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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: November 16th, 2014-November 22nd, 2014

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schestowitz_bed2 16 00:08
-TechrightsSocial/ reshared: **Breaking like a boss** ![]( #gifNov 16 00:08
schestowitz_bed2"Nov 16 00:08
schestowitz_bed2I've done that. It was in a car that was new to me.Nov 16 00:08
schestowitz_bed2I discovered later it had mismatched rear tires--one slightly larger than the other.Nov 16 00:08
schestowitz_bed2"Nov 16 00:08
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     OpenGL Support Is Looking Good For GTK+ 3.16,Nov 16 00:27
TweetTuxMachines                 But Help Is Needed 16 00:27
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 16 00:27
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 16 00:27
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenGL Support Is Looking Good For GTK+ 3.16, But Help Is Needed | Tux MachinesNov 16 00:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Links 15/11/2014: Linux Mint 17.1 ReleaseNov 16 00:27
TweetTuxMachines                 Candidate, Popcorn Time 0.3.5Nov 16 00:27
TweetTuxMachines        ( 16 00:27
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 16 00:27
-TechrightsSocial/ | Links 15/11/2014: Linux Mint 17.1 Release Candidate, Popcorn Time 0.3.5 | TechrightsNov 16 00:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Screenshots 16 00:27
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 16 00:27
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 16 00:27
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Screenshots | Tux MachinesNov 16 00:27
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #OpenGL Support Is Looking Good For #GTK +Nov 16 00:41
TweetSchestowitz                 3.16, But Help Is Needed 16 00:41
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 00:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 00:41
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Links 15/11/2014: Linux Mint 17.1 ReleaseNov 16 00:42
TweetSchestowitz                 Candidate, Popcorn Time 0.3.5Nov 16 00:42
TweetSchestowitz        ( Nov 16 00:42
TweetSchestowitz                 #techrightsNov 16 00:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 00:42
TweetSchestowitz@mattdpearce     KC Jewish center shooter: "I wanted to makeNov 16 02:02
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    damned sure I killed some Jews or attacked theNov 16 02:02
TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack  Jews before I died." 16 02:02
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 02:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | F. Glenn Miller Jr. talks for the first time about the killings at Jewish centers | The Kansas City StarNov 16 02:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 02:02
TweetSchestowitz@ResistNow1      @Thomas_Drake1 Love seeing you all over myNov 16 02:02
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    line, always with intelligence, dignity andNov 16 02:02
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  warrior spirit - the people are with youNov 16 02:02
TweetSchestowitz                 #RespectNov 16 02:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 02:02
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Wine 1.7.31 Released with 51 Bug Fixes, NewNov 16 02:06
TweetSchestowitz                 Gecko Version, DirectWrite and Direct2DNov 16 02:06
TweetSchestowitz                 Improvements:  tuxarena: T...Nov 16 02:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 02:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 02:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Wine 1.7.31 Released with 51 Bug Fixes, New Gecko Version, DirectWrite and Direct2D ImprovementsNov 16 02:06
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Wine 1.7.31 Released with 51 Bug Fixes, NewNov 16 02:06
TweetSchestowitz                 Gecko Version, DirectWrite and Direct2DNov 16 02:06
TweetSchestowitz                 Improvements:  tuxarena: T...Nov 16 02:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 02:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 02:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Wine 1.7.31 Released with 51 Bug Fixes, New Gecko Version, DirectWrite and Direct2D ImprovementsNov 16 02:07
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Old Tabasco ad 16 02:07
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 02:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | Old Tabasco ad - Boing BoingNov 16 02:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 02:07
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Old Tabasco ad 16 02:07
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 240 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 1079 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 10 throttle noticesNov 16 02:11
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (113), @Thomas_Drake1 (21), @csoghoian (8)Nov 16 02:11
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @qu1j0t3 (16), @Thomas_Drake1 (10), @doctorow (9)Nov 16 02:11
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #surveillance (7), #linux (7), #privacy (6)Nov 16 02:11
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 24 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 178 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesNov 16 02:11
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (24)Nov 16 02:11
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: Nov 16 02:11
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: Nov 16 02:11
TweetSchestowitz@davidgerard     Protect your privacy! Encrypt your e-mail withNov 16 02:17
TweetSchestowitz                 PGP and random profanityNov 16 02:17
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 02:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 02:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | mapmeld/profanity65 · GitHubNov 16 02:17
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@MarkSZaidEsq You got ur facts wrong again.Nov 16 02:17
TweetSchestowitz                 For fact-based firm u misfactuated record.Nov 16 02:17
TweetSchestowitz                 @schlockdaddy @MonaHol @BradMossEsqNov 16 02:17
TweetSchestowitz                 @JesselynRadackNov 16 02:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 02:17
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 16 02:43
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @mattdpearce: 'KC Jewish center shooter: "I wanted to make...'Nov 16 03:05
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    I'm so sorry! "@mattbfarwell: OK, and looksNov 16 03:05
TweetSchestowitz                 like that book salon is now going to beNov 16 03:05
TweetSchestowitz                 re-scheduled due to technical issues. So…seeNov 16 03:05
TweetSchestowitz                 you then."Nov 16 03:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 03:05
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    .@mattbfarwell you have a standing invite toNov 16 03:05
TweetSchestowitz                 dinner, my treat, when you're in LA next.Nov 16 03:05
TweetSchestowitz                 Thanks for filling in for me. Sorry abt techNov 16 03:05
TweetSchestowitz                 issues.Nov 16 03:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 03:05
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Nov 16 03:20
*TweetSchestowitz has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Nov 16 03:21
*TweetSchestowitz (~squirtbot@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 16 04:31
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 16 04:31
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@MarkSZaidEsq to clarify: u offered ur nonNov 16 04:47
TweetSchestowitz                 crim defense services to pub defendersNov 16 04:47
TweetSchestowitz                 solicited or unsolicited? @BradMossEsqNov 16 04:47
TweetSchestowitz                 @JesselynRadackNov 16 04:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 04:47
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@MarkSZaidEsq wait. I'm confused. I thot uNov 16 04:47
TweetSchestowitz                 said u offered ur services to pub defenders. UNov 16 04:47
TweetSchestowitz                 also did same w/ @JesselynRadack ? @BradMossEsqNov 16 04:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 04:47
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@MarkSZaidEsq no conflict? Rep'd JKNov 16 04:54
TweetSchestowitz                 precharge&then client not w/ JK's defense? HowNov 16 04:54
TweetSchestowitz                 u know noncrim attny gave JK bad advice?Nov 16 04:54
TweetSchestowitz                 @JesselynRadackNov 16 04:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 04:54
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       The 'Ukraine shoots down MH17' satellite photoNov 16 04:54
TweetSchestowitz                 claimed to be 'from WikiLeaks', was notNov 16 04:54
TweetSchestowitz                 published by WikiLeaks.Nov 16 04:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 04:54
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@MarkSZaidEsq huh? Y wud JK's crim defenseNov 16 04:54
TweetSchestowitz                 complain to u rep'ing potential gov't witness &Nov 16 04:54
TweetSchestowitz                 hostile to JK's defense about @JesselynRadack ?Nov 16 04:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 04:54
TweetSchestowitz@japantimes      Osaka city logs record 920 whistle-blowerNov 16 05:03
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    reports of public servant shenanigansNov 16 05:03
TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks ( 16 05:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 05:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Osaka city logs record 920 whistle-blower reports of public servant shenanigans | The Japan TimesNov 16 05:03
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@MarkSZaidEsq y go to u '01-02 as WB on gov'tNov 16 05:03
TweetSchestowitz                 violations of law & wrongdoing when I hadNov 16 05:03
TweetSchestowitz                 internal WB channels? @BradMossEsqNov 16 05:03
TweetSchestowitz                 @JesselynRadackNov 16 05:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 05:03
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@MarkSZaidEsq would you have advised me not toNov 16 05:03
TweetSchestowitz                 go press unauthorized even w/ UNCLASS?Nov 16 05:03
TweetSchestowitz                 @schlockdaddy @MonaHol @BradMossEsqNov 16 05:04
TweetSchestowitz                 @JesselynRadackNov 16 05:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 05:04
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@MarkSZaidEsq yes, could plz send me emailsNov 16 05:23
TweetSchestowitz                 you sent pub defenders and @JesselynRadackNov 16 05:23
TweetSchestowitz                 regarding your offers to assist either?Nov 16 05:23
TweetSchestowitz                 @BradMossEsqNov 16 05:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 05:23
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@MarkSZaidEsq what about @JesselynRadack ? HowNov 16 05:23
TweetSchestowitz                 'bad' is she? You would rather see WB'ers go toNov 16 05:23
TweetSchestowitz                 your firm? If so, why? @BradMossEsqNov 16 05:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 05:23
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@MarkSZaidEsq so what is your opinion ofNov 16 05:23
TweetSchestowitz                 @JesselynRadack ? Is she 'bad'? @BradMossEsqNov 16 05:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 05:23
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@MarkSZaidEsq u saying @JesselynRadack doesn'tNov 16 05:30
TweetSchestowitz                 know how to litigate? & r u saying that havingNov 16 05:30
TweetSchestowitz                 friends in gov't makes u better? @BradMossEsqNov 16 05:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 05:31
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       UK state broadcaster to air 'comedy' based onNov 16 05:31
TweetSchestowitz                 Assange embassy asylum standoffNov 16 05:31
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 05:31
TweetSchestowitz                 More: 16 05:31
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 05:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Novak in Assange-inspired comedy - Yahoo News UKNov 16 05:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 05:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Free Assange NowNov 16 05:31
TweetSchestowitz@GreatDismal     Actual thing I did today: shook hands withNov 16 05:54
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @doctorow's parents. "Well done!" was all INov 16 05:54
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       could think to say!Nov 16 05:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 05:54
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       How a Greek holiday became a Stygian nightmareNov 16 05:54
TweetSchestowitz                 for blameless British couple.. victims of theNov 16 05:54
TweetSchestowitz                 EU Arrest Warrant 16 05:54
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #EAWNov 16 05:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | An inferno of insanity: Arrested for arson. Flung into stinking cells. Stung for £40k. How a Greek holiday became a Stygian nightmare for blameless British couple... victims of the EU Arrest Warrant  | Daily Mail OnlineNov 16 05:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 05:54
TweetSchestowitz@5150committee   Ed's shirt is WHITE!! Clearly he's suggestingNov 16 06:29
TweetSchestowitz                 that POC are second class citizens!!Nov 16 06:29
TweetSchestowitz                 #shirtstorm #shirtgate #shirtghaziNov 16 06:29
TweetSchestowitz        16 06:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 06:29
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@5150committee: Ed's shirt is WHITE!! Clearly he's suggesting that POC are second class citizens!! #shirtstorm #shirtgate #shirtghazi 16 06:29
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        X-Wing Fighter knife-blockNov 16 06:29
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 06:29
TweetSchestowitz        16 06:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | X-Wing Fighter knife-block - Boing BoingNov 16 06:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 06:29
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: X-Wing Fighter knife-block 16 06:29
TweetSchestowitz@5150committee   And Greenwald too! How deep does thisNov 16 06:29
TweetSchestowitz                 white-supremacist conspiracy go? We're throughNov 16 06:29
TweetSchestowitz                 the looking glass here people!Nov 16 06:29
TweetSchestowitz        16 06:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 06:29
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@5150committee: And Greenwald too! How deep does this white-supremacist conspiracy go? We're through the looking glass here people! 16 06:29
TweetSchestowitz@jonobacon       Vegas!Nov 16 07:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 07:19
TweetSchestowitz@nsisodiya       this keyword in #javaScript - smallNov 16 07:19
TweetSchestowitz                 @JavaScriptQuiz 16 07:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 07:19
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@nsisodiya: this keyword in #javaScript - small @JavaScriptQuiz 16 07:19
TweetSchestowitz@nsisodiya ( 16 07:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 07:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | JS Bin - Collaborative JavaScript DebuggingNov 16 07:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #Timesys tips #LinuxLink support for RenesasNov 16 07:29
TweetSchestowitz                 RZ/A SoC</a> 16 07:29
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #linuxNov 16 07:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | Timesys tips LinuxLink support for Renesas RZ/A SoC ·  LinuxGizmos.comNov 16 07:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 07:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Wayland Live CD ISOs UpdatedNov 16 07:29
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 07:29
TweetSchestowitz                 #wayland #gnu #linuxNov 16 07:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Wayland Live CD ISOs UpdatedNov 16 07:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 07:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Timesys tips LinuxLink support for Renesas RZ/ANov 16 07:29
TweetTuxMachines                 SoC</a> 16 07:29
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 16 07:29
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 16 07:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Wayland Live CD ISOs UpdatedNov 16 07:29
TweetTuxMachines        ( 16 07:29
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 16 07:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     New "open-source web browser that carries theNov 16 07:35
TweetSchestowitz                 best features from Opera."Nov 16 07:35
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 07:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 07:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Fifth: A New Web Browser Based On WebKitFLTKNov 16 07:35
TweetSchestowitz@nsisodiya ( 16 07:35
TweetSchestowitz                 is.Array(['a', 'b', 'c']); is.Object({ name:Nov 16 07:35
TweetSchestowitz                 'isJs' });is.String('myNov 16 07:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | bjarneo/is · GitHubNov 16 07:35
TweetSchestowitz                 string');is.Empty({});is.Empty({});Nov 16 07:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 07:35
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Malmström in Berlin: ISDS in #CETA and #TTIPNov 16 07:41
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    likely not opposed by German government -Nov 16 07:41
TweetSchestowitz @zoobab ( 16 07:41
TweetSchestowitz                 Gabriel buckles, as fearedNov 16 07:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 07:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | Malmström in Berlin: ISDS in CETA and TTIP likely not opposed by German government | BorderlexBorderlexNov 16 07:41
TweetSchestowitz@EUJohnClancy    .@glynmoody or DE starts 2 recognise that new,Nov 16 07:41
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    improved ISDS is way fwd. Danger = maintainingNov 16 07:41
TweetSchestowitz @zoobab         (which will be case if no reform) old systemNov 16 07:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 07:41
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New "open-source web browser that carries theNov 16 07:46
TweetTuxMachines                 best features from Opera."Nov 16 07:46
TweetTuxMachines        ( 16 07:46
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 16 07:46
*TweetTuxMachines @Powerrit favourited 'New "open-source web browser that carries the best...'Nov 16 07:46
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #Massachusetts School Installs Military-StyleNov 16 08:08
TweetSchestowitz                 Shooter-Detection System 16 08:08
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 08:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 08:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | Massachusetts School Installs Military-Style Shooter Detection SystemNov 16 08:08
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #usdoj Admits It Lied To Appeals CourtNov 16 08:08
TweetSchestowitz                 Concerning Companies' Ability To Talk AboutNov 16 08:08
TweetSchestowitz                 National Security LettersNov 16 08:08
TweetSchestowitz        ( #nslNov 16 08:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 08:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | Justice Department Admits It Lied To Appeals Court Concerning Companies' Ability To Talk About National Security Letters | TechdirtNov 16 08:08
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     FCC calls AT&T’s fiber bluff, demands detailedNov 16 08:08
TweetSchestowitz                 construction plans 16 08:08
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #att lyingNov 16 08:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | FCC calls AT&T’s fiber bluff, demands detailed construction plans | Ars TechnicaNov 16 08:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 08:08
*pidgin_log1 has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Nov 16 08:25
*schestowitz__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 16 08:26
*schestowitz_bed2 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Nov 16 08:26
schestowitz__>> South East in WinterNov 16 08:28
schestowitz__>> 16 08:28
schestowitz__> Nov 16 08:28
-TechrightsSocial/ | South East in Winter [ ]Nov 16 08:28
schestowitz__> Nice photos! Looks like you had a great time together :)Nov 16 08:28
schestowitz__> Did you like the musical wicked?Nov 16 08:28
schestowitz__Yes, but I didn't think it was worth the cost.Nov 16 08:28
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 16 08:28
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Frankenstein rat-racer tee glows in the darkNov 16 08:39
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 08:39
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 16 08:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Frankenstein rat-racer tee glows in the dark - Boing BoingNov 16 08:39
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 08:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 08:39
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       BBC to air 'comedy' based on Assange asylumNov 16 08:39
TweetSchestowitz                 standoff 16 08:39
TweetSchestowitz                 ( More:Nov 16 08:39
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 08:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 08:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Novak in Assange-inspired comedy - Yahoo News UKNov 16 08:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Free Assange NowNov 16 08:39
schestowitz__> No.  As mentioned the other time, it is just speculation though based onNov 16 08:49
schestowitz__> what it makes possible.  In that scenario, there would be no advantageNov 16 08:49
schestowitz__> for them to expose their motives before PID 1 is locked out of the reachNov 16 08:49
schestowitz__> of users, tinkerers, power users, sysadmins, devops, and most developers.Nov 16 08:49
schestowitz__> Nov 16 08:49
schestowitz__> All that is *one* of the reasons I would like to hear what Red Hat'sNov 16 08:49
schestowitz__> official policy on systemd is.  They are letting LP take all the flakNov 16 08:49
schestowitz__> for a reason, IMHO.  He is garnering their company a lot of badNov 16 08:49
schestowitz__> attention yet they are quiet.  Of course they would not give awayNov 16 08:49
schestowitz__> anything contentious but they might talk around certain subjects.Nov 16 08:49
schestowitz__ 16 08:50
-TechrightsSocial/ #Massachusetts School Installs Military-Style Shooter-Detection System 16 08:50
schestowitz__"Mixed feelings on this: 1. Why is this a problem? 2. Then again how do I know they aren't organizing them them self?"Nov 16 08:50
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Massachusetts School Installs Military-Style Shooter Detection System [ ]Nov 16 08:50
schestowitz__Military contractor finds new market. Schools as war zones.Nov 16 08:51
schestowitz__ 16 08:52
-TechrightsSocial/ The Sun over Quay West, Manchester #manchester #creativecommons #photographyNov 16 08:52
schestowitz__ you were in Manchester... When the weather's in that direction you have to cross the Pennines for the chance of better light"Nov 16 08:52
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | The Sun over Quay West, Manchester | Flickr - Photo Sharing! [ ]Nov 16 08:52
-TechrightsSocial/ The Sun over Quay West, Manchester #manchester #creativecommons #photographyNov 16 08:52
schestowitz__"Always good to cross the Pennines to god's own country:)"Nov 16 08:52
schestowitz__Just to note, they have windows Opera. Although weening off from Winblows.Nov 16 08:53
schestowitz__ 16 08:53
-TechrightsSocial/ New "open-source web browser that carries the best features from Opera." 16 08:53
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | [Phoronix] Fifth: A New Web Browser Based On WebKitFLTK [ ]Nov 16 08:53
TweetSchestowitz@ChrChristensen  My piece on #WikiLeaks, Collateral Murder andNov 16 09:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the After-Life of Activist ImageryNov 16 09:09
TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks ( ccNov 16 09:09
TweetSchestowitz                 @LEFFESTNov 16 09:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 09:09
-TechrightsSocial/ | Collateral Murder and the After-Life of Activist Imagery — MediumNov 16 09:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Timesys tips LinuxLink support for Renesas RZ/ANov 16 09:09
TweetTuxMachines                 SoC 16 09:09
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 16 09:09
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 16 09:09
-TechrightsSocial/ | Timesys tips LinuxLink support for Renesas RZ/A SoC | Tux MachinesNov 16 09:09
TweetSchestowitz@5150committee   .@asshurtACKFlags @0xdeadbabe DOD invented theNov 16 09:09
TweetSchestowitz                 internet to be resilient to nuclear strikes.Nov 16 09:09
TweetSchestowitz                 This means that cat pictures are secretlyNov 16 09:09
TweetSchestowitz                 nukes.Nov 16 09:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 09:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Wayland Live CD ISOs UpdatedNov 16 09:09
TweetTuxMachines        ( 16 09:09
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 16 09:09
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wayland Live CD ISOs Updated | Tux MachinesNov 16 09:09
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       Guardian: European Arrest Warrant - a mockeryNov 16 09:09
TweetSchestowitz                 of extradition 16 09:09
TweetSchestowitz                 ( More:Nov 16 09:09
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Julian Assange case: a mockery of extradition? | Afua Hirsch | Comment is free | The GuardianNov 16 09:09
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 09:09
TweetSchestowitz                 #EAW #UKIPNov 16 09:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 09:09
-TechrightsSocial/ | Free Assange NowNov 16 09:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     [ANNOUNCE] Fifth, a new browser usingNov 16 09:11
TweetTuxMachines                 WebkitFLTK 16 09:11
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 16 09:11
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 16 09:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | [ANNOUNCE] Fifth, a new browser using WebkitFLTK | Tux MachinesNov 16 09:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Timesys tips LinuxLink support for Renesas RZ/ANov 16 09:11
TweetTuxMachines                 SoC 16 09:11
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 16 09:11
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 16 09:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Timesys tips LinuxLink support for Renesas RZ/A SoC | Tux MachinesNov 16 09:11
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Denture jewelry 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 09:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | Denture jewelry - Boing BoingNov 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Statement on the #TTIP - 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz                 ( more growth? -0.5%;Nov 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz                 more jobs? -600,000 - sounds like a #fail to meNov 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz        16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 09:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Update XLII - Technology Blog and Community from IT Experts - ComputerworldUK.comNov 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Living with GMOs - a letter from America -Nov 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz                 #TTIPNov 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 09:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | Living with GMOs - a letter from America - The EcologistNov 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz@AssaadRazzouk   "This was a good week for the planet."Nov 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Nov 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      By @NYTimesKrugman 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #climateNov 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz        16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 09:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 16 09:19
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@AssaadRazzouk: "This was a good week for the planet." By @NYTimesKrugman #climate 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz@TransformDrugs  Mexico’s president faces wave of fury acrossNov 16 09:23
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    country over fate of missing student teachersNov 16 09:23
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 16 09:23
TweetSchestowitz                 the drug war corruptsNov 16 09:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 09:23
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mexico’s president faces wave of fury across country over fate of missing student teachers | World news | The GuardianNov 16 09:23
TweetSchestowitz@RickyPo         Big Pharma Plays Hide-the-Ball With DataNov 16 09:27
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 16 09:27
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 16 09:27
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 09:27
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nov 16 09:27
TweetSchestowitz@RickyPo         The success of Open Access is revealing newNov 16 09:27
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    dangers. The fight isn’t over yet.Nov 16 09:27
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody 16 09:27
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #openaccessNov 16 09:27
-TechrightsSocial/ | The success of Open Access is revealing new dangers. The fight isn’t over yet. | Ouvertures immédiatesNov 16 09:27
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 09:27
TweetSchestowitz@DrRimmer        The #G20 #G20Brisbane has seen a lot ofNov 16 09:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    boosterism for secret mega-trade deals likeNov 16 09:30
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #TPP and #TTIP, which promote IP maximalism andNov 16 09:30
TweetSchestowitz                 #ISDS.Nov 16 09:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 09:30
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       .@DrRimmer @David_Cameron then he clearlyNov 16 09:30
TweetSchestowitz                 doesn't understand how ISDS works... #TTIPNov 16 09:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 09:30
TweetSchestowitz@Asher_Wolf      China will host the G20 in 2016Nov 16 09:41
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Nov 16 09:41
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 16 09:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 09:41
TweetSchestowitz@DrRimmer        The UK Prime Minister @David_Cameron said heNov 16 09:41
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    wants to put rocket-boosters on theNov 16 09:41
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment PartnershipNov 16 09:42
TweetSchestowitz                 #TTIP #G20.Nov 16 09:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 09:42
TweetSchestowitz@LEFFEST         #Assange will join us live, for the closing ofNov 16 09:42
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the International Symposium on MassaNov 16 09:42
TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks      Surveillance!Nov 16 09:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 09:42
TweetSchestowitz@DigitalAgendaEU  “Connected Europe? #Broadband for all is theNov 16 09:44
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    answer” Read the 1st blog post by @GOettingereuNov 16 09:44
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( Nov 16 09:44
TweetSchestowitz                 #OettingerblogsNov 16 09:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 09:44
-TechrightsSocial/ | Connected Europe? Broadband for all is the answer - European CommissionNov 16 09:44
TweetSchestowitz@suigenerisjen   .@jerezim @LEFFEST: describing "bullying" heNov 16 09:44
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    suffered travelling to the US; FBI agents triedNov 16 09:44
TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks      to make him an informant against #WikileaksNov 16 09:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 09:44
TweetSchestowitz@suigenerisjen   Garzon @LEFFEST: just after he announced heNov 16 09:44
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    would represent #Assange he was dropped fromNov 16 09:44
TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks      Colombia peace project after U.S. pressureNov 16 09:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 09:44
TweetSchestowitz@suigenerisjen   Garzon @LEFFEST: both Assange and Snowden areNov 16 09:55
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    political exiles. But Julian has it moreNov 16 09:55
TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks      difficult because he is confined to the embassyNov 16 09:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 09:55
TweetSchestowitz@suigenerisjen   Garzon @LEFFEST tells of his experience ofNov 16 09:55
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    being under surveillance as a judge; beingNov 16 09:55
TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks      interrogated at US border & the file they hadNov 16 09:55
TweetSchestowitz                 on himNov 16 09:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 09:55
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     How the #EPO ’s Executive Branch (BattistelliNov 16 09:55
TweetSchestowitz                 and Topić) Banned Scrutiny and CreatedNov 16 09:55
TweetSchestowitz                 Authoritarian Model of ControlNov 16 09:55
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 09:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 09:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | How the EPO’s Executive Branch (Battistelli and Topić) Banned Scrutiny and Created Authoritarian Model of Control: Part X | TechrightsNov 16 09:55
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       EU must act to stamp out the illegal wildlifeNov 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz                 trade - 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz                 ( it must indeed: history willNov 16 10:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | The EU must act to stamp out the illegal wildlife trade | EurActivNov 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz                 not forgive us if we don'tNov 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz@MichaelBVaughn  @doctorow Safety ... third? Fourth? Last? WhatNov 16 10:07
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    position is last?Nov 16 10:07
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Nov 16 10:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 10:07
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Nov 16 10:07
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     A lot of people I speak to don't understandNov 16 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 what patents inherently are and how they work.Nov 16 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 They have that lightbulb/Edison image in theNov 16 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 headNov 16 10:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 10:11
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Fact: #microsoft continues to attack FOSS usingNov 16 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 #swpats and there are new examples even underNov 16 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 #nadella 'leadership' (a PR mask)Nov 16 10:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 10:11
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     News sites with their articles tend not to beNov 16 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 concise (repetitive instead) and contain littleNov 16 10:11
TweetSchestowitz                 (or zero) external links. Antique journalism.Nov 16 10:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 10:11
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Trying to emulate limitations of paper, someNov 16 10:22
TweetSchestowitz                 sites continue to use superscript with numbersNov 16 10:22
TweetSchestowitz                 & full URLs as footnotes rather than hyperlinksNov 16 10:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 10:22
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Academics that I speak to usually say that theNov 16 10:22
TweetSchestowitz                 model of rejecting/accepting papers (limits ofNov 16 10:23
TweetSchestowitz                 paper) not needed if ranked based on meritNov 16 10:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 10:23
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: myjetpack: My book of cartoons ‘You’reNov 16 10:23
TweetSchestowitz                 All Just Jealous of my Jetpack’ is availableNov 16 10:23
TweetSchestowitz                 now:... 16 10:23
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 10:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 10:23
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: Sewer filled with balloons, nitrousNov 16 10:23
TweetSchestowitz                 cartridges and flattened lager tins #ShoreditchNov 16 10:23
TweetSchestowitz        16 10:23
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 10:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 10:23
*TweetSchestowitz @zoobab retweeted @schestowitz: 'Fact: #microsoft continues to attack FOSS using #swpats...'Nov 16 10:23
TweetSchestowitz@DrRimmer        #TTIP: @David_Cameron pledges support for EU-USNov 16 10:35
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    trade deal at #G20, but blithely ignores theNov 16 10:35
TweetSchestowitz @zoobab         threat of #ISDS 16 10:35
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 10:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 10:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - TTIP: Cameron pledges support for EU-US trade dealNov 16 10:35
*TweetSchestowitz @zoobab retweeted @schestowitz: 'How the #EPO ’s Executive Branch (Battistelli and...'Nov 16 10:35
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     The GOP's Patent Reform Plan Not EffectiveNov 16 10:46
TweetSchestowitz                 Enough to Stop Massive Patent Trolls LikeNov 16 10:46
TweetSchestowitz                 Microsoft/Nokia 16 10:46
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #swpatsNov 16 10:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 10:46
TweetSchestowitz@guardian        First Snowden. Then tracking you on wheels. NowNov 16 10:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | The GOP’s Patent Reform Plan Not Effective Enough to Stop Massive Patent Trolls Like Microsoft/Nokia | TechrightsNov 16 10:46
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    spies on a plane. Yes, surveillance isNov 16 10:46
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      everywhere | Trevor Timm 16 10:46
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 10:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 10:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | First Snowden. Then tracking you on wheels. Now spies on a plane. Yes, surveillance is everywhere | Trevor Timm | Comment is free | The GuardianNov 16 10:46
TweetSchestowitz@PutneyDebates   We must be vigilant in checking that theNov 16 10:50
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    'growth' actions from #G20 are not just #TTIPNov 16 10:50
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #TISA #TPP and more privatisations.Nov 16 10:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 10:50
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       UK "signed trade deal after trade deal &Nov 16 10:50
TweetSchestowitz                 [#ISDS] never a problem in past." -Nov 16 10:51
TweetSchestowitz        ( 'cos weNov 16 10:51
TweetSchestowitz                 bullied *weaker* nations with itNov 16 10:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 10:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - TTIP: Cameron pledges support for EU-US trade dealNov 16 10:51
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       #NHS: "It's in the public sector, it will stayNov 16 11:00
TweetSchestowitz                 in the public sector" - 16 11:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ( but #ISDS means privatisedNov 16 11:00
TweetSchestowitz                 never goes backNov 16 11:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 11:00
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Another Massive Step Towards Elimination ofNov 16 11:00
TweetSchestowitz                 Software Patents as Even #CAFC Rules AgainstNov 16 11:00
TweetSchestowitz                 Them ( 16 11:00
TweetSchestowitz                 #scotusNov 16 11:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 11:00
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Cameron vows he will take the fight to unionsNov 16 11:00
TweetSchestowitz                 over #TTIP - 16 11:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | Another Massive Step Towards Elimination of Software Patents as Even CAFC Rules Against Them | TechrightsNov 16 11:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ( great, the facts areNov 16 11:00
TweetSchestowitz                 clear: TTIP will be a disaster for EUNov 16 11:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | David Cameron vows he will take the fight to unions over US-EU trade deal | Politics | The GuardianNov 16 11:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 11:00
TweetSchestowitz@alicebell       SEPA under fire for keeping locations of 87Nov 16 11:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    polluters secret "for reasons of nationalNov 16 11:01
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      security" 16 11:01
TweetSchestowitz                 ( (ht @robedwards53)Nov 16 11:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | Environmental watchdog urged not to keep 87 polluters secret - Rob EdwardsNov 16 11:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 11:01
TweetSchestowitz@DermotOz        Brisbane #G20 becomes 'de facto' climate changeNov 16 11:03
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    summit says  @wwf - climate dominatedNov 16 11:03
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      everyone's agenda 16 11:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 11:03
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@DermotOz: Brisbane #G20 becomes 'de facto' climate change summit says @wwf - climate dominated everyone's agenda 16 11:03
TweetSchestowitz@smh             The final #G20 leaders' communique includes aNov 16 11:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    recommendation for nations to commit funds toNov 16 11:09
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      the Green Climate Fund 16 11:09
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 11:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 11:09
-TechrightsSocial/ | Climate change in G20 communique after 'trench warfare'Nov 16 11:09
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Reaffirming Microsoft’s Long-Known HostilityNov 16 11:09
TweetSchestowitz                 Towards #NetNeutrality, #Microsoft CrashedNov 16 11:09
TweetSchestowitz                 #Juniper 16 11:09
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 11:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 11:09
-TechrightsSocial/ | Reaffirming Microsoft’s Long-Known Hostility Towards Net Neutrality, Microsoft Crashed Juniper | TechrightsNov 16 11:09
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @glynmoody: 'Cameron vows he will take the fight to...'Nov 16 11:24
TweetSchestowitz@DapperHistorian  One of the last surviving Icelandic peatNov 16 11:24
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    churches - See the earth mounds? Those areNov 16 11:24
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      centuries old graves! 16 11:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 11:24
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@DapperHistorian: One of the last surviving Icelandic peat churches - See the earth mounds? Those are centuries old graves! 16 11:24
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       LIVE: Julian #Assange speaking at @LEFFESTNov 16 11:24
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 11:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 11:24
TweetSchestowitz@ChristopherWr11  Abbott Govt on the wrong side of history -Nov 16 11:24
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    again! "G20 leaders force Aust to back down onNov 16 11:24
-TechrightsSocial/ | Directo Simpósio - Leffest'14 - SAPO VídeosNov 16 11:24
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      climate change language" 16 11:24
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 11:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 11:24
-TechrightsSocial/ | G20 leaders force Australia to back down on climate change language | Environment | The GuardianNov 16 11:24
TweetSchestowitz@iofiv           Please @ukhomeoffice can we try very hard toNov 16 11:37
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    make this a law. Thanks. 16 11:37
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 16 11:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 11:37
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@atulnimje: #shirtgate in a nutshell 16 11:37
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       David Hockney: ‘When I’m working, I feel likeNov 16 11:38
TweetSchestowitz                 Picasso, I feel I’m 30’ -Nov 16 11:38
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 11:38
TweetSchestowitz                 nice interview, good readers' questionsNov 16 11:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 11:38
-TechrightsSocial/ | David Hockney: ‘When I’m working, I feel like Picasso, I feel I’m 30’ | Art and design | The GuardianNov 16 11:38
TweetSchestowitz@PCGTW           #Obama risking clean air, water & #climate w/Nov 16 11:47
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #ISDS rights in #TPP #TAFTA/#TTIP.Nov 16 11:47
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 16 11:47
TweetSchestowitz                 #fracking 16 11:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 11:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | Take Action - Global Trade WatchNov 16 11:47
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: #Obama risking clean air, water & #climate w/ #ISDS rights in #TPP #TAFTA/#TTIP. #fracking 16 11:47
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Stop #TTIP and #CETA petition now at 899, 560Nov 16 11:47
TweetSchestowitz                 signatures - let's get it to 900,000 today -Nov 16 11:47
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 11:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 11:47
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       LIVE: Julian #Assange, Jake AppelbaumNov 16 11:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sign the ECI! - Stop TTIP Stop TTIPNov 16 11:47
TweetSchestowitz                 (@ioerror), and Jeremie Zimmerman (@jerezim) onNov 16 11:47
TweetSchestowitz                 a panel at @LEFFEST...Nov 16 11:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 11:47
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #Microsoft is Going Into theNov 16 11:55
TweetSchestowitz                 Anti-Whistleblowing Business, Dodges CriticismNov 16 11:55
TweetSchestowitz                 Over 19-Year Bug Door in #WindowsNov 16 11:55
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 11:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 11:55
*TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks deleted 'LIVE: Julian #Assange, Jake Appelbaum (@ioerror), and Jeremie...'Nov 16 11:55
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       LIVE: Julian #Assange, Jake AppelbaumNov 16 11:55
TweetSchestowitz                 (@ioerror), and Jeremie Zimmermann (@jerezim)Nov 16 11:55
TweetSchestowitz                 on a panel at @LEFFEST 16 11:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft is Going Into the Anti-Whistleblowing Business, Dodges Criticism Over 19-Year Bug Door in Windows | TechrightsNov 16 11:55
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 11:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 11:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | Directo Simpósio - Leffest'14 - SAPO VídeosNov 16 11:55
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Today in #TechrightsNov 16 11:55
TweetSchestowitz         ( 16 11:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 11:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesNov 16 11:55
TweetSchestowitz@davidgerard     Has anyone here ever seen a UOF (Uniform OfficeNov 16 11:59
TweetSchestowitz                 Format) file in the wild, ever?Nov 16 11:59
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 11:59
TweetSchestowitz                 Seems a phantom, failed standardNov 16 11:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 11:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | Uniform Office Format - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNov 16 11:59
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       #TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs -Nov 16 11:59
TweetSchestowitz        16 11:59
TweetSchestowitz                 ( includes news ofNov 16 11:59
TweetSchestowitz                 devastating new economic study that guts theNov 16 11:59
TweetSchestowitz                 case for TTIPNov 16 11:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 11:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs - Technology Blog and Community from IT Experts - ComputerworldUK.comNov 16 11:59
TweetSchestowitz@josephfcox      “We are planning another Spy Files release” -Nov 16 12:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Julian Assange 16 12:01
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( cc @wikileaks ht @CasparBowdenNov 16 12:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:01
TweetSchestowitz@marcuschown     This is what happens when Cameron's NHSNov 16 12:12
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    privatisation policy closes 4 out of 9 A&Es inNov 16 12:12
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      NW London. People will dieNov 16 12:12
TweetSchestowitz        16 12:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@marcuschown: This is what happens when Cameron's NHS privatisation policy closes 4 out of 9 A&Es in NW London. People will die 16 12:12
TweetSchestowitz@neilbarofsky    I love a good I told you so: "The 100th MostNov 16 12:12
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Important Senator?  I Don’t Think So" byNov 16 12:12
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     @neilbarofsky on @LinkedInNov 16 12:12
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 12:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | The 100th Most Important Senator? I Don’t Think So | Neil Barofsky | LinkedInNov 16 12:12
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #putin leaves #g20 summit early.  NotNov 16 12:21
TweetSchestowitz                 surrounded by enough allies. #russia #fsb #kgbNov 16 12:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:21
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Twisting words 16 12:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #nsa likes to play withNov 16 12:21
TweetSchestowitz                 words. Will readers be gullible enough?Nov 16 12:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'We don't monitor the behaviors of American citizens': New NSA director slams agency critics and accuses Edward Snowden of jeopardizing US counterintelligence | Daily Mail OnlineNov 16 12:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:21
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #feinstein against reforming #nsa but opposesNov 16 12:21
TweetSchestowitz                 #cia spying on her 16 12:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 12:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | Major hurdles await NSA reform bid | TheHillNov 16 12:21
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        Questions about the sustainability ofNov 16 12:24
TweetSchestowitz                 civilisation on our planet may soon be answeredNov 16 12:24
TweetSchestowitz                 as a result of... 16 12:24
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 12:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:24
-TechrightsSocial/ | Science Offers New View of Hopes for Human Survival - TruthdigNov 16 12:24
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        The U.S. military will research and develop newNov 16 12:24
TweetSchestowitz                 weapons systems based on cutting-edgeNov 16 12:24
TweetSchestowitz                 technologies... 16 12:24
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 12:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:24
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House Seeks Next Generation of Hi-Tech Weapons - TruthdigNov 16 12:24
TweetSchestowitz@WISEUpWales     Massive police overkill at #G20. @CiaronOReillyNov 16 12:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    in custody all weekend for refusing to beNov 16 12:30
TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks      silenced over #Manning & #Assange. Court MonNov 16 12:30
TweetSchestowitz                 am.Nov 16 12:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:30
TweetSchestowitz@LeNouvelObs     Julian Assange : "Nous ne sommes qu'au toutNov 16 12:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    début d'une nouvelle ère démocratique"Nov 16 12:30
TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks 16 12:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 12:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | AdvertisementNov 16 12:30
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #WesternUnion CIO: experiments with #bitcoinNov 16 12:33
TweetSchestowitz        16 12:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 12:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Western Union Exec: Bitcoin Doesn't Add ValueNov 16 12:33
TweetSchestowitz@bomengidsnl     @glynmoody Corporations sue Hawaiians becauseNov 16 12:33
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    they want to protect environment #ISDSNov 16 12:33
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 16 12:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chip in to stand with Hawaiians against Monsanto | SumOfUsNov 16 12:33
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #polygraph is nonsense that does not work (manyNov 16 12:33
TweetSchestowitz                 know that). Perception drives its use. Is it aNov 16 12:33
TweetSchestowitz                 crime to show that? 16 12:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 12:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Owner of indicted for teaching people to beat lie detector tests - SlashGearNov 16 12:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:33
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @schestowitz: '#polygraph is nonsense that does not work (many...'Nov 16 12:33
TweetSchestowitz@jonworth        Even Moglen doesn’t like GCHQ’sNov 16 12:34
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Robert Hannigan’s views on privacy very much,Nov 16 12:34
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      and Moglen is right 16 12:34
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 12:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | The GCHQ boss’s assault on privacy is promoting illegality on the net | Eben Moglen | Comment is free | The GuardianNov 16 12:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:34
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Opinion Shaper: Election Day has little effectNov 16 12:34
TweetSchestowitz                 on big pictureNov 16 12:34
TweetSchestowitz         ( 16 12:34
TweetSchestowitz                 depends on who can be elected.Nov 16 12:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | Opinion Shaper: Election Day has little effect on big pictureNov 16 12:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:34
TweetSchestowitz@ExaroNews       Joint investigation by Exaro andNov 16 12:34
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @thesundaypeople. 16 12:34
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( 16 12:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | ‘Operation Midland’ investigates Tory MP over boy’s murder | ExaroNewsNov 16 12:34
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ExaroNews: Joint investigation by Exaro and @thesundaypeople. 16 12:34
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       FBI letter sent to MLK telling him to killNov 16 12:36
TweetSchestowitz                 himself within 34 days or face sex smearNov 16 12:36
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 12:36
TweetSchestowitz        16 12:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | When the FBI told MLK to kill himself (who are they targeting now?) - Boing BoingNov 16 12:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:36
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@wikileaks: FBI letter sent to MLK telling him to kill himself within 34 days or face sex smear 16 12:36
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @wikileaks: 'FBI letter sent to MLK telling him to...'Nov 16 12:36
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Imagine what an army of #drones (FBI uses themNov 16 12:39
TweetSchestowitz                 domestically) would achieveNov 16 12:39
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 12:39
TweetSchestowitz        (error)Nov 16 12:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mobile Phones Data Intercepted by U.S. MarshalsNov 16 12:39
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Mobile phones are increasingly seen (byNov 16 12:40
TweetSchestowitz                 so-called "law enforcement" and so-calledNov 16 12:40
TweetSchestowitz                 "intelligence") as #RFID in people's pocketsNov 16 12:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:40
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       Consciousness in the Age of Digital DystopiaNov 16 12:40
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 12:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:40
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     First Snowden. Then tracking you on wheels. NowNov 16 12:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | U.S. government set to use airplanes to collect information | Daily Digest NewsNov 16 12:40
TweetSchestowitz                 spies on a plane. Yes, #surveillance isNov 16 12:40
TweetSchestowitz                 everywhereNov 16 12:40
TweetSchestowitz         ( 16 12:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | Consciousness in the Age of Digital DystopiaNov 16 12:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | First Snowden. Then tracking you on wheels. Now spies on a plane. Yes, surveillance is everywhere | Trevor Timm | Comment is free | The GuardianNov 16 12:40
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "America as the omnipresent, unseen superpowerNov 16 12:40
TweetSchestowitz                 in a way that no world leading country has everNov 16 12:40
TweetSchestowitz                 been before." 16 12:40
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 12:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | Amnesia: A mad Aussie dash through history, hacking and the CIA • The RegisterNov 16 12:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:40
TweetSchestowitz@visionOntv      Amelia Andersdotter on freeing up copyright inNov 16 12:47
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the EU ( 16 12:47
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      @ORGCon14 @teirdes @PiratePartyUK @piratpartietNov 16 12:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | Plugandplay - OMNNov 16 12:47
TweetSchestowitz@mchakchouk      “@FelixTreguer: France's new internetNov 16 12:47
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    anti-terror law both "ineffective" andNov 16 12:47
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      "dangerous" 16 12:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #PJLTerrorisme”Nov 16 12:47
TweetSchestowitz                 #netfreedomNov 16 12:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Mediapart] France's new internet anti-terror law branded "ineffective" and "dangerous" | La Quadrature du NetNov 16 12:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:47
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #facebook demise continues to accelerate. NowNov 16 12:47
TweetSchestowitz                 traffic very much down, time spent down ~20% inNov 16 12:47
TweetSchestowitz                 3 months alone. 16 12:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 12:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | Site OverviewNov 16 12:47
TweetSchestowitz@AnaGomesMEP     Now in Estoril attending discussion w/JulianNov 16 12:53
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Assange @LEFFEST on Wikileaks, electronicNov 16 12:53
TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks      surveillance,human rights, etcNov 16 12:53
TweetSchestowitz        16 12:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:53
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@AnaGomesMEP: Now in Estoril attending discussion w/Julian Assange @LEFFEST on Wikileaks, electronic surveillance,human rights, etc 16 12:53
TweetSchestowitz@nnelken         Obama Administration Leaves Door Wide Open forNov 16 12:53
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Torture to Occur Again | Michael RatnerNov 16 12:53
TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack  @justleft  @TheRealNews 16 12:53
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 12:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama Administration Leaves Door Wide Open for Torture to Occur AgainNov 16 12:53
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #verizon really hates #privacyNov 16 12:59
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 12:59
TweetSchestowitz                 others at least react after they got caughtNov 16 12:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | AT&T stops adding Web tracking codes on cellphones, Verizon says it still uses 'super cookies' | CTV Winnipeg NewsNov 16 12:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:59
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Consciousness in the Age of Digital DystopiaNov 16 12:59
TweetSchestowitz         ( 16 12:59
TweetSchestowitz                 #surveillance as silent, invisible imprisonmentNov 16 12:59
TweetSchestowitz                 of the mindNov 16 12:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | Consciousness in the Age of Digital DystopiaNov 16 12:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:59
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Banning "use of tobacco in public parks andNov 16 12:59
TweetSchestowitz                 public property.” 16 12:59
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 12:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | Snuffing out citizens’ rights - News-Times: OpinionsNov 16 12:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 12:59
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     USPS Bemoans Massive Data Breach But ContinuesNov 16 13:04
TweetSchestowitz                 Surveillance ProgramNov 16 13:04
TweetSchestowitz         ( 16 13:04
TweetSchestowitz                 #post #mail #uspsNov 16 13:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | USPS Bemoans Massive Data Breach But Continues Surveillance ProgramNov 16 13:04
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @nnelken: 'Obama Administration Leaves Door Wide Open for Torture...'Nov 16 13:04
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        Vladimir #Putin quit the G20 summit early afterNov 16 13:10
TweetSchestowitz                 enduring hours of Western leaders urging himNov 16 13:10
TweetSchestowitz                 to... ( 16 13:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | Vladimir Putin Leaves G20 Ahead of Schedule - TruthdigNov 16 13:10
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "Freedom of speech" is not justification forNov 16 13:10
TweetSchestowitz                 threats or menacing speech. This article getsNov 16 13:10
TweetSchestowitz                 it wrong: 16 13:10
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 13:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | Freedom of speech does not exist on the Internet - The Daily CougarNov 16 13:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:10
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     To justify #censorship & #spying many spinnersNov 16 13:10
TweetSchestowitz                 like to use actual crime as an example of whyNov 16 13:10
TweetSchestowitz                 freedom impossible. But laws vs. crimes exist.Nov 16 13:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:10
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "The CIA currently vets and trains about 400Nov 16 13:13
TweetSchestowitz                 fighters a month" 16 13:13
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #cia weaponises 'rebels'Nov 16 13:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | CIA's role in Syria could be ramped up: report - NY Daily NewsNov 16 13:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:13
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     As it's public knowledge that #cia is behindNov 16 13:13
TweetSchestowitz                 many violent groups that it trains, why notNov 16 13:13
TweetSchestowitz                 just give them US-made weapons? PR toll small.Nov 16 13:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:13
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  Mishandling Rape - 16 13:13
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 13:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 16 13:13
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'Mishandling Rape -'Nov 16 13:13
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     'America's Great Game: The CIA's SecretNov 16 13:14
TweetSchestowitz                 Arabists and the Shaping of the Modern MiddleNov 16 13:14
TweetSchestowitz                 East' 16 13:14
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 13:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | Present at the creation: 'America's Great Game: The CIA's Secret Arabists and the Shaping of the Modern Middle East' - Pittsburgh Post-GazetteNov 16 13:14
TweetSchestowitz@johnstephens007  "how do we MAKE people pay for content?" orNov 16 13:14
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    "how do we LET people pay for content?" :)Nov 16 13:14
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       @doctorow on @amandapalmerNov 16 13:14
