Join us now at the IRC channel.
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:55 |
-TechBytesBot/ "Support for open source software is 'unbundled' from the software itself...makes it much easier " and cheaper | Apr 27 05:55 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 5 Ways to Get Open Source Software Support - [ ] | Apr 27 05:55 | |
schestowitz__ | "Did you see this counterpoint article? 7 Reasons to not use Open Source? I hate this "you're too stupid" excuse, it's just insulting and elitist." | Apr 27 05:55 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:56 |
-TechBytesBot/ Cern expands open source system use with Red Hat #cern #lhc #gnu #linux #freedom #science | Apr 27 05:56 | |
schestowitz__ | "Hadn't they been using Scientific Linux for all that time?" | Apr 27 05:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Cern expands open source system use with Red Hat - [ ] | Apr 27 05:56 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:56 |
-TechBytesBot/ More new signs of #Microsoft collapse people don't buy (rent) spying boxes | Apr 27 05:56 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | HARDOCP - Microsoft May Halt Xbox One Production [ ] | Apr 27 05:56 | |
schestowitz__ | "They have a big aisle dedicated to it at the local Walmart. Brimming with unsold product, void of customers. I was just there today, getting new tires after a flat. So now I see that my local observation is global. The Play Station display was not more lively but it was way cooler looking and the smaller shelves did not need an avalanche warning post." | Apr 27 05:56 |
schestowitz__ | "Link disambiguation: "Microsoft may halt Xbox One production as inventory piles up" from The blog post adds nothing." | Apr 27 05:56 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ The reasons companies funnel money to "Linux" (foundation) is not that Linux is so exceptional compared to GNU but misnaming of the system | Apr 27 05:58 | |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 27 05:58 |
schestowitz__ | I don't say that Linus is wrong, but Stallman and the GNU Project care most about freedom than Linus. He first released the source code of Linux under a very restrictive license so nobody cared, then backpedaled and released it under GPL. Moreover, as long as I know Linux has the GPL v2 and he does not like GPL v3, that protects more personal freedom. Also, if I remember rigth at the beginning Linus was opposed to the separation of | Apr 27 05:58 |
schestowitz__ | code and binary blobs because that is not efficient and is based only on ideology and legal reasons, not technical ones. | Apr 27 05:58 |
schestowitz__ | But you have to compromise sooner or later in order to keep going and avoid a situation like OpenBSD so I don't judge Linus bad, but certainly people like Stallman cares a lot more about freedom. | Apr 27 05:58 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 27 05:58 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ 5 free open source and web alternatives to commercial software starting with #gimp | Apr 27 05:59 | |
schestowitz__ | "Ah, that old false dichotomy of open source and commercial software." | Apr 27 05:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 5 Open Source and Web Alternatives to Commercial Software | IT Business [ ] | Apr 27 05:59 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 06:30 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Michael Parenti - Racism - YouTube [ ] | Apr 27 06:30 | |
*Guest12112 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Apr 27 08:04 | |
*XFaCE has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Apr 27 08:04 | |
*XFaCE (XFaCE@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:bb8a) has joined #techbytes | Apr 27 08:04 | |
*XFaCE is now known as Guest63533 | Apr 27 08:05 | |
*XFaCE_ (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techbytes | Apr 27 08:05 | |
*XFaCE_ is now known as XFaCE | Apr 27 08:55 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 27 15:25 | |
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schestowitz | | Apr 27 17:25 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Norman Finkelstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | Apr 27 17:25 | |
schestowitz | "His writings, noted for their support of the Palestinian cause,[2] have dealt with politically charged topics such as Zionism, the demographic history of Palestine and his allegations of the existence of a "Holocaust Industry" that exploits the memory of the Holocaust to further Israeli and financial interests. " | Apr 27 17:25 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 17:26 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dawnbazely: @schestowitz Thank you! | Apr 27 17:26 | |
schestowitz | " | Apr 27 17:28 |
schestowitz | Noam Chomsky later reminisced: | Apr 27 17:28 |
