Join us now at the IRC channel.
schestowitz__ | > You wrote: Rianne reads some of it. It's amazing how good a blogger a person at a | Apr 27 01:24 |
schestowitz__ | > senior age can be! | Apr 27 01:24 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 27 01:24 |
schestowitz__ | > I do feel somewhat geeky when I think that I have 2 laptops, a PC, an I-Pad, an i-Pod, an MP3 player, remote wireless speakers, a router, blue tooth that feeds to a necklace and bounces into my hearing aids, Netflix for entertainment. And an old fashioned cellphone which I carry only for emergencies only, as I am not a phone person. Oh! And I am forgetting the weblog. Whew! Wow! How did I do all that?...with help from Scott; he | Apr 27 01:24 |
schestowitz__ | showed me the path into the dark cave of technology. | Apr 27 01:24 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 27 01:24 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 27 01:24 |
schestowitz__ | > Of ℅ | Apr 27 01:24 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 01:25 |
-TechrightsBN/ New course to cater to Linux newbies | Apr 27 01:25 | |
schestowitz__ | '"no pricing information to be found after 10 minutes on their website" | Apr 27 01:25 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | iTWire - New course to cater to Linux newbies [ ] | Apr 27 01:25 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:55 |
-TechrightsBN/ Proper and positive use of the word "hacker" | Apr 27 05:55 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Hackers Who Recovered NASA’s Lost Lunar Photos | Raw File | WIRED [ ] | Apr 27 05:55 | |
schestowitz__ | "Very cool effort but they used Photoshop ... should have used image magick. I wonder if expensive software is required to look at their images, setting up yet another generation of technology problems that don't have to be. So many times I see "open source" from NASA and it turns out to be an advertisement for some non free thing. This is true of other big public organizations as well, especially if Microsoft gets involved." | Apr 27 05:55 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:57 |
-TechrightsBN/ The FCC’s “fast lane” rule is awful for the Internet—just ask the #FCC cites pre-moles/entryism FCC | Apr 27 05:57 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The FCC’s “fast lane” rule is awful for the Internet—just ask the FCC | Ars Technica [ ] | Apr 27 05:57 | |
schestowitz__ | "I wouldn't worry about net neutrality. What really matters is how information is encoded relative to its value. ASCII can spread knowledge faster than video streaming and inform routes around ISP control" | Apr 27 05:57 |
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 27 15:25 | |
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovell | Apr 27 15:25 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host) | Apr 27 15:25 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell | Apr 27 15:25 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz | Apr 27 15:25 | |
schestowitz__ | >>> | Apr 27 19:30 |
-TechrightsBN/ | IT consultant Tim Reed says business, execs need to catch up on Heartbleed bug - New York Business Journal [ ] | Apr 27 19:30 | |
schestowitz__ | >> | Apr 27 19:30 |
schestowitz__ | >> I think I saw this elsewhere; people confusing bugs with "virus" to | Apr 27 19:30 |
schestowitz__ | >> imply malicious intent. | Apr 27 19:30 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 27 19:30 |
schestowitz__ | > It seems to be stemming from or preying on ignorance. Or it could be | Apr 27 19:30 |
schestowitz__ | > both, they're not mutually exclusive. | Apr 27 19:30 |
schestowitz__ | In last night's episode I spoke my mind about this whole nonsense. Excellent PR campaign. | Apr 27 19:31 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 19:53 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ShrillBrigade: @schestowitz if they have a case, why haven't #Snowden's lawyers @JesselynRadack @benwizner filed suit to challenge his passport revocation? | Apr 27 19:53 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:03 |
-TechrightsBN/ Pretty soon, we could all be using the Dark Net #tor | Apr 27 20:03 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Pretty soon, we could all be using the Dark Net – Telegraph Blogs [ ] | Apr 27 20:03 | |
schestowitz__ | "The term "Dark Net" is shorthand to describe the hidden and encrypted part of the internet beyond the reach of normal browsers, accessible only using the anonymous browser Tor. Not necessarily, but whatever. Tor isn't so much the Darknet as the Dimly-lit-net." | Apr 27 20:04 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:04 |
-TechrightsBN/ Hillary #Clinton Mocks Snowden, Displays Her Ignorance When It Comes to #Whistleblowers good with power, not fact | Apr 27 20:04 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Hillary Clinton Mocks Snowden, Displays Her Ignorance When It Comes to Whistleblowers | The Dissenter [ ] | Apr 27 20:04 | |
schestowitz__ | "There is no left-wing party in America. There is only far-right, and centrist-right." | Apr 27 20:04 |
schestowitz__ | Exactly right. BUT... if you consider the repressed party, there is still left in the US (e.g. Greens), even in Israel | Apr 27 20:05 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:06 |
-TechrightsBN/ AOL (America Online) pretending to be UK: "Putin Thinks The CIA Created The Internet To Spy On Russia" - no, that's twisting his words. | Apr 27 20:06 | |
schestowitz__ | "DARPA has done some good stuff. DARPA has also done some bad stuff." | Apr 27 20:06 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:07 |
-TechrightsBN/ US media publishes US opinion that #drone #assassination is a form of state terrorism | Apr 27 20:07 | |
schestowitz__ | "More precisely, this is Vermont news. Vermont is a little different. I've actually thought seriously about moving there." | Apr 27 20:07 |
schestowitz__ | Sanders is fantastic, but he's also watched closely by the war machine | Apr 27 20:07 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:07 |
schestowitz__ | "Ohh that hard helmets strikes hard against south corea, really true!!!!!!!" | Apr 27 20:07 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Failure when receiving data from the peer ( status 0 @ ) | Apr 27 20:11 | |
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: helmet inspection...  #helmet #inspection #dearleader #sunglasses | Apr 27 20:11 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 01:55 |
