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TweetSchestowitz | @cacoco Me: "Sweet, it's got a sensor!" | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Wife: "I'm not buying a trash can that requires | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | batteries." | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Me on BBC 5 Live Drive yesterday re: | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | [[Hillsborough disaster]] edits. | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | 02:51:00 on. | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Yale Law Journal: Revocation of #Snowden's | Apr 27 00:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC Radio 5 live - 5 live Drive, 25/04/2014 | Apr 27 00:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | passport is actionable | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | More: | Apr 27 00:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Citizenship, Passports, and the Legal Identity of Americans: Edward Snowden and Others Have a Case in the Courts | Apr 27 00:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 00:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Search WikiLeaks | Apr 27 00:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JWhitehurst DreamWorks movies like Shrek and Madagascar | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | were rendered on #redhat technology. | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #opensource is everywhere! | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 00:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How DreamWorks Animation improved its production process using Red Hat | Red Hat | Apr 27 00:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JWhitehurst Did you know that Red Hat Enterprise #Linux | Apr 27 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | powers a #Navy warship? #redhat + open source = | Apr 27 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | secure! | Apr 27 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 00:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Navy’s newest warship is powered by Linux | Ars Technica | Apr 27 00:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks UK spends £6mn on #Assange policing | PressTV | Apr 27 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 00:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PressTV - Assange costs UK £6mn in policing: Figures | Apr 27 00:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard It is @arkadyrose and my 11th anniversary | Apr 27 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | tomorrow, so we're down the Pembury in the | Apr 27 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | afternoon. Not sure when. Freda in tow. | Apr 27 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FeministaJones Gay White supremacists always forget there are | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Black gay people | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack I will no longer engage with Putin Truthers and | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | trolls. | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks This Day in #WikiLeaks: Doc confirms ongoing | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | DoJ investigation into WikiLeaks; Harrison | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | nominated for courage prize | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 01:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Day in WikiLeaks: 26 April 2014 | Apr 27 01:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard I just got Firefox back to usable speed by | Apr 27 01:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | deleting places.sqlite and forgetting all | Apr 27 01:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | visited links. Why doesn't it garbage-collect | Apr 27 01:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | it yet? | Apr 27 01:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 01:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Google May Be $1 Billion Behind In Tax Payments | Apr 27 01:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | To France | Apr 27 01:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 01:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google May Be $1 Billion Behind In Tax Payments To France - Slashdot | Apr 27 01:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @SharkDancing Toronto at it's best #UNSAFE Gutter deathrows | Apr 27 01:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by on a lane to narrow to share. @pedalpapa | Apr 27 01:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 @TO_Cycling #TOpoli | Apr 27 01:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@TO_Cycling: Fresh pavement and new sharrows at bay/davenport #bikeTO | Apr 27 01:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #BikeTO | Apr 27 01:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@TO_Cycling: Fresh pavement and new sharrows at bay/davenport #bikeTO | Apr 27 01:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 01:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mierzwei Stopping the #FossilFuel juggernaut in its | Apr 27 02:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by tracks #bcpoli #OilOFF | Apr 27 02:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 #FrackOff #FrackingCrazy | Apr 27 02:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 27 02:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 02:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mierzwei: Stopping the #FossilFuel juggernaut in its tracks #bcpoli #OilOFF #FrackOff #FrackingCrazy | Apr 27 02:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @UncolonisedMind A white dude asked an Arab guy what terrorist | Apr 27 02:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by country he's from..his reply? | Apr 27 02:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | Apr 27 02:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | "The United States of America" | Apr 27 02:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Apr 27 02:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Slam.Friggin'.Dunk. | Apr 27 02:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 02:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AmberCadabra Since when did wheedling for and/or getting | Apr 27 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by free stuff = getting great customer service? | Apr 27 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 This precedent annoys me. | Apr 27 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @diannaeanderson I want someone to make a comedy film called | Apr 27 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by “White Man Saves the Universe” that’s just | Apr 27 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 every white savior trope in existence. #Taken | Apr 27 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @diannaeanderson I’ve already got a theme. White man! / leaves a | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by trail of destruction / White man! / but the | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 police never question him / White man! | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @diannaeanderson White man! / the brown extras always thank him | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by / White man! / Everyone else is just collateral | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 / White maaaaaaaan! | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @UniteWomenMil #SCOTUS Code of Judicial Conduct | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #GMO | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 @BarackObama | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TheJusticeDept @SenatorReid | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 02:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-name lookup timed out ( status 0 @ ) | Apr 27 02:13 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ohHenry7: Clarence Thomas Refuses to Recuse Himself As Req'd by SCOTUS Code of Judicial Conduct #GMO #p2 | Apr 27 02:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MokuFarms US Agriculture May Eradicate the Monarch | Apr 27 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Butterfly via @mercola | Apr 27 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | Apr 27 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 02:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Agriculture May Eradicate the Monarch Butterfly | Apr 27 02:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JPBarlow @JohnKiriakou And thank *you* for being the | Apr 27 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by kind of American who still makes possible pride | Apr 27 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou in being one. | Apr 27 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Listening to American pundits "debate" Piketty | Apr 27 03:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | is like listening to serial killers with | Apr 27 03:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | blowtorches debate dentistry. | Apr 27 03:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 03:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh LOL seriously? “@tarequelaskar: @umairh and the | Apr 27 03:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | barrage of one star reviews on @amazon , | Apr 27 03:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | written by folks who *did not read* the book.” | Apr 27 03:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 03:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @newsycombinator DigitalOcean Indicator | Apr 27 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 27 03:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DigitalOcean Indicator | Apr 27 03:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | Apr 27 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Recode Now Part of Amazon, Comixology Ends In-App | Apr 27 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Purchases on iPhone, iPad / | Apr 27 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | Apr 27 03:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 03:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Now Part of Amazon, Comixology Ends In-App Purchases on iPhone, iPad | Re/code | Apr 27 03:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Firing this baby up tonight. | Apr 27 03:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 03:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jonobacon: Firing this baby up tonight. | Apr 27 03:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 03:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @tweetsoutloud So excited to play with this @littleBits space | Apr 27 05:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by exploration set!! | Apr 27 05:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist via @bonniegrrl | Apr 27 05:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | LittleBits enters space with NASA-backed kit - CNET | Apr 27 05:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 05:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@CNET: LittleBits lets kids (and adults) blast off with a NASA-backed kit | Apr 27 05:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Amazon Turns Off In-App Purchases In iOS | Apr 27 05:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Comixology | Apr 27 05:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 05:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Amazon Turns Off In-App Purchases In iOS Comixology - Slashdot | Apr 27 05:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @robblackie_oo A lovely speech from @doctorow on Museums and | Apr 27 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the Web | Apr 27 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 27 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 05:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GLAM and the Free World | MWF2014: Museums and the Web Florence 2014 | Apr 27 05:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing RIAA to blame for impoverishment of artists | Apr 27 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by it's using as human shield in anti-streaming | Apr 27 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow lobbying | Apr 27 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 05:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 27 05:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing HOWTO make turtle-shaped Koopa Troopa Mario | Apr 27 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by burgers, which kids and adults alike will | Apr 27 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow devour with glee. | Apr 27 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 05:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HOWTO make turtle-shaped Koopa Troopa Mario burgers - Boing Boing | Apr 27 05:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing 3D printer that lays down conductive traces as | Apr 27 05:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by it goes | Apr 27 05:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 27 05:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 27 05:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 05:17 |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 12 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 72 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 27 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (12) | Apr 27 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | Apr 27 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | Apr 27 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 100 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 401 msgs sent (~ 1% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 27 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (20), @slashdot (9), @wikileaks (5) | Apr 27 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @qu1j0t3 (13), @glynmoody (11), @doctorow (6) | Apr 27 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (6), #gnu (3), #nsa (3) | Apr 27 05:18 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared:  #senior #citizens | Apr 27 05:52 | |
schestowitz__ | ":facepalm" | Apr 27 05:52 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #linkedin gets linked in with #microsoft - perhaps the final reason to abolish this #surveillance site | Apr 27 05:52 | |
schestowitz__ | "Good for you, Cronos! I haven't given up on LinkedIn. It's just that nothing very wonderful has come my way yet. There's always tomorrow. :)" | Apr 27 05:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | LinkedOut: CRM companies squawk over LinkedIn's API policies | ZDNet [ ] | Apr 27 05:52 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;} @{Will Hill ;} any thoughts on the next or future NSA leak having decompileing closed source software for vulnerabilities? | Apr 27 05:52 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | How Does Heartbleed Alter the 'Open Source Is Safer' Discussion? - Slashdot [ ] | Apr 27 05:52 | |
schestowitz__ | "I disagree with that comment because non free software is impossible to predict, but this means that no one can ever trust non free software. No one can really trace non free software. Simple functions which are innocent alone can be called with malicious intent in ways that can not be found by simply reverse engineering binaries. Worse, non free software owners are constantly "patching" their malware. Even if you could | Apr 27 05:54 |
schestowitz__ | exhaustively study all of the binaries on your system and determine all of the ways they can interact, you could never do it in a timely manner. Software owners have already betrayed us, so I don't understand why people are having this conversation." | Apr 27 05:54 |
schestowitz__ | "wow i didn't think of that." | Apr 27 05:54 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #ciapost on #yahoo (which let the #nsa spy on millions of video chats w/ no encryption) | Apr 27 05:54 | |
schestowitz__ | "Microsoft will do the talking for them." | Apr 27 05:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Yahoo left out of major push to support open-source projects in wake of Heartbleed bug [ ] | Apr 27 05:54 | |
schestowitz__ | "Will Hill's experience matches mine. But then, nothing seems to work for me.' | Apr 27 05:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Kickstarting Openworm: a cellular-level-up | Apr 27 06:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by simulated worm. | Apr 27 06:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 27 06:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 27 06:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 06:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow As far as I can tell, there's exactly one | Apr 27 06:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | freely usable image of Lenny Henry on the web! | Apr 27 06:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | And it's not a great one /cc @neilhimself | Apr 27 06:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 06:10 |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 27 06:47 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 08:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ More new signs of #Microsoft collapse people don't buy (rent) spying boxes | Apr 27 08:03 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | HARDOCP - Microsoft May Halt Xbox One Production [ ] | Apr 27 08:03 | |
schestowitz__ | "Really, Morbius? I think they cut to the chase." | Apr 27 08:03 |
*Guest12112 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Apr 27 08:04 | |
*XFaCE has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Apr 27 08:04 | |
*XFaCE (XFaCE@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:bb8a) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 27 08:04 | |
*XFaCE is now known as Guest63533 | Apr 27 08:05 | |
*XFaCE_ (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 27 08:05 | |
schestowitz__ | push for 'corrective' discrimination | Apr 27 08:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Amazon employs 18 women among 120 most senior managers | Technology | The Guardian [ ] | Apr 27 08:11 | |
schestowitz__ | rubbish: | Apr 27 08:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Source Windows XP [ ] | Apr 27 08:14 | |
schestowitz__ | citing MS partner | Apr 27 08:14 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 08:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Look Back In Techdirt History | Techdirt [ ] | Apr 27 08:15 | |
schestowitz__ | " On the copyright front, the FBI was raiding schools for file sharing, the MPAA was writing open source (?!?) software it wanted universities to use to track down file sharing, and the RIAA was admitting that its silly amnesty program for file sharers was a joke. ' | Apr 27 08:15 |
schestowitz__ | > "technology leadership is attempting to explain how | Apr 27 08:31 |
schestowitz__ | > OpenSSL contained a virus for over two years...Expose | Apr 27 08:31 |
schestowitz__ | > the use of open source code." | Apr 27 08:31 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 27 08:31 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 27 08:31 |
schestowitz__ | I think I saw this elsewhere; people confusing bugs with "virus" to imply malicious intent. | Apr 27 08:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | IT consultant Tim Reed says business, execs need to catch up on Heartbleed bug - New York Business Journal [ ] | Apr 27 08:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow To clarify, it's a funny and lively shot, but | Apr 27 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | it's nearly 40 years old! #LennyHenry | Apr 27 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Linux Foundation enlists Microsoft, Google to | Apr 27 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | prevent the next Heartbleed: InfoWorld: When it | Apr 27 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | comes to short-t... | Apr 27 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 08:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Linux Foundation enlists Microsoft, Google to prevent the next Heartbleed | Apr 27 08:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot This Chip Can Tell If You've Been Poisoned | Apr 27 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 08:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Chip Can Tell If You've Been Poisoned - Slashdot | Apr 27 08:41 | |
*XFaCE_ is now known as XFaCE | Apr 27 08:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140426 - | Apr 27 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | Apr 27 09:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140426 | Apr 27 09:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | Apr 27 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoogleChops @doctorow Turkey expands secret service powers | Apr 27 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 27 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 27 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Turkey expands secret service powers | Apr 27 09:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody A letter to Barack Obama – Jeyakumar Devaraj - | Apr 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | "#TPP will increase the | Apr 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | prices of medicines for us" #my | Apr 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A letter to Barack Obama – Jeyakumar Devaraj - The Malaysian Insider | Apr 27 09:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact Auf geht's! RT@kattascha: Stoppt die | Apr 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Vorratsdatenspeicherung! Wer will | Apr 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Unterzeichner Nummer 100.000 werden? | Apr 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | #vds" | Apr 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Teilnehmen - Meine Daten gehören mir - Campact | Apr 27 09:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MatthewKeysLive Flashback: Remember in 2007 when Obama promised | Apr 27 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Net neutrality laws if elected president? - | Apr 27 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 27 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama pledges Net neutrality laws if elected president - CNET | Apr 27 09:13 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MatthewKeysLive: Flashback: Remember in 2007 when Obama promised Net neutrality laws if elected president? - | Apr 27 09:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer Will the Age of Entitlement continue for Big | Apr 27 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Pharma in Australia? | Apr 27 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #drug #patent #TPP #TPPA #health | Apr 27 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The High Price of Drug Patents: Australia, Patent Law, Pharmaceutical Drugs and the Trans-Pacific Partnership | Equilibri | Apr 27 09:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Secretive Lobby Groups are getting Secret | Apr 27 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Access to this Secret Agreement to Secretly | Apr 27 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Criminalize Internet Users - | Apr 27 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The secretive TPP would criminalize Internet users everywhere | Apr 27 09:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Arianti Obama said people oppose #TPP because of "lack | Apr 27 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by of knowledge"? Seriously?? Dude, you make the | Apr 27 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody text P&C! #BantahTPPA | Apr 27 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer Why Corporations Are Freaking Out About Obama's | Apr 27 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Big Trade Deal @zachdcarter | Apr 27 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TPP #TPPA #freakout | Apr 27 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #superfreak | Apr 27 09:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Corporations Are Freaking Out About Obama's Big Trade Deal | Apr 27 09:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody How Marlboro money paid for Commons launch of | Apr 27 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #tobacco study - | Apr 27 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | disgraceful: Vaz should resign | Apr 27 09:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Marlboro money paid for Commons launch of tobacco study | Business | The Observer | Apr 27 09:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Crossrail managers accused of 'culture of | Apr 27 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | spying and fear' - why | Apr 27 09:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Crossrail managers accused of 'culture of spying and fear' | UK news | The Observer | Apr 27 09:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | we need #whistleblower protection laws | Apr 27 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jayjaydenis "There will be winners & losers in #TPP. But we | Apr 27 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by will gain more & have to inform people about | Apr 27 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody this. It will be put to Parliament @NajibRazak | Apr 27 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @citizenstrade As Obama visits Malaysia, USTR targets halal | Apr 27 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by standards & programs for ethnic Malays as | Apr 27 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "trade barriers" #TPP | Apr 27 09:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Eyes on Trade: As Obama Visits TPP Countries, New Obama Administration Report Targets Their Public Interest Policies as “Trade Barriers” to be Eliminated | Apr 27 09:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @IPBio Malaysia Firmly Rejects TPPA Intellectual | Apr 27 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Property Rights Proposal: | Apr 27 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 27 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #UbuntuTweak 0.8.7 Has Been Released! | Apr 27 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ubuntu "Open for | Apr 27 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Business" | Apr 27 09:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BERNAMA - Malaysia Firmly Rejects TPPA Intellectual Property Rights Proposal | Apr 27 09:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu Tweak 0.8.7 Has Been Released! | Unixmen | Apr 27 09:34 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Utopic Unicorn (14.10) is Open for Business | Apr 27 09:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Verizon Knows You're A Sucker: Takes Taxpayer | Apr 27 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Subsidies For Broadband, Doesn't Deliver, | Apr 27 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Lobbies To Drop Requirement | Apr 27 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 09:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Verizon Knows You're A Sucker: Takes Taxpayer Subsidies For Broadband, Doesn't Deliver, Lobbies To Drop Requirements | Techdirt | Apr 27 09:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #copyright #law not working anymore | Apr 27 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 09:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Economist Explains How Copyright Just Isn't Working | Techdirt | Apr 27 09:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 09:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ex-Wife Allegedly Using Copyright To Take Down Husband's Suicide Note | Techdirt | Apr 27 09:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | RIAA Claims That It Is 'Standing Up For' Older Musicians That It Actually Left To Rot | Techdirt | Apr 27 09:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @xor Major scandal at WIPO: legal counsel is | Apr 27 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by censoring blogs republishing high-profile | Apr 27 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody accusations of Director misconduct. | Apr 27 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Intellectual Asset Management (IAM) Magazine - Maximising IP Value for Business | Apr 27 09:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Texas family plagued with ailments gets $3M in | Apr 27 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | 1st-of-its-kind #fracking judgment - | Apr 27 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | who's next? | Apr 27 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Texas family plagued with ailments gets $3M in fracking judgment - | Apr 27 09:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody please sign petition allowing peaceful, | Apr 27 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | democratic #disinvestment campaigns - | Apr 27 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #coal companies want a | Apr 27 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ban on them... | Apr 27 09:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ban Divestment? No way. - 350 | Apr 27 09:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Mining lobby may join industry push to ban | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | environmental #boycotts - | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | staggeringly | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | antidemocratic; smell the fear | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mining lobby may join industry push to ban environmental boycotts | Business | | Apr 27 09:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Hillary Clingon doesn't like #snowden | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | is this why she | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | imprisoned him in Russian airport? | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WATCH: Hillary Clinton Blasts Edward Snowden for Fleeing to Russia and China | Mother Jones | Apr 27 09:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Fyraftensmøde 2. maj: Glyn Moody taler om | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | softwarepatenter og patentdomstolen - | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | should be fun #swpats | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #dk | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fyraftensmøde 2. maj: Glyn Moody taler om softwarepatenter og patentdomstolen | Bitbureauet | Apr 27 09:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody The High Price of Cheap Chicken - | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP could bring this | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | to EU, displacing more humane farming here | Apr 27 09:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The High Price of Cheap Chicken | Common Dreams | Apr 27 09:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Hillary Clingon's disdain for truth is all | Apr 27 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | about self interest | Apr 27 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | turns out she blasts many people | Apr 27 09:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hillary Clinton questions Cristina Kirchner's mental health | World news | The Guardian | Apr 27 09:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Full Show: Disband The NSA | Apr 27 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | it alienated allies, | Apr 27 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | misrepresents US citizens (unlike corporations) | Apr 27 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Full Show: Disband The NSA | PopularResistance.Org | Apr 27 09:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Russia Outlaws Anonymous Blogging, Continues | Apr 27 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Clampdown On Social Media | Apr 27 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #russia #censorship | Apr 27 09:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Russia Orders Bloggers To 'Register'; Outlaws Anonymous Blogging, Continues Clampdown On Social Media | Techdirt | Apr 27 09:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @CasparBowden EU privacy regulators (!) just approved that | Apr 27 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by foreign courts can remotely snoop on Cloud data | Apr 27 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody inside in EU, & secretly | Apr 27 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz NSA internal documents lays down US | Apr 27 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance "clear | Apr 27 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | about data collection or surveillance of U.S. | Apr 27 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | citizens" | Apr 27 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA internal documents lays down US surveillance practices | Asian Tribune | Apr 27 09:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #UKIP candidate tells Lenny Henry to move to a | Apr 27 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | "black country"; party says reporting this is a | Apr 27 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | "smear campaign" - | Apr 27 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UKIP candidate tells Lenny Henry to move to a "black country"; party says reporting this is a "smear campaign" - Boing Boing | Apr 27 09:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Canadian Government’s ‘Secure’ Phones Come | Apr 27 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Straight from the #NSA | Apr 27 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | so Canada is working for the US now | Apr 27 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OODA Loop - The Canadian Government's 'Secure' Phones Come Straight from the NSA | Apr 27 09:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Campus Activism Against NSA Spying is Growing | Apr 27 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Fast | Apr 27 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa #surveillance not | Apr 27 09:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Campus Activism Against NSA Spying is Growing Fast | Electronic Frontier Foundation | Apr 27 09:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | liked by tomorrow's managers | Apr 27 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Primer: Tibetan Kangba Literature in Mandarin - | Apr 27 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | for your Sunday | Apr 27 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | delectation... #tibet | Apr 27 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Primer: Tibetan Kangba Literature in Mandarin | Apr 27 09:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Canadians fund the #nsa which is conducting | Apr 27 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | mass #surveillance against them | Apr 27 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 09:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canada Bought NSA Telecom Equipment To The Tune Of $50 Million-Plus: Report | Apr 27 09:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The NSA Comes Home: Police Departments Conceal | Apr 27 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Phone Tracking Equipment From Courts | Apr 27 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa normalising tyranny | Apr 27 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The NSA Comes Home: Police Departments Conceal Phone Tracking Equipment From Courts | Apr 27 09:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Killed by mistake on how | Apr 27 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa "metadata" leads to #droNSA #assassination | Apr 27 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | attacks | Apr 27 10:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Killed by mistake - Sci-Tech - DAWN.COM | Apr 27 10:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Police shouldn’t be able to search people’s | Apr 27 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | emails without a warrant" | Apr 27 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Read more: not | Apr 27 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | terrorism-related | Apr 27 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Privacy backers looking for email protections | TheHill | Apr 27 10:02 | |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 10:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | More Internet than the Internet [ ] | Apr 27 10:07 | |
schestowitz | "An experimental ‘mesh network' in Tunisia aims to curtail government spying. The project has a surprising backer – the U.S. State Department" | Apr 27 10:07 |
schestowitz | Maybe they just want to destablise this government | Apr 27 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing UKIP candidate tells Lenny Henry to move to a | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "black country"; party says reporting this is a | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow "smear campaign" | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 27 10:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mass #surveillance for corporate purposes | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Giant database to track Hoosier students from school to workplace | Apr 27 10:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In (Soviet) Russia, bloggers register for ID. | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | In Corporate America, bloggers are under mass | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance for ID. | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | It's About to Become Much Harder for Russians to Speak Freely - PolicyMic | Apr 27 10:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz If #usaid uses 'social' network to destablise | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | government, why can't US State Department do | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | the same with anonymity? | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A legal way to kill? law | Apr 27 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | is relative | Apr 27 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NAPOLITANO: A legal way to kill? - Washington Times | Apr 27 10:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "identification of the dead revealed that | Apr 27 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | non-Yemeni Arab fighters were also among those | Apr 27 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | killed" | Apr 27 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | U.S. drones continue to kill civilians instead of al-Qaeda | Apr 27 10:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Michael Hastings of Rolling Stone noted in a | Apr 27 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | 2012 article that there is a much larger | Apr 27 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | concern: transparency." | Apr 27 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Panel on Drone Warfare Opens Discussion | IndyBlog | Colorado Springs Independent | Apr 27 10:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Report claims Eric Holder approved drone strike | Apr 27 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | against Bundy ranch | Apr 27 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | there was such a report about Dorner also | Apr 27 10:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Report claims Eric Holder approved drone strike against Bundy ranch - National Policy & Issues | | Apr 27 10:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Why the Sharing Economy Is About Desperation, | Apr 27 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Not Trust | Apr 27 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why the Sharing Economy Is About Desperation, Not Trust - Slashdot | Apr 27 10:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Congress should outlaw drone strikes | Apr 27 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | unmanned (drones) as | Apr 27 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | proxy for the murderer | Apr 27 10:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Congress should outlaw drone strikes - Times Union | Apr 27 10:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz FOIA win against government on drones | Apr 27 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | wanting to know the | Apr 27 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | facts is not "dissidence" | Apr 27 10:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FOIA win against government on drones : Columbia Journalism Review | Apr 27 10:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz New Hampshire Drone Bill Shot Down in Senate | Apr 27 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | #drone makers get their | Apr 27 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | way (and money) | Apr 27 10:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Hampshire Drone Bill Shot Down in Senate | Apr 27 10:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "As with much of the past three days, it is | Apr 27 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | unclear which U.S. agencies or departments took | Apr 27 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | part in the raids." | Apr 27 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | YemenOnline - Voice of Yemen : What Happened When The U.S. Dropped Drones On Al-Qaeda In Yemen This Weekend | Apr 27 10:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz US media publishes US opinion that #drone | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #assassination is a form of state terrorism | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Hillary #Clinton Mocks Snowden, Displays Her | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ignorance When It Comes to #Whistleblowers | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | good with power, not | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | fact | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Leon Panetta, former director of #cia : | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | America's greatest threat is from within | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | dissent as "terror" | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:27 |
*TechrightsSocial has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | Apr 27 10:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz America’s “exceptional” reality | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | the "We Are The Good | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | Guys" reality | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz MSNBC's Chris Hayes calls Bundy ranch | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | supporters 'insurgents' | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | characterising them like | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | "terrorists" | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The term insurgents is suggestive. It is very | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | nebulous and it is a leaded term. Can say that | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | there are US insurgents in #ukraine right now. | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Do you really want an increased presence of US | Apr 27 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | troops, armaments? #us | Apr 27 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | imperial overreach in #philippines | Apr 27 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:34 |
schestowitz | "insurrectionist" | Apr 27 10:36 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 10:36 |
schestowitz | WTF | Apr 27 10:36 |
schestowitz | US citizens treated like terrorists now | Apr 27 10:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Obama appears to have taken the option of | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | cyber attacks off the table." | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | not entirely true. The | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | US worst offender. | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Womenwashing #assassination | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | meanwhile: | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Womenwashing #torture in a torture advocacy | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | film that was made in collaboration with #cia | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:40 |
schestowitz | blowback: | Apr 27 10:45 |
schestowitz | trial by media | Apr 27 10:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Womenwashing wars of conquest and genocide | Apr 27 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz U.S. can't have it both ways on #drone killings | Apr 27 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | By The Denver Post | Apr 27 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Editorial Board | Apr 27 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Most #drone #assassination decisions are trial | Apr 27 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | by media, where "officials" label all who are | Apr 27 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | dead "militants" & competing reporters killed | Apr 27 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:48 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 10:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Example of trial by media | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | say the person deserved | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | it, unchallenged. No evidence of risk/threat. | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz New York Times and #ciapost (journals of record | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | for those in power) hypocritically divert | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | attention to #china | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Turkish government has blocked access to | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | YouTube." | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror It is nice to be back in Europe. Tomorrow is | Apr 27 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Security in Times of Surveillance event at | Apr 27 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tu Eindhoven: | Apr 27 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Protests Mount Against Mexico's Proposed | Apr 27 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Telecommunications Law, Which Would Bring In | Apr 27 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Censorship | Apr 27 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:00 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 11:01 |
schestowitz | well, that's anothr problem, government astroturfing | Apr 27 11:02 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @koenrh Norwegian Intelligence Service acquires IBM's | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Windsor Blue supercomputer, and partners with | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror NSA's Cryptanalysis #NSA | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks This Day in #WikiLeaks: Doc confirms ongoing | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by DoJ investigation into WikiLeaks; Harrison | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror nominated for courage prize | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz AOL (America Online) pretending to be UK: | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Putin Thinks The CIA Created The Internet To | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Spy On Russia" - no, that's twisting his words. | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Yale Law Journal: Revocation of #Snowden's | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by passport is actionable | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror More: | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @carwinb WikiLeaks Sarah Harrison has been nominated for | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the the Gustav-Heinemann Prize for 'civic and | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror moral courage' VOTE! | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz This is an eye/ear-catching distraction from | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | much more heinous #torture practices | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz CIA Arms and Trains Syria Rebels Through Secret | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Jordan Programme we | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | don't negotiate with terrorists, we train them | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 'Pulling a Libya' in #syria | Apr 27 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Physicians for Human Rights Calls for Public | Apr 27 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Reckoning on U.S. Violations of the Convention | Apr 27 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Against #Torture | Apr 27 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cia moles in #india | Apr 27 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | that's where #wikileaks proves to be useful | Apr 27 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard When people have reason to be pissed off, calls | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | for "civility" miss that making a big fucking | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | fuss is all that works. | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A lot of Western media is grossly distorting | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | what #putin said, which only serves to | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | discredit the media itself. Next: "one | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | testicle" smear? | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cia insurgents in #syria will fracture a | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | nation, cause a genocide (infighting), reduce | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | national security (blowback) | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GEEK TO ME: Switching to #Linux since Microsoft | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | cuts XP support doesn't | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | get all the facts right, but not too bad | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: brucesterling: edbar1952: David | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Alfaro Siqueiros. 1896-1974 Applying the | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | finishing touches to... | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: brucesterling: cazadordementes: Frida | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Kahlo and Diego Rivera at the Casa Azul (x) | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | SuFrida Kahlo y... | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Wikileaks, Subramanian Swamy and the Truth | Apr 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #wikileaks helps show | Apr 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | who really serves who | Apr 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Windows falling | Apr 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz New Windows back door won't be fixed | Apr 27 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #windows #nsa #backdoor | Apr 27 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Pro life" | Apr 27 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The FCC Is About to Axe-Murder Net Neutrality | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | -- What You Should Know | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #alternet perspective | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow It's easy to moan about bonuses, but just how | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | do we fix banks? | Will Hutton | Comment | The | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Guardian | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow The American Middle Class Is Doing Much Worse | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Than the NYT Says | Beat the Press | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:57 |
schestowitz | Good new video | Apr 27 12:09 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 12:12 |
schestowitz | Proprietary software is, by design, impossible to trust | Apr 27 12:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GEEK TO ME: Switching to Linux since Microsoft | Apr 27 12:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | cuts XP support | Apr 27 12:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Global warming | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz If there's something to be learned from the | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | whole Bundy * in a teacup, it's that even among | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | US citizens their govt. ceased having | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | legitimacy | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Agents of Destabilization in #Venezuela : The | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Dirty Hand of the National Endowment for | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Democracy | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:19 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 12:30 |
schestowitz | " represented Wikileaks founder Julian Assange" | Apr 27 12:30 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 12:31 |
schestowitz | "Amal Alamuddin is a barrister at Doughty Street Chambers, London, specialising in international law, human rights, criminal law and extradition. She appears in both English and international courts and provides written advice to individuals and governments. Amal has recently acted as adviser to Kofi Annan, the Joint Special Envoy of the UN and Arab League on Syria; as counsel to the government of Cambodia in a territorial | Apr 27 12:31 |
schestowitz | dispute at the International Court of Justice; and as legal advisor to the Royal Court of the Kingdom of Bahrain in connection with the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI) investigating alleged human rights abuses in Bahrain. Amal also represented the head of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, in extradition proceedings in the UK and former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuila Tymonshenko before the European Court of Human | Apr 27 12:31 |
schestowitz | Rights. Amal previously served as legal adviser to the Prosecutor of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and as legal adviser to the head of UNIIIC in Beirut." | Apr 27 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Political ads in the #uk seem to be getting | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | more radical, which in turn nornalises these | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | forms of radicalism. Right wing extremism. | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #zuckerberg a politician (or political force) | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | because money is power in the US | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #us foreign intervention: "children, held | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | illegally in the jail, informing investigators | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | they were anally raped" | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Not only #cia #torture "black sites" in | Apr 27 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #lithuania but now soldiers too | Apr 27 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #CIA gives #syria terrorists ground-to-air | Apr 27 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | rocket launchers while this is reported further | Apr 27 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | in the east #uk | Apr 27 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Perspective_pic German ad group Scholz & Friends suggested | Apr 27 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by those t-shirts to make plumber's crack a bit | Apr 27 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @stiangrindvoll more attractive | Apr 27 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Ecuador expels US group | Apr 27 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | they must have realised | Apr 27 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | the embassies are used for #surveillance | Apr 27 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #espionage #coup etc. | Apr 27 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Siege on #ecuador embassy in #london has more | Apr 27 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | to do with #suveillance than #security | Apr 27 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #assange #wikileaks #us | Apr 27 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It remains unclear who put the bugging devices | Apr 27 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | in #ecuador embassy in #london - maybe one of | Apr 27 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | the visitors was a mole. #uk | Apr 27 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Historically, embassies used for mutual | Apr 27 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | understanding, peace-keeping, negotiations, | Apr 27 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | etc. Some countries misuse them to destabilise | Apr 27 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | govt. | Apr 27 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Having a day field with leaked information | Apr 27 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | about people's whose loyalty to their people is | Apr 27 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | dubious at best | Apr 27 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz When you (or your allies) get caught planting | Apr 27 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | bugs in embassy, don't be surprised at your | Apr 27 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | embassies being suspect | Apr 27 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @stacyherbert Accused USS Cole bomber at Gitmo was raped, | Apr 27 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by waterboarded & psychologically tortured with | Apr 27 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow drill according to testimony | Apr 27 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mpesce So if the UK votes UKIP in the EU elections, | Apr 27 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by they can no longer make fun of us for Abbott. | Apr 27 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Fair is fair. | Apr 27 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kwerb It reminds me of @lessig's point that our | Apr 27 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by politics is so corrupted that people *assume* | Apr 27 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow those they disagree with are getting paid to do | Apr 27 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | so. | Apr 27 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Defending economic sovereignty | Apr 27 12:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | "US pivot to | Apr 27 12:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Asia...shifting its military weight closer to | Apr 27 12:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | China" | Apr 27 12:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Cryptomeorg Few known breaches in Snowden cache security. | Apr 27 12:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Beats WL, NSA, CIA, WH, Vatican, others | Apr 27 12:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow exploited by insiders, bigger threat than | Apr 27 12:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | outsiders. | Apr 27 12:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BiellaColeman The Media Has a Woman Problem | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #tpp : malicious lobbyists-lawyers working at | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | the behest of corporations, making fertile | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ground for devaluing workers, env, | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | protections... | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack I think gov's unprecedented clamp down on | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | speech is precisely because it has been unable | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | to stop the tide of disclosures abt gov | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | #secrecy. | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:07 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'I think gov's unprecedented clamp down on speech...' | Apr 27 13:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #obama lobbies for corporations in #japan | Apr 27 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #US has #warrantless searches by #police | Apr 27 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | the article speaks about | Apr 27 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | one attempt to stop this | Apr 27 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack I think gov's draconian & desperate clamp down | Apr 27 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | on speech is precisely b/c it has been unable | Apr 27 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | to stem tide of disclosures abt gov #secrecy. | Apr 27 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #manchester city centre (Market Street) has | Apr 27 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | people chanting in megaphones against #fracking | Apr 27 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | & using foul language. #uk | Apr 27 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Glinner If only they'd been in a plane that | Apr 27 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by disappeared. 234 Girls Kidnapped from Physics | Apr 27 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Test, | Apr 27 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | MSM yawns | Apr 27 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot White House Worried About Discrimination | Apr 27 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Through Analytics | Apr 27 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:30 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'I think gov's draconian & desperate clamp down...' | Apr 27 13:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody This Bike Lock Is Unpickable - | Apr 27 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | clever | Apr 27 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jackschofield Optical illusion mural in Sherbrooke, Quebec | Apr 27 13:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Small version | Apr 27 13:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 27 13:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PeteDotAscian @glynmoody I got my SendPluto mail account and | Apr 27 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by it seems to work fine as a POP3 service. I have | Apr 27 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody ten invites if others need them. | Apr 27 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:43 |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody deleted 'RT @Glinner: If only they'd been in a...' | Apr 27 13:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ecuador "canceled a security cooperation | Apr 27 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | program with the Pentagon" | Apr 27 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | these are usually | Apr 27 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | one-sided anyway | Apr 27 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 2006: Ecuador President-elect Correa sets | Apr 27 13:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Sights on Free Software | Apr 27 13:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 13:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #GNU #Linux as a replacement for Windows | Apr 27 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | there's a trend there | Apr 27 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Justice, truth and software freedom not miles | Apr 27 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | apart | Apr 27 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #assange does not have $10 million to fund | Apr 27 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #wikileaks operations, but #uk taxpayers have | Apr 27 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | this money to spy on him | Apr 27 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz TechBytes Episode 88: Hardware, Games, and | Apr 27 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Emulation #techbytes | Apr 27 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard The desperate hustle as a way of life | Apr 27 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Apache Struts Zero Day Not Fixed By Patch | Apr 27 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @raynerlucas @davidgerard | Apr 27 14:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Devs: "But sir, we can't think of any more ways | Apr 27 14:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard to fuck up our site's usability" | Apr 27 14:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Zuckerberg: "Hmm... why stop at *our* site?" | Apr 27 14:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jpjhill Phone-charging stoves? Coke can homes? Tech | Apr 27 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by like @hexayurt can change the way we live, says | Apr 27 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @leashless #makefaireuk | Apr 27 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @smarimc Wow, it manages to say virtually nothing of | Apr 27 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by value. MT @miltonmueller: The final #netmundial | Apr 27 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow outcome document: | Apr 27 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:40 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Microsoft Has Failed in the Area of #Hardware | Apr 27 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #xboxone #xbox #surface | Apr 27 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The power of labels | Apr 27 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Popcorn | Apr 27 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #tsa stats | Apr 27 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Corporations controlling nations | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Democracy a threat to institutions that are | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | built hierarchically, driven by power and | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | profit | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Navy discharges #transgender #cryptoligic | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | tech--it spent $1/2 Million training--for being | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | honest abt it | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #LGBT | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Playing with nuclear-armed bears | Apr 27 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jhammond RT @monkchips: Kittyo | Apr 27 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by kickstarter at the computer/cat interface < Why | Apr 27 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist shouldn't the IoT also be all about catz? | Apr 27 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Bicycle for two | Apr 27 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Amazing_Maps Information destruction through history | Apr 27 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by - | Apr 27 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 27 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:16 |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditMicrosoft favourited 'GEEK TO ME: Switching to Linux since Microsoft...' | Apr 27 15:20 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @Spock444 Baseboard morphs BeagleBone Black into 3.5-inch | Apr 27 15:20 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 15:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | SBC | via @tuxmachines | Apr 27 15:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 27 15:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @hootsuite Email isn’t going anywhere: | Apr 27 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Here are 4 tips to help | Apr 27 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist you reclaim your inbox | Apr 27 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Welcome to Middle Class, Living Paycheck to | Apr 27 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Paycheck on $90,000 | Apr 27 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | cc: @WeMeantWell | Apr 27 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:23 |
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 27 15:25 | |
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 27 15:25 | |
-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | Apr 27 15:25 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host) | Apr 27 15:25 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 27 15:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @manielse To reduce the health risk of barbecuing meat, | Apr 27 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by just add beer | Apr 27 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | Apr 27 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @LAReviewofBooks "Capitalism looks to be a giant inequality | Apr 27 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by machine. " on Thomas Piketty's "Capital in the | Apr 27 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 21st Century" | Apr 27 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @thenation Why is Blackwater Helping to Train Brazil’s | Apr 27 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by World Cup Security? | Apr 27 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | Apr 27 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Broad loyalty | Apr 27 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 'Free' market #deregulation | Apr 27 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #anarchism for | Apr 27 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | corporations, socialism/welfare for ill | Apr 27 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | corporations | Apr 27 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Mozilla Aims to Improve Firefox Browser SSL | Apr 27 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Security | Apr 27 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JPBarlow FBI forces Anonymous convicts to conduct | Apr 27 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by cyberattacks on foreign systems. | Apr 27 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | Apr 27 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Fall and Rise of Larry Page | Apr 27 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Canadian Government’s ‘Secure’ Phones Come | Apr 27 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Straight from the #NSA | Apr 27 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 so Canada is working for the US now | Apr 27 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard On way to Pembury w @arkadyrose and Freda | Apr 27 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 @schestowitz Canada has been a US property at | Apr 27 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | least since 2006, and probably long before. | Apr 27 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TimothyS Obama <3 militarism - his first choice, every | Apr 27 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by time. "U.S., Philippines to sign 10-year | Apr 27 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack defense agreement." | Apr 27 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz @qu1j0t3 Funny that US got Alaska to 'protect' | Apr 27 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Russia from the British. | Apr 27 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @waynejwerner @jesselynradack important to note, not just | Apr 27 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by secrecy, but government wrongdoing or law | Apr 27 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack breaking | Apr 27 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:45 |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @JPBarlow: 'FBI forces Anonymous convicts to conduct cyberattacks on...' | Apr 27 15:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack I think gov's draconian & desperate clamp down | Apr 27 15:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by on speech is precisely b/c it has been unable | Apr 27 15:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz to stem tide of disclosures abt gov #secrecy. | Apr 27 15:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:47 |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @waynejwerner: '@jesselynradack important to note, not just secrecy, but...' | Apr 27 15:47 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @TimothyS: 'Obama <3 militarism - his first choice, every...' | Apr 27 15:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ciapost remarks on the demise of middle class | Apr 27 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | in US corporate | Apr 27 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #collusion a contributor | Apr 27 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:50 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 15:51 |
schestowitz | Growing spread of pollutants can't help (air, water), but diseases are not my field of expertise | Apr 27 15:52 |
schestowitz | My PhD focused on identifying atrophy from MRI imaging; I don't know about causes, might be tied to exposure to chemicals | Apr 27 15:53 |
schestowitz | "Tnx, AD= #alzheimers. I worry everyone >50, incl. myself is in early stages of #Dementia. Lots of it around." | Apr 27 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Apathy | Apr 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack I will no longer engage with Putin Truthers and | Apr 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by trolls. | Apr 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz | Apr 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Power in grouping | Apr 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Shares of #military / #arms companies must be | Apr 27 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | soaring | Apr 27 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz If the US military industrial complex has a | Apr 27 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | hardon for renewed Cold War/conflict with | Apr 27 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Russia, it should do so in Alaska, stop messing | Apr 27 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | EU up | Apr 27 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:02 |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @TimothyS: 'Obama <3 militarism - his first choice, every...' | Apr 27 16:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard At pub. Freda playing Minecraft. Pint in hand. | Apr 27 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Lots of people. Happy anniversary to us! | Apr 27 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Remote storage disservice | Apr 27 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Richard Stallman | Apr 27 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | explains #microsoft 'storage'. #nsa #prism | Apr 27 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Natural Resource Extraction vs. Indigenous | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Rights and the Environment in Latin America | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | rarely debated | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #USAID "targeted at boosting subversion and | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | destabilization in the Caribbean country." | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | "We meant well..." | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz I'm a Whistleblower: Want Fries with That? | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | another whistleblower, | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Drake, works in #apple prison (store) | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:18 |
schestowitz | this one is new, suggests that diet is key | Apr 27 16:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Goal of "colonial empires: the search for cheap | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | resources, labour and ready markets" | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #greed at expense of the | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | weak | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Corporate lobby #alec systematically seeks to | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | destroy the environment | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #billgates funded ALEC | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @carwinb WikiLeaks Sarah Harrison has been nominated for | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the the Gustav-Heinemann Prize for 'civic and | Apr 27 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz moral courage' VOTE! | Apr 27 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Citizenship, Passports, and the Legal Identity | Apr 27 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | of Americans: Edward #Snowden and Others Have a | Apr 27 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Case in the Courts | Apr 27 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Tao23 When you say 'this is a Christian nation' I | Apr 27 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by don't believe you because the things your | Apr 27 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard leaders do would make JC grab a whip & flip | Apr 27 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | tables. | Apr 27 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard "The only thing stopping you from being the | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | next L. Ron Hubbard is you don't want to. You | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | better hope that's enough." - me to @arkadyrose | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot DOJ Complains About Getting a Warrant To Search | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Mobile Phones | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Ah that's better. The alcohol has reached my | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | face. Life is improved. | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US agrees to direct engagement with | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | stakeholders on #TPP, says MTEM - | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | great: now do the same | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | for other countries #my | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: WANKER in surlus MAKER badge letters, | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Maker Faire, Newcastle, UK on Flickr. | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Jam Jar Collective laser-cuts, Maker | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Faire, Newcastle, UK on Flickr. | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Spaceteam instance, Maker Faire, | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Newcastle, UK on Flickr. | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @oliveremberton 200 girls kidnapped from physics test, for | Apr 27 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by being educated. This story deserves more | Apr 27 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard attention | Apr 27 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @knockoutmouse1 @doctorow I just finished Little Brother and I | Apr 27 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by LOVED it. That book will be making the rounds | Apr 27 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow among my friends. | Apr 27 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US commerce chief sees #TPP agreement this year | Apr 27 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | - er, that's what they | Apr 27 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | said last year... | Apr 27 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Back in my day, my folks would drag us down the | Apr 27 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | pub and we'd have some food and some comics or | Apr 27 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | magazines. F gets Minecraft of course. | Apr 27 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nodeswitch @doctorow Have you seen this? | Apr 27 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by More personal, | Apr 27 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow identifiable data being made available by UK | Apr 27 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Gov. Its kids this time. | Apr 27 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Regolamento #Agcom su internet: da | Apr 27 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | al sito delle Marche. Le vere | Apr 27 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | richieste di rimozione. - | Apr 27 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | what a joke | Apr 27 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:55 |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 2 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 16 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 27 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (1), @Spock444 (1) | Apr 27 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | Apr 27 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | Apr 27 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 201 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 783 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 27 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (104), @glynmoody (16), @doctorow (9) | Apr 27 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (13), @doctorow (12), @schestowitz (6) | Apr 27 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #TPP (8), #nsa (6), #cia (5) | Apr 27 17:18 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @oliveremberton: '200 girls kidnapped from physics test, for being...' | Apr 27 17:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Links 27/4/2014: US Troops in Lithuania, | Apr 27 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Clinton Disses Snowden | Apr 27 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #techrights | Apr 27 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody How To Make Pirate Bay Users Pay For Content - | Apr 27 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | interesting experiment | Apr 27 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 17:37 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux as a replacement for Windows | Apr 27 17:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 27 17:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 27 17:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos and apps | Apr 27 17:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 27 17:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Merkel urged to press Obama on #NSA scandal - | Apr 27 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | "net neutrality or open | Apr 27 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | access have gone mainstream" | Apr 27 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mollycrabapple Mmmm... Pinkertons. Looks like Facebook just | Apr 27 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by bought their own police station. via @OLAASM | Apr 27 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 27 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Afghan commission claims to have uncovered | Apr 27 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by secret prisons on two coalition bases | Apr 27 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 27 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Nissan Develops a Self-Cleaning Car | Apr 27 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 17:55 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 27 17:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon It blows my mind how curious kids are with | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | technology. Jack knows the gestures and icons | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | of using a tablet. Stunning. | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AbbyMartin Corporate media blackout on corporate coup. | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ABC, CBS nor NBC have even so much as mentioned | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody the #TPP for 14+ months: | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow It's a great movie, but did no one consider the | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | implicit messaging of a film called "Walt | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Disney's Frozen'? | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow I mean, the Disneyland show will be called | Apr 27 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Walt Disney's Frozen at Disneyland' | Apr 27 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow And the person in charge of that show? 'Walt | Apr 27 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Disney's Frozen Head at Disneyland' | Apr 27 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard "X is one of the smartest people I know. So | Apr 27 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | when X gets a stupid idea, it's a really | Apr 27 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | incredibly hugely stupid idea. " | Apr 27 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I'm highly amused by American journalists who | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | have never quoted, tweeted, or cited a | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | non-white-male in their lives | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | attacking..."racists". | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh And there we go again. Whenever I mention | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | racism, only minorities really care. The truth | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | is you folks love you some racism. Some | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | cruelty. | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh We're all assholes. But at least some of us | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | know it. | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Finding the Next Generation of Teachers With | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Innovative Microsoft Ads" | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JPBarlow FBI forces Anonymous convicts to conduct | Apr 27 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by cyberattacks on foreign systems. | Apr 27 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks | Apr 27 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow ZOMFG. Kings Cross cab rank has actually | Apr 27 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | managed to invent a queueing system that | Apr 27 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | baffles the English | Apr 27 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Public Information Meeting: #Environment & | Apr 27 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP - Monday May 12, | Apr 27 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | 7-9pm #London, | Apr 27 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Public Information Meeting: #Environment & | Apr 27 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP - Monday May 12, | Apr 27 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | 7-9pm #London, | Apr 27 19:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:25 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 19:26 |
schestowitz__ | "When was Linux not ready for the desktop?" | Apr 27 19:26 |
*TechrightsSocial ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 27 19:26 | |
TechrightsSocial | Hello World! I'm TechrightsSocial running phIRCe v0.75 | Apr 27 19:26 |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @umairh: 'I'm highly amused by American journalists who have...' | Apr 27 19:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody World Leaders Pave the Way for a Corporate Coup | Apr 27 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | d’Etat: How to Stop the #TPP - | Apr 27 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v @candtalan) | Apr 27 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | World Leaders Pave the Way for a Corporate Coup d’Etat: How to Stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership | MEDIA ROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines | Apr 27 19:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Geheimverhandlungen in Genf - | Apr 27 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | oh no: *another* secret | Apr 27 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | trade agreement (v @Liese_Mueller) #TISA | Apr 27 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Deregulierung von Dienstleistungen: Geheimverhandlungen in Genf - | Apr 27 19:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A distributed denial of expression | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | gagging and censorship | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | by omission in corporate media | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Month Before Elections, Oldmedia Stonewalling Of Pirates Ridiculous - Falkvinge on Infopolicy | Apr 27 19:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody urgent: another secret treaty - The Trade In | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Services Agreement (#TISA) - | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | pl. spread the word | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | widely | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) | Apr 27 19:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz As a gateway to widespread awareness, media | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | plays a role in Power. It is no wonder that | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | corporations are scooping up (bribing/buying) | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | media. | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 20-year-old (but still applicable) analysis of | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | how corporate (often referred to as | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | "mainstream") media works | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Parenti - Inventing Reality (recorded 10/17/93) - YouTube | Apr 27 19:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Militarism corporate | Apr 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | media almost always fails to question military | Apr 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | budget; same in presidential debates. | Apr 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattmdiaz Clinton: "we have all these protections for | Apr 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #whistleblowers." | Apr 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Just ask @Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hillary Clinton: Edward Snowden's Leaks Helped Terrorists - | Apr 27 19:40 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Ridenhour Prizes - Fostering the spirit of courage and truth | Apr 27 19:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "force people (under threat of absolute | Apr 27 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | destitution) to give away their labour for | Apr 27 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | free" #uk | Apr 27 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why do right-wing people support workfare? | Apr 27 19:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody more background on a new threat: The Trade in | Apr 27 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Services Agreement ( '#TiSA' ) - | Apr 27 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v @Liese_Mueller) | Apr 27 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #secrecy | Apr 27 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz FSF #drm campaign looming | Apr 27 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh “@wildebees: A bill passed by Russian | Apr 27 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | parliament: any blogger read by at least 3,000 | Apr 27 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | people a day has to register | Apr 27 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz |” | Apr 27 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Russia's Soft Internet Censorship Will Fail - Bloomberg View | Apr 27 19:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Everything. “@GuardianUS: Canadians claim title | Apr 27 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | of richest middle class on the planet. What is | Apr 27 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | the US doing wrong?” | Apr 27 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How America's middle class fell behind its Canadian neighbours | Money | | Apr 27 19:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 1. The US is doing everything wrong when it | Apr 27 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | comes to building a society for for prosperity. | Apr 27 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | It's an example of what not to do. | Apr 27 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 2. The US is investing in drones, apps, | Apr 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | lobbying, finance, and the rich, instead of | Apr 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | healthcare, education, transport, and the poor. | Apr 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 3. Democracy in the US is visibly | Apr 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | self-destructing, as basic rights are | Apr 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | "disappeared"; instead of being reinvented. | Apr 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 4. The US does not have true public media, a la | Apr 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | a BBC, so there are no journalistic checks on | Apr 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | power left; the public is clueless. | Apr 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:51 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @mattmdiaz: 'Clinton: "we have all these protections for #whistleblowers."...' | Apr 27 19:51 | |
qu1j0t3 | hm, not sure the bbc is "public media" any longer... | Apr 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Bill Gates & Twitter Founders Put | Apr 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Meatless" Meat To the Test | Apr 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bill Gates & Twitter Founders Put "Meatless" Meat To the Test - Slashdot | Apr 27 19:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @free_snowden Washington thinks it can silence the next | Apr 27 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Snowden, but the anti-leak hypocrisy is | Apr 27 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack backfiring | Apr 27 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DC thinks it can silence a new Snowden, but the anti-leak hypocrisy is backfiring | Trevor Timm | Comment is free | | Apr 27 19:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 6. The US economy is into it's FIFTH DECADE of | Apr 27 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | stagnation. And inequality is increasing; not | Apr 27 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | decreasing. | Apr 27 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @free_snowden Citizenship, Passports, and the Legal Identity | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by of Americans: Edward #Snowden and Others Have a | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Case in the Courts | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Citizenship, Passports, and the Legal Identity of Americans: Edward Snowden and Others Have a Case in the Courts | Apr 27 19:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 7. The rule of law is visibly broken in the US. | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Not a single person responsible for the | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | greatest crisis since the depression was | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | jailed. | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pretty soon, we could all be using the Dark Net | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | #tor | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pretty soon, we could all be using the Dark Net – Telegraph Blogs | Apr 27 19:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 8. The US is, as I said many years ago, | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | something like the world's first rich failed | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | state. One where human progress is reversing. | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 9. The kicker, though, is that Americans want | Apr 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | exactly more of what broke the US. Less law, | Apr 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | democracy, equality. It's pretty funny. | Apr 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "No soup for you!" | Apr 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #AstroTurfing by #pentagon exposed by | Apr 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | #wikileaks half a decade ago, confirmed last | Apr 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | year by #snowden - I see AstroTurfing #twitter | Apr 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | accounts | Apr 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Games | Apr 27 20:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Games | Tux Machines | Apr 27 20:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New Screenshots | Apr 27 20:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Screenshots | Tux Machines | Apr 27 20:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | Apr 27 20:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz One good thing about Diaspora is that there are | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | no trolls & shills in it. The few that existed | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | are no longer active. Community shunned them. | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Trade in Services Agreement (#TiSA) | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | "opportunity to develop new disciplines (or | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | trade rules)" - (v | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller) | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh .@gameism When we look at society, we look at | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | aggregates. The majority of Americans don't | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | want more redistribution, government, public | Apr 27 20:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) - Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Apr 27 20:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | goods | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TISA public meeting 30 April, Geneva - | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | anyone going to this? | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:07 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @free_snowden: 'Washington thinks it can silence the next #Snowden,...' | Apr 27 20:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh .@Tolling_Bell What the most prosperous | Apr 27 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | societies in the world do: spend much more of | Apr 27 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | GDP on public goods that have higher real | Apr 27 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | returns. | Apr 27 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @avilarenata My best #netmundial2014 moment was the | Apr 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by discussion between @timberners_lee and @ioerror | Apr 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror about the future of the Web. | Apr 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh In plain English, prosperous societies invest | Apr 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | in education, people, healthcare, not waste | Apr 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | their potential on finance, lobbying, drones. | Apr 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | At Techdirt | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirt | Techdirt | Apr 27 20:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Lets say you had a million bucks for a house. | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Instead of a library, gym, garden, you built a | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | stripper pole + casino. That's what the US did. | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 .@umairh Not forgetting billions spent on | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | "entertainment" which normalises violence, | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | materialism, racism, revisionism, political | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | propaganda. | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh All this is obvious, tedious, and stupid of me | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | even to attempt to discuss. So I'm going for a | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | walk and then to a bookshop. You should too :) | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #obama gave hope, delivered #drones and tiered | Apr 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | web #change #hope | Apr 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nonsense #liar | Apr 27 20:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama pledges Net neutrality laws if elected president - CNET | Apr 27 20:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 4 no-bull facts you need to know about the | Apr 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | FCC's Net neutrality proposal | Apr 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | #fcc #lobbying #monopoly | Apr 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 4 no-bull facts you need to know about the FCC's Net neutrality proposal | Net neutrality - InfoWorld | Apr 27 20:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @eileen_gunn .@doctorow Disney thawed/ Mickey gnawed/ | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Omigawd! | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing This Day in Blogging History: Ikea countertops | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by make cheap oak spiral staircase; Junk-food | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow neuroscience; Sitcom... | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 27 20:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Corporate media CBS (masquerading as CNET) | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | double talk #cbs #cable | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #media #oligopoly | Apr 27 20:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Calm down: FCC's position on Net neutrality hasn't changed - CNET | Apr 27 20:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #NHS could be 'carved open' by US healthcare | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | profiteers, warns Shadow Health Secretary | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Burnham - waking up to | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NHS could be 'carved open' by US healthcare profiteers, warns Shadow Health Secretary Andy Burnham - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent | Apr 27 20:18 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @umairh: '1. The US is doing everything wrong when...' | Apr 27 20:18 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @umairh: '2. The US is investing in drones, apps,...' | Apr 27 20:19 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @umairh: '7. The rule of law is visibly broken...' | Apr 27 20:19 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @umairh: '9. The kicker, though, is that Americans want...' | Apr 27 20:19 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @umairh: 'In plain English, prosperous societies invest in education,...' | Apr 27 20:19 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @umairh: 'Lets say you had a million bucks for...' | Apr 27 20:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz New Corp. (Murdoch) has been by far the worst | Apr 27 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | media oligarch(y) to have spread #netneutrality | Apr 27 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #disinformation for months. | Apr 27 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:20 |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @glynmoody: '#NHS could be 'carved open' by US healthcare...' | Apr 27 20:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "(FCC) has proposed new rules on Internet | Apr 27 20:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | charging which will effectively mean the end of | Apr 27 20:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | net neutrality." | Apr 27 20:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | iTWire - FCC buckles on net neutrality | Apr 27 20:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #BillGates #lobbying leads to gov. subsidies | Apr 27 20:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | for MSFT now: | Apr 27 20:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 20:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 20:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft wins TEACH campaign from Education Dept - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post | Apr 27 20:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Teachers for Tomorrow: Recruiting Generation Next | Apr 27 20:25 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ad Council and TEACH use Innovative Microsoft Advertising to Recruit the next... -- NEW YORK, April 23, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- | Apr 27 20:25 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @avilarenata: 'My best #netmundial2014 moment was the discussion between...' | Apr 27 20:25 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Having a day field with leaked information about people's whose loyalty to their people is dubious at best | Apr 27 20:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Subramanian Swamy revealed `Election info` of 1977: WikiLeaks [ ] | Apr 27 20:26 | |
schestowitz__ | "Whats the big deal about it. My politicians are all slaves of USA" | Apr 27 20:26 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Not only #cia #torture "black sites" in #lithuania but now soldiers too | Apr 27 20:27 | |
schestowitz__ | "That reminds me of mafia offering protection." | Apr 27 20:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | US Troops Arrive In Lithuania Amid Ukraine Tensions [ ] | Apr 27 20:27 | |
schestowitz__ | They have just pained the country a target for nuclear strikes. | Apr 27 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @SQreamTech Why #Haskell is our number one coding language | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for creating a #BigData DB: | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Letting the US spread its bases to your country | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | renders those spots in the country a target for | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | nuclear strikes. #philippines #imperialism | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Using Haskell at SQream Technologies | SQream Technologies Blog | Apr 27 20:29 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #linkedin gets linked in with #microsoft - perhaps the final reason to abolish this #surveillance site | Apr 27 20:29 | |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 27 20:29 |
schestowitz__ | About careers and employment there is no simple solution, but what has worked for me can be resumed as: the sooner you accept that the job market is a market, the better. | Apr 27 20:29 |
schestowitz__ | You are the product in the job market, and I don't enjoy so much being called a resource, but you can be gold instead of copper. Think what kind of skills, experience and certifications are most valued for your trade and go for them, that will not happen overnight and efortlessly but the rewards are good enough to me. | Apr 27 20:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | LinkedOut: CRM companies squawk over LinkedIn's API policies | ZDNet [ ] | Apr 27 20:29 | |
schestowitz__ | You might be the product in the job market but you're the seller as well, and I'm selling eight hours of my life on weekdays, not my soul. | Apr 27 20:29 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nozomimagine Sarah Harrison of #WikiLeaks nominated for | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by courage prize; Harrison showed us how courage | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks is truly contagious. Vote! | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @sw4rn4v4 Mozilla shrinks SSL certificate check code from | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 81000 to 4000 lines; offers $10k bounty for | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian critical bugs - | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jetzt abstimmen! | Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) | Apr 27 20:29 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | $10,000 Security Bug Bounty for Certificate Verification | Mozilla Security Blog | Apr 27 20:29 | |
schestowitz__ | My experience is, linkedin got some people in touch with me, but nothing major. To me, getting a job was almost always about who I knew (professionally), not what I knew. | Apr 27 20:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @olewin Sarah Palin: „Waterboarding is how we baptize | Apr 27 20:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by terrorists“. #USformerlyknownasthelandofthefree | Apr 27 20:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Politics1_0 | Apr 27 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sarah Palin tells NRA attendees: ‘Waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists’ | Apr 27 20:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #NHS understaffing may have effect on baby | Apr 27 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | mortality rate, says top doctor - | Apr 27 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | you think? | Apr 27 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NHS understaffing may have effect on baby mortality rate, says top doctor | Society | The Guardian | Apr 27 20:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Income (and wealth) inequality becoming a | Apr 27 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | political issue - not | Apr 27 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | before time... #Piketty | Apr 27 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Income (and wealth) inequality becoming a political issue | Beyond Money | Apr 27 20:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Privatisation is killing babies | Apr 27 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Piketty Panic - " | Apr 27 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | demolishes most cherished of conservative | Apr 27 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | myths, insistence that we’re living in a | Apr 27 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | meritocracy" | Apr 27 20:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | Apr 27 20:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:43 |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @olewin: 'Sarah Palin: „Waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists“....' | Apr 27 20:45 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @ioerror retweeted @sw4rn4v4: 'Mozilla shrinks SSL certificate check code from 81000...' | Apr 27 21:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Mathematicians Push Back Against the NSA | Apr 27 21:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 21:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 21:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mathematicians Push Back Against the NSA - Slashdot | Apr 27 21:06 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 21:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ One good thing about Diaspora is that there are no trolls & shills in it. The few that existed are no longer active. Community shunned them. | Apr 27 21:29 | |
schestowitz__ | "Thats true ... you do not have to ban so much people as in e.g. G+ :)" | Apr 27 21:29 |
schestowitz__ | I heard the same thing about G+ | Apr 27 21:29 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 21:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #linkedin gets linked in with #microsoft - perhaps the final reason to abolish this #surveillance site | Apr 27 21:31 | |
schestowitz__ | "The value I offer is soiled by quantification. Cronos, you're right about a neoliberal world. But that is one I cannot adapt to," | Apr 27 21:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | LinkedOut: CRM companies squawk over LinkedIn's API policies | ZDNet [ ] | Apr 27 21:31 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 21:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ US media publishes US opinion that #drone #assassination is a form of state terrorism | Apr 27 21:31 | |
schestowitz__ | "Without even mentioning the possibility that Sanders might come to an evil end, you raise the possibility. JFK conspiracy theories come to mind. And I'm not satisfied we'll ever know the truth on that or 9/11." | Apr 27 21:32 |
schestowitz__ | Look what happened more recently to Hastings just before he was able to publish an explosive expose about Brennan, the CIA's Don. | Apr 27 21:32 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 21:35 |
schestowitz__ | "That's why I'm here :)" | Apr 27 21:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Failure when receiving data from the peer ( status 0 @ ) | Apr 27 21:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @nozomimagine Sarah Harrison of #WikiLeaks nominated for | Apr 27 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by courage prize; Harrison showed us how courage | Apr 27 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack is truly contagious. Vote! | Apr 27 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 21:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jetzt abstimmen! | Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) | Apr 27 21:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PixieBlossom Toy Vlog for the month is up! Im SO in love | Apr 27 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by with this doll Check out my unboxing of a | Apr 27 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow #Makie from @OfficialMakies | Apr 27 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | :D | Apr 27 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 21:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MAKIE UNBOXING/FACEUP! (Pixie Talks: Toy Vlog!) - YouTube | Apr 27 21:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Six year old's video for EVERYTHING IS AWESOME | Apr 27 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | - Everything Is AWESOME!!! — The LEGO® Movie — | Apr 27 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Te…: | Apr 27 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 21:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Six year old's video for EVERYTHING IS AWESOME | Apr 27 21:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @crooksiephil @doctorow "Only an act of true love can thaw a | Apr 27 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by frozen head!" | Apr 27 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 27 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Unboxing a Makie doll | Apr 27 21:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 27 21:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 27 21:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 21:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MediaRootsNews After @Nestle & the @WorldBank finish taking | Apr 27 21:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by over the world's #water supply will they push | Apr 27 21:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 27 21:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody to #privatize air next? | Apr 27 21:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 21:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | World Bank's Takeover of Water | Brainwash Update - YouTube | Apr 27 21:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 "secret services could in certain circumstances | Apr 27 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | become as much of a peril to our democracy as | Apr 27 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | their supposed enemies" | Apr 27 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 22:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | John le Carré warns of threat posed by secret services to democracy | Books | | Apr 27 22:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald [In English]: Our new @dagbladet article on | Apr 27 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by NSA/Norway cooperation & new supercomputer to | Apr 27 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 decrypt & process data | Apr 27 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 22:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NIS aquires supercomputer - nyheter - | Apr 27 22:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Microsoft Issues Advisory For Internet Explorer | Apr 27 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Vulnerability | Apr 27 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 22:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Issues Advisory For Internet Explorer Vulnerability - Slashdot | Apr 27 22:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Say What? Top Five IT Quotes of the Week - | Apr 27 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | April 25 2014: InternetNews: "You can't predict | Apr 27 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | outcomes" | Apr 27 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 22:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Say What? Top Five IT Quotes of the Week - April 25 2014 | Apr 27 22:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AbbyMartin Cities across America are criminalizing | Apr 27 22:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #homelessness by banning begging, donating food | Apr 27 22:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody & sleeping in cars | Apr 27 22:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Eugene4DC | Apr 27 22:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 22:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 3 Sickening Ways America is Criminalizing Being Poor | Think Tank - YouTube | Apr 27 22:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @harkank @glynmoody #aereo military antenna attack | Apr 27 22:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by arrays vs tv giants and cable ops by OE1DO | Apr 27 22:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody OE1JHB + yours truly OE3EMB | Apr 27 22:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 22:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 22:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | "Cloud-Videorekorder" vor US-Höchstgericht - | Apr 27 22:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TPP Unraveling? - good | Apr 27 22:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | rebuttals of USTR #FUD | Apr 27 22:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 22:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TPP Unraveling? | Apr 27 22:29 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @AbbyMartin: 'Cities across America are criminalizing #homelessness by banning...' | Apr 27 22:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @saschaleib Now I know what I'm gonna do when I'm retired: | Apr 27 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 27 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 27 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 23:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@spektrallinie: @tante Es braucht einfach mehr Patrick Stewarts der Netzpolitik: | Apr 27 23:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Six clicks: Great tips and tricks for Android | Apr 27 23:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 27 23:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 27 23:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Wine 1.7.17 released | Apr 27 23:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 27 23:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Six clicks: Great tips and tricks for Android | Tux Machines | Apr 27 23:19 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wine 1.7.17 released | Tux Machines | Apr 27 23:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bendrath Das geplante #WTO-Abkommen #TISA könnte als | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #GATS-Nachfolger noch heftiger werden als | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP. | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot China Censors "The Big Bang Theory" and Other | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Streaming Shows | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 23:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Deregulierung von Dienstleistungen: Geheimverhandlungen in Genf - | Apr 27 23:46 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China Censors "The Big Bang Theory" and Other Streaming Shows - Slashdot | Apr 27 23:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140426 - | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | Apr 27 23:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140426 | Apr 27 23:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 sometimes a picture tells a hundred thousand | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | corpses | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 23:46 |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 deleted 'sometimes a picture tells a hundred thousand corpses...' | Apr 27 23:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 sometimes a picture tells five hundred thousand | Apr 28 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | corpses | Apr 28 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 00:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@qu1j0t3: sometimes a picture tells five hundred thousand corpses | Apr 28 00:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Garossino Here's John Baird gratefully accepting $60M | Apr 28 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by from Tides Canada and US enviro foundations | Apr 28 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 later vilified: #cdnpoli | Apr 28 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 00:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Part 1: How the Conservatives' brief love affair with environmentalism came to an ugly end | Apr 28 00:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Re-sort KDE control modules | Apr 28 00:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 28 00:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 00:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Re-sort KDE control modules | Tux Machines | Apr 28 00:44 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Red Hat: Certain To Grow With Rising Linux | Apr 28 00:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | Acceptance | Apr 28 00:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 00:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat: Certain To Grow With Rising Linux Acceptance | Tux Machines | Apr 28 00:44 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Microsoft will continue to sell Nokia Android | Apr 28 00:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | phones | Apr 28 00:45 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 00:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft will continue to sell Nokia Android phones | Tux Machines | Apr 28 00:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Waste Management: The Critical Element For | Apr 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nuclear Energy Expansion | Apr 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 01:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Waste Management: The Critical Element For Nuclear Energy Expansion - Slashdot | Apr 28 01:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @janehamsher On way to deliver check to torture | Apr 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by whistleblower @JohnKiriakou'a wife Heather so | Apr 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack kids can go to camp. Thanks to all who donated | Apr 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks #Clooney story: Can only confirm Amal Alamuddin | Apr 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | is one of our lawyers | Apr 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 01:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Press Association Images | Apr 28 01:42 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Court defers Assange extradition decision | Video | | Apr 28 01:42 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Julian Assange's extradition appeal starts at supreme court – video | Media | | Apr 28 01:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Erik Meijer: The Curse of the Excluded Middle | Apr 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 01:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Erik Meijer: The Curse of the Excluded Middle - Slashdot | Apr 28 01:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @deCespedes Watching scenes from @SilencedFilm The footage | Apr 28 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by w/ @JohnKiriakou is devastating & | Apr 28 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack @JesselynRadack @Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 28 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | … | Apr 28 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 01:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | "Silenced" Film Explores the Human Toll of Obama’s Crackdown on National Security Whistleblowers | Democracy Now! | Apr 28 01:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JuliaDavisNews "Men become civilized, not in proportion to | Apr 28 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by their willingness to believe, but in their | Apr 28 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou readiness to doubt." | Apr 28 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ~ H. L. Mencken | Apr 28 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MintPressNews Legal loopholes mean #whistleblowers aren’t | Apr 28 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by covered by laws created to protect those who | Apr 28 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou call out gov. injustice | Apr 28 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 01:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | “Enhanced Interrogation” Architect Muzzled By Nondisclosure Agreement | Apr 28 01:51 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou retweeted @deCespedes: 'Watching scenes from @SilencedFilm The footage w/ @JohnKiriakou...' | Apr 28 01:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @thejustcampaign "You are completely destroyed": Testimony on | Apr 28 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Torture from Shaker Aamer's Medical Report at | Apr 28 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou #Guantanamo by | Apr 28 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Jeff_Kaye | Apr 28 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 01:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 28 01:55 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 01:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared:  #Image #Picture #Gif #TheMatrix | Apr 28 01:57 | |
schestowitz__ | "oops!" | Apr 28 01:57 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 01:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ US media publishes US opinion that #drone #assassination is a form of state terrorism | Apr 28 01:58 | |
schestowitz__ | "Whoops. You're right. And ain't it just lovely that we'll only have suspicions to go on with that case, too?" | Apr 28 01:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Failure when receiving data from the peer ( status 0 @ ) | Apr 28 02:02 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 02:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple, Microsoft join hands to stop software patent reform [ ] | Apr 28 02:05 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 02:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple, Microsoft, IBM, & others team up to defend U.S. patent system | VentureBeat | Business | by Eric Blattberg [ ] | Apr 28 02:05 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft, Apple, and others form a pact to make patents cool again | The Verge [ ] | Apr 28 02:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Join our May 9th Day of Action for John | Apr 28 02:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Kiriakou in Washington, DC & nationwide: | Apr 28 02:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 02:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 02:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 9th: Day of Action for CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou | Apr 28 02:15 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @thejustcampaign: '"You are completely destroyed": Testimony on Torture from...' | Apr 28 02:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @elizabeth_joh New commentary on police GPS cannons. What | Apr 28 02:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by about GPS darts aimed at suspects? via | Apr 28 02:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian @JPW_CybCrimeRev @WFULawReview | Apr 28 02:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 02:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 02:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GPS “Bullets” and the Fourth Amendment – Wake Forest Law Review | Apr 28 02:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 If you love the #CBC, please sign this petition | Apr 28 02:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | via@friendscb | Apr 28 02:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | #StopHarper #cdnpoli | Apr 28 02:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | If you love the CBC, it's time to stand and be counted. Please sign the petition #ILoveCBC | Apr 28 02:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 02:22 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @janehamsher: 'On way to deliver check to torture whistleblower...' | Apr 28 02:22 | |
qu1j0t3 | XFaCE: | Apr 28 02:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | If you love the CBC, it's time to stand and be counted. Please sign the petition #ILoveCBC [ ] | Apr 28 02:22 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @deCespedes: 'Watching scenes from @SilencedFilm The footage w/ @JohnKiriakou...' | Apr 28 02:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh The Esquire Channel's "Lucky Bastards" is the | Apr 28 02:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | saddest thing I've seen. It's like a | Apr 28 02:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | masterclass in how to live a pointless life. | Apr 28 02:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 02:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @stacyherbert Accused USS Cole bomber at Gitmo was raped, | Apr 28 02:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by waterboarded & psychologically tortured with | Apr 28 02:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 drill according to testimony | Apr 28 02:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 02:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 02:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GUANTANAMO BAY NAVY BASE, Cuba: Expert testifies accused USS Cole bomber was tortured - Guantánamo - | Apr 28 02:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @patricklee6669 Earth. | Apr 28 02:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 28 02:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@patricklee6669: Earth. | Apr 28 02:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | Apr 28 02:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 02:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Xubuntu 14.04 LTS | Apr 28 04:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 04:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Xubuntu 14.04 LTS | Tux Machines | Apr 28 04:22 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Intel's P-State Driver Is Getting Better Tuned | Apr 28 04:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | For Performance | Apr 28 04:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 04:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Intel's P-State Driver Is Getting Better Tuned For Performance | Tux Machines | Apr 28 04:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh -> “@invest_canada: Canada ranks first in the | Apr 28 04:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | G7 for overall living conditions and quality of | Apr 28 04:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | life” | Apr 28 04:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 04:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 400 @ ) | Apr 28 04:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 The id of the ruling class in full living | Apr 28 04:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | glory: Donald Sterling | Apr 28 04:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nowords | Apr 28 04:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 04:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exclusive: The Extended Donald Sterling Tape | Apr 28 04:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Scientists Give Praying Mantises Tiny 3D | Apr 28 04:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Glasses | Apr 28 04:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 04:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Scientists Give Praying Mantises Tiny 3D Glasses - Slashdot | Apr 28 04:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Cybpoulet I found and reported an XSS vulnerability on | Apr 28 04:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @sears : they replied that they use SSL and are | Apr 28 04:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist safe... #fail @troyhunt | Apr 28 04:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 04:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Cybpoulet: I found and reported an XSS vulnerability on @sears : they replied that they use SSL and are safe... #fail @troyhunt | Apr 28 04:40 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 28 04:44 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 12 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 60 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 28 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (12) | Apr 28 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | Apr 28 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | Apr 28 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 134 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 487 msgs sent (~ 1% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 28 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @umairh (20), @schestowitz (19), @glynmoody (16) | Apr 28 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @qu1j0t3 (15), @glynmoody (9), @JesselynRadack (7) | Apr 28 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #TTIP (5), #TISA (4), #NHS (3) | Apr 28 05:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @janehamsher On way to deliver check to torture | Apr 28 05:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by whistleblower @JohnKiriakou'a wife Heather so | Apr 28 05:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou kids can go to camp. Thanks to all who donated | Apr 28 05:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattsstern For the Win by @doctorow is an amazing and | Apr 28 05:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by important book that you should read right now. | Apr 28 05:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 28 05:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DarrenMcNaney 'Worst internet policy news imaginable' > | Apr 28 05:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @doctorow MT @guardiantech Internet Service | Apr 28 05:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Providers hold us all to ransom | Apr 28 05:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 05:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Internet service providers charging for premium access hold us all to ransom | Technology | | Apr 28 05:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: rstevens: I was certain this one would | Apr 28 05:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | break Tumblr, but I guess not. Apologies for... | Apr 28 05:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 05:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: rstevens: I was certain this one would break... | Apr 28 05:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Disney characters interpreted | Apr 28 05:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 05:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Disney characters interpreted | Apr 28 05:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: wtbw: (via Star Wars Creature Pancakes - | Apr 28 05:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Neatorama) | Apr 28 05:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: wtbw: (via Star Wars Creature Pancakes -... | Apr 28 05:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Eyeball eyeball eyeball | Apr 28 05:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 05:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Eyeball eyeball eyeball | Apr 28 05:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: darksilenceinsuburbia: Indian Houses | Apr 28 05:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | inspired by Ettore Sottsass. Tirunamavalai, | Apr 28 05:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tamil Nadu... | Apr 28 05:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: darksilenceinsuburbia: Indian Houses inspired by... | Apr 28 05:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Hacking the hospital: medical devices have | Apr 28 05:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by terrible default security | Apr 28 05:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 28 05:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 28 05:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Mathematicians: refuse to work for the NSA! | Apr 28 05:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 28 05:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 28 05:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 28 05:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JeanYoon Chinese spies read Australian MPs' emails for a | Apr 28 05:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by year: report | Apr 28 05:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | Apr 28 05:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chinese spies read Australian MPs' emails for a year: report | Reuters | Apr 28 05:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AnonyOps New Scientist editorial calls for | Apr 28 05:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by mathematicians to stop working for the NSA | Apr 28 05:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | Apr 28 05:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mathematicians: refuse to work for the NSA! - Boing Boing | Apr 28 05:45 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 05:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: #saying #quote #love #life #wisdom #flower #blossom | Apr 28 05:49 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- Photo by | Apr 28 05:49 | |
schestowitz__ | "Actually, each flower is an attempt to compete for a finite number of pollinators. Just sayin'" | Apr 28 05:49 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 05:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: what happens when you let right wingers take over canada...  #canada #attack #usa #justinbieber #nickelback #conservatives #rightwingers #conservatism | Apr 28 05:49 | |
schestowitz__ | "Good job, Canada." | Apr 28 05:49 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 05:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ New Windows back door won't be fixed #windows #nsa #backdoor | Apr 28 05:50 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | New Internet Explorer 0-day | The Laws of Vulnerabilities | Qualys Community [ ] | Apr 28 05:50 | |
schestowitz__ | "Windows is the backdoor" | Apr 28 05:50 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 28 05:52 |
schestowitz__ | @ Cronos... I wish you luck with that game plan. It hasn't worked for me. I had 20+ years experience in a career field that just disappeared from the U.S. shores (component level electronics repair - RF and hi-end Audio). Little girls in China now do my job for 2 cups of rice a day. | Apr 28 05:52 |
schestowitz__ | Recently, I tried to corral my computer and Linux experience into a new field (IP networking, routing/switching, and security). I even attained a Cisco certification, not the easiest thing in the world to do. It did me no good at all. The companies that were nice enough to even talk with me, usually hired the ZERO experience 20-somethings part time rather than pay what a Cisco certified tech would cost them. | Apr 28 05:52 |
schestowitz__ | @ David Benfell... Yeah, know what you mean... I've been on the "long term unemployed" roster since 2008. I can't even get callbacks from convenient stores. It's sad. I've survived on savings (gone now), credit cards (soon to be defaulting), and charity from friends and family. | Apr 28 05:52 |
schestowitz__ | I'm not complaining, though. There are many worse off than I am. At least my house and my '82 pickup truck are paid for. I don't have much of anything else these days. Fire sold a lot of my possessions this past few years. | Apr 28 05:52 |
schestowitz__ | Shit happens.... | Apr 28 05:52 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 28 05:52 |
schestowitz__ | ' | Apr 28 05:52 |
schestowitz__ | @ David Benfell... by the way, I'll be 53 later this year. | Apr 28 05:52 |
schestowitz__ | Happy Birthday to you a couple days early. Let's hope 55 is the charm for you! :) | Apr 28 05:52 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 28 05:52 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 05:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: ### TechCrunch Goes Paper <img src=""> Someone over at the pluss wrote <a href="">some slapdown about a recent Scroogle campaign</a>. I wonder how Techcrunch got that article together so soon after Vic's sudden announcement... | Apr 28 05:55 | |
schestowitz__ | "I'll take a million shares in BatBoyBook, thanks..." | Apr 28 05:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Google+ [ ] | Apr 28 05:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald First Washington, DC event for "No Place to | Apr 28 06:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Hide" will be May 14 at Sixth & I bookstore, 7 | Apr 28 06:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror pm- tickets available now | Apr 28 06:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 06:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 06:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Glenn Greenwald - Sixth & I | Apr 28 06:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Maths spying: the quandary of working for the | Apr 28 06:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | spooks: #NSA #GCHQ | Apr 28 06:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 06:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Maths spying: the quandary of working for the spooks - opinion - 23 April 2014 - New Scientist | Apr 28 06:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @apblake Journalists can be sentenced for up to 10 years | Apr 28 06:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by in prison for publishing leaked information | Apr 28 06:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror under a new law in Turkey | Apr 28 06:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 06:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 06:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Turkey expands secret service powers | Apr 28 06:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Science fiction's topic du jour, in verse | Apr 28 06:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 06:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 06:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Science fiction's topic du jour, in verse | Apr 28 06:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @superjaberwocky Read @doctorow story “The Brave Little Toaster” | Apr 28 06:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by aloud to the wife tonight. Love the fairy tale | Apr 28 06:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow vibe to it. Check it out in TRSF. | Apr 28 06:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 06:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot What Happens To All the Universe's Hydrogen? | Apr 28 06:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 06:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 06:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What Happens To All the Universe's Hydrogen? - Slashdot | Apr 28 06:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks #Ecuador expells 20 military from US embassy | Apr 28 06:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by following revelations in #Snowden docs it was | Apr 28 06:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror used for NSA intercepts | Apr 28 06:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 06:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | Apr 28 06:12 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 06:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Farage Boost to Yes [ ] | Apr 28 06:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @nozomimagine Sarah Harrison of #WikiLeaks nominated for | Apr 28 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by courage prize; Harrison showed us how courage | Apr 28 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror is truly contagious. Vote! | Apr 28 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Gutting Net Neutrality also guts innovation, | Apr 28 07:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jetzt abstimmen! | Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) | Apr 28 07:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | fairness and democracy | Apr 28 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 07:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Gutting Net Neutrality also guts innovation, fairness and democracy | Apr 28 07:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Brazilians Welcome Genetically-Modified | Apr 28 07:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Mosquito To Help Fight Dengue Fever | Apr 28 07:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 07:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 07:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Brazilians Welcome Genetically-Modified Mosquito To Help Fight Dengue Fever - Slashdot | Apr 28 07:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: liartownusa: Blackmailing | Apr 28 07:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Wildlife (1958) | Apr 28 07:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 07:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: liartownusa: Blackmailing Wildlife (1958) | Apr 28 07:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @KenKlippenstein US govt launches "Free the Press" campaign | Apr 28 07:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by while trying to imprison NYT journo James | Apr 28 07:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Risen. RT plz @doctorow | Apr 28 07:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 07:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US insists going after reporters who publish leaked info 'not violation of press freedom' — RT USA | Apr 28 07:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu 14.04 On Amazon EC2: Xen PV vs. HVM | Apr 28 07:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 28 07:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 07:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu 14.04 On Amazon EC2: Xen PV vs. HVM | Tux Machines | Apr 28 08:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Driving sustainable innovation in Governments | Apr 28 08:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | with Open Source | Apr 28 08:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Driving sustainable innovation in Governments with Open Source | Tux Machines | Apr 28 08:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks VOTE: UK exile Sarah Harrison who "rescued" | Apr 28 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Edward #Snowden up for major courage award | Apr 28 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | More: | Apr 28 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 08:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Translate | Apr 28 08:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sarah Harrison joins other Edward Snowden files 'exiles' in Berlin | World news | The Guardian | Apr 28 08:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140427 - | Apr 28 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | Apr 28 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | Apr 28 08:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140427 | Apr 28 08:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Calls for #TPP transparency are code for | Apr 28 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | destroying it, says Groser - | Apr 28 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | absurd: hardly robust if | Apr 28 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | it can't take scrutiny | Apr 28 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Calls for TPP transparency are code for destroying it, says Groser | The National Business Review | Apr 28 08:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Najib cites ‘sensitivities’ as Obama struggles | Apr 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | to push #TPP - | Apr 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | neo-colonialism, more like... | Apr 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Why US Corporations Are Freaking Out About | Apr 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Obama's Big Trade Deal - | Apr 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | not happy about #TPP | Apr 28 08:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Najib cites ‘sensitivities’ as Obama struggles to push trade pact - The Malaysian Insider | Apr 28 08:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Corporations Are Freaking Out About Obama's Big Trade Deal | Apr 28 08:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TPP Unraveling? - good | Apr 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | rebuttals of USTR #FUD | Apr 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TPP Unraveling? | Apr 28 08:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Piketty Panic - " | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | demolishes most cherished of conservative | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | myths, insistence that we’re living in a | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | meritocracy" | Apr 28 08:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | Apr 28 08:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US commerce chief sees #TPP agreement this year | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | - er, that's what they | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | said last year... | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | US commerce chief sees TPP agreement this year | Apr 28 08:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Secretive Lobby Groups are getting Secret | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Access to this Secret Agreement to Secretly | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Criminalize Internet Users - | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The secretive TPP would criminalize Internet users everywhere | Apr 28 08:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Rushdie joins writers' protest at China's | Apr 28 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | jailing of Ilham Tohti - | Apr 28 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | good to see some light being shone on #uyghurs | Apr 28 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Salman Rushdie joins writers' protest at China's jailing of Ilham Tohti | Books | | Apr 28 08:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Geheimverhandlungen in Genf - | Apr 28 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | oh no: another secret | Apr 28 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | trade agreement (v @Liese_Mueller)#TISA | Apr 28 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Deregulierung von Dienstleistungen: Geheimverhandlungen in Genf - | Apr 28 08:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody urgent: another secret treaty - The Trade In | Apr 28 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Services Agreement (#TISA) - | Apr 28 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | pl. spread the word | Apr 28 08:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | widely | Apr 28 08:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) | Apr 28 08:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody more background on a new threat: The Trade in | Apr 28 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Services Agreement ( '#TiSA' ) - | Apr 28 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v | Apr 28 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller)#secrecy | Apr 28 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Trade in Services Agreement (#TiSA) | Apr 28 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | "opportunity to develop new disciplines (or | Apr 28 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | trade rules)" - (v | Apr 28 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller) | Apr 28 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) - Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Apr 28 08:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @suigenerisjen " If Australia can change its position on East | Apr 28 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Timor, it can change its position on | Apr 28 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #WestPapua.": @BennyWenda | Apr 28 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #auspol | Apr 28 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | West Papua: my people need Australia’s help before it is too late | Benny Wenda | Comment is free | | Apr 28 08:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @LMac1970 Can't believe #Marr just did an interview with | Apr 28 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the Health Minister without mentioning #NHS | Apr 28 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody privatisation. Oh wait, yes I can. | Apr 28 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #collaborators | Apr 28 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact #Fukushima: "Ich glaubte den Lügen der | Apr 28 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Atom-Lobby" Interview mit ehem. | Apr 28 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Ministerpräsident Japans: | Apr 28 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | via @tazgezwitscher | Apr 28 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Maths spying: the quandary of working for the | Apr 28 08:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | - | Apr 28 08:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | spooks - time for | Apr 28 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | mathematicians to stand up and say "no" | Apr 28 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Maths spying: the quandary of working for the spooks - opinion - 23 April 2014 - New Scientist | Apr 28 08:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody This Bike Lock Is Unpickable - | Apr 28 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | clever | Apr 28 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Bike Lock Is Unpickable - Digg | Apr 28 08:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @anjakovacs Timmermans, Foreign Minister of the | Apr 28 09:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Netherlands: our credibility has been | Apr 28 09:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody undermined in wake of Snowden revelations etc | Apr 28 09:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | #foc14 | Apr 28 09:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Development Of Ubuntu 14.10 Has Already | Apr 28 09:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Started #ubuntu #linux | Apr 28 09:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Development Of Ubuntu 14.10 Has Already Started | | Apr 28 09:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Innovation in Governments with Open Source | Apr 28 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | “Whether you’re aware of | Apr 28 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | it or not, Linux is practically everywhere." | Apr 28 09:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Driving sustainable innovation in Governments with Open Source | Articles | FutureGov - Transforming Government | Education | Healthcare | Apr 28 09:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff After the selfie, behold: the #dronie. | Apr 28 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Yes, it's just what you | Apr 28 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | think it is. via @TheRegister | Apr 28 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DRONIES are the new selfies – and yup, you've already worked out how they're taken • The Register | Apr 28 09:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Why is the Trade in Services Agreement (#TISA) | Apr 28 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | a bad deal? - basically, | Apr 28 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | it fits with #TPP & #TTIP | Apr 28 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why is the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) a bad deal? | ToUChstone blog: A public policy blog from the TUC | Apr 28 09:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Time to upgrade to #gnu #linux on #winxp | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | machines via <a | Apr 28 09:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mikko: If you're going to run an out-of-support OS, why don't you downgrade to Windows 3.1? Lightning fast on XP hardware! And almost no malware. | Apr 28 09:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | data-hov... | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Time to upgrade t... | Apr 28 09:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Reddit Scope Leaking User Queries | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | not just #amazon on | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #gnu #linux | Apr 28 09:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Reddit Scope Leaking User Queries | Benjamin Kerensa dot Com | Apr 28 09:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Special Report: #TISA versus Public Services - | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | the #commons is under | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | attack - pl. read about new secret global | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | treaty | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PSI Special Report: TISA versus Public Services | PSI | Apr 28 09:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @cmuratori Microsoft announces all Internet Explorers from | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 6 to 11 have full system access exploits | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff possible from any website: | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Microsoft warns of Internet Explorer flaw | Apr 28 09:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @elkos #Freeyourandroid workshop May the 7th 18:30 in | Apr 28 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @hackerspacegr Athens, Greece | Apr 28 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | Apr 28 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@elkos: #Freeyourandroid workshop May the 7th 18:30 in @hackerspacegr Athens, Greece | Apr 28 09:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jackseale In Egypt, where Tony Blair urges us to support | Apr 28 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the military government: 683 of its opponents | Apr 28 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody just got sentenced to death. (#ff @leloveluck) | Apr 28 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @sinkdeep OH! centerextremists. jag förstår nu. RT | Apr 28 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @xazax: | Apr 28 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 09:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@xazax: jag som ser mig själv som moderat... | Apr 28 09:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The American Dream is now just that for its | Apr 28 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | middle classes–a dream | Apr 28 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | middle class a mirage for most, unless | Apr 28 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | redefined | Apr 28 09:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The American Dream is now just that for its middle classes – a dream | Michael Cohen | Comment is free | The Observer | Apr 28 09:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mikko The latest IE zero-day is the first major | Apr 28 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by vulnerability that Microsoft will not be | Apr 28 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff patching for XP users. | Apr 28 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Security Advisory 2963983 | Apr 28 09:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz President Obama: Don't Let the CIA Censor the | Apr 28 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Torture Report #cia to | Apr 28 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | censor report about CIA #torture crimes | Apr 28 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | President Obama: Don't Let the CIA Censor the Torture Report | American Civil Liberties Union | Apr 28 09:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Core project #google | Apr 28 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Voice of the Masses: Is it time for a new | Apr 28 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #RaspberryPi ? #BananaPi | Apr 28 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | Apr 28 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Voice of the Masses: Is it time for a new Raspberry Pi? | Linux Voice | Apr 28 09:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Current Performance Of #GLAMOR Acceleration | Apr 28 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #graphics #linux | Apr 28 09:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Banana Pi: The next generation of single-board computers? | ZDNet | Apr 28 09:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] The Current Performance Of GLAMOR Acceleration | Apr 28 09:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow "news is slowly surfacing that shows the US | Apr 28 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Department of Justice may be strong-arming | Apr 28 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | banks into..." | Apr 28 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: news is slowly surfacing that shows the US... | Apr 28 09:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @asteris "Risks"? MT @javierespinosa2 Kerry told senior | Apr 28 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by int'l officials that #Israel risks becoming an | Apr 28 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "apartheid" state | Apr 28 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Report: Kerry Says Israel Risks Becoming 'Apartheid' State — Naharnet | Apr 28 09:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @gchampeau Les mathématiciens doivent-ils refuser de | Apr 28 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by travailler pour les services secrets ? | Apr 28 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody via @Numerama | Apr 28 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Les mathématiciens doivent-ils refuser de travailler pour les services secrets ? | Apr 28 09:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Joscelyn Local authorities & their ‘conflict of | Apr 28 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by interest’ on fracking investments | Apr 28 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exclusive: Local authorities have ‘conflict of interest’ on fracking investments - UK Politics - UK - The Independent | Apr 28 09:36 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Independent: Exclusive: Local authorities have ‘conflict of interest’ on fracking investments | Apr 28 09:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @lieriksdotter Jag och @separerad skriver i ETC om varför ISDS | Apr 28 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by är långt ifrån det enda problemet med TTIP - nu | Apr 28 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody också på nätet: | Apr 28 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP genomsyras av en antidemokratisk ideologi | ETC | Apr 28 09:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @CasparBowden Wow @BBCr4today was talking about #FISA ! | Apr 28 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Oh, it's Pfizer | Apr 28 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody (#BBC blackout of US mass-surveillance legal | Apr 28 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | exceptionalism continues..) #Snowden | Apr 28 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nickpickles "I am concerned some surveillance is becoming | Apr 28 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by too aggressive" - UN Secretary General tells | Apr 28 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #FOC14 | Apr 28 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:50 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 09:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Six clicks: Great tips and tricks for Android | Apr 28 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #linux | Apr 28 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Six clicks: Great tips and tricks for Android | ZDNet | Apr 28 09:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Re-sort KDE control modules | Apr 28 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kde #gnu #linux | Apr 28 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Re-sort KDE control modules - User Prompt - Psychologic IT Expertise | Apr 28 09:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Art | Apr 28 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:55 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Jeans on horse | Apr 28 09:59 |
MinceR | :) | Apr 28 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In Florida Tomato Fields, a Penny Buys Progress | Apr 28 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #economy | Apr 28 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | Apr 28 09:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Red Hat: Certain To Grow With Rising Linux | Apr 28 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Acceptance #redhat #gnu | Apr 28 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | Apr 28 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Apr 28 09:59 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 10:01 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 10:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ **♲ Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) (** > New Windows back door won't be fixed #windows #nsa #backdoor > [The Laws of Vulnerabilities]( "") | Apr 28 10:05 | |
schestowitz__ | "The only thing I ever use Internet Explorer for is checking for updates on the Microsoft website." | Apr 28 10:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | New Internet Explorer 0-day | The Laws of Vulnerabilities | Qualys Community [ ] | Apr 28 10:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Giant Chinese 3D printer builds 10 houses in | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | just 1 day (PHOTOS, VIDEO) | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | about as good as it | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | sounds | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Another #windows #backdoor with no patch | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 28 10:06 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Active 0day attack hijacking IE users threatens a quarter of browser market | Ars Technica | Apr 28 10:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Deal Welcoming #US #Military Into #Philippines | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Slammed As 'Betrayal' | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | and dangerous, paints PH | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | as military target | Apr 28 10:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Deal Welcoming US Military Into Philippines Slammed As 'Betrayal' | Common Dreams | Apr 28 10:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Europe spooked by Transatlantic Partnership? | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | corporate raid | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 28 10:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #CNN | Apr 28 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot NASA Mars Rover Begins Examining Strange Slab | Apr 28 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nicknamed "Windjana" | Apr 28 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NASA Mars Rover Begins Examining Strange Slab Nicknamed "Windjana" - Slashdot | Apr 28 10:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz An Eerie New Project Shows How Much Facebook | Apr 28 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Really Knows About You | Apr 28 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | knows more than your parents | Apr 28 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | An Eerie New Project Shows How Much Facebook Really Knows About You - PolicyMic | Apr 28 10:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz US Workers Were Once Massacred Fighting for the | Apr 28 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Protections Being Rolled Back Today | Apr 28 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #rights | Apr 28 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Workers Were Once Massacred Fighting for the Protections Being Rolled Back Today - Ring Of Fire Radio: Robert Kennedy Jr, Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder | Apr 28 10:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Some Birds Thrive in #Chernobyl 's #Radioactive | Apr 28 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Glow #nature #ukraine | Apr 28 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Green sculpting | Apr 28 10:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ScienceShot: Some Birds Thrive in Chernobyl's Radioactive Glow | Science/AAAS | News | Apr 28 10:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ubuntu 14.04 On Amazon EC2: Xen PV vs. HVM | Apr 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #gnu #linux #vm | Apr 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Ubuntu 14.04 On Amazon EC2: Xen PV vs. HVM | Apr 28 10:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Intel's P-State Driver Is Getting Better Tuned | Apr 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | For Performance #intel | Apr 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | Apr 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Intel's P-State Driver Is Getting Better Tuned For Performance | Apr 28 10:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Xubuntu 14.04 reviewed LTS | Apr 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux #xfce | Apr 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Xubuntu 14.04 review: Polish, convenience and usability | Apr 28 10:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Microsoft will continue to sell Nokia Android | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | phones these are | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance gadgets | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft will continue to sell Nokia Android phones | Apr 28 11:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Does the new initiative from the Linux | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Foundation mean that Microsoft money will flow | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | to GPLv3-licensed GNU projects? Legal | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | implications? | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #TechBytes Episode 88: Gaming and GNU/Linux | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux #games | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gaming | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bytes Media - TechBytes Episode 88: Gaming and GNU/Linux | Apr 28 11:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @HeartPowered Just following orders is not an excuse to | Apr 28 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by commit Crimes against Humanity ~@Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 28 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #FreeChelsea | Apr 28 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #whistleblower | Apr 28 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Defending Democracy: Government Whistleblowing in the Digital Age - YouTube | Apr 28 11:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #macrumors and other pro-Apple sites: finding | Apr 28 11:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | angles to make positive-sounding #apple news | Apr 28 11:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | even when the news is generally bad | Apr 28 11:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ArsTechnica - couldn't be Arsed to actually | Apr 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #research #microsoft facts, so instead | Apr 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | appointed a Microsoft prop to push Microsoft | Apr 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | agenda | Apr 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @superwuster R. Posner could take on the whole Federal | Apr 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Circuit with half his brain tied behind his | Apr 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody back. Nonetheless, reversed. | Apr 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | In Apple-Google case, court blows off famous judge’s plea for patent sanity — Tech News and Analysis | Apr 28 11:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ALTEREU Bank industry lobbyists outnumbered NGOs + | Apr 28 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by trade unions by a factor of more than 7. Take | Apr 28 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody action + join #pforp | Apr 28 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EP2014 | Apr 28 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Home - Politics for People | Apr 28 11:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jmcest RT @jamie_love: Russia, Ukranie, etc, | Apr 28 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by collaborate on super terrible proposal for WIPO | Apr 28 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody broadcaster treaty: | Apr 28 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DaHammerstein MT @Aus_Digital: EU to sign the Marrakesh | Apr 28 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by treaty on 30 April, excellent news from #SCCR27 | Apr 28 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #copyright #WIPO @BlindUnion Now Ratify! | Apr 28 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP Update XXIII - why | Apr 28 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | the @EU_Commission's consultation on #ISDS is a | Apr 28 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | sham, & fails to provide promised "draft" | Apr 28 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Update XXIII - Open Enterprise | Apr 28 11:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Development Of Ubuntu 14.10 Has Already | Apr 28 11:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | Started | Apr 28 11:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Development Of Ubuntu 14.10 Has Already Started | Tux Machines | Apr 28 11:36 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Web App Shortcuts To Get New Look in Chrome, | Apr 28 11:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | Chrome OS | Apr 28 11:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Web App Shortcuts To Get New Look in Chrome, Chrome OS | Tux Machines | Apr 28 11:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @thegrugq Source code to DarkMatter, my Android hardening | Apr 28 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by app is live: | Apr 28 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | grugq/darkmatter · GitHub | Apr 28 11:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @superwuster NY Times editorial opposed to the "fast lane" | Apr 28 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 28 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @UN_ClimateTalks Add your voice: Mary Robinson Foundation | Apr 28 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by invites you to show your support for #Climate | Apr 28 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Justice @MRFCJ | Apr 28 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @worldresources | Apr 28 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Support Climate Justice | Apr 28 11:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Corruption and Fear in the UK - | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | troubling at many levels | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody EFSA says use of peroxyacetic acid would not | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | cause toxicity concerns - | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | how handy for #TTIP | Apr 28 11:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Corruption and Fear in the UK | Apr 28 11:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | EFSA says use of peroxyacetic acid would not cause toxicity concerns | Apr 28 11:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US Chicken plant workers say chemicals sprayed | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | on carcasses making them sick - | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | time to end | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #factoryfarming #TTIP | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Chicken plant workers say chemicals sprayed on carcasses making them sick | Apr 28 11:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Driver Finds Himself Surrounded By Cops With | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Guns Out After Automatic License Plate Reader | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Misreads His Plate | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @OxfamAustralia In PNG, Westpac is supporting a company that’s | Apr 28 11:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Driver Finds Himself Surrounded By Cops With Guns Out After Automatic License Plate Reader Misreads His Plate | Techdirt | Apr 28 11:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by logging pristine rainforest & kicking people | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody off their land #abc730 | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@OxfamAustralia: In PNG, Westpac is supporting a company that’s logging pristine rainforest & kicking people off their land #abc730 | Apr 28 11:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JasonLeopold "There are some honorable figures who left | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by govt..They are useless as heroes for they | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou continue to refuse to speak out" | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Impunity of American Torture: From Abu Ghraib to Sen. Feinstein's Brawl with the CIA | Informed Comment | Apr 28 11:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JasonLeopold Juan Méndez, UN special rapporteur on torture, | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by slams Obama for allowing CIA to redact Senate's | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou torture rpt | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Abu Ghraib’s Ghosts - Juan E. Méndez - POLITICO Magazine | Apr 28 11:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JasonLeopold Juan Méndez, UN special rapporteur on torture, | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by slams Obama for allowing CIA to declassify | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Senate's torture rpt | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JasonLeopold "Torture ... is so horrific that even its | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by practitioners must lie to themselves and others | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou to justify their actions" | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Benchmark graphics card (GPU) performance on | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Linux with glmark: BinaryTides: In simple | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | terms, GPUs that can p... | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 12:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Benchmark graphics card (GPU) performance on Linux with glmark | Apr 28 12:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US-Richter: Amerikanische Behörden haben | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | weltweit Zugriff auf Kundendaten - | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | still want to use US | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Internet services? | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 12:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US-Behrden: Weltweit Zugriff auf Kundendaten - SPIEGEL ONLINE | Apr 28 12:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Queensland government goes all-out to enhance | Apr 28 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | marketing of @benandjerrys ice cream | Apr 28 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Chris Packham: #Malta is a bird hell - | Apr 28 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | kudos to him, shame on | Apr 28 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | the BBC for yet more pusillanimity... | Apr 28 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 12:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | No Cookies | The Courier-Mail | Apr 28 12:24 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chris Packham: Malta is a bird hell | Environment | | Apr 28 12:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @SirJadeja I Don't care if Modi has wife or not, what I | Apr 28 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by care about is CONgress has a son in law(Robert | Apr 28 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya Vadra) who is looting my country. #DamaadGate | Apr 28 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @CampactPresse 460.000 an @MartinSchulz: Wir brauchen ein | Apr 28 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by klares Nein zu #TTIP @felixkolb @Dooorie | Apr 28 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 12:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP- Berlin- Martin Schulz - a set on Flickr | Apr 28 12:34 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@CampactPresse: 460.000 an @MartinSchulz: Wir brauchen ein klares Nein zu #TTIP @felixkolb @Dooorie | Apr 28 12:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @hyakuhei So happy that the security track is on the | Apr 28 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by first day of the @OpenStack Summit! | Apr 28 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | Apr 28 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 12:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenStack Summit May 2014 Atlanta: Schedule For Events @ Atlanta, GA, United States | Apr 28 12:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AP Israelis stop in their tracks as two-minute | Apr 28 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by siren goes off, marking Holocaust remembrance | Apr 28 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist day: | Apr 28 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 12:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Israel pauses in silence for Holocaust Day | Apr 28 12:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Isn't that a coincidence? Harper guts | Apr 28 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | environment, cuts CBC, buys F35s; Abbott guts | Apr 28 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | environment, cuts ABC, buys F35s. | Apr 28 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NothingToSeeHere | Apr 28 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 12:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @owenblacker @doctorow A rising tide: the case against | Apr 28 13:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Canada as a world citizen | Apr 28 13:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow from The Lancet Global | Apr 28 13:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Health | Apr 28 13:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A rising tide: the case against Canada as a world citizen : The Lancet Global Health | Apr 28 13:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Something Awful - I Am Changing Our Logo to | Apr 28 13:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Comic Sans - After numerous logos and brand | Apr 28 13:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | identities we are... | Apr 28 13:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Something Awful - I Am Changing Our Logo to Comic Sans | Apr 28 13:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @tomflem Without a tax debate, we risk sleepwalking into | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the future No debate | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 because #Harper wants to make all the | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | decisions. | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Without a tax debate, we risk sleepwalking into the future | Toronto Star | Apr 28 13:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou John, in his book on CIA torture policy, "It | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | was a valuable lesson in how the CIA uses the | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | fine arts of deception even among its own." | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Koch Brothers Attack On Solar Energy | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Koch Brothers Attack On Solar Energy - Slashdot | Apr 28 13:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist HP Improves HP-UX Operating System and NonStop | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hardware - Server Watch | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HP Improves HP-UX Operating System and NonStop Hardware | Apr 28 13:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody C4C’s initial reaction to EU Impact Assessment | Apr 28 13:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | on #Copyright Review - | Apr 28 13:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | confirms this was done in bad faith #stitchup | Apr 28 13:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | C4C’s initial reaction to the European Commission Impact Assessment on Copyright Review | C4C | Apr 28 13:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow 1019 words on UTOPIA (working title), a novel | Apr 28 13:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | for adults #dailywords | Apr 28 13:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Kirst3nF WePromise #09: @glynmoody zur Europawahl: Deine | Apr 28 13:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Stimme macht einen Unterschied | Apr 28 13:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #EP2014 #TTIP | Apr 28 13:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Netzneutralität | Apr 28 13:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WePromise #09 Glyn Moody zur Europawahl: Deine Stimme macht einen Unterschied | Apr 28 13:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist HP Improves HP-UX Operating System and NonStop | Apr 28 13:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hardware | Apr 28 13:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NSFVoyager2 Sister ship @NASAVoyager is 17 hrs 35 mins 39 | Apr 28 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by secs of light-travel time from Earth | Apr 28 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist (2014:118:120000:1L) | Apr 28 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rmack RT @michaelphron: Russia's new Orwellian | Apr 28 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by internet law "straight out of 1984" #netfreedom | Apr 28 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #FOC14 | Apr 28 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 28 13:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Designer Creates a Water Bottle That You Can | Apr 28 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Eat | Apr 28 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Designer Creates a Water Bottle That You Can Eat - Slashdot | Apr 28 13:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Geheimverhandlungen in Genf - | Apr 28 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | oh no: another secret | Apr 28 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | trade agreement (v @Liese_Mueller)#TISA | Apr 28 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Deregulierung von Dienstleistungen: Geheimverhandlungen in Genf - | Apr 28 13:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt US Admits It Secretly Built Similar | Apr 28 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Twitter-Like Services For Lots Of Countries | Apr 28 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody urgent: another secret treaty - Trade In | Apr 28 13:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Admits It Secretly Built Similar Twitter-Like Services For Lots Of Countries | Techdirt | Apr 28 13:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Services Agreement (#TISA) - | Apr 28 13:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | involves EU, US, AU pl. | Apr 28 13:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | spread the word widely | Apr 28 13:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) | Apr 28 13:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody more background on a new threat: The Trade in | Apr 28 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Services Agreement ( '#TiSA' ) - | Apr 28 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v | Apr 28 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller)#secrecy | Apr 28 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Why is the Trade in Services Agreement (#TISA) | Apr 28 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | a bad deal? - basically, | Apr 28 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | it fits with #TPP & #TTIP | Apr 28 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why is the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) a bad deal? | ToUChstone blog: A public policy blog from the TUC | Apr 28 14:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Special Report: #TISA versus Public Services - | Apr 28 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | the #commons is under | Apr 28 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | attack - pl. read about new secret global | Apr 28 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | treaty | Apr 28 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PSI Special Report: TISA versus Public Services | PSI | Apr 28 14:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Bodhi Linux 3.0.0 Beta Release | Apr 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Polishing the Rare Gem That Is Linux | Apr 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bodhi Linux 3.0.0 Beta Release | Tux Machines | Apr 28 14:13 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Polishing the Rare Gem That Is Linux | Tux Machines | Apr 28 14:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack And I bet all are cost-plus contracts MT | Apr 28 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | .@YourAnonNews: DoS gives 87% Afghan | Apr 28 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | reconstruction $ to only 5 contractors | Apr 28 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | State Department Gives 87% of Afghan Funds to Only Five Recipients | The Dissenter | Apr 28 14:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Leaked: EC impact assessment on copyright | Apr 28 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | review Doesn't look | Apr 28 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | promising | Apr 28 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @freebsdgirl Poorly executed design (and the resulting | Apr 28 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by security problems) can be found in both open | Apr 28 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist and closed source software. Stop blaming FOSS. | Apr 28 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | C4C’s initial reaction to the European Commission Impact Assessment on Copyright Review | C4C | Apr 28 14:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard "Add 'In My Ass' to the title of the last song | Apr 28 14:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | you heard!!" Pretty redundant with DAF though. | Apr 28 14:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreedomofPress DOJ confirms the @WikiLeaks grand jury is still | Apr 28 14:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by active. This is a grave threat to the rights of | Apr 28 14:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks all journalists. | Apr 28 14:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DOJ Continues Its “Multi-Subject” Investigation of WikiLeaks | emptywheel | Apr 28 14:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Japanese and Swiss Watchmakers Scoff At | Apr 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Smartwatches | Apr 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Japanese and Swiss Watchmakers Scoff At Smartwatches - Slashdot | Apr 28 14:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DaHammerstein India will sign Marrakesh Treaty on Wednesday | Apr 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and has announced it will ratify by end of May. | Apr 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 1st major ratification! | Apr 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #WIPO #IPR #copyright | Apr 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @antitorture_SRT Read #SRT #JuanMendez's new piece: #AbuGhraib’s | Apr 28 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Ghosts: 10 yrs later, #US still hasn’t come | Apr 28 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou clean on #torture record | Apr 28 14:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Abu Ghraib’s Ghosts - Juan E. Méndez - POLITICO Magazine | Apr 28 14:55 | |
