Join us now at the IRC channel.
DaemonFC | | Apr 06 00:20 |
MinceR | Microsoft® Security™ | Apr 06 00:21 |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 06 00:39 | |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | Apr 06 00:43 | |
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | Apr 06 02:04 | |
MinceR | gn | Apr 06 02:13 |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 06 02:42 | |
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*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 06 03:50 | |
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 06 03:54 | |
DaemonFC | J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says: | Apr 06 04:00 |
DaemonFC | "Firefox on a Crapple" | Apr 06 04:00 |
DaemonFC | I don't know what the point of that is. You can't pretend to have freedom when the software running the computer is undermining that from the minute you turn the machine on. | Apr 06 04:00 |
DaemonFC | Apple doesn't really make computers. They make iTunes kiosks. In other words, toys for stupid people with too much money. The iThings are useless for general purpose computing, and the Macs are becoming more like that with every new version of OS X. | Apr 06 04:00 |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 06 04:28 | |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 06 04:32 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 06 06:02 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 06 06:30 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Apr 06 06:36 | |
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*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 06 07:34 | |
*tim_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Apr 06 08:37 | |
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*brendyn (brendyn@2400:8900::f03c:91ff:fedf:65b4) has joined #techrights | Apr 06 08:51 | |
Sosumi | they still haven't removed the terminal | Apr 06 09:03 |
Sosumi | but it'll probably go away on the next release or so :) | Apr 06 09:03 |
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrights | Apr 06 09:59 | |
DaemonFC | The Best Buy circular is out. | Apr 06 10:01 |
DaemonFC | The trade in deal says it has to be a laptop running Windows XP. | Apr 06 10:01 |
DaemonFC | The news articles just said "Windows XP PC". | Apr 06 10:01 |
DaemonFC | I might call the store and ask if desktop PCs qualify. | Apr 06 10:01 |
*freedomrun has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) | Apr 06 10:13 | |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 06 10:26 | |
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | Apr 06 11:28 | |
MinceR | their terminal always sucked | Apr 06 12:15 |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 06 12:19 |
Sosumi | it's basically a copy past from bsd | Apr 06 12:51 |
Sosumi | *paste | Apr 06 12:51 |
MinceR | yet pageup/pagedown is broken, for example | Apr 06 13:07 |
MinceR | also, i wonder how bsd used the osx windowing system | Apr 06 13:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines CyanogenMod reveals new branding that | Apr 06 13:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | represents openness, security and customization | Apr 06 13:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 06 13:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 13:12 |
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Quit: Left) | Apr 06 13:22 | |
Sosumi | | Apr 06 14:03 |
Sosumi | Not dead yet: Dutch, British governments pay to keep Windows XP alive | Apr 06 14:03 |
cubezzz | bsd was first with the window managers | Apr 06 14:11 |
cubezzz | 4.3bsd had X, Xqvss, Xqdss, Xsun along with xwm, uwm, and xnwm | Apr 06 14:17 |
cubezzz | earliest versions ran on DEC VS100 displays | Apr 06 14:21 |
schestowitz | | Apr 06 14:50 |
cubezzz | I wrote a simple script if anyone wants to experiment with Xnest and different window managers: | Apr 06 15:01 |
cubezzz | | Apr 06 15:02 |
schestowitz | | Apr 06 15:27 |
schestowitz | cubezzz: publish it in some relevant site | Apr 06 15:27 |
schestowitz | it has no searchable info associated with it | Apr 06 15:28 |
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Apr 06 15:49 | |
sebsebseb | hi MinceR Sosumi XFaCE schestowitz | Apr 06 15:49 |
MinceR | hay | Apr 06 15:49 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: good and bad news | Apr 06 15:49 |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | Apr 06 16:00 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | Apr 06 16:00 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 06 16:00 | |
schestowitz | hi, what's up? | Apr 06 16:05 |
schestowitz | | Apr 06 16:05 |
schestowitz | hm... bot dropped | Apr 06 16:05 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: my Mum is finally going to let me switch her over to LInux | Apr 06 16:06 |
sebsebseb | since the XP end of life | Apr 06 16:06 |
sebsebseb | well once she's backed up and yeah | Apr 06 16:06 |
*TechrightsBot-tr ( has joined #techrights | Apr 06 16:06 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Hello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.75 | Apr 06 16:06 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: old lap top from 2005 or so | Apr 06 16:06 |
schestowitz | hm... bot dropped | Apr 06 16:06 |
schestowitz | | Apr 06 16:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Today in #Techrights | Apr 06 16:06 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | Apr 06 16:06 | |
schestowitz | sebsebseb: that's not so old a laptop | Apr 06 16:07 |
schestowitz | I have one from 1999, haven't booted it since 2011 | Apr 06 16:07 |
schestowitz | HDD issues | Apr 06 16:07 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: I got extenral CD/DVD drive issues | Apr 06 16:10 |
sebsebseb | I asusme it'sm eant to be able to burn CD's/DVD's as well, but | Apr 06 16:10 |
sebsebseb | the one I bought for my netbook two years or so ago this is | Apr 06 16:10 |
sebsebseb | ,but it's getting about half way or so, an then it stops, and it's like the discs are blank still. or it puts a few fles on the discs and that's it | Apr 06 16:10 |
MinceR | | Apr 06 16:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GM Recall: Does the Government Bailout Protect It From Liability? - Businessweek [ ] | Apr 06 16:27 | |
MinceR | wow. | Apr 06 16:27 |
MinceR | | Apr 06 16:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GM's immunity in recall questioned | The Detroit News [ ] | Apr 06 16:28 | |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Apr 06 16:52 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | Apr 06 17:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 17:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | Apr 06 17:20 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 06 18:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Robolinux 7.4.2 Distro Can Keep Windows XP Running Inside Forever Without Viruses or Malware #gnu #linux #winxp | Apr 06 18:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Robolinux 7.4.2 Distro Can Keep Windows XP Running Inside Forever Without Viruses or Malware [ ] | Apr 06 18:27 | |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 06 18:27 |
schestowitz__ | Good to know about a new Friendica pod. Although I already have an account there, I know just a little about their work. One thing that makes me happy is the interoperability between Friendica and Diaspora networks. For me it sounds like a beginning of a real democratic space for the users, where they can choose any pod from any network to store their own accounts based on their preferences. | Apr 06 18:27 |
schestowitz__ | The federation here is working fine, and since the start of this new pod in Brazil, I have had no federation issues. It seems like the Diaspora* code is becoming stronger and more reliable on each release. | Apr 06 18:27 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 06 18:27 |
*neildarlow ( has joined #techrights | Apr 06 18:56 | |
schestowitz__ | nonsense of the day: | Apr 06 18:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Should Build On Its Past, Not Ignore It - Forbes [ ] | Apr 06 18:56 | |
schestowitz__ | warning: Forbes | Apr 06 18:56 |
*neildarlow has quit (Client Quit) | Apr 06 18:57 | |
Sosumi | sebsebseb, just create a bootable usb stick | Apr 06 19:01 |
Sosumi | and install it from there | Apr 06 19:01 |
Sosumi | I also, don't even understand the reason ppl bother with optical media anymore | Apr 06 19:02 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: I get isues with dd and usb's | Apr 06 19:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Red Hat Wins Software Vendor of the Year at | Apr 06 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | Channel Middle East Awards 2014 | Apr 06 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 06 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 'Akash tablets' to hit market soon | Apr 06 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 06 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 19:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat Wins Software Vendor of the Year at Channel Middle East Awards 2014 | Tux Machines | Apr 06 19:21 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tux Machines Turns 10 in a Couple of Months | Apr 06 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 06 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 19:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'Akash tablets' to hit market soon | Tux Machines | Apr 06 19:21 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines Turns 10 in a Couple of Months | Tux Machines | Apr 06 19:21 | |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 06 19:34 | |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 06 19:34 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 06 19:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | #UK voted strongl... | Apr 06 19:40 | |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 06 19:43 |
schestowitz__ | Yes but I would still stipulate that the state is the actual force ie people making the real threats against real education. For example say a school starts using Ubuntu for their primary OS. This may upset good ol' Bill and he may bribe (donate) a politician into drafting a law reversing this. It is the state that tells the teacher do this or be punished. Behind every decree of the state there is a gun. | Apr 06 19:43 |
schestowitz__ | I would even go so far as to say that it is the state that artificially sustains the economic system that built Bill Gates to what he is now. | Apr 06 19:43 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 06 19:43 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 06 19:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Attitudes | Apr 06 19:43 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 06 19:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: #uprisings in #ukraine, 6th April 2014, #antifascist and #pro #russian #marches in #odessa, #zaporoje, #donetsk, #kharkov and #lugansk. | Apr 06 19:45 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- Photo by | Apr 06 19:45 | |
schestowitz__ | "obviously, Russia doesn't want to let Ukraine to slip from their fingers. in that case, Ukraine will go towards middle ages together with Russia. I understand why Ukrainians don't want that. Russia should've become a country whichc doesn't have to force others to join union with them, instead of using military power, or power of money, or puppet governors like Yanukovich." | Apr 06 19:46 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 06 20:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ R.I.P. Windows XP 2001-2014. What can you do now? | Apr 06 20:01 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | R.I.P. Windows XP 2001-2014. What can you do now? | [ ] | Apr 06 20:01 | |
schestowitz__ | "For similar experience - switch to Linux Mint Debian Edition MATE" | Apr 06 20:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Acquia’s Dries Buytaert: It’s open-source | Apr 06 20:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | software that’ll eat the world | Apr 06 20:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 06 20:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 20:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Five Models For Open Source Revenue | Apr 06 20:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 06 20:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 20:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tiny Core 5.3 RC2 Is Probably the Smallest | Apr 06 20:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux Distro Around | Apr 06 20:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 20:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Acquia’s Dries Buytaert: It’s open-source software that’ll eat the world | Tux Machines | Apr 06 20:18 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Five Models For Open Source Revenue | Tux Machines | Apr 06 20:18 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tiny Core 5.3 RC2 Is Probably the Smallest Linux Distro Around | Tux Machines | Apr 06 20:18 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines NVIDIA Fermi/Kepler GPUs Are The Best Bet For | Apr 06 21:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ubuntu 14.04 Nouveau | Apr 06 21:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 21:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NVIDIA Fermi/Kepler GPUs Are The Best Bet For Ubuntu 14.04 Nouveau | Tux Machines | Apr 06 21:29 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Steam Hardware Survey for March Shows Small | Apr 06 21:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | Decline for Linux | Apr 06 21:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 21:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Steam Hardware Survey for March Shows Small Decline for Linux | Tux Machines | Apr 06 21:29 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Building for Linux, the smart way | Apr 06 21:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 06 21:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 21:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Building for Linux, the smart way | Tux Machines | Apr 06 21:29 | |
*gde33|2 ( has joined #techrights | Apr 06 21:39 | |
*roy_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Apr 06 21:42 | |
*TRT has quit (*.net *.split) | Apr 06 21:48 | |
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*jono ( has joined #techrights | Apr 06 21:58 | |
*jono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Apr 06 21:58 | |
*TRT ( has joined #techrights | Apr 06 21:58 | |
MinceR | the braindead savages of hungary have signed up for 4 more years of destruction >> | Apr 06 23:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 2014 Hungarian national election liveblog: April 6 | [ ] | Apr 06 23:21 | |
DaemonFC | I called Best Buy about that Windows XP for $100 store credit deal. | Apr 06 23:21 |
DaemonFC | It turns out that the offer is only valid for laptops that you want to trade in. | Apr 06 23:22 |
DaemonFC | They won't give you anything for a Windows XP desktop. | Apr 06 23:22 |
MinceR | pft | Apr 06 23:24 |
MinceR | false advertising? | Apr 06 23:24 |
sebsebseb | DaemonFC: then what they sell on the ap tops or someting? | Apr 06 23:26 |
sebsebseb | lap | Apr 06 23:26 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: The news articles wrote the story before the ad came out. | Apr 06 23:49 |
DaemonFC | The actual ad says "laptops". | Apr 06 23:49 |
MinceR | ic | Apr 06 23:49 |
DaemonFC | sebsebseb: You could use the credit for any computer Best Buy sells, including Chromebooks. | Apr 06 23:50 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 06 23:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Going 'Green' Is More Than Shopping at Whole Foods and Driving a Prius | Alternet [ ] | Apr 06 23:57 | |
DaemonFC | I wouldn't shop at Whole Foods. The CEO is a crazy Ayn Rand worshiping Rand Paul style "Libertarian". | Apr 06 23:57 |
DaemonFC | He's constantly attacked the requirements of the Affordable Care Act, because Whole Foods has a health insurance plan that's more like Walmart's. A $3,500 deductible, annual caps, and no mental health coverage at all. | Apr 06 23:57 |
DaemonFC | Whole Foods store security in some states carries handguns. What are they planning to do? Shoot a person who is hungry and stealing food? | Apr 06 23:57 |
DaemonFC | Even if they haven't shot anyone yet, and although I am not in a position where I would need to steal food, I don't like the idea that some armed private gestapo is watching me shop. | Apr 06 23:57 |
MinceR | well, if they're dead, they won't be hungry ever again ;) | Apr 07 00:04 |
MinceR | gn | Apr 07 00:06 |
*drreveng (~drreveng@ has joined #techrights | Apr 07 01:09 | |
DaemonFC | MinceR: Alternet is bugging me. | Apr 07 01:28 |
DaemonFC | They have a Javascript that seems to be intended to disable Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V to make it harder to copy and paste from their articles. | Apr 07 01:29 |
DaemonFC | but it disables every hotkey combination, including Ctrl+T for a new tab. | Apr 07 01:29 |
DaemonFC | In the mean time, you can still select text with the mouse, right click, and click "copy". | Apr 07 01:29 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 07 01:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Not Just Apple: GnuTLS Bug Means Security Flaw For Major Linux Distros - Slashdot [ ] | Apr 07 01:30 | |
DaemonFC | Slashdot just posted an inaccurate account of the gnutls bug that was patched more than a month ago. | Apr 07 01:31 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 07 02:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | N450 WiFi DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem Router (N450-100NAS): Computers & Accessories [ ] | Apr 07 02:55 | |
DaemonFC | I decided to buy one of these. It's $100 up front, but then I can return my modem to Comcast and quit paying to rent it. | Apr 07 02:55 |
DaemonFC | Then my internet bill should be down to $20 a month. :) | Apr 07 02:55 |
DaemonFC | I've heard that Comcast won't give you a great deal on your internet package if you own your own equipment. | Apr 07 03:32 |
DaemonFC | So, I got the 12 months at $19.99 locked in, and then bought my own equipment. | Apr 07 03:32 |
DaemonFC | My AAA Sprint discount kicked in this month. It brought my bill down from $99 to $96. :) | Apr 07 03:54 |
DaemonFC | I've noticed lately, that Amazon says your order is over $35 and gets free super saver shipping, and then tried to default to "standard shipping" instead. | Apr 07 04:47 |
DaemonFC | In the case of my modem, the estimated delivery date with "standard shipping" was April 10. With super saver, the estimated delivery date is the 11th (my birthday!). | Apr 07 04:47 |
DaemonFC | So, 1 day sooner was going to cost an additional $9.65? Pass. | Apr 07 04:47 |
DaemonFC | They've tripped me up on that a couple of times before, where I was sure that I selected super saver, but my invoice billed me for standard. | Apr 07 04:47 |
DaemonFC | I had to go in, cancel the order, and redo it with super saver. | Apr 07 04:47 |
DaemonFC | Not cool, Amazon. Not cool! | Apr 07 04:47 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 07 05:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION MAKES IT OFFICIAL: ‘SELFIE’ A MENTAL DISORDER | The Adobo Chronicles [ ] | Apr 07 05:13 | |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | Apr 07 05:33 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | Apr 07 05:33 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 05:33 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 07 06:20 | |
DaemonFC | msb_: I'm finding that going organic on some things isn't that much more expensive. | Apr 07 06:26 |
DaemonFC | Bananas and coffee that are organic cost about the same as their non-organic counterparts. | Apr 07 06:26 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: Hi! Organic is great, especially if it's not sprayed with sulfuryl fluoride. | Apr 07 06:32 |
*Riddic has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | Apr 07 06:36 | |
DaemonFC | I'm a bit nervous about going with a Netgear cable gateway. | Apr 07 06:36 |
DaemonFC | I had one of their ADSL gateways and it was a bit flaky. | Apr 07 06:37 |
DaemonFC | But, they're soooooooo much cheaper than Motorola... | Apr 07 06:37 |
DaemonFC | We're talking $99 vs $139. | Apr 07 06:37 |
*Riddic ( has joined #techrights | Apr 07 06:38 | |
DaemonFC | Comcast says that this is an approved device that supports DOCSIS 3 and ipv6 on their network, and it has had level 1 certification. | Apr 07 06:38 |
msb_ | I was having cable outages with comcrap until I insisted they give me a DOCSIS 3 modem. | Apr 07 06:39 |
DaemonFC | What really pissed me off is that they pushed an unwanted firmware update to my rented gateway that lets other Comcast customers log in without my permission and use my cable internet connection. | Apr 07 06:39 |
DaemonFC | Yeah, I was the one that recommended that. | Apr 07 06:39 |
DaemonFC | :) | Apr 07 06:39 |
msb_ | Thanks! | Apr 07 06:39 |
DaemonFC | DOCSIS 3 is much better. Even if your service level is the cheapest they have and is supported by DOCSIS 2.... | Apr 07 06:39 |
msb_ | How can others log in if they | Apr 07 06:39 |
msb_ | 're not connected to it. | Apr 07 06:40 |
msb_ | ? | Apr 07 06:40 |
DaemonFC | It creates a second wifi network called "COMCAST-GUEST". | Apr 07 06:40 |
DaemonFC | and it lets anyone log in with their comcast email address and password and be a parasite on your connection. | Apr 07 06:41 |
DaemonFC | You're still only provisioned whatever speed level you subscribe to, but it lets them leech off of it. | Apr 07 06:41 |
msb_ | Oh. Mine doesn't have wifi and I don't use it anyhow. | Apr 07 06:41 |
DaemonFC | So everything you're doing could slow to a halt. | Apr 07 06:41 |
DaemonFC | Yeah, if it's just a modem, they can't do that. | Apr 07 06:41 |
DaemonFC | They also can't do that if you own your equipment. | Apr 07 06:41 |
msb_ | I just connect with ethernet. | Apr 07 06:42 |
DaemonFC | I can't do that. | Apr 07 06:42 |
DaemonFC | Well, I do with my desktop PC. | Apr 07 06:42 |
msb_ | Some people think the wifi RF is intense enough to be dangerous -- cancer, etc. | Apr 07 06:42 |
DaemonFC | It isn't possible to do that with my phone and it wouldn't be practical to do that with a laptop. | Apr 07 06:42 |
DaemonFC | I don't believe that it is. | Apr 07 06:43 |
DaemonFC | One thing that I did notice about wifi routers is that the default settings tend to degrade performance. | Apr 07 06:43 |
DaemonFC | If you don't have any wireless b or g devices, you should set it to "n" only. | Apr 07 06:43 |
DaemonFC | That also gives you a small bit of extra security. Since nothing you use is wireless b or g, that would mean that anyone attempting to connect using those is not you. | Apr 07 06:44 |
DaemonFC | :) | Apr 07 06:44 |
msb_ | Did you ever call them up and tell them it wouldn't let you download a Linux distro on bittorrent? | Apr 07 06:44 |
DaemonFC | Oh, it does. | Apr 07 06:44 |
DaemonFC | They don't seem to degrade bittorrent traffic anymore. | Apr 07 06:45 |
msb_ | Oh, good! | Apr 07 06:45 |
DaemonFC | They plan to start enforcing their caps at some point though. | Apr 07 06:45 |
DaemonFC | At that point, there won't be much of a point in subscribing to their 25 or 50 Mbps tiers. | Apr 07 06:45 |
msb_ | The magic word is YIFY! | Apr 07 06:45 |
DaemonFC | It jsut means you'll reach your cap faster and start getting hammered with overage fees. | Apr 07 06:45 |
DaemonFC | Their Comcast 100 tier will double your cap to 600 GB before you start paying more. | Apr 07 06:46 |
DaemonFC | Everything lower than that gets 300 or maybe 350, they haven't decided yet. | Apr 07 06:46 |
DaemonFC | They seem to be experimenting in different markets. | Apr 07 06:46 |
DaemonFC | msb_: Is you use less than 5 GB, they'll knock $5 a month off your internet bill. :P | Apr 07 06:47 |
msb_ | You can get movies and TV in x264 at half the size of xvids. | Apr 07 06:47 |
DaemonFC | If you own your modem and keep getting those $19.99 a month promos, that means you could get cable internet for $14.99 a month. | Apr 07 06:47 |
DaemonFC | I'd never trade 300 GB for 5 GB to save $5. | Apr 07 06:48 |
DaemonFC | That would just be stupid. | Apr 07 06:48 |
DaemonFC | yeah, VP9 and x265 (is that what they call it?) say they'll halve it again. | Apr 07 06:48 |
DaemonFC | Full HD movie rips could be as small as 400-500 MB. | Apr 07 06:48 |
msb_ | 720p is plenty for me. | Apr 07 06:49 |
msb_ | I just watch on my computer screen. | Apr 07 06:49 |
DaemonFC | I got rid of flash and I use and ad blocking plugin to keep from downloading that crap. | Apr 07 06:49 |
msb_ | Those are about 700MB. | Apr 07 06:50 |
DaemonFC | If you do a lot of web browsing, then over the course of the month, ads and tacking scripts and all that crap could be as much as 2-3 GB. | Apr 07 06:50 |
msb_ | Not enough to worry about. And there's a lot of good stuff on Youtube, which can now be downloaded great with youtube-dl. | Apr 07 06:51 |
DaemonFC | Lots of sites are starting to use paywalls. That doesn't affect me too often thanks to Google's cache and setting Firefox to not allow cookies on those sites and to dump all cookies at the end of a session. | Apr 07 06:51 |
DaemonFC | 90% of those paywalls are just a cookie that records how many articles you've looked at and tells you to pay up eventually. | Apr 07 06:51 |
msb_ | Very few alternative news sites insist on being paid. | Apr 07 06:53 |
msb_ | Anyhow, if you select x264 files, 480p or 720p, 10GB/day is more than enough. | Apr 07 06:55 |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 06:55 | |
msb_ | For me, at least. There are only about 10 TV shows that I watch. | Apr 07 06:56 |
msb_ | Suits, Good Wife, Elementary, Grey's Anatomy... | Apr 07 06:58 |
msb_ | Although the last ep of GA had them all getting a severe flu and none of them even mentioned Vitamin C. Apparently it's censored, like 9/11 truth. | Apr 07 06:59 |
msb_ | I record the Cartoon Network Adult Swim anime's from actual cable TV with a TV card. My old 'puter can convert NTSC to xvid in realtime -- barely. | Apr 07 07:02 |
msb_ | I like the cat character in Space Dandy. | Apr 07 07:06 |
DaemonFC | Between the deal I worked out with Comcast and getting rid of their modem, my bill will go down from $62.51 a month to $21.39 a month. | Apr 07 07:17 |
DaemonFC | That's with taxes. | Apr 07 07:17 |
DaemonFC | I think I can be patient and deal with 3 Mbps... | Apr 07 07:17 |
DaemonFC | I've made do with less. | Apr 07 07:17 |
DaemonFC | Up until 2006, I was still using 768k DSL. | Apr 07 07:17 |
DaemonFC | msb_: I don't know if this gateway is on sale or what. | Apr 07 07:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Midori 0.5.8 Browser Pulls In New WebKit2 Code | Apr 07 07:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 07 07:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 07:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Midori 0.5.8 Browser Pulls In New WebKit2 Code | Tux Machines | Apr 07 07:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Nouveau Becomes Friendly Towards Non-Root X | Apr 07 07:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | Server | Apr 07 07:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 07:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nouveau Becomes Friendly Towards Non-Root X Server | Tux Machines | Apr 07 07:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines iPhone becomes victim of Android’s success, | Apr 07 07:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | makes Apple worry | Apr 07 07:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 07:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | iPhone becomes victim of Android’s success, makes Apple worry | Tux Machines | Apr 07 07:19 | |
DaemonFC | Amazon has them for $99.99. Newegg has them for $119.99, and Best Buy has them for $149.99 | Apr 07 07:21 |
DaemonFC | I get 3% back of whatever I spend on Amazon because I have their credit card. | Apr 07 07:21 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 07 07:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Technicolor TC8305C DOCSIS 3 0 Wireless Gateway Cable Modem Great Condition | eBay [ ] | Apr 07 07:24 | |
DaemonFC | I'd be REAL careful about buying anything on ebay that says "XFINITY" (Comcast) on it. | Apr 07 07:24 |
DaemonFC | When you don't return their equipment, they bill you an outrageous amount for it, and then you technically own it. | Apr 07 07:25 |
DaemonFC | It won't work on anyone else's cable network though. | Apr 07 07:25 |
DaemonFC | They only used to charge $150, but it's like $500 now. | Apr 07 07:26 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: You are an amazing bargain hunter! | Apr 07 07:26 |
DaemonFC | They noticed that people were calling them up and canceling, paying the fee for not returning the modem, and then subscribing to Comcast again immediately. | Apr 07 07:26 |
DaemonFC | :) | Apr 07 07:26 |
DaemonFC | Then they owned the modem and never had to make another rental payment on it. | Apr 07 07:27 |
DaemonFC | msb_: I was going to buy that Chromebook at Best Buy, and then it turned out that only Windows XP laptops could be traded in. | Apr 07 07:27 |
DaemonFC | I have several old desktops in the closet that run XP, so I planned to pick the crappiest one and turn it in for the store credit. | Apr 07 07:28 |
DaemonFC | :( | Apr 07 07:28 |
msb_ | Can you run real Linux on a chromebook? | Apr 07 07:28 |
DaemonFC | You sure can. :) | Apr 07 07:28 |
DaemonFC | There are instructions on for installing Ubuntu to the SSD of an Acer C720 and wiping out Chrome OS. | Apr 07 07:29 |
DaemonFC | But you probably don't want to do that. | Apr 07 07:29 |
DaemonFC | What you *could* do is use external storage. | Apr 07 07:29 |
DaemonFC | Get a 64 or 128 GB USB 3.0 flash drive and make a Fedora image on it with persistent storage. | Apr 07 07:30 |
DaemonFC | Then plug it into the Chromebook's USB 3.0 port. | Apr 07 07:30 |
DaemonFC | Then you could switch between Fedora and Chrome OS by rebooting. | Apr 07 07:30 |
DaemonFC | msb_: You don't want to get the Samsung Chromebook with the arm processor in it if you want to run a regular GNU/Linux distribution. | Apr 07 07:31 |
DaemonFC | There's an unofficial Fedora image for the Samsung Chromebook, but it hasn't been updated since Fedora 18 iirc. | Apr 07 07:31 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Apr 07 07:36 |
DaemonFC | No. Technically, Windows XP won't become "less secure" than it was before when it goes out of support. All of the security problems that will be discovered after April 8th were there before April 8th. Many of them will have been there since 2001, or even before that (since many Windows vulnerabilities go back well into the 1990s). | Apr 07 07:36 |
DaemonFC | Tavis Ormandy found a problem with the NTVDM (NT Virtual DOS Machine) that dated back to the original Windows NT from 1993, which was still present in Windows 7. He privately informed Microsoft of it. Months passed, and they still hadn't fixed it, so he publicly reported it along with demonstration exploit code. Only then did Microsoft fix it. Then they said that HE was the one being irresponsible. | Apr 07 07:36 |
DaemonFC | I find it hysterical that people suddenly think that Windows XP is too dangerous to use. It was always too dangerous to use. 13 years and 5,000+ security patches later, and it's STILL dangerous. | Apr 07 07:36 |
DaemonFC | What does that say about how bad the original XP was? | Apr 07 07:36 |
msb_ | It probably has fluoride in it to rot your brain. | Apr 07 07:39 |
msb_ | Virtual software fluoride. | Apr 07 07:39 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: Actually it does. Fluoridated water destroys the pineal gland, which otherwise produces dimethyltryptamine, a psychedelic. Thanks to the US govt, everyone in this country has their pineal gland destroyed, so they live in a reality that's much less fun. | Apr 07 07:46 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: Likewise, every version of MS Windows lacks the software freedom and the 20 desktops you can get with Linux, so the MS computer experience is also very limited, and people don't know any better. | Apr 07 07:47 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: MS and fluoride are both techniques of mind-control, which enable the richest 1% to grab 99% of the wealth, without the other 99% of the population trying to do anything about it. | Apr 07 07:50 |
msb_ | Good movie -- Contagion 2011 - brain examination: The sulci are obliterated. Let's look at the base. Oh my god. You want me to take a sample? I want you to move away from the table. Should I call someone? Call everyone. | Apr 07 08:15 |
*freedomrun has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) | Apr 07 08:30 | |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 08:34 | |
MinceR | 022816 < DaemonFC> MinceR: Alternet is bugging me. | Apr 07 08:37 |
MinceR | disabling javascript might help | Apr 07 08:37 |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 07 09:27 |
DaemonFC | Does 4 GB of RAM really help out Chrome OS much? | Apr 07 09:33 |
DaemonFC | I noticed that a few Chromebooks have 4 GB instead of 2. | Apr 07 09:33 |
MinceR | i suspect it does, as the web is incredibly bloated | Apr 07 09:34 |
MinceR | and will keep getting more so | Apr 07 09:34 |
MinceR | i'm thinking of switching to a really lightweight browser, adding a few features (such as warning me somehow about animated gifs if the browser doesn't support them) | Apr 07 09:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | Apr 07 09:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 09:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New Google Chrome 35 Lands with Small Fixes for | Apr 07 09:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X | Apr 07 09:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 07 09:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 09:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | Apr 07 09:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Google Chrome 35 Lands with Small Fixes for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X | Tux Machines | Apr 07 09:57 | |
DaemonFC | MinceR: I just really don't like this desktop system very much. | Apr 07 09:59 |
DaemonFC | It takes up a ton of space, it's loud, it's unsightly, there's wires everywhere. | Apr 07 09:59 |
DaemonFC | I'm really thinking about shoving it onto Craigslist and replacing it with an Acer C720 Chromebook. | Apr 07 10:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | Apr 07 10:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 10:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | Apr 07 10:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | Apr 07 10:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 10:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines F2FS File-System Gains Large Directory Support, | Apr 07 10:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | More Tuning | Apr 07 10:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 10:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | Apr 07 10:11 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | F2FS File-System Gains Large Directory Support, More Tuning | Tux Machines | Apr 07 10:11 | |
*freedomrun has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Apr 07 10:14 | |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 10:27 | |
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | Apr 07 10:41 | |
*drreveng has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 07 11:04 | |
schestowitz__ | > Champagne corks probably were flying in Redmond. Elsewhere too, because | Apr 07 12:34 |
schestowitz__ | > now in America people can get fired for how they vote. Land of the free | Apr 07 12:34 |
schestowitz__ | > and all that. The fallout from this, if it grows, could be as bad as | Apr 07 12:34 |
schestowitz__ | > when Bush was appointed in the coup in 2000. | Apr 07 12:34 |
schestowitz__ | In today's article about MS control of the media I showed a potential role of MS mole. | Apr 07 12:34 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 07 12:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@marcusthetechie: @schestowitz nods well they could always upgrade to the next version #vista | Apr 07 12:39 | |
cubezzz | well some folks say that 4.3BSD was actually the most important OS ever written | Apr 07 12:43 |
MinceR | why? | Apr 07 12:44 |
cubezzz | it was the biggest undergirder of the internet | Apr 07 12:44 |
cubezzz | everyone used the bsd tcp/ip stack | Apr 07 12:45 |
cubezzz | it was open source before Linux and before Minix | Apr 07 12:46 |
MinceR | ic | Apr 07 12:46 |
cubezzz | DARPA looked at BBN's implementation of TCP/IP and BSD's implemenation and decided that the BSD version was superioer | Apr 07 12:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | Apr 07 12:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | retweeted by | Apr 07 12:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | @iArthurCDN | Apr 07 12:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 12:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Is Android good enough to be a laptop OS? | Apr 07 12:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 07 12:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 12:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | Apr 07 12:54 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is Android good enough to be a laptop OS? | Tux Machines | Apr 07 12:54 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: That's why you don't talk about who you voted for at work. | Apr 07 13:00 |
cubezzz | unix v7 is also very important and worthy of study: | Apr 07 13:00 |
cubezzz | v7 introduced stdio, bourne shell, awk, lex, yacc, lint, sed, m4 and make | Apr 07 13:01 |
cubezzz | not to mention pcc :) | Apr 07 13:01 |
MinceR | schestowitz__: what is that referring to? | Apr 07 13:01 |
Sosumi | kind of shameful | Apr 07 13:59 |
Sosumi | that new linksys router that was announced earlier this year | Apr 07 14:00 |
Sosumi | that one that they said they'd release the firmware sdk | Apr 07 14:00 |
Sosumi | is nowhere to be found | Apr 07 14:01 |
cubezzz | MinceR, can you access | Apr 07 14:01 |
Sosumi | well, neither the router nor the sdk :( | Apr 07 14:01 |
cubezzz | ah, there it goes | Apr 07 14:02 |
Sosumi | and I assume they'd at least put the sdk out in advance and specs before launching the actual piece | Apr 07 14:03 |
Sosumi | but no; so dumb... | Apr 07 14:03 |
cubezzz | I thought the WRT54GL was the router of choice for open source folks | Apr 07 14:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Windows XP Dies Tomorrow, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | Apr 07 14:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | Launches Next Week | Apr 07 14:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 14:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Windows XP Dies Tomorrow, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Launches Next Week | Tux Machines | Apr 07 14:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | Apr 07 14:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 14:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | Apr 07 14:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Microsoft XP users can turn to Linux as | Apr 07 14:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | alternative | Apr 07 14:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 14:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft XP users can turn to Linux as alternative | Tux Machines | Apr 07 14:06 | |
*abeNd-org (~kklenke@ has joined #techrights | Apr 07 14:14 | |
cubezzz | oh well, if the XP users all dump their PCs and buy new ones (which is obviously what Microsoft want) that's all the more cheap hardware for us | Apr 07 14:15 |
abeNd-org | yea, i have outfitted the rural libraries around here with discarded optiplex755, might be out of warranty, but they were free donations, core2duo, take up to 8gb ram & dirt cheap licensing through (there is still no really usable patron management system for linux workstations) | Apr 07 14:19 |
cubezzz | I'm still running Optiplex GX110 :) | Apr 07 14:20 |
Sosumi | the new one is the wrt1900ac | Apr 07 14:20 |
abeNd-org | gx110? woof, the beige rounded case? | Apr 07 14:20 |
cubezzz | it's a slimline :) | Apr 07 14:20 |
abeNd-org | im at the point though where i am a hardware snob even for donations, if it isnt core2duo & capable of 8gb ram, i dont want to have to bother with it. | Apr 07 14:21 |
cubezzz | if someone donated you a microvax you'd turn it down? :) | Apr 07 14:22 |
abeNd-org | lets just say most of the stuff individuals try to donate are broken bubble jet printers & stuff that would make the gx110 look new, a microvax isnt going to come down the line | Apr 07 14:23 |
cubezzz | ah well | Apr 07 14:24 |
abeNd-org | now customers of mine getting rid of old hardware however are more than happy to donate to the rural libraries around ere | Apr 07 14:24 |
abeNd-org | ^here | Apr 07 14:24 |
cubezzz | I wouldn't turn down a working 486 | Apr 07 14:25 |
cubezzz | I should really fix that old IBM | Apr 07 14:25 |
cubezzz | it's not high on the priority list though :) | Apr 07 14:25 |
abeNd-org | yea, but im also concerned about standardized parts across the "fleet" that i support probono | Apr 07 14:26 |
abeNd-org | if everything is a 755, which is pretty much is right now, then that makes my life easier | Apr 07 14:26 |
abeNd-org | only thing i wish i could get is someone to donate a boatload of 64gb SSD :P extend the life of those 755 even further | Apr 07 14:26 |
cubezzz | I like the slot 1 era, I got a bunch of those | Apr 07 14:26 |
MinceR | cubezzz: i can | Apr 07 14:29 |
abeNd-org | if i get old stuff ill ship it to you, if you pay for shipping :P | Apr 07 14:29 |
cubezzz | abeNd-org, where are you? | Apr 07 14:29 |
abeNd-org | DFW | Apr 07 14:29 |
cubezzz | Texas? | Apr 07 14:30 |
abeNd-org | yes | Apr 07 14:30 |
abeNd-org | you? | Apr 07 14:31 |
cubezzz | I'm close to Toronto :) | Apr 07 14:31 |
abeNd-org | hah that will be 'spensive shipping | Apr 07 14:32 |
cubezzz | let me know if you get a c64 though :) | Apr 07 14:32 |
cubezzz | actually you could make a few $$$ on ebay with those | Apr 07 14:34 |
abeNd-org | yea, ive got a few of those 755 with only 1gb ram, i need to sell some stuff to make up the $ to outfit them with 8gb ram | Apr 07 14:34 |
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 07 14:51 | |
Sosumi | | Apr 07 15:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@DrMarcusP: An example of what I mean about Western ignorance of Ukraine: Look where the BBC have placed #Donetsk and #Lugansk: | Apr 07 15:02 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@DrMarcusP: An example of what I mean about Western ignorance of Ukraine: Look where the BBC have placed #Donetsk and #Lugansk: | Apr 07 15:02 | |
Sosumi | lulz | Apr 07 15:02 |
msb_ | Smartphones and tablets are destroying civilization. The formerly excellent TV schedule listing has now been trashed and de-featured so it will fit into a postage stamp sized screen. God effing damn them! | Apr 07 15:07 |
Sosumi | how is 5 inches post stamp size | Apr 07 15:08 |
Sosumi | msb_ logic | Apr 07 15:08 |
*Sosumi shrugs | Apr 07 15:08 | |
msb_ | Hyperbole. It's still much too small to display a useful amount of information. | Apr 07 15:09 |
Sosumi | in between the pros and cons of portability, 5 inches is fine | Apr 07 15:10 |
Sosumi | just swipe down | Apr 07 15:10 |
msb_ | Any time anyone mentions "improving the user experience" it meanw they are going to s--t all over you. | Apr 07 15:10 |
msb_ | To hell with that. I want to see 6 hours of tv listings, not 3. I want to see 5 days x 24 hours of listings for any particular channel. I want to see the GD year of release of movies!!! They've trashed all that. | Apr 07 15:12 |
MinceR | my phone has a 1280x720 5.5" display | Apr 07 15:13 |
msb_ | I don't want to have to look through a effing keyhole at what was formerly a large 2-D listing, just because some people have tiny screens. | Apr 07 15:13 |
MinceR | it fits more information than some laptops. | Apr 07 15:13 |
msb_ | Good for you. I hope it came with a microscope. | Apr 07 15:13 |
MinceR | it didn't, but my eyes work. | Apr 07 15:13 |
MinceR | my tablet has a 1920x1200 7" display, that's a higher resolution than most monitors | Apr 07 15:14 |
Sosumi | I have a bottle of water that says "Pedras Salgadas" | Apr 07 15:14 |
Sosumi | now try to be that up | Apr 07 15:15 |
Sosumi | *beat | Apr 07 15:15 |
abeNd-org | they dont have a dropdown to select how much to show? | Apr 07 15:15 |
msb_ | I have a 1920x1080 27" screen. | Apr 07 15:15 |
msb_ | No. | Apr 07 15:15 |
MinceR | don't blame smartphones and tablets for people sucking at web design and web programming :> | Apr 07 15:15 |
msb_ | It used to be part of user preferences, which now mostly don't exist. | Apr 07 15:15 |
MinceR | crApple is making lack of configurability chic. | Apr 07 15:16 |
msb_ | I blame corps for catering to the lowest most stupid audience. | Apr 07 15:16 |
msb_ | The KDE4 devs did that too. | Apr 07 15:16 |
MinceR | gnome devs did that too | Apr 07 15:17 |
DaemonFC | Unless I can get an insanely good deal on a refurbished Chromebook, I might just wait for the Samsung Chromebook 2. | Apr 07 15:18 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 07 15:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Samsung Chromebook 2 set to square off against Intel-powered Chrome OS devices — Tech News and Analysis [ ] | Apr 07 15:19 | |
DaemonFC | These look pretty good. | Apr 07 15:19 |
msb_ | I would not trust any system that Google controls. | Apr 07 15:19 |
MinceR | chromebooks can be taken out of google control, afaik | Apr 07 15:19 |
MinceR | not sure how well supplied they are with gpu drivers for x, though | Apr 07 15:19 |
msb_ | Google used to have all Usenet text posts as far back as 1980, searchable. Then they threw it away. | Apr 07 15:20 |
msb_ | There's no way to talk to them anymore, either. Google is now just another corporate pig. | Apr 07 15:21 |
MinceR | indeed. | Apr 07 15:21 |
MinceR | at least their tech tends to suck somewhat less | Apr 07 15:21 |
MinceR | and tends to be a little more open | Apr 07 15:21 |
msb_ | BTW, when did laptops become "notebooks"? | Apr 07 15:21 |
msb_ | If I got one, it would have a 17" screen and a huge hard drive. | Apr 07 15:22 |
MinceR | when marketers decided it was not a good idea to suggest that people use them in their lap, i guess | Apr 07 15:22 |
MinceR | my first two laptops were huge, heavy, with 17" screens | Apr 07 15:22 |
MinceR | i'm still using my ThinkPad W700 at home. | Apr 07 15:23 |
Sosumi | by that definition then, a macbook air should only be used in the "air" | Apr 07 15:23 |
Sosumi | hopefully, it'll float too | Apr 07 15:23 |
msb_ | Well, you have to sit it down somewhere in order to type on it, so the only problem with being heavy is carrying it. | Apr 07 15:23 |
msb_ | Of course floating *would* be nice! | Apr 07 15:24 |
Sosumi | I bet there's an app for that | Apr 07 15:24 |
Sosumi | :) | Apr 07 15:24 |
msb_ | When did programs become "apps" ? | Apr 07 15:25 |
Sosumi | when crapple started calling them that | Apr 07 15:25 |
msb_ | Probably they don't want to remind people about how programmable *people* are! | Apr 07 15:26 |
msb_ | The poisoned Apple. | Apr 07 15:26 |
Sosumi | no, they just want ppl to think that their products are single purposed machines | Apr 07 15:26 |
Sosumi | aka, can't even properly multitask | Apr 07 15:26 |
MinceR | 162313 < Sosumi> by that definition then, a macbook air should only be used in the "air" | Apr 07 15:27 |
MinceR | no, but it's full of hot air | Apr 07 15:27 |
Sosumi | how so? facebook can't make a crapbook overheat | Apr 07 15:27 |
MinceR | crApple hype | Apr 07 15:28 |
msb_ | F---book -- there's another load of garbage contaminating the world. | Apr 07 15:28 |
MinceR | also, others probably called applications "apps" well before crApple did | Apr 07 15:29 |
msb_ | Whoever renamed directories as "folders" should be strangled. | Apr 07 15:29 |
msb_ | I'm in a bad mood today. Now it will be twice as much work to find out what's on TV. | Apr 07 15:30 |
msb_ | You can't see what was on last night either. | Apr 07 15:31 |
msb_ | I guess to the average moron yesterday never existed. | Apr 07 15:31 |
MinceR | | Apr 07 15:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | app [ ] | Apr 07 15:32 | |
msb_ | Apparently google tried to emulate f--kbook when they designed google+. It's people-oriented, not subject oriented. It's for people who don't/can't think. | Apr 07 15:34 |
msb_ | The Marching Morons. | Apr 07 15:35 |
msb_ | Soon we'll see ads for rocket trips to lovely new free homes on Venus. | Apr 07 15:35 |
MinceR | :) | Apr 07 15:35 |
msb_ | PopProbTerm | Apr 07 15:35 |
MinceR | i liked that novel | Apr 07 15:35 |
msb_ | Yeah. | Apr 07 15:36 |
msb_ | If it weren't for GNU/Linux/FOSS, we'd all be lobotomized now. | Apr 07 15:37 |
MinceR | | Apr 07 15:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Online Etymology Dictionary [ ] | Apr 07 15:37 | |
msb_ | And the Web too, of course. | Apr 07 15:37 |
MinceR | hm, not as old as i thought it was | Apr 07 15:37 |
msb_ | I wouldn't mind people using the term if they knew what a program is. | Apr 07 15:38 |
*siel has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Apr 07 15:40 | |
cubezzz | msb_, why not just use ? | Apr 07 15:41 |
msb_ | Thanks, I'll check it out. | Apr 07 15:41 |
cubezzz | it's got NAN errors, but basically it works :) | Apr 07 15:41 |
DaemonFC | Even the low end hardware has gotten pretty good these days. | Apr 07 15:43 |
msb_ | cubezzz: also show only 3 hours of listings, and it does not display the season#/episode# of series shows. But it does show the release year of movies. | Apr 07 15:52 |
cubezzz | msb_, you can specify the time though | Apr 07 15:53 |
msb_ | And you can see the previous day, which you can no longer do with zap2it. | Apr 07 15:54 |
cubezzz | there's probably some other way to tap into the info | Apr 07 15:55 |
msb_ | But the lack of season#/episode# is serious. | Apr 07 15:56 |
msb_ | If there is, I'd love to know it. | Apr 07 15:56 |
cubezzz | | Apr 07 15:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | TV Listings, Program Schedule, Channels, TV Guide - HuffPost TV | Apr 07 15:56 | |
cubezzz | curious george, season 5 episode 3 :) | Apr 07 15:58 |
cubezzz | Too Close for Comfort, season 1 episode 1 | Apr 07 15:59 |
cubezzz | seems to have want you want | Apr 07 15:59 |
*siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 15:59 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 15:59 | |
msb_ | I'm on, and even signed up for an aol account, god help me, but am still not seeing season#/ep#. | Apr 07 16:18 |
msb_ | cubezzz: what did you do to see that? | Apr 07 16:18 |
Sosumi | aol = america off line | Apr 07 16:20 |
Sosumi | and now more ukranian cities are demanding a referendum to join russia | Apr 07 16:42 |
Sosumi | after a couple of pro-russia militia men stormed some government buildings | Apr 07 16:42 |
Sosumi | earlier this morning | Apr 07 16:43 |
Sosumi | they're also demanding peace-keepers, of which russia says that it'll send only if the UN approves | Apr 07 16:43 |
Sosumi | so in other words, | Apr 07 16:44 |
Sosumi | the fascist coup master minded by the EU and the anglo-americans came back to hit them in the face | Apr 07 16:44 |
Sosumi | like a truck | Apr 07 16:44 |
Sosumi | and MinceR's favorite hungarian | Apr 07 16:45 |
Sosumi | Orban, is still president of Hungary | Apr 07 16:45 |
Sosumi | and since inflation is lowering in the whole EU | Apr 07 16:46 |
Sosumi | the ECB is going to take active measures to make sure prices go up, up, up | Apr 07 16:46 |
Sosumi | i think that sums it up for the day | Apr 07 16:47 |
Sosumi | and amd launched a new fire pro card | Apr 07 16:49 |
Sosumi | the w9100 | Apr 07 16:49 |
Sosumi | hardly beats the quadro k6000 on most stuff | Apr 07 16:50 |
Sosumi | but couldn't find any gnu/linux benchmarks | Apr 07 16:51 |
Sosumi | nor I have any idea how's the driver certification progress going on for amd on linux | Apr 07 16:52 |
MinceR | actually, he's prime minister | Apr 07 16:54 |
MinceR | janos ader is the president | Apr 07 16:55 |
MinceR | hungary is a system with a weak president | Apr 07 16:55 |
MinceR | orban might want to change that though, like putin did | Apr 07 16:55 |
MinceR | janos ader is a rubber-stamp robot | Apr 07 16:55 |
Sosumi | :) | Apr 07 17:07 |
Sosumi | | Apr 07 17:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Phoronix] Qualcomm Announces 64-bit Snapdragon Processors [ ] | Apr 07 17:13 | |
Sosumi | Donetsk just declared independence from ukraine | Apr 07 17:46 |
msb_ | Not many people like Nazis for some reason. | Apr 07 17:48 |
*abeNd-org has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 07 18:11 | |
MinceR | if not many people like nazis, then why do EPP member parties keep winning elections? | Apr 07 18:55 |
MinceR | and why do people like dictatorships and dictators so much? | Apr 07 18:55 |
Sosumi | and why do ppl keep voting in IMF/EU austerity bannerman | Apr 07 18:57 |
Sosumi | and sometimes not even voting, | Apr 07 18:58 |
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 18:58 | |
sebsebseb | hi | Apr 07 18:58 |
Sosumi | they just get appointed prime ministers | Apr 07 18:58 |
Sosumi | like in *cough* italy | Apr 07 18:58 |
Sosumi | seb³ | Apr 07 18:58 |
Sosumi | | Apr 07 19:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mike_giglio: Yes I have interviewed my cab driver on the way from the Donetsk airport and he would greet Russian troops "with flowers." | Apr 07 19:05 | |
Sosumi | and a kiss? | Apr 07 19:05 |
MinceR | and two blowjobs (one of them for putin) | Apr 07 19:08 |
Sosumi | that escalated quickly | Apr 07 19:08 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines KDE: Monday Report #10 | Apr 07 19:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 19:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE: Monday Report #10 | Tux Machines | Apr 07 19:18 | |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 19:30 | |
*pinky_cutie (~pinky_cut@ has joined #techrights | Apr 07 20:27 | |
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Sosumi | | Apr 07 20:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Emails Show Phil Schiller's Displeasure with Ad Agency's Efforts for Apple in Early 2013 - Mac Rumors [ ] | Apr 07 20:52 | |
DaemonFC | Nothing wrong with that, unless you experience a burning sensation about a week later. | Apr 07 20:53 |
Sosumi | phil schiller: "something drastic has to change. fast" | Apr 07 20:53 |
Sosumi | lawl | Apr 07 20:53 |
Sosumi | crapple selling premium sex toys now? a repurpose of the new mac pro | Apr 07 20:55 |
Sosumi | they are just desperate | Apr 07 21:00 |
Sosumi | with no direction | Apr 07 21:01 |
Sosumi | to the point they failed with shipments of the trashcan | Apr 07 21:01 |
Sosumi | and prior to that | Apr 07 21:01 |
Sosumi | with their redisigned imac | Apr 07 21:02 |
Sosumi | ios6 and 7 haven't seen much of a change | Apr 07 21:02 |
MinceR | well, hypeOS 7 got the LSD theme | Apr 07 21:03 |
MinceR | even uglier than it was :> | Apr 07 21:03 |
Sosumi | other than moving from "stitched leather" to lsd theme | Apr 07 21:03 |
*dissent (~Ponzo@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/vallor) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 21:03 | |
Sosumi | the stitched leather interface was actually what got scot "douchbag" forstal fired | Apr 07 21:04 |
*tessier ( has joined #techrights | Apr 07 21:06 | |
*tessier has quit (Changing host) | Apr 07 21:06 | |
*tessier (~treed@kernel-panic/copilotco) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 21:06 | |
Sosumi | | Apr 07 21:06 |
Sosumi | | Apr 07 21:06 |
MinceR | crApple never had "minimalist elegance" | Apr 07 21:07 |
Sosumi | even more horrible and unpleasant than ribbon | Apr 07 21:07 |
MinceR | maybe before OSuX, but even that's doubtful | Apr 07 21:08 |
Sosumi | no idea before osx | Apr 07 21:08 |
Sosumi | but, minimalistic elegance for crapple means removing choice | Apr 07 21:09 |
Sosumi | or hiding it away | Apr 07 21:09 |
Sosumi | and impose onto the user a standard defined by them | Apr 07 21:09 |
MinceR | oh, that makes sense | Apr 07 21:09 |
MinceR | in a way | Apr 07 21:09 |
Sosumi | which most of the times turn out to be worse than the previous "standard" | Apr 07 21:10 |
*vallor has quit (*.net *.split) | Apr 07 21:10 | |
*tessier_ has quit (*.net *.split) | Apr 07 21:10 | |
Sosumi | hence the stitched leather | Apr 07 21:10 |
Sosumi | and the lsd theme | Apr 07 21:10 |
Sosumi | when they could have just stayed on the brushed metal or the glossy plastic look | Apr 07 21:11 |
MinceR | stitched leather worked better on the back of samsung devices :> | Apr 07 21:11 |
Sosumi | I don't like stitched leather | Apr 07 21:11 |
MinceR | well, even in the OSuX i tried on a VM, they couldn't decide between brushed metal and water drops on ruled paper | Apr 07 21:11 |
MinceR | finder used both | Apr 07 21:11 |
MinceR | and yet the fanbois were gushing about how consistent it was :> | Apr 07 21:11 |
Sosumi | finder is not consistent | Apr 07 21:12 |
Sosumi | it got better recently wit the adding of tabbed navigation | Apr 07 21:13 |
MinceR | breadcrumbs? | Apr 07 21:13 |
Sosumi | lol | Apr 07 21:14 |
Sosumi | but is still a mess | Apr 07 21:14 |
Sosumi | forgets favorites if they're placed on an external drive | Apr 07 21:14 |
Sosumi | and so on | Apr 07 21:15 |
Sosumi | if i remember more crap to complain about finder, I'll say it | Apr 07 21:15 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 07 21:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Manjaro 0.8.9 Gets Its Third Update Pack with | Apr 07 21:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | Newer Linux Kernels | Apr 07 21:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 21:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Angie Byron on Drupal 8 out of the box | Apr 07 21:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 07 21:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 21:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Nouveau Picks Up Slightly Better OpenGL 4.0 | Apr 07 21:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | Support | Apr 07 21:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 21:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Manjaro 0.8.9 Gets Its Third Update Pack with Newer Linux Kernels | Tux Machines | Apr 07 21:23 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Angie Byron on Drupal 8 out of the box | Tux Machines | Apr 07 21:23 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nouveau Picks Up Slightly Better OpenGL 4.0 Support | Tux Machines | Apr 07 21:24 | |
msb_ | Regarding the necessity of GUI consistency: “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds,..." -- Emerson -- | Apr 07 21:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of littl...” [ ] | Apr 07 21:50 | |
msb_ | | Apr 07 21:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The fascist danger in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site [ ] | Apr 07 21:55 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 20-Way Intel/AMD/NVIDIA GPU Comparison With | Apr 07 22:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | Apr 07 22:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 22:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 20-Way Intel/AMD/NVIDIA GPU Comparison With Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | Tux Machines | Apr 07 22:23 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Why so much fuss over Windows XP’s expiry? | Apr 07 22:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 07 22:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why so much fuss over Windows XP’s expiry? | Tux Machines | Apr 07 22:23 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 22:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The end of Windows XP: Is it time to give Linux | Apr 07 22:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | a try? | Apr 07 22:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 22:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The end of Windows XP: Is it time to give Linux a try? | Tux Machines | Apr 07 22:23 | |
DaemonFC | hmmm | Apr 07 22:31 |
DaemonFC | It seems that Google Chromebooks have this stupid thing called Google Cloud Print. | Apr 07 22:31 |
DaemonFC | Basically it means that anything you print gets sent to Google and then re-routed to your printer, which means you need to buy a new printer. | Apr 07 22:32 |
msb_ | Why? | Apr 07 22:40 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: Does the cloud get the printer all wet? | Apr 07 22:40 |
MinceR | kinky | Apr 07 22:41 |
msb_ | 8^) | Apr 07 22:42 |
DaemonFC | They say it's so they don't have to ship support for a bunch of printers. | Apr 07 22:47 |
MinceR | but actually it's so that the nsa can have a good look at everything you print | Apr 07 22:47 |
MinceR | also, there are printers where you can submit a job on a web interface, so it isn't really needed. | Apr 07 22:48 |
DaemonFC | Right. There's no GOOD reason why they can't just connect to the printer some other way. | Apr 07 23:03 |
DaemonFC | It's spyware. | Apr 07 23:03 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: They have a list of ways you can use it. | Apr 07 23:05 |
DaemonFC | You can use a regular printer by connecting it to a Windows PC or a Mac and installing some special software from Google. | Apr 07 23:05 |
DaemonFC | You can buy a new printer that Google can send print jobs to. | Apr 07 23:06 |
DaemonFC | Or you can submit it as a print job for FedEx and get a code to enter that prints the pages out when you get there. | Apr 07 23:06 |
MinceR | gn | Apr 07 23:20 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 07 23:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google - Cloud Print [ ] | Apr 07 23:28 | |
DaemonFC | That sees like a big pain in the ass just to print an occasional page. | Apr 07 23:28 |
DaemonFC | seems | Apr 07 23:29 |
DaemonFC | Printers are just evil in general. | Apr 07 23:31 |
DaemonFC | HP and others even go so far as to code their printer cartridges with an expiration date. | Apr 07 23:32 |
DaemonFC | Starting the day you put the cartridge in the printer, it starts a countdown, so that the damned thing will eventually refuse to print, even if you have ink left. | Apr 07 23:32 |
DaemonFC | I hate printers so much that I just go to the library and use one of their computers when I need a copy of something. | Apr 07 23:34 |
DaemonFC | It's much cheaper to pay them 20 cents a page than it is to buy a printer and play the ink cartridge games | Apr 07 23:34 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 07 23:48 | |
DaemonFC | I'm digging through the refurb laptops on the Acer outlet storefront. | Apr 08 00:03 |
DaemonFC | That $150 C720 is so tempting. | Apr 08 00:03 |
DaemonFC | Where else do you get a laptop that does anything for $150? :) | Apr 08 00:03 |
DaemonFC | Google says that once a Chromebook has had the first user sign in, that no further users are eligible for any of the "goodies" though. | Apr 08 00:04 |
DaemonFC | including two years of free 100 GB Google Drive | Apr 08 00:04 |
DaemonFC | So, that wipes out at least $50 in value right off the bat. | Apr 08 00:04 |
DaemonFC | A 15 GB Google Drive is free though. I already have one because I use Android. | Apr 08 00:05 |
DaemonFC | If you don't do much with it except uploading photos and stuff, 15 GB should be sufficient. | Apr 08 00:07 |
DaemonFC | Plus, you can always use a thumb drive. | Apr 08 00:08 |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 00:25 | |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 08 01:16 | |
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DaemonFC | | Apr 08 01:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | imgur: the simple image sharer | Apr 08 01:44 | |
DaemonFC | LOL | Apr 08 01:44 |
*dissent is now known as vallor | Apr 08 02:56 | |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | Apr 08 03:32 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 08 03:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AMD, Mentor Graphics Partner on Embedded Linux | Apr 08 04:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | Development | Apr 08 04:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 04:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMD, Mentor Graphics Partner on Embedded Linux Development | Tux Machines | Apr 08 04:07 | |
*vallor has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 08 04:11 | |
*vallor (~Ponzo@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/vallor) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 04:12 | |
*Agnesi ( has joined #techrights | Apr 08 04:14 | |
*vallor has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 08 04:16 | |
*Sosumi has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 08 04:17 | |
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 04:23 | |
DaemonFC | MinceR: What do you think. | Apr 08 04:24 |
DaemonFC | Is losing the 2 years of free Google Drive worth the $50 I'd save on a refurb Chromebook? | Apr 08 04:24 |
DaemonFC | :) | Apr 08 04:24 |
DaemonFC | I decided to change my Amazon Smile charity to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. | Apr 08 04:54 |
*vallor (~Ponzo@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/vallor) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 05:24 | |
msb_ | cubezzz: By turning off popup blocking and AdBlockPlus I was able to see Season/Episode numbers in the aol tv schedule. But it runs audiovisual flash ads when I click on a show to see that, which could crash my computer. Also it shows only 2.5hours of schedule, and the time selector doesn't work -- ask for 10PM and I get 10AM. Also no movie year, nor original series ep broadcast date. No better than zap2it, which now has season/ep | Apr 08 05:33 |
msb_ | numbers again. | Apr 08 05:33 |
msb_ | Basically, it's the shits. | Apr 08 05:34 |
msb_ | I will NOT have a website blasting me with ads! Ads are victimization by corporate psychopaths. | Apr 08 05:36 |
msb_ | (Unless they're small, silent, easy to ignore, and don't F up my software.) | Apr 08 05:36 |
Agnesi | toner doesn't have an expiration date | Apr 08 06:30 |
Agnesi | nor it dries | Apr 08 06:30 |
Agnesi | so, laser printers ftw | Apr 08 06:31 |
Agnesi | not to mention that text looks much better on laser than on ink | Apr 08 06:31 |
cubezzz | eh? how could it crash your computer? | Apr 08 07:10 |
cubezzz | well, I'll see what else I can find | Apr 08 07:11 |
MinceR | i suppose by triggering video driver bugs | Apr 08 07:22 |
MinceR | that said, i've never seen it happen | Apr 08 07:22 |
MinceR | the most was taking the browser down with it and even that was ages ago | Apr 08 07:22 |
*DaemonFC` (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 07:33 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | Apr 08 07:33 | |
cubezzz | try this one: | Apr 08 07:38 |
cubezzz | | Apr 08 07:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | TV Listings Guide - TiVo [ ] | Apr 08 07:38 | |
cubezzz | debian has something called "Freeguide" | Apr 08 07:41 |
cubezzz | also tv-browser | Apr 08 07:47 |
cubezzz | also set up a free trail on | Apr 08 07:51 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Schedules Direct | Apr 08 07:51 | |
cubezzz | once I figure out the true source of the tv info I'll hack up a text based program | Apr 08 08:02 |
msb_ | cubezzz: Hi! I was asleep for a while there. | Apr 08 08:06 |
msb_ | I've had some crashes the seem to relate to high usage of cpu by firefox. | Apr 08 08:07 |
cubezzz | there's even one for KDE | Apr 08 08:07 |
cubezzz | I'm compiling it now to check it out | Apr 08 08:07 |
msb_ | Might also have been due to cpu overheating before I cleaned its heatsink fins. | Apr 08 08:07 |
cubezzz | bah, the kde project seems abandoned | Apr 08 08:09 |
msb_ | Have to go do something now, back in 15 min. or so. Thanks for your help! I'll try the sites you've suggested when I get back. | Apr 08 08:09 |
msb_ | Where did it get its data from? | Apr 08 08:10 |
cubezzz | yeah it seems it's called a "grabber" | Apr 08 08:14 |
cubezzz | this looks more promising: | Apr 08 08:17 |
cubezzz | | Apr 08 08:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | mc2xml | Apr 08 08:17 | |
cubezzz | msb_, mc2xml looks like it's the best of the bunch | Apr 08 08:20 |
amarsh04 | new kernel time | Apr 08 08:21 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 08 08:21 | |
cubezzz | it seems it actually downloads from zap2it :) | Apr 08 08:21 |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 08:24 | |
msb_ | segment fault -- core dumped | Apr 08 08:38 |
msb_ | OK, back now. | Apr 08 08:38 |
msb_ | cubezzz: Well if it DLs from zap2it, it ain't gonna work anymore. | Apr 08 08:38 |
cubezzz | I just used it | Apr 08 08:38 |
msb_ | Ruby has a great web-page scraping library, and some years ago I used it to get data from some TV site. | Apr 08 08:39 |
cubezzz | there's a dozen busted-ass projects I'm wading through | Apr 08 08:39 |
msb_ | Did mc2xml give a useful xml file? | Apr 08 08:41 |
cubezzz | it did | Apr 08 08:42 |
cubezzz | ha! | Apr 08 08:44 |
cubezzz | hahaha | Apr 08 08:44 |
cubezzz | awesome, so maxemum actually does work, in tandem with mc2xml | Apr 08 08:45 |
cubezzz | | Apr 08 08:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 08 08:46 | |
cubezzz | it's there now | Apr 08 08:47 |
cubezzz | note the categories, that's handy | Apr 08 08:49 |
cubezzz | and best of all msb_, KDE 3.5.10 compatible :) | Apr 08 08:49 |
msb_ | Yowza! | Apr 08 08:49 |
cubezzz | so to set it up I did: ./mc2xml -g l1j6t2 -c ca | Apr 08 08:50 |
cubezzz | so you would just put in your zip code and us I reckon | Apr 08 08:50 |
cubezzz | then set up maxemum to point to your xmltv.xml file | Apr 08 08:51 |
msb_ | Where do I get maxemum? | Apr 08 08:52 |
cubezzz | it's small so I'll host it | Apr 08 08:53 |
cubezzz | | Apr 08 08:53 |
cubezzz | looks like mc2xml grabs 3 weeks of data | Apr 08 08:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines LTO Support Coming To Linux 3.15, Making For A | Apr 08 08:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | Faster Kernel | Apr 08 08:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 08:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LTO Support Coming To Linux 3.15, Making For A Faster Kernel | Tux Machines | Apr 08 08:55 | |
cubezzz | I'm using a buffalo zip so I get the us channels too | Apr 08 09:06 |
msb_ | cubezzz: maxemum won't compile: fatal error: dcopclient.h: No such file or directory -- suse repo doesn't seem to have an rpm with it | Apr 08 09:08 |
cubezzz | are you sure you don't have that file somewhere? | Apr 08 09:09 |
msb_ | actually I do! /opt/kde3/include/dcopclient.h | Apr 08 09:10 |
msb_ | how do I tell make where to find it? | Apr 08 09:10 |
cubezzz | the usual place is /usr/include | Apr 08 09:11 |
cubezzz | ah, the categories toggle | Apr 08 09:12 |
msb_ | Hah? | Apr 08 09:14 |
msb_ | cubezzz: where is that toggle? | Apr 08 09:16 |
cubezzz | it's in channels and categories | Apr 08 09:17 |
cubezzz | you un-hilight everything, you see everything | Apr 08 09:17 |
cubezzz | otherwise you only see what you have hilighted | Apr 08 09:17 |
*DaemonFC` has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 08 09:19 | |
msb_ | How do I tell make to look in /opt/kde3/include for .h files? | Apr 08 09:19 |
cubezzz | easier to just copy the file into /usr/include | Apr 08 09:20 |
msb_ | ok, I'm on my 3rd .h file! | Apr 08 09:20 |
MinceR | | Apr 08 09:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Heartbleed Bug | Apr 08 09:22 | |
cubezzz | whadda know, dragnet is still on | Apr 08 09:22 |
cubezzz | | Apr 08 09:23 |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 08 09:26 |
msb_ | cubezzz: OK, after copying 5 .h files, I'm now getting a big C++ error. Can I PM that to you? | Apr 08 09:28 |
cubezzz | sure | Apr 08 09:29 |
msb_ | there it is. Maybe you could just send me your executable? | Apr 08 09:30 |
msb_ | I'll put on goggles and a protective suit before I run it. | Apr 08 09:31 |
cubezzz | | Apr 08 09:34 |
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | Apr 08 09:38 | |
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Seeved | hello | Apr 08 10:39 |
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*Now talking on #techrights | Apr 08 10:40 | |
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*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 18:16:19 2012 | Apr 08 10:40 | |
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*Seeved has quit (Quit: Lost terminal) | Apr 08 10:55 | |
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Agnesi | | Apr 08 11:06 |
Agnesi | "Samsung Galaxy S5 review" | Apr 08 11:07 |
*roy_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 08 11:07 | |
Agnesi | label me unimpressed | Apr 08 11:07 |
*Agnesi is now known as Sosumi | Apr 08 11:07 | |
*roy_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 11:07 | |
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*ChanServ gives channel operator status to MinceR | Apr 08 11:20 | |
*MinceR sticks a sticker saying "unimpressed" on Sosumi | Apr 08 11:20 | |
Sosumi | :) | Apr 08 11:20 |
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*Now talking on #techrights | Apr 08 11:27 | |
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*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 18:16:19 2012 | Apr 08 11:27 | |
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TechrightsBot-tr | Hello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.75 | Apr 08 11:31 |
schestowitz_bed2 | [23:34] <DaemonFC> I hate printers so much that I just go to the library and use one of their computers when I need a copy of something. | Apr 08 11:36 |
schestowitz_bed2 | [23:34] <DaemonFC> It's much cheaper to pay them 20 cents a page than it is to buy a printer and play the ink cartridge games | Apr 08 11:36 |
schestowitz_bed2 | I'm the saem | Apr 08 11:36 |
schestowitz_bed2 | in a photo development shop | Apr 08 11:37 |
schestowitz_bed2 | they also make better prints | Apr 08 11:37 |
schestowitz_bed2 | the idea of printing from home is the anti-sharing mentality | Apr 08 11:37 |
schestowitz_bed2 | where rather than a family sharing a landline each carries a tracking device | Apr 08 11:37 |
schestowitz_bed2 | and people buy several of each thing instead of sharing | Apr 08 11:37 |
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*vallor (~Ponzo@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/vallor) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 11:40 | |
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DaemonFC | schestowitz_bed2: They have family plans. A smartphone is a computer. You don't really want to share it with people. | Apr 08 11:47 |
DaemonFC | I do like that Android Beam. | Apr 08 11:47 |
DaemonFC | Where you can beam files to other Android phones. | Apr 08 11:48 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz_bed2: I'll bet that Google made some kind of deal with HP. | Apr 08 11:52 |
DaemonFC | They make Chromebooks and then Google sabotages the OS to where it can't run a printer connected over USB. | Apr 08 11:53 |
DaemonFC | suddenly you need a "google cloud print" printer that sends all your documents to the NSA | Apr 08 11:54 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz_bed2: I did end up snagging that $149.99 refurbished C720. | Apr 08 11:54 |
DaemonFC | I was hoping to get one for $99 at Best Buy in exchange for one of my XP boat anchors that's been in the bedroom closet for years. | Apr 08 11:55 |
DaemonFC | But the real deal ended up being honored only if you trade in a laptop. | Apr 08 11:55 |
schestowitz_bed2 | [13:00] <DaemonFC> schestowitz__: That's why you don't talk about who you voted for at work. | Apr 08 11:56 |
schestowitz_bed2 | [13:01] <MinceR> schestowitz__: what is that referring to? | Apr 08 11:57 |
schestowitz_bed2 | Eich incident | Apr 08 11:57 |
*schestowitz_bed2 is now known as schestowitz__ | Apr 08 11:57 | |
schestowitz__ | [11:54] <DaemonFC> suddenly you need a "google cloud print" printer that sends all your documents to the NSA | Apr 08 11:57 |
schestowitz__ | !google eff printer suerveillance | Apr 08 11:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Printer Dots | Electronic Frontier Foundation | | Apr 08 11:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - deeplinks/printers - | Electronic Frontier Foundation | | Apr 08 11:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Printers | Electronic Frontier Foundation | | Apr 08 11:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - The SSD Project - EFF Surveillance Self-Defense Project | | Apr 08 11:57 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: If people don't want to take the consequences for donating to offensive causes, then they shouldn't do that. | Apr 08 11:58 |
MinceR | i thought it was about funding, not voting | Apr 08 11:58 |
schestowitz__ | both count | Apr 08 11:58 |
schestowitz__ | in a workplace | Apr 08 11:58 |
DaemonFC | I changed my Amazon Smile charity to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. | Apr 08 11:58 |
schestowitz__ | a superior might not promote someone for voting far right | Apr 08 11:58 |
schestowitz__ | or even Republican, which in the US is "acceptable" far right | Apr 08 11:58 |
schestowitz__ | DaemonFC: good for you | Apr 08 11:59 |
schestowitz__ | yuo might be on a "list" for that | Apr 08 11:59 |
schestowitz__ | one day you put a sticker on your laptop and the next day you're accused of working for FSB in Moscow | Apr 08 12:00 |
MinceR | i tend to peel stickers off my laptops | Apr 08 12:01 |
MinceR | especially the winblows ads | Apr 08 12:01 |
MinceR | also helps reduce the bazaar look :> | Apr 08 12:01 |
schestowitz__ | I did that too | Apr 08 12:01 |
schestowitz__ | Some don't peel off so well | Apr 08 12:02 |
cubezzz | haha, I figure you did that MinceR :) | Apr 08 12:02 |
MinceR | some stickers i would like to retain tend to peel off their own | Apr 08 12:03 |
MinceR | the nSeries sticker on my dHell became an empty silvery rectangle after a while | Apr 08 12:03 |
schestowitz__ | meh | Apr 08 12:03 |
schestowitz__ | mine has warranty sticker | Apr 08 12:03 |
MinceR | the GNU or FSF (i can't remember which) sticker i replaced it with also became a silvery circle | Apr 08 12:03 |
schestowitz__ | covering the remnants of a Windows Vistas sticker that did not peel off so well | Apr 08 12:03 |
schestowitz__ | Because, you know, it's Vista | Apr 08 12:04 |
MinceR | the ThinkPad logo on the wrist pad of my tablet PC became a hollow shape | Apr 08 12:04 |
schestowitz__ | nothing works well | Apr 08 12:04 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 08 12:04 |
MinceR | my sweat probably dissolves the solvents | Apr 08 12:04 |
cubezzz | at least they don't stamp MICROSOFT into the laptop's molecular structure :) | Apr 08 12:04 |
MinceR | yet | Apr 08 12:04 |
schestowitz__ | There is also ATI sticker (AMD) and Intel on it | Apr 08 12:04 |
schestowitz__ | I leave the Intel one on because it might not peel off well | Apr 08 12:04 |
*|Omega| is now known as Omega | Apr 08 12:04 | |
schestowitz__ | and it look a bit fancy with hologramic effect | Apr 08 12:04 |
MinceR | i don't mind the intel stickers | Apr 08 12:05 |
schestowitz__ | It's like "smoking kills" sticker | Apr 08 12:05 |
schestowitz__ | "centrino Inside" | Apr 08 12:05 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: Some of those Chromebooks are covered in stickers. | Apr 08 12:05 |
schestowitz__ | [12:04] <MinceR> my sweat probably dissolves the solvents | Apr 08 12:06 |
DaemonFC | "OMG, THIS HAS WIRELESS N ZOMG!!!!" | Apr 08 12:06 |
schestowitz__ | Is Absurdistan ever getting so warm? | Apr 08 12:06 |
DaemonFC | "ZOMG INTEL INSIDE!!!!" | Apr 08 12:06 |
schestowitz__ | Yeah | Apr 08 12:06 |
cubezzz | avoiding Intel is tough | Apr 08 12:06 |
DaemonFC | I think that the one I bought only has the Intel sticker. | Apr 08 12:06 |
MinceR | my EeePC had lots of stickers | Apr 08 12:06 |
schestowitz__ | Did Google trademark "Chrome"? | Apr 08 12:06 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 08 12:06 |
DaemonFC | It has a Haswell Celeron. | Apr 08 12:06 |
schestowitz__ | Or did it strugglew like ti does with "Glass"? | Apr 08 12:06 |
schestowitz__ | MS got "Windows", but Google can't get "Glass" | Apr 08 12:07 |
MinceR | schestowitz__: the unhabitable concrete box i live in has no air conditioning | Apr 08 12:07 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: I think that the C720 is the best deal out there right now, especially refurbished. | Apr 08 12:07 |
MinceR | or proper insulation | Apr 08 12:07 |
DaemonFC | Where else are you going to get a laptop that does all that for $150? | Apr 08 12:07 |
cubezzz | it's still cold here | Apr 08 12:07 |
cubezzz | 1 C | Apr 08 12:07 |
DaemonFC | As far as I know, there aren't any $150 Windows laptops out there at all. | Apr 08 12:07 |
MinceR | eventually my sweat took off the intel stickers too, iirc | Apr 08 12:07 |
MinceR | but those didn't come apart | Apr 08 12:08 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: They could probably get the price down some more if they went with AMD. | Apr 08 12:09 |
DaemonFC | for the Chromebooks | Apr 08 12:09 |
DaemonFC | The fact that there's an Intel processor in there at all, even just a Celeron, probably raises the price $20-30. | Apr 08 12:10 |
DaemonFC | They could be selling these things brand new for $150 and making a profit with AMD processors. | Apr 08 12:10 |
DaemonFC | I deliberately stayed away from the Samsung Chromebook. | Apr 08 12:13 |
MinceR | my 'replace the laptop with an arm tablet' project failed | Apr 08 12:14 |
DaemonFC | It's more expensive, it's slower, and it has proprietary graphics drivers that aren't included in standard GNU/Linux distributions, so it's very hard to run anything other than Chrome OS on it. | Apr 08 12:14 |
DaemonFC | Yeah. | Apr 08 12:14 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: I tried that back in 2011 with an Archos G9. | Apr 08 12:14 |
DaemonFC | They're just not good enough. | Apr 08 12:14 |
MinceR | mainly because the android UI is not that keyboard-friendly and can't run x2x or synergy | Apr 08 12:14 |
MinceR | (it traps alt+tab and super+tab for the same thing, and i can't let them through to bVNC) | Apr 08 12:15 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: Swype works fine on phones. | Apr 08 12:15 |
MinceR | hacker's keyboard works fine on phones and tablets | Apr 08 12:15 |
MinceR | well, sometimes it gets a little sluggish | Apr 08 12:15 |
MinceR | also, i couldn't get the armhf qemu binaries to run for x86 or arm guests | Apr 08 12:16 |
MinceR | maybe i didn't have enough memory | Apr 08 12:16 |
MinceR | a dualboot-capable rom would solve the UI problems and free up memory for GNU | Apr 08 12:18 |
MinceR | eventually | Apr 08 12:19 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 08 12:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kate Mulgrew Is in a Doc that Argues the Sun Revolves Around the Earth [ ] | Apr 08 12:29 | |
DaemonFC | That's just sad. | Apr 08 12:29 |
MinceR | indeed | Apr 08 12:31 |
MinceR | i guess this is dementia | Apr 08 12:32 |
cubezzz | I thought geocentricism went out a few centuries ago | Apr 08 12:40 |
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Apr 08 12:42 | |
MinceR | not in christian taliban land | Apr 08 12:42 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 08 12:49 | |
schestowitz__ | [12:07] <MinceR> schestowitz__: the unhabitable concrete box i live in has no air conditioning | Apr 08 12:56 |
schestowitz__ | Being sweaty in a box makes me too irritable to work well | Apr 08 12:57 |
MinceR | living in Mordor irritates me even more | Apr 08 12:57 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 12:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SEEVed: @schestowitz i wonder a simple hack to boot off usb loading the same OS with a x86 kernel on a disk-less desktop | Apr 08 12:58 | |
schestowitz__ | MinceR: how bad is it, on an intl scope, on a scale of 1-10 (worst)? | Apr 08 12:59 |
schestowitz__ | I'd rank UK 3 | Apr 08 12:59 |
MinceR | depends on what you compare it to | Apr 08 12:59 |
MinceR | much worse than the UK | Apr 08 12:59 |
schestowitz__ | seems like scandinavia might be a 2 | Apr 08 12:59 |
schestowitz__ | I don't see many hungarian migrants here | Apr 08 12:59 |
schestowitz__ | except the 'famous' one, Soros | Apr 08 12:59 |
MinceR | there are plenty of hungarian migrants in london, UK | Apr 08 12:59 |
schestowitz__ | Many from Poland though | Apr 08 13:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Death of Window XP Is a Golden Opportunity for | Apr 08 13:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux | Apr 08 13:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 13:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Brendan Eich's ouster shows lynch mob at work | Apr 08 13:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 13:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 13:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Death of Window XP Is a Golden Opportunity for Linux | Tux Machines | Apr 08 13:00 | |
MinceR | yeah, i've heard they hate poles there | Apr 08 13:00 |
schestowitz__ | I think half a million, maybe just in London it would be hundreds of thousands who are becoming the scapegoats of Brits who follow government (plutocrats') papers | Apr 08 13:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Brendan Eich's ouster shows lynch mob at work | Tux Machines | Apr 08 13:00 | |
schestowitz__ | The papers here are very racist | Apr 08 13:01 |
schestowitz__ | but covertly | Apr 08 13:01 |
schestowitz__ | not they insult romanians | Apr 08 13:01 |
schestowitz__ | and bulgarians too sometimes | Apr 08 13:01 |
schestowitz__ | even though most brits don't seem to view these as anything other than well educated people who can create companies here | Apr 08 13:01 |
MinceR | also, i've heard they believe that hungarians using the word "kurva" are poles | Apr 08 13:01 |
schestowitz__ | The press here is toxis | Apr 08 13:01 |
schestowitz__ | ev en faily exprress and faildependent, not just dailyfail | Apr 08 13:02 |
schestowitz__ | I sometimes pick a paper to inspect headlines at the sauna - wouldn't come across these toxic papers otherwise | Apr 08 13:02 |
schestowitz__ | front page now is almost always xenophobic | Apr 08 13:02 |
MinceR | what is their motivation for that? | Apr 08 13:02 |
schestowitz__ | divide and rule | Apr 08 13:09 |
schestowitz__ | people here vent out anger at impoverished people | Apr 08 13:09 |
schestowitz__ | blacks, Asians, east Europeans... | Apr 08 13:09 |
schestowitz__ | or lower class, like "chavs", construction, etc. | Apr 08 13:09 |
schestowitz__ | Not bankers, lawyers, loas sharks... | Apr 08 13:09 |
*XFaCE has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Apr 08 13:17 | |
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*XFaCE (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 13:22 | |
schestowitz__ | MinceR: many immigration laws are race-agnostic | Apr 08 13:23 |
schestowitz__ | so it's common to warp immigration laws while holding on to Muslim terrorism as a bait | Apr 08 13:23 |
schestowitz__ | carrot and stick | Apr 08 13:23 |
schestowitz__ | like copyright lobbyists do with child pron | Apr 08 13:23 |
*trn (jhj@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:feae:3efa) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 13:24 | |
MinceR | | Apr 08 13:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-name lookup timed out ( status 0 @ ) | Apr 08 13:34 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Canonical Shows Off Unity8 (Mir) and Unity7 | Apr 08 14:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | (X11) Running at the Same Time on the Same PC | Apr 08 14:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 14:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 14:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Open-Source Graphics Performance With | Apr 08 14:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | Unvanquished | Apr 08 14:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 14:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Phone Pricing Will Fall Within $200-400 | Apr 08 14:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | Category, Mobile OS Can Run In A Desktop | Apr 08 14:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | Operating System As Well | Apr 08 14:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 14:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Canonical Shows Off Unity8 (Mir) and Unity7 (X11) Running at the Same Time on the Same PC | Tux Machines | Apr 08 14:10 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open-Source Graphics Performance With Unvanquished | Tux Machines | Apr 08 14:10 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Phone Pricing Will Fall Within $200-400 Category, Mobile OS Can Run In A Desktop Operating System As Well | Tux Machines | Apr 08 14:10 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines For HTPC folks, XBMC recommends an upgrade from | Apr 08 14:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | Windows XP to Linux | Apr 08 14:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 14:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | For HTPC folks, XBMC recommends an upgrade from Windows XP to Linux | Tux Machines | Apr 08 14:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Will it ever be the year of the Linux Desktop? | Apr 08 14:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 14:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 14:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Will it ever be the year of the Linux Desktop? | Tux Machines | Apr 08 14:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines How Git redefined open source software | Apr 08 14:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | development | Apr 08 14:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 14:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How Git redefined open source software development | Tux Machines | Apr 08 14:11 | |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | Apr 08 14:44 | |
cubezzz | interesting fact.. | Apr 08 14:54 |
cubezzz | in 1984 Lexidata had a 1280x1024x8 display :) | Apr 08 14:54 |
cubezzz | it was used with an early version of the X window system | Apr 08 14:55 |
MinceR | :) | Apr 08 14:56 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Apr 08 14:58 | |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Former Chief Security Officer for Microsoft the | Apr 08 18:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | Chairman of the Board of Firm Behind | Apr 08 18:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | Heartbleed® | Apr 08 18:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 18:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Koushik Dutta releases AllCast beta for Amazon | Apr 08 18:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | FireTV | Apr 08 18:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 18:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Raspberry Pi to Deliver a Modular Device for | Apr 08 18:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | Businesses | Apr 08 18:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 18:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AMD Releases The Radeon R9 295X | Apr 08 18:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 18:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 18:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Clonezilla Live 2.2.2-35 Distro for Backup Is | Apr 08 18:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ready for Testing | Apr 08 18:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 18:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Former Chief Security Officer for Microsoft the Chairman of the Board of Firm Behind Heartbleed® | Tux Machines | Apr 08 18:05 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Koushik Dutta releases AllCast beta for Amazon FireTV | Tux Machines | Apr 08 18:05 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi to Deliver a Modular Device for Businesses | Tux Machines | Apr 08 18:05 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMD Releases The Radeon R9 295X | Tux Machines | Apr 08 18:05 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Clonezilla Live 2.2.2-35 Distro for Backup Is Ready for Testing | Tux Machines | Apr 08 18:05 | |
*Caleb (4c5b81b1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrights | Apr 08 18:16 | |
*Caleb is now known as Guest65600 | Apr 08 18:17 | |
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schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 18:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@dr_chris_jones: @JesselynRadack @schestowitz @TruthTalkerUSA Hayden is a Nazi. | Apr 08 18:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Replace the Retiring Windows XP with Linux | Apr 08 19:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 19:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 19:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines CRYENGINE to Arrive on Steam for Linux Soon | Apr 08 19:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 19:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 19:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AAEON EMB-BT1: A Linux-Friendly, Mini-ITX, Atom | Apr 08 19:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | "Bay Trail" Board | Apr 08 19:22 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 19:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Replace the Retiring Windows XP with Linux | Tux Machines | Apr 08 19:22 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CRYENGINE to Arrive on Steam for Linux Soon | Tux Machines | Apr 08 19:22 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AAEON EMB-BT1: A Linux-Friendly, Mini-ITX, Atom "Bay Trail" Board | Tux Machines | Apr 08 19:22 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 19:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: at the butcher...  #butcher #nonvegetarian #pigs #reversal #humans #humanbeings #flesh #meat #slaughter #painting | Apr 08 19:49 | |
schestowitz__ | "I like meat a lot, but if I had to kill by myself my own food I would be vegetarian for sure." | Apr 08 19:50 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 19:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ A report from last year said that only one in 50 people killed by #drones was identified as "leader" (hence "target"). That's accuracy? | Apr 08 19:50 | |
schestowitz__ | "How were they identified exactly? And how many new "leaders" did the strike generate." | Apr 08 19:50 |
MinceR | yum yum | Apr 08 19:50 |
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 08 20:05 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 20:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #UN orders #Japan to halt #whale hunt the photo says it all really. | Apr 08 20:19 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | UN orders Japan to halt whale hunt | Muktware [ ] | Apr 08 20:19 | |
schestowitz__ | "Headlines you will never see: UN orders US to halt deer hunt UN orders US to halt seal hunt UN orders US to halt fish hunt UN orders US to halt bird hunt UN orders US to halt factory farming I'm not saying I'm for whaling I'mHeadlines you will never see: UN orders US to halt deer hunt UN orders US to halt seal hunt UN orders US to halt fish hunt UN orders US to halt bird hunt UN orders US to halt factory farming I'm not saying I'm | Apr 08 20:19 |
schestowitz__ | for whaling I'm just saying the UN and the western powers it truly represents are and will continue to be selective about who they chastise." just saying the UN and the western powers it truly represents are and will continue to be selective about who they chastise. | Apr 08 20:19 |
schestowitz__ | > "Critical crypto bug in OpenSSL opens two-thirds of the Web to | Apr 08 20:48 |
schestowitz__ | > eavesdropping" | Apr 08 20:48 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 08 20:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Critical crypto bug in OpenSSL opens two-thirds of the Web to eavesdropping | Ars Technica [ ] | Apr 08 20:48 | |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 08 20:48 |
schestowitz__ | > "‘Heartbleed’ OpenSSL Bug Left HTTPS Servers Vulnerable For Two Years" | Apr 08 20:48 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 08 20:48 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 08 20:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'Heartbleed' OpenSSL Bug Left HTTPS Servers Vulnerable For Two Years [ ] | Apr 08 20:48 | |
schestowitz__ | > you already covered these, including the M$ connection... | Apr 08 20:48 |
schestowitz__ | And FBI. Schmidt had worked with them as well. They're worse than NSA. | Apr 08 20:48 |
Jibbler | everyone going on about this "two thirds of the web" being vulnerable is wrong | Apr 08 20:52 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 20:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@dr_chris_jones: @schestowitz @Microsoft @window Big problem is people seriously hooked to OS of choice. That's partly why Linux has market share of 1.5% | Apr 08 20:52 | |
schestowitz__ | Jibbler: Ars | Apr 08 20:52 |
schestowitz__ | !google techrights Fox technica | Apr 08 20:52 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Links: Privacy Erosion and Other Technological ... - Techrights | | Apr 08 20:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - 2014 March 25 | Techrights | | Apr 08 20:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Links: News About Surveillance, Covert Intervention ... - Techrights | | Apr 08 20:53 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Recent FUD About GNU/Linux Security May be Related ... - Techrights | | Apr 08 20:53 |
Jibbler | several other news places are saying the same thing | Apr 08 20:53 |
schestowitz__ | it has far more than that if one includes mobile and tablets | Apr 08 20:53 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 20:53 |
schestowitz__ | Jibbler: maybe the lies sold by the Schmidy idiot | Apr 08 20:53 |
schestowitz__ | worked for the FBI (worse than NSA) | Apr 08 20:54 |
