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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: December 14th, 2014-December 20th, 2014

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TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    His name redacted from t#TortureReport but lastDec 14 00:12
TweetSchestowitz                 March @SenFeinstein said CIA atty RobertDec 14 00:12
TweetSchestowitz                 Eatinger was mentioned 1600xDec 14 00:12
TweetSchestowitz        14 00:12
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 00:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:12
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 141212 -Dec 14 00:12
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 00:12
TweetSchestowitz                 yesterday's tweets as a single Web pageDec 14 00:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:12
TweetSchestowitz@jptrib1 14 00:16
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Dec 14 00:16
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        Dec 14 00:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:16
TweetSchestowitz@the_intercept   The Inside Story of How British Spies HackedDec 14 00:16
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Belgium’s Largest Telco: 14 00:16
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     ( New Snowden docs:Dec 14 00:16
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 00:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:16
TweetSchestowitz@rj_gallagher    We have new evidence from Snowden linking GCHQDec 14 00:16
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    to the Regin malware ... you'll want to read toDec 14 00:16
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     the very end ;-) 14 00:16
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 00:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:16
*TweetTuxMachines @LilianadBarr6Sk followed @tuxmachinesDec 14 00:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Crowdfunding a USB-stick-sized, GNU/Linux-readyDec 14 00:16
TweetTuxMachines                 computer 14 00:16
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 14 00:16
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 14 00:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Links 13/12/2014: Android Wear “Lollipop”,Dec 14 00:16
TweetTuxMachines                 European Commission and FOSSDec 14 00:16
TweetTuxMachines        ( 14 00:16
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 14 00:16
TweetSchestowitz@rj_gallagher    The full Snowden comment re: our story on GCHQDec 14 00:16
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    hacking Belgacom & Regin malware "smoking gun"Dec 14 00:16
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald ( 14 00:16
TweetSchestowitz        14 00:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:16
TweetSchestowitz@rj_gallagher    Pic of Prince Charles & Duchess of CornwallDec 14 00:17
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    paying friendly visit to secret GCHQ hackingDec 14 00:17
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     unit ( 14 00:17
TweetSchestowitz        14 00:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:17
TweetSchestowitz@rj_gallagher    As usual, you can find all the source docs hereDec 14 00:21
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( OrDec 14 00:21
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     listed at the bottom of the pieceDec 14 00:21
TweetSchestowitz        ( #GCHQDec 14 00:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:21
TweetSchestowitz@BCAppelbaum     Fewer men are working. Many have decided thatDec 14 00:32
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    low-wage work will not improve their lives.Dec 14 00:32
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 ( 14 00:32
TweetSchestowitz        14 00:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:32
TweetSchestowitz@DavidCloudLAT   The reason CIA can't rule out future #torture?Dec 14 00:32
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    They exist in part to do President's dirtyDec 14 00:32
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     work--and to take the hit for it.Dec 14 00:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:32
TweetSchestowitz@qu1j0t3         Thanks to billionaires' war on publicDec 14 00:32
TweetSchestowitz                 education, USA teachers have to equipDec 14 00:32
TweetSchestowitz                 classrooms out of own pocket:Dec 14 00:32
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 00:32
TweetSchestowitz                 #edreformDec 14 00:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:32
TweetSchestowitz@lsarsour        I love you NYC. #MillionsMarchNYCDec 14 00:34
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #BlackLivesMatter 14 00:34
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        Dec 14 00:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:34
TweetSchestowitz@AnalizeThis     "#Fascism should more properly be calledDec 14 00:39
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    corporatism because it is the merger of stateDec 14 00:39
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        and corporate power." -- Benito MussoliniDec 14 00:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:39
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot        Blade Runner 2 Script Done, Harrison Ford SaysDec 14 00:39
TweetSchestowitz                 "the Best Ever" 14 00:39
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 00:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:39
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    His name redacted from #TortureReport but lastDec 14 00:42
TweetSchestowitz                 March @SenFeinstein said CIA atty RobertDec 14 00:42
TweetSchestowitz                 Eatinger was mentioned 1600xDec 14 00:42
TweetSchestowitz        14 00:42
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 00:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:42
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    CIA torture report tops Sunday talk showsDec 14 00:42
TweetSchestowitz        ( viaDec 14 00:42
TweetSchestowitz                 @USATODAYDec 14 00:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:42
TweetSchestowitz@learnfromKIE    Just finished "In Real Life" by @doctorow & JenDec 14 00:46
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Wang. 5/5 stars. Loved every bit of it and readDec 14 00:46
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       it one day, couldn't put it down ☺️Dec 14 00:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:46
TweetSchestowitz@cmdln           A new episode of my podcast is live. In it, IDec 14 00:46
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    interview @doctorow about his latest book.Dec 14 00:46
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow ( 14 00:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:46
TweetSchestowitz@johnhornor      @doctorow My 12yo, The Grunch, during her 2ndDec 14 00:52
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    read of IRL. Her review: "redonk good!"Dec 14 00:52
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow ( 14 00:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:52
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  Mother-daughter birthday celebration 12/13/14Dec 14 00:52
TweetSchestowitz        14 00:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:52
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Looks like we'll be hearing from a lot of analDec 14 00:53
TweetSchestowitz                 rape apologists on the Sunday shows tomorrow.Dec 14 00:53
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 00:53
TweetSchestowitz                 #DayOfTheLordDec 14 00:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:53
TweetSchestowitz@mrmedina        Powerful images coming in fromDec 14 00:55
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #MillionsMarchNYC #BlackLivesMatterDec 14 00:55
TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack 14 00:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:55
TweetSchestowitz@5150committee   #HandyGateDec 14 00:55
TweetSchestowitz                 Dec 14 00:55
TweetSchestowitz                 The doc is a fakeDec 14 00:55
TweetSchestowitz                 Although that's not what Range saidDec 14 00:55
TweetSchestowitz                 I just know these thingsDec 14 00:55
TweetSchestowitz                 Dec 14 00:55
TweetSchestowitz                 #NSAhaikuDec 14 00:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:55
TweetSchestowitz@normative       For our final #CatoSpyCon speaker’s bio, setDec 14 00:57
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    your Enigma plugboard to CA TO, rotors I II &Dec 14 00:57
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     III to SPY, wheels to CON.Dec 14 00:57
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 00:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:57
TweetSchestowitz@sharynbovat     IC guy said #snowden saw me fidget & do selfiesDec 14 00:58
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    on #googlehangout pls tell Ed I'm sorry😏Dec 14 00:58
TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack  @JesselynRadack #catospyconDec 14 00:58
TweetSchestowitz        14 00:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 00:58
TweetSchestowitz@5150committee   #HandyGateDec 14 01:05
TweetSchestowitz                 Dec 14 01:05
TweetSchestowitz                 It came from SnowdenDec 14 01:05
TweetSchestowitz                 Nobody ever claimed thatDec 14 01:05
TweetSchestowitz                 But I can just tellDec 14 01:05
TweetSchestowitz                 Dec 14 01:05
TweetSchestowitz                 #NSAhaikuDec 14 01:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 01:05
TweetSchestowitz@qu1j0t3         "Former Vice President Dick Cheney will be theDec 14 01:05
TweetSchestowitz                 featured guest to discuss the [#torture]Dec 14 01:05
TweetSchestowitz                 report". —Brilliant Choice! Waterboard him thoDec 14 01:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 01:05
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       #Spain's #WikiLeaks-inspired #Xnet peacefulDec 14 01:05
TweetSchestowitz                 guerrilla movement fights graft usingDec 14 01:05
TweetSchestowitz                 technology, courts | SMH 14 01:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 01:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 01:05
TweetSchestowitz@GreeGreece      * @Gliburtine @RobCoyte The wealthy are notDec 14 01:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    necessarily evil but disproportionate politicalDec 14 01:13
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        influence through wealth should be avoided.Dec 14 01:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 01:13
TweetSchestowitz@DavidOAtkins    If we're going to use enhanced interrogation,Dec 14 01:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    can't it at least be used on clear and presentDec 14 01:13
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     dangers like Jamie Dimon?Dec 14 01:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 01:13
TweetSchestowitz@qu1j0t3         How many torture survivors will be interviewedDec 14 01:15
TweetSchestowitz                 on "the Sunday shows"?Dec 14 01:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 01:15
TweetSchestowitz@qu1j0t3         Indeed, we shd get Cheney's views on hisDec 14 01:15
TweetSchestowitz                 administration's use of torture. Then, to getDec 14 01:15
TweetSchestowitz                 both sides, torture him for a few hours and askDec 14 01:15
TweetSchestowitz                 againDec 14 01:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 01:15
MinceR:DDec 14 01:16
qu1j0t3:)Dec 14 01:17
TweetSchestowitz@MargaretAtwood  Neonics connected to insectivorous bird declineDec 14 01:42
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    | GardenDrum: 14 01:42
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        ( #neonics #bees @Bird_LifeNewsDec 14 01:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 01:42
TweetSchestowitz@robertgreenwald  to understand #TortureReport  and more , makeDec 14 01:42
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    sure to read @JamesRisen book PAY ANY PRICE. Dec 14 01:42
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  it is smart,real reporting and very importantDec 14 01:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 01:42
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Screenshots 14 01:55
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 14 01:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 14 01:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 14 01:56
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 14 01:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 14 01:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 14 01:56
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 14 01:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 14 01:56
TweetSchestowitz@heidikitrosser  timely from @JamesRisen, PayAnyPrice: "onlyDec 14 02:05
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    people ... held to account[for torture]areDec 14 02:05
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  those ... at the very bottom of the chain ofDec 14 02:05
TweetSchestowitz                 command"Dec 14 02:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:05
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      That we have to learn women hoops playersDec 14 02:05
TweetSchestowitz                 wearing "I Can't Breathe" t's fr pics ratherDec 14 02:05
TweetSchestowitz                 than watching on TV is damningDec 14 02:05
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 02:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:05
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Shiny shiny booze-flask 14 02:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 02:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:05
TweetSchestowitz@Cryptomeorg     Michael Brown's Companion Dorian JohnsonDec 14 02:06
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Describes Shooting to Cops and FBIDec 14 02:06
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 ( (10.6MB)Dec 14 02:06
TweetSchestowitz                 via @guardian Vivid, gripping.Dec 14 02:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:06
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Open or Fauxpen? Use the OSS Watch OpennessDec 14 02:10
TweetSchestowitz                 Rating tool to find out: OSS: Is your softwareDec 14 02:10
TweetSchestowitz                 open or fauxpen? 14 02:10
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 02:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:10
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @heidikitrosser: 'timely from @JamesRisen, PayAnyPrice: "only people ... held...'Dec 14 02:11