MinceR | companies scoff at competition, news at 11 | Apr 28 14:56 |
MinceR | s/news/film/ | Apr 28 14:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @sjvn Banana Pi: The next generation of single-board | Apr 28 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by computers? via @ZDNet | Apr 28 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist #Linux by @sjvn | Apr 28 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @corporateeurope CEO needs to raise €5000 to challenge corporate | Apr 28 14:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Banana Pi: The next generation of single-board computers? | ZDNet | Apr 28 14:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by lobby power as we approach #EP2014; please | Apr 28 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody consider making a donation | Apr 28 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Help us challenge the grip of big business on democracy | Corporate Europe Observatory | Apr 28 14:57 | |
MinceR | though i expected casio to have more foresight than this | Apr 28 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @LizMartinezG "Torture, you see, is a cancer that corrodes | Apr 28 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the morality of the perpetrators." - | Apr 28 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou @antitorture_SRT | Apr 28 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Abu Ghraib’s Ghosts - Juan E. Méndez - POLITICO Magazine | Apr 28 15:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Orikaso: folding, cheap, amazing polypropylene | Apr 28 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by flat-pack dinnerware | Apr 28 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 28 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 28 15:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou John and his family thank all of you for | Apr 28 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | contributing to @firedoglake for his children. | Apr 28 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Your support keeps him strong and hopeful. | Apr 28 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Nigel Farage accuses Nigel Farage of ‘desperate | Apr 28 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | smear campaign’ against Nigel Farage | Apr 28 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nigel Farage accuses Nigel Farage of ‘desperate smear campaign’ against Nigel Farage | Apr 28 15:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Different Regs, Different Regulators: Behind | Apr 28 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Canada's Net Neutrality Advantage (Canada ≠ US | Apr 28 15:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | on NN) | Apr 28 15:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Different Regulations, Different Regulators: Behind Canada's Net Neutrality Advantage | Apr 28 15:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou "I may have found myself on the wrong side of | Apr 28 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | government on torture. But I’m on the right | Apr 28 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | side of history" | Apr 28 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Defend Whistleblower John Kiriakou | Apr 28 15:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Comcast Offers To Shed 3.9 Million Subscribers | Apr 28 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | To Ease Cable Deal | Apr 28 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Comcast Offers To Shed 3.9 Million Subscribers To Ease Cable Deal - Slashdot | Apr 28 15:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @robinwauters European tech companies raised $1.2 billion in | Apr 28 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Q1 2014; on track for $5.3 billion for the full | Apr 28 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody year thx @benjrooney | Apr 28 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU tech startups are on track to raise more than $5.3B in 2014 | Apr 28 15:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @marcuschown HS2 Bill has 49,814 pages. Govt has learnt from | Apr 28 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by financial instruments that caused 2008 crash. | Apr 28 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody To hoodwink public, befuddle with complexity | Apr 28 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MLBrook So the Russell Group Unis yet to release their | Apr 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Elsevier subscription data are Oxford, QMUL, | Apr 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody LSE and Nottingham... | Apr 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @brembs it just happened: post-publication peer review. | Apr 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by via @peerrevwatch | Apr 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | it just happened: post-publication peer review. | PEER REVIEW WATCH | Apr 28 15:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love Some countries want a treaty so broad that | Apr 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by YouTube would have IPR rights in content it | Apr 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody makes available on demand. | Apr 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ExposeTPP Opposition to #TPP & #corporatepower led by | Apr 28 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #public #health, #labor & #Eco advocates: | Apr 28 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #StopTPP | Apr 28 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Explainer: Deconstructing the Trans-Pacific Partnership | Al Jazeera America | Apr 28 15:33 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ExposeTPP: Opposition to #TPP & #corporatepower led by #public #health, #labor & #Eco advocates: #StopTPP | Apr 28 15:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @USTradeRep The 5th round US-EU #TTIP negotiations will | Apr 28 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by take place in Arlington, Virginia from May | Apr 28 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 19-23. To learn more, visit: | Apr 28 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) | Office of the United States Trade Representative | Apr 28 15:33 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @JohnKiriakou: '"I may have found myself on the wrong...' | Apr 28 15:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW #Obama acknowledges growing discontent w/ | Apr 28 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #KORUS #FTA. Would #TPP be any different? | Apr 28 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #StopTPP | Apr 28 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama pushes Korea to do its fair share on FTA-INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily | Apr 28 15:56 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: #Obama acknowledges growing discontent w/ #KORUS #FTA. Would #TPP be any different? #StopTPP | Apr 28 15:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW #Malaysia urged to reject #Obama's covert #TPP, | Apr 28 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by which makes mockery of #POTUS avowed commitment | Apr 28 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody to open gov't. #TPPA | Apr 28 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Reject Obama’s covert TPPA operations | Free Malaysia Today | Apr 28 15:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt On Second Thought: Why Was Verizon's Challenge | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | To Bulk Phone Records Collection So Weak? | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Germany in the vanguard agaisnt #TTIP, as for | Apr 28 16:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | On Second Thought: Why Was Verizon's Challenge To Bulk Phone Records Collection So Weak? | Techdirt | Apr 28 16:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #ACTA; distributing this - | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | here: | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love Few if any of broadcasting treaty proponents | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by explain why copyright is not sufficient, or why | Apr 28 16:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Übersichtskarte - Denkzettel-Aktion | Apr 28 16:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody broadcasters get this special deal. #sccr27 | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MLBrook Don't just get outraged abut Imperial (or other | Apr 28 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Unis) subscriptions. Go tell another academic | Apr 28 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody who doesn't already care about publishing.. | Apr 28 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot How Concrete Contributed To the Downfall of the | Apr 28 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Roman Empire | Apr 28 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Concrete Contributed To the Downfall of the Roman Empire - Slashdot | Apr 28 16:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody The enemy invasion: Brussels braced for influx | Apr 28 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | of Eurosceptics in EU polls - | Apr 28 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | significant: cites #TTIP | Apr 28 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | as one reason | Apr 28 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The enemy invasion: Brussels braced for influx of Eurosceptics in EU polls | World news | The Guardian | Apr 28 16:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Klangable British Library archive with 750 million | Apr 28 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by newspaper and magazine pages to open today | Apr 28 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | British Library archive with 750 million newspaper and magazine pages to open today | Press Gazette | Apr 28 16:08 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 143 French politicians pledge to support free | Apr 28 16:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | software | Apr 28 16:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 143 French politicians pledge to support free software | Tux Machines | Apr 28 16:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux to the rescue! How Ubuntu can help a | Apr 28 16:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | computer in distress | Apr 28 16:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux to the rescue! How Ubuntu can help a computer in distress | Tux Machines | Apr 28 16:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Dutch municipality tailors and shares Drupal | Apr 28 16:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | site | Apr 28 16:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dutch municipality tailors and shares Drupal site | Tux Machines | Apr 28 16:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love Broadcasters want to be considered worthy of | Apr 28 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by special IP rights, because they broadcast. Why | Apr 28 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody should rights apply even when not broadcasting? | Apr 28 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:20 |
*TweetSchestowitz @TechJournalist retweeted @Klangable: 'British Library archive with 750 million newspaper and...' | Apr 28 16:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard IAIN Duncan Smith will fulfil a lifelong | Apr 28 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ambition this week when he takes possession of | Apr 28 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | his first batch of slaves. | Apr 28 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Duncan Smith Finally Gets To Own Slaves | Apr 28 16:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Klangable Cryptographers assemble! Mystery text found in | Apr 28 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 16th century Homer | Apr 28 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cryptographers assemble! Mystery text found in 16th century Homer - Crave | Apr 28 16:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard So mathematicians must decide: do we cooperate | Apr 28 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | with the intelligence services or not? | Apr 28 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Maths spying: The quandary of working for the spooks - opinion - 23 April 2014 - New Scientist | Apr 28 16:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Why Canada ≠ US on Net Neutrality: CRTC rules | Apr 28 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | not perfect, but much stronger than FCC’s | Apr 28 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | approach | Apr 28 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Different Regulations, Different Regulators: Behind Canada's Net Neutrality Advantage | Apr 28 16:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #SCOTUS rejected challenge to #NNDA's | Apr 28 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | indefinite preventive detention provision. | Apr 28 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 & I were amici | Apr 28 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Scary | Apr 28 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Detention challenge denied : SCOTUSblog | Apr 28 16:42 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted '#SCOTUS rejected challenge to #NNDA's indefinite preventive detention...' | Apr 28 16:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #SCOTUS rejects challenge to #NDAA's indefinite | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | preventive detention provision. @Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | & I were amici | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Scary | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #13 - Glyn Moody supports WePromise - | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | I do, I do... #EU2014 | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | #13 - Glyn Moody supports WePromise - YouTube | Apr 28 16:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Today marks 14 months John has been in prison | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | for speaking against torture. His website shows | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ways to support him. | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Defend Whistleblower John Kiriakou | Apr 28 16:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist MT @christinedobby: Canada's own open Internet | Apr 28 16:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | rules facing crucial test at CRTC | Apr 28 16:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 16:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 28 16:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody MITI Proposes Special Committee Comprising | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Parliamentarians On #TPP - | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | every participating | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | nation should #my | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BERNAMA - Senate: MITI Proposes Special Committee Comprising Parliamentarians On TPPA | Apr 28 16:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Fyraftensmøde 2. maj: Glyn Moody taler om | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | softwarepatenter og patentdomstolen - | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | coming soon... #dk | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #swpats | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Ask Team Trying To Return 36-Year-Old | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Spacecraft From Space About Their Project | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fyraftensmøde 2. maj: Glyn Moody taler om softwarepatenter og patentdomstolen | Bitbureauet | Apr 28 16:57 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ask Team Trying To Return 36-Year-Old Spacecraft From Space About Their Project - Slashdot | Apr 28 16:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kirschner "Teenagers teach how to program robots with | Apr 28 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #FreeSoftware" #edu | Apr 28 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | Apr 28 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Teenagers teach how to program robots with Free Software | I love it here | Apr 28 17:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Lakritsbiten My question: Why is Amelia Andersdotter | Apr 28 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by (@teirdes), @EuropeanPirates candidate for | Apr 28 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff President blocked from participating in | Apr 28 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EUdebate2014? | Apr 28 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt What Does It Say About The US Press That The | Apr 28 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Toughest Interview Keith Alexander Has Is From | Apr 28 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | A Comedian? | Apr 28 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What Does It Say About The US Press That The Toughest Interview Keith Alexander Has Is From A Comedian? | Techdirt | Apr 28 17:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @sjvn Microsoft phone chief: Nokia's Android phones | Apr 28 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by will help get us to 1 billion users by @pgralla | Apr 28 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft phone chief: Nokia's Android phones will help get us to 1 billion users | Computerworld Blogs | Apr 28 17:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Microsoft IE Zero-Day Vulnerability Exploited | Apr 28 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | in the Wild | Apr 28 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft IE Zero-Day Vulnerability Exploited in the Wild | Apr 28 17:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @NHAparty PRESS RELEASE: NHA Party says ditch HS2 and | Apr 28 17:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by divert money into housing: | Apr 28 17:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 17:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NHA Party says ditch HS2 and divert money into housing | NHA Party | Apr 28 17:07 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 9 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 54 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 28 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (9) | Apr 28 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | Apr 28 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | Apr 28 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 192 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 775 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 28 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @glynmoody (34), @schestowitz (32), @doctorow (11) | Apr 28 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (41), @doctorow (8), @JohnKiriakou (7) | Apr 28 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (12), #TPP (11), #TTIP (10) | Apr 28 17:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Don’t just worry about new IE 0-Day, Microsoft | Apr 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | *still* hasn’t patched IE for @Pwn2Own_Contest | Apr 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | flaws either @eWEEKNews | Apr 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @HonJohnBaird: Pleased to be in #Estonia at | Apr 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | #FOC14. Gave speech about championing human | Apr 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | rights online: | Apr 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Address by Minister Baird to Freedom Online Coalition Conference | Apr 28 17:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @OpenStack Summit preview: Rock out with Openstack! | Apr 28 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Don't miss it! Register | Apr 28 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist and RSVP today: | Apr 28 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenStack Summit May 2014 Atlanta: Schedule | Apr 28 17:31 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenStack Summit May 2014 - Atlanta Tickets, Atlanta - Eventbrite | Apr 28 17:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @digitalocean dm-crypt is a tool that can help tighten up | Apr 28 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by security on your Linux servers. Here's one way | Apr 28 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist to use it: | Apr 28 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How To Use DM-Crypt to Create an Encrypted Volume on an Ubuntu VPS | DigitalOcean | Apr 28 17:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Australian Exploration Company Believes It May | Apr 28 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Have Found MH370 Wreckage | Apr 28 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Australian Exploration Company Believes It May Have Found MH370 Wreckage - Slashdot | Apr 28 17:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Hackaday Offers Trip Into Space For Best DIY | Apr 28 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hardware | Apr 28 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hackaday Offers Trip Into Space For Best DIY Hardware - Slashdot | Apr 28 17:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bittunes To the Record Industry Assoc. of America: | Apr 28 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @seeved @_goblin @schestowitz | Apr 28 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz | Apr 28 17:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@bittunes: To the Record Industry Assoc. of America: @seeved @_goblin @schestowitz | Apr 28 17:37 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 17:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@bittunes: and all the other pigs with their heads in the trough, go hungry... #disintermediation @SEEVed @_Goblin @schestowitz | Apr 28 17:49 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SEEVed: @bittunes the middle men rec agencys? @_Goblin @schestowitz | Apr 28 17:49 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@bittunes: @SEEVed @_Goblin @schestowitz major labels, publishers, rights collectors, intermediaries, aggregators, (a bloated value chain) | Apr 28 17:49 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SEEVed: @bittunes those that destroy talent for profit & set a artist status quo @_Goblin @schestowitz | Apr 28 17:49 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 17:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SEEVed: @_Goblin @schestowitz great podcast Games could be made into free software if the concept of @Bittunes works out | Apr 28 17:49 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | bittunes… an independent digital music market - | Apr 28 17:49 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 17:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Time to upgrade to #gnu #linux on #winxp machines via @{Courtenay Blackburn ;} | Apr 28 17:51 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mikko: If you're going to run an out-of-support OS, why don't you downgrade to Windows 3.1? Lightning fast on XP hardware! And almost no malware. | Apr 28 17:51 | |
schestowitz__ | "excuse the pun but im not sure how backward compatible it will be. XD" | Apr 28 17:51 |
schestowitz__ | upgrade as a metaphor | Apr 28 17:51 |
schestowitz__ | "Smells like condescending bullshit.." | Apr 28 17:52 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 17:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #openaccess and #sharing in #education deserve to become the norm no room for monopolies there | Apr 28 17:52 | |
schestowitz__ | "Great, one step closer to building the QEG." | Apr 28 17:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Creating an open source textbook | FSView | [ ] | Apr 28 17:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz PINGUY OS 14.04 MINI AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD | Apr 28 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #pinguy #gnu #linux | Apr 28 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pinguy OS 14.04 Mini Available For Download ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog | Apr 28 17:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Foreign and domestic, different pretenses | Apr 28 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Dutch municipality tailors and shares Drupal | Apr 28 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | site #drupal a big | Apr 28 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | player in the public sector now | Apr 28 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dutch municipality tailors and shares Drupal site | Joinup | Apr 28 17:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AlexMitchell5 Bob Carr twice told Sydney audience tonight | Apr 28 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Julian Assange was in Venezuelan Embassy in | Apr 28 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks London instead of Ecuadorean. All terrorists to | Apr 28 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bob | Apr 28 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh What happened to the US? It used to be great. | Apr 28 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Now, racism in public is unsurprising; pundits | Apr 28 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | seem amazed inequality is real. | Apr 28 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz As expected, #xenophobia in the #uk expands in | Apr 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | the political arena away from blacks & Arabs. | Apr 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ukip now has inciting posters vs non-UK EUers. | Apr 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Superb. “@gpetriglieri: The corporate romance | Apr 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | with 'emotional intelligence' cornered us | Apr 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Limits of ‘Emotional Intelligence’ - The Experts - WSJ | Apr 28 18:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz TechBytes Episode 88: Games and GNU/Linux | Apr 28 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux #techbytes | Apr 28 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #games #gaming | Apr 28 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | » Blog Archive » TechBytes Episode 88: Games and GNU/Linux | Apr 28 18:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @newsycombinator Digital Ocean droplets manager for OS X | Apr 28 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 28 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | Apr 28 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Niki7a Don't forget: #DEFCON CFP closes in 4 days. If | Apr 28 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by you have a paper, please don't wait & don't be | Apr 28 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist late. #DEFCON #FB | Apr 28 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DEF CON® 22 Hacking Conference - Call For Papers | Apr 28 18:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Almost everyone cited in this article is a | Apr 28 18:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | white dude. “@CarlosLozadaWP Write your own | Apr 28 18:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Thomas Piketty think piece | Apr 28 18:12 |
TweetSchestowitz |” | Apr 28 18:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How to write a Thomas Piketty think piece, in 10 easy steps - The Washington Post | Apr 28 18:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt DHS Fusion Center Admits Photographer Is | Apr 28 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Covered By 1st Amendment But Just Doesn't Like | Apr 28 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | The Way He Treats Officers | Apr 28 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DHS Fusion Center Admits Photographer Is Covered By 1st Amendment But Just Doesn't Like The Way He Treats Officers | Techdirt | Apr 28 18:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux to the rescue! How Ubuntu can help a | Apr 28 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | computer in distress | Apr 28 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #gnu #linux | Apr 28 18:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux to the rescue! How Ubuntu can help a computer in distress | PCWorld | Apr 28 18:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 143 French politicians pledge to support free | Apr 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | software #france | Apr 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #freedom | Apr 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 143 French politicians pledge to support free software | Joinup | Apr 28 18:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Polishing the Rare Gem That Is Linux | Apr 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Katherine's latest | Apr 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ramble covers #gnu #linux improvements | Apr 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Polishing the Rare Gem That Is Linux | Community | LinuxInsider | Apr 28 18:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #BodhiLinux 3.0.0 Beta Release | Apr 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | combining #ubuntu and | Apr 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #enlightenment which I use and love | Apr 28 18:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thoughts on Technology: Bodhi Linux 3.0.0 Beta Release | Apr 28 18:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @DaHammerstein: India will sign Marrakesh | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Treaty on Wed & has announced it will ratify by | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | end of May. 1st major ratification! | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The People Who Are Still Addicted To the | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Rubik's Cube | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The People Who Are Still Addicted To the Rubik's Cube - Slashdot | Apr 28 18:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Web App Shortcuts To Get New Look in Chrome, | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Chrome OS #chrome | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #chromeos #gnu #linux | Apr 28 18:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Web App Shortcuts To Get New Look in Chrome, Chrome OS | OMG! Chrome! | Apr 28 18:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Nope, but at least we used to be aware of it | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | before. “@jarsilver: .@umairh pretty sure | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | public racism is NOT A NEW THING IN AMERICA” | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Shame on Google for making it so exceptionally | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | hard to block ads in Chrome under Android. | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Firefox makes that simple. #google | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #SCOTUS rejects challenge to #NDAA's indefinite | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by preventive detention provision. @Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 & I were amici | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Scary | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Detention challenge denied : SCOTUSblog | Apr 28 18:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @janehamsher Two Happy Campers: Firedoglake Activists Raise | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Over $1,600 to Send @JohnKiriakou's Kids to | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Summer Camp! | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 28 18:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @firedoglake Thanks to you, we’re sending imprisoned | Apr 28 18:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by whistleblower @JohnKiriakou’s kids to summer | Apr 28 18:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou camp! | Apr 28 18:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 18:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 28 18:32 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@firedoglake: Thanks to you, we’re sending imprisoned whistleblower @JohnKiriakou’s kids to summer camp! | Apr 28 18:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @janehamsher Comedian @IamJonnOliver becomes 1st Journo to | Apr 28 18:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ask NSAs Keith Alexander about his hoarding | Apr 28 18:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 problem h/t @Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 28 18:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 18:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 28 18:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @eSecurityP [VIDEO] Where Are Database Threats Today? | Apr 28 18:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 28 18:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | Apr 28 18:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [VIDEO] Where Are Database Threats Today? - eSecurity Planet | Apr 28 18:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist [VIDEO] Where Are Database Threats Today? | Apr 28 18:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 18:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [VIDEO] Where Are Database Threats Today? - eSecurity Planet | Apr 28 18:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist SQL Injection is *not* a database security | Apr 28 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | problem it’s a Web Application security problem | Apr 28 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | according to @Imperva CTO | Apr 28 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @applebyj Dilbert on certification | Apr 28 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 28 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | Apr 28 18:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@applebyj: Dilbert on certification | Apr 28 18:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:45 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 18:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@fabiobruna: Nice. RT @schestowitz: Telegram #Unity WebApp Integrates #Telegram With Ubuntu's Messaging Menu, Unity Launcher | Apr 28 18:53 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Telegram Unity WebApp Integrates Telegram With Ubuntu's Messaging Menu, Unity Launcher ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog | Apr 28 18:53 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Messgorough: @schestowitz I wish E18 was available for #Sabayon users, still have a bugged version of E17 in our repos. | Apr 28 18:53 | |
schestowitz__ | I use it for the lightness, not features | Apr 28 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Wondering: Is it possible to watch | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EUdebate2014 web stream without non-free | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | software? #freedomfail | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist [VIDEO] Where Are Database Threats Today? - | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | eSecurity Planet | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot SCOTUS Ends Novell's Anti-Trust Cast Against | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Microsoft | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SCOTUS Ends Novell's Anti-Trust Cast Against Microsoft - Slashdot | Apr 28 19:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Fast Pingpong | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | made with #android | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | today | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | » Blog Archive » Fast Pingpong | Apr 28 19:02 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fast Pingpong - YouTube | Apr 28 19:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh McJobs replacing real jobs; as I've suggested | Apr 28 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | for ages “@zeynepton: 40% of jobs created after | Apr 28 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | recovery are bad jobs.” | Apr 28 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | Apr 28 19:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Shameful: WIPO Threatens Blogger With Criminal | Apr 28 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Charges For Accurately Reporting On WIPO | Apr 28 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Director's Alleged Misconduct | Apr 28 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Shameful: WIPO Threatens Blogger With Criminal Charges For Accurately Reporting On WIPO Director's Alleged Misconduct | Techdirt | Apr 28 19:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz HP is making a 14-inch Android laptop | Apr 28 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #linux | Apr 28 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HP is making a 14-inch Android laptop | The Verge | Apr 28 19:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Sailfish On The Nexus 4 Now Works For Audio | Apr 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Phone Calls #sailfishos | Apr 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #jolla #linux #nexus4 | Apr 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Sailfish On The Nexus 4 Now Works For Audio Phone Calls | Apr 28 19:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Ironically: The most depressing thing I've seen | Apr 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | all year. An app called Happify. That makes | Apr 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | you..."happy". | Apr 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Happify | Happify | Apr 28 19:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Lenovo Yoga 10 HD+ Android tablet promises 18 | Apr 28 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | hours of battery life | Apr 28 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #lenovo #linux #android | Apr 28 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lenovo Yoga 10 HD+ Android tablet promises 18 hours of battery life | ZDNet | Apr 28 19:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks UK has now spent £6m ($10m) in 'policing' | Apr 28 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Assange More: | Apr 28 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Julian Assange costs Britain £6m in policing costs | Mail Online | Apr 28 19:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @ianrkerr: launching canadian campaign to | Apr 28 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | stop #killerrobots with op-ed in @OttawaCitizen | Apr 28 19:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Apr 28 19:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Justice for Assange | Apr 28 19:13 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Keep killer robots fictional | Apr 28 19:13 | |
schestowitz__ | > quite old: | Apr 28 19:25 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 28 19:25 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 28 19:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Franklin D. Roosevelt: Message to Congress on Curbing Monopolies. [ ] | Apr 28 19:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @rWikileaks Is Journalist Barrett Brown a Political | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Prisoner? Q&A with Free Barrett Brown's Kevin | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Gallagher #reddit | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #wikileaks | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Journalist Barrett Brown a Political Prisoner? Q&A with Free Barrett Brown's Kevin Gallagher : WikiLeaks | Apr 28 19:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Me and my shadow | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks On Friday US DoJ filed court submission saying | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | secret #WikiLeaks investigation continues | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | More: | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DOJ Continues Its “Multi-Subject” Investigation of WikiLeaks | emptywheel | Apr 28 19:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #elop the #mole makes it clearer that he never | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | served #nokia - just a #microsoft Trojan horse | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #jolla #meego | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft's Elop: Nokia brand soon to vanish from smartphones - CNET | Apr 28 19:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Message to Congress on Curbing Monopolies | Apr 28 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsoft | Apr 28 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Danish Police “Threatens” Former Colleague of | Apr 28 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pirate Bay Founder in Cambodia | Apr 28 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #denmark #police | Apr 28 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Danish Police "Threatens" Former Colleague of Pirate Bay Founder in Cambodia | TorrentFreak | Apr 28 19:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Microsoft Wins Antitrust Case as Top Court | Apr 28 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Rejects Novell | Apr 28 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsoft buried #novell by bribing it | Apr 28 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Wins Antitrust Case as Top Court Rejects Novell - Bloomberg | Apr 28 19:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Geheimverhandlungen in Genf - | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | oh no: another secret | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | trade agreement (v @Liese_Mueller)#TISA | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody urgent: another secret treaty - The Trade In | Apr 28 19:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Deregulierung von Dienstleistungen: Geheimverhandlungen in Genf - | Apr 28 19:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Services Agreement (#TISA) - | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | pl. spread the word | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | widely | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) | Apr 28 19:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody more background on a new threat: The Trade in | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Services Agreement ( '#TiSA' ) - | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller)#secrecy | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Trade in Services Agreement (#TiSA) | Apr 28 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | "opportunity to develop new disciplines (or | Apr 28 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | trade rules)" - (v | Apr 28 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller) | Apr 28 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) - Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Apr 28 19:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Book Review: Designing With the Mind In Mind | Apr 28 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Book Review: Designing With the Mind In Mind - Slashdot | Apr 28 19:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody best short intro to new global Trade in | Apr 28 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Services agreement - bad | Apr 28 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | news for the commons #TISA | Apr 28 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Gnome 3.14 Will Be Released This September | Apr 28 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | worth repeating, | Apr 28 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | important milestone | Apr 28 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gnome 3.14 Will Be Released This September | Unixmen | Apr 28 19:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Why is the Trade in Services Agreement (#TISA) | Apr 28 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | a bad deal? - basically, | Apr 28 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | it fits with #TPP & #TTIP | Apr 28 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why is the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) a bad deal? | ToUChstone blog: A public policy blog from the TUC | Apr 28 19:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz What is the peak of your #OpenCL device? | Apr 28 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | dummdida — What is the peak of your OpenCL device? | Apr 28 19:43 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Clpeak: OpenCL Device Profiling On Linux | Apr 28 19:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Special Report: #TISA versus Public Services - | Apr 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | the #commons is under | Apr 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | attack - pl. read about new secret global | Apr 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | treaty | Apr 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PSI Special Report: TISA versus Public Services | PSI | Apr 28 19:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Illusion | Apr 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz People Are Seriously Talking About A Plan To | Apr 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ban Banks - And It's Not As Crazy As It Sounds | Apr 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #finance #lending | Apr 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | People Are Seriously Talking About A Plan To Ban Banks - And It's Not As Crazy As It Sounds | Business Insider India | Apr 28 19:51 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 19:51 |
schestowitz__ | Gates advertisement from Mashable again | Apr 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller @glynmoody 29.04.2014 06:50 Uhr TiSA: | Apr 28 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Interview @DKultur with Ska Keller,Greens in | Apr 28 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody EU-Parl. | Apr 28 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Edward #Snowden poderá receber asilo político | Apr 28 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | do Brasil - that would | Apr 28 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | be the perfect solution #br | Apr 28 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Silence and words | Apr 28 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Magazine Online | Apr 28 19:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Earth: Game Over? | Apr 28 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | "We're in the middle of | Apr 28 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | a sixth mass extinction" | Apr 28 19:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Earth: Game Over? | Common Dreams | Apr 28 19:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody How #Sweden’s #publicservices were stolen, and | Apr 28 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | how people are fighting to take them back - | Apr 28 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v @guenterhack) #TISA | Apr 28 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Has #mashable been paid by #billgates to mirror | Apr 28 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | his #propaganda or is Mashable just usefully | Apr 28 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | idiotic about it? #plutocracy #propaganda | Apr 28 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sweden’s Great Welfare Heist | Red Pepper | Apr 28 19:56 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 20:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ ### Flying Over the Cuckoo Nest Again <img src=""> If you thought that electric shocks as punishment for the mentally ill was a long gone 20th century nightmare, think again. I'm not talking about <a href="">an abominable prison in Iraq</a> or <a href="htt | Apr 28 20:01 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @"><br ) | Apr 28 20:01 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 400 @">an ) | Apr 28 20:01 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 400 @">CIA ) | Apr 28 20:01 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @">burning ) | Apr 28 20:01 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 20:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ekopemah: @schestowitz To us. Life will survive and come back with even more biodiversity. Maybe a new intelligent species in 50mln years or so. | Apr 28 20:01 | |
schestowitz__ | We are the missing link between suicidal tendencies and intelligent life forms | Apr 28 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Mr D'Sa said he would not be prevented from | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | standing up for the truth" | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ... | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Top award for toxic dump campaigner | Apr 28 20:02 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | "Mr D'Sa said he ... | Apr 28 20:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Report: US Unprepared for Arctic Oil Spill | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | animals and nature don't | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | count as "worthy" victims | Apr 28 20:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Report: US Unprepared for Arctic Oil Spill | Common Dreams | Apr 28 20:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The only animals that survive&thrive (other | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | than human) seem to be domesticated animals | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | which we use as pets or food. #nature doesn't | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | count. | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #WIPO Threatens Blogger With Criminal Charges | Apr 28 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | For Accurately Reporting On WIPO Director's | Apr 28 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Alleged Misconduct - | Apr 28 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Shameful: WIPO Threatens Blogger With Criminal Charges For Accurately Reporting On WIPO Director's Alleged Misconduct | Techdirt | Apr 28 20:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ukraine: pro-Russian separatists hold European | Apr 28 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | military observers captive | Apr 28 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ukraine #russia | Apr 28 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #vladimirpussy | Apr 28 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ukraine: pro-Russian separatists hold European military observers captive | World news | The Guardian | Apr 28 20:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Netflix Exploring Peer-To-Peer Delivery Just As | Apr 28 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Spotify Gets Ready To Kill Its Peer-To-Peer | Apr 28 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Streaming | Apr 28 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Netflix Exploring Peer-To-Peer Delivery Just As Spotify Gets Ready To Kill Its Peer-To-Peer Streaming | Techdirt | Apr 28 20:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bengoldacre ..and since the NHS is the biggest UK drugs | Apr 28 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by customer, maybe the NHS shd just licence good | Apr 28 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody new treatments itself, get generic co's making | Apr 28 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | em. | Apr 28 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 5 lessons open education resources can learn | Apr 28 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | from FOSS #sharing | Apr 28 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | #education | Apr 28 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lessons open education resources can glean from free software | | Apr 28 20:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Subsurface 4.1 Beta released | Apr 28 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kde #gnu #linux | Apr 28 20:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Subsurface 4.1 Beta released | Live Blue | Apr 28 20:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP draws strong reactions from farming | Apr 28 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | communities and consumers in Germany - | Apr 28 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | sounds hopeful | Apr 28 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US-EU free trade agreement draws strong reactions from farming communities and consumers in Germany | Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy | Apr 28 20:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz xf86-video-modesetting Now Supports | Apr 28 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Server-Managed FDs | Apr 28 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #graphics | Apr 28 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] xf86-video-modesetting Now Supports Server-Managed FDs | Apr 28 20:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz CherryTree 0.33 Has Been Released! | Apr 28 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cherrytree #gnu #linux | Apr 28 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CherryTree 0.33 Has Been Released! | Unixmen | Apr 28 20:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Warning over 'privatisation' of environmental | Apr 28 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | science research body - | Apr 28 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | clear attempt to undermine its independence | Apr 28 20:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Warning over 'privatisation' of environmental science research body | Environment | The Guardian | Apr 28 20:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Intel Begins Lining Up Their Graphics Changes | Apr 28 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | For Linux 3.16 #linux | Apr 28 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #intel | Apr 28 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Intel Begins Lining Up Their Graphics Changes For Linux 3.16 | Apr 28 20:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @regnauld: yep, US | Apr 28 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | courts can issue orders to US companies to | Apr 28 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | search data stored in other countries | Apr 28 20:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | U.S. judge rules search warrants extend to overseas email accounts | Reuters | Apr 28 20:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GNOME Books could be great for Linux ebook | Apr 28 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | junkies #gnome #gnu | Apr 28 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | Apr 28 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNOME Books could be great for Linux ebook junkies | Apr 28 20:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @thetheRedundant @umairh You know what would make me happy? | Apr 28 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Health care & education I can afford & Wall | Apr 28 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Street thugs that are actually punished for | Apr 28 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | crimes | Apr 28 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 64-bit #MenuetOS M64 0.99.57 Released | Apr 28 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] 64-bit MenuetOS M64 0.99.57 Released | Apr 28 20:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Wolfson Audio Card for Raspberry Pi Review | Apr 28 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #raspberrypi #linux | Apr 28 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz When will Pierre permit Greenwald et al. to | Apr 28 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | release some more #nsa crimes evidence to | Apr 28 20:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wolfson Audio Card for Raspberry Pi Review | Linux User & Developer - the Linux and FOSS mag for a GNU generation | Apr 28 20:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | rekindle the debate? #fail #theIntercept | Apr 28 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #censorship | Apr 28 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic | Apr 28 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #systemd #ubuntu #gnu | Apr 28 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #upstart | Apr 28 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic « Martin Pitt | Apr 28 20:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Male Scent Molecules May Be Compromising | Apr 28 20:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Biomedical Research | Apr 28 20:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Male Scent Molecules May Be Compromising Biomedical Research - Slashdot | Apr 28 20:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP bedroht Europas Bauern und Verbraucher - | Apr 28 20:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | people must wake up to | Apr 28 20:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | this (v @Liese_Mueller) | Apr 28 20:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Freihandelsabkommen: TTIP bedroht Europas Bauern und Verbraucher | ZEIT ONLINE | Apr 28 20:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz INDICATOR NETSPEED DISPLAYS NETWORK SPEED ON | Apr 28 20:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | THE UNITY PANEL #unity | Apr 28 20:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #gnu #linux | Apr 28 20:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Indicator Netspeed Displays Network Speed On The Unity Panel ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog | Apr 28 20:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GNOME 3.12.1 out: PDF accessibility progress | Apr 28 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnome #pdf #gnu #linux | Apr 28 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNOME 3.12.1 out: PDF accessibility progress « API | Apr 28 20:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody The State of Land in Europe - | Apr 28 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | why CAP isn't working (v | Apr 28 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller) | Apr 28 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Agrarian Justice | The State of Land in Europe | Apr 28 20:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Android home automation hub focuses on security | Apr 28 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #linux | Apr 28 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #security | Apr 28 20:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Android home automation hub focuses on security · | Apr 28 20:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines PINGUY OS 14.04 MINI AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Wolfson Audio Card for Raspberry Pi Review | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines INDICATOR NETSPEED DISPLAYS NETWORK SPEED ON | Apr 28 20:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PINGUY OS 14.04 MINI AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD | Tux Machines | Apr 28 20:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | THE UNITY PANEL | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME 3.12.1 out: PDF accessibility progress | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wolfson Audio Card for Raspberry Pi Review | Tux Machines | Apr 28 20:33 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic | Tux Machines | Apr 28 20:33 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | INDICATOR NETSPEED DISPLAYS NETWORK SPEED ON THE UNITY PANEL | Tux Machines | Apr 28 20:33 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNOME 3.12.1 out: PDF accessibility progress | Tux Machines | Apr 28 20:33 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 20:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Corruption and Fear in the UK [ ] | Apr 28 20:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Why do so many religious believers want | Apr 28 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | atheists to lie about our atheism? | Apr 28 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | via @Salon | Apr 28 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Christianity’s faith-based freakout: Why atheism makes believers so uncomfortable - | Apr 28 20:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Judge’s ruling spells bad news for U.S. cloud | Apr 28 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | providers - whoops | Apr 28 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cloudcomputing | Apr 28 20:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Judge’s ruling spells bad news for U.S. cloud providers — Tech News and Analysis | Apr 28 20:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mikko We've published a specification on what kind of | Apr 28 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by info F-Secure Internet Security collects: | Apr 28 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | Apr 28 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mikko: We've published a specification on what kind of info F-Secure Internet Security collects: | Apr 28 20:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mikko We believe we're the first Internet Security | Apr 28 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by vendor to disclose how we collect data from | Apr 28 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian users. We hope other companies will do the | Apr 28 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | same. | Apr 28 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller @glynmoody Statement Bio in Germany | Apr 28 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 28 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Hug_Ben Happy Ed Balls day everyone!! What better time | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to play the 'What's your @edballsmp Name' game? | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard #EdBallsDay | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Hug_Ben: Happy Ed Balls day everyone!! What better time to play the 'What's your @edballsmp Name' game? #EdBallsDay | Apr 28 20:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TiSA, the new Trade in Services Agreement – no | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | multilateralism, no transparency - | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @SkaKeller on it, 2013 | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v @olewin) | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TiSA, the new Trade in Services Agreement – no multilateralism, no transparency | Apr 28 20:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @fudgecrumpet Happy Ed Balls day everyone. | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by *decorates Ed Balls tree* | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard *lights Ed Balls candle* | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | *prepares traditional Ed Balls Tripe and Eggs* | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ed Balls. | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @unfortunatalie *Discovers plate of crumbs & empty bottle of | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by scotch by the fireplace* | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ED BALLS HAS BEEN!!! | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AbbyMartin Corporate media blackout on corporate coup. | Apr 28 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ABC, CBS nor NBC have even so much as mentioned | Apr 28 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks the #TPP for 14+ months: | Apr 28 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | World Leaders Pave the Way for a Corporate Coup d’Etat: How to Stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership | MEDIA ROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines | Apr 28 20:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @edballsmp Good grief.. Oh go on then.. RT @edballsmp: Ed | Apr 28 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Balls | Apr 28 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | Apr 28 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @HRWchi "There are persons like CIA officer john | Apr 28 20:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Kiriakou now serving 30 months...for confirming | Apr 28 20:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou something to a reporter" @kgosztola | Apr 28 20:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Hashtag Scrutiny - deep | Apr 28 20:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | and important #democracy | Apr 28 20:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hashtag Scrutiny « Emma Mulqueeny | Apr 28 20:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Terms like "engagement," "disrupt," and | Apr 28 20:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | "innovation" are commonly thrown around" | Apr 28 20:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | "cloud"... | Apr 28 20:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stop It With the Silicon Valley Buzzwords | John C. Dvorak | | Apr 28 20:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard The Daily Mirror live-tweets Ed Balls Day: How | Apr 28 20:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Twitter celebrated the third anniversary of Ed | Apr 28 20:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Balls tweeting his name | Apr 28 20:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ed Balls Day live: Twitter celebrates the third anniversary of Ed Balls tweeting his own name - Mirror Online | Apr 28 20:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @maira Secret, undemocratic trade agreements cannot | Apr 28 20:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by interpret copyright law for the US Supreme | Apr 28 20:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Court. Great piece by @xor: | Apr 28 20:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 20:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Aereo Can't Be Bound by Secret Interpretations of Copyright Law | Electronic Frontier Foundation | Apr 28 20:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ag_europa The #TiSA and the corporate agenda | Apr 28 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by (.pdf) | Apr 28 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard 2048: Ed Balls Edition is really confusing. | Apr 28 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 2048: Ed Balls Edition | Apr 28 21:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody This cash for grouse scandal shows how Britain | Apr 28 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | has become a plutocrats' paradise - | Apr 28 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | disgraceful | Apr 28 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This cash for grouse scandal shows how Britain has become a plutocrats' paradise | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian | Apr 28 21:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 143 French politicians pledge to support free | Apr 28 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | software - they order | Apr 28 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | these things better in #france #opensource | Apr 28 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 143 French politicians pledge to support free software | Joinup | Apr 28 21:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Popular Music Player #Audacious 3.5 Gets Major | Apr 28 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Update | Apr 28 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Popular Music Player Audacious 3.5 Gets Major Update | Apr 28 21:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Google Using Self-Driving Car Data To Make Cars | Apr 28 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Smarter | Apr 28 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Using Self-Driving Car Data To Make Cars Smarter - Slashdot | Apr 28 21:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mozilla Aims to Improve Firefox Browser SSL | Apr 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Security #firefox | Apr 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mozilla | Apr 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mozilla Aims to Improve Firefox Browser SSL Security | Apr 28 21:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Norwegischer Geheimdienst: NIS arbeitet beim | Apr 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Code-Knacken mit NSA zusammen - | Apr 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | optimised, presumably | Apr 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #snowden | Apr 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Steelwinter-Supercomputer: Norwegens Geheimdienst kooperiert mit NSA - SPIEGEL ONLINE | Apr 28 21:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Voltage Pictures Abuses Trademark Law To Go | Apr 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | After Dallas Buyers Club Downloaders | Apr 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Voltage Pictures Abuses Trademark Law To Go After Dallas Buyers Club Downloaders | Techdirt | Apr 28 21:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JMalinowskiR Microsoft to hand over overseas data - where | Apr 28 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by would that leave jurisdiction, sovereignty, | Apr 28 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody MLA, #cybercrime and #dataprotection treaties? | Apr 28 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Soho blues. | Apr 28 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@umairh: Soho blues. | Apr 28 21:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh @FrailestThingove <3 | Apr 28 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Firefox 29.0 For Linux Is Now Available For | Apr 28 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Download #firefox | Apr 28 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mozilla | Apr 28 21:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Firefox 29.0 For Linux Is Now Available For Download | Apr 28 21:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:16 |
*TweetSchestowitz @umairh deleted '@FrailestThingove <3' | Apr 28 21:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JWhitehurst Ari Bose @BRCDcomm on how #CIOs must prepare | Apr 28 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | for the office of the #future. Interesting | Apr 28 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | read. @4enterprisers | Apr 28 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How CIOs must prepare for the office of the future: Q&A with Ari Bose | The Enterprisers Project | Apr 28 21:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JWhitehurst Congrats @melaniechernoff on your TBJ | Apr 28 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #leadership award! | Apr 28 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat | Red Hat' | Apr 28 21:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android home automation hub focuses on security | Apr 28 21:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 28 21:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Firefox 29.0 For Linux Is Now Available For | Apr 28 21:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | Download | Apr 28 21:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Android home automation hub focuses on security | Tux Machines | Apr 28 21:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Testing NVIDIA Optimus / DRI PRIME On Ubuntu | Apr 28 21:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | 14.04 | Apr 28 21:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Firefox 29.0 For Linux Is Now Available For Download | Tux Machines | Apr 28 21:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Testing NVIDIA Optimus / DRI PRIME On Ubuntu 14.04 | Tux Machines | Apr 28 21:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Testing NVIDIA #Optimus / DRI PRIME On Ubuntu | Apr 28 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | 14.04 #nvidia #graphics | Apr 28 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #linux | Apr 28 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Testing NVIDIA Optimus / DRI PRIME On Ubuntu 14.04 | Apr 28 21:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - | Apr 28 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | now updated with number | Apr 28 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | XXIII | Apr 28 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - Open Enterprise | Apr 28 21:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux 3.15-rc3 | Apr 28 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #kernel | Apr 28 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux 3.15-rc3 [] | Apr 28 21:30 | |
schestowitz__ | <li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">VIDEO: Linux engineer builds Raspberry Pi 'PiPhone'</a></h5></li> | Apr 28 21:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | VIDEO: Linux engineer builds Raspberry Pi 'PiPhone' | The latest news from the Computer and IT Industry | PC Retail [ ] | Apr 28 21:38 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 21:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic #systemd #ubuntu #gnu #linux #upstart | Apr 28 21:41 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic « Martin Pitt [ ] | Apr 28 21:41 | |
schestowitz__ | "Systemd = unnecessary introduction of a complicated method to do the same thing that SysVinit, a simple method, already does quite well. Progress, I guess. :(" | Apr 28 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Out in the Open: Occupy Wall Street | Apr 28 21:48 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Reincarnated as Open Source Software | Apr 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ows #freesw #freedom | Apr 28 21:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@GringoPeruano: @schestowitz Too right! .. something really outrageous (on UK politicians is usually good!) that will IGNITE the debate in the UK :) #gchq | Apr 28 21:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Out in the Open: Occupy Wall Street Reincarnated as Open Source Software | Enterprise | WIRED | Apr 28 21:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Everything that is wrong with American | Apr 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | capitalism, in one headline | Apr 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rondam Ramblings: Everything that is wrong with American capitalism, in one headline | Apr 28 21:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #SCOTUS case today: Public employee | Apr 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #whistleblower fired for exercsing 1st Am rts: | Apr 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | testifying 4 GJ in corruption case | Apr 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How A Public Corruption Scandal Became A Fight Over Free Speech : NPR | Apr 28 21:49 | |
schestowitz__ | Not even protests in the UK. They're killed before they take place. | Apr 28 21:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot NASA Honors William Shatner With Distinguished | Apr 28 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | Public Service Medal | Apr 28 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NASA Honors William Shatner With Distinguished Public Service Medal - Slashdot | Apr 28 21:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Last time Pierre's site (which privatised | Apr 28 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Snowden leaks) published new revelation was | Apr 28 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | 20th of Mar 2014 (6 weeks ago) | Apr 28 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Intercept | Apr 28 21:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz I hereby call the #nsa leaks "over"; the news | Apr 28 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | has dried up and Pierre's empire is sitting on | Apr 28 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | millions of sensitive documents w/o disclosure | Apr 28 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @KateMattiace just caught myself saying "sorry, I can't, I'm | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by on a deadline" @JournalistsLike | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist #partylikeajournalist | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Latest new post from Pierre's site is book | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | promotion. A book whose author advocates | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | (publicly) driving ALL Israelis out of Israel. | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz What needs to be done right now is either leak | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | of the Snowden leaks (leaking them out of | Apr 28 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pierre's dirty hands) or calling for new | Apr 28 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | leakers | Apr 28 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "the person behind this platform went along | Apr 28 21:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | with the financial boycott against WikiLeaks?" | Apr 28 21:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #theintercept | Apr 28 21:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WikiLeaks' Sarah Harrison: 'How can you take Pierre Omidyar seriously?' | Technology | | Apr 28 21:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW .@democracynow interviews @RalphNader on #TPP & | Apr 28 21:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by “Unstoppable” Anti-Corporate #Movement: | Apr 28 21:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #StopTPP #WTO #NAFTA | Apr 28 21:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TPPA | Apr 28 21:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ralph Nader on TPP, GM Recall, Nuclear Power and the "Unstoppable" Left-Right Anti-Corporate Movement | Apr 28 21:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW If @WHO says #TPP puts commercial interests | Apr 28 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ahead of #publichealth & affordable #medicine | Apr 28 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody we should listen. #StopTPP | Apr 28 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: If @WHO says #TPP puts commercial interests ahead of #publichealth & affordable #medicine we should listen. #StopTPP | Apr 28 22:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou “Thank you to Firedoglake for the overwhelming | Apr 28 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | and generous gift for my family.” JK | Apr 28 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Two Happy Campers: Firedoglake Activists Raise Over $1,600 to Send John Kiriakou’s Kids to Summer Camp! | FDL Action | Apr 28 22:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @avilarenata BIG difference independent thinkers can do: | Apr 28 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by THANK YOU @jerezim and @ioerror for your | Apr 28 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror contributions at #netmundial2014 | Apr 28 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Center for Global Communication Studies (CGCS) | Reaching Across Borders to Support Communications Scholarship | Apr 28 22:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Martin_A_M La vergonzosa censura de la OMPI a la | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by investigación de la conducta de su director | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Francis Gurry | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Shameful: WIPO Threatens Blogger With Criminal Charges For Accurately Reporting On WIPO Director's Alleged Misconduct | Techdirt | Apr 28 22:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard #GenderWeek: Class is to gender what a tube map | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | is to London @RozKaveney | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | via @Feminist_Times | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 28 22:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @WhistleWatch Judge tells whistleblower "You do realize that | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by exposing the illegal things your government has | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 been doing is illegal… | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MSPB_news . @WhistleWatch: That's what the @USMSPB told | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @rjmaclean & @TheJusticeDept told | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @Thomas_Drake1... #TruthToPower | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Links 28/4/2014: Debate About Improving | Apr 28 22:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | GNU/Linux, Android Beyond Mobile | Apr 28 22:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #techrights | Apr 28 22:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Ian56789 @Thomas_Drake1 I want to know how anyone can | Apr 28 22:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by pretend with a straight face that they support | Apr 28 22:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 a free country & #NSA Mass Surveillance | Apr 28 22:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Links 28/4/2014: Debate About Improving GNU/Linux, Android Beyond Mobile | Techrights | Apr 28 22:09 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 22:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@GringoPeruano: @schestowitz The only protest I've heard of is the one planned for aug? at GCHQ... or are u speaking more generally? | Apr 28 22:11 | |
schestowitz__ | Any protest at all against UK surveillance, except some blog posts that hardly count as protest | Apr 28 22:12 |
schestowitz__ | Germany and US had many protests against mass surveillance | Apr 28 22:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux 3.15-rc3 | Apr 28 22:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Out in the Open: Occupy Wall Street | Apr 28 22:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | Reincarnated as Open Source Software | Apr 28 22:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 28 22:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | Apr 28 22:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux 3.15-rc3 | Tux Machines | Apr 28 22:18 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Out in the Open: Occupy Wall Street Reincarnated as Open Source Software | Tux Machines | Apr 28 22:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DJ_Sylvester .@Thomas_Drake1 is absolutely right. You have | Apr 28 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by NO obligation to follow an unlawful order, you | Apr 28 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 have obligation NOT to. | Apr 28 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jpclark14 #TPPA Focussing on trade with Japan is better | Apr 28 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for Canada than waiting for the TPP | National | Apr 28 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Newswatch | Apr 28 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | Apr 28 22:18 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Defending Democracy: Government Whistleblowing in the Digital Age - YouTube | Apr 28 22:18 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 28 22:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola UN special rapporteur on torture: Obama has | Apr 28 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by kept evidence of US torture hidden, compromised | Apr 28 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody by CIA | Apr 28 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Abu Ghraib’s Ghosts - Juan E. Méndez - POLITICO Magazine | Apr 28 22:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt US Judge Says Prosecutors Can Use A Warrant To | Apr 28 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Go Fishing For Information Held Overseas | Apr 28 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Judge Says Prosecutors Can Use A Warrant To Go Fishing For Information Held Overseas | Techdirt | Apr 28 22:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @badvoltage Stuart did an interview about Bad Voltage with | Apr 28 22:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by TuxJam - #badvoltage | Apr 28 22:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon | Apr 28 22:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot US and UK Governments Advise Avoiding Internet | Apr 28 22:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Explorer Until Bug Fixed | Apr 28 22:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TuxJam Episode 32 | Unseen Studio | Apr 28 22:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US and UK Governments Advise Avoiding Internet Explorer Until Bug Fixed - Slashdot | Apr 28 22:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @benwagne_r #netmundial2014 huge disappointment regarding | Apr 28 22:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by what drove this meeting in the first place: | Apr 28 22:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror mass surveillance and HR | Apr 28 22:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Big business was the winner at NETmundial (Wired UK) | Apr 28 22:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Obama denies pressuring #Malaysia over | Apr 28 22:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Trans-Pacific pact - | Apr 28 22:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | yeah, right (v @PCGTW) #TPP | Apr 28 22:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama denies pressuring Malaysia over Trans-Pacific pact, 28 April 2014 | Apr 28 22:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Why is the Trade in Services Agreement (#TISA) | Apr 28 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | a bad deal? - basically, | Apr 28 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | it fits with #TPP & #TTIP | Apr 28 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why is the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) a bad deal? | ToUChstone blog: A public policy blog from the TUC | Apr 28 22:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @spj_tweets NEW in the SPJ Code of Ethics: Journalists, not | Apr 28 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by sources, are responsible for the accuracy of | Apr 28 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist stories. #EthicsMonth | Apr 28 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Adobe Updates Flash to Fix Zero-Day | Apr 28 22:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Code Words » Blog Archive » Ethics Code Revisions – Our First Draft [Updated] | A Society of Professional Journalists Blog | Apr 28 22:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Vulnerability | Apr 28 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Adobe Updates Flash to Fix Zero-Day Vulnerability | Apr 28 22:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh A dork in soho. | Apr 28 22:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@umairh: A dork in soho. | Apr 28 22:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @botherder Let's all have a laugh together with Keith, | Apr 28 22:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by shall we? cc @ioerror | Apr 28 22:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror #NSA | Apr 28 22:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: General Keith Alexander Extended Interview (HBO) - YouTube | Apr 28 22:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US-CERT to Americans: Stop browsing with IE - | Apr 28 22:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsoft | Apr 28 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @chrisalbon The NSA just cost America hundreds of | Apr 28 22:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US-CERT to Americans: Stop browsing with IE - | Apr 28 22:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by manufacturing jobs: | Apr 28 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | Apr 28 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Saab wins Brazil jet deal after NSA spying sours Boeing bid | Reuters | Apr 28 22:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #SCOTUS case today: Public employee | Apr 28 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #whistleblower fired for exercsing 1st Am rts: | Apr 28 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 testifying 4 GJ in corruption case | Apr 28 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How A Public Corruption Scandal Became A Fight Over Free Speech : NPR | Apr 28 22:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard The worst sentence I've read on the Internet | Apr 28 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | today: "Today we’re announcing that you can | Apr 28 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | donate Bitcoins to homeless people!" | Apr 28 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @trevortimm Comedian John Oliver's interview with ex-NSA | Apr 28 23:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by chief Keith Alexander is infinitely more | Apr 28 23:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror adversarial than 60 Minutes. | Apr 28 23:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 23:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: General Keith Alexander Extended Interview (HBO) - YouTube | Apr 28 23:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Krhawkins5 Remembering Abu Ghraib (1): Torture Everywhere | Apr 28 23:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and the Accountability Gap | Apr 28 23:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou | Apr 28 23:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Remembering Abu Ghraib (1): Torture Everywhere and the Accountability Gap | Just Security | Apr 28 23:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mslopatto This graphic is amazing | Apr 28 23:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 28 23:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 23:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | Apr 28 23:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bcrypt Windows XP users: You are a danger to | Apr 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by yourselves and others on your network. You are | Apr 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian also holding back TLS for the entire Internet. | Apr 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW .@rosadelauro:“No appetite to provide #POTUS w/ | Apr 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #FastTrack to ram another bad trade deal (#TPP) | Apr 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody through #Congress.” | Apr 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DeLauro: “No Appetite to Provide the Administration with Fast Track Authority to Ram another Bad Trade Deal through Congress” | Apr 28 23:11 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @bcrypt: 'Windows XP users: You are a danger to...' | Apr 28 23:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Patent Litigation Cost US Business About A | Apr 28 23:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Trillion Dollars In A Quarter Century, | Apr 28 23:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Outweighing Benefits - | Apr 28 23:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Patent Litigation Cost US Business About A Trillion Dollars In A Quarter Century, Outweighing Benefits | Techdirt | Apr 28 23:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Minesweepers Robotic Competition Aims For a | Apr 28 23:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Landmine-Free World | Apr 28 23:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Minesweepers Robotic Competition Aims For a Landmine-Free World - Slashdot | Apr 28 23:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Patent Litigation Cost US Business About A | Apr 28 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Trillion Dollars In A Quarter Century, | Apr 28 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Outweighing Benefits | Apr 28 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody A rising tide: the case against #Canada as a | Apr 28 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | world citizen - hard but | Apr 28 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | fair (v @BoingBoing) | Apr 28 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140427 - | Apr 28 23:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A rising tide: the case against Canada as a world citizen : The Lancet Global Health | Apr 28 23:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | Apr 28 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | Apr 28 23:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140427 | Apr 28 23:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @thejustcampaign #CIA ( should put a | Apr 28 23:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by link to @JohnKiriakou's site-show kids | Apr 28 23:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou ramifications of exposing torture | Apr 28 23:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kids' Zone — Central Intelligence Agency | Apr 28 23:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 23:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Defend Whistleblower John Kiriakou | Apr 28 23:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @froomkin 10 yrs ago today, every big newsroom should | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by have put a reporter on the torture beat & told | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou them to stay on it until we figured this shit | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | out | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel David Luban remembers ignored journalism on | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by torture & forgotten | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou heroes who stood against it. | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Remembering Abu Ghraib (1): Torture Everywhere and the Accountability Gap | Just Security | Apr 28 23:45 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Remembering Abu Ghraib (2): Not Company Men and Women | Just Security | Apr 28 23:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard .@arkadyrose just saw an "Ask me about Roko's | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Basilisk!" T-shirt and wanted one, then | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | reconsidered in case anyone actually did. | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ecsparrow Updated today report on the state of the art in | Apr 28 23:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by secure email projects | Apr 28 23:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | Apr 28 23:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenTechFund/secure-email · GitHub | Apr 28 23:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks On Friday US DoJ filed court submission saying | Apr 28 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by secret #WikiLeaks investigation continues | Apr 28 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror More: | Apr 28 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DOJ Continues Its “Multi-Subject” Investigation of WikiLeaks | emptywheel | Apr 28 23:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Despite the tag line as the "world's most | Apr 28 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | private email," StartMail is remarkably | Apr 28 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | insecure. | Apr 28 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | secure-email/ at master · OpenTechFund/secure-email · GitHub | Apr 28 23:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ozkatz #Abbott's #PPL Anyone spot the problem? #ausbiz | Apr 28 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #auspol | Apr 28 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | Apr 28 23:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ozkatz: #Abbott's #PPL Anyone spot the problem? #ausbiz #auspol | Apr 28 23:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JulianLives If chairmakers got copyright protection: | Apr 28 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 28 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard "If you don't believe in a chairmaker getting | Apr 28 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | paid every time you sit in one, you're | Apr 28 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | anti-chair." | Apr 28 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @sarahlicity TERFs are defending phallic dildos. I thought I | Apr 28 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by was joking when I said that they thought "all | Apr 28 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard penetration is violence unless it's silicone". | Apr 28 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AndyGilder For every brick you send, UKIP gets charged by | Apr 28 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Royal Mail. Send yours in now! #UKIPBrickAppeal | Apr 28 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard #ukipfreepost | Apr 28 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Apr 28 23:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@pgo1980: #ukipbrickappeal #UKIP #ukipfreepost | Apr 28 23:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard UKIP needs your bricks to build a wall to keep | Apr 28 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Romanians out. Send your bricks now! | Apr 28 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@davidgerard: UKIP needs your bricks to build a wall to keep the Romanians out. Send your bricks now! | Apr 28 23:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @vizcomic A letter from Liz Foster - from about 7 years | Apr 29 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ago. | Apr 29 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | Apr 29 00:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@vizcomic: A letter from Liz Foster - from about 7 years ago. | Apr 29 00:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Imminent Server Seizure Tests Brazil's New | Apr 29 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Internet Bill of Rights | Apr 29 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 00:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Imminent Server Seizure Tests Brazil's New Internet Bill of Rights - Slashdot | Apr 29 00:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Fact-checking Hillary Clinton's comments on | Apr 29 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Edward Snowden and the NSA | Apr 29 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack | Apr 29 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 00:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 29 00:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Clapper: "We can't tell you how many civilians | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | we #drone." | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Really? B/c my #whistleblower saw grim | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | after-action reprts | Apr 29 00:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US senators remove requirement for disclosure over drone strike victims | World news | | Apr 29 00:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Former FBI Agent: NYPD's Muslim-Spying | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Demographics Unit Was Almost Completely Useless | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 00:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Former FBI Agent: NYPD's Muslim-Spying Demographics Unit Was Almost Completely Useless | Techdirt | Apr 29 00:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: brucesterling: The Marvel Cinematic | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Universe doesn’t require the same suspension of | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | disbelief as... | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 00:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: brucesterling: The Marvel Cinematic Universe... | Apr 29 00:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot DarkMarket, the Decentralized Answer To Silk | Apr 29 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Road, Is About More Than Just Drugs | Apr 29 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 00:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DarkMarket, the Decentralized Answer To Silk Road, Is About More Than Just Drugs - Slashdot | Apr 29 00:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: misscecil: My name is Cecil | Apr 29 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Castellucci. My first boyfriend was Batman. I | Apr 29 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | invited him to my fourth... | Apr 29 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 00:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: misscecil: My name is Cecil Castellucci. My... | Apr 29 00:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: wilwheaton: warrenellis: Announced | Apr 29 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | today: my novel GUN MACHINE is being developed | Apr 29 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | as a tv serial for... | Apr 29 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 00:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: wilwheaton: warrenellis: Announced today: my... | Apr 29 00:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: firstsecondbooks: misscecil: First | Apr 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Second tweeted some sneak peeks at the French | Apr 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | version of Odd... | Apr 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: firstsecondbooks: misscecil: First Second... | Apr 29 01:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist AOL Advises Users to Reset Passwords After | Apr 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Breach | Apr 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AOL Advises Users to Reset Passwords After Breach | Apr 29 01:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattblaze Thought experiment: pick a random vulnerability | Apr 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by in, say, the CVE db & apply the WH "how likely | Apr 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror is this to be discovered" test to it. | Apr 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:08 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 01:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ I hereby call the #nsa leaks "over"; the news has dried up and Pierre's empire is sitting on millions of sensitive documents w/o disclosure | Apr 29 01:09 | |
schestowitz__ | "Come on now, they aren't the only ones with the docs. Nobody knows how many reporters exactly have access to these documents. Known news outlets who have access to documents: CBC, NY Times, WaPo, Der Spiegel, Le Monde, the list goes on. I don't think it's over, the pattern has been publish, government denies published report, publish docs proving government is lying, repeat. The process has slowed naturally, but they will | Apr 29 01:09 |
schestowitz__ | keep bubbling up and my instinct is the next thing to break will have something to do with operations targeting human rights, peace, labor and environmental groups. Snowden has already hinted at this." | Apr 29 01:09 |
schestowitz__ | "That's nice, Roy. Thanks for sharing." | Apr 29 01:09 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 01:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Passover Greetings from the Editor - The Intercept [ ] | Apr 29 01:10 | |
schestowitz__ | "The new editor says that they are focused on the docs but that the stories will come when they are ready. I would rather see Greenwald writing about the documents instead of a book review but, "no one can stop Glenn Greenwald from blogging."" | Apr 29 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @democracynow Afghan Panel: New Secret Prisons Found on NATO | Apr 29 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Bases | Apr 29 01:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | Apr 29 01:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Headlines for April 28, 2014 | Democracy Now! | Apr 29 01:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Proposed Indicator of of Life On Alien Worlds | Apr 29 01:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | May Be Bogus | Apr 29 01:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Proposed Indicator of of Life On Alien Worlds May Be Bogus - Slashdot | Apr 29 01:16 | |
schestowitz__ | Compare this to last year. It has taken this augmented capacity/staff/team a lot of time to produce even one breaking story. | Apr 29 01:18 |
schestowitz__ | For now, Glenn is just promoting a book of a man whose message mirrors Hamas and whose ideology radicalises a view of a nation, akin to saying that all US citizens all support abuse and torture of prisoners in Iraq and should therefore disperse out of the US. | Apr 29 01:18 |
schestowitz__ | But never mind that. | Apr 29 01:18 |
schestowitz__ | I think that given exclusive access to some of these documents there's responsibility to divulging key information. The NSA's RP strategy is meanwhile trotting forward, with Alexander making self-serving TV appearances and initiatives to reform the system or defiund the NSA drying up. | Apr 29 01:18 |
schestowitz__ | I wonder what Snowden thinks about Wikileaks' sworn enemy taking charge of his stash of evidence of misconduct. First it was Guardian (Wikileaks-hostile reporting) and now the man behind a Wikileaks blockade. | Apr 29 01:18 |
schestowitz__ | Perhaps Snowden should have leaked to Wikileaks staff. | Apr 29 01:18 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 01:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Polishing the Rare Gem That Is Linux Katherine's latest ramble covers #gnu #linux improvements | Apr 29 01:27 | |
schestowitz__ | "Not improvements, suggested improvements and borderline FUD. GNU/Linux is almost always better organized and easier for users to care for than non free software. I agree with Gerhard Mack that CUPS needs some work but the rest of the suggestions range from irritating to just wrong. The "hairyfeet" troll, for example, complains about a problem I've never experienced. People complaining that they can't use a gnu/linux | Apr 29 01:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Polishing the Rare Gem That Is Linux | Community | LinuxInsider [ ] | Apr 29 01:27 | |
schestowitz__ | desktop because some piece of non free software is missing are barking up the wrong tree. If they really need non free software, they should have a computer for that program and complain to the owner about the lack of freedom. These objections are tired but will never end as long as software owners keep up their massive smear and misdirection campaigns. Noyes disappoints again by passing on stuff she should know better | Apr 29 01:27 |
schestowitz__ | about." | Apr 29 01:27 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 01:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ "the person behind this platform went along with the financial boycott against WikiLeaks?" #theintercept | Apr 29 01:31 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | WikiLeaks' Sarah Harrison: 'How can you take Pierre Omidyar seriously?' | Technology | [ ] | Apr 29 01:31 | |
schestowitz__ | "Ouch <blockquote>He didn't even comment on it. He could have said something like: 'we were forced to do this, but I am against it'.</blockquote>" | Apr 29 01:31 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 01:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Out in the Open: Occupy Wall Street Reincarnated as Open Source Software #ows #freesw #freedom | Apr 29 01:32 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Out in the Open: Occupy Wall Street Reincarnated as Open Source Software | Enterprise | WIRED | Apr 29 01:32 | |
schestowitz__ | "Loomio sounds interesting. How does it compare with the software and system that was used to draft GPL3?" | Apr 29 01:32 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 01:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Report: US Unprepared for Arctic Oil Spill animals and nature don't count as "worthy" victims | Apr 29 01:32 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Report: US Unprepared for Arctic Oil Spill | Common Dreams [ ] | Apr 29 01:32 | |
schestowitz__ | "Let's see if BP recycles their last bid to be the clean up team." | Apr 29 01:32 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 01:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Has #mashable been paid by #billgates to mirror his #propaganda or is Mashable just usefully idiotic about it? #plutocracy #propaganda | Apr 29 01:33 | |
schestowitz__ | "Mashable has not been very useful for me. Have I been missing something?" | Apr 29 01:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt DailyDirt: Seeing In The Dark | Apr 29 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DailyDirt: Seeing In The Dark | Techdirt | Apr 29 01:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BAHjournalist Craig Ferguson is leaving the @LateLateShowCBS | Apr 29 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by in December. "CBS and I are not getting | Apr 29 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist divorced, we are 'consciously uncoupling'," he | Apr 29 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | said. | Apr 29 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Afghan "torturer-in-chief" now resides in | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by California. CIA shielding from accountability | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou or prosecution? | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mystery surrounds move of Afghan ‘torturer in chief’ to U.S. amid allegations of agency abuse - The Washington Post | Apr 29 01:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime Revived | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | For Modern Computers, Linux Included: | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | GamingOnLinux: Experience... | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime Revived For Modern Computers, Linux Included | Apr 29 01:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Dell and Big Switch Partner On Open SDN | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Reseller Solution: TalkingCloud: A new | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | reseller partnership will make... | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Dell and Big Switch Partner On Open SDN Reseller Solution | Apr 29 01:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Linux 3.15 rc3: Linus Torvalds: Another week, | Apr 29 02:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | another rc. So far, no big scares, and rc3 is | Apr 29 02:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | appropriately smal... | Apr 29 02:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Linux 3.15 rc3 | Apr 29 02:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JasonLeopold Really, this is amazing reporting by | Apr 29 02:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by .@JulieATate, et al. What an incredible story. | Apr 29 02:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou And a disturbing one at that. | Apr 29 02:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 02:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JasonLeopold Now I am wondering if I ever saw the | Apr 29 02:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Afghanistan "torturer in chief" at the farmers | Apr 29 02:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou market. | Apr 29 02:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthew_d_green Good news: many essential XP boxes are air | Apr 29 02:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by gapped. Bad news: they're air gapped because | Apr 29 02:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian they control critical infrastructure. | Apr 29 02:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattblaze Its incredibly tempting, when you discover a | Apr 29 02:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by vulnerability, to conclude that you're the | Apr 29 02:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian smartest, cleverest person on earth. | Apr 29 02:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | Apr 29 02:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | Apr 29 02:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | Apr 29 02:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | Apr 29 02:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattblaze "No hard and fast rules" on when gov't reports | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by vuls, and the process is, apparently, secret. | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian But they hope it instills confidence. | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Canada in decline | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 29 02:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 29 02:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Orikaso: folding, cheap, amazing polypropylene | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by flat-pack dinnerware | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 29 02:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Orikaso: folding, cheap, amazing polypropylene flat-pack dinnerware - Boing Boing | Apr 29 02:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BoingBoing: Orikaso: folding, cheap, amazing polypropylene flat-pack dinnerware | Apr 29 02:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Our @doctorow on FCC's proposed internet rules: | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Gutting Net Neutrality also guts innovation, | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow fairness and democracy | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gutting Net Neutrality also guts innovation, fairness and democracy - Boing Boing | Apr 29 02:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Mathematicians: refuse to work for the NSA! | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 29 02:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mathematicians: refuse to work for the NSA! - Boing Boing | Apr 29 02:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Fact-checking Hillary Clinton's comments on | Apr 29 02:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Edward Snowden and the NSA | Apr 29 02:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 29 02:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 29 02:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing WIPO sends criminal prosecution threats over | Apr 29 02:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by publication of internal docs about its Director | Apr 29 02:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow General's corruption | Apr 29 02:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 29 02:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @sl_huang @doctorow Why I Published My Novel Under | Apr 29 02:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Creative Commons: Building the World I Want to | Apr 29 02:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Live In | Apr 29 02:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why I Licensed Under Creative Commons: I’m Building the World I Want to Live In | SL Huang | Apr 29 02:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Drop war criminal Condi Rice from @Dropbox | Apr 29 02:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Board of Directors! | Apr 29 02:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrewHouston | Apr 29 02:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CODEPINK: Take Action Now! | Apr 29 02:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @OrganicLiveFood #Roundup linked 2wide range of diseases | Apr 29 02:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by including fatal chronic #kidneydisease | Apr 29 02:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 #gmofreeglobal | Apr 29 02:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 02:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New study suggests that Monsanto’s popular weedkiller Roundup is linked to fatal kidney disease (CKDu) | Apr 29 02:42 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@OrganicLiveFood: #Roundup linked 2wide range of diseases including fatal chronic #kidneydisease #gmofreeglobal | Apr 29 02:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BlueNationUntd #voteGOPout #BlueCongress #VoteBlue2014 | Apr 29 02:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 29 02:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | Apr 29 02:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BlueNationUntd: #voteGOPout #BlueCongress #VoteBlue2014 | Apr 29 02:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AndyRichter Scientists predict that in ten years most | Apr 29 02:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by children will be born already aware that guac | Apr 29 02:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 is extra. | Apr 29 02:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Independent Ukip 'common sense' tour bus collides with | Apr 29 03:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by railway station roof in Portsmouth | Apr 29 03:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | Apr 29 03:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 03:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ukip 'common sense' tour bus collides with railway station roof in Portsmouth - Home News - UK - The Independent | Apr 29 03:03 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Independent: Ukip 'common sense' tour bus collides with railway station roof in Portsmouth | Apr 29 03:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Programming Education Making A Comeback In | Apr 29 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Primary Schools | Apr 29 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 03:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Programming Education Making A Comeback In Primary Schools - Slashdot | Apr 29 03:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou While the Afghan ‘torturer in chief’ is | Apr 29 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | protected in this country the whistleblower of | Apr 29 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | torture remains in prison. | Apr 29 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 03:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mystery surrounds move of Afghan ‘torturer in chief’ to U.S. amid allegations of spy agency abuse - The Washington Post | Apr 29 03:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @thejustcampaign Facts about the case of CIA anti-torture | Apr 29 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by whistleblower @JohnKiriakou | Apr 29 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou #FreeJohnKiriakou | Apr 29 03:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 03:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Facts | Apr 29 03:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Taxidermied teacup tauntaun made from antique | Apr 29 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ram's head | Apr 29 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 29 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 03:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 29 03:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow The DARE program didn't work and the US spent a | Apr 29 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | shitload of money on it (and a few deluded | Apr 29 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | school districts... | Apr 29 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 03:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: The DARE program didn't work and the US spent a shitload of money on it (and a few deluded school districts still do). | Apr 29 03:16 | |
schestowitz__ | gOOD MAP | Apr 29 03:37 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 03:42 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow If millionaires in the United States formed | Apr 29 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | their own political party, that party would | Apr 29 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | make up just 3% | Apr 29 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 03:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: | Apr 29 03:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @LarryEverest @doctorow Rutgers students sitting in now v | Apr 29 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Condi #noRice speaking @ commencement. | Apr 29 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Embedded image permalink | Apr 29 03:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 03:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NBToday_News: Protestors inside Old Queens College, holding sit-in #norice | Apr 29 03:44 | |
schestowitz__ | Europe only | Apr 29 03:44 |
schestowitz__ | Germany at the bottom | Apr 29 03:45 |
schestowitz__ | source: economist | Apr 29 03:45 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 03:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | personal debt worldwide - Google Search [ ] | Apr 29 03:47 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 03:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canadian public debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | Apr 29 03:47 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 03:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | List of countries by public debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | Apr 29 03:48 | |
schestowitz__ | IMF: | Apr 29 03:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | File:Government debt gdp.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | Apr 29 03:48 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 03:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Financial Indicators – Stocks [ ] | Apr 29 03:50 | |
schestowitz__ | " If you have anything important, DM it to me. I'm up over 8000 followers now, and going up every day :)' | Apr 29 03:53 |
schestowitz__ | How many of them actively follow? | Apr 29 03:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Podcast: Internet service providers charging | Apr 29 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | for premium access hold us all to ransom | Apr 29 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 03:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Untitled-1 — Here’s a reading (MP3) of a my latest Guardian... | Apr 29 03:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @robertmcbean where have you fellas been hiding this gem. | Apr 29 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #fordnation | Apr 29 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | Apr 29 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 03:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mayor Rob Ford’s sister avoids arrest warrant for not showing up in court | Toronto Star | Apr 29 03:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 The Harper regime's damage to Canada…laid out | Apr 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | in one devastating indictment | Apr 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #StopHarper #cdnpoli | Apr 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 04:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A rising tide: the case against Canada as a world citizen : The Lancet Global Health | Apr 29 04:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Sat outside on a beautiful Bay Area evening, | Apr 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | working, and listening to @_exodus | Apr 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Vicious Cycle: When Those Abused By Trademark | Apr 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Abuse Others With Trademark | Apr 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 04:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Vicious Cycle: When Those Abused By Trademark Abuse Others With Trademark | Techdirt | Apr 29 04:30 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 29 04:33 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 29 04:43 | |
schestowitz__ | " That you never can tell. A fair number from the R/Ts I get." | Apr 29 04:48 |
schestowitz__ | Main thing is you want to get the message out, especially on the more important stuff, and every extra set of eyes helps."" | Apr 29 04:48 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 04:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic #systemd #ubuntu #gnu #linux #upstart | Apr 29 04:50 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic « Martin Pitt [ ] | Apr 29 04:50 | |
schestowitz__ | "To be honest, I was one of the first on my block to install and test Arch with Systemd. It was fine. It worked without a hitch. I just don't believe that complicating something that was working fine as a simple thing is the "Linux Way" of doing things. Fortunately, my main OS is Slackware. Pat V. says no Systemd for Slackware as long as he's BDL. :)" | Apr 29 04:50 |
schestowitz__ | "@David Benfell re: @Bob Mottram 's belief that sysvinit is complicated, too? Huh? How can plain text scripts used to initialize daemons be complicated? Compared to Systemd's methods, SysVinit is cave man primitive. ;)" | Apr 29 04:50 |
schestowitz__ | "It's not the init scripts that are the problem. It's the init process itself. The author advocated exporting as many functions as possible away from init and even making PID 1 non-special. He thinks this would be more robust.' | Apr 29 04:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Yocto Is Hooking Up With AMD & Mentor Graphics | Apr 29 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 29 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines A Demo Video Of Mozilla’s Firefox OS Running On | Apr 29 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | Nexus 5 Has Been Created | Apr 29 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 05:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yocto Is Hooking Up With AMD & Mentor Graphics | Tux Machines | Apr 29 05:07 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Demo Video Of Mozilla’s Firefox OS Running On Nexus 5 Has Been Created | Tux Machines | Apr 29 05:08 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 15 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 84 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 29 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (15) | Apr 29 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | Apr 29 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | Apr 29 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 243 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 978 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 29 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (57), @glynmoody (27), @slashdot (14) | Apr 29 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (14), @JohnKiriakou (11), @doctorow (9) | Apr 29 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (20), #gnu (11), #TPP (7) | Apr 29 05:18 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 29 06:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 #Afghanistan's feared torturer-in-chief settles | Apr 29 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | into Socal life. It's okay—he's one of *our* | Apr 29 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | torturers: ht @Dymaxion | Apr 29 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 06:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mystery surrounds move of Afghan ‘torturer in chief’ to U.S. amid allegations of spy agency abuse - The Washington Post | Apr 29 06:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Setback For Small Nuclear Reactors: B&W | Apr 29 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Cuts mPower Funding | Apr 29 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 06:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Setback For Small Nuclear Reactors: B&W Cuts mPower Funding - Slashdot | Apr 29 06:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Linux Top 3: Debian Dumps SPARC, Ubuntu Takes | Apr 29 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Over Linux 3.13 and the ... - LinuxPlanet | Apr 29 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 06:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Top 3: Debian Dumps SPARC, Ubuntu Takes Over Linux 3.13 and the Core Infrastructure Initiative | Apr 29 06:39 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 29 06:41 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 07:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ I hereby call the #nsa leaks "over"; the news has dried up and Pierre's empire is sitting on millions of sensitive documents w/o disclosure | Apr 29 07:24 | |
schestowitz__ | "I forgot I'd archived the article: Eric Wasson, "Snowden reporter promises more NSA revelations are coming," Hill, April 20, 2014, " | Apr 29 07:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden reporter promises more NSA revelations are coming | TheHill [ ] | Apr 29 07:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon On my new album I am putting the finishing | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | touches to the writing to I want to record a | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | cover. Thoughts and suggestions? | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MikeScarcella DOJ doesn't want to address the | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by constitutionality of FISA Amendments Act--right | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 now, at least. Filed today in Fla.: | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel David Luban remembers ignored journalism on | Apr 29 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by torture & forgotten | Apr 29 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 heroes who stood against it. | Apr 29 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 07:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Remembering Abu Ghraib (1): Torture Everywhere and the Accountability Gap | Just Security | Apr 29 07:27 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Remembering Abu Ghraib (2): Not Company Men and Women | Just Security | Apr 29 07:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Alexander says "didn't break laws," ignores | Apr 29 07:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 2010 ruling saying Internet dragnet NEVER | Apr 29 07:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 legal, 2011 upstream illegal | Apr 29 07:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 07:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 07:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: General Keith Alexander Extended Interview (HBO) - YouTube | Apr 29 07:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Corporate immunity for intelligence gathering. | Apr 29 07:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 29 07:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Again. | Apr 29 07:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | Apr 29 07:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 07:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 07:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Senate intelligence panel leaders draft cyber legislation - The Washington Post | Apr 29 07:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @John_Hudson .@shaneharris goes inside the secret Fed cyber | Apr 29 08:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by security unit keeping trillions of dollars safe | Apr 29 08:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 from hackers. | Apr 29 08:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exclusive: Meet the Secret Fed Cybersecurity Unit Keeping Trillions of Dollars Safe From Hackers | Apr 29 08:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140428 - | Apr 29 08:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | Apr 29 08:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | Apr 29 08:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140428 | Apr 29 08:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody A rising tide: the case against #Canada as a | Apr 29 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | world citizen - hard but | Apr 29 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | fair... (v @BoingBoing) | Apr 29 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A rising tide: the case against Canada as a world citizen : The Lancet Global Health | Apr 29 08:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Patent Litigation Cost US Business About A | Apr 29 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Trillion Dollars In A Quarter Century, | Apr 29 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Outweighing Benefits - a | Apr 29 08:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Patent Litigation Cost US Business About A Trillion Dollars In A Quarter Century, Outweighing Benefits | Techdirt | Apr 29 08:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | waste | Apr 29 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Obama denies pressuring #Malaysia over | Apr 29 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Trans-Pacific pact - | Apr 29 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | yeah, right (v @PCGTW)#TPP | Apr 29 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama denies pressuring Malaysia over Trans-Pacific pact, 28 April 2014 | Apr 29 08:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Norwegischer Geheimdienst: NIS arbeitet beim | Apr 29 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Code-Knacken mit NSA zusammen - | Apr 29 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | optimised, presumably | Apr 29 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #snowden | Apr 29 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Steelwinter-Supercomputer: Norwegens Geheimdienst kooperiert mit NSA - SPIEGEL ONLINE | Apr 29 08:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #OpenSource Seed Initiative: 'Free The Seed!' - | Apr 29 08:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | potentially important | Apr 29 08:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | initiative - if it gets enough backing | Apr 29 08:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Source Seed Initiative: 'Free The Seed!' | Techdirt | Apr 29 08:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot You Are What You're Tricked Into Eating | Apr 29 08:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 08:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | You Are What You're Tricked Into Eating - Slashdot | Apr 29 08:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - | Apr 29 08:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | now updated with number | Apr 29 08:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | XXIII | Apr 29 08:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - Open Enterprise | Apr 29 08:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 143 French politicians pledge to support free | Apr 29 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | software - they order | Apr 29 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | these things better in #france #opensource | Apr 29 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 143 French politicians pledge to support free software | Joinup | Apr 29 08:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP bedroht Europas Bauern und Verbraucher - | Apr 29 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | people must wake up to | Apr 29 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | this (v @Liese_Mueller) | Apr 29 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Freihandelsabkommen: TTIP bedroht Europas Bauern und Verbraucher | ZEIT ONLINE | Apr 29 08:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody The State of Land in Europe - | Apr 29 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | why CAP isn't working (v | Apr 29 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller) | Apr 29 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Agrarian Justice | The State of Land in Europe | Apr 29 08:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @_juntos Juntos com Jacob Appelbaum (@ioerror) no | Apr 29 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #ArenaNETmundial. Nosso balanço sobre o evento: | Apr 29 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | Apr 29 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nem tão livre assim: balanço do NETmundial « Juntos! | Apr 29 08:15 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@_juntos: Juntos com Jacob Appelbaum (@ioerror) no #ArenaNETmundial. Nosso balanço sobre o evento: | Apr 29 08:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact #TTIP - @MartinSchulz, das ist zu wenig | Apr 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by via @campact | Apr 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @alles_anders Geht es nach @sigmargabriel, sollen | Apr 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by umweltbewusste Bürger die Energiewende | Apr 29 08:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Martin Schulz, das ist zu wenig | Campact Blog | Apr 29 08:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody bezahlen. #eeg via | Apr 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact | Apr 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Teilnehmen - Sonne besteuern? Nein Danke! - Campact | Apr 29 08:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Open Source Seed Initiative: 'Free The Seed!' | Apr 29 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Source Seed Initiative: 'Free The Seed!' | Techdirt | Apr 29 08:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @GeorgeMonbiot In austerity Britain, Cameron's government is | Apr 29 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by subsidising shotguns and grouse moors. Really. | Apr 29 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 29 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This cash for grouse scandal shows how Britain has become a plutocrats' paradise | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian | Apr 29 08:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @hammersmithandy #HS2 Bill allows compulsory purchase of any | Apr 29 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by land around the line that allows 'opportunity | Apr 29 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody for development'. Green light for speculators. | Apr 29 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Riseup stands in solidarity with Saravá: | Apr 29 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | #brazil #marcocivil | Apr 29 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Riseup stands in solidarity with Saravá - | Apr 29 08:23 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Imminent Server Seizure Tests Brazil's New Internet Bill of Rights - Slashdot | Apr 29 08:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror #Brazilian #SaravaLivre server seizure: | Apr 29 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #netmundial1984 #sarava | Apr 29 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #privacidade #OurNetMundial | Apr 29 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #marcocivildainternet | Apr 29 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald WikiLeaks is still being investigated by the | Apr 29 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by DOJ for the material it published (is the NYT | Apr 29 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror also?) | Apr 29 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DOJ Continues Its “Multi-Subject” Investigation of WikiLeaks | emptywheel | Apr 29 08:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Tempolimit für Turboschweine - | Apr 29 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | De Gucht wants absolute | Apr 29 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | power over #TTIP - no democracy here... (v | Apr 29 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @dozykraut) | Apr 29 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Neuer Streit um EU-Freihandelsabkommen mit den USA - Wirtschaft - Sü | Apr 29 08:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Socialsquare mød den britiske @glynmoody og @bitbureauet hos | Apr 29 08:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @socialsquare til snak om softwarepatenter og | Apr 29 08:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody patentdomstol. 2 maj. | Apr 29 08:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fyraftensmøde 2. maj: Glyn Moody taler om softwarepatenter og patentdomstolen | Bitbureauet | Apr 29 08:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux certification site sends wrong message | Apr 29 08:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 29 08:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GCC Ada Now Supports 64-bit ARM | Apr 29 08:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 29 08:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux certification site sends wrong message | Tux Machines | Apr 29 08:33 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GCC Ada Now Supports 64-bit ARM | Tux Machines | Apr 29 08:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jilliancyork Lots of talk about authoritarian regimes, but | Apr 29 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by not much about Western surveillance states. | Apr 29 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror #FOC14 | Apr 29 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @suigenerisjen Outrageous: Ugandan bishop providing support to | Apr 29 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #LGBT community may be jailed | Apr 29 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Bishop Senyonjo | Apr 29 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | supported by @BerthaFN | Apr 29 08:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UGANDAN GAY ALLY BISHOP COULD BE JAILED | Apr 29 08:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TiSA, the new Trade in Services Agreement – no | Apr 29 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | multilateralism, no transparency - | Apr 29 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @SkaKeller on it, 2013 | Apr 29 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v @olewin) | Apr 29 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TiSA, the new Trade in Services Agreement – no multilateralism, no transparency | Apr 29 08:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Judge’s ruling spells bad news for U.S. cloud | Apr 29 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | providers - whoops | Apr 29 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cloudcomputing | Apr 29 08:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Judge’s ruling spells bad news for U.S. cloud providers — Tech News and Analysis | Apr 29 08:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Warning over 'privatisation' of environmental | Apr 29 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | science research body - | Apr 29 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | clear attempt to undermine its independence | Apr 29 08:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Warning over 'privatisation' of environmental science research body | Environment | The Guardian | Apr 29 08:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP draws strong reactions from farming | Apr 29 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | communities and consumers in Germany - | Apr 29 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | sounds hopeful | Apr 29 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US-EU free trade agreement draws strong reactions from farming communities and consumers in Germany | Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy | Apr 29 08:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody How #Sweden’s #publicservices were stolen, and | Apr 29 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | how people are fighting to take them back - | Apr 29 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v @guenterhack)#TISA | Apr 29 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Edward #Snowden poderá receber asilo político | Apr 29 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | do Brasil - that would | Apr 29 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | be the perfect solution #BrieMode | Apr 29 08:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sweden’s Great Welfare Heist | Red Pepper | Apr 29 08:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Magazine Online | Apr 29 08:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody best short intro to new global Trade in | Apr 29 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Services agreement - bad | Apr 29 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | news for the commons #TISA | Apr 29 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #13 - Glyn Moody supports WePromise - #13 - | Apr 29 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Glyn Moody supports WePromise I do, I do... | Apr 29 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EU2014 | Apr 29 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @suigenerisjen First G4S whistleblower speaks out: Manus | Apr 29 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by detention centre beset by "atrocious | Apr 29 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody conditions" Great job | Apr 29 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GuardianAus | Apr 29 08:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Scott Morrison visit sent Manus tension soaring, says G4S whistleblower | World news | | Apr 29 08:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody The enemy invasion: Brussels braced for influx | Apr 29 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | of Eurosceptics in EU polls - | Apr 29 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | significant: cites #TTIP | Apr 29 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | as one reason | Apr 29 08:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The enemy invasion: Brussels braced for influx of Eurosceptics in EU polls | World news | The Guardian | Apr 29 08:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Germany in the vanguard agaisnt #TTIP, as for | Apr 29 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ACTA; distributing this - | Apr 29 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | here: | Apr 29 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody C4C’s initial reaction to EU Impact Assessment | Apr 29 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | on #Copyright Review - | Apr 29 08:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Übersichtskarte - Denkzettel-Aktion | Apr 29 08:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | confirms this was done in bad faith #stitchup | Apr 29 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | C4C’s initial reaction to the European Commission Impact Assessment on Copyright Review | C4C | Apr 29 08:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Special Report: #TISA versus Public Services - | Apr 29 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | the #commons is under | Apr 29 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | attack - pl. read about new secret global | Apr 29 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | treaty | Apr 29 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PSI Special Report: TISA versus Public Services | PSI | Apr 29 08:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US Chicken plant workers say chemicals sprayed | Apr 29 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | on carcasses making them sick - | Apr 29 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | time to end | Apr 29 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #factoryfarming #TTIP | Apr 29 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Chicken plant workers say chemicals sprayed on carcasses making them sick | Apr 29 08:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Calls for #TPP transparency are code for | Apr 29 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | destroying it, says Groser - | Apr 29 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | absurd: hardly robust if | Apr 29 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | it can't take scrutiny | Apr 29 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Calls for TPP transparency are code for destroying it, says Groser | The National Business Review | Apr 29 08:51 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) Daily Images Now | Apr 29 09:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | Available for Download | Apr 29 09:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 09:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines [ANNOUNCE] xf86-input-evdev | Apr 29 09:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 29 09:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 09:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu, Red Hat, and the Good Samaritan | Apr 29 09:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 29 09:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 09:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) Daily Images Now Available for Download | Tux Machines | Apr 29 09:21 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [ANNOUNCE] xf86-input-evdev | Tux Machines | Apr 29 09:21 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu, Red Hat, and the Good Samaritan | Tux Machines | Apr 29 09:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Why is the Trade in Services Agreement (#TISA) | Apr 29 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | a bad deal? - basically, | Apr 29 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | it fits with #TPP & #TTIP | Apr 29 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 09:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why is the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) a bad deal? | ToUChstone blog: A public policy blog from the TUC | Apr 29 09:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @vicky_cann More than 140 finance industry lobby groups | Apr 29 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by come from the UK. That's not a proud record! UK | Apr 29 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody MEPs, join #EP2014 | Apr 29 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #pforp | Apr 29 09:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 09:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Home - Politics for People | Apr 29 09:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz California drought drives exodus of cattle | Apr 29 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ranchers to eastern states | Apr 29 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #california #climate | Apr 29 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #environment | Apr 29 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 09:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | California drought drives exodus of cattle ranchers to eastern states | Environment | | Apr 29 09:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Updated Debian 7: 7.5 released | Apr 29 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #debian #gnu #linux | Apr 29 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 09:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Debian -- News -- Updated Debian 7: 7.5 released | Apr 29 09:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Server 1.16 ABI Breakage | Apr 29 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Causes Concern #xorg | Apr 29 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #graphics #linux | Apr 29 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 09:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | xorg | Apr 29 09:29 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] X.Org Server 1.16 ABI Breakage Causes Concern | Apr 29 09:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Improving The Linux Desktop | Apr 29 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux debate that | Apr 29 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ken Starks started | Apr 29 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 09:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 29 09:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz AMD Shows Off Beema & Mullins But Its Linux | Apr 29 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Fate Is Unclear #amd | Apr 29 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #kernel #gnu #freedom | Apr 29 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 09:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] AMD Shows Off Beema & Mullins But Its Linux Fate Is Unclear | Apr 29 09:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz [ANNOUNCE] xf86-input-evdev | Apr 29 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 09:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [ANNOUNCE] xf86-input-evdev | Apr 29 09:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) Daily Images Now | Apr 29 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Available for Download | Apr 29 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #systemd | Apr 29 09:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) Daily Images Now Available for Download | Apr 29 09:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 09:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Usable Version Of Systemd Has Been Added To The Repositories Of Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn | | Apr 29 09:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GCC Ada Now Supports 64-bit ARM | Apr 29 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #gcc #arm | Apr 29 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #programming #development | Apr 29 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 09:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] GCC Ada Now Supports 64-bit ARM | Apr 29 09:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux certification site sends wrong message | Apr 29 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | wow, almost as bad as | Apr 29 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsoft | Apr 29 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 09:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | iTWire - Linux certification site sends wrong message | Apr 29 09:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A Demo Video Of Mozilla’s Firefox OS Running On | Apr 29 09:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nexus 5 Has Been Created | Apr 29 09:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mozilla #linux | Apr 29 09:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 09:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Demo Video Of Mozilla’s Firefox OS Running On Nexus 5 Has Been Created | | Apr 29 09:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Yocto Is Hooking Up With AMD & Mentor Graphics | Apr 29 09:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #yocto #linux #amd | Apr 29 09:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 09:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Yocto Is Hooking Up With AMD & Mentor Graphics | Apr 29 09:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz OpenBSD Foundation's Google Summer of Code | Apr 29 09:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Projects Announced #bsd | Apr 29 09:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #openbsd #unix | Apr 29 09:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenBSD Foundation's Google Summer of Code Projects Announced | Apr 29 09:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 09:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #aipac whips #kerry ? | Apr 29 10:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | reminiscent of | Apr 29 10:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 10:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian No way do gov agencies wait til they have a | Apr 29 10:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | specific target before they start looking for 0 | Apr 29 10:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | days in widely used software like web browsers | Apr 29 10:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | . | Apr 29 10:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 10:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Israel: John Kerry Backtracks on Apartheid Comment - TIME | Apr 29 10:03 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Caught On Tape Sarkozy to Obama:"I cannot bear Netanyahu, he's a liar!" | Apr 29 10:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kirschner 3-4 May @fsfe 's @3albers will give the keynote | Apr 29 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by at OSCAL in Albania also | Apr 29 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff see | Apr 29 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 10:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 29 10:05 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OSCAL & Fosscomm 2014 — Free Software & Digital Rights Noosphere | Apr 29 10:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian The obvious loophole to the White House's 0 day | Apr 29 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | policy: Defense contractors stockpile 0 days, | Apr 29 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | then gov agencies buy or rent right as needed. | Apr 29 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot GNU Mailman 3 Enters Beta | Apr 29 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 10:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 10:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNU Mailman 3 Enters Beta - Slashdot | Apr 29 10:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @SwiftOnSecurity Based on how humanity has handled Windows XP | Apr 29 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by EOL, I'd say the climate is pretty much | Apr 29 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff screwed. | Apr 29 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wepromiseEU Deutschland wurde von Spanien überholt! | Apr 29 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by - Wo sind die | Apr 29 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Kandidierenden der @spd_netzpolitik @fdp | Apr 29 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @cdu?! #EP2014 | Apr 29 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 10:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Candidates by zipcode | Apr 29 10:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AMD Shows Off Beema & Mullins But Its Linux | Apr 29 10:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | Fate Is Unclear | Apr 29 10:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 10:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AMD Shows Off Beema & Mullins But Its Linux Fate Is Unclear | Tux Machines | Apr 29 10:13 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Improving The Linux Desktop | Apr 29 10:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 29 10:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 10:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Improving The Linux Desktop | Tux Machines | Apr 29 10:13 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Server 1.16 ABI Breakage | Apr 29 10:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | Causes Concern | Apr 29 10:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 10:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | xorg | Apr 29 10:13 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | X.Org Server 1.16 ABI Breakage Causes Concern | Tux Machines | Apr 29 10:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Microsoft booster Gavin Clarke heckles #GNU | Apr 29 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Linux #fud is not dead | Apr 29 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 10:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Top tip, power users – upgrading Ubuntu may knacker your Linux PC • The Register | Apr 29 10:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz McCracken, Microsoft-bribed booster, is | Apr 29 10:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | propping up idea that personal computers were | Apr 29 10:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'invented' when Microsoft came | Apr 29 10:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 10:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 10:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fifty Years of BASIC, the Language That Made Computers Personal - TIME | Apr 29 10:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Today's favourite timewaster: This Wikipedia | Apr 29 10:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | article on "Mandarin Chinese Profanity" | Apr 29 10:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 10:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 10:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mandarin Chinese profanity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Apr 29 10:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @SanghParivarOrg Just look at audacity of #AAPkeSharabi. Insult | Apr 29 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by hindus by disrespecting Ganga, get beaten up by | Apr 29 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya locals.. blame BJP to gain political mileage? | Apr 29 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthewstinar @schestowitz And the link to Gavin's article on | Apr 29 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Munich's adoption of Kolab uses Karl Marx' | Apr 29 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz likeness. | Apr 29 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@matthewstinar: @schestowitz And the link to Gavin's article on Munich's adoption of Kolab uses Karl Marx' likeness. | Apr 29 11:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody The Other Side of Openness: #Licence | Apr 29 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Enforcement - tough | Apr 29 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | love, & not just in free software: | Apr 29 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | #openstreetmap too | Apr 29 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Other Side of Openness: Licence Enforcement - Open Enterprise | Apr 29 11:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @icureiosity @doctorow doesn't stop UK schools from buying | Apr 29 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by it. daughter has got the T-shirts (3) to prove | Apr 29 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow it! | Apr 29 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @OpenRightsGroup Great line up for London digital Quiz your MEP | Apr 29 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by event May 15 sign up!—@SarahLudfordMEP | Apr 29 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @ClaudeMoraesMEP @Green_DannyB | Apr 29 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 11:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | London MEP Digital Hustings - ORG London (London, England) - Meetup | Apr 29 11:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ScottNorth Just finished listening to chapter 3 of | Apr 29 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @doctorow's Homeland, and I am inspired to cold | Apr 29 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow brew some coffee. | Apr 29 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Podcast: Internet service providers charging | Apr 29 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for premium access hold us all to ransom | Apr 29 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 29 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Fracking weaponized - Joe Biden's Ukraine | Apr 29 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | crusade #money before | Apr 29 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | #security | Apr 29 11:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 29 11:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fracking weaponized - Joe Biden's Ukraine crusade - Comment - The Ecologist | Apr 29 11:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Make pancakes in the shapes of Star Wars | Apr 29 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by characters for your kids (or yourself!). | Apr 29 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 29 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Star Wars creature pancakes - Boing Boing | Apr 29 11:07 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BoingBoing: Make pancakes in the shapes of Star Wars characters for your kids (or yourself!). | Apr 29 11:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Publishing as personal: lessons from giving | Apr 29 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by away a debut novel onlien | Apr 29 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 29 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 29 11:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "100 milliards de dollars de bénéfices | Apr 29 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | économiques pour l'Europe" - | Apr 29 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | that's *max* likely, | Apr 29 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | cumulative, in *2027* #TTIP | Apr 29 11:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Traité transatlantique : le plus gros risque serait de ne pas conclure | Apr 29 11:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Email considered harmful | Apr 29 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 29 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 29 11:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 29 11:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody (last v @EU_TTIP_team @Isamas) | Apr 29 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How to Disappear a Mentally Ill Grandmother: | Apr 29 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Throw Her in Solitary | Apr 29 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #disturbing 'justice' | Apr 29 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How to Disappear a Mentally Ill Grandmother: Throw Her in Solitary | American Civil Liberties Union | Apr 29 11:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "XP isn't dead, it just got more dangerous." | Apr 29 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | -- Seen on the Plus v. <a | Apr 29 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | data-hovercard='/people/d8210c0de509264f' ... | Apr 29 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 11:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | "XP isn't dead, i... | Apr 29 11:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Fact-checking Hillary Clinton's comments on | Apr 29 11:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Edward Snowden and the NSA | Apr 29 11:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 29 11:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 29 11:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Clapper: "We can't tell you how many civilians | Apr 29 11:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by we #drone." | Apr 29 11:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 29 11:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Really? B/c my #whistleblower saw grim | Apr 29 11:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US senators remove requirement for disclosure over drone strike victims | World news | | Apr 29 11:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | after-action reprts | Apr 29 11:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Birth as a virtue #bnp | Apr 29 11:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #un #ukip #racism #xenophobia | Apr 29 11:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz This cash for grouse scandal shows how Britain | Apr 29 11:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | has become a plutocrats' paradise | Apr 29 11:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #uk #inequality | Apr 29 11:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This cash for grouse scandal shows how Britain has become a plutocrats' paradise | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian | Apr 29 11:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Finally found time to blog about my talk in | Apr 29 11:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Istanbul on March 29 on technology & power | Apr 29 11:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | cc @nermincanik | Apr 29 11:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: archiemcphee: German design studio | Apr 29 11:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Korefe created the world’s first completely | Apr 29 11:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Interesting times: Speaking about Free Software in Istanbul — Karsten on Free Software | Apr 29 11:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | edible cookbook.... | Apr 29 11:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: archiemcphee: German design studio Korefe... | Apr 29 11:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Tiniest Haunted Mansion butler and maid | Apr 29 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: jacksback13: We met these lil servants today it... | Apr 29 11:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: liartownusa: "I Can’t Fucking Stand | Apr 29 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Fred" Title Card Conceived by DJ Rotary Rachel | Apr 29 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: liartownusa: "I Can’t Fucking Stand Fred" Title... | Apr 29 11:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: rstevens: Tonight’s comic is prepared | Apr 29 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | for emergency saucer separation!! | Apr 29 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: rstevens: Tonight’s comic is prepared for... | Apr 29 11:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Joys of #plutocracy in #uk - UK gov. demands | Apr 29 11:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Microsoft ( #email spy and #nsa #surveillance | Apr 29 11:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | partner) hands over Irish data, not tax evaded. | Apr 29 11:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Religions of peace | Apr 29 11:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Egyptian judge sentences 720 men to death | World news | | Apr 29 11:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Ukraine mayor Gennady #Kernes fighting for | Apr 29 11:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | life after being shot | Apr 29 11:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | "key figure in ex-president Yanukovych's party" | Apr 29 11:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ukraine mayor Gennady Kernes fighting for life after being shot | World news | The Guardian | Apr 29 11:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Edited #TonyBlair speech | Apr 29 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tony Blair 'I say lies' Cassetteboy's video mashup of Bloomberg speech YouTube - YouTube | Apr 29 11:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Cat break | Apr 29 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff spendet Erlöse an @fsfe und | Apr 29 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | andere - danke! Jetzt noch fair & bio, dann bin | Apr 29 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ich dabei. | Apr 29 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Parents call cops on teen for giving away | Apr 29 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | banned book; it backfires predictably | Apr 29 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #censorship #bookburning | Apr 29 11:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Parents call cops on teen for giving away banned book; it backfires predictably | Death and Taxes | Apr 29 11:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @FSchweitzer Internationales Gericht in Wien? Auch Klagen | Apr 29 11:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by gegen Konzerne könnte möglich werden. | Apr 29 11:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @michelreimon @glynmoody | Apr 29 11:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Internationales Gericht für Wien - Wiener Zeitung Online | Apr 29 11:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Soft windows can be good | Apr 29 11:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 11:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Cambridge University VC Says Elsevier Are Rich | Apr 29 11:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Enough Already - (v | Apr 29 11:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Klangable) #openaccess | Apr 29 11:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz YouTube deletes Stefan Molyneux´s liberty | Apr 29 11:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | minded channel #google | Apr 29 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #censorship #anachism | Apr 29 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cambridge Univeristy VC Says Elsevier Are Rich Enough Already | Richard Taylor | Apr 29 11:51 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | YouTube deletes Stefan Molyneux´s liberty minded channel | Apr 29 11:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Al-Jazeera demands $150m compensation from | Apr 29 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Egypt government - | Apr 29 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | another use of #ISDS (v @DrRimmer) | Apr 29 11:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Al-Jazeera demands $150m compensation from Egypt government | Media | | Apr 29 11:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Ukraine is not (yet) a member of NATO, the | Apr 29 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | U.S. government would not have the same formal | Apr 29 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | obligation to intervene" | Apr 29 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Meet TISA: Another Major Treaty Negotiated In | Apr 29 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Secret Alongside TPP And TTIP | Apr 29 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama Plays With Fire in Ukraine » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names | Apr 29 11:54 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Meet TISA: Another Major Treaty Negotiated In Secret Alongside TPP And TTIP | Techdirt | Apr 29 11:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Corporate media (HBO) whitewashing #nsa - | Apr 29 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | will Pierre the | Apr 29 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | plutocrat strike back? #lol of course not. | Apr 29 11:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: General Keith Alexander Extended Interview (HBO) - YouTube | Apr 29 11:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff "What is a photocopier?" Great dramatization of | Apr 29 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | absurd court hearing | Apr 29 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | Apr 29 11:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Quote from that dramatization: "If you feel | Apr 29 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | stupid, it's not because I'm making you feel | Apr 29 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | that way" | Apr 29 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Meet #TISA: Another Major Treaty Negotiated In | Apr 29 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Secret Alongside #TPP And #TTIP - | Apr 29 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | & just as bad; get ready | Apr 29 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | to fight it | Apr 29 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #apple follows #microsoft as #android #linux | Apr 29 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | and #freesw take over the world | Apr 29 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 12:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | As Its Domestic Cash Plunges By Record To Early 2010 Levels, Apple Prepares Massive $17 Billion Bond Offering | Zero Hedge | Apr 29 12:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Yao Ming | Apr 29 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Neo-Nazis march in Lvov 'in honor' of Ukrainian | Apr 29 12:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Waffen SS division (PHOTOS) | Apr 29 12:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ukraine #nazism | Apr 29 12:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 12:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 29 12:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz NYT to SCOTUS: Cops should get warrant before | Apr 29 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | searching your cellphone after arrest | Apr 29 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #tsa outside the airport | Apr 29 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | now | Apr 29 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 12:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NYT to SCOTUS: Cops should get warrant before searching your cellphone after arrest - Boing Boing | Apr 29 12:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @denfri Hvad skal du på fredag? Du skal til foredrag | Apr 29 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by med @glynmoody om #Patentdomstolen og #swpat. | Apr 29 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Tilmeld dig her: | Apr 29 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 12:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Glyn Moody taler om softwarepatenter og patentdomstolen på fredag - | Apr 29 12:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Climate debate | Apr 29 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Response to #ukip #uk | Apr 29 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | #xenophobia #racism #eu #europe | Apr 29 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @virgiliocorrado @doctorow Release the Kraken!! Meet TISA: | Apr 29 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Another Major Treaty Negotiated In Secret | Apr 29 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Alongside TPP And TTIP | Apr 29 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 12:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Meet TISA: Another Major Treaty Negotiated In Secret Alongside TPP And TTIP | Techdirt | Apr 29 12:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kirschner If you care about it, sign | Apr 29 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @fsfe | Apr 29 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | Apr 29 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 12:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WePromise.EU | Apr 29 12:22 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@kirschner: If you care about it, sign @fsfe | Apr 29 12:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PatrickBeuth Wer eine Schwangerschaft vor Big Data | Apr 29 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by verstecken will, muss sich verhalten wie | Apr 29 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff jemand, der eine Straftat vertuscht: | Apr 29 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 12:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Big Data: Schwanger ohne digitale Spuren | ZEIT ONLINE | Apr 29 12:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz New surveillance techniques raise privacy | Apr 29 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | concerns #surveillance | Apr 29 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #privacy | Apr 29 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 12:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New surveillance techniques raise privacy concerns | PBS NewsHour | Apr 29 12:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pulitzer Prize - winner Chris Hedges: Using | Apr 29 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | fake evidence is usual Washington tactic | Apr 29 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #chrishedges | Apr 29 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 12:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 29 12:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TheresaMay_MP I've opened an investigation to discover which | Apr 29 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by MP vandalised the women's restroom in the | Apr 29 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Houses of Parliament | Apr 29 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 12:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@TheresaMay_MP: I've opened an investigation to discover which MP vandalised the women's restroom in the Houses of Parliament | Apr 29 12:28 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 12:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Microsoft booster Gavin Clarke heckles #GNU #Linux #fud is not dead | Apr 29 12:36 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Top tip, power users – upgrading Ubuntu may knacker your Linux PC • The Register [ ] | Apr 29 12:36 | |
schestowitz__ | "Folks must be getting awfully tired of this shit. You can't really keep playing the same tune forever, can you?" | Apr 29 12:36 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 12:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Out in the Open: Occupy Wall Street Reincarnated as Open Source Software #ows #freesw #freedom | Apr 29 12:36 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Out in the Open: Occupy Wall Street Reincarnated as Open Source Software | Enterprise | WIRED | Apr 29 12:36 | |
schestowitz__ | "I had to hunt for the download link. It turns out to be on the front page, where it says open source: " | Apr 29 12:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | loomio/loomio · GitHub | Apr 29 12:36 | |
schestowitz__ | I found the article poorly structured as it hardly presents the project and explains the OSS connection | Apr 29 12:36 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 12:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Birth as a virtue #bnp #un #ukip #racism #xenophobia | Apr 29 12:37 | |
schestowitz__ | "Not everyone are smart enough to control their baby duck syndrome." | Apr 29 12:37 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 12:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;} The NZ Government may have an XP problem | Apr 29 12:37 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@clarecurranmp: Have also asked all Ministers how much it is costing 2 keep computrs in their Ministries/depts on MS XP operating system beyond 8 April 2014 | Apr 29 12:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @David_Cameron It's unacceptable that millions of people are | Apr 29 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by having their lives disrupted by today's Tube | Apr 29 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz strike in London. | Apr 29 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Key difference is Hanssen & Ames were actual | Apr 29 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | spies, who sold secrets to enemy for profit. | Apr 29 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Snowden's not. | Apr 29 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #espionage | Apr 29 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 12:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | Apr 29 12:38 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @kgerloff deleted 'RT @kirschner: If you care about it, sign...' | Apr 29 12:38 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 12:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@David_Cameron: It's unacceptable that millions of people are having their lives disrupted by today's Tube strike in London. | Apr 29 12:39 | |
