Join us now at the IRC channel.
schestowitz | | Mar 23 00:43 |
schestowitz | "From the comments: We just moved our servers off of a 9 year old Red Hat 2 install. Our last security update was... never. We bricked one of the boxes patching the Kernel once and honestly we just kind of forgot to update them. One of our boxes even had 2687 days (7.35 years) of uptime! It's amazing we only got hacked once (that we know about)... (Now we are on AWS and love the fact that we can use these newfangled things like sudo and | Mar 23 00:43 |
schestowitz | package managers! And snapshots.)" | Mar 23 00:43 |
*TechBytesBot (~b0t@ has joined #techbytes | Mar 23 01:25 | |
TechBytesBot | Hello World! I'm TechBytesBot running phIRCe v0.75 | Mar 23 01:25 |
schestowitz | | Mar 23 07:29 |
-TechBytesBot/ "wrongfully charged, convicted, and incarcerated him for 30 years" prisons as business.Guess who's paying,profiting. | Mar 23 07:29 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Freedom After 30 Years on Death Row - Andrew Cohen - The Atlantic [ ] | Mar 23 07:29 | |
schestowitz | "Just to put that incontext: He's been in jail my entire life O.O" | Mar 23 07:29 |
schestowitz | "I hope they pay him millions in damages. He deserves to live out his years on an yacht in the caribbean after that." | Mar 23 07:29 |
*XFaCE has quit (*.net *.split) | Mar 23 11:29 | |
*XFaCE (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techbytes | Mar 23 11:45 | |
*XFaCE has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | Mar 23 13:22 | |
*XFaCE (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techbytes | Mar 23 13:24 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Mar 24 07:19 | |
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer). | Mar 24 07:19 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Mar 24 07:19:38 2014 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Mar 24 07:20:03 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #techbytes | Mar 24 07:20 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | Mar 24 07:20 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | Mar 24 07:20 | |
schestowitz | | Mar 24 08:46 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Alexweir1949: @schestowitz put textbooks on DVD in jpg format (75% quality) to be viewed/read on flatscreen TVs or DVD Players - get 75,000 pps/$0.25 disk | Mar 24 08:46 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | Mar 25 16:15 | |
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytes | Mar 25 16:18 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host) | Mar 25 16:18 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Mar 25 16:18 | |
schestowitz | | Mar 25 20:26 |
-TechBytesBot/ Around 10 years ago @scoble & others from #microsoft ridiculed me for suggesting MS gave back doors to authorities. Cognitive dissonance. | Mar 25 20:26 | |
schestowitz | "That doesn't prove they knew it was true though. Maybe they believed your were wrong or that the evidence was flawed." | Mar 25 20:26 |
schestowitz | | Mar 26 02:09 |
-TechBytesBot/ What are Chromebooks? And why you don’t need Windows any more… #chromebook #gnu #linux | Mar 26 02:09 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | What are Chromebooks? And why you don't need Windows any more... | Muktware [ ] | Mar 26 02:09 | |
schestowitz | "I have an ARM chromebook as my only computer. I feel shackled by this device. No proper GPU drivers for alternate distros. No compiler, or anything else in Chrome OS... As a power user I miss my desktop, that I left behind, so much! :'(" | Mar 26 02:10 |
schestowitz | >>> | Mar 26 07:45 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Financial Firms Looking To Linux, Windows 7 As XP Support Dries Up | TechCrunch [ ] | Mar 26 07:45 | |
schestowitz | >>> | Mar 26 07:45 |
schestowitz | >>> Match the title with the opening sentence... | Mar 26 07:45 |
schestowitz | >> | Mar 26 07:45 |
schestowitz | >> Where did the Vista 7 claim come from? I saw it in no other articles. | Mar 26 07:45 |
schestowitz | >> Some wanted XP support extended, but that's it... | Mar 26 07:45 |
schestowitz | >> | Mar 26 07:45 |
schestowitz | > I think they made it up out of thin air. | Mar 26 07:45 |
schestowitz | Equal mention, teach the controversy :-) | Mar 26 07:45 |
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Mar 26 08:26 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Mar 26 08:26 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Mar 26 08:27 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytes | Mar 26 08:27 | |
schestowitz | | Mar 26 17:14 |
-TechBytesBot/ #Wikipedia founder calls alt-medicine practitioners “lunatic charlatans” when "alternative" means bogus | Mar 26 17:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Wikipedia founder calls alt-medicine practitioners “lunatic charlatans” | Ars Technica [ ] | Mar 26 17:14 | |