schestowitz__ | Then MS | Apr 08 20:54 |
schestowitz__ | the back doors partner of the NSA | Apr 08 20:54 |
schestowitz__ | Now smears FOSS | Apr 08 20:54 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 20:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Former Chief Security Officer for Microsoft the Chairman of the Board of Firm Behind Heartbleed® | Techrights [ ] | Apr 08 20:56 | |
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | Apr 08 21:01 | |
*puppywatch has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Apr 08 21:02 | |
*libertyboxes has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Apr 08 21:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Huawei Ascend Y530, First Take: Entry-level | Apr 08 21:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | smartphone with 'simple' Android UI option | Apr 08 21:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 21:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 21:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Huawei Ascend Y530, First Take: Entry-level smartphone with 'simple' Android UI option | Tux Machines | Apr 08 21:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Hackable home automation controller runs | Apr 08 21:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | Android | Apr 08 21:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 21:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hackable home automation controller runs Android | Tux Machines | Apr 08 21:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fedora 21 Looks To Have A "Playground" | Apr 08 21:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | Repository | Apr 08 21:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 21:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora 21 Looks To Have A "Playground" Repository | Tux Machines | Apr 08 21:12 | |
schestowitz__ | linux distros named:,serious-openssl-bug-renders-websites-wide-open.aspx | Apr 08 21:23 |
schestowitz__ | talk about timing | Apr 08 21:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Serious OpenSSL bug renders websites wide open - Security - Technology - News - [ ] | Apr 08 21:23 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 21:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Running Windows XP programs on Linux Mint with CrossOver | ZDNet [ ] | Apr 08 21:55 | |
schestowitz__ | Troll: "SVJN, your obsession to kill windows and Microsoft is truly becoming pathetic. This is your Nth post of how or why replace Windows XP with Linux. We all got the message! Please take your pills." | Apr 08 21:55 |
schestowitz__ | MS got caught spreading shills specifically in ZDnet | Apr 08 21:55 |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | Apr 08 22:06 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | Apr 08 22:06 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 22:06 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 22:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ 6 Ubuntu One Alternatives but giving files to someone else is never an alternative, just more of the same | Apr 08 22:24 | |
schestowitz__ | "ownCloud is the only one on that list to trust as you can host your own (as I do). Sync, share, web access, calendars, contacts, document editor. Everything you come to expect. iOS, Android, Linux desktop clients abound." | Apr 08 22:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | 6 Ubuntu One Alternatives - TechShout [ ] | Apr 08 22:24 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines elementary OS "Isis" First Details Revealed, It | Apr 08 23:08 |
TweetTuxMachines | Looks Unbelievably Good – Video | Apr 08 23:08 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 23:08 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 23:08 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Raspberry Pi morphs into $30 SODIMM-style COM | Apr 08 23:08 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 23:08 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 23:08 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | elementary OS "Isis" First Details Revealed, It Looks Unbelievably Good – Video | Tux Machines | Apr 08 23:08 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi morphs into $30 SODIMM-style COM | Tux Machines | Apr 08 23:08 | |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | Apr 08 23:24 | |
MinceR | gn | Apr 08 23:46 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 23:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #hayden ad hominem attacks responded to: #cia #nsa | Apr 08 23:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Democrats call out ex-CIA chief's 'condescending' remarks | MSNBC [ ] | Apr 08 23:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Ron Wyden rips former CIA director for suggesting 'deeply emotional feelings' tempered 'torture' report | [ ] | Apr 08 23:56 | |
schestowitz__ | "Because nothing is emotional about torture is it? Just a job, causing people intense pain and emotional discomfort? Or is it an emotional response driven by fear and malice designed to terrify people into submission?" | Apr 08 23:56 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 23:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Control by fear: new #propaganda film frames #cia as foiling "plot to launch a biological attack in London." | Apr 08 23:56 | |
schestowitz__ | "Hysteria is required to justify power and torture." | Apr 08 23:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Noomi Rapace to play CIA agent - [ ] | Apr 08 23:56 | |
schestowitz__ | In some houses, people spend an hour and a half watching a film | Apr 09 00:01 |
schestowitz__ | here we spend an hour and a half watching interviews with whistleblowers :-) | Apr 09 00:01 |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | Apr 09 00:32 | |
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 09 00:48 | |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | Apr 09 01:09 | |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | Apr 09 02:05 | |
*DaemonFC is listening to Shine Down by Godsmack on IV [Amarok] | Apr 09 02:16 | |
DaemonFC | 21 secs · | Apr 09 02:31 |
DaemonFC | I've got an offer on one of my really old computers. | Apr 09 02:31 |
DaemonFC | I put it on Craigslist for $30 just to get rid of it. It would never run a version of Windows newer than XP, but it could still run Xubuntu or something and make a really nice computer for web browsing and older video games. | Apr 09 02:31 |
DaemonFC | Most of the stuff on Good Old Games runs in Wine (software), and there's so many old games that I could never have afforded new that are like $5 now, with no DRM. | Apr 09 02:31 |
DaemonFC | Wine has gotten to the point where it's really a better Windows than Windows, especially with the PlayOnLinux front end. | Apr 09 02:31 |
DaemonFC | People just don't appreciate what an old computer can really do. They lose their value very fast because the current version of Windows is a big bloated behemoth that barely runs on some systems that are quite fast. | Apr 09 02:31 |
DaemonFC | Swapping out Windows for GNU/Linux is like telling a person that they can either carry 1,000 pounds of dead weight up a hill or trim it down to the 50 pounds of essentials. Windows really is quite awful. I refuse to ever touch it again. | Apr 09 02:31 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 09 02:45 |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 09 02:52 | |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 09 02:52 | |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | Apr 09 02:56 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 09 03:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ‘Star Trek’s Kate Mulgrew on geocentrist film: ‘I was a voice for hire, and a misinformed one’ | The Raw Story [ ] | Apr 09 03:16 | |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 09 03:27 | |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | Apr 09 03:32 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 09 03:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Star Trek's Kate Mulgrew says she was tricked into narrating film that argues the Sun revolves around Earth · Newswire · The A.V. Club [ ] | Apr 09 03:47 | |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Apr 09 04:15 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 09 04:31 | |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 09 05:45 | |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 09 05:49 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 09 06:28 | |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 09 06:35 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 09 08:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Samsung Chromebook 2 set to square off against Intel-powered Chrome OS devices — Tech News and Analysis [ ] | Apr 09 08:20 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: I think that they're probably overkill for Chrome OS. | Apr 09 08:20 |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 09 09:06 |
*Jibbler has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Apr 09 09:19 | |
*Jibbler ( has joined #techrights | Apr 09 09:19 | |
DaemonFC | I'm going to sell my Archos 80 G9 tablet. | Apr 09 09:33 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 09 09:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "The inventor of the American suburban shopping mall was a socialist. Could his creation have been saved?" | Apr 09 09:33 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The Shopping Mall’s Socialist Pre-History | Jacobin | Apr 09 09:33 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "America and other European nations...dump their nuclear waste in Somalia’s now unprotected seas." | Apr 09 09:33 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | You Been Lied To: 7 Things You May Not Know About Somali 'Pirates' - Atlanta Black Star | Apr 09 09:33 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme." ~ Attributed to Mark Twain | Apr 09 09:33 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Geopolitics of Empire: Mackinder's Heartland Theory and the Containment of Russia -- Puppet Masters -- | Apr 09 09:33 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Laziness | Apr 09 09:33 | |
DaemonFC | They stopped updating it at Android 4.0.4, and it's not the fastest thing around. :P | Apr 09 09:33 |
schestowitz__ | DaemonFC: I mentioned that Best Buy deal | Apr 09 09:33 |
schestowitz__ | twice in articles | Apr 09 09:33 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 09 09:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The one problem about EPIC is that some of its key people came from top #prism conspirator: Ray Ozzie | Apr 09 09:34 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC): Got Microsoft? | Techrights | Apr 09 09:34 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Google Glass and #Privacy as long as #google is in #prism this should obviously be avoided | Apr 09 09:34 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | EPIC - Google Glass and Privacy | Apr 09 09:34 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #Snowden Speaks: A Vanity Fair Exclusive "limit to the amount of incivility and inequality and inhumanity" | Apr 09 09:34 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Snowden Speaks: A Vanity Fair Exclusive | Vanity Fair | Apr 09 09:34 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: The deal is a little different than what the news said. | Apr 09 09:34 |
DaemonFC | You can only trade in a Windows XP LAPTOP. | Apr 09 09:35 |
DaemonFC | They won't take desktops. | Apr 09 09:35 |
schestowitz__ | ha | Apr 09 09:35 |
DaemonFC | So I put that old system on Craigslist. | Apr 09 09:35 |
schestowitz__ | bastards | Apr 09 09:35 |
DaemonFC | I'm going to sell it for $30. | Apr 09 09:35 |
DaemonFC | Some guy made me an offer on it. I just want rid of it. | Apr 09 09:35 |
schestowitz__ | why bother? | Apr 09 09:35 |
schestowitz__ | the trouble is greater than $30 in value | Apr 09 09:35 |
schestowitz__ | make a home server out of it | Apr 09 09:36 |
schestowitz__ | or backup machine | Apr 09 09:36 |
DaemonFC | It beats having it taking up space | Apr 09 09:36 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: The hard drive has a bunch of bad sectors. | Apr 09 09:39 |
DaemonFC | I guess I could pop in that 1 TB drive I had from this system. | Apr 09 09:39 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 09 09:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dell Venue Pro 8 - Windows 8.1 Tablet [ ] | Apr 09 09:45 | |
DaemonFC | Does this have Restricted Boot? | Apr 09 09:45 |
DaemonFC | The Archos 80 G9 was fairly fast until I updated it to Ice Cream Sandwich. | Apr 09 09:55 |
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | Apr 09 10:19 | |
cubezzz | I think there will be more Linux users due to XP's EOL | Apr 09 10:23 |
cubezzz | OR... microsoft could release the source code for XP and everyone could improve it as they see fit | Apr 09 10:24 |
cubezzz | 2.11BSD and 4.3BSD still are still updated | Apr 09 10:26 |
cubezzz | I've done it myself | Apr 09 10:26 |
cubezzz | >> 2.11BSD and 4.3BSD are still updated | Apr 09 10:27 |
cubezzz | people need to be reminded how important 4.3BSD was | Apr 09 10:29 |
cubezzz | it was the template for most of the *nix derivatives that came later | Apr 09 10:31 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 09 10:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Buying Choices: Acer 11.6" Chromebook 2 GB 16 GB | C720-2802 [ ] | Apr 09 10:47 | |
DaemonFC | Acer is selling more of these for $149.99 as refurbs. | Apr 09 10:47 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 09 10:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Acer Chromebook C720 review - YouTube [ ] | Apr 09 10:47 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 09 11:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | No, Kate Mulgrew Does NOT Believe The Sun Orbits The Earth [ ] | Apr 09 11:32 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: I'll set up the Chromebook right away when it arrives. | Apr 09 11:33 |
DaemonFC | I have a feeling that I got more computer than I paid for. | Apr 09 11:33 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 09 11:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: NVIDIA Releases First Linux Driver with Overclock Features #nvidia #linux | Apr 09 11:43 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | NVIDIA Releases First Linux Driver with Overclock Features | Apr 09 11:43 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "The inventor of the American suburban shopping mall was a socialist. Could his creation have been saved?" | Apr 09 11:43 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The Shopping Mall’s Socialist Pre-History | Jacobin | Apr 09 11:43 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 09 11:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "America and other European nations...dump their nuclear waste in Somalia’s now unprotected seas." | Apr 09 11:43 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | You Been Lied To: 7 Things You May Not Know About Somali 'Pirates' - Atlanta Black Star | Apr 09 11:43 | |
*schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | Apr 09 11:59 | |
-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | Apr 09 12:00 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Apr 09 12:00 | |
schestowitz | | Apr 09 13:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Tony Blair: We should invade Syria whether the British public wants it or not serial #warcriminal | Apr 09 13:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Tony Blair: We should invade Syria whether the British public wants it or not - Stop the War Coalition [ ] | Apr 09 13:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Time to migrate away from XP | Apr 09 13:00 | |
DaemonFC | Someone suggested rigging my phone up to let me tether without paying Sprint extra. | Apr 09 13:05 |
DaemonFC | That would void the warranty on my phone, and I think that Sprint would know something was going on when I started using 500 GB a month of mobile data. | Apr 09 13:06 |
DaemonFC | :) | Apr 09 13:06 |
schestowitz | | Apr 09 13:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: Walk like a dinosaur? <img src=""> via <a href="">the pluss</a> | Apr 09 13:07 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Google+ [ ] | Apr 09 13:07 | |
schestowitz | "Oh my gosh :-D" | Apr 09 13:07 |
DaemonFC | 2 secs · | Apr 09 13:26 |
DaemonFC | I actually saw an app for sale in Apple's app store, that tells Apple users how to calculate a tip. | Apr 09 13:26 |
DaemonFC | So, let me get this straight. Someone who got through school after managing to flunk basic math has an $849 phone. | Apr 09 13:26 |
DaemonFC | One wonders how these people do that. They can't all be Walmart managers, can they? | Apr 09 13:26 |
DaemonFC | Anyway, sitting there wondering how little you can get away with tipping someone that makes $2.13 an hour, instead of rounding up to the nearest dollar, while you're holding an $849 phone, officially makes you the douchiest douche in doucheville. | Apr 09 13:26 |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 09 13:27 | |
DaemonFC | shared a link via | Apr 09 13:30 |
DaemonFC | 8 seconds ago | Apr 09 13:30 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 09 13:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Comcast Takes 2014 Prize For Worst Company In America - Slashdot [ ] | Apr 09 13:30 | |
DaemonFC | ABSOLUTELY!!!! **** COMCAST! **** them in their stupid faces! I hope they all get **** and **** rot and die horrible deaths! | Apr 09 13:30 |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 09 13:31 | |
cubezzz | | Apr 09 13:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | DSL Internet Service | Cheap DSL | NetZero | Apr 09 13:35 | |
Sosumi | | Apr 09 13:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Comcast considers creating its own mobile phone service | Ars Technica [ ] | Apr 09 13:43 | |
Sosumi | lulz | Apr 09 13:43 |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 09 13:44 | |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | Apr 09 13:49 | |
*Andromm (~androirc@ has joined #techrights | Apr 09 14:14 | |
*Andromm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Apr 09 14:16 | |
*Andromm (~androirc@ has joined #techrights | Apr 09 14:16 | |
Sosumi | | Apr 09 14:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@ProSyriana: #Wahhabism #SaudiArabia | Apr 09 14:16 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@ProSyriana: #Wahhabism #SaudiArabia | Apr 09 14:16 | |
Sosumi | "If a women gets raped walking in public alone, then she, herself is at fault! She is only seducing m,en by her presence! She should have stayed home like a Muslim Women!" | Apr 09 14:18 |
Sosumi | as said by Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Fawzan Al-Fawzan, professor of islamic law, KSA | Apr 09 14:18 |
Sosumi | *facepalm* | Apr 09 14:18 |
MinceR | that's abrahamic religion for you | Apr 09 14:19 |
Sosumi | aka some dude dressed in table sheets | Apr 09 14:19 |
MinceR | dresses vary, savagery remains | Apr 09 14:22 |
*Andromm has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 09 14:23 | |
Sosumi | well, they could follow their dumb religion without the need of pushing it to the limit | Apr 09 14:23 |
MinceR | they could but they don't seem to want to | Apr 09 14:24 |
Sosumi | | Apr 09 14:24 |
Sosumi | there some Jewjitsu folks | Apr 09 14:25 |
Sosumi | same crap | Apr 09 14:25 |
*wisjsgxys (~androirc@ has joined #techrights | Apr 09 15:12 | |
*wisjsgxys is now known as kdmdjdkd | Apr 09 15:12 | |
*kdmdjdkd is now known as nxijejcidnd | Apr 09 15:12 | |
*nxijejcidnd is now known as djdjidicfijdcb | Apr 09 15:13 | |
*djdjidicfijdcb is now known as lklklikplpl | Apr 09 15:13 | |
*lklklikplpl has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 09 15:18 | |
DaemonFC | [08:43] <Sosumi> lulz | Apr 09 15:21 |
DaemonFC | Well, at least it gives people who were bitching about Sprint something to hate even worse. | Apr 09 15:22 |
DaemonFC | There is actually some competition for mobile phone carriers. | Apr 09 15:23 |
DaemonFC | There's four big ones in the United States, and you can use any of them in any area. | Apr 09 15:24 |
DaemonFC | With POTS, you had one phone company in your area, and that was that. | Apr 09 15:24 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 09 15:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Molyneux: “I’m sure they’re going to release an Xbox One without Kinect.” | Ars Technica [ ] | Apr 09 15:30 | |
DaemonFC | "I actually wish Kinect wasn't a requirement. It feels like an unnecessary add-on to me. Maybe it's because we're in England, and it doesn't really use the TV stuff, but it feels more and more like a joke. My son and I sit there saying random things at it, and it doesn't work. They could cost-reduce it [by removing Kinect]. I'm sure they’re going to release an Xbox One without Kinect. It would be unthinkable that they wouldn't." | Apr 09 15:30 |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 09 15:30 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 09 15:36 | |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | Apr 09 15:49 | |
Sosumi | remind me why one should buy an xbox? | Apr 09 15:49 |
Sosumi | expensive door stopper? | Apr 09 15:49 |
Sosumi | stepping block? | Apr 09 15:50 |
Sosumi | when the ps4 is cheaper and more powerful | Apr 09 15:50 |
MinceR | one should not. | Apr 09 15:51 |
Sosumi | and actually has some nice gimmicky stuff with the psvita that lets you stream ps4 games into it | Apr 09 15:51 |
Sosumi | kind of like the nvidia shield does | Apr 09 15:51 |
Sosumi | even m$ DrPizza_ doesn't have one | Apr 09 15:52 |
Sosumi | plus I don't know | Apr 09 15:56 |
Sosumi | would you like to have some kid yelling at you while playing online | Apr 09 15:56 |
Sosumi | ? | Apr 09 15:56 |
MinceR | nope | Apr 09 15:57 |
Sosumi | I see it unfortunate that not a lot come to gnu/linux | Apr 09 15:57 |
Sosumi | but at least the price barrier | Apr 09 15:57 |
Sosumi | keeps those lil'dudes away | Apr 09 15:57 |
Sosumi | *the p+rice barrier of pc gaming | Apr 09 15:59 |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | Apr 09 16:00 | |
*jono is now known as Guest1478 | Apr 09 16:00 | |
*Guest1478 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 09 16:00 | |
*jono_ ( has joined #techrights | Apr 09 16:00 | |
cubezzz | heh, just tapped into RTVE Brazil | Apr 09 17:19 |
cubezzz | tvfox is kind of neat | Apr 09 17:20 |
cubezzz | a weird mix of flash and mplayer plugins | Apr 09 17:26 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 09 17:34 | |
cubezzz | ATV Baku works | Apr 09 17:47 |
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Read error: No route to host) | Apr 09 18:20 | |
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-NickServ-roy_! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | Apr 09 18:21 | |
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*MinceR_ is now known as MinceR | Apr 09 20:29 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to MinceR | Apr 09 20:44 | |
Sosumi | one of the dudes responsible for the LSD inspired ios7 has just been booted out of crapple | Apr 09 20:44 |
Sosumi | now the entire gui design will fall under jony ive | Apr 09 20:45 |
MinceR | it will still suck | Apr 09 20:46 |
MinceR | all their principles are ass backwards | Apr 09 20:46 |
Sosumi | you know, that guy who made a "computing" buttplug | Apr 09 20:46 |
Sosumi | well... | Apr 09 20:47 |
Sosumi | maybe the buttplug was conceived in order to prevent their principles from ever coming out of their, collective, asses | Apr 09 20:48 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 09 20:48 |
MinceR | gn | Apr 09 21:23 |
Sosumi | o/ | Apr 09 21:24 |
Sosumi | ios7 in one image | Apr 09 22:16 |
Sosumi | | Apr 09 22:16 |
Sosumi | | Apr 09 22:19 |
Sosumi | and GN | Apr 09 22:19 |
msb_ | Sosumi: These Jews in black -- aren't their bare hands an abomination unto the Lord? | Apr 10 00:06 |
msb_ | cubezzz: Thanks for all the help you gave me on TV listings! When I have time I'll write a program to sift through the XML and show exactly what I want. | Apr 10 00:08 |
*jono_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Apr 10 02:09 | |
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-NickServ-schestowitz__! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | Apr 10 02:26 | |
*schestowitz__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Apr 10 02:26 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Write error: Broken pipe) | Apr 10 02:26 | |
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XFaCE | schestowitz__: hello | Apr 10 04:38 |
*jono_ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | Apr 10 04:59 | |
*jono_ ( has joined #techrights | Apr 10 05:13 | |
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 10 05:21 | |
Sosumi | msb_, if those jews in black lift their veils | Apr 10 06:32 |
Sosumi | they'll suck your soul away | Apr 10 06:32 |
Sosumi | and leave you as nothing more than a withered cadaver | Apr 10 06:33 |
Sosumi | :) | Apr 10 06:33 |
Sosumi | nothing the bugs will want ya | Apr 10 06:33 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 10 06:35 | |
*jono_ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | Apr 10 07:18 | |
schestowitz__ | XFaCE: hey | Apr 10 08:30 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 08:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@paulhindes: LOL. They think this will help their int'l appeal. MT @schestowitz: #dropbox adds war criminal to board not satire | Apr 10 08:31 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Condoleezza Rice Joins Dropbox’s Board As It Names New CFO, COO | TechCrunch | Apr 10 08:31 | |
schestowitz__ | [00:06] <msb_> Sosumi: These Jews in black -- aren't their bare hands an abomination unto the Lord? | Apr 10 08:32 |
schestowitz__ | LOL | Apr 10 08:32 |
schestowitz__ | is this real? | Apr 10 08:33 |
schestowitz__ | Looks like crossover of Saudi women and penguins | Apr 10 08:33 |
msb_ | I dunno, but they're rather scary. | Apr 10 08:33 |
msb_ | I'm sure they have machine guns under those robesl | Apr 10 08:34 |
msb_ | But please, not penguins! More like zombies. | Apr 10 08:34 |
schestowitz__ | xbox watches YOU | Apr 10 08:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Molyneux: “I’m sure they’re going to release an Xbox One without Kinect.” | Ars Technica [ ] | Apr 10 08:36 | |
schestowitz__ | Idiots | Apr 10 08:36 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 09:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: conservative voter...  #conservatives #conservatism #voter #vote #voting #votingcounts #thereisadifference #republicans #rightwingers #bigots #racists #redstates | Apr 10 09:04 | |
schestowitz__ | ""conservative" ?! in germany we call it: #NAZI one #world | one #future |one #color .... #red like blood" | Apr 10 09:04 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 09:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #PirateParty Vindicated By Highest #EU Court, Killing Mass #Surveillance Law. Oldmedia Reacts By Writing Cat Story | Apr 10 09:23 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Pirate Party Vindicated By Highest EU Court, Killing Mass Surveillance Law. Oldmedia Reacts By Writing Cat Story. - Falkvinge on Infopolicy [ ] | Apr 10 09:23 | |
schestowitz__ | "Swedish media is, for all it's political correctness, shockingly void of dissent." | Apr 10 09:23 |
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Apr 10 09:55 | |
*schestowitz__ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Apr 10 09:55 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrights | Apr 10 09:55 | |
*schestowitz__ ( has joined #techrights | Apr 10 09:55 | |
-NickServ-schestowitz__! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | Apr 10 09:55 | |
*schestowitz__ has quit (Changing host) | Apr 10 09:55 | |
*schestowitz__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Apr 10 09:55 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 10:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: 'Professor' radical religions an issue irrespective of which | Apr 10 10:02 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: UK 'aid' is financing a corporate scramble for Africa #uk #africa #imperialsm | Apr 10 10:02 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | UK 'aid' is financing a corporate scramble for Africa - News - The Ecologist | Apr 10 10:02 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #prism foreseen | Apr 10 10:02 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 10:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #nsa #prism #dropbox : hey, why do we collect people's data and then pass it to the military? Let's just make an interface for direct upload | Apr 10 10:03 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 10:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@nermincanik: @schestowitz Are you sure? :-/ Is it true? @linuxfoundation | Apr 10 10:21 | |
schestowitz__ | " All good, seems fixed or unaffected! " | Apr 10 10:24 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 10:24 |
Sosumi | schestowitz__ those veiled jews are real | Apr 10 10:34 |
Sosumi | | Apr 10 10:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLE [ ] | Apr 10 10:35 | |
Sosumi | and here | Apr 10 10:35 |
Sosumi | a jewjitsu marriage | Apr 10 10:35 |
Sosumi | | Apr 10 10:36 |
Sosumi | the only difference is that the will be wife wears a fancy burqa | Apr 10 10:36 |
schestowitz__ | troll headlines | Apr 10 10:36 |
schestowitz__ | always question marks | Apr 10 10:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is iOS better for developers than Android? | ITworld [ ] | Apr 10 10:36 | |
Sosumi | ios has a paywall to start actually developing for it | Apr 10 10:37 |
schestowitz__ | Does this stay on all the time though? | Apr 10 10:37 |
Sosumi | while android doesn't | Apr 10 10:37 |
schestowitz__ | Other religions have that type of wedding gown too, with ther veil coming off | Apr 10 10:37 |
Sosumi | hardcore jewish women also wear a hijab | Apr 10 10:38 |
schestowitz__ | Google News should remove articles locked behind paywalls | Apr 10 10:45 |
schestowitz__ | Sosumi: is that like a wig? | Apr 10 10:45 |
schestowitz__ | somone told me 2 years ago that the orthodox ones wear wigs, which I didn't know | Apr 10 10:45 |
schestowitz__ | Now, imagine a religion that makes boob jobs mandatory | Apr 10 10:46 |
Sosumi | | Apr 10 10:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jerusalem exhibition lifts the veil on Hasidic Jewish culture | World news | The Guardian [ ] | Apr 10 10:46 | |
Sosumi | those | Apr 10 10:46 |
schestowitz__ | as opposed to genital mutilation | Apr 10 10:46 |
schestowitz__ | Sosumi: ah, those... looks like nursing | Apr 10 10:46 |
Sosumi | yep | Apr 10 10:46 |
Sosumi | kind of a short hijab | Apr 10 10:46 |
schestowitz__ | can you access | Apr 10 10:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Log In - The New York Times [ ] | Apr 10 10:47 | |
schestowitz__ | I wonder what they say.. | Apr 10 10:47 |
Sosumi | I can | Apr 10 10:47 |
Sosumi | HAVE you ever wondered what happened to Linux? Linux is the free software created through the open source development process that many technology enthusiasts had predicted would revolutionize the world of computing. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | It may not be widely known, but Linux did revolutionize computing. If you own an Android phone or a Kindle e-reader, you are a Linux user. Linux is at the core of those popular devices and is found in a variety of other places, from the world’s most powerful supercomputers down to the tiny Raspberry Pi device that is a favorite among electronics hobbyists. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | But Linux has had less success in personal computers. Fewer than 2 percent of desktop or laptop computers run it, according to a survey by Net Applications. That could be because for the bulk of Windows and Mac users, switching entirely to Linux probably does not make sense. But exploring Linux could still be worth the time for those looking for a proven, low-cost alternative to the two mainstream operating systems. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | Installing Linux as the main operating system on a spare computer is one way to explore it. Some versions can also run live on a CD or DVD, but a more flexible choice may be to run it “virtually.” That way, it can run within Windows or Mac OS X and a variety of Linux versions can be installed. Programs like VirtualBox or VMware Fusion make this possible. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | To do this, you will need to figure out a few things. Does your computer have a 32-bit or 64-bit processor? (Most newer ones are 64-bit, but Linux is available for either.) And you may need to enable your processor’s virtualization capabilities. If you become stuck, plenty of online tutorials are available to help. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | There are many types of Linux. At their core, many are the same. But their interfaces and applications may differ, as well as the level of support from the open-source community. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | Bodhi Linux is all about minimalism and performance. This makes it an option for older or “low-end” systems. The desktop setup, called Enlightenment, is frugal with resources while offering an eye-catching and straightforward experience. The desktop is free of clutter, the task bar is well organized and menus are easy to navigate. The other stated ideal of Bodhi is choice. While only a basic set of applications are installed by default, | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | users can download more from an AppCenter with free software organized in categories like office, education and multimedia. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | Linux Mint offers a choice of desktop environments, including one called Cinnamon. A Mac or Windows user may find Cinnamon intuitive to navigate. There is a task bar along the bottom, with a menu button on the left that provides access to applications, system settings and folders. A number of useful programs can be installed by default, like LibreOffice, an Office-like software set; the Firefox browser; Adobe Flash for media like YouTube vi | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | deos; Thunderbird for mail; Pidgin for instant messaging; and GIMP for image editing. A built-in Software Manager provides a way to download and install many more applications. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | Ubuntu is one of the more widely known versions of Linux and also one of the simplest to install. An installation program can replace an existing system or, in some cases, set Ubuntu to be an option when a computer starts up. The desktop environment, called Unity, has a tablet-like look. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | Ubuntu comes with a collection of installed applications like Firefox and LibreOffice. It also has an online storage feature called Ubuntu One, with five gigabytes of free storage for photos, music and other files; access to these can be made from within Ubuntu or across devices like phones, Macs and PCs. If you are not a fan of the Unity layout, you can try Xubuntu and Lubuntu for a more familiar look. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | Fedora was started in 2003 as an offshoot of Red Hat Linux. Still sponsored by Red Hat Inc., Fedora has gained a reputation as a testing ground for features that may end up in Red Hat Enterprise Linux. New editions are released frequently, and the current version, Fedora 20, is available with a choice of desktop environments. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | The Gnome 3 environment, the default, departs from tradition: The user is presented with an empty desktop area and no task bar, dock or “Start” button. Clicking the Activities item in the top left corner will reveal applications and other options, including a search box for finding documents, contacts and other items. Fedora comes with installed programs like Firefox, Evolution mail, Rhythmbox for music and Shotwell for managing photos. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | Elementary OS is another Linux flavor that aims for ease of use and performance — as well as smoothness. Elementary OS also includes a few Mac-like elements, like a dock at the bottom of the screen and “hot corners” for fast switching to different work spaces. | Apr 10 10:49 |
Sosumi | Of course numerous other types of Linux are available. For more technical versions, consider options like Slackware and Arch. Or, if you prefer baby steps, take a look at Zorin, which emulates aspects of Windows. And if you cannot find a type of Linux you like, you can always create your own with options like Linux From Scratch or Ubuntu Builder. | Apr 10 10:49 |
Sosumi | Linux is not for everyone. But if you feel constrained by Windows or Mac OS X, it can offer a way out. And if you enjoy choice and flexibility, you just may become hooked. | Apr 10 10:49 |
schestowitz__ | cheers | Apr 10 10:52 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 11:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Firefox OS 2.0 Will Have An Awesome Graphical User Interface #mozilla #firefox #linux | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Firefox OS 2.0 Will Have An Awesome Graphical User Interface | | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #nytimes omits #gnu from history and cites Microsoft-linked #NetApplications to make #gnu #linux seem insignificant | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "FUD factor worked in 1999.. FUD seems to be working... mass migration to Linux" | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Difference Engine: End of the road for Windows XP | The Economist | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Windows XP's Demise Will Help Linux Leapfrog Mac OS X 10.9 #winxp #gnu #linux #windows | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Windows XP's Demise Will Help Linux Leapfrog Mac OS X 10.9 (IBM, MSFT) | Apr 10 11:00 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 11:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "The Many Alternative Computing Worlds of Linux - New York Times" - locked behind paywall. Shove it, #nytimes | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Open source software a solid alternative to costly brands cost and brands are not the issue. Freedom is. | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Open source software a solid alternative to costly brands - | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The PRISM Trade Agreement: we give you government contracts, subsidies; you give us access to all your data. #corruption #nsa #cia | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Google wants CCTV inside people's business because spying on digital habits is not enough | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Google woos enterprise developers with 'Glass at Work' program • The Register | Apr 10 11:00 | |
Sosumi | osx 10.9 is an abomination | Apr 10 11:00 |
schestowitz__ | How so? | Apr 10 11:01 |
schestowitz__ | (I haven't been keeping an eye on osux) | Apr 10 11:01 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 11:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Red Hat News: OpenStack Training, Google Deal, Fedora 21 #redhat #gnu #linux #openstack | Apr 10 11:01 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Red Hat News: OpenStack Training, Google Deal, Fedora 21 | Techrights | Apr 10 11:01 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: CMS News: WordPress, Drupal, and More #WordPress #Drupal | Apr 10 11:01 | |
Sosumi | clunky and minimized to the point of being anti user | Apr 10 11:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | CMS News: WordPress, Drupal, and More | Techrights | Apr 10 11:01 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Glamourising the thieves | Apr 10 11:01 | |
Sosumi | osx 10.6 was the pinnacle of osx | Apr 10 11:01 |
Sosumi | after that it all went down | Apr 10 11:01 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 11:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@glynmoody: End of the road for Windows XP - reasonable coverage of GNU/Linux from @economist (v @schestowitz) | Apr 10 11:01 | |
schestowitz__ | Sosumi: why? | Apr 10 11:02 |
schestowitz__ | What were the mistakes? | Apr 10 11:02 |
Sosumi | no arrows on the scrool bars, scrool bars way too tin, opengl still trailing behind, memory problems with 10.9 | Apr 10 11:03 |
Sosumi | lack of contrast | Apr 10 11:03 |
Sosumi | parts of the stitched leather HUI are still present from the 10.7 mistakes | Apr 10 11:03 |
Sosumi | *GUI | Apr 10 11:03 |
Sosumi | the multi display options with the top bar on the second screen was way, way overdue | Apr 10 11:04 |
Sosumi | multi display still fails with now programs not remembering their last position on the display when they were closed | Apr 10 11:05 |
Sosumi | xquartz, quartz and windowserver bugs are not getting fixes | Apr 10 11:05 |
Sosumi | despite some problems coming from the initial release of 10.9 | Apr 10 11:06 |
Sosumi | not some, ALL | Apr 10 11:06 |
Sosumi | and I also got some weird bugs with opencl | Apr 10 11:07 |
Sosumi | that I couldn't get replicate on fedora | Apr 10 11:08 |
Sosumi | *replicated | Apr 10 11:08 |
Sosumi | probably die to the precarious state of the drivers | Apr 10 11:08 |
Sosumi | *due | Apr 10 11:09 |
schestowitz__ | So mostly UI things? | Apr 10 11:09 |
schestowitz__ | Not ignoring ODF and such strategic things? | Apr 10 11:09 |
schestowitz__ | Anyway, Linux got better since apple's 10.6 days | Apr 10 11:09 |
schestowitz__ | Visually we've come a long way | Apr 10 11:09 |
schestowitz__ | so choosing OSuX for themes ain't that rational | Apr 10 11:09 |
schestowitz__ | It would have been the only reason for me to ever choose OSuX | Apr 10 11:10 |
schestowitz__ | The same goes for hypeOS | Apr 10 11:10 |
schestowitz__ | Android has good appearance | Apr 10 11:10 |
Sosumi | choosing osx for the GUI is a huge mistake | Apr 10 11:10 |
schestowitz__ | so at skin-deep level Apple lost it | Apr 10 11:10 |
schestowitz__ | Sosumi: some people associate pretty with easy | Apr 10 11:10 |
Sosumi | and the internals of the OS are kind of a mess | Apr 10 11:10 |
Sosumi | for example in regards with opencl, you'll get a overall 20% difference between osx and linux/windows | Apr 10 11:11 |
Sosumi | simply due to the fact that apple is slow if ignorant to put there vendor specific features and/or kept drivers up to date | Apr 10 11:12 |
Sosumi | and xcode, aside from the usual lack of bug fixes | Apr 10 11:32 |
Sosumi | still doesn't come close to vs or eclipse | Apr 10 11:32 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 11:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@widefox: @schestowitz I would guess the same. I did a quick test of Yahoo, Google, BBC etc. and they range in that order from fixed to unfixed. | Apr 10 11:33 | |
schestowitz__ | None of my sites affected | Apr 10 11:33 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 11:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@bzzzgeek: #heartbleed irresponsible disclosed and is #Microsoft involved? via @schestowitz | Apr 10 11:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Former Chief Security Officer for Microsoft the Chairman of the Board of Firm Behind Heartbleed® | Techrights | Apr 10 11:39 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 11:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How the NSA could use cryptography to enhance users' privacy - Computer Business Review [ ] | Apr 10 11:44 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 11:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@widefox: @schestowitz luck? Estimate I saw was 60% of all secure sites. | Apr 10 11:54 | |
schestowitz__ | Depending on whether they use https | Apr 10 11:54 |
Jibbler | the earlier 66% estimates were based on the combined market share of Apache and nginx | Apr 10 12:18 |
Jibbler | but that counted all HTTP sites | Apr 10 12:18 |
Jibbler | and not all HTTPS sites using Apache and nginx had the TLS heartbeat extension enabled | Apr 10 12:18 |
Jibbler | so it's more like 17% of all HTTPS sites that were affected | Apr 10 12:18 |
Jibbler | (so that's like half a million sites rather than a few hundred million) | Apr 10 12:22 |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 10 12:43 | |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 10 12:47 | |
Sosumi | yay, DrPizza, or how everyone stopped hating XP | Apr 10 13:36 |
Sosumi | | Apr 10 13:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Memory lane: before everyone loved Windows XP, they hated it | Ars Technica [ ] | Apr 10 13:37 | |
Sosumi | xp only began to be ok after the second release | Apr 10 13:37 |
Sosumi | but no mention to that | Apr 10 13:38 |
Sosumi | nor no mention to those issues with xp where everything would automatically run | Apr 10 13:39 |
Sosumi | surfed a wrong website? here's a gazillion popups, bars and junk | Apr 10 13:40 |
Sosumi | ofc that was awesome for computer repair shops | Apr 10 13:40 |
Jibbler | that sounds like a web browser issue rather than an operating system issue | Apr 10 13:40 |
Sosumi | it was IE | Apr 10 13:40 |
Sosumi | everything would automatically install | Apr 10 13:41 |
Sosumi | but the xp "everyone" seems to love | Apr 10 13:43 |
MinceR | i never loved winblows xp | Apr 10 13:43 |
Sosumi | is xp sp2 | Apr 10 13:43 |
Sosumi | but no mention to that either | Apr 10 13:44 |
Sosumi | DrPizza_, a pig with lipstick it's still a pig | Apr 10 13:44 |
Sosumi | and how could I forget to mention how many installs did SP2 break... | Apr 10 13:49 |
Sosumi | and didn't M$ pull it out shortly after release? | Apr 10 13:50 |
Sosumi | | Apr 10 13:51 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Windows XP SP2 is big step forward in security--but it can break things - TechRepublic [ ] | Apr 10 13:51 | |
Sosumi | first article that popped out on google | Apr 10 13:51 |
MinceR | it's his job to smear so much lipstick on the pig that the pig is no longer visible | Apr 10 13:53 |
cubezzz | I wrote a bit on operating systems here: | Apr 10 13:54 |
cubezzz | | Apr 10 13:54 |
cubezzz | unix v6 is definitely worthy of study, that's why MIT made Xv6 written in ANSI C for teaching purposes | Apr 10 14:11 |
cubezzz | I see XP's EOL as an opportunity to load up more boxes with Linux, BSD, and Plan 9 | Apr 10 15:19 |
cubezzz | XP is irrelevant to me | Apr 10 15:19 |
cubezzz | no source code for device drivers... and it's bloated | Apr 10 15:19 |
cubezzz | I said that in 2001 :) | Apr 10 15:20 |
cubezzz | simple simple stuff like running old scanners under win2000 was a problem too | Apr 10 15:21 |
cubezzz | they (HP) didn't bother supporting win2000 for SCL scanners | Apr 10 15:21 |
cubezzz | they said (paraphrasing) "too bad, this isn't the answer you like, buy a new scanner" | Apr 10 15:22 |
cubezzz | so yeah, end of XP, so what, I never used it once | Apr 10 15:23 |
cubezzz | want to see how easy it is to write to scanner in Linux? | Apr 10 15:26 |
cubezzz | | Apr 10 15:27 |
Sosumi | creative didn't bother either in supplying versions of their sound card controlling software that worked on xp | Apr 10 15:29 |
Sosumi | during the transition from 98 to xp back then | Apr 10 15:29 |
Sosumi | so folks using the live 5.1 and the original audigy cards had to buy an audigy 2 | Apr 10 15:30 |
Sosumi | sound card | Apr 10 15:30 |
Sosumi | or just use the driver they made available | Apr 10 15:30 |
Sosumi | with no controlling software | Apr 10 15:30 |
Sosumi | nor EAX for sound effects in games | Apr 10 15:30 |
*jono_ ( has joined #techrights | Apr 10 15:35 | |
cubezzz | creative did give out some datasheets, I can't remember which ones | Apr 10 15:40 |
cubezzz | CT4810 PCI works, VIA AC97 works | Apr 10 15:41 |
cubezzz | probably there driver support is crap for linux though | Apr 10 15:43 |
cubezzz | s/there/their/ | Apr 10 15:43 |
cubezzz | Thomas Sailer wrote the driver for ensoniq, it's totally open source | Apr 10 15:47 |
Sosumi | their linux initiative had always been joke | Apr 10 15:54 |
Sosumi | and that has been defunct since 2005 | Apr 10 15:55 |
Sosumi | their audigy 2 parts from 2003 never saw a gnu/linux release | Apr 10 15:56 |
Sosumi | and I can confirm that | Apr 10 15:56 |
cubezzz | ok, after a quick look it seems that Live 5.1 has decent support | Apr 10 15:56 |
Sosumi | since I had back then one of their higher end audigy cards | Apr 10 15:56 |
Sosumi | the audigy 2 platinum ex | Apr 10 15:57 |
Sosumi | live, 128bit pci, etc | Apr 10 15:57 |
Sosumi | probably the original audigy too | Apr 10 15:57 |
*jono_ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 10 16:00 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 10 16:00 | |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 10 16:05 | |
*freedomrun has quit (Max SendQ exceeded) | Apr 10 16:07 | |
Sosumi | I've just looked into their offerings | Apr 10 17:28 |
Sosumi | and from what I see, they're pretty much dead | Apr 10 17:28 |
Sosumi | why bother in getting a sound card with an integrated headphone amp | Apr 10 17:29 |
Sosumi | when you can pretty much get an external dac+amp and route all the sound through toslink | Apr 10 17:30 |
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Apr 10 17:30 | |
sebsebseb | hi | Apr 10 17:30 |
Sosumi | seb⁹⁰⁰⁰ | Apr 10 17:30 |
Sosumi | from the onboard sound | Apr 10 17:37 |
Sosumi | usually realtek, lol | Apr 10 17:37 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: MinceR I nearly gave SUSE some money and may stll heh heh | Apr 10 17:42 |
Sosumi | SUSY is a dirty lady | Apr 10 17:42 |
Sosumi | you need to show her the $$$ for her to "open" up | Apr 10 17:43 |
Sosumi | joke aside | Apr 10 17:44 |
Sosumi | what a waste | Apr 10 17:44 |
Sosumi | give the money instead to apple | Apr 10 17:44 |
Sosumi | joking | Apr 10 17:44 |
Sosumi | or just save it | Apr 10 17:44 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: they have a t-shirt I kindof wnat for some reason | Apr 10 17:45 |
Sosumi | what a silly excuse | Apr 10 17:46 |
Sosumi | to give money to her | Apr 10 17:47 |
Sosumi | | Apr 10 17:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux - Born To Frag Value T-shirt > Born To Frag > GEEK and FUNNY T-shirt and Gift Shop [ ] | Apr 10 17:50 | |
Sosumi | get that one instead | Apr 10 17:50 |
Sosumi | it bears Sosumi's seal of approval | Apr 10 17:50 |
Sosumi | :) | Apr 10 17:50 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: how to get people interssted in Linuxor open source | Apr 10 18:17 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: in 7 minutes hmm | Apr 10 18:17 |
sebsebseb | speakng :d | Apr 10 18:17 |
Sosumi | simple | Apr 10 18:17 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: oh/? | Apr 10 18:18 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: I am down for a talk next Thursday | Apr 10 18:18 |
sebsebseb | going to talk about how I became interested in Linux etc | Apr 10 18:18 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: ,but to a audiance where most peoplearen't really computer peple a well so hmm | Apr 10 18:18 |
Sosumi | the openes of free software allows for the same software to never stagnate | Apr 10 18:18 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: yeah, bbut | Apr 10 18:18 |
Sosumi | if you don't like what is being done | Apr 10 18:19 |
Sosumi | fork it | Apr 10 18:19 |
sebsebseb | yeah,bbt that's more my next talk I think, tring to explain that a bit | Apr 10 18:19 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: I am not done with the stuffabout me yet | Apr 10 18:19 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: the 3rd talk, can be abouet persuaing them to use stuff :d | Apr 10 18:19 |
sebsebseb | persuadeing | Apr 10 18:19 |
Sosumi | well, they persuade them to use their computers to do something productive | Apr 10 18:20 |
Sosumi | like facebook, skype, pron, etc | Apr 10 18:20 |
Sosumi | like actually using their time for something good, like learning how to program | Apr 10 18:21 |
Sosumi | maybe learn cad and 3d print a penguin shaped mug | Apr 10 18:22 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: most people don't have our kin of experinces | Apr 10 18:22 |
sebsebseb | they don't experience swiching frm WIndows to LInux 10 years ago | Apr 10 18:22 |
sebsebseb | etc | Apr 10 18:22 |
sebsebseb | they don't experience swtiching to Mozilla around that time as well and Open Office to Libre Office etc | Apr 10 18:23 |
sebsebseb | they don't experence real computer choice | Apr 10 18:23 |
cubezzz | there was a pre-windows era :) | Apr 10 18:23 |
sebsebseb | choice of OS, Linux ditro, GUI etc etc | Apr 10 18:23 |
cubezzz | windows didn't always exist | Apr 10 18:23 |
sebsebseb | cubezzz: yep | Apr 10 18:23 |
cubezzz | when I was younger I talked to guys about BC :) | Apr 10 18:23 |
sebsebseb | actaully a lot of these people are older than me | Apr 10 18:23 |
sebsebseb | so | Apr 10 18:23 |
cubezzz | Before Computers | Apr 10 18:24 |
sebsebseb | they will hav probablby expereinced some of the old pre WIndows stuff to | Apr 10 18:24 |
cubezzz | yes, so you can mention that in your talk | Apr 10 18:24 |
sebsebseb | yeah I want to talk about becoming interestd in computers myself at a young age | Apr 10 18:25 |
sebsebseb | the old Achorns and BBC's at school | Apr 10 18:25 |
sebsebseb | how I got interested in web design a bit, thn aobut Linux etc | Apr 10 18:25 |
sebsebseb | already did a talk ther ebefore, wher I stared mentiong htings, but a lot of it dind't go as planned etc | Apr 10 18:25 |
Sosumi | well you know | Apr 10 18:25 |
sebsebseb | cubezzz: I need a good begining, end and conclusion | Apr 10 18:25 |
sebsebseb | and a title this time as well realy | Apr 10 18:25 |
cubezzz | you can talk about the Dark Ages of Computing | Apr 10 18:25 |
sebsebseb | and I need to realy try and stick to the 7 minutes or so | Apr 10 18:25 |
Sosumi | and before that there were computers which used relays and switches to create logic | Apr 10 18:26 |
sebsebseb | cubezzz: well I was thinking the 90's | Apr 10 18:26 |
sebsebseb | something about dial up | Apr 10 18:26 |
sebsebseb | and bonzi budy :d | Apr 10 18:26 |
sebsebseb | anyone remmber bozni budy? heh heh | Apr 10 18:26 |
Sosumi | not much choice for gui there | Apr 10 18:26 |
Sosumi | ppl just need to adapt | Apr 10 18:26 |
sebsebseb | and the dancing baby screensaver | Apr 10 18:26 |
sebsebseb | an the 56k dial up modems etc | Apr 10 18:26 |
cubezzz | dark ages was kind of like 1994 to 2002 or so | Apr 10 18:26 |
sebsebseb | cubezzz: well I didn't really get properly into computers untill 1997 | Apr 10 18:27 |
sebsebseb | since I was young | Apr 10 18:27 |
sebsebseb | so that's when I started to experiment with programs in WIndows and such | Apr 10 18:27 |
cubezzz | ugh, right in the middle of the Dark ages | Apr 10 18:27 |
sebsebseb | why are you calling that time period the dark ages? | Apr 10 18:27 |
cubezzz | 98% microsoft dominated era | Apr 10 18:28 |
sebsebseb | well started to be | Apr 10 18:28 |
sebsebseb | in 1997 or so yeah | Apr 10 18:28 |
sebsebseb | bye bye Achorns bye bye BBC's or nearly | Apr 10 18:28 |
cubezzz | yes, see early 1990s had a greater mix of machines | Apr 10 18:29 |
cubezzz | and 80s too | Apr 10 18:29 |
sebsebseb | cubezzz: yep ineed | Apr 10 18:29 |
sebsebseb | ,but then it went al Windows | Apr 10 18:29 |
sebsebseb | cubezzz: that' the whole point of my tak as wle really | Apr 10 18:29 |
sebsebseb | I want to talk about choices | Apr 10 18:29 |
sebsebseb | I an mention the rassbery pi in there to and od my joke about hte name :d | Apr 10 18:29 |
sebsebseb | and such | Apr 10 18:29 |
sebsebseb | ,but yeah | Apr 10 18:29 |
cubezzz | ah, I found the pic I was looking for: | Apr 10 18:29 |
cubezzz | | Apr 10 18:30 |
sebsebseb | cubezzz: exactly 90's we had more coice or hwatever | Apr 10 18:30 |
sebsebseb | then it all went WIndos baislly | Apr 10 18:30 |
sebsebseb | and Mac for the art sudents maybe | Apr 10 18:30 |
cubezzz | ok, back in a bit :) | Apr 10 18:30 |
MinceR | 184205 < sebsebseb> Sosumi: MinceR I nearly gave SUSE some money and may stll heh heh | Apr 10 18:47 |
MinceR | doesn't m$ give them enough money already? | Apr 10 18:47 |
Sosumi | it was like I said | Apr 10 19:00 |
Sosumi | SUSIE is a dirty lady | Apr 10 19:00 |
Sosumi | no money for her | Apr 10 19:00 |
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 10 19:02 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 10 19:02 | |
*jono has quit (Client Quit) | Apr 10 19:06 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 10 19:09 | |
cubezzz | | Apr 10 19:11 |
cubezzz | everyone was talking about decommoditizing in the late 90's | Apr 10 19:20 |
cubezzz | as I said, a bad era | Apr 10 19:20 |
cubezzz | | Apr 10 19:28 |
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 10 19:37 | |
*jono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Apr 10 19:40 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 10 19:42 | |
*jono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Apr 10 19:59 | |
*siel has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Apr 10 20:02 | |
*siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrights | Apr 10 20:15 | |
Sosumi | | Apr 10 20:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Whitehat hacker goes too far, gets raided by FBI, tells all | Ars Technica [ ] | Apr 10 20:40 | |
Sosumi | and the poor good samaritan is usually the one that gets shafted | Apr 10 20:41 |
Sosumi | had he instead sold the data, he could have made a nice amount of money | Apr 10 20:42 |
Sosumi | plus he'd also probably be able to have a view on research data | Apr 10 20:43 |
Sosumi | which he could also, to the chinese | Apr 10 20:43 |
Sosumi | or north koreans | Apr 10 20:44 |
Sosumi | or the israelis | Apr 10 20:44 |
Sosumi | plain sad, | Apr 10 20:44 |
Sosumi | now he's unemployed when could be enjoying himself a vacation on some black sea resort | Apr 10 20:45 |
XFaCE | hi schestowitz__ | Apr 10 20:59 |
XFaCE | Sosumi: I must say, this recent OpenSSL thing really bolsters CJDNS | Apr 10 21:49 |
MinceR | gn | Apr 10 22:28 |
*Riddic has quit (Quit: leaving) | Apr 10 22:46 | |
*Riddic ( has joined #techrights | Apr 10 22:51 | |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 00:22 | |
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | Apr 11 01:16 | |
DaemonFC | Yeah, if you do the right thing, you make no money, and get arrested. | Apr 11 01:30 |
DaemonFC | If you do the wrong thing, you might get arrested, but you will make a lot of money. | Apr 11 01:31 |
DaemonFC | So, the system is stacked to nudge people to do the wrong thing. | Apr 11 01:31 |
schestowitz__ | of course | Apr 11 01:32 |
schestowitz__ | you just need to see who funds the system | Apr 11 01:32 |
schestowitz__ | !google scotus appointed by | Apr 11 01:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - List of Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia ... | | Apr 11 01:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | | Apr 11 01:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Appointment and confirmation to the Supreme Court of the United ... | | Apr 11 01:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - HowStuffWorks "How Supreme Court Appointments Work" | | Apr 11 01:32 |
schestowitz__ | !google scotus campaign contributions | Apr 11 01:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - The Supreme Court has struck down overall campaign contribution ... | | Apr 11 01:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - Supreme Court lifts ban on aggregate campaign donations | | Apr 11 01:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Supreme Court strikes down limits on federal campaign donations ... | | Apr 11 01:33 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Supreme Court Strikes Down Limits on Campaign Contributions ... | | Apr 11 01:33 |
schestowitz__ | > "Key tampering and forgery excerpts added by Cryptome." | Apr 11 01:37 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 11 01:37 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 11 01:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jesselyn Radack Emails Glenn Greenwald [ ] | Apr 11 01:38 | |
schestowitz__ | > See spoofing examples. | Apr 11 01:38 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 01:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | analysis of openssl freelist reuse [ ] | Apr 11 01:46 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 01:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New tests show no evidence of forgery in ‘Gospel of Jesus’s Wife’ - Metro - The Boston Globe [ ] | Apr 11 01:47 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 11 01:51 |
DaemonFC | Off to Burger King.... | Apr 11 01:51 |
schestowitz__ | meh | Apr 11 01:52 |
schestowitz__ | toy boys? | Apr 11 01:52 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 01:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Monetary award for making storage so much better so much faster #ibm #hardware | Apr 11 01:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Inventor Of Modern Storage Stuart Parkin Awarded The 2014 Millennium Prize | Apr 11 01:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Google Chrome Beta Upgraded to Version 35 for All Platforms #chrome #google | Apr 11 01:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Google Chrome Beta Upgraded to Version 35 for All Platforms | Apr 11 01:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Chromium Blog: Chrome 35 Beta: More developer control over touch input, new JavaScript features, and unprefixed Shadow DOM | Apr 11 01:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Google Starts Early Dogfooding Of Android 4.4.3, Public Release Expected In Coming Weeks #android #google #linux | Apr 11 01:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Rumor: Google Starts Early Dogfooding Of Android 4.4.3, Public Release Expected In Coming Weeks | Apr 11 01:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Another reason to avoid #bt is support of 'secure' link to #gchq #nsa #prism through abusive monopolist #microsoft | Apr 11 01:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | BT To Offer Secure, Dedicated Access To Microsoft Azure | Apr 11 01:56 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 01:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Zorin OS Lite 8.1 Is the Perfect OS for Users with Old PCs Running from Windows XP #ZorinOS #gnu #linux #winxp | Apr 11 01:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Zorin OS Lite 8.1 Is the Perfect OS for Users with Old PCs Running from Windows XP | Apr 11 01:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: New contradictions | Apr 11 01:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "There's a ton of trash in the Indian Ocean." | Apr 11 01:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The big environmental problem highlighted by the search for Flight 370 | Apr 11 01:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #fbi goes after 'weev' and now another victimless 'crime' FBI and #NSA want a monopoly on #security holes | Apr 11 01:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-couldn't connect to host ( status 0 @ ) | Apr 11 01:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Judge says prosecutors should follow the law. Prosecutors revolt. prosecutors as bullies | Apr 11 01:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Judge says prosecutors should follow the law. Prosecutors revolt. | Apr 11 01:57 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 01:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #Cryptome disinformation maybe jealous of Wikileaks, Greenwald, et al. | Apr 11 01:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Firefox OS 2.0 starts emerging from its cocoon #linux #mozilla #firefox #firefox | Apr 11 01:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Firefox OS 2.0 starts emerging from its cocoon - CNET | Apr 11 01:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The KVM Groundswell Continues #kvm #linux #ibm | Apr 11 01:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The KVM Groundswell Continues | | Apr 11 01:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The NY Times discovers the virtues of desktop Linux #nytimes also spreads some myths, though | Apr 11 01:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The NY Times discovers the virtues of desktop Linux | ITworld | Apr 11 01:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Android IPTV set-top features 802.11ac, #Marvell SoC #android #linux | Apr 11 01:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Android IPTV set-top features 802.11ac, Marvell SoC · | Apr 11 01:58 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 01:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Pivotal Brings PaaS to the Enterprise Through Community Collaboration #pivotal #freesw | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Pivotal Brings PaaS to the Enterprise Through Community Collaboration | | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Football Manager Classic 2014 for PS Vita Might Also Get a Steam for Linux Version #steam #gnu #linux #games | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Football Manager Classic 2014 for PS Vita Might Also Get a Steam for Linux Version | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #Wasteland 2 to Finally Get a Linux Version #games #gnu #linux | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Wasteland 2 to Finally Get a Linux Version | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Wasteland 2 Linux release confirmed | Muktware | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Anti-Gravity Racing Game #FLASHOUT 2 to Get a Linux Version #gnu #linux #games | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Anti-Gravity Racing Game FLASHOUT 2 to Get a Linux Version | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #Gallium3D LLVMpipe Performance In Ubuntu 14.04 LTS #ubuntu #benchmark | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | [Phoronix] Gallium3D LLVMpipe Performance In Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: DevOps amplifies your open source credentials many job opportunities | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Can you do DevOps without sharing scripts or code? | | Apr 11 01:59 | |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | Apr 11 02:05 |
DaemonFC | 8 seconds ago | Apr 11 02:05 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 11 02:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Windows XP Theme For Linux Is Ideal For New Users [ ] | Apr 11 02:05 | |
DaemonFC | You can make GNU/Linux look like anything you want. Why make it look like a demented Fisher Price toy that was the second worst thing to happen to the world in 2001? (The first being Dubya Bush). | Apr 11 02:05 |
dcolebatch | lol - good call | Apr 11 02:39 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 11 03:04 | |
*cryptic has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 11 03:32 | |
*cryptic ( has joined #techrights | Apr 11 03:34 | |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 11 05:37 | |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 11 05:41 | |
*nj3ma has quit (Quit: ZNC - | Apr 11 07:30 | |
*nj3ma ( has joined #techrights | Apr 11 07:36 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 07:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ New contradictions | Apr 11 07:41 | |
schestowitz__ | "Heh. The various churches are sitting on all sorts of interesting scrolls they won't let the public see. Given such censorship, no one knows reality." | Apr 11 07:41 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 07:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Ubuntu One Shut Down; Here Are Some Alternatives more alternatives. #ubuntuone #ubuntu #gnu #linux | Apr 11 07:42 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Ubuntu One Shut Down; Here Are Some Alternatives [ ] | Apr 11 07:42 | |
schestowitz__ | "most of the alternatives would have a link to the NSA in some way or some legal arm twisting" | Apr 11 07:42 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 07:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Anti- #drones #activism in theatres resentment and protests from US public are working | Apr 11 07:42 | |
schestowitz__ | "So this means that no one ever will have access to Afghanistan's natural resources but USA?" | Apr 11 07:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | City Theatre's Grounded | Theater Reviews + Features | Pittsburgh City Paper [ ] | Apr 11 07:42 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Killer Drones in a Downward Spiral? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names [ ] | Apr 11 07:42 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 07:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google wants to trademark ‘Glass’ but bid stalled | Muktware [ ] | Apr 11 07:48 | |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 08:05 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 08:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The biggest and most vicious military base in the world #espionage #blackmail #droNSA | Apr 11 08:45 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The Netherlands Must Outlaw Downloading, EU Court Rules (Update) because it might lead to competition | Apr 11 08:45 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The Netherlands Must Outlaw Downloading, EU Court Rules (Update) | TorrentFreak | Apr 11 08:45 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The so-called "piracy levy" becomes a state subsidy. So when the #copyright monopoly gets it (e.g. France), people assume it's pre-paid. | Apr 11 08:45 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 08:51 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: ACPI & Power Management Get More Updates In Linux 3.15 #acpi #linux | Apr 11 08:51 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | [Phoronix] ACPI & Power Management Get More Updates In Linux 3.15 | Apr 11 08:51 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Google adds more Android features to Chrome OS #chromeos #linux #android | Apr 11 08:51 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Google adds more Android features to Chrome OS | Muktware | Apr 11 08:51 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Wanna build a module for Google's Project Ara mix-and-match phone? Here are your specs #ara #android #google | Apr 11 08:51 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Wanna build a module for Google's Project Ara mix-and-match phone? Here are your specs • The Register | Apr 11 08:51 | |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 11 09:07 |
MinceR | | Apr 11 09:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | TL;DR Wikipedia | Apr 11 09:50 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 10:21 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 10:22 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 11 10:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Photographer reveals the secret of the Windows XP desktop image [ ] | Apr 11 10:30 | |
-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | Apr 11 10:44 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 10:44 | |
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | Apr 11 11:27 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 11 11:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLE [ ] | Apr 11 11:56 | |
DaemonFC | damn it | Apr 11 11:56 |
DaemonFC | seems the article is dead anyway | Apr 11 11:57 |
DaemonFC | It said that even the death of Windows XP isn't driving PC sales. | Apr 11 11:57 |
*DaemonFC is on his Chromebook right now | Apr 11 11:57 | |
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | Apr 11 12:00 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 11 12:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | End of Windows XP support fails to lift figures for declining PC market | Technology | [ ] | Apr 11 12:03 | |
cubezzz | people don't want to be on the upgrade treadmill any more | Apr 11 12:04 |
cubezzz | some of my customers have slot 1 P3's or even Pentium Pro systems | Apr 11 12:06 |
cubezzz | fine for IRC, email, running a scanner or printer | Apr 11 12:07 |
Sosumi | a treadmill takes you nowhere | Apr 11 12:07 |
Sosumi | while a computer upgrade adds more computational power | Apr 11 12:07 |
Sosumi | and that comes down to needs | Apr 11 12:07 |
cubezzz | one of my customers is in her late 80s | Apr 11 12:08 |
cubezzz | she plays solitaire on her computer :) | Apr 11 12:09 |
cubezzz | I definitely did not see computers that were 10 to 15 years old being used in the 90s | Apr 11 12:16 |
cubezzz | even older sometimes | Apr 11 12:17 |
cubezzz | that's something new | Apr 11 12:17 |
cubezzz | Thompson didn't stay on a PDP-7 for more than a couple of years | Apr 11 12:18 |
cubezzz | it was PDP-7 (1969) to PDP-11/20 (1971) | Apr 11 12:19 |
msb_ | Old things can still sometimes do useful work. | Apr 11 12:19 |
cubezzz | then PDP-11/40, then PDP-11/45 in quick succession | Apr 11 12:19 |
cubezzz | when P3 coppermine's came out that was a sweat spot | Apr 11 12:19 |
cubezzz | low heat, very reliable | Apr 11 12:20 |
msb_ | Didn't the 6809 chip emulate the PDP-11 architecture to some extent? Lots of registers... | Apr 11 12:20 |
cubezzz | the old PDP-11 series were slow, and ate a lot of power | Apr 11 12:20 |
msb_ | But no virtual memory. | Apr 11 12:20 |
cubezzz | hmmm, not really | Apr 11 12:21 |
cubezzz | 6809 was 8-bit with a few 16-bit features | Apr 11 12:21 |
msb_ | I'm working on a C program in which I have to allocate zillions of little strings. Should I just call malloc, or would it be a lot faster for me to allocate them myself out of a megabyte array? How fast is malloc? | Apr 11 12:22 |
msb_ | Linux/gcc, of course. | Apr 11 12:23 |
cubezzz | PDP-11 to Motorola 68000 there's some influence | Apr 11 12:23 |
cubezzz | malloc is for big stuff | Apr 11 12:25 |
cubezzz | e.g. you need a big chunk of memory you use malloc | Apr 11 12:25 |
cubezzz | arrays for smaller stuff | Apr 11 12:25 |
cubezzz | I think just using the stack is faster than malloc | Apr 11 12:26 |
msb_ | Use the stack as a heap? (vague recollection) How? | Apr 11 12:27 |
cubezzz | no, I just mean using the stack is faster | Apr 11 12:28 |
msb_ | These strings are going to be pointed to from structs which will be pointed to by an array. | Apr 11 12:28 |
cubezzz | assuming you don't overflow the stack :) | Apr 11 12:28 |
msb_ | I'm reading that xml file into a zillions of structs with strings attached | Apr 11 12:29 |
msb_ | actually, arrays of strings. | Apr 11 12:29 |
msb_ | I should do it the simplest way. Maybe it will be fast enough. If not, then I'll make my own mini-super-malloc. | Apr 11 12:30 |
cubezzz | oh man, I remember I used to use EMS for big stuff | Apr 11 12:34 |
cubezzz | it was a dog's dinner | Apr 11 12:34 |
msb_ | After being processed by the dog? | Apr 11 12:36 |
cubezzz | that was in the early 90's | Apr 11 12:37 |
*yang has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 11 12:39 | |
cubezzz | a bit before Linux version 1.0 | Apr 11 12:39 |
cubezzz | even on the amiga I could do it a lot better, but the amiga I had was so slow | Apr 11 12:39 |
msb_ | Throwing hardware at a problem -- if you already have it -- is worthwhile to keep the code simple, so it's fun. | Apr 11 12:40 |
Sosumi | | Apr 11 12:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'Part of Cirque de Soleil?' Shoe thrown at Hillary Clinton during Las Vegas speech - YouTube [ ] | Apr 11 12:41 | |
cubezzz | I still have my notes for it :) | Apr 11 12:41 |
cubezzz | 486-DX40 with 4 megs, running msdos | Apr 11 12:41 |
Sosumi | shoe throwers need to learn to aim | Apr 11 12:41 |
msb_ | I saw a great 3D display powered by an Amiga at one of the West Coast Computer Faires. Shutter goggles. A one-foot cube "stereo tank" as in old scifi stories. | Apr 11 12:41 |
cubezzz | I allocated 600,000 longs, so 2.4 megs of ram | Apr 11 12:45 |
MinceR | afaik malloc already gets memory from the OS in chunks | Apr 11 12:46 |
msb_ | cubezzz: How long did it take? | Apr 11 12:47 |
*yang (yang@freenode/sponsor/fsf.member.yang) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 12:47 | |
cubezzz | the <U, R> antipode calculation took 11 hours | Apr 11 12:49 |
cubezzz | it was finding an antipode of the <U, R> subgroup of the cube | Apr 11 12:49 |
cubezzz | it was the best I could do with 4 megs :) | Apr 11 12:49 |
cubezzz | or as the Greeks say: an-TIP-uh-DEEZ | Apr 11 12:52 |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 11 12:54 | |
cubezzz | even Gates thought EMS was a kludge | Apr 11 12:56 |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | Apr 11 12:58 | |
MinceR | what gates believes is irrelevant | Apr 11 13:00 |
MinceR | but, yes it was | Apr 11 13:00 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 11 13:00 |
*Jibbler2 ( has joined #techrights | Apr 11 13:07 | |
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msb_ | cubezzz: Some of the entries for program series episodes don't have S/E numbers. See our PM. | Apr 11 14:23 |
gde33|2 | I had a go at edutainment, | Apr 11 14:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | JavaScript PlanetArray | Apr 11 14:40 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | Apr 11 15:03 | |
*DaemonFC ( has joined #techrights | Apr 11 15:15 | |
*DaemonFC is now known as Guest98721 | Apr 11 15:16 | |
Sosumi | | Apr 11 15:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Phoronix] NVIDIA GeForce 337 Beta Driver Linux Overclocking Trials [ ] | Apr 11 15:18 | |
Sosumi | easy OCing no longer a feature of windows | Apr 11 15:19 |
*Guest98721 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Apr 11 15:24 | |
schestowitz_log_ | LOL | Apr 11 15:55 |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | Apr 11 16:00 | |
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*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 16:00 | |
msb_ | Mfrs that support overcooking must be out of their minds! | Apr 11 16:22 |
msb_ | Or maybe they think if they shorten the lifetime of the products they sell, people will buy another one. | Apr 11 16:23 |
Sosumi | it is just a video card | Apr 11 16:56 |
Sosumi | ppl that care about ocing will probably replace the card in 2 years | Apr 11 16:57 |
Sosumi | if not less | Apr 11 16:57 |
Sosumi | because those folks also happen to be the gamers | Apr 11 16:57 |
Sosumi | and hey, much better to do benchs and oc competitions on gnu/linux than on windows | Apr 11 16:58 |
Sosumi | right? | Apr 11 16:58 |
msb_ | Yes, but how many people could tell the difference between oc and not without a numerical measurement or a stopwatch or side to side comparison? | Apr 11 17:02 |
msb_ | I think the whole idea is silly. The result is imperceptible. Except when the hw overheats and dies. | Apr 11 17:03 |
cubezzz | I never overclock anything | Apr 11 17:04 |
msb_ | Mfrs spend huge amounts of effort on protecting their stuff against heat and specifying just enough margin of safety. | Apr 11 17:04 |
msb_ | Me either. | Apr 11 17:04 |
msb_ | But, yes, it's better that even loonies use Linux instead of Windows. | Apr 11 17:06 |
schestowitz | [11:57] * DaemonFC is on his Chromebook right now | Apr 11 17:38 |
schestowitz | Besy Buy? | Apr 11 17:38 |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 11 17:44 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 17:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Forget About Windows XP, Tranform Your Linux Mint in Windows 7 | Apr 11 17:56 | |
schestowitz__ | "Why on earth would I do that?" | Apr 11 17:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Forget About Windows XP, Tranform Your Linux Mint in Windows 7 [ ] | Apr 11 17:56 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 17:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ The NY Times discovers the virtues of desktop Linux | Apr 11 17:57 | |
schestowitz__ | "The article is mundane but its publication on nyt makes it very interesting. Presumably triggered by XP EOL?" | Apr 11 17:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The NY Times discovers the virtues of desktop Linux | ITworld [ ] | Apr 11 17:57 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 17:59 | |
cubezzz | folks are such troglodytes when it comes to operating systems | Apr 11 18:18 |
Sosumi | what stopwatch? | Apr 11 18:23 |
Sosumi | seems like no one ever heard of synthetic benchmarks | Apr 11 18:23 |
Sosumi | nor frame rates | Apr 11 18:23 |
Sosumi | nor watercooling nor non reference coolers | Apr 11 18:24 |
Sosumi | also what I said yesterday of xp pre spi | Apr 11 18:24 |
Sosumi | was because you could basically execute a script through the browser to edit the registry | Apr 11 18:25 |
Sosumi | another thing DrPizza_ forgot to mention in his piece about why everyone loves windows xp | Apr 11 18:26 |
cubezzz | I never used XP | Apr 11 19:13 |
cubezzz | it was Redhat 6.1 that I started to really notice linux | Apr 11 19:16 |
cubezzz | Ryerson was using Darkstar Linux 0.99 in some courses | Apr 11 19:17 |
cubezzz | | Apr 11 19:31 |
Sosumi | I never really used xp either | Apr 11 19:51 |
Sosumi | other than on a gaming pc I had at that time | Apr 11 19:51 |
Sosumi | just for gaming | Apr 11 19:51 |
Sosumi | but I remember much of those issues including remote shutdowns | Apr 11 19:58 |
Sosumi | because all the computers at my school, well, were on xp | Apr 11 19:59 |
cubezzz | all of them, no exceptions? | Apr 11 20:01 |
Sosumi | a system 7 mac | Apr 11 20:08 |
Sosumi | that escaped the renewal at the time | Apr 11 20:09 |
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 20:10 | |
sebsebseb | hi | Apr 11 20:10 |
MinceR | hay | Apr 11 20:11 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: new spaekrs, new keyboard, and new mouse, not just any mouse or keyboard | Apr 11 20:12 |
sebsebseb | and more stuff in the box | Apr 11 20:12 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: isn't it fun getting new stuff for the computer :d | Apr 11 20:12 |
MinceR | uh huh | Apr 11 20:12 |
MinceR | it is, most of the time, but not all of the time | Apr 11 20:13 |
sebsebseb | yep | Apr 11 20:13 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: how about a mouse with a very nice thumb rest and it's on the side/up0right | Apr 11 20:16 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: meant to be good for RSI etc | Apr 11 20:16 |
MinceR | if it's a good gaming mouse, sure | Apr 11 20:16 |
sebsebseb | welll I bought that | Apr 11 20:16 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: I was a bit unsure about the price | Apr 11 20:16 |
sebsebseb | ,but I guess worth it really | Apr 11 20:17 |
sebsebseb | it's not a standard mouse | Apr 11 20:17 |
MinceR | i still don't know if i prefer optical or laser | Apr 11 20:17 |
sebsebseb | I think other htan the things I just put though that it's just a optical really though | Apr 11 20:17 |
cubezzz | another odd thing, I don't think too many people know about this, the whole processes as files thing was from Unix version 8 | Apr 11 20:17 |
MinceR | /proc? | Apr 11 20:17 |
cubezzz | yes | Apr 11 20:17 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: also a keyboard with two USB ports on the back on the right, which is nice, but it's nice also, because well | Apr 11 20:18 |
cubezzz | a Bell Labs invention | Apr 11 20:18 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: ok it's made for Windows reallyk, got a lot of hot keys to | Apr 11 20:18 |
sebsebseb | so I was unsure what would work with Linux | Apr 11 20:18 |
sebsebseb | realyk, but well | Apr 11 20:18 |
sebsebseb | my comp ones opended up Nautilus :) | Apr 11 20:18 |
sebsebseb | so that's good | Apr 11 20:18 |
MinceR | my logitech g710+ has a pass-through usb port :> | Apr 11 20:18 |
sebsebseb | volume control buttons work nicely | Apr 11 20:19 |
sebsebseb | and I am not sure about the other hot keys yet | Apr 11 20:19 |
MinceR | you can bind them anyway | Apr 11 20:19 |
sebsebseb | what do you mean | Apr 11 20:19 |
sebsebseb | bind use for what is wanted? | Apr 11 20:19 |
sebsebseb | change the layout a bit? | Apr 11 20:19 |
MinceR | bind extra keys to functions | Apr 11 20:21 |
sebsebseb | I think I done something like that before | Apr 11 20:21 |
MinceR | | Apr 11 20:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Heartbleed security flaw may not be as dangerous as thought | The Verge [ ] | Apr 11 20:47 | |
*XFaCE_ (xface@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:bb8a) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 20:52 | |
XFaCE | MinceR: now there are two of us mwahahaha | Apr 11 20:53 |
MinceR | oh shi-- | Apr 11 20:53 |
XFaCE | XFaCE_: test | Apr 11 20:53 |
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@ has joined #techrights | Apr 11 20:59 | |
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XFaCE | ThistleWeb: hello gordon from another mother | Apr 11 20:59 |
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 11 21:09 | |
*XFaCE has quit (Quit: Retiring completely) | Apr 11 21:49 | |
*XFaCE_ is now known as XFaCE | Apr 11 21:49 | |
*XFaCE_ (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 21:50 | |
*XFaCE is now known as Guest20006 | Apr 11 21:50 | |
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*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 11 21:53 | |
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MinceR | here's one about hungary >> | Apr 11 23:10 |
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 11 23:12 | |
MinceR | gn | Apr 11 23:45 |
schestowitz__ | MinceR: thanks for the TheVerge link | Apr 12 00:36 |
schestowitz__ | Very useful to learn that, I'll prepare another post with some of my findings. It seems like NSA knew about it for years | Apr 12 00:36 |
schestowitz__ | Microsoft's Howard Schmidt decided to 'leak' it to distract from XP EOL perhaps | Apr 12 00:36 |
schestowitz__ | Schmidy had worked for the FBI | Apr 12 00:36 |
schestowitz__ | So he might have colleagues who could tell him about this | Apr 12 00:36 |
schestowitz__ | and he'd hype it up, give it a scary name, make a dot com web site, a logo, etc. | Apr 12 00:37 |
schestowitz__ | Metchandising the FUD | Apr 12 00:37 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 02:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Sarah Watz Elected by Open Source Matters to Guide #Joomla "More than 3 percent of the web runs on Joomla" | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Sarah Watz Elected by Open Source Matters to Guide Joomla | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Linux KVM Virtualization comes to IBM Power servers soon #kvm #ibm #server #gnu #linux | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Linux KVM Virtualization comes to IBM Power servers soon | ZDNet | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Nikon launches Android powered Coolpix S810c #android #linux | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Nikon launches Android powered Coolpix S810c | Muktware | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Prisonscape Is a Brutal RPG Inspired by The Wire and Oz Set to Launch on Linux #rpg #games #gnu #linux | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Prisonscape Is a Brutal RPG Inspired by The Wire and Oz Set to Launch on Linux | Apr 12 02:37 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 02:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Meanwhile in Fecesbook, people upload photos of relatives from inside their house to #nsa accessible servers. #facebook #prism | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: After 16 years, CIA declassifies new portions of "KUBARK" interrogation manual #cia #torture | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | After 16 years, CIA declassifies new portions of "KUBARK" interrogation manual | Muckrock | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: 'US Operating Without any Kind of Boundaries' imperialism without borders, with bases in #Germany also | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | German Interior Minister Warns US Spying Has No Boundaries - SPIEGEL ONLINE | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Condoleezza Rice, surveillance and torture fan, joins Dropbox board #surveillance #prism #dropbox #nsa | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Condoleezza Rice, surveillance and torture fan, joins Dropbox board - Boing Boing | Apr 12 02:37 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 02:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #Greenwald returns to US first time since #Snowden leaks: Will Obama arrest him? #bushobama #pr would suffer. | Apr 12 02:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Greenwald returns to US first time since Snowden leaks: Will Obama arrest him? | Apr 12 02:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Heartbleed reportedly known to #nsa for years, as #snowden had alluded to (bug doors, not back doors). Schmidt et al. exploit it for FUD. | Apr 12 02:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The last thing the #nsa wants is people (esp. outside the US) adopting Free software and #gnu #linux b/c #microsoft is where back doors are | Apr 12 02:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Howard Schmidt (chairman of board of company that marketed "Heartbleed") worked for #fbi & #nsa partner, #prism pioneer. #nsa knew the bug. | Apr 12 02:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Salix MATE 14.1 Beta 1 Is Based on MATE 1.8 #salix #gnu #linux | Apr 12 02:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Salix MATE 14.1 Beta 1 Is Based on MATE 1.8 | Apr 12 02:39 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 02:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #SparkyLinux 3.3.2-test1 Base Edition Is for Command-Line Aficionados #gnu #linux | Apr 12 02:40 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | SparkyLinux 3.3.2-test1 Base Edition Is for Command-Line Aficionados | Apr 12 02:40 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Budge up VMware, array upstart Tintri's ramming in Red Hat Linux KVM #redhat #kvm #linux | Apr 12 02:40 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Budge up VMware, array upstart Tintri's ramming in Red Hat Linux KVM • The Register | Apr 12 02:40 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Virt-Manager Now Supports FreeBSD's Bhyve #freebsd #bsd #unix #virtmanager | Apr 12 02:40 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | [Phoronix] Virt-Manager Now Supports FreeBSD's Bhyve | Apr 12 02:40 | |
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Apr 12 02:49 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 08:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: []( **ma ciao! ^_^** [](<p>#lama | Apr 12 08:17 | |
schestowitz__ | "I am surrounded by lamas, they are like dogs where I live. This my friend is an alpaca. " | Apr 12 08:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Alpaca - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Apr 12 08:17 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 08:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Condoleezza Rice, surveillance and torture fan, joins Dropbox board #surveillance #prism #dropbox #nsa | Apr 12 08:18 | |
schestowitz__ | "What..."\ | Apr 12 08:18 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 08:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Replacing Russian Gas Deliveries with US Shale Gas? Washington Lies to the EU #eu #us #russia | Apr 12 08:18 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Replacing Russian Gas Deliveries with US Shale Gas? Washington Lies to the EU | Global Research [ ] | Apr 12 08:19 | |
schestowitz__ | "If Russia cannot make business due to sanctions that is fine, but if Russia don't want to sell its natural gas at the price the EU wants that is very bad." | Apr 12 08:19 |
schestowitz__ | Apr 12 08:21 | |
schestowitz__ | That's going to feel awful.| | Apr 12 08:21 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 08:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared:  For my #German friends... #beer #bier #german #deutsch | Apr 12 08:21 | |
*schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | Apr 12 09:15 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 12 09:39 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Apr 12 09:42 | |
*schestowitz__ ( has joined #techrights | Apr 12 10:03 | |
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schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 10:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Kernel (Linux) News: A Week’s News in a Nutshell #kernel #linux | Apr 12 10:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Kernel (Linux) News: A Week’s News in a Nutshell | Techrights | Apr 12 10:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Ubuntu News: Themes, Unity 8, Meizu Phone, Ubuntu Touch, and Elementary OS #ubuntu | Apr 12 10:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Ubuntu News: Themes, Unity 8, Meizu Phone, Ubuntu Touch, and Elementary OS | Techrights | Apr 12 10:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Political News: Protests Face a Ban, Covert Actions Continue, #ColdWar Era Imperialism, Privacy, and War on Justice | Apr 12 10:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Political News: Protests Face a Ban, Covert Actions Continue, Cold War Era Imperialism, Privacy, and War on Justice | Techrights | Apr 12 10:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Links 12/4/2014: Games Applications Instructionals #techrights | Apr 12 10:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Links 12/4/2014: Games | Techrights | Apr 12 10:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Links 12/4/2014: Applications | Techrights | Apr 12 10:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Links 12/4/2014: Instructionals | Techrights | Apr 12 10:03 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 10:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Empire of debt and covert occupation #china missing there - used to be controlled by narcotics | Apr 12 10:26 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #prism shows the need for Free softwa... | Apr 12 10:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | #prism shows the ... | Apr 12 10:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "war has become an extension of politics as almost all aspects of society have been transformed into a combat zone." | Apr 12 10:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Henry A. Giroux | Neoliberalism and the Machinery of Disposability | Apr 12 10:27 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 10:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "Michael Lewis appears on “60 Minutes” and declares that the U.S. stock market “is rigged,” people pay attention" | Apr 12 10:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Michael Lewis hits back: “There’s been a lot of people mouthing off without actually thinking about the book” - | Apr 12 10:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Incarceration | Apr 12 10:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: How did enlightenment thinkers distinguish between 'drugs' and 'medicines'? And how should we? power of labels | Apr 12 10:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Yesterday’s drugs are tomorrow’s medicines – Benjamin Breen – Aeon | Apr 12 10:27 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 10:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wintel Balloon Deflates | Robert Pogson [ ] | Apr 12 10:55 | |
cubezzz | the Unix wars mucked things up for Unix | Apr 12 10:59 |
cubezzz | then the switch to Plan 9, which was interesting, but hardly anyone uses it | Apr 12 11:00 |
cubezzz | and Xenix/Venix/etc was a big turn off | Apr 12 11:02 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 11:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: I have just noticed that ECT, including #LinuxInsider , didn't quite get enough from static buttons and added spyware buttons to same sites | Apr 12 11:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #Microsoft transition from back doors (compromising PCs) to #prism (enticing people to hand over all data) | Apr 12 11:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Turning The Ship: Microsoft Might Have Begun A Subtle Shift From Windows To Services | TechCrunch | Apr 12 11:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Desperately Seeking Linux Programmers #gnu #linux a top trend | Apr 12 11:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Desperately Seeking Linux Programmers | Community | LinuxInsider | Apr 12 11:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Btrfs Gets A Few More Linux 3.15 Changes #kernel #linux #btrfs | Apr 12 11:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | [Phoronix] Btrfs Gets A Few More Linux 3.15 Changes | Apr 12 11:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: CIA and WH under pressure after Senate torture report leaks finally, what took it so long? #cia #crime #torture | Apr 12 11:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | CIA and White House under pressure after Senate torture report leaks | World news | | Apr 12 11:59 | |
*oiaohm ( has joined #techrights | Apr 12 13:34 | |
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*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrights | Apr 12 13:34 | |
oiaohm | boy the recent openssl error has caused a nice big mess. | Apr 12 13:38 |
cubezzz | oiaohm, got a question for you | Apr 12 13:42 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: what is the question. | Apr 12 13:43 |
cubezzz | do you know what virtio_console does? | Apr 12 13:43 |
cubezzz | remember we were talking about the linux text console getting corrupted? | Apr 12 13:43 |
cubezzz | I'm still looking for ways to reset the text console | Apr 12 13:43 |
cubezzz | even when I shutdown X and restart it using a different driver (e.g. vesa) it still doesn't reset the text console | Apr 12 13:44 |
cubezzz | there's /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon0/name | Apr 12 13:45 |
cubezzz | and it shows (S) VGA+ | Apr 12 13:45 |
cubezzz | for (S)ystem driver | Apr 12 13:45 |
cubezzz | but there's a (M)odular driver too | Apr 12 13:46 |