schestowitz__ | That's how strikes work. Without disruption there's no effect. | Apr 29 12:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @clarecurranmp Have also asked all Ministers how much it is | Apr 29 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by costing 2 keep computrs in their | Apr 29 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ministries/depts on MS XP operating system | Apr 29 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | beyond 8 April 2014 | Apr 29 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Letters of Note, in book form | Apr 29 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 29 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 29 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 12:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 29 12:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Android deliberately betrays whether you're | Apr 29 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | tethering or not. (Cyanogenmod doesn't.) Google | Apr 29 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | considers this a feature. | Apr 29 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 12:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pocock: Android betrays tethering data [] | Apr 29 12:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard In 2014 goth rock has to call itself "metal" to | Apr 29 13:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | get attention. Beastmilk=March Violets. | Apr 29 13:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 13:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BEASTMILK "Death Reflects Us" (Official music video) - YouTube | Apr 29 13:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ApacheOO Apache OpenOffice 4.1 is released, the 23rd | Apr 29 13:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by release of the 14-year old community-run open | Apr 29 13:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rcweir source project: | Apr 29 13:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AOO 4.1 Release Notes - Apache OpenOffice Community - Apache Software Foundation | Apr 29 13:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ApacheOO Apache OpenOffice 4.1 features support for | Apr 29 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by IAccessible2, offering better integration with | Apr 29 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rcweir screen readers: | Apr 29 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Apache OpenOffice project announce the release of Apache OpenOffice 4.1 : Apache OpenOffice | Apr 29 13:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot To Save the Internet We Need To Own the Means | Apr 29 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | of Distribution | Apr 29 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | To Save the Internet We Need To Own the Means of Distribution - Slashdot | Apr 29 13:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody French children exposed to dangerous cocktail | Apr 29 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | of #pesticides, campaigners say - | Apr 29 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | small sample; more | Apr 29 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | research needed | Apr 29 13:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | French children exposed to dangerous cocktail of pesticides, campaigners say | World news | | Apr 29 13:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Is abject, humiliating recantation really | Apr 29 13:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by sufficient for Kerry's Israel blasphemy? | Apr 29 13:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Shouldn't he be publicly flogged? | Apr 29 13:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 13:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | Apr 29 13:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ellenbroad .@jamie_love calling it like it is: "this is | Apr 29 13:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by not a treaty about #copyright piracy, it's a | Apr 29 13:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody treaty about new rights for broadcasters" | Apr 29 13:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | #sccr27 | Apr 29 13:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @SFTHQ Picture from #Tibet holy Mt Kailash - Chinese | Apr 29 13:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by troops poured in to stop Tibetans religious | Apr 29 13:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody pilgrimage #China @degewa: | Apr 29 13:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 13:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@degewa: 西藏所有神山之首——冈仁波齐是藏传佛教及苯教、印度教、耆那教的圣地,传统上马年为信众转山朝圣之年,但当局以限办“边防证”的方式阻止各地藏人朝圣,并派大批军警驻扎神山周围,图为现场1: | Apr 29 13:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Forbes CVS will stop selling tobacco, sacrificing $2 | Apr 29 13:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by billion in sales for public health and future | Apr 29 13:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody growth | Apr 29 13:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Arabische Halbinsel: Mers-Virus breitet sich | Apr 29 13:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | immer schneller aus - | Apr 29 13:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | this is not good #MERS | Apr 29 13:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kicking The Habit: CVS To Stop Selling Tobacco, Sacrificing $2 Billion In Sales For Public Health And Future Growth - Forbes | Apr 29 13:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mers: Virus breitet sich in Saudi-Arabien immer schneller aus - SPIEGEL ONLINE | Apr 29 13:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody International Trade or Corporate Raid? The | Apr 29 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | truth behind the new transatlantic trade | Apr 29 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | agreement #TTIP - 23/5, | Apr 29 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #london | Apr 29 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | International Trade or Corporate Raid? The truth behind the new transatlantic trade agreement. | Gaia Foundation | Apr 29 13:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Note to gov: The wrongdoer (in this case, the | Apr 29 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | US) doesn't get to decide who's a | Apr 29 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #whistleblower. | Apr 29 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Snowden | Apr 29 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | Apr 29 13:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 No new info in this #Snowden article, other | Apr 29 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | than proffered insider puff piece on Cacheris, | Apr 29 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | who sold out @JohnKiriakou | Apr 29 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Unmasked: The city institutions given | Apr 29 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | privileged status in controversial Royal Mail | Apr 29 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | flotation - no work, big | Apr 29 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | profits | Apr 29 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unmasked: The city institutions given privileged status in the controversial Royal Mail flotation | The Bureau of Investigative Journalism | Apr 29 13:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald US senators - deferring to James Clapper's | Apr 29 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by demands - remove requirement for disclosure | Apr 29 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody over drone strike victims | Apr 29 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 13:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US senators remove requirement for disclosure over drone strike victims | World news | | Apr 29 13:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @cambodiadaily BREAKING: Government Agrees In Principle to | Apr 29 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Accept Refugees From Australia | Apr 29 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 29 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Government Agrees In Principle to Accept Refugees From Australia | The Cambodia Daily | Apr 29 13:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Netflix Confirms Deal For Access To Verizon's | Apr 29 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Network | Apr 29 13:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Netflix Confirms Deal For Access To Verizon's Network - Slashdot | Apr 29 13:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Gov't using espionage as meme to turn public | Apr 29 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | interest disclosures (w'blowing) into | Apr 29 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | unauthorized NatSec leaking=spying | Apr 29 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wlpress "#WikiLeaks PlusD continues to be the largest | Apr 29 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by searchable body of US diplomatic archives | Apr 29 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks available." #CarterCables | Apr 29 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Censorious Parent Calls Cops On Teen Giving | Apr 29 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Away Books In A Local Park | Apr 29 13:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Prensa Latina News Agency - WikiLeaks Releases the Carter Administration Cables | Apr 29 13:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Censorious Parent Calls Cops On Teen Giving Away Books In A Local Park | Techdirt | Apr 29 13:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Posting UKIP's flyers back to them, with a note | Apr 29 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | on cost ratio (cost of 5 returns = 100 flyers) | Apr 29 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Maybe this time (If UKIP send you one of their flyers you can send...) | Apr 29 13:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kokasses @Thomas_Drake1 We seek whistle blowers, so long | Apr 29 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by as they don't disclose Gov't malfeasance! Not | Apr 29 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 dissimilar, their foreign policy, Duplicitous! | Apr 29 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:54 |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @ggreenwald: 'US senators - deferring to James Clapper's demands...' | Apr 29 13:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #OpenSource Seed Initiative: 'Free The Seed!' - | Apr 29 13:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | potentially important | Apr 29 13:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | initiative - if it gets enough backing | Apr 29 13:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Source Seed Initiative: 'Free The Seed!' | Techdirt | Apr 29 13:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 13:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @coolfrood Tory support for end to war on drugs | Apr 29 14:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Great piece by Ian | Apr 29 14:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Birrell for Bright Blue Tory thinktank | Apr 29 14:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TransformDrugs | Apr 29 14:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 14:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | High time to end this immoral drugs war - Comment - Voices - The Independent | Apr 29 14:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow 1019 words on UTOPIA (working title), a novel | Apr 29 14:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | for adults #dailywords | Apr 29 14:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 14:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Key difference is Hanssen & Ames were actual | Apr 29 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by spies, who sold secrets to enemy for profit. | Apr 29 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #Snowden's not. | Apr 29 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #espionage | Apr 29 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 14:11 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Note to gov: The wrongdoer (in this case,...' | Apr 29 14:11 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | Apr 29 14:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @natnewswatch: Timing, leaks and the | Apr 29 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Canada-EU trade negotiations | Apr 29 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BJSiekierski | Apr 29 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 14:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Timing, leaks and the Canada-EU trade negotiations | Apr 29 14:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Here's the Flash Player vulnerability to go | Apr 29 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | with last weekend's IE security hole Non-free | Apr 29 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | sw = security risk | Apr 29 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 14:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Adobe Security Bulletin | Apr 29 14:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot AMD Beema and Mullins Low Power 2014 APUs | Apr 29 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tested, Faster Than Bay Trail | Apr 29 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 14:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AMD Beema and Mullins Low Power 2014 APUs Tested, Faster Than Bay Trail - Slashdot | Apr 29 14:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: LOST: Pet pigeon | Apr 29 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 14:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: LOST: Pet pigeon | Apr 29 14:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Meet #TISA: Another Major Treaty Negotiated In | Apr 29 14:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Secret Alongside #TPP And #TTIP - | Apr 29 14:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | & just as bad; get ready | Apr 29 14:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | to fight it | Apr 29 14:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 14:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Meet TISA: Another Major Treaty Negotiated In Secret Alongside TPP And TTIP | Techdirt | Apr 29 14:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ColMorrisDavis Mystery surrounds move of Afghan ‘torturer’ to | Apr 29 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by U.S. He gets | Apr 29 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou "extraordinary accommodation," @JohnKiriakou | Apr 29 14:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mystery surrounds move of Afghan ‘torturer in chief’ to U.S. amid allegations of agency abuse - The Washington Post | Apr 29 14:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | gets prison? | Apr 29 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jayrosen_nyu I will be doing my first AMA at Reddit today, | Apr 29 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by noon ET. The /r/Journalism community is | Apr 29 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody hosting. Working on my | Apr 29 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | intro. | Apr 29 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 14:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HEADS UP - Jay Rosen will be here for an AMA at noon ET on Tuesday April 29. Info inside. : Journalism | Apr 29 14:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody MT @EU_TTIP_team #DeGucht "Nous n'avons rien à | Apr 29 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | cacher" sur #TTIP >>great: so make all *tabled* | Apr 29 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | documents public immediately #transparency | Apr 29 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 14:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Senate Transport & Comm committee examines | Apr 29 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bell’s data collection practices. OPC today, | Apr 29 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bell tomorrow | Apr 29 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 14:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Meeting Schedule - Transport and Communications | Apr 29 14:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Adobe Trash Player has a new back door | Apr 29 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | proprietary software has | Apr 29 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | plenty | Apr 29 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 14:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Alien Pastures » New Flash player – security fix | Apr 29 14:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @guardianscience Let's shine a light on paywalls that deny open | Apr 29 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by access to scientific research | Tania Browne | Apr 29 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 29 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 15:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Let's shine a light on paywalls that deny open access to scientific research | Tania Browne | Science | | Apr 29 15:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Cuadrilla gets green light for oil test at | Apr 29 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Balcombe - so who do | Apr 29 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | "local" councillors really represent...? | Apr 29 15:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cuadrilla gets green light for oil test at Balcombe | Environment | | Apr 29 15:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 9 productivity hacks of a tech leader | Apr 29 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #redhat CEO gives tips. | Apr 29 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | Apr 29 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 15:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst on productivity | | Apr 29 15:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #SCOTUS today: whether police need a #warrant | Apr 29 15:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | to search your cell phone. | Apr 29 15:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 15:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Yes | Apr 29 15:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #4thAmendment | Apr 29 15:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Supreme Court to decide cops' power to search cell phones | MSNBC | Apr 29 15:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 15:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot US Nuclear Missile Silos Use Safe, Secure 8" | Apr 29 15:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Floppy Disks | Apr 29 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 15:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Nuclear Missile Silos Use Safe, Secure 8" Floppy Disks - Slashdot | Apr 29 15:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Is CRTC Ready to Hit Reset Button on TV | Apr 29 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Regulation in Canada?: my column on possible | Apr 29 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | regulatory overhaul | Apr 29 15:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 15:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Is the CRTC Ready to Hit the Reset Button on Television Regulation in Canada? | Apr 29 15:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #TuxMachines Improvements | Apr 29 15:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 15:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 15:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | » Blog Archive » Tux Machines Improvements | Apr 29 15:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Morning, folks! | Apr 29 15:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 15:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #TuxMachines This Month | Apr 29 15:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 15:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines This Month | Tux Machines | Apr 29 15:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Debian adopts a code of conduct | Apr 29 15:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #debian #gnu #linux | Apr 29 15:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | "General Resolution about the code of conduct" | Apr 29 15:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Debian adopts a code of conduct [] | Apr 29 15:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 15:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ubuntu for Android to Be Retired Soon | Apr 29 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #ubuntu #gnu | Apr 29 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | Apr 29 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 15:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu for Android to Be Retired Soon | Apr 29 15:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Getting Things GNOME: Summer is coming! | Apr 29 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnome #gnu #linux | Apr 29 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 15:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Summer is coming! | GTG: Revamp the backends' experience | Apr 29 15:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Long debate y’day on C-13, the lawful access | Apr 29 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | bill. Gov strategy of framing as cyberbullying | Apr 29 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | bill working | Apr 29 15:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 15:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Official Report * Table of Contents * Number 075 (Official Version) | Apr 29 15:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #WindRiver Linux gains EAL4 security and | Apr 29 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | upgraded CGL version | Apr 29 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #eal #security | Apr 29 15:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wind River Linux gains EAL4 security and upgraded CGL version · | Apr 29 15:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Julian #Assange on Digital Sovereignty and | Apr 29 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Surveillance at #NETmundial2014 | Apr 29 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 15:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Julian Assange on Digital Sovereignty and Surveillance at #NETmundial2014 - Global Voices Advocacy | Apr 29 15:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Julian #Assange, @ggreenwald, Laura Poitras | Apr 29 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | included in Reporters Without Borders "100 | Apr 29 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Information Heroes" list | Apr 29 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 15:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | RWB publishes profiles of “100 information heroes” - Reporters Without Borders | Apr 29 15:45 | |
*schestowitz__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has left #boycottnovell-social ("Konversation term") | Apr 29 15:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Debian drops the SPARC architecture | Apr 29 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #debian #gnu #linux | Apr 29 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #sparc | Apr 29 15:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Debian drops the SPARC architecture [] | Apr 29 15:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Yahoo To Produce Sci-Fi Streaming Sitcom | Apr 29 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 15:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yahoo To Produce Sci-Fi Streaming Sitcom - Slashdot | Apr 29 15:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz OpenELEC 4.0 Beta 7 Linux Distro Is Based on | Apr 29 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #XBMC 13.0 RC "Gotham" | Apr 29 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #openelec #gnu #linux | Apr 29 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 15:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenELEC 4.0 Beta 7 Linux Distro Is Based on XBMC 13.0 RC "Gotham" | Apr 29 15:51 | |
*puppywatch has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Apr 29 15:59 | |
*libertyboxes has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | Apr 29 15:59 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Updated Debian 7: 7.5 released | Apr 29 16:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 29 16:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 16:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Debian adopts a code of conduct | Apr 29 16:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 29 16:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 16:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Updated Debian 7: 7.5 released | Tux Machines | Apr 29 16:10 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tux Machines This Month | Apr 29 16:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 16:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Debian drops the SPARC architecture | Apr 29 16:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 29 16:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 16:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines OpenELEC 4.0 Beta 7 Linux Distro Is Based on | Apr 29 16:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | XBMC 13.0 RC "Gotham" | Apr 29 16:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 16:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Debian adopts a code of conduct | Tux Machines | Apr 29 16:10 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tux Machines This Month | Tux Machines | Apr 29 16:10 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Debian drops the SPARC architecture | Tux Machines | Apr 29 16:10 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenELEC 4.0 Beta 7 Linux Distro Is Based on XBMC 13.0 RC "Gotham" | Tux Machines | Apr 29 16:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @GMWatch The good ol’ boys are partying again in Africa | Apr 29 16:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by with the EU's chief science advisor. That lady | Apr 29 16:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody sure gets around! #gmo | Apr 29 16:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 16:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Keynote Speakers | Apr 29 16:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt What Do You Get When You Mix Napster, | Apr 29 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Wikileaks, Snowden And Open Access? | Apr 29 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 16:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What Do You Get When You Mix Napster, Wikileaks, Snowden And Open Access? | Techdirt | Apr 29 16:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody What Do You Get When You Mix #Napster, | Apr 29 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Wikileaks, #Snowden And #OpenAccess? - | Apr 29 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | whatever it is, it's | Apr 29 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | coming | Apr 29 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist CRTC possible TV reg overhaul #1: pick & pay | Apr 29 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | channels or customize package, no majority Cdn | Apr 29 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | package req | Apr 29 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 16:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Is the CRTC Ready to Hit the Reset Button on Television Regulation in Canada? | Apr 29 16:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist CRTC possible TV reg overhaul #2: open the | Apr 29 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | market to any channel from anywhere (w/limited | Apr 29 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | conditions) | Apr 29 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist CRTC possible TV reg overhaul #3: drop the | Apr 29 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | market protections - no simsub or genre | Apr 29 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | protection | Apr 29 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Obama: #TPP critics have a “lack of knowledge | Apr 29 16:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | of what is going on in the negotiations” - | Apr 29 16:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | how insulting can you | Apr 29 16:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | get? | Apr 29 16:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 16:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NikkyD77 Safety tips for men. | Apr 29 16:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 29 16:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | Apr 29 16:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 16:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama: TPP critics have a “lack of knowledge of what is going on in the negotiations” » infojustice | Apr 29 16:33 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NikkyD77: Safety tips for men. | Apr 29 16:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Trade Deals that Threaten Democracy: what's | Apr 29 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | behind EU-US and TransPacific trade and | Apr 29 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | investment treaties - | Apr 29 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TPP #TTIP | Apr 29 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 16:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trade Deals that Threaten Democracy: what's behind the EU-US and TransPacific trade and investment treaties | IUF UITA IUL | Apr 29 16:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Stop #TTIP UK at the May Day March London 2014 | Apr 29 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | - | Apr 29 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 16:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stop TTIP UK at the May Day March London 2014 | Facebook | Apr 29 16:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot 50 Years of BASIC, the Language That Made | Apr 29 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Computers Personal | Apr 29 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 16:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 50 Years of BASIC, the Language That Made Computers Personal - Slashdot | Apr 29 16:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattetti New blog post about refactoring #golang code | Apr 29 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by (using @gobotio as an example) | Apr 29 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @stiangrindvoll | Apr 29 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EU_TTIP_team More details on the upcoming 5th #TTIP | Apr 29 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by negotiation round, incl. stakeholders' event | Apr 29 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody and press conf: | Apr 29 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 16:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU-US trade talks – 5th round to start in the US on 19 May - Trade - European Commission | Apr 29 16:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @tjmcintyre Excellent summary of national responses so far | Apr 29 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to the @DRIalerts #dataretention decision: | Apr 29 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 29 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 16:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU Member State Privacy Regulators Ponder Response to End of Data Retention Directive | Bloomberg BNA | Apr 29 16:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ExposeTPP #TPP concerns w/ #Agriculture, #BigPharma #ISDS | Apr 29 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ignored, claims #Malaysia opp'n leader: | Apr 29 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TPPA | Apr 29 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 16:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Anwar claims govt rejected opposition views on deal - General - New Straits Times | Apr 29 16:48 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ExposeTPP: #TPP concerns w/ #Agriculture, #BigPharma #ISDS ignored, claims #Malaysia opp'n leader: #TPPA | Apr 29 16:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact #Sonnensteuer auf selbst verbrauchten | Apr 29 17:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Solarstrom? Absurd! Jetzt dagegen | Apr 29 17:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody unterzeichnen: | Apr 29 17:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 17:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Patent Suit Losers Should Pay Victors’ Legal | Apr 29 17:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Fees: SCOTUS - well, | Apr 29 17:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | it's a start (v @raycorrigan) | Apr 29 17:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Teilnehmen - Sonne besteuern? Nein Danke! - Campact | Apr 29 17:03 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@campact: #Sonnensteuer auf selbst verbrauchten Solarstrom? Absurd! Jetzt dagegen unterzeichnen: | Apr 29 17:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Patent Suit Losers Should Pay Victors’ Legal Fees: SCOTUS - Bloomberg | Apr 29 17:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste: Core | Apr 29 17:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Infrastructure Initiative - | Apr 29 17:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Jim Zemlin explains... | Apr 29 17:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste: Core Infrastructure Initiative | | Apr 29 17:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Ummm. “@DanielPink: This Bill Gates Infographic | Apr 29 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Reveals The World's Deadliest Animal | Apr 29 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | via @Science” | Apr 29 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bill Gates Mind-Blowing Infographic Mosquitoes - Business Insider | Apr 29 17:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh No offense, but if you didn't know Mosquitos | Apr 29 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | kill people rampantly, you're probably a fat | Apr 29 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | rich white man without a clue about the world. | Apr 29 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @bruneski Huge victory for health and #climate this am! | Apr 29 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by SCOTUS rules for @epa to curb pollution from | Apr 29 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #coal plants in 28 states: | Apr 29 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Supreme Court Decision on Cross-State Air Pollution Is a Major Victory for Public Health | Sierra Club National | Apr 29 17:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @europeangreens Renewables are what we need to develop energy | Apr 29 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by independence. - @SkaKeller #RockEurope | Apr 29 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 29 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @europeangreens #Fracking is also not an option. Unsafe and | Apr 29 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by dirty. - @SkaKeller #RockEurope | Apr 29 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 29 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NHAparty Use it or lose it. USE your vote in Euro | Apr 29 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by elections or LOSE your NHS. If you live in | Apr 29 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody London, you can vote @NHAparty. | Apr 29 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NHAparty: Use it or lose it. USE your vote in Euro elections or LOSE your NHS. If you live in London, you can vote @NHAparty. | Apr 29 17:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh #LOLAmerica “@FTAlphaville: Chart of the day: | Apr 29 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | US vs UK median real wage growth since 1988 | Apr 29 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz |” | Apr 29 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh .@grahamguy I hate to break it to you, but the | Apr 29 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | vast majority of people killed by insects | Apr 29 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | aren't...fat rich white men. Get a fucking | Apr 29 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | clue. | Apr 29 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chart of the day: US vs UK median real wage growth since 1988 | FT Alphaville | Apr 29 17:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kirschner "#W3C: Who’s working on #DRM in #HTML5?" | Apr 29 17:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by by @kgerloff Any EU | Apr 29 17:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff company?? @doctorow | Apr 29 17:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | W3C: Who’s working on DRM in HTML5? — Karsten on Free Software | Apr 29 17:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Publicity Rights Being Used To Try To Stop | Apr 29 17:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Family Members From Talking Publicly About | Apr 29 17:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Other Family Members | Apr 29 17:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Publicity Rights Being Used To Try To Stop Family Members From Talking Publicly About Other Family Members | Techdirt | Apr 29 17:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh You know, 90% of the US's problems can be | Apr 29 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | explained in one word. Assholes. | Apr 29 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @macmasterjedi @Doctorow It begins! Tell Perry and Lester: | Apr 29 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 29 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 29 17:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Disney experimenting with 3D printing teddy bears in felt | Apr 29 17:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 95% of the US's problems can be explained in | Apr 29 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | three words. Assholes own everything. | Apr 29 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 99% of the US's problems can be explained in | Apr 29 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | six words. Asshole own everything. Assholes | Apr 29 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | hate taxes. | Apr 29 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:15 |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 13 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 76 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 29 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (13) | Apr 29 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | Apr 29 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | Apr 29 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 221 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 901 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 29 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (48), @glynmoody (46), @slashdot (9) | Apr 29 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (29), @Thomas_Drake1 (10), @doctorow (9) | Apr 29 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #TTIP (17), #linux (14), #gnu (10) | Apr 29 17:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @CBCPolitics: Loophole in digital privacy | Apr 29 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | law opens door to scare tactics | Apr 29 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #billS4 | Apr 29 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Digital privacy act opens copyright loophole that TekSavvy-Voltage case closed - Canada - CBC News | Apr 29 17:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow They Might be Giants asked me to judge a video | Apr 29 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | contest and I was pretty amazed by the puppet | Apr 29 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | guts | Apr 29 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: They Might be Giants asked me to judge a video contest and I was pretty amazed by the puppet guts | Apr 29 17:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Today RSF names #Assange, #Greenwald, #Poitras | Apr 29 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | among 2014's "Information heros" | Apr 29 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow The Big Idea: Mary Robinette Kowal - | Apr 29 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | whateveradjunct: The Big Idea: Mary | Apr 29 17:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Drive Viewer | Apr 29 17:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Robinette Kowal Short form: Mary... | Apr 29 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: The Big Idea: Mary Robinette Kowal | Apr 29 17:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: humansofnewyork: "So much of who I am is | Apr 29 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | because of Dr. Seuss." | Apr 29 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: humansofnewyork: "So much of who I am is because... | Apr 29 17:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot MIT Bitcoin Project To Create Cryptocurrency | Apr 29 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ecosystem, Give $100 Per Student | Apr 29 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MIT Bitcoin Project To Create Cryptocurrency Ecosystem, Give $100 Per Student - Slashdot | Apr 29 17:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: the-cosmic-giggle: hippies-like-us: | Apr 29 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | opticallyaroused: This dude has a sick skill!! | Apr 29 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | _______ This... | Apr 29 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: the-cosmic-giggle: hippies-like-us: ... | Apr 29 17:23 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @doctorow retweeted @kirschner: '"#W3C: Who’s working on #DRM in #HTML5?"' | Apr 29 17:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Can't wait for Laura #Poitras & Edward #Snowden | Apr 29 17:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | to receive the prestigious Ridenhour Prize for | Apr 29 17:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Truth-Telling tomorrow | Apr 29 17:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 17:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | W3C: Who’s working on DRM in HTML5? — Karsten on Free Software | Apr 29 17:32 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | Apr 29 17:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Who hated this park and everyone in it | Apr 29 17:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 17:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ASMACChihuahua Tu solidaridad es muy importante para | Apr 29 17:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Choréachi, no dejes de firmar | Apr 29 17:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 29 17:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @roblesmaloof @Semati_Muki | Apr 29 17:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Who hated this park and everyone in it | Apr 29 17:38 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Petición | ¡Justicia Ya! Para Choréachi | | Apr 29 17:38 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ASMACChihuahua: Tu solidaridad es muy importante para proteger el bosque de Choréachi. No dejes de firmar | Apr 29 17:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Shareable Check out our brand-new Sharing Cities Network | Apr 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Learning page! Hundreds of resources from | Apr 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @TheSELC @OuiShare & more | Apr 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Learn Together - Shareable | Apr 29 17:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Has the NSA and GCHQ produced the ultimate | Apr 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'socialist' government? | Apr 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #SCOTUS today: whether police need a #warrant | Apr 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to search your cell phone. | Apr 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Yes | Apr 29 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #4thAmendment | Apr 29 17:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Supreme Court to decide cops' power to search cell phones | MSNBC | Apr 29 17:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:42 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Can't wait for Laura #Poitras & Edward #Snowden...' | Apr 29 17:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh The idiocy of capitalism: books aren't even on | Apr 29 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | the list. "@BenedictEvans: What form of media | Apr 29 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | would you miss?” | Apr 29 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BenedictEvans: What form of media would you miss? | Apr 29 17:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Full cast for 'Star Wars: Episode VII' | Apr 29 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | announced, including original cast members | Apr 29 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | via @verge | Apr 29 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 17:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Full cast for 'Star Wars: Episode VII' announced, including original cast members | The Verge | Apr 29 17:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist - May The Force Be With | Apr 29 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Us All @starwars | Apr 29 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @ipoliticsca: Telecoms’ tight lips on | Apr 29 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | customer data use leaves privacy watchdog in | Apr 29 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | the dark | Apr 29 18:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Empty reply from server ( status 0 @ ) | Apr 29 18:00 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Telecoms’ tight lips on customer data use leaves privacy watchdog in the dark | Apr 29 18:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ikr A hilarious short story from the last | Apr 29 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @badvoltage podcast. Fast-forward to 1:09:05 | Apr 29 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon | Apr 29 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Court of Justice invalidates 06 Data Retention | Apr 29 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Directive creating spy regime violating EU | Apr 29 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | citizen privacy&data rights | Apr 29 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Firefox 29: Redesign | Apr 29 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist no joke - just got pitched about hackers using | Apr 29 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | malicious attachments. Apparently this is news | Apr 29 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | still in 2014. | Apr 29 18:09 |
*TechrightsSocial has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Apr 29 18:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist packed room for @Oracle #solaris 11.2 launch | Apr 29 18:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 18:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Firefox 29 Debuts With New Australis User | Apr 29 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Interface | Apr 29 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt CISPA Take 3: Feinstein & Chambliss Draft | Apr 29 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Another Cybersecurity Bill, Designed To Wipe | Apr 29 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Out Your Privacy | Apr 29 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist "We're here to get important stuff done for the | Apr 29 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Web, and we're doing that”@mozilla | Apr 29 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Wait, JJ Abrams is making the new Star Wars? | Apr 29 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | And the dude from Girls is in it? That's kind | Apr 29 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | of sadly ridiculous. | Apr 29 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Georgetown U newspaper reports on #BeyondOrwell | Apr 29 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | with me, @JesselynRadack @ColeenRowley | Apr 29 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DanielEllsberg @raymcgovern | Apr 29 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 18:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:20 |
*schestowitz__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 29 18:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist IP lawyer: Canada’s Digital Privacy Act opens | Apr 29 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | the door to copyright “shakedown efforts”. | Apr 29 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot After a Long wait, GNU Screen Gets Refreshed | Apr 29 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh The 2000s were more innocent times. For | Apr 29 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | example, we never knew goatse was actually a | Apr 29 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | map of the future. | Apr 29 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist ‘Best of breed at each layer’ that’s @Oracle | Apr 29 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | strategy #solaris | Apr 29 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Trace15 2 weeks until @benwizner, @DanielEllsberg, | Apr 29 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @thomas_drake1, @CathyHarris @wkamaubell join | Apr 29 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #ACLUDINNER. Buy tickets: | Apr 29 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Mozilla Introduces the Most Customizable | Apr 29 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Firefox Ever with an Elegant New Design - | Apr 29 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | moving on... | Apr 29 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @bryanrbeal MIT Bitcoin Project To Create Cryptocurrency | Apr 29 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Ecosystem, Give $100 Per Student | Apr 29 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 29 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW #TPP: corporate power grab 2 to lock down | Apr 29 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #wages #jobs #meds #food #internet #ISDS | Apr 29 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #StopTPP | Apr 29 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist ‘for us #solaris is about an evolution beyond | Apr 29 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | an operating system’ @Oracle | Apr 29 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linus Torvalds Named Recipient of the 2014 IEEE | Apr 29 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Computer Society Computer Pioneer Award | Apr 29 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #torvalds #linux | Apr 29 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW Wow! 3.1 million people & counting have signed | Apr 29 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by petition against #FastTrack & #TPP: | Apr 29 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #StopTPP | Apr 29 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Sulliview @Thomas_Drake1 @JesselynRadack Good to see | Apr 29 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by this. I was a reporter for the Hoya, some | Apr 29 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 years ago. | Apr 29 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #OpenSource Seed Initiative: 'Free The Seed!' - | Apr 29 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | potentially important | Apr 29 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | initiative - if it gets enough backing | Apr 29 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Lifecycle management gets a boost in #solaris | Apr 29 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | 11.2 | Apr 29 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Albania youth ministry supports open source | Apr 29 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | meeting #opensource | Apr 29 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #freedom #education #eu | Apr 29 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody The Other Side of Openness: #Licence | Apr 29 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Enforcement - tough | Apr 29 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | love, & not just in free software: | Apr 29 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #openstreetmap too | Apr 29 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Here we go @oracle slamming @RedHatNews Linux | Apr 29 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | vs #solaris on VM efficiency | Apr 29 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Brian Warner: Tizen Has Good Bones | Apr 29 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #tizen #linux | Apr 29 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Ask Slashdot: Intelligently Moving From IT Into | Apr 29 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Management? | Apr 29 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @bruneski .@GovInslee rockin in WA. New exec order to | Apr 29 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by reduce then eliminate #coal use, scale up | Apr 29 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #cleanenergy & more | Apr 29 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #awesome | Apr 29 18:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:43 |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @schestowitz: 'Linus Torvalds Named Recipient of the 2014 IEEE...' | Apr 29 18:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz LibreOffice 4.1.6 Final Released on Linux, | Apr 29 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Windows, and Mac OS X | Apr 29 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #libreoffice #odf | Apr 29 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist How @oracle is baking SDN into #solaris 11.2 | Apr 29 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @HackerHalted Hacker Halted 2014 Call for Papers! > > | Apr 29 18:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 29 18:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | Apr 29 18:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Tails 1.0 has just been released. It's the #gnu | Apr 29 18:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux distro that brought us the #nsa leaks. | Apr 29 18:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #tor #debian | Apr 29 18:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 18:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz World's First Open Source Laptop Gets Wideband | Apr 29 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Software-Defined Radio | Apr 29 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #sharing #gnu #linux #hardware #hacking | Apr 29 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Firefox 29 Available For Download, Includes | Apr 29 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | New Australis UI, Other Important Changes | Apr 29 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | with screenshots | Apr 29 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Join me now for my live video Ubuntu Q&A at | Apr 29 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | - all questions are | Apr 29 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | welcome! #ubuntu | Apr 29 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Meet #TISA: Another Major Treaty Negotiated In | Apr 29 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Secret Alongside #TPP And #TTIP - | Apr 29 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | & just as bad; get ready | Apr 29 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | to fight it | Apr 29 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @RebeccaChao8 After @netmundial2014, Multistakeholder | Apr 29 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Statement Criticized as "Weak, | Apr 29 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Toothless...Sterile" by @svaroschi | Apr 29 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines LibreOffice 4.1.6 Final Released on Linux, | Apr 29 19:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | Windows, and Mac OS X | Apr 29 19:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Brian Warner: Tizen Has Good Bones | Apr 29 19:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 29 19:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linus Torvalds Named Recipient of the 2014 IEEE | Apr 29 19:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | Computer Society Computer Pioneer Award | Apr 29 19:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 29 19:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Intel Cherryview PCI IDs Get Added To Mesa DRM | Apr 29 19:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 29 19:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New Being Added To | Apr 29 19:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | Rawhide For Fedora 21 | Apr 29 19:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Gtown #whistleblower event: @Thomas_Drake1, | Apr 29 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ColeenRowley, @DanielEllsberg, me & | Apr 29 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @RayMcGovern | Apr 29 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Vendetta Online Space MMO for Linux Now | Apr 29 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Supports Oculus Rift HD | Apr 29 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux a first-class gaming citizen | Apr 29 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Linux #Kernel 3.15 RC3 Is Out and Brings | Apr 29 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Btrfs and #Ext4 Filesystems Improvements | Apr 29 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | new features explained | Apr 29 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Tiny i.MX286 SBC runs Debian on less than a | Apr 29 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Watt #linux #debian | Apr 29 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt You Don't Have To Be Desperate To Believe That | Apr 29 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Trust Is A Good Thing | Apr 29 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz New XOrg Being Added To Rawhide For Fedora 21 | Apr 29 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #fedora #redhat | Apr 29 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #graphics #xorg #linux | Apr 29 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Intel Cherryview PCI IDs Get Added To Mesa DRM | Apr 29 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mesa #intel #graphics | Apr 29 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | Apr 29 19:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:18 |
*TechrightsSocial ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 29 19:26 | |
TechrightsSocial | Hello World! I'm TechrightsSocial running phIRCe v0.75 | Apr 29 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Using 9/11 or Katrina language to explain | Apr 29 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | software bug | Apr 29 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste: Core Infrastructure Initiative | | Apr 29 19:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist As consumers cut cord & ad dollars disappear, | Apr 29 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | is CRTC revolutionizing TV reg or just playing | Apr 29 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | catch-up? | Apr 29 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot New Zero-Day Flash Bug Affects Windows, OS X, | Apr 29 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | and Linux Computers | Apr 29 19:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Is the CRTC Ready to Hit the Reset Button on Television Regulation in Canada? | Apr 29 19:29 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Zero-Day Flash Bug Affects Windows, OS X, and Linux Computers - Slashdot | Apr 29 19:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @maira Dear Obama, if you think our opposition to #TPP | Apr 29 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by is based on “rumors,” why don’t you stop | Apr 29 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody negotiating it in secret? | Apr 29 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Implementing #CETA could take another two years | Apr 29 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | - could a more sceptical | Apr 29 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Euro Parliament reject it like #ACTA? | Apr 29 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama: TPP critics have a “lack of knowledge of what is going on in the negotiations” » infojustice | Apr 29 19:37 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Implementing Canada-EU free-trade deal could take another two years | Apr 29 19:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bendrath Eine Schande! @FAZ_NET Keine #Befragung im | Apr 29 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Bundestag: Snowden darf nicht nach | Apr 29 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Deutschland. | Apr 29 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Keine Befragung im Bundestag: Snowden darf nicht nach Deutschland - Ausland - FAZ | Apr 29 19:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #rp14: Netzpolitik auf der re:publica’14 - | Apr 29 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | the place to be... | Apr 29 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 19:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | #rp14: Netzpolitik auf der re:publica’14 | Apr 29 19:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Federal Government Warns About #Microsoft | Apr 29 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Windows Back Doors #nsa | Apr 29 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gchq #surveillance #cracking | Apr 29 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Star Wars: Episode VII Cast Officially | Apr 29 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Announced | Apr 29 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 20:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Federal Government Warns About Microsoft Windows Back Doors | Techrights | Apr 29 20:15 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Star Wars: Episode VII Cast Officially Announced - Slashdot | Apr 29 20:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Feinstein And Chambliss Let James Clapper Talk | Apr 29 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Them Out Of Requiring Transparency On The | Apr 29 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Administration's Drone… | Apr 29 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 20:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Feinstein And Chambliss Let James Clapper Talk Them Out Of Requiring Transparency On The Administration's Drone Strikes | Techdirt | Apr 29 20:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Boosters of Development for Microsoft | Apr 29 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mono #basic #lockin | Apr 29 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance #espionage #xamarin #dotnet | Apr 29 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #billgates | Apr 29 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 20:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Boosters of Development for Microsoft | Techrights | Apr 29 20:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: seanbonner: Fight the man | Apr 29 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 20:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: seanbonner: Fight the man | Apr 29 20:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mashable Nobody puts R2 in a corner -- and other | Apr 29 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by hilarious reactions to the 'Star Wars' cast | Apr 29 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist picture | Apr 29 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 20:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nobody Puts R2 in a Corner: 12 Hilarious Reactions to the 'Star Wars' Cast Picture | Apr 29 20:36 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mashable: Nobody puts R2 in a corner -- and other hilarious reactions to the 'Star Wars' cast picture | Apr 29 20:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @birgittaj #German administration will not allow Edward | Apr 29 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Snowden to enter Germany, FAZ reports | Apr 29 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1” | Apr 29 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 20:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Keine Befragung im Bundestag: Snowden darf nicht nach Deutschland - Ausland - FAZ | Apr 29 20:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeBarrett_ Barrett plead guilty today to two felonies and | Apr 29 20:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by one misdemeanor. Sentencing is set for August | Apr 29 20:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 18th. #FreeBB | Apr 29 20:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 20:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Novell Receives One Last Punch From Microsoft | Apr 29 20:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | After Microsoft Took Novell’s Patents | Apr 29 20:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #novell #microsoft | Apr 29 20:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 20:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A lot of people may not know or remember this, | Apr 29 20:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | but before #novell sold out to #microsoft I had | Apr 29 20:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Novell Receives One Last Punch From Microsoft After Microsoft Took Novell’s Patents | Techrights | Apr 29 20:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | promoted Novell and used SUSE on all machines | Apr 29 20:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 20:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks US cable details 1400 detainess held in | Apr 29 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | inhumane conditions, anal rape of children, men | Apr 29 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | hung from bloody hooks | Apr 29 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 21:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cable: 06BAGHDAD1960_a | Apr 29 21:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot FCC Proposes $48,000 Fine To Man Jamming | Apr 29 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Cellphones On Florida Interstate | Apr 29 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 21:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FCC Proposes $48,000 Fine To Man Jamming Cellphones On Florida Interstate - Slashdot | Apr 29 21:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Microsoft Killed Nokia, Turned It Into a Pile | Apr 29 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | of Android-hostile Patents | Apr 29 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsoft #nokia | Apr 29 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #linux | Apr 29 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 21:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Killed Nokia, Turned It Into a Pile of Android-hostile Patents | Techrights | Apr 29 21:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #putin | Apr 29 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh By 2032, American "news" consisted of 27,000 | Apr 29 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | men competing to explain the single piece of | Apr 29 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | journalism that was published annually. | Apr 29 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Verizon Puts Data Breaches, Attack Patterns | Apr 29 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Under Microscope | Apr 29 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 21:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Verizon Puts Data Breaches, Attack Patterns Under Microscope | Apr 29 21:15 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 21:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ ### Without freedom of the press, we would know nothing of the war crimes ...  #freedom #press #journalism #war #weapon #information #politics #HumanRights #law #justice #whistleblower #police #violence #secret #surveillance | Apr 29 21:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140429 - | Apr 29 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | the day's tweets as a | Apr 29 21:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140429 | Apr 29 21:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | Apr 29 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Today in Techrights | Apr 29 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 21:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | Apr 29 21:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt NBC Insists Twitter Is Useless Because Not | Apr 29 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | Enough People Tweeted During The Olympics... | Apr 29 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | Which NBC Made Difficult To… | Apr 29 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 21:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NBC Insists Twitter Is Useless Because Not Enough People Tweeted During The Olympics... Which NBC Made Difficult To Watch Online | Techdirt | Apr 29 21:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist more infosec #prfail today 'it looks like Adobe | Apr 29 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | recently patched the IE flaw’ $OURCLIENT$ will | Apr 29 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | explain what’s next… | Apr 29 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 21:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh There is no great secret to happiness. There is | Apr 29 21:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | just a simple truth. Be a decent person; and | Apr 29 21:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | you will have a chance at it. | Apr 29 21:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 21:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz KDE Telepathy Sprint | Apr 29 21:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kde #telepathy #gnu #linux | Apr 29 21:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 21:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | KDE Telepathy Sprint | | Apr 29 21:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @reykfloeter OpenBSD's relayd now keeps RSA private keys in | Apr 29 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by separate processes to prevent any | Apr 29 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist #Heartbleed-like key leakage. And it uses | Apr 29 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #LibreSSL. | Apr 29 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot AOL Finally Admits They Were Hacked | Apr 29 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 21:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AOL Finally Admits They Were Hacked - Slashdot | Apr 29 21:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Get to know the Aio-one project | Apr 29 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | TV runs #linux natively | Apr 29 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 21:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Aio-one, a crossover between a smart TV and All in one computer | Apr 29 21:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #phoronix says "GNU/Linux" | Apr 29 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | wow, it's about time, | Apr 29 21:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Debian 7.5 GNU/Linux Released | Apr 29 21:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | too | Apr 29 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @pdmcleod: Government agencies seek private | Apr 29 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | data from telecoms a staggering 1.2 million | Apr 29 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | times/year. | Apr 29 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Government asks telecoms for customer data more than a million times a year | The Chronicle Herald | Apr 29 22:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Tibco Acquires Jaspersoft for $185 Million | Apr 29 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tibco Acquires Jaspersoft for $185 Million - Enterprise Apps Today | Apr 29 22:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Ben_Pfaff I posted a patch to enable OpenFlow 1.1, 1.2, | Apr 29 22:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 1.3 by default in Open vSwitch. Success, | Apr 29 22:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist finally, after much effort from the OVS | Apr 29 22:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | community. | Apr 29 22:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Links 29/4/2014: New Debian, New Award for | Apr 29 22:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Torvalds #techrights | Apr 29 22:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Links 29/4/2014: New Debian, New Award for Torvalds | Techrights | Apr 29 22:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @FDLDissenter Join the May 9th Day of Action for CIA torture | Apr 29 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by whistleblower @JohnKiriakou | Apr 29 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou | Apr 29 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 9th: Day of Action for CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou | Apr 29 22:13 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@FDLDissenter: Join the May 9th Day of Action for CIA torture whistleblower @JohnKiriakou | Apr 29 22:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Forgiveness | Apr 29 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Report: #Snowden hired Espionage Act expert | Apr 29 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa | Apr 29 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Report: Snowden hired Espionage Act expert | TheHill | Apr 29 22:14 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Meet the lawyer working on a plea deal for NSA leaker Edward Snowden | Apr 29 22:14 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 22:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The former head of the NSA admits he’s never heard of Pinterest [ ] | Apr 29 22:18 | |
schestowitz__ | CIA talks about the 'real' issues | Apr 29 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Merkel pressed to confront Obama over NSA | Apr 29 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | scandal prior to talks | Apr 29 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #germany #nsa #espionage | Apr 29 22:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Merkel pressed to confront Obama over NSA scandal prior to talks | Apr 29 22:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot CISPA 3.0: the Senate's New Bill As Bad As Ever | Apr 29 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CISPA 3.0: the Senate's New Bill As Bad As Ever - Slashdot | Apr 29 22:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa recruits crackers from universities | Apr 29 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | universities that play | Apr 29 22:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA launches 'lablets' tech initiative with major U.S. universities | VentureBeat | Security | by Richard Byrne Reilly | Apr 29 22:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | along worth shunning | Apr 29 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @carlmalamud Area Man: Whassup? Me: Auditing the IRS. AM: | Apr 29 22:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Oh, they got me last year. AM2: No, he's | Apr 29 22:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff auditing them. AM: Sweet. | Apr 29 22:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Utah Republican Congressmen Want to Stop NSA | Apr 29 22:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | from Collecting Citizen Data | Apr 29 22:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #utah #gop #nsa | Apr 29 22:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Utah Republican Congressmen Want to Stop NSA from Collecting Citizen Data | | Apr 29 22:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Brazil Passed On Boeing For $4.5 Billion | Apr 29 22:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Fighter Jet Deal Because Of Concerns Over NSA | Apr 29 22:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Surveillance | Apr 29 22:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Brazil Passed On Boeing For $4.5 Billion Fighter Jet Deal Because Of Concerns Over NSA Surveillance | Techdirt | Apr 29 22:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Students and faculty are trying to raise | Apr 29 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | awareness about surveillance in the United | Apr 29 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | States." #nsa | Apr 29 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance | Apr 29 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Campaign fosters discussion about NSA | Apr 29 22:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @io9 Open Channel: Who Do You Think The New Cast Is | Apr 29 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Playing In Star Wars Episode VII? | Apr 29 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | Apr 29 22:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Who Do You Think The New Cast Is Playing In Star Wars Episode VII? | Apr 29 22:22 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@io9: Open Channel: Who Do You Think The New Cast Is Playing In Star Wars Episode VII? | Apr 29 22:22 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 22:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@kiptw: @harrymccracken @schestowitz Don't stop him. He's rolling. | Apr 29 22:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mathematicians: refuse to work for the NSA! | Apr 29 22:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | "following orders" is | Apr 29 22:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mathematicians: refuse to work for the NSA! - Boing Boing | Apr 29 22:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | not an occupation. #nsa #espionage #cracking | Apr 29 22:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Alexander: NSA's brand has been damaged | Apr 29 22:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | it's akin to a convicted | Apr 29 22:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | criminal accusing the #police of harming his | Apr 29 22:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | name | Apr 29 22:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Alexander: NSA's brand has been damaged | TheHill | Apr 29 22:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Tired? Angry? Your car knows how you feel | Apr 29 22:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | will it be a networked | Apr 29 22:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | (connected) car? Ripe for abuse. | Apr 29 22:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tired? Angry? Your car knows how you feel | Apr 29 22:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 4 Proposals to Reform #NSA Human Rights | Apr 29 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Violations: #Feinstein =Worst; | Apr 29 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Leahy-Sensenbrenner=Best | Apr 29 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'reform' | Apr 29 22:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Controversies - 4 Proposals to Reform NSA Human Rights Violations: Feinstein=Worst; Leahy-Sensenbrenner=Best - AllGov - News | Apr 29 22:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz More awards for #nsa leaks coverage | Apr 29 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | where is Pierre's bogus | Apr 29 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | effort to cover these issues? | Apr 29 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Guardian wins three Webby awards | Media | The Guardian | Apr 29 22:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ron Paul: US #Drone War Undermines American | Apr 29 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Values | Apr 29 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 22:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ron Paul: US Drone War Undermines American Values » FITSNews | Apr 29 22:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Column: Obama's drone wars undermine American values - Farmington Daily Times | Apr 29 22:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines World's First Open Source Laptop Gets Wideband | Apr 29 22:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | Software-Defined Radio | Apr 29 22:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | World's First Open Source Laptop Gets Wideband Software-Defined Radio | Tux Machines | Apr 29 22:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tiny i.MX286 SBC runs Debian on less than a | Apr 29 22:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | Watt | Apr 29 22:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tiny i.MX286 SBC runs Debian on less than a Watt | Tux Machines | Apr 29 22:36 | |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | Apr 29 22:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Who Are the Dead Special Operations Forces | Apr 29 22:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Picked Up After Drone & Air Strikes in Yemen? | Apr 29 22:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #yemen #drones | Apr 29 22:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Podcast: Who Are the Dead Special Operations Forces Picked Up After Drone & Air Strikes in Yemen? | The Dissenter | Apr 29 22:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pakistan: US #drone killed my friend, now 'I | Apr 29 22:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | simply hate America' – drone victim | Apr 29 22:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 22:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | harted means more #cia budget | Apr 29 22:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pakistan: US drone killed my friend, now 'I simply hate America' – drone victim - News - Politics - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video | Apr 29 22:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Game of Thrones Creator Says #Drones Are Worse | Apr 29 22:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Than The Dothraki | Apr 29 22:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 22:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Game of Thrones Creator Says Drones Are Worse Than The Dothraki | Apr 29 22:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Game of Thrones author George RR Martin speaks out against drones and missiles | Mail Online | Apr 29 22:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How Many Have We Killed? | Apr 29 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Obama has overseen the killing of several | Apr 29 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | thousand people" #obama #peace #drones | Apr 29 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Many Have We Killed? by David Cole | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books | Apr 29 22:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Feinstein And #Chambliss Let James #Clapper | Apr 29 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Talk Them Out Of Requiring Transparency On The | Apr 29 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Administration's #Drones | Apr 29 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Feinstein And Chambliss Let James Clapper Talk Them Out Of Requiring Transparency On The Administration's Drone Strikes | Techdirt | Apr 29 22:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Protest over #drones draws big crowd after | Apr 29 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | civil rights activist Cornel West energizes | Apr 29 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | crowd in Syracuse #us | Apr 29 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Protest over drones draws big crowd after civil rights activist Cornel West energizes crowd in Syracuse | | Apr 29 22:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #canada : Keep killer autonomous #drones off | Apr 29 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | the battlefield, activists say | Apr 29 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Keep killer autonomous drones off the battlefield, activists say - Politics - CBC News | Apr 29 22:43 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canada asked to help keep 'killer robots' off battlefields | Canada | News | Tor | Apr 29 22:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The term "autonomous #drones " is deceiving. | Apr 29 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | They're programmed to act a certain way by | Apr 29 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | humans, often overseen by racist sociopaths. | Apr 29 22:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:43 |
*TweetSchestowitz got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | Apr 29 22:43 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 22:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Article: Wag the Finger: John Kerry's Increasing Instability | OpEdNews [ ] | Apr 29 22:44 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines KDE Telepathy Sprint | Apr 29 22:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | Apr 29 22:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | KDE Telepathy Sprint | Tux Machines | Apr 29 22:46 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Get to know the Aio-one project | Apr 29 22:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 29 22:46 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | Apr 29 22:46 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Get to know the Aio-one project | Tux Machines | Apr 29 22:47 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 22:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Vanishing Cyprus | | Queens Gazette [ ] | Apr 29 22:47 | |
schestowitz__ | "In essence Bundy and his patriotic supporters were involved in acts which were dangerous to human life, appeared intended to influence the policy of government by intimidation, and took place in Nevada. These acts seem to meet the criteria to be considered "domestic terrorists" - but the flame throwers at Fox never did have any regard for the facts especially if/when they got in the way of a good conservative paranoid | Apr 29 22:50 |
schestowitz__ | spin about "big government." To them, Bundy - the tax cheat and domestic terrorist - was a "patriot."" | Apr 29 22:50 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 22:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "...Abu Ghraib 10 years ago. But as he told DW, | Apr 29 22:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | he is convinced that the US hasn't learned any | Apr 29 22:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | lessons from it." | Apr 29 22:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Problem is not interrogation, it's war itself' | World | DW.DE | 28.04.2014 | Apr 29 22:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Obama and Holder: Making Killing “Legal” | Apr 29 22:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | exceptionalism | Apr 29 22:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 29 22:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | justifying murder is extremism | Apr 29 22:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Income Inequality Has Spurred a Boom in Private | Apr 29 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Security | Apr 29 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ask #billgates | Apr 29 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 22:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Income Inequality Has Spurred a Boom in Private Security | Mother Jones | Apr 29 22:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #feinstein wants to know about #torture but not | Apr 29 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #murder | Apr 29 22:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bill Gates Looking for Profit in Privatised Oppression in the United Kingdom and Elsewhere | Techrights | Apr 29 22:57 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Senators drop demand for drone death tallies | Boston Herald | Apr 29 22:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #droNSA | Apr 29 22:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US senators remove requirement for disclosure over drone strike victims | World news | | Apr 29 22:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Intelligence Authorization Act Provision Demanding Disclosure Of Civilians Killed In US Drone Attacks In Other Countries Dropped By US Senators | Apr 29 22:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Australians were killed by a US #drone strike, | Apr 29 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | and we deserve to know | Apr 29 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ... | Apr 29 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 22:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Drone victims and anti-drone activists | Apr 29 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | demonstrate "Parliament | Apr 29 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | voted to prohibit drone strikes in mid-December | Apr 29 23:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Drone victims and anti-drone activists demonstrate outside Parliament | Yemen Times | Apr 29 23:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | 2013" | Apr 29 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Heartbleed Turned Against Cyber Criminals | Apr 29 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Heartbleed Turned Against Cyber Criminals - Slashdot | Apr 29 23:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "personnel involved in controversial US drone | Apr 29 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | targeting operations could face crimes against | Apr 29 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | humanity charge" | Apr 29 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Drone strikes based on work at Pine Gap could see Australians charged, Malcolm Fraser says - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) | Apr 29 23:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Rally calls for end to #drone attacks | Apr 29 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Hundreds crowded in to | Apr 29 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | listen to Dr. Cornel West speak" | Apr 29 23:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rally calls for end to drone attacks : News : | Apr 29 23:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Haunting of president not spooked by #drone | Apr 29 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | killings | Apr 29 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | state-sanctioned murder being "normalised" in | Apr 29 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | today's society | Apr 29 23:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EDITORIAL: The haunting of a president not spooked by drone killings - Washington Times | Apr 29 23:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ica #torture and #finland | Apr 29 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | like #scotland | Apr 29 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | No evidence Finns knew of secret prisoner transfers | Yle Uutiset | | Apr 29 23:08 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Finland: CIA rendition probe findings ‘disappointing’ | Amnesty International | Apr 29 23:08 | |
*TweetSchestowitz got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | Apr 29 23:08 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | Apr 29 23:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | Apr 29 23:10 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | Apr 29 23:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | Apr 29 23:10 | |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | Apr 29 23:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Release the CIA’s #torture report | Apr 29 23:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | uncensored by the #cia - | Apr 29 23:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | US taxpayers paid many millions for the report | Apr 29 23:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Release the CIA’s torture report - Editorials - | Apr 29 23:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Abu Ghraib: A Torture Story Without a Hero or | Apr 29 23:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | an Ending #torture | Apr 29 23:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | makes more enemies, it's counter-productive | Apr 29 23:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Abu Ghraib: A Torture Story Without a Hero or an Ending | The Nation | Apr 29 23:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt What If You Gave A (Drug) War And Nobody Came? | Apr 29 23:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Deputies Answer Rhetorical Question With | Apr 29 23:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Planted Evidence | Apr 29 23:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What If You Gave A (Drug) War And Nobody Came? Deputies Answer Rhetorical Question With Planted Evidence | Techdirt | Apr 29 23:15 | |
schestowitz__ | the cracker talks | Apr 29 23:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA's former Chief Information Security Officer reveals new strategies to fight cyber-threats and hackers - Zawya [ ] | Apr 29 23:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz ODNI Seeks to Obscure CIA Role in Human | Apr 29 23:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Intelligence | Apr 29 23:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cia and #nsa not | Apr 29 23:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | separate | Apr 29 23:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ODNI Seeks to Obscure CIA Role in Human Intelligence - Secrecy News | Apr 29 23:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cia linked to fake NGOs | Apr 29 23:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | overthrowing governments by proxy, spying via | Apr 29 23:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | corporations | Apr 29 23:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The NED, the NGOs and the CIA - Manila Standard Today | Apr 29 23:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz We don't condone human rights abusers; we bring | Apr 29 23:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | them home (like in Cuba tensions days) | Apr 29 23:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 23:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Haji Gulalai In United States - The Torturer Next Door - Esquire | Apr 29 23:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mystery surrounds move of Afghan ‘torturer in chief’ to U.S. amid allegations of agency abuse - The Washington Post | Apr 29 23:23 | |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | Apr 29 23:25 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 23:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Creating Enemies the American Way always been at war with Eurasia... #drones #terrorism | Apr 29 23:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Creating Enemies the American Way | Tom Engelhardt [ ] | Apr 29 23:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @dotMudge @csoghoian @matthew_d_green it's a wording | Apr 29 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by game. There are always numerous targets using | Apr 29 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian commodity systems and software. | Apr 29 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #gop noise machine keeps distracting from the | Apr 29 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | real scandal of #benghazi which fed arms | Apr 29 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Senators ask again: What about Benghazi? - CBS News | Apr 29 23:32 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Evidence Shows White House Role in Changing Benghazi Talking Points | Apr 29 23:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh You don't have to know the truth to know the | Apr 29 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | lie. But you do have to know the lie to know | Apr 29 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | the truth. | Apr 29 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard In which I discover it is *still* easier to | Apr 29 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | explain fucking Scientology to normal humans | Apr 29 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | than it is Roko's fucking basilisk. | Apr 29 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Texas Sheriffs Crash $250k Drone They're Not | Apr 29 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Supposed To Be Flying | Apr 29 23:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Texas Sheriffs Crash $250k Drone They're Not Supposed To Be Flying - Slashdot | Apr 29 23:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Hewlett-Packard Debuts New Security Metrics | Apr 29 23:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Service | Apr 29 23:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hewlett-Packard Debuts New Security Metrics Service | Apr 29 23:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Music to one's ears | Apr 29 23:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @tomsegura Here's real perspective on this whole Sterling | Apr 29 23:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by debacle. And it's from @kaj33: | Apr 29 23:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | Apr 29 23:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on Donald Sterling’s Racism and the NBA - TIME | Apr 29 23:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:50 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 23:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Ron Paul: US #Drone War Undermines American Values | Apr 29 23:52 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Ron Paul: US Drone War Undermines American Values » FITSNews [ ] | Apr 29 23:52 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Column: Obama's drone wars undermine American values - Farmington Daily Times [ ] | Apr 29 23:52 | |
schestowitz__ | "Not enough to win an election apparently." | Apr 29 23:52 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 23:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Federal Government Warns About #Microsoft #Windows Back Doors #nsa #gchq #surveillance #cracking | Apr 29 23:53 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Federal Government Warns About Microsoft Windows Back Doors | Techrights [ ] | Apr 29 23:53 | |
schestowitz__ | "And Windows is like "Yeah we know... We built them for you"" | Apr 29 23:53 |
schestowitz__ | "Exactly. It worries the governments now that it has come to light, for two reasons: * The vulnerability will now be patched, giving Tailored Access Operations one less vulnerability to exploit, and Everyone else will have access to this vulnerability until it is patched." | Apr 29 23:53 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 23:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #gop noise machine keeps distracting from the real scandal of #benghazi which fed arms | Apr 29 23:54 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Senators ask again: What about Benghazi? - CBS News [ ] | Apr 29 23:54 | |
schestowitz__ | "Thanks for reminding people. US arms trafficed from Libya to Syria via Turkey -- that's the real scandal." | Apr 29 23:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | New Evidence Shows White House Role in Changing Benghazi Talking Points [ ] | Apr 29 23:54 | |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | Apr 29 23:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh It's easy to call Donald Sterling a racist. | Apr 29 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | It's harder to accept that there is a culture | Apr 29 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | that creates Donald Sterling after Sterling. | Apr 29 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jmcest RT @rgibli: Umm, precisely. MT @MsLods: Obama | Apr 29 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by in Malaysia: #TPP critics have a “lack of | Apr 29 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff knowledge of what is going on in the | Apr 29 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | negotiations.” | Apr 29 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 23:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Humanity Colors Icon Pack Updated: 9 Different | Apr 30 00:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Colors For Humanity Icon Theme | Apr 30 00:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | looks quite nice | Apr 30 00:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Humanity Colors Icon Pack Updated: 9 Different Colors For Humanity Icon Theme ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog | Apr 30 00:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 00:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mmasnick Crap. I have multiple cell phones. The Supreme | Apr 30 00:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Court thinks I must be a drug dealer. | Apr 30 00:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | Apr 30 00:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 00:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@xor: Do you have more than one phone? The Supreme Court thinks you're probably a drug dealer. | Apr 30 00:04 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@xor: Do you have more than one phone? The Supreme Court thinks you're probably a drug dealer. | Apr 30 00:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Integrating #DRM in #HTML5 is the antithesis of | Apr 30 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | everything that have made the WWW & Internet | Apr 30 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | great cc @w3c | Apr 30 00:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 00:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian The wireless carriers, Google & Apple didn't' | Apr 30 00:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | bother to file briefs in Supreme Court phone | Apr 30 00:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | search case. "We care about your privacy" | Apr 30 00:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | indeed | Apr 30 00:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 00:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Don't Miss The Powerful Trailer For The Aaron | Apr 30 00:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Swartz Documentary: The Internet's Own Boy | Apr 30 00:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 00:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 00:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Don't Miss The Powerful Trailer For The Aaron Swartz Documentary: The Internet's Own Boy | Techdirt | Apr 30 00:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff I seem to have given up on proper spelling. | Apr 30 00:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Time to go to sleep. Good nigt. | Apr 30 00:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 00:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @sbagen For crying out loud, half the people in DC | Apr 30 00:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by carry more than one cell phone. (via @xor): | Apr 30 00:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | Apr 30 00:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 00:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @normative "Probable cause" apparently now a legal term of | Apr 30 00:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by art meaning "unfamiliar to wealthy old people." | Apr 30 00:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | Apr 30 00:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 00:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @e3i5 US/Israeli surveillance company Nice Systems | Apr 30 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by integrates "Lawful Hacking" data into their | Apr 30 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian monitoring centre solution. | Apr 30 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 00:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Monitoring centres: Force multipliers from the surveillance industry | Privacy International | Apr 30 00:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Stanford Bioengineers Develop 'Neurocore' Chips | Apr 30 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | 9,000 Times Faster Than a PC | Apr 30 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 00:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stanford Bioengineers Develop 'Neurocore' Chips 9,000 Times Faster Than a PC - Slashdot | Apr 30 00:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I'm gonna make a few points about the cultural | Apr 30 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | construction of bigotry. I'll be brief ;) | Apr 30 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 1. Many believe that the problem of racism is | Apr 30 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | solved when Donald Sterlings are found out. But | Apr 30 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | that is precisely what racism is. | Apr 30 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 2. Adam Silver should not be celebrated merely | Apr 30 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | for doing his job. Instead, we should ask why | Apr 30 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | we feel condemning racism is extraordinary. | Apr 30 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 3. If a minor fine and a ban for Donald | Apr 30 00:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Sterlings are throwing the book at them, we | Apr 30 00:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | should ask whether the book needs to be | Apr 30 00:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | rewritten. | Apr 30 00:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 00:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian The issue of encryption apparently came up at | Apr 30 00:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Supreme Court today. It wasn't pretty: | Apr 30 00:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 00:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Justices appear open to limits on cellphone searches - Josh Gerstein and Tal Kopan - | Apr 30 00:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 00:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Libertarianism solves problems you didn't know | Apr 30 00:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | you had, e.g. how to deal with vampire | Apr 30 00:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Martians. Srsly. | Apr 30 00:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Ethics of Liberty by Murray N. Rothbard | Apr 30 00:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 00:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh It's easy to call Donald Sterling a racist. | Apr 30 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by It's harder to accept that there is a culture | Apr 30 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 that creates Donald Sterling after Sterling. | Apr 30 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 4. The US has a profound culture of bigotry; it | Apr 30 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | can be seen everywhere from TV to sports to | Apr 30 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | jails to jobs. Sterling isn't an anomaly. | Apr 30 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard ALRIGHT MR DEAD ROTHBARD I TAKE YOU TO PRIVATE | Apr 30 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | COURT FOR INSULT TO MY COLON WHEREUPON YOUR | Apr 30 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @WhistleWatch @Thomas_Drake1 14 principles of ethical conduct | Apr 30 01:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by required you to report fraud, waste, abuse, | Apr 30 01:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 mismanagement & dangers to public | Apr 30 01:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | health/safety? | Apr 30 01:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 01:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot How the USPS Killed Digital Mail | Apr 30 01:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 01:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 01:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How the USPS Killed Digital Mail - Slashdot | Apr 30 01:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt DailyDirt: Useful Diamonds | Apr 30 01:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 01:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 01:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DailyDirt: Useful Diamonds | Techdirt | Apr 30 01:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: liartownusa: Mr. Rogers Regrets | Apr 30 01:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 01:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 01:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: liartownusa: Mr. Rogers Regrets | Apr 30 01:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow "You will never beat a troll. You will never | Apr 30 01:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | change a troll’s mind. You may delude yourself | Apr 30 01:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | into..." | Apr 30 01:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 01:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: You will never beat a troll. You will never change... | Apr 30 01:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @firedoglake If you live in DC and are free Friday, May 9, | Apr 30 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by we need your help visiting congressmen for | Apr 30 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou @JohnKiriakou. Sign up here: | Apr 30 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I ate all the cupcakes | Apr 30 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 01:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 9th: Day of Action for CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou | Apr 30 01:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard "My inner life is so complex, I actually shit | Apr 30 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | fractals." | Apr 30 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @derspiny I've a shell script that calls fgrep with an | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by argument containing a single-quoted tab. Any | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard bets on how long before I break it? | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: maxistentialist: Pwnmeal Extreme | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Gaming Oatmeal PWNMEAL Extreme Gaming Oatmeal | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | was a prank... | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 01:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: maxistentialist: Pwnmeal Extreme Gaming Oatmeal ... | Apr 30 01:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattdpearce Here's the AP's first take at the botched | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Oklahoma execution, though @baileyelise's | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow timeline has more details: | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 01:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | News from The Associated Press | Apr 30 01:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing "Internet service providers charging for | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by premium access hold us all to ransom," says | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @doctorow. Podcast: | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 01:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Podcast: Internet service providers charging for premium access hold us all to ransom - Boing Boing | Apr 30 01:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Glorious: this taxidermied teacup tauntaun made | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by from an antique ram's head. | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow #starwars | Apr 30 01:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Taxidermied teacup tauntaun made from antique ram's head - Boing Boing | Apr 30 01:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 01:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BoingBoing: Glorious: this taxidermied teacup tauntaun made from an antique ram's head. #starwars | Apr 30 01:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @feliciaday Let's make more women writers and directors so | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by we don't have to be upset there aren't more | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow women parts written in big movies, ok? | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing World Intellectual Property Org. threatens | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by prosecution over publication of internal docs | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow about director's corruption | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 01:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WIPO sends criminal prosecution threats over publication of internal docs about its Director General's corruption - Boing Boing | Apr 30 01:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @randlechris kind of amazing that you can actually be too | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by inconveniently racist for a monopolistic cartel | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow of billionaire white men | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing This Day in Blogging History: Pirate Party | Apr 30 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Iceland wins 3 seats; US census crapgadget; | Apr 30 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Russia's $0.03/song MP3... | Apr 30 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 01:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 30 01:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Sulliview @Thomas_Drake1 @JesselynRadack Good to see | Apr 30 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by this. I was a reporter for the Hoya, some | Apr 30 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack years ago. | Apr 30 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Rob Ford's mayoral career considered as a | Apr 30 02:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by reality TV show - straining suspension of | Apr 30 02:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow disbelief | Apr 30 02:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 02:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 30 02:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mikeapratt @doctorow Barack Obama On Net Neutrality | Apr 30 02:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 30 02:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 30 02:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Barack Obama On Net Neutrality - YouTube | Apr 30 02:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 02:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Genderswapped Boba Fett cosplayer | Apr 30 02:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 30 02:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 30 02:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 30 02:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 02:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @xeni Q: What's even more racist than Donald | Apr 30 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Sterling? | Apr 30 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow A: The death penalty | Apr 30 02:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 02:27 |
*TweetSchestowitz got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | Apr 30 02:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow The Sculptor: Scott McCloud's masterpiece, | Apr 30 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | finally in production /Pls RT! | Apr 30 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 02:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: The Sculptor: Scott McCloud's masterpiece, finally in production | Apr 30 02:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: haleyelainee: This is why mermaids | Apr 30 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | are my favorite. | Apr 30 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 02:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: haleyelainee: This is why mermaids are my... | Apr 30 02:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: Frosted Mini-Wheats: Literally (11%) | Apr 30 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Better Than Nothing | Apr 30 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 02:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Frosted Mini-Wheats: Literally (11%) Better Than... | Apr 30 02:59 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 30 03:04 | |
-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | Apr 30 03:04 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 30 03:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday LUKS: Linux Hard Disk Data Encryption with NTFS | Apr 30 03:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Support in Linux: Tecmint:LUKS acronym stands | Apr 30 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | for Linux Unifie... | Apr 30 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 03:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - LUKS: Linux Hard Disk Data Encryption with NTFS Support in Linux | Apr 30 03:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Oracle Embraces OpenStack in Solaris 11.2 - | Apr 30 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Server Watch | Apr 30 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 03:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Oracle Embraces OpenStack in Solaris 11.2 | Apr 30 03:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Humble Image Bundle: name your price for | Apr 30 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Walking Dead, Saga, Chew and more; benefit | Apr 30 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | CBLDF too! | Apr 30 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 03:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: The latest Humble Bundle teams up with DRM-free... | Apr 30 03:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Decommissioning Nuclear Plants Costing Far More | Apr 30 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Than Expected | Apr 30 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 03:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Decommissioning Nuclear Plants Costing Far More Than Expected - Slashdot | Apr 30 03:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Team Drake reunited! | Apr 30 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack, @Thomas_Drake1, #JaneMayer & | Apr 30 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #JimBamford (@WashAuthor) | Apr 30 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #RidenhourEveDinner | Apr 30 03:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JesselynRadack: Team Drake reunited! @JesselynRadack, @Thomas_Drake1, #JaneMayer & #JimBamford (@WashAuthor) #RidenhourEveDinner | Apr 30 03:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing NSA spying means Brazil's $4.5 fighter jets | Apr 30 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by won't be built by Boeing | Apr 30 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 30 03:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 30 03:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 03:24 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'Team Drake reunited! @JesselynRadack, @Thomas_Drake1, #JaneMayer & #JimBamford...' | Apr 30 03:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Team Drake reunited! | Apr 30 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack,'@Thomas_Drake1, #JaneMayer & | Apr 30 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #JimBamford (@WashAuthor) | Apr 30 03:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 03:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #RidenhourEveDinner | Apr 30 03:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 03:25 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'Team Drake reunited! @JesselynRadack,'@Thomas_Drake1, #JaneMayer & #JimBamford (@WashAuthor)...' | Apr 30 03:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Team Drake reunited! | Apr 30 03:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack,'@Thomas_Drake1, #JaneMayer & | Apr 30 03:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #JimBamford (@WashAuthor) | Apr 30 03:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #RidenhourEveDinner | Apr 30 03:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JesselynRadack: Team Drake reunited! @JesselynRadack,'@Thomas_Drake1, #JaneMayer & #JimBamford (@WashAuthor) #RidenhourEveDinner | Apr 30 03:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 03:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Austin Grossman's YOU, now in paperback /Pls RT | Apr 30 03:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #review | Apr 30 03:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 03:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Austin Grossman's YOU, now in paperback | Apr 30 03:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Name your price for the Humble Image Comics | Apr 30 03:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bundle: An instant digital comic collection | Apr 30 03:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | with 9 comics! via | Apr 30 03:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @humble | Apr 30 03:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 03:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Humble Image Comics Bundle (pay what you want and help charity) | Apr 30 03:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian On one hand, the Supreme Court's understanding | Apr 30 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | of tech is so bad it is embarrassing. On the | Apr 30 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | other, we are stuck with their decisions. FML. | Apr 30 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Watching @frontlinepbs's "Police State". | Apr 30 04:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Mind-blowing; truly devastating. | Apr 30 04:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 04:06 |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 12 tweets, 4 cnx to Twitter, 74 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 30 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (12) | Apr 30 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | Apr 30 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | Apr 30 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 211 tweets, 3 cnx to Twitter, 834 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 30 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (62), @TechJournalist (16), @doctorow (15) | Apr 30 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @doctorow (13), @glynmoody (10), @Thomas_Drake1 (7) | Apr 30 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (12), #nsa (10), #solaris (6) | Apr 30 05:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Team Drake reunited! | Apr 30 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @JesselynRadack,'@Thomas_Drake1, #JaneMayer & | Apr 30 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #JimBamford (@WashAuthor) | Apr 30 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #RidenhourEveDinner | Apr 30 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Supreme Court Smacks Down CAFC Again: Says | Apr 30 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Courts Have More Free Rein In Awarding | Apr 30 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Attorneys Fees | Apr 30 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 05:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Supreme Court Smacks Down CAFC Again: Says Courts Have More Free Rein In Awarding Attorneys Fees | Techdirt | Apr 30 05:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Aerospace Merger: ATK Joins With Orbital | Apr 30 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Sciences Corp | Apr 30 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 05:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Aerospace Merger: ATK Joins With Orbital Sciences Corp - Slashdot | Apr 30 05:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Microsoft Continues To Lose Money With Each | Apr 30 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Surface Tablet It Sells | Apr 30 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 05:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Continues To Lose Money With Each Surface Tablet It Sells - Slashdot | Apr 30 05:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon I appreciate how amusing my surname is some, | Apr 30 07:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | but Food Porn (@DailyFoodPix) just started | Apr 30 07:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | following me. I am not a piece of meat. Well... | Apr 30 07:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 07:02 |
schestowitz__ | 100,000 emails now sent to me from diaspora. | Apr 30 07:58 |
schestowitz__ | "There was a time when I would say that commercial documentation was much better. Nowadays, though, it's not so good, and often not available at all. :(" | Apr 30 08:04 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 08:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic #systemd #ubuntu #gnu #linux #upstart | Apr 30 08:04 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic « Martin Pitt [ ] | Apr 30 08:04 | |
schestowitz__ | Exactly. I think that the documentation assumptions only apply when we speak of particular proprietary software. Apache and other projects have splendid documentation also. | Apr 30 08:05 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 08:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Software available on the PRISM platform of your choice or GNU/Linux. Inspired by Tux Machines logo. Thanks, @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;} | Apr 30 08:06 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- Photo by | Apr 30 08:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @senykam @csoghoian So sad that the highest court is | Apr 30 08:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by learning crypto from a lawyer (with all due | Apr 30 08:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian respect to lawyers). I'd teach them crypto for | Apr 30 08:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | free! | Apr 30 08:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Ways Programming Is Hard | Apr 30 08:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 08:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Ways Programming Is Hard - Slashdot | Apr 30 08:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff #EC doesn't believe that it can convince Member | Apr 30 08:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | States of #TTIP benefits. So it tries to change | Apr 30 08:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | the times instead | Apr 30 08:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU-Kommissar will TTIP durchdrücken: Nationale Parlamente ausschalten - | Apr 30 08:07 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 08:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #putin | Apr 30 08:15 | |
schestowitz__ | "I think Putin won't try to invade Europe, he must know that messing with US territory is not good." | Apr 30 08:15 |
schestowitz__ | Look what happened in Pearl Harbour. Prior to it the US would not bother even fighting the Nazis, which US plutocrats had bankrolled. | Apr 30 08:15 |
schestowitz__ | Though I think it's the sinking of a US vessels that took US to a battle on the Eastern front. | Apr 30 08:16 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 08:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: ### There is no freedom without freedom of the press!  #freedom #press #journalism #war #weapon #information #politics #HumanRights #law #justice #whistleblower #police #violence #secret #surveillance | Apr 30 08:18 | |
schestowitz__ | "AHEM! Yeah... thankfully." | Apr 30 08:18 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 08:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: oozing cow lips... > ---- <strong> @{ HU Art Sound . ;} </strong><sup> [30/4/2014 09:15:11](/posts/0a63b1da1bd3065a)</sup> > **Meanwhile at the hot dog factory...** > > open wide, bite and enjoy .. > >  > > h | Apr 30 08:18 | |
schestowitz__ | "Heh! That reminds me of Brown 25 from the old Groove Tube movie of the early 70s. ;)" | Apr 30 08:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | How Hot Dogs Are Made [PHOTOS] - Business Insider [ ] | Apr 30 08:18 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Brown 25 (from Uranus) - YouTube | Apr 30 08:18 | |
schestowitz__ | "Strength of steel" :-) | Apr 30 08:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Do you PRISM? #prism | Apr 30 08:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa #espionage | Apr 30 08:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Hey, Idiots, Stop Swatting People | Apr 30 08:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 08:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hey, Idiots, Stop Swatting People | Techdirt | Apr 30 08:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Everything the government does at the airport | Apr 30 08:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | or to "terrorists" it will eventually want to | Apr 30 08:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | do to everyone, anywhere | Apr 30 08:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Feds Beg Supreme Court to Let Them Search Phones Without a Warrant | Threat Level | WIRED | Apr 30 08:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Error from license plate scanner leads to | Apr 30 08:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #police stop that startles PV-based attorney | Apr 30 08:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 08:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Error from license plate scanner leads to police stop that startles PV-based attorney :: Prairie Village Post - Neighborhood news and events for Prairie Village, Fairway, Mission Hills | Apr 30 08:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @digiges Schon deine Stimme für digitale Grundrechte in | Apr 30 08:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by der EU versprochen? Unterzeichne hier: | Apr 30 08:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff #EP2014 | Apr 30 08:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WePromise.EU | Apr 30 08:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Morality Police in Your Checking Account: | Apr 30 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Chase Bank Shuts Down Accounts of Adult | Apr 30 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Entertainers | Apr 30 08:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Morality Police in Your Checking Account: Chase Bank Shuts Down Accounts of Adult Entertainers | Electronic Frontier Foundation | Apr 30 08:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | TERRORISM! | Apr 30 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Nokia smartphone sales are down...13% from | Apr 30 08:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | share is now 2.5%." | Apr 30 08:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #elopeffect | Apr 30 08:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Communities Dominate Brands: One More Time - Lets do Nokia Q1 Smartphone Results, what can we estimate of the actual numbers from the deliberate fuzzy math | Apr 30 08:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsofteffect #nokia | Apr 30 08:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Accused Movie Pirate Wins Extortion Case | Apr 30 08:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Against Copyright Trolls | Apr 30 08:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | who's worse? A troll or | Apr 30 08:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | an infringer? | Apr 30 08:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Accused Movie Pirate Wins Extortion Case Against Copyright Trolls | TorrentFreak | Apr 30 08:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Former #Nokia CEO Stephen #Elop Denies Being A | Apr 30 08:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Microsoft ‘Trojan’ he's | Apr 30 08:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | like #nixon | Apr 30 08:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Former Nokia CEO Stephen Elop Denies Being A Microsoft 'Trojan' | Apr 30 08:31 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Richard Nixon - "I'm not a crook" - YouTube | Apr 30 08:31 | |
schestowitz__ | "Stren of steel" :-) | Apr 30 08:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Former Nokia CEO Stephen Elop Denies Being A Microsoft 'Trojan' [ ] | Apr 30 08:32 | |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 30 08:32 |
schestowitz__ | > It is telling that the articles avoid mentioning the positive reviews | Apr 30 08:32 |
schestowitz__ | > that Nokia's non-Android Linux phones were getting. Also, what about the | Apr 30 08:32 |
schestowitz__ | > large bonus that was written into his contract for delivering Nokia to M$ | Apr 30 08:32 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 30 08:32 |
schestowitz__ | Good links, I've used all of them. | Apr 30 08:34 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 08:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Income Inequality Has Spurred a Boom in Private Security ask #billgates | Apr 30 08:35 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Income Inequality Has Spurred a Boom in Private Security | Mother Jones [ ] | Apr 30 08:35 | |
schestowitz__ | "My point is that they overvalue themselves and undervalue everyone else. It even shows up--ask anyone who works for tips--in a local coffee shop: The rich are the worst tippers. They rob everyone around them and everyone else they can." | Apr 30 08:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Bill Gates Looking for Profit in Privatised Oppression in the United Kingdom and Elsewhere | Techrights [ ] | Apr 30 08:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Stephen Elop: I wasn’t a Trojan horse for | Apr 30 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Microsoft at #Nokia by | Apr 30 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | definition, he was. | Apr 30 08:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stephen Elop: I wasn’t a Trojan horse for Microsoft at Nokia | Technology | | Apr 30 08:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nokia - Techrights | Apr 30 08:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Old: How Stephen #Elop Destroyed #Nokia | Apr 30 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | and Ahonen's explanation | Apr 30 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 08:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NOK): How Stephen Elop Destroyed Nokia [Apple Inc., Google Inc] - Seeking Alpha | Apr 30 08:37 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Communities Dominate Brands: The Full Story of Nokia and Microsoft - How we got here, and why Microsoft will fail with Nokia handsets just like it did with Kin | Apr 30 08:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Microsoft is not a software company, it is a | Apr 30 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | destructive force. | Apr 30 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 08:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Killed Nokia, Turned It Into a Pile of Android-hostile Patents | Techrights | Apr 30 08:37 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Novell Receives One Last Punch From Microsoft After Microsoft Took Novell’s Patents | Techrights | Apr 30 08:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Mini Gaming PCs — Promising, But Not | Apr 30 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ready | Apr 30 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mini Gaming PCs — Promising, But Not Ready - Slashdot | Apr 30 08:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Five Things in Fedora This Week (2014-04-29) | Apr 30 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #fedora #gnu #linux | Apr 30 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Five Things in Fedora This Week (2014-04-29) | Fedora Magazine | Apr 30 08:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #hp is moving away from #microsoft #windows | Apr 30 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 08:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rumor: HP set to introduce a 14-inch Android notebook | Muktware | Apr 30 08:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:40 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 08:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #### Out data not safe with US co's, even in our own country: #Microsoft to hand over personal data from Irish server | Apr 30 08:42 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | US court forces Microsoft to hand over personal data from Irish server | Technology | | Apr 30 08:42 | |
schestowitz__ | They should demand that Microsoft pays the tax it evaded, not just data. #corporate #crime #microsoft #ireland | Apr 30 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Embedded Linux Conference starts shortly. Linux | Apr 30 08:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Foundation has approached me for interviews. | Apr 30 08:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 08:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | IoT survey offers MinnowBoard Max SBC prize · | Apr 30 08:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Corporations before people | Apr 30 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | They should demand that | Apr 30 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Microsoft pays the tax it evaded, not just | Apr 30 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | data. | Apr 30 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It's fine to demand that people have their data | Apr 30 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | extracted from a foreign country, not corporate | Apr 30 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | rob. #corporate #crime #microsoft #ireland | Apr 30 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Cutting spendings on the poorest, but never | Apr 30 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | cutting down corporate welfare (e.g. tax | Apr 30 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | breaks) #uk #economy | Apr 30 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Prisons governors ordered to cut costs by £149m a year | Society | The Guardian | Apr 30 08:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Glorification of murder, to idolise war (for | Apr 30 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | plutocrats' conquests abroad) | Apr 30 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Armed to the milk teeth: America's gun-toting kids | Art and design | The Guardian | Apr 30 08:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wepromiseEU Thanks @marcofurfaro for signing our Charter of | Apr 30 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Digital Rights! #EP2014 | Apr 30 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | Apr 30 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Candidates by zipcode | Apr 30 08:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Maths spying: The quandary of working for the | Apr 30 08:57 |
*TweetTuxMachines @JoeSpeeds favourited 'Weston Gets Tailored For Tizen IVI, Car Makers...' | Apr 30 08:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | spooks turning | Apr 30 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | scientists into cyberwarriors against peers | Apr 30 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Maths spying: The quandary of working for the spooks - opinion - 23 April 2014 - New Scientist | Apr 30 08:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linus Wins Award, Tails 1.0, and Ubuntu Warning | Apr 30 08:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 30 08:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linus Wins Award, Tails 1.0, and Ubuntu Warning | Tux Machines | Apr 30 08:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A lot of academic funding (grants) allocated | Apr 30 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | not to scientific advancement but to guarding | Apr 30 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | of the plutocrats (surveillance, drones, etc.) | Apr 30 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 08:57 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 09:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/  [gesehen bei @{WurstaufBrot ;}] #deadly #animal #statistik #statistics | Apr 30 09:01 | |
schestowitz__ | Has many people killed by Bill Gates and plutocrats stealing money from everyone to create poverty? This image is a Gates Brand advert. | Apr 30 09:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Asus Fonepad 7 Dual SIM now available on | Apr 30 09:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | Infibeam | Apr 30 09:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Samsung Galaxy K Zoom packs 20.7 MP camera, 10x | Apr 30 09:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | optical zoom | Apr 30 09:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Albania Considers Free/Libre Open Source | Apr 30 09:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | Software | Apr 30 09:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Asus Fonepad 7 Dual SIM now available on Infibeam | Tux Machines | Apr 30 09:03 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Samsung Galaxy K Zoom packs 20.7 MP camera, 10x optical zoom | Tux Machines | Apr 30 09:03 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Albania Considers Free/Libre Open Source Software | Tux Machines | Apr 30 09:03 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 09:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Obama Administration Argues in Favor of Right | Apr 30 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | to Fire Public Employees Who Testify at | Apr 30 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Corruption Trials | Apr 30 09:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama Administration Argues in Favor of Right to Fire Public Employees Who Testify at Corruption Trials | The Dissenter | Apr 30 09:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #obamaism | Apr 30 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @fsfe Thanks to Matthias Vorholzer for donating 480€ | Apr 30 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and thereby supporting | Apr 30 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff our work for #FreeSoftware | Apr 30 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FSFE - Our Donors | Apr 30 09:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #bush & #obama have greatly accelerated US | Apr 30 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | economic inequality. For Obama, axing tax cuts | Apr 30 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | to plutocrats not even on the table. #feudalism | Apr 30 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Corporate press debates killing people | Apr 30 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | death penalty probably | Apr 30 09:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Execution Drugs Harm Breathing and Heart Function - ABC News | Apr 30 09:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | no deterrent | Apr 30 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Soft #censorship of #internet in the United | Apr 30 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | States imminent, one lane for the corporate and | Apr 30 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | another for the rest | Apr 30 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Internet Is About to Become Worse Than Television | Apr 30 09:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Turkey : Spy Agency Law Door to Abuse | Apr 30 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | endorsing the criminals, | Apr 30 09:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Turkey: Spy Agency Law Opens Door to Abuse | Human Rights Watch | Apr 30 09:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | jailing those who report the crime (like in | Apr 30 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | US/UK) | Apr 30 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:13 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 09:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@tutorkag: @schestowitz Current highway...whitebus lanes IT botonly #SanFran... Project #Lane Expansion ...IOT's Gidgets..Widgets..#Freedom #Hard Win! | Apr 30 09:15 | |
schestowitz__ | The message too scrambled to be readable | Apr 30 09:15 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 09:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Cops BUSTED Planting Drugs and Guns Inside | Apr 30 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Marijuana Dispensary (Video) | Apr 30 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | gov. usually has access | Apr 30 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | monopoly on CCTV | Apr 30 09:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cops BUSTED Planting Drugs and Guns Inside Marijuana Dispensary (Video) | Americans Against the Tea Party | Apr 30 09:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Organic | Apr 30 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya Pepsi Wale Agar "Dil mange more" bole to no | Apr 30 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | problem. Modi bole to Problem. #modi | Apr 30 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How the U.S. Created the Afghan War—Then Lost | Apr 30 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | It | Apr 30 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | corporations in the war | Apr 30 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | business only ever win | Apr 30 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How the U.S. Created the Afghan War—Then Lost It | Alternet | Apr 30 09:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz There are more US #drones than drone victims. | Apr 30 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | So it's clear that the cost of #assassination | Apr 30 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | campaigns helps #boeing et al., not #security | Apr 30 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya मै Vikra Batra का सम्मान करता हूँ पर उनकी माँ | Apr 30 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | का नहीं। शहीद का माँ पाकीस्तानी ऐजेंटो (AAP) के | Apr 30 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | साथ , इससे बुरा इस देश में क्या हो सकता है ? | Apr 30 09:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:22 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 09:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@tutorkag: @schestowitz Oculus Rift...#scrambled scrabble...splat! F/B Recovery...Action Plan.."b's" headgear#wearables#Helmet airbrush drills#ambient | Apr 30 09:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The operating system used by #snowden at al. to | Apr 30 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | change the world #debian | Apr 30 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux #tails #wget #tor | Apr 30 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya महाभारत में हजारों महाज्ञानी शूर वीरों ने अधर्म | Apr 30 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | का साथ दिया क्योंकि उनका नेता अधर्मी था । वही | Apr 30 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | हाल केजरीवाल की सेना का है । | Apr 30 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Helping African hospitals with open source | Apr 30 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | software | Apr 30 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #africa #freesw #health | Apr 30 09:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open source hospital management software helps African hospitals provide competitive care | | Apr 30 09:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Intel Ultrabook Benchmarks On The Linux 3.15 | Apr 30 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Kernel #intel #linux | Apr 30 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #hardware #benchmark | Apr 30 09:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Intel Ultrabook Benchmarks On The Linux 3.15 Kernel | Apr 30 09:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Red Hat Developers Propose Wayland For Fedora | Apr 30 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | 21 #redhat #fedora #gnu | Apr 30 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | Apr 30 09:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Red Hat Developers Propose Wayland For Fedora 21 | Apr 30 09:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Albania Considers Free/Libre Open Source | Apr 30 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Software #freedom | Apr 30 09:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Albania Considers Free/Libre Open Source Software | Robert Pogson | Apr 30 09:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #freesw | Apr 30 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #linux powered #Samsung Galaxy K Zoom packs | Apr 30 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | 20.7 MP camera, 10x optical zoom | Apr 30 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Samsung Galaxy K Zoom packs 20.7 MP camera, 10x optical zoom | Muktware | Apr 30 09:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Asus Fonepad 7 Dual SIM now available on | Apr 30 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Infibeam #asus and | Apr 30 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux again. #taiwan #android | Apr 30 09:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Asus Fonepad 7 Dual SIM now available on Infibeam | Muktware | Apr 30 09:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Canonical's audacious Ubuntu for Android | Apr 30 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | project isn't quite dead, but it is in limbo | Apr 30 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ... | Apr 30 09:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canonical's audacious Ubuntu for Android project isn't quite dead, but it is in limbo | PCWorld | Apr 30 09:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canonical's audac... | Apr 30 09:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @privacyint What are monitoring centres? @mattr3 explains | Apr 30 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by how the tech lies at the heart of the | Apr 30 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror #surveillance world: | Apr 30 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Privacy | Apr 30 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 09:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Monitoring centres: Force multipliers from the surveillance industry | Privacy International | Apr 30 09:59 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 30 10:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Documentally On arrival in Lebanon if you want to use a | Apr 30 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by local sim your phone has to be registered with | Apr 30 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror a government agency.. | Apr 30 10:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Documentally: On arrival in Lebanon if you want to use a local sim your phone has to be registered with a government agency.. | Apr 30 10:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @avilarenata WIPO sends criminal prosecution threats over | Apr 30 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by publication of internal docs about its Director | Apr 30 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror General's corruption | Apr 30 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 10:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WIPO sends criminal prosecution threats over publication of internal docs about its Director General's corruption - Boing Boing | Apr 30 10:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya मरे हुये बेटे के नाम पर इलेक्सन लडना कहाँ तक | Apr 30 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | सही है ? | Apr 30 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 10:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@AamAadmiParty: Show your support to Martyrs PVC Capt Vikram Batra's Mother Hamirpur HP Candidate. Volunteers and Funds Needed Contact Tanuj - 09873451111 | Apr 30 10:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Ask Slashdot: How To Back Up Physical Data? | Apr 30 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 10:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ask Slashdot: How To Back Up Physical Data? - Slashdot | Apr 30 10:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @tinucherian This is Yogendra Yadav @AapYogendra of #AAP | Apr 30 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by seeking votes in the name of matyrs and Vikram | Apr 30 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya Batra. Need I say more ? | Apr 30 10:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@tinucherian: This is Yogendra Yadav @AapYogendra of #AAP seeking votes in the name of matyrs and Vikram Batra. Need I say more ? | Apr 30 10:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Great_Gujarati Vikram Batra's mother playing politics over the | Apr 30 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by dead body of his son, thanks to her political | Apr 30 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya aspirations. Absolutely cheap and shameful. | Apr 30 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Humble Image Bundle: name your price for | Apr 30 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Walking Dead, Saga, Chew and more; benefit | Apr 30 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow CBLDF too! | Apr 30 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 10:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 30 10:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Obesity driven by overconsumption of | Apr 30 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by protein-mimicking carbs and fats | Apr 30 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 30 10:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 30 10:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing PWNMEAL: Cards Against Humanity's epic Pax East | Apr 30 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by prank | Apr 30 10:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 30 10:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 30 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Edible cookbook embossed upon lasagne noodles | Apr 30 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 30 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 30 10:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 30 10:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @leashless @doctorow A couple of pages describing a future | Apr 30 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @hexayurt refugee city | Apr 30 10:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Harappa, the @hexayurt refugee city - | Apr 30 10:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow that you might find interesting. | Apr 30 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 10:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Red Hat Developers Propose Wayland For Fedora | Apr 30 10:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | 21 | Apr 30 10:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 30 10:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat Developers Propose Wayland For Fedora 21 | Tux Machines | Apr 30 10:52 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Intel Ultrabook Benchmarks On The Linux 3.15 | Apr 30 10:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | Kernel | Apr 30 10:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 30 10:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Intel Ultrabook Benchmarks On The Linux 3.15 Kernel | Tux Machines | Apr 30 10:52 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Canonical's audacious Ubuntu for Android | Apr 30 10:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | project isn't quite dead, but it is in limbo | Apr 30 10:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 30 10:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 30 10:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canonical's audacious Ubuntu for Android project isn't quite dead, but it is in limbo | Tux Machines | Apr 30 10:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: reginakelaita: regina kelaita / erotic | Apr 30 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | car wash number with ruin, dresden | Apr 30 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 11:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: reginakelaita: regina kelaita / erotic car wash... | Apr 30 11:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: sonarhydrophone: Suspended demon head, | Apr 30 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tower of Terror, Tokyo DisneySea (by | Apr 30 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | gruntzooki) Really damn... | Apr 30 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 11:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: sonarhydrophone: Suspended demon head, Tower of... | Apr 30 11:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TimepDC Our deepest & sincerest condolences for the | Apr 30 11:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by tragic loss of one of Egypt's finest writers & | Apr 30 11:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror sound voices @Bassem_Sabry | Apr 30 11:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 11:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@TimepDC: Our deepest & sincerest condolences for the tragic loss of one of Egypt's finest writers & sound voices @Bassem_Sabry | Apr 30 11:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 11:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard THE stupidest people in Newark were bereft | Apr 30 11:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | today after being denied the chance to vote for | Apr 30 11:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nigel Farage. | Apr 30 11:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 11:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Simpletons of Newark bereft | Apr 30 11:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Kittens reaching peak cuteness | Apr 30 11:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 11:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 11:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kittens reaching peak cuteness | Apr 30 11:21 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @LibrePublico Libre y Público is out! | Apr 30 11:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | Stories via @steves99things @tuxmachines | Apr 30 11:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Libre y Público | Apr 30 11:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @fcauchi | Apr 30 11:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 30 11:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Updated OpenOffice 'good news for | Apr 30 11:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | administrations | Apr 30 11:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 30 11:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Updated OpenOffice 'good news for administrations | Tux Machines | Apr 30 11:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Tweak 0.8.7 Review – The Best Way to | Apr 30 11:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | Configure Ubuntu | Apr 30 11:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 30 11:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu Tweak 0.8.7 Review – The Best Way to Configure Ubuntu | Tux Machines | Apr 30 11:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Vrijschrift #ISDS threatens #privacy and reform of | Apr 30 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #copyright and #patent law | Apr 30 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FFII | Apr 30 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 11:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ISDS threatens privacy and reform of copyright and patent law | Blog | Apr 30 11:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Virtual Reality: Purpose Beyond Gaming | Apr 30 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 11:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Virtual Reality: Purpose Beyond Gaming - Slashdot | Apr 30 11:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @acarvin AP: Egyptian blogger Bassem Sabry dies | Apr 30 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by via @washingtonpost | Apr 30 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | Apr 30 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 11:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Egyptian blogger Bassem Sabry dies - The Washington Post | Apr 30 11:39 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 11:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@savs: @schestowitz sad to see nothing much changed since 2006 when I was there ( Very pro-MS govt staff so change is hard. | Apr 30 11:56 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Albania | Bagel Belly Blog | Apr 30 11:56 | |
schestowitz__ | mental burden is hard to counter. Some view FOSS as "the enemy". | Apr 30 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liberationtech Experts prepare draft constitution to serve as | Apr 30 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by foundation for #Catalonia's sovereign state | Apr 30 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror by @rcassany ht | Apr 30 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @lizcastro | Apr 30 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 11:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Details about the draft Catalan Constitution, by Santiago Vidal - VilaWeb | Apr 30 11:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BertoSalotti “We don’t care about what you did yesterday, we | Apr 30 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by care about what you’re going to do tomorrow”, | Apr 30 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @doctorow on #Makers | Apr 30 11:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BertoSalotti: “We don’t care about what you did yesterday, we care about what you’re going to do tomorrow”, @doctorow on #Makers | Apr 30 11:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 11:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NHAparty Please help us mount an effective euro election | Apr 30 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by campaign. Donate at | Apr 30 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody you! | Apr 30 12:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 30 12:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 12:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NHAparty: Please help us mount an effective euro election campaign. Donate at you! | Apr 30 12:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz systemd Has Landed In #Ubuntu 14.10 #Utopic | Apr 30 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | no going back now. | Apr 30 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #systemd | Apr 30 12:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | systemd Has Landed In Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic | Unixmen | Apr 30 12:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 12:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @torproject The anonymous operating system, Tails 1.0 is | Apr 30 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by available! | Apr 30 12:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tails 1.0 is out | The Tor Blog | Apr 30 12:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror #tails #tor @Tails_live | Apr 30 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Good law - interesting | Apr 30 12:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Good law - Detailed guidance - GOV.UK | Apr 30 12:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | initiative from UK gov; comments invited until | Apr 30 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | 9 May - hurry (v @jonbains) | Apr 30 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 12:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #ISDS threatens #privacy and reform of | Apr 30 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #copyright and patent law - | Apr 30 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | good analysis of why it | Apr 30 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | must go from #TTIP | Apr 30 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 12:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ISDS threatens privacy and reform of copyright and patent law | Blog | Apr 30 12:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Meet #TISA: Another Major Treaty Negotiated In | Apr 30 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Secret Alongside #TPP And #TTIP - | Apr 30 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | & just as bad; get ready | Apr 30 12:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Meet TISA: Another Major Treaty Negotiated In Secret Alongside TPP And TTIP | Techdirt | Apr 30 12:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | to fight it | Apr 30 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Is Nokia Really Dying? | Apr 30 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nokia #microsoft | Apr 30 12:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 12:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Nokia Really Dying? | Tux Machines | Apr 30 12:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody China's Loses | Apr 30 12:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Publication License For Publishing Pornography | Apr 30 12:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | -- 20 Articles & 4 Videos - | Apr 30 12:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 12:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 12:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WWW.SINA.COM | Apr 30 12:40 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China's Internet Giant Loses Publication License For Publishing Pornography -- 20 Articles And Four Videos | Techdirt | Apr 30 12:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard UKIP begin search for Newark candidate without | Apr 30 12:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Twitter account | Apr 30 12:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 12:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UKIP begin search for Newark candidate without Twitter account | Apr 30 12:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140429 - | Apr 30 12:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | Apr 30 12:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140429 | Apr 30 12:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | Apr 30 12:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 12:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Repeatedly reading reviews that say "Captain | Apr 30 12:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | America" has anti-surveillance and anti-drones | Apr 30 12:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | messages lead me to viewing it (3D) tonight | Apr 30 12:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 12:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Newer Approach for Advocating Free Software | Apr 30 12:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance | Apr 30 12:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 12:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror The People Who Saw Evolution: | Apr 30 12:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #science | Apr 30 12:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Newer Approach for Advocating Free Software | Techrights | Apr 30 12:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 12:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Princeton Alumni Weekly: The People Who Saw Evolution | Apr 30 12:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidcolburn Former State Senator: essentially "we have a | Apr 30 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by secret police force & I think that surprises | Apr 30 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror people in a democracy" | Apr 30 12:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | State Law Hides Investigations of Police Misconduct from Public Scrutiny | NBC Bay Area | Apr 30 12:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidcolburn State Law Hides Investigations of Police | Apr 30 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Misconduct from Public Scrutiny; CA depts among | Apr 30 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror least transparent in nation: | Apr 30 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 12:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Tails_live Tails 1.0 is out: | Apr 30 12:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 30 12:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tails - Tails 1.0 is out | Apr 30 12:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | Apr 30 12:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 12:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Message to #obama from #philippines | Apr 30 12:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 12:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 12:59 |
schestowitz__ | > another old one: | Apr 30 13:04 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 30 13:04 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 30 13:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Communities Dominate Brands: Elop 25 Million Dollar Golden Handshake for Destroying the Company - How Could This Happen at Nokia (analysis and speculation) - Tomi plays detective again [ ] | Apr 30 13:04 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 13:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@scepticallimey: @schestowitz I believe you mate :) | Apr 30 13:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz High Speed Trains are Killing the European | Apr 30 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Railway Network #rail | Apr 30 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #europe | Apr 30 13:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | LOW-TECH MAGAZINE: High Speed Trains are Killing the European Railway Network | Apr 30 13:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The man with 42 hours to get home | Apr 30 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #stemcell #science | Apr 30 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 13:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - The man with 42 hours to get home | Apr 30 13:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard 50 tips for becoming a UKIP councillor or MEP | Apr 30 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | via @UpikNews | Apr 30 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 13:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Ukip Tips Top 50 | Apr 30 13:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz UBUNTU 14.10 UTOPIC UNICORN RELEASE SCHEDULE | Apr 30 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #canonical #gnu | Apr 30 13:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn Release Schedule ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog | Apr 30 13:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | Apr 30 13:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 13:08 |
schestowitz__ | "I jest Roy, it was just when I logged back into Diaspora for the first time in about a year it was all Roy and nothing else......I follow around 100 people so I expected at least a little of some others... You carry on, its all good info! Speak to you in IRC.... I would say should we record tonight but the conference playoff's are on and I'm watching Halifax v Cambridge." | Apr 30 13:12 |
schestowitz__ | going to watch 3d captain USia tonight | Apr 30 13:12 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 13:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ 100,000 emails now sent to me from diaspora. | Apr 30 13:13 | |
schestowitz__ | "Is that something to celebrate? Or an indication that something has gone badly wrong?" | Apr 30 13:13 |
schestowitz__ | It's a milestone for number of comments, reshares, etc. | Apr 30 13:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #UbuntuTweak 0.8.7 Review – The Best Way to | Apr 30 13:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Configure Ubuntu #ubuntu | Apr 30 13:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #canonical #gnu #linux | Apr 30 13:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu Tweak Review | Apr 30 13:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 13:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Updated OpenOffice 'good news for | Apr 30 13:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | administrations | Apr 30 13:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #openoffice #odf | Apr 30 13:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 13:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Updated OpenOffice 'good news for administrations' | Joinup | Apr 30 13:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot SEC Chair On HFT: 'The Markets Are Not Rigged' | Apr 30 13:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 13:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 13:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SEC Chair On HFT: 'The Markets Are Not Rigged' - Slashdot | Apr 30 13:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack .@AdamSerwer The guy WOKE UP during his own | Apr 30 13:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | execution. Then later had a heart attack. | Apr 30 13:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #DeathPenalty | Apr 30 13:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #StillBarbaric | Apr 30 13:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 13:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @free_snowden German Committee of Inquiry into #NSA | Apr 30 13:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by surveillance may travel to Moscow to meet | Apr 30 13:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Edward #Snowden | Apr 30 13:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 13:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden: Keine Befragung im Bundestag | Apr 30 13:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JWhitehurst In case you missed it, #redhat is collaborating | Apr 30 13:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | with #docker around #container technologies. | Apr 30 13:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 13:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 13:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat | Docker and Red Hat Expand Collaboration Around Container Technologies | Apr 30 13:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JWhitehurst Excited that Inktank is joining the Red Hat | Apr 30 13:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | family! #redhat #inktank #ceph | Apr 30 13:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 13:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @OKFN Nominate your favorite project: Open | Apr 30 13:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Humanities Awards, running from 30 April - 30 | Apr 30 13:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror May #opendata | Apr 30 13:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Humanities Awards | Apr 30 13:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 13:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @OKcouncil ShotSpotter lobbied #Oakland councilmembers in | Apr 30 13:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by apparent violation of city law. New story in | Apr 30 13:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror @EastBayExpress: #oakmtg | Apr 30 13:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 13:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ShotSpotter Lobbied Oakland Officials In Apparent Violation of Law | East Bay Express | Apr 30 13:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @acarvin Man dies of heart attack after botched | Apr 30 13:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by execution (from @AP) | Apr 30 13:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AP News : Man dies of heart attack after botched execution | Apr 30 13:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | Apr 30 13:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 13:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Obama's sins reflected in pop culture, from | Apr 30 13:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Godzilla comics to "The Good Wife." | Apr 30 13:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 13:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama legacy has seeped into the arts | Star Tribune | Apr 30 13:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #drones | Apr 30 13:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance | Apr 30 13:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #WhattaLegacy | Apr 30 13:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 13:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BreakingNews Actor Bob Hoskins has died at the age of 71 | Apr 30 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by following pneumonia, his agent says - | Apr 30 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist @SkyNewsBreak, @Reuters | Apr 30 13:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Breaking news on Bob Hoskins dies - | Apr 30 13:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 13:39 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @free_snowden: 'German Committee of Inquiry into #NSA surveillance may...' | Apr 30 13:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist @JWhitehurst you have just made @sabdfl some | Apr 30 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | decent $ on his investment too #ceph | Apr 30 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Aft today, #journalists can say: "#Snowden, | Apr 30 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | recipient of the #Ridenhour Prize for | Apr 30 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Truth-Telling" rather than "Snowden, fugitive | Apr 30 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | who fled" | Apr 30 13:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 13:50 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Obama's sins reflected in pop culture, from Godzilla...' | Apr 30 13:52 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Aft today, #journalists can say: "#Snowden, recipient of...' | Apr 30 13:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Why Does Amazon Want To Sell Its Own | Apr 30 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Smartphone, Anyway | Apr 30 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 13:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Does Amazon Want To Sell Its Own Smartphone, Anyway - Slashdot | Apr 30 13:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt DOJ Is Still Investigating Wikileaks | Apr 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 14:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DOJ Is Still Investigating Wikileaks | Techdirt | Apr 30 14:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #SCOTUS Kagan: “Ppl carry their lives on cell | Apr 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | phones. That'll only increase as young ppl take | Apr 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | over the world." | Apr 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 14:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Justices split on cops' right to search cell phones | MSNBC | Apr 30 14:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #4thAm | Apr 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Canadian Telcos Asked to Disclose Subscriber | Apr 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Data Every 27 Seconds. Majority likely without | Apr 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | a warrant. | Apr 30 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 14:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Canadian Telcos Asked to Disclose Subscriber Data Every 27 Seconds | Apr 30 14:13 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 14:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Repeatedly reading reviews that say "Captain America" has anti-surveillance and anti-drones messages lead me to viewing it (3D) tonight | Apr 30 14:25 | |
schestowitz__ | "I enjoyed it in 3D, much better than the first. "Cap" doesn't like gov't snooping. I'd say they gently walk down both sides of the street. Gotta fill those seats!" | Apr 30 14:25 |
schestowitz__ | "Can't stand that superhero rubbish....' | Apr 30 14:25 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 14:29 |