schestowitz | "Lol I'm not even reading this but thats some funny names in the subject of the sentnces. Sorry would be witty more but the girl providing the vodka says where leaving and every body in this house of 8 strangers knows all sex is easy to talk about and figure out for everybody" | Mar 26 17:14 |
schestowitz | ""If you can get your work published in respectable scientific journals—that is to say, if you can produce evidence through replicable scientific experiments, then Wikipedia will cover it appropriately." If only performing replicable experiments with the scientific method, actually guaranteed publication in journals funded by pharmaceutical advertising money..." | Mar 26 17:15 |
schestowitz | "Is there an alternative wikipedia style wiki alternative medicine practitioners and other such people could use? Perhaps what wikipedia needs is some good old fashioned competition." | Mar 26 17:15 |
schestowitz | "lol^2" | Mar 26 17:16 |
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytes | Mar 26 19:18 | |
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Mar 26 19:21 | |
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceR | Mar 26 19:30 | |
*XFaCE has quit (*.net *.split) | Mar 27 01:12 | |
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Mar 27 01:18 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Mar 27 01:18 | |
*pidgin_log has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Mar 27 01:18 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Mar 27 01:25 | |
*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Mar 27 01:26 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytes | Mar 27 01:49 | |
*XFaCE (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techbytes | Mar 27 01:49 | |
schestowitz | | Mar 27 01:56 |
-TechBytesBot/ "Brazilian Chamber of Deputies Approves #MarcoCivil Bill", by @lfmoncau @p_mizukami | @info_justice Special for @{Michał "rysiek" Woźniak ;} and @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;} | Mar 27 01:56 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Brazilian Chamber of Deputies Approves Marco Civil Bill » infojustice | Mar 27 01:56 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Mar 27 08:15 | |
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Mar 27 08:15 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Mar 27 08:15 | |
*schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Mar 27 08:16 | |
*pidgin_log1 ( has joined #techbytes | Mar 27 08:16 | |
*pidgin_log has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | Mar 27 08:16 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | Mar 28 04:53 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Mar 28 04:54 | |
schestowitz | | Mar 28 04:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ Bruce Byfield compares hostility towards #ubuntu to World War I. No, seriously! Take a look at Brucie's troll | Mar 28 05:00 | |
schestowitz | " | Mar 28 05:00 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu and the Unspoken Rules - Datamation [ ] | Mar 28 05:00 | |
schestowitz | Well, I didn't mean to say biased in a negative way, but more as experience like Will says. | Mar 28 05:00 |
schestowitz | I think that any constructive criticism stops being useful when the other person don't want to think about it; I used to like Ubuntu in the past but I never used it, Debian have been good enough to me. But there have been so many negative changes around Ubuntu that I can hardly would chose it even if I had to stop using Debian, I don't like the direction Ubuntu is taking that isolates itself from the Free Software community, and I like | Mar 28 05:00 |
schestowitz | even less the spyware that they're installing by default, even if it can be uninstalled. | Mar 28 05:00 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 28 05:00 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | These charges have always been leveled at Canonical and they are mostly manufactured controversy of the type Microsoft specializes in. What are they really? How is Canonical not listening to users exactly? Byfield's article is a recycling of old FUD with a good measure of doom and gloom. Shame on him. | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | The FSF had a reasonable concern about privacy and gave good constructive criticism. The concern was that search queries were sent to the web for local searches in a way the user would not expect. The suggested solution was to put in a toggle. I chatted a great deal with Canonical representatives to understand what they were doing and to suggest unobtrusive UI changes to fix things. I don't know if they acted on Stallman's general or | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | anyone's