oiaohm | | Apr 12 13:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Using virtio console with KVM « seife’s assorted rants [ ] | Apr 12 13:46 | |
cubezzz | yeah I read that | Apr 12 13:46 |
oiaohm | Did you note the tty bit. | Apr 12 13:46 |
oiaohm | Its going to be interesting when the Linux console code is moved to userspace. | Apr 12 13:47 |
cubezzz | yeah I did what they said actually | Apr 12 13:47 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: tty is a use a seriel like console. | Apr 12 13:47 |
oiaohm | Not the normal framebuffer | Apr 12 13:48 |
oiaohm | Yes serial consoles reset differently. | Apr 12 13:48 |
cubezzz | but... what is console=hcv0 ? | Apr 12 13:48 |
cubezzz | I thought modprobe virtio_console would do something different but everything seems to be the same still | Apr 12 13:49 |
oiaohm | hcv0 is the device | Apr 12 13:49 |
cubezzz | yes, it's mentioned in virtio_console.c | Apr 12 13:51 |
cubezzz | but I have no /dev/hcv0 | Apr 12 13:51 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: fedora has better instructions. | Apr 12 13:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Features/VirtioSerial - FedoraProject [ ] | Apr 12 13:53 | |
oiaohm | cubezzz: when you start the virtual instance you have to declare how many virtio consoles you will have. | Apr 12 13:54 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: if you have declared none their will be none. | Apr 12 13:54 |
oiaohm | Basically virtio console is seperate to the vtcon0 | Apr 12 13:56 |
cubezzz | oh this seems to be related to virtualization | Apr 12 13:56 |
cubezzz | I did an experiment switching from radeon to vesa and back | Apr 12 13:57 |
cubezzz | it effected the text console, but didn't fix it | Apr 12 13:58 |
cubezzz | I guess it doesn't really matter too much, I can just ssh in if I'm X or the text console messes up | Apr 12 13:59 |
cubezzz | the text console never really stops or resets as far as I can see | Apr 12 13:59 |
msb_ | cubezzz: Have you tried typing (blindly, if you're not seeing an echo) stty sane ? | Apr 12 14:02 |
cubezzz | oh yeah I can still login and the screen changes | Apr 12 14:02 |
cubezzz | I can't really see what I'm doing but I know I'm logged in | Apr 12 14:02 |
cubezzz | sometimes it's all vertical bars | Apr 12 14:03 |
cubezzz | it happens (rarely) when I run some old Loki games | Apr 12 14:03 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: is your card a old ATI. | Apr 12 14:03 |
cubezzz | ATI Radeon 9550 AGP | Apr 12 14:04 |
cubezzz | I guess it's kind of old | Apr 12 14:04 |
msb_ | THE LAMA / / The one-l lama, / He's a priest. / The two-l llama, / He's a beast. / And I will bet / A silk pajama / There isn't any / Three-l lllama. / - Ogden Nash | Apr 12 14:06 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: I kinda suspected so. | Apr 12 14:06 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: dieing ATI radeon cards go down in the same creativity. | Apr 12 14:06 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: ati cards loss the means to draw text. | Apr 12 14:07 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: as their gpu starts dieing. | Apr 12 14:07 |
cubezzz | huh | Apr 12 14:07 |
cubezzz | it's been like this for years | Apr 12 14:08 |
cubezzz | about once or twice a month I lose the text console | Apr 12 14:09 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: and you have had your ATI card overheated once right. | Apr 12 14:09 |
cubezzz | I bought it used around 2010 I think | Apr 12 14:09 |
cubezzz | it's possible | Apr 12 14:09 |
cubezzz | is there any card you recommend that doesn't overheat that would work on this p3 AGP box? | Apr 12 14:10 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: I don't use second hand cards. | Apr 12 14:11 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: I don't know of any new AGP | Apr 12 14:11 |
cubezzz | ah | Apr 12 14:11 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: switching from x11 to console and back sometimes can go south with older cards as well. | Apr 12 14:12 |
oiaohm | but if that is the case if you have set up SAK that will cure a Linux kernel mess up. | Apr 12 14:12 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: | Apr 12 14:13 |
oiaohm | but if it the card itself SAK will not fix it. | Apr 12 14:13 |
oiaohm | Also if it the card ssh login in and attempt to trigger resets will not work either. | Apr 12 14:14 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: the issue you describe match ATI card that has been overheated. | Apr 12 14:14 |
cubezzz | ah I see | Apr 12 14:14 |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 12 14:14 |
cubezzz | well, that would explain it | Apr 12 14:14 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: mind you an old nvidia is more creative. | Apr 12 14:15 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: old nvidia that has been overheated starts reporting as a intel video card. | Apr 12 14:15 |
cubezzz | I have another old p3 that ran for over a year without messing up (switching from text to X and back) | Apr 12 14:16 |
cubezzz | but that was using the vesa driver on openbsd | Apr 12 14:16 |
cubezzz | never messed up the text console at least | Apr 12 14:16 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: if it dead ati it will also mess up running openbsd. | Apr 12 14:17 |
cubezzz | oiaohm, this not dead though | Apr 12 14:17 |
cubezzz | it's | Apr 12 14:17 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: half-dead | Apr 12 14:17 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: ati cards pretend to be alive | Apr 12 14:17 |
cubezzz | X always works... only the text console messes up | Apr 12 14:17 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: text console is allocated in the same ram in the video card all the time. | Apr 12 14:18 |
cubezzz | well I suppose it's not 100% functional | Apr 12 14:18 |
cubezzz | but I wouldn't say it's dead | Apr 12 14:19 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: there is a reason why I said dead. | Apr 12 14:19 |
msb_ | cubezzz: It's old and had a stroke. | Apr 12 14:19 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: text console goes first. X11 will follow. | Apr 12 14:19 |
oiaohm | msb_: had a stroke and due for another one. | Apr 12 14:20 |
msb_ | oiaohm: Thanks for the SAK page! I've known about Alt-SysReq, but not SAK. | Apr 12 14:20 |
oiaohm | msb_: alt-sysreq is very bad to use. | Apr 12 14:22 |
oiaohm | msb_: but when desperate you use anything. | Apr 12 14:23 |
cubezzz | oiaohm, I will check back in 10 years :) | Apr 12 14:23 |
cubezzz | if it still works in 10 years then you'll need to revise your opinion :) | Apr 12 14:23 |
msb_ | oiaohm: Any kind of rebooting is bad for me, because I have to set up the directories in about 60 konsoles/mcs in 20 virtual desktops. | Apr 12 14:25 |
cubezzz | I have video cards much older and they didn't mess up like that at all | Apr 12 14:25 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: notice I said ati its a particular geneartion of atis. | Apr 12 14:25 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: the 9xxx stuff and the 8xxx stuff. | Apr 12 14:26 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: all suffer from overheating stuffing the mmu on the video card. | Apr 12 14:26 |
cubezzz | ah well, you are probably right then | Apr 12 14:26 |
oiaohm | and once its started its progressive. | Apr 12 14:26 |
cubezzz | the only question is how long it will continue to work | Apr 12 14:26 |
msb_ | Eventually all you can get from it is, "I had jello today." | Apr 12 14:27 |
oiaohm | Normally before X11 stops working on them the bios screens become unreadable. | Apr 12 14:27 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: yes yes dieing ati gets wrong. | Apr 12 14:28 |
cubezzz | oiaohm, have you seen this: | Apr 12 14:28 |
cubezzz | | Apr 12 14:28 |
cubezzz | it's a shame about ati | Apr 12 14:29 |
cubezzz | I used to think their engineering was really good | Apr 12 14:29 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: really there were. | Apr 12 14:30 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: just they got a little too close to limit in particular generations. | Apr 12 14:30 |
oiaohm | And if you never overheat them they would have lasted. | Apr 12 14:30 |
msb_ | oiaohm: Why is alt-sysreq bad to use? | Apr 12 14:30 |
cubezzz | I doubt I worked this card too hard | Apr 12 14:30 |
cubezzz | the previous owner might have | Apr 12 14:31 |
oiaohm | msb_: alt-sysreq fails to free up ram correctly when you trigger its sak. | Apr 12 14:31 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: that is the problem with ATI cards of those generations. | Apr 12 14:31 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: you need the full life history 1 overhead and they will die. | Apr 12 14:31 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: yes you now know why I don't touch second hand video cards. | Apr 12 14:32 |
cubezzz | oiaohm, I have ati vga wonders that still work :) | Apr 12 14:32 |
cubezzz | it's an interesting problem though, hard reset brings the text console back | Apr 12 14:33 |
cubezzz | heck, there's still some S100 video cards that still work | Apr 12 14:34 |
cubezzz | age is only one factor | Apr 12 14:34 |
msb_ | cubezzz: Have you tried "stty sane" or "Alt-SysReq R" | Apr 12 14:34 |
cubezzz | msb_, I've tried everything yeah | Apr 12 14:34 |
cubezzz | my guess would be some piece of video memory is getting over-written | Apr 12 14:35 |
cubezzz | sometimes I see text but it's very faint | Apr 12 14:35 |
cubezzz | sometimes it's vertical bars | Apr 12 14:36 |
cubezzz | sometimes the text console looks like a messed up X session :) | Apr 12 14:36 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: so far perfect description of dieing ati. | Apr 12 14:37 |
cubezzz | you would think resetting the text console would be easy to do | Apr 12 14:37 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: when an ati starts up it zeros it memory. | Apr 12 14:37 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: or thoese old ones did. | Apr 12 14:37 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: so unstable ram gets made functional for a little bit. | Apr 12 14:38 |
oiaohm | And that little bit is a very random value. | Apr 12 14:38 |
oiaohm | anything from 5 mins to 10 days. | Apr 12 14:38 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: thinking I leave computers running with text console only and no x11. | Apr 12 14:39 |
oiaohm | and running for months at a time. | Apr 12 14:39 |
oiaohm | sometimes years. | Apr 12 14:39 |
cubezzz | my utility power doesn't seem good enough for years :-/ | Apr 12 14:39 |
cubezzz | but I've done 380 days | Apr 12 14:39 |
cubezzz | I have this Dell GX110 with some intel video chipset | Apr 12 14:40 |
cubezzz | it doesn't mess up... one year running and still fine | Apr 12 14:40 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: my sad record is a lost server. | Apr 12 14:40 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: 6 years without rebooting. | Apr 12 14:40 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: kinda highly insecure by that point. | Apr 12 14:41 |
cubezzz | but... I assume that you weren't switching from text to X and back? | Apr 12 14:41 |
cubezzz | although I guess that shouldn't matter | Apr 12 14:41 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: it did not even have a video card. | Apr 12 14:42 |
oiaohm | serial console only. | Apr 12 14:42 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: I have some true server hardware. | Apr 12 14:42 |
cubezzz | any opinion on what would be the most durable video card? | Apr 12 14:42 |
msb_ | When DRAM chips first came out -- 1024bits IIRC -- mfrs talked about taking care that the epoxy encapsulant didn't contain any radioactives that could emit alpha particles and flip bits. | Apr 12 14:43 |
oiaohm | No video card and just a serial port would be the most durable. | Apr 12 14:43 |
oiaohm | msb_: there is no such thing as a materials that are 100 percent not radioactive. | Apr 12 14:44 |
cubezzz | what I really want is a computer that always works | Apr 12 14:44 |
msb_ | oiaohm: Sure, but they reduced it to a billion years MTBF or some such. | Apr 12 14:45 |
cubezzz | I have to say this old Dell has been pretty good | Apr 12 14:45 |
cubezzz | I'd settle for 100 years :) | Apr 12 14:45 |
msb_ | Yes, but with 1024bits/chip they needed a lot of chips per machine. | Apr 12 14:46 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: you are after solid. Motherboard that supports coreboot without onboard video card. Setup for serial remove video card. | Apr 12 14:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Serial console - coreboot | Apr 12 14:48 | |
oiaohm | cubezzz: Yes I do this horible to servers. | Apr 12 14:48 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: it also removes a lot of tampering. | Apr 12 14:48 |
cubezzz | yes, for a server that's fine | Apr 12 14:49 |
cubezzz | I'll definitely try that for the server | Apr 12 14:49 |
cubezzz | but I also write openmotif stuff | Apr 12 14:49 |
cubezzz | and run a few games | Apr 12 14:50 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: its the old theory the least number of parts to screw up the better. | Apr 12 14:50 |
cubezzz | yes, coreboot is good, I use it sometimes | Apr 12 14:50 |
msb_ | But then you're left with reading a good book. | Apr 12 14:50 |
oiaohm | msb_: there is another advantage to using serial | Apr 12 14:51 |
oiaohm | serial data loggers. | Apr 12 14:51 |
oiaohm | to create a log the OS cannot delete. | Apr 12 14:51 |
cubezzz | oiaohm, you know I think I even have an EGA wonder that still works | Apr 12 14:51 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: I have an old s3 trio around here somehere and an old tnt2 | Apr 12 14:52 |
msb_ | Save that old stuff. If we have a CME or GRB they may be the only computers left that work! | Apr 12 14:53 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: all the video cards I have since then I have killed. | Apr 12 14:53 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: 3d rendering for days at a time they did not like. | Apr 12 14:54 |
oiaohm | cubezzz I get about 4 to 5 years out a videocard. | Apr 12 14:55 |
msb_ | When computers become conscious that will be a crime. | Apr 12 14:56 |
cubezzz | yeah I have an old Jaton AGP card that's been running 24/7 in the server for a long time | Apr 12 14:58 |
cubezzz | at least 10 years | Apr 12 14:58 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: I guess no heavy lifting. | Apr 12 14:58 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: my video cards have to put up with blender and equal running flat stack. | Apr 12 14:59 |
cubezzz | I've never installed Linux with no graphics card | Apr 12 15:00 |
cubezzz | or to you install with a graphics card then remove it later? | Apr 12 15:01 |
cubezzz | s/to/do/ | Apr 12 15:01 |
cubezzz | I mean, you wouldn't even be able to see the POST | Apr 12 15:02 |
oiaohm | You can build Linux installers automatically to find serial ports. | Apr 12 15:03 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: post in lots of motherboards can be watched by a post card. | Apr 12 15:04 |
oiaohm | | Apr 12 15:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | POST card - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Apr 12 15:05 | |
oiaohm | cubezzz: its mostly install a video card to sort out the bios. | Apr 12 15:05 |
msb_ | Hey, Linux wants to be free! It wants to sing and dance! | Apr 12 15:05 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: lot of motherboards with stock bios don't boot without video card. | Apr 12 15:06 |
cubezzz | I'm sure the computer would run cooler with no video card | Apr 12 15:06 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: correct | Apr 12 15:07 |
cubezzz | less ram usage too | Apr 12 15:07 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: kinda. | Apr 12 15:07 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: rememer you have lost the ram on the video card. | Apr 12 15:07 |
cubezzz | ah, that's true | Apr 12 15:07 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 15:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | South Park Music - i love to singa - YouTube [ ] | Apr 12 15:10 | |
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 12 15:19 | |
MinceR | | Apr 12 15:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal | Apr 12 15:28 | |
*amarsh04 still runs a radeon 9200se video card in this machine | Apr 12 15:35 | |
amarsh04 | back in a minute, new kernel | Apr 12 15:36 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 12 15:36 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Apr 12 15:40 | |
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 12 15:43 | |
DaemonFC | Good morning. :) | Apr 12 15:43 |
amarsh04 | hi | Apr 12 15:45 |
MinceR | hay | Apr 12 15:45 |
DaemonFC | How's Hungaristan treating you today, MinceR? :) | Apr 12 15:56 |
MinceR | not well | Apr 12 15:59 |
Sosumi | | Apr 12 16:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Samsung Galaxy S5 also region-locked, here are the details - news [ ] | Apr 12 16:19 | |
Sosumi | the s5 is a mess | Apr 12 16:20 |
msb_ | Forced to consume goulash at gunpoint by communist thugs! | Apr 12 16:20 |
Sosumi | disjointed GUI and a meaningless update to s4 | Apr 12 16:20 |
msb_ | Causing stomach upset so he's always pootin ! | Apr 12 16:21 |
MinceR | indeed, region locking is a mess | Apr 12 16:22 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 16:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | It may be ILLEGAL to run Heartbleed health checks IT lawyer - The Community's Center for Security [ ] | Apr 12 16:22 | |
MinceR | msb_: if you like hungary so much, why don't you move into it? | Apr 12 16:22 |
Sosumi | move to "U-hungry"? | Apr 12 16:24 |
msb_ | MinceR: Get in line! First I have to move to Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Vietnam... | Apr 12 16:24 |
MinceR | msb_: get moving, then | Apr 12 16:24 |
MinceR | msb_: there are so many nicely despotic states to choose from! | Apr 12 16:24 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 16:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | xkcd: Heartbleed Explanation | Apr 12 16:25 | |
schestowitz__ | so much of it in Linux siets | Apr 12 16:25 |
schestowitz__ | even though the news is out and has been out | Apr 12 16:26 |
msb_ | I've added stuff to my 9/11 area. Now four great videos plus links to my pages. | Apr 12 16:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Human Society That Works For Everyone | Apr 12 16:29 | |
msb_ | None of those other despotic states has started a War of Terror involving the whole world, and murdered TWO MILLION PEOPLE in it already. | Apr 12 16:30 |
MinceR | some of them have murdered a lot more than that | Apr 12 16:31 |
msb_ | Not in the last 13 years. | Apr 12 16:32 |
MinceR | well, nothing that happened before that matters, right? | Apr 12 16:32 |
msb_ | In that case I'm gonna blame you for Vlad the Impaler. | Apr 12 16:34 |
MinceR | personally? | Apr 12 16:34 |
msb_ | Of course. | Apr 12 16:34 |
MinceR | well, i guess that doesn't take more mental gymnastics than the rest of your delusions | Apr 12 16:34 |
msb_ | You're the one that brought the past into it, not me. | Apr 12 16:35 |
MinceR | oh, i didn't know the war of terror hasn't started yet. | Apr 12 16:36 |
msb_ | parse error | Apr 12 16:38 |
schestowitz__ | MS Perlow: | Apr 12 16:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Heartbleed's lesson: Passwords must die | ZDNet [ ] | Apr 12 16:58 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 17:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Citrix: Top 5 Do's and Don’ts When Moving to the Cloud | [ ] | Apr 12 17:12 | |
schestowitz__ | citrix boosted by LF now | Apr 12 17:12 |
schestowitz__ | Rachel King the PRa agents: | Apr 12 17:17 |
schestowitz__ | despite sales still going dfown she tries to make it look like XP is helping x86 | Apr 12 17:17 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 17:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | End of Windows XP support slowing PC industry bleed, says Gartner | ZDNet [ ] | Apr 12 17:17 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 17:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ More #fud in #cbs #zdnet now expands what mostly affects servers to #android devices trolling as 'journalism' | Apr 12 17:19 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Android fragmentation turning devices into a toxic hellstew of vulnerabilities | ZDNet [ ] | Apr 12 17:19 | |
schestowitz__ | "Again, there's only one reason anyone even knows about Heartbleed." | Apr 12 17:19 |
msb_ | MS Perlow: "Passwords must die". He says we must use biometrics: Fingerprints - What could go wrong there? Voiceprint -- that sure couldn't be copied! Retinal Scan -- The bad guys don't even have to gouge out your eye. Just scan it with the same gadget that would be on every computer, and project the image onto an artificial eyeball. | Apr 12 17:22 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 17:23 |
msb_ | Hah! Microsoft has *always* been a toxic hellbrew. | Apr 12 17:24 |
*gde33|2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia | Apr 12 17:30 | |
MinceR | m$ munchkins having no idea what they're talking about isn't exactly new | Apr 12 17:37 |
Sosumi | fingerprints are much better than beating passwords out of ppl | Apr 12 17:58 |
Sosumi | just grab a knife and cut the finger | Apr 12 17:58 |
Sosumi | or a cigar cutter (remember my jokes about iphone 5s fingerprint sensor?) | Apr 12 17:59 |
Sosumi | passwords with an external authenticator work much better | Apr 12 18:00 |
Sosumi | ala blizzard authenticator | Apr 12 18:00 |
cubezzz | do what the banks do, logins accepted only from one computer and one ip address | Apr 12 18:00 |
Sosumi | but not everyone has a fixed IP | Apr 12 18:01 |
cubezzz | might be a bit tricky with... yeah | Apr 12 18:01 |
Sosumi | | Apr 12 18:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mkalinowskaa: Police in #Donetsk surrendered and joined the protesters #ukraine @Ruptly | Apr 12 18:03 | |
Sosumi | lol | Apr 12 18:03 |
Sosumi | the whole ukraine deal has been a laughing stock, to me at least | Apr 12 18:04 |
Sosumi | with the EU/US sponsored coup failing | Apr 12 18:04 |
cubezzz | Microsoft's got that TPM 2.0 thing, which kicks in on Jan 1, 2015 | Apr 12 18:05 |
Sosumi | and now ukraine seeming to be falling apart and being absorbed by russia | Apr 12 18:06 |
cubezzz | "all computers must have TPM 2.0 to get windows 8.1" | Apr 12 18:06 |
Sosumi | TPM is a module that you put on the board | Apr 12 18:06 |
Sosumi | kewl stuff, but aside I actually wouldn't mind gazprom cutting the gas supply to europe | Apr 12 18:08 |
Sosumi | and let those idiots up in the north, literally, freeze to dead :) | Apr 12 18:09 |
Sosumi | *death | Apr 12 18:09 |
Sosumi | and it isn't a required for anything | Apr 12 18:09 |
Sosumi | most boards don't even have a slot for it | Apr 12 18:09 |
Sosumi | | Apr 12 18:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Trusted Platform Module - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | Apr 12 18:11 | |
Sosumi | "Microsoft has announced that from January 1, 2015 all computers will have to be equipped with a TPM 2.0 module in order to pass the Windows 8.1 hardware certification." | Apr 12 18:12 |
Sosumi | aka a sticker | Apr 12 18:12 |
cubezzz | my computers are too old for win 8.1 | Apr 12 18:12 |
Sosumi | but does it matter? nop, can still install it | Apr 12 18:12 |
cubezzz | oh I see | Apr 12 18:13 |
cubezzz | not that I was thinking about actually installing windows 8.1 of course | Apr 12 18:13 |
Sosumi | and actually, does vista 8 matter at all? | Apr 12 18:13 |
Sosumi | nop | Apr 12 18:14 |
cubezzz | a customer might ask for it | Apr 12 18:14 |
Sosumi | then, let him have it | Apr 12 18:14 |
Sosumi | since he's the one paying anyways | Apr 12 18:14 |
cubezzz | but so far no one I know is using it | Apr 12 18:14 |
Sosumi | but it isn't a requirement | Apr 12 18:14 |
Sosumi | no board comes one either | Apr 12 18:15 |
Sosumi | they have the slot and nothing more | Apr 12 18:15 |
Sosumi | | Apr 12 18:18 |
Sosumi | just the slot | Apr 12 18:18 |
Sosumi | at the bottom | Apr 12 18:18 |
Sosumi | but no module | Apr 12 18:18 |
MinceR | | Apr 12 19:35 |
msb_ | People were really much more friendly and interesting when most people were smoking cannabis in the 1960s. The whole culture was much better. | Apr 12 19:45 |
cubezzz | except for the computer part :) | Apr 12 19:46 |
msb_ | Right -- there weren't any. | Apr 12 19:46 |
cubezzz | also no unix in the 60's unless you count UNICUS | Apr 12 19:46 |
MinceR | afaik violence rates were higher in the 1960s | Apr 12 19:47 |
cubezzz | lots of computers in the 60 | Apr 12 19:47 |
cubezzz | 's | Apr 12 19:47 |
cubezzz | Burroughs B5500 | Apr 12 19:47 |
msb_ | I loved the idea of a computer designed for a high-level language. I bought the manual for the B5500. | Apr 12 19:48 |
cubezzz | grab your light pen and go :) | Apr 12 19:48 |
msb_ | I built a lightpen for the LINC computer. | Apr 12 19:48 |
cubezzz | IBM 1130 was relatively cheap | Apr 12 19:48 |
msb_ | How cheap? | Apr 12 19:50 |
cubezzz | oh about $41,000 if you wanted a disk drive | Apr 12 19:51 |
msb_ | And those dollars were probably worth at least 5 of the current ones. | Apr 12 19:52 |
cubezzz | IBM 2310, stores 512,000 words | Apr 12 19:52 |
cubezzz | PDP-8 would be cheaper | Apr 12 19:53 |
cubezzz | $18,000 | Apr 12 19:53 |
msb_ | Anyhow, now we have computers, Linux, *and* cannabis. | Apr 12 19:53 |
msb_ | People should be able to wake up and throw off the organized psychopaths. | Apr 12 19:54 |
cubezzz | if I could I'd time-warp back to the 60's for a day or so | Apr 12 19:54 |
cubezzz | an interesting era for computers | Apr 12 19:54 |
msb_ | Well, we can do everything on a PC now that a B5500 or B6600 could do back then, but a lot faster and a lot cheaper. | Apr 12 19:56 |
msb_ | Even though we have software pointers to the stack chain instead of hardware ones. | Apr 12 19:56 |
msb_ | ALGOL-60 was a great leap forward. I had an ALGOL60 license plate! | Apr 12 19:57 |
cubezzz | IBM 1130 could actually be put into the home without too much difficulty | Apr 12 19:57 |
MinceR | if the home was large enough? :> | Apr 12 19:58 |
cubezzz | you can get a 120V setup | Apr 12 19:58 |
cubezzz | it was about the size of a large desk | Apr 12 19:58 |
MinceR | ic | Apr 12 19:58 |
cubezzz | | Apr 12 20:00 |
msb_ | Does the babe come with it? | Apr 12 20:01 |
MinceR | the babe has aged a lot since that picture was taken :> | Apr 12 20:01 |
cubezzz | well if she was 20 in 1965... :) | Apr 12 20:01 |
cubezzz | next year will be the 50th anniversary of the 1130 | Apr 12 20:01 |
cubezzz | this is still my favourite 60's computer pic: | Apr 12 20:12 |
cubezzz | | Apr 12 20:12 |
msb_ | Nice! | Apr 12 20:14 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 20:14 |
cubezzz | ha | Apr 12 20:15 |
MinceR | the steering wheel is funny | Apr 12 20:15 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 20:15 |
cubezzz | does that old fart know assembly language? :) | Apr 12 20:15 |
MinceR | macs are pcs | Apr 12 20:16 |
cubezzz | ok, you asked for it... | Apr 12 20:16 |
msb_ | The one in the Amiga pic *dreams* assembly language! | Apr 12 20:16 |
cubezzz | | Apr 12 20:17 |
MinceR | lol | Apr 12 20:17 |
MinceR | should have used a real computer | Apr 12 20:17 |
cubezzz | I still use an amiga sometimes | Apr 12 20:18 |
cubezzz | it's not _that_ old | Apr 12 20:18 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 20:39 |
msb_ | The cyberpunk pic reminded me of that one! | Apr 12 20:39 |
msb_ | I saw it on somebody's cubicle wall many years ago, but never got a copy until now. Found it by googling for dilbert duel | Apr 12 20:40 |
MinceR | :) | Apr 12 20:41 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 20:42 |
msb_ | More Techno-Bill! | Apr 12 20:43 |
MinceR | :D | Apr 12 20:43 |
cubezzz | obviously one of the older dilberts :) | Apr 12 20:43 |
MinceR | indeed | Apr 12 20:43 |
XFaCE | MinceR: | Apr 12 20:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | More People Were Paid To Exploit Heartbleed For The NSA Than Fix It - Falkvinge on Infopolicy [ ] | Apr 12 20:45 | |
MinceR | no surprise | Apr 12 20:45 |
MinceR | the nsa has gone rogue | Apr 12 20:45 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 20:59 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 21:02 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 21:05 |
MinceR | :D | Apr 12 21:07 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 21:10 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 12 21:11 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 21:14 |
msb_ | Tech Support: | Apr 12 21:40 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 12 21:51 |
DaemonFC | New bf. :) | Apr 12 21:51 |
*_Goblin (~tim@ has joined #techrights | Apr 12 22:04 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to _Goblin | Apr 12 22:04 | |
_Goblin | schestowitz, you there mate? | Apr 12 22:27 |
schestowitz__ | 0/ | Apr 12 22:27 |
_Goblin | :) Sorry about last sat...... | Apr 12 22:27 |
_Goblin | I was distracted from PC by the football....really sorry.... | Apr 12 22:28 |
schestowitz__ | how about tomorrow night? | Apr 12 22:28 |
_Goblin | lol....I was just typing that! | Apr 12 22:28 |
_Goblin | yes yes yes....tomorrow evening without doubt | Apr 12 22:28 |
_Goblin | I've an easter egg hunt around mum and dads during the day but will be home around 1700 | Apr 12 22:29 |
_Goblin | (Easter egg hunt for the kids not me - I hasten to add) | Apr 12 22:29 |
schestowitz__ | can Amy handle that? | Apr 12 22:29 |
schestowitz__ | she'd be under 2 | Apr 12 22:30 |
_Goblin | lol....when chocolate is involved shes a master at finding eggs | Apr 12 22:32 |
_Goblin | and shes not under 2 | Apr 12 22:32 |
_Goblin | Shame on you're her godfather! :) | Apr 12 22:33 |
_Goblin | ....Just made my first post to G+ for a while....... | Apr 12 22:35 |
_Goblin | should really pay it more attention since Twitter is rather restrictive.... | Apr 12 22:36 |
schestowitz__ | [22:33] <_Goblin> Shame on you're her godfather! :) | Apr 12 22:53 |
schestowitz__ | Oh, oops, I count since the baprism | Apr 12 22:53 |
schestowitz__ | *baptism | Apr 12 22:53 |
_Goblin | :) | Apr 12 22:54 |
schestowitz__ | which I think was almost exactly 2 years ago, add 2 weeks... | Apr 12 22:54 |
_Goblin | I won't tell her! | Apr 12 22:54 |
_Goblin | now that particular date, I can't remember! | Apr 12 22:54 |
_Goblin | christening... | Apr 12 22:54 |
_Goblin | Roy the Godfather..... | Apr 12 22:55 |
schestowitz__ | it was end of April | Apr 12 23:11 |
_Goblin | schestowitz__, I meant to did that recording test sound from before? It came out very well my end. | Apr 12 23:16 |
_Goblin | I cleaned it up a bit and it sounded v.good | Apr 12 23:17 |
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 06 00:03 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 06 00:20 |
MinceR | Microsoft® Security™ | Apr 06 00:20 |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 06 00:39 | |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | Apr 06 00:43 | |
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | Apr 06 02:04 | |
MinceR | gn | Apr 06 02:13 |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 06 02:42 | |
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*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 06 03:50 | |
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 06 03:54 | |
DaemonFC | J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says: | Apr 06 04:00 |
DaemonFC | "Firefox on a Crapple" | Apr 06 04:00 |
DaemonFC | I don't know what the point of that is. You can't pretend to have freedom when the software running the computer is undermining that from the minute you turn the machine on. | Apr 06 04:00 |
DaemonFC | Apple doesn't really make computers. They make iTunes kiosks. In other words, toys for stupid people with too much money. The iThings are useless for general purpose computing, and the Macs are becoming more like that with every new version of OS X. | Apr 06 04:00 |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 06 04:27 | |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 06 04:32 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 06 06:02 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 06 06:30 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Apr 06 06:36 | |
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*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 06 07:34 | |
*tim_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Apr 06 08:36 | |
*brendyn has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 06 08:41 | |
*brendyn (brendyn@2400:8900::f03c:91ff:fedf:65b4) has joined #techrights | Apr 06 08:51 | |
Sosumi | they still haven't removed the terminal | Apr 06 09:03 |
Sosumi | but it'll probably go away on the next release or so :) | Apr 06 09:03 |
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrights | Apr 06 09:59 | |
DaemonFC | The Best Buy circular is out. | Apr 06 10:00 |
DaemonFC | The trade in deal says it has to be a laptop running Windows XP. | Apr 06 10:01 |
DaemonFC | The news articles just said "Windows XP PC". | Apr 06 10:01 |
DaemonFC | I might call the store and ask if desktop PCs qualify. | Apr 06 10:01 |
*freedomrun has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) | Apr 06 10:13 | |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 06 10:26 | |
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | Apr 06 11:28 | |
MinceR | their terminal always sucked | Apr 06 12:15 |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 06 12:19 |
Sosumi | it's basically a copy past from bsd | Apr 06 12:51 |
Sosumi | *paste | Apr 06 12:51 |
MinceR | yet pageup/pagedown is broken, for example | Apr 06 13:07 |
MinceR | also, i wonder how bsd used the osx windowing system | Apr 06 13:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines CyanogenMod reveals new branding that | Apr 06 13:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | represents openness, security and customization | Apr 06 13:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 06 13:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 13:12 |
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Quit: Left) | Apr 06 13:22 | |
Sosumi | | Apr 06 14:03 |
Sosumi | Not dead yet: Dutch, British governments pay to keep Windows XP alive | Apr 06 14:03 |
cubezzz | bsd was first with the window managers | Apr 06 14:11 |
cubezzz | 4.3bsd had X, Xqvss, Xqdss, Xsun along with xwm, uwm, and xnwm | Apr 06 14:17 |
cubezzz | earliest versions ran on DEC VS100 displays | Apr 06 14:20 |
schestowitz | | Apr 06 14:50 |
cubezzz | I wrote a simple script if anyone wants to experiment with Xnest and different window managers: | Apr 06 15:01 |
cubezzz | | Apr 06 15:01 |
schestowitz | | Apr 06 15:27 |
schestowitz | cubezzz: publish it in some relevant site | Apr 06 15:27 |
schestowitz | it has no searchable info associated with it | Apr 06 15:28 |
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Apr 06 15:48 | |
sebsebseb | hi MinceR Sosumi XFaCE schestowitz | Apr 06 15:49 |
MinceR | hay | Apr 06 15:49 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: good and bad news | Apr 06 15:49 |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | Apr 06 15:59 | |
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*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 06 15:59 | |
schestowitz | hi, what's up? | Apr 06 16:04 |
schestowitz | | Apr 06 16:05 |
schestowitz | hm... bot dropped | Apr 06 16:05 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: my Mum is finally going to let me switch her over to LInux | Apr 06 16:06 |
sebsebseb | since the XP end of life | Apr 06 16:06 |
sebsebseb | well once she's backed up and yeah | Apr 06 16:06 |
*TechrightsBot-tr ( has joined #techrights | Apr 06 16:06 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Hello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.75 | Apr 06 16:06 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: old lap top from 2005 or so | Apr 06 16:06 |
schestowitz | hm... bot dropped | Apr 06 16:06 |
schestowitz | | Apr 06 16:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Today in #Techrights | Apr 06 16:06 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | Apr 06 16:06 | |
schestowitz | sebsebseb: that's not so old a laptop | Apr 06 16:06 |
schestowitz | I have one from 1999, haven't booted it since 2011 | Apr 06 16:07 |
schestowitz | HDD issues | Apr 06 16:07 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: I got extenral CD/DVD drive issues | Apr 06 16:09 |
sebsebseb | I asusme it'sm eant to be able to burn CD's/DVD's as well, but | Apr 06 16:10 |
sebsebseb | the one I bought for my netbook two years or so ago this is | Apr 06 16:10 |
sebsebseb | ,but it's getting about half way or so, an then it stops, and it's like the discs are blank still. or it puts a few fles on the discs and that's it | Apr 06 16:10 |
MinceR | | Apr 06 16:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GM Recall: Does the Government Bailout Protect It From Liability? - Businessweek [ ] | Apr 06 16:27 | |
MinceR | wow. | Apr 06 16:27 |
MinceR | | Apr 06 16:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GM's immunity in recall questioned | The Detroit News [ ] | Apr 06 16:28 | |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Apr 06 16:52 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | Apr 06 17:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 17:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | Apr 06 17:20 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 06 18:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Robolinux 7.4.2 Distro Can Keep Windows XP Running Inside Forever Without Viruses or Malware #gnu #linux #winxp | Apr 06 18:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Robolinux 7.4.2 Distro Can Keep Windows XP Running Inside Forever Without Viruses or Malware [ ] | Apr 06 18:27 | |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 06 18:27 |
schestowitz__ | Good to know about a new Friendica pod. Although I already have an account there, I know just a little about their work. One thing that makes me happy is the interoperability between Friendica and Diaspora networks. For me it sounds like a beginning of a real democratic space for the users, where they can choose any pod from any network to store their own accounts based on their preferences. | Apr 06 18:27 |
schestowitz__ | The federation here is working fine, and since the start of this new pod in Brazil, I have had no federation issues. It seems like the Diaspora* code is becoming stronger and more reliable on each release. | Apr 06 18:27 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 06 18:27 |
*neildarlow ( has joined #techrights | Apr 06 18:55 | |
schestowitz__ | nonsense of the day: | Apr 06 18:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Should Build On Its Past, Not Ignore It - Forbes [ ] | Apr 06 18:56 | |
schestowitz__ | warning: Forbes | Apr 06 18:56 |
*neildarlow has quit (Client Quit) | Apr 06 18:57 | |
Sosumi | sebsebseb, just create a bootable usb stick | Apr 06 19:01 |
Sosumi | and install it from there | Apr 06 19:01 |
Sosumi | I also, don't even understand the reason ppl bother with optical media anymore | Apr 06 19:02 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: I get isues with dd and usb's | Apr 06 19:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Red Hat Wins Software Vendor of the Year at | Apr 06 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | Channel Middle East Awards 2014 | Apr 06 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 06 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 'Akash tablets' to hit market soon | Apr 06 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 06 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 19:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat Wins Software Vendor of the Year at Channel Middle East Awards 2014 | Tux Machines | Apr 06 19:21 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tux Machines Turns 10 in a Couple of Months | Apr 06 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 06 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 19:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'Akash tablets' to hit market soon | Tux Machines | Apr 06 19:21 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines Turns 10 in a Couple of Months | Tux Machines | Apr 06 19:21 | |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 06 19:34 | |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 06 19:34 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 06 19:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | #UK voted strongl... | Apr 06 19:40 | |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 06 19:43 |
schestowitz__ | Yes but I would still stipulate that the state is the actual force ie people making the real threats against real education. For example say a school starts using Ubuntu for their primary OS. This may upset good ol' Bill and he may bribe (donate) a politician into drafting a law reversing this. It is the state that tells the teacher do this or be punished. Behind every decree of the state there is a gun. | Apr 06 19:43 |
schestowitz__ | I would even go so far as to say that it is the state that artificially sustains the economic system that built Bill Gates to what he is now. | Apr 06 19:43 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 06 19:43 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 06 19:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Attitudes | Apr 06 19:43 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 06 19:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: #uprisings in #ukraine, 6th April 2014, #antifascist and #pro #russian #marches in #odessa, #zaporoje, #donetsk, #kharkov and #lugansk. | Apr 06 19:45 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- Photo by | Apr 06 19:45 | |
schestowitz__ | "obviously, Russia doesn't want to let Ukraine to slip from their fingers. in that case, Ukraine will go towards middle ages together with Russia. I understand why Ukrainians don't want that. Russia should've become a country whichc doesn't have to force others to join union with them, instead of using military power, or power of money, or puppet governors like Yanukovich." | Apr 06 19:45 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 06 20:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ R.I.P. Windows XP 2001-2014. What can you do now? | Apr 06 20:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | R.I.P. Windows XP 2001-2014. What can you do now? | [ ] | Apr 06 20:00 | |
schestowitz__ | "For similar experience - switch to Linux Mint Debian Edition MATE" | Apr 06 20:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Acquia’s Dries Buytaert: It’s open-source | Apr 06 20:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | software that’ll eat the world | Apr 06 20:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 06 20:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 20:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Five Models For Open Source Revenue | Apr 06 20:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 06 20:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 20:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tiny Core 5.3 RC2 Is Probably the Smallest | Apr 06 20:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux Distro Around | Apr 06 20:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 20:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Acquia’s Dries Buytaert: It’s open-source software that’ll eat the world | Tux Machines | Apr 06 20:18 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Five Models For Open Source Revenue | Tux Machines | Apr 06 20:18 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tiny Core 5.3 RC2 Is Probably the Smallest Linux Distro Around | Tux Machines | Apr 06 20:18 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines NVIDIA Fermi/Kepler GPUs Are The Best Bet For | Apr 06 21:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ubuntu 14.04 Nouveau | Apr 06 21:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 21:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NVIDIA Fermi/Kepler GPUs Are The Best Bet For Ubuntu 14.04 Nouveau | Tux Machines | Apr 06 21:28 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Steam Hardware Survey for March Shows Small | Apr 06 21:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | Decline for Linux | Apr 06 21:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 21:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Steam Hardware Survey for March Shows Small Decline for Linux | Tux Machines | Apr 06 21:29 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Building for Linux, the smart way | Apr 06 21:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 06 21:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 21:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Building for Linux, the smart way | Tux Machines | Apr 06 21:29 | |
*gde33|2 ( has joined #techrights | Apr 06 21:39 | |
*roy_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Apr 06 21:42 | |
*TRT has quit (*.net *.split) | Apr 06 21:48 | |
*schestowitz has quit (*.net *.split) | Apr 06 21:48 | |
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*jono ( has joined #techrights | Apr 06 21:57 | |
*jono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Apr 06 21:57 | |
*TRT ( has joined #techrights | Apr 06 21:58 | |
MinceR | the braindead savages of hungary have signed up for 4 more years of destruction >> | Apr 06 23:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 2014 Hungarian national election liveblog: April 6 | [ ] | Apr 06 23:21 | |
DaemonFC | I called Best Buy about that Windows XP for $100 store credit deal. | Apr 06 23:21 |
DaemonFC | It turns out that the offer is only valid for laptops that you want to trade in. | Apr 06 23:21 |
DaemonFC | They won't give you anything for a Windows XP desktop. | Apr 06 23:22 |
MinceR | pft | Apr 06 23:24 |
MinceR | false advertising? | Apr 06 23:24 |
sebsebseb | DaemonFC: then what they sell on the ap tops or someting? | Apr 06 23:26 |
sebsebseb | lap | Apr 06 23:26 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: The news articles wrote the story before the ad came out. | Apr 06 23:49 |
DaemonFC | The actual ad says "laptops". | Apr 06 23:49 |
MinceR | ic | Apr 06 23:49 |
DaemonFC | sebsebseb: You could use the credit for any computer Best Buy sells, including Chromebooks. | Apr 06 23:49 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 06 23:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Going 'Green' Is More Than Shopping at Whole Foods and Driving a Prius | Alternet [ ] | Apr 06 23:57 | |
DaemonFC | I wouldn't shop at Whole Foods. The CEO is a crazy Ayn Rand worshiping Rand Paul style "Libertarian". | Apr 06 23:57 |
DaemonFC | He's constantly attacked the requirements of the Affordable Care Act, because Whole Foods has a health insurance plan that's more like Walmart's. A $3,500 deductible, annual caps, and no mental health coverage at all. | Apr 06 23:57 |
DaemonFC | Whole Foods store security in some states carries handguns. What are they planning to do? Shoot a person who is hungry and stealing food? | Apr 06 23:57 |
DaemonFC | Even if they haven't shot anyone yet, and although I am not in a position where I would need to steal food, I don't like the idea that some armed private gestapo is watching me shop. | Apr 06 23:57 |
MinceR | well, if they're dead, they won't be hungry ever again ;) | Apr 07 00:03 |
MinceR | gn | Apr 07 00:06 |
*drreveng (~drreveng@ has joined #techrights | Apr 07 01:09 | |
DaemonFC | MinceR: Alternet is bugging me. | Apr 07 01:28 |
DaemonFC | They have a Javascript that seems to be intended to disable Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V to make it harder to copy and paste from their articles. | Apr 07 01:28 |
DaemonFC | but it disables every hotkey combination, including Ctrl+T for a new tab. | Apr 07 01:29 |
DaemonFC | In the mean time, you can still select text with the mouse, right click, and click "copy". | Apr 07 01:29 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 07 01:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Not Just Apple: GnuTLS Bug Means Security Flaw For Major Linux Distros - Slashdot [ ] | Apr 07 01:30 | |
DaemonFC | Slashdot just posted an inaccurate account of the gnutls bug that was patched more than a month ago. | Apr 07 01:30 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 07 02:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | N450 WiFi DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem Router (N450-100NAS): Computers & Accessories [ ] | Apr 07 02:55 | |
DaemonFC | I decided to buy one of these. It's $100 up front, but then I can return my modem to Comcast and quit paying to rent it. | Apr 07 02:55 |
DaemonFC | Then my internet bill should be down to $20 a month. :) | Apr 07 02:55 |
DaemonFC | I've heard that Comcast won't give you a great deal on your internet package if you own your own equipment. | Apr 07 03:32 |
DaemonFC | So, I got the 12 months at $19.99 locked in, and then bought my own equipment. | Apr 07 03:32 |
DaemonFC | My AAA Sprint discount kicked in this month. It brought my bill down from $99 to $96. :) | Apr 07 03:54 |
DaemonFC | I've noticed lately, that Amazon says your order is over $35 and gets free super saver shipping, and then tried to default to "standard shipping" instead. | Apr 07 04:47 |
DaemonFC | In the case of my modem, the estimated delivery date with "standard shipping" was April 10. With super saver, the estimated delivery date is the 11th (my birthday!). | Apr 07 04:47 |
DaemonFC | So, 1 day sooner was going to cost an additional $9.65? Pass. | Apr 07 04:47 |
DaemonFC | They've tripped me up on that a couple of times before, where I was sure that I selected super saver, but my invoice billed me for standard. | Apr 07 04:47 |
DaemonFC | I had to go in, cancel the order, and redo it with super saver. | Apr 07 04:47 |
DaemonFC | Not cool, Amazon. Not cool! | Apr 07 04:47 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 07 05:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION MAKES IT OFFICIAL: ‘SELFIE’ A MENTAL DISORDER | The Adobo Chronicles [ ] | Apr 07 05:13 | |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | Apr 07 05:33 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | Apr 07 05:33 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 05:33 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 07 06:20 | |
DaemonFC | msb_: I'm finding that going organic on some things isn't that much more expensive. | Apr 07 06:26 |
DaemonFC | Bananas and coffee that are organic cost about the same as their non-organic counterparts. | Apr 07 06:26 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: Hi! Organic is great, especially if it's not sprayed with sulfuryl fluoride. | Apr 07 06:32 |
*Riddic has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | Apr 07 06:36 | |
DaemonFC | I'm a bit nervous about going with a Netgear cable gateway. | Apr 07 06:36 |
DaemonFC | I had one of their ADSL gateways and it was a bit flaky. | Apr 07 06:36 |
DaemonFC | But, they're soooooooo much cheaper than Motorola... | Apr 07 06:37 |
DaemonFC | We're talking $99 vs $139. | Apr 07 06:37 |
*Riddic ( has joined #techrights | Apr 07 06:37 | |
DaemonFC | Comcast says that this is an approved device that supports DOCSIS 3 and ipv6 on their network, and it has had level 1 certification. | Apr 07 06:38 |
msb_ | I was having cable outages with comcrap until I insisted they give me a DOCSIS 3 modem. | Apr 07 06:38 |
DaemonFC | What really pissed me off is that they pushed an unwanted firmware update to my rented gateway that lets other Comcast customers log in without my permission and use my cable internet connection. | Apr 07 06:38 |
DaemonFC | Yeah, I was the one that recommended that. | Apr 07 06:39 |
DaemonFC | :) | Apr 07 06:39 |
msb_ | Thanks! | Apr 07 06:39 |
DaemonFC | DOCSIS 3 is much better. Even if your service level is the cheapest they have and is supported by DOCSIS 2.... | Apr 07 06:39 |
msb_ | How can others log in if they | Apr 07 06:39 |
msb_ | 're not connected to it. | Apr 07 06:39 |
msb_ | ? | Apr 07 06:39 |
DaemonFC | It creates a second wifi network called "COMCAST-GUEST". | Apr 07 06:40 |
DaemonFC | and it lets anyone log in with their comcast email address and password and be a parasite on your connection. | Apr 07 06:40 |
DaemonFC | You're still only provisioned whatever speed level you subscribe to, but it lets them leech off of it. | Apr 07 06:41 |
msb_ | Oh. Mine doesn't have wifi and I don't use it anyhow. | Apr 07 06:41 |
DaemonFC | So everything you're doing could slow to a halt. | Apr 07 06:41 |
DaemonFC | Yeah, if it's just a modem, they can't do that. | Apr 07 06:41 |
DaemonFC | They also can't do that if you own your equipment. | Apr 07 06:41 |
msb_ | I just connect with ethernet. | Apr 07 06:41 |
DaemonFC | I can't do that. | Apr 07 06:42 |
DaemonFC | Well, I do with my desktop PC. | Apr 07 06:42 |
msb_ | Some people think the wifi RF is intense enough to be dangerous -- cancer, etc. | Apr 07 06:42 |
DaemonFC | It isn't possible to do that with my phone and it wouldn't be practical to do that with a laptop. | Apr 07 06:42 |
DaemonFC | I don't believe that it is. | Apr 07 06:42 |
DaemonFC | One thing that I did notice about wifi routers is that the default settings tend to degrade performance. | Apr 07 06:43 |
DaemonFC | If you don't have any wireless b or g devices, you should set it to "n" only. | Apr 07 06:43 |
DaemonFC | That also gives you a small bit of extra security. Since nothing you use is wireless b or g, that would mean that anyone attempting to connect using those is not you. | Apr 07 06:44 |
DaemonFC | :) | Apr 07 06:44 |
msb_ | Did you ever call them up and tell them it wouldn't let you download a Linux distro on bittorrent? | Apr 07 06:44 |
DaemonFC | Oh, it does. | Apr 07 06:44 |
DaemonFC | They don't seem to degrade bittorrent traffic anymore. | Apr 07 06:44 |
msb_ | Oh, good! | Apr 07 06:45 |
DaemonFC | They plan to start enforcing their caps at some point though. | Apr 07 06:45 |
DaemonFC | At that point, there won't be much of a point in subscribing to their 25 or 50 Mbps tiers. | Apr 07 06:45 |
msb_ | The magic word is YIFY! | Apr 07 06:45 |
DaemonFC | It jsut means you'll reach your cap faster and start getting hammered with overage fees. | Apr 07 06:45 |
DaemonFC | Their Comcast 100 tier will double your cap to 600 GB before you start paying more. | Apr 07 06:46 |
DaemonFC | Everything lower than that gets 300 or maybe 350, they haven't decided yet. | Apr 07 06:46 |
DaemonFC | They seem to be experimenting in different markets. | Apr 07 06:46 |
DaemonFC | msb_: Is you use less than 5 GB, they'll knock $5 a month off your internet bill. :P | Apr 07 06:47 |
msb_ | You can get movies and TV in x264 at half the size of xvids. | Apr 07 06:47 |
DaemonFC | If you own your modem and keep getting those $19.99 a month promos, that means you could get cable internet for $14.99 a month. | Apr 07 06:47 |
DaemonFC | I'd never trade 300 GB for 5 GB to save $5. | Apr 07 06:47 |
DaemonFC | That would just be stupid. | Apr 07 06:47 |
DaemonFC | yeah, VP9 and x265 (is that what they call it?) say they'll halve it again. | Apr 07 06:48 |
DaemonFC | Full HD movie rips could be as small as 400-500 MB. | Apr 07 06:48 |
msb_ | 720p is plenty for me. | Apr 07 06:49 |
msb_ | I just watch on my computer screen. | Apr 07 06:49 |
DaemonFC | I got rid of flash and I use and ad blocking plugin to keep from downloading that crap. | Apr 07 06:49 |
msb_ | Those are about 700MB. | Apr 07 06:49 |
DaemonFC | If you do a lot of web browsing, then over the course of the month, ads and tacking scripts and all that crap could be as much as 2-3 GB. | Apr 07 06:49 |
msb_ | Not enough to worry about. And there's a lot of good stuff on Youtube, which can now be downloaded great with youtube-dl. | Apr 07 06:50 |
DaemonFC | Lots of sites are starting to use paywalls. That doesn't affect me too often thanks to Google's cache and setting Firefox to not allow cookies on those sites and to dump all cookies at the end of a session. | Apr 07 06:50 |
DaemonFC | 90% of those paywalls are just a cookie that records how many articles you've looked at and tells you to pay up eventually. | Apr 07 06:51 |
msb_ | Very few alternative news sites insist on being paid. | Apr 07 06:53 |
msb_ | Anyhow, if you select x264 files, 480p or 720p, 10GB/day is more than enough. | Apr 07 06:55 |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 06:55 | |
msb_ | For me, at least. There are only about 10 TV shows that I watch. | Apr 07 06:56 |
msb_ | Suits, Good Wife, Elementary, Grey's Anatomy... | Apr 07 06:58 |
msb_ | Although the last ep of GA had them all getting a severe flu and none of them even mentioned Vitamin C. Apparently it's censored, like 9/11 truth. | Apr 07 06:59 |
msb_ | I record the Cartoon Network Adult Swim anime's from actual cable TV with a TV card. My old 'puter can convert NTSC to xvid in realtime -- barely. | Apr 07 07:02 |
msb_ | I like the cat character in Space Dandy. | Apr 07 07:05 |
DaemonFC | Between the deal I worked out with Comcast and getting rid of their modem, my bill will go down from $62.51 a month to $21.39 a month. | Apr 07 07:16 |
DaemonFC | That's with taxes. | Apr 07 07:16 |
DaemonFC | I think I can be patient and deal with 3 Mbps... | Apr 07 07:17 |
DaemonFC | I've made do with less. | Apr 07 07:17 |
DaemonFC | Up until 2006, I was still using 768k DSL. | Apr 07 07:17 |
DaemonFC | msb_: I don't know if this gateway is on sale or what. | Apr 07 07:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Midori 0.5.8 Browser Pulls In New WebKit2 Code | Apr 07 07:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 07 07:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 07:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Midori 0.5.8 Browser Pulls In New WebKit2 Code | Tux Machines | Apr 07 07:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Nouveau Becomes Friendly Towards Non-Root X | Apr 07 07:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | Server | Apr 07 07:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 07:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nouveau Becomes Friendly Towards Non-Root X Server | Tux Machines | Apr 07 07:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines iPhone becomes victim of Android’s success, | Apr 07 07:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | makes Apple worry | Apr 07 07:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 07:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | iPhone becomes victim of Android’s success, makes Apple worry | Tux Machines | Apr 07 07:19 | |
DaemonFC | Amazon has them for $99.99. Newegg has them for $119.99, and Best Buy has them for $149.99 | Apr 07 07:21 |
DaemonFC | I get 3% back of whatever I spend on Amazon because I have their credit card. | Apr 07 07:21 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 07 07:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Technicolor TC8305C DOCSIS 3 0 Wireless Gateway Cable Modem Great Condition | eBay [ ] | Apr 07 07:24 | |
DaemonFC | I'd be REAL careful about buying anything on ebay that says "XFINITY" (Comcast) on it. | Apr 07 07:24 |
DaemonFC | When you don't return their equipment, they bill you an outrageous amount for it, and then you technically own it. | Apr 07 07:25 |
DaemonFC | It won't work on anyone else's cable network though. | Apr 07 07:25 |
DaemonFC | They only used to charge $150, but it's like $500 now. | Apr 07 07:26 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: You are an amazing bargain hunter! | Apr 07 07:26 |
DaemonFC | They noticed that people were calling them up and canceling, paying the fee for not returning the modem, and then subscribing to Comcast again immediately. | Apr 07 07:26 |
DaemonFC | :) | Apr 07 07:26 |
DaemonFC | Then they owned the modem and never had to make another rental payment on it. | Apr 07 07:27 |
DaemonFC | msb_: I was going to buy that Chromebook at Best Buy, and then it turned out that only Windows XP laptops could be traded in. | Apr 07 07:27 |
DaemonFC | I have several old desktops in the closet that run XP, so I planned to pick the crappiest one and turn it in for the store credit. | Apr 07 07:27 |
DaemonFC | :( | Apr 07 07:27 |
msb_ | Can you run real Linux on a chromebook? | Apr 07 07:28 |
DaemonFC | You sure can. :) | Apr 07 07:28 |
DaemonFC | There are instructions on for installing Ubuntu to the SSD of an Acer C720 and wiping out Chrome OS. | Apr 07 07:29 |
DaemonFC | But you probably don't want to do that. | Apr 07 07:29 |
DaemonFC | What you *could* do is use external storage. | Apr 07 07:29 |
DaemonFC | Get a 64 or 128 GB USB 3.0 flash drive and make a Fedora image on it with persistent storage. | Apr 07 07:30 |
DaemonFC | Then plug it into the Chromebook's USB 3.0 port. | Apr 07 07:30 |
DaemonFC | Then you could switch between Fedora and Chrome OS by rebooting. | Apr 07 07:30 |
DaemonFC | msb_: You don't want to get the Samsung Chromebook with the arm processor in it if you want to run a regular GNU/Linux distribution. | Apr 07 07:31 |
DaemonFC | There's an unofficial Fedora image for the Samsung Chromebook, but it hasn't been updated since Fedora 18 iirc. | Apr 07 07:31 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Apr 07 07:36 |
DaemonFC | No. Technically, Windows XP won't become "less secure" than it was before when it goes out of support. All of the security problems that will be discovered after April 8th were there before April 8th. Many of them will have been there since 2001, or even before that (since many Windows vulnerabilities go back well into the 1990s). | Apr 07 07:36 |
DaemonFC | Tavis Ormandy found a problem with the NTVDM (NT Virtual DOS Machine) that dated back to the original Windows NT from 1993, which was still present in Windows 7. He privately informed Microsoft of it. Months passed, and they still hadn't fixed it, so he publicly reported it along with demonstration exploit code. Only then did Microsoft fix it. Then they said that HE was the one being irresponsible. | Apr 07 07:36 |
DaemonFC | I find it hysterical that people suddenly think that Windows XP is too dangerous to use. It was always too dangerous to use. 13 years and 5,000+ security patches later, and it's STILL dangerous. | Apr 07 07:36 |
DaemonFC | What does that say about how bad the original XP was? | Apr 07 07:36 |
msb_ | It probably has fluoride in it to rot your brain. | Apr 07 07:39 |
msb_ | Virtual software fluoride. | Apr 07 07:39 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: Actually it does. Fluoridated water destroys the pineal gland, which otherwise produces dimethyltryptamine, a psychedelic. Thanks to the US govt, everyone in this country has their pineal gland destroyed, so they live in a reality that's much less fun. | Apr 07 07:45 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: Likewise, every version of MS Windows lacks the software freedom and the 20 desktops you can get with Linux, so the MS computer experience is also very limited, and people don't know any better. | Apr 07 07:46 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: MS and fluoride are both techniques of mind-control, which enable the richest 1% to grab 99% of the wealth, without the other 99% of the population trying to do anything about it. | Apr 07 07:49 |
msb_ | Good movie -- Contagion 2011 - brain examination: The sulci are obliterated. Let's look at the base. Oh my god. You want me to take a sample? I want you to move away from the table. Should I call someone? Call everyone. | Apr 07 08:15 |
*freedomrun has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) | Apr 07 08:30 | |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 08:34 | |
MinceR | 022816 < DaemonFC> MinceR: Alternet is bugging me. | Apr 07 08:37 |
MinceR | disabling javascript might help | Apr 07 08:37 |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 07 09:27 |
DaemonFC | Does 4 GB of RAM really help out Chrome OS much? | Apr 07 09:32 |
DaemonFC | I noticed that a few Chromebooks have 4 GB instead of 2. | Apr 07 09:33 |
MinceR | i suspect it does, as the web is incredibly bloated | Apr 07 09:33 |
MinceR | and will keep getting more so | Apr 07 09:34 |
MinceR | i'm thinking of switching to a really lightweight browser, adding a few features (such as warning me somehow about animated gifs if the browser doesn't support them) | Apr 07 09:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | Apr 07 09:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 09:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New Google Chrome 35 Lands with Small Fixes for | Apr 07 09:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X | Apr 07 09:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 07 09:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 09:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | Apr 07 09:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Google Chrome 35 Lands with Small Fixes for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X | Tux Machines | Apr 07 09:57 | |
DaemonFC | MinceR: I just really don't like this desktop system very much. | Apr 07 09:59 |
DaemonFC | It takes up a ton of space, it's loud, it's unsightly, there's wires everywhere. | Apr 07 09:59 |
DaemonFC | I'm really thinking about shoving it onto Craigslist and replacing it with an Acer C720 Chromebook. | Apr 07 09:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | Apr 07 10:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 10:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | Apr 07 10:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | Apr 07 10:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 10:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines F2FS File-System Gains Large Directory Support, | Apr 07 10:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | More Tuning | Apr 07 10:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 10:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | Apr 07 10:11 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | F2FS File-System Gains Large Directory Support, More Tuning | Tux Machines | Apr 07 10:11 | |
*freedomrun has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Apr 07 10:14 | |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 10:27 | |
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | Apr 07 10:41 | |
*drreveng has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 07 11:03 | |
schestowitz__ | > Champagne corks probably were flying in Redmond. Elsewhere too, because | Apr 07 12:33 |
schestowitz__ | > now in America people can get fired for how they vote. Land of the free | Apr 07 12:33 |
schestowitz__ | > and all that. The fallout from this, if it grows, could be as bad as | Apr 07 12:33 |
schestowitz__ | > when Bush was appointed in the coup in 2000. | Apr 07 12:33 |
schestowitz__ | In today's article about MS control of the media I showed a potential role of MS mole. | Apr 07 12:33 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 07 12:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@marcusthetechie: @schestowitz nods well they could always upgrade to the next version #vista | Apr 07 12:39 | |
cubezzz | well some folks say that 4.3BSD was actually the most important OS ever written | Apr 07 12:42 |
MinceR | why? | Apr 07 12:43 |
cubezzz | it was the biggest undergirder of the internet | Apr 07 12:44 |
cubezzz | everyone used the bsd tcp/ip stack | Apr 07 12:44 |
cubezzz | it was open source before Linux and before Minix | Apr 07 12:46 |
MinceR | ic | Apr 07 12:46 |
cubezzz | DARPA looked at BBN's implementation of TCP/IP and BSD's implemenation and decided that the BSD version was superioer | Apr 07 12:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | Apr 07 12:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | retweeted by | Apr 07 12:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | @iArthurCDN | Apr 07 12:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 12:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Is Android good enough to be a laptop OS? | Apr 07 12:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 07 12:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 12:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | Apr 07 12:54 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is Android good enough to be a laptop OS? | Tux Machines | Apr 07 12:54 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: That's why you don't talk about who you voted for at work. | Apr 07 13:00 |
cubezzz | unix v7 is also very important and worthy of study: | Apr 07 13:00 |
cubezzz | v7 introduced stdio, bourne shell, awk, lex, yacc, lint, sed, m4 and make | Apr 07 13:00 |
cubezzz | not to mention pcc :) | Apr 07 13:00 |
MinceR | schestowitz__: what is that referring to? | Apr 07 13:01 |
Sosumi | kind of shameful | Apr 07 13:59 |
Sosumi | that new linksys router that was announced earlier this year | Apr 07 14:00 |
Sosumi | that one that they said they'd release the firmware sdk | Apr 07 14:00 |
Sosumi | is nowhere to be found | Apr 07 14:00 |
cubezzz | MinceR, can you access | Apr 07 14:01 |
Sosumi | well, neither the router nor the sdk :( | Apr 07 14:01 |
cubezzz | ah, there it goes | Apr 07 14:01 |
Sosumi | and I assume they'd at least put the sdk out in advance and specs before launching the actual piece | Apr 07 14:02 |
Sosumi | but no; so dumb... | Apr 07 14:03 |
cubezzz | I thought the WRT54GL was the router of choice for open source folks | Apr 07 14:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Windows XP Dies Tomorrow, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | Apr 07 14:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | Launches Next Week | Apr 07 14:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 14:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Windows XP Dies Tomorrow, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Launches Next Week | Tux Machines | Apr 07 14:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | Apr 07 14:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 14:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | Apr 07 14:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Microsoft XP users can turn to Linux as | Apr 07 14:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | alternative | Apr 07 14:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 14:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft XP users can turn to Linux as alternative | Tux Machines | Apr 07 14:06 | |
*abeNd-org (~kklenke@ has joined #techrights | Apr 07 14:14 | |
cubezzz | oh well, if the XP users all dump their PCs and buy new ones (which is obviously what Microsoft want) that's all the more cheap hardware for us | Apr 07 14:15 |
abeNd-org | yea, i have outfitted the rural libraries around here with discarded optiplex755, might be out of warranty, but they were free donations, core2duo, take up to 8gb ram & dirt cheap licensing through (there is still no really usable patron management system for linux workstations) | Apr 07 14:18 |
cubezzz | I'm still running Optiplex GX110 :) | Apr 07 14:19 |
Sosumi | the new one is the wrt1900ac | Apr 07 14:19 |
abeNd-org | gx110? woof, the beige rounded case? | Apr 07 14:20 |
cubezzz | it's a slimline :) | Apr 07 14:20 |
abeNd-org | im at the point though where i am a hardware snob even for donations, if it isnt core2duo & capable of 8gb ram, i dont want to have to bother with it. | Apr 07 14:21 |
cubezzz | if someone donated you a microvax you'd turn it down? :) | Apr 07 14:21 |
abeNd-org | lets just say most of the stuff individuals try to donate are broken bubble jet printers & stuff that would make the gx110 look new, a microvax isnt going to come down the line | Apr 07 14:23 |
cubezzz | ah well | Apr 07 14:23 |
abeNd-org | now customers of mine getting rid of old hardware however are more than happy to donate to the rural libraries around ere | Apr 07 14:23 |
abeNd-org | ^here | Apr 07 14:23 |
cubezzz | I wouldn't turn down a working 486 | Apr 07 14:24 |
cubezzz | I should really fix that old IBM | Apr 07 14:24 |
cubezzz | it's not high on the priority list though :) | Apr 07 14:25 |
abeNd-org | yea, but im also concerned about standardized parts across the "fleet" that i support probono | Apr 07 14:25 |
abeNd-org | if everything is a 755, which is pretty much is right now, then that makes my life easier | Apr 07 14:26 |
abeNd-org | only thing i wish i could get is someone to donate a boatload of 64gb SSD :P extend the life of those 755 even further | Apr 07 14:26 |
cubezzz | I like the slot 1 era, I got a bunch of those | Apr 07 14:26 |
MinceR | cubezzz: i can | Apr 07 14:29 |
abeNd-org | if i get old stuff ill ship it to you, if you pay for shipping :P | Apr 07 14:29 |
cubezzz | abeNd-org, where are you? | Apr 07 14:29 |
abeNd-org | DFW | Apr 07 14:29 |
cubezzz | Texas? | Apr 07 14:30 |
abeNd-org | yes | Apr 07 14:30 |
abeNd-org | you? | Apr 07 14:31 |
cubezzz | I'm close to Toronto :) | Apr 07 14:31 |
abeNd-org | hah that will be 'spensive shipping | Apr 07 14:32 |
cubezzz | let me know if you get a c64 though :) | Apr 07 14:32 |
cubezzz | actually you could make a few $$$ on ebay with those | Apr 07 14:34 |
abeNd-org | yea, ive got a few of those 755 with only 1gb ram, i need to sell some stuff to make up the $ to outfit them with 8gb ram | Apr 07 14:34 |
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 07 14:51 | |
Sosumi | | Apr 07 15:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@DrMarcusP: An example of what I mean about Western ignorance of Ukraine: Look where the BBC have placed #Donetsk and #Lugansk: | Apr 07 15:01 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@DrMarcusP: An example of what I mean about Western ignorance of Ukraine: Look where the BBC have placed #Donetsk and #Lugansk: | Apr 07 15:01 | |
Sosumi | lulz | Apr 07 15:02 |
msb_ | Smartphones and tablets are destroying civilization. The formerly excellent TV schedule listing has now been trashed and de-featured so it will fit into a postage stamp sized screen. God effing damn them! | Apr 07 15:07 |
Sosumi | how is 5 inches post stamp size | Apr 07 15:08 |
Sosumi | msb_ logic | Apr 07 15:08 |
*Sosumi shrugs | Apr 07 15:08 | |
msb_ | Hyperbole. It's still much too small to display a useful amount of information. | Apr 07 15:09 |
Sosumi | in between the pros and cons of portability, 5 inches is fine | Apr 07 15:10 |
Sosumi | just swipe down | Apr 07 15:10 |
msb_ | Any time anyone mentions "improving the user experience" it meanw they are going to s--t all over you. | Apr 07 15:10 |
msb_ | To hell with that. I want to see 6 hours of tv listings, not 3. I want to see 5 days x 24 hours of listings for any particular channel. I want to see the GD year of release of movies!!! They've trashed all that. | Apr 07 15:11 |
MinceR | my phone has a 1280x720 5.5" display | Apr 07 15:13 |
msb_ | I don't want to have to look through a effing keyhole at what was formerly a large 2-D listing, just because some people have tiny screens. | Apr 07 15:13 |
MinceR | it fits more information than some laptops. | Apr 07 15:13 |
msb_ | Good for you. I hope it came with a microscope. | Apr 07 15:13 |
MinceR | it didn't, but my eyes work. | Apr 07 15:13 |
MinceR | my tablet has a 1920x1200 7" display, that's a higher resolution than most monitors | Apr 07 15:13 |
Sosumi | I have a bottle of water that says "Pedras Salgadas" | Apr 07 15:14 |
Sosumi | now try to be that up | Apr 07 15:14 |
Sosumi | *beat | Apr 07 15:14 |
abeNd-org | they dont have a dropdown to select how much to show? | Apr 07 15:14 |
msb_ | I have a 1920x1080 27" screen. | Apr 07 15:14 |
msb_ | No. | Apr 07 15:15 |
MinceR | don't blame smartphones and tablets for people sucking at web design and web programming :> | Apr 07 15:15 |
msb_ | It used to be part of user preferences, which now mostly don't exist. | Apr 07 15:15 |
MinceR | crApple is making lack of configurability chic. | Apr 07 15:15 |
msb_ | I blame corps for catering to the lowest most stupid audience. | Apr 07 15:16 |
msb_ | The KDE4 devs did that too. | Apr 07 15:16 |
MinceR | gnome devs did that too | Apr 07 15:16 |
DaemonFC | Unless I can get an insanely good deal on a refurbished Chromebook, I might just wait for the Samsung Chromebook 2. | Apr 07 15:18 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 07 15:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Samsung Chromebook 2 set to square off against Intel-powered Chrome OS devices — Tech News and Analysis [ ] | Apr 07 15:18 | |
DaemonFC | These look pretty good. | Apr 07 15:18 |
msb_ | I would not trust any system that Google controls. | Apr 07 15:18 |
MinceR | chromebooks can be taken out of google control, afaik | Apr 07 15:19 |
MinceR | not sure how well supplied they are with gpu drivers for x, though | Apr 07 15:19 |
msb_ | Google used to have all Usenet text posts as far back as 1980, searchable. Then they threw it away. | Apr 07 15:19 |
msb_ | There's no way to talk to them anymore, either. Google is now just another corporate pig. | Apr 07 15:20 |
MinceR | indeed. | Apr 07 15:21 |
MinceR | at least their tech tends to suck somewhat less | Apr 07 15:21 |
MinceR | and tends to be a little more open | Apr 07 15:21 |
msb_ | BTW, when did laptops become "notebooks"? | Apr 07 15:21 |
msb_ | If I got one, it would have a 17" screen and a huge hard drive. | Apr 07 15:22 |
MinceR | when marketers decided it was not a good idea to suggest that people use them in their lap, i guess | Apr 07 15:22 |
MinceR | my first two laptops were huge, heavy, with 17" screens | Apr 07 15:22 |
MinceR | i'm still using my ThinkPad W700 at home. | Apr 07 15:22 |
Sosumi | by that definition then, a macbook air should only be used in the "air" | Apr 07 15:23 |
Sosumi | hopefully, it'll float too | Apr 07 15:23 |
msb_ | Well, you have to sit it down somewhere in order to type on it, so the only problem with being heavy is carrying it. | Apr 07 15:23 |
msb_ | Of course floating *would* be nice! | Apr 07 15:24 |
Sosumi | I bet there's an app for that | Apr 07 15:24 |
Sosumi | :) | Apr 07 15:24 |
msb_ | When did programs become "apps" ? | Apr 07 15:25 |
Sosumi | when crapple started calling them that | Apr 07 15:25 |
msb_ | Probably they don't want to remind people about how programmable *people* are! | Apr 07 15:25 |
msb_ | The poisoned Apple. | Apr 07 15:26 |
Sosumi | no, they just want ppl to think that their products are single purposed machines | Apr 07 15:26 |
Sosumi | aka, can't even properly multitask | Apr 07 15:26 |
MinceR | 162313 < Sosumi> by that definition then, a macbook air should only be used in the "air" | Apr 07 15:26 |
MinceR | no, but it's full of hot air | Apr 07 15:27 |
Sosumi | how so? facebook can't make a crapbook overheat | Apr 07 15:27 |
MinceR | crApple hype | Apr 07 15:28 |
msb_ | F---book -- there's another load of garbage contaminating the world. | Apr 07 15:28 |
MinceR | also, others probably called applications "apps" well before crApple did | Apr 07 15:28 |
msb_ | Whoever renamed directories as "folders" should be strangled. | Apr 07 15:29 |
msb_ | I'm in a bad mood today. Now it will be twice as much work to find out what's on TV. | Apr 07 15:30 |
msb_ | You can't see what was on last night either. | Apr 07 15:31 |
msb_ | I guess to the average moron yesterday never existed. | Apr 07 15:31 |
MinceR | | Apr 07 15:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | app [ ] | Apr 07 15:31 | |
msb_ | Apparently google tried to emulate f--kbook when they designed google+. It's people-oriented, not subject oriented. It's for people who don't/can't think. | Apr 07 15:34 |
msb_ | The Marching Morons. | Apr 07 15:34 |
msb_ | Soon we'll see ads for rocket trips to lovely new free homes on Venus. | Apr 07 15:35 |
MinceR | :) | Apr 07 15:35 |
msb_ | PopProbTerm | Apr 07 15:35 |
MinceR | i liked that novel | Apr 07 15:35 |
msb_ | Yeah. | Apr 07 15:35 |
msb_ | If it weren't for GNU/Linux/FOSS, we'd all be lobotomized now. | Apr 07 15:37 |
MinceR | | Apr 07 15:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Online Etymology Dictionary [ ] | Apr 07 15:37 | |
msb_ | And the Web too, of course. | Apr 07 15:37 |
MinceR | hm, not as old as i thought it was | Apr 07 15:37 |
msb_ | I wouldn't mind people using the term if they knew what a program is. | Apr 07 15:38 |
*siel has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Apr 07 15:40 | |
cubezzz | msb_, why not just use ? | Apr 07 15:40 |
msb_ | Thanks, I'll check it out. | Apr 07 15:41 |
cubezzz | it's got NAN errors, but basically it works :) | Apr 07 15:41 |
DaemonFC | Even the low end hardware has gotten pretty good these days. | Apr 07 15:43 |
msb_ | cubezzz: also show only 3 hours of listings, and it does not display the season#/episode# of series shows. But it does show the release year of movies. | Apr 07 15:52 |
cubezzz | msb_, you can specify the time though | Apr 07 15:53 |
msb_ | And you can see the previous day, which you can no longer do with zap2it. | Apr 07 15:54 |
cubezzz | there's probably some other way to tap into the info | Apr 07 15:55 |
msb_ | But the lack of season#/episode# is serious. | Apr 07 15:55 |
msb_ | If there is, I'd love to know it. | Apr 07 15:56 |
cubezzz | | Apr 07 15:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | TV Listings, Program Schedule, Channels, TV Guide - HuffPost TV | Apr 07 15:56 | |
cubezzz | curious george, season 5 episode 3 :) | Apr 07 15:57 |
cubezzz | Too Close for Comfort, season 1 episode 1 | Apr 07 15:58 |
cubezzz | seems to have want you want | Apr 07 15:58 |
*siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 15:59 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 15:59 | |
msb_ | I'm on, and even signed up for an aol account, god help me, but am still not seeing season#/ep#. | Apr 07 16:18 |
msb_ | cubezzz: what did you do to see that? | Apr 07 16:18 |
Sosumi | aol = america off line | Apr 07 16:19 |
Sosumi | and now more ukranian cities are demanding a referendum to join russia | Apr 07 16:41 |
Sosumi | after a couple of pro-russia militia men stormed some government buildings | Apr 07 16:42 |
Sosumi | earlier this morning | Apr 07 16:42 |
Sosumi | they're also demanding peace-keepers, of which russia says that it'll send only if the UN approves | Apr 07 16:43 |
Sosumi | so in other words, | Apr 07 16:43 |
Sosumi | the fascist coup master minded by the EU and the anglo-americans came back to hit them in the face | Apr 07 16:44 |
Sosumi | like a truck | Apr 07 16:44 |
Sosumi | and MinceR's favorite hungarian | Apr 07 16:45 |
Sosumi | Orban, is still president of Hungary | Apr 07 16:45 |
Sosumi | and since inflation is lowering in the whole EU | Apr 07 16:46 |
Sosumi | the ECB is going to take active measures to make sure prices go up, up, up | Apr 07 16:46 |
Sosumi | i think that sums it up for the day | Apr 07 16:47 |
Sosumi | and amd launched a new fire pro card | Apr 07 16:49 |
Sosumi | the w9100 | Apr 07 16:49 |
Sosumi | hardly beats the quadro k6000 on most stuff | Apr 07 16:49 |
Sosumi | but couldn't find any gnu/linux benchmarks | Apr 07 16:51 |
Sosumi | nor I have any idea how's the driver certification progress going on for amd on linux | Apr 07 16:52 |
MinceR | actually, he's prime minister | Apr 07 16:54 |
MinceR | janos ader is the president | Apr 07 16:54 |
MinceR | hungary is a system with a weak president | Apr 07 16:54 |
MinceR | orban might want to change that though, like putin did | Apr 07 16:55 |
MinceR | janos ader is a rubber-stamp robot | Apr 07 16:55 |
Sosumi | :) | Apr 07 17:07 |
Sosumi | | Apr 07 17:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Phoronix] Qualcomm Announces 64-bit Snapdragon Processors [ ] | Apr 07 17:12 | |
Sosumi | Donetsk just declared independence from ukraine | Apr 07 17:45 |
msb_ | Not many people like Nazis for some reason. | Apr 07 17:48 |
*abeNd-org has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 07 18:11 | |
MinceR | if not many people like nazis, then why do EPP member parties keep winning elections? | Apr 07 18:55 |
MinceR | and why do people like dictatorships and dictators so much? | Apr 07 18:55 |
Sosumi | and why do ppl keep voting in IMF/EU austerity bannerman | Apr 07 18:56 |
Sosumi | and sometimes not even voting, | Apr 07 18:57 |
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 18:57 | |
sebsebseb | hi | Apr 07 18:57 |
Sosumi | they just get appointed prime ministers | Apr 07 18:58 |
Sosumi | like in *cough* italy | Apr 07 18:58 |
Sosumi | seb³ | Apr 07 18:58 |
Sosumi | | Apr 07 19:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mike_giglio: Yes I have interviewed my cab driver on the way from the Donetsk airport and he would greet Russian troops "with flowers." | Apr 07 19:05 | |
Sosumi | and a kiss? | Apr 07 19:05 |
MinceR | and two blowjobs (one of them for putin) | Apr 07 19:08 |
Sosumi | that escalated quickly | Apr 07 19:08 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines KDE: Monday Report #10 | Apr 07 19:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 19:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE: Monday Report #10 | Tux Machines | Apr 07 19:18 | |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 19:29 | |
*pinky_cutie (~pinky_cut@ has joined #techrights | Apr 07 20:27 | |
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Sosumi | | Apr 07 20:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Emails Show Phil Schiller's Displeasure with Ad Agency's Efforts for Apple in Early 2013 - Mac Rumors [ ] | Apr 07 20:52 | |
DaemonFC | Nothing wrong with that, unless you experience a burning sensation about a week later. | Apr 07 20:53 |
Sosumi | phil schiller: "something drastic has to change. fast" | Apr 07 20:53 |
Sosumi | lawl | Apr 07 20:53 |
Sosumi | crapple selling premium sex toys now? a repurpose of the new mac pro | Apr 07 20:55 |
Sosumi | they are just desperate | Apr 07 21:00 |
Sosumi | with no direction | Apr 07 21:01 |
Sosumi | to the point they failed with shipments of the trashcan | Apr 07 21:01 |
Sosumi | and prior to that | Apr 07 21:01 |
Sosumi | with their redisigned imac | Apr 07 21:01 |
Sosumi | ios6 and 7 haven't seen much of a change | Apr 07 21:02 |
MinceR | well, hypeOS 7 got the LSD theme | Apr 07 21:02 |
MinceR | even uglier than it was :> | Apr 07 21:03 |
Sosumi | other than moving from "stitched leather" to lsd theme | Apr 07 21:03 |
*dissent (~Ponzo@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/vallor) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 21:03 | |
Sosumi | the stitched leather interface was actually what got scot "douchbag" forstal fired | Apr 07 21:04 |
*tessier ( has joined #techrights | Apr 07 21:05 | |
*tessier has quit (Changing host) | Apr 07 21:05 | |
*tessier (~treed@kernel-panic/copilotco) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 21:05 | |
Sosumi | | Apr 07 21:06 |
Sosumi | | Apr 07 21:06 |
MinceR | crApple never had "minimalist elegance" | Apr 07 21:07 |
Sosumi | even more horrible and unpleasant than ribbon | Apr 07 21:07 |
MinceR | maybe before OSuX, but even that's doubtful | Apr 07 21:07 |
Sosumi | no idea before osx | Apr 07 21:08 |
Sosumi | but, minimalistic elegance for crapple means removing choice | Apr 07 21:08 |
Sosumi | or hiding it away | Apr 07 21:08 |
Sosumi | and impose onto the user a standard defined by them | Apr 07 21:09 |
MinceR | oh, that makes sense | Apr 07 21:09 |
MinceR | in a way | Apr 07 21:09 |
Sosumi | which most of the times turn out to be worse than the previous "standard" | Apr 07 21:09 |
*vallor has quit (*.net *.split) | Apr 07 21:10 | |
*tessier_ has quit (*.net *.split) | Apr 07 21:10 | |
Sosumi | hence the stitched leather | Apr 07 21:10 |
Sosumi | and the lsd theme | Apr 07 21:10 |
Sosumi | when they could have just stayed on the brushed metal or the glossy plastic look | Apr 07 21:10 |
MinceR | stitched leather worked better on the back of samsung devices :> | Apr 07 21:10 |
Sosumi | I don't like stitched leather | Apr 07 21:11 |
MinceR | well, even in the OSuX i tried on a VM, they couldn't decide between brushed metal and water drops on ruled paper | Apr 07 21:11 |
MinceR | finder used both | Apr 07 21:11 |
MinceR | and yet the fanbois were gushing about how consistent it was :> | Apr 07 21:11 |
Sosumi | finder is not consistent | Apr 07 21:11 |
Sosumi | it got better recently wit the adding of tabbed navigation | Apr 07 21:13 |
MinceR | breadcrumbs? | Apr 07 21:13 |
Sosumi | lol | Apr 07 21:13 |
Sosumi | but is still a mess | Apr 07 21:14 |
Sosumi | forgets favorites if they're placed on an external drive | Apr 07 21:14 |
Sosumi | and so on | Apr 07 21:15 |
Sosumi | if i remember more crap to complain about finder, I'll say it | Apr 07 21:15 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 07 21:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Manjaro 0.8.9 Gets Its Third Update Pack with | Apr 07 21:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | Newer Linux Kernels | Apr 07 21:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 21:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Angie Byron on Drupal 8 out of the box | Apr 07 21:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 07 21:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 21:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Nouveau Picks Up Slightly Better OpenGL 4.0 | Apr 07 21:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | Support | Apr 07 21:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 21:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Manjaro 0.8.9 Gets Its Third Update Pack with Newer Linux Kernels | Tux Machines | Apr 07 21:23 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Angie Byron on Drupal 8 out of the box | Tux Machines | Apr 07 21:23 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nouveau Picks Up Slightly Better OpenGL 4.0 Support | Tux Machines | Apr 07 21:23 | |
msb_ | Regarding the necessity of GUI consistency: “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds,..." -- Emerson -- | Apr 07 21:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of littl...” [ ] | Apr 07 21:49 | |
msb_ | | Apr 07 21:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The fascist danger in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site [ ] | Apr 07 21:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 20-Way Intel/AMD/NVIDIA GPU Comparison With | Apr 07 22:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | Apr 07 22:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 22:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 20-Way Intel/AMD/NVIDIA GPU Comparison With Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | Tux Machines | Apr 07 22:23 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Why so much fuss over Windows XP’s expiry? | Apr 07 22:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 07 22:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why so much fuss over Windows XP’s expiry? | Tux Machines | Apr 07 22:23 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 22:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The end of Windows XP: Is it time to give Linux | Apr 07 22:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | a try? | Apr 07 22:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 22:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The end of Windows XP: Is it time to give Linux a try? | Tux Machines | Apr 07 22:23 | |
DaemonFC | hmmm | Apr 07 22:31 |
DaemonFC | It seems that Google Chromebooks have this stupid thing called Google Cloud Print. | Apr 07 22:31 |
DaemonFC | Basically it means that anything you print gets sent to Google and then re-routed to your printer, which means you need to buy a new printer. | Apr 07 22:32 |
msb_ | Why? | Apr 07 22:39 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: Does the cloud get the printer all wet? | Apr 07 22:40 |
MinceR | kinky | Apr 07 22:41 |
msb_ | 8^) | Apr 07 22:42 |
DaemonFC | They say it's so they don't have to ship support for a bunch of printers. | Apr 07 22:46 |
MinceR | but actually it's so that the nsa can have a good look at everything you print | Apr 07 22:47 |
MinceR | also, there are printers where you can submit a job on a web interface, so it isn't really needed. | Apr 07 22:47 |
DaemonFC | Right. There's no GOOD reason why they can't just connect to the printer some other way. | Apr 07 23:03 |
DaemonFC | It's spyware. | Apr 07 23:03 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: They have a list of ways you can use it. | Apr 07 23:05 |
DaemonFC | You can use a regular printer by connecting it to a Windows PC or a Mac and installing some special software from Google. | Apr 07 23:05 |
DaemonFC | You can buy a new printer that Google can send print jobs to. | Apr 07 23:05 |
DaemonFC | Or you can submit it as a print job for FedEx and get a code to enter that prints the pages out when you get there. | Apr 07 23:06 |
MinceR | gn | Apr 07 23:19 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 07 23:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google - Cloud Print [ ] | Apr 07 23:28 | |
DaemonFC | That sees like a big pain in the ass just to print an occasional page. | Apr 07 23:28 |
DaemonFC | seems | Apr 07 23:29 |
DaemonFC | Printers are just evil in general. | Apr 07 23:31 |
DaemonFC | HP and others even go so far as to code their printer cartridges with an expiration date. | Apr 07 23:31 |
DaemonFC | Starting the day you put the cartridge in the printer, it starts a countdown, so that the damned thing will eventually refuse to print, even if you have ink left. | Apr 07 23:32 |
DaemonFC | I hate printers so much that I just go to the library and use one of their computers when I need a copy of something. | Apr 07 23:34 |
DaemonFC | It's much cheaper to pay them 20 cents a page than it is to buy a printer and play the ink cartridge games | Apr 07 23:34 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 07 23:48 | |
DaemonFC | I'm digging through the refurb laptops on the Acer outlet storefront. | Apr 08 00:02 |
DaemonFC | That $150 C720 is so tempting. | Apr 08 00:03 |
DaemonFC | Where else do you get a laptop that does anything for $150? :) | Apr 08 00:03 |
DaemonFC | Google says that once a Chromebook has had the first user sign in, that no further users are eligible for any of the "goodies" though. | Apr 08 00:03 |
DaemonFC | including two years of free 100 GB Google Drive | Apr 08 00:04 |
DaemonFC | So, that wipes out at least $50 in value right off the bat. | Apr 08 00:04 |
DaemonFC | A 15 GB Google Drive is free though. I already have one because I use Android. | Apr 08 00:04 |
DaemonFC | If you don't do much with it except uploading photos and stuff, 15 GB should be sufficient. | Apr 08 00:07 |
DaemonFC | Plus, you can always use a thumb drive. | Apr 08 00:07 |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 00:24 | |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 08 01:16 | |
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DaemonFC | | Apr 08 01:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | imgur: the simple image sharer | Apr 08 01:44 | |
DaemonFC | LOL | Apr 08 01:44 |
*dissent is now known as vallor | Apr 08 02:56 | |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | Apr 08 03:32 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 08 03:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AMD, Mentor Graphics Partner on Embedded Linux | Apr 08 04:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | Development | Apr 08 04:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 04:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMD, Mentor Graphics Partner on Embedded Linux Development | Tux Machines | Apr 08 04:07 | |
*vallor has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 08 04:11 | |
*vallor (~Ponzo@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/vallor) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 04:11 | |
*Agnesi ( has joined #techrights | Apr 08 04:14 | |
*vallor has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 08 04:16 | |
*Sosumi has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 08 04:17 | |
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 04:23 | |
DaemonFC | MinceR: What do you think. | Apr 08 04:24 |
DaemonFC | Is losing the 2 years of free Google Drive worth the $50 I'd save on a refurb Chromebook? | Apr 08 04:24 |
DaemonFC | :) | Apr 08 04:24 |
DaemonFC | I decided to change my Amazon Smile charity to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. | Apr 08 04:54 |
*vallor (~Ponzo@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/vallor) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 05:23 | |
msb_ | cubezzz: By turning off popup blocking and AdBlockPlus I was able to see Season/Episode numbers in the aol tv schedule. But it runs audiovisual flash ads when I click on a show to see that, which could crash my computer. Also it shows only 2.5hours of schedule, and the time selector doesn't work -- ask for 10PM and I get 10AM. Also no movie year, nor original series ep broadcast date. No better than zap2it, which now has season/ep | Apr 08 05:33 |
msb_ | numbers again. | Apr 08 05:33 |
msb_ | Basically, it's the shits. | Apr 08 05:34 |
msb_ | I will NOT have a website blasting me with ads! Ads are victimization by corporate psychopaths. | Apr 08 05:35 |
msb_ | (Unless they're small, silent, easy to ignore, and don't F up my software.) | Apr 08 05:36 |
Agnesi | toner doesn't have an expiration date | Apr 08 06:30 |
Agnesi | nor it dries | Apr 08 06:30 |
Agnesi | so, laser printers ftw | Apr 08 06:30 |
Agnesi | not to mention that text looks much better on laser than on ink | Apr 08 06:31 |
cubezzz | eh? how could it crash your computer? | Apr 08 07:10 |
cubezzz | well, I'll see what else I can find | Apr 08 07:11 |
MinceR | i suppose by triggering video driver bugs | Apr 08 07:22 |
MinceR | that said, i've never seen it happen | Apr 08 07:22 |
MinceR | the most was taking the browser down with it and even that was ages ago | Apr 08 07:22 |
*DaemonFC` (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 07:32 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | Apr 08 07:33 | |
cubezzz | try this one: | Apr 08 07:38 |
cubezzz | | Apr 08 07:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | TV Listings Guide - TiVo [ ] | Apr 08 07:38 | |
cubezzz | debian has something called "Freeguide" | Apr 08 07:40 |
cubezzz | also tv-browser | Apr 08 07:47 |