-TechrightsBN/ #linkedin gets linked in with #microsoft - perhaps the final reason to abolish this #surveillance site | Apr 28 01:55 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | LinkedOut: CRM companies squawk over LinkedIn's API policies | ZDNet [ ] | Apr 28 01:55 | |
schestowitz__ | "@David Benfell... if you're avatar is representative of your age group (50+), then you're in the same boat I'm in, my friend. Regardless of experience and job record, no one wants to hire a 50+ senior citizen when they can have a 22 year old whom they can bully around and pay a much diminished wage. Ain't it grand?" | Apr 28 01:55 |
schestowitz__ | "I'm also worried about age, but I try to counter that with knowledge and skills that a young does not have, and focusing on companies that appreciate experience. It's not easy, and I have been thinking that sooner or later I might stop getting raises or even have to accept a pay cut, but so far my career still looks good and promising." | Apr 28 01:55 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 28 01:56 |
schestowitz__ | @V. T. Eric Layton , you guess correctly. In two days, I will be 55. | Apr 28 01:56 |
schestowitz__ | But it has been since 2001 that I had a real paying job (some low-paid jobs since, but nothing that one can live on). | Apr 28 01:56 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 28 01:56 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 05:54 |
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: Depixelizing pixel art [site]( | [paper]( #research #pixelart #depixelization #science #paper #art | Apr 28 05:54 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- Photo by | Apr 28 05:54 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Depixelizing Pixel Art [ ] | Apr 28 05:54 | |
schestowitz__ | "It looks like someone ran the original through potrace in Inkscape" | Apr 28 05:54 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 05:55 |
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: octowalk...  #octopus #walking #walk #sealife #animatedgif | Apr 28 05:55 | |
schestowitz__ | "Mimic octopus ftw!" | Apr 28 05:55 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 05:55 |
-TechrightsBN/ reshared:  #Image #Picture #Gif #TheMatrix | Apr 28 05:55 | |
schestowitz__ | "Should have tied your shoelaces, dude." | Apr 28 05:55 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 06:25 |
-TechrightsBN/ | TechBytes Episode 88: Hardware, Games, and Emulation | OpenBytes - Goblin's Domain [ ] | Apr 28 06:25 | |
schestowitz__ | "I had the pleasure of co-hosting with Dr Schestowitz for episode 88 of the show. There was much talked about, from gaming to Micronet (Remember that?) and how to make a sound like Pacman in your ear. We also discuss ET being dug up in a desert in New Mexico (just not in the way you think)." | Apr 28 06:25 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 06:48 |
-TechrightsBN/ | Ukip Surges Into Lead In European Election Polls Despite Controversies, Tories Languish In Third Place [ ] | Apr 28 06:48 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 07:10 |
-TechrightsBN/ The satirical video "war is a video game light em up" from #juicemedia has vanished. Was it censored? Can't find it... | Apr 28 07:10 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | thejuicemedia - YouTube [ ] | Apr 28 07:10 | |
schestowitz__ | "I believe the episode you are looking for is Season 1 Ep 4 WWWAR on the Internet, it's a good one" | Apr 28 07:10 |
-TechrightsBN/ | The WWWAR on the Internet - feat. Wikileaks vs The Pentagon [RAP NEWS 4] - YouTube [ ] | Apr 28 07:10 | |
-tomaw-[Global Notice] Hi all. Over the last few days we've noticed an increase in fake donation requests asking for donations in various digital currencies. Please not that freenode does not currently accept cash donations in any currency and anything sent to these scammers will not aide freenode in any way. Also, please see | Apr 28 21:32 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 01:33 |
-TechrightsBN/ HP is making a 14-inch Android laptop #android #linux | Apr 29 01:33 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | HP is making a 14-inch Android laptop | The Verge [ ] | Apr 29 01:33 | |
schestowitz__ | "Maybe, Miku, but Vista, Vista 7 and Vista H8 are all worse and sure losers. I wonder if diversion like this is the only way Microsoft has left to keep people off gnu/linux without completely killing all of their retail -suckers- partners." | Apr 29 01:33 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 03:54 |
-TechrightsBN/ Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic #systemd #ubuntu #gnu #linux #upstart | Apr 29 03:54 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic « Martin Pitt [ ] | Apr 29 03:54 | |
schestowitz__ | "I had problems with in with Arch. Not so much with Sabayon. But from what I can see, both Sabayon and Fedora have taken a much slower approach in adopting systemd. Fedora actually still has the old sysvinit script structure, run by a systemd service. At one point, I think it was @Bob Mottram who posted an article which I found persuasive that argued that systemd was too complicated to be a good init program--and for that matter, | Apr 29 03:54 |
schestowitz__ | so was sysvinit." | Apr 29 03:54 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 03:55 |
-TechrightsBN/ I hereby call the #nsa leaks "over"; the news has dried up and Pierre's empire is sitting on millions of sensitive documents w/o disclosure | Apr 29 03:55 | |
schestowitz__ | "I think Greenwald has a book coming out. I thought I heard it was due next month. Apparently he'll take on revelations that don't fit well in a news article." | Apr 29 03:55 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 12:01 |
*puppywatch has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Apr 29 15:59 | |
*libertyboxes has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | Apr 29 15:59 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 19:01 |
-TechrightsBN/ Ubuntu for Android to Be Retired Soon #android #ubuntu #gnu #linux | Apr 29 19:01 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Ubuntu for Android to Be Retired Soon [ ] | Apr 29 19:01 | |
schestowitz__ | "Someday, Canonical will actually finish one of their new products." | Apr 29 19:01 |
schestowitz__ | "I don't really care what they focus on, just choose one and stop making wares that sit in limbo indefinitely." | Apr 29 19:02 |
