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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: December 22nd-December 28th, 2013

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*vinzv has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Dec 22 01:01
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 22 10:26
schestowitz__> Hi, Roy,Dec 22 11:55
schestowitz__>Dec 22 11:55
schestowitz__> This is interesting to follow up on when the project site becomes available:Dec 22 11:55
schestowitz__>Dec 22 11:55
schestowitz__> "Anyway, the upshot of the situation is that I'm going toDec 22 11:55
schestowitz__> sell these NetBooks for less than $300. They will come withDec 22 11:55
schestowitz__> Lubuntu and the Project Gutenberg DVD books."Dec 22 11:55
schestowitz__>Dec 22 11:55
schestowitz__> 22 11:55
schestowitz__I am going to spread the word.Dec 22 11:55 | Some happy news for the New Year!  [ ]Dec 22 11:55
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 22 13:14
schestowitz__ 22 16:54 Red Hat engineers, who are based in the US, are pressured by #nsa to put NSA code inside #linux (which makes Red Hat's role less trusted)Dec 22 16:54
schestowitz__"@Uncle Meat: Ayup."Dec 22 16:54
schestowitz__ 22 16:54 reshared: buy shit, feel safe, consume...Dec 22 16:54
schestowitz__"That is a scary picture."Dec 22 16:54
*schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Dec 22 19:55
*schestowitz__ ( has joined #techbytesDec 22 19:57
*schestowitz__ has quit (Changing host)Dec 22 19:57
*schestowitz__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 22 19:57
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 22 20:00
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 22 20:01
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Dec 22 20:10:08 2013
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Dec 22 20:10:38 2013
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 22 20:10
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 22 20:10
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 22 20:10
schestowitz__[20:50] <_Goblin> Right....prepare for a little shock.....Dec 22 20:56
schestowitz__[20:50] <_Goblin> its a little further away than Slip EndDec 22 20:56
schestowitz__[20:50] <_Goblin> Astoria, Oregon.Dec 22 20:56
schestowitz__[20:52] <schestowitz__> Wow, law enforcement?Dec 22 20:56
schestowitz__[20:52] <_Goblin> Nope!Dec 22 20:56
schestowitz__[20:52] <_Goblin> Def not!Dec 22 20:56
schestowitz__[20:53] <_Goblin> I've a three book deal with Harper ColinsDec 22 20:56
schestowitz__[20:53] <schestowitz__> Get that cowboy hat readyDec 22 20:56
schestowitz__[20:53] <_Goblin> yes...I suppose....Dec 22 20:56
schestowitz__[20:53] <_Goblin> although at least you've not noticed the location......Dec 22 20:57
schestowitz__[20:53] <schestowitz__> book based on your duary about work?Dec 22 20:57
schestowitz__[20:53] <_Goblin> people at work have been making fun....Dec 22 20:57
schestowitz__[20:54] <schestowitz__> I'll need to get my fingerprints retaken each time I come to visirDec 22 20:57
schestowitz__[20:54] <_Goblin> The book....Dec 22 20:57
schestowitz__[20:54] <_Goblin> stand by I'll post synopsisDec 22 20:57
schestowitz__[20:55] <_Goblin> Its about the Met....but not a diary.......its a fantasy comedy sci fiDec 22 20:57
schestowitz__[20:55] <schestowitz__> cool!Dec 22 20:57
schestowitz__[20:55] <_Goblin> set 300 years in the futureDec 22 20:57
schestowitz__[20:59] <_Goblin> before you get the joke in first.... yes I know what Astoria is famous for.....Dec 22 21:00
schestowitz__[20:59] <_Goblin> "The Goonies"Dec 22 21:00
schestowitz__[21:00] <schestowitz__> That movie scared me a bit. I was young at the time.Dec 22 21:00
schestowitz__[21:01] <_Goblin> lol...I never knew at first... We went out there to see relatives and it was only whilst there I saw the Goonie house (its about three blocks away)Dec 22 21:03
schestowitz__[21:02] <_Goblin> I've had nothing but "Hey you guys" at work for months.Dec 22 21:03
schestowitz__[21:02] <schestowitz__> LOLDec 22 21:03
*Disconnected ().Dec 23 07:52
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Dec 23 07:52:21 2013
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Dec 23 07:52:38 2013
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 23 07:52
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 23 07:52
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 23 07:52
*puppywatch ( has joined #techbytesDec 23 08:02
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 23 08:03
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 23 08:08
*roy_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 23 09:05