cubezzz | also set up a free trail on | Apr 08 07:51 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Schedules Direct | Apr 08 07:51 | |
cubezzz | once I figure out the true source of the tv info I'll hack up a text based program | Apr 08 08:02 |
msb_ | cubezzz: Hi! I was asleep for a while there. | Apr 08 08:06 |
msb_ | I've had some crashes the seem to relate to high usage of cpu by firefox. | Apr 08 08:06 |
cubezzz | there's even one for KDE | Apr 08 08:06 |
cubezzz | I'm compiling it now to check it out | Apr 08 08:07 |
msb_ | Might also have been due to cpu overheating before I cleaned its heatsink fins. | Apr 08 08:07 |
cubezzz | bah, the kde project seems abandoned | Apr 08 08:09 |
msb_ | Have to go do something now, back in 15 min. or so. Thanks for your help! I'll try the sites you've suggested when I get back. | Apr 08 08:09 |
msb_ | Where did it get its data from? | Apr 08 08:09 |
cubezzz | yeah it seems it's called a "grabber" | Apr 08 08:13 |
cubezzz | this looks more promising: | Apr 08 08:17 |
cubezzz | | Apr 08 08:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | mc2xml | Apr 08 08:17 | |
cubezzz | msb_, mc2xml looks like it's the best of the bunch | Apr 08 08:20 |
amarsh04 | new kernel time | Apr 08 08:20 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 08 08:20 | |
cubezzz | it seems it actually downloads from zap2it :) | Apr 08 08:21 |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 08:24 | |
msb_ | segment fault -- core dumped | Apr 08 08:37 |
msb_ | OK, back now. | Apr 08 08:37 |
msb_ | cubezzz: Well if it DLs from zap2it, it ain't gonna work anymore. | Apr 08 08:38 |
cubezzz | I just used it | Apr 08 08:38 |
msb_ | Ruby has a great web-page scraping library, and some years ago I used it to get data from some TV site. | Apr 08 08:38 |
cubezzz | there's a dozen busted-ass projects I'm wading through | Apr 08 08:39 |
msb_ | Did mc2xml give a useful xml file? | Apr 08 08:41 |
cubezzz | it did | Apr 08 08:41 |
cubezzz | ha! | Apr 08 08:44 |
cubezzz | hahaha | Apr 08 08:44 |
cubezzz | awesome, so maxemum actually does work, in tandem with mc2xml | Apr 08 08:44 |
cubezzz | | Apr 08 08:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 08 08:46 | |
cubezzz | it's there now | Apr 08 08:46 |
cubezzz | note the categories, that's handy | Apr 08 08:48 |
cubezzz | and best of all msb_, KDE 3.5.10 compatible :) | Apr 08 08:48 |
msb_ | Yowza! | Apr 08 08:49 |
cubezzz | so to set it up I did: ./mc2xml -g l1j6t2 -c ca | Apr 08 08:50 |
cubezzz | so you would just put in your zip code and us I reckon | Apr 08 08:50 |
cubezzz | then set up maxemum to point to your xmltv.xml file | Apr 08 08:50 |
msb_ | Where do I get maxemum? | Apr 08 08:51 |
cubezzz | it's small so I'll host it | Apr 08 08:52 |
cubezzz | | Apr 08 08:52 |
cubezzz | looks like mc2xml grabs 3 weeks of data | Apr 08 08:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines LTO Support Coming To Linux 3.15, Making For A | Apr 08 08:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | Faster Kernel | Apr 08 08:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 08:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LTO Support Coming To Linux 3.15, Making For A Faster Kernel | Tux Machines | Apr 08 08:55 | |
cubezzz | I'm using a buffalo zip so I get the us channels too | Apr 08 09:06 |
msb_ | cubezzz: maxemum won't compile: fatal error: dcopclient.h: No such file or directory -- suse repo doesn't seem to have an rpm with it | Apr 08 09:08 |
cubezzz | are you sure you don't have that file somewhere? | Apr 08 09:09 |
msb_ | actually I do! /opt/kde3/include/dcopclient.h | Apr 08 09:10 |
msb_ | how do I tell make where to find it? | Apr 08 09:10 |
cubezzz | the usual place is /usr/include | Apr 08 09:10 |
cubezzz | ah, the categories toggle | Apr 08 09:12 |
msb_ | Hah? | Apr 08 09:14 |
msb_ | cubezzz: where is that toggle? | Apr 08 09:16 |
cubezzz | it's in channels and categories | Apr 08 09:16 |
cubezzz | you un-hilight everything, you see everything | Apr 08 09:17 |
cubezzz | otherwise you only see what you have hilighted | Apr 08 09:17 |
*DaemonFC` has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 08 09:18 | |
msb_ | How do I tell make to look in /opt/kde3/include for .h files? | Apr 08 09:19 |
cubezzz | easier to just copy the file into /usr/include | Apr 08 09:19 |
msb_ | ok, I'm on my 3rd .h file! | Apr 08 09:20 |
MinceR | | Apr 08 09:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Heartbleed Bug | Apr 08 09:22 | |
cubezzz | whadda know, dragnet is still on | Apr 08 09:22 |
cubezzz | | Apr 08 09:23 |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 08 09:26 |
msb_ | cubezzz: OK, after copying 5 .h files, I'm now getting a big C++ error. Can I PM that to you? | Apr 08 09:28 |
cubezzz | sure | Apr 08 09:28 |
msb_ | there it is. Maybe you could just send me your executable? | Apr 08 09:30 |
msb_ | I'll put on goggles and a protective suit before I run it. | Apr 08 09:31 |
cubezzz | | Apr 08 09:33 |
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | Apr 08 09:37 | |
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chestowitz at Sat Jun 9 18:16:19 2012 | ||
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Agnesi | | Apr 08 11:06 |
Agnesi | "Samsung Galaxy S5 review" | Apr 08 11:06 |
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Agnesi | label me unimpressed | Apr 08 11:06 |
*Agnesi is now known as Sosumi | Apr 08 11:06 | |
*roy_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 11:07 | |
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*ChanServ gives channel operator status to MinceR | Apr 08 11:19 | |
*MinceR sticks a sticker saying "unimpressed" on Sosumi | Apr 08 11:20 | |
Sosumi | :) | Apr 08 11:20 |
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TechrightsBot-tr | Hello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.75 | Apr 08 11:31 |
schestowitz_bed2 | [23:34] <DaemonFC> I hate printers so much that I just go to the library and use one of their computers when I need a copy of something. | Apr 08 11:36 |
schestowitz_bed2 | [23:34] <DaemonFC> It's much cheaper to pay them 20 cents a page than it is to buy a printer and play the ink cartridge games | Apr 08 11:36 |
schestowitz_bed2 | I'm the saem | Apr 08 11:36 |
schestowitz_bed2 | in a photo development shop | Apr 08 11:36 |
schestowitz_bed2 | they also make better prints | Apr 08 11:36 |
schestowitz_bed2 | the idea of printing from home is the anti-sharing mentality | Apr 08 11:37 |
schestowitz_bed2 | where rather than a family sharing a landline each carries a tracking device | Apr 08 11:37 |
schestowitz_bed2 | and people buy several of each thing instead of sharing | Apr 08 11:37 |
*cryptic has quit (*.net *.split) | Apr 08 11:39 | |
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*vallor (~Ponzo@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/vallor) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 11:40 | |
*msb_ (~msb@ has joined #techrights | Apr 08 11:40 | |
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DaemonFC | schestowitz_bed2: They have family plans. A smartphone is a computer. You don't really want to share it with people. | Apr 08 11:47 |
DaemonFC | I do like that Android Beam. | Apr 08 11:47 |
DaemonFC | Where you can beam files to other Android phones. | Apr 08 11:47 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz_bed2: I'll bet that Google made some kind of deal with HP. | Apr 08 11:52 |
DaemonFC | They make Chromebooks and then Google sabotages the OS to where it can't run a printer connected over USB. | Apr 08 11:52 |
DaemonFC | suddenly you need a "google cloud print" printer that sends all your documents to the NSA | Apr 08 11:53 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz_bed2: I did end up snagging that $149.99 refurbished C720. | Apr 08 11:54 |
DaemonFC | I was hoping to get one for $99 at Best Buy in exchange for one of my XP boat anchors that's been in the bedroom closet for years. | Apr 08 11:54 |
DaemonFC | But the real deal ended up being honored only if you trade in a laptop. | Apr 08 11:55 |
schestowitz_bed2 | [13:00] <DaemonFC> schestowitz__: That's why you don't talk about who you voted for at work. | Apr 08 11:56 |
schestowitz_bed2 | [13:01] <MinceR> schestowitz__: what is that referring to? | Apr 08 11:56 |
schestowitz_bed2 | Eich incident | Apr 08 11:56 |
*schestowitz_bed2 is now known as schestowitz__ | Apr 08 11:57 | |
schestowitz__ | [11:54] <DaemonFC> suddenly you need a "google cloud print" printer that sends all your documents to the NSA | Apr 08 11:57 |
schestowitz__ | !google eff printer suerveillance | Apr 08 11:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Printer Dots | Electronic Frontier Foundation | | Apr 08 11:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - deeplinks/printers - | Electronic Frontier Foundation | | Apr 08 11:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Printers | Electronic Frontier Foundation | | Apr 08 11:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - The SSD Project - EFF Surveillance Self-Defense Project | | Apr 08 11:57 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: If people don't want to take the consequences for donating to offensive causes, then they shouldn't do that. | Apr 08 11:57 |
MinceR | i thought it was about funding, not voting | Apr 08 11:57 |
schestowitz__ | both count | Apr 08 11:58 |
schestowitz__ | in a workplace | Apr 08 11:58 |
DaemonFC | I changed my Amazon Smile charity to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. | Apr 08 11:58 |
schestowitz__ | a superior might not promote someone for voting far right | Apr 08 11:58 |
schestowitz__ | or even Republican, which in the US is "acceptable" far right | Apr 08 11:58 |
schestowitz__ | DaemonFC: good for you | Apr 08 11:58 |
schestowitz__ | yuo might be on a "list" for that | Apr 08 11:59 |
schestowitz__ | one day you put a sticker on your laptop and the next day you're accused of working for FSB in Moscow | Apr 08 11:59 |
MinceR | i tend to peel stickers off my laptops | Apr 08 12:00 |
MinceR | especially the winblows ads | Apr 08 12:00 |
MinceR | also helps reduce the bazaar look :> | Apr 08 12:01 |
schestowitz__ | I did that too | Apr 08 12:01 |
schestowitz__ | Some don't peel off so well | Apr 08 12:01 |
cubezzz | haha, I figure you did that MinceR :) | Apr 08 12:01 |
MinceR | some stickers i would like to retain tend to peel off their own | Apr 08 12:02 |
MinceR | the nSeries sticker on my dHell became an empty silvery rectangle after a while | Apr 08 12:03 |
schestowitz__ | meh | Apr 08 12:03 |
schestowitz__ | mine has warranty sticker | Apr 08 12:03 |
MinceR | the GNU or FSF (i can't remember which) sticker i replaced it with also became a silvery circle | Apr 08 12:03 |
schestowitz__ | covering the remnants of a Windows Vistas sticker that did not peel off so well | Apr 08 12:03 |
schestowitz__ | Because, you know, it's Vista | Apr 08 12:03 |
MinceR | the ThinkPad logo on the wrist pad of my tablet PC became a hollow shape | Apr 08 12:03 |
schestowitz__ | nothing works well | Apr 08 12:03 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 08 12:03 |
MinceR | my sweat probably dissolves the solvents | Apr 08 12:04 |
cubezzz | at least they don't stamp MICROSOFT into the laptop's molecular structure :) | Apr 08 12:04 |
MinceR | yet | Apr 08 12:04 |
schestowitz__ | There is also ATI sticker (AMD) and Intel on it | Apr 08 12:04 |
schestowitz__ | I leave the Intel one on because it might not peel off well | Apr 08 12:04 |
*|Omega| is now known as Omega | Apr 08 12:04 | |
schestowitz__ | and it look a bit fancy with hologramic effect | Apr 08 12:04 |
MinceR | i don't mind the intel stickers | Apr 08 12:04 |
schestowitz__ | It's like "smoking kills" sticker | Apr 08 12:04 |
schestowitz__ | "centrino Inside" | Apr 08 12:05 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: Some of those Chromebooks are covered in stickers. | Apr 08 12:05 |
schestowitz__ | [12:04] <MinceR> my sweat probably dissolves the solvents | Apr 08 12:05 |
DaemonFC | "OMG, THIS HAS WIRELESS N ZOMG!!!!" | Apr 08 12:05 |
schestowitz__ | Is Absurdistan ever getting so warm? | Apr 08 12:05 |
DaemonFC | "ZOMG INTEL INSIDE!!!!" | Apr 08 12:05 |
schestowitz__ | Yeah | Apr 08 12:05 |
cubezzz | avoiding Intel is tough | Apr 08 12:06 |
DaemonFC | I think that the one I bought only has the Intel sticker. | Apr 08 12:06 |
MinceR | my EeePC had lots of stickers | Apr 08 12:06 |
schestowitz__ | Did Google trademark "Chrome"? | Apr 08 12:06 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 08 12:06 |
DaemonFC | It has a Haswell Celeron. | Apr 08 12:06 |
schestowitz__ | Or did it strugglew like ti does with "Glass"? | Apr 08 12:06 |
schestowitz__ | MS got "Windows", but Google can't get "Glass" | Apr 08 12:06 |
MinceR | schestowitz__: the unhabitable concrete box i live in has no air conditioning | Apr 08 12:06 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: I think that the C720 is the best deal out there right now, especially refurbished. | Apr 08 12:06 |
MinceR | or proper insulation | Apr 08 12:07 |
DaemonFC | Where else are you going to get a laptop that does all that for $150? | Apr 08 12:07 |
cubezzz | it's still cold here | Apr 08 12:07 |
cubezzz | 1 C | Apr 08 12:07 |
DaemonFC | As far as I know, there aren't any $150 Windows laptops out there at all. | Apr 08 12:07 |
MinceR | eventually my sweat took off the intel stickers too, iirc | Apr 08 12:07 |
MinceR | but those didn't come apart | Apr 08 12:07 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: They could probably get the price down some more if they went with AMD. | Apr 08 12:09 |
DaemonFC | for the Chromebooks | Apr 08 12:09 |
DaemonFC | The fact that there's an Intel processor in there at all, even just a Celeron, probably raises the price $20-30. | Apr 08 12:09 |
DaemonFC | They could be selling these things brand new for $150 and making a profit with AMD processors. | Apr 08 12:10 |
DaemonFC | I deliberately stayed away from the Samsung Chromebook. | Apr 08 12:13 |
MinceR | my 'replace the laptop with an arm tablet' project failed | Apr 08 12:13 |
DaemonFC | It's more expensive, it's slower, and it has proprietary graphics drivers that aren't included in standard GNU/Linux distributions, so it's very hard to run anything other than Chrome OS on it. | Apr 08 12:13 |
DaemonFC | Yeah. | Apr 08 12:13 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: I tried that back in 2011 with an Archos G9. | Apr 08 12:14 |
DaemonFC | They're just not good enough. | Apr 08 12:14 |
MinceR | mainly because the android UI is not that keyboard-friendly and can't run x2x or synergy | Apr 08 12:14 |
MinceR | (it traps alt+tab and super+tab for the same thing, and i can't let them through to bVNC) | Apr 08 12:14 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: Swype works fine on phones. | Apr 08 12:14 |
MinceR | hacker's keyboard works fine on phones and tablets | Apr 08 12:15 |
MinceR | well, sometimes it gets a little sluggish | Apr 08 12:15 |
MinceR | also, i couldn't get the armhf qemu binaries to run for x86 or arm guests | Apr 08 12:16 |
MinceR | maybe i didn't have enough memory | Apr 08 12:16 |
MinceR | a dualboot-capable rom would solve the UI problems and free up memory for GNU | Apr 08 12:18 |
MinceR | eventually | Apr 08 12:18 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 08 12:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kate Mulgrew Is in a Doc that Argues the Sun Revolves Around the Earth [ ] | Apr 08 12:29 | |
DaemonFC | That's just sad. | Apr 08 12:29 |
MinceR | indeed | Apr 08 12:30 |
MinceR | i guess this is dementia | Apr 08 12:32 |
cubezzz | I thought geocentricism went out a few centuries ago | Apr 08 12:40 |
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Apr 08 12:41 | |
MinceR | not in christian taliban land | Apr 08 12:41 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 08 12:49 | |
schestowitz__ | [12:07] <MinceR> schestowitz__: the unhabitable concrete box i live in has no air conditioning | Apr 08 12:56 |
schestowitz__ | Being sweaty in a box makes me too irritable to work well | Apr 08 12:56 |
MinceR | living in Mordor irritates me even more | Apr 08 12:57 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 12:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SEEVed: @schestowitz i wonder a simple hack to boot off usb loading the same OS with a x86 kernel on a disk-less desktop | Apr 08 12:58 | |
schestowitz__ | MinceR: how bad is it, on an intl scope, on a scale of 1-10 (worst)? | Apr 08 12:58 |
schestowitz__ | I'd rank UK 3 | Apr 08 12:58 |
MinceR | depends on what you compare it to | Apr 08 12:58 |
MinceR | much worse than the UK | Apr 08 12:58 |
schestowitz__ | seems like scandinavia might be a 2 | Apr 08 12:59 |
schestowitz__ | I don't see many hungarian migrants here | Apr 08 12:59 |
schestowitz__ | except the 'famous' one, Soros | Apr 08 12:59 |
MinceR | there are plenty of hungarian migrants in london, UK | Apr 08 12:59 |
schestowitz__ | Many from Poland though | Apr 08 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Death of Window XP Is a Golden Opportunity for | Apr 08 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux | Apr 08 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Brendan Eich's ouster shows lynch mob at work | Apr 08 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 12:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 12:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Death of Window XP Is a Golden Opportunity for Linux | Tux Machines | Apr 08 12:59 | |
MinceR | yeah, i've heard they hate poles there | Apr 08 13:00 |
schestowitz__ | I think half a million, maybe just in London it would be hundreds of thousands who are becoming the scapegoats of Brits who follow government (plutocrats') papers | Apr 08 13:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Brendan Eich's ouster shows lynch mob at work | Tux Machines | Apr 08 13:00 | |
schestowitz__ | The papers here are very racist | Apr 08 13:00 |
schestowitz__ | but covertly | Apr 08 13:00 |
schestowitz__ | not they insult romanians | Apr 08 13:00 |
schestowitz__ | and bulgarians too sometimes | Apr 08 13:00 |
schestowitz__ | even though most brits don't seem to view these as anything other than well educated people who can create companies here | Apr 08 13:01 |
MinceR | also, i've heard they believe that hungarians using the word "kurva" are poles | Apr 08 13:01 |
schestowitz__ | The press here is toxis | Apr 08 13:01 |
schestowitz__ | ev en faily exprress and faildependent, not just dailyfail | Apr 08 13:01 |
schestowitz__ | I sometimes pick a paper to inspect headlines at the sauna - wouldn't come across these toxic papers otherwise | Apr 08 13:02 |
schestowitz__ | front page now is almost always xenophobic | Apr 08 13:02 |
MinceR | what is their motivation for that? | Apr 08 13:02 |
schestowitz__ | divide and rule | Apr 08 13:08 |
schestowitz__ | people here vent out anger at impoverished people | Apr 08 13:08 |
schestowitz__ | blacks, Asians, east Europeans... | Apr 08 13:09 |
schestowitz__ | or lower class, like "chavs", construction, etc. | Apr 08 13:09 |
schestowitz__ | Not bankers, lawyers, loas sharks... | Apr 08 13:09 |
*XFaCE has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Apr 08 13:17 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 08 13:17 | |
*trn has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Apr 08 13:18 | |
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*XFaCE (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 13:22 | |
schestowitz__ | MinceR: many immigration laws are race-agnostic | Apr 08 13:22 |
schestowitz__ | so it's common to warp immigration laws while holding on to Muslim terrorism as a bait | Apr 08 13:23 |
schestowitz__ | carrot and stick | Apr 08 13:23 |
schestowitz__ | like copyright lobbyists do with child pron | Apr 08 13:23 |
*trn (jhj@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:feae:3efa) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 13:24 | |
MinceR | | Apr 08 13:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-name lookup timed out ( status 0 @ ) | Apr 08 13:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Canonical Shows Off Unity8 (Mir) and Unity7 | Apr 08 14:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | (X11) Running at the Same Time on the Same PC | Apr 08 14:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 14:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 14:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Open-Source Graphics Performance With | Apr 08 14:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | Unvanquished | Apr 08 14:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 14:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Phone Pricing Will Fall Within $200-400 | Apr 08 14:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | Category, Mobile OS Can Run In A Desktop | Apr 08 14:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | Operating System As Well | Apr 08 14:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 14:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Canonical Shows Off Unity8 (Mir) and Unity7 (X11) Running at the Same Time on the Same PC | Tux Machines | Apr 08 14:09 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open-Source Graphics Performance With Unvanquished | Tux Machines | Apr 08 14:09 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Phone Pricing Will Fall Within $200-400 Category, Mobile OS Can Run In A Desktop Operating System As Well | Tux Machines | Apr 08 14:10 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines For HTPC folks, XBMC recommends an upgrade from | Apr 08 14:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | Windows XP to Linux | Apr 08 14:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 14:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | For HTPC folks, XBMC recommends an upgrade from Windows XP to Linux | Tux Machines | Apr 08 14:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Will it ever be the year of the Linux Desktop? | Apr 08 14:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 14:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 14:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Will it ever be the year of the Linux Desktop? | Tux Machines | Apr 08 14:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines How Git redefined open source software | Apr 08 14:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | development | Apr 08 14:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 14:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How Git redefined open source software development | Tux Machines | Apr 08 14:11 | |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | Apr 08 14:44 | |
cubezzz | interesting fact.. | Apr 08 14:53 |
cubezzz | in 1984 Lexidata had a 1280x1024x8 display :) | Apr 08 14:54 |
cubezzz | it was used with an early version of the X window system | Apr 08 14:54 |
MinceR | :) | Apr 08 14:55 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Apr 08 14:57 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 15:19 | |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Former Chief Security Officer for Microsoft the | Apr 08 18:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | Chairman of the Board of Firm Behind | Apr 08 18:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | Heartbleed® | Apr 08 18:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 18:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Koushik Dutta releases AllCast beta for Amazon | Apr 08 18:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | FireTV | Apr 08 18:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 18:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Raspberry Pi to Deliver a Modular Device for | Apr 08 18:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | Businesses | Apr 08 18:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 18:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AMD Releases The Radeon R9 295X | Apr 08 18:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 18:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 18:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Clonezilla Live 2.2.2-35 Distro for Backup Is | Apr 08 18:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ready for Testing | Apr 08 18:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 18:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Former Chief Security Officer for Microsoft the Chairman of the Board of Firm Behind Heartbleed® | Tux Machines | Apr 08 18:04 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Koushik Dutta releases AllCast beta for Amazon FireTV | Tux Machines | Apr 08 18:05 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi to Deliver a Modular Device for Businesses | Tux Machines | Apr 08 18:05 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMD Releases The Radeon R9 295X | Tux Machines | Apr 08 18:05 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Clonezilla Live 2.2.2-35 Distro for Backup Is Ready for Testing | Tux Machines | Apr 08 18:05 | |
*Caleb (4c5b81b1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrights | Apr 08 18:16 | |
*Caleb is now known as Guest65600 | Apr 08 18:16 | |
*Guest65600 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 08 18:20 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 18:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@dr_chris_jones: @JesselynRadack @schestowitz @TruthTalkerUSA Hayden is a Nazi. | Apr 08 18:29 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Replace the Retiring Windows XP with Linux | Apr 08 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines CRYENGINE to Arrive on Steam for Linux Soon | Apr 08 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AAEON EMB-BT1: A Linux-Friendly, Mini-ITX, Atom | Apr 08 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | "Bay Trail" Board | Apr 08 19:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 19:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Replace the Retiring Windows XP with Linux | Tux Machines | Apr 08 19:21 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CRYENGINE to Arrive on Steam for Linux Soon | Tux Machines | Apr 08 19:22 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AAEON EMB-BT1: A Linux-Friendly, Mini-ITX, Atom "Bay Trail" Board | Tux Machines | Apr 08 19:22 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 19:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: at the butcher...  #butcher #nonvegetarian #pigs #reversal #humans #humanbeings #flesh #meat #slaughter #painting | Apr 08 19:49 | |
schestowitz__ | "I like meat a lot, but if I had to kill by myself my own food I would be vegetarian for sure." | Apr 08 19:49 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 19:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ A report from last year said that only one in 50 people killed by #drones was identified as "leader" (hence "target"). That's accuracy? | Apr 08 19:50 | |
schestowitz__ | "How were they identified exactly? And how many new "leaders" did the strike generate." | Apr 08 19:50 |
MinceR | yum yum | Apr 08 19:50 |
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 08 20:04 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 20:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #UN orders #Japan to halt #whale hunt the photo says it all really. | Apr 08 20:19 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | UN orders Japan to halt whale hunt | Muktware [ ] | Apr 08 20:19 | |
schestowitz__ | "Headlines you will never see: UN orders US to halt deer hunt UN orders US to halt seal hunt UN orders US to halt fish hunt UN orders US to halt bird hunt UN orders US to halt factory farming I'm not saying I'm for whaling I'mHeadlines you will never see: UN orders US to halt deer hunt UN orders US to halt seal hunt UN orders US to halt fish hunt UN orders US to halt bird hunt UN orders US to halt factory farming I'm not saying I'm | Apr 08 20:19 |
schestowitz__ | for whaling I'm just saying the UN and the western powers it truly represents are and will continue to be selective about who they chastise." just saying the UN and the western powers it truly represents are and will continue to be selective about who they chastise. | Apr 08 20:19 |
schestowitz__ | > "Critical crypto bug in OpenSSL opens two-thirds of the Web to | Apr 08 20:48 |
schestowitz__ | > eavesdropping" | Apr 08 20:48 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 08 20:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Critical crypto bug in OpenSSL opens two-thirds of the Web to eavesdropping | Ars Technica [ ] | Apr 08 20:48 | |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 08 20:48 |
schestowitz__ | > "‘Heartbleed’ OpenSSL Bug Left HTTPS Servers Vulnerable For Two Years" | Apr 08 20:48 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 08 20:48 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 08 20:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'Heartbleed' OpenSSL Bug Left HTTPS Servers Vulnerable For Two Years [ ] | Apr 08 20:48 | |
schestowitz__ | > you already covered these, including the M$ connection... | Apr 08 20:48 |
schestowitz__ | And FBI. Schmidt had worked with them as well. They're worse than NSA. | Apr 08 20:48 |
Jibbler | everyone going on about this "two thirds of the web" being vulnerable is wrong | Apr 08 20:51 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 20:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@dr_chris_jones: @schestowitz @Microsoft @window Big problem is people seriously hooked to OS of choice. That's partly why Linux has market share of 1.5% | Apr 08 20:52 | |
schestowitz__ | Jibbler: Ars | Apr 08 20:52 |
schestowitz__ | !google techrights Fox technica | Apr 08 20:52 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Links: Privacy Erosion and Other Technological ... - Techrights | | Apr 08 20:52 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - 2014 March 25 | Techrights | | Apr 08 20:52 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Links: News About Surveillance, Covert Intervention ... - Techrights | | Apr 08 20:52 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Recent FUD About GNU/Linux Security May be Related ... - Techrights | | Apr 08 20:52 |
Jibbler | several other news places are saying the same thing | Apr 08 20:52 |
schestowitz__ | it has far more than that if one includes mobile and tablets | Apr 08 20:53 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 20:53 |
schestowitz__ | Jibbler: maybe the lies sold by the Schmidy idiot | Apr 08 20:53 |
schestowitz__ | worked for the FBI (worse than NSA) | Apr 08 20:53 |
schestowitz__ | Then MS | Apr 08 20:53 |
schestowitz__ | the back doors partner of the NSA | Apr 08 20:53 |
schestowitz__ | Now smears FOSS | Apr 08 20:53 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 20:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Former Chief Security Officer for Microsoft the Chairman of the Board of Firm Behind Heartbleed® | Techrights [ ] | Apr 08 20:56 | |
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Apr 9 20:26:03 2014 | ||
*Now talking on #techrights | Apr 09 20:26 | |
*Topic for #techrights is: | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovell | Apr 09 20:26 | |
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 18:16:19 2012 | Apr 09 20:26 | |
*libertyboxes ( has joined #techrights | Apr 09 20:27 | |
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceR | Apr 09 20:29 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to MinceR | Apr 09 20:44 | |
Sosumi | one of the dudes responsible for the LSD inspired ios7 has just been booted out of crapple | Apr 09 20:44 |
Sosumi | now the entire gui design will fall under jony ive | Apr 09 20:45 |
MinceR | it will still suck | Apr 09 20:45 |
MinceR | all their principles are ass backwards | Apr 09 20:45 |
Sosumi | you know, that guy who made a "computing" buttplug | Apr 09 20:46 |
Sosumi | well... | Apr 09 20:46 |
Sosumi | maybe the buttplug was conceived in order to prevent their principles from ever coming out of their, collective, asses | Apr 09 20:47 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 09 20:47 |
MinceR | gn | Apr 09 21:23 |
Sosumi | o/ | Apr 09 21:23 |
Sosumi | ios7 in one image | Apr 09 22:16 |
Sosumi | | Apr 09 22:16 |
Sosumi | | Apr 09 22:18 |
Sosumi | and GN | Apr 09 22:18 |
msb_ | Sosumi: These Jews in black -- aren't their bare hands an abomination unto the Lord? | Apr 10 00:05 |
msb_ | cubezzz: Thanks for all the help you gave me on TV listings! When I have time I'll write a program to sift through the XML and show exactly what I want. | Apr 10 00:07 |
*jono_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Apr 10 02:08 | |
*gde33|2 ( has joined #techrights | Apr 10 02:18 | |
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*jono_ ( has joined #techrights | Apr 10 02:25 | |
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*schestowitz__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Apr 10 02:26 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Write error: Broken pipe) | Apr 10 02:26 | |
*roy_ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe) | Apr 10 02:26 | |
XFaCE | schestowitz__: hello | Apr 10 04:38 |
*jono_ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | Apr 10 04:59 | |
*jono_ ( has joined #techrights | Apr 10 05:13 | |
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 10 05:21 | |
Sosumi | msb_, if those jews in black lift their veils | Apr 10 06:31 |
Sosumi | they'll suck your soul away | Apr 10 06:31 |
Sosumi | and leave you as nothing more than a withered cadaver | Apr 10 06:33 |
Sosumi | :) | Apr 10 06:33 |
Sosumi | nothing the bugs will want ya | Apr 10 06:33 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 10 06:35 | |
*jono_ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | Apr 10 07:18 | |
schestowitz__ | XFaCE: hey | Apr 10 08:29 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 08:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@paulhindes: LOL. They think this will help their int'l appeal. MT @schestowitz: #dropbox adds war criminal to board not satire | Apr 10 08:31 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Condoleezza Rice Joins Dropbox’s Board As It Names New CFO, COO | TechCrunch | Apr 10 08:31 | |
schestowitz__ | [00:06] <msb_> Sosumi: These Jews in black -- aren't their bare hands an abomination unto the Lord? | Apr 10 08:32 |
schestowitz__ | LOL | Apr 10 08:32 |
schestowitz__ | is this real? | Apr 10 08:32 |
schestowitz__ | Looks like crossover of Saudi women and penguins | Apr 10 08:32 |
msb_ | I dunno, but they're rather scary. | Apr 10 08:33 |
msb_ | I'm sure they have machine guns under those robesl | Apr 10 08:33 |
msb_ | But please, not penguins! More like zombies. | Apr 10 08:34 |
schestowitz__ | xbox watches YOU | Apr 10 08:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Molyneux: “I’m sure they’re going to release an Xbox One without Kinect.” | Ars Technica [ ] | Apr 10 08:35 | |
schestowitz__ | Idiots | Apr 10 08:35 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 09:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: conservative voter...  #conservatives #conservatism #voter #vote #voting #votingcounts #thereisadifference #republicans #rightwingers #bigots #racists #redstates | Apr 10 09:04 | |
schestowitz__ | ""conservative" ?! in germany we call it: #NAZI one #world | one #future |one #color .... #red like blood" | Apr 10 09:04 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 09:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #PirateParty Vindicated By Highest #EU Court, Killing Mass #Surveillance Law. Oldmedia Reacts By Writing Cat Story | Apr 10 09:22 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Pirate Party Vindicated By Highest EU Court, Killing Mass Surveillance Law. Oldmedia Reacts By Writing Cat Story. - Falkvinge on Infopolicy [ ] | Apr 10 09:22 | |
schestowitz__ | "Swedish media is, for all it's political correctness, shockingly void of dissent." | Apr 10 09:22 |
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Apr 10 09:54 | |
*schestowitz__ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Apr 10 09:54 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrights | Apr 10 09:55 | |
*schestowitz__ ( has joined #techrights | Apr 10 09:55 | |
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*schestowitz__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Apr 10 09:55 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 10:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: 'Professor' radical religions an issue irrespective of which | Apr 10 10:02 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: UK 'aid' is financing a corporate scramble for Africa #uk #africa #imperialsm | Apr 10 10:02 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | UK 'aid' is financing a corporate scramble for Africa - News - The Ecologist | Apr 10 10:02 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #prism foreseen | Apr 10 10:02 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 10:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #nsa #prism #dropbox : hey, why do we collect people's data and then pass it to the military? Let's just make an interface for direct upload | Apr 10 10:03 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 10:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@nermincanik: @schestowitz Are you sure? :-/ Is it true? @linuxfoundation | Apr 10 10:21 | |
schestowitz__ | " All good, seems fixed or unaffected! " | Apr 10 10:24 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 10:24 |
Sosumi | schestowitz__ those veiled jews are real | Apr 10 10:34 |
Sosumi | | Apr 10 10:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLE [ ] | Apr 10 10:35 | |
Sosumi | and here | Apr 10 10:35 |
Sosumi | a jewjitsu marriage | Apr 10 10:35 |
Sosumi | | Apr 10 10:36 |
Sosumi | the only difference is that the will be wife wears a fancy burqa | Apr 10 10:36 |
schestowitz__ | troll headlines | Apr 10 10:36 |
schestowitz__ | always question marks | Apr 10 10:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is iOS better for developers than Android? | ITworld [ ] | Apr 10 10:36 | |
Sosumi | ios has a paywall to start actually developing for it | Apr 10 10:37 |
schestowitz__ | Does this stay on all the time though? | Apr 10 10:37 |
Sosumi | while android doesn't | Apr 10 10:37 |
schestowitz__ | Other religions have that type of wedding gown too, with ther veil coming off | Apr 10 10:37 |
Sosumi | hardcore jewish women also wear a hijab | Apr 10 10:38 |
schestowitz__ | Google News should remove articles locked behind paywalls | Apr 10 10:45 |
schestowitz__ | Sosumi: is that like a wig? | Apr 10 10:45 |
schestowitz__ | somone told me 2 years ago that the orthodox ones wear wigs, which I didn't know | Apr 10 10:45 |
schestowitz__ | Now, imagine a religion that makes boob jobs mandatory | Apr 10 10:46 |
Sosumi | | Apr 10 10:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jerusalem exhibition lifts the veil on Hasidic Jewish culture | World news | The Guardian [ ] | Apr 10 10:46 | |
Sosumi | those | Apr 10 10:46 |
schestowitz__ | as opposed to genital mutilation | Apr 10 10:46 |
schestowitz__ | Sosumi: ah, those... looks like nursing | Apr 10 10:46 |
Sosumi | yep | Apr 10 10:46 |
Sosumi | kind of a short hijab | Apr 10 10:46 |
schestowitz__ | can you access | Apr 10 10:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Log In - The New York Times [ ] | Apr 10 10:47 | |
schestowitz__ | I wonder what they say.. | Apr 10 10:47 |
Sosumi | I can | Apr 10 10:47 |
Sosumi | HAVE you ever wondered what happened to Linux? Linux is the free software created through the open source development process that many technology enthusiasts had predicted would revolutionize the world of computing. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | It may not be widely known, but Linux did revolutionize computing. If you own an Android phone or a Kindle e-reader, you are a Linux user. Linux is at the core of those popular devices and is found in a variety of other places, from the world’s most powerful supercomputers down to the tiny Raspberry Pi device that is a favorite among electronics hobbyists. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | But Linux has had less success in personal computers. Fewer than 2 percent of desktop or laptop computers run it, according to a survey by Net Applications. That could be because for the bulk of Windows and Mac users, switching entirely to Linux probably does not make sense. But exploring Linux could still be worth the time for those looking for a proven, low-cost alternative to the two mainstream operating systems. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | Installing Linux as the main operating system on a spare computer is one way to explore it. Some versions can also run live on a CD or DVD, but a more flexible choice may be to run it “virtually.” That way, it can run within Windows or Mac OS X and a variety of Linux versions can be installed. Programs like VirtualBox or VMware Fusion make this possible. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | To do this, you will need to figure out a few things. Does your computer have a 32-bit or 64-bit processor? (Most newer ones are 64-bit, but Linux is available for either.) And you may need to enable your processor’s virtualization capabilities. If you become stuck, plenty of online tutorials are available to help. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | There are many types of Linux. At their core, many are the same. But their interfaces and applications may differ, as well as the level of support from the open-source community. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | Bodhi Linux is all about minimalism and performance. This makes it an option for older or “low-end” systems. The desktop setup, called Enlightenment, is frugal with resources while offering an eye-catching and straightforward experience. The desktop is free of clutter, the task bar is well organized and menus are easy to navigate. The other stated ideal of Bodhi is choice. While only a basic set of applications are installed by default, | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | users can download more from an AppCenter with free software organized in categories like office, education and multimedia. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | Linux Mint offers a choice of desktop environments, including one called Cinnamon. A Mac or Windows user may find Cinnamon intuitive to navigate. There is a task bar along the bottom, with a menu button on the left that provides access to applications, system settings and folders. A number of useful programs can be installed by default, like LibreOffice, an Office-like software set; the Firefox browser; Adobe Flash for media like YouTube vi | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | deos; Thunderbird for mail; Pidgin for instant messaging; and GIMP for image editing. A built-in Software Manager provides a way to download and install many more applications. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | Ubuntu is one of the more widely known versions of Linux and also one of the simplest to install. An installation program can replace an existing system or, in some cases, set Ubuntu to be an option when a computer starts up. The desktop environment, called Unity, has a tablet-like look. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | Ubuntu comes with a collection of installed applications like Firefox and LibreOffice. It also has an online storage feature called Ubuntu One, with five gigabytes of free storage for photos, music and other files; access to these can be made from within Ubuntu or across devices like phones, Macs and PCs. If you are not a fan of the Unity layout, you can try Xubuntu and Lubuntu for a more familiar look. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | Fedora was started in 2003 as an offshoot of Red Hat Linux. Still sponsored by Red Hat Inc., Fedora has gained a reputation as a testing ground for features that may end up in Red Hat Enterprise Linux. New editions are released frequently, and the current version, Fedora 20, is available with a choice of desktop environments. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | The Gnome 3 environment, the default, departs from tradition: The user is presented with an empty desktop area and no task bar, dock or “Start” button. Clicking the Activities item in the top left corner will reveal applications and other options, including a search box for finding documents, contacts and other items. Fedora comes with installed programs like Firefox, Evolution mail, Rhythmbox for music and Shotwell for managing photos. | Apr 10 10:48 |
Sosumi | Elementary OS is another Linux flavor that aims for ease of use and performance — as well as smoothness. Elementary OS also includes a few Mac-like elements, like a dock at the bottom of the screen and “hot corners” for fast switching to different work spaces. | Apr 10 10:49 |
Sosumi | Of course numerous other types of Linux are available. For more technical versions, consider options like Slackware and Arch. Or, if you prefer baby steps, take a look at Zorin, which emulates aspects of Windows. And if you cannot find a type of Linux you like, you can always create your own with options like Linux From Scratch or Ubuntu Builder. | Apr 10 10:49 |
Sosumi | Linux is not for everyone. But if you feel constrained by Windows or Mac OS X, it can offer a way out. And if you enjoy choice and flexibility, you just may become hooked. | Apr 10 10:49 |
schestowitz__ | cheers | Apr 10 10:52 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 11:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Firefox OS 2.0 Will Have An Awesome Graphical User Interface #mozilla #firefox #linux | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Firefox OS 2.0 Will Have An Awesome Graphical User Interface | | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #nytimes omits #gnu from history and cites Microsoft-linked #NetApplications to make #gnu #linux seem insignificant | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "FUD factor worked in 1999.. FUD seems to be working... mass migration to Linux" | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Difference Engine: End of the road for Windows XP | The Economist | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Windows XP's Demise Will Help Linux Leapfrog Mac OS X 10.9 #winxp #gnu #linux #windows | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Windows XP's Demise Will Help Linux Leapfrog Mac OS X 10.9 (IBM, MSFT) | Apr 10 11:00 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 11:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "The Many Alternative Computing Worlds of Linux - New York Times" - locked behind paywall. Shove it, #nytimes | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Open source software a solid alternative to costly brands cost and brands are not the issue. Freedom is. | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Open source software a solid alternative to costly brands - | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The PRISM Trade Agreement: we give you government contracts, subsidies; you give us access to all your data. #corruption #nsa #cia | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Google wants CCTV inside people's business because spying on digital habits is not enough | Apr 10 11:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Google woos enterprise developers with 'Glass at Work' program • The Register | Apr 10 11:00 | |
Sosumi | osx 10.9 is an abomination | Apr 10 11:00 |
schestowitz__ | How so? | Apr 10 11:01 |
schestowitz__ | (I haven't been keeping an eye on osux) | Apr 10 11:01 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 11:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Red Hat News: OpenStack Training, Google Deal, Fedora 21 #redhat #gnu #linux #openstack | Apr 10 11:01 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Red Hat News: OpenStack Training, Google Deal, Fedora 21 | Techrights | Apr 10 11:01 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: CMS News: WordPress, Drupal, and More #WordPress #Drupal | Apr 10 11:01 | |
Sosumi | clunky and minimized to the point of being anti user | Apr 10 11:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | CMS News: WordPress, Drupal, and More | Techrights | Apr 10 11:01 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Glamourising the thieves | Apr 10 11:01 | |
Sosumi | osx 10.6 was the pinnacle of osx | Apr 10 11:01 |
Sosumi | after that it all went down | Apr 10 11:01 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 11:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@glynmoody: End of the road for Windows XP - reasonable coverage of GNU/Linux from @economist (v @schestowitz) | Apr 10 11:01 | |
schestowitz__ | Sosumi: why? | Apr 10 11:02 |
schestowitz__ | What were the mistakes? | Apr 10 11:02 |
Sosumi | no arrows on the scrool bars, scrool bars way too tin, opengl still trailing behind, memory problems with 10.9 | Apr 10 11:03 |
Sosumi | lack of contrast | Apr 10 11:03 |
Sosumi | parts of the stitched leather HUI are still present from the 10.7 mistakes | Apr 10 11:03 |
Sosumi | *GUI | Apr 10 11:03 |
Sosumi | the multi display options with the top bar on the second screen was way, way overdue | Apr 10 11:04 |
Sosumi | multi display still fails with now programs not remembering their last position on the display when they were closed | Apr 10 11:05 |
Sosumi | xquartz, quartz and windowserver bugs are not getting fixes | Apr 10 11:05 |
Sosumi | despite some problems coming from the initial release of 10.9 | Apr 10 11:06 |
Sosumi | not some, ALL | Apr 10 11:06 |
Sosumi | and I also got some weird bugs with opencl | Apr 10 11:07 |
Sosumi | that I couldn't get replicate on fedora | Apr 10 11:08 |
Sosumi | *replicated | Apr 10 11:08 |
Sosumi | probably die to the precarious state of the drivers | Apr 10 11:08 |
Sosumi | *due | Apr 10 11:09 |
schestowitz__ | So mostly UI things? | Apr 10 11:09 |
schestowitz__ | Not ignoring ODF and such strategic things? | Apr 10 11:09 |
schestowitz__ | Anyway, Linux got better since apple's 10.6 days | Apr 10 11:09 |
schestowitz__ | Visually we've come a long way | Apr 10 11:09 |
schestowitz__ | so choosing OSuX for themes ain't that rational | Apr 10 11:09 |
schestowitz__ | It would have been the only reason for me to ever choose OSuX | Apr 10 11:10 |
schestowitz__ | The same goes for hypeOS | Apr 10 11:10 |
schestowitz__ | Android has good appearance | Apr 10 11:10 |
Sosumi | choosing osx for the GUI is a huge mistake | Apr 10 11:10 |
schestowitz__ | so at skin-deep level Apple lost it | Apr 10 11:10 |
schestowitz__ | Sosumi: some people associate pretty with easy | Apr 10 11:10 |
Sosumi | and the internals of the OS are kind of a mess | Apr 10 11:10 |
Sosumi | for example in regards with opencl, you'll get a overall 20% difference between osx and linux/windows | Apr 10 11:11 |
Sosumi | simply due to the fact that apple is slow if ignorant to put there vendor specific features and/or kept drivers up to date | Apr 10 11:12 |
Sosumi | and xcode, aside from the usual lack of bug fixes | Apr 10 11:32 |
Sosumi | still doesn't come close to vs or eclipse | Apr 10 11:32 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 11:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@widefox: @schestowitz I would guess the same. I did a quick test of Yahoo, Google, BBC etc. and they range in that order from fixed to unfixed. | Apr 10 11:33 | |
schestowitz__ | None of my sites affected | Apr 10 11:33 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 11:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@bzzzgeek: #heartbleed irresponsible disclosed and is #Microsoft involved? via @schestowitz | Apr 10 11:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Former Chief Security Officer for Microsoft the Chairman of the Board of Firm Behind Heartbleed® | Techrights | Apr 10 11:39 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 11:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How the NSA could use cryptography to enhance users' privacy - Computer Business Review [ ] | Apr 10 11:44 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 11:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@widefox: @schestowitz luck? Estimate I saw was 60% of all secure sites. | Apr 10 11:54 | |
schestowitz__ | Depending on whether they use https | Apr 10 11:54 |
Jibbler | the earlier 66% estimates were based on the combined market share of Apache and nginx | Apr 10 12:18 |
Jibbler | but that counted all HTTP sites | Apr 10 12:18 |
Jibbler | and not all HTTPS sites using Apache and nginx had the TLS heartbeat extension enabled | Apr 10 12:18 |
Jibbler | so it's more like 17% of all HTTPS sites that were affected | Apr 10 12:18 |
Jibbler | (so that's like half a million sites rather than a few hundred million) | Apr 10 12:22 |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 10 12:43 | |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 10 12:47 | |
Sosumi | yay, DrPizza, or how everyone stopped hating XP | Apr 10 13:36 |
Sosumi | | Apr 10 13:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Memory lane: before everyone loved Windows XP, they hated it | Ars Technica [ ] | Apr 10 13:37 | |
Sosumi | xp only began to be ok after the second release | Apr 10 13:37 |
Sosumi | but no mention to that | Apr 10 13:38 |
Sosumi | nor no mention to those issues with xp where everything would automatically run | Apr 10 13:39 |
Sosumi | surfed a wrong website? here's a gazillion popups, bars and junk | Apr 10 13:40 |
Sosumi | ofc that was awesome for computer repair shops | Apr 10 13:40 |
Jibbler | that sounds like a web browser issue rather than an operating system issue | Apr 10 13:40 |
Sosumi | it was IE | Apr 10 13:40 |
Sosumi | everything would automatically install | Apr 10 13:41 |
Sosumi | but the xp "everyone" seems to love | Apr 10 13:43 |
MinceR | i never loved winblows xp | Apr 10 13:43 |
Sosumi | is xp sp2 | Apr 10 13:43 |
Sosumi | but no mention to that either | Apr 10 13:44 |
Sosumi | DrPizza_, a pig with lipstick it's still a pig | Apr 10 13:44 |
Sosumi | and how could I forget to mention how many installs did SP2 break... | Apr 10 13:49 |
Sosumi | and didn't M$ pull it out shortly after release? | Apr 10 13:50 |
Sosumi | | Apr 10 13:51 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Windows XP SP2 is big step forward in security--but it can break things - TechRepublic [ ] | Apr 10 13:51 | |
Sosumi | first article that popped out on google | Apr 10 13:51 |
MinceR | it's his job to smear so much lipstick on the pig that the pig is no longer visible | Apr 10 13:53 |
cubezzz | I wrote a bit on operating systems here: | Apr 10 13:54 |
cubezzz | | Apr 10 13:54 |
cubezzz | unix v6 is definitely worthy of study, that's why MIT made Xv6 written in ANSI C for teaching purposes | Apr 10 14:11 |
cubezzz | I see XP's EOL as an opportunity to load up more boxes with Linux, BSD, and Plan 9 | Apr 10 15:19 |
cubezzz | XP is irrelevant to me | Apr 10 15:19 |
cubezzz | no source code for device drivers... and it's bloated | Apr 10 15:19 |
cubezzz | I said that in 2001 :) | Apr 10 15:20 |
cubezzz | simple simple stuff like running old scanners under win2000 was a problem too | Apr 10 15:21 |
cubezzz | they (HP) didn't bother supporting win2000 for SCL scanners | Apr 10 15:21 |
cubezzz | they said (paraphrasing) "too bad, this isn't the answer you like, buy a new scanner" | Apr 10 15:22 |
cubezzz | so yeah, end of XP, so what, I never used it once | Apr 10 15:23 |
cubezzz | want to see how easy it is to write to scanner in Linux? | Apr 10 15:26 |
cubezzz | | Apr 10 15:27 |
Sosumi | creative didn't bother either in supplying versions of their sound card controlling software that worked on xp | Apr 10 15:29 |
Sosumi | during the transition from 98 to xp back then | Apr 10 15:29 |
Sosumi | so folks using the live 5.1 and the original audigy cards had to buy an audigy 2 | Apr 10 15:30 |
Sosumi | sound card | Apr 10 15:30 |
Sosumi | or just use the driver they made available | Apr 10 15:30 |
Sosumi | with no controlling software | Apr 10 15:30 |
Sosumi | nor EAX for sound effects in games | Apr 10 15:30 |
*jono_ ( has joined #techrights | Apr 10 15:35 | |
cubezzz | creative did give out some datasheets, I can't remember which ones | Apr 10 15:40 |
cubezzz | CT4810 PCI works, VIA AC97 works | Apr 10 15:41 |
cubezzz | probably there driver support is crap for linux though | Apr 10 15:43 |
cubezzz | s/there/their/ | Apr 10 15:43 |
cubezzz | Thomas Sailer wrote the driver for ensoniq, it's totally open source | Apr 10 15:47 |
Sosumi | their linux initiative had always been joke | Apr 10 15:54 |
Sosumi | and that has been defunct since 2005 | Apr 10 15:55 |
Sosumi | their audigy 2 parts from 2003 never saw a gnu/linux release | Apr 10 15:56 |
Sosumi | and I can confirm that | Apr 10 15:56 |
cubezzz | ok, after a quick look it seems that Live 5.1 has decent support | Apr 10 15:56 |
Sosumi | since I had back then one of their higher end audigy cards | Apr 10 15:56 |
Sosumi | the audigy 2 platinum ex | Apr 10 15:57 |
Sosumi | live, 128bit pci, etc | Apr 10 15:57 |
Sosumi | probably the original audigy too | Apr 10 15:57 |
*jono_ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 10 16:00 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 10 16:00 | |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 10 16:05 | |
*freedomrun has quit (Max SendQ exceeded) | Apr 10 16:07 | |
Sosumi | I've just looked into their offerings | Apr 10 17:28 |
Sosumi | and from what I see, they're pretty much dead | Apr 10 17:28 |
Sosumi | why bother in getting a sound card with an integrated headphone amp | Apr 10 17:29 |
Sosumi | when you can pretty much get an external dac+amp and route all the sound through toslink | Apr 10 17:30 |
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Apr 10 17:30 | |
sebsebseb | hi | Apr 10 17:30 |
Sosumi | seb⁹⁰⁰⁰ | Apr 10 17:30 |
Sosumi | from the onboard sound | Apr 10 17:37 |
Sosumi | usually realtek, lol | Apr 10 17:37 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: MinceR I nearly gave SUSE some money and may stll heh heh | Apr 10 17:42 |
Sosumi | SUSY is a dirty lady | Apr 10 17:42 |
Sosumi | you need to show her the $$$ for her to "open" up | Apr 10 17:43 |
Sosumi | joke aside | Apr 10 17:44 |
Sosumi | what a waste | Apr 10 17:44 |
Sosumi | give the money instead to apple | Apr 10 17:44 |
Sosumi | joking | Apr 10 17:44 |
Sosumi | or just save it | Apr 10 17:44 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: they have a t-shirt I kindof wnat for some reason | Apr 10 17:45 |
Sosumi | what a silly excuse | Apr 10 17:46 |
Sosumi | to give money to her | Apr 10 17:47 |
Sosumi | | Apr 10 17:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux - Born To Frag Value T-shirt > Born To Frag > GEEK and FUNNY T-shirt and Gift Shop [ ] | Apr 10 17:50 | |
Sosumi | get that one instead | Apr 10 17:50 |
Sosumi | it bears Sosumi's seal of approval | Apr 10 17:50 |
Sosumi | :) | Apr 10 17:50 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: how to get people interssted in Linuxor open source | Apr 10 18:17 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: in 7 minutes hmm | Apr 10 18:17 |
sebsebseb | speakng :d | Apr 10 18:17 |
Sosumi | simple | Apr 10 18:17 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: oh/? | Apr 10 18:18 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: I am down for a talk next Thursday | Apr 10 18:18 |
sebsebseb | going to talk about how I became interested in Linux etc | Apr 10 18:18 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: ,but to a audiance where most peoplearen't really computer peple a well so hmm | Apr 10 18:18 |
Sosumi | the openes of free software allows for the same software to never stagnate | Apr 10 18:18 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: yeah, bbut | Apr 10 18:18 |
Sosumi | if you don't like what is being done | Apr 10 18:19 |
Sosumi | fork it | Apr 10 18:19 |
sebsebseb | yeah,bbt that's more my next talk I think, tring to explain that a bit | Apr 10 18:19 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: I am not done with the stuffabout me yet | Apr 10 18:19 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: the 3rd talk, can be abouet persuaing them to use stuff :d | Apr 10 18:19 |
sebsebseb | persuadeing | Apr 10 18:19 |
Sosumi | well, they persuade them to use their computers to do something productive | Apr 10 18:20 |
Sosumi | like facebook, skype, pron, etc | Apr 10 18:20 |
Sosumi | like actually using their time for something good, like learning how to program | Apr 10 18:21 |
Sosumi | maybe learn cad and 3d print a penguin shaped mug | Apr 10 18:22 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: most people don't have our kin of experinces | Apr 10 18:22 |
sebsebseb | they don't experience swiching frm WIndows to LInux 10 years ago | Apr 10 18:22 |
sebsebseb | etc | Apr 10 18:22 |
sebsebseb | they don't experience swtiching to Mozilla around that time as well and Open Office to Libre Office etc | Apr 10 18:23 |
sebsebseb | they don't experence real computer choice | Apr 10 18:23 |
cubezzz | there was a pre-windows era :) | Apr 10 18:23 |
sebsebseb | choice of OS, Linux ditro, GUI etc etc | Apr 10 18:23 |
cubezzz | windows didn't always exist | Apr 10 18:23 |
sebsebseb | cubezzz: yep | Apr 10 18:23 |
cubezzz | when I was younger I talked to guys about BC :) | Apr 10 18:23 |
sebsebseb | actaully a lot of these people are older than me | Apr 10 18:23 |
sebsebseb | so | Apr 10 18:23 |
cubezzz | Before Computers | Apr 10 18:24 |
sebsebseb | they will hav probablby expereinced some of the old pre WIndows stuff to | Apr 10 18:24 |
cubezzz | yes, so you can mention that in your talk | Apr 10 18:24 |
sebsebseb | yeah I want to talk about becoming interestd in computers myself at a young age | Apr 10 18:25 |
sebsebseb | the old Achorns and BBC's at school | Apr 10 18:25 |
sebsebseb | how I got interested in web design a bit, thn aobut Linux etc | Apr 10 18:25 |
sebsebseb | already did a talk ther ebefore, wher I stared mentiong htings, but a lot of it dind't go as planned etc | Apr 10 18:25 |
Sosumi | well you know | Apr 10 18:25 |
sebsebseb | cubezzz: I need a good begining, end and conclusion | Apr 10 18:25 |
sebsebseb | and a title this time as well realy | Apr 10 18:25 |
cubezzz | you can talk about the Dark Ages of Computing | Apr 10 18:25 |
sebsebseb | and I need to realy try and stick to the 7 minutes or so | Apr 10 18:25 |
Sosumi | and before that there were computers which used relays and switches to create logic | Apr 10 18:26 |
sebsebseb | cubezzz: well I was thinking the 90's | Apr 10 18:26 |
sebsebseb | something about dial up | Apr 10 18:26 |
sebsebseb | and bonzi budy :d | Apr 10 18:26 |
sebsebseb | anyone remmber bozni budy? heh heh | Apr 10 18:26 |
Sosumi | not much choice for gui there | Apr 10 18:26 |
Sosumi | ppl just need to adapt | Apr 10 18:26 |
sebsebseb | and the dancing baby screensaver | Apr 10 18:26 |
sebsebseb | an the 56k dial up modems etc | Apr 10 18:26 |
cubezzz | dark ages was kind of like 1994 to 2002 or so | Apr 10 18:26 |
sebsebseb | cubezzz: well I didn't really get properly into computers untill 1997 | Apr 10 18:27 |
sebsebseb | since I was young | Apr 10 18:27 |
sebsebseb | so that's when I started to experiment with programs in WIndows and such | Apr 10 18:27 |
cubezzz | ugh, right in the middle of the Dark ages | Apr 10 18:27 |
sebsebseb | why are you calling that time period the dark ages? | Apr 10 18:27 |
cubezzz | 98% microsoft dominated era | Apr 10 18:28 |
sebsebseb | well started to be | Apr 10 18:28 |
sebsebseb | in 1997 or so yeah | Apr 10 18:28 |
sebsebseb | bye bye Achorns bye bye BBC's or nearly | Apr 10 18:28 |
cubezzz | yes, see early 1990s had a greater mix of machines | Apr 10 18:28 |
cubezzz | and 80s too | Apr 10 18:29 |
sebsebseb | cubezzz: yep ineed | Apr 10 18:29 |
sebsebseb | ,but then it went al Windows | Apr 10 18:29 |
sebsebseb | cubezzz: that' the whole point of my tak as wle really | Apr 10 18:29 |
sebsebseb | I want to talk about choices | Apr 10 18:29 |
sebsebseb | I an mention the rassbery pi in there to and od my joke about hte name :d | Apr 10 18:29 |
sebsebseb | and such | Apr 10 18:29 |
sebsebseb | ,but yeah | Apr 10 18:29 |
cubezzz | ah, I found the pic I was looking for: | Apr 10 18:29 |
cubezzz | | Apr 10 18:30 |
sebsebseb | cubezzz: exactly 90's we had more coice or hwatever | Apr 10 18:30 |
sebsebseb | then it all went WIndos baislly | Apr 10 18:30 |
sebsebseb | and Mac for the art sudents maybe | Apr 10 18:30 |
cubezzz | ok, back in a bit :) | Apr 10 18:30 |
MinceR | 184205 < sebsebseb> Sosumi: MinceR I nearly gave SUSE some money and may stll heh heh | Apr 10 18:47 |
MinceR | doesn't m$ give them enough money already? | Apr 10 18:47 |
Sosumi | it was like I said | Apr 10 19:00 |
Sosumi | SUSIE is a dirty lady | Apr 10 19:00 |
Sosumi | no money for her | Apr 10 19:00 |
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 10 19:02 | |
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cubezzz | | Apr 10 19:11 |
cubezzz | everyone was talking about decommoditizing in the late 90's | Apr 10 19:20 |
cubezzz | as I said, a bad era | Apr 10 19:20 |
cubezzz | | Apr 10 19:28 |
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 10 19:37 | |
*jono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Apr 10 19:40 | |
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Sosumi | | Apr 10 20:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Whitehat hacker goes too far, gets raided by FBI, tells all | Ars Technica [ ] | Apr 10 20:40 | |
Sosumi | and the poor good samaritan is usually the one that gets shafted | Apr 10 20:41 |
Sosumi | had he instead sold the data, he could have made a nice amount of money | Apr 10 20:42 |
Sosumi | plus he'd also probably be able to have a view on research data | Apr 10 20:43 |
Sosumi | which he could also, to the chinese | Apr 10 20:43 |
Sosumi | or north koreans | Apr 10 20:44 |
Sosumi | or the israelis | Apr 10 20:44 |
Sosumi | plain sad, | Apr 10 20:44 |
Sosumi | now he's unemployed when could be enjoying himself a vacation on some black sea resort | Apr 10 20:45 |
XFaCE | hi schestowitz__ | Apr 10 20:59 |
XFaCE | Sosumi: I must say, this recent OpenSSL thing really bolsters CJDNS | Apr 10 21:49 |
MinceR | gn | Apr 10 22:28 |
*Riddic has quit (Quit: leaving) | Apr 10 22:46 | |
*Riddic ( has joined #techrights | Apr 10 22:51 | |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 00:22 | |
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | Apr 11 01:16 | |
DaemonFC | Yeah, if you do the right thing, you make no money, and get arrested. | Apr 11 01:30 |
DaemonFC | If you do the wrong thing, you might get arrested, but you will make a lot of money. | Apr 11 01:30 |
DaemonFC | So, the system is stacked to nudge people to do the wrong thing. | Apr 11 01:31 |
schestowitz__ | of course | Apr 11 01:32 |
schestowitz__ | you just need to see who funds the system | Apr 11 01:32 |
schestowitz__ | !google scotus appointed by | Apr 11 01:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - List of Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia ... | | Apr 11 01:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | | Apr 11 01:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Appointment and confirmation to the Supreme Court of the United ... | | Apr 11 01:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - HowStuffWorks "How Supreme Court Appointments Work" | | Apr 11 01:32 |
schestowitz__ | !google scotus campaign contributions | Apr 11 01:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - The Supreme Court has struck down overall campaign contribution ... | | Apr 11 01:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - Supreme Court lifts ban on aggregate campaign donations | | Apr 11 01:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Supreme Court strikes down limits on federal campaign donations ... | | Apr 11 01:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Supreme Court Strikes Down Limits on Campaign Contributions ... | | Apr 11 01:32 |
schestowitz__ | > "Key tampering and forgery excerpts added by Cryptome." | Apr 11 01:37 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 11 01:37 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 11 01:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jesselyn Radack Emails Glenn Greenwald [ ] | Apr 11 01:37 | |
schestowitz__ | > See spoofing examples. | Apr 11 01:37 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 01:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | analysis of openssl freelist reuse [ ] | Apr 11 01:46 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 01:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New tests show no evidence of forgery in ‘Gospel of Jesus’s Wife’ - Metro - The Boston Globe [ ] | Apr 11 01:47 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 11 01:51 |
DaemonFC | Off to Burger King.... | Apr 11 01:51 |
schestowitz__ | meh | Apr 11 01:52 |
schestowitz__ | toy boys? | Apr 11 01:52 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 01:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Monetary award for making storage so much better so much faster #ibm #hardware | Apr 11 01:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Inventor Of Modern Storage Stuart Parkin Awarded The 2014 Millennium Prize | Apr 11 01:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Google Chrome Beta Upgraded to Version 35 for All Platforms #chrome #google | Apr 11 01:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Google Chrome Beta Upgraded to Version 35 for All Platforms | Apr 11 01:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Chromium Blog: Chrome 35 Beta: More developer control over touch input, new JavaScript features, and unprefixed Shadow DOM | Apr 11 01:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Google Starts Early Dogfooding Of Android 4.4.3, Public Release Expected In Coming Weeks #android #google #linux | Apr 11 01:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Rumor: Google Starts Early Dogfooding Of Android 4.4.3, Public Release Expected In Coming Weeks | Apr 11 01:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Another reason to avoid #bt is support of 'secure' link to #gchq #nsa #prism through abusive monopolist #microsoft | Apr 11 01:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | BT To Offer Secure, Dedicated Access To Microsoft Azure | Apr 11 01:56 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 01:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Zorin OS Lite 8.1 Is the Perfect OS for Users with Old PCs Running from Windows XP #ZorinOS #gnu #linux #winxp | Apr 11 01:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Zorin OS Lite 8.1 Is the Perfect OS for Users with Old PCs Running from Windows XP | Apr 11 01:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: New contradictions | Apr 11 01:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "There's a ton of trash in the Indian Ocean." | Apr 11 01:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The big environmental problem highlighted by the search for Flight 370 | Apr 11 01:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #fbi goes after 'weev' and now another victimless 'crime' FBI and #NSA want a monopoly on #security holes | Apr 11 01:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-couldn't connect to host ( status 0 @ ) | Apr 11 01:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Judge says prosecutors should follow the law. Prosecutors revolt. prosecutors as bullies | Apr 11 01:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Judge says prosecutors should follow the law. Prosecutors revolt. | Apr 11 01:57 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 01:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #Cryptome disinformation maybe jealous of Wikileaks, Greenwald, et al. | Apr 11 01:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Firefox OS 2.0 starts emerging from its cocoon #linux #mozilla #firefox #firefox | Apr 11 01:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Firefox OS 2.0 starts emerging from its cocoon - CNET | Apr 11 01:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The KVM Groundswell Continues #kvm #linux #ibm | Apr 11 01:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The KVM Groundswell Continues | | Apr 11 01:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The NY Times discovers the virtues of desktop Linux #nytimes also spreads some myths, though | Apr 11 01:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The NY Times discovers the virtues of desktop Linux | ITworld | Apr 11 01:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Android IPTV set-top features 802.11ac, #Marvell SoC #android #linux | Apr 11 01:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Android IPTV set-top features 802.11ac, Marvell SoC · | Apr 11 01:58 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 01:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Pivotal Brings PaaS to the Enterprise Through Community Collaboration #pivotal #freesw | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Pivotal Brings PaaS to the Enterprise Through Community Collaboration | | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Football Manager Classic 2014 for PS Vita Might Also Get a Steam for Linux Version #steam #gnu #linux #games | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Football Manager Classic 2014 for PS Vita Might Also Get a Steam for Linux Version | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #Wasteland 2 to Finally Get a Linux Version #games #gnu #linux | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Wasteland 2 to Finally Get a Linux Version | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Wasteland 2 Linux release confirmed | Muktware | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Anti-Gravity Racing Game #FLASHOUT 2 to Get a Linux Version #gnu #linux #games | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Anti-Gravity Racing Game FLASHOUT 2 to Get a Linux Version | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #Gallium3D LLVMpipe Performance In Ubuntu 14.04 LTS #ubuntu #benchmark | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | [Phoronix] Gallium3D LLVMpipe Performance In Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: DevOps amplifies your open source credentials many job opportunities | Apr 11 01:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Can you do DevOps without sharing scripts or code? | | Apr 11 01:59 | |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | Apr 11 02:05 |
DaemonFC | 8 seconds ago | Apr 11 02:05 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 11 02:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Windows XP Theme For Linux Is Ideal For New Users [ ] | Apr 11 02:05 | |
DaemonFC | You can make GNU/Linux look like anything you want. Why make it look like a demented Fisher Price toy that was the second worst thing to happen to the world in 2001? (The first being Dubya Bush). | Apr 11 02:05 |
dcolebatch | lol - good call | Apr 11 02:39 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 11 03:04 | |
*cryptic has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 11 03:32 | |
*cryptic ( has joined #techrights | Apr 11 03:34 | |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 11 05:37 | |
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*nj3ma has quit (Quit: ZNC - | Apr 11 07:30 | |
*nj3ma ( has joined #techrights | Apr 11 07:36 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 07:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ New contradictions | Apr 11 07:41 | |
schestowitz__ | "Heh. The various churches are sitting on all sorts of interesting scrolls they won't let the public see. Given such censorship, no one knows reality." | Apr 11 07:41 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 07:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Ubuntu One Shut Down; Here Are Some Alternatives more alternatives. #ubuntuone #ubuntu #gnu #linux | Apr 11 07:42 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Ubuntu One Shut Down; Here Are Some Alternatives [ ] | Apr 11 07:42 | |
schestowitz__ | "most of the alternatives would have a link to the NSA in some way or some legal arm twisting" | Apr 11 07:42 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 07:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Anti- #drones #activism in theatres resentment and protests from US public are working | Apr 11 07:42 | |
schestowitz__ | "So this means that no one ever will have access to Afghanistan's natural resources but USA?" | Apr 11 07:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | City Theatre's Grounded | Theater Reviews + Features | Pittsburgh City Paper [ ] | Apr 11 07:42 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Killer Drones in a Downward Spiral? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names [ ] | Apr 11 07:42 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 07:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google wants to trademark ‘Glass’ but bid stalled | Muktware [ ] | Apr 11 07:48 | |
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 08:05 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 08:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The biggest and most vicious military base in the world #espionage #blackmail #droNSA | Apr 11 08:45 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The Netherlands Must Outlaw Downloading, EU Court Rules (Update) because it might lead to competition | Apr 11 08:45 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The Netherlands Must Outlaw Downloading, EU Court Rules (Update) | TorrentFreak | Apr 11 08:45 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The so-called "piracy levy" becomes a state subsidy. So when the #copyright monopoly gets it (e.g. France), people assume it's pre-paid. | Apr 11 08:45 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 08:51 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: ACPI & Power Management Get More Updates In Linux 3.15 #acpi #linux | Apr 11 08:51 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | [Phoronix] ACPI & Power Management Get More Updates In Linux 3.15 | Apr 11 08:51 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Google adds more Android features to Chrome OS #chromeos #linux #android | Apr 11 08:51 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Google adds more Android features to Chrome OS | Muktware | Apr 11 08:51 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Wanna build a module for Google's Project Ara mix-and-match phone? Here are your specs #ara #android #google | Apr 11 08:51 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Wanna build a module for Google's Project Ara mix-and-match phone? Here are your specs • The Register | Apr 11 08:51 | |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 11 09:07 |
MinceR | | Apr 11 09:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | TL;DR Wikipedia | Apr 11 09:50 | |
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 10:21 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 10:22 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 11 10:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Photographer reveals the secret of the Windows XP desktop image [ ] | Apr 11 10:30 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 10:44 | |
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | Apr 11 11:27 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 11 11:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLE [ ] | Apr 11 11:56 | |
DaemonFC | damn it | Apr 11 11:56 |
DaemonFC | seems the article is dead anyway | Apr 11 11:57 |
DaemonFC | It said that even the death of Windows XP isn't driving PC sales. | Apr 11 11:57 |
*DaemonFC is on his Chromebook right now | Apr 11 11:57 | |
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | Apr 11 12:00 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 11 12:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | End of Windows XP support fails to lift figures for declining PC market | Technology | [ ] | Apr 11 12:03 | |
cubezzz | people don't want to be on the upgrade treadmill any more | Apr 11 12:04 |
cubezzz | some of my customers have slot 1 P3's or even Pentium Pro systems | Apr 11 12:06 |
cubezzz | fine for IRC, email, running a scanner or printer | Apr 11 12:06 |
Sosumi | a treadmill takes you nowhere | Apr 11 12:06 |
Sosumi | while a computer upgrade adds more computational power | Apr 11 12:07 |
Sosumi | and that comes down to needs | Apr 11 12:07 |
cubezzz | one of my customers is in her late 80s | Apr 11 12:08 |
cubezzz | she plays solitaire on her computer :) | Apr 11 12:08 |
cubezzz | I definitely did not see computers that were 10 to 15 years old being used in the 90s | Apr 11 12:16 |
cubezzz | even older sometimes | Apr 11 12:17 |
cubezzz | that's something new | Apr 11 12:17 |
cubezzz | Thompson didn't stay on a PDP-7 for more than a couple of years | Apr 11 12:18 |
cubezzz | it was PDP-7 (1969) to PDP-11/20 (1971) | Apr 11 12:18 |
msb_ | Old things can still sometimes do useful work. | Apr 11 12:19 |
cubezzz | then PDP-11/40, then PDP-11/45 in quick succession | Apr 11 12:19 |
cubezzz | when P3 coppermine's came out that was a sweat spot | Apr 11 12:19 |
cubezzz | low heat, very reliable | Apr 11 12:20 |
msb_ | Didn't the 6809 chip emulate the PDP-11 architecture to some extent? Lots of registers... | Apr 11 12:20 |
cubezzz | the old PDP-11 series were slow, and ate a lot of power | Apr 11 12:20 |
msb_ | But no virtual memory. | Apr 11 12:20 |
cubezzz | hmmm, not really | Apr 11 12:21 |
cubezzz | 6809 was 8-bit with a few 16-bit features | Apr 11 12:21 |
msb_ | I'm working on a C program in which I have to allocate zillions of little strings. Should I just call malloc, or would it be a lot faster for me to allocate them myself out of a megabyte array? How fast is malloc? | Apr 11 12:22 |
msb_ | Linux/gcc, of course. | Apr 11 12:23 |
cubezzz | PDP-11 to Motorola 68000 there's some influence | Apr 11 12:23 |
cubezzz | malloc is for big stuff | Apr 11 12:25 |
cubezzz | e.g. you need a big chunk of memory you use malloc | Apr 11 12:25 |
cubezzz | arrays for smaller stuff | Apr 11 12:25 |
cubezzz | I think just using the stack is faster than malloc | Apr 11 12:26 |
msb_ | Use the stack as a heap? (vague recollection) How? | Apr 11 12:27 |
cubezzz | no, I just mean using the stack is faster | Apr 11 12:27 |
msb_ | These strings are going to be pointed to from structs which will be pointed to by an array. | Apr 11 12:28 |
cubezzz | assuming you don't overflow the stack :) | Apr 11 12:28 |
msb_ | I'm reading that xml file into a zillions of structs with strings attached | Apr 11 12:29 |
msb_ | actually, arrays of strings. | Apr 11 12:29 |
msb_ | I should do it the simplest way. Maybe it will be fast enough. If not, then I'll make my own mini-super-malloc. | Apr 11 12:30 |
cubezzz | oh man, I remember I used to use EMS for big stuff | Apr 11 12:34 |
cubezzz | it was a dog's dinner | Apr 11 12:34 |
msb_ | After being processed by the dog? | Apr 11 12:36 |
cubezzz | that was in the early 90's | Apr 11 12:36 |
*yang has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 11 12:38 | |
cubezzz | a bit before Linux version 1.0 | Apr 11 12:39 |
cubezzz | even on the amiga I could do it a lot better, but the amiga I had was so slow | Apr 11 12:39 |
msb_ | Throwing hardware at a problem -- if you already have it -- is worthwhile to keep the code simple, so it's fun. | Apr 11 12:39 |
Sosumi | | Apr 11 12:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'Part of Cirque de Soleil?' Shoe thrown at Hillary Clinton during Las Vegas speech - YouTube [ ] | Apr 11 12:41 | |
cubezzz | I still have my notes for it :) | Apr 11 12:41 |
cubezzz | 486-DX40 with 4 megs, running msdos | Apr 11 12:41 |
Sosumi | shoe throwers need to learn to aim | Apr 11 12:41 |
msb_ | I saw a great 3D display powered by an Amiga at one of the West Coast Computer Faires. Shutter goggles. A one-foot cube "stereo tank" as in old scifi stories. | Apr 11 12:41 |
cubezzz | I allocated 600,000 longs, so 2.4 megs of ram | Apr 11 12:45 |
MinceR | afaik malloc already gets memory from the OS in chunks | Apr 11 12:46 |
msb_ | cubezzz: How long did it take? | Apr 11 12:47 |
*yang (yang@freenode/sponsor/fsf.member.yang) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 12:47 | |
cubezzz | the <U, R> antipode calculation took 11 hours | Apr 11 12:48 |
cubezzz | it was finding an antipode of the <U, R> subgroup of the cube | Apr 11 12:49 |
cubezzz | it was the best I could do with 4 megs :) | Apr 11 12:49 |
cubezzz | or as the Greeks say: an-TIP-uh-DEEZ | Apr 11 12:52 |
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 11 12:54 | |
cubezzz | even Gates thought EMS was a kludge | Apr 11 12:56 |
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | Apr 11 12:58 | |
MinceR | what gates believes is irrelevant | Apr 11 13:00 |
MinceR | but, yes it was | Apr 11 13:00 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 11 13:00 |
*Jibbler2 ( has joined #techrights | Apr 11 13:07 | |
*Jibbler has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | Apr 11 13:08 | |
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*TRIdentica has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 11 13:34 | |
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*XFaCE has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 11 13:44 | |
*prurigro has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 11 13:44 | |
*prurigro (prurigro@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:bb8a) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 13:44 | |
*XFaCE (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 13:45 | |
msb_ | cubezzz: Some of the entries for program series episodes don't have S/E numbers. See our PM. | Apr 11 14:23 |
gde33|2 | I had a go at edutainment, | Apr 11 14:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | JavaScript PlanetArray | Apr 11 14:39 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | Apr 11 15:03 | |
*DaemonFC ( has joined #techrights | Apr 11 15:15 | |
*DaemonFC is now known as Guest98721 | Apr 11 15:15 | |
Sosumi | | Apr 11 15:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Phoronix] NVIDIA GeForce 337 Beta Driver Linux Overclocking Trials [ ] | Apr 11 15:18 | |
Sosumi | easy OCing no longer a feature of windows | Apr 11 15:18 |
*Guest98721 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Apr 11 15:24 | |
schestowitz_log_ | LOL | Apr 11 15:54 |
*jono ( has joined #techrights | Apr 11 16:00 | |
*jono has quit (Changing host) | Apr 11 16:00 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 16:00 | |
msb_ | Mfrs that support overcooking must be out of their minds! | Apr 11 16:22 |
msb_ | Or maybe they think if they shorten the lifetime of the products they sell, people will buy another one. | Apr 11 16:23 |
Sosumi | it is just a video card | Apr 11 16:56 |
Sosumi | ppl that care about ocing will probably replace the card in 2 years | Apr 11 16:56 |
Sosumi | if not less | Apr 11 16:56 |
Sosumi | because those folks also happen to be the gamers | Apr 11 16:57 |
Sosumi | and hey, much better to do benchs and oc competitions on gnu/linux than on windows | Apr 11 16:58 |
Sosumi | right? | Apr 11 16:58 |
msb_ | Yes, but how many people could tell the difference between oc and not without a numerical measurement or a stopwatch or side to side comparison? | Apr 11 17:02 |
msb_ | I think the whole idea is silly. The result is imperceptible. Except when the hw overheats and dies. | Apr 11 17:03 |
cubezzz | I never overclock anything | Apr 11 17:04 |
msb_ | Mfrs spend huge amounts of effort on protecting their stuff against heat and specifying just enough margin of safety. | Apr 11 17:04 |
msb_ | Me either. | Apr 11 17:04 |
msb_ | But, yes, it's better that even loonies use Linux instead of Windows. | Apr 11 17:06 |
schestowitz | [11:57] * DaemonFC is on his Chromebook right now | Apr 11 17:38 |
schestowitz | Besy Buy? | Apr 11 17:38 |
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 11 17:43 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 17:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Forget About Windows XP, Tranform Your Linux Mint in Windows 7 | Apr 11 17:56 | |
schestowitz__ | "Why on earth would I do that?" | Apr 11 17:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Forget About Windows XP, Tranform Your Linux Mint in Windows 7 [ ] | Apr 11 17:56 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 17:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ The NY Times discovers the virtues of desktop Linux | Apr 11 17:57 | |
schestowitz__ | "The article is mundane but its publication on nyt makes it very interesting. Presumably triggered by XP EOL?" | Apr 11 17:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The NY Times discovers the virtues of desktop Linux | ITworld [ ] | Apr 11 17:57 | |
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 17:59 | |
cubezzz | folks are such troglodytes when it comes to operating systems | Apr 11 18:18 |
Sosumi | what stopwatch? | Apr 11 18:23 |
Sosumi | seems like no one ever heard of synthetic benchmarks | Apr 11 18:23 |
Sosumi | nor frame rates | Apr 11 18:23 |
Sosumi | nor watercooling nor non reference coolers | Apr 11 18:24 |
Sosumi | also what I said yesterday of xp pre spi | Apr 11 18:24 |
Sosumi | was because you could basically execute a script through the browser to edit the registry | Apr 11 18:25 |
Sosumi | another thing DrPizza_ forgot to mention in his piece about why everyone loves windows xp | Apr 11 18:25 |
cubezzz | I never used XP | Apr 11 19:13 |
cubezzz | it was Redhat 6.1 that I started to really notice linux | Apr 11 19:16 |
cubezzz | Ryerson was using Darkstar Linux 0.99 in some courses | Apr 11 19:17 |
cubezzz | | Apr 11 19:30 |
Sosumi | I never really used xp either | Apr 11 19:51 |
Sosumi | other than on a gaming pc I had at that time | Apr 11 19:51 |
Sosumi | just for gaming | Apr 11 19:51 |
Sosumi | but I remember much of those issues including remote shutdowns | Apr 11 19:58 |
Sosumi | because all the computers at my school, well, were on xp | Apr 11 19:58 |
cubezzz | all of them, no exceptions? | Apr 11 20:01 |
Sosumi | a system 7 mac | Apr 11 20:08 |
Sosumi | that escaped the renewal at the time | Apr 11 20:09 |
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 20:10 | |
sebsebseb | hi | Apr 11 20:10 |
MinceR | hay | Apr 11 20:11 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: new spaekrs, new keyboard, and new mouse, not just any mouse or keyboard | Apr 11 20:12 |
sebsebseb | and more stuff in the box | Apr 11 20:12 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: isn't it fun getting new stuff for the computer :d | Apr 11 20:12 |
MinceR | uh huh | Apr 11 20:12 |
MinceR | it is, most of the time, but not all of the time | Apr 11 20:12 |
sebsebseb | yep | Apr 11 20:13 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: how about a mouse with a very nice thumb rest and it's on the side/up0right | Apr 11 20:16 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: meant to be good for RSI etc | Apr 11 20:16 |
MinceR | if it's a good gaming mouse, sure | Apr 11 20:16 |
sebsebseb | welll I bought that | Apr 11 20:16 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: I was a bit unsure about the price | Apr 11 20:16 |
sebsebseb | ,but I guess worth it really | Apr 11 20:16 |
sebsebseb | it's not a standard mouse | Apr 11 20:17 |
MinceR | i still don't know if i prefer optical or laser | Apr 11 20:17 |
sebsebseb | I think other htan the things I just put though that it's just a optical really though | Apr 11 20:17 |
cubezzz | another odd thing, I don't think too many people know about this, the whole processes as files thing was from Unix version 8 | Apr 11 20:17 |
MinceR | /proc? | Apr 11 20:17 |
cubezzz | yes | Apr 11 20:17 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: also a keyboard with two USB ports on the back on the right, which is nice, but it's nice also, because well | Apr 11 20:17 |
cubezzz | a Bell Labs invention | Apr 11 20:18 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: ok it's made for Windows reallyk, got a lot of hot keys to | Apr 11 20:18 |
sebsebseb | so I was unsure what would work with Linux | Apr 11 20:18 |
sebsebseb | realyk, but well | Apr 11 20:18 |
sebsebseb | my comp ones opended up Nautilus :) | Apr 11 20:18 |
sebsebseb | so that's good | Apr 11 20:18 |
MinceR | my logitech g710+ has a pass-through usb port :> | Apr 11 20:18 |
sebsebseb | volume control buttons work nicely | Apr 11 20:18 |
sebsebseb | and I am not sure about the other hot keys yet | Apr 11 20:18 |
MinceR | you can bind them anyway | Apr 11 20:19 |
sebsebseb | what do you mean | Apr 11 20:19 |
sebsebseb | bind use for what is wanted? | Apr 11 20:19 |
sebsebseb | change the layout a bit? | Apr 11 20:19 |
MinceR | bind extra keys to functions | Apr 11 20:21 |
sebsebseb | I think I done something like that before | Apr 11 20:21 |
MinceR | | Apr 11 20:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Heartbleed security flaw may not be as dangerous as thought | The Verge [ ] | Apr 11 20:47 | |
*XFaCE_ (xface@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:bb8a) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 20:52 | |
XFaCE | MinceR: now there are two of us mwahahaha | Apr 11 20:52 |
MinceR | oh shi-- | Apr 11 20:53 |
XFaCE | XFaCE_: test | Apr 11 20:53 |
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@ has joined #techrights | Apr 11 20:59 | |
*ThistleWeb has quit (Changing host) | Apr 11 20:59 | |
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 20:59 | |
XFaCE | ThistleWeb: hello gordon from another mother | Apr 11 20:59 |
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 11 21:09 | |
*XFaCE has quit (Quit: Retiring completely) | Apr 11 21:49 | |
*XFaCE_ is now known as XFaCE | Apr 11 21:49 | |
*XFaCE_ (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 21:50 | |
*XFaCE is now known as Guest20006 | Apr 11 21:50 | |
*XFaCE_ has quit (Client Quit) | Apr 11 21:50 | |
*XFaCE (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 21:51 | |
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 11 21:53 | |
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*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 22:33 | |
MinceR | here's one about hungary >> | Apr 11 23:10 |
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 11 23:12 | |
MinceR | gn | Apr 11 23:45 |
schestowitz__ | MinceR: thanks for the TheVerge link | Apr 12 00:35 |
schestowitz__ | Very useful to learn that, I'll prepare another post with some of my findings. It seems like NSA knew about it for years | Apr 12 00:36 |
schestowitz__ | Microsoft's Howard Schmidt decided to 'leak' it to distract from XP EOL perhaps | Apr 12 00:36 |
schestowitz__ | Schmidy had worked for the FBI | Apr 12 00:36 |
schestowitz__ | So he might have colleagues who could tell him about this | Apr 12 00:36 |
schestowitz__ | and he'd hype it up, give it a scary name, make a dot com web site, a logo, etc. | Apr 12 00:37 |
schestowitz__ | Metchandising the FUD | Apr 12 00:37 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 02:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Sarah Watz Elected by Open Source Matters to Guide #Joomla "More than 3 percent of the web runs on Joomla" | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Sarah Watz Elected by Open Source Matters to Guide Joomla | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Linux KVM Virtualization comes to IBM Power servers soon #kvm #ibm #server #gnu #linux | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Linux KVM Virtualization comes to IBM Power servers soon | ZDNet | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Nikon launches Android powered Coolpix S810c #android #linux | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Nikon launches Android powered Coolpix S810c | Muktware | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Prisonscape Is a Brutal RPG Inspired by The Wire and Oz Set to Launch on Linux #rpg #games #gnu #linux | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Prisonscape Is a Brutal RPG Inspired by The Wire and Oz Set to Launch on Linux | Apr 12 02:37 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 02:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Meanwhile in Fecesbook, people upload photos of relatives from inside their house to #nsa accessible servers. #facebook #prism | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: After 16 years, CIA declassifies new portions of "KUBARK" interrogation manual #cia #torture | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | After 16 years, CIA declassifies new portions of "KUBARK" interrogation manual | Muckrock | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: 'US Operating Without any Kind of Boundaries' imperialism without borders, with bases in #Germany also | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | German Interior Minister Warns US Spying Has No Boundaries - SPIEGEL ONLINE | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Condoleezza Rice, surveillance and torture fan, joins Dropbox board #surveillance #prism #dropbox #nsa | Apr 12 02:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Condoleezza Rice, surveillance and torture fan, joins Dropbox board - Boing Boing | Apr 12 02:37 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 02:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #Greenwald returns to US first time since #Snowden leaks: Will Obama arrest him? #bushobama #pr would suffer. | Apr 12 02:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Greenwald returns to US first time since Snowden leaks: Will Obama arrest him? | Apr 12 02:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Heartbleed reportedly known to #nsa for years, as #snowden had alluded to (bug doors, not back doors). Schmidt et al. exploit it for FUD. | Apr 12 02:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The last thing the #nsa wants is people (esp. outside the US) adopting Free software and #gnu #linux b/c #microsoft is where back doors are | Apr 12 02:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Howard Schmidt (chairman of board of company that marketed "Heartbleed") worked for #fbi & #nsa partner, #prism pioneer. #nsa knew the bug. | Apr 12 02:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Salix MATE 14.1 Beta 1 Is Based on MATE 1.8 #salix #gnu #linux | Apr 12 02:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Salix MATE 14.1 Beta 1 Is Based on MATE 1.8 | Apr 12 02:39 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 02:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #SparkyLinux 3.3.2-test1 Base Edition Is for Command-Line Aficionados #gnu #linux | Apr 12 02:40 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | SparkyLinux 3.3.2-test1 Base Edition Is for Command-Line Aficionados | Apr 12 02:40 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Budge up VMware, array upstart Tintri's ramming in Red Hat Linux KVM #redhat #kvm #linux | Apr 12 02:40 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Budge up VMware, array upstart Tintri's ramming in Red Hat Linux KVM • The Register | Apr 12 02:40 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Virt-Manager Now Supports FreeBSD's Bhyve #freebsd #bsd #unix #virtmanager | Apr 12 02:40 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | [Phoronix] Virt-Manager Now Supports FreeBSD's Bhyve | Apr 12 02:40 | |