TweetSchestowitz@Cryptomeorg     9/11 and post-9/11 continue to produce success,Dec 14 02:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    fame and wealth, pro and con, exploitingDec 14 02:13
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  innumerable anonymous victims endlessly.Dec 14 02:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:13
TweetSchestowitz@Cryptomeorg     Website of CIA Supporters Defend DepravedDec 14 02:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    TortureDec 14 02:13
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 ( 14 02:13
TweetSchestowitz                 Related: 14 02:13
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 02:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:13
TweetSchestowitz@Cryptomeorg     GCHQ Belgacom Hack - 67 Pages viaDec 14 02:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @the_interceptDec 14 02:13
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 ( 14 02:13
TweetSchestowitz                 Snowden Tally 2,694 pagesDec 14 02:13
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 02:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:13
TweetSchestowitz@Cryptomeorg     Recognize former (and current?) NSA officials,Dec 14 02:21
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    among 30, working for Alexander's IronNetDec 14 02:21
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Cybersecurity, Inc.Dec 14 02:21
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 02:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:21
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  Sunday I'll be on @NPRWeekend Edition reDec 14 02:21
TweetSchestowitz                 #torture & bitter irony that #CIADec 14 02:21
TweetSchestowitz                 #whistleblower .@JohnKiriakou is the one inDec 14 02:21
TweetSchestowitz                 jail, not the sadistsDec 14 02:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:21
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @Cryptomeorg: 'Website of CIA Supporters Defend Depraved Torture'Dec 14 02:22
TweetSchestowitz@electrospaces   NSA Inspector General: "Snowden was an ITDec 14 02:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    systems analyst who grossly misunderstood theDec 14 02:22
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  documents he stole": 14 02:22
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 02:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:22
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'RT @Cryptomeorg: Website of CIA Supporters Defend Depraved...'Dec 14 02:23
TweetSchestowitz@csoghoian       Next secdef Ashton Carter:  “We had a cyberDec 14 02:23
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Pearl Harbor. His name was Edward Snowden,”Dec 14 02:23
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 ( 14 02:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:23
TweetSchestowitz@csoghoian       Norwegian Justice Minister says mystery IMSIDec 14 02:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    catchers installed near parliament areDec 14 02:29
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  "completely unacceptable"Dec 14 02:29
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 02:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:29
*TweetSchestowitz @ioerror retweeted @csoghoian: 'Norwegian Justice Minister says mystery IMSI catchers installed...'Dec 14 02:29
TweetSchestowitz@nakashimae      Nick Merrill sues DOJ over 10-yr-old gag orderDec 14 02:32
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    in NSL case. Calls "permanent gag order" aDec 14 02:32
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  violation of ConstitutionDec 14 02:33
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 02:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:33
TweetSchestowitz@marciahofmann   Just a periodic reminder. If law enforcementDec 14 02:33
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    wants to talk to you, it's best to refer themDec 14 02:33
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  to your lawyer.Dec 14 02:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:33
TweetSchestowitz@PhilDPhilOxon   @Thomas_Drake1 A hat tip to you Sir. You gave aDec 14 02:35
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    great Q&A at IFC in New York after a Dirty WarsDec 14 02:35
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  screening last year. Thank you for the truthDec 14 02:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:35
TweetSchestowitz@MayaSchenwar    IL annually imprisons over 1200 people who areDec 14 02:42
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    unable to pay their way out of prison afterDec 14 02:42
TweetSchestowitz @truthout       their sentences are over.Dec 14 02:42
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 02:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:42
TweetSchestowitz@sarahpressler   A 31yr old female wrote the code that landedDec 14 02:42
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Apollo 11 on the moon. She coined the termDec 14 02:42
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Software Engineer. Thank you, MargaretDec 14 02:42
TweetSchestowitz                 Hamilton!Dec 14 02:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:42
TweetSchestowitz@quinnnorton     For @PandoDaily, I've written about what makesDec 14 02:43
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @torproject very good indeed, & how theDec 14 02:43
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  community can make it better.Dec 14 02:43
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 02:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:43
TweetSchestowitz@JosephHickman0  @JasonLeopold: Congrats for producing the bestDec 14 02:53
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    and most important documentary of the year onDec 14 02:53
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   the torture program! 14 02:53
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 02:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:53
TweetSchestowitz@sarahpressler   These ol' gals hacked Hitler's secret codes andDec 14 02:53
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    changed the course of history! #womenintechDec 14 02:53
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 ( 14 02:53
TweetSchestowitz        14 02:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:54
TweetSchestowitz@sarahpressler   ...and they were only in their teens!!Dec 14 02:55
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #womenintech #codebreakersDec 14 02:55
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 ( 14 02:55
TweetSchestowitz        14 02:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:55
TweetSchestowitz@Sumlocks        Check me out tho. 14 02:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Dec 14 02:56
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        Dec 14 02:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:56
TweetSchestowitz@BLAC_JUST       CIA torture is reason for France to exit NATO –Dec 14 02:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Le Pen ( 14 02:56
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 14 02:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:56
TweetSchestowitz@FreedomofPress  This season of giving, consider helpingDec 14 02:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @Cryptomeorg @firedoglake @GovAcctProjDec 14 02:56
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  @balkanleaks get SecureDrop. Donate:Dec 14 02:56
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 02:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:56
TweetSchestowitz@McClatchyDC     Judge orders sweeping 9/11 trial secrecy reviewDec 14 02:57
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 14 02:57
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Dec 14 02:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:57
TweetSchestowitz@sickjew         While US activists fight back against racist,Dec 14 02:57
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    militarized police, here's who the USDec 14 02:57
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        government is backing inDec 14 02:57
TweetSchestowitz                 Ukraine: 14 02:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:57
TweetSchestowitz@JohnOCAP        If you want to understand #Zionism andDec 14 02:58
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #colonialism, there are books you can read orDec 14 02:58
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        you could look at this photoDec 14 02:58
TweetSchestowitz        14 02:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:58
TweetSchestowitz@LibsInAmerica   Law breakers! lol that's rich. Escaped slavesDec 14 02:58
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    were law breakers too. .@PresidentGWKushDec 14 02:58
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        @MauryO @NYCityAlerts 14 02:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:58
TweetSchestowitz@MSMWatchdog2013  Minister for what? @TonyAbbottMHR cuts theDec 14 02:59
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Indigenous & Remote Eye Health Service -Dec 14 02:59
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        Australian Medical Association:Dec 14 02:59
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 02:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 02:59
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Sunday I'll be on @NPRWeekend Edition re #torture...'Dec 14 03:02
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @sarahpressler: 'These ol' gals hacked Hitler's secret codes and...'Dec 14 03:02
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @sarahpressler: '...and they were only in their teens!! #womenintech...'Dec 14 03:58
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot        The Shale Boom Won't Stop Climate Change; ItDec 14 03:58
TweetSchestowitz                 Could Make It Worse 14 03:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 03:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 03:58
TweetSchestowitz@nsisodiya       रह जाते है छूने से हर बार तह को, जनाबे किस्मतDec 14 03:58
TweetSchestowitz                 कैसी पाई है।Dec 14 03:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 03:58
*TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Sunday I'll be on @NPRWeekend Edition re #torture...'Dec 14 04:08
TweetSchestowitz@anivar          Touching note on Artist CN Karunakaran onDec 14 04:08
TweetSchestowitz                 today's @mathrubhumi  by @nsmlive . MentionsDec 14 04:08
TweetSchestowitz                 @smcproject 14 04:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 04:08
TweetSchestowitz@nsisodiya       Javascript API should provide event bubblingDec 14 04:28
TweetSchestowitz                 for changes in Objects (similar to DOM)!Dec 14 04:28
TweetSchestowitz                 Add/delete/change event should bubble!Dec 14 04:28
TweetSchestowitz                 #Object.observeDec 14 04:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 04:28
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         The Riot is one Night but the Metadata LastsDec 14 04:28
TweetSchestowitz                 Forever: 14 04:28
TweetSchestowitz                 ( (content too!) #nsa #fbiDec 14 04:28
TweetSchestowitz                 #acabDec 14 04:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 04:28
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         Berlin isn't the same without @wiretapped.Dec 14 04:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 04:28
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    "To be candid, if ur going to break someone’sDec 14 04:38
TweetSchestowitz                 legs or waterboard someone they’d probablyDec 14 04:38
TweetSchestowitz                 prefer you break their legs"Dec 14 04:38
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 04:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 04:38
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         Does anyone use a VPN service calledDec 14 04:38
TweetSchestowitz                 SecurityKiss in Ireland?Dec 14 04:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 04:38
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Incoming Senate intelligence Committee ChairmanDec 14 04:38
TweetSchestowitz                 says he plans 'real time' scrutiny of CIADec 14 04:38
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 04:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 04:38
TweetSchestowitz@headhntr        The riot is one night... but metadata lasts forDec 14 04:38
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    ever... 14 04:38
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian      ( (ht @unwoman)Dec 14 04:38
TweetSchestowitz        14 04:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 04:38
TweetSchestowitz@nsisodiya       its true... with money we can earnDec 14 04:58
TweetSchestowitz                 happinesses...Dec 14 04:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 04:58
TweetSchestowitz@NickBallard     Multiply Your Time Tomorrow by Asking YourselfDec 14 04:58
TweetSchestowitz                 What You Can Do Today 14 04:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 04:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 04:58
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         US-984XN is really the gift that keeps onDec 14 04:58
TweetSchestowitz                 giving, isn't it?Dec 14 04:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 04:58
*ChanServ has quit (*.net *.split)Dec 14 05:26
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**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Dec 14 06:00:05 2014
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Dec 14 06:00:29 2014
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 06:00
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovellDec 14 06:00
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010Dec 14 06:00
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 06:00
*XFaCE (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 06:00
TweetSchestowitz@citizenfour     Even those who can't vote have the right toDec 14 06:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    know: 14 06:09
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        ( 14 06:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 06:09
TweetSchestowitz@citizenfour     His book’s on Snowden’s desk:Dec 14 06:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by 14 06:09
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        Dec 14 06:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 06:09
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot        OpenMotics Offers Open Source (and OpenDec 14 06:13
TweetSchestowitz                 Hardware) Home AutomationDec 14 06:13
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 06:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 06:13