specific advice. | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | I do know that there have not been many other issues specific to Ubuntu that the FSF has had with Canonical. Canonical is not on the list of FSF recommended GNU/Linux because it makes non free software too easy to install. Debian and many other distributions have the same problem though Debian has made good progress and now completely identifies and separates non free software so that users can easily get an all free Debian like I have. | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | ;-} | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | Byfield is making things worse not better. There is nothing wrong, for example, with Shuttleworth trying to give us free hardware. Everyone wants hardware that respects their freedom. It's better to ignore this kind of trash and concentrate on facts. | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | I remember one example about not listening users and is forcing the use of Unity, I have not used it but I have heard lots of complaints, and if Unity is tablet-oriented like Windows 8 then I would understand. | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | Since we have exchanged arguments and even so we don't change our mind, I think we have to agree that we don't agree. :-) | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | "What do you mean forcing Unity? That would be like saying that Debian forces Window Maker, Gnome, or XFCE4 because those have once been default window managers. Ubuntu has alternate window managers as official projects, such as kubuntu, and derivatives use other desktops. Trisquel uses Gnome and others use KDE." | Mar 28 05:02 |
schestowitz | > Now even Bill Gate's Guardian is getting in on trolling Mozilla | Mar 28 21:03 |
schestowitz | > | Mar 28 21:03 |
schestowitz | > x | Mar 28 21:03 |
-TechBytesBot/ | How can Mozilla turn a blind eye to its CEO's support of Prop 8 ? | Technology | [ ] | Mar 28 21:03 | |
schestowitz | > | Mar 28 21:03 |
schestowitz | > Mozilla must be really close to doing something big and important for | Mar 28 21:03 |
schestowitz | > this kind of trolling to happen. Are they doing anything beyond FF, TB | Mar 28 21:03 |
schestowitz | > and SB? Can the FIrefoxOS be the threat? | Mar 28 21:03 |
schestowitz | > | Mar 28 21:03 |
schestowitz | > I see that Sunbird is no longer developed, last updated in | Mar 28 21:03 |
schestowitz | > work is on the Lightning Extension (plug-in) | Mar 28 21:03 |
schestowitz | | Mar 29 20:30 |
-TechBytesBot/ via @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;}  #astrology-is-bunk #newspapers-need-science-columns #Carl-Sagan-knew-the-score | Mar 29 20:30 | |
schestowitz | "via <a data-hovercard='/people/da68a1f811b0f71e' href="/u/schestowitz" class='mention hovercardable' >Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)</a> Boo! What? #astrology-is-bunk #newspapers-need-science-columns #Carl-Sagan-knew-the-score" | Mar 29 20:30 |
schestowitz | | Mar 29 20:32 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 29 20:32 |
-TechBytesBot/ #Canonical Removes #Amazon Search From #Ubuntu (by Default) it took a while, but we did it! | Mar 29 20:32 | |
schestowitz | I couldn't agree less. We did nothing. Ubuntu still is the most used GNU/Linux distribution in the world. Canonical is no longer a trustable company under Free Software point of view. It has proved that whenever they get in a position to chose between protect the user or make more money they will go for the second. | Mar 29 20:32 |
schestowitz | Amazon search is one of this tricky features the community find out, but who is going to "put the hand on fire" to guarantee that there is not a couple of others that no one knows? | Mar 29 20:32 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Canonical Removes Amazon Search From Ubuntu (by Default) | Techrights [ ] | Mar 29 20:32 | |
schestowitz | With a lot of financial and technical resources available and now with no more moral breaks how far is Canonical from any of the traditional proprietary software? How can you ever trust that they are going to respect Free Software philosophy ethics anymore? | Mar 29 20:32 |
schestowitz | That's what I've been advocating to people do not use Ubuntu anymore. | Mar 29 20:32 |
schestowitz | Canonical was once a model of how companies could make money under the Free Software ethical rules, but we was wrong after all. Money fever seems to corrupt any company. | Mar 29 20:32 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 29 20:32 |
schestowitz | In the past Canonical tries upstart, Yahoo (Microsoft) search bar and Mono. All these threats were defeated by community uproars, without admitting it was due to the users. | Mar 29 20:33 |