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Apr 12 02:49 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 08:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: []( **ma ciao! ^_^** [](<p>#lama | Apr 12 08:17 | |
schestowitz__ | "I am surrounded by lamas, they are like dogs where I live. This my friend is an alpaca. " | Apr 12 08:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Alpaca - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Apr 12 08:17 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 08:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Condoleezza Rice, surveillance and torture fan, joins Dropbox board #surveillance #prism #dropbox #nsa | Apr 12 08:18 | |
schestowitz__ | "What..."\ | Apr 12 08:18 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 08:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Replacing Russian Gas Deliveries with US Shale Gas? Washington Lies to the EU #eu #us #russia | Apr 12 08:18 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Replacing Russian Gas Deliveries with US Shale Gas? Washington Lies to the EU | Global Research [ ] | Apr 12 08:18 | |
schestowitz__ | "If Russia cannot make business due to sanctions that is fine, but if Russia don't want to sell its natural gas at the price the EU wants that is very bad." | Apr 12 08:18 |
schestowitz__ | Apr 12 08:20 | |
schestowitz__ | That's going to feel awful.| | Apr 12 08:21 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 08:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared:  For my #German friends... #beer #bier #german #deutsch | Apr 12 08:21 | |
*schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | Apr 12 09:15 | |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 12 09:38 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Apr 12 09:42 | |
*schestowitz__ ( has joined #techrights | Apr 12 10:03 | |
*schestowitz__ has quit (Changing host) | Apr 12 10:03 | |
*schestowitz__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Apr 12 10:03 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 10:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Kernel (Linux) News: A Week’s News in a Nutshell #kernel #linux | Apr 12 10:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Kernel (Linux) News: A Week’s News in a Nutshell | Techrights | Apr 12 10:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Ubuntu News: Themes, Unity 8, Meizu Phone, Ubuntu Touch, and Elementary OS #ubuntu | Apr 12 10:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Ubuntu News: Themes, Unity 8, Meizu Phone, Ubuntu Touch, and Elementary OS | Techrights | Apr 12 10:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Political News: Protests Face a Ban, Covert Actions Continue, #ColdWar Era Imperialism, Privacy, and War on Justice | Apr 12 10:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Political News: Protests Face a Ban, Covert Actions Continue, Cold War Era Imperialism, Privacy, and War on Justice | Techrights | Apr 12 10:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Links 12/4/2014: Games Applications Instructionals #techrights | Apr 12 10:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Links 12/4/2014: Games | Techrights | Apr 12 10:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Links 12/4/2014: Applications | Techrights | Apr 12 10:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Links 12/4/2014: Instructionals | Techrights | Apr 12 10:03 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 10:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Empire of debt and covert occupation #china missing there - used to be controlled by narcotics | Apr 12 10:26 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #prism shows the need for Free softwa... | Apr 12 10:26 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | #prism shows the ... | Apr 12 10:26 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "war has become an extension of politics as almost all aspects of society have been transformed into a combat zone." | Apr 12 10:26 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Henry A. Giroux | Neoliberalism and the Machinery of Disposability | Apr 12 10:26 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 10:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "Michael Lewis appears on “60 Minutes” and declares that the U.S. stock market “is rigged,” people pay attention" | Apr 12 10:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Michael Lewis hits back: “There’s been a lot of people mouthing off without actually thinking about the book” - | Apr 12 10:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Incarceration | Apr 12 10:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: How did enlightenment thinkers distinguish between 'drugs' and 'medicines'? And how should we? power of labels | Apr 12 10:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Yesterday’s drugs are tomorrow’s medicines – Benjamin Breen – Aeon | Apr 12 10:27 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 10:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wintel Balloon Deflates | Robert Pogson [ ] | Apr 12 10:55 | |
cubezzz | the Unix wars mucked things up for Unix | Apr 12 10:59 |
cubezzz | then the switch to Plan 9, which was interesting, but hardly anyone uses it | Apr 12 11:00 |
cubezzz | and Xenix/Venix/etc was a big turn off | Apr 12 11:02 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 11:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: I have just noticed that ECT, including #LinuxInsider , didn't quite get enough from static buttons and added spyware buttons to same sites | Apr 12 11:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #Microsoft transition from back doors (compromising PCs) to #prism (enticing people to hand over all data) | Apr 12 11:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Turning The Ship: Microsoft Might Have Begun A Subtle Shift From Windows To Services | TechCrunch | Apr 12 11:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Desperately Seeking Linux Programmers #gnu #linux a top trend | Apr 12 11:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Desperately Seeking Linux Programmers | Community | LinuxInsider | Apr 12 11:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Btrfs Gets A Few More Linux 3.15 Changes #kernel #linux #btrfs | Apr 12 11:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | [Phoronix] Btrfs Gets A Few More Linux 3.15 Changes | Apr 12 11:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: CIA and WH under pressure after Senate torture report leaks finally, what took it so long? #cia #crime #torture | Apr 12 11:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | CIA and White House under pressure after Senate torture report leaks | World news | | Apr 12 11:59 | |
*oiaohm ( has joined #techrights | Apr 12 13:33 | |
*oiaohm has quit (Changing host) | Apr 12 13:33 | |
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrights | Apr 12 13:33 | |
oiaohm | boy the recent openssl error has caused a nice big mess. | Apr 12 13:38 |
cubezzz | oiaohm, got a question for you | Apr 12 13:42 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: what is the question. | Apr 12 13:42 |
cubezzz | do you know what virtio_console does? | Apr 12 13:43 |
cubezzz | remember we were talking about the linux text console getting corrupted? | Apr 12 13:43 |
cubezzz | I'm still looking for ways to reset the text console | Apr 12 13:43 |
cubezzz | even when I shutdown X and restart it using a different driver (e.g. vesa) it still doesn't reset the text console | Apr 12 13:44 |
cubezzz | there's /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon0/name | Apr 12 13:45 |
cubezzz | and it shows (S) VGA+ | Apr 12 13:45 |
cubezzz | for (S)ystem driver | Apr 12 13:45 |
cubezzz | but there's a (M)odular driver too | Apr 12 13:45 |
oiaohm | | Apr 12 13:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Using virtio console with KVM « seife’s assorted rants [ ] | Apr 12 13:46 | |
cubezzz | yeah I read that | Apr 12 13:46 |
oiaohm | Did you note the tty bit. | Apr 12 13:46 |
oiaohm | Its going to be interesting when the Linux console code is moved to userspace. | Apr 12 13:47 |
cubezzz | yeah I did what they said actually | Apr 12 13:47 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: tty is a use a seriel like console. | Apr 12 13:47 |
oiaohm | Not the normal framebuffer | Apr 12 13:47 |
oiaohm | Yes serial consoles reset differently. | Apr 12 13:48 |
cubezzz | but... what is console=hcv0 ? | Apr 12 13:48 |
cubezzz | I thought modprobe virtio_console would do something different but everything seems to be the same still | Apr 12 13:48 |
oiaohm | hcv0 is the device | Apr 12 13:48 |
cubezzz | yes, it's mentioned in virtio_console.c | Apr 12 13:50 |
cubezzz | but I have no /dev/hcv0 | Apr 12 13:51 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: fedora has better instructions. | Apr 12 13:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Features/VirtioSerial - FedoraProject [ ] | Apr 12 13:53 | |
oiaohm | cubezzz: when you start the virtual instance you have to declare how many virtio consoles you will have. | Apr 12 13:53 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: if you have declared none their will be none. | Apr 12 13:54 |
oiaohm | Basically virtio console is seperate to the vtcon0 | Apr 12 13:55 |
cubezzz | oh this seems to be related to virtualization | Apr 12 13:56 |
cubezzz | I did an experiment switching from radeon to vesa and back | Apr 12 13:57 |
cubezzz | it effected the text console, but didn't fix it | Apr 12 13:57 |
cubezzz | I guess it doesn't really matter too much, I can just ssh in if I'm X or the text console messes up | Apr 12 13:59 |
cubezzz | the text console never really stops or resets as far as I can see | Apr 12 13:59 |
msb_ | cubezzz: Have you tried typing (blindly, if you're not seeing an echo) stty sane ? | Apr 12 14:01 |
cubezzz | oh yeah I can still login and the screen changes | Apr 12 14:02 |
cubezzz | I can't really see what I'm doing but I know I'm logged in | Apr 12 14:02 |
cubezzz | sometimes it's all vertical bars | Apr 12 14:02 |
cubezzz | it happens (rarely) when I run some old Loki games | Apr 12 14:03 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: is your card a old ATI. | Apr 12 14:03 |
cubezzz | ATI Radeon 9550 AGP | Apr 12 14:04 |
cubezzz | I guess it's kind of old | Apr 12 14:04 |
msb_ | THE LAMA / / The one-l lama, / He's a priest. / The two-l llama, / He's a beast. / And I will bet / A silk pajama / There isn't any / Three-l lllama. / - Ogden Nash | Apr 12 14:06 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: I kinda suspected so. | Apr 12 14:06 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: dieing ATI radeon cards go down in the same creativity. | Apr 12 14:06 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: ati cards loss the means to draw text. | Apr 12 14:07 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: as their gpu starts dieing. | Apr 12 14:07 |
cubezzz | huh | Apr 12 14:07 |
cubezzz | it's been like this for years | Apr 12 14:08 |
cubezzz | about once or twice a month I lose the text console | Apr 12 14:08 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: and you have had your ATI card overheated once right. | Apr 12 14:09 |
cubezzz | I bought it used around 2010 I think | Apr 12 14:09 |
cubezzz | it's possible | Apr 12 14:09 |
cubezzz | is there any card you recommend that doesn't overheat that would work on this p3 AGP box? | Apr 12 14:10 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: I don't use second hand cards. | Apr 12 14:11 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: I don't know of any new AGP | Apr 12 14:11 |
cubezzz | ah | Apr 12 14:11 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: switching from x11 to console and back sometimes can go south with older cards as well. | Apr 12 14:12 |
oiaohm | but if that is the case if you have set up SAK that will cure a Linux kernel mess up. | Apr 12 14:12 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: | Apr 12 14:13 |
oiaohm | but if it the card itself SAK will not fix it. | Apr 12 14:13 |
oiaohm | Also if it the card ssh login in and attempt to trigger resets will not work either. | Apr 12 14:14 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: the issue you describe match ATI card that has been overheated. | Apr 12 14:14 |
cubezzz | ah I see | Apr 12 14:14 |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 12 14:14 |
cubezzz | well, that would explain it | Apr 12 14:14 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: mind you an old nvidia is more creative. | Apr 12 14:14 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: old nvidia that has been overheated starts reporting as a intel video card. | Apr 12 14:15 |
cubezzz | I have another old p3 that ran for over a year without messing up (switching from text to X and back) | Apr 12 14:16 |
cubezzz | but that was using the vesa driver on openbsd | Apr 12 14:16 |
cubezzz | never messed up the text console at least | Apr 12 14:16 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: if it dead ati it will also mess up running openbsd. | Apr 12 14:17 |
cubezzz | oiaohm, this not dead though | Apr 12 14:17 |
cubezzz | it's | Apr 12 14:17 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: half-dead | Apr 12 14:17 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: ati cards pretend to be alive | Apr 12 14:17 |
cubezzz | X always works... only the text console messes up | Apr 12 14:17 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: text console is allocated in the same ram in the video card all the time. | Apr 12 14:17 |
cubezzz | well I suppose it's not 100% functional | Apr 12 14:18 |
cubezzz | but I wouldn't say it's dead | Apr 12 14:18 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: there is a reason why I said dead. | Apr 12 14:19 |
msb_ | cubezzz: It's old and had a stroke. | Apr 12 14:19 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: text console goes first. X11 will follow. | Apr 12 14:19 |
oiaohm | msb_: had a stroke and due for another one. | Apr 12 14:19 |
msb_ | oiaohm: Thanks for the SAK page! I've known about Alt-SysReq, but not SAK. | Apr 12 14:20 |
oiaohm | msb_: alt-sysreq is very bad to use. | Apr 12 14:22 |
oiaohm | msb_: but when desperate you use anything. | Apr 12 14:22 |
cubezzz | oiaohm, I will check back in 10 years :) | Apr 12 14:23 |
cubezzz | if it still works in 10 years then you'll need to revise your opinion :) | Apr 12 14:23 |
msb_ | oiaohm: Any kind of rebooting is bad for me, because I have to set up the directories in about 60 konsoles/mcs in 20 virtual desktops. | Apr 12 14:24 |
cubezzz | I have video cards much older and they didn't mess up like that at all | Apr 12 14:25 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: notice I said ati its a particular geneartion of atis. | Apr 12 14:25 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: the 9xxx stuff and the 8xxx stuff. | Apr 12 14:25 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: all suffer from overheating stuffing the mmu on the video card. | Apr 12 14:26 |
cubezzz | ah well, you are probably right then | Apr 12 14:26 |
oiaohm | and once its started its progressive. | Apr 12 14:26 |
cubezzz | the only question is how long it will continue to work | Apr 12 14:26 |
msb_ | Eventually all you can get from it is, "I had jello today." | Apr 12 14:27 |
oiaohm | Normally before X11 stops working on them the bios screens become unreadable. | Apr 12 14:27 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: yes yes dieing ati gets wrong. | Apr 12 14:27 |
cubezzz | oiaohm, have you seen this: | Apr 12 14:28 |
cubezzz | | Apr 12 14:28 |
cubezzz | it's a shame about ati | Apr 12 14:29 |
cubezzz | I used to think their engineering was really good | Apr 12 14:29 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: really there were. | Apr 12 14:29 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: just they got a little too close to limit in particular generations. | Apr 12 14:30 |
oiaohm | And if you never overheat them they would have lasted. | Apr 12 14:30 |
msb_ | oiaohm: Why is alt-sysreq bad to use? | Apr 12 14:30 |
cubezzz | I doubt I worked this card too hard | Apr 12 14:30 |
cubezzz | the previous owner might have | Apr 12 14:31 |
oiaohm | msb_: alt-sysreq fails to free up ram correctly when you trigger its sak. | Apr 12 14:31 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: that is the problem with ATI cards of those generations. | Apr 12 14:31 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: you need the full life history 1 overhead and they will die. | Apr 12 14:31 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: yes you now know why I don't touch second hand video cards. | Apr 12 14:32 |
cubezzz | oiaohm, I have ati vga wonders that still work :) | Apr 12 14:32 |
cubezzz | it's an interesting problem though, hard reset brings the text console back | Apr 12 14:33 |
cubezzz | heck, there's still some S100 video cards that still work | Apr 12 14:33 |
cubezzz | age is only one factor | Apr 12 14:34 |
msb_ | cubezzz: Have you tried "stty sane" or "Alt-SysReq R" | Apr 12 14:34 |
cubezzz | msb_, I've tried everything yeah | Apr 12 14:34 |
cubezzz | my guess would be some piece of video memory is getting over-written | Apr 12 14:35 |
cubezzz | sometimes I see text but it's very faint | Apr 12 14:35 |
cubezzz | sometimes it's vertical bars | Apr 12 14:35 |
cubezzz | sometimes the text console looks like a messed up X session :) | Apr 12 14:36 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: so far perfect description of dieing ati. | Apr 12 14:36 |
cubezzz | you would think resetting the text console would be easy to do | Apr 12 14:37 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: when an ati starts up it zeros it memory. | Apr 12 14:37 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: or thoese old ones did. | Apr 12 14:37 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: so unstable ram gets made functional for a little bit. | Apr 12 14:38 |
oiaohm | And that little bit is a very random value. | Apr 12 14:38 |
oiaohm | anything from 5 mins to 10 days. | Apr 12 14:38 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: thinking I leave computers running with text console only and no x11. | Apr 12 14:39 |
oiaohm | and running for months at a time. | Apr 12 14:39 |
oiaohm | sometimes years. | Apr 12 14:39 |
cubezzz | my utility power doesn't seem good enough for years :-/ | Apr 12 14:39 |
cubezzz | but I've done 380 days | Apr 12 14:39 |
cubezzz | I have this Dell GX110 with some intel video chipset | Apr 12 14:40 |
cubezzz | it doesn't mess up... one year running and still fine | Apr 12 14:40 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: my sad record is a lost server. | Apr 12 14:40 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: 6 years without rebooting. | Apr 12 14:40 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: kinda highly insecure by that point. | Apr 12 14:41 |
cubezzz | but... I assume that you weren't switching from text to X and back? | Apr 12 14:41 |
cubezzz | although I guess that shouldn't matter | Apr 12 14:41 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: it did not even have a video card. | Apr 12 14:41 |
oiaohm | serial console only. | Apr 12 14:42 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: I have some true server hardware. | Apr 12 14:42 |
cubezzz | any opinion on what would be the most durable video card? | Apr 12 14:42 |
msb_ | When DRAM chips first came out -- 1024bits IIRC -- mfrs talked about taking care that the epoxy encapsulant didn't contain any radioactives that could emit alpha particles and flip bits. | Apr 12 14:42 |
oiaohm | No video card and just a serial port would be the most durable. | Apr 12 14:43 |
oiaohm | msb_: there is no such thing as a materials that are 100 percent not radioactive. | Apr 12 14:43 |
cubezzz | what I really want is a computer that always works | Apr 12 14:44 |
msb_ | oiaohm: Sure, but they reduced it to a billion years MTBF or some such. | Apr 12 14:44 |
cubezzz | I have to say this old Dell has been pretty good | Apr 12 14:45 |
cubezzz | I'd settle for 100 years :) | Apr 12 14:45 |
msb_ | Yes, but with 1024bits/chip they needed a lot of chips per machine. | Apr 12 14:46 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: you are after solid. Motherboard that supports coreboot without onboard video card. Setup for serial remove video card. | Apr 12 14:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Serial console - coreboot | Apr 12 14:47 | |
oiaohm | cubezzz: Yes I do this horible to servers. | Apr 12 14:48 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: it also removes a lot of tampering. | Apr 12 14:48 |
cubezzz | yes, for a server that's fine | Apr 12 14:48 |
cubezzz | I'll definitely try that for the server | Apr 12 14:49 |
cubezzz | but I also write openmotif stuff | Apr 12 14:49 |
cubezzz | and run a few games | Apr 12 14:49 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: its the old theory the least number of parts to screw up the better. | Apr 12 14:50 |
cubezzz | yes, coreboot is good, I use it sometimes | Apr 12 14:50 |
msb_ | But then you're left with reading a good book. | Apr 12 14:50 |
oiaohm | msb_: there is another advantage to using serial | Apr 12 14:51 |
oiaohm | serial data loggers. | Apr 12 14:51 |
oiaohm | to create a log the OS cannot delete. | Apr 12 14:51 |
cubezzz | oiaohm, you know I think I even have an EGA wonder that still works | Apr 12 14:51 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: I have an old s3 trio around here somehere and an old tnt2 | Apr 12 14:52 |
msb_ | Save that old stuff. If we have a CME or GRB they may be the only computers left that work! | Apr 12 14:53 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: all the video cards I have since then I have killed. | Apr 12 14:53 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: 3d rendering for days at a time they did not like. | Apr 12 14:54 |
oiaohm | cubezzz I get about 4 to 5 years out a videocard. | Apr 12 14:55 |
msb_ | When computers become conscious that will be a crime. | Apr 12 14:56 |
cubezzz | yeah I have an old Jaton AGP card that's been running 24/7 in the server for a long time | Apr 12 14:58 |
cubezzz | at least 10 years | Apr 12 14:58 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: I guess no heavy lifting. | Apr 12 14:58 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: my video cards have to put up with blender and equal running flat stack. | Apr 12 14:58 |
cubezzz | I've never installed Linux with no graphics card | Apr 12 15:00 |
cubezzz | or to you install with a graphics card then remove it later? | Apr 12 15:01 |
cubezzz | s/to/do/ | Apr 12 15:01 |
cubezzz | I mean, you wouldn't even be able to see the POST | Apr 12 15:02 |
oiaohm | You can build Linux installers automatically to find serial ports. | Apr 12 15:03 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: post in lots of motherboards can be watched by a post card. | Apr 12 15:04 |
oiaohm | | Apr 12 15:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | POST card - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Apr 12 15:05 | |
oiaohm | cubezzz: its mostly install a video card to sort out the bios. | Apr 12 15:05 |
msb_ | Hey, Linux wants to be free! It wants to sing and dance! | Apr 12 15:05 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: lot of motherboards with stock bios don't boot without video card. | Apr 12 15:06 |
cubezzz | I'm sure the computer would run cooler with no video card | Apr 12 15:06 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: correct | Apr 12 15:06 |
cubezzz | less ram usage too | Apr 12 15:06 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: kinda. | Apr 12 15:07 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: rememer you have lost the ram on the video card. | Apr 12 15:07 |
cubezzz | ah, that's true | Apr 12 15:07 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 15:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | South Park Music - i love to singa - YouTube [ ] | Apr 12 15:09 | |
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 12 15:19 | |
MinceR | | Apr 12 15:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal | Apr 12 15:28 | |
*amarsh04 still runs a radeon 9200se video card in this machine | Apr 12 15:35 | |
amarsh04 | back in a minute, new kernel | Apr 12 15:36 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 12 15:36 | |
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Apr 12 15:39 | |
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 12 15:42 | |
DaemonFC | Good morning. :) | Apr 12 15:43 |
amarsh04 | hi | Apr 12 15:44 |
MinceR | hay | Apr 12 15:45 |
DaemonFC | How's Hungaristan treating you today, MinceR? :) | Apr 12 15:56 |
MinceR | not well | Apr 12 15:59 |
Sosumi | | Apr 12 16:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Samsung Galaxy S5 also region-locked, here are the details - news [ ] | Apr 12 16:19 | |
Sosumi | the s5 is a mess | Apr 12 16:19 |
msb_ | Forced to consume goulash at gunpoint by communist thugs! | Apr 12 16:20 |
Sosumi | disjointed GUI and a meaningless update to s4 | Apr 12 16:20 |
msb_ | Causing stomach upset so he's always pootin ! | Apr 12 16:21 |
MinceR | indeed, region locking is a mess | Apr 12 16:22 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 16:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | It may be ILLEGAL to run Heartbleed health checks IT lawyer - The Community's Center for Security [ ] | Apr 12 16:22 | |
MinceR | msb_: if you like hungary so much, why don't you move into it? | Apr 12 16:22 |
Sosumi | move to "U-hungry"? | Apr 12 16:23 |
msb_ | MinceR: Get in line! First I have to move to Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Vietnam... | Apr 12 16:24 |
MinceR | msb_: get moving, then | Apr 12 16:24 |
MinceR | msb_: there are so many nicely despotic states to choose from! | Apr 12 16:24 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 16:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | xkcd: Heartbleed Explanation | Apr 12 16:25 | |
schestowitz__ | so much of it in Linux siets | Apr 12 16:25 |
schestowitz__ | even though the news is out and has been out | Apr 12 16:25 |
msb_ | I've added stuff to my 9/11 area. Now four great videos plus links to my pages. | Apr 12 16:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Human Society That Works For Everyone | Apr 12 16:29 | |
msb_ | None of those other despotic states has started a War of Terror involving the whole world, and murdered TWO MILLION PEOPLE in it already. | Apr 12 16:30 |
MinceR | some of them have murdered a lot more than that | Apr 12 16:31 |
msb_ | Not in the last 13 years. | Apr 12 16:31 |
MinceR | well, nothing that happened before that matters, right? | Apr 12 16:32 |
msb_ | In that case I'm gonna blame you for Vlad the Impaler. | Apr 12 16:33 |
MinceR | personally? | Apr 12 16:34 |
msb_ | Of course. | Apr 12 16:34 |
MinceR | well, i guess that doesn't take more mental gymnastics than the rest of your delusions | Apr 12 16:34 |
msb_ | You're the one that brought the past into it, not me. | Apr 12 16:35 |
MinceR | oh, i didn't know the war of terror hasn't started yet. | Apr 12 16:36 |
msb_ | parse error | Apr 12 16:38 |
schestowitz__ | MS Perlow: | Apr 12 16:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Heartbleed's lesson: Passwords must die | ZDNet [ ] | Apr 12 16:58 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 17:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Citrix: Top 5 Do's and Don’ts When Moving to the Cloud | [ ] | Apr 12 17:12 | |
schestowitz__ | citrix boosted by LF now | Apr 12 17:12 |
schestowitz__ | Rachel King the PRa agents: | Apr 12 17:16 |
schestowitz__ | despite sales still going dfown she tries to make it look like XP is helping x86 | Apr 12 17:17 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 17:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | End of Windows XP support slowing PC industry bleed, says Gartner | ZDNet [ ] | Apr 12 17:17 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 17:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ More #fud in #cbs #zdnet now expands what mostly affects servers to #android devices trolling as 'journalism' | Apr 12 17:19 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Android fragmentation turning devices into a toxic hellstew of vulnerabilities | ZDNet [ ] | Apr 12 17:19 | |
schestowitz__ | "Again, there's only one reason anyone even knows about Heartbleed." | Apr 12 17:19 |
msb_ | MS Perlow: "Passwords must die". He says we must use biometrics: Fingerprints - What could go wrong there? Voiceprint -- that sure couldn't be copied! Retinal Scan -- The bad guys don't even have to gouge out your eye. Just scan it with the same gadget that would be on every computer, and project the image onto an artificial eyeball. | Apr 12 17:22 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 17:23 |
msb_ | Hah! Microsoft has *always* been a toxic hellbrew. | Apr 12 17:24 |
*gde33|2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia | Apr 12 17:29 | |
MinceR | m$ munchkins having no idea what they're talking about isn't exactly new | Apr 12 17:37 |
Sosumi | fingerprints are much better than beating passwords out of ppl | Apr 12 17:58 |
Sosumi | just grab a knife and cut the finger | Apr 12 17:58 |
Sosumi | or a cigar cutter (remember my jokes about iphone 5s fingerprint sensor?) | Apr 12 17:59 |
Sosumi | passwords with an external authenticator work much better | Apr 12 18:00 |
Sosumi | ala blizzard authenticator | Apr 12 18:00 |
cubezzz | do what the banks do, logins accepted only from one computer and one ip address | Apr 12 18:00 |
Sosumi | but not everyone has a fixed IP | Apr 12 18:01 |
cubezzz | might be a bit tricky with... yeah | Apr 12 18:01 |
Sosumi | | Apr 12 18:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mkalinowskaa: Police in #Donetsk surrendered and joined the protesters #ukraine @Ruptly | Apr 12 18:03 | |
Sosumi | lol | Apr 12 18:03 |
Sosumi | the whole ukraine deal has been a laughing stock, to me at least | Apr 12 18:04 |
Sosumi | with the EU/US sponsored coup failing | Apr 12 18:04 |
cubezzz | Microsoft's got that TPM 2.0 thing, which kicks in on Jan 1, 2015 | Apr 12 18:05 |
Sosumi | and now ukraine seeming to be falling apart and being absorbed by russia | Apr 12 18:05 |
cubezzz | "all computers must have TPM 2.0 to get windows 8.1" | Apr 12 18:06 |
Sosumi | TPM is a module that you put on the board | Apr 12 18:06 |
Sosumi | kewl stuff, but aside I actually wouldn't mind gazprom cutting the gas supply to europe | Apr 12 18:08 |
Sosumi | and let those idiots up in the north, literally, freeze to dead :) | Apr 12 18:08 |
Sosumi | *death | Apr 12 18:09 |
Sosumi | and it isn't a required for anything | Apr 12 18:09 |
Sosumi | most boards don't even have a slot for it | Apr 12 18:09 |
Sosumi | | Apr 12 18:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Trusted Platform Module - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | Apr 12 18:10 | |
Sosumi | "Microsoft has announced that from January 1, 2015 all computers will have to be equipped with a TPM 2.0 module in order to pass the Windows 8.1 hardware certification." | Apr 12 18:11 |
Sosumi | aka a sticker | Apr 12 18:12 |
cubezzz | my computers are too old for win 8.1 | Apr 12 18:12 |
Sosumi | but does it matter? nop, can still install it | Apr 12 18:12 |
cubezzz | oh I see | Apr 12 18:13 |
cubezzz | not that I was thinking about actually installing windows 8.1 of course | Apr 12 18:13 |
Sosumi | and actually, does vista 8 matter at all? | Apr 12 18:13 |
Sosumi | nop | Apr 12 18:13 |
cubezzz | a customer might ask for it | Apr 12 18:13 |
Sosumi | then, let him have it | Apr 12 18:14 |
Sosumi | since he's the one paying anyways | Apr 12 18:14 |
cubezzz | but so far no one I know is using it | Apr 12 18:14 |
Sosumi | but it isn't a requirement | Apr 12 18:14 |
Sosumi | no board comes one either | Apr 12 18:14 |
Sosumi | they have the slot and nothing more | Apr 12 18:15 |
Sosumi | | Apr 12 18:17 |
Sosumi | just the slot | Apr 12 18:17 |
Sosumi | at the bottom | Apr 12 18:18 |
Sosumi | but no module | Apr 12 18:18 |
MinceR | | Apr 12 19:35 |
msb_ | People were really much more friendly and interesting when most people were smoking cannabis in the 1960s. The whole culture was much better. | Apr 12 19:45 |
cubezzz | except for the computer part :) | Apr 12 19:45 |
msb_ | Right -- there weren't any. | Apr 12 19:46 |
cubezzz | also no unix in the 60's unless you count UNICUS | Apr 12 19:46 |
MinceR | afaik violence rates were higher in the 1960s | Apr 12 19:46 |
cubezzz | lots of computers in the 60 | Apr 12 19:47 |
cubezzz | 's | Apr 12 19:47 |
cubezzz | Burroughs B5500 | Apr 12 19:47 |
msb_ | I loved the idea of a computer designed for a high-level language. I bought the manual for the B5500. | Apr 12 19:47 |
cubezzz | grab your light pen and go :) | Apr 12 19:48 |
msb_ | I built a lightpen for the LINC computer. | Apr 12 19:48 |
cubezzz | IBM 1130 was relatively cheap | Apr 12 19:48 |
msb_ | How cheap? | Apr 12 19:50 |
cubezzz | oh about $41,000 if you wanted a disk drive | Apr 12 19:51 |
msb_ | And those dollars were probably worth at least 5 of the current ones. | Apr 12 19:52 |
cubezzz | IBM 2310, stores 512,000 words | Apr 12 19:52 |
cubezzz | PDP-8 would be cheaper | Apr 12 19:53 |
cubezzz | $18,000 | Apr 12 19:53 |
msb_ | Anyhow, now we have computers, Linux, *and* cannabis. | Apr 12 19:53 |
msb_ | People should be able to wake up and throw off the organized psychopaths. | Apr 12 19:54 |
cubezzz | if I could I'd time-warp back to the 60's for a day or so | Apr 12 19:54 |
cubezzz | an interesting era for computers | Apr 12 19:54 |
msb_ | Well, we can do everything on a PC now that a B5500 or B6600 could do back then, but a lot faster and a lot cheaper. | Apr 12 19:55 |
msb_ | Even though we have software pointers to the stack chain instead of hardware ones. | Apr 12 19:56 |
msb_ | ALGOL-60 was a great leap forward. I had an ALGOL60 license plate! | Apr 12 19:57 |
cubezzz | IBM 1130 could actually be put into the home without too much difficulty | Apr 12 19:57 |
MinceR | if the home was large enough? :> | Apr 12 19:57 |
cubezzz | you can get a 120V setup | Apr 12 19:57 |
cubezzz | it was about the size of a large desk | Apr 12 19:58 |
MinceR | ic | Apr 12 19:58 |
cubezzz | | Apr 12 19:59 |
msb_ | Does the babe come with it? | Apr 12 20:00 |
MinceR | the babe has aged a lot since that picture was taken :> | Apr 12 20:01 |
cubezzz | well if she was 20 in 1965... :) | Apr 12 20:01 |
cubezzz | next year will be the 50th anniversary of the 1130 | Apr 12 20:01 |
cubezzz | this is still my favourite 60's computer pic: | Apr 12 20:12 |
cubezzz | | Apr 12 20:12 |
msb_ | Nice! | Apr 12 20:14 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 20:14 |
cubezzz | ha | Apr 12 20:15 |
MinceR | the steering wheel is funny | Apr 12 20:15 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 20:15 |
cubezzz | does that old fart know assembly language? :) | Apr 12 20:15 |
MinceR | macs are pcs | Apr 12 20:16 |
cubezzz | ok, you asked for it... | Apr 12 20:16 |
msb_ | The one in the Amiga pic *dreams* assembly language! | Apr 12 20:16 |
cubezzz | | Apr 12 20:16 |
MinceR | lol | Apr 12 20:17 |
MinceR | should have used a real computer | Apr 12 20:17 |
cubezzz | I still use an amiga sometimes | Apr 12 20:18 |
cubezzz | it's not _that_ old | Apr 12 20:18 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 20:38 |
msb_ | The cyberpunk pic reminded me of that one! | Apr 12 20:39 |
msb_ | I saw it on somebody's cubicle wall many years ago, but never got a copy until now. Found it by googling for dilbert duel | Apr 12 20:40 |
MinceR | :) | Apr 12 20:40 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 20:42 |
msb_ | More Techno-Bill! | Apr 12 20:42 |
MinceR | :D | Apr 12 20:42 |
cubezzz | obviously one of the older dilberts :) | Apr 12 20:43 |
MinceR | indeed | Apr 12 20:43 |
XFaCE | MinceR: | Apr 12 20:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | More People Were Paid To Exploit Heartbleed For The NSA Than Fix It - Falkvinge on Infopolicy [ ] | Apr 12 20:45 | |
MinceR | no surprise | Apr 12 20:45 |
MinceR | the nsa has gone rogue | Apr 12 20:45 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 20:59 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 21:02 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 21:05 |
MinceR | :D | Apr 12 21:07 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 21:10 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 12 21:11 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 21:14 |
msb_ | Tech Support: | Apr 12 21:40 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 12 21:50 |
DaemonFC | New bf. :) | Apr 12 21:51 |
*_Goblin (~tim@ has joined #techrights | Apr 12 22:03 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to _Goblin | Apr 12 22:04 | |
_Goblin | schestowitz, you there mate? | Apr 12 22:27 |
schestowitz__ | 0/ | Apr 12 22:27 |
_Goblin | :) Sorry about last sat...... | Apr 12 22:27 |
_Goblin | I was distracted from PC by the football....really sorry.... | Apr 12 22:27 |
schestowitz__ | how about tomorrow night? | Apr 12 22:28 |
_Goblin | lol....I was just typing that! | Apr 12 22:28 |
_Goblin | yes yes yes....tomorrow evening without doubt | Apr 12 22:28 |
_Goblin | I've an easter egg hunt around mum and dads during the day but will be home around 1700 | Apr 12 22:28 |
_Goblin | (Easter egg hunt for the kids not me - I hasten to add) | Apr 12 22:29 |
schestowitz__ | can Amy handle that? | Apr 12 22:29 |
schestowitz__ | she'd be under 2 | Apr 12 22:29 |
_Goblin | lol....when chocolate is involved shes a master at finding eggs | Apr 12 22:31 |
_Goblin | and shes not under 2 | Apr 12 22:31 |
_Goblin | Shame on you're her godfather! :) | Apr 12 22:32 |
_Goblin | ....Just made my first post to G+ for a while....... | Apr 12 22:35 |
_Goblin | should really pay it more attention since Twitter is rather restrictive.... | Apr 12 22:35 |
schestowitz__ | [22:33] <_Goblin> Shame on you're her godfather! :) | Apr 12 22:53 |
schestowitz__ | Oh, oops, I count since the baprism | Apr 12 22:53 |
schestowitz__ | *baptism | Apr 12 22:53 |
_Goblin | :) | Apr 12 22:53 |
schestowitz__ | which I think was almost exactly 2 years ago, add 2 weeks... | Apr 12 22:54 |
_Goblin | I won't tell her! | Apr 12 22:54 |
_Goblin | now that particular date, I can't remember! | Apr 12 22:54 |
_Goblin | christening... | Apr 12 22:54 |
_Goblin | Roy the Godfather..... | Apr 12 22:54 |
schestowitz__ | it was end of April | Apr 12 23:10 |
_Goblin | schestowitz__, I meant to did that recording test sound from before? It came out very well my end. | Apr 12 23:16 |
_Goblin | I cleaned it up a bit and it sounded v.good | Apr 12 23:16 |
-->DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Mar 31 00:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 10 Free, Open-Source Replacements for | Mar 31 00:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | Commercial Applications | Mar 31 00:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 00:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tech 101: What Is Open Source Software? | Mar 31 00:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Mar 31 00:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 00:17 |
DaemonFC | | Mar 31 02:48 |
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MinceR | geekings | Mar 31 04:26 |
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schestowitz__ | | Mar 31 06:02 |
schestowitz__ | "#facebook #cia" | Mar 31 06:02 |
schestowitz__ | "They do this anyway. Having permission just gives them an excuse later." | Mar 31 06:02 |
schestowitz__ | | Mar 31 06:02 |
schestowitz__ | "software is one thing. how but an extra semi conducter here and there #opendesignhardware" | Mar 31 06:02 |
-->amarsh04_ ( has joined #techrights | Mar 31 07:57 | |
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-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Mar 31 08:08 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Why Linux Mint is a worthwhile Windows XP | Mar 31 08:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | replacement | Mar 31 08:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 08:16 |
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Mar 31 08:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Call to fix interoperability of office suites | Mar 31 09:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Mar 31 09:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 09:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Debian Stable or Debian Testing: Which Linux is | Mar 31 09:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | right for you? | Mar 31 09:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 09:21 |
amarsh04 | Sid | Mar 31 09:43 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux 3.14, Etherpad 1.4, Pass and an | Mar 31 09:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | RGB/LED/Pi tutorial – Snippets | Mar 31 09:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Mar 31 09:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 09:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android more stable than iOS: Study | Mar 31 09:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Mar 31 09:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 09:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Death of Windows XP Won’t Kill the ATM | Mar 31 09:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | Industry, or Help Bitcoin | Mar 31 09:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Mar 31 09:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 09:57 |
-->abeNd-org ( has joined #techrights | Mar 31 10:08 | |
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Sosumi | | Mar 31 11:56 |
Sosumi | looks like a galaxy s4 to me | Mar 31 11:56 |
Sosumi | wait! | Mar 31 11:56 |
Sosumi | it looks like one of those pre-android pocketPC phones samsung used to sell | Mar 31 11:57 |
Sosumi | lawsuit in 3 | Mar 31 11:57 |
Sosumi | 2 | Mar 31 11:57 |
Sosumi | 1 | Mar 31 11:57 |
Sosumi | :) | Mar 31 11:57 |
<--jono_ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Mar 31 12:13 | |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Android more stable than iOS: Study | Mar 31 13:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | retweeted by | Mar 31 13:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | @_hemalc | Mar 31 13:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 13:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GCC 4.8.2 vs. GCC 4.9.0 Benchmarks On Intel's | Mar 31 13:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | Core i7 Haswell | Mar 31 13:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 13:50 |
<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | Mar 31 15:17 | |
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-->sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Mar 31 15:53 | |
sebsebseb | hi | Mar 31 15:53 |
MinceR | j0 | Mar 31 15:55 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: hi | Mar 31 16:01 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Criticism Towards Canonical Is Mostly About FUD | Mar 31 16:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | and Hidden Interests | Mar 31 16:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 16:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Google Cozies Up to Red Hat in the Cloud with | Mar 31 16:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | Compute Engine Agreement | Mar 31 16:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 16:05 |
MinceR | what about "criticism" originating from canonical? :> | Mar 31 16:06 |
sebsebseb | computers uh right hwatever | Mar 31 16:06 |
sebsebseb | I am\ missing someone at the moment | Mar 31 16:07 |
sebsebseb | been over four months! o kshe was just onine, but still | Mar 31 16:07 |
MinceR | | Mar 31 16:31 |
MinceR | facepalm | Mar 31 16:31 |
MinceR | UN fail | Mar 31 16:31 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Oracle doubles the speed of MySQL query | Mar 31 17:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | handling | Mar 31 17:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 17:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Making a Difference the Linux Way | Mar 31 17:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Mar 31 17:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 17:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines ( Firefox) Bringing SIMD to JavaScript | Mar 31 17:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Mar 31 17:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 17:04 |
<--abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Mar 31 17:25 | |
MinceR | gn | Mar 31 17:43 |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines K3B 2.0.2 Review ‒ Why KDE Should Have All the | Mar 31 18:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | Fun with Writing CDs and DVDs | Mar 31 18:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Mar 31 18:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 18:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Chinese People Try To Patent Wine On ARM | Mar 31 18:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Mar 31 18:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 18:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Karen Sandler Steps Down as GNOME Foundation | Mar 31 18:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | Executive Director | Mar 31 18:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 18:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GhostBSD 4.0 Alpha 2 Is Optimized for | Mar 31 18:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | VirtualBox Use | Mar 31 18:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 18:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Open source workshop explores FOSS in | Mar 31 18:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | universities | Mar 31 18:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 18:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 4MLinux Allinone Edition 8.1 Distro Has | Mar 31 18:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | Everything You Could Possibly Need | Mar 31 18:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Mar 31 18:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 18:11 |
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-->abeNd-org (~Keith@ has joined #techrights | Mar 31 18:50 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The MariaDB Foundation Announces General | Mar 31 19:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | Availability of MariaDB 10 | Mar 31 19:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Mar 31 19:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 19:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines [Development] Qt 4.8.6 Release Candidate | Mar 31 19:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | available | Mar 31 19:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 19:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines OpenELEC 4.0 Beta 3 Is Based on XBMC Gotham | Mar 31 19:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | Beta 3 | Mar 31 19:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 19:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Prison Architect Gets Massive Update on Steam | Mar 31 19:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | for Linux | Mar 31 19:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 19:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Intel UMS Support To Be Eliminated In Linux | Mar 31 19:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | 3.16 Kernel | Mar 31 19:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 19:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Grml 2014.03 "Ponywagon" Is Based on Debian | Mar 31 19:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | Jessie | Mar 31 19:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 19:49 |
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**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Mar 31 19:49:12 2014 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Mar 31 19:50:49 2014 | ||
-->You are now talking on #techrights | Mar 31 19:50 | |
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---Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 13:16:19 | Mar 31 19:50 | |
-NickServ-cubelog is not a registered nickname. | Mar 31 19:50 | |
-ChanServ-[##amiga] As per we are now ##amiga. | Mar 31 19:50 | |
-ChanServ-[#aros] Welcome to the Official AROS IRC channel | Mar 31 19:50 | |
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channel | Mar 31 19:50 | |
---dissent is now known as vallor | Mar 31 20:13 | |
DaemonFC | I got my Keurig coffee maker in the mail today. | Mar 31 20:25 |
DaemonFC | They threw in some sampler packs of K-Cups, but when I'm out I'll just use the My K-Cup thing that came with it. | Mar 31 20:25 |
DaemonFC | shared a link via Think Progress. | Mar 31 20:48 |
DaemonFC | 2 minutes ago · Edited | Mar 31 20:48 |
DaemonFC | | Mar 31 20:48 |
DaemonFC | Too rich to jail. This is a person who is unemployed, does nothing, is at least the third generation of do nothings that live on the du pont family trust fund, and lives 1,000 times better than most people who work. This is not a "job creator". | Mar 31 20:48 |
DaemonFC | The number of rich people who create no jobs and do no works is staggering. Of course, the focus is on people who buy a $2 ice cream with their SNAP card. | Mar 31 20:48 |
abeNd-org | heh, there are shitty people on top & on bottom | Mar 31 21:03 |
abeNd-org | at a stop & go, and some momma (very large mind you) with a screaming baby (not the screaming just to scream, but hungry screaming) on one arm... shes yelling at the clerk (most likely legal immigrant who is working his ass off for a better life) because she cant buy booze (big ass bottle of something in her other arm) | Mar 31 21:07 |
abeNd-org | *that* is why I have no respect for those at the bottom who *choose* to stay there | Mar 31 21:07 |
abeNd-org | course i have no respect for those at the top abusing the system either | Mar 31 21:07 |
abeNd-org | ^cant buy booze with her snap card | Mar 31 21:09 |
DaemonFC | There was a gas station near me that got busted a while back for ringing up cigarettes as groceries so that people could buy them with SNAP. | Mar 31 21:20 |
DaemonFC | They got a huge fine and permanently banned from participating in the SNAP program. | Mar 31 21:20 |
DaemonFC | The USDA doesn't have the resources to police all of the shops that are doing this. | Mar 31 21:20 |
DaemonFC | They just happened to get caught because they were one of the less than 1% of shops that got randomly audited through a sting operation. | Mar 31 21:21 |
DaemonFC | The Indiana excise police do something similar. | Mar 31 21:22 |
DaemonFC | They have a program where they pay high school kids like $100 to go into a store and try to buy cigarettes. | Mar 31 21:22 |
DaemonFC | If the store sells them to them, the excise police come in and fine the store. | Mar 31 21:23 |
DaemonFC | You only get the money if they sell them to you though. | Mar 31 21:23 |
DaemonFC | Someone I used to be in school with ended up walking into over a dozen stores before he finally got the $100. :P | Mar 31 21:23 |
DaemonFC | One of the local gas stations has a program where you get a special debit card that you link to your bank account, and when you use it, they give you 7 cents off per gallon. | Mar 31 21:26 |
DaemonFC | Gas has gotten so expensive that my credit card is giving me 7.5 cents per gallon. | Mar 31 21:26 |
DaemonFC | That leads me to believe that the gas station is taking most of the savings from the credit card swipe fees. | Mar 31 21:27 |
DaemonFC | I have an Visa. | Mar 31 21:27 |
DaemonFC | Gas stations and restaurants are a permanent bonus category at 2%. | Mar 31 21:27 |
DaemonFC | Amazon is a permanent bonus category at 3% | Mar 31 21:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux 3.15 Kernel Gains EFI Mixed Mode Support | Mar 31 22:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Mar 31 22:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 22:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GNU Linux-libre 3.14-gnu: "Freedom Pi" is now | Mar 31 22:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | available | Mar 31 22:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Mar 31 22:36 |
<--abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Mar 31 22:45 | |
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-->jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Mar 31 23:09 | |
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-->DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Mar 31 23:25 | |
<--jono has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 01 00:00 | |
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-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Apr 01 00:26 | |
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 01 00:48 | |
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-->sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Apr 01 02:30 | |
sebsebseb | DaemonFC: ping | Apr 01 02:31 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: ping | Apr 01 02:31 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz__: ping | Apr 01 02:31 |
MinceR | sebsebseb: pong | Apr 01 02:32 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: well that's new being recommended against using FIrefox | Apr 01 02:32 |
sebsebseb | by a site I use | Apr 01 02:32 |
MinceR | is it a google site or a msft site? | Apr 01 02:32 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: they recommended Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Opera instead | Apr 01 02:32 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: dating site | Apr 01 02:32 |
MinceR | stop using it, then | Apr 01 02:32 |
sebsebseb | apparnatly it's since the new CEO is against gay couples or hwatever | Apr 01 02:32 |
sebsebseb | of Mozilla | Apr 01 02:32 |
MinceR | i mean, stop using the site | Apr 01 02:33 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: apparnatly they don't like him beinganti gay or whatever it says | Apr 01 02:33 |
sebsebseb | and he did whatever in 2008 to | Apr 01 02:33 |
MinceR | i don't see how this makes ie worth using | Apr 01 02:34 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: they got a intreistng message | Apr 01 02:34 |
sebsebseb | I'll pastebin it for you hold on | Apr 01 02:34 |
sebsebseb | also MOzilla is more than just one guy | Apr 01 02:35 |
sebsebseb | one CEO | Apr 01 02:35 |
sebsebseb | so much more than just the CEO, it's a global community of people etc | Apr 01 02:35 |
sebsebseb | and even if the commerical backing behind it messes up, it can stll live on, since open source | Apr 01 02:35 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: you agree with me? | Apr 01 02:35 |
MinceR | at least with that it can live on | Apr 01 02:36 |
sebsebseb | yep | Apr 01 02:36 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: | Apr 01 02:38 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: reading it? | Apr 01 02:41 |
MinceR | read it | Apr 01 02:42 |
sebsebseb | ok what you think then? | Apr 01 02:42 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: ? | Apr 01 02:44 |
MinceR | i'm not sure about the CEO, but i'm sure that this is no good reason to promote IE | Apr 01 02:44 |
MinceR | if it really bothers them that much, maybe they could fork firefox | Apr 01 02:44 |
MinceR | or develop a new browser | Apr 01 02:44 |
MinceR | we could use one that does not suck | Apr 01 02:44 |
sebsebseb | that site won't do that | Apr 01 02:44 |
sebsebseb | I expect | Apr 01 02:45 |
sebsebseb | ,but more browsers that don't suck as optoins, is good :d | Apr 01 02:45 |
sebsebseb | good point though, Firefox can just get forked since it's open source | Apr 01 02:45 |
sebsebseb | if people don't want to use Firefox itself since whatever, when they like it | Apr 01 02:46 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: oh heh heh | Apr 01 02:53 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: I just noticed something | Apr 01 02:53 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: on that pag | Apr 01 02:53 |
sebsebseb | the Internet Explorer button | Apr 01 02:53 |
sebsebseb | actsually says | Apr 01 02:53 |
sebsebseb | Internet Exploder on it | Apr 01 02:53 |
MinceR | i saw it | Apr 01 02:53 |
sebsebseb | saw what? | Apr 01 02:54 |
MinceR | 085356 < sebsebseb> Internet Exploder on it | Apr 01 02:54 |
MinceR | (flash) (audio) | Apr 01 02:54 |
sebsebseb | what did you go on the page yourself? | Apr 01 02:54 |
sebsebseb | or did that show in my pastebin | Apr 01 02:54 |
MinceR | it did | Apr 01 02:55 |
MinceR | show on the pastebin, that is | Apr 01 02:55 |
sebsebseb | well that's funny isn't it | Apr 01 02:55 |
sebsebseb | or maybe that's just a mistake of theirs, but still | Apr 01 02:55 |
MinceR | and yet they still advertise IE | Apr 01 02:55 |
sebsebseb | yeah, but Chrome is the first button | Apr 01 02:56 |
sebsebseb | then IE then Opera | Apr 01 02:56 |
sebsebseb | all three are propritary | Apr 01 02:57 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: r and d is so close on the keyboard, so it's a mistake, or meant to look like one :d | Apr 01 02:59 |
sebsebseb | I assume | Apr 01 02:59 |
MinceR | i wonder if they complain if you use Seamonkey :> | Apr 01 03:00 |
sebsebseb | yeah or Iceape | Apr 01 03:02 |
sebsebseb | or the old Mozilla Suite maybe even :d | Apr 01 03:02 |
sebsebseb | oh and what about old Netscapes? :d | Apr 01 03:02 |
sebsebseb | they say they prefer peole don't useFIrefox.... | Apr 01 03:03 |
sebsebseb | I was thinking when I read that something like, I would prefer people don't use IE | Apr 01 03:03 |
sebsebseb | ,but loads do, don't get my way | Apr 01 03:03 |
sebsebseb | or like we prfer most people use Desktop LInux, but most use WIndows and Mac | Apr 01 03:03 |
sebsebseb | don't just get our way, that's life | Apr 01 03:03 |
sebsebseb | also if it wasn'tforFirefox, the web woudn't be what it is today | Apr 01 03:04 |
sebsebseb | thinggs became more standards compliant, once MS got proper competition | Apr 01 03:04 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: actsaully this is a bit like, don't use reiserFS ,because of what happended or apparnatly happended | Apr 01 03:08 |
sebsebseb | t's like saying that | Apr 01 03:09 |
sebsebseb | what they did | Apr 01 03:09 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 01 03:39 |
DaemonFC | I tear open the tea bags and pour the tea into the my Kcup thing. | Apr 01 03:39 |
DaemonFC | It tastes exactly the same as the tea pods that they sell. | Apr 01 03:40 |
DaemonFC | The big difference is the teabags are about 10 cents, and the tea pods for the Keurig machine are more like 50-60 cents each. | Apr 01 03:40 |
DaemonFC | I don't plan to ever buy any kcups. | Apr 01 03:42 |
DaemonFC | The my kcup thing is reusable and you can use any coffee you like in it. | Apr 01 03:43 |
DaemonFC | The price of coffee works out to like $35 a pound if you buy it in kcups. | Apr 01 03:43 |
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 01 03:56 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 01 04:01 |
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Apr 01 04:04 | |
<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | Apr 01 04:06 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 01 04:12 |
schestowitz__ | "So true. Sadly." | Apr 01 04:13 |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 01 04:26 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 01 04:28 |
schestowitz__ | "Good news. A little too late for me personally though. Ubuntu is now a secondary recommendation that I give only if a distro like Trisquel doesn't work." | Apr 01 04:28 |
-->puppywatch ( has joined #techrights | Apr 01 04:47 | |
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-->schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Apr 01 04:48 | |
<--sebsebseb has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Apr 01 04:55 | |
schestowitz__ | > "Dropbox clarifies its policy on reviewing shared files for DMCA issues" | Apr 01 05:11 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 01 05:11 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 01 05:11 |
schestowitz__ | > Encrypt or, better, don't use it. | Apr 01 05:11 |
schestowitz__ | > "Smartphone kill-switch could save consumers $2.6B per year, says report" | Apr 01 05:22 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 01 05:22 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 01 05:22 |
schestowitz__ | > Looks like insurance companies will be used to try to push this out onto | Apr 01 05:22 |
schestowitz__ | > the public. | Apr 01 05:22 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 01 05:23 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 01 05:23 |
schestowitz__ | > GNU/Linux pre-installed in the UK | Apr 01 05:23 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 01 05:28 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 01 05:28 |
-->TechrightsBot-tr ( has joined #techrights | Apr 01 05:29 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Hello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.75 | Apr 01 05:29 |
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 01 06:10 | |
-kloeri-[Global Notice] For purely non-profit reasons, all your nickserv accounts have been converted into freenode+ accounts; details at Thank you for using freenode. | Apr 01 07:06 | |
-->abeNd-org (~Keith@ has joined #techrights | Apr 01 08:17 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | Apr 01 08:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 08:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | Apr 01 08:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines eBuyer Taking Pre-Orders for £219 Ubuntu HP | Apr 01 08:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | Laptop | Apr 01 08:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 08:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | eBuyer Taking Pre-Orders for £219 Ubuntu HP Laptop | Tux Machines | Apr 01 08:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @SiriusCorp So who wants a Sirius goody bag then? :) | Apr 01 08:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 01 08:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Sorry, that page does not exist | Apr 01 08:49 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 08:49 |
*TweetTuxMachines @SiriusCorp deleted 'So who wants a Sirius goody bag then?...' | Apr 01 08:49 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @Mark_Antony New Sirius range of giveaways for Open Source | Apr 01 08:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | retweeted by Open Standards 2014 | Apr 01 08:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | @SiriusCorp | Apr 01 08:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Mark_Antony: New Sirius range of giveaways for Open Source Open Standards 2014 | Apr 01 08:49 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 08:49 |
TweetTuxMachines | @SiriusCorp Our CEO @Mark_Antony is speaking on the main | Apr 01 08:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | track at OSOS, and we are holding morning and | Apr 01 08:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | afternoon seminars: | Apr 01 08:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 08:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | Apr 01 08:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 08:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Conference » Open Source 2014 Open Source 2014 | Apr 01 08:53 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | Apr 01 08:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 08:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | Apr 01 08:53 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 08:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | Apr 01 08:53 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | Apr 01 08:53 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | Apr 01 08:53 | |
Sosumi | | Apr 01 09:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OKCupid to Firefox users: “Don’t use Mozilla software” | Ars Technica [ ] | Apr 01 09:02 | |
Sosumi | ho yes, use the snooping chrome, IE and that crash prone junk called safari | Apr 01 09:03 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 01 09:03 |
-->jono ( has joined #techrights | Apr 01 09:57 | |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Screenshots | Apr 01 10:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 10:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Screenshots | Tux Machines | Apr 01 10:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @Mark_Antony Edible Sirius logos for the cup cakes :D | Apr 01 10:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | retweeted by | Apr 01 10:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Mark_Antony: Edible Sirius logos for the cup cakes :D | Apr 01 10:02 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @SiriusCorp | Apr 01 10:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 10:02 |
<--jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 01 10:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Complete Convergence Demonstrated with | Apr 01 10:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | the Weather App | Apr 01 10:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 10:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines ODF 1.2 Submitted to ISO | Apr 01 10:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 10:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Valve Is Helping Developers Port Games to | Apr 01 10:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux, Star Conflict to Be Launched Soon | Apr 01 10:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 01 10:30 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 10:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Complete Convergence Demonstrated with the Weather App | Tux Machines | Apr 01 10:30 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ODF 1.2 Submitted to ISO | Tux Machines | Apr 01 10:30 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Valve Is Helping Developers Port Games to Linux, Star Conflict to Be Launched Soon | Tux Machines | Apr 01 10:30 | |
-->jono ( has joined #techrights | Apr 01 11:04 | |
<--jono has quit (Changing host) | Apr 01 11:04 | |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Link-Time Optimizations Near Reality For x86 | Apr 01 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux Kernel | Apr 01 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines KDE Ships April Updates to Applications, | Apr 01 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | Platform and Plasma Workspaces | Apr 01 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 01 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 11:16 |
<--Sosumi has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Apr 01 11:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Quake III bounty: we have a winner! | Apr 01 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 01 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines You can't have DevOps without open source | Apr 01 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 01 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines elementary OS Gets a Development Version, | Apr 01 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | Download Now | Apr 01 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines IXLeeds Selects Cumulus Networks Linux | Apr 01 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | Operating System for Internet Exchange Point | Apr 01 11:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Link-Time Optimizations Near Reality For x86 Linux Kernel | Tux Machines | Apr 01 11:16 | |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 01 11:16 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 11:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE Ships April Updates to Applications, Platform and Plasma Workspaces | Tux Machines | Apr 01 11:16 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Quake III bounty: we have a winner! | Tux Machines | Apr 01 11:16 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | You can't have DevOps without open source | Tux Machines | Apr 01 11:16 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | elementary OS Gets a Development Version, Download Now | Tux Machines | Apr 01 11:16 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IXLeeds Selects Cumulus Networks Linux Operating System for Internet Exchange Point | Tux Machines | Apr 01 11:16 | |
<--jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 01 11:29 | |
-->jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 01 11:30 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 01 11:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Don't be an April Fool. "Be prepared. Back up your files on March 31st." | Apr 01 11:34 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Home | World Backup Day — March 31st | Apr 01 11:34 | |
schestowitz__ | "I used Deja Dup for the first time today." | Apr 01 11:34 |
schestowitz__ | jono: thank you guys for the work on Unity 8, I am now happily going to install Ubuntu for people | Apr 01 11:35 |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 01 11:35 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 01 11:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LXer: Better Than a Quad-Head Display: My Adventures with "4K" 2160p and Linux [ ] | Apr 01 11:36 | |
schestowitz__ | why not dual head? | Apr 01 11:36 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Freedom Maximized! | Apr 01 11:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 11:57 |
*TweetTuxMachines @AgileRank favourited 'You can't have DevOps without open source' | Apr 01 11:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The Exciting Intel DRM Driver Changes For Linux | Apr 01 11:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | 3.15 | Apr 01 11:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 11:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Trisquel 6.0.1 Linux Distro Is Completely Free | Apr 01 11:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | and It's Based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS | Apr 01 11:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 01 11:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 11:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Freedom Maximized! | Tux Machines | Apr 01 11:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Clonezilla Live 2.2.2-32 Is the Perfect | Apr 01 11:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | Solution for Recovery on Linux, Windows, and | Apr 01 11:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | Mac OS | Apr 01 11:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 11:57 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 01 11:57 |
schestowitz__ | "Trisquel Mini is the best to use with 'old' laptops, great distro" | Apr 01 11:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Exciting Intel DRM Driver Changes For Linux 3.15 | Tux Machines | Apr 01 11:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Trisquel 6.0.1 Linux Distro Is Completely Free and It's Based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS | Tux Machines | Apr 01 11:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Clonezilla Live 2.2.2-32 Is the Perfect Solution for Recovery on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS | Tux Machines | Apr 01 11:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Trisquel 6.0.1 Linux Distro Is Completely Free and It's Based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS #gnu #linux #fsf | Apr 01 11:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Trisquel 6.0.1 Linux Distro Is Completely Free and It's Based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS [ ] | Apr 01 11:57 | |
MinceR | why not quad-head 4K? | Apr 01 11:58 |
jono | schestowitz :-) | Apr 01 12:02 |
jono | 14.04 is looking great :-) | Apr 01 12:02 |
schestowitz__ | We install it for a client soon | Apr 01 12:03 |
schestowitz__ | WinXP->Ubuntu on 200+ desktops | Apr 01 12:03 |
schestowitz__ | With some Wine | Apr 01 12:03 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 01 12:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | April 2014 Video Preview | Linux Journal | Apr 01 12:04 | |
schestowitz__ | It seems like a one-man show now | Apr 01 12:04 |
schestowitz__ | Powers | Apr 01 12:04 |
*schestowitz__ waits for Linux Voice articles... | Apr 01 12:04 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 01 12:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Freedom Maximized! in #kde under #gnu #linux - see screenshots | Apr 01 12:11 | |
schestowitz__ | "Resource usage also maximized." | Apr 01 12:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Freedom Maximized! | sessellift [ ] | Apr 01 12:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Why MediaTek Should Release Their Source Code | Apr 01 12:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | (Even Though the GPL States They Have To) | Apr 01 12:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 01 12:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 12:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Btrfs To Land A Lot Of Bug/Performance Fixes In | Apr 01 12:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux 3.15 | Apr 01 12:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 12:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines My Top Linux Frustrations of 2014 | Apr 01 12:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 01 12:39 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 12:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why MediaTek Should Release Their Source Code (Even Though the GPL States They Have To) | Tux Machines | Apr 01 12:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Btrfs To Land A Lot Of Bug/Performance Fixes In Linux 3.15 | Tux Machines | Apr 01 12:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | My Top Linux Frustrations of 2014 | Tux Machines | Apr 01 12:39 | |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines pcDuino3 is a $77 Android, Ubuntu single-board | Apr 01 16:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | PC with Arduino support | Apr 01 16:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 16:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | pcDuino3 is a $77 Android, Ubuntu single-board PC with Arduino support | Tux Machines | Apr 01 16:09 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Sprint Announces G2 KitKat OTA Update (Version | Apr 01 16:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ZVB), LG Shares Open Source Kernel Files | Apr 01 16:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 01 16:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 16:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sprint Announces G2 KitKat OTA Update (Version ZVB), LG Shares Open Source Kernel Files | Tux Machines | Apr 01 16:09 | |
-->DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 01 16:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Windows XP Is Almost Dead, Here Are 3 Linux | Apr 01 16:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | Alternatives | Apr 01 16:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 16:51 |
*TweetTuxMachines @fhsales favourited 'Windows XP Is Almost Dead, Here Are 3...' | Apr 01 16:51 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Windows XP Is Almost Dead, Here Are 3 Linux Alternatives | Tux Machines | Apr 01 16:51 | |
<--trn has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Apr 01 17:09 | |
-->trn (jhj@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:feae:3efa) has joined #techrights | Apr 01 17:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines KDE Ships First Beta of Frameworks 5 | Apr 01 17:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 01 17:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 17:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE Ships First Beta of Frameworks 5 | Tux Machines | Apr 01 17:35 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Enlightenment Elementary Apps Can Now Run | Apr 01 17:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | Directly On DRM | Apr 01 17:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 17:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines KitKat developer tablet previews 2.7GHz | Apr 01 17:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | Snapdragon 805 | Apr 01 17:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 17:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Enlightenment Elementary Apps Can Now Run Directly On DRM | Tux Machines | Apr 01 17:35 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Failure when receiving data from the peer ( status 0 @ ) | Apr 01 17:35 | |
<--siel has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Apr 01 17:41 | |
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MinceR | gn | Apr 01 18:08 |
-->siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrights | Apr 01 18:17 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Transmagedon 1.0 released! | Apr 01 18:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 01 18:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 18:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines XBMC 13.0 Beta 3 “Gotham” Has Wii Controller | Apr 01 18:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | Support on Linux | Apr 01 18:33 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 01 18:33 |
*TweetTuxMachines saw an exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream | Apr 01 18:33 | |
<--schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | Apr 01 19:11 | |
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MinceR | geekings | Apr 02 03:52 |
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schestowitz__ | gm | Apr 02 07:35 |
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gde33 | silence? | Apr 02 12:27 |
gde33 | the web is boring the hell out of me, I might have to get rid of the computer some day | Apr 02 12:29 |
gde33 | the only funny thing today was that youtube seems to have thousands of holywood movies on it | Apr 02 12:33 |
gde33 | stuff to crappy for p2p | Apr 02 12:33 |
-->Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | Apr 02 12:47 | |
Sosumi | spot the difference | Apr 02 12:47 |
Sosumi | | Apr 02 12:47 |
Sosumi | vs | Apr 02 12:47 |
Sosumi | | Apr 02 12:47 |
*Sosumi bonks DrPizza_ on the noggin | Apr 02 12:48 | |
Sosumi | from the arstechnica coverage of M$ BUILD 2014 | Apr 02 12:51 |
Sosumi | so no wonder that the windblows phone is crap, | Apr 02 12:54 |
Sosumi | with mr bean at it | Apr 02 12:54 |
abeNd-org | yea, its no better here either | Apr 02 13:07 |
abeNd-org | "freak" | Apr 02 13:08 |
abeNd-org | well, not really freak, but not exactly someone i would want to be a spokesmodel for my product | Apr 02 13:08 |
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-->TechrightsBot-tr ( has joined #techrights | Apr 02 13:19 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Hello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.75 | Apr 02 13:19 |
-->Agnesi ( has joined #techrights | Apr 02 13:29 | |
Agnesi | :) | Apr 02 13:30 |
Agnesi | | Apr 02 13:34 |
Agnesi | oops | Apr 02 13:34 |
Agnesi | | Apr 02 13:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sonnet Announces New 4U Enclosure to Rack Mount Two Mac Pros - Mac Rumors [ ] | Apr 02 13:34 | |
Agnesi | the expensive wine rack now supports two trashcansPros | Apr 02 13:35 |
MinceR | i don't think Rowan Atkinson deserves to be insulted by equating him to m$ products | Apr 02 13:35 |
MinceR | also, there's a much cheaper way to mount Trashcan Pros: | Apr 02 13:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | File:Dumpster.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | Apr 02 13:37 | |
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MinceR | | Apr 02 13:40 |
Agnesi | wait | Apr 02 13:42 |
Agnesi | did CNN really write that? | Apr 02 13:42 |
---Agnesi is now known as Sosumi | Apr 02 13:43 | |
Sosumi | Cartoon News Network confirmed then | Apr 02 13:43 |
Sosumi | and M$ brought back the start menu | Apr 02 13:44 |
Sosumi | in a frankenstein way featuring both the classical menu and the metro junk | Apr 02 13:44 |
Sosumi | which apparently can also operate windowned now | Apr 02 13:45 |
Sosumi | aka | Apr 02 13:45 |
Sosumi | more bloat and more complexity | Apr 02 13:45 |
Sosumi | and it is being confirmed what had said before | Apr 02 13:46 |
Sosumi | that nothing would change with Satya Nutella | Apr 02 13:46 |
MinceR | apparently they did | Apr 02 13:47 |
<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | Apr 02 14:21 | |
-->abeNd-org ( has joined #techrights | Apr 02 14:52 | |
-->MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrights | Apr 02 15:18 | |
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DaemonFC | Sosumi: Isn't Nutella that hazelnut chocolate spread that you mix with peanut butter and sliced bananas and make sandwiches out of it? | Apr 02 16:05 |
DaemonFC | :) | Apr 02 16:05 |
Sosumi | I don't like sweets | Apr 02 16:06 |
Sosumi | and that error on the CEO's name was intentional | Apr 02 16:07 |
Sosumi | since I basically have no respect for him so I may start at first by slandering his name | Apr 02 16:08 |
Sosumi | aside, who the hell would eat Nutella? that is just mix of crap, sugar and soy lecithin | Apr 02 16:09 |
Sosumi | no thank you | Apr 02 16:09 |
Sosumi | | Apr 02 16:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft: Start Menu Returns, Windows Free For Small Device OEMs, Cortana Beta - Slashdot [ ] | Apr 02 16:11 | |
Sosumi | yeah, "free" | Apr 02 16:11 |
DaemonFC | Sosumi: I got a grocery rebate on some "Jif Whips", so I got a tub of peanut butter and chocolate. | Apr 02 16:12 |
DaemonFC | Then when I got home I noticed it actually says peanut butter with chocolate flavored spread. | Apr 02 16:12 |
MinceR | no, Nutella is that hazelnut chocolate spread that you don't need to mix with anything | Apr 02 16:13 |
MinceR | because it's awesome | Apr 02 16:13 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: I suppose you could eat it out of the jar with a spoon. | Apr 02 16:14 |
DaemonFC | I could see my dad doing that. | Apr 02 16:14 |
Sosumi | honey >>>>>>>>>>> crap = nutella | Apr 02 16:14 |
MinceR | i prefer to spread it on baked goods | Apr 02 16:14 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: I keep getting rebates on those Belvita breakfast biscuits. | Apr 02 16:15 |
DaemonFC | So I keep buying them because they're basically free. | Apr 02 16:15 |
DaemonFC | I wonder if the nutella spread would go well on those banana nut biscuits. | Apr 02 16:16 |
DaemonFC | :) | Apr 02 16:16 |
Sosumi | that cholesterol... | Apr 02 16:16 |
DaemonFC | My cholesterol levels are well within the normal range. | Apr 02 16:17 |
DaemonFC | One easy way to get it down is to eat a lot of soluble fiber. | Apr 02 16:17 |
DaemonFC | That psyllium husk powder has been shown to reduce your LDL levels by about 4% when you take it as directed for about a month. | Apr 02 16:18 |
MinceR | nobody said you had to eat a lot of it. | Apr 02 16:18 |
MinceR | and too much of anything will kill you | Apr 02 16:18 |
DaemonFC | including water | Apr 02 16:19 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: I don't think that too much oxygen will kill you. | Apr 02 16:19 |
DaemonFC | When I worked in a nursing home, I used to have to fill oxygen tanks for the residents. | Apr 02 16:19 |
DaemonFC | I used to huff pure oxygen while I was in there. | Apr 02 16:20 |
DaemonFC | It won't hurt you. | Apr 02 16:20 |
DaemonFC | It makes you alert and energetic for quite a while. | Apr 02 16:20 |
MinceR | also including oxygen. | Apr 02 16:21 |
DaemonFC | Most of the Earth's atmosphere is nitrogen, but I don't believe that our bodies really have any use for it. We've evolved to get along just fine on a ~20% mix. | Apr 02 16:21 |
MinceR | yes, too much oxygen will kill you. | Apr 02 16:21 |
MinceR | (too high concentration) | Apr 02 16:21 |
DaemonFC | of oxygen | Apr 02 16:22 |
DaemonFC | Really? | Apr 02 16:22 |
DaemonFC | I found it invigorating. | Apr 02 16:22 |
MinceR | | Apr 02 16:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Oxygen toxicity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | Apr 02 16:22 | |
DaemonFC | It seems to fix everything from being tired to having a headache. | Apr 02 16:22 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 02 16:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Oxygen bar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Apr 02 16:24 | |
DaemonFC | "It has been claimed by alternative medicine that the human body is oxygen deprived, and so that more oxygen will remove "toxins" and even cure cancer." | Apr 02 16:24 |
MinceR | "alternative medicine" claims all sorts of bullshit. | Apr 02 16:24 |
DaemonFC | I wouldn't go that far. It's a common claim for so-called "alternative medicine" that one particular thing cures everything that can possibly ail you. | Apr 02 16:24 |
MinceR | well, death does end all health problems | Apr 02 16:25 |
DaemonFC | Until we figure out a way to copy our minds into computers or something. | Apr 02 16:25 |
MinceR | i hope those computers will not be influenced by elements such as microsoft and apple. | Apr 02 16:26 |
DaemonFC | It's always fun watching or reading old sci fi. | Apr 02 16:26 |
MinceR | (except as object lessons) | Apr 02 16:26 |
DaemonFC | Data in Star Trek rattled off his specifications and I remember thinking "I could buy that much storage from Google for les than $10 a month.....". | Apr 02 16:26 |
DaemonFC | In the late 1980s, it probably seemed like a lot of storage. :) | Apr 02 16:27 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: The problem that I see with living forever in such a state is that you'd need storage capacity that would grow along with your mind. | Apr 02 16:27 |
MinceR | it would be nice | Apr 02 16:28 |
MinceR | currently we're making do with limited storage capacity | Apr 02 16:28 |
MinceR | (though also with a limited lifespan) | Apr 02 16:28 |
DaemonFC | Right. Your brain only has to deal with you living about 70 years. 100-110 tops. | Apr 02 16:28 |
DaemonFC | And when it gets older, dementia sets in and starts deleting stuff. | Apr 02 16:29 |
DaemonFC | Or never properly storing it to begin with. | Apr 02 16:29 |
DaemonFC | It's like having a hard disk drive that is crashing and corrupting files at random. | Apr 02 16:29 |
DaemonFC | The human brain would not be fit to be in service for much over 100 years, even if you didn't have to consider any other reliability problems of a human body. | Apr 02 16:30 |
DaemonFC | So, it too would need to be replaced. | Apr 02 16:31 |
DaemonFC | At that point, we're talking about scrapping the entire body and copying files. | Apr 02 16:31 |
DaemonFC | I believe that such a thing is possible, but that our current level of technology is at least 100 years from achieving that. | Apr 02 16:33 |
DaemonFC | It would never benefit us, and I believe that it will be incredibly expensive, at least at first. | Apr 02 16:33 |
DaemonFC | So, it will mostly save rich people from having to die. | Apr 02 16:34 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 02 16:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Customer Discussions: BREAKING: A Boeing 777, alleged to have been carrying a 200 kiloton nuclear device has plunged into the Saudi oilfiends of eastern Saudi Arabia and destroyed a good proportion of Saudi oil production [ ] | Apr 02 16:35 | |
DaemonFC | AC Dust says: | Apr 02 16:35 |
DaemonFC | The Malysan airplane was carry a 200 kiloton nuclear device along with passengers? | Apr 02 16:35 |
DaemonFC | Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Apr 2, 2014 1:35:28 PM PDT | Apr 02 16:36 |
DaemonFC | J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says: | Apr 02 16:36 |
DaemonFC | That was right before Jesus opened the quantum singularity and raptured everyone on board, including the Islamic terrorists. | Apr 02 16:36 |
DaemonFC | Source: Mixture of CNN, Fox News, and Trinity Broadcast Network. | Apr 02 16:36 |
DaemonFC | :) | Apr 02 16:36 |
DaemonFC | err, right after, I meant | Apr 02 16:37 |
<--jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 02 16:44 | |
Sosumi | no, | Apr 02 17:01 |
Sosumi | I used my mindpower to teleport the nuke into my place | Apr 02 17:01 |
Sosumi | and now I can finally imitate that dude at the end of "dr strangelove" ridding as if in a rodeo | Apr 02 17:02 |
Sosumi | as the bomb falls into the ground | Apr 02 17:02 |
Sosumi | *riding the bomb | Apr 02 17:02 |
<--abeNd-org has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 02 17:29 | |
DaemonFC | I wonder if next week's grocery rebates will be any good. | Apr 02 17:58 |
DaemonFC | I like those apps. They've finally figured out that people my age don't have a dead tree subscription. | Apr 02 17:59 |
-->jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 02 18:03 | |
DaemonFC | Sosumi: I'll be making my favorite junk food tonight. | Apr 02 18:13 |
DaemonFC | One of those deluxe macaroni and cheese dinners mixed with tomatoes and chilis. | Apr 02 18:13 |
MinceR | gn | Apr 02 18:32 |
<--jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 02 19:08 | |
DaemonFC | I'm wiping my old phone. | Apr 02 19:12 |
DaemonFC | I'm going to send it to be recycled. | Apr 02 19:12 |
DaemonFC | I posted this on Amazon regarding Bill Gates and his children: | Apr 02 19:33 |
DaemonFC | I remember he said that he gave them Zunes and Surface tablets, and that they were not "deprived". | Apr 02 19:33 |
DaemonFC | I commented that they were deprived of the excellent Android devices that are out there, and relegated to a computing platform that all of about three other people use, whose most engaging app is Yahoo Mail. | Apr 02 19:33 |
DaemonFC | That sounds absolutely punitive to me. | Apr 02 19:33 |
DaemonFC | Microsoft should do the environmentally responsible thing and refrain from producing things that nobody wants. Now there's a bunch of stuff out there that's heading for a landfill. | Apr 02 19:33 |
gde33 | DaemonFC: MinceR: lack of oxygen is beneficial for all diseases or injuries | Apr 02 19:40 |
gde33 | it isnt a digital switch | Apr 02 19:41 |
gde33 | I've often asked and wondered : how much electricity to electrolize a daily dose of oxygen? | Apr 02 19:42 |
gde33 | then it becomes evident pretty much no one knows anything | Apr 02 19:43 |
gde33 | would have to ask on ISS or something | Apr 02 19:43 |
gde33 | who cares if CO2 goes up? I'm not a plant | Apr 02 19:44 |
gde33 | it's like trying to get drunk on malt beer | Apr 02 19:45 |
gde33 | but who am I kidding, large areas of our planet are already dead, if that isnt a clue nothing will ever be | Apr 02 19:45 |
gde33 | like CO poisoning, slowly you cant think anymore | Apr 02 19:46 |
DaemonFC | Our technology will not save us. | Apr 02 19:51 |
DaemonFC | Quite the opposite, in fact. It has enabled a population bubble. | Apr 02 19:51 |
gde33 | I think the big boys are in the process of killing all the useless eaters | Apr 02 19:52 |
DaemonFC | The world is temporarily able to support more people than are ultimately sustainable, because we're burning through a resource glut in a very unsustainable way. | Apr 02 19:52 |
gde33 | there are laundy lists worth of efforts | Apr 02 19:52 |
gde33 | partially, proffit also comes into it | Apr 02 19:53 |
gde33 | dont believe the over population hype, it's nonsense | Apr 02 19:54 |
DaemonFC | It's only nonsense if you ignore the resource limit of the planet and the fact that fossil fuel consumption is changing the environment in a way that will be hostile to human life. | Apr 02 19:55 |
gde33 | what resource limit? | Apr 02 19:55 |
DaemonFC | We're in the middle of the bubble right now. | Apr 02 19:55 |
gde33 | no one needs fossile fuels | Apr 02 19:55 |
DaemonFC | It will start to collapse in the next few decades. | Apr 02 19:56 |
gde33 | you dont need a car, no electricity, non of this stuff | Apr 02 19:56 |
DaemonFC | The Hubbert Curve predicted that world oil production would peak in 1995, and then go into terminal decline. | Apr 02 19:56 |
DaemonFC | Conservation efforts and unconventional recovery tactics turned it into something more like a roller coaster. | Apr 02 19:56 |
gde33 | we also have wind turbines with thousands of years worth of runtime on them | Apr 02 19:57 |
DaemonFC | It will probably still peak within my lifetime, but we won't know that it peaked until several years later, when we're not able to find and recover enough oil to replace the lost production. | Apr 02 19:57 |
gde33 | if you make those out of sollid gold you still get a proffit | Apr 02 19:57 |
gde33 | oil burning needs to stop entirely, asap | Apr 02 19:58 |
DaemonFC | There's an idiot that keeps writing my local newspaper encouraging people to defeat a proposed wind farm. | Apr 02 19:58 |
DaemonFC | He's worried about his own property value. | Apr 02 19:58 |
gde33 | here the government is cutting down every tree in urban arreas | Apr 02 19:58 |
gde33 | DaemonFC: Don Quixote lives! | Apr 02 19:59 |
gde33 | they are monsters! | Apr 02 19:59 |
gde33 | but to assert overpopulation based on oil is just rediculous | Apr 02 20:00 |
gde33 | you might as well argue there isn't enough cocaine for everyone | Apr 02 20:00 |
gde33 | ego overpopulation | Apr 02 20:00 |
gde33 | we need massive hemp farms | Apr 02 20:02 |
gde33 | to make this oxygen | Apr 02 20:02 |
gde33 | dont even have to use the hemp for anything | Apr 02 20:02 |
-->TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 02 21:41 | |
cryptic | are any of you familiar with eben moglen? | Apr 02 22:37 |
cubezzz | his ideas are good | Apr 02 23:05 |
cryptic | cubezzz: you should check out his phd dissertation, then | Apr 02 23:10 |
cryptic | it's brilliant | Apr 02 23:10 |
cubezzz | you got a link for that? | Apr 02 23:10 |
cryptic | yes, one sec | Apr 02 23:10 |
cryptic |!PhQnRBgB!U0f5bSVfVVovMHAfj4QpxmveqkVW6NoNnLodiMJVdzI | Apr 02 23:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @!PhQnRBgB!U0f5bSVfVVovMHAfj4QpxmveqkVW6NoNnLodiMJVdzI ) | Apr 02 23:10 | |
cubezzz | ok, I can't use that whatever it is | Apr 02 23:34 |
cubezzz | I'm stuck at 99% | Apr 02 23:34 |
cubezzz | is that pdf file not permitted to be hosted by normal means? | Apr 02 23:36 |
cryptic | cubezzz: yeah, unfortunately. it was a pain in the ass to find it; I had to use proquest via my university | Apr 02 23:38 |
cryptic | it's strange that it won't download for you-- maybe try with all extensions disabled and/or after creating a mega account | Apr 02 23:38 |
cubezzz | just a sec, I'll try one of the computers upstairs | Apr 02 23:42 |
cryptic | I'll put it on rapidshare, too | Apr 02 23:43 |
cryptic | try | Apr 02 23:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | RapidShare [ ] | Apr 02 23:47 | |
cubezzz | ok. thanks | Apr 02 23:53 |
cubezzz | no go with chrome either, it keeps saying it's too old | Apr 02 23:54 |
cubezzz | ok, rapidshare is downloading it | Apr 02 23:56 |
cubezzz | that mega site is extremely picky | Apr 02 23:58 |
cubezzz | thanks for telling me about Proquest though :) | Apr 03 00:04 |
cubezzz | have you seen this cryptic: | Apr 03 00:07 |
cubezzz | Apr 03 00:07 | |
cubezzz | | Apr 03 00:07 |
<--TechrightsBot-tr has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Apr 03 00:08 | |
cryptic | no cubezzz, what's that? | Apr 03 00:12 |
cubezzz | Moglen's talk at FOSDEM 2011 in Belgium | Apr 03 00:13 |
cryptic | I'm downloading it now | Apr 03 00:13 |
cubezzz | :) | Apr 03 00:13 |
cryptic | but won't have time to watch for a while | Apr 03 00:13 |
cubezzz | 55 mins in duration | Apr 03 00:14 |
cryptic | what's the subject? | Apr 03 00:15 |
cubezzz | Cyberwar, NSA, infiltration, Facebook, a bunch of interesting topics | Apr 03 00:15 |
cryptic | oh cool | Apr 03 00:15 |
cryptic | i might put it on, then. i'm writing a paper on this stuff right now | Apr 03 00:16 |
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 03 01:30 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @GovNetUK looking forward to presentations from David | Apr 03 01:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | retweeted by Munn, Greater London Authority and Mark | Apr 03 01:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | @SiriusCorp Dearnley @HMRCgovuk at #opensource14 | Apr 03 01:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | #openstandards | Apr 03 01:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 01:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | @SiriusCorp On our way to Open Source, Open Standards | Apr 03 01:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | event. Come and visit our stand and try a | Apr 03 01:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | Sirius cupcake :) | Apr 03 01:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 01:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | @SiriusCorp We will be offering free one hour consultations | Apr 03 01:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | with our CEO @Mark_Antony if you visit us today | Apr 03 01:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | at Open Source, Open Standards conference. | Apr 03 01:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 01:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | @SiriusCorp We have some great giveaways for those | Apr 03 01:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | attending our seminars today including some | Apr 03 01:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | lovely bottles of award winning Sirius wine | Apr 03 01:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | cc@Govnetuk | Apr 03 01:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 01:56 |
