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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: September 21st, 2014-September 27th, 2014

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*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 21 00:08
schestowitz 21 04:23
-TechrightsBN/ #nypd did not suspend an officer for brutality. It suspended him for getting caught on camera, causing NYPD public embarrassment.Sep 21 04:23
schestowitz"Hear, hear."Sep 21 04:23
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Sep 21 08:05
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Sep 21 08:05
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellSep 21 08:12
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzSep 21 08:12
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 21 08:12
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 21 08:59
*roy has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 21 08:59
*schestowitz_log_ ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 21 09:11
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Changing host)Sep 21 09:11
*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellSep 21 09:11
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz_log_Sep 21 09:11
*roy (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellSep 21 09:12
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to roySep 21 09:12
*freedomrun_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 21 09:13
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 21 10:13
*roy has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 21 10:13
*schestowitz_log_ ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 21 10:37
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*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellSep 21 10:37
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz_log_Sep 21 10:37
*roy ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 21 10:37
*roy has quit (Changing host)Sep 21 10:37
*roy (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellSep 21 10:37
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to roySep 21 10:37
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*roy has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Sep 21 10:55
*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellSep 21 11:00
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz_log_Sep 21 11:00
*roy (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellSep 21 11:00
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to roySep 21 11:00
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*roy has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Sep 21 11:12
*schestowitz_log_ ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 21 11:13
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*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellSep 21 11:13
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz_log_Sep 21 11:13
*roy (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellSep 21 11:14
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to roySep 21 11:14
schestowitz_log_ 21 11:15
-TechrightsBN/ | Opinion: 'Boots on the ground' come in many styles | [ ]Sep 21 11:15
schestowitz_log_"Washington is engaged in both the silly and the serious as the politicians and the pundits debate Obama's plan to "defeat and ultimately degrade" ISIS, the self-declared Islamic state. Obama wants to do it largely through air strikes. If boots on the ground become necessary, Obama says they will be somebody else's boots, not those belonging to U.S. combat soldiers."Sep 21 11:16
MinceRUS soldiers will use loaned boots? :>Sep 21 11:26
royright wing press 21 11:39
-TechrightsBN/ | Guatemala's 'Homage to the Migrant' statue glorifies illegal immigrants | [ ]Sep 21 11:40
royinciting against Latin AmericaSep 21 11:40
roy 21 12:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@nyakasanga: @schestowitz they lost it in SomaliaSep 21 12:09
roy 21 12:51
-TechrightsBN/ | Don't fall for the great haul of China: Land dealers promise the earth - but it's a trick - Andrew Penman - Mirror Online [ ]Sep 21 12:51
roy 21 13:06
-TechrightsBN/ | Train hijacker claimed he was working for CIA | Nottingham Post [ ]Sep 21 13:07
roy 21 13:19
-TechrightsBN/ | The 11.40 Secret Service to Nottingham: Passenger train is hijacked by man claiming to be from the CIA | Daily Mail Online [ ]Sep 21 13:19
*freedomrun (~quassel@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #boycottnovellSep 21 22:24
*freedomrun has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 21 23:40
*freedomrun (~quassel@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #boycottnovellSep 21 23:46
*freedomrun has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 22 00:04
*freedomrun (~quassel@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #boycottnovellSep 22 00:08
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*freedomrun (~quassel@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #boycottnovellSep 22 00:18
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*cubelog has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 22 01:20
*cubelog ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 22 01:26
*freedomrun (~quassel@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #boycottnovellSep 22 04:59
schestowitz 22 05:04
-TechrightsBN/ School dropout codes chat program that foils NSA spying #encryption is not hard, just avoid social engineeringSep 22 05:04
schestowitz"When will people get that just because a program uses a bit of encryption somewhere, to encrypt something,doesn't automaticallly make every use of that program secure against the NSA under all circumstances. I mean, they have technology that can read what's happening on your computer by listening to keyboard taps, or measuring power fluctuations to your house. Yeah, encryption is good, but it doesn't make you invulnerable to the Sep 22 05:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | School dropout codes chat program that foils NSA spying (Wired UK) [ ]Sep 22 05:04
schestowitzNSA. The closest thing to doing that is MASS ENCRYPTION, which may be able to overwhelm their resources so they can't pay special attention to everyone."Sep 22 05:04
schestowitz 22 05:04
-TechrightsBN/ 'No Place to Hide' a cautionary tale #privacy #nsaSep 22 05:04
schestowitz"I do buy some stuff online (mostly cds and dvds) but I HAD to buy this book in a brick-and-mortar store, anonymously with cash. I'd probably be flagged as an extremist/terrorist/suspicious otherwise."Sep 22 05:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 'No Place to Hide' a cautionary tale - Bowling Green Daily News: Features [ ]Sep 22 05:04
schestowitz 22 05:05
-TechrightsBN/ #assassination is humour in prime time TV 22 05:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Watch Seth Rogen And James Franco Try To Be Assassins In Red Band Trailer For The Interview - CINEMABLEND [ ]Sep 22 05:05
schestowitz"What better way to desensitize people to brutality, murder, and corruption... than to make them laugh at it?"Sep 22 05:05
schestowitz 22 05:06
schestowitz"What a telling phrase: government of mass assassination. I will shamelessly steal it. Thanks!"Sep 22 05:06
-TechrightsBN/ Artistic criticism of a government of mass #assassination #droNSA #killlistsSep 22 05:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Review: Grounded Is Right on Target in BETC's Powerful Production | Westword [ ]Sep 22 05:06
schestowitz 22 05:12
-TechrightsBN/ Deaths in perspective 22 05:12
schestowitz"That's worse than misleading on the money side. That is only representing NCI, that is US central government spending on cancer. Not only is that less than half the money spent on cancer research in the US http:/// it never had a legitimate reason to exist in the first place. Government has no justifiable role in funding medical reasearch since it can easily be done bySep 22 05:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Couldn't resolve host 'http:' ( status 0 @ http:/// )Sep 22 05:12
schestowitzthe private sector. Millitary, however, falls into that select group of tasks which can only be realistically be done by the government - it requires centralized planning and involves violence."Sep 22 05:12
schestowitz"Sep 22 05:12
schestowitzDo you mean that there is no place in the military for mercenaries like Academy? I guess US people would feel a lot better knowing that trillions of dollars are spent to avoid another 9/11 instead of (good) healthcare and public services.Sep 22 05:12
schestowitzJust in case, do not stop funding the good jihadists, like Osama in the 80s.Sep 22 05:12
schestowitz"Sep 22 05:12
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Sep 22 05:20
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 22 05:21
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Sep 22 05:22
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 22 05:23
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Sep 22 05:23
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellSep 22 05:23
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzSep 22 05:23
*freedomrun has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 22 08:59
*freedomrun (~quassel@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #boycottnovellSep 22 09:58
schestowitz 22 17:23
-TechrightsBN/ When you openly funnel weapons to "moderate" rebels in #syria don't be shocked by such perceptions: 22 17:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Was ISIS Created By The CIA? Many Arabs Think So [ ]Sep 22 17:23
schestowitz"I still think they are from a comic-book. Are they by any chance led by someone who goes by the name of "Dr. Doom" or comparable?"Sep 22 17:23
schestowitz 22 17:25
-TechrightsBN/ #Ukraine Claims ‘Thousands’ of Russian Troops Invaded, Offers No Evidence 22 17:25
schestowitz"Sep 22 17:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Ukraine Claims ‘Thousands’ of Russian Troops Invaded, Offers No Evidence -- News from [ ]Sep 22 17:25
schestowitzmirko zloic, 22 17:25
schestowitzHere write that Ukraine is to blame for the fall of Boeing. And that Russia is not to blame for this. On the contrary Russia contributed to the investigation. President Obama has accused Russia of this tragedy, even when no evidence. And the whole world did the same. And now, when the Ukrainian government was not pleasing to US and the rest of the world elite, can not hide the truth. So who is the hypocrite? And a bunch of Russian Sep 22 17:25
-TechrightsBN/ | MH17: Pockmarks look like from very, very heavy machine gun fire, says first OSCE monitor on-scene | New Straits TimesSep 22 17:25
schestowitzmilitary on the territory of Ukraine is not strong evidence of Russia's participation in the Ukrainian war. Most likely so President Putin wanted to substitute.Sep 22 17:25
schestowitz"Sep 22 17:25
schestowitz"You know, if you could understand English, you would be laughed at by the Ukrainian government. Everything they say with a serious lumped persons, when they are removed, so foreigners are not noticeable their lies. But those who know the Russian language, is immediately clear to all their filth, hypocrisy and ignorance."Sep 22 17:25
schestowitz"I can pretty well understand english , but not yours. Russians are imperialists just like amerikans , and your denial of ukraine's right to defend itself speaks enough about you."Sep 22 17:25
schestowitz"Oh , wait , there's more . Your propaganda link says plane was shot down by heavy machine gun fire . Who is stupid enough to think there is a machine gun that shoots 10000 meters i the sky , the journalist , or his readers ?"Sep 22 17:26
