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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: November 9th, 2014-November 15th, 2014

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*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @Thomas_Drake1: '.@goldcoastfilm presents 9 Nov @SilencedFilm doc @johnkiriakou...'Nov 09 00:19
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   Surreal when echoes of Cold War 1 foreshadowNov 09 00:19
TweetSchestowitz                 Cold War 2 conflict? Who wins & at what cost toNov 09 00:19
TweetSchestowitz                 ourselves & the planet? 09 00:19
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 00:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | News from The Associated PressNov 09 00:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 00:19
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         Three servers offline, likely seized byNov 09 00:22
TweetSchestowitz                 @torservers: (error)Nov 09 00:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 00:22
TweetSchestowitz@torservers      Three @torservers servers offline, likelyNov 09 00:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    seized (error)Nov 09 00:22
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        Nov 09 00:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 00:22
-TechrightsSocial/ | Three servers offline, likely seized - blogNov 09 00:22
TweetSchestowitz@qbi             Bei @torservers wurden 3 Server vermutlichNov 09 00:52
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    beschlagnahmt: (error)Nov 09 00:52
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        Nov 09 00:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 00:52
TweetSchestowitz@KanysLupin      Not a Putin fan but as Wilde said enemies tellNov 09 00:57
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    me plainly to my face. Bad when > truth than DCNov 09 00:57
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 ( 09 00:57
TweetSchestowitz                 @Thomas_Drake1Nov 09 00:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 00:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | The New York Times doesn’t want you to understand this Vladimir Putin speech - Salon.comNov 09 00:58
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot        There's No Such Thing As a General-PurposeNov 09 00:58
TweetSchestowitz                 Processor 09 00:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 00:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 00:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | There's No Such Thing As a General-Purpose Processor - SlashdotNov 09 00:58
TweetSchestowitz@dangillmor      One result of right-wing ascendance: PregnantNov 09 00:58
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    women increasingly forfeit their civilNov 09 00:58
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        liberties 09 00:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 00:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 00:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 09 00:58
TweetSchestowitz@demandprogress  Today, on his birthday, we honor Aaron Swartz'sNov 09 00:58
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    vision for a world in which ordinary people canNov 09 00:58
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        positively impact the political process.Nov 09 00:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 00:58
TweetSchestowitz@marymad         Grants:IdeaLab/Partnership between WikimediaNov 09 01:06
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    community and Tor communityNov 09 01:06
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror ( 09 01:06
TweetSchestowitz                 via @yawnboxNov 09 01:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 01:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | Grants:IdeaLab/Partnership between Wikimedia community and Tor community - MetaNov 09 01:06
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Nov 09 01:59
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Nov 9 01:59:28 2014
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 9 01:59:54 2014
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-socialNov 09 01:59
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovellNov 09 01:59
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010Nov 09 01:59
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 09 02:01
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @goldcoastfilm: '#Silenced fts. @JohnKiriakou @JesselynRadack @Thomas_Drake1. Directed by @JamesSpione...'Nov 09 02:13
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    NYTimes Editorial Board: Dark Money Helped WinNov 09 03:06
TweetSchestowitz                 the SenateNov 09 03:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 03:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 03:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 09 03:06
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    CIA response to Sen says torture of AmmarNov 09 03:06
TweetSchestowitz                 Al-Baluchi resulted in 1st disclosure of whatNov 09 03:06
TweetSchestowitz                 was closely guarded secretNov 09 03:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 03:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 03:06
TweetSchestowitz@DTab224         @emptywheel @john_dingell you know it's not himNov 09 04:59
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    right?Nov 09 04:59
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     Nov 09 04:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 04:59
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot        Researchers Simulate Monster EF5 TornadoNov 09 04:59
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 04:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 04:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | Researchers Simulate Monster EF5 Tornado - SlashdotNov 09 04:59
TweetSchestowitz@csoghoian       Admin of seized "dark web" site shares logs toNov 09 04:59
TweetSchestowitz                 aid effort to discover possible Tor decloakingNov 09 04:59
TweetSchestowitz                 technique used by FBI. 09 04:59
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 04:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 04:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | [tor-dev] yes hello, internet supervillain hereNov 09 04:59
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Nov 09 05:58
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Nov 9 05:58:46 2014
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 9 05:59:13 2014
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-socialNov 09 05:59
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovellNov 09 05:59
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010Nov 09 05:59
*schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 09 05:59
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 09 06:01
TweetSchestowitz@nsisodiya       so we are having #jsmeetupdelhi today in ourNov 09 06:20
TweetSchestowitz                 office... 09 06:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 06:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@nsisodiya: so we are having #jsmeetupdelhi today in our office... 09 06:20
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       Google's homepage is currently displaying theNov 09 06:20
TweetSchestowitz                 fall of the #BerlinWall. Find out why:Nov 09 06:20
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 06:20
TweetSchestowitz        09 06:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 06:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Julian Assange - Google Is Not What It SeemsNov 09 06:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@wikileaks: Google's homepage is currently displaying the fall of the #BerlinWall. Find out why: 09 06:20
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 09 06:36
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       25 years since the fall of the BerlinNov 09 07:04
TweetSchestowitz                 Wall--2,071 WikiLeaks documents show history inNov 09 07:04
TweetSchestowitz                 the making 09 07:04
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #berlinwallNov 09 07:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 07:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | Search WikiLeaksNov 09 07:04
TweetSchestowitz@hbeschizza      If only Tabasco did this 09 07:04
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    ( @doctorowNov 09 07:04
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Nov 09 07:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sriracha2Go Hot Sauce KeychainNov 09 07:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 07:04
TweetSchestowitz@nsisodiya       JS Meetup 9 Nov 2014: @YouTube के माध्यम सेNov 09 07:41
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 07:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 07:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | JS Meetup 9 Nov 2014 - YouTubeNov 09 07:41
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: Stewart Butterfield from Slack byNov 09 07:41
TweetSchestowitz                 mathowie on Flickr. 09 07:41
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 07:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 07:41
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Network as though it was the first days of aNov 09 07:41
TweetSchestowitz                 better nation 09 07:41
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 07:41
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 09 07:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | Network as though it was the first days of a better nation - Boing BoingNov 09 07:41
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 07:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 07:41
TweetSchestowitz@Goldperc        John Pilger and Des Freedman discuss mediaNov 09 08:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    power, 18th Nov, @GoldsmithsUoLNov 09 08:13
TweetSchestowitz @johnpilger ( 09 08:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 08:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | Q&A on the ABC of Media Power with John Pilger and Des Freedman to launch 'The Contradictions of Media Power'- EventbriteNov 09 08:13
TweetSchestowitz@AKMA            @doctorow Wish she linked to/cited the sourceNov 09 08:20
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    of the title: great *radical* artist, novelist,Nov 09 08:20
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       & thinker Alasdair Gray 09 08:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 08:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@AKMA: @doctorow Wish she linked to/cited the source of the title: great *radical* artist, novelist, & thinker Alasdair Gray 09 08:20
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: Crazy-ass Scientology anti-psychiatryNov 09 08:20
TweetSchestowitz                 exhibit, LACon 4, Worldcon 2006, Anaheim,Nov 09 08:20
TweetSchestowitz                 California_5.jpg on... 09 08:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 08:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 08:20
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Nov 09 08:21
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: laden bike, Shanghai, China.JPG onNov 09 08:33
TweetSchestowitz                 Flickr. 09 08:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 08:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 08:33
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 141108 -Nov 09 08:33
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 08:33
TweetSchestowitz                 yesterday's tweets as a single Web pageNov 09 08:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 141108Nov 09 08:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 08:33
TweetSchestowitz@mollyrosestl    RT @gabrielasalinas: They tried to bury us,Nov 09 08:34
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    they didn't know we were seeds.Nov 09 08:34
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #TodosSomosAyotzinapa 09 08:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 08:34
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@gabrielasalinas: They tried to bury us, they didn't know we were seeds. #TodosSomosAyotzinapa 09 08:34
TweetSchestowitz@SenatorSurfer   In TAS .@CassyOConnorMP & community advocatesNov 09 08:38
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    join for action against #TPP & #ISDS. PuttingNov 09 08:38
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      people before profits. 09 08:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 08:38
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SenatorSurfer: In TAS .@CassyOConnorMP & community advocates join for action against #TPP & #ISDS. Putting people before profits. 09 08:38
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Thousands gather to protest against #TPP tradeNov 09 08:38
TweetSchestowitz                 agreement - 09 08:38
TweetSchestowitz                 ( the resistance is growingNov 09 08:38
TweetSchestowitz                  #NZNov 09 08:38
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thousands gather to protest trade agreement - Business - NZ Herald NewsNov 09 08:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 08:38
TweetSchestowitz@01micko         @glynmoody @CassyOConnorMPNov 09 08:46
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 09 08:46
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #TPP How to contact an MP or SenatorNov 09 08:46
TweetSchestowitz                 @SenatorSurferNov 09 08:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 08:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | TPP. Contact your MP, Minister or Senator | No TPPNov 09 08:46
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Groser’s Big Debate on #TPP is meaninglessNov 09 08:46
TweetSchestowitz                 unless it comes before an agreement is signed -Nov 09 08:46
TweetSchestowitz        ( is thisNov 09 08:46
TweetSchestowitz                 democracy? #NZNov 09 08:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 08:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | Minister Groser’s Big Debate on TPPA is meaningless unless it comes before an agreement is signed « 09 08:46
TweetSchestowitz@SBSNews         China Free Trade Agreement just a few daysNov 09 08:47
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    away: Andrew Robb 09 08:47
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( 09 08:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 08:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | China FTA just a few days away: Robb | SBS NewsNov 09 08:47
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SBSNews: China Free Trade Agreement just a few days away: Andrew Robb 09 08:47
TweetSchestowitz@Brown_Moses     Origin of the Separatists’ Buk: A BellingcatNov 09 08:49
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Investigation via @bellingcatNov 09 08:49
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 09 08:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 08:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | bellingcat - Origin of the Separatists’ Buk: A Bellingcat InvestigationNov 09 08:49
TweetSchestowitz@went1955        An economic system that supports people andNov 09 08:54
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    planet is still possible — Guardian —Nov 09 08:54
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 09 08:54
TweetSchestowitz                 (ht @stephanygj)Nov 09 08:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 08:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | An economic system that supports people and planet is still possible | Guardian Sustainable Business | The GuardianNov 09 08:54
TweetSchestowitz@SimonChapman6   Australian anti #windfarm guru believesNov 09 08:55
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    exquisitely sensitive people in Oz can perceiveNov 09 08:55
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      earthquakes in Chile! 09 08:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 08:55
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SimonChapman6: Australian anti #windfarm guru believes exquisitely sensitive people in Oz can perceive earthquakes in Chile! 09 08:55
TweetSchestowitz@AbbyMartin      Women make up half the world's population, yetNov 09 08:55
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    represent 70% of its poor & collectively earnNov 09 08:55
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      only 10% of its income: 09 08:55
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 08:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is empowering women the answer to ending poverty in the developing world? | Global Development Professionals Network | The GuardianNov 09 08:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 08:55
TweetSchestowitz@Iceland_Review  SO2 #Holuhraun #eruption pollution inNov 09 08:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #Reykjavík. Outdoor activity advised againstNov 09 08:56
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      for sensitive individuals. More:Nov 09 08:56
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 08:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 08:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sulfur Dioxide Pollution in Reykjavík | Iceland ReviewNov 09 08:56
TweetSchestowitz@NewsRevo        Demanding Justice for the #Mexico43, people setNov 09 08:58
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    fire to the front door of The National PalaceNov 09 08:58
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #YaMeCansé #Ayotzinapa 09 08:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 08:58
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NewsRevo: Demanding Justice for the #Mexico43, people set fire to the front door of The National Palace #YaMeCansé #Ayotzinapa 09 08:58
TweetSchestowitz@BillMoyersHQ    Climate deniers won a slew of races across theNov 09 09:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    country, fueled by big spending from fossilNov 09 09:01
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      fuel interests 09 09:01
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 09:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 09:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dark Money Fuels Election Wins for Climate Deniers | BillMoyers.comNov 09 09:01
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Sweet handmade papercraft hairflowersNov 09 09:01
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 09:01
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 09 09:01
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 09:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sweet handmade papercraft hairflowers - Boing BoingNov 09 09:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 09:01
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       #APEC sketches out roadmap for FTAAP in BeijingNov 09 09:10
TweetSchestowitz                 - ( 09 09:10
TweetSchestowitz                 potentially big #TPP #china #russiaNov 09 09:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 09:10
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       South Korean Firm blames Beijing for itsNov 09 09:10
TweetSchestowitz                 losses, Sues it using #ISDS -Nov 09 09:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | APEC sketches out roadmap for FTAAP in Beijing - Xinhua | 09 09:10
TweetSchestowitz        09 09:10
TweetSchestowitz                 ( interesting...Nov 09 09:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 09:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | Firm blames Beijing for its losses-INSIDE Korea JoongAng DailyNov 09 09:10
TweetSchestowitz@freetibetorg    Calling all Tibet supporters in the EU! OneNov 09 09:11
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    last hurdle to ensure Tibet has a voice inNov 09 09:11
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Europe: ( 09 09:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 09:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | URGENT ACTION: support Tibet in the EU | Free TibetNov 09 09:11
TweetSchestowitz@rob_bushby      Cutlure Clash: Tourism in Tibet. Shocking picsNov 09 09:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    and report from Tibetwatch via @freetibetorgNov 09 09:13
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 09 09:13
TweetSchestowitz        09 09:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 09:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chinese tourism in Tibet | Free TibetNov 09 09:13
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@rob_bushby: Cutlure Clash: Tourism in Tibet. Shocking pics and report from Tibetwatch via @freetibetorg 09 09:13
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Conservancy and #FSF announceNov 09 09:13
TweetSchestowitz        ( -Nov 09 09:13
TweetSchestowitz        (error) "to share andNov 09 09:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | copyleft.orgNov 09 09:13
TweetSchestowitz                 improve information about copyleft licenses"Nov 09 09:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 09:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | Conservancy and FSF announce - Software Freedom ConservancyNov 09 09:13
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       APEC launches study of #China-backed AsiaNov 09 09:13
TweetSchestowitz                 Pacific FTA - 09 09:13
TweetSchestowitz                 ( significant: offersNov 09 09:13
TweetSchestowitz                 alternative to US-dominated #TPPNov 09 09:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | APEC launches study of China-backed Asia Pacific FTA | The BRICS PostNov 09 09:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 09:13
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       #ISDS "litigation is not really an option forNov 09 09:15
TweetSchestowitz                 SMEs as they run serious risk of going bankruptNov 09 09:15
TweetSchestowitz                 in the process" - 09 09:15
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #TTIPNov 09 09:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 09:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | Guest editorial by Mario Ohoven, president of the German Association for Small and Medium-sized Businesses (BVMW): “A resounding no” to investment protection for CETA and TTIP | International Trade NewsNov 09 09:15
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Forced cesareans and prosecutions forNov 09 09:15
TweetSchestowitz                 miscarriage - 09 09:15
TweetSchestowitz                 ( the US has officially goneNov 09 09:15
TweetSchestowitz                 mad (v @BernardKeane @kissane)Nov 09 09:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 09:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 09 09:15
TweetSchestowitz@guardian        'I've had enough,' says Mexican attorneyNov 09 09:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    general in missing students gaffeNov 09 09:15
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 09 09:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 09:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'I've had enough,' says Mexican attorney general in missing students gaffe | World news | The GuardianNov 09 09:15
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 98 tweets, 1 cnx to Twitter, 416 msgs sent (~ 1% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesNov 09 09:18
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @glynmoody (11), @doctorow (5), @slashdot (5)Nov 09 09:18
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @ioerror (24), @glynmoody (14), @JesselynRadack (5)Nov 09 09:18
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #TPP (7), #ISDS (3), #GCIFF (2)Nov 09 09:18
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 0 tweets, 1 cnx to Twitter, 0 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesNov 09 09:30
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: Nov 09 09:30
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: Nov 09 09:30
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: Nov 09 09:30
TweetSchestowitz@gzarazuadr      Protests in Mexico after 43 students wereNov 09 09:31
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    slaughtered by drug gangs & local authoritiesNov 09 09:31
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #meduelesMexico #solidarityNov 09 09:31
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 09:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 09:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Violent protests over Mexico student massacre - Americas - Al Jazeera EnglishNov 09 09:31
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       #TTIP Trade Pact ‘Will Cost Europe 600,000Nov 09 09:31
TweetSchestowitz                 Jobs’ - 09 09:31
TweetSchestowitz                 ( a trade deal ofNov 09 09:31
TweetSchestowitz                 the 1%, a disaster for the publicNov 09 09:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 09:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Morning Star :: TTIP trade pact ‘will cost Europe 600,000 jobs’Nov 09 09:31
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Nov 09 09:59
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Nov 9 09:59:33 2014
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 9 09:59:59 2014
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-socialNov 09 09:59
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovellNov 09 09:59
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010Nov 09 09:59
TweetSchestowitz@DrRimmer        US says Trans-Pacific Partnership is itsNov 09 10:00
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    priority, as China touts bigger free-trade zoneNov 09 10:00
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( #TPPNov 09 10:00
TweetSchestowitz                 #China #tradeNov 09 10:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 10:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | US says Trans-Pacific Partnership is its priority, as China touts bigger free-trade zone, AsiaOne World NewsNov 09 10:00
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Groser: Secrecy is part of #TPP negotiations -Nov 09 10:00
TweetSchestowitz        ( youNov 09 10:00
TweetSchestowitz                 can only see it when it's too late.. (VNov 09 10:00
TweetSchestowitz                 @ReporterRachel @DrRimmer)Nov 09 10:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 10:00
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 09 10:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tim Groser: Secrecy is part of TPPA negotiations | NZNews | 3 NewsNov 09 10:00
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Sight-gag book-ends 09 10:02
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 10:02
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 10:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 10:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sight-gag book-ends - Boing BoingNov 09 10:02
TweetSchestowitz@thejournal_ie   Mexican protesters set fire to cars and evenNov 09 10:02
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the palace door over the massacre of 43Nov 09 10:02
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      students 09 10:02
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 10:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 10:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mexican protesters set fire to palace door over student massacreNov 09 10:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@thejournal_ie: Mexican protesters set fire to cars and even the palace door over the massacre of 43 students 09 10:02
TweetSchestowitz@Ben_Berman      Sick of being muzzled by Harper, federalNov 09 10:03
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    scientists now plan to actively campaignNov 09 10:03
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      against the ConservativesNov 09 10:03
TweetSchestowitz        ( #cdnpoliNov 09 10:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 10:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Union of federal scientists, professionals to campaign against Harper Tories - National | Globalnews.caNov 09 10:03
TweetSchestowitz@washingtonpost  Without Obamacare, I would have died. I’mNov 09 10:03
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    scared the Supreme Court is going to gut theNov 09 10:03
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      part that saved me. 09 10:03
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 10:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 10:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Without Obamacare, I would have died. I’m scared the Supreme Court is going to gut the part that saved me. - The Washington PostNov 09 10:03
qu1j0t3 | @ColinTheMathmo  Wow - powerful writing, deeply personal,          Nov 09 10:03
qu1j0t3 |                  relevant to all in the UK:                        Nov 09 10:04
qu1j0t3 |         (      Nov 09 10:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | A eulogy to the NHS: What happened to the world my generation built? | Society | The GuardianNov 09 10:04
qu1j0t3 | ........................................      Nov 09 10:04
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ColinTheMathmo: Wow - powerful writing, deeply personal, relevant to all in the UK: 09 10:04
qu1j0t3schestowitz: ^^ Must-read & RTNov 09 10:04
qu1j0t3  "Where will all of this end? What will be given the greatest priority in a new health care system that sends every service, from blood work to chemotherapy, out to the lowest bid tender?Nov 09 10:04
qu1j0t3It ends where I began my life – in a Britain that believed health care depended on your social status. So if you were rich and insured you received timely medical treatment, while the rest of the country got the drippings. One-fifth of the lords who voted in the controversial act – which provides a gateway to privatise our health care system – were found to have connections to privateNov 09 10:04
qu1j0t3health care companies. If that doesn't make you angry, nothing will.Nov 09 10:04
TweetSchestowitz@KenRoth         Daughter of jailed rights activist says EuropeNov 09 10:16
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    is "closing its eyes" to #Azerbaijan crackdown.Nov 09 10:16
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 09 10:16
TweetSchestowitz        09 10:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 10:16
TweetSchestowitz@Glinner         Ha! The very first word in this Guardian pieceNov 09 10:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Europe Is Closing Its Eyes to Human Rights' — Daughter of Jailed Azerbaijan Activist Leyla Yunus Pleads for Help | VICE NewsNov 09 10:16
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    on Farage's Nazi mate who thinks women "don'tNov 09 10:16
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      always mean no" 09 10:16
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 10:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@KenRoth: Daughter of jailed rights activist says Europe is "closing its eyes" to #Azerbaijan crackdown. 09 10:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 10:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nigel Farage’s new friend in Europe: ‘When women say no, they don’t always mean it’ | Politics | The GuardianNov 09 10:16
TweetSchestowitz@stopbeingfamous  Berlin Wall vs. Palestine Wall.Nov 09 10:25
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by 09 10:25
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 09 10:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 10:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@stopbeingfamous: Berlin Wall vs. Palestine Wall. 09 10:25
TweetSchestowitz@nsisodiya       JS Meetup Delhi - Object Oriented JavaScript:Nov 09 10:58
TweetSchestowitz                 @YouTube के माध्यम से 09 10:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 10:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 10:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | JS Meetup Delhi - Object Oriented JavaScript - YouTubeNov 09 10:58
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       "Mr Hannigan then switches tack in vintageNov 09 10:58
TweetSchestowitz                 I-say-Biggles-these-fiends-are-devilishly-cleverNov 09 10:58
TweetSchestowitz                 mode" - 09 10:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( love it #gchqNov 09 10:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 10:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yes, Isis exploits technology. But that’s no reason to compromise our privacy | Technology | The GuardianNov 09 10:58