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 13:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Statesman | Standing naked in front of an audience: Amanda Palmer and a new way to make artNov 16 13:14
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "Normally, of course, the CIA only competes inNov 16 13:17
TweetSchestowitz                 foreign elections." 16 13:17
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #lol - great line!Nov 16 13:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | David Sarasohn: The Republican wave and the CIA torture report | OregonLive.comNov 16 13:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:17
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack ( 16 13:17
TweetSchestowitz                 cc: @safercampus @knowyourIX @endrapeoncampusNov 16 13:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | Brown’s ‘Rape List,’ Revisited - Video - NYTimes.comNov 16 13:17
TweetSchestowitz                 @SandraFlukeNov 16 13:17
TweetSchestowitz                 #ItsOnUs 16 13:17
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 13:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:17
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted ' cc: @safercampus @knowyourIX @endrapeoncampus @SandraFluke #ItsOnUs'Nov 16 13:17
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "CIA and military started working togetherNov 16 13:17
TweetSchestowitz                 after 9/11." 16 13:17
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 13:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 16 13:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | Could relationship between CIA, military be at risk? | News - HomeNov 16 13:17
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "Incoming intel committee chair Richard BurrNov 16 13:25
TweetSchestowitz                 will end any hope of holding out of control spyNov 16 13:25
TweetSchestowitz                 agencies accountable." 16 13:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 13:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | The CIA Won the Midterms | The American ConservativeNov 16 13:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:25
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Dem Sen. #Udall Considers Reading #CIA #TortureNov 16 13:25
TweetSchestowitz                 Report on Senate FloorNov 16 13:25
TweetSchestowitz        ( do aNov 16 13:25
TweetSchestowitz                 filibuster, we'll transcribeNov 16 13:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dem Sen. Udall Considers Reading CIA Torture Report on Senate Floor | MediaiteNov 16 13:25
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@MarkSZaidEsq Y persist w/ schtickingNov 16 13:25
TweetSchestowitz                 collateral labels&accusations onNov 16 13:25
TweetSchestowitz                 @JesselynRadack? I & others find her superbNov 16 13:25
TweetSchestowitz                 advocate & WB litigator.Nov 16 13:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:25
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  NYT: Way to end #campus #rape is "bystander"Nov 16 13:28
TweetSchestowitz                 prevention, lowering drinking age & stricterNov 16 13:28
TweetSchestowitz                 evidentiary standard??Nov 16 13:28
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 13:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:28
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Wanting more #war from #obamaNov 16 13:29
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 13:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ex-US officials criticise Obama ‘micromanagement’Nov 16 13:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Meddling in #europe increases hostilities andNov 16 13:29
TweetSchestowitz                 sours relationship with #russiaNov 16 13:29
TweetSchestowitz        ( whoNov 16 13:29
TweetSchestowitz                 benefits?Nov 16 13:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | Germany regrets diplomat's expulsion from Moscow | ReutersNov 16 13:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:29
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      "Tectonic shift": 16 13:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ( -----> 16 13:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 13:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@iang_fc: Tectonic Shift: IAB announces all Internet protocols SHOULD be encrypted 16 13:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | ArchiveNov 16 13:31
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  Op relies on strawman assertions like "sex w/Nov 16 13:31
TweetSchestowitz                 somebody under the influence isn'tNov 16 13:31
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@iang_fc: All thanks to Snowden. He achieved in a year of sacrifice what our entire crypto community could not do in 2 decades: change attitudes!Nov 16 13:31
TweetSchestowitz                 automatically #rape" 16 13:31
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 13:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 16 13:31
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'Op relies on strawman assertions like "sex w/...'Nov 16 13:31
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Former navy Seal says public has right to knowNov 16 13:31
TweetSchestowitz                 how he killed Osama bin LadenNov 16 13:31
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 13:31
TweetSchestowitz                 but it's OK for #panetta to reveal it?Nov 16 13:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Former navy Seal says public has right to know how he killed Osama bin Laden | US news | The GuardianNov 16 13:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:31
TweetSchestowitz@the_intercept   Hillary Clinton is a "soulless, principle-free,Nov 16 13:32
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    power-hungry veteran of DC’s game of thrones,"Nov 16 13:32
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     says @ggreenwald: 16 13:32
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 13:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cynics, Step Aside: There is Genuine Excitement Over a Hillary Clinton Candidacy - The InterceptNov 16 13:32
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     It's apparently illegal to talk about #tortureNov 16 13:32
TweetSchestowitz                 and #assassination by the #cia unless you areNov 16 13:32
TweetSchestowitz                 the former director, #panetta - 'relative' lawNov 16 13:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:32
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      The UK:  Food ban at ATP tennis tour finalsNov 16 13:32
TweetSchestowitz                 over 'terror fears' 16 13:32
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #ExplodingSandwiches #RedAlertNov 16 13:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | BBC News - Food ban at ATP tennis tour finals over 'terror fears'Nov 16 13:32
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  Pg1 NYT Op relies on strawman assertions likeNov 16 13:36
TweetSchestowitz                 "sex w/ somebody under the influence isn'tNov 16 13:36
TweetSchestowitz                 automatically #rape"Nov 16 13:36
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 13:36
TweetSchestowitz                 #NoShitNov 16 13:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 16 13:36
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "Reagan administration had illegally aided aNov 16 13:36
TweetSchestowitz                 stateless army known as the Contras in CentralNov 16 13:36
TweetSchestowitz                 America." 16 13:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 13:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Contras and drugs, three decades later - Frost Illustrated : Frost IllustratedNov 16 13:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:36
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  How wud any of solutions hereNov 16 13:37
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 13:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 13:37
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'How wud any of solutions here'Nov 16 13:37
*TweetSchestowitz has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Nov 16 13:44
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Nov 16 13:44
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 16 16:33
*TweetSchestowitz (~squirtbot@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 16 16:37
TweetSchestowitz@patentbuddy     U.S. ETHERNET INNOVATIONS, LLC, Troll PatentsNov 16 16:54
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Killed by Apple, HP, et al.; Analytics @. Nov 16 16:54
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz ( 16 16:54
TweetSchestowitz                 via @sharethisNov 16 16:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 16:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | U.S. ETHERNET INNOVATIONS, LLC, Patent Owner, SANTA CLARA, CANov 16 16:54
TweetSchestowitz@zoobab          Let's hope the Unitary Patent monster will beNov 16 16:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    killed this week #unipatNov 16 16:56
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    Nov 16 16:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 16:56
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        In this interview, @MayaSchenwar talks aboutNov 16 16:56
TweetSchestowitz                 what it means to be a #prison abolitionist:Nov 16 16:56
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 16:56
TweetSchestowitz                 @mazztopiaNov 16 16:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 16:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | "Locked Down, Locked Out": An Interview With Maya SchenwarNov 16 16:56
schestowitz 16 16:59
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Trains "reaching speeds of up to 500km/h" #japanNov 16 16:59
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ )Nov 16 16:59
schestowitz 16 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #whitewash of expelled ambassador Heather Hodges feeding dirt to Washington about #ecuadorNov 16 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Ambassador thrown out of Ecuador after WikiLeaks scandal will talk about her life and times at Kirtland eventNov 16 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: UN to investigate claims that UK spies infiltrated climate talks #gchq #climate #ukNov 16 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | UN to investigate claims that UK spies infiltrated climate talks | Environment | The GuardianNov 16 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Brand and Žižek call for greater whistleblower protections also Alfonso Cuarón, Terry Gilliam and Ken Loach...Nov 16 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Brand and Žižek lead celebrity call for greater whistleblower protections | US news | The GuardianNov 16 17:00
schestowitz 16 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #bbc mocking #assange for conditions imposed on him 16 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | A guy walks into the Ecuadorian embassy ... Assange inspires new BBC comedy | SBS NewsNov 16 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Novak in Assange-inspired comedy - Yahoo News UKNov 16 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Wikileaks founder Julian Assange inspires new comedy show - Entertainment News | TVNZNov 16 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: The Siege of Julian #Assange is a Farce how the rich and powerful treat journalism they don't likeNov 16 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | The Siege of Julian Assange is a Farce | Global ResearchNov 16 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #fbi "ominous plea for King to commit suicide" shows that not terrorism but popular uprising is the "enemy" 16 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Revealed: FBI attempted to drive MLK to suicide — RT USANov 16 17:00
schestowitz 16 17:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #classwar and #greed are driving society into increasing tensions and instability. The solution is to promote equality, not #policestateNov 16 17:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Texas bill would make NDAA Indefinite Detention Illegal with Criminal Penalties domestic gitmoNov 16 17:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Texas bill would make NDAA Indefinite Detention Illegal with Criminal Penalties | Tenth Amendment Center BlogNov 16 17:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: "2 billion people living on less than $2 a day" #capitalism #globalisationNov 16 17:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Nov 16 17:01
schestowitz 16 17:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: 85 richest now have as much money as poorest 3.5B more of an ad for #billgates by #usatoday (plutocrats-owned)Nov 16 17:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | 85 richest now have as much money as poorest 3.5BNov 16 17:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: College dropout with no qualifications in medicine (except monetising it through patent monopolies) is lecturing #eu 16 17:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Bill Gates grills Germany over late reaction to Ebola | EurActivNov 16 17:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #billgates advertisement in #theguardian which Bill Gates pays to promote himself (and GMO) 16 17:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Bill Gates foundation spends bulk of agriculture grants in rich countries | Global development | The GuardianNov 16 17:01
schestowitz 16 17:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: "Difference from average November CET is 2.71°C" #uk #climateNov 16 17:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | UK temperature tracker - CET Watch, Hourly Updates - Netweather.tvNov 16 17:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: England Weather Averages shown in #wikipedia change over time: 16 17:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Climate of the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNov 16 17:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Climate of the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNov 16 17:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #uk winter has been unusually warm for 2 years now it's moving that way 16 17:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | UK climate information - Met OfficeNov 16 17:02
schestowitz 16 17:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: People do not need #facebook b/c: 1) people remember birthdays&contact details of real friends 2) people can self-host, connect albums [2/2]Nov 16 17:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Having just verbally 'surveyed' #facebook used [sic], the site boils down to 1) birthday reminders; 2) uploading photos; 3) messaging [1/2]Nov 16 17:02
schestowitz 16 17:03
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @the_intercept: 'Hillary Clinton is a "soulless, principle-free, power-hungry veteran...'Nov 16 17:23
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Doctor Who 10th Doctor kigurumi/romper suitNov 16 17:23
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 17:23
TweetSchestowitz        16 17:23
-TechrightsSocial/ | Doctor Who 10th Doctor kigurumi/romper suit - Boing BoingNov 16 17:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 17:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Doctor Who 10th Doctor kigurumi/romper suit 16 17:23
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: Venice Beach - Freak show two-headed kidNov 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz                 skeleton - Los Angeles on Flickr.Nov 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz        16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz@TvNetworkNotes  “I have said this before and you ignored itNov 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    before, but this is a fucking network note.Nov 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz @davidgerard    Don’t use ‘cunt’ in your scripts.” – ABC2Nov 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz                 AustraliaNov 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 16 17:29
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Nov 16 17:31
*libertybox_ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Nov 16 17:34
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Nov 19 16:57:10 2014
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*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010Nov 19 16:57
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schestowitz__ 19 18:51
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 19 18:51
schestowitz__"As much as I'm not a fan of small distros that have the chance to become unmaintained... this looks really cool to a KDE fanboi such as myself."Nov 19 18:51
*schestowitz has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Nov 19 19:12
schestowitz__> I noticed another spam post today. Assuming you have the permissions setNov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> correctly, it is possible that the post was submitted through a spamNov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> user account that somehow had the necessary role assigned to it. I had aNov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> similar problem with one of my clients' Drupal 7 website which had aNov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> number of spam user accounts with administrator rights. I deleted theNov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> accounts and upgraded core to the latest version, and that seems to haveNov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> fixed the problem. suggestsNov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> that you are on 6.30. There have been three security releases since thenNov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> and while I don't see anything promising in the change logs for 6.31,Nov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> 6.32 and 6.33, you could try upgrading core and all the modules to theNov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> latest and greatest. Also, while I do not have the habit of removingNov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> those text files from Drupal root myself, I think it's best to do so, toNov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> hide the version number.Nov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> Nov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> Perhaps another thing you could do until this issue gets fixed isNov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> install the Rules module and set up a rule that automaticallyNov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> unpublishes nodes not created by specific users. While spam posts willNov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> continue to be generated until the security hole is patched, they willNov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> at least not be visible to the readers. Nov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> Nov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> Good luck.Nov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> Nov 19 20:51
schestowitz__> P.S. Just noticed you deleted the post.Nov 19 20:51
schestowitz__Hi,Nov 19 20:51
schestowitz__Thank you, Jayadeep, for the good advice.Nov 19 20:51
schestowitz__Yes, it took me 2 hours to spot the spam, after people made noise about it in IRC and I received some E-mails.Nov 19 20:51
schestowitz__We moved houses on Monday and today we migrated from wireless broadband to wired, so there's not a good eye/watch on the site. This will change soon and we'll resume posting as usual.Nov 19 20:51
schestowitz__The last time we got such spam (lasted a day!) it was when we visited London with my sister. The bad thing is, the tablet had its screen cracked, so it was hard to maintain the site even with wireless/broadband. Anyway, that's behind now.Nov 19 20:51
schestowitz__Over the past year we wrote some posts about spam management. Every registered user can submit comments/blog/news and push it to the front page. We're really that liberal and it's designed this way to allow people to participate. Now that we get some spam we might have to consider moderation, but not quite yet.Nov 19 20:51
schestowitz__Changelog is probably out of date. I always keep up with security fixes that are important.Nov 19 20:51
schestowitz__This reminds me, I want to check the moderation queue to ensure it's now empty. The house is still a mess with stuff in boxes all over the place, so priorities changed a bit. :-)Nov 19 20:51
schestowitz__Have a good day/night,Nov 19 20:51
schestowitz__RoyNov 19 20:51
schestowitz__ 19 23:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@01micko: @schestowitz $$$$ rule KONov 19 23:56
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 0 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 0 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesNov 20 04:33
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: Nov 20 04:33
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: Nov 20 04:33
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: Nov 20 04:33
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 0 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 0 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesNov 20 04:37
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: Nov 20 04:37
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: Nov 20 04:37
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: Nov 20 04:37
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 20 05:32
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Nov 20 07:16
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Nov 20 08:04
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Nov 20 08:04:31 2014
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Nov 20 08:04:57 2014
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-socialNov 20 08:04
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovellNov 20 08:04
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010Nov 20 08:04
schestowitz__   Nov 20 12:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Linux Mint Debian to Include Systemd and GTK+ 3.14 Support #gtk #systemd #linux #gnu #linuxmintNov 20 12:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Linux Mint Debian to Include Systemd and GTK+ 3.14 Support - SoftpediaNov 20 12:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: New Manjaro Xfce 0.8.11 RC Is Simply Beautiful – Screenshot Tour #manjaro #kfce #gnu #linuxNov 20 12:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | New Manjaro Xfce 0.8.11 RC Is Simply Beautiful – Screenshot Tour - SoftpediaNov 20 12:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Manjaro KDE 0.8.11 RC Is a Superb Implementation of KDE – Screenshot Tour #manjaro #archlinux #kde #gnu #linuxNov 20 12:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Manjaro KDE 0.8.11 RC Is a Superb Implementation of KDE – Screenshot Tour - SoftpediaNov 20 12:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: 16 Things You Can Do In Android Lollipop That You Couldn't Do In KitKat #android #linuxNov 20 12:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | 16 Things You Can Do In Android Lollipop That You Couldn't Do In KitKatNov 20 12:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Despite losing Google as its cash cow, Mozilla isn't dead yet #mozilla #firefox losing its wayNov 20 12:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Despite losing Google as its cash cow, Mozilla isn't dead yet | ZDNetNov 20 12:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Distro Astro 3.0 Is an OS Designed for People Fascinated by Astronomy – Screenshot Tour #gnu #linuxNov 20 12:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Distro Astro 3.0 Is an OS Designed for People Fascinated by Astronomy – Screenshot Tour - SoftpediaNov 20 12:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Philae Space Probe Landed on the Comet with the Help of SUSE #linuxNov 20 12:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Philae Space Probe Landed on the Comet with the Help of SUSE - SoftpediaNov 20 12:02
schestowitz__ 20 12:03
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: More details Leak on the Tizen based Samsung SM-Z130H, code named KIRAN #tizen #linux #samsungNov 20 12:03
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | More details Leak on the Tizen based Samsung SM-Z130H, code named KIRAN - Tizen ExpertsNov 20 12:03
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Gallery: Android 5.0 Lollipop, before and after #android #linuxNov 20 12:03
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Gallery: Android 5.0 Lollipop, before and after | Ars TechnicaNov 20 12:03
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: 15 Android Apps That Will Make Your iPhone Friends Jealous #android #linuxNov 20 12:03
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Cue The SmackTalk--Red Hat And Mirantis Face Off - ForbesNov 20 12:03
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Cue The SmackTalk--Red Hat And Mirantis Face Off #redhat #saas #openstackNov 20 12:03
schestowitz__ 20 12:04
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Lock-in a danger to open source, says SUSE official #freeswNov 20 12:04
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | iTWire - Lock-in a danger to open source, says SUSE officialNov 20 12:04
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: As Philae, Mageia 3 is running out of batteries… EOL for older #mageiaNov 20 12:04
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | As Philae, Mageia 3 is running out of batteries… | Mageia Blog (English)Nov 20 12:04
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #microsoft is not "Choice & Innovation", it's #espionage and #blackmail (with patents) 20 12:04
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | New Search Strategy for Firefox: Promoting Choice & Innovation | The Mozilla BlogNov 20 12:04
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Microsoft and the NSA - TechrightsNov 20 12:04
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #ScientificLinux 7 - Poorly executed #redhat #gnu #linuxNov 20 12:04
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Scientific Linux 7 - Poorly executedNov 20 12:04
schestowitz__ 20 12:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Kubuntu 14.10 review #kubuntu #kdeNov 20 12:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Kubuntu 14.10 review | LinuxBSDos.comNov 20 12:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) Release Date Revealed #ubuntu #canonicalNov 20 12:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) Release Date Revealed - SoftpediaNov 20 12:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Beautiful Budgie Desktop Environment Gets Major Update – Gallery #evolveosNov 20 12:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Beautiful Budgie Desktop Environment Gets Major Update – Gallery - SoftpediaNov 20 12:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #twitter #openwashing by #idg 20 12:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Twitter emoji: 5 lessons for effective open source | InfoWorldNov 20 12:05
schestowitz__ 20 12:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: After Divorcing Microsoft, Nokia Reveals The N1, An Android Tablet Hitting China First #android #linux #nokiaNov 20 12:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | After Divorcing Microsoft, Nokia Reveals The N1, An Android Tablet Hitting China First | TechCrunchNov 20 12:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Try Ubuntu Touch Without Using a Phone #ubuntu #gnu #linuxNov 20 12:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Try Ubuntu Touch Without Using a Phone - SoftpediaNov 20 12:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: FreeBSD Foundation Receives $1 Million from WhatsApp CEO #freebsd #bsd #unixNov 20 12:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | FreeBSD Foundation Receives $1 Million from WhatsApp CEO - SoftpediaNov 20 12:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #SUSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching Now Available #gnu #linux #ballnuxNov 20 12:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | SUSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching Now Available -- ORLANDO, Fla., Nov. 18, 2014 /PRNewswire/ --Nov 20 12:06
schestowitz__ 20 12:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Lubuntu-LXQt 14.10 Is an Unofficial Evolution of Lubuntu – Screenshot Tour #lubuntu #lxqtNov 20 12:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Lubuntu-LXQt 14.10 Is an Unofficial Evolution of Lubuntu – Screenshot Tour - SoftpediaNov 20 12:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #SystemRescueCd 4.4.1 Is a Powerful Recovery Linux Distro – Screenshot Tour #gnu #linuxNov 20 12:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | SystemRescueCd 4.4.1 Is a Powerful Recovery Linux Distro – Screenshot Tour - SoftpediaNov 20 12:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Enterprise adoption of open source is on the rise #freeswNov 20 12:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Enterprise adoption of open source is on the rise | ZDNetNov 20 12:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: LISA’14 – Are We Making Linux Too Easy? #lisa2014 #gnu #linuxNov 20 12:07
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | LISA’14 – Are We Making Linux Too Easy? | techponderNov 20 12:07
schestowitz__  Nov 20 12:07
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #Suse jumps into software-defined storage 20 12:07
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Suse jumps into software-defined storage | InfoWorldNov 20 12:07
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Intel’s MICA fashion bracelet features Linux and 3G data #intel #linuxNov 20 12:07
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Intel's MICA fashion bracelet features Linux and 3G data ·  LinuxGizmos.comNov 20 12:08
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Why #VMware and #Citrix will support #Linux VDI 20 12:08
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Why VMware and Citrix will support Linux VDINov 20 12:08
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Translating (reviewing) Debian package descriptions #debian #gnu #linuxNov 20 12:08
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Translating (reviewing) Debian package descriptions | The bright sideNov 20 12:08
schestowitz__ 20 12:09
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Samsung to release budget Tizen Smartphones to fight off Chinese competition #samsung #tizen #linuxNov 20 12:09
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Samsung to release budget Tizen Smartphones to fight off Chinese competition - Tizen ExpertsNov 20 12:09
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Purism #Librem 15 Linux laptop blends high-end hardware with totally free software #gnu #linuxNov 20 12:09
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Purism Librem 15 Linux laptop blends high-end hardware with totally free software | PCWorldNov 20 12:09
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: 5 open source projects making the world better you should know #freesw #sharingNov 20 12:09
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Humanitarian open source projects for a better world | Opensource.comNov 20 12:09
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Unity 8 Is Starting to Look More like a Desktop for Ubuntu – Video #unity #gnu #linux #ubuntuNov 20 12:09
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Unity 8 Is Starting to Look More like a Desktop for Ubuntu – Video - SoftpediaNov 20 12:09
schestowitz__ 20 12:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Run Linux on Android - part1 they mean #gnu #linux as #android already has LinuxNov 20 12:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Run Linux on Android – part 1 | Linux User & Developer - the Linux and FOSS mag for a GNU generationNov 20 12:10
schestowitz__ 20 12:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #OpenELEC 5.0 Beta 3 Now Using #Kodi and Linux Kernel 3.17.3 #gnu #linuxNov 20 12:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | OpenELEC 5.0 Beta 3 Now Using Kodi and Linux Kernel 3.17.3 - SoftpediaNov 20 12:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #Porteus Is Slackware-Based Bleeding Edge Modular Distro That Loads Completely in RAM #slackware #gnu #linuxNov 20 12:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Porteus Is Slackware-Based Bleeding Edge Modular Distro That Loads Completely in RAM - SoftpediaNov 20 12:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #Porteus Is Slackware-Based Bleeding Edge Modular Distro That Loads Completely in RAM #slackware #gnu #linuxNov 20 12:10
schestowitz__ 20 12:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Google's Massive New Android Update Just Launched #androidNov 20 12:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Android 5.0 Lollipop Update Can't Send Text Messages - Business InsiderNov 20 12:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Red Hat's #FeedHenry Gets A Dose Of Collaboration #redhatNov 20 12:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Red Hat's FeedHenry Gets A Dose Of Collaboration - ForbesNov 20 12:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: The debate about #systemd is not a manufactured one. #pulseaudio led to a similar one. The surprising thing is Red Hat refusing to comment.Nov 20 12:10