schestowitz | "I warned him, if you follow this, you're going to get in trouble—because you're going to expose the American intellectual community as a gang of frauds, and they are not going to like it, and they're going to destroy you. | Apr 27 17:28 |
schestowitz | " | Apr 27 17:28 |
schestowitz | "The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering was published in 2000. Here, Finkelstein argues that Elie Wiesel and others exploit the memory of the Holocaust as an "ideological weapon." This is done so the State of Israel, "one of the world's most formidable military powers, with a horrendous human rights record, [can] cast itself as a victim state", in order to garner "immunity to criticism."[23] He also | Apr 27 17:30 |
schestowitz | alleges what he calls a "double shakedown" by "a repellent gang of plutocrats, hoodlums and hucksters" seeking enormous legal damages and financial settlements from Germany and Switzerland, moneys which then go to the lawyers and institutional actors involved in procuring them, rather than actual Holocaust survivors" | Apr 27 17:30 |
schestowitz | "In February 2012, Finkelstein "launched a blistering attack" on the BDS movement, saying it was a "hypocritical, dishonest cult", "[l]ike the Munchkin cult in Oz," that tries to cleverly pose as human rights activists while in reality their goal is to destroy Israel. Furthermore, Finkelstein stated that the BDS movement has had very few successes, and that just like a cult, the leaders pretend that they are hugely successful when in | Apr 27 17:36 |
schestowitz | reality the general public rejects their extreme views" | Apr 27 17:36 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:06 |
schestowitz__ | "I don't." | Apr 27 20:06 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:06 |
-TechBytesBot/ This is an eye/ear-catching distraction from much more heinous #torture practices | Apr 27 20:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | CIA 'torture' methods included these 21 songs, artists - Houston Chronicle [ ] | Apr 27 20:06 | |
schestowitz__ | "So fucking sick!" | Apr 27 20:06 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 27 20:15 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 27 20:15 |
schestowitz__ | > The interviews they've had with the PP candidate(s) have been useless as | Apr 27 20:15 |
schestowitz__ | > well. The SD, challengers, are getting the most publicity about the | Apr 27 20:15 |
-TechBytesBot/ | A Month Before Elections, Oldmedia Stonewalling Of Pirates Ridiculous - Falkvinge on Infopolicy | Apr 27 20:15 | |
schestowitz__ | > settler problem. The old media is halfway covering that by talking | Apr 27 20:15 |
schestowitz__ | > instead about asylum, which was/should have been a 1980's issue. The | Apr 27 20:15 |
schestowitz__ | > interviews appear to go out of their way to avoid covering any of the PP | Apr 27 20:15 |
schestowitz__ | > issues. Some make it look like the PP are piggy backing on other | Apr 27 20:15 |
schestowitz__ | > parties, though the other parties came over only in the 11th hour yet | Apr 27 20:15 |
schestowitz__ | > talk like they were in on issues from the beginning. | Apr 27 20:15 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 27 20:21 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 27 20:21 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Microsoft may actually be on the right track with Windows 9 | Microsoft windows - InfoWorld [ ] | Apr 27 20:21 | |
schestowitz__ | > n+1 again, they seem to really be going through those versions | Apr 27 20:21 |
schestowitz__ | "Just like US ISPs and for the same reasons too. Welcome to the fast lane!" | Apr 27 20:26 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:26 |
-TechBytesBot/ "Turkish government has blocked access to YouTube." | Apr 27 20:26 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Magid: A taste of Turkish Internet censorship - San Jose Mercury News [ ] | Apr 27 20:26 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:26 |
-TechBytesBot/ If #usaid uses 'social' network to destablise government, why can't US State Department do the same with anonymity? | Apr 27 20:26 | |
schestowitz__ | "Someone should tell the NRA that the free internet is a weapon." | Apr 27 20:26 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | More Internet than the Internet [ ] | Apr 27 20:26 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:31 |
-TechBytesBot/ Womenwashing wars of conquest and genocide | Apr 27 20:31 | |
schestowitz__ | "Watched Iron Sky again last night. She's holding the symbol of love!" | Apr 27 20:31 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:32 |
-TechBytesBot/ #GNU #Linux as a replacement for Windows there's a trend there | Apr 27 20:32 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Linux as a replacement for Windows - Jeff Werner - Northwest Florida Daily News [ ] | Apr 27 20:32 | |