schestowitz__ | "They should focus on Ubuntu Touch and Desktop...' | Apr 29 19:02 |
schestowitz__ | https | Apr 29 23:47 |
-TechrightsBN/ **Australians were killed by a US drone strike, and we deserve to know why | Antony Loewenstein | Comment is free |** - -  #dronestrike #drone #dr | Apr 29 23:47 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Australians were killed by a US drone strike, and we deserve to know why | Antony Loewenstein | Comment is free | [ ] | Apr 29 23:47 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 23:48 |
schestowitz__ | "potty training" | Apr 29 23:48 |
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: **Bebedero para perros y gatos con forma de W.C.** • [  ]( #Bebedero #Perros <sub> - [via Diaspora* Publisher]( -</sub> | Apr 29 23:48 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Bebedero para perros y gatos con forma de W.C. | Apr 29 23:48 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Chrome Web Store - Diaspora* Publisher | Apr 29 23:48 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 23:48 |
-TechrightsBN/ Out in the Open: Occupy Wall Street Reincarnated as Open Source Software #ows #freesw #freedom | Apr 29 23:48 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Out in the Open: Occupy Wall Street Reincarnated as Open Source Software | Enterprise | WIRED | Apr 29 23:48 | |
schestowitz__ | "I guess their explanation was sufficient to get them funded, however, which may say something about how such funding decisions are made." | Apr 29 23:48 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 29 23:49 |
schestowitz__ | What, it's not in the general declaration to make startup companies rich with "open source"? Somehow, I don't see a "reincarnation" with this piece of software no matter how involved and how wonderful Ben Knight is. | Apr 29 23:49 |
schestowitz__ | I also don't think of OWS as something that's over, I think of it as a beginning. | Apr 29 23:49 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 29 23:49 |
schestowitz__ | ' | Apr 29 23:50 |
schestowitz__ | OWS has mostly gone quiet. It's true that this in itself does not mean it's dead. One of the phases of social movements in Bill Moyer's Doing Democracy includes just such a quiet period. | Apr 29 23:50 |
schestowitz__ | That said, I'm skeptical it can be revived in nonviolent form. First, it was unsustainable in its original incarnation: winter in New York City was coming. Second, at some level, police clearly see themselves as apart from the people, and the people as an enemy to be violently crushed. Such brutality appears not only at protests, but in everyday encounters between police and civilians. The #MyNYPD fiasco illustrates just how this | Apr 29 23:50 |
schestowitz__ | state of affairs is normative for police; they didn't even imagine that people would think ill of them for doing what they did. | Apr 29 23:50 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 23:50 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 29 23:50 |
-TechrightsBN/ | Listen up, police officers: Real life isn’t like “Breaking Bad” - [ ] | Apr 29 23:50 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 23:51 |
-TechrightsBN/ So, #Obama says that mass executions in #Egypt would be a "dangerous precident". That oughta stop 'em. | Apr 29 23:51 | |
schestowitz__ | "when the us stopped military aid, it made "them" not stopp 2, right?" | Apr 29 23:51 |
schestowitz__ | "I'm not sure when you are referring to. But in the language of diplomatese, "dangerous precedent" is an exceedingly mild censure. | Apr 29 23:51 |
schestowitz__ | "I'm not sure how much capital the administration is interested in spending in attempting to rescue condemned members of a regime that same administration really didn't care for. I'm against the death penalty, but the administration does need to pick its battles. Its political clout isn't exactly high, and they have a lot on their plate already." | Apr 29 23:51 |
schestowitz__ | "not the only one with double standards" | Apr 29 23:51 |
schestowitz__ | "Correct, RED, and two double standards do not a single standard make.' | Apr 29 23:52 |
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 30 03:04 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell | Apr 30 03:04 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz | Apr 30 03:04 | |
schestowitz__ | > This morning, Red Hat announced that it has signed a definitive | Apr 30 13:17 |
schestowitz__ | > agreement to acquire Inktank, a leading provider of scale-out, open | Apr 30 13:17 |
schestowitz__ | > source storage systems. Inktank's flagship technology, Inktank Ceph | Apr 30 13:17 |
schestowitz__ | > Enterprise, delivers world class object and block storage software to | Apr 30 13:17 |
schestowitz__ | > enterprises deploying public or private clouds, including many early | Apr 30 13:17 |
schestowitz__ | > adopters of OpenStack clouds. Combined with Red Hat's existing | Apr 30 13:17 |
schestowitz__ | > GlusterFS-based storage offering, the addition of Inktank positions Red | Apr 30 13:17 |
schestowitz__ | > Hat as the leading provider of open software-defined storage across | Apr 30 13:17 |
schestowitz__ | > object, block and file system storage. Red Hat and Inktank execs will | Apr 30 13:17 |
schestowitz__ | > host a press webcast *today at 12 p.m. ET* to share their thoughts | Apr 30 13:17 |
schestowitz__ | > (details below). The press release is available at | Apr 30 13:17 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 30 13:17 |
-TechrightsBN/ | Red Hat | Red Hat to Acquire Inktank, Provider of Ceph | Apr 30 13:17 | |
schestowitz__ | > Red Hat has agreed to acquire Inktank, a privately-held company, for | Apr 30 13:17 |
schestowitz__ | > approximately $175 million in cash, subject to certain adjustments at | Apr 30 13:17 |
schestowitz__ | > closing. As part of the transaction, Red Hat will assume unvested | Apr 30 13:17 |
schestowitz__ | > Inktank equity outstanding on the closing date and issue certain equity | Apr 30 13:17 |
schestowitz__ | > retention incentives. The transaction is expected to close in May 2014, | Apr 30 13:17 |
schestowitz__ | > subject to customary closing conditions. | Apr 30 13:17 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 30 13:17 |
schestowitz__ | > Brian Stevens, executive vice president and chief technology officer, | Apr 30 13:18 |