schestowitzThat muchly debunked theory of jets taking down the plane with bullets... based on one man's opinion looking at one piece of wreckageSep 22 17:27
schestowitz 22 17:28
-TechrightsBN/ #putin does not trust a project that started at the #pentagon and is now used for mass #surveillance with kill switch 22 17:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Putin considers plans to remove Russia from global internet - The Times of India [ ]Sep 22 17:28
schestowitz"A fool's errand, obviously, but interesting that somebody at head-of-state level has noticed the US surveillance/dominance problem and is (sort of) thinking about it. Interesting too to try to think through the technical challenges that would be involved in trying to replace the WAN with a Country- or Empire-Area Network. With no gateways."Sep 22 17:28
schestowitz"Wonder if they'd use TCP/IP, or something better?"Sep 22 17:28
schestowitz"Like AppleTalk. :-)"Sep 22 17:28
schestowitzIn Soviet Russia no AppleTalk... in Russia TALK APPLE!Sep 22 17:28
*freedomrun has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 22 18:23
MinceR"freedom of speech", russian styleSep 22 20:33
MinceRand it's sad how people are going on about how great it isSep 22 20:33
MinceRputin must have acquired a Reality Distortion Field of his ownSep 22 20:34
MinceRalso, "Since returning to the presidency in 2012, Putin has embraced a conservative attitude - moving himself towards the Orthodox church"Sep 22 20:42
MinceRchristian fundamentalismSep 22 20:42
*liberty_back has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Sep 23 00:35
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*liberty_back ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 23 00:42
*libertyboxes ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 23 00:43
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Sep 23 01:26
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Sep 23 01:26:15 2014
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Sep 23 01:26:44 2014
*Now talking on #boycottnovellSep 23 01:26
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-socialSep 23 01:26
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Thu May 6 23:19:56 2010Sep 23 01:26
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelSep 23 01:26
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz_logSep 23 01:26
*libertyboxes ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 23 01:26
*liberty_back ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 23 01:27
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 23 01:29
*libertyboxes has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Sep 23 01:36
*liberty_back has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Sep 23 01:36
*liberty_back ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 23 01:44
*libertyboxes ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 23 01:45
*freedomrun (~quassel@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #boycottnovellSep 23 10:36
schestowitz 23 12:12
-TechrightsBN/ Why the NSA has no right to recruit on campus—or anywhere (video) watch angry #nsa man...Sep 23 12:12
schestowitz"Sep 23 12:12
schestowitz"The NSA is a criminal organization."Sep 23 12:12
schestowitzYes, and drug cartels in my banana republic are criminal organizations too, but unlike the NSA they cannot (officially) recruit on universities. And even so lots of people work for them. And even so there is people that blames poverty, because if people with primary school education is unable to find a job that pays tens of thousands of US DOLLARS a year it's the government's fault, they are basically pushed to cut heads to make a Sep 23 12:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Why the NSA has no right to recruit on campus—or anywhere (video) | Liberation News [ ]Sep 23 12:12
schestowitzliving.Sep 23 12:12
schestowitzI think people should have to stop pretending that drug dealers and NSA employees do not know what they're doing, and that they had no other choice.Sep 23 12:12
schestowitz"Sep 23 12:12
schestowitz 23 12:13
-TechrightsBN/ Servers without #surveillance are not "cloud"? so "cloud" infers surveillance?Sep 23 12:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Is the Private Cloud a Real Cloud? | Linux Journal [ ]Sep 23 12:13
schestowitz"Can it be true?"Sep 23 12:13
schestowitz 23 12:13
-TechrightsBN/ Interfering with war is not interfering the peace 23 12:13
schestowitz"It's outrageous how the US thinks can decide what to do with the IS against the wishes of Syrian and Iraqi governments."Sep 23 12:13
schestowitz 23 12:14
-TechrightsBN/ How #isis is perceived inside #iraq 23 12:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Iraqis suspect CIA and jihadis are united - The Times of India [ ]Sep 23 12:14
schestowitzMaybe that's why the Iraqi government does not want US ground troops in Iraq. Better safe than sorry.""Sep 23 12:14
schestowitzIraq's government is somewhat of a puppet government at the moment (and it support US intervening)Sep 23 12:14
schestowitz*supportsSep 23 12:14
*freedomrun has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 23 18:39
schestowitz> I helped this fellow on a forum save a lot of time and effort.  He gotSep 23 19:04
schestowitz> so happy about it that he made a 3 minute howto video.  The ease of useSep 23 19:04
schestowitz> of FOSS is great and in general it spreads a kind of positive excitement.Sep 23 19:04
schestowitz> Sep 23 19:04
schestowitz> 23 19:04
schestowitz> Sep 23 19:04
-TechrightsBN/ | sftp - YouTube [ ]Sep 23 19:04
schestowitz> See the DN article.  Many think they hate "computers" but what reallySep 23 19:04
schestowitz> happened is that they're tired of M$.Sep 23 19:04
schestowitz 23 22:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@glynmoody: @schestowitz @webmink @heiseonlineuk @heiseonline I know, I know...plenty of other bad stuff tooSep 23 22:07
*freedomrun (~quassel@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #boycottnovellSep 23 22:46
*freedomrun has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 24 00:36
*freedomrun (~quassel@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #boycottnovellSep 24 05:31
schestowitz 24 06:34
-TechrightsBN/ "Windows strikes again. An average business loses 26 minutes per employee per day." EN: 24 06:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Så mycket kostar IT-strulet - DN.SE [ ]Sep 24 06:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Google Translate [ ]Sep 24 06:34
schestowitz"I lose at least 5 minutes every morning while booting my work computer, and 10 minutes if you take into account at which time is really usable. And I'm not taking into account those lovely patches needing reboot."Sep 24 06:34
schestowitz 24 06:35
-TechrightsBN/ From next release onwards, Debian is tied to systemd #debian #systemdSep 24 06:35
schestowitz"I really not mind so much not using Gnome. I used enlightenment many years and dropped it because it became slow and unmaintained, and used KDE like two years. I use Gnome mainly to launch a browser and terminals, I really not need it and might not even miss it."Sep 24 06:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | iTWire - From next release onwards, Debian is tied to systemd [ ]Sep 24 06:35
schestowitz"What do you use instead? I like Xmonad, but on some systems fvwm is good for me."Sep 24 06:35
schestowitz"I use Gnome because that is what I have been using many years, so I have like two years before Debian wheezy becomes unsupported to find a substitute."Sep 24 06:35
*freedomrun has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 24 08:29
schestowitz 24 08:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Links 21/9/2014: Fedora 21 Alpha #techrightsSep 24 08:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Links 21/9/2014: Fedora 21 Alpha | TechrightsSep 24 08:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Can Marten Mickos make 'Linux for the cloud' work for HP? #gnu #linux #hp #eucalyptusSep 24 08:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Can Marten Mickos make 'Linux for the cloud' work for HP? • The RegisterSep 24 08:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #Salix #Fluxbox 14.1 Is a Lightweight Modular Distro Based on #Slackware 24 08:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Salix Fluxbox 14.1 Is a Lightweight Modular Distro Based on Slackware - SoftpediaSep 24 08:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Oracle and Canonical collaborate on support for Oracle Linux on Ubuntu #ubuntu #oracleSep 24 08:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Oracle and Canonical collaborate on support for Oracle Linux on Ubuntu | Ubuntu InsightsSep 24 08:58
schestowitz Sep 24 08:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Debian Switches Back To GNOME As Its Default Desktop #debian #gnu #linux #gnomSep 24 08:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | [Phoronix] Debian Switches Back To GNOME As Its Default DesktopSep 24 08:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) Enters Final Beta Freeze #ubuntu #gnu #linuxSep 24 08:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) Enters Final Beta Freeze - SoftpediaSep 24 08:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: 50 Noteworthy New Open Source Projects #freeswSep 24 08:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 50 Noteworthy New Open Source Projects - DatamationSep 24 08:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: 3 tools that make scanning on the Linux desktop quick and easy #gnu #linuxSep 24 08:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 3 great scanner tools for Linux | Opensource.comSep 24 08:59
schestowitz  Sep 24 09:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Second Bugfix Release for KDE Plasma 5 Arrives with Lots of Changes #kde #plasma #gnu #linuxSep 24 09:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Second Bugfix Release for KDE Plasma 5 Arrives with Lots of Changes - SoftpediaSep 24 09:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Qt 5.4 Will Support Applications Under A Wayland Compositor #qt #waylandSep 24 09:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | [Phoronix] Qt 5.4 Will Support Applications Under A Wayland CompositorSep 24 09:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Wink adds touchscreen-based home automation hub #linuxSep 24 09:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Wink adds touchscreen-based home automation hub ·  LinuxGizmos.comSep 24 09:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Exynos DRM Driver Gets Updated For Linux 3.18 #linux #kernelSep 24 09:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | [Phoronix] Exynos DRM Driver Gets Updated For Linux 3.18Sep 24 09:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #Kali #NetHunter turns Android device into hacker Swiss Army knife #android #linuxSep 24 09:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Kali NetHunter turns Android device into hacker Swiss Army knife | Ars TechnicaSep 24 09:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: "Picasso, the Android image loading library .. It provides some powerful features with a rather simple API." 24 09:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | New Features in Picasso | Lucas RochaSep 24 09:01