TweetSchestowitz@frank_rieger    I think the USA has lost any moral authority toDec 14 06:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    speak about human rights. And I hope someoneDec 14 06:13
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        leaks the unredacted #torture report in full.Dec 14 06:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 06:13
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks has been destroyed by theDec 14 06:19
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Swedish police raid. It has now moved toDec 14 06:19
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror (Costa Rica)Dec 14 06:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 06:19
TweetSchestowitz@sebastianhahn   *frickel frickel* Vorbereitungen für eineDec 14 06:19
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #Tor-Übung (Vorlesung angewandte IT-Sicherheit)Dec 14 06:19
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        @ @unifau - Dienstag von 10-12 im H3,Dec 14 06:19
TweetSchestowitz                 SüdgeländeDec 14 06:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 06:19
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         Verizon is constantly harming privacy andDec 14 06:29
TweetSchestowitz                 security with the wrong tradeoffs:Dec 14 06:29
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 06:29
TweetSchestowitz                 Ask them about their giant SMS database!Dec 14 06:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 06:30
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       ANNOUNCE: New law suit filed against Visa,Dec 14 06:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Mastercard over WikiLeaks blockadeDec 14 06:30
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror ( Background:Dec 14 06:30
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 06:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 06:30
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 242 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 1032 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesDec 14 07:06
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (50), @JasonLeopold (12), @doctorow (8)Dec 14 07:06
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @ioerror (28), @Thomas_Drake1 (23), @qu1j0t3 (21)Dec 14 07:06
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #linux (11), #gnu (7), #TortureReport (6)Dec 14 07:06
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         Ilja van Sprundel is awesomely talented:Dec 14 08:17
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 08:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 08:17
TweetSchestowitz@nsisodiya       "Page Saved" addon does not solve the problemDec 14 08:17
TweetSchestowitz                 because the real problem is not so many "Pages"Dec 14 08:17
TweetSchestowitz                 but the real problem is Time !Dec 14 08:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 08:17
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Excellent interview with The Command LineDec 14 08:17
TweetSchestowitz                 podcast about Information Doesn't Want to BeDec 14 08:17
TweetSchestowitz                 Free: 14 08:17
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 08:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 08:17
TweetSchestowitz@DamienWise      Great @doctorow quote. RT @citizenfour: HisDec 14 08:43
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    book’s on Snowden’s desk:Dec 14 08:43
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow 14 08:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 08:43
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: Filthy water, crushed lager tins,Dec 14 09:17
TweetSchestowitz                 nitrous cannisters, ballons, Shoreditch sewerDec 14 09:17
TweetSchestowitz                 grating, Curtain... 14 09:17
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 09:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 09:17
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 141213 -Dec 14 09:17
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 09:17
TweetSchestowitz                 yesterday's tweets as a single Web pageDec 14 09:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 09:17
TweetSchestowitz@jmcest          RT @greekemmy: BBC Writer Advocates Murder OverDec 14 09:20
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Democratic Free Speech: 14 09:20
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( viaDec 14 09:20
TweetSchestowitz                 @domesticempire #Assange #WikiLeaksDec 14 09:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 09:20
TweetSchestowitz@mathewi         This is disturbing: "Twitter suspendsDec 14 09:23
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    journalist's account after he publishes publicDec 14 09:23
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      document" ( 14 09:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 09:23
TweetSchestowitz@Olivianuzzi     Dance like no one is watching; email like itDec 14 09:23
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    may one day be read aloud in a deposition.Dec 14 09:23
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Dec 14 09:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 09:23
TweetSchestowitz@Lnonblonde      Violent Arrests Made By Houston Police AtDec 14 09:24
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Anti-Police Brutality March viaDec 14 09:24
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 14 09:24
TweetSchestowitz        14 09:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 09:24
TweetSchestowitz@mpesce          +VELVETGOLDMINE RT @HistoryInPics: Lou Reed,Dec 14 09:27
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Mick Jagger and David Bowie hanging out at CaféDec 14 09:27
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Royale, 1973 14 09:27
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 09:27
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Come clean on British links to #torture, MPsDec 14 09:27
TweetSchestowitz                 tell US Senate - 14 09:27
TweetSchestowitz                 ( good for them #UKDec 14 09:27
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 09:27
TweetSchestowitz@climate_rev     Help make it happen for John Pilger - TheDec 14 09:34
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Coming War documentary on @indiegogoDec 14 09:34
TweetSchestowitz @johnpilger ( 14 09:34
TweetSchestowitz        14 09:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 09:34
TweetSchestowitz@fabiochiusi     Tutte le contraddizioni di chi vuole la tassaDec 14 09:36
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    sui link in Spagna (e, presto, in Italia)Dec 14 09:36
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( perDec 14 09:36
TweetSchestowitz                 @wireditaliaDec 14 09:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 09:36
TweetSchestowitz@BJGoldsmith     “In pushing other species to extinction,Dec 14 09:39
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    humanity is busy sawing off the limb on whichDec 14 09:39
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      it perches.” Paul EhrlichDec 14 09:39
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 09:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 09:39
TweetSchestowitz@swardley        Next step, deport the poor regardless? -> RTDec 14 09:39
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @paulbradshaw: Man faces deportation as UKDec 14 09:39
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      wife's salary too low 14 09:39
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 09:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 09:39
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Stephen Colbert puts Smaug in the hot seat forDec 14 09:48
TweetSchestowitz                 a change - 14 09:48
TweetSchestowitz                 ( entertainingly....Dec 14 09:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 09:48
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       State #surveillance is enabled by our ownDec 14 09:48
TweetSchestowitz                 sloppy habits - 14 09:48
TweetSchestowitz                 ( so we get what weDec 14 09:48
TweetSchestowitz                 deserve...Dec 14 09:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 09:48
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Polluters leave Lima triumphant - CEO reactionDec 14 09:48
TweetSchestowitz                 - ( 14 09:48
TweetSchestowitz                 depressing #COP20Dec 14 09:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 09:48
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       NHS litigation claims double under coalition -Dec 14 09:52
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 09:52
TweetSchestowitz                 "£15.6bn in 2013-14": more evidence #NHSDec 14 09:52
TweetSchestowitz                 collapsing under ToriesDec 14 09:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 09:52
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #drone strikes as a gameDec 14 09:52
TweetSchestowitz        14 09:52
TweetSchestowitz                 ( not to beDec 14 09:52
TweetSchestowitz                 forgotten: 14 09:52
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 09:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 09:52
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #bush #cheney and gang said #torture effective.Dec 14 09:52
TweetSchestowitz                 They lied. Obama now says #drone #assassinationDec 14 09:52
TweetSchestowitz                 effective. I've covered this lie for years.Dec 14 09:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 09:52
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Some people think that #torture andDec 14 09:57
TweetSchestowitz                 #assassination (without due process) not cruelDec 14 09:57
TweetSchestowitz                 because effective vs. terrorism. They're liedDec 14 09:57
TweetSchestowitz                 to.Dec 14 09:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 09:57
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Ever since Wst said on live TV that "GeorgeDec 14 09:57
TweetSchestowitz                 #bush doesn't care about black people" I'veDec 14 09:57
TweetSchestowitz                 been a fan (he's right) 14 09:57
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 09:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 09:57
TweetSchestowitz@patentbuddy     The EPO Administrative Council Is as Corrupt asDec 14 10:05
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the US Congress: 14 10:05
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    ( 14 10:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:05
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     You fly over foreign lands, maybe kill people,Dec 14 10:05
TweetSchestowitz                 then drive home for dinnerDec 14 10:05
TweetSchestowitz         ( ...Dec 14 10:05
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 10:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:05
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Next #senate report should be about #dronesDec 14 10:05
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 10:05
TweetSchestowitz        14 10:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 10:05
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 10:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:05
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Prescott "shocked" by #torture but wasn't hisDec 14 10:12
TweetSchestowitz                 regime/party at his time aiding it?Dec 14 10:12
TweetSchestowitz        ( #ukDec 14 10:12
TweetSchestowitz                 #hypocrite #prescottDec 14 10:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:12
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     The payment of $81 to 2 #torture masters andDec 14 10:12
TweetSchestowitz                 anal infusion of food hardly known beforeDec 14 10:12
TweetSchestowitz                 #tortureReport (been following this news forDec 14 10:12
TweetSchestowitz                 years)Dec 14 10:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:12
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     The term "drone" has been saturated/diluted byDec 14 10:12
TweetSchestowitz                 toy drones; UAV a euphemism. We may need a newDec 14 10:12
TweetSchestowitz                 name for Predator Drones.Dec 14 10:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:12
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "Power is not the means, it is the ends"Dec 14 10:20
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 10:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:20
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #cfr on How U.S. Officials and Congress HaveDec 14 10:20
TweetSchestowitz                 Defended Drone Strikes in Light of the TortureDec 14 10:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ReportDec 14 10:20
TweetSchestowitz         ( 14 10:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:20
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     The logic justifying #torture is usuallyDec 14 10:20
TweetSchestowitz                 confession/sources, the logic justifyingDec 14 10:20
TweetSchestowitz                 #drones is outright elimination. Not the same.Dec 14 10:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:20
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "190 safety incidents involving drones andDec 14 10:26
TweetSchestowitz                 commercial aircraft." 14 10:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ( and #cia says over 400 ofDec 14 10:26
TweetSchestowitz                 its #drones crashedDec 14 10:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:26
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     The harsh facts on #drones have been out forDec 14 10:26
TweetSchestowitz                 some time (independently verified orDec 14 10:26
TweetSchestowitz                 falsified). But #obama won't investigate/grillDec 14 10:26
TweetSchestowitz                 Obama.Dec 14 10:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:26
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #Torture "Architect" Mistaken in Claim Nobody'sDec 14 10:26
TweetSchestowitz                 Punished for #Drone MurdersDec 14 10:26
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 10:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:26
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "judge convicted and sentenced two peaceDec 14 10:26
TweetSchestowitz                 activists for protesting drone warfare"Dec 14 10:26
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 10:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:26
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #police scene from #captainAmericaDec 14 10:47
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 10:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:47
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     How to Lose a War on TerrorDec 14 10:47
TweetSchestowitz         ( "to win, weDec 14 10:47