schestowitz__ | > Red Hat, and Sage Weil, founder and chief technology officer, Inktank, | Apr 30 13:18 |
schestowitz__ | > will host a webcast to discuss this announcement today, April 30, 2014, | Apr 30 13:18 |
schestowitz__ | > at 12 p.m. EDT. Following remarks, press and analysts are invited to | Apr 30 13:18 |
schestowitz__ | > participate in a live question and answer session. | Apr 30 13:18 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 30 13:18 |
schestowitz__ | > To join the webcast or view the replay after the event, visit | Apr 30 13:18 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 30 13:18 |
schestowitz__ | > <>. | Apr 30 13:18 |
-TechrightsBN/ | Registration Launch [ ] | Apr 30 13:18 | |
schestowitz__ | Hi Stephanie, | Apr 30 13:18 |
schestowitz__ | I am not interested in PR and marketing. If you have personal messages to me, that is fine. I don't need automated E-mails unless they're personal. | Apr 30 13:18 |
schestowitz__ | Thanks in advance, | Apr 30 13:18 |
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovell | Apr 30 20:21 | |
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Apr 30 20:24 | |
schestowitz__ | > Hi Dr. Roy, | Apr 30 23:32 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 30 23:32 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 30 23:32 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 30 23:32 |
schestowitz__ | > I just wanted to quickly follow up here. Would you be interested in | Apr 30 23:32 |
schestowitz__ | > speaking with Dan Taylor, Cisco’s Program Manager, about how the company | Apr 30 23:32 |
schestowitz__ | > is dramatically changing the way it works with new project management | Apr 30 23:32 |
schestowitz__ | > software? Dan can discuss how more and more of the 75,000-person company | Apr 30 23:32 |
schestowitz__ | > are now relying on AtTask <> to increase employee | Apr 30 23:32 |
-TechrightsBN/ | Project Management Software | Portfolio and Task Management Software | AtTask, Inc. | Apr 30 23:32 | |
schestowitz__ | > productivity, visibility and collaboration, and how their on-time | Apr 30 23:32 |
schestowitz__ | > delivery rates are now just below 100 percent as a result. Let me know | Apr 30 23:32 |
schestowitz__ | > if I can connect you with Dan/Cisco. Thanks! | Apr 30 23:32 |
schestowitz__ | I don't deal with PR people. Mr. Taylor can contact me directly. | Apr 30 23:32 |
schestowitz__ | > Understood. Is there a good time for Dan to call you? | May 01 00:50 |
schestowitz__ | E-mail would be best. | May 01 00:50 |
schestowitz__ | PR bypassed | May 01 00:50 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 01:00 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SEEVed: @schestowitz all windows users most linux users found the classic UI before its release. Windows users can't think for them selfs for sm rsn | May 01 01:00 | |
schestowitz__ | "I'm discarding much of this article as the work of hucksters and the author as someone with an agenda. As comments point out, the US Post Office does not have an efficiency problem, they have an unreasonable pension problem that was stuck on them by politicians. Moreover, private OCR of your mail is a bad, bad idea for privacy. Perhaps the Post Office already intercepts your mail. Having a private company scan it would open you | May 01 07:41 |
schestowitz__ | up to all sorts of stuff that used to be against the law for paper mail. What's more, scanned mail would not protect your from advertisers any more than your current email is a spam shield. The hucksters would sell you out that way too." | May 01 07:41 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 07:41 |
-TechrightsBN/ US Post: ""the American citizens aren’t our customers—about 400 junk mailers are our customers" | May 01 07:41 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Outbox vs. USPS: How the Post Office Killed Digital Mail | InsideSources [ ] | May 01 07:41 | |
schestowitz__ | "I've been through total financial collapse a number of times now. I'm in a state of financial collapse even now. I'd really like not to go through that hell ever again and it just doesn't make sense to, in essence, keep begging employers to keep doing it to me." | May 01 07:42 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 07:42 |
-TechrightsBN/ Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic #systemd #ubuntu #gnu #linux #upstart | May 01 07:42 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic « Martin Pitt [ ] | May 01 07:42 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 07:42 |
-TechrightsBN/ Google's Nexus phones will reportedly be replaced by premium Android Silver handsets #android #linux #google | May 01 07:42 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Google's Nexus phones will reportedly be replaced by premium Android Silver handsets | The Verge [ ] | May 01 07:42 | |
schestowitz__ | "I always regret reading The Verge, which is basically a Microsoft rumor and propaganda mill. This one regurgitates the usual Google has tight control over makers Scroogle." | May 01 07:42 |
schestowitz__ | I saw this in other papers where Apple booster promoted this line | May 01 07:43 |
schestowitz__ | boosters | May 01 07:43 |
schestowitz__ | "I also wish for a more universal modem like the N9. International LTE would be even better. If pentaband 3g or better I would import again ." | May 01 07:44 |
schestowitz__ | > There wasn't really any growth of Vista phone to begin with. Ahonen's | May 01 07:49 |
schestowitz__ | > latest addresses some of the propaganda. | May 01 07:49 |
schestowitz__ | > | May 01 07:49 |
schestowitz__ | > " The only thing that 'saved' Windows from | May 01 07:49 |
schestowitz__ | > disappearing was.. Nokia." | May 01 07:49 |
schestowitz__ | > | May 01 07:49 |
schestowitz__ | > | May 01 07:49 |
-TechrightsBN/ | Communities Dominate Brands: The Microsoft Handset Opportunity with Nokia - the Full Analysis of Potential (its not looking good) [ ] | May 01 07:49 | |
schestowitz__ | > | May 01 07:49 |
schestowitz__ | > Happy May 1st. How's that celebrated in the UK? | May 01 07:49 |
schestowitz__ | I don't think it's celebrated in any way. | May 01 07:49 |
schestowitz__ | BTW, we watched Captain America last night. It was a good film and the message was good. Shame all the Bad Guys were European. Hollywood! | May 01 07:49 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 08:02 |
*puppywatch ( has joined #boycottnovell | May 01 15:49 | |