schestowitz 24 09:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Community at the speed of light: Best practices for the new era of open source #freeswSep 24 09:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 6 habits of excellence to gain contributors for your open source project | Opensource.comSep 24 09:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Why have a world where people share freely-sharable on neutral Web (abundance) when some mogul can limit it to 50 songs (at $50) per person?Sep 24 09:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: REPRISE OF #AKADEMY 2014: #ARTIKULATE powerful #kde toolSep 24 09:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Reprise of Akademy 2014: Artikulate | User Prompt – Psychologic IT ExpertiseSep 24 09:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Announcing the release of Fedora 21 Alpha #fedoraSep 24 09:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Announcing the release of Fedora 21 Alpha []Sep 24 09:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Fedora 21 Alpha available for testing - The MuktSep 24 09:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Apple's success is not making devices that are easy to use; Apple's success is making folks BELIEVE it's making devices that are easy to useSep 24 09:01
schestowitz 24 09:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Run anywhere again: #Java hooks up with #Docker 24 09:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Run anywhere again: Java hooks up with Docker | InfoWorldSep 24 09:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: "Cloud" seems to be an abstraction term. People who are ignorant or with disdain for computing seem to believe that escaping jargon is Good.Sep 24 09:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: iUpload All My Photos Automatically to Trusted Apple Clergy Which Replicates My Photos Across DCs All Around World 24 09:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Identica, Netscape/Propeller, Reddit, Digg altogether eliminated over 100,000 of my submissions due to death. Never trust 'clouds'/networks.Sep 24 09:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: "Many think they hate "computers" but what really happened is that they're tired of Microsoft." -iopkhkSep 24 09:02
schestowitz 24 09:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #gmail stops attacking anonymous speech some people use GMail with Tor to leak evidence of corruption (like EPO's)Sep 24 09:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Google nixes G+ requirement for Gmail accounts | Ars TechnicaSep 24 09:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Why have a world where people share freely-sharable on neutral Web (abundance) when some mogul can limit it to 50 songs (at $50) per person?Sep 24 09:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Why Record Labels Want Kim Dotcom’s Album Taken Down symbolic of their motivations. Abundance a threat to them.Sep 24 09:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Why Record Labels Want Kim Dotcom's Album Taken Down | TorrentFreakSep 24 09:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: What does Red Hat make money from? Servers. What's "cloud"? Servers. IOW, no changes at #redhat only rebranding 24 09:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Linux? Bah! Red Hat has its eye on the CLOUD – and it wants to own it • The RegisterSep 24 09:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Red Hat is moving from GNU/Linux to #gnu #linux but uses a buzzword more marketing than substanceSep 24 09:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Red Hat shifts emphasis from Linux to cloud-based services- The InquirerSep 24 09:03
schestowitz 24 09:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Is Your Small Business Website Like a Bad First Date? #promoting #freesw like #drupal and #wordpressSep 24 09:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Is Your Small Business Website Like a Bad First Date? | Michael LaVistaSep 24 09:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: "Windows strikes again. An average business loses 26 minutes per employee per day." EN: 24 09:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: When people like Glenn Greenwald join Assange-hostile & Gates-funded #propaganda sites they help legitimise them. Bad choices, not progress.Sep 24 09:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: You cannot challenge the #Power and #Corruption of Big Media or corporate media by joining it, claiming you'd change it from the insideSep 24 09:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Writing for companies like #idg (or #cbs or several others Big Media of tech) is misguided; it's like choosing 'the cloud', it's apathetic.Sep 24 09:04
schestowitz 24 09:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #IDG only cares about hits & advertising. Around 2008 it 'retired' specific feeds by funneling site-wide content into them; Repeats it now.Sep 24 09:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #IDG is breaking all sorts of RSS feeds again and WORSE - it is breaking permalinks (now 404s!), betraying its own writers. Bitrot defined.Sep 24 09:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Security in the Labour Conference this year have been vastly relaxed (unbelievably so). Maybe the threat they all told us about was a lie?Sep 24 09:04
schestowitz 24 09:26
-TechrightsBN/ The media is, as always, focused on important things 24 09:26
schestowitz"Sep 24 09:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Media's Imaginary Coffee Salute Scandal | Research | Media Matters for America [ ]Sep 24 09:26
schestowitz"Bush's habit of saluting service members while holding his dog"Sep 24 09:26
schestowitzThey were saluting the dog.Sep 24 09:26
schestowitz:DSep 24 09:26
schestowitz"Sep 24 09:26
MinceR:>Sep 24 09:27
schestowitz 24 09:27
-TechrightsBN/ My free software will respect users or it will be bullshit #security #fsf #freeswSep 24 09:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | mjg59 | My free software will respect users or it will be bullshitSep 24 09:27
schestowitz"Sep 24 09:27
schestowitzOkay, I was liking this right up until I saw it was a Gnome project.Sep 24 09:27
schestowitzTell me again how they listened to users with Gnome 3?Sep 24 09:27
schestowitz"Sep 24 09:27
schestowitz 24 09:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SEEVed: @schestowitz Consumer coop?Sep 24 09:43
schestowitzCooperative grocer, a UK thingSep 24 09:43
schestowitzStaff owned.Sep 24 09:44
schestowitz 24 09:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SEEVed: @schestowitz Are staff working less hours for same pay?Sep 24 09:51
schestowitzI think their time is converted into goodsSep 24 09:52
*freedomrun (~quassel@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #boycottnovellSep 24 10:13
schestowitz 24 10:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@laydbackcat: @schestowitz @NetwiSue It aint over yet..More will be added to that list I betSep 24 10:50
schestowitzWar on terrorist is a war without borders and sometimes without need for public/Congress consentSep 24 10:51
schestowitz*terrorismSep 24 10:51
schestowitz"British Prime Minister David Cameron is to hold the first bilateral talks between a British premier and an Iranian president since the 1979..."Sep 24 11:36
schestowitz 24 11:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jmcest: RT @schestowitz Shock and Awe in Syria: It Never Works mass bombings as some kind of fireworks display (in the media)Sep 24 11:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Juan Cole: Shock and Awe in Syria: It Never Works - Juan Cole - TruthdigSep 24 11:56
schestowitz 24 15:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@mycampoint: @schestowitz CamPoint: video security with more privacy, no fees, now on Indiegogo 24 15:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | CamPoint protects you & your privacy | IndiegogoSep 24 15:20
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Sep 24 15:45
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schestowitz 24 16:22
-TechrightsBN/ | The possible perils of private drones - The Washington Post [ ]Sep 24 16:22
schestowitz 24 16:30
-TechrightsBN/ Gates Foundation Critique just surpassed 200,000 page views 24 16:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Gates Foundation Critique - Techrights [ ]Sep 24 16:30
schestowitz"Good resource."Sep 24 16:31
schestowitz 24 16:31
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: #### #Tesco, a lesson for all: short termism, doesn't pay in the long run. Treating suppliers & customers well, pays dividends. #businessSep 24 16:31
schestowitz"Sep 24 16:31
schestowitzTesco's dominance was not a short run, it was decades long. The narrative of effective self-regulation of the market by the market is nothing but a convenient, self-serving lie, here exposed for the world to see.Sep 24 16:31
schestowitzSee also: PC World, WH Smiths, the big five banks, et cetera ad nauseam.Sep 24 16:31
schestowitz"Sep 24 16:31
schestowitz 24 16:32
-TechrightsBN/ Debian Switches Back To GNOME As Its Default Desktop #debian #gnu #linux #gnomSep 24 16:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | [Phoronix] Debian Switches Back To GNOME As Its Default Desktop [ ]Sep 24 16:32
schestowitz"@David Benfell, OpenRC of course"Sep 24 16:32
MinceRyet again?Sep 24 17:27
MinceRdebian keeps switching between gnome and gnome as its default desktopSep 24 17:27
MinceRalso, love the circular reasoningSep 24 17:32
MinceR"systemd because gnome, gnome because systemd"Sep 24 17:32
*freedomrun has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 24 19:33
schestowitz 24 22:13
schestowitz"Sep 24 22:13
schestowitzI don't mind using sysv init forever, but the problem I see is systemd will become incompatible with everything else. You can have two databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL in the same server and there is no problem. You can have MIT Kerberos or Heimdal Kerberos, but not both because are mutually exclusive, but even so there is no problem in having both in the same distro since one is almost a complete replacement of the other.Sep 24 22:13
schestowitzBut systemd and something else is a different story, the way systemd works and its scope will made impossible to have options.Sep 24 22:13
schestowitz"Sep 24 22:13
schestowitz 24 22:13
-TechrightsBN/ Longtime #microsoft booster from #zdnet #uk ridicules people who self host and promotes "cloud" lunacy 24 22:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Still keeping a server in the office? Here's why not everything should be in the cloud | ZDNet [ ]Sep 24 22:13
schestowitz"Join us. Join Us. JOIN US.."Sep 24 22:13
schestowitz 24 22:14
-TechrightsBN/ Nexus 6 on Ubuntu rather than Android L #linux #android #ubuntuSep 24 22:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Nexus 6 on Ubuntu rather than Android L » Phone Reviews [ ]Sep 24 22:14
schestowitz"That would be interesting!"Sep 24 22:14
schestowitzAnd more freedom-respecting.Sep 24 22:14
schestowitz 24 22:15
-TechrightsBN/ "New York is also one of the most unequal and most segregated cities in the US." Like #London in #ukSep 24 22:15
schestowitz"It's good to see that there is still baseless optimists, I wonder how they do that."Sep 24 22:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Civilization-Threatening Crises? Nope, Can't Think of Any [ ]Sep 24 22:15
schestowitzFaith in an economic model (where the vast majority is vassals) and faith in some sort of divine intervention when we fuck up the whole planetSep 24 22:16
schestowitz 24 22:17
-TechrightsBN/ The same was true for the past 50 years let's make that "news" to scare peopleSep 24 22:17
schestowitz"You know how terrorists are, they have so many free time that do not know what to do with it. It's only bad luck that the US, the UK and France are chosen by terrorists; tomorrow might be Bahamas, Uruguay or Mongolia. One never knows."Sep 24 22:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Islamic terrorists plotting to attack UK, warns Prime Minister David Cameron - [ ]Sep 24 22:17