schestowitz__ | "Linux isn't a replacement. It's an upgrade!" | Apr 27 20:32 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:34 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared:  #Image #Picture #Gif #TheMatrix | Apr 27 20:34 | |
schestowitz__ | :ouch" | Apr 27 20:34 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:35 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared:  | Apr 27 20:35 | |
schestowitz__ | "Humanity is seriously f$cked up." | Apr 27 20:35 |
schestowitz__ | "DOIN IT WRONG." | Apr 27 20:35 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 01:57 |
-TechBytesBot/ #ciapost remarks on the demise of middle class in US corporate #collusion a contributor | Apr 28 01:57 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | ‘Happy Days’ no more: Middle-class families squeezed as expenses soar, wages stall - The Washington Post [ ] | Apr 28 01:57 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Big Tech Companies Agree To Pay Up Over Hiring Collusion | Techdirt [ ] | Apr 28 01:57 | |
schestowitz__ | ""But reliable transportation was not a luxury, so in late February the couple bought a used 2012 Dodge Caliber." I get the point, but if having a two-years old car is a necessity in the US then that must be a consumism society. I have a 1999 Grand Cherooke that needs to go to the garage sometimes, but besides that I prefer to save money instead of buying a brand-new car that I really don't need." | Apr 28 01:57 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 01:57 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: #fuerzas #militares de la #otan se #concentran cerca de la #frontera #rusa. | Apr 28 01:57 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by | Apr 28 01:57 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | NO TITLE [ ] | Apr 28 01:57 | |
schestowitz__ | "I agree, but you know how commies are. Glad the West has Team America." | Apr 28 01:57 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 01:34 |
-TechBytesBot/ GNOME Books could be great for Linux ebook junkies #gnome #gnu #linux | Apr 29 01:34 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | GNOME Books could be great for Linux ebook junkies [ ] | Apr 29 01:34 | |
schestowitz__ | "Ugh, not the nice thing I thought it would be but maybe not as bad as this writer makes it out. I would not use a book with digital restrictions, no matter who offered it to me. Do all Google books come with restrictions?" | Apr 29 01:34 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 03:12 |
-TechBytesBot/ I hereby call the #nsa leaks "over"; the news has dried up and Pierre's empire is sitting on millions of sensitive documents w/o disclosure | Apr 29 03:12 | |
schestowitz__ | "The damage, if there is any, is in tying up people like Greenwald but I don't think that's possible. I'm willing to wait a few weeks for a really well researched story and I don't begrudge Greenwald downtime or distractions. As for the stash itself, my bet is that sooner or later it will all make it to Wikileaks." | Apr 29 03:12 |
schestowitz__ | I've been betting on this as well. Before Guardian leaked the passphrase (for decrypting the 'insurance policy') in a book there was good journalism based on cables -- some cables that are still making a huge impact (right now they seriously impact general election in India). I still want to know what we pay for as UK (or US) based taxpayers and the Snowden docs say a lot. | Apr 29 03:14 |
*puppywatch has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Apr 29 15:59 | |
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schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 23:48 |
schestowitz__ | #Understatement | Apr 29 23:48 |
-TechBytesBot/ Alexander: NSA's brand has been damaged it's akin to a convicted criminal accusing the #police of harming his name | Apr 29 23:48 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Alexander: NSA's brand has been damaged | TheHill [ ] | Apr 29 23:48 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 30 03:04 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Apr 30 03:04 | |
schestowitz__ | "I do have an inordinate amount of Dr. Roy posts in my stream these days. Admittedly, though... most are informative and entertaining, so this comment will have to be tallied in the "favorable" column. :)" | Apr 30 08:12 |
schestowitz__ | "Give him a "Biggest contributor" award and use your aspects to filter so that you don't miss what you want to see." | Apr 30 08:14 |
schestowitz__ | "How about "Taking over by Posting?".... an implication of conquest through volume of posts? ;)" | Apr 30 08:17 |
schestowitz__ | It's opt-in, nobody needs to see any of it :-) | Apr 30 08:17 |
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytes | Apr 30 20:21 | |
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schestowitz__ | | May 02 08:36 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared:  #Image #Picture #Gif #Cops | May 02 08:36 | |