TweetSchestowitz@suigenerisjen   Despite ongoing human rights abuse inNov 09 10:59
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #WestPapua: No Military Embargo for Indonesia,Nov 09 10:59
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      says US Ambassador 09 10:59
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 10:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 10:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | No Military Embargo for Indonesia, says US Ambassador | National | Tempo.Co :: Indonesian News PortalNov 09 11:00
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         Hilariously depressing comic of the day:Nov 09 11:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by 09 11:01
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 09 11:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 11:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@froomkin: Ted Rall on Obama and torture 1/2: 09 11:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Ted Rall's Rallblog | Smart Politics in Pictures and WordsNov 09 11:01
TweetSchestowitz@articaonline    Buscamos voluntarios para los proyectos deNov 09 11:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @CCuruguay 09 11:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@froomkin: Ted Rall on Obama and torture 1/2: 09 11:01
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( #culturalibreNov 09 11:01
TweetSchestowitz                 #digitalización #copyleftNov 09 11:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 11:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | Buscamos voluntarios para Creative Commons Uruguay - Creative CommonsNov 09 11:01
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Stamped mottoes on old cutleryNov 09 11:12
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 11:12
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 09 11:12
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 11:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stamped mottoes on old cutlery - Boing BoingNov 09 11:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 11:12
TweetSchestowitz@LandmarkTrust   Urgent appeal to rescue the most remarkable ofNov 09 11:12
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    surviving medieval Welsh houses #LlwynCelyn:Nov 09 11:12
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 09 11:12
TweetSchestowitz                 @VisitWalesNov 09 11:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 11:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | Help us to save Llwyn Celyn - YouTubeNov 09 11:12
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       #Berlin’s digital exiles: where tech activistsNov 09 11:22
TweetSchestowitz                 go to escape the NSA - 09 11:22
TweetSchestowitz                 ( reasonable roundup of theNov 09 11:22
-TechrightsSocial/ | Berlin’s digital exiles: where tech activists go to escape the NSA | World news | The GuardianNov 09 11:22
TweetSchestowitz                 usual, er, suspectsNov 09 11:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 11:22
TweetSchestowitz@K_isanasshole   No, ISC inquiry into UK collusion with CIANov 09 11:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    rendition isn't likely to be satisfying. GibsonNov 09 11:22
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Inquiry should be reopenedNov 09 11:22
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 11:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 11:22
-TechrightsSocial/ | UK rights groups reject official inquiry into post-September 11 rendition | World news | The GuardianNov 09 11:22
TweetSchestowitz@Glinner         Remember this story when they tell you theyNov 09 11:25
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    need to spy on us for the sake of the childrenNov 09 11:25
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 09 11:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 11:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'MI6 chief and shamed diplomat raped me' claims alleged victim of VIP paedophile abuse ring - Mirror OnlineNov 09 11:25
TweetSchestowitz@qz              On Remembrance Sunday, read how 888,246 redNov 09 11:25
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    ceramic poppies captivated BritainNov 09 11:25
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 09 11:25
TweetSchestowitz        09 11:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 11:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | How 888,246 red ceramic poppies captivated Britain and brought WWI to life – QuartzNov 09 11:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@qz: On Remembrance Sunday, read how 888,246 red ceramic poppies captivated Britain 09 11:25
TweetSchestowitz@terrorwatchdog  UK rights groups reject choice of ISC to takeNov 09 11:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    over from Gibson on rendition/torture enquiry:Nov 09 11:29
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 09 11:29
TweetSchestowitz                 via @guardianNov 09 11:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 11:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | UK rights groups reject official inquiry into post-September 11 rendition | World news | The GuardianNov 09 11:29
TweetSchestowitz@ExposeTPP       Protect #SeaTurtles! Make sure this doesn'tNov 09 11:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    happen: 09 11:29
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( Stop #TPPANov 09 11:29
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 11:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Trade Agreements Gut Environmental Protections | Audubon MagazineNov 09 11:29
TweetSchestowitz                 #TPP 09 11:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 11:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | Expose the TPPNov 09 11:29
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ExposeTPP: Protect #SeaTurtles! Make sure this doesn't happen: Stop #TPPA #TPP 09 11:29
TweetSchestowitz@billmckibben    This remarkable NYT account of divestment isNov 09 11:47
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the most important article to share I've seenNov 09 11:47
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      in a long time. Please 09 11:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 11:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 11:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 09 11:47
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   Avoids zero sum issue: gov't wants to forsakeNov 09 11:47
TweetSchestowitz                 everyone's privacy for sake of security&needsNov 09 11:47
TweetSchestowitz                 willing techcos to do it.Nov 09 11:47
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 11:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 11:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | Spooks v tech firms: Crypto wars 2.0 | The EconomistNov 09 11:47
TweetSchestowitz@phalvares       Finally official: German authorities wereNov 09 11:53
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    buying #zero-days @VUPEN, BND about to hack SSLNov 09 11:53
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 ( RTNov 09 11:53
TweetSchestowitz                 @MarcelRosenbachNov 09 11:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 11:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | BND will Informationen ber Software-Sicherheitslcken einkaufen - SPIEGEL ONLINENov 09 11:53
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       #TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs -Nov 09 11:53
TweetSchestowitz        09 11:53
TweetSchestowitz                 ( includes links to allNov 09 11:53
TweetSchestowitz                 41 past columns #ISDS #TPP #TISANov 09 11:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 11:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - Technology Blog and Community from IT Experts - ComputerworldUK.comNov 09 11:53
TweetSchestowitz@Asher_Wolf      Your failure to take an interest will have aNov 09 11:53
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    lasting effect on Australian democracyNov 09 11:53
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 ( 09 11:53
TweetSchestowitz                 #StopDataRetention #StopSpyingNov 09 11:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 11:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | How the government is tricking you into submission on its data spying laws - TechlyNov 09 11:53
TweetSchestowitz@Asher_Wolf      How Australia was temporarily reprieved fromNov 09 11:59
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    mandatory data retention due to a simpleNov 09 11:59
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  rhetorical fuck-up last weekNov 09 11:59
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 11:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 11:59
TweetSchestowitz@deCespedes      Nice one: LICHTGRENZE - light art project forNov 09 11:59
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the 25 years fall of the wall memori...:Nov 09 11:59
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 ( viaNov 09 11:59
TweetSchestowitz                 @YouTube #fallofthewall25Nov 09 11:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 11:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | LICHTGRENZE - light art project for the 25 years fall of the wall memorial November 2014 - YouTubeNov 09 11:59
TweetSchestowitz@deCespedes      ICYMI the @ECCHRBerlin VIDEO of #SnowdenNov 09 12:21
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    talking to young & future lawyers #NSANov 09 12:21
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  #surveillance 09 12:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 12:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 12:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nov 09 12:21
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        R2D2 skirt 09 12:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 12:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 12:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | R2D2 skirt - Boing BoingNov 09 12:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 12:21
TweetSchestowitz@karimeen        Cc @charu13 RT“@doctorow: R2D2 skirtNov 09 12:21
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 09 12:21
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow” ( 09 12:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 12:21
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @Asher_Wolf: 'How Australia was temporarily reprieved from mandatory data...'Nov 09 12:29
TweetSchestowitz@aral            “Instead of acting as ‘privacy pragmatists,’Nov 09 12:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    consumers experience a marketplace myopia…” &Nov 09 12:29
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      false sense of security.Nov 09 12:29
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 09 12:29
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 12:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 12:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Privacy Pragmatic as Privacy Vulnerable by Jennifer M. Urban, Chris Jay Hoofnagle :: SSRNNov 09 12:29
TweetSchestowitz@conradhackett   China has now passed the US to become the topNov 09 12:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    importer of oilNov 09 12:29
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 09 12:29
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 12:29
TweetSchestowitz                 @BrookingsInst chart 09 12:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 12:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - China overtakes US as the biggest importer of oilNov 09 12:29
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@conradhackett: China has now passed the US to become the top importer of oil @BrookingsInst chart 09 12:29
TweetSchestowitz@KeeganNYC       90 year old activist, out on bail, arrestedNov 09 12:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    again for feeding homeless, says he'll do itNov 09 12:30
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      again ( 09 12:30
TweetSchestowitz        09 12:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 12:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | 90-Year-Old Charged Again for Feeding Homeless -- NYMagNov 09 12:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@KeeganNYC: 90 year old activist, out on bail, arrested again for feeding homeless, says he'll do it again 09 12:30
TweetSchestowitz@Joscelyn        UK’s 1st gender abortion prosecution is aNov 09 13:03
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    private prosecution after CPS decided againstNov 09 13:03
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      charging rpts @John_Bingham Nov 09 13:03
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 13:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 13:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Doctor to appear in court in UK’s first gender abortion prosecution - TelegraphNov 09 13:03
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: Stalag Camden 09 13:03
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 13:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 13:03
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Handmade wooden coffee-table resembles giantNov 09 13:03
TweetSchestowitz                 NES controller, functions as sameNov 09 13:03
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 13:03
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 09 13:03
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 13:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Handmade wooden coffee-table resembles giant NES controller, functions as same - Boing BoingNov 09 13:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 13:03
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: Invisible cows 09 13:03
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 13:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 13:03
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Nov 09 13:42
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Nov 9 13:42:26 2014
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 9 15:54:31 2014
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-socialNov 09 15:54
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovellNov 09 15:54
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010Nov 09 15:54
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Police in U-turn as 'shop a gun-owner' hotlineNov 09 15:57
TweetSchestowitz                 is scrapped - 09 15:57
TweetSchestowitz                 ( sickeningly grovellingNov 09 15:57
TweetSchestowitz                 letter to UK gun lobbyNov 09 15:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 15:57
-TechrightsSocial/ | Police in U-turn as 'shop a gun-owner' hotline is scrapped • The RegisterNov 09 15:57
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       "#Google’s efforts have given its searchNov 09 15:57
TweetSchestowitz                 results a very unfamiliar look bound toNov 09 15:57
TweetSchestowitz                 undermine trust and confidence" -Nov 09 15:57
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 15:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 15:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unknown Sites Dominate Google 'Pirate' Search Results | TorrentFreakNov 09 15:58
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Stop #TTIP and #CETA e-petition now up toNov 09 15:58
TweetSchestowitz                 860,000 signatures - 09 15:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( is yours there? if not, pleaseNov 09 15:58
TweetSchestowitz                 sign if you are in EUNov 09 15:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 15:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sign the ECI! - Stop TTIP Stop TTIPNov 09 15:58
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @emptywheel: 'Now why do you suppose FISC had to...'Nov 09 15:59
TweetSchestowitz@indie           One day into our crowdfunding and with 31 daysNov 09 15:59
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    to go, we’re at 46% of our goal.Nov 09 15:59
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 09 15:59
TweetSchestowitz                 Help us break 50% :) 09 15:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 15:59
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@indie: One day into our crowdfunding and with 31 days to go, we’re at 46% of our goal. Help us break 50% :) 09 15:59
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @emptywheel: 'Emergency Dragnet Chaining, Now w/ First Amendment Protections!...'Nov 09 16:00
TweetSchestowitz@csoghoian       Admin of seized "dark web" site shares logs toNov 09 16:00
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    aid effort to discover possible Tor decloakingNov 09 16:00
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      technique used by FBI. 09 16:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 16:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | [tor-dev] yes hello, internet supervillain hereNov 09 16:00
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Midterm #Election Message: Democrats Need toNov 09 16:00
TweetSchestowitz                 Offer an Alternative Vision, saysNov 09 16:00
TweetSchestowitz                 @akirathelemur: 09 16:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 16:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | Midterm Election Message: Democrats Need to Offer an Alternative VisionNov 09 16:00
TweetSchestowitz@geeksrulz       Pope Francis explains #luxleaks Also TrickleNov 09 16:14
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Down Hockeynomics. #auspolNov 09 16:14
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody 09 16:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:14
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@geeksrulz: Pope Francis comments on what we have just witnessed here today. #MRRT #Super #auspol 09 16:14
TweetSchestowitz@GarretGallowey  Cory Doctorow: Information Doesn't Want To BeNov 09 16:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Free by @doctorow 09 16:15
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       ( 09 16:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Information Doesn’t Want To Be Free | TechCrunchNov 09 16:15
TweetSchestowitz@TechCrunch      Cory Doctorow: Information Doesn't Want To BeNov 09 16:17
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Free ( byNov 09 16:17
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       @doctorowNov 09 16:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:17
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       Tomorrow UK parliament votes to scrap EUNov 09 16:17
TweetSchestowitz                 extradition system (#EAW) after many abusesNov 09 16:17
TweetSchestowitz        ( See:Nov 09 16:17
TweetSchestowitz        (error)Nov 09 16:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:17
*TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks deleted 'Tomorrow UK parliament votes to scrap EU extradition...'Nov 09 16:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | eaw debate - Twitter SearchNov 09 16:17
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Nov 09 16:17
qu1j0t3 09 16:19
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Marmel: Support @SenSanders bill to make voting day a national holiday. #LoseColumbusDay 09 16:19
qu1j0t3schestowitz__: ^^Nov 09 16:19
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Make Election Day a National Holiday - Senator Bernie Sanders of VermontNov 09 16:19
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Marmel: Support @SenSanders bill to make voting day a national holiday. #LoseColumbusDay 09 16:19
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       Tomorrow UK parliament votes to scrap EUNov 09 16:25
TweetSchestowitz                 extradition system (#EAW) after many abusesNov 09 16:25
TweetSchestowitz        ( … See:Nov 09 16:25
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 16:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | UK Gov't Waste ExploredNov 09 16:25
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       "vast free-trade zone proposal being pushed byNov 09 16:25
TweetSchestowitz                 #China in the face of reported resistance fromNov 09 16:25
TweetSchestowitz                 US" - 09 16:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #TPPNov 09 16:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apec cautiously supports China-backed free-trade zone | Bangkok Post: businessNov 09 16:25
TweetSchestowitz@edans           I just published “Spanish newspaper shootsNov 09 16:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    itself in the foot by censoring former editor”Nov 09 16:29
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      on Medium | 09 16:29
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 16:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | Spanish newspaper shoots itself in the foot by censoring former editor — Enrique Dans — MediumNov 09 16:29
TweetSchestowitz@digiRgonzo      seems that delay in response became a DG TradeNov 09 16:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    routine #TTIP #CETANov 09 16:29
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 09 16:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | CETA and TTIP: EC-Poland corespondence - specific documents - a Freedom of Information request to Trade (TRADE) - AsktheEU.orgNov 09 16:29
TweetSchestowitz@digiphile       It appears that the @fbi may have found a crackNov 09 16:32
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    in the @Torproject’s shield of anonymity:Nov 09 16:32
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( htNov 09 16:32
TweetSchestowitz                 @kashhillNov 09 16:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Did The FBI Break Tor? - ForbesNov 09 16:32
TweetSchestowitz@emilylhauser    A 14 yo was shot dead by soldiers as heNov 09 16:36
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    harvested wild-growing plants near Israel'sNov 09 16:36
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      wall. No one will be charged.Nov 09 16:36
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 16:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | No one to be held responsible for killing 14-year-old Palestinian boy out picking edible plants | B'TselemNov 09 16:36
TweetSchestowitz@hongriver       The poetry and life of a Foxconn worker, XuNov 09 16:36
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Lizhi, who committed suicide on Sept. 30, 2014Nov 09 16:36
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel ( 09 16:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | The poetry and brief life of a Foxconn worker: Xu Lizhi (1990-2014)Nov 09 16:36
TweetSchestowitz@phylogenomics   This new paper on microbes, synthetic biology &Nov 09 16:37
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    space travel, is fascinating & #openaccess &Nov 09 16:37
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      worth a read 09 16:37
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #microBEnetNov 09 16:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | Planning some space travel – don’t forget your microbes | microBEnet: The microbiology of the Built Environment network.Nov 09 16:37
TweetSchestowitz@jeffjarvis      Defensive @ChristophKeese, Nov 09 16:43
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #leistungsschutzrecht architect, won't give upNov 09 16:43
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      (embarrassing his industry):Nov 09 16:43
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 16:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:43
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ist das Leistungsschutzrecht gescheitert und werfen die Verlage die Flinte ins Korn? Nein. Ganz im Gegenteil | der presseschauderNov 09 16:43
TweetSchestowitz@Vrijschrift     NRC, pagina E5, nobelprijswinnaar economieNov 09 16:43
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Stiglitz: laat ISDS uit handelsverdrag met VS.Nov 09 16:43
TweetSchestowitz @FFII           Nov 09 16:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:43
TweetSchestowitz@BrankoMilan     Income inequality increases inequality ofNov 09 16:47
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    happiness; better public goods increaseNov 09 16:47
TweetSchestowitz @umairh         happiness of the middle classes.Nov 09 16:47
TweetSchestowitz        09 16:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 16:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:47
TweetSchestowitz@slatts          “Digital locks turn paying customers intoNov 09 16:47
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    pirates” From @doctorow’s Information Doesn’tNov 09 16:47
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Want To Be Free 09 16:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ( Eh, @srdahlinNov 09 16:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Information Doesn’t Want To Be Free | TechCrunchNov 09 16:47
TweetSchestowitz@alanriain       .@doctorow: "If you’re a publisher, label, orNov 09 16:50
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    studio: don’t let companies sell your goodsNov 09 16:50
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       with digital locks on them"Nov 09 16:50
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 16:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:50
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Congress Utilizes Myth of "Human Shields" toNov 09 16:50
TweetSchestowitz                 Justify #warcrimes, says @SZunes:Nov 09 16:50
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 16:50
TweetSchestowitz                 #Israel #GazaNov 09 16:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | Congress Utilizes Myth of "Human Shields" to Justify War CrimesNov 09 16:50
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: mostlysignssomeportents: Abrams Books’Nov 09 16:58
TweetSchestowitz                 giant typewriter display, Book Expo America,Nov 09 16:58
TweetSchestowitz                 NYC, NY, USA... 09 16:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 16:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:58
TweetSchestowitz@petermurrayrust  I support the self-organised European Citizens'Nov 09 16:58
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Initiative against TTIP and CETA. You too? SignNov 09 16:58
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      now: ( 09 16:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:58
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Now why do you suppose FISC had to tell theNov 09 16:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sign the ECI! - Stop TTIP Stop TTIPNov 09 16:58
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    govt to follow the law, even when doingNov 09 16:58
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  emergency dragnet queries?Nov 09 16:58
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 16:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 16:58
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Nov 09 16:58
qu1j0t3schestowitz__: The Star, keeping our importance meters calibrated: 09 17:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | imgur: the simple image sharerNov 09 17:02
MinceR:>Nov 09 17:04
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Emergency Dragnet Chaining, Now w/ FirstNov 09 17:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Amendment Protections!Nov 09 17:09
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Nov 09 17:09
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 17:09
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 09 17:09
TweetSchestowitz                 Did FISC catch govt spying on someone forNov 09 17:09
TweetSchestowitz                 speech?Nov 09 17:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 17:09
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Wikipedia: Deleted articles with freaky titlesNov 09 17:10
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 17:10
TweetSchestowitz        09 17:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 17:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLENov 09 17:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Wikipedia: Deleted articles with freaky titles 09 17:10
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Why GMO labeling in the U.S. needs to win onlyNov 09 17:10
TweetSchestowitz                 once - 09 17:10
TweetSchestowitz                 ( importantNov 09 17:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | Resource Insights: Why GMO labeling in the U.S. needs to win only onceNov 09 17:10
TweetSchestowitz                 analysis why labelling may be inevitable; butNov 09 17:10
TweetSchestowitz                 NB #TPPNov 09 17:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 17:10
TweetSchestowitz@PCGTW           "Free" #trade deals = record corporate profits.Nov 09 17:24
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    fewer good #jobs. 09 17:24
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( #TPP #UnionNov 09 17:24
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stop Fast Track! Stop the TPP!Nov 09 17:24
TweetSchestowitz                 #TPA4USJobs?? 09 17:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 17:24
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: "Free" #trade deals = record corporate profits. fewer good #jobs. #TPP #Union #TPA4USJobs?? 09 17:24
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    MT @sakostas: .@JasonLeopold reports loads ofNov 09 17:40
TweetSchestowitz                 new info about the substantive problemsNov 09 17:40
TweetSchestowitz                 w/Senate report on CIA tortureNov 09 17:40
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 17:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 17:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Senate Report on CIA Interrogation Is About to Reignite Debate Over the Killing of Osama Bin Laden | VICE NewsNov 09 17:40
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        Climate Change Will Send Pollen Count SoaringNov 09 17:40
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 17:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 17:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | Climate Change Will Send Pollen Count Soaring - TruthdigNov 09 17:40
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Judge orders Obama to explain rejection ofNov 09 17:40
TweetSchestowitz                 Chinese bid to buy Oregon wind farms onNov 09 17:40
TweetSchestowitz                 national security groundsNov 09 17:40
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 17:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 17:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | National news from McClatchy DC News | Washington DCNov 09 17:40
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Nov 09 17:58
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Nov 9 17:58:09 2014
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 9 17:58:32 2014
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-socialNov 09 17:58
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovellNov 09 17:58
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010Nov 09 17:58
*[freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how people know you. 09 17:58
TweetSchestowitz@thegrugq        ProTip: Don’t use 4square to checkin to theNov 09 18:11
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    location you admin your darkweb drugNov 09 18:11
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      marketplace 09 18:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 18:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 18:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@blakeeb: I'm at @AceHotel & Swim Club (Palm Springs, CA) w/ 4 others 09 18:11
TweetSchestowitz@pharmagossip    Restoring invisible and abandoned trials: aNov 09 18:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Blake @ Ace Hotel & Swim ClubNov 09 18:11
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    call for people to publish the findingsNov 09 18:11
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 09 18:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 18:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@thegrugq: ProTip: Don’t use 4square to checkin to the location you admin your darkweb drug marketplace 09 18:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Restoring invisible and abandoned trials: a call for people to publish the findings | The BMJNov 09 18:11