schestowitzBahamas would be an easy target. Everyone is a suspect there and ALL calls recorded and stored, making the haystack too vast to be worth a damn.Sep 24 22:17
schestowitz"Bad-Practice is fashionable - it's user-friendly, like "functional layers"."Sep 24 22:37
schestowitz 24 22:37
schestowitzMaybe the bug is in bad developers' heads then...Sep 24 22:37
schestowitz 24 22:37
schestowitz"Great headline."Sep 24 22:37
-TechrightsBN/ Why would anyone set up a Web site to execute bash scripts based on arbitrary requests made through apache or nginx? Bad practice.Sep 24 22:37
-TechrightsBN/ "Why American and Western foreign policy has, and continues, to churn out extremists" 24 22:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Islamic State terrorists aren’t just our enemy: they’re our legacy | The ConcordianSep 24 22:37
schestowitz 24 22:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@NavinChauhan: @schestowitz interestingSep 24 22:41
schestowitzHave you used GNOME much?Sep 24 22:41
schestowitz 24 22:53
-TechrightsBN/ #Ukraine Claims ‘Thousands’ of Russian Troops Invaded, Offers No Evidence 24 22:53
schestowitz"Sep 24 22:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Ukraine Claims ‘Thousands’ of Russian Troops Invaded, Offers No Evidence -- News from [ ]Sep 24 22:53
schestowitzWhen I talk about reading information somewhere else I mean the darknets, I finally figured out what can be done with i2p. And of course I do not take automatically for truth what I read there, but having read lots of information there, some not available in the clearnet, and some of them predicting unlikely events as Ukrainian rebels winning when I was convinced they would lose, and giving logical explanations of why, then I highlySep 24 22:53
schestowitzregard those sources of information.Sep 24 22:53
schestowitzAnd about Russia: I would not vouch for them every time, I have nothing to win doing that, and certainly I would not have liked a communist government in my country like the ones of Soviet era, that's why when I was young I regarded US "help" as good. But in the particular case of Ukraine I think Russia is doing the correct think and being unfairly punished.Sep 24 22:53
schestowitzI think everyone has his own reasons to support or hate someone or some country and some are clearly justified, and the decision of when to forgive and why is personal. I know that Russia did a lot of regrettable thinks in the past, some of them recently so I would not try to convince anyone to support Russia. From my point of view, my country having never been harmed by Russia, and the way Russia has been behaving lately, I think Sep 24 22:53
schestowitzit might be better to have positive relations with them rather than ostracize them.Sep 24 22:53
schestowitz"Sep 24 22:53
schestowitz"Do not make me repeat insult I already already gave you . Friend of my foe is my enemy , so that's how you and I stand now ."Sep 24 22:53
schestowitzMirko, if you were to choose sides between Russia coup in Ukraine and NATO coup, where would you stand? I think of Ukraine as the victim here.Sep 24 22:54
schestowitz 24 22:55
-TechrightsBN/ Debian Switches Back To GNOME As Its Default Desktop #debian #gnu #linux #gnomSep 24 22:55
schestowitz" , I think that's one of the major concerns that dissidents have about systemd. They're embedding it in the kernel, they're embedding it in Gnome 3, they're embedding it into lots of things. It's gone far beyond an init system and, inherently, this will restrict freedom, further undermining the Linux claim to be free software."Sep 24 22:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | [Phoronix] Debian Switches Back To GNOME As Its Default Desktop [ ]Sep 24 22:55
schestowitz 24 22:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@NavinChauhan: @schestowitz no but looked it up having read your tweet ... i'm just getting started with linuxSep 24 22:56
schestowitzKDE is even better for some people, it's what we mostly use here...Sep 24 22:56
schestowitz 24 22:57
-TechrightsBN/ Apple's success is not making devices that are easy to use; Apple's success is making folks BELIEVE it's making devices that are easy to useSep 24 22:57
schestowitz"Sep 24 22:57
schestowitzIt's been a while since I seriously played with Mac OS X (and I've never played with the others), but what I saw at that time (probably around 10 years ago) was that they were progressively replacing the old UNIX flat file configurations with some kind of database backend--I think, but am not sure now, Berkeley DB.Sep 24 22:57
schestowitzBerkeley DB isn't friendly for any remotely normal human. To me, this was a giant leap away from usability.Sep 24 22:57
schestowitz"Sep 24 22:57
schestowitzGNOME did the same some time agoSep 24 22:57
*freedomrun (~quassel@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 04:41
MinceRenlightenment did something similarSep 25 05:50
MinceRwith their own fork of berkeley dbSep 25 05:50
MinceRit was horribleSep 25 05:50
MinceRit put me off entranceSep 25 05:50
*freedomrun has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 25 07:47
*schestowitz_log_ ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 11:28
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schestowitz 25 20:02
-TechrightsBN/ Samsung and Sony Dump Legacy PCs #microsoft #windows too heavy, expensiveSep 25 20:02
schestowitz"This is being spun as the death of Chromebooks."Sep 25 20:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Samsung and Sony Dump Legacy PCs | Robert Pogson [ ]Sep 25 20:02
schestowitz"Well, that explains a lot. I've gone nuts trying to find some configuration details in Gnome."Sep 25 20:03
schestowitz 25 20:03
schestowitz"Sep 25 20:03
schestowitzDavid, that's brilliant. QED. I appreciate the humor of you pointing out that to a techie changing the default config storage format from flat files to BerkeleyDB is against "usability" (quite right, of course; not "the Unix way"). Ha ha ha!Sep 25 20:03
schestowitzYes indeed, that is precisely the kind of can't-see-the-wood-for-the-trees tunnel vision that makes far too many techies utterly unable to engage in meaningful discussions of usability, the inability even to grasp that from a usability POV (that is, the normal, default, ordinary, standard, paying-your-rent, overwhelming-majority, non-technical user's POV) neither flat files nor databases exist, let alone constitute any kind of mutexSep 25 20:03
schestowitzproblem space.Sep 25 20:03
schestowitz"Sep 25 20:03
schestowitz 25 20:03
-TechrightsBN/ Alan Rusbridger hailed as a hero after stabbing in the back his sources (which elevated his career) 25 20:03
schestowitz" He closed down GUT (Guardian Unlimited Talk), one of the best and most turbulent forums - overnight (literally) - and turned the guardian into a lifestyle newspaper."Sep 25 20:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Edward Snowden Wins 2014 Right Livelihood Award - [ ]Sep 25 20:03
schestowitz"Cif (Comment is free) is now one of the most moderated and censored "readers comments" one can find anywhere - Chinese sites are probably free-er."Sep 25 20:04
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Sep 25 21:21
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 21:21
schestowitz 25 22:29
-TechrightsBN/ #DevAssistant Heuristic Review Part 1: Use Case Walkthroughs excellent, details post by Máirín Duffy (Red Hat)Sep 25 22:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | DevAssistant Heuristic Review Part 1: Use Case Walkthroughs | Máirín Duffy [ ]Sep 25 22:29
schestowitz"Nice to see you promoting the Apple usability guru Jakob Nielsen, of Nielsen Norman, who did so much to pioneer the art and science of HCI. That's what I like to see: a super-quick turnaround and making up lost ground. Very creditable. The tech world needs more like you. You give me hope in an otherwise hope-crushing week."Sep 25 22:29
schestowitz 25 22:31
-TechrightsBN/ Debian Switches Back To GNOME As Its Default Desktop #debian #gnu #linux #gnomSep 25 22:31
schestowitz" , I think that's one of the major concerns that dissidents have about systemd. They're embedding it in the kernel, they're embedding it in Gnome 3, they're embedding it into lots of things. It's gone far beyond an init system and, inherently, this will restrict freedom, further undermining the Linux claim to be free software."Sep 25 22:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | [Phoronix] Debian Switches Back To GNOME As Its Default Desktop [ ]Sep 25 22:31
schestowitz"Yes, that's the point and how I see it. You're free to chose a distro without systemd and all the other crap they might think in the future, or free to build your own distro, but that is not feasible nor desirable and makes no sense wasting effort to keep using Linux if there are other good enough options."Sep 25 22:31
schestowitz'Sep 25 22:32
schestowitzSo far as I've heard, only Gentoo is still resisting the tide to systemd.Sep 25 22:32
schestowitzBut this is a major reason I've switched to FreeBSD. I was already looking at it because I noticed that FreeBSD is much more efficient. Then I saw one more flame war, which spawned a second flame war, over systemd, thought about Gnome 3, and thought about Pulseaudio, and realized that this is no longer about software freedom. It's about Linux distributions shoving software down your throat, based on what they think is good for you, Sep 25 22:32
schestowitzrather than what you think is good for you.Sep 25 22:32
schestowitz"Sep 25 22:32
schestowitz 25 22:32
-TechrightsBN/ Worse than #openssl bug? Why assume the OpenSSL bug caused much damage when little evidence of that exists?Sep 25 22:32
schestowitz"Sep 25 22:32
schestowitzPanic, panic lock up your daughters - we finally found a bug in some 20+ year old piece of software...Sep 25 22:32
schestowitzJust Windows - where it takes us hours to find bugs ever time you release a new version, patch or other release.Sep 25 22:32
schestowitzGotta love M$'s PR machine.Sep 25 22:32
schestowitz"Sep 25 22:32
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Sep 25 22:58
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*Now talking on #boycottnovellSep 25 23:04
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*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Thu May 6 23:19:56 2010Sep 25 23:04
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelSep 25 23:04
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*Now talking on #boycottnovellSep 27 15:38
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-socialSep 27 15:38
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*Now talking on #boycottnovellSep 27 15:48
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-socialSep 27 15:48
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Thu May 6 23:19:56 2010Sep 27 15:48
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelSep 27 15:48
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schestowitz 27 17:03
-TechrightsBN/ "he who controls the past controls the future" 27 17:03
schestowitz"Is there a copy of the article somewhere? The page wants me to cough up money to read it."Sep 27 17:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Why did Bill Gates give $10million to history teacher David Christian? | The Times [ ]Sep 27 17:04
schestowitz 27 17:06
-TechrightsBN/ Bombing Islamic State is fueling the violence and it's so obvious that even a child could 'get' itSep 27 17:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Bombing Islamic State is fueling the violence - The Catholic Free PressThe Catholic Free Press [ ]Sep 27 17:06