schestowitz__ | "I wanna fill my quota too!" | May 02 08:36 |
schestowitz__ | LOL | May 02 08:36 |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 08:37 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: ## 17 Equations that changed the World #math #equation | May 02 08:37 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by | May 02 08:37 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by | May 02 08:37 | |
schestowitz__ | "Is there an equation for what a women want?" | May 02 08:37 |
schestowitz__ | Type shift 4 on a US keyboard | May 02 08:37 |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 08:37 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: twisted zoo...  #zoo #kingdom #familyportrait | May 02 08:37 | |
schestowitz__ | "#notfunny :(" | May 02 08:37 |
*schestowitz_bed2 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | May 02 09:25 | |
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*schestowitz_bed2 is now known as schestowitz__ | May 02 16:30 | |
schestowitz__ | > -----Original Message----- | May 02 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | > From: Roy Schestowitz [] | May 02 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | > Sent: Thursday, May 1, 2014 11:34 PM | May 02 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | > To: Dan Brown | May 02 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | > Subject: Re: Media Invite for Embedded Linux Conference and Android | May 02 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | > Builders Summit | May 02 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | > | May 02 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | > Are you guys ignoring me? And if so, you are doing the very opposite > of PR. | May 02 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | ==== | May 02 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | > I'm so sorry for the delay, Roy. Our team has been busy traveling the last | May 02 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | > couple weeks due a busy event schedule. Let me see if I can get someone | May 02 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | > here at LF to address your questions and we'll aim to have something for | May 02 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | > you next week. Again, I'm really sorry about the delay. | May 02 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | > | May 02 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | > Dan Brown | May 02 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | > The Linux Foundation | May 02 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | > PR & Marketing Manager | May 02 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | > 415/420-7880 | May 02 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | > | May 02 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | > Skype: dbrownusc | May 02 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | | May 02 17:51 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: #nie #wieder #solche #nazi #hetze in #dortmund.;art145865,2349249 | May 02 17:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by | May 02 17:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Nie wieder solche Nazi-Hetze in Dortmund - Ruhr Nachrichten [ ] | May 02 17:51 | |
schestowitz__ | "ich denke Verbote sind nur die halbe Lösung....leider lassen die sich ja nicht auf Diskussionen ein, das wäre mal ne Möglichkeit ihre Argumente zu wiederlegen...." | May 02 17:51 |
*Disconnected (Connection timed out). | May 02 23:26 | |
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*Now talking on #techbytes | May 02 23:27 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | May 02 23:27 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | May 02 23:27 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytes | May 02 23:28 | |
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*Now talking on #techbytes | May 03 07:15 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | May 03 07:15 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | May 03 07:15 | |
*23LAAJBO7 ( has joined #techbytes | May 03 07:15 | |
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*Now talking on #techbytes | May 03 10:17 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | May 03 10:17 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | May 03 10:17 | |
*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | May 03 10:17 | |
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schestowitz | | May 03 10:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dawnbazely: ICYMI @schestowitz MT @RT_America:Greenwald debates former NSA Dir Hayden #StateSurveillance #MunkDebate HT @Can_ada | May 03 10:47 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | NO TITLE | May 03 10:47 | |