schestowitz | | Mar 23 00:43 |
schestowitz | "From the comments: We just moved our servers off of a 9 year old Red Hat 2 install. Our last security update was... never. We bricked one of the boxes patching the Kernel once and honestly we just kind of forgot to update them. One of our boxes even had 2687 days (7.35 years) of uptime! It's amazing we only got hacked once (that we know about)... (Now we are on AWS and love the fact that we can use these newfangled things like sudo and | Mar 23 00:43 |
schestowitz | package managers! And snapshots.)" | Mar 23 00:43 |
*TechBytesBot (~b0t@ has joined #techbytes | Mar 23 01:25 | |
TechBytesBot | Hello World! I'm TechBytesBot running phIRCe v0.75 | Mar 23 01:25 |
schestowitz | | Mar 23 07:29 |
-TechBytesBot/ "wrongfully charged, convicted, and incarcerated him for 30 years" prisons as business.Guess who's paying,profiting. | Mar 23 07:29 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Freedom After 30 Years on Death Row - Andrew Cohen - The Atlantic [ ] | Mar 23 07:29 | |
schestowitz | "Just to put that incontext: He's been in jail my entire life O.O" | Mar 23 07:29 |
schestowitz | "I hope they pay him millions in damages. He deserves to live out his years on an yacht in the caribbean after that." | Mar 23 07:29 |
*XFaCE has quit (*.net *.split) | Mar 23 11:30 | |
*XFaCE (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techbytes | Mar 23 11:46 | |
*XFaCE has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | Mar 23 13:22 | |
*XFaCE (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techbytes | Mar 23 13:25 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Mar 24 07:20 | |
*puppywatch has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Mar 24 07:20 | |
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytes | Mar 24 07:20 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host) | Mar 24 07:20 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Mar 24 07:20 | |
*puppywatch ( has joined #techbytes | Mar 24 07:20 | |
schestowitz | | Mar 24 08:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Alexweir1949: @schestowitz put textbooks on DVD in jpg format (75% quality) to be viewed/read on flatscreen TVs or DVD Players - get 75,000 pps/$0.25 disk | Mar 24 08:47 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | Mar 25 16:16 | |
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytes | Mar 25 16:19 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host) | Mar 25 16:19 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Mar 25 16:19 | |
schestowitz | | Mar 25 20:27 |
-TechBytesBot/ Around 10 years ago @scoble & others from #microsoft ridiculed me for suggesting MS gave back doors to authorities. Cognitive dissonance. | Mar 25 20:27 | |
schestowitz | "That doesn't prove they knew it was true though. Maybe they believed your were wrong or that the evidence was flawed." | Mar 25 20:27 |
schestowitz | | Mar 26 02:10 |
-TechBytesBot/ What are Chromebooks? And why you don’t need Windows any more… #chromebook #gnu #linux | Mar 26 02:10 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | What are Chromebooks? And why you don't need Windows any more... | Muktware [ ] | Mar 26 02:10 | |
schestowitz | "I have an ARM chromebook as my only computer. I feel shackled by this device. No proper GPU drivers for alternate distros. No compiler, or anything else in Chrome OS... As a power user I miss my desktop, that I left behind, so much! :'(" | Mar 26 02:10 |
schestowitz | >>> | Mar 26 07:45 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Financial Firms Looking To Linux, Windows 7 As XP Support Dries Up | TechCrunch [ ] | Mar 26 07:45 | |
schestowitz | >>> | Mar 26 07:45 |
schestowitz | >>> Match the title with the opening sentence... | Mar 26 07:45 |
schestowitz | >> | Mar 26 07:45 |
schestowitz | >> Where did the Vista 7 claim come from? I saw it in no other articles. | Mar 26 07:46 |
schestowitz | >> Some wanted XP support extended, but that's it... | Mar 26 07:46 |
schestowitz | >> | Mar 26 07:46 |
schestowitz | > I think they made it up out of thin air. | Mar 26 07:46 |
schestowitz | Equal mention, teach the controversy :-) | Mar 26 07:46 |
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Mar 26 08:27 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Mar 26 08:27 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Mar 26 08:27 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytes | Mar 26 08:27 | |
schestowitz | | Mar 26 17:14 |
-TechBytesBot/ #Wikipedia founder calls alt-medicine practitioners “lunatic charlatans” when "alternative" means bogus | Mar 26 17:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Wikipedia founder calls alt-medicine practitioners “lunatic charlatans” | Ars Technica [ ] | Mar 26 17:14 | |