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schestowitz__ | | May 01 20:36 |
schestowitz__ | "Does total financial collapse get easier after the first time? ;)" | May 01 20:36 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 20:36 |
-TechrightsBN/ Not a joke: this is an #nsa logo, chosen by the NSA itself | May 01 20:36 | |
schestowitz__ | "no way, thats fucking ridiculous" | May 01 20:36 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 20:36 |
-TechrightsBN/ Chase Bank Slutshames Their Adult Performer Customers thieves try to tell us what's ethical and what's not | May 01 20:36 | |
schestowitz__ | "Will, is that true? I can't believe it, making payments to buy p*nnis enlargement pills make sense but to support the FSF not? That's very suspicious to me, like what happened to Wikileaks." | May 01 20:36 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Chase Bank Slutshames Their Adult Performer Customers | Techdirt [ ] | May 01 20:36 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 20:36 |
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: #Putin is just as big of a #douche as #Obama. #JustSayin | May 01 20:36 | |
schestowitz__ | "On the other hand, one could argue that it takes two (or more) to play the Grand Game. I am inclined to think that the fewer players there are, the better, with the hope that eventually there will be zero players." | May 01 20:36 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 21:30 |
-TechrightsBN/ The term "conspiracy theist" is grossly overused, but Mikko Hypponen deserves it no, Ed is Alien-Reptilian | May 01 21:30 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Edward Snowden: Is NSA Leaker a Chinese Spy? [ ] | May 01 21:30 | |
schestowitz__ | "So, if there are conspiracy theists, are there also conspiracy atheists?" | May 01 21:30 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 23:19 |
-TechrightsBN/ | Chrome Pulls Further Ahead of Firefox in Market Share Metrics [ ] | May 01 23:19 | |
schestowitz__ | "I don't know how widespread this phenomenon is, but I personally switched from Firefox to Chrome in April because of the absolutely disgraceful way in which they treated Brendan Eich." | May 01 23:19 |
schestowitz__ | MS-funed Net Apps as source | May 01 23:19 |
schestowitz__ | no wonder they claim MS gained | May 01 23:19 |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 08:35 |
schestowitz__ | "Very suspicious, I trust 100% the FSF and don't think someone there would commit card fraud. Hope this does not happen again, I don't think the FSF has enough money to lose donors." | May 02 08:35 |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 08:36 |
-TechrightsBN/ *Master Card called me about my FSF Subscription* That's very strange because I've been making monthly payments for about a decade. Someone is doing something nasty to the FSF. At 8AM, I got a call from the fraud prevention department of my credit card asking me to "verify some recent activity". I saw it in my email when I woke up about an hour after they called. My Mastercard was robbed once before, so I ch | May 02 08:36 | |
-TechrightsBN/ | Will Hill - Google+ - Master Card called me about my FSF Subscription That's… [ ] | May 02 08:36 | |
schestowitz__ | "Yes, it's true. I documented it here, on the Pluss, in an email to the fsf, in a FSF forum, then a a month later on the pluss when the bank did the same thing, and finally as a local file on my own computer. The G+ and FSF forum conversations captured several other claims from around the world.' | May 02 08:36 |
-TechrightsBN/ | Please log in - Free Software Foundation [ ] | May 02 08:36 | |
-TechrightsBN/ | Will Hill - Google+ - Master Card called me about my FSF Subscription That's… [ ] | May 02 08:36 | |
*schestowitz_bed2 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell | May 02 09:25 | |
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*schestowitz_bed2 is now known as schestowitz__ | May 02 16:30 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 17:49 |
-TechrightsBN/ Murder with #linux not a fan, but hey, at least they recognise good software | May 02 17:49 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Navy asks Raytheon to upgrade unmanned helicopter control system with Linux software and more intuitive controls - Avionics Intelligence [ ] | May 02 17:49 | |
schestowitz__ | "Well, you actually can kill with almost everything :)" | May 02 17:49 |
schestowitz__ | "yes but you shouldn't. and if someone don't know it, it should be forbidden!" | May 02 17:50 |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 17:50 |
-TechrightsBN/ Off target: Dvorak forgets the use cases of tablets (where laptops impractical),2817,2457318,00.asp #gnu #linux growing there | May 02 17:50 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Tablet Dead End Is Dead Ahead | John C. Dvorak | [ ] | May 02 17:50 | |
schestowitz__ | "YES!!!! I always said, nobody needs a´s a useless fashion accessory! HA!" | May 02 17:50 |
schestowitz__ | "Oh a tablet is nice. But for real working a notebook/ultrabook/pc are much better :-)" | May 02 17:50 |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 17:51 |
-TechrightsBN/ 5 Best and Top Linux Distros To Replace Windows XP #gnu #linux #winxp | May 02 17:51 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 6 Linux Alternatives to Windows XP - PCQuest [ ] | May 02 17:52 | |
schestowitz__ | "Free of functionality? Have you try the latest one 6.0.1? It's very functional... and as Ubuntu released 14.04 there should be a new version of Trisquel soon that is better yet." | May 02 17:52 |
schestowitz__ | "@Beefki: I'd also recommend #SolydXK since it definitely is solid ... but what SolydXK is for #Debian that's #Manjaro for #ArchLinux" | May 02 17:52 |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 20:15 |
-TechrightsBN/ Yahoo says it knows best as it drops support for Do Not Track #prism #nsa #boycott #yahoo | May 02 20:15 | |
schestowitz__ | "The NSA is tracking me. What harm can Yahoo do? :(" | May 02 20:15 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Yahoo says it knows best as it drops support for Do Not Track- The Inquirer [ ] | May 02 20:15 | |
*Disconnected (Connection timed out). | May 02 23:26 | |
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*Now talking on #boycottnovell | May 02 23:27 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-social | May 02 23:27 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010 | May 02 23:27 | |