TweetSchestowitz@LeslieAKlemm    Huge thanks to @alooghobi & @doctorow forNov 09 18:12
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #InRealLife Girl gamers, a real size teen girl,Nov 09 18:12
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       & an economics issue my kids can really talkNov 09 18:12
TweetSchestowitz                 aboutNov 09 18:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 18:12
TweetSchestowitz@esizkur         prediction: 5y from now you'll be firewallingNov 09 18:19
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    off your fridge from the entertainment vlan atNov 09 18:19
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian      home because it's "critical infrastructure".Nov 09 18:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 18:19
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        Popular Resistance: Did you hear about thisNov 09 18:19
TweetSchestowitz                 week's blockades in the corporate media?Nov 09 18:19
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 18:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 18:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | Link Arms, We Are All Connected - TruthdigNov 09 18:19
TweetSchestowitz@lastrealindians  Tribes Seek $2 Million to Purchase Final PieceNov 09 18:24
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    of Pe’ Sla Lands #LRI #IdleNoMore #SavePeSlaNowNov 09 18:24
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 09 18:24
TweetSchestowitz        09 18:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 18:24
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tribes Seek $2 Million to Purchase Final Piece of Pe’ Sla Lands | Last Real IndiansNov 09 18:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@lastrealindians: Tribes Seek $2 Million to Purchase Final Piece of Pe’ Sla Lands #LRI #IdleNoMore #SavePeSlaNow 09 18:25
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      Major funder of Brookings' Middle East workNov 09 18:25
TweetSchestowitz        ( -Nov 09 18:25
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 18:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 18:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@RosieGray: Saban says that if he were Bibi, in event of bad Iran deal, "I would bomb the living daylights out of these sons of bitches.”Nov 09 18:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@RosieGray: Saban says he is working with Israeli foreign ministry to take action against BDSNov 09 18:25
TweetSchestowitz@ghappour        Tonight in Berkeley: Come hear @DanielEllsbergNov 09 18:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @trevortimm & others on Whistleblowers,Nov 09 18:30
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     Independent Media, Gov Power.Nov 09 18:30
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 18:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 18:30
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Cmon Stafford. The D needs a break after thoseNov 09 18:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | Coalition for Grassroots Progress : Whistleblowers and the Independent Media: A Check on Government PowerNov 09 18:30
TweetSchestowitz                 3 plays.Nov 09 18:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 18:30
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        #FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is refusing toNov 09 18:40
TweetSchestowitz                 participate in any public hearings onNov 09 18:40
TweetSchestowitz                 #NetNeutrality: 09 18:40
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 18:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 18:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | Net Neutrality: Can You Hear Us Now?Nov 09 18:40
TweetSchestowitz@puellavulnerata  An independent list of affected hidden servicesNov 09 18:40
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    is now available: 09 18:40
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        ( 09 18:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 18:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | [tor-talk] List of seized HSesNov 09 18:40
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         Nice writeup of some recently found and patchedNov 09 18:55
TweetSchestowitz                 bugs in #Pidgin: 09 18:55
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 18:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 18:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | Talos Discovered Three More Vulnerabilities in PidginNov 09 18:55
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         Thoughts and Concerns about Operation Onymous:Nov 09 18:55
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 18:55
TweetSchestowitz                 #torNov 09 18:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 18:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thoughts and Concerns about Operation Onymous | The Tor BlogNov 09 18:55
qu1j0t3schestowitz_bed2: Nov 09 18:56
qu1j0t3 | @headhntr        Thoughts from @torproject on Operation Onymous    Nov 09 18:56
qu1j0t3 |  retweeted by    which led to 17 arrests and 400 hidden services   Nov 09 18:56
qu1j0t3 |  @0xabad1dea     seized.                   Nov 09 18:56
qu1j0t3 |                  (                             Nov 09 18:56
qu1j0t3 | ........................................      Nov 09 18:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@headhntr: Thoughts from @torproject on Operation Onymous which led to 17 arrests and 400 hidden services seized. 09 18:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- (Re-tweeted by 0xabad1dea)Nov 09 18:56
qu1j0t3ohNov 09 18:56
qu1j0t3never mind, jinxNov 09 18:56
TweetSchestowitz@GarAlperovitz   New piece up @truthout, on the local effortsNov 09 19:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    towards systemic change that point beyondNov 09 19:15
TweetSchestowitz @truthout       electoral stalemate and decayNov 09 19:15
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 19:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 19:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | Playing the Long GameNov 09 19:15
TweetSchestowitz@xpectro         This Canadian Artist Halted PipelineNov 09 19:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Development by Copyrighting His Land as a WorkNov 09 19:15
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      of Art ( 09 19:15
TweetSchestowitz                 @RedPaTo2 @glynmoodyNov 09 19:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 19:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | This Canadian Artist Halted Pipeline Development by Copyrighting His Land as a Work of Art | VICE | CanadaNov 09 19:15
TweetSchestowitz@torproject      Our initial reaction to the 27 hidden servicesNov 09 19:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    recently taken down. 09 19:15
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( #tor #hiddenservicesNov 09 19:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 19:15
TweetSchestowitz@OpenRightsGroup  Berlin’s digital exiles: where tech activistsNov 09 19:20
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    incl @ioerror and @laurapoitras go to escapeNov 09 19:20
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        the NSA 09 19:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 19:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 19:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Berlin’s digital exiles: where tech activists go to escape the NSA | World news | The GuardianNov 09 19:20
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Truthout Interviews @Votescam and Ben-ZionNov 09 19:20
TweetSchestowitz                 Ptashnik on #Voting and #Election IntegrityNov 09 19:20
TweetSchestowitz                 (VIDEO): 09 19:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 19:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 19:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Truthout Interviews Victoria Collier and Ben-Zion Ptashnik on Voting and Election IntegrityNov 09 19:20
TweetSchestowitz@JanvomThal      No walls in Europe for 25 years! Awesome! ButNov 09 19:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    wait... #Mauerfall25 #WallFall25Nov 09 19:22
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror 09 19:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 19:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JanvomThal: No walls in Europe for 25 years! Awesome! But wait... #Mauerfall25 #WallFall25 09 19:22
qu1j0t3schestowitz_bed2: Nov 09 19:26
qu1j0t3 | @Spacekatgal     Oh my God, how did I miss #readergate? Keep   Nov 09 19:26
qu1j0t3 |                  your stupid politics out of my books, liberal Nov 09 19:26
qu1j0t3 |                  jerkstores.                                   Nov 09 19:26
qu1j0t3 |         (       Nov 09 19:26
qu1j0t3 | ........................................  Nov 09 19:26
-TechrightsSocial/ | BustleNov 09 19:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Spacekatgal: Oh my God, how did I miss #readergate? Keep your stupid politics out of my books, liberal jerkstores. 09 19:26
TweetSchestowitz@headhntr        Thoughts from @torproject on Operation OnymousNov 09 19:43
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    which led to 17 arrests and 400 hidden servicesNov 09 19:43
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        seized. 09 19:43
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 19:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 19:43
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thoughts and Concerns about Operation Onymous | The Tor BlogNov 09 19:43
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       25 years since the fall of the BerlinNov 09 19:43
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Wall--2,071 WikiLeaks documents show history inNov 09 19:43
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        the making 09 19:43
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #berlinwallNov 09 19:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 19:43
-TechrightsSocial/ | Search WikiLeaksNov 09 19:43
TweetSchestowitz@PaulSzoldra     Boom. @haaretzcom: ISIS confirms: LeaderNov 09 19:43
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    al-Baghdadi wounded in U.S. airstrikeNov 09 19:43
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold ( 09 19:43
TweetSchestowitz        09 19:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 19:43
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 500 @ )Nov 09 19:43
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@haaretzcom: ISIS confirms: Leader al-Baghdadi wounded in U.S. airstrike 09 19:43
TweetSchestowitz@BridgetMoreng   Fate of ‘critically wounded’ ISIS chiefNov 09 19:50
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    unclear: 09 19:50
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   ( 09 19:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 19:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLENov 09 19:50
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BridgetMoreng: Fate of ‘critically wounded’ ISIS chief unclear: 09 19:50
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@emptywheel FISC=shadow box that gov't uses asNov 09 19:59
TweetSchestowitz                 both foil&screen while providing legal cover.Nov 09 19:59
TweetSchestowitz                 Exec calls them Art II court. @JesselynRadackNov 09 19:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 19:59
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    .@Krhawkins5 I reported that it's not mainlyNov 09 19:59
TweetSchestowitz                 people who are undercoverNov 09 19:59
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 19:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 19:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Senate Report on CIA Interrogation Is About to Reignite Debate Over the Killing of Osama Bin Laden | VICE NewsNov 09 19:59
TweetSchestowitz@phalvares       Finally official: German authorities wereNov 09 20:04
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    buying #zero-days @VUPEN, BND about to hack SSLNov 09 20:04
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian ( RTNov 09 20:04
TweetSchestowitz                 @MarcelRosenbachNov 09 20:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | BND will Informationen ber Software-Sicherheitslcken einkaufen - SPIEGEL ONLINENov 09 20:04
TweetSchestowitz@orkutmurat      Berlin’s digital exiles: where tech activistsNov 09 20:08
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    go to escape the #NSANov 09 20:08
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        Nov 09 20:08
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 20:08
TweetSchestowitz                 @ioerror @laurapoitras 09 20:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | Berlin’s digital exiles: where tech activists go to escape the NSA | World news | The GuardianNov 09 20:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:08
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@orkutmurat: Berlin’s digital exiles: where tech activists go to escape the #NSA @ioerror @laurapoitras 09 20:09
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         I think I missed the balloon release in BerlinNov 09 20:09
TweetSchestowitz                 tonight. Darn. What else is happening tonight?Nov 09 20:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:09
*TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian deleted 'RT @phalvares: Finally official: German authorities were buying...'Nov 09 20:09
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   Fall of the Wall: Always question&resistNov 09 20:09
TweetSchestowitz                 abusive authority-especially authoritarian noNov 09 20:09
TweetSchestowitz                 matter the guises or disguisesNov 09 20:09
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 20:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:09
-TechrightsSocial/ | Merkel Hails Fall of Berlin Wall as Proof ‘Dreams Can Come True’ - WSJ - WSJNov 09 20:09
*TweetSchestowitz @ioerror retweeted @phalvares: 'Finally official: German authorities were buying #zero-days @VUPEN,...'Nov 09 20:09
TweetSchestowitz@kpoulsen ( nowNov 09 20:11
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    holds all the #AaronSwartz documents, videos,Nov 09 20:11
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        photos and code released (so far) by theNov 09 20:11
TweetSchestowitz                 government, MIT and JSTORNov 09 20:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Aaron Swartz Files | Federal law enforcement documents about Aaron Swartz, released under the Freedom of Information ActNov 09 20:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:11
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        #RickBerman Exposed in New Audio; Hear HisNov 09 20:11
TweetSchestowitz                 Tactics Against Environmentalists and Workers'Nov 09 20:11
TweetSchestowitz                 Rights - 09 20:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 20:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rick Berman Exposed in New Audio; Hear His Tactics Against Environmentalists and Workers' RightsNov 09 20:11
TweetSchestowitz@hashbreaker     Single-key factorization isn't the problemNov 09 20:24
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    facing serious attackers. "Batch NFS" paperNov 09 20:24
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        w/@hyperelliptic now online:Nov 09 20:24
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 20:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:24
TweetSchestowitz@techdirt        Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The WeekNov 09 20:24
TweetSchestowitz                 At Techdirt 09 20:24
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 20:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:24
-TechrightsSocial/ | Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirt | TechdirtNov 09 20:24
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        Mark Heisler: Deja Newspapers: On GettingNov 09 20:24
TweetSchestowitz                 Canned by Los Angeles Times ... AgainNov 09 20:24
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 20:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:24
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mark Heisler: Deja Newspapers: On Getting Canned by Los Angeles Times ... Again - TruthdigNov 09 20:24
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        Truthdigger of the Week: Lawrence Lessig hasNov 09 20:25
TweetSchestowitz                 emerged as the chief executor of Aaron Swartz'sNov 09 20:25
TweetSchestowitz                 vision. 09 20:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 20:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | Alexander Reed Kelly: Truthdigger of the Week: Lawrence Lessig - Truthdigger of the Week - TruthdigNov 09 20:25
TweetSchestowitz@stevecheckoway  Maybe it's not fair to point to two decade oldNov 09 20:25
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    writings but @stewartbaker also wrote thisNov 09 20:25
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian ( 09 20:25
TweetSchestowitz                 Crypto _is_ hard.Nov 09 20:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wired 2.06: Don't Worry Be HappyNov 09 20:25
TweetSchestowitz@stevecheckoway  Did @stewartbaker make even a single accurateNov 09 20:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    prediction about what would happen in theNov 09 20:30
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian      "brave new world" without key escrow?Nov 09 20:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:30
TweetSchestowitz@xor             77 computer scientists tell the Supreme CourtNov 09 20:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    that of fucking course APIs can't beNov 09 20:30
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian      copyrighted are you kidding meNov 09 20:30
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 20:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | Computer Scientists Ask Supreme Court to Rule APIs Can’t Be Copyrighted | Electronic Frontier FoundationNov 09 20:30
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      So much to say about this, but ultimately, itNov 09 20:33
TweetSchestowitz                 all speaks for itself: 09 20:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 20:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Major Democratic Donor: Israel Should "Bomb The Daylights" Out Of IranNov 09 20:33
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @ggreenwald: 'So much to say about this, but ultimately,...'Nov 09 20:33
TweetSchestowitz@TottenhamLabour  Great to have @Rosa_Crawford @ClaudeMoraesMEPNov 09 20:33
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @jhilary & Rod Wells speaking at our TTIP EventNov 09 20:33
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      in Dec. 09 20:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 20:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP - The Biggest Threat To Public Services (£2/£3 Fee Payable At Door)- EventbriteNov 09 20:33
TweetSchestowitz@NeilChenoweth   So it turns out Rupert Murdoch had a $US1.2Nov 09 20:34
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    billion silver lining from Luxembourg tax deal.Nov 09 20:34
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      How unexpected 09 20:34
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #LuxleaksNov 09 20:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | News Corp won $1.4b on Luxembourg tax ruling, secret papers showNov 09 20:34
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @kpoulsen: ' now holds all the #AaronSwartz documents, videos,...'Nov 09 20:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | Aaron Swartz Files | Federal law enforcement documents about Aaron Swartz, released under the Freedom of Information ActNov 09 20:34
TweetSchestowitz@alauraschneider  One of the most impressive photos ever!  FormerNov 09 20:35
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, 25 years later.Nov 09 20:35
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #fallofthewall25 09 20:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:36
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@alauraschneider: One of the most impressive photos ever! Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, 25 years later. #fallofthewall25 09 20:36
TweetSchestowitz@Teamsters       We're at dangerous crossroads on the #TPP! TakeNov 09 20:36
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    action to #StopFastTrack atNov 09 20:36
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 09 20:36
TweetSchestowitz        09 20:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stop Fast Track! Stop the TPP!Nov 09 20:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:36
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PopResistance: You missed a protest of the International Corporate Takeover Agreement aka the #TPP in Washington D.C. #stopFastTrack 09 20:36
TweetSchestowitz@p_hannam        Green jobs grow matches those in accommodation,Nov 09 20:38
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    double those in mining, according to the ABS.Nov 09 20:38
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #RET #climate 09 20:38
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 20:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:38
-TechrightsSocial/ | Green jobs grow as GFC recedesNov 09 20:38
TweetSchestowitz@MargaretAtwood  Fossil fuel economy costs Canada far more jobsNov 09 20:39
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    than it creates 09 20:39
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( via @commonsensecdnNov 09 20:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fossil fuel economy costs Canada far more jobs than it creates -The Common Sense CanadianThe Common Sense CanadianNov 09 20:39
TweetSchestowitz@DrRimmer        "It’s morally unjustifiable for the industry toNov 09 20:39
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    be profiting from polluting" Charlie WoodNov 09 20:39
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      @350Australia on divestmentNov 09 20:39
TweetSchestowitz        09 20:39
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 20:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:39
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ )Nov 09 20:39
TweetSchestowitz@Independent     Jesus 'married Mary Magdalene and hadNov 09 20:41
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    children', according to ancient manuscriptNov 09 20:41
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 09 20:41
TweetSchestowitz        09 20:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jesus 'married Mary Magdalene and had children', according to ancient manuscript - News - People - The IndependentNov 09 20:41
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Independent: Jesus 'married Mary Magdalene and had children', according to ancient manuscript 09 20:41
TweetSchestowitz@DrRimmer        Data Spying Laws threaten Australian DemocracyNov 09 20:42
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @ClaireRPorter 09 20:42
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( via @techlyauNov 09 20:42
TweetSchestowitz                 #dataretention #stopdataretentionNov 09 20:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | How the government is tricking you into submission on its data spying laws - TechlyNov 09 20:42
TweetSchestowitz@teirdes         #ENISA (@enisa_eu ) letar efter experter tillNov 09 20:43
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    stadig expertpanel. Ansök innan 5 jan:Nov 09 20:43
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 09 20:43
TweetSchestowitz                 :-) NGO:er också välkomna!Nov 09 20:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:43
-TechrightsSocial/ | Europe's cyber security agency wants pick your infosec BRAINS • The RegisterNov 09 20:43
TweetSchestowitz@blogdiva        TPIC: "There Wont Be Enough Graves To SilenceNov 09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    All Of Us"Nov 09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      via @aldo_saucedoNov 09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz        09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz                 #YaMeCanseNov 09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz                 #AyotzinapaNov 09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz                 #MeDuelesMexicoNov 09 20:44
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@aldo_saucedo: No, no las hay! #YaMeCanse #TodosSomosAyotzinapa #MeDuelesMexico #Articulo39RenunciaEPN #43x43 #mexicoestadeluto 09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz@merstew         You wouldn't know it from #MSM but Mexico is onNov 09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the cusp of a revolution #YaMeCanse #43missingNov 09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #mexicoNov 09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Massive 20% Improvement to Land in Intel's MesaNov 09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz                 Driver Thanks to Valve's Efforts:  softpedia:Nov 09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz                 Intel users shou... 09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:44
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Massive 20% Improvement to Land in Intel's Mesa Driver Thanks to Valve's EffortsNov 09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Linux Australia puts curbs on mailing lists:Nov 09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz                  ITwire: Linux Australia, the umbrella groupNov 09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz                 for Linux user group... 09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:44
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Linux Australia puts curbs on mailing listsNov 09 20:44
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      How to Record Your Desktop Video and AudioNov 09 20:45
TweetSchestowitz                 Using ???Avconv??? Tool in Ubuntu:  tecmint: InNov 09 20:45
TweetSchestowitz                 this article, we'll... 09 20:45
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 20:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - How to Record Your Desktop Video and Audio Using ???Avconv??? Tool in UbuntuNov 09 20:45
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      New Kernel Live Patching Combines kGraft &Nov 09 20:45
TweetSchestowitz                 Kpatch: Phoronix: The newest kernel liveNov 09 20:45
TweetSchestowitz                 patching solution uses an ...Nov 09 20:45
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 20:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - New Kernel Live Patching Combines kGraft & KpatchNov 09 20:45
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Massive 20% Improvement to Land in Intel's MesaNov 09 20:47
TweetSchestowitz                 Driver Thanks to Valve's Efforts:  softpedia:Nov 09 20:47
TweetSchestowitz                 Intel users shou... 09 20:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 20:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Massive 20% Improvement to Land in Intel's Mesa Driver Thanks to Valve's EffortsNov 09 20:47
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Linux Australia puts curbs on mailing lists:Nov 09 20:47
TweetSchestowitz                  ITwire: Linux Australia, the umbrella groupNov 09 20:47
TweetSchestowitz                 for Linux user group... 09 20:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 20:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Linux Australia puts curbs on mailing listsNov 09 20:47
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      How to Record Your Desktop Video and AudioNov 09 20:47
TweetSchestowitz                 Using ???Avconv??? Tool in Ubuntu:  tecmint: InNov 09 20:47
TweetSchestowitz                 this article, we'll... 09 20:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 20:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - How to Record Your Desktop Video and Audio Using ???Avconv??? Tool in UbuntuNov 09 20:47
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Groser’s Big Debate on #TPP is meaninglessNov 09 20:47
TweetSchestowitz                 unless it comes before an agreement is signed -Nov 09 20:47
TweetSchestowitz        ( is thisNov 09 20:47
TweetSchestowitz                 democracy? #NZNov 09 20:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | Minister Groser’s Big Debate on TPPA is meaningless unless it comes before an agreement is signed « 09 20:47
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Groser: Secrecy is part of #TPP negotiations -Nov 09 20:57
TweetSchestowitz        ( youNov 09 20:57
TweetSchestowitz                 can only see it when it's too late.. (VNov 09 20:57
TweetSchestowitz                 @ReporterRachel @DrRimmer)Nov 09 20:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:57
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tim Groser: Secrecy is part of TPPA negotiations | NZNews | 3 NewsNov 09 20:57
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       #TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs -Nov 09 20:57
TweetSchestowitz        09 20:57
TweetSchestowitz                 ( includes links to allNov 09 20:57
TweetSchestowitz                 41 past columns #ISDS #TPP #TISANov 09 20:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 20:57
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - Technology Blog and Community from IT Experts - ComputerworldUK.comNov 09 20:57
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    So great to see @PKhakpour on this list! 10Nov 09 21:10
TweetSchestowitz                 Amazing Female Novelists Under 50Nov 09 21:10
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 21:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 21:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | 10 Amazing Female Novelists Under 50Nov 09 21:10
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Can We Walk Away From Our #cars to Save theNov 09 21:10
TweetSchestowitz                 #Earth? asks @revbillytalen -Nov 09 21:10
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 21:10
TweetSchestowitz                 #climatechange via @BuzzFlashNov 09 21:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 21:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | Can We Walk Away From Our Cars to Save the Earth?Nov 09 21:10
TweetSchestowitz@drgrist         11. In this way every dispute, even overNov 09 21:10
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    matters of fact, becomes a contest of power —Nov 09 21:10
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     loudest, best funded, most persistent voicesNov 09 21:10
TweetSchestowitz                 win.Nov 09 21:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 21:10
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 180 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 837 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesNov 09 21:18
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @glynmoody (16), @doctorow (11), @truthout (9)Nov 09 21:18
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (63), @Thomas_Drake1 (10), @ioerror (9)Nov 09 21:18
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #TPP (13), #TTIP (8), #ISDS (4)Nov 09 21:18
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 0 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 0 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesNov 09 21:30
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: Nov 09 21:30
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: Nov 09 21:30
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: Nov 09 21:30
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TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Shew.Nov 09 21:50
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 09 21:50
TweetSchestowitz                 Fins are for real. Kitties are very lucky theyNov 09 21:50
TweetSchestowitz                 played this at home.Nov 09 21:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 21:50
TweetSchestowitz@jeff_kaye       .@JasonLeopold: FBI withheld 700+ pgs ofNov 09 21:50
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    documents on [Samir] Khan on nat'l securityNov 09 21:50
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   grounds & other exemptionsNov 09 21:50
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 21:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 21:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | Primary Sources: New Documents on US Citizen Killed in CIA Drone Strike | VICE NewsNov 09 21:50