schestowitz"Duh ! It is a bad idea when you find a hornet's nest to roil it around with a stick….."Sep 27 17:06
schestowitz 27 17:08
-TechrightsBN/ #bash bug is #y2k - let's wait and see how much damage actually gets done. It's mostly patched by now.Sep 27 17:08
schestowitz"Looking at the "test", I can't see it as a bug, but a feature. I haven't seen an example of how it in itself is a bug. If you put code into an environmental variable it can execute it - but is that a weakness? Environmental variables control many things. But programs can and should modify environmental variables. So where is the weakness?"Sep 27 17:08
schestowitz"Isn't the problem that (unfixed) bash automatically evals the env var's value on launch? IOW, the problem isn't that your newly forked shell can -- when you want/need it, when you explicitly dereference the env var in your script/interactively -- eval the code stored in the env var, but that it does eval it automatically on launch, whether you want/expect it to (you don't) or not. Or have I misunderstood?"Sep 27 17:08
schestowitz 27 17:08
-TechrightsBN/ Linux Users Can Now Buy All Valve Games with a Huge 75% Price Cut #linux #gnu #gamesSep 27 17:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Linux Users Can Now Buy All Valve Games with a Huge 75% Price Cut - Softpedia [ ]Sep 27 17:08
schestowitz"I have to resist. I have to resist..."Sep 27 17:08
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (*.net *.split)Sep 27 17:40
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schestowitz 27 18:47
-TechrightsBN/ | WE LOVE RUSSIA 2014 - Funny Video Compilation #2 - YouTube [ ]Sep 27 18:47
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*Now talking on #boycottnovellSep 27 20:45
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-socialSep 27 20:45
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Thu May 6 23:19:56 2010Sep 27 20:45
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelSep 27 20:45
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schestowitz 21 05:21
-TechrightsBN/ #nypd did not suspend an officer for brutality. It suspended him for getting caught on camera, causing NYPD public embarrassment.Sep 21 05:21
schestowitz"Hear, hear."Sep 21 05:21
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Sep 21 09:02
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Sep 21 09:03
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellSep 21 09:09
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schestowitz_log_ 21 12:13
-TechrightsBN/ | Opinion: 'Boots on the ground' come in many styles | [ ]Sep 21 12:13
schestowitz_log_"Washington is engaged in both the silly and the serious as the politicians and the pundits debate Obama's plan to "defeat and ultimately degrade" ISIS, the self-declared Islamic state. Obama wants to do it largely through air strikes. If boots on the ground become necessary, Obama says they will be somebody else's boots, not those belonging to U.S. combat soldiers."Sep 21 12:14
MinceRUS soldiers will use loaned boots? :>Sep 21 12:24
royright wing press 21 12:37
-TechrightsBN/ | Guatemala's 'Homage to the Migrant' statue glorifies illegal immigrants | [ ]Sep 21 12:37
royinciting against Latin AmericaSep 21 12:37
roy 21 13:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@nyakasanga: @schestowitz they lost it in SomaliaSep 21 13:06
roy 21 13:49
-TechrightsBN/ | Don't fall for the great haul of China: Land dealers promise the earth - but it's a trick - Andrew Penman - Mirror Online [ ]Sep 21 13:49
roy 21 14:04
-TechrightsBN/ | Train hijacker claimed he was working for CIA | Nottingham Post [ ]Sep 21 14:04
roy 21 14:16
-TechrightsBN/ | The 11.40 Secret Service to Nottingham: Passenger train is hijacked by man claiming to be from the CIA | Daily Mail Online [ ]Sep 21 14:16
*freedomrun (~quassel@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #boycottnovellSep 21 23:22
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schestowitz 22 06:01
-TechrightsBN/ School dropout codes chat program that foils NSA spying #encryption is not hard, just avoid social engineeringSep 22 06:01
schestowitz"When will people get that just because a program uses a bit of encryption somewhere, to encrypt something,doesn't automaticallly make every use of that program secure against the NSA under all circumstances. I mean, they have technology that can read what's happening on your computer by listening to keyboard taps, or measuring power fluctuations to your house. Yeah, encryption is good, but it doesn't make you invulnerable to the Sep 22 06:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | School dropout codes chat program that foils NSA spying (Wired UK) [ ]Sep 22 06:01
schestowitzNSA. The closest thing to doing that is MASS ENCRYPTION, which may be able to overwhelm their resources so they can't pay special attention to everyone."Sep 22 06:01
schestowitz 22 06:02
-TechrightsBN/ 'No Place to Hide' a cautionary tale #privacy #nsaSep 22 06:02
schestowitz"I do buy some stuff online (mostly cds and dvds) but I HAD to buy this book in a brick-and-mortar store, anonymously with cash. I'd probably be flagged as an extremist/terrorist/suspicious otherwise."Sep 22 06:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 'No Place to Hide' a cautionary tale - Bowling Green Daily News: Features [ ]Sep 22 06:02
schestowitz 22 06:02
-TechrightsBN/ #assassination is humour in prime time TV 22 06:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Watch Seth Rogen And James Franco Try To Be Assassins In Red Band Trailer For The Interview - CINEMABLEND [ ]Sep 22 06:02
schestowitz"What better way to desensitize people to brutality, murder, and corruption... than to make them laugh at it?"Sep 22 06:02
schestowitz 22 06:04
schestowitz"What a telling phrase: government of mass assassination. I will shamelessly steal it. Thanks!"Sep 22 06:04
-TechrightsBN/ Artistic criticism of a government of mass #assassination #droNSA #killlistsSep 22 06:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Review: Grounded Is Right on Target in BETC's Powerful Production | Westword [ ]Sep 22 06:04
schestowitz 22 06:10
-TechrightsBN/ Deaths in perspective 22 06:10
schestowitz"That's worse than misleading on the money side. That is only representing NCI, that is US central government spending on cancer. Not only is that less than half the money spent on cancer research in the US http:/// it never had a legitimate reason to exist in the first place. Government has no justifiable role in funding medical reasearch since it can easily be done bySep 22 06:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Couldn't resolve host 'http:' ( status 0 @ http:/// )Sep 22 06:10
schestowitzthe private sector. Millitary, however, falls into that select group of tasks which can only be realistically be done by the government - it requires centralized planning and involves violence."Sep 22 06:10
schestowitz"Sep 22 06:10
schestowitzDo you mean that there is no place in the military for mercenaries like Academy? I guess US people would feel a lot better knowing that trillions of dollars are spent to avoid another 9/11 instead of (good) healthcare and public services.Sep 22 06:10
schestowitzJust in case, do not stop funding the good jihadists, like Osama in the 80s.Sep 22 06:10
schestowitz"Sep 22 06:10
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Sep 22 06:18
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schestowitz 22 18:21
-TechrightsBN/ When you openly funnel weapons to "moderate" rebels in #syria don't be shocked by such perceptions: 22 18:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Was ISIS Created By The CIA? Many Arabs Think So [ ]Sep 22 18:21
schestowitz"I still think they are from a comic-book. Are they by any chance led by someone who goes by the name of "Dr. Doom" or comparable?"Sep 22 18:21
schestowitz 22 18:22
-TechrightsBN/ #Ukraine Claims ‘Thousands’ of Russian Troops Invaded, Offers No Evidence 22 18:22
schestowitz"Sep 22 18:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Ukraine Claims ‘Thousands’ of Russian Troops Invaded, Offers No Evidence -- News from [ ]Sep 22 18:22
schestowitzmirko zloic, 22 18:22
schestowitzHere write that Ukraine is to blame for the fall of Boeing. And that Russia is not to blame for this. On the contrary Russia contributed to the investigation. President Obama has accused Russia of this tragedy, even when no evidence. And the whole world did the same. And now, when the Ukrainian government was not pleasing to US and the rest of the world elite, can not hide the truth. So who is the hypocrite? And a bunch of Russian Sep 22 18:22
-TechrightsBN/ | MH17: Pockmarks look like from very, very heavy machine gun fire, says first OSCE monitor on-scene | New Straits TimesSep 22 18:22
schestowitzmilitary on the territory of Ukraine is not strong evidence of Russia's participation in the Ukrainian war. Most likely so President Putin wanted to substitute.Sep 22 18:22
schestowitz"Sep 22 18:22
schestowitz"You know, if you could understand English, you would be laughed at by the Ukrainian government. Everything they say with a serious lumped persons, when they are removed, so foreigners are not noticeable their lies. But those who know the Russian language, is immediately clear to all their filth, hypocrisy and ignorance."Sep 22 18:23
schestowitz"I can pretty well understand english , but not yours. Russians are imperialists just like amerikans , and your denial of ukraine's right to defend itself speaks enough about you."Sep 22 18:23
schestowitz"Oh , wait , there's more . Your propaganda link says plane was shot down by heavy machine gun fire . Who is stupid enough to think there is a machine gun that shoots 10000 meters i the sky , the journalist , or his readers ?"Sep 22 18:23
schestowitzThat muchly debunked theory of jets taking down the plane with bullets... based on one man's opinion looking at one piece of wreckageSep 22 18:24
schestowitz 22 18:25
-TechrightsBN/ #putin does not trust a project that started at the #pentagon and is now used for mass #surveillance with kill switch 22 18:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Putin considers plans to remove Russia from global internet - The Times of India [ ]Sep 22 18:25
schestowitz"A fool's errand, obviously, but interesting that somebody at head-of-state level has noticed the US surveillance/dominance problem and is (sort of) thinking about it. Interesting too to try to think through the technical challenges that would be involved in trying to replace the WAN with a Country- or Empire-Area Network. With no gateways."Sep 22 18:25
schestowitz"Wonder if they'd use TCP/IP, or something better?"Sep 22 18:25
schestowitz"Like AppleTalk. :-)"Sep 22 18:25
schestowitzIn Soviet Russia no AppleTalk... in Russia TALK APPLE!Sep 22 18:26
*freedomrun has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 22 19:20
MinceR"freedom of speech", russian styleSep 22 21:30
MinceRand it's sad how people are going on about how great it isSep 22 21:31
MinceRputin must have acquired a Reality Distortion Field of his ownSep 22 21:31
MinceRalso, "Since returning to the presidency in 2012, Putin has embraced a conservative attitude - moving himself towards the Orthodox church"Sep 22 21:39
MinceRchristian fundamentalismSep 22 21:40
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*Now talking on #boycottnovellSep 23 01:40
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-socialSep 23 01:40
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010Sep 23 01:40
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*Now talking on #boycottnovellSep 23 02:25
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-socialSep 23 02:25