*TweetTuxMachines @SiriusCorp deleted 'We have some great giveaways for those attending...' | Apr 03 01:56 | |
<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | Apr 03 02:21 | |
---Disconnected (Connection reset by peer). | Apr 03 03:06 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Apr 3 03:06:32 2014 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Apr 3 03:08:42 2014 | ||
-->You are now talking on #techrights | Apr 03 03:08 | |
---Topic for #techrights is | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovell | Apr 03 03:08 | |
---Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 13:16:19 | Apr 03 03:08 | |
-NickServ-cubelog is not a registered nickname. | Apr 03 03:08 | |
-ChanServ-[##amiga] As per we are now ##amiga. | Apr 03 03:08 | |
-ChanServ-[#aros] Welcome to the Official AROS IRC channel | Apr 03 03:08 | |
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channel | Apr 03 03:08 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @SiriusCorp We have some great giveaways for those | Apr 03 03:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | attending our seminars today including bottles | Apr 03 03:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | of award winning wine cc@GovNetUK | Apr 03 03:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 03:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Free Your Files, Learning Linux, and Red Hat | Apr 03 03:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | Jobs | Apr 03 03:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 03:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Kernel Developers Fed Up With Ridiculous | Apr 03 03:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | Bugs In Systemd | Apr 03 03:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 03:24 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Per-Cgroup Swap File Support Proposed For Linux | Apr 03 04:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 03 04:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 04:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Amazon unveils Android-based Fire TV STB and | Apr 03 04:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | SDK | Apr 03 04:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 04:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Opening Minds to the Spheres Among Us | Apr 03 04:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 03 04:02 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 04:02 |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 03 04:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | @SiriusCorp Our stand all set up at the Open Source, Open | Apr 03 06:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | Standards conference! Come say hi and have a | Apr 03 06:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | chat. | Apr 03 06:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 06:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @SiriusCorp .@jystewart: in an organisation as big as the | Apr 03 06:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | British govt the best way to share data between | Apr 03 06:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | depts is to share it with the public | Apr 03 06:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 06:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @SiriusCorp A close up of our cakes! | Apr 03 06:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 06:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Mozilla's Webcompat Project Seeks Volunteers to | Apr 03 06:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | Call Out Bugs | Apr 03 06:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 06:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Details on those 800 jobs coming to Red Hat | Apr 03 06:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | this year | Apr 03 06:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 06:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Indian state drops Windows, switches to Linux | Apr 03 06:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 03 06:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 06:23 |
Sosumi | | Apr 03 06:26 |
Sosumi | "How Boeing merges its data centers with the Amazon and Microsoft clouds" | Apr 03 06:26 |
Sosumi | and the most depressing thing ever, even more depressing than apple keynotes | Apr 03 06:27 |
Sosumi | micro$oft keynotes! | Apr 03 06:28 |
*Sosumi bonks DrPizza_ on the noggin | Apr 03 06:29 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Meet MediaGoblin, a Decentralized Alternative | Apr 03 06:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | to YouTube and Flickr | Apr 03 06:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 06:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines KDE Releases Alpha Version of Next-gen Plasma | Apr 03 06:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | Workspace | Apr 03 06:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 06:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | @SiriusCorp Next talk by our own @Mark_Antony talking about | Apr 03 06:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | Reengineering Government! | Apr 03 06:51 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 06:51 |
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 03 07:37 | |
-->msb_ ( has joined #techrights | Apr 03 08:09 | |
<--msb__ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | Apr 03 08:14 | |
Sosumi | and how could I have forgotten | Apr 03 08:45 |
Sosumi | still no virtual desktops on windows | Apr 03 08:45 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 03 08:50 |
MinceR | it can be hacked in using utilities, but it will never work well because winblows is braindead | Apr 03 08:50 |
Sosumi | windows users are also kind of braindead | Apr 03 08:52 |
Sosumi | who the heck browses the web with a full maximized browser on landscape mode | Apr 03 08:53 |
Sosumi | with the display in portrait mode | Apr 03 08:54 |
Sosumi | it actually makes sense to maximize the browser | Apr 03 08:54 |
Sosumi | but on landscape | Apr 03 08:54 |
Sosumi | ... | Apr 03 08:54 |
Sosumi | you just end up with a lot of empty space on the web page | Apr 03 08:54 |
Sosumi | but it isn't just that with windows users | Apr 03 08:55 |
Sosumi | they actually tend to maximize everything | Apr 03 08:55 |
MinceR | i maximize most of my windows | Apr 03 08:55 |
MinceR | though browser windows often have the sidebar open also | Apr 03 08:55 |
Sosumi | but at least you're not making it seem as if the computer were some single purpose machine | Apr 03 08:57 |
Sosumi | some windblos users do | Apr 03 08:58 |
MinceR | indeed | Apr 03 08:58 |
Sosumi | just enter into a public administration office and you'll see | Apr 03 08:59 |
Sosumi | :9 | Apr 03 08:59 |
cubezzz | I'm switching to windows 8.1, it may take a while though | Apr 03 09:06 |
cubezzz | | Apr 03 09:06 |
MinceR | lol | Apr 03 09:06 |
Sosumi | 3711 floppies for target practicing | Apr 03 09:09 |
schestowitz_log_ | | Apr 03 09:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | @SiriusCorp UK government IT spending £20bn pa. More than | Apr 03 09:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | on Wales! | Apr 03 09:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 09:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | @SiriusCorp .@Mark_Antony: leap of OSS from central govt to | Apr 03 09:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | local in Eire successful because of strong | Apr 03 09:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | leadership in LGMA | Apr 03 09:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 09:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | Apr 03 09:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 09:19 |
-->jono_ ( has joined #techrights | Apr 03 10:02 | |
<--jono_ has quit (Client Quit) | Apr 03 10:05 | |
-->jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 03 10:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @SiriusCorp Still lots of delicious cakes at our stand at | Apr 03 12:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | #opensource14! Come try them, and find out what | Apr 03 12:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | we can do for you. | Apr 03 12:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 12:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | @SiriusCorp Still lots of delicious cakes at our stand at | Apr 03 12:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | #opensource14! Come try them, and find out what | Apr 03 12:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | we can do for you. | Apr 03 12:26 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 12:26 |
*TweetTuxMachines @SiriusCorp deleted 'Still lots of delicious cakes at our stand...' | Apr 03 12:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | Apr 03 12:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 12:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | Apr 03 12:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 12:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Games | Apr 03 12:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 12:27 |
roy_ | | Apr 03 12:30 |
roy_ | Windows application that wants people to host Linux under it. NSA would drool. | Apr 03 12:31 |
roy_ | "Just read up on hyper-V: Ha!" | Apr 03 12:31 |
Sosumi | hyper crap | Apr 03 13:03 |
Sosumi | windows is only good as an isolated client | Apr 03 13:04 |
MinceR | it's the IT equivalent of building a skyscraper on quicksand | Apr 03 13:11 |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Apr 03 13:12 | |
-->lirodon (~lirodon@wikipedia/ViperSnake151) has joined #techrights | Apr 03 13:13 | |
lirodon | Microsoft is suspiciously being a bit more open | Apr 03 13:13 |
lirodon | just released a few components (i.e. the Roslyn C# compiler, WinJS) under Apache license | Apr 03 13:14 |
MinceR | perhaps they feel the end | Apr 03 13:16 |
lirodon | given they jumped the shark for 8 by bringing back the old Start menu | Apr 03 13:17 |
Sosumi | it's not the "old" start menu | Apr 03 13:21 |
Sosumi | the metro/modern junk is still there | Apr 03 13:21 |
lirodon | well it's half of it | Apr 03 13:22 |
<--roy_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Apr 03 13:28 | |
<--schestowitz_log_ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Apr 03 13:28 | |
<--puppywatch has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) | Apr 03 13:32 | |
Sosumi | way too much bloat | Apr 03 13:35 |
Sosumi | I wander why they didn't just stick to .Net, introduced a widget system and virtual desktops | Apr 03 13:36 |
Sosumi | basically, copy kde | Apr 03 13:36 |
-->libertybox_ ( has joined #techrights | Apr 03 13:37 | |
Sosumi | and maybe, replace the file system | Apr 03 13:37 |
<--libertyboxes has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | Apr 03 13:38 | |
MinceR | i wonder why they don't just skin FreeBSD or GNU/Linux and throw in Wine and Samba | Apr 03 13:39 |
MinceR | and maybe KVM/QEMU with a stripped-down winblows image for "legacy applications" :> | Apr 03 13:40 |
Sosumi | aka pull an apple | Apr 03 13:41 |
Sosumi | re-skinned bsd with an emulation layer | Apr 03 13:42 |
Sosumi | for legacy | Apr 03 13:42 |
MinceR | except hopefully without the braindead proprietary GUI | Apr 03 13:46 |
MinceR | and the utterly idiotic and sluggish mongrel kernel | Apr 03 13:46 |
-->puppywatch ( has joined #techrights | Apr 03 13:46 | |
MinceR | (hacked up probably to make it easier for marketroids to lie that it's a microkernel (it isn't)) | Apr 03 13:46 |
Sosumi | it is monolithic | Apr 03 13:47 |
Sosumi | just like xnu | Apr 03 13:47 |
Sosumi | but the "heads" keep telling that it is micro | Apr 03 13:48 |
MinceR | indeed | Apr 03 13:49 |
MinceR | also like NT | Apr 03 13:49 |
MinceR | the supposed microkernel with a window manager built in | Apr 03 13:49 |
Sosumi | didn't they remove it already from kernel space? | Apr 03 13:50 |
Sosumi | or is it still there | Apr 03 13:50 |
<--libertybox_ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 03 13:50 | |
MinceR | afaik it's still there, only they added another one that's presumably not in kernel space (Aero) | Apr 03 13:50 |
MinceR | but i don't really know | Apr 03 13:51 |
Sosumi | aero is no more | Apr 03 13:51 |
MinceR | whatever they're calling it now | Apr 03 13:51 |
Sosumi | it ended with vista 7 | Apr 03 13:51 |
<--puppywatch has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Apr 03 13:51 | |
MinceR | afaik compositing didn't go away | Apr 03 13:51 |
-->schestowitz_log_ ( has joined #techrights | Apr 03 14:01 | |
-->schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Apr 03 14:01 | |
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-->schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Apr 03 14:01 | |
-->puppywatch ( has joined #techrights | Apr 03 14:06 | |
-->libertyboxes ( has joined #techrights | Apr 03 14:06 | |
-->sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Apr 03 14:13 | |
sebsebseb | hi MinceR | Apr 03 14:13 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Manchester and Computing | Apr 03 14:17 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 14:17 |
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditComputing favourited 'Manchester and Computing' | Apr 03 14:17 | |
<--schestowitz_log_ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 03 14:20 | |
<--schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 03 14:20 | |
MinceR | | Apr 03 15:15 |
-->schestowitz_log_ ( has joined #techrights | Apr 03 15:22 | |
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-->schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Apr 03 15:22 | |
<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | Apr 03 15:28 | |
Sosumi | | Apr 03 15:34 |
MinceR | :D | Apr 03 15:37 |
-->_Goblin (~tim@ has joined #techrights | Apr 03 15:45 | |
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to _Goblin | Apr 03 15:45 | |
_Goblin | roy u there | Apr 03 15:46 |
sebsebseb | oh _Goblin is here :) | Apr 03 15:48 |
Sosumi | Obozo's mother | Apr 03 15:51 |
Sosumi | | Apr 03 15:51 |
schestowitz__ | _Goblin: hey :-) | Apr 03 15:54 |
_Goblin | Hi bud.....are you able to do a mumble test tonight? | Apr 03 15:55 |
sebsebseb | _Goblin: why? | Apr 03 16:01 |
sebsebseb | oh you meant schestowitz__ ? | Apr 03 16:01 |
_Goblin | Yeah sorry.... | Apr 03 16:03 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 03 16:18 |
schestowitz__ | |I Wonder when they start a Campaign against the stock Desktop GNU/Linux. I'll the first one, who fights back against Windows." | Apr 03 16:18 |
schestowitz__ | _Goblin: I can give it a go, what time? | Apr 03 16:18 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 03 16:19 |
schestowitz__ | "This is true, thanks. Most people are not aware of how huge Microsoft's propaganda efforts are and how the company tries to squeeze itself into every decision maker's conversation. The corrosive action of non free software propaganda is something Richard Stallman wrote about from the very beginning in essays about why software should not have owners. Microsoft has taken that effort to an almost comical extreme, producing both the | Apr 03 16:19 |
schestowitz__ | world's richest man and the best example of how unrestrained money and power can make the entire world more selfish, helpless and poor. Might makes right is the ethical law of non free software." | Apr 03 16:19 |
_Goblin | schestowitz__, I just wanted to test a channel, that we are able to record...I bought a mic (after you broke mine! ;) ) and I want to give it a run. | Apr 03 16:22 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 03 16:24 |
schestowitz__ | "Debian's KDE install already comes with Iceweasel and Libre Office. I don't understand this person's objection to some projects not doing that. Isn't that the spin's way of making the software they want work the way they want it?" | Apr 03 16:24 |
schestowitz__ | _Goblin: sure, let's try | Apr 03 16:24 |
schestowitz__ | if you're ready, I'll set up mumble with the wizard | Apr 03 16:25 |
_Goblin | schestowitz__, yep I'll load it now | Apr 03 16:25 |
sebsebseb | hmm TEchbytes coming back? | Apr 03 16:29 |
schestowitz__ | _Goblin: ok, which server/address? | Apr 03 16:29 |
schestowitz__ | I got it working | Apr 03 16:29 |
_Goblin | cool give me a few secs... | Apr 03 16:30 |
-->DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 03 16:44 | |
MinceR | gn | Apr 03 17:34 |
_Goblin | sebsebseb, we are recording this weekend.... | Apr 03 18:18 |
schestowitz__ | yeah | Apr 03 18:20 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 03 18:21 |
schestowitz__ | "Well, it's more free speech than they currently enjoy, and it's freedom to speak against their government. I still don't see this as being anything bad in terms of it's effect on Cuba, they can't force people to hate their government. True, but in the meantime I think this is mostly a good thing." | Apr 03 18:21 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 03 18:22 |
schestowitz__ | "No matter what action they take, they're still a tiny organisation compared to the population they're trying to influence. That unrest and dissatisfaction didn't come from nowhere." | Apr 03 18:22 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 03 18:23 |
schestowitz__ | "I'm glad I got my donation in before he quit, hopefully send a message." | Apr 03 18:23 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 03 18:24 |
schestowitz__ | "I've got one and put cyanogenmod on it sans GooglePlay. Works like a charm with f-droid. Still, I'm curious how much info is sent back to the mothership regardless." | Apr 03 18:24 |
<--lirodon (~lirodon@wikipedia/ViperSnake151) has left #techrights ("It seems we have some NEIGH-sayers in the audience!") | Apr 03 18:27 | |
schestowitz__ | _Goblin: can do a live show | Apr 03 18:32 |
schestowitz__ | in mumble | Apr 03 18:32 |
schestowitz__ | listen-only for guests | Apr 03 18:32 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Chrome Remote Desktop Goes Into Beta on | Apr 03 18:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | Android, Here is a Quick Look | Apr 03 18:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 03 18:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 18:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines IoT on tap at upcoming Embedded Linux | Apr 03 18:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | Conference | Apr 03 18:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 18:58 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Steam Beta Client Released with Improved OpenGL | Apr 03 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | Capture Speed | Apr 03 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines NVIDIA's Tegra K1 Jetson Will Be A Late April | Apr 03 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | Debut | Apr 03 19:57 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 03 19:57 |
*TweetTuxMachines saw an exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream | Apr 03 19:57 | |
DaemonFC |,0,6740686.story | Apr 03 20:55 |
DaemonFC | I think I have an old Celeron system in the closet with Windows XP on it. | Apr 03 20:56 |
DaemonFC | Best Buy says the $100 credit can be used on a Chromebook. | Apr 03 20:56 |
DaemonFC | 2 minutes ago · Edited | Apr 03 21:16 |
DaemonFC | Best Buy is offering $100 store credit towards a new computer when you trade in any Windows XP machine. It's time to dust off that old pile of crap you have in your closet and upgrade from Windows to Chromebook. | Apr 03 21:16 |
DaemonFC | The credit makes the Acer C7 $99. | Apr 03 21:16 |
DaemonFC | iBotta also has a deal where if you spend $100 at Best Buy, you get a $10 rebate, so toss in a $1 pop from their cooler while you're at it, and you can get a C7 Chromebook and a 20 ounce pop for $90. | Apr 03 21:16 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 03 21:16 |
DaemonFC | Trolling Amazon forums.... Someone posted in the Christianity section "How did we get the NT version of the bible?". | Apr 03 21:20 |
DaemonFC | I replied "Users of Bible 98 were eligible to upgrade to Bible NT for $99.". | Apr 03 21:20 |
<--TweetTuxMachines has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 03 21:23 | |
-->TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 03 21:24 | |
DaemonFC | Microsoft had a similar deal to the Best Buy one going, but totally ruined it by making the $100 credit only applicable to a new Vista 8 computer. | Apr 03 21:30 |
DaemonFC | J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says: | Apr 03 22:16 |
DaemonFC | Do Windows Phones still exist? I thought that had fizzled out with 3.5% of the mobile phone market and the "most engaging app" of Yahoo Mail? | Apr 03 22:16 |
DaemonFC | No? | Apr 03 22:16 |
DaemonFC | Yahoo Mail. | Apr 03 22:16 |
DaemonFC | Most engaging! Wouldn't you agree, Number One? | Apr 03 22:16 |
DaemonFC | Tea! Earl Gray! Hot! | Apr 03 22:16 |
DaemonFC | Maybe that's why "high end" Lumia phones don't sell. You don't need a quad core processor and a gaming quality graphics card to run Yahoo Mail.... | Apr 03 22:17 |
DaemonFC | I don't really like Best Buy, but a $90 Chromebook is a really good deal. | Apr 03 23:14 |
DaemonFC | I'm tempted. | Apr 03 23:14 |
-->betran (~betran@ has joined #techrights | Apr 04 00:18 | |
<--jono has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 04 01:45 | |
MinceR | | Apr 04 02:25 |
schestowitz__ | ha | Apr 04 02:26 |
<--betran has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 04 02:57 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Goat Simulator: April Fools’ Day Release on PC | Apr 04 03:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | Not a Prank, Mac and Linux to Follow (+Video) | Apr 04 03:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 04 03:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 03:14 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines I'm Cory Doctorow, and This Is How I Work | Apr 04 03:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 04 03:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 03:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 10 reasons why the Ubuntu Phone should be your | Apr 04 03:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | next mobile device | Apr 04 03:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 03:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu One users can migrate to Open Source | Apr 04 03:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ownCloud | Apr 04 03:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 03:15 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 04 03:20 |
schestowitz__ | Odd, I must have let in an extra character | Apr 04 03:20 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 04 03:53 |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 04 03:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Latest NGNIX Web server release supports SPDY | Apr 04 04:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | protocol | Apr 04 04:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 04:03 |
*TweetTuxMachines @Goat_Simulator favourited 'Goat Simulator: April Fools’ Day Release on PC...' | Apr 04 04:03 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 04 04:26 |
schestowitz__ | "i would recommend rooting the device and installing AFWall+ & adaway on it (F-droid)" | Apr 04 04:27 |
schestowitz__ | "Standalone markets are not a myth actually." | Apr 04 04:27 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 04 04:27 |
schestowitz__ | "Let's give em Libre run for their money then , , " | Apr 04 04:27 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 04 04:28 |
schestowitz__ | "^^^ pic" | Apr 04 04:28 |
MinceR | :) | Apr 04 04:29 |
schestowitz__ | updated system | Apr 04 04:49 |
schestowitz__ | rebooting | Apr 04 04:49 |
schestowitz__ | fingers crossed | Apr 04 04:49 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 04 04:49 |
-->TechrightsBot-tr ( has joined #techrights | Apr 04 04:50 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Hello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.75 | Apr 04 04:50 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 04 04:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: At 92, I was arrested for protesting against mining. I'm glad I took a stand ... | Apr 04 04:50 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | At 92, I was arrested for protesting against mining. I'm glad I took a stand | Bill Ryan | Comment is free | | Apr 04 04:50 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | At 92, I was arre... | Apr 04 04:50 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 04 04:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: AP: US secretly built 'Cuban Twitter' to stir unrest "secret shell companies and financed through foreign banks" | Apr 04 04:50 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | US secretly built 'Cuban Twitter' to stir unrest | Apr 04 04:50 | |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Calligra 2.8 Is Too Sweet for Words Alone | Apr 04 05:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 04 05:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 05:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Wayland Gains Fullscreen Shell, Screen Sharing | Apr 04 05:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | Support | Apr 04 05:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 05:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Calligra 2.8 Is Too Sweet for Words Alone | Tux Machines | Apr 04 05:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux 3.15 Random To Support Intel's RDSEED | Apr 04 05:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 04 05:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 05:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wayland Gains Fullscreen Shell, Screen Sharing Support | Tux Machines | Apr 04 05:06 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux 3.15 Random To Support Intel's RDSEED | Tux Machines | Apr 04 05:06 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 04 06:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Document Liberation Project aims to break vendor lock-in facilitate document exchange with non-MS customers | Apr 04 06:22 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Document Liberation Project aims to break vendor lock-in | Open source software - InfoWorld [ ] | Apr 04 06:22 | |
schestowitz__ | "Just another change for my elders to say well just wait admit it there sonny I was writing shit that you can't even see mainstream no more. Brilliant shit!!" | Apr 04 06:22 |
schestowitz__ | "Just another chance for my elders to say well just wait admit it there sonny I was writing shit that you can't even see mainstream no more. Brilliant shit!!" | Apr 04 06:22 |
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-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 04 07:57 | |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Raspberry Pi announces £1 million education | Apr 04 10:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | fund | Apr 04 10:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 10:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi announces £1 million education fund | Tux Machines | Apr 04 10:11 | |
XFaCE | MinceR: BBB is better than Rasp Pi for most things | Apr 04 10:38 |
MinceR | what's BBB? | Apr 04 10:38 |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Hands-on with AVLinux: Crammed with multimedia | Apr 04 12:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | goodies | Apr 04 12:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 12:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines “Get Even” Graphics Can’t Be Distinguished from | Apr 04 12:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | Reality, Game Gets Linux Version | Apr 04 12:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 04 12:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 12:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Linux Mint programs for Windows XP users | Apr 04 12:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 04 12:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 12:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands-on with AVLinux: Crammed with multimedia goodies | Tux Machines | Apr 04 12:25 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Introducing Pyston: an upcoming, JIT-based | Apr 04 12:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | Python implementation | Apr 04 12:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 12:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Robolinux 7.4.2 Distro Can Keep Windows XP | Apr 04 12:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | Running Inside Forever Without Viruses or | Apr 04 12:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | Malware | Apr 04 12:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 12:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Qt Creator 3.1 RC1 Released, Qt 5.3 Advances | Apr 04 12:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 04 12:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 12:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | “Get Even” Graphics Can’t Be Distinguished from Reality, Game Gets Linux Version | Tux Machines | Apr 04 12:25 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Mint programs for Windows XP users | Tux Machines | Apr 04 12:26 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Introducing Pyston: an upcoming, JIT-based Python implementation | Tux Machines | Apr 04 12:26 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Robolinux 7.4.2 Distro Can Keep Windows XP Running Inside Forever Without Viruses or Malware | Tux Machines | Apr 04 12:26 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Qt Creator 3.1 RC1 Released, Qt 5.3 Advances | Tux Machines | Apr 04 12:26 | |
<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | Apr 04 12:53 | |
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DaemonFC | I just forced the Kitkat update onto my phone. | Apr 04 17:05 |
DaemonFC | Apparently, Google does the update by UUID, so you can reset the UUID by clearing the Google Services Framework data and force stopping it, and then checking for updates again. | Apr 04 17:05 |
DaemonFC | Eventually, you'll get a UUID that Google will send the update to right now, and skip to the front of the line. | Apr 04 17:06 |
DaemonFC | I've heard that this can mess up some apps for up to a week if they depend on your old UUID, but that you can work around this by doing a factory reset on your phone after the upgrade completes. | Apr 04 17:08 |
abeNd-org | no kitkat for my S3 yet | Apr 04 17:18 |
<--ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 04 17:23 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines GCompris 14.03 Can Teach Kids How to Use a | Apr 04 17:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | Computer, Math, Geography, More | Apr 04 17:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 04 17:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 17:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Microsoft-Sponsored Study Says Problems Caused | Apr 04 17:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | By Using Windows Software Will Cost Businesses | Apr 04 17:27 |
TweetTuxMachines | $500 Billion In 2014 | Apr 04 17:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GCompris 14.03 Can Teach Kids How to Use a Computer, Math, Geography, More | Tux Machines | Apr 04 17:27 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 17:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft-Sponsored Study Says Problems Caused By Using Windows Software Will Cost Businesses $500 Billion In 2014 | Tux Machines | Apr 04 17:27 | |
MinceR | | Apr 04 17:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@GeorgeRRMartin_: My favorite operating system... | Apr 04 17:29 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@GeorgeRRMartin_: My favorite operating system... | Apr 04 17:29 | |
DaemonFC | abeNd-org: My phone is back up and running. | Apr 04 17:48 |
DaemonFC | It feels faster.... | Apr 04 17:48 |
DaemonFC | :) | Apr 04 17:48 |
DaemonFC | LG took some videos showing how much faster apps open up, and how much more responsive the interface is. | Apr 04 17:48 |
abeNd-org | LG G2? | Apr 04 17:49 |
DaemonFC | yeah | Apr 04 17:53 |
DaemonFC | Android 4.2 was alright, but it was holding the phone back. | Apr 04 17:53 |
DaemonFC | The benchmarks of the Nexus 5 (mostly identical hardware) showed that Android 4.4 is much more optimized. | Apr 04 17:54 |
DaemonFC | The performance difference was ~20% in some cases. | Apr 04 17:55 |
DaemonFC | The upgrade to 4.4 makes teh LG G2 the phone it should have been at launch. | Apr 04 17:55 |
DaemonFC | I don't know why they couldn't use 4.4 on the G2 at launch. LG makes the Nexus 5 as well, and that had 4.4 all along. | Apr 04 17:55 |
DaemonFC | If you're getting a phone now, at least from Sprint, it's no contest. Get the G2. It's free with a 2 year contract, where the S5 will be $200 with a contract. | Apr 04 17:56 |
DaemonFC | The S5 only has slightly better specs. | Apr 04 17:56 |
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DaemonFC | Oh great. Now I'm back in Comcast Hell. | Apr 04 18:59 |
DaemonFC | They fucked up my account. | Apr 04 18:59 |
_Goblin | You never seem to have any luck DaemonFC ......You always seem to be ranting about something... Maybe you should live a simpler life without technology and live off the land like our ancestors? | Apr 04 19:00 |
DaemonFC | possibly | Apr 04 19:05 |
_Goblin | Look on the bright side though....... | Apr 04 19:07 |
_Goblin | in about a year or less, you tech choices will be worthless junk and there will be something new to are not so much buying it though as loaning breaks, nothing lasts forever... | Apr 04 19:08 |
MinceR | life without technology would be simpler because you would starve pretty quickly | Apr 04 19:10 |
MinceR | unless some disease kills you first | Apr 04 19:10 |
cubezzz | my vic-20 still works | Apr 04 19:11 |
cubezzz | that's over 30 years :) | Apr 04 19:11 |
MinceR | the universe doesn't last forever | Apr 04 19:12 |
cubezzz | it's not things breaking that is really the true problem | Apr 04 19:13 |
cubezzz | it's people's lack of ability to repair things | Apr 04 19:13 |
cubezzz | and the manufacturers have to take a good percentage of the blame too, making crappy products | Apr 04 19:14 |
_Goblin | Vic-20 days are long gone, where build quality was a must....I've got a black and white portable from the early 80's that still works. | Apr 04 19:23 |
_Goblin | MinceR, very true, but its fair to say that whatever you buy, within your lifetime will become unusable. | Apr 04 19:23 |
cubezzz | a hammer? :) | Apr 04 19:24 |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | Apr 04 19:24 | |
_Goblin | well if you use it then I'd suggest it would break.. | Apr 04 19:24 |
MinceR | depends on my lifetime :> | Apr 04 19:24 |
_Goblin | thats true | Apr 04 19:24 |
_Goblin | but then youre still renting it because you can't take it with you when you leave this world | Apr 04 19:24 |
cubezzz | I'd say it's still an open question | Apr 04 19:24 |
cubezzz | at least whether the vic-20 outlast me at least :) | Apr 04 19:25 |
MinceR | maybe with technology we can achieve immortality :> | Apr 04 19:25 |
_Goblin | unless you are a Pharaoh and are put to rest in a pyramid with all your belongings. | Apr 04 19:25 |
_Goblin | then I think you get to take things with you. | Apr 04 19:25 |
cubezzz | lots of vaxes still work | Apr 04 19:26 |
cubezzz | I can cite many examples | Apr 04 19:26 |
_Goblin | I'm sure they do, but I can't believe something..anything with moving parts last forever. | Apr 04 19:26 |
_Goblin | a diamond....that can I suppose | Apr 04 19:26 |
MinceR | nope | Apr 04 19:26 |
MinceR | even protons break down | Apr 04 19:26 |
_Goblin | but within your lifetime? | Apr 04 19:27 |
MinceR | depends :> | Apr 04 19:27 |
cubezzz | I just mean that the idea of it being necessary to junk stuff after a couple of years is false | Apr 04 19:27 |
_Goblin | because if we want to take it to extreme then the end of the universe will signify the end of everything anyway. | Apr 04 19:27 |
_Goblin | cubezzz, you find me a use for my HTC hero then | Apr 04 19:27 |
MinceR | depends on whether we'll develop the tech to jump to another universe | Apr 04 19:27 |
_Goblin | and please don't say donate to charity....thats a scam..of sorts | Apr 04 19:28 |
MinceR | (and whether humanity will survive until then, of course) | Apr 04 19:28 |
_Goblin | what use do I have for a Atari Jaguar? | Apr 04 19:28 |
cubezzz | _Goblin, can you reprogram it? | Apr 04 19:28 |
cubezzz | I still use my zaurus for example | Apr 04 19:29 |
MinceR | | Apr 04 19:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | If There Were No Guns The World Would Be Way Better - Cheezburger | Apr 04 19:29 | |
_Goblin | lol.....the htc? why would I want to......I've also got a S3 and an S4.... | Apr 04 19:29 |
_Goblin | the hero was slower than Windows after being left on the net unprotected for 10 years. | Apr 04 19:29 |
_Goblin | I could plug in and use my black and white portable...but what use? I've an HD which looks better. | Apr 04 19:30 |
_Goblin | software/ all ends up as junk...unless you want to fill your home with the stuff just because you don't want to throw it out....the hero wouldn't be used whatever I did to it...I have faster better phones...the hero could offer nothing to me. | Apr 04 19:31 |
cubezzz | there's an historical interest for old operating systems | Apr 04 19:32 |
cubezzz | I still program VM/370, Unix v6, etc | Apr 04 19:32 |
_Goblin | very true....but I'm not filling my house with crap for people to wander around and look at.... | Apr 04 19:32 |
_Goblin | the value of "historic" stuff is so cheap too since everybody keeps everything these days. | Apr 04 19:32 |
cubezzz | I actually don't have that much stuff | Apr 04 19:33 |
_Goblin | Even the Atari 2600 can be picked up quite cheap....thats certainly got a historic value. | Apr 04 19:33 |
cubezzz | | Apr 04 19:33 |
_Goblin | And you may well still code VM/370 - there's people still writing for the c64.....but these days you don't even need the hardware.....emulation... | Apr 04 19:34 |
cubezzz | _Goblin, yeah | Apr 04 19:34 |
cubezzz | I don't actually have any IBM 4300 series in my house :) | Apr 04 19:34 |
cubezzz | there's tons of emulation | Apr 04 19:35 |
cubezzz | all I have is a few slot 1's, 1 vic, 1 amiga 500, a zaurus, and a few laptops | Apr 04 19:35 |
_Goblin | emulation is the ultimate irony of the free software world... | Apr 04 19:35 |
_Goblin | because with the emulators being FOSS (and celebrated) they are designed to run proprietary software. | Apr 04 19:36 |
cubezzz | not at all | Apr 04 19:36 |
_Goblin | well of course they can be used to code.... | Apr 04 19:36 |
cubezzz | we have the source code for a lot of the old IBM operating systems | Apr 04 19:36 |
-->DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 04 19:36 | |
_Goblin | but what do you think the majority of users of emulators want them for.... | Apr 04 19:36 |
MinceR | dosbox runs free software :> | Apr 04 19:36 |
_Goblin | yes......but the Snes? | Apr 04 19:37 |
_Goblin | N64? | Apr 04 19:37 |
DaemonFC | hello? | Apr 04 19:37 |
MinceR | yes. | Apr 04 19:37 |
DaemonFC | Am I still here? | Apr 04 19:37 |
_Goblin | yep | Apr 04 19:37 |
DaemonFC | Oh good. | Apr 04 19:37 |
MinceR | can you hear me now? | Apr 04 19:37 |
DaemonFC | Yes, and so can President Obama. | Apr 04 19:37 |
DaemonFC | B-) | Apr 04 19:37 |
cubezzz | _Goblin, there's even stuff for amiga I'd buy in a second | Apr 04 19:37 |
cubezzz | but I can't find it | Apr 04 19:37 |
_Goblin | still have an a4000 | Apr 04 19:37 |
_Goblin | and an a1200 | Apr 04 19:37 |
DaemonFC | I think I got the situation with Comcast worked out. | Apr 04 19:37 |
_Goblin | until the next time | Apr 04 19:38 |
DaemonFC | I'm on their 3 Mbps plan for $27.99 a month for the next year. That includes my gateway. | Apr 04 19:38 |
DaemonFC | They boiled the frog up to where they had me paying $80-something a month for just internet. | Apr 04 19:38 |
DaemonFC | :/ | Apr 04 19:38 |
_Goblin | I bet within the week you are back here ranting about them.... | Apr 04 19:38 |
cubezzz | haha | Apr 04 19:38 |
cubezzz | no bet | Apr 04 19:38 |
_Goblin | :) | Apr 04 19:39 |
DaemonFC | It's a 24/7 job talking on the phone with them. | Apr 04 19:39 |
DaemonFC | Unless you subscribe to their phone service, and then there's no way to call them when it's not working. | Apr 04 19:39 |
DaemonFC | :) | Apr 04 19:39 |
_Goblin | You know you are probably on a pain in the a$$ customer list at comcast. | Apr 04 19:39 |
cubezzz | _Goblin, there's actually a whole new world to discover re: IBM | Apr 04 19:39 |
_Goblin | the operator is probably making silly faces when you call | Apr 04 19:39 |
cubezzz | IBM 1401 and 1130 for example | Apr 04 19:39 |
DaemonFC | [19:39] <_Goblin> the operator is probably making silly faces when you call | Apr 04 19:40 |
DaemonFC | Oh, probably. | Apr 04 19:40 |
_Goblin | pressing secrecy and swearing at you | Apr 04 19:40 |
DaemonFC | The mute button. | Apr 04 19:40 |
DaemonFC | LOL | Apr 04 19:40 |
_Goblin | playing back recordings of you and slagging you off with their friends at lunchtime. | Apr 04 19:40 |
DaemonFC | _Goblin: If you really hammer them, eventually they give you a 12 month promo to get rid of you though. | Apr 04 19:40 |
DaemonFC | I'm not the first one that noticed this. | Apr 04 19:40 |
_Goblin | I'm not sure who my service provider will be when I move to the US. | Apr 04 19:41 |
DaemonFC | Comcast and AT&T are the two choices in most areas. | Apr 04 19:41 |
cubezzz | I keep telling people to find a free-net | Apr 04 19:41 |
_Goblin | I'm Oregon... | Apr 04 19:41 |
DaemonFC | Comcast is the second worst right after AT&T. | Apr 04 19:42 |
_Goblin | I take it there's no Virgin Media... | Apr 04 19:42 |
_Goblin | or Sky Broadband | Apr 04 19:42 |
_Goblin | to be fair I may well take a desktop netbreak for a few months.... | Apr 04 19:43 |
_Goblin | it will be nice to merely do other things.......I've plenty to go and visit.... | Apr 04 19:43 |
cubezzz | there's Blue Frog Internet in NY | Apr 04 19:43 |
DaemonFC | There are some satellite providers if you're stuck out in the middle of nowhere, but they're REALLY expensive. | Apr 04 19:43 |
_Goblin | I'm Astoria,OR | Apr 04 19:43 |
cubezzz | I think netzero is still around | Apr 04 19:44 |
DaemonFC | The satellite ISPs in the US are so expensive that you're better off using the cell phone network for your data. :) | Apr 04 19:44 |
DaemonFC | If that tells you anything... | Apr 04 19:44 |
cubezzz | _Goblin, what's your zipcode? | Apr 04 19:44 |
_Goblin | i'll DM you... | Apr 04 19:44 |
MinceR | Dungeon Master? :> | Apr 04 19:45 |
DaemonFC | cubezzz: There's no point in using Netzero. | Apr 04 19:45 |
cubezzz | why not? | Apr 04 19:45 |
DaemonFC | They're $10 a month for dial up, but a copper telephone line costs like $14 a month. | Apr 04 19:45 |
DaemonFC | So you're at $24 a month for dial up. Comcast 3 mbps with gateway rental is $27.99 for a year. | Apr 04 19:45 |
DaemonFC | Then all you have to do is call back and ask for them to extend the deal. | Apr 04 19:46 |
DaemonFC | Tell them you got something in the mail from AT&T, and you'll get another year out of them. | Apr 04 19:46 |
DaemonFC | Is $4 a month really worth getting stuck with dial up vs 3 Mbps cable? | Apr 04 19:47 |
cubezzz | DaemonFC, netzero also has broadband | Apr 04 19:47 |
DaemonFC | Yeah, but it's ADSL that goes over AT&T's network anyway. | Apr 04 19:47 |
DaemonFC | You're paying AT&T prices and getting a different logo on your bill. | Apr 04 19:47 |
cubezzz | DaemonFC, you really should check for a free-net | Apr 04 19:48 |
DaemonFC | Actually, you might even pay more with Netzero, because AT&T has 12 month promos. | Apr 04 19:48 |
cubezzz | they don't really advertise so it's easy to overlook them | Apr 04 19:48 |
DaemonFC | I believe that 768k DSL is $19.95 a month for a year if you go with AT&T. | Apr 04 19:48 |
cubezzz | ok, so how much are you paying now? | Apr 04 19:48 |
_Goblin | I pay (including line rental) about £30 per month | Apr 04 19:49 |
DaemonFC | After Comcast agreed to the 12 month deal? | Apr 04 19:49 |
DaemonFC | 3 Mbps with gateway rental for $27.99 a month | Apr 04 19:49 |
cubezzz | $19.95 actually sounds pretty good | Apr 04 19:49 |
_Goblin | that gets me free local/national calls between 7pm-7am and free all weekend too | Apr 04 19:49 |
DaemonFC | Yeah, and AT&T will even throw in a $25 gift card with that. | Apr 04 19:49 |
_Goblin | and as much internet as I can eat | Apr 04 19:49 |
_Goblin | Thats with Sky Broadband | Apr 04 19:50 |
cubezzz | netzero has a $9.99 plan, checking it now | Apr 04 19:50 |
_Goblin | cheers! | Apr 04 19:50 |
DaemonFC | So really your first year of 768k dry loop DSL would work out to $17.86 a month. | Apr 04 19:51 |
DaemonFC | That's a good price for a basic dry loop DSL line. | Apr 04 19:52 |
_Goblin | thats good.... | Apr 04 19:52 |
cubezzz | on a free-net they'll let you run web servers, email servers etc | Apr 04 19:52 |
DaemonFC | Well, compared with dial up. | Apr 04 19:52 |
DaemonFC | Dial up actually costs more than basic DSL these days. | Apr 04 19:52 |
DaemonFC | So, there's absolutely no reason to use dial up unless you simply have no choice. | Apr 04 19:53 |
_Goblin | And do you get Sky Sports over in the US? | Apr 04 19:53 |
DaemonFC | I don't know. Maybe with satellite TV. | Apr 04 19:53 |
_Goblin | Because I'm sorry but the MLS is a little..........crap | Apr 04 19:53 |
DaemonFC | I remember that I got both of the BBCs when I had DirecTV. | Apr 04 19:53 |
_Goblin | I want UK football | Apr 04 19:54 |
_Goblin | and notice the word football there..... | Apr 04 19:54 |
DaemonFC | I think we had Sky, but only if you had their more expensive package. | Apr 04 19:54 |
DaemonFC | Comcast is basically gobbling up everything. | Apr 04 19:54 |
_Goblin | There's no such thing as "American Football"...because the sport rarely kicks the ball........ I won't call football soccer, so I'm expecting the US to think of a new name for your American Football when I arrive. | Apr 04 19:55 |
MinceR | _Goblin: yes, i've noticed you're talking about soccer :> | Apr 04 19:55 |
DaemonFC | They're gouging other cable companies if they want to carry Comcast SportsNet and they're signing exclusivity deals to broadcast some of the major games. | Apr 04 19:55 |
DaemonFC | So without it, you get blacked out of a lot of stuff. | Apr 04 19:55 |
MinceR | _Goblin: you could call it Handegg. | Apr 04 19:55 |
_Goblin | Yes.... | Apr 04 19:55 |
_Goblin | melonball | Apr 04 19:55 |
DaemonFC | :/ | Apr 04 19:55 |
cubezzz | well they do kick it sometimes for field goals :) | Apr 04 19:55 |
MinceR | dunno, the melons i know are pretty spherical | Apr 04 19:56 |
_Goblin | American Melonball.....that works | Apr 04 19:56 |
MinceR | also, i don't really care -- i prefer Bombing Run anyway. :> | Apr 04 19:56 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: I've decided to take Best Buy up on that offer. | Apr 04 19:56 |
_Goblin | and sometimes you throw the ball in football but we don't call it throwball | Apr 04 19:56 |
MinceR | _Goblin: but you never foot the ball | Apr 04 19:56 |
DaemonFC | I have a crappy old Pentium 3 system with Windows XP on it somewhere in one of my bedroom closets. | Apr 04 19:56 |
_Goblin | you use your foot though | Apr 04 19:56 |
DaemonFC | I'm going to take it in and get that $100 credit for a new computer. | Apr 04 19:57 |
MinceR | :) | Apr 04 19:57 |
cubezzz | technically it's a prolate spheroid :) | Apr 04 19:57 |
cubezzz | Prolate Spheroidball :) | Apr 04 19:57 |
_Goblin | DaemonFC, so it was worth keeping....but how much did you pay? The difference after being sold is what you paid to rent it. | Apr 04 19:57 |
MinceR | Handprolate Spheroid | Apr 04 19:57 |
_Goblin | yep that works.... | Apr 04 19:57 |
_Goblin | unlike the Portland Timbers......awful season so far. | Apr 04 19:57 |
MinceR | also Foottruncated Icosahedron | Apr 04 19:58 |
cubezzz | haha | Apr 04 19:58 |
_Goblin | over here, your football is what we call rugby....the difference though is we don't wear crash helmets and armour. | Apr 04 19:58 |
MinceR | yet another game | Apr 04 19:59 |
DaemonFC | _Goblin: Keep what? Comcast? | Apr 04 19:59 |
MinceR | and there are a few more versions of it around | Apr 04 19:59 |
DaemonFC | The internet package is $20, the gateway is $8 a month. | Apr 04 19:59 |
_Goblin | DaemonFC, I was talking about your pc in closet | Apr 04 19:59 |
MinceR | | Apr 04 19:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Australian rules football - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | Apr 04 19:59 | |
DaemonFC | Oh. Got it for free. | Apr 04 19:59 |
MinceR | there's this, for example | Apr 04 19:59 |
_Goblin | DaemonFC, you would | Apr 04 19:59 |
DaemonFC | My stepdad's workplace was getting rid of old computers. | Apr 04 19:59 |
DaemonFC | They gave it to him. He gave it to me. | Apr 04 19:59 |
MinceR | the field's pretty weird | Apr 04 19:59 |
_Goblin | DaemonFC, then your step dad rented it | Apr 04 19:59 |
_Goblin | DaemonFC, or his workplace | Apr 04 20:00 |
DaemonFC | Well, it's worth $100 now. | Apr 04 20:00 |
MinceR | | Apr 04 20:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gaelic football - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | Apr 04 20:00 | |
MinceR | | Apr 04 20:00 |
DaemonFC | I doubt that anyone else would give me $100 for it. | Apr 04 20:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | International rules football - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | Apr 04 20:00 | |
cubezzz | Oregon used to have RITNet but it looks like it's dead now | Apr 04 20:00 |
_Goblin | lol...I was just going to mention that. | Apr 04 20:00 |
_Goblin | what oregon or RITnet? | Apr 04 20:00 |
_Goblin | ;) | Apr 04 20:00 |
cubezzz | the free-nets in the U.S. are mostly gone now | Apr 04 20:00 |
DaemonFC | We used to have all kinds of free dial up. | Apr 04 20:01 |
_Goblin | I'm not overly concerned since I have had a poor service here in the UK for some time. | Apr 04 20:01 |
DaemonFC | Most of them made you use a Windows program that displayed ads. | Apr 04 20:01 |
DaemonFC | The business model went under. It was part of the dotcom bubble. | Apr 04 20:01 |
cubezzz | we still have community internet in Canada | Apr 04 20:02 |
DaemonFC | Now I can't browse some websites. | Apr 04 20:02 |
DaemonFC | But others load. WTF... | Apr 04 20:02 |
cubezzz | I'm looking into what still exists in the U.S. | Apr 04 20:02 |
*DaemonFC headdesks | Apr 04 20:02 | |
_Goblin | I'm looking forward to the adventure.....its my wifes side of the family there...... | Apr 04 20:02 |
_Goblin | I think I've been to the states about 5 times..... | Apr 04 20:02 |
DaemonFC | _Goblin: If you can live with basic DSL, that's the best deal. | Apr 04 20:03 |
_Goblin | I think I will | Apr 04 20:03 |
DaemonFC | If you have a phone line, AT&T knocks the DSL down to $14.95 a month for the 12 months. | Apr 04 20:03 |
DaemonFC | I think the phone line only costs $7 if you have DSL. | Apr 04 20:03 |
DaemonFC | So $21.95 for phone and basic DSL or $19.95 for just basic DSL. | Apr 04 20:03 |
_Goblin | I don't think I would need any great speeds for my online work....and that will suffice for the PS3....which I can't bring... | Apr 04 20:04 |
DaemonFC | If you have a dial tone, you need to install a filter. | Apr 04 20:04 |
cubezzz | ah ok you guys still have the RAIN network | Apr 04 20:04 |
DaemonFC | One says "phone" and one says "DSL". | Apr 04 20:04 |
_Goblin | yeah I have a DSL filter here | Apr 04 20:04 |
cubezzz | | Apr 04 20:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | RAIN National Public Internet | Apr 04 20:05 | |
_Goblin | Right....time for smoke I think....... | Apr 04 20:06 |
_Goblin | do you have cigarettes in the US? ;) | Apr 04 20:06 |
_Goblin | you certainly don't have fish and chips....I've not seen a fish and chip shop anytime I've been there. | Apr 04 20:06 |
DaemonFC | Yeah. They're about the worst ones for you in the world. | Apr 04 20:07 |
cubezzz | Arthur Treacher's comes to mind | Apr 04 20:07 |
DaemonFC | Except for maybe those organic ones. | Apr 04 20:07 |
DaemonFC | I smoke those sometimes. | Apr 04 20:07 |
_Goblin | and maple syrup? What is that muck...its awful. | Apr 04 20:07 |
_Goblin | Mountain Dew? nope. I want Kiora.....I want colourants....I want high sugar levels and E numbers. | Apr 04 20:08 |
_Goblin | and pork don't seem to have them either. | Apr 04 20:08 |
MinceR | E numbers are easy to get | Apr 04 20:08 |
MinceR | even ascorbic acid has one | Apr 04 20:08 |
_Goblin | I'll import pork pies I think..... | Apr 04 20:08 |
MinceR | probably water has one as well | Apr 04 20:08 |
MinceR | probably oxygen has one, too | Apr 04 20:09 |
_Goblin | your water is flamable fraking areas. | Apr 04 20:09 |
MinceR | not mine :> | Apr 04 20:09 |
*MinceR is not in the use | Apr 04 20:09 | |
_Goblin | damn cheap to heat the house.... | Apr 04 20:09 |
MinceR | s/e$/a/ | Apr 04 20:09 |
DaemonFC | I got a DMCA notice from a porn company. | Apr 04 20:09 |
_Goblin | what for lighting your taps? | Apr 04 20:09 |
MinceR | lol | Apr 04 20:09 |
DaemonFC | It's straight porn. I don't recall downloading that. | Apr 04 20:09 |
MinceR | lol | Apr 04 20:10 |
_Goblin | I didn't think they still did that... I thought they had given up on trying to get money. | Apr 04 20:11 |
DaemonFC | Comcast doesn't cooperate with them. They just forward the notice. | Apr 04 20:11 |
_Goblin | Why don't you write back and ask for confirmation.......? | Apr 04 20:11 |
_Goblin | ;) | Apr 04 20:11 |
DaemonFC | I'm not following any links that a porn company put in a DMCA notice. | Apr 04 20:11 |
_Goblin | proxy? | Apr 04 20:12 |
_Goblin | I was reading on Torrentfreak once about a pensioner who got one of those notices for a porn film. | Apr 04 20:13 |
_Goblin | he said he didn't recall downloading it..... | Apr 04 20:13 |
_Goblin | sounds like a weak excuse......I bet thats what everyone says. | Apr 04 20:14 |
_Goblin | ;) | Apr 04 20:14 |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | Apr 04 20:17 | |
cubezzz | DMCA takedown! | Apr 04 20:18 |
MinceR | gn | Apr 04 20:19 |
-->DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 04 20:20 | |
DaemonFC | OK. It seems that restarting the computer actually fixes things when you're not using Windows. | Apr 04 20:20 |
DaemonFC | :) | Apr 04 20:20 |
MinceR | lol | Apr 04 20:22 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: Can't wait to get my Chromebook.... | Apr 04 20:27 |
DaemonFC | I've been wanting one, but for $90, it's just screaming "take me home with you!". | Apr 04 20:27 |
DaemonFC | The C7 is $199. The old Windows XP shitbucket qualifies me for the $100 store credit towards a new computer. | Apr 04 20:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Intel Releases $99 “Minnowboard Max,” An | Apr 04 20:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | Open-Source Single-Board Computer | Apr 04 20:28 |
DaemonFC | That brings it down to $99. | Apr 04 20:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 04 20:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 20:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Cisco edges away from VMware, tries Red Hat on | Apr 04 20:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | for size | Apr 04 20:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 20:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Intel Releases $99 “Minnowboard Max,” An Open-Source Single-Board Computer | Tux Machines | Apr 04 20:28 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cisco edges away from VMware, tries Red Hat on for size | Tux Machines | Apr 04 20:28 | |
DaemonFC | Then I add a 20 ounce soda for $1.50 out of their cooler. | Apr 04 20:28 |
cubezzz | ok, this should be interesting... define "old computer" | Apr 04 20:28 |
DaemonFC | Now I'm over $100, which qualifies me for the $10 best buy rebate from iBotta. | Apr 04 20:28 |
DaemonFC | So, I get the Chromebook, a 20 ounce soda, and 2 years of 100 GB Google Drive for $91.50 +tax | Apr 04 20:29 |
DaemonFC | cubezzz: An old Pentium 3 system. | Apr 04 20:29 |
cubezzz | ha, ok | Apr 04 20:29 |
DaemonFC | While Dave was using it, I noticed it only had 256 MB of RAM, so I went through my old parts bucket and found enough compatible RAM to upgrade it to 1 GB. | Apr 04 20:30 |
DaemonFC | The system went from painfully slow to just slow. | Apr 04 20:30 |
DaemonFC | :) | Apr 04 20:30 |
cubezzz | I'd run openbsd on that quite happily | Apr 04 20:30 |
DaemonFC | Windows XP doesn't work well at all with less than 1 GB of RAM. | Apr 04 20:30 |
DaemonFC | I've seen systems that came with XP with as little as 128 MB of RAM. | Apr 04 20:31 |
DaemonFC | Yuck. | Apr 04 20:31 |
DaemonFC | I actually used the Windows XP x64 Edition for quite some time. | Apr 04 20:31 |
DaemonFC | I wanted access to more than 4 GB of RAM, but not badly enough to use Windows Vista, so I settled on XP x64. | Apr 04 20:32 |
DaemonFC | I can put the Chromebook in developer mode and run Fedora on it. | Apr 04 20:38 |
DaemonFC | Then I have a brand new laptop computer that runs Fedora for $90. | Apr 04 20:39 |
DaemonFC |,0,6740686.story#axzz2xr6svoVp | Apr 04 20:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Best Buy offering $100 credit to those who trade in Windows XP computers - [ ] | Apr 04 20:49 | |
DaemonFC | Any PC, Mac, or Chromebook. | Apr 04 20:49 |
DaemonFC | I better get there early. | Apr 04 20:49 |
DaemonFC | I'll bet I'm not the only one with their eyes on a cheap Chromebook. | Apr 04 20:50 |
DaemonFC | The Chromebook is really the logical choice. | Apr 04 20:50 |
DaemonFC | The $100 credit applied to a Mac basically takes nothing off the price of the Mac relative to the price before the discount. | Apr 04 20:50 |
cubezzz | interesting | Apr 04 20:50 |
DaemonFC | Best Buy probably figures that people will tkae the $100 credit and use it as a 5% discount on a Macbook. | Apr 04 20:51 |
DaemonFC | But it cuts the price of the Chromebooks in half! | Apr 04 20:51 |
cubezzz | yes, a bit of a loophole there | Apr 04 20:52 |
-->tim_ (~tim@ has joined #techrights | Apr 04 20:52 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 04 20:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Get an Acer C720 Chromebook for $99 - CNET [ ] | Apr 04 20:55 | |
<--_Goblin has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | Apr 04 20:55 | |
DaemonFC | 2 secs · | Apr 04 20:58 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 04 20:58 |
DaemonFC | Push, pull, or drag in your old Windows XP behemoth and leave with a Chromebook! | Apr 04 20:58 |
DaemonFC | Nice trade! I'll be there first thing Sunday. | Apr 04 20:58 |
<--jono__ has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | Apr 04 21:26 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fedora Present and Future: a 2014 | Apr 04 22:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | Update (Intermission) | Apr 04 22:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 22:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines APT's New Version | Apr 04 22:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora Present and Future: a 2014 Update (Intermission) | Tux Machines | Apr 04 22:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 22:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | APT's New Version | Tux Machines | Apr 04 22:03 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines In-Vehicle Systems: The Next Frontier | Apr 04 22:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 04 22:03 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 22:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | In-Vehicle Systems: The Next Frontier | Tux Machines | Apr 04 22:03 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: Are you going to note the Best Buy offer? | Apr 04 22:20 |
DaemonFC | Trading in an old Windows XP system for a cheap Chromebook seems too good to ignore. | Apr 04 22:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Google gives a sneak peak at Project Ara | Apr 04 23:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | development | Apr 04 23:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 23:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Plasma Next Plasma | Apr 04 23:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google gives a sneak peak at Project Ara development | Tux Machines | Apr 04 23:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 23:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 13-Way Radeon Graphics On Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | Apr 04 23:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Plasma Next Plasma | Tux Machines | Apr 04 23:05 | |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 04 23:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 04 23:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 13-Way Radeon Graphics On Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | Tux Machines | Apr 04 23:05 | |
DaemonFC | MinceR: I had a break up last week, and one of the grievances expressed by the other party was that I was "too smart" and that it intimidated him and his friends. | Apr 04 23:10 |
DaemonFC | How can you be too smart? Is that like having too much money or complaining that the house is too big? | Apr 04 23:10 |
schestowitz__ | [03:20] <DaemonFC> schestowitz: Are you going to note the Best Buy offer? | Apr 04 23:50 |
schestowitz__ | I might, but I don't like Best Buy | Apr 04 23:50 |
schestowitz__ | !google best buy techrights | Apr 04 23:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Boycott Best Buy | Techrights | | Apr 04 23:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - Microsoft's Latest Anti-GNU/Linux Moves Are Sign of ... - Techrights | | Apr 04 23:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Dell | Techrights | | Apr 04 23:50 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Microsoft's Anti-GNU/Linux Training Comes to Office ... - Techrights | | Apr 04 23:50 |
cubezzz | yes, that was 2009 though | Apr 05 00:01 |
cubezzz | is Microsoft still doing this? | Apr 05 00:02 |
*cubezzz looks around | Apr 05 00:03 | |
cubezzz | best buy was offering that trade-in deal for a chromebook | Apr 05 00:05 |
cubezzz | didn't sound bad at all | Apr 05 00:05 |
cubezzz | in Canada best buy has the chromebook for $199.95 for the Acer C7 | Apr 05 00:07 |
cubezzz | that's definite progress... | Apr 05 00:07 |
cubezzz | Samsung and HP are also available | Apr 05 00:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines vogl support for Unreal Engine 4 | Apr 05 00:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 05 00:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 05 00:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines London borough drops Windows, goes with | Apr 05 00:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | Chromebooks, saves around £400,000 | Apr 05 00:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 05 00:10 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 05 00:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | vogl support for Unreal Engine 4 | Tux Machines | Apr 05 00:11 | |
DaemonFC | Windows XP out, Chromebook in. | Apr 05 00:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | London borough drops Windows, goes with Chromebooks, saves around £400,000 | Tux Machines | Apr 05 00:11 | |
-->TRT ( has joined #techrights | Apr 05 00:11 | |
cubezzz | I'm just not seeing any corrosive "Get the Facts" style campaigns now | Apr 05 00:11 |
cubezzz | correct me if I'm wrong | Apr 05 00:11 |
schestowitz__ | There is | Apr 05 00:13 |
schestowitz__ | Scroogled | Apr 05 00:13 |
schestowitz__ | anti-Chromebooks also | Apr 05 00:13 |
cubezzz | hyprocrisy :) | Apr 05 00:24 |
cubezzz | yeah I see it now | Apr 05 00:25 |
cubezzz | around christmas season last year, but I'm only seeing it now | Apr 05 00:25 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AVLinux Goodies, Linux Tops XP Poll, and | Apr 05 01:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | Learning Linux | Apr 05 01:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 05 01:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AVLinux Goodies, Linux Tops XP Poll, and Learning Linux | Tux Machines | Apr 05 01:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Wine Announcement | Apr 05 01:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 05 01:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wine Announcement | Tux Machines | Apr 05 01:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines A Look At The Ubuntu 14.04 Kernel Configuration | Apr 05 01:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 05 01:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 05 01:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Look At The Ubuntu 14.04 Kernel Configuration | Tux Machines | Apr 05 01:07 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Get an Acer C720 Chromebook for $99 | Apr 05 01:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 05 01:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 05 01:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Get an Acer C720 Chromebook for $99 | Tux Machines | Apr 05 01:07 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: I searched for Chromebooks on my Android phone using Google Now. | Apr 05 02:05 |
DaemonFC | An ad for Windows laptops popped up. | Apr 05 02:05 |
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<--cubezzz has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 05 07:41 | |
-->cubezzz ( has joined #techrights | Apr 05 07:42 | |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 05 08:03 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 05 09:04 |
<--TechrightsBot-tr has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 05 09:06 | |
<--mahuka has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 05 10:14 | |
MinceR | | Apr 05 10:45 |
DaemonFC | I remember MST3K making fun of Voyager at one point... | Apr 05 10:48 |
DaemonFC | Mike Nelson dressed up as Captain Janeway and couldn't remember how many people were actually on the ship. | Apr 05 10:49 |
*DaemonFC needs to find that clip. | Apr 05 10:49 | |
DaemonFC | MinceR: Did you see the one where Brent Spiner was talking about Data's cat? | Apr 05 10:49 |
MinceR | no | Apr 05 10:50 |
MinceR | but i think i've read about it | Apr 05 10:50 |
DaemonFC | He said he hated working with the cat. It followed the script once. "Data opens a can of cat food and Spot eats it." | Apr 05 10:50 |
DaemonFC | That's a cat for you..... | Apr 05 10:50 |
MinceR | :3 | Apr 05 10:50 |
Sosumi | | Apr 05 12:55 |
Sosumi | made my day | Apr 05 12:55 |
Sosumi | | Apr 05 13:11 |
Sosumi | "Metaphysical Doubts Concerning the Existence of Modern Ukraine, a 1918 Creation of the German General Staff" | Apr 05 13:12 |
Sosumi | aka | Apr 05 13:12 |
Sosumi | how ukraine came to be | Apr 05 13:12 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 05 13:42 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 05 13:42 |
schestowitz__ | This reminds me of an Agilent test equipment I knew some time ago. It was based on HP-UX and it was good, but difficult to use. And with HP-UX becoming expensive and less and less popular they decided to change platform. | Apr 05 13:42 |
schestowitz__ | Did they go to Linux? No! They decided to run the whole environment in Windows, in an emulator. That way they got the worst of two worlds: an equipment slow, insecure and unreliable like Windows, and still difficult to use and manage like HP-UX. | Apr 05 13:42 |
schestowitz__ | People has to let go Windows XP for good, and preferably the whole Windows platform. | Apr 05 13:42 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 05 13:42 |
schestowitz__ | "The only sane way to run non free software is in an emulator. I wonder what this distro did to make that easier than virtual box. Maybe I'll spin up a copy of this to see, but I'm a little shy of something called "stealth VM" that's surrounded by NSA friendly adverts." | Apr 05 13:42 |
schestowitz__ | "Hmm, they use Vurtual Box. The "10 second" Windows 7 or Windows XP install probably gets a copy of VMs that Microsoft made available without promises a couple of years ago. I don't think I'd want to touch that, even in my VM's VM. Forget it." | Apr 05 13:42 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 05 13:43 |
schestowitz__ | I used to have a vm with Windows, but I stopped using it long time ago due to not having the need to use it. Nowadays Linux has a lot of software and companies have become more oss-friendly while making websites, I guess due to the widely recognized security fiasco of the IE. | Apr 05 13:43 |
schestowitz__ | I don't even use wine anymore, and I have a company laptop for work so I don't have to have software I don't like in my personal computers. | Apr 05 13:43 |
schestowitz__ | Never has been a better time to leave Windows completely like this time. | Apr 05 13:43 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 05 13:43 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 05 13:43 |
schestowitz__ | "I bring my personal computer to work. To deal with other people's bad choices, I use tsclient, wine and vitural box. Virtual box has helped me keep some software alive beyond the life of the hardware it came with. That and all the privacy and solid performance of free software, are solid advantages of free software. I'd much rather those vendors got their software freedom but I'm able to deal with their stuff until they do." | Apr 05 13:43 |
schestowitz__ | "I dread newer versions of Windows, made with an awareness of virtual machines and free software like tsclient. I'm afraid of what it might do to make trouble for me." | Apr 05 13:44 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 05 13:44 |
schestowitz__ | That's great guys! | Apr 05 13:44 |
schestowitz__ | Will Hill, what is tsclient used for? | Apr 05 13:44 |
schestowitz__ | I need to talk to you about business privately but I can't maybe because you you didn't approve my Diaspora friendship yet. Could you please message me privately? Thanks. | Apr 05 13:44 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 05 13:44 |
<--TweetTuxMachines has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 05 14:19 | |
-->TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 05 14:19 | |
-->quzina (~quzina@ has joined #techrights | Apr 05 14:26 | |
schestowitz__ | where;s goblin? | Apr 05 14:34 |
schestowitz__ | He was planning to record today.. | Apr 05 14:34 |
<--quzina has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 05 14:43 | |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 05 14:44 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines ODF vs. OOXML: War of the Words Chapter 4 – | Apr 05 15:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | Eric Kriss, Peter Quinn and the ETRM | Apr 05 15:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 05 15:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 05 15:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines More INQUIRER readers will switch from Windows | Apr 05 15:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | XP to Linux than to Windows 8 | Apr 05 15:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 05 15:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 05 15:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New Media/V4L2 Drivers For Linux 3.15 | Apr 05 15:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 05 15:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 05 15:04 |
<--amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | Apr 05 15:12 | |
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-->sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Apr 05 15:28 | |
sebsebseb | hi | Apr 05 15:28 |
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 05 15:32 | |
Sosumi | seb³ | Apr 05 15:52 |
<--tearms has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Apr 05 15:52 | |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: hi | Apr 05 15:52 |
Sosumi | how's life treating ya? | Apr 05 15:53 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: not that great | Apr 05 15:53 |
sebsebseb | depends | Apr 05 15:54 |
Sosumi | :( | Apr 05 15:57 |
Sosumi | well, but it can't always be great, right? | Apr 05 15:58 |
Sosumi | but don't worry, one day I'll be asking how your computer has been treating you | Apr 05 15:59 |
Sosumi | which begs me to ask if there's any project to bring a mix of siri/cortana and watson into gnu/linux | Apr 05 16:00 |
MinceR | wasn't watson already running on gnu/linux? | Apr 05 16:01 |
Sosumi | yes | Apr 05 16:01 |
Sosumi | but it isn't "free" | Apr 05 16:01 |
MinceR | that said, if you want to send voice audio to the nsa on gnu/linux, you can probably do that already | Apr 05 16:01 |
Sosumi | that was why I mentioned watson | Apr 05 16:01 |
Sosumi | because watson does all the computing locally | Apr 05 16:02 |
Sosumi | contrarily to siri | Apr 05 16:02 |
Sosumi | actually, not even the voice recognition features on osx do the computing locally | Apr 05 16:03 |
Sosumi | it is all sent to crapple | Apr 05 16:03 |
Sosumi | and then sent back | Apr 05 16:03 |
Sosumi | but no idea about windblows | Apr 05 16:04 |
MinceR | almost certainly the same | Apr 05 16:04 |
Sosumi | maybe, someone should flood apple's transcription service with profanity | Apr 05 16:06 |
Sosumi | like having a mic capture south park's dialogue | Apr 05 16:06 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 05 16:06 |
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Sosumi | | Apr 05 16:57 |
Sosumi | "Why No One Trusts Facebook To Power The Future" | Apr 05 16:57 |
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-->DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 05 19:03 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 05 19:20 |
MinceR | Microsoft® Security™ | Apr 05 19:20 |
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MinceR | gn | Apr 05 21:13 |
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-->DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 05 22:54 | |
DaemonFC | J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says: | Apr 05 23:00 |
DaemonFC | "Firefox on a Crapple" | Apr 05 23:00 |
DaemonFC | I don't know what the point of that is. You can't pretend to have freedom when the software running the computer is undermining that from the minute you turn the machine on. | Apr 05 23:00 |
DaemonFC | Apple doesn't really make computers. They make iTunes kiosks. In other words, toys for stupid people with too much money. The iThings are useless for general purpose computing, and the Macs are becoming more like that with every new version of OS X. | Apr 05 23:00 |
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Sosumi | they still haven't removed the terminal | Apr 06 04:03 |
Sosumi | but it'll probably go away on the next release or so :) | Apr 06 04:03 |
-->Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrights | Apr 06 04:59 | |
DaemonFC | The Best Buy circular is out. | Apr 06 05:00 |
DaemonFC | The trade in deal says it has to be a laptop running Windows XP. | Apr 06 05:01 |
DaemonFC | The news articles just said "Windows XP PC". | Apr 06 05:01 |
DaemonFC | I might call the store and ask if desktop PCs qualify. | Apr 06 05:01 |
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<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | Apr 06 06:28 | |
MinceR | their terminal always sucked | Apr 06 07:15 |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 06 07:19 |
Sosumi | it's basically a copy past from bsd | Apr 06 07:51 |
Sosumi | *paste | Apr 06 07:51 |
MinceR | yet pageup/pagedown is broken, for example | Apr 06 08:07 |
MinceR | also, i wonder how bsd used the osx windowing system | Apr 06 08:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines CyanogenMod reveals new branding that | Apr 06 08:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | represents openness, security and customization | Apr 06 08:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 06 08:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 08:12 |
<--Cirrus_Minor has quit (Quit: Left) | Apr 06 08:22 | |
Sosumi | | Apr 06 09:03 |
Sosumi | Not dead yet: Dutch, British governments pay to keep Windows XP alive | Apr 06 09:03 |
cubezzz | bsd was first with the window managers | Apr 06 09:11 |
cubezzz | 4.3bsd had X, Xqvss, Xqdss, Xsun along with xwm, uwm, and xnwm | Apr 06 09:17 |
cubezzz | earliest versions ran on DEC VS100 displays | Apr 06 09:20 |
schestowitz | | Apr 06 09:50 |
cubezzz | I wrote a simple script if anyone wants to experiment with Xnest and different window managers: | Apr 06 10:01 |
cubezzz | | Apr 06 10:01 |
schestowitz | | Apr 06 10:27 |
schestowitz | cubezzz: publish it in some relevant site | Apr 06 10:27 |
schestowitz | it has no searchable info associated with it | Apr 06 10:28 |
-->sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Apr 06 10:48 | |
sebsebseb | hi MinceR Sosumi XFaCE schestowitz | Apr 06 10:49 |
MinceR | hay | Apr 06 10:49 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: good and bad news | Apr 06 10:49 |
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schestowitz | hi, what's up? | Apr 06 11:04 |
schestowitz | | Apr 06 11:05 |
schestowitz | hm... bot dropped | Apr 06 11:05 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: my Mum is finally going to let me switch her over to LInux | Apr 06 11:06 |
sebsebseb | since the XP end of life | Apr 06 11:06 |
sebsebseb | well once she's backed up and yeah | Apr 06 11:06 |
-->TechrightsBot-tr ( has joined #techrights | Apr 06 11:06 | |
TechrightsBot-tr | Hello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.75 | Apr 06 11:06 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: old lap top from 2005 or so | Apr 06 11:06 |
schestowitz | hm... bot dropped | Apr 06 11:06 |
schestowitz | | Apr 06 11:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Today in #Techrights | Apr 06 11:06 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | Apr 06 11:06 | |
schestowitz | sebsebseb: that's not so old a laptop | Apr 06 11:06 |
schestowitz | I have one from 1999, haven't booted it since 2011 | Apr 06 11:07 |
schestowitz | HDD issues | Apr 06 11:07 |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: I got extenral CD/DVD drive issues | Apr 06 11:09 |
sebsebseb | I asusme it'sm eant to be able to burn CD's/DVD's as well, but | Apr 06 11:10 |
sebsebseb | the one I bought for my netbook two years or so ago this is | Apr 06 11:10 |
sebsebseb | ,but it's getting about half way or so, an then it stops, and it's like the discs are blank still. or it puts a few fles on the discs and that's it | Apr 06 11:10 |
MinceR | | Apr 06 11:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GM Recall: Does the Government Bailout Protect It From Liability? - Businessweek [ ] | Apr 06 11:27 | |
MinceR | wow. | Apr 06 11:27 |
MinceR | | Apr 06 11:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GM's immunity in recall questioned | The Detroit News [ ] | Apr 06 11:28 | |
<--jono has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Apr 06 11:52 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | Apr 06 12:20 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 12:20 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | Apr 06 12:20 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 06 13:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Robolinux 7.4.2 Distro Can Keep Windows XP Running Inside Forever Without Viruses or Malware #gnu #linux #winxp | Apr 06 13:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Robolinux 7.4.2 Distro Can Keep Windows XP Running Inside Forever Without Viruses or Malware [ ] | Apr 06 13:27 | |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 06 13:27 |
schestowitz__ | Good to know about a new Friendica pod. Although I already have an account there, I know just a little about their work. One thing that makes me happy is the interoperability between Friendica and Diaspora networks. For me it sounds like a beginning of a real democratic space for the users, where they can choose any pod from any network to store their own accounts based on their preferences. | Apr 06 13:27 |
schestowitz__ | The federation here is working fine, and since the start of this new pod in Brazil, I have had no federation issues. It seems like the Diaspora* code is becoming stronger and more reliable on each release. | Apr 06 13:27 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 06 13:27 |
-->neildarlow ( has joined #techrights | Apr 06 13:55 | |
schestowitz__ | nonsense of the day: | Apr 06 13:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Should Build On Its Past, Not Ignore It - Forbes [ ] | Apr 06 13:56 | |
schestowitz__ | warning: Forbes | Apr 06 13:56 |
<--neildarlow has quit (Client Quit) | Apr 06 13:57 | |
Sosumi | sebsebseb, just create a bootable usb stick | Apr 06 14:01 |
Sosumi | and install it from there | Apr 06 14:01 |
Sosumi | I also, don't even understand the reason ppl bother with optical media anymore | Apr 06 14:02 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: I get isues with dd and usb's | Apr 06 14:05 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Red Hat Wins Software Vendor of the Year at | Apr 06 14:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | Channel Middle East Awards 2014 | Apr 06 14:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 06 14:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 14:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 'Akash tablets' to hit market soon | Apr 06 14:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 06 14:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 14:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat Wins Software Vendor of the Year at Channel Middle East Awards 2014 | Tux Machines | Apr 06 14:21 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tux Machines Turns 10 in a Couple of Months | Apr 06 14:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 06 14:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 14:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'Akash tablets' to hit market soon | Tux Machines | Apr 06 14:21 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines Turns 10 in a Couple of Months | Tux Machines | Apr 06 14:21 | |
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schestowitz__ | | Apr 06 14:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | #UK voted strongl... | Apr 06 14:40 | |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 06 14:43 |
schestowitz__ | Yes but I would still stipulate that the state is the actual force ie people making the real threats against real education. For example say a school starts using Ubuntu for their primary OS. This may upset good ol' Bill and he may bribe (donate) a politician into drafting a law reversing this. It is the state that tells the teacher do this or be punished. Behind every decree of the state there is a gun. | Apr 06 14:43 |
schestowitz__ | I would even go so far as to say that it is the state that artificially sustains the economic system that built Bill Gates to what he is now. | Apr 06 14:43 |
schestowitz__ | " | Apr 06 14:43 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 06 14:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Attitudes | Apr 06 14:43 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 06 14:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: #uprisings in #ukraine, 6th April 2014, #antifascist and #pro #russian #marches in #odessa, #zaporoje, #donetsk, #kharkov and #lugansk. | Apr 06 14:45 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- Photo by | Apr 06 14:45 | |
schestowitz__ | "obviously, Russia doesn't want to let Ukraine to slip from their fingers. in that case, Ukraine will go towards middle ages together with Russia. I understand why Ukrainians don't want that. Russia should've become a country whichc doesn't have to force others to join union with them, instead of using military power, or power of money, or puppet governors like Yanukovich." | Apr 06 14:45 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 06 15:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ R.I.P. Windows XP 2001-2014. What can you do now? | Apr 06 15:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | R.I.P. Windows XP 2001-2014. What can you do now? | [ ] | Apr 06 15:00 | |
schestowitz__ | "For similar experience - switch to Linux Mint Debian Edition MATE" | Apr 06 15:00 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Acquia’s Dries Buytaert: It’s open-source | Apr 06 15:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | software that’ll eat the world | Apr 06 15:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 06 15:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 15:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Five Models For Open Source Revenue | Apr 06 15:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 06 15:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 15:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Tiny Core 5.3 RC2 Is Probably the Smallest | Apr 06 15:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux Distro Around | Apr 06 15:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 15:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Acquia’s Dries Buytaert: It’s open-source software that’ll eat the world | Tux Machines | Apr 06 15:18 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Five Models For Open Source Revenue | Tux Machines | Apr 06 15:18 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tiny Core 5.3 RC2 Is Probably the Smallest Linux Distro Around | Tux Machines | Apr 06 15:18 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines NVIDIA Fermi/Kepler GPUs Are The Best Bet For | Apr 06 16:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ubuntu 14.04 Nouveau | Apr 06 16:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 16:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NVIDIA Fermi/Kepler GPUs Are The Best Bet For Ubuntu 14.04 Nouveau | Tux Machines | Apr 06 16:28 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Steam Hardware Survey for March Shows Small | Apr 06 16:28 |
TweetTuxMachines | Decline for Linux | Apr 06 16:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 16:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Steam Hardware Survey for March Shows Small Decline for Linux | Tux Machines | Apr 06 16:29 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Building for Linux, the smart way | Apr 06 16:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 06 16:29 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 06 16:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Building for Linux, the smart way | Tux Machines | Apr 06 16:29 | |
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MinceR | the braindead savages of hungary have signed up for 4 more years of destruction >> | Apr 06 18:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 2014 Hungarian national election liveblog: April 6 | [ ] | Apr 06 18:21 | |
DaemonFC | I called Best Buy about that Windows XP for $100 store credit deal. | Apr 06 18:21 |
DaemonFC | It turns out that the offer is only valid for laptops that you want to trade in. | Apr 06 18:21 |
DaemonFC | They won't give you anything for a Windows XP desktop. | Apr 06 18:22 |
MinceR | pft | Apr 06 18:24 |
MinceR | false advertising? | Apr 06 18:24 |
sebsebseb | DaemonFC: then what they sell on the ap tops or someting? | Apr 06 18:26 |
sebsebseb | lap | Apr 06 18:26 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: The news articles wrote the story before the ad came out. | Apr 06 18:49 |
DaemonFC | The actual ad says "laptops". | Apr 06 18:49 |
MinceR | ic | Apr 06 18:49 |
DaemonFC | sebsebseb: You could use the credit for any computer Best Buy sells, including Chromebooks. | Apr 06 18:49 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 06 18:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Going 'Green' Is More Than Shopping at Whole Foods and Driving a Prius | Alternet [ ] | Apr 06 18:57 | |
DaemonFC | I wouldn't shop at Whole Foods. The CEO is a crazy Ayn Rand worshiping Rand Paul style "Libertarian". | Apr 06 18:57 |
DaemonFC | He's constantly attacked the requirements of the Affordable Care Act, because Whole Foods has a health insurance plan that's more like Walmart's. A $3,500 deductible, annual caps, and no mental health coverage at all. | Apr 06 18:57 |
DaemonFC | Whole Foods store security in some states carries handguns. What are they planning to do? Shoot a person who is hungry and stealing food? | Apr 06 18:57 |
DaemonFC | Even if they haven't shot anyone yet, and although I am not in a position where I would need to steal food, I don't like the idea that some armed private gestapo is watching me shop. | Apr 06 18:57 |
MinceR | well, if they're dead, they won't be hungry ever again ;) | Apr 06 19:03 |
MinceR | gn | Apr 06 19:06 |
-->drreveng (~drreveng@ has joined #techrights | Apr 06 20:09 | |
DaemonFC | MinceR: Alternet is bugging me. | Apr 06 20:28 |
DaemonFC | They have a Javascript that seems to be intended to disable Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V to make it harder to copy and paste from their articles. | Apr 06 20:28 |
DaemonFC | but it disables every hotkey combination, including Ctrl+T for a new tab. | Apr 06 20:29 |
DaemonFC | In the mean time, you can still select text with the mouse, right click, and click "copy". | Apr 06 20:29 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 06 20:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Not Just Apple: GnuTLS Bug Means Security Flaw For Major Linux Distros - Slashdot [ ] | Apr 06 20:30 | |
DaemonFC | Slashdot just posted an inaccurate account of the gnutls bug that was patched more than a month ago. | Apr 06 20:30 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 06 21:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | N450 WiFi DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem Router (N450-100NAS): Computers & Accessories [ ] | Apr 06 21:55 | |
DaemonFC | I decided to buy one of these. It's $100 up front, but then I can return my modem to Comcast and quit paying to rent it. | Apr 06 21:55 |
DaemonFC | Then my internet bill should be down to $20 a month. :) | Apr 06 21:55 |
DaemonFC | I've heard that Comcast won't give you a great deal on your internet package if you own your own equipment. | Apr 06 22:32 |
DaemonFC | So, I got the 12 months at $19.99 locked in, and then bought my own equipment. | Apr 06 22:32 |
DaemonFC | My AAA Sprint discount kicked in this month. It brought my bill down from $99 to $96. :) | Apr 06 22:54 |
DaemonFC | I've noticed lately, that Amazon says your order is over $35 and gets free super saver shipping, and then tried to default to "standard shipping" instead. | Apr 06 23:47 |
DaemonFC | In the case of my modem, the estimated delivery date with "standard shipping" was April 10. With super saver, the estimated delivery date is the 11th (my birthday!). | Apr 06 23:47 |
DaemonFC | So, 1 day sooner was going to cost an additional $9.65? Pass. | Apr 06 23:47 |
DaemonFC | They've tripped me up on that a couple of times before, where I was sure that I selected super saver, but my invoice billed me for standard. | Apr 06 23:47 |
DaemonFC | I had to go in, cancel the order, and redo it with super saver. | Apr 06 23:47 |
DaemonFC | Not cool, Amazon. Not cool! | Apr 06 23:47 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 07 00:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION MAKES IT OFFICIAL: ‘SELFIE’ A MENTAL DISORDER | The Adobo Chronicles [ ] | Apr 07 00:13 | |
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DaemonFC | msb_: I'm finding that going organic on some things isn't that much more expensive. | Apr 07 01:26 |
DaemonFC | Bananas and coffee that are organic cost about the same as their non-organic counterparts. | Apr 07 01:26 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: Hi! Organic is great, especially if it's not sprayed with sulfuryl fluoride. | Apr 07 01:32 |
<--Riddic has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | Apr 07 01:36 | |
DaemonFC | I'm a bit nervous about going with a Netgear cable gateway. | Apr 07 01:36 |
DaemonFC | I had one of their ADSL gateways and it was a bit flaky. | Apr 07 01:36 |
DaemonFC | But, they're soooooooo much cheaper than Motorola... | Apr 07 01:37 |
DaemonFC | We're talking $99 vs $139. | Apr 07 01:37 |
-->Riddic ( has joined #techrights | Apr 07 01:37 | |
DaemonFC | Comcast says that this is an approved device that supports DOCSIS 3 and ipv6 on their network, and it has had level 1 certification. | Apr 07 01:38 |
msb_ | I was having cable outages with comcrap until I insisted they give me a DOCSIS 3 modem. | Apr 07 01:38 |
DaemonFC | What really pissed me off is that they pushed an unwanted firmware update to my rented gateway that lets other Comcast customers log in without my permission and use my cable internet connection. | Apr 07 01:38 |
DaemonFC | Yeah, I was the one that recommended that. | Apr 07 01:39 |
DaemonFC | :) | Apr 07 01:39 |
msb_ | Thanks! | Apr 07 01:39 |
DaemonFC | DOCSIS 3 is much better. Even if your service level is the cheapest they have and is supported by DOCSIS 2.... | Apr 07 01:39 |
msb_ | How can others log in if they | Apr 07 01:39 |
msb_ | 're not connected to it. | Apr 07 01:39 |
msb_ | ? | Apr 07 01:39 |
DaemonFC | It creates a second wifi network called "COMCAST-GUEST". | Apr 07 01:40 |
DaemonFC | and it lets anyone log in with their comcast email address and password and be a parasite on your connection. | Apr 07 01:40 |
DaemonFC | You're still only provisioned whatever speed level you subscribe to, but it lets them leech off of it. | Apr 07 01:41 |
msb_ | Oh. Mine doesn't have wifi and I don't use it anyhow. | Apr 07 01:41 |
DaemonFC | So everything you're doing could slow to a halt. | Apr 07 01:41 |
DaemonFC | Yeah, if it's just a modem, they can't do that. | Apr 07 01:41 |
DaemonFC | They also can't do that if you own your equipment. | Apr 07 01:41 |
msb_ | I just connect with ethernet. | Apr 07 01:41 |
DaemonFC | I can't do that. | Apr 07 01:42 |
DaemonFC | Well, I do with my desktop PC. | Apr 07 01:42 |
msb_ | Some people think the wifi RF is intense enough to be dangerous -- cancer, etc. | Apr 07 01:42 |
DaemonFC | It isn't possible to do that with my phone and it wouldn't be practical to do that with a laptop. | Apr 07 01:42 |
DaemonFC | I don't believe that it is. | Apr 07 01:42 |
DaemonFC | One thing that I did notice about wifi routers is that the default settings tend to degrade performance. | Apr 07 01:43 |
DaemonFC | If you don't have any wireless b or g devices, you should set it to "n" only. | Apr 07 01:43 |
DaemonFC | That also gives you a small bit of extra security. Since nothing you use is wireless b or g, that would mean that anyone attempting to connect using those is not you. | Apr 07 01:44 |
DaemonFC | :) | Apr 07 01:44 |
msb_ | Did you ever call them up and tell them it wouldn't let you download a Linux distro on bittorrent? | Apr 07 01:44 |
DaemonFC | Oh, it does. | Apr 07 01:44 |
DaemonFC | They don't seem to degrade bittorrent traffic anymore. | Apr 07 01:44 |
msb_ | Oh, good! | Apr 07 01:45 |
DaemonFC | They plan to start enforcing their caps at some point though. | Apr 07 01:45 |
DaemonFC | At that point, there won't be much of a point in subscribing to their 25 or 50 Mbps tiers. | Apr 07 01:45 |
msb_ | The magic word is YIFY! | Apr 07 01:45 |
DaemonFC | It jsut means you'll reach your cap faster and start getting hammered with overage fees. | Apr 07 01:45 |
DaemonFC | Their Comcast 100 tier will double your cap to 600 GB before you start paying more. | Apr 07 01:46 |
DaemonFC | Everything lower than that gets 300 or maybe 350, they haven't decided yet. | Apr 07 01:46 |
DaemonFC | They seem to be experimenting in different markets. | Apr 07 01:46 |
DaemonFC | msb_: Is you use less than 5 GB, they'll knock $5 a month off your internet bill. :P | Apr 07 01:47 |
msb_ | You can get movies and TV in x264 at half the size of xvids. | Apr 07 01:47 |
DaemonFC | If you own your modem and keep getting those $19.99 a month promos, that means you could get cable internet for $14.99 a month. | Apr 07 01:47 |
DaemonFC | I'd never trade 300 GB for 5 GB to save $5. | Apr 07 01:47 |
DaemonFC | That would just be stupid. | Apr 07 01:47 |
DaemonFC | yeah, VP9 and x265 (is that what they call it?) say they'll halve it again. | Apr 07 01:48 |
DaemonFC | Full HD movie rips could be as small as 400-500 MB. | Apr 07 01:48 |
msb_ | 720p is plenty for me. | Apr 07 01:49 |
msb_ | I just watch on my computer screen. | Apr 07 01:49 |
DaemonFC | I got rid of flash and I use and ad blocking plugin to keep from downloading that crap. | Apr 07 01:49 |
msb_ | Those are about 700MB. | Apr 07 01:49 |
DaemonFC | If you do a lot of web browsing, then over the course of the month, ads and tacking scripts and all that crap could be as much as 2-3 GB. | Apr 07 01:49 |
msb_ | Not enough to worry about. And there's a lot of good stuff on Youtube, which can now be downloaded great with youtube-dl. | Apr 07 01:50 |
DaemonFC | Lots of sites are starting to use paywalls. That doesn't affect me too often thanks to Google's cache and setting Firefox to not allow cookies on those sites and to dump all cookies at the end of a session. | Apr 07 01:50 |
DaemonFC | 90% of those paywalls are just a cookie that records how many articles you've looked at and tells you to pay up eventually. | Apr 07 01:51 |
msb_ | Very few alternative news sites insist on being paid. | Apr 07 01:53 |
msb_ | Anyhow, if you select x264 files, 480p or 720p, 10GB/day is more than enough. | Apr 07 01:55 |
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 01:55 | |
msb_ | For me, at least. There are only about 10 TV shows that I watch. | Apr 07 01:56 |
msb_ | Suits, Good Wife, Elementary, Grey's Anatomy... | Apr 07 01:58 |
msb_ | Although the last ep of GA had them all getting a severe flu and none of them even mentioned Vitamin C. Apparently it's censored, like 9/11 truth. | Apr 07 01:59 |
msb_ | I record the Cartoon Network Adult Swim anime's from actual cable TV with a TV card. My old 'puter can convert NTSC to xvid in realtime -- barely. | Apr 07 02:02 |
