14 14:32 |
Sosumi | oops | Dec 14 14:32 |
Sosumi | | Dec 14 14:32 |
Sosumi | Google acquired Boston Dynamics | Dec 14 14:33 |
Sosumi | which makes sense, since they are also heavily invested into AI stuff and have Kurzweil on board and everything | Dec 14 14:34 |
Sosumi | | Dec 14 14:35 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | How the NSA pinpoints a mobile device - The Washington Post [ ] | Dec 14 14:35 |
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iophk | | Dec 14 15:23 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Guardian discussion | Linux laptops: should you avoid buying Windows? [ ] | Dec 14 15:23 |
iophk | The cheap option would be to get a Chromebook and install Gnu/Linux on that either dual or boot or plain. M$ is too scared of Chromebooks so M$ Jack would obviously avoid mentioning them. His excuse for pushing Windows on the reader is that it is "cheaper", but if cost were the matter, a Chromebook would be cheaper still. Further, there is the issue of Restricted Boot which comes on Vista 8 machines and hinders or prevents booting Linux. It can def | Dec 14 15:29 |
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Sosumi | | Dec 14 16:36 |
TechrightsBot-tr | | Apple fanbois warned: No, Cupertino HASN'T built a Bitcoin mining function into Macs • The Register [ ] | Dec 14 16:37 |
Sosumi | :( they should have never covered such thing | Dec 14 16:37 |
Sosumi | and let the mactards just shoot themselves on the foot | Dec 14 16:37 |
Sosumi | all the way | Dec 14 16:37 |
Sosumi | :P | Dec 14 16:37 |
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Sosumi | Torvalds on google removing that privacy feature out of Android | Dec 14 17:30 |
Sosumi | "This is sad. | Dec 14 17:30 |
Sosumi | With all the posturing Google has done over the NSA stuff, and having encouraged people to sign the petition to require a warrant for email snooping (which I heartily agree with), this just makes Google look hypocritical." | Dec 14 17:30 |
Sosumi | and he's right | Dec 14 17:30 |
MinceR | indeed | Dec 14 17:31 |
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-->DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Dec 14 20:51 | |
DaemonFC | shared The Other 98%'s photo. | Dec 14 20:55 |
DaemonFC | 4 minutes ago | Dec 14 20:55 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 14 20:55 |
DaemonFC | Five days out of the month, it only took one of them to wipe out an entire army of men. True story! j/k LOL | Dec 14 20:55 |
DaemonFC | :) | Dec 14 20:55 |
MinceR | :) | Dec 14 20:57 |
DaemonFC | shared The Other 98%'s photo. | Dec 14 21:10 |
DaemonFC | 3 minutes ago · Edited | Dec 14 21:10 |
DaemonFC | | Dec 14 21:10 |
DaemonFC | I'm a reasonably physically healthy 29 year old man with no blood borne diseases. I have a blood type that can be accepted by pretty much everyone on Earth. I have been permanently banned from donating blood, plasma, and organs because I am gay. | Dec 14 21:10 |
DaemonFC | Think about that, the next time a disaster happens, thousands of people are bleeding, and the Red Cross can't get enough of you to donate blood. | Dec 14 21:10 |
DaemonFC | If I die, they will allow perfectly usable organs to rot. Think about that, the next time you know someone that needs an eye, heart, lung, liver, kidney, etc. and can't get one. | Dec 14 21:10 |
DaemonFC | Then thank the Republican Party, right-wing homophobia, and a CDC policy that dates back to the Reagan 80s and is based on fear, not science. | Dec 14 21:10 |
DaemonFC | Then pat yourselves on the back, if you think I should still be banned, for letting other people die. | Dec 14 21:10 |
DaemonFC | I am tired of this shit. Tired of this shit. When are people going to wake up and smell reality? | Dec 14 21:10 |
DaemonFC | When you go down to the centers where they collect blood and plasma, and pay people to donate, look around. These are college students. These are alcoholics. These are people who you know are probably having unprotected sex. Since they're straight, we have a national policy to let them donate anyway. They're more of a risk to public health than I am. The Red Cross tests *EVERY* blood sample donated. Every single one. *If* a donor has HIV, the | Dec 14 21:10 |
DaemonFC | fourth generation tests that they use will usually catch it within five days of infection. That's how good the tests are. All they really have to ask people now is the following question. | Dec 14 21:10 |
DaemonFC | "Have you had unprotected sex, with anyone, in the last week?" | Dec 14 21:10 |
DaemonFC | But, we have this stupid paranoia that is causing people to die because of blood, plasma, and organ shortages. STUPID people and their STUPID public policy are letting this continue, because they have irrational, illogical prejudices. That's all that's keeping this policy around now that we have modern medical science. | Dec 14 21:10 |
DaemonFC | 24 seconds ago | Dec 14 21:10 |
DaemonFC | Please contact the Red Cross at 1-800-733-2767, and tell them "It's time to end the ban on blood, plasma, tissue, and organ donations from gay and bisexual men. This policy is rooted in thirty year old hysteria, not modern medical science. Please replace your questions about sex partners with one that simply asks everyone if they've had unprotected sex recently. You are allowing straight people who have unprotected sex with an unlimited | Dec 14 21:10 |
DaemonFC | number of partners donate all of these things, and that *is* a public health hazard. Thank you." | Dec 14 21:10 |
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Sosumi | any word from google about removing that that "mistaken" update that did away with the permission tab? | Dec 14 21:53 |
MinceR | gn | Dec 14 22:26 |
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