schestowitz__ Nov 20 12:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: A response to Infoworld’s confusing article about Fedora #fedora #redhat #gnu #linuxNov 20 12:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | A response to Infoworld's confusing article about Fedora - major.ioNov 20 12:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: dpkg Developer Resigns from Debian Technical Committee over Systemd #systemd #debian #gnu #linuxNov 20 12:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | dpkg Developer Resigns from Debian Technical Committee over Systemd - SoftpediaNov 20 12:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Fedora Infrastructure Freeze for Fedora 21 #fedora #redhat #gnu #linuxNov 20 12:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Kevin's musings » Fedora Infrastructure Freeze for Fedora 21Nov 20 12:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: No #natsec news for a while b/c FOSS news takes priority and there's a fall behind due to house move.Nov 20 12:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: "US drone strikes in Afghanistan in November so far..small not go reported at all in western media." 20 12:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Craig Murray » Blog Archive » The Weight of a DeathNov 20 12:12
schestowitz__ 20 12:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #mozilla continues to sell out, all out, now by diverting users' searches to #nsa partner #microsoft (via Yahoo), like Canonical triedNov 20 12:12
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Nov 20 12:57
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Nov 20 12:57:29 2014
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Nov 20 12:57:55 2014
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-socialNov 20 12:57
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovellNov 20 12:57
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010Nov 20 12:57
*schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 20 12:59
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 20 12:59
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 20 14:17
roy_ 20 15:22
-TechrightsSocial/ Moved houses successfully, so stress is vastly reduced. Catchup with news tomorrow.Nov 20 15:22
roy_"Moving sucks. Period."Nov 20 15:22
roy_"Enjoy your new house. :-)"Nov 20 15:22
roy_"Congratulations'Nov 20 15:22
roy_"There was a time I moved five times in less than two years. I got good at it, but it never got easy."Nov 20 15:22
roy_"Yeah, the best thing is to never unpack. ;-)'Nov 20 15:22
roy_"Thanks for Your posts Dr."Nov 20 15:22
roy_"I'm going to limit my exposure to Stallman's blog due to atom jack and the like, mostly. good luck diaspora devs.'Nov 20 15:23
roy_RMS links to too much "guardian" for meNov 20 15:23
roy_ 20 15:24
-TechrightsSocial/ How the #EPO ’s Executive Branch (Battistelli and Topić) Banned Scrutiny and Created Authoritarian Model of Control 20 15:24
roy_"Nov 20 15:24
roy_Richard Stallman has a collection of links about the corrupt EPO, Many of the articles have been been memory holed, but RMS's opinion is reliable.Nov 20 15:24
roy_2013, "The European Patent Office is issuing patents on new varieties of food plants." 20 15:24
roy_2012, "The European Parliament approved the Unitary Patent scheme, which gives the European Patent Office effective autonomy to decide whether software patents are valid in Europe." 20 15:24
roy_2008, "Staff at the European Patent Office went on strike accusing the organization of corruption: specifically, stretching the standards for patents in order to make more money. One of the ways that the EPO has done this is by issuing software patents in defiance of the treaty that set it up." September 2008 (Patent Office on Strike) 20 15:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | How the EPO’s Executive Branch (Battistelli and Topić) Banned Scrutiny and Created Authoritarian Model of Control: Part X | Techrights [ ]Nov 20 15:25
roy_European-Patent-Office-staff-on-strike.htmlNov 20 15:25
roy_2002, "The union that represents the staff of the European Patent Office has denounced the European Patent Office for disregarding laws and rejecting democratic control." 20 15:25
roy_"Nov 20 15:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | 2013: May - August Political Notes - Richard StallmanNov 20 15:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | A new wave of patents on plants | no patents on seeds [ ]Nov 20 15:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | 2012: September - December Political Notes - Richard StallmanNov 20 15:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ )Nov 20 15:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | 2008: July - October Political Notes - Richard Stallman [ ]Nov 20 15:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | Page Not Found | Expatica [ ]Nov 20 15:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | Richard Stallman's Personal Page [ ]Nov 20 15:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ )Nov 20 15:25
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 0 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 0 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesNov 20 16:33
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: Nov 20 16:33
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: Nov 20 16:33
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: Nov 20 16:33
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 0 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 0 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesNov 20 16:37
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: Nov 20 16:37
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: Nov 20 16:37
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: Nov 20 16:37
roy_ 20 21:21
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: How #SanDisk is Becoming an Open Source Player 20 21:21
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | How SanDisk is Becoming an Open Source Player | Linux.comNov 20 21:21
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Should #Obama Use Executive Action on Immigration? Ask Ronald Reagan #gop #hypocrisyNov 20 21:21
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Should Obama Use Executive Action on Immigration? Ask Ronald Reagan | PR WatchNov 20 21:21
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: No, #TarSands Oil Isn't Inevitable response to plutocrats-owned #usarodayNov 20 21:21
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | No, Tar Sands Oil Isn't InevitableNov 20 21:21
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #amnesty "advice you can install an app onto a Windows computer or iPhone to detect spyware" both have back doorsNov 20 21:21
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Is Amnesty giving spy victims a false sense of security? | DanielPocock.comNov 20 21:21
roy_ 20 21:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Is Amnesty giving spy victims a false sense of security? #privacy #amnestyNov 20 21:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Aspyr Media Have A New Blog Post On Porting Civilization: Beyond Earth To Linux 20 21:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Aspyr Media Have A New Blog Post On Porting Civilization: Beyond Earth To Linux | GamingOnLinuxNov 20 21:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Civilization: Beyond Earth for Linux Is Just Weeks Away - SoftpediaNov 20 21:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: An experiment in (re)building Debian #debian #gnu #linuxNov 20 21:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | An experiment in (re)building DebianNov 20 21:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: OPW Fedora Badges Intern… A Year Later! #fedora logos, nothing too exceptionalNov 20 21:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | OPW Fedora Badges Intern… A Year Later! | riecatnorNov 20 21:22
roy_ 20 21:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #NetNeutrality in #EU Under Attack Again 20 21:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Net Neutrality in EU Under Attack *Again* - Technology Blog and Community from IT Experts - ComputerworldUK.comNov 20 21:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Is the EU Giving Up on Net Neutrality? | La Quadrature du NetNov 20 21:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: China's State Council giving up to buzzwords and hype, rebrands server 20 21:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | USITO | State Council Pledges Support for Development of Cloud ComputingNov 20 21:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Does Commissioner Oettinger Want to Discard Net Neutrality? #netneutralityNov 20 21:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Does Commissioner Oettinger Want to Discard Net Neutrality? | La Quadrature du NetNov 20 21:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: New example of #law being written, controlled, and protected by a tiny majority with major wealth 20 21:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Fat on Restaurant Cash, Democratic Lawmakers Float Minimum Wage Preemption in IL | PR WatchNov 20 21:23
roy_   Nov 20 21:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #Edelman #TransCanada Leak: Aggressive PR for #Keystone Alt Greed before sanityNov 20 21:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Edelman TransCanada Leak: Aggressive PR for Keystone Alt | PR WatchNov 20 21:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Right-Wing Media Falsely Claim That Museums Need To Give Up Their Guns everything to protect armed populationNov 20 21:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Right-Wing Media Falsely Claim That Museums Need To Give Up Their Guns | Blog | Media Matters for AmericaNov 20 21:24
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: PBS to Treasury Official: 'Why Can't You Just Bomb Them?' #pbs #warNov 20 21:24
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | PBS to Treasury Official: 'Why Can't You Just Bomb Them?'Nov 20 21:24
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Someone called Margaret Shepherd from #sspr keeps spamming me with followup strategy (reply to self). SS sure needs PR. SS? PR? No kidding.Nov 20 21:24
roy_ 20 21:24
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #ooxml is a weapon against standards and for #microsoft #monopoly abolish OOXML, refuse to accept itNov 20 21:24
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-couldn't connect to host ( status 0 @ )Nov 20 21:24
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #1 spot for #hpc now goes to #china (largest Net population). Just been to #wingfat in #manchester - messy, expensive compared to #wingyipNov 20 21:24
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Six Clicks: The six fastest computers in the world #gnu #linux #hpcNov 20 21:24
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Six Clicks: The six fastest computers in the world | ZDNetNov 20 21:24
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Is The Open-Source NVIDIA Driver Fast Enough For Steam On Linux Gaming? #games #gnu #linuxNov 20 21:24
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | [Phoronix] Is The Open-Source NVIDIA Driver Fast Enough For Steam On Linux Gaming?Nov 20 21:24
roy_ 20 21:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: This is The Linux-based Tablet You’ve Been Dreaming Of #jollaNov 20 21:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | This is The Linux-based Tablet You've Been Dreaming Of - OMG! Ubuntu!Nov 20 21:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: If #bt et al. (other ISPs in #uk and maybe Ireland) ever claim people voted for #censorship it's because they got spammed and bamboozledNov 20 21:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Can the Linux-based Jolla Tablet take on Android and iOS? #jolla #linux #sailfishosNov 20 21:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Can the Linux-based Jolla Tablet take on Android and iOS?Nov 20 21:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Synchronize Your Life with #ownCloud #security #freesw #privacyNov 20 21:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Synchronize Your Life with ownCloud | Linux JournalNov 20 21:25
roy_ 20 21:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Let's Encrypt Effort Aims to Improve Internet Security #security #encryptionNov 20 21:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Let's Encrypt Effort Aims to Improve Internet SecurityNov 20 21:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #DARPA Is Using Ubuntu to Build Humanoid Robots – Video #darpa #linuxNov 20 21:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | DARPA Is Using Ubuntu to Build Humanoid Robots – Video - SoftpediaNov 20 21:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Red Hat Calls CloudFoundry the Unix of the Cloud #redhatNov 20 21:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Red Hat Calls CloudFoundry the Unix of the Cloud [VIDEO] - DatamationNov 20 21:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #EvolveOS Developer Looking for Funds to Finish a Superb New Operating System – Gallery 20 21:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Evolve OS Developer Looking for Funds to Finish a Superb New Operating System – Gallery - SoftpediaNov 20 21:26
roy_ 20 21:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: "Richard Stallman has a collection of links about the corrupt EPO, Many of the articles have been been memory holed" 20 21:27
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: The spam from #bt is worse than I imagined (see update) 20 21:27
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | » Blog Archive » BT Resorts to Spamming Techniques to Censor Our Internet Connection (Updatedx2)Nov 20 21:27
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #BT Resorts to Spamming Techniques to Censor Our Internet Connection #uk #censorship #spamNov 20 21:27
roy_ 20 22:08
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@evenorbert: @schestowitz OK, so why Yahoo is worse than Google? I really don't know. (btw I don't use either Google or Yahoo).Nov 20 22:08
roy_Yahoo is a relay for Microsoft in the US, after a corruption parade and coup 20 22:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft Hijack of Yahoo - TechrightsNov 20 22:10
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 0 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 0 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesNov 21 04:33
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: Nov 21 04:33
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: Nov 21 04:33
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: Nov 21 04:33
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 0 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 0 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesNov 21 04:37
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: Nov 21 04:37
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: Nov 21 04:37
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: Nov 21 04:37
*TweetSchestowitz has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Nov 21 06:30
roy_ 21 11:14
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #laptopmag rebrands #freesw "Open Source" despite clear distancing from this term 21 11:14
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Librem 15: Sexy Open Source Laptop Wants Your MoneyNov 21 11:14
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #gnu #linux presence in #venezuela 21 11:14
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Desarrolladores unen esfuerzos para Canaima GNU/Linux - La RedNov 21 11:14
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #Gigaom is making up quotes wtth '“We want Linux,” say 300000 edX students' - misattributionNov 21 11:14
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Does #Barbie know Linux? 21 11:14
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | iTWire - Does Barbie know Linux?Nov 21 11:14
roy_ 21 11:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #MicroFocus took over what's left of #novell yesterday 21 11:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | iTWire - SUSE's new owner does not see much change aheadNov 21 11:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #Ubuntu 14.10 vs #Kubuntu 14.10 vs #Xubuntu 14.10 vs #Lubuntu 14.10 vs Ubuntu GNOME 14.10: A Comparison 21 11:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Linuxed - Exploring Linux distros: Ubuntu 14.10 vs Kubuntu 14.10 vs Xubuntu 14.10 vs Lubuntu 14.10 vs Ubuntu GNOME 14.10: A ComparisonNov 21 11:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Ubuntu Community Health top-down approachNov 21 11:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Ubuntu Community Health | Free Trader BeowulfNov 21 11:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #Ubuntu #GNOME 14.10 "Utopic Unicorn" Review: Fantastic performance and upgradable to GNOME 3.14 21 11:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Linuxed - Exploring Linux distros: Ubuntu GNOME 14.10 "Utopic Unicorn" Review: Fantastic performance and upgradable to GNOME 3.14Nov 21 11:15
roy_  Nov 21 11:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Meeting the green lizard of openSUSE 13.2 #suse #opensuseNov 21 11:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD.Nov 21 11:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #mozilla ads mean spyware 21 11:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Nov 21 11:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Security considerations for Enterprise Linux #gnu #linux #securityNov 21 11:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Security considerations for Enterprise Linux | ZDNetNov 21 11:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Run Linux on Android – part 2 #android #gnu #linuxNov 21 11:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Run Linux on Android – part 2 | Linux User & Developer - the Linux and FOSS mag for a GNU generationNov 21 11:15
roy_ 21 11:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: More #Radeon Driver Changes Queued For #Linux 3.19 21 11:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | [Phoronix] More Radeon Driver Changes Queued For Linux 3.19Nov 21 11:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #FFmpeg Is Returning To Ubuntu With 15.04 Release #ffmpegNov 21 11:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | [Phoronix] FFmpeg Is Returning To Ubuntu With 15.04 ReleaseNov 21 11:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: KDE Applications 14.12 Beta 3 Is Now Ready for Testing #kde #gnu #linuxNov 21 11:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | KDE Applications 14.12 Beta 3 Is Now Ready for Testing - SoftpediaNov 21 11:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Barbie the Debian Developer #debian #humourNov 21 11:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Barbie the Debian Developer - Liberal MurmursNov 21 11:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Automotive Grade Linux Adds Industry Partners for Open Source Cars #linuxNov 21 11:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Automotive Grade Linux Adds Industry Partners for Open Source Cars | Open Source Application Software Companies content from The VAR GuyNov 21 11:16
roy_ 21 11:17
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: A brilliant mind: SUSE's kernel guru speaks #suse #linux #kernelNov 21 11:17
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | iTWire - A brilliant mind: SUSE's kernel guru speaksNov 21 11:17
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Linux Vs Unix: The Crucial Differences That Matter To Linux Professionals #gnu #linux #unixNov 21 11:17
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Linux Vs Unix: The Crucial Differences That Matter To Linux ProfessionalsNov 21 11:17
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #gigaom has joined the ranks of sites that won't show any content unless you execute #javascript - not shocking. They post #nsa #pr too.Nov 21 11:17
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Cisco open sources security also related: 21 11:17
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Cisco open sources security | Network WorldNov 21 11:17
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | 5 Best Open Source Web Browser Security AppsNov 21 11:17
roy_ 21 11:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: New #linux storage and filesystem conference 21 11:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Join Us at Vault: The Linux Storage and Filesystem Conference | Linux.comNov 21 11:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: 15 Apps Which Ship in Mint 17.1 Cinnamon [Overview & Screenshots] #linuxmint #gnu #linuxNov 21 11:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | 15 Apps Which Ship in Mint 17.1 Cinnamon [Overview & Screenshots] | TuxArenaNov 21 11:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Many hours later #bt is still injecting its pro #censorship #propaganda into pages we request 21 11:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: 3 amazing Raspberry Pi gadgets we can’t wait to get our hands on #raspi #linuxNov 21 11:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | 3 amazing Raspberry Pi gadgets we can’t wait to try | Raspberry Pi TodayNov 21 11:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: The Case Against Rolling Release Linux Distros #gnu #linuxNov 21 11:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | The Case Against Rolling Release Linux Distros - DatamationNov 21 11:20
roy_ 21 11:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: So much for "advocates" of #linux... not much has changedNov 21 11:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Debian on Death's Doorstep: Developers Resist Systemd by Resigning ~ Linux AdvocatesNov 21 11:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #NetNeutrality in #EU Under Attack Again 21 11:20
roy_ 21 11:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #fedora decision to drop #firefox - unlike #canonical plan to promote Chrom* - easy to understand in light of ads, Microsoft spyingNov 21 11:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #mozilla seems to have learned nothing at all from backlash that led #canonical to abandoning plans of #yahoo (MS/NSA) in #firefoxNov 21 11:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: The Fedora Developers Plan To Switch Firefox With Epiphany, Somewhere Between The Releases Of Fedora 23 And Fedora 25 21 11:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | The Fedora Developers Plan To Switch Firefox With Epiphany, Somewhere Between The Releases Of Fedora 23 And Fedora 25 | LinuxG.netNov 21 11:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Kubuntu CI: the replacement for Project Neon #kde #gnu #linuxNov 21 11:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Kubuntu CI: the replacement for Project Neon | blogs.kde.orgNov 21 11:22
roy_ 21 11:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: #kubuntu machine at lounge now without #microsoft (Yahoo) #firefox and other #mozilla software. #rekonq only.Nov 21 11:23
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Nov 21 12:19
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Nov 21 12:19:01 2014
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*Now talking on #boycottnovell-socialNov 21 12:19
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovellNov 21 12:19
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010Nov 21 12:19
*schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 21 12:19
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 21 12:22
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 0 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 0 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesNov 21 16:33
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: Nov 21 16:33
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: Nov 21 16:33
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: Nov 21 16:33
*TweetSchestowitz (~squirtbot@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 21 16:37
TweetSchestowitz@bartepp         My take on why #softwarepatents are alive andNov 21 16:43
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    well (still) after #Ultramercial.Nov 21 16:43
TweetSchestowitz @zoobab ( 21 16:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 16:43
-TechrightsSocial/ | Software patent owners have nothing to fear from the CAFC's Ultramercial decision, says Microsoft's former chief patent counsel - Blog - Intellectual Asset Management (IAM) - Maximising IP Value for BusinessNov 21 16:43
TweetSchestowitz@stevenbjohnson  Terrific backstory from @StevenLevy on theNov 21 16:45
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    origins of “information wants to be free”Nov 21 16:45
TweetSchestowitz @umairh         (entirely news to me): 21 16:45
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 16:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 16:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Definitive Story of “Information Wants To Be Free” — Backchannel — MediumNov 21 16:45
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       As Expected: Trial Lawyers Made A HugeNov 21 16:45
TweetSchestowitz                 Miscalculation In Killing Recent Patent ReformNov 21 16:45
TweetSchestowitz                 - ( 21 16:45
TweetSchestowitz                 oh, what a pity...Nov 21 16:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 16:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | As Expected: Trial Lawyers Made A Huge Miscalculation In Killing Recent Patent Reform | TechdirtNov 21 16:45
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Privacy International uncovers widespreadNov 21 16:45
TweetSchestowitz                 surveillance throughout Central Asia, exposesNov 21 16:45
TweetSchestowitz                 role of Israeli companies -Nov 21 16:45
TweetSchestowitz        21 16:45
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 16:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 16:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | Privacy International uncovers widespread surveillance throughout Central Asia, exposes role of Israeli companies | Privacy InternationalNov 21 16:45
TweetSchestowitz@mgeist          RT @susinsky: The trouble with trademark: ruleNov 21 16:46
TweetSchestowitz                 changes spark criticismNov 21 16:46
TweetSchestowitz        21 16:46
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 16:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 16:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | The trouble with trademark: Rule changes spark worry - The Globe and MailNov 21 16:46
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Oil industry risks trillions of 'strandedNov 21 16:46
TweetSchestowitz                 assets' on US-China climate deal -Nov 21 16:46
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 16:46
TweetSchestowitz                 oil is in big trouble (v @CarbonBubble)Nov 21 16:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 16:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | Oil industry risks trillions of 'stranded assets' on US-China climate deal - TelegraphNov 21 16:46
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        Four indigenous leaders from the PeruvianNov 21 16:46
TweetSchestowitz                 #Amazon were killed trying to defend theirNov 21 16:46
TweetSchestowitz                 lands in September. 21 16:46
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 16:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 16:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | Murders Turn Spotlight on Peru’s Forest Policies - TruthdigNov 21 16:46
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       #Africa's Ancient Plant Diversity And SeedNov 21 16:49
TweetSchestowitz                 Independence Still Under Threat From ProposedNov 21 16:49
TweetSchestowitz                 New Laws - 21 16:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #upovNov 21 16:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 16:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | Africa's Ancient Plant Diversity And Seed Independence Still Under Threat From Proposed New Laws | TechdirtNov 21 16:49
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       #TTIP backlash: #NHS needs protecting from USNov 21 16:49
TweetSchestowitz                 trade deal, says Labour -Nov 21 16:49
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 16:49
TweetSchestowitz                 people waking up at last?Nov 21 16:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 16:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | TTIP backlash: NHS needs protecting from US trade deal, says Labour - UK Politics - UK - The IndependentNov 21 16:49
TweetSchestowitz@openstreetmap   OpenStreetMap has been a part ofNov 21 16:53
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #GeographyAwarenessWeek with various events:Nov 21 16:53
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 21 16:53
TweetSchestowitz                 including a big one at @NatGeo today!Nov 21 16:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 16:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | OpenStreetMap Geography Awareness WeekNov 21 16:53
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: bonniegrrl: Want to scare relatives thisNov 21 16:53
TweetSchestowitz                 Thanksgiving? Cthurkey waits dreaming on theNov 21 16:53
TweetSchestowitz                 dinner table!... 21 16:53
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 16:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 16:53
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Gender equality and environment laws onNov 21 16:53
TweetSchestowitz                 business lobby hit list -Nov 21 16:53
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 16:53
TweetSchestowitz                 outrageous whining from greedy fatcatsNov 21 16:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 16:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gender equality and environment laws on business lobby hit list | EurActivNov 21 16:53
TweetSchestowitz@ldennj          @glynmoody No. Labour supports TTIP and theirNov 21 16:55
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Efford Bill is a total con trick:Nov 21 16:55
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 21 16:55
TweetSchestowitz                 This is marketing.Nov 21 16:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 16:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unpacking the Efford Bill Con Trick, by Dr. Lucy ReynoldsNov 21 16:55
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      What is the background of Levin's PSI staffersNov 21 16:55
TweetSchestowitz                 who do such a good at digging out this crime?Nov 21 16:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 16:55
TweetSchestowitz@aral            Thanks to you and thanks to @openexchange,Nov 21 16:55
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by has now raised over $75,000 with 19 daysNov 21 16:55
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      to go :)Nov 21 16:55
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 21 16:55
TweetSchestowitz                 Let’s do this!Nov 21 16:55
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 21 16:55
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 16:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 16:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | — LaunchNov 21 16:55
TweetSchestowitz@ellenthoen      Combining 2 #HepC drugs a "a novel, unexpected,Nov 21 16:57
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    and useful invention”??? @jamie_loveNov 21 16:57
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 21 16:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 16:57
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gilead Sciences Gets Ambushed By The Patent Troll, AbbVie - Gilead Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:GILD) | Seeking AlphaNov 21 16:57
TweetSchestowitz@privacyint      Need some weekend reading? Check out our newNov 21 16:57
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    96-page report on #surveillance inNov 21 16:57
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #CentralAsia. Start here:Nov 21 16:57
TweetSchestowitz        21 16:57
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 16:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 16:57
-TechrightsSocial/ | Privacy International releases “Private Interests: Monitoring Central Asia” | Privacy InternationalNov 21 16:57
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    My latest, based on open records requestNov 21 16:58
TweetSchestowitz                 Letters to MO Gov shed light on racial tensionsNov 21 16:58
TweetSchestowitz                 in #Ferguson aftermath 21 16:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 16:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 16:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'This is similar to the way Jesus was treated': Letters to Missouri Governor Shed Light on Racial Tensions in Ferguson Aftermath | VICE NewsNov 21 16:58
TweetSchestowitz@a19right2info   Chinese journalist facing life sentence forNov 21 16:58
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    leaking doc on #censorship to magazine. AbuseNov 21 16:58
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      of state secrets. 21 16:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 16:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 16:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chinese journalist facing life sentence for leaking to magazine | Media | The GuardianNov 21 16:58
TweetSchestowitz@jeresig         We just released a brand new HTML + CSSNov 21 17:00
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    curriculum on @khanacademy!Nov 21 17:00