schestowitz | | May 03 10:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Born in the NSA: These former spies are starting companies of their own | VentureBeat | Security | by Richard Byrne Reilly [ ] | May 03 10:59 | |
schestowitz | | May 03 11:05 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Tech giants increasingly notify users of NSA data demands [ ] | May 03 11:05 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | Apple will now alert you when the NSA wants your data | Cult of Mac [ ] | May 03 11:05 | |
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer). | May 03 11:10 | |
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*Now talking on #techbytes | May 03 11:22 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | May 03 11:22 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | May 03 11:22 | |
*schestowitz_log_ ( has joined #techbytes | May 03 11:34 | |
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*Now talking on #techbytes | May 03 11:51 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | May 03 11:51 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | May 03 11:51 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytes | May 03 11:53 | |
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*Now talking on #techbytes | May 03 12:50 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | May 03 12:50 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | May 03 12:50 | |
*schestowitz_log_ ( has joined #techbytes | May 03 12:50 | |
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*Now talking on #techbytes | May 03 15:18 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | May 03 15:18 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | May 03 15:18 | |
*schestowitz_log_ ( has joined #techbytes | May 03 17:23 | |
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*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | May 03 17:23 | |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 18:30 |
-TechBytesBot/ Debate About Software Patents is Still Dead Because Large Corporations Killed It #swpats #lobbying #ibm #rhat #eff | May 03 18:30 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Debate About Software Patents is Still Dead Because Large Corporations Killed It | Techrights [ ] | May 03 18:30 | |
schestowitz__ | "I miss the Groklaw community and PJ. Groklaw was a solid and reasonable voice against software patents that did excellent research and followed cases carefully. Of all the communities outside of GNU and Techrights, I think they best understood how the issues of software freedom, software patents and civil liberties are connected. PJ was bullied into silence by over broad spying and a fascist state that destroys citizens to protect | May 03 18:30 |
schestowitz__ | companies. Plutocrats too understand the issue and understood Groklaws's effectiveness. With Groklaw out of the way, judges are more free to make outlandish decisions that crush competitive companies and software freedom alike. With software freedom and hardware companies so hampered the surveillance state has free reign over most of our neighbors making real privacy practically impossible." | May 03 18:30 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 18:31 |
-TechBytesBot/ The NSA Comes Home: Police Departments Conceal Phone Tracking Equipment From Courts worse than #stasi | May 03 18:31 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The NSA Comes Home: Police Departments Conceal Phone Tracking Equipment From Courts [ ] | May 03 18:31 | |
schestowitz__ | "It's worse than the Stasi in terms of its ubiquity and the advantages that technology offers. But it's also more fragmented. The NSA relies on the FBI to do a lot of domestic spying and the police departments are doing their own thing on top of all this." | May 03 18:31 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 18:32 |
-TechBytesBot/ Off target: Dvorak forgets the use cases of tablets (where laptops impractical),2817,2457318,00.asp #gnu #linux growing there | May 03 18:32 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Tablet Dead End Is Dead Ahead | John C. Dvorak | [ ] | May 03 18:32 | |
schestowitz__ | moving around, I prefer a cellphone and typing with one hand (thumb). When sitting - my Ultra-convrtible-book. A tablet is imho ok, if you can spend some extra money just for fun. I bought cheap G3 tablets for old ladies, who just want to whattsapp their grandchildren and watch youtube. This turned out good if I did all the presets :-)"osts/4023424 | May 03 18:32 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ ) | May 03 18:32 | |
schestowitz__ | "when moving around, I prefer a cellphone and typing with one hand (thumb). When sitting - my Ultra-convrtible-book. A tablet is imho ok, if you can spend some extra money just for fun. I bought cheap G3 tablets for old ladies, who just want to whattsapp their grandchildren and watch youtube. This turned out good if I did all the presets :-)" | May 03 18:32 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 18:33 |
