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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: July 20th, 2014-July 26th, 2014

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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 20 01:29
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 01:29
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 01:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesJul 20 01:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 20 01:30
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 01:30
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 01:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJul 20 01:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Software 20 01:30
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 01:30
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 01:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux MachinesJul 20 01:30
MinceRgnJul 20 01:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Tor, trust and the NSA 20 05:00
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 05:00
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 05:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tor, trust and the NSA | Tux MachinesJul 20 05:00
TweetTuxMachines@baseanswers     ODF(tm) World News is out!Jul 20 05:00
TweetTuxMachines        ( Stories viaJul 20 05:00
TweetTuxMachines                 @tuxmachines @bhuvi8 @oooug_jpJul 20 05:00
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 05:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ODF™ World NewsJul 20 05:00
*cubelog1 has quit (Excess Flood)Jul 20 05:48
*gde33 has quit (Excess Flood)Jul 20 05:48
*gde33 ( has joined #techrightsJul 20 05:49
*cubelog1 ( has joined #techrightsJul 20 05:50
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jul 20 06:52
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJul 20 06:53
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJul 20 08:46
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 20 10:02
*freedomrun_ (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJul 20 10:03
*freedomrun has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jul 20 10:06
DaemonFC 20 10:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Customer Discussions: iphone 5 crashed,anyone recommend anything?? [ ]Jul 20 10:42
DaemonFC"I have a feeling that when you try to install OS X "Mavericks" on your pre-2007 Mac and find that Apple has deprecated something that you still might use every day, they're not going to help you do anything other than buy an expensive new Mac.Jul 20 10:43
DaemonFCLinux still runs on all Macs. Even the Core Solo Mac Mini from 2006. Jul 20 10:43
DaemonFCYou don't have to wait for Apple to declare your hardware deprecated to upgrade to Linux though. Linux is for everybody. Your Mac will almost certainly even be faster than it was before after the upgrade. It's not like GNOME and KDE don't have their $20,000 toilet seats in terms of components that use system resources just because they want to behave more like Windows and Mac, but there are lots of options! Even the most piggish Linux Jul 20 10:43
DaemonFCdesktop environment (KDE) is nowhere near as bad as Windows on resource usage.Jul 20 10:43
DaemonFC 20 10:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Users Have a Choice: 8 Linux Desktop Environments [ ]Jul 20 10:43
DaemonFCThe real sticking points that will keep me from buying a Mac are the obscene price, the bad Apple software, and the fact that the hardware is frequently underpowered and impossible to upgrade or service by me, the end user. This comes together to create a relatively short usable life for a Mac computer. You're better off with Linux on PC."Jul 20 10:43
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 20 11:11
DaemonFCThe Android One will only be $100. The iPhone 5c is $549.Jul 20 11:11
DaemonFCFor that price, you could buy five Android Ones, smash four of them, and still be $50 ahead.Jul 20 11:11
DaemonFC78% of all smartphone sales are <$200. Jul 20 11:13
DaemonFCAt the extreme low end, some people buy Windows phones because Microsoft is selling them below cost to try to create a market for them. Microsoft has tried introducing Windows phones with better specs. I've never seen anyone buy them. Jul 20 11:13
DaemonFCAndroid One will be the end of Windows Phone.Jul 20 11:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     First Android One phone landing in October?Jul 20 11:13
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 11:13
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 11:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | First Android One phone landing in October? | Tux MachinesJul 20 11:14
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 20 11:41
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 20 12:03
DaemonFCSomeone told me that Amazon made a Kindle "cloud reader" web app that runs in modern web browsers. I've never used Kindle before because of the Digital Restrictions Management[1], but I decided that since there would be no software to install, and Amazon does have some "free" books to test it out with, I thought I would give it a spin, just for kicks.Jul 20 12:30
DaemonFCThanks Amazon.Jul 20 12:30
DaemonFCThis is the most flagrant abuse of Javascript I've ever seen. Actually, it's not Javascript. It's more like "Obfuscript", to make it more difficult to figure out how their DRM works, so that you can't copy and paste text.Jul 20 12:30
DaemonFCCould you have possibly made this stupid thing any slower?Jul 20 12:30
DaemonFCYour coding horror made my quad core desktop computer feel like I was trying to scroll through a Microsoft Office file on a 300 Mhz Pentium 2.Jul 20 12:30
DaemonFC[1] 20 12:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Amazon's Kindle Swindle | Defective by Design [ ]Jul 20 12:30
DaemonFC 20 12:57
DaemonFCLG G3 vs. iPhone 5sJul 20 12:57
DaemonFCI loved the part where the iPhone screen was sharper and easier to read when viewed through the LG G3's camera than it was by looking directly at the iPhone's screen.Jul 20 12:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LG G3 vs. iPhone 5S - Review (4K) - YouTube [ ]Jul 20 12:57
Sosumidon’t install gnu/linux on core macJul 20 13:08
Sosumivoltage regulation on those machines is done through the smcJul 20 13:08
Sosumiand without the smc driver you’ll end up frying the cpuJul 20 13:08
Sosumijust like don’t install windows on those machines without the apple provided bootcamp driverJul 20 14:00
Sosumior you’ll get the same problemJul 20 14:00
DaemonFC WakkyWabbit says:Jul 20 14:11
DaemonFCDobbs,Jul 20 14:11
DaemonFCInteresting. I have the app on a somewhat old and slow 10 inch netbook with one of those Atom processors and it is also on my SG3 phone. On both devices, the app works great and is as fast as all three of my Kindles. Jul 20 14:11
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 20 14:11
DaemonFCI have a Phenom II X4 945 and a Geforce 560 GTX and Amazon's cloud reader is so slow, it's like scrolling through a web page using the VESA driver from Windows XP.Jul 20 14:11
DaemonFCMaybe I'll use Kindle when Amazon lets me save a file to my hard drive and open it up in Evince, without all this laggy encumbering Kindle garbage layered on top, so that you can't retain data that you paid for.Jul 20 14:11
DaemonFCSeriously. I played Skyrim under Wine on this thing recently, but books lag? Jul 20 14:11
DaemonFCThis is clearly a regression. Real books don't render slowly and require piss poor software in order to read them. I also know that I can keep my real books forever, regardless of what Amazon's future business plans are. Jul 20 14:14
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 20 14:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Today in Techrights 20 14:44
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 14:44
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 14:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJul 20 14:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     "I'll Be Back" -- After Reviving Meego Dreams,Jul 20 14:44
TweetTuxMachines                 Jolla Preps for India LaunchJul 20 14:44
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 14:44
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 14:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | "I'll Be Back" -- After Reviving Meego Dreams, Jolla Preps for India Launch | Tux MachinesJul 20 14:44
MinceRgeekingsJul 20 15:23
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Read error: No route to host)Jul 20 15:30
*Guest66954 has quit (Read error: No route to host)Jul 20 15:30
*schestowitz_log_ ( has joined #techrightsJul 20 15:30
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Changing host)Jul 20 15:30
*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJul 20 15:30
*roy__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJul 20 15:31
*roy__ is now known as Guest48607Jul 20 15:31
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 20 15:37
DaemonFCNo. They *should* just use the simplest solution that works, which is to give me the damned file.Jul 20 15:37
DaemonFCThis isn't the fastest machine in the world, but it's still faster than, say, a $1,100 iMac.Jul 20 15:37
DaemonFCIt still kicks some butt as far I I'm concerned. I still game on it. GNOME is fast and buttery smooth. Video playback is fantastic. Applications load at the snap of a finger.Jul 20 15:37
DaemonFCI just wish people would ditch proprietary software that is designed to be treacherous and bloated, and to backstab their customer.Jul 20 15:37
DaemonFCThen computers would work well and we wouldn't need to say things like "Damned computers. Why doesn't this work as well as what we had before?". Jul 20 15:37
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 20 15:37
DaemonFCThe people running Amazon's Kindle store, and people who publish to it boil down to two kinds.Jul 20 15:37
DaemonFC1. They are ignorant.Jul 20 15:37
DaemonFCorJul 20 15:37
DaemonFC2. They're bad people who are doing disgusting things.Jul 20 15:37
DaemonFCI generally prefer to think that most of them are #1s, because then they're simply misguided and don't fully appreciate the harm that they are causing, vs. #2s, who are just bastards. Jul 20 15:37
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 20 15:57
DaemonFCIs there a list, somewhere, of all the books available without Digital Restrictions Malware, so I know who I can do business with just by looking at a particular page?Jul 20 15:57
DaemonFCBy the way, I'm obviously very serious here. If I wanted the book, there are easier ways. Since Amazon is stopping me from doing business with them, and acquiring it without DRM might involve something equally dishonest as a publisher that uses DRM in the first place, and two wrongs don't make a right, I suppose that I'll just have to go to the library and/or continue buying old fashioned books.Jul 20 15:57
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJul 20 16:01
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 20 16:02
*Guest48607 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jul 20 16:02
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 20 16:10
DaemonFCPeople who tell me to chuck my PC and downgrade to a Mac should be slapped severely.Jul 20 16:10
DaemonFCThe only excuse for using a Mac is if you're a 90 year old woman. And maybe not even then.Jul 20 16:10
*schestowitz_log_ ( has joined #techrightsJul 20 16:17
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Changing host)Jul 20 16:17
*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJul 20 16:17
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 20 16:36
*mariuz (~quassel@ has joined #techrightsJul 20 16:59
MinceR 20 17:08
DaemonFCSomeone said that my system is a kludge.Jul 20 17:09
DaemonFCI replied....Jul 20 17:09
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 20 17:09
DaemonFCYou're the one that told me to get a Mac.Jul 20 17:09
DaemonFCGizmodo reviewed the 2013 Mac Mini and had to go back to Half Life 2 (2004) to find a game that it could handle.Jul 20 17:09
DaemonFCThat's pathetic. For a $1,050 computer? Apple should kill themselves for this. It probably wouldn't know whether to **** or wind its wristwatch if you tried to run something from this decade on it.Jul 20 17:09
DaemonFCApple's the one that's kludging the crap out of their systems. Who cares if it has a fast CPU if you're stuck with integrated video and the hard drive is a dog? Really. Who wants that system? It's one of the most unbalanced systems I've seen. People buy these? Jul 20 17:09
SosumilolJul 20 17:25
SosumiI have no idea why bother with the macJul 20 17:25
Sosuminone of their machines allow for agpu swap nowJul 20 17:25
Sosumifolks with the trashcan pro, what if one of you rebranded underclocked radeon HD 7970 goes belly up?Jul 20 17:26
Sosumi*yourJul 20 17:26
Sosumistay without the computer for a weekJul 20 17:26
SosumilolJul 20 17:26
Sosumiand say goodbye to aftermarket updatesJul 20 17:27
Sosumifolks with the 2006 mac pro can still run mavericks with a hack in order for the installer to run on efi 32 bit machinesJul 20 17:28
Sosumiand have been able to swap their gpus for better ones all this timeJul 20 17:28
Sosumippl with the trashcan pro are already stuck in the pastJul 20 17:29
*roy__ ( has joined #techrightsJul 20 17:29
*roy__ has quit (Changing host)Jul 20 17:29
*roy__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJul 20 17:29
*roy__ is now known as Guest17767Jul 20 17:29
Sosumialso on ukraineJul 20 17:29
SosumiUkranian army has been seen moving Buk launchpads across some parts of the countryJul 20 17:30
Sosumiwhat happened? apparently and untrained crew shot the airplane by accidentJul 20 17:30
Sosumi*anJul 20 17:30
Sosumiwhich kind of doesn’t make any sense since the pro russia forces in the field don’t have planesJul 20 17:31
Sosumiunless the fold them with paperJul 20 17:31
Sosumi*theyJul 20 17:31
*mariuz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 20 17:49
schestowitz 20 17:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #microsoft could not destroy mobile #linux with a mole & bribe because it's multi-headed. Now even words (bribes to Gartner & IDC) helped.Jul 20 17:53
schestowitz"^^ multi threaded?? or multi headed?"Jul 20 17:54
schestowitzLots of distros and branches, so headsJul 20 17:54
schestowitz"I guess it mean there's Android, Meego, Tizen, etc."Jul 20 17:54
schestowitz 20 17:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #obama overplays one dead American [sic] (US) because apparently 200 dead Dutch are not the Good Guys 20 17:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Obama: Malaysian Plane shot down by missile, 1 American dead - 7News Boston WHDH-TV [ ]Jul 20 17:55
schestowitz"But he likes killing americans with his drones - and watching "live" as an old man is shot in the face."Jul 20 17:55
schestowitz 20 17:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "US administration sought to pin the blame on separatists and Russia without waiting investigation." 20 17:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Russia: US implicating rebels | The Asian Age [ ]Jul 20 17:56
schestowitz"Not like you to just quote verbatim a government official as evidence. All you are doing is being a Russian spokesperson. If there is evidence, the Russians are sure taking their sweet time revealing them. Here's a compilation of evidence against the rebels by The Guardian."Jul 20 17:56
schestowitzWhen the Ukranian Nazis did their atrocities the Guardian not only did Russophobic propaganda but also deleted tons of comments it did not agree with, so I am still very careful and sceptical when it comes to its coverage in this region.Jul 20 17:57
schestowitz 20 17:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | MH17: the evidence against Russia | World news | The Observer [ ]Jul 20 17:57
schestowitz 20 17:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #china is having a field day #nsa #espionage #surveillanceJul 20 17:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | US intelligence blunders pile up - The China Post [ ]Jul 20 17:58
schestowitz"That's Taiwan - which makes it even more interesting."Jul 20 17:58
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Indian phone makers look to penetrate RussiaJul 20 18:28
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 18:28
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 18:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Indian phone makers look to penetrate Russia | Tux MachinesJul 20 18:28
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJul 20 18:36
DaemonFCThe #1 best selling desktop on Amazon is now the Chromebox, and the #1 laptop is the Chromebook.Jul 20 19:02
DaemonFCThe price is an eyecatcher, I guess. Jul 20 19:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     EFF releases experimental open wireless routerJul 20 19:44
TweetTuxMachines                 firmware 20 19:44
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 19:44
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 19:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EFF releases experimental open wireless router firmware | Tux MachinesJul 20 19:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Geary Is Getting Ready to Take ThunderbirdJul 20 19:44
TweetTuxMachines                 Head-On 20 19:44
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 19:44
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 19:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Geary Is Getting Ready to Take Thunderbird Head-On | Tux MachinesJul 20 19:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Canonical Issues Final Warning for Ubuntu OneJul 20 19:44
TweetTuxMachines                 Closure, Get Your Files NowJul 20 19:44
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 19:44
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 19:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Canonical Issues Final Warning for Ubuntu One Closure, Get Your Files Now | Tux MachinesJul 20 19:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     BitKey: A secure, Debian-based Live OS forJul 20 20:23
TweetTuxMachines                 bitcoin transactions 20 20:23
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 20:23
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 20:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BitKey: A secure, Debian-based Live OS for bitcoin transactions | Tux MachinesJul 20 20:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Geneva class-rooms switching to free softwareJul 20 20:23
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 20:23
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 20:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Geneva class-rooms switching to free software | Tux MachinesJul 20 20:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Debian 6.0.10 "Squeeze" Is Out and It's theJul 20 20:23
TweetTuxMachines                 Last Point Release 20 20:23
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 20:23
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 20:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Debian 6.0.10 "Squeeze" Is Out and It's the Last Point Release | Tux MachinesJul 20 20:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Plasma Active Continues Coming For Qt5/KF5Jul 20 20:23
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 20:23
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 20:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Plasma Active Continues Coming For Qt5/KF5 | Tux MachinesJul 20 20:23
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 20 20:39
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 20 20:40
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Beta Update Now UsesJul 20 20:57
TweetTuxMachines                 SDL2 20 20:57
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 20:57
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 20:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Beta Update Now Uses SDL2 | Tux MachinesJul 20 20:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Change the default search engine in Epiphany,Jul 20 20:57
TweetTuxMachines                 the GNOME Web applicationJul 20 20:57
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 20:57
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 20:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Change the default search engine in Epiphany, the GNOME Web application | Tux MachinesJul 20 20:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     My way to develop with git in KDE reposJul 20 20:58
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 20:58
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 20:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | My way to develop with git in KDE repos | Tux MachinesJul 20 20:58
MinceRgnJul 20 21:44
schestowitzolder :Jul 20 22:37
schestowitz" it taught me that the adage that a grand jury willJul 20 22:37
schestowitzindict a ham sandwich is an understatement. A betterJul 20 22:37
schestowitzdescription would be that the prosecution can show aJul 20 22:37
schestowitzgrand jury a shit sandwich and they will indict it asJul 20 22:37
schestowitzham without looking up from their newspapers."Jul 20 22:37
schestowitz 20 22:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Kaley Forfeiture Decision: What It Looks Like When The Feds Make Their Ham Sandwich | [ ]Jul 20 22:37
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Top 5 Linux Gaming EmulatorsJul 20 22:45
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 22:45
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 22:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Top 5 Linux Gaming Emulators | Tux MachinesJul 20 22:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The DragonBox Pyra Moves Closer As OpenPandoraJul 20 22:45
TweetTuxMachines                 Successor 20 22:45
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 22:45
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 22:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The DragonBox Pyra Moves Closer As OpenPandora Successor | Tux MachinesJul 20 22:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Wine 1.7.22 Arrives with Lots of Fixes forJul 20 23:23
TweetTuxMachines                 Games 20 23:23
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 23:23
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 23:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wine 1.7.22 Arrives with Lots of Fixes for Games | Tux MachinesJul 20 23:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Standardized open source products are the keyJul 20 23:23
TweetTuxMachines                 to unlocking the lock-in trapJul 20 23:23
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 23:23
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 23:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Standardized open source products are the key to unlocking the lock-in trap | Tux MachinesJul 20 23:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GTK+ 3.13.4 Features a Much Improved AdwaitaJul 20 23:23
TweetTuxMachines                 Theme 20 23:23
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 23:23
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 23:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GTK+ 3.13.4 Features a Much Improved Adwaita Theme | Tux MachinesJul 20 23:23
DaemonFC 21 00:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Finland: Microsoft Betrayed Us with So Many Job Cuts [ ]Jul 21 00:54
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 21 01:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 21 01:25
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesJul 21 01:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Software 21 01:25
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux MachinesJul 21 01:25
schestowitz 21 04:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ When #Detroit Shuts Off the Water of 100,000 People killing its young, people who do hardest (physical) jobsJul 21 04:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | What Happens When Detroit Shuts Off the Water of 100,000 People - Rose Hackman - The Atlantic [ ]Jul 21 04:58
schestowitz"US people must be enjoying savage capitalism as Soviets must have enjoyed savage communism. Russia is not communist anymore, would the US reconsider its system?"Jul 21 04:58
schestowitz 21 04:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "US administration sought to pin the blame on separatists and Russia without waiting investigation." 21 04:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Russia: US implicating rebels | The Asian Age [ ]Jul 21 04:58
schestowitz"Sure. But then there is parroting the Russian government rather than confronting the evidence so far."Jul 21 04:58
schestowitz"I don't see Roy blaming anyone but those quick to conclude without ecidence."Jul 21 04:59
schestowitz"He isn't blaming anyone. Merely restating the Russian statement in preference over the evidence of non-cooperation."Jul 21 04:59
schestowitz 21 04:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #uk ‘Friendly Wi-Fi’ a euphemism for #censorship to "protect the children" rejecting censorship is being unfriendly?Jul 21 04:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | ‘Friendly Wi-Fi’ Aims To Stop Porn Access In Public Hotspots [ ]Jul 21 04:59
schestowitz"Think of the children."Jul 21 04:59
schestowitz 21 05:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Op-Ed: Microsoft layoff e-mail typifies inhuman corporate insensitivity #microsoft a socipathJul 21 05:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Op-Ed: Microsoft layoff e-mail typifies inhuman corporate insensitivity | Ars Technica [ ]Jul 21 05:00
schestowitz"That's a very typical US way of doing things, people is not made redundant that way in my country."Jul 21 05:00
schestowitz 21 05:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ One day in the future people may ask, when did the #uk become unhinged on law, Magna Carta etc. We live in interesting times...Jul 21 05:01
schestowitz"That's a Chinese curse you know. "May you live in interesting times"."Jul 21 05:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     SAILFISH OS HARDWARE ADAPTATION DEV KIT RELEASEJul 21 06:12
TweetTuxMachines                 1.0 21 06:12
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 21 06:12
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SAILFISH OS HARDWARE ADAPTATION DEV KIT RELEASE 1.0 | Tux MachinesJul 21 06:13
*freedomrun_ has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.)Jul 21 08:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Can Linux speed in-car systems? Software mayJul 21 09:19
TweetTuxMachines                 reduce development time, costsJul 21 09:19
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Can Linux speed in-car systems? Software may reduce development time, costs | Tux MachinesJul 21 09:19
*TweetTuxMachines @rangakrishnan1 followed @tuxmachinesJul 21 09:19
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jul 21 10:07
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJul 21 10:11
*pickering ( has joined #techrightsJul 21 11:05
*pickering has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 21 11:24
MinceRgeekingsJul 21 11:53
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 21 12:43
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 21 13:30
DaemonFCIt's not really my computer that is struggling if Amazon's software is just poorly designed.Jul 21 13:30
DaemonFCGoogle Docs does way more than Amazon Cloud Reader does, but Google Docs runs fine.Jul 21 13:30
DaemonFCYou can always come up with software that is so poorly built that it doesn't run on a reasonably configured PC.Jul 21 13:30
DaemonFCI'm not thrilled to still be using a PC that's 5 years old, save for a nice graphics card upgrade[1], but I don't really want to buy a new computer right at this very moment. I'm in kind of a holding pattern right now, trying to get more time out of what I'm using while hoping that someone comes and fixes the PC market mess with something that you can just buy and use. Windows and Mac are not what I'd call "usable". Sorry.Jul 21 13:30
DaemonFCThe two best outcomes that could save the PC are that Steam OS and/or Chrome OS pan out. I'll tell you my line of thinking on this.Jul 21 13:30
DaemonFCSteam Machines will be real computers, not just a video game console. You can boot out of Steam OS, which is a thin "Just Enough" OS built on Linux, which will be a great thing, because you will get better performance than Windows can give you. 1. Linux performs better than Windows anyway in a side by side comparison running the native version of identical games right now. 2. A JEOS like Steam OS will run them even better because it throws Jul 21 13:30
DaemonFCout all of the stuff you don't need for gaming.Jul 21 13:30
DaemonFCValve's CEO, Gabe Newell, promised that you can reboot the machine into any normal PC OS to get your "boring" stuff done, so if this pans out, I could have a badass gaming console, that can reboot into Fedora, and that's just cool!Jul 21 13:30
DaemonFCOn the other hand, we have Chrome OS, which is Chrome running in its own "JEOS" version of Linux, and since Chrome is a powerful development platform which is only going to get more powerful, I think it's not unreasonable to think that we're going to get Chrome PCs with lots of RAM, fast processors, and decent video cards at some point.Jul 21 13:30
DaemonFCEither way, I do believe that Linux is the OS of the future. The surge of Chrome OS to the #1 desktop on Amazon and the #1 laptop on Amazon kind of tells me that Windows and Mac are quickly becoming legacy operating systems, whose only defenders are like Japanese soldiers on an island in 1945 that didn't hear about how badly the war is going.Jul 21 13:30
DaemonFC[1] And a nice graphics card can save you from a "blah" CPU these days, but a terrible graphics chipset, like we find in Macs and Walmart PCs can never be compensated for by a good CPU, which makes it all the more puzzling as to why Apple insists on fast CPUs with brain damaged Intel graphics chipsets. Apple has always been hostile to video game publishers, like going out of its way to make sure that games don't run on the Mac. Jul 21 13:30
DaemonFCerr, boot to steam OS rather *edits*Jul 21 13:31
SosuminahJul 21 13:43
Sosumiyou can load gnome on steam osJul 21 13:43
Sosumiactually it comes pre-installedJul 21 13:43
Sosumiso if not neededJul 21 13:44
DaemonFC Hummingbirder says:Jul 21 13:44
DaemonFCMy next of kin wouldn't know what to do with a Zune.Jul 21 13:44
Sosumifolks can do everything from inside steam osJul 21 13:44
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 21 13:44
DaemonFCIt's OK son, nobody knows what to do with a Zune.Jul 21 13:44
DaemonFC 21 13:44
DaemonFCNow that the Microsoft software to sync the damned thing is abandoned, people who own one are up the creek without a paddle. I don't know what the most current situation is in regards to trying to get them to sync using other software, but from the looks of this article, Microsoft went very far out of its way to prevent that from happening.Jul 21 13:44
DaemonFCIf you want a portable media player, get one that has Mass Storage Class support, or keep walking. That's my opinion, of course, but I think it's ridiculous that you can't drag and drop files using your operating system's file manager on Zunes and iPods, while a cheap little Sandisk Sansa has always allowed this. No bloated crapware necessary. Get off my lawn! B-) Jul 21 13:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sajid Anwar - MTPZ: Implementation [ ]Jul 21 13:44
Sosumialso gpus on apple hardware are just crap offers from nvidiaJul 21 13:45
SosumiI mean IntelJul 21 13:45
Sosumibut crappy gpus across the boardJul 21 13:46
Sosumiimacs are still using gt700m series gpus from last yearJul 21 13:46
DaemonFCYeah. The performance went up when they moved the chipset off of the motherboard and onto the CPU, but they're still not a replacement for even the cheapest video cards.Jul 21 13:46
DaemonFC 21 13:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Keeping Mac mini's integrated graphics in perspective | Macworld [ ]Jul 21 13:50
DaemonFC"So, on Monday, February 27, an integrated graphics chip was something that stole power from the CPU and siphoned off system memory. As of February 28, it’s suddenly capable of supporting the latest 3-D games and is an incredible value proposition? Ah, marketing!"Jul 21 13:50
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 21 14:03
DaemonFCAnd Apple's statement about running Halo on a budget PC was pretty funny, because it ran OK on a budget PC. I know because I had a budget PC and Halo. :PJul 21 14:03
DaemonFCIt wasn't a particularly advanced game engine. It ran on the original XBOX for crying out loud. The PC version was better because the XBOX version had no networking capabilities. Apple probably used it as an example of what you could do on the PowerPC Mac because it was one of the only 3d games that you could actually buy for a Mac. Microsoft kept Bungie's promise that it would work on a Mac, but Mac users got it two months later than PC Jul 21 14:03
DaemonFCusers.Jul 21 14:03
DaemonFCProbably the only reason I got away with running Halo on my crappy Compaq that I had at the time was because the development target *was* a Mac. I still remember how butthurt Mac fanboys were when Microsoft bought Bungie, which was the only video game company that I'm aware of that ever *tried* to produce a Mac exclusive. (Notice how Halo 2 only runs on a Mac if you reboot it into at least Windows Vista, or maybe Windows XP if you apply the Jul 21 14:03
DaemonFCHalo 2 XP "patch", but that's unofficial, and YMMV. And even then, good luck, because they weren't aiming for your crappy Mac with this one.)Jul 21 14:03
DaemonFCI don't know. It's been enough years since Halo 2 PC came out that Intel integrated video in a Mac might be on par with a mediocre video card from 2006 by now. Anyone? Jul 21 14:03
DaemonFCApple's "budget" Macs are really nothing to write home about. It's budget PC performance at mid-range PC prices.Jul 21 14:08
DaemonFCA $450 HP Pavilion with an AMD A10 APU will happily blow the Mac Mini right out of the water.Jul 21 14:10
DaemonFCThat's how bad things are at the low end of the Mac market.Jul 21 14:10
DaemonFCSosumi, Well, the nice thing about waiting to buy a new computer is that the longer you wait, the better system you'll get at any price level.Jul 21 14:17
DaemonFCSo, I try to drag these things out until the last minute.Jul 21 14:17
*__martin__ (~martin@unaffiliated/--martin--/x-1730694) has joined #techrightsJul 21 14:20
__martin__funny timing; another malaysian jet (this time full of aids experts instead of semiconductor scientists) make headlines right when mr. snowden gets published another interview on the guardian and calls for hackers via hangouts [surveilled] @ hope-x-nycJul 21 14:22
DaemonFCThe US and EU will "condemn" Putin for a while, do nothing about it, and the whole thing will blow over.Jul 21 14:23
__martin__public distortion in practise >> 21 14:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | We Can No Longer Unbundle Microsoft Office [ ]Jul 21 14:24
__martin__our gov pushes for eid cards with reader; there is a client app for win xp/7/8 + reader IDBridge CT30 driver + signature app D.Signer/XAdES .. patheticJul 21 14:29
__martin__they missed the schedule for GNU/Linux and Mac OS X support by whole year or soJul 21 14:30
__martin__DaemonFC: are the Palestinians fighting back because there was no Jewish state prior to WW I (when the colonial winners drew the borders on a map) or is it "just" a deadly clash for freshwater sources?Jul 21 14:32
SosumiyepJul 21 14:40
Sosumibungie was a mac centric developerJul 21 14:40
Sosumiand probably the only oneJul 21 14:40
Sosumiuntil m$ bought themJul 21 14:40
Sosumiand changed the target platform for the xbox/windowsJul 21 14:41
Sosumithe mac port was later done by macsoftgames and published by gearboxJul 21 14:41
SosumiI have the mac version of halo actually, original and everythingJul 21 14:42
MinceRit seems that id became winblows-centric when they made a deal to target the xboxJul 21 14:42
Sosuminah, id has always been windows centricJul 21 14:42
Sosumitheir linux/mac ports were always handled by another companyJul 21 14:43
MinceRexcept when they developed their stuff for next and ported it to dosJul 21 14:43
MinceRand when they consistently targeted openglJul 21 14:43
Sosumiduring those times I wans’t even bornJul 21 14:43
Sosumi:)Jul 21 14:43
MinceR:)Jul 21 14:43
SosumiI’m not sure about using the mac gpus of the release of halo as bashing argumentJul 21 14:47
__martin__ 21 14:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 400 @ )Jul 21 14:47
Sosumimacs during that time had gf 4 ti 4600, radeon 9800 pros and later with the introduction of the G5 Jul 21 14:48
__martin__"So Microsoft purchased a bit of middleware and fashioned it into Direct3D Version 3. It was universally reviled. And with good reason; looking at D3D v3 code is like staring into the Ark of the Covenant.Jul 21 14:48
Sosumi6800 ultrasJul 21 14:48
__martin__Old John Carmack at Id Software took one look at that trash and said, "Screw that!" and decided to write towards another API: OpenGL."Jul 21 14:48
MinceR:>Jul 21 14:48
Sosumionly the imacs had crappy gpusJul 21 14:48
Sosumithe crap gpus across the board only started in 2009Jul 21 14:50
DaemonFCI had a Radeon 9800 Pro paired with an Intel Celeron at the time.Jul 21 14:50
Sosumiwhen they released the mac pro with the hd4870Jul 21 14:50
Sosumiinstead of the gtx285Jul 21 14:50
DaemonFCI've noticed that a decent GPU can save you from a bad CPU in games, but a bad GPU means it doesn't matter what your CPU is.Jul 21 14:50
DaemonFCEven though the current higher end i7s are more than twice as fast as my Phenom II X4, when you go to load a game with an identical GPU on both systems, the i7 only brings the framerate up by 5-10% usually.Jul 21 14:51
DaemonFCI helps, but it's not where you should put your money.Jul 21 14:52
SosumiI only play quake 3 arenaJul 21 14:52
Sosumithere isn’t anything out there that really interests me anymoreJul 21 14:52
DaemonFCIn some cases, a current i5s are only a dual core CPU.Jul 21 14:53
Sosumiand I just use my computer for workJul 21 14:53
Sosumitesting with algos and so onJul 21 14:53
DaemonFCModern game engines can create extra threads to take advantage of more cores, so your performance could actually go down with a dual core i5.Jul 21 14:53
DaemonFCThere's just nothing really exciting about getting a new CPU these days.Jul 21 14:54
DaemonFCThey're twice as fast as ones that were already incredibly fast.Jul 21 14:54
Sosumiwait for the next intel tockJul 21 14:54
Sosumithat is what I’m doing now, before upgradingJul 21 14:55
Sosumifrom a i7 3970x into some 8 core versionJul 21 14:55
Sosumiwhen they come into the 999€ pricreangeJul 21 14:55
__martin__Sosumi: make sure you disable AMT ( then.. also PRNG chip ;DJul 21 14:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | "Active Management Technology": The obscure remote control in some Intel hardware — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software [ ]Jul 21 14:57
Sosumii7 3970x is socket 2011Jul 21 14:59
__martin__1st gen core i3 in hereJul 21 14:59
Sosumithat you posted only applies to 1150sJul 21 14:59
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsJul 21 15:12
DaemonFCApple tries to keep people in the dark about their new products. The only way you know that a current model is about to be replaced by a newer one is when stores start running out of the older model.Jul 21 15:15
DaemonFCApple knows that when you announce a new product, that sales of the old version collapse, and they want to keep people paying full price for the old model all the way to the end.Jul 21 15:15
DaemonFCIt makes it difficult to plan an upgrade cycle when you don't even know when the new hardware will be out.Jul 21 15:15
Sosumilol, it was apple who kept the 2011 mac pro going for 3 years with no updates and no price decreaseJul 21 15:19
Sosumiand the sole reason they stopped selling it was because intel was going to stop manufacturing nehalem and westmere cpusJul 21 15:19
Sosumiand then they released the trashcan proJul 21 15:20
DaemonFCRight, so right now the Mac Mini is 165 days past the average time between releases.Jul 21 15:20
DaemonFCIt's the 2012 model, and it's still selling at full price.Jul 21 15:20
Sosumicrapple :)Jul 21 15:20
DaemonFCPeople who buy it will see that in a month or two, there will be a new model that's twice as fast for the same price.Jul 21 15:20
abeNd-orghehJul 21 15:20
abeNd-orgyes, but people keep buying it, otherwise apple wouldnt keep the price where it is atJul 21 15:20
abeNd-orgblame the same people who think they have a cousin who is a nigerian king that has millions for themJul 21 15:21
DaemonFCRight, so you buy the 2012 model, and then the new model comes out with a CPU that's very nearly twice as fast, and maybe double the RAM and the same price. Who wouldn't feel stupid for that?Jul 21 15:21
abeNd-orgmost apple consumers wouldnt know the differenceJul 21 15:22
DaemonFCI know. The people who buy Apple in the first place.Jul 21 15:22
DaemonFCEven they must visit now and then and see Apple bragging about how fast the new model is compared with the old one.Jul 21 15:22
DaemonFCAlso, Apple cuts off support for old products as quickly as they can, so buying the current Mac Mini means that you're already two years into its "life cycle", which means that if you wait and get the next model, you should be able to expect an additional 1-2 OS upgrades vs. buying this one.Jul 21 15:23
DaemonFCOnce Apple cuts off OS X upgrades, the pool of available software goes into immediate decline because they also rip out the ability for developers to target unsupported versions of Mac OS from XCode right away.Jul 21 15:24
DaemonFCSo, it's even more uncomfortable than continuing to use Windows XP.Jul 21 15:24
DaemonFCSo, even though you still have hardware that would be capable of running an office suite or a web browser, you can't even get current versions of those.Jul 21 15:25
DaemonFCI prefer for my PC to gracefully degrade. In other words, new software that actually needs new hardware might stop working, but software that doesn't won't.Jul 21 15:25
DaemonFCBecause most new software doesn't need particularly new hardware anyway.Jul 21 15:26
abeNd-orgi will have to say my work phone, an old 4s, came out with ios5 & is getting the ios8 update, so that is pretty good for a mobile deviceJul 21 15:26
abeNd-orgnone of the sammy phones get upgrades anything like that, perhaps 1 major rev if they are luckyJul 21 15:26
DaemonFCI heard that the iPhone 4 line won't get iOS 8.Jul 21 15:27
DaemonFCBesides, you don't need a new version of Android to run most Android apps.Jul 21 15:27
DaemonFCPeople with Gingerbread can still run many apps.Jul 21 15:27
abeNd-orgyou are correct, but that was released back in june 2010, so 4yrs old is pretty long in tooth when it comes to mobile devicesJul 21 15:28
abeNd-orgactually, my wife had to junk her 2.3.x android phone because of the new google calendar app wouldnt work with it, & the old one wasnt syncing properly anymore, & she is a heavy calendar userJul 21 15:29
DaemonFCThat brings me to my other point.Jul 21 15:30
DaemonFCRespectable Android phones are getting cheaper.Jul 21 15:30
DaemonFCThe Android One thing aims for a decent $100 Android phone without any subsidies.Jul 21 15:31
abeNd-orghers was a at one time top of the line motorolaJul 21 15:31
DaemonFCSo, the iPhone 5c will still be $549 while a "good enough" Android phone will only be $100.Jul 21 15:31
abeNd-orgthat motorola had on their 4.x upgrade list for the longest, then cancelledJul 21 15:31
abeNd-orgwhich made that the last moto product we were going to ever buy (sure other things might have moto chips or such, but not buying anything with moto branding)Jul 21 15:32
Sosumiback in the days of pocket pcJul 21 15:40
Sosumithe version of pocket pc or palm os you bought the device with Jul 21 15:41
Sosumiwas the one you’d also be stuck withJul 21 15:41
Sosumisame for symbianJul 21 15:41
Sosumiat least on the iphone, the have been doing good thereJul 21 15:41
abeNd-orgdepending on the model, sometimes you would get no updates, minor updates, but i dont think you would ever see a major version updateJul 21 15:41
__martin__"Volkswagen AG (VOW), Europe’s largest carmaker, plans to mimic the fast-paced rollouts of products made by the likes of Apple Inc. (AAPL) to adapt quicker to changing customer demands for technology in its cars." - BloombergJul 21 15:42
abeNd-orgyea, i think iphones usually received 3 major os revision updatesJul 21 15:42
Sosumiwith the 4 now being dropped after it was released back in 2010Jul 21 15:42
Sosumiwhile the only android devices that get regular updates are the nexus and google play editionsJul 21 15:43
abeNd-orgeven the sammy flagship phones rarely get updatesJul 21 15:43
SosumiyeahJul 21 15:43
DaemonFCI just got my car insurance renewal bill. Bleh!Jul 21 16:06
DaemonFCI'm switching companies again because I got a better offer.Jul 21 16:07
DaemonFCI hate doing this. They want to ask you a billion questions. It's like canceling AOL.Jul 21 16:07
DaemonFCSosumi, I'm holding off on buying a new system because these upgrades haven't been really impressive lately.Jul 21 16:09
DaemonFCI remember when the speed of a CPU would double every year or two, and it was just getting better at a crazy paceJul 21 16:10
DaemonFCI don't think they've tripled in speed in the last five years.Jul 21 16:11
__martin__"Toshiba and U.S. partner SanDisk Corp filed separate civil lawsuits against SK Hynix seeking damages over the suspected theft of data related to their flagship flash memory chip technology used in smartphones and tablet computers. " - ReutersJul 21 16:13
SosumiI understandJul 21 16:16
Sosumijust upgrade when you see it required :)Jul 21 16:17
DaemonFCIt's kind of sad really. That there haven't been incredible advances in the last five years.,Jul 21 16:19
DaemonFCLeave it to Apple to take us from dragging and dropping files with a file manager to "You need to install the most horrendously bloated media player ever made, and it only works with Windows and Mac.". EWW!Jul 21 17:08
DaemonFCClearly this is a regression, and so is the price.Jul 21 17:08
DaemonFCI use a Sandisk Sansa Clip+, and to channel Milton from Office Space, "And if they take Mass Storage Class away, I'm going to burn the building to the ground.".Jul 21 17:08
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJul 21 17:35
Sosumi 21 17:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Forensic Expert Questions Covert 'Backdoor' Services Included in iOS by Apple - Mac Rumors [ ]Jul 21 17:40
SosumiI am not suggesting some grand conspiracy; there are, however, some services running in iOS that shouldn’t be there, that were intentionally added by Apple as part of the firmware, and that bypass backup encryption while copying more of your personal data than ever should come off the phone for the average consumer.”Jul 21 17:40
SosumiYES YES I’ve been hitting at this for some time alreadyJul 21 17:41
Sosumibut on the osx side of thingsJul 21 17:41
Sosumiwhen even with things like report submission is disabledJul 21 17:41
Sosumilittle snitch catches the process submitdiag calling appleJul 21 17:41
Sosumiand among that process, othersJul 21 17:42
DaemonFCMicrosoft has something similar in Windows. They gave the government a program that can immediately decrypt all of your Bitlocker drives. Jul 21 18:02
abeNd-orgif only the NSA would just let me have access to all my data, that would make the 3 tier backup so much easierJul 21 18:06
*Sosumi has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Jul 21 18:09
DaemonFC 21 18:24
DaemonFCA computer in every home and a Linux operating system on many of them.Jul 21 18:24
DaemonFCMy prediction for the future.Jul 21 18:24
DaemonFCChrome devices are so inexpensive that they're the number one desktop and laptop OS on Amazon. Some users report that they managed to throw out their Windoze computer entirely and move over to Chrome OS.Jul 21 18:24
DaemonFCI'm finding myself in Google Chrome on my Fedora desktop more and more. I'm not sure I'm ready to chuck the PC just yet, but when the time comes, I might.Jul 21 18:24
DaemonFCIt's hard to argue with a $150 Chromebox when it has almost all the capabilities of a Windoze computer that costs less than about $600.Jul 21 18:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google Chrome takes big chunk of commercial notebook sales - [ ]Jul 21 18:24
DaemonFCWith Windows XP getting harder to press on with and the prospect of a Windoze "upgrade that involves a 'spensive new PC, that could explain the surge of Chrome.Jul 21 18:24
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.)Jul 21 18:25
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DaemonFCAnd if you want to give your Chromebox a kick in the pants, you can flip it over and put in more RAM.Jul 21 18:33
abeNd-orgmost of the XP coa'ed machines I have a clients are x64 & can do 8gb ram, more than enough to handle win81 reliablyJul 21 18:53
abeNd-orgthe problem usually is with the slower than dirt WDC-green type drives in them, they really fly with an ssdJul 21 18:54
DaemonFCWestern Digital "Green". BWAHAHAHAAAA!!!Jul 21 18:55
DaemonFCWho the FUCK buys that SHIT?Jul 21 18:55
DaemonFCI'm sorry, but......Jesus Christ.Jul 21 18:56
DaemonFCYou know?Jul 21 18:56
abeNd-orgso ive reimaged most of the xp machines with 81 & redeployed their LoB applications, they just keep chugging alongJul 21 18:56
DaemonFC"It uses less power". Yeah, like a couple of watts, and it kills your data access times. KILLS THEM.Jul 21 18:56
abeNd-orgyea, im not a fan of the "green" line, i wouldnt buy them myself, but dell/hp/lenovo love using themJul 21 18:56
DaemonFCOf course they do. They can save $10 and most people that buy a Dell don't know any better.Jul 21 18:57
abeNd-orgim not talking dimension consumer grade machines, im talking precision/optiplex business classJul 21 18:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Chromebook Gains, Microsoft WorriesJul 21 18:57
TweetTuxMachines        ( 21 18:57
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chromebook Gains, Microsoft Worries | Tux MachinesJul 21 18:57
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter...Jul 21 18:58
MinceRpeople who buy dHells don't know any betterJul 21 18:58
MinceRif they did, they wouldn't be buying dHells.Jul 21 18:58
abeNd-orghp/lenovo business class machines are no better/worseJul 21 19:00
abeNd-orgi could care less about consumer class machines from any vendorJul 21 19:00
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrightsJul 21 19:11
MinceR_actually, thinkpads are a lot better than latitudesJul 21 19:13
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abeNd-org*shrug* as long as they arent consumer grade, im more or less fine with any of themJul 21 19:19
abeNd-orgpeople who go out & buy vostro & pavilion machines for cheap, then complain that they arent running fast enough....Jul 21 19:20
*__martin__ (~martin@unaffiliated/--martin--/x-1730694) has joined #techrightsJul 21 19:44
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tigerfoot:-) Jul 21 20:09
abeNd-orgor while i am in this channel should i be referring to them as stinkpad/dull/etc?Jul 21 20:13
MinceRwhateverJul 21 20:14
__martin__abeNd-org: dull got that shocked by sale figures of hardware with chrome os that they shove it off from their offeringsJul 21 20:15
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DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 21 20:50
DaemonFC"every new version of iOS is full of bugs"Jul 21 20:50
DaemonFCDoes it support Ogg Vorbis yet, or are users stuck with Apple's garbage AAC or (god help you) Nero's?Jul 21 20:50
DaemonFCApple and Nero managed to produce such low quality AAC encoders, that although AAC is theoretically as good as Vorbis, their implementations of AAC are often matched or outperformed by the lame MP3 encoder.Jul 21 20:50
DaemonFC 21 20:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Results of the public MP3 listening test @ 128 kbps (October 2008) [ ]Jul 21 20:50
DaemonFCIf it comes down to a choice between Apple AAC or Lame MP3, use the Lame MP3 encoder. It produces files that will work everywhere, the quality is as good or better, and MP3 will be in the public domain in 2017, while MPEG-4 patents (like the ones describing AAC) won't finish expiring until the 2030s. Apple owns MPEG-4 patents and that's why it promotes AAC and fought to get open standard media codecs out of the HTML 5 specification. Apple Jul 21 20:50
DaemonFCcan't be trusted. The have conflicts of interest with what's good for the public. Like Microsoft, Apple's goal is to suck a tax stream out of innovative companies. Spotify rejected AAC and streams in Vorbis. Good for them!Jul 21 20:50
DaemonFCIf Vorbis is a choice, then forget both and use Vorbis.Jul 21 20:50
DaemonFCI'd call missing Vorbis support a definite dealbreaker when choosing a portable media player.Jul 21 20:50
DaemonFCOn the topic of Apple's bogus iTunes "Plus" "upgrade", the only point of doubling the size of the files was to run your iThing out of space faster.Jul 21 20:50
DaemonFCOnly the kind of complete philistine that would do business with Apple, spend $300 on an MP3 player, and wear those crappy earbuds would think that they'd get any benefit from a doubling of bitrate.Jul 21 20:51
MinceRdo they have FLAC support already?Jul 21 20:52
abeNd-orgive found amazon's drm free mp3 not horrible, & pretty cheap Jul 21 20:56
DaemonFCMinceR, ALAC. It produces files that are 8-11% bigger and.....well, that's about all it does.Jul 21 21:00
MinceRpftJul 21 21:01
MinceRanother thing it does is that it won't play anywhere elseJul 21 21:01
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrightsJul 21 21:03
DaemonFCMinceR, Rockbox.Jul 21 21:04
DaemonFCApple eventually released ALAC under the Apache 2.0 license.Jul 21 21:04
DaemonFCThere's just no reason to use it.Jul 21 21:04
MinceRicJul 21 21:04
DaemonFCWhenever I find ALAC files, I use the open source codec to decompress them and then I recompress them into FLAC.Jul 21 21:05
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MinceRgnJul 21 23:58
*siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrightsJul 22 00:02
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GCC 5.0 Is Expected Next YearJul 22 06:12
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GCC 5.0 Is Expected Next Year | Tux MachinesJul 22 06:12
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Best Linux Desktop: KDE's PlasmaJul 22 06:12
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 06:12
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Best Linux Desktop: KDE's Plasma | Tux MachinesJul 22 06:12
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJul 22 06:14
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*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 22 07:54
DaemonFC 22 08:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Phoronix] AMD "Hawaii" Open-Source GPU Acceleration Still Not Working Right [ ]Jul 22 08:05
DaemonFCUhhhh. Uh oh.Jul 22 08:05
DaemonFC"nobody knows why it doesn't work"Jul 22 08:05
DaemonFC"Hawaii support is not a priority at the moment. We don't have any business cases right now where accelerated open source Hawaii is a priority." Jul 22 08:05
DaemonFC-AMDJul 22 08:05
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJul 22 08:08
DaemonFC 22 08:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gigabeat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ]Jul 22 08:12
DaemonFC"On March 3, 2009, Toshiba released a firmware update which upgrades the Platform to 1.3 (from 1.1).[1] There are no release notes and the changes are unknown."Jul 22 08:12
DaemonFCGee, that sounds exactly like something I'd want to install....Jul 22 08:12
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     7 Mac OS X Yosemite Features Canonical Needs toJul 22 08:29
TweetTuxMachines                 Steal to Make Ubuntu Even BetterJul 22 08:29
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 08:29
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 7 Mac OS X Yosemite Features Canonical Needs to Steal to Make Ubuntu Even Better | Tux MachinesJul 22 08:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Deepin 2014 review 22 08:29
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 08:29
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 22 08:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Deepin 2014 review | Tux MachinesJul 22 08:29
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.)Jul 22 08:54
MinceRgeekingsJul 22 09:13
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 22 09:29
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditUbuntu favourited '7 Mac OS X Yosemite Features Canonical Needs...'Jul 22 10:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New Duke Beta, Debian 6 Update, and Geary StillJul 22 10:14
TweetTuxMachines                 Coming 22 10:14
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 10:14
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 22 10:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Duke Beta, Debian 6 Update, and Geary Still Coming | Tux MachinesJul 22 10:14
-tomaw-[Server Notice] Hi all. This server will be shutting down in a few minutes for maintenance. Please reconnect to!Jul 22 10:25
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*Now talking on #techrightsJul 24 07:14
*Topic for #techrights is: | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovellJul 24 07:14
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 18:16:19 2012Jul 24 07:14
MinceRif he hadn't lost his mind and stuck to GNU/Linux, he could still target that machineJul 24 07:16
MinceRsucks to be himJul 24 07:16
DaemonFCMinceR, Whatever happened to "It just works."?Jul 24 07:17
DaemonFCI have Linux binaries that I got 4-5 years ago that still run.Jul 24 07:17
MinceRit was always just hype.Jul 24 07:17
DaemonFCWhat the hell is the Mac's excuse for that?Jul 24 07:17
MinceRit never worked and it never willJul 24 07:17
MinceRbut it doesn't have toJul 24 07:18
MinceRthe cultists will just imagine that it didJul 24 07:18
MinceRand continue spewing bullshit at everybodyJul 24 07:18
MinceRit's all the same with the m$ cultistsJul 24 07:18
MinceR 24 07:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Department of Dirty: - YouTube [ ]Jul 24 07:34
DaemonFC 24 07:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Preview: A closer look at OS X Yosemite, just in time for the public beta | Ars Technica [ ]Jul 24 07:39
DaemonFCMinceR, If you pay $99 a year, you have access to Apple operating systems that are even more broken.Jul 24 07:39
MinceRwhat a bargain :>Jul 24 07:40
MinceRgeekingsJul 24 09:19
*siel has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jul 24 09:22
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schestowitz 24 09:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Phoronix] Mono Begins To Focus On Performance, Assembles A Team [ ]Jul 24 09:49
DaemonFCThen again, you can tell where some of them have never made Linux software before, when they repackage all of /usr/lib into their directory. You see truly stupid people doing this all the time. The people who made the video game "Trine" did it. Then one of their files malfunctioned in a newer Linux release, and I had to figure out which one it was and delete that copy of the library so it got the system copy. Stupid stupid people.....Jul 24 09:58
DaemonFCBut that's proprietary software for you. Stumbling along and hiding incompetence and bugs. Sometimes, calling proprietary software developers incompetent is high praise.Jul 24 09:58
DaemonFCGoogle did Chrome up with a bunch of back asswards Windoze developers and then had to go back and fix pretty much everything later.Jul 24 09:59
MinceRnot just thatJul 24 10:00
MinceRalso hiding the crappitude of their products behind bullshitJul 24 10:00
MinceRon websites that contain nothing of substanceJul 24 10:00
schestowitznice picturesJul 24 10:01
schestowitzand not much textJul 24 10:01
MinceRi'm sick and tired of hunting down crumbs of information on proprietary crapJul 24 10:01
schestowitzso the senior and lacking confidence can follow...Jul 24 10:01
DaemonFCWell, Google isn't as bad about that as Apple is....Jul 24 10:01
MinceRand of course the brainless masses eat it all upJul 24 10:01
DaemonFCDear lord.Jul 24 10:01
MinceRusually wikipedia helps me see through the bullshit, but not alwaysJul 24 10:02
DaemonFCIf I see one more "benchmark" of a new Apple product that takes up half the page with a graphic and doesn't even tell you what the benchmark means......Jul 24 10:02
DaemonFCI'll scream.Jul 24 10:02
MinceR:>Jul 24 10:02
DaemonFCOh, I actually kind of like Chrome now, but it took them a while.Jul 24 10:03
DaemonFCI am glad that they've made a market for low cost computers that you can just buy and immediately use.Jul 24 10:03
DaemonFCAt least someone is cleaning up all this Windows mess.Jul 24 10:04
DaemonFCI'd like to see Microsoft routed even if they are largely replaced by Google.Jul 24 10:04
MinceRthat could end up very ugly tooJul 24 10:05
MinceRimagine a world where general-purpose computers are illegal unless you have a developer license with the government, and then you have to accept extra-heavy monitoringJul 24 10:05
DaemonFCI think Google has the right idea here. They didn't start with Chrome OS on anything fancy. Just start eating away at Windows on the low end with machines that can do most of what a desktop user is likely to do anyway.Jul 24 10:05
MinceRand everyone else is closely watched through the cloudJul 24 10:05
MinceRwhich is mandatory for themJul 24 10:05
DaemonFCGoogle isn't exactly stopping you from booting a real Linux distribution on those things, and they're cheap as hell. :PJul 24 10:06
DaemonFCAt one point, Microsoft was selling netbooks with Windows CE. They painted it up to look kind of like Windows XP. People got them and found out that they'd been had, and returned them.Jul 24 10:07
DaemonFCThey were available on Newegg for a while for $29, just trying to get rid of all the returns.Jul 24 10:08
DaemonFCI thought that was pretty funny.Jul 24 10:08
DaemonFCThey always find someone to push their crappy product that nobody wants, and absorb the loss.Jul 24 10:08
DaemonFCThat time, it was Sylvania.Jul 24 10:08
DaemonFC 24 10:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Have $39 to spare? Then pick up this odd Sylvania 7” netbook with Windows CE | Windows Phone Central [ ]Jul 24 10:09
DaemonFCOh, that's neat. They even used the Windows 7 wallpaper in the ad. LOL!Jul 24 10:09
schestowitz[22:56] <DaemonFC> The same military that destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan could easily be turned on AmericansJul 24 10:09
schestowitzAlready doesJul 24 10:10
DaemonFC"Remember this is Windows CE, which was designed to run with a 32mb footprint.  The 128mb is actually a lot of RAM for Windows CE 6.0, especially when you consider than Windows XP ran fine with 128mb of RAM, and if 'hack installed' even Windows 8 runs just fine with 128mb of RAM due to the new reduce RAM modes."Jul 24 10:13
DaemonFC128 MB is a lot of RAM when there's no applications you can run anyway..... :)Jul 24 10:13
DaemonFC"Id rather kids bash this up then play on the laptop...definitely.. But what does it do?"Jul 24 10:14
DaemonFCLOLJul 24 10:14
MinceR 24 10:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Expert (Short Comedy Sketch) - YouTube [ ]Jul 24 10:20
MinceR110709 < DaemonFC> Google isn't exactly stopping you from booting a real Linux distribution on those things, and they're cheap as hell. :PJul 24 10:20
MinceRsure, but we could get into that position eventuallyJul 24 10:20
DaemonFCMinceR, I'm writing an Amazon review of the Sylvania netbook with Windows CE.Jul 24 10:21
DaemonFCI'll post the link when I'm done.Jul 24 10:21
MinceRlolJul 24 10:21
MinceRthe notion of winblows working with little memoryJul 24 10:22
schestowitz 24 10:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@matthewstinar: @schestowitz They can kiss my bottom line.Jul 24 10:29
DaemonFCI submitted it.Jul 24 10:36
DaemonFCIt says it'll be posted soon.Jul 24 10:37
DaemonFC 24 10:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies)'s review of SYNET7WID 7 Inch Wireless Mobile [ ]Jul 24 10:41
DaemonFC 24 10:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | : SYNET7WID 7 Inch Wireless Mobile : Netbook Computers : Computers & Accessories [ ]Jul 24 10:46
DaemonFC"Having bought one for $80 and returned it the following day, I'd say pass on this one, even for $45. Truly has difficulties getting onto the internet, locks up, and all the other issues mentioned in the reviews. You'd do better to get an unlocked (page plus cellular version) palm pixi smart phone on Amazon for $45, and it will have better apps, internet connectivity (wi-fi) and overall use. Even if you do not subscribe to a phone service Jul 24 10:46
DaemonFCwith it, it will work in the same manner as this Sylvania as it has wifi capabilities. The phone is smaller, of course, but works magnificently. Just my thoughts . . ."Jul 24 10:46
DaemonFC"i returned it and still have not received refund,after all refund charges i would have got back about $20 gave up chasing it not worth the time, wish it hadnt come up because i forgot all about it now that i remember im mad again"Jul 24 10:47