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010Sep 23 02:25
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelSep 23 02:25
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*Now talking on #boycottnovellSep 23 02:42
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-socialSep 23 02:42
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010Sep 23 02:42
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelSep 23 02:42
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schestowitz 23 13:10
-TechrightsBN/ Why the NSA has no right to recruit on campus—or anywhere (video) watch angry #nsa man...Sep 23 13:10
schestowitz"Sep 23 13:10
schestowitz"The NSA is a criminal organization."Sep 23 13:10
schestowitzYes, and drug cartels in my banana republic are criminal organizations too, but unlike the NSA they cannot (officially) recruit on universities. And even so lots of people work for them. And even so there is people that blames poverty, because if people with primary school education is unable to find a job that pays tens of thousands of US DOLLARS a year it's the government's fault, they are basically pushed to cut heads to make a Sep 23 13:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Why the NSA has no right to recruit on campus—or anywhere (video) | Liberation News [ ]Sep 23 13:10
schestowitzliving.Sep 23 13:10
schestowitzI think people should have to stop pretending that drug dealers and NSA employees do not know what they're doing, and that they had no other choice.Sep 23 13:10
schestowitz"Sep 23 13:10
schestowitz 23 13:10
-TechrightsBN/ Servers without #surveillance are not "cloud"? so "cloud" infers surveillance?Sep 23 13:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Is the Private Cloud a Real Cloud? | Linux Journal [ ]Sep 23 13:10
schestowitz"Can it be true?"Sep 23 13:10
schestowitz 23 13:11
-TechrightsBN/ Interfering with war is not interfering the peace 23 13:11
schestowitz"It's outrageous how the US thinks can decide what to do with the IS against the wishes of Syrian and Iraqi governments."Sep 23 13:11
schestowitz 23 13:11
-TechrightsBN/ How #isis is perceived inside #iraq 23 13:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Iraqis suspect CIA and jihadis are united - The Times of India [ ]Sep 23 13:11
schestowitzMaybe that's why the Iraqi government does not want US ground troops in Iraq. Better safe than sorry.""Sep 23 13:11
schestowitzIraq's government is somewhat of a puppet government at the moment (and it support US intervening)Sep 23 13:11
schestowitz*supportsSep 23 13:12
*freedomrun has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 23 19:37
schestowitz> I helped this fellow on a forum save a lot of time and effort.  He gotSep 23 20:02
schestowitz> so happy about it that he made a 3 minute howto video.  The ease of useSep 23 20:02
schestowitz> of FOSS is great and in general it spreads a kind of positive excitement.Sep 23 20:02
schestowitz> Sep 23 20:02
schestowitz> 23 20:02
schestowitz> Sep 23 20:02
-TechrightsBN/ | sftp - YouTube [ ]Sep 23 20:02
schestowitz> See the DN article.  Many think they hate "computers" but what reallySep 23 20:02
schestowitz> happened is that they're tired of M$.Sep 23 20:02
schestowitz 23 23:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@glynmoody: @schestowitz @webmink @heiseonlineuk @heiseonline I know, I know...plenty of other bad stuff tooSep 23 23:04
*freedomrun (~quassel@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #boycottnovellSep 23 23:44
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schestowitz 24 07:31
-TechrightsBN/ "Windows strikes again. An average business loses 26 minutes per employee per day." EN: 24 07:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Så mycket kostar IT-strulet - DN.SE [ ]Sep 24 07:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Google Translate [ ]Sep 24 07:32
schestowitz"I lose at least 5 minutes every morning while booting my work computer, and 10 minutes if you take into account at which time is really usable. And I'm not taking into account those lovely patches needing reboot."Sep 24 07:32
schestowitz 24 07:32
-TechrightsBN/ From next release onwards, Debian is tied to systemd #debian #systemdSep 24 07:32
schestowitz"I really not mind so much not using Gnome. I used enlightenment many years and dropped it because it became slow and unmaintained, and used KDE like two years. I use Gnome mainly to launch a browser and terminals, I really not need it and might not even miss it."Sep 24 07:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | iTWire - From next release onwards, Debian is tied to systemd [ ]Sep 24 07:32
schestowitz"What do you use instead? I like Xmonad, but on some systems fvwm is good for me."Sep 24 07:32
schestowitz"I use Gnome because that is what I have been using many years, so I have like two years before Debian wheezy becomes unsupported to find a substitute."Sep 24 07:33
*freedomrun has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 24 09:26
schestowitz 24 09:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Links 21/9/2014: Fedora 21 Alpha #techrightsSep 24 09:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Links 21/9/2014: Fedora 21 Alpha | TechrightsSep 24 09:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Can Marten Mickos make 'Linux for the cloud' work for HP? #gnu #linux #hp #eucalyptusSep 24 09:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Can Marten Mickos make 'Linux for the cloud' work for HP? • The RegisterSep 24 09:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #Salix #Fluxbox 14.1 Is a Lightweight Modular Distro Based on #Slackware 24 09:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Salix Fluxbox 14.1 Is a Lightweight Modular Distro Based on Slackware - SoftpediaSep 24 09:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Oracle and Canonical collaborate on support for Oracle Linux on Ubuntu #ubuntu #oracleSep 24 09:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Oracle and Canonical collaborate on support for Oracle Linux on Ubuntu | Ubuntu InsightsSep 24 09:55
schestowitz Sep 24 09:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Debian Switches Back To GNOME As Its Default Desktop #debian #gnu #linux #gnomSep 24 09:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | [Phoronix] Debian Switches Back To GNOME As Its Default DesktopSep 24 09:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) Enters Final Beta Freeze #ubuntu #gnu #linuxSep 24 09:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) Enters Final Beta Freeze - SoftpediaSep 24 09:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: 50 Noteworthy New Open Source Projects #freeswSep 24 09:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 50 Noteworthy New Open Source Projects - DatamationSep 24 09:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: 3 tools that make scanning on the Linux desktop quick and easy #gnu #linuxSep 24 09:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 3 great scanner tools for Linux | Opensource.comSep 24 09:56
schestowitz  Sep 24 09:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Second Bugfix Release for KDE Plasma 5 Arrives with Lots of Changes #kde #plasma #gnu #linuxSep 24 09:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Second Bugfix Release for KDE Plasma 5 Arrives with Lots of Changes - SoftpediaSep 24 09:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Qt 5.4 Will Support Applications Under A Wayland Compositor #qt #waylandSep 24 09:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | [Phoronix] Qt 5.4 Will Support Applications Under A Wayland CompositorSep 24 09:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Wink adds touchscreen-based home automation hub #linuxSep 24 09:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Wink adds touchscreen-based home automation hub ·  LinuxGizmos.comSep 24 09:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Exynos DRM Driver Gets Updated For Linux 3.18 #linux #kernelSep 24 09:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | [Phoronix] Exynos DRM Driver Gets Updated For Linux 3.18Sep 24 09:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #Kali #NetHunter turns Android device into hacker Swiss Army knife #android #linuxSep 24 09:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Kali NetHunter turns Android device into hacker Swiss Army knife | Ars TechnicaSep 24 09:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: "Picasso, the Android image loading library .. It provides some powerful features with a rather simple API." 24 09:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | New Features in Picasso | Lucas RochaSep 24 09:58
schestowitz 24 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Community at the speed of light: Best practices for the new era of open source #freeswSep 24 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 6 habits of excellence to gain contributors for your open source project | Opensource.comSep 24 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Why have a world where people share freely-sharable on neutral Web (abundance) when some mogul can limit it to 50 songs (at $50) per person?Sep 24 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: REPRISE OF #AKADEMY 2014: #ARTIKULATE powerful #kde toolSep 24 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Reprise of Akademy 2014: Artikulate | User Prompt – Psychologic IT ExpertiseSep 24 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Announcing the release of Fedora 21 Alpha #fedoraSep 24 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Announcing the release of Fedora 21 Alpha []Sep 24 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Fedora 21 Alpha available for testing - The MuktSep 24 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Apple's success is not making devices that are easy to use; Apple's success is making folks BELIEVE it's making devices that are easy to useSep 24 09:59
schestowitz 24 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Run anywhere again: #Java hooks up with #Docker 24 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Run anywhere again: Java hooks up with Docker | InfoWorldSep 24 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: "Cloud" seems to be an abstraction term. People who are ignorant or with disdain for computing seem to believe that escaping jargon is Good.Sep 24 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: iUpload All My Photos Automatically to Trusted Apple Clergy Which Replicates My Photos Across DCs All Around World 24 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Identica, Netscape/Propeller, Reddit, Digg altogether eliminated over 100,000 of my submissions due to death. Never trust 'clouds'/networks.Sep 24 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: "Many think they hate "computers" but what really happened is that they're tired of Microsoft." -iopkhkSep 24 09:59
schestowitz 24 10:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #gmail stops attacking anonymous speech some people use GMail with Tor to leak evidence of corruption (like EPO's)Sep 24 10:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Google nixes G+ requirement for Gmail accounts | Ars TechnicaSep 24 10:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Why have a world where people share freely-sharable on neutral Web (abundance) when some mogul can limit it to 50 songs (at $50) per person?Sep 24 10:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Why Record Labels Want Kim Dotcom’s Album Taken Down symbolic of their motivations. Abundance a threat to them.Sep 24 10:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Why Record Labels Want Kim Dotcom's Album Taken Down | TorrentFreakSep 24 10:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: What does Red Hat make money from? Servers. What's "cloud"? Servers. IOW, no changes at #redhat only rebranding 24 10:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Linux? Bah! Red Hat has its eye on the CLOUD – and it wants to own it • The RegisterSep 24 10:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Red Hat is moving from GNU/Linux to #gnu #linux but uses a buzzword more marketing than substanceSep 24 10:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Red Hat shifts emphasis from Linux to cloud-based services- The InquirerSep 24 10:00