-TechBytesBot/ From Dictatorship to Democracy: The Role Ex-Nazis Played in Early West Germany rebranding in #germany | May 03 18:33 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | From Dictatorship to Democracy: The Role Ex-Nazis Played in Early West Germany - SPIEGEL ONLINE [ ] | May 03 18:33 | |
schestowitz__ | "Moin Roy, "Der Spiegel" is (IMHO) not a part of the solution, the #Spiegel is a (major) part of the #problem ! #Demokratie "Sturmgeschütz" #WTF "you better quest Saoul" #BreakingBad :)" | May 03 18:33 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 18:33 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: | May 03 18:33 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by | May 03 18:33 | |
schestowitz__ | "We need to remember about the victims of both fascists and communists." | May 03 18:33 |
schestowitz__ | | May 03 18:34 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: **#SanFrancisco, CA becomes the 1st major #city to ban #singleuse bottled #water!** -> So, #plastic ain't fantastic, is it? #pollution #environment **[Tumblr](** | May 03 18:34 | |
schestowitz__ | "You won't mind us going throYou won't mind us going through you trash, no? Didn't think so."ugh you trash, no? Didn't think so. | May 03 18:34 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:55 |
-TechBytesBot/ "Support for open source software is 'unbundled' from the software itself...makes it much easier " and cheaper | Apr 27 05:55 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 5 Ways to Get Open Source Software Support - [ ] | Apr 27 05:55 | |
schestowitz__ | "Did you see this counterpoint article? 7 Reasons to not use Open Source? I hate this "you're too stupid" excuse, it's just insulting and elitist." | Apr 27 05:55 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:55 |
-TechBytesBot/ Cern expands open source system use with Red Hat #cern #lhc #gnu #linux #freedom #science | Apr 27 05:55 | |
schestowitz__ | "Hadn't they been using Scientific Linux for all that time?" | Apr 27 05:55 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Cern expands open source system use with Red Hat - [ ] | Apr 27 05:55 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:56 |
-TechBytesBot/ More new signs of #Microsoft collapse people don't buy (rent) spying boxes | Apr 27 05:56 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | HARDOCP - Microsoft May Halt Xbox One Production [ ] | Apr 27 05:56 | |
schestowitz__ | "They have a big aisle dedicated to it at the local Walmart. Brimming with unsold product, void of customers. I was just there today, getting new tires after a flat. So now I see that my local observation is global. The Play Station display was not more lively but it was way cooler looking and the smaller shelves did not need an avalanche warning post." | Apr 27 05:56 |
schestowitz__ | "Link disambiguation: "Microsoft may halt Xbox One production as inventory piles up" from The blog post adds nothing." | Apr 27 05:56 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ The reasons companies funnel money to "Linux" (foundation) is not that Linux is so exceptional compared to GNU but misnaming of the system | Apr 27 05:58 | |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 27 05:58 |
schestowitz__ | I don't say that Linus is wrong, but Stallman and the GNU Project care most about freedom than Linus. He first released the source code of Linux under a very restrictive license so nobody cared, then backpedaled and released it under GPL. Moreover, as long as I know Linux has the GPL v2 and he does not like GPL v3, that protects more personal freedom. Also, if I remember rigth at the beginning Linus was opposed to the separation of | Apr 27 05:58 |
schestowitz__ | code and binary blobs because that is not efficient and is based only on ideology and legal reasons, not technical ones. | Apr 27 05:58 |
schestowitz__ | But you have to compromise sooner or later in order to keep going and avoid a situation like OpenBSD so I don't judge Linus bad, but certainly people like Stallman cares a lot more about freedom. | Apr 27 05:58 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 27 05:58 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 05:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ 5 free open source and web alternatives to commercial software starting with #gimp | Apr 27 05:59 | |
schestowitz__ | "Ah, that old false dichotomy of open source and commercial software." | Apr 27 05:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 5 Open Source and Web Alternatives to Commercial Software | IT Business [ ] | Apr 27 05:59 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 06:30 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Michael Parenti - Racism - YouTube [ ] | Apr 27 06:30 | |
*Guest12112 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Apr 27 08:04 | |