TweetSchestowitz                 need only to be our best selves."Dec 14 10:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:47
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     What many Nigerians think about exploitation ofDec 14 10:47
TweetSchestowitz                 terrorism to dominate other countriesDec 14 10:47
TweetSchestowitz       •-america-is-nigerias-enemy/Dec 14 10:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 10:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:47
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     When saving lives from terrorists isn't topDec 14 10:52
TweetSchestowitz                 priority 14 10:52
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #yemen up in arms in part dueDec 14 10:52
TweetSchestowitz                 to #dronesDec 14 10:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:52
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Times Writers Group: America's interventionDec 14 10:52
TweetSchestowitz                 yields hateDec 14 10:52
TweetSchestowitz         ( whyDec 14 10:52
TweetSchestowitz                 refusing to pay ransom won't workDec 14 10:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:52
TweetSchestowitz@KenRoth         He's the only one Obama allowed to beDec 14 10:53
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    prosecuted regarding CIA torture.Dec 14 10:53
TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou   Dec 14 10:53
TweetSchestowitz                 For whistleblowing.Dec 14 10:53
TweetSchestowitz                 Dec 14 10:53
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 10:53
TweetSchestowitz        14 10:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:53
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       CIA's Brennan: I Think We've Had EnoughDec 14 10:53
TweetSchestowitz                 #Transparency For The Time Being -Dec 14 10:53
TweetSchestowitz        ( er,Dec 14 10:53
TweetSchestowitz                 no, actually...Dec 14 10:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:53
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Drones Industrial ComplexDec 14 10:54
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 10:54
TweetSchestowitz                 when policies guided by business goals, notDec 14 10:54
TweetSchestowitz                 logic. #nevada #dronesDec 14 10:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:54
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Stop Wildlife "Cybercrime" on UK Websites -Dec 14 10:54
TweetSchestowitz        14 10:54
TweetSchestowitz                 ( the UK governmentDec 14 10:54
TweetSchestowitz                 must halt this UK trade in ivory & animalsDec 14 10:54
TweetSchestowitz                 #epetitionDec 14 10:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:54
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     How Much Will Facebook’s TOS Change Affect You?Dec 14 10:54
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 10:54
TweetSchestowitz                 #facebook changes affect also those notDec 14 10:54
TweetSchestowitz                 registered but trackedDec 14 10:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:54
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       How Congress Secretly Just LegitimizedDec 14 10:55
TweetSchestowitz                 Questionable NSA Mass Surveillance Tool -Dec 14 10:55
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 10:55
TweetSchestowitz                 yikesDec 14 10:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:55
TweetSchestowitz@JohnKiriakou    Visiting John this morning. We will let himDec 14 10:55
TweetSchestowitz                 know about all your support and kind words.Dec 14 10:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:55
TweetSchestowitz@marcuschown     Blairite Jim Murphy becomes leader of ScottishDec 14 10:59
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Labour and SNP support soars to 47%. LabourDec 14 10:59
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      appears to be pressing the self-destructDec 14 10:59
TweetSchestowitz                 button.Dec 14 10:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:59
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #facebook tracks everyone (not just usedsDec 14 10:59
TweetSchestowitz                 [sic]) using cookies/buttons to log theirDec 14 10:59
TweetSchestowitz                 browsing history, rewards useds for taggingDec 14 10:59
TweetSchestowitz                 non-usedsDec 14 10:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:59
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Saying "if you don't like Facebook, then don'tDec 14 10:59
TweetSchestowitz                 use it" doesn't cut it. It's like saying, "ifDec 14 10:59
TweetSchestowitz                 you don't want war, then don't join the army"Dec 14 10:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:59
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #usatoday wants us to be thankful for #tortureDec 14 10:59
TweetSchestowitz        ( usingDec 14 10:59
TweetSchestowitz                 the classic #gop talking pointDec 14 10:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 10:59
TweetSchestowitz@Stephen_Curry   Which of the parties heading into #ge2015 willDec 14 11:04
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    promise much needed international tax reform?Dec 14 11:04
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 14 11:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:04
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Saying that #torture is "good" because ofDec 14 11:04
TweetSchestowitz                 #drone #assassination is like saying that NaziDec 14 11:04
TweetSchestowitz                 torture was OK because death camps are worseDec 14 11:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:04
TweetSchestowitz@onewmphoto      Turkish 'anti-terrorism' authorities raidDec 14 11:06
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    newsroom, arrest journalistsDec 14 11:06
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 14 11:06
TweetSchestowitz                 #media #journalism 14 11:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:06
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Was my 17-year-old son lynched, in the yearDec 14 11:09
TweetSchestowitz                 2014?Dec 14 11:09
TweetSchestowitz        ( Dec 14 11:09
TweetSchestowitz                 seems like #police call their murder "suicide"Dec 14 11:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:09
TweetSchestowitz@specialreports  EU funds help Poland build 'ghost' airportsDec 14 11:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( viaDec 14 11:09
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      @specialreportsDec 14 11:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:09
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "found no evidence of foul play, [police] said"Dec 14 11:11
TweetSchestowitz        ( IDec 14 11:11
TweetSchestowitz                 heard the same senstence re #ShaneToddDec 14 11:11
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 11:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:11
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       "Here, 26 people who believed in “nothing toDec 14 11:11
TweetSchestowitz                 hide, nothing to fear” were rewarded withDec 14 11:11
TweetSchestowitz                 #torture." - 14 11:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ( important pointDec 14 11:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:11
TweetSchestowitz@minabird        "Snowden documents contain strong evidence, ...Dec 14 11:14
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    that directly links British spies to [Regin]"Dec 14 11:14
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald ( 14 11:14
TweetSchestowitz                 #EUDataP #cookielawDec 14 11:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:14
TweetSchestowitz@couve           The Inside Story of How British Spies HackedDec 14 11:14
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Belgium’s Largest Telco 14 11:14
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     ( 14 11:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:14
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       #TPP and HIV Treatment in #Vietnam -Dec 14 11:17
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 11:17
TweetSchestowitz                 research shows how #TPP will lead to avoidableDec 14 11:17
TweetSchestowitz                 deaths of thousands of peopleDec 14 11:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:17
TweetSchestowitz@csagir2015      Readers here to show their support with Zaman,Dec 14 11:20
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    showing headline: freemedia doesnot shut upDec 14 11:20
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #CrackdownofmediainTurkeyDec 14 11:20
TweetSchestowitz        14 11:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:20
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Eric Holder Blinks: Won't Force Reporter JamesDec 14 11:21
TweetSchestowitz                 Risen To Reveal Source (Or Send Him To Jail) -Dec 14 11:21
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 11:21
TweetSchestowitz                 that's a reliefDec 14 11:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:21
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       NHS management consultants spending DOUBLES 2Dec 14 11:21
TweetSchestowitz                 'staggering' £640million a year under Tories -Dec 14 11:21
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 11:21
TweetSchestowitz                 instead of 20,000 nursesDec 14 11:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:21
TweetSchestowitz@dlepeska        Latest count: 23 detained in raids againstDec 14 11:23
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    police, Gulen-linked mediaDec 14 11:23
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 14 11:23
TweetSchestowitz        14 11:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:23
TweetSchestowitz@JanePerlez      Can Myanmar save its beautiful but crumblingDec 14 11:23
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    colonial era Rangoon/Yangon buildings?  MyDec 14 11:23
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      story via @nytimes 14 11:23
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 11:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:23
TweetSchestowitz@petersuber      Southern Illinois U just adopted an OA policy.Dec 14 11:25
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 14 11:25
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody 14 11:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:25
TweetSchestowitz@rj_gallagher    The full Snowden comment re: our story on GCHQDec 14 11:26
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    hacking Belgacom & Regin malware "smoking gun"Dec 14 11:26
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 14 11:26
TweetSchestowitz        14 11:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:26
TweetSchestowitz@nikosalepis     Yuletide spirit in downtown Athens, #GreeceDec 14 11:27
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    today. Riot police everywhere. viaDec 14 11:27
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      @Katalipsiesiea 14 11:27
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:27
TweetSchestowitz@MarietjeSchaake  I think the EU should be and should have beenDec 14 11:27
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    much tougher on rule of law and fundamentalDec 14 11:27
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      freedoms in #Turkey @AndrewDuffEUDec 14 11:27
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:27
TweetSchestowitz@LangBanks       WWF's final take on #COP20…. UN climate talksDec 14 11:28
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    fail to deliver progress 14 11:28
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( 14 11:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:28
TweetSchestowitz@japantimes      BREAKING: Exit polls show LDP maintainingDec 14 11:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    majority of seats in Diet's Lower House — KyodoDec 14 11:29
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Dec 14 11:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:29
TweetSchestowitz@duycks          Here is the shorter version of #COP20Dec 14 11:34
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    outcome... #missedopportunityDec 14 11:34
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody 14 11:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:34
TweetSchestowitz@facklernyt      In Japan's election, LDP looks likely to takeDec 14 11:34
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    as many as 306 seats, increasing majority inDec 14 11:34
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Lower House: NHK.Dec 14 11:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:34
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot        Proposed Theme Park Would Put BBC Shows OnDec 14 11:34
TweetSchestowitz                 Display 14 11:34
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 11:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:34
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Fossil fuel companies grow nervous asDec 14 11:37
TweetSchestowitz                 #divestment movement grows stronger -Dec 14 11:37
TweetSchestowitz        ( that's notDec 14 11:37
TweetSchestowitz                 petrol, it's the smell of fearDec 14 11:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:37
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Surprise: Spanish Newspapers Beg Government AndDec 14 11:37
TweetSchestowitz                 EU To Stop Google News Shutting Down -Dec 14 11:37
TweetSchestowitz        ( thatDec 14 11:37
TweetSchestowitz                 didn't take long #esDec 14 11:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:37
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       European Commission Finally Engaging withDec 14 11:37
TweetSchestowitz                 #OpenSource? - 14 11:37
TweetSchestowitz                 ( some hopeful signs...Dec 14 11:37
TweetSchestowitz                 #EUDec 14 11:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:37
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "Drones are the ultimate manifestation ofDec 14 11:41
TweetSchestowitz                 America’s newfound risk aversion."Dec 14 11:41
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 11:41
TweetSchestowitz                 #dronesDec 14 11:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:41
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Commissioner For Human Rights & Key EU PrivacyDec 14 11:41
TweetSchestowitz                 Committee Strongly Condemn Mass Surveillance &Dec 14 11:41
TweetSchestowitz                 Bulk Data Retention - 14 11:41
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 11:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:41