DaemonFC 24 10:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Customer Discussions: That time when Microsoft had a netbook..... [ ]Jul 24 10:57
MinceRrotflJul 24 11:02
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 24 11:03
DaemonFC 24 11:03
DaemonFCThere's the link where the guy got Linux on it.Jul 24 11:03
DaemonFCI guess if you brick it, you can still use it as a doorstop, which is about all it was good for with Windows CE on it. If you can find one of these things at a garage sale or something, pick it up and see what you can torture it into doing. I'm sure they'll take a few bucks and you'll have something to tinker with, or give to the kids to smash up, or whatever.Jul 24 11:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CVS Netbook Revisited « Your Warranty Is [ ]Jul 24 11:03
DaemonFCB-)Jul 24 11:03
DaemonFCMinceR, It'll be alright. It just needs some DEVELOPERS!Jul 24 11:04
MinceRlolJul 24 11:04
MinceRcan you get ballmer to record the video? :>Jul 24 11:04
DaemonFC 24 11:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Zune Balmer - YouTubeJul 24 11:08
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: Sosumi)Jul 24 11:14
MinceR 24 11:15
schestowitztoucheJul 24 11:18
schestowitz> "He is being sued under a criminal law that wasJul 24 11:22
schestowitz> reformed in 2006, following the conclusion of a freeJul 24 11:22
schestowitz> trade agreement between Colombia and the United States."Jul 24 11:22
schestowitz> Jul 24 11:22
schestowitz> 24 11:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Colombian Student Faces Prison Charges for Sharing an Academic Article Online | Electronic Frontier Foundation [ ]Jul 24 11:22
schestowitz> "He is being sued under a criminal law that wasJul 24 11:23
schestowitz> reformed in 2006, following the conclusion of a freeJul 24 11:23
schestowitz> trade agreement between Colombia and the United States."Jul 24 11:23
schestowitz> Jul 24 11:23
schestowitz> 24 11:23
schestowitz 24 11:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Can Twitter activism #BringBackOurGirls? - The Washington Post [ ]Jul 24 11:23
schestowitzTwitter is useless...Jul 24 11:23
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJul 24 11:25
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schestowitz> 24 11:27
schestowitz> Jul 24 11:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft attacks UK government decision to adopt ODF for document formats [ ]Jul 24 11:27
schestowitz> 24 11:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open document formats selected to meet user needs - Press releases - GOV.UK [ ]Jul 24 11:27
schestowitz> Jul 24 11:27
schestowitz> Jul 24 11:27
schestowitz> I guess you saw those already and have written.  Google is big enoughJul 24 11:27
schestowitz> that it sets the trends.  Claiming to follow them is just a dodge.  ItJul 24 11:27
schestowitz> would be useful to get to the bottom of that and find out who is makingJul 24 11:27
schestowitz> the decisions inside Google in regard to ODF.Jul 24 11:27
schestowitzI covered all the above (three). Yes, Google sickens me when it comes to document formats, but the truth is, many people don't use formats at all in docs. They just access files and keep them on "the cloud", oblivious to data formats, so "Google" is the format.Jul 24 11:27
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 24 11:28
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*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 24 13:51
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Homeland Security gets into software securityJul 24 14:43
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 14:43
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Homeland Security gets into software security | Tux MachinesJul 24 14:43
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Distro Watch: The Best Linux Distributions ForJul 24 14:43
TweetTuxMachines                 2014 24 14:43
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 14:43
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Distro Watch: The Best Linux Distributions For 2014 | Tux MachinesJul 24 14:44
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsJul 24 14:44
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jul 24 15:41
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DaemonFC 24 17:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | News - Now Supports Linux! - [ ]Jul 24 17:40
DaemonFC 24 17:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [ ]Jul 24 17:42
DaemonFC"You know, that with all the apps and computers that Apple breaks, you'd wonder how the people who go insane and buy a Mac actually get anything done at all. Software with no active development just dies every few years, and software that is developed has an expensive new version. When Apple finally breaks your entire computer, the only way to get it running modern software again is to upgrade you Mac to Linux.Jul 24 17:51
DaemonFCApple users should be glad that they have access to open source software. Of course, even then, developers can't support your Mac that got dropped and broken by Apple because of bugs and problems that exist in the Mac hardware because Apple rushed a broken product to market (like the first x86 models), or because Apple just wants to sell you new stuff every few years. As soon as you can't run the latest Mac OS, the death watch begins, at Jul 24 17:51
DaemonFCleast as far as OS X software goes.Jul 24 17:51
DaemonFCI understand that with Mavericks and Yosemite, Apple dropped support entirely for a lot of Macs that aren't really even that old. Luckily, Linux will support my non-Mac computer for as long as I'll use it. Part of the reason I didn't buy a Mac was because I knew that this **** would happen and Apple would just drop it when Linux would keep my computer running for all practical purposes for at least twice as long.Jul 24 17:51
DaemonFCI suppose there might be some kind of hack to shove Mac OS 10.8 and 10.9 on your "old" 2008 computer anyway, like there was when Apple declared that OS X 10.4 wouldn't run on any Mac without Firewire, but why should anyone have to resort to this on hardware that has no honest reason for being deprecated?Jul 24 17:51
DaemonFCThere's no legitimate reason to drop a 2008 computer. Things shouldn't have changed so much that it's some kind of a horrible maintenance burden, unless you ****ed everything up real good to get it released faster, like Apple does."Jul 24 17:51
DaemonFC"With Apple, the only way forward is to drop the entire computer and most of your software in the trash again every few years and start over."Jul 24 17:55
abeNd-orgnow if you could ramp up the linux marketing machine to match apple's....Jul 24 18:03
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 24 18:08
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DaemonFC 24 18:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Internet Explorer Vulnerabilities Increase 100% - Slashdot [ ]Jul 24 18:26
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines ( Now SupportsJul 24 18:35
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux! 24 18:35
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 18:35
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-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Jul 24 18:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Now Supports Linux! | Tux MachinesJul 24 18:35
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Pkg 1.3.0 Released To Improve PackageJul 24 18:35
TweetTuxMachines                 Management On FreeBSD 24 18:35
TweetTuxMachines                 (error)Jul 24 18:35
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 18:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pkg 1.3.0 Released To Improve Package Management On FreeBSD | Tux MachinesJul 24 18:35
DaemonFC 24 18:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Internet Explorer vulnerabilities increase 100% [ ]Jul 24 18:39
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DaemonFCMicrosoft hired the lead guy that wrote most of AppArmor. It's a shame they apparently aren't doing anything useful with him.Jul 24 18:45
Sosumiosx yololelolo only runs on efi 64 machines officiallyJul 24 18:45
Sosumiaka everything from 2008 onwards runs itJul 24 18:46
Sosumias for the macs with efi 32, those were the original Intel core based machines and the 2 first mac prosJul 24 18:47
DaemonFCIn the PC world, dropping x86-32 support means PCs older than 2004, for the most part.Jul 24 18:47
DaemonFCWith Apple, they shipped 32-bit EFI on some systems clear up to 2008, so they can't boot into a 64-bit OS properlyJul 24 18:47
DaemonFCApple doesn't care because they can just drop those Macs and tell people to buy new Macs.Jul 24 18:47
Sosumiwell and those macs are just underpowered now to run any current version of osx anywaysJul 24 18:48
SosumiWELL, they were already crap low end hardware to begin withJul 24 18:48
Sosumibut I do agree that apple could have launched a firmware update to bring those machines capable of booting into 64 machinesJul 24 18:49
Sosumiwhich basically were just the two first mac prosJul 24 18:50
Sosumi2007 macbook pros already had the 64 bit EFIJul 24 18:50
DaemonFCThat's why they still boot, but you have to have a 2009 Mac Mini.Jul 24 18:52
DaemonFC:PJul 24 18:52
DaemonFCFucking ridiculous....Jul 24 18:52
Sosumimac minis are trash, I have no idea why ppl buy thoseJul 24 18:57
Sosumithe high end imacs are still kind of understandable if they just want a “kewl” looking computer on the displayJul 24 18:58
Sosumibut mehJul 24 18:58
Sosumithe hp Z1 wipes the floor with itJul 24 18:59
Sosumi 24 19:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Apple's iWatch Already a Hit, Even When It's a $20 Casio Watch - Mac Rumors [ ]Jul 24 19:04
Sosumifrom one of the pedestrians “if it is apple, it is good, right?”Jul 24 19:04
Sosumieven if it is in fact and cheapo casio watchJul 24 19:04
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJul 24 19:06
Sosumiwell, folks, with that kind of installed mentalityJul 24 19:07
Sosumiprobably the sole reason to buy a mac is to make programs for the hypephone and the future hypeWatchJul 24 19:08
MinceRthey didn't do anything useful with drobbins either, did they?Jul 24 19:52
Sosumidrobbins?Jul 24 19:54
MinceRthe gentoo guyJul 24 19:54
MinceR194749 < DaemonFC> With Apple, they shipped 32-bit EFI on some systems clear up to 2008, so they can't boot into a 64-bit OS properlyJul 24 19:54
MinceRBIOS wins againJul 24 19:54
MinceR195734 < Sosumi> mac minis are trash, I have no idea why ppl buy thoseJul 24 19:55
MinceRs/ mini//Jul 24 19:55
MinceRFTFYJul 24 19:55
MinceR(also, they buy them because they're cheap and they have the logo on)Jul 24 19:55
MinceRas for the hypeWatch, it will probably have less functionality than the casio ones :>Jul 24 19:56
MinceRconsider yourself lucky if they'll be able to tell the time reliablyJul 24 19:56
DaemonFCMinceR, I don't know about the cheap part. I saw a PC the other day for $200 that even threw in a keyboard and a mouse. It wasn't an i5 or i7, but you don't exactly need one when you can't install a video card alongside it to balance the system out on the Mac anyway.Jul 24 19:57
MinceRi mean relativelyJul 24 19:57
DaemonFCWith the Intel integrated video you're stuck with on the Mac, your i7 is going to be a slow-ass bastard anyway.Jul 24 19:58
DaemonFCEven at $800.Jul 24 19:58
MinceRa slow ass-bastard!Jul 24 19:58
DaemonFCIt could be worse. Microsoft could make a Windows watch that can't deal with leap year and crashes, like the Zune did.Jul 24 20:00
MinceRcrApple can do that tooJul 24 20:00
MinceRthey have the technology!Jul 24 20:00
DaemonFCThose damned ass-bastards!Jul 24 20:07
DaemonFCcan't even make a real computer....Jul 24 20:07
DaemonFCI turned all this into an Amazon post, MinceR Jul 24 20:09
MinceR:>Jul 24 20:10
DaemonFCI wonder if they'll flip their shit again and start downvoting me. I give them about a minute.Jul 24 20:10
DaemonFCI bought a *snort*....I bought a *chortles*....I bought a BAHAHAHHAHAAAA!!! Mac today. Shit. I'm a horrible liar. ;)Jul 24 20:12
DaemonFCSo you all can add that to the list of things you'll *_never_* hear me say.Jul 24 20:19
DaemonFCIf you do, then kill me because the Pod people have cloned me, and I'm an impostor.Jul 24 20:19
MinceR:>Jul 24 20:20
DaemonFCAs much contempt as I have for Windoze, at least it works sometimes. The Mac really doesn't. If I can't run my existing assortment of software for more than a few years before Apple breaks everything again, then what the hell is the point of having an operating system?Jul 24 20:22
DaemonFCI ran into someone the other day that was still using a Pentium 3 computer that he bought in 1999. You'll never see a Mac in service for 15 years.Jul 24 20:23
DaemonFCYou'll never see Mac software in service for 15 years, for that matter. You buy a new Mac or upgrade the OS, and most of it all breaks again.Jul 24 20:24
DaemonFCJust out of curiosity, I asked him why he was still using a PC from 1999, and he told me that he was unemployed and couldn't afford an investment in newer hardware right at the moment, and his 1999 PC was running fine with a minimal Linux system anyway, so it wasn't an immediate problem.Jul 24 20:26
DaemonFCMany Mac owners have to replace their system every three years anyway, so they've trashed about 5 computers, going on 6, and all the software that goes with that. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting it to all work better this time.Jul 24 20:28
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.)Jul 24 21:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Developers Jump Quickly On ACPI 5.1,Jul 24 21:17
TweetTuxMachines                 Helps Out ARM 24 21:17
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Developers Jump Quickly On ACPI 5.1, Helps Out ARM | Tux MachinesJul 24 21:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     LibreOffice 4.2.6 RC2 Now Ready for TestingJul 24 21:18
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 21:18
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LibreOffice 4.2.6 RC2 Now Ready for Testing | Tux MachinesJul 24 21:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Dive in, penguins: Upstart builds Linux virtualJul 24 21:18
TweetTuxMachines                 SAN 24 21:18
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 21:18
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dive in, penguins: Upstart builds Linux virtual SAN | Tux MachinesJul 24 21:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Raspberry Pi-based signage player sips 7 WattsJul 24 21:18
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 21:18
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi-based signage player sips 7 Watts | Tux MachinesJul 24 21:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     PHP 5.5.15 Officially ReleasedJul 24 21:19
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 21:19
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PHP 5.5.15 Officially Released | Tux MachinesJul 24 21:19
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Chromebooks Emerge as Major New Linux Force onJul 24 21:19
TweetTuxMachines                 Notebooks 24 21:19
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chromebooks Emerge as Major New Linux Force on Notebooks | Tux MachinesJul 24 21:19
abeNd-orgDaemonFC: those mac owners are rich enough that they could care less, they would rather have the social "prestige" of having the newest/latest/greatestJul 24 21:43
DaemonFCThen what on Earth could they possibly be doing with a Mac?Jul 24 21:44
abeNd-org"they" think the latest macbook will give them a higher social standing, same thing with the latest iphoneJul 24 21:45
abeNd-organd if it costs more, it must be betterJul 24 21:45
abeNd-orga "poor" person (unless they are putting themselves into debt to do it) wont be buying a new macbook every yrJul 24 21:48
MinceRsome people take out a loan so they can buy a hypePhoneJul 24 21:49
abeNd-orgMinceR: yea, not the smartest thing to do for sureJul 24 21:49
abeNd-orgi have an old 4s, bought for me by my workplace, & if i want an upgrade I'll have to pay for it....I'll passJul 24 21:50
DaemonFCabeNd-org, Yeah. I remember 10 years ago, there was this college guy that I was fooling around with for a while who had a PowerMac G4. His parents bought it for him and he was all like "My Mac is so awesome.". So he was over at my house one day and used my Windows XP machine with a Celeron and said "This is really fast! You must have paid a fortune for this!".Jul 24 21:53
DaemonFCSo, that kind of tells you how clueless people are. They get off their Mac and use a Windows system with a Celeron processor and think it's super fast.Jul 24 21:53
abeNd-orgouch!Jul 24 21:53
DaemonFCBy the time Apple was done with the G4, they had been using it for so long that it was just totally embarrassing.Jul 24 21:54
DaemonFCCelerons were beating the crap out of them.Jul 24 21:54
abeNd-orgI haven't used too many osx machinesJul 24 21:54
MinceR:>Jul 24 21:54
abeNd-orga customer's macbook here & there, but thats about it, apple's marketing hasnt convinced me to buy one for myselfJul 24 21:57
DaemonFCIf Windows keeps going where it's going, I may have to buy a Mac to boot Linux at some point.Jul 24 22:00
DaemonFCI doubt Apple really cares much about booting Linux on a Mac because nobody really does it.Jul 24 22:00
abeNd-orgthey will treat it like windows, poor power management, bad drivers, etcJul 24 22:01
DaemonFCI understand you can remove OS X completely.Jul 24 22:02
DaemonFCI see people running Linux on a Mac sometimes. It seems to work.Jul 24 22:02
abeNd-orgright, but apple wont release source for any of the hardware on it, so linux will "work" on it, but not optimally Jul 24 22:03
MinceRif mac os keeps going where it's going, buying a mac may not necessarily help youJul 24 22:04
abeNd-orgim betting apple would rather you just buy an iphone & ipadJul 24 22:05
abeNd-org& nothing elseJul 24 22:05
abeNd-orgwell, perhaps an iwatchJul 24 22:05
MinceRare their profit margins higher on all those?Jul 24 22:05
abeNd-orgi dont have the numbers in front of me on those, but I am guessing apple wouldnt be bothering with them if they werent making a mint per device, they dont sell for a loss like sony/microsoft did the consolesJul 24 22:06
DaemonFCAside from the firmware, I think the Macs are really just PCs aren't they?Jul 24 22:07
DaemonFC 24 22:07
abeNd-orgyea, x64 intelJul 24 22:07
abeNd-orgbut even windows running on a macbook suffers from lack of optimized driversJul 24 22:07
MinceRthey're low quality pcs with some attempts at incompatibilityJul 24 22:08
DaemonFCApple wrote the drivers for Windows!Jul 24 22:09
DaemonFCI doubt Linux has that problem.Jul 24 22:09
abeNd-orgid rather have a dell precision, you can stack a lot of nice stuff into those, 2 HD bays + optical, pcie ssd if you wanted, etcJul 24 22:09
MinceR:>Jul 24 22:09
MinceRyeah, i guess even dell is better than appleJul 24 22:09
DaemonFCMinceR, It depends on which Dell you buy. I tried to put some more RAM into a Dell that my grandmother paid WAY too much for, and when I pushed down on it, the retention clips broke off the socket and pinged around in the case.Jul 24 22:10
MinceRlolJul 24 22:11
abeNd-orgDaemonFC: thats the problem, apple doesnt do optimized drivers, so windows suffers. no source or binaries for the hardware in linux so im sure it suffers the sameJul 24 22:17
abeNd-orgDaemonFC: you are probably talking a vostro or inspiron, neither of which should exist, the latitude/precision arent bad for laptops, & i cant say anything to alienware as ive not used themJul 24 22:18
MinceRlatitudes aren't that great eitherJul 24 22:18
MinceRbut at least they aren't as bad as inspironsJul 24 22:18
DaemonFCYeah, it was an old Inspicrap.Jul 24 22:19
abeNd-orgDaemonFC: yep, those are 100% junkJul 24 22:19
abeNd-orgsame as the dell poweredge "SC" line of servers, & for this channel I will call those Severely CrippledJul 24 22:19
MinceRalso, their "warranty" isn't worth the paper it's printed onJul 24 22:19
MinceRwow, you got off the high horse? :>Jul 24 22:20
abeNd-orgMinceR: just for you this onceJul 24 22:20
*abeNd-org hugs MinceRJul 24 22:20
MinceRawkward...Jul 24 22:20
abeNd-orgyea, hard to hug textJul 24 22:20
DaemonFCThe shittiest server is the Lenovo ThinkServer.Jul 24 22:20
abeNd-orgthe business class dells I have had great luck with warranties, if you run the dell diags & it says something is wrong they replace it no questions asked (as they should)Jul 24 22:22
abeNd-orgwarranty for vostro type units? wouldnt know, but I am betting you are correctJul 24 22:22
MinceRi tried my luck with an inspironJul 24 22:23
abeNd-orgyou gambled & lost!Jul 24 22:23
MinceRbut i don't see why the model should affect so much of whether they care to deliver on their promises or notJul 24 22:23
DaemonFCThere seems to be a lot of refurbished Dell and HP deals on Woot.comJul 24 22:24
abeNd-orgthat is the world of consumer vs business/industrial productsJul 24 22:24
DaemonFCProbably a reason for that....Jul 24 22:24
abeNd-orgthe dell consumer products are made with whatever is cheapest that dayJul 24 22:24
DaemonFCThe Amazon reviews are pretty much all "I had it for three days and it wouldn't power on anymore.".Jul 24 22:24
DaemonFCThat sort of stuff.Jul 24 22:24
abeNd-orgthe optiplexes are a standard set of specs made for 12-16 months for enterprise lifecycleJul 24 22:25
abeNd-orgmakes imaging, purchasing, etc easierJul 24 22:25
DaemonFCGadgetDon says:Jul 24 22:27
DaemonFC[Customers don't think this post adds to the discussion. Hide post again.  (Show all unhelpful posts)]Jul 24 22:27
DaemonFCBobby, bobby, bobby, you're mixed your lines up with snowflake.Jul 24 22:27
DaemonFCYours is: Apple sucks! Windows sucks! It's Snowflake who is obsessed with "apple sucks"Jul 24 22:27
DaemonFCAnd really - who cares what you are saying with your Linux buddies on IRC? It's not like you were talking to anyone who had anything but a mirror of your positions.Jul 24 22:27
abeNd-orgeven if you were deploying linux, it would be easier to have a standard equipment set than whatever randomly rolled off the line that dayJul 24 22:27
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 24 22:27
DaemonFCWhat is the Done Thing for chat on a Mac these days? I understand that AOL Instant Messenger doesn't work with iChat anymore.Jul 24 22:27
MinceRthat doesn't mean their support has to be made with whatever attitude is cheapestJul 24 22:27
MinceRdoesn't matter thoughJul 24 22:27
MinceRdHell had their chance, they said 'fuck you' to their customer, i'm not buying their crap againJul 24 22:28
abeNd-orgMinceR: for consumer grade I cant really speak for their support, I only care about business classJul 24 22:28
MinceRmaybe they're used to the typical hungarian consumer attitudeJul 24 22:28
MinceR"sure, they fucked me, but at least it seemed cheap! :goes back for more hurting: "Jul 24 22:28
MinceRno wonder the typical business treats their customers like shitJul 24 22:29
abeNd-org*shrug* perhaps their consumer support blows, but their business class support is greatJul 24 22:29
MinceRwell, i'm not going to experience their "business class support"Jul 24 22:29
abeNd-orgI'm not saying they should treat a vostro customer like shit, as they would develop the same attitude as you towards the entire company, to which I don't blame youJul 24 22:31
MinceRgnJul 24 22:53
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*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jul 25 01:13
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DaemonFCThis is odd....Jul 25 01:32
DaemonFCGNOME Shell frequently goes over 500 MB of RAM with the Nvidia proprietary driver loaded.Jul 25 01:32
DaemonFCWith the AMD open source driver loaded, it stays around 200.Jul 25 01:33
DaemonFCI guess it wouldn't be the first time our friend the Nvidia driver had a problem..... :)Jul 25 01:33
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DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 25 02:23
DaemonFCWell, when you get to be like HP and Dell are, you start cutting corners that cause problems like exploding power supplies, capacitors that pop, etc.Jul 25 02:23
DaemonFCIt doesn't surprise me at all that their crappy crappy junk ends up crapflooding the Woot Offs. Jul 25 02:23
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DaemonFC I see that Microsoft has deployed another "Get The FUD" campaign against Chromebooks, like they did when they lost their lunch to Linux in the server market. This time they're even buying Google ads.Jul 25 05:04
DaemonFCI can't blame them. Nobody uses Bing. It's even thrown in your face in Vista 8.1, but it must be the first thing people turn off, because even that isn't helping them. Jul 25 05:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Raspberry Pi Model B+ review – a new evolutionJul 25 05:06
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi Model B+ review – a new evolution | Tux MachinesJul 25 05:07
DaemonFC 25 05:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Deploys Cheap Windows Laptops to Fight Google Chromebook | InvestorPlace [ ]Jul 25 05:07
DaemonFCMicrosoft has gone from something that everyone feared to a laughingstock in the last few years. OEMs used to be too afraid of making them mad. It was like pissing off Saddam Hussein. Now they're openly defying them. Jul 25 05:09
DaemonFC 25 05:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Abandons Nokia Asha, Series 40 Phones; Xpress Browser, MixRadio May Be Spun Off | NDTV Gadgets [ ]Jul 25 05:18
*mariuz (~quassel@ has joined #techrightsJul 25 05:37
DaemonFCabout a minute ago · EditedJul 25 06:00
DaemonFCA good article. The author is right. It's going to take more than a cheap laptop that can barely run Windows at all to save Microsoft from the Chromebooks.Jul 25 06:00
DaemonFCOn top of the miserable low-end Windows laptop experience, you still need to fork over hundreds of dollars if you want to use MS Office, which is a real bloated bastard and might not even run on a system like this.Jul 25 06:00
DaemonFCThe computer will take ages to boot, thanks to a spinning platter hard drive.Jul 25 06:00
DaemonFCYou still need to run Windows antivirus software on top of all this. Have fun with that.Jul 25 06:00
DaemonFCNo touchscreen.Jul 25 06:00
DaemonFCProbably more stuff that I can't think of.Jul 25 06:00
*mariuz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 25 06:09
cubexyznew blog post:Jul 25 06:48
cubexyzhttp://cubexyz.blogspot.comJul 25 06:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Notes on LinuxJul 25 06:49
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     2014's Best Distros, Buncha New Games, andJul 25 08:22
TweetTuxMachines                 Fedora Delayed 25 08:22
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 2014's Best Distros, Buncha New Games, and Fedora Delayed | Tux MachinesJul 25 08:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Open-Source AMD Hawaii Support Should Now BeJul 25 08:23
TweetTuxMachines                 Working! 25 08:23
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open-Source AMD Hawaii Support Should Now Be Working! | Tux MachinesJul 25 08:23
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 25 08:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS releasedJul 25 09:38
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS released | Tux MachinesJul 25 09:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Plasma’s road to wayland 25 09:39
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Plasma’s road to wayland | Tux MachinesJul 25 09:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Foundation SysAdmin Eric Searcy Lives ByJul 25 09:39
TweetTuxMachines                 Regex 25 09:39
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation SysAdmin Eric Searcy Lives By Regex | Tux MachinesJul 25 09:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Software 25 09:39
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux MachinesJul 25 09:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 25 09:39
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJul 25 09:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 25 09:39
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesJul 25 09:39
MinceRgeekingsJul 25 09:39
*__martin__ (~martin@unaffiliated/--martin--/x-1730694) has joined #techrightsJul 25 10:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     What the UK Government’s adoption of ODF reallyJul 25 10:17
TweetTuxMachines                 means 25 10:17
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What the UK Government’s adoption of ODF really means | Tux MachinesJul 25 10:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     How open sourcing Android made it a mobileJul 25 10:17
TweetTuxMachines                 market leader 25 10:17
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How open sourcing Android made it a mobile market leader | Tux MachinesJul 25 10:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     OnePlus AOSP stock ROM for those who don’t wantJul 25 10:17
TweetTuxMachines                 CyanogenMod 25 10:17
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OnePlus AOSP stock ROM for those who don’t want CyanogenMod | Tux MachinesJul 25 10:18
*nj3ma is now known as nj3maAFKJul 25 11:18
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MinceR 25 12:49
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu 14.10 is Now Using Kernel 3.16 RC3 AsJul 25 14:28
TweetTuxMachines                 Default 25 14:28
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 14.10 is Now Using Kernel 3.16 RC3 As Default | Tux MachinesJul 25 14:28
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     An Interview with Karen SandlerJul 25 14:28
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | An Interview with Karen Sandler | Tux MachinesJul 25 14:28
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schestowitz> 25 16:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | hispalinux eu uefi - Google Search [ ]Jul 25 16:48
schestowitz> Jul 25 16:48
schestowitz> What ever happened to that?  I cannot see any followup articles inJul 25 16:48
schestowitz> Google's database.Jul 25 16:48
schestowitzNot much heard of it...Jul 25 16:48
schestowitzSome companies have not helped. They weakened the case.Jul 25 16:48
schestowitz 25 16:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "NYT is still wedded to the fallacy of having to sell software." -anon #nytimesJul 25 16:53
schestowitz"I won't log in"\Jul 25 16:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Couldn't resolve host 'http:' ( status 0 @ http://// )Jul 25 16:53
schestowitz 25 16:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ U.S. Government Doesn’t Need Evidence to Call You a Terrorist or to #torture youJul 25 16:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | U.S. Government Doesn’t Need Evidence to Call You a Terrorist - Truthdig [ ]Jul 25 16:54
schestowitz"learning from germans ...... rule of law?!, already long no longer"Jul 25 16:54
schestowitzOne's religion makes one a suspected terrorist or dissidentJul 25 16:54
schestowitz 25 16:56
schestowitz"Jul 25 16:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Home [ ]Jul 25 16:56
schestowitzThe second component is a subscriber alerts programme that will be co-managed and co-funded by ISPs and content creators and due to begin at a later date. Participating ISPs will alert and advise subscribers when their accounts are believed to have been used to infringe copyright. Account holders will receive an alert from their ISP, advising them unlawful filesharing may have taken place on their connection and offering advice on Jul 25 16:56
schestowitzwhere to find legitimate sources of entertainment content.Jul 25 16:56
schestowitzBPI - The British Recorded Music IndustryJul 25 16:56
schestowitzAnd the third component will be prosecution..Jul 25 16:56
schestowitzSpin, spin..Jul 25 16:56
schestowitz"Jul 25 16:56
schestowitz"Guess what the BPI page has a title? "home""Jul 25 16:56
schestowitzBPI is not aBritish. It's an American lobby group pretending to be British or speak for the British. It's a bit like "Microsoft UK".Jul 25 16:56
schestowitz 25 17:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Dive in, penguins: Upstart builds Linux virtual SAN 25 17:02
schestowitz"It comes with a free demo too! :("\Jul 25 17:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Dive in, penguins: Upstart builds Linux virtual SAN • The Register [ ]Jul 25 17:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Nginx Plus r4 Improves Web Server SecurityJul 25 17:24
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nginx Plus r4 Improves Web Server Security | Tux MachinesJul 25 17:24
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Interview with Nathan Willis, GUADEC KeynoteJul 25 17:25
TweetTuxMachines                 Speaker 25 17:25
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Interview with Nathan Willis, GUADEC Keynote Speaker | Tux MachinesJul 25 17:25
*siel has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jul 25 17:34
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     FreeBSD Quarterly Status Report - SecondJul 25 18:00
TweetTuxMachines                 Quarter 2014 25 18:00
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FreeBSD Quarterly Status Report - Second Quarter 2014 | Tux MachinesJul 25 18:00
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Foundation SysAdmin Aric Gardner Avoids aJul 25 18:00
TweetTuxMachines                 GUI at All Costs 25 18:00
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation SysAdmin Aric Gardner Avoids a GUI at All Costs | Tux MachinesJul 25 18:00
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 25 18:00
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesJul 25 18:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 25 18:01
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJul 25 18:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Software 25 18:01
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux MachinesJul 25 18:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     How open sourcing Android made it a mobileJul 25 18:01
TweetTuxMachines                 market leader 25 18:01
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 18:01
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How open sourcing Android made it a mobile market leader | Tux MachinesJul 25 18:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     SysAdmin Day 2014: Best Linux FoundationJul 25 18:01
TweetTuxMachines                 SysAdmin Quotes 25 18:01
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SysAdmin Day 2014: Best Linux Foundation SysAdmin Quotes | Tux MachinesJul 25 18:01
*siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrightsJul 25 18:08
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Nouveau vs. Radeon vs. Intel Tests On LinuxJul 25 19:11
TweetTuxMachines                 3.16, Mesa 10.3-devel 25 19:11
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nouveau vs. Radeon vs. Intel Tests On Linux 3.16, Mesa 10.3-devel | Tux MachinesJul 25 19:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GNOME Control Center 3.13.4 Gets More HiDPIJul 25 19:11
TweetTuxMachines                 Improvements 25 19:11
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME Control Center 3.13.4 Gets More HiDPI Improvements | Tux MachinesJul 25 19:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Acer sees booming sales of Chromebooks, saysJul 25 19:11
TweetTuxMachines                 CEO 25 19:11
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Acer sees booming sales of Chromebooks, says CEO | Tux MachinesJul 25 19:11
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Wine Announcement 25 19:46
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wine Announcement | Tux MachinesJul 25 19:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     CoreOS Stable Release 25 19:46
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CoreOS Stable Release | Tux MachinesJul 25 19:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Program Octave 25 19:47
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Program Octave | Tux MachinesJul 25 19:47
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 25 19:47
DaemonFC 25 19:47
DaemonFCJust for the lulz. I'm surprised that so many people get away with using Microsoft Office, especially Excel.Jul 25 19:47
DaemonFCExcel has hundreds of bugs, very few of them get fixed, some of them have been there for 10 years or more. It can swell up to use gigabytes of RAM. It has floating point rounding errors that produce bizarre and hilariously incorrect data.....Jul 25 19:47
DaemonFCThen there was this....Jul 25 19:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Daily Dose of Excel » Bugs [ ]Jul 25 19:47
DaemonFC 25 19:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Excel: The ruiner of global economies? | Ars Technica [ ]Jul 25 19:47
DaemonFCEven when people aren't running into the bugs, they often use it wrong, and produce disastrous results.Jul 25 19:47
DaemonFCIn order to get Microsoft compatibility, you have to reproduce all their bugs too, which is why you shouldn't use Microsoft Office export filters from LibreOffice, unless there's absolutely no other option. LibreOffice uses a more accurate arithmetic library, while Microsoft keeps shipping broken software. When you use Microsoft export filters, LibreOffice has to emulate problems with Microsoft Office, which could cause you some of the same Jul 25 19:47
DaemonFCproblems as using Microsoft Office in the first place.Jul 25 19:47
DaemonFCMicrosoft wants to convince everyone that you need a 'spensive Windoze computer to use 'spensive office software. Theirs, of course. I say, pass.....Jul 25 19:47
DaemonFCAlthough I'm *told* that Microsoft supports OASIS OpenDocument 1.2 now in MS Office 2013, I'd be treading lightly, unless you want MS Office exporting its bugs into your ODF files!Jul 25 19:47
DaemonFCI'm so glad that I don't have to use any of this company's software, ever. Why should Office be any different than anything else that has the Microsoft warning label on it?Jul 25 19:47
DaemonFCHow is this post related to the topic? Microsoft says that you need the crappy underpowered Windoze laptop so you can load MS Office on it. Tell me how that works out. Hint: Flipping it over and trying to max out the RAM later for almost as much as the laptop cost does not count.Jul 25 19:47
DaemonFCMicrosoft doesn't really have an operating system built for the cloud. They have one that's meant to run bulky locally-installed software that needs 'spensive hardware. Jul 25 19:48
DaemonFCAnd a low-end Celeron with small amounts of RAM just isn't up to the task that Microsoft says you need their underpowered Windoze laptops for in the first place. Jul 25 19:50
*msb ( has joined #techrightsJul 25 19:56
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DaemonFC Warren Holzem says:Jul 25 20:13
DaemonFCPeople have accused me of being an Amazon fan boi, but I can assure you that I have no interest in owning:Jul 25 20:13
DaemonFC1. Kindle Fire,Jul 25 20:13
DaemonFC2. Fire TV,Jul 25 20:13
DaemonFC3. Fire Phone.Jul 25 20:13
DaemonFCThey all take outdated Android systems, and alter them in ways that make them incompatible with too many things out there. There are better alternatives to all of them on that point alone.Jul 25 20:13
DaemonFCSlapping an Amazon logo on these pieces of junk doesn't make them better. Jul 25 20:13
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 25 20:13
DaemonFCWell, you can't talk sense into some people.Jul 25 20:13
DaemonFCI told people not to buy a Nokia X. I got a lot of abuse for that. One woman on Amazon said she got them for her whole family.Jul 25 20:13
DaemonFCMicrosoft officially bought Nokia, declared the Nokia X unsupported, and now the woman who told me that I needed to quit dissing Microsoft has a Nokia X, and so does her family.Jul 25 20:13
DaemonFCYou need to tread lightly when you're dealing with broken Android forks that use old versions of the AOSP and aren't Google Certified. Of course they're not entirely compatible. They're missing most of the APIs, or they include lame replacements that the distributor put in with no thought and no care.Jul 25 20:13
DaemonFCAmazon's phone is also less secure, because you're missing Verify Apps and other defense mechanisms. So, don't go too far off the reservation and try to sideload apps. You can do that safely from a modern Real Android phone, but not from a Fire Phone.Jul 25 20:13
DaemonFCHere there be dragons! Jul 25 20:13
MinceRat least older versions of android have less of the idiotic restrictions google keeps adding :>Jul 25 20:17
DaemonFC J. S. Cooper says:Jul 25 20:25
DaemonFCMost people use Office and its associated applications because that's what they use at work. Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint.Jul 25 20:25
DaemonFCThose who don't use whatever is easiest and cheapest to do what they need. Jul 25 20:25
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 25 20:25
DaemonFCThat's the thing though. Microsoft Office is not easy to use, and neither is Windoze. Neither are stable or well supported. Neither are cheap. Neither of them run well on an affordable computer.Jul 25 20:25
DaemonFCI think that Chrome OS and alternative office suites have more than one foothold here. If Microsoft simply dumps Windoze for "free" and tells OEMs to play ball and create awful computers just to get them down to $200, they still have all the other problems I listed.Jul 25 20:25
DaemonFCGoing back to ease of use... If Excel was easy to use, then those economists wouldn't have produced that report that sent everyone into a panic over the economy. Jul 25 20:25
*gde33 ( has joined #techrightsJul 25 20:33
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 25 20:50
DaemonFCI think what I like the most about Chrome OS and Android is that Bill Gates said that someday you'd just sign into any computer and all your stuff would just be there, and then Google invented that, and Microsoft is panicking because they have nothing. Jul 25 20:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines ( FoundationJul 25 20:55
TweetTuxMachines                 Still Works Towards Becoming An SPI ProjectJul 25 20:55
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 20:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | xorgJul 25 20:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 25 20:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | X.Org Foundation Still Works Towards Becoming An SPI Project | Tux MachinesJul 25 20:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Gaming: If You Build It, Will They Come?Jul 25 20:55
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 20:55
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Gaming: If You Build It, Will They Come? | Tux MachinesJul 25 20:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Elive 2.3.4 Beta Is a Nice OS Based on DebianJul 25 20:55
TweetTuxMachines                 and Enlightenment - ScreenshotsJul 25 20:55
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 20:55
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Elive 2.3.4 Beta Is a Nice OS Based on Debian and Enlightenment - Screenshots | Tux MachinesJul 25 20:55
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #techrightsJul 25 21:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The security flaws in Tails Linux are not itsJul 25 22:04
TweetTuxMachines                 only problem 25 22:04
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 22:04
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The security flaws in Tails Linux are not its only problem | Tux MachinesJul 25 22:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Guix 0.7 Can Now Install The GNU OperatingJul 25 22:04
TweetTuxMachines                 System 25 22:04
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 22:04
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 25 22:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Guix 0.7 Can Now Install The GNU Operating System | Tux MachinesJul 25 22:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GNOME 3.13.4 released 25 22:05
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 22:05
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME 3.13.4 released | Tux MachinesJul 25 22:05
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jul 25 22:39
MinceRgnJul 25 22:52
*Guest37846 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 26 00:07
DaemonFCObama is getting ready to sign a bill that makes it legal to unlock your phone when your contract expires with your carrier or you pay off your phone.Jul 26 00:25
DaemonFCIt should be utterly illegal for carriers to lock the phone without providing a way for the customer to unlock it at the push of a button when they finish paying it off to begin with.Jul 26 00:25
DaemonFC 26 00:25
DaemonFCThis won't help crapple hypephone customers too much. When Apple cuts off iOS upgrades, the party's over, because nobody else can support it and the phone is broken forever.Jul 26 00:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Farewell iPhone 4: No iOS 8 upgrade for you | ZDNet [ ]Jul 26 00:25
DaemonFC 26 00:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CyanogenMod | Android Community Operating SystemJul 26 00:25
DaemonFC 26 00:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Stay ParanoidJul 26 00:25
DaemonFCOn the Android side of things, you can just install CyanogenMod, Paranoid Android, or other alternative firmware, and then who cares what Samsung or LG do? Jul 26 00:25
DaemonFC 26 00:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Congress finally passes cell phone unlocking bill | Ars Technica [ ]Jul 26 00:25
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 26 00:26
DaemonFCLinux would work fine on a $200 computer that I saw on special at Newegg the other day, and you can load LibreOffice on it too.Jul 26 00:26
DaemonFCLike I said. Linux runs fine on computers where Windon't. The fact that Windows doesn't run well on low end computers never stops companies from selling low end computers with Windows on them.Jul 26 00:26
DaemonFCThe $200 PC I spoke of had a quad core 2 Ghz Haswell Celeron and 4 GB of RAM (with an empty slot, so you could pop in another 4 GB). It's not fancy, and for some reason, they bogged it down with Windows 8.1, but it's nothing a little hard drive formatting couldn't solve. The components bought separately would cost more than the PC did on sale, so a throwaway copy of Windows is just a minor annoyance.Jul 26 00:26
DaemonFCI even remember some companies selling Windows XP on systems with only 128 MB of RAM. It barely ran at all. So, this special that I saw is the 2014 version of that. Jul 26 00:27
cubexyzI used to know a guy who ran win95 on a 386sx with 4 megs of ram :)Jul 26 00:50
cubexyzit was awful, as you can imagineJul 26 00:50
DaemonFCIt wasn't pleasant on a 486 DX 66.Jul 26 00:58
DaemonFC 26 00:58
DaemonFCuhhhmJul 26 00:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Customer Discussions: Adult forum [ ]Jul 26 00:58
DaemonFCoh myJul 26 00:58
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 26 01:13
DaemonFCD. Snow: "nobody under 40 uses Apple products"Jul 26 01:13
DaemonFCIt probably helps that Macs are utterly useless for video gaming. My five year old PC is still better for video games than a new Mac. So why would anyone my age get a Mac?Jul 26 01:13
DaemonFCIf all you want to do is use Facebook, that's fine. I dig it. But, there's got to be a way to get that done without paying $900 for a Macbook Air that can't handle much else.Jul 26 01:13
DaemonFCDid someone say, "Chromebook"? Jul 26 01:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Wireless speakers stream audio from web andJul 26 01:25
TweetTuxMachines                 WLAN 26 01:25
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 01:25
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wireless speakers stream audio from web and WLAN | Tux MachinesJul 26 01:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     KDE Ships Third Beta of Applications andJul 26 01:25
TweetTuxMachines                 Platform 4.14 26 01:25
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 01:25
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 01:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE Ships Third Beta of Applications and Platform 4.14 | Tux MachinesJul 26 01:25
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 26 02:02
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*Aless88 (32833d5c@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #techrightsJul 26 03:35
Aless88hey guys, can someone tell any good sources for learning about patents?Jul 26 03:36
Aless88let us just discuss the following situation:Jul 26 03:37
Aless88you have a business;Jul 26 03:37
Aless88person X sees that your business is growing;Jul 26 03:38
Aless88the same person files an application for a patentJul 26 03:38
Aless88the patent is about the idea your business revolves aroundJul 26 03:38
Aless88his application gets approved and he holds that patentJul 26 03:39
Aless88he then says you can no longer keep your businessJul 26 03:39
Aless88because it is in violation of the aforementioned patentJul 26 03:40
Aless88can you defend yourself against this?Jul 26 03:40
Aless88is this even possible?Jul 26 03:40
Aless88and any sources/literature about patents would be greatly appreciatedJul 26 03:41
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 26 04:30
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Autonomous sub powers up with Wheezy on HaswellJul 26 04:50
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 04:50
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Autonomous sub powers up with Wheezy on Haswell | Tux MachinesJul 26 04:50
*TweetTuxMachines @host2money followed @tuxmachinesJul 26 04:50
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 26 05:13
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DaemonFC 26 07:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Who’s banned from editing Wikipedia this week? Congress | Ars Technica [ ]Jul 26 07:22
DaemonFCOne of the Reptilian shape shifters in Congress is using KDE 2 on FreeBSD and wants to edit Wikipedia to tell you how to do it, apparently.Jul 26 07:22
DaemonFC 26 07:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How does one patch KDE2 under FreeBSD? - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ]Jul 26 07:26
DaemonFCApparently, it's a Russian internet meme.Jul 26 07:26
DaemonFCSo, apparently Valve delayed the Steambox for a year so that it could fuck around with the controller design some more. In the mean time, all of the hardware partners that showed off the Steambox at CES are going to release them as Windows computers now.Jul 26 07:36
DaemonFCIs Valve TRYING to clutch defeat from the jaws of victory!?Jul 26 07:36
MinceRfacepalmJul 26 08:33
MinceR 26 08:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Getting Married in Heaven : Jokes [ ]Jul 26 08:35
DaemonFC 26 09:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 10.10 and still no mention of an HFS+ replacement : apple [ ]Jul 26 09:25
DaemonFCMinceR bait.Jul 26 09:25
DaemonFC 26 09:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Now that Apple is buying Beats, Bose sues over noise-cancelling patents [ ]Jul 26 09:27
DaemonFCBose is for old farts with too much money. Jul 26 09:27
DaemonFCNo highs, no lows, it must be Bose.Jul 26 09:28
MinceR:>Jul 26 09:28
DaemonFCI have a Bose waveradio. They were selling those things for outrageous sums of money back in the 90s.Jul 26 09:29
DaemonFCI found it at a garage sale.Jul 26 09:29
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jul 26 09:30
DaemonFC 26 09:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bose Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ]Jul 26 09:31
DaemonFC"Discussion of the quality of Bose products can sometimes elicit strong and polarized opinions. Some see Bose as a maker of high-end equipment, while others see Bose as a company that uses marketing to make extravagant claims for otherwise ordinary products."Jul 26 09:31
DaemonFCMaybe Apple should just buy them.Jul 26 09:31
DaemonFC"A July 2012 review by NBC News of the $5,000 46" Bose TV noted that the video screen, produced by Samsung, resembles most closely a $750 flat panel television, and that the technology used is not up to par with other screens in the same category. The review then questions the value of the additional $4,260 cost for the Bose TV, suggesting there are compelling audio alternatives for less than 1/5th the price difference."Jul 26 09:32
DaemonFCThat sounds exactly like Apple.Jul 26 09:32
DaemonFCI'd better watch out. Bose has a tendency to sue everyone that doesn't like their products for libel.Jul 26 09:34
DaemonFCHmmm, Harman. They make some expensive sound systems too.Jul 26 09:35
DaemonFCApple was pushing them hard when the PowerMacs still roamed the Earth.Jul 26 09:35
DaemonFCI remember laughing that the idiots that bought 128k AAC files were listening to them on those.Jul 26 09:37
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*roy__ is now known as Guest15650Jul 26 09:44
SosumiBOSE = Bring Another Sound EngineerJul 26 09:45
SosumiBOSE = Buy Another Sound EquipmentJul 26 09:45
SosumiHarman are also kind of overpriced for what you getJul 26 09:46
Sosumibest brands to go in the audio department are usually B&W, Dynaudio, KEFJul 26 09:47
Sosumibut BOSE is one to avoid at bestJul 26 09:47
Guest15650 26 09:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@jerezim: RT @schestowitz: The NSA’s New Partner in Spying: Saudi Arabia’s Brutal State Police #torture alsoJul 26 09:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The NSA's New Partner in Spying: Saudi Arabia's Brutal State Police - The InterceptJul 26 09:50
Guest15650Faegre Baker Daniels LLP | CIA Lawyer Joins Litigation Team at ...Jul 26 09:51
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 26 09:53
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 26 09:56
Guest15650afraid of dolls: 26 10:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Church Member Reponsible for Leaving 'Disturbing' Dolls in Calif. Neighborhood [ ]Jul 26 10:12
*DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jul 26 10:30
Guest15650 26 10:30
Guest15650"American presidents from Eisenhower to Obama have been responsible for the phenomenal rise of Islamist forces throughout the Muslim World. Hillary Clinton and some top American diplomats and politicians have publicly admitted that the Cold War exigencies had led their country to support Islamist forces, including the Afghan Mujahedeen and those who later founded al-Qaeda. We also know that in 1953, while Eisenhower flirted with the Jul 26 10:30
Guest15650ayatollahs on the eve of the CIA-led military coup that toppled a democratically elected government in Iran, both Carter and Reagan legitimised General Zia ul-Haq's pro-Jamaat-e-Islami Islamist military dictatorship in Pakistan (1977-1988). "Jul 26 10:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | STRANGER THAN FICTION | Muslim Brotherhood, Jamaat-e-Islami and global jihad | (Part 1 of 3 part series) [ ]Jul 26 10:30
Guest15650Russia rag: 26 10:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mr. President, Your Own CIA Says What Russians Say. What Are We Gonna Do? - Paul Roberts | Burning Point | RIA Novosti [ ]Jul 26 10:37
*Guest15650 is now known as royschJul 26 10:37
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GOG's Mistaken Giveaway, Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS,Jul 26 11:01
TweetTuxMachines                 and Wayland in KDE 26 11:01
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 11:01
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GOG's Mistaken Giveaway, Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS, and Wayland in KDE | Tux MachinesJul 26 11:01
*Guest92063 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jul 26 11:04
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*roy__ is now known as Guest94981Jul 26 11:46
Guest94981I don't like the author, but in this case he's onto something true: 26 11:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | WikiLeaks And Snowden In Hong Kong - Business Insider [ ]Jul 26 11:51
Guest94981 26 11:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Jul 26 11:51
*Guest94981 is now known as schestoJul 26 11:52
schesto" ‘extrajudicial means’ is hardly a primary issue here. "Jul 26 12:20
schesto 26 12:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Neither the question nor the answer - Daanish Hussain [ ]Jul 26 12:20
schestoSo now it's all OKJul 26 12:20
schestobecause they are "bad"Jul 26 12:20
schestoReturning fear to headlinesJul 26 12:33
schesto 26 12:33
schesto" Asked why Abdulmutallab's attempt had failed, John Pistole from the Transportation Security Administration told the Aspen Security Forum, "He had the device with him for over two weeks. It was's efficacy was degraded.""Jul 26 12:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Aside: Terror plot foiled by bad personal hygiene - Pune Mirror [ ]Jul 26 12:33
schesto 26 12:35
schesto"“These Israeli ‘Knock on the Roof’ drone-missile warnings are injuring and killing so many people, demolishing homes and bringing the roof down on top of their heads” he says, driving toward Nasser Street area, in central Gaza City. - See more at:"Jul 26 12:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Rescue teams: On Gaza’s front-lines | Middle East Eye [ ]Jul 26 12:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | News | Middle East Eye [ ]Jul 26 12:35
*schesto has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 26 12:45
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Guest13831 26 13:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SEEVed: @schestowitz ha from the same whitewashpost that tows the govts propaganda line.Jul 26 13:23
Guest13831yes, CIAPost (Bezos/Amazon/CIA/WashPo)Jul 26 13:23
Guest13831"The world requires global leadership from the United States"Jul 26 13:42
Guest13831LOLJul 26 13:42
Guest13831 26 13:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 4 ways America should respond to a world in chaos — NewsWorks [ ]Jul 26 13:42
Guest13831 26 14:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jay Rockefeller Wants to Revolutionize the Way You Watch TV - [ ]Jul 26 14:05
Guest13831 26 14:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hillary Clinton: 'The Reset Worked' With Russia | Washington Free Beacon [ ]Jul 26 14:10
SosumihahahahahaJul 26 14:23
Sosumithe reset “worked” indeedJul 26 14:23
Sosumi“worked”Jul 26 14:24
Sosumi:)Jul 26 14:24
Guest13831yeahJul 26 14:37
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Games 26 14:42
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 14:42
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Games | Tux MachinesJul 26 14:42
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 26 14:42
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 14:42
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJul 26 14:42
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: Sosumi)Jul 26 15:59
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chomzeehi!Jul 26 18:59
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Today in Techrights 26 19:17
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJul 26 19:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linus Torvalds On GCC 4.9: Pure & Utter CrapJul 26 19:18
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 19:18
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 19:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linus Torvalds On GCC 4.9: Pure & Utter Crap | Tux MachinesJul 26 19:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Cauldron 2014: GCC & LLVM Will Look ToJul 26 19:18
TweetTuxMachines                 Collaborate More 26 19:18
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 19:18
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 19:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cauldron 2014: GCC & LLVM Will Look To Collaborate More | Tux MachinesJul 26 19:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Six Clicks: The best Linux desktop environmentsJul 26 19:18
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 19:18
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Six Clicks: The best Linux desktop environments | Tux MachinesJul 26 19:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GCC Receives ACM’s 2014 Programming LanguagesJul 26 19:18
TweetTuxMachines                 Software Award 26 19:18
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 19:18
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 19:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GCC Receives ACM’s 2014 Programming Languages Software Award | Tux MachinesJul 26 19:18
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJul 26 19:29
schestowitz> Hi!Jul 26 19:29
schestowitz> Jul 26 19:29
schestowitz> We've taken our GCT game to the next level! :)Jul 26 19:29
schestowitz> We've rebranded it and now we hit steam greenlight and indie go go.Jul 26 19:29
schestowitz> Jul 26 19:29
schestowitz> We'd appreciate if you shared an information about that fact to otherJul 26 19:29
schestowitz> people who may be interested in it. :)Jul 26 19:29
schestowitz> Jul 26 19:29
schestowitz> Our new website is:Jul 26 19:29
schestowitz> 26 19:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Street ArenaJul 26 19:29
schestowitz> Jul 26 19:29
schestowitz> Thank you in advance, regards,Jul 26 19:29
schestowitzAwesome site.Jul 26 19:29
__martin__P2P blocked as a whole on mine.. Jul 26 19:45
__martin__ 26 19:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | University Sets Fines & Worse For Pirating Students | TorrentFreak [ ]Jul 26 19:45
DaemonFC 26 19:47
DaemonFCUniversities are fining you for that now?Jul 26 19:58
DaemonFCI don't suppose you can use a secure VPN.Jul 26 19:58
__martin__Nope, that is an article for an U.S. based one. We have like +-11MB/s downlink, but P2P filter. I yet have to speak with the head of mine faculty about vendor lock-in. There has been a Vi$ta8 tablet shipment recently out of nowhere.. and seemingly their will be soon contracting someone with task to create a virtual - AI tutor for selected pupils/attendees.Jul 26 20:01
DaemonFCThe library blocks bittorrent, but svpn seems to evade that.Jul 26 20:02
__martin__For master's degree, the ministry of education made new acreditation to first-time introduced study programme - Forestry technologies. So there lies my hope.. if am able to finish the bachelor's thesis next year on accuracy of GNSS systems under forest "rooftop" @ age of 24. (=Jul 26 20:05
__martin__Place of residence where am I right now, is already multicultural, there are like three main/major ethnic grops. The Roma, Hungarians and we Slovaks. Unemployment rate 30+-% of population whereas most companies stick with WinXP and rely on Facebook.Jul 26 20:06
__martin__Establishment is present in almost every action of ordinary cizizen, however surrounding environment is not on par with pollution in other areas of country or global pollution average levels.Jul 26 20:07
__martin__See 26 20:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | - ÚvodJul 26 20:08
__martin__University in different urban area still runs on XPs (13 yr old "system") although servers have some outdated UNIX backend with relatively fool-proof UIS running on top of ApacheJul 26 20:13
__martin__..Jul 26 20:13
__martin__DaemonFC: ;DJul 26 20:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BayFiles [ ]Jul 26 20:14
__martin__Btw, folks.. Rubén of Trisquel project speaks live in twenty-something minutes. Do not miss it. (=Jul 26 20:23
__martin__ 26 20:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Livestream | OpenEd JamJul 26 20:23
__martin__*an hour + 20mins / my bad / GTM+1 CESTJul 26 20:24
__martin__GMT**Jul 26 20:24
__martin__ 26 20:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Generic Calendar/Clock - Countdown to Jul 26, 2014 8:45 PM in UTC [ ]Jul 26 20:25
*neildarlow (~\~neil\ has joined #techrightsJul 26 21:09
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schestowitz__martin__: thanks for the infoJul 26 21:19
*neildarlow ( has joined #techrightsJul 26 21:21
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 26 21:23