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channel | May 02 23:27 | |
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*Now talking on #boycottnovell | May 03 07:15 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-social | May 03 07:15 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010 | May 03 07:15 | |
*23LAAJBO7 ( has joined #boycottnovell | May 03 07:15 | |
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*Now talking on #boycottnovell | May 03 10:17 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-social | May 03 10:17 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010 | May 03 10:17 | |
*[freenode-info] if you're at a conference and other people are having trouble connecting, please mention it to staff: | May 03 10:17 | |
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channel | May 03 10:17 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz_log | May 03 10:17 | |
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*Now talking on #boycottnovell | May 03 11:22 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-social | May 03 11:22 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010 | May 03 11:22 | |
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channel | May 03 11:22 | |
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*Now talking on #boycottnovell | May 03 11:51 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-social | May 03 11:51 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010 | May 03 11:51 | |
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channel | May 03 11:51 | |
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*Now talking on #boycottnovell | May 03 12:50 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-social | May 03 12:50 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010 | May 03 12:50 | |
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channel | May 03 12:50 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz_log | May 03 12:50 | |
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*Now talking on #boycottnovell | May 03 15:18 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-social | May 03 15:18 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010 | May 03 15:18 | |
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channel | May 03 15:18 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz_log | May 03 15:18 | |
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schestowitz__ | | May 03 18:29 |
-TechrightsBN/ Google mimicking #billgates spying on children for profit | May 03 18:29 | |
schestowitz__ | "this info for the #FSFE #Edu #followers ..... #coderdojo sucks!" | May 03 18:29 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Google ends “creepy” practice of scanning Gmail education apps | Ars Technica [ ] | May 03 18:29 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Bill Gates and Rupert Murdoch Liaise to Take Over Minds of Children | Techrights [ ] | May 03 18:29 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | PRISM Lite: Bill Gates and Rupert Murdoch Collecting Information About Everybody’s Children | Techrights [ ] | May 03 18:29 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 19:52 |
-TechrightsBN/ Chromebook Announcement Imminent, ARM Deception #techrights | May 03 19:52 | |
schestowitz__ | "Meh. Google seems to be trying to be the new Apple, put together some nice hardware and jack up the price so you have obscene profit margins. Besides, if you're planning on using ChromeOS itself that's kind of a waste of hardware in my opinion. My cynical prediction is the new Pixel will be announced with an i7 and USB 3.0 then the price will rise another $100-$200." | May 03 19:52 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Links 3/5/2014: Chromebook Announcement Imminent, ARM Deception | Techrights [ ] | May 03 19:52 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 22:31 |
-TechrightsBN/ Kelley from the #snowden -hostile Anderson-owned BI continues campaign of #disinfo | May 03 22:31 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | WikiLeaks Just Blew A Big Hole In The Snowden Narrative | Business Insider India [ ] | May 03 22:31 | |
schestowitz__ | "It's not like any of this is really news lol..." | May 03 22:31 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 23:06 |
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: **#SanFrancisco, CA becomes the 1st major #city to ban #singleuse bottled #water!** -> So, #plastic ain't fantastic, is it? #pollution #environment **[Tumblr](** | May 03 23:06 | |
schestowitz__ | "Feel free. I urinate on all my trash and add the cats' dirty litter to it before rolling it out to the curb on Monday mornings. ;)" | May 03 23:06 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 23:06 |
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: ### [Infographic: Technology Is Making These 10 Jobs Obsolete]( )  __[Source]( )__ #infographic #technology #job #profession #obsolete | May 03 23:06 | |
schestowitz__ | "@Jesse Bufton... +1 :)" | May 03 23:06 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 10 Jobs Technology Is Making Obsolete - TIME [ ] | May 03 23:06 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 23:07 |
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: | May 03 23:07 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- Photo by | May 03 23:07 | |
schestowitz__ | "The day that war is no longer profitable will be the first day of peace on this rock." | May 03 23:07 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 23:07 |
schestowitz__ | "#SeemsLegit" | May 03 23:08 |
schestowitz__ | > You wrote: Rianne reads some of it. It's amazing how good a blogger a person at a | Apr 27 01:24 |
schestowitz__ | > senior age can be! | Apr 27 01:24 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 27 01:24 |
schestowitz__ | > I do feel somewhat geeky when I think that I have 2 laptops, a PC, an I-Pad, an i-Pod, an MP3 player, remote wireless speakers, a router, blue tooth that feeds to a necklace and bounces into my hearing aids, Netflix for entertainment. And an old fashioned cellphone which I carry only for emergencies only, as I am not a phone person. Oh! And I am forgetting the weblog. Whew! Wow! How did I do all that?...with help from Scott; he | Apr 27 01:24 |
schestowitz__ | showed me the path into the dark cave of technology. | Apr 27 01:24 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 27 01:24 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 27 01:24 |