TweetSchestowitz @TechJournalist 21 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ( Complete with realNov 21 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 time editor!Nov 21 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | Khan Academy Computer Science: Learn how to make webpages with HTML & CSS on Khan AcademyNov 21 17:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:00
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        1108 words on UTOPIA (working title), a novelNov 21 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 for adults #dailywords [total to date: 169232]Nov 21 17:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:00
TweetSchestowitz@andre_meister   UN-Menschenrechts-Kommissarin:Nov 21 17:02
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    "Vorratsdatenspeicherung ist weder erforderlichNov 21 17:02
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      noch verhältnismäßig." 21 17:02
TweetSchestowitz                 ( @UNrightswireNov 21 17:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | UN-Menschenrechts-Kommissarin: “Vorratsdatenspeicherung ist weder erforderlich noch verhältnismäßig” | netzpolitik.orgNov 21 17:02
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    My latest, based on open records request:Nov 21 17:02
TweetSchestowitz                 Letters to MO Gov shed light on racial tensionsNov 21 17:02
TweetSchestowitz                 in #Ferguson aftermath 21 17:02
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 17:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'This Is Similar to the way Jesus Was Treated': Letters to Missouri Governor Shed Light on Racial Tensions in Ferguson Aftermath | VICE NewsNov 21 17:02
TweetSchestowitz@presroi         Julia @senficon Reda,MdEP istNov 21 17:03
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Berichterstatterin im Europaparlament zurNov 21 17:03
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Urheberrechtsrichtlinie. Hier der Sachstand:Nov 21 17:03
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 17:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:03
TweetSchestowitz@TechJournalist  WordPress 4.0.1 Updates Millions of Sites for 8Nov 21 17:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Julia Reda – Jetzt wird’s ernst: Die EU-Urheberrechtsreform steht in den StartlöchernNov 21 17:03
TweetSchestowitz                 Flaws ( 21 17:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | WordPress 4.0.1 Updates Millions of Sites for 8 FlawsNov 21 17:03
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Suggestion for journos on the GOP Trial LawyerNov 21 17:03
TweetSchestowitz                 beat: Ask whether they have problem w/ExecutiveNov 21 17:04
TweetSchestowitz                 not prosecuting any banks.Nov 21 17:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:04
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        New emoji for Unicode 8, including "TACO"Nov 21 17:05
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 17:05
TweetSchestowitz        21 17:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | New emoji for Unicode 8, including "TACO" - Boing BoingNov 21 17:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: New emoji for Unicode 8, including "TACO" 21 17:05
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Wish You Had #NSA's Cool Spying Toys? Now YouNov 21 17:05
TweetSchestowitz                 Can -- As Low-Cost #OpenHardware -Nov 21 17:05
TweetSchestowitz        ( niceNov 21 17:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wish You Had NSA's Cool Spying Toys? Now You Can -- As Low-Cost Open Hardware | TechdirtNov 21 17:05
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Apparently you can be smart AND make greatNov 21 17:08
TweetSchestowitz                 beer.Nov 21 17:08
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 17:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | No. 4: Grand Rapids-Wyoming, MI - In Photos: America's Smartest Cities - ForbesNov 21 17:08
TweetSchestowitz@declanm         Days of truly open hardware seem in the past:Nov 21 17:08
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    update on @thalmic blocking raw access toNov 21 17:08
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      sensor data via firmware 21 17:08
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 17:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | Thalmic Labs Shuts Down Free Developer Access Update: It’s Back Again | HackadayNov 21 17:08
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Panorama: lessig: Year two of the NHRebellionNov 21 17:09
TweetSchestowitz                 walks happens this January. This year, thereNov 21 17:09
TweetSchestowitz                 are four routes,... 21 17:09
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 17:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:09
TweetSchestowitz@brickburner     My piece in CP on the Cali water crisis. If youNov 21 17:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    subscribe, you read this last August. (Hint,Nov 21 17:09
TweetSchestowitz @NatCounterPunch  Hint) 21 17:09
TweetSchestowitz                 ( @NatCounterPunchNov 21 17:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:09
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Crisis Over California’s Water » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the NamesNov 21 17:09
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Instead of modernizing the US #nuclear arsenal,Nov 21 17:20
TweetSchestowitz                 why not end the nuclear weapons era?Nov 21 17:20
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 17:20
TweetSchestowitz                 @DkriegerNAPFNov 21 17:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | On Modernizing the US Nuclear ArsenalNov 21 17:20
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      Smart review by @doctorow of @BiellaColeman'sNov 21 17:20
TweetSchestowitz                 new and excellent book on Anonymous Nov 21 17:20
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 17:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:20
TweetSchestowitz@mgeist          RT @ABoipc: Commissioner Jill Clayton commentsNov 21 17:20
TweetSchestowitz                 on PIPA amendments 21 17:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Anonymous ghost in the machine » The SpectatorNov 21 17:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #ableg #ABNov 21 17:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:20
TweetSchestowitz@damomac         German student beaten by @hellenicpolice: WhatNov 21 17:23
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    "makes me so angry is that they tried to hit myNov 21 17:23
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      face all the time" 21 17:23
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 17:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:23
-TechrightsSocial/ | Document - Greece: Unlawful police violence during protests must end and perpetrators held accountable | Amnesty InternationalNov 21 17:23
*TweetSchestowitz @doctorow retweeted @ggreenwald: 'Smart review by @doctorow of @BiellaColeman's new and...'Nov 21 17:28
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Why people are giving money to thinkNov 21 17:28
TweetSchestowitz                 past the web - 21 17:28
TweetSchestowitz                 ( good intro to project(s)Nov 21 17:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:28
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why people are giving money to think past the web — Tech News and AnalysisNov 21 17:28
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Little Brother middle school English curriculumNov 21 17:28
TweetSchestowitz                 materials 21 17:28
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 17:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:28
TweetSchestowitz@techdirt        Reuters, Re/code Care So Very Much AboutNov 21 17:30
TweetSchestowitz                 'Conversation' That They're Asking CommentersNov 21 17:30
TweetSchestowitz                 To Leave 21 17:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 17:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | Reuters, Re/code Care So Very Much About 'Conversation' That They're Asking Commenters To Leave | TechdirtNov 21 17:30
TweetSchestowitz@Liberationtech  #Mapping Illegal Fishing From SpaceNov 21 17:42
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( byNov 21 17:42
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      @sverhulst 21 17:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Plan to Map Illegal Fishing From Space | The Governance Lab @ NYUThe Governance Lab @ NYUNov 21 17:42
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Liberationtech: #Mapping Illegal Fishing From Space by @sverhulst 21 17:42
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        Review: It isn’t Joan of Arc who receivesNov 21 17:42
TweetSchestowitz                 Harrison’s scrutiny so much as the society thatNov 21 17:42
TweetSchestowitz                 engulfed her... 21 17:42
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 17:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Joan of Arc - Book Review - TruthdigNov 21 17:42
TweetSchestowitz@MazMHussain     Great essay by @rezaaslan on the ideologicalNov 21 17:42
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    roots of New Atheism: 21 17:42
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     ( 21 17:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Reza Aslan: Sam Harris and “New Atheists” aren’t new, aren’t even atheists - Salon.comNov 21 17:42
TweetSchestowitz@MazMHussain     Safe to say Canada has the most simultaneouslyNov 21 17:46
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    evil and buffoonish government on the planet.Nov 21 17:46
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     Its like a parody of the Bush administration.Nov 21 17:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:46
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      Write down what powerful people say & publishNov 21 17:46
TweetSchestowitz                 it when they give permission RT @BuzzFeedBenNov 21 17:46
TweetSchestowitz                 What do people think reporters' jobs are??Nov 21 17:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:46
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Kicking Barbie's butt: How the growth of 3DNov 21 17:52
TweetSchestowitz                 printing enabled me to make an army ofNov 21 17:52
TweetSchestowitz                 custom-made figurines 21 17:52
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 17:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:52
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      John Bates harshes on @JustSecurity, perhaps bcNov 21 17:52
TweetSchestowitz                 @steve_vladeck got him spanked for presuming toNov 21 17:52
TweetSchestowitz                 speak for courtsNov 21 17:52
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 17:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lawfare › Judges Brett Kavanaugh and John D. Bates on Blogs and Judges in National Security CasesNov 21 17:53
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Freihandelsabkommen #TTIP, #TiSA und #CETANov 21 17:53
TweetSchestowitz                 schränken kommunale Demokratie ein -Nov 21 17:53
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 17:53
TweetSchestowitz                 big threatNov 21 17:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mehr Demokratie e.V.: Freihandelsabkommen TTIP, TiSA und CETA schränken kommunale Demokratie einNov 21 17:53
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      LOL - Gauche @BuzzFeedBen "was trying to changeNov 21 17:55
TweetSchestowitz                 the tenor of an otherwise enjoyable dinner"Nov 21 17:55
TweetSchestowitz                 with his "questions" 21 17:55
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 17:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | What Was Said at the Uber Dinner | Nicole CampbellNov 21 17:55
TweetSchestowitz@EU_TTIP_team    2 new TTIP papers available: Chemicals in TTIPNov 21 17:55
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    - new ideas for working together - Trade -Nov 21 17:55
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      European Commission 21 17:55
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 17:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chemicals in TTIP - new ideas for working together - Trade - European CommissionNov 21 17:55
TweetSchestowitz@drkbish         @doctorow I bet "Computer Engineer" BarbieNov 21 17:55
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    didn't see that one coming.Nov 21 17:55
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Nov 21 17:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 17:55
TweetSchestowitz@jgray1962       @doctorow loved that book! Planning on it as aNov 21 18:00
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    book club selection for 2015 for my senior bookNov 21 18:00
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       club at the library. #shakeupthereadersNov 21 18:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:00
TweetSchestowitz@mmasnick        A preview of an upcoming @techdirt podcast withNov 21 18:00
TweetSchestowitz                 @amandapalmer... stay tuned.Nov 21 18:00
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 18:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | InstagramNov 21 18:00
TweetSchestowitz@techdirt        A preview of an upcoming @techdirt podcast withNov 21 18:00
TweetSchestowitz                 @amandapalmer... stay tuned.Nov 21 18:00
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 18:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:00
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Obama Announces Order Allowing Millions ofNov 21 18:04
TweetSchestowitz                 #Undocumented Immigrants Safety, for NowNov 21 18:04
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 18:04
TweetSchestowitz                 @BPalmaMarkusNov 21 18:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama Announces Order Allowing Millions of Undocumented Immigrants Safety, for NowNov 21 18:04
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Venedig verbietet Plastikräder an Rollkoffern -Nov 21 18:05
TweetSchestowitz        ( & yetNov 21 18:05
TweetSchestowitz                 speedboats can still wash away foundations ofNov 21 18:05
TweetSchestowitz                 palazzi...riiightNov 21 18:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Venedig verbietet Plastikrder an Rollkoffern - SPIEGEL ONLINENov 21 18:05
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Open-source IaaS: OwnCloud 7 Enterprise EditionNov 21 18:05
TweetSchestowitz                 arrives:  ZDnet: Want to make the most of yourNov 21 18:05
TweetSchestowitz                 existing storag... 21 18:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 18:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Open-source IaaS: OwnCloud 7 Enterprise Edition arrivesNov 21 18:05
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      12 Awesome Themes for Mint 17.1 Cinnamon:Nov 21 18:05
TweetSchestowitz                  tuxarena: With Mint 17.1 Rebecca being daysNov 21 18:05
TweetSchestowitz                 away from release, and ...Nov 21 18:05
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 18:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - 12 Awesome Themes for Mint 17.1 CinnamonNov 21 18:05
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Lessons from the OpenStack user survey:Nov 21 18:06
TweetSchestowitz         ( EveryNov 21 18:06
TweetSchestowitz                 six months, the OpenStack Foundation rep...Nov 21 18:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 18:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open source is changing the world: join the movement | Opensource.comNov 21 18:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Lessons from the OpenStack user surveyNov 21 18:06
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Beginning Git and Github for Linux Users:Nov 21 18:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( The GitNov 21 18:06
TweetSchestowitz                 distributed revision control system i...Nov 21 18:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 18:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | | The source for Linux informationNov 21 18:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Beginning Git and Github for Linux UsersNov 21 18:06
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @mmasnick: 'A preview of an upcoming @techdirt podcast with...'Nov 21 18:10
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      The Drone Rule Book Has Made It Easier for OurNov 21 18:10
TweetSchestowitz                 Partners Drone Kill With Us AgainNov 21 18:10
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 21 18:10
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 18:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Nov 21 18:10
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Investor-state dispute settlement and theNov 21 18:10
TweetSchestowitz                 #China-Australia Free Trade Agreement -Nov 21 18:10
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 18:10
TweetSchestowitz                 useful summary #ISDSNov 21 18:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Investor-state dispute settlement and the China-Australia Free Trade AgreementNov 21 18:10
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      Between NSA vote & this, clear that GOP is theNov 21 18:13
TweetSchestowitz                 same banal, 9/11-exploiting, war-cheeringNov 21 18:13
TweetSchestowitz                 faction as they were in 2003Nov 21 18:13
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 18:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | Are Defense Hawks Reconsolidating Power in the House GOP? - Hit & Run : Reason.comNov 21 18:13
TweetSchestowitz@NSACareers      National Security Agency #IT #Job: ComputerNov 21 18:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Network Operator (#FortMeade, MD)Nov 21 18:13
TweetSchestowitz @TechJournalist (error) #jobs #JobsNov 21 18:13
TweetSchestowitz                 #TweetMyJobsNov 21 18:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | An error has occurred.Nov 21 18:13
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        Various U.S. military contract solicitationsNov 21 18:21
TweetSchestowitz                 point toward a substantive American presence inNov 21 18:21
TweetSchestowitz                 #Chad. 21 18:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 18:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Outpost That Doesn’t Exist in the Country You Can’t Locate - TruthdigNov 21 18:21
TweetSchestowitz@maassive        Taos: Famous for skiing, Dennis Hopper's graveNov 21 18:21
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    and, now, illegal subpoenas for phone records.Nov 21 18:21
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel ( 21 18:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | Telecoms Fulfilled 90+ Illegitimate Subpoenas from New Mexico | Electronic Frontier FoundationNov 21 18:21
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      .@Krhawkins5 More importantly, Bob Graham WASNov 21 18:21
TweetSchestowitz                 starting an investigation in 2002 beforeNov 21 18:21
TweetSchestowitz                 Roberts thought of "about 10 reasons not to doNov 21 18:21
TweetSchestowitz                 so."Nov 21 18:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:21
TweetSchestowitz@SkyboatMedia    All you lucky fans in #Baltimore! @redemmasNov 21 18:25
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    event TONIGHT: @doctorow presents 'InformationNov 21 18:25
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Doesn't Want To Be Free'Nov 21 18:25
TweetSchestowitz        (error)Nov 21 18:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Emma's: Event: Cory Doctorow presents "Information Doesn't Want To Be Free: Laws for the Internet Age"Nov 21 18:25
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      Best part of @JamesRisen's book is light shinedNov 21 18:25
TweetSchestowitz                 on corporate profiteering as a key, drivingNov 21 18:25
TweetSchestowitz                 force of War on Terror 21 18:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 18:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | Blazing the terrorism trail: The US war industry | Middle East EyeNov 21 18:25
TweetSchestowitz@mgeist          RT @creativecommons: 14 countries have madeNov 21 18:28
TweetSchestowitz                 national commitments to open education.Nov 21 18:28
TweetSchestowitz        21 18:28
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #stateofccNov 21 18:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:28
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLENov 21 18:28
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      @ggreenwald Note, @TimothyS is hostingNov 21 18:28
TweetSchestowitz                 @JamesRisen at FDL Book Salon tomorrow at 5ET.Nov 21 18:28
TweetSchestowitz                 Should be great convo abt profiteering and war.Nov 21 18:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:28
TweetSchestowitz@HanniFakhoury   Telecoms complied with 90 illegal New MexicoNov 21 18:28
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    subpoenas, turned over customer data:Nov 21 18:28
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian ( anotherNov 21 18:28
TweetSchestowitz                 killer piece by @maassiveNov 21 18:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:28
-TechrightsSocial/ | Telecoms Fulfilled 90+ Illegitimate Subpoenas from New Mexico | Electronic Frontier FoundationNov 21 18:28
TweetSchestowitz@QuinlanTL       .@ANANurses urge leniency for #nurse whoNov 21 18:45
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    refused to #ForceFeed #Guantanamo #prisoners |Nov 21 18:45
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     #security #HumanRights #law |Nov 21 18:45
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 18:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nursing group urges military not to punish Guantánamo nurse who refused to force-feed detainees | US news | The GuardianNov 21 18:45
TweetSchestowitz@techdirt        So, If Someone Could Just Kill A Child And LetNov 21 18:45
TweetSchestowitz                 The FBI And DOJ Get Their Anti-Phone EncryptionNov 21 18:45
TweetSchestowitz                 Legislation Going… 21 18:45
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 18:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | So, If Someone Could Just Kill A Child And Let The FBI And DOJ Get Their Anti-Phone Encryption Legislation Going, That Would Be Great | TechdirtNov 21 18:45
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Chief Tax-Dodging OfficersNov 21 18:45
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 18:45
TweetSchestowitz                 @Anderson_IPS #TaxDodgersNov 21 18:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chief Tax-Dodging OfficersNov 21 18:45
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: Nongendered toilet sign 1, ElectronicNov 21 18:45
TweetSchestowitz                 Frontier Foundation, California, USA on Flickr.Nov 21 18:45
TweetSchestowitz        21 18:45
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 18:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:45
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: Periodic Table of Boxes sign, Adafruit,Nov 21 18:53
TweetSchestowitz                 Soho, New York City, New York, USA on Flickr.Nov 21 18:53
TweetSchestowitz        21 18:53
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 18:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:53
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Here's more than 900 pages of very angryNov 21 18:53
TweetSchestowitz                 letters to Missouri Governor about hisNov 21 18:53
TweetSchestowitz                 statements on Michael Brown's deathNov 21 18:53
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 18:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 18:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'This Is Similar to the way Jesus Was Treated': Letters to Missouri Governor Shed Light on Racial Tensions in Ferguson Aftermath | VICE NewsNov 21 18:53
TweetSchestowitz@FilmsForChange  Awesome reporter @JasonLeopold on the #FergesonNov 21 19:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    case.  But are there missing deleted emails?Nov 21 19:01
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold ( MostNov 21 19:01
TweetSchestowitz                 likely!Nov 21 19:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ferguson police email deletion and search questionedNov 21 19:01
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Israeli Police Ransack Homes of 40 PalestiniansNov 21 19:01
TweetSchestowitz                 During al-Shaludi Home Demolition -Nov 21 19:01
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 19:01
TweetSchestowitz                 "urinated inside one"Nov 21 19:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | PHOTOS: Israeli Police Ransack Homes of 40 Palestinians During al-Shaludi Home Demolition | AlternetNov 21 19:01
TweetSchestowitz@robevansgdn     GCHQ whistleblower calls for public interestNov 21 19:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    defence 21 19:01
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( via @guardianNov 21 19:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | GCHQ whistleblower calls for public interest defence | World news | The GuardianNov 21 19:01
TweetSchestowitz@Pharmacare2020  Every developed country with universal healthNov 21 19:02
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    care provides universal coverage ofNov 21 19:02
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      prescription drugs...except Canada!Nov 21 19:02
TweetSchestowitz        21 19:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Pharmacare2020: Every developed country with universal health care provides universal coverage of prescription drugs...except Canada! 21 19:02
TweetSchestowitz@JimboStanford   Here's the full report on econ benefits ofNov 21 19:02
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    local procurement from 21 19:02
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( for #GoodJobs confNov 21 19:02
TweetSchestowitz                 @CCPA_BC 21 19:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | Columbia InstituteNov 21 19:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JimboStanford: Here's the full report on econ benefits of local procurement from for #GoodJobs conf @CCPA_BC 21 19:02
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Elasticsearch Uses Power of Community for OpenNov 21 19:02
TweetSchestowitz                 Source Analytics [VIDEO]: EnterpriseAppsToday:Nov 21 19:02
TweetSchestowitz                 How has the ELK ... 21 19:02
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 19:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Elasticsearch Uses Power of Community for Open Source Analytics [VIDEO]Nov 21 19:02
TweetSchestowitz@snlester        But it's that way now; doesn't seem to beNov 21 19:03
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    problem MT @sdonnan Russian Cos would haveNov 21 19:03
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      better protections than US ones if ISDS cut outNov 21 19:03
TweetSchestowitz                 of TTIPNov 21 19:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:03
TweetSchestowitz@erikwesselius   Hard to free your bike at #Utrecht CentralNov 21 19:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Station. Great picture by @PimseltownNov 21 19:09
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody #smakkelaarsveldNov 21 19:09
TweetSchestowitz                 #straatfotografieNov 21 19:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:09
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Pimseltown: ontzettend gehannes met je fiets op #smakkelaarsveld #utrecht. #straatfotografie 21 19:09
TweetSchestowitz@ronpatz         Great to see @ggreenwald won this year’sNov 21 19:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Geschwister-Scholl-Preis & that he’ll beNov 21 19:09
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     speaking here at #LMU Munich soonNov 21 19:09
TweetSchestowitz        21 19:09
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 19:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:09
-TechrightsSocial/ | Geschwister-Scholl-PreisNov 21 19:09
TweetSchestowitz@derechosdigital  ¿Está el gobierno de Ecuador silenciando a losNov 21 19:10
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    usuarios de Internet que le critican?Nov 21 19:10
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 21 19:10
TweetSchestowitz        21 19:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | Taking down the critics: Is Ecuador’s government silencing social media users?Nov 21 19:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@derechosdigital: ¿Está el gobierno de Ecuador silenciando a los usuarios de Internet que le critican? 21 19:10
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       .@EUJohnClancy not excluded from #ISDS - that'sNov 21 19:10
TweetSchestowitz                 issue here: privatisation will become tooNov 21 19:10
TweetSchestowitz                 expensive to reverse...Nov 21 19:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:10
TweetSchestowitz@snlester        Not sure that exists. MT @sdonnan: approachNov 21 19:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    from Commission on #ISDS to be slow andNov 21 19:15
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      deliberate to have politically "bullet proof"Nov 21 19:15
TweetSchestowitz                 proposalNov 21 19:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:15
TweetSchestowitz@mgeist          RT @RickyPo: Gates Foundation Open AccessNov 21 19:16
TweetSchestowitz                 Policy: Embargo from 1 yr to zero by 2017 | CCNov 21 19:16
TweetSchestowitz                 BY 4.0 21 19:16
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 19:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Open Access Policy - Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationNov 21 19:16
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    DoD Releases Revised Military IntelligenceNov 21 19:18
TweetSchestowitz                 Program Request for Fiscal Year 2015Nov 21 19:18
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 19:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:18
-TechrightsSocial/ | News Release: DoD Releases Revised Military Intelligence Program Request for Fiscal Year 2015Nov 21 19:18
TweetSchestowitz@mmasnick        Well, ok then. 21 19:19
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 19:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:19
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@legalpetitnr: @techdirt <>Tisk..Tisk Techdirt- Shud'nt B so Hard Core nd Liberal..Let's al jst hav Faith in God..It's what has wrkd bst fr thosnds of yersNov 21 19:19
TweetSchestowitz@EUAmbUS         Council conclusions stress it is essential toNov 21 19:21
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    have clear & strong political support for #TTIPNov 21 19:21
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody 21 19:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 19:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:21
TweetSchestowitz@sdonnan         Here is that leaked EU services #TTIP offer.Nov 21 19:21
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Anyone spot anything in there that might annoyNov 21 19:21
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      US re energy? 21 19:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 19:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:21
TweetSchestowitz@sdonnan         7. Geopolitical case for #TTIP crescendoing andNov 21 19:26
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    taking new dimensions.Nov 21 19:26
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 21 19:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:26
TweetSchestowitz@Gorman_Siobhan  US Marshals try their hand at covert action inNov 21 19:26
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Mexico to battle cartels, and it does not goNov 21 19:26
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian      well. ( 21 19:26
TweetSchestowitz                 via @DevlinBarrettNov 21 19:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:26
-TechrightsSocial/ | U.S. Marshals Service Personnel Dressed as Mexican Marines Pursue Drug Cartel Bosses - WSJNov 21 19:26
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       .@EUJohnClancy @snlester that's the difference:Nov 21 19:33
TweetSchestowitz                 there will be 50,000 companies that can sue EUNov 21 19:33
TweetSchestowitz                 under TTIP - you can't extrapolate from pastNov 21 19:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:33
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       European parliament preparing to call forNov 21 19:33
TweetSchestowitz                 Google break-up: FT - 21 19:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( that will go down well...Nov 21 19:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | European parliament preparing to call for Google break-up: FT | ReutersNov 21 19:33
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Utah Tries Where Congress Fails to Keep #NSANov 21 19:33
TweetSchestowitz                 Within Constitution 21 19:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( @michaelboldinNov 21 19:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Utah Tries Where Congress Fails to Keep NSA Within ConstitutionNov 21 19:33
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       .@EUJohnClancy @snlester no, let's get rid ofNov 21 19:42