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 09 22:00
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        #Economic Update: #Elections but No #DemocracyNov 09 22:27
TweetSchestowitz                 - ( 09 22:27
TweetSchestowitz                 @profwolffNov 09 22:27
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 22:27
-TechrightsSocial/ | Economic Update: Elections but No DemocracyNov 09 22:27
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      5 Awesome Open Source Backup Software For LinuxNov 09 22:27
TweetSchestowitz                 and Unix-like Systems:  Nixcraft: What to lookNov 09 22:27
TweetSchestowitz                 for when choosi... 09 22:27
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 22:27
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 22:27
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - 5 Awesome Open Source Backup Software For Linux and Unix-like SystemsNov 09 22:27
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      .@astepanovich Here's the right link @granick'sNov 09 22:27
TweetSchestowitz                 post ( 09 22:27
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 22:27
-TechrightsSocial/ | FISC OKs Section 215 Investigations of Americans, Despite First Amendment | Just SecurityNov 09 22:27
TweetSchestowitz@cybeardjm       Chicken Imports from China a Raw Deal for U.S.Nov 09 22:39
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Consumers ( 09 22:39
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      FYI @glynmoody #foodsafetyNov 09 22:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 22:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chicken Imports from China a Raw Deal for U.S. Consumers » EcoWatchNov 09 22:39
TweetSchestowitz@01micko         Word spreading – stop TPP!Nov 09 22:42
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 09 22:42
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #TPP @SenatorSurfer @glynmoody @leftocentreNov 09 22:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 22:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Word spreading – stop TPP! | No TPP - Linkis.comNov 09 22:42
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Rebuilding #Gaza Needs Freedom and Normality,Nov 09 22:42
TweetSchestowitz                 Not Just Aid: 09 22:42
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 22:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 22:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rebuilding Gaza Needs Freedom and Normality, Not Just AidNov 09 22:42
TweetSchestowitz@Eaterofsun      Is anyone doing a like-for-like analysis of theNov 09 22:44
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    time the BBC devotes to, and the  interviewNov 09 22:44
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      slots it offers to, UKIP v the GreensNov 09 22:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 22:44
TweetSchestowitz@MLBrook         This is just the most bizarre Daily Mail frontNov 09 22:44
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    page ever. From top to buttom:Nov 09 22:44
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 09 22:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 22:44
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@suttonnick: Monday's Daily Mail: Is there no one left in Britain who can make a sandwich? #tomorrowspaperstoday #BBCPapers 09 22:44
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@suttonnick: Monday's Daily Mail: Is there no one left in Britain who can make a sandwich? #tomorrowspaperstoday #BBCPapers 09 22:44
TweetSchestowitz@PaulNemitz      Brazil, Germany resolution in UN to condemnNov 09 22:45
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Internet surveillance #NSA #Safeharbor Nov 09 22:45
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 09 22:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 22:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | Brazil, Germany resolution in UN to condemn Internet surveillance | Hack ReadNov 09 22:45
TweetSchestowitz@mattapuzzo      Of course the US wants informants in terrorNov 09 22:45
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    groups. But normally it's to help preventNov 09 22:45
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        attacks. Not in this case:Nov 09 22:45
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 22:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 22:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 09 22:45
TweetSchestowitz@stabilizec      Происхождение ЗРУ «Бук» сепаратистов.Nov 09 22:47
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Расследование команды @Bellingcat.Nov 09 22:47
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 09 22:47
TweetSchestowitz        09 22:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 22:47
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 09 22:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | Глобус Украины: Происхождение "Бука" сепаратистов: расследование BellingcatNov 09 22:47
TweetSchestowitz                 #РусскийПеревод 09 22:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 22:47
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@stabilizec: Происхождение ЗРУ «Бук» сепаратистов. Расследование команды @Bellingcat. #РусскийПеревод 09 22:47
*TweetSchestowitz @ioerror retweeted @emptywheel: '.@astepanovich Here's the right link @granick's post'Nov 09 22:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | FISC OKs Section 215 Investigations of Americans, Despite First Amendment | Just SecurityNov 09 22:47
TweetSchestowitz@MeredithFrost   Hedy Lamarr, born 100 years ago today, helpedNov 09 22:48
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    invent the tech behind the wireless internetNov 09 22:48
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 09 22:48
TweetSchestowitz        09 22:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 22:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | Remembering Hedy Lamarr, the Hollywood Star Who Helped Make Wi-FiNov 09 22:48
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MeredithFrost: Hedy Lamarr, born 100 years ago today, helped invent the tech behind the wireless internet 09 22:48
TweetSchestowitz@FreedomofPress  In Berkeley tonight? Come see @DanielEllsberg,Nov 09 22:49
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @TrevorTimm, @ghappour, and @NormanSolomonNov 09 22:49
TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack  speak on a free press: 09 22:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 22:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 22:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | Whistle-blowers and the Independent Media: a check on government power | FacebookNov 09 22:49
TweetSchestowitz@kgosztola       .@JohnKiriakou will enter halfway house 86 daysNov 09 23:02
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    from now in southeast DC. Doesn't know if willNov 09 23:02
TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack  get to go there and then leave for his homeNov 09 23:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 23:02
TweetSchestowitz@joshgnosis      A hearing for the iiNet and Dallas Buyers ClubNov 09 23:02
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    LLC case has been set for the 5th and 6th ofNov 09 23:02
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      February. #iidallasNov 09 23:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 23:02
TweetSchestowitz@pmocek          FBI Director Comey told Congress:Nov 09 23:19
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Facial-recognition DB designed to "find badNov 09 23:19
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        guys by matching pictures to mug shots"Nov 09 23:19
TweetSchestowitz        ( 09 23:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 23:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | Federal Judge Says Public Has a Right to Know About FBI’s Facial Recognition Database - Nextgov.comNov 09 23:19
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         Is NationalCrimeAgency (@NCA_UK) sitting onNov 09 23:19
TweetSchestowitz                 0day for Tor? Ask them! 09 23:19
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 23:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 23:19
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ioerror: @NCA_UK Do you have undisclosed security bugs in Tor? Running a psyop? Either way: you are putting people's lives in danger with FUD or 0dayNov 09 23:19
TweetSchestowitz@vicenews        The Islamic State's leader was possibly killedNov 09 23:19
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    — or possibly not — by airstrikes in Iraq:Nov 09 23:19
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold ( 09 23:19
TweetSchestowitz        09 23:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 23:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | Islamic State Leader Possibly Killed — Or Possibly Not — by Airstrikes in Iraq | VICE NewsNov 09 23:19
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@vicenews: The Islamic State's leader was possibly killed — or possibly not — by airstrikes in Iraq: 09 23:19
TweetSchestowitz@vicenews        We met the man who discovered a US drone in hisNov 09 23:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    backyard, then sold its parts to al Qaeda andNov 09 23:29
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   Pakistan: 09 23:29
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 23:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 23:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | How a Pakistani Village Found and Sold a Crashed American Drone | VICE NewsNov 09 23:29
TweetSchestowitz@ln4711          Sometimes society gets it wrong. When thatNov 09 23:31
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    happens, privacy can save usNov 09 23:31
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror ( JustNov 09 23:31
TweetSchestowitz                 read this, please.Nov 09 23:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Big Data, Underground Railroad: History says unfettered collection of data is a bad idea.Nov 09 23:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 23:31
TweetSchestowitz@flexlibris      National Security Archive to publish a massiveNov 09 23:31
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    trove of leaked and FOIAed intelligence docsNov 09 23:31
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        going back as far as 1945Nov 09 23:31
TweetSchestowitz        09 23:31
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 09 23:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Archive’s Upcoming Document Collection the Most Comprehensive Available on Electronic Surveillance and the National Security Agency | UNREDACTEDNov 09 23:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 23:31
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        On the Front Lines of Fighting Police Terror inNov 09 23:34
TweetSchestowitz                 Washington DC: 09 23:34
TweetSchestowitz                 ( @kenerojr @nofearcoalitionNov 09 23:34
TweetSchestowitz                 #DCFergusonNov 09 23:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 23:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | On the Front Lines of Fighting Police Terror in Washington DCNov 09 23:34
TweetSchestowitz@thegrugq        Don't forget, it's possible (probable?) thatNov 09 23:34
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    more than one technique was used to locate theNov 09 23:34
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        Tor HS, and the coordinated takedowns isNov 09 23:34
TweetSchestowitz                 PSYOPS.Nov 09 23:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 09 23:34
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @kgosztola: '.@JohnKiriakou will enter halfway house 86 days from...'Nov 09 23:34
*TechrightsSocial has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)Nov 09 23:41
*schestowitz_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 09 23:54
*schestowitz_log has quit (Changing host)Nov 09 23:55
*schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 09 23:55
TweetSchestowitz@FreedomofPress  In Berkeley tonight? Come see @DanielEllsberg,Nov 10 00:07
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @TrevorTimm, @ghappour, and @NormanSolomonNov 10 00:07
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  speak on a free press: 10 00:07
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 00:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 00:07
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         Common factor of many #Tor HS stolen in theNov 10 00:07
TweetSchestowitz                 last few days seems to be shared hostingNov 10 00:07
TweetSchestowitz                 companies. Are we seeing results from specialNov 10 00:07
TweetSchestowitz                 search?Nov 10 00:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 00:07
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 141108 -Nov 10 00:07
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 00:07
TweetSchestowitz                 yesterday's tweets as a single Web pageNov 10 00:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 00:07
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Thx brother! "@dellcam: Senate's CIANov 10 00:12
TweetSchestowitz                 interrogation report to reignite OBL killingNov 10 00:12
TweetSchestowitz                 debate: ( 10 00:12
TweetSchestowitz                 by @JasonLeopold #mustread"Nov 10 00:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 00:12
qu1j0t3oh yeah.Nov 10 00:13
qu1j0t3schestowitz: 10 00:17
qu1j0t3schestowitz: Fuckin ell.Nov 10 00:17
qu1j0t3schestowitz: and now the fucking GOP are going to give a major boost to weapons productionNov 10 00:18
qu1j0t3schestowitz: Is there another fucking planet?Nov 10 00:18
qu1j0t3schestowitz: look at this piece of shit,AAAAuO4KaJE~,gatFNwSKdGD_6XSLpPpcRC-er7rp4aSJ&bclid=3609453933001&bctid=3883467687001Nov 10 00:19
TweetSchestowitz@Reuters         On the 25th anniversary of the fall of theNov 10 01:04
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Berlin Wall, a look back through our photoNov 10 01:04
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   archive: 10 01:04
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 01:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 01:04
TweetSchestowitz@MaxBlumenthal   German politicians barred me & @davidsheen fromNov 10 01:04
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the Volkesbuehne today in Berlin. Here's whatNov 10 01:04
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        we had to say outside: 10 01:04
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 01:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 01:04
TweetSchestowitz@smcproject      ##smcfontworkshop participants with @NSMlive !Nov 10 01:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Thank you sir for visiting us.Nov 10 01:13
TweetSchestowitz @anivar 10 01:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 01:13
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@goldcoastfilm presents 9 Nov @SilencedFilmNov 10 01:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    doc 10 01:13
TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou   ( @johnkiriakouNov 10 01:13
TweetSchestowitz                 @JesselynRadack @Thomas_drake1Nov 10 01:13
TweetSchestowitz        10 01:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 01:13
TweetSchestowitz@bsonenstein     . @kgosztola and I made it to loretto & had aNov 10 01:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    great afternoon with @JohnKiriakou. 86 days! HeNov 10 01:13
TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou   sends his love and deep thanks to supportersNov 10 01:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 01:13
TweetSchestowitz@kgosztola       Visited @JohnKiriakou. He says he's feelingNov 10 01:16
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    much better than he did last year when holidaysNov 10 01:16
TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou   were coming. 86 days til he gets out of LorettoNov 10 01:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 01:16
TweetSchestowitz@kgosztola       .@JohnKiriakou will enter halfway house 86 daysNov 10 01:16
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    from now in southeast DC. Doesn't know if willNov 10 01:16
TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou   get to go there and then leave for his homeNov 10 01:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 01:16
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@BradMossEsq Wow. You're an authoritarian'sNov 10 01:28
TweetSchestowitz                 dream lawyer justifying censorship,Nov 10 01:28
TweetSchestowitz                 suppression&prior restraint. @JesselynRadackNov 10 01:28
TweetSchestowitz                 @MarkSZaidEsqNov 10 01:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 01:28
TweetSchestowitz@csoghoian       NSA's TAO unit delivered malware via wateringNov 10 01:28
TweetSchestowitz                 hole attacks on jihadi forums, saysNov 10 01:28
TweetSchestowitz                 @shaneharris in new book.Nov 10 01:28
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 01:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 01:28
TweetSchestowitz@csoghoian       It isn't just jihadis who visit jihadi forums.Nov 10 01:28
TweetSchestowitz                 Launching watering hole attacks at such sitesNov 10 01:28
TweetSchestowitz                 creates serious risk of collateral damage.Nov 10 01:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 01:28
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@BradMossEsq Faux redirect doesn't work on me.Nov 10 01:34
TweetSchestowitz                 @JohnKiriakou NOT convicted w/793 Espy ActNov 10 01:34
TweetSchestowitz                 we're discussing. @JesselynRadack @MarkSZaidEsqNov 10 01:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 01:34
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      @csoghoian But it worked! We won in Iraq! WeNov 10 01:34
TweetSchestowitz                 took out all the jihadis once and forev--Nov 10 01:34
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 10 01:34
TweetSchestowitz                 Oh. Wait. Nevermind.Nov 10 01:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 01:34
*TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian retweeted @emptywheel: '@csoghoian But it worked! We won in Iraq!...'Nov 10 01:34
TweetSchestowitz@domainawareness  Love it when I get an initial #FOIA responseNov 10 01:37
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    email from #PENTAGON & multiple DoD Lawyers areNov 10 01:37
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     copied on it. (request) 10 01:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 01:37
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Nov 10 01:41
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Nov 10 01:41:48 2014
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Nov 10 03:55:25 2014
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-socialNov 10 03:55
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovellNov 10 03:55
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010Nov 10 03:55
TweetSchestowitz@vicenews        A former Army staff sergeant at Gitmo speaksNov 10 04:33
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    out about the mistreatment he witnessed — andNov 10 04:33
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   why it continues: 10 04:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 04:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 04:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Former Guard: Guantanamo's 'Safe, Humane, Legal, Transparent' Motto Is Simply Not True | VICE NewsNov 10 04:33
TweetSchestowitz@kajlarsen       My latest VICE News piece where I go inside aNov 10 04:33
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    previously classified exercise whose purpose isNov 10 04:33
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   to develop US... 10 04:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 04:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 04:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Black Dart is the US' Answer to Drones: War Games | VICE NewsNov 10 04:33
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq EspyAct clearly permits useNov 10 04:48
TweetSchestowitz                 against publisher? What precedent? PlainNov 10 04:48
TweetSchestowitz                 language? @theboutiquefirm @bradmossesqNov 10 04:48
TweetSchestowitz                 @jesselynradackNov 10 04:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 04:48
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq Yes& Judge Laws dismissedNov 10 04:48
TweetSchestowitz                 charges '46 saying to continue “a travesty onNov 10 04:48
TweetSchestowitz                 justice" Appeals upheld @bradmossesqNov 10 04:48
TweetSchestowitz                 @jesselynradackNov 10 04:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 04:48
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq Apparently I don't because youNov 10 04:48
TweetSchestowitz                 are THE lawyer and I'm not, making me a laymanNov 10 04:49
TweetSchestowitz                 and not a lawman. @markszaidesq @jesselynradackNov 10 04:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 04:49
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq Nothing & I have. And I willNov 10 05:20
TweetSchestowitz                 continue to speak truth to power & questionNov 10 05:20
TweetSchestowitz                 questionable authority @bradmossesqNov 10 05:20
TweetSchestowitz                 @jesselynradackNov 10 05:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 05:20
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq Ironic you cite dismissed WWIINov 10 05:20
TweetSchestowitz                 Chicago Tribune 1A case. Same reason given byNov 10 05:20
TweetSchestowitz                 gov't in my case @bradmossesq @jesselynradackNov 10 05:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 05:20
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Lenovo to launch low-cost Chromebook in earlyNov 10 05:20
TweetTuxMachines                 2015 10 05:20
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 05:20
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 05:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lenovo to launch low-cost Chromebook in early 2015 | Tux MachinesNov 10 05:20
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Joey Hess, Developer Of 18 Years With DebianNov 10 05:21
TweetTuxMachines                 Departs ( 10 05:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 05:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | Joey Hess, Developer Of 18 Years With Debian Departs | Robert PogsonNov 10 05:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The Document Foundation sets precedents & pavesNov 10 05:21
TweetTuxMachines                 new opportunities for Free SoftwareNov 10 05:21
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 05:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 05:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Document Foundation sets precedents & paves new opportunities for Free Software | Tux MachinesNov 10 05:21
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq then u really do not know theNov 10 05:22
TweetSchestowitz                 rest of the story. I was also in Navy. HaveNov 10 05:22
TweetSchestowitz                 discussed w/ veterans @bradmossesqNov 10 05:22
TweetSchestowitz                 @jesselynradackNov 10 05:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 05:22
TweetSchestowitz@gnat            Today’s “Don’t Read The Comments”: @doctorow’sNov 10 05:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    extract published on TechCrunch. “TopNov 10 05:22
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       commenter”s indeed. 10 05:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 05:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@gnat: Today’s “Don’t Read The Comments”: @doctorow’s extract published on TechCrunch. “Top commenter”s indeed. 10 05:23
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: The American People Have SpokenNov 10 05:23
TweetSchestowitz        10 05:23
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 05:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 05:23
TweetSchestowitz@byAndreas       Made a thing... inspired by @fightfortheftrNov 10 05:25
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @EFF @doctorowNov 10 05:25
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow ( 10 05:25
TweetSchestowitz                 #fcc #longboard 10 05:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 05:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | They have a plan for our internet. - YouTubeNov 10 05:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 05:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | They have a plan for our internet. « Things by Andreas EkbergNov 10 05:25
TweetSchestowitz@moonb2          NYT Review IN REAL LIFE @doctorowNov 10 05:25
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 10 05:25
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Nov 10 05:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 05:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 10 05:25
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq Curious y u compelled measuringNov 10 05:44
TweetSchestowitz                 ur dicta practice w/ others. Is bigger better?Nov 10 05:44
TweetSchestowitz                 @theboutiquefirm @bradmossesq @jesselynradackNov 10 05:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 05:44
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Grammar privilege and Black American EnglishNov 10 05:44
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 05:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 05:44
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Video: Trenchant FCC commentary in longboardNov 10 05:44
TweetSchestowitz                 form 10 05:44
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 05:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 05:44
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: untitled by antimega on Flickr. HomebrewNov 10 05:59
TweetSchestowitz                 and whatnot 10 05:59
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 06:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 06:00
TweetSchestowitz@nsisodiya       I have delete my recent video on "ObjectNov 10 06:00
TweetSchestowitz                 Oriented JavaScript" ! It was poorly recorded,Nov 10 06:00
TweetSchestowitz                 I will upload new version within week, StayNov 10 06:00
TweetSchestowitz                 tunes !!Nov 10 06:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 06:00
TweetSchestowitz@declanm         Police use "wish lists" when deciding whatNov 10 06:42
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    property to seize: fast cars, cash, flat screenNov 10 06:42
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian      TVs. (No jewelry, PCs.)Nov 10 06:42
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 06:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 06:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 10 06:42
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Defining OpenStack: Layering DefCore: eWEEKNov 10 06:42
TweetSchestowitz                 VIDEO: Alan Clark, chairman of the board at theNov 10 06:42
TweetSchestowitz                 OpenStack Foundati... 10 06:42
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 06:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 06:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Defining OpenStack: Layering DefCoreNov 10 06:42
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Nov 10 07:55
TweetSchestowitz@dangillmor      Just ordered new @doctorow book, "InformationNov 10 07:55
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Doesn't Want to Be Free: Laws for the InternetNov 10 07:55
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Age" ( 10 07:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 07:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | Information Doesn't Want to Be Free: Laws for the Internet Age: Cory Doctorow, Amanda Palmer, Neil Gaiman: 9781940450285: BooksNov 10 07:55
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 141109 -Nov 10 07:55
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 07:55
TweetSchestowitz                 yesterday's tweets as a single Web pageNov 10 07:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 141109Nov 10 07:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 07:55
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 10 07:57
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Symbolic FCC/Net Neutrality square-wheeledNov 10 08:05
TweetSchestowitz                 longboard 10 08:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 08:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ )Nov 10 08:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Symbolic FCC/Net Neutrality square-wheeled longboard 10 08:05
TweetSchestowitz@NHAparty        Closure of A&Es causes London North West NHSNov 10 08:05
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Trust to have worst waiting times in theNov 10 08:05
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      country in October: 10 08:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 08:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | London North West A&E waiting times 'worst in England' | London - ITV NewsNov 10 08:05
TweetSchestowitz@ConversationUK  #TTIP: Rogue trade proposal threatens to skewNov 10 08:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    regulation of multinationals and hand theNov 10 08:09
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      taxpayer a hefty bill 10 08:09
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 08:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:09
-TechrightsSocial/ | Europe faces weapons of legal destruction in USA trade talksNov 10 08:09
TweetSchestowitz@john_hooper     Humbling RT @ben_hr: RT @stevesilberman: ThereNov 10 08:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    are whales alive today born before “Moby Dick”Nov 10 08:09
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      was written. 10 08:09
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 08:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:09
-TechrightsSocial/ | There Are Whales Alive Today Who Were Born Before Moby Dick Was Written | Smart News | SmithsonianNov 10 08:09
TweetSchestowitz@TTIPBeware      Excellent analysis: #TTIP threatens access toNov 10 08:10
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    medicines and affordable health systems:Nov 10 08:10
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( #NHSNov 10 08:10
TweetSchestowitz                 #ISDSNov 10 08:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:10
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Just issued by WH: The US-Australia AllianceNov 10 08:10
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 10 08:10
TweetSchestowitz                 Read: 10 08:10
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 08:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | TwitLonger — When you talk too much for TwitterNov 10 08:10
TweetSchestowitz@BBCNews         Foodbank-use for children 'up 400%'Nov 10 08:11
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 10 08:11
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 10 08:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Foodbank-use for south west children 'up 400% since 2011'Nov 10 08:11
TweetSchestowitz@williamheath    Man wants personal details of strippers “toNov 10 08:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    pray for them”. Colourful case of personal dataNov 10 08:13
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ≠ open data HT @dgwbirch 10 08:13
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 08:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Strippers sue to prevent identity disclosureNov 10 08:13
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Why GMO labeling in the U.S. needs to win onlyNov 10 08:13
TweetSchestowitz                 once - 10 08:13
TweetSchestowitz                 ( importantNov 10 08:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | Resource Insights: Why GMO labeling in the U.S. needs to win only onceNov 10 08:13
TweetSchestowitz                 analysis why labelling may be inevitable; butNov 10 08:13