*roy_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 23 09:06
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 23 09:17
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 23 09:17
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 23 12:02
schestowitz_bed2 24 02:02 Senator Says ‘Arguments For The Status Quo’ In NSA Spying ‘Fell Apart This Week’ #nsa loses supportersDec 24 02:02
TechBytesBot-> | Senator Says 'Arguments For The Status Quo' In NSA Spying 'Fell Apart This Week' | ThinkProgress  [ ]Dec 24 02:02
schestowitz_bed2"That is encouraging. Lets see if there will be more US lawmakers on the ball or if corporate media can spin things to make it even worse for us. They are good at turning momentum into regulations that actually work for monopolists."Dec 24 02:02
schestowitz_bed2 24 02:03 NSA: got moles? 24 02:03
TechBytesBot-> | Critics: NSA agent co-chairing key crypto standards body should be removed (updated) | Ars Technica  [ ]Dec 24 02:03
schestowitz_bed2"They should remove anyone associated with non free software. The basic premise of non free software is to take unjust power over users. Proponents of non free software justified that power by a false claim of economic necessity. We know that no one needs that power and we should no longer tolerate it. Tolerance of non free software is the moral equivalent of tolerating NSA's total surveillance."Dec 24 02:03
schestowitz_bed2 24 02:05 reshared: ### [New Study: 97% of All Chicken Breasts Contain Harmful Bacteria]( )Dec 24 02:05
TechBytesBot-> | New Study: 97% of All Chicken Breasts Contain Harmful Bacteria | Alternet  [ ]Dec 24 02:05
schestowitz_bed2"Dec 24 02:06
schestowitz_bed2Must admit - how many people continue to eat chicken ......Dec 24 02:06
schestowitz_bed2The way it has changed over the years ....... the texture of chicken and the ulcers it can leave in the mouth.Dec 24 02:06
schestowitz_bed2Really does make people turn to being vegetarian - even when they were brought up with the food of yesterday which was always classed as ..........Dec 24 02:06
schestowitz_bed2Best this or Best that ........Dec 24 02:07
schestowitz_bed2Am worried about a lot of things I eat - but as we get older - somehow we passed the test of time ........Dec 24 02:07
schestowitz_bed2This next generation with all the different things they are doing with food nowadays does make you wonder.Dec 24 02:07
schestowitz_bed2The most we really seemed to have to deal with was food colourings and preservatives ............ E numbers.Dec 24 02:07
schestowitz_bed2But where are they today ...... at least some standards were set ....... the new standards where they do not put on the label that its been Genetically Modified is without a doubt the one that will change life as we know it Jim ............ eventually .........Dec 24 02:07
schestowitz_bed2"Dec 24 02:07
schestowitz_bed2"Best if you can raise your own. Then you have full knowledge of what went into your food. If that is not possible, buying food raised organically (whether or not it has the FDA label "organic") directly from the farmer who raised it (and therefore you know roughly where they live and have a reputation to back them up) would be next best. At the end of the list, there is the commercial, government regulated and subsidized foodDec 24 02:07
schestowitz_bed2producers. Without those subsidies, the organic stuff would be cheaper."Dec 24 02:07
schestowitz_bed2"Yep all good advice .... needs some thought nowadays and some checking around our own areas to see what is better ....... cost vs getting ill is not something worth risking."Dec 24 02:07
schestowitz_bed2 24 02:16 reshared: "Backdoor " in D-Link Routern!,78290.html #dlink #router #überwachungDec 24 02:16
schestowitz_bed2"schon wieder? xD"Dec 24 02:16
TechBytesBot-> | D-Link: Router-Firmware mit versteckter Hintertür - WinFuture.deDec 24 02:16
schestowitz_bed2 24 02:16 #RSA acknowledges working with the #nsa (and then tries to spin). RSA is dead. It caused a lot of damage though, taking many down with it.Dec 24 02:16
schestowitz_bed2"If what leakers do has aided the enemy by revealing sensitive information, what the NSA has done to commercial encryption is far, far worse."Dec 24 02:16
schestowitz_bed2 24 02:17 This Christmas don't settle for a listening device; return to store, exchange for something like a tablet 24 02:17
TechBytesBot-> | The secret second operating system that could make every mobile phone insecure | ExtremeTech  [ ]Dec 24 02:17
schestowitz_bed2"Ejecting the sim does not help - the radio control computer has a uid and continues talking to the towers. Malicious hardware was not built to benefit the user, so it continues to work against you even if you don't get any use out of it."Dec 24 02:17