schestowitz__ | > Of ℅ | Apr 27 01:24 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 01:25 |
-TechrightsBN/ New course to cater to Linux newbies | Apr 27 01:25 | |
schestowitz__ | '"no pricing information to be found after 10 minutes on their website" | Apr 27 01:25 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | iTWire - New course to cater to Linux newbies [ ] | Apr 27 01:25 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:55 |
-TechrightsBN/ Proper and positive use of the word "hacker" | Apr 27 05:55 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Hackers Who Recovered NASA’s Lost Lunar Photos | Raw File | WIRED [ ] | Apr 27 05:55 | |
schestowitz__ | "Very cool effort but they used Photoshop ... should have used image magick. I wonder if expensive software is required to look at their images, setting up yet another generation of technology problems that don't have to be. So many times I see "open source" from NASA and it turns out to be an advertisement for some non free thing. This is true of other big public organizations as well, especially if Microsoft gets involved." | Apr 27 05:55 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:57 |
-TechrightsBN/ The FCC’s “fast lane” rule is awful for the Internet—just ask the #FCC cites pre-moles/entryism FCC | Apr 27 05:57 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The FCC’s “fast lane” rule is awful for the Internet—just ask the FCC | Ars Technica [ ] | Apr 27 05:57 | |
schestowitz__ | "I wouldn't worry about net neutrality. What really matters is how information is encoded relative to its value. ASCII can spread knowledge faster than video streaming and inform routes around ISP control" | Apr 27 05:57 |
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 27 15:24 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell | Apr 27 15:25 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz | Apr 27 15:25 | |
schestowitz__ | >>> | Apr 27 19:30 |
-TechrightsBN/ | IT consultant Tim Reed says business, execs need to catch up on Heartbleed bug - New York Business Journal [ ] | Apr 27 19:30 | |
schestowitz__ | >> | Apr 27 19:30 |
schestowitz__ | >> I think I saw this elsewhere; people confusing bugs with "virus" to | Apr 27 19:30 |
schestowitz__ | >> imply malicious intent. | Apr 27 19:30 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 27 19:30 |
schestowitz__ | > It seems to be stemming from or preying on ignorance. Or it could be | Apr 27 19:30 |
schestowitz__ | > both, they're not mutually exclusive. | Apr 27 19:30 |
schestowitz__ | In last night's episode I spoke my mind about this whole nonsense. Excellent PR campaign. | Apr 27 19:30 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 19:53 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ShrillBrigade: @schestowitz if they have a case, why haven't #Snowden's lawyers @JesselynRadack @benwizner filed suit to challenge his passport revocation? | Apr 27 19:53 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:03 |
-TechrightsBN/ Pretty soon, we could all be using the Dark Net #tor | Apr 27 20:03 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Pretty soon, we could all be using the Dark Net – Telegraph Blogs [ ] | Apr 27 20:03 | |
schestowitz__ | "The term "Dark Net" is shorthand to describe the hidden and encrypted part of the internet beyond the reach of normal browsers, accessible only using the anonymous browser Tor. Not necessarily, but whatever. Tor isn't so much the Darknet as the Dimly-lit-net." | Apr 27 20:03 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:04 |
-TechrightsBN/ Hillary #Clinton Mocks Snowden, Displays Her Ignorance When It Comes to #Whistleblowers good with power, not fact | Apr 27 20:04 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Hillary Clinton Mocks Snowden, Displays Her Ignorance When It Comes to Whistleblowers | The Dissenter [ ] | Apr 27 20:04 | |
schestowitz__ | "There is no left-wing party in America. There is only far-right, and centrist-right." | Apr 27 20:04 |
schestowitz__ | Exactly right. BUT... if you consider the repressed party, there is still left in the US (e.g. Greens), even in Israel | Apr 27 20:05 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:06 |
-TechrightsBN/ AOL (America Online) pretending to be UK: "Putin Thinks The CIA Created The Internet To Spy On Russia" - no, that's twisting his words. | Apr 27 20:06 | |
schestowitz__ | "DARPA has done some good stuff. DARPA has also done some bad stuff." | Apr 27 20:06 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:06 |
-TechrightsBN/ US media publishes US opinion that #drone #assassination is a form of state terrorism | Apr 27 20:06 | |
schestowitz__ | "More precisely, this is Vermont news. Vermont is a little different. I've actually thought seriously about moving there." | Apr 27 20:06 |
schestowitz__ | Sanders is fantastic, but he's also watched closely by the war machine | Apr 27 20:07 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:07 |
schestowitz__ | "Ohh that hard helmets strikes hard against south corea, really true!!!!!!!" | Apr 27 20:07 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Failure when receiving data from the peer ( status 0 @ ) | Apr 27 20:11 | |
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: helmet inspection...  #helmet #inspection #dearleader #sunglasses | Apr 27 20:11 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 01:54 |
-TechrightsBN/ #linkedin gets linked in with #microsoft - perhaps the final reason to abolish this #surveillance site | Apr 28 01:54 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | LinkedOut: CRM companies squawk over LinkedIn's API policies | ZDNet [ ] | Apr 28 01:54 | |
schestowitz__ | "@David Benfell... if you're avatar is representative of your age group (50+), then you're in the same boat I'm in, my friend. Regardless of experience and job record, no one wants to hire a 50+ senior citizen when they can have a 22 year old whom they can bully around and pay a much diminished wage. Ain't it grand?" | Apr 28 01:54 |
schestowitz__ | "I'm also worried about age, but I try to counter that with knowledge and skills that a young does not have, and focusing on companies that appreciate experience. It's not easy, and I have been thinking that sooner or later I might stop getting raises or even have to accept a pay cut, but so far my career still looks good and promising." | Apr 28 01:55 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 28 01:56 |