TweetSchestowitz                 NB #TPPNov 10 08:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:13
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Stop #TTIP and #CETA e-petition now up toNov 10 08:13
TweetSchestowitz                 860,000 signatures - 10 08:13
TweetSchestowitz                 ( is yours there? if not, pleaseNov 10 08:13
TweetSchestowitz                 sign if you are in EUNov 10 08:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sign the ECI! - Stop TTIP Stop TTIPNov 10 08:13
TweetSchestowitz@RickyPo         Importance & benefits of Open Science forNov 10 08:14
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    ubiquitous sharing, dissemination and promotionNov 10 08:14
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody 10 08:14
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #openscienceNov 10 08:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | Importance & benefits of Open Science for ubiquitous sharing, dissemination and promotion | FosterNov 10 08:14
TweetSchestowitz@marcuschown     "A think tank says..." says #bbcr4today for theNov 10 08:18
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    nth time. Who are they? Who funds them? WhatNov 10 08:18
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      has happened to journalistic standards at BBC?Nov 10 08:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:18
TweetSchestowitz@feliciasonmez   Abe gets far less screen time on CCTV just nowNov 10 08:18
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    than previous 6 leaders who met w/Xi, includingNov 10 08:18
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      PM of Papua New Guinea.Nov 10 08:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:18
TweetSchestowitz@petermurrayrust ( 10 08:20
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Cambridge and @sciencegrrl team upNov 10 08:20
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 10 08:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cambridge professor and ScienceGrrl celebrate women in science with release of She Blinded Me With Science | University of CambridgeNov 10 08:20
TweetSchestowitz@ProtectionInt   Mexico: Justice for Bettina Cruz VelázquezNov 10 08:20
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by 10 08:20
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( viaNov 10 08:20
TweetSchestowitz                 @WHRDIC 10 08:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Justice for Bettina Cruz Velázquez |Nov 10 08:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ProtectionInt: Mexico: Justice for Bettina Cruz Velázquez via @WHRDIC 10 08:20
TweetSchestowitz@TTIPBeware      Morning Star : TTIP trade pact ‘will costNov 10 08:21
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Europe 600,000 jobs’ 10 08:21
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( 10 08:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | Morning Star :: TTIP trade pact ‘will cost Europe 600,000 jobs’Nov 10 08:21
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Police in U-turn as 'shop a gun-owner' hotlineNov 10 08:21
TweetSchestowitz                 is scrapped - 10 08:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ( sickeningly grovellingNov 10 08:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | Police in U-turn as 'shop a gun-owner' hotline is scrapped • The RegisterNov 10 08:21
TweetSchestowitz                 letter to UK gun lobbyNov 10 08:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:21
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Fugazi "First Demo" Out November 18thNov 10 08:21
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 08:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:22
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fugazi "First Demo" Out November 18thNov 10 08:22
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Xi, Putin meet in Beijing, 17 agreements signedNov 10 08:22
TweetSchestowitz                 - ( 10 08:22
TweetSchestowitz                 cosying up, as was inevitable #russia #chinaNov 10 08:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:22
-TechrightsSocial/ | Xi, Putin meet in Beijing, 17 agreements signed | The BRICS PostNov 10 08:22
TweetSchestowitz@astroehlein     Detailed new report further affirms #UkraineNov 10 08:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    rebels downed #MH17 with Buk missile fromNov 10 08:22
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Russia 10 08:22
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 08:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:22
-TechrightsSocial/ | bellingcat - Origin of the Separatists’ Buk: A Bellingcat InvestigationNov 10 08:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@astroehlein: Detailed new report further affirms #Ukraine rebels downed #MH17 with Buk missile from Russia 10 08:22
TweetSchestowitz@MalmstromEU     Om my way to Berlin to meet minister Gabriel toNov 10 08:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    discuss trade priorities, TTIP, CETA and ISDS.Nov 10 08:22
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Will also meet with trade unionsNov 10 08:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:22
TweetSchestowitz@JLLLOW          A friend who was in last week's #qanda audienceNov 10 08:25
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    told me tha ABC staff instructed people not toNov 10 08:25
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ask Brandis about metatada. Mwahaha.Nov 10 08:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:25
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       "Opponents of [#TPP #TTIP] think they can gearNov 10 08:25
TweetSchestowitz                 up opposition not only from Democrats, but fromNov 10 08:25
TweetSchestowitz                 Republicans, too" - 10 08:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 08:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | Global trade opponents muscle up | TheHillNov 10 08:25
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       #Berlin’s digital exiles: where tech activistsNov 10 08:25
TweetSchestowitz                 go to escape the NSA - 10 08:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ( reasonable roundup of theNov 10 08:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | Berlin’s digital exiles: where tech activists go to escape the NSA | World news | The GuardianNov 10 08:25
TweetSchestowitz                 usual, er, suspectsNov 10 08:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:25
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Groser: Secrecy is part of #TPP negotiations -Nov 10 08:28
TweetSchestowitz        ( youNov 10 08:28
TweetSchestowitz                 can only see it when it's too late.. (VNov 10 08:28
TweetSchestowitz                 @ReporterRachel @DrRimmer)Nov 10 08:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:28
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tim Groser: Secrecy is part of TPPA negotiations | NZNews | 3 NewsNov 10 08:28
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Groser’s Big Debate on #TPP is meaninglessNov 10 08:28
TweetSchestowitz                 unless it comes before an agreement is signed -Nov 10 08:28
TweetSchestowitz        ( is thisNov 10 08:28
TweetSchestowitz                 democracy? #NZNov 10 08:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:28
-TechrightsSocial/ | Minister Groser’s Big Debate on TPPA is meaningless unless it comes before an agreement is signed « 10 08:28
TweetSchestowitz@buchtan         "Interoperability" is an attempt to undermineNov 10 08:41
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    European data protection standards" byNov 10 08:41
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      @bendrath 10 08:41
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #EUdataP #TTIP #TISANov 10 08:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:41
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       "Mr Hannigan then switches tack in vintageNov 10 08:41
TweetSchestowitz                 I-say-Biggles-these-fiends-are-devilishly-cleverNov 10 08:41
TweetSchestowitz                 mode" - 10 08:41
TweetSchestowitz                 ( love it #gchqNov 10 08:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yes, Isis exploits technology. But that’s no reason to compromise our privacy | Technology | The GuardianNov 10 08:41
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       #TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs -Nov 10 08:41
TweetSchestowitz        10 08:41
TweetSchestowitz                 ( includes links to allNov 10 08:41
TweetSchestowitz                 41 past columns #ISDS #TPP #TISANov 10 08:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - Technology Blog and Community from IT Experts - ComputerworldUK.comNov 10 08:41
*TweetSchestowitz @Tuxmania followed @boycottnovellNov 10 08:45
TweetSchestowitz@TTIPBeware      US-EU trade deal means lower pay, fewer jobs,Nov 10 08:45
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    higher inequality and more austerity - Nov 10 08:45
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 10 08:45
TweetSchestowitz                 via #TTIPNov 10 08:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | US-EU trade deal means lower pay, fewer jobs and inequality | The Economic VoiceNov 10 08:45
TweetSchestowitz@ABridgwater     A 'proprietary' Linux would have cost $1Nov 10 08:49
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    trillion & 8,000 person-years - Nov 10 08:49
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 10 08:49
TweetSchestowitz                 #pentahoNov 10 08:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | A 'proprietary' Linux would have cost $1 trillion & 8,000 person-years - Open Source InsiderNov 10 08:49
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Rugged Linux box-PC excels at industrialNov 10 08:49
TweetSchestowitz                 fieldbuses 10 08:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #linuxNov 10 08:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rugged Linux box-PC excels at industrial fieldbuses ·  LinuxGizmos.comNov 10 08:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 08:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Rugged Linux box-PC excels at industrialNov 10 08:49
TweetTuxMachines                 fieldbuses 10 08:49
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 08:49
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 08:49
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Rugged industrial gateway runs Linux on TINov 10 09:01
TweetSchestowitz                 Sitara ( 10 09:01
TweetSchestowitz                 #linuxNov 10 09:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rugged industrial gateway runs Linux on TI Sitara ·  LinuxGizmos.comNov 10 09:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 09:01
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Details Emerge on UT One Ubuntu Linux TabletNov 10 09:01
TweetSchestowitz        ( #ubuntuNov 10 09:01
TweetSchestowitz                 #linuxNov 10 09:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | Details Emerge on UT One Ubuntu Linux Tablet | Ubuntu content from The VAR GuyNov 10 09:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 09:01
TweetSchestowitz@goodeffDave     The commodification of Bohemia preoccupiesNov 10 09:06
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @doctorow's discussion with @GreatDismal onNov 10 09:06
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       this week's @intelligence2...Nov 10 09:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 09:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 09:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | iTunes - Podcasts - Intelligence Squared by Intelligence SquaredNov 10 09:06
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Zelda fire for your decorative fireplaceNov 10 09:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 09:06
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 10 09:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 09:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | Zelda fire for your decorative fireplace - Boing BoingNov 10 09:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 09:06
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Root access for students at Penn ManorNov 10 09:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( #freeswNov 10 09:06
TweetSchestowitz                 #educationNov 10 09:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 09:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | Charlie Reisinger of Penn Manor gives talk at All Things Open 2014 | Opensource.comNov 10 09:06
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Rugged industrial gateway runs Linux on TINov 10 09:07
TweetTuxMachines                 Sitara ( 10 09:07
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 09:07
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Details Emerge on UT One Ubuntu Linux TabletNov 10 09:07
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 09:07
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 09:07
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 144 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 642 msgs sent (~ 1% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesNov 10 09:18
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (26), @Thomas_Drake1 (20), @glynmoody (12)Nov 10 09:18
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (26), @ioerror (7), @JasonLeopold (6)Nov 10 09:18
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (11), #gnu (7), #TTIP (7)Nov 10 09:18
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "What may be new is a willingness to actuallyNov 10 09:20
TweetSchestowitz                 engage in open source, rather than simply useNov 10 09:20
TweetSchestowitz                 it." ( 10 09:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 09:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nov 10 09:20
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     3 great reasons to give away your precious techNov 10 09:20
TweetSchestowitz                 under an open-source licenseNov 10 09:20
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 09:20
TweetSchestowitz                 #freesw #licensing #sharingNov 10 09:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | 3 great reasons to give away your precious tech under an open-source license | VentureBeat | Dev | by Jordan NovetNov 10 09:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 09:20
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #Richmond Voters Beat #Chevron Corporate CoupNov 10 09:20
TweetSchestowitz                 d' EtatNov 10 09:20
TweetSchestowitz         ( 10 09:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 09:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Richmond Voters Beat Chevron Corporate Coup d' Etat | PR WatchNov 10 09:20
*TweetTuxMachines @LinuxReddit favourited 'Details Emerge on UT One Ubuntu Linux Tablet...'Nov 10 09:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Details Emerge on UT One Ubuntu Linux TabletNov 10 09:21
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 09:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 09:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | Details Emerge on UT One Ubuntu Linux Tablet | Tux MachinesNov 10 09:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Root access for students at Penn ManorNov 10 09:21
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 09:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 09:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | Root access for students at Penn Manor | Tux MachinesNov 10 09:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Companies Are Finally Learning To Share—TheNov 10 09:21
TweetTuxMachines                 Open Source Way 10 09:21
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 09:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 09:22
-TechrightsSocial/ | Companies Are Finally Learning To Share—The Open Source Way | Tux MachinesNov 10 09:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Joyent and Canonical to open source containerNov 10 09:28
TweetTuxMachines                 technologies 10 09:28
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 09:28
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 09:28
-TechrightsSocial/ | Joyent and Canonical to open source container technologies | Tux MachinesNov 10 09:28
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     3 great reasons to give away your precious techNov 10 09:28
TweetTuxMachines                 under an open-source licenseNov 10 09:28
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 09:28
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 09:28
-TechrightsSocial/ | 3 great reasons to give away your precious tech under an open-source license | Tux MachinesNov 10 09:28
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 24 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 174 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesNov 10 09:30
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (24)Nov 10 09:30
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: Nov 10 09:30
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: Nov 10 09:30
TweetSchestowitz@johnpilger      My latest newsletter has been published...Nov 10 09:36
TweetSchestowitz        10 09:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 09:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 09:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | John Pilger in public in LondonNov 10 09:36
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #Tomahawk , the World Is Your Music CollectionNov 10 09:36
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 09:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 09:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tomahawk, the World Is Your Music Collection | Linux JournalNov 10 09:36
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #microsoft views #gnu #linux as "Windows 8"Nov 10 09:36
TweetSchestowitz        10 09:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 09:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 09:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mandriva Linux Chronicles: Microsoft finally got it correctNov 10 09:36
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #twitter is openwashing its #surveillance andNov 10 09:42
TweetSchestowitz                 marketing service just as #facebook has beenNov 10 09:42
TweetSchestowitz                 doing 10 09:42
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 09:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 09:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Twitter Emojis Are Now Open Source | Gizmodo AustraliaNov 10 09:42
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #microsoft #propaganda network #1105MediaNov 10 09:42
TweetSchestowitz                 continues to spread FUD about FOSSNov 10 09:42
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 09:42
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 09:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 09:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Attacks on open source call for better software design -- GCNNov 10 09:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft and the NSA - TechrightsNov 10 09:42
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Lots of new back doors in #windows but theNov 10 09:42
TweetSchestowitz                 media mostly ignores themNov 10 09:42
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 09:42
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 09:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 09:43
-TechrightsSocial/ | Patch Tuesday: 16 security advisories, 5 critical for Windows | Network WorldNov 10 09:43
*TweetTuxMachines @UbuntuReddit favourited 'Details Emerge on UT One Ubuntu Linux Tablet...'Nov 10 09:50
*TweetTuxMachines @UbuntuReddit favourited 'Details Emerge on UT One Ubuntu Linux Tablet...'Nov 10 09:50
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Fedora 22 Will Likely Make Apps In The SoftwareNov 10 09:53
TweetSchestowitz                 Center Have AppData 10 09:53
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #fedora #redhat #gnu #linuxNov 10 09:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 09:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Fedora 22 Will Likely Make Apps In The Software Center Have AppDataNov 10 09:53
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Where is KDE 5 and when can I use it? Nov 10 09:53
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 09:53
TweetSchestowitz                 #kde #kde5 #plasma #gnu #linuxNov 10 09:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | all mine!: Where is KDE 5 and when can I use it?Nov 10 09:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 09:53
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Fedora 22 Will Likely Make Apps In The SoftwareNov 10 10:10
TweetTuxMachines                 Center Have AppData 10 10:10
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 10:10
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 10:10
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Press Reaction to Ubuntu 14.10 ‘Utopic Unicorn’Nov 10 10:10
TweetSchestowitz        ( Nov 10 10:10
TweetSchestowitz                 #ubuntu #canonical #gnu #linuxNov 10 10:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | Press Reaction to Ubuntu 14.10 'Utopic Unicorn' - OMG! Ubuntu!Nov 10 10:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 10:10
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Where is KDE 5 and when can I use it? Nov 10 10:11
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 10:11
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 10:11
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     New #Kernel Live Patching Combines #kGraft &Nov 10 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 #Kpatch 10 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #linuxNov 10 10:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] New Kernel Live Patching Combines kGraft & KpatchNov 10 10:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 10:11
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Alternate reality dime-store toys with frankNov 10 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 labels ( 10 10:11
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 10:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 10:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Alternate reality dime-store toys with frank labels - Boing BoingNov 10 10:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Press Reaction to Ubuntu 14.10 ‘Utopic Unicorn’Nov 10 10:11
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 10:11
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 10:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New Kernel Live Patching Combines kGraft &Nov 10 10:18
TweetTuxMachines                 Kpatch 10 10:18
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 10:18
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 10:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     eNcade Is a Portable Raspberry Pi GamingNov 10 10:18
TweetTuxMachines                 Console That Doubles Up as a Desktop PCNov 10 10:18
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 10:18
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 10:18
-TechrightsSocial/ | eNcade Is a Portable Raspberry Pi Gaming Console That Doubles Up as a Desktop PC - SoftpediaNov 10 10:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Bullet Pi Interview 10 10:18
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 10:18
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 10:18
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bullet Pi Interview | Linux User & Developer - the Linux and FOSS mag for a GNU generationNov 10 10:18
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #eNcade Is a Portable #RaspberryPi GamingNov 10 10:18
TweetSchestowitz                 Console That Doubles Up as a Desktop PCNov 10 10:18
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 10:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 10:18
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #BulletPi Interview 10 10:18
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #raspiNov 10 10:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 10:18
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Football Manager 2015 Makes Its Debut on SteamNov 10 10:18
TweetSchestowitz                 for Linux 10 10:18
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #steam #gnu #linux #gamesNov 10 10:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 10:18
-TechrightsSocial/ | Football Manager 2015 Makes Its Debut on Steam for Linux | TuxArenaNov 10 10:19
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Football Manager 2015 Makes Its Debut on SteamNov 10 10:20
TweetTuxMachines                 for Linux 10 10:20
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 10:20
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 10:20
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Microsoft finally got it correctNov 10 10:20
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 10:20
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 10:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft finally got it correct | Tux MachinesNov 10 10:20
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Is KDE 5 Ready, Repo Dark Sides, and Black LabNov 10 10:21
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux 10 10:21
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 10:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 10:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is KDE 5 Ready, Repo Dark Sides, and Black Lab Linux | Tux MachinesNov 10 10:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New Kernel Live Patching Combines kGraft &Nov 10 10:29
TweetTuxMachines                 Kpatch 10 10:29
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 10:29
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 10:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Kernel Live Patching Combines kGraft & Kpatch | Tux MachinesNov 10 10:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     eNcade Is a Portable Raspberry Pi GamingNov 10 10:29
TweetTuxMachines                 Console That Doubles Up as a Desktop PCNov 10 10:29
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 10:29
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 10:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | eNcade Is a Portable Raspberry Pi Gaming Console That Doubles Up as a Desktop PC | Tux MachinesNov 10 10:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Casualty of #systemd Football Manager 2015Nov 10 10:29
TweetSchestowitz                 Makes Its Debut on Steam for LinuxNov 10 10:29
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 10:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 10:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | Football Manager 2015 Makes Its Debut on Steam for Linux | TuxArenaNov 10 10:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Bullet Pi Interview 10 10:29
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 10:29
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 10:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bullet Pi Interview | Tux MachinesNov 10 10:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Arresting people for anonymity, not arrestingNov 10 10:29
TweetSchestowitz                 bankers who crashed the economy by illegalNov 10 10:29
TweetSchestowitz                 practices 10 10:29
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 10:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 10:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | Biggest ever Tor raid hits 410 underground sites; 17 arrested | PCWorldNov 10 10:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #gnu is not #linux so why relate Bash to theNov 10 10:29
TweetSchestowitz                 #kernel as in 10 10:29
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 10:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 10:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | Shellshocked Linux kernel – the kernel column | Linux User & Developer - the Linux and FOSS mag for a GNU generationNov 10 10:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Visual tour of the new #Kubuntu 14.10 UtopicNov 10 10:47
TweetSchestowitz                 Unicorn 10 10:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #kde #gnu #linuxNov 10 10:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 10:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn : Released With KDE 4.14 and KDE Plasma 5 - Ubuntu PortalNov 10 10:47
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     ICANN creates 'UN Security Council for theNov 10 10:48
TweetSchestowitz                 internet', installs itself as a permanentNov 10 10:48
TweetSchestowitz                 member 10 10:48
TweetSchestowitz                 (  #icannNov 10 10:48
TweetSchestowitz                 #internetNov 10 10:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | ICANN creates 'UN Security Council for the internet', installs itself as a permanent member • The RegisterNov 10 10:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 10:48
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Insurgency FPS Is Waiting On Valve So It CanNov 10 10:48
TweetSchestowitz                 Come To Linux (UPDATED) 10 10:48
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #games #gnu #linuxNov 10 10:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 10:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | Insurgency FPS Is Waiting On Valve So It Can Come To Linux (UPDATED) | GamingOnLinuxNov 10 10:48
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Murdoch's WSJ associates #tor with "IllegalNov 10 10:52
TweetSchestowitz                 Drugs, Guns" 10 10:52
TweetSchestowitz                 ( because nobody has somethingNov 10 10:52
TweetSchestowitz                 to hide, not even Wall StreetNov 10 10:52
-TechrightsSocial/ | Arrests Signal Breach in ‘Darknet’ Sites - WSJ - WSJNov 10 10:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 10:52
TweetSchestowitz@RedHatEMEA      New Case Study! Zürcher KantonalbankNov 10 10:53
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    strategically utilizes #RedHat Enterprise LinuxNov 10 10:53
TweetSchestowitz @ggreve ( 10 10:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 10:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | Get the Zürcher case study. — Your Site TitleNov 10 10:53
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Ubuntu GNOME 14.10 Screenshots TourNov 10 11:00
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 11:00
TweetSchestowitz                 #gnome #ubuntu #gnu #linuxNov 10 11:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 11:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu GNOME 14.10 Screenshots Tour | Ubuntu GeekNov 10 11:00
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      For anyone who doubts Israel is bubbling overNov 10 11:00
TweetSchestowitz                 with racism, extremism & uber-nationalism, justNov 10 11:00
TweetSchestowitz                 read @DavidRemnick 10 11:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 11:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 11:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | Israel’s One-State RealityNov 10 11:00
*TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald deleted 'For anyone who doubts Israel is bubbling over...'Nov 10 11:00
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      For anyone who doubts Israel is bubbling overNov 10 11:00
TweetSchestowitz                 with racism, extremism & uber-nationalism, justNov 10 11:00
TweetSchestowitz                 read David Remnick 10 11:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 11:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 11:00
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      Israel's right-wing, pro-settlement PresidentNov 10 11:00
TweetSchestowitz                 Ruvi Rivlin: "“It is time to honestly admitNov 10 11:00
TweetSchestowitz                 that Israel is sick." 10 11:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 11:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 11:00
TweetSchestowitz@jonobacon       Video: diversity and equality in communities,Nov 10 11:12
TweetSchestowitz                 complete with 5 tips for making your communityNov 10 11:12
TweetSchestowitz                 open and accessible: 10 11:12
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 11:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 11:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | Diversity & Equality in Communities: 5 Tips to Help - YouTubeNov 10 11:12
TweetSchestowitz@hellais         OONI bridge reachability study and hackfest:Nov 10 11:12