schestowitz 24 10:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Is Your Small Business Website Like a Bad First Date? #promoting #freesw like #drupal and #wordpressSep 24 10:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Is Your Small Business Website Like a Bad First Date? | Michael LaVistaSep 24 10:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: "Windows strikes again. An average business loses 26 minutes per employee per day." EN: 24 10:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: When people like Glenn Greenwald join Assange-hostile & Gates-funded #propaganda sites they help legitimise them. Bad choices, not progress.Sep 24 10:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: You cannot challenge the #Power and #Corruption of Big Media or corporate media by joining it, claiming you'd change it from the insideSep 24 10:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Writing for companies like #idg (or #cbs or several others Big Media of tech) is misguided; it's like choosing 'the cloud', it's apathetic.Sep 24 10:01
schestowitz 24 10:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #IDG only cares about hits & advertising. Around 2008 it 'retired' specific feeds by funneling site-wide content into them; Repeats it now.Sep 24 10:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #IDG is breaking all sorts of RSS feeds again and WORSE - it is breaking permalinks (now 404s!), betraying its own writers. Bitrot defined.Sep 24 10:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Security in the Labour Conference this year have been vastly relaxed (unbelievably so). Maybe the threat they all told us about was a lie?Sep 24 10:02
schestowitz 24 10:24
-TechrightsBN/ The media is, as always, focused on important things 24 10:24
schestowitz"Sep 24 10:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Media's Imaginary Coffee Salute Scandal | Research | Media Matters for America [ ]Sep 24 10:24
schestowitz"Bush's habit of saluting service members while holding his dog"Sep 24 10:24
schestowitzThey were saluting the dog.Sep 24 10:24
schestowitz:DSep 24 10:24
schestowitz"Sep 24 10:24
MinceR:>Sep 24 10:24
schestowitz 24 10:24
-TechrightsBN/ My free software will respect users or it will be bullshit #security #fsf #freeswSep 24 10:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | mjg59 | My free software will respect users or it will be bullshitSep 24 10:24
schestowitz"Sep 24 10:24
schestowitzOkay, I was liking this right up until I saw it was a Gnome project.Sep 24 10:24
schestowitzTell me again how they listened to users with Gnome 3?Sep 24 10:24
schestowitz"Sep 24 10:24
schestowitz 24 10:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SEEVed: @schestowitz Consumer coop?Sep 24 10:40
schestowitzCooperative grocer, a UK thingSep 24 10:41
schestowitzStaff owned.Sep 24 10:41
schestowitz 24 10:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SEEVed: @schestowitz Are staff working less hours for same pay?Sep 24 10:49
schestowitzI think their time is converted into goodsSep 24 10:49
*freedomrun (~quassel@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #boycottnovellSep 24 11:11
schestowitz 24 11:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@laydbackcat: @schestowitz @NetwiSue It aint over yet..More will be added to that list I betSep 24 11:48
schestowitzWar on terrorist is a war without borders and sometimes without need for public/Congress consentSep 24 11:48
schestowitz*terrorismSep 24 11:48
schestowitz"British Prime Minister David Cameron is to hold the first bilateral talks between a British premier and an Iranian president since the 1979..."Sep 24 12:33
schestowitz 24 12:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jmcest: RT @schestowitz Shock and Awe in Syria: It Never Works mass bombings as some kind of fireworks display (in the media)Sep 24 12:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Juan Cole: Shock and Awe in Syria: It Never Works - Juan Cole - TruthdigSep 24 12:53
schestowitz 24 16:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@mycampoint: @schestowitz CamPoint: video security with more privacy, no fees, now on Indiegogo 24 16:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | CamPoint protects you & your privacy | IndiegogoSep 24 16:17
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Sep 24 16:42
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schestowitz 24 17:19
-TechrightsBN/ | The possible perils of private drones - The Washington Post [ ]Sep 24 17:19
schestowitz 24 17:28
-TechrightsBN/ Gates Foundation Critique just surpassed 200,000 page views 24 17:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Gates Foundation Critique - Techrights [ ]Sep 24 17:28
schestowitz"Good resource."Sep 24 17:28
schestowitz 24 17:28
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: #### #Tesco, a lesson for all: short termism, doesn't pay in the long run. Treating suppliers & customers well, pays dividends. #businessSep 24 17:28
schestowitz"Sep 24 17:28
schestowitzTesco's dominance was not a short run, it was decades long. The narrative of effective self-regulation of the market by the market is nothing but a convenient, self-serving lie, here exposed for the world to see.Sep 24 17:28
schestowitzSee also: PC World, WH Smiths, the big five banks, et cetera ad nauseam.Sep 24 17:28
schestowitz"Sep 24 17:28
schestowitz 24 17:29
-TechrightsBN/ Debian Switches Back To GNOME As Its Default Desktop #debian #gnu #linux #gnomSep 24 17:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | [Phoronix] Debian Switches Back To GNOME As Its Default Desktop [ ]Sep 24 17:29
schestowitz"@David Benfell, OpenRC of course"Sep 24 17:29
MinceRyet again?Sep 24 18:24
MinceRdebian keeps switching between gnome and gnome as its default desktopSep 24 18:24
MinceRalso, love the circular reasoningSep 24 18:29
MinceR"systemd because gnome, gnome because systemd"Sep 24 18:29
*freedomrun has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 24 20:31
schestowitz 24 23:10
schestowitz"Sep 24 23:10
schestowitzI don't mind using sysv init forever, but the problem I see is systemd will become incompatible with everything else. You can have two databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL in the same server and there is no problem. You can have MIT Kerberos or Heimdal Kerberos, but not both because are mutually exclusive, but even so there is no problem in having both in the same distro since one is almost a complete replacement of the other.Sep 24 23:10
schestowitzBut systemd and something else is a different story, the way systemd works and its scope will made impossible to have options.Sep 24 23:10
schestowitz"Sep 24 23:10
schestowitz 24 23:11
-TechrightsBN/ Longtime #microsoft booster from #zdnet #uk ridicules people who self host and promotes "cloud" lunacy 24 23:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Still keeping a server in the office? Here's why not everything should be in the cloud | ZDNet [ ]Sep 24 23:11
schestowitz"Join us. Join Us. JOIN US.."Sep 24 23:11
schestowitz 24 23:11
-TechrightsBN/ Nexus 6 on Ubuntu rather than Android L #linux #android #ubuntuSep 24 23:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Nexus 6 on Ubuntu rather than Android L » Phone Reviews [ ]Sep 24 23:11
schestowitz"That would be interesting!"Sep 24 23:11
schestowitzAnd more freedom-respecting.Sep 24 23:12
schestowitz 24 23:13
-TechrightsBN/ "New York is also one of the most unequal and most segregated cities in the US." Like #London in #ukSep 24 23:13
schestowitz"It's good to see that there is still baseless optimists, I wonder how they do that."Sep 24 23:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Civilization-Threatening Crises? Nope, Can't Think of Any [ ]Sep 24 23:13
schestowitzFaith in an economic model (where the vast majority is vassals) and faith in some sort of divine intervention when we fuck up the whole planetSep 24 23:13
schestowitz 24 23:14
-TechrightsBN/ The same was true for the past 50 years let's make that "news" to scare peopleSep 24 23:14
schestowitz"You know how terrorists are, they have so many free time that do not know what to do with it. It's only bad luck that the US, the UK and France are chosen by terrorists; tomorrow might be Bahamas, Uruguay or Mongolia. One never knows."Sep 24 23:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Islamic terrorists plotting to attack UK, warns Prime Minister David Cameron - [ ]Sep 24 23:14
schestowitzBahamas would be an easy target. Everyone is a suspect there and ALL calls recorded and stored, making the haystack too vast to be worth a damn.Sep 24 23:15
schestowitz"Bad-Practice is fashionable - it's user-friendly, like "functional layers"."Sep 24 23:35
schestowitz 24 23:35
schestowitzMaybe the bug is in bad developers' heads then...Sep 24 23:35
schestowitz 24 23:35
schestowitz"Great headline."Sep 24 23:35
-TechrightsBN/ Why would anyone set up a Web site to execute bash scripts based on arbitrary requests made through apache or nginx? Bad practice.Sep 24 23:35
-TechrightsBN/ "Why American and Western foreign policy has, and continues, to churn out extremists" 24 23:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Islamic State terrorists aren’t just our enemy: they’re our legacy | The ConcordianSep 24 23:35
schestowitz 24 23:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@NavinChauhan: @schestowitz interestingSep 24 23:38
schestowitzHave you used GNOME much?Sep 24 23:39
schestowitz 24 23:51
-TechrightsBN/ #Ukraine Claims ‘Thousands’ of Russian Troops Invaded, Offers No Evidence 24 23:51
schestowitz"Sep 24 23:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Ukraine Claims ‘Thousands’ of Russian Troops Invaded, Offers No Evidence -- News from [ ]Sep 24 23:51
schestowitzWhen I talk about reading information somewhere else I mean the darknets, I finally figured out what can be done with i2p. And of course I do not take automatically for truth what I read there, but having read lots of information there, some not available in the clearnet, and some of them predicting unlikely events as Ukrainian rebels winning when I was convinced they would lose, and giving logical explanations of why, then I highlySep 24 23:51
schestowitzregard those sources of information.Sep 24 23:51
schestowitzAnd about Russia: I would not vouch for them every time, I have nothing to win doing that, and certainly I would not have liked a communist government in my country like the ones of Soviet era, that's why when I was young I regarded US "help" as good. But in the particular case of Ukraine I think Russia is doing the correct think and being unfairly punished.Sep 24 23:51
schestowitzI think everyone has his own reasons to support or hate someone or some country and some are clearly justified, and the decision of when to forgive and why is personal. I know that Russia did a lot of regrettable thinks in the past, some of them recently so I would not try to convince anyone to support Russia. From my point of view, my country having never been harmed by Russia, and the way Russia has been behaving lately, I think Sep 24 23:51