TweetSchestowitz                 ISDS completely: unnecessary and dangerous...Nov 21 19:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:42
TweetSchestowitz@TimCushing      "Get Me Off Your Fucking Mailing List" is anNov 21 19:42
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    actual published science paperNov 21 19:42
TweetSchestowitz @mmasnick ( 21 19:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | "Get Me Off Your Fucking Mailing List" is an actual science paper accepted by a journal - VoxNov 21 19:43
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       .@EUJohnClancy @snlester do what Indonesia,Nov 21 19:49
TweetSchestowitz                 Bolivia and other countries are doing: cancelNov 21 19:49
TweetSchestowitz                 the BITs/FTAs - 21 19:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 19:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bolivia Shows How To Dismantle Corporate Sovereignty Provisions In Treaties Without Losing Foreign Investment | TechdirtNov 21 19:49
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Modalities for investment protection and ISDSNov 21 19:49
TweetSchestowitz                 in #TTIP from a trade union perspective - SeeNov 21 19:49
TweetSchestowitz                 more at: 21 19:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 19:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | | Modalities for investment protection and Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) in TTIP from a trade union perspectiveNov 21 19:49
TweetSchestowitz@techdirt        AT&T Challenges Government's WarrantlessNov 21 19:49
TweetSchestowitz                 Acquisition Of Cell Site Location DataNov 21 19:49
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 19:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | AT&T Challenges Government's Warrantless Acquisition Of Cell Site Location Data | TechdirtNov 21 19:49
TweetSchestowitz@NatCounterPunch  How could twenty-first century politics haveNov 21 19:50
TweetSchestowitz                 taken such an atavistic turn?Nov 21 19:50
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 19:50
TweetSchestowitz        21 19:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | From Jerusalem, Yet Another Great Leap Backwards » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the NamesNov 21 19:50
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NatCounterPunch: How could twenty-first century politics have taken such an atavistic turn? 21 19:50
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       US frees men after 40 years of falseNov 21 19:50
TweetSchestowitz                 imprisonment -- witness admits police forcedNov 21 19:50
TweetSchestowitz                 him to "make it up" 21 19:50
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 19:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | 2 Men Freed After Judge Dismisses 1975 Ohio Case - ABC NewsNov 21 19:50
TweetSchestowitz@NatCounterPunch  Who Rules the World? 21 19:54
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    ( 21 19:54
TweetSchestowitz @Truthdig       Nov 21 19:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | Who Rules the World? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the NamesNov 21 19:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:54
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NatCounterPunch: Who Rules the World? 21 19:54
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       It should be noted that the men were due forNov 21 19:54
TweetSchestowitz                 execution in the 70's. How many went to theNov 21 19:54
TweetSchestowitz                 grave before they could be exhonerated?Nov 21 19:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:54
TweetSchestowitz@liamstack       WHO: Plague in Madagascar has killed 40 peopleNov 21 19:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    out of 119 cases 21 19:56
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( You guys there has been anNov 21 19:56
TweetSchestowitz                 outbreak of THE PLAGUENov 21 19:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 19:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Plague in Madagascar has killed 40 people out of 119 cases -WHO | ReutersNov 21 19:56
TweetSchestowitz@KathViner       Man who was in solitary confinement in aNov 21 20:05
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Louisiana jail for 42 YEARS has just had hisNov 21 20:05
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      conviction quashed 21 20:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 20:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 20:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | America's longest-serving solitary confinement prisoner has conviction quashed | US news | The GuardianNov 21 20:05
TweetSchestowitz@mmasnick        Someone is asking us to take down an old storyNov 21 20:05
TweetSchestowitz                 in which he doesn't like how he is portrayed...Nov 21 20:05
TweetSchestowitz                 Right to be forgotten is contagious.Nov 21 20:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 20:05
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photoset: boingboing: Saga Deluxe EditionNov 21 20:05
TweetSchestowitz                 Volume 1 hardcover Saga, the creator-ownedNov 21 20:05
TweetSchestowitz                 gonzo science fiction... 21 20:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 20:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 20:05
TweetSchestowitz@mmasnick        Claims we should delete it because "it's notNov 21 20:05
TweetSchestowitz                 relevant or active any more." Yeah. Ok.Nov 21 20:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 20:05
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Bottom Feeders: Plates and cups dredged fromNov 21 20:17
TweetSchestowitz                 the sea-bottom 21 20:17
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 20:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 20:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bottom Feeders: Plates and cups dredged from the sea-bottom - Boing BoingNov 21 20:17
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Bottom Feeders: Plates and cups dredged from the sea-bottom 21 20:17
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      WordPress 4.0.1 Updates Millions of Sites for 8Nov 21 20:17
TweetSchestowitz                 Flaws: eWEEK: The content management andNov 21 20:17
TweetSchestowitz                 blogging system autom... 21 20:17
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 20:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 20:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - WordPress 4.0.1 Updates Millions of Sites for 8 FlawsNov 21 20:17
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        In case you missed it: Chris Hedges' powerfulNov 21 20:17
TweetSchestowitz                 tribute to veteran Tomas YoungNov 21 20:17
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 20:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 20:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chris Hedges: The Last Days of Tomas Young - Chris Hedges - TruthdigNov 21 20:17
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: misscecil: Hipster Achievement unlocked!Nov 21 20:20
TweetSchestowitz                 Listening to Van Halen’s Panama on the PanamaNov 21 20:20
TweetSchestowitz                 Canal 21 20:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 20:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 20:20
TweetSchestowitz@NatCounterPunch  What's next won’t be a war like Bush’s. InNov 21 20:20
TweetSchestowitz                 fact, it won’t be a “war” at all.Nov 21 20:20
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 20:20
TweetSchestowitz        21 20:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 20:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | The First Un-War » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the NamesNov 21 20:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NatCounterPunch: What's next won’t be a war like Bush’s. In fact, it won’t be a “war” at all. 21 20:20
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Obama's Action Marks Historic Victory forNov 21 20:36
TweetSchestowitz                 Immigrant Rights, but Activists Warn of a LongNov 21 20:36
TweetSchestowitz                 Way to Go 21 20:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 20:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 20:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama's Action Marks Historic Victory for Immigrant Rights, but Activists Warn of a Long Way to GoNov 21 20:36
TweetSchestowitz@mgeist          RT @peternowak: Open and Equal Access for aNov 21 20:36
TweetSchestowitz                 21st century Internet: An Open Letter toNov 21 20:36
TweetSchestowitz                 Government 21 20:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 20:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 20:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open and Equal Access for a 21st century Internet: An Open Letter to Government | Angelus NovusNov 21 20:36
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Next military commissions for KSM, et al,Nov 21 20:36
TweetSchestowitz                 scheduled for Dec 13-17. Will Senate/CIA reportNov 21 20:36
TweetSchestowitz                 be out by then? 21 20:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 20:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 20:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Press Advisory: Military Commissions Media Invitation Announced for United States v. Khalid Shaikh Mohammad et. al.Nov 21 20:36
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        Court Rules Michigan Not Responsible forNov 21 20:42
TweetSchestowitz                 Quality Public Education 21 20:42
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 20:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 20:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Court Rules Michigan Not Responsible for Quality Public Education - TruthdigNov 21 20:42
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: firstsecondbooks: Best JeopardyNov 21 20:42
TweetSchestowitz                 question! 21 20:42
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 20:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 20:42
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    I'll be on @kcrw 89.9 12:45 PST talking abt myNov 21 20:42
TweetSchestowitz                 open records requests I filed re: #Ferguson.Nov 21 20:42
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 20:42
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 20:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 20:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'This Is Similar to the way Jesus Was Treated': Letters to Missouri Governor Shed Light on Racial Tensions in Ferguson Aftermath | VICE NewsNov 21 20:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ferguson Police Emails Reveal 'Life is Very Rough' for Officers | VICE NewsNov 21 20:42
TweetSchestowitz@ORCL_Linux      Oracle VM #VirtualBox 4.3.20 ReleasedNov 21 20:54
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 21 20:54
TweetSchestowitz @TechJournalist  Nov 21 20:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 20:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | Oracle VM VirtualBox 4.3.20 Released (Oracle's Virtualization Blog)Nov 21 20:54
TweetSchestowitz@techdirt        Fixing The Broadband Market And Protecting NetNov 21 20:54
TweetSchestowitz                 Neutrality By Prying Open Incumbent Networks ToNov 21 20:54
TweetSchestowitz                 Meaningful… 21 20:54
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 20:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 20:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | Fixing The Broadband Market And Protecting Net Neutrality By Prying Open Incumbent Networks To Meaningful Competition | TechdirtNov 21 20:54
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      Is this really a job change in anything otherNov 21 20:55
TweetSchestowitz                 than the most technical sense?Nov 21 20:55
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 20:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 20:55
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@brianstelter: Obama associate communications director @Racusen44 is taking over MSNBC's PR, @mikeallen reports: 21 20:55
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | OBAMA: ‘Are we a nation that accepts the cruelty of ripping children from their parents’ arms?’ – JON WARD book deal on Carter-Kennedy primary – RACHEL RACUSEN to MSNBC as V.P., comms – B’DAY: Rick Kl - POLITICO Playbook - POLITICO.comNov 21 20:55
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: desmuses: Daily life in Raqqa by MollyNov 21 21:04
TweetSchestowitz                 Crabapple ( mollycrabapple ) and an anonymousNov 21 21:04
TweetSchestowitz                 Syrian. "ISIS... 21 21:04
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 21:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:04
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      This article is nominally about trivial DCNov 21 21:04
TweetSchestowitz                 bickering but gives lots of insight into howNov 21 21:04
TweetSchestowitz                 the royal court functions Nov 21 21:04
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 21:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log InNov 21 21:04
TweetSchestowitz@JustADCohen     Just posted @TheMarshallProj on anNov 21 21:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    extraordinary week for overturned convictions:Nov 21 21:13
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     The Corrections 21 21:13
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 21:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Corrections | The Marshall ProjectNov 21 21:13
TweetSchestowitz@tmorello        “@Truthdig:ChrisHedges' powerful tribute toNov 21 21:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    veteran Tomas Young”Nov 21 21:13
TweetSchestowitz @Truthdig       ( Important, heartbreaking.Nov 21 21:13
TweetSchestowitz                 #RipTomasYoungNov 21 21:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chris Hedges: The Last Days of Tomas Young - Chris Hedges - TruthdigNov 21 21:13
*TweetSchestowitz @Truthdig deleted 'In case you missed it: Chris Hedges' powerful...'Nov 21 21:13
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: boingboing: Silicon Valley Job TitleNov 21 21:16
TweetSchestowitz                 Generator 21 21:16
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 21:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:17
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Edelman #TransCanada Leak: Aggressive PR forNov 21 21:17
TweetSchestowitz                 Keystone Alternative 21 21:17
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #EnergyEastNov 21 21:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | Edelman TransCanada Leak: Aggressive PR for Keystone AlternativeNov 21 21:17
TweetSchestowitz@danielschuman   #opengov idea: @USDOL requires retirement plansNov 21 21:19
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    to tell employees fees for each fund... createNov 21 21:19
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     database of fees for all co's?Nov 21 21:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:19
TweetSchestowitz@CBSNLive        AG Eric Holder frustrated with MissouriNov 21 21:20
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    governor over Ferguson action, DOJ officialNov 21 21:20
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   says: ( 21 21:20
TweetSchestowitz        21 21:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ferguson, Missouri, emergency announcement frustrates Eric Holder - CBS NewsNov 21 21:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@CBSNLive: AG Eric Holder frustrated with Missouri governor over Ferguson action, DOJ official says: 21 21:20
TweetSchestowitz@AdamSchefter    Tickets for Bills-Jets game at Ford Field,Nov 21 21:20
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Monday, Nov. 24 at 7 p.m. will be free andNov 21 21:20
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     available to general... 21 21:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 21:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Adam Schefter - Tickets for Bills-Jets game at Ford Field,... | FacebookNov 21 21:20
TweetSchestowitz@C_Kilmister23   Letters to Missouri Governor highlightNov 21 21:21
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    continued racial tensions over FergusonNov 21 21:21
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   shootings. 21 21:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 21:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'This Is Similar to the way Jesus Was Treated': Letters to Missouri Governor Shed Light on Racial Tensions in Ferguson Aftermath | VICE NewsNov 21 21:21
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Wow. Free tickets to the Clown Show.Nov 21 21:21
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 21 21:21
TweetSchestowitz                 Tempting.Nov 21 21:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:21
TweetSchestowitz@swardley        @doctorow: I raise your SV Job Title GeneratorNov 21 21:33
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by 21 21:33
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       ( with BillNov 21 21:33
TweetSchestowitz                 West's Corporate Strategy generatorNov 21 21:33
TweetSchestowitz        21 21:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 21:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | What is my Strategy?Nov 21 21:33
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      HPSCI finds no evidence CIA shipped weapons frNov 21 21:33
TweetSchestowitz                 Benghazi to Syria.Nov 21 21:33
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 21:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:33
TweetSchestowitz@TechJournalist  Cisco CEO: We Need to Thing Like a Startup -Nov 21 21:33
TweetSchestowitz                 EnterpriseNetworkingPlanetNov 21 21:33
TweetSchestowitz        21 21:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 21:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cisco CEO: We Need to Think Like a StartupNov 21 21:33
*TweetSchestowitz @TechJournalist deleted 'Cisco CEO: We Need to Thing Like a...'Nov 21 21:33
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        The lame duck 21 21:38
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #Boehner #Obama #immigrationNov 21 21:38
TweetSchestowitz        21 21:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:38
-TechrightsSocial/ | Clay Bennett: The Lame Duck - Clay Bennett - TruthdigNov 21 21:38
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Sorry, that page does not existNov 21 21:38
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #ScientificLinux 6.6 vs. Scientific Linux 7.0Nov 21 21:38
TweetSchestowitz                 Benchmarks 21 21:38
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #gnu #linux #benchmarkNov 21 21:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:38
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Phoronix] Scientific Linux 6.6 vs. Scientific Linux 7.0 BenchmarksNov 21 21:38
*TweetSchestowitz @Truthdig deleted 'The lame duck #Boehner #Obama #immigration'Nov 21 21:38
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Ubuntu MATE is a heavyweight among theNov 21 21:47
TweetSchestowitz                 lightweight distributionsNov 21 21:47
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 21:47
TweetSchestowitz                 #canonical #ubuntu #gnu #linuxNov 21 21:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:48
TweetSchestowitz@NatCounterPunch  “Whiskey is for drinking, water is for fightingNov 21 21:48
TweetSchestowitz                 over.” – Mark Twain 21 21:48
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 21:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ubuntu MATE is a heavyweight among the lightweight distributions | ITworldNov 21 21:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Crisis Over California’s Water » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the NamesNov 21 21:48
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "We reveal how to install Ubuntu, the freeNov 21 21:48
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NatCounterPunch: “Whiskey is for drinking, water is for fighting over.” – Mark Twain 21 21:48
TweetSchestowitz                 open-source OS, on your laptop or PC"Nov 21 21:48
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 21:48
TweetSchestowitz                 #ubuntuNov 21 21:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | How to install Ubuntu: run Linux on your laptop or PC | pcproNov 21 21:48
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Imp mini PC is a tiny, ARM-based UbuntuNov 21 21:53
TweetSchestowitz                 computer 21 21:53
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #ubuntu #linuxNov 21 21:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | Imp mini PC is a tiny, ARM-based Ubuntu computer - LiliputingNov 21 21:53
TweetSchestowitz@TechJournalist  Mozilla Reports Flat Revenue a Day AfterNov 21 21:53
TweetSchestowitz                 Dropping Google for YahooNov 21 21:53
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 21:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mozilla Reports Flat Revenue a Day After Dropping Google for YahooNov 21 21:53
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     A “laptop that respects essential freedoms”Nov 21 21:53
TweetSchestowitz        ( MarkNov 21 21:53
TweetSchestowitz                 Shuttleworth once considered doing this, circaNov 21 21:53
TweetSchestowitz                 2007Nov 21 21:53
-TechrightsSocial/ | Crowdfunding project promises a “laptop that respects essential freedoms” | Ars TechnicaNov 21 21:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:53
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Gates Foundation mandates open access for allNov 21 21:53
TweetSchestowitz                 the research it funds 21 21:53
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gates Foundation mandates open access for all the research it funds - Boing BoingNov 21 21:54
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Gates Foundation mandates open access for all the research it funds 21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz@YoBenCohen      It doesn't matter who won, when elections areNov 21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    funded by global corporations and specialNov 21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz @truthout       interests, everyone loses:Nov 21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | The 2014 Midterm Elections, IncorporatedNov 21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz@aintacrow       ICYMI I wrote this on subway arrests in NYC.Nov 21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    includes interviews w subway performers onNov 21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz @truthout       getting targeted by the #NYPDNov 21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | Subways Are an NYPD Hotspot in de Blasio's New YorkNov 21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz@techdirt        Report Says Customs And Border ProtectionNov 21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz                 Shoved 12,000 Unanswered FOIA Requests IntoNov 21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz                 Boxes And Forgot About ThemNov 21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | Report Says Customs And Border Protection Shoved 12,000 Unanswered FOIA Requests Into Boxes And Forgot About Them | TechdirtNov 21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz@aintacrow       includes NYPD practices that increase punitiveNov 21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    measures for broken windows policing on subwaysNov 21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz @truthout ( 21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz        21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 21:54
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@aintacrow: includes NYPD practices that increase punitive measures for broken windows policing on subways 21 21:54
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Both #gnu and #linux on a tabletNov 21 22:00
TweetSchestowitz        ( leapNov 21 22:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ahead.Nov 21 22:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | Crowdfunding Jolla, a GNU/Linux-powered high-spec tablet - Boing BoingNov 21 22:00
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Linux Mint 17.1 finally makes MATE's fancyNov 21 22:00
TweetSchestowitz                 Compiz graphics easy to useNov 21 22:00
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 22:00
TweetSchestowitz                 #linuxmint #gnu #linuxNov 21 22:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Mint 17.1 finally makes MATE's fancy Compiz graphics easy to use | PCWorldNov 21 22:00
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Letters to Missouri Governor Jay Nixon: "TheseNov 21 22:00
TweetSchestowitz                 blacks want a war and you are scared to shutNov 21 22:00
TweetSchestowitz                 them down" 21 22:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ( via @vicenewsNov 21 22:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'This Is Similar to the way Jesus Was Treated': Letters to Missouri Governor Shed Light on Racial Tensions in Ferguson Aftermath | VICE NewsNov 21 22:00
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Our government has become a clearing house forNov 21 22:03
TweetSchestowitz                 corporations and plutocratsNov 21 22:03
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 22:03
TweetSchestowitz                 @BillMoyers @MichaelWinshipNov 21 22:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dividing the SpoilsNov 21 22:03
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Banks claim to be analysing #gnu #linuxNov 21 22:03
TweetSchestowitz                 adoption trends 21 22:03
TweetSchestowitz                 ( speculative and misguidedNov 21 22:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jefferies: Linux Slowdown Puts Red Hat Consensus At Risk - Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE:RHT) | BenzingaNov 21 22:03
TweetSchestowitz@TechJournalist  Cisco CEO: We Need to Think Like a Startup -Nov 21 22:03
TweetSchestowitz                 EnterpriseNetworkingPlanetNov 21 22:03
TweetSchestowitz        21 22:03
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 22:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cisco CEO: We Need to Think Like a StartupNov 21 22:03
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Hands on with Caine LinuxNov 21 22:07
TweetSchestowitz        ( #caineNov 21 22:07
TweetSchestowitz                 #gnu #linuxNov 21 22:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:07
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    TY! Anytime!! "@yaelwrites: #FF @JasonLeopoldNov 21 22:07
TweetSchestowitz                 who's not only a FOIA terrorist, but lends aNov 21 22:07
TweetSchestowitz                 helping hand to junior terrorists-in-training."Nov 21 22:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hands on with Caine Linux: Pentesting and UEFI compatible | ZDNetNov 21 22:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:08
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      RT @johnnallan: States CIA there gatheredNov 21 22:08
TweetSchestowitz                 intelligence that other foreign entities,Nov 21 22:08
TweetSchestowitz                 unspecified, were sending weapons from Libya toNov 21 22:08
TweetSchestowitz                 Syria.Nov 21 22:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:08
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Many fools are expected to give theirNov 21 22:12
TweetSchestowitz                 containers to #amazon AWS - a platform ofNov 21 22:12
TweetSchestowitz                 #surveillance and #censorshipNov 21 22:12
TweetSchestowitz        21 22:12
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 22:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | Q&A: AWS Docker integration marks new era for Linux containersNov 21 22:12
TweetSchestowitz@nybooks         David Bromwich on the integrity, and theNov 21 22:12
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    freedom, of Edward SnowdenNov 21 22:12
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald ( 21 22:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Question of Edward Snowden by David Bromwich | The New York Review of BooksNov 21 22:12
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #SDN in action: Hands-on with #Cumulus #LinuxNov 21 22:17
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 22:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | SDN in action: Hands-on with Cumulus Linux | Network WorldNov 21 22:17
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      "The strangest revelation of Citizenfour may beNov 21 22:17
TweetSchestowitz                 this: Snowden, in his hotel room ... affords aNov 21 22:17
TweetSchestowitz                 picture of a free man" 21 22:17
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 22:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:17
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    the FBI has sent about 100 agents to the St.Nov 21 22:17
TweetSchestowitz                 Louis area 21 22:17
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 22:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ferguson, Missouri: FBI sends agents and officials urge calm as grand jury decision looms - CBS NewsNov 21 22:17
TweetSchestowitz@DanielBice      WI @SenRonJohnson says he won't self-financeNov 21 22:18
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    2016 race, but who exactly paid for his 1stNov 21 22:18
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     one? Here's your answer: 21 22:18
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 22:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:18
-TechrightsSocial/ | Daniel Bice - Johnson proves to be a big spender - and taker: Firm pays him $10 millionNov 21 22:18
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    America Just Launched Its 500th Drone StrikeNov 21 22:18
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 22:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:18
-TechrightsSocial/ | America Just Launched Its 500th Drone Strike - Defense - GovExec.comNov 21 22:18
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      #FF @Krhawkins5 because she's relentless.Nov 21 22:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:26
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Does today count as a pre-holiday docudump day,Nov 21 22:26
TweetSchestowitz                 at least for the hoi polloi? How many elitesNov 21 22:26
TweetSchestowitz                 are working next week?Nov 21 22:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:26
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #UK government commits to Open Contracting DataNov 21 22:26
TweetSchestowitz                 Standard 21 22:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 22:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:26
-TechrightsSocial/ | UK government commits to Open Contracting Data StandardNov 21 22:26
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #microsoft is copying #gnu #linux Nov 21 22:26
TweetSchestowitz        21 22:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 22:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:26
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mandriva Linux Chronicles: The Great Paradox: On Windows 10 and InnovationNov 21 22:27
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Calligra Gemini Added to #Calligra Suite Nov 21 22:30
TweetSchestowitz        ( #kde #gnuNov 21 22:30
TweetSchestowitz                 #linuxNov 21 22:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | Calligra Gemini Added to Calligra Suite | KDE.newsNov 21 22:30
TweetSchestowitz@joemacare       #FF So glad to work with/publish this lot!Nov 21 22:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @aintacrow @williamcander @aaronmiguel_Nov 21 22:30
TweetSchestowitz @truthout       @bullhorngirl @MayaSchenwar @adamhudson5Nov 21 22:30
TweetSchestowitz                 @Katie_SpeakNov 21 22:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:30
TweetSchestowitz@joemacare       But seriously - if you want @truthout to keepNov 21 22:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    being able to publish/employ people like that,Nov 21 22:30
TweetSchestowitz @truthout       we need help this month: 21 22:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 22:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | Make a donation to Truthout!Nov 21 22:30
TweetSchestowitz@DGisSERIOUS     The first video dispatch I did from FergusonNov 21 22:34
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    with @thementalward is now up. Please watch.Nov 21 22:34
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold ( 21 22:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | State of Emergency - Ferguson, Missouri (Dispatch 8) | VICE NewsNov 21 22:35
TweetSchestowitz@PPGWNI          Yep, women are out of the closet when it comesNov 21 22:39
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    to sharing their #abortion stories.Nov 21 22:39
TweetSchestowitz @truthout       #donebeingshamed via @truthoutNov 21 22:39
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 22:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Something Big Is Changing in the Fight for Reproductive Freedom - Women Are Done With Being ShamedNov 21 22:39