*icecrawler ( has joined #techbytesDec 24 03:39
*schestowitz_bed2 is now known as schestowitzDec 24 03:49
*icecrawler has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 24 04:49
*icecrawler ( has joined #techbytesDec 24 04:50
schestowitz"RMSDec 24 04:56
schestowitz> Could you write a brief article about it, calling it free software,Dec 24 04:56
schestowitz> and ending by asking the developers to contact you?Dec 24 04:56
schestowitzSure, I will do that shortly..."Dec 24 04:56
schestowitzI never really did that at the end. But he did in fact offer to do a sort of interview earlier this week. I really need to start editing the videos I recently made with him...Dec 24 04:56
icecrawlerhey schestowitz you grimey nigger wanker machineDec 24 05:06
icecrawleri have to fucking do laundry again cause your mom sprayed her vagina juice all over my bed againDec 24 05:07
*icecrawler has quit ()Dec 24 05:18
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytesDec 24 08:53
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Dec 24 08:56
*oiaohm ( has joined #techbytesDec 24 12:38
*oiaohm has quit (Changing host)Dec 24 12:38
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 24 12:38
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceRDec 24 13:18
*schestowitz__ ( has joined #techbytesDec 24 13:50
*schestowitz__ has quit (Changing host)Dec 24 13:50
*schestowitz__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 24 13:50
*schestowitz has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Dec 24 13:50
*TechBytesBot has quit (*.net *.split)Dec 24 14:08
*schestowitz__ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 24 14:59
*schestowitz__ ( has joined #techbytesDec 24 14:59
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*schestowitz__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 24 14:59
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 24 15:35
schestowitz__> Hi, Roy,Dec 24 18:04
schestowitz__>Dec 24 18:04
schestowitz__> Here:Dec 24 18:04
schestowitz__>Dec 24 18:04
schestowitz__> 24 18:04
schestowitz__>Dec 24 18:04
schestowitz__> a solution might described here:Dec 24 18:04
schestowitz__>Dec 24 18:04
schestowitz__> 24 18:04
schestowitz__>Dec 24 18:04
schestowitz__> I have no Netflix account to work from, so cannot try it myself.Dec 24 18:04
schestowitz__> However, AFAIK Netflix is the only service contaminated by Silverlight.Dec 24 18:04
schestowitz__>  It's dead even for Redmond, so the Android work-around would be aDec 24 18:04
schestowitz__> safer, more free option for getting Netflix on Gnu/Linux.Dec 24 18:04
schestowitz__ 24 19:24
schestowitz__"yes, ... I forgot to add the <jeopardy> tags"Dec 24 19:25
schestowitz__>>> With Slashdot in the hands of Dice, something bad will probably happenDec 24 19:28
schestowitz__>>> there eventually, too.  A lot of the old discussion and articles wereDec 24 19:28
schestowitz__>>> quite important.  In some cases the discussion and summary are allDec 24 19:28
schestowitz__>>> that's left of the original article.   Even sites in benevolent hands,Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__>>> like, vanish, too.Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__>>Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__>> Did Bruce not bring it back online at some point? Or migrate it to his?Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__>Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__> He brought it back read-only for a while, maybe some years.  But it hasDec 24 19:28
schestowitz__> been quite a long while since I checked it, and it has now gone away.Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__> It redirects to his blog now.  Too bad.  He could have scraped it withDec 24 19:28
schestowitz__> wget and served static pages.  He gave up on it kind of early when theDec 24 19:28
schestowitz__> libertarians and homosexuals and a few others started trashing theDec 24 19:28
schestowitz__> comments.  I'm not sure what he could have done, since he had only oneDec 24 19:28
schestowitz__> part-time staffer who was not even a moderator.   I guess it is one ofDec 24 19:28
schestowitz__> the sites that will have to rely on the indexing.  ThereDec 24 19:28
schestowitz__> were only a few pages there that I recall going back and citing multipleDec 24 19:28
schestowitz__> times.  Groklaw, on the other hand, is an enormously valuable resource.Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__>  I guess we'll see how long PJ feels like maintaining the archive.  IDec 24 19:28