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 10 11:12
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        #ooni #censorship @OpenObservatoryNov 10 11:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 11:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | OONI Bridge reachability study and hackfest | The Tor BlogNov 10 11:12
TweetSchestowitz@mikko           Peter Sunde is finally free. About time.Nov 10 11:12
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Nov 10 11:12
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror ( 10 11:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 11:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@brokep: My body just got re-united with my soul and mind, the parts of me that matters and that never can be held hostage. #freebrokep #brokepfreeNov 10 11:12
TweetSchestowitz@torproject      Our initial reaction to the 27 hidden servicesNov 10 11:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    recently taken down. 10 11:13
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        ( #tor #hiddenservicesNov 10 11:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 11:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thoughts and Concerns about Operation Onymous | The Tor BlogNov 10 11:13
TweetSchestowitz@brokep          My body just got re-united with my soul andNov 10 11:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    mind, the parts of me that matters and thatNov 10 11:13
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        never can be held hostage. #freebrokepNov 10 11:13
TweetSchestowitz                 #brokepfreeNov 10 11:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 11:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Visual tour of the new #Kubuntu 14.10 UtopicNov 10 11:19
TweetTuxMachines                 Unicorn 10 11:19
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 11:19
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 11:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn : Released With KDE 4.14 and KDE Plasma 5 - Ubuntu PortalNov 10 11:19
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Insurgency FPS Is Waiting On Valve So It CanNov 10 11:19
TweetTuxMachines                 Come To Linux (UPDATED) 10 11:19
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 11:19
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 11:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | Insurgency FPS Is Waiting On Valve So It Can Come To Linux (UPDATED) | GamingOnLinuxNov 10 11:19
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu GNOME 14.10 Screenshots TourNov 10 11:19
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 11:20
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 11:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu GNOME 14.10 Screenshots Tour | Ubuntu GeekNov 10 11:20
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         I'm glad that @brokep is finally out of jail!Nov 10 11:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 11:20
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         #CCC verurteilt den Ankauf von "0days" durchNov 10 11:20
TweetSchestowitz                 den #BND: ( 10 11:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 11:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | CCC | CCC verurteilt den Ankauf von "0days" durch den BNDNov 10 11:20
TweetSchestowitz@01micko         TPP (TPPA) Explanation VideoNov 10 11:34
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 10 11:34
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #TPP #TPPANov 10 11:34
TweetSchestowitz                 @glynmoody @leftocentre @SirThomasWynneNov 10 11:34
TweetSchestowitz                 @Biggy1883Nov 10 11:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | TPP (TPPA) Explanation Video | No TPP - Linkis.comNov 10 11:34
TweetSchestowitz                 MUST SEE MT @emsentityNov 10 11:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 11:34
TweetSchestowitz@acarvin         Not cool of @TheAtlantic to use Reuters pic ofNov 10 11:45
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Muslim women watching an eclipse and suggestingNov 10 11:45
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     they're ISIS fan girls 10 11:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 11:45
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@acarvin: Not cool of @TheAtlantic to use Reuters pic of Muslim women watching an eclipse and suggesting they're ISIS fan girls 10 11:45
TweetSchestowitz@jabbercccde     We're going to disable DIGEST-MD5 in the nextNov 10 11:45
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    weeks in order to test how many clients will beNov 10 11:45
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        affected.Nov 10 11:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 11:45
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@MarkSZaidEsq Is it unethical to prosecute orNov 10 11:51
TweetSchestowitz                 threaten w'blowers under EspyAct?Nov 10 11:51
TweetSchestowitz                 @theboutiquefirm @BradMossEsq @JesselynRadackNov 10 11:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 11:51
TweetSchestowitz@KathleenNdongmo  I'm against secret companies being used toNov 10 11:51
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    smuggle stolen money for the corrupt. #G20,Nov 10 11:51
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      it's time to #UnmaskTheCorruptNov 10 11:51
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 11:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 11:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unmask the Corrupt | Transparency InternationalNov 10 11:51
TweetSchestowitz@charlesarthur   Japanese stand-alone digital cameras (consumerNov 10 11:53
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    and DSLR) shipments + value is crashing: Nov 10 11:53
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 10 11:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 11:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | Japan digital camera shipments in September down on year, says CIPANov 10 11:53
TweetSchestowitz@techdirt        Computer Scientists, Legal Experts Explain ToNov 10 11:53
TweetSchestowitz                 Supreme Court Why APIs Are Not CopyrightableNov 10 11:53
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 11:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 11:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | Computer Scientists, Legal Experts Explain To Supreme Court Why APIs Are Not Copyrightable | TechdirtNov 10 11:53
TweetSchestowitz@SunFoundation   Passionate about #opengov? Excited to make aNov 10 12:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    difference? We're hiring! Apply today:Nov 10 12:01
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 10 12:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 12:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sunlight Foundation Job OpeningsNov 10 12:01
TweetSchestowitz@TechJournalist  Week One Of The F-35C's Initial Ship Trials InNov 10 12:01
TweetSchestowitz                 Stunning Imagery 10 12:01
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 12:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 12:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | Week One Of The F-35C's Initial Ship Trials In Stunning ImageryNov 10 12:01
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Pirate Hell, Crowntakers and Winged SakuraNov 10 12:01
TweetSchestowitz                 Games Now Available on Steam:  tuxarena: TheNov 10 12:01
TweetSchestowitz                 games for Linux on Ste...Nov 10 12:01
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 12:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 12:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Pirate Hell, Crowntakers and Winged Sakura Games Now Available on SteamNov 10 12:01
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Pirate Hell, Crowntakers and Winged SakuraNov 10 12:14
TweetSchestowitz                 Games Now Available on Steam:  tuxarena: TheNov 10 12:14
TweetSchestowitz                 games for Linux on Ste...Nov 10 12:14
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 12:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 12:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Pirate Hell, Crowntakers and Winged Sakura Games Now Available on SteamNov 10 12:14
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  Flying of #drones at #stadiums prompts #safetyNov 10 12:14
TweetSchestowitz                 concerns. And, um, #privacy too if #surveillingNov 10 12:14
TweetSchestowitz                 & photographing 10 12:14
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 12:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 12:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | The flying of unauthorized drones at stadiums prompts safety concerns - The Washington PostNov 10 12:14
*TweetSchestowitz @doctorow retweeted @brokep: 'My body just got re-united with my soul...'Nov 10 12:15
TweetSchestowitz@texasinafrica   Moving sketchy democracy promotion activitiesNov 10 12:20
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    to State & NED doesn't solve the problem.Nov 10 12:20
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel ( 10 12:20
TweetSchestowitz        10 12:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | AP News : AP NewsBreak: Agency may halt risky democracy workNov 10 12:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 12:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@texasinafrica: Moving sketchy democracy promotion activities to State & NED doesn't solve the problem. 10 12:20
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       #CETA steht "teilweise in Konflikt mit demNov 10 12:20
TweetSchestowitz                 deutschen Grundgesetz und auch mitNov 10 12:20
TweetSchestowitz                 EU-Vorschriften" - 10 12:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ( (v @Liese_Mueller)Nov 10 12:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 12:20
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Pirate Bay and Flattr founder Peter @brokepNov 10 12:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ceta und TTIP - Abkommen ohne Investorenschutz möglich - Wirtschaft - Süddeutsche.deNov 10 12:20
TweetSchestowitz                 Sunde released from prisonNov 10 12:20
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 12:20
TweetSchestowitz        10 12:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 12:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pirate Bay and Flattr founder Peter "brokep" Sunde released from prison - Boing BoingNov 10 12:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Pirate Bay and Flattr founder Peter @brokep Sunde released from prison 10 12:20
TweetSchestowitz@tomwarren       Incredibly brave post from @ScobleizerNov 10 12:39
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 10 12:39
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 10 12:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 12:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Robert Scoble | FacebookNov 10 12:39
TweetSchestowitz@webmink         Government open standards - the curious case ofNov 10 12:46
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Microsoft and the minister Nov 10 12:46
TweetSchestowitz @ggreve ( 10 12:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 12:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | Government open standards - the curious case of Microsoft and the ministerNov 10 12:46
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         All Cameras Are Police Cameras:Nov 10 12:46
TweetSchestowitz        10 12:46
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 12:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 12:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Nor » All Cameras Are Police CamerasNov 10 12:46
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  #DarkWeb consultant says criminals madeNov 10 12:46
TweetSchestowitz                 “hundreds of millions $$” hacking banks. True?Nov 10 12:46
TweetSchestowitz                 Thought they just stole info.Nov 10 12:46
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 12:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 12:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 10 12:46
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        PSA: UK small businesses, don't get ripped offNov 10 12:54
TweetSchestowitz                 by BT's "PC Security" scamNov 10 12:54
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 12:54
TweetSchestowitz        10 12:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 12:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | PSA: UK small businesses, don't get ripped off by BT's "PC Security" scam - Boing BoingNov 10 12:54
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: PSA: UK small businesses, don't get ripped off by BT's "PC Security" scam 10 12:54
TweetSchestowitz@KenRoth         Reagan & Bush sheltered 2 murderous SalvadorNov 10 12:54
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    generals but today they face deportation fromNov 10 12:54
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     US for their 1980s crimes.Nov 10 12:54
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 12:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 12:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 10 12:54
TweetSchestowitz@TechJournalist  RT @stshank: I just donated some money toNov 10 13:00
TweetSchestowitz                 @Wikipedia  I use that site several times a dayNov 10 13:00
TweetSchestowitz                 on average. It's worth supporting <-Amen me 2.Nov 10 13:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 13:00
TweetSchestowitz@ABridgwater     First PR waste of time for the week hits theNov 10 13:00
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    inbox, should I start mailing agencies withNov 10 13:00
TweetSchestowitz @TechJournalist  useless emails not relevant to their business?Nov 10 13:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 13:00
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Shellshocked Linux kernel – the kernel column:Nov 10 13:11
TweetSchestowitz                 LinuxUser&Developer: Jon Masters informs us ofNov 10 13:11
TweetSchestowitz                 the kernel’s rol... 10 13:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 13:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 13:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Shellshocked Linux kernel – the kernel columnNov 10 13:11
TweetSchestowitz@AnnieMachon     @ioerror Indeed - cf the old #Trapwire idea -Nov 10 13:11
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 10 13:11
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        #surveillanceNov 10 13:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 13:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Scorpion Stare - Using Our IntelligenceNov 10 13:11
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        Turmoil in #Mexico Reaches Boiling Point asNov 10 13:14
TweetSchestowitz                 Thousands Protest Students' DisappearanceNov 10 13:14
TweetSchestowitz                 @natashakimiz 10 13:14
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 13:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 13:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | #YaMeCanse: Mexico Turmoil Reaches Boiling Point as Protests Over Students’ Disappearance Continue - TruthdigNov 10 13:14
TweetSchestowitz@nsisodiya       thats me... 10 13:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 13:14
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@nsisodiya: thats me... 10 13:14
TweetSchestowitz@ResearchEurope  What impact could #TTIP have on EU environmentNov 10 13:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    regulations? Here are main differences betweenNov 10 13:22
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      US and EU policies 10 13:22
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 13:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 13:22
-TechrightsSocial/ | ENVI Relevant Legislative Areas of the EU-US Trade and Investment Partnership Negotiations (TTIP) - Think TankNov 10 13:22
TweetSchestowitz@CraigBennett3   #BrisTTIP VIDEONov 10 13:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    TTIPing the Balance - A Cross Party Debate onNov 10 13:22
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #TTIP, by @bristolfoeNov 10 13:22
TweetSchestowitz        ( withNov 10 13:22
TweetSchestowitz                 @powellds & @SamuelMarcLoweNov 10 13:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 13:22
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIPing the Balance - A Cross Party Debate on TTIP hosted by Friends of the Earth - YouTubeNov 10 13:22
TweetSchestowitz@copyrightgirl   MT @MarieAndreeW @outlawnews CJEU asked to ruleNov 10 13:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    on #copyright liability of operators ofNov 10 13:22
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      free/open Wi-Fi networks 10 13:23
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 13:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 13:23
-TechrightsSocial/ | CJEU asked to rule on copyright liability of operators of free and open Wi-Fi networksNov 10 13:23
TweetSchestowitz@JackofKent      2012: News International figures warn LevesonNov 10 13:37
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    of prior restraint injunctions.Nov 10 13:37
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 10 13:37
TweetSchestowitz                 2014: News International journalist seeks suchNov 10 13:37
TweetSchestowitz                 an injunction.Nov 10 13:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 13:37
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      "If you can’t even say if you won or lost stuffNov 10 13:37
TweetSchestowitz                 you just wrapped up, what the hell R you doingNov 10 13:37
TweetSchestowitz                 going into another 1?"Nov 10 13:37
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 13:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 13:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | General Dan Bolger says what the US does not want to hear: Why We Lost | US news | The GuardianNov 10 13:37
TweetSchestowitz@corporateeurope  In Brussels tomorrow evening? HearNov 10 13:44
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @pascoesabido with @LolaPodemos debating theNov 10 13:44
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #TTIP. 19h at MicroMarchéNov 10 13:44
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 13:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 13:44
-TechrightsSocial/ | Reunión conjunta Círculo Bélgica – Círculo Cartagena & Acción anti-TTIP | FacebookNov 10 13:44
TweetSchestowitz@umairh          Great stuff. “@andrewtghill: The default modeNov 10 13:44
TweetSchestowitz                 for managers needs a resetNov 10 13:44
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 13:44
TweetSchestowitz                 @GDruckerForum”Nov 10 13:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 13:44
-TechrightsSocial/ | The default mode for managers needs a reset - FT.comNov 10 13:44
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Reup: Why do you suppose FISC had to tell govtNov 10 13:44
TweetSchestowitz                 to follow the law on phone dragnet, even onNov 10 13:44
TweetSchestowitz                 emergency provisions?Nov 10 13:44
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 10 13:44
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 13:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 13:44
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Nov 10 13:44
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      FISC shouldn't have HAD to tell govt AmericansNov 10 13:56
TweetSchestowitz                 get 1st Amendment review before they areNov 10 13:56
TweetSchestowitz                 contact chained. But it did.Nov 10 13:56
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 13:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 13:56
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      An acerbic @natashavc on trying to achieveNov 10 13:56
TweetSchestowitz                 social change by buying "progressive" toys forNov 10 13:56
TweetSchestowitz                 young girls 10 13:56
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 13:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 13:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Buy Your Daughter All the Butch Dolls You Want, She Still Won't Be Able to Get an Abortion in Texas - The InterceptNov 10 13:56
TweetSchestowitz@techdirt        Veteran Police Officer Defends LawNov 10 13:56
TweetSchestowitz                 Enforcement's Use Of Military Vehicles UsingNov 10 13:56
TweetSchestowitz                 Condescension And Baseless ClaimsNov 10 13:56
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 13:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 13:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Veteran Police Officer Defends Law Enforcement's Use Of Military Vehicles Using Condescension And Baseless Claims | TechdirtNov 10 13:56
TweetSchestowitz@LilianaSegura   Darby Tillis survived death row, so guess INov 10 14:04
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    felt he'd live forever. First exoneree I met.Nov 10 14:04
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     Formative. I will miss him.Nov 10 14:04
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 14:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | Darby Tillis, who fought wrongful convictions after he was freed, dies at 71 - Chicago Sun-TimesNov 10 14:04
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      The Hiam Saban who said these vile thingsNov 10 14:04
TweetSchestowitz                 ( ( 10 14:04
TweetSchestowitz                 will "spend whatever it takes" to elect HillaryNov 10 14:04
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 14:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | Major Democratic Donor: Israel Should "Bomb The Daylights" Out Of IranNov 10 14:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | Billionaires Adelson and Saban, at odds in campaigns, unite on Israel and hit Obama - The Washington PostNov 10 14:04
TweetSchestowitz@Access_Info     El Gobierno ignora las sugerencias para unNov 10 14:05
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Consejo de #Transparencia independiente yNov 10 14:05
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      eficaz. 10 14:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ( @vickyande @civioNov 10 14:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | spain transparency councilNov 10 14:05
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Replica bone-blade from SupernaturalNov 10 14:05
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 14:05
TweetSchestowitz        10 14:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Replica bone-blade from Supernatural - Boing BoingNov 10 14:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Replica bone-blade from Supernatural 10 14:05
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Systemd fallout: Joey Hess quits Debian projectNov 10 14:05
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 14:05
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 14:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Systemd fallout: Joey Hess quits Debian project | Tux MachinesNov 10 14:05
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Kubuntu and Lubuntu 10 14:05
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 14:05
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 14:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kubuntu and Lubuntu | Tux MachinesNov 10 14:05
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu GNOME 14.10 Screenshots TourNov 10 14:06
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 14:06
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 10 14:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu GNOME 14.10 Screenshots Tour | Tux MachinesNov 10 14:06
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        Video:How State-Sponsored #Lotteries Steal fromNov 10 14:08
TweetSchestowitz                 the Poor to Give to the Rich @natashakimizNov 10 14:08
TweetSchestowitz                 @IamJohnOliver 10 14:08
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 14:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | How State-Sponsored Lotteries Steal from the Poor to Give to the Rich - TruthdigNov 10 14:08
TweetSchestowitz@foodfirstorg    "Not all agriculture is about food" - interviewNov 10 14:08
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    w/ @HilalElver New Special Rapporteur on theNov 10 14:08
TweetSchestowitz @truthout       Right to #Food @truthout 10 14:08
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 14:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Right to Food: An Interview With Hilal ElverNov 10 14:08
TweetSchestowitz@JusticeWithJean  Get @MayaSchenwar's new book "Locked Down,Nov 10 14:08
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Locked Out" now. Read an excerpt @truthout:Nov 10 14:08
TweetSchestowitz @truthout ( I'llNov 10 14:08
TweetSchestowitz                 write more about it soon!Nov 10 14:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | Prison Destroys Families and Communities at Society's ExpenseNov 10 14:08
TweetSchestowitz@umairh          I was going to write a long tweet about neverNov 10 14:08
TweetSchestowitz                 saying"Skrillex haircut", but then I realizedNov 10 14:08
TweetSchestowitz                 it's a perfect description of digital culture.Nov 10 14:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:08
TweetSchestowitz@mikk_IPR        For Startups Afraid of Patent Trolls, InsuranceNov 10 14:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( viaNov 10 14:13
TweetSchestowitz @zoobab         @WSJDNov 10 14:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | For Startups Afraid of Patent Trolls, Insurance - Digits - WSJNov 10 14:13
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Systemd fallout: Joey Hess quits DebianNov 10 14:13
TweetSchestowitz                 project: ITwire: The ruckus over the adoptionNov 10 14:13
TweetSchestowitz                 of systemd as the defaul...Nov 10 14:13
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 14:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Systemd fallout: Joey Hess quits Debian projectNov 10 14:13
TweetSchestowitz@TangibleIP_     RT @GiraffeIP: Patent deals to be phased out byNov 10 14:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Germany and the UK - Independent.ieNov 10 14:15
TweetSchestowitz @zoobab ( -Nov 10 14:15
TweetSchestowitz                 Bye Bye Patent BoxNov 10 14:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | Patent deals to be phased out by Germany and the UK - Independent.ieNov 10 14:15
TweetSchestowitz@dimitris_xenos  Of the #patent reviews by the @uspto that wereNov 10 14:18
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    examined by 4 September 2014, only about 13% ofNov 10 14:18
TweetSchestowitz @zoobab         the patents survived 10 14:18
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 14:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:18
-TechrightsSocial/ | Boston Patent Law AssociationNov 10 14:18
TweetSchestowitz@SandRouja       D'un côté le Libre, de l'autre "un grand nombreNov 10 14:18
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    d’innovations logicielles sont brevetables",Nov 10 14:18
TweetSchestowitz @zoobab ( 10 14:18
TweetSchestowitz                 #brevet #logicielNov 10 14:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:18
-TechrightsSocial/ | Informatique : La protection des logiciels - Paris Côte d'AzurNov 10 14:18
TweetSchestowitz@davidgerard     I r real Python porgramer now. I just gotNov 10 14:18
TweetSchestowitz                 bitten by significant whitespace.Nov 10 14:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:18
TweetSchestowitz@FACTmag         .@AphexTwin just gave away a 21-track modularNov 10 14:19
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    synth album! Plus demos and more – downloadNov 10 14:19
TweetSchestowitz @umairh         now: ( 10 14:19
TweetSchestowitz        10 14:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | Aphex Twin gives away 21-track modular synth album plus a bundle of demos and studio experiments – FACT Magazine: Music News, New Music.Nov 10 14:19
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@FACTmag: .@AphexTwin just gave away a 21-track modular synth album! Plus demos and more – download now: 10 14:19
TweetSchestowitz@hcatlin         Watching Fox News is like reading alternateNov 10 14:19
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    historical fiction.Nov 10 14:19
TweetSchestowitz @davidgerard    Nov 10 14:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:19
TweetSchestowitz@hcatlin         That feeling you have when a friend explainsNov 10 14:19
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the idea for the startup they just got a job atNov 10 14:19
TweetSchestowitz @davidgerard    and it sounds ridiculously bad.Nov 10 14:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:19
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: Welcome relief for prostatitsNov 10 14:19
TweetSchestowitz        10 14:19
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 14:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:19
TweetSchestowitz@LauraMuth1      US politicians basically the only ones stillNov 10 14:20
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    convinced Hamas used human shields in mostNov 10 14:20
TweetSchestowitz @truthout       recent hostilities 10 14:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 14:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | Congress Utilizes Myth of "Human Shields" to Justify War CrimesNov 10 14:21
TweetSchestowitz@aaronmiguel_    ICYMI: Fort Lauderdale arrested a 90 yr old vetNov 10 14:21
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    for feeding homeless to preserve real estateNov 10 14:21
TweetSchestowitz @truthout       values ( 10 14:21
TweetSchestowitz                 cc @avitaleNov 10 14:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Did Fort Lauderdale Police Arrest an Old Man for Feeding Homeless People?Nov 10 14:21
TweetSchestowitz@alrich0660      #EAW For legal background on issues re EuropeanNov 10 14:21
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Arrest Warrant: 10 14:21
TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks      ( Or same +Nov 10 14:21
TweetSchestowitz                 effects on #Assange: 10 14:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | What are the perceived problems with the European Arrest Warrant? | Thinking legallyNov 10 14:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 14:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | Theresa May and the European Arrest Warrant: Assange awaits her decision | Alrich BlogNov 10 14:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:21
TweetSchestowitz@alphabetsuccess  You are running out.Nov 10 14:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Nov 10 14:29
TweetSchestowitz @umairh         Of moments.Nov 10 14:29
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 10 14:29
TweetSchestowitz                 Of chances.Nov 10 14:29
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 10 14:29
TweetSchestowitz                 Of reasons.Nov 10 14:29
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 10 14:29
TweetSchestowitz                 To become the person you were put here toNov 10 14:29
TweetSchestowitz                 become.Nov 10 14:29
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 10 14:29
TweetSchestowitz                 - @umairh #pursueYOUNov 10 14:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:29
TweetSchestowitz@mattduss        Which he doesn't recognize MT @BarakRavid:Nov 10 14:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    BREAKING: Netanyahu calls on Israeli Arabs whoNov 10 14:30
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     demonstrate against govt to "Move to Palestine"Nov 10 14:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:30
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        1003 words on UTOPIA (working title), a novelNov 10 14:30
TweetSchestowitz                 for adults #dailywords [total to date: 159853]Nov 10 14:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:30
TweetSchestowitz@umairh          "Health goth"? Alexander Wang for H&M as someNov 10 14:38
TweetSchestowitz                 kind of trendsetter? This is the kind of thingNov 10 14:38
TweetSchestowitz                 that makes people eye-roll at fashion.Nov 10 14:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:38