*XFaCE has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Apr 27 08:04 | |
*XFaCE (XFaCE@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:bb8a) has joined #techbytes | Apr 27 08:04 | |
*XFaCE is now known as Guest63533 | Apr 27 08:04 | |
*XFaCE_ (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techbytes | Apr 27 08:05 | |
*XFaCE_ is now known as XFaCE | Apr 27 08:55 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 27 15:24 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Apr 27 15:25 | |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 17:25 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Norman Finkelstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | Apr 27 17:25 | |
schestowitz | "His writings, noted for their support of the Palestinian cause,[2] have dealt with politically charged topics such as Zionism, the demographic history of Palestine and his allegations of the existence of a "Holocaust Industry" that exploits the memory of the Holocaust to further Israeli and financial interests. " | Apr 27 17:25 |
schestowitz | | Apr 27 17:26 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dawnbazely: @schestowitz Thank you! | Apr 27 17:26 | |
schestowitz | " | Apr 27 17:28 |
schestowitz | Noam Chomsky later reminisced: | Apr 27 17:28 |
schestowitz | "I warned him, if you follow this, you're going to get in trouble—because you're going to expose the American intellectual community as a gang of frauds, and they are not going to like it, and they're going to destroy you. | Apr 27 17:28 |
schestowitz | " | Apr 27 17:28 |
schestowitz | "The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering was published in 2000. Here, Finkelstein argues that Elie Wiesel and others exploit the memory of the Holocaust as an "ideological weapon." This is done so the State of Israel, "one of the world's most formidable military powers, with a horrendous human rights record, [can] cast itself as a victim state", in order to garner "immunity to criticism."[23] He also | Apr 27 17:30 |
schestowitz | alleges what he calls a "double shakedown" by "a repellent gang of plutocrats, hoodlums and hucksters" seeking enormous legal damages and financial settlements from Germany and Switzerland, moneys which then go to the lawyers and institutional actors involved in procuring them, rather than actual Holocaust survivors" | Apr 27 17:30 |
schestowitz | "In February 2012, Finkelstein "launched a blistering attack" on the BDS movement, saying it was a "hypocritical, dishonest cult", "[l]ike the Munchkin cult in Oz," that tries to cleverly pose as human rights activists while in reality their goal is to destroy Israel. Furthermore, Finkelstein stated that the BDS movement has had very few successes, and that just like a cult, the leaders pretend that they are hugely successful when in | Apr 27 17:36 |
schestowitz | reality the general public rejects their extreme views" | Apr 27 17:36 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:05 |
schestowitz__ | "I don't." | Apr 27 20:05 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:06 |
-TechBytesBot/ This is an eye/ear-catching distraction from much more heinous #torture practices | Apr 27 20:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | CIA 'torture' methods included these 21 songs, artists - Houston Chronicle [ ] | Apr 27 20:06 | |
schestowitz__ | "So fucking sick!" | Apr 27 20:06 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 27 20:15 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 27 20:15 |
schestowitz__ | > The interviews they've had with the PP candidate(s) have been useless as | Apr 27 20:15 |
schestowitz__ | > well. The SD, challengers, are getting the most publicity about the | Apr 27 20:15 |
-TechBytesBot/ | A Month Before Elections, Oldmedia Stonewalling Of Pirates Ridiculous - Falkvinge on Infopolicy | Apr 27 20:15 | |
schestowitz__ | > settler problem. The old media is halfway covering that by talking | Apr 27 20:15 |
schestowitz__ | > instead about asylum, which was/should have been a 1980's issue. The | Apr 27 20:15 |
schestowitz__ | > interviews appear to go out of their way to avoid covering any of the PP | Apr 27 20:15 |
schestowitz__ | > issues. Some make it look like the PP are piggy backing on other | Apr 27 20:15 |
schestowitz__ | > parties, though the other parties came over only in the 11th hour yet | Apr 27 20:15 |
schestowitz__ | > talk like they were in on issues from the beginning. | Apr 27 20:15 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 27 20:20 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 27 20:20 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Microsoft may actually be on the right track with Windows 9 | Microsoft windows - InfoWorld [ ] | Apr 27 20:20 | |
schestowitz__ | > n+1 again, they seem to really be going through those versions | Apr 27 20:20 |