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #drones #assassination not about risk aversion;Dec 14 11:41
TweetSchestowitz                 it emanates from the assumption that non-USDec 14 11:41
TweetSchestowitz                 lives worthless, even innocents'.Dec 14 11:41
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:41
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #BernieSanders unveils plan to break up WallDec 14 11:47
TweetSchestowitz                 Street banksDec 14 11:47
TweetSchestowitz         14 11:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 11:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:47
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "Mr. Brennan stopped short of using the wordDec 14 11:47
TweetSchestowitz                 “torture” Thursday" and gave not a SINGLEDec 14 11:47
TweetSchestowitz                 example of foiled plots 14 11:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 11:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:47
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     It's OK, it's in "self-defense". The army'sDec 14 11:47
TweetSchestowitz                 equivalent of #police "stop resisting" (while IDec 14 11:47
TweetSchestowitz                 attack you) 14 11:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 11:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:47
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     If you are the US, you can get away withDec 14 11:55
TweetSchestowitz                 anything. Even torture.Dec 14 11:55
TweetSchestowitz         ( 14 11:55
TweetSchestowitz                 well, just don't fly abroadDec 14 11:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:55
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     How the US provides inspiration for terroristsDec 14 11:55
TweetSchestowitz                 groups like ISISDec 14 11:55
TweetSchestowitz         ( howDec 14 11:55
TweetSchestowitz                 #torture weakens #securityDec 14 11:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:55
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     The Logic of #TortureDec 14 11:55
TweetSchestowitz         ( 14 11:55
TweetSchestowitz                 "Cheney’s Dark Side will become something moreDec 14 11:55
TweetSchestowitz                 like the new normal."Dec 14 11:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 11:55
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "CIA analyst...  a paid lobbyist for theDec 14 12:01
TweetSchestowitz                 Pakistani government before going back to workDec 14 12:01
TweetSchestowitz                 for the State Department"Dec 14 12:01
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 12:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:01
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Challenges To The UK's Surveillance And DataDec 14 12:01
TweetSchestowitz                 Retention Powers Continue To Mount -Dec 14 12:01
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 12:01
TweetSchestowitz                 #RIPA & #DRIPA under scrutinyDec 14 12:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:01
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Here again is #xenophobia from #bloombergDec 14 12:01
TweetSchestowitz                 #propaganda machine, using the #torturereportDec 14 12:01
TweetSchestowitz                 to make #russia look bad 14 12:01
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 12:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:01
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    Completely agree with this re #TortureReportDec 14 12:05
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 12:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:05
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     The amount of Chinophobia and Russophobia fromDec 14 12:05
TweetSchestowitz                 #bloomberg in recent months (or the past year)Dec 14 12:05
TweetSchestowitz                 has been exceptional. Diversion tactics.Dec 14 12:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:05
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       The True Cost Of Corporate Sovereignty For TheDec 14 12:05
TweetSchestowitz                 EU: €3.5bn Already Paid, €30bn Demanded - EvenDec 14 12:05
TweetSchestowitz                 Before #TTIP - 14 12:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #ISDSDec 14 12:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:05
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     3 days ago: Jury convicts pair of #tortureDec 14 12:13
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 12:13
TweetSchestowitz                 but if they worked for government, they'd beDec 14 12:13
TweetSchestowitz                 defendedDec 14 12:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:13
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #tortureReport showed ability to scrutiniseDec 14 12:13
TweetSchestowitz                 'oneself' (actually, opposing political party)Dec 14 12:13
TweetSchestowitz                 while making clear prosecution out of questionDec 14 12:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:13
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Words of a #torture apologistDec 14 12:13
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 12:13
TweetSchestowitz                 something along the lines of #palin "how weDec 14 12:13
TweetSchestowitz                 baptise them" (waterboarding)Dec 14 12:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:13
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "false intelligence... goal of prevailing overDec 14 12:17
TweetSchestowitz                 America’s foes." 14 12:17
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 12:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:17
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       new report: #TTIP - A recipe for disaster -Dec 14 12:17
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 12:17
TweetSchestowitz                 why #TTIP will be awful for food, farmers,Dec 14 12:17
TweetSchestowitz                 animals & the countrysideDec 14 12:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:17
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "Threatening to rape and murder their mothers.Dec 14 12:17
TweetSchestowitz                 Russian roulette. Mock executions."Dec 14 12:17
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 12:17
TweetSchestowitz                 psychological #tortureDec 14 12:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:17
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "The American national security machinery seemsDec 14 12:20
TweetSchestowitz                 incapable of handling the single threat it wasDec 14 12:20
TweetSchestowitz                 built to destroy" 14 12:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 12:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:20
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot        Facebook Drops Bing Search ResultsDec 14 12:20
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 12:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:20
TweetSchestowitz@motherboard     CIA whistleblower is the only agent to beDec 14 12:24
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    jailed over torture program:Dec 14 12:24
TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou ( 14 12:24
TweetSchestowitz        14 12:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:24
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     CIA torture report: 'Germany has to step upDec 14 12:24
TweetSchestowitz                 now'Dec 14 12:24
TweetSchestowitz         ( #germanyDec 14 12:24
TweetSchestowitz                 played role in #tortureDec 14 12:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:24
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Canadian Government Lies over Complicity in CIADec 14 12:24
TweetSchestowitz                 TortureDec 14 12:24
TweetSchestowitz         ( 14 12:24
TweetSchestowitz                 #canada #cia #tortureDec 14 12:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:24
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Making enemies 14 12:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ( pay attention, #harperDec 14 12:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:25
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #torygraph on #CIA torture: #TonyBlair andDec 14 12:25
TweetSchestowitz                 #JackStraw 'must account for what they knew'Dec 14 12:25
TweetSchestowitz         ( 14 12:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:25
*TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou retweeted @JasonLeopold: 'Completely agree with this re #TortureReport'Dec 14 12:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Many in #uk only now realise UK role inDec 14 12:29
TweetSchestowitz                 #torture ( 14 12:29
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 12:29
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 12:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Some companies actually manufacture theseDec 14 12:29
TweetSchestowitz                 things? 14 12:29
TweetSchestowitz                 ( what for? Re-enactment ofDec 14 12:29
TweetSchestowitz                 slavery?Dec 14 12:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #bbc gradually phases in the word #torture (notDec 14 12:35
TweetSchestowitz                 just inside quotes from other people)Dec 14 12:35
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 12:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:35
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #gchq had #heathrow harass #davidmiranda overDec 14 12:35
TweetSchestowitz                 disclosure of abuses. In a similar vein, #ukDec 14 12:35
TweetSchestowitz                 continues to hide tortureDec 14 12:35
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 12:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:35
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #bbc North America Editor defends #tortureDec 14 12:35
TweetSchestowitz        ( maybeDec 14 12:35
TweetSchestowitz                 they hire based on such viewsDec 14 12:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:35
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @glynmoody: 'new report: #TTIP - A recipe for disaster...'Dec 14 12:35
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @glynmoody: 'The True Cost Of Corporate Sovereignty For The...'Dec 14 12:59
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "Threatening to rape and murder their mothers.Dec 14 12:59
TweetSchestowitz                 Russian roulette. Mock executions."Dec 14 12:59
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 12:59
TweetSchestowitz                 psychological #tortureDec 14 12:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:59
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      At Gitmo or b4?  RT @remesdh: My clientDec 14 12:59
TweetSchestowitz                 Mohammed Khussrof says when he balked at havingDec 14 12:59
TweetSchestowitz                 a rectal exam, "they shoved a metal rod up myDec 14 12:59
TweetSchestowitz                 ass."Dec 14 12:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:59
TweetSchestowitz@ChuckWendig     Waaaaant RT @doctorow: Shiny shiny booze-flaskDec 14 12:59
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 14 12:59
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow 14 12:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 12:59
TweetSchestowitz@orelhoes        @doctorow Whatever you do, don't drop yourDec 14 13:03
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    keys...Dec 14 13:03
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Dec 14 13:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:03
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      Vox's @Max_Fisher got the Spiegel/Merkel storyDec 14 13:03
TweetSchestowitz                 completely wrong: fundamental factual errorsDec 14 13:03
TweetSchestowitz        14 13:03
TweetSchestowitz                 ( -Dec 14 13:03
TweetSchestowitz        14 13:03
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 13:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:03
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      Reuters: UK hacking of Belgian telecoms firmDec 14 13:10
TweetSchestowitz                 was more far-reaching than previously thought Dec 14 13:10
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 13:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:10
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      UK intelligence committee investigating thatDec 14 13:10
TweetSchestowitz                 country's role in the US torture program Dec 14 13:10
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 13:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:10
TweetSchestowitz@dlepeska        Attack on press freedom in Turkey today:Dec 14 13:10
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    journalists, TV producers detainedDec 14 13:10
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  @dilaygundogan 14 13:10
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 13:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:10
TweetSchestowitz@MahirZeynalov   Editor-in-chief of Turkey's best-selling dailyDec 14 13:12
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Zaman, Ekrem Dumanli, is now under arrest.Dec 14 13:12
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Unbelievable.Dec 14 13:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:12
TweetSchestowitz@RonWyden        Also, good prep for today’s “Sunday shows.” MyDec 14 13:12
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    fact check of the torture program architects’Dec 14 13:12
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  claims ( 14 13:12
TweetSchestowitz                 #ReadTheReportDec 14 13:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:12
TweetSchestowitz@KenRoth         US defines rape: “Penetration...of the...anusDec 14 13:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    with any...object..w/o the consent of theDec 14 13:15
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     victim." That's what CIA did.Dec 14 13:15
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 13:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:15
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @ggreenwald: 'Vox's @Max_Fisher got the Spiegel/Merkel story completely wrong:...'Dec 14 13:15
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 deleted 'RT @ggreenwald: Vox's @Max_Fisher got the Spiegel/Merkel story...'Dec 14 13:15
TweetSchestowitz@RonWyden        Looking forward to @meetthepress this AM. WillDec 14 13:17
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    discuss #TortureReport finding that torture isDec 14 13:17
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  ineffective #MTPDec 14 13:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:17