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      I'm so old I remember when deciding Hillary hadNov 10 14:38
TweetSchestowitz                 an election won 2 years before that electionNov 10 14:38
TweetSchestowitz                 was held was a bad idea.Nov 10 14:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:38
TweetSchestowitz@umairh          Sorry. I'm cranky. The hipster cafe is playingNov 10 14:38
TweetSchestowitz                 super twee countrified sadcore hipster folk andNov 10 14:38
TweetSchestowitz                 it's slowly driving me nuts.Nov 10 14:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:38
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      1,501,043 drug arrests in 2013.Nov 10 14:38
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 14:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:38
-TechrightsSocial/ | FBI — Crime Statistics for 2013 ReleasedNov 10 14:38
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: balkanfugazi: "putin, accelerate theNov 10 14:42
TweetSchestowitz                 development of half life 3"Nov 10 14:42
TweetSchestowitz        10 14:42
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 14:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:43
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      One advantage of not prosecuting banks is noNov 10 14:43
TweetSchestowitz                 one has to admit value of bank theft FARNov 10 14:43
TweetSchestowitz                 exceeds $4.5B burglary losses.Nov 10 14:43
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 14:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:43
TweetSchestowitz@AdV007          @glynmoody Good piece from @Webwereld aboutNov 10 14:46
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    possible methods of #TOR discovery in operationNov 10 14:46
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #Onymous (dutch) 10 14:46
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #privacyNov 10 14:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hoe kon de politie Silk Road 2.0 op Tor traceren? - ComputerworldNov 10 14:46
TweetSchestowitz@virgiliocorrado  @doctorow Obama says FCC should reclassifyNov 10 14:46
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    internet as a utility 10 14:46
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       ( 10 14:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama says FCC should reclassify internet as a utility | The VergeNov 10 14:46
TweetSchestowitz@saladinahmed    @doctorow It's about ethics in...oh, neverNov 10 14:51
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    mind.Nov 10 14:51
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Nov 10 14:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:51
TweetSchestowitz@KarlBode        lawyers gonna get PAID, sonNov 10 14:57
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Nov 10 14:57
TweetSchestowitz @mmasnick       Nov 10 14:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:57
TweetSchestowitz@umairh          -> “@gpetriglieri: Managers don't need a skillsNov 10 14:57
TweetSchestowitz                 upgrade. It is management that needs a wholeNov 10 14:57
TweetSchestowitz                 new meaning.”Nov 10 14:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:57
TweetSchestowitz@umairh          I'm happy to know I'm not the only disappointedNov 10 14:57
TweetSchestowitz                 by Alexander Wang / h&m. Its also boring howNov 10 14:57
TweetSchestowitz                 he's turning balenciaga into sad streetwear.Nov 10 14:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:57
TweetSchestowitz@umairh          Why can't we just let "brands" die or keepNov 10 14:57
TweetSchestowitz                 making the classics? Why does an Alexander WangNov 10 14:57
TweetSchestowitz                 have to kill the essence of cristobalNov 10 14:57
TweetSchestowitz                 balenciaga?Nov 10 14:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 14:57
TweetSchestowitz@tparsi          .@TarekFatah Deliberately lying or justNov 10 15:00
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    misinformed? He was hanged for killing a judge,Nov 10 15:00
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     not an activist. See BBC 10 15:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 15:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC NEWS | Middle East | Tehran killers hanged in publicNov 10 15:00
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        Is an Official Independence Referendum forNov 10 15:00
TweetSchestowitz                 #Catalonia 'Inevitable'? 10 15:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 15:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is an Official Independence Referendum for Catalonia ‘Inevitable’? - TruthdigNov 10 15:00
TweetSchestowitz@WhiteHouse      I'm urging the @FCC to keep the internet openNov 10 15:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    and free. Here's my plan to protectNov 10 15:01
TweetSchestowitz @mmasnick       #NetNeutrality for everyone:Nov 10 15:01
TweetSchestowitz        ( –boNov 10 15:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | Net Neutrality: President Obama's Plan for a Free and Open Internet | The White HouseNov 10 15:01
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Net Neutrality fight is prolly going toNov 10 15:01
TweetSchestowitz                 intersect w/surveillance fight & w/Nov 10 15:01
TweetSchestowitz                 cybersecurity fight in interesting ways soon.Nov 10 15:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:01
TweetSchestowitz@gpetriglieri    Until we change the meaning of managment,Nov 10 15:05
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    organizations will continue to suck at theNov 10 15:05
TweetSchestowitz @umairh         managment of meaning.Nov 10 15:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:05
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Skull facemask/kerchiefs 10 15:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 15:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Skull facemask/kerchiefs - Boing BoingNov 10 15:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Skull facemask/kerchiefs 10 15:05
TweetSchestowitz@mgeist          Ontario Provincial Police Recommend EndingNov 10 15:06
TweetSchestowitz                 Anonymity on the InternetNov 10 15:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 15:06
TweetSchestowitz        10 15:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ontario Provincial Police Recommend Ending Anonymity on the Internet - Michael GeistNov 10 15:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mgeist: Ontario Provincial Police Recommend Ending Anonymity on the Internet 10 15:06
TweetSchestowitz@xpectro         RT @bella_velo @markswartz: How copyright lawNov 10 15:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    could get you killed”Nov 10 15:13
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( #openpie @RedPaTo2 @glynmoodyNov 10 15:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | How copyright law could get you killed - VoxNov 10 15:13
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      KDE Developer Aaron Seigo Joins Kolab Systems:Nov 10 15:14
TweetSchestowitz        ( SeigoNov 10 15:14
TweetSchestowitz                 explains, "Kolab is a complete end...Nov 10 15:14
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 15:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | | The source for Linux informationNov 10 15:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - KDE Developer Aaron Seigo Joins Kolab SystemsNov 10 15:14
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       (mis)Communicating #TTIP -Nov 10 15:14
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 15:14
TweetSchestowitz                 the @EU_Commission's fightback has begun, butNov 10 15:14
TweetSchestowitz                 luckily we have the facts on our side...Nov 10 15:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | (mis)Communicating TTIP | Corporate Europe ObservatoryNov 10 15:14
TweetSchestowitz@runasand        Silk Road 2 affidavit doesn't explain how theNov 10 15:20
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    FBI found the server, but covers opsec fail,Nov 10 15:20
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian      physical surveillance and use of a penNov 10 15:20
TweetSchestowitz                 register.Nov 10 15:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:20
TweetSchestowitz@TechJournalist  Firefox @10: How Mozilla Succeeded and Why itNov 10 15:20
TweetSchestowitz                 has now Failed 10 15:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 15:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Firefox @10: How Mozilla Succeeded and Why it has now Failed - InternetNews.Nov 10 15:20
TweetSchestowitz@csoghoian       What kind of networking cable is the WhiteNov 10 15:22
TweetSchestowitz                 House using for their Net Neutrality push? ItNov 10 15:22
TweetSchestowitz                 doesn't look like Ethernet.Nov 10 15:22
TweetSchestowitz        10 15:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@WhiteHouse: It's time to keep the internet open and free. Read President Obama's plan → #NetNeutrality 10 15:22
TweetSchestowitz@davidgerard     WARNING POTENTIALLY FATAL LEVELS OF CUTENov 10 15:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Net Neutrality: President Obama's Plan for a Free and Open Internet | The White HouseNov 10 15:22
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 15:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:22
-TechrightsSocial/ | cute puppy hugging a cat - YouTubeNov 10 15:22
TweetSchestowitz@NateWessler     Good explanation of how local cops areNov 10 15:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    blundering around with Stingray cell phoneNov 10 15:22
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian      trackers w/o oversight. 10 15:22
TweetSchestowitz                 ( by @KlonickNov 10 15:22
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stingrays, IMSI catchers: How local law enforcement uses an invasive surveillance tool.Nov 10 15:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:22
TweetSchestowitz@ISDM27          @csoghoian apple lightning chargers should beNov 10 15:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    reclassified as a telecom service!Nov 10 15:22
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian      Nov 10 15:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:22
TweetSchestowitz@crthomas42      @csoghoian Looks like a micro usb and a iPhoneNov 10 15:32
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    5+ cable. Maybe they're tethering?Nov 10 15:32
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian      Nov 10 15:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:32
TweetSchestowitz@techdirt        Surprise: President Obama Calls For Real NetNov 10 15:32
TweetSchestowitz                 Neutrality 10 15:32
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 15:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | Surprise: President Obama Calls For Real Net Neutrality | TechdirtNov 10 15:32
TweetSchestowitz@nakashimae      News of China hacking US Postal Service comesNov 10 15:33
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    as Obama is in Beijing for high-level talks.Nov 10 15:33
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian ( 10 15:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | China suspected of breaching U.S. Postal Service computer networks - The Washington PostNov 10 15:33
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  Flying of #drones at #stadiums prompts #safetyNov 10 15:33
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    concerns. And, um, #privacy too if #surveillingNov 10 15:33
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  & photographing 10 15:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 15:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | The flying of unauthorized drones at stadiums prompts safety concerns - The Washington PostNov 10 15:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:33
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  #DarkWeb consultant says criminals madeNov 10 15:37
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    “hundreds of millions $$” hacking banks. True?Nov 10 15:37
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Thought they just stole info.Nov 10 15:37
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 15:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 10 15:37
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photoset: steampunktendencies: Regal Cats inNov 10 15:37
TweetSchestowitz                 Oil by Eldar Zakirov [ via uggly ]Nov 10 15:37
TweetSchestowitz        10 15:37
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 15:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:37
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      American political culture, captured in aNov 10 15:41
TweetSchestowitz                 single headline 10 15:41
TweetSchestowitz                 ( (via @billmon1)Nov 10 15:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | George W. Bush likes idea of Jeb Bush vs Hillary Clinton in 2016 | ReutersNov 10 15:41
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        The Billion Dollar a Month Club: A RunawayNov 10 15:41
TweetSchestowitz                 Transfer of Wealth to the Super-RichNov 10 15:41
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 15:41
TweetSchestowitz                 #inequalityNov 10 15:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Billion Dollar a Month Club: A Runaway Transfer of Wealth to the Super-RichNov 10 15:41
TweetSchestowitz@AP              AP NewsBreak: USAID concealed undercover workNov 10 15:41
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    in Cuba, hostile countries; prepares rules toNov 10 15:41
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  end covert program: 10 15:41
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 15:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | Aid agency rules would ban risky undercover workNov 10 15:41
TweetSchestowitz@VICEUK          Welcome to VICE's special week of contentNov 10 15:41
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    written by, for and about the inmates atNov 10 15:41
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   Guantánamo Bay: 10 15:41
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 15:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | Behind the Bars: Guantánamo Bay | VICE | United KingdomNov 10 15:41
TweetSchestowitz@oscarrickettnow  Been editing this for a while. Stories fromNov 10 15:42
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Guantanamo Bay, many by detainees. A big @VICENov 10 15:42
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   project. All pieces here:Nov 10 15:42
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 15:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:42
TweetSchestowitz@YourAnonNews    America’s dystopian new normal: EndlessNov 10 15:42
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    suspicion, limitless spyingNov 10 15:42
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 ( 10 15:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | America’s dystopian new normal: Endless suspicion, limitless spying - Salon.comNov 10 15:42
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      "Loretta Lynch had 1 of 6 votes in appointmentNov 10 15:45
TweetSchestowitz                 process that eventually put someone namedNov 10 15:45
TweetSchestowitz                 Timothy Geithner in charge."Nov 10 15:45
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 15:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | Loretta Lynch’s Wall Street friends: What you should know about AG nominee’s finance past - Salon.comNov 10 15:45
TweetSchestowitz@Whistler_News   The Whistler presents: TheNov 10 15:45
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Whistleblower....Join us Nov 27. Book yourNov 10 15:45
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  places now! 10 15:45
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 15:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | Film night with the Whistler | THE WHISTLERNov 10 15:45
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    My contribution to @VICEUK's amazing #GitmoNov 10 15:56
TweetSchestowitz                 edition. Obama and Bush: How Do the PresidentsNov 10 15:56
TweetSchestowitz                 Compare on Guantánamo? 10 15:56
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 15:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama and Bush: How Do the Presidents Compare on Guantánamo Bay? | VICE | United KingdomNov 10 15:56
TweetSchestowitz@beenishfahmed   "We don't ask about the efficacy...of genocideNov 10 15:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    or rape. Torture is immoral & always illegal."Nov 10 15:56
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   @amnesty to @vicenews: 10 15:56
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 15:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Senate Report on CIA Interrogation Is About to Reignite Debate Over the Killing of Osama Bin Laden | VICE NewsNov 10 15:56
TweetSchestowitz@campd           While you're trying out Firefox DeveloperNov 10 15:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Edition, read up on the future of Firebug:Nov 10 15:56
TweetSchestowitz @TechJournalist ( 10 15:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 15:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Getfirebug Blog » Blog Archive » Firebug 3 – next generation of FirebugNov 10 15:56
TweetSchestowitz@sjvn            802.11ac picks up wi-fi speed in businesses viaNov 10 16:03
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @ZDNet ( 10 16:03
TweetSchestowitz @TechJournalist  #WiFI by @sjvnNov 10 16:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | 802.11ac picks up wi-fi speed in businesses | ZDNetNov 10 16:03
TweetSchestowitz@mmasnick        A complete travesty that @brokep was ever inNov 10 16:03
TweetSchestowitz                 jail. Glad to see he's been released. LookingNov 10 16:03
TweetSchestowitz                 forward to what he does next.Nov 10 16:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:03
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      As Giuiliani ran on "a noun, a verb, & 9/11,"Nov 10 16:03
TweetSchestowitz                 Ted Cruz appears to be running on "[policy] isNov 10 16:03
TweetSchestowitz                 Obamacare for [noun]."Nov 10 16:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:03
TweetSchestowitz@csoghoian       The president is committed to an open Internet,Nov 10 16:05
TweetSchestowitz                 but doesn't seem too concerned about privacy orNov 10 16:05
TweetSchestowitz                 injection of malware. 10 16:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@csoghoian: The president is committed to an open Internet, but doesn't seem too concerned about privacy or injection of malware. 10 16:05
TweetSchestowitz@AlisonFrankel   Injured U.S. soldiers and families of troopsNov 10 16:05
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    killed in Iraq sue StanChart, Barclays, CreditNov 10 16:05
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     Suisse, RBS and HSBC under Anti-Terrorism ActNov 10 16:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:05
TweetSchestowitz@mgeist          Should using the Internet be subject to aNov 10 16:12
TweetSchestowitz                 licence like a drivers’ licence? The OPP seemsNov 10 16:12
TweetSchestowitz                 to think so 10 16:12
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 16:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:12
TweetSchestowitz@jurogumo        @csoghoian let's be fair, there could very wellNov 10 16:12
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    be government computers running browsers thatNov 10 16:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ontario Provincial Police Recommend Ending Anonymity on the Internet - Michael GeistNov 10 16:12
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian      don't understand TLSNov 10 16:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:12
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Lubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn : Simple,Nov 10 16:12
TweetSchestowitz                 Lightweight and Support for Low-end Machines:Nov 10 16:12
TweetSchestowitz                  UbuntuPortal: As officia...Nov 10 16:12
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 16:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Lubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn : Simple, Lightweight and Support for Low-end MachinesNov 10 16:12
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Tim Minchin's Storm, a magnificent rant aboutNov 10 16:15
TweetSchestowitz                 woo and the miracle of reality (the book)Nov 10 16:15
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 16:15
TweetSchestowitz        10 16:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tim Minchin's Storm, a magnificent rant about woo and the miracle of reality (the book) - Boing BoingNov 10 16:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Tim Minchin's Storm, a magnificent rant about woo and the miracle of reality (the book) 10 16:15
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Election Results Indicate Huge Mandate for NewNov 10 16:16
TweetSchestowitz                 Trade Pacts 10 16:16
TweetSchestowitz                 ( @DeanBaker13 #TTIP #TPPNov 10 16:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | Election Results Indicate Huge Mandate for New Trade PactsNov 10 16:16
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      To be fair Italians prolly got asked how manyNov 10 16:21
TweetSchestowitz                 teenagers Berlusconi dated which is even harderNov 10 16:21
TweetSchestowitz                 than "teen pregnancy" QNov 10 16:21
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 16:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | Way to Go, Americans: We’re Almost as Ignorant as Italians  - BloombergNov 10 16:21
TweetSchestowitz@grimmelm        @csoghoian It's open to malware.Nov 10 16:21
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Nov 10 16:21
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian      Nov 10 16:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:21
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    This #Guantanamo series is truly spectacularNov 10 16:21
TweetSchestowitz                 and a #mustread. 10 16:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 16:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | Behind the Bars: Guantánamo Bay | VICE | United KingdomNov 10 16:21
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Obama tells the FCC to class the InternetNov 10 16:22
TweetSchestowitz                 (including mobile!) as a "utility"Nov 10 16:22
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 16:22
TweetSchestowitz        10 16:22
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama tells the FCC to class the Internet (including mobile!) as a "utility" - Boing BoingNov 10 16:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Obama tells the FCC to class the Internet (including mobile!) as a "utility" 10 16:22
TweetSchestowitz@runasand        Many of the seized .onion sites were hosted byNov 10 16:24
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the same provider in Bulgaria:Nov 10 16:24
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian ( 10 16:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:24
-TechrightsSocial/ | 129 Of the Seized ".Onion" Domains Were at a Single Bulgarian Hosting - Deep Dot WebNov 10 16:24
TweetSchestowitz@SenTedCruz      "Net Neutrality" is Obamacare for the Internet;Nov 10 16:24
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the Internet should not operate at the speed ofNov 10 16:24
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian      government.Nov 10 16:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:24
TweetSchestowitz@ddayen          Lawsky leaving for the private sector would beNov 10 16:31
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    a big regulatory loss. 10 16:31
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     ( 10 16:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exodus from Gov. Cuomo begins - NY Daily NewsNov 10 16:31
TweetSchestowitz@APDiploWriter   DETROIT (AP) - US jury finds #PalestinianNov 10 16:31
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    immigrant Rasmea Odeh guilty of not disclosingNov 10 16:31
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     conviction in fatal bombing.Nov 10 16:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:31
TweetSchestowitz@techdirt        Demonizing Strong Encryption: Welcome To TheNov 10 16:33
TweetSchestowitz                 Crypto Wars 2.0 10 16:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 16:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Demonizing Strong Encryption: Welcome To The Crypto Wars 2.0 | TechdirtNov 10 16:33
*TweetSchestowitz @ioerror retweeted @techdirt: 'Demonizing Strong Encryption: Welcome To The Crypto Wars...'Nov 10 16:33
TweetSchestowitz@puellavulnerata  Can anyone who can read Bulgarian look atNov 10 16:34
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( andNov 10 16:34
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        confirm that 10 16:34
TweetSchestowitz                 ( is correct?Nov 10 16:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | SANS - Information | SANSNov 10 16:34
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       LIVE: UK parliament debates dropping EuropeanNov 10 16:34
TweetSchestowitz                 Arrest Warrant which has detained AssangeNov 10 16:34
TweetSchestowitz                 without charge for 4 yearsNov 10 16:34
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 16:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | PlayerNov 10 16:35
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         Help the @torproject to understand this articleNov 10 16:35
TweetSchestowitz                 relating to the recent Tor HS theft:Nov 10 16:35
TweetSchestowitz        ( We'dNov 10 16:35
TweetSchestowitz                 appreciate a translation!Nov 10 16:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:35
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@puellavulnerata: Can anyone who can read Bulgarian look at and confirm that is correct?Nov 10 16:35
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       LIVE: UK parliament debates dropping EuropeanNov 10 16:37
TweetSchestowitz                 Arrest Warrant which has detained AssangeNov 10 16:37
TweetSchestowitz                 without charge for 4 yearsNov 10 16:37
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 16:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC iPlayer - Watch BBC Parliament liveNov 10 16:37
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         Introducing Polaris Privacy Initiative toNov 10 16:37
TweetSchestowitz                 Accelerate User-focused Privacy Online:Nov 10 16:37
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 16:37
TweetSchestowitz                 #mozilla #tor #anonymity #privacyNov 10 16:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | Introducing Polaris Privacy Initiative to Accelerate User-focused Privacy Online | Mozilla Privacy BlogNov 10 16:37
*TweetSchestowitz @ioerror retweeted @wikileaks: 'LIVE: UK parliament debates dropping European Arrest Warrant...'Nov 10 16:40
TweetSchestowitz@FreeBarrett_    Last day to submit a letter to BB's judge:Nov 10 16:40
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    print, sign & e-mail toNov 10 16:40
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror or fax 214-744-3015Nov 10 16:40
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 16:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:40
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Nov 10 16:40
TweetSchestowitz@mgeist          RT @josh_wingrove: Access to Info watchdogNov 10 16:47
TweetSchestowitz                 agency is basically broke, needs funding toNov 10 16:47
TweetSchestowitz                 fulfill mandate: 10 16:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 16:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | Information watchdog says cash crunch endangers Canadians’ access rights - The Globe and MailNov 10 16:47
TweetSchestowitz@johnknefel      The proposed Yemen rehab center for ex-GitmoNov 10 16:47
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    detainees is at a standstill. My latest, forNov 10 16:47
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   @VICE ( 10 16:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | Yemen’s Proposed Rehabilitation Center Isn’t Making Much Progress | VICE | United StatesNov 10 16:47
TweetSchestowitz@NYCLU           BREAKING: NYPD to stop arresting for low-levelNov 10 16:48
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    marijuana charges, will issue tickets instead:Nov 10 16:48
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel ( 10 16:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | NYPD to stop arresting for low-level marijuana charges, will issue tickets instead: source - NY Daily NewsNov 10 16:48
TweetSchestowitz@oscarrickettnow  Detainees at Guantanamo Bay are not allowed toNov 10 16:49
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    read "Crime and Punishment". @rezaaslan wroteNov 10 16:49
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   about it for @VICEUK 10 16:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 16:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Crime and Punishment' by Fyodor Dostoyevsky | VICE | United KingdomNov 10 16:49
TweetSchestowitz@oscarrickettnow  James Yee went from being a Lutheran West PointNov 10 16:49
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    graduate to being a Muslim chaplain atNov 10 16:49
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   Guantanamo. I spoke to him:Nov 10 16:49
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 16:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Trials of Being the Only Imam at Guantánamo Bay | VICE | United KingdomNov 10 16:49
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: amandapalmer: (NSFW!!) ONE DAY LEFT TILNov 10 16:51
TweetSchestowitz                 BOOK DROP!!!!! neil just landed (it’s hisNov 10 16:51
TweetSchestowitz                 birthday today, go... 10 16:51
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 16:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:51
TweetSchestowitz@VICEUK          'The Declaration of No Human Rights' byNov 10 16:51
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #ShakerAamer: 10 16:51
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   ( 10 16:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Declaration of No Human Rights | VICE | United KingdomNov 10 16:51
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@VICEUK: 'The Declaration of No Human Rights' by #ShakerAamer: 10 16:51
TweetSchestowitz@NROLAH          I asked @IrvineWelsh why Trainspotting might beNov 10 16:51
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    banned inside GITMO. Spoiler: he has absolutelyNov 10 16:51
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   no idea. ( 10 16:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'Trainspotting' by Irvine Welsh | VICE | United KingdomNov 10 16:51
TweetSchestowitz@UK_CAGE         Colonel John Bogdan Has No Nose, a short storyNov 10 16:53
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    by Shaker Aamer, still held at GuantanamoNov 10 16:53
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   without charge or trial 10 16:53
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 16:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | Colonel John Bogdan Has No Nose | VICE | United KingdomNov 10 16:53
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        An Australian thinktank’s data challenges #coalNov 10 16:53
TweetSchestowitz                 industry claims that it drives economicNov 10 16:53
TweetSchestowitz                 growth... 10 16:53
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 16:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Wrench Thrown Into Coal’s Publicity Machine - TruthdigNov 10 16:53
TweetSchestowitz@mcsweeneys      Read an excerpt from Cory @doctorow's book onNov 10 16:53
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    copyright, INFORMATION DOESN'T WANT TO BE FREENov 10 16:53
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow ( 10 16:53