schestowitz__ | @V. T. Eric Layton , you guess correctly. In two days, I will be 55. | Apr 28 01:56 |
schestowitz__ | But it has been since 2001 that I had a real paying job (some low-paid jobs since, but nothing that one can live on). | Apr 28 01:56 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 28 01:56 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 05:54 |
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: Depixelizing pixel art [site]( | [paper]( #research #pixelart #depixelization #science #paper #art | Apr 28 05:54 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- Photo by | Apr 28 05:54 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Depixelizing Pixel Art [ ] | Apr 28 05:54 | |
schestowitz__ | "It looks like someone ran the original through potrace in Inkscape" | Apr 28 05:54 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 05:54 |
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: octowalk...  #octopus #walking #walk #sealife #animatedgif | Apr 28 05:54 | |
schestowitz__ | "Mimic octopus ftw!" | Apr 28 05:54 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 05:55 |
-TechrightsBN/ reshared:  #Image #Picture #Gif #TheMatrix | Apr 28 05:55 | |
schestowitz__ | "Should have tied your shoelaces, dude." | Apr 28 05:55 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 06:25 |
-TechrightsBN/ | TechBytes Episode 88: Hardware, Games, and Emulation | OpenBytes - Goblin's Domain [ ] | Apr 28 06:25 | |
schestowitz__ | "I had the pleasure of co-hosting with Dr Schestowitz for episode 88 of the show. There was much talked about, from gaming to Micronet (Remember that?) and how to make a sound like Pacman in your ear. We also discuss ET being dug up in a desert in New Mexico (just not in the way you think)." | Apr 28 06:25 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 06:48 |
-TechrightsBN/ | Ukip Surges Into Lead In European Election Polls Despite Controversies, Tories Languish In Third Place [ ] | Apr 28 06:48 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 07:10 |
-TechrightsBN/ The satirical video "war is a video game light em up" from #juicemedia has vanished. Was it censored? Can't find it... | Apr 28 07:10 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | thejuicemedia - YouTube [ ] | Apr 28 07:10 | |
schestowitz__ | "I believe the episode you are looking for is Season 1 Ep 4 WWWAR on the Internet, it's a good one" | Apr 28 07:10 |
-TechrightsBN/ | The WWWAR on the Internet - feat. Wikileaks vs The Pentagon [RAP NEWS 4] - YouTube [ ] | Apr 28 07:10 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 01:33 |
-TechrightsBN/ HP is making a 14-inch Android laptop #android #linux | Apr 29 01:33 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | HP is making a 14-inch Android laptop | The Verge [ ] | Apr 29 01:33 | |
schestowitz__ | "Maybe, Miku, but Vista, Vista 7 and Vista H8 are all worse and sure losers. I wonder if diversion like this is the only way Microsoft has left to keep people off gnu/linux without completely killing all of their retail -suckers- partners." | Apr 29 01:33 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 03:54 |
-TechrightsBN/ Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic #systemd #ubuntu #gnu #linux #upstart | Apr 29 03:54 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic « Martin Pitt [ ] | Apr 29 03:54 | |
schestowitz__ | "I had problems with in with Arch. Not so much with Sabayon. But from what I can see, both Sabayon and Fedora have taken a much slower approach in adopting systemd. Fedora actually still has the old sysvinit script structure, run by a systemd service. At one point, I think it was @Bob Mottram who posted an article which I found persuasive that argued that systemd was too complicated to be a good init program--and for that matter, | Apr 29 03:54 |
schestowitz__ | so was sysvinit." | Apr 29 03:54 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 03:54 |
-TechrightsBN/ I hereby call the #nsa leaks "over"; the news has dried up and Pierre's empire is sitting on millions of sensitive documents w/o disclosure | Apr 29 03:54 | |
schestowitz__ | "I think Greenwald has a book coming out. I thought I heard it was due next month. Apparently he'll take on revelations that don't fit well in a news article." | Apr 29 03:54 |
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 1 15:48:32 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell | May 01 15:48 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-social | May 01 15:48 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010 | May 01 15:48 | |
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 1 18:03:12 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell | May 01 18:03 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:03 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010 | May 01 18:03 | |
*[freenode-info] please register your nickname...don't forget to auto-identify! | May 01 18:03 | |
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 1 18:03:40 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell | May 01 18:03 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:03 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010 | May 01 18:03 | |
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 1 18:18:09 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell | May 01 18:18 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:18 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010 | May 01 18:18 | |
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 1 18:22:22 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell | May 01 18:22 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:22 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010 | May 01 18:22 | |
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 1 18:32:29 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell | May 01 18:32 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:32 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010 | May 01 18:32 | |
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 1 18:32:53 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell | May 01 18:32 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:32 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010 | May 01 18:32 |
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