__martin__SOIT poznám, pozabudol som na nich. Naposledy bolo živo okolo sprístupňovania dát z verejného katastra.. Mám tušenie, že viacero linuxákov by sa našlo aj za portálom a; pričom v druhom prípade autor Tibor Peták spravuje slovenské domény a kde sa na nachádza lokalizácia tretej iterácie známej licencie.Jul 26 21:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | | Komunitný GEO portál pre používateľov geografických informácií, systémov a technológiíJul 26 21:25
__martin__Off-topic: Dovolím si ale podotknúť, že našou najväčšou osobnosťou doma a v zahraničí uvedomujúcou si potenciál a aspekty slobodného softvéru je Martin Husovec aka Huťo. | | | | o.i. aj aktívny Fellow európskej odnože bostonskej FSF - FSFE.Jul 26 21:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Menej štátu | … viac slobodyJul 26 21:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNU General Public LicenseJul 26 21:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Huťko´s Technology Law BlogJul 26 21:26
__martin__Toto vlákno som založil z vidinou možnosti širšej prezentácie IT riešení založených na univerzálnom šírení vedomostí, pretože mainstreamové médiá majú na špecifické témy a kľúčové slová uvalené informačné embargo.Jul 26 21:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Martin Husovec | LinkedInJul 26 21:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Martin Husovec (hutko) on TwitterJul 26 21:26
__martin__Prečo si myslím, že "aktuálny" predseda by miesto posunul z radosťou ďalej? Pri poslednom meetupe vo vlaku pôsobil ako príliš zaneprázdnený človek, nakoľko má rozbehnutých viacero vecí povedzme aj typu patentovateľnej technológie pre zvýšenie efektívnosti solárnych kolektorov v spolupráci z jeho známymi spomedzi Izraelského tech sektora. Stallmanovu The Free Software Song mi ale zanôtil na údiv okolitej Jul 26 21:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Martin Husovec « MicroBlog Priateľov EISi [ ]Jul 26 21:26
__martin__Emdi a či Stano, dodoedo?! Je to na vás. Kontakt je, mailing listy treba ale oživiť.Jul 26 21:26
__martin__PS: Pre tých ktorí nemajú tú česť, Jasan na ISOC.. 26 21:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jan Sarenik's wish for the future of the Internet - YouTube [ ]Jul 26 21:26
__martin__aye, pasted wrong buffer altogether =SJul 26 21:26
__martin__sorryJul 26 21:26
__martin__this!Jul 26 21:26
__martin__< quidam> I may do the talk offline, and upload the videoJul 26 21:26
__martin__21:44 < quidam> because the network is not very stable, and if the video doesn't stream properly it crashes.Jul 26 21:26
schestowitzwhat does the above mean in English?Jul 26 21:35
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ripe Linux Nits To Pick 26 21:35
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 21:35
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ripe Linux Nits To Pick | Tux MachinesJul 26 21:36
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     OnePlus coming to India! 26 21:36
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 21:36
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OnePlus coming to India! | Tux MachinesJul 26 21:36
*neildarlow has quit (Quit: AndroidIrc Disconnecting)Jul 26 21:36
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__martin__schestowitz: it was my reply to our biggest sole active gnu/linux community; there I made a thread that our used-to-be user group needs new leader.. since I know the old one in person and want to help someone new become the chairman of 26 21:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | - slovenský linuxový portálJul 26 21:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SKLUG (Slovenské združenie používateľov Linuxu)Jul 26 21:49
__martin__schestowitz: am ofc not that husovec guy, he is a professional lawayer that hates sw pats, am just a student, mere fsf & kopimi activist (=Jul 26 21:50
__martin__lawyer*Jul 26 21:50
*neildarlow has quit (Quit: AndroidIrc Disconnecting)Jul 26 21:58
schestowitz 26 22:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #Groklaw Back in the Wake of #ODF in the UK? 26 22:01
schestowitz"Jul 26 22:01
schestowitzThis is great news but I did not see it in the article itself. Did I miss something, or did you say that the renewed activity is in Grocklaw's News Pics where someone quotes Andy Updegrove's Standards Blog,Jul 26 22:01
schestowitz    The U.K. Cabinet Office accomplished today what the Commonwealth of Massachusetts set out (unsuccessfully) to achieve ten years ago: it formally required compliance with the Open Document Format (ODF) by software to be purchased in the future across all government bodies. Compliance with any of the existing versions of OOXML, the competing document format championed by Microsoft, is neither required nor relevant. The announcement Jul 26 22:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Groklaw Back in the Wake of ODF in the UK? | Techrights [ ]Jul 26 22:01
schestowitzwas made today by The Minister for the Cabinet Office, Francis Maude....Jul 26 22:01
schestowitz    The adoption of only ODF - and not also OOXML, as was urged by Microsoft - is most significant for the degree of market adoption and legitimization it will necessarily lead to. Unlike OOXML, which exists in several versions in the marketplace (and was not adopted even by Microsoft in the ISO/IEC approved "strict" form until years after its adoption by those organizations), ODF exists in more settled forms. Use of ODF-compliant Jul 26 22:01
schestowitzsoftware by tens of thousands of U.K. government workers will provide incentives to Microsoft to take greater pains to ensure that documents saved in ODF form will preserve their formatting with greater integrity, since many open source office suites (such as LibreOffice and OpenOffice) are available for free.Jul 26 22:01
schestowitz"Jul 26 22:01
schestowitzLast time before PJ returned she had posted stuff in News Picks, later adding "PJ" to it (while supposedly having retired)Jul 26 22:01
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 26 22:13
chomzeehi allJul 26 22:20
schestowitzHiJul 26 22:24
schestowitz__martin__: lawyers are often opportunists when it comes to FOSSJul 26 22:25
schestowitz 26 22:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Bribes for pro- #israel #propaganda how low will those Hawks stoop?Jul 26 22:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Students offered grants if they tweet pro-Israeli propaganda - Middle East - World - The Independent [ ]Jul 26 22:32
schestowitz"But having education is not the same as being ethical, you would expect that an educated people would behave better but that's not always the case. Giving scholarships might sent the wrong message: if you do what you're told no matter what you will reap the benefits. In my country the military also gives scholarships but in military schools, that means that you will have housing and meals if you attend their high school, and if you Jul 26 22:32
schestowitzattend the military university you will have the same plus an almost useless degree outside the military. Only the most poor but dedicated enroll in the military..."Jul 26 22:32
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 26 23:05
*__martin__ has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)Jul 26 23:51
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 20 00:30
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesJul 20 00:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 20 00:30
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJul 20 00:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Software 20 00:30
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux MachinesJul 20 00:30
MinceRgnJul 20 00:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Tor, trust and the NSA 20 04:00
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 04:00
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tor, trust and the NSA | Tux MachinesJul 20 04:00
TweetTuxMachines@baseanswers     ODF(tm) World News is out!Jul 20 04:00
TweetTuxMachines        ( Stories viaJul 20 04:00
TweetTuxMachines                 @tuxmachines @bhuvi8 @oooug_jpJul 20 04:00
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 04:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ODF™ World NewsJul 20 04:00
*cubelog1 has quit (Excess Flood)Jul 20 04:49
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DaemonFC 20 09:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Customer Discussions: iphone 5 crashed,anyone recommend anything?? [ ]Jul 20 09:43
DaemonFC"I have a feeling that when you try to install OS X "Mavericks" on your pre-2007 Mac and find that Apple has deprecated something that you still might use every day, they're not going to help you do anything other than buy an expensive new Mac.Jul 20 09:43
DaemonFCLinux still runs on all Macs. Even the Core Solo Mac Mini from 2006. Jul 20 09:43
DaemonFCYou don't have to wait for Apple to declare your hardware deprecated to upgrade to Linux though. Linux is for everybody. Your Mac will almost certainly even be faster than it was before after the upgrade. It's not like GNOME and KDE don't have their $20,000 toilet seats in terms of components that use system resources just because they want to behave more like Windows and Mac, but there are lots of options! Even the most piggish Linux Jul 20 09:43
DaemonFCdesktop environment (KDE) is nowhere near as bad as Windows on resource usage.Jul 20 09:43
DaemonFC 20 09:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Users Have a Choice: 8 Linux Desktop Environments [ ]Jul 20 09:43
DaemonFCThe real sticking points that will keep me from buying a Mac are the obscene price, the bad Apple software, and the fact that the hardware is frequently underpowered and impossible to upgrade or service by me, the end user. This comes together to create a relatively short usable life for a Mac computer. You're better off with Linux on PC."Jul 20 09:43
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 20 10:12
DaemonFCThe Android One will only be $100. The iPhone 5c is $549.Jul 20 10:12
DaemonFCFor that price, you could buy five Android Ones, smash four of them, and still be $50 ahead.Jul 20 10:12
DaemonFC78% of all smartphone sales are <$200. Jul 20 10:14
DaemonFCAt the extreme low end, some people buy Windows phones because Microsoft is selling them below cost to try to create a market for them. Microsoft has tried introducing Windows phones with better specs. I've never seen anyone buy them. Jul 20 10:14
DaemonFCAndroid One will be the end of Windows Phone.Jul 20 10:14
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     First Android One phone landing in October?Jul 20 10:14
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 10:14
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 10:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | First Android One phone landing in October? | Tux MachinesJul 20 10:14
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 20 10:42
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 20 11:04
DaemonFCSomeone told me that Amazon made a Kindle "cloud reader" web app that runs in modern web browsers. I've never used Kindle before because of the Digital Restrictions Management[1], but I decided that since there would be no software to install, and Amazon does have some "free" books to test it out with, I thought I would give it a spin, just for kicks.Jul 20 11:31
DaemonFCThanks Amazon.Jul 20 11:31
DaemonFCThis is the most flagrant abuse of Javascript I've ever seen. Actually, it's not Javascript. It's more like "Obfuscript", to make it more difficult to figure out how their DRM works, so that you can't copy and paste text.Jul 20 11:31
DaemonFCCould you have possibly made this stupid thing any slower?Jul 20 11:31
DaemonFCYour coding horror made my quad core desktop computer feel like I was trying to scroll through a Microsoft Office file on a 300 Mhz Pentium 2.Jul 20 11:31
DaemonFC[1] 20 11:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Amazon's Kindle Swindle | Defective by Design [ ]Jul 20 11:31
DaemonFC 20 11:58
DaemonFCLG G3 vs. iPhone 5sJul 20 11:58
DaemonFCI loved the part where the iPhone screen was sharper and easier to read when viewed through the LG G3's camera than it was by looking directly at the iPhone's screen.Jul 20 11:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LG G3 vs. iPhone 5S - Review (4K) - YouTube [ ]Jul 20 11:58
Sosumidon’t install gnu/linux on core macJul 20 12:08
Sosumivoltage regulation on those machines is done through the smcJul 20 12:09
Sosumiand without the smc driver you’ll end up frying the cpuJul 20 12:09
Sosumijust like don’t install windows on those machines without the apple provided bootcamp driverJul 20 13:01
Sosumior you’ll get the same problemJul 20 13:01
DaemonFC WakkyWabbit says:Jul 20 13:11
DaemonFCDobbs,Jul 20 13:11
DaemonFCInteresting. I have the app on a somewhat old and slow 10 inch netbook with one of those Atom processors and it is also on my SG3 phone. On both devices, the app works great and is as fast as all three of my Kindles. Jul 20 13:11
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 20 13:11
DaemonFCI have a Phenom II X4 945 and a Geforce 560 GTX and Amazon's cloud reader is so slow, it's like scrolling through a web page using the VESA driver from Windows XP.Jul 20 13:11
DaemonFCMaybe I'll use Kindle when Amazon lets me save a file to my hard drive and open it up in Evince, without all this laggy encumbering Kindle garbage layered on top, so that you can't retain data that you paid for.Jul 20 13:11
DaemonFCSeriously. I played Skyrim under Wine on this thing recently, but books lag? Jul 20 13:11
DaemonFCThis is clearly a regression. Real books don't render slowly and require piss poor software in order to read them. I also know that I can keep my real books forever, regardless of what Amazon's future business plans are. Jul 20 13:14
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 20 13:34
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Today in Techrights 20 13:44
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 13:44
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJul 20 13:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     "I'll Be Back" -- After Reviving Meego Dreams,Jul 20 13:45
TweetTuxMachines                 Jolla Preps for India LaunchJul 20 13:45
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 13:45
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 13:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | "I'll Be Back" -- After Reviving Meego Dreams, Jolla Preps for India Launch | Tux MachinesJul 20 13:45
MinceRgeekingsJul 20 14:24
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Read error: No route to host)Jul 20 14:30
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DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 20 14:38
DaemonFCNo. They *should* just use the simplest solution that works, which is to give me the damned file.Jul 20 14:38
DaemonFCThis isn't the fastest machine in the world, but it's still faster than, say, a $1,100 iMac.Jul 20 14:38
DaemonFCIt still kicks some butt as far I I'm concerned. I still game on it. GNOME is fast and buttery smooth. Video playback is fantastic. Applications load at the snap of a finger.Jul 20 14:38
DaemonFCI just wish people would ditch proprietary software that is designed to be treacherous and bloated, and to backstab their customer.Jul 20 14:38
DaemonFCThen computers would work well and we wouldn't need to say things like "Damned computers. Why doesn't this work as well as what we had before?". Jul 20 14:38
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 20 14:38
DaemonFCThe people running Amazon's Kindle store, and people who publish to it boil down to two kinds.Jul 20 14:38
DaemonFC1. They are ignorant.Jul 20 14:38
DaemonFCorJul 20 14:38
DaemonFC2. They're bad people who are doing disgusting things.Jul 20 14:38
DaemonFCI generally prefer to think that most of them are #1s, because then they're simply misguided and don't fully appreciate the harm that they are causing, vs. #2s, who are just bastards. Jul 20 14:38
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 20 14:58
DaemonFCIs there a list, somewhere, of all the books available without Digital Restrictions Malware, so I know who I can do business with just by looking at a particular page?Jul 20 14:58
DaemonFCBy the way, I'm obviously very serious here. If I wanted the book, there are easier ways. Since Amazon is stopping me from doing business with them, and acquiring it without DRM might involve something equally dishonest as a publisher that uses DRM in the first place, and two wrongs don't make a right, I suppose that I'll just have to go to the library and/or continue buying old fashioned books.Jul 20 14:58
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJul 20 15:02
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 20 15:03
*Guest48607 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jul 20 15:03
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 20 15:11
DaemonFCPeople who tell me to chuck my PC and downgrade to a Mac should be slapped severely.Jul 20 15:11
DaemonFCThe only excuse for using a Mac is if you're a 90 year old woman. And maybe not even then.Jul 20 15:11
*schestowitz_log_ ( has joined #techrightsJul 20 15:17
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*mariuz (~quassel@ has joined #techrightsJul 20 16:00
MinceR 20 16:09
DaemonFCSomeone said that my system is a kludge.Jul 20 16:10
DaemonFCI replied....Jul 20 16:10
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 20 16:10
DaemonFCYou're the one that told me to get a Mac.Jul 20 16:10
DaemonFCGizmodo reviewed the 2013 Mac Mini and had to go back to Half Life 2 (2004) to find a game that it could handle.Jul 20 16:10
DaemonFCThat's pathetic. For a $1,050 computer? Apple should kill themselves for this. It probably wouldn't know whether to **** or wind its wristwatch if you tried to run something from this decade on it.Jul 20 16:10
DaemonFCApple's the one that's kludging the crap out of their systems. Who cares if it has a fast CPU if you're stuck with integrated video and the hard drive is a dog? Really. Who wants that system? It's one of the most unbalanced systems I've seen. People buy these? Jul 20 16:10
SosumilolJul 20 16:25
SosumiI have no idea why bother with the macJul 20 16:25
Sosuminone of their machines allow for agpu swap nowJul 20 16:26
Sosumifolks with the trashcan pro, what if one of you rebranded underclocked radeon HD 7970 goes belly up?Jul 20 16:27
Sosumi*yourJul 20 16:27
Sosumistay without the computer for a weekJul 20 16:27
SosumilolJul 20 16:27
Sosumiand say goodbye to aftermarket updatesJul 20 16:28
Sosumifolks with the 2006 mac pro can still run mavericks with a hack in order for the installer to run on efi 32 bit machinesJul 20 16:29
Sosumiand have been able to swap their gpus for better ones all this timeJul 20 16:29
Sosumippl with the trashcan pro are already stuck in the pastJul 20 16:29
*roy__ ( has joined #techrightsJul 20 16:29
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Sosumialso on ukraineJul 20 16:30
SosumiUkranian army has been seen moving Buk launchpads across some parts of the countryJul 20 16:31
Sosumiwhat happened? apparently and untrained crew shot the airplane by accidentJul 20 16:31
Sosumi*anJul 20 16:31
Sosumiwhich kind of doesn’t make any sense since the pro russia forces in the field don’t have planesJul 20 16:31
Sosumiunless the fold them with paperJul 20 16:32
Sosumi*theyJul 20 16:32
*mariuz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 20 16:50
schestowitz 20 16:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #microsoft could not destroy mobile #linux with a mole & bribe because it's multi-headed. Now even words (bribes to Gartner & IDC) helped.Jul 20 16:54
schestowitz"^^ multi threaded?? or multi headed?"Jul 20 16:54
schestowitzLots of distros and branches, so headsJul 20 16:54
schestowitz"I guess it mean there's Android, Meego, Tizen, etc."Jul 20 16:55
schestowitz 20 16:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #obama overplays one dead American [sic] (US) because apparently 200 dead Dutch are not the Good Guys 20 16:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Obama: Malaysian Plane shot down by missile, 1 American dead - 7News Boston WHDH-TV [ ]Jul 20 16:56
schestowitz"But he likes killing americans with his drones - and watching "live" as an old man is shot in the face."Jul 20 16:56
schestowitz 20 16:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "US administration sought to pin the blame on separatists and Russia without waiting investigation." 20 16:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Russia: US implicating rebels | The Asian Age [ ]Jul 20 16:56
schestowitz"Not like you to just quote verbatim a government official as evidence. All you are doing is being a Russian spokesperson. If there is evidence, the Russians are sure taking their sweet time revealing them. Here's a compilation of evidence against the rebels by The Guardian."Jul 20 16:56
schestowitzWhen the Ukranian Nazis did their atrocities the Guardian not only did Russophobic propaganda but also deleted tons of comments it did not agree with, so I am still very careful and sceptical when it comes to its coverage in this region.Jul 20 16:57
schestowitz 20 16:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | MH17: the evidence against Russia | World news | The Observer [ ]Jul 20 16:58
schestowitz 20 16:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #china is having a field day #nsa #espionage #surveillanceJul 20 16:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | US intelligence blunders pile up - The China Post [ ]Jul 20 16:58
schestowitz"That's Taiwan - which makes it even more interesting."Jul 20 16:58
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Indian phone makers look to penetrate RussiaJul 20 17:28
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 17:28
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Indian phone makers look to penetrate Russia | Tux MachinesJul 20 17:28
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJul 20 17:36
DaemonFCThe #1 best selling desktop on Amazon is now the Chromebox, and the #1 laptop is the Chromebook.Jul 20 18:02
DaemonFCThe price is an eyecatcher, I guess. Jul 20 18:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     EFF releases experimental open wireless routerJul 20 18:45
TweetTuxMachines                 firmware 20 18:45
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 18:45
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EFF releases experimental open wireless router firmware | Tux MachinesJul 20 18:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Geary Is Getting Ready to Take ThunderbirdJul 20 18:45
TweetTuxMachines                 Head-On 20 18:45
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 18:45
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Geary Is Getting Ready to Take Thunderbird Head-On | Tux MachinesJul 20 18:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Canonical Issues Final Warning for Ubuntu OneJul 20 18:45
TweetTuxMachines                 Closure, Get Your Files NowJul 20 18:45
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 18:45
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 18:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Canonical Issues Final Warning for Ubuntu One Closure, Get Your Files Now | Tux MachinesJul 20 18:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     BitKey: A secure, Debian-based Live OS forJul 20 19:23
TweetTuxMachines                 bitcoin transactions 20 19:23
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 19:23
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BitKey: A secure, Debian-based Live OS for bitcoin transactions | Tux MachinesJul 20 19:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Geneva class-rooms switching to free softwareJul 20 19:23
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 19:23
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Geneva class-rooms switching to free software | Tux MachinesJul 20 19:24
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Debian 6.0.10 "Squeeze" Is Out and It's theJul 20 19:24
TweetTuxMachines                 Last Point Release 20 19:24
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 19:24
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 19:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Debian 6.0.10 "Squeeze" Is Out and It's the Last Point Release | Tux MachinesJul 20 19:24
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Plasma Active Continues Coming For Qt5/KF5Jul 20 19:24
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 19:24
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Plasma Active Continues Coming For Qt5/KF5 | Tux MachinesJul 20 19:24
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 20 19:39
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 20 19:40
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Beta Update Now UsesJul 20 19:58
TweetTuxMachines                 SDL2 20 19:58
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 19:58
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 19:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Beta Update Now Uses SDL2 | Tux MachinesJul 20 19:58
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Change the default search engine in Epiphany,Jul 20 19:58
TweetTuxMachines                 the GNOME Web applicationJul 20 19:58
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 19:58
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 19:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Change the default search engine in Epiphany, the GNOME Web application | Tux MachinesJul 20 19:58
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     My way to develop with git in KDE reposJul 20 19:58
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 19:58
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 19:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | My way to develop with git in KDE repos | Tux MachinesJul 20 19:58
MinceRgnJul 20 20:44
schestowitzolder :Jul 20 21:37
schestowitz" it taught me that the adage that a grand jury willJul 20 21:38
schestowitzindict a ham sandwich is an understatement. A betterJul 20 21:38
schestowitzdescription would be that the prosecution can show aJul 20 21:38
schestowitzgrand jury a shit sandwich and they will indict it asJul 20 21:38
schestowitzham without looking up from their newspapers."Jul 20 21:38
schestowitz 20 21:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Kaley Forfeiture Decision: What It Looks Like When The Feds Make Their Ham Sandwich | [ ]Jul 20 21:38
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Top 5 Linux Gaming EmulatorsJul 20 21:46
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 21:46
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 21:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Top 5 Linux Gaming Emulators | Tux MachinesJul 20 21:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The DragonBox Pyra Moves Closer As OpenPandoraJul 20 21:46
TweetTuxMachines                 Successor 20 21:46
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 21:46
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 21:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The DragonBox Pyra Moves Closer As OpenPandora Successor | Tux MachinesJul 20 21:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Wine 1.7.22 Arrives with Lots of Fixes forJul 20 22:23
TweetTuxMachines                 Games 20 22:23
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 22:23
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 22:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wine 1.7.22 Arrives with Lots of Fixes for Games | Tux MachinesJul 20 22:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Standardized open source products are the keyJul 20 22:23
TweetTuxMachines                 to unlocking the lock-in trapJul 20 22:23
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 22:23
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 22:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Standardized open source products are the key to unlocking the lock-in trap | Tux MachinesJul 20 22:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GTK+ 3.13.4 Features a Much Improved AdwaitaJul 20 22:24
TweetTuxMachines                 Theme 20 22:24
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 22:24
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 22:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GTK+ 3.13.4 Features a Much Improved Adwaita Theme | Tux MachinesJul 20 22:24
DaemonFC 20 23:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Finland: Microsoft Betrayed Us with So Many Job Cuts [ ]Jul 20 23:54
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 21 00:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 21 00:26
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesJul 21 00:26
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Software 21 00:26
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux MachinesJul 21 00:26
schestowitz 21 03:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ When #Detroit Shuts Off the Water of 100,000 People killing its young, people who do hardest (physical) jobsJul 21 03:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | What Happens When Detroit Shuts Off the Water of 100,000 People - Rose Hackman - The Atlantic [ ]Jul 21 03:59
schestowitz"US people must be enjoying savage capitalism as Soviets must have enjoyed savage communism. Russia is not communist anymore, would the US reconsider its system?"Jul 21 03:59
schestowitz 21 03:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "US administration sought to pin the blame on separatists and Russia without waiting investigation." 21 03:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Russia: US implicating rebels | The Asian Age [ ]Jul 21 03:59
schestowitz"Sure. But then there is parroting the Russian government rather than confronting the evidence so far."Jul 21 03:59
schestowitz"I don't see Roy blaming anyone but those quick to conclude without ecidence."Jul 21 03:59
schestowitz"He isn't blaming anyone. Merely restating the Russian statement in preference over the evidence of non-cooperation."Jul 21 03:59
schestowitz 21 04:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #uk ‘Friendly Wi-Fi’ a euphemism for #censorship to "protect the children" rejecting censorship is being unfriendly?Jul 21 04:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | ‘Friendly Wi-Fi’ Aims To Stop Porn Access In Public Hotspots [ ]Jul 21 04:00
schestowitz"Think of the children."Jul 21 04:00
schestowitz 21 04:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Op-Ed: Microsoft layoff e-mail typifies inhuman corporate insensitivity #microsoft a socipathJul 21 04:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Op-Ed: Microsoft layoff e-mail typifies inhuman corporate insensitivity | Ars Technica [ ]Jul 21 04:01
schestowitz"That's a very typical US way of doing things, people is not made redundant that way in my country."Jul 21 04:01
schestowitz 21 04:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ One day in the future people may ask, when did the #uk become unhinged on law, Magna Carta etc. We live in interesting times...Jul 21 04:02
schestowitz"That's a Chinese curse you know. "May you live in interesting times"."Jul 21 04:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     SAILFISH OS HARDWARE ADAPTATION DEV KIT RELEASEJul 21 05:13
TweetTuxMachines                 1.0 21 05:13
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 21 05:13
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 21 05:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SAILFISH OS HARDWARE ADAPTATION DEV KIT RELEASE 1.0 | Tux MachinesJul 21 05:13
*freedomrun_ has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.)Jul 21 07:24
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Can Linux speed in-car systems? Software mayJul 21 08:19
TweetTuxMachines                 reduce development time, costsJul 21 08:19
TweetTuxMachines        ( 21 08:19
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 21 08:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Can Linux speed in-car systems? Software may reduce development time, costs | Tux MachinesJul 21 08:20
*TweetTuxMachines @rangakrishnan1 followed @tuxmachinesJul 21 08:20
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jul 21 09:07
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJul 21 09:11
*pickering ( has joined #techrightsJul 21 10:06
*pickering has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 21 10:24
MinceRgeekingsJul 21 10:54
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 21 11:44
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 21 12:30
DaemonFCIt's not really my computer that is struggling if Amazon's software is just poorly designed.Jul 21 12:30
DaemonFCGoogle Docs does way more than Amazon Cloud Reader does, but Google Docs runs fine.Jul 21 12:30
DaemonFCYou can always come up with software that is so poorly built that it doesn't run on a reasonably configured PC.Jul 21 12:30
DaemonFCI'm not thrilled to still be using a PC that's 5 years old, save for a nice graphics card upgrade[1], but I don't really want to buy a new computer right at this very moment. I'm in kind of a holding pattern right now, trying to get more time out of what I'm using while hoping that someone comes and fixes the PC market mess with something that you can just buy and use. Windows and Mac are not what I'd call "usable". Sorry.Jul 21 12:30
DaemonFCThe two best outcomes that could save the PC are that Steam OS and/or Chrome OS pan out. I'll tell you my line of thinking on this.Jul 21 12:30
DaemonFCSteam Machines will be real computers, not just a video game console. You can boot out of Steam OS, which is a thin "Just Enough" OS built on Linux, which will be a great thing, because you will get better performance than Windows can give you. 1. Linux performs better than Windows anyway in a side by side comparison running the native version of identical games right now. 2. A JEOS like Steam OS will run them even better because it throws Jul 21 12:30
DaemonFCout all of the stuff you don't need for gaming.Jul 21 12:31
DaemonFCValve's CEO, Gabe Newell, promised that you can reboot the machine into any normal PC OS to get your "boring" stuff done, so if this pans out, I could have a badass gaming console, that can reboot into Fedora, and that's just cool!Jul 21 12:31
DaemonFCOn the other hand, we have Chrome OS, which is Chrome running in its own "JEOS" version of Linux, and since Chrome is a powerful development platform which is only going to get more powerful, I think it's not unreasonable to think that we're going to get Chrome PCs with lots of RAM, fast processors, and decent video cards at some point.Jul 21 12:31
DaemonFCEither way, I do believe that Linux is the OS of the future. The surge of Chrome OS to the #1 desktop on Amazon and the #1 laptop on Amazon kind of tells me that Windows and Mac are quickly becoming legacy operating systems, whose only defenders are like Japanese soldiers on an island in 1945 that didn't hear about how badly the war is going.Jul 21 12:31
DaemonFC[1] And a nice graphics card can save you from a "blah" CPU these days, but a terrible graphics chipset, like we find in Macs and Walmart PCs can never be compensated for by a good CPU, which makes it all the more puzzling as to why Apple insists on fast CPUs with brain damaged Intel graphics chipsets. Apple has always been hostile to video game publishers, like going out of its way to make sure that games don't run on the Mac. Jul 21 12:31
DaemonFCerr, boot to steam OS rather *edits*Jul 21 12:32
SosuminahJul 21 12:43
Sosumiyou can load gnome on steam osJul 21 12:44
Sosumiactually it comes pre-installedJul 21 12:44
Sosumiso if not neededJul 21 12:44
DaemonFC Hummingbirder says:Jul 21 12:45
DaemonFCMy next of kin wouldn't know what to do with a Zune.Jul 21 12:45
Sosumifolks can do everything from inside steam osJul 21 12:45
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 21 12:45
DaemonFCIt's OK son, nobody knows what to do with a Zune.Jul 21 12:45
DaemonFC 21 12:45
DaemonFCNow that the Microsoft software to sync the damned thing is abandoned, people who own one are up the creek without a paddle. I don't know what the most current situation is in regards to trying to get them to sync using other software, but from the looks of this article, Microsoft went very far out of its way to prevent that from happening.Jul 21 12:45
DaemonFCIf you want a portable media player, get one that has Mass Storage Class support, or keep walking. That's my opinion, of course, but I think it's ridiculous that you can't drag and drop files using your operating system's file manager on Zunes and iPods, while a cheap little Sandisk Sansa has always allowed this. No bloated crapware necessary. Get off my lawn! B-) Jul 21 12:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sajid Anwar - MTPZ: Implementation [ ]Jul 21 12:45
Sosumialso gpus on apple hardware are just crap offers from nvidiaJul 21 12:46
SosumiI mean IntelJul 21 12:46
Sosumibut crappy gpus across the boardJul 21 12:46
Sosumiimacs are still using gt700m series gpus from last yearJul 21 12:47
DaemonFCYeah. The performance went up when they moved the chipset off of the motherboard and onto the CPU, but they're still not a replacement for even the cheapest video cards.Jul 21 12:47
DaemonFC 21 12:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Keeping Mac mini's integrated graphics in perspective | Macworld [ ]Jul 21 12:50
DaemonFC"So, on Monday, February 27, an integrated graphics chip was something that stole power from the CPU and siphoned off system memory. As of February 28, it’s suddenly capable of supporting the latest 3-D games and is an incredible value proposition? Ah, marketing!"Jul 21 12:51
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 21 13:04
DaemonFCAnd Apple's statement about running Halo on a budget PC was pretty funny, because it ran OK on a budget PC. I know because I had a budget PC and Halo. :PJul 21 13:04
DaemonFCIt wasn't a particularly advanced game engine. It ran on the original XBOX for crying out loud. The PC version was better because the XBOX version had no networking capabilities. Apple probably used it as an example of what you could do on the PowerPC Mac because it was one of the only 3d games that you could actually buy for a Mac. Microsoft kept Bungie's promise that it would work on a Mac, but Mac users got it two months later than PC Jul 21 13:04
DaemonFCusers.Jul 21 13:04
DaemonFCProbably the only reason I got away with running Halo on my crappy Compaq that I had at the time was because the development target *was* a Mac. I still remember how butthurt Mac fanboys were when Microsoft bought Bungie, which was the only video game company that I'm aware of that ever *tried* to produce a Mac exclusive. (Notice how Halo 2 only runs on a Mac if you reboot it into at least Windows Vista, or maybe Windows XP if you apply the Jul 21 13:04
DaemonFCHalo 2 XP "patch", but that's unofficial, and YMMV. And even then, good luck, because they weren't aiming for your crappy Mac with this one.)Jul 21 13:04
DaemonFCI don't know. It's been enough years since Halo 2 PC came out that Intel integrated video in a Mac might be on par with a mediocre video card from 2006 by now. Anyone? Jul 21 13:04
DaemonFCApple's "budget" Macs are really nothing to write home about. It's budget PC performance at mid-range PC prices.Jul 21 13:08
DaemonFCA $450 HP Pavilion with an AMD A10 APU will happily blow the Mac Mini right out of the water.Jul 21 13:10
DaemonFCThat's how bad things are at the low end of the Mac market.Jul 21 13:11
DaemonFCSosumi, Well, the nice thing about waiting to buy a new computer is that the longer you wait, the better system you'll get at any price level.Jul 21 13:18
DaemonFCSo, I try to drag these things out until the last minute.Jul 21 13:18
*__martin__ (~martin@unaffiliated/--martin--/x-1730694) has joined #techrightsJul 21 13:20
__martin__funny timing; another malaysian jet (this time full of aids experts instead of semiconductor scientists) make headlines right when mr. snowden gets published another interview on the guardian and calls for hackers via hangouts [surveilled] @ hope-x-nycJul 21 13:23
DaemonFCThe US and EU will "condemn" Putin for a while, do nothing about it, and the whole thing will blow over.Jul 21 13:24
__martin__public distortion in practise >> 21 13:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | We Can No Longer Unbundle Microsoft Office [ ]Jul 21 13:24
__martin__our gov pushes for eid cards with reader; there is a client app for win xp/7/8 + reader IDBridge CT30 driver + signature app D.Signer/XAdES .. patheticJul 21 13:30
__martin__they missed the schedule for GNU/Linux and Mac OS X support by whole year or soJul 21 13:30
__martin__DaemonFC: are the Palestinians fighting back because there was no Jewish state prior to WW I (when the colonial winners drew the borders on a map) or is it "just" a deadly clash for freshwater sources?Jul 21 13:33
SosumiyepJul 21 13:41
Sosumibungie was a mac centric developerJul 21 13:41
Sosumiand probably the only oneJul 21 13:41
Sosumiuntil m$ bought themJul 21 13:41
Sosumiand changed the target platform for the xbox/windowsJul 21 13:42
Sosumithe mac port was later done by macsoftgames and published by gearboxJul 21 13:42
SosumiI have the mac version of halo actually, original and everythingJul 21 13:42
MinceRit seems that id became winblows-centric when they made a deal to target the xboxJul 21 13:43
Sosuminah, id has always been windows centricJul 21 13:43
Sosumitheir linux/mac ports were always handled by another companyJul 21 13:43
MinceRexcept when they developed their stuff for next and ported it to dosJul 21 13:43
MinceRand when they consistently targeted openglJul 21 13:43
Sosumiduring those times I wans’t even bornJul 21 13:44
Sosumi:)Jul 21 13:44
MinceR:)Jul 21 13:44
SosumiI’m not sure about using the mac gpus of the release of halo as bashing argumentJul 21 13:47
__martin__ 21 13:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 400 @ )Jul 21 13:48
Sosumimacs during that time had gf 4 ti 4600, radeon 9800 pros and later with the introduction of the G5 Jul 21 13:48
__martin__"So Microsoft purchased a bit of middleware and fashioned it into Direct3D Version 3. It was universally reviled. And with good reason; looking at D3D v3 code is like staring into the Ark of the Covenant.Jul 21 13:49
Sosumi6800 ultrasJul 21 13:49
__martin__Old John Carmack at Id Software took one look at that trash and said, "Screw that!" and decided to write towards another API: OpenGL."Jul 21 13:49
MinceR:>Jul 21 13:49
Sosumionly the imacs had crappy gpusJul 21 13:49
Sosumithe crap gpus across the board only started in 2009Jul 21 13:50
DaemonFCI had a Radeon 9800 Pro paired with an Intel Celeron at the time.Jul 21 13:50
Sosumiwhen they released the mac pro with the hd4870Jul 21 13:51
Sosumiinstead of the gtx285Jul 21 13:51
DaemonFCI've noticed that a decent GPU can save you from a bad CPU in games, but a bad GPU means it doesn't matter what your CPU is.Jul 21 13:51
DaemonFCEven though the current higher end i7s are more than twice as fast as my Phenom II X4, when you go to load a game with an identical GPU on both systems, the i7 only brings the framerate up by 5-10% usually.Jul 21 13:52
DaemonFCI helps, but it's not where you should put your money.Jul 21 13:52
SosumiI only play quake 3 arenaJul 21 13:53
Sosumithere isn’t anything out there that really interests me anymoreJul 21 13:53
DaemonFCIn some cases, a current i5s are only a dual core CPU.Jul 21 13:53
Sosumiand I just use my computer for workJul 21 13:54
Sosumitesting with algos and so onJul 21 13:54
DaemonFCModern game engines can create extra threads to take advantage of more cores, so your performance could actually go down with a dual core i5.Jul 21 13:54
DaemonFCThere's just nothing really exciting about getting a new CPU these days.Jul 21 13:54
DaemonFCThey're twice as fast as ones that were already incredibly fast.Jul 21 13:55
Sosumiwait for the next intel tockJul 21 13:55
Sosumithat is what I’m doing now, before upgradingJul 21 13:55
Sosumifrom a i7 3970x into some 8 core versionJul 21 13:56
Sosumiwhen they come into the 999€ pricreangeJul 21 13:56
__martin__Sosumi: make sure you disable AMT ( then.. also PRNG chip ;DJul 21 13:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | "Active Management Technology": The obscure remote control in some Intel hardware — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software [ ]Jul 21 13:58
Sosumii7 3970x is socket 2011Jul 21 13:59
__martin__1st gen core i3 in hereJul 21 14:00
Sosumithat you posted only applies to 1150sJul 21 14:00
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsJul 21 14:12
DaemonFCApple tries to keep people in the dark about their new products. The only way you know that a current model is about to be replaced by a newer one is when stores start running out of the older model.Jul 21 14:15
DaemonFCApple knows that when you announce a new product, that sales of the old version collapse, and they want to keep people paying full price for the old model all the way to the end.Jul 21 14:16
DaemonFCIt makes it difficult to plan an upgrade cycle when you don't even know when the new hardware will be out.Jul 21 14:16
Sosumilol, it was apple who kept the 2011 mac pro going for 3 years with no updates and no price decreaseJul 21 14:20
Sosumiand the sole reason they stopped selling it was because intel was going to stop manufacturing nehalem and westmere cpusJul 21 14:20
Sosumiand then they released the trashcan proJul 21 14:20
DaemonFCRight, so right now the Mac Mini is 165 days past the average time between releases.Jul 21 14:20
DaemonFCIt's the 2012 model, and it's still selling at full price.Jul 21 14:21
Sosumicrapple :)Jul 21 14:21
DaemonFCPeople who buy it will see that in a month or two, there will be a new model that's twice as fast for the same price.Jul 21 14:21
abeNd-orghehJul 21 14:21
abeNd-orgyes, but people keep buying it, otherwise apple wouldnt keep the price where it is atJul 21 14:21
abeNd-orgblame the same people who think they have a cousin who is a nigerian king that has millions for themJul 21 14:22
DaemonFCRight, so you buy the 2012 model, and then the new model comes out with a CPU that's very nearly twice as fast, and maybe double the RAM and the same price. Who wouldn't feel stupid for that?Jul 21 14:22
abeNd-orgmost apple consumers wouldnt know the differenceJul 21 14:22
DaemonFCI know. The people who buy Apple in the first place.Jul 21 14:22
DaemonFCEven they must visit now and then and see Apple bragging about how fast the new model is compared with the old one.Jul 21 14:23
DaemonFCAlso, Apple cuts off support for old products as quickly as they can, so buying the current Mac Mini means that you're already two years into its "life cycle", which means that if you wait and get the next model, you should be able to expect an additional 1-2 OS upgrades vs. buying this one.Jul 21 14:24
DaemonFCOnce Apple cuts off OS X upgrades, the pool of available software goes into immediate decline because they also rip out the ability for developers to target unsupported versions of Mac OS from XCode right away.Jul 21 14:25
DaemonFCSo, it's even more uncomfortable than continuing to use Windows XP.Jul 21 14:25
DaemonFCSo, even though you still have hardware that would be capable of running an office suite or a web browser, you can't even get current versions of those.Jul 21 14:26
DaemonFCI prefer for my PC to gracefully degrade. In other words, new software that actually needs new hardware might stop working, but software that doesn't won't.Jul 21 14:26
DaemonFCBecause most new software doesn't need particularly new hardware anyway.Jul 21 14:26
abeNd-orgi will have to say my work phone, an old 4s, came out with ios5 & is getting the ios8 update, so that is pretty good for a mobile deviceJul 21 14:27
abeNd-orgnone of the sammy phones get upgrades anything like that, perhaps 1 major rev if they are luckyJul 21 14:27
DaemonFCI heard that the iPhone 4 line won't get iOS 8.Jul 21 14:28
DaemonFCBesides, you don't need a new version of Android to run most Android apps.Jul 21 14:28
DaemonFCPeople with Gingerbread can still run many apps.Jul 21 14:28
abeNd-orgyou are correct, but that was released back in june 2010, so 4yrs old is pretty long in tooth when it comes to mobile devicesJul 21 14:29
abeNd-orgactually, my wife had to junk her 2.3.x android phone because of the new google calendar app wouldnt work with it, & the old one wasnt syncing properly anymore, & she is a heavy calendar userJul 21 14:29
DaemonFCThat brings me to my other point.Jul 21 14:31
DaemonFCRespectable Android phones are getting cheaper.Jul 21 14:31
DaemonFCThe Android One thing aims for a decent $100 Android phone without any subsidies.Jul 21 14:31
abeNd-orghers was a at one time top of the line motorolaJul 21 14:32
DaemonFCSo, the iPhone 5c will still be $549 while a "good enough" Android phone will only be $100.Jul 21 14:32
abeNd-orgthat motorola had on their 4.x upgrade list for the longest, then cancelledJul 21 14:32
abeNd-orgwhich made that the last moto product we were going to ever buy (sure other things might have moto chips or such, but not buying anything with moto branding)Jul 21 14:33
Sosumiback in the days of pocket pcJul 21 14:41
Sosumithe version of pocket pc or palm os you bought the device with Jul 21 14:41
Sosumiwas the one you’d also be stuck withJul 21 14:42
Sosumisame for symbianJul 21 14:42
Sosumiat least on the iphone, the have been doing good thereJul 21 14:42
abeNd-orgdepending on the model, sometimes you would get no updates, minor updates, but i dont think you would ever see a major version updateJul 21 14:42
__martin__"Volkswagen AG (VOW), Europe’s largest carmaker, plans to mimic the fast-paced rollouts of products made by the likes of Apple Inc. (AAPL) to adapt quicker to changing customer demands for technology in its cars." - BloombergJul 21 14:42
abeNd-orgyea, i think iphones usually received 3 major os revision updatesJul 21 14:42
Sosumiwith the 4 now being dropped after it was released back in 2010Jul 21 14:43
Sosumiwhile the only android devices that get regular updates are the nexus and google play editionsJul 21 14:43
abeNd-orgeven the sammy flagship phones rarely get updatesJul 21 14:44
SosumiyeahJul 21 14:44
DaemonFCI just got my car insurance renewal bill. Bleh!Jul 21 15:07
DaemonFCI'm switching companies again because I got a better offer.Jul 21 15:07
DaemonFCI hate doing this. They want to ask you a billion questions. It's like canceling AOL.Jul 21 15:08
DaemonFCSosumi, I'm holding off on buying a new system because these upgrades haven't been really impressive lately.Jul 21 15:09
DaemonFCI remember when the speed of a CPU would double every year or two, and it was just getting better at a crazy paceJul 21 15:11
DaemonFCI don't think they've tripled in speed in the last five years.Jul 21 15:11
__martin__"Toshiba and U.S. partner SanDisk Corp filed separate civil lawsuits against SK Hynix seeking damages over the suspected theft of data related to their flagship flash memory chip technology used in smartphones and tablet computers. " - ReutersJul 21 15:14
SosumiI understandJul 21 15:17
Sosumijust upgrade when you see it required :)Jul 21 15:18
DaemonFCIt's kind of sad really. That there haven't been incredible advances in the last five years.,Jul 21 15:20
DaemonFCLeave it to Apple to take us from dragging and dropping files with a file manager to "You need to install the most horrendously bloated media player ever made, and it only works with Windows and Mac.". EWW!Jul 21 16:09
DaemonFCClearly this is a regression, and so is the price.Jul 21 16:09
DaemonFCI use a Sandisk Sansa Clip+, and to channel Milton from Office Space, "And if they take Mass Storage Class away, I'm going to burn the building to the ground.".Jul 21 16:09
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJul 21 16:36
Sosumi 21 16:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Forensic Expert Questions Covert 'Backdoor' Services Included in iOS by Apple - Mac Rumors [ ]Jul 21 16:41
SosumiI am not suggesting some grand conspiracy; there are, however, some services running in iOS that shouldn’t be there, that were intentionally added by Apple as part of the firmware, and that bypass backup encryption while copying more of your personal data than ever should come off the phone for the average consumer.”Jul 21 16:41
SosumiYES YES I’ve been hitting at this for some time alreadyJul 21 16:41
Sosumibut on the osx side of thingsJul 21 16:41
Sosumiwhen even with things like report submission is disabledJul 21 16:42
Sosumilittle snitch catches the process submitdiag calling appleJul 21 16:42
Sosumiand among that process, othersJul 21 16:42
DaemonFCMicrosoft has something similar in Windows. They gave the government a program that can immediately decrypt all of your Bitlocker drives. Jul 21 17:02
abeNd-orgif only the NSA would just let me have access to all my data, that would make the 3 tier backup so much easierJul 21 17:07
*Sosumi has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Jul 21 17:09
DaemonFC 21 17:25
DaemonFCA computer in every home and a Linux operating system on many of them.Jul 21 17:25
DaemonFCMy prediction for the future.Jul 21 17:25
DaemonFCChrome devices are so inexpensive that they're the number one desktop and laptop OS on Amazon. Some users report that they managed to throw out their Windoze computer entirely and move over to Chrome OS.Jul 21 17:25
DaemonFCI'm finding myself in Google Chrome on my Fedora desktop more and more. I'm not sure I'm ready to chuck the PC just yet, but when the time comes, I might.Jul 21 17:25
DaemonFCIt's hard to argue with a $150 Chromebox when it has almost all the capabilities of a Windoze computer that costs less than about $600.Jul 21 17:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google Chrome takes big chunk of commercial notebook sales - [ ]Jul 21 17:25
DaemonFCWith Windows XP getting harder to press on with and the prospect of a Windoze "upgrade that involves a 'spensive new PC, that could explain the surge of Chrome.Jul 21 17:25
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.)Jul 21 17:25
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DaemonFCAnd if you want to give your Chromebox a kick in the pants, you can flip it over and put in more RAM.Jul 21 17:34
abeNd-orgmost of the XP coa'ed machines I have a clients are x64 & can do 8gb ram, more than enough to handle win81 reliablyJul 21 17:54
abeNd-orgthe problem usually is with the slower than dirt WDC-green type drives in them, they really fly with an ssdJul 21 17:55
DaemonFCWestern Digital "Green". BWAHAHAHAAAA!!!Jul 21 17:56
DaemonFCWho the FUCK buys that SHIT?Jul 21 17:56
DaemonFCI'm sorry, but......Jesus Christ.Jul 21 17:56
DaemonFCYou know?Jul 21 17:56
abeNd-orgso ive reimaged most of the xp machines with 81 & redeployed their LoB applications, they just keep chugging alongJul 21 17:57
DaemonFC"It uses less power". Yeah, like a couple of watts, and it kills your data access times. KILLS THEM.Jul 21 17:57
abeNd-orgyea, im not a fan of the "green" line, i wouldnt buy them myself, but dell/hp/lenovo love using themJul 21 17:57
DaemonFCOf course they do. They can save $10 and most people that buy a Dell don't know any better.Jul 21 17:58
abeNd-orgim not talking dimension consumer grade machines, im talking precision/optiplex business classJul 21 17:58
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Chromebook Gains, Microsoft WorriesJul 21 17:58
TweetTuxMachines        ( 21 17:58
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chromebook Gains, Microsoft Worries | Tux MachinesJul 21 17:58
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter...Jul 21 17:58
MinceRpeople who buy dHells don't know any betterJul 21 17:59
MinceRif they did, they wouldn't be buying dHells.Jul 21 17:59
abeNd-orghp/lenovo business class machines are no better/worseJul 21 18:01
abeNd-orgi could care less about consumer class machines from any vendorJul 21 18:01
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrightsJul 21 18:11
MinceR_actually, thinkpads are a lot better than latitudesJul 21 18:13
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*MinceR_ is now known as MinceRJul 21 18:15
abeNd-org*shrug* as long as they arent consumer grade, im more or less fine with any of themJul 21 18:20
abeNd-orgpeople who go out & buy vostro & pavilion machines for cheap, then complain that they arent running fast enough....Jul 21 18:20
*__martin__ (~martin@unaffiliated/--martin--/x-1730694) has joined #techrightsJul 21 18:44
*tigerfoot (~tigerfoot@opensuse/member/Bruno-friedmann) has joined #techrightsJul 21 18:45
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*ChanServ gives channel operator status to MinceRJul 21 18:50
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tigerfoot:-) Jul 21 19:09
abeNd-orgor while i am in this channel should i be referring to them as stinkpad/dull/etc?Jul 21 19:13
MinceRwhateverJul 21 19:15
__martin__abeNd-org: dull got that shocked by sale figures of hardware with chrome os that they shove it off from their offeringsJul 21 19:16
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DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 21 19:51
DaemonFC"every new version of iOS is full of bugs"Jul 21 19:51
DaemonFCDoes it support Ogg Vorbis yet, or are users stuck with Apple's garbage AAC or (god help you) Nero's?Jul 21 19:51
DaemonFCApple and Nero managed to produce such low quality AAC encoders, that although AAC is theoretically as good as Vorbis, their implementations of AAC are often matched or outperformed by the lame MP3 encoder.Jul 21 19:51
DaemonFC 21 19:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Results of the public MP3 listening test @ 128 kbps (October 2008) [ ]Jul 21 19:51
DaemonFCIf it comes down to a choice between Apple AAC or Lame MP3, use the Lame MP3 encoder. It produces files that will work everywhere, the quality is as good or better, and MP3 will be in the public domain in 2017, while MPEG-4 patents (like the ones describing AAC) won't finish expiring until the 2030s. Apple owns MPEG-4 patents and that's why it promotes AAC and fought to get open standard media codecs out of the HTML 5 specification. Apple Jul 21 19:51
DaemonFCcan't be trusted. The have conflicts of interest with what's good for the public. Like Microsoft, Apple's goal is to suck a tax stream out of innovative companies. Spotify rejected AAC and streams in Vorbis. Good for them!Jul 21 19:51
DaemonFCIf Vorbis is a choice, then forget both and use Vorbis.Jul 21 19:51
DaemonFCI'd call missing Vorbis support a definite dealbreaker when choosing a portable media player.Jul 21 19:51
DaemonFCOn the topic of Apple's bogus iTunes "Plus" "upgrade", the only point of doubling the size of the files was to run your iThing out of space faster.Jul 21 19:51
DaemonFCOnly the kind of complete philistine that would do business with Apple, spend $300 on an MP3 player, and wear those crappy earbuds would think that they'd get any benefit from a doubling of bitrate.Jul 21 19:51
MinceRdo they have FLAC support already?Jul 21 19:53
abeNd-orgive found amazon's drm free mp3 not horrible, & pretty cheap Jul 21 19:57
DaemonFCMinceR, ALAC. It produces files that are 8-11% bigger and.....well, that's about all it does.Jul 21 20:01
MinceRpftJul 21 20:02
MinceRanother thing it does is that it won't play anywhere elseJul 21 20:02
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrightsJul 21 20:04
DaemonFCMinceR, Rockbox.Jul 21 20:05
DaemonFCApple eventually released ALAC under the Apache 2.0 license.Jul 21 20:05
DaemonFCThere's just no reason to use it.Jul 21 20:05
MinceRicJul 21 20:05
DaemonFCWhenever I find ALAC files, I use the open source codec to decompress them and then I recompress them into FLAC.Jul 21 20:06
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MinceRgnJul 21 22:59
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GCC 5.0 Is Expected Next YearJul 22 05:13
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GCC 5.0 Is Expected Next Year | Tux MachinesJul 22 05:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Best Linux Desktop: KDE's PlasmaJul 22 05:13
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Best Linux Desktop: KDE's Plasma | Tux MachinesJul 22 05:13
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJul 22 05:15
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*tigerfoot has quit (Quit: Geeko ate the wire!)Jul 22 06:11
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 22 06:55
DaemonFC 22 07:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Phoronix] AMD "Hawaii" Open-Source GPU Acceleration Still Not Working Right [ ]Jul 22 07:06
DaemonFCUhhhh. Uh oh.Jul 22 07:06
DaemonFC"nobody knows why it doesn't work"Jul 22 07:06
DaemonFC"Hawaii support is not a priority at the moment. We don't have any business cases right now where accelerated open source Hawaii is a priority." Jul 22 07:06
DaemonFC-AMDJul 22 07:06
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJul 22 07:09
DaemonFC 22 07:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gigabeat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ]Jul 22 07:13
DaemonFC"On March 3, 2009, Toshiba released a firmware update which upgrades the Platform to 1.3 (from 1.1).[1] There are no release notes and the changes are unknown."Jul 22 07:13
DaemonFCGee, that sounds exactly like something I'd want to install....Jul 22 07:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     7 Mac OS X Yosemite Features Canonical Needs toJul 22 07:29
TweetTuxMachines                 Steal to Make Ubuntu Even BetterJul 22 07:29
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 07:29
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 7 Mac OS X Yosemite Features Canonical Needs to Steal to Make Ubuntu Even Better | Tux MachinesJul 22 07:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Deepin 2014 review 22 07:29
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 07:30
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Deepin 2014 review | Tux MachinesJul 22 07:30
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.)Jul 22 07:55
MinceRgeekingsJul 22 08:14
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 22 08:30
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditUbuntu favourited '7 Mac OS X Yosemite Features Canonical Needs...'Jul 22 09:14
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New Duke Beta, Debian 6 Update, and Geary StillJul 22 09:14
TweetTuxMachines                 Coming 22 09:14
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 09:14
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Duke Beta, Debian 6 Update, and Geary Still Coming | Tux MachinesJul 22 09:14
*Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).Jul 22 09:55
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*Now talking on #techrightsJul 22 09:56
*Topic for #techrights is: | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovellJul 22 09:56
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 17:16:19 2012Jul 22 09:56
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MinceR 22 10:57
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__martin__"Managers, managers, managers!" 22 13:51
MinceR:>Jul 22 13:55
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsJul 22 14:59
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 22 15:17
schestowitz> 22 15:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What does Kindle Unlimited mean for readers? [ ]Jul 22 15:38
schestowitz> Jul 22 15:38
schestowitz> $120 / year for library serviceJul 22 15:38
schestowitz> Jul 22 15:38
schestowitz> combine that with the attack on library exceptions in the upcoming treaties:Jul 22 15:38
schestowitz> Jul 22 15:38
schestowitz> 22 15:38
schestowitz> 22 15:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Does Europe hate libraries? | Internet Policy Review [ ]Jul 22 15:38
schestowitz> Jul 22 15:38
schestowitz> then combine that with the ability to monitor usage or revoke accessJul 22 15:38
schestowitz> (like has already been demonstrated)Jul 22 15:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Treaty Proposal on Copyright Limitations and Exceptions for Libraries and Archives | IFLAJul 22 15:38
schestowitzAmazon is not in the business of public service; there is potential for privatisation here.Jul 22 15:38
schestowitz]Jul 22 15:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SoylentNews | The (Very Late) Post-Incorporation Post [ ]Jul 22 15:43
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 22 15:46
DaemonFCI actually started referring to Apple's FoulPlay M4P files as "MPEG 4 Putzs".Jul 22 15:46
DaemonFCThanks for reminding me of that. Jul 22 15:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     NVIDIA Releases K1-Powered Shield Tablet &Jul 22 15:46
TweetTuxMachines                 Controller 22 15:46
schestowitz> 22 15:46
schestowitz> the tor project said on the list that they will make anJul 22 15:46
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 15:46
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 22 15:46
schestowitz> announcement later this week or so, but that they had nothing to do withJul 22 15:46
schestowitz> pulling the talkJul 22 15:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NVIDIA Releases K1-Powered Shield Tablet & Controller | Tux MachinesJul 22 15:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Carnegie Mellon Kills Black Hat Talk About Identifying Tor Users -- Perhaps Because It Broke Wiretapping Laws | Techdirt [ ]Jul 22 15:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Mozilla Thunderbird 31.0 Officially ReleasedJul 22 15:46
TweetTuxMachines                 with Lots of Fixes and Important ChangesJul 22 15:46
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 15:46
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla Thunderbird 31.0 Officially Released with Lots of Fixes and Important Changes | Tux MachinesJul 22 15:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The new Android Wear smartwatches already haveJul 22 15:47
TweetTuxMachines                 their first game (exclusive)Jul 22 15:47
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 15:47
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The new Android Wear smartwatches already have their first game (exclusive) | Tux MachinesJul 22 15:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Raspberry Pi B+ ARM Debian BenchmarksJul 22 15:47
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 15:47
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi B+ ARM Debian Benchmarks | Tux MachinesJul 22 15:47
DaemonFCAZW might be a little harder to work with, but I'll probably think of something now. Jul 22 15:47