TweetSchestowitz                 @TechCrunchNov 10 16:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Information Doesn’t Want To Be Free | TechCrunchNov 10 16:53
TweetSchestowitz@natashakimiz    Setting fire to a palace door built for CortésNov 10 16:58
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    is a symbol for a country wary ofNov 10 16:58
TweetSchestowitz @Truthdig       state-sponsored violence #YaMeCanseNov 10 16:58
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 16:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | #YaMeCanse: Mexico Turmoil Reaches Boiling Point as Protests Over Students’ Disappearance Continue - TruthdigNov 10 16:58
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Symposium: Mass #Surveillance — When RealityNov 10 16:58
TweetSchestowitz                 Exceeds The Fiction - 10 16:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( impressive line-up ofNov 10 16:58
TweetSchestowitz                 speakersNov 10 16:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | Symposium: Mass Surveillance — When Reality Exceeds The Fiction | La Quadrature du NetNov 10 16:58
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      HLS lackey! RT @sarahjeong: Believe it or notNov 10 16:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ted cruz is not a stupid manNov 10 16:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:58
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      WashPost: UAE is a really nice country becauseNov 10 16:58
TweetSchestowitz                 it bombs the bad people we don't like & buysNov 10 16:58
TweetSchestowitz                 lots of our weapons 10 16:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 16:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 16:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | In the UAE, the United States has a quiet, potent ally nicknamed ‘Little Sparta’ - The Washington PostNov 10 16:58
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       TTIP Update XLII - 10 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ( big: independentNov 10 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 study predicts "European disintegration,Nov 10 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 unemployment & instability" from #TTIPNov 10 17:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Update XLII - Technology Blog and Community from IT Experts - ComputerworldUK.comNov 10 17:00
TweetSchestowitz@SusanElizabeth  great GRITtv segment on Alaska's sexNov 10 17:00
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    trafficking laws, a cop says cops raping sexNov 10 17:00
TweetSchestowitz @truthout       workers is "just gonna happen":Nov 10 17:00
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 17:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | More Harm Than Good: Sex Trafficking Law in Anchorage, AlaskaNov 10 17:00
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      Strange how the knives suddenly came out forNov 10 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 Valarie Jarrett. Usually DC reveresNov 10 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 all-powerful WH aids (Rahm, Rove). Why notNov 10 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 here?Nov 10 17:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:00
*TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald deleted 'Strange how the knives suddenly came out for...'Nov 10 17:00
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      Strange how the knives suddenly came out forNov 10 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 Valarie Jarrett. Usually DC reveresNov 10 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 all-powerful WH aides (Rahm, Rove). Why notNov 10 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 here?Nov 10 17:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:00
TweetSchestowitz@keegan_hamilton  What does post-Gitmo rehab look like?Nov 10 17:02
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @katieengelhart on a Kuwaiti man's return homeNov 10 17:02
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   after 13 years of detention:Nov 10 17:02
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 17:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | Life After Guantanamo: The Rehabilitation Program for Kuwait's Released Inmate | VICE NewsNov 10 17:02
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        The Case for Closing Down Women's PrisonsNov 10 17:02
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 17:02
TweetSchestowitz                 #incarceration #prison #prisonsNov 10 17:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Case for Closing Down Women's PrisonsNov 10 17:02
TweetSchestowitz@JackofKent      So the High Court and Court of Appeal *refuse*Nov 10 17:03
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    to grant a "prior restraint" injunction againstNov 10 17:03
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      a media organization.Nov 10 17:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:03
TweetSchestowitz@digiges         Obama äußert sich zu #Netzneutralität und zeigtNov 10 17:04
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    damit Merkel & Co, wie DiskriminierungsfreiheitNov 10 17:04
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      richtig geht. 10 17:04
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 17:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | Netzneutralität: Obama als Vorbild für Merkel? › Digitale GesellschaftNov 10 17:04
TweetSchestowitz@skullmandible   this is like watching a horse trying to doNov 10 17:04
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    calculus by clopping its hoof to countNov 10 17:04
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody 10 17:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:04
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@skullmandible: this is like watching a horse trying to do calculus by clopping its hoof to count 10 17:04
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Linux 3.18 rc4: Linus Torvalds: Hey, things areNov 10 17:05
TweetSchestowitz                 finally calming down. 10 17:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 17:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Linux 3.18 rc4Nov 10 17:05
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     The number of groups (NGOs and whistleblowers)Nov 10 17:05
TweetSchestowitz                 that leak information to #techrights about #epoNov 10 17:05
TweetSchestowitz                 keeps growingNov 10 17:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:05
TweetSchestowitz@BiellaColeman   Book Excerpt: Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower,Nov 10 17:05
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Spy “My Best Hacker Source Was Snitching forNov 10 17:05
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      the Feds” ( 10 17:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | My Best Hacker Source Was Snitching for the Feds — Backchannel — MediumNov 10 17:05
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Urban druid 10 17:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 17:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Urban druid - Boing BoingNov 10 17:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Urban druid 10 17:05
TweetSchestowitz@PCGTW           Pres #Obama: Who's side are u on? #TPP's #ISDSNov 10 17:05
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    undermines #democracy, hurts working families.Nov 10 17:05
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 10 17:05
TweetSchestowitz        10 17:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stop Fast Track! Stop the TPP!Nov 10 17:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: Pres #Obama: Who's side are u on? #TPP's #ISDS undermines #democracy, hurts working families. 10 17:05
*TweetSchestowitz @ioerror retweeted @BiellaColeman: 'Book Excerpt: Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy “My Best...'Nov 10 17:06
TweetSchestowitz@ncte            . @doctorow is #ncte14 secondary luncheonNov 10 17:06
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    speaker (contact NCTE by 11/12 to orderNov 10 17:06
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       ticket): ( 10 17:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 17:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 400 @ )Nov 10 17:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | - image uploaded by @ncteNov 10 17:06
TweetSchestowitz@muskrat_john    @doctorow "Reduce Theme Park Lines? Invest inNov 10 17:08
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    New Attractions!" 10 17:08
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       ( <<-- Thought you might findNov 10 17:08
TweetSchestowitz                 this interesting.Nov 10 17:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | Reduce Theme Park Lines? Invest in New Attractions | DIS BlogNov 10 17:08
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Surprise: President Obama Calls For RealNov 10 17:08
TweetSchestowitz                 #NetNeutrality - 10 17:08
TweetSchestowitz                 ( that's welcome...Nov 10 17:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | Surprise: President Obama Calls For Real Net Neutrality | TechdirtNov 10 17:08
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Demonizing Strong #Encryption: Welcome To TheNov 10 17:10
TweetSchestowitz                 Crypto Wars 2.0 - 10 17:10
TweetSchestowitz                 ( this is going to be bad:Nov 10 17:10
TweetSchestowitz                 defend privacy nowNov 10 17:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | Demonizing Strong Encryption: Welcome To The Crypto Wars 2.0 | TechdirtNov 10 17:10
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photoset: mollycrabapple: Guantanamo detaineeNov 10 17:10
TweetSchestowitz                 Shaker Aamer wrote an allegory about GuantanamoNov 10 17:10
TweetSchestowitz                 Bay for VICE.... 10 17:10
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 17:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:10
TweetSchestowitz@gchampeau       The Pirate Bay : Peter Sunde libre après 7 moisNov 10 17:11
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    de prison 10 17:11
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( via @NumeramaNov 10 17:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Pirate Bay : Peter Sunde libre après 7 mois de prisonNov 10 17:11
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         Introducing Polaris Privacy Initiative toNov 10 17:11
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Accelerate User-focused Privacy Online:Nov 10 17:11
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 10 17:11
TweetSchestowitz                 #mozilla #tor #anonymity #privacyNov 10 17:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Introducing Polaris Privacy Initiative to Accelerate User-focused Privacy Online | Mozilla Privacy BlogNov 10 17:11
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #microsoft #windows - not some FOSS bug with aNov 10 17:12
TweetSchestowitz                 logo and name -- punished #homedepot andNov 10 17:12
TweetSchestowitz                 millions of customers 10 17:12
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 17:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | Home Depot credit card hack details: Windows computer found guilty | BGRNov 10 17:12
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      Last day to submit letters for Barrett BrownNov 10 17:12
TweetSchestowitz                 leniency 10 17:12
TweetSchestowitz                 ( - @carr2n on whyNov 10 17:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Nov 10 17:12
TweetSchestowitz                 journalists should care 10 17:12
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 17:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 10 17:13
TweetSchestowitz@MichaelPDeacon  Ukip fans attacking me re the new party I'veNov 10 17:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    launched, Ukep. Typical Establishment responseNov 10 17:15
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      - they're running scared 10 17:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MichaelPDeacon: Ukip fans attacking me re the new party I've launched, Ukep. Typical Establishment response - they're running scared 10 17:15
TweetSchestowitz@corporateeurope  REVEALED: internal docs show Commission &Nov 10 17:16
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Council plans to counter #TTIP oppositionNov 10 17:16
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 10 17:16
TweetSchestowitz        10 17:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | (mis)Communicating TTIP | Corporate Europe ObservatoryNov 10 17:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@pascoesabido: REVEALED: internal docs show Commission & Council plans to counter #TTIP opposition 10 17:16
TweetSchestowitz@mgeist          RT @arminaligaya: Obama calls on FCC to banNov 10 17:16
TweetSchestowitz                 paid internet fast lanes, in support of netNov 10 17:16
TweetSchestowitz                 neutrality 10 17:16
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 17:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | Internet Should Be Open, No Fast or Slow Lanes, Obama Says - BloombergNov 10 17:16
TweetSchestowitz@hunterwalk      My plan for Net Neutrality: execs at broadbandNov 10 17:16
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    providers (& their families) throttled to speedNov 10 17:16
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      of worst performing nodes in their networksNov 10 17:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:16
TweetSchestowitz@netzpolitik     Deutsche Wirtschafts-Nachrichten schicken unsNov 10 17:16
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Abmahnung wegen unserer Kritik und wegenNov 10 17:16
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Einbindung eines ZDF-Videos!Nov 10 17:16
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 17:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten schicken uns Abmahnung | netzpolitik.orgNov 10 17:16
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      Silicon Valley has blessed us with visionaryNov 10 17:23
TweetSchestowitz                 prophets, unveiling the most profound wisdomNov 10 17:23
TweetSchestowitz        ( (viaNov 10 17:23
TweetSchestowitz                 @trill_pikachu)Nov 10 17:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@pmarca: If Obama is both a massive disappointment to liberals and a crazed ideologue to conservatives, maybe the problem isn't him--maybe it's us.Nov 10 17:23
TweetSchestowitz@charlottejee    MoD scientists publish open source code onNov 10 17:23
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    GitHub for first time - 10 17:23
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( > this is prettyNov 10 17:23
TweetSchestowitz                 cool!Nov 10 17:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 400 @ )Nov 10 17:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:23
TweetSchestowitz@TechJournalist  U.S. Postal Service Breach Puts Employees, SomeNov 10 17:26
TweetSchestowitz                 Customers at Risk 10 17:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 17:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:26
-TechrightsSocial/ | U.S. Postal Service Breach Puts Employees, Some Customers at RiskNov 10 17:26
TweetSchestowitz@madhava         Tracking Protection, a privacy experiment, nowNov 10 17:27
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    in Firefox Nightly:Nov 10 17:27
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian ( 10 17:27
TweetSchestowitz                 #fx10 #chooseindependent 10 17:27
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:27
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tracking Protection on Firefox | Firefox HelpNov 10 17:27
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@madhava: Tracking Protection, a privacy experiment, now in Firefox Nightly: #fx10 #chooseindependent 10 17:27
TweetSchestowitz@notWhiteHouse   @csoghoian LOL even the White House parodyNov 10 17:27
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    website uses HTTPS 10 17:27
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian      ( 10 17:27
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:27
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Nov 10 17:27
TweetSchestowitz@IanSkerrett     Pro tip: If you want to speak at EclipseCon,Nov 10 17:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    submit the session proposal yourself. Don'tNov 10 17:30
TweetSchestowitz @TechJournalist  have a pr or marketing person do it for you.Nov 10 17:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:30
TweetSchestowitz@architelos      Montenegro has earned 15M euros in last 6 yearsNov 10 17:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    from .me 10 17:30
TweetSchestowitz @TechJournalist  ( #cctld #newgTLDNov 10 17:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | Montenegro earns EUR 15 mln from internet domain - TelecompaperNov 10 17:30
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    From the Gitmo Cookbook: Emad Hassan’s ZorbianNov 10 17:35
TweetSchestowitz                 at Brooklyn’s Yemen Cafe 10 17:35
TweetSchestowitz                 ( via @viceNov 10 17:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | From the Gitmo Cookbook: Emad Hassan’s Zorbian at Brooklyn’s Yemen Cafe | VICE | United StatesNov 10 17:35
TweetSchestowitz@hynesyte        Read an excerpt from Cory @doctorow's book onNov 10 17:36
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    copyright, INFORMATION DOESN'T WANT TO BE FREENov 10 17:36
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow ( 10 17:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: Information Doesn’t Want To Be Free | TechCrunchNov 10 17:36
TweetSchestowitz@RobertSnell_DN  #Detroit bankruptcy judge steamed overNov 10 17:41
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    last-minute request by city’s in-house atty forNov 10 17:41
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     more time to review fees.Nov 10 17:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:41
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Platform diversity in #Tor networkNov 10 17:41
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 17:41
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 17:41
TweetSchestowitz                 #gnu #linux very dominantNov 10 17:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | [tor-relays] [tor-talk] Platform diversity in Tor network [was: OpenBSD doc/TUNING]Nov 10 17:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | [tor-relays] [tor-talk] Platform diversity in Tor network [was: OpenBSD doc/TUNING]Nov 10 17:41
schestowitz> 10 17:41
schestowitz> Nov 10 17:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | Office goes free on phones and tablets: What you get, and what you don't | PCWorld [ ]Nov 10 17:41
schestowitz> Going after the lock-in on the data format and even the files themselves.Nov 10 17:41
schestowitz> Nov 10 17:41
schestowitz> LibreOffice is, of course, free of those problems.Nov 10 17:41
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     There is now serious legal harassment for thoseNov 10 17:43
TweetSchestowitz                 who support Tor, except of course the USNov 10 17:43
TweetSchestowitz                 government (they're the "Good Guys")Nov 10 17:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:43
TweetSchestowitz@jeniferfenton   gitmo prisoners say physical torture duringNov 10 17:43
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Bush tenure better than psychological tortureNov 10 17:44
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   under Obama 10 17:44
TweetSchestowitz                 ( @jasonleopoldNov 10 17:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:44
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama and Bush: How Do the Presidents Compare on Guantánamo Bay? | VICE | United KingdomNov 10 17:44
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     OpenSSL, Bash bugs show why firms should backNov 10 17:46
TweetSchestowitz                 FOSS projects 10 17:46
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #freeswNov 10 17:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:46
TweetSchestowitz@eWEEKNews       Participate in this week's #eWEEKChat onNov 10 17:46
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Wednesday: How Robotics Will Impact FutureNov 10 17:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | iTWire - OpenSSL, Bash bugs show why firms should back FOSS projectsNov 10 17:46
TweetSchestowitz @TechJournalist  Workforces 10 17:46
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 17:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | eWEEKChat EventsNov 10 17:46
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Feel like new Russian Cold War created in partNov 10 17:46
TweetSchestowitz                 by bunch of Russian majors trying to beNov 10 17:46
TweetSchestowitz                 relevant again. #SaysCzechPhDNov 10 17:46
TweetSchestowitz                 #NotAnExistentialThreatNov 10 17:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:46
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Electronic Frontier Foundation finds Skype,Nov 10 17:47
TweetSchestowitz                 WhatsApp and more are disappointingly insecureNov 10 17:47
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 17:47
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 17:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | Electronic Frontier Foundation finds Skype, WhatsApp and more are disappointingly insecureNov 10 17:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | Skype is Spy Campaign - TechrightsNov 10 17:47
TweetSchestowitz@agoodcuppa      Rasmea Odeh found guilty. Have not felt thisNov 10 17:47
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    physically revolted & upset in a long time. ANov 10 17:47
TweetSchestowitz @truthout       travesty of justice.  #FreeRasmeaNov 10 17:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:47
TweetSchestowitz@BarakRavid      BREAKING: UNSG Ban forms a board of inquiry toNov 10 17:47
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    investigate targeting of UN facilities in GazaNov 10 17:47
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      by Israel during the last warNov 10 17:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:47
TweetSchestowitz@declanm         Verizon responds to Obama: Title II InternetNov 10 17:48
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    regulation is "radical," "gratuitous," willNov 10 17:48
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      "not stand up in court"Nov 10 17:48
TweetSchestowitz        10 17:48
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 17:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | Verizon Statement on White House Title II Announcement | Verizon Public PolicyNov 10 17:48
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        Peter Van Buren: Washington’s #Iraq War 3.0,Nov 10 17:48
TweetSchestowitz                 Operation Inherent Resolve: What could possiblyNov 10 17:48
TweetSchestowitz                 go right? 10 17:48
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 17:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | Four Months into Iraq War 3.0, the Cracks Are Showing - TruthdigNov 10 17:48
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      "If we pitch what's-old-is-new crankinessNov 10 17:48
TweetSchestowitz                 w/Russia as Cold War" Russian hands thinking,Nov 10 17:48
TweetSchestowitz                 "we'll be able to charge fees like terrorNov 10 17:48
TweetSchestowitz                 experts"Nov 10 17:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:48
TweetSchestowitz@PCGTW           #TPP "damaging to most people even ifNov 10 17:48
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    corporations pushing it might improve profitNov 10 17:48
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      margins." 10 17:48
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 17:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:48
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: #TPP "damaging to most people even if corporations pushing it might improve profit margins." 10 17:48
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #BitTorrent Wins $2.2 Million Damages FromNov 10 17:50
TweetSchestowitz                 “Scammer”Nov 10 17:50
TweetSchestowitz         ( 10 17:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | BitTorrent Wins $2.2 Million Damages From "Scammer" | TorrentFreakNov 10 17:50
TweetSchestowitz@kathrynschulz   Very good news: verdict overturned in case ofNov 10 17:50
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Italian seismologists found guilty ofNov 10 17:50
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      manslaughter after an earthquake.Nov 10 17:50
TweetSchestowitz        10 17:50
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 17:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | Terremoto L'Aquila, tutti assolti i membri della commissione Grandi rischi - Il Fatto QuotidianoNov 10 17:50
TweetSchestowitz@joemacare       Background on the case of #RasmeaOdeh:Nov 10 17:50
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( TheNov 10 17:50
TweetSchestowitz @truthout       guilty verdict today is terrible news.Nov 10 17:50
TweetSchestowitz                 #FreeRasmeaNov 10 17:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dahr Jamail | Tortured and Raped by Israel, Persecuted by the United StatesNov 10 17:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:50
TweetSchestowitz@robertnyman     Mozilla Introduces the First Browser Built ForNov 10 17:51
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Developers: Firefox Developer Edition -Nov 10 17:51
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 10 17:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mozilla Introduces the First Browser Built For Developers: Firefox Developer Edition ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blogNov 10 17:51
TweetSchestowitz@techdirt        Sending Liability Up The Stack: DomainNov 10 17:51
TweetSchestowitz                 Registrars Potentially Liable For InfringementNov 10 17:51
TweetSchestowitz                 By End Users 10 17:51
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 17:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sending Liability Up The Stack: Domain Registrars Potentially Liable For Infringement By End Users | TechdirtNov 10 17:51
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     British Spies Are Free to Target Lawyers andNov 10 17:51
TweetSchestowitz                 Journalists 10 17:51
TweetSchestowitz                 ( no surpriseNov 10 17:51
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 17:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | British Spies Are Free to Target Lawyers and Journalists - The InterceptNov 10 17:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | » Blog Archive » Lawyers Who Don’t Use Encryption When Suing Government Entities With Access to Intercepted Material (Mass Surveillance)Nov 10 17:51
TweetSchestowitz@Senficon        Great news, I will be rapporteur for theNov 10 17:52
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    European Parliament's evaluation report on theNov 10 17:52
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      implemention of the InfoSoc directive!Nov 10 17:52
TweetSchestowitz                 #copyrightNov 10 17:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:52
*TweetSchestowitz @ioerror retweeted @declanm: 'Verizon responds to Obama: Title II Internet regulation...'Nov 10 17:52
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     You Can't Trust Closed-Source Code - #GermanyNov 10 17:54
TweetSchestowitz                 Agrees 10 17:54
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #freeswNov 10 17:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | You Can't Trust Closed-Source Code - Germany Agrees - Technology Blog and Community from IT Experts - ComputerworldUK.comNov 10 17:54
TweetSchestowitz@Paulmd199       @ioerror @torproject Google seems to have doneNov 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    a relatively good job. cc @puellavulnerataNov 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Paulmd199: @ioerror @torproject Google seems to have done a relatively good job. cc @puellavulnerata 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        #USNavy Plans Electromagnetic War Games OverNov 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz                 National Park & Forest in WashingtonNov 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz                 @DahrJamail #WApoliNov 10 17:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Navy Plans Electromagnetic War Games Over National Park and Forest in Washington StateNov 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     ""Rubenstein, Microsoft attorney and a topNov 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz                 lieutenant toNov 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz                     Bill Gates." 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | CNN - The long, strong arm of the NSA - July 27, 1998Nov 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "By his own account, Rubenstein acts as aNov 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz                     "filter" between the NSA and Microsoft's designNov 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz                 teamsNov 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz                     in Redmond" 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz@natashakimiz    The Spanish government may no longer be able toNov 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    deny #Catalonia an independence referendumNov 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz @Truthdig       after Sunday's vote 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is an Official Independence Referendum for Catalonia ‘Inevitable’? - TruthdigNov 10 17:56
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Just got a rather interesting "no comment atNov 10 17:58
TweetSchestowitz                 this point" from Carl Levin, guy who put caseNov 10 17:58
TweetSchestowitz                 v. HSBC together, on Loretta Lynch as AG.Nov 10 17:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:58
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Rubenstein: "Any time that you're developing aNov 10 17:58
TweetSchestowitz                     new product, you will be working closely withNov 10 17:58
TweetSchestowitz                 the NSA,"Nov 10 17:58
TweetSchestowitz                     he... 10 17:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 10 17:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rubenstein: "Any ...Nov 10 17:58
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     An older article already made is clear thatNov 10 17:59
TweetSchestowitz                 #billgates and #microsoft are fine withNov 10 17:59
TweetSchestowitz                 backdooring billions of peopleNov 10 17:59
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 17:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | How NSA access was built into Windows | TelepolisNov 10 17:59
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Anyone who still thinks that proprietaryNov 10 17:59
TweetSchestowitz                 software is secure says quite a lot aboutNov 10 17:59
TweetSchestowitz                 his/her own intelligence and disregard forNov 10 17:59
TweetSchestowitz                 factsNov 10 17:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 17:59
schestowitz> 10 17:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | [tor-relays] [tor-talk] Platform diversity in Tor network [was: OpenBSD doc/TUNING] [ ]Nov 10 17:59
schestowitz> Nov 10 17:59
schestowitz> Still too much M$ there.Nov 10 17:59
TweetSchestowitz@AnnieMachon     My latest article - any country threatening theNov 10 18:00
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    petrodollar hegemony is Public Enemy No 1:Nov 10 18:00
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( @RT_comNov 10 18:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 10 18:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | Anyone threatening US petrodollar is public enemy No.1 — RT Op-EdgeNov 10 18:00
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Even 1% #microsoft #windows is too muchNov 10 18:00
TweetSchestowitz        ( 10 18:00
TweetSchestowitz                 back doors leave the network susceptible toNov 10 18:00
TweetSchestowitz                 spyingNov 10 18:00</