schestowitz__ | "I liked it too, particularly where Samuel L Jackson is kicking the nypd' s ass (I think it's #nypd or some other police department)" | Apr 30 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack NYT article yesterday on #Snowden re-hashed | Apr 30 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | events from months ago. Now it's picked up as | Apr 30 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | new information. | Apr 30 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 14:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | In the Loop: Snowden retains a legal heavy hitter - The Washington Post | Apr 30 14:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 When speaking truth to secret corp/state mass | Apr 30 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance rewarded & not criminalized | Apr 30 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Snowden & #Poitras '14 #Ridenhour TruthTelling | Apr 30 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Prize | Apr 30 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Oklahoma Botched an Execution With Untested | Apr 30 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Lethal Injection Drugs | Apr 30 14:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 14:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Oklahoma Botched an Execution With Untested Lethal Injection Drugs - Slashdot | Apr 30 14:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @APStylebook AP Style tip: farmers market or farmer's | Apr 30 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by market? We prefer farmers market as a | Apr 30 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist descriptive, rather than a possessive with an | Apr 30 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | apostrophe. | Apr 30 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Presence of Chromebooks in businesses grows | Apr 30 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | with recent deals | Apr 30 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #google #gnu #linux #desktop #laptop | Apr 30 14:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Presence of Chromebooks in businesses grows with recent deals | Muktware | Apr 30 14:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Rovia has issues after its real customers | Apr 30 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | (advertisers, not gamers) feel the heat from | Apr 30 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa and #gchq perhaps | Apr 30 14:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Angry Birds profits fall, Rovio still confident | Muktware | Apr 30 14:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 14:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines UBUNTU 14.10 UTOPIC UNICORN RELEASE SCHEDULE | Apr 30 14:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 30 14:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 30 14:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UBUNTU 14.10 UTOPIC UNICORN RELEASE SCHEDULE | Tux Machines | Apr 30 14:55 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Is Nokia Really Dying? | Apr 30 14:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 30 14:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Nokia Really Dying? | Tux Machines | Apr 30 14:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @torproject The new stable version of Tor Browser is now | Apr 30 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by available, includes | Apr 30 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist pluggable transports and many security fixes. | Apr 30 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | #tor | Apr 30 15:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tor Browser 3.6 is released | The Tor Blog | Apr 30 15:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Thru rearview looking glass. US projection onto | Apr 30 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | RU absent any responsibility for past 20yrs+ | Apr 30 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | escalates Ukraine crisis | Apr 30 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 15:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | American Hubris Partly to Blame for the Ukraine Russia Crisis - US News | Apr 30 15:00 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: '#SCOTUS Kagan: “Ppl carry their lives on cell...' | Apr 30 15:00 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'NYT article yesterday on #Snowden re-hashed events from...' | Apr 30 15:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxfoundation We want to hear from you! Submit your LinuxCon | Apr 30 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by proposal at and | Apr 30 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist CloudOpen at | Apr 30 15:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CFP | Linux Conferences and Linux Events | The Linux Foundation | Apr 30 15:01 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CFP | Linux Conferences and Linux Events | The Linux Foundation | Apr 30 15:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks DoJ is still investigating #WikiLeaks | | Apr 30 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Techdirt more: | Apr 30 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 15:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DOJ Is Still Investigating Wikileaks | Techdirt | Apr 30 15:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Tiny i.MX286 SBC runs Debian on less than a | Apr 30 15:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Apr 30 15:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Watt: LinuxGizmos: Technologic announced a | Apr 30 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | tiny, open spec SBC th... | Apr 30 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 15:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Tiny i.MX286 SBC runs Debian on less than a Watt | Apr 30 15:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot C++ and the STL 12 Years Later: What Do You | Apr 30 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Think Now? | Apr 30 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 15:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | C++ and the STL 12 Years Later: What Do You Think Now? - Slashdot | Apr 30 15:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist 3 major Canadian telcos disclosed data on 785K | Apr 30 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | customers in 2011. Again, majority likely w/out | Apr 30 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | a warrant. | Apr 30 15:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 15:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Canadian Telcos Asked to Disclose Subscriber Data Every 27 Seconds | Apr 30 15:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist RT @io9: Fox Cancels Almost Human | Apr 30 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | <-show sucked / no | Apr 30 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | surprise. | Apr 30 15:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fox Cancels Almost Human | Apr 30 15:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreve Awesome side effect of @mykolabcom? The places | Apr 30 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | it takes me. Like seeing the @BBCWorld news | Apr 30 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | room last week in #London. | Apr 30 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 15:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ggreve: Awesome side effect of @mykolabcom? The places it takes me. Like seeing the @BBCWorld news room last week in #London. | Apr 30 15:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Red Hat Acquires Open-Source Storage Vendor | Apr 30 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Inktank for $175 Million | Apr 30 15:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat Acquires Open-Source Storage Vendor Inktank for $175 Million | Apr 30 15:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @carolynforche Video "Beyond Orwell: Surveillance, Secrecy and | Apr 30 15:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Whistle-blowing..." #whistleblower | Apr 30 15:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @Thomas_Drake1 @jesselynradack | Apr 30 15:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 15:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-301 redirect with weird Location: The video: | Apr 30 15:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 15:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Video #BeyondOrwell: Surveillance, Secrecy& | Apr 30 15:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | W'Blowing" me, @jesselynradack @ColeenRowley | Apr 30 15:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DanielEllsberg @raymcgovern | Apr 30 15:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 15:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 15:38 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 deleted 'Video #BeyondOrwell: Surveillance, Secrecy& W'Blowing" me, @jesselynradack @ColeenRowley...' | Apr 30 15:38 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 deleted 'RT @carolynforche: Video "Beyond Orwell: Surveillance, Secrecy and...' | Apr 30 15:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Video #BeyondOrwell: Surveillance, Secrecy& | Apr 30 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | W'Blowing" me, @jesselynradack @ColeenRowley | Apr 30 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DanielEllsberg @raymcgovern | Apr 30 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 15:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | April 22, 2014 | Beyond Orwell: Surveillance, Secrets, and Whistleblowing in the Security State Presentation | Lannan Center for Poetics and Social Practice | Apr 30 15:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Julian #Assange (Wikileaks) "héros de | Apr 30 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | l'information" pour @RSF_RWB | Numerama | Apr 30 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 15:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Julian Assange (Wikileaks) "héros de l'information" pour RSF | Apr 30 15:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Oracle Bakes SDN into Solaris 11.2 Unix | Apr 30 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 15:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Oracle Bakes SDN into Solaris 11.2 Unix | Apr 30 15:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 .@usalinda great article on #BeyondOrwell | Apr 30 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Georgetown event. Unchaining gov't from | Apr 30 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Constitution creates exec oligarchy | Apr 30 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 15:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | National security experts appeal for return to Constitutional government | Whistleblowing Today | Apr 30 15:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Red Hat Acquires Open-Source Storage Vendor | Apr 30 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Inktank for $175 Million | Apr 30 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | tip @Techmeme | Apr 30 15:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat Acquires Open-Source Storage Vendor Inktank for $175 Million | Apr 30 15:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 15:51 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @Thomas_Drake1: 'Video #BeyondOrwell: Surveillance, Secrecy& W'Blowing" me, @jesselynradack @ColeenRowley...' | Apr 30 15:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Bloomberg's Trading Terminals Now Providing | Apr 30 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bitcoin Pricing | Apr 30 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 15:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bloomberg's Trading Terminals Now Providing Bitcoin Pricing - Slashdot | Apr 30 15:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @OSOReu Updated OpenOffice 'good news for | Apr 30 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by administrations' | Apr 30 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rcweir | Apr 30 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 15:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Updated OpenOffice 'good news for administrations' | Joinup | Apr 30 15:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Chase Bank Slutshames Their Adult Performer | Apr 30 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Customers | Apr 30 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 15:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chase Bank Slutshames Their Adult Performer Customers | Techdirt | Apr 30 15:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @WeMeantWell @Thomas_Drake1 @usalinda I've coined the term | Apr 30 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "post-constitutional America" here | Apr 30 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 and | Apr 30 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tomgram: Peter Van Buren, The Manning Trial Began on 9/11 | TomDispatch | Apr 30 16:08 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tomgram: Peter Van Buren, The Divine Right of President Obama? | TomDispatch | Apr 30 16:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Bell: “we are walking a delicate line btwn | Apr 30 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | supporting privacy & not antagonizing Public | Apr 30 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Safety/LEAs” 2/2 | Apr 30 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Canadian Telcos Asked to Disclose Subscriber Data Every 27 Seconds | Apr 30 16:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Docs obtained under ATIP show telcos worried | Apr 30 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | about angering govt & law enforcement with | Apr 30 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | disclosures 1/2 | Apr 30 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Julian #Assange sobre la soberanía digital y la | Apr 30 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | vigilancia en #NETmundial2014 | Apr 30 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Julian Assange sobre la soberanía digital y la vigilancia en #NETmundial2014 · Global Voices en Español | Apr 30 16:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @hrucic New excerpts of #EU draft #Copyright Review | Apr 30 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Impact Assessment /via | Apr 30 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @_C4C_ /cc @glynmoody @eLAWnora | Apr 30 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | STATEWATCH - monitoring the state and civil liberties in Europe | Apr 30 16:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist ATIP docs suggest Privacy Commish also wrote to | Apr 30 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Google, @Apple, @Twitter, @eBay, @Facebook, | Apr 30 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | and @Microsoft for disclosure data. | Apr 30 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love In fall, USTR will publish an "Out-of-Cycle | Apr 30 16:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Review (OCR) of India" India will continue to | Apr 30 16:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody receive pressure from @MikeFroman on patents. | Apr 30 16:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love USTR on Watch list: "Chile, China, India, | Apr 30 16:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Indonesia, Thailand, and Turkey, have been | Apr 30 16:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody listed every year since the Report’s inception" | Apr 30 16:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @USTradeRep #USTR Releases Annual #Special301 Report on | Apr 30 16:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Intellectual Property Rights | Apr 30 16:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 30 16:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | USTR Releases Annual Special 301 Report on Intellectual Property Rights | Office of the United States Trade Representative | Apr 30 16:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @NHAparty Good to hear UKIP's plans to privatise the NHS | Apr 30 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and introduce GP charges are being widely | Apr 30 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody publicised now. #wato | Apr 30 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @melioravit Most profitable industry not listed in the | Apr 30 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by below graphic? Academic publishing. | Apr 30 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 30 16:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics: Elsevier STM publishing profits rise to 39% | Apr 30 16:23 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@melioravit: Most profitable industry not listed in the below graphic? Academic publishing. | Apr 30 16:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US meat Lobby emphasises importance of | Apr 30 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | eliminating EU bans on hormones & ractopamine - | Apr 30 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v @Liese_Mueller) #TTIP | Apr 30 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | READ: U.S. Meat Export Federation letter to USTR - TTIP | Apr 30 16:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Oracle Bakes SDN into Solaris 11.2 Unix - | Apr 30 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet | Apr 30 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Oracle Bakes SDN into Solaris 11.2 Unix | Apr 30 16:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "potential 4 convergence through a process of | Apr 30 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | education" - US meat | Apr 30 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | industry wants 2 "educate" stupid Europeans | Apr 30 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP | Apr 30 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Presence of Chromebooks in businesses grows | Apr 30 16:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | with recent deals | Apr 30 16:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Red Hat to buy storage software maker Inktank | Apr 30 16:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | for $175 mln | Apr 30 16:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Presence of Chromebooks in businesses grows with recent deals | Tux Machines | Apr 30 16:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat to buy storage software maker Inktank for $175 mln | Tux Machines | Apr 30 16:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody notice, too, when US meat lobby says | Apr 30 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | "science-based" it means "studies" put out by | Apr 30 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | industry scientists who want to keep their jobs | Apr 30 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP | Apr 30 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Nationale Parlamente ausschalten - | Apr 30 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | De Gucht just *hates* | Apr 30 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | democracy for treaties like #TTIP (v | Apr 30 16:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU-Kommissar will TTIP durchdrücken: Nationale Parlamente ausschalten - | Apr 30 16:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller) | Apr 30 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Red Hat Acquires InkTank, Ceph Maintainers | Apr 30 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat Acquires InkTank, Ceph Maintainers - Slashdot | Apr 30 16:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @estherschindler ‘Star Wars’: An Open Letter From A Death Star | Apr 30 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Architect About That Vulnerable Exhaust Port | Apr 30 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | Apr 30 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ‘Star Wars’: An Open Letter From A Death Star Architect About That Vulnerable Exhaust Port | Apr 30 16:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bryanrwalsh Did the Supreme Court Tip Its Hand on Climate | Apr 30 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Change? | Apr 30 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 30 16:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Did the Supreme Court Tip Its Hand on Climate? -- NYMag | Apr 30 16:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @brembs First #ScienceOpen article online: | Apr 30 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #oa #openaccess | Apr 30 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 30 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The elastic modulus of isolated polytetrafluoroethylene filaments | Apr 30 16:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bjerngaard What does the EU #unifiedpatent court mean to | Apr 30 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by your company? Event on Friday w @glynmoody: | Apr 30 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 30 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fyraftensmøde 2. maj: Glyn Moody taler om softwarepatenter og patentdomstolen | Bitbureauet | Apr 30 16:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Warrantless disclosure in Canada going to get | Apr 30 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | worse: C-13 grants immunity & S-4 expands to | Apr 30 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | private sector | Apr 30 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Canadian Telcos Asked to Disclose Subscriber Data Every 27 Seconds | Apr 30 16:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love USA, the world champion of binding norms for | Apr 30 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by right holders in FTAs, telling WIPO #sccr27 | Apr 30 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody binding norms not needed for copyright | Apr 30 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | exceptions. | Apr 30 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jerrybrito New paper by @DerekKhanna: Restoring | Apr 30 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by constitutional copyright | Apr 30 16:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Guarding against abuse: Restoring constitutional copyright | R Street Institute | Free Markets. Real Solutions. | Apr 30 16:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody It's right-thinking copyright week! | Apr 30 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW Little headway on #TPP, opposition from | Apr 30 16:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Congressional #Dems, #labor & #green groups: | Apr 30 16:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #StopTPP | Apr 30 16:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 16:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | M.DW.DE - World - Little headway on Trans-Pacific free trade deal | Apr 30 16:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Navigating the legislative and regulatory maze | Apr 30 16:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: Little headway on #TPP, opposition from Congressional #Dems, #labor & #green groups: #StopTPP | Apr 30 16:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | of the #TTIP - | Apr 30 16:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | "commissioned by the EC's negotiation team for | Apr 30 16:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | TTIP" | Apr 30 16:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Navigating the legislative and regulatory maze of the TTIP | The Centre for European Policy Studies | Apr 30 16:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Firefox Classic Theme Restorer | Apr 30 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | not the whole thing, | Apr 30 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | but enough to tell it from Chrome | Apr 30 16:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Classic Theme Restorer (Customize Australis) :: Add-ons for Firefox | Apr 30 16:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love European Commission makes blunt statement | Apr 30 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by opposing treaties or other harmonization of | Apr 30 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody minimum copyright exceptions for libraries, | Apr 30 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | archives. | Apr 30 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW Progressive Dems pressure #Obama admin to | Apr 30 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by release secret #TPP text: | Apr 30 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @marclamonthill #StopTPP | Apr 30 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HuffPost Live | Apr 30 16:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing TAILS: Snowden's favorite anonymous, secure OS | Apr 30 16:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stop the Secrecy | OpenMedia | Apr 30 16:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by goes 1.0 | Apr 30 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 30 16:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 30 16:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Smooth sales-patter from Union Square's | Apr 30 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Gentleman Peeler | Apr 30 16:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 30 16:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 30 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Where are the stolen girls of Nigeria? And why | Apr 30 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by don't we care more? | Apr 30 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 30 17:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 30 17:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing The Sculptor: Scott McCloud's masterpiece, | Apr 30 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by finally in production | Apr 30 17:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 30 17:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 30 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Supreme Court Makes It Easier To Get Lawyers | Apr 30 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Fees In Patent Cases | Apr 30 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 17:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Supreme Court Makes It Easier To Get Lawyers Fees In Patent Cases - Slashdot | Apr 30 17:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @alan_townsend Oh hell yes. MT @phylogenomics Grant review: | Apr 30 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Eisen not be able to help due to time spent on | Apr 30 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody blog; Eisen's response | Apr 30 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 17:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Tree of Life: Grant review: Eisen may not be able to help much due to time spent on blog; Eisen's response - blog about it | Apr 30 17:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @burcuno I found #ustr's new language on Canadian | Apr 30 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #utility standard very harsh-- follows Lilly's | Apr 30 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody terminology. Very disappointed #special301 | Apr 30 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreeGenie_S reading "@doctorow 's someone comes to town | Apr 30 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by makes me pine for summer and kensington market. | Apr 30 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Especially on such an ugly wednesday. | Apr 30 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Government Presents Its Arguments For | Apr 30 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Warrantless Cellphone Searches, Thinks Officer | Apr 30 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Discretion Will Prevent Abuse | Apr 30 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 17:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Government Presents Its Arguments For Warrantless Cellphone Searches, Thinks Officer Discretion Will Prevent Abuse | Techdirt | Apr 30 17:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Barack Obama will take a backseat to no one | Apr 30 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by when it comes to (promising) Network Neutrality | Apr 30 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 30 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 17:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 30 17:15 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 14 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 88 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 30 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (13), @LibrePublico (1) | Apr 30 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | Apr 30 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | Apr 30 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 184 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 733 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 30 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (48), @slashdot (13), @glynmoody (10) | Apr 30 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (17), @ioerror (13), @doctorow (12) | Apr 30 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (9), #TTIP (8), #Snowden (7) | Apr 30 17:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Virunga: Africa's most beautiful oil field? - | Apr 30 17:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | UK oil company Soco wants to drill in oldest | Apr 30 17:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | national park - pl. sign | Apr 30 17:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 17:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Virunga campaign - WWF UK - Virunga, Africa's oldest National Park, is in crisis. It’s home to a greater variety of wildlife than any other protected area in Africa, but oil exploration could start any day now. Add your name to stop it. | Apr 30 17:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow it8bit: Transmetropolitan | Apr 30 17:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | Created by Karina Dehtyar | Apr 30 17:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 17:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 17:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: it8bit: Transmetropolitan Created by Karina... | Apr 30 17:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Lazard Asset Management was a Royal Mail | Apr 30 17:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | priority investor and made £8m profit in one | Apr 30 17:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | week - | Apr 30 17:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ConflictOfInterest | Apr 30 17:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lazard Asset Management was a Royal Mail priority investor and made £8m profit in one week | The Bureau of Investigative Journalism | Apr 30 17:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 17:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Kernel 3.14.2 Officially Released | Apr 30 17:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 30 17:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 30 17:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Digitimes Research: Global tablet shipments to | Apr 30 17:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | rise in 2Q14 | Apr 30 17:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 30 17:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Kernel 3.14.2 Officially Released | Tux Machines | Apr 30 17:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines KDE Ships April Updates to Applications, | Apr 30 17:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | Platform and Plasma Workspaces | Apr 30 17:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 30 17:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 30 17:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Digitimes Research: Global tablet shipments to rise in 2Q14 | Tux Machines | Apr 30 17:33 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | KDE Ships April Updates to Applications, Platform and Plasma Workspaces | Tux Machines | Apr 30 17:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jdolcourt BTW, @doctorow, in a short story, predicted | Apr 30 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Nokia's sale: "Back when it was still called | Apr 30 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Nokia, not Marvel Comics Mobile." | Apr 30 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #withalittlehelp | Apr 30 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 17:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot One-a-Day-Compiles: Good Enough For Government | Apr 30 17:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Work In 1983 | Apr 30 17:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 17:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | One-a-Day-Compiles: Good Enough For Government Work In 1983 - Slashdot | Apr 30 17:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow 1024 words on UTOPIA (working title), a novel | Apr 30 17:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | for adults #dailywords | Apr 30 17:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 17:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Target Moves To Chip and Pin Cards To Boost | Apr 30 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Security | Apr 30 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 17:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Target Moves To Chip and Pin Cards To Boost Security - Slashdot | Apr 30 17:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist I just posted the full ATIP received from the | Apr 30 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Privacy Commissioner on telecom disclosures. | Apr 30 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | It’s online at | Apr 30 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 17:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OPC Privacy Commissioner ATIP Release on Telecom Disclosures | Apr 30 17:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh LOL. He was brown? Duh. “@nytimes: Why only one | Apr 30 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | top banker went to jail for the financial | Apr 30 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | crisis” | Apr 30 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh American pundits are the stupidest in the | Apr 30 17:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | Apr 30 17:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | world. Vain, insular, ignorant, mean, clueless; | Apr 30 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | bigoted, gross, tacky. They're like McPundits. | Apr 30 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 17:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Public defender advocate Jonathan Rapping gives | Apr 30 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | inspiring intro 4 Gideon's Army filmmaker & | Apr 30 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ridenhour film winner Dawn Porter. | Apr 30 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh The good people of Oklahoma tortured a (black) | Apr 30 18:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | man to death yesterday. And you ask why | Apr 30 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | America's fucked? | Apr 30 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack .@GideonsArmyFilm Director Dawn Porter: | Apr 30 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Important to tell the truth about things we'd | Apr 30 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | rather not hear about. | Apr 30 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Firefox 30 Beta Finally Supports GStreamer 1.0 | Apr 30 18:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 30 18:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Firefox 30 Beta Finally Supports GStreamer 1.0 | Tux Machines | Apr 30 18:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Yes, The World Can And Does Make Its Own | Apr 30 18:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | Software Cheaper Than Renting | Apr 30 18:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 30 18:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yes, The World Can And Does Make Its Own Software Cheaper Than Renting | Tux Machines | Apr 30 18:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Qt 5.3 Release Candidate Planned For End Of | Apr 30 18:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | Week | Apr 30 18:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Qt 5.3 Release Candidate Planned For End Of Week | Tux Machines | Apr 30 18:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Training Becomes Embedded Engineer's Plan | Apr 30 18:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | B | Apr 30 18:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Training Becomes Embedded Engineer's Plan B | Tux Machines | Apr 30 18:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Why taking on the Pentagon is a bloodier media | Apr 30 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | fight than taking on the NSA | Apr 30 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #snowden | Apr 30 18:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pentagon Spending Billions on PR to Sway World Opinion | Fox News | Apr 30 18:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh You really need the dots connected, don't you? | Apr 30 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | When you support indignity and inhumanity, who | Apr 30 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | do you think gets demeaned? You, idiots. You. | Apr 30 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody EU-Kommissar zum Freihandelsabkommen: "Die | Apr 30 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Macht der sozialen Medien ist schon ungeheuer" | Apr 30 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | - De Gucht is worried | Apr 30 18:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU-Kommissar de Gucht zum Freihandelsabkommen - SPIEGEL ONLINE | Apr 30 18:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Moronic and insulting. “@kellyfj1: "Go with the | Apr 30 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | cheapest college" says Mark Cuban - thoughts? | Apr 30 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh” | Apr 30 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mark Cuban's Foray Into the Edtech Industry | EdSurge News | Apr 30 18:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt White House Says It Can Withhold | Apr 30 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Vulernabilities If It Will Help Them Catch | Apr 30 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Intellectual Property Thieves' | Apr 30 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House Says It Can Withhold Vulernabilities If It Will Help Them Catch 'Intellectual Property Thieves' | Techdirt | Apr 30 18:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Vilsack says sanitary issues delaying #TTIP - | Apr 30 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | "SPS issues with the EU | Apr 30 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | mostly concern pork, poultry and beef." | Apr 30 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Vilsack says sanitary issues delaying TTIP | Apr 30 18:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh How many were white? “@lahorigori: 39 People | Apr 30 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Were Shot in Chicago in one weekend | Apr 30 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @zakcheneyrice via | Apr 30 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @policymic” | Apr 30 18:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 39 People Were Shot in Chicago This Weekend, and the Media Barely Covered It - PolicyMic | Apr 30 18:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Let me explain to you why I'm going on about | Apr 30 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | issues of race today, in three brief tweets. | Apr 30 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 1. There is no good or rational reason | Apr 30 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Americans should not want healthcare, | Apr 30 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | transport, education. None. So why don't they? | Apr 30 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist ‘We know some ppl are afraid of pressing this | Apr 30 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | button ‘ @facebook Zuk #f8 | Apr 30 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 18:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@TechJournalist: ‘We know some ppl are afraid of pressing this button ‘ @facebook Zuk #f8 | Apr 30 18:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 2. I think the reason Americans don't want | Apr 30 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | basic goods or rights is that they want to deny | Apr 30 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | them to each other. | Apr 30 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 3. People (many; enough) don't want "other" | Apr 30 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | people to have "free" healthcare, transport, | Apr 30 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | education. That's not just racist, but stupid. | Apr 30 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TheOpenMedia .@glynmoody Help us tell @BarackObama to | Apr 30 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #StopTheSecrecy around the #TPP. | Apr 30 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 30 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stop the Secrecy | OpenMedia | Apr 30 18:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 4. America is a nation divided. Into many | Apr 30 18:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | squabbling tribes. By the rich. And so it | Apr 30 18:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | cannot win the goods all should share in | Apr 30 18:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | common. | Apr 30 18:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:17 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Public defender advocate Jonathan Rapping gives inspiring intro...' | Apr 30 18:17 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: '.@GideonsArmyFilm Director Dawn Porter: Important to tell the...' | Apr 30 18:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Wonderfully articulate #Ridenhour14 book prize | Apr 30 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | winner Sheri Fink: | Apr 30 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | We DO have laws in war zones. | Apr 30 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Hiperderecho Perú nuevamente es parte de la lista de países | Apr 30 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by cuyas políticas de Propiedad Intelectual son | Apr 30 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody incómodas para USA | Apr 30 18:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Hiperderecho: Perú nuevamente es parte de la lista de países cuyas políticas de Propiedad Intelectual son incómodas para USA | Apr 30 18:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @POGOBlog 80% of people arrested are represented by | Apr 30 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by public defenders. - @dawnporterm #ridenhour14 | Apr 30 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 30 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gideon’s Army | Apr 30 18:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Nooooooooooo fuck!! “@bbcpress: Jeremy Paxman | Apr 30 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | to step down as presenter of @BBCNewsnight | Apr 30 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz |” | Apr 30 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC - Jeremy Paxman to step down as presenter of Newsnight - Media centre | Apr 30 18:18 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@bbcpress: Jeremy Paxman to step down as presenter of @BBCNewsnight | Apr 30 18:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TimothyS Sheri Fink's book on New Orleans' Memorial | Apr 30 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Hospital a reminder of one of the worst US | Apr 30 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 gov't failures of all time - Katrina. | Apr 30 18:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ridenhour14 | Apr 30 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @onekade Dawn Porter, director of the film Gideon's | Apr 30 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Army, also did the PBS doc Spies of | Apr 30 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Mississippi. Both are required viewing. | Apr 30 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh When it's cheaper for both, it's really fucking | Apr 30 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | stupid. “@TimShutters: .@umairh | Apr 30 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Not wanting to pay for other people is NOT | Apr 30 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | "stupid".” | Apr 30 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nprGlobalHealth Mysterious kidney disease is killing young farm | Apr 30 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by workers in Central Am: Is Roundup to blame? | Apr 30 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 30 18:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mysterious Kidney Disease Slays Farmworkers In Central America : Shots - Health News : NPR | Apr 30 18:19 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@nprGlobalHealth: Mysterious kidney disease is killing young farm workers in Central Am: Is Roundup to blame? | Apr 30 18:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @marcuschown Sign of life spotted at British Medical | Apr 30 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Association! AT LAST, it's calling for repeal | Apr 30 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody of Cameron's destructive Health & Social Care | Apr 30 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Act! | Apr 30 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrJackyDavis Hurrah! BMA launches e petition calling for | Apr 30 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by repeal of Health and Social Care Act | Apr 30 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Please sign and RT | Apr 30 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #repealtheAct | Apr 30 18:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Time to repeal the Health and Social Care Act 2012 - e-petitions | Apr 30 18:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot DreamWorks Animation CEO: Movie Downloads Will | Apr 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Move To Pay-By-Screen-Size | Apr 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DreamWorks Animation CEO: Movie Downloads Will Move To Pay-By-Screen-Size - Slashdot | Apr 30 18:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack This yrs' #Ridenhour Prizes recognizing those | Apr 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | fighting #surveillance: Fritz Schwarz (fmr | Apr 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Chief Csl of Church Committee); #Snowden; | Apr 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Poitras | Apr 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody TheContentMine: Progress and our Philosophy - | Apr 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | "to extract all facts | Apr 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | from the scientific literature" | Apr 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TheContentMine: Progress and our Philosophy « petermr's blog | Apr 30 18:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack .@KatrinaNation introduces Fred Schwarz: | Apr 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | If I named all of his work, we'd be here until | Apr 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | IC community becomes transparent. | Apr 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Apr 30 18:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Fred Schwarz on Cold War & post 9/11 abuses: | Apr 30 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Fear underlying motive 4 gov't going too far & | Apr 30 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | secrecy is implementing device. | Apr 30 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 18:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:35 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @POGOBlog: '80% of people arrested are represented by public...' | Apr 30 18:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist To sum up: 1.2M gov requests to telcos/yr, 750K | Apr 30 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | user accounts disclosed, telcos won’t tell | Apr 30 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | subscribers 1/2 | Apr 30 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Canadian Telcos Asked to Disclose Subscriber Data Every 27 Seconds | Apr 30 18:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist + Gov wants to expand warrantless disclosure in | Apr 30 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | both C-13 and S-4. Full | Apr 30 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ATIP 2/2 | Apr 30 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OPC Privacy Commissioner ATIP Release on Telecom Disclosures | Apr 30 18:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Schwarz: After 9/11, we adopted exactly tactics | Apr 30 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | of the enemy - namely torture. | Apr 30 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Schwarz: Secrecy is seductive. | Apr 30 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Apr 30 18:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Church Comm warned US must not adopt tactics of | Apr 30 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | enemy, but that's exactly what we did aft 9/11: | Apr 30 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #secrecy; #torture; #StateSecrets doctrine | Apr 30 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Schwarz: NSA bulk collection program was not | Apr 30 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | kept secret to fool al Qaeda, it was kept | Apr 30 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | secret to fool the American public. | Apr 30 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @IPS_DC “Secrecy is seductive, but it only begets more | Apr 30 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by secrecy" says Frederick Schwarz of NSA, FBI, | Apr 30 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 CIA monitoring #ridenhour14 | Apr 30 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #NSA expert Jim Bamford: Sources say "NSA" now | Apr 30 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | stands for "Not Secret Anymore." | Apr 30 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Jim Bamford (@WashAuthor): US considered Laura | Apr 30 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Poitras' video camera a weapon | Apr 30 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:54 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Schwarz: NSA bulk collection program was not kept...' | Apr 30 18:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Bamford: #Snowden showed us what the gov't is | Apr 30 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | doing TO us behind our backs. | Apr 30 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Standing ovation for #Snowden & #Poitras. | Apr 30 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Can hear a pin drop as Poitras speaks. | Apr 30 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:59 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Standing ovation for #Snowden & #Poitras. Can hear...' | Apr 30 18:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @gzornick Edward Snowden appears via live video link at | Apr 30 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Ridenhour14, to accept, along with Laura | Apr 30 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Poitras, truth-telling prize. | Apr 30 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 18:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@gzornick: Edward Snowden appears via live video link at #Ridenhour14, to accept, along with Laura Poitras, truth-telling prize. | Apr 30 18:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @GuerrillaPix Tickets are going FAST for The Engineer | Apr 30 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by screening plus Q&A with Julian Assange and | Apr 30 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Directors at #HotDocs! May 2, 3pm | Apr 30 18:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 19:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hot Docs Film Festival - The Engineer | Apr 30 19:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Live interactive acceptance of Ridenhour Prize | Apr 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | for Truth-Telling by #Snowden & #Poitras! | Apr 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Well-Deserved | Apr 30 19:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JesselynRadack: Live interactive acceptance of Ridenhour Prize for Truth-Telling by #Snowden & #Poitras! #Ridenhour14 #Well-Deserved | Apr 30 19:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Snowden: "Having seen what happened to | Apr 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | '@Thomas_Drake1, I was scared of returning this | Apr 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | info to the public." | Apr 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Interview: Ask Ben Starr About the Future of | Apr 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Food | Apr 30 19:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Interview: Ask Ben Starr About the Future of Food - Slashdot | Apr 30 19:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Audio: hodgman: Judge John Hodgman returns to | Apr 30 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | bench for Verdict No. 158, now POSTED for | Apr 30 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | public review. ... | Apr 30 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: hodgman: Judge John Hodgman returns to bench for... | Apr 30 19:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MarkBoTech --> Over 400 orgs are calling on @SenatorLeahy | Apr 30 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by & @ChuckGrassley to #FixPatents now! | Apr 30 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | Apr 30 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Letter to Chairman Leahy and Ranking Member Grassley on Patent Reform Legislation | Patent Fairness Coalition | Apr 30 19:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I think Jeremy Paxman was the last truly great | Apr 30 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | journalist in a position of power. It's sad to | Apr 30 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | see him go. | Apr 30 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @samknight1 Snowden: A year ago, there was no way I could | Apr 30 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by have imagined being honored in this room. | Apr 30 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Singles out @Thomas_Drake1 #ridenhour14 | Apr 30 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:13 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: '#Snowden: "Having seen what happened to '@Thomas_Drake1, I...' | Apr 30 19:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @POGOBlog #Snowden intimidated after seeing what happened | Apr 30 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to NSA whistleblower @Thomas_Drake1. Expected | Apr 30 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 to spend rest of life in prison. #ridenhour14 | Apr 30 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @untoldhistoryus Exclusive:@TheKevinPKelly interviews William | Apr 30 19:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Binney & @Thomas_Drake1 on #NSA | Apr 30 19:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 surveillance: @ggreenwald | Apr 30 19:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack | Apr 30 19:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | News & Blog « UHUS | Apr 30 19:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @untoldhistoryus Whistleblowers William Binney & @Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by on #NSA: An Alien Form of Government: | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @POGOBlog Even of you expose classic waste by bringing it | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to congress like @Thomas_Drake1 the FBI might | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 still kick in your door -#snowden #ridenhour14 | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt FCC's Wheeler Says That If These Lame Net | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Neutrality Rules Don't Work, He'll Implement | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | The Real Rules Next Time | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FCC's Wheeler Says That If These Lame Net Neutrality Rules Don't Work, He'll Implement The Real Rules Next Time | Techdirt | Apr 30 19:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Poitras: "I upgraded my #encryption when I | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | realized what #Snowden was disclosing. It's | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | essential." | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Emmagerl "I hope the next American whistleblower will be | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by able to go to their lawyer's office instead of | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 the airport."~Snowden #Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AmyLikesOpenGov Snowden: I tool an oath not to secrecy, but to | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by protect the Constitution #surveillance | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #ridenhour14 | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @loreleikelly Technologists will embed the values of freedom | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and individual rights into the very Internet | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 itself. Edward Snowden #ridenhour14 | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @POGOBlog "First principle for government workers is not | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by vow to secrecy but commitment to public" | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Snowden at #Ridenhour #Ridenhour14 prizes | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @RaniaKhalek "There were ppl throughout NSA who had the same | Apr 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by concerns I did but they were afraid to take | Apr 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 action." Edward Snowden at #Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @onekade "I don't feel that I can do this reporting | Apr 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by right now in the United States," Poitras says, | Apr 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 referring to US government | Apr 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | harassment.#Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @samknight1 Poitras, who has been in war zones: I have not | Apr 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by experienced kind of fear & intimidation as I | Apr 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 have doing NSA reporting #ridenhour14 | Apr 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NationInstitute Poitras: "Journalists simply have to learn | Apr 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by [encryption] if they want to talk to sources | Apr 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 inside the government." #Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:17 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: '#Poitras: "I upgraded my #encryption when I realized...' | Apr 30 19:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @samknight1 Laura and Ed now going to have Q&A back and | Apr 30 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by forth, Laura asking about Citizens Committee to | Apr 30 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Investigate FBI #ridenhour14 | Apr 30 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @IPS_DC Snowden at #ridenhour14: “There are plenty of | Apr 30 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by cases throughout history where what is lawful | Apr 30 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 is not necessarily what is right." | Apr 30 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:21 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @onekade: '"I don't feel that I can do this...' | Apr 30 19:26 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @Emmagerl: '"I hope the next American whistleblower will be...' | Apr 30 19:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya How I use underscore template in my JavaScript | Apr 30 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | projects | Apr 30 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Narendra Sisodiya: How I use underscore template in my JavaScript projects | Apr 30 19:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Emmagerl Heartbroken that @JohnKiriakou isn't sitting in | Apr 30 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the center of the room with @Thomas_Drake1. | Apr 30 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TruthSeekerApp William Binney & @Thomas_Drake1 on #NSA | Apr 30 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by surveillance | Apr 30 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @untoldhistoryus | Apr 30 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NullifyNSA | Apr 30 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | News & Blog « UHUS | Apr 30 19:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @NatasjaSheriff Moving moment when Poitras and Snowden | Apr 30 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by acknowledge the support of their families. Lon | Apr 30 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Snowden accepts award on son's behalf | Apr 30 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Go, capitalism! “@brycecovert: Men get more | Apr 30 19:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | crowdfunding money because male investors give | Apr 30 19:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | much more to fellow men” | Apr 30 19:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Plum Alley targets female entrepreneurs, seeks to narrow crowdfunding disparity between men and women. | Apr 30 19:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Maintaining Internet Freedom Isn't Easy (Video) | Apr 30 19:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 19:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Maintaining Internet Freedom Isn't Easy (Video) - Slashdot | Apr 30 19:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh LOL. That's fucked up. “@HuffingtonPost: New | Apr 30 19:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | poll reveals No. 1 reason people didn't sign up | Apr 30 19:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | for Obamacare” | Apr 30 19:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 19:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Biggest Reason People Didn't Sign Up For Obamacare | Apr 30 19:55 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @umairh deleted 'Go, capitalism! “@brycecovert: Men get more crowdfunding money...' | Apr 30 19:55 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @umairh deleted 'LOL. That's fucked up. “@HuffingtonPost: New poll reveals...' | Apr 30 19:55 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 30 19:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh A common question I get is: I spend my life on | Apr 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | meaningless bullshit. Why does my life feel | Apr 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | meaningless?! It's not exactly a mystery. | Apr 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody wow, US Mission to #DE trotting out tired old | Apr 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | FUD & lies about #TTIP - | Apr 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | is this the best they've got? (v @KnollKa) | Apr 30 20:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | T-TIP Myths and T-TIP Realities | United States Diplomatic Mission | Apr 30 20:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP matters 4 patients - | Apr 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | but no mention of how | Apr 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | people will die from higher prices it will | Apr 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | cause (v @Liese_Mueller) | Apr 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP matters for patients and the global economy alike - Articles - pharmaphorum | Apr 30 20:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt NY Attorney General Admits He's Targeting | Apr 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | AirBnB To Protect The Big NY Hotels That Are | Apr 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Being Disrupted | Apr 30 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NY Attorney General Admits He's Targeting AirBnB To Protect The Big NY Hotels That Are Being Disrupted | Techdirt | Apr 30 20:16 | |
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 30 20:21 | |
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Apr 30 20:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @Colinfreeze: Globe take on ‘staggering’ | Apr 30 20:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | rate of disclosures from Canadian telcos to | Apr 30 20:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | government | Apr 30 20:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 30 20:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody British Spy Chiefs Secretly Begged to Play in | Apr 30 20:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NSA’s Data Pools - | Apr 30 20:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | British Spy Chiefs Secretly Begged to Play in NSA's Data Pools - The Intercept | Apr 30 20:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | pathetic #gchq #snowden | Apr 30 20:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @the_intercept NSA granted 100 British spies secret access to | Apr 30 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the PRISM system during the Olympics in 2012, | Apr 30 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Snowden docs reveal: | Apr 30 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot OpenSSH No Longer Has To Depend On OpenSSL | Apr 30 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenSSH No Longer Has To Depend On OpenSSL - Slashdot | Apr 30 20:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: exposingfakeclinics: Crisis pregnancy | Apr 30 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | centers (CPCs) pose as legitimate reproductive | Apr 30 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | health centers.... | Apr 30 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: exposingfakeclinics: Crisis pregnancy centers... | Apr 30 20:39 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 30 20:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow 20 Photos That Change The Holocaust Narrative | | Apr 30 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pop Chassid - ellenkushner: It’s time that we | Apr 30 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | looked at the... | Apr 30 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: 20 Photos That Change The Holocaust Narrative | Pop Chassid | Apr 30 20:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Science fiction from southeast Asia (DRM-free) | Apr 30 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 30 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 30 20:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 30 20:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing A cookbook book whose leaves are large lasagne | Apr 30 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by noodles, impressed with a recipe for lasagne. | Apr 30 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 30 20:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edible cookbook embossed upon lasagne noodles - Boing Boing | Apr 30 20:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BoingBoing: A cookbook book whose leaves are large lasagne noodles, impressed with a recipe for lasagne. | Apr 30 20:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Every 27 seconds, Canadian telcos hand over | Apr 30 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by subscriber data to cops (mostly without a | Apr 30 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow warrant) | Apr 30 20:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 30 20:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Designing the packaging for cricket protein | Apr 30 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by bars | Apr 30 20:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 30 20:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 30 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GPSchmitz NSA What? Our SPIEGEL piece on Merkel`s trip to | Apr 30 20:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Washington | Apr 30 20:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 30 20:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ukraine and Free Trade To Top Agenda of Merkel in Washington - SPIEGEL ONLINE | Apr 30 20:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody TTIP Update XXIV - | Apr 30 20:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | looking at important research that finds even | Apr 30 20:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | more holes in Commission's #TTIP justifications | Apr 30 20:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Update XXIV - Open Enterprise | Apr 30 20:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody in particular, the new research looks at the | Apr 30 20:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | *costs* of #TTIP - something completely and | Apr 30 20:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | conveniently ignored by European Commission | Apr 30 20:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Video: disneylandguru: Behind the Scenes of the | Apr 30 20:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Enchanted Tiki Room | Apr 30 20:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: disneylandguru: Behind the Scenes of the... | Apr 30 20:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @karienbez You have just 1day left to apply for the next | Apr 30 20:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by round of Shuttleworth Foundation Fellowships. | Apr 30 20:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody It could change your life | Apr 30 20:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 20:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Shuttleworth Foundation - Shuttleworth Foundation | Apr 30 20:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jjn1 So is Piketty the next Harry Potter? No: but | Apr 30 20:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by he may be the next Fukuyama | Apr 30 20:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 30 20:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 30 20:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald This is 100% true RT @DavidCornDC Snowden | Apr 30 20:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by repeats claim he could have spied on anyone in | Apr 30 20:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US had he had an email address for that person. | Apr 30 20:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW .@earthisland backs US challenge to #WTO ruling | Apr 30 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by in Mexico ‘#dolphin safe’ tuna case: | Apr 30 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 30 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NGO backs US challenge to WTO ruling in Mexico ‘dolphin safe’ tuna case | Undercurrent News | Apr 30 20:55 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: .@earthisland backs US challenge to #WTO ruling in Mexico ‘#dolphin safe’ tuna case: | Apr 30 20:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mikebutcher LinkedIn hides full profiles to encourage | Apr 30 20:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by upgrades. He's a simple fix. Incognito | Apr 30 20:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody browsing: | Apr 30 20:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The absurdity of LinkedIn | Apr 30 20:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @GusHosein Biometric border gates crash in UK. 4-hr waits | Apr 30 20:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by apparently. Every border agent I've spoken to | Apr 30 20:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody saw this coming. | Apr 30 20:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Computer glitch causes UK airport delays | Apr 30 20:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Riverbed Rebrands Networking Product Portfolio | Apr 30 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 20:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Riverbed Rebrands Networking Product Portfolio | Apr 30 20:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @SusanLund_DC The US was the world's largest economy for 124 | Apr 30 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by years, but China will surpass it this year | Apr 30 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 30 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Daily chart: Crowning the dragon | The Economist | Apr 30 20:59 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@EconEconomics: China is set to become the world's largest economy by the end of the year, overtaking the US | Apr 30 20:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kybernetes77 #TTIP würde europäischen Binnenmarkt um 30% | Apr 30 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by schwächen: (via | Apr 30 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @glynmoody ) #EU2014 | Apr 30 20:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 20:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Update XXIV - Open Enterprise | Apr 30 20:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @xeni Maybe if the 200+ abducted Nigerian girls were | Apr 30 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by on a ferry in Korea, a plane in the ocean, or | Apr 30 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody were white, we'd care. | Apr 30 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Where are the stolen girls of Nigeria? And why don't we care more? - Boing Boing | Apr 30 21:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @OhWonka Some day when scientists discover the center of | Apr 30 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the universe, many people are going to be | Apr 30 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist disappointed to find out it isn't them. | Apr 30 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BBCBreaking Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams arrested by | Apr 30 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Northern Ireland police in connection with 1972 | Apr 30 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Jean McConville murder | Apr 30 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams held over Jean McConville murder | Apr 30 21:04 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @TechJournalist retweeted @SusanLund_DC: 'The US was the world's largest economy for...' | Apr 30 21:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody China pressing for vast Asia-Pacific FTA as | Apr 30 21:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | rival US-led deal runs into snags - - | Apr 30 21:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | be crazy not to... #TPP | Apr 30 21:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | China pressing for vast Asia-Pacific FTA as rival US-led deal runs into snags | Apr 30 21:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh “@zeynep: @voxdotcom's @dlink republishes my | Apr 30 21:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | piece almost verbatim, no mention of me: VOX | Apr 30 21:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ME | Apr 30 21:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Welcome to Turkey, where a typo in a tweet can land you in prison - Vox | Apr 30 21:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz |” | Apr 30 21:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Forget 140 characters: Here’s How to Go to Jail for 10 Months for One ‘k’ — The Message — Medium | Apr 30 21:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Astronomers Determine the Length of Day of an | Apr 30 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Exoplanet | Apr 30 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Astronomers Determine the Length of Day of an Exoplanet - Slashdot | Apr 30 21:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody White House Says It Can Withhold | Apr 30 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Vulnerabilities If It Will Help Them Catch | Apr 30 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Intellectual Property Thieves' - | Apr 30 21:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 21:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House Says It Can Withhold Vulnerabilities If It Will Help Them Catch 'Intellectual Property Thieves' | Techdirt | Apr 30 21:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:17 |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 30 21:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Hipsterbait1: algorithmically generated | Apr 30 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by post-ironic tees | Apr 30 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 30 21:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 30 21:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Where are the stolen girls of Nigeria? And why | Apr 30 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by don't we care more? | Apr 30 21:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Where are the stolen girls of Nigeria? And why don't we care more? - Boing Boing | Apr 30 21:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow #chibok #BringBackOurGirls | Apr 30 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 21:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BoingBoing: Where are the stolen girls of Nigeria? And why don't we care more? #chibok #BringBackOurGirls | Apr 30 21:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody WHO calls for urgent action to preserve power | Apr 30 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | of antibiotics and make new ones - | Apr 30 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | underlines failure of | Apr 30 21:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 30 21:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | pharma system | Apr 30 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Abusing your workers: an achievement. | Apr 30 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | “@Bill_Gross: "Amazon has had the lowest cost | Apr 30 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | of capital than any company in history!" Scott | Apr 30 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Galloway | Apr 30 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Shocker: The economy's fucked because nothing | Apr 30 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | got fixed. “@pdacosta: US Near-Zero GDP Shocker | Apr 30 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz |” | Apr 30 21:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GDP: Don’t Blame It All on the Snow - MoneyBeat - WSJ | Apr 30 21:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh We're more than *half a decade* into | Apr 30 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | stagnation, and pundits are still "shocked" | Apr 30 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | every quarter. It's almost as if | Apr 30 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | they're...clueless. | Apr 30 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 1. You know how the clueless pundits that keep | Apr 30 21:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | getting every single thing about the economy | Apr 30 21:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | dead wrong never have to answer for it? | Apr 30 21:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 2. You know how those of us that have long | Apr 30 21:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | suggested, no, the economy is seriously fucked, | Apr 30 21:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | and it won't fix itself, get tuned out? | Apr 30 21:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 3. You know how people can literally get every | Apr 30 21:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | single thing wrong about the economy for | Apr 30 21:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | decades and still be pundits? | Apr 30 21:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 4. That, ladies and gentlemen, is why the | Apr 30 21:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | economy is truly fucked. It's in the hands of | Apr 30 21:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | people who really are utterly clueless about | Apr 30 21:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | it. | Apr 30 21:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot 13th Century Multiverse Theory Unearthed | Apr 30 21:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 21:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 13th Century Multiverse Theory Unearthed - Slashdot | Apr 30 21:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @paullewismoney PM calls criticism of making firm run by George | Apr 30 21:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Osborne's best man one of 16 golden ticket | Apr 30 21:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody buyers of Royal Mail shares 'politics of envy' | Apr 30 21:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GovAcctProj GAP's @JesselynRadack: It's hard to have | Apr 30 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by surveillance reform without whistleblower | Apr 30 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack protection. #ridenhour14 | Apr 30 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 21:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@GovAcctProj: GAP's @JesselynRadack: It's hard to have surveillance reform without whistleblower protection. #ridenhour14 | Apr 30 21:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Jeffrey Katzenberg: The New Pricing Model For | Apr 30 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Movies Will Be Based On The Viewer's Screen | Apr 30 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Size | Apr 30 21:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jeffrey Katzenberg: The New Pricing Model For Movies Will Be Based On The Viewer's Screen Size | Techdirt | Apr 30 21:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @rj_gallagher Note one Snowden doc we published today refs | Apr 30 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by FLAME, sophisticated malware reportedly | Apr 30 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 developed by NSA/CIA/Israel: | Apr 30 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 21:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lobban NSA Visit Précis - The Intercept | Apr 30 21:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140429 - | Apr 30 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | Apr 30 21:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140429 | Apr 30 21:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | Apr 30 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh If every month for decades, your doctor was | Apr 30 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | "shocked" the meds didn't work, you'd find a | Apr 30 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | new doctor. We might wanna do that with | Apr 30 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | economists. | Apr 30 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GovAcctProj Standing ovation as GAP's @JesselynRadack & Lon | Apr 30 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Snowden accept award on behalf of Edward | Apr 30 21:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Snowden. #Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 21:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@GovAcctProj: Standing ovation as GAP's @JesselynRadack & Lon Snowden accept award on behalf of Edward Snowden. #Ridenhour14 | Apr 30 21:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 21:50 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'RT @GovAcctProj: Standing ovation as GAP's @JesselynRadack &...' | Apr 30 21:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @eWEEKNews 2014 eWEEK Reader Survey SWEEPSTAKES: OFFICIAL | Apr 30 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by RULES: Respondents to the eWEEK Reader Survey | Apr 30 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist will be automatic... | Apr 30 22:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 2014 eWEEK Reader Survey SWEEPSTAKES: OFFICIAL RULES | Apr 30 22:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Distracted Driving: All Lip Service With No | Apr 30 22:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Legit Solution | Apr 30 22:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Distracted Driving: All Lip Service With No Legit Solution - Slashdot | Apr 30 22:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Riverbed Rebrands Networking Product Portfolio | Apr 30 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | - EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet | Apr 30 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Riverbed Rebrands Networking Product Portfolio | Apr 30 22:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Video: jazzminas: miss-love: mattrenez: | Apr 30 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | igotaloveshekeepsmewaiting: melodiesintheair: | Apr 30 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | jarpadd: I suggest... | Apr 30 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: jazzminas: miss-love: mattrenez: ... | Apr 30 22:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TimothyS An honor - Met Snowden's dad at #ridenhour14. | Apr 30 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by He said: "Hey, you're the guy who broke the | Apr 30 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 story that 70% of the money goes to | Apr 30 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | contractors." | Apr 30 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TimothyS US “created environment that fostered | Apr 30 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by corruption” in Afghanistan. Eye-opening report | Apr 30 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 from the Joint Chiefs of Staff. | Apr 30 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Afghanistan Corruption Fostered by U.S., Pentagon Finds - Bloomberg | Apr 30 22:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ClearanceJobs Contractors convicted of misconduct rarely have | Apr 30 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by their clearances revoked, argues new report - | Apr 30 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 30 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Report Criticizes Personnel Security Processes - Defense News | Apr 30 22:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @GovAcctProj GAP's @JesselynRadack: It's hard to have | Apr 30 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by surveillance reform without whistleblower | Apr 30 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 protection. #ridenhour14 | Apr 30 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 22:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@GovAcctProj: GAP's @JesselynRadack: It's hard to have surveillance reform without whistleblower protection. #ridenhour14 | Apr 30 22:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Million-Dollar Business of Video Game | Apr 30 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Cheating | Apr 30 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Million-Dollar Business of Video Game Cheating - Slashdot | Apr 30 22:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Some Good News: FCC's Wheeler Claims FCC Will | Apr 30 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Preempt State Laws Blocking Broadband | Apr 30 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Competition | Apr 30 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Some Good News: FCC's Wheeler Claims FCC Will Preempt State Laws Blocking Broadband Competition | Techdirt | Apr 30 22:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Captain America in nutshell: Combining Enemy of | Apr 30 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | the State, Independence Day, Matrix. Bad guys | Apr 30 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | all European (French, German, and British). | Apr 30 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux Training Becomes Embedded Engineer's Plan | Apr 30 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | B #linux #kernel | Apr 30 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Training Becomes Embedded Engineer's Plan B | | Apr 30 22:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Red Hat to buy storage software maker Inktank | Apr 30 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | for $175 mln #redhat | Apr 30 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #gnu | Apr 30 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat to buy storage software maker Inktank for $175 mln | Apr 30 22:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux Kernel 3.14.2 Officially Released | Apr 30 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kernel #linux | Apr 30 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Kernel 3.14.2 Officially Released | Apr 30 22:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Android models will account for 58.9% of the | Apr 30 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | shipments, iOS 35.4% and Windows 5.7%." | Apr 30 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | Apr 30 22:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Digitimes Research: Global tablet shipments to rise in 2Q14 | Apr 30 22:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Parsix GNU/Linux 6.0r0 Is an Interesting Mix of | Apr 30 22:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Debian and GNOME #parsix | Apr 30 22:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Parsix GNU/Linux 6.0r0 Is an Interesting Mix of Debian and GNOME | Apr 30 22:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | Apr 30 22:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz KDE Ships April Updates to Applications, | Apr 30 22:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Platform and Plasma Workspaces | Apr 30 22:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kde #gnu #linux | Apr 30 22:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | KDE - KDE Ships April Updates to Applications, Platform and Plasma Workspaces | Apr 30 22:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Report: 99 Percent of New Mobile Threats Target | Apr 30 22:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Android | Apr 30 22:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Report: 99 Percent of New Mobile Threats Target Android - Slashdot | Apr 30 22:37 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 22:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@agente_smithe: @schestowitz Errh, if they replaced the villains of the movie with American corporations, it would be more realistic. | Apr 30 22:40 | |
schestowitz__ | In the movie, Hydra is a multinational hydra (pardon the pun), but no corporate slant from Hollywood | Apr 30 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Firefox 30 Beta Finally Supports GStreamer 1.0 | Apr 30 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #firefox #mozilla | Apr 30 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gstreamer | Apr 30 22:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Firefox 30 Beta Finally Supports GStreamer 1.0 | Apr 30 22:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Yes, The World Can And Does Make Its Own | Apr 30 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Software Cheaper Than Renting | Apr 30 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #education #oracle | Apr 30 22:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yes, The World Can And Does Make Its Own Software Cheaper Than Renting | Robert Pogson | Apr 30 22:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #ripoff | Apr 30 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Qt 5.3 Release Candidate Planned For End Of | Apr 30 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Week #qt #kde #digia | Apr 30 22:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Qt 5.3 Release Candidate Planned For End Of Week | Apr 30 22:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @puellavulnerata 440 years in prison | Apr 30 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by under the CFAA, while the CIA gets away with | Apr 30 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror anal rape ( | Apr 30 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FBI may put alleged Anonymous member behind bars for 440 years — RT USA | Apr 30 22:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Did makers of Captain America deliberately | Apr 30 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | choose Morpheus and Michael Hayden lookalikes? | Apr 30 22:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Where Was Anal Rape Approved in the OLC Memos? | emptywheel | Apr 30 22:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #cia #nsa #droNSA #assassination | Apr 30 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald NEW at @the_intercept from @rj_gallagher: | Apr 30 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by British Spy Chiefs Secretly Begged to Play in | Apr 30 22:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror NSA’s Data Pools | Apr 30 22:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | British Spy Chiefs Secretly Begged to Play in NSA's Data Pools - The Intercept | Apr 30 22:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 22:45 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 23:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@agente_smithe: @schestowitz Yup, typical Americans are the good guys and the rest of the world are bad. | Apr 30 23:03 | |
schestowitz__ | Towards the end of the film the CIA is glorified, which I found odd. Hydra is CIA's embodiment. | Apr 30 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @the_intercept Exclusive: British Spy Chiefs Secretly Begged | Apr 30 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to Play in NSA’s Data Pools: | Apr 30 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror by @rj_gallagher | Apr 30 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rj_gallagher Note one Snowden doc we published today refs | Apr 30 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by FLAME, sophisticated malware reportedly | Apr 30 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror developed by NSA/CIA/Israel: | Apr 30 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 23:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lobban NSA Visit Précis - The Intercept | Apr 30 23:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 23:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #google funds its competition which is free and | Apr 30 23:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | shareable | Apr 30 23:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #marble #kde #gsoc | Apr 30 23:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | I’m a GSoC’er! :) | sanjibandotme | Apr 30 23:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 23:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Marble Updates | sanjibandotme | Apr 30 23:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz British Spy Chiefs Secretly Begged to Play in | Apr 30 23:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | NSA’s Data Pools | Apr 30 23:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | finally something new from #theintercept | Apr 30 23:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 23:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Akademy 2014 Call for Papers | Apr 30 23:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kde #gnu #linux | Apr 30 23:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 23:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Akademy 2014 Call for Papers | | Apr 30 23:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @FredericJacobs Ok, so this works too. | Apr 30 23:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@FredericJacobs: Ok, so this works too. | Apr 30 23:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 30 23:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | Apr 30 23:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 23:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FredericJacobs Anyone tried to use TextSecure on SailfishOS? | Apr 30 23:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by cc @JollaHQ | Apr 30 23:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | Apr 30 23:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 23:15 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 23:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@agente_smithe: @schestowitz Yeah, a WTF movie moment. But, they could exploit the inadequacy of Rogers in today's world. Would be gr8. But they took the | Apr 30 23:19 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 23:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@agente_smithe: @schestowitz easy route of mindless juvenile big explosions, big action and car chases. Pity, a so so movie that could have been great | Apr 30 23:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Musix Linux: Sweet Strains Jarred by Sour Notes | Apr 30 23:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #musix #gnu #linux | Apr 30 23:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 23:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Musix Linux: Sweet Strains Jarred by Sour Notes | Reviews | LinuxInsider | Apr 30 23:20 | |
schestowitz__ | I liked the overall message and stance (anti-assassination and surveillance), but some oversights | Apr 30 23:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GNU Screen v.4.2.1 | Apr 30 23:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | first release in 6 | Apr 30 23:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | years. #gnu | Apr 30 23:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNU Screen - News: GNU Screen v.4.2.1 [Savannah] | Apr 30 23:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 23:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Toyota Describes Combustion Engine That | Apr 30 23:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Generates Electricity Directly | Apr 30 23:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 23:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 23:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Toyota Describes Combustion Engine That Generates Electricity Directly - Slashdot | Apr 30 23:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard So a friend just freeposted back her UKIP | Apr 30 23:33 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 23:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@agente_smithe: @schestowitz Yeah, indeed it was a very strong movie, post Snowden / NSA scandal. But indeed, some teeth cringing solutions and revelations | Apr 30 23:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | leaflet, with a letter saying what she thought | Apr 30 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | of them ... in an enveloped filled with | Apr 30 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | glitter. | Apr 30 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Florida Convict Appealing 162 Year Sentence | Apr 30 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | Over Warrantless GPS Evidence | Apr 30 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 23:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Florida Convict Appealing 162 Year Sentence Over Warrantless GPS Evidence | Techdirt | Apr 30 23:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @xeni TAILS, Edward Snowden's favorite anonymous, | Apr 30 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by highly secure operating system, goes 1.0. | Apr 30 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @doctorow at @boingboing: | Apr 30 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 23:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 23:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TAILS: Snowden's favorite anonymous, secure OS goes 1.0 - Boing Boing | Apr 30 23:33 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 30 23:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Is Nokia Really Dying? | Apr 30 23:47 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Is Nokia Really Dying? | Tux Machines | Apr 30 23:47 | |
schestowitz__ | "It's a really bad new :(" | Apr 30 23:47 |
schestowitz__ | 'No, it's been functionally dead for some time now. I wouldn't call that "dying"." | Apr 30 23:47 |
schestowitz__ | > "the American citizens aren’t our customers—about 400 | Apr 30 23:50 |
schestowitz__ | > junk mailers are our customers. Your service hurts our | Apr 30 23:50 |
schestowitz__ | > ability to serve those customers.”’" | Apr 30 23:51 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 30 23:51 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 30 23:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Outbox vs. USPS: How the Post Office Killed Digital Mail | InsideSources [ ] | Apr 30 23:51 | |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @smsteinitz The White House advised @ladygaga not to | Apr 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by support Chelsea Manning, says @wikileaks | Apr 30 23:51 |
schestowitz__ | > <noquote> | Apr 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks founder Julian Assange to @AngelaRichter_ in | Apr 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @INTERVIEW_de | Apr 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 23:51 |
schestowitz__ | > not that the startup was worth anything, but that quote is worth a lot | Apr 30 23:51 |
schestowitz__ | > and explains the USPS | Apr 30 23:51 |
schestowitz__ | > </noquote> | Apr 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @firedoglake .@BanTorture Yes, if you don’t live in DC, | Apr 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by please visit home offices in support of | Apr 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou @JohnKiriakou on May 9; RSVP: | Apr 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 23:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 9th: Day of Action for CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou | Apr 30 23:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz US Post: ""the American citizens aren’t our | Apr 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | customers—about 400 junk mailers are our | Apr 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | customers" | Apr 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @thejustcampaign @JohnKiriakou "I may have found myself on the | Apr 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by wrong side of govt on #torture. But I’m on the | Apr 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou right side of history" | Apr 30 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 23:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Defend Whistleblower John Kiriakou | Apr 30 23:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @thejustcampaign Join the May 9th Day of Action for CIA torture | Apr 30 23:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by whistleblower @JohnKiriakou | Apr 30 23:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou | Apr 30 23:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | via @FDLDissenter | Apr 30 23:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 9th: Day of Action for CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou | Apr 30 23:54 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@FDLDissenter: Join the May 9th Day of Action for CIA torture whistleblower @JohnKiriakou | Apr 30 23:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 23:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How One Woman Hid Her Pregnancy From Big Data | Apr 30 23:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #bigdata #privacy | Apr 30 23:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #marketing #scumbags | Apr 30 23:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How One Woman Hid Her Pregnancy From Big Data | Apr 30 23:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 23:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Why you'll hate the Internet 'fast lane' | Apr 30 23:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | "uncensored lane" is | Apr 30 23:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | better term | Apr 30 23:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Opinion: Why you'll hate the Internet 'fast lane' - | Apr 30 23:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 30 23:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Kim Dotcom Faces Appeal in Seized Property | May 01 00:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Battle | May 01 00:01 |
schestowitz__ | > | May 01 00:01 |
schestowitz__ | Somehow I find this dubious (regarding Apple) and given other stuff I've been reading, this doesn't pass the bullshit test. Is it measuring real global sales? Revenue? Localised? Stuffing? Production? | May 01 00:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | the #fbi thugs and other | May 01 00:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ringleaders stole property | May 01 00:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Windows Phone Growth Slows As Apple Market Share Bounces Back [ ] | May 01 00:01 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kim Dotcom Faces Appeal in Seized Property Battle | TorrentFreak | May 01 00:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Can we really predict what things will be like | May 01 00:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | in the year 2000? Just imagine the technology | May 01 00:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | they could have by then! | May 01 00:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "vast majority of felony cases don't end in | May 01 00:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | decisions regarding guilt or innocence." | May 01 00:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | assassinating/jailing | May 01 00:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Study suggests that 4% of the people we put on death row are innocent | Ars Technica | May 01 00:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | rivals | May 01 00:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Whether people in the West are being droned by | May 01 00:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | the thousands or not (and death establishes | May 01 00:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | "guilt"), many marginalised in other ways. | May 01 00:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot SpaceX Looking For Help With "Landing" Video | May 01 00:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 00:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SpaceX Looking For Help With "Landing" Video - Slashdot | May 01 00:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Antibiotic crisis bigger than Aids as common | May 01 00:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | infections will kill, WHO warns | May 01 00:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #science #health | May 01 00:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Antibiotic crisis bigger than Aids as common infections will kill, WHO warns - Telegraph | May 01 00:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Chase Bank Slutshames Their Adult Performer | May 01 00:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Customers thieves try to | May 01 00:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chase Bank Slutshames Their Adult Performer Customers | Techdirt | May 01 00:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | tell us what's ethical and what's not | May 01 00:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Musix Linux: Sweet Strains Jarred by Sour Notes | May 01 00:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 01 00:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 00:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) Daily Images Now | May 01 00:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | Available for Download | May 01 00:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 00:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AMD, Mentor Graphics Join Advisory Board for | May 01 00:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Musix Linux: Sweet Strains Jarred by Sour Notes | Tux Machines | May 01 00:09 | |
TweetTuxMachines | Embedded Linux | May 01 00:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 00:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Chromebooks: Not much room for competition | May 01 00:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 01 00:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 00:10 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 00:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) Daily Images Now Available for Download | Tux Machines | May 01 00:10 | |
schestowitz__ | "People are work long hours with little compensation but what really makes them angry is going into debt for or just not receiving basic services like education and healthcare. US healthcare is extremely cruel. Insurance companies are allowed to charge outrageous rates but getting sick means losing everything you have anyway. People avoid the doctor until they drop dead. This is an explosive grievance, one that people | May 01 00:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AMD, Mentor Graphics Join Advisory Board for Embedded Linux | Tux Machines | May 01 00:10 | |
schestowitz__ | rightly consider class warfare. The rich and powerful have been ruling by terror and they have created an ugly world for themselves. | May 01 00:10 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 01 00:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chromebooks: Not much room for competition | Tux Machines | May 01 00:10 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ Income Inequality Has Spurred a Boom in Private Security ask #billgates | May 01 00:10 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Income Inequality Has Spurred a Boom in Private Security | Mother Jones [ ] | May 01 00:10 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Bill Gates Looking for Profit in Privatised Oppression in the United Kingdom and Elsewhere | Techrights [ ] | May 01 00:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #DOJ Is Still Investigating #Wikileaks | May 01 00:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | not for crimes (it's not | May 01 00:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DOJ Is Still Investigating Wikileaks | Techdirt | May 01 00:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | a US org) but for competition, truth | May 01 00:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz USG is not witch-hunting opposition and | May 01 00:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | competition with #espionage and threats; it is | May 01 00:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | droning some of them and | May 01 00:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'disappearing'/overthrowing | May 01 00:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Why the Richest Americans Don’t Care about | May 01 00:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Income Inequality | May 01 00:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | suppressing truth, supporting Nazi Security | May 01 00:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Agency | May 01 00:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why the Richest Americans Don’t Care about Income Inequality | The Dissenter | May 01 00:11 | |
schestowitz__ | "What's interesting--and really very sad--however, is that many, whom I categorize as authoritarian populists, do not blame their capitalist-colonizers, but rather other subaltern people. The authoritarian populist category, which includes the Tea Party, actually dates back to the U.S. Revolution; for them, the government is always the oppressor and "others" are always parasites. They barely even notice what corporations | May 01 00:12 |
schestowitz__ | are doing to them. And they see absolutely no need to think about any of this." | May 01 00:12 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 00:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: boobie baby beanie...  #boobie #boob #boobies #boobs #baby #babies #beanie #beanies #public #breastfeeding | May 01 00:13 | |
schestowitz__ | "Now they will allow her to breastfeed in Sports Direct..." | May 01 00:13 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 00:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared:  #art #iraq #war | May 01 00:13 | |
schestowitz__ | "Well, the circumstances of the photo seem pretty clear, but yes, what has happened to people in the Iraq war is pretty horrific. I just happen to think that the truth often makes the most interesting story of all. :)" | May 01 00:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "The rich and powerful have been ruling by | May 01 00:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | terror and they have created an ugly world for | May 01 00:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | themselves." | May 01 00:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Income Inequality Has Spurred a Boom in Private Security ask #billgates | May 01 00:14 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Income Inequality Has Spurred a Boom in Private Security | Mother Jones [ ] | May 01 00:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @FedSoc Podcast: Beyond Heartbleed: Encryption, | May 01 00:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Zero-Day Exploits, and The NSA @RosenzweigP | May 01 00:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian @csoghoian @ACLU | May 01 00:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Bill Gates Looking for Profit in Privatised Oppression in the United Kingdom and Elsewhere | Techrights [ ] | May 01 00:14 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Beyond Heartbleed: Encryption, Zero-Day Exploits, and The NSA - Podcast » Publications » The Federalist Society | May 01 00:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Tails 1.0 Is a Completely Secure System Used by | May 01 00:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Edward Snowden | May 01 00:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #freesoftware helps fix the world | May 01 00:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tails 1.0 Is a Completely Secure System Used by Edward Snowden | May 01 00:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks English description of #WikiLeaks publications | May 01 00:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | on Swedish FM, @CarlBildt who is involved in | May 01 00:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ukraine #sweden #svpol | May 01 00:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Bildt Files | Rixstep Industry Watch | May 01 00:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Video (Totem) 3.12.1 Video Player Gets First | May 01 00:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Update in the New Series | May 01 00:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #totem | May 01 00:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Video (Totem) 3.12.1 Video Player Gets First Update in the New Series | May 01 00:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Recommended: Battle between US hawk, Swedish FM | May 01 00:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @CarlBildt and Swedish PM over #Ukraine | May 01 00:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #sweden #svpol #crimea | May 01 00:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Swedish TV: No Independent Foreign Analysts for Decades | Rixstep Industry Watch | May 01 00:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #Putin | May 01 00:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:20 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 00:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic #systemd #ubuntu #gnu #linux #upstart | May 01 00:23 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic « Martin Pitt [ ] | May 01 00:23 | |
schestowitz__ | "They have well-paid technical writers for the large commercial projects. Wish I could get a job with one of them. :)" | May 01 00:23 |
schestowitz__ | Some FOSS is advertised - correctly - as commercial | May 01 00:24 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 01 00:25 |
schestowitz__ | Actually, tech writers are serfs in the high tech hierarchy. They are paid relatively poorly and not respected. | May 01 00:25 |
schestowitz__ | That said, a technical writing job I had at Linuxcare at the tail end of the dot-com boom was the best job I've ever had in my life. It was the one time in my life I felt like I was actually making a living. | May 01 00:25 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 01 00:25 |
schestowitz__ | "After 6 years of unemployment, I would cherish a serf job." | May 01 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Watching Captain America a bit like watching a | May 01 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | sports match. Many product placements: Under | May 01 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Armor, Nike, Chevrolet, Apple, and many more. | May 01 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Skulls of the Shogun Action Game to Arrive on | May 01 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | Linux Soon #games #gnu | May 01 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 01 00:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Skulls of the Shogun Action Game to Arrive on Linux Soon | May 01 00:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Recommended: US hawk, Swedish FM @CarlBildt "Do | May 01 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | you remember the first time you met with the | May 01 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | CIA?" | May 01 00:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Carl Bildt's User-Friendly Memory | Rixstep Industry Watch | May 01 00:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:25 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 01 00:25 |
schestowitz__ | Not me. Not anymore. | May 01 00:25 |
schestowitz__ | I've seen entirely too much of the infinitely replaceable worker scam. I can no longer tolerate being treated that way. | May 01 00:25 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 01 00:25 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 00:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ 100,000 emails now sent to me from diaspora. | May 01 00:28 | |
schestowitz__ | "Ah. I see something like that and remember when Red (Mike MacGirvin's latest project) sent me something like 70,000 emails all in one morning. Yes, of course, it was a bug." | May 01 00:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks English translation of Swedish FM @CarlBildt | May 01 00:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | confronted with WikiLeaks cables showing that | May 01 00:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | he was a US informant | May 01 00:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Carl Bildt: Secrets & Lies | Rixstep Industry Watch | May 01 00:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Circuit Court Overturns Immunity For Law | May 01 00:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Enforcement Officials Who Sent An Innocent Man | May 01 00:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | To Prison For 22 Years | May 01 00:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Circuit Court Overturns Immunity For Law Enforcement Officials Who Sent An Innocent Man To Prison For 22 Years | Techdirt | May 01 00:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @tqbf “Truecrypt+Dropbox are not a safe combo. | May 01 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Dropbox needs to be the encrypted Dropbox.” | May 01 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | May 01 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) Daily Images Now | May 01 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Available for Download | May 01 00:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) Daily Images Now Available for Download | May 01 00:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #gnu #linux | May 01 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz AMD, Mentor Graphics Join Advisory Board for | May 01 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Embedded Linux #amd | May 01 00:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AMD, Mentor Graphics Join Advisory Board for Embedded Linux | Open Source Application Software Companies content from The VAR Guy | May 01 00:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 01 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Chromebooks: Not much room for competition | May 01 00:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #chromebook analysis | May 01 00:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | that's hard to agree with | May 01 00:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chromebooks: Not much room for competition | ZDNet | May 01 00:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Lots of recent #hardware 'news' from #phoronix | May 01 00:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | not so credible because it's basically $company | May 01 00:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | sending gift to Michael for positive review | May 01 00:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Ex USG officials say FBI does not use 0 days. I | May 01 00:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | don't believe this. | May 01 00:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mandriva and Linux Solutions Brazil, sign | May 01 00:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | partnership #mandriva | May 01 00:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #brazil #gnu #linux | May 01 00:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FBI Keeps Internet Flaws Secret to Defend Against Hackers - Bloomberg | May 01 00:38 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mandriva and Linux Solutions Brazil, sign partnership | Mandriva SA Blog | May 01 00:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Google's Nexus phones will reportedly be | May 01 00:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | replaced by premium Android Silver handsets | May 01 00:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #linux #google | May 01 00:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google's Nexus phones will reportedly be replaced by premium Android Silver handsets | The Verge | May 01 00:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Warsaw to donate PCs to school for Linux labs | May 01 00:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #poland #gnu #linux | May 01 00:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #education | May 01 00:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Warsaw to donate PCs to school for Linux labs | Joinup | May 01 00:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Swedish Constitutional Committee reacts to | May 01 00:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #WikiLeaks revelation that Swedish FM | May 01 00:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @CarlBildt was spying for the US | May 01 00:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 00:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unbelievably Awkward, Carl Bildt! | Rixstep Industry Watch | May 01 00:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rj_gallagher New Snowden docs reveal NSA's "Ghostmachine" - | May 01 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by stores "100s of billions" of metadata records: | May 01 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | May 01 00:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | British Spy Chiefs Secretly Begged to Play in NSA's Data Pools - The Intercept | May 01 00:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@rj_gallagher: New Snowden docs reveal NSA's "Ghostmachine" - stores "100s of billions" of metadata records: | May 01 00:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Android signage player supports Apple iBeacon | May 01 00:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | another #linux device | May 01 00:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Android signage player supports Apple iBeacon · | May 01 00:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #BerkeleyDB 6 Is Being Added For Fedora 21 | May 01 00:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | #fedora #redhat | May 01 00:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] BerkeleyDB 6 Is Being Added For Fedora 21 | May 01 00:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Google Chrome 35 Beta Released for Linux, | May 01 00:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Windows, and Mac OS X | May 01 00:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | #chrome #surveillance #google | May 01 00:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Chrome 35 Beta Released for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X | May 01 00:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Researchers Find Easy To Exploit Bugs In | May 01 00:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Traffic Control Systems | May 01 00:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Researchers Find Easy To Exploit Bugs In Traffic Control Systems - Slashdot | May 01 00:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Did Mozilla jump the shark with Firefox 29? | May 01 00:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | heckling of #mozilla has | May 01 00:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Did Mozilla jump the shark with Firefox 29? | May 01 00:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | become popular, not good for the Web though | May 01 00:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz SystemTap 2.5 release | May 01 00:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux-Kernel Archive: SystemTap 2.5 release | May 01 00:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #kernel | May 01 00:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] SystemTap 2.5 Supports UEFI/SecureBoot & Other Features | May 01 00:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Critical SCOTUS 4th Amend case. When is vio a | May 01 00:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | trespass or intrusion on reasonable expectation | May 01 00:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | of privacy?“trespass” | May 01 00:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @“trespass ) | May 01 00:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 00:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mandriva and Linux Solutions Brazil, sign | May 01 00:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | partnership | May 01 00:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 00:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Flush 0.9.12 Review – A Lightweight BitTorrent | May 01 00:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | Client | May 01 00:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 00:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mandriva and Linux Solutions Brazil, sign partnership | Tux Machines | May 01 00:59 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines SystemTap 2.5 release | May 01 00:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 00:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Flush 0.9.12 Review – A Lightweight BitTorrent Client | Tux Machines | May 01 00:59 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SystemTap 2.5 release | Tux Machines | May 01 00:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Meet Nobel peace prize winner. Having | May 01 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | outwitted, ignored, or altogether scared (e.g. | May 01 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | by surveillance) h' rights/humanitarian/intl | May 01 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | law people | May 01 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mayday mayday. But do workers (labour) even | May 01 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | know what it means? #exploitation #deprivation | May 01 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #classwar | May 01 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Captain America: criticises | May 01 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | assassination&surveillance, avoids #1 culprits | May 01 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | (US&corporations). France=pirates, | May 01 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Germany=Nazis, UK=sociopaths. | May 01 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Links 30/4/2014: Android Rising in Tablets, | May 01 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | More NSA Leaks | May 01 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #techrights | May 01 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt DailyDirt: Robot Slaves Co-workers | May 01 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 01:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Links 30/4/2014: Android Rising in Tablets, More NSA Leaks | Techrights | May 01 01:37 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DailyDirt: Robot Slaves Co-workers | Techdirt | May 01 01:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Grading Software Fooled By Nonsense Essay | May 01 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Generator | May 01 01:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 01:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Grading Software Fooled By Nonsense Essay Generator - Slashdot | May 01 01:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh LOL. He was brown? Duh. “@nytimes: Why only one | May 01 01:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by top banker went to jail for the financial | May 01 01:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 crisis” | May 01 01:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 01:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh The good people of Oklahoma tortured a (black) | May 01 01:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by man to death yesterday. And you ask why | May 01 01:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 America's fucked? | May 01 01:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 01 01:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 01:48 |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 deleted 'RT @umairh: The good people of Oklahoma tortured...' | May 01 01:48 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AMD Publishes Open-Source Graphics Code For | May 01 01:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | Mullins & Beema | May 01 01:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 01:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AMD Publishes Open-Source Graphics Code For Mullins & Beema | Tux Machines | May 01 01:51 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's leftovers | May 01 01:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 01:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | today's leftovers | Tux Machines | May 01 01:52 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines RawTherapee Review – A Powerful Open | May 01 01:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | Source Alternative to Adobe's Lightroom | May 01 01:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 01 01:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 01:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | RawTherapee Review – A Powerful Open Source Alternative to Adobe's Lightroom | Tux Machines | May 01 01:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 "About 15,000yrs ago, early farmers learned2 | May 01 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | save seeds from year’s crop to plant the next | May 01 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | year. This fed us all until now. Until | May 01 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Monsanto" | May 01 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 The Canadian parliament could vote on the | May 01 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Monsanto seed takeover any time—so we need to | May 01 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | take action now. | May 01 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cdnpoli | May 01 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 01:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stop Monsanto from monopolizing our food | SumOfUs | May 01 01:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 There's no plainer way to say this: It should | May 01 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | be impossible (e.g. illegal) for #Monsanto to | May 01 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | do what they are doing, &moreso, what they | May 01 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | plan. | May 01 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Virunga: Africa's most beautiful oil field? - | May 01 01:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by UK oil company Soco wants to drill in oldest | May 01 01:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 national park - pl. sign | May 01 01:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 01:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Virunga campaign - WWF UK - Virunga, Africa's oldest National Park, is in crisis. It’s home to a greater variety of wildlife than any other protected area in Africa, but oil exploration could start any day now. Add your name to stop it. | May 01 01:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @GovAcctProj Standing ovation as GAP's @JesselynRadack & Lon | May 01 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Snowden accept award on behalf of Edward | May 01 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Snowden. #Ridenhour14 | May 01 01:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@GovAcctProj: Standing ovation as GAP's @JesselynRadack & Lon Snowden accept award on behalf of Edward Snowden. #Ridenhour14 | May 01 01:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PialiRoy I was just thinking there hasn't been much Rob | May 01 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Ford news lately! He's like a kid, if it is too | May 01 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 quiet, it means trouble is brewing. | May 01 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 01:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @SharkDancing Remember #TOpoli It's his abuse of power & | May 01 02:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ongoing attacks on our public institutions that | May 01 02:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 truly makes Rob Ford unfit for office. | May 01 02:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 02:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @daudig If minimum wage had kept up with the incomes of | May 01 02:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the 1%, it would be $25/hour | May 01 02:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 01 02:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 02:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Charts: Why Fast-Food Workers Are Going on Strike | Mother Jones | May 01 02:08 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@daudig: If minimum wage had kept up with the incomes of the 1%, it would be $25/hour | May 01 02:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon I am to exercise what Donald Trump is the | May 01 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | sensitivity. Useless. | May 01 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BlueDuPage CSX oil train derails in Virginia, leaks into | May 01 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by river #tcot #p2 | May 01 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 #SpillBabySpill | May 01 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 02:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CSX oil train derails in Virginia, leaks into river | Reuters | May 01 02:10 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BlueDuPage: CSX oil train derails in Virginia, leaks into river #tcot #p2 #SpillBabySpill | May 01 02:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BlueDuPage Israel holding 9 Palestinian legislators | May 01 02:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by without charge or trial | May 01 02:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 #p2 #tcot #BDS | May 01 02:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Israel holding 9 Palestinian legislators without charge or trial | The Electronic Intifada | May 01 02:11 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BlueDuPage: Israel holding 9 Palestinian legislators without charge or trial #p2 #tcot #BDS | May 01 02:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 02:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ivortossell You know, there was about two minutes there | May 01 02:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by where I actually thought Ford had faced reality | May 01 02:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 and was getting help, and I was rooting for | May 01 02:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | him. | May 01 02:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 02:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattmdiaz "@RaniaKhalek: Spoiler alert @JohnKerry, it | May 01 02:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by already is #apartheid." | May 01 02:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 #Palestine | May 01 02:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 02:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exclusive: Kerry Warns Israel Could Become ‘An Apartheid State’ - The Daily Beast | May 01 02:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mikeagogliati Huge train derailment in downtown #Lynchburg | May 01 02:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by right now. Stay safe. | May 01 02:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mikeagogliati: Huge train derailment in downtown #Lynchburg right now. Stay safe. | May 01 02:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 01 02:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 02:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @firedoglake .@BanTorture Yes, if you don’t live in DC, | May 01 02:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by please visit home offices in support of | May 01 02:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack @JohnKiriakou on May 9; RSVP: | May 01 02:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 02:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 02:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 9th: Day of Action for CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou | May 01 02:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I love the way the NYT "Style" section is such | May 01 02:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | complete shite it actually used the word | May 01 02:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | "normcore" today. In an article about Brooklyn. | May 01 02:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 02:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @hotdocs #Scotiabank Big Ideas Series screening of | May 01 02:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @internetsownboy w director @knappB, @doctorow | May 01 02:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow & @BiellaColeman. #HotDocs14 | May 01 02:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 02:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 02:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@hotdocs: #Scotiabank Big Ideas Series screening of @internetsownboy w director @knappB, @doctorow & @BiellaColeman. #HotDocs14 | May 01 02:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Thank you to everyone who came out the | May 01 02:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | screening of Internet's Own Boy at #Hotdocs | May 01 02:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Toronto tonight #AaronSwartz | May 01 02:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 02:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wordybridget Knappenberger's The Internet's Own Boy is | May 01 02:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by essential viewing-heartbreaking but inspiring. | May 01 02:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Brilliant talk, @doctorow! | May 01 02:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 02:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@wordybridget: Knappenberger's The Internet's Own Boy is essential viewing-heartbreaking but inspiring. Brilliant talk, @doctorow! | May 01 02:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 02:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @lindsaymstewart @doctorow Ford nation lights up again! | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 01 02:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rob Ford takes leave as new drug video emerges - The Globe and Mail | May 01 02:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Two scientists argue obesity driven not by | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by sedentary lifestyles but overconsumption of | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow protein-mimicking carbs, fats: | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 02:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obesity driven by overconsumption of protein-mimicking carbs and fats - Boing Boing | May 01 02:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Austin Grossman's YOU, now in paperback | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 01 02:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 01 02:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing How to make insects appetizing to Americans | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 01 02:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 01 02:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kpoulsen Windows XP support ends, LAX's air traffic | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by control system crashes. Coincidence? I think | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow not. | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Boing Boing’s movie, Augustus Gladstone is | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by having its U.K. premiere tonight at Sci-Fi | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow London! | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 01 02:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 02:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Immortal Augustus Gladstone | SCI-FI-LONDON Film Festival | May 01 02:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Sugar skull spoons for sale | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 01 02:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 01 02:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 02:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ThatSusanBurke Weird how many Christians who call themselves | May 01 03:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "pro-life" believe in the death penalty, | May 01 03:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow especially since that's what killed Jesus. | May 01 03:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 03:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot What It's Like To Be the Scientific Consultant | May 01 03:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | For The Big Bang Theory | May 01 03:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 03:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What It's Like To Be the Scientific Consultant For The Big Bang Theory - Slashdot | May 01 03:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Linux Kernel 3.14.2 Officially Released: | May 01 03:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | softpedia: The latest version of the stable | May 01 03:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Linux kernel, 3.14.2, has... | May 01 03:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 03:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 03:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Linux Kernel 3.14.2 Officially Released | May 01 03:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing New Rob Ford crack-smoking video emerges, Ford | May 01 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by takes "break" from re-election campaign | May 01 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 01 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 03:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 01 03:13 | |
qu1j0t3 | | @TheTweetOfGod How could Oklahoma botch an execution? If | May 01 03:27 |
qu1j0t3 | | retweeted by there’s one thing I would expect Americans to | May 01 03:27 |
qu1j0t3 | | @MichaelOChurch know how to do by now, it’s kill somebody. | May 01 03:27 |
qu1j0t3 | | ........................................ | May 01 03:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@TheTweetOfGod: How could Oklahoma botch an execution? If there’s one thing I would expect Americans to know how to do by now, it’s kill somebody. | May 01 03:27 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- (Re-tweeted by MichaelOChurch) | May 01 03:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Elizabeth Warren is wondering why President | May 01 03:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Obama appoints so many Citigroup officials to | May 01 03:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 financial positions | May 01 03:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 03:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Citigroup Clique - Sen. Elizabeth Warren - POLITICO Magazine | May 01 03:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh On the downside, Rob Ford doesn't have a future | May 01 03:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | in Canadian politics. On the upside, he's | May 01 03:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | leadership material for the GOP. | May 01 03:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 03:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @trevortimm In less than 10 minutes, you can make these | May 01 03:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by four simple changes to your web browser and | May 01 03:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian stop most online tracking. | May 01 03:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 03:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 4 Simple Changes to Stop Online Tracking | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 01 03:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 03:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonathanmayer New NSA slide shows international intercept of | May 01 03:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Microsoft → Microsoft and Microsoft → Yahoo | May 01 03:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian email, no court oversight. | May 01 03:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 03:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jonathanmayer: New NSA slide shows international intercept of Microsoft → Microsoft and Microsoft → Yahoo email, no court oversight. | May 01 03:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 03:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @xor The Supreme Court's real technology problem: | May 01 04:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 01 04:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | May 01 04:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Supreme Court’s real technology problem | parker higgins dot net | May 01 04:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 04:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Coding Bootcamps Already 1/8th the Size of CS | May 01 04:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Undergraduates | May 01 04:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 04:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Coding Bootcamps Already 1/8th the Size of CS Undergraduates - Slashdot | May 01 04:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Lawsuit Against First US Copyright Trolls For | May 01 04:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Extortion Ends In Victory | May 01 04:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 04:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 04:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lawsuit Against First US Copyright Trolls For Extortion Ends In Victory | Techdirt | May 01 04:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Why we shouldn't trust CIA w/ review of Senate | May 01 04:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by torture report—CIA often resists | May 01 04:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou declassification | May 01 04:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA often foils efforts at declassification - SFGate | May 01 04:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 04:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Gizmodo Scientists discovered the Egyptian secret to | May 01 04:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by moving huge pyramid stones | May 01 04:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NickBallard | May 01 04:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 04:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Scientists Discovered the Egyptian Secret to Moving Huge Pyramid Stones | May 01 04:56 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Gizmodo: Scientists discovered the Egyptian secret to moving huge pyramid stones | May 01 04:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @binarytides Linux bash shell cheat sheet | May 01 04:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 01 04:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NickBallard | May 01 04:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 04:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Gizmodo Get to know 63 styles of graphic design with | May 01 05:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by one simple poster | May 01 05:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NickBallard | May 01 05:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Get to Know 63 Styles of Graphic Design With One Simple Poster | May 01 05:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 05:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Gizmodo: Get to know 63 styles of graphic design with one simple poster | May 01 05:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Gizmodo This magical OLED lamp is embedded in a real | May 01 05:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by dandelion | May 01 05:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NickBallard | May 01 05:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | These Magical OLED Lamps Are Embedded With Real Dandelions | May 01 05:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 05:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Gizmodo: This magical OLED lamp is embedded in a real dandelion | May 01 05:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Gizmodo The Pentagon can't keep track of ammo so it's | May 01 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by destroying $1B in bullets | May 01 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NickBallard | May 01 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 05:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Pentagon Can't Keep Track of Ammo So It's Destroying $1B in Bullets | May 01 05:11 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Gizmodo: The Pentagon can't keep track of ammo so it's destroying $1B in bullets | May 01 05:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @phoronix Oracle Solaris 11.2 Now Available In Beta Form: | May 01 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Oracle has put out the first public beta of the | May 01 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NickBallard forthcoming So... | May 01 05:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 05:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Oracle Solaris 11.2 Now Available In Beta Form | May 01 05:11 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 17 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 104 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 01 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (17) | May 01 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 01 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 01 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 282 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 1139 msgs sent (~ 3% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 01 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (48), @umairh (28), @JesselynRadack (17) | May 01 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @Thomas_Drake1 (34), @doctorow (19), @glynmoody (18) | May 01 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #Ridenhour14 (32), #linux (16), #ridenhour14 (15) | May 01 05:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Protect your source: get done for accessory | May 01 06:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | after the fact. Journalist Barrett Brown forced | May 01 06:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | into accepting plea deal | May 01 06:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 06:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 06:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Barrett Brown pleads guilty: What it means for hacker journalism | May 01 06:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot British Spy Chiefs Secretly Begged To Play In | May 01 06:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | NSA's Data Pools | May 01 06:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 06:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | British Spy Chiefs Secretly Begged To Play In NSA's Data Pools - Slashdot | May 01 06:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I give you the Future of Journalism. | May 01 06:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 06:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@umairh: I give you the Future of Journalism. | May 01 06:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 06:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @GovAcctProj Standing ovation as GAP's @JesselynRadack & Lon | May 01 07:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Snowden accept award on behalf of Edward | May 01 07:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Snowden. #Ridenhour14 | May 01 07:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@GovAcctProj: Standing ovation as GAP's @JesselynRadack & Lon Snowden accept award on behalf of Edward Snowden. #Ridenhour14 | May 01 07:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 07:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz AMD Publishes Open-Source Graphics Code For | May 01 07:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Mullins & Beema #linux | May 01 07:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] AMD Publishes Open-Source Graphics Code For Mullins & Beema | May 01 07:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 07:16 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 07:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Chase Bank Slutshames Their Adult Performer Customers thieves try to tell us what's ethical and what's not | May 01 07:25 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Chase Bank Slutshames Their Adult Performer Customers | Techdirt [ ] | May 01 07:25 | |
schestowitz__ | "It might be that porn stars have not enough money for the risk of damaging bank's image. On the other hand, narcs have plenty so that's fine." | May 01 07:26 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 07:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic #systemd #ubuntu #gnu #linux #upstart | May 01 07:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic « Martin Pitt [ ] | May 01 07:26 | |
schestowitz__ | "Not me. Not anymore. I've seen entirely too much of the infinitely replaceable worker scam. I can no longer tolerate being treated that way." | May 01 07:26 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 07:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ British Spy Chiefs Secretly Begged to Play in NSA’s Data Pools finally something new from #theintercept | May 01 07:27 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | British Spy Chiefs Secretly Begged to Play in NSA's Data Pools - The Intercept [ ] | May 01 07:27 | |
schestowitz__ | "For those keeping track of these programs, #STORMBREW is an upstream collections program, meaning direct linking into the fiber optic and top level networks eg Verizon, undersea cable connections, etc. #GHOSTMACHINE is the cloud based metadata analytics engine using #Hadoop, #QFD, #RESTful. This beast is working on a scale of 100s of billions of entries. Related programs: #BLARNEY, #OAKSTAR, #FASCIA" | May 01 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz RawTherapee Review – A Powerful Open | May 01 07:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Source Alternative to Adobe's Lightroom | May 01 07:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #freesw | May 01 07:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 07:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | RawTherapee for Linux Review | May 01 07:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Did the GNOME 3 developers violate design | May 01 07:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | principles? #gnome #gnu | May 01 07:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 01 07:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 07:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Did the GNOME 3 developers violate design principles? | ITworld | May 01 07:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ukraine kissed by the devil, and it's not | May 01 07:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #putin #debt #prison | May 01 07:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 07:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 01 07:31 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 07:38 |
schestowitz__ | "May provide cover to crush dissent, as the porn filter does. If you can't get services, you must be a bad person mentality is established." | May 01 07:38 |
schestowitz__ | Next they can close accounts of OWSers, saying they're bad for banks | May 01 07:38 |
schestowitz__ | "Damage the bank's image, Chronos? Who would know where porn stars bank if it were not for this stupidity? What's next, protecting the bank from financial risk and reputation damage from black patrons? Marginalized people are always a financial risk and the more marginalized the worse the risk becomes. Maybe banks would have less risks if people were not so cruel to their neighbors in the first place." | May 01 07:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Soviet #chernobyl disaster seriously messed | May 01 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | up #ukraine environment and reputation. Now | May 01 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #biden wants to do the same with #fracking | May 01 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | there | May 01 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Western propaganda, which has never been | May 01 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | stronger, especially hides the reality of | May 01 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Western decline" | May 01 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 07:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ukraine Crisis Accelerating the Restructuring of the World | May 01 07:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Russia has oligarchs. We in the West have "job | May 01 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | creators". | May 01 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 07:40 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 07:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ How One Woman Hid Her Pregnancy From Big Data #bigdata #privacy #marketing #scumbags | May 01 07:40 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | How One Woman Hid Her Pregnancy From Big Data [ ] | May 01 07:40 | |
schestowitz__ | "I wonder how her email escaped notice, what OS she was using. That the study being presented with a Facebook person raises more red flags than $500 worth of Amazon credit cards bought with cash." | May 01 07:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How long before US banks ban customers who are | May 01 07:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | protesting against banks -- or worse -- just... | May 01 07:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | protesting? | May 01 07:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 07:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Chase Bank Slutshames Their Adult Performer Customers thieves try to tell us what's ethical and what's not | May 01 07:44 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Chase Bank Slutshames Their Adult Performer Customers | Techdirt [ ] | May 01 07:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ddRigmaiden @csoghoian Op details were redacted, but FBI | May 01 07:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by put in a request to exploit my browser before | May 01 07:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian resorting to the StingRay. The plan was | May 01 07:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | canceled. | May 01 07:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 07:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Some Apple- and Microsoft-friendly publications | May 01 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | are still trying hard to create a rift between | May 01 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Android device manufacturers and Google. | May 01 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Microsoft bought #nokia not because it needs | May 01 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nokia or has any use for the brand. It just | May 01 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | wants orphaned patents passed to trolls. | May 01 07:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android | May 01 07:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 07:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The #Microsoft Handset Opportunity with #Nokia | May 01 07:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | - the Full Analysis of Potential (its not | May 01 07:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | looking good) Ahonen | May 01 07:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Communities Dominate Brands: The Microsoft Handset Opportunity with Nokia - the Full Analysis of Potential (its not looking good) | May 01 07:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | gets it | May 01 07:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 07:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @birgittaj RT: New Aaron Swartz documentary looks | May 01 07:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by powerful. Here's the trailer--WATCH & be | May 01 07:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 inspired: | May 01 07:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 07:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 07:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | “The Internet’s Own Boy” about Aaron Swartz is a Kickstarter-funded documentary about the Reddit founder. | May 01 07:52 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Slate: The new Aaron Swartz documentary looks powerful. Here's the trailer--WATCH: | May 01 07:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz LibreOffice 4.2.4 RC1 Is Now Ready for Testing | May 01 07:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #libreoffice #libo #odf | May 01 07:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #tdf | May 01 07:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | LibreOffice 4.2.4 RC1 Is Now Ready for Testing | May 01 07:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 07:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Did The West Become “Them” Only When It Was | May 01 07:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Cheap Enough? great | May 01 07:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | analysis | May 01 07:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Did The West Become “Them” Only When It Was Cheap Enough? | Privacy Online News | May 01 07:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 07:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz What May 1st stands for | May 01 07:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | stand up for nothing and you'll fall for | May 01 07:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | anything | May 01 07:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 07:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Celebrate International Workers’ Day! | May 01 07:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | "we can thank the | May 01 07:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | immigrant rights movement for the rebirth of | May 01 07:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | May Day 2014! Celebrate International Workers’ Day! | Fight Back! | May 01 07:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | May Day." | May 01 07:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 07:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It often seems that #obama recognises "peace" | May 01 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | as a world threat | May 01 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | #philippines #nuclear #coldwar #china | May 01 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz If peace means no single tyrant is truly in | May 01 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | control (power), when no tyrannical country | May 01 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | would ever tolerate a state of peace. #ukraine | May 01 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wall Street Journal outlines US military options against China - World Socialist Web Site | May 01 08:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Understanding the 2 Billion-Year-Old Natural | May 01 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nuclear Reactor In W Africa | May 01 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Understanding the 2 Billion-Year-Old Natural Nuclear Reactor In W Africa - Slashdot | May 01 08:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Without some crisis (manufactured or real), how | May 01 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | can a tyrant ever justify cracking down on her | May 01 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | or his opponents? Crisis pretext for Power. | May 01 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A message from US soldier during #iraq invasion | May 01 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Wisdom | May 01 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Student-Targeting Data Harvester inBloom Closes | May 01 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Shop, CEO Blames Parents For Their 'Misdirected | May 01 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Criticism' | May 01 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Student-Targeting Data Harvester inBloom Closes Shop, CEO Blames Parents For Their 'Misdirected Criticism' | Techdirt | May 01 08:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz German gov't turns down testimony of Snowden | May 01 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #germany rejecting help | May 01 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | from #snowden reveals government's true colours | May 01 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140430 - | May 01 08:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | German gov't turns down testimony of Snowden - Xinhua | | May 01 08:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 01 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 01 08:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140430 | May 01 08:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Stephen_Curry Another brick in the wall. RT @RickyPo: WHO | May 01 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by commits to open access by joining Europe PubMed | May 01 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Central #openaccess | May 01 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WHO commits to open access by joining Europe PubMed Central | May 01 08:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Kerry, Obama, Putin: The Fool, the Demagogue, | May 01 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | and the Former KGB Colonel | May 01 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | By Edward S. Herman | May 01 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kerry, Obama, Putin: The Fool, the Demagogue, and the Former KGB Colonel | Global Research | May 01 08:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @fabiochiusi Edward Snowden: NSA Spies More on Americans | May 01 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Than Russians via | May 01 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @nationaljournal | May 01 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden: NSA Spies More on Americans Than Russians - | May 01 08:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @staeiou Net neutrality in 1869: when Western Union | May 01 08:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by tried to price papers it didnt like out of | May 01 08:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody business | May 01 08:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 08:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@staeiou: Net neutrality in 1869: when Western Union tried to price papers it didnt like out of business | May 01 08:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mario | May 01 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @fifarahman When Obama came,he said tt patents need 2b | May 01 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by extended cos companies want2recoup R&D. | May 01 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Well,Glivec made R&D costs in 2yrs | May 01 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The real cancer killer: rip-off prices for drugs set by 'profiteering' Big Pharma giants - Home News - UK - The Independent | May 01 08:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody WHO calls for urgent action to preserve power | May 01 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | of antibiotics and make new ones - | May 01 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | underlines failure of | May 01 08:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 01 08:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | pharma system | May 01 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody White House Says It Can Withhold | May 01 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Vulnerabilities If It Will Help Them Catch | May 01 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Intellectual Property Thieves' - | May 01 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 08:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House Says It Can Withhold Vulnerabilities If It Will Help Them Catch 'Intellectual Property Thieves' | Techdirt | May 01 08:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody China pressing for vast Asia-Pacific FTA as | May 01 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | rival US-led deal runs into snags - - | May 01 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | be crazy not to... #TPP | May 01 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | China pressing for vast Asia-Pacific FTA as rival US-led deal runs into snags | May 01 08:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody British Spy Chiefs Secretly Begged to Play in | May 01 08:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NSA’s Data Pools - | May 01 08:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | British Spy Chiefs Secretly Begged to Play in NSA's Data Pools - The Intercept | May 01 08:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | pathetic #gchq #snowden | May 01 08:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody TheContentMine: Progress and our Philosophy - | May 01 08:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | "to extract all facts | May 01 08:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | from the scientific literature" | May 01 08:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TheContentMine: Progress and our Philosophy « petermr's blog | May 01 08:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Vilsack says sanitary issues delaying #TTIP - | May 01 08:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | "SPS issues with the EU | May 01 08:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | mostly concern pork, poultry and beef." | May 01 08:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Vilsack says sanitary issues delaying TTIP | May 01 08:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US meat Lobby emphasises importance of | May 01 08:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | eliminating EU bans on hormones & ractopamine - | May 01 08:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v @Liese_Mueller)#TTIP | May 01 08:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | READ: U.S. Meat Export Federation letter to USTR - TTIP | May 01 08:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "potential 4 convergence through a process of | May 01 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | education" - US meat | May 01 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | industry wants 2 "educate" stupid Europeans | May 01 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP | May 01 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #ISDS threatens #privacy and reform of | May 01 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | #copyright and patent law - | May 01 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | good analysis of why it | May 01 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | must go from #TTIP | May 01 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ISDS threatens privacy and reform of copyright and patent law | Blog | May 01 08:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Nationale Parlamente ausschalten - | May 01 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | De Gucht just hates | May 01 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | democracy for treaties like #TTIP (v | May 01 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller) | May 01 08:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU-Kommissar will TTIP durchdrücken: Nationale Parlamente ausschalten - | May 01 08:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Did the GNOME 3 developers violate design | May 01 08:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | principles? | May 01 08:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @arusbridger Brilliant letter to @FT on bankers' pay & | May 01 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by blackmail - by a former banker | May 01 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 01 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Did the GNOME 3 developers violate design principles? | Tux Machines | May 01 08:23 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Death spiral is a myth to perpetuate high pay - | May 01 08:24 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@FT: You must read this letter to the FT, on bankers' pay: Death spiral is a myth | May 01 08:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @EvidenceUK The next time a Tory says our NHS is too | May 01 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by expensive ask them to take a peek at this - | May 01 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 01 08:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@EvidenceUK: The next time a Tory says our NHS is too expensive ask them to take a peek at this - | May 01 08:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @raycorrigan Will #EU outlaw mass metadata surveillance? | May 01 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Not if UK govt or | May 01 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @EU_Commission can help it | May 01 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is the EU really about to outlaw mass metadata surveillance? (Wired UK) | May 01 08:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody TTIP Update XXIV - | May 01 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | looking at important research that finds even | May 01 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | more holes in Commission's #TTIP justifications | May 01 08:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Update XXIV - Open Enterprise | May 01 08:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody in particular, the new research looks at the | May 01 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | costs of #TTIP - something completely and | May 01 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | conveniently ignored by European Commission | May 01 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Twitter’s existential dilemma: Why the | May 01 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | super-popular social network is in trouble | May 01 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #diaspora can hopefully | May 01 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | take over | May 01 08:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Twitter’s existential dilemma: Why the super-popular social network is in trouble - | May 01 08:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP: "In a deep liberalization scenario, | May 01 08:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | intra-EU trade could fall by around 30 %" - | May 01 08:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | TTIP could destroy point | May 01 08:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | of EU | May 01 08:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Building high | May 01 08:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Billion-Story Building | May 01 08:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @peopleandplanet The people can beat EU lobbyists! Check out | May 01 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by some examples here: seeds, ACTA, water... and | May 01 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody take action: #pforp | May 01 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EP2014 | May 01 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 01 08:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Obama kills, Obama renders you "guilty" | May 01 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | US foreign policy is | May 01 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | still an #assassination policy | May 01 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Inequality hurts everyone apart from the | May 01 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | super-rich – and here's why | May 01 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | "job creator" | May 01 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | delusion/propaganda | May 01 08:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Inequality hurts everyone apart from the super-rich – and here's why | Chris Huhne | Comment is free | The Guardian | May 01 08:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz “War is Peace, it Makes Us Rich and Safe”… or | May 01 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | So Says the Mainstream Media | May 01 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | corporate media. War is | May 01 08:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | “War is Peace, it Makes Us Rich and Safe”… or So Says the Mainstream Media | Global Research | May 01 08:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | $. | May 01 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The #ciapost advocates murder | May 01 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cia #bezos #amazon | May 01 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #washpo #wapo #war | May 01 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It's getting easier to end up in prison (for | May 01 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | increasingly minor 'offences') | May 01 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | looking up one's | May 01 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | opposition. | May 01 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #uk declaration of war on the poor, not on | May 01 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | poverty while thieves | May 01 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | with growing capital ("job creators") evade tax | May 01 08:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Help to Work? Britain's jobless are being forced into workfare, more like | Anna Coote | Comment is free | | May 01 08:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @firedoglake Kiev Losing Control Of East Ukraine | May 01 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 01 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 01 08:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kiev Losing Control Of East Ukraine | FDL News Desk | May 01 08:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FDLDissenter Interview: Director Johanna Hamilton Discusses | May 01 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Making a Film About Activists Who Took Files | May 01 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 from FBI Office | May 01 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Interview: Director Johanna Hamilton Discusses Making a Film About Activists Who Took Files from FBI Office | The Dissenter | May 01 08:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @firedoglake If you live in DC and are free Friday, May 9, | May 01 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by we need your help visiting congressmen for | May 01 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @JohnKiriakou. Sign up here: | May 01 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 9th: Day of Action for CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou | May 01 08:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @firedoglake .@BanTorture Yes, if you don’t live in DC, | May 01 08:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by please visit home offices in support of | May 01 08:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @JohnKiriakou on May 9; RSVP: | May 01 08:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 08:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 9th: Day of Action for CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou | May 01 08:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @firedoglake Hedges v. Obama: The Supreme Court digs its | May 01 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by head deeper into the sand | May 01 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 01 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hedges v. Obama: The Supreme Court digs its head deeper into the sand | MyFDL | May 01 08:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AnnieMachon RT @Freedland: Don't tell Putin Some of | May 01 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by America's nuclear arsenal is so old it still | May 01 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 runs on 8-inch floppies | May 01 08:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 08:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-name lookup timed out ( status 0 @ ) | May 01 08:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AnnieMachon RT @raymcgovern: #Ukraine Troubles Killing | May 01 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Trust Between Putin & Obama | May 01 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 By Ray McGovern, April 28, 2014 | May 01 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 09:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Killing the Putin-Obama ‘Trust’ | Consortiumnews | May 01 09:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AnnieMachon RT @medialens: Essential read: new data on Aug | May 01 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 21 Syria chemical attack - now far less clear | May 01 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 who was responsible | May 01 09:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 09:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Data Raise Further Doubt on Official View of August 21 Gas Attack in Syria | May 01 09:00 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 09:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: selecting the movie...  #selecting #movie #rental #sagging #pants #beanie #backpack | May 01 09:04 | |
schestowitz__ | "If I owned the place, I would not sell him anything until he pulled his pants up." | May 01 09:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME and the GIGO Principle | May 01 09:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 01 09:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 09:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNOME and the GIGO Principle | Tux Machines | May 01 09:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Planned, Reviewed, Hacked, and Giving Up | May 01 09:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 01 09:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 09:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu Planned, Reviewed, Hacked, and Giving Up | Tux Machines | May 01 09:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines You can now stream AAA games through your Ouya | May 01 09:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 01 09:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 09:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | You can now stream AAA games through your Ouya | Tux Machines | May 01 09:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ubuntu 14.10 set to be released on Oct 16 | May 01 09:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #gnu #linux | May 01 09:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 09:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu 14.10 set to be released on Oct 16 | Muktware | May 01 09:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GNOME and the GIGO Principle | May 01 09:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnome #gnu #linux | May 01 09:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 09:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNOME and the GIGO Principle | May 01 09:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz You can now stream AAA games through your Ouya | May 01 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ouya #android #linux | May 01 09:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 09:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gamasutra - You can now stream AAA games through your Ouya | May 01 09:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz NixOS 14.04 Released | May 01 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nixos #gnu #linux | May 01 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 09:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] NixOS 14.04 Released | May 01 09:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Federal Court Strikes Down WI's | May 01 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Discriminatory" Voter ID as Unconstitutional | May 01 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #us | May 01 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 09:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Federal Court Strikes Down WI's "Discriminatory" Voter ID as Unconstitutional | PR Watch | May 01 09:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Valve is the saviour of the PC: Brian Fargo | May 01 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | and #valve made #debian | May 01 09:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Valve is the saviour of the PC: Brian Fargo | Muktware | May 01 09:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux its PC platform | May 01 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 09:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Patents on #cctv #google | May 01 09:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google patents Google Glass with 2 projection lenses | Muktware | May 01 09:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #android | May 01 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Rocknerd: The Church of Scientology has its own | May 01 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | kiddie pop groups. | May 01 09:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rocknerd » Blog Archive » The Church of Scientology has its own kiddie pop groups. | May 01 09:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz While "Captain America" does have an | May 01 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | anti-drones message, it promotes the delusion | May 01 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | of "zero civilian casualties" (esp. in | May 01 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | city+drone 'DNA') | May 01 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 09:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The idea of systematic assassination for | May 01 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | stability (e.g. in Yemen) should be assessed | May 01 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | with stats re pre- and post-drones total death | May 01 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | [1/2] | May 01 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Bliar and Bush told us that Saddam was a | May 01 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | murderous dictator. After killing nearly a | May 01 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | million Iraqis, Bliar and Bush made Iraq no | May 01 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | safer. | May 01 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz When you work in war (or armament, which | May 01 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ultimately requires war) peace is not an | May 01 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | option, it is a business risk and it's labeled | May 01 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | as such. | May 01 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The "Yemen experiment" generally shows what's | May 01 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | planned for many other areas of the world, just | May 01 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | like Gaza before it. #drones [2/2] | May 01 09:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 09:44 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 09:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | XP Falls While GNU/Linux Rises | Robert Pogson [ ] | May 01 09:51 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 10:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@_Goblin: @schestowitz Maybe that's due to Sec(5) of the public order act giving very "robust" options against people exercising free speech? | May 01 10:00 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@_Goblin: @schestowitz I'll have to ask you about "awakening" on the show.... I hope you are not going David Icke on me ;) | May 01 10:00 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@_Goblin: @schestowitz Sec(5) is so subjective and open to interpretation - that's what makes it so powerful. | May 01 10:00 | |
schestowitz__ | Some valuable English words got caught up and tied up to bad people | May 01 10:01 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 10:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@_Goblin: @schestowitz :) True. Although Icke isn't "bad" he's sure how you would describe Icke... | May 01 10:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Money talks. Linux Foundation site now links to | May 01 10:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsoft - first it was #novell as Microsoft | May 01 10:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Trojan, then leadership, then sponsorships. | May 01 10:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 10:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz PC Advisor gives high marks to #gnu #linux | May 01 10:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 10:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 10:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS review: turning point for the popular Linux operating system - PC Advisor | May 01 10:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Graphene Could Be Dangerous To Humans and the | May 01 10:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Environment | May 01 10:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 10:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Graphene Could Be Dangerous To Humans and the Environment - Slashdot | May 01 10:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: rstevens: Tonight’s comic is about | May 01 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | elitism in a searchable world. | May 01 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 10:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: rstevens: Tonight’s comic is about elitism in a... | May 01 10:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 2-year proposal anniversary yesterday | May 01 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 10:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 2-Year Proposal Anniversary and Captain America | May 01 10:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @sjportugal1979 Your children getting interested in dinosaurs? | May 01 11:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 01 11:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@sjportugal1979: Your children getting interested in dinosaurs? | May 01 11:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | May 01 11:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 11:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @iamdevloper ParisHilton.js - removes everything between the | May 01 11:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by <head></head> tags. | May 01 11:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz | May 01 11:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 11:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mobile telephones: first they became tracking | May 01 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | devices, then listening devices (second OS is | May 01 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | back door), now remote deletion devices | May 01 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #tyranny | May 01 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It's official: presidential candidates think | May 01 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #torture is #funny | May 01 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 11:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sarah Palin stands firm on 'waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists' line - Washington Times | May 01 11:27 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thousands of Christians organize against Sarah Palin after waterboarding joke mocks baptism | May 01 11:27 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sarah Palin compared waterboarding to baptism, and Christians are furious - Vox | May 01 11:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Palin revealed that she is morally unfit to | May 01 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | hold any office whatsoever." Except perhaps in | May 01 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | an extremist county | May 01 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 11:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sarah Palin thinks we should "baptize" terrorists by waterboarding them | May 01 11:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Having been reading some material on North | May 01 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Korean #torture methods, I can't help but feel | May 01 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | that #CIA black sites (inc. Gitmo) equally bad. | May 01 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Docker Open Source #Virtualization Project | May 01 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Forms Advisory Board | May 01 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 11:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Docker Open Source Virtualization Project Forms Advisory Board | Virtualization Applications and Technologies content from The VAR Guy | May 01 11:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pinguy OS 14.04 Mini Has Been Released. The | May 01 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Full Version Will Also Arrive Soon | May 01 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #pinguy #gnu #linux | May 01 11:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 11:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pinguy OS 14.04 Mini Has Been Released. The Full Version Will Also Arrive Soon | | May 01 11:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Emmabuntüs is a finalist of the cyber-activism | May 01 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | competition #gnu #linux | May 01 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 11:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Emmabuntüs is a finalist of the cyber-activism competition - Linux notes from DarkDuck | May 01 11:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux updates: #Debian 7.5, #SolydXK 201404, | May 01 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Makulu , #Tanglu | May 01 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 11:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux updates: Debian 7.5, SolydXK 201404, Makulu, Tanglu | ZDNet | May 01 11:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Class infighting | May 01 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #OnePercept #police #plutocracy | May 01 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 11:52 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines NixOS 14.04 Released | May 01 11:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 11:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Pinguy OS 14.04 Mini Has Been Released. The | May 01 11:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NixOS 14.04 Released | Tux Machines | May 01 11:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | Full Version Will Also Arrive Soon | May 01 11:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 01 11:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 11:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pinguy OS 14.04 Mini Has Been Released. The Full Version Will Also Arrive Soon | Tux Machines | May 01 11:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #surveillance is a business model when you are | May 01 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | becoming a product | May 01 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 01 12:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Brilliant Reporting: NYT Recreates Wacky | May 01 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Deposition Over Definition Of A Photocopier | May 01 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Brilliant Reporting: NYT Recreates Wacky Deposition Over Definition Of A Photocopier | Techdirt | May 01 12:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The New Aaron Swartz Documentary Looks Powerful | May 01 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | if any of us become | May 01 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | effective activists, we too will be him | May 01 12:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | “The Internet’s Own Boy” about Aaron Swartz is a Kickstarter-funded documentary about the Reddit founder. | May 01 12:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Nazi monster started by jailing political | May 01 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | opposition & activists. It gradually moved on | May 01 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | to killing even those who defended these | May 01 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | groups. | May 01 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:01 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 12:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Facebook Gets it. Google Doesn’t. | Uncrunched [ ] | May 01 12:06 | |
schestowitz__ | "I’m also still simmering over Google+ logins. I’ve diligently avoided getting a Google+ account for years now. The times that they’ve auto-created one for me because I clicked the wrong button I’ve deleted it. I’m still able to use Gmail without it, but Google Voice is rumored to be shutting down soon, and the only way I may be able to continue using my Google Voice phone number is if I finally relent and get a | May 01 12:07 |
schestowitz__ | Google+ account." | May 01 12:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Meet Nadim Houry. He is eager to defeat or | May 01 12:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | outwit religious extremists who are US allies | May 01 12:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | that prey on women | May 01 12:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yemen: End Child Marriage | Human Rights Watch | May 01 12:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Is Capitalism Digging Its Own Grave? | May 01 12:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | "the top 1% owning 40% | May 01 12:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | of the wealth while the bottom 80% just own | May 01 12:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | 7%." | May 01 12:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Capitalism Digging Its Own Grave? — ROOSTERGNN | May 01 12:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "very many reasons why getting a Google+ | May 01 12:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | account may be a bad idea" | May 01 12:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #privacy #google | May 01 12:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance | May 01 12:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #microsoft #scroogled PR campaign seem to be | May 01 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | reaching more and more sites, including | May 01 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Arrington, whom Microsoft paid to embed PR in | May 01 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | articles | May 01 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz For the uninitiated, #microsoft and #billgates | May 01 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | have both been bribing bloggers for years to | May 01 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | embed talking points | May 01 12:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Smiles as FM and ValleyWag Argue Over People Ready Ads | May 01 12:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Pontifex I ask everyone with political responsibility to | May 01 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by remember two things: human dignity and the | May 01 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack common good. | May 01 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Nazi Surveillance Agency (NSA) got #snowden | May 01 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | stuck in KGB-ruled #russia after strategically | May 01 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | revoking his passport | May 01 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Former NSA contractor Snowden expects to remain in Russia | Reuters | May 01 12:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @firedoglake Hedges v. Obama: The Supreme Court digs its | May 01 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by head deeper into the sand | May 01 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack | May 01 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hedges v. Obama: The Supreme Court digs its head deeper into the sand | MyFDL | May 01 12:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #snowden did not choose to travel to #russia he | May 01 12:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | chose #hongkong but soon realised #china was | May 01 12:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | unsafe and traveled to S.A. via Moscow airport | May 01 12:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @YourAnonNews "So here I am, one of the few members of | May 01 12:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Antisec to not end up behind bars." // Jeremy | May 01 12:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Hammond, Sabu, and Me: | May 01 12:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | #Antisec, Jeremy Hammond, Sabu, and Me - | May 01 12:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #snowden has made not only #tor famous but also | May 01 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #debian #gnu #linux | May 01 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 12:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New secure OS will put Tails between NSA's legs • The Register | May 01 12:21 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Anonymous OS reportedly used by Snowden reaches version 1.0 - CNET | May 01 12:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @trevortimm In less than 10 minutes, you can make these | May 01 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by four simple changes to your web browser and | May 01 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack stop most online tracking. | May 01 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 12:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 4 Simple Changes to Stop Online Tracking | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 01 12:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The term "conspiracy theist" is grossly | May 01 12:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | overused, but Mikko Hypponen deserves it | May 01 12:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | no, Ed is | May 01 12:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Alien-Reptilian | May 01 12:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden: Is NSA Leaker a Chinese Spy? | May 01 12:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz When a giant octopus grasping the whole globe | May 01 12:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | is your logo and you serve the 1%, don't expect | May 01 12:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | public trust | May 01 12:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New NSA chief Michael Rogers: Agency has lost Americans’ trust - Shaun Waterman - | May 01 12:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz UK spies: let us spy on Brits (illegal) | May 01 12:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gchq #stasi | May 01 12:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Britain begged to be let into NSA spying scheme | May 01 12:27 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 12:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Messgorough: @schestowitz Also both are war criminals who would have been arrested and tried if they had been in any other country. | May 01 12:27 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 12:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Messgorough: @schestowitz But the US is an extremist country! | May 01 12:30 | |
schestowitz__ | But it's not aware of it | May 01 12:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Strangest Interview Yet With the Outgoing | May 01 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Head of the NSA | May 01 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance and #droNSA (assassination) not a | May 01 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | joke | May 01 12:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Strangest Interview Yet With the Outgoing Head of the NSA - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic | May 01 12:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Not a joke: this is an #nsa logo, chosen by the | May 01 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | NSA itself | May 01 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Worth noting in the #nsa logo: the teeth | May 01 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | (renowned for their sharpness) hinged on North | May 01 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | America. No glitch: | May 01 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:31 |