schestowitz"The company won’t use the data for ad targeting orJul 22 15:52
schestowitzpersonalization if users install the AddThis opt-outJul 22 15:52
schestowitzcookie on their computers, he said."Jul 22 15:52
schestowitz 22 15:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Meet the Online Tracking Device That is Virtually Impossible to Block - ProPublica [ ]Jul 22 15:52
schestowitz 22 15:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Another Argument Against The “Artist Must Get Paid” Nonsense #copyright #propagandaJul 22 15:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Another Argument Against The "Artist Must Get Paid" Nonsense | TorrentFreak [ ]Jul 22 15:53
schestowitz"Well, I mean, an artist should get paid for their hard work, especially if it's the main thing that they're doing for a living. But payment doesn't necessarily have to come from the sale of digital music files."Jul 22 15:53
MinceRit's so virtually impossible to block that noscipt has already blocked it by default :>Jul 22 16:03
MinceRand it can't even work at all on links2 or dilloJul 22 16:03
__martin__black duck open hub.. dafuq did i just read =XJul 22 16:08
MinceRsounds nastyJul 22 16:10
schestowitz 22 16:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@matthewstinar: @schestowitz A tax payer subsidised monopoly isn't a business. Also, yes, they do in fact despise used book stores.Jul 22 16:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Files (Nautilus) 3.13.2 Has Been Improved forJul 22 16:23
TweetTuxMachines                 Adwaita Theme 22 16:23
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 16:23
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Files (Nautilus) 3.13.2 Has Been Improved for Adwaita Theme | Tux MachinesJul 22 16:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Mozilla Unleashes Firefox 31 Web BrowserJul 22 16:23
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 16:23
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla Unleashes Firefox 31 Web Browser | Tux MachinesJul 22 16:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Canonical Community Team Changes Announced ForJul 22 16:23
TweetTuxMachines                 Ubuntu 22 16:23
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 16:23
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Canonical Community Team Changes Announced For Ubuntu | Tux MachinesJul 22 16:23
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: Sosumi)Jul 22 16:36
DaemonFC 22 16:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox 31 tightens download security, adds search box to new tab page [ ]Jul 22 16:42
DaemonFCIt seems that Mozilla reverse engineered Google's method of blocking malicious downloads that is used in Chrome, and implemented it in Firefox.Jul 22 16:42
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrightsJul 22 16:46
DaemonFCOut of 11 patched security issues in Firefox 31, 9 won't work without Javascript enabled, and 1 of the 9 that only works with Javascript enabled requires Windows.Jul 22 16:51
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Over 170 Primary Schools In Geneva Switched ToJul 22 16:59
TweetTuxMachines                 Ubuntu For Classroom TeachingJul 22 16:59
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 16:59
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Over 170 Primary Schools In Geneva Switched To Ubuntu For Classroom Teaching | Tux MachinesJul 22 16:59
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Foundation SysAdmin Clint SavageJul 22 17:00
TweetTuxMachines                 Reminisces on Weeklong HackfestJul 22 17:00
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 17:00
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation SysAdmin Clint Savage Reminisces on Weeklong Hackfest | Tux MachinesJul 22 17:00
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Docker security with SELinuxJul 22 17:00
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 17:00
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Docker security with SELinux | Tux MachinesJul 22 17:00
schestowitz 22 17:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Another Argument Against The “Artist Must Get Paid” Nonsense #copyright #propagandaJul 22 17:20
schestowitz"Roderick T Long, destroyer of all things IP related"Jul 22 17:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-name lookup timed out ( status 0 @ )Jul 22 17:20
schestowitz>>> then combine that with the ability to monitor usage or revoke accessJul 22 17:24
schestowitz>>> (like has already been demonstrated)Jul 22 17:24
schestowitz>>Jul 22 17:24
schestowitz>> Amazon is not in the business of public service; there is potential forJul 22 17:24
schestowitz>> privatisation here.Jul 22 17:24
schestowitz> Jul 22 17:25
schestowitz> Privatization is only the means, I think the end goal there is moreJul 22 17:25
schestowitz> sinister.Jul 22 17:25
schestowitz 22 17:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ The empire glorifies big weapons 22 17:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Fox News Accidentally Exposes Recklessness Behind NRA's Defense Of A "Battlefield Weapon" | Blog | Media Matters for America [ ]Jul 22 17:25
schestowitz""there is an all-out war on at our southern border." If the US not were the number one drugs consumer and did not employ illegal immigrants there might not be drug and migrant smugglers."there is an all-out war on at our southern border." If the US not were the number one drugs consumer and did not employ illegal immigrants there might not be drug and migrant smugglers."Jul 22 17:25
schestowitz 22 17:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Bazeelzebub: @schestowitz Thanks Dr Roy, I've been running Zorin6 on my old Amilo laptop (PAE problems on the old cpu) Zorin9 is lookin pretty cool!!Jul 22 17:35
schestowitzIt seems like another Russian contender, along with with ROSAJul 22 17:35
schestowitz 22 17:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How Should the United States Respond to BRICS? | Foreign Policy Journal [ ]Jul 22 17:54
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DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 22 18:25
DaemonFCI did notice something amusing a while back. It turns out that Apple actually deleted a lot of their old FoulPlay music from their iTunes server, so people who didn't pay for the "iTunes Plus upgrade", which replaced the FoulPlay file with a clean copy at twice the bitrate seem to be able to just delete the files from their computer and re-download them from iTunes, and most of the time, they appear to be getting the "iTunes Plus" file Jul 22 18:25
DaemonFCwithout having to "upgrade" their library.Jul 22 18:25
DaemonFCUsing iTunes with or without DRM is still pretty silly, but for purely technical reasons related to the questionable quality of the AAC format, the huge files, etc. Vorbis is a better codec, there are no patents, and it uses the logical method of encoding the data, which is variable bitrate. Jul 22 18:25
DaemonFCIf you're already knee deep in iTunes, then at least deleting and re-downloading your FoulPlay files gives you a free upgrade path to the file you should have gotten in the first place. No DRM garbage. Jul 22 18:31
*__martin__ has quit (Quit: leaving)Jul 22 18:48
abeNd-orgglad i dont use itunes for purchasing music, amazon mp3 is good enough for my legal needsJul 22 19:07
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The Linux Kernel Bang-Bang Thermal Governor IsJul 22 19:22
TweetTuxMachines                 Banging 22 19:22
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 19:22
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Linux Kernel Bang-Bang Thermal Governor Is Banging | Tux MachinesJul 22 19:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     What are useful online tools for LinuxJul 22 19:22
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 19:22
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What are useful online tools for Linux | Tux MachinesJul 22 19:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Zorin OS 9 - a step forward for WindowsJul 22 19:22
TweetTuxMachines                 migrants 22 19:22
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Zorin OS 9 - a step forward for Windows migrants | Tux MachinesJul 22 19:22
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 22 19:30
DaemonFC"I'll admit iTunes doesn't run well on Windows. Apple really needs to fix that."Jul 22 19:30
DaemonFCThey've had more than 10 years since I've used it on Windows and it still doesn't work well? Obviously, they don't intend to fix it, just like their stupid audio codec.Jul 22 19:30
DaemonFC"And as for Vorbis, well, more like nobody has sued them yet about patents."Jul 22 19:30
DaemonFCSteve Jobs made some nebulous and idle threats about a patent pool being formed to attack Vorbis with, but nothing ever came of that, and Vorbis is used in a lot of places now, including YouTube and Spotify. Android plays them. Lots of portable media players play Vorbis. So, people with deep pockets are using it. Why has nobody "gone after" them?Jul 22 19:30
DaemonFCI allege that Jobs was just saying that to try to drive people away from unencumbered codecs and onto formats where they definitely will lose a lot of money to patent fees. Apple owns a lot of the patents, so it's obvious why they don't like the competition too much. Since he was a sociopath, con artist, and liar like Bill Gates is, that's highly likely. At least Jobs won't be doing any more nasty things.Jul 22 19:30
DaemonFC"AAC is more than "good enough" unless you're an extreme audiophile."Jul 22 19:30
DaemonFCI don't like AAC and the patents don't finish expiring until the 2030s. The Lame MP3 encoder produces higher quality out of MP3 than Apple or Nero get out of AAC, and MP3 patents all expire by 2017. If you have to use MPEG, use MP3. Jul 22 19:30
DaemonFCI didn't say that MP3 or AAC was so bad that it would make my ears bleed or anything.Jul 22 19:30
DaemonFCI just didn't see the point in using anything but the best (Vorbis) when all options were available to me, but AAC and MP3 had quality and legal issues, and Vorbis didn't (other than the aforementioned nebulous and idle threats from the corpse) and Vorbis works with all my favorite stuff.Jul 22 19:30
DaemonFCI think it's amazing that I've never come across any particular sample where Ogg Vorbis had a noticeable failure case at a reasonable bitrate. The same cannot be said for other mainstream codecs.Jul 22 19:30
DaemonFCIt's probably why Spotify and Google went with Vorbis for their streaming needs. Jul 22 19:30
DaemonFCMinceR should get a kick out of that.Jul 22 19:31
MinceRwell saidJul 22 19:33
MinceR(though jobs can only no longer do nasty things if he's already completely decomposed)Jul 22 19:33
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 22 19:51
DaemonFCAlso, codecs like Vorbis follow the general consensus in the open source community that following the standard is only desirable when the standard is good and implementing it will be of more benefit to the user than replacing it.Jul 22 19:51
DaemonFCWhen following the standard will create more problems for a user than not following the standard, you can deviate from the standard as far as compatibility concerns will let you go, or you can just create a new standard.Jul 22 19:51
DaemonFCIt quickly became obvious, in digital video and audio, that all of the proprietary options were unusable on the open web for a combination of legal and quality problems, and so codecs like VP8 and Vorbis was created as the new standards.Jul 22 19:51
DaemonFCI'd say they're the only real standards, because they're the only ones that you have an absolute right to implement and use anywhere, without the MPEG-LA patent trolls hunting you down and sucking out your blood.Jul 22 19:51
DaemonFCFattening themselves up like a tick.Jul 22 19:51
DaemonFCThe MPEG-LA patent trolls have deferred their right to collect "royalties" for a few years to try to make MPEG-4 codecs more palatable for web streaming use, but their deferral will expire, and anyone foolish enough to be using them will be on the hook owing so much money that their business might not even be profitable enough to continue. Those that continue will just have to pass the added costs along to the customers.Jul 22 19:51
DaemonFCOpen codecs like VP8 and Vorbis appear to have gone the right way, and route around the patents or wait them out. If we starve the MPEG-LA beast, then soon it will not be able to hurt anyone and parasite off of productive businesses. Jul 22 19:51
MinceRlooks like we're gonna need to starve the other heads of the hydra tooJul 22 19:54
MinceRm$, crApple, the MAFIAAJul 22 19:54
DaemonFC"Thanks to Mr. Gates, we now know that an open Internet with protocols anyone can implement is communism; it was set up by that famous communist agent, the US Department of Defense."Jul 22 19:57
DaemonFC―Richard Stallman Jul 22 19:57
DaemonFCLOLJul 22 19:57
MinceRlolJul 22 19:59
MinceRmeanwhile, gates centrally deciding what operating system you buy is capitalismJul 22 19:59
MinceRinteresting, isn't it?Jul 22 19:59
DaemonFC<MinceR> looks like we're gonna need to starve the other heads of the hydra tooJul 22 20:08
DaemonFCDon't salt the leach. Burn it off. :)Jul 22 20:09
DaemonFCleechJul 22 20:09
MinceRthat would still cauterize the wound, would it not?Jul 22 20:09
DaemonFCMost likely.Jul 22 20:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Nine Reasons Linux Rules the SupercomputingJul 22 20:20
TweetTuxMachines                 Space 22 20:20
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 20:20
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 22 20:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nine Reasons Linux Rules the Supercomputing Space | Tux MachinesJul 22 20:20
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     U.K. Cabinet Office Adopts ODF as ExclusiveJul 22 20:20
TweetTuxMachines                 Standard for Sharable DocumentsJul 22 20:20
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 20:20
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | U.K. Cabinet Office Adopts ODF as Exclusive Standard for Sharable Documents | Tux MachinesJul 22 20:20
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Looking at the Zooniverse codeJul 22 20:20
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 20:20
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Looking at the Zooniverse code | Tux MachinesJul 22 20:20
DaemonFC 22 20:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Music and Video in Windows 8: a work in progress | Ars Technica [ ]Jul 22 20:35
DaemonFC"Metadata editing seems to be almost non-existent. Windows 8, as with all its predecessors, seems unable to handle the ID3 version 2.4, sticking instead to the inferior 2.3. That's a little galling, given that the specification was published in the year 2000. It is possible to add metadata based on metadata found in the Xbox music store, but the few times I tried this, the store's metadata was wrong anyway. "Jul 22 20:35
abeNd-orglinux/osx/android/ios/random little mp3 players updated to id3-2.4?Jul 22 20:39
MinceRno surprise thereJul 22 20:43
MinceRusb 1.0 came out in 1996Jul 22 20:43
MinceRand the usb stack in winblows still blows chunksJul 22 20:43
tessier 22 21:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Profit Misses Estimates on Weak Demand - Businessweek [ ]Jul 22 21:01
tessierBurn, baby, burn!Jul 22 21:22
abeNd-orgok, so say ms goes out of business tomorrow, what of companies that actually rely on ms or ms-based products that there is no opensource/floss/etc alternative?Jul 22 21:38
MinceRthey'll do what they do when m$ EOLs a product they used, for a whileJul 22 21:40
MinceRand then they'll move on to something elseJul 22 21:41
abeNd-orgso why arent companies making linux based (server & client) software more often then? does it not get enough usage & then get dropped as a productJul 22 21:43
MinceRperhaps because they believe people like youJul 22 21:43
abeNd-orgi remember HP had webjetadmin as a linux & windows based server product, then they dropped linux because there was, according to them, no one using it so they went windows only on itJul 22 21:43
abeNd-orgnot sure what you are getting at "with me", as I said I have plenty of linux servers doing things at customers, windows runs where there is no viable linux alternativeJul 22 21:44
MinceRi suspect such products will get more use as the network effects that favor m$ fadeJul 22 21:45
abeNd-orgi gave you a list of a bunch of software & asked you for alternatives, you just spewed kiddie version names at me instead of anything usableJul 22 21:46
MinceRyou just spew mindless m$ propagandaJul 22 21:47
abeNd-orghaha, no, i asked for alternatives, you spew kiddie names at meJul 22 21:48
MinceRhaha, yesJul 22 21:49
MinceRgnJul 22 21:49
abeNd-orgeither way, you still havent presented me with any viable alternativesJul 22 21:49
abeNd-org& now you run awayJul 22 21:49
MinceRyeah, now i "run away" because random m$ drones are not worth losing sleep overJul 22 21:50
abeNd-orgif i run linux servers at my clients where i can, how is that a microsoft drone?Jul 22 21:50
abeNd-orgif i promote the use of opensource apps at work & to customers for home use, how is that a microsoft drone?Jul 22 21:51
MinceRi can see how you "promote" "opensource"Jul 22 21:51
abeNd-organd anytime i ask you a simple question, all you do is spew kiddie names instead of real answersJul 22 21:51
DaemonFC 22 22:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Adobe Says Piracy is Down, But Photoshop Still Rules Pirate Bay | TorrentFreak [ ]Jul 22 22:09
DaemonFCI think it's a good thing that Adobe is clamping down on pirated copies of Photoshop.Jul 22 22:09
tessierabeNd-org: MS won't go out of business for a long time. Like IBM they will slowly whither away over the course of decades. If MS were to disappear tomorrow the software would still continue to exist. So no problem. Jul 22 22:10
DaemonFCSince most Photoshop users are pirates, that means that the CS6 version is effectively cracked forever and most of them will just keep using that instead. As Wine progresses, it will eventually run CS6 perfectly.Jul 22 22:10
DaemonFCIt's already close. So the pirates can just take their CS6 and stick it into Wine, and there goes another reason to use Windows.Jul 22 22:10
tessierAnd yes, the networks effects of MS and their incompatible protocols etc. have taken a terrible toll on the industry. That will begin to resolve, open standards will evolve, and Linux and others will get more support.Jul 22 22:11
DaemonFCThat also effectively stops development on a proprietary program, for most users, so as CS6 rots and Gimp and others are still in development, the eventual outcome could be that many of them ditch CS6 and move to an open source alternative eventually.Jul 22 22:11
DaemonFCMicrosoft never really cracks down on piracy, because Linux desktop usage would go double digits overnight if 40-some% of Windows/Office users were told to cough up $500 right away to keep using their computer. Jul 22 22:13
DaemonFCI think that Adobe is about to learn a painful lesson that the pirates using their software were actually promoting the software as a de facto standard, and making it harder for other people to avoid as well.Jul 22 22:14
DaemonFCAlso, open source development happens more when there isn't a good enough proprietary program that's affordable and widely available.Jul 22 22:14
abeNd-orglike the SIP2 compliant library ILS i love, evergreen, linux backend with windows/linux clients, however there still is no linux/windows/osx client with windows/linux server side patron management system, so libraries still end up needing a windows serverJul 22 22:17
abeNd-orgall i was asking MinceR for was an alternative (to that & other ms-based server side products), not baby name callingJul 22 22:18
abeNd-org& I find it rather insulting to be called a microsoft droneJul 22 22:21
DaemonFC"Seriously, you have to wonder if Dr. Evil is running Amazon from his moon base. They've already used the Swindle DRM to remotely delete books from peoples Kindles. Next, they could ransom your books million, fajillion, farfiggity figgity fillion, shabadada, zillion....dollars."Jul 22 22:31
DaemonFCfrom a post of mine on AmazonJul 22 22:31
abeNd-orgyea, speaking of that i see shrills want to use the "all you can read" monthly subscription as a reason to get rid of all librariesJul 22 22:31
abeNd-orgas if every single person can afford $10/month, a kindle, has internet access, etc etcJul 22 22:32
abeNd-orgwe have plenty of people who come into the library to get all sorts of materials & use computers, because they cut all the cords other than cell phone, so no cable/internet at all at homeJul 22 22:33
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jul 22 22:40
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     23-inch Android display shows HD digital artJul 22 22:46
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 22:46
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 23-inch Android display shows HD digital art | Tux MachinesJul 22 22:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Best Linux Browsers 22 22:46
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Best Linux Browsers | Tux MachinesJul 22 22:46
DaemonFCMinceR, Someone told me that he'll pray that I die in a car accident.Jul 22 22:49
DaemonFCI repled....Jul 22 22:49
DaemonFCWell, you can pray all you want. Nietzsche told me that God is dead and we have killed him. ;)Jul 22 22:49
DaemonFCSo I guess that means that you can pray in one hand and shit in the other, and see which one fills up first. :) Jul 22 22:49
DaemonFC 22 23:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Pale Moon Project homepageJul 22 23:03
DaemonFCIs there really a reason to use this?Jul 22 23:03
DaemonFCI saw someone on Torrent Freak mention it.Jul 22 23:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 22 23:09
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesJul 22 23:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 22 23:09
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJul 22 23:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Software 22 23:10
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux MachinesJul 22 23:10
DaemonFC 22 23:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited is limited; it's missing 5 major publishers - Triangle Business Journal [ ]Jul 22 23:45
DaemonFC 22 23:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | zombie hal : Michael Blennerhassett [ ]Jul 22 23:54
DaemonFCLOLJul 22 23:54
DaemonFC 23 01:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | This Tree Is Growing 40 Different Kinds Of Fruit At Once [ ]Jul 23 01:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Best Linux Browsers 23 01:33
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    ( 23 01:33
TweetTuxMachines @iArthurCDN     Jul 23 01:33
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*TweetTuxMachines @LinuxTechnotes followed @tuxmachinesJul 23 01:33
DaemonFC 23 01:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Comcast memo on viral cancelation call: It was “painful to listen to” | Ars Technica [ ]Jul 23 01:46
DaemonFC 23 02:00
DaemonFCWell, the Kindle Unlimited thing is going to be a big bust.Jul 23 02:22
DaemonFCThe five largest publishers don't want anything to do with it.Jul 23 02:22
DaemonFCPeople are calling it the Netflix of books. That might be right.Jul 23 02:22
DaemonFCNetflix only rarely gets good movies anymore. Most of it is B movie crap.Jul 23 02:22
MinceR004856 < DaemonFC> So I guess that means that you can pray in one hand and shit in the other, and see which one fills up first. :) Jul 23 05:36
MinceRlolJul 23 05:36
MinceR 23 06:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLE [ ]Jul 23 06:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     QEMU 2.1.0-rc3 Has More Bug FixesJul 23 06:19
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 06:19
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | QEMU 2.1.0-rc3 Has More Bug Fixes | Tux MachinesJul 23 06:19
*Sosumi has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Jul 23 06:47
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux 3.17 To Fix Up ASPM, Bring Other PCIJul 23 06:57
TweetTuxMachines                 Changes 23 06:57
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux 3.17 To Fix Up ASPM, Bring Other PCI Changes | Tux MachinesJul 23 06:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     KDE's the Best, Wallen Interview, and Why LinuxJul 23 06:57
TweetTuxMachines                 Rules 23 06:57
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 06:57
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE's the Best, Wallen Interview, and Why Linux Rules | Tux MachinesJul 23 06:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Exclusive interview with Agustin BenitoJul 23 06:57
TweetTuxMachines                 Bethencourt on joining LinaroJul 23 06:57
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 06:57
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Exclusive interview with Agustin Benito Bethencourt on joining Linaro | Tux MachinesJul 23 06:57
DaemonFCMinceR, That article is funny.Jul 23 07:02
DaemonFCThe United States and socialism? Not really.Jul 23 07:02
DaemonFCThey're sneaking off with pensions, for example.Jul 23 07:03
DaemonFC"'I can't find anything. Prices are climbing daily,' said Jesus Ramirez, a taxi driver who has spent a year trying to replace the 2008 Renault he purchased new for $7,441. He sold the car for over $30,000 five years later."Jul 23 07:05
DaemonFCMinceR, Things must be getting bad if Jesus is driving a taxi in Venezuela. Jul 23 07:06
DaemonFCB-)Jul 23 07:06
DaemonFC"This is the point I just can not understand. There are many much better investments to make to protect money than buying cars that depreciate."Jul 23 07:08
DaemonFCActually, the price for new cars in the United States has gotten so ridiculously high that a used car that would have sold for $2,000 in 2005 is still selling for about $2,000 now.Jul 23 07:09
DaemonFCI guess you could make the case that it's $2,000 in 2014, not 2005, but I've never seen this happen before.Jul 23 07:10
DaemonFC 23 07:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Refurbished: Acer Aspire AXC-603G-UW30 Desktop PC Intel J1900 Quad-Core 2.00GHz, 4GB DDR3 RAM, 500GB HDD, HDMI OUT, USB 3.0, Windows 8.1 64-Bit - [ ]Jul 23 07:16
DaemonFCWow. That's not a very impressive PC, but for $200 it sure is.Jul 23 07:16
DaemonFCCelerons are quad cores now?Jul 23 07:16
*__martin__ (~martin@unaffiliated/--martin--/x-1730694) has joined #techrightsJul 23 07:26
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 23 07:44
__martin__rysiek|pl: better than ur disco polo, eh? ;D 23 07:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BijouTerrier & KukoHS&Eva Pavlíková VÁŇA Z VORKUTY (Ofic..) - YouTube [ ]Jul 23 07:58
MinceR090517 < DaemonFC> MinceR, Things must be getting bad if Jesus is driving a taxi in Venezuela. Jul 23 08:04
MinceRlolJul 23 08:05
MinceRgeekingsJul 23 08:06
__martin__greetings (=Jul 23 08:07
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Chrome OS to get comple overhaul with ‘ProjectJul 23 08:15
TweetTuxMachines                 Athena’ 23 08:15
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 08:15
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chrome OS to get comple overhaul with ‘Project Athena’ | Tux MachinesJul 23 08:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     France parliamentary committee: 'encourageJul 23 08:15
TweetTuxMachines                 European open source software marketJul 23 08:15
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 08:15
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | France parliamentary committee: 'encourage European open source software market | Tux MachinesJul 23 08:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Android Open-Source for ARMv8-A Starts 64-BitJul 23 08:15
TweetTuxMachines                 Avalanche 23 08:15
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 08:15
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Open-Source for ARMv8-A Starts 64-Bit Avalanche | Tux MachinesJul 23 08:15
rysiek|pl__martin__: that's not a real achievement, now is it?Jul 23 09:58
rysiek|pl__martin__: this is also much better than попса, for instanceJul 23 09:59
rysiek|pl:)Jul 23 09:59
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: Sosumi)Jul 23 10:24
__martin__rysiek|pl: just wanted to point out, that s*it happens when someone has been living under geopolitical tensions for centuries (= ofc you have good artists e.g. which I came across by an accident through one Replicant/OpenMoko/Neo900 dev Jul 23 10:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Biography | History of Perfect bandJul 23 10:35
__martin__rysiek|pl: namely dos ( 23 10:36
__martin__good rest of the day to all of youJul 23 10:36
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rysiek|plmhmJul 23 10:41
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrightsJul 23 10:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Open-Source Projects Failing To Pass IRSJul 23 10:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Nonprofit Muster 23 10:56
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open-Source Projects Failing To Pass IRS Nonprofit Muster | Tux MachinesJul 23 10:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     First Commercial Web Games Launch LeveragingJul 23 10:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Mozilla-Pioneered TechnologyJul 23 10:56
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 10:56
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | First Commercial Web Games Launch Leveraging Mozilla-Pioneered Technology | Tux MachinesJul 23 10:56
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jul 23 10:58
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*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 23 15:14
*TweetTuxMachines @DavidNedvedAU followed @tuxmachinesJul 23 18:39
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Sosumigot to love oczJul 23 19:24
Sosuminew firmware update my SSDsJul 23 19:24
Sosumibut first I must secure erase them firstJul 23 19:24
Sosumiand there goes 3 days downtimeJul 23 19:25
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 23 20:02
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DaemonFC 23 20:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Let's Buy CNNJul 23 20:11
MinceRlolJul 23 20:13
MinceR10 billion goalJul 23 20:13
MinceR 23 20:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | When Twitter Word Order Goes Badly Wrong | Zero Hedge [ ]Jul 23 20:24
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     AMD R600g/RadeonSI Performance On Linux 3.16Jul 23 20:26
TweetTuxMachines                 With Mesa 10.3-devel 23 20:26
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMD R600g/RadeonSI Performance On Linux 3.16 With Mesa 10.3-devel | Tux MachinesJul 23 20:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     SAP supports open source Cloud Foundry andJul 23 20:27
TweetTuxMachines                 OpenStack for cloud 23 20:27
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SAP supports open source Cloud Foundry and OpenStack for cloud | Tux MachinesJul 23 20:28
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     It’s now easier to install SailfishOS onJul 23 20:28
TweetTuxMachines                 Android devices 23 20:28
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | It’s now easier to install SailfishOS on Android devices | Tux MachinesJul 23 20:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The world's most secure OS may have a seriousJul 23 20:29
TweetTuxMachines                 problem 23 20:29
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The world's most secure OS may have a serious problem | Tux MachinesJul 23 20:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Attack of the clones: Oracle's latest Red HatJul 23 20:29
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux lookalike arrives 23 20:29
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 20:29
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Attack of the clones: Oracle's latest Red Hat Linux lookalike arrives | Tux MachinesJul 23 20:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     MakerBot Offers Lessons in Open SourceJul 23 20:30
TweetTuxMachines                 Innovation with Linux 23 20:30
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | MakerBot Offers Lessons in Open Source Innovation with Linux | Tux MachinesJul 23 20:30
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsJul 23 20:32
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     How open source launched my small businessJul 23 21:05
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How open source launched my small business | Tux MachinesJul 23 21:05
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Firefox OS-based Chromecast Competitor ComingJul 23 21:05
TweetTuxMachines                 Soon 23 21:05
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 21:05
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox OS-based Chromecast Competitor Coming Soon | Tux MachinesJul 23 21:05
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Docker acquires London startup OrchardJul 23 21:05
TweetTuxMachines                 Laboratories 23 21:05
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Docker acquires London startup Orchard Laboratories | Tux MachinesJul 23 21:05
DaemonFC 23 21:26
MinceRno, you get 126 _known_ bugs per dollarJul 23 21:28
MinceRand 9001 unknown bugs per centJul 23 21:28
*siel has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jul 23 21:43
*siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrightsJul 23 21:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Here’s a low-barrier way to help improve FLOSSJul 23 21:44
TweetTuxMachines                 apps – AppStream metadata: Round 1Jul 23 21:44
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Here’s a low-barrier way to help improve FLOSS apps – AppStream metadata: Round 1 | Tux MachinesJul 23 21:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Banana Pi review – tastier than Raspberry?Jul 23 21:45
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 21:45
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Banana Pi review – tastier than Raspberry? | Tux MachinesJul 23 21:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Schools Are Gobbling Up Chromebooks: 1 MillionJul 23 21:45
TweetTuxMachines                 Sold in 3 Months 23 21:45
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 21:45
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Schools Are Gobbling Up Chromebooks: 1 Million Sold in 3 Months | Tux MachinesJul 23 21:45
DaemonFCI might go with a mini PC next time, actually.Jul 23 21:52
DaemonFCAll of these cords running every which way are starting to piss me off. LOLJul 23 21:52
MinceRis a raspberry pi mini enough? :>Jul 23 21:53
MinceRdoesn't have enough juice for bloated web sites though :>Jul 23 21:53
DaemonFCMinceR, The Celeron 2955U in the Chromebook seems to do fine.Jul 23 21:56
MinceR:)Jul 23 21:56
DaemonFCAll the hardware in the Chromebook is supported by Free Software too, unless you get the Samsung models.Jul 23 21:56
MinceRand only the samsung ones are ARM and passively cooled?Jul 23 21:57
MinceRgnJul 23 22:03
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jul 23 22:04
DaemonFCI deliberately avoided Samsung's Chromebooks because they run on ARM hardware and it's hard to find a mainstream Linux OS that has official support for those models. The Mali graphics processor, in particular, that comes on ARM hardware, is totally undocumented and a real nasty piece of work. The Intel HD video in the Intel models is supported by a driver that Intel wrote, so you even have full 3d acceleration support.Jul 23 22:04
DaemonFCThere was a respin of Fedora 19 that ran on the Samsung Chromebook, but not one for Fedora 20, so Fedora won't boot at all on the Samsung Chromebook 2.Jul 23 22:04
DaemonFCI consider being able to dual boot a major feature. Not being able to dual boot my Chromebook into Fedora would have soured the deal.Jul 23 22:04
*siel has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Jul 23 22:05
*siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrightsJul 23 22:07
*MinceR nodsJul 23 22:07
DaemonFCOh yeah. That brings me to that Google Cloud Print crap.Jul 23 22:11
DaemonFC 23 22:11
DaemonFC"Replicating the complex printing architectures of traditional PC operating systems on these new class of devices is not desirable and often not feasible. Nobody in the printing ecosystem - users, developers, print manufacturers - wants to extend the 'driver mess.'"Jul 23 22:11
DaemonFCThat's funny, because when I reboot into Fedora, and plug in my HP Deskjet into the USB port, it prints just fine. B-) Jul 23 22:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Introduction - Cloud Print — Google Developers [ ]Jul 23 22:11
DaemonFCWith Cloud Print, you have to set up some Google software onto a full blown PC with a printer plugged into it, and send all your documents off to Google to send back to your PC, or you can buy a new printer that has direct Cloud Print support. Because you have a bottomless wallet, right? Jul 23 22:12
DaemonFCMinceR, Usually not an issue though. Jul 23 22:17
DaemonFCPrinter ink is so expensive that it's easier to send some documents to my disposable email account and then log into that email account at the library and print them off there.Jul 23 22:18
MinceR:>Jul 23 22:20
DaemonFCMinceR, I just send the documents to a webmail account that I only ever use for that.Jul 23 22:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Best Android Camera Apps 2014Jul 23 22:21
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 22:21
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Best Android Camera Apps 2014 | Tux MachinesJul 23 22:21
DaemonFCI don't feel like logging in to my real email account on a Windows computer at the library.Jul 23 22:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Icecat, the big absent 23 22:21
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 22:21
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Icecat, the big absent | Tux MachinesJul 23 22:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     KDE 5 Delivers New Linux Desktop EnvironmentJul 23 22:21
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 22:21
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE 5 Delivers New Linux Desktop Environment | Tux MachinesJul 23 22:22
DaemonFCI don't trust Windows or the government as far as I could throw an aircraft carrier.Jul 23 22:22
DaemonFCThere's very few people in government that would tell you the truth if there was a way not to. If they commit to something, then their successor won't feel bound by it.Jul 23 22:23
DaemonFCRight now, I think that Obama is scrambling to give people a few things that they know they're going to lose the next time we get a Republican in the white house.Jul 23 22:24
DaemonFCSo, things are going a little better than they normally are.Jul 23 22:25
MinceRare they?Jul 23 22:25
MinceRseemed to me the slide downward only accelerated while he was the figureheadJul 23 22:25
DaemonFCMinceR, I think things are not as good as they used to be, but the freefall has stopped, and we're slowly rising again.Jul 23 22:41
DaemonFCThat's how it feels anyway.Jul 23 22:41
DaemonFCIt was a great place to be, 15 years ago.Jul 23 22:42
DaemonFCI wouldn't have wanted to live anywhere else in the world. Now, I have my reservations about saying that.Jul 23 22:42
MinceRi can't see any human rights being reinstatedJul 23 22:43
DaemonFCMinceR, I think most of the problem is the Republicans in Congress, followed by the damned supreme court.Jul 23 22:46
DaemonFCThey'll eventually overturn the gay marriage bans, which is good, but it's only because businesses are lining up and lobbying for that.Jul 23 22:47
DaemonFCAt the same time, they're about to get another shot at the healthcare law.Jul 23 22:48
DaemonFCSo, watch out! :PJul 23 22:48
DaemonFCWell, you don't have to because you don't live here. But anyone that does needs to. :PJul 23 22:48
MinceRwell, usian corporations buy laws here tooJul 23 22:49
MinceRand wherever i'd move toJul 23 22:49
MinceRand it showsJul 23 22:49
DaemonFCYeah, well, they didn't ask me about that.Jul 23 22:53
DaemonFCIf it makes you feel better. B-)Jul 23 22:53
DaemonFCAnd that's what really makes me mad about people that hate Americans. If they have to kill someone, then why don't they kill the people responsible for what's happening, instead of a bunch of people who really didn't get a say in it.Jul 23 22:54
DaemonFCOur system is set up so that the powers that be re-elect themselves. You get a very limited choice between two parties that agree on most of the same things.Jul 23 22:55
DaemonFCAny form of resistance would be futile. :PJul 23 22:56
DaemonFCThe same military that destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan could easily be turned on AmericansJul 23 22:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Black Lab Linux 5.1 Alpha 2 Gets Firefox 31 andJul 23 23:01
TweetTuxMachines                 VLC 2.1.3 23 23:01
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 23:01
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Black Lab Linux 5.1 Alpha 2 Gets Firefox 31 and VLC 2.1.3 | Tux MachinesJul 23 23:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Quelitu 14.04 Devs Think Their OS Can ReplaceJul 23 23:02
TweetTuxMachines                 Windows XP or Windows VistaJul 23 23:02
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 23:02
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Quelitu 14.04 Devs Think Their OS Can Replace Windows XP or Windows Vista | Tux MachinesJul 23 23:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Two Years With Debian GNU/Linux - An AverageJul 23 23:02
TweetTuxMachines                 Guy’s Verdict 23 23:02
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 23:02
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 23:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Two Years With Debian GNU/Linux - An Average Guy’s Verdict | Tux MachinesJul 23 23:02
MinceRi know it isn't your faultJul 23 23:10
MinceRmaybe an increasing fraction voting for "third parties" would be a somewhat effective form of resistance (or at least showing discontent), but i can see the ways in that could fail as well.Jul 23 23:11
MinceRs/in /in which /Jul 23 23:12
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Moving to LibreOffice saves Toulouse 1 millionJul 23 23:38
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 23:38
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Moving to LibreOffice saves Toulouse 1 million | Tux MachinesJul 23 23:38
*TweetTuxMachines @tlongren favourited 'Two Years With Debian GNU/Linux - An Average...'Jul 23 23:38
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 24 00:56
DaemonFCApple is in the process of locking down the Mac with the same software installation restrictions that they pioneered on the App Store.Jul 24 00:56
DaemonFCSoon enough, you'll be unable to turn off Gatekeeper (already on by default, I understand), and then they'll say it's because of "security" and you won't have any freedom on your Mac computer either.Jul 24 00:56
DaemonFCApple pioneered nasty anti-user restrictions by convincing users that they didn't need their freedom when you called the computer a phone or a tablet. They'll backport this godawful system to the Mac. It's already well underway.Jul 24 00:56
DaemonFCMicrosoft wants the same thing, but they're backing away because developers hate the app store revenue stealing model of Microsoft's Windows Store (which would also raise software prices by over 30% if they could force it onto the developers), and are not publishing their work there. Users hate Windows Modern anyway, and go to the desktop to use Win32 apps.Jul 24 00:56
DaemonFCSome people wonder why I will use literally ANYTHING but Windows or Mac, and this kind of crap is part of the reason why. I don't like manipulation, and I don't like bullies. I also hate crap software in general.Jul 24 00:56
DaemonFC 24 01:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why Chromebook Sales Are Surging in Schools, Enterprises [ ]Jul 24 01:18
DaemonFC 24 02:52
DaemonFC"Pipelight is a wrapper for using Windows plugins in Linux browsers"Jul 24 03:39
DaemonFCWhat could POSSIBLY go wrong? Yeah, I'd rather keep your Windows out of my Linux than try to kludge this shit together to get Amazon Prime Video to work again.Jul 24 03:39
DaemonFCWhat I will do is go tell those ****twits at Amazon exactly what I think of Microsoft Silverlight.Jul 24 03:39
DaemonFCThis is why I don't have a Prime account. Jul 24 03:39
DaemonFCI could use Netflix in my Chromebook and pipe it out to my TV, but what's the point? Jul 24 03:39
DaemonFCLegal alternative to piracy, my ass.... Has anyone _looked_ at the shit on Netflix lately? They say something like "Your favorite show is now on Netflix!", so you look and it's like one season from four years ago.Jul 24 03:39
DaemonFCAmazon has another service now. $9.99 a month for unlimited books (through Swindle). It's already just like Netflix. The five biggest publishers, who control probably 90% of what people want to read aren't having any of it, so it's utter crap right out of the gate anyway.Jul 24 03:39
DaemonFCIf you want to fight piracy, then give the people what they want! I wish some of these old cigar-smoking fogeys who run these Old Media companies would keel over and turn things over to someone who's seen 30 since 1930.Jul 24 03:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     This is the golden age of open sourceJul 24 04:29
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 04:29
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 04:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | This is the golden age of open source | Tux MachinesJul 24 04:29
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter...Jul 24 04:30
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 24 04:41
DaemonFC"It really comes down to content now for the vast majority of us. Apple had a big advantage, which is pretty much gone now. Unless you care about having 100,000 choices of flashlight apps rather than only 90,000."Jul 24 04:41
DaemonFCApple app store approval process....Jul 24 04:41
DaemonFCIs it a flashlight? Hell yes it's a flashlight! APPROVED!Jul 24 04:41
DaemonFCOf course, if it's something serious like a bugfix update for a real app, it can take weeks or months to get through their app store Nazis and into the store, so Android users will get the bugfix while Apple users are still using the bugged version and trying to pretend like nothing ever goes wrong with their stupid iPhone.Jul 24 04:41
DaemonFC"There's nothing wrong with my Precious! GOLLUM! GOLLUM!!!!"Jul 24 04:41
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 24 05:12
DaemonFCSorry for the delayed reply. I was eating a Hungry Man spicy fried chicken dinner.Jul 24 05:12
DaemonFCThe chicken was good. The apple dessert tasted like I was eating a Christmas candle. I about gagged.Jul 24 05:12
DaemonFCPart of an Amazon Forum post of mine:Jul 24 05:30
DaemonFC"There are plenty of trojans hiding in pirated Mac software. Mac users pirate software like Windows users do, because a lot of what they want is proprietary and expensive. They go so far as to ignore the fact that software like LibreOffice doesn't cost a dime and there's no activation system to crack.Jul 24 05:30
DaemonFCIf you avoid Microsoft Office and head straight for LibreOffice, you avoid the malware. Even better, you avoid Microsoft Office. Even if Microsoft Office was free of charge, it would still be a bad idea to use it, because it would still be proprietary software that spits out Microsoft Office documents. Even though other software can deal with those files most of the time, it's not nice to spew them. Unfortunately, for people who think they Jul 24 05:30
DaemonFCneed it, Microsoft Office can often cost more than the computer they are running it on."Jul 24 05:30
schestowitz 24 05:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Log In - The New York Times [ ]Jul 24 05:36
schestowitz 24 05:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #drone lover #hayden loves Israeli drone attacks 24 05:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Ex-NSA Chief Hayden: Israelis Have 'Legitimate' Goal in Gaza [ ]Jul 24 05:57
schestowitz"Oh yeah sure Genocide is legit.'Jul 24 05:57
schestowitz 24 05:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #gnu #wget is not "whistleblowing tool" they try to make whistleblowing seem cunningly evilJul 24 05:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Insiders can use whistleblowing tools to steal data without a trail - SC Magazine UK [ ]Jul 24 05:57
schestowitz"As ESR predicted, Microsoft and the US government are trying to make free software illegal on the theory that it somehow aids terrorism and crime. This is why "hacktivists" and ordinary free software users are targeted by the NSA as terrorists."Jul 24 05:57
schestowitz 24 05:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: the attacks start at wal-mart... ![the attacks start at wal-mart...]( #zombie #zombies #walmart #aisle #amputee #tripleamputee #animatedgifJul 24 05:58
schestowitz"There are a lot of amputees around these days. It's not because of zombies, it's because of plutocrats."Jul 24 05:58
schestowitz 24 05:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #cbs (where #cia chiefs are now chief writers and #nsa gets puff pieces) is milking 9/11 once again 24 05:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | 9/11 Commission chiefs: "America cannot afford to let down its guard" - CBS News [ ]Jul 24 05:58
schestowitz"If the US is so worried for its security it can recall all its troops and align them in their Canada and Mexico frontiers. I think they must have enough to cover all."Jul 24 05:58
schestowitz 24 05:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Carnegie Mellon Kills Black Hat Talk About Identifying Tor Users -- Perhaps Because It Broke Wiretapping Laws #torJul 24 05:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Carnegie Mellon Kills Black Hat Talk About Identifying Tor Users -- Perhaps Because It Broke Wiretapping Laws | Techdirt [ ]Jul 24 05:59
schestowitz""running a Tor server to try to spy on Tor traffic without talking to lawyers is a very bad idea" Unless you're the US government, then that's fine."Jul 24 05:59
DaemonFC2 seconds agoJul 24 06:05
DaemonFCI'm changing my recommended browser to Google Chrome. Jul 24 06:05
DaemonFCOn Linux, Mozilla Firefox is starting to feel a bit rough around the edges. Also, Google got me hooked on Chrome's awesomeness via the Chromebook. It's nice having your Chromebook in sync with your desktop Chrome.Jul 24 06:05
DaemonFCI'm starting to think that when this system dies in a few years, I might just replace it with a Chromebox. Fedora Linux has been good to me, but desktop computers are starting to feel like a relic, like Windoze is. Even though Linux is super-speedy even on not-new hardware, I still can't go from the Chromebook to the desktop without feeling like I'm driving a tank. I guess I could buy an SSD and fix a lot of this aggravation...I just don't Jul 24 06:05
DaemonFCknow if I want to dump more money into a computer that's already over five years old.Jul 24 06:05
DaemonFCschestowitz, Someone told me that Windoze has gotten better with the malware problem. I replied.Jul 24 06:07
DaemonFC"Even by their own statistics, Windows 7 and later have a huge malware problem. Not as bad as before (if you believe them), but they were starting from Windows XP, so there was obviously a lot of low hanging fruit to go after there.Jul 24 06:07
DaemonFCThey can't fix Windows. It wouldn't be Windows anymore if they did. Short of a brutal crackdown (app store only and no other software permitted), Windows is a basket case.Jul 24 06:07
DaemonFCLots of malware for Windows, and much of it doesn't even require doing more than visiting a particular web page."Jul 24 06:07
MinceRthe crApp Store wouldn't helpJul 24 06:08
MinceRthere would still be lots of arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities :>Jul 24 06:08
MinceRalso, backdoorsJul 24 06:11
DaemonFCYeah, well, I meant from the other malware.Jul 24 06:12
DaemonFCWindows itself is malware.Jul 24 06:12
DaemonFCIt's designed to facilitate government malware.Jul 24 06:12
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 24 06:13
DaemonFC"XCode is awesome to use"Jul 24 06:13
DaemonFCYeah, when you're perfectly happy to have Apple force you to stop developing software for your users.Jul 24 06:13
DaemonFC 24 06:13
DaemonFCSaid Jamie Zawinski in late 2011, "I finally bit the bullet and "upgraded" to XCode 4, which was a huge pain in the ass. I still find it largely incomprehensible, especially when it comes to adding or copying targets, but I figured I couldn't put it off forever. The most frustrating part about this is that XCode 4 has apparently gone out of its way to make it impossible to build MacOS 10.4 and/or PPC binaries (which XCode 3.2.6 was still Jul 24 06:13
DaemonFCable to do), which means that 10.5 Intel is now required. This bums me out, because I still have a mostly-functional hand-me-down PPC MacBook! It's not even that old, and now it's no longer possible to target software at it after only two OS revs? Madness. I live in dread of the endian-specific bugs that will sneak in now, but then, maybe it doesn't matter any more.Jul 24 06:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | jwz: XScreenSaver 5.15 [ ]Jul 24 06:13
DaemonFCI don't have access to a 10.7 machine (I have the fear) but I'm told the savers work there."Jul 24 06:13
*libertyboxes ( has joined #techrightsJul 24 06:14
*liberty_back ( has joined #techrightsJul 24 06:15
MinceRif he hadn't lost his mind and stuck to GNU/Linux, he could still target that machineJul 24 06:17
MinceRsucks to be himJul 24 06:17
DaemonFCMinceR, Whatever happened to "It just works."?Jul 24 06:18
DaemonFCI have Linux binaries that I got 4-5 years ago that still run.Jul 24 06:18
MinceRit was always just hype.Jul 24 06:18
DaemonFCWhat the hell is the Mac's excuse for that?Jul 24 06:18
MinceRit never worked and it never willJul 24 06:18
MinceRbut it doesn't have toJul 24 06:19
MinceRthe cultists will just imagine that it didJul 24 06:19
MinceRand continue spewing bullshit at everybodyJul 24 06:19
MinceRit's all the same with the m$ cultistsJul 24 06:19
MinceR 24 06:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Department of Dirty: - YouTube [ ]Jul 24 06:35
DaemonFC 24 06:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Preview: A closer look at OS X Yosemite, just in time for the public beta | Ars Technica [ ]Jul 24 06:40
DaemonFCMinceR, If you pay $99 a year, you have access to Apple operating systems that are even more broken.Jul 24 06:40
MinceRwhat a bargain :>Jul 24 06:41
MinceRgeekingsJul 24 08:20
*siel has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jul 24 08:23
*siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrightsJul 24 08:25
schestowitz 24 08:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Phoronix] Mono Begins To Focus On Performance, Assembles A Team [ ]Jul 24 08:50
DaemonFCThen again, you can tell where some of them have never made Linux software before, when they repackage all of /usr/lib into their directory. You see truly stupid people doing this all the time. The people who made the video game "Trine" did it. Then one of their files malfunctioned in a newer Linux release, and I had to figure out which one it was and delete that copy of the library so it got the system copy. Stupid stupid people.....Jul 24 08:59
DaemonFCBut that's proprietary software for you. Stumbling along and hiding incompetence and bugs. Sometimes, calling proprietary software developers incompetent is high praise.Jul 24 08:59
DaemonFCGoogle did Chrome up with a bunch of back asswards Windoze developers and then had to go back and fix pretty much everything later.Jul 24 09:00
MinceRnot just thatJul 24 09:01
MinceRalso hiding the crappitude of their products behind bullshitJul 24 09:01
MinceRon websites that contain nothing of substanceJul 24 09:01
schestowitznice picturesJul 24 09:02
schestowitzand not much textJul 24 09:02
MinceRi'm sick and tired of hunting down crumbs of information on proprietary crapJul 24 09:02
schestowitzso the senior and lacking confidence can follow...Jul 24 09:02
DaemonFCWell, Google isn't as bad about that as Apple is....Jul 24 09:02
MinceRand of course the brainless masses eat it all upJul 24 09:02
DaemonFCDear lord.Jul 24 09:02
MinceRusually wikipedia helps me see through the bullshit, but not alwaysJul 24 09:03
DaemonFCIf I see one more "benchmark" of a new Apple product that takes up half the page with a graphic and doesn't even tell you what the benchmark means......Jul 24 09:03
DaemonFCI'll scream.Jul 24 09:03
MinceR:>Jul 24 09:03
DaemonFCOh, I actually kind of like Chrome now, but it took them a while.Jul 24 09:04
DaemonFCI am glad that they've made a market for low cost computers that you can just buy and immediately use.Jul 24 09:04
DaemonFCAt least someone is cleaning up all this Windows mess.Jul 24 09:05
DaemonFCI'd like to see Microsoft routed even if they are largely replaced by Google.Jul 24 09:05
MinceRthat could end up very ugly tooJul 24 09:06
MinceRimagine a world where general-purpose computers are illegal unless you have a developer license with the government, and then you have to accept extra-heavy monitoringJul 24 09:06
DaemonFCI think Google has the right idea here. They didn't start with Chrome OS on anything fancy. Just start eating away at Windows on the low end with machines that can do most of what a desktop user is likely to do anyway.Jul 24 09:06
MinceRand everyone else is closely watched through the cloudJul 24 09:06
MinceRwhich is mandatory for themJul 24 09:06
DaemonFCGoogle isn't exactly stopping you from booting a real Linux distribution on those things, and they're cheap as hell. :PJul 24 09:07
DaemonFCAt one point, Microsoft was selling netbooks with Windows CE. They painted it up to look kind of like Windows XP. People got them and found out that they'd been had, and returned them.Jul 24 09:08
DaemonFCThey were available on Newegg for a while for $29, just trying to get rid of all the returns.Jul 24 09:09
DaemonFCI thought that was pretty funny.Jul 24 09:09
DaemonFCThey always find someone to push their crappy product that nobody wants, and absorb the loss.Jul 24 09:09
DaemonFCThat time, it was Sylvania.Jul 24 09:09
DaemonFC 24 09:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Have $39 to spare? Then pick up this odd Sylvania 7” netbook with Windows CE | Windows Phone Central [ ]Jul 24 09:10
DaemonFCOh, that's neat. They even used the Windows 7 wallpaper in the ad. LOL!Jul 24 09:10
schestowitz[22:56] <DaemonFC> The same military that destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan could easily be turned on AmericansJul 24 09:10
schestowitzAlready doesJul 24 09:11
DaemonFC"Remember this is Windows CE, which was designed to run with a 32mb footprint.  The 128mb is actually a lot of RAM for Windows CE 6.0, especially when you consider than Windows XP ran fine with 128mb of RAM, and if 'hack installed' even Windows 8 runs just fine with 128mb of RAM due to the new reduce RAM modes."Jul 24 09:14
DaemonFC128 MB is a lot of RAM when there's no applications you can run anyway..... :)Jul 24 09:14
DaemonFC"Id rather kids bash this up then play on the laptop...definitely.. But what does it do?"Jul 24 09:15
DaemonFCLOLJul 24 09:15
MinceR 24 09:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Expert (Short Comedy Sketch) - YouTube [ ]Jul 24 09:21
MinceR110709 < DaemonFC> Google isn't exactly stopping you from booting a real Linux distribution on those things, and they're cheap as hell. :PJul 24 09:21
MinceRsure, but we could get into that position eventuallyJul 24 09:21
DaemonFCMinceR, I'm writing an Amazon review of the Sylvania netbook with Windows CE.Jul 24 09:22
DaemonFCI'll post the link when I'm done.Jul 24 09:22
MinceRlolJul 24 09:23
MinceRthe notion of winblows working with little memoryJul 24 09:23
schestowitz 24 09:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@matthewstinar: @schestowitz They can kiss my bottom line.Jul 24 09:30
DaemonFCI submitted it.Jul 24 09:37
DaemonFCIt says it'll be posted soon.Jul 24 09:38
DaemonFC 24 09:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies)'s review of SYNET7WID 7 Inch Wireless Mobile [ ]Jul 24 09:42
DaemonFC 24 09:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | : SYNET7WID 7 Inch Wireless Mobile : Netbook Computers : Computers & Accessories [ ]Jul 24 09:47
DaemonFC"Having bought one for $80 and returned it the following day, I'd say pass on this one, even for $45. Truly has difficulties getting onto the internet, locks up, and all the other issues mentioned in the reviews. You'd do better to get an unlocked (page plus cellular version) palm pixi smart phone on Amazon for $45, and it will have better apps, internet connectivity (wi-fi) and overall use. Even if you do not subscribe to a phone service Jul 24 09:47
DaemonFCwith it, it will work in the same manner as this Sylvania as it has wifi capabilities. The phone is smaller, of course, but works magnificently. Just my thoughts . . ."Jul 24 09:47
DaemonFC"i returned it and still have not received refund,after all refund charges i would have got back about $20 gave up chasing it not worth the time, wish it hadnt come up because i forgot all about it now that i remember im mad again"Jul 24 09:48
DaemonFC 24 09:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Customer Discussions: That time when Microsoft had a netbook..... [ ]Jul 24 09:58
MinceRrotflJul 24 10:03
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 24 10:04
DaemonFC 24 10:04
DaemonFCThere's the link where the guy got Linux on it.Jul 24 10:04
DaemonFCI guess if you brick it, you can still use it as a doorstop, which is about all it was good for with Windows CE on it. If you can find one of these things at a garage sale or something, pick it up and see what you can torture it into doing. I'm sure they'll take a few bucks and you'll have something to tinker with, or give to the kids to smash up, or whatever.Jul 24 10:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CVS Netbook Revisited « Your Warranty Is [ ]Jul 24 10:04
DaemonFCB-)Jul 24 10:05
DaemonFCMinceR, It'll be alright. It just needs some DEVELOPERS!Jul 24 10:05
MinceRlolJul 24 10:05
MinceRcan you get ballmer to record the video? :>Jul 24 10:05
DaemonFC 24 10:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Zune Balmer - YouTubeJul 24 10:09
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: Sosumi)Jul 24 10:15
MinceR 24 10:16
schestowitztoucheJul 24 10:19
schestowitz> "He is being sued under a criminal law that wasJul 24 10:23
schestowitz> reformed in 2006, following the conclusion of a freeJul 24 10:23
schestowitz> trade agreement between Colombia and the United States."Jul 24 10:23
schestowitz> Jul 24 10:23
schestowitz> 24 10:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Colombian Student Faces Prison Charges for Sharing an Academic Article Online | Electronic Frontier Foundation [ ]Jul 24 10:23
schestowitz> "He is being sued under a criminal law that wasJul 24 10:24
schestowitz> reformed in 2006, following the conclusion of a freeJul 24 10:24
schestowitz> trade agreement between Colombia and the United States."Jul 24 10:24
schestowitz> Jul 24 10:24
schestowitz> 24 10:24
schestowitz 24 10:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Can Twitter activism #BringBackOurGirls? - The Washington Post [ ]Jul 24 10:24
schestowitzTwitter is useless...Jul 24 10:24
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJul 24 10:26
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schestowitz> 24 10:28
schestowitz> Jul 24 10:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft attacks UK government decision to adopt ODF for document formats [ ]Jul 24 10:28
schestowitz> 24 10:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open document formats selected to meet user needs - Press releases - GOV.UK [ ]Jul 24 10:28
schestowitz> Jul 24 10:28
schestowitz> Jul 24 10:28
schestowitz> I guess you saw those already and have written.  Google is big enoughJul 24 10:28
schestowitz> that it sets the trends.  Claiming to follow them is just a dodge.  ItJul 24 10:28
schestowitz> would be useful to get to the bottom of that and find out who is makingJul 24 10:28
schestowitz> the decisions inside Google in regard to ODF.Jul 24 10:28
schestowitzI covered all the above (three). Yes, Google sickens me when it comes to document formats, but the truth is, many people don't use formats at all in docs. They just access files and keep them on "the cloud", oblivious to data formats, so "Google" is the format.Jul 24 10:28
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 24 10:29
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Homeland Security gets into software securityJul 24 13:44
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Homeland Security gets into software security | Tux MachinesJul 24 13:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Distro Watch: The Best Linux Distributions ForJul 24 13:44
TweetTuxMachines                 2014 24 13:45
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Distro Watch: The Best Linux Distributions For 2014 | Tux MachinesJul 24 13:45