schestowitz | "Lol I'm not even reading this but thats some funny names in the subject of the sentnces. Sorry would be witty more but the girl providing the vodka says where leaving and every body in this house of 8 strangers knows all sex is easy to talk about and figure out for everybody" | Mar 26 17:14 |
schestowitz | ""If you can get your work published in respectable scientific journals—that is to say, if you can produce evidence through replicable scientific experiments, then Wikipedia will cover it appropriately." If only performing replicable experiments with the scientific method, actually guaranteed publication in journals funded by pharmaceutical advertising money..." | Mar 26 17:15 |
schestowitz | "Is there an alternative wikipedia style wiki alternative medicine practitioners and other such people could use? Perhaps what wikipedia needs is some good old fashioned competition." | Mar 26 17:15 |
schestowitz | "lol^2" | Mar 26 17:16 |
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytes | Mar 26 19:18 | |
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Mar 26 19:21 | |
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceR | Mar 26 19:30 | |
*XFaCE has quit (*.net *.split) | Mar 27 01:12 | |
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer). | Mar 27 01:25 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Mar 27 01:25:48 2014 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Mar 27 01:26:11 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #techbytes | Mar 27 01:26 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | Mar 27 01:26 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | Mar 27 01:26 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytes | Mar 27 01:49 | |
*XFaCE (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techbytes | Mar 27 01:49 | |
schestowitz | | Mar 27 01:56 |
-TechBytesBot/ "Brazilian Chamber of Deputies Approves #MarcoCivil Bill", by @lfmoncau @p_mizukami | @info_justice Special for @{Michał "rysiek" Woźniak ;} and @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;} | Mar 27 01:56 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Brazilian Chamber of Deputies Approves Marco Civil Bill » infojustice | Mar 27 01:56 | |
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Mar 27 08:16:08 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #techbytes | Mar 27 08:16 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | Mar 27 08:16 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | Mar 27 08:16 | |
*pidgin_log1 ( has joined #techbytes | Mar 27 08:16 | |
*pidgin_log has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | Mar 27 08:16 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | Mar 28 04:53 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Mar 28 04:54 | |
schestowitz | | Mar 28 05:00 |
-TechBytesBot/ Bruce Byfield compares hostility towards #ubuntu to World War I. No, seriously! Take a look at Brucie's troll | Mar 28 05:00 | |
schestowitz | " | Mar 28 05:00 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu and the Unspoken Rules - Datamation [ ] | Mar 28 05:00 | |
schestowitz | Well, I didn't mean to say biased in a negative way, but more as experience like Will says. | Mar 28 05:00 |
schestowitz | I think that any constructive criticism stops being useful when the other person don't want to think about it; I used to like Ubuntu in the past but I never used it, Debian have been good enough to me. But there have been so many negative changes around Ubuntu that I can hardly would chose it even if I had to stop using Debian, I don't like the direction Ubuntu is taking that isolates itself from the Free Software community, and I like | Mar 28 05:00 |
schestowitz | even less the spyware that they're installing by default, even if it can be uninstalled. | Mar 28 05:00 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 28 05:00 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | These charges have always been leveled at Canonical and they are mostly manufactured controversy of the type Microsoft specializes in. What are they really? How is Canonical not listening to users exactly? Byfield's article is a recycling of old FUD with a good measure of doom and gloom. Shame on him. | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | The FSF had a reasonable concern about privacy and gave good constructive criticism. The concern was that search queries were sent to the web for local searches in a way the user would not expect. The suggested solution was to put in a toggle. I chatted a great deal with Canonical representatives to understand what they were doing and to suggest unobtrusive UI changes to fix things. I don't know if they acted on Stallman's general or | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | anyone's specific