schestowitz__ | "Just like US ISPs and for the same reasons too. Welcome to the fast lane!" | Apr 27 20:25 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:26 |
-TechBytesBot/ "Turkish government has blocked access to YouTube." | Apr 27 20:26 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Magid: A taste of Turkish Internet censorship - San Jose Mercury News [ ] | Apr 27 20:26 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:26 |
-TechBytesBot/ If #usaid uses 'social' network to destablise government, why can't US State Department do the same with anonymity? | Apr 27 20:26 | |
schestowitz__ | "Someone should tell the NRA that the free internet is a weapon." | Apr 27 20:26 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | More Internet than the Internet [ ] | Apr 27 20:26 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:31 |
-TechBytesBot/ Womenwashing wars of conquest and genocide | Apr 27 20:31 | |
schestowitz__ | "Watched Iron Sky again last night. She's holding the symbol of love!" | Apr 27 20:31 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:31 |
-TechBytesBot/ #GNU #Linux as a replacement for Windows there's a trend there | Apr 27 20:31 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Linux as a replacement for Windows - Jeff Werner - Northwest Florida Daily News [ ] | Apr 27 20:31 | |
schestowitz__ | "Linux isn't a replacement. It's an upgrade!" | Apr 27 20:32 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:34 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared:  #Image #Picture #Gif #TheMatrix | Apr 27 20:34 | |
schestowitz__ | :ouch" | Apr 27 20:34 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 27 20:34 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared:  | Apr 27 20:34 | |
schestowitz__ | "Humanity is seriously f$cked up." | Apr 27 20:34 |
schestowitz__ | "DOIN IT WRONG." | Apr 27 20:35 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 01:56 |
-TechBytesBot/ #ciapost remarks on the demise of middle class in US corporate #collusion a contributor | Apr 28 01:56 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | ‘Happy Days’ no more: Middle-class families squeezed as expenses soar, wages stall - The Washington Post [ ] | Apr 28 01:56 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Big Tech Companies Agree To Pay Up Over Hiring Collusion | Techdirt [ ] | Apr 28 01:56 | |
schestowitz__ | ""But reliable transportation was not a luxury, so in late February the couple bought a used 2012 Dodge Caliber." I get the point, but if having a two-years old car is a necessity in the US then that must be a consumism society. I have a 1999 Grand Cherooke that needs to go to the garage sometimes, but besides that I prefer to save money instead of buying a brand-new car that I really don't need." | Apr 28 01:57 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 28 01:57 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: #fuerzas #militares de la #otan se #concentran cerca de la #frontera #rusa. | Apr 28 01:57 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by | Apr 28 01:57 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | NO TITLE [ ] | Apr 28 01:57 | |
schestowitz__ | "I agree, but you know how commies are. Glad the West has Team America." | Apr 28 01:57 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 01:33 |
-TechBytesBot/ GNOME Books could be great for Linux ebook junkies #gnome #gnu #linux | Apr 29 01:33 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | GNOME Books could be great for Linux ebook junkies [ ] | Apr 29 01:33 | |
schestowitz__ | "Ugh, not the nice thing I thought it would be but maybe not as bad as this writer makes it out. I would not use a book with digital restrictions, no matter who offered it to me. Do all Google books come with restrictions?" | Apr 29 01:33 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 29 03:11 |
-TechBytesBot/ I hereby call the #nsa leaks "over"; the news has dried up and Pierre's empire is sitting on millions of sensitive documents w/o disclosure | Apr 29 03:11 | |
schestowitz__ | "The damage, if there is any, is in tying up people like Greenwald but I don't think that's possible. I'm willing to wait a few weeks for a really well researched story and I don't begrudge Greenwald downtime or distractions. As for the stash itself, my bet is that sooner or later it will all make it to Wikileaks." | Apr 29 03:11 |
schestowitz__ | I've been betting on this as well. Before Guardian leaked the passphrase (for decrypting the 'insurance policy') in a book there was good journalism based on cables -- some cables that are still making a huge impact (right now they seriously impact general election in India). I still want to know what we pay for as UK (or US) based taxpayers and the Snowden docs say a lot. | Apr 29 03:14 |
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**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 1 18:03:12 2014 | ||
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