schestowitz__ | wow, uberspin | May 01 12:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How the NSA Undermines Cybersecurity to Protect You - [ ] | May 01 12:32 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 12:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Messgorough: @schestowitz Well I suppose the worst villains are those who think they are the heroes. Gets a bit Anakin Skywalker though.... | May 01 12:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz State-sponsored (by taxpayers, against | May 01 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | taxpayers) crime: #nsa is recruiting crackers | May 01 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | business as usual. | May 01 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #OnePercent | May 01 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What's The NSA Doing Now? Training More Cyberwarriors | WBUR & NPR | May 01 12:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cia #drone #assassination of thousands a | May 01 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | threat to #peace wow. | May 01 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Even I knew that. | May 01 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa #espionage is not always good for business | May 01 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | spying among allies | May 01 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | counter-productive | May 01 12:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-name lookup timed out ( status 0 @ ) | May 01 12:37 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA spying means Brazil's $4.5B fighter jets won't be built by Boeing - Boing Boing | May 01 12:37 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 12:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@dawnbazely: Good Heavens! #Jawdropping RT @schestowitz: Not a joke: this is an #nsa logo, chosen by the NSA itself | May 01 12:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Bradley Manning's leaks shed light on US | May 01 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | political #corruption as vehicle for #boeing | May 01 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | contracts. #snowden leaks show long-term | May 01 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | effects. | May 01 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Subsidies to #surveillance companies like | May 01 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #facebook teach 2 things: 1) Silicon Valley | May 01 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | propped up by debt; 2) #espionage key to US | May 01 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | dominance | May 01 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz If the #NSA had an art exhibit | May 01 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | several examples | May 01 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | cleverly get across the message | May 01 12:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | If the NSA had an art exhibit | May 01 12:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #prism and mass #surveillance "seem to be | May 01 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | growing almost as fast as the NSA mission | May 01 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | statement and enemies list." | May 01 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 12:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:42 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 12:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JasmineMcNealy: Seriously? MT@dawnbazely: Good Heavens! #Jawdropping RT @schestowitz: Not a joke: this is an NSA logo | May 01 12:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Edward Snowden: NSA Spies More on Americans | May 01 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Than Russians | May 01 12:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden: NSA Spies More on Americans Than Russians - | May 01 12:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #plutocrats more afraid of those whom they | May 01 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | exploit | May 01 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa says it protects American people | May 01 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ("America" meaning US). But it does not say | May 01 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | WHICH people. It's becoming clear now to | May 01 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | American people. | May 01 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Spy court hears first anti-NSA argument | May 01 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | "collection of people’s | May 01 12:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | phone records is illegal." | May 01 12:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Spy court hears first anti-NSA argument | TheHill | May 01 12:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 12:47 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 12:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bill Maher: I Am More Concerned About Donald Sterling Taping than the NSA [ ] | May 01 12:49 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 12:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jaypsyd: @dawnbazely @schestowitz "Nothing is beyond our reach" -- I remember reading the imagery references some historical thing. | May 01 12:59 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 12:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@dawnbazely: @jaypsyd @schestowitz It's like something out of a James Bond movie - the bad guy SMERSH or SPECTRE logo | May 01 12:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #UK slips down global press freedom list due to | May 01 13:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Snowden leaks response | May 01 13:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UK slips down global press freedom list due to Snowden leaks response | Media | The Guardian | May 01 13:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #karma of #gchq | May 01 13:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Target Aims to Lock Doors to Future Security | May 01 13:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Breaches | May 01 13:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Target Aims to Lock Doors to Future Security Breaches | May 01 13:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Theo de Raadt at ruBSD 2013), explaining what | May 01 13:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | OpenBSD does, how and why | May 01 13:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | (13 minutes) | May 01 13:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Theo de Raadt (ruBSD 2013) - YouTube | May 01 13:00 | |
schestowitz__ | The logo was chosen, I suspect, some time before the NSA drew public criticism | May 01 13:00 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 13:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ The Strangest Interview Yet With the Outgoing Head of the NSA #surveillance and #droNSA (assassination) not a joke | May 01 13:01 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | The Strangest Interview Yet With the Outgoing Head of the NSA - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic [ ] | May 01 13:01 | |
schestowitz__ | "In german wie say "Kafkaesk" #kafka franz" | May 01 13:01 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 13:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jaypsyd: @dawnbazely @schestowitz Suddenly I have a martini on my mind. And yes. It is so creepy. | May 01 13:03 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jaypsyd: @schestowitz @dawnbazely You mean while they were still secretive and Snowden hadn't exposed them? *sigh* So creepy. | May 01 13:03 | |
schestowitz__ | The notion of mass surveillance enjoyed public/passive support when domestic aspects were unknown | May 01 13:04 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 13:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@dawnbazely: @schestowitz @jaypsyd Regardless, it’s quite evocative of a whole genre of pop culture. cf portrayal #NSA contractors on #TheGoodWife | May 01 13:05 | |
schestowitz__ | Historically spied would spy on/torture/main/kill opposition, but usually abroad (e.g. UK in Kenya) | May 01 13:05 |
schestowitz__ | Historically spies would spy on/torture/maim/kill opposition, but usually abroad (e.g. UK in Kenya) | May 01 13:05 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 13:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@dawnbazely: @schestowitz @jaypsyd But still very creepy! | May 01 13:06 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 01 13:07 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 13:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@dawnbazely: Connected to #StrombergShipping? #JamesBond MT @schestowitz: No joke: a logo chosen by #NSA | May 01 13:09 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Villains :: MI6 :: The Home Of James Bond 007 | May 01 13:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 #Australia #StopAbbott 'Charging people for | May 01 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | falling ill would be the end of Medicare' | May 01 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Afghanistan has just been hit by another #drone | May 01 13:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GetUp! - Protect Medicare from Abbott's "Sick Tax" | May 01 13:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #assassination strike from #peace #nobel | May 01 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | prize-winning #democrat president #obama | May 01 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "People and Power investigates how Israeli | May 01 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | drone technology came to be used by the US." | May 01 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #drones | May 01 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Israel's drone dealers - People & Power - Al Jazeera English | May 01 13:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot US Should Use Trampolines To Get Astronauts To | May 01 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | the ISS Suggests Russian Official | May 01 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Should Use Trampolines To Get Astronauts To the ISS Suggests Russian Official - Slashdot | May 01 13:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Rise of the #Drone Master: Pop Culture | May 01 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Recasts #Obama "the | May 01 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | optimistic candidate of hope and change." | May 01 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 01 13:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Albany drone protester Amidon acquitted | May 01 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | remember: you can murder | May 01 13:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Albany drone protester Amidon acquitted - Times Union | May 01 13:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | people with #drones but don't protest | May 01 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz This American Refused to Become an FBI | May 01 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Informant. Then the Government Made His | May 01 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Family's Life Hell home | May 01 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | of the brave | May 01 13:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This American Refused to Become an FBI Informant. Then the Government Made His Family's Life Hell. | Mother Jones | May 01 13:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:14 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 13:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@dawnbazely: .@jaypsyd @schestowitz #Stromberg's (#TheSpyWhoLovedMe) fish logo was fairly innocuous. @TheGoodWife_CBS worth watching for #NSA sub-plot | May 01 13:15 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jaypsyd: @schestowitz @dawnbazely Yup. Such human nature: to only be concerned when directly effected. | May 01 13:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Imagine the reaction if foreign nations carried | May 01 13:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | out #drone strikes on US soil (hypothetical): | May 01 13:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 13:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Iraqi Judge “brushes off” Bush lawsuit against Iraqis for George’s death | The Alley Newspaper | May 01 13:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Major issue I have with "Captain America" film: | May 01 13:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #drone -like #assassination tactics attributed | May 01 13:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | to German and British. French as "pirates". | May 01 13:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz New British film to advocate #drone | May 01 13:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #assassination (see script/plot) | May 01 13:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 13:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gavin Hood Set For The Drone Warfare Thriller ‘Eye In The Sky’ With Colin Firth | Flicks and Bits | May 01 13:25 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gavin Hood to Direct Colin Firth in 'Eye in the Sky' UK Action Thriller | | May 01 13:25 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 13:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sharif and the Pakistan Taliban: Peace Talks Loss is Washington’s Gain - Geopolitical Monitor [ ] | May 01 13:28 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 13:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Our View: Is ‘avoiding errors’ enough? - Editorials - The News Herald [ ] | May 01 13:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Killing people is OK, but old white lady | May 01 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | protesting against it is villainous because | May 01 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | “She just declined to go” | May 01 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Volk Field protester guilty of trespassing : Juneau County Star-Times | May 01 13:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Positive reviews for theatre protest against | May 01 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #drone #assassination strategy (or policy) | May 01 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mad Men: The Lunatic Fringe That Leads the West | May 01 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | no better than #kgb | May 01 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | colonel #putin | May 01 13:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Grounded, Gate Theatre, review: 'mesmerising' - Telegraph | May 01 13:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mad Men: The Lunatic Fringe That Leads the West | May 01 13:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Waterboarding, Sarah Palin and the West's Image | May 01 13:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Abroad as the 'Great Satan' | May 01 13:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #palin elevated to VP | May 01 13:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Waterboarding, Sarah Palin and the West's Image Abroad as the 'Great Satan' | Anne Speckhard | May 01 13:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | candidate role | May 01 13:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz NBC (corporate media) decrying the loss of | May 01 13:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | innocent young.... bullets and bombs | May 01 13:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #war and #business | May 01 13:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Report: Pentagon to destroy $1B in ammunition | Charlotte | May 01 13:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | (inseparable) | May 01 13:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz NBC: "The result: potential waste of unknown | May 01 13:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | value." They're right. We should make use of | May 01 13:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | all bullets of bombs. Find "targets". [sarcasm] | May 01 13:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:37 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 13:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Killing people is OK, but old white lady protesting against it is villainous because “She just declined to go” | May 01 13:38 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Volk Field protester guilty of trespassing : Juneau County Star-Times | May 01 13:38 | |
schestowitz__ | I start working at 5 | May 01 13:38 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 13:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama’s foreign policy of “Follow the Follower” isn’t working! | [ ] | May 01 13:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The article from NBC echoes an important line | May 01 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | from Captain America: "what a waste" (losing | May 01 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | machines that assassinate millions of people). | May 01 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Relating Captain America to mass #surveillance | May 01 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | and #assassination by #drones | May 01 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | good analysis | May 01 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Captain America: The Winter Soldier a Post-Snowden Superhero Movie? Not Quite | May 01 13:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Death Penalty Is as Flawed and Heartless as | May 01 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | War it leads to the | May 01 13:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | notion of "humane killings" | May 01 13:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Death Penalty Is as Flawed and Heartless as War by Lucy Steigerwald -- | May 01 13:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:48 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 13:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@blackanwhitedog: @schestowitz (relieved) | May 01 13:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #senate backs #obama policy of mass | May 01 13:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #assassination w/o oversight | May 01 13:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 13:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 13:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US refuses to disclose civilian killings from its drone attacks in AF/PAK Region | Asian Tribune | May 01 13:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why US Intelligence Officials Pressured Senate To Block Public Release Of Drone Strikes | May 01 13:57 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Senate to Obama: Drone, Baby, Drone | May 01 13:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot WSJ Reports AT&T May Be Eying a $40B | May 01 13:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | DirecTV Acquisition | May 01 13:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WSJ Reports AT&T May Be Eying a $40B DirecTV Acquisition - Slashdot | May 01 13:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Secrets and lies of Obama's #drone war | May 01 13:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | " How many people have | May 01 13:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Secrets and lies of Obama's drone war - | May 01 13:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | died, and why won't he say?" better Qs: who and | May 01 13:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | why? | May 01 13:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 13:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt GCHQ Neglected To Tell Its Overseers That The | May 01 14:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | NSA Granted Widespread Access To PRISM | May 01 14:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Databases | May 01 14:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GCHQ Neglected To Tell Its Overseers That The NSA Granted Widespread Access To PRISM Databases | Techdirt | May 01 14:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BestOfAds 15 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense Of The | May 01 14:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by World! | May 01 14:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 01 14:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | McDonald’s Across the World | 15 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World - 11079 | May 01 14:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @WIRED How thoroughbred race horses convert air into | May 01 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by blazing speed | May 01 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 01 14:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Thoroughbreds Convert Air Into Blazing Speed | Science | WIRED | May 01 14:04 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@WIRED: How thoroughbred race horses convert air into blazing speed | May 01 14:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @therigthgeek May 3 is Free Comic Book Day. That's right. | May 01 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Free. @bonniegrrl explains how to get yours | May 01 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 01 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #geek | May 01 14:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Free Comic Book Day: Like comic books? Like free things? - CNET | May 01 14:11 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@CNET: May 3 is Free Comic Book Day. That's right. Free. @bonniegrrl explains how to get yours | May 01 14:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AngelaRichter_ Out now: My Interview with Julian #Assange in | May 01 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @INTERVIEW_de. Photographs by Elfie Semotan! | May 01 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks @wikileaks | May 01 14:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@AngelaRichter_: Out now: My Interview with Julian #Assange in @INTERVIEW_de. Photographs by Elfie Semotan! @wikileaks | May 01 14:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Is a Canadian Telco Allowing the Govt To Mirror | May 01 14:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Its Subscriber Communications?: disclosures | May 01 14:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | suggest yes | May 01 14:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Miami Jury: CIA Involved in JFK Assassination | May 01 14:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | 2 thirds of US public | May 01 14:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Is a Canadian Telco Allowing the Government To Mirror Its Subscriber Communications? | May 01 14:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | believes so | May 01 14:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Miami Jury: CIA Involved in JFK Assassination | Global Research | May 01 14:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #CIA keeps a tight grip on its own secrets | May 01 14:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Upper Hand in Deciding | May 01 14:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Public Disclosures | May 01 14:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA keeps a tight grip on its own secrets - Newspaper - DAWN.COM | May 01 14:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA has Upper Hand in Deciding Public Disclosures - The Epoch Times | May 01 14:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Obama administration may soon send | May 01 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | shoulder-fired missiles to the rebels" | May 01 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | [terrorists] | May 01 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA's resolve to track weapons complicates push to arm Syria rebels - Middle East - Stripes | May 01 14:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "The CIA denied having any role in arming | May 01 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Libyan rebels before the deadly 2012 Benghazi | May 01 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | attacks, despite reporting" | May 01 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA Denies Blaze Benghazi Report: ‘So Many Problems’ | | May 01 14:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cia is not terrorism, it arms terrorists | May 01 14:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 14:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 14:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How US Arms Dealers Sell Weapons - Business Insider | May 01 14:25 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Charles Krauthammer Says Americans Now Have the ‘Smoking Document’ in Benghazi Scandal | Video | | May 01 14:25 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Inside the Secret World of a U.S. Arms Dealer | | May 01 14:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Timeline: The shocking events that led to the Benghazi attacks | | May 01 14:25 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 14:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EPA official responsible for $184k in fake CIA spy scandal | [ ] | May 01 14:25 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Report: EPA official approved CIA impersonator John Beale expenses and pay [ ] | May 01 14:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Terrorists as a vehicle for political | May 01 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | shaping/transformation not a novel concept. | May 01 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Time for public to drop "us versus terrorists" | May 01 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | dichotomy. | May 01 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Time to End Military/CIA #Torture Once and For | May 01 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | All by President of | May 01 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Psychologists for Social Responsibility | May 01 14:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Time to End Military/CIA Torture Once and For All » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names | May 01 14:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cia offered money (bribe/subsidy) through VC | May 01 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | proxy and "high-profile customers" to company | May 01 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | analysing data #prism | May 01 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why a Triangle tech CEO just said 'No' to CIA investment :: Editor's Blog at WRAL TechWire | May 01 14:30 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 14:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat | CIA software developer goes open source instead [ ] | May 01 14:30 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 14:31 |
schestowitz__ | "MongoDB is funded by leading investment firms and technology companies, including Altimeter Capital, Fidelity Investments, Flybridge Capital Partners, In-Q-Tel, Intel Capital, NEA, Red Hat,, Sequoia Capital, Union Square Ventures and T. Rowe Price." | May 01 14:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Investors | MongoDB | May 01 14:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks HRFA: Prestige Of #Sweden’s Foreign Office | May 01 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | withholds Human Rights of Julian #Assange | May 01 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 14:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Prestige Of Sweden’s Foreign Office withholds Human Rights of Julian Assange | The PROFESSORS' BLOG – Science, Culture & Human Rights For All | May 01 14:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Google Halts Gmail Scanning for Education Apps | May 01 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Users | May 01 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Halts Gmail Scanning for Education Apps Users - Slashdot | May 01 14:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Falkvinge It's worth noting that the name of the "Stasi" | May 01 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by - the "Ministerium für Staatssicherheit" - | May 01 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks translates to "National Security Agency". | May 01 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #CIA Thinks Syrian Rebels Might Turn The Guns | May 01 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | We Give Them Back On Us | May 01 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | like in #afghanistan | May 01 14:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA Thinks Syrian Rebels Might Turn The Guns We Give Them Back On Us « Blog | May 01 14:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @carwinb WikiLeaks Sarah Harrison has been nominated for | May 01 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the the Gustav-Heinemann Prize for 'civic and | May 01 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks moral courage' VOTE! | May 01 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 14:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jetzt abstimmen! | Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) | May 01 14:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "CIA. using “philanthropic foundations as most | May 01 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | effective conduit to channel large sums of | May 01 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | money to Agency projects" | May 01 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What CIA seeks to achieve through Ford Foundation | Niti Central | May 01 14:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In #ukraine we saw how tax-exempt (corrupt) | May 01 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | plutocrats' foundation used to drive #cia | May 01 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | agenda, not just #usaid | May 01 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz HENTOFF: #Military judge orders #CIA to list | May 01 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | black sites and other #torture data | May 01 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #senate shows it won't | May 01 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | happen | May 01 14:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HENTOFF: Military judge orders CIA to list black sites and other torture data - The Argus-Press: Guest Commentaries | May 01 14:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #obama not fully in charge of #whitehouse | May 01 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | policy | May 01 14:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Smoking gun: Shock #Benghazi email reveals that Obama White House agreed with CIA talking points. | May 01 14:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Germany blocks #Snowden - why we advised | May 01 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Snowden to take Russia. Not safe elsewhere: | May 01 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | donate: | May 01 14:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Germany blocks Edward Snowden from testifying in person in NSA inquiry | World news | | May 01 14:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Free Snowden | May 01 14:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #censorship in the #uk over "blasphemous play" | May 01 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 14:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Reflecting on Northern Ireland's self-appointed theatre censors - Index on Censorship | Index on Censorship | May 01 14:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow The Launch of the MAYDAY Citizens' SuperPAC - | May 01 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | lessig: There are a couple times in my life | May 01 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | when I have felt... | May 01 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: The Launch of the MAYDAY Citizens' SuperPAC | May 01 14:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #scotus OKs treating USians like foreigners | May 01 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 14:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Supreme Court Rejects Challenge To NDAA’s ‘Indefinite Detention’ Clause | May 01 14:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Stepping stone towards martial law without | May 01 14:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | pretext #scotus again | May 01 14:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Supreme Court Declines to Hear NDAA Indefinite Detention Appeal | Long Island News from the Long Island Press | May 01 14:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | serves #plutocracy | May 01 14:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Supreme Court Refuses to Uphold the Constitution: Allows Indefinite Detention | Global Research | May 01 14:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Supreme Court Lets Indefinite Detention of Americans Pass « Blog | May 01 14:50 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Supreme Court green lights detention of Americans | May 01 14:50 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 01 14:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow "I’m going to make a store called “Build-a-Bra” | May 01 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | where girls can go and make bras that are for | May 01 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | them if..." | May 01 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: I’m going to make a store called “Build-a-Bra”... | May 01 14:58 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @wikileaks: 'Germany blocks #Snowden - why we advised #Snowden...' | May 01 14:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot British Spy Chiefs Secretly Begged To Play In | May 01 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by NSA's Data Pools | May 01 14:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 01 14:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | British Spy Chiefs Secretly Begged To Play In NSA's Data Pools - Slashdot | May 01 14:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 14:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Emmabuntüs is a finalist of the cyber-activism | May 01 15:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | competition | May 01 15:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 15:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Emmabuntüs is a finalist of the cyber-activism competition | Tux Machines | May 01 15:01 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Firefox 29 now available in Fedora | May 01 15:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 01 15:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 15:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Firefox 29 now available in Fedora | Tux Machines | May 01 15:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @johnknefel Opium production in Afghanistan is at an all | May 01 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by time high. @attackerman covers the new report | May 01 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 from war IG. | May 01 15:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Afghan opium production explodes despite billions spent, says US report | World news | | May 01 15:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AndreiSoldatov A few things to know about the Russia's | May 01 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by surveillance state: the collection of our | May 01 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 investigations on | May 01 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 15:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | - Russia's surveillance state | May 01 15:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ru3 @doctorow I want to start a business called | May 01 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Bilderberg Workshop where you construct your | May 01 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow own conspiracy theories. | May 01 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @pritheworld Does Russia spy on the communications of | May 01 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by millions of individuals? | May 01 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 with @AndreiSoldatov | May 01 15:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Does Russia spy on the communications of millions of individuals? | Public Radio International | May 01 15:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AndreiSoldatov Gmail, Facebook, welcome to the world of SORM: | May 01 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by apart from pressure on bloggers, a new law | May 01 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 requires platforms to store data on Russian | May 01 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | soil. | May 01 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AndreiSoldatov Putin’s Fear of the Internet. By Masha Lipman | May 01 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by via @NewYorker | May 01 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 01 15:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Putin's Fear of the Internet : The New Yorker | May 01 15:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @attackerman Air Force whistleblowers probably saved their | May 01 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by fellow F-22 pilots' lives. But the AF seems to | May 01 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack treat them like pariahs. | May 01 15:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Untitled | May 01 15:04 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @carwinb: 'WikiLeaks Sarah Harrison has been nominated for the...' | May 01 15:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Doc says Cdn provider gives gov access to | May 01 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | mirror of subscriber communication. Who? Why no | May 01 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | investigation? | May 01 15:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Is a Canadian Telco Allowing the Government To Mirror Its Subscriber Communications? | May 01 15:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jianghomeshi Among must-see docs at @hotdocs this year is | May 01 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @internetsownboy: the story of Aaron Swartz. | May 01 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @knappB & @doctorow join me in Studio Q, first | May 01 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | up. | May 01 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:15 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @Falkvinge: 'It's worth noting that the name of the...' | May 01 15:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @suigenerisjen Germany blocks Snowden from testifying in | May 01 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by person in NSA inquiry: would put 'grave strain' | May 01 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack on US-German relations | May 01 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Germany blocks Edward Snowden from testifying in person in NSA inquiry | World news | | May 01 15:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Drone Camera Tornado Coverage Raises Press | May 01 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Freedom Questions | May 01 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Drone Camera Tornado Coverage Raises Press Freedom Questions - Slashdot | May 01 15:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JamesSpione Thank you @hotdocs 4 amazing int'l premiere | May 01 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @SilencedFilm last night! 2 more scrngs May 1 & | May 01 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 3 | May 01 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hot Docs Film Festival - Silenced | May 01 15:31 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JamesSpione: Thank you @hotdocs 4 amazing int'l premiere @SilencedFilm last night! 2 more scrngs May 1 & 3 | May 01 15:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Merkel channeling DiFI: "I only care abt | May 01 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance when it happens to me." On eve of | May 01 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ObamaVisit, blocks #Snowden | May 01 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:31 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 15:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ PC Advisor gives high marks to #gnu #linux | May 01 15:36 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS review: turning point for the popular Linux operating system - PC Advisor [ ] | May 01 15:36 | |
schestowitz__ | ""for marooned Windows XP users with still working hardware, the latest Ubuntu 14.04 LTS edition will offer a taste of real 21st century desktop computing, with a free, open and nearly cost-free alternative that has security and support in spades"" | May 01 15:36 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 15:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Edward Snowden: NSA Spies More on Americans Than Russians #plutocrats more afraid of those whom they exploit | May 01 15:37 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Edward Snowden: NSA Spies Most on Americans - [ ] | May 01 15:37 | |
schestowitz__ | "oh, who had thought of THAT!! :-D that´s why they spy on Germans more than on anyone else...we are friends ;-)" | May 01 15:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @globeandmail: Reports of massive public | May 01 15:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance badly timed for Conservatives’ | May 01 15:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | cyberbills | May 01 15:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Reports of massive public surveillance badly timed for Conservatives’ cyberbills - The Globe and Mail | May 01 15:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Toronto Again, we apologize about our Mayor. We have a | May 01 15:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by great city. Please come and visit, you will | May 01 15:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist see. It's getting warmer. Thanks! | May 01 15:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TheTimeCowboy treat your body like a temple. fill it up with | May 01 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by monsters, keys, secrets and treasure. | May 01 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 01 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthew_d_green Soon our sandboxes will have sandboxes. | May 01 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 01 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 01 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard An extraordinarily useful healthcare app that | May 01 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | works all over the world: | May 01 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nhshd via @ntoll | May 01 15:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Do I Treat This Immigrant? | May 01 15:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist .@globeandmail masthead editorial: Change the | May 01 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | law. Make it harder government to snoop. | May 01 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 15:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Change the law. Make it harder for government to snoop - The Globe and Mail | May 01 15:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @saftergood Selective prosecution under the Espionage Act, | May 01 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and the Stephen Kim case | May 01 15:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 01 15:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Selective Prosecution and the Espionage Act - Secrecy News | May 01 15:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:48 |
*puppywatch ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 01 15:49 | |
*puppywatch has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | May 01 15:49 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 15:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@dawnbazely: @schestowitz @jaypsyd Regardless, it’s quite evocative of a whole genre of pop culture. cf portrayal #NSA contractors on #TheGoodWife | May 01 15:49 | |
*libertyboxes ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 01 15:49 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 15:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jaypsyd: @schestowitz @dawnbazely Yup. Such human nature: to only be concerned when directly effected. | May 01 15:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @froomkin New Obama human rights czar @malinowski is | May 01 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by “terrified” repressive gvts will cite NSA leaks | May 01 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 to justify oppression | May 01 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US and Europe caught in spiral of hypocrisy over Snowden - Technology Industry News | Market & Trends | The Irish Times - Thu, May 01, 2014 | May 01 15:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @NB_Chris How to use copyright to keep Marx & Engels off | May 01 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the net /att @doctorow | May 01 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 01 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 01 15:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing MAYDAY: Larry Lessig launches a Superpac to get | May 01 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by money out of US politics | May 01 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 01 15:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 01 15:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Did you see this cookbook where the pages are | May 01 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by large lasagne noodles, impressed with a recipe | May 01 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow for lasagne? | May 01 15:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edible cookbook embossed upon lasagne noodles - Boing Boing | May 01 15:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Facebook's ad tentacles now infiltrate almost | May 01 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | any app #surveillance | May 01 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #prism #nsa #espionage #facebook | May 01 15:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Facebook's ad tentacles now infiltrate almost any app (Wired UK) | May 01 15:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Mayor Rob Ford recording: drunken, sexist, | May 01 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by racist, homophobic, abusive rant | May 01 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 01 15:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 01 15:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Maybe the obesity epidemic isn't caused by | May 01 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by sedentary lifestyles, but overconsumption | May 01 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow driven by foods that trick us. | May 01 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 15:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obesity driven by overconsumption of protein-mimicking carbs and fats - Boing Boing | May 01 15:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Spooky ruin and erotic car-wash | May 01 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 01 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 01 15:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 01 15:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz My Experiment Opting Out of Big Data Made Me | May 01 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Look Like a Criminal | May 01 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | fair point. And it's the intention of this | May 01 15:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Internet Privacy and What Happens When You Try to Opt-Out - TIME | May 01 15:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | system. | May 01 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In #nokia the Trojan horse #elop goal was to | May 01 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | cheapen Nokia, not help the company | May 01 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsoft #crime | May 01 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stephen Elop lands at Microsoft with $33m golden parachute- The Inquirer | May 01 15:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Accused of Movie Piracy, Senior Citizen Kicked | May 01 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Out of Theater | May 01 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | "entirely legal in UK | May 01 15:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | cinemas" | May 01 15:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Accused of Movie Piracy, Senior Citizen Kicked Out of Theater | TorrentFreak | May 01 15:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 15:57 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: '#Merkel channeling DiFI: "I only care abt #surveillance...' | May 01 16:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot High-School Star League Brings Gaming As Sport | May 01 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | to Teenagers | May 01 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | High-School Star League Brings Gaming As Sport to Teenagers - Slashdot | May 01 16:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GNOME Shell & Mutter 3.13.1 Released | May 01 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnome #gnome3 #gnu | May 01 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] GNOME Shell & Mutter 3.13.1 Released | May 01 16:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Bodhi Linux 3.0.0 Beta Is a Minimalistic OS | May 01 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | with an Interesting e19 Desktop | May 01 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | #bodhilinux #gnu #linux | May 01 16:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bodhi Linux 3.0.0 Beta Is a Minimalistic OS with an Interesting e19 Desktop | May 01 16:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz UBUNTU 12.10 END OF LIFE: MAY 16 2014 | May 01 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #canonical #gnu | May 01 16:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu 12.10 End Of Life: May 16 2014 ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog | May 01 16:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 01 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Scrot: A Command Line Tool to Take | May 01 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Desktop/Server Screenshots Automatically in | May 01 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Linux: tecmint: Scrot (SCReens... | May 01 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 16:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Scrot: A Command Line Tool to Take Desktop/Server Screenshots Automatically in Linux | May 01 16:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @democracynow Brown Student Lena Sclove Speaks Out After | May 01 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by School Lets Her Accused Rapist Return to Campus | May 01 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 01 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Brown Student Lena Sclove Speaks Out After School Lets Her Accused Rapist Return to Campus | Democracy Now! | May 01 16:04 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@democracynow: Brown Student Lena Sclove Speaks Out After School Lets Her Accused Rapist Return to Campus | May 01 16:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz OpenBSD 5.5 "Wrap in Time" Arrives with a Fix | May 01 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | for the Infamous Year 2038 Problem | May 01 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #bsd #unix #openbsd | May 01 16:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenBSD 5.5 "Wrap in Time" Arrives with a Fix for the Infamous Year 2038 Problem | May 01 16:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt DOJ Morality Police May Be Behind Chase Closing | May 01 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bank Accounts Of Adult Film Actors | May 01 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DOJ Morality Police May Be Behind Chase Closing Bank Accounts Of Adult Film Actors | Techdirt | May 01 16:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Firefox 29 now available in Fedora | May 01 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #firefox #redhat #fedora | May 01 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mozilla | May 01 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ThomasLoecke Lær mere om #patentdomstol sammen med | May 01 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @glynmoody og @bitbureauet | May 01 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #dkpol #eupol #dkbiz | May 01 16:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Firefox 29 now available in Fedora | Fedora Magazine | May 01 16:10 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fyraftensmøde 2. maj: Glyn Moody taler om softwarepatenter og patentdomstolen | Bitbureauet | May 01 16:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AdV007 @glynmoody Dutch #SNSBank uses real | May 01 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by customerdata as educational material (dutch) - | May 01 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody (v @internetprivacy ) | May 01 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | #fail | May 01 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SNS: steek die privacy maar in je reet - Groninger Studentenkrant | May 01 16:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller @glynmoody #TISA Public Information Session and | May 01 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Discussion | May 01 16:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TISA Public Information Session and Discussion - YouTube | May 01 16:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 01 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP: "In a deep liberalization scenario, | May 01 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | intra-EU trade could fall by around 30%" - | May 01 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | TTIP could destroy point | May 01 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | of EU | May 01 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Update XXIV - Open Enterprise | May 01 16:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Open source tears down inefficiency and | May 01 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | redundancy | May 01 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #freesw #sharing | May 01 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Collective innovation through open source | | May 01 16:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @medeabenjamin Join the Day of Action for CIA torture | May 01 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by whistleblower @JohnKiriakou on May 9 | May 01 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou via @Firedoglake | May 01 16:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 9th: Day of Action for CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou | May 01 16:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @froomkin !! Kerry slams countries “where those who hold | May 01 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by their government to standards go to jail rather | May 01 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou than win prizes” | May 01 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kerry: Government Critics 'Win Prizes' in U.S., 'Go to Jail' Elsewhere - US News | May 01 16:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @lisaocarroll Breaking:Judge found guilty in Chris Huhne case | May 01 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by - poss 1st time ever judge convicted of | May 01 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody perverting course of justice | May 01 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Judge Constance Briscoe found guilty of lying to police | UK news | | May 01 16:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Italy: new coalition joins growing opposition | May 01 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | to #TTIP across the EU - | May 01 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | benvenuti - the resistance spreads | May 01 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Italy: new coalition joins growing opposition to TTIP across the EU - TTIP | May 01 16:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @StuJT A Second Civil War - Matt Karp on Chris Hayes' | May 01 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "movement of dispossession" against the oil | May 01 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody companies | May 01 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Second Civil War | Jacobin | May 01 16:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Massive number of subscriber info requests & | May 01 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | disclosures the lead issue y’day in House of | May 01 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Commons. Debate | May 01 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Official Report * Table of Contents * Number 077 (Official Version) | May 01 16:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @froomkin I really cannot believe Kerry said this shit: | May 01 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by He is totally | May 01 16:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody delusional. | May 01 16:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Remarks to the Freedom Online Coalition Conference | May 01 16:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@froomkin: I really cannot believe Kerry said this shit: He is totally delusional. | May 01 16:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing MAYDAY: Larry Lessig launches a Superpac to get | May 01 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by money out of US politics | May 01 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 01 16:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 01 16:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @froomkin New Obama human rights czar @malinowski is | May 01 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by “terrified” repressive gvts will cite NSA leaks | May 01 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody to justify oppression | May 01 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US and Europe caught in spiral of hypocrisy over Snowden - Technology Industry News | Market & Trends | The Irish Times - Thu, May 01, 2014 | May 01 16:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist .@globeandmail masthead editorial: Change the | May 01 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by law. Make it harder government to snoop. | May 01 16:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 01 16:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Change the law. Make it harder for government to snoop - The Globe and Mail | May 01 16:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @EmmaMayAlex UK media response to Snowden was to ignore | May 01 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by story & start a debate on how terrible the | May 01 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Guardian is – a pathetic performance @jamesrbuk | May 01 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ijf14 | May 01 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @burcuno RT @TTIPBeware: Japan’s 5 sacred cows: a lesson | May 01 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for the EU’s TTIP approach: | May 01 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TPP | May 01 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Japan’s 5 sacred cows: a lesson for EU’s TTIP approach - TTIP | May 01 16:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @firstconversion What a weird coincidence | May 01 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 01 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody UK crimes drop by 15% | May 01 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | May 01 16:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Police dont record 20% of crimes | May 01 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 16:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Crime falls 15% in England and Wales | May 01 16:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | May 01 16:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Up by 5%? | May 01 16:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Police not recording a fifth of crimes, watchdog report suggests | May 01 16:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @phylogenomics Antibiotic-resistant superbug arose in northern | May 01 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Manhattan | Ars Technica | May 01 16:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Antibiotic-resistant superbug arose in northern Manhattan | Ars Technica | May 01 16:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 01 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot "Smart" Gun Seller Gets the Wrong Kind of | May 01 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Online Attention | May 01 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | "Smart" Gun Seller Gets the Wrong Kind of Online Attention - Slashdot | May 01 16:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @hjoseph Great to see @WHO supporting #openaccess by | May 01 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by joining European PubMedCentral! @EuropePMC_news | May 01 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 01 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BHAhumanists Don't forget to sign @BritishVets' petition for | May 01 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by compulsory stunning of animals for slaughter | May 01 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 01 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New epetition urges DEFRA to end slaughter without stunning for all animals » British Humanist Association | May 01 16:41 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | End non-stun slaughter to promote animal welfare - e-petitions | May 01 16:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @nick_clegg .@emilyryall massively important. Just check | May 01 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by this out. | May 01 16:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@nick_clegg: .@emilyryall massively important. Just check this out. | May 01 16:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 01 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:42 |
schestowitz__ | openwashing | May 01 16:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Facebook will open source Pop animation engine that powers Paper app | ITworld [ ] | May 01 16:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @WashingtonPoint Here is the heart of Istanbul on #MayDay — | May 01 16:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #SadPicture of #Taksim | May 01 16:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody RT @DOGANAKINT24: Taksim'de Recep ayı... | May 01 16:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 16:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@DOGANAKINT24: Taksim'de Recep ayı... | May 01 16:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @copyrightgirl UK digital music streaming startup forced to | May 01 16:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by shut down after investor pulls out citing | May 01 16:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody licensing issues v | May 01 16:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kkomaitis | May 01 16:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Streaming music startup shuts down after investor pulls out | Technology | | May 01 16:46 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 16:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Stepping stone towards martial law without pretext #scotus again serves #plutocracy | May 01 16:48 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Supreme Court green lights detention of Americans [ ] | May 01 16:48 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 01 16:48 | |
schestowitz__ | "Nonsense, terrorist are jealous of the US freedom. What do I say, the whole world would like to live in the Land of the Free." | May 01 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @fullcomment: Jesse Kline: Want to snoop? | May 01 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Get a warrant | May 01 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jesse Kline: Want to snoop? Get a warrant | National Post | May 01 16:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Glinner Haha. Just had a funny thought. What if, one | May 01 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by day, a character like Farage had access to | May 01 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody GCHQ's huge data-hoovering operation? Haha. | May 01 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Funny. | May 01 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz I have told Red Hat at least 3 times in the | May 01 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | past to stop sending me PR spam. Whenever they | May 01 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | continue this I ignore their news out of spite. | May 01 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AdrianBebb Heard that the EU-US deal #TTIP would boost the | May 01 16:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by economy? Seems they forgot the maths! looking | May 01 16:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody expensive, v @glynmoody | May 01 16:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Update XXIV - Open Enterprise | May 01 16:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PhilSoubliere #CETA text could be finalized by May 7 | The | May 01 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Council of Canadians | May 01 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 01 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CETA text could be finalized by May 7 | The Council of Canadians | May 01 16:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MarcLeeCCPA Cost over-runs in Alberta tar sands subsidized | May 01 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by by taxpayers: | May 01 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 01 16:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is investment in the oil sands slowing the industry down? | Alberta Venture | May 01 16:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Steam Has Greenlit 39 New #Linux #Games At The | May 01 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | End Of April awesome | May 01 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | stuff from #valve | May 01 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GamingOnLinux - Steam Has Greenlit 39 New Linux Games At The End Of April | May 01 16:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Investitionsschutz im Freihandelsabkommen #TTIP | May 01 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | - who's using #ISDS to | May 01 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | sue nations? here's the map (v @Liese_Mueller) | May 01 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wie Investoren EU-Staaten vor Gericht zerren - Wirtschaft - Sü | May 01 16:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Meet #TISA: Another Major Treaty Negotiated In | May 01 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Secret Alongside #TPP And #TTIP - | May 01 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | & just as bad; get ready | May 01 16:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Meet TISA: Another Major Treaty Negotiated In Secret Alongside TPP And TTIP | Techdirt | May 01 16:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | to fight it | May 01 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Selling fear #openssl | May 01 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hacker claim about bug in fixed OpenSSL likely a scam | ITworld | May 01 16:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TISA is happening *fast* - according to this | May 01 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | video, TISA people indicate it could be | May 01 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | finished quite quickly - | May 01 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TISA Public Information Session and Discussion - YouTube | May 01 16:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz FCC Chairman: I’d Rather Give In To Verizon’s | May 01 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Definition Of Net Neutrality Than Fight | May 01 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ... | May 01 16:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FCC Chairman: I’d Rather Give In To Verizon’s Definition Of Net Neutrality Than Fight – Consumerist | May 01 16:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FCC Chairman: I’d... | May 01 16:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @rj_gallagher UK drops down global press freedom list due to | May 01 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Snowden leaks response - now placed 36th, | May 01 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody alongside Malta & Slovakia: | May 01 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UK slips down global press freedom list due to Snowden leaks response | Media | The Guardian | May 01 16:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @snlester Copyright terms should be a lot shorter than | May 01 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by they are: | May 01 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 01 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 16:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 5 Best and Top Linux Distros To Replace Windows | May 01 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | XP #gnu #linux #winxp | May 01 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 5 Best and Top Linux Distros To Replace Windows XP - PCQuest | May 01 17:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @sectorca If you register for a full conference SecTor | May 01 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 2014 pass you can enjoy a $100 discount on | May 01 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist training! Prices go up soon! | May 01 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 17:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SecTor > Participate > Registration | May 01 17:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Xubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr : Video Review | May 01 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | and Screenshot Tour | May 01 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #xubuntu #xfce #gnu #linux | May 01 17:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Xubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr : Video Review and Screenshot Tour | Ubuntu Portal | May 01 17:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @StuJT Ottawa considering NAFTA challenge to Keystone | May 01 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by delays in DC. Think of it as just another | May 01 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody subsidy for the tarsands | May 01 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ottawa mulls Keystone XL challenge under NAFTA after U.S. dodges decision again | Financial Post | May 01 17:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Falkvinge It's worth noting that the name of the "Stasi" | May 01 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by - the "Ministerium für Staatssicherheit" - | May 01 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror translates to "National Security Agency". | May 01 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Containers bring a skinny new world of | May 01 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | virtualization to Linux | May 01 17:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Containers bring a skinny new world of virtualization to Linux | ITworld | May 01 17:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux #server #vm | May 01 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @remixtures International Day Against #DRM is Tuesday, May | May 01 17:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 6th. Say no to Digital Restrictions Management. | May 01 17:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 01 17:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | International Day Against DRM is Tuesday, May 6th | Defective by Design | May 01 17:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #snowden #gnu #linux use informs many about | May 01 17:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #tor #debian etc. | May 01 17:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden's OS of choice, the Linux-based Tails, is now out of beta | May 01 17:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 17:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TAILS: Snowden's favorite anonymous, secure OS goes 1.0 - Boing Boing | May 01 17:08 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How to be secure on the Internet, really secure - San Diego Technology | | May 01 17:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz If #redhat was ever to fully acquire #mongodb | May 01 17:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | it would immediately implicate it w/ questions | May 01 17:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | about loyalty to #cia and #nsa | May 01 17:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:08 |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditFirefox favourited 'Firefox 29 now available in Fedora' | May 01 17:11 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Firefox 29 now available in Fedora | Tux Machines | May 01 17:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Bodhi Linux 3.0.0 Beta Is a Minimalistic OS | May 01 17:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | with an Interesting e19 Desktop | May 01 17:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 01 17:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 17:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME Shell & Mutter 3.13.1 Released | May 01 17:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 01 17:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 17:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Xubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr : Video Review | May 01 17:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | and Screenshot Tour | May 01 17:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 17:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bodhi Linux 3.0.0 Beta Is a Minimalistic OS with an Interesting e19 Desktop | Tux Machines | May 01 17:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 5 Best and Top Linux Distros To Replace Windows | May 01 17:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | XP | May 01 17:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 17:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNOME Shell & Mutter 3.13.1 Released | Tux Machines | May 01 17:12 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Xubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr : Video Review and Screenshot Tour | Tux Machines | May 01 17:12 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 5 Best and Top Linux Distros To Replace Windows XP | Tux Machines | May 01 17:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Germany blocks #Snowden - why we advised | May 01 17:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Snowden to take Russia. Not safe elsewhere: | May 01 17:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror donate: | May 01 17:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 17:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Germany blocks Edward Snowden from testifying in person in NSA inquiry | World news | | May 01 17:13 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Free Snowden | May 01 17:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Closing in on "open source business | May 01 17:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | intelligence vendor" | May 01 17:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | very bad. #privacy #surveillance #prism | May 01 17:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tibco Acquires Jaspersoft for $185 Million - Enterprise Apps Today | May 01 17:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:13 |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 12 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 76 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 01 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (12) | May 01 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 01 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 01 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 279 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 1145 msgs sent (~ 3% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 01 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (138), @glynmoody (19), @slashdot (9) | May 01 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (34), @Thomas_Drake1 (23), @doctorow (8) | May 01 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (17), #gnu (16), #TTIP (13) | May 01 17:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @burcuno Watch live: #USTR's MikeFroman testifies on the | May 01 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 2014 Trade Agenda #TPP #TTIP at the Senate | May 01 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Finance Cmte: … | May 01 17:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The United States Committee on Finance: Hearings - President Obama's 2014 Trade Policy Agenda | May 01 17:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot SpaceX Wins Injunction Against Russian Rocket | May 01 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Purchases | May 01 17:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SpaceX Wins Injunction Against Russian Rocket Purchases - Slashdot | May 01 17:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Equinix Targets the Cloud for Future Data | May 01 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Center Growth | May 01 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Equinix Targets the Cloud for Future Data Center Growth - Datamation | May 01 17:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @PrivacyPrivee: Statement regarding telecom | May 01 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | cos’ responses to info requests from govt | May 01 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | authorities: | May 01 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Statement: Statement from the Interim Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding telecommunications companies’ responses to information requests from government authorities - April 30, 2014 | May 01 17:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt FISC Rubber Stamp Still Getting A Workout: Not | May 01 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | A Single Application Rejected in 2013 | May 01 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FISC Rubber Stamp Still Getting A Workout: Not A Single Application Rejected in 2013 | Techdirt | May 01 17:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @CRTCeng: The #CRTC releases the results of | May 01 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Let's Talk TV: Choicebook | May 01 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 17:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The CRTC releases the results of the Let's Talk TV: Choicebook - Canada News Centre | May 01 17:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Links 1/5/2014: Tails in the News, Firefox 29 | May 01 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Reviews | May 01 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #techrights | May 01 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ericlaw Microsoft releases fix for IE 0-day for | May 01 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "unsupported" WinXP in an attempt to confuse | May 01 17:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Links 1/5/2014: Tails in the News, Firefox 29 Reviews | Techrights | May 01 17:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody the hell out of everyone. | May 01 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 17:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Out-of-Band Release to Address Microsoft Security Advisory 2963983 - MSRC - Site Home - TechNet Blogs | May 01 17:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Aereo Can't Be Bound by Secret Interpretations | May 01 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | of Copyright Law | May 01 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | more #copyright | May 01 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #failure | May 01 17:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Aereo Can't Be Bound by Secret Interpretations of Copyright Law | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 01 17:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz End of life | May 01 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @declanm Larry Lessig launches Mayday Citizens SuperPAC: | May 01 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Aims to change campaign | May 01 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror finance law by targeted election spending. | May 01 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | - SuperPAC to end all SuperPacs. Mayday for the Republic. | May 01 17:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #merkel and #nsa | May 01 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #science teaching | May 01 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Shorter Hayden: We redrew lines outside | May 01 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Constitution so exec could break public law in | May 01 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | secret. We had the power. | May 01 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 17:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Former U.S. spymaster praises American intelligence oversight, but envies Canadian system’s ‘agility’ - The Globe and Mail | May 01 17:34 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @Thomas_Drake1: 'Shorter Hayden: We redrew lines outside Constitution so...' | May 01 17:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ralphholz The Shame. German government yields to US | May 01 17:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by lawyer's study threatening MPs with arrest | May 01 17:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror should they question Snowden: | May 01 17:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 17:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Translate | May 01 17:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @chulu Det er i morgen eftermiddag, @glynmoody taler | May 01 17:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by om #patentdomstol og softwarepatenter. Stadig | May 01 17:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody mulighed for tilmelding: | May 01 17:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 17:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fyraftensmøde 2. maj: Glyn Moody taler om softwarepatenter og patentdomstolen | Bitbureauet | May 01 17:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @deCespedes Die deutschen MdB's könnten sich demnach nicht | May 01 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by mehr sicher sein, ob sie bei der nächsten | May 01 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 US-Reise nicht vielleicht in Haft genommen | May 01 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | werden! | May 01 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @free_snowden German government hires US law firm to tell | May 01 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by legislators: speaking to #Snowden could leave | May 01 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 you open to prosecution | May 01 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden: Befragung durch NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss - SPIEGEL ONLINE | May 01 17:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @deCespedes Nicht zu fassen, es ist wie der Flugzeug von | May 01 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Morales! Deutsche Abgeordneten machen sich in | May 01 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 der USA strafbar für Verschwörung! #Snowden! | May 01 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @deCespedes Immunität der Bundestagsabgeordneten werde | May 01 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by möglicherweise in USA anerkannt. Die | May 01 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Vereinigten Staaten seien "aber nicht dazu | May 01 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | verpflichtet". | May 01 17:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:51 |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @free_snowden: 'German government hires US law firm to tell...' | May 01 17:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Snowden-Vernehmung: US-Schützenhilfe für die | May 01 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bundesregierung - | May 01 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | incredible attempt at intimidation | May 01 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "liberalization of trade in services will be an | May 01 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | important part of the #TPP" - | May 01 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | & and warm-up act for | May 01 17:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The TPP Trade Talks: Forget Secrecy, Let's Talk Substance | Simon Lester | May 01 17:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #TISA | May 01 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot OpenBSD 5.5 Released | May 01 17:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 17:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenBSD 5.5 Released - Slashdot | May 01 17:59 | |
*puppywatch ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:03 | |
*puppywatch has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | May 01 18:03 | |
*puppywatch ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:04 | |
*puppywatch has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | May 01 18:04 | |
*libertyboxes has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 01 18:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh LOL. What a retarded 'review'. “@EconEconomics: | May 01 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Piketty's blockbuster is brilliant, but a poor | May 01 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | guide to policy" | May 01 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 18:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Capitalism and its critics: A modern Marx | The Economist | May 01 18:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Cavalorn PSA: @tjathurman has far more politeness and | May 01 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by patience than I do. | May 01 18:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@johnb78: Well, @tjathurman, you can prove anything with FACTS ;-) | May 01 18:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | May 01 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 18:08 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 18:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Did The West Become “Them” Only When It Was Cheap Enough? great analysis | May 01 18:09 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Did The West Become “Them” Only When It Was Cheap Enough? | Privacy Online News [ ] | May 01 18:09 | |
schestowitz__ | ""The translation of the name of the Stasi, the Ministerium für Staatssicherheit, would be National Security Agency". If true this would be an excellent irony." | May 01 18:09 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 18:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ It's official: presidential candidates think #torture is #funny | May 01 18:16 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Sarah Palin stands firm on 'waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists' line - Washington Times [ ] | May 01 18:16 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Thousands of Christians organize against Sarah Palin after waterboarding joke mocks baptism [ ] | May 01 18:16 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Sarah Palin compared waterboarding to baptism, and Christians are furious - Vox [ ] | May 01 18:16 | |
schestowitz__ | "I guess people being hit by drones will find that funny as well. It's hard to feel sympathy for the US, really." | May 01 18:16 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 18:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #ukraine kissed by the devil, and it's not #putin #debt #prison | May 01 18:16 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | NO TITLE [ ] | May 01 18:16 | |
schestowitz__ | "That's good for them! Without aid Ukraine would not be able to pay previous debt, maybe to the very same that are aiding it now." | May 01 18:17 |
*puppywatch ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:18 | |
*puppywatch has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | May 01 18:18 | |
*libertyboxes ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:19 | |
*libertyboxes has quit (Client Quit) | May 01 18:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh This lie that extremists created--that low | May 01 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | (instead of nonexistent) taxes will destroy | May 01 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | society--is the fascism of this generation. | May 01 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Jesus fucking Christ. Seriously? You deserve | May 01 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | the future you're getting. | May 01 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Larry Lessig Launches Crowdfunded SuperPAC To | May 01 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Try To End SuperPACs | May 01 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 18:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Larry Lessig Launches Crowdfunded SuperPAC To Try To End SuperPACs | Techdirt | May 01 18:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh When a people would rather have their water, | May 01 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | food, health, jobs, and savings taken from them | May 01 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | than be...taxed, they're already done. | May 01 18:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 18:21 |
*libertyboxes ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:22 | |
*puppywatch ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:22 | |
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*puppywatch ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:33 | |
*puppywatch has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | May 01 18:33 | |
*roy__ ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:35 | |
*roy__ is now known as Guest86893 | May 01 18:35 | |
schestowitz__ | test | May 01 18:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Containers bring a skinny new world of | May 01 18:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | virtualization to Linux | May 01 18:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 18:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's leftovers | May 01 18:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 18:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | May 01 18:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Containers bring a skinny new world of virtualization to Linux | Tux Machines | May 01 18:36 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 18:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | today's leftovers | Tux Machines | May 01 18:36 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | May 01 18:36 | |
*Guest86893 has quit (Client Quit) | May 01 18:38 | |
*libery-backup ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:39 | |
*libery-backup has quit (Client Quit) | May 01 18:39 | |
*libery-backup ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @Justin_Ling: Government is now actually | May 01 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | pretending that #C13 will have no effect on | May 01 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | voluntary disclosure. Which is absurd. | May 01 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Really, Why Are Smartphones Still Tied To | May 01 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Contracts? | May 01 18:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 18:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Really, Why Are Smartphones Still Tied To Contracts? - Slashdot | May 01 18:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @grouch3265 @doctorow Stupidly having a go at writing a | May 01 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by short story a day for a year. Would love a | May 01 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow retweet or a read! | May 01 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 18:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ohbotheranotherblogger | Writing away with | May 01 18:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou John Kiriakou was loyal to his ideals, why | May 01 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | didn't his country stand beside him against | May 01 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | torture? #LoyaltyDay | May 01 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 18:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Presidential Proclamation -- Loyalty Day, 2014 | The White House | May 01 18:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TrumpetMOSH Check out @jianghomeshi's interview w/@doctorow | May 01 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by & Brian Knappenberger, maker of new doc on | May 01 19:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Aaron Swartz on @CBCRadioQ | May 01 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 19:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A new documentary about hacktivist Aaron Swartz | Q with Jian Ghomeshi | CBC Radio | May 01 19:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Microsoft Updates Windows XP Users for IE | May 01 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | Zero-Day | May 01 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 19:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Updates Windows XP Users for IE Zero-Day | May 01 19:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Windows XP is not entirely dead - yet. | May 01 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | Microsoft is patching it today for 0Day IE flaw | May 01 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @eWEEKNews | May 01 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Canadian music industry lawyer: [alleged] | May 01 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | copyright infringers have no reasonable | May 01 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | expectation of privacy | May 01 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 19:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CBA National Magazine - The Digital Privacy Act | May 01 19:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Review: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 | May 01 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 19:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Review: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Slashdot | May 01 19:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt German Government Blocks Ed Snowden From | May 01 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Testifying Before Parliament So As Not To Upset | May 01 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | The US | May 01 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 19:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | German Government Blocks Ed Snowden From Testifying Before Parliament So As Not To Upset The US | Techdirt | May 01 19:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Notch, the celebrated creator of Minecraft, has | May 01 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by a new, existential webgame: Drowning in | May 01 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Problems. #games | May 01 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 19:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Drowning in Problems: Notch's surprisingly moving text game - Boing Boing | May 01 19:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing This Day in Blogging History: High schooler's | May 01 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by felony science experiment; Muir's clockwork | May 01 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow desk; Pac Man LARP | May 01 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 19:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 01 19:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Covent Garden’s unconvincing C3PO on | May 01 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Flickr. | May 01 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 20:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Covent Garden’s unconvincing C3PO on Flickr. | May 01 20:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Lagoon, Kosushima Island, Japan (great | May 01 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | snorkeling, giant sea-slugs!) on Flickr. | May 01 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 20:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Lagoon, Kosushima Island, Japan (great snorkeling,... | May 01 20:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Can you really opt out of Big Data? | May 01 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 01 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 01 20:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 01 20:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot XP Systems Getting Emergency IE Zero Day Patch | May 01 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 20:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | XP Systems Getting Emergency IE Zero Day Patch - Slashdot | May 01 20:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow 1031 words on UTOPIA (working title), a novel | May 01 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | for adults #dailywords | May 01 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JRapping @JesselynRadack Thanks. Good to represent | May 01 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @Gideons_Promise & support @GideonsArmyFilm | May 01 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack among so many influential and progressive | May 01 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | people! | May 01 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody EU regulations USTR views as the biggest | May 01 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | "barriers to trade with EU" - | May 01 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | chemicals, environmental | May 01 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v @baskut08) #TTIP | May 01 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Watching someone perform a full audit of their | May 01 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | order at Habit Burger. I love seeing obsession | May 01 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | over such minutia. Comedy. | May 01 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 20:20 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 20:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: #Putin is just as big of a #douche as #Obama. #JustSayin | May 01 20:32 | |
schestowitz__ | "But a necessary douche since the US won't behave properly by itself, it's like having police or not." | May 01 20:32 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 20:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: ### "as an employee of an American company under PATRIOT act it would be foolish to expect any privacy. That's stuff I care about on non-corporate devices." <a href="">Jan Wildeboer, on the pluss, talking about cell phones</a>. Holy Shit! We know that the feds <a href=" | May 01 20:33 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Google+ [ ] | May 01 20:33 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | NO TITLE [ ] | May 01 20:33 | |
schestowitz__ | "Here in my banana republic I think you're not entitled as well to privacy in company offices and using company's devices, but even so everyone expects that and I have never saw a company to mess in someone's computer or information. Maybe some BOFH do, but that's not official. I think that US people is so afraid of being targeted that they already accepted to give away privacy and freedom in exchange of protection, | May 01 20:33 |
schestowitz__ | effective or not." | May 01 20:33 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 20:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ 5 Best and Top Linux Distros To Replace Windows XP #gnu #linux #winxp | May 01 20:34 | |
schestowitz__ | "#Manjaro is missing :(" | May 01 20:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | 5 Best and Top Linux Distros To Replace Windows XP - PCQuest [ ] | May 01 20:34 | |
schestowitz__ | "#Trisquel too" | May 01 20:34 |
schestowitz__ | '#Debian Wheezy too" | May 01 20:35 |
schestowitz__ | "@Andreas Knöll I know this argument often falls on deaf ears, but I wouldn't recommend Manjaro to anyone, especially not new users switching from XP. Newbies don't get any benefit from it, anybody with experience should use Arch or Antergos if they want that platform. If someone's looking for a rolling release that isn't going to update daily, I'd suggest SolydXK over Manjaro any day of the week." | May 01 20:35 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 20:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #snowden #gnu #linux use informs many about #tor #debian etc. | May 01 20:35 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Edward Snowden's OS of choice, the Linux-based Tails, is now out of beta [ ] | May 01 20:35 | |
schestowitz__ | #BoutTime | May 01 20:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | NO TITLE | May 01 20:35 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | How to be secure on the Internet, really secure - San Diego Technology | [ ] | May 01 20:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel "I shall name my top secret analytical database | May 01 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by including US person data after 3-headed monster | May 01 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack of death." | May 01 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | --Brilliant Government bureaucrat | May 01 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt The Supreme Court's Real Technology Problem: It | May 01 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Thinks Carrying 2 Phones Means You're A Drug | May 01 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Dealer | May 01 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 20:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Supreme Court's Real Technology Problem: It Thinks Carrying 2 Phones Means You're A Drug Dealer | Techdirt | May 01 20:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @zoobab Florian Mueller: "Since I'm going to file for | May 01 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | patents (also in Europe)" | May 01 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 20:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FOSS Patents: Supreme Court rulings on fee-shifting are helpful, but not a substitute for patent reform legislation | May 01 20:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Trailer for "Internet's Own Boy," the Aaron | May 01 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Swartz documentary | May 01 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 01 20:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 01 20:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing NYC's late Gentleman Peeler. His patter was as | May 01 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by smooth as the carrot slices he produced with | May 01 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow his sharp little gadgets. | May 01 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 20:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Smooth sales-patter from Union Square's Gentleman Peeler - Boing Boing | May 01 20:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing "I will take a backseat to no one when it comes | May 01 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to Network Neutrality," said Obama, before he | May 01 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow sold us out to telcoms. | May 01 20:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Barack Obama will take a backseat to no one when it comes to (promising) Network Neutrality - Boing Boing | May 01 20:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Canonical (Nearly) Halts Development of Ubuntu | May 01 20:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | For Android | May 01 20:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 20:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canonical (Nearly) Halts Development of Ubuntu For Android - Slashdot | May 01 20:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: disneylandguru: How awesome are these | May 01 20:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | Disneyland Adventureland trash can salt and | May 01 20:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | pepper shaker? ... | May 01 20:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 20:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: disneylandguru: How awesome are these ... | May 01 20:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @auerfeld Interesting that this newly released #snowden | May 01 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by doc lists discovery of Flame malware as a UK-US | May 01 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "jointly worked event" | May 01 20:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lobban NSA Visit Précis - The Intercept | May 01 20:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW US senators voice doubts on #Obama #TPP agenda: | May 01 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Take Action: | May 01 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #StopTPP | May 01 20:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 20:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US senators voice doubts on Obama trade agenda - The Washington Post | May 01 20:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 20:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Take Action | May 01 20:55 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: US senators voice doubts on #Obama #TPP agenda: Take Action: #StopTPP | May 01 20:55 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 01 21:09 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Screenshots | May 01 21:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 21:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Screenshots | Tux Machines | May 01 21:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Radeon DRM Graphics Benchmarks On Linux 3.15 | May 01 21:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 01 21:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 21:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Radeon DRM Graphics Benchmarks On Linux 3.15 | Tux Machines | May 01 21:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux-based K-9 doppelganger treads ELC | May 01 21:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 01 21:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 21:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux-based K-9 doppelganger treads ELC | Tux Machines | May 01 21:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Passion is simply the art of suffering for what | May 01 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | you love; instead of settling for what you | May 01 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | don't. | May 01 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @catmacOA A bit of grin and bear it, a bit of come and | May 01 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by share it… PLOS Opens on recent release of | May 01 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody pricing data in publishing | May 01 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 21:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Transparency: A bit of grin and bear it, a bit of come and share it… | PLOS OpensPLOS Opens | May 01 21:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody TTIP Update XXIV - | May 01 21:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | looking at important research that finds even | May 01 21:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | more holes in Commission's #TTIP justifications | May 01 21:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Update XXIV - Open Enterprise | May 01 21:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 21:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP: "In a deep liberalization scenario, | May 01 21:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | intra-EU trade could fall by around 30%" - | May 01 21:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | TTIP could destroy point | May 01 21:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | of EU | May 01 21:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 21:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Italy: new coalition joins growing opposition | May 01 21:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | to #TTIP across the EU - | May 01 21:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | benvenuti - the resistance spreads | May 01 21:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 21:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Italy: new coalition joins growing opposition to TTIP across the EU - TTIP | May 01 21:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140430 - | May 01 21:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 01 21:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140430 | May 01 21:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 01 21:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 21:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Zenimax Accuses John Carmack of Stealing VR | May 01 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tech | May 01 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 21:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Zenimax Accuses John Carmack of Stealing VR Tech - Slashdot | May 01 21:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt What Inefficient Airline Boarding Procedures | May 01 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Have To Do With Net Neutrality | May 01 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 21:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 21:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What Inefficient Airline Boarding Procedures Have To Do With Net Neutrality | Techdirt | May 01 21:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @firedoglake Pls donate to help @kgosztola and @JasonLeopold | May 01 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by file Freedom of Information Act requests | May 01 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou pertaining to @JohnKiriakou | May 01 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 21:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 21:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Help Firedoglake FOIA the Details of Imprisoned CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou's Case | May 01 21:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @NSANate My latest: Why We Can’t Trust the CIA to Redact | May 01 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the Senate Report on CIA Torture (Hint- abysmal | May 01 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou #FOIA track record) | May 01 21:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 21:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why We Can’t Trust the CIA to Redact the Senate Report on CIA Torture | UNREDACTED | May 01 21:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Alcatel-Lucent's Nuage Networks Gaining SDN | May 01 22:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Momentum | May 01 22:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 22:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Alcatel-Lucent's Nuage Networks Gaining SDN Momentum | May 01 22:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot An MIT Dean's Defense of the Humanities | May 01 22:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 22:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 22:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | An MIT Dean's Defense of the Humanities - Slashdot | May 01 22:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow I just backed BAMAN PIDERMAN: MAKE DA SHOW! on | May 01 22:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Kickstarter | May 01 22:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 22:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BAMAN PIDERMAN: MAKE DA SHOW! by Lindsay and Alex Small-Butera — Kickstarter | May 01 22:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BeckyCory Little Brother by @doctorow explores the power | May 01 22:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by of surveillance states. Now get the entire book | May 01 22:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow on a shirt @Litographs | May 01 22:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 22:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Designs from Books | Full-text Designs | Litographs | May 01 22:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Alcatel-Lucent's Nuage Networks Gaining SDN | May 01 22:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Momentum - EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet | May 01 22:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 01 22:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 22:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Powerful Image Editing Software Fotoxx 14.05 | May 01 22:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | Now Requires at Least Ubuntu 13.10 | May 01 22:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 01 22:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 22:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Powerful Image Editing Software Fotoxx 14.05 Now Requires at Least Ubuntu 13.10 | Tux Machines | May 01 22:25 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Clonezilla Live 2.2.2-4 Is a Linux Distro for | May 01 22:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | Complete Backup | May 01 22:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 22:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Clonezilla Live 2.2.2-4 Is a Linux Distro for Complete Backup | Tux Machines | May 01 22:26 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 22:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic #systemd #ubuntu #gnu #linux #upstart | May 01 22:51 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic « Martin Pitt [ ] | May 01 22:51 | |
schestowitz__ | "No. It is absolutely devastating each and every time." | May 01 22:51 |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 22:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: #Putin is just as big of a #douche as #Obama. #JustSayin | May 01 22:52 | |
schestowitz__ | "Yes, I though that when the URSS collapsed but that didn't happen." | May 01 22:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Kickstarting the final five episodes of Baman | May 01 22:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Piderman | May 01 22:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 01 22:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 22:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 01 22:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Obama Complains That TPP Critics Are | May 01 22:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Conspiracy Theorists' Who 'Lack Knowledge' | May 01 22:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | About Negotiations | May 01 22:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 22:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama Complains That TPP Critics Are 'Conspiracy Theorists' Who 'Lack Knowledge' About Negotiations | Techdirt | May 01 22:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot BMW Created the Most Efficient Electric Car In | May 01 22:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | the US | May 01 22:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 22:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BMW Created the Most Efficient Electric Car In the US - Slashdot | May 01 22:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Audio: maxistentialist: I got an amazing SPAM | May 01 23:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | email today (read above by Wil Wheaton): Hello | May 01 23:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | Dear, My name... | May 01 23:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 23:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: maxistentialist: I got an amazing SPAM email... | May 01 23:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Internet Users Failing to Protect Themselves | May 01 23:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | From Heartbleed | May 01 23:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 23:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Internet Users Failing to Protect Themselves From Heartbleed | May 01 23:01 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 01 23:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared:        newbie, I'm afraid." | May 01 23:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wccls News! Cory @doctorow will be speaking at | May 01 23:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @TigardLibrary @HillsboroLib & @BeavertonLib | May 01 23:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow for our Summer Reading Program in July! | May 01 23:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #wcclsreads | May 01 23:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 23:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot NASA Developing Robotic Satellite Refueling | May 01 23:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | System | May 01 23:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 01 23:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NASA Developing Robotic Satellite Refueling System - Slashdot | May 01 23:34 | |
schestowitz__ | Just sent this: | May 01 23:50 |
schestowitz__ | "' | May 01 23:50 |
schestowitz__ | The E-mail from Kelly Campbell was borderline spam -- a type I'm well familiar with (I get lots of these). They're scanning for all links to BECTA's site, then automate a template E-mail message with <SITE URL>, attempting to inject links of their own or their clients. | May 01 23:50 |
schestowitz__ | I have looked at the links at the bottom and I see no real relevance. It's not about FOSS or the UK, either. The BECTA site already links to appropriate departments in the UK. | May 01 23:50 |
schestowitz__ | The "P.S." tells you they might be receiving complaints from the ISP (abuse/spam). | May 01 23:50 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 01 23:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME 3.13.1 Released | May 01 23:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 23:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Calligra 2.8.1 is Out | May 01 23:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 23:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNOME 3.13.1 Released | Tux Machines | May 01 23:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Nvidia $192 Tegra TK1 board could be used as a | May 01 23:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux gaming PC | May 01 23:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 01 23:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Calligra 2.8.1 is Out | Tux Machines | May 01 23:54 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nvidia $192 Tegra TK1 board could be used as a Linux gaming PC | Tux Machines | May 01 23:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @docker Only 100 tickets left for @DockerCon, grab your | May 02 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by tickets NOW before it’s too late | May 02 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 02 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 00:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DockerCon 2014 Tickets, San Francisco - Eventbrite | May 02 00:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt New Paper Says It's Time To Reasonably Decrease | May 02 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Copyright Term And Rethink Putting Copyright In | May 02 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Treaties | May 02 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 00:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Paper Says It's Time To Reasonably Decrease Copyright Term And Rethink Putting Copyright In Treaties | Techdirt | May 02 00:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Lessig Launches a Super PAC To End All Super | May 02 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | PACs | May 02 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 00:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lessig Launches a Super PAC To End All Super PACs - Slashdot | May 02 00:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Solaris 11.2: The Future of OpenStack? | May 02 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 00:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Solaris 11.2: The Future of OpenStack? | May 02 00:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 00:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ashk4n Yahoo: "we honored Do Not Track when it was | May 02 00:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by good PR but are now bailing since it's soon | May 02 00:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian going to mean something" | May 02 00:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 00:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yahoo’s Default = A Personalized Experience | Yahoo Global Public Policy | May 02 00:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Many big tech companies now notifying users | May 02 00:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | (unless gagged) about gov demands. Telcos still | May 02 00:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | keep users in the dark | May 02 00:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 00:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple, Facebook, others defy authorities, increasingly notify users of secret data demands after Snowden revelations - The Washington Post | May 02 00:21 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Wayland 1.5 Release Candidate Is Out There | May 02 00:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 02 00:41 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 00:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wayland 1.5 Release Candidate Is Out There | Tux Machines | May 02 00:41 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @RanjibDey retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Calligra 2.8.1 is Out' | May 02 00:41 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Calligra 2.8.1 is Out | Tux Machines | May 02 00:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist I think that the model that @ORCL_Solaris has | May 02 00:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | taken with @OpenStack is the future of all | May 02 00:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | server OS @eweeknews | May 02 00:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 00:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist HP Joins Foxconn for Cloud Servers | May 02 00:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 00:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 00:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HP Joins Foxconn for Cloud Servers | May 02 00:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh To have contempt for the poor, and reverence | May 02 00:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | for the rich; that is the truest hallmark of an | May 02 00:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | uneducated mind. | May 02 00:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 00:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian The lawyers on Yahoo's so called "privacy team" | May 02 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | didn't have the guts to put their names on this | May 02 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | tracking announcement | May 02 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Reasons to let Rob Ford off the hook, according | May 02 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | to #LoudTTCcommuter: "Other politicians have | May 02 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | done worse." #topoli | May 02 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Reasons to let Rob Ford off the hook, according | May 02 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | to #LoudTTCcommuter: "Judge not lest ye be | May 02 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | judged." #topoli | May 02 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Most of What We Need For Smart Cities Already | May 02 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Exists | May 02 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 00:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Most of What We Need For Smart Cities Already Exists - Slashdot | May 02 00:50 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 00:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@fcassia: GigaOM pimping $MSFT embrace and extinguish of $RHAT cc/@schestowitz | May 02 00:57 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Why Microsoft should just pack it in and buy Red Hat — Tech News and Analysis | May 02 00:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian As Yahoo demonstrates, the security teams at | May 02 00:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | tech firms protect your data. The privacy teams | May 02 00:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | protect the companies when they mine your data. | May 02 00:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 00:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Reasons to let Rob Ford off the hook, according | May 02 00:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | to #LoudTTCcommuter: "Jack Layton. Let me tell | May 02 00:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | you some *stories*…" #topoli | May 02 00:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 00:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Electric cars are like #Java8. Change without | May 02 00:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | progress. #TweetsThatWillAnnoyNerds | May 02 00:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 00:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JasonLeopold Generals Want CIA Torture Report Declassified | May 02 00:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by via @BryantJordan | May 02 00:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou | May 02 00:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 00:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Generals Want CIA Torture Report Declassified | | May 02 00:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Fun to make fun of Michael Hayden, but courts | May 02 01:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by expanded Special Needs searches & it underlies | May 02 01:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 all Big Data™ spying. We need to take that on. | May 02 01:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 01:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel .@onekade Not just you, or would have sent it | May 02 01:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to you. Seriously tho. Name enemy: Special | May 02 01:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Needs. Rolled out in secret against | May 02 01:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Constitution | May 02 01:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 01:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt DailyDirt: Egyptian Pyramid Construction | May 02 01:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Techniques | May 02 01:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 01:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DailyDirt: Egyptian Pyramid Construction Techniques | Techdirt | May 02 01:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MsLagerfelt Pls donate to help @kgosztola and @JasonLeopold | May 02 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by file Freedom of Information Act requests re | May 02 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou @JohnKiriakou” | May 02 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | I did:) | May 02 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 01:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Help Firedoglake FOIA the Details of Imprisoned CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou's Case | May 02 01:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jgombita Today @hotdocs @knappB saw @SilencedFilm | May 02 02:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by (@JohnKiriakou @JesselynRadack @Thomas_Drake1) | May 02 02:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack "Make example of peeps" similar to | May 02 02:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @internetsownboy. | May 02 02:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 02:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Greatest 'Amateur' Astronomer You've | May 02 02:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Probably Never Heard Of | May 02 02:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 02:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Greatest 'Amateur' Astronomer You've Probably Never Heard Of - Slashdot | May 02 02:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack .@emptywheel The name AEGLAECA wasn't in #NSA | May 02 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | book of smug program names like my all time | May 02 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | fave, STELLAR WIND, aka COSMIC FART. | May 02 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #CERBERUS | May 02 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Physics Students Devise Concept For Star | May 02 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Wars-Style Deflector Shields | May 02 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 04:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Physics Students Devise Concept For Star Wars-Style Deflector Shields - Slashdot | May 02 04:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack .@emptywheel The name AEGLAECA wasn't in #NSA | May 02 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | book of pretentious prgrm names like my all | May 02 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | time fave, STELLAR WIND, aka COSMIC FART | May 02 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #CERBERUS | May 02 04:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 04:26 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted '.@emptywheel The name AEGLAECA wasn't in #NSA book...' | May 02 04:26 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 13 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 66 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 02 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (12) | May 02 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @RanjibDey (1) | May 02 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 02 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 109 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 421 msgs sent (~ 1% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 02 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @slashdot (14), @TechJournalist (9), @techdirt (8) | May 02 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @doctorow (11), @glynmoody (7), @Thomas_Drake1 (6) | May 02 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #TTIP (5), #Snowden (4), #topoli (3) | May 02 05:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Bitcoin Gaining New Momentum | May 02 06:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 06:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 06:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bitcoin Gaining New Momentum | May 02 06:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Cinemark Tosses Elderly Woman Out Of Theater, | May 02 06:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Claiming She Was Filming A Movie With Her Phone | May 02 06:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 06:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 06:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cinemark Tosses Elderly Woman Out Of Theater, Claiming She Was Filming A Movie With Her Phone | Techdirt | May 02 06:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Guy Who Unknowingly 'Live-Blogged' the Bin | May 02 06:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Laden Raid | May 02 06:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 06:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Guy Who Unknowingly 'Live-Blogged' the Bin Laden Raid - Slashdot | May 02 06:29 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving) | May 02 06:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon The wraps are off my new (free) book 'Dealing | May 02 07:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | With Disrespect'; a primer for dealing with | May 02 07:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | anti-social people. | May 02 07:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dealing With Disrespect | May 02 07:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @headhntr Sending an email from or to an email provider | May 02 07:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by that doesn’t support STARTTLS is like CC’ing | May 02 07:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian the NSA... by @gdbelvin | May 02 07:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How to tell if you have secure email | Wise Bold | May 02 07:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ben_hr Illustration of the visual impacts of wind | May 02 07:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by farms (look closely) | May 02 07:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ben_hr: Illustration of the visual impacts of wind farms (look closely) | May 02 07:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 02 07:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Protester hits Nigel Farage with egg | May 02 07:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | joining the #billgates | May 02 07:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | club? | May 02 07:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Protester hits Nigel Farage with egg | May 02 07:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ukip not on the rise | May 02 07:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@IDS_MP: This handy graph shows the terrifying rise of UKIP #bbcqt | May 02 07:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #racism and #xenophobia | May 02 07:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@IDS_MP: This handy graph shows the terrifying rise of UKIP #bbcqt | May 02 07:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | suicidal policy | May 02 07:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Amyalexandra011 UKIP and BNP are a dangerous step towards | May 02 07:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by another future National Socialist Party. Hitler | May 02 07:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz was persuasive during economic crisis too. | May 02 07:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JamesA666 Why does the BBC always pander to UKIP, but | May 02 07:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by hardly ever anyone representing @TheGreenParty | May 02 07:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz ? #BBCQT | May 02 07:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:12 |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 02 07:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @adamhopelies UKIP on BBCQT for two weeks running, despite | May 02 07:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by having no MPs. When are the Greens on next? | May 02 07:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz | May 02 07:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz “A Breath of Fresh Air with a KDE Soul”* – | May 02 07:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #OpenMandriva Lx 2014 is burning free! | May 02 07:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mandriva #gnu #linux | May 02 07:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | “A Breath of Fresh Air with a KDE Soul”* – OpenMandriva Lx 2014 is burning free! » OpenMandriva | May 02 07:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) to Get Linux | May 02 07:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Kernel 3.15.x Soon | May 02 07:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #canonical #gnu #linux | May 02 07:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) to Get Linux Kernel 3.15.x Soon | May 02 07:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Wayland 1.5 Release Candidate Is Out There | May 02 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #wayland | May 02 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Wayland 1.5 Release Candidate Is Out There | May 02 07:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @lightplumes Just finished Rapture of the Nerds by @doctorow | May 02 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and @cstross . Yeah, you oughta read it. | May 02 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Lighthearted and whimsical with a great | May 02 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | message. | May 02 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Nvidia $192 Tegra TK1 board could be used as a | May 02 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Linux gaming PC #gnu | May 02 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #tegra #nvidia | May 02 07:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nvidia $192 Tegra TK1 board could be used as a Linux gaming PC | PCWorld | May 02 07:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DaveWalk #latenighttangent Just happened upon an | May 02 07:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by old-school internet classic: @doctorow on "Too | May 02 07:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Much Time on His Hands" | May 02 07:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Too much time on his hands - Boing Boing | May 02 07:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Calligra 2.8.1 is Out | May 02 07:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #calligra #kde #gnu #linux | May 02 07:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Calligra 2.8.1 is Out | Kubuntu | May 02 07:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GNOME 3.13.1 Released | May 02 07:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | "the 3.13.1 snapshot release" #gnome #gnu | May 02 07:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNOME 3.13.1 | May 02 07:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Clonezilla Live 2.2.2-4 Is a Linux Distro for | May 02 07:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Complete Backup #gnu | May 02 07:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Clonezilla Live 2.2.3-4 Is a Linux Distro for Complete Backup | May 02 07:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 02 07:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Powerful Image Editing Software #Fotoxx 14.05 | May 02 07:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Now Requires at Least Ubuntu 13.10 | May 02 07:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | it's #freesw | May 02 07:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Powerful Image Editing Software Fotoxx 14.05 Now Requires at Least Ubuntu 13.10 | May 02 07:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Linux -based K-9 doppelganger treads ELC | May 02 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | "MinnowBoard based robot | May 02 07:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux-based K-9 doppelganger treads ELC · | May 02 07:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | that mimics Doctor Who’s K-9." | May 02 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Radeon DRM Graphics Benchmarks On Linux 3.15 | May 02 07:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #graphics | May 02 07:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Radeon DRM Graphics Benchmarks On Linux 3.15 | May 02 07:37 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 07:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Help to Work? Britain's jobless are being forced into workfare, more like | Anna Coote | Comment is free | [ ] | May 02 07:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @fcassia GigaOM pimping $MSFT embrace and extinguish of | May 02 07:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by $RHAT cc/@schestowitz | May 02 07:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz | May 02 07:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Microsoft should just pack it in and buy Red Hat — Tech News and Analysis | May 02 07:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow ReNew report shows that while restaurant | May 02 07:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | executives are fighting living wages for their | May 02 07:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | workers, they're... | May 02 07:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: ReNew report shows that while restaurant executives are fighting living wages for their workers, they're also benefiting from tax subsidies for their own pay. | May 02 07:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Taxpayers subsidize paychecks for fast food | May 02 07:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | workers and CEOs, too. - wilwheaton: The public | May 02 07:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | assistance that... | May 02 07:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Taxpayers subsidize paychecks for fast food workers and CEOs, too. | May 02 07:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Barrett Brown lawyer: US tried to 'kill a fly | May 02 07:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | with a sledgehammer' any | May 02 07:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | better than #putin at handling journalists? | May 02 07:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Barrett Brown lawyer: US tried to 'kill a fly with a sledgehammer' | Technology | | May 02 07:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mammal's return to soil | May 02 07:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Invisible bars | May 02 07:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Demanding 'Just and Sustainable' Economy For | May 02 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | All, Thousands March on Congress | May 02 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #uk #economy #plutocracy | May 02 07:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Demanding 'Just and Sustainable' Economy For All, Thousands March on Congress | Common Dreams | May 02 07:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Income | May 02 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Bloomberg: Endgame sold 0 days in video | May 02 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | conferencing software to US Intel agencies. | May 02 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 07:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Digital Arms Makers Follow the Money in Building NSA Arsenal - Bloomberg | May 02 07:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Guessing who lobbies against raiding the | May 02 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | minimum wage? "job | May 02 07:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Big Tip That America’s Servers Never See | Common Dreams | May 02 07:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | creators" more like cruel destructors | May 02 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:55 |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz deleted 'Guessing who lobbies against raiding the minimum wage?...' | May 02 07:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Guessing who lobbies against raising the | May 02 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | minimum wage? "job | May 02 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | creators" more like cruel destructors | May 02 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Any talk of economic recovery is pure fiction | May 02 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | passing even more power | May 02 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | and money to #plutocracy not "recovery" | May 02 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Any talk of economic recovery is pure fiction | Aditya Chakrabortty | Comment is free | The Guardian | May 02 07:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian CMU professor's startup hunting for 0 days | May 02 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | under DoD contract. | May 02 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 07:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Politicians serve their paymasters | May 02 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #monsanto #patent #monopoly and #cancer | May 02 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | masquerading as "science" using #astroturfing | May 02 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | proxies | May 02 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Science Media Centre Spins Pro-GMO Line | PR Watch | May 02 08:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "our legal system is green-lighting corporate | May 02 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | malfeasance." | May 02 08:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Buy a Box of Cereal, Waive Your Consumer Rights Goodbye | Alternet | May 02 08:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Real life"/"Real world" trap | May 02 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Grad Student Makes Nanowires Just Three Atoms | May 02 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Thick | May 02 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Grad Student Makes Nanowires Just Three Atoms Thick - Slashdot | May 02 08:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Blackwater Trains Killer Police For FIFA’s War | May 02 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | On Brazilians big | May 02 08:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Blackwater Trains Killer Police For FIFA’s War On Brazilians | May 02 08:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | events usually pretext for killing protests | May 02 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Why American Apples Just Got Banned in #Europe | May 02 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #toxins #gmo #pesticides | May 02 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #monsanto #poison | May 02 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why American Apples Just Got Banned in Europe | Mother Jones | May 02 08:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How Many Cops Does It Take to Harass a Woman | May 02 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Collecting Rocks? 6, Oh Yeah And A Helicopter | May 02 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #policestate | May 02 08:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Many Cops Does It Take to Harass a Woman Collecting Rocks? 6, Oh Yeah And A Helicopter | The Free Thought Project | May 02 08:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 2014-05-01 #Snowden statement on receiving 2014 | May 02 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ridenhour Prize #nsa | May 02 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance #stasi | May 02 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 2014-05-01 Snowden statement on receiving 2014 Ridenhour Prize | WL Central | May 02 08:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Internment of all "Japs" who are US citizens | May 02 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | now legal in the US | May 02 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Supreme Court Refuses to Uphold the Constitution: Allows Indefinite Detention Washington's Blog | May 02 08:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Putting any "enemies" of those in Power | May 02 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | possible in US and they work on legalising mass | May 02 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | assassination of US citizens also (having done | May 02 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | so) | May 02 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Having crossed the threshold where the robbed | May 02 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | are hungry and are willing to take action | May 02 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | against the robber, Nazi Surveillance Agency | May 02 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | crucial | May 02 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Time to replace the "save" button (typically a | May 02 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | diskette) not with a hard drive but with PRISM | May 02 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | or NSA logo as that's where many people put it | May 02 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz AMD Is Trying For Mullins Support In Linux 3.15 | May 02 08:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #amd #linux | May 02 08:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] AMD Is Trying For Mullins Support In Linux 3.15 | May 02 08:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz ROSA Software Center: Beta, but looks, feels | May 02 08:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | and functions better than the competition | May 02 08:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #rosa #russia #gnu | May 02 08:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 02 08:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ROSA Software Center: Beta, but looks, feels and functions better than the competition | | May 02 08:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Server Video ABI | May 02 08:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Gets Bumped #xorg | May 02 08:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | xorg | May 02 08:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] The X.Org Server Video ABI Gets Bumped | May 02 08:26 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 08:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: #Putin is just as big of a #douche as #Obama. #JustSayin | May 02 08:31 | |
schestowitz__ | "The way out of a hole isn't digging deeper." | May 02 08:31 |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 08:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ "very many reasons why getting a Google+ account may be a bad idea" #privacy #google #surveillance | May 02 08:32 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Facebook Gets it. Google Doesn’t. | Uncrunched [ ] | May 02 08:32 | |
schestowitz__ | "Facebutts added some real spin to that bullshit and he just ate it up. Followed up with what essentially boiled down to "I hate a service I've never used." I wonder if Diaspora is a bad service because "nobody uses it" even though it sounds like it's exactly what he wants." | May 02 08:32 |
schestowitz__ | "FB promises people privacy? LOL. I'm going to read their article to see what they have to say about G+. I like how G+ got a lot of interesting information to me but there are many things that could be improved." | May 02 08:32 |
schestowitz__ | "Facebook gets it and promises our privacy??? You've got to be kidding! What a joke!!!" | May 02 08:32 |
schestowitz__ | Exactly. I lost any respect I had LEFT for Arrington. | May 02 08:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Konqueror vs #Firefox | May 02 08:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Konqueror vs Firefox « Everyday Linux User | May 02 08:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #rekonq is even better | May 02 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GNOME MUSIC 3.13.1 RELEASED! | May 02 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnome #gnu #linux | May 02 08:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNOME Music 3.13.1 Released! | The Misadventures of kyoushuu | May 02 08:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt History Repeating: Google Glass Getting Same | May 02 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Treatment As Walkman And Cameras Once Did | May 02 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | History Repeating: Google Glass Getting Same Treatment As Walkman And Cameras Once Did | Techdirt | May 02 08:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux Foundation extremely disappointing. Will | May 02 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | write about this soon... it's not what it looks | May 02 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | like from the outside. | May 02 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz LibreS3 Open Source Amazon S3 Implementation | May 02 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Released #amazon | May 02 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #libres3 | May 02 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | May 02 08:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Betting Companies Suddenly Betting Swedish | May 02 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pirate Party Gets Re-Elected | May 02 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pirate Parties help the | May 02 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #internet | May 02 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Betting Companies Suddenly Betting Swedish Pirate Party Gets Re-Elected - Falkvinge on Infopolicy | May 02 08:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Dotcom Thanks RIAA and MPAA for Mega’s Massive | May 02 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Growth | May 02 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #riaa #mpaa #dotcom | May 02 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #internet | May 02 08:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dotcom Thanks RIAA and MPAA for Mega's Massive Growth | TorrentFreak | May 02 08:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In #uk and #us airports out of order and it | May 02 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | seems to be linked to #microsoft #fail | May 02 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Departing planes grounded at Los Angeles airport - Yahoo News | May 02 08:52 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | American Airlines Grounds Flights Due to Computer Glitch - AOL Real Estate | May 02 08:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #uk should learn from #LSE and dump everything | May 02 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | that's #microsoft tainted | May 02 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | MS not only criminal but | May 02 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | incompetent too | May 02 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Air and sea travel problems ease after IT fault | May 02 08:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Political TV advertising in the USA: scofflaw | May 02 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by broadcasters hide the dark money of political | May 02 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow influence | May 02 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 02 08:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Cricket flour is made from slow roasted milled | May 02 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by crickets, making a light brown flour that | May 02 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow resembles brown sugar. | May 02 08:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How to make insects appetizing to Americans - Boing Boing | May 02 08:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Remember that @kickstarter for a sugar skull | May 02 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by spoon? They are available, affordable, & | May 02 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow awesome. | May 02 08:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sugar skull spoons for sale - Boing Boing | May 02 08:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 08:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Telcos gave spies unfettered, deep, warrantless access to Canadians' digital lives - Boing Boing | May 02 08:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing "I've built a new bot to troll/delight | May 02 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by hipsters. It algorithmically creates | May 02 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow post-post-ironic t-shirt designs." | May 02 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 08:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hipsterbait1: algorithmically generated post-ironic tees - Boing Boing | May 02 08:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In the #uk we no longer hear about #LSE | May 02 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | (except in financial news) because the new #gnu | May 02 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux system has Run Like a Boss{tm} for years | May 02 08:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 08:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) to Get Linux | May 02 09:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | Kernel 3.15.x Soon | May 02 09:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 09:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) to Get Linux Kernel 3.15.x Soon | Tux Machines | May 02 09:01 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 09:06 |
schestowitz__ | " I don’t wear a wig, and I was not implicated in promoting and defending Tony Blair." | May 02 09:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Craig Murray » Blog Archive » The Coward Rusbridger [ ] | May 02 09:06 | |
schestowitz__ | LOL | May 02 09:06 |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 09:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Linux Foundation extremely disappointing. Will write about this soon... it's not what it looks like from the outside. | May 02 09:08 | |
schestowitz__ | "Everything big has its bad part. I know that inside mozilla too." | May 02 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Orlowski and other trolls try to create a rift | May 02 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | between #google and its #hardware partners | May 02 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #linux | May 02 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google forges a Silver bullet for Android, aims it at Samsung's heart • The Register | May 02 09:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Coward Rusbridger | May 02 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | "does not make the hard drive destruction | May 02 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | better, any more than Nazi book-burning" | May 02 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow The Monstafarian Manifesto "Afropunks w/a | May 02 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | passion for horror, monster movies, props, | May 02 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Addams Family lifestyle" | May 02 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: The Monstafarian Manifesto | May 02 09:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz New Acer Chromebook has Core i3 processor | May 02 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux on the | May 02 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | desktop | May 02 09:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Acer Chromebook has Core i3 processor | Muktware | May 02 09:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:13 |
schestowitz__ |] | May 02 09:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ The Coward Rusbridger "does not make the hard drive destruction better, any more than Nazi book-burning" | May 02 09:14 | |
schestowitz__ | "I'm inclined to not judge it that harshly. This was his response: Alan Rusbridger, "David Miranda, schedule 7 and the danger that all reporters now face," Guardian, August 19, 2013, And he's right: This was obviously absurd. It was theater, pure theater. It exposed the abject foolishness of the U.K. government." | May 02 09:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | David Miranda, schedule 7 and the danger that all reporters now face | Alan Rusbridger | Comment is free | The Guardian [ ] | May 02 09:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Jonoo Bacon explains disrespect | May 02 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | perhaps it will even | May 02 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | deal with #canonical disrespecting community | May 02 09:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unwrapping ‘Dealing With Disrespect’ | jonobacon@home | May 02 09:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | which codes for it | May 02 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:18 |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz deleted 'Jonoo Bacon explains disrespect perhaps it will...' | May 02 09:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Jono Bacon explains disrespect | May 02 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | perhaps it will even | May 02 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | deal with #canonical disrespecting community | May 02 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | which codes for it | May 02 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Help EFF Test Privacy Badger, Our New Tool to | May 02 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Stop Creepy Online Tracking | May 02 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #eff #privacy | May 02 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Help EFF Test Privacy Badger, Our New Tool to Stop Creepy Online Tracking | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 02 09:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In #android setting up #adblock for #firefox | May 02 09:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | involves a few clicks. #chrome makes it | May 02 09:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | incredibly hard. By design, for sure... | May 02 09:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #microsoft good at #astroturfing so to #hype up | May 02 09:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | vulns in #gnu #linux on #winxp EOL date the | May 02 09:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'former' chief used PR | May 02 09:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Today's bugs have BRANDS? Be still my bleeding heart [logo] • The Register | May 02 09:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #openssl bug one of many seen (and fixed) | May 02 09:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | before. Latest was PR: | May 02 09:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 09:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Some Perspective on Heartbleed® | Techrights | May 02 09:25 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft: Let’s Talk About Heartbleed® (Reported by Our ‘Former’ Security Chief) While the World Migrates From XP to GNU/Linux | Techrights | May 02 09:25 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Former Chief Security Officer for Microsoft the Chairman of the Board of Firm Behind Heartbleed® | Techrights | May 02 09:25 | |
-NickServ-schestowitz_bed2! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 02 09:25 | |
*schestowitz_bed2 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 02 09:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #google #cctv glasses (connected to #prism and | May 02 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | running #android OS), now #drones for real-time | May 02 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | tracking | May 02 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Kshama Sawant, Seattle City Councilwoman: | May 02 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #McDonalds Doesn't Need Time To Phase In $15 | May 02 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Minimum Wage | May 02 09:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kshama Sawant, Seattle City Councilwoman: McDonald's Doesn't Need Time To Phase In $15 Minimum Wage | May 02 09:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Advocating for higher minimum wage is not | May 02 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | socialism, it has nothing at all to do with | May 02 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | socialism, but corporate media likes using | May 02 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | labels | May 02 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JasonLeopold 22 pgs into WH rpt on Big Data, this appears: | May 02 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Govt keeps the peace, makes sure our food is | May 02 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 safe to eat v | May 02 09:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Promise [sic] of Big Data | emptywheel | May 02 09:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel | May 02 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:29 |
*schestowitz__ has quit (*.net *.split) | May 02 09:35 | |
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (*.net *.split) | May 02 09:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JasonLeopold U.S. and Germany Fail to Reach a Deal on | May 02 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Spying. "The effort ... has collapsed." | May 02 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 02 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 02 09:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Occupy Wall Street labeled by #fbi "low-level | May 02 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | terrorism" while occupying a whole nation with | May 02 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #debt and #police is "business as usual" | May 02 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The language of the oppressor is being promoted | May 02 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | and embedded inside people's minds using | May 02 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | corporate media. We need to restore language. | May 02 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Hillary Clinton now compares Vladimir Putin to | May 02 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Adolf Hitler. Why is she whitewashing Hitler? | May 02 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | BTW: Some call her "Hitlery Clingon." | May 02 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:36 |
*schestowitz_log_ ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 02 09:37 | |
-NickServ-schestowitz_log_! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 02 09:37 | |
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Changing host) | May 02 09:37 | |
*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 02 09:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The insurgency of US troops in East Europe did | May 02 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | not start after Russia made its move. It | May 02 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | preceded it and it terrorisse Russia. | May 02 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Provocation. | May 02 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Papers prove Japan forced women into second | May 02 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | world war brothels, says China | May 02 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | #japan #atrocity #asia | May 02 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Papers prove Japan forced women into second world war brothels, says China | World news | | May 02 09:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Building an Arduino Pest Repeller on Linux | May 02 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | (Part 2) #linux #arduino | May 02 09:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Building an Arduino Pest Repeller on Linux (Part 2) | | May 02 09:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @IndexCensorship #Brazil: NETmundial's disappointed expectations | May 02 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and delayed decisions | May 02 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror via @IndexCensorship | May 02 09:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 09:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NETmundial: Disappointed expectations and delayed decisions - Index on Censorship | Index on Censorship | May 02 09:53 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @ioerror retweeted @JasonLeopold: 'U.S. and Germany Fail to Reach a Deal...' | May 02 10:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140501 - | May 02 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 02 10:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140501 | May 02 10:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 02 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror "Any monitoring from German soil — including | May 02 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | from the United States Embassy — would | May 02 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | constitute a violation of German law." | May 02 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:06 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | May 02 10:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #openssl bug one of many seen (and fixed) before. Latest was PR: | May 02 10:07 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Some Perspective on Heartbleed® | Techrights [ ] | May 02 10:07 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Microsoft: Let’s Talk About Heartbleed® (Reported by Our ‘Former’ Security Chief) While the World Migrates From XP to GNU/Linux | Techrights [ ] | May 02 10:07 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Former Chief Security Officer for Microsoft the Chairman of the Board of Firm Behind Heartbleed® | Techrights [ ] | May 02 10:07 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ #microsoft good at #astroturfing so to #hype up vulns in #gnu #linux on #winxp EOL date the 'former' chief used PR | May 02 10:07 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Today's bugs have BRANDS? Be still my bleeding heart [logo] • The Register [ ] | May 02 10:07 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ In #android setting up #adblock for #firefox involves a few clicks. #chrome makes it incredibly hard. By design, for sure... | May 02 10:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror “What the Germans want, and wanted, is that we | May 02 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | would never do anything against their laws on | May 02 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | their territory.” | May 02 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 02 10:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror This article basically explains why privacy by | May 02 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | policy (and without cryptography) will fail | May 02 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | even between super powers: | May 02 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #IMF Confirms $17bn Loan to Ukraine with | May 02 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Conditions That Will Devastate the Economy | May 02 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'gifts' of #debt | May 02 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | IMF Confirms $17bn Loan to Ukraine with Conditions That Will Devastate the Economy | Scriptonite Daily | May 02 10:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow O, Copyeditor. I love you, I respect your | May 02 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | thankless job. But I will still STET many of | May 02 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | your changes. | May 02 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Obama Complains That #TPP Critics Are | May 02 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Conspiracy Theorists' Who 'Lack Knowledge' | May 02 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | About Negotiations - you | May 02 10:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama Complains That TPP Critics Are 'Conspiracy Theorists' Who 'Lack Knowledge' About Negotiations | Techdirt | May 02 10:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | know why? | May 02 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @EU_TTIP_team #DeGucht: #TTIP würde auf keinen Fall den | May 02 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Import von Hormonfleisch nach Europa erlauben. | May 02 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody via @spiegelonline | May 02 10:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU-Kommissar de Gucht zum Freihandelsabkommen - SPIEGEL ONLINE | May 02 10:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JanAlbrecht No loss. Need data protection! “@GPSchmitz: Bye | May 02 10:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by bye, "no-spy" agreement. US & Germany Fail to | May 02 10:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Reach a Deal on Spying” | May 02 10:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 02 10:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow I mean, seriously. "Email" has not taken a | May 02 10:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | hyphen since last century. | May 02 10:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:14 |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @ioerror: 'This article basically explains why privacy by policy...' | May 02 10:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Neither does "startup." | May 02 10:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @OpenRightsGroup You can now donate to Open Rights Group using | May 02 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Bitcoin. Here's how: | May 02 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 02 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Rights Group - Donate | May 02 10:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @manhack L'"intérêt principal" des 55 MILLIONS | May 02 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by d'internautes interrogés par Firefox ? La vie | May 02 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody privée | May 02 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 10:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Web We Want | May 02 10:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@manhack: L'"intérêt principal" des 54 000 internautes interrogés par Firefox ? La vie privée | May 02 10:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @dozykraut @glynmoody DreamWorks boss outlines his ideas | May 02 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for packet-switched cableTV (formerly known as | May 02 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "internet") | May 02 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dreamworks-Chef: Videomiete richtet sich künftig nach Bildschrimgröße | heise online | May 02 10:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow PS: if the copyeditor in question is reading | May 02 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | this, you seriously fixed a bunch of my broken | May 02 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | shit, and for this I am eternally grateful. | May 02 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz FOSS Force on #backdoors in #microsoft #windows | May 02 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | (still no fix possible) | May 02 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa #cipav #fbi #surveillance | May 02 10:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Windows XP, Internet Explorer, Security Bugs, Black Hats & Linux « FOSS Force | May 02 10:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @RufusHound £15 billion of your NHS has been offered to | May 02 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Private Health under Jeremy Hunt & Andrew | May 02 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Lansley. | May 02 10:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | » £15 billion of your NHS has been offered to Private Health under Jeremy Hunt & Andrew Lansley. | May 02 10:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz If your computer is physically accessible to | May 02 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | another person while you're logged in, can | May 02 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #security be assumed at all? | May 02 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canonical Fixes Critical Bugs Allowing Users to Bypass the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Lock Screen | May 02 10:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @raycorrigan EU, France, Greece, India sign #WIPO Miracle in | May 02 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Marrakesh treaty for visually impaired | May 02 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 02 10:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Four More WIPO Members Sign Marrakesh Treaty For Visually Impaired | Intellectual Property Watch | May 02 10:25 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines ROSA Software Center: Beta, but looks, feels | May 02 10:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | and functions better than the competition | May 02 10:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 02 10:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 10:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AMD Is Trying For Mullins Support In Linux 3.15 | May 02 10:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 02 10:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 10:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ROSA Software Center: Beta, but looks, feels and functions better than the competition | Tux Machines | May 02 10:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AMD Is Trying For Mullins Support In Linux 3.15 | Tux Machines | May 02 10:27 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @IndexCensorship: '#Brazil: NETmundial's disappointed expectations and delayed decisions' | May 02 10:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Sony Tape Storage Breakthrough Could Bring Us | May 02 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | 185 TB Cartridges | May 02 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NETmundial: Disappointed expectations and delayed decisions - Index on Censorship | Index on Censorship | May 02 10:27 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sony Tape Storage Breakthrough Could Bring Us 185 TB Cartridges - Slashdot | May 02 10:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz When a nation compares its perceived foes to | May 02 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hitler, then you know this nation is truly | May 02 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | uninterested in any substantial | May 02 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | peace/nego/mediation | May 02 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz (especially when the said nation is either the | May 02 10:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | biggest victim of Hitler and/or that which | May 02 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ultimately defeated Hitler) [cont.] | May 02 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP Updates - Glyn Moody blogs - | May 02 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | includes XXIV: report on | May 02 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | academic takedown of Commission's flawed | May 02 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | economic study | May 02 10:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - Open Enterprise | May 02 10:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @raycorrigan Given May's desire for stop and search reform | May 02 10:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by wonder when will penny | May 02 10:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody drop about mass #surveillance? If ever. | May 02 10:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Theresa May announces reform of police stop-and-search powers | Law | | May 02 10:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @NHAparty We'd love to have stood in more regions around | May 02 10:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by country for Euro elections but don't have the | May 02 10:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody funding.You can help us! | May 02 10:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Donate | NHA Party | May 02 10:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Stephen_Curry Metrics in research assessment — love 'em or | May 02 10:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by hate 'em, tell HEFCE's review what you think: | May 02 10:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody (PS I'm involved) | May 02 10:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Independent review of metrics - HEFCE | May 02 10:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Loopholes | May 02 10:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @junayed_ Brits living in other EU countries. I think | May 02 10:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #UKIP might want to take a look at this: | May 02 10:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 02 10:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@junayed_: Brits living in other EU countries. I think #UKIP might want to take a look at this: | May 02 10:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @churchpoverty Let's call Help to Work what it really is: | May 02 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by punishment of the undeserving poor (via | May 02 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @guardian) | May 02 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Let's call Help to Work what it really is: punishment of the undeserving poor | Suzanne Moore | Comment is free | The Guardian | May 02 10:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Full Bore Part 2 coming to PC and Linux this | May 02 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | month game developers | May 02 10:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Full Bore Part 2 coming to PC and Linux this month | Polygon | May 02 10:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | discover that their compiler supports GASP | May 02 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 02 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: The Disney Tarot | May 02 10:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Untitled-1 — The Disney Tarot | May 02 10:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #NSA-Ausschuss: Opposition empört sich über | May 02 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | US-Gutachten zu #Snowden-Befragung - | May 02 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | too right | May 02 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden vor NSA-Ausschuss: Grne und Linke kritisieren US-Gutachten - SPIEGEL ONLINE | May 02 10:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Organized Labor, Public Banks and the | May 02 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Grassroots: Keys to a Worker-Owned Economy | May 02 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | cooperatives | May 02 10:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Organized Labor, Public Banks and the Grassroots: Keys to a Worker-Owned Economy | Professor Richard D. Wolff | May 02 10:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ta_nea Η κρίση δεν τελείωσε, προειδοποιεί το Γραφείο | May 02 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Προϋπολογισμού | May 02 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 02 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Η κρίση δεν τελείωσε, προειδοποιεί το Γραφείο Προϋπολογισμού - Οικονομία - Επικαιρότητα - Τα Νέα Οnline | May 02 10:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 8 Android apps to sate your lust for | May 02 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | open-source #android | May 02 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | May 02 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow I just backed Transreal Trilogy + All the | May 02 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Visions on @Kickstarter | May 02 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 8 Android apps to sate your lust for open-source - Computer Business Review | May 02 10:49 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Transreal Trilogy + All the Visions by Rudy Rucker — Kickstarter | May 02 10:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Case study: @metpoliceuk failed to arrest | May 02 10:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | rapist despite discovering he had victim’s | May 02 10:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | phone - useless | May 02 10:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Case study: Police failed to arrest rapist despite discovering he had victim’s phone | The Bureau of Investigative Journalism | May 02 10:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @FabianEberhard Bild des Tages: Spanische Polizei versucht | May 02 10:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by afrikanische Flüchtlinge am Grenzübertritt zu | May 02 10:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody hindern. #FestungEuropa | May 02 10:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@FabianEberhard: Bild des Tages: Spanische Polizei versucht afrikanische Flüchtlinge am Grenzübertritt zu hindern. #FestungEuropa | May 02 10:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer What do you call a 'blight on the landscape'? | May 02 10:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @getup | May 02 10:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 02 10:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Joe Hockey tilts at wind turbines | Environment | | May 02 10:55 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@GetUp: Wind turbines are "utterly offensive"? You're kidding, right @JoeHockey? | May 02 10:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Case study: ‘Type of underwear’ influenced | May 02 10:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @cpsuk decision to drop rape case - | May 02 10:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #uk | May 02 10:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 10:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Case study: ‘Type of underwear’ influenced CPS decision to drop rape case | The Bureau of Investigative Journalism | May 02 10:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody China mulls Asia-Pacific FTA to counter US-led | May 02 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TPP - would doubtless | May 02 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | be less demanding than US | May 02 11:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China mulls Asia-Pacific FTA to counter US-led TPP | The BRICS Post | May 02 11:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 11:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody New Paper Says It's Time To Reasonably Decrease | May 02 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Copyright Term And Rethink Putting Copyright | May 02 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | In Treaties - yup | May 02 11:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Paper Says It's Time To Reasonably Decrease Copyright Term And Rethink Putting Copyright In Treaties | Techdirt | May 02 11:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 11:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines LibreS3 Open Source Amazon S3 Implementation | May 02 11:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | Released | May 02 11:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 11:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | LibreS3 Open Source Amazon S3 Implementation Released | Tux Machines | May 02 11:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New Acer Chromebook has Core i3 processor | May 02 11:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 02 11:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 11:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Acer Chromebook has Core i3 processor | Tux Machines | May 02 11:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Building an Arduino Pest Repeller on Linux | May 02 11:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | (Part 2) | May 02 11:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 11:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Building an Arduino Pest Repeller on Linux (Part 2) | Tux Machines | May 02 11:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @olivierhoedeman If we had a mandatory EU #lobby register, | May 02 11:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Amazon, RBS & Goldman Sachs could no longer | May 02 11:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody boycott it! Join #pforp | May 02 11:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EP2014 | May 02 11:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 11:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Home - Politics for People | May 02 11:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist HP Joins Foxconn for Cloud Servers - Server | May 02 11:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Watch | May 02 11:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 11:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HP Joins Foxconn for Cloud Servers | May 02 11:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Congo-Kinshasa: Film Exposes Shady Oil Deals in | May 02 11:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Congo's #Virunga National Park - | May 02 11:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #soco must be stopped (v | May 02 11:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @cybeardjm) | May 02 11:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Congo-Kinshasa: Film Exposes Shady Oil Deals in Congo's Virunga National Park | May 02 11:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 11:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody here's the trailer for the film about the | May 02 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | unique - threatened - #Virunga national park - | May 02 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | looks amazing | May 02 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | #teamvirunga | May 02 11:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Home | Virunga | May 02 11:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love USA being much more diplomatic and constructive | May 02 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by on library exceptions issue at #sccr27 than EU. | May 02 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US del well informed on library concerns. | May 02 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love Shorter version of EU statement just made by EC | May 02 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by at #sccr27. EU hates libraries. | May 02 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 02 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @VC4Africa 100 tech hubs across Africa: where are the new | May 02 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by innovation hotspots? | May 02 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @WorldBankAfrica @AfriLabs | May 02 11:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 100 tech hubs across Africa: where are the new innovation hotspots? | VC4Africa | May 02 11:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 11:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@VC4Africa: 100 tech hubs across Africa: where are the new innovation hotspots? @WorldBankAfrica @AfriLabs | May 02 11:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love EU all of a sudden ramping up and becoming a | May 02 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by louder opponent of movement on a treaty on | May 02 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody library exceptions at #sccr27 | May 02 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 11:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @netzpolitik Interview mit @lemos_ronaldo zum Marco Civil in | May 02 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Brasilien: Demokratie funktioniert, aber sie | May 02 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody ist viel Arbeit! | May 02 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 11:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Marco Civil in Brasilien: Demokratie funktioniert, aber sie ist viel Arbeit! | May 02 11:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @louisck My kids used to love math. Now it makes them | May 02 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by cry. Thanks standardized testing and common | May 02 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow core! | May 02 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 11:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Tech Companies Increasingly Telling Users When | May 02 12:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Law Enforcement Comes Asking For Data | May 02 12:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 12:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 12:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tech Companies Increasingly Telling Users When Law Enforcement Comes Asking For Data | Techdirt | May 02 12:03 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @stiangrindvoll retweeted @VC4Africa: '100 tech hubs across Africa: where are the...' | May 02 12:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Internet Users Failing to Protect Themselves | May 02 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | From Heartbleed: eWEEK: New data from Pew | May 02 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | indicates that while ma... | May 02 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 12:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Internet Users Failing to Protect Themselves From Heartbleed | May 02 12:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday How to Access Folders on Your Host Machine from | May 02 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | an Ubuntu Virtual Machine in VirtualBox: | May 02 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | HowToGeek: We’ll show... | May 02 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 12:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - How to Access Folders on Your Host Machine from an Ubuntu Virtual Machine in VirtualBox | May 02 12:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @the_intercept The Intercept's @ggreenwald will debate | May 02 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ex-NSA/CIA chief Hayden on Friday, 7pm | May 02 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 ET—stream at | May 02 12:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Intercept | May 02 12:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ( | May 02 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 12:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Munk Debates - State Surveillance | May 02 12:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @the_intercept ICYMI: Vast NSA "Ghostmachine" cloud system | May 02 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by stores "100s of billions" of metadata records: | May 02 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 02 12:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 12:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | British Spy Chiefs Secretly Begged to Play in NSA's Data Pools - The Intercept | May 02 12:50 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@the_intercept: ICYMI: Vast NSA "Ghostmachine" cloud system stores "100s of billions" of metadata records: | May 02 12:50 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 8 Android apps to sate your lust for | May 02 13:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | open-source | May 02 13:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 13:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 4MLinux Media Edition 8.2 Beta OS Can Play, | May 02 13:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | Rip, and Encode Any Media File | May 02 13:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 02 13:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 13:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 8 Android apps to sate your lust for open-source | Tux Machines | May 02 13:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola US tech companies defying instructions on | May 02 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by subpoenas urging them not to alert users about | May 02 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 govt data requests | May 02 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Born In the NSA: These Former Spies Are | May 02 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Starting Companies of Their Own | May 02 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 13:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 4MLinux Media Edition 8.2 Beta OS Can Play, Rip, and Encode Any Media File | Tux Machines | May 02 13:25 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple, Facebook, others defy authorities, increasingly notify users of secret data demands after Snowden revelations - The Washington Post | May 02 13:25 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Born In the NSA: These Former Spies Are Starting Companies of Their Own - Slashdot | May 02 13:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack US & Germany fail to reach deal on "no-spy" | May 02 13:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | agrmt. | May 02 13:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Germany blocks #Snowden f/ testifying abt same | May 02 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | matters. | May 02 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Pathetic | May 02 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 13:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 02 13:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @rewtd Hey @doctorow let the world know: 0day tickets | May 02 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for @BSidesCapeTown are now on the site | May 02 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow ( any chance you'll be | May 02 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | there? | May 02 13:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 13:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | B-Sides Cape Town 2014 | May 02 13:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks US eyes women: List of most influential women | May 02 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | by country | May 02 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 13:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Search WikiLeaks | May 02 13:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Tech Firms Notify Users of Secret Data Demands | May 02 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | "unless gagged by judge or legal power" | May 02 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ExceptionSwallowsRule | May 02 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NSLs | May 02 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: The glitchface kid | May 02 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 13:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 13:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: The glitchface kid | May 02 13:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Airbnb spoor | May 02 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 13:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Airbnb spoor | May 02 13:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Latest Blog: Tech Companies' Anti-Surveillance | May 02 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Step Swallowed by National Security Exceptions | May 02 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance #NSA | May 02 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 13:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tech Companies' Anti-Surveillance Step Swallowed by National Security Exceptions | May 02 13:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Tech giants standing up & demanding probable | May 02 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | cause for secret data demands by authorities on | May 02 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | users. Thank #Snowden | May 02 13:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 13:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple, Facebook, others defy authorities, increasingly notify users of secret data demands after Snowden revelations - The Washington Post | May 02 13:52 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 To Sport Docker | May 02 14:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 02 14:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 14:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 To Sport Docker | Tux Machines | May 02 14:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME Online Accounts 3.13.1 Ditches Twitter | May 02 14:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | and Windows Live Support | May 02 14:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 14:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNOME Online Accounts 3.13.1 Ditches Twitter and Windows Live Support | Tux Machines | May 02 14:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines NVIDIA Publishes Revised Open-Source TK1 | May 02 14:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | Graphics Code | May 02 14:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 14:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NVIDIA Publishes Revised Open-Source TK1 Graphics Code | Tux Machines | May 02 14:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Rand Paul Suggests Backing Bitcoin With Stocks | May 02 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 14:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rand Paul Suggests Backing Bitcoin With Stocks - Slashdot | May 02 14:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Toronto Asked To Ban Dangerous Dr. Seuss Book | May 02 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | For Promoting Violence | May 02 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 How convenient for authority. When telecoms | May 02 14:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Toronto Asked To Ban Dangerous Dr. Seuss Book For Promoting Violence | Techdirt | May 02 14:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | comply with secret data orders from gov’t & | May 02 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | obey, grant legal immunity. | May 02 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 14:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 14:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House seeks legal immunity for firms that hand over customer data | World news | | May 02 14:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @vu3rdd A program for Shamir Secret Sharing Scheme: | May 02 14:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @doctorow described a | May 02 14:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow near exact requirement in one of his essays. | May 02 14:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 14:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Why Have Canada's Telcos Failed to Notify | May 02 14:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Subscribers About Disclosing Their Information? | May 02 14:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 14:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 14:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist #TGIF | May 02 14:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 14:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ssss: Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme | May 02 14:17 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Why Have Canada's Telcos Failed to Notify Subscribers About Disclosing Their Information? | May 02 14:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @YutakaDirks My #fridayreads Pirate Cinema by @doctorow #YA | May 02 14:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #politics #technology | May 02 14:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 02 14:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 14:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Disney tarot | May 02 14:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 02 14:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 02 14:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 14:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 02 14:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Larry Lessig launches a Superpac to get money | May 02 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by out of US politics. #MayDay | May 02 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 02 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 14:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MAYDAY: Larry Lessig launches a Superpac to get money out of US politics - Boing Boing | May 02 14:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: disneylandphotosterpy: Haunted | May 02 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Mansion portraits, Magic Kingdom | May 02 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 14:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 14:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: disneylandphotosterpy: Haunted Mansion... | May 02 14:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Star Cluster Ejected From Galaxy At 2,000,000 | May 02 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | MPH | May 02 14:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Star Cluster Ejected From Galaxy At 2,000,000 MPH - Slashdot | May 02 14:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Dr. Oz’s evolution as America’s foremost | May 02 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | promoter of quackery continues apace - | May 02 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 14:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 14:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Dr. Oz’s evolution as America’s foremost promoter of quackery continues apace | May 02 14:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ernohannink Monday starts #next14 in Berlin. Are you going? | May 02 15:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Download the app Meet | May 02 15:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow the speakers @doctorow | May 02 15:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 15:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NEXT NOW – The digital conference guide for NEXT14 | NEXT Berlin | May 02 15:09 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Speakers | NEXT Berlin | May 02 15:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow NSA says that if you haven't done anything | May 02 15:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | wrong, you've nothing to hide. Why,are they so | May 02 15:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | concerned about Snowden leaks? | May 02 15:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 15:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow 1013 words on UTOPIA (working title), a novel | May 02 15:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | for adults #dailywords | May 02 15:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 15:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Standardized testing and schools as factories: | May 02 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Louis CK versus Common Core | May 02 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 02 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 15:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 02 15:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AWexelblat Trailer for "The Internet's Own Boy" is out: | May 02 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @doctorow | May 02 15:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz - Movie Trailers - iTunes | May 02 15:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 02 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Google Hit With Antitrust Lawsuit Over Default | May 02 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Search on Android Phones | May 02 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 15:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Hit With Antitrust Lawsuit Over Default Search on Android Phones - Slashdot | May 02 15:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist All major Cdn telcos were asked if they notify | May 02 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | subscribers about disclosing their info. All | May 02 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | said no. | May 02 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 15:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Why Have Canada's Telcos Failed to Notify Subscribers About Disclosing Their Information? | May 02 15:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist With no telco disclosure requirement, Canadians | May 02 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | should file info requests w/their providers. | May 02 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Here’s how: | May 02 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 15:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Responding to the Crisis in Canadian Telecommunications | May 02 15:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Hitting the road in a borrowed car to drive | May 02 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | from Toronto to #Penguicon | May 02 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rasmus New versions of PHP are available. Go get them. | May 02 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 5.4.28, 5.5.12 and 5.6.0beta2 | May 02 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 02 15:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor | May 02 15:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist RT @rasmus: New versions of PHP are available. | May 02 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Go get them. 5.4.28, 5.5.12 and 5.6.0beta2 | May 02 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | <-still waiting for PHP6 | May 02 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @sjvn What's really going on in OneDrive for Business | May 02 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by via @ZDNet It's not what | May 02 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist you think. #OneDrive by @sjvn | May 02 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 15:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What's really going on in OneDrive for Business | ZDNet | May 02 15:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot For the First Time Ever, the FAA Is Trying To | May 02 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Fine a Drone Hobbyist | May 02 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 15:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | For the First Time Ever, the FAA Is Trying To Fine a Drone Hobbyist - Slashdot | May 02 15:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @digiphile At #uwethics, @EricLichtblau notes issue of | May 02 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by leak prosecutions by Obama administration. | May 02 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Cites case of @Thomas_Drake1: | May 02 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 15:53 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 deleted 'RT @digiphile: At #uwethics, @EricLichtblau notes issue of...' | May 02 15:53 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Prosecuting whistleblowers is antithetical to open government | Gov 2.0: The Power of Platforms | May 02 15:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Tech Firms Notify Users of Secret Data Demands | May 02 15:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "unless gagged by judge or legal power" | May 02 15:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 02 15:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ExceptionSwallowsRule | May 02 15:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple, Facebook, others defy authorities, increasingly notify users of secret data demands after Snowden revelations - The Washington Post | May 02 15:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #NSLs | May 02 15:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 15:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Latest Blog: Tech Companies' Anti-Surveillance | May 02 15:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Step Swallowed by National Security Exceptions | May 02 15:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #surveillance #NSA | May 02 15:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 15:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tech Companies' Anti-Surveillance Step Swallowed by National Security Exceptions | May 02 15:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @FredericJacobs .@TorProject got a new look in my dock thanks | May 02 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to @maxvoltar! Do you like it? | May 02 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | May 02 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@FredericJacobs: .@TorProject got a new look in my dock thanks to @maxvoltar! Do you like it? | May 02 16:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Broadcasters' Lawyer Lays Out Every Bogus Trope | May 02 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Possible Against Aereo | May 02 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Broadcasters' Lawyer Lays Out Every Bogus Trope Possible Against Aereo | Techdirt | May 02 16:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @historyepics J.R.R. Tolkien's original first page for Lord | May 02 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by of the Rings, 1937 | May 02 16:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@historyepics: J.R.R. Tolkien's original first page for Lord of the Rings, 1937 | May 02 16:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 02 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The development of SlideViewer – a QML based | May 02 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | presentation program | May 02 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kde #qt #freesw | May 02 16:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The development of SlideViewer - a QML based presentation program - KDAB | May 02 16:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz NVIDIA Publishes Revised Open-Source TK1 | May 02 16:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Graphics Code #nvidia | May 02 16:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #freesw | May 02 16:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] NVIDIA Publishes Revised Open-Source TK1 Graphics Code | May 02 16:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GNOME Online Accounts 3.13.1 Ditches Twitter | May 02 16:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | and Windows Live Support | May 02 16:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnome #gnu #linux | May 02 16:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNOME Online Accounts 3.13.1 Ditches Twitter and Windows Live Support | May 02 16:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 To Sport Docker | May 02 16:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #redhat #gnu #linux | May 02 16:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 To Sport Docker - Page: 1 | CRN | May 02 16:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #docker | May 02 16:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 4MLinux Media Edition 8.2 Beta OS Can Play, | May 02 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Rip, and Encode Any Media File | May 02 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #4mlinux #gnu #linux | May 02 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 4MLinux Media Edition 8.2 Beta OS Can Play, Rip, and Encode Any Media File | May 02 16:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Meet the boy who taught us how bad British | May 02 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #police can be | May 02 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 12 Year Old Dragged From Class After Anti-Terror Police Flag Up His Facebook Protest Against Cameron | Scriptonite Daily | May 02 16:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Britain does not have strong culture of | May 02 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #protest anymore because the #police brutally | May 02 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | crushed protesters and pesters little boys now | May 02 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | over FB | May 02 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:24 |