schestowitz__> understand now why you cache local copies of documents when you can.Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__PJ is not young and I think she's alone, so I'm not sure how ibiblio or relatives will treat the site when it no longer attracts hits. Maybe some community members will still fondly recall the site and decide to step in...Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__>>>> Even sites in benevolent hands,Dec 24 19:29
schestowitz__>>>> like, vanish, too.Dec 24 19:30
schestowitz__>> Did Bruce not bring it back online at some point? Or migrate it to his?Dec 24 19:30
schestowitz__>Dec 24 19:30
schestowitz__> Here's his shutdown message:Dec 24 19:30
schestowitz__>Dec 24 19:30
schestowitz__> 24 19:30
schestowitz__>Dec 24 19:30
schestowitz__> and the last scrape of the site:Dec 24 19:30
schestowitz__>Dec 24 19:30
schestowitz__> 24 19:30
schestowitz__>Dec 24 19:30
schestowitz__> fromDec 24 19:30
schestowitz__>Dec 24 19:30
schestowitz__>*/http://technocrat.netDec 24 19:30
schestowitz__>Dec 24 19:30
schestowitz__> A third option would have been to leave it read-only without comments.Dec 24 19:30
schestowitz__In 2006 he set up a popular petition against Novell. Later he criticed it a lot in his site. I don't think I blockquoted him in Techrights, so much of the criticism may be gone now.Dec 24 19:30
schestowitz__Remember LinuxWorld (IDG)? I think it's buried now, too (not just lack of activity)...Dec 24 19:30
schestowitz__ 24 19:30
schestowitz__hahaha.... lolDec 24 19:30
schestowitz__kissmyassDec 24 19:30
schestowitz__>>>>>> like, vanish, too.Dec 25 21:20
schestowitz__>>>> Did Bruce not bring it back online at some point? Or migrate it to his?Dec 25 21:20
schestowitz__>>>Dec 25 21:20
schestowitz__>>> Here's his shutdown message:Dec 25 21:20
schestowitz__>>>Dec 25 21:20
schestowitz__>>> 25 21:20
schestowitz__>>>Dec 25 21:20
schestowitz__>>> and the last scrape of the site:Dec 25 21:20
schestowitz__>>>Dec 25 21:20
schestowitz__>>> 25 21:20
schestowitz__>>>Dec 25 21:20
schestowitz__>>> fromDec 25 21:20
schestowitz__>>>Dec 25 21:20
schestowitz__>>>*/http://technocrat.netDec 25 21:20
schestowitz__>>>Dec 25 21:21
schestowitz__>>> A third option would have been to leave it read-only without comments.Dec 25 21:21
schestowitz__>>Dec 25 21:21
schestowitz__>> In 2006 he set up a popular petition against Novell. Later he criticedDec 25 21:21
schestowitz__>> it a lot in his site. I don't think I blockquoted him in Techrights, soDec 25 21:21
schestowitz__>> much of the criticism may be gone now.Dec 25 21:21
schestowitz__>>Dec 25 21:21
schestowitz__>> Remember LinuxWorld (IDG)? I think it's buried now, too (not just lackDec 25 21:21
schestowitz__>> of activity)...Dec 25 21:21
schestowitz__>Dec 25 21:21
schestowitz__> Yeah.  I think the one that hurt the most was CMP taking out BYTE.  TheDec 25 21:21
schestowitz__> staff were starting to get into FOSS and CMP shut it down.  TheyDec 25 21:21
schestowitz__> published an archive CD or DVD but it ran Windows-only retrievalDec 25 21:21
schestowitz__> software.  I wonder which sites should or can be retrieved.  We talkedDec 25 21:21
schestowitz__> lot about this kind of thing in library school back 20 years ago, I'mDec 25 21:21
schestowitz__> kind of forgetting the details.  It may be that is the onlyDec 25 21:21
schestowitz__> way in the long run.Dec 25 21:21 recently suffered a fire and lost a lot of data. The problem is, we don't have a backup of a backup and I'm not even sure about redundancy. In the course of 20 or 200 years storage device degrade many times over and you need to media-shift a lot throughout -- see how Hollywood loses lots of rare material, rendering the past non-existent when old people (eyewitnesses) die.Dec 25 21:21
*schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Dec 25 22:30
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 25 22:33
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 26 00:28
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 26 00:28
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 26 00:28
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 26 00:28
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*roy_ has quit (*.net *.split)Dec 26 02:36
*puppywatch has quit (*.net *.split)Dec 26 02:36
*puppywatch ( has joined #techbytesDec 26 02:39
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 26 02:43
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 26 02:46
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 26 02:47
*roy_ ( has joined #techbytesDec 26 09:33
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*roy_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 26 09:33
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 26 14:23