TweetSchestowitz@TechJournalist  Red Hat Pushes Forward with CentOS [VIDEO] -Nov 21 22:39
TweetSchestowitz                 Server Watch 21 22:39
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 22:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Red Hat Pushes Forward with CentOS [VIDEO]Nov 21 22:39
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      It is rather pathetic when you realize itNov 21 22:39
TweetSchestowitz                 counts as a HOLIDAY Friday by the kind ofNov 21 22:39
TweetSchestowitz                 docudump you get.Nov 21 22:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:39
TweetSchestowitz@nathanielturner  Imporant point on surveillance:Nov 21 22:43
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    disproportionately harms those who are alreadyNov 21 22:43
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     marginalized @ACLU_NorCal @Matt_CagleNov 21 22:43
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 22:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:43
-TechrightsSocial/ | Communities Under Surveillance in California | ACLU of Northern CaliforniaNov 21 22:43
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      "Golly, we had no idea even CIA fanboys likeNov 21 22:43
TweetSchestowitz                 Saxby considered them totally untrustworthy toNov 21 22:43
TweetSchestowitz                 destroy their own email."Nov 21 22:43
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 22:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:43
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Purism Librem 15 Linux laptop blends high-endNov 21 22:43
TweetSchestowitz                 hardware with totally free software: PC World:Nov 21 22:43
TweetSchestowitz                 Linux laptops can... 21 22:43
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 22:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:43
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Purism Librem 15 Linux laptop blends high-end hardware with totally free softwareNov 21 22:43
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Free Software, Free as in Beer: Datamation:Nov 21 22:45
TweetSchestowitz                 Being available at no cost may not define freeNov 21 22:45
TweetSchestowitz                 software, but it is... 21 22:45
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 22:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Free Software, Free as in BeerNov 21 22:45
TweetSchestowitz@ddayen          LAT gets the headline right IMO - ending SecureNov 21 22:45
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Communities is FAR bigger than the deferredNov 21 22:45
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     access order 21 22:45
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 22:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | Obama ends Secure Communities program as part of immigration action - LA TimesNov 21 22:45
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        From Hottest October to Coldest November, IsNov 21 22:51
TweetSchestowitz                 #ClimateChange Behind the Extreme Weather?Nov 21 22:51
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 22:51
TweetSchestowitz                 #climateNov 21 22:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | From Hottest October to Coldest November, Is Climate Change Behind the Extreme Weather?Nov 21 22:51
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Now that we've learned Benghazi wasn't that bigNov 21 22:51
TweetSchestowitz                 a deal, can the richest member of congressNov 21 22:51
TweetSchestowitz                 (Issa) pay us back for all the $$ wasted on it?Nov 21 22:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:51
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Some might ask, what is the appropriateNov 21 22:51
TweetSchestowitz                 footwear to stand on a dirt path at borderNov 21 22:51
TweetSchestowitz                 fearmongering about Obamamnesty?Nov 21 22:51
TweetSchestowitz        21 22:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:51
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MicheleBachmann: Visiting US-Mexico border to discuss impact of the President's unconstitutional executive amnesty 21 22:51
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Ireland Asks #EU To Support #Microsoft In LegalNov 21 22:53
TweetSchestowitz                 Battle Involving Competing Jurisdictions -Nov 21 22:53
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 22:53
TweetSchestowitz                 important caseNov 21 22:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ireland Asks EU To Support Microsoft In Legal Battle Involving Competing Jurisdictions | TechdirtNov 21 22:54
TweetSchestowitz@trevortimm      Can't believe the House put CIA officers inNov 21 22:54
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    grave danger by referring to them by pseudonymsNov 21 22:54
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     in the Benghazi report 21 22:54
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 22:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:54
TweetSchestowitz@PCGTW           #ISDS lets foreign corporations sue your gov'tNov 21 22:55
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    over laws that impact their profits. #NAFTANov 21 22:55
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #WTO #TPP #TAFTA/#TTIP 21 22:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:55
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: #ISDS lets foreign corporations sue your gov't over laws that impact their profits. #NAFTA #WTO #TPP #TAFTA/#TTIP 21 22:55
TweetSchestowitz@Asher_Wolf      40,000 Masai people will be evicted from theirNov 21 22:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    homeland because the Dubai royal family boughtNov 21 22:56
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      it ( 21 22:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tanzania evicting 40,000 people from homeland to make room for Dubai royal family - Salon.comNov 21 22:56
TweetSchestowitz@techdirt        Ireland Asks EU To Support Microsoft In LegalNov 21 22:56
TweetSchestowitz                 Battle Involving Competing JurisdictionsNov 21 22:56
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 22:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 22:56
TweetSchestowitz@jdforrester     Want to help teach the world? We need a SeniorNov 21 23:02
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Technical Product Manager to own our platform,Nov 21 23:02
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      services & API roadmap: 21 23:02
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 23:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | Job Application for Senior Technical Product Manager at Wikimedia FoundationNov 21 23:02
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        Join us for a special Truthdig event: MonstersNov 21 23:02
TweetSchestowitz                 of Our Own Creation? America's Role in theNov 21 23:02
TweetSchestowitz                 Middle East. For info: 21 23:02
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 23:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | Truthdig Presents Monsters of Our Own Creation? America's Role in the Middle EastNov 21 23:02
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Red Hat Pushes Forward with CentOS [VIDEO]:Nov 21 23:02
TweetSchestowitz                 ServerWatch: At the beginning of 2014, Red HatNov 21 23:02
TweetSchestowitz                 embraced the commun... 21 23:02
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 23:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Red Hat Pushes Forward with CentOS [VIDEO]Nov 21 23:02
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Why does Benghazi report source an event itNov 21 23:05
TweetSchestowitz                 claims took place in September to an AugustNov 21 23:05
TweetSchestowitz                 report?Nov 21 23:05
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 21 23:05
TweetSchestowitz                 Damnit, I'm going to have to read it now.Nov 21 23:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:05
TweetSchestowitz@NatCounterPunch  Aura Rosser, a Black mother of three, was shotNov 21 23:05
TweetSchestowitz                 to death by police in Ann Arbor, on Nov 9.Nov 21 23:05
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 23:05
TweetSchestowitz        21 23:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Beauty and Police » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the NamesNov 21 23:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NatCounterPunch: Aura Rosser, a Black mother of three, was shot to death by police in Ann Arbor, on Nov 9. 21 23:05
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Glenn Greenwald: NSA-proofing their yourNov 21 23:07
TweetSchestowitz                 service is good for businessNov 21 23:07
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 23:07
TweetSchestowitz        21 23:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | Glenn Greenwald: NSA-proofing your product is good for business - Boing BoingNov 21 23:07
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Glenn Greenwald: NSA-proofing their your service is good for business 21 23:07
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Aw hell. I'm gonna have to give this BenghaziNov 21 23:07
TweetSchestowitz                 report a close scrub.Nov 21 23:07
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 21 23:07
TweetSchestowitz                 SEND BEER!Nov 21 23:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:07
TweetSchestowitz@fightfortheftr  BREAKING: @TomWheelerFCC delays #netneutralityNov 21 23:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    decision despite overwhelming public consensusNov 21 23:15
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      for Title II. 21 23:15
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 23:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | FCC Delays Net Neutrality Rules Until 2015 - US NewsNov 21 23:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:15
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Tom Waits live: Glitter and Doom - a darklyNov 21 23:15
TweetSchestowitz                 inspiring CD [2009] 21 23:15
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 23:15
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 21 23:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | Tom Waits live: Glitter and Doom - a darkly inspiring CD - Boing BoingNov 21 23:15
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 23:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:15
TweetSchestowitz@Leftpalm        #FF @SLindauer2011 @ColeenRowleyNov 21 23:18
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @JesselynRadack @WeMeantWell @KirkWiebeNov 21 23:18
TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack  @JohnKiriakou @Thomas_Drake1 @GovAcctProjNov 21 23:18
TweetSchestowitz                 @couragefound @wlynnaeNov 21 23:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:18
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Should I write my expose of this report, "WhatNov 21 23:18
TweetSchestowitz                 it would look like if Alan Grayson had been onNov 21 23:18
TweetSchestowitz                 the committee"?Nov 21 23:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:18
TweetSchestowitz@HanniFakhoury   Ireland asks European Commission to supportNov 21 23:20
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Microsoft in case involving US warrant to seizeNov 21 23:20
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     emails stored abroad: 21 23:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 23:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ireland Asks EU To Support Microsoft In Legal Battle Involving Competing Jurisdictions | TechdirtNov 21 23:20
TweetSchestowitz@conor64         House Republicans spend months investigatingNov 21 23:20
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    aftermath of illegal war with laser focus onNov 21 23:20
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     one part that broke no laws.Nov 21 23:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:20
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 141120 -Nov 21 23:35
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 23:35
TweetSchestowitz                 yesterday's tweets as a single Web pageNov 21 23:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 141120Nov 21 23:35
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Sneaky pinball makers' tricksNov 21 23:35
TweetSchestowitz                 [ ( 21 23:35
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 21 23:35
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 23:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sneaky pinball makers' tricks - Boing BoingNov 21 23:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:35
TweetSchestowitz@peesch          VERY excited to see @jricole Leslie CockburnNov 21 23:50
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    and Robert Scheer discuss the past present andNov 21 23:50
TweetSchestowitz @Truthdig       future of the Middle EastNov 21 23:50
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 23:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | Truthdig Presents Monsters of Our Own Creation? America's Role in the Middle EastNov 21 23:50
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Secret Tapes Hint at Turmoil in #NYFed TeamNov 21 23:50
TweetSchestowitz                 Monitoring JPMorgan 21 23:50
TweetSchestowitz                 ( @Jake_Bernstein #JPMorganNov 21 23:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | Secret Tapes Hint at Turmoil in New York Fed Team Monitoring JPMorganNov 21 23:50
TweetSchestowitz@NatCounterPunch  Howlin Wolf - Built For Comfort (1968Nov 21 23:50
TweetSchestowitz                 ) ( 21 23:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | Howlin Wolf Built For Comfort - YouTubeNov 21 23:50
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: Locally sourced waterNov 21 23:51
TweetSchestowitz        21 23:51
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 23:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:51
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: Read a fucking book!Nov 21 23:51
TweetSchestowitz        21 23:51
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 23:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:51
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Alphabet made of glands [2009]Nov 21 23:51
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 23:51
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 21 23:51
TweetSchestowitz        ( 21 23:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | Alphabet made of glands - Boing BoingNov 21 23:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:51
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: Gender and toiletsNov 21 23:57
TweetSchestowitz        21 23:57
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 23:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:57
TweetSchestowitz@techdirt        Bludgeoned And Bleeding, Aereo Finally FilesNov 21 23:57
TweetSchestowitz                 For Bankruptcy 21 23:57
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 23:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:57
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bludgeoned And Bleeding, Aereo Finally Files For Bankruptcy | TechdirtNov 21 23:57
TweetSchestowitz@extinctsymbol   Rage against the Anthropocene.Nov 21 23:57
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Nov 21 23:57
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Nov 21 23:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:57
TweetSchestowitz@EllenKushner    Annual @NYRSF Holiday Reading again featuresNov 21 23:58
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Mrs. & Mrs. @deliasherman, Dec. 2, 7 pm,Nov 21 23:58
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Brooklyn, NY: 21 23:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 23:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ellen Kushner - Yes!!!! NYC Dec 2nd! Delia Sherman & me!... | FacebookNov 21 23:58
TweetSchestowitz@EFF             After weakening crypto standards for the NSA,Nov 21 23:58
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    NIST needs to work harder to regain theNov 21 23:58
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       public's trust: 21 23:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 21 23:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 21 23:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | EFF Joins the Call for a NIST We Can Trust | Electronic Frontier FoundationNov 21 23:58
TweetSchestowitz@instructables   How to remove a dent from wood, using water andNov 22 00:00
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    an iron.Nov 22 00:00
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Nov 22 00:00
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 00:00
TweetSchestowitz        22 00:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 00:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | How to remove a dent from woodNov 22 00:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@instructables: How to remove a dent from wood, using water and an iron. 22 00:00
TweetSchestowitz@redemmas        Tonight we are super excited to welcomeNov 22 00:00
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @doctorow to the store!  7:30!Nov 22 00:00
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Nov 22 00:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 00:00
TweetSchestowitz@zaftigbabe      Today's Featured #Cybils Review isNov 22 00:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #GraphicNovel In Real Life by @DoctorowNov 22 00:01
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       reviewed by @mrskatiefitz...Nov 22 00:01
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 00:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 00:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | Review: In Real Life | Cybils AwardsNov 22 00:01
TweetSchestowitz@rsingel         Also Verizon would sue the FCC if theNov 22 00:02
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    receptionist ordering a double latte, insteadNov 22 00:02
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       of the usual single, saying authority wasNov 22 00:02
TweetSchestowitz                 oversteppedNov 22 00:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 00:02
TweetSchestowitz@jjarichardson   "WhiteVangate". British politics is theNov 22 00:02
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    absolute worst.Nov 22 00:02
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Nov 22 00:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 00:02
TweetSchestowitz@mmasnick        Got some news you want buried, House IntelNov 22 00:02
TweetSchestowitz                 Committee? How about the Friday evening beforeNov 22 00:02
TweetSchestowitz                 Thanksgiving. 22 00:02
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 22 00:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 00:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | House intel panel debunks many Benghazi theoriesNov 22 00:02
*TweetSchestowitz @mmasnick retweeted @trevortimm: 'Can't believe the House put CIA officers in...'Nov 22 00:03
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    .@ViceNews visits a gun store in #FergusonNov 22 00:03
TweetSchestowitz                 where sales have spiked ahead of the grand juryNov 22 00:03
TweetSchestowitz                 decision: 22 00:03
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #mustwatchNov 22 00:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 00:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | State of Emergency - Ferguson, Missouri (Dispatch 8) | VICE NewsNov 22 00:03
TweetSchestowitz@io9             Warren Ellis' Global Frequency Is Getting A TVNov 22 00:07
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Pilot-Once Again 22 00:08
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       ( 22 00:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 00:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | Warren Ellis' Global Frequency Is Getting A TV Pilot—Once AgainNov 22 00:08
TweetSchestowitz@mmasnick        In which some of our vocal commenters argueNov 22 00:08
TweetSchestowitz                 that sites shouldn't allow comments:Nov 22 00:08
TweetSchestowitz        ( TheNov 22 00:08
TweetSchestowitz                 internet, everybody...Nov 22 00:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 00:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | Reuters, Re/code Care So Very Much About 'Conversation' That They're Asking Commenters To Leave | TechdirtNov 22 00:08
TweetSchestowitz@emckean         Love this! RT @therealfitz: Next time you spellNov 22 00:08
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    something over the phone, you should use theNov 22 00:08
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Un-phonetic alphabet: 22 00:09
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 22 00:09
-TechrightsSocial/ | Confessions of a Digital Packrat: The un-phonetic alphabetNov 22 00:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 00:09
TweetSchestowitz@DrRimmer        The Robots are Coming for Our JobsNov 22 00:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @JosephEStiglitzNov 22 00:15
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow 22 00:15
TweetSchestowitz                 ( Nov 22 00:15
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 00:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 00:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | Joe Stiglitz Robots Jobs - Business InsiderNov 22 00:15
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Document @vicenews obtained from MO Gov officeNov 22 00:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | Unemployment and InnovationNov 22 00:15
TweetSchestowitz                 says cost to activate National Guard for 9 daysNov 22 00:15
TweetSchestowitz                 in Aug was $300,000 22 00:15
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 22 00:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 00:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'This Is Similar to the way Jesus Was Treated': Letters to Missouri Governor Shed Light on Racial Tensions in Ferguson Aftermath | VICE NewsNov 22 00:15
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Prisoners return to Philippines jail afterNov 22 00:15
TweetSchestowitz                 escaping to home to help their families [2013]Nov 22 00:15
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 00:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 00:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | Prisoners return to Philippines jail after escaping home to help their families - Boing BoingNov 22 00:15
TweetSchestowitz@jonobacon       Heading home after an awesome few days with theNov 22 00:32
TweetSchestowitz                 @xprize family. :-)Nov 22 00:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 00:32
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    The $300,000 cost to activate National Guard inNov 22 00:32
TweetSchestowitz                 Ferguson in Aug can be found on page 2 of docsNov 22 00:32
TweetSchestowitz                 at bottom of story 22 00:32
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 22 00:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 00:32
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Latin America Moves Towards Decarbonizing theNov 22 00:32
TweetSchestowitz                 Economy ( 22 00:32
TweetSchestowitz                 @FabiolaOrtizRio #climate #carbonNov 22 00:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 00:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | Latin America Moves Towards Decarbonizing the EconomyNov 22 00:32
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Star Trek transporter room shower-curtain andNov 22 01:03
TweetSchestowitz                 bathmat 22 01:03
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 22 01:03
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 22 01:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Star Trek transporter room shower-curtain and bathmat - Boing BoingNov 22 01:03
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 01:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 01:03
TweetSchestowitz@NatCounterPunch  Who will confront the real cause ofNov 22 01:03
TweetSchestowitz                 environmental exploitation? The Climate CrisisNov 22 01:03
TweetSchestowitz                 is Capitalism! 22 01:03
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 22 01:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 01:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Climate Crisis is Capitalism » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the NamesNov 22 01:03
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Full-back HTML tattoo [2004]Nov 22 01:03
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 01:03
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 22 01:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Full-back HTML tattoo - Boing BoingNov 22 01:03
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 01:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 01:03
TweetSchestowitz@BenjaminNorton  My most recent @NatCounterPunch article:Nov 22 01:10
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Human rights heroes we admire today wereNov 22 01:10
TweetSchestowitz @NatCounterPunch  surveilled villains of yesteryear.Nov 22 01:10
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 01:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 01:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | Chances Are the FBI Has Files on Your Favorite Human Rights Activist » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the NamesNov 22 01:10
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Brian K Vaughan: Behind the Scenes at Saga Nov 22 01:10
TweetSchestowitz        22 01:10
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 22 01:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 01:10
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        #ElizabethWarren: "Enough Is Enough" WithNov 22 01:13
TweetSchestowitz                 Obama's Wall Street AppointeesNov 22 01:13
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 01:13
TweetSchestowitz                 @rjeskow #WallSt #WarrenNov 22 01:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 01:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | Elizabeth Warren: "Enough Is Enough" With Obama's Wall Street AppointeesNov 22 01:13
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Ed Felten's lecture: "Rip, Mix, Burn, Sue"Nov 22 01:13
TweetSchestowitz                 [2004] ( 22 01:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 01:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ed Felten's lecture: "Rip, Mix, Burn, Sue" -- UPDATED - Boing BoingNov 22 01:13
TweetSchestowitz@AmandaWills     Now that's what I call a Friday news dump.Nov 22 01:21
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 22 01:21
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold 22 01:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 01:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | House intel panel debunks many Benghazi theories - The Denver PostNov 22 01:21
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@AmandaWills: Now that's what I call a Friday news dump. 22 01:21
TweetSchestowitz@techdirt        DailyDirt: The Legal Definition Of What You'reNov 22 01:21
TweetSchestowitz                 Eating... 22 01:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 22 01:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 01:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | DailyDirt: The Legal Definition Of What You're Eating... | TechdirtNov 22 01:21
TweetSchestowitz@davidgerard     We laughed like drains at the last 30sec ofNov 22 01:27
TweetSchestowitz                 this, so are clearly vicious authoritarianNov 22 01:27
TweetSchestowitz                 statists who hate your freedomNov 22 01:27
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 01:27
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 01:27
-TechrightsSocial/ | linksNov 22 01:27
TweetSchestowitz@SwiftOnSecurity  One time I tried to explain Kerberos toNov 22 01:27
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    someone.Nov 22 01:27
TweetSchestowitz @davidgerard    Then we both didn't understand it.Nov 22 01:27
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 01:27
TweetSchestowitz@danielgbates    I'm sure the people who wrote these letters toNov 22 01:31
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @GovJayNixon will be thrilled they've been IDedNov 22 01:31
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   in this #ferguson 22 01:31
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 22 01:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 01:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'This Is Similar to the way Jesus Was Treated': Letters to Missouri Governor Shed Light on Racial Tensions in Ferguson Aftermath | VICE NewsNov 22 01:31
TweetSchestowitz@TheAPJournalist  Letters to Missouri Governor Nixon highlightNov 22 01:34
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    continued racial tensions over #FergusonNov 22 01:34
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   shootings. 22 01:34
TweetSchestowitz                 ( (By @JasonLeopold)Nov 22 01:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 01:34
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Sex advice from D&D players [2009]Nov 22 01:34
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 01:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 01:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sex advice from D&D players - Boing BoingNov 22 01:34
TweetSchestowitz@xor             In-app purchases are the hotel minibars of theNov 22 01:42
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    presentNov 22 01:42
TweetSchestowitz @mmasnick       Nov 22 01:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 01:42
TweetSchestowitz@hunterwalk      while we're wondering about future of media,Nov 22 01:42
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    two teenagers w a sports blog scooped @SInowNov 22 01:42
TweetSchestowitz @mmasnick ( 22 01:42
TweetSchestowitz                 #FutureIsBrightNov 22 01:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 01:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ken Rosenthal explains how two teenagers scooped him on Billy Butler signing - Extra Mustard - SI.comNov 22 01:42
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    SEC director reported stock holdings worthNov 22 01:42
TweetSchestowitz                 between about $2 million and $6 million Nov 22 01:42
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 01:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 01:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | SEC director with big stock holdings stirs debate | ReutersNov 22 01:42
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Lockheed, Pentagon ink $4.7 billion deal forNov 22 01:55
TweetSchestowitz                 eighth batch of F-35 fightersNov 22 01:55
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 01:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 01:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | Lockheed, Pentagon ink $4.7 billion deal for eighth batch of F-35 fighters | ReutersNov 22 01:55
TweetSchestowitz@davidgerard     Rocknerd: Yours Is No Disgrace: A SmallNov 22 01:55
TweetSchestowitz                 Selection Of 'Yes' TriviaNov 22 01:55
TweetSchestowitz        ( byNov 22 01:55
TweetSchestowitz                 @lev_lafayetteNov 22 01:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 01:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | Rocknerd » Blog Archive » Yours Is No Disgrace: A Small Selection Of ‘Yes’ TriviaNov 22 01:55
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        HOWTO make pixelated cookies [2013]Nov 22 01:55
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 01:55
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 01:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 01:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | HOWTO make pixelated cookies - Boing BoingNov 22 01:55
*schestowitz_log has quit (*.net *.split)Nov 22 02:00
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        New Film Tracks How #Immokalee Workers Won FairNov 22 02:05
TweetSchestowitz                 Wages From Corporate GiantsNov 22 02:05
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 02:05
TweetSchestowitz                 @FoodChainsFilm #foodjusticeNov 22 02:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 02:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Food Chains: New Film Tracks How Immokalee Workers Won Fair Wages From Corporate GiantsNov 22 02:05
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        Robinson on Cosby: Was I having a jolly oldNov 22 02:05
TweetSchestowitz                 time with a serial rapist?Nov 22 02:05
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 02:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 02:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Eugene Robinson: On Cosby, Hard to Keep the Faith - TruthdigNov 22 02:05
*schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 22 02:32
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Handbook for fighting climate-denialismNov 22 02:41
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 02:41