TweetSchestowitz@MarcelRosenbach  #NSA spying scandal: How Germany's federalDec 14 13:24
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    prosecutor tried to discredit SPIEGELDec 14 13:24
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald ( viaDec 14 13:24
TweetSchestowitz                 @SPIEGELONLINEDec 14 13:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:24
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      If you claim "Prosecutor said X, therefore X isDec 14 13:24
TweetSchestowitz                 true," you should be called many things. ButDec 14 13:24
TweetSchestowitz                 not "journalist" 14 13:24
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 13:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:24
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      No, the Obama DOJ has not put an end to the JimDec 14 13:24
TweetSchestowitz                 Risen case 14 13:24
TweetSchestowitz                 ( - 14 13:24
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 13:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:24
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @ggreenwald: 'No, the Obama DOJ has not put an...'Dec 14 13:26
TweetSchestowitz@ColMorrisDavis  Know what started abt same time as CIADec 14 13:28
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #torture? CIA #drones. They may be out ofDec 14 13:28
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  rectal hydration, but they're still intoDec 14 13:28
TweetSchestowitz                 signature strikes.Dec 14 13:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:28
TweetSchestowitz@ColMorrisDavis  DOJ did torture memos for CIA, I say torture isDec 14 13:28
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    a war crime, DOJ tells Judge I'm scum, Judge isDec 14 13:28
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  former head of FISA court ... hakuna matata!Dec 14 13:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:28
TweetSchestowitz@MarcelRosenbach  @ggreenwald BTW: Congrats for the Carl vonDec 14 13:33
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #Ossietzky Prize/Medal todayDec 14 13:33
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        Dec 14 13:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:33
TweetSchestowitz@ioerror         #NSA Spying Scandal: SPIEGEL Stands BehindDec 14 13:33
TweetSchestowitz                 Merkel Cell Phone Spying Report:Dec 14 13:33
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 13:33
TweetSchestowitz                 #merkelphone #factcheckDec 14 13:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:34
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot        Judge Rules Drug Maker Cannot Halt Sales ofDec 14 13:34
TweetSchestowitz                 Alzheimer's Medicine 14 13:34
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 13:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:34
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       Manning was tortured using shamed CIADec 14 13:37
TweetSchestowitz                 techniques - family 14 13:37
TweetSchestowitz                 ( More:Dec 14 13:37
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 13:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:37
TweetSchestowitz@Berlin_Ticker   Whistleblower Snowden mit Ossietzky-MedailleDec 14 13:37
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    ausgezeichnet 14 13:37
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        ( 14 13:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:37
*TweetSchestowitz @ioerror retweeted @ColMorrisDavis: 'Know what started abt same time as CIA...'Dec 14 13:39
*TweetSchestowitz @ioerror retweeted @ggreenwald: 'No, the Obama DOJ has not put an...'Dec 14 13:41
*TweetSchestowitz @ioerror retweeted @MarcelRosenbach: '#NSA spying scandal: How Germany's federal prosecutor tried to...'Dec 14 13:41
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Really hoping Dick Cheney doesn't shootDec 14 13:43
TweetSchestowitz                 @RonWyden in the face in the Meet the PressDec 14 13:43
TweetSchestowitz                 green room today.Dec 14 13:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:43
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   Ongoing state, contractor, media, techDec 14 13:43
TweetSchestowitz                 psy/disinfo-ops against torture, surveillance,Dec 14 13:43
TweetSchestowitz                 speech, privacy truth tellers by powerDec 14 13:43
TweetSchestowitz                 authoritarians.Dec 14 13:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:43
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  B4 telling judge or def csl, #DoJ #LEAKS itDec 14 13:43
TweetSchestowitz                 won't make #journalist @JamesRisen name hisDec 14 13:43
TweetSchestowitz        a leak case Dec 14 13:44
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 13:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:44
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'B4 telling judge or def csl, #DoJ #LEAKS...'Dec 14 13:44
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  #Website of #CIA Supporters & #TortureDec 14 13:44
TweetSchestowitz                 Apologists Defend Depraved #WarCrimesDec 14 13:44
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 13:44
TweetSchestowitz                 #HumanRightsDec 14 13:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:44
TweetSchestowitz@JaymePJ         On the "medical procedures".....Remember thatDec 14 13:44
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Chelsea Manning was tortured as well --Dec 14 13:44
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  "procedures" were used to supposedly preventDec 14 13:44
TweetSchestowitz                 suicide.Dec 14 13:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:44
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @wikileaks: 'Manning was tortured using shamed CIA techniques -...'Dec 14 13:45
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @ioerror: '#NSA Spying Scandal: SPIEGEL Stands Behind Merkel Cell...'Dec 14 13:45
TweetSchestowitz@MarcelRosenbach  #BND kooperierte beim Abgreifen von Daten auchDec 14 13:45
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    mit der #CIA 14 13:45
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  ( 14 13:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:45
TweetSchestowitz@MarcelRosenbach  CIA-Cheffolterer weist Verantwortung von sichDec 14 13:46
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( viaDec 14 13:46
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  @SPIEGELONLINEDec 14 13:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:46
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  B4 telling judge or def csl, #DoJ #LEAKS itDec 14 13:47
TweetSchestowitz                 won't make #journalist @JamesRisen name hisDec 14 13:47
TweetSchestowitz        a leak case (1)Dec 14 13:47
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 13:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:47
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'B4 telling judge or def csl, #DoJ #LEAKS...'Dec 14 13:47
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 deleted 'RT @JesselynRadack: B4 telling judge or def csl,...'Dec 14 13:47
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'B4 telling judge or def csl, #DoJ #LEAKS...'Dec 14 13:48
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: '#Website of #CIA Supporters &amp; #Torture Apologists Defend...'Dec 14 13:48
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Looks like we'll be hearing from a lot of analDec 14 13:48
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    rape apologists on the Sunday shows tomorrow.Dec 14 13:48
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 ( 14 13:48
TweetSchestowitz                 #DayOfTheLordDec 14 13:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:48
TweetSchestowitz@JonathanDeamer  Netflix forcing browsers to add DRM means "weDec 14 13:54
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    are Huxleying ourselves into the full Orwell" -Dec 14 13:54
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       @doctorowDec 14 13:54
TweetSchestowitz                 Dec 14 13:54
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 13:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:54
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  Altho #DoJ sez it won't make @JamesRisen nameDec 14 13:54
TweetSchestowitz                 his #source, it still might #subpoena him toDec 14 13:54
TweetSchestowitz                 answer other questions (2)Dec 14 13:54
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 13:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:55
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      @ioerror The attacks from pro-NSA "journalists"Dec 14 13:55
TweetSchestowitz                 in the US are on that story are based on pureDec 14 13:55
TweetSchestowitz                 lies about what happened. Period.Dec 14 13:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:55
TweetSchestowitz@mattapuzzo      Preet Bharara asks Holder to approve a newDec 14 13:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    journalist subpoena. This time it's Rich BoninDec 14 13:56
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     of CBS. 14 13:56
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 13:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:56
TweetSchestowitz@JameelJaffer    Cheney, Rodriguez, and Hayden will all be askedDec 14 13:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    "Why shouldn't you be charged with a crime,"Dec 14 13:56
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     right? ( 14 13:56
TweetSchestowitz                 @ggreenwaldDec 14 13:56
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:56
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      The United States of America: every Sunday newsDec 14 13:59
TweetSchestowitz                 show proudly features a torturer or, at best,Dec 14 13:59
TweetSchestowitz                 an advocate of torture 14 13:59
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 13:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:59
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  In othr words, despite #DoJ #leak (often pureDec 14 13:59
TweetSchestowitz                 propaganda), the @JamesRisen #reporter/sourceDec 14 13:59
TweetSchestowitz                 issue is not settled (3)Dec 14 13:59
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 13:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 13:59
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      How is it that Sunday show bookers failed toDec 14 13:59
TweetSchestowitz                 book 1 of many CIA officers who refused toDec 14 14:00
TweetSchestowitz                 torture (& just 1 interrogator at all)?Dec 14 14:00
TweetSchestowitz                 #BookerFailDec 14 14:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:00
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   Patho-power brokers dominating US MSM SundayDec 14 14:00
TweetSchestowitz                 talk shows. Bully platform to justilie deceit,Dec 14 14:00
TweetSchestowitz                 depravity & war crimes. Defending indefensible.Dec 14 14:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:00
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Altho #DoJ sez it won't make @JamesRisen name...'Dec 14 14:00
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'In othr words, despite #DoJ #leak (often pure...'Dec 14 14:01
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Glenn Carle wrote an entire book aboutDec 14 14:01
TweetSchestowitz                 objecting to CIA's use of torture. Sunday showDec 14 14:01
TweetSchestowitz                 bookers couldn't even find him?Dec 14 14:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:01
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Fugitive hides from arrest warrant by workingDec 14 14:01
TweetSchestowitz                 at the DHS 14 14:01
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 14:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:01
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       Murray: Put Blair and Straw on trial forDec 14 14:01
TweetSchestowitz                 torture 14 14:01
TweetSchestowitz                 ( More:Dec 14 14:01
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 14:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:01
*TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Altho #DoJ sez it won't make @JamesRisen name...'Dec 14 14:07
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Booze shoes 14 14:07
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 14:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:07
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Here's Eric Fair, only interrogator on SundayDec 14 14:07
TweetSchestowitz                 shows (kudos, ABC), talking abt damage ofDec 14 14:07
TweetSchestowitz                 coercive interrogationsDec 14 14:07
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 14:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:07
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      RT @PogoWasRight: Or how about Dr. Ken Pope orDec 14 14:08
TweetSchestowitz                 Dr. Steve Reisner (@Drreisner), both of whomDec 14 14:08
TweetSchestowitz                 actively opposed APA's & psychologists'Dec 14 14:08
TweetSchestowitz                 conduct?Dec 14 14:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:08
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Awesome, didn't see him listed, thanks forDec 14 14:08
TweetSchestowitz                 correx RT @glynco: USAF Col Steve Kleinman willDec 14 14:08
TweetSchestowitz                 be onDec 14 14:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:08
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      How to Easily Get Very In-Demand OpenStackDec 14 14:08
TweetSchestowitz                 Cloud Skills: OStatic: How in demand are cloudDec 14 14:08
TweetSchestowitz                 computing skills in ... 14 14:08
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 14:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:08
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      How to Easily Get Very In-Demand OpenStackDec 14 14:13
TweetSchestowitz                 Cloud Skills: OStatic: How in demand are cloudDec 14 14:13
TweetSchestowitz                 computing skills in ... 14 14:13
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 14:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:13
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Dick Cheney says we had to use unlawful acts ofDec 14 14:13
TweetSchestowitz                 war, torture, because terrorists conductedDec 14 14:13
TweetSchestowitz                 unlawful acts of war against us.Dec 14 14:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:13
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Do Dick Cheney's eyes strike anyone as buggierDec 14 14:13
TweetSchestowitz                 than they normally are?Dec 14 14:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:13