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsJul 24 13:45
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DaemonFC 24 16:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | News - Now Supports Linux! - [ ]Jul 24 16:41
DaemonFC 24 16:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [ ]Jul 24 16:43
DaemonFC"You know, that with all the apps and computers that Apple breaks, you'd wonder how the people who go insane and buy a Mac actually get anything done at all. Software with no active development just dies every few years, and software that is developed has an expensive new version. When Apple finally breaks your entire computer, the only way to get it running modern software again is to upgrade you Mac to Linux.Jul 24 16:52
DaemonFCApple users should be glad that they have access to open source software. Of course, even then, developers can't support your Mac that got dropped and broken by Apple because of bugs and problems that exist in the Mac hardware because Apple rushed a broken product to market (like the first x86 models), or because Apple just wants to sell you new stuff every few years. As soon as you can't run the latest Mac OS, the death watch begins, at Jul 24 16:52
DaemonFCleast as far as OS X software goes.Jul 24 16:52
DaemonFCI understand that with Mavericks and Yosemite, Apple dropped support entirely for a lot of Macs that aren't really even that old. Luckily, Linux will support my non-Mac computer for as long as I'll use it. Part of the reason I didn't buy a Mac was because I knew that this **** would happen and Apple would just drop it when Linux would keep my computer running for all practical purposes for at least twice as long.Jul 24 16:52
DaemonFCI suppose there might be some kind of hack to shove Mac OS 10.8 and 10.9 on your "old" 2008 computer anyway, like there was when Apple declared that OS X 10.4 wouldn't run on any Mac without Firewire, but why should anyone have to resort to this on hardware that has no honest reason for being deprecated?Jul 24 16:52
DaemonFCThere's no legitimate reason to drop a 2008 computer. Things shouldn't have changed so much that it's some kind of a horrible maintenance burden, unless you ****ed everything up real good to get it released faster, like Apple does."Jul 24 16:52
DaemonFC"With Apple, the only way forward is to drop the entire computer and most of your software in the trash again every few years and start over."Jul 24 16:56
abeNd-orgnow if you could ramp up the linux marketing machine to match apple's....Jul 24 17:04
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 24 17:09
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DaemonFC 24 17:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Internet Explorer Vulnerabilities Increase 100% - Slashdot [ ]Jul 24 17:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines ( Now SupportsJul 24 17:36
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux! 24 17:36
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 17:36
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-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Jul 24 17:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Now Supports Linux! | Tux MachinesJul 24 17:36
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Pkg 1.3.0 Released To Improve PackageJul 24 17:36
TweetTuxMachines                 Management On FreeBSD 24 17:36
TweetTuxMachines                 (error)Jul 24 17:36
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 17:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pkg 1.3.0 Released To Improve Package Management On FreeBSD | Tux MachinesJul 24 17:36
DaemonFC 24 17:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Internet Explorer vulnerabilities increase 100% [ ]Jul 24 17:40
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DaemonFCMicrosoft hired the lead guy that wrote most of AppArmor. It's a shame they apparently aren't doing anything useful with him.Jul 24 17:46
Sosumiosx yololelolo only runs on efi 64 machines officiallyJul 24 17:46
Sosumiaka everything from 2008 onwards runs itJul 24 17:47
Sosumias for the macs with efi 32, those were the original Intel core based machines and the 2 first mac prosJul 24 17:48
DaemonFCIn the PC world, dropping x86-32 support means PCs older than 2004, for the most part.Jul 24 17:48
DaemonFCWith Apple, they shipped 32-bit EFI on some systems clear up to 2008, so they can't boot into a 64-bit OS properlyJul 24 17:48
DaemonFCApple doesn't care because they can just drop those Macs and tell people to buy new Macs.Jul 24 17:48
Sosumiwell and those macs are just underpowered now to run any current version of osx anywaysJul 24 17:49
SosumiWELL, they were already crap low end hardware to begin withJul 24 17:49
Sosumibut I do agree that apple could have launched a firmware update to bring those machines capable of booting into 64 machinesJul 24 17:50
Sosumiwhich basically were just the two first mac prosJul 24 17:51
Sosumi2007 macbook pros already had the 64 bit EFIJul 24 17:51
DaemonFCThat's why they still boot, but you have to have a 2009 Mac Mini.Jul 24 17:53
DaemonFC:PJul 24 17:53
DaemonFCFucking ridiculous....Jul 24 17:53
Sosumimac minis are trash, I have no idea why ppl buy thoseJul 24 17:58
Sosumithe high end imacs are still kind of understandable if they just want a “kewl” looking computer on the displayJul 24 17:59
Sosumibut mehJul 24 17:59
Sosumithe hp Z1 wipes the floor with itJul 24 18:00
Sosumi 24 18:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Apple's iWatch Already a Hit, Even When It's a $20 Casio Watch - Mac Rumors [ ]Jul 24 18:05
Sosumifrom one of the pedestrians “if it is apple, it is good, right?”Jul 24 18:05
Sosumieven if it is in fact and cheapo casio watchJul 24 18:05
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJul 24 18:07
Sosumiwell, folks, with that kind of installed mentalityJul 24 18:08
Sosumiprobably the sole reason to buy a mac is to make programs for the hypephone and the future hypeWatchJul 24 18:09
MinceRthey didn't do anything useful with drobbins either, did they?Jul 24 18:54
Sosumidrobbins?Jul 24 18:55
MinceRthe gentoo guyJul 24 18:55
MinceR194749 < DaemonFC> With Apple, they shipped 32-bit EFI on some systems clear up to 2008, so they can't boot into a 64-bit OS properlyJul 24 18:55
MinceRBIOS wins againJul 24 18:55
MinceR195734 < Sosumi> mac minis are trash, I have no idea why ppl buy thoseJul 24 18:56
MinceRs/ mini//Jul 24 18:56
MinceRFTFYJul 24 18:56
MinceR(also, they buy them because they're cheap and they have the logo on)Jul 24 18:56
MinceRas for the hypeWatch, it will probably have less functionality than the casio ones :>Jul 24 18:57
MinceRconsider yourself lucky if they'll be able to tell the time reliablyJul 24 18:57
DaemonFCMinceR, I don't know about the cheap part. I saw a PC the other day for $200 that even threw in a keyboard and a mouse. It wasn't an i5 or i7, but you don't exactly need one when you can't install a video card alongside it to balance the system out on the Mac anyway.Jul 24 18:58
MinceRi mean relativelyJul 24 18:58
DaemonFCWith the Intel integrated video you're stuck with on the Mac, your i7 is going to be a slow-ass bastard anyway.Jul 24 18:59
DaemonFCEven at $800.Jul 24 18:59
MinceRa slow ass-bastard!Jul 24 18:59
DaemonFCIt could be worse. Microsoft could make a Windows watch that can't deal with leap year and crashes, like the Zune did.Jul 24 19:01
MinceRcrApple can do that tooJul 24 19:01
MinceRthey have the technology!Jul 24 19:01
DaemonFCThose damned ass-bastards!Jul 24 19:08
DaemonFCcan't even make a real computer....Jul 24 19:08
DaemonFCI turned all this into an Amazon post, MinceR Jul 24 19:10
MinceR:>Jul 24 19:11
DaemonFCI wonder if they'll flip their shit again and start downvoting me. I give them about a minute.Jul 24 19:11
DaemonFCI bought a *snort*....I bought a *chortles*....I bought a BAHAHAHHAHAAAA!!! Mac today. Shit. I'm a horrible liar. ;)Jul 24 19:13
DaemonFCSo you all can add that to the list of things you'll *_never_* hear me say.Jul 24 19:20
DaemonFCIf you do, then kill me because the Pod people have cloned me, and I'm an impostor.Jul 24 19:20
MinceR:>Jul 24 19:21
DaemonFCAs much contempt as I have for Windoze, at least it works sometimes. The Mac really doesn't. If I can't run my existing assortment of software for more than a few years before Apple breaks everything again, then what the hell is the point of having an operating system?Jul 24 19:23
DaemonFCI ran into someone the other day that was still using a Pentium 3 computer that he bought in 1999. You'll never see a Mac in service for 15 years.Jul 24 19:24
DaemonFCYou'll never see Mac software in service for 15 years, for that matter. You buy a new Mac or upgrade the OS, and most of it all breaks again.Jul 24 19:25
DaemonFCJust out of curiosity, I asked him why he was still using a PC from 1999, and he told me that he was unemployed and couldn't afford an investment in newer hardware right at the moment, and his 1999 PC was running fine with a minimal Linux system anyway, so it wasn't an immediate problem.Jul 24 19:27
DaemonFCMany Mac owners have to replace their system every three years anyway, so they've trashed about 5 computers, going on 6, and all the software that goes with that. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting it to all work better this time.Jul 24 19:29
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.)Jul 24 20:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Developers Jump Quickly On ACPI 5.1,Jul 24 20:18
TweetTuxMachines                 Helps Out ARM 24 20:18
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Developers Jump Quickly On ACPI 5.1, Helps Out ARM | Tux MachinesJul 24 20:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     LibreOffice 4.2.6 RC2 Now Ready for TestingJul 24 20:19
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 20:19
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LibreOffice 4.2.6 RC2 Now Ready for Testing | Tux MachinesJul 24 20:19
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Dive in, penguins: Upstart builds Linux virtualJul 24 20:19
TweetTuxMachines                 SAN 24 20:19
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 20:19
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dive in, penguins: Upstart builds Linux virtual SAN | Tux MachinesJul 24 20:19
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Raspberry Pi-based signage player sips 7 WattsJul 24 20:19
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 20:19
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi-based signage player sips 7 Watts | Tux MachinesJul 24 20:20
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     PHP 5.5.15 Officially ReleasedJul 24 20:20
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 20:20
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PHP 5.5.15 Officially Released | Tux MachinesJul 24 20:20
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Chromebooks Emerge as Major New Linux Force onJul 24 20:20
TweetTuxMachines                 Notebooks 24 20:20
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 20:20
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 20:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chromebooks Emerge as Major New Linux Force on Notebooks | Tux MachinesJul 24 20:20
abeNd-orgDaemonFC: those mac owners are rich enough that they could care less, they would rather have the social "prestige" of having the newest/latest/greatestJul 24 20:44
DaemonFCThen what on Earth could they possibly be doing with a Mac?Jul 24 20:46
abeNd-org"they" think the latest macbook will give them a higher social standing, same thing with the latest iphoneJul 24 20:46
abeNd-organd if it costs more, it must be betterJul 24 20:47
abeNd-orga "poor" person (unless they are putting themselves into debt to do it) wont be buying a new macbook every yrJul 24 20:49
MinceRsome people take out a loan so they can buy a hypePhoneJul 24 20:50
abeNd-orgMinceR: yea, not the smartest thing to do for sureJul 24 20:51
abeNd-orgi have an old 4s, bought for me by my workplace, & if i want an upgrade I'll have to pay for it....I'll passJul 24 20:51
DaemonFCabeNd-org, Yeah. I remember 10 years ago, there was this college guy that I was fooling around with for a while who had a PowerMac G4. His parents bought it for him and he was all like "My Mac is so awesome.". So he was over at my house one day and used my Windows XP machine with a Celeron and said "This is really fast! You must have paid a fortune for this!".Jul 24 20:54
DaemonFCSo, that kind of tells you how clueless people are. They get off their Mac and use a Windows system with a Celeron processor and think it's super fast.Jul 24 20:54
abeNd-orgouch!Jul 24 20:54
DaemonFCBy the time Apple was done with the G4, they had been using it for so long that it was just totally embarrassing.Jul 24 20:55
DaemonFCCelerons were beating the crap out of them.Jul 24 20:55
abeNd-orgI haven't used too many osx machinesJul 24 20:55
MinceR:>Jul 24 20:55
abeNd-orga customer's macbook here & there, but thats about it, apple's marketing hasnt convinced me to buy one for myselfJul 24 20:58
DaemonFCIf Windows keeps going where it's going, I may have to buy a Mac to boot Linux at some point.Jul 24 21:01
DaemonFCI doubt Apple really cares much about booting Linux on a Mac because nobody really does it.Jul 24 21:01
abeNd-orgthey will treat it like windows, poor power management, bad drivers, etcJul 24 21:02
DaemonFCI understand you can remove OS X completely.Jul 24 21:03
DaemonFCI see people running Linux on a Mac sometimes. It seems to work.Jul 24 21:04
abeNd-orgright, but apple wont release source for any of the hardware on it, so linux will "work" on it, but not optimally Jul 24 21:04
MinceRif mac os keeps going where it's going, buying a mac may not necessarily help youJul 24 21:05
abeNd-orgim betting apple would rather you just buy an iphone & ipadJul 24 21:06
abeNd-org& nothing elseJul 24 21:06
abeNd-orgwell, perhaps an iwatchJul 24 21:06
MinceRare their profit margins higher on all those?Jul 24 21:06
abeNd-orgi dont have the numbers in front of me on those, but I am guessing apple wouldnt be bothering with them if they werent making a mint per device, they dont sell for a loss like sony/microsoft did the consolesJul 24 21:07
DaemonFCAside from the firmware, I think the Macs are really just PCs aren't they?Jul 24 21:08
DaemonFC 24 21:08
abeNd-orgyea, x64 intelJul 24 21:08
abeNd-orgbut even windows running on a macbook suffers from lack of optimized driversJul 24 21:08
MinceRthey're low quality pcs with some attempts at incompatibilityJul 24 21:09
DaemonFCApple wrote the drivers for Windows!Jul 24 21:10
DaemonFCI doubt Linux has that problem.Jul 24 21:10
abeNd-orgid rather have a dell precision, you can stack a lot of nice stuff into those, 2 HD bays + optical, pcie ssd if you wanted, etcJul 24 21:10
MinceR:>Jul 24 21:10
MinceRyeah, i guess even dell is better than appleJul 24 21:10
DaemonFCMinceR, It depends on which Dell you buy. I tried to put some more RAM into a Dell that my grandmother paid WAY too much for, and when I pushed down on it, the retention clips broke off the socket and pinged around in the case.Jul 24 21:12
MinceRlolJul 24 21:12
abeNd-orgDaemonFC: thats the problem, apple doesnt do optimized drivers, so windows suffers. no source or binaries for the hardware in linux so im sure it suffers the sameJul 24 21:18
abeNd-orgDaemonFC: you are probably talking a vostro or inspiron, neither of which should exist, the latitude/precision arent bad for laptops, & i cant say anything to alienware as ive not used themJul 24 21:19
MinceRlatitudes aren't that great eitherJul 24 21:19
MinceRbut at least they aren't as bad as inspironsJul 24 21:19
DaemonFCYeah, it was an old Inspicrap.Jul 24 21:20
abeNd-orgDaemonFC: yep, those are 100% junkJul 24 21:20
abeNd-orgsame as the dell poweredge "SC" line of servers, & for this channel I will call those Severely CrippledJul 24 21:20
MinceRalso, their "warranty" isn't worth the paper it's printed onJul 24 21:20
MinceRwow, you got off the high horse? :>Jul 24 21:21
abeNd-orgMinceR: just for you this onceJul 24 21:21
*abeNd-org hugs MinceRJul 24 21:21
MinceRawkward...Jul 24 21:21
abeNd-orgyea, hard to hug textJul 24 21:21
DaemonFCThe shittiest server is the Lenovo ThinkServer.Jul 24 21:21
abeNd-orgthe business class dells I have had great luck with warranties, if you run the dell diags & it says something is wrong they replace it no questions asked (as they should)Jul 24 21:23
abeNd-orgwarranty for vostro type units? wouldnt know, but I am betting you are correctJul 24 21:24
MinceRi tried my luck with an inspironJul 24 21:24
abeNd-orgyou gambled & lost!Jul 24 21:24
MinceRbut i don't see why the model should affect so much of whether they care to deliver on their promises or notJul 24 21:24
DaemonFCThere seems to be a lot of refurbished Dell and HP deals on Woot.comJul 24 21:25
abeNd-orgthat is the world of consumer vs business/industrial productsJul 24 21:25
DaemonFCProbably a reason for that....Jul 24 21:25
abeNd-orgthe dell consumer products are made with whatever is cheapest that dayJul 24 21:25
DaemonFCThe Amazon reviews are pretty much all "I had it for three days and it wouldn't power on anymore.".Jul 24 21:25
DaemonFCThat sort of stuff.Jul 24 21:25
abeNd-orgthe optiplexes are a standard set of specs made for 12-16 months for enterprise lifecycleJul 24 21:26
abeNd-orgmakes imaging, purchasing, etc easierJul 24 21:26
DaemonFCGadgetDon says:Jul 24 21:28
DaemonFC[Customers don't think this post adds to the discussion. Hide post again.  (Show all unhelpful posts)]Jul 24 21:28
DaemonFCBobby, bobby, bobby, you're mixed your lines up with snowflake.Jul 24 21:28
DaemonFCYours is: Apple sucks! Windows sucks! It's Snowflake who is obsessed with "apple sucks"Jul 24 21:28
DaemonFCAnd really - who cares what you are saying with your Linux buddies on IRC? It's not like you were talking to anyone who had anything but a mirror of your positions.Jul 24 21:28
abeNd-orgeven if you were deploying linux, it would be easier to have a standard equipment set than whatever randomly rolled off the line that dayJul 24 21:28
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 24 21:28
DaemonFCWhat is the Done Thing for chat on a Mac these days? I understand that AOL Instant Messenger doesn't work with iChat anymore.Jul 24 21:28
MinceRthat doesn't mean their support has to be made with whatever attitude is cheapestJul 24 21:28
MinceRdoesn't matter thoughJul 24 21:28
MinceRdHell had their chance, they said 'fuck you' to their customer, i'm not buying their crap againJul 24 21:29
abeNd-orgMinceR: for consumer grade I cant really speak for their support, I only care about business classJul 24 21:29
MinceRmaybe they're used to the typical hungarian consumer attitudeJul 24 21:29
MinceR"sure, they fucked me, but at least it seemed cheap! :goes back for more hurting: "Jul 24 21:29
MinceRno wonder the typical business treats their customers like shitJul 24 21:30
abeNd-org*shrug* perhaps their consumer support blows, but their business class support is greatJul 24 21:30
MinceRwell, i'm not going to experience their "business class support"Jul 24 21:30
abeNd-orgI'm not saying they should treat a vostro customer like shit, as they would develop the same attitude as you towards the entire company, to which I don't blame youJul 24 21:32
MinceRgnJul 24 21:54
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DaemonFCThis is odd....Jul 25 00:33
DaemonFCGNOME Shell frequently goes over 500 MB of RAM with the Nvidia proprietary driver loaded.Jul 25 00:33
DaemonFCWith the AMD open source driver loaded, it stays around 200.Jul 25 00:34
DaemonFCI guess it wouldn't be the first time our friend the Nvidia driver had a problem..... :)Jul 25 00:34
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DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 25 01:24
DaemonFCWell, when you get to be like HP and Dell are, you start cutting corners that cause problems like exploding power supplies, capacitors that pop, etc.Jul 25 01:24
DaemonFCIt doesn't surprise me at all that their crappy crappy junk ends up crapflooding the Woot Offs. Jul 25 01:24
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DaemonFC I see that Microsoft has deployed another "Get The FUD" campaign against Chromebooks, like they did when they lost their lunch to Linux in the server market. This time they're even buying Google ads.Jul 25 04:06
DaemonFCI can't blame them. Nobody uses Bing. It's even thrown in your face in Vista 8.1, but it must be the first thing people turn off, because even that isn't helping them. Jul 25 04:06
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Raspberry Pi Model B+ review – a new evolutionJul 25 04:08
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi Model B+ review – a new evolution | Tux MachinesJul 25 04:08
DaemonFC 25 04:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Deploys Cheap Windows Laptops to Fight Google Chromebook | InvestorPlace [ ]Jul 25 04:08
DaemonFCMicrosoft has gone from something that everyone feared to a laughingstock in the last few years. OEMs used to be too afraid of making them mad. It was like pissing off Saddam Hussein. Now they're openly defying them. Jul 25 04:10
DaemonFC 25 04:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Abandons Nokia Asha, Series 40 Phones; Xpress Browser, MixRadio May Be Spun Off | NDTV Gadgets [ ]Jul 25 04:19
*mariuz (~quassel@ has joined #techrightsJul 25 04:39
DaemonFCabout a minute ago · EditedJul 25 05:01
DaemonFCA good article. The author is right. It's going to take more than a cheap laptop that can barely run Windows at all to save Microsoft from the Chromebooks.Jul 25 05:01
DaemonFCOn top of the miserable low-end Windows laptop experience, you still need to fork over hundreds of dollars if you want to use MS Office, which is a real bloated bastard and might not even run on a system like this.Jul 25 05:01
DaemonFCThe computer will take ages to boot, thanks to a spinning platter hard drive.Jul 25 05:01
DaemonFCYou still need to run Windows antivirus software on top of all this. Have fun with that.Jul 25 05:01
DaemonFCNo touchscreen.Jul 25 05:01
DaemonFCProbably more stuff that I can't think of.Jul 25 05:01
*mariuz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 25 05:10
cubexyznew blog post:Jul 25 05:49
cubexyzhttp://cubexyz.blogspot.comJul 25 05:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Notes on LinuxJul 25 05:50
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 25 06:11
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*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 25 06:31
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     2014's Best Distros, Buncha New Games, andJul 25 07:23
TweetTuxMachines                 Fedora Delayed 25 07:23
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 07:23
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 25 07:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 2014's Best Distros, Buncha New Games, and Fedora Delayed | Tux MachinesJul 25 07:24
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Open-Source AMD Hawaii Support Should Now BeJul 25 07:24
TweetTuxMachines                 Working! 25 07:24
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 07:24
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open-Source AMD Hawaii Support Should Now Be Working! | Tux MachinesJul 25 07:24
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 25 07:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS releasedJul 25 08:40
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS released | Tux MachinesJul 25 08:40
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Plasma’s road to wayland 25 08:40
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Plasma’s road to wayland | Tux MachinesJul 25 08:40
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Foundation SysAdmin Eric Searcy Lives ByJul 25 08:40
TweetTuxMachines                 Regex 25 08:40
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation SysAdmin Eric Searcy Lives By Regex | Tux MachinesJul 25 08:40
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Software 25 08:40
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux MachinesJul 25 08:40
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 25 08:40
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJul 25 08:40
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 25 08:40
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesJul 25 08:40
MinceRgeekingsJul 25 08:40
*__martin__ (~martin@unaffiliated/--martin--/x-1730694) has joined #techrightsJul 25 09:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     What the UK Government’s adoption of ODF reallyJul 25 09:18
TweetTuxMachines                 means 25 09:18
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TweetTuxMachines........................................ 25 09:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What the UK Government’s adoption of ODF really means | Tux MachinesJul 25 09:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     How open sourcing Android made it a mobileJul 25 09:18
TweetTuxMachines                 market leader 25 09:18
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How open sourcing Android made it a mobile market leader | Tux MachinesJul 25 09:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     OnePlus AOSP stock ROM for those who don’t wantJul 25 09:19
TweetTuxMachines                 CyanogenMod 25 09:19
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 09:19
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OnePlus AOSP stock ROM for those who don’t want CyanogenMod | Tux MachinesJul 25 09:19
*nj3ma is now known as nj3maAFKJul 25 10:19
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MinceR 25 11:50
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.)Jul 25 12:34
*nj3maAFK is now known as nj3maJul 25 13:05
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsJul 25 13:28
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu 14.10 is Now Using Kernel 3.16 RC3 AsJul 25 13:29
TweetTuxMachines                 Default 25 13:29
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 14.10 is Now Using Kernel 3.16 RC3 As Default | Tux MachinesJul 25 13:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     An Interview with Karen SandlerJul 25 13:29
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 13:29
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | An Interview with Karen Sandler | Tux MachinesJul 25 13:29
*gde33 ( has joined #techrightsJul 25 13:44
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jul 25 14:24
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 25 14:27
schestowitz> 25 15:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | hispalinux eu uefi - Google Search [ ]Jul 25 15:49
schestowitz> Jul 25 15:49
schestowitz> What ever happened to that?  I cannot see any followup articles inJul 25 15:49
schestowitz> Google's database.Jul 25 15:50
schestowitzNot much heard of it...Jul 25 15:50
schestowitzSome companies have not helped. They weakened the case.Jul 25 15:50
schestowitz 25 15:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "NYT is still wedded to the fallacy of having to sell software." -anon #nytimesJul 25 15:54
schestowitz"I won't log in"\Jul 25 15:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Couldn't resolve host 'http:' ( status 0 @ http://// )Jul 25 15:55
schestowitz 25 15:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ U.S. Government Doesn’t Need Evidence to Call You a Terrorist or to #torture youJul 25 15:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | U.S. Government Doesn’t Need Evidence to Call You a Terrorist - Truthdig [ ]Jul 25 15:55
schestowitz"learning from germans ...... rule of law?!, already long no longer"Jul 25 15:55
schestowitzOne's religion makes one a suspected terrorist or dissidentJul 25 15:55
schestowitz 25 15:57
schestowitz"Jul 25 15:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Home [ ]Jul 25 15:57
schestowitzThe second component is a subscriber alerts programme that will be co-managed and co-funded by ISPs and content creators and due to begin at a later date. Participating ISPs will alert and advise subscribers when their accounts are believed to have been used to infringe copyright. Account holders will receive an alert from their ISP, advising them unlawful filesharing may have taken place on their connection and offering advice on Jul 25 15:57
schestowitzwhere to find legitimate sources of entertainment content.Jul 25 15:57
schestowitzBPI - The British Recorded Music IndustryJul 25 15:57
schestowitzAnd the third component will be prosecution..Jul 25 15:57
schestowitzSpin, spin..Jul 25 15:57
schestowitz"Jul 25 15:57
schestowitz"Guess what the BPI page has a title? "home""Jul 25 15:57
schestowitzBPI is not aBritish. It's an American lobby group pretending to be British or speak for the British. It's a bit like "Microsoft UK".Jul 25 15:58
schestowitz 25 16:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Dive in, penguins: Upstart builds Linux virtual SAN 25 16:03
schestowitz"It comes with a free demo too! :("\Jul 25 16:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Dive in, penguins: Upstart builds Linux virtual SAN • The Register [ ]Jul 25 16:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Nginx Plus r4 Improves Web Server SecurityJul 25 16:25
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 16:25
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nginx Plus r4 Improves Web Server Security | Tux MachinesJul 25 16:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Interview with Nathan Willis, GUADEC KeynoteJul 25 16:26
TweetTuxMachines                 Speaker 25 16:26
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Interview with Nathan Willis, GUADEC Keynote Speaker | Tux MachinesJul 25 16:26
*siel has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jul 25 16:35
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 25 17:00
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     FreeBSD Quarterly Status Report - SecondJul 25 17:01
TweetTuxMachines                 Quarter 2014 25 17:01
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 17:01
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 25 17:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FreeBSD Quarterly Status Report - Second Quarter 2014 | Tux MachinesJul 25 17:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Foundation SysAdmin Aric Gardner Avoids aJul 25 17:01
TweetTuxMachines                 GUI at All Costs 25 17:01
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation SysAdmin Aric Gardner Avoids a GUI at All Costs | Tux MachinesJul 25 17:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 25 17:02
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesJul 25 17:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 25 17:02
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 17:02
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 25 17:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJul 25 17:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Software 25 17:02
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 17:02
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux MachinesJul 25 17:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     How open sourcing Android made it a mobileJul 25 17:02
TweetTuxMachines                 market leader 25 17:02
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 17:02
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 25 17:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How open sourcing Android made it a mobile market leader | Tux MachinesJul 25 17:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     SysAdmin Day 2014: Best Linux FoundationJul 25 17:02
TweetTuxMachines                 SysAdmin Quotes 25 17:02
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 17:02
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SysAdmin Day 2014: Best Linux Foundation SysAdmin Quotes | Tux MachinesJul 25 17:02
*siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrightsJul 25 17:09
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 25 18:08
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Nouveau vs. Radeon vs. Intel Tests On LinuxJul 25 18:12
TweetTuxMachines                 3.16, Mesa 10.3-devel 25 18:12
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 18:12
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nouveau vs. Radeon vs. Intel Tests On Linux 3.16, Mesa 10.3-devel | Tux MachinesJul 25 18:12
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GNOME Control Center 3.13.4 Gets More HiDPIJul 25 18:12
TweetTuxMachines                 Improvements 25 18:12
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 18:12
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME Control Center 3.13.4 Gets More HiDPI Improvements | Tux MachinesJul 25 18:12
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Acer sees booming sales of Chromebooks, saysJul 25 18:12
TweetTuxMachines                 CEO 25 18:13
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Acer sees booming sales of Chromebooks, says CEO | Tux MachinesJul 25 18:13
*gde33 has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Jul 25 18:19
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJul 25 18:22
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*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 25 18:42
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Wine Announcement 25 18:47
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wine Announcement | Tux MachinesJul 25 18:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     CoreOS Stable Release 25 18:48
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CoreOS Stable Release | Tux MachinesJul 25 18:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Program Octave 25 18:48
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Program Octave | Tux MachinesJul 25 18:48
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 25 18:48
DaemonFC 25 18:48
DaemonFCJust for the lulz. I'm surprised that so many people get away with using Microsoft Office, especially Excel.Jul 25 18:48
DaemonFCExcel has hundreds of bugs, very few of them get fixed, some of them have been there for 10 years or more. It can swell up to use gigabytes of RAM. It has floating point rounding errors that produce bizarre and hilariously incorrect data.....Jul 25 18:48
DaemonFCThen there was this....Jul 25 18:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Daily Dose of Excel » Bugs [ ]Jul 25 18:48
DaemonFC 25 18:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Excel: The ruiner of global economies? | Ars Technica [ ]Jul 25 18:48
DaemonFCEven when people aren't running into the bugs, they often use it wrong, and produce disastrous results.Jul 25 18:48
DaemonFCIn order to get Microsoft compatibility, you have to reproduce all their bugs too, which is why you shouldn't use Microsoft Office export filters from LibreOffice, unless there's absolutely no other option. LibreOffice uses a more accurate arithmetic library, while Microsoft keeps shipping broken software. When you use Microsoft export filters, LibreOffice has to emulate problems with Microsoft Office, which could cause you some of the same Jul 25 18:48
DaemonFCproblems as using Microsoft Office in the first place.Jul 25 18:48
DaemonFCMicrosoft wants to convince everyone that you need a 'spensive Windoze computer to use 'spensive office software. Theirs, of course. I say, pass.....Jul 25 18:48
DaemonFCAlthough I'm *told* that Microsoft supports OASIS OpenDocument 1.2 now in MS Office 2013, I'd be treading lightly, unless you want MS Office exporting its bugs into your ODF files!Jul 25 18:48
DaemonFCI'm so glad that I don't have to use any of this company's software, ever. Why should Office be any different than anything else that has the Microsoft warning label on it?Jul 25 18:49
DaemonFCHow is this post related to the topic? Microsoft says that you need the crappy underpowered Windoze laptop so you can load MS Office on it. Tell me how that works out. Hint: Flipping it over and trying to max out the RAM later for almost as much as the laptop cost does not count.Jul 25 18:49
DaemonFCMicrosoft doesn't really have an operating system built for the cloud. They have one that's meant to run bulky locally-installed software that needs 'spensive hardware. Jul 25 18:49
DaemonFCAnd a low-end Celeron with small amounts of RAM just isn't up to the task that Microsoft says you need their underpowered Windoze laptops for in the first place. Jul 25 18:51
*msb ( has joined #techrightsJul 25 18:57
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DaemonFC Warren Holzem says:Jul 25 19:14
DaemonFCPeople have accused me of being an Amazon fan boi, but I can assure you that I have no interest in owning:Jul 25 19:14
DaemonFC1. Kindle Fire,Jul 25 19:14
DaemonFC2. Fire TV,Jul 25 19:14
DaemonFC3. Fire Phone.Jul 25 19:14
DaemonFCThey all take outdated Android systems, and alter them in ways that make them incompatible with too many things out there. There are better alternatives to all of them on that point alone.Jul 25 19:14
DaemonFCSlapping an Amazon logo on these pieces of junk doesn't make them better. Jul 25 19:14
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 25 19:14
DaemonFCWell, you can't talk sense into some people.Jul 25 19:14
DaemonFCI told people not to buy a Nokia X. I got a lot of abuse for that. One woman on Amazon said she got them for her whole family.Jul 25 19:14
DaemonFCMicrosoft officially bought Nokia, declared the Nokia X unsupported, and now the woman who told me that I needed to quit dissing Microsoft has a Nokia X, and so does her family.Jul 25 19:14
DaemonFCYou need to tread lightly when you're dealing with broken Android forks that use old versions of the AOSP and aren't Google Certified. Of course they're not entirely compatible. They're missing most of the APIs, or they include lame replacements that the distributor put in with no thought and no care.Jul 25 19:14
DaemonFCAmazon's phone is also less secure, because you're missing Verify Apps and other defense mechanisms. So, don't go too far off the reservation and try to sideload apps. You can do that safely from a modern Real Android phone, but not from a Fire Phone.Jul 25 19:14
DaemonFCHere there be dragons! Jul 25 19:14
MinceRat least older versions of android have less of the idiotic restrictions google keeps adding :>Jul 25 19:18
DaemonFC J. S. Cooper says:Jul 25 19:26
DaemonFCMost people use Office and its associated applications because that's what they use at work. Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint.Jul 25 19:26
DaemonFCThose who don't use whatever is easiest and cheapest to do what they need. Jul 25 19:26
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 25 19:26
DaemonFCThat's the thing though. Microsoft Office is not easy to use, and neither is Windoze. Neither are stable or well supported. Neither are cheap. Neither of them run well on an affordable computer.Jul 25 19:26
DaemonFCI think that Chrome OS and alternative office suites have more than one foothold here. If Microsoft simply dumps Windoze for "free" and tells OEMs to play ball and create awful computers just to get them down to $200, they still have all the other problems I listed.Jul 25 19:26
DaemonFCGoing back to ease of use... If Excel was easy to use, then those economists wouldn't have produced that report that sent everyone into a panic over the economy. Jul 25 19:26
*gde33 ( has joined #techrightsJul 25 19:35
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 25 19:51
DaemonFCI think what I like the most about Chrome OS and Android is that Bill Gates said that someday you'd just sign into any computer and all your stuff would just be there, and then Google invented that, and Microsoft is panicking because they have nothing. Jul 25 19:51
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines ( FoundationJul 25 19:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Still Works Towards Becoming An SPI ProjectJul 25 19:56
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 19:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | xorgJul 25 19:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 25 19:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | X.Org Foundation Still Works Towards Becoming An SPI Project | Tux MachinesJul 25 19:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Gaming: If You Build It, Will They Come?Jul 25 19:56
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 19:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 25 19:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Gaming: If You Build It, Will They Come? | Tux MachinesJul 25 19:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Elive 2.3.4 Beta Is a Nice OS Based on DebianJul 25 19:56
TweetTuxMachines                 and Enlightenment - ScreenshotsJul 25 19:56
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 19:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 25 19:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Elive 2.3.4 Beta Is a Nice OS Based on Debian and Enlightenment - Screenshots | Tux MachinesJul 25 19:56
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #techrightsJul 25 20:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The security flaws in Tails Linux are not itsJul 25 21:05
TweetTuxMachines                 only problem 25 21:05
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The security flaws in Tails Linux are not its only problem | Tux MachinesJul 25 21:06
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Guix 0.7 Can Now Install The GNU OperatingJul 25 21:06
TweetTuxMachines                 System 25 21:06
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 21:06
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 25 21:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Guix 0.7 Can Now Install The GNU Operating System | Tux MachinesJul 25 21:06
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GNOME 3.13.4 released 25 21:06
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 21:06
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME 3.13.4 released | Tux MachinesJul 25 21:06
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jul 25 21:40
MinceRgnJul 25 21:53
*Guest37846 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 25 23:08
DaemonFCObama is getting ready to sign a bill that makes it legal to unlock your phone when your contract expires with your carrier or you pay off your phone.Jul 25 23:26
DaemonFCIt should be utterly illegal for carriers to lock the phone without providing a way for the customer to unlock it at the push of a button when they finish paying it off to begin with.Jul 25 23:26
DaemonFC 25 23:26
DaemonFCThis won't help crapple hypephone customers too much. When Apple cuts off iOS upgrades, the party's over, because nobody else can support it and the phone is broken forever.Jul 25 23:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Farewell iPhone 4: No iOS 8 upgrade for you | ZDNet [ ]Jul 25 23:26
DaemonFC 25 23:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CyanogenMod | Android Community Operating SystemJul 25 23:26
DaemonFC 25 23:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Stay ParanoidJul 25 23:26
DaemonFCOn the Android side of things, you can just install CyanogenMod, Paranoid Android, or other alternative firmware, and then who cares what Samsung or LG do? Jul 25 23:26
DaemonFC 25 23:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Congress finally passes cell phone unlocking bill | Ars Technica [ ]Jul 25 23:27
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 25 23:28
DaemonFCLinux would work fine on a $200 computer that I saw on special at Newegg the other day, and you can load LibreOffice on it too.Jul 25 23:28
DaemonFCLike I said. Linux runs fine on computers where Windon't. The fact that Windows doesn't run well on low end computers never stops companies from selling low end computers with Windows on them.Jul 25 23:28
DaemonFCThe $200 PC I spoke of had a quad core 2 Ghz Haswell Celeron and 4 GB of RAM (with an empty slot, so you could pop in another 4 GB). It's not fancy, and for some reason, they bogged it down with Windows 8.1, but it's nothing a little hard drive formatting couldn't solve. The components bought separately would cost more than the PC did on sale, so a throwaway copy of Windows is just a minor annoyance.Jul 25 23:28
DaemonFCI even remember some companies selling Windows XP on systems with only 128 MB of RAM. It barely ran at all. So, this special that I saw is the 2014 version of that. Jul 25 23:28
cubexyzI used to know a guy who ran win95 on a 386sx with 4 megs of ram :)Jul 25 23:51
cubexyzit was awful, as you can imagineJul 25 23:51
DaemonFCIt wasn't pleasant on a 486 DX 66.Jul 25 23:59
DaemonFC 25 23:59
DaemonFCuhhhmJul 25 23:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Customer Discussions: Adult forum [ ]Jul 25 23:59
DaemonFCoh myJul 26 00:00
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 26 00:14
DaemonFCD. Snow: "nobody under 40 uses Apple products"Jul 26 00:14
DaemonFCIt probably helps that Macs are utterly useless for video gaming. My five year old PC is still better for video games than a new Mac. So why would anyone my age get a Mac?Jul 26 00:14
DaemonFCIf all you want to do is use Facebook, that's fine. I dig it. But, there's got to be a way to get that done without paying $900 for a Macbook Air that can't handle much else.Jul 26 00:14
DaemonFCDid someone say, "Chromebook"? Jul 26 00:14
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Wireless speakers stream audio from web andJul 26 00:26
TweetTuxMachines                 WLAN 26 00:26
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 00:26
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wireless speakers stream audio from web and WLAN | Tux MachinesJul 26 00:26
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     KDE Ships Third Beta of Applications andJul 26 00:26
TweetTuxMachines                 Platform 4.14 26 00:26
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 00:26
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE Ships Third Beta of Applications and Platform 4.14 | Tux MachinesJul 26 00:26
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 26 01:03
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 26 01:06
*asdokasdok123 (32833d5c@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #techrightsJul 26 02:30
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*Aless88 (32833d5c@gateway/web/freenode/session) has joined #techrightsJul 26 02:36
Aless88hey guys, can someone tell any good sources for learning about patents?Jul 26 02:37
Aless88let us just discuss the following situation:Jul 26 02:38
Aless88you have a business;Jul 26 02:39
Aless88person X sees that your business is growing;Jul 26 02:39
Aless88the same person files an application for a patentJul 26 02:39
Aless88the patent is about the idea your business revolves aroundJul 26 02:40
Aless88his application gets approved and he holds that patentJul 26 02:40
Aless88he then says you can no longer keep your businessJul 26 02:41
Aless88because it is in violation of the aforementioned patentJul 26 02:41
Aless88can you defend yourself against this?Jul 26 02:41
Aless88is this even possible?Jul 26 02:41
Aless88and any sources/literature about patents would be greatly appreciatedJul 26 02:42
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 26 03:31
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 26 03:32
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Autonomous sub powers up with Wheezy on HaswellJul 26 03:51
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 03:51
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 03:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Autonomous sub powers up with Wheezy on Haswell | Tux MachinesJul 26 03:51
*TweetTuxMachines @host2money followed @tuxmachinesJul 26 03:51
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 26 04:14
*Aless88 has quit (Quit: Page closed)Jul 26 04:36
DaemonFC 26 06:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Who’s banned from editing Wikipedia this week? Congress | Ars Technica [ ]Jul 26 06:23
DaemonFCOne of the Reptilian shape shifters in Congress is using KDE 2 on FreeBSD and wants to edit Wikipedia to tell you how to do it, apparently.Jul 26 06:23
DaemonFC 26 06:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How does one patch KDE2 under FreeBSD? - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ]Jul 26 06:27
DaemonFCApparently, it's a Russian internet meme.Jul 26 06:27
DaemonFCSo, apparently Valve delayed the Steambox for a year so that it could fuck around with the controller design some more. In the mean time, all of the hardware partners that showed off the Steambox at CES are going to release them as Windows computers now.Jul 26 06:37
DaemonFCIs Valve TRYING to clutch defeat from the jaws of victory!?Jul 26 06:37
MinceRfacepalmJul 26 07:34
MinceR 26 07:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Getting Married in Heaven : Jokes [ ]Jul 26 07:36
DaemonFC 26 08:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 10.10 and still no mention of an HFS+ replacement : apple [ ]Jul 26 08:26
DaemonFCMinceR bait.Jul 26 08:26
DaemonFC 26 08:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Now that Apple is buying Beats, Bose sues over noise-cancelling patents [ ]Jul 26 08:28
DaemonFCBose is for old farts with too much money. Jul 26 08:29
DaemonFCNo highs, no lows, it must be Bose.Jul 26 08:29
MinceR:>Jul 26 08:29
DaemonFCI have a Bose waveradio. They were selling those things for outrageous sums of money back in the 90s.Jul 26 08:30
DaemonFCI found it at a garage sale.Jul 26 08:30
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jul 26 08:31
DaemonFC 26 08:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bose Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ]Jul 26 08:32
DaemonFC"Discussion of the quality of Bose products can sometimes elicit strong and polarized opinions. Some see Bose as a maker of high-end equipment, while others see Bose as a company that uses marketing to make extravagant claims for otherwise ordinary products."Jul 26 08:32
DaemonFCMaybe Apple should just buy them.Jul 26 08:32
DaemonFC"A July 2012 review by NBC News of the $5,000 46" Bose TV noted that the video screen, produced by Samsung, resembles most closely a $750 flat panel television, and that the technology used is not up to par with other screens in the same category. The review then questions the value of the additional $4,260 cost for the Bose TV, suggesting there are compelling audio alternatives for less than 1/5th the price difference."Jul 26 08:33
DaemonFCThat sounds exactly like Apple.Jul 26 08:34
DaemonFCI'd better watch out. Bose has a tendency to sue everyone that doesn't like their products for libel.Jul 26 08:35
DaemonFCHmmm, Harman. They make some expensive sound systems too.Jul 26 08:36
DaemonFCApple was pushing them hard when the PowerMacs still roamed the Earth.Jul 26 08:36
DaemonFCI remember laughing that the idiots that bought 128k AAC files were listening to them on those.Jul 26 08:38
*schestowitz_log_ ( has joined #techrightsJul 26 08:45
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*roy__ is now known as Guest15650Jul 26 08:45
SosumiBOSE = Bring Another Sound EngineerJul 26 08:46
SosumiBOSE = Buy Another Sound EquipmentJul 26 08:46
SosumiHarman are also kind of overpriced for what you getJul 26 08:47
Sosumibest brands to go in the audio department are usually B&W, Dynaudio, KEFJul 26 08:48
Sosumibut BOSE is one to avoid at bestJul 26 08:48
Guest15650 26 08:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@jerezim: RT @schestowitz: The NSA’s New Partner in Spying: Saudi Arabia’s Brutal State Police #torture alsoJul 26 08:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The NSA's New Partner in Spying: Saudi Arabia's Brutal State Police - The InterceptJul 26 08:51
Guest15650Faegre Baker Daniels LLP | CIA Lawyer Joins Litigation Team at ...Jul 26 08:52
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 26 08:54
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 26 08:57
Guest15650afraid of dolls: 26 09:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Church Member Reponsible for Leaving 'Disturbing' Dolls in Calif. Neighborhood [ ]Jul 26 09:14
*DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jul 26 09:31
Guest15650 26 09:31
Guest15650"American presidents from Eisenhower to Obama have been responsible for the phenomenal rise of Islamist forces throughout the Muslim World. Hillary Clinton and some top American diplomats and politicians have publicly admitted that the Cold War exigencies had led their country to support Islamist forces, including the Afghan Mujahedeen and those who later founded al-Qaeda. We also know that in 1953, while Eisenhower flirted with the Jul 26 09:31
Guest15650ayatollahs on the eve of the CIA-led military coup that toppled a democratically elected government in Iran, both Carter and Reagan legitimised General Zia ul-Haq's pro-Jamaat-e-Islami Islamist military dictatorship in Pakistan (1977-1988). "Jul 26 09:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | STRANGER THAN FICTION | Muslim Brotherhood, Jamaat-e-Islami and global jihad | (Part 1 of 3 part series) [ ]Jul 26 09:31
Guest15650Russia rag: 26 09:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mr. President, Your Own CIA Says What Russians Say. What Are We Gonna Do? - Paul Roberts | Burning Point | RIA Novosti [ ]Jul 26 09:38
*Guest15650 is now known as royschJul 26 09:38
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Jul 26 09:48
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*roy__ is now known as Guest92063Jul 26 09:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GOG's Mistaken Giveaway, Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS,Jul 26 10:03
TweetTuxMachines                 and Wayland in KDE 26 10:03
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 10:03
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 10:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GOG's Mistaken Giveaway, Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS, and Wayland in KDE | Tux MachinesJul 26 10:03
*Guest92063 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jul 26 10:06
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jul 26 10:06
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*roy__ is now known as Guest94981Jul 26 10:47
Guest94981I don't like the author, but in this case he's onto something true: 26 10:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | WikiLeaks And Snowden In Hong Kong - Business Insider [ ]Jul 26 10:52
Guest94981 26 10:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Jul 26 10:53
*Guest94981 is now known as schestoJul 26 10:53
schesto" ‘extrajudicial means’ is hardly a primary issue here. "Jul 26 11:21
schesto 26 11:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Neither the question nor the answer - Daanish Hussain [ ]Jul 26 11:21
schestoSo now it's all OKJul 26 11:21
schestobecause they are "bad"Jul 26 11:21
schestoReturning fear to headlinesJul 26 11:34
schesto 26 11:34
schesto" Asked why Abdulmutallab's attempt had failed, John Pistole from the Transportation Security Administration told the Aspen Security Forum, "He had the device with him for over two weeks. It was's efficacy was degraded.""Jul 26 11:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Aside: Terror plot foiled by bad personal hygiene - Pune Mirror [ ]Jul 26 11:34
schesto 26 11:36
schesto"“These Israeli ‘Knock on the Roof’ drone-missile warnings are injuring and killing so many people, demolishing homes and bringing the roof down on top of their heads” he says, driving toward Nasser Street area, in central Gaza City. - See more at:"Jul 26 11:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Rescue teams: On Gaza’s front-lines | Middle East Eye [ ]Jul 26 11:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | News | Middle East Eye [ ]Jul 26 11:36
*schesto has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 26 11:46
*roy__ ( has joined #techrightsJul 26 11:47
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Guest13831 26 12:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SEEVed: @schestowitz ha from the same whitewashpost that tows the govts propaganda line.Jul 26 12:24
Guest13831yes, CIAPost (Bezos/Amazon/CIA/WashPo)Jul 26 12:24
Guest13831"The world requires global leadership from the United States"Jul 26 12:43
Guest13831LOLJul 26 12:43
Guest13831 26 12:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 4 ways America should respond to a world in chaos — NewsWorks [ ]Jul 26 12:43
Guest13831 26 13:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jay Rockefeller Wants to Revolutionize the Way You Watch TV - [ ]Jul 26 13:06
Guest13831 26 13:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hillary Clinton: 'The Reset Worked' With Russia | Washington Free Beacon [ ]Jul 26 13:11
SosumihahahahahaJul 26 13:24
Sosumithe reset “worked” indeedJul 26 13:25
Sosumi“worked”Jul 26 13:25
Sosumi:)Jul 26 13:25
Guest13831yeahJul 26 13:38
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Games 26 13:43
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 13:43
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 13:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Games | Tux MachinesJul 26 13:43
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 26 13:43
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 13:43
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 13:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJul 26 13:43
*Sosumi has quit (Quit: Sosumi)Jul 26 15:00
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*__martin__ (~martin@unaffiliated/--martin--/x-1730694) has joined #techrightsJul 26 17:01
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*Sosumi has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jul 26 17:23
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*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 26 17:33
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*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jul 26 17:54
*chomzee ( has joined #techrightsJul 26 18:01
chomzeehi!Jul 26 18:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Today in Techrights 26 18:18
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 18:18
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 18:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJul 26 18:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linus Torvalds On GCC 4.9: Pure & Utter CrapJul 26 18:19
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 18:19
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 18:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linus Torvalds On GCC 4.9: Pure & Utter Crap | Tux MachinesJul 26 18:19
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Cauldron 2014: GCC & LLVM Will Look ToJul 26 18:19
TweetTuxMachines                 Collaborate More 26 18:19
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 18:19
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 18:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cauldron 2014: GCC & LLVM Will Look To Collaborate More | Tux MachinesJul 26 18:19
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Six Clicks: The best Linux desktop environmentsJul 26 18:19
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 18:19
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 18:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Six Clicks: The best Linux desktop environments | Tux MachinesJul 26 18:20
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GCC Receives ACM’s 2014 Programming LanguagesJul 26 18:20
TweetTuxMachines                 Software Award 26 18:20
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 18:20
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 18:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GCC Receives ACM’s 2014 Programming Languages Software Award | Tux MachinesJul 26 18:20
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJul 26 18:30
schestowitz> Hi!Jul 26 18:30
schestowitz> Jul 26 18:30
schestowitz> We've taken our GCT game to the next level! :)Jul 26 18:30
schestowitz> We've rebranded it and now we hit steam greenlight and indie go go.Jul 26 18:30
schestowitz> Jul 26 18:30
schestowitz> We'd appreciate if you shared an information about that fact to otherJul 26 18:30
schestowitz> people who may be interested in it. :)Jul 26 18:30
schestowitz> Jul 26 18:31
schestowitz> Our new website is:Jul 26 18:31
schestowitz> 26 18:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Street ArenaJul 26 18:31
schestowitz> Jul 26 18:31
schestowitz> Thank you in advance, regards,Jul 26 18:31
schestowitzAwesome site.Jul 26 18:31
__martin__P2P blocked as a whole on mine.. Jul 26 18:46
__martin__ 26 18:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | University Sets Fines & Worse For Pirating Students | TorrentFreak [ ]Jul 26 18:46
DaemonFC 26 18:48
DaemonFCUniversities are fining you for that now?Jul 26 19:00
DaemonFCI don't suppose you can use a secure VPN.Jul 26 19:00
__martin__Nope, that is an article for an U.S. based one. We have like +-11MB/s downlink, but P2P filter. I yet have to speak with the head of mine faculty about vendor lock-in. There has been a Vi$ta8 tablet shipment recently out of nowhere.. and seemingly their will be soon contracting someone with task to create a virtual - AI tutor for selected pupils/attendees.Jul 26 19:03
DaemonFCThe library blocks bittorrent, but svpn seems to evade that.Jul 26 19:03
__martin__For master's degree, the ministry of education made new acreditation to first-time introduced study programme - Forestry technologies. So there lies my hope.. if am able to finish the bachelor's thesis next year on accuracy of GNSS systems under forest "rooftop" @ age of 24. (=Jul 26 19:06
__martin__Place of residence where am I right now, is already multicultural, there are like three main/major ethnic grops. The Roma, Hungarians and we Slovaks. Unemployment rate 30+-% of population whereas most companies stick with WinXP and rely on Facebook.Jul 26 19:07
__martin__Establishment is present in almost every action of ordinary cizizen, however surrounding environment is not on par with pollution in other areas of country or global pollution average levels.Jul 26 19:09
__martin__See 26 19:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | - ÚvodJul 26 19:09
__martin__University in different urban area still runs on XPs (13 yr old "system") although servers have some outdated UNIX backend with relatively fool-proof UIS running on top of ApacheJul 26 19:14
__martin__..Jul 26 19:14
__martin__DaemonFC: ;DJul 26 19:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BayFiles [ ]Jul 26 19:15
__martin__Btw, folks.. Rubén of Trisquel project speaks live in twenty-something minutes. Do not miss it. (=Jul 26 19:24
__martin__ 26 19:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Livestream | OpenEd JamJul 26 19:24
__martin__*an hour + 20mins / my bad / GTM+1 CESTJul 26 19:25
__martin__GMT**Jul 26 19:26
__martin__ 26 19:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Generic Calendar/Clock - Countdown to Jul 26, 2014 8:45 PM in UTC [ ]Jul 26 19:26
*neildarlow (~\~neil\ has joined #techrightsJul 26 20:10
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schestowitz__martin__: thanks for the infoJul 26 20:20
*neildarlow ( has joined #techrightsJul 26 20:22
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 26 20:24
__martin__SOIT poznám, pozabudol som na nich. Naposledy bolo živo okolo sprístupňovania dát z verejného katastra.. Mám tušenie, že viacero linuxákov by sa našlo aj za portálom a; pričom v druhom prípade autor Tibor Peták spravuje slovenské domény a kde sa na nachádza lokalizácia tretej iterácie známej licencie.Jul 26 20:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | | Komunitný GEO portál pre používateľov geografických informácií, systémov a technológiíJul 26 20:27
__martin__Off-topic: Dovolím si ale podotknúť, že našou najväčšou osobnosťou doma a v zahraničí uvedomujúcou si potenciál a aspekty slobodného softvéru je Martin Husovec aka Huťo. | | | | o.i. aj aktívny Fellow európskej odnože bostonskej FSF - FSFE.Jul 26 20:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Menej štátu | … viac slobodyJul 26 20:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNU General Public LicenseJul 26 20:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Huťko´s Technology Law BlogJul 26 20:27
__martin__Toto vlákno som založil z vidinou možnosti širšej prezentácie IT riešení založených na univerzálnom šírení vedomostí, pretože mainstreamové médiá majú na špecifické témy a kľúčové slová uvalené informačné embargo.Jul 26 20:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Martin Husovec | LinkedInJul 26 20:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Martin Husovec (hutko) on TwitterJul 26 20:27
__martin__Prečo si myslím, že "aktuálny" predseda by miesto posunul z radosťou ďalej? Pri poslednom meetupe vo vlaku pôsobil ako príliš zaneprázdnený človek, nakoľko má rozbehnutých viacero vecí povedzme aj typu patentovateľnej technológie pre zvýšenie efektívnosti solárnych kolektorov v spolupráci z jeho známymi spomedzi Izraelského tech sektora. Stallmanovu The Free Software Song mi ale zanôtil na údiv okolitej Jul 26 20:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Martin Husovec « MicroBlog Priateľov EISi [ ]Jul 26 20:27
__martin__Emdi a či Stano, dodoedo?! Je to na vás. Kontakt je, mailing listy treba ale oživiť.Jul 26 20:27
__martin__PS: Pre tých ktorí nemajú tú česť, Jasan na ISOC.. 26 20:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jan Sarenik's wish for the future of the Internet - YouTube [ ]Jul 26 20:27
__martin__aye, pasted wrong buffer altogether =SJul 26 20:27
__martin__sorryJul 26 20:27
__martin__this!Jul 26 20:27
__martin__< quidam> I may do the talk offline, and upload the videoJul 26 20:27
__martin__21:44 < quidam> because the network is not very stable, and if the video doesn't stream properly it crashes.Jul 26 20:27
schestowitzwhat does the above mean in English?Jul 26 20:36