msb_ | I like the cat character in Space Dandy. | Apr 07 02:05 |
DaemonFC | Between the deal I worked out with Comcast and getting rid of their modem, my bill will go down from $62.51 a month to $21.39 a month. | Apr 07 02:16 |
DaemonFC | That's with taxes. | Apr 07 02:16 |
DaemonFC | I think I can be patient and deal with 3 Mbps... | Apr 07 02:17 |
DaemonFC | I've made do with less. | Apr 07 02:17 |
DaemonFC | Up until 2006, I was still using 768k DSL. | Apr 07 02:17 |
DaemonFC | msb_: I don't know if this gateway is on sale or what. | Apr 07 02:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Midori 0.5.8 Browser Pulls In New WebKit2 Code | Apr 07 02:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 07 02:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 02:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Midori 0.5.8 Browser Pulls In New WebKit2 Code | Tux Machines | Apr 07 02:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Nouveau Becomes Friendly Towards Non-Root X | Apr 07 02:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | Server | Apr 07 02:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 02:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nouveau Becomes Friendly Towards Non-Root X Server | Tux Machines | Apr 07 02:19 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines iPhone becomes victim of Android’s success, | Apr 07 02:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | makes Apple worry | Apr 07 02:19 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 02:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | iPhone becomes victim of Android’s success, makes Apple worry | Tux Machines | Apr 07 02:19 | |
DaemonFC | Amazon has them for $99.99. Newegg has them for $119.99, and Best Buy has them for $149.99 | Apr 07 02:21 |
DaemonFC | I get 3% back of whatever I spend on Amazon because I have their credit card. | Apr 07 02:21 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 07 02:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Technicolor TC8305C DOCSIS 3 0 Wireless Gateway Cable Modem Great Condition | eBay [ ] | Apr 07 02:24 | |
DaemonFC | I'd be REAL careful about buying anything on ebay that says "XFINITY" (Comcast) on it. | Apr 07 02:24 |
DaemonFC | When you don't return their equipment, they bill you an outrageous amount for it, and then you technically own it. | Apr 07 02:25 |
DaemonFC | It won't work on anyone else's cable network though. | Apr 07 02:25 |
DaemonFC | They only used to charge $150, but it's like $500 now. | Apr 07 02:26 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: You are an amazing bargain hunter! | Apr 07 02:26 |
DaemonFC | They noticed that people were calling them up and canceling, paying the fee for not returning the modem, and then subscribing to Comcast again immediately. | Apr 07 02:26 |
DaemonFC | :) | Apr 07 02:26 |
DaemonFC | Then they owned the modem and never had to make another rental payment on it. | Apr 07 02:27 |
DaemonFC | msb_: I was going to buy that Chromebook at Best Buy, and then it turned out that only Windows XP laptops could be traded in. | Apr 07 02:27 |
DaemonFC | I have several old desktops in the closet that run XP, so I planned to pick the crappiest one and turn it in for the store credit. | Apr 07 02:27 |
DaemonFC | :( | Apr 07 02:27 |
msb_ | Can you run real Linux on a chromebook? | Apr 07 02:28 |
DaemonFC | You sure can. :) | Apr 07 02:28 |
DaemonFC | There are instructions on for installing Ubuntu to the SSD of an Acer C720 and wiping out Chrome OS. | Apr 07 02:29 |
DaemonFC | But you probably don't want to do that. | Apr 07 02:29 |
DaemonFC | What you *could* do is use external storage. | Apr 07 02:29 |
DaemonFC | Get a 64 or 128 GB USB 3.0 flash drive and make a Fedora image on it with persistent storage. | Apr 07 02:30 |
DaemonFC | Then plug it into the Chromebook's USB 3.0 port. | Apr 07 02:30 |
DaemonFC | Then you could switch between Fedora and Chrome OS by rebooting. | Apr 07 02:30 |
DaemonFC | msb_: You don't want to get the Samsung Chromebook with the arm processor in it if you want to run a regular GNU/Linux distribution. | Apr 07 02:31 |
DaemonFC | There's an unofficial Fedora image for the Samsung Chromebook, but it hasn't been updated since Fedora 18 iirc. | Apr 07 02:31 |
DaemonFC | 2 seconds ago | Apr 07 02:36 |
DaemonFC | No. Technically, Windows XP won't become "less secure" than it was before when it goes out of support. All of the security problems that will be discovered after April 8th were there before April 8th. Many of them will have been there since 2001, or even before that (since many Windows vulnerabilities go back well into the 1990s). | Apr 07 02:36 |
DaemonFC | Tavis Ormandy found a problem with the NTVDM (NT Virtual DOS Machine) that dated back to the original Windows NT from 1993, which was still present in Windows 7. He privately informed Microsoft of it. Months passed, and they still hadn't fixed it, so he publicly reported it along with demonstration exploit code. Only then did Microsoft fix it. Then they said that HE was the one being irresponsible. | Apr 07 02:36 |
DaemonFC | I find it hysterical that people suddenly think that Windows XP is too dangerous to use. It was always too dangerous to use. 13 years and 5,000+ security patches later, and it's STILL dangerous. | Apr 07 02:36 |
DaemonFC | What does that say about how bad the original XP was? | Apr 07 02:36 |
msb_ | It probably has fluoride in it to rot your brain. | Apr 07 02:39 |
msb_ | Virtual software fluoride. | Apr 07 02:39 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: Actually it does. Fluoridated water destroys the pineal gland, which otherwise produces dimethyltryptamine, a psychedelic. Thanks to the US govt, everyone in this country has their pineal gland destroyed, so they live in a reality that's much less fun. | Apr 07 02:45 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: Likewise, every version of MS Windows lacks the software freedom and the 20 desktops you can get with Linux, so the MS computer experience is also very limited, and people don't know any better. | Apr 07 02:46 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: MS and fluoride are both techniques of mind-control, which enable the richest 1% to grab 99% of the wealth, without the other 99% of the population trying to do anything about it. | Apr 07 02:49 |
msb_ | Good movie -- Contagion 2011 - brain examination: The sulci are obliterated. Let's look at the base. Oh my god. You want me to take a sample? I want you to move away from the table. Should I call someone? Call everyone. | Apr 07 03:15 |
<--freedomrun has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) | Apr 07 03:30 | |
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 03:34 | |
MinceR | 022816 < DaemonFC> MinceR: Alternet is bugging me. | Apr 07 03:37 |
MinceR | disabling javascript might help | Apr 07 03:37 |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 07 04:27 |
DaemonFC | Does 4 GB of RAM really help out Chrome OS much? | Apr 07 04:32 |
DaemonFC | I noticed that a few Chromebooks have 4 GB instead of 2. | Apr 07 04:33 |
MinceR | i suspect it does, as the web is incredibly bloated | Apr 07 04:33 |
MinceR | and will keep getting more so | Apr 07 04:34 |
MinceR | i'm thinking of switching to a really lightweight browser, adding a few features (such as warning me somehow about animated gifs if the browser doesn't support them) | Apr 07 04:35 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | Apr 07 04:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 04:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines New Google Chrome 35 Lands with Small Fixes for | Apr 07 04:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X | Apr 07 04:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 07 04:56 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 04:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | Apr 07 04:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Google Chrome 35 Lands with Small Fixes for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X | Tux Machines | Apr 07 04:57 | |
DaemonFC | MinceR: I just really don't like this desktop system very much. | Apr 07 04:59 |
DaemonFC | It takes up a ton of space, it's loud, it's unsightly, there's wires everywhere. | Apr 07 04:59 |
DaemonFC | I'm really thinking about shoving it onto Craigslist and replacing it with an Acer C720 Chromebook. | Apr 07 04:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Software | Apr 07 05:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 05:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux Machines | Apr 07 05:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Leftovers: Gaming | Apr 07 05:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 05:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines F2FS File-System Gains Large Directory Support, | Apr 07 05:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | More Tuning | Apr 07 05:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 05:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux Machines | Apr 07 05:11 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | F2FS File-System Gains Large Directory Support, More Tuning | Tux Machines | Apr 07 05:11 | |
<--freedomrun has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Apr 07 05:14 | |
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<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | Apr 07 05:41 | |
<--drreveng has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 07 06:03 | |
schestowitz__ | > Champagne corks probably were flying in Redmond. Elsewhere too, because | Apr 07 07:33 |
schestowitz__ | > now in America people can get fired for how they vote. Land of the free | Apr 07 07:33 |
schestowitz__ | > and all that. The fallout from this, if it grows, could be as bad as | Apr 07 07:33 |
schestowitz__ | > when Bush was appointed in the coup in 2000. | Apr 07 07:33 |
schestowitz__ | In today's article about MS control of the media I showed a potential role of MS mole. | Apr 07 07:33 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 07 07:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@marcusthetechie: @schestowitz nods well they could always upgrade to the next version #vista | Apr 07 07:39 | |
cubezzz | well some folks say that 4.3BSD was actually the most important OS ever written | Apr 07 07:42 |
MinceR | why? | Apr 07 07:43 |
cubezzz | it was the biggest undergirder of the internet | Apr 07 07:44 |
cubezzz | everyone used the bsd tcp/ip stack | Apr 07 07:44 |
cubezzz | it was open source before Linux and before Minix | Apr 07 07:46 |
MinceR | ic | Apr 07 07:46 |
cubezzz | DARPA looked at BBN's implementation of TCP/IP and BSD's implemenation and decided that the BSD version was superioer | Apr 07 07:50 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines today's howtos | Apr 07 07:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | retweeted by | Apr 07 07:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | @iArthurCDN | Apr 07 07:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 07:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Is Android good enough to be a laptop OS? | Apr 07 07:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 07 07:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 07:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux Machines | Apr 07 07:54 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is Android good enough to be a laptop OS? | Tux Machines | Apr 07 07:54 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: That's why you don't talk about who you voted for at work. | Apr 07 08:00 |
cubezzz | unix v7 is also very important and worthy of study: | Apr 07 08:00 |
cubezzz | v7 introduced stdio, bourne shell, awk, lex, yacc, lint, sed, m4 and make | Apr 07 08:00 |
cubezzz | not to mention pcc :) | Apr 07 08:00 |
MinceR | schestowitz__: what is that referring to? | Apr 07 08:01 |
Sosumi | kind of shameful | Apr 07 08:59 |
Sosumi | that new linksys router that was announced earlier this year | Apr 07 09:00 |
Sosumi | that one that they said they'd release the firmware sdk | Apr 07 09:00 |
Sosumi | is nowhere to be found | Apr 07 09:00 |
cubezzz | MinceR, can you access | Apr 07 09:01 |
Sosumi | well, neither the router nor the sdk :( | Apr 07 09:01 |
cubezzz | ah, there it goes | Apr 07 09:01 |
Sosumi | and I assume they'd at least put the sdk out in advance and specs before launching the actual piece | Apr 07 09:02 |
Sosumi | but no; so dumb... | Apr 07 09:03 |
cubezzz | I thought the WRT54GL was the router of choice for open source folks | Apr 07 09:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Windows XP Dies Tomorrow, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | Apr 07 09:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | Launches Next Week | Apr 07 09:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 09:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Windows XP Dies Tomorrow, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Launches Next Week | Tux Machines | Apr 07 09:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Today in Techrights | Apr 07 09:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 09:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux Machines | Apr 07 09:06 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Microsoft XP users can turn to Linux as | Apr 07 09:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | alternative | Apr 07 09:06 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 09:06 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft XP users can turn to Linux as alternative | Tux Machines | Apr 07 09:06 | |
-->abeNd-org (~kklenke@ has joined #techrights | Apr 07 09:14 | |
cubezzz | oh well, if the XP users all dump their PCs and buy new ones (which is obviously what Microsoft want) that's all the more cheap hardware for us | Apr 07 09:15 |
abeNd-org | yea, i have outfitted the rural libraries around here with discarded optiplex755, might be out of warranty, but they were free donations, core2duo, take up to 8gb ram & dirt cheap licensing through (there is still no really usable patron management system for linux workstations) | Apr 07 09:18 |
cubezzz | I'm still running Optiplex GX110 :) | Apr 07 09:19 |
Sosumi | the new one is the wrt1900ac | Apr 07 09:19 |
abeNd-org | gx110? woof, the beige rounded case? | Apr 07 09:20 |
cubezzz | it's a slimline :) | Apr 07 09:20 |
abeNd-org | im at the point though where i am a hardware snob even for donations, if it isnt core2duo & capable of 8gb ram, i dont want to have to bother with it. | Apr 07 09:21 |
cubezzz | if someone donated you a microvax you'd turn it down? :) | Apr 07 09:21 |
abeNd-org | lets just say most of the stuff individuals try to donate are broken bubble jet printers & stuff that would make the gx110 look new, a microvax isnt going to come down the line | Apr 07 09:23 |
cubezzz | ah well | Apr 07 09:23 |
abeNd-org | now customers of mine getting rid of old hardware however are more than happy to donate to the rural libraries around ere | Apr 07 09:23 |
abeNd-org | ^here | Apr 07 09:23 |
cubezzz | I wouldn't turn down a working 486 | Apr 07 09:24 |
cubezzz | I should really fix that old IBM | Apr 07 09:24 |
cubezzz | it's not high on the priority list though :) | Apr 07 09:25 |
abeNd-org | yea, but im also concerned about standardized parts across the "fleet" that i support probono | Apr 07 09:25 |
abeNd-org | if everything is a 755, which is pretty much is right now, then that makes my life easier | Apr 07 09:26 |
abeNd-org | only thing i wish i could get is someone to donate a boatload of 64gb SSD :P extend the life of those 755 even further | Apr 07 09:26 |
cubezzz | I like the slot 1 era, I got a bunch of those | Apr 07 09:26 |
MinceR | cubezzz: i can | Apr 07 09:29 |
abeNd-org | if i get old stuff ill ship it to you, if you pay for shipping :P | Apr 07 09:29 |
cubezzz | abeNd-org, where are you? | Apr 07 09:29 |
abeNd-org | DFW | Apr 07 09:29 |
cubezzz | Texas? | Apr 07 09:30 |
abeNd-org | yes | Apr 07 09:30 |
abeNd-org | you? | Apr 07 09:31 |
cubezzz | I'm close to Toronto :) | Apr 07 09:31 |
abeNd-org | hah that will be 'spensive shipping | Apr 07 09:32 |
cubezzz | let me know if you get a c64 though :) | Apr 07 09:32 |
cubezzz | actually you could make a few $$$ on ebay with those | Apr 07 09:34 |
abeNd-org | yea, ive got a few of those 755 with only 1gb ram, i need to sell some stuff to make up the $ to outfit them with 8gb ram | Apr 07 09:34 |
<--sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 07 09:51 | |
Sosumi | | Apr 07 10:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@DrMarcusP: An example of what I mean about Western ignorance of Ukraine: Look where the BBC have placed #Donetsk and #Lugansk: | Apr 07 10:01 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@DrMarcusP: An example of what I mean about Western ignorance of Ukraine: Look where the BBC have placed #Donetsk and #Lugansk: | Apr 07 10:01 | |
Sosumi | lulz | Apr 07 10:02 |
msb_ | Smartphones and tablets are destroying civilization. The formerly excellent TV schedule listing has now been trashed and de-featured so it will fit into a postage stamp sized screen. God effing damn them! | Apr 07 10:07 |
Sosumi | how is 5 inches post stamp size | Apr 07 10:08 |
Sosumi | msb_ logic | Apr 07 10:08 |
*Sosumi shrugs | Apr 07 10:08 | |
msb_ | Hyperbole. It's still much too small to display a useful amount of information. | Apr 07 10:09 |
Sosumi | in between the pros and cons of portability, 5 inches is fine | Apr 07 10:10 |
Sosumi | just swipe down | Apr 07 10:10 |
msb_ | Any time anyone mentions "improving the user experience" it meanw they are going to s--t all over you. | Apr 07 10:10 |
msb_ | To hell with that. I want to see 6 hours of tv listings, not 3. I want to see 5 days x 24 hours of listings for any particular channel. I want to see the GD year of release of movies!!! They've trashed all that. | Apr 07 10:11 |
MinceR | my phone has a 1280x720 5.5" display | Apr 07 10:13 |
msb_ | I don't want to have to look through a effing keyhole at what was formerly a large 2-D listing, just because some people have tiny screens. | Apr 07 10:13 |
MinceR | it fits more information than some laptops. | Apr 07 10:13 |
msb_ | Good for you. I hope it came with a microscope. | Apr 07 10:13 |
MinceR | it didn't, but my eyes work. | Apr 07 10:13 |
MinceR | my tablet has a 1920x1200 7" display, that's a higher resolution than most monitors | Apr 07 10:13 |
Sosumi | I have a bottle of water that says "Pedras Salgadas" | Apr 07 10:14 |
Sosumi | now try to be that up | Apr 07 10:14 |
Sosumi | *beat | Apr 07 10:14 |
abeNd-org | they dont have a dropdown to select how much to show? | Apr 07 10:14 |
msb_ | I have a 1920x1080 27" screen. | Apr 07 10:14 |
msb_ | No. | Apr 07 10:15 |
MinceR | don't blame smartphones and tablets for people sucking at web design and web programming :> | Apr 07 10:15 |
msb_ | It used to be part of user preferences, which now mostly don't exist. | Apr 07 10:15 |
MinceR | crApple is making lack of configurability chic. | Apr 07 10:15 |
msb_ | I blame corps for catering to the lowest most stupid audience. | Apr 07 10:16 |
msb_ | The KDE4 devs did that too. | Apr 07 10:16 |
MinceR | gnome devs did that too | Apr 07 10:16 |
DaemonFC | Unless I can get an insanely good deal on a refurbished Chromebook, I might just wait for the Samsung Chromebook 2. | Apr 07 10:18 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 07 10:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Samsung Chromebook 2 set to square off against Intel-powered Chrome OS devices — Tech News and Analysis [ ] | Apr 07 10:18 | |
DaemonFC | These look pretty good. | Apr 07 10:18 |
msb_ | I would not trust any system that Google controls. | Apr 07 10:18 |
MinceR | chromebooks can be taken out of google control, afaik | Apr 07 10:19 |
MinceR | not sure how well supplied they are with gpu drivers for x, though | Apr 07 10:19 |
msb_ | Google used to have all Usenet text posts as far back as 1980, searchable. Then they threw it away. | Apr 07 10:19 |
msb_ | There's no way to talk to them anymore, either. Google is now just another corporate pig. | Apr 07 10:20 |
MinceR | indeed. | Apr 07 10:21 |
MinceR | at least their tech tends to suck somewhat less | Apr 07 10:21 |
MinceR | and tends to be a little more open | Apr 07 10:21 |
msb_ | BTW, when did laptops become "notebooks"? | Apr 07 10:21 |
msb_ | If I got one, it would have a 17" screen and a huge hard drive. | Apr 07 10:22 |
MinceR | when marketers decided it was not a good idea to suggest that people use them in their lap, i guess | Apr 07 10:22 |
MinceR | my first two laptops were huge, heavy, with 17" screens | Apr 07 10:22 |
MinceR | i'm still using my ThinkPad W700 at home. | Apr 07 10:22 |
Sosumi | by that definition then, a macbook air should only be used in the "air" | Apr 07 10:23 |
Sosumi | hopefully, it'll float too | Apr 07 10:23 |
msb_ | Well, you have to sit it down somewhere in order to type on it, so the only problem with being heavy is carrying it. | Apr 07 10:23 |
msb_ | Of course floating *would* be nice! | Apr 07 10:24 |
Sosumi | I bet there's an app for that | Apr 07 10:24 |
Sosumi | :) | Apr 07 10:24 |
msb_ | When did programs become "apps" ? | Apr 07 10:25 |
Sosumi | when crapple started calling them that | Apr 07 10:25 |
msb_ | Probably they don't want to remind people about how programmable *people* are! | Apr 07 10:25 |
msb_ | The poisoned Apple. | Apr 07 10:26 |
Sosumi | no, they just want ppl to think that their products are single purposed machines | Apr 07 10:26 |
Sosumi | aka, can't even properly multitask | Apr 07 10:26 |
MinceR | 162313 < Sosumi> by that definition then, a macbook air should only be used in the "air" | Apr 07 10:26 |
MinceR | no, but it's full of hot air | Apr 07 10:27 |
Sosumi | how so? facebook can't make a crapbook overheat | Apr 07 10:27 |
MinceR | crApple hype | Apr 07 10:28 |
msb_ | F---book -- there's another load of garbage contaminating the world. | Apr 07 10:28 |
MinceR | also, others probably called applications "apps" well before crApple did | Apr 07 10:28 |
msb_ | Whoever renamed directories as "folders" should be strangled. | Apr 07 10:29 |
msb_ | I'm in a bad mood today. Now it will be twice as much work to find out what's on TV. | Apr 07 10:30 |
msb_ | You can't see what was on last night either. | Apr 07 10:31 |
msb_ | I guess to the average moron yesterday never existed. | Apr 07 10:31 |
MinceR | | Apr 07 10:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | app [ ] | Apr 07 10:31 | |
msb_ | Apparently google tried to emulate f--kbook when they designed google+. It's people-oriented, not subject oriented. It's for people who don't/can't think. | Apr 07 10:34 |
msb_ | The Marching Morons. | Apr 07 10:34 |
msb_ | Soon we'll see ads for rocket trips to lovely new free homes on Venus. | Apr 07 10:35 |
MinceR | :) | Apr 07 10:35 |
msb_ | PopProbTerm | Apr 07 10:35 |
MinceR | i liked that novel | Apr 07 10:35 |
msb_ | Yeah. | Apr 07 10:35 |
msb_ | If it weren't for GNU/Linux/FOSS, we'd all be lobotomized now. | Apr 07 10:37 |
MinceR | | Apr 07 10:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Online Etymology Dictionary [ ] | Apr 07 10:37 | |
msb_ | And the Web too, of course. | Apr 07 10:37 |
MinceR | hm, not as old as i thought it was | Apr 07 10:37 |
msb_ | I wouldn't mind people using the term if they knew what a program is. | Apr 07 10:38 |
<--siel has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Apr 07 10:40 | |
cubezzz | msb_, why not just use ? | Apr 07 10:40 |
msb_ | Thanks, I'll check it out. | Apr 07 10:41 |
cubezzz | it's got NAN errors, but basically it works :) | Apr 07 10:41 |
DaemonFC | Even the low end hardware has gotten pretty good these days. | Apr 07 10:43 |
msb_ | cubezzz: also show only 3 hours of listings, and it does not display the season#/episode# of series shows. But it does show the release year of movies. | Apr 07 10:52 |
cubezzz | msb_, you can specify the time though | Apr 07 10:53 |
msb_ | And you can see the previous day, which you can no longer do with zap2it. | Apr 07 10:54 |
cubezzz | there's probably some other way to tap into the info | Apr 07 10:55 |
msb_ | But the lack of season#/episode# is serious. | Apr 07 10:55 |
msb_ | If there is, I'd love to know it. | Apr 07 10:56 |
cubezzz | | Apr 07 10:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | TV Listings, Program Schedule, Channels, TV Guide - HuffPost TV | Apr 07 10:56 | |
cubezzz | curious george, season 5 episode 3 :) | Apr 07 10:57 |
cubezzz | Too Close for Comfort, season 1 episode 1 | Apr 07 10:58 |
cubezzz | seems to have want you want | Apr 07 10:58 |
-->siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 10:59 | |
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msb_ | I'm on, and even signed up for an aol account, god help me, but am still not seeing season#/ep#. | Apr 07 11:18 |
msb_ | cubezzz: what did you do to see that? | Apr 07 11:18 |
Sosumi | aol = america off line | Apr 07 11:19 |
Sosumi | and now more ukranian cities are demanding a referendum to join russia | Apr 07 11:41 |
Sosumi | after a couple of pro-russia militia men stormed some government buildings | Apr 07 11:42 |
Sosumi | earlier this morning | Apr 07 11:42 |
Sosumi | they're also demanding peace-keepers, of which russia says that it'll send only if the UN approves | Apr 07 11:43 |
Sosumi | so in other words, | Apr 07 11:43 |
Sosumi | the fascist coup master minded by the EU and the anglo-americans came back to hit them in the face | Apr 07 11:44 |
Sosumi | like a truck | Apr 07 11:44 |
Sosumi | and MinceR's favorite hungarian | Apr 07 11:45 |
Sosumi | Orban, is still president of Hungary | Apr 07 11:45 |
Sosumi | and since inflation is lowering in the whole EU | Apr 07 11:46 |
Sosumi | the ECB is going to take active measures to make sure prices go up, up, up | Apr 07 11:46 |
Sosumi | i think that sums it up for the day | Apr 07 11:47 |
Sosumi | and amd launched a new fire pro card | Apr 07 11:49 |
Sosumi | the w9100 | Apr 07 11:49 |
Sosumi | hardly beats the quadro k6000 on most stuff | Apr 07 11:49 |
Sosumi | but couldn't find any gnu/linux benchmarks | Apr 07 11:51 |
Sosumi | nor I have any idea how's the driver certification progress going on for amd on linux | Apr 07 11:52 |
MinceR | actually, he's prime minister | Apr 07 11:54 |
MinceR | janos ader is the president | Apr 07 11:54 |
MinceR | hungary is a system with a weak president | Apr 07 11:54 |
MinceR | orban might want to change that though, like putin did | Apr 07 11:55 |
MinceR | janos ader is a rubber-stamp robot | Apr 07 11:55 |
Sosumi | :) | Apr 07 12:07 |
Sosumi | | Apr 07 12:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Phoronix] Qualcomm Announces 64-bit Snapdragon Processors [ ] | Apr 07 12:12 | |
Sosumi | Donetsk just declared independence from ukraine | Apr 07 12:45 |
msb_ | Not many people like Nazis for some reason. | Apr 07 12:48 |
<--abeNd-org has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 07 13:11 | |
MinceR | if not many people like nazis, then why do EPP member parties keep winning elections? | Apr 07 13:55 |
MinceR | and why do people like dictatorships and dictators so much? | Apr 07 13:55 |
Sosumi | and why do ppl keep voting in IMF/EU austerity bannerman | Apr 07 13:56 |
Sosumi | and sometimes not even voting, | Apr 07 13:57 |
-->sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 13:57 | |
sebsebseb | hi | Apr 07 13:57 |
Sosumi | they just get appointed prime ministers | Apr 07 13:58 |
Sosumi | like in *cough* italy | Apr 07 13:58 |
Sosumi | seb³ | Apr 07 13:58 |
Sosumi | | Apr 07 14:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mike_giglio: Yes I have interviewed my cab driver on the way from the Donetsk airport and he would greet Russian troops "with flowers." | Apr 07 14:05 | |
Sosumi | and a kiss? | Apr 07 14:05 |
MinceR | and two blowjobs (one of them for putin) | Apr 07 14:08 |
Sosumi | that escalated quickly | Apr 07 14:08 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines KDE: Monday Report #10 | Apr 07 14:18 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 14:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE: Monday Report #10 | Tux Machines | Apr 07 14:18 | |
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 14:29 | |
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Sosumi | | Apr 07 15:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Emails Show Phil Schiller's Displeasure with Ad Agency's Efforts for Apple in Early 2013 - Mac Rumors [ ] | Apr 07 15:52 | |
DaemonFC | Nothing wrong with that, unless you experience a burning sensation about a week later. | Apr 07 15:53 |
Sosumi | phil schiller: "something drastic has to change. fast" | Apr 07 15:53 |
Sosumi | lawl | Apr 07 15:53 |
Sosumi | crapple selling premium sex toys now? a repurpose of the new mac pro | Apr 07 15:55 |
Sosumi | they are just desperate | Apr 07 16:00 |
Sosumi | with no direction | Apr 07 16:01 |
Sosumi | to the point they failed with shipments of the trashcan | Apr 07 16:01 |
Sosumi | and prior to that | Apr 07 16:01 |
Sosumi | with their redisigned imac | Apr 07 16:01 |
Sosumi | ios6 and 7 haven't seen much of a change | Apr 07 16:02 |
MinceR | well, hypeOS 7 got the LSD theme | Apr 07 16:02 |
MinceR | even uglier than it was :> | Apr 07 16:03 |
Sosumi | other than moving from "stitched leather" to lsd theme | Apr 07 16:03 |
-->dissent (~Ponzo@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/vallor) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 16:03 | |
Sosumi | the stitched leather interface was actually what got scot "douchbag" forstal fired | Apr 07 16:04 |
-->tessier ( has joined #techrights | Apr 07 16:05 | |
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Sosumi | | Apr 07 16:06 |
Sosumi | | Apr 07 16:06 |
MinceR | crApple never had "minimalist elegance" | Apr 07 16:07 |
Sosumi | even more horrible and unpleasant than ribbon | Apr 07 16:07 |
MinceR | maybe before OSuX, but even that's doubtful | Apr 07 16:07 |
Sosumi | no idea before osx | Apr 07 16:08 |
Sosumi | but, minimalistic elegance for crapple means removing choice | Apr 07 16:08 |
Sosumi | or hiding it away | Apr 07 16:08 |
Sosumi | and impose onto the user a standard defined by them | Apr 07 16:09 |
MinceR | oh, that makes sense | Apr 07 16:09 |
MinceR | in a way | Apr 07 16:09 |
Sosumi | which most of the times turn out to be worse than the previous "standard" | Apr 07 16:09 |
<--vallor has quit (*.net *.split) | Apr 07 16:10 | |
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Sosumi | hence the stitched leather | Apr 07 16:10 |
Sosumi | and the lsd theme | Apr 07 16:10 |
Sosumi | when they could have just stayed on the brushed metal or the glossy plastic look | Apr 07 16:10 |
MinceR | stitched leather worked better on the back of samsung devices :> | Apr 07 16:10 |
Sosumi | I don't like stitched leather | Apr 07 16:11 |
MinceR | well, even in the OSuX i tried on a VM, they couldn't decide between brushed metal and water drops on ruled paper | Apr 07 16:11 |
MinceR | finder used both | Apr 07 16:11 |
MinceR | and yet the fanbois were gushing about how consistent it was :> | Apr 07 16:11 |
Sosumi | finder is not consistent | Apr 07 16:11 |
Sosumi | it got better recently wit the adding of tabbed navigation | Apr 07 16:13 |
MinceR | breadcrumbs? | Apr 07 16:13 |
Sosumi | lol | Apr 07 16:13 |
Sosumi | but is still a mess | Apr 07 16:14 |
Sosumi | forgets favorites if they're placed on an external drive | Apr 07 16:14 |
Sosumi | and so on | Apr 07 16:15 |
Sosumi | if i remember more crap to complain about finder, I'll say it | Apr 07 16:15 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 07 16:15 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Manjaro 0.8.9 Gets Its Third Update Pack with | Apr 07 16:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | Newer Linux Kernels | Apr 07 16:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 16:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Angie Byron on Drupal 8 out of the box | Apr 07 16:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 07 16:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 16:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Nouveau Picks Up Slightly Better OpenGL 4.0 | Apr 07 16:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | Support | Apr 07 16:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 16:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Manjaro 0.8.9 Gets Its Third Update Pack with Newer Linux Kernels | Tux Machines | Apr 07 16:23 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Angie Byron on Drupal 8 out of the box | Tux Machines | Apr 07 16:23 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nouveau Picks Up Slightly Better OpenGL 4.0 Support | Tux Machines | Apr 07 16:23 | |
msb_ | Regarding the necessity of GUI consistency: “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds,..." -- Emerson -- | Apr 07 16:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of littl...” [ ] | Apr 07 16:49 | |
msb_ | | Apr 07 16:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The fascist danger in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site [ ] | Apr 07 16:54 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines 20-Way Intel/AMD/NVIDIA GPU Comparison With | Apr 07 17:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | Apr 07 17:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 17:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 20-Way Intel/AMD/NVIDIA GPU Comparison With Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | Tux Machines | Apr 07 17:23 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Why so much fuss over Windows XP’s expiry? | Apr 07 17:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 07 17:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why so much fuss over Windows XP’s expiry? | Tux Machines | Apr 07 17:23 | |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 17:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines The end of Windows XP: Is it time to give Linux | Apr 07 17:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | a try? | Apr 07 17:23 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 17:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The end of Windows XP: Is it time to give Linux a try? | Tux Machines | Apr 07 17:23 | |
DaemonFC | hmmm | Apr 07 17:31 |
DaemonFC | It seems that Google Chromebooks have this stupid thing called Google Cloud Print. | Apr 07 17:31 |
DaemonFC | Basically it means that anything you print gets sent to Google and then re-routed to your printer, which means you need to buy a new printer. | Apr 07 17:32 |
msb_ | Why? | Apr 07 17:39 |
msb_ | DaemonFC: Does the cloud get the printer all wet? | Apr 07 17:40 |
MinceR | kinky | Apr 07 17:41 |
msb_ | 8^) | Apr 07 17:42 |
DaemonFC | They say it's so they don't have to ship support for a bunch of printers. | Apr 07 17:46 |
MinceR | but actually it's so that the nsa can have a good look at everything you print | Apr 07 17:47 |
MinceR | also, there are printers where you can submit a job on a web interface, so it isn't really needed. | Apr 07 17:47 |
DaemonFC | Right. There's no GOOD reason why they can't just connect to the printer some other way. | Apr 07 18:03 |
DaemonFC | It's spyware. | Apr 07 18:03 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: They have a list of ways you can use it. | Apr 07 18:05 |
DaemonFC | You can use a regular printer by connecting it to a Windows PC or a Mac and installing some special software from Google. | Apr 07 18:05 |
DaemonFC | You can buy a new printer that Google can send print jobs to. | Apr 07 18:05 |
DaemonFC | Or you can submit it as a print job for FedEx and get a code to enter that prints the pages out when you get there. | Apr 07 18:06 |
MinceR | gn | Apr 07 18:19 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 07 18:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google - Cloud Print [ ] | Apr 07 18:28 | |
DaemonFC | That sees like a big pain in the ass just to print an occasional page. | Apr 07 18:28 |
DaemonFC | seems | Apr 07 18:29 |
DaemonFC | Printers are just evil in general. | Apr 07 18:31 |
DaemonFC | HP and others even go so far as to code their printer cartridges with an expiration date. | Apr 07 18:31 |
DaemonFC | Starting the day you put the cartridge in the printer, it starts a countdown, so that the damned thing will eventually refuse to print, even if you have ink left. | Apr 07 18:32 |
DaemonFC | I hate printers so much that I just go to the library and use one of their computers when I need a copy of something. | Apr 07 18:34 |
DaemonFC | It's much cheaper to pay them 20 cents a page than it is to buy a printer and play the ink cartridge games | Apr 07 18:34 |
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 07 18:48 | |
DaemonFC | I'm digging through the refurb laptops on the Acer outlet storefront. | Apr 07 19:02 |
DaemonFC | That $150 C720 is so tempting. | Apr 07 19:03 |
DaemonFC | Where else do you get a laptop that does anything for $150? :) | Apr 07 19:03 |
DaemonFC | Google says that once a Chromebook has had the first user sign in, that no further users are eligible for any of the "goodies" though. | Apr 07 19:03 |
DaemonFC | including two years of free 100 GB Google Drive | Apr 07 19:04 |
DaemonFC | So, that wipes out at least $50 in value right off the bat. | Apr 07 19:04 |
DaemonFC | A 15 GB Google Drive is free though. I already have one because I use Android. | Apr 07 19:04 |
DaemonFC | If you don't do much with it except uploading photos and stuff, 15 GB should be sufficient. | Apr 07 19:07 |
DaemonFC | Plus, you can always use a thumb drive. | Apr 07 19:07 |
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 19:24 | |
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DaemonFC | | Apr 07 20:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | imgur: the simple image sharer | Apr 07 20:44 | |
DaemonFC | LOL | Apr 07 20:44 |
---dissent is now known as vallor | Apr 07 21:56 | |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AMD, Mentor Graphics Partner on Embedded Linux | Apr 07 23:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | Development | Apr 07 23:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 07 23:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMD, Mentor Graphics Partner on Embedded Linux Development | Tux Machines | Apr 07 23:07 | |
<--vallor has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 07 23:11 | |
-->vallor (~Ponzo@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/vallor) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 23:11 | |
-->Agnesi ( has joined #techrights | Apr 07 23:14 | |
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-->DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 07 23:23 | |
DaemonFC | MinceR: What do you think. | Apr 07 23:24 |
DaemonFC | Is losing the 2 years of free Google Drive worth the $50 I'd save on a refurb Chromebook? | Apr 07 23:24 |
DaemonFC | :) | Apr 07 23:24 |
DaemonFC | I decided to change my Amazon Smile charity to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. | Apr 07 23:54 |
-->vallor (~Ponzo@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/vallor) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 00:23 | |
msb_ | cubezzz: By turning off popup blocking and AdBlockPlus I was able to see Season/Episode numbers in the aol tv schedule. But it runs audiovisual flash ads when I click on a show to see that, which could crash my computer. Also it shows only 2.5hours of schedule, and the time selector doesn't work -- ask for 10PM and I get 10AM. Also no movie year, nor original series ep broadcast date. No better than zap2it, which now has season/ep | Apr 08 00:33 |
msb_ | numbers again. | Apr 08 00:33 |
msb_ | Basically, it's the shits. | Apr 08 00:34 |
msb_ | I will NOT have a website blasting me with ads! Ads are victimization by corporate psychopaths. | Apr 08 00:35 |
msb_ | (Unless they're small, silent, easy to ignore, and don't F up my software.) | Apr 08 00:36 |
Agnesi | toner doesn't have an expiration date | Apr 08 01:30 |
Agnesi | nor it dries | Apr 08 01:30 |
Agnesi | so, laser printers ftw | Apr 08 01:30 |
Agnesi | not to mention that text looks much better on laser than on ink | Apr 08 01:31 |
cubezzz | eh? how could it crash your computer? | Apr 08 02:10 |
cubezzz | well, I'll see what else I can find | Apr 08 02:11 |
MinceR | i suppose by triggering video driver bugs | Apr 08 02:22 |
MinceR | that said, i've never seen it happen | Apr 08 02:22 |
MinceR | the most was taking the browser down with it and even that was ages ago | Apr 08 02:22 |
-->DaemonFC` (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 02:32 | |
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cubezzz | try this one: | Apr 08 02:38 |
cubezzz | | Apr 08 02:38 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | TV Listings Guide - TiVo [ ] | Apr 08 02:38 | |
cubezzz | debian has something called "Freeguide" | Apr 08 02:40 |
cubezzz | also tv-browser | Apr 08 02:47 |
cubezzz | also set up a free trail on | Apr 08 02:51 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Schedules Direct | Apr 08 02:51 | |
cubezzz | once I figure out the true source of the tv info I'll hack up a text based program | Apr 08 03:02 |
msb_ | cubezzz: Hi! I was asleep for a while there. | Apr 08 03:06 |
msb_ | I've had some crashes the seem to relate to high usage of cpu by firefox. | Apr 08 03:06 |
cubezzz | there's even one for KDE | Apr 08 03:06 |
cubezzz | I'm compiling it now to check it out | Apr 08 03:07 |
msb_ | Might also have been due to cpu overheating before I cleaned its heatsink fins. | Apr 08 03:07 |
cubezzz | bah, the kde project seems abandoned | Apr 08 03:09 |
msb_ | Have to go do something now, back in 15 min. or so. Thanks for your help! I'll try the sites you've suggested when I get back. | Apr 08 03:09 |
msb_ | Where did it get its data from? | Apr 08 03:09 |
cubezzz | yeah it seems it's called a "grabber" | Apr 08 03:13 |
cubezzz | this looks more promising: | Apr 08 03:17 |
cubezzz | | Apr 08 03:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | mc2xml | Apr 08 03:17 | |
cubezzz | msb_, mc2xml looks like it's the best of the bunch | Apr 08 03:20 |
amarsh04 | new kernel time | Apr 08 03:20 |
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 08 03:20 | |
cubezzz | it seems it actually downloads from zap2it :) | Apr 08 03:21 |
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 03:24 | |
msb_ | segment fault -- core dumped | Apr 08 03:37 |
msb_ | OK, back now. | Apr 08 03:37 |
msb_ | cubezzz: Well if it DLs from zap2it, it ain't gonna work anymore. | Apr 08 03:38 |
cubezzz | I just used it | Apr 08 03:38 |
msb_ | Ruby has a great web-page scraping library, and some years ago I used it to get data from some TV site. | Apr 08 03:38 |
cubezzz | there's a dozen busted-ass projects I'm wading through | Apr 08 03:39 |
msb_ | Did mc2xml give a useful xml file? | Apr 08 03:41 |
cubezzz | it did | Apr 08 03:41 |
cubezzz | ha! | Apr 08 03:44 |
cubezzz | hahaha | Apr 08 03:44 |
cubezzz | awesome, so maxemum actually does work, in tandem with mc2xml | Apr 08 03:44 |
cubezzz | | Apr 08 03:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ ) | Apr 08 03:46 | |
cubezzz | it's there now | Apr 08 03:46 |
cubezzz | note the categories, that's handy | Apr 08 03:48 |
cubezzz | and best of all msb_, KDE 3.5.10 compatible :) | Apr 08 03:48 |
msb_ | Yowza! | Apr 08 03:49 |
cubezzz | so to set it up I did: ./mc2xml -g l1j6t2 -c ca | Apr 08 03:50 |
cubezzz | so you would just put in your zip code and us I reckon | Apr 08 03:50 |
cubezzz | then set up maxemum to point to your xmltv.xml file | Apr 08 03:50 |
msb_ | Where do I get maxemum? | Apr 08 03:51 |
cubezzz | it's small so I'll host it | Apr 08 03:52 |
cubezzz | | Apr 08 03:52 |
cubezzz | looks like mc2xml grabs 3 weeks of data | Apr 08 03:54 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines LTO Support Coming To Linux 3.15, Making For A | Apr 08 03:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | Faster Kernel | Apr 08 03:55 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 03:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LTO Support Coming To Linux 3.15, Making For A Faster Kernel | Tux Machines | Apr 08 03:55 | |
cubezzz | I'm using a buffalo zip so I get the us channels too | Apr 08 04:06 |
msb_ | cubezzz: maxemum won't compile: fatal error: dcopclient.h: No such file or directory -- suse repo doesn't seem to have an rpm with it | Apr 08 04:08 |
cubezzz | are you sure you don't have that file somewhere? | Apr 08 04:09 |
msb_ | actually I do! /opt/kde3/include/dcopclient.h | Apr 08 04:10 |
msb_ | how do I tell make where to find it? | Apr 08 04:10 |
cubezzz | the usual place is /usr/include | Apr 08 04:10 |
cubezzz | ah, the categories toggle | Apr 08 04:12 |
msb_ | Hah? | Apr 08 04:14 |
msb_ | cubezzz: where is that toggle? | Apr 08 04:16 |
cubezzz | it's in channels and categories | Apr 08 04:16 |
cubezzz | you un-hilight everything, you see everything | Apr 08 04:17 |
cubezzz | otherwise you only see what you have hilighted | Apr 08 04:17 |
<--DaemonFC` has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 08 04:18 | |
msb_ | How do I tell make to look in /opt/kde3/include for .h files? | Apr 08 04:19 |
cubezzz | easier to just copy the file into /usr/include | Apr 08 04:19 |
msb_ | ok, I'm on my 3rd .h file! | Apr 08 04:20 |
MinceR | | Apr 08 04:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Heartbleed Bug | Apr 08 04:22 | |
cubezzz | whadda know, dragnet is still on | Apr 08 04:22 |
cubezzz | | Apr 08 04:23 |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 08 04:26 |
msb_ | cubezzz: OK, after copying 5 .h files, I'm now getting a big C++ error. Can I PM that to you? | Apr 08 04:28 |
cubezzz | sure | Apr 08 04:28 |
msb_ | there it is. Maybe you could just send me your executable? | Apr 08 04:30 |
msb_ | I'll put on goggles and a protective suit before I run it. | Apr 08 04:31 |
cubezzz | | Apr 08 04:33 |
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-->DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 04:53 | |
-kloeri_-[Global Notice] Hi all. In the next few minutes we're going to restart a bunch of servers due to an openssl security vulnerability (CVE-2014-0160). This is unfortunately going to be very noisy but should be over with relatively quickly. Thanks for using freenode and have a good day. | Apr 08 05:36 | |
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Seeved | hello | Apr 08 05:39 |
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Agnesi | | Apr 08 06:06 |
Agnesi | "Samsung Galaxy S5 review" | Apr 08 06:06 |
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Agnesi | label me unimpressed | Apr 08 06:06 |
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*MinceR sticks a sticker saying "unimpressed" on Sosumi | Apr 08 06:20 | |
Sosumi | :) | Apr 08 06:20 |
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TechrightsBot-tr | Hello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.75 | Apr 08 06:31 |
schestowitz_bed2 | [23:34] <DaemonFC> I hate printers so much that I just go to the library and use one of their computers when I need a copy of something. | Apr 08 06:36 |
schestowitz_bed2 | [23:34] <DaemonFC> It's much cheaper to pay them 20 cents a page than it is to buy a printer and play the ink cartridge games | Apr 08 06:36 |
schestowitz_bed2 | I'm the saem | Apr 08 06:36 |
schestowitz_bed2 | in a photo development shop | Apr 08 06:36 |
schestowitz_bed2 | they also make better prints | Apr 08 06:36 |
schestowitz_bed2 | the idea of printing from home is the anti-sharing mentality | Apr 08 06:37 |
schestowitz_bed2 | where rather than a family sharing a landline each carries a tracking device | Apr 08 06:37 |
schestowitz_bed2 | and people buy several of each thing instead of sharing | Apr 08 06:37 |
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DaemonFC | schestowitz_bed2: They have family plans. A smartphone is a computer. You don't really want to share it with people. | Apr 08 06:47 |
DaemonFC | I do like that Android Beam. | Apr 08 06:47 |
DaemonFC | Where you can beam files to other Android phones. | Apr 08 06:47 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz_bed2: I'll bet that Google made some kind of deal with HP. | Apr 08 06:52 |
DaemonFC | They make Chromebooks and then Google sabotages the OS to where it can't run a printer connected over USB. | Apr 08 06:52 |
DaemonFC | suddenly you need a "google cloud print" printer that sends all your documents to the NSA | Apr 08 06:53 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz_bed2: I did end up snagging that $149.99 refurbished C720. | Apr 08 06:54 |
DaemonFC | I was hoping to get one for $99 at Best Buy in exchange for one of my XP boat anchors that's been in the bedroom closet for years. | Apr 08 06:54 |
DaemonFC | But the real deal ended up being honored only if you trade in a laptop. | Apr 08 06:55 |
schestowitz_bed2 | [13:00] <DaemonFC> schestowitz__: That's why you don't talk about who you voted for at work. | Apr 08 06:56 |
schestowitz_bed2 | [13:01] <MinceR> schestowitz__: what is that referring to? | Apr 08 06:56 |
schestowitz_bed2 | Eich incident | Apr 08 06:56 |
---schestowitz_bed2 is now known as schestowitz__ | Apr 08 06:57 | |
schestowitz__ | [11:54] <DaemonFC> suddenly you need a "google cloud print" printer that sends all your documents to the NSA | Apr 08 06:57 |
schestowitz__ | !google eff printer suerveillance | Apr 08 06:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Printer Dots | Electronic Frontier Foundation | | Apr 08 06:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - deeplinks/printers - | Electronic Frontier Foundation | | Apr 08 06:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Printers | Electronic Frontier Foundation | | Apr 08 06:57 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - The SSD Project - EFF Surveillance Self-Defense Project | | Apr 08 06:57 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: If people don't want to take the consequences for donating to offensive causes, then they shouldn't do that. | Apr 08 06:57 |
MinceR | i thought it was about funding, not voting | Apr 08 06:57 |
schestowitz__ | both count | Apr 08 06:58 |
schestowitz__ | in a workplace | Apr 08 06:58 |
DaemonFC | I changed my Amazon Smile charity to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. | Apr 08 06:58 |
schestowitz__ | a superior might not promote someone for voting far right | Apr 08 06:58 |
schestowitz__ | or even Republican, which in the US is "acceptable" far right | Apr 08 06:58 |
schestowitz__ | DaemonFC: good for you | Apr 08 06:58 |
schestowitz__ | yuo might be on a "list" for that | Apr 08 06:59 |
schestowitz__ | one day you put a sticker on your laptop and the next day you're accused of working for FSB in Moscow | Apr 08 06:59 |
MinceR | i tend to peel stickers off my laptops | Apr 08 07:00 |
MinceR | especially the winblows ads | Apr 08 07:00 |
MinceR | also helps reduce the bazaar look :> | Apr 08 07:01 |
schestowitz__ | I did that too | Apr 08 07:01 |
schestowitz__ | Some don't peel off so well | Apr 08 07:01 |
cubezzz | haha, I figure you did that MinceR :) | Apr 08 07:01 |
MinceR | some stickers i would like to retain tend to peel off their own | Apr 08 07:02 |
MinceR | the nSeries sticker on my dHell became an empty silvery rectangle after a while | Apr 08 07:03 |
schestowitz__ | meh | Apr 08 07:03 |
schestowitz__ | mine has warranty sticker | Apr 08 07:03 |
MinceR | the GNU or FSF (i can't remember which) sticker i replaced it with also became a silvery circle | Apr 08 07:03 |
schestowitz__ | covering the remnants of a Windows Vistas sticker that did not peel off so well | Apr 08 07:03 |
schestowitz__ | Because, you know, it's Vista | Apr 08 07:03 |
MinceR | the ThinkPad logo on the wrist pad of my tablet PC became a hollow shape | Apr 08 07:03 |
schestowitz__ | nothing works well | Apr 08 07:03 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 08 07:03 |
MinceR | my sweat probably dissolves the solvents | Apr 08 07:04 |
cubezzz | at least they don't stamp MICROSOFT into the laptop's molecular structure :) | Apr 08 07:04 |
MinceR | yet | Apr 08 07:04 |
schestowitz__ | There is also ATI sticker (AMD) and Intel on it | Apr 08 07:04 |
schestowitz__ | I leave the Intel one on because it might not peel off well | Apr 08 07:04 |
---|Omega| is now known as Omega | Apr 08 07:04 | |
schestowitz__ | and it look a bit fancy with hologramic effect | Apr 08 07:04 |
MinceR | i don't mind the intel stickers | Apr 08 07:04 |
schestowitz__ | It's like "smoking kills" sticker | Apr 08 07:04 |
schestowitz__ | "centrino Inside" | Apr 08 07:05 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: Some of those Chromebooks are covered in stickers. | Apr 08 07:05 |
schestowitz__ | [12:04] <MinceR> my sweat probably dissolves the solvents | Apr 08 07:05 |
DaemonFC | "OMG, THIS HAS WIRELESS N ZOMG!!!!" | Apr 08 07:05 |
schestowitz__ | Is Absurdistan ever getting so warm? | Apr 08 07:05 |
DaemonFC | "ZOMG INTEL INSIDE!!!!" | Apr 08 07:05 |
schestowitz__ | Yeah | Apr 08 07:05 |
cubezzz | avoiding Intel is tough | Apr 08 07:06 |
DaemonFC | I think that the one I bought only has the Intel sticker. | Apr 08 07:06 |
MinceR | my EeePC had lots of stickers | Apr 08 07:06 |
schestowitz__ | Did Google trademark "Chrome"? | Apr 08 07:06 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 08 07:06 |
DaemonFC | It has a Haswell Celeron. | Apr 08 07:06 |
schestowitz__ | Or did it strugglew like ti does with "Glass"? | Apr 08 07:06 |
schestowitz__ | MS got "Windows", but Google can't get "Glass" | Apr 08 07:06 |
MinceR | schestowitz__: the unhabitable concrete box i live in has no air conditioning | Apr 08 07:06 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: I think that the C720 is the best deal out there right now, especially refurbished. | Apr 08 07:06 |
MinceR | or proper insulation | Apr 08 07:07 |
DaemonFC | Where else are you going to get a laptop that does all that for $150? | Apr 08 07:07 |
cubezzz | it's still cold here | Apr 08 07:07 |
cubezzz | 1 C | Apr 08 07:07 |
DaemonFC | As far as I know, there aren't any $150 Windows laptops out there at all. | Apr 08 07:07 |
MinceR | eventually my sweat took off the intel stickers too, iirc | Apr 08 07:07 |
MinceR | but those didn't come apart | Apr 08 07:07 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: They could probably get the price down some more if they went with AMD. | Apr 08 07:09 |
DaemonFC | for the Chromebooks | Apr 08 07:09 |
DaemonFC | The fact that there's an Intel processor in there at all, even just a Celeron, probably raises the price $20-30. | Apr 08 07:09 |
DaemonFC | They could be selling these things brand new for $150 and making a profit with AMD processors. | Apr 08 07:10 |
DaemonFC | I deliberately stayed away from the Samsung Chromebook. | Apr 08 07:13 |
MinceR | my 'replace the laptop with an arm tablet' project failed | Apr 08 07:13 |
DaemonFC | It's more expensive, it's slower, and it has proprietary graphics drivers that aren't included in standard GNU/Linux distributions, so it's very hard to run anything other than Chrome OS on it. | Apr 08 07:13 |
DaemonFC | Yeah. | Apr 08 07:13 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: I tried that back in 2011 with an Archos G9. | Apr 08 07:14 |
DaemonFC | They're just not good enough. | Apr 08 07:14 |
MinceR | mainly because the android UI is not that keyboard-friendly and can't run x2x or synergy | Apr 08 07:14 |
MinceR | (it traps alt+tab and super+tab for the same thing, and i can't let them through to bVNC) | Apr 08 07:14 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: Swype works fine on phones. | Apr 08 07:14 |
MinceR | hacker's keyboard works fine on phones and tablets | Apr 08 07:15 |
MinceR | well, sometimes it gets a little sluggish | Apr 08 07:15 |
MinceR | also, i couldn't get the armhf qemu binaries to run for x86 or arm guests | Apr 08 07:16 |
MinceR | maybe i didn't have enough memory | Apr 08 07:16 |
MinceR | a dualboot-capable rom would solve the UI problems and free up memory for GNU | Apr 08 07:18 |
MinceR | eventually | Apr 08 07:18 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 08 07:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kate Mulgrew Is in a Doc that Argues the Sun Revolves Around the Earth [ ] | Apr 08 07:29 | |
DaemonFC | That's just sad. | Apr 08 07:29 |
MinceR | indeed | Apr 08 07:30 |
MinceR | i guess this is dementia | Apr 08 07:32 |
cubezzz | I thought geocentricism went out a few centuries ago | Apr 08 07:40 |
<--sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Apr 08 07:41 | |
MinceR | not in christian taliban land | Apr 08 07:41 |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 08 07:49 | |
schestowitz__ | [12:07] <MinceR> schestowitz__: the unhabitable concrete box i live in has no air conditioning | Apr 08 07:56 |
schestowitz__ | Being sweaty in a box makes me too irritable to work well | Apr 08 07:56 |
MinceR | living in Mordor irritates me even more | Apr 08 07:57 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 07:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SEEVed: @schestowitz i wonder a simple hack to boot off usb loading the same OS with a x86 kernel on a disk-less desktop | Apr 08 07:58 | |
schestowitz__ | MinceR: how bad is it, on an intl scope, on a scale of 1-10 (worst)? | Apr 08 07:58 |
schestowitz__ | I'd rank UK 3 | Apr 08 07:58 |
MinceR | depends on what you compare it to | Apr 08 07:58 |
MinceR | much worse than the UK | Apr 08 07:58 |
schestowitz__ | seems like scandinavia might be a 2 | Apr 08 07:59 |
schestowitz__ | I don't see many hungarian migrants here | Apr 08 07:59 |
schestowitz__ | except the 'famous' one, Soros | Apr 08 07:59 |
MinceR | there are plenty of hungarian migrants in london, UK | Apr 08 07:59 |
schestowitz__ | Many from Poland though | Apr 08 07:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Death of Window XP Is a Golden Opportunity for | Apr 08 07:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | Linux | Apr 08 07:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 07:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Brendan Eich's ouster shows lynch mob at work | Apr 08 07:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 07:59 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 07:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Death of Window XP Is a Golden Opportunity for Linux | Tux Machines | Apr 08 07:59 | |
MinceR | yeah, i've heard they hate poles there | Apr 08 08:00 |
schestowitz__ | I think half a million, maybe just in London it would be hundreds of thousands who are becoming the scapegoats of Brits who follow government (plutocrats') papers | Apr 08 08:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Brendan Eich's ouster shows lynch mob at work | Tux Machines | Apr 08 08:00 | |
schestowitz__ | The papers here are very racist | Apr 08 08:00 |
schestowitz__ | but covertly | Apr 08 08:00 |
schestowitz__ | not they insult romanians | Apr 08 08:00 |
schestowitz__ | and bulgarians too sometimes | Apr 08 08:00 |
schestowitz__ | even though most brits don't seem to view these as anything other than well educated people who can create companies here | Apr 08 08:01 |
MinceR | also, i've heard they believe that hungarians using the word "kurva" are poles | Apr 08 08:01 |
schestowitz__ | The press here is toxis | Apr 08 08:01 |
schestowitz__ | ev en faily exprress and faildependent, not just dailyfail | Apr 08 08:01 |
schestowitz__ | I sometimes pick a paper to inspect headlines at the sauna - wouldn't come across these toxic papers otherwise | Apr 08 08:02 |
schestowitz__ | front page now is almost always xenophobic | Apr 08 08:02 |
MinceR | what is their motivation for that? | Apr 08 08:02 |
schestowitz__ | divide and rule | Apr 08 08:08 |
schestowitz__ | people here vent out anger at impoverished people | Apr 08 08:08 |
schestowitz__ | blacks, Asians, east Europeans... | Apr 08 08:09 |
schestowitz__ | or lower class, like "chavs", construction, etc. | Apr 08 08:09 |
schestowitz__ | Not bankers, lawyers, loas sharks... | Apr 08 08:09 |
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schestowitz__ | MinceR: many immigration laws are race-agnostic | Apr 08 08:22 |
schestowitz__ | so it's common to warp immigration laws while holding on to Muslim terrorism as a bait | Apr 08 08:23 |
schestowitz__ | carrot and stick | Apr 08 08:23 |
schestowitz__ | like copyright lobbyists do with child pron | Apr 08 08:23 |
-->trn (jhj@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:feae:3efa) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 08:24 | |
MinceR | | Apr 08 08:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-name lookup timed out ( status 0 @ ) | Apr 08 08:33 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Canonical Shows Off Unity8 (Mir) and Unity7 | Apr 08 09:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | (X11) Running at the Same Time on the Same PC | Apr 08 09:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 09:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 09:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Open-Source Graphics Performance With | Apr 08 09:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | Unvanquished | Apr 08 09:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 09:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Ubuntu Phone Pricing Will Fall Within $200-400 | Apr 08 09:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | Category, Mobile OS Can Run In A Desktop | Apr 08 09:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | Operating System As Well | Apr 08 09:09 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 09:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Canonical Shows Off Unity8 (Mir) and Unity7 (X11) Running at the Same Time on the Same PC | Tux Machines | Apr 08 09:09 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open-Source Graphics Performance With Unvanquished | Tux Machines | Apr 08 09:09 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Phone Pricing Will Fall Within $200-400 Category, Mobile OS Can Run In A Desktop Operating System As Well | Tux Machines | Apr 08 09:10 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines For HTPC folks, XBMC recommends an upgrade from | Apr 08 09:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | Windows XP to Linux | Apr 08 09:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 09:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | For HTPC folks, XBMC recommends an upgrade from Windows XP to Linux | Tux Machines | Apr 08 09:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Will it ever be the year of the Linux Desktop? | Apr 08 09:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 09:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 09:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Will it ever be the year of the Linux Desktop? | Tux Machines | Apr 08 09:11 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines How Git redefined open source software | Apr 08 09:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | development | Apr 08 09:11 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 09:11 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How Git redefined open source software development | Tux Machines | Apr 08 09:11 | |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | Apr 08 09:44 | |
cubezzz | interesting fact.. | Apr 08 09:53 |
cubezzz | in 1984 Lexidata had a 1280x1024x8 display :) | Apr 08 09:54 |
cubezzz | it was used with an early version of the X window system | Apr 08 09:54 |
MinceR | :) | Apr 08 09:55 |
<--amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Apr 08 09:57 | |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Former Chief Security Officer for Microsoft the | Apr 08 13:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | Chairman of the Board of Firm Behind | Apr 08 13:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | Heartbleed® | Apr 08 13:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 13:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Koushik Dutta releases AllCast beta for Amazon | Apr 08 13:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | FireTV | Apr 08 13:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 13:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Raspberry Pi to Deliver a Modular Device for | Apr 08 13:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | Businesses | Apr 08 13:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 13:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AMD Releases The Radeon R9 295X | Apr 08 13:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 13:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 13:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Clonezilla Live 2.2.2-35 Distro for Backup Is | Apr 08 13:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | Ready for Testing | Apr 08 13:04 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 13:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Former Chief Security Officer for Microsoft the Chairman of the Board of Firm Behind Heartbleed® | Tux Machines | Apr 08 13:04 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Koushik Dutta releases AllCast beta for Amazon FireTV | Tux Machines | Apr 08 13:05 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi to Deliver a Modular Device for Businesses | Tux Machines | Apr 08 13:05 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMD Releases The Radeon R9 295X | Tux Machines | Apr 08 13:05 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Clonezilla Live 2.2.2-35 Distro for Backup Is Ready for Testing | Tux Machines | Apr 08 13:05 | |
-->Caleb (4c5b81b1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrights | Apr 08 13:16 | |
---Caleb is now known as Guest65600 | Apr 08 13:16 | |
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schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 13:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@dr_chris_jones: @JesselynRadack @schestowitz @TruthTalkerUSA Hayden is a Nazi. | Apr 08 13:29 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Replace the Retiring Windows XP with Linux | Apr 08 14:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 14:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 14:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines CRYENGINE to Arrive on Steam for Linux Soon | Apr 08 14:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 14:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 14:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines AAEON EMB-BT1: A Linux-Friendly, Mini-ITX, Atom | Apr 08 14:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | "Bay Trail" Board | Apr 08 14:21 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 14:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Replace the Retiring Windows XP with Linux | Tux Machines | Apr 08 14:21 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CRYENGINE to Arrive on Steam for Linux Soon | Tux Machines | Apr 08 14:22 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AAEON EMB-BT1: A Linux-Friendly, Mini-ITX, Atom "Bay Trail" Board | Tux Machines | Apr 08 14:22 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 14:49 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: at the butcher...  #butcher #nonvegetarian #pigs #reversal #humans #humanbeings #flesh #meat #slaughter #painting | Apr 08 14:49 | |
schestowitz__ | "I like meat a lot, but if I had to kill by myself my own food I would be vegetarian for sure." | Apr 08 14:49 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 14:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ A report from last year said that only one in 50 people killed by #drones was identified as "leader" (hence "target"). That's accuracy? | Apr 08 14:50 | |
schestowitz__ | "How were they identified exactly? And how many new "leaders" did the strike generate." | Apr 08 14:50 |
MinceR | yum yum | Apr 08 14:50 |
<--jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 08 15:04 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 15:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #UN orders #Japan to halt #whale hunt the photo says it all really. | Apr 08 15:19 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | UN orders Japan to halt whale hunt | Muktware [ ] | Apr 08 15:19 | |
schestowitz__ | "Headlines you will never see: UN orders US to halt deer hunt UN orders US to halt seal hunt UN orders US to halt fish hunt UN orders US to halt bird hunt UN orders US to halt factory farming I'm not saying I'm for whaling I'mHeadlines you will never see: UN orders US to halt deer hunt UN orders US to halt seal hunt UN orders US to halt fish hunt UN orders US to halt bird hunt UN orders US to halt factory farming I'm not saying I'm | Apr 08 15:19 |
schestowitz__ | for whaling I'm just saying the UN and the western powers it truly represents are and will continue to be selective about who they chastise." just saying the UN and the western powers it truly represents are and will continue to be selective about who they chastise. | Apr 08 15:19 |
schestowitz__ | > "Critical crypto bug in OpenSSL opens two-thirds of the Web to | Apr 08 15:48 |
schestowitz__ | > eavesdropping" | Apr 08 15:48 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 08 15:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Critical crypto bug in OpenSSL opens two-thirds of the Web to eavesdropping | Ars Technica [ ] | Apr 08 15:48 | |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 08 15:48 |
schestowitz__ | > "‘Heartbleed’ OpenSSL Bug Left HTTPS Servers Vulnerable For Two Years" | Apr 08 15:48 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 08 15:48 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 08 15:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'Heartbleed' OpenSSL Bug Left HTTPS Servers Vulnerable For Two Years [ ] | Apr 08 15:48 | |
schestowitz__ | > you already covered these, including the M$ connection... | Apr 08 15:48 |
schestowitz__ | And FBI. Schmidt had worked with them as well. They're worse than NSA. | Apr 08 15:48 |
Jibbler | everyone going on about this "two thirds of the web" being vulnerable is wrong | Apr 08 15:51 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 15:52 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@dr_chris_jones: @schestowitz @Microsoft @window Big problem is people seriously hooked to OS of choice. That's partly why Linux has market share of 1.5% | Apr 08 15:52 | |
schestowitz__ | Jibbler: Ars | Apr 08 15:52 |
schestowitz__ | !google techrights Fox technica | Apr 08 15:52 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - Links: Privacy Erosion and Other Technological ... - Techrights | | Apr 08 15:52 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - 2014 March 25 | Techrights | | Apr 08 15:52 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Links: News About Surveillance, Covert Intervention ... - Techrights | | Apr 08 15:52 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Recent FUD About GNU/Linux Security May be Related ... - Techrights | | Apr 08 15:52 |
Jibbler | several other news places are saying the same thing | Apr 08 15:52 |
schestowitz__ | it has far more than that if one includes mobile and tablets | Apr 08 15:53 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 15:53 |
schestowitz__ | Jibbler: maybe the lies sold by the Schmidy idiot | Apr 08 15:53 |
schestowitz__ | worked for the FBI (worse than NSA) | Apr 08 15:53 |
schestowitz__ | Then MS | Apr 08 15:53 |
schestowitz__ | the back doors partner of the NSA | Apr 08 15:53 |
schestowitz__ | Now smears FOSS | Apr 08 15:53 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 15:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Former Chief Security Officer for Microsoft the Chairman of the Board of Firm Behind Heartbleed® | Techrights [ ] | Apr 08 15:56 | |
-->Sosumi ( has joined #techrights | Apr 08 16:00 | |
<--puppywatch has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Apr 08 16:02 | |
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TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Huawei Ascend Y530, First Take: Entry-level | Apr 08 16:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | smartphone with 'simple' Android UI option | Apr 08 16:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 16:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 16:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Huawei Ascend Y530, First Take: Entry-level smartphone with 'simple' Android UI option | Tux Machines | Apr 08 16:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Hackable home automation controller runs | Apr 08 16:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | Android | Apr 08 16:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 16:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hackable home automation controller runs Android | Tux Machines | Apr 08 16:12 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Fedora 21 Looks To Have A "Playground" | Apr 08 16:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | Repository | Apr 08 16:12 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 16:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora 21 Looks To Have A "Playground" Repository | Tux Machines | Apr 08 16:12 | |
schestowitz__ | linux distros named:,serious-openssl-bug-renders-websites-wide-open.aspx | Apr 08 16:23 |
schestowitz__ | talk about timing | Apr 08 16:23 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Serious OpenSSL bug renders websites wide open - Security - Technology - News - [ ] | Apr 08 16:23 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 16:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Running Windows XP programs on Linux Mint with CrossOver | ZDNet [ ] | Apr 08 16:54 | |
schestowitz__ | Troll: "SVJN, your obsession to kill windows and Microsoft is truly becoming pathetic. This is your Nth post of how or why replace Windows XP with Linux. We all got the message! Please take your pills." | Apr 08 16:54 |
schestowitz__ | MS got caught spreading shills specifically in ZDnet | Apr 08 16:54 |
-->jono ( has joined #techrights | Apr 08 17:05 | |
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schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 17:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ 6 Ubuntu One Alternatives but giving files to someone else is never an alternative, just more of the same | Apr 08 17:24 | |
schestowitz__ | "ownCloud is the only one on that list to trust as you can host your own (as I do). Sync, share, web access, calendars, contacts, document editor. Everything you come to expect. iOS, Android, Linux desktop clients abound." | Apr 08 17:24 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | 6 Ubuntu One Alternatives - TechShout [ ] | Apr 08 17:24 | |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines elementary OS "Isis" First Details Revealed, It | Apr 08 18:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | Looks Unbelievably Good – Video | Apr 08 18:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 18:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 18:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | @tuxmachines Raspberry Pi morphs into $30 SODIMM-style COM | Apr 08 18:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | | Apr 08 18:07 |
TweetTuxMachines | ........................................ | Apr 08 18:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | elementary OS "Isis" First Details Revealed, It Looks Unbelievably Good – Video | Tux Machines | Apr 08 18:07 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi morphs into $30 SODIMM-style COM | Tux Machines | Apr 08 18:07 | |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | Apr 08 18:23 | |
MinceR | gn | Apr 08 18:46 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 18:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #hayden ad hominem attacks responded to: #cia #nsa | Apr 08 18:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Democrats call out ex-CIA chief's 'condescending' remarks | MSNBC [ ] | Apr 08 18:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Ron Wyden rips former CIA director for suggesting 'deeply emotional feelings' tempered 'torture' report | [ ] | Apr 08 18:56 | |
schestowitz__ | "Because nothing is emotional about torture is it? Just a job, causing people intense pain and emotional discomfort? Or is it an emotional response driven by fear and malice designed to terrify people into submission?" | Apr 08 18:56 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 08 18:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Control by fear: new #propaganda film frames #cia as foiling "plot to launch a biological attack in London." | Apr 08 18:56 | |
schestowitz__ | "Hysteria is required to justify power and torture." | Apr 08 18:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Noomi Rapace to play CIA agent - [ ] | Apr 08 18:56 | |
schestowitz__ | In some houses, people spend an hour and a half watching a film | Apr 08 19:01 |
schestowitz__ | here we spend an hour and a half watching interviews with whistleblowers :-) | Apr 08 19:01 |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | Apr 08 19:31 | |
-->DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 19:47 | |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | Apr 08 20:09 | |
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter... | Apr 08 21:05 | |
*DaemonFC is listening to Shine Down by Godsmack on IV [Amarok] | Apr 08 21:15 | |
DaemonFC | 21 secs · | Apr 08 21:30 |
DaemonFC | I've got an offer on one of my really old computers. | Apr 08 21:30 |
DaemonFC | I put it on Craigslist for $30 just to get rid of it. It would never run a version of Windows newer than XP, but it could still run Xubuntu or something and make a really nice computer for web browsing and older video games. | Apr 08 21:30 |
DaemonFC | Most of the stuff on Good Old Games runs in Wine (software), and there's so many old games that I could never have afforded new that are like $5 now, with no DRM. | Apr 08 21:30 |
DaemonFC | Wine has gotten to the point where it's really a better Windows than Windows, especially with the PlayOnLinux front end. | Apr 08 21:30 |
DaemonFC | People just don't appreciate what an old computer can really do. They lose their value very fast because the current version of Windows is a big bloated behemoth that barely runs on some systems that are quite fast. | Apr 08 21:30 |
DaemonFC | Swapping out Windows for GNU/Linux is like telling a person that they can either carry 1,000 pounds of dead weight up a hill or trim it down to the 50 pounds of essentials. Windows really is quite awful. I refuse to ever touch it again. | Apr 08 21:30 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 08 21:45 |
<--TweetTuxMachines has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Apr 08 21:51 | |
-->TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 08 21:51 | |
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DaemonFC | | Apr 08 22:15 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ‘Star Trek’s Kate Mulgrew on geocentrist film: ‘I was a voice for hire, and a misinformed one’ | The Raw Story [ ] | Apr 08 22:16 | |
-->TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 08 22:27 | |
<--TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | Apr 08 22:32 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 08 22:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Star Trek's Kate Mulgrew says she was tricked into narrating film that argues the Sun revolves around Earth · Newswire · The A.V. Club [ ] | Apr 08 22:47 | |
<--jono has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Apr 08 23:14 | |
-->jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 08 23:31 | |
-->TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 09 00:45 | |
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<--jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 09 01:27 | |
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 09 01:35 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 09 03:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Samsung Chromebook 2 set to square off against Intel-powered Chrome OS devices — Tech News and Analysis [ ] | Apr 09 03:19 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: I think that they're probably overkill for Chrome OS. | Apr 09 03:19 |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 09 04:06 |
<--Jibbler has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Apr 09 04:18 | |
-->Jibbler ( has joined #techrights | Apr 09 04:19 | |
DaemonFC | I'm going to sell my Archos 80 G9 tablet. | Apr 09 04:32 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 09 04:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "The inventor of the American suburban shopping mall was a socialist. Could his creation have been saved?" | Apr 09 04:33 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The Shopping Mall’s Socialist Pre-History | Jacobin | Apr 09 04:33 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "America and other European nations...dump their nuclear waste in Somalia’s now unprotected seas." | Apr 09 04:33 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | You Been Lied To: 7 Things You May Not Know About Somali 'Pirates' - Atlanta Black Star | Apr 09 04:33 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme." ~ Attributed to Mark Twain | Apr 09 04:33 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Geopolitics of Empire: Mackinder's Heartland Theory and the Containment of Russia -- Puppet Masters -- | Apr 09 04:33 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Laziness | Apr 09 04:33 | |
DaemonFC | They stopped updating it at Android 4.0.4, and it's not the fastest thing around. :P | Apr 09 04:33 |
schestowitz__ | DaemonFC: I mentioned that Best Buy deal | Apr 09 04:33 |
schestowitz__ | twice in articles | Apr 09 04:33 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 09 04:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The one problem about EPIC is that some of its key people came from top #prism conspirator: Ray Ozzie | Apr 09 04:34 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC): Got Microsoft? | Techrights | Apr 09 04:34 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Google Glass and #Privacy as long as #google is in #prism this should obviously be avoided | Apr 09 04:34 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | EPIC - Google Glass and Privacy | Apr 09 04:34 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #Snowden Speaks: A Vanity Fair Exclusive "limit to the amount of incivility and inequality and inhumanity" | Apr 09 04:34 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Snowden Speaks: A Vanity Fair Exclusive | Vanity Fair | Apr 09 04:34 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: The deal is a little different than what the news said. | Apr 09 04:34 |
DaemonFC | You can only trade in a Windows XP LAPTOP. | Apr 09 04:34 |
DaemonFC | They won't take desktops. | Apr 09 04:34 |
schestowitz__ | ha | Apr 09 04:34 |
DaemonFC | So I put that old system on Craigslist. | Apr 09 04:34 |
schestowitz__ | bastards | Apr 09 04:34 |
DaemonFC | I'm going to sell it for $30. | Apr 09 04:35 |
DaemonFC | Some guy made me an offer on it. I just want rid of it. | Apr 09 04:35 |
schestowitz__ | why bother? | Apr 09 04:35 |
schestowitz__ | the trouble is greater than $30 in value | Apr 09 04:35 |
schestowitz__ | make a home server out of it | Apr 09 04:35 |
schestowitz__ | or backup machine | Apr 09 04:35 |
DaemonFC | It beats having it taking up space | Apr 09 04:35 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: The hard drive has a bunch of bad sectors. | Apr 09 04:38 |
DaemonFC | I guess I could pop in that 1 TB drive I had from this system. | Apr 09 04:39 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 09 04:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dell Venue Pro 8 - Windows 8.1 Tablet [ ] | Apr 09 04:44 | |
DaemonFC | Does this have Restricted Boot? | Apr 09 04:44 |
DaemonFC | The Archos 80 G9 was fairly fast until I updated it to Ice Cream Sandwich. | Apr 09 04:54 |
<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | Apr 09 05:19 | |
cubezzz | I think there will be more Linux users due to XP's EOL | Apr 09 05:23 |
cubezzz | OR... microsoft could release the source code for XP and everyone could improve it as they see fit | Apr 09 05:24 |
cubezzz | 2.11BSD and 4.3BSD still are still updated | Apr 09 05:26 |
cubezzz | I've done it myself | Apr 09 05:26 |
cubezzz | >> 2.11BSD and 4.3BSD are still updated | Apr 09 05:26 |
cubezzz | people need to be reminded how important 4.3BSD was | Apr 09 05:29 |
cubezzz | it was the template for most of the *nix derivatives that came later | Apr 09 05:30 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 09 05:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Buying Choices: Acer 11.6" Chromebook 2 GB 16 GB | C720-2802 [ ] | Apr 09 05:46 | |
DaemonFC | Acer is selling more of these for $149.99 as refurbs. | Apr 09 05:46 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 09 05:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Acer Chromebook C720 review - YouTube [ ] | Apr 09 05:47 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 09 06:32 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | No, Kate Mulgrew Does NOT Believe The Sun Orbits The Earth [ ] | Apr 09 06:32 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz__: I'll set up the Chromebook right away when it arrives. | Apr 09 06:32 |
DaemonFC | I have a feeling that I got more computer than I paid for. | Apr 09 06:32 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 09 06:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: NVIDIA Releases First Linux Driver with Overclock Features #nvidia #linux | Apr 09 06:43 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | NVIDIA Releases First Linux Driver with Overclock Features | Apr 09 06:43 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "The inventor of the American suburban shopping mall was a socialist. Could his creation have been saved?" | Apr 09 06:43 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The Shopping Mall’s Socialist Pre-History | Jacobin | Apr 09 06:43 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 09 06:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "America and other European nations...dump their nuclear waste in Somalia’s now unprotected seas." | Apr 09 06:43 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | You Been Lied To: 7 Things You May Not Know About Somali 'Pirates' - Atlanta Black Star | Apr 09 06:43 | |
<--schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | Apr 09 06:59 | |
-->schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Apr 09 06:59 | |
schestowitz | | Apr 09 08:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Tony Blair: We should invade Syria whether the British public wants it or not serial #warcriminal | Apr 09 08:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Tony Blair: We should invade Syria whether the British public wants it or not - Stop the War Coalition [ ] | Apr 09 08:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Time to migrate away from XP | Apr 09 08:00 | |
DaemonFC | Someone suggested rigging my phone up to let me tether without paying Sprint extra. | Apr 09 08:05 |
DaemonFC | That would void the warranty on my phone, and I think that Sprint would know something was going on when I started using 500 GB a month of mobile data. | Apr 09 08:05 |
DaemonFC | :) | Apr 09 08:05 |
schestowitz | | Apr 09 08:07 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: Walk like a dinosaur? <img src=""> via <a href="">the pluss</a> | Apr 09 08:07 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Google+ [ ] | Apr 09 08:07 | |
schestowitz | "Oh my gosh :-D" | Apr 09 08:07 |
DaemonFC | 2 secs · | Apr 09 08:26 |
DaemonFC | I actually saw an app for sale in Apple's app store, that tells Apple users how to calculate a tip. | Apr 09 08:26 |
DaemonFC | So, let me get this straight. Someone who got through school after managing to flunk basic math has an $849 phone. | Apr 09 08:26 |
DaemonFC | One wonders how these people do that. They can't all be Walmart managers, can they? | Apr 09 08:26 |
DaemonFC | Anyway, sitting there wondering how little you can get away with tipping someone that makes $2.13 an hour, instead of rounding up to the nearest dollar, while you're holding an $849 phone, officially makes you the douchiest douche in doucheville. | Apr 09 08:26 |
-->TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 09 08:26 | |
DaemonFC | shared a link via | Apr 09 08:30 |
DaemonFC | 8 seconds ago | Apr 09 08:30 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 09 08:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Comcast Takes 2014 Prize For Worst Company In America - Slashdot [ ] | Apr 09 08:30 | |
DaemonFC | ABSOLUTELY!!!! **** COMCAST! **** them in their stupid faces! I hope they all get **** and **** rot and die horrible deaths! | Apr 09 08:30 |
<--TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 09 08:30 | |
cubezzz | | Apr 09 08:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | DSL Internet Service | Cheap DSL | NetZero | Apr 09 08:35 | |
Sosumi | | Apr 09 08:43 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Comcast considers creating its own mobile phone service | Ars Technica [ ] | Apr 09 08:43 | |
Sosumi | lulz | Apr 09 08:43 |
-->TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 09 08:44 | |
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Sosumi | | Apr 09 09:16 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@ProSyriana: #Wahhabism #SaudiArabia | Apr 09 09:16 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@ProSyriana: #Wahhabism #SaudiArabia | Apr 09 09:16 | |
Sosumi | "If a women gets raped walking in public alone, then she, herself is at fault! She is only seducing m,en by her presence! She should have stayed home like a Muslim Women!" | Apr 09 09:17 |
Sosumi | as said by Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Fawzan Al-Fawzan, professor of islamic law, KSA | Apr 09 09:18 |
Sosumi | *facepalm* | Apr 09 09:18 |
MinceR | that's abrahamic religion for you | Apr 09 09:19 |
Sosumi | aka some dude dressed in table sheets | Apr 09 09:19 |
MinceR | dresses vary, savagery remains | Apr 09 09:21 |
<--Andromm has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 09 09:22 | |
Sosumi | well, they could follow their dumb religion without the need of pushing it to the limit | Apr 09 09:23 |
MinceR | they could but they don't seem to want to | Apr 09 09:24 |
Sosumi | | Apr 09 09:24 |
Sosumi | there some Jewjitsu folks | Apr 09 09:24 |
Sosumi | same crap | Apr 09 09:24 |
-->wisjsgxys (~androirc@ has joined #techrights | Apr 09 10:12 | |
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DaemonFC | [08:43] <Sosumi> lulz | Apr 09 10:21 |
DaemonFC | Well, at least it gives people who were bitching about Sprint something to hate even worse. | Apr 09 10:21 |
DaemonFC | There is actually some competition for mobile phone carriers. | Apr 09 10:23 |
DaemonFC | There's four big ones in the United States, and you can use any of them in any area. | Apr 09 10:23 |
DaemonFC | With POTS, you had one phone company in your area, and that was that. | Apr 09 10:23 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 09 10:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Molyneux: “I’m sure they’re going to release an Xbox One without Kinect.” | Ars Technica [ ] | Apr 09 10:29 | |
DaemonFC | "I actually wish Kinect wasn't a requirement. It feels like an unnecessary add-on to me. Maybe it's because we're in England, and it doesn't really use the TV stuff, but it feels more and more like a joke. My son and I sit there saying random things at it, and it doesn't work. They could cost-reduce it [by removing Kinect]. I'm sure they’re going to release an Xbox One without Kinect. It would be unthinkable that they wouldn't." | Apr 09 10:30 |
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 09 10:30 | |
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Sosumi | remind me why one should buy an xbox? | Apr 09 10:48 |
Sosumi | expensive door stopper? | Apr 09 10:49 |
Sosumi | stepping block? | Apr 09 10:49 |
Sosumi | when the ps4 is cheaper and more powerful | Apr 09 10:50 |
MinceR | one should not. | Apr 09 10:50 |
Sosumi | and actually has some nice gimmicky stuff with the psvita that lets you stream ps4 games into it | Apr 09 10:50 |
Sosumi | kind of like the nvidia shield does | Apr 09 10:50 |
Sosumi | even m$ DrPizza_ doesn't have one | Apr 09 10:52 |
Sosumi | plus I don't know | Apr 09 10:55 |
Sosumi | would you like to have some kid yelling at you while playing online | Apr 09 10:56 |
Sosumi | ? | Apr 09 10:56 |
MinceR | nope | Apr 09 10:56 |
Sosumi | I see it unfortunate that not a lot come to gnu/linux | Apr 09 10:56 |
Sosumi | but at least the price barrier | Apr 09 10:56 |
Sosumi | keeps those lil'dudes away | Apr 09 10:57 |
Sosumi | *the p+rice barrier of pc gaming | Apr 09 10:58 |
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cubezzz | heh, just tapped into RTVE Brazil | Apr 09 12:18 |
cubezzz | tvfox is kind of neat | Apr 09 12:19 |
cubezzz | a weird mix of flash and mplayer plugins | Apr 09 12:25 |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 09 12:34 | |
cubezzz | ATV Baku works | Apr 09 12:47 |
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Sosumi | one of the dudes responsible for the LSD inspired ios7 has just been booted out of crapple | Apr 09 15:44 |
Sosumi | now the entire gui design will fall under jony ive | Apr 09 15:45 |
MinceR | it will still suck | Apr 09 15:45 |
MinceR | all their principles are ass backwards | Apr 09 15:45 |
Sosumi | you know, that guy who made a "computing" buttplug | Apr 09 15:46 |
Sosumi | well... | Apr 09 15:46 |
Sosumi | maybe the buttplug was conceived in order to prevent their principles from ever coming out of their, collective, asses | Apr 09 15:47 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 09 15:47 |
MinceR | gn | Apr 09 16:23 |
Sosumi | o/ | Apr 09 16:23 |
Sosumi | ios7 in one image | Apr 09 17:16 |
Sosumi | | Apr 09 17:16 |
Sosumi | | Apr 09 17:18 |
Sosumi | and GN | Apr 09 17:18 |
msb_ | Sosumi: These Jews in black -- aren't their bare hands an abomination unto the Lord? | Apr 09 19:05 |
msb_ | cubezzz: Thanks for all the help you gave me on TV listings! When I have time I'll write a program to sift through the XML and show exactly what I want. | Apr 09 19:07 |
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XFaCE | schestowitz__: hello | Apr 09 23:38 |
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Sosumi | msb_, if those jews in black lift their veils | Apr 10 01:31 |
Sosumi | they'll suck your soul away | Apr 10 01:31 |
Sosumi | and leave you as nothing more than a withered cadaver | Apr 10 01:33 |
Sosumi | :) | Apr 10 01:33 |
Sosumi | nothing the bugs will want ya | Apr 10 01:33 |
<--DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 10 01:35 | |
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schestowitz__ | XFaCE: hey | Apr 10 03:29 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 03:31 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@paulhindes: LOL. They think this will help their int'l appeal. MT @schestowitz: #dropbox adds war criminal to board not satire | Apr 10 03:31 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Condoleezza Rice Joins Dropbox’s Board As It Names New CFO, COO | TechCrunch | Apr 10 03:31 | |
schestowitz__ | [00:06] <msb_> Sosumi: These Jews in black -- aren't their bare hands an abomination unto the Lord? | Apr 10 03:32 |
schestowitz__ | LOL | Apr 10 03:32 |
schestowitz__ | is this real? | Apr 10 03:32 |
schestowitz__ | Looks like crossover of Saudi women and penguins | Apr 10 03:32 |
msb_ | I dunno, but they're rather scary. | Apr 10 03:33 |
msb_ | I'm sure they have machine guns under those robesl | Apr 10 03:33 |
msb_ | But please, not penguins! More like zombies. | Apr 10 03:34 |
schestowitz__ | xbox watches YOU | Apr 10 03:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Molyneux: “I’m sure they’re going to release an Xbox One without Kinect.” | Ars Technica [ ] | Apr 10 03:35 | |
schestowitz__ | Idiots | Apr 10 03:35 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 04:04 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: conservative voter...  #conservatives #conservatism #voter #vote #voting #votingcounts #thereisadifference #republicans #rightwingers #bigots #racists #redstates | Apr 10 04:04 | |
schestowitz__ | ""conservative" ?! in germany we call it: #NAZI one #world | one #future |one #color .... #red like blood" | Apr 10 04:04 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 04:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #PirateParty Vindicated By Highest #EU Court, Killing Mass #Surveillance Law. Oldmedia Reacts By Writing Cat Story | Apr 10 04:22 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Pirate Party Vindicated By Highest EU Court, Killing Mass Surveillance Law. Oldmedia Reacts By Writing Cat Story. - Falkvinge on Infopolicy [ ] | Apr 10 04:22 | |
schestowitz__ | "Swedish media is, for all it's political correctness, shockingly void of dissent." | Apr 10 04:22 |
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schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 05:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: 'Professor' radical religions an issue irrespective of which | Apr 10 05:02 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: UK 'aid' is financing a corporate scramble for Africa #uk #africa #imperialsm | Apr 10 05:02 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | UK 'aid' is financing a corporate scramble for Africa - News - The Ecologist | Apr 10 05:02 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #prism foreseen | Apr 10 05:02 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 05:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #nsa #prism #dropbox : hey, why do we collect people's data and then pass it to the military? Let's just make an interface for direct upload | Apr 10 05:03 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 05:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@nermincanik: @schestowitz Are you sure? :-/ Is it true? @linuxfoundation | Apr 10 05:21 | |
schestowitz__ | " All good, seems fixed or unaffected! " | Apr 10 05:24 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 05:24 |
Sosumi | schestowitz__ those veiled jews are real | Apr 10 05:34 |
Sosumi | | Apr 10 05:35 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLE [ ] | Apr 10 05:35 | |