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  Gov shrugs aft wasting >$100,000 & 3 yrsDec 14 14:13
TweetSchestowitz                 litigating #reporter/ #source up to #SCOTUS &Dec 14 14:13
TweetSchestowitz                 creating awful case law (4)Dec 14 14:13
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 14:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:13
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        #Flamenco music and dance - as anDec 14 14:16
TweetSchestowitz                 Anticapitalist Social Movement - Under AttackDec 14 14:16
TweetSchestowitz                 in #Spain: 14 14:16
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 14:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:16
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      My correction from earlier: In addition toDec 14 14:16
TweetSchestowitz                 former interrogator Eric Fair (on ABC), SteveDec 14 14:16
TweetSchestowitz                 Kleinman will be on CNN today.Dec 14 14:16
TweetSchestowitz                 Dec 14 14:16
TweetSchestowitz                 Not enough.Dec 14 14:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:16
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody deleted 'RT @marcuschown: Blairite Jim Murphy becomes leader of...'Dec 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   Shorter State Apologists: Authority of NationalDec 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz                 Security trumps all. Licensed to lie&commitDec 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz                 crimes as duty. We are the Power. CorpusDec 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz                 DelictiDec 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz@burcuno         According to @insidetrade, the next informalDec 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #TPP round will take place Jan. 26-Feb. 1 inDec 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      the US, location TBD 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz@zeynep          The strong fall-out between ex-alliesDec 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    continues. BBC: "Turkey police raid oppositionDec 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      media with Gulen links." 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      The kindest explanation for Vox's error-filledDec 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz                 article: still needs correction RT @TiloJungDec 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz                 maybe @max_fisher just doesn't speak GermanDec 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz                 wellDec 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Dick: "Jose Rodriguez was one of theDec 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz                 outstanding officers in the agency."Dec 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz                 (Rodriguez flew around w/Dick's bags of bribes)Dec 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:17
TweetSchestowitz@petermurrayrust  Would you spend 20 BILLION Dollars on a productDec 14 14:18
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    you never looked at? Universities/LibrariansDec 14 14:18
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      do. That's why schol publishing  is rubbishDec 14 14:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:18
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      The fruits of providing full legal immunity toDec 14 14:18
TweetSchestowitz                 torturers RT @meetthepress "I'd do it again inDec 14 14:18
TweetSchestowitz                 a minute." - Dick Cheney on EIT #MTPDec 14 14:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:18
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Cheney says Obama shouldn't pardon theDec 14 14:18
TweetSchestowitz                 torturers bc no crime was committed. (He wasn'tDec 14 14:18
TweetSchestowitz                 gonna in any way)Dec 14 14:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:18
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      Look at the generous, subservient,Dec 14 14:21
TweetSchestowitz                 guest-accommodating euphemism used here byDec 14 14:21
TweetSchestowitz                 @MeetThePress 14 14:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 14:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:21
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Dick Cheney claiming unchallenged Al QaedaDec 14 14:21
TweetSchestowitz                 trying to acquire nukes on Meet the Press feelsDec 14 14:21
TweetSchestowitz                 so ... familiar.Dec 14 14:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:21
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  Tragic byproduct of #TortureReport is thatDec 14 14:21
TweetSchestowitz                 #Hayden cabal gets platform AGAIN for theirDec 14 14:21
TweetSchestowitz                 propaganda (despite lying to #media 1st timeDec 14 14:21
TweetSchestowitz                 around).Dec 14 14:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:21
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Chuck Todd asks Dick why he did what 20 yearsDec 14 14:22
TweetSchestowitz                 ago he said one should never do in Iraq, and heDec 14 14:22
TweetSchestowitz                 says 9/11 happened.Dec 14 14:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:22
TweetSchestowitz@gnutelephony    @Thomas_Drake1 a society that lives by law ofDec 14 14:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    rule is one that trumps all rights andDec 14 14:22
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  principles...Dec 14 14:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:22
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Man returns library book due in 1955 [2009]Dec 14 14:22
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 14:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:22
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Unless I'm mistaken, Chuck Todd did not askDec 14 14:23
TweetSchestowitz                 Cheney why he thinks anal rape keeps countryDec 14 14:23
TweetSchestowitz                 safe.Dec 14 14:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:23
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @wikileaks: 'Murray: Put Blair and Straw on trial for...'Dec 14 14:23
TweetSchestowitz@superglaze      I see Der Spiegel has toned down the headlineDec 14 14:25
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    on this (compare current headline to URL)Dec 14 14:25
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( thoughDec 14 14:25
TweetSchestowitz                 the substance remains.Dec 14 14:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:25
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   US now dominated by secret power & executiveDec 14 14:25
TweetSchestowitz                 rule. Dare question authority or dissent fromDec 14 14:25
TweetSchestowitz                 status quo narrative & we will watch&suppressDec 14 14:25
TweetSchestowitz                 youDec 14 14:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:25
*roy has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Dec 14 14:26
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Chuck Todd now complaining abt no interviews.Dec 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz                 But apparently unconcerned that 6 million CIADec 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz                 cables inaccurate.Dec 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz@PlanetDr        On Thurs a male scientist at the conferenceDec 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    told me my outfit wasn't conference attire.Dec 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      This is what I was wearingDec 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz        14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz@superglaze      Evisceration of BoJo's Churchill book, and itsDec 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    motivations 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( via @alexhernDec 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz                 @drlangtry_girlDec 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   Hayden a pathological liar. He violated hisDec 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz                 oath. On NPR's Weekend Edition Sunday he'sDec 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz                 unapologetic & said he'd order torture programDec 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz                 again.Dec 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz@suigenerisjen   "Criminal defamation laws are a relic ofDec 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    colonialism...incompatible with an independent,Dec 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      democratic Africa" 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #FF @MLDIDec 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:28
TweetSchestowitz@nadirprado      "@JornalOGlobo: 'Le Monde' chama Bolsonaro deDec 14 14:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    'homofóbico, misógino e racista'.Dec 14 14:29
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald (error) [@AncelmoCom]Dec 14 14:29
TweetSchestowitz       "Dec 14 14:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:29
TweetSchestowitz@Cecillia        Brazilian Congressman's Rape Comments May GetDec 14 14:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Him Prosecuted 14 14:29
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     ( via @HuffPostWomenDec 14 14:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:29
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Cindy Crowley: This report damages CIA--they doDec 14 14:29
TweetSchestowitz                 entire TV series about how brave members of CIADec 14 14:29
TweetSchestowitz                 are.Dec 14 14:29
TweetSchestowitz                 Dec 14 14:29
TweetSchestowitz                 Hardhitting.Dec 14 14:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:29
TweetSchestowitz@StopTTIP_Italia  19 Dicembre. Giornata di mobilitazione europeaDec 14 14:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    contro il #TTIP 14 14:30
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( 14 14:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:30
TweetSchestowitz@ArarMaher       Despite torture, kidnapping, rendition, blackDec 14 14:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    sites, drones & illegal wars some journos stillDec 14 14:30
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  speak of US as if it still has moral standing.Dec 14 14:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:30
TweetSchestowitz@nycjim          After arrest of editor in #Turkey, crowds carryDec 14 14:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    banners: “The free press cannot be silenced.”Dec 14 14:30
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 14 14:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 14:30
TweetSchestowitz        14 14:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:30
TweetSchestowitz@Gemenne         Climate negotiations are no longer aboutDec 14 14:31
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #climatechange but about the negotiationsDec 14 14:31
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      themselves #COP20 #Paris2015Dec 14 14:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:31
TweetSchestowitz@ColMorrisDavis  As Reagan said, law requires prosecution orDec 14 14:31
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    extradition for prosecution. No action is notDec 14 14:31
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  an option. #TortureReportDec 14 14:31
TweetSchestowitz        14 14:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:31
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @nycjim: 'After arrest of editor in #Turkey, crowds carry...'Dec 14 14:31
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Peter King: I support Obama's drone policy,Dec 14 14:31
TweetSchestowitz                 what if in several years Senate says heDec 14 14:31
TweetSchestowitz                 committed war crimes.Dec 14 14:31
TweetSchestowitz                 Dec 14 14:31
TweetSchestowitz                 Yup:Dec 14 14:31
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 14:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:31
TweetSchestowitz@chilledasad100  Usually you negotiate and texts get stronger -Dec 14 14:32
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #COP20 is the 1st time each version got weaker.Dec 14 14:32
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Not just a Race to the bottom but rock bottomDec 14 14:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:32
TweetSchestowitz@meetthepress    ""We made certain going forward we were notDec 14 14:32
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    violating the law " -Dick Cheney on EIT in theDec 14 14:32
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  CIA report #MTPDec 14 14:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:32
TweetSchestowitz@meetthepress    "It worked. It absolutely worked." - DickDec 14 14:32
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Cheney on EIT #MTPDec 14 14:32
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Dec 14 14:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:32
TweetSchestowitz@meetthepress    "I'd do it again in a minute." - Dick Cheney onDec 14 14:32
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    EIT #MTPDec 14 14:32
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Dec 14 14:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:32
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Kleinman on CNN: "Nature of interrogation lendsDec 14 14:35
TweetSchestowitz                 itself to this sort of depravity. 3rd timeDec 14 14:35
TweetSchestowitz                 around for CIA going down this path."Dec 14 14:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:35
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Kleinman: This type of openness first stepDec 14 14:35
TweetSchestowitz                 towards what we call America exceptionalism.Dec 14 14:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:35
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       #Visa, #MasterCard sued for conspiracy againstDec 14 14:35
TweetSchestowitz                 #WikiLeaks 14 14:35
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #Assange #Svpol More:Dec 14 14:35
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 14:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:35
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Kleinman describes report that found even w/alDec 14 14:35
TweetSchestowitz                 Qaeda empathy worked better againstDec 14 14:35