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ripe Linux Nits To Pick 26 20:37
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 20:37
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 20:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ripe Linux Nits To Pick | Tux MachinesJul 26 20:37
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     OnePlus coming to India! 26 20:37
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 20:37
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 20:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OnePlus coming to India! | Tux MachinesJul 26 20:37
*neildarlow has quit (Quit: AndroidIrc Disconnecting)Jul 26 20:38
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__martin__schestowitz: it was my reply to our biggest sole active gnu/linux community; there I made a thread that our used-to-be user group needs new leader.. since I know the old one in person and want to help someone new become the chairman of 26 20:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | - slovenský linuxový portálJul 26 20:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SKLUG (Slovenské združenie používateľov Linuxu)Jul 26 20:50
__martin__schestowitz: am ofc not that husovec guy, he is a professional lawayer that hates sw pats, am just a student, mere fsf & kopimi activist (=Jul 26 20:52
__martin__lawyer*Jul 26 20:52
*neildarlow has quit (Quit: AndroidIrc Disconnecting)Jul 26 20:59
schestowitz 26 21:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #Groklaw Back in the Wake of #ODF in the UK? 26 21:02
schestowitz"Jul 26 21:02
schestowitzThis is great news but I did not see it in the article itself. Did I miss something, or did you say that the renewed activity is in Grocklaw's News Pics where someone quotes Andy Updegrove's Standards Blog,Jul 26 21:02
schestowitz    The U.K. Cabinet Office accomplished today what the Commonwealth of Massachusetts set out (unsuccessfully) to achieve ten years ago: it formally required compliance with the Open Document Format (ODF) by software to be purchased in the future across all government bodies. Compliance with any of the existing versions of OOXML, the competing document format championed by Microsoft, is neither required nor relevant. The announcement Jul 26 21:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Groklaw Back in the Wake of ODF in the UK? | Techrights [ ]Jul 26 21:02
schestowitzwas made today by The Minister for the Cabinet Office, Francis Maude....Jul 26 21:02
schestowitz    The adoption of only ODF - and not also OOXML, as was urged by Microsoft - is most significant for the degree of market adoption and legitimization it will necessarily lead to. Unlike OOXML, which exists in several versions in the marketplace (and was not adopted even by Microsoft in the ISO/IEC approved "strict" form until years after its adoption by those organizations), ODF exists in more settled forms. Use of ODF-compliant Jul 26 21:02
schestowitzsoftware by tens of thousands of U.K. government workers will provide incentives to Microsoft to take greater pains to ensure that documents saved in ODF form will preserve their formatting with greater integrity, since many open source office suites (such as LibreOffice and OpenOffice) are available for free.Jul 26 21:02
schestowitz"Jul 26 21:02
schestowitzLast time before PJ returned she had posted stuff in News Picks, later adding "PJ" to it (while supposedly having retired)Jul 26 21:03
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 26 21:14
chomzeehi allJul 26 21:21
schestowitzHiJul 26 21:26
schestowitz__martin__: lawyers are often opportunists when it comes to FOSSJul 26 21:26
schestowitz 26 21:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Bribes for pro- #israel #propaganda how low will those Hawks stoop?Jul 26 21:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Students offered grants if they tweet pro-Israeli propaganda - Middle East - World - The Independent [ ]Jul 26 21:33
schestowitz"But having education is not the same as being ethical, you would expect that an educated people would behave better but that's not always the case. Giving scholarships might sent the wrong message: if you do what you're told no matter what you will reap the benefits. In my country the military also gives scholarships but in military schools, that means that you will have housing and meals if you attend their high school, and if you Jul 26 21:33
schestowitzattend the military university you will have the same plus an almost useless degree outside the military. Only the most poor but dedicated enroll in the military..."Jul 26 21:33
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 26 22:06
*__martin__ has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)Jul 26 22:52
*cubelog1 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jul 26 23:21
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cubexyzif high schools did have PDP-11s things might have turned out a lot differentlyJul 26 23:28
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DaemonFC Fusion?action=recall&rev=194Jul 26 23:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Jul 26 23:35
DaemonFCSo this happened...Jul 26 23:35
DaemonFCerrrJul 26 23:41
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Tor, trust and the NSA 20 00:00
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 00:00
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 00:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tor, trust and the NSA | Tux MachinesJul 20 00:00
TweetTuxMachines@baseanswers     ODF(tm) World News is out!Jul 20 00:00
TweetTuxMachines        ( Stories viaJul 20 00:00
TweetTuxMachines                 @tuxmachines @bhuvi8 @oooug_jpJul 20 00:00
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 00:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ODF™ World NewsJul 20 00:00
<--cubelog1 has quit (Excess Flood)Jul 20 00:48
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**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Jul 20 00:50:51 2014
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DaemonFC 20 05:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Customer Discussions: iphone 5 crashed,anyone recommend anything?? [ ]Jul 20 05:42
DaemonFC"I have a feeling that when you try to install OS X "Mavericks" on your pre-2007 Mac and find that Apple has deprecated something that you still might use every day, they're not going to help you do anything other than buy an expensive new Mac.Jul 20 05:43
DaemonFCLinux still runs on all Macs. Even the Core Solo Mac Mini from 2006. Jul 20 05:43
DaemonFCYou don't have to wait for Apple to declare your hardware deprecated to upgrade to Linux though. Linux is for everybody. Your Mac will almost certainly even be faster than it was before after the upgrade. It's not like GNOME and KDE don't have their $20,000 toilet seats in terms of components that use system resources just because they want to behave more like Windows and Mac, but there are lots of options! Even the most piggish Linux Jul 20 05:43
DaemonFCdesktop environment (KDE) is nowhere near as bad as Windows on resource usage.Jul 20 05:43
DaemonFC 20 05:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Users Have a Choice: 8 Linux Desktop Environments [ ]Jul 20 05:43
DaemonFCThe real sticking points that will keep me from buying a Mac are the obscene price, the bad Apple software, and the fact that the hardware is frequently underpowered and impossible to upgrade or service by me, the end user. This comes together to create a relatively short usable life for a Mac computer. You're better off with Linux on PC."Jul 20 05:43
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 20 06:11
DaemonFCThe Android One will only be $100. The iPhone 5c is $549.Jul 20 06:11
DaemonFCFor that price, you could buy five Android Ones, smash four of them, and still be $50 ahead.Jul 20 06:11
DaemonFC78% of all smartphone sales are <$200. Jul 20 06:13
DaemonFCAt the extreme low end, some people buy Windows phones because Microsoft is selling them below cost to try to create a market for them. Microsoft has tried introducing Windows phones with better specs. I've never seen anyone buy them. Jul 20 06:13
DaemonFCAndroid One will be the end of Windows Phone.Jul 20 06:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     First Android One phone landing in October?Jul 20 06:13
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 06:13
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 06:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | First Android One phone landing in October? | Tux MachinesJul 20 06:14
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 20 06:41
-->DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 20 07:03
DaemonFCSomeone told me that Amazon made a Kindle "cloud reader" web app that runs in modern web browsers. I've never used Kindle before because of the Digital Restrictions Management[1], but I decided that since there would be no software to install, and Amazon does have some "free" books to test it out with, I thought I would give it a spin, just for kicks.Jul 20 07:30
DaemonFCThanks Amazon.Jul 20 07:30
DaemonFCThis is the most flagrant abuse of Javascript I've ever seen. Actually, it's not Javascript. It's more like "Obfuscript", to make it more difficult to figure out how their DRM works, so that you can't copy and paste text.Jul 20 07:30
DaemonFCCould you have possibly made this stupid thing any slower?Jul 20 07:30
DaemonFCYour coding horror made my quad core desktop computer feel like I was trying to scroll through a Microsoft Office file on a 300 Mhz Pentium 2.Jul 20 07:30
DaemonFC[1] 20 07:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Amazon's Kindle Swindle | Defective by Design [ ]Jul 20 07:30
DaemonFC 20 07:57
DaemonFCLG G3 vs. iPhone 5sJul 20 07:57
DaemonFCI loved the part where the iPhone screen was sharper and easier to read when viewed through the LG G3's camera than it was by looking directly at the iPhone's screen.Jul 20 07:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LG G3 vs. iPhone 5S - Review (4K) - YouTube [ ]Jul 20 07:57
Sosumidon’t install gnu/linux on core macJul 20 08:08
Sosumivoltage regulation on those machines is done through the smcJul 20 08:08
Sosumiand without the smc driver you’ll end up frying the cpuJul 20 08:08
Sosumijust like don’t install windows on those machines without the apple provided bootcamp driverJul 20 09:00
Sosumior you’ll get the same problemJul 20 09:00
DaemonFC WakkyWabbit says:Jul 20 09:11
DaemonFCDobbs,Jul 20 09:11
DaemonFCInteresting. I have the app on a somewhat old and slow 10 inch netbook with one of those Atom processors and it is also on my SG3 phone. On both devices, the app works great and is as fast as all three of my Kindles. Jul 20 09:11
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 20 09:11
DaemonFCI have a Phenom II X4 945 and a Geforce 560 GTX and Amazon's cloud reader is so slow, it's like scrolling through a web page using the VESA driver from Windows XP.Jul 20 09:11
DaemonFCMaybe I'll use Kindle when Amazon lets me save a file to my hard drive and open it up in Evince, without all this laggy encumbering Kindle garbage layered on top, so that you can't retain data that you paid for.Jul 20 09:11
DaemonFCSeriously. I played Skyrim under Wine on this thing recently, but books lag? Jul 20 09:11
DaemonFCThis is clearly a regression. Real books don't render slowly and require piss poor software in order to read them. I also know that I can keep my real books forever, regardless of what Amazon's future business plans are. Jul 20 09:14
<--amarsh04 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 20 09:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Today in Techrights 20 09:44
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 09:44
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 09:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJul 20 09:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     "I'll Be Back" -- After Reviving Meego Dreams,Jul 20 09:44
TweetTuxMachines                 Jolla Preps for India LaunchJul 20 09:44
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 09:44
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 09:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | "I'll Be Back" -- After Reviving Meego Dreams, Jolla Preps for India Launch | Tux MachinesJul 20 09:44
MinceRgeekingsJul 20 10:23
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DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 20 10:37
DaemonFCNo. They *should* just use the simplest solution that works, which is to give me the damned file.Jul 20 10:37
DaemonFCThis isn't the fastest machine in the world, but it's still faster than, say, a $1,100 iMac.Jul 20 10:37
DaemonFCIt still kicks some butt as far I I'm concerned. I still game on it. GNOME is fast and buttery smooth. Video playback is fantastic. Applications load at the snap of a finger.Jul 20 10:37
DaemonFCI just wish people would ditch proprietary software that is designed to be treacherous and bloated, and to backstab their customer.Jul 20 10:37
DaemonFCThen computers would work well and we wouldn't need to say things like "Damned computers. Why doesn't this work as well as what we had before?". Jul 20 10:37
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 20 10:37
DaemonFCThe people running Amazon's Kindle store, and people who publish to it boil down to two kinds.Jul 20 10:37
DaemonFC1. They are ignorant.Jul 20 10:37
DaemonFCorJul 20 10:37
DaemonFC2. They're bad people who are doing disgusting things.Jul 20 10:37
DaemonFCI generally prefer to think that most of them are #1s, because then they're simply misguided and don't fully appreciate the harm that they are causing, vs. #2s, who are just bastards. Jul 20 10:37
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 20 10:57
DaemonFCIs there a list, somewhere, of all the books available without Digital Restrictions Malware, so I know who I can do business with just by looking at a particular page?Jul 20 10:57
DaemonFCBy the way, I'm obviously very serious here. If I wanted the book, there are easier ways. Since Amazon is stopping me from doing business with them, and acquiring it without DRM might involve something equally dishonest as a publisher that uses DRM in the first place, and two wrongs don't make a right, I suppose that I'll just have to go to the library and/or continue buying old fashioned books.Jul 20 10:57
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJul 20 11:01
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DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 20 11:10
DaemonFCPeople who tell me to chuck my PC and downgrade to a Mac should be slapped severely.Jul 20 11:10
DaemonFCThe only excuse for using a Mac is if you're a 90 year old woman. And maybe not even then.Jul 20 11:10
-->schestowitz_log_ ( has joined #techrightsJul 20 11:17
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MinceR 20 12:08
DaemonFCSomeone said that my system is a kludge.Jul 20 12:09
DaemonFCI replied....Jul 20 12:09
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 20 12:09
DaemonFCYou're the one that told me to get a Mac.Jul 20 12:09
DaemonFCGizmodo reviewed the 2013 Mac Mini and had to go back to Half Life 2 (2004) to find a game that it could handle.Jul 20 12:09
DaemonFCThat's pathetic. For a $1,050 computer? Apple should kill themselves for this. It probably wouldn't know whether to **** or wind its wristwatch if you tried to run something from this decade on it.Jul 20 12:09
DaemonFCApple's the one that's kludging the crap out of their systems. Who cares if it has a fast CPU if you're stuck with integrated video and the hard drive is a dog? Really. Who wants that system? It's one of the most unbalanced systems I've seen. People buy these? Jul 20 12:09
SosumilolJul 20 12:25
SosumiI have no idea why bother with the macJul 20 12:25
Sosuminone of their machines allow for agpu swap nowJul 20 12:25
Sosumifolks with the trashcan pro, what if one of you rebranded underclocked radeon HD 7970 goes belly up?Jul 20 12:26
Sosumi*yourJul 20 12:26
Sosumistay without the computer for a weekJul 20 12:26
SosumilolJul 20 12:26
Sosumiand say goodbye to aftermarket updatesJul 20 12:27
Sosumifolks with the 2006 mac pro can still run mavericks with a hack in order for the installer to run on efi 32 bit machinesJul 20 12:28
Sosumiand have been able to swap their gpus for better ones all this timeJul 20 12:28
Sosumippl with the trashcan pro are already stuck in the pastJul 20 12:29
-->roy__ ( has joined #techrightsJul 20 12:29
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Sosumialso on ukraineJul 20 12:29
SosumiUkranian army has been seen moving Buk launchpads across some parts of the countryJul 20 12:30
Sosumiwhat happened? apparently and untrained crew shot the airplane by accidentJul 20 12:30
Sosumi*anJul 20 12:30
Sosumiwhich kind of doesn’t make any sense since the pro russia forces in the field don’t have planesJul 20 12:31
Sosumiunless the fold them with paperJul 20 12:31
Sosumi*theyJul 20 12:31
<--mariuz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 20 12:49
schestowitz 20 12:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #microsoft could not destroy mobile #linux with a mole & bribe because it's multi-headed. Now even words (bribes to Gartner & IDC) helped.Jul 20 12:53
schestowitz"^^ multi threaded?? or multi headed?"Jul 20 12:54
schestowitzLots of distros and branches, so headsJul 20 12:54
schestowitz"I guess it mean there's Android, Meego, Tizen, etc."Jul 20 12:54
schestowitz 20 12:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #obama overplays one dead American [sic] (US) because apparently 200 dead Dutch are not the Good Guys 20 12:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Obama: Malaysian Plane shot down by missile, 1 American dead - 7News Boston WHDH-TV [ ]Jul 20 12:55
schestowitz"But he likes killing americans with his drones - and watching "live" as an old man is shot in the face."Jul 20 12:55
schestowitz 20 12:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "US administration sought to pin the blame on separatists and Russia without waiting investigation." 20 12:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Russia: US implicating rebels | The Asian Age [ ]Jul 20 12:56
schestowitz"Not like you to just quote verbatim a government official as evidence. All you are doing is being a Russian spokesperson. If there is evidence, the Russians are sure taking their sweet time revealing them. Here's a compilation of evidence against the rebels by The Guardian."Jul 20 12:56
schestowitzWhen the Ukranian Nazis did their atrocities the Guardian not only did Russophobic propaganda but also deleted tons of comments it did not agree with, so I am still very careful and sceptical when it comes to its coverage in this region.Jul 20 12:57
schestowitz 20 12:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | MH17: the evidence against Russia | World news | The Observer [ ]Jul 20 12:57
schestowitz 20 12:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #china is having a field day #nsa #espionage #surveillanceJul 20 12:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | US intelligence blunders pile up - The China Post [ ]Jul 20 12:58
schestowitz"That's Taiwan - which makes it even more interesting."Jul 20 12:58
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Indian phone makers look to penetrate RussiaJul 20 13:28
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 13:28
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Indian phone makers look to penetrate Russia | Tux MachinesJul 20 13:28
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJul 20 13:36
DaemonFCThe #1 best selling desktop on Amazon is now the Chromebox, and the #1 laptop is the Chromebook.Jul 20 14:02
DaemonFCThe price is an eyecatcher, I guess. Jul 20 14:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     EFF releases experimental open wireless routerJul 20 14:44
TweetTuxMachines                 firmware 20 14:44
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 14:44
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 14:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EFF releases experimental open wireless router firmware | Tux MachinesJul 20 14:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Geary Is Getting Ready to Take ThunderbirdJul 20 14:44
TweetTuxMachines                 Head-On 20 14:44
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 14:44
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 14:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Geary Is Getting Ready to Take Thunderbird Head-On | Tux MachinesJul 20 14:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Canonical Issues Final Warning for Ubuntu OneJul 20 14:44
TweetTuxMachines                 Closure, Get Your Files NowJul 20 14:44
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 14:44
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 14:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Canonical Issues Final Warning for Ubuntu One Closure, Get Your Files Now | Tux MachinesJul 20 14:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     BitKey: A secure, Debian-based Live OS forJul 20 15:23
TweetTuxMachines                 bitcoin transactions 20 15:23
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 15:23
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 15:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BitKey: A secure, Debian-based Live OS for bitcoin transactions | Tux MachinesJul 20 15:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Geneva class-rooms switching to free softwareJul 20 15:23
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 15:23
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 15:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Geneva class-rooms switching to free software | Tux MachinesJul 20 15:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Debian 6.0.10 "Squeeze" Is Out and It's theJul 20 15:23
TweetTuxMachines                 Last Point Release 20 15:23
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 15:23
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 15:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Debian 6.0.10 "Squeeze" Is Out and It's the Last Point Release | Tux MachinesJul 20 15:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Plasma Active Continues Coming For Qt5/KF5Jul 20 15:23
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 15:23
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Plasma Active Continues Coming For Qt5/KF5 | Tux MachinesJul 20 15:23
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 20 15:39
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Beta Update Now UsesJul 20 15:57
TweetTuxMachines                 SDL2 20 15:57
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 15:57
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 15:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Beta Update Now Uses SDL2 | Tux MachinesJul 20 15:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Change the default search engine in Epiphany,Jul 20 15:57
TweetTuxMachines                 the GNOME Web applicationJul 20 15:57
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 15:57
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 15:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Change the default search engine in Epiphany, the GNOME Web application | Tux MachinesJul 20 15:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     My way to develop with git in KDE reposJul 20 15:58
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 15:58
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 15:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | My way to develop with git in KDE repos | Tux MachinesJul 20 15:58
MinceRgnJul 20 16:44
schestowitzolder :Jul 20 17:37
schestowitz" it taught me that the adage that a grand jury willJul 20 17:37
schestowitzindict a ham sandwich is an understatement. A betterJul 20 17:37
schestowitzdescription would be that the prosecution can show aJul 20 17:37
schestowitzgrand jury a shit sandwich and they will indict it asJul 20 17:37
schestowitzham without looking up from their newspapers."Jul 20 17:37
schestowitz 20 17:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Kaley Forfeiture Decision: What It Looks Like When The Feds Make Their Ham Sandwich | [ ]Jul 20 17:37
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Top 5 Linux Gaming EmulatorsJul 20 17:45
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 17:45
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 17:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Top 5 Linux Gaming Emulators | Tux MachinesJul 20 17:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The DragonBox Pyra Moves Closer As OpenPandoraJul 20 17:45
TweetTuxMachines                 Successor 20 17:45
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 17:45
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 17:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The DragonBox Pyra Moves Closer As OpenPandora Successor | Tux MachinesJul 20 17:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Wine 1.7.22 Arrives with Lots of Fixes forJul 20 18:23
TweetTuxMachines                 Games 20 18:23
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 18:23
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 18:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wine 1.7.22 Arrives with Lots of Fixes for Games | Tux MachinesJul 20 18:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Standardized open source products are the keyJul 20 18:23
TweetTuxMachines                 to unlocking the lock-in trapJul 20 18:23
TweetTuxMachines        ( 20 18:23
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Standardized open source products are the key to unlocking the lock-in trap | Tux MachinesJul 20 18:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GTK+ 3.13.4 Features a Much Improved AdwaitaJul 20 18:23
TweetTuxMachines                 Theme 20 18:23
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 20 18:23
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 20 18:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GTK+ 3.13.4 Features a Much Improved Adwaita Theme | Tux MachinesJul 20 18:23
DaemonFC 20 19:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Finland: Microsoft Betrayed Us with So Many Job Cuts [ ]Jul 20 19:54
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 20 20:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 20 20:25
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesJul 20 20:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Software 20 20:25
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux MachinesJul 20 20:25
schestowitz 20 23:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ When #Detroit Shuts Off the Water of 100,000 People killing its young, people who do hardest (physical) jobsJul 20 23:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | What Happens When Detroit Shuts Off the Water of 100,000 People - Rose Hackman - The Atlantic [ ]Jul 20 23:58
schestowitz"US people must be enjoying savage capitalism as Soviets must have enjoyed savage communism. Russia is not communist anymore, would the US reconsider its system?"Jul 20 23:58
schestowitz 20 23:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "US administration sought to pin the blame on separatists and Russia without waiting investigation." 20 23:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Russia: US implicating rebels | The Asian Age [ ]Jul 20 23:58
schestowitz"Sure. But then there is parroting the Russian government rather than confronting the evidence so far."Jul 20 23:58
schestowitz"I don't see Roy blaming anyone but those quick to conclude without ecidence."Jul 20 23:59
schestowitz"He isn't blaming anyone. Merely restating the Russian statement in preference over the evidence of non-cooperation."Jul 20 23:59
schestowitz 20 23:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #uk ‘Friendly Wi-Fi’ a euphemism for #censorship to "protect the children" rejecting censorship is being unfriendly?Jul 20 23:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | ‘Friendly Wi-Fi’ Aims To Stop Porn Access In Public Hotspots [ ]Jul 20 23:59
schestowitz"Think of the children."Jul 20 23:59
schestowitz 21 00:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Op-Ed: Microsoft layoff e-mail typifies inhuman corporate insensitivity #microsoft a socipathJul 21 00:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Op-Ed: Microsoft layoff e-mail typifies inhuman corporate insensitivity | Ars Technica [ ]Jul 21 00:00
schestowitz"That's a very typical US way of doing things, people is not made redundant that way in my country."Jul 21 00:00
schestowitz 21 00:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ One day in the future people may ask, when did the #uk become unhinged on law, Magna Carta etc. We live in interesting times...Jul 21 00:01
schestowitz"That's a Chinese curse you know. "May you live in interesting times"."Jul 21 00:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     SAILFISH OS HARDWARE ADAPTATION DEV KIT RELEASEJul 21 01:12
TweetTuxMachines                 1.0 21 01:12
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 21 01:12
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SAILFISH OS HARDWARE ADAPTATION DEV KIT RELEASE 1.0 | Tux MachinesJul 21 01:13
<--freedomrun_ has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.)Jul 21 03:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Can Linux speed in-car systems? Software mayJul 21 04:19
TweetTuxMachines                 reduce development time, costsJul 21 04:19
TweetTuxMachines        ( 21 04:19
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Can Linux speed in-car systems? Software may reduce development time, costs | Tux MachinesJul 21 04:19
*TweetTuxMachines @rangakrishnan1 followed @tuxmachinesJul 21 04:19
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-->pickering ( has joined #techrightsJul 21 06:05
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MinceRgeekingsJul 21 06:53
-->DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 21 07:43
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 21 08:30
DaemonFCIt's not really my computer that is struggling if Amazon's software is just poorly designed.Jul 21 08:30
DaemonFCGoogle Docs does way more than Amazon Cloud Reader does, but Google Docs runs fine.Jul 21 08:30
DaemonFCYou can always come up with software that is so poorly built that it doesn't run on a reasonably configured PC.Jul 21 08:30
DaemonFCI'm not thrilled to still be using a PC that's 5 years old, save for a nice graphics card upgrade[1], but I don't really want to buy a new computer right at this very moment. I'm in kind of a holding pattern right now, trying to get more time out of what I'm using while hoping that someone comes and fixes the PC market mess with something that you can just buy and use. Windows and Mac are not what I'd call "usable". Sorry.Jul 21 08:30
DaemonFCThe two best outcomes that could save the PC are that Steam OS and/or Chrome OS pan out. I'll tell you my line of thinking on this.Jul 21 08:30
DaemonFCSteam Machines will be real computers, not just a video game console. You can boot out of Steam OS, which is a thin "Just Enough" OS built on Linux, which will be a great thing, because you will get better performance than Windows can give you. 1. Linux performs better than Windows anyway in a side by side comparison running the native version of identical games right now. 2. A JEOS like Steam OS will run them even better because it throws Jul 21 08:30
DaemonFCout all of the stuff you don't need for gaming.Jul 21 08:30
DaemonFCValve's CEO, Gabe Newell, promised that you can reboot the machine into any normal PC OS to get your "boring" stuff done, so if this pans out, I could have a badass gaming console, that can reboot into Fedora, and that's just cool!Jul 21 08:30
DaemonFCOn the other hand, we have Chrome OS, which is Chrome running in its own "JEOS" version of Linux, and since Chrome is a powerful development platform which is only going to get more powerful, I think it's not unreasonable to think that we're going to get Chrome PCs with lots of RAM, fast processors, and decent video cards at some point.Jul 21 08:30
DaemonFCEither way, I do believe that Linux is the OS of the future. The surge of Chrome OS to the #1 desktop on Amazon and the #1 laptop on Amazon kind of tells me that Windows and Mac are quickly becoming legacy operating systems, whose only defenders are like Japanese soldiers on an island in 1945 that didn't hear about how badly the war is going.Jul 21 08:30
DaemonFC[1] And a nice graphics card can save you from a "blah" CPU these days, but a terrible graphics chipset, like we find in Macs and Walmart PCs can never be compensated for by a good CPU, which makes it all the more puzzling as to why Apple insists on fast CPUs with brain damaged Intel graphics chipsets. Apple has always been hostile to video game publishers, like going out of its way to make sure that games don't run on the Mac. Jul 21 08:30
DaemonFCerr, boot to steam OS rather *edits*Jul 21 08:31
SosuminahJul 21 08:43
Sosumiyou can load gnome on steam osJul 21 08:43
Sosumiactually it comes pre-installedJul 21 08:43
Sosumiso if not neededJul 21 08:44
DaemonFC Hummingbirder says:Jul 21 08:44
DaemonFCMy next of kin wouldn't know what to do with a Zune.Jul 21 08:44
Sosumifolks can do everything from inside steam osJul 21 08:44
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 21 08:44
DaemonFCIt's OK son, nobody knows what to do with a Zune.Jul 21 08:44
DaemonFC 21 08:44
DaemonFCNow that the Microsoft software to sync the damned thing is abandoned, people who own one are up the creek without a paddle. I don't know what the most current situation is in regards to trying to get them to sync using other software, but from the looks of this article, Microsoft went very far out of its way to prevent that from happening.Jul 21 08:44
DaemonFCIf you want a portable media player, get one that has Mass Storage Class support, or keep walking. That's my opinion, of course, but I think it's ridiculous that you can't drag and drop files using your operating system's file manager on Zunes and iPods, while a cheap little Sandisk Sansa has always allowed this. No bloated crapware necessary. Get off my lawn! B-) Jul 21 08:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sajid Anwar - MTPZ: Implementation [ ]Jul 21 08:44
Sosumialso gpus on apple hardware are just crap offers from nvidiaJul 21 08:45
SosumiI mean IntelJul 21 08:45
Sosumibut crappy gpus across the boardJul 21 08:46
Sosumiimacs are still using gt700m series gpus from last yearJul 21 08:46
DaemonFCYeah. The performance went up when they moved the chipset off of the motherboard and onto the CPU, but they're still not a replacement for even the cheapest video cards.Jul 21 08:46
DaemonFC 21 08:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Keeping Mac mini's integrated graphics in perspective | Macworld [ ]Jul 21 08:50
DaemonFC"So, on Monday, February 27, an integrated graphics chip was something that stole power from the CPU and siphoned off system memory. As of February 28, it’s suddenly capable of supporting the latest 3-D games and is an incredible value proposition? Ah, marketing!"Jul 21 08:50
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 21 09:03
DaemonFCAnd Apple's statement about running Halo on a budget PC was pretty funny, because it ran OK on a budget PC. I know because I had a budget PC and Halo. :PJul 21 09:03
DaemonFCIt wasn't a particularly advanced game engine. It ran on the original XBOX for crying out loud. The PC version was better because the XBOX version had no networking capabilities. Apple probably used it as an example of what you could do on the PowerPC Mac because it was one of the only 3d games that you could actually buy for a Mac. Microsoft kept Bungie's promise that it would work on a Mac, but Mac users got it two months later than PC Jul 21 09:03
DaemonFCusers.Jul 21 09:03
DaemonFCProbably the only reason I got away with running Halo on my crappy Compaq that I had at the time was because the development target *was* a Mac. I still remember how butthurt Mac fanboys were when Microsoft bought Bungie, which was the only video game company that I'm aware of that ever *tried* to produce a Mac exclusive. (Notice how Halo 2 only runs on a Mac if you reboot it into at least Windows Vista, or maybe Windows XP if you apply the Jul 21 09:03
DaemonFCHalo 2 XP "patch", but that's unofficial, and YMMV. And even then, good luck, because they weren't aiming for your crappy Mac with this one.)Jul 21 09:03
DaemonFCI don't know. It's been enough years since Halo 2 PC came out that Intel integrated video in a Mac might be on par with a mediocre video card from 2006 by now. Anyone? Jul 21 09:03
DaemonFCApple's "budget" Macs are really nothing to write home about. It's budget PC performance at mid-range PC prices.Jul 21 09:08
DaemonFCA $450 HP Pavilion with an AMD A10 APU will happily blow the Mac Mini right out of the water.Jul 21 09:10
DaemonFCThat's how bad things are at the low end of the Mac market.Jul 21 09:10
DaemonFCSosumi, Well, the nice thing about waiting to buy a new computer is that the longer you wait, the better system you'll get at any price level.Jul 21 09:17
DaemonFCSo, I try to drag these things out until the last minute.Jul 21 09:17
-->__martin__ (~martin@unaffiliated/--martin--/x-1730694) has joined #techrightsJul 21 09:20
__martin__funny timing; another malaysian jet (this time full of aids experts instead of semiconductor scientists) make headlines right when mr. snowden gets published another interview on the guardian and calls for hackers via hangouts [surveilled] @ hope-x-nycJul 21 09:22
DaemonFCThe US and EU will "condemn" Putin for a while, do nothing about it, and the whole thing will blow over.Jul 21 09:23
__martin__public distortion in practise >> 21 09:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | We Can No Longer Unbundle Microsoft Office [ ]Jul 21 09:24
__martin__our gov pushes for eid cards with reader; there is a client app for win xp/7/8 + reader IDBridge CT30 driver + signature app D.Signer/XAdES .. patheticJul 21 09:29
__martin__they missed the schedule for GNU/Linux and Mac OS X support by whole year or soJul 21 09:30
__martin__DaemonFC: are the Palestinians fighting back because there was no Jewish state prior to WW I (when the colonial winners drew the borders on a map) or is it "just" a deadly clash for freshwater sources?Jul 21 09:32
SosumiyepJul 21 09:40
Sosumibungie was a mac centric developerJul 21 09:40
Sosumiand probably the only oneJul 21 09:40
Sosumiuntil m$ bought themJul 21 09:40
Sosumiand changed the target platform for the xbox/windowsJul 21 09:41
Sosumithe mac port was later done by macsoftgames and published by gearboxJul 21 09:41
SosumiI have the mac version of halo actually, original and everythingJul 21 09:42
MinceRit seems that id became winblows-centric when they made a deal to target the xboxJul 21 09:42
Sosuminah, id has always been windows centricJul 21 09:42
Sosumitheir linux/mac ports were always handled by another companyJul 21 09:43
MinceRexcept when they developed their stuff for next and ported it to dosJul 21 09:43
MinceRand when they consistently targeted openglJul 21 09:43
Sosumiduring those times I wans’t even bornJul 21 09:43
Sosumi:)Jul 21 09:43
MinceR:)Jul 21 09:43
SosumiI’m not sure about using the mac gpus of the release of halo as bashing argumentJul 21 09:47
__martin__ 21 09:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 400 @ )Jul 21 09:47
Sosumimacs during that time had gf 4 ti 4600, radeon 9800 pros and later with the introduction of the G5 Jul 21 09:48
__martin__"So Microsoft purchased a bit of middleware and fashioned it into Direct3D Version 3. It was universally reviled. And with good reason; looking at D3D v3 code is like staring into the Ark of the Covenant.Jul 21 09:48
Sosumi6800 ultrasJul 21 09:48
__martin__Old John Carmack at Id Software took one look at that trash and said, "Screw that!" and decided to write towards another API: OpenGL."Jul 21 09:48
MinceR:>Jul 21 09:48
Sosumionly the imacs had crappy gpusJul 21 09:48
Sosumithe crap gpus across the board only started in 2009Jul 21 09:50
DaemonFCI had a Radeon 9800 Pro paired with an Intel Celeron at the time.Jul 21 09:50
Sosumiwhen they released the mac pro with the hd4870Jul 21 09:50
Sosumiinstead of the gtx285Jul 21 09:50
DaemonFCI've noticed that a decent GPU can save you from a bad CPU in games, but a bad GPU means it doesn't matter what your CPU is.Jul 21 09:50
DaemonFCEven though the current higher end i7s are more than twice as fast as my Phenom II X4, when you go to load a game with an identical GPU on both systems, the i7 only brings the framerate up by 5-10% usually.Jul 21 09:51
DaemonFCI helps, but it's not where you should put your money.Jul 21 09:52
SosumiI only play quake 3 arenaJul 21 09:52
Sosumithere isn’t anything out there that really interests me anymoreJul 21 09:52
DaemonFCIn some cases, a current i5s are only a dual core CPU.Jul 21 09:53
Sosumiand I just use my computer for workJul 21 09:53
Sosumitesting with algos and so onJul 21 09:53
DaemonFCModern game engines can create extra threads to take advantage of more cores, so your performance could actually go down with a dual core i5.Jul 21 09:53
DaemonFCThere's just nothing really exciting about getting a new CPU these days.Jul 21 09:54
DaemonFCThey're twice as fast as ones that were already incredibly fast.Jul 21 09:54
Sosumiwait for the next intel tockJul 21 09:54
Sosumithat is what I’m doing now, before upgradingJul 21 09:55
Sosumifrom a i7 3970x into some 8 core versionJul 21 09:55
Sosumiwhen they come into the 999€ pricreangeJul 21 09:55
__martin__Sosumi: make sure you disable AMT ( then.. also PRNG chip ;DJul 21 09:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | "Active Management Technology": The obscure remote control in some Intel hardware — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software [ ]Jul 21 09:57
Sosumii7 3970x is socket 2011Jul 21 09:59
__martin__1st gen core i3 in hereJul 21 09:59
Sosumithat you posted only applies to 1150sJul 21 09:59
-->abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsJul 21 10:12
DaemonFCApple tries to keep people in the dark about their new products. The only way you know that a current model is about to be replaced by a newer one is when stores start running out of the older model.Jul 21 10:15
DaemonFCApple knows that when you announce a new product, that sales of the old version collapse, and they want to keep people paying full price for the old model all the way to the end.Jul 21 10:15
DaemonFCIt makes it difficult to plan an upgrade cycle when you don't even know when the new hardware will be out.Jul 21 10:15
Sosumilol, it was apple who kept the 2011 mac pro going for 3 years with no updates and no price decreaseJul 21 10:19
Sosumiand the sole reason they stopped selling it was because intel was going to stop manufacturing nehalem and westmere cpusJul 21 10:19
Sosumiand then they released the trashcan proJul 21 10:20
DaemonFCRight, so right now the Mac Mini is 165 days past the average time between releases.Jul 21 10:20
DaemonFCIt's the 2012 model, and it's still selling at full price.Jul 21 10:20
Sosumicrapple :)Jul 21 10:20
DaemonFCPeople who buy it will see that in a month or two, there will be a new model that's twice as fast for the same price.Jul 21 10:20
abeNd-orghehJul 21 10:20
abeNd-orgyes, but people keep buying it, otherwise apple wouldnt keep the price where it is atJul 21 10:20
abeNd-orgblame the same people who think they have a cousin who is a nigerian king that has millions for themJul 21 10:21
DaemonFCRight, so you buy the 2012 model, and then the new model comes out with a CPU that's very nearly twice as fast, and maybe double the RAM and the same price. Who wouldn't feel stupid for that?Jul 21 10:21
abeNd-orgmost apple consumers wouldnt know the differenceJul 21 10:22
DaemonFCI know. The people who buy Apple in the first place.Jul 21 10:22
DaemonFCEven they must visit now and then and see Apple bragging about how fast the new model is compared with the old one.Jul 21 10:22
DaemonFCAlso, Apple cuts off support for old products as quickly as they can, so buying the current Mac Mini means that you're already two years into its "life cycle", which means that if you wait and get the next model, you should be able to expect an additional 1-2 OS upgrades vs. buying this one.Jul 21 10:23
DaemonFCOnce Apple cuts off OS X upgrades, the pool of available software goes into immediate decline because they also rip out the ability for developers to target unsupported versions of Mac OS from XCode right away.Jul 21 10:24
DaemonFCSo, it's even more uncomfortable than continuing to use Windows XP.Jul 21 10:24
DaemonFCSo, even though you still have hardware that would be capable of running an office suite or a web browser, you can't even get current versions of those.Jul 21 10:25
DaemonFCI prefer for my PC to gracefully degrade. In other words, new software that actually needs new hardware might stop working, but software that doesn't won't.Jul 21 10:25
DaemonFCBecause most new software doesn't need particularly new hardware anyway.Jul 21 10:26
abeNd-orgi will have to say my work phone, an old 4s, came out with ios5 & is getting the ios8 update, so that is pretty good for a mobile deviceJul 21 10:26
abeNd-orgnone of the sammy phones get upgrades anything like that, perhaps 1 major rev if they are luckyJul 21 10:26
DaemonFCI heard that the iPhone 4 line won't get iOS 8.Jul 21 10:27
DaemonFCBesides, you don't need a new version of Android to run most Android apps.Jul 21 10:27
DaemonFCPeople with Gingerbread can still run many apps.Jul 21 10:27
abeNd-orgyou are correct, but that was released back in june 2010, so 4yrs old is pretty long in tooth when it comes to mobile devicesJul 21 10:28
abeNd-orgactually, my wife had to junk her 2.3.x android phone because of the new google calendar app wouldnt work with it, & the old one wasnt syncing properly anymore, & she is a heavy calendar userJul 21 10:29
DaemonFCThat brings me to my other point.Jul 21 10:30
DaemonFCRespectable Android phones are getting cheaper.Jul 21 10:30
DaemonFCThe Android One thing aims for a decent $100 Android phone without any subsidies.Jul 21 10:31
abeNd-orghers was a at one time top of the line motorolaJul 21 10:31
DaemonFCSo, the iPhone 5c will still be $549 while a "good enough" Android phone will only be $100.Jul 21 10:31
abeNd-orgthat motorola had on their 4.x upgrade list for the longest, then cancelledJul 21 10:31
abeNd-orgwhich made that the last moto product we were going to ever buy (sure other things might have moto chips or such, but not buying anything with moto branding)Jul 21 10:32
Sosumiback in the days of pocket pcJul 21 10:40
Sosumithe version of pocket pc or palm os you bought the device with Jul 21 10:41
Sosumiwas the one you’d also be stuck withJul 21 10:41
Sosumisame for symbianJul 21 10:41
Sosumiat least on the iphone, the have been doing good thereJul 21 10:41
abeNd-orgdepending on the model, sometimes you would get no updates, minor updates, but i dont think you would ever see a major version updateJul 21 10:41
__martin__"Volkswagen AG (VOW), Europe’s largest carmaker, plans to mimic the fast-paced rollouts of products made by the likes of Apple Inc. (AAPL) to adapt quicker to changing customer demands for technology in its cars." - BloombergJul 21 10:42
abeNd-orgyea, i think iphones usually received 3 major os revision updatesJul 21 10:42
Sosumiwith the 4 now being dropped after it was released back in 2010Jul 21 10:42
Sosumiwhile the only android devices that get regular updates are the nexus and google play editionsJul 21 10:43
abeNd-orgeven the sammy flagship phones rarely get updatesJul 21 10:43
SosumiyeahJul 21 10:43
DaemonFCI just got my car insurance renewal bill. Bleh!Jul 21 11:06
DaemonFCI'm switching companies again because I got a better offer.Jul 21 11:07
DaemonFCI hate doing this. They want to ask you a billion questions. It's like canceling AOL.Jul 21 11:07
DaemonFCSosumi, I'm holding off on buying a new system because these upgrades haven't been really impressive lately.Jul 21 11:09
DaemonFCI remember when the speed of a CPU would double every year or two, and it was just getting better at a crazy paceJul 21 11:10
DaemonFCI don't think they've tripled in speed in the last five years.Jul 21 11:11
__martin__"Toshiba and U.S. partner SanDisk Corp filed separate civil lawsuits against SK Hynix seeking damages over the suspected theft of data related to their flagship flash memory chip technology used in smartphones and tablet computers. " - ReutersJul 21 11:13
SosumiI understandJul 21 11:16
Sosumijust upgrade when you see it required :)Jul 21 11:17
DaemonFCIt's kind of sad really. That there haven't been incredible advances in the last five years.,Jul 21 11:19
DaemonFCLeave it to Apple to take us from dragging and dropping files with a file manager to "You need to install the most horrendously bloated media player ever made, and it only works with Windows and Mac.". EWW!Jul 21 12:08
DaemonFCClearly this is a regression, and so is the price.Jul 21 12:08
DaemonFCI use a Sandisk Sansa Clip+, and to channel Milton from Office Space, "And if they take Mass Storage Class away, I'm going to burn the building to the ground.".Jul 21 12:08
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Sosumi 21 12:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Forensic Expert Questions Covert 'Backdoor' Services Included in iOS by Apple - Mac Rumors [ ]Jul 21 12:40
SosumiI am not suggesting some grand conspiracy; there are, however, some services running in iOS that shouldn’t be there, that were intentionally added by Apple as part of the firmware, and that bypass backup encryption while copying more of your personal data than ever should come off the phone for the average consumer.”Jul 21 12:40
SosumiYES YES I’ve been hitting at this for some time alreadyJul 21 12:41
Sosumibut on the osx side of thingsJul 21 12:41
Sosumiwhen even with things like report submission is disabledJul 21 12:41
Sosumilittle snitch catches the process submitdiag calling appleJul 21 12:41
Sosumiand among that process, othersJul 21 12:42
DaemonFCMicrosoft has something similar in Windows. They gave the government a program that can immediately decrypt all of your Bitlocker drives. Jul 21 13:02
abeNd-orgif only the NSA would just let me have access to all my data, that would make the 3 tier backup so much easierJul 21 13:06
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DaemonFC 21 13:24
DaemonFCA computer in every home and a Linux operating system on many of them.Jul 21 13:24
DaemonFCMy prediction for the future.Jul 21 13:24
DaemonFCChrome devices are so inexpensive that they're the number one desktop and laptop OS on Amazon. Some users report that they managed to throw out their Windoze computer entirely and move over to Chrome OS.Jul 21 13:24
DaemonFCI'm finding myself in Google Chrome on my Fedora desktop more and more. I'm not sure I'm ready to chuck the PC just yet, but when the time comes, I might.Jul 21 13:24
DaemonFCIt's hard to argue with a $150 Chromebox when it has almost all the capabilities of a Windoze computer that costs less than about $600.Jul 21 13:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google Chrome takes big chunk of commercial notebook sales - [ ]Jul 21 13:24
DaemonFCWith Windows XP getting harder to press on with and the prospect of a Windoze "upgrade that involves a 'spensive new PC, that could explain the surge of Chrome.Jul 21 13:24
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DaemonFCAnd if you want to give your Chromebox a kick in the pants, you can flip it over and put in more RAM.Jul 21 13:33
abeNd-orgmost of the XP coa'ed machines I have a clients are x64 & can do 8gb ram, more than enough to handle win81 reliablyJul 21 13:53
abeNd-orgthe problem usually is with the slower than dirt WDC-green type drives in them, they really fly with an ssdJul 21 13:54
DaemonFCWestern Digital "Green". BWAHAHAHAAAA!!!Jul 21 13:55
DaemonFCWho the FUCK buys that SHIT?Jul 21 13:55
DaemonFCI'm sorry, but......Jesus Christ.Jul 21 13:56
DaemonFCYou know?Jul 21 13:56
abeNd-orgso ive reimaged most of the xp machines with 81 & redeployed their LoB applications, they just keep chugging alongJul 21 13:56
DaemonFC"It uses less power". Yeah, like a couple of watts, and it kills your data access times. KILLS THEM.Jul 21 13:56
abeNd-orgyea, im not a fan of the "green" line, i wouldnt buy them myself, but dell/hp/lenovo love using themJul 21 13:56
DaemonFCOf course they do. They can save $10 and most people that buy a Dell don't know any better.Jul 21 13:57
abeNd-orgim not talking dimension consumer grade machines, im talking precision/optiplex business classJul 21 13:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Chromebook Gains, Microsoft WorriesJul 21 13:57
TweetTuxMachines        ( 21 13:57
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 21 13:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chromebook Gains, Microsoft Worries | Tux MachinesJul 21 13:57
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter...Jul 21 13:58
MinceRpeople who buy dHells don't know any betterJul 21 13:58
MinceRif they did, they wouldn't be buying dHells.Jul 21 13:58
abeNd-orghp/lenovo business class machines are no better/worseJul 21 14:00
abeNd-orgi could care less about consumer class machines from any vendorJul 21 14:00
-->MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrightsJul 21 14:11
MinceR_actually, thinkpads are a lot better than latitudesJul 21 14:13
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abeNd-org*shrug* as long as they arent consumer grade, im more or less fine with any of themJul 21 14:19
abeNd-orgpeople who go out & buy vostro & pavilion machines for cheap, then complain that they arent running fast enough....Jul 21 14:20
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tigerfoot:-) Jul 21 15:09
abeNd-orgor while i am in this channel should i be referring to them as stinkpad/dull/etc?Jul 21 15:13
MinceRwhateverJul 21 15:14
__martin__abeNd-org: dull got that shocked by sale figures of hardware with chrome os that they shove it off from their offeringsJul 21 15:15
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DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 21 15:50
DaemonFC"every new version of iOS is full of bugs"Jul 21 15:50
DaemonFCDoes it support Ogg Vorbis yet, or are users stuck with Apple's garbage AAC or (god help you) Nero's?Jul 21 15:50
DaemonFCApple and Nero managed to produce such low quality AAC encoders, that although AAC is theoretically as good as Vorbis, their implementations of AAC are often matched or outperformed by the lame MP3 encoder.Jul 21 15:50
DaemonFC 21 15:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Results of the public MP3 listening test @ 128 kbps (October 2008) [ ]Jul 21 15:50
DaemonFCIf it comes down to a choice between Apple AAC or Lame MP3, use the Lame MP3 encoder. It produces files that will work everywhere, the quality is as good or better, and MP3 will be in the public domain in 2017, while MPEG-4 patents (like the ones describing AAC) won't finish expiring until the 2030s. Apple owns MPEG-4 patents and that's why it promotes AAC and fought to get open standard media codecs out of the HTML 5 specification. Apple Jul 21 15:50
DaemonFCcan't be trusted. The have conflicts of interest with what's good for the public. Like Microsoft, Apple's goal is to suck a tax stream out of innovative companies. Spotify rejected AAC and streams in Vorbis. Good for them!Jul 21 15:50
DaemonFCIf Vorbis is a choice, then forget both and use Vorbis.Jul 21 15:50
DaemonFCI'd call missing Vorbis support a definite dealbreaker when choosing a portable media player.Jul 21 15:50
DaemonFCOn the topic of Apple's bogus iTunes "Plus" "upgrade", the only point of doubling the size of the files was to run your iThing out of space faster.Jul 21 15:50
DaemonFCOnly the kind of complete philistine that would do business with Apple, spend $300 on an MP3 player, and wear those crappy earbuds would think that they'd get any benefit from a doubling of bitrate.Jul 21 15:51
MinceRdo they have FLAC support already?Jul 21 15:52
abeNd-orgive found amazon's drm free mp3 not horrible, & pretty cheap Jul 21 15:56
DaemonFCMinceR, ALAC. It produces files that are 8-11% bigger and.....well, that's about all it does.Jul 21 16:00
MinceRpftJul 21 16:01
MinceRanother thing it does is that it won't play anywhere elseJul 21 16:01
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DaemonFCMinceR, Rockbox.Jul 21 16:04
DaemonFCApple eventually released ALAC under the Apache 2.0 license.Jul 21 16:04
DaemonFCThere's just no reason to use it.Jul 21 16:04
MinceRicJul 21 16:04
DaemonFCWhenever I find ALAC files, I use the open source codec to decompress them and then I recompress them into FLAC.Jul 21 16:05
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MinceRgnJul 21 18:58
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GCC 5.0 Is Expected Next YearJul 22 01:12
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GCC 5.0 Is Expected Next Year | Tux MachinesJul 22 01:12
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Best Linux Desktop: KDE's PlasmaJul 22 01:12
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Best Linux Desktop: KDE's Plasma | Tux MachinesJul 22 01:12
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DaemonFC 22 03:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Phoronix] AMD "Hawaii" Open-Source GPU Acceleration Still Not Working Right [ ]Jul 22 03:05
DaemonFCUhhhh. Uh oh.Jul 22 03:05
DaemonFC"nobody knows why it doesn't work"Jul 22 03:05
DaemonFC"Hawaii support is not a priority at the moment. We don't have any business cases right now where accelerated open source Hawaii is a priority." Jul 22 03:05
DaemonFC-AMDJul 22 03:05
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJul 22 03:08
DaemonFC 22 03:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gigabeat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ]Jul 22 03:12
DaemonFC"On March 3, 2009, Toshiba released a firmware update which upgrades the Platform to 1.3 (from 1.1).[1] There are no release notes and the changes are unknown."Jul 22 03:12
DaemonFCGee, that sounds exactly like something I'd want to install....Jul 22 03:12
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     7 Mac OS X Yosemite Features Canonical Needs toJul 22 03:29
TweetTuxMachines                 Steal to Make Ubuntu Even BetterJul 22 03:29
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 03:29
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 7 Mac OS X Yosemite Features Canonical Needs to Steal to Make Ubuntu Even Better | Tux MachinesJul 22 03:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Deepin 2014 review 22 03:29
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Deepin 2014 review | Tux MachinesJul 22 03:29
<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.)Jul 22 03:54
MinceRgeekingsJul 22 04:13
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 22 04:29
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditUbuntu favourited '7 Mac OS X Yosemite Features Canonical Needs...'Jul 22 05:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New Duke Beta, Debian 6 Update, and Geary StillJul 22 05:14
TweetTuxMachines                 Coming 22 05:14
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 05:14
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Duke Beta, Debian 6 Update, and Geary Still Coming | Tux MachinesJul 22 05:14
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__martin__"Managers, managers, managers!" 22 09:50
MinceR:>Jul 22 09:54
-->abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsJul 22 10:58
-->DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 22 11:16
schestowitz> 22 11:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What does Kindle Unlimited mean for readers? [ ]Jul 22 11:37
schestowitz> Jul 22 11:37
schestowitz> $120 / year for library serviceJul 22 11:37
schestowitz> Jul 22 11:37
schestowitz> combine that with the attack on library exceptions in the upcoming treaties:Jul 22 11:37
schestowitz> Jul 22 11:37
schestowitz> 22 11:37
schestowitz> 22 11:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Does Europe hate libraries? | Internet Policy Review [ ]Jul 22 11:37
schestowitz> Jul 22 11:37
schestowitz> then combine that with the ability to monitor usage or revoke accessJul 22 11:37
schestowitz> (like has already been demonstrated)Jul 22 11:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Treaty Proposal on Copyright Limitations and Exceptions for Libraries and Archives | IFLAJul 22 11:37
schestowitzAmazon is not in the business of public service; there is potential for privatisation here.Jul 22 11:37
schestowitz]Jul 22 11:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SoylentNews | The (Very Late) Post-Incorporation Post [ ]Jul 22 11:42
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 22 11:45
DaemonFCI actually started referring to Apple's FoulPlay M4P files as "MPEG 4 Putzs".Jul 22 11:45
DaemonFCThanks for reminding me of that. Jul 22 11:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     NVIDIA Releases K1-Powered Shield Tablet &Jul 22 11:45
TweetTuxMachines                 Controller 22 11:45
schestowitz> 22 11:45
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 11:45
schestowitz> the tor project said on the list that they will make anJul 22 11:45
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 22 11:45
schestowitz> announcement later this week or so, but that they had nothing to do withJul 22 11:45
schestowitz> pulling the talkJul 22 11:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NVIDIA Releases K1-Powered Shield Tablet & Controller | Tux MachinesJul 22 11:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Carnegie Mellon Kills Black Hat Talk About Identifying Tor Users -- Perhaps Because It Broke Wiretapping Laws | Techdirt [ ]Jul 22 11:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Mozilla Thunderbird 31.0 Officially ReleasedJul 22 11:46
TweetTuxMachines                 with Lots of Fixes and Important ChangesJul 22 11:46
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 11:46
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla Thunderbird 31.0 Officially Released with Lots of Fixes and Important Changes | Tux MachinesJul 22 11:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The new Android Wear smartwatches already haveJul 22 11:46
TweetTuxMachines                 their first game (exclusive)Jul 22 11:46
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 11:46
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The new Android Wear smartwatches already have their first game (exclusive) | Tux MachinesJul 22 11:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Raspberry Pi B+ ARM Debian BenchmarksJul 22 11:46
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 11:46
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi B+ ARM Debian Benchmarks | Tux MachinesJul 22 11:46
DaemonFCAZW might be a little harder to work with, but I'll probably think of something now. Jul 22 11:46
schestowitz"The company won’t use the data for ad targeting orJul 22 11:51
schestowitzpersonalization if users install the AddThis opt-outJul 22 11:51
schestowitzcookie on their computers, he said."Jul 22 11:51
schestowitz 22 11:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Meet the Online Tracking Device That is Virtually Impossible to Block - ProPublica [ ]Jul 22 11:51
schestowitz 22 11:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Another Argument Against The “Artist Must Get Paid” Nonsense #copyright #propagandaJul 22 11:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Another Argument Against The "Artist Must Get Paid" Nonsense | TorrentFreak [ ]Jul 22 11:52
schestowitz"Well, I mean, an artist should get paid for their hard work, especially if it's the main thing that they're doing for a living. But payment doesn't necessarily have to come from the sale of digital music files."Jul 22 11:52
MinceRit's so virtually impossible to block that noscipt has already blocked it by default :>Jul 22 12:02
MinceRand it can't even work at all on links2 or dilloJul 22 12:03
__martin__black duck open hub.. dafuq did i just read =XJul 22 12:08
MinceRsounds nastyJul 22 12:09
schestowitz 22 12:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@matthewstinar: @schestowitz A tax payer subsidised monopoly isn't a business. Also, yes, they do in fact despise used book stores.Jul 22 12:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Files (Nautilus) 3.13.2 Has Been Improved forJul 22 12:22
TweetTuxMachines                 Adwaita Theme 22 12:22
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 12:22
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Files (Nautilus) 3.13.2 Has Been Improved for Adwaita Theme | Tux MachinesJul 22 12:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Mozilla Unleashes Firefox 31 Web BrowserJul 22 12:22