TweetSchestowitz        22 02:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 02:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | Handbook for fighting climate-denialism - Boing BoingNov 22 02:41
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Handbook for fighting climate-denialism 22 02:41
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        .@davidsirota asks "What if you held anNov 22 02:41
TweetSchestowitz                 election and nobody showed up to cover it?"Nov 22 02:41
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 02:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 02:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Big Election With Little Local Journalism - TruthdigNov 22 02:41
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Bad at tumbler shirt [2013]Nov 22 02:41
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 02:41
TweetSchestowitz                 Nov 22 02:41
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 02:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 02:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLENov 22 02:41
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        'Left, Right & Center': The #Immigration DebateNov 22 02:58
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 02:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 02:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | ‘Left, Right & Center’: The Immigration Debate - TruthdigNov 22 02:58
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        Who Benefits and Who Loses From the White HouseNov 22 02:59
TweetSchestowitz                 Immigration Plan? 22 02:59
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 22 02:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 02:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | Who Benefits From the White House Immigration Plan? - TruthdigNov 22 02:59
TweetSchestowitz@techdirt        Senators Hoping To Keep CIA From DestroyingNov 22 02:59
TweetSchestowitz                 Most Of Its Employees' EmailsNov 22 02:59
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 02:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 02:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | Senators Hoping To Keep CIA From Destroying Most Of Its Employees' Emails | TechdirtNov 22 02:59
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       #Chile: #Bachelet torturers jailedNov 22 03:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 03:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 03:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 03:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | Torturers of Chilean President's father sentenced to jail | ReutersNov 22 03:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 03:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 03:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cable: 1973SANTIA01808_bNov 22 03:06
TweetSchestowitz@zaidbenjamin    Strike Kills Militant Linked to 9/11Nov 22 03:06
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Mastermind: Group 22 03:06
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   ( 22 03:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cable: 1974SANTIA01936_bNov 22 03:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 03:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cable: 1974SANTIA01297_bNov 22 03:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | Strike Kills Militant Linked to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Group Says - NBC NewsNov 22 03:06
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Ferguson Business Owners Have Hired PrivateNov 22 03:12
TweetSchestowitz                 Military Contractors to Move Guns and Gold OutNov 22 03:12
TweetSchestowitz                 of Town ( 22 03:12
TweetSchestowitz                 v @thementalwardNov 22 03:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 03:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | Private Military Contractors Hired to Move Guns and Gold Out of Ferguson | VICE NewsNov 22 03:12
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      VirtualBox 4.3.20 Released: Today OracleNov 22 03:12
TweetSchestowitz                 released VirtualBox 4.3.20, a maintenanceNov 22 03:12
TweetSchestowitz                 release of VirtualBox 4.3 w...Nov 22 03:12
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 03:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 03:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - VirtualBox 4.3.20 ReleasedNov 22 03:12
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      VirtualBox 4.3.20 Released: Today OracleNov 22 03:12
TweetSchestowitz                 released VirtualBox 4.3.20, a maintenanceNov 22 03:12
TweetSchestowitz                 release of VirtualBox 4.3 w...Nov 22 03:12
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 03:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 03:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - VirtualBox 4.3.20 ReleasedNov 22 03:12
TweetSchestowitz@garonsen        Lesson here is don't send foolish emails to aNov 22 03:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    public figure if there's a chance @JasonLeopoldNov 22 03:15
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   is on the case 22 03:15
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 22 03:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 03:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'This Is Similar to the Way Jesus Was Treated': Letters to Missouri Governor Shed Light on Racial Tensions in Ferguson Aftermath | VICE NewsNov 22 03:15
TweetSchestowitz@danielwinlander  "This man is taking a position as barbaric asNov 22 03:41
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the looters and demonstrators" -- guy fromNov 22 03:41
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   Richland, WA, on Gov. NixonNov 22 03:41
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 03:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 03:41
TweetSchestowitz@thementalward   A private military contractor told #vicenewsNov 22 03:41
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    there are upwards of 300 PMCs operating inNov 22 03:41
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   #Ferguson 22 03:41
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 22 03:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 03:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | Private Military Contractors Hired to Move Guns and Gold Out of Ferguson | VICE NewsNov 22 03:41
*TweetSchestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Nov 22 03:46
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Nov 22 03:46
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 22 03:47
*TweetSchestowitz (~squirtbot@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 22 03:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux-Based Beautiful Jolla Tablet RegistersNov 22 03:49
TweetTuxMachines                 Fantastic Success on IndigogoNov 22 03:49
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 03:49
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 22 03:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux-Based Beautiful Jolla Tablet Registers Fantastic Success on Indigogo | Tux MachinesNov 22 03:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     SolydX 201411 Is a Rolling Release AlternativeNov 22 03:49
TweetTuxMachines                 to Linux Mint Debian XfceNov 22 03:49
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 03:49
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 22 03:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | SolydX 201411 Is a Rolling Release Alternative to Linux Mint Debian Xfce | Tux MachinesNov 22 03:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Mageia 3 Is Now Officially DeadNov 22 03:50
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 03:50
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 22 03:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mageia 3 Is Now Officially Dead | Tux MachinesNov 22 03:50
TweetSchestowitz@tanyathegamer   Congratulations Alice Taylor @OfficialMakiesNov 22 04:48
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    for winning the @TAGIEAwards for Rising StarNov 22 04:48
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Designer!!! 22 04:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 04:48
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@tanyathegamer: Congratulations Alice Taylor @OfficialMakies for winning the @TAGIEAwards for Rising Star Designer!!! 22 04:48
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Beatles "Across the Universe" covered usingNov 22 04:48
TweetSchestowitz                 sampled audio from Rosetta missionNov 22 04:48
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 04:48
TweetSchestowitz        22 04:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | Beatles "Across the Universe" covered using sampled audio from Rosetta mission - Boing BoingNov 22 04:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 04:48
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Beatles "Across the Universe" covered using sampled audio from Rosetta mission 22 04:48
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        My wife, ladies and gentlemen, Toymaker of theNov 22 04:48
TweetSchestowitz                 Year! ( 22 04:48
TweetSchestowitz                 @wonderlandblogNov 22 04:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 04:48
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@tanyathegamer: Congratulations Alice Taylor @OfficialMakies for winning the @TAGIEAwards for Rising Star Designer!!! 22 04:48
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       New book of academic papers on us: "#WikiLeaks:Nov 22 04:51
TweetSchestowitz                 From Popular Culture to Political Economy"Nov 22 04:51
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 04:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 04:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | WikiLeaks: From Popular Culture to Political Economy - Kindle edition by Christian Christensen, Birgitta Jnsdttir, William Uricchio, Toby Miller, Karin Wahl-Jorgensen, Sandra Braman, Mark Andrejevic, Leah A. Lievrouw, Axel Bruns, Nathan Jurgenson, PJ Rey, Pelle Snickars, Lisa Lynch, Angela Daly, Athina Karatzogianni, Andrew Robinson, Christian Fuchs. Politics & Social Sciences Kindle eBooks @ 22 04:51
roy_ 22 05:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jhamby: I know that @schestowitz will say it's all just #NSA spying on you, but any chance to get 1TB or more of cloud storage is good. @PhandroidNov 22 05:01
roy_ 22 05:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@dawnbazely: Tnx @schestowitz for inducing my veritable orgy of eye-rolling: #Barbie & #CompSci 22 05:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Pamie » Barbie Fucks It Up AgainNov 22 05:01
roy_ 22 05:02
roy_ 22 05:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jhamby: .@schestowitz @Phandroid just speaking as someone who managed to get 1TB from Google for myself & for my roommate, for extra redundancy.Nov 22 05:02
roy_ 22 05:03
roy_"Nov 22 05:03
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Sorry, that page does not existNov 22 05:03
roy_ Nov 22 05:03
roy_  Follow Follow  Nov 22 05:03
roy_  Nov 22 05:03
roy_@schestowitz it must be an automatic update.Nov 22 05:03
roy_'Nov 22 05:03
roy_ 22 05:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Asp0App: Namaste @schestowitz Kindly see the new app for streaming Windows/Mac/Raspbery Pi/DropBox videos via Android/iOS 22 05:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | AirStream - stream media from PC & CloudNov 22 05:05
TweetSchestowitz@ChrChristensen  Essay collection I edited now e-book:Nov 22 05:07
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    "#WikiLeaks: From Popular Culture to PoliticalNov 22 05:07
TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks      Economy" ( 22 05:07
TweetSchestowitz        22 05:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 05:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLENov 22 05:07
TweetSchestowitz@KenRoth         For US, Sweden sent Egypt suspects for tortureNov 22 05:07
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 22 05:07
TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks      so Assange has reason to fear extradition to USNov 22 05:07
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ChrChristensen: Essay collection I edited now e-book: "#WikiLeaks: From Popular Culture to Political Economy" 22 05:07
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 05:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 05:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sweden Violated Torture Ban in CIA Rendition | Human Rights WatchNov 22 05:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 22 05:07
roy_ 22 05:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Links 21/11/2014: Problems at Debian, Jolla Tablet #techrightsNov 22 05:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Links 21/11/2014: Problems at Debian, Jolla Tablet | TechrightsNov 22 05:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Kubuntu 14.10 review #kubuntu #kde #gnu #linuxNov 22 05:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Kubuntu 14.10 review | LinuxBSDos.comNov 22 05:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: "uptime 13:00:45 up 2717 days" 22 05:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | RIP ns2 | UltrabugNov 22 05:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Byfield belittles the importance of freedom in Free software and its adopters 22 05:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Free Software, Free as in Beer - DatamationNov 22 05:12
roy_ 22 05:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Cinnamon Desktop Spices Up Makulu Linux #makulu #gnu #linuxNov 22 05:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Cinnamon Desktop Spices Up Makulu Linux | Reviews | LinuxInsiderNov 22 05:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Too many IoT standards, or too few? standards for objects that can spy...Nov 22 05:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Too many IoT standards, or too few? | EDNNov 22 05:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Tech companies must come clean about their role in enabling blanket #surveillance are they gagged by the spies?Nov 22 05:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Open Rights Group - Tech companies must come clean about their role in enabling blanket surveillanceNov 22 05:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: The State of the Cloud Working Group and Fedora 21 Cloud #fedora #redhat #gnu #linuxNov 22 05:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | The State of the Cloud Working Group and Fedora 21 Cloud | Fedora MagazineNov 22 05:12
roy_ 22 05:13
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: Dispelling the myths of open source licences #freeswNov 22 05:13
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Dispelling the myths of open source licences | ZDNetNov 22 05:13
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: In praise of Linux Software Raid #RAID #linux #kernelNov 22 05:13
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Kevin's musings » In praise of Linux Software RaidNov 22 05:13
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@schestowitz: A dozen #wordpress sites updated by me this morning. Any known incidents of compromise yet? #cms #freeswNov 22 05:13
TweetSchestowitz@nsisodiya       Who need => function is JavaScript !!Nov 22 05:13
TweetSchestowitz                 Let JavaScript be like JavaScript  !!Nov 22 05:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 05:13
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Letter to MO Gov Jay Nixon re: #Ferguson saidNov 22 05:13
TweetSchestowitz                 he is a "spineless white man easily intimidatedNov 22 05:13
TweetSchestowitz                 by black criminals" 22 05:13
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 22 05:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 05:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | 'This Is Similar to the Way Jesus Was Treated': Letters to Missouri Governor Shed Light on Racial Tensions in Ferguson Aftermath | VICE NewsNov 22 05:13
TweetSchestowitz@TheOpenMedia    Why people who regulate the Internet probablyNov 22 05:19
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    shouldn't be buddies with the people who wantNov 22 05:19
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   the Internet slow lane 22 05:19
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 22 05:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 05:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | Net Neutrality Emails Reveal a Cozy 'Social Network' Between the FCC and Telecoms | VICE NewsNov 22 05:19
TweetSchestowitz@peesch          Walmart Employees Go Hungry Working for theNov 22 05:19
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Richest Family in AmericaNov 22 05:19
TweetSchestowitz @Truthdig ( 22 05:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 05:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | Walmart Employees Go Hungry Working for the Richest Family in America - TruthdigNov 22 05:19
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson Who Killed SaidNov 22 06:05
TweetSchestowitz                 Not to Be Returning to DutyNov 22 06:05
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 06:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 06:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 22 06:05
TweetSchestowitz@csoghoian       The FBI has sent infosec experts to Ferguson toNov 22 06:05
TweetSchestowitz                 protect its networks from hackers.Nov 22 06:05
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 06:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 06:05
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson Said Not to BeNov 22 06:05
TweetSchestowitz                 Returning to DutyNov 22 06:05
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 06:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 06:05
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        CPU Wars 2.0: expanded top trumps withNov 22 06:12
TweetSchestowitz                 processors 22 06:12
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 22 06:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 06:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | CPU Wars 2.0: expanded top trumps with processors - Boing BoingNov 22 06:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: CPU Wars 2.0: expanded top trumps with processors 22 06:12
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Diplomatic Drivers: Hundreds Pulled Over forNov 22 06:12
TweetSchestowitz                 Serious Offenses | NBC4 WashingtonNov 22 06:12
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 06:12
TweetSchestowitz                 via @nbcwashingtonNov 22 06:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 06:12
-TechrightsSocial/ | Diplomatic Drivers: Hundreds Pulled Over for Serious Offenses | NBC4 WashingtonNov 22 06:12
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Diplomatic Drivers: How We Did ItNov 22 07:04
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 07:04
TweetSchestowitz                 chicken congratulations @TishaOnTV! #FOIANov 22 07:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | Diplomatic Drivers: How We Did It | NBC4 WashingtonNov 22 07:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 07:04
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Serve websites with Nginx: Linux User &Nov 22 07:04
TweetSchestowitz                 Developer: Configure Nginx to serve simpleNov 22 07:04
TweetSchestowitz                 websites and see how it’s a...Nov 22 07:04
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 07:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 07:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | Linux Today - Serve websites with NginxNov 22 07:04
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Fascinating: The insidious tale of actress JeanNov 22 07:04
TweetSchestowitz                 Seberg, FBI’s COINTELPRO, and the film Kill!Nov 22 07:04
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 07:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 07:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | The insidious tale of actress Jean Seberg, FBI's COINTELPRO, and the film Kill! - Wax PoeticsNov 22 07:04
roy_ 22 07:23
-TechrightsSocial/ Wow. The #uk "porn" filter is now blocking my site (Free software game). I found out by navigating via #o2 -blocked!Nov 22 07:23
roy_"How? Did they remove the site from the blacklist?"Nov 22 07:23
roy_I cannot check anymore as I dumped the o2 dongleNov 22 07:24
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    The Drone Rule Book Has Made It Easier for OurNov 22 07:32
TweetSchestowitz                 Partners Drone Kill With Us Again Nov 22 07:32
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 07:32
TweetSchestowitz                 via @emptywheelNov 22 07:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 07:32
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Nov 22 07:32
TweetSchestowitz@ForeignPolicy   The threat posed by the Islamic State to theNov 22 07:32
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    United States is being overblown to a dangerousNov 22 07:32
TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack  & untruthful degree. 22 07:32
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 22 07:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | Exaggeration NationNov 22 07:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 07:32
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  In #Secret, #Obama Extends US Role inNov 22 07:44
TweetSchestowitz                 #Afghanistan Combat 22 07:44
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 22 07:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 07:44
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log InNov 22 07:44
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'In #Secret, #Obama Extends US Role in #Afghanistan...'Nov 22 07:44
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  In #Secret, #Obama Extends US Role inNov 22 07:44
TweetSchestowitz                 #Afghanistan CombatNov 22 07:44
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 07:44
TweetSchestowitz                 #ForeverWarNov 22 07:44
TweetSchestowitz                 #ForeverSecretsNov 22 07:44
TweetSchestowitz                 #ForeverLiesNov 22 07:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 07:44
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  #Nurses Urge Leniency Over Refusal toNov 22 07:44
TweetSchestowitz                 #F̶o̶r̶c̶e̶-̶F̶e̶e̶d̶ #Torture at #Guantánamo Nov 22 07:44
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 07:44
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-TechrightsSocial/ | Log InNov 22 07:44
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted '#Nurses Urge Leniency Over Refusal to #F̶o̶r̶c̶e̶-̶F̶e̶e̶d̶ #Torture...'Nov 22 07:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     12 Awesome Themes for Mint 17.1 CinnamonNov 22 08:26
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 08:26
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 22 08:26
-TechrightsSocial/ | 12 Awesome Themes for Mint 17.1 Cinnamon | Tux MachinesNov 22 08:26
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  #Nurses Urge Leniency Over Refusal toNov 22 08:39
TweetSchestowitz                 #F̶o̶r̶c̶e̶-̶F̶e̶e̶d̶ #Torture at #Guantánamo Nov 22 08:39
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 08:39
TweetSchestowitz                 #ConscientiousObjectionNov 22 08:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 08:39
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   Unending end of US in Afghanistan. Nobel PeaceNov 22 08:39
TweetSchestowitz                 Prize President keeping dogs of wars in secret.Nov 22 08:39
TweetSchestowitz                 Mission unaccomplished 22 08:39
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 22 08:39
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-TechrightsSocial/ | Log InNov 22 08:39
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @Thomas_Drake1: 'Unending end of US in Afghanistan. Nobel Peace...'Nov 22 09:16
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 141121 -Nov 22 09:16
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 09:16
TweetSchestowitz                 yesterday's tweets as a single Web pageNov 22 09:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 141121Nov 22 09:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 09:16
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @ForeignPolicy: 'The threat posed by the Islamic State to...'Nov 22 09:18
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'In #Secret, #Obama Extends US Role in #Afghanistan...'Nov 22 09:26
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: '#Nurses Urge Leniency Over Refusal to #F̶o̶r̶c̶e̶-̶F̶e̶e̶d̶ #Torture...'Nov 22 09:26
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 22 09:27
TweetSchestowitz@willjordan      UK police spied on reporters for years, docsNov 22 09:28
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    show (from @AP) 22 09:28
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( 22 09:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 09:28
-TechrightsSocial/ | AP News : UK police spied on reporters for years, docs showNov 22 09:28
TweetSchestowitz@SimonChapman6   Oz cigarette volume sales in supermarketsNov 22 09:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    (where prices cheapest) down 2.9%.  #plainpacksNov 22 09:30
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      & tax attributed. 22 09:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 22 09:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 09:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cigarettes and junk food dominate supermarket sales growthNov 22 09:30
TweetSchestowitz@DrRimmer        Back to the Future: #Brandis only makes digitalNov 22 09:31
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #copyright submissions available in a paperNov 22 09:31
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      format: @rohan_p #copdis.Nov 22 09:31
TweetSchestowitz        22 09:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 09:31
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@DrRimmer: Back to the Future: #Brandis only makes digital #copyright submissions available in a paper format: @rohan_p #copdis. 22 09:31
TweetSchestowitz@MirrorPolitics  World's biggest arms firm targets £1billion NHSNov 22 09:32
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    contractNov 22 09:32
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 22 09:32
TweetSchestowitz        22 09:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 09:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | World's biggest arms firm targets £1billion NHS contract - Mirror OnlineNov 22 09:32
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MirrorPolitics: World's biggest arms firm targets £1billion NHS contract 22 09:32
TweetSchestowitz@p_hannam        Records melt in inland Australia - 10Nov 22 09:33
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    consecutive days 40C+ at LongreachNov 22 09:33
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 22 09:33
TweetSchestowitz                 #heatwave #climate 22 09:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 09:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Longreach tops 40 for 10 days in a row - and there's more to comeNov 22 09:33
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@p_hannam: Records melt in inland Australia - 10 consecutive days 40C+ at Longreach #heatwave #climate 22 09:33
TweetSchestowitz@Independent     Revealed: How privatisation has seen the worldNov 22 09:36
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    get rich from British public servicesNov 22 09:36
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 22 09:36
TweetSchestowitz        22 09:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 09:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Revealed: How the world gets rich – from privatising British public services - Business News - Business - The IndependentNov 22 09:36
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Independent: Revealed: How privatisation has seen the world get rich from British public services 22 09:36
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Ireland Asks #EU To Support #Microsoft In LegalNov 22 09:36
TweetSchestowitz                 Battle Involving Competing Jurisdictions -Nov 22 09:36
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 09:36
TweetSchestowitz                 important caseNov 22 09:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 09:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ireland Asks EU To Support Microsoft In Legal Battle Involving Competing Jurisdictions | TechdirtNov 22 09:37
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Investor-state dispute settlement and theNov 22 09:37
TweetSchestowitz                 #China-Australia Free Trade Agreement -Nov 22 09:37
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 09:37
TweetSchestowitz                 useful summary #ISDSNov 22 09:37
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*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Nov 22 09:48
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Venedig verbietet Plastikräder an Rollkoffern -Nov 22 09:55
TweetSchestowitz        ( & yetNov 22 09:55
TweetSchestowitz                 speedboats can still wash away foundations ofNov 22 09:55
TweetSchestowitz                 palazzi...riiightNov 22 09:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | Venedig verbietet Plastikrder an Rollkoffern - SPIEGEL ONLINENov 22 09:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 09:55
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Gender equality and environment laws onNov 22 09:55
TweetSchestowitz                 business lobby hit list -Nov 22 09:55
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 09:55
TweetSchestowitz                 outrageous whining from greedy fatcatsNov 22 09:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 09:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Gender equality and environment laws on business lobby hit list | EurActivNov 22 09:56
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Freihandelsabkommen #TTIP, #TiSA und #CETANov 22 09:56
TweetSchestowitz                 schränken kommunale Demokratie ein -Nov 22 09:56
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 09:56
TweetSchestowitz                 big threatNov 22 09:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 09:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mehr Demokratie e.V.: Freihandelsabkommen TTIP, TiSA und CETA schränken kommunale Demokratie einNov 22 09:56
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  #Chinese #journalist on trial for #leakingNov 22 10:39
TweetSchestowitz                 #StateSecrets to #newspaperNov 22 10:39
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 10:39
TweetSchestowitz                 #USwudNEVERdoThisNov 22 10:39
TweetSchestowitz                 #WarOnJournos&WhistleblowrsNov 22 10:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 10:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Log In - The New York TimesNov 22 10:39
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Close to Home: #TPP would threaten localNov 22 10:39
TweetSchestowitz                 control - 22 10:39
TweetSchestowitz                 ( big issue forNov 22 10:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Close to Home: Partnership would threaten local control | The Press DemocratNov 22 10:39
TweetSchestowitz                 #TTIP/#TAFTA tooNov 22 10:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 10:39
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       La ministre de la sante de Lituanie a proposéNov 22 10:39
TweetSchestowitz                 de tuer les pauvres - 22 10:39
TweetSchestowitz                 ( er, what???Nov 22 10:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | LA MINISTRE DE LA SANTE DE LITUANIE A PROPOSE DE TUER LES PAUVRES | histoireetsocieteNov 22 10:39
TweetSchestowitz                 (v @magdalakoff) #ltNov 22 10:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 10:39
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Plague kills 40 people in #Madagascar -Nov 22 10:51
TweetSchestowitz        ( 22 10:51
TweetSchestowitz                 "transmissible through infected droplets spreadNov 22 10:51
TweetSchestowitz                 by coughing" yikesNov 22 10:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | Plague kills 40 people in Madagascar | World news | The GuardianNov 22 10:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 10:51
TweetSchestowitz@Stephen_Curry   Copyright Infringement 22 10:51
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    ( 22 10:51
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Nov 22 10:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 10:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | Copyright Infringement | Reciprocal SpaceNov 22 10:51
TweetSchestowitz@moltke          Der Lohn der Lauscher 22 10:52
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    ( <- English version andNov 22 10:52
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      documents coming soon.Nov 22 10:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 22 10:52
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA - Der Lohn der Lauscher - Digital - Süddeutsche.deNov 22 10:52
TweetSchestowitz@nytimes         "If India goes deeper and deeper into coal,Nov 22 10:53
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    we're all doomed." 22 10:53
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( 22 10:53
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