advice. | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | I do know that there have not been many other issues specific to Ubuntu that the FSF has had with Canonical. Canonical is not on the list of FSF recommended GNU/Linux because it makes non free software too easy to install. Debian and many other distributions have the same problem though Debian has made good progress and now completely identifies and separates non free software so that users can easily get an all free Debian like I have. | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | ;-} | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | Byfield is making things worse not better. There is nothing wrong, for example, with Shuttleworth trying to give us free hardware. Everyone wants hardware that respects their freedom. It's better to ignore this kind of trash and concentrate on facts. | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | I remember one example about not listening users and is forcing the use of Unity, I have not used it but I have heard lots of complaints, and if Unity is tablet-oriented like Windows 8 then I would understand. | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | Since we have exchanged arguments and even so we don't change our mind, I think we have to agree that we don't agree. :-) | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 28 05:01 |
schestowitz | "What do you mean forcing Unity? That would be like saying that Debian forces Window Maker, Gnome, or XFCE4 because those have once been default window managers. Ubuntu has alternate window managers as official projects, such as kubuntu, and derivatives use other desktops. Trisquel uses Gnome and others use KDE." | Mar 28 05:02 |
schestowitz | > Now even Bill Gate's Guardian is getting in on trolling Mozilla | Mar 28 21:03 |
schestowitz | > | Mar 28 21:03 |
schestowitz | > x | Mar 28 21:03 |
-TechBytesBot/ | How can Mozilla turn a blind eye to its CEO's support of Prop 8 ? | Technology | [ ] | Mar 28 21:03 | |
schestowitz | > | Mar 28 21:03 |
schestowitz | > Mozilla must be really close to doing something big and important for | Mar 28 21:03 |
schestowitz | > this kind of trolling to happen. Are they doing anything beyond FF, TB | Mar 28 21:04 |
schestowitz | > and SB? Can the FIrefoxOS be the threat? | Mar 28 21:04 |
schestowitz | > | Mar 28 21:04 |
schestowitz | > I see that Sunbird is no longer developed, last updated in | Mar 28 21:04 |
schestowitz | > work is on the Lightning Extension (plug-in) | Mar 28 21:04 |
schestowitz | | Mar 29 20:31 |
-TechBytesBot/ via @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;}  #astrology-is-bunk #newspapers-need-science-columns #Carl-Sagan-knew-the-score | Mar 29 20:31 | |
schestowitz | "via <a data-hovercard='/people/da68a1f811b0f71e' href="/u/schestowitz" class='mention hovercardable' >Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)</a> Boo! What? #astrology-is-bunk #newspapers-need-science-columns #Carl-Sagan-knew-the-score" | Mar 29 20:31 |
schestowitz | | Mar 29 20:32 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 29 20:32 |
-TechBytesBot/ #Canonical Removes #Amazon Search From #Ubuntu (by Default) it took a while, but we did it! | Mar 29 20:32 | |
schestowitz | I couldn't agree less. We did nothing. Ubuntu still is the most used GNU/Linux distribution in the world. Canonical is no longer a trustable company under Free Software point of view. It has proved that whenever they get in a position to chose between protect the user or make more money they will go for the second. | Mar 29 20:32 |
schestowitz | Amazon search is one of this tricky features the community find out, but who is going to "put the hand on fire" to guarantee that there is not a couple of others that no one knows? | Mar 29 20:32 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Canonical Removes Amazon Search From Ubuntu (by Default) | Techrights [ ] | Mar 29 20:32 | |
schestowitz | With a lot of financial and technical resources available and now with no more moral breaks how far is Canonical from any of the traditional proprietary software? How can you ever trust that they are going to respect Free Software philosophy ethics anymore? | Mar 29 20:32 |
schestowitz | That's what I've been advocating to people do not use Ubuntu anymore. | Mar 29 20:32 |
schestowitz | Canonical was once a model of how companies could make money under the Free Software ethical rules, but we was wrong after all. Money fever seems to corrupt any company. | Mar 29 20:32 |
schestowitz | " | Mar 29 20:32 |
schestowitz | In the past Canonical tries upstart, Yahoo (Microsoft) search bar and Mono. All these threats were defeated by community uproars, without admitting it was due to the users. | Mar 29 20:33 |
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