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*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 26 14:23
*XFaCE has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 27 04:31
*XFaCE (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techbytesDec 27 04:32
schestowitz 27 20:41
schestowitz"Ken Starks is fantastic. We need more people like him in other cities and he's been good enough to write it all up. He has pages on how to protect yourself from liability and other US legal problems that don't seem to phase big companies."Dec 27 20:41
schestowitz 27 20:41
schestowitz"I tried out Here once or twice. The maps are stale in a way that should embarrass a commercial operator. Oh yeah, Microsoft."Dec 27 20:41
*TechBytesBot (~b0t@ has joined #techbytesDec 27 20:45
TechBytesBotHello World! I'm TechBytesBot running phIRCe v0.71Dec 27 20:45
*vinzv (~quassel@fedora/vinzv) has joined #techbytesDec 28 00:38
*oiaohm ( has joined #techbytesDec 28 08:51
*oiaohm has quit (Changing host)Dec 28 08:51
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 28 08:51
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 28 13:01
*libertyboxes has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Dec 28 13:57
*puppywatch has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Dec 28 13:57
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Dec 28 14:34
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 28 14:34
*puppywatch ( has joined #techbytesDec 28 16:41
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*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 28 23:31
*vinzv has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Dec 22 00:59
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 22 10:25
schestowitz__> Hi, Roy,Dec 22 11:53
schestowitz__>Dec 22 11:53
schestowitz__> This is interesting to follow up on when the project site becomes available:Dec 22 11:53
schestowitz__>Dec 22 11:53
schestowitz__> "Anyway, the upshot of the situation is that I'm going toDec 22 11:53
schestowitz__> sell these NetBooks for less than $300. They will come withDec 22 11:53
schestowitz__> Lubuntu and the Project Gutenberg DVD books."Dec 22 11:53
schestowitz__>Dec 22 11:53
schestowitz__> 22 11:53
schestowitz__I am going to spread the word.Dec 22 11:53 | Some happy news for the New Year!  [ ]Dec 22 11:53
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 22 13:12
schestowitz__ 22 16:52 Red Hat engineers, who are based in the US, are pressured by #nsa to put NSA code inside #linux (which makes Red Hat's role less trusted)Dec 22 16:52
schestowitz__"@Uncle Meat: Ayup."Dec 22 16:52
schestowitz__ 22 16:52 reshared: buy shit, feel safe, consume...Dec 22 16:52
schestowitz__"That is a scary picture."Dec 22 16:52
*schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Dec 22 19:53
*schestowitz__ ( has joined #techbytesDec 22 19:55
*schestowitz__ has quit (Changing host)Dec 22 19:55
*schestowitz__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 22 19:55
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 22 19:59
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 22 19:59
*schestowitz_log has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Dec 22 20:08
*schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 22 20:08
schestowitz__[20:50] <_Goblin> Right....prepare for a little shock.....Dec 22 20:55
schestowitz__[20:50] <_Goblin> its a little further away than Slip EndDec 22 20:55
schestowitz__[20:50] <_Goblin> Astoria, Oregon.Dec 22 20:55
schestowitz__[20:52] <schestowitz__> Wow, law enforcement?Dec 22 20:55
schestowitz__[20:52] <_Goblin> Nope!Dec 22 20:55
schestowitz__[20:52] <_Goblin> Def not!Dec 22 20:55
schestowitz__[20:53] <_Goblin> I've a three book deal with Harper ColinsDec 22 20:55
schestowitz__[20:53] <schestowitz__> Get that cowboy hat readyDec 22 20:55
schestowitz__[20:53] <_Goblin> yes...I suppose....Dec 22 20:55
schestowitz__[20:53] <_Goblin> although at least you've not noticed the location......Dec 22 20:55
schestowitz__[20:53] <schestowitz__> book based on your duary about work?Dec 22 20:55
schestowitz__[20:53] <_Goblin> people at work have been making fun....Dec 22 20:55
schestowitz__[20:54] <schestowitz__> I'll need to get my fingerprints retaken each time I come to visirDec 22 20:55
schestowitz__[20:54] <_Goblin> The book....Dec 22 20:55
schestowitz__[20:54] <_Goblin> stand by I'll post synopsisDec 22 20:55
schestowitz__[20:55] <_Goblin> Its about the Met....but not a diary.......its a fantasy comedy sci fiDec 22 20:55
schestowitz__[20:55] <schestowitz__> cool!Dec 22 20:55
schestowitz__[20:55] <_Goblin> set 300 years in the futureDec 22 20:55
schestowitz__[20:59] <_Goblin> before you get the joke in first.... yes I know what Astoria is famous for.....Dec 22 20:58