*schestowitz_bed2 is now known as schestowitz__ | May 02 16:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Reality of Chromebooks/OS – Not as limited | May 02 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | as you think! by co-host | May 02 16:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Reality of Chromebooks/OS – Not as limited as you think! | OpenBytes - Goblin's Domain | May 02 16:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Tim, whose PC has just died. | May 02 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Except when NatSec data 'needs' trump probable | May 02 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | cause & orders remain secret. Gov't pushing | May 02 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | legis carrot of immunity. | May 02 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 16:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple, Facebook, others defy authorities, notify users of secret data demands - The Washington Post | May 02 16:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The culture of cooperatives (employees-owned) | May 02 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | seems to be on the rise in the #uk - just needs | May 02 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | more cooperation from the wider public | May 02 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Noam Chomsky on Ukraine, Cuba and the | May 02 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | hypocritical red-lines of US foreign policy | May 02 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ukraine | May 02 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Noam Chomsky on Ukraine, Cuba and the hypocritical red-lines of US foreign policy - Stop the War Coalition | May 02 16:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Yahoo Stops Honoring 'Do-Not-Track' Settings | May 02 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yahoo Stops Honoring 'Do-Not-Track' Settings - Slashdot | May 02 16:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Polarity | May 02 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Free as in freedom | May 02 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Murder with #linux not a | May 02 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | fan, but hey, at least they recognise good | May 02 16:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Navy asks Raytheon to upgrade unmanned helicopter control system with Linux software and more intuitive controls - Avionics Intelligence | May 02 16:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | software | May 02 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @privacylawyer: We seriously need | May 02 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | transparency about law enforcement demands | May 02 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #privacy | May 02 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canadian Privacy Law Blog: We seriously need transparency about law enforcement demands | May 02 16:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux Foundation is popping up anti-FSF troll | May 02 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | not good association to | May 02 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | be having | May 02 16:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Video of the Week: Linux Sucks (But Actually It's Awesome) | | May 02 16:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Shadow kabuki dance in full swing. #FF | May 02 16:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack for hilighting NatSec | May 02 16:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | excep(emp)tion swallowing corp PR stunt. | May 02 16:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 16:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tech Companies' Anti-Surveillance Step Swallowed by National Security Exceptions | May 02 16:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Books are relicensed to Creative Commons | May 02 16:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | sharing culture | May 02 16:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | resurging despite propaganda for the self and | May 02 16:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | consumerism | May 02 16:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Negotiating relicensing written works for the open knowledge movement | | May 02 16:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Dual Use Data: tech corps mine us thru terms & | May 02 16:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | conditions & as outsourced collector of record | May 02 16:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | for gov’t secret orders | May 02 16:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple, Facebook, others defy authorities, increasingly notify users of secret data demands after Snowden revelations - The Washington Post | May 02 16:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @JuliaAngwin: Google to stop scanning Gmail | May 02 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | of students whose universities use Gmail. | May 02 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 16:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Official Google Enterprise Blog | May 02 16:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @bsonenstein Help journalists @KGosztola and @JasonLeopold | May 02 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by file FOIA Requests for CIA torture | May 02 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou whistleblower @JohnKiriakou | May 02 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Help Journalists Kevin Gosztola and Jason Leopold File Freedom of Information Act Requests for CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou | FDL Action | May 02 16:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Gov’t pushing retroactive immunity for data | May 02 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | rich tech corps like telcos. Obey secret | May 02 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | orders, join protection racket. | May 02 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 16:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House seeks legal immunity for firms that hand over customer data | World news | | May 02 16:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Single board computers: Banana Pi, Raspberry Pi | May 02 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @sjvn brings visual | May 02 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | overview, bit of a bummer he helps #cbs | May 02 16:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 16:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Six clicks: Single board computers: Banana Pi, Raspberry Pi, and more | ZDNet | May 02 16:59 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The development of SlideViewer – a QML based | May 02 17:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | presentation program | May 02 17:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 17:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Reality of Chromebooks/OS – Not as limited | May 02 17:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | as you think! | May 02 17:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 17:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The development of SlideViewer – a QML based presentation program | Tux Machines | May 02 17:01 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Reality of Chromebooks/OS – Not as limited as you think! | Tux Machines | May 02 17:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack US & Germany fail to reach deal on "no-spy" | May 02 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by agrmt. | May 02 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Germany blocks #Snowden f/ testifying abt same | May 02 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | matters. | May 02 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Pathetic | May 02 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 02 17:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #openssl had bug, openssl patched bug, bug then | May 02 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | became publicly known and hyped up by | May 02 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsoft tool. Tired of still seeing it in | May 02 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'news'. | May 02 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz NATO’s Eastward Expansion: Did the West Break | May 02 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Its Promise to Moscow? | May 02 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nato #nuclear #provocation #coup | May 02 17:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NATO’s Eastward Expansion: Did the West Break Its Promise to Moscow? | Global Research | May 02 17:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Spies R Us: The “Kidnapping” of Fake OSCE | May 02 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | “Humanitarian Monitors” in Ukraine. | May 02 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Eestern #propaganda as | May 02 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | bad as Russia's | May 02 17:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Spies R Us: The “Kidnapping” of Fake OSCE “Humanitarian Monitors” in Ukraine. | Global Research | May 02 17:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Boycott Morocco plea to UK tourists over | May 02 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Western Sahara 'abuses' | May 02 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | barracks for tourists, nothing for the rest | May 02 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Boycott Morocco plea to UK tourists over Western Sahara 'abuses' | World news | The Observer | May 02 17:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz FCC's Wheeler Says That If These Lame Net | May 02 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Neutrality Rules Don't Work, He'll Implement | May 02 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | The Real Rules Next Time | May 02 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #fcc | May 02 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FCC's Wheeler Says That If These Lame Net Neutrality Rules Don't Work, He'll Implement The Real Rules Next Time | Techdirt | May 02 17:09 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 17:13 |
schestowitz__ | older: | May 02 17:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | John Kerry Shouldn't Have Apologized: Israel's Practice of Apartheid Doomed the Peace Process | Alternet [ ] | May 02 17:13 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 17:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jimmy Carter: Israel, Palestine, peace and apartheid | World news | The Guardian [ ] | May 02 17:13 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 17:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden: Why hasn’t the Director of National Intelligence been punished for lying to Congress? [ ] | May 02 17:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Off target: Dvorak forgets the use cases of | May 02 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | tablets (where laptops impractical) | May 02 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux growing | May 02 17:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Tablet Dead End Is Dead Ahead | John C. Dvorak | | May 02 17:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | there | May 02 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @caparsons: Responding the the Crisis in | May 02 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Canadian Telecommunications | May 02 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 17:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Responding the the Crisis in Canadian Telecommunications | Technology, Thoughts & Trinkets | May 02 17:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard I realise it's bad form to compare UKIP to | May 02 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | actual Nazis, but, um. | May 02 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EXCLUSIVE: Compulsory abortion for Down’s syndrome foetuses, says UKIP Kent candidate - News - Gravesend Reporter | May 02 17:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa an institute of lawless criminals | May 02 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Institutional corruption knows no borders | May 02 17:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa #snowden | May 02 17:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edward Snowden: Befragung durch NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss - SPIEGEL ONLINE | May 02 17:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt How The US Post Office Killed Innovative | May 02 17:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Digital Mail Because It Disrupted Junk Mailers | May 02 17:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 17:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How The US Post Office Killed Innovative Digital Mail Because It Disrupted Junk Mailers | Techdirt | May 02 17:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Kim Dotcom: On the road with Hollywood's | May 02 17:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | biggest enemy he defends | May 02 17:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | everyone's Internet. Some don't know it. | May 02 17:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Kim Dotcom: On the road with Hollywood's biggest enemy | May 02 17:16 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 13 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 82 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 02 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (13) | May 02 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 02 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 02 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 230 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 907 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 13 throttle notices | May 02 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (96), @doctorow (16), @glynmoody (10) | May 02 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (24), @doctorow (18), @Thomas_Drake1 (9) | May 02 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (23), #gnu (15), #uk (6) | May 02 17:18 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 17:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@rus_yaidi: @schestowitz RT @aburizalbakrie Pendiri Golkar Suhardiman, mengusulkan Priyo Budi Santoso sebagai Cawapres Prabowo | May 02 17:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Astronomers Calculate How To Spot Life On an | May 02 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Alien Earth | May 02 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Astronomers Calculate How To Spot Life On an Alien Earth - Slashdot | May 02 17:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Yahoo says it knows best as it drops support | May 02 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | for Do Not Track #prism | May 02 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa #boycott #yahoo | May 02 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yahoo says it knows best as it drops support for Do Not Track- The Inquirer | May 02 17:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Tarantino is Back, Now Claiming Gawker is an | May 02 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Illegal Downloader | May 02 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #copyright | May 02 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | misconceptions | May 02 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard This is from 2012; no doubt UKIP have turned | May 02 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | into lefty peacenik hippies in the meantime. | May 02 17:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-name lookup timed out ( status 0 @ ) | May 02 17:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Where the men are men, the women are men, the | May 02 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | children are FBI agents and the FBI agents are | May 02 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | children. | May 02 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard To be fair, Bez has personally witnessed | May 02 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | everyone turning into lizards. | May 02 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Happy Mondays star backs David Icke - Story - Entertainment - 3 News | May 02 17:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Links 2/5/2014: Graphics/GPU Source Code for | May 02 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Linux, Drones With Linux | May 02 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #techrights | May 02 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Links 2/5/2014: Graphics/GPU Source Code for Linux, Drones With Linux | Techrights | May 02 17:36 | |
schestowitz__ | nice work on the strings: | May 02 17:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Clean Bandit - Rather Be (feat. Jess Glynne) - Later... with Jools Holland - BBC Two - YouTube [ ] | May 02 17:45 | |
schestowitz__ | studio version | May 02 17:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rather Be - Clean Bandit feat Jess Glynne Lyrics - YouTube [ ] | May 02 17:46 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 17:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ The insurgency of US troops in East Europe did not start after Russia made its move. It preceded it and it terrorisse Russia. Provocation. | May 02 17:46 | |
schestowitz__ | "Thanks for promoting peace." | May 02 17:47 |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 17:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ The language of the oppressor is being promoted and embedded inside people's minds using corporate media. We need to restore language. | May 02 17:47 | |
schestowitz__ | "This kind of politic should begin at home imho. Adults male and female alike relate to children like they are NOT the source of truth in society, and then take it out on each other, and furthermore distract the self with "political" concerns that end up having precious little with reality - shields up." | May 02 17:47 |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 17:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Occupy Wall Street labeled by #fbi "low-level terrorism" while occupying a whole nation with #debt and #police is "business as usual" | May 02 17:48 | |
schestowitz__ | "In my ignorant bliss I glimpsed the fact that US Treasury paid off Ukraine's Gazprom bill to the amount of a billion dollars. It would be great to empower whatever resistance with such cooperative facts and encourage creative expression of common wealth. Already in Europe bond trading is common talk amongst the population." | May 02 17:48 |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 17:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@KhrazyHorse: @zerohedge #china #politics I don't read Yous enough, "US Treasury paid Ukraine gas bill" | May 02 17:48 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | THE ORACLE - A 400 Year Old Secret - HD FEATURE FILM - YouTube | May 02 17:48 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@KhrazyHorse: @zerohedge #china #politics I don't read Yous enough, "US Treasury paid Ukraine gas bill" | May 02 17:48 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 17:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: being...  #being #someone #vegetarian | May 02 17:49 | |
schestowitz__ | "We have to breed them in permaculture, and kill-eat them too as not to alienate the history-current with pollution-like social judgements. It's the only way." | May 02 17:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Savory Institute: Promoting large-scale restoration of the world’s grasslands | May 02 17:49 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 17:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #IMF Confirms $17bn Loan to Ukraine with Conditions That Will Devastate the Economy 'gifts' of #debt | May 02 17:49 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | IMF Confirms $17bn Loan to Ukraine with Conditions That Will Devastate the Economy | Scriptonite Daily [ ] | May 02 17:49 | |
schestowitz__ | "Once it gets under the IMF umbrella it's over, the only way to recover is with back-allocation of systemic #SIB "social impact bond" capital anti-debt or whatever." | May 02 17:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Shadow kabuki dance in full swing. #FF | May 02 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @JesselynRadack for hilighting NatSec | May 02 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack excep(emp)tion swallowing corp PR stunt. | May 02 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tech Companies' Anti-Surveillance Step Swallowed by National Security Exceptions | May 02 17:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh My latest little post. Enjoy + please share!! | May 02 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | “@HarvardBiz: 5 Dirty Secrets About the U.S. | May 02 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Economy” | May 02 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 17:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 5 Dirty Secrets About the U.S. Economy - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review | May 02 17:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot ESA Taking Applications for Summer of Code in | May 02 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Space | May 02 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 18:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ESA Taking Applications for Summer of Code in Space - Slashdot | May 02 18:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @m1splacedsoul [Imagined Headline]: 'Serious' #OAuth Flaw | May 02 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by provides thousands opportunity to | May 02 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist re-familiarize selves w/ protocol & advise devs | May 02 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | on secure use | May 02 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @m1splacedsoul I liked this "Serious" #OAuth #OpenID | May 02 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 'discovery' better when it was called page 22 | May 02 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist of IETF's OAuth 2.0 threat model | May 02 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @adamdjacobson Generals Want CIA #Torture Report Declassified | May 02 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #SSCI | May 02 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack | May 02 18:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | RFC 6819 - OAuth 2.0 Threat Model and Security Considerations | May 02 18:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 18:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Generals Want CIA Torture Report Declassified | | May 02 18:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bsonenstein Help journalists @KGosztola and @JasonLeopold | May 02 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by file FOIA Requests for CIA torture | May 02 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack whistleblower @JohnKiriakou | May 02 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 18:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 18:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Journalists Kevin Gosztola and Jason Leopold to File Freedom of Information Act Requests for CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou | FDL Action | May 02 18:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JamesSpione Thank u @CharlotteCook & entire @hotdocs team 4 | May 02 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by amazing week in Toronto w/ @SilencedFilm. | May 02 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Grateful for your support! | May 02 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 18:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JamesSpione: Thank u @CharlotteCook & entire @hotdocs team 4 amazing week in Toronto w/ @SilencedFilm. Grateful for your support! | May 02 18:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya JavaScript Prototype Chaning Explained - | May 02 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 18:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | JavaScript Prototype and Module Pattern | May 02 18:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Let's create CITIZENS' CHURCH COMMITTEE. We | May 02 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | already have the documents. Don't have to rely | May 02 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | on Congress: Fritz Schwarz, @ioerror, | May 02 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Binney... | May 02 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 18:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya Man make money using Intelligance. Intelligance | May 02 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | can be put in computer software. That means, | May 02 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | automatic Software can earn money too :) | May 02 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @RonDeibert: Where is Canada's rage over | May 02 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | digital surveillance? | May 02 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | via @JesseBrown | May 02 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 18:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Where is Canada's rage over digital surveillance? | Toronto Star | May 02 18:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @CarlaSchroder Building an Arduino Pest Repeller on #Linux, | May 02 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by part 2. Make a simple motion-activated device | May 02 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist to play sounds. #Arduino | May 02 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 18:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Building an Arduino Pest Repeller on Linux (Part 2) | | May 02 18:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Dealing With Disrespect, my new (free) book for | May 02 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | handling anti-social feedback and people is out | May 02 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | now at | May 02 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 18:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dealing With Disrespect | May 02 18:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 The other ‘F’ word. On slippery fast track | May 02 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | toward fascism? When large corporations have | May 02 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ears & own the doors of govt? | May 02 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 18:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 18:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rob Schneider Tells Chris Stigall: We Are Sliding Very Fast Towards Fascism « CBS Philly | May 02 18:37 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | May 02 19:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Navy asks Raytheon to upgrade unmanned | May 02 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | helicopter control system with Linux software | May 02 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | and more intuitive controls | May 02 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 02 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 19:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Navy asks Raytheon to upgrade unmanned helicopter control system with Linux software and more intuitive controls | Tux Machines | May 02 19:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | May 02 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 19:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | May 02 19:15 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 02 19:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 19:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 02 19:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Court Tells Ex-Wife Of Husband Who Killed | May 02 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Himself To Use Copyright To Delete Anything He | May 02 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ever Wrote Online | May 02 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 19:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Court Tells Ex-Wife Of Husband Who Killed Himself To Use Copyright To Delete Anything He Ever Wrote Online | Techdirt | May 02 19:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Figuring Out the iPad's Place | May 02 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 19:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Figuring Out the iPad's Place - Slashdot | May 02 19:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @peternowak: Telco-abetted spying is | May 02 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | perverse on many levels | May 02 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 19:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Telco-abetted spying is perverse on many levels | WordsByNowak | May 02 19:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @i_Snigdha16 #ModernDayIdiot supports AAP. that too with | May 02 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by hopes. | May 02 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya | May 02 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Tripti_Uvaach Avoids GHEE for health reasons & lands in | May 02 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by PizzaHut on the weekends :P ! #ModernDayIdiot | May 02 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya | May 02 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Ask Slashdot: How To Communicate Security | May 02 19:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | Alerts? | May 02 19:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 19:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ask Slashdot: How To Communicate Security Alerts? - Slashdot | May 02 19:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Former NSA technical director & now | May 02 19:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by whistleblower Bill #Binney speaks out on "No | May 02 19:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack One is Watching the Watchers" | May 02 19:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 19:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 19:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Former NSA Official "No One is Watching the Watchers" - YouTube | May 02 19:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Remember how Kanye West was suing folks about | May 02 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Coinye? One of the peoplel he sued is fighting | May 02 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | back: | May 02 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 19:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dutch Student Sued By Kanye West Over Coinye Rejects Kanye's Settlement Offers; Prepares Countersuit | Techdirt | May 02 19:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @thejustcampaign In the US? On Friday, May 9th, Firedoglake is | May 02 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by organizing a Day of Action for torture | May 02 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou whistleblower @JohnKiriakou | May 02 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 19:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 9th: Day of Action for CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou | May 02 19:44 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Steam For Linux Last Month Showed A Slight Rise | May 02 19:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | In Usage | May 02 19:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 19:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mozilla Firefox 29 Lands in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | May 02 19:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | and All Other Supported Ubuntu Distros | May 02 19:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 02 19:48 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 19:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Steam For Linux Last Month Showed A Slight Rise In Usage | Tux Machines | May 02 19:48 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines No, ARM Didn't Open-Source Their Full Mali | May 02 19:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux Driver | May 02 19:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 19:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mozilla Firefox 29 Lands in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and All Other Supported Ubuntu Distros | Tux Machines | May 02 19:49 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | No, ARM Didn't Open-Source Their Full Mali Linux Driver | Tux Machines | May 02 19:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @SpyTalker 30 Retired Generals Urge Obama To Declassify | May 02 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by The #CIA #Torture Report | May 02 19:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Retired Generals: Declassify The Report On CIA Torture - Business Insider | May 02 19:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou via @bi_contributors | May 02 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 19:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @dimitrimckay Doctor Who’s Matt Smith Joins the New | May 02 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Terminator Reboot #news | May 02 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 02 20:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Doctor Who’s Matt Smith Joins the New Terminator Reboot | Underwire | WIRED | May 02 20:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Unmasking the Tails Linux Distro | May 02 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 20:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unmasking the Tails Linux Distro | May 02 20:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot How 'Fast Lanes' Will Change the Internet | May 02 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 20:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 20:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How 'Fast Lanes' Will Change the Internet - Slashdot | May 02 20:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AdamHashemi Leak from security firm HBGary on how to take | May 02 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by down @wikileaks via @ggreenwald Gotta love | May 02 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks their faith in humanity. | May 02 20:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@AdamHashemi: Leak from security firm HBGary on how to take down @wikileaks via @ggreenwald Gotta love their faith in humanity. | May 02 20:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Quentin Tarantino Tries, Tries Again Against | May 02 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Gawker: Claims Direct Infringement Because | May 02 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Gawker Knew Page Numbers | May 02 20:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 20:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Quentin Tarantino Tries, Tries Again Against Gawker: Claims Direct Infringement Because Gawker Knew Page Numbers | Techdirt | May 02 20:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JamesSpione Thank u @CharlotteCook & entire @hotdocs team 4 | May 02 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by amazing week in Toronto w/ @SilencedFilm. | May 02 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Grateful for your support! | May 02 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 20:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JamesSpione: Thank u @CharlotteCook & entire @hotdocs team 4 amazing week in Toronto w/ @SilencedFilm. Grateful for your support! | May 02 20:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @eWEEKNews Unmasking the Tails Linux Distro: The Amnesic | May 02 20:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Incognito Live System, or Tails, hit its 1.0 | May 02 20:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist release. Tails is N... | May 02 20:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 20:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unmasking the Tails Linux Distro | May 02 20:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Spring in the park. | May 02 20:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@umairh: Spring in the park. | May 02 20:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 20:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @eSecurityP How to Buy Static Analysis Tools | May 02 20:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 02 20:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | May 02 20:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How to Buy Static Analysis Tools - eSecurity Planet | May 02 20:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 20:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Talking To the Public: the Biggest Enemy To | May 02 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Reducing Greenhouse Emissions | May 02 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 21:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Talking To the Public: the Biggest Enemy To Reducing Greenhouse Emissions - Slashdot | May 02 21:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @fagstein: Federal govt won’t fight big | May 02 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | telecom companies’ legal battle against #CRTC | May 02 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | wireless code | May 02 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 21:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CRTC can’t defend itself in wireless appeal - National | | May 02 21:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 The Great Surveillance Debate. Hayden & | May 02 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Dershowitz v @ggreenwald & Alex Ohanian t | May 02 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 21:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | State Surveillance Debate - Livestream | Munk Debates | May 02 21:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @munkdebate Secrecy keeps us free? | May 02 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I haven't written a post in a while. Here's a | May 02 21:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | new one!! “@HarvardBiz: 5 Dirty Secrets About | May 02 21:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | the U.S. Economy” | May 02 21:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 21:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 5 Dirty Secrets About the U.S. Economy - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review | May 02 21:32 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 deleted 'The Great Surveillance Debate. Hayden & Dershowitz v...' | May 02 21:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 The Great Surveillance Debate. | May 02 21:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hayden&Dershowitz v @ggreenwald&Alex Ohanian | May 02 21:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | 2nite. Secrecy keeps us | May 02 21:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | free? @munkdebate | May 02 21:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 21:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Volvo Testing Autonomous Cars On Public Roads | May 02 21:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 21:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 21:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Volvo Testing Autonomous Cars On Public Roads - Slashdot | May 02 21:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines XBMC 13.0 Gotham – Release Candidate 1 | May 02 21:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 02 21:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 21:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | XBMC 13.0 Gotham – Release Candidate 1 | Tux Machines | May 02 21:39 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines NixOS 14.04 Is a Unique Operating System That | May 02 21:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | Uses KDE 4.2 | May 02 21:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 02 21:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NixOS 14.04 Is a Unique Operating System That Uses KDE 4.2 | Tux Machines | May 02 21:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow [tor-talk] Fake keys for Tails developers' | May 02 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | email address | May 02 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 21:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: [tor-talk] Fake keys for Tails developers' email address | May 02 21:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Maryland Police Dept. To Live Tweet | May 02 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Prostitution Vice Stings | May 02 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I'm moving to BroTown. Who's with me? | May 02 21:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Maryland Police Dept. To Live Tweet Prostitution Vice Stings | Techdirt | May 02 21:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | “@JCDFitness: @umairh I don't wanna live on | May 02 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | this planet anymore” | May 02 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 21:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mikko In two hours Glenn Greenwald & Alexis Ohanian | May 02 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by will take on Michael Hayden & Alan Dershowitz | May 02 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist about State Surveillance: | May 02 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 21:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Munk Debates - State Surveillance | May 02 21:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 21:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TheCIC If you’re watching tonight’s #munkdebate, we | May 02 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by recommend reading our interview with | May 02 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @Thomas_Drake1: | May 02 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 22:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canadian International Council – Canada's hub for international affairs » Thomas Drake on Whistleblowing, Oversight, and the Future of Electronic Surveillance | May 02 22:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Second stage for Mayday PAC — please help! - | May 02 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | lessig: So the response to our Mayday call has | May 02 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | melted our... | May 02 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 22:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Second stage for Mayday PAC — please help! | May 02 22:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Nasty Security Flaw In OAuth, OpenID | May 02 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 22:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nasty Security Flaw In OAuth, OpenID - Slashdot | May 02 22:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BadPhysics I think @davidgerard is doing a series of | May 02 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by homeopathic tweets. But.. I can't be sure. | May 02 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | May 02 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Italy's First Attempt To Block Websites With No | May 02 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Judicial Review Reveals How Dangerous The | May 02 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | System Is | May 02 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 22:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Italy's First Attempt To Block Websites With No Judicial Review Reveals How Dangerous The System Is | Techdirt | May 02 22:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard How to be a summer camp counsellor: lie. | May 02 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 22:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 22:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FistFullOLoightnin comments on People of reddit, what lie have you told a kid just to mess with them? | May 02 22:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Let's create CITIZENS' CHURCH COMMITTEE. We | May 02 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by already have the documents. Don't have to rely | May 02 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 on Congress: Fritz Schwarz, @ioerror, | May 02 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Binney... | May 02 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @bsonenstein Help journalists @KGosztola and @JasonLeopold | May 02 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by file FOIA Requests for CIA torture | May 02 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 whistleblower @JohnKiriakou | May 02 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 22:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Journalists Kevin Gosztola and Jason Leopold to File Freedom of Information Act Requests for CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou | FDL Action | May 02 22:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel The Qazi Brothers: The Craziest Bit of Blatant | May 02 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Parallel Construction to Protect FAA | May 02 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 02 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 22:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Qazi Brothers: The Craziest Bit of Blatant Parallel Construction to Protect FAA | emptywheel | May 02 22:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 22:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel We can't have a select committee to investigate | May 02 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by spying. But we CAN have one to investigate | May 02 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Benghazi. | May 02 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Washington Files First Consumer Protection | May 02 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Lawsuit Over Kickstarter Fraud | May 02 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 22:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Washington Files First Consumer Protection Lawsuit Over Kickstarter Fraud - Slashdot | May 02 22:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @joshgerstein Is surveillance reform at risk of death by 1000 | May 02 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by blue-ribbon panels? | May 02 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 02 22:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snooping reports' pileup problem - Josh Gerstein - | May 02 22:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 22:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Why Microsoft Shouldn't Patch the XP Internet | May 02 23:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Explorer Flaw | May 02 23:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 23:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Microsoft Shouldn't Patch the XP Internet Explorer Flaw - Slashdot | May 02 23:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Wearing my 2001 RSA "oh shit we lost our | May 02 23:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | patent" T-shirt. Even more delicious since they | May 02 23:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | were busted corrupting algorithms for the NSA. | May 02 23:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 23:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Shit Goths Say. This is | May 02 23:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | accurate, including the dance. | May 02 23:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ✖ SHIT GOTH PEOPLE SAY! ✖ - YouTube | May 02 23:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 23:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist What is the Future of Citrix Netscaler? [VIDEO] | May 02 23:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | - EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet | May 02 23:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 23:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 23:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What is the Future of Citrix Netscaler? [VIDEO] | May 02 23:06 | |
*Disconnected (Connection timed out). | May 02 23:26 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri May 2 23:26:47 2014 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri May 2 23:27:14 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-social | May 02 23:27 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell | May 02 23:27 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010 | May 02 23:27 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 02 23:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Report: Comcast and EA To Stream Games To TVs | May 02 23:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 02 23:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 23:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Report: Comcast and EA To Stream Games To TVs - Slashdot | May 02 23:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Julian Assange EXKLUSIV: Lady Gaga erzählt, das | May 02 23:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Weiße Haus hätte ihr nahegelegt, sich nicht für | May 02 23:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Manning zu engagieren | May 02 23:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 23:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Inside Julian Assange | INTERVIEW MAGAZINE GERMANY | May 02 23:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Places Where the Silicon Valley Bubble Could | May 02 23:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pop | May 02 23:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Places Where the Silicon Valley Bubble Could Pop - Slashdot | May 02 23:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 02 23:42 |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 23:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Off target: Dvorak forgets the use cases of tablets (where laptops impractical),2817,2457318,00.asp #gnu #linux growing there | May 02 23:50 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | The Tablet Dead End Is Dead Ahead | John C. Dvorak | [ ] | May 02 23:50 | |
schestowitz__ | "Tablet? I'm still using a Dell Latitude 610. Works like a charm. It's a bit heavy to hold in one hand, though. ;)" | May 02 23:50 |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 23:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Yahoo says it knows best as it drops support for Do Not Track #prism #nsa #boycott #yahoo | May 02 23:50 | |
schestowitz__ | "Give the NSA more data, which they can then use to infer even more." | May 02 23:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Yahoo says it knows best as it drops support for Do Not Track- The Inquirer | May 02 23:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt It's All Fun And Virtual Reality Until Oculus | May 03 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Gets Bought For $2 Billion -- Then ZeniMax | May 03 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Wants Its Cut | May 03 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 00:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | It's All Fun And Virtual Reality Until Oculus Gets Bought For $2 Billion -- Then ZeniMax Wants Its Cut | Techdirt | May 03 00:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @YvesHanoulle thanks to @dries q:what books changed you? I | May 03 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by remembered again: The Art of Community from | May 03 00:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon @jonobacon | May 03 00:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 00:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Art of Community: Building the New Age of Participation eBook: Jono Bacon: Kindle Store | May 03 00:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Gearing up to watch @ggreenwald & | May 03 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @alexisohanian trounce Michael #Hayden & Alan | May 03 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Dershowitz. Live-streamed: | May 03 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | 7pm EST | May 03 00:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | State Surveillance Debate - Livestream | Munk Debates | May 03 00:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 00:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TheOliverStone Please read our exclusive interview with NSA | May 03 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by whistleblowers William Binney and | May 03 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @Thomas_Drake1 at @untoldhistoryus: | May 03 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 00:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | News & Blog « UHUS | May 03 00:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @YourAnonNews Now: Watch live as @ggreenwald & @alexisohanian | May 03 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by debate ex-NSA chief Hayden & law prof | May 03 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Dershowitz on surveillance: | May 03 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 00:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 00:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Watch Live: Glenn Greenwald Debates Former NSA Director Michael Hayden - The Intercept | May 03 00:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @importantshock What happens when you put a rabid Objectivist | May 03 00:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by in charge of a billion-dollar company? | May 03 00:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | May 03 00:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 00:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ayn Rand-loving CEO destroys his empire - | May 03 00:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot iOS 7 Update Silently Removes Encryption For | May 03 00:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Email Attachments | May 03 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 00:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | iOS 7 Update Silently Removes Encryption For Email Attachments - Slashdot | May 03 00:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh If you cannot learn to be grateful for what you | May 03 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | have, you're not going to be grateful no matter | May 03 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | how much you get. | May 03 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Hayden: "#NSA's not wrong--the reporting of | May 03 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | BOUNDLESS INFORMANT is wrong." | May 03 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #munkdebates | May 03 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 00:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Hayden: "PRISM [which, ahem, underlay a | May 03 00:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pulitzer] had multiple corrections most didn't | May 03 00:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | see." | May 03 00:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #munkdebates | May 03 00:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 00:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Hayden: "#PRISM helped keep Americans safe". | May 03 00:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Um, #NSA Dir Alexander said it thwarted (maybe) | May 03 00:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | only one terrorist plot. | May 03 00:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #munkdebates | May 03 00:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 00:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack The Dersh: "Accessing the content of phone | May 03 00:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | calls is different than cataloging the | May 03 00:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | externalities [metadata]." | May 03 00:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Nope | May 03 00:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #munkdebates | May 03 00:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 00:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Dersh: "Obama is not using terrorism as a | May 03 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | pretext. Motives matter." Uh, then Executive | May 03 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | power grab shud be seen for what it is | May 03 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #munkdebates | May 03 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack The Dersh: "Our enemies are not constrained by | May 03 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | morality or legality." | May 03 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NeitherIsNSA | May 03 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #munkdebates | May 03 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack .@ggreenwald: "There wud be no controversy if | May 03 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance was being done in a balanced | May 03 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | way--as Hayden & Dersh say it is." | May 03 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #munkdebate | May 03 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack .@ggreenwald: "Gov presents this very moderate | May 03 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | description of what's happening in public. In | May 03 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | private, it's boasting of spying." #munkdebates | May 03 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 00:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Hayden rebuttal: "We do bulk collection. | May 03 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | That's different than mass #surveillance." | May 03 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #munkdebates | May 03 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh LOL. Dumbflation. “@conradhackett: Big TVs | May 03 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | cheaper; essentials like food, health & child | May 03 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | care more expensive | May 03 00:50 |
TweetSchestowitz |" | May 03 00:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@FactTank: Our chart of the week shows how America's poor can still be rich in "stuff" | May 03 00:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 00:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Chart of the Week: How America’s poor can still be rich in stuff | Pew Research Center | May 03 00:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthew_d_green The sale of vulnerabilities for cash is *not* a | May 03 00:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by freedom of speech issue. | May 03 00:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | May 03 00:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 00:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Hayden: "If these prgrms were in place, we cud | May 03 00:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | have stopped 9/11 attacks." Uh, @Thomas_Drake1 | May 03 00:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | sez this technology was available & buried. | May 03 00:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 00:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NSA_PR Look, bad guys have computers too. It's in our | May 03 01:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by best interests to exploit them rather than fix | May 03 01:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian yours #munkdebate | May 03 01:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @micahflee From an NSA conference slide: "Collect it all. | May 03 01:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Sniff it all. Know it all. Process it all. | May 03 01:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Exploit it all." @ggreenwald #munkdebate | May 03 01:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Hayden is such a liar. #NSA DID have a diff | May 03 01:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | program that cud cheaply, effectively & | May 03 01:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | anonymously worked (THINTHREAD). | May 03 01:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #HeKilledIt-TooCheap | May 03 01:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack .@ggreenwald "They collect so much info they | May 03 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | can't even store it all. So much they can't | May 03 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | find anything." | May 03 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #munkdebates | May 03 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Reason Suggests DoJ Closing Porn Stars' Bank | May 03 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Accounts | May 03 01:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Reason Suggests DoJ Closing Porn Stars' Bank Accounts - Slashdot | May 03 01:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Dersh: "This is a work in progress. We just | May 03 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | have to make #surveillance better. Need to | May 03 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | reform FISA Ct." | May 03 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #munkdebates | May 03 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack .@ggreenwald: "Why shud the #NSA know if I'm | May 03 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | calling an abortion clinic, HIV clinic, drug | May 03 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | addiction hotline, etc?" | May 03 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #munkdebates | May 03 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #munkdebates Hayden's Big Lie: NSA didn't know | May 03 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | hijackers in San Diego. They did. I gave | May 03 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Congress doc evidence in 2002 | May 03 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA Insiders Reveal What Went Wrong | Consortiumnews | May 03 01:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Hayden: "Slow moving, nimble, oligarchic | May 03 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | nation states, scary words, scary words, scary | May 03 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | words." | May 03 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #FearMongering | May 03 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #munkdebates | May 03 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Channeling Al Gore. #Hayden: "Your billing | May 03 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | records are put in a lockbox that only 22 ppl | May 03 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | can access." | May 03 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #RUFKM? | May 03 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #munkdebates | May 03 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:10 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'Channeling Al Gore. #Hayden: "Your billing records are...' | May 03 01:10 | |
*MinceR_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | May 03 01:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Channeling Al Gore, | May 03 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Hayden: "Your billing records are put in a | May 03 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | lockbox that only 22 ppl can access." #RUFKM? | May 03 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | #munkdebates | May 03 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Dersh: "Silent cameras on street corners have | May 03 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | had a major role in stopping street crime." | May 03 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Evidence? | May 03 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | #munkdebates | May 03 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt DailyDirt: Water, Water, Everywhere.. In | May 03 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Convenient Forms | May 03 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DailyDirt: Water, Water, Everywhere.. In Convenient Forms | Techdirt | May 03 01:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #munkdebates Hayden tells 2nd Big Lie. Other | May 03 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | secret programs besides 215&PRISM for bulk | May 03 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | metadata &mass surveillance including NSLs &EO | May 03 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | 12333 | May 03 01:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:19 |
*MinceR ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 01:21 | |
*MinceR has quit (Changing host) | May 03 01:21 | |
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 01:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Snowden:"It covers phone calls, emails, texts, | May 03 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | search history, what you buy, who your friends | May 03 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | are, where you go, who you love" | May 03 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #munkdebates | May 03 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Dersh: "Modern tech confronting 4th Amendment. | May 03 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #SCOTUS was deeply confused." Actually, they | May 03 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | were very well prepared. | May 03 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #munkdebates | May 03 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Wha, Dersh? No one's trying to make iPhones | May 03 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | illegal. We agree there needs to be more | May 03 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | accountability. #NSA ppl are good ppl is not | May 03 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | valid arg | May 03 01:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:28 |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 01:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack .@ggreenwald: "History proves you can't trust | May 03 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | govt's to collect data & not abuse it. Whatever | May 03 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | the motives, climate aft 9/11 outta control." | May 03 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @accessforbidden "why are you quitting yr job?" "look bro | May 03 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by there's this albert camus novel i bought & 4 | May 03 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 more parts of anaïs nin's diary i must read so. | May 03 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | yeah" | May 03 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Dersh concedes the point: we need less | May 03 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance than what we have now. Need | May 03 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | targeted #surveillance--which is what | May 03 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | '@ggreenwald's pt is | May 03 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks This Day in #WikiLeaks: Obama dismisses critics | May 03 01:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | of secret #TPP for 'lack of knowledge'; New | May 03 01:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | interview with #Assange | May 03 01:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Day in WikiLeaks: 2 May 2014 | May 03 01:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Short Dersh: Basically, I really agree w/ the | May 03 01:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | other side but am teamed up with this | May 03 01:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Napoleonic douchebag | May 03 01:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Hayden: "1.7 emails collected a day! Oops, | May 03 01:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | that's how many docs we said #Snowden took. | May 03 01:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Actually, I have no fucking idea abt either." | May 03 01:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Company Uses Bogus Polls And Gag Orders To | May 03 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | Protect Image Of License Plate Scanning | May 03 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Company Uses Bogus Polls And Gag Orders To Protect Image Of License Plate Scanning | Techdirt | May 03 01:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack So who's gonna joint me in a #FOIA to find out | May 03 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | who the 22 ppl are who control the #NSA "lock | May 03 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | box," and what's inside? | May 03 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #munkdebates | May 03 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @stiangrindvoll Never watched so many channels as i do when i | May 03 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | watch #golang channels operate | May 03 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:53 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'So who's gonna joint me in a #FOIA...' | May 03 01:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack So who's gonna join me in a #FOIA to find out | May 03 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | who the 22 ppl are who control the #NSA "lock | May 03 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | box," and what's inside? | May 03 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #munkdebates | May 03 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #munkdebates Plethora of Pinocchios: Hayden's | May 03 01:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hat Trick of Lies: NSA doesn't collect it all, | May 03 01:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | just want ability to access all to know it all. | May 03 01:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 01:54 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'So who's gonna join me in a #FOIA...' | May 03 01:54 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Short Dersh: Basically, I really agree w/ the...' | May 03 01:54 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Dersh concedes the point: we need less #surveillance...' | May 03 01:54 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Dersh: "Modern tech confronting 4th Amendment. #SCOTUS was...' | May 03 01:54 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Dersh: "Silent cameras on street corners have had...' | May 03 01:54 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Channeling Al Gore, #Hayden: "Your billing records...' | May 03 02:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Hayden's Defining Hyper(bolic) Historical | May 03 02:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Master Spy Lie: Trust Me. NSA not Google. | May 03 02:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Mining all networks& mainlining data feeds from | May 03 02:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | telecoms | May 03 02:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 02:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack .@ggreenwald: "Invading what you do on Internet | May 03 02:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | is radically different than having cameras on | May 03 02:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | street filming public activity." | May 03 02:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #munkdebates | May 03 02:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 02:48 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'Gearing up to watch @ggreenwald & @alexisohanian trounce...' | May 03 02:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Missing at #munkdebate Use of metadata&content | May 03 02:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | for 'other purposes' via mass state | May 03 02:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance. Secret security erodes liberty&we | May 03 02:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | lose both | May 03 02:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 02:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Musing on #munkdebate I marvel at sheer | May 03 02:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | audacity & hubris of Hayden re-telling tall | May 03 02:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | tales of secret history masking mass state | May 03 02:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance. | May 03 02:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 02:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Second Apple v. Samsung Patent Trial Ends With | May 03 03:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | A Partial Victory For Apple, But Far From What | May 03 03:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | It Wanted | May 03 03:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 03:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Second Apple v. Samsung Patent Trial Ends With A Partial Victory For Apple, But Far From What It Wanted | Techdirt | May 03 03:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon I just wanted to say, I am blown away by the | May 03 03:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | response and feedback to 'Dealing With | May 03 03:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Disrespect' - thanks so much to all of you! | May 03 03:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 03:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Could Google's Test of Hiding Complete URLs In | May 03 03:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Chrome Become a Standard? | May 03 03:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 03:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 03:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Could Google's Test of Hiding Complete URLs In Chrome Become a Standard? - Slashdot | May 03 03:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @GuerrillaPix Tonight's Q and A @hotdocs with @wikileaks | May 03 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Julian Assange @headlinexplorer @jlpassarelli | May 03 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks @CharlotteCook #TheEngineer | May 03 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 03:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@GuerrillaPix: Tonight's Q and A @hotdocs with @wikileaks Julian Assange @headlinexplorer @jlpassarelli @CharlotteCook #TheEngineer | May 03 03:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Unmasking the Tails Linux Distro: eWEEK: There | May 03 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | is even an option in Tails to enable the | May 03 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | desktop to look like a... | May 03 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 03:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Unmasking the Tails Linux Distro | May 03 03:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Swedish FM @CarlBildt blames 40 "pro-Russian" | May 03 03:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | protesters burned to death by mob for their own | May 03 03:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | deaths. #sweden #svpol | May 03 03:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@carlbildt: Horrible with at least 38 dead in Odessa. Seems to have started with pro-Russian attempt to get control of buildings. Violence must stop! | May 03 03:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 03:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Julian# #Assange: | May 03 03:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Lady Gaga erzählt, das Weiße Haus hätte ihr | May 03 03:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | nahegelegt, sich nicht für Manning zu | May 03 03:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | engagieren" | May 03 03:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 03:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 03:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks RoboCop movie's propaganda easter egg: | May 03 03:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Inside Julian Assange | INTERVIEW MAGAZINE GERMANY | May 03 03:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | "@Greenpeace attacked by @wikileaks hackers" | May 03 03:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 03:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@botherder: RoboCop movie's propaganda easter egg: "@Greenpeace attacked by @wikileaks hackers". #WTF? | May 03 03:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 03:53 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'Dersh: "This is a work in progress. We...' | May 03 03:53 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 8 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 50 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 03 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (8) | May 03 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 03 05:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 03 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 136 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 562 msgs sent (~ 1% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 03 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @JesselynRadack (30), @slashdot (15), @Thomas_Drake1 (9) | May 03 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @Thomas_Drake1 (15), @TechJournalist (7), @JesselynRadack (5) | May 03 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #munkdebates (27), #Hayden (11), #NSA (8) | May 03 05:18 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Wine Announcement | May 03 06:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 03 06:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wine Announcement | Tux Machines | May 03 06:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Find Two Hours To Watch Glenn Greenwald Debate | May 03 06:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Michael Hayden | May 03 06:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 06:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Find Two Hours To Watch Glenn Greenwald Debate Michael Hayden | Techdirt | May 03 06:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Liiiiiiiike. Why does everyone talk like a | May 03 06:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | valley girl these days? | May 03 06:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 06:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Who will fight for the free speech rights of | May 03 06:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | defense contractors whose ability to sell 0 | May 03 06:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | days to NSA is apparently now under threat? | May 03 06:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 06:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot SanDisk Announces 4TB SSD, Plans For 8TB Next | May 03 06:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Year | May 03 06:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 06:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SanDisk Announces 4TB SSD, Plans For 8TB Next Year - Slashdot | May 03 06:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald It's not the "disclosures" that caused the | May 03 06:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "strain" but the underlying actions that were | May 03 06:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian revealed | May 03 06:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 06:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@thehill: Obama: 'It has pained me to see...the Snowden disclosures' strain the U.S.-German relationship. Watch live #NSA | May 03 06:19 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | LIVE: Obama holds conference with Chancellor Merkel | TheHill | May 03 06:19 | |
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer). | May 03 07:10 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat May 3 07:10:48 2014 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat May 3 07:15:06 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-social | May 03 07:15 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell | May 03 07:15 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010 | May 03 07:15 | |
*[freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how people know you. | May 03 07:15 | |
*23LAAJBO7 ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 07:15 | |
-NickServ-You are now identified for schestowitz. | May 03 07:15 | |
-NickServ-23LAAJBO7! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 03 07:15 | |
*23LAAJBO7 has quit (Changing host) | May 03 07:15 | |
*23LAAJBO7 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 07:15 | |
*schestowitz__ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | May 03 07:15 | |
-NickServ-roy! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 03 07:16 | |
*roy (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 07:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Today's Twitter firestorm: 2 ex NSA hackers | May 03 07:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | whining about EFF & ACLU | May 03 07:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 07:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@0xcharlie: Remember when @EFF used to say "coding is not a crime" and supported coders? Ah, those were the good old days. | May 03 07:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 07:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@daveaitel: It's embarrassing to see the ACLU and eff argue for additional restrictions on speech. | May 03 07:33 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@daveaitel: Well @addelindh all of their "0day is bad, NSA must protect internet from all bugs" hysteria. | May 03 07:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 07:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya What is DOM-Less JavaScript Application | May 03 07:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | #javascript @dailyjs | May 03 07:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Narendra Sisodiya: What is DOM-Less JavaScript Application | May 03 07:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @badass_js @javascript_news @JavaScriptDaily | May 03 07:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 07:33 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | May 03 07:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Off target: Dvorak forgets the use cases of tablets (where laptops impractical),2817,2457318,00.asp #gnu #linux growing there | May 03 07:41 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | The Tablet Dead End Is Dead Ahead | John C. Dvorak | [ ] | May 03 07:41 | |
schestowitz_bed2 | "I'm reading this while laying with a tablet in my belly, that would be more difficult or unpleasant even with a netbook." | May 03 07:41 |
schestowitz_bed2 | I often use my tablet to type posts while walking in the streets or typing between sets in the gym (frankly I don't do this much since I bought tux machines, now I use it to read RSS and post news) | May 03 07:42 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "I'm using a nexus 7 right now very handy but would never replace my lappie, apples and oranges" | May 03 07:43 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "Yeh I can see good uses of tablets (although I haven't got one yet), but the laptop guys seem to be getting to the point where they take a chunk of the tablet users, and the tablet guys having keyboard docks that probably take a smaller % of the laptop guys, so I think it's true the laptop guys will win back a chunk from the tablet users" | May 03 07:43 |
schestowitz_bed2 | " | May 03 07:43 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "Tablet? I'm still using a Dell Latitude 610. Works like a charm. It's a bit heavy to hold in one hand, though. ;)" | May 03 07:43 |
schestowitz_bed2 | "Yes sometimes you need an big pc with much more power :D" | May 03 07:43 |
schestowitz_bed2 | ""nice" ok :-) I use my cellphone or my Ultrabook...never missed a Tablet although I tried often :-)" | May 03 07:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz BBC Propaganda Hits New All-Time Low | May 03 07:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #bbc #agenda | May 03 07:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 07:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Craig Murray » Blog Archive » BBC Propaganda Hits New All-Time Low | May 03 07:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Calibre 1.35 eBook Management Software Gets | May 03 07:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Better Book Editing and Spell Check Features | May 03 07:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 07:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 07:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Calibre 1.35 eBook Management Software Gets Better Book Editing and Spell Check Features | May 03 07:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Gross overuse of the term "open source" | May 03 07:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 07:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 07:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AMAKER says it’s first Dual ARM Open Source 3D Printer | Open Electronics | May 03 07:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz AMD Has A New Radeon DRM Performance Patch | May 03 07:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #amd #radeon | May 03 07:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 07:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] AMD Has A New Radeon DRM Performance Patch | May 03 07:44 | |
schestowitz_bed2 | | May 03 07:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #IMF Confirms $17bn Loan to Ukraine with Conditions That Will Devastate the Economy 'gifts' of #debt | May 03 07:45 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | IMF Confirms $17bn Loan to Ukraine with Conditions That Will Devastate the Economy | Scriptonite Daily [ ] | May 03 07:45 | |
schestowitz_bed2 | "Like the gas Russia was selling to Ukraine at a high discount? I would prefer that instead of the "aid" of the IMF." | May 03 07:45 |
schestowitz_bed2 | indeed | May 03 07:45 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | May 03 07:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Hillary Clinton now compares Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler. Why is she whitewashing Hitler? BTW: Some call her "Hitlery Clingon." | May 03 07:46 | |
schestowitz_bed2 | "It's understandable, you see, Russia has a security agency that spyies everyone, with secret courts and concentration facilities for everyone deemed a risk against the state, they can jail them forever even without a trial. They torture prisoners and have so big ambitions that they call themselves Asians like if the whole continent were their property. Like Hitler." | May 03 07:46 |
schestowitz_bed2 | Oh, thankfully that's just Hitlerism. For a moment there I though you were talking about Obamaism. | May 03 07:47 |
schestowitz_bed2 | | May 03 07:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ FCC's Wheeler Says That If These Lame Net Neutrality Rules Don't Work, He'll Implement The Real Rules Next Time #fcc | May 03 07:47 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | FCC's Wheeler Says That If These Lame Net Neutrality Rules Don't Work, He'll Implement The Real Rules Next Time | Techdirt [ ] | May 03 07:47 | |
schestowitz_bed2 | "What a turkey." | May 03 07:47 |
schestowitz_bed2 | A turkey is harmless in comparison. But Like Turkey, this one advocates censoring the digital majority. On whose behalf? | May 03 07:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz OpenGL 4.4 ARB_buffer_storage Added To Nouveau | May 03 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #opengl #graphics | May 03 07:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] OpenGL 4.4 ARB_buffer_storage Added To Nouveau | May 03 07:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #nvidia | May 03 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Wayland 1.5 RC Released with a Historic Low in | May 03 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bugs #wayland #xserver | May 03 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 03 07:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wayland 1.5 RC Released with a Historic Low in Bugs | May 03 07:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Long Pingpong | May 03 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 07:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 07:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | » Blog Archive » Long Pingpong | May 03 07:54 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Long Pingpong - YouTube | May 03 07:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Entangle Photo App Has Out A New Release | May 03 07:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #entangle #gnu #linux | May 03 07:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Entangle Photo App Has Out A New Release | May 03 07:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 07:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Wine Announcement #wine | May 03 07:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | has new release | May 03 07:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WineHQ - Wine Announcement | May 03 07:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 07:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz NixOS 14.04 Is a Unique Operating System That | May 03 07:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Uses KDE 4.2 #nixos #gnu | May 03 07:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NixOS 14.04 Is a Unique Operating System That Uses KDE 4.2 | May 03 07:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #kde | May 03 07:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 07:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz XBMC 13.0 Gotham – Release Candidate 1 | May 03 08:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | #xmbc | May 03 08:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | XBMC 13.0 Gotham – Release Candidate 1 | XBMC | May 03 08:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz No, ARM Didn't Open-Source Their Full Mali | May 03 08:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | Linux Driver | May 03 08:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] No, ARM Didn't Open-Source Their Full Mali Linux Driver | May 03 08:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #openwashing by #arm | May 03 08:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mozilla Firefox 29 Lands in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | May 03 08:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | and All Other Supported Ubuntu Distros | May 03 08:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mozilla #firefox | May 03 08:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mozilla Firefox 29 Lands in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and All Other Supported Ubuntu Distros | May 03 08:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Steam For Linux Last Month Showed A Slight Rise | May 03 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | In Usage gradual gains. | May 03 08:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Steam For Linux Last Month Showed A Slight Rise In Usage | May 03 08:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 03 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Will Android Silver split Google and Samsung | May 03 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | apart? no, just as | May 03 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nexus didn't. Just more #scroogle attack ads? | May 03 08:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Will Android Silver split Google and Samsung apart? | May 03 08:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz DNF 0.5.1 Improves Its CLI Output | May 03 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #dnf #fedora #redhat | May 03 08:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] DNF 0.5.1 Improves Its CLI Output | May 03 08:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux | May 03 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz IMF Approves Loan (To Pay Ukraine's Gazprom | May 03 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bill): Putin 1 - 0 IMF | May 03 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #imf #ukraine | May 03 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | IMF Approves Loan (To Pay Ukraine's Gazprom Bill): Putin 1 - 0 IMF | Zero Hedge | May 03 08:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Greenland melting | May 03 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #torture goes domestic now (it was only a | May 03 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | matter of time!) | May 03 08:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Meet the American Citizens Who Allege the US Had Them Locked Up Abroad | Mother Jones | May 03 08:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #fbi | May 03 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Listen to a Secret Tape of FBI Agents Interviewing—and Threatening—a Potential Informant | Mother Jones | May 03 08:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The NSA Comes Home: Police Departments Conceal | May 03 08:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | Phone Tracking Equipment From Courts | May 03 08:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | worse than #stasi | May 03 08:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The NSA Comes Home: Police Departments Conceal Phone Tracking Equipment From Courts | May 03 08:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Google, Intel to make Chromebook announcement | May 03 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | on May 6 is #intel | May 03 08:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google, Intel to make Chromebook announcement on May 6 | Muktware | May 03 08:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | gradually breaking up with #microsoft ? | May 03 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #KDE PIM 2014 Spring Sprint | May 03 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | GNU Hackers' Meeting | May 03 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | (Munich, Germany) | May 03 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | KDE PIM 2014 Spring Sprint | | May 03 08:23 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNU Hackers' Meeting (Munich, Germany) — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software | May 03 08:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Either #fsf is expanding or someone has just | May 03 08:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | left the FSF again | May 03 08:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FSF seeks full-time senior GNU/Linux systems administrator — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software | May 03 08:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Demand for Linux talent is high and getting | May 03 08:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | higher." | May 03 08:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 08:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Cool Project for Microsoft: Adopt Linux | Linux Journal | May 03 08:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ukip latest poster | May 03 08:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Symbolism - it's all relative. Students | May 03 08:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | pledging allegiance to the American flag with | May 03 08:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Bellamy salute | May 03 08:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | File:Students pledging allegiance to the American flag with the Bellamy salute.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | May 03 08:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140502 - | May 03 08:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 03 08:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140502 | May 03 08:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 03 08:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Interested in Tizen? You need to be here. | May 03 08:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #tizen not dead, #elop | May 03 08:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | failed to kill it. #microsoft #entryism | May 03 08:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Interested in Tizen? You need to be here. | | May 03 08:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Ubuntu Unity Launcher gets a facelift with | May 03 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Unity Drawers #ubuntu | May 03 08:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Ubuntu Unity Launcher gets a facelift with Unity Drawers - TechRepublic | May 03 08:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #unity | May 03 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Amazon’s hypocritical tax scheme: How | May 03 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | exploiting a massive loophole helped it destroy | May 03 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | bookstores #amazon | May 03 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #bezos | May 03 08:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Amazon’s hypocritical tax scheme: How exploiting a massive loophole helped it destroy bookstores - | May 03 08:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz US corn yields are increasingly vulnerable to | May 03 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | hot, dry weather, study shows | May 03 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | corn production | May 03 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | taxpayers-subsidised | May 03 08:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US corn yields are increasingly vulnerable to hot, dry weather, study shows | May 03 08:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @RuiSeabra @glynmoody: Portuguese enraged in social nets | May 03 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by because artist has been fined for street | May 03 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody performance without license | May 03 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Músico de rua multado em Lisboa por falta de licença - PÚBLICO | May 03 08:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Corporate giants stash trillions abroad. | May 03 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'free' market #corrupt - | May 03 08:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Facts For Working People: Corporate giants stash trillions abroad. | May 03 08:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | merely a tool for few plutocrats now | May 03 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Gabriel may seek billions in arbitration over | May 03 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | stalled Romanian mine - | May 03 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ISDS draining vital resources again #ro | May 03 08:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gabriel may seek billions in arbitration over stalled Romanian mine - The Globe and Mail | May 03 08:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Get big money out of our politics and end the | May 03 08:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | fiction that corporations have constitutional | May 03 08:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | rights #corruption #us | May 03 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Free Speech For People | May 03 08:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Legalising robbery | May 03 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz From Dictatorship to Democracy: The Role | May 03 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ex-Nazis Played in Early West Germany | May 03 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | rebranding in #germany | May 03 08:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | From Dictatorship to Democracy: The Role Ex-Nazis Played in Early West Germany - SPIEGEL ONLINE | May 03 08:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #netneutrality - what corporations want they | May 03 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | will get, e.g. first class lanes | May 03 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Beneath the Ukraine Crisis: Shale Gas | May 03 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #money and #energy | May 03 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | drive wars | May 03 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Beneath the Ukraine Crisis: Shale Gas | Common Dreams | May 03 08:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Camouflage | May 03 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Canada is part of America | May 03 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Pirate Bay Sports-Content Uploader Faces $32m | May 03 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Lawsuit | May 03 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pirate Bay Sports-Content Uploader Faces $32m Lawsuit - Slashdot | May 03 08:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Everyone is under #surveillance now, says | May 03 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | whistleblower Edward #Snowden - | May 03 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | & yet #GCHQ keeps | May 03 08:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Everyone is under surveillance now, says whistleblower Edward Snowden | World news | | May 03 08:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | denying it #liars | May 03 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 08:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @fabiochiusi Trasparenza e open data per capire la censura | May 03 09:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by su Internet per | May 03 09:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @wireditalia da #ijf14 | May 03 09:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trasparenza e open data per capire la censura su Internet - Wired | May 03 09:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Machen sich Abgeordnete strafbar? Wir | May 03 09:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | veröffentlichen die Regierungs-Gutachten zur | May 03 09:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Snowden-Befragung (Updates) - | May 03 09:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 09:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-connect() timed out! ( status 0 @ ) | May 03 09:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Joscelyn Arrest warrant for actors issued in India | May 03 09:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by alleging film hurt Hindus' religious sentiments | May 03 09:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 03 09:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Arrest warrant issued against director, actors of Ram Leela - The Times of India | May 03 09:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@timesofindia: Arrest warrant issued against Sanjay Leela Bhansali, actors of Ram Leela | May 03 09:05 | |
*roy has quit (*.net *.split) | May 03 09:05 | |
*23LAAJBO7 has quit (*.net *.split) | May 03 09:05 | |
*XFaCE has quit (*.net *.split) | May 03 09:05 | |
*Guest63533 has quit (*.net *.split) | May 03 09:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New OpenMandriva, Updated KDE, and Ubuntu EOL | May 03 09:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 03 09:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 03 09:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Entangle Photo App Has Out A New Release | May 03 09:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 03 09:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 03 09:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New OpenMandriva, Updated KDE, and Ubuntu EOL | Tux Machines | May 03 09:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller EU-Abgeordnete für #ISDS | May 03 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @MartinSchulz @glynmoody | May 03 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 03 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TurboGrandma I'm gonna try not to spill 4.9 million gallons | May 03 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by of oil in the gulf RT @BP_America | May 03 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody What's one thing you could do to save on energy | May 03 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | in 2013? | May 03 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Entangle Photo App Has Out A New Release | Tux Machines | May 03 09:10 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | VoteWatch Europe: European Parliament, Council of the EU | May 03 09:10 | |
*roy (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 09:12 | |
*23LAAJBO7 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 09:12 | |
*XFaCE (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 09:12 | |
*Guest63533 (XFaCE@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:bb8a) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 09:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Find Two Hours To Watch Glenn Greenwald Debate | May 03 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Michael Hayden - #nsa | May 03 09:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Find Two Hours To Watch Glenn Greenwald Debate Michael Hayden | Techdirt | May 03 09:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #snowden | May 03 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Italy's First Attempt To Block Websites With No | May 03 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Judicial Review Reveals How Dangerous The | May 03 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | System Is - #agcom | May 03 09:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Italy's First Attempt To Block Websites With No Judicial Review Reveals How Dangerous The System Is | Techdirt | May 03 09:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:12 |
*23LAAJBO7 has quit (Read error: No route to host) | May 03 09:15 | |
*roy has quit (Read error: No route to host) | May 03 09:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Google, Intel to make Chromebook announcement | May 03 09:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | on May 6 | May 03 09:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 03 09:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google, Intel to make Chromebook announcement on May 6 | Tux Machines | May 03 09:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Ubuntu Unity Launcher gets a facelift with | May 03 09:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | Unity Drawers | May 03 09:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 03 09:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Ubuntu Unity Launcher gets a facelift with Unity Drawers | Tux Machines | May 03 09:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wdmuk 10 reasons to oppose investors’ super-rights in | May 03 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #TTIP by | May 03 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @corporateeurope #STOPTTIP | May 03 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Still not loving ISDS: 10 reasons to oppose investors’ super-rights in EU trade deals | Corporate Europe Observatory | May 03 09:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @suigenerisjen Piketty's "radical" plan for EU: democracy must | May 03 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by regain control & effectively regulate | May 03 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody globalised financial capitalism | May 03 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Second Apple v. Samsung Patent Trial Ends With | May 03 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | A Partial Victory For Apple, But Far From What | May 03 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | It Wanted - | May 03 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @netzpolitik Debatte: Glenn Greenwald vs. früherer NSA | May 03 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Direktor Michael Hayden. | May 03 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 03 09:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Our manifesto for Europe | Thomas Piketty | Comment is free | The Guardian | May 03 09:19 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Second Apple v. Samsung Patent Trial Ends With A Partial Victory For Apple, But Far From What It Wanted | Techdirt | May 03 09:19 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Debatte: Glenn Greenwald vs. früherer NSA Direktor Michael Hayden | May 03 09:19 | |
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 09:21 | |
-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 03 09:21 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host) | May 03 09:21 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 09:21 | |
*schestowitz_log_ ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 09:21 | |
-NickServ-schestowitz_log_! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 03 09:21 | |
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Changing host) | May 03 09:21 | |
*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 09:21 | |
*libery-backup ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 09:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TheOliverStone Please read our exclusive interview with NSA | May 03 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by whistleblowers William Binney and | May 03 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @Thomas_Drake1 at @untoldhistoryus: | May 03 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | News & Blog « UHUS | May 03 09:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Google mimicking #billgates | May 03 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | spying on children for | May 03 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | profit | May 03 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 09:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google ends “creepy” practice of scanning Gmail education apps | Ars Technica | May 03 09:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz When will there be a lawsuit for #microsoft | May 03 09:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bill Gates and Rupert Murdoch Liaise to Take Over Minds of Children | Techrights | May 03 09:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | spying on students who use Microsoft malware | May 03 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | and "services" like E-mail? #scroogled biased. | May 03 09:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PRISM Lite: Bill Gates and Rupert Murdoch Collecting Information About Everybody’s Children | Techrights | May 03 09:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Zbigniew Brzezinski: Threatening Russia, | May 03 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Supporting Kiev Neo-Nazis | May 03 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | the one who advocated | May 03 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | arming terrorists vs USSR | May 03 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Zbigniew Brzezinski: Threatening Russia, Supporting Kiev Neo-Nazis | Libya 360° | May 03 09:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Lava fields | May 03 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Drought | May 03 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Alibi of tyrants | May 03 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 1,000 native women murdered, missing in Canada | May 03 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | over 30 years: RCMP | May 03 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | "murdered or gone | May 03 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | missing in Canada" | May 03 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 1,000 native women murdered, missing in Canada over 30 years: RCMP | Toronto Star | May 03 09:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Deer Hunter movie | May 03 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Venezuela: "US-backed violent demonstrators are | May 03 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | “copying badly what happened in Kiev.”" | May 03 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #venezuela #ukraine | May 03 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #coup | May 03 09:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Washington’s drive for regime change in Venezuela - World Socialist Web Site | May 03 09:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "reduce all workers to a state of absolute | May 03 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | insecurity, so that they will accept those bad | May 03 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | jobs without complaint.” | May 03 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. used spy plane to | May 03 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | watch Compton | May 03 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | this is becoming 'norm | May 03 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | outside Compton | May 03 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 09:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | USA: Bad Jobs Country | Black Agenda Report | May 03 09:58 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. used spy plane to watch Compton - | May 03 09:58 | |
*Disconnected (Connection timed out). | May 03 10:16 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat May 3 10:16:59 2014 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat May 3 10:17:25 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-social | May 03 10:17 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell | May 03 10:17 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010 | May 03 10:17 | |
-NickServ-schestowitz_log_! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 03 10:17 | |
*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 10:17 | |
*libery-backup ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 10:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Anonymity increasingly needed | May 03 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 10:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | We Need Online Alter Egos Now More Than Ever | Opinion | WIRED | May 03 10:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Putting the ‘Sharing’ Back in to the Sharing | May 03 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Economy | May 03 10:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Online Anonymity is Extremely Important | Techrights | May 03 10:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | inefficiency breded | May 03 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | excess consumption | May 03 10:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Putting the ‘Sharing’ Back in to the Sharing Economy | Common Dreams | May 03 10:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Children's book | May 03 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 10:18 |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 10:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Trolling men in costumes | May 03 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Profiting from crime is | May 03 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | behaviour a commodity or a product now? | May 03 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 10:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How to Starve the For-Profit Prison Beast | American Civil Liberties Union | May 03 10:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz History and loyalty | May 03 10:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 10:30 |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @TheOliverStone: 'Please read our exclusive interview with NSA whistleblowers...' | May 03 10:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Glenn Greenwald debates former NSA director | May 03 10:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Michael Hayden on state surveillance | May 03 10:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | #hayden is a lunatic | May 03 10:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 10:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 03 10:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Congo-Kinshasa: Film Exposes Shady Oil Deals in | May 03 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Congo's #Virunga National Park - | May 03 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | #soco must be stopped (v | May 03 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @cybeardjm) | May 03 10:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Congo-Kinshasa: Film Exposes Shady Oil Deals in Congo's Virunga National Park | May 03 10:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 10:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody here's the trailer for the film about the | May 03 10:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | unique - threatened - #Virunga national park - | May 03 10:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | looks amazing | May 03 10:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #teamvirunga | May 03 10:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Home | Virunga | May 03 10:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 10:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody New Paper Says It's Time To Reasonably Decrease | May 03 10:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Copyright Term And Rethink Putting Copyright | May 03 10:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | In Treaties - yup | May 03 10:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Paper Says It's Time To Reasonably Decrease Copyright Term And Rethink Putting Copyright In Treaties | Techdirt | May 03 10:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 10:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP Updates - Glyn Moody blogs - | May 03 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | includes XXIV: report on | May 03 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | academic takedown of Commission's flawed | May 03 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | economic study | May 03 10:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - Open Enterprise | May 03 10:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Obama Complains That #TPP Critics Are | May 03 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Conspiracy Theorists' Who 'Lack Knowledge' | May 03 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | About Negotiations - you | May 03 10:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama Complains That TPP Critics Are 'Conspiracy Theorists' Who 'Lack Knowledge' About Negotiations | Techdirt | May 03 10:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | know why? | May 03 10:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 10:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz German IT expert hacks NSA homepage | May 03 10:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa spends too much | May 03 10:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cracking rather than defending | May 03 10:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 10:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | German IT expert hacks NSA homepage - The Local | May 03 10:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Germany not satisfied with US assurances over | May 03 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | NSA spying | May 03 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 10:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Germany not satisfied with US assurances over NSA spying — RT USA | May 03 10:58 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama: US, Germany `not perfectly aligned` on NSA | May 03 10:58 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Merkel's White House test: suppress anger over NSA to show unity on Ukraine | Alaska Dispatch | May 03 10:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Remember when US corporate press accused #china | May 03 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | of recruiting crackers? Bloody hypocrites | May 03 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa #cracking | May 03 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 10:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA Training Cyberwarriors to Bolster Force : US&Politics : Latin Post | May 03 10:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz White House big-data panel calls for privacy | May 03 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | protections, ignores NSA | May 03 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | #whitehouse complicit in #cracking | May 03 10:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 10:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House big-data panel calls for privacy protections, ignores NSA - PC Advisor | May 03 10:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Shaky Legal Foundation of #NSA | May 03 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Surveillance on Americans | May 03 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | people like #swartz & | May 03 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | not terrirists | May 03 11:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Shaky Legal Foundation of NSA Surveillance on Americans - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic | May 03 11:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz White House seeks legal immunity for firms that | May 03 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | hand over customer data | May 03 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | yes, we scan | May 03 11:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House seeks legal immunity for firms that hand over customer data | World news | | May 03 11:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 11:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TheShankhNaad Kejriwal wants 2turn Kashi into an "All | May 03 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Religion Spiritual City". What a "fantastic", | May 03 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya "secular" idea.#ModernDayIdiot | May 03 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 11:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@TheShankhNaad: Kejriwal wants 2turn Kashi into an "All Religion Spiritual City". What a "fantastic", "secular" idea.#ModernDayIdiot | May 03 11:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz No such thing as "FISA court". A court makes | May 03 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | judgement, FISA is rubber-stamping loophole for | May 03 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nazi Surveillance Agency | May 03 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 11:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The FISA Court Has Only Denied an NSA Request Once in the Past 5 Years | Smart News | Smithsonian | May 03 11:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz To understand how 'justice' works at #FISA | May 03 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | imagine principal going to teacher, saying | May 03 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | student #3225543 "bad", hence need to bully | May 03 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | him. #nsa | May 03 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TheShankhNaad Find All Shankhnaad Posters here at -> | May 03 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 03 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya help spreading the truth,for the making of | May 03 11:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Flickr: ShankhNaad Official's Photostream | May 03 11:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | better India :) | May 03 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa cracked German satellites, spied on | May 03 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #merkel & boasts backdooring phones. Now this? | May 03 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 11:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Merkel makes first White House visit since NSA spying scandal | euronews, world news | May 03 11:09 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Merkel makes first U.S. visit since NSA scandal | Europe | Daily Sabah | May 03 11:09 | |
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer). | May 03 11:10 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat May 3 11:10:55 2014 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat May 3 11:22:04 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-social | May 03 11:22 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell | May 03 11:22 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010 | May 03 11:22 | |
*[freenode-info] channel trolls and no channel staff around to help? please check with freenode support: | May 03 11:22 | |
-NickServ-You are now identified for schestowitz. | May 03 11:22 | |
roy | | May 03 11:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ioerror: @CipherLaw @thegrugq @matthew_d_green Unless it is the State or her contractors, right? CIA/NSA tortures, drones, kills & buys exploits. | May 03 11:23 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #nsa spies on Congress, so here's a man who will increase #surveillance suggesting oversight terrorises NSA | May 03 11:23 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Himes calls for increased NSA oversight | The Ridgefield Press | May 03 11:23 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: EFF Seeks Unreleased Court Orders On NSA Spying #eff #nsa #surveillance #oppression | May 03 11:23 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | EFF Seeks Unreleased Court Orders On NSA Spying - Law360 | May 03 11:23 | |
roy | | May 03 11:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Why have a court at all if it has 0 teeth? This sounds like literary work of fiction: #FISA | May 03 11:23 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | The US Surveillance Court Hasn't Turned Down an NSA Request This Decade | Motherboard | May 03 11:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Why have a court at all if it has 0 teeth? This | May 03 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | sounds like literary work of fiction: #FISA | May 03 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz EFF Seeks Unreleased Court Orders On NSA Spying | May 03 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #eff #nsa #surveillance | May 03 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #oppression | May 03 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #nsa spies on Congress, so here's a man who | May 03 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | will increase #surveillance | May 03 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | suggesting oversight | May 03 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | terrorises NSA | May 03 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 11:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz U.S. and Germany Fail to Reach a Deal on Spying | May 03 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | IOW, #germany not happy | May 03 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | with #nsa #espionage | May 03 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 11:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | May 03 11:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ralphholz The Shame. German government yields to US | May 03 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by lawyer's study threatening MPs with arrest | May 03 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz should they question Snowden: | May 03 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 11:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Translate | May 03 11:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 11:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Germany blocks #Snowden - why we advised | May 03 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Snowden to take Russia. Not safe elsewhere: | May 03 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz donate: | May 03 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 11:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Germany blocks Edward Snowden from testifying in person in NSA inquiry | World news | | May 03 11:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 11:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Free Snowden | May 03 11:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Falkvinge: It's worth noting that name of the | May 03 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Stasi" - the "Ministerium für | May 03 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Staatssicherheit" - translates to "National | May 03 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Security Agency". | May 03 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Where Was Anal Rape Approved in the OLC Memos? | May 03 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cia #rape #torture | May 03 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 11:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Where Was Anal Rape Approved in the OLC Memos? | emptywheel | May 03 11:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @acarvin Man dies of heart attack after botched | May 03 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by execution (from @AP) | May 03 11:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AP News : Governor calls for review after botched execution | May 03 11:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz | May 03 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz “we have a secret police force and I think that | May 03 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | surprises people in a democracy such as | May 03 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | California’s.” | May 03 11:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | State Law Hides Investigations of Police Misconduct from Public Scrutiny | NBC Bay Area | May 03 11:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TimepDC Our deepest & sincerest condolences for the | May 03 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by tragic loss of one of Egypt's finest writers & | May 03 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz sound voices @Bassem_Sabry | May 03 11:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 11:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@TimepDC: Our deepest & sincerest condolences for the tragic loss of one of Egypt's finest writers & sound voices @Bassem_Sabry | May 03 11:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 11:32 |
-NickServ-schestowitz_log_! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 03 11:34 | |
*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 11:34 | |
*Disconnected (Connection timed out). | May 03 11:51 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat May 3 11:51:21 2014 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat May 3 11:51:48 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-social | May 03 11:51 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell | May 03 11:51 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010 | May 03 11:51 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 11:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The #Drone War's Secrets and Lies | May 03 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | "targeting U.S. citizens | May 03 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | overseas for sudden, fiery death from the sky." | May 03 11:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Drone War's Secrets and Lies - | May 03 11:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz How #Vietnam exposed as a “dirty war” | May 03 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | "civilian deaths arising | May 03 11:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The burden of atrocity: How Vietnam was exposed as a “dirty war” - | May 03 11:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | from the war is two million in South Vietnam | May 03 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | alone" | May 03 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @standforprivacy @doctorow Your quote "The spies will keep | May 03 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by spying. They will spy more. They will spy | May 03 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow harder" inspired me to make this | May 03 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 12:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@standforprivacy: @doctorow Your quote "The spies will keep spying. They will spy more. They will spy harder" inspired me to make this | May 03 12:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Please Don’t Read This #Benghazi Article | May 03 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | partisan feud distracts | May 03 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | from activity of this 'consulate' | May 03 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 12:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Please Don't Read This Benghazi Article | ThinkProgress | May 03 12:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Botched executions show there’s no such thing | May 03 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | as humane capital punishment | May 03 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #deathpenalty | May 03 12:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 12:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Botched executions show there's no such thing as humane capital punishment | May 03 12:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JamesBessen Apple lawsuit wins $120m from Samsung. May have | May 03 12:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by spent more on its lawyers... | May 03 12:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 03 12:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 12:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Jury Finds Apple and Samsung Infringed Each | May 03 12:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Other's Patents | May 03 12:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 12:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jury Finds Apple and Samsung Infringed Each Other's Patents - Slashdot | May 03 12:02 | |
*liberty_back ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 12:12 | |
*liberty_back has quit (Client Quit) | May 03 12:12 | |
*liberty_back ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 12:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @YourRevoCentral #US: 30 retired US Generals urge Obama to | May 03 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by release the Senate's #CIA Torture report. Cite | May 03 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody the need for transparency | May 03 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 12:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 12:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Generals Want CIA Torture Report Declassified | | May 03 12:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ALTEREU More than 700 MEPs and candidates have already | May 03 12:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by signed the pledge. Find | May 03 12:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody out who and help us reach more! #pforp #EP2014 | May 03 12:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 12:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Home - Politics for People | May 03 12:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller Geheimverhandlungen: Datenschutzabkommen EU-USA | May 03 12:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by besorgniserregend. | May 03 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody @glynmoody | May 03 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 12:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Datenschutzabkommen: War da was? | ZEIT ONLINE | May 03 12:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Torygraph helps US State Department | May 03 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #propaganda by spinning the term "terrorist" | May 03 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | Kerry, who arms Syrian | May 03 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | terrorists? | May 03 12:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 12:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Global deaths from terrorism 'rise by 60 per cent' - Telegraph | May 03 12:28 | |
*Disconnected (Connection timed out). | May 03 12:50 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat May 3 12:50:20 2014 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat May 3 12:50:47 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-social | May 03 12:50 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell | May 03 12:50 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010 | May 03 12:50 | |
-NickServ-schestowitz_log_! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 03 12:50 | |
*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 12:50 | |
*liberty_back ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 12:51 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 12:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Nat Hentoff: Lifting secrecy a matter of time | May 03 13:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | #secrecy however erodes | May 03 13:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 03 13:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | trust and legitimacy | May 03 13:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 13:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cia agents "helped choose high value targets | May 03 13:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | for Tomahawk cruise missile strikes in Iraq" | May 03 13:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 13:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 13:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Former CIA spy Andre Le Gallo recounts his time in Iran in 1978-79 | Lifestyle, Literature | – Latest World News & Opinions | May 03 13:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Lusitania divers warned of danger from war | May 03 13:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | munitions in 1982, papers reveal | May 03 13:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | #uk #germany | May 03 13:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 13:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lusitania divers warned of danger from war munitions in 1982, papers reveal | World news | The Guardian | May 03 13:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GUIs | May 03 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Octopus meets cat | May 03 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Edward Snowden decries increased surveillance | May 03 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | of entire populations | May 03 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance where | May 03 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | innocence exists not | May 03 13:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ZCommunications » Edward Snowden decries increased surveillance of entire populations | May 03 13:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 13:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #media #coldwar in #ukraine continues | May 03 13:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 13:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 13:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 13:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Freezing minimum wage means reducing it vs. | May 03 13:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | inflation | May 03 13:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 13:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama’s New Ukraine » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names | May 03 13:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 13:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Odessa Massacre Pushes Ukraine to the Edge | New Eastern Outlook | May 03 13:29 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How to Win the Information War against Vladimir Putin | May 03 13:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Paint and take minis, Penguicon, Detroit | May 03 13:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Freeze minimum wage for a decade, says Commission of Audit | World news | | May 03 13:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 13:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 13:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | In Abbott's Team Australia, the weakest players must do the heaviest lifting | World news | | May 03 13:29 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Commission of Audit unveils radical blueprint to shrink government | World news | | May 03 13:29 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Paint and take minis, Penguicon, Detroit | May 03 13:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: 3D printed Robotech minis | May 03 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 13:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: 3D printed Robotech minis | May 03 13:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Free Can Make You Bleed: the Underresourced | May 03 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Open Source | May 03 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 13:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Free Can Make You Bleed: the Underresourced Open Source - Slashdot | May 03 13:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Novell Continues to Damage #GNU #Linux | May 03 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #hyperv #nsa #mono | May 03 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #xamarin #suse #opensuse #ballnux | May 03 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 13:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Novell Continues to Damage GNU/Linux | Techrights | May 03 13:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TheOliverStone A lovely review of “Born on the Fourth of July” | May 03 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by from the @ebertfest screening. | May 03 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 03 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack ICYMI: #Clapper & #Snowden: Who lied? Who's | May 03 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | getting punished? | May 03 13:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 13:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ebertfest 2014: Born on the Fourth of July (1989), Director Oliver Stone | The Sheila Variations | May 03 13:54 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden: Why hasn’t the Director of National Intelligence been punished for lying to Congress? - The Washington Post | May 03 13:54 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'ICYMI: #Clapper & #Snowden: Who lied? Who's getting...' | May 03 13:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack ICYMI: #Clapper & #Snowden: Who lied? Who's | May 03 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | getting punished? | May 03 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ridenhour14 | May 03 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @WilliamMpls Referring to WH Correspondent's Dinner as "Nerd | May 03 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Prom": one of those self-congratulatory terms | May 03 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack masked in self-deprecation. - @MarkLeibovich | May 03 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Debate About Software Patents is Still Dead | May 03 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Because Large Corporations Killed It | May 03 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #swpats #lobbying #ibm | May 03 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #rhat #eff | May 03 14:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 14:26 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'ICYMI: #Clapper & #Snowden: Who lied? Who's getting...' | May 03 14:27 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Debate About Software Patents is Still Dead Because Large Corporations Killed It | Techrights | May 03 14:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald Those interested can watch last night's NSA | May 03 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by debate in Toronto here (starts at 29:00 mark) | May 03 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 03 14:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Watch Live: Glenn Greenwald Debates Former NSA Director Michael Hayden - The Intercept | May 03 14:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Winning Algorithms For Rock, Paper, Scissors | May 03 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 14:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Winning Algorithms For Rock, Paper, Scissors - Slashdot | May 03 14:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ColMorrisDavis Irony: World Press Freedom Day is same day as | May 03 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by annual Press-Power Incest and Pretense Gala in | May 03 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Washington. #NerdProm | May 03 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 14:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | World Press Freedom Day, 3 May | May 03 14:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mike_giglio “I Should Kill You Right Here.” My story on | May 03 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by today's craziness in eastern Ukraine: | May 03 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | May 03 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 14:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | "I Should Kill You Right Here" | May 03 14:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The European Union Legitimises Software Patents | May 03 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | by Intervening in #Android #Patent Case | May 03 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #swpats | May 03 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @brianornduff Now that we've had Hayden on to defend | May 03 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by surveillance, I can't wait for the #MunkDebate | May 03 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror with Charles Manson on whether Tate deserved to | May 03 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | die. | May 03 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 14:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The European Union Legitimises Software Patents by Intervening in Android Patent Case | Techrights | May 03 14:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Melted cassette tape skulls and skeletons | May 03 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 03 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 03 14:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 03 14:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Some considerations for potential XKCD phone | May 03 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by purchasers | May 03 14:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 03 14:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 03 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing This Day in Blogging History: Catching | May 03 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by terrorists isn't "connecting the dots"; Food | May 03 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow and sugar-cube equivalents;... | May 03 14:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 14:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 03 14:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 14:59 |
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer). | May 03 15:11 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat May 3 15:11:38 2014 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat May 3 15:18:43 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-social | May 03 15:18 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell | May 03 15:18 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010 | May 03 15:18 | |
-NickServ-You are now identified for schestowitz. | May 03 15:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Disney tarot. | May 03 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 03 15:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Disney tarot - Boing Boing | May 03 15:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 03 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Morning, folks! | May 03 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Microsoft's #Elop Confirmed as Trojan Horse | May 03 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Inside #Nokia, Receives Another Massive Bonus | May 03 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | From #Microsoft | May 03 15:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 15:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft’s Elop Confirmed as Trojan Horse Inside Nokia, Receives Another Massive Bonus From Microsoft While Microsoft (PRISM) Grabs EU Data | Techrights | May 03 15:19 | |
roy | | May 03 15:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Week in Techrights | May 03 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #techrights | May 03 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 15:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Week in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 03 15:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Steve Jobs Defied Convention, and Perhaps the | May 03 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Law | May 03 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 15:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Steve Jobs Defied Convention, and Perhaps the Law - Slashdot | May 03 15:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @janehamsher PIC: Actress Cynthia Nixon and @GroverNorquist | May 03 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by at @TheAtlantic @nationaljournal #LGBTWHCD | May 03 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack event | May 03 15:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@janehamsher: PIC: Actress Cynthia Nixon and @GroverNorquist at @TheAtlantic @nationaljournal #LGBTWHCD event | May 03 15:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 15:36 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'RT @janehamsher: PIC: Actress Cynthia Nixon and @GroverNorquist...' | May 03 15:36 | |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditUbuntu favourited 'The Ubuntu Unity Launcher gets a facelift with...' | May 03 15:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola RT @jilliancyork "The US federal government's | May 03 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by increasing desire to suppress journalism" is | May 03 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack problematic says @sulliview #ijf14 | May 03 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Android 4.4.2 KitKat update for Samsung Galaxy | May 03 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | S3 releases on Sprint day after kernel source | May 03 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | code released | May 03 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 15:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Android 4.4.2 KitKat update for Samsung Galaxy S3 releases on Sprint day after kernel source code released | Christian News on Christian Today | May 03 15:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Meet the first #Android phone, the T-Mobile G1 | May 03 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | quite powerful for its | May 03 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | time | May 03 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 15:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Meet the first Android phone, the T-Mobile G1 | May 03 15:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mother Russia Bleeds on #gnu #linux | May 03 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 15:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Beat 'em up Mother Russia Bleeds coming to PC in 2015 | Polygon | May 03 15:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 15:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack At #NSA, grumbling abt #Snowden disclosures, | May 03 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | but not Obama "reforms" b/c it gains access to | May 03 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | cell phone data. | May 03 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 15:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Anonymous Officials Said | May 03 15:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz British Nazi Party's Twitter account hacked by | May 03 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Anonymous' | May 03 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 15:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | British National Party's Twitter account hacked by 'Anonymous' - Telegraph | May 03 15:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Kelley from the #snowden -hostile | May 03 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | Anderson-owned BI continues campaign of | May 03 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #disinfo | May 03 15:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 15:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WikiLeaks Just Blew A Big Hole In The Snowden Narrative | Business Insider India | May 03 15:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz No direct flights from HK to Latin American | May 03 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | destinations (or safe route) other than Russia | May 03 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 15:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cheap Flights from Hong Kong to South America, HKG to southamerica Airfare Search from FareCompare | May 03 15:59 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | South America to Hong Kong Flights | Flight Network | May 03 15:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Obama's cheeleaders at #nbc frame #snowden as | May 03 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | the problem, not #nsa #espionage and #cracking | May 03 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 15:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama: 'Snowden Disclosures Have Created Strains' With Germany - NBC News | May 03 15:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #obama wants your #bigdata and will "open the | May 03 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | door to recording and using more of it on an | May 03 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | everyday basis." | May 03 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 15:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Data privacy recommendations unveiled by White House - Business - CBC News | May 03 15:59 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @kgosztola: 'RT @jilliancyork "The US federal government's increasing desire...' | May 03 16:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Find Two Hours To Watch Glenn Greenwald Debate | May 03 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Michael Hayden #hayden | May 03 16:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Find Two Hours To Watch Glenn Greenwald Debate Michael Hayden | Techdirt | May 03 16:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #greenwald #cia #nsa #imperialism | May 03 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Leftpalm It is easy2 blame “Russian propaganda” 4just | May 03 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by about everything, including the public distrust | May 03 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 of Official Washington | May 03 16:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 16:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kerry’s Propaganda War on Russia’s RT | Common Dreams | May 03 16:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Leftpalm 'If Obama is concerned that pple don't know | May 03 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by what's going on in #TPP negotiations he should | May 03 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 release text & remove it from being secret 1/2 | May 03 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Leftpalm Obama Blasted for Lumping Critics of #TPP Trade | May 03 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Deal Secrecy with 'Conspiracy Theorists' | May 03 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 2/2 | May 03 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 16:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama Blasted for Lumping Critics of Trade Deal Secrecy with 'Conspiracy Theorists' | Common Dreams | May 03 16:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Pls donate to help @kgosztola and @JasonLeopold | May 03 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | file Freedom of Information Act requests | May 03 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | pertaining to John Kiriakou | May 03 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 16:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Help Firedoglake FOIA the Details of Imprisoned CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou's Case | May 03 16:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot VHS-Era Privacy Law Still Causing Headaches For | May 03 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Streaming Video | May 03 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 16:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | VHS-Era Privacy Law Still Causing Headaches For Streaming Video - Slashdot | May 03 16:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: firstsecondbooks: kochalka: Glorkian | May 03 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Warrior fan art! And the space aliens keep | May 03 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | coming… . | May 03 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 16:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: firstsecondbooks: kochalka: Glorkian Warrior... | May 03 16:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Japan begins northeastern whale hunts after ICJ | May 03 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ban | May 03 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #japan #whaling | May 03 16:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Japan begins northeastern whale hunts after ICJ ban - The Japan Daily Press | May 03 16:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ziyatong @doctorow Eye-opening -> The Toxic Price of | May 03 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Leather | May 03 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 03 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 16:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Toxic Price of Leather in Photojournalism & Multimedia on Vimeo | May 03 16:48 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @doctorow deleted 'RT @BoingBoing: Melted cassette tape skulls and skeletons...' | May 03 16:48 | |
roy | | May 03 16:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | in20years - Meet the older you! Make your face old for FREE [ ] | May 03 16:51 | |
roy | LOl | May 03 16:51 |
roy | Karen Sandler | May 03 16:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Melted cassette tape skulls and skeletons | May 03 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 03 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 03 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 16:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 03 16:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @thiagowfx @jonobacon Morning! Finished your TAOC book | May 03 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by yesterday, now I can pretend I understand you | May 03 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon work :D -- PS.: Loved it! | May 03 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 16:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz War on drugs as effective as war on terrorism | May 03 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 17:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 17:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Afghan opium production explodes despite billions spent, says US report | World news | | May 03 17:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @SaMoRaAli I returned back to read The Art of Community | May 03 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by book for @jonobacon. Awesome! :D | May 03 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon | May 03 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 17:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Awesome Stuff: Pets Need Innovative Technology | May 03 17:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Too | May 03 17:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 17:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Awesome Stuff: Pets Need Innovative Technology Too | Techdirt | May 03 17:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pacific Ocean Marshall Islands launch lawsuits | May 03 17:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | against nations with nuclear arms over testing | May 03 17:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | effects | May 03 17:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cancer | May 03 17:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 17:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pacific Ocean Marshall Islands launch lawsuits against nations with nuclear arms over testing effects - Australasia - World - The Independent | May 03 17:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Thank you kindly, good sir!! “@OneBillian: Just | May 03 17:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | finished Betterness: Economics for Humans by | May 03 17:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh. Fantastic read!" | May 03 17:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 17:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Cover me!" | May 03 17:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 17:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh ->> “@dtapscott: Why America’s Essentials Are | May 03 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Getting More Expensive While Toys Are Getting | May 03 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Cheap” | May 03 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 17:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why America's Essentials Are Getting More Expensive While Its Toys Are Getting Cheap - Derek Thompson - The Atlantic | May 03 17:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I'm going to make three points on the subject | May 03 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | of dumbflation; or why TVs are getting cheaper, | May 03 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | but stuff you need isn't. | May 03 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Three types | May 03 17:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 17:18 |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 5 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 30 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 03 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (5) | May 03 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | May 03 17:18 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | May 03 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 203 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 781 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | May 03 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (121), @glynmoody (12), @slashdot (7) | May 03 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (14), @Thomas_Drake1 (9), @doctorow (7) | May 03 17:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #nsa (13), #cia (7), #Snowden (7) | May 03 17:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 1. It's no secret why TVs are getting cheaper, | May 03 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | but healthcare, education, transport are more | May 03 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | expensive. We do not invest in the latter. | May 03 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 2. Healthcare, education, transport, etc, are | May 03 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | public goods. Pure, extreme "capitalism" | May 03 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | cannot--ever--adequately provide them. | May 03 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 3. Public goods which are provided by private | May 03 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | monopolies will tend to have rising prices. | May 03 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | It's not rocket science. | May 03 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Kids To Get the Best CS Teachers $15/Hr Can Buy | May 03 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 17:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kids To Get the Best CS Teachers $15/Hr Can Buy - Slashdot | May 03 17:23 | |
*schestowitz_log_ ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 17:23 | |
-NickServ-schestowitz_log_! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | May 03 17:23 | |
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Changing host) | May 03 17:23 | |
*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | May 03 17:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh There's plenty about how to fix the economy, | May 03 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | including World War IV in the comments, at my | May 03 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | latest blog post. | May 03 17:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 5 Dirty Secrets About the U.S. Economy - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review | May 03 17:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks .@hsfi articles: #Assange | May 03 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | I/v @ioerror: | May 03 17:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Western Dissidents | May 03 17:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | #finland | May 03 17:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 17:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Eristyksissä elävä Assange on "huonossa jamassa" - Ulkomaat - Helsingin Sanomat | May 03 17:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 4. You are a fucking massive flying idiot if | May 03 17:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Asiantuntija: "Kännykät ovat jäljityslaitteita, jotka vain sattuvat soittamaan puheluita" - Ulkomaat - Helsingin Sanomat | May 03 17:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | you think adequate public goods equal | May 03 17:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | "socialism" and "government control". | May 03 17:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 17:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lännen toisinajattelijat tuntevat toisensa - Ulkomaat - Helsingin Sanomat | May 03 17:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Week in Techrights | May 03 17:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 03 17:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | May 03 17:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 03 17:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Week in Techrights | Tux Machines | May 03 17:54 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | May 03 17:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 5. If you truly believe there should be no | May 03 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | government, both I and Francis Fukuyama are | May 03 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | still wondering: why haven't you moved to | May 03 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Somalia? | May 03 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Chromebook Announcement Imminent, ARM Deception | May 03 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #techrights | May 03 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 18:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh You must approach everything you do with love. | May 03 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Or else fear will surely conquer you. | May 03 18:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Links 3/5/2014: Chromebook Announcement Imminent, ARM Deception | Techrights | May 03 18:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday “A Breath of Fresh Air with a KDE Soul”* – | May 03 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | OpenMandriva Lx 2014 is burning free!: | May 03 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | openMandriva: All of us in ... | May 03 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 18:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - “A Breath of Fresh Air with a KDE Soul”* – OpenMandriva Lx 2014 is burning free! | May 03 18:07 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 18:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Zbigniew Brzezinski: Threatening Russia, Supporting Kiev Neo-Nazis the one who advocated arming terrorists vs USSR | May 03 18:23 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Zbigniew Brzezinski: Threatening Russia, Supporting Kiev Neo-Nazis | Libya 360° [ ] | May 03 18:23 | |
schestowitz__ | The Drake ! | May 03 18:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hobo with a Shotgun Featurette - YouTube [ ] | May 03 18:23 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 18:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/  #streetart #bicycle #kids #fahrrad #kinder [gesehen bei @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;}] | May 03 18:25 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 18:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Canada is part of America | May 03 18:25 | |
schestowitz__ | "From what I can see, its government is even more neoliberal and more neoconservative (these should be seen as complementary rather than contradictory) than that of the U.S. (I'm fairly certain it would repeal their national health program if they could get away with it.)" | May 03 18:26 |
schestowitz__ | " Oh, and by the way: " | May 03 18:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Privacy Badger | Electronic Frontier Foundation | May 03 18:26 | |
schestowitz__ | "My impression is that they are not only tracking with cookies. I'm not clear on the details, however." | May 03 18:26 |
schestowitz__ | "And 3) People who post images from Facebook on Diaspora. :P" | May 03 18:27 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 18:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Obama's cheeleaders at #nbc frame #snowden as the problem, not #nsa #espionage and #cracking | May 03 18:27 | |
schestowitz__ | "Created strains with all of us." | May 03 18:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Obama: 'Snowden Disclosures Have Created Strains' With Germany - NBC News [ ] | May 03 18:27 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 18:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #IMF Confirms $17bn Loan to Ukraine with Conditions That Will Devastate the Economy 'gifts' of #debt | May 03 18:28 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | IMF Confirms $17bn Loan to Ukraine with Conditions That Will Devastate the Economy | Scriptonite Daily [ ] | May 03 18:28 | |
schestowitz__ | "@Cronos like 'free' content from the Mail Online and social (in)security payments - there's no such thing as a free lunch." | May 03 18:28 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 18:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared:  Speed Up #Firefox By Enabling Its New #HTTP Cache - | May 03 18:34 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Speed Up Firefox By Enabling Its New HTTP Cache [ ] | May 03 18:34 | |
schestowitz__ | "Looks cool, but I'd be affraid of potential threats for the privacy ... you know, caching saves the actual data that you're requesting." | May 03 18:34 |