Sosumi | and here | Apr 10 05:35 |
Sosumi | a jewjitsu marriage | Apr 10 05:35 |
Sosumi | | Apr 10 05:36 |
Sosumi | the only difference is that the will be wife wears a fancy burqa | Apr 10 05:36 |
schestowitz__ | troll headlines | Apr 10 05:36 |
schestowitz__ | always question marks | Apr 10 05:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is iOS better for developers than Android? | ITworld [ ] | Apr 10 05:36 | |
Sosumi | ios has a paywall to start actually developing for it | Apr 10 05:37 |
schestowitz__ | Does this stay on all the time though? | Apr 10 05:37 |
Sosumi | while android doesn't | Apr 10 05:37 |
schestowitz__ | Other religions have that type of wedding gown too, with ther veil coming off | Apr 10 05:37 |
Sosumi | hardcore jewish women also wear a hijab | Apr 10 05:38 |
schestowitz__ | Google News should remove articles locked behind paywalls | Apr 10 05:45 |
schestowitz__ | Sosumi: is that like a wig? | Apr 10 05:45 |
schestowitz__ | somone told me 2 years ago that the orthodox ones wear wigs, which I didn't know | Apr 10 05:45 |
schestowitz__ | Now, imagine a religion that makes boob jobs mandatory | Apr 10 05:46 |
Sosumi | | Apr 10 05:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jerusalem exhibition lifts the veil on Hasidic Jewish culture | World news | The Guardian [ ] | Apr 10 05:46 | |
Sosumi | those | Apr 10 05:46 |
schestowitz__ | as opposed to genital mutilation | Apr 10 05:46 |
schestowitz__ | Sosumi: ah, those... looks like nursing | Apr 10 05:46 |
Sosumi | yep | Apr 10 05:46 |
Sosumi | kind of a short hijab | Apr 10 05:46 |
schestowitz__ | can you access | Apr 10 05:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Log In - The New York Times [ ] | Apr 10 05:47 | |
schestowitz__ | I wonder what they say.. | Apr 10 05:47 |
Sosumi | I can | Apr 10 05:47 |
Sosumi | HAVE you ever wondered what happened to Linux? Linux is the free software created through the open source development process that many technology enthusiasts had predicted would revolutionize the world of computing. | Apr 10 05:48 |
Sosumi | It may not be widely known, but Linux did revolutionize computing. If you own an Android phone or a Kindle e-reader, you are a Linux user. Linux is at the core of those popular devices and is found in a variety of other places, from the world’s most powerful supercomputers down to the tiny Raspberry Pi device that is a favorite among electronics hobbyists. | Apr 10 05:48 |
Sosumi | But Linux has had less success in personal computers. Fewer than 2 percent of desktop or laptop computers run it, according to a survey by Net Applications. That could be because for the bulk of Windows and Mac users, switching entirely to Linux probably does not make sense. But exploring Linux could still be worth the time for those looking for a proven, low-cost alternative to the two mainstream operating systems. | Apr 10 05:48 |
Sosumi | Installing Linux as the main operating system on a spare computer is one way to explore it. Some versions can also run live on a CD or DVD, but a more flexible choice may be to run it “virtually.” That way, it can run within Windows or Mac OS X and a variety of Linux versions can be installed. Programs like VirtualBox or VMware Fusion make this possible. | Apr 10 05:48 |
Sosumi | To do this, you will need to figure out a few things. Does your computer have a 32-bit or 64-bit processor? (Most newer ones are 64-bit, but Linux is available for either.) And you may need to enable your processor’s virtualization capabilities. If you become stuck, plenty of online tutorials are available to help. | Apr 10 05:48 |
Sosumi | There are many types of Linux. At their core, many are the same. But their interfaces and applications may differ, as well as the level of support from the open-source community. | Apr 10 05:48 |
Sosumi | Bodhi Linux is all about minimalism and performance. This makes it an option for older or “low-end” systems. The desktop setup, called Enlightenment, is frugal with resources while offering an eye-catching and straightforward experience. The desktop is free of clutter, the task bar is well organized and menus are easy to navigate. The other stated ideal of Bodhi is choice. While only a basic set of applications are installed by default, | Apr 10 05:48 |
Sosumi | users can download more from an AppCenter with free software organized in categories like office, education and multimedia. | Apr 10 05:48 |
Sosumi | Linux Mint offers a choice of desktop environments, including one called Cinnamon. A Mac or Windows user may find Cinnamon intuitive to navigate. There is a task bar along the bottom, with a menu button on the left that provides access to applications, system settings and folders. A number of useful programs can be installed by default, like LibreOffice, an Office-like software set; the Firefox browser; Adobe Flash for media like YouTube vi | Apr 10 05:48 |
Sosumi | deos; Thunderbird for mail; Pidgin for instant messaging; and GIMP for image editing. A built-in Software Manager provides a way to download and install many more applications. | Apr 10 05:48 |
Sosumi | Ubuntu is one of the more widely known versions of Linux and also one of the simplest to install. An installation program can replace an existing system or, in some cases, set Ubuntu to be an option when a computer starts up. The desktop environment, called Unity, has a tablet-like look. | Apr 10 05:48 |
Sosumi | Ubuntu comes with a collection of installed applications like Firefox and LibreOffice. It also has an online storage feature called Ubuntu One, with five gigabytes of free storage for photos, music and other files; access to these can be made from within Ubuntu or across devices like phones, Macs and PCs. If you are not a fan of the Unity layout, you can try Xubuntu and Lubuntu for a more familiar look. | Apr 10 05:48 |
Sosumi | Fedora was started in 2003 as an offshoot of Red Hat Linux. Still sponsored by Red Hat Inc., Fedora has gained a reputation as a testing ground for features that may end up in Red Hat Enterprise Linux. New editions are released frequently, and the current version, Fedora 20, is available with a choice of desktop environments. | Apr 10 05:48 |
Sosumi | The Gnome 3 environment, the default, departs from tradition: The user is presented with an empty desktop area and no task bar, dock or “Start” button. Clicking the Activities item in the top left corner will reveal applications and other options, including a search box for finding documents, contacts and other items. Fedora comes with installed programs like Firefox, Evolution mail, Rhythmbox for music and Shotwell for managing photos. | Apr 10 05:48 |
Sosumi | Elementary OS is another Linux flavor that aims for ease of use and performance — as well as smoothness. Elementary OS also includes a few Mac-like elements, like a dock at the bottom of the screen and “hot corners” for fast switching to different work spaces. | Apr 10 05:49 |
Sosumi | Of course numerous other types of Linux are available. For more technical versions, consider options like Slackware and Arch. Or, if you prefer baby steps, take a look at Zorin, which emulates aspects of Windows. And if you cannot find a type of Linux you like, you can always create your own with options like Linux From Scratch or Ubuntu Builder. | Apr 10 05:49 |
Sosumi | Linux is not for everyone. But if you feel constrained by Windows or Mac OS X, it can offer a way out. And if you enjoy choice and flexibility, you just may become hooked. | Apr 10 05:49 |
schestowitz__ | cheers | Apr 10 05:52 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 06:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Firefox OS 2.0 Will Have An Awesome Graphical User Interface #mozilla #firefox #linux | Apr 10 06:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Firefox OS 2.0 Will Have An Awesome Graphical User Interface | | Apr 10 06:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #nytimes omits #gnu from history and cites Microsoft-linked #NetApplications to make #gnu #linux seem insignificant | Apr 10 06:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "FUD factor worked in 1999.. FUD seems to be working... mass migration to Linux" | Apr 10 06:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Difference Engine: End of the road for Windows XP | The Economist | Apr 10 06:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Windows XP's Demise Will Help Linux Leapfrog Mac OS X 10.9 #winxp #gnu #linux #windows | Apr 10 06:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Windows XP's Demise Will Help Linux Leapfrog Mac OS X 10.9 (IBM, MSFT) | Apr 10 06:00 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 06:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "The Many Alternative Computing Worlds of Linux - New York Times" - locked behind paywall. Shove it, #nytimes | Apr 10 06:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Open source software a solid alternative to costly brands cost and brands are not the issue. Freedom is. | Apr 10 06:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Open source software a solid alternative to costly brands - | Apr 10 06:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The PRISM Trade Agreement: we give you government contracts, subsidies; you give us access to all your data. #corruption #nsa #cia | Apr 10 06:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Google wants CCTV inside people's business because spying on digital habits is not enough | Apr 10 06:00 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Google woos enterprise developers with 'Glass at Work' program • The Register | Apr 10 06:00 | |
Sosumi | osx 10.9 is an abomination | Apr 10 06:00 |
schestowitz__ | How so? | Apr 10 06:01 |
schestowitz__ | (I haven't been keeping an eye on osux) | Apr 10 06:01 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 06:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Red Hat News: OpenStack Training, Google Deal, Fedora 21 #redhat #gnu #linux #openstack | Apr 10 06:01 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Red Hat News: OpenStack Training, Google Deal, Fedora 21 | Techrights | Apr 10 06:01 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: CMS News: WordPress, Drupal, and More #WordPress #Drupal | Apr 10 06:01 | |
Sosumi | clunky and minimized to the point of being anti user | Apr 10 06:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | CMS News: WordPress, Drupal, and More | Techrights | Apr 10 06:01 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Glamourising the thieves | Apr 10 06:01 | |
Sosumi | osx 10.6 was the pinnacle of osx | Apr 10 06:01 |
Sosumi | after that it all went down | Apr 10 06:01 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 06:01 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@glynmoody: End of the road for Windows XP - reasonable coverage of GNU/Linux from @economist (v @schestowitz) | Apr 10 06:01 | |
schestowitz__ | Sosumi: why? | Apr 10 06:02 |
schestowitz__ | What were the mistakes? | Apr 10 06:02 |
Sosumi | no arrows on the scrool bars, scrool bars way too tin, opengl still trailing behind, memory problems with 10.9 | Apr 10 06:03 |
Sosumi | lack of contrast | Apr 10 06:03 |
Sosumi | parts of the stitched leather HUI are still present from the 10.7 mistakes | Apr 10 06:03 |
Sosumi | *GUI | Apr 10 06:03 |
Sosumi | the multi display options with the top bar on the second screen was way, way overdue | Apr 10 06:04 |
Sosumi | multi display still fails with now programs not remembering their last position on the display when they were closed | Apr 10 06:05 |
Sosumi | xquartz, quartz and windowserver bugs are not getting fixes | Apr 10 06:05 |
Sosumi | despite some problems coming from the initial release of 10.9 | Apr 10 06:06 |
Sosumi | not some, ALL | Apr 10 06:06 |
Sosumi | and I also got some weird bugs with opencl | Apr 10 06:07 |
Sosumi | that I couldn't get replicate on fedora | Apr 10 06:08 |
Sosumi | *replicated | Apr 10 06:08 |
Sosumi | probably die to the precarious state of the drivers | Apr 10 06:08 |
Sosumi | *due | Apr 10 06:09 |
schestowitz__ | So mostly UI things? | Apr 10 06:09 |
schestowitz__ | Not ignoring ODF and such strategic things? | Apr 10 06:09 |
schestowitz__ | Anyway, Linux got better since apple's 10.6 days | Apr 10 06:09 |
schestowitz__ | Visually we've come a long way | Apr 10 06:09 |
schestowitz__ | so choosing OSuX for themes ain't that rational | Apr 10 06:09 |
schestowitz__ | It would have been the only reason for me to ever choose OSuX | Apr 10 06:10 |
schestowitz__ | The same goes for hypeOS | Apr 10 06:10 |
schestowitz__ | Android has good appearance | Apr 10 06:10 |
Sosumi | choosing osx for the GUI is a huge mistake | Apr 10 06:10 |
schestowitz__ | so at skin-deep level Apple lost it | Apr 10 06:10 |
schestowitz__ | Sosumi: some people associate pretty with easy | Apr 10 06:10 |
Sosumi | and the internals of the OS are kind of a mess | Apr 10 06:10 |
Sosumi | for example in regards with opencl, you'll get a overall 20% difference between osx and linux/windows | Apr 10 06:11 |
Sosumi | simply due to the fact that apple is slow if ignorant to put there vendor specific features and/or kept drivers up to date | Apr 10 06:12 |
Sosumi | and xcode, aside from the usual lack of bug fixes | Apr 10 06:32 |
Sosumi | still doesn't come close to vs or eclipse | Apr 10 06:32 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 06:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@widefox: @schestowitz I would guess the same. I did a quick test of Yahoo, Google, BBC etc. and they range in that order from fixed to unfixed. | Apr 10 06:33 | |
schestowitz__ | None of my sites affected | Apr 10 06:33 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 06:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@bzzzgeek: #heartbleed irresponsible disclosed and is #Microsoft involved? via @schestowitz | Apr 10 06:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Former Chief Security Officer for Microsoft the Chairman of the Board of Firm Behind Heartbleed® | Techrights | Apr 10 06:39 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 06:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How the NSA could use cryptography to enhance users' privacy - Computer Business Review [ ] | Apr 10 06:44 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 06:54 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@widefox: @schestowitz luck? Estimate I saw was 60% of all secure sites. | Apr 10 06:54 | |
schestowitz__ | Depending on whether they use https | Apr 10 06:54 |
Jibbler | the earlier 66% estimates were based on the combined market share of Apache and nginx | Apr 10 07:18 |
Jibbler | but that counted all HTTP sites | Apr 10 07:18 |
Jibbler | and not all HTTPS sites using Apache and nginx had the TLS heartbeat extension enabled | Apr 10 07:18 |
Jibbler | so it's more like 17% of all HTTPS sites that were affected | Apr 10 07:18 |
Jibbler | (so that's like half a million sites rather than a few hundred million) | Apr 10 07:22 |
-->TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 10 07:43 | |
<--TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 10 07:47 | |
Sosumi | yay, DrPizza, or how everyone stopped hating XP | Apr 10 08:36 |
Sosumi | | Apr 10 08:36 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Memory lane: before everyone loved Windows XP, they hated it | Ars Technica [ ] | Apr 10 08:37 | |
Sosumi | xp only began to be ok after the second release | Apr 10 08:37 |
Sosumi | but no mention to that | Apr 10 08:38 |
Sosumi | nor no mention to those issues with xp where everything would automatically run | Apr 10 08:39 |
Sosumi | surfed a wrong website? here's a gazillion popups, bars and junk | Apr 10 08:40 |
Sosumi | ofc that was awesome for computer repair shops | Apr 10 08:40 |
Jibbler | that sounds like a web browser issue rather than an operating system issue | Apr 10 08:40 |
Sosumi | it was IE | Apr 10 08:40 |
Sosumi | everything would automatically install | Apr 10 08:41 |
Sosumi | but the xp "everyone" seems to love | Apr 10 08:43 |
MinceR | i never loved winblows xp | Apr 10 08:43 |
Sosumi | is xp sp2 | Apr 10 08:43 |
Sosumi | but no mention to that either | Apr 10 08:44 |
Sosumi | DrPizza_, a pig with lipstick it's still a pig | Apr 10 08:44 |
Sosumi | and how could I forget to mention how many installs did SP2 break... | Apr 10 08:49 |
Sosumi | and didn't M$ pull it out shortly after release? | Apr 10 08:50 |
Sosumi | | Apr 10 08:51 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Windows XP SP2 is big step forward in security--but it can break things - TechRepublic [ ] | Apr 10 08:51 | |
Sosumi | first article that popped out on google | Apr 10 08:51 |
MinceR | it's his job to smear so much lipstick on the pig that the pig is no longer visible | Apr 10 08:53 |
cubezzz | I wrote a bit on operating systems here: | Apr 10 08:54 |
cubezzz | | Apr 10 08:54 |
cubezzz | unix v6 is definitely worthy of study, that's why MIT made Xv6 written in ANSI C for teaching purposes | Apr 10 09:11 |
cubezzz | I see XP's EOL as an opportunity to load up more boxes with Linux, BSD, and Plan 9 | Apr 10 10:19 |
cubezzz | XP is irrelevant to me | Apr 10 10:19 |
cubezzz | no source code for device drivers... and it's bloated | Apr 10 10:19 |
cubezzz | I said that in 2001 :) | Apr 10 10:20 |
cubezzz | simple simple stuff like running old scanners under win2000 was a problem too | Apr 10 10:21 |
cubezzz | they (HP) didn't bother supporting win2000 for SCL scanners | Apr 10 10:21 |
cubezzz | they said (paraphrasing) "too bad, this isn't the answer you like, buy a new scanner" | Apr 10 10:22 |
cubezzz | so yeah, end of XP, so what, I never used it once | Apr 10 10:23 |
cubezzz | want to see how easy it is to write to scanner in Linux? | Apr 10 10:26 |
cubezzz | | Apr 10 10:27 |
Sosumi | creative didn't bother either in supplying versions of their sound card controlling software that worked on xp | Apr 10 10:29 |
Sosumi | during the transition from 98 to xp back then | Apr 10 10:29 |
Sosumi | so folks using the live 5.1 and the original audigy cards had to buy an audigy 2 | Apr 10 10:30 |
Sosumi | sound card | Apr 10 10:30 |
Sosumi | or just use the driver they made available | Apr 10 10:30 |
Sosumi | with no controlling software | Apr 10 10:30 |
Sosumi | nor EAX for sound effects in games | Apr 10 10:30 |
-->jono_ ( has joined #techrights | Apr 10 10:35 | |
cubezzz | creative did give out some datasheets, I can't remember which ones | Apr 10 10:40 |
cubezzz | CT4810 PCI works, VIA AC97 works | Apr 10 10:41 |
cubezzz | probably there driver support is crap for linux though | Apr 10 10:43 |
cubezzz | s/there/their/ | Apr 10 10:43 |
cubezzz | Thomas Sailer wrote the driver for ensoniq, it's totally open source | Apr 10 10:47 |
Sosumi | their linux initiative had always been joke | Apr 10 10:54 |
Sosumi | and that has been defunct since 2005 | Apr 10 10:55 |
Sosumi | their audigy 2 parts from 2003 never saw a gnu/linux release | Apr 10 10:56 |
Sosumi | and I can confirm that | Apr 10 10:56 |
cubezzz | ok, after a quick look it seems that Live 5.1 has decent support | Apr 10 10:56 |
Sosumi | since I had back then one of their higher end audigy cards | Apr 10 10:56 |
Sosumi | the audigy 2 platinum ex | Apr 10 10:57 |
Sosumi | live, 128bit pci, etc | Apr 10 10:57 |
Sosumi | probably the original audigy too | Apr 10 10:57 |
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Sosumi | I've just looked into their offerings | Apr 10 12:28 |
Sosumi | and from what I see, they're pretty much dead | Apr 10 12:28 |
Sosumi | why bother in getting a sound card with an integrated headphone amp | Apr 10 12:29 |
Sosumi | when you can pretty much get an external dac+amp and route all the sound through toslink | Apr 10 12:30 |
-->sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Apr 10 12:30 | |
sebsebseb | hi | Apr 10 12:30 |
Sosumi | seb⁹⁰⁰⁰ | Apr 10 12:30 |
Sosumi | from the onboard sound | Apr 10 12:37 |
Sosumi | usually realtek, lol | Apr 10 12:37 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: MinceR I nearly gave SUSE some money and may stll heh heh | Apr 10 12:42 |
Sosumi | SUSY is a dirty lady | Apr 10 12:42 |
Sosumi | you need to show her the $$$ for her to "open" up | Apr 10 12:43 |
Sosumi | joke aside | Apr 10 12:44 |
Sosumi | what a waste | Apr 10 12:44 |
Sosumi | give the money instead to apple | Apr 10 12:44 |
Sosumi | joking | Apr 10 12:44 |
Sosumi | or just save it | Apr 10 12:44 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: they have a t-shirt I kindof wnat for some reason | Apr 10 12:45 |
Sosumi | what a silly excuse | Apr 10 12:46 |
Sosumi | to give money to her | Apr 10 12:47 |
Sosumi | | Apr 10 12:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux - Born To Frag Value T-shirt > Born To Frag > GEEK and FUNNY T-shirt and Gift Shop [ ] | Apr 10 12:50 | |
Sosumi | get that one instead | Apr 10 12:50 |
Sosumi | it bears Sosumi's seal of approval | Apr 10 12:50 |
Sosumi | :) | Apr 10 12:50 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: how to get people interssted in Linuxor open source | Apr 10 13:17 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: in 7 minutes hmm | Apr 10 13:17 |
sebsebseb | speakng :d | Apr 10 13:17 |
Sosumi | simple | Apr 10 13:17 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: oh/? | Apr 10 13:18 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: I am down for a talk next Thursday | Apr 10 13:18 |
sebsebseb | going to talk about how I became interested in Linux etc | Apr 10 13:18 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: ,but to a audiance where most peoplearen't really computer peple a well so hmm | Apr 10 13:18 |
Sosumi | the openes of free software allows for the same software to never stagnate | Apr 10 13:18 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: yeah, bbut | Apr 10 13:18 |
Sosumi | if you don't like what is being done | Apr 10 13:19 |
Sosumi | fork it | Apr 10 13:19 |
sebsebseb | yeah,bbt that's more my next talk I think, tring to explain that a bit | Apr 10 13:19 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: I am not done with the stuffabout me yet | Apr 10 13:19 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: the 3rd talk, can be abouet persuaing them to use stuff :d | Apr 10 13:19 |
sebsebseb | persuadeing | Apr 10 13:19 |
Sosumi | well, they persuade them to use their computers to do something productive | Apr 10 13:20 |
Sosumi | like facebook, skype, pron, etc | Apr 10 13:20 |
Sosumi | like actually using their time for something good, like learning how to program | Apr 10 13:21 |
Sosumi | maybe learn cad and 3d print a penguin shaped mug | Apr 10 13:22 |
sebsebseb | Sosumi: most people don't have our kin of experinces | Apr 10 13:22 |
sebsebseb | they don't experience swiching frm WIndows to LInux 10 years ago | Apr 10 13:22 |
sebsebseb | etc | Apr 10 13:22 |
sebsebseb | they don't experience swtiching to Mozilla around that time as well and Open Office to Libre Office etc | Apr 10 13:23 |
sebsebseb | they don't experence real computer choice | Apr 10 13:23 |
cubezzz | there was a pre-windows era :) | Apr 10 13:23 |
sebsebseb | choice of OS, Linux ditro, GUI etc etc | Apr 10 13:23 |
cubezzz | windows didn't always exist | Apr 10 13:23 |
sebsebseb | cubezzz: yep | Apr 10 13:23 |
cubezzz | when I was younger I talked to guys about BC :) | Apr 10 13:23 |
sebsebseb | actaully a lot of these people are older than me | Apr 10 13:23 |
sebsebseb | so | Apr 10 13:23 |
cubezzz | Before Computers | Apr 10 13:24 |
sebsebseb | they will hav probablby expereinced some of the old pre WIndows stuff to | Apr 10 13:24 |
cubezzz | yes, so you can mention that in your talk | Apr 10 13:24 |
sebsebseb | yeah I want to talk about becoming interestd in computers myself at a young age | Apr 10 13:25 |
sebsebseb | the old Achorns and BBC's at school | Apr 10 13:25 |
sebsebseb | how I got interested in web design a bit, thn aobut Linux etc | Apr 10 13:25 |
sebsebseb | already did a talk ther ebefore, wher I stared mentiong htings, but a lot of it dind't go as planned etc | Apr 10 13:25 |
Sosumi | well you know | Apr 10 13:25 |
sebsebseb | cubezzz: I need a good begining, end and conclusion | Apr 10 13:25 |
sebsebseb | and a title this time as well realy | Apr 10 13:25 |
cubezzz | you can talk about the Dark Ages of Computing | Apr 10 13:25 |
sebsebseb | and I need to realy try and stick to the 7 minutes or so | Apr 10 13:25 |
Sosumi | and before that there were computers which used relays and switches to create logic | Apr 10 13:26 |
sebsebseb | cubezzz: well I was thinking the 90's | Apr 10 13:26 |
sebsebseb | something about dial up | Apr 10 13:26 |
sebsebseb | and bonzi budy :d | Apr 10 13:26 |
sebsebseb | anyone remmber bozni budy? heh heh | Apr 10 13:26 |
Sosumi | not much choice for gui there | Apr 10 13:26 |
Sosumi | ppl just need to adapt | Apr 10 13:26 |
sebsebseb | and the dancing baby screensaver | Apr 10 13:26 |
sebsebseb | an the 56k dial up modems etc | Apr 10 13:26 |
cubezzz | dark ages was kind of like 1994 to 2002 or so | Apr 10 13:26 |
sebsebseb | cubezzz: well I didn't really get properly into computers untill 1997 | Apr 10 13:27 |
sebsebseb | since I was young | Apr 10 13:27 |
sebsebseb | so that's when I started to experiment with programs in WIndows and such | Apr 10 13:27 |
cubezzz | ugh, right in the middle of the Dark ages | Apr 10 13:27 |
sebsebseb | why are you calling that time period the dark ages? | Apr 10 13:27 |
cubezzz | 98% microsoft dominated era | Apr 10 13:28 |
sebsebseb | well started to be | Apr 10 13:28 |
sebsebseb | in 1997 or so yeah | Apr 10 13:28 |
sebsebseb | bye bye Achorns bye bye BBC's or nearly | Apr 10 13:28 |
cubezzz | yes, see early 1990s had a greater mix of machines | Apr 10 13:28 |
cubezzz | and 80s too | Apr 10 13:29 |
sebsebseb | cubezzz: yep ineed | Apr 10 13:29 |
sebsebseb | ,but then it went al Windows | Apr 10 13:29 |
sebsebseb | cubezzz: that' the whole point of my tak as wle really | Apr 10 13:29 |
sebsebseb | I want to talk about choices | Apr 10 13:29 |
sebsebseb | I an mention the rassbery pi in there to and od my joke about hte name :d | Apr 10 13:29 |
sebsebseb | and such | Apr 10 13:29 |
sebsebseb | ,but yeah | Apr 10 13:29 |
cubezzz | ah, I found the pic I was looking for: | Apr 10 13:29 |
cubezzz | | Apr 10 13:30 |
sebsebseb | cubezzz: exactly 90's we had more coice or hwatever | Apr 10 13:30 |
sebsebseb | then it all went WIndos baislly | Apr 10 13:30 |
sebsebseb | and Mac for the art sudents maybe | Apr 10 13:30 |
cubezzz | ok, back in a bit :) | Apr 10 13:30 |
MinceR | 184205 < sebsebseb> Sosumi: MinceR I nearly gave SUSE some money and may stll heh heh | Apr 10 13:47 |
MinceR | doesn't m$ give them enough money already? | Apr 10 13:47 |
Sosumi | it was like I said | Apr 10 14:00 |
Sosumi | SUSIE is a dirty lady | Apr 10 14:00 |
Sosumi | no money for her | Apr 10 14:00 |
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cubezzz | | Apr 10 14:11 |
cubezzz | everyone was talking about decommoditizing in the late 90's | Apr 10 14:20 |
cubezzz | as I said, a bad era | Apr 10 14:20 |
cubezzz | | Apr 10 14:28 |
-->DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 10 14:37 | |
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Sosumi | | Apr 10 15:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Whitehat hacker goes too far, gets raided by FBI, tells all | Ars Technica [ ] | Apr 10 15:40 | |
Sosumi | and the poor good samaritan is usually the one that gets shafted | Apr 10 15:41 |
Sosumi | had he instead sold the data, he could have made a nice amount of money | Apr 10 15:42 |
Sosumi | plus he'd also probably be able to have a view on research data | Apr 10 15:43 |
Sosumi | which he could also, to the chinese | Apr 10 15:43 |
Sosumi | or north koreans | Apr 10 15:44 |
Sosumi | or the israelis | Apr 10 15:44 |
Sosumi | plain sad, | Apr 10 15:44 |
Sosumi | now he's unemployed when could be enjoying himself a vacation on some black sea resort | Apr 10 15:45 |
XFaCE | hi schestowitz__ | Apr 10 15:59 |
XFaCE | Sosumi: I must say, this recent OpenSSL thing really bolsters CJDNS | Apr 10 16:49 |
MinceR | gn | Apr 10 17:28 |
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DaemonFC | Yeah, if you do the right thing, you make no money, and get arrested. | Apr 10 20:30 |
DaemonFC | If you do the wrong thing, you might get arrested, but you will make a lot of money. | Apr 10 20:30 |
DaemonFC | So, the system is stacked to nudge people to do the wrong thing. | Apr 10 20:31 |
schestowitz__ | of course | Apr 10 20:32 |
schestowitz__ | you just need to see who funds the system | Apr 10 20:32 |
schestowitz__ | !google scotus appointed by | Apr 10 20:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - List of Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia ... | | Apr 10 20:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | | Apr 10 20:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Appointment and confirmation to the Supreme Court of the United ... | | Apr 10 20:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - HowStuffWorks "How Supreme Court Appointments Work" | | Apr 10 20:32 |
schestowitz__ | !google scotus campaign contributions | Apr 10 20:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [1] - The Supreme Court has struck down overall campaign contribution ... | | Apr 10 20:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [2] - Supreme Court lifts ban on aggregate campaign donations | | Apr 10 20:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [3] - Supreme Court strikes down limits on federal campaign donations ... | | Apr 10 20:32 |
TechrightsBot-tr | [4] - Supreme Court Strikes Down Limits on Campaign Contributions ... | | Apr 10 20:32 |
schestowitz__ | > "Key tampering and forgery excerpts added by Cryptome." | Apr 10 20:37 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 10 20:37 |
schestowitz__ | > | Apr 10 20:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jesselyn Radack Emails Glenn Greenwald [ ] | Apr 10 20:37 | |
schestowitz__ | > See spoofing examples. | Apr 10 20:37 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 20:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | analysis of openssl freelist reuse [ ] | Apr 10 20:46 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 20:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New tests show no evidence of forgery in ‘Gospel of Jesus’s Wife’ - Metro - The Boston Globe [ ] | Apr 10 20:47 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 10 20:51 |
DaemonFC | Off to Burger King.... | Apr 10 20:51 |
schestowitz__ | meh | Apr 10 20:52 |
schestowitz__ | toy boys? | Apr 10 20:52 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 20:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Monetary award for making storage so much better so much faster #ibm #hardware | Apr 10 20:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Inventor Of Modern Storage Stuart Parkin Awarded The 2014 Millennium Prize | Apr 10 20:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Google Chrome Beta Upgraded to Version 35 for All Platforms #chrome #google | Apr 10 20:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Google Chrome Beta Upgraded to Version 35 for All Platforms | Apr 10 20:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Chromium Blog: Chrome 35 Beta: More developer control over touch input, new JavaScript features, and unprefixed Shadow DOM | Apr 10 20:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Google Starts Early Dogfooding Of Android 4.4.3, Public Release Expected In Coming Weeks #android #google #linux | Apr 10 20:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Rumor: Google Starts Early Dogfooding Of Android 4.4.3, Public Release Expected In Coming Weeks | Apr 10 20:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Another reason to avoid #bt is support of 'secure' link to #gchq #nsa #prism through abusive monopolist #microsoft | Apr 10 20:56 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | BT To Offer Secure, Dedicated Access To Microsoft Azure | Apr 10 20:56 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 20:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Zorin OS Lite 8.1 Is the Perfect OS for Users with Old PCs Running from Windows XP #ZorinOS #gnu #linux #winxp | Apr 10 20:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Zorin OS Lite 8.1 Is the Perfect OS for Users with Old PCs Running from Windows XP | Apr 10 20:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: New contradictions | Apr 10 20:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "There's a ton of trash in the Indian Ocean." | Apr 10 20:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The big environmental problem highlighted by the search for Flight 370 | Apr 10 20:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #fbi goes after 'weev' and now another victimless 'crime' FBI and #NSA want a monopoly on #security holes | Apr 10 20:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-couldn't connect to host ( status 0 @ ) | Apr 10 20:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Judge says prosecutors should follow the law. Prosecutors revolt. prosecutors as bullies | Apr 10 20:57 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Judge says prosecutors should follow the law. Prosecutors revolt. | Apr 10 20:57 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 20:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #Cryptome disinformation maybe jealous of Wikileaks, Greenwald, et al. | Apr 10 20:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Firefox OS 2.0 starts emerging from its cocoon #linux #mozilla #firefox #firefox | Apr 10 20:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Firefox OS 2.0 starts emerging from its cocoon - CNET | Apr 10 20:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The KVM Groundswell Continues #kvm #linux #ibm | Apr 10 20:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The KVM Groundswell Continues | | Apr 10 20:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The NY Times discovers the virtues of desktop Linux #nytimes also spreads some myths, though | Apr 10 20:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The NY Times discovers the virtues of desktop Linux | ITworld | Apr 10 20:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Android IPTV set-top features 802.11ac, #Marvell SoC #android #linux | Apr 10 20:58 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Android IPTV set-top features 802.11ac, Marvell SoC · | Apr 10 20:58 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 10 20:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Pivotal Brings PaaS to the Enterprise Through Community Collaboration #pivotal #freesw | Apr 10 20:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Pivotal Brings PaaS to the Enterprise Through Community Collaboration | | Apr 10 20:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Football Manager Classic 2014 for PS Vita Might Also Get a Steam for Linux Version #steam #gnu #linux #games | Apr 10 20:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Football Manager Classic 2014 for PS Vita Might Also Get a Steam for Linux Version | Apr 10 20:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #Wasteland 2 to Finally Get a Linux Version #games #gnu #linux | Apr 10 20:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Wasteland 2 to Finally Get a Linux Version | Apr 10 20:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Wasteland 2 Linux release confirmed | Muktware | Apr 10 20:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Anti-Gravity Racing Game #FLASHOUT 2 to Get a Linux Version #gnu #linux #games | Apr 10 20:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Anti-Gravity Racing Game FLASHOUT 2 to Get a Linux Version | Apr 10 20:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #Gallium3D LLVMpipe Performance In Ubuntu 14.04 LTS #ubuntu #benchmark | Apr 10 20:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | [Phoronix] Gallium3D LLVMpipe Performance In Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | Apr 10 20:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: DevOps amplifies your open source credentials many job opportunities | Apr 10 20:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Can you do DevOps without sharing scripts or code? | | Apr 10 20:59 | |
DaemonFC | shared a link. | Apr 10 21:05 |
DaemonFC | 8 seconds ago | Apr 10 21:05 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 10 21:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Windows XP Theme For Linux Is Ideal For New Users [ ] | Apr 10 21:05 | |
DaemonFC | You can make GNU/Linux look like anything you want. Why make it look like a demented Fisher Price toy that was the second worst thing to happen to the world in 2001? (The first being Dubya Bush). | Apr 10 21:05 |
dcolebatch | lol - good call | Apr 10 21:39 |
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schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 02:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ New contradictions | Apr 11 02:41 | |
schestowitz__ | "Heh. The various churches are sitting on all sorts of interesting scrolls they won't let the public see. Given such censorship, no one knows reality." | Apr 11 02:41 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 02:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Ubuntu One Shut Down; Here Are Some Alternatives more alternatives. #ubuntuone #ubuntu #gnu #linux | Apr 11 02:42 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Ubuntu One Shut Down; Here Are Some Alternatives [ ] | Apr 11 02:42 | |
schestowitz__ | "most of the alternatives would have a link to the NSA in some way or some legal arm twisting" | Apr 11 02:42 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 02:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Anti- #drones #activism in theatres resentment and protests from US public are working | Apr 11 02:42 | |
schestowitz__ | "So this means that no one ever will have access to Afghanistan's natural resources but USA?" | Apr 11 02:42 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | City Theatre's Grounded | Theater Reviews + Features | Pittsburgh City Paper [ ] | Apr 11 02:42 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Killer Drones in a Downward Spiral? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names [ ] | Apr 11 02:42 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 02:48 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google wants to trademark ‘Glass’ but bid stalled | Muktware [ ] | Apr 11 02:48 | |
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 03:05 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 03:45 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The biggest and most vicious military base in the world #espionage #blackmail #droNSA | Apr 11 03:45 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The Netherlands Must Outlaw Downloading, EU Court Rules (Update) because it might lead to competition | Apr 11 03:45 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The Netherlands Must Outlaw Downloading, EU Court Rules (Update) | TorrentFreak | Apr 11 03:45 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The so-called "piracy levy" becomes a state subsidy. So when the #copyright monopoly gets it (e.g. France), people assume it's pre-paid. | Apr 11 03:45 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 03:51 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: ACPI & Power Management Get More Updates In Linux 3.15 #acpi #linux | Apr 11 03:51 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | [Phoronix] ACPI & Power Management Get More Updates In Linux 3.15 | Apr 11 03:51 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Google adds more Android features to Chrome OS #chromeos #linux #android | Apr 11 03:51 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Google adds more Android features to Chrome OS | Muktware | Apr 11 03:51 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Wanna build a module for Google's Project Ara mix-and-match phone? Here are your specs #ara #android #google | Apr 11 03:51 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Wanna build a module for Google's Project Ara mix-and-match phone? Here are your specs • The Register | Apr 11 03:51 | |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 11 04:07 |
MinceR | | Apr 11 04:50 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | TL;DR Wikipedia | Apr 11 04:50 | |
-->DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 05:21 | |
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 05:22 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 11 05:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Photographer reveals the secret of the Windows XP desktop image [ ] | Apr 11 05:30 | |
-->schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 05:44 | |
<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.) | Apr 11 06:27 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 11 06:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLE [ ] | Apr 11 06:56 | |
DaemonFC | damn it | Apr 11 06:56 |
DaemonFC | seems the article is dead anyway | Apr 11 06:57 |
DaemonFC | It said that even the death of Windows XP isn't driving PC sales. | Apr 11 06:57 |
*DaemonFC is on his Chromebook right now | Apr 11 06:57 | |
<--sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | Apr 11 07:00 | |
DaemonFC | | Apr 11 07:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | End of Windows XP support fails to lift figures for declining PC market | Technology | [ ] | Apr 11 07:03 | |
cubezzz | people don't want to be on the upgrade treadmill any more | Apr 11 07:04 |
cubezzz | some of my customers have slot 1 P3's or even Pentium Pro systems | Apr 11 07:06 |
cubezzz | fine for IRC, email, running a scanner or printer | Apr 11 07:06 |
Sosumi | a treadmill takes you nowhere | Apr 11 07:06 |
Sosumi | while a computer upgrade adds more computational power | Apr 11 07:07 |
Sosumi | and that comes down to needs | Apr 11 07:07 |
cubezzz | one of my customers is in her late 80s | Apr 11 07:08 |
cubezzz | she plays solitaire on her computer :) | Apr 11 07:08 |
cubezzz | I definitely did not see computers that were 10 to 15 years old being used in the 90s | Apr 11 07:16 |
cubezzz | even older sometimes | Apr 11 07:17 |
cubezzz | that's something new | Apr 11 07:17 |
cubezzz | Thompson didn't stay on a PDP-7 for more than a couple of years | Apr 11 07:18 |
cubezzz | it was PDP-7 (1969) to PDP-11/20 (1971) | Apr 11 07:18 |
msb_ | Old things can still sometimes do useful work. | Apr 11 07:19 |
cubezzz | then PDP-11/40, then PDP-11/45 in quick succession | Apr 11 07:19 |
cubezzz | when P3 coppermine's came out that was a sweat spot | Apr 11 07:19 |
cubezzz | low heat, very reliable | Apr 11 07:20 |
msb_ | Didn't the 6809 chip emulate the PDP-11 architecture to some extent? Lots of registers... | Apr 11 07:20 |
cubezzz | the old PDP-11 series were slow, and ate a lot of power | Apr 11 07:20 |
msb_ | But no virtual memory. | Apr 11 07:20 |
cubezzz | hmmm, not really | Apr 11 07:21 |
cubezzz | 6809 was 8-bit with a few 16-bit features | Apr 11 07:21 |
msb_ | I'm working on a C program in which I have to allocate zillions of little strings. Should I just call malloc, or would it be a lot faster for me to allocate them myself out of a megabyte array? How fast is malloc? | Apr 11 07:22 |
msb_ | Linux/gcc, of course. | Apr 11 07:23 |
cubezzz | PDP-11 to Motorola 68000 there's some influence | Apr 11 07:23 |
cubezzz | malloc is for big stuff | Apr 11 07:25 |
cubezzz | e.g. you need a big chunk of memory you use malloc | Apr 11 07:25 |
cubezzz | arrays for smaller stuff | Apr 11 07:25 |
cubezzz | I think just using the stack is faster than malloc | Apr 11 07:26 |
msb_ | Use the stack as a heap? (vague recollection) How? | Apr 11 07:27 |
cubezzz | no, I just mean using the stack is faster | Apr 11 07:27 |
msb_ | These strings are going to be pointed to from structs which will be pointed to by an array. | Apr 11 07:28 |
cubezzz | assuming you don't overflow the stack :) | Apr 11 07:28 |
msb_ | I'm reading that xml file into a zillions of structs with strings attached | Apr 11 07:29 |
msb_ | actually, arrays of strings. | Apr 11 07:29 |
msb_ | I should do it the simplest way. Maybe it will be fast enough. If not, then I'll make my own mini-super-malloc. | Apr 11 07:30 |
cubezzz | oh man, I remember I used to use EMS for big stuff | Apr 11 07:34 |
cubezzz | it was a dog's dinner | Apr 11 07:34 |
msb_ | After being processed by the dog? | Apr 11 07:36 |
cubezzz | that was in the early 90's | Apr 11 07:36 |
<--yang has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 11 07:38 | |
cubezzz | a bit before Linux version 1.0 | Apr 11 07:39 |
cubezzz | even on the amiga I could do it a lot better, but the amiga I had was so slow | Apr 11 07:39 |
msb_ | Throwing hardware at a problem -- if you already have it -- is worthwhile to keep the code simple, so it's fun. | Apr 11 07:39 |
Sosumi | | Apr 11 07:41 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 'Part of Cirque de Soleil?' Shoe thrown at Hillary Clinton during Las Vegas speech - YouTube [ ] | Apr 11 07:41 | |
cubezzz | I still have my notes for it :) | Apr 11 07:41 |
cubezzz | 486-DX40 with 4 megs, running msdos | Apr 11 07:41 |
Sosumi | shoe throwers need to learn to aim | Apr 11 07:41 |
msb_ | I saw a great 3D display powered by an Amiga at one of the West Coast Computer Faires. Shutter goggles. A one-foot cube "stereo tank" as in old scifi stories. | Apr 11 07:41 |
cubezzz | I allocated 600,000 longs, so 2.4 megs of ram | Apr 11 07:45 |
MinceR | afaik malloc already gets memory from the OS in chunks | Apr 11 07:46 |
msb_ | cubezzz: How long did it take? | Apr 11 07:47 |
-->yang (yang@freenode/sponsor/fsf.member.yang) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 07:47 | |
cubezzz | the <U, R> antipode calculation took 11 hours | Apr 11 07:48 |
cubezzz | it was finding an antipode of the <U, R> subgroup of the cube | Apr 11 07:49 |
cubezzz | it was the best I could do with 4 megs :) | Apr 11 07:49 |
cubezzz | or as the Greeks say: an-TIP-uh-DEEZ | Apr 11 07:52 |
-->TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrights | Apr 11 07:54 | |
cubezzz | even Gates thought EMS was a kludge | Apr 11 07:56 |
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MinceR | what gates believes is irrelevant | Apr 11 08:00 |
MinceR | but, yes it was | Apr 11 08:00 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 11 08:00 |
-->Jibbler2 ( has joined #techrights | Apr 11 08:07 | |
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msb_ | cubezzz: Some of the entries for program series episodes don't have S/E numbers. See our PM. | Apr 11 09:23 |
gde33|2 | I had a go at edutainment, | Apr 11 09:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | JavaScript PlanetArray | Apr 11 09:39 | |
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-->DaemonFC ( has joined #techrights | Apr 11 10:15 | |
---DaemonFC is now known as Guest98721 | Apr 11 10:15 | |
Sosumi | | Apr 11 10:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Phoronix] NVIDIA GeForce 337 Beta Driver Linux Overclocking Trials [ ] | Apr 11 10:18 | |
Sosumi | easy OCing no longer a feature of windows | Apr 11 10:18 |
<--Guest98721 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | Apr 11 10:24 | |
schestowitz_log_ | LOL | Apr 11 10:55 |
-->jono ( has joined #techrights | Apr 11 11:00 | |
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msb_ | Mfrs that support overcooking must be out of their minds! | Apr 11 11:22 |
msb_ | Or maybe they think if they shorten the lifetime of the products they sell, people will buy another one. | Apr 11 11:23 |
Sosumi | it is just a video card | Apr 11 11:56 |
Sosumi | ppl that care about ocing will probably replace the card in 2 years | Apr 11 11:56 |
Sosumi | if not less | Apr 11 11:56 |
Sosumi | because those folks also happen to be the gamers | Apr 11 11:57 |
Sosumi | and hey, much better to do benchs and oc competitions on gnu/linux than on windows | Apr 11 11:58 |
Sosumi | right? | Apr 11 11:58 |
msb_ | Yes, but how many people could tell the difference between oc and not without a numerical measurement or a stopwatch or side to side comparison? | Apr 11 12:02 |
msb_ | I think the whole idea is silly. The result is imperceptible. Except when the hw overheats and dies. | Apr 11 12:03 |
cubezzz | I never overclock anything | Apr 11 12:04 |
msb_ | Mfrs spend huge amounts of effort on protecting their stuff against heat and specifying just enough margin of safety. | Apr 11 12:04 |
msb_ | Me either. | Apr 11 12:04 |
msb_ | But, yes, it's better that even loonies use Linux instead of Windows. | Apr 11 12:06 |
schestowitz | [11:57] * DaemonFC is on his Chromebook right now | Apr 11 12:38 |
schestowitz | Besy Buy? | Apr 11 12:38 |
<--jono has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Apr 11 12:43 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 12:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Forget About Windows XP, Tranform Your Linux Mint in Windows 7 | Apr 11 12:56 | |
schestowitz__ | "Why on earth would I do that?" | Apr 11 12:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Forget About Windows XP, Tranform Your Linux Mint in Windows 7 [ ] | Apr 11 12:56 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 12:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ The NY Times discovers the virtues of desktop Linux | Apr 11 12:57 | |
schestowitz__ | "The article is mundane but its publication on nyt makes it very interesting. Presumably triggered by XP EOL?" | Apr 11 12:57 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The NY Times discovers the virtues of desktop Linux | ITworld [ ] | Apr 11 12:57 | |
-->jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 12:59 | |
cubezzz | folks are such troglodytes when it comes to operating systems | Apr 11 13:18 |
Sosumi | what stopwatch? | Apr 11 13:23 |
Sosumi | seems like no one ever heard of synthetic benchmarks | Apr 11 13:23 |
Sosumi | nor frame rates | Apr 11 13:23 |
Sosumi | nor watercooling nor non reference coolers | Apr 11 13:24 |
Sosumi | also what I said yesterday of xp pre spi | Apr 11 13:24 |
Sosumi | was because you could basically execute a script through the browser to edit the registry | Apr 11 13:25 |
Sosumi | another thing DrPizza_ forgot to mention in his piece about why everyone loves windows xp | Apr 11 13:25 |
cubezzz | I never used XP | Apr 11 14:13 |
cubezzz | it was Redhat 6.1 that I started to really notice linux | Apr 11 14:16 |
cubezzz | Ryerson was using Darkstar Linux 0.99 in some courses | Apr 11 14:17 |
cubezzz | | Apr 11 14:30 |
Sosumi | I never really used xp either | Apr 11 14:51 |
Sosumi | other than on a gaming pc I had at that time | Apr 11 14:51 |
Sosumi | just for gaming | Apr 11 14:51 |
Sosumi | but I remember much of those issues including remote shutdowns | Apr 11 14:58 |
Sosumi | because all the computers at my school, well, were on xp | Apr 11 14:58 |
cubezzz | all of them, no exceptions? | Apr 11 15:01 |
Sosumi | a system 7 mac | Apr 11 15:08 |
Sosumi | that escaped the renewal at the time | Apr 11 15:09 |
-->sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 15:10 | |
sebsebseb | hi | Apr 11 15:10 |
MinceR | hay | Apr 11 15:11 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: new spaekrs, new keyboard, and new mouse, not just any mouse or keyboard | Apr 11 15:12 |
sebsebseb | and more stuff in the box | Apr 11 15:12 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: isn't it fun getting new stuff for the computer :d | Apr 11 15:12 |
MinceR | uh huh | Apr 11 15:12 |
MinceR | it is, most of the time, but not all of the time | Apr 11 15:12 |
sebsebseb | yep | Apr 11 15:13 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: how about a mouse with a very nice thumb rest and it's on the side/up0right | Apr 11 15:16 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: meant to be good for RSI etc | Apr 11 15:16 |
MinceR | if it's a good gaming mouse, sure | Apr 11 15:16 |
sebsebseb | welll I bought that | Apr 11 15:16 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: I was a bit unsure about the price | Apr 11 15:16 |
sebsebseb | ,but I guess worth it really | Apr 11 15:16 |
sebsebseb | it's not a standard mouse | Apr 11 15:17 |
MinceR | i still don't know if i prefer optical or laser | Apr 11 15:17 |
sebsebseb | I think other htan the things I just put though that it's just a optical really though | Apr 11 15:17 |
cubezzz | another odd thing, I don't think too many people know about this, the whole processes as files thing was from Unix version 8 | Apr 11 15:17 |
MinceR | /proc? | Apr 11 15:17 |
cubezzz | yes | Apr 11 15:17 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: also a keyboard with two USB ports on the back on the right, which is nice, but it's nice also, because well | Apr 11 15:17 |
cubezzz | a Bell Labs invention | Apr 11 15:18 |
sebsebseb | MinceR: ok it's made for Windows reallyk, got a lot of hot keys to | Apr 11 15:18 |
sebsebseb | so I was unsure what would work with Linux | Apr 11 15:18 |
sebsebseb | realyk, but well | Apr 11 15:18 |
sebsebseb | my comp ones opended up Nautilus :) | Apr 11 15:18 |
sebsebseb | so that's good | Apr 11 15:18 |
MinceR | my logitech g710+ has a pass-through usb port :> | Apr 11 15:18 |
sebsebseb | volume control buttons work nicely | Apr 11 15:18 |
sebsebseb | and I am not sure about the other hot keys yet | Apr 11 15:18 |
MinceR | you can bind them anyway | Apr 11 15:19 |
sebsebseb | what do you mean | Apr 11 15:19 |
sebsebseb | bind use for what is wanted? | Apr 11 15:19 |
sebsebseb | change the layout a bit? | Apr 11 15:19 |
MinceR | bind extra keys to functions | Apr 11 15:21 |
sebsebseb | I think I done something like that before | Apr 11 15:21 |
MinceR | | Apr 11 15:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Heartbleed security flaw may not be as dangerous as thought | The Verge [ ] | Apr 11 15:47 | |
-->XFaCE_ (xface@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:bb8a) has joined #techrights | Apr 11 15:52 | |
XFaCE | MinceR: now there are two of us mwahahaha | Apr 11 15:52 |
MinceR | oh shi-- | Apr 11 15:53 |
XFaCE | XFaCE_: test | Apr 11 15:53 |
-->ThistleWeb (~gordon@ has joined #techrights | Apr 11 15:59 | |
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XFaCE | ThistleWeb: hello gordon from another mother | Apr 11 15:59 |
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MinceR | here's one about hungary >> | Apr 11 18:10 |
<--jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Apr 11 18:12 | |
MinceR | gn | Apr 11 18:45 |
schestowitz__ | MinceR: thanks for the TheVerge link | Apr 11 19:35 |
schestowitz__ | Very useful to learn that, I'll prepare another post with some of my findings. It seems like NSA knew about it for years | Apr 11 19:36 |
schestowitz__ | Microsoft's Howard Schmidt decided to 'leak' it to distract from XP EOL perhaps | Apr 11 19:36 |
schestowitz__ | Schmidy had worked for the FBI | Apr 11 19:36 |
schestowitz__ | So he might have colleagues who could tell him about this | Apr 11 19:36 |
schestowitz__ | and he'd hype it up, give it a scary name, make a dot com web site, a logo, etc. | Apr 11 19:37 |
schestowitz__ | Metchandising the FUD | Apr 11 19:37 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 21:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Sarah Watz Elected by Open Source Matters to Guide #Joomla "More than 3 percent of the web runs on Joomla" | Apr 11 21:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Sarah Watz Elected by Open Source Matters to Guide Joomla | Apr 11 21:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Linux KVM Virtualization comes to IBM Power servers soon #kvm #ibm #server #gnu #linux | Apr 11 21:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Linux KVM Virtualization comes to IBM Power servers soon | ZDNet | Apr 11 21:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Nikon launches Android powered Coolpix S810c #android #linux | Apr 11 21:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Nikon launches Android powered Coolpix S810c | Muktware | Apr 11 21:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Prisonscape Is a Brutal RPG Inspired by The Wire and Oz Set to Launch on Linux #rpg #games #gnu #linux | Apr 11 21:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Prisonscape Is a Brutal RPG Inspired by The Wire and Oz Set to Launch on Linux | Apr 11 21:37 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 21:37 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Meanwhile in Fecesbook, people upload photos of relatives from inside their house to #nsa accessible servers. #facebook #prism | Apr 11 21:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: After 16 years, CIA declassifies new portions of "KUBARK" interrogation manual #cia #torture | Apr 11 21:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | After 16 years, CIA declassifies new portions of "KUBARK" interrogation manual | Muckrock | Apr 11 21:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: 'US Operating Without any Kind of Boundaries' imperialism without borders, with bases in #Germany also | Apr 11 21:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | German Interior Minister Warns US Spying Has No Boundaries - SPIEGEL ONLINE | Apr 11 21:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Condoleezza Rice, surveillance and torture fan, joins Dropbox board #surveillance #prism #dropbox #nsa | Apr 11 21:37 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Condoleezza Rice, surveillance and torture fan, joins Dropbox board - Boing Boing | Apr 11 21:37 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 21:39 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #Greenwald returns to US first time since #Snowden leaks: Will Obama arrest him? #bushobama #pr would suffer. | Apr 11 21:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Greenwald returns to US first time since Snowden leaks: Will Obama arrest him? | Apr 11 21:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Heartbleed reportedly known to #nsa for years, as #snowden had alluded to (bug doors, not back doors). Schmidt et al. exploit it for FUD. | Apr 11 21:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: The last thing the #nsa wants is people (esp. outside the US) adopting Free software and #gnu #linux b/c #microsoft is where back doors are | Apr 11 21:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Howard Schmidt (chairman of board of company that marketed "Heartbleed") worked for #fbi & #nsa partner, #prism pioneer. #nsa knew the bug. | Apr 11 21:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Salix MATE 14.1 Beta 1 Is Based on MATE 1.8 #salix #gnu #linux | Apr 11 21:39 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Salix MATE 14.1 Beta 1 Is Based on MATE 1.8 | Apr 11 21:39 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 11 21:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #SparkyLinux 3.3.2-test1 Base Edition Is for Command-Line Aficionados #gnu #linux | Apr 11 21:40 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | SparkyLinux 3.3.2-test1 Base Edition Is for Command-Line Aficionados | Apr 11 21:40 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Budge up VMware, array upstart Tintri's ramming in Red Hat Linux KVM #redhat #kvm #linux | Apr 11 21:40 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Budge up VMware, array upstart Tintri's ramming in Red Hat Linux KVM • The Register | Apr 11 21:40 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Virt-Manager Now Supports FreeBSD's Bhyve #freebsd #bsd #unix #virtmanager | Apr 11 21:40 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | [Phoronix] Virt-Manager Now Supports FreeBSD's Bhyve | Apr 11 21:40 | |
<--sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Apr 11 21:49 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 03:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: []( **ma ciao! ^_^** [](<p>#lama | Apr 12 03:17 | |
schestowitz__ | "I am surrounded by lamas, they are like dogs where I live. This my friend is an alpaca. " | Apr 12 03:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Alpaca - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Apr 12 03:17 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 03:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Condoleezza Rice, surveillance and torture fan, joins Dropbox board #surveillance #prism #dropbox #nsa | Apr 12 03:18 | |
schestowitz__ | "What..."\ | Apr 12 03:18 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 03:18 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Replacing Russian Gas Deliveries with US Shale Gas? Washington Lies to the EU #eu #us #russia | Apr 12 03:18 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Replacing Russian Gas Deliveries with US Shale Gas? Washington Lies to the EU | Global Research [ ] | Apr 12 03:18 | |
schestowitz__ | "If Russia cannot make business due to sanctions that is fine, but if Russia don't want to sell its natural gas at the price the EU wants that is very bad." | Apr 12 03:18 |
schestowitz__ | Apr 12 03:20 | |
schestowitz__ | That's going to feel awful.| | Apr 12 03:21 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 03:21 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared:  For my #German friends... #beer #bier #german #deutsch | Apr 12 03:21 | |
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-->schestowitz__ ( has joined #techrights | Apr 12 05:03 | |
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-->schestowitz__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrights | Apr 12 05:03 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 05:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Kernel (Linux) News: A Week’s News in a Nutshell #kernel #linux | Apr 12 05:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Kernel (Linux) News: A Week’s News in a Nutshell | Techrights | Apr 12 05:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Ubuntu News: Themes, Unity 8, Meizu Phone, Ubuntu Touch, and Elementary OS #ubuntu | Apr 12 05:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Ubuntu News: Themes, Unity 8, Meizu Phone, Ubuntu Touch, and Elementary OS | Techrights | Apr 12 05:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Political News: Protests Face a Ban, Covert Actions Continue, #ColdWar Era Imperialism, Privacy, and War on Justice | Apr 12 05:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Political News: Protests Face a Ban, Covert Actions Continue, Cold War Era Imperialism, Privacy, and War on Justice | Techrights | Apr 12 05:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Links 12/4/2014: Games Applications Instructionals #techrights | Apr 12 05:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Links 12/4/2014: Games | Techrights | Apr 12 05:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Links 12/4/2014: Applications | Techrights | Apr 12 05:03 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Links 12/4/2014: Instructionals | Techrights | Apr 12 05:03 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 05:26 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Empire of debt and covert occupation #china missing there - used to be controlled by narcotics | Apr 12 05:26 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #prism shows the need for Free softwa... | Apr 12 05:26 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | #prism shows the ... | Apr 12 05:26 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "war has become an extension of politics as almost all aspects of society have been transformed into a combat zone." | Apr 12 05:26 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Henry A. Giroux | Neoliberalism and the Machinery of Disposability | Apr 12 05:26 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 05:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: "Michael Lewis appears on “60 Minutes” and declares that the U.S. stock market “is rigged,” people pay attention" | Apr 12 05:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Michael Lewis hits back: “There’s been a lot of people mouthing off without actually thinking about the book” - | Apr 12 05:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Incarceration | Apr 12 05:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: How did enlightenment thinkers distinguish between 'drugs' and 'medicines'? And how should we? power of labels | Apr 12 05:27 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Yesterday’s drugs are tomorrow’s medicines – Benjamin Breen – Aeon | Apr 12 05:27 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 05:55 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wintel Balloon Deflates | Robert Pogson [ ] | Apr 12 05:55 | |
cubezzz | the Unix wars mucked things up for Unix | Apr 12 05:59 |
cubezzz | then the switch to Plan 9, which was interesting, but hardly anyone uses it | Apr 12 06:00 |
cubezzz | and Xenix/Venix/etc was a big turn off | Apr 12 06:02 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 06:59 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: I have just noticed that ECT, including #LinuxInsider , didn't quite get enough from static buttons and added spyware buttons to same sites | Apr 12 06:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: #Microsoft transition from back doors (compromising PCs) to #prism (enticing people to hand over all data) | Apr 12 06:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Turning The Ship: Microsoft Might Have Begun A Subtle Shift From Windows To Services | TechCrunch | Apr 12 06:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Desperately Seeking Linux Programmers #gnu #linux a top trend | Apr 12 06:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Desperately Seeking Linux Programmers | Community | LinuxInsider | Apr 12 06:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: Btrfs Gets A Few More Linux 3.15 Changes #kernel #linux #btrfs | Apr 12 06:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | [Phoronix] Btrfs Gets A Few More Linux 3.15 Changes | Apr 12 06:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: CIA and WH under pressure after Senate torture report leaks finally, what took it so long? #cia #crime #torture | Apr 12 06:59 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | CIA and White House under pressure after Senate torture report leaks | World news | | Apr 12 06:59 | |
-->oiaohm ( has joined #techrights | Apr 12 08:33 | |
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-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrights | Apr 12 08:34 | |
oiaohm | boy the recent openssl error has caused a nice big mess. | Apr 12 08:38 |
cubezzz | oiaohm, got a question for you | Apr 12 08:42 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: what is the question. | Apr 12 08:42 |
cubezzz | do you know what virtio_console does? | Apr 12 08:43 |
cubezzz | remember we were talking about the linux text console getting corrupted? | Apr 12 08:43 |
cubezzz | I'm still looking for ways to reset the text console | Apr 12 08:43 |
cubezzz | even when I shutdown X and restart it using a different driver (e.g. vesa) it still doesn't reset the text console | Apr 12 08:44 |
cubezzz | there's /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon0/name | Apr 12 08:45 |
cubezzz | and it shows (S) VGA+ | Apr 12 08:45 |
cubezzz | for (S)ystem driver | Apr 12 08:45 |
cubezzz | but there's a (M)odular driver too | Apr 12 08:45 |
oiaohm | | Apr 12 08:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Using virtio console with KVM « seife’s assorted rants [ ] | Apr 12 08:46 | |
cubezzz | yeah I read that | Apr 12 08:46 |
oiaohm | Did you note the tty bit. | Apr 12 08:46 |
oiaohm | Its going to be interesting when the Linux console code is moved to userspace. | Apr 12 08:47 |
cubezzz | yeah I did what they said actually | Apr 12 08:47 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: tty is a use a seriel like console. | Apr 12 08:47 |
oiaohm | Not the normal framebuffer | Apr 12 08:47 |
oiaohm | Yes serial consoles reset differently. | Apr 12 08:48 |
cubezzz | but... what is console=hcv0 ? | Apr 12 08:48 |
cubezzz | I thought modprobe virtio_console would do something different but everything seems to be the same still | Apr 12 08:48 |
oiaohm | hcv0 is the device | Apr 12 08:48 |
cubezzz | yes, it's mentioned in virtio_console.c | Apr 12 08:50 |
cubezzz | but I have no /dev/hcv0 | Apr 12 08:51 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: fedora has better instructions. | Apr 12 08:53 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Features/VirtioSerial - FedoraProject [ ] | Apr 12 08:53 | |
oiaohm | cubezzz: when you start the virtual instance you have to declare how many virtio consoles you will have. | Apr 12 08:53 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: if you have declared none their will be none. | Apr 12 08:54 |
oiaohm | Basically virtio console is seperate to the vtcon0 | Apr 12 08:55 |
cubezzz | oh this seems to be related to virtualization | Apr 12 08:56 |
cubezzz | I did an experiment switching from radeon to vesa and back | Apr 12 08:57 |
cubezzz | it effected the text console, but didn't fix it | Apr 12 08:57 |
cubezzz | I guess it doesn't really matter too much, I can just ssh in if I'm X or the text console messes up | Apr 12 08:59 |
cubezzz | the text console never really stops or resets as far as I can see | Apr 12 08:59 |
msb_ | cubezzz: Have you tried typing (blindly, if you're not seeing an echo) stty sane ? | Apr 12 09:01 |
cubezzz | oh yeah I can still login and the screen changes | Apr 12 09:02 |
cubezzz | I can't really see what I'm doing but I know I'm logged in | Apr 12 09:02 |
cubezzz | sometimes it's all vertical bars | Apr 12 09:02 |
cubezzz | it happens (rarely) when I run some old Loki games | Apr 12 09:03 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: is your card a old ATI. | Apr 12 09:03 |
cubezzz | ATI Radeon 9550 AGP | Apr 12 09:04 |
cubezzz | I guess it's kind of old | Apr 12 09:04 |
msb_ | THE LAMA / / The one-l lama, / He's a priest. / The two-l llama, / He's a beast. / And I will bet / A silk pajama / There isn't any / Three-l lllama. / - Ogden Nash | Apr 12 09:06 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: I kinda suspected so. | Apr 12 09:06 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: dieing ATI radeon cards go down in the same creativity. | Apr 12 09:06 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: ati cards loss the means to draw text. | Apr 12 09:07 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: as their gpu starts dieing. | Apr 12 09:07 |
cubezzz | huh | Apr 12 09:07 |
cubezzz | it's been like this for years | Apr 12 09:08 |
cubezzz | about once or twice a month I lose the text console | Apr 12 09:08 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: and you have had your ATI card overheated once right. | Apr 12 09:09 |
cubezzz | I bought it used around 2010 I think | Apr 12 09:09 |
cubezzz | it's possible | Apr 12 09:09 |
cubezzz | is there any card you recommend that doesn't overheat that would work on this p3 AGP box? | Apr 12 09:10 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: I don't use second hand cards. | Apr 12 09:11 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: I don't know of any new AGP | Apr 12 09:11 |
cubezzz | ah | Apr 12 09:11 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: switching from x11 to console and back sometimes can go south with older cards as well. | Apr 12 09:12 |
oiaohm | but if that is the case if you have set up SAK that will cure a Linux kernel mess up. | Apr 12 09:12 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: | Apr 12 09:13 |
oiaohm | but if it the card itself SAK will not fix it. | Apr 12 09:13 |
oiaohm | Also if it the card ssh login in and attempt to trigger resets will not work either. | Apr 12 09:14 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: the issue you describe match ATI card that has been overheated. | Apr 12 09:14 |
cubezzz | ah I see | Apr 12 09:14 |
MinceR | geekings | Apr 12 09:14 |
cubezzz | well, that would explain it | Apr 12 09:14 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: mind you an old nvidia is more creative. | Apr 12 09:14 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: old nvidia that has been overheated starts reporting as a intel video card. | Apr 12 09:15 |
cubezzz | I have another old p3 that ran for over a year without messing up (switching from text to X and back) | Apr 12 09:16 |
cubezzz | but that was using the vesa driver on openbsd | Apr 12 09:16 |
cubezzz | never messed up the text console at least | Apr 12 09:16 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: if it dead ati it will also mess up running openbsd. | Apr 12 09:17 |
cubezzz | oiaohm, this not dead though | Apr 12 09:17 |
cubezzz | it's | Apr 12 09:17 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: half-dead | Apr 12 09:17 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: ati cards pretend to be alive | Apr 12 09:17 |
cubezzz | X always works... only the text console messes up | Apr 12 09:17 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: text console is allocated in the same ram in the video card all the time. | Apr 12 09:17 |
cubezzz | well I suppose it's not 100% functional | Apr 12 09:18 |
cubezzz | but I wouldn't say it's dead | Apr 12 09:18 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: there is a reason why I said dead. | Apr 12 09:19 |
msb_ | cubezzz: It's old and had a stroke. | Apr 12 09:19 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: text console goes first. X11 will follow. | Apr 12 09:19 |
oiaohm | msb_: had a stroke and due for another one. | Apr 12 09:19 |
msb_ | oiaohm: Thanks for the SAK page! I've known about Alt-SysReq, but not SAK. | Apr 12 09:20 |
oiaohm | msb_: alt-sysreq is very bad to use. | Apr 12 09:22 |
oiaohm | msb_: but when desperate you use anything. | Apr 12 09:22 |
cubezzz | oiaohm, I will check back in 10 years :) | Apr 12 09:23 |
cubezzz | if it still works in 10 years then you'll need to revise your opinion :) | Apr 12 09:23 |
msb_ | oiaohm: Any kind of rebooting is bad for me, because I have to set up the directories in about 60 konsoles/mcs in 20 virtual desktops. | Apr 12 09:24 |
cubezzz | I have video cards much older and they didn't mess up like that at all | Apr 12 09:25 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: notice I said ati its a particular geneartion of atis. | Apr 12 09:25 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: the 9xxx stuff and the 8xxx stuff. | Apr 12 09:25 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: all suffer from overheating stuffing the mmu on the video card. | Apr 12 09:26 |
cubezzz | ah well, you are probably right then | Apr 12 09:26 |
oiaohm | and once its started its progressive. | Apr 12 09:26 |
cubezzz | the only question is how long it will continue to work | Apr 12 09:26 |
msb_ | Eventually all you can get from it is, "I had jello today." | Apr 12 09:27 |
oiaohm | Normally before X11 stops working on them the bios screens become unreadable. | Apr 12 09:27 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: yes yes dieing ati gets wrong. | Apr 12 09:27 |
cubezzz | oiaohm, have you seen this: | Apr 12 09:28 |
cubezzz | | Apr 12 09:28 |
cubezzz | it's a shame about ati | Apr 12 09:29 |
cubezzz | I used to think their engineering was really good | Apr 12 09:29 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: really there were. | Apr 12 09:29 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: just they got a little too close to limit in particular generations. | Apr 12 09:30 |
oiaohm | And if you never overheat them they would have lasted. | Apr 12 09:30 |
msb_ | oiaohm: Why is alt-sysreq bad to use? | Apr 12 09:30 |
cubezzz | I doubt I worked this card too hard | Apr 12 09:30 |
cubezzz | the previous owner might have | Apr 12 09:31 |
oiaohm | msb_: alt-sysreq fails to free up ram correctly when you trigger its sak. | Apr 12 09:31 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: that is the problem with ATI cards of those generations. | Apr 12 09:31 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: you need the full life history 1 overhead and they will die. | Apr 12 09:31 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: yes you now know why I don't touch second hand video cards. | Apr 12 09:32 |
cubezzz | oiaohm, I have ati vga wonders that still work :) | Apr 12 09:32 |
cubezzz | it's an interesting problem though, hard reset brings the text console back | Apr 12 09:33 |
cubezzz | heck, there's still some S100 video cards that still work | Apr 12 09:33 |
cubezzz | age is only one factor | Apr 12 09:34 |
msb_ | cubezzz: Have you tried "stty sane" or "Alt-SysReq R" | Apr 12 09:34 |
cubezzz | msb_, I've tried everything yeah | Apr 12 09:34 |
cubezzz | my guess would be some piece of video memory is getting over-written | Apr 12 09:35 |
cubezzz | sometimes I see text but it's very faint | Apr 12 09:35 |
cubezzz | sometimes it's vertical bars | Apr 12 09:35 |
cubezzz | sometimes the text console looks like a messed up X session :) | Apr 12 09:36 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: so far perfect description of dieing ati. | Apr 12 09:36 |
cubezzz | you would think resetting the text console would be easy to do | Apr 12 09:37 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: when an ati starts up it zeros it memory. | Apr 12 09:37 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: or thoese old ones did. | Apr 12 09:37 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: so unstable ram gets made functional for a little bit. | Apr 12 09:38 |
oiaohm | And that little bit is a very random value. | Apr 12 09:38 |
oiaohm | anything from 5 mins to 10 days. | Apr 12 09:38 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: thinking I leave computers running with text console only and no x11. | Apr 12 09:39 |
oiaohm | and running for months at a time. | Apr 12 09:39 |
oiaohm | sometimes years. | Apr 12 09:39 |
cubezzz | my utility power doesn't seem good enough for years :-/ | Apr 12 09:39 |
cubezzz | but I've done 380 days | Apr 12 09:39 |
cubezzz | I have this Dell GX110 with some intel video chipset | Apr 12 09:40 |
cubezzz | it doesn't mess up... one year running and still fine | Apr 12 09:40 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: my sad record is a lost server. | Apr 12 09:40 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: 6 years without rebooting. | Apr 12 09:40 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: kinda highly insecure by that point. | Apr 12 09:41 |
cubezzz | but... I assume that you weren't switching from text to X and back? | Apr 12 09:41 |
cubezzz | although I guess that shouldn't matter | Apr 12 09:41 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: it did not even have a video card. | Apr 12 09:41 |
oiaohm | serial console only. | Apr 12 09:42 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: I have some true server hardware. | Apr 12 09:42 |
cubezzz | any opinion on what would be the most durable video card? | Apr 12 09:42 |
msb_ | When DRAM chips first came out -- 1024bits IIRC -- mfrs talked about taking care that the epoxy encapsulant didn't contain any radioactives that could emit alpha particles and flip bits. | Apr 12 09:42 |
oiaohm | No video card and just a serial port would be the most durable. | Apr 12 09:43 |
oiaohm | msb_: there is no such thing as a materials that are 100 percent not radioactive. | Apr 12 09:43 |
cubezzz | what I really want is a computer that always works | Apr 12 09:44 |
msb_ | oiaohm: Sure, but they reduced it to a billion years MTBF or some such. | Apr 12 09:44 |
cubezzz | I have to say this old Dell has been pretty good | Apr 12 09:45 |
cubezzz | I'd settle for 100 years :) | Apr 12 09:45 |
msb_ | Yes, but with 1024bits/chip they needed a lot of chips per machine. | Apr 12 09:46 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: you are after solid. Motherboard that supports coreboot without onboard video card. Setup for serial remove video card. | Apr 12 09:47 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Serial console - coreboot | Apr 12 09:47 | |
oiaohm | cubezzz: Yes I do this horible to servers. | Apr 12 09:48 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: it also removes a lot of tampering. | Apr 12 09:48 |
cubezzz | yes, for a server that's fine | Apr 12 09:48 |
cubezzz | I'll definitely try that for the server | Apr 12 09:49 |
cubezzz | but I also write openmotif stuff | Apr 12 09:49 |
cubezzz | and run a few games | Apr 12 09:49 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: its the old theory the least number of parts to screw up the better. | Apr 12 09:50 |
cubezzz | yes, coreboot is good, I use it sometimes | Apr 12 09:50 |
msb_ | But then you're left with reading a good book. | Apr 12 09:50 |
oiaohm | msb_: there is another advantage to using serial | Apr 12 09:51 |
oiaohm | serial data loggers. | Apr 12 09:51 |
oiaohm | to create a log the OS cannot delete. | Apr 12 09:51 |
cubezzz | oiaohm, you know I think I even have an EGA wonder that still works | Apr 12 09:51 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: I have an old s3 trio around here somehere and an old tnt2 | Apr 12 09:52 |
msb_ | Save that old stuff. If we have a CME or GRB they may be the only computers left that work! | Apr 12 09:53 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: all the video cards I have since then I have killed. | Apr 12 09:53 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: 3d rendering for days at a time they did not like. | Apr 12 09:54 |
oiaohm | cubezzz I get about 4 to 5 years out a videocard. | Apr 12 09:55 |
msb_ | When computers become conscious that will be a crime. | Apr 12 09:56 |
cubezzz | yeah I have an old Jaton AGP card that's been running 24/7 in the server for a long time | Apr 12 09:58 |
cubezzz | at least 10 years | Apr 12 09:58 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: I guess no heavy lifting. | Apr 12 09:58 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: my video cards have to put up with blender and equal running flat stack. | Apr 12 09:58 |
cubezzz | I've never installed Linux with no graphics card | Apr 12 10:00 |
cubezzz | or to you install with a graphics card then remove it later? | Apr 12 10:01 |
cubezzz | s/to/do/ | Apr 12 10:01 |
cubezzz | I mean, you wouldn't even be able to see the POST | Apr 12 10:02 |
oiaohm | You can build Linux installers automatically to find serial ports. | Apr 12 10:03 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: post in lots of motherboards can be watched by a post card. | Apr 12 10:04 |
oiaohm | | Apr 12 10:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | POST card - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Apr 12 10:05 | |
oiaohm | cubezzz: its mostly install a video card to sort out the bios. | Apr 12 10:05 |
msb_ | Hey, Linux wants to be free! It wants to sing and dance! | Apr 12 10:05 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: lot of motherboards with stock bios don't boot without video card. | Apr 12 10:06 |
cubezzz | I'm sure the computer would run cooler with no video card | Apr 12 10:06 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: correct | Apr 12 10:06 |
cubezzz | less ram usage too | Apr 12 10:06 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: kinda. | Apr 12 10:07 |
oiaohm | cubezzz: rememer you have lost the ram on the video card. | Apr 12 10:07 |
cubezzz | ah, that's true | Apr 12 10:07 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 10:09 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | South Park Music - i love to singa - YouTube [ ] | Apr 12 10:09 | |
<--oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Apr 12 10:19 | |
MinceR | | Apr 12 10:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal | Apr 12 10:28 | |
*amarsh04 still runs a radeon 9200se video card in this machine | Apr 12 10:35 | |
amarsh04 | back in a minute, new kernel | Apr 12 10:36 |
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-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrights | Apr 12 10:39 | |
-->DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrights | Apr 12 10:42 | |
DaemonFC | Good morning. :) | Apr 12 10:43 |
amarsh04 | hi | Apr 12 10:44 |
MinceR | hay | Apr 12 10:45 |
DaemonFC | How's Hungaristan treating you today, MinceR? :) | Apr 12 10:56 |
MinceR | not well | Apr 12 10:59 |
Sosumi | | Apr 12 11:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Samsung Galaxy S5 also region-locked, here are the details - news [ ] | Apr 12 11:19 | |
Sosumi | the s5 is a mess | Apr 12 11:19 |
msb_ | Forced to consume goulash at gunpoint by communist thugs! | Apr 12 11:20 |
Sosumi | disjointed GUI and a meaningless update to s4 | Apr 12 11:20 |
msb_ | Causing stomach upset so he's always pootin ! | Apr 12 11:21 |
MinceR | indeed, region locking is a mess | Apr 12 11:22 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 11:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | It may be ILLEGAL to run Heartbleed health checks IT lawyer - The Community's Center for Security [ ] | Apr 12 11:22 | |
MinceR | msb_: if you like hungary so much, why don't you move into it? | Apr 12 11:22 |
Sosumi | move to "U-hungry"? | Apr 12 11:23 |
msb_ | MinceR: Get in line! First I have to move to Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Vietnam... | Apr 12 11:24 |
MinceR | msb_: get moving, then | Apr 12 11:24 |
MinceR | msb_: there are so many nicely despotic states to choose from! | Apr 12 11:24 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 11:25 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | xkcd: Heartbleed Explanation | Apr 12 11:25 | |
schestowitz__ | so much of it in Linux siets | Apr 12 11:25 |
schestowitz__ | even though the news is out and has been out | Apr 12 11:25 |
msb_ | I've added stuff to my 9/11 area. Now four great videos plus links to my pages. | Apr 12 11:29 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Human Society That Works For Everyone | Apr 12 11:29 | |
msb_ | None of those other despotic states has started a War of Terror involving the whole world, and murdered TWO MILLION PEOPLE in it already. | Apr 12 11:30 |
MinceR | some of them have murdered a lot more than that | Apr 12 11:31 |
msb_ | Not in the last 13 years. | Apr 12 11:31 |
MinceR | well, nothing that happened before that matters, right? | Apr 12 11:32 |
msb_ | In that case I'm gonna blame you for Vlad the Impaler. | Apr 12 11:33 |
MinceR | personally? | Apr 12 11:34 |
msb_ | Of course. | Apr 12 11:34 |
MinceR | well, i guess that doesn't take more mental gymnastics than the rest of your delusions | Apr 12 11:34 |
msb_ | You're the one that brought the past into it, not me. | Apr 12 11:35 |
MinceR | oh, i didn't know the war of terror hasn't started yet. | Apr 12 11:36 |
msb_ | parse error | Apr 12 11:38 |
schestowitz__ | MS Perlow: | Apr 12 11:58 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Heartbleed's lesson: Passwords must die | ZDNet [ ] | Apr 12 11:58 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 12:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Citrix: Top 5 Do's and Don’ts When Moving to the Cloud | [ ] | Apr 12 12:12 | |
schestowitz__ | citrix boosted by LF now | Apr 12 12:12 |
schestowitz__ | Rachel King the PRa agents: | Apr 12 12:16 |
schestowitz__ | despite sales still going dfown she tries to make it look like XP is helping x86 | Apr 12 12:17 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 12:17 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | End of Windows XP support slowing PC industry bleed, says Gartner | ZDNet [ ] | Apr 12 12:17 | |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 12:19 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ More #fud in #cbs #zdnet now expands what mostly affects servers to #android devices trolling as 'journalism' | Apr 12 12:19 | |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Android fragmentation turning devices into a toxic hellstew of vulnerabilities | ZDNet [ ] | Apr 12 12:19 | |
schestowitz__ | "Again, there's only one reason anyone even knows about Heartbleed." | Apr 12 12:19 |
msb_ | MS Perlow: "Passwords must die". He says we must use biometrics: Fingerprints - What could go wrong there? Voiceprint -- that sure couldn't be copied! Retinal Scan -- The bad guys don't even have to gouge out your eye. Just scan it with the same gadget that would be on every computer, and project the image onto an artificial eyeball. | Apr 12 12:22 |
schestowitz__ | | Apr 12 12:23 |
msb_ | Hah! Microsoft has *always* been a toxic hellbrew. | Apr 12 12:24 |
<--gde33|2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia | Apr 12 12:29 | |
MinceR | m$ munchkins having no idea what they're talking about isn't exactly new | Apr 12 12:37 |
Sosumi | fingerprints are much better than beating passwords out of ppl | Apr 12 12:58 |
Sosumi | just grab a knife and cut the finger | Apr 12 12:58 |
Sosumi | or a cigar cutter (remember my jokes about iphone 5s fingerprint sensor?) | Apr 12 12:59 |
Sosumi | passwords with an external authenticator work much better | Apr 12 13:00 |
Sosumi | ala blizzard authenticator | Apr 12 13:00 |
cubezzz | do what the banks do, logins accepted only from one computer and one ip address | Apr 12 13:00 |
Sosumi | but not everyone has a fixed IP | Apr 12 13:01 |
cubezzz | might be a bit tricky with... yeah | Apr 12 13:01 |
Sosumi | | Apr 12 13:03 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mkalinowskaa: Police in #Donetsk surrendered and joined the protesters #ukraine @Ruptly | Apr 12 13:03 | |
Sosumi | lol | Apr 12 13:03 |
Sosumi | the whole ukraine deal has been a laughing stock, to me at least | Apr 12 13:04 |
Sosumi | with the EU/US sponsored coup failing | Apr 12 13:04 |
cubezzz | Microsoft's got that TPM 2.0 thing, which kicks in on Jan 1, 2015 | Apr 12 13:05 |
Sosumi | and now ukraine seeming to be falling apart and being absorbed by russia | Apr 12 13:05 |
cubezzz | "all computers must have TPM 2.0 to get windows 8.1" | Apr 12 13:06 |
Sosumi | TPM is a module that you put on the board | Apr 12 13:06 |
Sosumi | kewl stuff, but aside I actually wouldn't mind gazprom cutting the gas supply to europe | Apr 12 13:08 |
Sosumi | and let those idiots up in the north, literally, freeze to dead :) | Apr 12 13:09 |
Sosumi | *death | Apr 12 13:09 |
Sosumi | and it isn't a required for anything | Apr 12 13:09 |
Sosumi | most boards don't even have a slot for it | Apr 12 13:09 |
Sosumi | | Apr 12 13:10 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Trusted Platform Module - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ] | Apr 12 13:10 | |
Sosumi | "Microsoft has announced that from January 1, 2015 all computers will have to be equipped with a TPM 2.0 module in order to pass the Windows 8.1 hardware certification." | Apr 12 13:11 |
Sosumi | aka a sticker | Apr 12 13:12 |
cubezzz | my computers are too old for win 8.1 | Apr 12 13:12 |
Sosumi | but does it matter? nop, can still install it | Apr 12 13:12 |
cubezzz | oh I see | Apr 12 13:13 |
cubezzz | not that I was thinking about actually installing windows 8.1 of course | Apr 12 13:13 |
Sosumi | and actually, does vista 8 matter at all? | Apr 12 13:13 |
Sosumi | nop | Apr 12 13:13 |
cubezzz | a customer might ask for it | Apr 12 13:13 |
Sosumi | then, let him have it | Apr 12 13:14 |
Sosumi | since he's the one paying anyways | Apr 12 13:14 |
cubezzz | but so far no one I know is using it | Apr 12 13:14 |
Sosumi | but it isn't a requirement | Apr 12 13:14 |
Sosumi | no board comes one either | Apr 12 13:14 |
Sosumi | they have the slot and nothing more | Apr 12 13:15 |
Sosumi | | Apr 12 13:17 |
Sosumi | just the slot | Apr 12 13:17 |
Sosumi | at the bottom | Apr 12 13:18 |
Sosumi | but no module | Apr 12 13:18 |
MinceR | | Apr 12 14:35 |
msb_ | People were really much more friendly and interesting when most people were smoking cannabis in the 1960s. The whole culture was much better. | Apr 12 14:45 |
cubezzz | except for the computer part :) | Apr 12 14:45 |
msb_ | Right -- there weren't any. | Apr 12 14:46 |
cubezzz | also no unix in the 60's unless you count UNICUS | Apr 12 14:46 |
MinceR | afaik violence rates were higher in the 1960s | Apr 12 14:46 |
cubezzz | lots of computers in the 60 | Apr 12 14:47 |
cubezzz | 's | Apr 12 14:47 |
cubezzz | Burroughs B5500 | Apr 12 14:47 |
msb_ | I loved the idea of a computer designed for a high-level language. I bought the manual for the B5500. | Apr 12 14:47 |
cubezzz | grab your light pen and go :) | Apr 12 14:48 |
msb_ | I built a lightpen for the LINC computer. | Apr 12 14:48 |
cubezzz | IBM 1130 was relatively cheap | Apr 12 14:48 |
msb_ | How cheap? | Apr 12 14:50 |
cubezzz | oh about $41,000 if you wanted a disk drive | Apr 12 14:51 |
msb_ | And those dollars were probably worth at least 5 of the current ones. | Apr 12 14:52 |
cubezzz | IBM 2310, stores 512,000 words | Apr 12 14:52 |
cubezzz | PDP-8 would be cheaper | Apr 12 14:53 |
cubezzz | $18,000 | Apr 12 14:53 |
msb_ | Anyhow, now we have computers, Linux, *and* cannabis. | Apr 12 14:53 |
msb_ | People should be able to wake up and throw off the organized psychopaths. | Apr 12 14:54 |
cubezzz | if I could I'd time-warp back to the 60's for a day or so | Apr 12 14:54 |
cubezzz | an interesting era for computers | Apr 12 14:54 |
msb_ | Well, we can do everything on a PC now that a B5500 or B6600 could do back then, but a lot faster and a lot cheaper. | Apr 12 14:55 |
msb_ | Even though we have software pointers to the stack chain instead of hardware ones. | Apr 12 14:56 |
msb_ | ALGOL-60 was a great leap forward. I had an ALGOL60 license plate! | Apr 12 14:57 |
cubezzz | IBM 1130 could actually be put into the home without too much difficulty | Apr 12 14:57 |
MinceR | if the home was large enough? :> | Apr 12 14:57 |
cubezzz | you can get a 120V setup | Apr 12 14:57 |
cubezzz | it was about the size of a large desk | Apr 12 14:58 |
MinceR | ic | Apr 12 14:58 |
cubezzz | | Apr 12 14:59 |
msb_ | Does the babe come with it? | Apr 12 15:00 |
MinceR | the babe has aged a lot since that picture was taken :> | Apr 12 15:01 |
cubezzz | well if she was 20 in 1965... :) | Apr 12 15:01 |
cubezzz | next year will be the 50th anniversary of the 1130 | Apr 12 15:01 |
cubezzz | this is still my favourite 60's computer pic: | Apr 12 15:12 |
cubezzz | | Apr 12 15:12 |
msb_ | Nice! | Apr 12 15:14 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 15:14 |
cubezzz | ha | Apr 12 15:15 |
MinceR | the steering wheel is funny | Apr 12 15:15 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 15:15 |
cubezzz | does that old fart know assembly language? :) | Apr 12 15:15 |
MinceR | macs are pcs | Apr 12 15:16 |
cubezzz | ok, you asked for it... | Apr 12 15:16 |
msb_ | The one in the Amiga pic *dreams* assembly language! | Apr 12 15:16 |
cubezzz | | Apr 12 15:16 |
MinceR | lol | Apr 12 15:17 |
MinceR | should have used a real computer | Apr 12 15:17 |
cubezzz | I still use an amiga sometimes | Apr 12 15:18 |
cubezzz | it's not _that_ old | Apr 12 15:18 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 15:38 |
msb_ | The cyberpunk pic reminded me of that one! | Apr 12 15:39 |
msb_ | I saw it on somebody's cubicle wall many years ago, but never got a copy until now. Found it by googling for dilbert duel | Apr 12 15:40 |
MinceR | :) | Apr 12 15:40 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 15:42 |
msb_ | More Techno-Bill! | Apr 12 15:42 |
MinceR | :D | Apr 12 15:42 |
cubezzz | obviously one of the older dilberts :) | Apr 12 15:43 |
MinceR | indeed | Apr 12 15:43 |
XFaCE | MinceR: | Apr 12 15:44 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | More People Were Paid To Exploit Heartbleed For The NSA Than Fix It - Falkvinge on Infopolicy [ ] | Apr 12 15:45 | |
MinceR | no surprise | Apr 12 15:45 |
MinceR | the nsa has gone rogue | Apr 12 15:45 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 15:59 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 16:02 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 16:05 |
MinceR | :D | Apr 12 16:07 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 16:10 |
MinceR | :> | Apr 12 16:11 |
msb_ | | Apr 12 16:14 |
msb_ | Tech Support: | Apr 12 16:40 |
DaemonFC | | Apr 12 16:50 |
DaemonFC | New bf. :) | Apr 12 16:51 |
-->_Goblin (~tim@ has joined #techrights | Apr 12 17:03 | |
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to _Goblin | Apr 12 17:04 | |
_Goblin | schestowitz, you there mate? | Apr 12 17:27 |
schestowitz__ | 0/ | Apr 12 17:27 |
_Goblin | :) Sorry about last sat...... | Apr 12 17:27 |
_Goblin | I was distracted from PC by the football....really sorry.... | Apr 12 17:27 |
schestowitz__ | how about tomorrow night? | Apr 12 17:28 |
_Goblin | lol....I was just typing that! | Apr 12 17:28 |
_Goblin | yes yes yes....tomorrow evening without doubt | Apr 12 17:28 |
_Goblin | I've an easter egg hunt around mum and dads during the day but will be home around 1700 | Apr 12 17:28 |
_Goblin | (Easter egg hunt for the kids not me - I hasten to add) | Apr 12 17:29 |
schestowitz__ | can Amy handle that? | Apr 12 17:29 |
schestowitz__ | she'd be under 2 | Apr 12 17:29 |
_Goblin | lol....when chocolate is involved shes a master at finding eggs | Apr 12 17:31 |
_Goblin | and shes not under 2 | Apr 12 17:31 |
_Goblin | Shame on you're her godfather! :) | Apr 12 17:32 |
_Goblin | ....Just made my first post to G+ for a while....... | Apr 12 17:35 |
_Goblin | should really pay it more attention since Twitter is rather restrictive.... | Apr 12 17:35 |
schestowitz__ | [22:33] <_Goblin> Shame on you're her godfather! :) | Apr 12 17:53 |
schestowitz__ | Oh, oops, I count since the baprism | Apr 12 17:53 |
schestowitz__ | *baptism | Apr 12 17:53 |
_Goblin | :) | Apr 12 17:53 |
schestowitz__ | which I think was almost exactly 2 years ago, add 2 weeks... | Apr 12 17:54 |
_Goblin | I won't tell her! | Apr 12 17:54 |
_Goblin | now that particular date, I can't remember! | Apr 12 17:54 |
_Goblin | christening... | Apr 12 17:54 |
_Goblin | Roy the Godfather..... | Apr 12 17:54 |
schestowitz__ | it was end of April | Apr 12 18:10 |
_Goblin | schestowitz__, I meant to did that recording test sound from before? It came out very well my end. | Apr 12 18:16 |
_Goblin | I cleaned it up a bit and it sounded v.good | Apr 12 18:16 |
_Goblin | schestowitz__, you there? | Apr 12 19:04 |
-->gde33 ( has joined #techrights | Apr 12 19:36 | |
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-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrights | Apr 12 20:08 | |
MinceR | gn | Apr 12 20:16 |
-->TakinOver ( has joined #techrights | Apr 12 21:01 | |
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