schestowitz__[20:59] <_Goblin> "The Goonies"Dec 22 20:58
schestowitz__[21:00] <schestowitz__> That movie scared me a bit. I was young at the time.Dec 22 20:58
schestowitz__[21:01] <_Goblin> lol...I never knew at first... We went out there to see relatives and it was only whilst there I saw the Goonie house (its about three blocks away)Dec 22 21:01
schestowitz__[21:02] <_Goblin> I've had nothing but "Hey you guys" at work for months.Dec 22 21:01
schestowitz__[21:02] <schestowitz__> LOLDec 22 21:01
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Dec 23 08:00
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Dec 23 08:00:27 2013
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Dec 23 08:00:54 2013
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 23 08:00
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 23 08:00
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 23 08:00
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 23 08:02
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 23 08:06
*roy_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 23 09:03
*roy_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 23 09:04
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 23 09:15
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 23 09:15
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 23 12:00
schestowitz_bed2 24 02:00 Senator Says ‘Arguments For The Status Quo’ In NSA Spying ‘Fell Apart This Week’ #nsa loses supportersDec 24 02:00
TechBytesBot-> | Senator Says 'Arguments For The Status Quo' In NSA Spying 'Fell Apart This Week' | ThinkProgress  [ ]Dec 24 02:00
schestowitz_bed2"That is encouraging. Lets see if there will be more US lawmakers on the ball or if corporate media can spin things to make it even worse for us. They are good at turning momentum into regulations that actually work for monopolists."Dec 24 02:00
schestowitz_bed2 24 02:01 NSA: got moles? 24 02:01
TechBytesBot-> | Critics: NSA agent co-chairing key crypto standards body should be removed (updated) | Ars Technica  [ ]Dec 24 02:01
schestowitz_bed2"They should remove anyone associated with non free software. The basic premise of non free software is to take unjust power over users. Proponents of non free software justified that power by a false claim of economic necessity. We know that no one needs that power and we should no longer tolerate it. Tolerance of non free software is the moral equivalent of tolerating NSA's total surveillance."Dec 24 02:01
schestowitz_bed2 24 02:03 reshared: ### [New Study: 97% of All Chicken Breasts Contain Harmful Bacteria]( )Dec 24 02:03
TechBytesBot-> | New Study: 97% of All Chicken Breasts Contain Harmful Bacteria | Alternet  [ ]Dec 24 02:03
schestowitz_bed2"Dec 24 02:05
schestowitz_bed2Must admit - how many people continue to eat chicken ......Dec 24 02:05
schestowitz_bed2The way it has changed over the years ....... the texture of chicken and the ulcers it can leave in the mouth.Dec 24 02:05
schestowitz_bed2Really does make people turn to being vegetarian - even when they were brought up with the food of yesterday which was always classed as ..........Dec 24 02:05
schestowitz_bed2Best this or Best that ........Dec 24 02:05
schestowitz_bed2Am worried about a lot of things I eat - but as we get older - somehow we passed the test of time ........Dec 24 02:05
schestowitz_bed2This next generation with all the different things they are doing with food nowadays does make you wonder.Dec 24 02:05
schestowitz_bed2The most we really seemed to have to deal with was food colourings and preservatives ............ E numbers.Dec 24 02:05
schestowitz_bed2But where are they today ...... at least some standards were set ....... the new standards where they do not put on the label that its been Genetically Modified is without a doubt the one that will change life as we know it Jim ............ eventually .........Dec 24 02:05
schestowitz_bed2"Dec 24 02:05
schestowitz_bed2"Best if you can raise your own. Then you have full knowledge of what went into your food. If that is not possible, buying food raised organically (whether or not it has the FDA label "organic") directly from the farmer who raised it (and therefore you know roughly where they live and have a reputation to back them up) would be next best. At the end of the list, there is the commercial, government regulated and subsidized foodDec 24 02:05
schestowitz_bed2producers. Without those subsidies, the organic stuff would be cheaper."Dec 24 02:05
schestowitz_bed2"Yep all good advice .... needs some thought nowadays and some checking around our own areas to see what is better ....... cost vs getting ill is not something worth risking."Dec 24 02:05