schestowitz__ | > | May 03 18:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Boko Haram: How We Failed the Kidnapped Girls - TIME [ ] | May 03 18:53 | |
schestowitz__ | > | May 03 18:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nigeria’s missing schoolgirls - [ ] | May 03 18:53 | |
schestowitz__ | > oil? | May 03 18:53 |
schestowitz__ | > == | May 03 18:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Out of millions to profile, the NYT and Time | May 03 18:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | chose a sexist, racist asshole, defending being | May 03 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | one. That is why the world laughs at the USA. | May 03 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Boeing Unveils Cabin Design For Commercial | May 03 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Spaceliner | May 03 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 18:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Boeing Unveils Cabin Design For Commercial Spaceliner - Slashdot | May 03 18:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #Snowden #munkdebate comments. State/telecom | May 03 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | corp surveillance a persistent pantopticon: | May 03 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | constant gaze upon society. | May 03 18:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 18:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Everyone is under surveillance now, says whistleblower Edward Snowden | World news | | May 03 18:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 18:55 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 18:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Frank Keating: Justice Puts Banks in a Choke Hold - [ ] | May 03 18:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jianghomeshi My chat with @ggreenwald in Studio #Q today re | May 03 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the implications of state surveillance, along | May 03 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 with #MichaelHayden - | May 03 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is state spying for our own good? A Munk Debate preview | Q with Jian Ghomeshi | CBC Radio | May 03 19:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Yet, despite @StateDept statements on #WPFD, | May 03 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Yemeni journo @AbdulEla still remains on house | May 03 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 arrest for daring to report on US air strikes | May 03 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Obama had Yemeni journo @AbdulEla silenced & | May 03 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by imprisoned, produced no evidence he was al | May 03 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Qaeda "media man" #wpfd | May 03 19:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Index Freedom of Expression Awards: Journalism nominee Abdulelah Haider Shaye - Index on Censorship | Index on Censorship | May 03 19:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola How complicit is US in attacks on journos in | May 03 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Yemen? Because don't want truth on operations | May 03 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 in country reported | May 03 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | #wpfd | May 03 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Journalists constantly harassed and attacked in Yemen - Reporters Without Borders | May 03 19:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Risks journos face if they investigate drone | May 03 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by strikes in Yemen: What | May 03 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 role does US play in this climate of fear? | May 03 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | #wpfd | May 03 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The risk of reporting US drone strikes - Features - Al Jazeera English | May 03 19:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola NSA's "infamous secrecy & expansive | May 03 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by capabilities have cast deep shadow on press | May 03 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 freedom worldwide" #WPFD | May 03 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The NSA Puts Journalists Under a Cloud of Suspicion - Committee to Protect Journalists | May 03 19:02 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 19:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Scottish Independence Podcast [ ] | May 03 19:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @onekade Dozens of FBI raided a woman's house because | May 03 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by she photographed a protest. Read what this FBI | May 03 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 dude said, holy hell: | May 03 19:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Judge: FBI must turn over documents containing information about confidential informants | Privacy SOS | May 03 19:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ArduinoHandbook @doctorow Please have a look at #Arduino | May 03 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Project Handbook on #indiegogo | May 03 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 03 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Many thanks! | May 03 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Arduino Project Handbook | Indiegogo | May 03 19:11 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ArduinoHandbook: Pls RETWEET! With 45+ cool projects, every #maker should own a copy of the @ArduinoHandbook! | May 03 19:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @gerardway @doctorow Hey! I'm a fan of what you do- here | May 03 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by is something I drew I thought you might | May 03 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow appreciate | May 03 19:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance) Talks Twitter | The Talkhouse | May 03 19:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Miniature Addams Family set | May 03 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 03 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 03 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 03 19:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Fun video series teaches electronics to kids | May 03 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 03 19:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | May 03 19:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | May 03 19:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:11 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 19:12 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 03 19:12 |
schestowitz__ | More like there is a gold rush to become a lawyer in the US. | May 03 19:12 |
schestowitz__ | It's driven by high profile stories of lawyers raking in millions, but the truth is, most step out of law school and find they can't get work. | May 03 19:13 |
schestowitz__ | End result? Crap like this situation. | May 03 19:13 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 19:13 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 19:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Coming: 50,000 Unemployed Lawyers? | TheFormTool [ ] | May 03 19:13 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 19:13 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 19:13 |
schestowitz__ | So Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be lawyers, unless you want to see them pan-handling, 'Will sue for food." | May 03 19:13 |
schestowitz__ | " | May 03 19:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unemployed lawyers sue schools over promises of jobs - Washington Times [ ] | May 03 19:13 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Job market for would-be lawyers is even bleaker than it looks, analysis says [ ] | May 03 19:13 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Will Too Many Lawyers Destroy American Society? Ask Peter Turchin - Businessweek [ ] | May 03 19:13 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 19:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ OK, not #Murdoch (WSJ). What does Wall Street's #Bloomberg say? #hypocrisy due to #nsa | May 03 19:14 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Russia Moves Toward China-Style Internet Censorship - Businessweek [ ] | May 03 19:14 | |
schestowitz__ | ""It could have a serious chilling effect on online expression in Russia, making users stop to think how their Google searches and Facebook posts could be used against them.” The pot calling the kettle black." | May 03 19:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Things I read in US newspapers today: race is | May 03 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | biology, not sociology. Rich straight white men | May 03 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | aren't privileged. LOL. What the actual fuck? | May 03 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I mean, an essay in the NYT from a Princeton | May 03 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | freshman on not being privileged? The essay IS | May 03 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | the definition of privilege! What the fuck! | May 03 19:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Games | May 03 19:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 03 19:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 8 Things We Expect from the Rumored Google | May 03 19:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | Nexus 8 | May 03 19:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 03 19:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Games | Tux Machines | May 03 19:17 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines DisplayPort Multi-Stream Transport Starts | May 03 19:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | Working On Linux | May 03 19:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 03 19:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 8 Things We Expect from the Rumored Google Nexus 8 | Tux Machines | May 03 19:18 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DisplayPort Multi-Stream Transport Starts Working On Linux | Tux Machines | May 03 19:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @RSF_RWB Julian Assange, un des 100 héros de l’info | May 03 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Australie #RSF | May 03 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks | May 03 19:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Julian Assange | 100 héros de l'information | May 03 19:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Instagram | May 03 19:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @WeMeantWell New Review: "It is spreading with every | May 03 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by business that closes... you can’t build a | May 03 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 nation on the working poor.” | May 03 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ghosts of Tom Joad, A Story of the #99Percent | Ghosts of Tom Joad - Peter Van Buren | May 03 19:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Ask Slashdot: Which VHS Player To Buy? | May 03 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 19:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ask Slashdot: Which VHS Player To Buy? - Slashdot | May 03 19:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow The History And Technology Behind Alien | May 03 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Encounter (originally appearing at | May 03 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Progressland) - sonarhydrophone:... | May 03 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: The History And Technology Behind Alien Encounter (originally appearing at Progressland) | May 03 19:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh OK, lets do a quick Q&A while I have coffee. | May 03 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | Life, love, Econ, whatever. Go!! | May 03 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Iced macchiato with studs. “@malcolmeggs: | May 03 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh what kind of coffee?” | May 03 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 19:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@umairh: Iced macchiato with studs. “@malcolmeggs: @umairh what kind of coffee?” | May 03 19:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Sure, but you should have voted yes in the | May 03 19:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | eiectoral referendum. “@will_moriarty: @umairh | May 03 19:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Is there any point in voting in the UK?" | May 03 19:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Start in the middle. Finish at the beginning. | May 03 19:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | “@MarketBugg: @umairh two tips for someone | May 03 19:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | writing their first book? Technical book.” | May 03 19:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Chocolate “@karnami: @umairh except love, | May 03 19:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | what's the one most important thing one should | May 03 19:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | have in one's life?” | May 03 19:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Repeat after me whenever you encounter | May 03 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | adversity: "fuck it". Now, keep going. | May 03 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | “@TheDnote: @umairh When to give up?” | May 03 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 1. Move 2. Make friends 3. Do work that matters | May 03 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | “@cpjpdx: @umairh besides reading books, what | May 03 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | do people under 30 do to get unfucked.” | May 03 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Eudaimonia; real net wealth. “@msenechal: | May 03 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Given that GDP is a horrible measure, | May 03 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | what would you replace it with?” | May 03 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh To a city with public goods. Because you'll | May 03 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | enjoy life more, be richer, and happier. | May 03 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | “@cpjpdx: @umairh Move where and why?” | May 03 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:32 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 19:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: ### [Infographic: Technology Is Making These 10 Jobs Obsolete]( )  __[Source]( )__ #infographic #technology #job #profession #obsolete | May 03 19:34 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | 10 Jobs Technology Is Making Obsolete - TIME [ ] | May 03 19:34 | |
schestowitz__ | "Call me a luddite, but I refuse to use the self checkout at grocery stores. It's not the greatest job in the world but it's a job and I can't help but feel like I'm contributing to unemployment when I use those damn self-checkouts." | May 03 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I'd propose better institutions and markets | May 03 19:35 |
schestowitz__ | I do the same for the same reasons and I even protest to staff that tries to push me there (usually not tellers but some other tools like "security"). I have explained this to my wife and she does the same thing now, often explaining to the staff we try to defend them against their greedy overlords. | May 03 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | before purely more taxes. “@waqas999: @umairh | May 03 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | whsts your take on policy proposal of Piketty" | May 03 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh G; but by updating r and g to reflect more than | May 03 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | just financial K “@kevinmarks: @umairh do we | May 03 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | solve piketty by increasing g or decreasing r?” | May 03 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh You get one life. Do better. “@elcapitan: | May 03 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh advice for a entrepreneur whose biz | May 03 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | doesn't do good, but wants the world a better | May 03 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | place.” | May 03 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Go to the bookstore. Find a book that makes you | May 03 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | cry. Read it. “@sotosek: @umairh Can you | May 03 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | recommend me a book to read right now?” | May 03 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Charity is not charity unless it is done with | May 03 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | love, for dignity. “@glitlz: @umairh is charity | May 03 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | generosity or fulfilment of a moral duty” | May 03 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh There are maybe seven truly democratic nations | May 03 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | in the world. Life's pretty good there :) | May 03 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | “@Lnzhr: @umairh What do you think of | May 03 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Democracy?” | May 03 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya From Now, I will use this twitter account for | May 03 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | all the technical activites. my mistake, I | May 03 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | mixed technology and politics together in 1 | May 03 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | account | May 03 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:41 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 19:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Obama's cheeleaders at #nbc frame #snowden as the problem, not #nsa #espionage and #cracking | May 03 19:42 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Obama: 'Snowden Disclosures Have Created Strains' With Germany - NBC News [ ] | May 03 19:42 | |
schestowitz__ | "Riiiiiight. It's not that the US was spying on Germany that created the problem. It was Edward Snowden letting them know it." | May 03 19:42 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 19:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: | May 03 19:43 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- Photo by | May 03 19:43 | |
schestowitz__ | "We need to remember the victims of the financial powers that fund (and profit) from death on both sides." | May 03 19:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Neruda “@GersanVasG: @umairh who's your | May 03 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | favorite economist?” | May 03 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh You guys are always asking me what to read. So | May 03 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | here are my three rules of reading again... | May 03 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Video: neil-gaiman: The anti-bullying videos | May 03 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | from So proud to be | May 03 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | part... | May 03 19:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bystander Revolution | Take The Power Out Of Bullying | May 03 19:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: neil-gaiman: The anti-bullying videos... | May 03 19:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Read old books before new books. Read great | May 03 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | books before good books. Read books that make | May 03 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | you hurt; those are what will make you you. | May 03 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya This is most bullshit news I ever heard - | May 03 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | islamic-cleric permitting incest :( | May 03 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 19:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Islamic Cleric Issues Fatwa Permitting Incest | sharia unveiled | May 03 19:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthew_d_green It seems increasingly likely that -- however | May 03 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by they're doing it -- NSA has been building a | May 03 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody library of TLS RSA server private keys. | May 03 19:50 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Lusitania divers warned of danger from war munitions in 1982, papers reveal #uk #germany | May 03 19:50 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Lusitania divers warned of danger from war munitions in 1982, papers reveal | World news | The Guardian [ ] | May 03 19:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @trevortimm This week was just the tip of the iceberg: | May 03 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Supreme Court could re-shape all aspects of | May 03 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody tech law in the coming years. | May 03 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Technology law will soon be reshaped by people who don't use email | Trevor Timm | Comment is free | | May 03 19:50 | |
schestowitz__ | "It's a pity that people don't learn of the past and have so short-lived memory. Did something change when we realized the US invaded Iraq with phony pretexts and with no UN autorization?| | May 03 19:50 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 19:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ U.S. and Germany Fail to Reach a Deal on Spying IOW, #germany not happy with #nsa #espionage | May 03 19:51 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Log In - The New York Times [ ] | May 03 19:51 | |
schestowitz__ | "I think there is indeed an implicit agreement: the US will keep spying Germany and Germany will not complain so much to avoid straining US-Germany relations." | May 03 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @aiww RT @AnneLaumen: Stools - by @aiww at | May 03 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @GropiusBau | May 03 19:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@AnneLaumen: Stools - by @aiww at @GropiusBau | May 03 19:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 03 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Three more rules. Read hard books before easy | May 03 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | books. Read banned books before bestsellers. | May 03 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Read books that changed the world. | May 03 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kennwhite Wow: Internet Engineering Task Force drops RSA | May 03 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by from next SSL standard (TLS 1.3), moves to | May 03 20:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Forward Secret key exchange | May 03 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 20:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Re: [TLS] Confirming Consensus on removing RSA key Transport from TLS1.3 | May 03 20:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Ein Verbot der Datenweitergabe an | May 03 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | US-Sicherheitsbehörden - | May 03 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | is what we must bring in now... #dataprotection | May 03 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 20:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Datenschutzabkommen: War da was? | ZEIT ONLINE | May 03 20:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Obama plan to close gun loophole stalled by | May 03 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NRA and pro-gun opposition - | May 03 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | "purchase of machine | May 03 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | guns and grenades" | May 03 20:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama plan to close gun loophole stalled by NRA and pro-gun opposition | World news | | May 03 20:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody .@je5perl at around 10:54 EPO Lawyer Stefan | May 03 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Luginbuehl talks about backdating unitary | May 03 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | effect for EU patents - | May 03 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #dk | May 03 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 20:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unitary Patent: Unitary patent protection & Unified Patent Court | Webinar| European Patent Academy | May 03 20:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechCrunch Lost In Translation — Don't Mistake British | May 03 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Reserve For Lack Of Ambition | May 03 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody by @RobinKlein | May 03 20:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 20:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lost In Translation — Don’t Mistake British Reserve For Lack Of Ambition | TechCrunch | May 03 20:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt This Week In Techdirt History | May 03 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 20:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Week In Techdirt History | Techdirt | May 03 20:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Can the Lix 3D Printing Pen Actually Work? | May 03 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 20:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Can the Lix 3D Printing Pen Actually Work? - Slashdot | May 03 20:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @liz_buckley Um. Guys. It's 50% longer, not a third. Don't | May 03 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by go running a bank or anything. | May 03 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 03 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 21:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@liz_buckley: Um. Guys. It's 50% longer, not a third. Don't go running a bank or anything. | May 03 21:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Tory cigarette packaging rebel Priti Patel is | May 03 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ex-#tobacco lobbyist - | May 03 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | some people have no shame - or no morals | May 03 21:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tory cigarette packaging rebel Priti Patel is ex-tobacco lobbyist | Politics | The Observer | May 03 21:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Is there a good pseudolatin name for the | May 03 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | derailing response "not all X"? | May 03 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 21:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Spring in the park. | May 03 21:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@umairh: Spring in the park. | May 03 21:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @hotdocs Watch @internetsownboy director @knappB & | May 03 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @doctorow talk about Aaron Swartz's legacy on | May 03 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @YahooCanada's The Hot Seat: | May 03 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 21:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 21:19 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hot Docs Playlist | May 03 21:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Warsow 1.5 released | May 03 21:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 03 21:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Warsow 1.5 released | Tux Machines | May 03 21:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Possible Features To Find In OpenGL 5.0 | May 03 21:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 03 21:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 03 21:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Possible Features To Find In OpenGL 5.0 | Tux Machines | May 03 21:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mir 0.2.0 Under Development For Ubuntu 14.10 | May 03 21:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | | May 03 21:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | May 03 21:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mir 0.2.0 Under Development For Ubuntu 14.10 | Tux Machines | May 03 21:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Yup “@ggreenwald: Do yourself a favor and | May 03 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | follow @billmon1 (and periodically harass him | May 03 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | to return to writing and blogging)” | May 03 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Opting Out of Big Data Snooping: Harder Than It | May 03 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Looks | May 03 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 21:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Opting Out of Big Data Snooping: Harder Than It Looks - Slashdot | May 03 21:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I'm pretty sure "normcore" is a polite way of | May 03 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | saying "I'm ashamed to admit I have a throbbing | May 03 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | fetish for Jos A Bank". | May 03 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 21:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I write about the US needing healthcare and | May 03 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | jobs. I get called "Lenin" and "Castro" in the | May 03 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | comments. Love it. | May 03 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 22:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 5 Dirty Secrets About the U.S. Economy - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review | May 03 22:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AbbyMartin Hey @BarackObama, legitimate questions & | May 03 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by concerns over a bill drafted in secret w/ 600+ | May 03 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody corporate advisors isn't a 'conspiracy theory' | May 03 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TPP | May 03 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @SciencePorn Andromeda's actual size if it was brighter | May 03 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | May 03 22:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SciencePorn: Andromeda's actual size if it was brighter | May 03 22:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 03 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW Corporate profits are valued more than #jobs, | May 03 22:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #food safety, affordable #meds, & #eco in #TPP. | May 03 22:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 03 22:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 22:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Expose the TPP | May 03 22:10 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: Corporate profits are valued more than #jobs, #food safety, affordable #meds, & #eco in #TPP. | May 03 22:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW Our one task? Stopping the #TPP by stopping | May 03 22:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #FastTrack. We can get this done! Take action: | May 03 22:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 03 22:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 22:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Take Action | May 03 22:10 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: Our one task? Stopping the #TPP by stopping #FastTrack. We can get this done! Take action: | May 03 22:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody EU-Parlament winkt Sonderrechte für | May 03 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Großkonzerne durch - | May 03 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | hey, if they want people on the streets, | May 03 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | fine... #TTIP | May 03 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Bring rail under state's control to win back | May 03 22:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP: EU-Parlament winkt Sonderrechte für Großkonzerne durch - Wirtschaft - Sü | May 03 22:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | power, Ed Miliband told - | May 03 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | this is so obvious | May 03 22:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bring rail under state's control to win back power, Ed Miliband told | Politics | The Observer | May 03 22:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #renationalisation | May 03 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 22:25 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 22:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ From Dictatorship to Democracy: The Role Ex-Nazis Played in Early West Germany rebranding in #germany | May 03 22:34 | |
schestowitz__ | "Very interesting article." | May 03 22:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | From Dictatorship to Democracy: The Role Ex-Nazis Played in Early West Germany - SPIEGEL ONLINE [ ] | May 03 22:34 | |
schestowitz__ |] | May 03 22:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Kelley from the #snowden -hostile Anderson-owned BI continues campaign of #disinfo | May 03 22:35 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | WikiLeaks Just Blew A Big Hole In The Snowden Narrative | Business Insider India [ ] | May 03 22:35 | |
schestowitz__ | "I guess its pretty clear for everyone that US has enormous control over Latin America and obviously it is unsafe to stay there for Snowden. Blaming him to be allied with Russian hackers is just another propaganda message IMHO" | May 03 22:35 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 22:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: | May 03 22:36 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- Photo by | May 03 22:36 | |
schestowitz__ | "Power that feeds on killing and fear and control has to be recognised remembered for what it is - evil" | May 03 22:36 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 22:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: I have no system and use long pass phrases with a complex set of characters. So what happens when I change it and don't log in again for a month? #computer #password #humor #wellcrap #overconfident | May 03 22:36 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- Photo by | May 03 22:36 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- Photo by | May 03 22:36 | |
schestowitz__ | "I have a system. ha ha ha" | May 03 22:36 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 22:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Either #fsf is expanding or someone has just left the FSF again | May 03 22:37 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Failed to connect to 2001:4830:134:4::a: Network is unreachable ( status 0 @ ) | May 03 22:37 | |
schestowitz__ | "I would like to have a job like this at the FSF, even the pay looks good to me! But I do not live in the US. Fortunately." | May 03 22:37 |
schestowitz__ | "Produced using Inkscape & Gimp on Debian." | May 03 22:40 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 22:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Net Neutrality (EU2014) | The Pirate Party [ ] | May 03 22:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AbbyMartin The term 'conspiracy theory' is now a | May 03 22:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by meaningless pejorative & cheap tactic used to | May 03 22:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody shut down debate & critical thinking re serious | May 03 22:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | issues. | May 03 22:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 22:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Researchers Develop DNA GPS Tool To Accurately | May 03 22:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | Trace Geographical Ancestry | May 03 22:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 22:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 22:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Researchers Develop DNA GPS Tool To Accurately Trace Geographical Ancestry - Slashdot | May 03 22:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @roblesmaloof RT @Koxlip: Aun año: | May 03 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #DetenidosPueblaNoSeOlvida | May 03 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | May 03 22:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Un año de injusticia: Néstor López Espinoza ‹ La Jornada de Oriente | May 03 22:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @YoSoyRed #Op5Puebla | May 03 22:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Koxlip: Hoy se cumple un año del levantón ilegal qe sufrió Néstor López por publicar en facebook #JusticiaParaNéstor3deMayo!! | May 03 22:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NHAparty Truth is we cannot afford NOT to have the NHS. | May 03 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Cameron's alternative is twice as expensive, | May 03 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody has poorer outcomes and is not even universal. | May 03 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 22:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard PSA: Don;t' use any LibreSSL port until the | May 03 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | LibreSSL team themselves, or someone of | May 03 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | equivalent skill, ports it. | May 03 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | May 03 22:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 22:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Insane Coding: Common LibreSSL porting mistakes | May 03 22:59 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @davidgerard retweeted @NHAparty: 'Truth is we cannot afford NOT to have...' | May 03 22:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody What Inefficient Airline Boarding Procedures | May 03 23:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Have To Do With #NetNeutrality - | May 03 23:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | brilliant analogy | May 03 23:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What Inefficient Airline Boarding Procedures Have To Do With Net Neutrality | Techdirt | May 03 23:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 23:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140502 - | May 03 23:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | May 03 23:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140502 | May 03 23:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | May 03 23:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 23:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved, by | May 03 23:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hunter S. Thompson fully | May 03 23:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Kentucky Derby Is Decadent and Depraved. (Annotated) | May 03 23:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | hyperlinked with explanatory details | May 03 23:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 23:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthew_d_green In case you're missing context: the removal of | May 03 23:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by RSA in the next version of TLS is a perfect | May 03 23:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian example of how Snowden has improved our | May 03 23:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | privacy. | May 03 23:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 23:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Breaking Bad's Scientific Consultant On Making | May 03 23:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Meth and More | May 03 23:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 23:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Breaking Bad's Scientific Consultant On Making Meth and More - Slashdot | May 03 23:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks .@hsfi articles: #Assange | May 03 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by I/v @ioerror: | May 03 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Western Dissidents | May 03 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #finland | May 03 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 23:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Eristyksissä elävä Assange on "huonossa jamassa" - Ulkomaat - Helsingin Sanomat | May 03 23:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthew_d_green It seems increasingly likely that -- however | May 03 23:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Asiantuntija: "Kännykät ovat jäljityslaitteita, jotka vain sattuvat soittamaan puheluita" - Ulkomaat - Helsingin Sanomat | May 03 23:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by they're doing it -- NSA has been building a | May 03 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian library of TLS RSA server private keys. | May 03 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | May 03 23:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lännen toisinajattelijat tuntevat toisensa - Ulkomaat - Helsingin Sanomat | May 03 23:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @cacoco Me: "Sweet, it's got a sensor!" | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Wife: "I'm not buying a trash can that requires | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | batteries." | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Me on BBC 5 Live Drive yesterday re: | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | [[Hillsborough disaster]] edits. | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | 02:51:00 on. | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Yale Law Journal: Revocation of #Snowden's | Apr 27 00:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC Radio 5 live - 5 live Drive, 25/04/2014 | Apr 27 00:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | passport is actionable | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | More: | Apr 27 00:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Citizenship, Passports, and the Legal Identity of Americans: Edward Snowden and Others Have a Case in the Courts | Apr 27 00:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 00:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Search WikiLeaks | Apr 27 00:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JWhitehurst DreamWorks movies like Shrek and Madagascar | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | were rendered on #redhat technology. | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #opensource is everywhere! | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 00:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How DreamWorks Animation improved its production process using Red Hat | Red Hat | Apr 27 00:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JWhitehurst Did you know that Red Hat Enterprise #Linux | Apr 27 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | powers a #Navy warship? #redhat + open source = | Apr 27 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | secure! | Apr 27 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 00:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Navy’s newest warship is powered by Linux | Ars Technica | Apr 27 00:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks UK spends £6mn on #Assange policing | PressTV | Apr 27 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 00:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PressTV - Assange costs UK £6mn in policing: Figures | Apr 27 00:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard It is @arkadyrose and my 11th anniversary | Apr 27 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | tomorrow, so we're down the Pembury in the | Apr 27 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | afternoon. Not sure when. Freda in tow. | Apr 27 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 00:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FeministaJones Gay White supremacists always forget there are | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Black gay people | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack I will no longer engage with Putin Truthers and | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | trolls. | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks This Day in #WikiLeaks: Doc confirms ongoing | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | DoJ investigation into WikiLeaks; Harrison | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | nominated for courage prize | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 01:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Day in WikiLeaks: 26 April 2014 | Apr 27 01:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 01:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard I just got Firefox back to usable speed by | Apr 27 01:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | deleting places.sqlite and forgetting all | Apr 27 01:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | visited links. Why doesn't it garbage-collect | Apr 27 01:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | it yet? | Apr 27 01:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 01:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Google May Be $1 Billion Behind In Tax Payments | Apr 27 01:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | To France | Apr 27 01:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 01:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google May Be $1 Billion Behind In Tax Payments To France - Slashdot | Apr 27 01:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @SharkDancing Toronto at it's best #UNSAFE Gutter deathrows | Apr 27 01:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by on a lane to narrow to share. @pedalpapa | Apr 27 01:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 @TO_Cycling #TOpoli | Apr 27 01:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@TO_Cycling: Fresh pavement and new sharrows at bay/davenport #bikeTO | Apr 27 01:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #BikeTO | Apr 27 01:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@TO_Cycling: Fresh pavement and new sharrows at bay/davenport #bikeTO | Apr 27 01:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 01:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mierzwei Stopping the #FossilFuel juggernaut in its | Apr 27 02:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by tracks #bcpoli #OilOFF | Apr 27 02:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 #FrackOff #FrackingCrazy | Apr 27 02:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 27 02:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 02:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mierzwei: Stopping the #FossilFuel juggernaut in its tracks #bcpoli #OilOFF #FrackOff #FrackingCrazy | Apr 27 02:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @UncolonisedMind A white dude asked an Arab guy what terrorist | Apr 27 02:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by country he's from..his reply? | Apr 27 02:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | Apr 27 02:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | "The United States of America" | Apr 27 02:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Apr 27 02:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Slam.Friggin'.Dunk. | Apr 27 02:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 02:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AmberCadabra Since when did wheedling for and/or getting | Apr 27 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by free stuff = getting great customer service? | Apr 27 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 This precedent annoys me. | Apr 27 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @diannaeanderson I want someone to make a comedy film called | Apr 27 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by “White Man Saves the Universe” that’s just | Apr 27 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 every white savior trope in existence. #Taken | Apr 27 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 02:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @diannaeanderson I’ve already got a theme. White man! / leaves a | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by trail of destruction / White man! / but the | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 police never question him / White man! | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @diannaeanderson White man! / the brown extras always thank him | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by / White man! / Everyone else is just collateral | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 / White maaaaaaaan! | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @UniteWomenMil #SCOTUS Code of Judicial Conduct | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #GMO | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 @BarackObama | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TheJusticeDept @SenatorReid | Apr 27 02:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 02:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-name lookup timed out ( status 0 @ ) | Apr 27 02:12 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ohHenry7: Clarence Thomas Refuses to Recuse Himself As Req'd by SCOTUS Code of Judicial Conduct #GMO #p2 | Apr 27 02:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MokuFarms US Agriculture May Eradicate the Monarch | Apr 27 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Butterfly via @mercola | Apr 27 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | Apr 27 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 02:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Agriculture May Eradicate the Monarch Butterfly | Apr 27 02:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JPBarlow @JohnKiriakou And thank *you* for being the | Apr 27 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by kind of American who still makes possible pride | Apr 27 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou in being one. | Apr 27 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 02:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Listening to American pundits "debate" Piketty | Apr 27 03:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | is like listening to serial killers with | Apr 27 03:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | blowtorches debate dentistry. | Apr 27 03:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 03:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh LOL seriously? “@tarequelaskar: @umairh and the | Apr 27 03:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | barrage of one star reviews on @amazon , | Apr 27 03:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | written by folks who *did not read* the book.” | Apr 27 03:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 03:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @newsycombinator DigitalOcean Indicator | Apr 27 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 27 03:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DigitalOcean Indicator | Apr 27 03:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | Apr 27 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Recode Now Part of Amazon, Comixology Ends In-App | Apr 27 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Purchases on iPhone, iPad / | Apr 27 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | Apr 27 03:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 03:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Now Part of Amazon, Comixology Ends In-App Purchases on iPhone, iPad | Re/code | Apr 27 03:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Firing this baby up tonight. | Apr 27 03:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 03:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jonobacon: Firing this baby up tonight. | Apr 27 03:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 03:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @tweetsoutloud So excited to play with this @littleBits space | Apr 27 05:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by exploration set!! | Apr 27 05:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist via @bonniegrrl | Apr 27 05:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | LittleBits enters space with NASA-backed kit - CNET | Apr 27 05:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 05:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@CNET: LittleBits lets kids (and adults) blast off with a NASA-backed kit | Apr 27 05:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Amazon Turns Off In-App Purchases In iOS | Apr 27 05:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Comixology | Apr 27 05:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 05:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Amazon Turns Off In-App Purchases In iOS Comixology - Slashdot | Apr 27 05:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @robblackie_oo A lovely speech from @doctorow on Museums and | Apr 27 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the Web | Apr 27 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 27 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 05:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GLAM and the Free World | MWF2014: Museums and the Web Florence 2014 | Apr 27 05:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing RIAA to blame for impoverishment of artists | Apr 27 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by it's using as human shield in anti-streaming | Apr 27 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow lobbying | Apr 27 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 05:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 27 05:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing HOWTO make turtle-shaped Koopa Troopa Mario | Apr 27 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by burgers, which kids and adults alike will | Apr 27 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow devour with glee. | Apr 27 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 05:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HOWTO make turtle-shaped Koopa Troopa Mario burgers - Boing Boing | Apr 27 05:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing 3D printer that lays down conductive traces as | Apr 27 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by it goes | Apr 27 05:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 27 05:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 27 05:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 05:16 |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 12 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 72 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 27 05:17 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (12) | Apr 27 05:17 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | Apr 27 05:17 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | Apr 27 05:17 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 100 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 401 msgs sent (~ 1% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 27 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (20), @slashdot (9), @wikileaks (5) | Apr 27 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @qu1j0t3 (13), @glynmoody (11), @doctorow (6) | Apr 27 05:18 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (6), #gnu (3), #nsa (3) | Apr 27 05:18 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared:  #senior #citizens | Apr 27 05:51 | |
schestowitz__ | ":facepalm" | Apr 27 05:51 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #linkedin gets linked in with #microsoft - perhaps the final reason to abolish this #surveillance site | Apr 27 05:52 | |
schestowitz__ | "Good for you, Cronos! I haven't given up on LinkedIn. It's just that nothing very wonderful has come my way yet. There's always tomorrow. :)" | Apr 27 05:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | LinkedOut: CRM companies squawk over LinkedIn's API policies | ZDNet [ ] | Apr 27 05:52 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;} @{Will Hill ;} any thoughts on the next or future NSA leak having decompileing closed source software for vulnerabilities? | Apr 27 05:52 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | How Does Heartbleed Alter the 'Open Source Is Safer' Discussion? - Slashdot [ ] | Apr 27 05:52 | |
schestowitz__ | "I disagree with that comment because non free software is impossible to predict, but this means that no one can ever trust non free software. No one can really trace non free software. Simple functions which are innocent alone can be called with malicious intent in ways that can not be found by simply reverse engineering binaries. Worse, non free software owners are constantly "patching" their malware. Even if you could | Apr 27 05:54 |
schestowitz__ | exhaustively study all of the binaries on your system and determine all of the ways they can interact, you could never do it in a timely manner. Software owners have already betrayed us, so I don't understand why people are having this conversation." | Apr 27 05:54 |
schestowitz__ | "wow i didn't think of that." | Apr 27 05:54 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #ciapost on #yahoo (which let the #nsa spy on millions of video chats w/ no encryption) | Apr 27 05:54 | |
schestowitz__ | "Microsoft will do the talking for them." | Apr 27 05:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Yahoo left out of major push to support open-source projects in wake of Heartbleed bug [ ] | Apr 27 05:54 | |
schestowitz__ | "Will Hill's experience matches mine. But then, nothing seems to work for me.' | Apr 27 05:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Kickstarting Openworm: a cellular-level-up | Apr 27 06:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by simulated worm. | Apr 27 06:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 27 06:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 27 06:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 06:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow As far as I can tell, there's exactly one | Apr 27 06:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | freely usable image of Lenny Henry on the web! | Apr 27 06:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | And it's not a great one /cc @neilhimself | Apr 27 06:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 06:10 |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 27 06:47 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 08:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ More new signs of #Microsoft collapse people don't buy (rent) spying boxes | Apr 27 08:03 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | HARDOCP - Microsoft May Halt Xbox One Production [ ] | Apr 27 08:03 | |
schestowitz__ | "Really, Morbius? I think they cut to the chase." | Apr 27 08:03 |
*Guest12112 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Apr 27 08:04 | |
*XFaCE has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Apr 27 08:04 | |
*XFaCE (XFaCE@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:bb8a) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 27 08:04 | |
*XFaCE is now known as Guest63533 | Apr 27 08:04 | |
*XFaCE_ (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 27 08:05 | |
schestowitz__ | push for 'corrective' discrimination | Apr 27 08:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Amazon employs 18 women among 120 most senior managers | Technology | The Guardian [ ] | Apr 27 08:11 | |
schestowitz__ | rubbish: | Apr 27 08:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Source Windows XP [ ] | Apr 27 08:14 | |
schestowitz__ | citing MS partner | Apr 27 08:14 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 08:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Look Back In Techdirt History | Techdirt [ ] | Apr 27 08:15 | |
schestowitz__ | " On the copyright front, the FBI was raiding schools for file sharing, the MPAA was writing open source (?!?) software it wanted universities to use to track down file sharing, and the RIAA was admitting that its silly amnesty program for file sharers was a joke. ' | Apr 27 08:15 |
schestowitz__ | > "technology leadership is attempting to explain how | Apr 27 08:31 |
schestowitz__ | > OpenSSL contained a virus for over two years...Expose | Apr 27 08:31 |
schestowitz__ | > the use of open source code." | Apr 27 08:31 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 27 08:31 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 27 08:31 |
schestowitz__ | I think I saw this elsewhere; people confusing bugs with "virus" to imply malicious intent. | Apr 27 08:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | IT consultant Tim Reed says business, execs need to catch up on Heartbleed bug - New York Business Journal [ ] | Apr 27 08:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow To clarify, it's a funny and lively shot, but | Apr 27 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | it's nearly 40 years old! #LennyHenry | Apr 27 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Linux Foundation enlists Microsoft, Google to | Apr 27 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | prevent the next Heartbleed: InfoWorld: When it | Apr 27 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | comes to short-t... | Apr 27 08:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 08:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Linux Foundation enlists Microsoft, Google to prevent the next Heartbleed | Apr 27 08:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot This Chip Can Tell If You've Been Poisoned | Apr 27 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 08:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 08:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Chip Can Tell If You've Been Poisoned - Slashdot | Apr 27 08:41 | |
*XFaCE_ is now known as XFaCE | Apr 27 08:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140426 - | Apr 27 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | Apr 27 09:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140426 | Apr 27 09:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | Apr 27 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoogleChops @doctorow Turkey expands secret service powers | Apr 27 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 27 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 27 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Turkey expands secret service powers | Apr 27 09:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody A letter to Barack Obama – Jeyakumar Devaraj - | Apr 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | "#TPP will increase the | Apr 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | prices of medicines for us" #my | Apr 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A letter to Barack Obama – Jeyakumar Devaraj - The Malaysian Insider | Apr 27 09:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact Auf geht's! RT@kattascha: Stoppt die | Apr 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Vorratsdatenspeicherung! Wer will | Apr 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Unterzeichner Nummer 100.000 werden? | Apr 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | #vds" | Apr 27 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Teilnehmen - Meine Daten gehören mir - Campact | Apr 27 09:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @MatthewKeysLive Flashback: Remember in 2007 when Obama promised | Apr 27 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Net neutrality laws if elected president? - | Apr 27 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 27 09:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama pledges Net neutrality laws if elected president - CNET | Apr 27 09:13 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MatthewKeysLive: Flashback: Remember in 2007 when Obama promised Net neutrality laws if elected president? - | Apr 27 09:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer Will the Age of Entitlement continue for Big | Apr 27 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Pharma in Australia? | Apr 27 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #drug #patent #TPP #TPPA #health | Apr 27 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The High Price of Drug Patents: Australia, Patent Law, Pharmaceutical Drugs and the Trans-Pacific Partnership | Equilibri | Apr 27 09:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Secretive Lobby Groups are getting Secret | Apr 27 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Access to this Secret Agreement to Secretly | Apr 27 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Criminalize Internet Users - | Apr 27 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 09:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The secretive TPP would criminalize Internet users everywhere | Apr 27 09:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Arianti Obama said people oppose #TPP because of "lack | Apr 27 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by of knowledge"? Seriously?? Dude, you make the | Apr 27 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody text P&C! #BantahTPPA | Apr 27 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrRimmer Why Corporations Are Freaking Out About Obama's | Apr 27 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Big Trade Deal @zachdcarter | Apr 27 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TPP #TPPA #freakout | Apr 27 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #superfreak | Apr 27 09:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Corporations Are Freaking Out About Obama's Big Trade Deal | Apr 27 09:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody How Marlboro money paid for Commons launch of | Apr 27 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #tobacco study - | Apr 27 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | disgraceful: Vaz should resign | Apr 27 09:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Marlboro money paid for Commons launch of tobacco study | Business | The Observer | Apr 27 09:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Crossrail managers accused of 'culture of | Apr 27 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | spying and fear' - why | Apr 27 09:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Crossrail managers accused of 'culture of spying and fear' | UK news | The Observer | Apr 27 09:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | we need #whistleblower protection laws | Apr 27 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jayjaydenis "There will be winners & losers in #TPP. But we | Apr 27 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by will gain more & have to inform people about | Apr 27 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody this. It will be put to Parliament @NajibRazak | Apr 27 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @citizenstrade As Obama visits Malaysia, USTR targets halal | Apr 27 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by standards & programs for ethnic Malays as | Apr 27 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "trade barriers" #TPP | Apr 27 09:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Eyes on Trade: As Obama Visits TPP Countries, New Obama Administration Report Targets Their Public Interest Policies as “Trade Barriers” to be Eliminated | Apr 27 09:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @IPBio Malaysia Firmly Rejects TPPA Intellectual | Apr 27 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Property Rights Proposal: | Apr 27 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 27 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #UbuntuTweak 0.8.7 Has Been Released! | Apr 27 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Ubuntu "Open for | Apr 27 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Business" | Apr 27 09:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BERNAMA - Malaysia Firmly Rejects TPPA Intellectual Property Rights Proposal | Apr 27 09:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu Tweak 0.8.7 Has Been Released! | Unixmen | Apr 27 09:34 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Utopic Unicorn (14.10) is Open for Business | Apr 27 09:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Verizon Knows You're A Sucker: Takes Taxpayer | Apr 27 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Subsidies For Broadband, Doesn't Deliver, | Apr 27 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Lobbies To Drop Requirement | Apr 27 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 09:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Verizon Knows You're A Sucker: Takes Taxpayer Subsidies For Broadband, Doesn't Deliver, Lobbies To Drop Requirements | Techdirt | Apr 27 09:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #copyright #law not working anymore | Apr 27 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 09:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Economist Explains How Copyright Just Isn't Working | Techdirt | Apr 27 09:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 09:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ex-Wife Allegedly Using Copyright To Take Down Husband's Suicide Note | Techdirt | Apr 27 09:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | RIAA Claims That It Is 'Standing Up For' Older Musicians That It Actually Left To Rot | Techdirt | Apr 27 09:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @xor Major scandal at WIPO: legal counsel is | Apr 27 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by censoring blogs republishing high-profile | Apr 27 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody accusations of Director misconduct. | Apr 27 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Intellectual Asset Management (IAM) Magazine - Maximising IP Value for Business | Apr 27 09:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Texas family plagued with ailments gets $3M in | Apr 27 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | 1st-of-its-kind #fracking judgment - | Apr 27 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | who's next? | Apr 27 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Texas family plagued with ailments gets $3M in fracking judgment - | Apr 27 09:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody please sign petition allowing peaceful, | Apr 27 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | democratic #disinvestment campaigns - | Apr 27 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | #coal companies want a | Apr 27 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ban on them... | Apr 27 09:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ban Divestment? No way. - 350 | Apr 27 09:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Mining lobby may join industry push to ban | Apr 27 09:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | environmental #boycotts - | Apr 27 09:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | staggeringly | Apr 27 09:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | antidemocratic; smell the fear | Apr 27 09:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mining lobby may join industry push to ban environmental boycotts | Business | | Apr 27 09:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Hillary Clingon doesn't like #snowden | Apr 27 09:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | is this why she | Apr 27 09:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | imprisoned him in Russian airport? | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WATCH: Hillary Clinton Blasts Edward Snowden for Fleeing to Russia and China | Mother Jones | Apr 27 09:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Fyraftensmøde 2. maj: Glyn Moody taler om | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | softwarepatenter og patentdomstolen - | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | should be fun #swpats | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #dk | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fyraftensmøde 2. maj: Glyn Moody taler om softwarepatenter og patentdomstolen | Bitbureauet | Apr 27 09:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody The High Price of Cheap Chicken - | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP could bring this | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | to EU, displacing more humane farming here | Apr 27 09:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The High Price of Cheap Chicken | Common Dreams | Apr 27 09:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Hillary Clingon's disdain for truth is all | Apr 27 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | about self interest | Apr 27 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | turns out she blasts many people | Apr 27 09:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hillary Clinton questions Cristina Kirchner's mental health | World news | The Guardian | Apr 27 09:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Full Show: Disband The NSA | Apr 27 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | it alienated allies, | Apr 27 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | misrepresents US citizens (unlike corporations) | Apr 27 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Full Show: Disband The NSA | PopularResistance.Org | Apr 27 09:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Russia Outlaws Anonymous Blogging, Continues | Apr 27 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Clampdown On Social Media | Apr 27 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | #russia #censorship | Apr 27 09:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Russia Orders Bloggers To 'Register'; Outlaws Anonymous Blogging, Continues Clampdown On Social Media | Techdirt | Apr 27 09:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @CasparBowden EU privacy regulators (!) just approved that | Apr 27 09:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by foreign courts can remotely snoop on Cloud data | Apr 27 09:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody inside in EU, & secretly | Apr 27 09:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz NSA internal documents lays down US | Apr 27 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | surveillance "clear | Apr 27 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | about data collection or surveillance of U.S. | Apr 27 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | citizens" | Apr 27 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA internal documents lays down US surveillance practices | Asian Tribune | Apr 27 09:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #UKIP candidate tells Lenny Henry to move to a | Apr 27 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | "black country"; party says reporting this is a | Apr 27 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | "smear campaign" - | Apr 27 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | UKIP candidate tells Lenny Henry to move to a "black country"; party says reporting this is a "smear campaign" - Boing Boing | Apr 27 09:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Canadian Government’s ‘Secure’ Phones Come | Apr 27 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | Straight from the #NSA | Apr 27 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | so Canada is working for the US now | Apr 27 09:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OODA Loop - The Canadian Government's 'Secure' Phones Come Straight from the NSA | Apr 27 09:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Campus Activism Against NSA Spying is Growing | Apr 27 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Fast | Apr 27 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa #surveillance not | Apr 27 09:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Campus Activism Against NSA Spying is Growing Fast | Electronic Frontier Foundation | Apr 27 09:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | liked by tomorrow's managers | Apr 27 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Primer: Tibetan Kangba Literature in Mandarin - | Apr 27 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | for your Sunday | Apr 27 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | delectation... #tibet | Apr 27 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Primer: Tibetan Kangba Literature in Mandarin | Apr 27 09:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Canadians fund the #nsa which is conducting | Apr 27 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | mass #surveillance against them | Apr 27 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 09:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canada Bought NSA Telecom Equipment To The Tune Of $50 Million-Plus: Report | Apr 27 09:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The NSA Comes Home: Police Departments Conceal | Apr 27 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Phone Tracking Equipment From Courts | Apr 27 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa normalising tyranny | Apr 27 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 09:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The NSA Comes Home: Police Departments Conceal Phone Tracking Equipment From Courts | Apr 27 09:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Killed by mistake on how | Apr 27 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nsa "metadata" leads to #droNSA #assassination | Apr 27 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | attacks | Apr 27 10:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Killed by mistake - Sci-Tech - DAWN.COM | Apr 27 10:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Police shouldn’t be able to search people’s | Apr 27 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | emails without a warrant" | Apr 27 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Read more: not | Apr 27 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | terrorism-related | Apr 27 10:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Privacy backers looking for email protections | TheHill | Apr 27 10:02 | |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 10:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | More Internet than the Internet [ ] | Apr 27 10:07 | |
schestowitz | "An experimental ‘mesh network' in Tunisia aims to curtail government spying. The project has a surprising backer – the U.S. State Department" | Apr 27 10:07 |
schestowitz | Maybe they just want to destablise this government | Apr 27 10:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing UKIP candidate tells Lenny Henry to move to a | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by "black country"; party says reporting this is a | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow "smear campaign" | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 27 10:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mass #surveillance for corporate purposes | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Giant database to track Hoosier students from school to workplace | Apr 27 10:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In (Soviet) Russia, bloggers register for ID. | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | In Corporate America, bloggers are under mass | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance for ID. | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | It's About to Become Much Harder for Russians to Speak Freely - PolicyMic | Apr 27 10:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz If #usaid uses 'social' network to destablise | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | government, why can't US State Department do | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | the same with anonymity? | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A legal way to kill? law | Apr 27 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | is relative | Apr 27 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NAPOLITANO: A legal way to kill? - Washington Times | Apr 27 10:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "identification of the dead revealed that | Apr 27 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | non-Yemeni Arab fighters were also among those | Apr 27 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | killed" | Apr 27 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | U.S. drones continue to kill civilians instead of al-Qaeda | Apr 27 10:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Michael Hastings of Rolling Stone noted in a | Apr 27 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | 2012 article that there is a much larger | Apr 27 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | concern: transparency." | Apr 27 10:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Panel on Drone Warfare Opens Discussion | IndyBlog | Colorado Springs Independent | Apr 27 10:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Report claims Eric Holder approved drone strike | Apr 27 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | against Bundy ranch | Apr 27 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | there was such a report about Dorner also | Apr 27 10:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Report claims Eric Holder approved drone strike against Bundy ranch - National Policy & Issues | | Apr 27 10:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Why the Sharing Economy Is About Desperation, | Apr 27 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Not Trust | Apr 27 10:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why the Sharing Economy Is About Desperation, Not Trust - Slashdot | Apr 27 10:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Congress should outlaw drone strikes | Apr 27 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | unmanned (drones) as | Apr 27 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | proxy for the murderer | Apr 27 10:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Congress should outlaw drone strikes - Times Union | Apr 27 10:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz FOIA win against government on drones | Apr 27 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | wanting to know the | Apr 27 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | facts is not "dissidence" | Apr 27 10:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | FOIA win against government on drones : Columbia Journalism Review | Apr 27 10:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz New Hampshire Drone Bill Shot Down in Senate | Apr 27 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #drone makers get their | Apr 27 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | way (and money) | Apr 27 10:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Hampshire Drone Bill Shot Down in Senate | Apr 27 10:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "As with much of the past three days, it is | Apr 27 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | unclear which U.S. agencies or departments took | Apr 27 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | part in the raids." | Apr 27 10:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | YemenOnline - Voice of Yemen : What Happened When The U.S. Dropped Drones On Al-Qaeda In Yemen This Weekend | Apr 27 10:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz US media publishes US opinion that #drone | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #assassination is a form of state terrorism | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Hillary #Clinton Mocks Snowden, Displays Her | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ignorance When It Comes to #Whistleblowers | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | good with power, not | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | fact | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Leon Panetta, former director of #cia : | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | America's greatest threat is from within | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | dissent as "terror" | Apr 27 10:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:27 |
*TechrightsSocial has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | Apr 27 10:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz America’s “exceptional” reality | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | the "We Are The Good | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | Guys" reality | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz MSNBC's Chris Hayes calls Bundy ranch | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | supporters 'insurgents' | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | characterising them like | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | "terrorists" | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The term insurgents is suggestive. It is very | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | nebulous and it is a leaded term. Can say that | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | there are US insurgents in #ukraine right now. | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Do you really want an increased presence of US | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | troops, armaments? #us | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | imperial overreach in #philippines | Apr 27 10:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:33 |
schestowitz | "insurrectionist" | Apr 27 10:36 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 10:36 |
schestowitz | WTF | Apr 27 10:36 |
schestowitz | US citizens treated like terrorists now | Apr 27 10:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Obama appears to have taken the option of | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | cyber attacks off the table." | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | not entirely true. The | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | US worst offender. | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Womenwashing #assassination | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | meanwhile: | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Womenwashing #torture in a torture advocacy | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | film that was made in collaboration with #cia | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 10:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:40 |
schestowitz | blowback: | Apr 27 10:45 |
schestowitz | trial by media | Apr 27 10:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Womenwashing wars of conquest and genocide | Apr 27 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz U.S. can't have it both ways on #drone killings | Apr 27 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | By The Denver Post | Apr 27 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Editorial Board | Apr 27 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Most #drone #assassination decisions are trial | Apr 27 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | by media, where "officials" label all who are | Apr 27 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | dead "militants" & competing reporters killed | Apr 27 10:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:48 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 10:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Example of trial by media | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | say the person deserved | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | it, unchallenged. No evidence of risk/threat. | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz New York Times and #ciapost (journals of record | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | for those in power) hypocritically divert | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | attention to #china | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Turkish government has blocked access to | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | YouTube." | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror It is nice to be back in Europe. Tomorrow is | Apr 27 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Security in Times of Surveillance event at | Apr 27 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tu Eindhoven: | Apr 27 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Protests Mount Against Mexico's Proposed | Apr 27 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Telecommunications Law, Which Would Bring In | Apr 27 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Censorship | Apr 27 10:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 10:59 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 11:01 |
schestowitz | well, that's anothr problem, government astroturfing | Apr 27 11:02 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 11:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @koenrh Norwegian Intelligence Service acquires IBM's | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Windsor Blue supercomputer, and partners with | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror NSA's Cryptanalysis #NSA | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks This Day in #WikiLeaks: Doc confirms ongoing | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by DoJ investigation into WikiLeaks; Harrison | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror nominated for courage prize | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz AOL (America Online) pretending to be UK: | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Putin Thinks The CIA Created The Internet To | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Spy On Russia" - no, that's twisting his words. | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Yale Law Journal: Revocation of #Snowden's | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by passport is actionable | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror More: | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @carwinb WikiLeaks Sarah Harrison has been nominated for | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the the Gustav-Heinemann Prize for 'civic and | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror moral courage' VOTE! | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz This is an eye/ear-catching distraction from | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | much more heinous #torture practices | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz CIA Arms and Trains Syria Rebels Through Secret | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | Jordan Programme we | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | don't negotiate with terrorists, we train them | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 'Pulling a Libya' in #syria | Apr 27 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Physicians for Human Rights Calls for Public | Apr 27 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Reckoning on U.S. Violations of the Convention | Apr 27 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Against #Torture | Apr 27 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cia moles in #india | Apr 27 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | that's where #wikileaks proves to be useful | Apr 27 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard When people have reason to be pissed off, calls | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | for "civility" miss that making a big fucking | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | fuss is all that works. | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A lot of Western media is grossly distorting | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | what #putin said, which only serves to | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | discredit the media itself. Next: "one | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | testicle" smear? | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #cia insurgents in #syria will fracture a | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | nation, cause a genocide (infighting), reduce | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | national security (blowback) | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GEEK TO ME: Switching to #Linux since Microsoft | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | cuts XP support doesn't | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | get all the facts right, but not too bad | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: brucesterling: edbar1952: David | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Alfaro Siqueiros. 1896-1974 Applying the | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | finishing touches to... | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: brucesterling: cazadordementes: Frida | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Kahlo and Diego Rivera at the Casa Azul (x) | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | SuFrida Kahlo y... | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Wikileaks, Subramanian Swamy and the Truth | Apr 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #wikileaks helps show | Apr 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | who really serves who | Apr 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Windows falling | Apr 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz New Windows back door won't be fixed | Apr 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | #windows #nsa #backdoor | Apr 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Pro life" | Apr 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The FCC Is About to Axe-Murder Net Neutrality | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | -- What You Should Know | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #alternet perspective | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow It's easy to moan about bonuses, but just how | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | do we fix banks? | Will Hutton | Comment | The | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Guardian | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow The American Middle Class Is Doing Much Worse | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Than the NYT Says | Beat the Press | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 11:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 11:57 |
schestowitz | Good new video | Apr 27 12:09 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 12:11 |
schestowitz | Proprietary software is, by design, impossible to trust | Apr 27 12:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GEEK TO ME: Switching to Linux since Microsoft | Apr 27 12:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | cuts XP support | Apr 27 12:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Global warming | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz If there's something to be learned from the | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | whole Bundy * in a teacup, it's that even among | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | US citizens their govt. ceased having | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | legitimacy | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Agents of Destabilization in #Venezuela : The | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Dirty Hand of the National Endowment for | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | Democracy | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 12:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:19 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 12:30 |
schestowitz | " represented Wikileaks founder Julian Assange" | Apr 27 12:30 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 12:31 |
schestowitz | "Amal Alamuddin is a barrister at Doughty Street Chambers, London, specialising in international law, human rights, criminal law and extradition. She appears in both English and international courts and provides written advice to individuals and governments. Amal has recently acted as adviser to Kofi Annan, the Joint Special Envoy of the UN and Arab League on Syria; as counsel to the government of Cambodia in a territorial | Apr 27 12:31 |
schestowitz | dispute at the International Court of Justice; and as legal advisor to the Royal Court of the Kingdom of Bahrain in connection with the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI) investigating alleged human rights abuses in Bahrain. Amal also represented the head of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, in extradition proceedings in the UK and former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuila Tymonshenko before the European Court of Human | Apr 27 12:31 |
schestowitz | Rights. Amal previously served as legal adviser to the Prosecutor of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and as legal adviser to the head of UNIIIC in Beirut." | Apr 27 12:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Political ads in the #uk seem to be getting | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | more radical, which in turn nornalises these | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | forms of radicalism. Right wing extremism. | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #zuckerberg a politician (or political force) | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | because money is power in the US | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #us foreign intervention: "children, held | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | illegally in the jail, informing investigators | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | they were anally raped" | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Not only #cia #torture "black sites" in | Apr 27 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | #lithuania but now soldiers too | Apr 27 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #CIA gives #syria terrorists ground-to-air | Apr 27 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | rocket launchers while this is reported further | Apr 27 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | in the east #uk | Apr 27 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Perspective_pic German ad group Scholz & Friends suggested | Apr 27 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by those t-shirts to make plumber's crack a bit | Apr 27 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @stiangrindvoll more attractive | Apr 27 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Ecuador expels US group | Apr 27 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | they must have realised | Apr 27 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | the embassies are used for #surveillance | Apr 27 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | #espionage #coup etc. | Apr 27 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Siege on #ecuador embassy in #london has more | Apr 27 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | to do with #suveillance than #security | Apr 27 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | #assange #wikileaks #us | Apr 27 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz It remains unclear who put the bugging devices | Apr 27 12:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | in #ecuador embassy in #london - maybe one of | Apr 27 12:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | the visitors was a mole. #uk | Apr 27 12:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Historically, embassies used for mutual | Apr 27 12:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | understanding, peace-keeping, negotiations, | Apr 27 12:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | etc. Some countries misuse them to destabilise | Apr 27 12:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | govt. | Apr 27 12:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Having a day field with leaked information | Apr 27 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | about people's whose loyalty to their people is | Apr 27 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | dubious at best | Apr 27 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz When you (or your allies) get caught planting | Apr 27 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | bugs in embassy, don't be surprised at your | Apr 27 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | embassies being suspect | Apr 27 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @stacyherbert Accused USS Cole bomber at Gitmo was raped, | Apr 27 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by waterboarded & psychologically tortured with | Apr 27 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow drill according to testimony | Apr 27 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mpesce So if the UK votes UKIP in the EU elections, | Apr 27 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by they can no longer make fun of us for Abbott. | Apr 27 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Fair is fair. | Apr 27 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kwerb It reminds me of @lessig's point that our | Apr 27 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by politics is so corrupted that people *assume* | Apr 27 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow those they disagree with are getting paid to do | Apr 27 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | so. | Apr 27 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Defending economic sovereignty | Apr 27 12:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | "US pivot to | Apr 27 12:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Asia...shifting its military weight closer to | Apr 27 12:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | China" | Apr 27 12:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Cryptomeorg Few known breaches in Snowden cache security. | Apr 27 12:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Beats WL, NSA, CIA, WH, Vatican, others | Apr 27 12:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow exploited by insiders, bigger threat than | Apr 27 12:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | outsiders. | Apr 27 12:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 12:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BiellaColeman The Media Has a Woman Problem | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #tpp : malicious lobbyists-lawyers working at | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | the behest of corporations, making fertile | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ground for devaluing workers, env, | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | protections... | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack I think gov's unprecedented clamp down on | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | speech is precisely because it has been unable | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | to stop the tide of disclosures abt gov | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | #secrecy. | Apr 27 13:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:07 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'I think gov's unprecedented clamp down on speech...' | Apr 27 13:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #obama lobbies for corporations in #japan | Apr 27 13:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 13:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #US has #warrantless searches by #police | Apr 27 13:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | the article speaks about | Apr 27 13:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | one attempt to stop this | Apr 27 13:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack I think gov's draconian & desperate clamp down | Apr 27 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | on speech is precisely b/c it has been unable | Apr 27 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | to stem tide of disclosures abt gov #secrecy. | Apr 27 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #manchester city centre (Market Street) has | Apr 27 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | people chanting in megaphones against #fracking | Apr 27 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | & using foul language. #uk | Apr 27 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Glinner If only they'd been in a plane that | Apr 27 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by disappeared. 234 Girls Kidnapped from Physics | Apr 27 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Test, | Apr 27 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | MSM yawns | Apr 27 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot White House Worried About Discrimination | Apr 27 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Through Analytics | Apr 27 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:30 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'I think gov's draconian & desperate clamp down...' | Apr 27 13:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody This Bike Lock Is Unpickable - | Apr 27 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | clever | Apr 27 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jackschofield Optical illusion mural in Sherbrooke, Quebec | Apr 27 13:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Small version | Apr 27 13:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 27 13:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PeteDotAscian @glynmoody I got my SendPluto mail account and | Apr 27 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by it seems to work fine as a POP3 service. I have | Apr 27 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody ten invites if others need them. | Apr 27 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:43 |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody deleted 'RT @Glinner: If only they'd been in a...' | Apr 27 13:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ecuador "canceled a security cooperation | Apr 27 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | program with the Pentagon" | Apr 27 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | these are usually | Apr 27 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | one-sided anyway | Apr 27 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 2006: Ecuador President-elect Correa sets | Apr 27 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | Sights on Free Software | Apr 27 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 13:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #GNU #Linux as a replacement for Windows | Apr 27 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | there's a trend there | Apr 27 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Justice, truth and software freedom not miles | Apr 27 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | apart | Apr 27 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #assange does not have $10 million to fund | Apr 27 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #wikileaks operations, but #uk taxpayers have | Apr 27 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | this money to spy on him | Apr 27 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz TechBytes Episode 88: Hardware, Games, and | Apr 27 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | Emulation #techbytes | Apr 27 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard The desperate hustle as a way of life | Apr 27 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Apache Struts Zero Day Not Fixed By Patch | Apr 27 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @raynerlucas @davidgerard | Apr 27 14:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Devs: "But sir, we can't think of any more ways | Apr 27 14:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard to fuck up our site's usability" | Apr 27 14:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | Zuckerberg: "Hmm... why stop at *our* site?" | Apr 27 14:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jpjhill Phone-charging stoves? Coke can homes? Tech | Apr 27 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by like @hexayurt can change the way we live, says | Apr 27 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow @leashless #makefaireuk | Apr 27 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @smarimc Wow, it manages to say virtually nothing of | Apr 27 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by value. MT @miltonmueller: The final #netmundial | Apr 27 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow outcome document: | Apr 27 14:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:40 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 14:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Microsoft Has Failed in the Area of #Hardware | Apr 27 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #xboxone #xbox #surface | Apr 27 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The power of labels | Apr 27 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Popcorn | Apr 27 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #tsa stats | Apr 27 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 14:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Corporations controlling nations | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Democracy a threat to institutions that are | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | built hierarchically, driven by power and | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | profit | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #Navy discharges #transgender #cryptoligic | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | tech--it spent $1/2 Million training--for being | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | honest abt it | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #LGBT | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Playing with nuclear-armed bears | Apr 27 15:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 15:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jhammond RT @monkchips: Kittyo | Apr 27 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by kickstarter at the computer/cat interface < Why | Apr 27 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist shouldn't the IoT also be all about catz? | Apr 27 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Bicycle for two | Apr 27 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Amazing_Maps Information destruction through history | Apr 27 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by - | Apr 27 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 27 15:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:16 |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditMicrosoft favourited 'GEEK TO ME: Switching to Linux since Microsoft...' | Apr 27 15:20 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @Spock444 Baseboard morphs BeagleBone Black into 3.5-inch | Apr 27 15:20 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 15:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | SBC | via @tuxmachines | Apr 27 15:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 27 15:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @hootsuite Email isn’t going anywhere: | Apr 27 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Here are 4 tips to help | Apr 27 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist you reclaim your inbox | Apr 27 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Welcome to Middle Class, Living Paycheck to | Apr 27 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | Paycheck on $90,000 | Apr 27 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | cc: @WeMeantWell | Apr 27 15:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:22 |
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 27 15:24 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 27 15:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @manielse To reduce the health risk of barbecuing meat, | Apr 27 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by just add beer | Apr 27 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | Apr 27 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @LAReviewofBooks "Capitalism looks to be a giant inequality | Apr 27 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by machine. " on Thomas Piketty's "Capital in the | Apr 27 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 21st Century" | Apr 27 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @thenation Why is Blackwater Helping to Train Brazil’s | Apr 27 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by World Cup Security? | Apr 27 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | Apr 27 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Broad loyalty | Apr 27 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 'Free' market #deregulation | Apr 27 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #anarchism for | Apr 27 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | corporations, socialism/welfare for ill | Apr 27 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | corporations | Apr 27 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Mozilla Aims to Improve Firefox Browser SSL | Apr 27 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Security | Apr 27 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JPBarlow FBI forces Anonymous convicts to conduct | Apr 27 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by cyberattacks on foreign systems. | Apr 27 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | Apr 27 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Fall and Rise of Larry Page | Apr 27 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Canadian Government’s ‘Secure’ Phones Come | Apr 27 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Straight from the #NSA | Apr 27 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 so Canada is working for the US now | Apr 27 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard On way to Pembury w @arkadyrose and Freda | Apr 27 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 @schestowitz Canada has been a US property at | Apr 27 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | least since 2006, and probably long before. | Apr 27 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TimothyS Obama <3 militarism - his first choice, every | Apr 27 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by time. "U.S., Philippines to sign 10-year | Apr 27 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack defense agreement." | Apr 27 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz @qu1j0t3 Funny that US got Alaska to 'protect' | Apr 27 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Russia from the British. | Apr 27 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @waynejwerner @jesselynradack important to note, not just | Apr 27 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by secrecy, but government wrongdoing or law | Apr 27 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack breaking | Apr 27 15:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:45 |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @JPBarlow: 'FBI forces Anonymous convicts to conduct cyberattacks on...' | Apr 27 15:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack I think gov's draconian & desperate clamp down | Apr 27 15:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by on speech is precisely b/c it has been unable | Apr 27 15:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz to stem tide of disclosures abt gov #secrecy. | Apr 27 15:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:47 |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @waynejwerner: '@jesselynradack important to note, not just secrecy, but...' | Apr 27 15:47 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @TimothyS: 'Obama <3 militarism - his first choice, every...' | Apr 27 15:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ciapost remarks on the demise of middle class | Apr 27 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | in US corporate | Apr 27 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | #collusion a contributor | Apr 27 15:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:50 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 15:51 |
schestowitz | Growing spread of pollutants can't help (air, water), but diseases are not my field of expertise | Apr 27 15:52 |
schestowitz | My PhD focused on identifying atrophy from MRI imaging; I don't know about causes, might be tied to exposure to chemicals | Apr 27 15:53 |
schestowitz | "Tnx, AD= #alzheimers. I worry everyone >50, incl. myself is in early stages of #Dementia. Lots of it around." | Apr 27 15:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Apathy | Apr 27 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 15:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack I will no longer engage with Putin Truthers and | Apr 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by trolls. | Apr 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz | Apr 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Power in grouping | Apr 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Shares of #military / #arms companies must be | Apr 27 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | soaring | Apr 27 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz If the US military industrial complex has a | Apr 27 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | hardon for renewed Cold War/conflict with | Apr 27 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Russia, it should do so in Alaska, stop messing | Apr 27 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | EU up | Apr 27 16:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:02 |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @TimothyS: 'Obama <3 militarism - his first choice, every...' | Apr 27 16:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard At pub. Freda playing Minecraft. Pint in hand. | Apr 27 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Lots of people. Happy anniversary to us! | Apr 27 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Remote storage disservice | Apr 27 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Richard Stallman | Apr 27 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | explains #microsoft 'storage'. #nsa #prism | Apr 27 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Natural Resource Extraction vs. Indigenous | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Rights and the Environment in Latin America | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | rarely debated | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #USAID "targeted at boosting subversion and | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | destabilization in the Caribbean country." | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | "We meant well..." | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz I'm a Whistleblower: Want Fries with That? | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | another whistleblower, | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Drake, works in #apple prison (store) | Apr 27 16:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:18 |
schestowitz | this one is new, suggests that diet is key | Apr 27 16:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Goal of "colonial empires: the search for cheap | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | resources, labour and ready markets" | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #greed at expense of the | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | weak | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Corporate lobby #alec systematically seeks to | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | destroy the environment | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | #billgates funded ALEC | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @carwinb WikiLeaks Sarah Harrison has been nominated for | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the the Gustav-Heinemann Prize for 'civic and | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz moral courage' VOTE! | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Citizenship, Passports, and the Legal Identity | Apr 27 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | of Americans: Edward #Snowden and Others Have a | Apr 27 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Case in the Courts | Apr 27 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Tao23 When you say 'this is a Christian nation' I | Apr 27 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by don't believe you because the things your | Apr 27 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard leaders do would make JC grab a whip & flip | Apr 27 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | tables. | Apr 27 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard "The only thing stopping you from being the | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | next L. Ron Hubbard is you don't want to. You | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | better hope that's enough." - me to @arkadyrose | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot DOJ Complains About Getting a Warrant To Search | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Mobile Phones | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Ah that's better. The alcohol has reached my | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | face. Life is improved. | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US agrees to direct engagement with | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | stakeholders on #TPP, says MTEM - | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | great: now do the same | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | for other countries #my | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: WANKER in surlus MAKER badge letters, | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Maker Faire, Newcastle, UK on Flickr. | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Jam Jar Collective laser-cuts, Maker | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Faire, Newcastle, UK on Flickr. | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Spaceteam instance, Maker Faire, | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Newcastle, UK on Flickr. | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @oliveremberton 200 girls kidnapped from physics test, for | Apr 27 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by being educated. This story deserves more | Apr 27 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard attention | Apr 27 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @knockoutmouse1 @doctorow I just finished Little Brother and I | Apr 27 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by LOVED it. That book will be making the rounds | Apr 27 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow among my friends. | Apr 27 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US commerce chief sees #TPP agreement this year | Apr 27 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | - er, that's what they | Apr 27 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | said last year... | Apr 27 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Back in my day, my folks would drag us down the | Apr 27 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | pub and we'd have some food and some comics or | Apr 27 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | magazines. F gets Minecraft of course. | Apr 27 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nodeswitch @doctorow Have you seen this? | Apr 27 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by More personal, | Apr 27 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow identifiable data being made available by UK | Apr 27 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Gov. Its kids this time. | Apr 27 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Regolamento #Agcom su internet: da | Apr 27 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | al sito delle Marche. Le vere | Apr 27 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | richieste di rimozione. - | Apr 27 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | what a joke | Apr 27 16:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 16:55 |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 2 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 16 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 27 17:17 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (1), @Spock444 (1) | Apr 27 17:17 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | Apr 27 17:17 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | Apr 27 17:17 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 201 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 783 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 27 17:17 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (104), @glynmoody (16), @doctorow (9) | Apr 27 17:17 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (13), @doctorow (12), @schestowitz (6) | Apr 27 17:17 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #TPP (8), #nsa (6), #cia (5) | Apr 27 17:17 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @oliveremberton: '200 girls kidnapped from physics test, for being...' | Apr 27 17:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Links 27/4/2014: US Troops in Lithuania, | Apr 27 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Clinton Disses Snowden | Apr 27 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #techrights | Apr 27 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody How To Make Pirate Bay Users Pay For Content - | Apr 27 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | interesting experiment | Apr 27 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 17:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux as a replacement for Windows | Apr 27 17:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 27 17:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 27 17:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos and apps | Apr 27 17:38 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 27 17:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Merkel urged to press Obama on #NSA scandal - | Apr 27 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | "net neutrality or open | Apr 27 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | access have gone mainstream" | Apr 27 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mollycrabapple Mmmm... Pinkertons. Looks like Facebook just | Apr 27 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by bought their own police station. via @OLAASM | Apr 27 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 27 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 17:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Afghan commission claims to have uncovered | Apr 27 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by secret prisons on two coalition bases | Apr 27 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 27 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Nissan Develops a Self-Cleaning Car | Apr 27 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 17:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 17:55 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 27 17:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon It blows my mind how curious kids are with | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | technology. Jack knows the gestures and icons | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | of using a tablet. Stunning. | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AbbyMartin Corporate media blackout on corporate coup. | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ABC, CBS nor NBC have even so much as mentioned | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody the #TPP for 14+ months: | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow It's a great movie, but did no one consider the | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | implicit messaging of a film called "Walt | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Disney's Frozen'? | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 18:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow I mean, the Disneyland show will be called | Apr 27 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | 'Walt Disney's Frozen at Disneyland' | Apr 27 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow And the person in charge of that show? 'Walt | Apr 27 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Disney's Frozen Head at Disneyland' | Apr 27 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard "X is one of the smartest people I know. So | Apr 27 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | when X gets a stupid idea, it's a really | Apr 27 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | incredibly hugely stupid idea. " | Apr 27 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 18:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh I'm highly amused by American journalists who | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | have never quoted, tweeted, or cited a | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | non-white-male in their lives | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | attacking..."racists". | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh And there we go again. Whenever I mention | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | racism, only minorities really care. The truth | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | is you folks love you some racism. Some | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | cruelty. | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh We're all assholes. But at least some of us | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | know it. | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Finding the Next Generation of Teachers With | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Innovative Microsoft Ads" | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 18:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JPBarlow FBI forces Anonymous convicts to conduct | Apr 27 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by cyberattacks on foreign systems. | Apr 27 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks | Apr 27 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow ZOMFG. Kings Cross cab rank has actually | Apr 27 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | managed to invent a queueing system that | Apr 27 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | baffles the English | Apr 27 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Public Information Meeting: #Environment & | Apr 27 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP - Monday May 12, | Apr 27 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | 7-9pm #London, | Apr 27 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Public Information Meeting: #Environment & | Apr 27 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP - Monday May 12, | Apr 27 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | 7-9pm #London, | Apr 27 19:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:24 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 19:26 |
schestowitz__ | "When was Linux not ready for the desktop?" | Apr 27 19:26 |
*TechrightsSocial ( has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 27 19:26 | |
TechrightsSocial | Hello World! I'm TechrightsSocial running phIRCe v0.75 | Apr 27 19:26 |
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @umairh: 'I'm highly amused by American journalists who have...' | Apr 27 19:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody World Leaders Pave the Way for a Corporate Coup | Apr 27 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | d’Etat: How to Stop the #TPP - | Apr 27 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v @candtalan) | Apr 27 19:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | World Leaders Pave the Way for a Corporate Coup d’Etat: How to Stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership | MEDIA ROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines | Apr 27 19:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Geheimverhandlungen in Genf - | Apr 27 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | oh no: *another* secret | Apr 27 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | trade agreement (v @Liese_Mueller) #TISA | Apr 27 19:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Deregulierung von Dienstleistungen: Geheimverhandlungen in Genf - | Apr 27 19:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz A distributed denial of expression | Apr 27 19:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | gagging and censorship | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | by omission in corporate media | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Month Before Elections, Oldmedia Stonewalling Of Pirates Ridiculous - Falkvinge on Infopolicy | Apr 27 19:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody urgent: another secret treaty - The Trade In | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | Services Agreement (#TISA) - | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | pl. spread the word | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | widely | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) | Apr 27 19:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz As a gateway to widespread awareness, media | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | plays a role in Power. It is no wonder that | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | corporations are scooping up (bribing/buying) | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | media. | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 20-year-old (but still applicable) analysis of | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | how corporate (often referred to as | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | "mainstream") media works | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 19:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Parenti - Inventing Reality (recorded 10/17/93) - YouTube | Apr 27 19:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Militarism corporate | Apr 27 19:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | media almost always fails to question military | Apr 27 19:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | budget; same in presidential debates. | Apr 27 19:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattmdiaz Clinton: "we have all these protections for | Apr 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #whistleblowers." | Apr 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Just ask @Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 27 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hillary Clinton: Edward Snowden's Leaks Helped Terrorists - | Apr 27 19:40 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Ridenhour Prizes - Fostering the spirit of courage and truth | Apr 27 19:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "force people (under threat of absolute | Apr 27 19:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | destitution) to give away their labour for | Apr 27 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | free" #uk | Apr 27 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why do right-wing people support workfare? | Apr 27 19:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody more background on a new threat: The Trade in | Apr 27 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Services Agreement ( '#TiSA' ) - | Apr 27 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v @Liese_Mueller) | Apr 27 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #secrecy | Apr 27 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz FSF #drm campaign looming | Apr 27 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh “@wildebees: A bill passed by Russian | Apr 27 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | parliament: any blogger read by at least 3,000 | Apr 27 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | people a day has to register | Apr 27 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz |” | Apr 27 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Russia's Soft Internet Censorship Will Fail - Bloomberg View | Apr 27 19:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Everything. “@GuardianUS: Canadians claim title | Apr 27 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | of richest middle class on the planet. What is | Apr 27 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | the US doing wrong?” | Apr 27 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How America's middle class fell behind its Canadian neighbours | Money | | Apr 27 19:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 1. The US is doing everything wrong when it | Apr 27 19:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | comes to building a society for for prosperity. | Apr 27 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | It's an example of what not to do. | Apr 27 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 2. The US is investing in drones, apps, | Apr 27 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | lobbying, finance, and the rich, instead of | Apr 27 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | healthcare, education, transport, and the poor. | Apr 27 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 3. Democracy in the US is visibly | Apr 27 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | self-destructing, as basic rights are | Apr 27 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | "disappeared"; instead of being reinvented. | Apr 27 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 4. The US does not have true public media, a la | Apr 27 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | a BBC, so there are no journalistic checks on | Apr 27 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | power left; the public is clueless. | Apr 27 19:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:50 |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @mattmdiaz: 'Clinton: "we have all these protections for #whistleblowers."...' | Apr 27 19:51 | |
qu1j0t3 | hm, not sure the bbc is "public media" any longer... | Apr 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Bill Gates & Twitter Founders Put | Apr 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | "Meatless" Meat To the Test | Apr 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bill Gates & Twitter Founders Put "Meatless" Meat To the Test - Slashdot | Apr 27 19:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @free_snowden Washington thinks it can silence the next | Apr 27 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Snowden, but the anti-leak hypocrisy is | Apr 27 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack backfiring | Apr 27 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DC thinks it can silence a new Snowden, but the anti-leak hypocrisy is backfiring | Trevor Timm | Comment is free | | Apr 27 19:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 6. The US economy is into it's FIFTH DECADE of | Apr 27 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | stagnation. And inequality is increasing; not | Apr 27 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | decreasing. | Apr 27 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @free_snowden Citizenship, Passports, and the Legal Identity | Apr 27 19:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by of Americans: Edward #Snowden and Others Have a | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Case in the Courts | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Citizenship, Passports, and the Legal Identity of Americans: Edward Snowden and Others Have a Case in the Courts | Apr 27 19:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 7. The rule of law is visibly broken in the US. | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | Not a single person responsible for the | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | greatest crisis since the depression was | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | jailed. | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Pretty soon, we could all be using the Dark Net | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | #tor | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pretty soon, we could all be using the Dark Net – Telegraph Blogs | Apr 27 19:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 8. The US is, as I said many years ago, | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | something like the world's first rich failed | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | state. One where human progress is reversing. | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh 9. The kicker, though, is that Americans want | Apr 27 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | exactly more of what broke the US. Less law, | Apr 27 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | democracy, equality. It's pretty funny. | Apr 27 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "No soup for you!" | Apr 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #AstroTurfing by #pentagon exposed by | Apr 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | #wikileaks half a decade ago, confirmed last | Apr 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | year by #snowden - I see AstroTurfing #twitter | Apr 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | accounts | Apr 27 20:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Games | Apr 27 20:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Games | Tux Machines | Apr 27 20:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New Screenshots | Apr 27 20:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Screenshots | Tux Machines | Apr 27 20:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | Apr 27 20:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | Apr 27 20:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz One good thing about Diaspora is that there are | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | no trolls & shills in it. The few that existed | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | are no longer active. Community shunned them. | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Trade in Services Agreement (#TiSA) | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | "opportunity to develop new disciplines (or | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | trade rules)" - (v | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller) | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh .@gameism When we look at society, we look at | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | aggregates. The majority of Americans don't | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | want more redistribution, government, public | Apr 27 20:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) - Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Apr 27 20:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | goods | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TISA public meeting 30 April, Geneva - | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | anyone going to this? | Apr 27 20:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:07 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @free_snowden: 'Washington thinks it can silence the next #Snowden,...' | Apr 27 20:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh .@Tolling_Bell What the most prosperous | Apr 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | societies in the world do: spend much more of | Apr 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | GDP on public goods that have higher real | Apr 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | returns. | Apr 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @avilarenata My best #netmundial2014 moment was the | Apr 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by discussion between @timberners_lee and @ioerror | Apr 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror about the future of the Web. | Apr 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh In plain English, prosperous societies invest | Apr 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | in education, people, healthcare, not waste | Apr 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | their potential on finance, lobbying, drones. | Apr 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | At Techdirt | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirt | Techdirt | Apr 27 20:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Lets say you had a million bucks for a house. | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Instead of a library, gym, garden, you built a | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | stripper pole + casino. That's what the US did. | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 .@umairh Not forgetting billions spent on | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | "entertainment" which normalises violence, | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | materialism, racism, revisionism, political | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | propaganda. | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh All this is obvious, tedious, and stupid of me | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | even to attempt to discuss. So I'm going for a | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | walk and then to a bookshop. You should too :) | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #obama gave hope, delivered #drones and tiered | Apr 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | web #change #hope | Apr 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nonsense #liar | Apr 27 20:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama pledges Net neutrality laws if elected president - CNET | Apr 27 20:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 4 no-bull facts you need to know about the | Apr 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | FCC's Net neutrality proposal | Apr 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | #fcc #lobbying #monopoly | Apr 27 20:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 4 no-bull facts you need to know about the FCC's Net neutrality proposal | Net neutrality - InfoWorld | Apr 27 20:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @eileen_gunn .@doctorow Disney thawed/ Mickey gnawed/ | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Omigawd! | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing This Day in Blogging History: Ikea countertops | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by make cheap oak spiral staircase; Junk-food | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow neuroscience; Sitcom... | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 27 20:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Corporate media CBS (masquerading as CNET) | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | double talk #cbs #cable | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #media #oligopoly | Apr 27 20:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Calm down: FCC's position on Net neutrality hasn't changed - CNET | Apr 27 20:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #NHS could be 'carved open' by US healthcare | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | profiteers, warns Shadow Health Secretary | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | Burnham - waking up to | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TTIP | Apr 27 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NHS could be 'carved open' by US healthcare profiteers, warns Shadow Health Secretary Andy Burnham - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent | Apr 27 20:18 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @umairh: '1. The US is doing everything wrong when...' | Apr 27 20:18 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @umairh: '2. The US is investing in drones, apps,...' | Apr 27 20:18 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @umairh: '7. The rule of law is visibly broken...' | Apr 27 20:18 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @umairh: '9. The kicker, though, is that Americans want...' | Apr 27 20:19 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @umairh: 'In plain English, prosperous societies invest in education,...' | Apr 27 20:19 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @umairh: 'Lets say you had a million bucks for...' | Apr 27 20:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz New Corp. (Murdoch) has been by far the worst | Apr 27 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | media oligarch(y) to have spread #netneutrality | Apr 27 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | #disinformation for months. | Apr 27 20:19 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:19 |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @glynmoody: '#NHS could be 'carved open' by US healthcare...' | Apr 27 20:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "(FCC) has proposed new rules on Internet | Apr 27 20:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | charging which will effectively mean the end of | Apr 27 20:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | net neutrality." | Apr 27 20:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | iTWire - FCC buckles on net neutrality | Apr 27 20:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #BillGates #lobbying leads to gov. subsidies | Apr 27 20:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | for MSFT now: | Apr 27 20:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 20:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 20:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft wins TEACH campaign from Education Dept - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post | Apr 27 20:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Teachers for Tomorrow: Recruiting Generation Next | Apr 27 20:25 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ad Council and TEACH use Innovative Microsoft Advertising to Recruit the next... -- NEW YORK, April 23, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- | Apr 27 20:25 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @avilarenata: 'My best #netmundial2014 moment was the discussion between...' | Apr 27 20:25 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Having a day field with leaked information about people's whose loyalty to their people is dubious at best | Apr 27 20:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Subramanian Swamy revealed `Election info` of 1977: WikiLeaks [ ] | Apr 27 20:26 | |
schestowitz__ | "Whats the big deal about it. My politicians are all slaves of USA" | Apr 27 20:26 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Not only #cia #torture "black sites" in #lithuania but now soldiers too | Apr 27 20:26 | |
schestowitz__ | "That reminds me of mafia offering protection." | Apr 27 20:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | US Troops Arrive In Lithuania Amid Ukraine Tensions [ ] | Apr 27 20:26 | |
schestowitz__ | They have just pained the country a target for nuclear strikes. | Apr 27 20:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @SQreamTech Why #Haskell is our number one coding language | Apr 27 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for creating a #BigData DB: | Apr 27 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | Apr 27 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Letting the US spread its bases to your country | Apr 27 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | renders those spots in the country a target for | Apr 27 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | nuclear strikes. #philippines #imperialism | Apr 27 20:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Using Haskell at SQream Technologies | SQream Technologies Blog | Apr 27 20:28 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #linkedin gets linked in with #microsoft - perhaps the final reason to abolish this #surveillance site | Apr 27 20:29 | |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 27 20:29 |
schestowitz__ | About careers and employment there is no simple solution, but what has worked for me can be resumed as: the sooner you accept that the job market is a market, the better. | Apr 27 20:29 |
schestowitz__ | You are the product in the job market, and I don't enjoy so much being called a resource, but you can be gold instead of copper. Think what kind of skills, experience and certifications are most valued for your trade and go for them, that will not happen overnight and efortlessly but the rewards are good enough to me. | Apr 27 20:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | LinkedOut: CRM companies squawk over LinkedIn's API policies | ZDNet [ ] | Apr 27 20:29 | |
schestowitz__ | You might be the product in the job market but you're the seller as well, and I'm selling eight hours of my life on weekdays, not my soul. | Apr 27 20:29 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nozomimagine Sarah Harrison of #WikiLeaks nominated for | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by courage prize; Harrison showed us how courage | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks is truly contagious. Vote! | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @sw4rn4v4 Mozilla shrinks SSL certificate check code from | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 81000 to 4000 lines; offers $10k bounty for | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian critical bugs - | Apr 27 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jetzt abstimmen! | Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) | Apr 27 20:29 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | $10,000 Security Bug Bounty for Certificate Verification | Mozilla Security Blog | Apr 27 20:29 | |
schestowitz__ | My experience is, linkedin got some people in touch with me, but nothing major. To me, getting a job was almost always about who I knew (professionally), not what I knew. | Apr 27 20:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @olewin Sarah Palin: „Waterboarding is how we baptize | Apr 27 20:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by terrorists“. #USformerlyknownasthelandofthefree | Apr 27 20:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Politics1_0 | Apr 27 20:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sarah Palin tells NRA attendees: ‘Waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists’ | Apr 27 20:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #NHS understaffing may have effect on baby | Apr 27 20:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | mortality rate, says top doctor - | Apr 27 20:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | you think? | Apr 27 20:37 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NHS understaffing may have effect on baby mortality rate, says top doctor | Society | The Guardian | Apr 27 20:37 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Income (and wealth) inequality becoming a | Apr 27 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | political issue - not | Apr 27 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | before time... #Piketty | Apr 27 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Income (and wealth) inequality becoming a political issue | Beyond Money | Apr 27 20:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Privatisation is killing babies | Apr 27 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Piketty Panic - " | Apr 27 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | demolishes most cherished of conservative | Apr 27 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | myths, insistence that we’re living in a | Apr 27 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | meritocracy" | Apr 27 20:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | Apr 27 20:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 20:43 |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @olewin: 'Sarah Palin: „Waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists“....' | Apr 27 20:45 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @ioerror retweeted @sw4rn4v4: 'Mozilla shrinks SSL certificate check code from 81000...' | Apr 27 21:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Mathematicians Push Back Against the NSA | Apr 27 21:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 21:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 21:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mathematicians Push Back Against the NSA - Slashdot | Apr 27 21:06 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 21:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ One good thing about Diaspora is that there are no trolls & shills in it. The few that existed are no longer active. Community shunned them. | Apr 27 21:29 | |
schestowitz__ | "Thats true ... you do not have to ban so much people as in e.g. G+ :)" | Apr 27 21:29 |
schestowitz__ | I heard the same thing about G+ | Apr 27 21:29 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 21:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #linkedin gets linked in with #microsoft - perhaps the final reason to abolish this #surveillance site | Apr 27 21:31 | |
schestowitz__ | "The value I offer is soiled by quantification. Cronos, you're right about a neoliberal world. But that is one I cannot adapt to," | Apr 27 21:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | LinkedOut: CRM companies squawk over LinkedIn's API policies | ZDNet [ ] | Apr 27 21:31 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 21:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ US media publishes US opinion that #drone #assassination is a form of state terrorism | Apr 27 21:31 | |
schestowitz__ | "Without even mentioning the possibility that Sanders might come to an evil end, you raise the possibility. JFK conspiracy theories come to mind. And I'm not satisfied we'll ever know the truth on that or 9/11." | Apr 27 21:31 |
schestowitz__ | Look what happened more recently to Hastings just before he was able to publish an explosive expose about Brennan, the CIA's Don. | Apr 27 21:32 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 21:34 |
schestowitz__ | "That's why I'm here :)" | Apr 27 21:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Failure when receiving data from the peer ( status 0 @ ) | Apr 27 21:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @nozomimagine Sarah Harrison of #WikiLeaks nominated for | Apr 27 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by courage prize; Harrison showed us how courage | Apr 27 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack is truly contagious. Vote! | Apr 27 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 21:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jetzt abstimmen! | Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) | Apr 27 21:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PixieBlossom Toy Vlog for the month is up! Im SO in love | Apr 27 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by with this doll Check out my unboxing of a | Apr 27 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow #Makie from @OfficialMakies | Apr 27 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | :D | Apr 27 21:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 21:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | MAKIE UNBOXING/FACEUP! (Pixie Talks: Toy Vlog!) - YouTube | Apr 27 21:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Six year old's video for EVERYTHING IS AWESOME | Apr 27 21:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | - Everything Is AWESOME!!! — The LEGO® Movie — | Apr 27 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Te…: | Apr 27 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 21:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Six year old's video for EVERYTHING IS AWESOME | Apr 27 21:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @crooksiephil @doctorow "Only an act of true love can thaw a | Apr 27 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by frozen head!" | Apr 27 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 27 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 21:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Unboxing a Makie doll | Apr 27 21:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 27 21:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 27 21:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 21:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MediaRootsNews After @Nestle & the @WorldBank finish taking | Apr 27 21:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by over the world's #water supply will they push | Apr 27 21:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 27 21:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody to #privatize air next? | Apr 27 21:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 21:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | World Bank's Takeover of Water | Brainwash Update - YouTube | Apr 27 21:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 "secret services could in certain circumstances | Apr 27 22:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | become as much of a peril to our democracy as | Apr 27 22:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | their supposed enemies" | Apr 27 22:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 22:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | John le Carré warns of threat posed by secret services to democracy | Books | | Apr 27 22:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald [In English]: Our new @dagbladet article on | Apr 27 22:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by NSA/Norway cooperation & new supercomputer to | Apr 27 22:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 decrypt & process data | Apr 27 22:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 22:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NIS aquires supercomputer - nyheter - | Apr 27 22:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Microsoft Issues Advisory For Internet Explorer | Apr 27 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Vulnerability | Apr 27 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 22:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Issues Advisory For Internet Explorer Vulnerability - Slashdot | Apr 27 22:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Say What? Top Five IT Quotes of the Week - | Apr 27 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | April 25 2014: InternetNews: "You can't predict | Apr 27 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | outcomes" | Apr 27 22:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 22:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Say What? Top Five IT Quotes of the Week - April 25 2014 | Apr 27 22:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AbbyMartin Cities across America are criminalizing | Apr 27 22:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #homelessness by banning begging, donating food | Apr 27 22:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody & sleeping in cars | Apr 27 22:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Eugene4DC | Apr 27 22:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 22:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 3 Sickening Ways America is Criminalizing Being Poor | Think Tank - YouTube | Apr 27 22:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @harkank @glynmoody #aereo military antenna attack | Apr 27 22:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by arrays vs tv giants and cable ops by OE1DO | Apr 27 22:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody OE1JHB + yours truly OE3EMB | Apr 27 22:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 27 22:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 22:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | "Cloud-Videorekorder" vor US-Höchstgericht - | Apr 27 22:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TPP Unraveling? - good | Apr 27 22:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | rebuttals of USTR #FUD | Apr 27 22:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 22:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TPP Unraveling? | Apr 27 22:29 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @AbbyMartin: 'Cities across America are criminalizing #homelessness by banning...' | Apr 27 22:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @saschaleib Now I know what I'm gonna do when I'm retired: | Apr 27 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 27 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 27 23:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 23:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@spektrallinie: @tante Es braucht einfach mehr Patrick Stewarts der Netzpolitik: | Apr 27 23:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Six clicks: Great tips and tricks for Android | Apr 27 23:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 27 23:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 27 23:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Wine 1.7.17 released | Apr 27 23:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 27 23:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Six clicks: Great tips and tricks for Android | Tux Machines | Apr 27 23:19 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wine 1.7.17 released | Tux Machines | Apr 27 23:19 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bendrath Das geplante #WTO-Abkommen #TISA könnte als | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #GATS-Nachfolger noch heftiger werden als | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP. | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot China Censors "The Big Bang Theory" and Other | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | Streaming Shows | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 23:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Deregulierung von Dienstleistungen: Geheimverhandlungen in Genf - | Apr 27 23:46 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | China Censors "The Big Bang Theory" and Other Streaming Shows - Slashdot | Apr 27 23:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140426 - | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | Apr 27 23:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140426 | Apr 27 23:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 sometimes a picture tells a hundred thousand | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | corpses | Apr 27 23:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 27 23:46 |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 deleted 'sometimes a picture tells a hundred thousand corpses...' | Apr 27 23:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 sometimes a picture tells five hundred thousand | Apr 28 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | corpses | Apr 28 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 00:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@qu1j0t3: sometimes a picture tells five hundred thousand corpses | Apr 28 00:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Garossino Here's John Baird gratefully accepting $60M | Apr 28 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by from Tides Canada and US enviro foundations | Apr 28 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 later vilified: #cdnpoli | Apr 28 00:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 00:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Part 1: How the Conservatives' brief love affair with environmentalism came to an ugly end | Apr 28 00:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Re-sort KDE control modules | Apr 28 00:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 28 00:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 00:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Re-sort KDE control modules | Tux Machines | Apr 28 00:44 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Red Hat: Certain To Grow With Rising Linux | Apr 28 00:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | Acceptance | Apr 28 00:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 00:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat: Certain To Grow With Rising Linux Acceptance | Tux Machines | Apr 28 00:44 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Microsoft will continue to sell Nokia Android | Apr 28 00:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | phones | Apr 28 00:44 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 00:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft will continue to sell Nokia Android phones | Tux Machines | Apr 28 00:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Waste Management: The Critical Element For | Apr 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nuclear Energy Expansion | Apr 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 01:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Waste Management: The Critical Element For Nuclear Energy Expansion - Slashdot | Apr 28 01:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @janehamsher On way to deliver check to torture | Apr 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by whistleblower @JohnKiriakou'a wife Heather so | Apr 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack kids can go to camp. Thanks to all who donated | Apr 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks #Clooney story: Can only confirm Amal Alamuddin | Apr 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | is one of our lawyers | Apr 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 01:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Press Association Images | Apr 28 01:42 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Court defers Assange extradition decision | Video | | Apr 28 01:42 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Julian Assange's extradition appeal starts at supreme court – video | Media | | Apr 28 01:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Erik Meijer: The Curse of the Excluded Middle | Apr 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 01:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Erik Meijer: The Curse of the Excluded Middle - Slashdot | Apr 28 01:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @deCespedes Watching scenes from @SilencedFilm The footage | Apr 28 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by w/ @JohnKiriakou is devastating & | Apr 28 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack @JesselynRadack @Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 28 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | … | Apr 28 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 01:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | "Silenced" Film Explores the Human Toll of Obama’s Crackdown on National Security Whistleblowers | Democracy Now! | Apr 28 01:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JuliaDavisNews "Men become civilized, not in proportion to | Apr 28 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by their willingness to believe, but in their | Apr 28 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou readiness to doubt." | Apr 28 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ~ H. L. Mencken | Apr 28 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 01:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MintPressNews Legal loopholes mean #whistleblowers aren’t | Apr 28 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by covered by laws created to protect those who | Apr 28 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou call out gov. injustice | Apr 28 01:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 01:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | “Enhanced Interrogation” Architect Muzzled By Nondisclosure Agreement | Apr 28 01:51 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou retweeted @deCespedes: 'Watching scenes from @SilencedFilm The footage w/ @JohnKiriakou...' | Apr 28 01:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @thejustcampaign "You are completely destroyed": Testimony on | Apr 28 01:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Torture from Shaker Aamer's Medical Report at | Apr 28 01:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou #Guantanamo by | Apr 28 01:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Jeff_Kaye | Apr 28 01:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 01:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 28 01:54 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 01:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared:  #Image #Picture #Gif #TheMatrix | Apr 28 01:57 | |
schestowitz__ | "oops!" | Apr 28 01:57 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 01:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/ US media publishes US opinion that #drone #assassination is a form of state terrorism | Apr 28 01:58 | |
schestowitz__ | "Whoops. You're right. And ain't it just lovely that we'll only have suspicions to go on with that case, too?" | Apr 28 01:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Failure when receiving data from the peer ( status 0 @ ) | Apr 28 02:02 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 02:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple, Microsoft join hands to stop software patent reform [ ] | Apr 28 02:05 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 02:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple, Microsoft, IBM, & others team up to defend U.S. patent system | VentureBeat | Business | by Eric Blattberg [ ] | Apr 28 02:05 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft, Apple, and others form a pact to make patents cool again | The Verge [ ] | Apr 28 02:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Join our May 9th Day of Action for John | Apr 28 02:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Kiriakou in Washington, DC & nationwide: | Apr 28 02:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 02:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 02:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | May 9th: Day of Action for CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou | Apr 28 02:15 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @thejustcampaign: '"You are completely destroyed": Testimony on Torture from...' | Apr 28 02:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @elizabeth_joh New commentary on police GPS cannons. What | Apr 28 02:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by about GPS darts aimed at suspects? via | Apr 28 02:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian @JPW_CybCrimeRev @WFULawReview | Apr 28 02:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 02:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 02:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GPS “Bullets” and the Fourth Amendment – Wake Forest Law Review | Apr 28 02:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 If you love the #CBC, please sign this petition | Apr 28 02:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | via@friendscb | Apr 28 02:22 |
TweetSchestowitz | #StopHarper #cdnpoli | Apr 28 02:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | If you love the CBC, it's time to stand and be counted. Please sign the petition #ILoveCBC | Apr 28 02:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 02:22 |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @janehamsher: 'On way to deliver check to torture whistleblower...' | Apr 28 02:22 | |
qu1j0t3 | XFaCE: | Apr 28 02:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | If you love the CBC, it's time to stand and be counted. Please sign the petition #ILoveCBC [ ] | Apr 28 02:22 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @deCespedes: 'Watching scenes from @SilencedFilm The footage w/ @JohnKiriakou...' | Apr 28 02:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh The Esquire Channel's "Lucky Bastards" is the | Apr 28 02:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | saddest thing I've seen. It's like a | Apr 28 02:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | masterclass in how to live a pointless life. | Apr 28 02:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 02:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @stacyherbert Accused USS Cole bomber at Gitmo was raped, | Apr 28 02:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by waterboarded & psychologically tortured with | Apr 28 02:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 drill according to testimony | Apr 28 02:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 02:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 02:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GUANTANAMO BAY NAVY BASE, Cuba: Expert testifies accused USS Cole bomber was tortured - Guantánamo - | Apr 28 02:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @patricklee6669 Earth. | Apr 28 02:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 28 02:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@patricklee6669: Earth. | Apr 28 02:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | Apr 28 02:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 02:40 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Xubuntu 14.04 LTS | Apr 28 04:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 04:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Xubuntu 14.04 LTS | Tux Machines | Apr 28 04:22 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Intel's P-State Driver Is Getting Better Tuned | Apr 28 04:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | For Performance | Apr 28 04:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 04:22 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Intel's P-State Driver Is Getting Better Tuned For Performance | Tux Machines | Apr 28 04:22 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh -> “@invest_canada: Canada ranks first in the | Apr 28 04:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | G7 for overall living conditions and quality of | Apr 28 04:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | life” | Apr 28 04:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 04:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 400 @ ) | Apr 28 04:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 The id of the ruling class in full living | Apr 28 04:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | glory: Donald Sterling | Apr 28 04:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | #nowords | Apr 28 04:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 04:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exclusive: The Extended Donald Sterling Tape | Apr 28 04:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Scientists Give Praying Mantises Tiny 3D | Apr 28 04:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Glasses | Apr 28 04:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 04:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Scientists Give Praying Mantises Tiny 3D Glasses - Slashdot | Apr 28 04:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Cybpoulet I found and reported an XSS vulnerability on | Apr 28 04:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @sears : they replied that they use SSL and are | Apr 28 04:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist safe... #fail @troyhunt | Apr 28 04:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 04:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Cybpoulet: I found and reported an XSS vulnerability on @sears : they replied that they use SSL and are safe... #fail @troyhunt | Apr 28 04:39 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 28 04:43 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 12 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 60 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 28 05:17 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (12) | Apr 28 05:17 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | Apr 28 05:17 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | Apr 28 05:17 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 134 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 487 msgs sent (~ 1% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 28 05:17 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @umairh (20), @schestowitz (19), @glynmoody (16) | Apr 28 05:17 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @qu1j0t3 (15), @glynmoody (9), @JesselynRadack (7) | Apr 28 05:17 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #TTIP (5), #TISA (4), #NHS (3) | Apr 28 05:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @janehamsher On way to deliver check to torture | Apr 28 05:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by whistleblower @JohnKiriakou'a wife Heather so | Apr 28 05:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou kids can go to camp. Thanks to all who donated | Apr 28 05:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattsstern For the Win by @doctorow is an amazing and | Apr 28 05:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by important book that you should read right now. | Apr 28 05:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 28 05:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DarrenMcNaney 'Worst internet policy news imaginable' > | Apr 28 05:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @doctorow MT @guardiantech Internet Service | Apr 28 05:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Providers hold us all to ransom | Apr 28 05:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 05:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Internet service providers charging for premium access hold us all to ransom | Technology | | Apr 28 05:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: rstevens: I was certain this one would | Apr 28 05:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | break Tumblr, but I guess not. Apologies for... | Apr 28 05:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 05:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: rstevens: I was certain this one would break... | Apr 28 05:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Disney characters interpreted | Apr 28 05:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 05:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Disney characters interpreted | Apr 28 05:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: wtbw: (via Star Wars Creature Pancakes - | Apr 28 05:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Neatorama) | Apr 28 05:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: wtbw: (via Star Wars Creature Pancakes -... | Apr 28 05:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: Eyeball eyeball eyeball | Apr 28 05:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 05:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Eyeball eyeball eyeball | Apr 28 05:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: darksilenceinsuburbia: Indian Houses | Apr 28 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | inspired by Ettore Sottsass. Tirunamavalai, | Apr 28 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | Tamil Nadu... | Apr 28 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: darksilenceinsuburbia: Indian Houses inspired by... | Apr 28 05:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Hacking the hospital: medical devices have | Apr 28 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by terrible default security | Apr 28 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 28 05:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 28 05:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Mathematicians: refuse to work for the NSA! | Apr 28 05:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 28 05:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 28 05:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 28 05:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JeanYoon Chinese spies read Australian MPs' emails for a | Apr 28 05:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by year: report | Apr 28 05:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | Apr 28 05:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chinese spies read Australian MPs' emails for a year: report | Reuters | Apr 28 05:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AnonyOps New Scientist editorial calls for | Apr 28 05:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by mathematicians to stop working for the NSA | Apr 28 05:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | Apr 28 05:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 05:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mathematicians: refuse to work for the NSA! - Boing Boing | Apr 28 05:45 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 05:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: #saying #quote #love #life #wisdom #flower #blossom | Apr 28 05:49 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- Photo by | Apr 28 05:49 | |
schestowitz__ | "Actually, each flower is an attempt to compete for a finite number of pollinators. Just sayin'" | Apr 28 05:49 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 05:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: what happens when you let right wingers take over canada...  #canada #attack #usa #justinbieber #nickelback #conservatives #rightwingers #conservatism | Apr 28 05:49 | |
schestowitz__ | "Good job, Canada." | Apr 28 05:49 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 05:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ New Windows back door won't be fixed #windows #nsa #backdoor | Apr 28 05:49 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | New Internet Explorer 0-day | The Laws of Vulnerabilities | Qualys Community [ ] | Apr 28 05:49 | |
schestowitz__ | "Windows is the backdoor" | Apr 28 05:49 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 28 05:51 |
schestowitz__ | @ Cronos... I wish you luck with that game plan. It hasn't worked for me. I had 20+ years experience in a career field that just disappeared from the U.S. shores (component level electronics repair - RF and hi-end Audio). Little girls in China now do my job for 2 cups of rice a day. | Apr 28 05:51 |
schestowitz__ | Recently, I tried to corral my computer and Linux experience into a new field (IP networking, routing/switching, and security). I even attained a Cisco certification, not the easiest thing in the world to do. It did me no good at all. The companies that were nice enough to even talk with me, usually hired the ZERO experience 20-somethings part time rather than pay what a Cisco certified tech would cost them. | Apr 28 05:51 |
schestowitz__ | @ David Benfell... Yeah, know what you mean... I've been on the "long term unemployed" roster since 2008. I can't even get callbacks from convenient stores. It's sad. I've survived on savings (gone now), credit cards (soon to be defaulting), and charity from friends and family. | Apr 28 05:52 |
schestowitz__ | I'm not complaining, though. There are many worse off than I am. At least my house and my '82 pickup truck are paid for. I don't have much of anything else these days. Fire sold a lot of my possessions this past few years. | Apr 28 05:52 |
schestowitz__ | Shit happens.... | Apr 28 05:52 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 28 05:52 |
schestowitz__ | ' | Apr 28 05:52 |
schestowitz__ | @ David Benfell... by the way, I'll be 53 later this year. | Apr 28 05:52 |
schestowitz__ | Happy Birthday to you a couple days early. Let's hope 55 is the charm for you! :) | Apr 28 05:52 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 28 05:52 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 05:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: ### TechCrunch Goes Paper <img src=""> Someone over at the pluss wrote <a href="">some slapdown about a recent Scroogle campaign</a>. I wonder how Techcrunch got that article together so soon after Vic's sudden announcement... | Apr 28 05:55 | |