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 12:22
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla Unleashes Firefox 31 Web Browser | Tux MachinesJul 22 12:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Canonical Community Team Changes Announced ForJul 22 12:22
TweetTuxMachines                 Ubuntu 22 12:23
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 12:23
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Canonical Community Team Changes Announced For Ubuntu | Tux MachinesJul 22 12:23
<--Sosumi has quit (Quit: Sosumi)Jul 22 12:35
DaemonFC 22 12:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox 31 tightens download security, adds search box to new tab page [ ]Jul 22 12:41
DaemonFCIt seems that Mozilla reverse engineered Google's method of blocking malicious downloads that is used in Chrome, and implemented it in Firefox.Jul 22 12:41
-->Sosumi ( has joined #techrightsJul 22 12:45
DaemonFCOut of 11 patched security issues in Firefox 31, 9 won't work without Javascript enabled, and 1 of the 9 that only works with Javascript enabled requires Windows.Jul 22 12:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Over 170 Primary Schools In Geneva Switched ToJul 22 12:58
TweetTuxMachines                 Ubuntu For Classroom TeachingJul 22 12:58
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 12:58
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Over 170 Primary Schools In Geneva Switched To Ubuntu For Classroom Teaching | Tux MachinesJul 22 12:58
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Foundation SysAdmin Clint SavageJul 22 12:59
TweetTuxMachines                 Reminisces on Weeklong HackfestJul 22 12:59
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 12:59
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation SysAdmin Clint Savage Reminisces on Weeklong Hackfest | Tux MachinesJul 22 12:59
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Docker security with SELinuxJul 22 12:59
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 12:59
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Docker security with SELinux | Tux MachinesJul 22 12:59
schestowitz 22 13:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Another Argument Against The “Artist Must Get Paid” Nonsense #copyright #propagandaJul 22 13:19
schestowitz"Roderick T Long, destroyer of all things IP related"Jul 22 13:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-name lookup timed out ( status 0 @ )Jul 22 13:19
schestowitz>>> then combine that with the ability to monitor usage or revoke accessJul 22 13:24
schestowitz>>> (like has already been demonstrated)Jul 22 13:24
schestowitz>>Jul 22 13:24
schestowitz>> Amazon is not in the business of public service; there is potential forJul 22 13:24
schestowitz>> privatisation here.Jul 22 13:24
schestowitz> Jul 22 13:24
schestowitz> Privatization is only the means, I think the end goal there is moreJul 22 13:24
schestowitz> sinister.Jul 22 13:24
schestowitz 22 13:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ The empire glorifies big weapons 22 13:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Fox News Accidentally Exposes Recklessness Behind NRA's Defense Of A "Battlefield Weapon" | Blog | Media Matters for America [ ]Jul 22 13:25
schestowitz""there is an all-out war on at our southern border." If the US not were the number one drugs consumer and did not employ illegal immigrants there might not be drug and migrant smugglers."there is an all-out war on at our southern border." If the US not were the number one drugs consumer and did not employ illegal immigrants there might not be drug and migrant smugglers."Jul 22 13:25
schestowitz 22 13:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Bazeelzebub: @schestowitz Thanks Dr Roy, I've been running Zorin6 on my old Amilo laptop (PAE problems on the old cpu) Zorin9 is lookin pretty cool!!Jul 22 13:34
schestowitzIt seems like another Russian contender, along with with ROSAJul 22 13:34
schestowitz 22 13:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How Should the United States Respond to BRICS? | Foreign Policy Journal [ ]Jul 22 13:53
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJul 22 14:03
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DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 22 14:24
DaemonFCI did notice something amusing a while back. It turns out that Apple actually deleted a lot of their old FoulPlay music from their iTunes server, so people who didn't pay for the "iTunes Plus upgrade", which replaced the FoulPlay file with a clean copy at twice the bitrate seem to be able to just delete the files from their computer and re-download them from iTunes, and most of the time, they appear to be getting the "iTunes Plus" file Jul 22 14:24
DaemonFCwithout having to "upgrade" their library.Jul 22 14:24
DaemonFCUsing iTunes with or without DRM is still pretty silly, but for purely technical reasons related to the questionable quality of the AAC format, the huge files, etc. Vorbis is a better codec, there are no patents, and it uses the logical method of encoding the data, which is variable bitrate. Jul 22 14:24
DaemonFCIf you're already knee deep in iTunes, then at least deleting and re-downloading your FoulPlay files gives you a free upgrade path to the file you should have gotten in the first place. No DRM garbage. Jul 22 14:31
<--__martin__ has quit (Quit: leaving)Jul 22 14:47
abeNd-orgglad i dont use itunes for purchasing music, amazon mp3 is good enough for my legal needsJul 22 15:06
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The Linux Kernel Bang-Bang Thermal Governor IsJul 22 15:21
TweetTuxMachines                 Banging 22 15:21
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Linux Kernel Bang-Bang Thermal Governor Is Banging | Tux MachinesJul 22 15:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     What are useful online tools for LinuxJul 22 15:21
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 15:21
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What are useful online tools for Linux | Tux MachinesJul 22 15:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Zorin OS 9 - a step forward for WindowsJul 22 15:21
TweetTuxMachines                 migrants 22 15:21
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Zorin OS 9 - a step forward for Windows migrants | Tux MachinesJul 22 15:21
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 22 15:29
DaemonFC"I'll admit iTunes doesn't run well on Windows. Apple really needs to fix that."Jul 22 15:29
DaemonFCThey've had more than 10 years since I've used it on Windows and it still doesn't work well? Obviously, they don't intend to fix it, just like their stupid audio codec.Jul 22 15:29
DaemonFC"And as for Vorbis, well, more like nobody has sued them yet about patents."Jul 22 15:29
DaemonFCSteve Jobs made some nebulous and idle threats about a patent pool being formed to attack Vorbis with, but nothing ever came of that, and Vorbis is used in a lot of places now, including YouTube and Spotify. Android plays them. Lots of portable media players play Vorbis. So, people with deep pockets are using it. Why has nobody "gone after" them?Jul 22 15:29
DaemonFCI allege that Jobs was just saying that to try to drive people away from unencumbered codecs and onto formats where they definitely will lose a lot of money to patent fees. Apple owns a lot of the patents, so it's obvious why they don't like the competition too much. Since he was a sociopath, con artist, and liar like Bill Gates is, that's highly likely. At least Jobs won't be doing any more nasty things.Jul 22 15:29
DaemonFC"AAC is more than "good enough" unless you're an extreme audiophile."Jul 22 15:29
DaemonFCI don't like AAC and the patents don't finish expiring until the 2030s. The Lame MP3 encoder produces higher quality out of MP3 than Apple or Nero get out of AAC, and MP3 patents all expire by 2017. If you have to use MPEG, use MP3. Jul 22 15:29
DaemonFCI didn't say that MP3 or AAC was so bad that it would make my ears bleed or anything.Jul 22 15:29
DaemonFCI just didn't see the point in using anything but the best (Vorbis) when all options were available to me, but AAC and MP3 had quality and legal issues, and Vorbis didn't (other than the aforementioned nebulous and idle threats from the corpse) and Vorbis works with all my favorite stuff.Jul 22 15:29
DaemonFCI think it's amazing that I've never come across any particular sample where Ogg Vorbis had a noticeable failure case at a reasonable bitrate. The same cannot be said for other mainstream codecs.Jul 22 15:29
DaemonFCIt's probably why Spotify and Google went with Vorbis for their streaming needs. Jul 22 15:29
DaemonFCMinceR should get a kick out of that.Jul 22 15:31
MinceRwell saidJul 22 15:32
MinceR(though jobs can only no longer do nasty things if he's already completely decomposed)Jul 22 15:32
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 22 15:50
DaemonFCAlso, codecs like Vorbis follow the general consensus in the open source community that following the standard is only desirable when the standard is good and implementing it will be of more benefit to the user than replacing it.Jul 22 15:50
DaemonFCWhen following the standard will create more problems for a user than not following the standard, you can deviate from the standard as far as compatibility concerns will let you go, or you can just create a new standard.Jul 22 15:50
DaemonFCIt quickly became obvious, in digital video and audio, that all of the proprietary options were unusable on the open web for a combination of legal and quality problems, and so codecs like VP8 and Vorbis was created as the new standards.Jul 22 15:50
DaemonFCI'd say they're the only real standards, because they're the only ones that you have an absolute right to implement and use anywhere, without the MPEG-LA patent trolls hunting you down and sucking out your blood.Jul 22 15:50
DaemonFCFattening themselves up like a tick.Jul 22 15:50
DaemonFCThe MPEG-LA patent trolls have deferred their right to collect "royalties" for a few years to try to make MPEG-4 codecs more palatable for web streaming use, but their deferral will expire, and anyone foolish enough to be using them will be on the hook owing so much money that their business might not even be profitable enough to continue. Those that continue will just have to pass the added costs along to the customers.Jul 22 15:50
DaemonFCOpen codecs like VP8 and Vorbis appear to have gone the right way, and route around the patents or wait them out. If we starve the MPEG-LA beast, then soon it will not be able to hurt anyone and parasite off of productive businesses. Jul 22 15:50
MinceRlooks like we're gonna need to starve the other heads of the hydra tooJul 22 15:53
MinceRm$, crApple, the MAFIAAJul 22 15:53
DaemonFC"Thanks to Mr. Gates, we now know that an open Internet with protocols anyone can implement is communism; it was set up by that famous communist agent, the US Department of Defense."Jul 22 15:56
DaemonFC―Richard Stallman Jul 22 15:56
DaemonFCLOLJul 22 15:56
MinceRlolJul 22 15:58
MinceRmeanwhile, gates centrally deciding what operating system you buy is capitalismJul 22 15:58
MinceRinteresting, isn't it?Jul 22 15:58
DaemonFC<MinceR> looks like we're gonna need to starve the other heads of the hydra tooJul 22 16:08
DaemonFCDon't salt the leach. Burn it off. :)Jul 22 16:08
DaemonFCleechJul 22 16:08
MinceRthat would still cauterize the wound, would it not?Jul 22 16:08
DaemonFCMost likely.Jul 22 16:14
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Nine Reasons Linux Rules the SupercomputingJul 22 16:19
TweetTuxMachines                 Space 22 16:19
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nine Reasons Linux Rules the Supercomputing Space | Tux MachinesJul 22 16:19
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     U.K. Cabinet Office Adopts ODF as ExclusiveJul 22 16:19
TweetTuxMachines                 Standard for Sharable DocumentsJul 22 16:19
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 16:19
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | U.K. Cabinet Office Adopts ODF as Exclusive Standard for Sharable Documents | Tux MachinesJul 22 16:19
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Looking at the Zooniverse codeJul 22 16:19
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Looking at the Zooniverse code | Tux MachinesJul 22 16:19
DaemonFC 22 16:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Music and Video in Windows 8: a work in progress | Ars Technica [ ]Jul 22 16:34
DaemonFC"Metadata editing seems to be almost non-existent. Windows 8, as with all its predecessors, seems unable to handle the ID3 version 2.4, sticking instead to the inferior 2.3. That's a little galling, given that the specification was published in the year 2000. It is possible to add metadata based on metadata found in the Xbox music store, but the few times I tried this, the store's metadata was wrong anyway. "Jul 22 16:34
abeNd-orglinux/osx/android/ios/random little mp3 players updated to id3-2.4?Jul 22 16:39
MinceRno surprise thereJul 22 16:42
MinceRusb 1.0 came out in 1996Jul 22 16:43
MinceRand the usb stack in winblows still blows chunksJul 22 16:43
tessier 22 17:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Profit Misses Estimates on Weak Demand - Businessweek [ ]Jul 22 17:00
tessierBurn, baby, burn!Jul 22 17:21
abeNd-orgok, so say ms goes out of business tomorrow, what of companies that actually rely on ms or ms-based products that there is no opensource/floss/etc alternative?Jul 22 17:37
MinceRthey'll do what they do when m$ EOLs a product they used, for a whileJul 22 17:39
MinceRand then they'll move on to something elseJul 22 17:40
abeNd-orgso why arent companies making linux based (server & client) software more often then? does it not get enough usage & then get dropped as a productJul 22 17:42
MinceRperhaps because they believe people like youJul 22 17:42
abeNd-orgi remember HP had webjetadmin as a linux & windows based server product, then they dropped linux because there was, according to them, no one using it so they went windows only on itJul 22 17:42
abeNd-orgnot sure what you are getting at "with me", as I said I have plenty of linux servers doing things at customers, windows runs where there is no viable linux alternativeJul 22 17:43
MinceRi suspect such products will get more use as the network effects that favor m$ fadeJul 22 17:45
abeNd-orgi gave you a list of a bunch of software & asked you for alternatives, you just spewed kiddie version names at me instead of anything usableJul 22 17:45
MinceRyou just spew mindless m$ propagandaJul 22 17:47
abeNd-orghaha, no, i asked for alternatives, you spew kiddie names at meJul 22 17:48
MinceRhaha, yesJul 22 17:48
MinceRgnJul 22 17:48
abeNd-orgeither way, you still havent presented me with any viable alternativesJul 22 17:48
abeNd-org& now you run awayJul 22 17:48
MinceRyeah, now i "run away" because random m$ drones are not worth losing sleep overJul 22 17:49
abeNd-orgif i run linux servers at my clients where i can, how is that a microsoft drone?Jul 22 17:49
abeNd-orgif i promote the use of opensource apps at work & to customers for home use, how is that a microsoft drone?Jul 22 17:50
MinceRi can see how you "promote" "opensource"Jul 22 17:50
abeNd-organd anytime i ask you a simple question, all you do is spew kiddie names instead of real answersJul 22 17:50
DaemonFC 22 18:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Adobe Says Piracy is Down, But Photoshop Still Rules Pirate Bay | TorrentFreak [ ]Jul 22 18:08
DaemonFCI think it's a good thing that Adobe is clamping down on pirated copies of Photoshop.Jul 22 18:08
tessierabeNd-org: MS won't go out of business for a long time. Like IBM they will slowly whither away over the course of decades. If MS were to disappear tomorrow the software would still continue to exist. So no problem. Jul 22 18:09
DaemonFCSince most Photoshop users are pirates, that means that the CS6 version is effectively cracked forever and most of them will just keep using that instead. As Wine progresses, it will eventually run CS6 perfectly.Jul 22 18:09
DaemonFCIt's already close. So the pirates can just take their CS6 and stick it into Wine, and there goes another reason to use Windows.Jul 22 18:09
tessierAnd yes, the networks effects of MS and their incompatible protocols etc. have taken a terrible toll on the industry. That will begin to resolve, open standards will evolve, and Linux and others will get more support.Jul 22 18:10
DaemonFCThat also effectively stops development on a proprietary program, for most users, so as CS6 rots and Gimp and others are still in development, the eventual outcome could be that many of them ditch CS6 and move to an open source alternative eventually.Jul 22 18:10
DaemonFCMicrosoft never really cracks down on piracy, because Linux desktop usage would go double digits overnight if 40-some% of Windows/Office users were told to cough up $500 right away to keep using their computer. Jul 22 18:12
DaemonFCI think that Adobe is about to learn a painful lesson that the pirates using their software were actually promoting the software as a de facto standard, and making it harder for other people to avoid as well.Jul 22 18:13
DaemonFCAlso, open source development happens more when there isn't a good enough proprietary program that's affordable and widely available.Jul 22 18:14
abeNd-orglike the SIP2 compliant library ILS i love, evergreen, linux backend with windows/linux clients, however there still is no linux/windows/osx client with windows/linux server side patron management system, so libraries still end up needing a windows serverJul 22 18:16
abeNd-orgall i was asking MinceR for was an alternative (to that & other ms-based server side products), not baby name callingJul 22 18:18
abeNd-org& I find it rather insulting to be called a microsoft droneJul 22 18:20
DaemonFC"Seriously, you have to wonder if Dr. Evil is running Amazon from his moon base. They've already used the Swindle DRM to remotely delete books from peoples Kindles. Next, they could ransom your books million, fajillion, farfiggity figgity fillion, shabadada, zillion....dollars."Jul 22 18:30
DaemonFCfrom a post of mine on AmazonJul 22 18:30
abeNd-orgyea, speaking of that i see shrills want to use the "all you can read" monthly subscription as a reason to get rid of all librariesJul 22 18:31
abeNd-orgas if every single person can afford $10/month, a kindle, has internet access, etc etcJul 22 18:31
abeNd-orgwe have plenty of people who come into the library to get all sorts of materials & use computers, because they cut all the cords other than cell phone, so no cable/internet at all at homeJul 22 18:32
<--abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jul 22 18:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     23-inch Android display shows HD digital artJul 22 18:45
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 23-inch Android display shows HD digital art | Tux MachinesJul 22 18:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Best Linux Browsers 22 18:45
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Best Linux Browsers | Tux MachinesJul 22 18:45
DaemonFCMinceR, Someone told me that he'll pray that I die in a car accident.Jul 22 18:48
DaemonFCI repled....Jul 22 18:48
DaemonFCWell, you can pray all you want. Nietzsche told me that God is dead and we have killed him. ;)Jul 22 18:48
DaemonFCSo I guess that means that you can pray in one hand and shit in the other, and see which one fills up first. :) Jul 22 18:48
DaemonFC 22 19:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Pale Moon Project homepageJul 22 19:02
DaemonFCIs there really a reason to use this?Jul 22 19:02
DaemonFCI saw someone on Torrent Freak mention it.Jul 22 19:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 22 19:08
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 19:08
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesJul 22 19:08
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 22 19:09
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJul 22 19:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Software 22 19:09
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 19:09
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux MachinesJul 22 19:09
DaemonFC 22 19:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited is limited; it's missing 5 major publishers - Triangle Business Journal [ ]Jul 22 19:44
DaemonFC 22 19:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | zombie hal : Michael Blennerhassett [ ]Jul 22 19:53
DaemonFCLOLJul 22 19:53
DaemonFC 22 21:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | This Tree Is Growing 40 Different Kinds Of Fruit At Once [ ]Jul 22 21:20
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Best Linux Browsers 22 21:32
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    ( 22 21:32
TweetTuxMachines @iArthurCDN     Jul 22 21:32
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 22 21:32
*TweetTuxMachines @LinuxTechnotes followed @tuxmachinesJul 22 21:32
DaemonFC 22 21:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Comcast memo on viral cancelation call: It was “painful to listen to” | Ars Technica [ ]Jul 22 21:45
DaemonFC 22 21:59
DaemonFCWell, the Kindle Unlimited thing is going to be a big bust.Jul 22 22:21
DaemonFCThe five largest publishers don't want anything to do with it.Jul 22 22:21
DaemonFCPeople are calling it the Netflix of books. That might be right.Jul 22 22:21
DaemonFCNetflix only rarely gets good movies anymore. Most of it is B movie crap.Jul 22 22:21
MinceR004856 < DaemonFC> So I guess that means that you can pray in one hand and shit in the other, and see which one fills up first. :) Jul 23 01:35
MinceRlolJul 23 01:35
MinceR 23 02:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLE [ ]Jul 23 02:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     QEMU 2.1.0-rc3 Has More Bug FixesJul 23 02:18
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 02:18
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | QEMU 2.1.0-rc3 Has More Bug Fixes | Tux MachinesJul 23 02:18
<--Sosumi has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Jul 23 02:46
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux 3.17 To Fix Up ASPM, Bring Other PCIJul 23 02:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Changes 23 02:56
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux 3.17 To Fix Up ASPM, Bring Other PCI Changes | Tux MachinesJul 23 02:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     KDE's the Best, Wallen Interview, and Why LinuxJul 23 02:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Rules 23 02:56
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 02:56
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE's the Best, Wallen Interview, and Why Linux Rules | Tux MachinesJul 23 02:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Exclusive interview with Agustin BenitoJul 23 02:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Bethencourt on joining LinaroJul 23 02:56
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 02:56
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Exclusive interview with Agustin Benito Bethencourt on joining Linaro | Tux MachinesJul 23 02:56
DaemonFCMinceR, That article is funny.Jul 23 03:01
DaemonFCThe United States and socialism? Not really.Jul 23 03:01
DaemonFCThey're sneaking off with pensions, for example.Jul 23 03:02
DaemonFC"'I can't find anything. Prices are climbing daily,' said Jesus Ramirez, a taxi driver who has spent a year trying to replace the 2008 Renault he purchased new for $7,441. He sold the car for over $30,000 five years later."Jul 23 03:04
DaemonFCMinceR, Things must be getting bad if Jesus is driving a taxi in Venezuela. Jul 23 03:05
DaemonFCB-)Jul 23 03:05
DaemonFC"This is the point I just can not understand. There are many much better investments to make to protect money than buying cars that depreciate."Jul 23 03:07
DaemonFCActually, the price for new cars in the United States has gotten so ridiculously high that a used car that would have sold for $2,000 in 2005 is still selling for about $2,000 now.Jul 23 03:08
DaemonFCI guess you could make the case that it's $2,000 in 2014, not 2005, but I've never seen this happen before.Jul 23 03:09
DaemonFC 23 03:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Refurbished: Acer Aspire AXC-603G-UW30 Desktop PC Intel J1900 Quad-Core 2.00GHz, 4GB DDR3 RAM, 500GB HDD, HDMI OUT, USB 3.0, Windows 8.1 64-Bit - [ ]Jul 23 03:15
DaemonFCWow. That's not a very impressive PC, but for $200 it sure is.Jul 23 03:15
DaemonFCCelerons are quad cores now?Jul 23 03:15
-->__martin__ (~martin@unaffiliated/--martin--/x-1730694) has joined #techrightsJul 23 03:25
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 23 03:43
__martin__rysiek|pl: better than ur disco polo, eh? ;D 23 03:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BijouTerrier & KukoHS&Eva Pavlíková VÁŇA Z VORKUTY (Ofic..) - YouTube [ ]Jul 23 03:57
MinceR090517 < DaemonFC> MinceR, Things must be getting bad if Jesus is driving a taxi in Venezuela. Jul 23 04:04
MinceRlolJul 23 04:04
MinceRgeekingsJul 23 04:05
__martin__greetings (=Jul 23 04:06
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Chrome OS to get comple overhaul with ‘ProjectJul 23 04:14
TweetTuxMachines                 Athena’ 23 04:14
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 04:14
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 04:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chrome OS to get comple overhaul with ‘Project Athena’ | Tux MachinesJul 23 04:14
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     France parliamentary committee: 'encourageJul 23 04:14
TweetTuxMachines                 European open source software marketJul 23 04:14
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 04:14
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | France parliamentary committee: 'encourage European open source software market | Tux MachinesJul 23 04:14
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Android Open-Source for ARMv8-A Starts 64-BitJul 23 04:14
TweetTuxMachines                 Avalanche 23 04:14
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 04:14
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 04:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Open-Source for ARMv8-A Starts 64-Bit Avalanche | Tux MachinesJul 23 04:14
rysiek|pl__martin__: that's not a real achievement, now is it?Jul 23 05:57
rysiek|pl__martin__: this is also much better than попса, for instanceJul 23 05:58
rysiek|pl:)Jul 23 05:58
<--Sosumi has quit (Quit: Sosumi)Jul 23 06:23
__martin__rysiek|pl: just wanted to point out, that s*it happens when someone has been living under geopolitical tensions for centuries (= ofc you have good artists e.g. which I came across by an accident through one Replicant/OpenMoko/Neo900 dev Jul 23 06:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Biography | History of Perfect bandJul 23 06:34
__martin__rysiek|pl: namely dos ( 23 06:35
__martin__good rest of the day to all of youJul 23 06:35
<--__martin__ has quit (Quit: leaving)Jul 23 06:35
rysiek|plmhmJul 23 06:40
-->Sosumi ( has joined #techrightsJul 23 06:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Open-Source Projects Failing To Pass IRSJul 23 06:55
TweetTuxMachines                 Nonprofit Muster 23 06:55
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 06:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 06:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open-Source Projects Failing To Pass IRS Nonprofit Muster | Tux MachinesJul 23 06:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     First Commercial Web Games Launch LeveragingJul 23 06:55
TweetTuxMachines                 Mozilla-Pioneered TechnologyJul 23 06:55
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 06:55
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | First Commercial Web Games Launch Leveraging Mozilla-Pioneered Technology | Tux MachinesJul 23 06:55
<--schestowitz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jul 23 06:57
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-->DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 23 11:13
*TweetTuxMachines @DavidNedvedAU followed @tuxmachinesJul 23 14:38
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Sosumigot to love oczJul 23 15:23
Sosuminew firmware update my SSDsJul 23 15:23
Sosumibut first I must secure erase them firstJul 23 15:23
Sosumiand there goes 3 days downtimeJul 23 15:24
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 23 16:01
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DaemonFC 23 16:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Let's Buy CNNJul 23 16:10
MinceRlolJul 23 16:12
MinceR10 billion goalJul 23 16:12
MinceR 23 16:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | When Twitter Word Order Goes Badly Wrong | Zero Hedge [ ]Jul 23 16:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     AMD R600g/RadeonSI Performance On Linux 3.16Jul 23 16:25
TweetTuxMachines                 With Mesa 10.3-devel 23 16:25
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 16:25
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMD R600g/RadeonSI Performance On Linux 3.16 With Mesa 10.3-devel | Tux MachinesJul 23 16:26
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     SAP supports open source Cloud Foundry andJul 23 16:26
TweetTuxMachines                 OpenStack for cloud 23 16:26
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 16:26
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SAP supports open source Cloud Foundry and OpenStack for cloud | Tux MachinesJul 23 16:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     It’s now easier to install SailfishOS onJul 23 16:27
TweetTuxMachines                 Android devices 23 16:27
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 16:27
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | It’s now easier to install SailfishOS on Android devices | Tux MachinesJul 23 16:28
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The world's most secure OS may have a seriousJul 23 16:28
TweetTuxMachines                 problem 23 16:28
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 16:28
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The world's most secure OS may have a serious problem | Tux MachinesJul 23 16:28
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Attack of the clones: Oracle's latest Red HatJul 23 16:28
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux lookalike arrives 23 16:28
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 16:28
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Attack of the clones: Oracle's latest Red Hat Linux lookalike arrives | Tux MachinesJul 23 16:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     MakerBot Offers Lessons in Open SourceJul 23 16:29
TweetTuxMachines                 Innovation with Linux 23 16:29
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | MakerBot Offers Lessons in Open Source Innovation with Linux | Tux MachinesJul 23 16:29
-->abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsJul 23 16:31
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     How open source launched my small businessJul 23 17:04
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How open source launched my small business | Tux MachinesJul 23 17:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Firefox OS-based Chromecast Competitor ComingJul 23 17:04
TweetTuxMachines                 Soon 23 17:04
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 17:04
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox OS-based Chromecast Competitor Coming Soon | Tux MachinesJul 23 17:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Docker acquires London startup OrchardJul 23 17:04
TweetTuxMachines                 Laboratories 23 17:04
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Docker acquires London startup Orchard Laboratories | Tux MachinesJul 23 17:04
DaemonFC 23 17:25
MinceRno, you get 126 _known_ bugs per dollarJul 23 17:27
MinceRand 9001 unknown bugs per centJul 23 17:27
<--siel has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jul 23 17:42
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Here’s a low-barrier way to help improve FLOSSJul 23 17:43
TweetTuxMachines                 apps – AppStream metadata: Round 1Jul 23 17:43
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 17:43
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Here’s a low-barrier way to help improve FLOSS apps – AppStream metadata: Round 1 | Tux MachinesJul 23 17:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Banana Pi review – tastier than Raspberry?Jul 23 17:44
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 17:44
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Banana Pi review – tastier than Raspberry? | Tux MachinesJul 23 17:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Schools Are Gobbling Up Chromebooks: 1 MillionJul 23 17:44
TweetTuxMachines                 Sold in 3 Months 23 17:44
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 17:44
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Schools Are Gobbling Up Chromebooks: 1 Million Sold in 3 Months | Tux MachinesJul 23 17:44
DaemonFCI might go with a mini PC next time, actually.Jul 23 17:51
DaemonFCAll of these cords running every which way are starting to piss me off. LOLJul 23 17:51
MinceRis a raspberry pi mini enough? :>Jul 23 17:52
MinceRdoesn't have enough juice for bloated web sites though :>Jul 23 17:52
DaemonFCMinceR, The Celeron 2955U in the Chromebook seems to do fine.Jul 23 17:55
MinceR:)Jul 23 17:55
DaemonFCAll the hardware in the Chromebook is supported by Free Software too, unless you get the Samsung models.Jul 23 17:55
MinceRand only the samsung ones are ARM and passively cooled?Jul 23 17:56
MinceRgnJul 23 18:02
<--abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jul 23 18:03
DaemonFCI deliberately avoided Samsung's Chromebooks because they run on ARM hardware and it's hard to find a mainstream Linux OS that has official support for those models. The Mali graphics processor, in particular, that comes on ARM hardware, is totally undocumented and a real nasty piece of work. The Intel HD video in the Intel models is supported by a driver that Intel wrote, so you even have full 3d acceleration support.Jul 23 18:03
DaemonFCThere was a respin of Fedora 19 that ran on the Samsung Chromebook, but not one for Fedora 20, so Fedora won't boot at all on the Samsung Chromebook 2.Jul 23 18:03
DaemonFCI consider being able to dual boot a major feature. Not being able to dual boot my Chromebook into Fedora would have soured the deal.Jul 23 18:03
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*MinceR nodsJul 23 18:06
DaemonFCOh yeah. That brings me to that Google Cloud Print crap.Jul 23 18:10
DaemonFC 23 18:10
DaemonFC"Replicating the complex printing architectures of traditional PC operating systems on these new class of devices is not desirable and often not feasible. Nobody in the printing ecosystem - users, developers, print manufacturers - wants to extend the 'driver mess.'"Jul 23 18:10
DaemonFCThat's funny, because when I reboot into Fedora, and plug in my HP Deskjet into the USB port, it prints just fine. B-) Jul 23 18:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Introduction - Cloud Print — Google Developers [ ]Jul 23 18:10
DaemonFCWith Cloud Print, you have to set up some Google software onto a full blown PC with a printer plugged into it, and send all your documents off to Google to send back to your PC, or you can buy a new printer that has direct Cloud Print support. Because you have a bottomless wallet, right? Jul 23 18:11
DaemonFCMinceR, Usually not an issue though. Jul 23 18:16
DaemonFCPrinter ink is so expensive that it's easier to send some documents to my disposable email account and then log into that email account at the library and print them off there.Jul 23 18:17
MinceR:>Jul 23 18:19
DaemonFCMinceR, I just send the documents to a webmail account that I only ever use for that.Jul 23 18:20
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Best Android Camera Apps 2014Jul 23 18:20
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 18:20
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Best Android Camera Apps 2014 | Tux MachinesJul 23 18:20
DaemonFCI don't feel like logging in to my real email account on a Windows computer at the library.Jul 23 18:20
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Icecat, the big absent 23 18:20
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Icecat, the big absent | Tux MachinesJul 23 18:20
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     KDE 5 Delivers New Linux Desktop EnvironmentJul 23 18:21
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 18:21
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE 5 Delivers New Linux Desktop Environment | Tux MachinesJul 23 18:21
DaemonFCI don't trust Windows or the government as far as I could throw an aircraft carrier.Jul 23 18:21
DaemonFCThere's very few people in government that would tell you the truth if there was a way not to. If they commit to something, then their successor won't feel bound by it.Jul 23 18:22
DaemonFCRight now, I think that Obama is scrambling to give people a few things that they know they're going to lose the next time we get a Republican in the white house.Jul 23 18:23
DaemonFCSo, things are going a little better than they normally are.Jul 23 18:24
MinceRare they?Jul 23 18:24
MinceRseemed to me the slide downward only accelerated while he was the figureheadJul 23 18:24
DaemonFCMinceR, I think things are not as good as they used to be, but the freefall has stopped, and we're slowly rising again.Jul 23 18:40
DaemonFCThat's how it feels anyway.Jul 23 18:41
DaemonFCIt was a great place to be, 15 years ago.Jul 23 18:41
DaemonFCI wouldn't have wanted to live anywhere else in the world. Now, I have my reservations about saying that.Jul 23 18:41
MinceRi can't see any human rights being reinstatedJul 23 18:42
DaemonFCMinceR, I think most of the problem is the Republicans in Congress, followed by the damned supreme court.Jul 23 18:45
DaemonFCThey'll eventually overturn the gay marriage bans, which is good, but it's only because businesses are lining up and lobbying for that.Jul 23 18:46
DaemonFCAt the same time, they're about to get another shot at the healthcare law.Jul 23 18:47
DaemonFCSo, watch out! :PJul 23 18:47
DaemonFCWell, you don't have to because you don't live here. But anyone that does needs to. :PJul 23 18:47
MinceRwell, usian corporations buy laws here tooJul 23 18:48
MinceRand wherever i'd move toJul 23 18:48
MinceRand it showsJul 23 18:48
DaemonFCYeah, well, they didn't ask me about that.Jul 23 18:52
DaemonFCIf it makes you feel better. B-)Jul 23 18:52
DaemonFCAnd that's what really makes me mad about people that hate Americans. If they have to kill someone, then why don't they kill the people responsible for what's happening, instead of a bunch of people who really didn't get a say in it.Jul 23 18:53
DaemonFCOur system is set up so that the powers that be re-elect themselves. You get a very limited choice between two parties that agree on most of the same things.Jul 23 18:54
DaemonFCAny form of resistance would be futile. :PJul 23 18:55
DaemonFCThe same military that destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan could easily be turned on AmericansJul 23 18:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Black Lab Linux 5.1 Alpha 2 Gets Firefox 31 andJul 23 19:00
TweetTuxMachines                 VLC 2.1.3 23 19:00
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 19:00
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Black Lab Linux 5.1 Alpha 2 Gets Firefox 31 and VLC 2.1.3 | Tux MachinesJul 23 19:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Quelitu 14.04 Devs Think Their OS Can ReplaceJul 23 19:01
TweetTuxMachines                 Windows XP or Windows VistaJul 23 19:01
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 19:01
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Quelitu 14.04 Devs Think Their OS Can Replace Windows XP or Windows Vista | Tux MachinesJul 23 19:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Two Years With Debian GNU/Linux - An AverageJul 23 19:01
TweetTuxMachines                 Guy’s Verdict 23 19:01
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Two Years With Debian GNU/Linux - An Average Guy’s Verdict | Tux MachinesJul 23 19:01
MinceRi know it isn't your faultJul 23 19:09
MinceRmaybe an increasing fraction voting for "third parties" would be a somewhat effective form of resistance (or at least showing discontent), but i can see the ways in that could fail as well.Jul 23 19:10
MinceRs/in /in which /Jul 23 19:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Moving to LibreOffice saves Toulouse 1 millionJul 23 19:37
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 19:37
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Moving to LibreOffice saves Toulouse 1 million | Tux MachinesJul 23 19:37
*TweetTuxMachines @tlongren favourited 'Two Years With Debian GNU/Linux - An Average...'Jul 23 19:37
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 23 20:55
DaemonFCApple is in the process of locking down the Mac with the same software installation restrictions that they pioneered on the App Store.Jul 23 20:55
DaemonFCSoon enough, you'll be unable to turn off Gatekeeper (already on by default, I understand), and then they'll say it's because of "security" and you won't have any freedom on your Mac computer either.Jul 23 20:55
DaemonFCApple pioneered nasty anti-user restrictions by convincing users that they didn't need their freedom when you called the computer a phone or a tablet. They'll backport this godawful system to the Mac. It's already well underway.Jul 23 20:55
DaemonFCMicrosoft wants the same thing, but they're backing away because developers hate the app store revenue stealing model of Microsoft's Windows Store (which would also raise software prices by over 30% if they could force it onto the developers), and are not publishing their work there. Users hate Windows Modern anyway, and go to the desktop to use Win32 apps.Jul 23 20:55
DaemonFCSome people wonder why I will use literally ANYTHING but Windows or Mac, and this kind of crap is part of the reason why. I don't like manipulation, and I don't like bullies. I also hate crap software in general.Jul 23 20:55
DaemonFC 23 21:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why Chromebook Sales Are Surging in Schools, Enterprises [ ]Jul 23 21:17
DaemonFC 23 22:51
DaemonFC"Pipelight is a wrapper for using Windows plugins in Linux browsers"Jul 23 23:38
DaemonFCWhat could POSSIBLY go wrong? Yeah, I'd rather keep your Windows out of my Linux than try to kludge this shit together to get Amazon Prime Video to work again.Jul 23 23:38
DaemonFCWhat I will do is go tell those ****twits at Amazon exactly what I think of Microsoft Silverlight.Jul 23 23:38
DaemonFCThis is why I don't have a Prime account. Jul 23 23:38
DaemonFCI could use Netflix in my Chromebook and pipe it out to my TV, but what's the point? Jul 23 23:38
DaemonFCLegal alternative to piracy, my ass.... Has anyone _looked_ at the shit on Netflix lately? They say something like "Your favorite show is now on Netflix!", so you look and it's like one season from four years ago.Jul 23 23:38
DaemonFCAmazon has another service now. $9.99 a month for unlimited books (through Swindle). It's already just like Netflix. The five biggest publishers, who control probably 90% of what people want to read aren't having any of it, so it's utter crap right out of the gate anyway.Jul 23 23:38
DaemonFCIf you want to fight piracy, then give the people what they want! I wish some of these old cigar-smoking fogeys who run these Old Media companies would keel over and turn things over to someone who's seen 30 since 1930.Jul 23 23:38
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     This is the golden age of open sourceJul 24 00:28
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 00:28
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 00:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | This is the golden age of open source | Tux MachinesJul 24 00:28
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter...Jul 24 00:29
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 24 00:40
DaemonFC"It really comes down to content now for the vast majority of us. Apple had a big advantage, which is pretty much gone now. Unless you care about having 100,000 choices of flashlight apps rather than only 90,000."Jul 24 00:40
DaemonFCApple app store approval process....Jul 24 00:40
DaemonFCIs it a flashlight? Hell yes it's a flashlight! APPROVED!Jul 24 00:40
DaemonFCOf course, if it's something serious like a bugfix update for a real app, it can take weeks or months to get through their app store Nazis and into the store, so Android users will get the bugfix while Apple users are still using the bugged version and trying to pretend like nothing ever goes wrong with their stupid iPhone.Jul 24 00:40
DaemonFC"There's nothing wrong with my Precious! GOLLUM! GOLLUM!!!!"Jul 24 00:40
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 24 01:11
DaemonFCSorry for the delayed reply. I was eating a Hungry Man spicy fried chicken dinner.Jul 24 01:11
DaemonFCThe chicken was good. The apple dessert tasted like I was eating a Christmas candle. I about gagged.Jul 24 01:11
DaemonFCPart of an Amazon Forum post of mine:Jul 24 01:29
DaemonFC"There are plenty of trojans hiding in pirated Mac software. Mac users pirate software like Windows users do, because a lot of what they want is proprietary and expensive. They go so far as to ignore the fact that software like LibreOffice doesn't cost a dime and there's no activation system to crack.Jul 24 01:29
DaemonFCIf you avoid Microsoft Office and head straight for LibreOffice, you avoid the malware. Even better, you avoid Microsoft Office. Even if Microsoft Office was free of charge, it would still be a bad idea to use it, because it would still be proprietary software that spits out Microsoft Office documents. Even though other software can deal with those files most of the time, it's not nice to spew them. Unfortunately, for people who think they Jul 24 01:29
DaemonFCneed it, Microsoft Office can often cost more than the computer they are running it on."Jul 24 01:29
schestowitz 24 01:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Log In - The New York Times [ ]Jul 24 01:35
schestowitz 24 01:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #drone lover #hayden loves Israeli drone attacks 24 01:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Ex-NSA Chief Hayden: Israelis Have 'Legitimate' Goal in Gaza [ ]Jul 24 01:56
schestowitz"Oh yeah sure Genocide is legit.'Jul 24 01:56
schestowitz 24 01:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #gnu #wget is not "whistleblowing tool" they try to make whistleblowing seem cunningly evilJul 24 01:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Insiders can use whistleblowing tools to steal data without a trail - SC Magazine UK [ ]Jul 24 01:56
schestowitz"As ESR predicted, Microsoft and the US government are trying to make free software illegal on the theory that it somehow aids terrorism and crime. This is why "hacktivists" and ordinary free software users are targeted by the NSA as terrorists."Jul 24 01:56
schestowitz 24 01:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: the attacks start at wal-mart... ![the attacks start at wal-mart...]( #zombie #zombies #walmart #aisle #amputee #tripleamputee #animatedgifJul 24 01:57
schestowitz"There are a lot of amputees around these days. It's not because of zombies, it's because of plutocrats."Jul 24 01:57
schestowitz 24 01:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #cbs (where #cia chiefs are now chief writers and #nsa gets puff pieces) is milking 9/11 once again 24 01:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | 9/11 Commission chiefs: "America cannot afford to let down its guard" - CBS News [ ]Jul 24 01:57
schestowitz"If the US is so worried for its security it can recall all its troops and align them in their Canada and Mexico frontiers. I think they must have enough to cover all."Jul 24 01:57
schestowitz 24 01:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Carnegie Mellon Kills Black Hat Talk About Identifying Tor Users -- Perhaps Because It Broke Wiretapping Laws #torJul 24 01:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Carnegie Mellon Kills Black Hat Talk About Identifying Tor Users -- Perhaps Because It Broke Wiretapping Laws | Techdirt [ ]Jul 24 01:58
schestowitz""running a Tor server to try to spy on Tor traffic without talking to lawyers is a very bad idea" Unless you're the US government, then that's fine."Jul 24 01:58
DaemonFC2 seconds agoJul 24 02:04
DaemonFCI'm changing my recommended browser to Google Chrome. Jul 24 02:04
DaemonFCOn Linux, Mozilla Firefox is starting to feel a bit rough around the edges. Also, Google got me hooked on Chrome's awesomeness via the Chromebook. It's nice having your Chromebook in sync with your desktop Chrome.Jul 24 02:04
DaemonFCI'm starting to think that when this system dies in a few years, I might just replace it with a Chromebox. Fedora Linux has been good to me, but desktop computers are starting to feel like a relic, like Windoze is. Even though Linux is super-speedy even on not-new hardware, I still can't go from the Chromebook to the desktop without feeling like I'm driving a tank. I guess I could buy an SSD and fix a lot of this aggravation...I just don't Jul 24 02:04
DaemonFCknow if I want to dump more money into a computer that's already over five years old.Jul 24 02:04
DaemonFCschestowitz, Someone told me that Windoze has gotten better with the malware problem. I replied.Jul 24 02:06
DaemonFC"Even by their own statistics, Windows 7 and later have a huge malware problem. Not as bad as before (if you believe them), but they were starting from Windows XP, so there was obviously a lot of low hanging fruit to go after there.Jul 24 02:06
DaemonFCThey can't fix Windows. It wouldn't be Windows anymore if they did. Short of a brutal crackdown (app store only and no other software permitted), Windows is a basket case.Jul 24 02:06
DaemonFCLots of malware for Windows, and much of it doesn't even require doing more than visiting a particular web page."Jul 24 02:06
MinceRthe crApp Store wouldn't helpJul 24 02:07
MinceRthere would still be lots of arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities :>Jul 24 02:07
MinceRalso, backdoorsJul 24 02:10
DaemonFCYeah, well, I meant from the other malware.Jul 24 02:11
DaemonFCWindows itself is malware.Jul 24 02:11
DaemonFCIt's designed to facilitate government malware.Jul 24 02:11
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 24 02:12
DaemonFC"XCode is awesome to use"Jul 24 02:12
DaemonFCYeah, when you're perfectly happy to have Apple force you to stop developing software for your users.Jul 24 02:12
DaemonFC 24 02:12
DaemonFCSaid Jamie Zawinski in late 2011, "I finally bit the bullet and "upgraded" to XCode 4, which was a huge pain in the ass. I still find it largely incomprehensible, especially when it comes to adding or copying targets, but I figured I couldn't put it off forever. The most frustrating part about this is that XCode 4 has apparently gone out of its way to make it impossible to build MacOS 10.4 and/or PPC binaries (which XCode 3.2.6 was still Jul 24 02:12
DaemonFCable to do), which means that 10.5 Intel is now required. This bums me out, because I still have a mostly-functional hand-me-down PPC MacBook! It's not even that old, and now it's no longer possible to target software at it after only two OS revs? Madness. I live in dread of the endian-specific bugs that will sneak in now, but then, maybe it doesn't matter any more.Jul 24 02:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | jwz: XScreenSaver 5.15 [ ]Jul 24 02:12
DaemonFCI don't have access to a 10.7 machine (I have the fear) but I'm told the savers work there."Jul 24 02:12
-->libertyboxes ( has joined #techrightsJul 24 02:13
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MinceRif he hadn't lost his mind and stuck to GNU/Linux, he could still target that machineJul 24 02:16
MinceRsucks to be himJul 24 02:16
DaemonFCMinceR, Whatever happened to "It just works."?Jul 24 02:17
DaemonFCI have Linux binaries that I got 4-5 years ago that still run.Jul 24 02:17
MinceRit was always just hype.Jul 24 02:17
DaemonFCWhat the hell is the Mac's excuse for that?Jul 24 02:17
MinceRit never worked and it never willJul 24 02:17
MinceRbut it doesn't have toJul 24 02:18
MinceRthe cultists will just imagine that it didJul 24 02:18
MinceRand continue spewing bullshit at everybodyJul 24 02:18
MinceRit's all the same with the m$ cultistsJul 24 02:18
MinceR 24 02:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Department of Dirty: - YouTube [ ]Jul 24 02:34
DaemonFC 24 02:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Preview: A closer look at OS X Yosemite, just in time for the public beta | Ars Technica [ ]Jul 24 02:39
DaemonFCMinceR, If you pay $99 a year, you have access to Apple operating systems that are even more broken.Jul 24 02:39
MinceRwhat a bargain :>Jul 24 02:40
MinceRgeekingsJul 24 04:19
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schestowitz 24 04:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Phoronix] Mono Begins To Focus On Performance, Assembles A Team [ ]Jul 24 04:49
DaemonFCThen again, you can tell where some of them have never made Linux software before, when they repackage all of /usr/lib into their directory. You see truly stupid people doing this all the time. The people who made the video game "Trine" did it. Then one of their files malfunctioned in a newer Linux release, and I had to figure out which one it was and delete that copy of the library so it got the system copy. Stupid stupid people.....Jul 24 04:58
DaemonFCBut that's proprietary software for you. Stumbling along and hiding incompetence and bugs. Sometimes, calling proprietary software developers incompetent is high praise.Jul 24 04:58
DaemonFCGoogle did Chrome up with a bunch of back asswards Windoze developers and then had to go back and fix pretty much everything later.Jul 24 04:59
MinceRnot just thatJul 24 05:00
MinceRalso hiding the crappitude of their products behind bullshitJul 24 05:00
MinceRon websites that contain nothing of substanceJul 24 05:00
schestowitznice picturesJul 24 05:01
schestowitzand not much textJul 24 05:01
MinceRi'm sick and tired of hunting down crumbs of information on proprietary crapJul 24 05:01
schestowitzso the senior and lacking confidence can follow...Jul 24 05:01
DaemonFCWell, Google isn't as bad about that as Apple is....Jul 24 05:01
MinceRand of course the brainless masses eat it all upJul 24 05:01
DaemonFCDear lord.Jul 24 05:01
MinceRusually wikipedia helps me see through the bullshit, but not alwaysJul 24 05:02
DaemonFCIf I see one more "benchmark" of a new Apple product that takes up half the page with a graphic and doesn't even tell you what the benchmark means......Jul 24 05:02
DaemonFCI'll scream.Jul 24 05:02
MinceR:>Jul 24 05:02
DaemonFCOh, I actually kind of like Chrome now, but it took them a while.Jul 24 05:03
DaemonFCI am glad that they've made a market for low cost computers that you can just buy and immediately use.Jul 24 05:03
DaemonFCAt least someone is cleaning up all this Windows mess.Jul 24 05:04
DaemonFCI'd like to see Microsoft routed even if they are largely replaced by Google.Jul 24 05:04
MinceRthat could end up very ugly tooJul 24 05:05
MinceRimagine a world where general-purpose computers are illegal unless you have a developer license with the government, and then you have to accept extra-heavy monitoringJul 24 05:05
DaemonFCI think Google has the right idea here. They didn't start with Chrome OS on anything fancy. Just start eating away at Windows on the low end with machines that can do most of what a desktop user is likely to do anyway.Jul 24 05:05
MinceRand everyone else is closely watched through the cloudJul 24 05:05
MinceRwhich is mandatory for themJul 24 05:05
DaemonFCGoogle isn't exactly stopping you from booting a real Linux distribution on those things, and they're cheap as hell. :PJul 24 05:06
DaemonFCAt one point, Microsoft was selling netbooks with Windows CE. They painted it up to look kind of like Windows XP. People got them and found out that they'd been had, and returned them.Jul 24 05:07
DaemonFCThey were available on Newegg for a while for $29, just trying to get rid of all the returns.Jul 24 05:08
DaemonFCI thought that was pretty funny.Jul 24 05:08
DaemonFCThey always find someone to push their crappy product that nobody wants, and absorb the loss.Jul 24 05:08
DaemonFCThat time, it was Sylvania.Jul 24 05:08
DaemonFC 24 05:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Have $39 to spare? Then pick up this odd Sylvania 7” netbook with Windows CE | Windows Phone Central [ ]Jul 24 05:09
DaemonFCOh, that's neat. They even used the Windows 7 wallpaper in the ad. LOL!Jul 24 05:09
schestowitz[22:56] <DaemonFC> The same military that destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan could easily be turned on AmericansJul 24 05:09
schestowitzAlready doesJul 24 05:10
DaemonFC"Remember this is Windows CE, which was designed to run with a 32mb footprint.  The 128mb is actually a lot of RAM for Windows CE 6.0, especially when you consider than Windows XP ran fine with 128mb of RAM, and if 'hack installed' even Windows 8 runs just fine with 128mb of RAM due to the new reduce RAM modes."Jul 24 05:13
DaemonFC128 MB is a lot of RAM when there's no applications you can run anyway..... :)Jul 24 05:13
DaemonFC"Id rather kids bash this up then play on the laptop...definitely.. But what does it do?"Jul 24 05:14
DaemonFCLOLJul 24 05:14
MinceR 24 05:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Expert (Short Comedy Sketch) - YouTube [ ]Jul 24 05:20
MinceR110709 < DaemonFC> Google isn't exactly stopping you from booting a real Linux distribution on those things, and they're cheap as hell. :PJul 24 05:20
MinceRsure, but we could get into that position eventuallyJul 24 05:20
DaemonFCMinceR, I'm writing an Amazon review of the Sylvania netbook with Windows CE.Jul 24 05:21
DaemonFCI'll post the link when I'm done.Jul 24 05:21
MinceRlolJul 24 05:21
MinceRthe notion of winblows working with little memoryJul 24 05:22
schestowitz 24 05:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@matthewstinar: @schestowitz They can kiss my bottom line.Jul 24 05:29
DaemonFCI submitted it.Jul 24 05:36
DaemonFCIt says it'll be posted soon.Jul 24 05:37
DaemonFC 24 05:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies)'s review of SYNET7WID 7 Inch Wireless Mobile [ ]Jul 24 05:41
DaemonFC 24 05:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | : SYNET7WID 7 Inch Wireless Mobile : Netbook Computers : Computers & Accessories [ ]Jul 24 05:46
DaemonFC"Having bought one for $80 and returned it the following day, I'd say pass on this one, even for $45. Truly has difficulties getting onto the internet, locks up, and all the other issues mentioned in the reviews. You'd do better to get an unlocked (page plus cellular version) palm pixi smart phone on Amazon for $45, and it will have better apps, internet connectivity (wi-fi) and overall use. Even if you do not subscribe to a phone service Jul 24 05:46
DaemonFCwith it, it will work in the same manner as this Sylvania as it has wifi capabilities. The phone is smaller, of course, but works magnificently. Just my thoughts . . ."Jul 24 05:46
DaemonFC"i returned it and still have not received refund,after all refund charges i would have got back about $20 gave up chasing it not worth the time, wish it hadnt come up because i forgot all about it now that i remember im mad again"Jul 24 05:47
DaemonFC 24 05:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Customer Discussions: That time when Microsoft had a netbook..... [ ]Jul 24 05:57
MinceRrotflJul 24 06:02
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 24 06:03
DaemonFC 24 06:03
DaemonFCThere's the link where the guy got Linux on it.Jul 24 06:03
DaemonFCI guess if you brick it, you can still use it as a doorstop, which is about all it was good for with Windows CE on it. If you can find one of these things at a garage sale or something, pick it up and see what you can torture it into doing. I'm sure they'll take a few bucks and you'll have something to tinker with, or give to the kids to smash up, or whatever.Jul 24 06:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CVS Netbook Revisited « Your Warranty Is [ ]Jul 24 06:03
DaemonFCB-)Jul 24 06:03
DaemonFCMinceR, It'll be alright. It just needs some DEVELOPERS!Jul 24 06:04
MinceRlolJul 24 06:04
MinceRcan you get ballmer to record the video? :>Jul 24 06:04
DaemonFC 24 06:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Zune Balmer - YouTubeJul 24 06:08
<--Sosumi has quit (Quit: Sosumi)Jul 24 06:14
MinceR 24 06:15
schestowitztoucheJul 24 06:18
schestowitz> "He is being sued under a criminal law that wasJul 24 06:22
schestowitz> reformed in 2006, following the conclusion of a freeJul 24 06:22
schestowitz> trade agreement between Colombia and the United States."Jul 24 06:22
schestowitz> Jul 24 06:22
schestowitz> 24 06:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Colombian Student Faces Prison Charges for Sharing an Academic Article Online | Electronic Frontier Foundation [ ]Jul 24 06:22
schestowitz> "He is being sued under a criminal law that wasJul 24 06:23
schestowitz> reformed in 2006, following the conclusion of a freeJul 24 06:23
schestowitz> trade agreement between Colombia and the United States."Jul 24 06:23
schestowitz> Jul 24 06:23
schestowitz> 24 06:23
schestowitz 24 06:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Can Twitter activism #BringBackOurGirls? - The Washington Post [ ]Jul 24 06:23
schestowitzTwitter is useless...Jul 24 06:23
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJul 24 06:25
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schestowitz> 24 06:27
schestowitz> Jul 24 06:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft attacks UK government decision to adopt ODF for document formats [ ]Jul 24 06:27
schestowitz> 24 06:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open document formats selected to meet user needs - Press releases - GOV.UK [ ]Jul 24 06:27
schestowitz> Jul 24 06:27
schestowitz> Jul 24 06:27
schestowitz> I guess you saw those already and have written.  Google is big enoughJul 24 06:27
schestowitz> that it sets the trends.  Claiming to follow them is just a dodge.  ItJul 24 06:27
schestowitz> would be useful to get to the bottom of that and find out who is makingJul 24 06:27
schestowitz> the decisions inside Google in regard to ODF.Jul 24 06:27
schestowitzI covered all the above (three). Yes, Google sickens me when it comes to document formats, but the truth is, many people don't use formats at all in docs. They just access files and keep them on "the cloud", oblivious to data formats, so "Google" is the format.Jul 24 06:27
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 24 06:28
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<--TweetTuxMachines has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 24 08:51
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Homeland Security gets into software securityJul 24 09:43
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 09:43
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 09:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Homeland Security gets into software security | Tux MachinesJul 24 09:43
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Distro Watch: The Best Linux Distributions ForJul 24 09:43
TweetTuxMachines                 2014 24 09:43
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 09:43
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 09:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Distro Watch: The Best Linux Distributions For 2014 | Tux MachinesJul 24 09:44
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DaemonFC 24 12:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | News - Now Supports Linux! - [ ]Jul 24 12:40
DaemonFC 24 12:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [ ]Jul 24 12:42
DaemonFC"You know, that with all the apps and computers that Apple breaks, you'd wonder how the people who go insane and buy a Mac actually get anything done at all. Software with no active development just dies every few years, and software that is developed has an expensive new version. When Apple finally breaks your entire computer, the only way to get it running modern software again is to upgrade you Mac to Linux.Jul 24 12:51
DaemonFCApple users should be glad that they have access to open source software. Of course, even then, developers can't support your Mac that got dropped and broken by Apple because of bugs and problems that exist in the Mac hardware because Apple rushed a broken product to market (like the first x86 models), or because Apple just wants to sell you new stuff every few years. As soon as you can't run the latest Mac OS, the death watch begins, at Jul 24 12:51
DaemonFCleast as far as OS X software goes.Jul 24 12:51
DaemonFCI understand that with Mavericks and Yosemite, Apple dropped support entirely for a lot of Macs that aren't really even that old. Luckily, Linux will support my non-Mac computer for as long as I'll use it. Part of the reason I didn't buy a Mac was because I knew that this **** would happen and Apple would just drop it when Linux would keep my computer running for all practical purposes for at least twice as long.Jul 24 12:51