schestowitz_bed2 24 02:14 reshared: "Backdoor " in D-Link Routern!,78290.html #dlink #router #überwachungDec 24 02:14
schestowitz_bed2"schon wieder? xD"Dec 24 02:14
TechBytesBot-> | D-Link: Router-Firmware mit versteckter Hintertür - WinFuture.deDec 24 02:14
schestowitz_bed2 24 02:15 #RSA acknowledges working with the #nsa (and then tries to spin). RSA is dead. It caused a lot of damage though, taking many down with it.Dec 24 02:15
schestowitz_bed2"If what leakers do has aided the enemy by revealing sensitive information, what the NSA has done to commercial encryption is far, far worse."Dec 24 02:15
schestowitz_bed2 24 02:15 This Christmas don't settle for a listening device; return to store, exchange for something like a tablet 24 02:15
TechBytesBot-> | The secret second operating system that could make every mobile phone insecure | ExtremeTech  [ ]Dec 24 02:15
schestowitz_bed2"Ejecting the sim does not help - the radio control computer has a uid and continues talking to the towers. Malicious hardware was not built to benefit the user, so it continues to work against you even if you don't get any use out of it."Dec 24 02:15
*icecrawler ( has joined #techbytesDec 24 03:37
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schestowitz"RMSDec 24 04:54
schestowitz> Could you write a brief article about it, calling it free software,Dec 24 04:54
schestowitz> and ending by asking the developers to contact you?Dec 24 04:54
schestowitzSure, I will do that shortly..."Dec 24 04:54
schestowitzI never really did that at the end. But he did in fact offer to do a sort of interview earlier this week. I really need to start editing the videos I recently made with him...Dec 24 04:54
icecrawlerhey schestowitz you grimey nigger wanker machineDec 24 05:04
icecrawleri have to fucking do laundry again cause your mom sprayed her vagina juice all over my bed againDec 24 05:06
*icecrawler has quit ()Dec 24 05:16
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schestowitz__> Hi, Roy,Dec 24 18:02
schestowitz__>Dec 24 18:02
schestowitz__> Here:Dec 24 18:02
schestowitz__>Dec 24 18:02
schestowitz__> 24 18:02
schestowitz__>Dec 24 18:02
schestowitz__> a solution might described here:Dec 24 18:02
schestowitz__>Dec 24 18:02
schestowitz__> 24 18:02
schestowitz__>Dec 24 18:02
schestowitz__> I have no Netflix account to work from, so cannot try it myself.Dec 24 18:02
schestowitz__> However, AFAIK Netflix is the only service contaminated by Silverlight.Dec 24 18:02
schestowitz__>  It's dead even for Redmond, so the Android work-around would be aDec 24 18:02
schestowitz__> safer, more free option for getting Netflix on Gnu/Linux.Dec 24 18:02
schestowitz__ 24 19:22
schestowitz__"yes, ... I forgot to add the <jeopardy> tags"Dec 24 19:23
schestowitz__>>> With Slashdot in the hands of Dice, something bad will probably happenDec 24 19:26
schestowitz__>>> there eventually, too.  A lot of the old discussion and articles wereDec 24 19:26
schestowitz__>>> quite important.  In some cases the discussion and summary are allDec 24 19:26
schestowitz__>>> that's left of the original article.   Even sites in benevolent hands,Dec 24 19:26
schestowitz__>>> like, vanish, too.Dec 24 19:26
schestowitz__>>Dec 24 19:26
schestowitz__>> Did Bruce not bring it back online at some point? Or migrate it to his?Dec 24 19:26
schestowitz__>Dec 24 19:26
schestowitz__> He brought it back read-only for a while, maybe some years.  But it hasDec 24 19:26
schestowitz__> been quite a long while since I checked it, and it has now gone away.Dec 24 19:26
schestowitz__> It redirects to his blog now.  Too bad.  He could have scraped it withDec 24 19:26
schestowitz__> wget and served static pages.  He gave up on it kind of early when theDec 24 19:26
schestowitz__> libertarians and homosexuals and a few others started trashing theDec 24 19:26
schestowitz__> comments.  I'm not sure what he could have done, since he had only oneDec 24 19:26
schestowitz__> part-time staffer who was not even a moderator.   I guess it is one ofDec 24 19:26
schestowitz__> the sites that will have to rely on the indexing.  ThereDec 24 19:26
schestowitz__> were only a few pages there that I recall going back and citing multipleDec 24 19:26
schestowitz__> times.  Groklaw, on the other hand, is an enormously valuable resource.Dec 24 19:26
schestowitz__>  I guess we'll see how long PJ feels like maintaining the archive.  IDec 24 19:26
schestowitz__> understand now why you cache local copies of documents when you can.Dec 24 19:26
schestowitz__PJ is not young and I think she's alone, so I'm not sure how ibiblio or relatives will treat the site when it no longer attracts hits. Maybe some community members will still fondly recall the site and decide to step in...Dec 24 19:26