schestowitz__ | "I'll take a million shares in BatBoyBook, thanks..." | Apr 28 05:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Google+ [ ] | Apr 28 05:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ggreenwald First Washington, DC event for "No Place to | Apr 28 06:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Hide" will be May 14 at Sixth & I bookstore, 7 | Apr 28 06:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror pm- tickets available now | Apr 28 06:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 06:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 06:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Glenn Greenwald - Sixth & I | Apr 28 06:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Maths spying: the quandary of working for the | Apr 28 06:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | spooks: #NSA #GCHQ | Apr 28 06:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 06:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Maths spying: the quandary of working for the spooks - opinion - 23 April 2014 - New Scientist | Apr 28 06:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @apblake Journalists can be sentenced for up to 10 years | Apr 28 06:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by in prison for publishing leaked information | Apr 28 06:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror under a new law in Turkey | Apr 28 06:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 06:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 06:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Turkey expands secret service powers | Apr 28 06:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Science fiction's topic du jour, in verse | Apr 28 06:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 06:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 06:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Science fiction's topic du jour, in verse | Apr 28 06:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @superjaberwocky Read @doctorow story “The Brave Little Toaster” | Apr 28 06:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by aloud to the wife tonight. Love the fairy tale | Apr 28 06:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow vibe to it. Check it out in TRSF. | Apr 28 06:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 06:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot What Happens To All the Universe's Hydrogen? | Apr 28 06:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 06:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 06:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What Happens To All the Universe's Hydrogen? - Slashdot | Apr 28 06:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks #Ecuador expells 20 military from US embassy | Apr 28 06:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by following revelations in #Snowden docs it was | Apr 28 06:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror used for NSA intercepts | Apr 28 06:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 06:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | Apr 28 06:11 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 06:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Farage Boost to Yes [ ] | Apr 28 06:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @nozomimagine Sarah Harrison of #WikiLeaks nominated for | Apr 28 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by courage prize; Harrison showed us how courage | Apr 28 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror is truly contagious. Vote! | Apr 28 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Gutting Net Neutrality also guts innovation, | Apr 28 07:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jetzt abstimmen! | Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) | Apr 28 07:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | fairness and democracy | Apr 28 07:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 07:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Gutting Net Neutrality also guts innovation, fairness and democracy | Apr 28 07:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Brazilians Welcome Genetically-Modified | Apr 28 07:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Mosquito To Help Fight Dengue Fever | Apr 28 07:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 07:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 07:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Brazilians Welcome Genetically-Modified Mosquito To Help Fight Dengue Fever - Slashdot | Apr 28 07:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: liartownusa: Blackmailing | Apr 28 07:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Wildlife (1958) | Apr 28 07:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 07:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: liartownusa: Blackmailing Wildlife (1958) | Apr 28 07:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @KenKlippenstein US govt launches "Free the Press" campaign | Apr 28 07:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by while trying to imprison NYT journo James | Apr 28 07:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Risen. RT plz @doctorow | Apr 28 07:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 07:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US insists going after reporters who publish leaked info 'not violation of press freedom' — RT USA | Apr 28 07:45 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu 14.04 On Amazon EC2: Xen PV vs. HVM | Apr 28 07:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 28 07:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 07:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu 14.04 On Amazon EC2: Xen PV vs. HVM | Tux Machines | Apr 28 07:59 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Driving sustainable innovation in Governments | Apr 28 07:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | with Open Source | Apr 28 07:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 07:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Driving sustainable innovation in Governments with Open Source | Tux Machines | Apr 28 07:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks VOTE: UK exile Sarah Harrison who "rescued" | Apr 28 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Edward #Snowden up for major courage award | Apr 28 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | More: | Apr 28 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 08:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Translate | Apr 28 08:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sarah Harrison joins other Edward Snowden files 'exiles' in Berlin | World news | The Guardian | Apr 28 08:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140427 - | Apr 28 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | Apr 28 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | Apr 28 08:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140427 | Apr 28 08:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Calls for #TPP transparency are code for | Apr 28 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | destroying it, says Groser - | Apr 28 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | absurd: hardly robust if | Apr 28 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | it can't take scrutiny | Apr 28 08:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Calls for TPP transparency are code for destroying it, says Groser | The National Business Review | Apr 28 08:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Najib cites ‘sensitivities’ as Obama struggles | Apr 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | to push #TPP - | Apr 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | neo-colonialism, more like... | Apr 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Why US Corporations Are Freaking Out About | Apr 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | Obama's Big Trade Deal - | Apr 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | not happy about #TPP | Apr 28 08:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Najib cites ‘sensitivities’ as Obama struggles to push trade pact - The Malaysian Insider | Apr 28 08:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Corporations Are Freaking Out About Obama's Big Trade Deal | Apr 28 08:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TPP Unraveling? - good | Apr 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | rebuttals of USTR #FUD | Apr 28 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TPP Unraveling? | Apr 28 08:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Piketty Panic - " | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | demolishes most cherished of conservative | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | myths, insistence that we’re living in a | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | meritocracy" | Apr 28 08:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | Apr 28 08:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US commerce chief sees #TPP agreement this year | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | - er, that's what they | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | said last year... | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | US commerce chief sees TPP agreement this year | Apr 28 08:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Secretive Lobby Groups are getting Secret | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Access to this Secret Agreement to Secretly | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Criminalize Internet Users - | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 08:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The secretive TPP would criminalize Internet users everywhere | Apr 28 08:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Rushdie joins writers' protest at China's | Apr 28 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | jailing of Ilham Tohti - | Apr 28 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | good to see some light being shone on #uyghurs | Apr 28 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Salman Rushdie joins writers' protest at China's jailing of Ilham Tohti | Books | | Apr 28 08:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Geheimverhandlungen in Genf - | Apr 28 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | oh no: another secret | Apr 28 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | trade agreement (v @Liese_Mueller)#TISA | Apr 28 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Deregulierung von Dienstleistungen: Geheimverhandlungen in Genf - | Apr 28 08:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody urgent: another secret treaty - The Trade In | Apr 28 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Services Agreement (#TISA) - | Apr 28 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | pl. spread the word | Apr 28 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | widely | Apr 28 08:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) | Apr 28 08:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody more background on a new threat: The Trade in | Apr 28 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Services Agreement ( '#TiSA' ) - | Apr 28 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v | Apr 28 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller)#secrecy | Apr 28 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Trade in Services Agreement (#TiSA) | Apr 28 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | "opportunity to develop new disciplines (or | Apr 28 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | trade rules)" - (v | Apr 28 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller) | Apr 28 08:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) - Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Apr 28 08:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @suigenerisjen " If Australia can change its position on East | Apr 28 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Timor, it can change its position on | Apr 28 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #WestPapua.": @BennyWenda | Apr 28 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #auspol | Apr 28 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | West Papua: my people need Australia’s help before it is too late | Benny Wenda | Comment is free | | Apr 28 08:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @LMac1970 Can't believe #Marr just did an interview with | Apr 28 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the Health Minister without mentioning #NHS | Apr 28 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody privatisation. Oh wait, yes I can. | Apr 28 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #collaborators | Apr 28 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact #Fukushima: "Ich glaubte den Lügen der | Apr 28 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #Atom-Lobby" Interview mit ehem. | Apr 28 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Ministerpräsident Japans: | Apr 28 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | via @tazgezwitscher | Apr 28 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Maths spying: the quandary of working for the | Apr 28 08:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | - | Apr 28 08:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | spooks - time for | Apr 28 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | mathematicians to stand up and say "no" | Apr 28 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Maths spying: the quandary of working for the spooks - opinion - 23 April 2014 - New Scientist | Apr 28 08:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody This Bike Lock Is Unpickable - | Apr 28 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | clever | Apr 28 08:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 08:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Bike Lock Is Unpickable - Digg | Apr 28 08:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @anjakovacs Timmermans, Foreign Minister of the | Apr 28 09:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Netherlands: our credibility has been | Apr 28 09:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody undermined in wake of Snowden revelations etc | Apr 28 09:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | #foc14 | Apr 28 09:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Development Of Ubuntu 14.10 Has Already | Apr 28 09:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Started #ubuntu #linux | Apr 28 09:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Development Of Ubuntu 14.10 Has Already Started | | Apr 28 09:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Innovation in Governments with Open Source | Apr 28 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | “Whether you’re aware of | Apr 28 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | it or not, Linux is practically everywhere." | Apr 28 09:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Driving sustainable innovation in Governments with Open Source | Articles | FutureGov - Transforming Government | Education | Healthcare | Apr 28 09:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff After the selfie, behold: the #dronie. | Apr 28 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Yes, it's just what you | Apr 28 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | think it is. via @TheRegister | Apr 28 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DRONIES are the new selfies – and yup, you've already worked out how they're taken • The Register | Apr 28 09:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Why is the Trade in Services Agreement (#TISA) | Apr 28 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | a bad deal? - basically, | Apr 28 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | it fits with #TPP & #TTIP | Apr 28 09:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why is the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) a bad deal? | ToUChstone blog: A public policy blog from the TUC | Apr 28 09:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Time to upgrade to #gnu #linux on #winxp | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | machines via <a | Apr 28 09:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mikko: If you're going to run an out-of-support OS, why don't you downgrade to Windows 3.1? Lightning fast on XP hardware! And almost no malware. | Apr 28 09:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | data-hov... | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Time to upgrade t... | Apr 28 09:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Reddit Scope Leaking User Queries | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | not just #amazon on | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #gnu #linux | Apr 28 09:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Reddit Scope Leaking User Queries | Benjamin Kerensa dot Com | Apr 28 09:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Special Report: #TISA versus Public Services - | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | the #commons is under | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | attack - pl. read about new secret global | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | treaty | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PSI Special Report: TISA versus Public Services | PSI | Apr 28 09:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @cmuratori Microsoft announces all Internet Explorers from | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 6 to 11 have full system access exploits | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff possible from any website: | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 09:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Microsoft warns of Internet Explorer flaw | Apr 28 09:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @elkos #Freeyourandroid workshop May the 7th 18:30 in | Apr 28 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @hackerspacegr Athens, Greece | Apr 28 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | Apr 28 09:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@elkos: #Freeyourandroid workshop May the 7th 18:30 in @hackerspacegr Athens, Greece | Apr 28 09:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jackseale In Egypt, where Tony Blair urges us to support | Apr 28 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the military government: 683 of its opponents | Apr 28 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody just got sentenced to death. (#ff @leloveluck) | Apr 28 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @sinkdeep OH! centerextremists. jag förstår nu. RT | Apr 28 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @xazax: | Apr 28 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 09:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@xazax: jag som ser mig själv som moderat... | Apr 28 09:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The American Dream is now just that for its | Apr 28 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | middle classes–a dream | Apr 28 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | middle class a mirage for most, unless | Apr 28 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | redefined | Apr 28 09:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The American Dream is now just that for its middle classes – a dream | Michael Cohen | Comment is free | The Observer | Apr 28 09:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mikko The latest IE zero-day is the first major | Apr 28 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by vulnerability that Microsoft will not be | Apr 28 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff patching for XP users. | Apr 28 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Security Advisory 2963983 | Apr 28 09:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz President Obama: Don't Let the CIA Censor the | Apr 28 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Torture Report #cia to | Apr 28 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | censor report about CIA #torture crimes | Apr 28 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | President Obama: Don't Let the CIA Censor the Torture Report | American Civil Liberties Union | Apr 28 09:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Core project #google | Apr 28 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Voice of the Masses: Is it time for a new | Apr 28 09:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #RaspberryPi ? #BananaPi | Apr 28 09:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | Apr 28 09:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Voice of the Masses: Is it time for a new Raspberry Pi? | Linux Voice | Apr 28 09:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The Current Performance Of #GLAMOR Acceleration | Apr 28 09:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | #graphics #linux | Apr 28 09:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Banana Pi: The next generation of single-board computers? | ZDNet | Apr 28 09:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] The Current Performance Of GLAMOR Acceleration | Apr 28 09:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow "news is slowly surfacing that shows the US | Apr 28 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | Department of Justice may be strong-arming | Apr 28 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | banks into..." | Apr 28 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: news is slowly surfacing that shows the US... | Apr 28 09:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @asteris "Risks"? MT @javierespinosa2 Kerry told senior | Apr 28 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by int'l officials that #Israel risks becoming an | Apr 28 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody "apartheid" state | Apr 28 09:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Report: Kerry Says Israel Risks Becoming 'Apartheid' State — Naharnet | Apr 28 09:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @gchampeau Les mathématiciens doivent-ils refuser de | Apr 28 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by travailler pour les services secrets ? | Apr 28 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody via @Numerama | Apr 28 09:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Les mathématiciens doivent-ils refuser de travailler pour les services secrets ? | Apr 28 09:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Joscelyn Local authorities & their ‘conflict of | Apr 28 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by interest’ on fracking investments | Apr 28 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exclusive: Local authorities have ‘conflict of interest’ on fracking investments - UK Politics - UK - The Independent | Apr 28 09:36 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Independent: Exclusive: Local authorities have ‘conflict of interest’ on fracking investments | Apr 28 09:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @lieriksdotter Jag och @separerad skriver i ETC om varför ISDS | Apr 28 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by är långt ifrån det enda problemet med TTIP - nu | Apr 28 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody också på nätet: | Apr 28 09:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP genomsyras av en antidemokratisk ideologi | ETC | Apr 28 09:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @CasparBowden Wow @BBCr4today was talking about #FISA ! | Apr 28 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Oh, it's Pfizer | Apr 28 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody (#BBC blackout of US mass-surveillance legal | Apr 28 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | exceptionalism continues..) #Snowden | Apr 28 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nickpickles "I am concerned some surveillance is becoming | Apr 28 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by too aggressive" - UN Secretary General tells | Apr 28 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #FOC14 | Apr 28 09:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:49 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 09:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Six clicks: Great tips and tricks for Android | Apr 28 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #linux | Apr 28 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Six clicks: Great tips and tricks for Android | ZDNet | Apr 28 09:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Re-sort KDE control modules | Apr 28 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kde #gnu #linux | Apr 28 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Re-sort KDE control modules - User Prompt - Psychologic IT Expertise | Apr 28 09:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Art | Apr 28 09:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:55 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 09:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Jeans on horse | Apr 28 09:59 |
MinceR | :) | Apr 28 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz In Florida Tomato Fields, a Penny Buys Progress | Apr 28 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #economy | Apr 28 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | Apr 28 09:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Red Hat: Certain To Grow With Rising Linux | Apr 28 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Acceptance #redhat #gnu | Apr 28 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | Apr 28 09:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 09:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Apr 28 09:59 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 10:01 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 10:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ **♲ Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) (** > New Windows back door won't be fixed #windows #nsa #backdoor > [The Laws of Vulnerabilities]( "") | Apr 28 10:05 | |
schestowitz__ | "The only thing I ever use Internet Explorer for is checking for updates on the Microsoft website." | Apr 28 10:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | New Internet Explorer 0-day | The Laws of Vulnerabilities | Qualys Community [ ] | Apr 28 10:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Giant Chinese 3D printer builds 10 houses in | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | just 1 day (PHOTOS, VIDEO) | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | about as good as it | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | sounds | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Another #windows #backdoor with no patch | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 28 10:06 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Active 0day attack hijacking IE users threatens a quarter of browser market | Ars Technica | Apr 28 10:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Deal Welcoming #US #Military Into #Philippines | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Slammed As 'Betrayal' | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | and dangerous, paints PH | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | as military target | Apr 28 10:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Deal Welcoming US Military Into Philippines Slammed As 'Betrayal' | Common Dreams | Apr 28 10:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Europe spooked by Transatlantic Partnership? | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | corporate raid | Apr 28 10:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 28 10:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #CNN | Apr 28 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot NASA Mars Rover Begins Examining Strange Slab | Apr 28 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Nicknamed "Windjana" | Apr 28 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NASA Mars Rover Begins Examining Strange Slab Nicknamed "Windjana" - Slashdot | Apr 28 10:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz An Eerie New Project Shows How Much Facebook | Apr 28 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | Really Knows About You | Apr 28 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | knows more than your parents | Apr 28 10:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | An Eerie New Project Shows How Much Facebook Really Knows About You - PolicyMic | Apr 28 10:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz US Workers Were Once Massacred Fighting for the | Apr 28 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Protections Being Rolled Back Today | Apr 28 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | #rights | Apr 28 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Workers Were Once Massacred Fighting for the Protections Being Rolled Back Today - Ring Of Fire Radio: Robert Kennedy Jr, Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder | Apr 28 10:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Some Birds Thrive in #Chernobyl 's #Radioactive | Apr 28 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Glow #nature #ukraine | Apr 28 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Green sculpting | Apr 28 10:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | ScienceShot: Some Birds Thrive in Chernobyl's Radioactive Glow | Science/AAAS | News | Apr 28 10:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ubuntu 14.04 On Amazon EC2: Xen PV vs. HVM | Apr 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #gnu #linux #vm | Apr 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Ubuntu 14.04 On Amazon EC2: Xen PV vs. HVM | Apr 28 10:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Intel's P-State Driver Is Getting Better Tuned | Apr 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | For Performance #intel | Apr 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | Apr 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Intel's P-State Driver Is Getting Better Tuned For Performance | Apr 28 10:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Xubuntu 14.04 reviewed LTS | Apr 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux #xfce | Apr 28 10:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 10:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Xubuntu 14.04 review: Polish, convenience and usability | Apr 28 10:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Microsoft will continue to sell Nokia Android | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | phones these are | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance gadgets | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft will continue to sell Nokia Android phones | Apr 28 11:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Does the new initiative from the Linux | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Foundation mean that Microsoft money will flow | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | to GPLv3-licensed GNU projects? Legal | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | implications? | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #TechBytes Episode 88: Gaming and GNU/Linux | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux #games | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gaming | Apr 28 11:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bytes Media - TechBytes Episode 88: Gaming and GNU/Linux | Apr 28 11:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @HeartPowered Just following orders is not an excuse to | Apr 28 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by commit Crimes against Humanity ~@Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 28 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #FreeChelsea | Apr 28 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #whistleblower | Apr 28 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Defending Democracy: Government Whistleblowing in the Digital Age - YouTube | Apr 28 11:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #macrumors and other pro-Apple sites: finding | Apr 28 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | angles to make positive-sounding #apple news | Apr 28 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | even when the news is generally bad | Apr 28 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #ArsTechnica - couldn't be Arsed to actually | Apr 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | #research #microsoft facts, so instead | Apr 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | appointed a Microsoft prop to push Microsoft | Apr 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | agenda | Apr 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @superwuster R. Posner could take on the whole Federal | Apr 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Circuit with half his brain tied behind his | Apr 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody back. Nonetheless, reversed. | Apr 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 11:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | In Apple-Google case, court blows off famous judge’s plea for patent sanity — Tech News and Analysis | Apr 28 11:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ALTEREU Bank industry lobbyists outnumbered NGOs + | Apr 28 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by trade unions by a factor of more than 7. Take | Apr 28 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody action + join #pforp | Apr 28 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EP2014 | Apr 28 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Home - Politics for People | Apr 28 11:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jmcest RT @jamie_love: Russia, Ukranie, etc, | Apr 28 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by collaborate on super terrible proposal for WIPO | Apr 28 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody broadcaster treaty: | Apr 28 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DaHammerstein MT @Aus_Digital: EU to sign the Marrakesh | Apr 28 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by treaty on 30 April, excellent news from #SCCR27 | Apr 28 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #copyright #WIPO @BlindUnion Now Ratify! | Apr 28 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP Update XXIII - why | Apr 28 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | the @EU_Commission's consultation on #ISDS is a | Apr 28 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | sham, & fails to provide promised "draft" | Apr 28 11:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Update XXIII - Open Enterprise | Apr 28 11:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Development Of Ubuntu 14.10 Has Already | Apr 28 11:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | Started | Apr 28 11:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Development Of Ubuntu 14.10 Has Already Started | Tux Machines | Apr 28 11:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Web App Shortcuts To Get New Look in Chrome, | Apr 28 11:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | Chrome OS | Apr 28 11:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Web App Shortcuts To Get New Look in Chrome, Chrome OS | Tux Machines | Apr 28 11:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @thegrugq Source code to DarkMatter, my Android hardening | Apr 28 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by app is live: | Apr 28 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 11:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | grugq/darkmatter · GitHub | Apr 28 11:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @superwuster NY Times editorial opposed to the "fast lane" | Apr 28 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 28 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @UN_ClimateTalks Add your voice: Mary Robinson Foundation | Apr 28 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by invites you to show your support for #Climate | Apr 28 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Justice @MRFCJ | Apr 28 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @worldresources | Apr 28 11:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Support Climate Justice | Apr 28 11:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Corruption and Fear in the UK - | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | troubling at many levels | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody EFSA says use of peroxyacetic acid would not | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | cause toxicity concerns - | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | how handy for #TTIP | Apr 28 11:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Corruption and Fear in the UK | Apr 28 11:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | EFSA says use of peroxyacetic acid would not cause toxicity concerns | Apr 28 11:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US Chicken plant workers say chemicals sprayed | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | on carcasses making them sick - | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | time to end | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | #factoryfarming #TTIP | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Chicken plant workers say chemicals sprayed on carcasses making them sick | Apr 28 11:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Driver Finds Himself Surrounded By Cops With | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Guns Out After Automatic License Plate Reader | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Misreads His Plate | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @OxfamAustralia In PNG, Westpac is supporting a company that’s | Apr 28 11:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Driver Finds Himself Surrounded By Cops With Guns Out After Automatic License Plate Reader Misreads His Plate | Techdirt | Apr 28 11:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by logging pristine rainforest & kicking people | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody off their land #abc730 | Apr 28 11:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@OxfamAustralia: In PNG, Westpac is supporting a company that’s logging pristine rainforest & kicking people off their land #abc730 | Apr 28 11:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JasonLeopold "There are some honorable figures who left | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by govt..They are useless as heroes for they | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou continue to refuse to speak out" | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Impunity of American Torture: From Abu Ghraib to Sen. Feinstein's Brawl with the CIA | Informed Comment | Apr 28 11:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JasonLeopold Juan Méndez, UN special rapporteur on torture, | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by slams Obama for allowing CIA to redact Senate's | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou torture rpt | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Abu Ghraib’s Ghosts - Juan E. Méndez - POLITICO Magazine | Apr 28 11:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JasonLeopold Juan Méndez, UN special rapporteur on torture, | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by slams Obama for allowing CIA to declassify | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Senate's torture rpt | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 11:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JasonLeopold "Torture ... is so horrific that even its | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by practitioners must lie to themselves and others | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou to justify their actions" | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Benchmark graphics card (GPU) performance on | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Linux with glmark: BinaryTides: In simple | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | terms, GPUs that can p... | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 12:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Benchmark graphics card (GPU) performance on Linux with glmark | Apr 28 12:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US-Richter: Amerikanische Behörden haben | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | weltweit Zugriff auf Kundendaten - | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | still want to use US | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Internet services? | Apr 28 12:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 12:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US-Behrden: Weltweit Zugriff auf Kundendaten - SPIEGEL ONLINE | Apr 28 12:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Queensland government goes all-out to enhance | Apr 28 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | marketing of @benandjerrys ice cream | Apr 28 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Chris Packham: #Malta is a bird hell - | Apr 28 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | kudos to him, shame on | Apr 28 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | the BBC for yet more pusillanimity... | Apr 28 12:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 12:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | No Cookies | The Courier-Mail | Apr 28 12:24 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chris Packham: Malta is a bird hell | Environment | | Apr 28 12:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @SirJadeja I Don't care if Modi has wife or not, what I | Apr 28 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by care about is CONgress has a son in law(Robert | Apr 28 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @nsisodiya Vadra) who is looting my country. #DamaadGate | Apr 28 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @CampactPresse 460.000 an @MartinSchulz: Wir brauchen ein | Apr 28 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by klares Nein zu #TTIP @felixkolb @Dooorie | Apr 28 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 12:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 12:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP- Berlin- Martin Schulz - a set on Flickr | Apr 28 12:34 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@CampactPresse: 460.000 an @MartinSchulz: Wir brauchen ein klares Nein zu #TTIP @felixkolb @Dooorie | Apr 28 12:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @hyakuhei So happy that the security track is on the | Apr 28 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by first day of the @OpenStack Summit! | Apr 28 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | Apr 28 12:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 12:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenStack Summit May 2014 Atlanta: Schedule For Events @ Atlanta, GA, United States | Apr 28 12:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AP Israelis stop in their tracks as two-minute | Apr 28 12:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by siren goes off, marking Holocaust remembrance | Apr 28 12:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist day: | Apr 28 12:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 12:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Israel pauses in silence for Holocaust Day | Apr 28 12:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Isn't that a coincidence? Harper guts | Apr 28 12:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | environment, cuts CBC, buys F35s; Abbott guts | Apr 28 12:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | environment, cuts ABC, buys F35s. | Apr 28 12:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #NothingToSeeHere | Apr 28 12:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 12:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @owenblacker @doctorow A rising tide: the case against | Apr 28 13:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Canada as a world citizen | Apr 28 13:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow from The Lancet Global | Apr 28 13:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Health | Apr 28 13:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A rising tide: the case against Canada as a world citizen : The Lancet Global Health | Apr 28 13:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Something Awful - I Am Changing Our Logo to | Apr 28 13:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Comic Sans - After numerous logos and brand | Apr 28 13:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | identities we are... | Apr 28 13:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Something Awful - I Am Changing Our Logo to Comic Sans | Apr 28 13:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @tomflem Without a tax debate, we risk sleepwalking into | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the future No debate | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 because #Harper wants to make all the | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | decisions. | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Without a tax debate, we risk sleepwalking into the future | Toronto Star | Apr 28 13:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou John, in his book on CIA torture policy, "It | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | was a valuable lesson in how the CIA uses the | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | fine arts of deception even among its own." | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The Koch Brothers Attack On Solar Energy | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Koch Brothers Attack On Solar Energy - Slashdot | Apr 28 13:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist HP Improves HP-UX Operating System and NonStop | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hardware - Server Watch | Apr 28 13:27 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HP Improves HP-UX Operating System and NonStop Hardware | Apr 28 13:27 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody C4C’s initial reaction to EU Impact Assessment | Apr 28 13:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | on #Copyright Review - | Apr 28 13:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | confirms this was done in bad faith #stitchup | Apr 28 13:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | C4C’s initial reaction to the European Commission Impact Assessment on Copyright Review | C4C | Apr 28 13:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow 1019 words on UTOPIA (working title), a novel | Apr 28 13:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | for adults #dailywords | Apr 28 13:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Kirst3nF WePromise #09: @glynmoody zur Europawahl: Deine | Apr 28 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Stimme macht einen Unterschied | Apr 28 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #EP2014 #TTIP | Apr 28 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Netzneutralität | Apr 28 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WePromise #09 Glyn Moody zur Europawahl: Deine Stimme macht einen Unterschied | Apr 28 13:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist HP Improves HP-UX Operating System and NonStop | Apr 28 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hardware | Apr 28 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @NSFVoyager2 Sister ship @NASAVoyager is 17 hrs 35 mins 39 | Apr 28 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by secs of light-travel time from Earth | Apr 28 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist (2014:118:120000:1L) | Apr 28 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @rmack RT @michaelphron: Russia's new Orwellian | Apr 28 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by internet law "straight out of 1984" #netfreedom | Apr 28 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 #FOC14 | Apr 28 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 28 13:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Designer Creates a Water Bottle That You Can | Apr 28 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | Eat | Apr 28 13:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Designer Creates a Water Bottle That You Can Eat - Slashdot | Apr 28 13:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Geheimverhandlungen in Genf - | Apr 28 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | oh no: another secret | Apr 28 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | trade agreement (v @Liese_Mueller)#TISA | Apr 28 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Deregulierung von Dienstleistungen: Geheimverhandlungen in Genf - | Apr 28 13:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt US Admits It Secretly Built Similar | Apr 28 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | Twitter-Like Services For Lots Of Countries | Apr 28 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody urgent: another secret treaty - Trade In | Apr 28 13:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Admits It Secretly Built Similar Twitter-Like Services For Lots Of Countries | Techdirt | Apr 28 13:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Services Agreement (#TISA) - | Apr 28 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | involves EU, US, AU pl. | Apr 28 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | spread the word widely | Apr 28 13:55 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:55 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) | Apr 28 13:55 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody more background on a new threat: The Trade in | Apr 28 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | Services Agreement ( '#TiSA' ) - | Apr 28 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v | Apr 28 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller)#secrecy | Apr 28 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Why is the Trade in Services Agreement (#TISA) | Apr 28 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | a bad deal? - basically, | Apr 28 13:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | it fits with #TPP & #TTIP | Apr 28 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why is the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) a bad deal? | ToUChstone blog: A public policy blog from the TUC | Apr 28 14:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Special Report: #TISA versus Public Services - | Apr 28 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | the #commons is under | Apr 28 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | attack - pl. read about new secret global | Apr 28 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | treaty | Apr 28 14:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PSI Special Report: TISA versus Public Services | PSI | Apr 28 14:00 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Bodhi Linux 3.0.0 Beta Release | Apr 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Polishing the Rare Gem That Is Linux | Apr 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 28 14:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bodhi Linux 3.0.0 Beta Release | Tux Machines | Apr 28 14:12 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Polishing the Rare Gem That Is Linux | Tux Machines | Apr 28 14:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack And I bet all are cost-plus contracts MT | Apr 28 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | .@YourAnonNews: DoS gives 87% Afghan | Apr 28 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | reconstruction $ to only 5 contractors | Apr 28 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 14:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | State Department Gives 87% of Afghan Funds to Only Five Recipients | The Dissenter | Apr 28 14:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Leaked: EC impact assessment on copyright | Apr 28 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | review Doesn't look | Apr 28 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | promising | Apr 28 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @freebsdgirl Poorly executed design (and the resulting | Apr 28 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by security problems) can be found in both open | Apr 28 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist and closed source software. Stop blaming FOSS. | Apr 28 14:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | C4C’s initial reaction to the European Commission Impact Assessment on Copyright Review | C4C | Apr 28 14:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard "Add 'In My Ass' to the title of the last song | Apr 28 14:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | you heard!!" Pretty redundant with DAF though. | Apr 28 14:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @FreedomofPress DOJ confirms the @WikiLeaks grand jury is still | Apr 28 14:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by active. This is a grave threat to the rights of | Apr 28 14:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks all journalists. | Apr 28 14:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DOJ Continues Its “Multi-Subject” Investigation of WikiLeaks | emptywheel | Apr 28 14:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Japanese and Swiss Watchmakers Scoff At | Apr 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | Smartwatches | Apr 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Japanese and Swiss Watchmakers Scoff At Smartwatches - Slashdot | Apr 28 14:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DaHammerstein India will sign Marrakesh Treaty on Wednesday | Apr 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and has announced it will ratify by end of May. | Apr 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 1st major ratification! | Apr 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | #WIPO #IPR #copyright | Apr 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @antitorture_SRT Read #SRT #JuanMendez's new piece: #AbuGhraib’s | Apr 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Ghosts: 10 yrs later, #US still hasn’t come | Apr 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou clean on #torture record | Apr 28 14:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Abu Ghraib’s Ghosts - Juan E. Méndez - POLITICO Magazine | Apr 28 14:54 | |
MinceR | companies scoff at competition, news at 11 | Apr 28 14:56 |
MinceR | s/news/film/ | Apr 28 14:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @sjvn Banana Pi: The next generation of single-board | Apr 28 14:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by computers? via @ZDNet | Apr 28 14:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist #Linux by @sjvn | Apr 28 14:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @corporateeurope CEO needs to raise €5000 to challenge corporate | Apr 28 14:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Banana Pi: The next generation of single-board computers? | ZDNet | Apr 28 14:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by lobby power as we approach #EP2014; please | Apr 28 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody consider making a donation | Apr 28 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 14:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Help us challenge the grip of big business on democracy | Corporate Europe Observatory | Apr 28 14:57 | |
MinceR | though i expected casio to have more foresight than this | Apr 28 14:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @LizMartinezG "Torture, you see, is a cancer that corrodes | Apr 28 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by the morality of the perpetrators." - | Apr 28 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou @antitorture_SRT | Apr 28 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Abu Ghraib’s Ghosts - Juan E. Méndez - POLITICO Magazine | Apr 28 15:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Orikaso: folding, cheap, amazing polypropylene | Apr 28 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by flat-pack dinnerware | Apr 28 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 28 15:00 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 28 15:00 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou John and his family thank all of you for | Apr 28 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | contributing to @firedoglake for his children. | Apr 28 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Your support keeps him strong and hopeful. | Apr 28 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Nigel Farage accuses Nigel Farage of ‘desperate | Apr 28 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | smear campaign’ against Nigel Farage | Apr 28 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nigel Farage accuses Nigel Farage of ‘desperate smear campaign’ against Nigel Farage | Apr 28 15:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Different Regs, Different Regulators: Behind | Apr 28 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Canada's Net Neutrality Advantage (Canada ≠ US | Apr 28 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | on NN) | Apr 28 15:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Different Regulations, Different Regulators: Behind Canada's Net Neutrality Advantage | Apr 28 15:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou "I may have found myself on the wrong side of | Apr 28 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | government on torture. But I’m on the right | Apr 28 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | side of history" | Apr 28 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Defend Whistleblower John Kiriakou | Apr 28 15:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Comcast Offers To Shed 3.9 Million Subscribers | Apr 28 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | To Ease Cable Deal | Apr 28 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Comcast Offers To Shed 3.9 Million Subscribers To Ease Cable Deal - Slashdot | Apr 28 15:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @robinwauters European tech companies raised $1.2 billion in | Apr 28 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Q1 2014; on track for $5.3 billion for the full | Apr 28 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody year thx @benjrooney | Apr 28 15:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | EU tech startups are on track to raise more than $5.3B in 2014 | Apr 28 15:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @marcuschown HS2 Bill has 49,814 pages. Govt has learnt from | Apr 28 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by financial instruments that caused 2008 crash. | Apr 28 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody To hoodwink public, befuddle with complexity | Apr 28 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MLBrook So the Russell Group Unis yet to release their | Apr 28 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Elsevier subscription data are Oxford, QMUL, | Apr 28 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody LSE and Nottingham... | Apr 28 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @brembs it just happened: post-publication peer review. | Apr 28 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by via @peerrevwatch | Apr 28 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 15:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | it just happened: post-publication peer review. | PEER REVIEW WATCH | Apr 28 15:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love Some countries want a treaty so broad that | Apr 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by YouTube would have IPR rights in content it | Apr 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody makes available on demand. | Apr 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ExposeTPP Opposition to #TPP & #corporatepower led by | Apr 28 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #public #health, #labor & #Eco advocates: | Apr 28 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #StopTPP | Apr 28 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Explainer: Deconstructing the Trans-Pacific Partnership | Al Jazeera America | Apr 28 15:33 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ExposeTPP: Opposition to #TPP & #corporatepower led by #public #health, #labor & #Eco advocates: #StopTPP | Apr 28 15:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @USTradeRep The 5th round US-EU #TTIP negotiations will | Apr 28 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by take place in Arlington, Virginia from May | Apr 28 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 19-23. To learn more, visit: | Apr 28 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 15:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) | Office of the United States Trade Representative | Apr 28 15:33 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @JohnKiriakou: '"I may have found myself on the wrong...' | Apr 28 15:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW #Obama acknowledges growing discontent w/ | Apr 28 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #KORUS #FTA. Would #TPP be any different? | Apr 28 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #StopTPP | Apr 28 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama pushes Korea to do its fair share on FTA-INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily | Apr 28 15:56 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: #Obama acknowledges growing discontent w/ #KORUS #FTA. Would #TPP be any different? #StopTPP | Apr 28 15:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW #Malaysia urged to reject #Obama's covert #TPP, | Apr 28 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by which makes mockery of #POTUS avowed commitment | Apr 28 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody to open gov't. #TPPA | Apr 28 15:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 15:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Reject Obama’s covert TPPA operations | Free Malaysia Today | Apr 28 15:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt On Second Thought: Why Was Verizon's Challenge | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | To Bulk Phone Records Collection So Weak? | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Germany in the vanguard agaisnt #TTIP, as for | Apr 28 16:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | On Second Thought: Why Was Verizon's Challenge To Bulk Phone Records Collection So Weak? | Techdirt | Apr 28 16:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | #ACTA; distributing this - | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | here: | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love Few if any of broadcasting treaty proponents | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by explain why copyright is not sufficient, or why | Apr 28 16:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Übersichtskarte - Denkzettel-Aktion | Apr 28 16:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody broadcasters get this special deal. #sccr27 | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MLBrook Don't just get outraged abut Imperial (or other | Apr 28 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Unis) subscriptions. Go tell another academic | Apr 28 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody who doesn't already care about publishing.. | Apr 28 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot How Concrete Contributed To the Downfall of the | Apr 28 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Roman Empire | Apr 28 16:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Concrete Contributed To the Downfall of the Roman Empire - Slashdot | Apr 28 16:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody The enemy invasion: Brussels braced for influx | Apr 28 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | of Eurosceptics in EU polls - | Apr 28 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | significant: cites #TTIP | Apr 28 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | as one reason | Apr 28 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The enemy invasion: Brussels braced for influx of Eurosceptics in EU polls | World news | The Guardian | Apr 28 16:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Klangable British Library archive with 750 million | Apr 28 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by newspaper and magazine pages to open today | Apr 28 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 16:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | British Library archive with 750 million newspaper and magazine pages to open today | Press Gazette | Apr 28 16:08 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 143 French politicians pledge to support free | Apr 28 16:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | software | Apr 28 16:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 143 French politicians pledge to support free software | Tux Machines | Apr 28 16:14 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux to the rescue! How Ubuntu can help a | Apr 28 16:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | computer in distress | Apr 28 16:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux to the rescue! How Ubuntu can help a computer in distress | Tux Machines | Apr 28 16:14 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Dutch municipality tailors and shares Drupal | Apr 28 16:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | site | Apr 28 16:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dutch municipality tailors and shares Drupal site | Tux Machines | Apr 28 16:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jamie_love Broadcasters want to be considered worthy of | Apr 28 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by special IP rights, because they broadcast. Why | Apr 28 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody should rights apply even when not broadcasting? | Apr 28 16:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:20 |
*TweetSchestowitz @TechJournalist retweeted @Klangable: 'British Library archive with 750 million newspaper and...' | Apr 28 16:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard IAIN Duncan Smith will fulfil a lifelong | Apr 28 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ambition this week when he takes possession of | Apr 28 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | his first batch of slaves. | Apr 28 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Duncan Smith Finally Gets To Own Slaves | Apr 28 16:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Klangable Cryptographers assemble! Mystery text found in | Apr 28 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 16th century Homer | Apr 28 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 16:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cryptographers assemble! Mystery text found in 16th century Homer - Crave | Apr 28 16:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard So mathematicians must decide: do we cooperate | Apr 28 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | with the intelligence services or not? | Apr 28 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 16:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Maths spying: The quandary of working for the spooks - opinion - 23 April 2014 - New Scientist | Apr 28 16:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist Why Canada ≠ US on Net Neutrality: CRTC rules | Apr 28 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | not perfect, but much stronger than FCC’s | Apr 28 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | approach | Apr 28 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Michael Geist - Different Regulations, Different Regulators: Behind Canada's Net Neutrality Advantage | Apr 28 16:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #SCOTUS rejected challenge to #NNDA's | Apr 28 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | indefinite preventive detention provision. | Apr 28 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 & I were amici | Apr 28 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Scary | Apr 28 16:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Detention challenge denied : SCOTUSblog | Apr 28 16:42 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted '#SCOTUS rejected challenge to #NNDA's indefinite preventive detention...' | Apr 28 16:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #SCOTUS rejects challenge to #NDAA's indefinite | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | preventive detention provision. @Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | & I were amici | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Scary | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #13 - Glyn Moody supports WePromise - | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | I do, I do... #EU2014 | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | #13 - Glyn Moody supports WePromise - YouTube | Apr 28 16:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Today marks 14 months John has been in prison | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | for speaking against torture. His website shows | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ways to support him. | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Defend Whistleblower John Kiriakou | Apr 28 16:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist MT @christinedobby: Canada's own open Internet | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | rules facing crucial test at CRTC | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 16:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 28 16:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody MITI Proposes Special Committee Comprising | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Parliamentarians On #TPP - | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | every participating | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | nation should #my | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BERNAMA - Senate: MITI Proposes Special Committee Comprising Parliamentarians On TPPA | Apr 28 16:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Fyraftensmøde 2. maj: Glyn Moody taler om | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | softwarepatenter og patentdomstolen - | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | coming soon... #dk | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | #swpats | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Ask Team Trying To Return 36-Year-Old | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Spacecraft From Space About Their Project | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 16:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 16:57 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fyraftensmøde 2. maj: Glyn Moody taler om softwarepatenter og patentdomstolen | Bitbureauet | Apr 28 16:57 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ask Team Trying To Return 36-Year-Old Spacecraft From Space About Their Project - Slashdot | Apr 28 16:57 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kirschner "Teenagers teach how to program robots with | Apr 28 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #FreeSoftware" #edu | Apr 28 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff | Apr 28 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Teenagers teach how to program robots with Free Software | I love it here | Apr 28 17:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Lakritsbiten My question: Why is Amelia Andersdotter | Apr 28 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by (@teirdes), @EuropeanPirates candidate for | Apr 28 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff President blocked from participating in | Apr 28 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EUdebate2014? | Apr 28 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt What Does It Say About The US Press That The | Apr 28 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | Toughest Interview Keith Alexander Has Is From | Apr 28 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | A Comedian? | Apr 28 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | What Does It Say About The US Press That The Toughest Interview Keith Alexander Has Is From A Comedian? | Techdirt | Apr 28 17:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @sjvn Microsoft phone chief: Nokia's Android phones | Apr 28 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by will help get us to 1 billion users by @pgralla | Apr 28 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 17:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft phone chief: Nokia's Android phones will help get us to 1 billion users | Computerworld Blogs | Apr 28 17:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Microsoft IE Zero-Day Vulnerability Exploited | Apr 28 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | in the Wild | Apr 28 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft IE Zero-Day Vulnerability Exploited in the Wild | Apr 28 17:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @NHAparty PRESS RELEASE: NHA Party says ditch HS2 and | Apr 28 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by divert money into housing: | Apr 28 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 17:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NHA Party says ditch HS2 and divert money into housing | NHA Party | Apr 28 17:06 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 9 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 54 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 28 17:17 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (9) | Apr 28 17:17 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | Apr 28 17:17 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | Apr 28 17:17 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 192 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 775 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 28 17:17 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @glynmoody (34), @schestowitz (32), @doctorow (11) | Apr 28 17:17 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (41), @doctorow (8), @JohnKiriakou (7) | Apr 28 17:17 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (12), #TPP (11), #TTIP (10) | Apr 28 17:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Don’t just worry about new IE 0-Day, Microsoft | Apr 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | *still* hasn’t patched IE for @Pwn2Own_Contest | Apr 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | flaws either @eWEEKNews | Apr 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @HonJohnBaird: Pleased to be in #Estonia at | Apr 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | #FOC14. Gave speech about championing human | Apr 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | rights online: | Apr 28 17:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Address by Minister Baird to Freedom Online Coalition Conference | Apr 28 17:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @OpenStack Summit preview: Rock out with Openstack! | Apr 28 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Don't miss it! Register | Apr 28 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist and RSVP today: | Apr 28 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenStack Summit May 2014 Atlanta: Schedule | Apr 28 17:30 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenStack Summit May 2014 - Atlanta Tickets, Atlanta - Eventbrite | Apr 28 17:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @digitalocean dm-crypt is a tool that can help tighten up | Apr 28 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by security on your Linux servers. Here's one way | Apr 28 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist to use it: | Apr 28 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How To Use DM-Crypt to Create an Encrypted Volume on an Ubuntu VPS | DigitalOcean | Apr 28 17:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Australian Exploration Company Believes It May | Apr 28 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Have Found MH370 Wreckage | Apr 28 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 17:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Australian Exploration Company Believes It May Have Found MH370 Wreckage - Slashdot | Apr 28 17:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Hackaday Offers Trip Into Space For Best DIY | Apr 28 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Hardware | Apr 28 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hackaday Offers Trip Into Space For Best DIY Hardware - Slashdot | Apr 28 17:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bittunes To the Record Industry Assoc. of America: | Apr 28 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @seeved @_goblin @schestowitz | Apr 28 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz | Apr 28 17:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@bittunes: To the Record Industry Assoc. of America: @seeved @_goblin @schestowitz | Apr 28 17:36 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 17:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@bittunes: and all the other pigs with their heads in the trough, go hungry... #disintermediation @SEEVed @_Goblin @schestowitz | Apr 28 17:49 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SEEVed: @bittunes the middle men rec agencys? @_Goblin @schestowitz | Apr 28 17:49 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@bittunes: @SEEVed @_Goblin @schestowitz major labels, publishers, rights collectors, intermediaries, aggregators, (a bloated value chain) | Apr 28 17:49 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SEEVed: @bittunes those that destroy talent for profit & set a artist status quo @_Goblin @schestowitz | Apr 28 17:49 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 17:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SEEVed: @_Goblin @schestowitz great podcast Games could be made into free software if the concept of @Bittunes works out | Apr 28 17:49 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | bittunes… an independent digital music market - | Apr 28 17:49 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 17:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Time to upgrade to #gnu #linux on #winxp machines via @{Courtenay Blackburn ;} | Apr 28 17:51 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mikko: If you're going to run an out-of-support OS, why don't you downgrade to Windows 3.1? Lightning fast on XP hardware! And almost no malware. | Apr 28 17:51 | |
schestowitz__ | "excuse the pun but im not sure how backward compatible it will be. XD" | Apr 28 17:51 |
schestowitz__ | upgrade as a metaphor | Apr 28 17:51 |
schestowitz__ | "Smells like condescending bullshit.." | Apr 28 17:51 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 17:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/ #openaccess and #sharing in #education deserve to become the norm no room for monopolies there | Apr 28 17:52 | |
schestowitz__ | "Great, one step closer to building the QEG." | Apr 28 17:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Creating an open source textbook | FSView | [ ] | Apr 28 17:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz PINGUY OS 14.04 MINI AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD | Apr 28 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | #pinguy #gnu #linux | Apr 28 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pinguy OS 14.04 Mini Available For Download ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog | Apr 28 17:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Foreign and domestic, different pretenses | Apr 28 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Dutch municipality tailors and shares Drupal | Apr 28 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | site #drupal a big | Apr 28 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | player in the public sector now | Apr 28 17:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dutch municipality tailors and shares Drupal site | Joinup | Apr 28 17:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @AlexMitchell5 Bob Carr twice told Sydney audience tonight | Apr 28 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Julian Assange was in Venezuelan Embassy in | Apr 28 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks London instead of Ecuadorean. All terrorists to | Apr 28 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Bob | Apr 28 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh What happened to the US? It used to be great. | Apr 28 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Now, racism in public is unsurprising; pundits | Apr 28 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | seem amazed inequality is real. | Apr 28 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 17:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz As expected, #xenophobia in the #uk expands in | Apr 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | the political arena away from blacks & Arabs. | Apr 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ukip now has inciting posters vs non-UK EUers. | Apr 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Superb. “@gpetriglieri: The corporate romance | Apr 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | with 'emotional intelligence' cornered us | Apr 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Limits of ‘Emotional Intelligence’ - The Experts - WSJ | Apr 28 18:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz TechBytes Episode 88: Games and GNU/Linux | Apr 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnu #linux #techbytes | Apr 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | #games #gaming | Apr 28 18:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | » Blog Archive » TechBytes Episode 88: Games and GNU/Linux | Apr 28 18:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @newsycombinator Digital Ocean droplets manager for OS X | Apr 28 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 28 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | Apr 28 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Niki7a Don't forget: #DEFCON CFP closes in 4 days. If | Apr 28 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by you have a paper, please don't wait & don't be | Apr 28 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist late. #DEFCON #FB | Apr 28 18:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DEF CON® 22 Hacking Conference - Call For Papers | Apr 28 18:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Almost everyone cited in this article is a | Apr 28 18:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | white dude. “@CarlosLozadaWP Write your own | Apr 28 18:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Thomas Piketty think piece | Apr 28 18:12 |
TweetSchestowitz |” | Apr 28 18:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How to write a Thomas Piketty think piece, in 10 easy steps - The Washington Post | Apr 28 18:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt DHS Fusion Center Admits Photographer Is | Apr 28 18:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | Covered By 1st Amendment But Just Doesn't Like | Apr 28 18:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | The Way He Treats Officers | Apr 28 18:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 18:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DHS Fusion Center Admits Photographer Is Covered By 1st Amendment But Just Doesn't Like The Way He Treats Officers | Techdirt | Apr 28 18:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux to the rescue! How Ubuntu can help a | Apr 28 18:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | computer in distress | Apr 28 18:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #gnu #linux | Apr 28 18:12 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux to the rescue! How Ubuntu can help a computer in distress | PCWorld | Apr 28 18:12 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:12 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 143 French politicians pledge to support free | Apr 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | software #france | Apr 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #freedom | Apr 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 143 French politicians pledge to support free software | Joinup | Apr 28 18:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Polishing the Rare Gem That Is Linux | Apr 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Katherine's latest | Apr 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ramble covers #gnu #linux improvements | Apr 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Polishing the Rare Gem That Is Linux | Community | LinuxInsider | Apr 28 18:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #BodhiLinux 3.0.0 Beta Release | Apr 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | combining #ubuntu and | Apr 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #enlightenment which I use and love | Apr 28 18:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thoughts on Technology: Bodhi Linux 3.0.0 Beta Release | Apr 28 18:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @DaHammerstein: India will sign Marrakesh | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Treaty on Wed & has announced it will ratify by | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | end of May. 1st major ratification! | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot The People Who Are Still Addicted To the | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Rubik's Cube | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The People Who Are Still Addicted To the Rubik's Cube - Slashdot | Apr 28 18:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Web App Shortcuts To Get New Look in Chrome, | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Chrome OS #chrome | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #chromeos #gnu #linux | Apr 28 18:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Web App Shortcuts To Get New Look in Chrome, Chrome OS | OMG! Chrome! | Apr 28 18:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Nope, but at least we used to be aware of it | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | before. “@jarsilver: .@umairh pretty sure | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | public racism is NOT A NEW THING IN AMERICA” | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Shame on Google for making it so exceptionally | Apr 28 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | hard to block ads in Chrome under Android. | Apr 28 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Firefox makes that simple. #google | Apr 28 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #surveillance | Apr 28 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #SCOTUS rejects challenge to #NDAA's indefinite | Apr 28 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by preventive detention provision. @Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 28 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 & I were amici | Apr 28 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Scary | Apr 28 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Detention challenge denied : SCOTUSblog | Apr 28 18:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @janehamsher Two Happy Campers: Firedoglake Activists Raise | Apr 28 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Over $1,600 to Send @JohnKiriakou's Kids to | Apr 28 18:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou Summer Camp! | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 28 18:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @firedoglake Thanks to you, we’re sending imprisoned | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by whistleblower @JohnKiriakou’s kids to summer | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou camp! | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 28 18:31 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@firedoglake: Thanks to you, we’re sending imprisoned whistleblower @JohnKiriakou’s kids to summer camp! | Apr 28 18:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @janehamsher Comedian @IamJonnOliver becomes 1st Journo to | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ask NSAs Keith Alexander about his hoarding | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 problem h/t @Thomas_Drake1 | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 18:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 28 18:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @eSecurityP [VIDEO] Where Are Database Threats Today? | Apr 28 18:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 28 18:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | Apr 28 18:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [VIDEO] Where Are Database Threats Today? - eSecurity Planet | Apr 28 18:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist [VIDEO] Where Are Database Threats Today? | Apr 28 18:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 18:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [VIDEO] Where Are Database Threats Today? - eSecurity Planet | Apr 28 18:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist SQL Injection is *not* a database security | Apr 28 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | problem it’s a Web Application security problem | Apr 28 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | according to @Imperva CTO | Apr 28 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @applebyj Dilbert on certification | Apr 28 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 28 18:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist | Apr 28 18:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@applebyj: Dilbert on certification | Apr 28 18:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 18:45 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 18:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@fabiobruna: Nice. RT @schestowitz: Telegram #Unity WebApp Integrates #Telegram With Ubuntu's Messaging Menu, Unity Launcher | Apr 28 18:53 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Telegram Unity WebApp Integrates Telegram With Ubuntu's Messaging Menu, Unity Launcher ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog | Apr 28 18:53 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Messgorough: @schestowitz I wish E18 was available for #Sabayon users, still have a bugged version of E17 in our repos. | Apr 28 18:53 | |
schestowitz__ | I use it for the lightness, not features | Apr 28 18:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgerloff Wondering: Is it possible to watch | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | #EUdebate2014 web stream without non-free | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | software? #freedomfail | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist [VIDEO] Where Are Database Threats Today? - | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | eSecurity Planet | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot SCOTUS Ends Novell's Anti-Trust Cast Against | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | Microsoft | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | SCOTUS Ends Novell's Anti-Trust Cast Against Microsoft - Slashdot | Apr 28 19:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Fast Pingpong | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | made with #android | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | today | Apr 28 19:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | » Blog Archive » Fast Pingpong | Apr 28 19:02 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fast Pingpong - YouTube | Apr 28 19:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh McJobs replacing real jobs; as I've suggested | Apr 28 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | for ages “@zeynepton: 40% of jobs created after | Apr 28 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | recovery are bad jobs.” | Apr 28 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | Apr 28 19:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Shameful: WIPO Threatens Blogger With Criminal | Apr 28 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Charges For Accurately Reporting On WIPO | Apr 28 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | Director's Alleged Misconduct | Apr 28 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Shameful: WIPO Threatens Blogger With Criminal Charges For Accurately Reporting On WIPO Director's Alleged Misconduct | Techdirt | Apr 28 19:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz HP is making a 14-inch Android laptop | Apr 28 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #linux | Apr 28 19:07 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | HP is making a 14-inch Android laptop | The Verge | Apr 28 19:07 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Sailfish On The Nexus 4 Now Works For Audio | Apr 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Phone Calls #sailfishos | Apr 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #jolla #linux #nexus4 | Apr 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Sailfish On The Nexus 4 Now Works For Audio Phone Calls | Apr 28 19:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Ironically: The most depressing thing I've seen | Apr 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | all year. An app called Happify. That makes | Apr 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | you..."happy". | Apr 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Happify | Happify | Apr 28 19:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Lenovo Yoga 10 HD+ Android tablet promises 18 | Apr 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | hours of battery life | Apr 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #lenovo #linux #android | Apr 28 19:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lenovo Yoga 10 HD+ Android tablet promises 18 hours of battery life | ZDNet | Apr 28 19:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks UK has now spent £6m ($10m) in 'policing' | Apr 28 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | #Assange More: | Apr 28 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Julian Assange costs Britain £6m in policing costs | Mail Online | Apr 28 19:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @ianrkerr: launching canadian campaign to | Apr 28 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | stop #killerrobots with op-ed in @OttawaCitizen | Apr 28 19:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Apr 28 19:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 19:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Justice for Assange | Apr 28 19:13 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Keep killer robots fictional | Apr 28 19:13 | |
schestowitz__ | > quite old: | Apr 28 19:25 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 28 19:25 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 28 19:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Franklin D. Roosevelt: Message to Congress on Curbing Monopolies. [ ] | Apr 28 19:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @rWikileaks Is Journalist Barrett Brown a Political | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Prisoner? Q&A with Free Barrett Brown's Kevin | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks Gallagher #reddit | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #wikileaks | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Journalist Barrett Brown a Political Prisoner? Q&A with Free Barrett Brown's Kevin Gallagher : WikiLeaks | Apr 28 19:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Me and my shadow | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks On Friday US DoJ filed court submission saying | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | secret #WikiLeaks investigation continues | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | More: | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DOJ Continues Its “Multi-Subject” Investigation of WikiLeaks | emptywheel | Apr 28 19:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #elop the #mole makes it clearer that he never | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | served #nokia - just a #microsoft Trojan horse | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | #jolla #meego | Apr 28 19:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft's Elop: Nokia brand soon to vanish from smartphones - CNET | Apr 28 19:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Message to Congress on Curbing Monopolies | Apr 28 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsoft | Apr 28 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Danish Police “Threatens” Former Colleague of | Apr 28 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pirate Bay Founder in Cambodia | Apr 28 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #denmark #police | Apr 28 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Danish Police "Threatens" Former Colleague of Pirate Bay Founder in Cambodia | TorrentFreak | Apr 28 19:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Microsoft Wins Antitrust Case as Top Court | Apr 28 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | Rejects Novell | Apr 28 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsoft buried #novell by bribing it | Apr 28 19:34 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:34 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Wins Antitrust Case as Top Court Rejects Novell - Bloomberg | Apr 28 19:34 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Geheimverhandlungen in Genf - | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | oh no: another secret | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | trade agreement (v @Liese_Mueller)#TISA | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody urgent: another secret treaty - The Trade In | Apr 28 19:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Deregulierung von Dienstleistungen: Geheimverhandlungen in Genf - | Apr 28 19:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Services Agreement (#TISA) - | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | pl. spread the word | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | widely | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) | Apr 28 19:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody more background on a new threat: The Trade in | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Services Agreement ( '#TiSA' ) - | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller)#secrecy | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Trade in Services Agreement (#TiSA) | Apr 28 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | "opportunity to develop new disciplines (or | Apr 28 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | trade rules)" - (v | Apr 28 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller) | Apr 28 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) - Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Apr 28 19:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Book Review: Designing With the Mind In Mind | Apr 28 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Book Review: Designing With the Mind In Mind - Slashdot | Apr 28 19:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody best short intro to new global Trade in | Apr 28 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Services agreement - bad | Apr 28 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | news for the commons #TISA | Apr 28 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz #Gnome 3.14 Will Be Released This September | Apr 28 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | worth repeating, | Apr 28 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | important milestone | Apr 28 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gnome 3.14 Will Be Released This September | Unixmen | Apr 28 19:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Why is the Trade in Services Agreement (#TISA) | Apr 28 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | a bad deal? - basically, | Apr 28 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | it fits with #TPP & #TTIP | Apr 28 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why is the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) a bad deal? | ToUChstone blog: A public policy blog from the TUC | Apr 28 19:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz What is the peak of your #OpenCL device? | Apr 28 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 19:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | dummdida — What is the peak of your OpenCL device? | Apr 28 19:42 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Clpeak: OpenCL Device Profiling On Linux | Apr 28 19:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Special Report: #TISA versus Public Services - | Apr 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | the #commons is under | Apr 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | attack - pl. read about new secret global | Apr 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | treaty | Apr 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PSI Special Report: TISA versus Public Services | PSI | Apr 28 19:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Illusion | Apr 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz People Are Seriously Talking About A Plan To | Apr 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ban Banks - And It's Not As Crazy As It Sounds | Apr 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #finance #lending | Apr 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | People Are Seriously Talking About A Plan To Ban Banks - And It's Not As Crazy As It Sounds | Business Insider India | Apr 28 19:51 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 19:51 |
schestowitz__ | Gates advertisement from Mashable again | Apr 28 19:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller @glynmoody 29.04.2014 06:50 Uhr TiSA: | Apr 28 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Interview @DKultur with Ska Keller,Greens in | Apr 28 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody EU-Parl. | Apr 28 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Edward #Snowden poderá receber asilo político | Apr 28 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | do Brasil - that would | Apr 28 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | be the perfect solution #br | Apr 28 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Silence and words | Apr 28 19:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Magazine Online | Apr 28 19:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Earth: Game Over? | Apr 28 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | "We're in the middle of | Apr 28 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | a sixth mass extinction" | Apr 28 19:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Earth: Game Over? | Common Dreams | Apr 28 19:56 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody How #Sweden’s #publicservices were stolen, and | Apr 28 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | how people are fighting to take them back - | Apr 28 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v @guenterhack) #TISA | Apr 28 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Has #mashable been paid by #billgates to mirror | Apr 28 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | his #propaganda or is Mashable just usefully | Apr 28 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | idiotic about it? #plutocracy #propaganda | Apr 28 19:56 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 19:56 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sweden’s Great Welfare Heist | Red Pepper | Apr 28 19:56 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 20:00 |
-TechrightsSocial/ ### Flying Over the Cuckoo Nest Again <img src=""> If you thought that electric shocks as punishment for the mentally ill was a long gone 20th century nightmare, think again. I'm not talking about <a href="">an abominable prison in Iraq</a> or <a href="htt | Apr 28 20:00 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @"><br ) | Apr 28 20:00 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 400 @">an ) | Apr 28 20:00 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 400 @">CIA ) | Apr 28 20:00 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @">burning ) | Apr 28 20:00 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 20:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ekopemah: @schestowitz To us. Life will survive and come back with even more biodiversity. Maybe a new intelligent species in 50mln years or so. | Apr 28 20:01 | |
schestowitz__ | We are the missing link between suicidal tendencies and intelligent life forms | Apr 28 20:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Mr D'Sa said he would not be prevented from | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | standing up for the truth" | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ... | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Top award for toxic dump campaigner | Apr 28 20:02 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | "Mr D'Sa said he ... | Apr 28 20:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Report: US Unprepared for Arctic Oil Spill | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | animals and nature don't | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | count as "worthy" victims | Apr 28 20:02 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Report: US Unprepared for Arctic Oil Spill | Common Dreams | Apr 28 20:02 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz The only animals that survive&thrive (other | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | than human) seem to be domesticated animals | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | which we use as pets or food. #nature doesn't | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | count. | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:02 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #WIPO Threatens Blogger With Criminal Charges | Apr 28 20:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | For Accurately Reporting On WIPO Director's | Apr 28 20:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Alleged Misconduct - | Apr 28 20:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Shameful: WIPO Threatens Blogger With Criminal Charges For Accurately Reporting On WIPO Director's Alleged Misconduct | Techdirt | Apr 28 20:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Ukraine: pro-Russian separatists hold European | Apr 28 20:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | military observers captive | Apr 28 20:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ukraine #russia | Apr 28 20:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | #vladimirpussy | Apr 28 20:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ukraine: pro-Russian separatists hold European military observers captive | World news | The Guardian | Apr 28 20:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Netflix Exploring Peer-To-Peer Delivery Just As | Apr 28 20:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Spotify Gets Ready To Kill Its Peer-To-Peer | Apr 28 20:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Streaming | Apr 28 20:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Netflix Exploring Peer-To-Peer Delivery Just As Spotify Gets Ready To Kill Its Peer-To-Peer Streaming | Techdirt | Apr 28 20:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bengoldacre ..and since the NHS is the biggest UK drugs | Apr 28 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by customer, maybe the NHS shd just licence good | Apr 28 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody new treatments itself, get generic co's making | Apr 28 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | em. | Apr 28 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 5 lessons open education resources can learn | Apr 28 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | from FOSS #sharing | Apr 28 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #education | Apr 28 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lessons open education resources can glean from free software | | Apr 28 20:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Subsurface 4.1 Beta released | Apr 28 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #kde #gnu #linux | Apr 28 20:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Subsurface 4.1 Beta released | Live Blue | Apr 28 20:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP draws strong reactions from farming | Apr 28 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | communities and consumers in Germany - | Apr 28 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | sounds hopeful | Apr 28 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US-EU free trade agreement draws strong reactions from farming communities and consumers in Germany | Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy | Apr 28 20:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz xf86-video-modesetting Now Supports | Apr 28 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | Server-Managed FDs | Apr 28 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #graphics | Apr 28 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] xf86-video-modesetting Now Supports Server-Managed FDs | Apr 28 20:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz CherryTree 0.33 Has Been Released! | Apr 28 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cherrytree #gnu #linux | Apr 28 20:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CherryTree 0.33 Has Been Released! | Unixmen | Apr 28 20:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Warning over 'privatisation' of environmental | Apr 28 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | science research body - | Apr 28 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | clear attempt to undermine its independence | Apr 28 20:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Warning over 'privatisation' of environmental science research body | Environment | The Guardian | Apr 28 20:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Intel Begins Lining Up Their Graphics Changes | Apr 28 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | For Linux 3.16 #linux | Apr 28 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #intel | Apr 28 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Intel Begins Lining Up Their Graphics Changes For Linux 3.16 | Apr 28 20:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mgeist RT @regnauld: yep, US | Apr 28 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | courts can issue orders to US companies to | Apr 28 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | search data stored in other countries | Apr 28 20:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | U.S. judge rules search warrants extend to overseas email accounts | Reuters | Apr 28 20:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GNOME Books could be great for Linux ebook | Apr 28 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | junkies #gnome #gnu | Apr 28 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux | Apr 28 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNOME Books could be great for Linux ebook junkies | Apr 28 20:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @thetheRedundant @umairh You know what would make me happy? | Apr 28 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Health care & education I can afford & Wall | Apr 28 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Street thugs that are actually punished for | Apr 28 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | crimes | Apr 28 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz 64-bit #MenuetOS M64 0.99.57 Released | Apr 28 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 20:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] 64-bit MenuetOS M64 0.99.57 Released | Apr 28 20:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Wolfson Audio Card for Raspberry Pi Review | Apr 28 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #raspberrypi #linux | Apr 28 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz When will Pierre permit Greenwald et al. to | Apr 28 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | release some more #nsa crimes evidence to | Apr 28 20:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wolfson Audio Card for Raspberry Pi Review | Linux User & Developer - the Linux and FOSS mag for a GNU generation | Apr 28 20:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | rekindle the debate? #fail #theIntercept | Apr 28 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #censorship | Apr 28 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic | Apr 28 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #systemd #ubuntu #gnu | Apr 28 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #upstart | Apr 28 20:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic « Martin Pitt | Apr 28 20:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Male Scent Molecules May Be Compromising | Apr 28 20:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | Biomedical Research | Apr 28 20:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Male Scent Molecules May Be Compromising Biomedical Research - Slashdot | Apr 28 20:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP bedroht Europas Bauern und Verbraucher - | Apr 28 20:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | people must wake up to | Apr 28 20:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | this (v @Liese_Mueller) | Apr 28 20:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Freihandelsabkommen: TTIP bedroht Europas Bauern und Verbraucher | ZEIT ONLINE | Apr 28 20:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz INDICATOR NETSPEED DISPLAYS NETWORK SPEED ON | Apr 28 20:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | THE UNITY PANEL #unity | Apr 28 20:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #gnu #linux | Apr 28 20:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Indicator Netspeed Displays Network Speed On The Unity Panel ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog | Apr 28 20:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz GNOME 3.12.1 out: PDF accessibility progress | Apr 28 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #gnome #pdf #gnu #linux | Apr 28 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNOME 3.12.1 out: PDF accessibility progress « API | Apr 28 20:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody The State of Land in Europe - | Apr 28 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | why CAP isn't working (v | Apr 28 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller) | Apr 28 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Agrarian Justice | The State of Land in Europe | Apr 28 20:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Android home automation hub focuses on security | Apr 28 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #android #linux | Apr 28 20:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | #security | Apr 28 20:29 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Android home automation hub focuses on security · | Apr 28 20:29 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines PINGUY OS 14.04 MINI AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD | Apr 28 20:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 28 20:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Wolfson Audio Card for Raspberry Pi Review | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines INDICATOR NETSPEED DISPLAYS NETWORK SPEED ON | Apr 28 20:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | PINGUY OS 14.04 MINI AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD | Tux Machines | Apr 28 20:32 | |
TweetTuxMachines | THE UNITY PANEL | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNOME 3.12.1 out: PDF accessibility progress | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 28 20:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wolfson Audio Card for Raspberry Pi Review | Tux Machines | Apr 28 20:32 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic | Tux Machines | Apr 28 20:32 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | INDICATOR NETSPEED DISPLAYS NETWORK SPEED ON THE UNITY PANEL | Tux Machines | Apr 28 20:32 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | GNOME 3.12.1 out: PDF accessibility progress | Tux Machines | Apr 28 20:32 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 20:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Corruption and Fear in the UK [ ] | Apr 28 20:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Why do so many religious believers want | Apr 28 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | atheists to lie about our atheism? | Apr 28 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | via @Salon | Apr 28 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Christianity’s faith-based freakout: Why atheism makes believers so uncomfortable - | Apr 28 20:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Judge’s ruling spells bad news for U.S. cloud | Apr 28 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | providers - whoops | Apr 28 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | #cloudcomputing | Apr 28 20:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Judge’s ruling spells bad news for U.S. cloud providers — Tech News and Analysis | Apr 28 20:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mikko We've published a specification on what kind of | Apr 28 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by info F-Secure Internet Security collects: | Apr 28 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | Apr 28 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mikko: We've published a specification on what kind of info F-Secure Internet Security collects: | Apr 28 20:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mikko We believe we're the first Internet Security | Apr 28 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by vendor to disclose how we collect data from | Apr 28 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian users. We hope other companies will do the | Apr 28 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | same. | Apr 28 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller @glynmoody Statement Bio in Germany | Apr 28 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 28 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Hug_Ben Happy Ed Balls day everyone!! What better time | Apr 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by to play the 'What's your @edballsmp Name' game? | Apr 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard #EdBallsDay | Apr 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Hug_Ben: Happy Ed Balls day everyone!! What better time to play the 'What's your @edballsmp Name' game? #EdBallsDay | Apr 28 20:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TiSA, the new Trade in Services Agreement – no | Apr 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | multilateralism, no transparency - | Apr 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @SkaKeller on it, 2013 | Apr 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | (v @olewin) | Apr 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TiSA, the new Trade in Services Agreement – no multilateralism, no transparency | Apr 28 20:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @fudgecrumpet Happy Ed Balls day everyone. | Apr 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by *decorates Ed Balls tree* | Apr 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard *lights Ed Balls candle* | Apr 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | *prepares traditional Ed Balls Tripe and Eggs* | Apr 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Ed Balls. | Apr 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @unfortunatalie *Discovers plate of crumbs & empty bottle of | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by scotch by the fireplace* | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ED BALLS HAS BEEN!!! | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AbbyMartin Corporate media blackout on corporate coup. | Apr 28 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ABC, CBS nor NBC have even so much as mentioned | Apr 28 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks the #TPP for 14+ months: | Apr 28 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | World Leaders Pave the Way for a Corporate Coup d’Etat: How to Stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership | MEDIA ROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines | Apr 28 20:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @edballsmp Good grief.. Oh go on then.. RT @edballsmp: Ed | Apr 28 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Balls | Apr 28 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | Apr 28 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @HRWchi "There are persons like CIA officer john | Apr 28 20:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Kiriakou now serving 30 months...for confirming | Apr 28 20:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou something to a reporter" @kgosztola | Apr 28 20:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Hashtag Scrutiny - deep | Apr 28 20:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | and important #democracy | Apr 28 20:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hashtag Scrutiny « Emma Mulqueeny | Apr 28 20:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "Terms like "engagement," "disrupt," and | Apr 28 20:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | "innovation" are commonly thrown around" | Apr 28 20:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | "cloud"... | Apr 28 20:47 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stop It With the Silicon Valley Buzzwords | John C. Dvorak | | Apr 28 20:47 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard The Daily Mirror live-tweets Ed Balls Day: How | Apr 28 20:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Twitter celebrated the third anniversary of Ed | Apr 28 20:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Balls tweeting his name | Apr 28 20:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ed Balls Day live: Twitter celebrates the third anniversary of Ed Balls tweeting his own name - Mirror Online | Apr 28 20:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @maira Secret, undemocratic trade agreements cannot | Apr 28 20:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by interpret copyright law for the US Supreme | Apr 28 20:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Court. Great piece by @xor: | Apr 28 20:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 20:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 20:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Aereo Can't Be Bound by Secret Interpretations of Copyright Law | Electronic Frontier Foundation | Apr 28 20:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ag_europa The #TiSA and the corporate agenda | Apr 28 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by (.pdf) | Apr 28 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard 2048: Ed Balls Edition is really confusing. | Apr 28 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 2048: Ed Balls Edition | Apr 28 21:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody This cash for grouse scandal shows how Britain | Apr 28 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | has become a plutocrats' paradise - | Apr 28 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | disgraceful | Apr 28 21:01 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:01 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This cash for grouse scandal shows how Britain has become a plutocrats' paradise | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian | Apr 28 21:01 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 143 French politicians pledge to support free | Apr 28 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | software - they order | Apr 28 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | these things better in #france #opensource | Apr 28 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 143 French politicians pledge to support free software | Joinup | Apr 28 21:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Popular Music Player #Audacious 3.5 Gets Major | Apr 28 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | Update | Apr 28 21:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Popular Music Player Audacious 3.5 Gets Major Update | Apr 28 21:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Google Using Self-Driving Car Data To Make Cars | Apr 28 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | Smarter | Apr 28 21:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google Using Self-Driving Car Data To Make Cars Smarter - Slashdot | Apr 28 21:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Mozilla Aims to Improve Firefox Browser SSL | Apr 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Security #firefox | Apr 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mozilla | Apr 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mozilla Aims to Improve Firefox Browser SSL Security | Apr 28 21:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Norwegischer Geheimdienst: NIS arbeitet beim | Apr 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Code-Knacken mit NSA zusammen - | Apr 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | optimised, presumably | Apr 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | #snowden | Apr 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Steelwinter-Supercomputer: Norwegens Geheimdienst kooperiert mit NSA - SPIEGEL ONLINE | Apr 28 21:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Voltage Pictures Abuses Trademark Law To Go | Apr 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | After Dallas Buyers Club Downloaders | Apr 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 21:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Voltage Pictures Abuses Trademark Law To Go After Dallas Buyers Club Downloaders | Techdirt | Apr 28 21:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JMalinowskiR Microsoft to hand over overseas data - where | Apr 28 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by would that leave jurisdiction, sovereignty, | Apr 28 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody MLA, #cybercrime and #dataprotection treaties? | Apr 28 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh Soho blues. | Apr 28 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@umairh: Soho blues. | Apr 28 21:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh @FrailestThingove <3 | Apr 28 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Firefox 29.0 For Linux Is Now Available For | Apr 28 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | Download #firefox | Apr 28 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | #mozilla | Apr 28 21:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Firefox 29.0 For Linux Is Now Available For Download | Apr 28 21:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:15 |
*TweetSchestowitz @umairh deleted '@FrailestThingove <3' | Apr 28 21:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JWhitehurst Ari Bose @BRCDcomm on how #CIOs must prepare | Apr 28 21:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | for the office of the #future. Interesting | Apr 28 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | read. @4enterprisers | Apr 28 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How CIOs must prepare for the office of the future: Q&A with Ari Bose | The Enterprisers Project | Apr 28 21:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JWhitehurst Congrats @melaniechernoff on your TBJ | Apr 28 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | #leadership award! | Apr 28 21:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat | Red Hat' | Apr 28 21:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android home automation hub focuses on security | Apr 28 21:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 28 21:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Firefox 29.0 For Linux Is Now Available For | Apr 28 21:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | Download | Apr 28 21:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Android home automation hub focuses on security | Tux Machines | Apr 28 21:25 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Testing NVIDIA Optimus / DRI PRIME On Ubuntu | Apr 28 21:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | 14.04 | Apr 28 21:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Firefox 29.0 For Linux Is Now Available For Download | Tux Machines | Apr 28 21:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Testing NVIDIA Optimus / DRI PRIME On Ubuntu 14.04 | Tux Machines | Apr 28 21:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Testing NVIDIA #Optimus / DRI PRIME On Ubuntu | Apr 28 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | 14.04 #nvidia #graphics | Apr 28 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ubuntu #linux | Apr 28 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Testing NVIDIA Optimus / DRI PRIME On Ubuntu 14.04 | Apr 28 21:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - | Apr 28 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | now updated with number | Apr 28 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | XXIII | Apr 28 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - Open Enterprise | Apr 28 21:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Linux 3.15-rc3 | Apr 28 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #linux #kernel | Apr 28 21:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux 3.15-rc3 [] | Apr 28 21:30 | |
schestowitz__ | <li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">VIDEO: Linux engineer builds Raspberry Pi 'PiPhone'</a></h5></li> | Apr 28 21:37 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | VIDEO: Linux engineer builds Raspberry Pi 'PiPhone' | The latest news from the Computer and IT Industry | PC Retail [ ] | Apr 28 21:38 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 21:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic #systemd #ubuntu #gnu #linux #upstart | Apr 28 21:40 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic « Martin Pitt [ ] | Apr 28 21:40 | |
schestowitz__ | "Systemd = unnecessary introduction of a complicated method to do the same thing that SysVinit, a simple method, already does quite well. Progress, I guess. :(" | Apr 28 21:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Out in the Open: Occupy Wall Street | Apr 28 21:48 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | Reincarnated as Open Source Software | Apr 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #ows #freesw #freedom | Apr 28 21:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@GringoPeruano: @schestowitz Too right! .. something really outrageous (on UK politicians is usually good!) that will IGNITE the debate in the UK :) #gchq | Apr 28 21:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Out in the Open: Occupy Wall Street Reincarnated as Open Source Software | Enterprise | WIRED | Apr 28 21:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard Everything that is wrong with American | Apr 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | capitalism, in one headline | Apr 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rondam Ramblings: Everything that is wrong with American capitalism, in one headline | Apr 28 21:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #SCOTUS case today: Public employee | Apr 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | #whistleblower fired for exercsing 1st Am rts: | Apr 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | testifying 4 GJ in corruption case | Apr 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How A Public Corruption Scandal Became A Fight Over Free Speech : NPR | Apr 28 21:48 | |
schestowitz__ | Not even protests in the UK. They're killed before they take place. | Apr 28 21:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot NASA Honors William Shatner With Distinguished | Apr 28 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | Public Service Medal | Apr 28 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NASA Honors William Shatner With Distinguished Public Service Medal - Slashdot | Apr 28 21:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Last time Pierre's site (which privatised | Apr 28 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | Snowden leaks) published new revelation was | Apr 28 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | 20th of Mar 2014 (6 weeks ago) | Apr 28 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:53 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Intercept | Apr 28 21:53 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz I hereby call the #nsa leaks "over"; the news | Apr 28 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | has dried up and Pierre's empire is sitting on | Apr 28 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | millions of sensitive documents w/o disclosure | Apr 28 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @KateMattiace just caught myself saying "sorry, I can't, I'm | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by on a deadline" @JournalistsLike | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist #partylikeajournalist | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Latest new post from Pierre's site is book | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | promotion. A book whose author advocates | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | (publicly) driving ALL Israelis out of Israel. | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz What needs to be done right now is either leak | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | of the Snowden leaks (leaking them out of | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | Pierre's dirty hands) or calling for new | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | leakers | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:57 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz "the person behind this platform went along | Apr 28 21:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | with the financial boycott against WikiLeaks?" | Apr 28 21:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #theintercept | Apr 28 21:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | WikiLeaks' Sarah Harrison: 'How can you take Pierre Omidyar seriously?' | Technology | | Apr 28 21:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW .@democracynow interviews @RalphNader on #TPP & | Apr 28 21:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by “Unstoppable” Anti-Corporate #Movement: | Apr 28 21:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #StopTPP #WTO #NAFTA | Apr 28 21:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | #TPPA | Apr 28 21:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 21:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ralph Nader on TPP, GM Recall, Nuclear Power and the "Unstoppable" Left-Right Anti-Corporate Movement | Apr 28 21:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW If @WHO says #TPP puts commercial interests | Apr 28 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ahead of #publichealth & affordable #medicine | Apr 28 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody we should listen. #StopTPP | Apr 28 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: If @WHO says #TPP puts commercial interests ahead of #publichealth & affordable #medicine we should listen. #StopTPP | Apr 28 22:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou “Thank you to Firedoglake for the overwhelming | Apr 28 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | and generous gift for my family.” JK | Apr 28 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 22:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Two Happy Campers: Firedoglake Activists Raise Over $1,600 to Send John Kiriakou’s Kids to Summer Camp! | FDL Action | Apr 28 22:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @avilarenata BIG difference independent thinkers can do: | Apr 28 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by THANK YOU @jerezim and @ioerror for your | Apr 28 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror contributions at #netmundial2014 | Apr 28 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 22:05 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:05 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Center for Global Communication Studies (CGCS) | Reaching Across Borders to Support Communications Scholarship | Apr 28 22:05 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Martin_A_M La vergonzosa censura de la OMPI a la | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by investigación de la conducta de su director | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Francis Gurry | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Shameful: WIPO Threatens Blogger With Criminal Charges For Accurately Reporting On WIPO Director's Alleged Misconduct | Techdirt | Apr 28 22:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard #GenderWeek: Class is to gender what a tube map | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | is to London @RozKaveney | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | via @Feminist_Times | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 28 22:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @WhistleWatch Judge tells whistleblower "You do realize that | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by exposing the illegal things your government has | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 been doing is illegal… | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MSPB_news . @WhistleWatch: That's what the @USMSPB told | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by @rjmaclean & @TheJusticeDept told | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 @Thomas_Drake1... #TruthToPower | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @schestowitz Links 28/4/2014: Debate About Improving | Apr 28 22:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | GNU/Linux, Android Beyond Mobile | Apr 28 22:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | #techrights | Apr 28 22:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Ian56789 @Thomas_Drake1 I want to know how anyone can | Apr 28 22:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by pretend with a straight face that they support | Apr 28 22:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 a free country & #NSA Mass Surveillance | Apr 28 22:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Links 28/4/2014: Debate About Improving GNU/Linux, Android Beyond Mobile | Techrights | Apr 28 22:09 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 22:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@GringoPeruano: @schestowitz The only protest I've heard of is the one planned for aug? at GCHQ... or are u speaking more generally? | Apr 28 22:11 | |
schestowitz__ | Any protest at all against UK surveillance, except some blog posts that hardly count as protest | Apr 28 22:11 |
schestowitz__ | Germany and US had many protests against mass surveillance | Apr 28 22:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux 3.15-rc3 | Apr 28 22:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Out in the Open: Occupy Wall Street | Apr 28 22:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | Reincarnated as Open Source Software | Apr 28 22:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 28 22:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | Apr 28 22:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux 3.15-rc3 | Tux Machines | Apr 28 22:17 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Out in the Open: Occupy Wall Street Reincarnated as Open Source Software | Tux Machines | Apr 28 22:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @DJ_Sylvester .@Thomas_Drake1 is absolutely right. You have | Apr 28 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by NO obligation to follow an unlawful order, you | Apr 28 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 have obligation NOT to. | Apr 28 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jpclark14 #TPPA Focussing on trade with Japan is better | Apr 28 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by for Canada than waiting for the TPP | National | Apr 28 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Newswatch | Apr 28 22:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | Apr 28 22:18 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Defending Democracy: Government Whistleblowing in the Digital Age - YouTube | Apr 28 22:18 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 28 22:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola UN special rapporteur on torture: Obama has | Apr 28 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by kept evidence of US torture hidden, compromised | Apr 28 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody by CIA | Apr 28 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:24 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Abu Ghraib’s Ghosts - Juan E. Méndez - POLITICO Magazine | Apr 28 22:24 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt US Judge Says Prosecutors Can Use A Warrant To | Apr 28 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | Go Fishing For Information Held Overseas | Apr 28 22:24 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 22:25 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:25 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US Judge Says Prosecutors Can Use A Warrant To Go Fishing For Information Held Overseas | Techdirt | Apr 28 22:25 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @badvoltage Stuart did an interview about Bad Voltage with | Apr 28 22:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by TuxJam - #badvoltage | Apr 28 22:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon | Apr 28 22:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot US and UK Governments Advise Avoiding Internet | Apr 28 22:36 |
TweetSchestowitz | Explorer Until Bug Fixed | Apr 28 22:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TuxJam Episode 32 | Unseen Studio | Apr 28 22:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:36 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US and UK Governments Advise Avoiding Internet Explorer Until Bug Fixed - Slashdot | Apr 28 22:36 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @benwagne_r #netmundial2014 huge disappointment regarding | Apr 28 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by what drove this meeting in the first place: | Apr 28 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror mass surveillance and HR | Apr 28 22:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Big business was the winner at NETmundial (Wired UK) | Apr 28 22:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Obama denies pressuring #Malaysia over | Apr 28 22:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | Trans-Pacific pact - | Apr 28 22:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | yeah, right (v @PCGTW) #TPP | Apr 28 22:40 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:40 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama denies pressuring Malaysia over Trans-Pacific pact, 28 April 2014 | Apr 28 22:40 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Why is the Trade in Services Agreement (#TISA) | Apr 28 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | a bad deal? - basically, | Apr 28 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | it fits with #TPP & #TTIP | Apr 28 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why is the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) a bad deal? | ToUChstone blog: A public policy blog from the TUC | Apr 28 22:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @spj_tweets NEW in the SPJ Code of Ethics: Journalists, not | Apr 28 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by sources, are responsible for the accuracy of | Apr 28 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist stories. #EthicsMonth | Apr 28 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Adobe Updates Flash to Fix Zero-Day | Apr 28 22:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Code Words » Blog Archive » Ethics Code Revisions – Our First Draft [Updated] | A Society of Professional Journalists Blog | Apr 28 22:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | Vulnerability | Apr 28 22:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Adobe Updates Flash to Fix Zero-Day Vulnerability | Apr 28 22:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @umairh A dork in soho. | Apr 28 22:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@umairh: A dork in soho. | Apr 28 22:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @botherder Let's all have a laugh together with Keith, | Apr 28 22:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by shall we? cc @ioerror | Apr 28 22:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror #NSA | Apr 28 22:46 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: General Keith Alexander Extended Interview (HBO) - YouTube | Apr 28 22:46 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody US-CERT to Americans: Stop browsing with IE - | Apr 28 22:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | #microsoft | Apr 28 22:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @chrisalbon The NSA just cost America hundreds of | Apr 28 22:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US-CERT to Americans: Stop browsing with IE - | Apr 28 22:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by manufacturing jobs: | Apr 28 22:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | Apr 28 22:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Saab wins Brazil jet deal after NSA spying sours Boeing bid | Reuters | Apr 28 22:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack #SCOTUS case today: Public employee | Apr 28 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #whistleblower fired for exercsing 1st Am rts: | Apr 28 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 testifying 4 GJ in corruption case | Apr 28 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:54 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | How A Public Corruption Scandal Became A Fight Over Free Speech : NPR | Apr 28 22:54 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard The worst sentence I've read on the Internet | Apr 28 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | today: "Today we’re announcing that you can | Apr 28 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | donate Bitcoins to homeless people!" | Apr 28 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 22:54 |
TweetSchestowitz | @trevortimm Comedian John Oliver's interview with ex-NSA | Apr 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by chief Keith Alexander is infinitely more | Apr 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror adversarial than 60 Minutes. | Apr 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: General Keith Alexander Extended Interview (HBO) - YouTube | Apr 28 23:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @Krhawkins5 Remembering Abu Ghraib (1): Torture Everywhere | Apr 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by and the Accountability Gap | Apr 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou | Apr 28 23:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Remembering Abu Ghraib (1): Torture Everywhere and the Accountability Gap | Just Security | Apr 28 23:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mslopatto This graphic is amazing | Apr 28 23:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 28 23:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 28 23:09 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York Times | Apr 28 23:09 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @bcrypt Windows XP users: You are a danger to | Apr 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by yourselves and others on your network. You are | Apr 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian also holding back TLS for the entire Internet. | Apr 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @PCGTW .@rosadelauro:“No appetite to provide #POTUS w/ | Apr 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #FastTrack to ram another bad trade deal (#TPP) | Apr 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody through #Congress.” | Apr 28 23:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DeLauro: “No Appetite to Provide the Administration with Fast Track Authority to Ram another Bad Trade Deal through Congress” | Apr 28 23:11 | |
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @bcrypt: 'Windows XP users: You are a danger to...' | Apr 28 23:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Patent Litigation Cost US Business About A | Apr 28 23:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Trillion Dollars In A Quarter Century, | Apr 28 23:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | Outweighing Benefits - | Apr 28 23:20 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:20 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Patent Litigation Cost US Business About A Trillion Dollars In A Quarter Century, Outweighing Benefits | Techdirt | Apr 28 23:20 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Minesweepers Robotic Competition Aims For a | Apr 28 23:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | Landmine-Free World | Apr 28 23:21 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:21 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Minesweepers Robotic Competition Aims For a Landmine-Free World - Slashdot | Apr 28 23:21 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Patent Litigation Cost US Business About A | Apr 28 23:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Trillion Dollars In A Quarter Century, | Apr 28 23:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | Outweighing Benefits | Apr 28 23:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:31 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody A rising tide: the case against #Canada as a | Apr 28 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | world citizen - hard but | Apr 28 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | fair (v @BoingBoing) | Apr 28 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140427 - | Apr 28 23:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A rising tide: the case against Canada as a world citizen : The Lancet Global Health | Apr 28 23:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | Apr 28 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | Apr 28 23:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140427 | Apr 28 23:32 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @thejustcampaign #CIA ( should put a | Apr 28 23:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by link to @JohnKiriakou's site-show kids | Apr 28 23:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou ramifications of exposing torture | Apr 28 23:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kids' Zone — Central Intelligence Agency | Apr 28 23:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 23:35 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:35 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Defend Whistleblower John Kiriakou | Apr 28 23:35 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @froomkin 10 yrs ago today, every big newsroom should | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by have put a reporter on the torture beat & told | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou them to stay on it until we figured this shit | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | out | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel David Luban remembers ignored journalism on | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by torture & forgotten | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou heroes who stood against it. | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:45 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Remembering Abu Ghraib (1): Torture Everywhere and the Accountability Gap | Just Security | Apr 28 23:45 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Remembering Abu Ghraib (2): Not Company Men and Women | Just Security | Apr 28 23:45 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard .@arkadyrose just saw an "Ask me about Roko's | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | Basilisk!" T-shirt and wanted one, then | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | reconsidered in case anyone actually did. | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:45 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ecsparrow Updated today report on the state of the art in | Apr 28 23:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by secure email projects | Apr 28 23:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian | Apr 28 23:48 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenTechFund/secure-email · GitHub | Apr 28 23:48 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @wikileaks On Friday US DoJ filed court submission saying | Apr 28 23:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by secret #WikiLeaks investigation continues | Apr 28 23:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror More: | Apr 28 23:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 23:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DOJ Continues Its “Multi-Subject” Investigation of WikiLeaks | emptywheel | Apr 28 23:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian Despite the tag line as the "world's most | Apr 28 23:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | private email," StartMail is remarkably | Apr 28 23:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | insecure. | Apr 28 23:50 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | secure-email/ at master · OpenTechFund/secure-email · GitHub | Apr 28 23:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @ozkatz #Abbott's #PPL Anyone spot the problem? #ausbiz | Apr 28 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #auspol | Apr 28 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | Apr 28 23:51 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ozkatz: #Abbott's #PPL Anyone spot the problem? #ausbiz #auspol | Apr 28 23:51 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JulianLives If chairmakers got copyright protection: | Apr 28 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 28 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard "If you don't believe in a chairmaker getting | Apr 28 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | paid every time you sit in one, you're | Apr 28 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | anti-chair." | Apr 28 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:51 |
TweetSchestowitz | @sarahlicity TERFs are defending phallic dildos. I thought I | Apr 28 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by was joking when I said that they thought "all | Apr 28 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard penetration is violence unless it's silicone". | Apr 28 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AndyGilder For every brick you send, UKIP gets charged by | Apr 28 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Royal Mail. Send yours in now! #UKIPBrickAppeal | Apr 28 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard #ukipfreepost | Apr 28 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | Apr 28 23:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@pgo1980: #ukipbrickappeal #UKIP #ukipfreepost | Apr 28 23:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard UKIP needs your bricks to build a wall to keep | Apr 28 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | the Romanians out. Send your bricks now! | Apr 28 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 28 23:58 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 28 23:58 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@davidgerard: UKIP needs your bricks to build a wall to keep the Romanians out. Send your bricks now! | Apr 28 23:58 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @vizcomic A letter from Liz Foster - from about 7 years | Apr 29 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ago. | Apr 29 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @davidgerard | Apr 29 00:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@vizcomic: A letter from Liz Foster - from about 7 years ago. | Apr 29 00:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Imminent Server Seizure Tests Brazil's New | Apr 29 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | Internet Bill of Rights | Apr 29 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 00:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Imminent Server Seizure Tests Brazil's New Internet Bill of Rights - Slashdot | Apr 29 00:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Fact-checking Hillary Clinton's comments on | Apr 29 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Edward Snowden and the NSA | Apr 29 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack | Apr 29 00:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 00:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 29 00:10 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JesselynRadack Clapper: "We can't tell you how many civilians | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | we #drone." | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Really? B/c my #whistleblower saw grim | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | after-action reprts | Apr 29 00:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | US senators remove requirement for disclosure over drone strike victims | World news | | Apr 29 00:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Former FBI Agent: NYPD's Muslim-Spying | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Demographics Unit Was Almost Completely Useless | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 00:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Former FBI Agent: NYPD's Muslim-Spying Demographics Unit Was Almost Completely Useless | Techdirt | Apr 29 00:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: brucesterling: The Marvel Cinematic | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Universe doesn’t require the same suspension of | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | disbelief as... | Apr 29 00:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 00:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: brucesterling: The Marvel Cinematic Universe... | Apr 29 00:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot DarkMarket, the Decentralized Answer To Silk | Apr 29 00:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Road, Is About More Than Just Drugs | Apr 29 00:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 00:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 00:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DarkMarket, the Decentralized Answer To Silk Road, Is About More Than Just Drugs - Slashdot | Apr 29 00:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: misscecil: My name is Cecil | Apr 29 00:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | Castellucci. My first boyfriend was Batman. I | Apr 29 00:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | invited him to my fourth... | Apr 29 00:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 00:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 00:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: misscecil: My name is Cecil Castellucci. My... | Apr 29 00:49 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photo: wilwheaton: warrenellis: Announced | Apr 29 00:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | today: my novel GUN MACHINE is being developed | Apr 29 00:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | as a tv serial for... | Apr 29 00:49 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 00:49 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: wilwheaton: warrenellis: Announced today: my... | Apr 29 00:50 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Photoset: firstsecondbooks: misscecil: First | Apr 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Second tweeted some sneak peeks at the French | Apr 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | version of Odd... | Apr 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: firstsecondbooks: misscecil: First Second... | Apr 29 01:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist AOL Advises Users to Reset Passwords After | Apr 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | Breach | Apr 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:08 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | AOL Advises Users to Reset Passwords After Breach | Apr 29 01:08 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattblaze Thought experiment: pick a random vulnerability | Apr 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by in, say, the CVE db & apply the WH "how likely | Apr 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror is this to be discovered" test to it. | Apr 29 01:08 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:08 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 01:09 |
-TechrightsSocial/ I hereby call the #nsa leaks "over"; the news has dried up and Pierre's empire is sitting on millions of sensitive documents w/o disclosure | Apr 29 01:09 | |
schestowitz__ | "Come on now, they aren't the only ones with the docs. Nobody knows how many reporters exactly have access to these documents. Known news outlets who have access to documents: CBC, NY Times, WaPo, Der Spiegel, Le Monde, the list goes on. I don't think it's over, the pattern has been publish, government denies published report, publish docs proving government is lying, repeat. The process has slowed naturally, but they will | Apr 29 01:09 |
schestowitz__ | keep bubbling up and my instinct is the next thing to break will have something to do with operations targeting human rights, peace, labor and environmental groups. Snowden has already hinted at this." | Apr 29 01:09 |
schestowitz__ | "That's nice, Roy. Thanks for sharing." | Apr 29 01:09 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 01:10 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Passover Greetings from the Editor - The Intercept [ ] | Apr 29 01:10 | |
schestowitz__ | "The new editor says that they are focused on the docs but that the stories will come when they are ready. I would rather see Greenwald writing about the documents instead of a book review but, "no one can stop Glenn Greenwald from blogging."" | Apr 29 01:10 |
TweetSchestowitz | @democracynow Afghan Panel: New Secret Prisons Found on NATO | Apr 29 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Bases | Apr 29 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | Apr 29 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Headlines for April 28, 2014 | Democracy Now! | Apr 29 01:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Proposed Indicator of of Life On Alien Worlds | Apr 29 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | May Be Bogus | Apr 29 01:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Proposed Indicator of of Life On Alien Worlds May Be Bogus - Slashdot | Apr 29 01:15 | |
schestowitz__ | Compare this to last year. It has taken this augmented capacity/staff/team a lot of time to produce even one breaking story. | Apr 29 01:18 |
schestowitz__ | For now, Glenn is just promoting a book of a man whose message mirrors Hamas and whose ideology radicalises a view of a nation, akin to saying that all US citizens all support abuse and torture of prisoners in Iraq and should therefore disperse out of the US. | Apr 29 01:18 |
schestowitz__ | But never mind that. | Apr 29 01:18 |
schestowitz__ | I think that given exclusive access to some of these documents there's responsibility to divulging key information. The NSA's RP strategy is meanwhile trotting forward, with Alexander making self-serving TV appearances and initiatives to reform the system or defiund the NSA drying up. | Apr 29 01:18 |
schestowitz__ | I wonder what Snowden thinks about Wikileaks' sworn enemy taking charge of his stash of evidence of misconduct. First it was Guardian (Wikileaks-hostile reporting) and now the man behind a Wikileaks blockade. | Apr 29 01:18 |
schestowitz__ | Perhaps Snowden should have leaked to Wikileaks staff. | Apr 29 01:18 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 01:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Polishing the Rare Gem That Is Linux Katherine's latest ramble covers #gnu #linux improvements | Apr 29 01:27 | |
schestowitz__ | "Not improvements, suggested improvements and borderline FUD. GNU/Linux is almost always better organized and easier for users to care for than non free software. I agree with Gerhard Mack that CUPS needs some work but the rest of the suggestions range from irritating to just wrong. The "hairyfeet" troll, for example, complains about a problem I've never experienced. People complaining that they can't use a gnu/linux | Apr 29 01:27 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Polishing the Rare Gem That Is Linux | Community | LinuxInsider [ ] | Apr 29 01:27 | |
schestowitz__ | desktop because some piece of non free software is missing are barking up the wrong tree. If they really need non free software, they should have a computer for that program and complain to the owner about the lack of freedom. These objections are tired but will never end as long as software owners keep up their massive smear and misdirection campaigns. Noyes disappoints again by passing on stuff she should know better | Apr 29 01:27 |
schestowitz__ | about." | Apr 29 01:27 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 01:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ "the person behind this platform went along with the financial boycott against WikiLeaks?" #theintercept | Apr 29 01:31 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | WikiLeaks' Sarah Harrison: 'How can you take Pierre Omidyar seriously?' | Technology | [ ] | Apr 29 01:31 | |
schestowitz__ | "Ouch <blockquote>He didn't even comment on it. He could have said something like: 'we were forced to do this, but I am against it'.</blockquote>" | Apr 29 01:31 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 01:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Out in the Open: Occupy Wall Street Reincarnated as Open Source Software #ows #freesw #freedom | Apr 29 01:31 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Out in the Open: Occupy Wall Street Reincarnated as Open Source Software | Enterprise | WIRED | Apr 29 01:31 | |
schestowitz__ | "Loomio sounds interesting. How does it compare with the software and system that was used to draft GPL3?" | Apr 29 01:31 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 01:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Report: US Unprepared for Arctic Oil Spill animals and nature don't count as "worthy" victims | Apr 29 01:32 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Report: US Unprepared for Arctic Oil Spill | Common Dreams [ ] | Apr 29 01:32 | |
schestowitz__ | "Let's see if BP recycles their last bid to be the clean up team." | Apr 29 01:32 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 01:32 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Has #mashable been paid by #billgates to mirror his #propaganda or is Mashable just usefully idiotic about it? #plutocracy #propaganda | Apr 29 01:32 | |
schestowitz__ | "Mashable has not been very useful for me. Have I been missing something?" | Apr 29 01:32 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt DailyDirt: Seeing In The Dark | Apr 29 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | DailyDirt: Seeing In The Dark | Techdirt | Apr 29 01:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BAHjournalist Craig Ferguson is leaving the @LateLateShowCBS | Apr 29 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by in December. "CBS and I are not getting | Apr 29 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist divorced, we are 'consciously uncoupling'," he | Apr 29 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | said. | Apr 29 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @kgosztola Afghan "torturer-in-chief" now resides in | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by California. CIA shielding from accountability | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou or prosecution? | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mystery surrounds move of Afghan ‘torturer in chief’ to U.S. amid allegations of agency abuse - The Washington Post | Apr 29 01:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime Revived | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | For Modern Computers, Linux Included: | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | GamingOnLinux: Experience... | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime Revived For Modern Computers, Linux Included | Apr 29 01:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Dell and Big Switch Partner On Open SDN | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | Reseller Solution: TalkingCloud: A new | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | reseller partnership will make... | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 01:44 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:44 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Dell and Big Switch Partner On Open SDN Reseller Solution | Apr 29 01:44 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @linuxtoday Linux 3.15 rc3: Linus Torvalds: Another week, | Apr 29 01:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | another rc. So far, no big scares, and rc3 is | Apr 29 01:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | appropriately smal... | Apr 29 01:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Linux 3.15 rc3 | Apr 29 01:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JasonLeopold Really, this is amazing reporting by | Apr 29 01:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by .@JulieATate, et al. What an incredible story. | Apr 29 01:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou And a disturbing one at that. | Apr 29 01:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 01:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 01:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JasonLeopold Now I am wondering if I ever saw the | Apr 29 02:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Afghanistan "torturer in chief" at the farmers | Apr 29 02:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou market. | Apr 29 02:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @matthew_d_green Good news: many essential XP boxes are air | Apr 29 02:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by gapped. Bad news: they're air gapped because | Apr 29 02:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian they control critical infrastructure. | Apr 29 02:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattblaze Its incredibly tempting, when you discover a | Apr 29 02:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by vulnerability, to conclude that you're the | Apr 29 02:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian smartest, cleverest person on earth. | Apr 29 02:29 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | Apr 29 02:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | Apr 29 02:31 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | Apr 29 02:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:31 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | Apr 29 02:31 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @mattblaze "No hard and fast rules" on when gov't reports | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by vuls, and the process is, apparently, secret. | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @csoghoian But they hope it instills confidence. | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Canada in decline | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 29 02:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 29 02:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Orikaso: folding, cheap, amazing polypropylene | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by flat-pack dinnerware | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 29 02:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Orikaso: folding, cheap, amazing polypropylene flat-pack dinnerware - Boing Boing | Apr 29 02:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BoingBoing: Orikaso: folding, cheap, amazing polypropylene flat-pack dinnerware | Apr 29 02:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Our @doctorow on FCC's proposed internet rules: | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Gutting Net Neutrality also guts innovation, | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow fairness and democracy | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gutting Net Neutrality also guts innovation, fairness and democracy - Boing Boing | Apr 29 02:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Mathematicians: refuse to work for the NSA! | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 29 02:33 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mathematicians: refuse to work for the NSA! - Boing Boing | Apr 29 02:33 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:33 |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Fact-checking Hillary Clinton's comments on | Apr 29 02:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Edward Snowden and the NSA | Apr 29 02:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 29 02:38 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:38 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 29 02:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing WIPO sends criminal prosecution threats over | Apr 29 02:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by publication of internal docs about its Director | Apr 29 02:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow General's corruption | Apr 29 02:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 29 02:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @sl_huang @doctorow Why I Published My Novel Under | Apr 29 02:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Creative Commons: Building the World I Want to | Apr 29 02:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Live In | Apr 29 02:41 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:41 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why I Licensed Under Creative Commons: I’m Building the World I Want to Live In | SL Huang | Apr 29 02:41 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 Drop war criminal Condi Rice from @Dropbox | Apr 29 02:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | Board of Directors! | Apr 29 02:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @DrewHouston | Apr 29 02:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | CODEPINK: Take Action Now! | Apr 29 02:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @OrganicLiveFood #Roundup linked 2wide range of diseases | Apr 29 02:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by including fatal chronic #kidneydisease | Apr 29 02:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 #gmofreeglobal | Apr 29 02:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 02:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:42 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | New study suggests that Monsanto’s popular weedkiller Roundup is linked to fatal kidney disease (CKDu) | Apr 29 02:42 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@OrganicLiveFood: #Roundup linked 2wide range of diseases including fatal chronic #kidneydisease #gmofreeglobal | Apr 29 02:42 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BlueNationUntd #voteGOPout #BlueCongress #VoteBlue2014 | Apr 29 02:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 29 02:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | Apr 29 02:52 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BlueNationUntd: #voteGOPout #BlueCongress #VoteBlue2014 | Apr 29 02:52 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @AndyRichter Scientists predict that in ten years most | Apr 29 02:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by children will be born already aware that guac | Apr 29 02:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 is extra. | Apr 29 02:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 02:52 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Independent Ukip 'common sense' tour bus collides with | Apr 29 03:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by railway station roof in Portsmouth | Apr 29 03:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | Apr 29 03:03 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 03:03 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ukip 'common sense' tour bus collides with railway station roof in Portsmouth - Home News - UK - The Independent | Apr 29 03:03 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Independent: Ukip 'common sense' tour bus collides with railway station roof in Portsmouth | Apr 29 03:03 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Programming Education Making A Comeback In | Apr 29 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | Primary Schools | Apr 29 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 03:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Programming Education Making A Comeback In Primary Schools - Slashdot | Apr 29 03:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou While the Afghan ‘torturer in chief’ is | Apr 29 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | protected in this country the whistleblower of | Apr 29 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | torture remains in prison. | Apr 29 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 03:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mystery surrounds move of Afghan ‘torturer in chief’ to U.S. amid allegations of spy agency abuse - The Washington Post | Apr 29 03:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @thejustcampaign Facts about the case of CIA anti-torture | Apr 29 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by whistleblower @JohnKiriakou | Apr 29 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | @JohnKiriakou #FreeJohnKiriakou | Apr 29 03:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 03:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Facts | Apr 29 03:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @BoingBoing Taxidermied teacup tauntaun made from antique | Apr 29 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by ram's head | Apr 29 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow | Apr 29 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 03:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLE | Apr 29 03:16 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow The DARE program didn't work and the US spent a | Apr 29 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | shitload of money on it (and a few deluded | Apr 29 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | school districts... | Apr 29 03:16 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 03:16 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: The DARE program didn't work and the US spent a shitload of money on it (and a few deluded school districts still do). | Apr 29 03:16 | |
schestowitz__ | gOOD MAP | Apr 29 03:36 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 03:42 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 03:42 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow If millionaires in the United States formed | Apr 29 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | their own political party, that party would | Apr 29 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | make up just 3% | Apr 29 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 03:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: | Apr 29 03:43 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @LarryEverest @doctorow Rutgers students sitting in now v | Apr 29 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by Condi #noRice speaking @ commencement. | Apr 29 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Embedded image permalink | Apr 29 03:43 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 03:43 |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NBToday_News: Protestors inside Old Queens College, holding sit-in #norice | Apr 29 03:43 | |
schestowitz__ | Europe only | Apr 29 03:43 |
schestowitz__ | Germany at the bottom | Apr 29 03:44 |
schestowitz__ | source: economist | Apr 29 03:45 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 03:46 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | personal debt worldwide - Google Search [ ] | Apr 29 03:46 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 03:47 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Canadian public debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | Apr 29 03:47 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 03:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | List of countries by public debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | Apr 29 03:48 | |
schestowitz__ | IMF: | Apr 29 03:48 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | File:Government debt gdp.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | Apr 29 03:48 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 03:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Financial Indicators – Stocks [ ] | Apr 29 03:50 | |
schestowitz__ | " If you have anything important, DM it to me. I'm up over 8000 followers now, and going up every day :)' | Apr 29 03:52 |
schestowitz__ | How many of them actively follow? | Apr 29 03:53 |
TweetSchestowitz | @doctorow Podcast: Internet service providers charging | Apr 29 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | for premium access hold us all to ransom | Apr 29 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 03:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Untitled-1 — Here’s a reading (MP3) of a my latest Guardian... | Apr 29 03:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @robertmcbean where have you fellas been hiding this gem. | Apr 29 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #fordnation | Apr 29 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 | Apr 29 03:59 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 03:59 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mayor Rob Ford’s sister avoids arrest warrant for not showing up in court | Toronto Star | Apr 29 03:59 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 The Harper regime's damage to Canada…laid out | Apr 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | in one devastating indictment | Apr 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | #StopHarper #cdnpoli | Apr 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 04:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A rising tide: the case against Canada as a world citizen : The Lancet Global Health | Apr 29 04:30 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon Sat outside on a beautiful Bay Area evening, | Apr 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | working, and listening to @_exodus | Apr 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Vicious Cycle: When Those Abused By Trademark | Apr 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | Abuse Others With Trademark | Apr 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 04:30 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 04:30 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Vicious Cycle: When Those Abused By Trademark Abuse Others With Trademark | Techdirt | Apr 29 04:30 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 29 04:33 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 29 04:42 | |
schestowitz__ | " That you never can tell. A fair number from the R/Ts I get." | Apr 29 04:48 |
schestowitz__ | Main thing is you want to get the message out, especially on the more important stuff, and every extra set of eyes helps."" | Apr 29 04:48 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 04:50 |
-TechrightsSocial/ Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic #systemd #ubuntu #gnu #linux #upstart | Apr 29 04:50 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Booting Ubuntu with systemd: Now in Utopic « Martin Pitt [ ] | Apr 29 04:50 | |
schestowitz__ | "To be honest, I was one of the first on my block to install and test Arch with Systemd. It was fine. It worked without a hitch. I just don't believe that complicating something that was working fine as a simple thing is the "Linux Way" of doing things. Fortunately, my main OS is Slackware. Pat V. says no Systemd for Slackware as long as he's BDL. :)" | Apr 29 04:50 |
schestowitz__ | "@David Benfell re: @Bob Mottram 's belief that sysvinit is complicated, too? Huh? How can plain text scripts used to initialize daemons be complicated? Compared to Systemd's methods, SysVinit is cave man primitive. ;)" | Apr 29 04:50 |
schestowitz__ | "It's not the init scripts that are the problem. It's the init process itself. The author advocated exporting as many functions as possible away from init and even making PID 1 non-special. He thinks this would be more robust.' | Apr 29 04:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Yocto Is Hooking Up With AMD & Mentor Graphics | Apr 29 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 29 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines A Demo Video Of Mozilla’s Firefox OS Running On | Apr 29 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | Nexus 5 Has Been Created | Apr 29 05:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 29 05:07 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yocto Is Hooking Up With AMD & Mentor Graphics | Tux Machines | Apr 29 05:07 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Demo Video Of Mozilla’s Firefox OS Running On Nexus 5 Has Been Created | Tux Machines | Apr 29 05:07 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 15 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 84 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 29 05:17 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (15) | Apr 29 05:17 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: | Apr 29 05:17 | |
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: | Apr 29 05:17 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 243 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 978 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle notices | Apr 29 05:17 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (57), @glynmoody (27), @slashdot (14) | Apr 29 05:17 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (14), @JohnKiriakou (11), @doctorow (9) | Apr 29 05:17 | |
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (20), #gnu (11), #TPP (7) | Apr 29 05:17 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 29 06:38 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @qu1j0t3 #Afghanistan's feared torturer-in-chief settles | Apr 29 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | into Socal life. It's okay—he's one of *our* | Apr 29 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | torturers: ht @Dymaxion | Apr 29 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 06:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mystery surrounds move of Afghan ‘torturer in chief’ to U.S. amid allegations of spy agency abuse - The Washington Post | Apr 29 06:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot Setback For Small Nuclear Reactors: B&W | Apr 29 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Cuts mPower Funding | Apr 29 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 06:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Setback For Small Nuclear Reactors: B&W Cuts mPower Funding - Slashdot | Apr 29 06:39 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @TechJournalist Linux Top 3: Debian Dumps SPARC, Ubuntu Takes | Apr 29 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | Over Linux 3.13 and the ... - LinuxPlanet | Apr 29 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 06:39 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 06:39 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Top 3: Debian Dumps SPARC, Ubuntu Takes Over Linux 3.13 and the Core Infrastructure Initiative | Apr 29 06:39 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-social | Apr 29 06:41 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 07:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ I hereby call the #nsa leaks "over"; the news has dried up and Pierre's empire is sitting on millions of sensitive documents w/o disclosure | Apr 29 07:23 | |
schestowitz__ | "I forgot I'd archived the article: Eric Wasson, "Snowden reporter promises more NSA revelations are coming," Hill, April 20, 2014, " | Apr 29 07:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snowden reporter promises more NSA revelations are coming | TheHill [ ] | Apr 29 07:23 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @jonobacon On my new album I am putting the finishing | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | touches to the writing to I want to record a | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | cover. Thoughts and suggestions? | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @MikeScarcella DOJ doesn't want to address the | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by constitutionality of FISA Amendments Act--right | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 now, at least. Filed today in Fla.: | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel David Luban remembers ignored journalism on | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by torture & forgotten | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 heroes who stood against it. | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 07:26 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 07:26 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Remembering Abu Ghraib (1): Torture Everywhere and the Accountability Gap | Just Security | Apr 29 07:26 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Remembering Abu Ghraib (2): Not Company Men and Women | Just Security | Apr 29 07:26 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Alexander says "didn't break laws," ignores | Apr 29 07:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by 2010 ruling saying Internet dragnet NEVER | Apr 29 07:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 legal, 2011 upstream illegal | Apr 29 07:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 07:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 07:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: General Keith Alexander Extended Interview (HBO) - YouTube | Apr 29 07:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @emptywheel Corporate immunity for intelligence gathering. | Apr 29 07:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by | Apr 29 07:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 Again. | Apr 29 07:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | Apr 29 07:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 07:28 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 07:28 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Senate intelligence panel leaders draft cyber legislation - The Washington Post | Apr 29 07:28 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @John_Hudson .@shaneharris goes inside the secret Fed cyber | Apr 29 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by security unit keeping trillions of dollars safe | Apr 29 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Thomas_Drake1 from hackers. | Apr 29 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exclusive: Meet the Secret Fed Cybersecurity Unit Keeping Trillions of Dollars Safe From Hackers | Apr 29 08:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 140428 - | Apr 29 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | yesterday's tweets as a | Apr 29 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | single Web page #MMDD | Apr 29 08:04 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 140428 | Apr 29 08:04 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:04 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody A rising tide: the case against #Canada as a | Apr 29 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | world citizen - hard but | Apr 29 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | fair... (v @BoingBoing) | Apr 29 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | A rising tide: the case against Canada as a world citizen : The Lancet Global Health | Apr 29 08:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #Patent Litigation Cost US Business About A | Apr 29 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Trillion Dollars In A Quarter Century, | Apr 29 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Outweighing Benefits - a | Apr 29 08:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Patent Litigation Cost US Business About A Trillion Dollars In A Quarter Century, Outweighing Benefits | Techdirt | Apr 29 08:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | waste | Apr 29 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Obama denies pressuring #Malaysia over | Apr 29 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | Trans-Pacific pact - | Apr 29 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | yeah, right (v @PCGTW)#TPP | Apr 29 08:06 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:06 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama denies pressuring Malaysia over Trans-Pacific pact, 28 April 2014 | Apr 29 08:06 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody Norwegischer Geheimdienst: NIS arbeitet beim | Apr 29 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | Code-Knacken mit NSA zusammen - | Apr 29 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | optimised, presumably | Apr 29 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | #snowden | Apr 29 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Steelwinter-Supercomputer: Norwegens Geheimdienst kooperiert mit NSA - SPIEGEL ONLINE | Apr 29 08:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #OpenSource Seed Initiative: 'Free The Seed!' - | Apr 29 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | potentially important | Apr 29 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | initiative - if it gets enough backing | Apr 29 08:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Source Seed Initiative: 'Free The Seed!' | Techdirt | Apr 29 08:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | @slashdot You Are What You're Tricked Into Eating | Apr 29 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | You Are What You're Tricked Into Eating - Slashdot | Apr 29 08:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - | Apr 29 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | now updated with number | Apr 29 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | XXIII | Apr 29 08:11 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:11 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - Open Enterprise | Apr 29 08:11 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody 143 French politicians pledge to support free | Apr 29 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | software - they order | Apr 29 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | these things better in #france #opensource | Apr 29 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:13 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | 143 French politicians pledge to support free software | Joinup | Apr 29 08:13 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody #TTIP bedroht Europas Bauern und Verbraucher - | Apr 29 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | people must wake up to | Apr 29 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | this (v @Liese_Mueller) | Apr 29 08:13 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Freihandelsabkommen: TTIP bedroht Europas Bauern und Verbraucher | ZEIT ONLINE | Apr 29 08:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody The State of Land in Europe - | Apr 29 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | why CAP isn't working (v | Apr 29 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | @Liese_Mueller) | Apr 29 08:14 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:14 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Agrarian Justice | The State of Land in Europe | Apr 29 08:14 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @_juntos Juntos com Jacob Appelbaum (@ioerror) no | Apr 29 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by #ArenaNETmundial. Nosso balanço sobre o evento: | Apr 29 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror | Apr 29 08:15 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:15 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nem tão livre assim: balanço do NETmundial « Juntos! | Apr 29 08:15 | |
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@_juntos: Juntos com Jacob Appelbaum (@ioerror) no #ArenaNETmundial. Nosso balanço sobre o evento: | Apr 29 08:15 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact #TTIP - @MartinSchulz, das ist zu wenig | Apr 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by via @campact | Apr 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @alles_anders Geht es nach @sigmargabriel, sollen | Apr 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by umweltbewusste Bürger die Energiewende | Apr 29 08:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Martin Schulz, das ist zu wenig | Campact Blog | Apr 29 08:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody bezahlen. #eeg via | Apr 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | @campact | Apr 29 08:17 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:17 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Teilnehmen - Sonne besteuern? Nein Danke! - Campact | Apr 29 08:17 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @techdirt Open Source Seed Initiative: 'Free The Seed!' | Apr 29 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open Source Seed Initiative: 'Free The Seed!' | Techdirt | Apr 29 08:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @GeorgeMonbiot In austerity Britain, Cameron's government is | Apr 29 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by subsidising shotguns and grouse moors. Really. | Apr 29 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody | Apr 29 08:18 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:18 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | This cash for grouse scandal shows how Britain has become a plutocrats' paradise | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian | Apr 29 08:18 | |
TweetSchestowitz | @hammersmithandy #HS2 Bill allows compulsory purchase of any | Apr 29 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | retweeted by land around the line that allows 'opportunity | Apr 29 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @glynmoody for development'. Green light for speculators. | Apr 29 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | @ioerror Riseup stands in solidarity with Saravá: | Apr 29 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | | Apr 29 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | #brazil #marcocivil | Apr 29 08:23 |
TweetSchestowitz | ........................................ | Apr 29 08:23 |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Riseup stands in solidarity with Saravá - | Apr 29 08:23 | |
-TechrightsSocial/ | Imminent Server Seizure Tests Brazil's New Internet Bill of Rights - Slashdot | Apr 29 08:23 | |
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 1 15:48:34 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-social | May 01 15:48 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell | May 01 15:48 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010 | May 01 15:48 | |
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 1 18:03:12 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:03 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell | May 01 18:03 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010 | May 01 18:03 | |
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 1 18:03:40 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:03 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell | May 01 18:03 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010 | May 01 18:03 | |
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 1 18:18:09 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:18 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell | May 01 18:18 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010 | May 01 18:18 | |
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 1 18:22:23 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:22 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell | May 01 18:22 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010 | May 01 18:22 | |
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 1 18:32:29 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:32 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell | May 01 18:32 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010 | May 01 18:32 | |
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 1 18:32:53 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-social | May 01 18:32 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell | May 01 18:32 | |
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010 | May 01 18:32 |
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