schestowitzit might be better to have positive relations with them rather than ostracize them.Sep 24 23:51
schestowitz"Sep 24 23:51
schestowitz"Do not make me repeat insult I already already gave you . Friend of my foe is my enemy , so that's how you and I stand now ."Sep 24 23:51
schestowitzMirko, if you were to choose sides between Russia coup in Ukraine and NATO coup, where would you stand? I think of Ukraine as the victim here.Sep 24 23:51
schestowitz 24 23:52
-TechrightsBN/ Debian Switches Back To GNOME As Its Default Desktop #debian #gnu #linux #gnomSep 24 23:52
schestowitz" , I think that's one of the major concerns that dissidents have about systemd. They're embedding it in the kernel, they're embedding it in Gnome 3, they're embedding it into lots of things. It's gone far beyond an init system and, inherently, this will restrict freedom, further undermining the Linux claim to be free software."Sep 24 23:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | [Phoronix] Debian Switches Back To GNOME As Its Default Desktop [ ]Sep 24 23:52
schestowitz 24 23:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@NavinChauhan: @schestowitz no but looked it up having read your tweet ... i'm just getting started with linuxSep 24 23:53
schestowitzKDE is even better for some people, it's what we mostly use here...Sep 24 23:53
schestowitz 24 23:54
-TechrightsBN/ Apple's success is not making devices that are easy to use; Apple's success is making folks BELIEVE it's making devices that are easy to useSep 24 23:54
schestowitz"Sep 24 23:54
schestowitzIt's been a while since I seriously played with Mac OS X (and I've never played with the others), but what I saw at that time (probably around 10 years ago) was that they were progressively replacing the old UNIX flat file configurations with some kind of database backend--I think, but am not sure now, Berkeley DB.Sep 24 23:54
schestowitzBerkeley DB isn't friendly for any remotely normal human. To me, this was a giant leap away from usability.Sep 24 23:54
schestowitz"Sep 24 23:54
schestowitzGNOME did the same some time agoSep 24 23:54
*freedomrun (~quassel@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 05:38
MinceRenlightenment did something similarSep 25 06:48
MinceRwith their own fork of berkeley dbSep 25 06:48
MinceRit was horribleSep 25 06:48
MinceRit put me off entranceSep 25 06:48
*freedomrun has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 25 08:44
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*Now talking on #boycottnovellSep 25 18:24
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-socialSep 25 18:24
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010Sep 25 18:24
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelSep 25 18:24
*libertyboxes ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 18:25
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Sep 25 19:10:00 2014
*Now talking on #boycottnovellSep 25 19:10
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-socialSep 25 19:10
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010Sep 25 19:10
*[freenode-info] channel trolls and no channel staff around to help? please check with freenode support: 25 19:10
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelSep 25 19:10
schestowitz 25 20:59
-TechrightsBN/ Samsung and Sony Dump Legacy PCs #microsoft #windows too heavy, expensiveSep 25 20:59
schestowitz"This is being spun as the death of Chromebooks."Sep 25 20:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Samsung and Sony Dump Legacy PCs | Robert Pogson [ ]Sep 25 20:59
schestowitz"Well, that explains a lot. I've gone nuts trying to find some configuration details in Gnome."Sep 25 21:00
schestowitz 25 21:00
schestowitz"Sep 25 21:00
schestowitzDavid, that's brilliant. QED. I appreciate the humor of you pointing out that to a techie changing the default config storage format from flat files to BerkeleyDB is against "usability" (quite right, of course; not "the Unix way"). Ha ha ha!Sep 25 21:00
schestowitzYes indeed, that is precisely the kind of can't-see-the-wood-for-the-trees tunnel vision that makes far too many techies utterly unable to engage in meaningful discussions of usability, the inability even to grasp that from a usability POV (that is, the normal, default, ordinary, standard, paying-your-rent, overwhelming-majority, non-technical user's POV) neither flat files nor databases exist, let alone constitute any kind of mutexSep 25 21:00
schestowitzproblem space.Sep 25 21:00
schestowitz"Sep 25 21:00
schestowitz 25 21:01
-TechrightsBN/ Alan Rusbridger hailed as a hero after stabbing in the back his sources (which elevated his career) 25 21:01
schestowitz" He closed down GUT (Guardian Unlimited Talk), one of the best and most turbulent forums - overnight (literally) - and turned the guardian into a lifestyle newspaper."Sep 25 21:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Edward Snowden Wins 2014 Right Livelihood Award - [ ]Sep 25 21:01
schestowitz"Cif (Comment is free) is now one of the most moderated and censored "readers comments" one can find anywhere - Chinese sites are probably free-er."Sep 25 21:01
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Sep 25 22:18
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 25 22:19
schestowitz 25 23:26
-TechrightsBN/ #DevAssistant Heuristic Review Part 1: Use Case Walkthroughs excellent, details post by Máirín Duffy (Red Hat)Sep 25 23:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | DevAssistant Heuristic Review Part 1: Use Case Walkthroughs | Máirín Duffy [ ]Sep 25 23:26
schestowitz"Nice to see you promoting the Apple usability guru Jakob Nielsen, of Nielsen Norman, who did so much to pioneer the art and science of HCI. That's what I like to see: a super-quick turnaround and making up lost ground. Very creditable. The tech world needs more like you. You give me hope in an otherwise hope-crushing week."Sep 25 23:26
schestowitz 25 23:28
-TechrightsBN/ Debian Switches Back To GNOME As Its Default Desktop #debian #gnu #linux #gnomSep 25 23:28
schestowitz" , I think that's one of the major concerns that dissidents have about systemd. They're embedding it in the kernel, they're embedding it in Gnome 3, they're embedding it into lots of things. It's gone far beyond an init system and, inherently, this will restrict freedom, further undermining the Linux claim to be free software."Sep 25 23:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | [Phoronix] Debian Switches Back To GNOME As Its Default Desktop [ ]Sep 25 23:29
schestowitz"Yes, that's the point and how I see it. You're free to chose a distro without systemd and all the other crap they might think in the future, or free to build your own distro, but that is not feasible nor desirable and makes no sense wasting effort to keep using Linux if there are other good enough options."Sep 25 23:29
schestowitz'Sep 25 23:29
schestowitzSo far as I've heard, only Gentoo is still resisting the tide to systemd.Sep 25 23:29
schestowitzBut this is a major reason I've switched to FreeBSD. I was already looking at it because I noticed that FreeBSD is much more efficient. Then I saw one more flame war, which spawned a second flame war, over systemd, thought about Gnome 3, and thought about Pulseaudio, and realized that this is no longer about software freedom. It's about Linux distributions shoving software down your throat, based on what they think is good for you, Sep 25 23:29
schestowitzrather than what you think is good for you.Sep 25 23:29
schestowitz"Sep 25 23:29
schestowitz 25 23:29
-TechrightsBN/ Worse than #openssl bug? Why assume the OpenSSL bug caused much damage when little evidence of that exists?Sep 25 23:30
schestowitz"Sep 25 23:30
schestowitzPanic, panic lock up your daughters - we finally found a bug in some 20+ year old piece of software...Sep 25 23:30
schestowitzJust Windows - where it takes us hours to find bugs ever time you release a new version, patch or other release.Sep 25 23:30
schestowitzGotta love M$'s PR machine.Sep 25 23:30
schestowitz"Sep 25 23:30
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Sep 25 23:56
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*Now talking on #boycottnovellSep 26 18:17
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-socialSep 26 18:17
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010Sep 26 18:17
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelSep 26 18:17
*libertyboxes ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 26 18:18
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*Now talking on #boycottnovellSep 27 16:38
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-socialSep 27 16:38
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010Sep 27 16:38
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelSep 27 16:38
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*Now talking on #boycottnovellSep 27 16:59
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-socialSep 27 16:59
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:19:56 2010Sep 27 16:59
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelSep 27 16:59
*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellSep 27 17:00
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schestowitz 27 18:01
-TechrightsBN/ "he who controls the past controls the future" 27 18:01
schestowitz"Is there a copy of the article somewhere? The page wants me to cough up money to read it."Sep 27 18:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Why did Bill Gates give $10million to history teacher David Christian? | The Times [ ]Sep 27 18:01
schestowitz 27 18:03
-TechrightsBN/ Bombing Islamic State is fueling the violence and it's so obvious that even a child could 'get' itSep 27 18:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Bombing Islamic State is fueling the violence - The Catholic Free PressThe Catholic Free Press [ ]Sep 27 18:03
schestowitz"Duh ! It is a bad idea when you find a hornet's nest to roil it around with a stick….."Sep 27 18:03
schestowitz 27 18:05
-TechrightsBN/ #bash bug is #y2k - let's wait and see how much damage actually gets done. It's mostly patched by now.Sep 27 18:05
schestowitz"Looking at the "test", I can't see it as a bug, but a feature. I haven't seen an example of how it in itself is a bug. If you put code into an environmental variable it can execute it - but is that a weakness? Environmental variables control many things. But programs can and should modify environmental variables. So where is the weakness?"Sep 27 18:05
schestowitz"Isn't the problem that (unfixed) bash automatically evals the env var's value on launch? IOW, the problem isn't that your newly forked shell can -- when you want/need it, when you explicitly dereference the env var in your script/interactively -- eval the code stored in the env var, but that it does eval it automatically on launch, whether you want/expect it to (you don't) or not. Or have I misunderstood?"Sep 27 18:05
schestowitz 27 18:05
-TechrightsBN/ Linux Users Can Now Buy All Valve Games with a Huge 75% Price Cut #linux #gnu #gamesSep 27 18:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Linux Users Can Now Buy All Valve Games with a Huge 75% Price Cut - Softpedia [ ]Sep 27 18:05
schestowitz"I have to resist. I have to resist..."Sep 27 18:05
*schestowitz_log_ has quit (*.net *.split)Sep 27 18:37
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* gives channel operator status to schestowitz_log_Sep 27 18:46
schestowitz 27 19:44
-TechrightsBN/ | WE LOVE RUSSIA 2014 - Funny Video Compilation #2 - YouTube [ ]Sep 27 19:44
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