schestowitz__>>>> Even sites in benevolent hands,Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__>>>> like, vanish, too.Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__>> Did Bruce not bring it back online at some point? Or migrate it to his?Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__>Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__> Here's his shutdown message:Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__>Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__> 24 19:28
schestowitz__>Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__> and the last scrape of the site:Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__>Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__> 24 19:28
schestowitz__>Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__> fromDec 24 19:28
schestowitz__>Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__>*/http://technocrat.netDec 24 19:28
schestowitz__>Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__> A third option would have been to leave it read-only without comments.Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__In 2006 he set up a popular petition against Novell. Later he criticed it a lot in his site. I don't think I blockquoted him in Techrights, so much of the criticism may be gone now.Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__Remember LinuxWorld (IDG)? I think it's buried now, too (not just lack of activity)...Dec 24 19:28
schestowitz__ 24 19:28
schestowitz__hahaha.... lolDec 24 19:28
schestowitz__kissmyassDec 24 19:28
schestowitz__>>>>>> like, vanish, too.Dec 25 21:18
schestowitz__>>>> Did Bruce not bring it back online at some point? Or migrate it to his?Dec 25 21:18
schestowitz__>>>Dec 25 21:18
schestowitz__>>> Here's his shutdown message:Dec 25 21:18
schestowitz__>>>Dec 25 21:18
schestowitz__>>> 25 21:18
schestowitz__>>>Dec 25 21:18
schestowitz__>>> and the last scrape of the site:Dec 25 21:18
schestowitz__>>>Dec 25 21:18
schestowitz__>>> 25 21:18
schestowitz__>>>Dec 25 21:18
schestowitz__>>> fromDec 25 21:18
schestowitz__>>>Dec 25 21:18
schestowitz__>>>*/http://technocrat.netDec 25 21:18
schestowitz__>>>Dec 25 21:18
schestowitz__>>> A third option would have been to leave it read-only without comments.Dec 25 21:18
schestowitz__>>Dec 25 21:19
schestowitz__>> In 2006 he set up a popular petition against Novell. Later he criticedDec 25 21:19
schestowitz__>> it a lot in his site. I don't think I blockquoted him in Techrights, soDec 25 21:19
schestowitz__>> much of the criticism may be gone now.Dec 25 21:19
schestowitz__>>Dec 25 21:19
schestowitz__>> Remember LinuxWorld (IDG)? I think it's buried now, too (not just lackDec 25 21:19
schestowitz__>> of activity)...Dec 25 21:19
schestowitz__>Dec 25 21:19
schestowitz__> Yeah.  I think the one that hurt the most was CMP taking out BYTE.  TheDec 25 21:19
schestowitz__> staff were starting to get into FOSS and CMP shut it down.  TheyDec 25 21:19
schestowitz__> published an archive CD or DVD but it ran Windows-only retrievalDec 25 21:19
schestowitz__> software.  I wonder which sites should or can be retrieved.  We talkedDec 25 21:19
schestowitz__> lot about this kind of thing in library school back 20 years ago, I'mDec 25 21:19
schestowitz__> kind of forgetting the details.  It may be that is the onlyDec 25 21:19
schestowitz__> way in the long run.Dec 25 21:19 recently suffered a fire and lost a lot of data. The problem is, we don't have a backup of a backup and I'm not even sure about redundancy. In the course of 20 or 200 years storage device degrade many times over and you need to media-shift a lot throughout -- see how Hollywood loses lots of rare material, rendering the past non-existent when old people (eyewitnesses) die.Dec 25 21:19
*schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Dec 25 22:28
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schestowitz 27 20:38
schestowitz"Ken Starks is fantastic. We need more people like him in other cities and he's been good enough to write it all up. He has pages on how to protect yourself from liability and other US legal problems that don't seem to phase big companies."Dec 27 20:38
schestowitz 27 20:39
schestowitz"I tried out Here once or twice. The maps are stale in a way that should embarrass a commercial operator. Oh yeah, Microsoft."Dec 27 20:39
*TechBytesBot (~b0t@ has joined #techbytesDec 27 20:43
TechBytesBotHello World! I'm TechBytesBot running phIRCe v0.71Dec 27 20:43
*vinzv (~quassel@fedora/vinzv) has joined #techbytesDec 28 00:36
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