DaemonFCI suppose there might be some kind of hack to shove Mac OS 10.8 and 10.9 on your "old" 2008 computer anyway, like there was when Apple declared that OS X 10.4 wouldn't run on any Mac without Firewire, but why should anyone have to resort to this on hardware that has no honest reason for being deprecated?Jul 24 12:51
DaemonFCThere's no legitimate reason to drop a 2008 computer. Things shouldn't have changed so much that it's some kind of a horrible maintenance burden, unless you ****ed everything up real good to get it released faster, like Apple does."Jul 24 12:51
DaemonFC"With Apple, the only way forward is to drop the entire computer and most of your software in the trash again every few years and start over."Jul 24 12:55
abeNd-orgnow if you could ramp up the linux marketing machine to match apple's....Jul 24 13:03
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DaemonFC 24 13:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Internet Explorer Vulnerabilities Increase 100% - Slashdot [ ]Jul 24 13:26
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines ( Now SupportsJul 24 13:35
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux! 24 13:35
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 13:35
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 13:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Jul 24 13:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Now Supports Linux! | Tux MachinesJul 24 13:35
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Pkg 1.3.0 Released To Improve PackageJul 24 13:35
TweetTuxMachines                 Management On FreeBSD 24 13:35
TweetTuxMachines                 (error)Jul 24 13:35
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 13:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pkg 1.3.0 Released To Improve Package Management On FreeBSD | Tux MachinesJul 24 13:35
DaemonFC 24 13:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Internet Explorer vulnerabilities increase 100% [ ]Jul 24 13:39
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DaemonFCMicrosoft hired the lead guy that wrote most of AppArmor. It's a shame they apparently aren't doing anything useful with him.Jul 24 13:45
Sosumiosx yololelolo only runs on efi 64 machines officiallyJul 24 13:45
Sosumiaka everything from 2008 onwards runs itJul 24 13:46
Sosumias for the macs with efi 32, those were the original Intel core based machines and the 2 first mac prosJul 24 13:47
DaemonFCIn the PC world, dropping x86-32 support means PCs older than 2004, for the most part.Jul 24 13:47
DaemonFCWith Apple, they shipped 32-bit EFI on some systems clear up to 2008, so they can't boot into a 64-bit OS properlyJul 24 13:47
DaemonFCApple doesn't care because they can just drop those Macs and tell people to buy new Macs.Jul 24 13:47
Sosumiwell and those macs are just underpowered now to run any current version of osx anywaysJul 24 13:48
SosumiWELL, they were already crap low end hardware to begin withJul 24 13:48
Sosumibut I do agree that apple could have launched a firmware update to bring those machines capable of booting into 64 machinesJul 24 13:49
Sosumiwhich basically were just the two first mac prosJul 24 13:50
Sosumi2007 macbook pros already had the 64 bit EFIJul 24 13:50
DaemonFCThat's why they still boot, but you have to have a 2009 Mac Mini.Jul 24 13:52
DaemonFC:PJul 24 13:52
DaemonFCFucking ridiculous....Jul 24 13:52
Sosumimac minis are trash, I have no idea why ppl buy thoseJul 24 13:57
Sosumithe high end imacs are still kind of understandable if they just want a “kewl” looking computer on the displayJul 24 13:58
Sosumibut mehJul 24 13:58
Sosumithe hp Z1 wipes the floor with itJul 24 13:59
Sosumi 24 14:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Apple's iWatch Already a Hit, Even When It's a $20 Casio Watch - Mac Rumors [ ]Jul 24 14:04
Sosumifrom one of the pedestrians “if it is apple, it is good, right?”Jul 24 14:04
Sosumieven if it is in fact and cheapo casio watchJul 24 14:04
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJul 24 14:06
Sosumiwell, folks, with that kind of installed mentalityJul 24 14:07
Sosumiprobably the sole reason to buy a mac is to make programs for the hypephone and the future hypeWatchJul 24 14:08
MinceRthey didn't do anything useful with drobbins either, did they?Jul 24 14:52
Sosumidrobbins?Jul 24 14:54
MinceRthe gentoo guyJul 24 14:54
MinceR194749 < DaemonFC> With Apple, they shipped 32-bit EFI on some systems clear up to 2008, so they can't boot into a 64-bit OS properlyJul 24 14:54
MinceRBIOS wins againJul 24 14:54
MinceR195734 < Sosumi> mac minis are trash, I have no idea why ppl buy thoseJul 24 14:55
MinceRs/ mini//Jul 24 14:55
MinceRFTFYJul 24 14:55
MinceR(also, they buy them because they're cheap and they have the logo on)Jul 24 14:55
MinceRas for the hypeWatch, it will probably have less functionality than the casio ones :>Jul 24 14:56
MinceRconsider yourself lucky if they'll be able to tell the time reliablyJul 24 14:56
DaemonFCMinceR, I don't know about the cheap part. I saw a PC the other day for $200 that even threw in a keyboard and a mouse. It wasn't an i5 or i7, but you don't exactly need one when you can't install a video card alongside it to balance the system out on the Mac anyway.Jul 24 14:57
MinceRi mean relativelyJul 24 14:57
DaemonFCWith the Intel integrated video you're stuck with on the Mac, your i7 is going to be a slow-ass bastard anyway.Jul 24 14:58
DaemonFCEven at $800.Jul 24 14:58
MinceRa slow ass-bastard!Jul 24 14:58
DaemonFCIt could be worse. Microsoft could make a Windows watch that can't deal with leap year and crashes, like the Zune did.Jul 24 15:00
MinceRcrApple can do that tooJul 24 15:00
MinceRthey have the technology!Jul 24 15:00
DaemonFCThose damned ass-bastards!Jul 24 15:07
DaemonFCcan't even make a real computer....Jul 24 15:07
DaemonFCI turned all this into an Amazon post, MinceR Jul 24 15:09
MinceR:>Jul 24 15:10
DaemonFCI wonder if they'll flip their shit again and start downvoting me. I give them about a minute.Jul 24 15:10
DaemonFCI bought a *snort*....I bought a *chortles*....I bought a BAHAHAHHAHAAAA!!! Mac today. Shit. I'm a horrible liar. ;)Jul 24 15:12
DaemonFCSo you all can add that to the list of things you'll *_never_* hear me say.Jul 24 15:19
DaemonFCIf you do, then kill me because the Pod people have cloned me, and I'm an impostor.Jul 24 15:19
MinceR:>Jul 24 15:20
DaemonFCAs much contempt as I have for Windoze, at least it works sometimes. The Mac really doesn't. If I can't run my existing assortment of software for more than a few years before Apple breaks everything again, then what the hell is the point of having an operating system?Jul 24 15:22
DaemonFCI ran into someone the other day that was still using a Pentium 3 computer that he bought in 1999. You'll never see a Mac in service for 15 years.Jul 24 15:23
DaemonFCYou'll never see Mac software in service for 15 years, for that matter. You buy a new Mac or upgrade the OS, and most of it all breaks again.Jul 24 15:24
DaemonFCJust out of curiosity, I asked him why he was still using a PC from 1999, and he told me that he was unemployed and couldn't afford an investment in newer hardware right at the moment, and his 1999 PC was running fine with a minimal Linux system anyway, so it wasn't an immediate problem.Jul 24 15:26
DaemonFCMany Mac owners have to replace their system every three years anyway, so they've trashed about 5 computers, going on 6, and all the software that goes with that. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting it to all work better this time.Jul 24 15:28
<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.)Jul 24 16:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Developers Jump Quickly On ACPI 5.1,Jul 24 16:17
TweetTuxMachines                 Helps Out ARM 24 16:17
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Developers Jump Quickly On ACPI 5.1, Helps Out ARM | Tux MachinesJul 24 16:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     LibreOffice 4.2.6 RC2 Now Ready for TestingJul 24 16:18
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LibreOffice 4.2.6 RC2 Now Ready for Testing | Tux MachinesJul 24 16:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Dive in, penguins: Upstart builds Linux virtualJul 24 16:18
TweetTuxMachines                 SAN 24 16:18
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dive in, penguins: Upstart builds Linux virtual SAN | Tux MachinesJul 24 16:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Raspberry Pi-based signage player sips 7 WattsJul 24 16:18
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi-based signage player sips 7 Watts | Tux MachinesJul 24 16:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     PHP 5.5.15 Officially ReleasedJul 24 16:19
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PHP 5.5.15 Officially Released | Tux MachinesJul 24 16:19
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Chromebooks Emerge as Major New Linux Force onJul 24 16:19
TweetTuxMachines                 Notebooks 24 16:19
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chromebooks Emerge as Major New Linux Force on Notebooks | Tux MachinesJul 24 16:19
abeNd-orgDaemonFC: those mac owners are rich enough that they could care less, they would rather have the social "prestige" of having the newest/latest/greatestJul 24 16:43
DaemonFCThen what on Earth could they possibly be doing with a Mac?Jul 24 16:44
abeNd-org"they" think the latest macbook will give them a higher social standing, same thing with the latest iphoneJul 24 16:45
abeNd-organd if it costs more, it must be betterJul 24 16:45
abeNd-orga "poor" person (unless they are putting themselves into debt to do it) wont be buying a new macbook every yrJul 24 16:48
MinceRsome people take out a loan so they can buy a hypePhoneJul 24 16:49
abeNd-orgMinceR: yea, not the smartest thing to do for sureJul 24 16:49
abeNd-orgi have an old 4s, bought for me by my workplace, & if i want an upgrade I'll have to pay for it....I'll passJul 24 16:50
DaemonFCabeNd-org, Yeah. I remember 10 years ago, there was this college guy that I was fooling around with for a while who had a PowerMac G4. His parents bought it for him and he was all like "My Mac is so awesome.". So he was over at my house one day and used my Windows XP machine with a Celeron and said "This is really fast! You must have paid a fortune for this!".Jul 24 16:53
DaemonFCSo, that kind of tells you how clueless people are. They get off their Mac and use a Windows system with a Celeron processor and think it's super fast.Jul 24 16:53
abeNd-orgouch!Jul 24 16:53
DaemonFCBy the time Apple was done with the G4, they had been using it for so long that it was just totally embarrassing.Jul 24 16:54
DaemonFCCelerons were beating the crap out of them.Jul 24 16:54
abeNd-orgI haven't used too many osx machinesJul 24 16:54
MinceR:>Jul 24 16:54
abeNd-orga customer's macbook here & there, but thats about it, apple's marketing hasnt convinced me to buy one for myselfJul 24 16:57
DaemonFCIf Windows keeps going where it's going, I may have to buy a Mac to boot Linux at some point.Jul 24 17:00
DaemonFCI doubt Apple really cares much about booting Linux on a Mac because nobody really does it.Jul 24 17:00
abeNd-orgthey will treat it like windows, poor power management, bad drivers, etcJul 24 17:01
DaemonFCI understand you can remove OS X completely.Jul 24 17:02
DaemonFCI see people running Linux on a Mac sometimes. It seems to work.Jul 24 17:02
abeNd-orgright, but apple wont release source for any of the hardware on it, so linux will "work" on it, but not optimally Jul 24 17:03
MinceRif mac os keeps going where it's going, buying a mac may not necessarily help youJul 24 17:04
abeNd-orgim betting apple would rather you just buy an iphone & ipadJul 24 17:05
abeNd-org& nothing elseJul 24 17:05
abeNd-orgwell, perhaps an iwatchJul 24 17:05
MinceRare their profit margins higher on all those?Jul 24 17:05
abeNd-orgi dont have the numbers in front of me on those, but I am guessing apple wouldnt be bothering with them if they werent making a mint per device, they dont sell for a loss like sony/microsoft did the consolesJul 24 17:06
DaemonFCAside from the firmware, I think the Macs are really just PCs aren't they?Jul 24 17:07
DaemonFC 24 17:07
abeNd-orgyea, x64 intelJul 24 17:07
abeNd-orgbut even windows running on a macbook suffers from lack of optimized driversJul 24 17:07
MinceRthey're low quality pcs with some attempts at incompatibilityJul 24 17:08
DaemonFCApple wrote the drivers for Windows!Jul 24 17:09
DaemonFCI doubt Linux has that problem.Jul 24 17:09
MinceR:>Jul 24 17:09
abeNd-orgid rather have a dell precision, you can stack a lot of nice stuff into those, 2 HD bays + optical, pcie ssd if you wanted, etcJul 24 17:09
MinceRyeah, i guess even dell is better than appleJul 24 17:09
DaemonFCMinceR, It depends on which Dell you buy. I tried to put some more RAM into a Dell that my grandmother paid WAY too much for, and when I pushed down on it, the retention clips broke off the socket and pinged around in the case.Jul 24 17:10
MinceRlolJul 24 17:11
abeNd-orgDaemonFC: thats the problem, apple doesnt do optimized drivers, so windows suffers. no source or binaries for the hardware in linux so im sure it suffers the sameJul 24 17:17
abeNd-orgDaemonFC: you are probably talking a vostro or inspiron, neither of which should exist, the latitude/precision arent bad for laptops, & i cant say anything to alienware as ive not used themJul 24 17:18
MinceRlatitudes aren't that great eitherJul 24 17:18
MinceRbut at least they aren't as bad as inspironsJul 24 17:18
DaemonFCYeah, it was an old Inspicrap.Jul 24 17:19
abeNd-orgDaemonFC: yep, those are 100% junkJul 24 17:19
abeNd-orgsame as the dell poweredge "SC" line of servers, & for this channel I will call those Severely CrippledJul 24 17:19
MinceRalso, their "warranty" isn't worth the paper it's printed onJul 24 17:19
MinceRwow, you got off the high horse? :>Jul 24 17:20
abeNd-orgMinceR: just for you this onceJul 24 17:20
*abeNd-org hugs MinceRJul 24 17:20
MinceRawkward...Jul 24 17:20
abeNd-orgyea, hard to hug textJul 24 17:20
DaemonFCThe shittiest server is the Lenovo ThinkServer.Jul 24 17:20
abeNd-orgthe business class dells I have had great luck with warranties, if you run the dell diags & it says something is wrong they replace it no questions asked (as they should)Jul 24 17:22
abeNd-orgwarranty for vostro type units? wouldnt know, but I am betting you are correctJul 24 17:22
MinceRi tried my luck with an inspironJul 24 17:23
abeNd-orgyou gambled & lost!Jul 24 17:23
MinceRbut i don't see why the model should affect so much of whether they care to deliver on their promises or notJul 24 17:23
DaemonFCThere seems to be a lot of refurbished Dell and HP deals on Woot.comJul 24 17:24
abeNd-orgthat is the world of consumer vs business/industrial productsJul 24 17:24
DaemonFCProbably a reason for that....Jul 24 17:24
abeNd-orgthe dell consumer products are made with whatever is cheapest that dayJul 24 17:24
DaemonFCThe Amazon reviews are pretty much all "I had it for three days and it wouldn't power on anymore.".Jul 24 17:24
DaemonFCThat sort of stuff.Jul 24 17:24
abeNd-orgthe optiplexes are a standard set of specs made for 12-16 months for enterprise lifecycleJul 24 17:25
abeNd-orgmakes imaging, purchasing, etc easierJul 24 17:25
DaemonFCGadgetDon says:Jul 24 17:27
DaemonFC[Customers don't think this post adds to the discussion. Hide post again.  (Show all unhelpful posts)]Jul 24 17:27
DaemonFCBobby, bobby, bobby, you're mixed your lines up with snowflake.Jul 24 17:27
DaemonFCYours is: Apple sucks! Windows sucks! It's Snowflake who is obsessed with "apple sucks"Jul 24 17:27
DaemonFCAnd really - who cares what you are saying with your Linux buddies on IRC? It's not like you were talking to anyone who had anything but a mirror of your positions.Jul 24 17:27
abeNd-orgeven if you were deploying linux, it would be easier to have a standard equipment set than whatever randomly rolled off the line that dayJul 24 17:27
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 24 17:27
DaemonFCWhat is the Done Thing for chat on a Mac these days? I understand that AOL Instant Messenger doesn't work with iChat anymore.Jul 24 17:27
MinceRthat doesn't mean their support has to be made with whatever attitude is cheapestJul 24 17:27
MinceRdoesn't matter thoughJul 24 17:27
MinceRdHell had their chance, they said 'fuck you' to their customer, i'm not buying their crap againJul 24 17:28
abeNd-orgMinceR: for consumer grade I cant really speak for their support, I only care about business classJul 24 17:28
MinceRmaybe they're used to the typical hungarian consumer attitudeJul 24 17:28
MinceR"sure, they fucked me, but at least it seemed cheap! :goes back for more hurting: "Jul 24 17:28
MinceRno wonder the typical business treats their customers like shitJul 24 17:29
abeNd-org*shrug* perhaps their consumer support blows, but their business class support is greatJul 24 17:29
MinceRwell, i'm not going to experience their "business class support"Jul 24 17:29
abeNd-orgI'm not saying they should treat a vostro customer like shit, as they would develop the same attitude as you towards the entire company, to which I don't blame youJul 24 17:31
MinceRgnJul 24 17:53
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DaemonFCThis is odd....Jul 24 20:32
DaemonFCGNOME Shell frequently goes over 500 MB of RAM with the Nvidia proprietary driver loaded.Jul 24 20:32
DaemonFCWith the AMD open source driver loaded, it stays around 200.Jul 24 20:33
DaemonFCI guess it wouldn't be the first time our friend the Nvidia driver had a problem..... :)Jul 24 20:33
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DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 24 21:23
DaemonFCWell, when you get to be like HP and Dell are, you start cutting corners that cause problems like exploding power supplies, capacitors that pop, etc.Jul 24 21:23
DaemonFCIt doesn't surprise me at all that their crappy crappy junk ends up crapflooding the Woot Offs. Jul 24 21:23
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DaemonFC I see that Microsoft has deployed another "Get The FUD" campaign against Chromebooks, like they did when they lost their lunch to Linux in the server market. This time they're even buying Google ads.Jul 25 00:04
DaemonFCI can't blame them. Nobody uses Bing. It's even thrown in your face in Vista 8.1, but it must be the first thing people turn off, because even that isn't helping them. Jul 25 00:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Raspberry Pi Model B+ review – a new evolutionJul 25 00:06
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi Model B+ review – a new evolution | Tux MachinesJul 25 00:07
DaemonFC 25 00:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Deploys Cheap Windows Laptops to Fight Google Chromebook | InvestorPlace [ ]Jul 25 00:07
DaemonFCMicrosoft has gone from something that everyone feared to a laughingstock in the last few years. OEMs used to be too afraid of making them mad. It was like pissing off Saddam Hussein. Now they're openly defying them. Jul 25 00:09
DaemonFC 25 00:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Abandons Nokia Asha, Series 40 Phones; Xpress Browser, MixRadio May Be Spun Off | NDTV Gadgets [ ]Jul 25 00:18
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DaemonFCabout a minute ago · EditedJul 25 01:00
DaemonFCA good article. The author is right. It's going to take more than a cheap laptop that can barely run Windows at all to save Microsoft from the Chromebooks.Jul 25 01:00
DaemonFCOn top of the miserable low-end Windows laptop experience, you still need to fork over hundreds of dollars if you want to use MS Office, which is a real bloated bastard and might not even run on a system like this.Jul 25 01:00
DaemonFCThe computer will take ages to boot, thanks to a spinning platter hard drive.Jul 25 01:00
DaemonFCYou still need to run Windows antivirus software on top of all this. Have fun with that.Jul 25 01:00
DaemonFCNo touchscreen.Jul 25 01:00
DaemonFCProbably more stuff that I can't think of.Jul 25 01:00
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cubexyznew blog post:Jul 25 01:48
cubexyzhttp://cubexyz.blogspot.comJul 25 01:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Notes on LinuxJul 25 01:49
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     2014's Best Distros, Buncha New Games, andJul 25 03:22
TweetTuxMachines                 Fedora Delayed 25 03:22
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 2014's Best Distros, Buncha New Games, and Fedora Delayed | Tux MachinesJul 25 03:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Open-Source AMD Hawaii Support Should Now BeJul 25 03:23
TweetTuxMachines                 Working! 25 03:23
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open-Source AMD Hawaii Support Should Now Be Working! | Tux MachinesJul 25 03:23
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS releasedJul 25 04:38
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS released | Tux MachinesJul 25 04:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Plasma’s road to wayland 25 04:39
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Plasma’s road to wayland | Tux MachinesJul 25 04:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Foundation SysAdmin Eric Searcy Lives ByJul 25 04:39
TweetTuxMachines                 Regex 25 04:39
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation SysAdmin Eric Searcy Lives By Regex | Tux MachinesJul 25 04:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Software 25 04:39
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux MachinesJul 25 04:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 25 04:39
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJul 25 04:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 25 04:39
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesJul 25 04:39
MinceRgeekingsJul 25 04:39
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     What the UK Government’s adoption of ODF reallyJul 25 05:17
TweetTuxMachines                 means 25 05:17
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What the UK Government’s adoption of ODF really means | Tux MachinesJul 25 05:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     How open sourcing Android made it a mobileJul 25 05:17
TweetTuxMachines                 market leader 25 05:17
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How open sourcing Android made it a mobile market leader | Tux MachinesJul 25 05:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     OnePlus AOSP stock ROM for those who don’t wantJul 25 05:17
TweetTuxMachines                 CyanogenMod 25 05:17
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OnePlus AOSP stock ROM for those who don’t want CyanogenMod | Tux MachinesJul 25 05:18
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MinceR 25 07:49
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu 14.10 is Now Using Kernel 3.16 RC3 AsJul 25 09:28
TweetTuxMachines                 Default 25 09:28
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 14.10 is Now Using Kernel 3.16 RC3 As Default | Tux MachinesJul 25 09:28
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     An Interview with Karen SandlerJul 25 09:28
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | An Interview with Karen Sandler | Tux MachinesJul 25 09:28
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schestowitz> 25 11:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | hispalinux eu uefi - Google Search [ ]Jul 25 11:48
schestowitz> Jul 25 11:48
schestowitz> What ever happened to that?  I cannot see any followup articles inJul 25 11:48
schestowitz> Google's database.Jul 25 11:48
schestowitzNot much heard of it...Jul 25 11:48
schestowitzSome companies have not helped. They weakened the case.Jul 25 11:48
schestowitz 25 11:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "NYT is still wedded to the fallacy of having to sell software." -anon #nytimesJul 25 11:53
schestowitz"I won't log in"\Jul 25 11:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Couldn't resolve host 'http:' ( status 0 @ http://// )Jul 25 11:53
schestowitz 25 11:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ U.S. Government Doesn’t Need Evidence to Call You a Terrorist or to #torture youJul 25 11:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | U.S. Government Doesn’t Need Evidence to Call You a Terrorist - Truthdig [ ]Jul 25 11:54
schestowitz"learning from germans ...... rule of law?!, already long no longer"Jul 25 11:54
schestowitzOne's religion makes one a suspected terrorist or dissidentJul 25 11:54
schestowitz 25 11:56
schestowitz"Jul 25 11:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Home [ ]Jul 25 11:56
schestowitzThe second component is a subscriber alerts programme that will be co-managed and co-funded by ISPs and content creators and due to begin at a later date. Participating ISPs will alert and advise subscribers when their accounts are believed to have been used to infringe copyright. Account holders will receive an alert from their ISP, advising them unlawful filesharing may have taken place on their connection and offering advice on Jul 25 11:56
schestowitzwhere to find legitimate sources of entertainment content.Jul 25 11:56
schestowitzBPI - The British Recorded Music IndustryJul 25 11:56
schestowitzAnd the third component will be prosecution..Jul 25 11:56
schestowitzSpin, spin..Jul 25 11:56
schestowitz"Jul 25 11:56
schestowitz"Guess what the BPI page has a title? "home""Jul 25 11:56
schestowitzBPI is not aBritish. It's an American lobby group pretending to be British or speak for the British. It's a bit like "Microsoft UK".Jul 25 11:56
schestowitz 25 12:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Dive in, penguins: Upstart builds Linux virtual SAN 25 12:02
schestowitz"It comes with a free demo too! :("\Jul 25 12:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Dive in, penguins: Upstart builds Linux virtual SAN • The Register [ ]Jul 25 12:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Nginx Plus r4 Improves Web Server SecurityJul 25 12:24
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 12:24
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nginx Plus r4 Improves Web Server Security | Tux MachinesJul 25 12:24
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Interview with Nathan Willis, GUADEC KeynoteJul 25 12:25
TweetTuxMachines                 Speaker 25 12:25
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Interview with Nathan Willis, GUADEC Keynote Speaker | Tux MachinesJul 25 12:25
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     FreeBSD Quarterly Status Report - SecondJul 25 13:00
TweetTuxMachines                 Quarter 2014 25 13:00
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FreeBSD Quarterly Status Report - Second Quarter 2014 | Tux MachinesJul 25 13:00
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Foundation SysAdmin Aric Gardner Avoids aJul 25 13:00
TweetTuxMachines                 GUI at All Costs 25 13:00
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation SysAdmin Aric Gardner Avoids a GUI at All Costs | Tux MachinesJul 25 13:00
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 25 13:00
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesJul 25 13:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 25 13:01
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJul 25 13:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Software 25 13:01
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux MachinesJul 25 13:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     How open sourcing Android made it a mobileJul 25 13:01
TweetTuxMachines                 market leader 25 13:01
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How open sourcing Android made it a mobile market leader | Tux MachinesJul 25 13:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     SysAdmin Day 2014: Best Linux FoundationJul 25 13:01
TweetTuxMachines                 SysAdmin Quotes 25 13:01
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SysAdmin Day 2014: Best Linux Foundation SysAdmin Quotes | Tux MachinesJul 25 13:01
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Nouveau vs. Radeon vs. Intel Tests On LinuxJul 25 14:11
TweetTuxMachines                 3.16, Mesa 10.3-devel 25 14:11
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nouveau vs. Radeon vs. Intel Tests On Linux 3.16, Mesa 10.3-devel | Tux MachinesJul 25 14:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GNOME Control Center 3.13.4 Gets More HiDPIJul 25 14:11
TweetTuxMachines                 Improvements 25 14:11
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME Control Center 3.13.4 Gets More HiDPI Improvements | Tux MachinesJul 25 14:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Acer sees booming sales of Chromebooks, saysJul 25 14:11
TweetTuxMachines                 CEO 25 14:11
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Acer sees booming sales of Chromebooks, says CEO | Tux MachinesJul 25 14:11
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Wine Announcement 25 14:46
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wine Announcement | Tux MachinesJul 25 14:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     CoreOS Stable Release 25 14:46
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CoreOS Stable Release | Tux MachinesJul 25 14:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Program Octave 25 14:47
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Program Octave | Tux MachinesJul 25 14:47
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 25 14:47
DaemonFC 25 14:47
DaemonFCJust for the lulz. I'm surprised that so many people get away with using Microsoft Office, especially Excel.Jul 25 14:47
DaemonFCExcel has hundreds of bugs, very few of them get fixed, some of them have been there for 10 years or more. It can swell up to use gigabytes of RAM. It has floating point rounding errors that produce bizarre and hilariously incorrect data.....Jul 25 14:47
DaemonFCThen there was this....Jul 25 14:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Daily Dose of Excel » Bugs [ ]Jul 25 14:47
DaemonFC 25 14:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Excel: The ruiner of global economies? | Ars Technica [ ]Jul 25 14:47
DaemonFCEven when people aren't running into the bugs, they often use it wrong, and produce disastrous results.Jul 25 14:47
DaemonFCIn order to get Microsoft compatibility, you have to reproduce all their bugs too, which is why you shouldn't use Microsoft Office export filters from LibreOffice, unless there's absolutely no other option. LibreOffice uses a more accurate arithmetic library, while Microsoft keeps shipping broken software. When you use Microsoft export filters, LibreOffice has to emulate problems with Microsoft Office, which could cause you some of the same Jul 25 14:47
DaemonFCproblems as using Microsoft Office in the first place.Jul 25 14:47
DaemonFCMicrosoft wants to convince everyone that you need a 'spensive Windoze computer to use 'spensive office software. Theirs, of course. I say, pass.....Jul 25 14:47
DaemonFCAlthough I'm *told* that Microsoft supports OASIS OpenDocument 1.2 now in MS Office 2013, I'd be treading lightly, unless you want MS Office exporting its bugs into your ODF files!Jul 25 14:47
DaemonFCI'm so glad that I don't have to use any of this company's software, ever. Why should Office be any different than anything else that has the Microsoft warning label on it?Jul 25 14:47
DaemonFCHow is this post related to the topic? Microsoft says that you need the crappy underpowered Windoze laptop so you can load MS Office on it. Tell me how that works out. Hint: Flipping it over and trying to max out the RAM later for almost as much as the laptop cost does not count.Jul 25 14:47
DaemonFCMicrosoft doesn't really have an operating system built for the cloud. They have one that's meant to run bulky locally-installed software that needs 'spensive hardware. Jul 25 14:48
DaemonFCAnd a low-end Celeron with small amounts of RAM just isn't up to the task that Microsoft says you need their underpowered Windoze laptops for in the first place. Jul 25 14:50
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DaemonFC Warren Holzem says:Jul 25 15:13
DaemonFCPeople have accused me of being an Amazon fan boi, but I can assure you that I have no interest in owning:Jul 25 15:13
DaemonFC1. Kindle Fire,Jul 25 15:13
DaemonFC2. Fire TV,Jul 25 15:13
DaemonFC3. Fire Phone.Jul 25 15:13
DaemonFCThey all take outdated Android systems, and alter them in ways that make them incompatible with too many things out there. There are better alternatives to all of them on that point alone.Jul 25 15:13
DaemonFCSlapping an Amazon logo on these pieces of junk doesn't make them better. Jul 25 15:13
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 25 15:13
DaemonFCWell, you can't talk sense into some people.Jul 25 15:13
DaemonFCI told people not to buy a Nokia X. I got a lot of abuse for that. One woman on Amazon said she got them for her whole family.Jul 25 15:13
DaemonFCMicrosoft officially bought Nokia, declared the Nokia X unsupported, and now the woman who told me that I needed to quit dissing Microsoft has a Nokia X, and so does her family.Jul 25 15:13
DaemonFCYou need to tread lightly when you're dealing with broken Android forks that use old versions of the AOSP and aren't Google Certified. Of course they're not entirely compatible. They're missing most of the APIs, or they include lame replacements that the distributor put in with no thought and no care.Jul 25 15:13
DaemonFCAmazon's phone is also less secure, because you're missing Verify Apps and other defense mechanisms. So, don't go too far off the reservation and try to sideload apps. You can do that safely from a modern Real Android phone, but not from a Fire Phone.Jul 25 15:13
DaemonFCHere there be dragons! Jul 25 15:13
MinceRat least older versions of android have less of the idiotic restrictions google keeps adding :>Jul 25 15:17
DaemonFC J. S. Cooper says:Jul 25 15:25
DaemonFCMost people use Office and its associated applications because that's what they use at work. Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint.Jul 25 15:25
DaemonFCThose who don't use whatever is easiest and cheapest to do what they need. Jul 25 15:25
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 25 15:25
DaemonFCThat's the thing though. Microsoft Office is not easy to use, and neither is Windoze. Neither are stable or well supported. Neither are cheap. Neither of them run well on an affordable computer.Jul 25 15:25
DaemonFCI think that Chrome OS and alternative office suites have more than one foothold here. If Microsoft simply dumps Windoze for "free" and tells OEMs to play ball and create awful computers just to get them down to $200, they still have all the other problems I listed.Jul 25 15:25
DaemonFCGoing back to ease of use... If Excel was easy to use, then those economists wouldn't have produced that report that sent everyone into a panic over the economy. Jul 25 15:25
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DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 25 15:50
DaemonFCI think what I like the most about Chrome OS and Android is that Bill Gates said that someday you'd just sign into any computer and all your stuff would just be there, and then Google invented that, and Microsoft is panicking because they have nothing. Jul 25 15:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines ( FoundationJul 25 15:55
TweetTuxMachines                 Still Works Towards Becoming An SPI ProjectJul 25 15:55
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | xorgJul 25 15:55
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | X.Org Foundation Still Works Towards Becoming An SPI Project | Tux MachinesJul 25 15:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Gaming: If You Build It, Will They Come?Jul 25 15:55
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Gaming: If You Build It, Will They Come? | Tux MachinesJul 25 15:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Elive 2.3.4 Beta Is a Nice OS Based on DebianJul 25 15:55
TweetTuxMachines                 and Enlightenment - ScreenshotsJul 25 15:55
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 15:55
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Elive 2.3.4 Beta Is a Nice OS Based on Debian and Enlightenment - Screenshots | Tux MachinesJul 25 15:55
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The security flaws in Tails Linux are not itsJul 25 17:04
TweetTuxMachines                 only problem 25 17:04
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The security flaws in Tails Linux are not its only problem | Tux MachinesJul 25 17:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Guix 0.7 Can Now Install The GNU OperatingJul 25 17:04
TweetTuxMachines                 System 25 17:04
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Guix 0.7 Can Now Install The GNU Operating System | Tux MachinesJul 25 17:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GNOME 3.13.4 released 25 17:05
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME 3.13.4 released | Tux MachinesJul 25 17:05
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MinceRgnJul 25 17:52
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DaemonFCObama is getting ready to sign a bill that makes it legal to unlock your phone when your contract expires with your carrier or you pay off your phone.Jul 25 19:25
DaemonFCIt should be utterly illegal for carriers to lock the phone without providing a way for the customer to unlock it at the push of a button when they finish paying it off to begin with.Jul 25 19:25
DaemonFC 25 19:25
DaemonFCThis won't help crapple hypephone customers too much. When Apple cuts off iOS upgrades, the party's over, because nobody else can support it and the phone is broken forever.Jul 25 19:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Farewell iPhone 4: No iOS 8 upgrade for you | ZDNet [ ]Jul 25 19:25
DaemonFC 25 19:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CyanogenMod | Android Community Operating SystemJul 25 19:25
DaemonFC 25 19:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Stay ParanoidJul 25 19:25
DaemonFCOn the Android side of things, you can just install CyanogenMod, Paranoid Android, or other alternative firmware, and then who cares what Samsung or LG do? Jul 25 19:25
DaemonFC 25 19:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Congress finally passes cell phone unlocking bill | Ars Technica [ ]Jul 25 19:25
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 25 19:26
DaemonFCLinux would work fine on a $200 computer that I saw on special at Newegg the other day, and you can load LibreOffice on it too.Jul 25 19:26
DaemonFCLike I said. Linux runs fine on computers where Windon't. The fact that Windows doesn't run well on low end computers never stops companies from selling low end computers with Windows on them.Jul 25 19:26
DaemonFCThe $200 PC I spoke of had a quad core 2 Ghz Haswell Celeron and 4 GB of RAM (with an empty slot, so you could pop in another 4 GB). It's not fancy, and for some reason, they bogged it down with Windows 8.1, but it's nothing a little hard drive formatting couldn't solve. The components bought separately would cost more than the PC did on sale, so a throwaway copy of Windows is just a minor annoyance.Jul 25 19:26
DaemonFCI even remember some companies selling Windows XP on systems with only 128 MB of RAM. It barely ran at all. So, this special that I saw is the 2014 version of that. Jul 25 19:27
cubexyzI used to know a guy who ran win95 on a 386sx with 4 megs of ram :)Jul 25 19:50
cubexyzit was awful, as you can imagineJul 25 19:50
DaemonFCIt wasn't pleasant on a 486 DX 66.Jul 25 19:58
DaemonFC 25 19:58
DaemonFCuhhhmJul 25 19:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Customer Discussions: Adult forum [ ]Jul 25 19:58
DaemonFCoh myJul 25 19:58
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jul 25 20:13
DaemonFCD. Snow: "nobody under 40 uses Apple products"Jul 25 20:13
DaemonFCIt probably helps that Macs are utterly useless for video gaming. My five year old PC is still better for video games than a new Mac. So why would anyone my age get a Mac?Jul 25 20:13
DaemonFCIf all you want to do is use Facebook, that's fine. I dig it. But, there's got to be a way to get that done without paying $900 for a Macbook Air that can't handle much else.Jul 25 20:13
DaemonFCDid someone say, "Chromebook"? Jul 25 20:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Wireless speakers stream audio from web andJul 25 20:25
TweetTuxMachines                 WLAN 25 20:25
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wireless speakers stream audio from web and WLAN | Tux MachinesJul 25 20:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     KDE Ships Third Beta of Applications andJul 25 20:25
TweetTuxMachines                 Platform 4.14 25 20:25
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE Ships Third Beta of Applications and Platform 4.14 | Tux MachinesJul 25 20:25
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Aless88hey guys, can someone tell any good sources for learning about patents?Jul 25 22:36
Aless88let us just discuss the following situation:Jul 25 22:37
Aless88you have a business;Jul 25 22:37
Aless88person X sees that your business is growing;Jul 25 22:38
Aless88the same person files an application for a patentJul 25 22:38
Aless88the patent is about the idea your business revolves aroundJul 25 22:38
Aless88his application gets approved and he holds that patentJul 25 22:39
Aless88he then says you can no longer keep your businessJul 25 22:39
Aless88because it is in violation of the aforementioned patentJul 25 22:40
Aless88can you defend yourself against this?Jul 25 22:40
Aless88is this even possible?Jul 25 22:40
Aless88and any sources/literature about patents would be greatly appreciatedJul 25 22:41
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Autonomous sub powers up with Wheezy on HaswellJul 25 23:50
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Autonomous sub powers up with Wheezy on Haswell | Tux MachinesJul 25 23:50
*TweetTuxMachines @host2money followed @tuxmachinesJul 25 23:50
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DaemonFC 26 02:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Who’s banned from editing Wikipedia this week? Congress | Ars Technica [ ]Jul 26 02:22
DaemonFCOne of the Reptilian shape shifters in Congress is using KDE 2 on FreeBSD and wants to edit Wikipedia to tell you how to do it, apparently.Jul 26 02:22
DaemonFC 26 02:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How does one patch KDE2 under FreeBSD? - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ]Jul 26 02:26
DaemonFCApparently, it's a Russian internet meme.Jul 26 02:26
DaemonFCSo, apparently Valve delayed the Steambox for a year so that it could fuck around with the controller design some more. In the mean time, all of the hardware partners that showed off the Steambox at CES are going to release them as Windows computers now.Jul 26 02:36
DaemonFCIs Valve TRYING to clutch defeat from the jaws of victory!?Jul 26 02:36
MinceRfacepalmJul 26 03:33
MinceR 26 03:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Getting Married in Heaven : Jokes [ ]Jul 26 03:35
DaemonFC 26 04:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 10.10 and still no mention of an HFS+ replacement : apple [ ]Jul 26 04:25
DaemonFCMinceR bait.Jul 26 04:25
DaemonFC 26 04:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Now that Apple is buying Beats, Bose sues over noise-cancelling patents [ ]Jul 26 04:27
DaemonFCBose is for old farts with too much money. Jul 26 04:27
DaemonFCNo highs, no lows, it must be Bose.Jul 26 04:28
MinceR:>Jul 26 04:28
DaemonFCI have a Bose waveradio. They were selling those things for outrageous sums of money back in the 90s.Jul 26 04:29
DaemonFCI found it at a garage sale.Jul 26 04:29
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DaemonFC 26 04:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bose Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ]Jul 26 04:31
DaemonFC"Discussion of the quality of Bose products can sometimes elicit strong and polarized opinions. Some see Bose as a maker of high-end equipment, while others see Bose as a company that uses marketing to make extravagant claims for otherwise ordinary products."Jul 26 04:31
DaemonFCMaybe Apple should just buy them.Jul 26 04:31
DaemonFC"A July 2012 review by NBC News of the $5,000 46" Bose TV noted that the video screen, produced by Samsung, resembles most closely a $750 flat panel television, and that the technology used is not up to par with other screens in the same category. The review then questions the value of the additional $4,260 cost for the Bose TV, suggesting there are compelling audio alternatives for less than 1/5th the price difference."Jul 26 04:32
DaemonFCThat sounds exactly like Apple.Jul 26 04:32
DaemonFCI'd better watch out. Bose has a tendency to sue everyone that doesn't like their products for libel.Jul 26 04:34
DaemonFCHmmm, Harman. They make some expensive sound systems too.Jul 26 04:35
DaemonFCApple was pushing them hard when the PowerMacs still roamed the Earth.Jul 26 04:35
DaemonFCI remember laughing that the idiots that bought 128k AAC files were listening to them on those.Jul 26 04:37
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SosumiBOSE = Bring Another Sound EngineerJul 26 04:45
SosumiBOSE = Buy Another Sound EquipmentJul 26 04:45
SosumiHarman are also kind of overpriced for what you getJul 26 04:46
Sosumibest brands to go in the audio department are usually B&W, Dynaudio, KEFJul 26 04:47
Sosumibut BOSE is one to avoid at bestJul 26 04:47
Guest15650 26 04:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@jerezim: RT @schestowitz: The NSA’s New Partner in Spying: Saudi Arabia’s Brutal State Police #torture alsoJul 26 04:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The NSA's New Partner in Spying: Saudi Arabia's Brutal State Police - The InterceptJul 26 04:50
Guest15650Faegre Baker Daniels LLP | CIA Lawyer Joins Litigation Team at ...Jul 26 04:51
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Guest15650afraid of dolls: 26 05:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Church Member Reponsible for Leaving 'Disturbing' Dolls in Calif. Neighborhood [ ]Jul 26 05:12
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Guest15650 26 05:30
Guest15650"American presidents from Eisenhower to Obama have been responsible for the phenomenal rise of Islamist forces throughout the Muslim World. Hillary Clinton and some top American diplomats and politicians have publicly admitted that the Cold War exigencies had led their country to support Islamist forces, including the Afghan Mujahedeen and those who later founded al-Qaeda. We also know that in 1953, while Eisenhower flirted with the Jul 26 05:30
Guest15650ayatollahs on the eve of the CIA-led military coup that toppled a democratically elected government in Iran, both Carter and Reagan legitimised General Zia ul-Haq's pro-Jamaat-e-Islami Islamist military dictatorship in Pakistan (1977-1988). "Jul 26 05:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | STRANGER THAN FICTION | Muslim Brotherhood, Jamaat-e-Islami and global jihad | (Part 1 of 3 part series) [ ]Jul 26 05:30
Guest15650Russia rag: 26 05:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mr. President, Your Own CIA Says What Russians Say. What Are We Gonna Do? - Paul Roberts | Burning Point | RIA Novosti [ ]Jul 26 05:37
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GOG's Mistaken Giveaway, Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS,Jul 26 06:01
TweetTuxMachines                 and Wayland in KDE 26 06:01
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GOG's Mistaken Giveaway, Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS, and Wayland in KDE | Tux MachinesJul 26 06:01
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Guest94981I don't like the author, but in this case he's onto something true: 26 06:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | WikiLeaks And Snowden In Hong Kong - Business Insider [ ]Jul 26 06:51
Guest94981 26 06:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Jul 26 06:51
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schesto" ‘extrajudicial means’ is hardly a primary issue here. "Jul 26 07:20
schesto 26 07:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Neither the question nor the answer - Daanish Hussain [ ]Jul 26 07:20
schestoSo now it's all OKJul 26 07:20
schestobecause they are "bad"Jul 26 07:20
schestoReturning fear to headlinesJul 26 07:33
schesto 26 07:33
schesto" Asked why Abdulmutallab's attempt had failed, John Pistole from the Transportation Security Administration told the Aspen Security Forum, "He had the device with him for over two weeks. It was's efficacy was degraded.""Jul 26 07:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Aside: Terror plot foiled by bad personal hygiene - Pune Mirror [ ]Jul 26 07:33
schesto 26 07:35
schesto"“These Israeli ‘Knock on the Roof’ drone-missile warnings are injuring and killing so many people, demolishing homes and bringing the roof down on top of their heads” he says, driving toward Nasser Street area, in central Gaza City. - See more at:"Jul 26 07:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Rescue teams: On Gaza’s front-lines | Middle East Eye [ ]Jul 26 07:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | News | Middle East Eye [ ]Jul 26 07:35
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Guest13831 26 08:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SEEVed: @schestowitz ha from the same whitewashpost that tows the govts propaganda line.Jul 26 08:23
Guest13831yes, CIAPost (Bezos/Amazon/CIA/WashPo)Jul 26 08:23
Guest13831"The world requires global leadership from the United States"Jul 26 08:42
Guest13831LOLJul 26 08:42
Guest13831 26 08:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 4 ways America should respond to a world in chaos — NewsWorks [ ]Jul 26 08:42
Guest13831 26 09:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jay Rockefeller Wants to Revolutionize the Way You Watch TV - [ ]Jul 26 09:05
Guest13831 26 09:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hillary Clinton: 'The Reset Worked' With Russia | Washington Free Beacon [ ]Jul 26 09:10
SosumihahahahahaJul 26 09:23
Sosumithe reset “worked” indeedJul 26 09:23
Sosumi“worked”Jul 26 09:24
Sosumi:)Jul 26 09:24
Guest13831yeahJul 26 09:37
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Games 26 09:42
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 09:42
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Games | Tux MachinesJul 26 09:42
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 26 09:42
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 09:42
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJul 26 09:42
<--Sosumi has quit (Quit: Sosumi)Jul 26 10:59
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chomzeehi!Jul 26 13:59
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Today in Techrights 26 14:17
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 14:17
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 14:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJul 26 14:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linus Torvalds On GCC 4.9: Pure & Utter CrapJul 26 14:18
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 14:18
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 14:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linus Torvalds On GCC 4.9: Pure & Utter Crap | Tux MachinesJul 26 14:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Cauldron 2014: GCC & LLVM Will Look ToJul 26 14:18
TweetTuxMachines                 Collaborate More 26 14:18
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 14:18
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 14:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cauldron 2014: GCC & LLVM Will Look To Collaborate More | Tux MachinesJul 26 14:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Six Clicks: The best Linux desktop environmentsJul 26 14:18
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 14:18
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 14:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Six Clicks: The best Linux desktop environments | Tux MachinesJul 26 14:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GCC Receives ACM’s 2014 Programming LanguagesJul 26 14:18
TweetTuxMachines                 Software Award 26 14:18
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 14:18
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 14:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GCC Receives ACM’s 2014 Programming Languages Software Award | Tux MachinesJul 26 14:18
-->schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJul 26 14:29
schestowitz> Hi!Jul 26 14:29
schestowitz> Jul 26 14:29
schestowitz> We've taken our GCT game to the next level! :)Jul 26 14:29
schestowitz> We've rebranded it and now we hit steam greenlight and indie go go.Jul 26 14:29
schestowitz> Jul 26 14:29
schestowitz> We'd appreciate if you shared an information about that fact to otherJul 26 14:29
schestowitz> people who may be interested in it. :)Jul 26 14:29
schestowitz> Jul 26 14:29
schestowitz> Our new website is:Jul 26 14:29
schestowitz> 26 14:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Street ArenaJul 26 14:29
schestowitz> Jul 26 14:29
schestowitz> Thank you in advance, regards,Jul 26 14:29
schestowitzAwesome site.Jul 26 14:29
__martin__P2P blocked as a whole on mine.. Jul 26 14:45
__martin__ 26 14:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | University Sets Fines & Worse For Pirating Students | TorrentFreak [ ]Jul 26 14:45
DaemonFC 26 14:47
DaemonFCUniversities are fining you for that now?Jul 26 14:58
DaemonFCI don't suppose you can use a secure VPN.Jul 26 14:58
__martin__Nope, that is an article for an U.S. based one. We have like +-11MB/s downlink, but P2P filter. I yet have to speak with the head of mine faculty about vendor lock-in. There has been a Vi$ta8 tablet shipment recently out of nowhere.. and seemingly their will be soon contracting someone with task to create a virtual - AI tutor for selected pupils/attendees.Jul 26 15:01
DaemonFCThe library blocks bittorrent, but svpn seems to evade that.Jul 26 15:02
__martin__For master's degree, the ministry of education made new acreditation to first-time introduced study programme - Forestry technologies. So there lies my hope.. if am able to finish the bachelor's thesis next year on accuracy of GNSS systems under forest "rooftop" @ age of 24. (=Jul 26 15:05
__martin__Place of residence where am I right now, is already multicultural, there are like three main/major ethnic grops. The Roma, Hungarians and we Slovaks. Unemployment rate 30+-% of population whereas most companies stick with WinXP and rely on Facebook.Jul 26 15:06
__martin__Establishment is present in almost every action of ordinary cizizen, however surrounding environment is not on par with pollution in other areas of country or global pollution average levels.Jul 26 15:07
__martin__See 26 15:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | - ÚvodJul 26 15:08
__martin__University in different urban area still runs on XPs (13 yr old "system") although servers have some outdated UNIX backend with relatively fool-proof UIS running on top of ApacheJul 26 15:13
__martin__..Jul 26 15:13
__martin__DaemonFC: ;DJul 26 15:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BayFiles [ ]Jul 26 15:14
__martin__Btw, folks.. Rubén of Trisquel project speaks live in twenty-something minutes. Do not miss it. (=Jul 26 15:23
__martin__ 26 15:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Livestream | OpenEd JamJul 26 15:23
__martin__*an hour + 20mins / my bad / GTM+1 CESTJul 26 15:24
__martin__GMT**Jul 26 15:24
__martin__ 26 15:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Generic Calendar/Clock - Countdown to Jul 26, 2014 8:45 PM in UTC [ ]Jul 26 15:25
-->neildarlow (~\~neil\ has joined #techrightsJul 26 16:09
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schestowitz__martin__: thanks for the infoJul 26 16:19
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<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 26 16:23
__martin__SOIT poznám, pozabudol som na nich. Naposledy bolo živo okolo sprístupňovania dát z verejného katastra.. Mám tušenie, že viacero linuxákov by sa našlo aj za portálom a; pričom v druhom prípade autor Tibor Peták spravuje slovenské domény a kde sa na nachádza lokalizácia tretej iterácie známej licencie.Jul 26 16:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | | Komunitný GEO portál pre používateľov geografických informácií, systémov a technológiíJul 26 16:25
__martin__Off-topic: Dovolím si ale podotknúť, že našou najväčšou osobnosťou doma a v zahraničí uvedomujúcou si potenciál a aspekty slobodného softvéru je Martin Husovec aka Huťo. | | | | o.i. aj aktívny Fellow európskej odnože bostonskej FSF - FSFE.Jul 26 16:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Menej štátu | … viac slobodyJul 26 16:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNU General Public LicenseJul 26 16:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Huťko´s Technology Law BlogJul 26 16:26
__martin__Toto vlákno som založil z vidinou možnosti širšej prezentácie IT riešení založených na univerzálnom šírení vedomostí, pretože mainstreamové médiá majú na špecifické témy a kľúčové slová uvalené informačné embargo.Jul 26 16:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Martin Husovec | LinkedInJul 26 16:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Martin Husovec (hutko) on TwitterJul 26 16:26
__martin__Prečo si myslím, že "aktuálny" predseda by miesto posunul z radosťou ďalej? Pri poslednom meetupe vo vlaku pôsobil ako príliš zaneprázdnený človek, nakoľko má rozbehnutých viacero vecí povedzme aj typu patentovateľnej technológie pre zvýšenie efektívnosti solárnych kolektorov v spolupráci z jeho známymi spomedzi Izraelského tech sektora. Stallmanovu The Free Software Song mi ale zanôtil na údiv okolitej vJul 26 16:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Martin Husovec « MicroBlog Priateľov EISi [ ]Jul 26 16:26
__martin__Emdi a či Stano, dodoedo?! Je to na vás. Kontakt je, mailing listy treba ale oživiť.Jul 26 16:26
__martin__PS: Pre tých ktorí nemajú tú česť, Jasan na ISOC.. 26 16:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jan Sarenik's wish for the future of the Internet - YouTube [ ]Jul 26 16:26
__martin__aye, pasted wrong buffer altogether =SJul 26 16:26
__martin__sorryJul 26 16:26
__martin__this!Jul 26 16:26
__martin__< quidam> I may do the talk offline, and upload the videoJul 26 16:26
__martin__21:44 < quidam> because the network is not very stable, and if the video doesn't stream properly it crashes.Jul 26 16:26
schestowitzwhat does the above mean in English?Jul 26 16:35
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ripe Linux Nits To Pick 26 16:35
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 16:35
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 16:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ripe Linux Nits To Pick | Tux MachinesJul 26 16:36
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     OnePlus coming to India! 26 16:36
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 16:36
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OnePlus coming to India! | Tux MachinesJul 26 16:36
<--neildarlow has quit (Quit: AndroidIrc Disconnecting)Jul 26 16:36
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__martin__schestowitz: it was my reply to our biggest sole active gnu/linux community; there I made a thread that our used-to-be user group needs new leader.. since I know the old one in person and want to help someone new become the chairman of 26 16:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | - slovenský linuxový portálJul 26 16:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SKLUG (Slovenské združenie používateľov Linuxu)Jul 26 16:49
__martin__schestowitz: am ofc not that husovec guy, he is a professional lawayer that hates sw pats, am just a student, mere fsf & kopimi activist (=Jul 26 16:50
__martin__lawyer*Jul 26 16:50
<--neildarlow has quit (Quit: AndroidIrc Disconnecting)Jul 26 16:58
schestowitz 26 17:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #Groklaw Back in the Wake of #ODF in the UK? 26 17:01
schestowitz"Jul 26 17:01
schestowitzThis is great news but I did not see it in the article itself. Did I miss something, or did you say that the renewed activity is in Grocklaw's News Pics where someone quotes Andy Updegrove's Standards Blog,Jul 26 17:01
schestowitz    The U.K. Cabinet Office accomplished today what the Commonwealth of Massachusetts set out (unsuccessfully) to achieve ten years ago: it formally required compliance with the Open Document Format (ODF) by software to be purchased in the future across all government bodies. Compliance with any of the existing versions of OOXML, the competing document format championed by Microsoft, is neither required nor relevant. The announcement Jul 26 17:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Groklaw Back in the Wake of ODF in the UK? | Techrights [ ]Jul 26 17:01
schestowitzwas made today by The Minister for the Cabinet Office, Francis Maude....Jul 26 17:01
schestowitz    The adoption of only ODF - and not also OOXML, as was urged by Microsoft - is most significant for the degree of market adoption and legitimization it will necessarily lead to. Unlike OOXML, which exists in several versions in the marketplace (and was not adopted even by Microsoft in the ISO/IEC approved "strict" form until years after its adoption by those organizations), ODF exists in more settled forms. Use of ODF-compliant Jul 26 17:01
schestowitzsoftware by tens of thousands of U.K. government workers will provide incentives to Microsoft to take greater pains to ensure that documents saved in ODF form will preserve their formatting with greater integrity, since many open source office suites (such as LibreOffice and OpenOffice) are available for free.Jul 26 17:01
schestowitz"Jul 26 17:01
schestowitzLast time before PJ returned she had posted stuff in News Picks, later adding "PJ" to it (while supposedly having retired)Jul 26 17:01
-->DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJul 26 17:13
chomzeehi allJul 26 17:20
schestowitzHiJul 26 17:24
schestowitz__martin__: lawyers are often opportunists when it comes to FOSSJul 26 17:25
schestowitz 26 17:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Bribes for pro- #israel #propaganda how low will those Hawks stoop?Jul 26 17:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Students offered grants if they tweet pro-Israeli propaganda - Middle East - World - The Independent [ ]Jul 26 17:32
schestowitz"But having education is not the same as being ethical, you would expect that an educated people would behave better but that's not always the case. Giving scholarships might sent the wrong message: if you do what you're told no matter what you will reap the benefits. In my country the military also gives scholarships but in military schools, that means that you will have housing and meals if you attend their high school, and if you Jul 26 17:32
schestowitzattend the military university you will have the same plus an almost useless degree outside the military. Only the most poor but dedicated enroll in the military..."Jul 26 17:32
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 26 18:05
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**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Jul 26 19:19:56 2014
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cubexyzif high schools did have PDP-11s things might have turned out a lot differentlyJul 26 19:27
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DaemonFC Fusion?action=recall&rev=194Jul 26 19:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Jul 26 19:34
DaemonFCSo this happened...Jul 26 19:34
DaemonFCerrrJul 26 19:40
DaemonFC 26 20:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | RPM Fusion - RPM Fusion [ ]Jul 26 20:35
schestowitz 26 20:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@angrymofo: @schestowitz He got there in the end thoughJul 26 20:49
schestowitzpoor sodJul 26 20:49
schestowitz 26 20:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@angrymofo: @schestowitz lol, he's not happy.....again !Jul 26 20:50
schestowitzLack of professionalism in his language gets the green light, unlike some...Jul 26 20:50
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jul 26 20:51
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The Power Consumption & Efficiency OfJul 26 21:30
TweetTuxMachines                 Open-Source Linux GPU DriversJul 26 21:30
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 21:30
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 21:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Power Consumption & Efficiency Of Open-Source Linux GPU Drivers | Tux MachinesJul 26 21:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Open Source and the Challenge of Making MoneyJul 26 21:30
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 21:30
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 21:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Source and the Challenge of Making Money | Tux MachinesJul 26 21:30
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