TweetSchestowitz                 counterinterrogation strategies.Dec 14 14:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:35
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Kleinman describes how fragility of memoryDec 14 14:40
TweetSchestowitz                 means empathy based interrogation better.Dec 14 14:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:40
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: geekymerch: Pin ‘medals’ to celebrateDec 14 14:40
TweetSchestowitz                 memories of endless epic battles, infinite highDec 14 14:40
TweetSchestowitz                 scores and... 14 14:40
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 14:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:40
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      ICYMI, Carl Levin released additional evidenceDec 14 14:40
TweetSchestowitz                 DIck Cheney's lies his ass off on MTP.Dec 14 14:40
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 14:40
TweetSchestowitz                 Not noted on MTP today.Dec 14 14:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:40
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Tho he was otherwise horrible, Peter King didDec 14 14:42
TweetSchestowitz                 point to reason why Obama can't forswearDec 14 14:42
TweetSchestowitz                 torture: his drone program.Dec 14 14:42
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 14:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:42
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       URGENT upcoming plenary vote on Fuel QualityDec 14 14:42
TweetSchestowitz                 Directive (#FQD) - 14 14:42
TweetSchestowitz                 ( pl. write 2 MEPs toDec 14 14:42
TweetSchestowitz                 help deal with #climatechange #EUDec 14 14:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:42
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@JesselynRadack on @NPRWeekend Edition: "CruelDec 14 14:42
TweetSchestowitz                 irony .@JohnKiriakou is only #CIA agent n jailDec 14 14:42
TweetSchestowitz                 related to #torture & he blew whistle on it."Dec 14 14:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:42
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Malamud's "By the People" - stirring history ofDec 14 14:43
TweetSchestowitz                 the Government Printing Office [2009]Dec 14 14:43
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 14:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:43
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot        Google Suggests Separating Students With 'SomeDec 14 14:43
TweetSchestowitz                 CS Knowledge' From NovicesDec 14 14:43
TweetSchestowitz        14 14:43
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 14:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:43
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   "Waterboarding the way we did it was notDec 14 14:43
TweetSchestowitz                 torture." -Dick Cheney on @meetthepress #MTPDec 14 14:43
TweetSchestowitz                 Becuz US does it the right way? DefendingDec 14 14:43
TweetSchestowitz                 indefensibleDec 14 14:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:43
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       #TTIP Updates - The Glyn Moody blogs -Dec 14 14:44
TweetSchestowitz        14 14:44
TweetSchestowitz                 ( links to all 44 ofDec 14 14:44
TweetSchestowitz                 them... #TAFTA #ISDSDec 14 14:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:44
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       De Watergate a WikiLeaks | PerfilDec 14 14:44
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 14:44
TweetSchestowitz        14 14:44
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:44
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Gov shrugs aft wasting &gt;$100,000 &amp; 3 yrs...'Dec 14 14:45
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @JesselynRadack: 'Tragic byproduct of #TortureReport is that #Hayden cabal...'Dec 14 14:45
TweetSchestowitz@SenFeinstein    Answers to questions about the study of the CIADec 14 14:48
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    detention & interrogation program are availableDec 14 14:48
TweetSchestowitz @wikileaks      here. #ReadTheReport 14 14:48
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 14:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:48
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @emptywheel: 'ICYMI, Carl Levin released additional evidence DIck Cheney's...'Dec 14 14:49
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Meet the Press: Bringing you 12 years ofDec 14 14:49
TweetSchestowitz                 unchallenged Dick Cheney claims Iraq had tiesDec 14 14:49
TweetSchestowitz                 to Al Qarda, masquerading as hard-hittingDec 14 14:49
TweetSchestowitz                 journalism.Dec 14 14:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:49
TweetSchestowitz@ArarMaher       Imagine the #TortureReport were about how IranDec 14 14:49
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    tortured US spies: what'd Sunday shows beDec 14 14:49
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  talking about? Who'd they invite? Khamenei?Dec 14 14:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:49
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @emptywheel: 'Kleinman on CNN: "Nature of interrogation lends itself...'Dec 14 14:51
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @Thomas_Drake1: '"Waterboarding the way we did it was not...'Dec 14 14:51
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @meetthepress: '"I'd do it again in a minute." -...'Dec 14 14:51
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @Thomas_Drake1: '.@JesselynRadack on @NPRWeekend Edition: "Cruel irony .@JohnKiriakou is...'Dec 14 14:58
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'RT @meetthepress: "I'd do it again in a...'Dec 14 14:58
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Wrapping at Skylight Books - misscecil:Dec 14 14:58
TweetSchestowitz                 Wrapping at Skylight Books schedule! Come get aDec 14 14:58
TweetSchestowitz                 book! Once again... 14 14:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 14:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 14:58
*roy (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 15:01
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq U calling me & @jesselynradackDec 14 15:02
TweetSchestowitz                 liars? CIA went after @JohnKiriakou forDec 14 15:02
TweetSchestowitz                 publicly stating US had torture program &Dec 14 15:02
TweetSchestowitz                 waterboarded.Dec 14 15:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:02
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      We SHOULD be talking abt accountability forDec 14 15:02
TweetSchestowitz                 4,000 Americans & 100s of 1000s of IraqisDec 14 15:02
TweetSchestowitz                 killed based in part on claims derived frDec 14 15:02
TweetSchestowitz                 tortureDec 14 15:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:02
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq CIA doesn't prosecute. HeDec 14 15:02
TweetSchestowitz                 confirmed w/ reporter CIA torturers. ReporterDec 14 15:02
TweetSchestowitz                 outed him as a source. @jesselynradackDec 14 15:02
TweetSchestowitz                 @johnkiriakouDec 14 15:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:02
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Flame thrower and potato cannon project postersDec 14 15:02
TweetSchestowitz                 [2009] ( 14 15:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:02
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Dec 14 15:10:20 2014
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 15:10
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovellDec 14 15:10
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010Dec 14 15:10
TweetSchestowitz@alphabetsuccess  The biggest mistake you can make is listeningDec 14 15:10
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    to people who've given up on their dreamsDec 14 15:10
TweetSchestowitz @umairh         telling you to give up on yours. - @umairhDec 14 15:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:10
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq What about the torturer?Dec 14 15:10
TweetSchestowitz                 @johnkiriakou @jesselynradack @markszaidesqDec 14 15:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:10
*libertyboxes ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 15:10
TweetSchestowitz@umairh          :) you're very welcome!! “@estherc7: Making theDec 14 15:10
TweetSchestowitz                 Choice Between Money and MeaningDec 14 15:10
TweetSchestowitz        ( thank youDec 14 15:10
TweetSchestowitz                 @umairh”Dec 14 15:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:10
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   All note .@BradMossEsq said CIA officialDec 14 15:11
TweetSchestowitz                 engaged in torture irrelevant. Exposing =higherDec 14 15:11
TweetSchestowitz                 crime? @johnkiriakou @jesselynradackDec 14 15:12
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 15:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:12
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      When Cheney says torture "worked" remember theyDec 14 15:12
TweetSchestowitz                 set out to exploit, not interrogate, detainees.Dec 14 15:12
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 15:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:12
TweetSchestowitz@dannysullivan   If it weren't for native advertising / contentDec 14 15:12
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    marketing, Rudolph The Red Nosed ReindeerDec 14 15:12
TweetSchestowitz @mmasnick       wouldn't exist 14 15:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:12
TweetSchestowitz@ScotAFed        Brilliant posters from @strikeyo!Dec 14 15:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 14 15:15
TweetSchestowitz @davidgerard    #BlackLivesMatter #MetPoliceDec 14 15:15
TweetSchestowitz        14 15:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:15
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       Julian #Assange: ‘Yo defiendo el populismo’ |Dec 14 15:15
TweetSchestowitz                 Perfil ( 14 15:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:15
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq Invoking "I'm a lawyer & you'reDec 14 15:18
TweetSchestowitz                 not" defense? Using cover for crime protectsDec 14 15:18
TweetSchestowitz                 CIA? @johnkiriakou @jesselynradackDec 14 15:18
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 15:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:18
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: geekymerch: Grab this awesome pair ofDec 14 15:18
TweetSchestowitz                 Calvin and Hobbes/Star Wars shoes beforeDec 14 15:18
TweetSchestowitz                 they’re all gone! 14 15:18
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 15:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:18
TweetSchestowitz@TimCushing      The Walgreens Forum at Topix is where I go toDec 14 15:21
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    discuss defamation of characterDec 14 15:21
TweetSchestowitz @mmasnick ( 14 15:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:21
TweetSchestowitz@georgemaschke   @thomas_drake1 @bradmossesq @jesselynradackDec 14 15:21
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @markszaidesq DOJ has broad discretion inDec 14 15:21
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  prosecutions. Targeting of @JohnKiriakou wasDec 14 15:21
TweetSchestowitz                 payback.Dec 14 15:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:21
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@BradMossEsq why didn't reporter protectDec 14 15:25
TweetSchestowitz                 @JohnKiriakou as a source acknowledging a CIADec 14 15:25
TweetSchestowitz                 official was torturer? @JesselynRadackDec 14 15:25
TweetSchestowitz                 @MarkSZaidEsqDec 14 15:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:25
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Unplugged: the best sf published on the Web inDec 14 15:26
TweetSchestowitz                 2008 [2009] 14 15:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 15:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:26
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       Alexa O'Brien speech at Parliament de CatalunyaDec 14 15:26
TweetSchestowitz         ( 14 15:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:26
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@BradMossEsq '07 intervu DID put @JohnKiriakouDec 14 15:29
TweetSchestowitz                 on CIA's radar as 1st current/former CIA'erDec 14 15:29
TweetSchestowitz                 ack'n torture prgm @georgemaschke @MarkSZaidEsqDec 14 15:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:29
TweetSchestowitz@ArneJungjohann  Interesting Spiegel: The dark side of power -Dec 14 15:31
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    How America lost its values.Dec 14 15:31
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 @Thomas_Drake1Dec 14 15:31
TweetSchestowitz                 @ggreenwald #CIATortureDec 14 15:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:31
TweetSchestowitz@hxn             @Thomas_Drake1 @meetthepress Evil transmutes toDec 14 15:31
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    good within the realm ofDec 14 15:31
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  #AmericanExceptionalism.Dec 14 15:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:31
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot        Vinyl Record Pressing Plants Struggle To KeepDec 14 15:31
TweetSchestowitz                 Up With Demand 14 15:31
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 15:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:31
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Wish the Poles and Romanians admitting toDec 14 15:45
TweetSchestowitz                 hosting CIA torture also explained how big theDec 14 15:45
TweetSchestowitz                 bribes fr CIA were--and whether they wereDec 14 15:45
TweetSchestowitz                 personal.Dec 14 15:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:45
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Getting your head around the Pentagon'sDec 14 15:45
TweetSchestowitz                 titanic, enormous, unauditably large budgetDec 14 15:45
TweetSchestowitz                 [2013] ( 14 15:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:45
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@BradMossEsq Y no conflict of interest as u&Dec 14 15:45
TweetSchestowitz                 @MarkSZaidEsq rail on @JohnKiriakou but u allDec 14 15:45
TweetSchestowitz                 rep'd reportr w/ whom he confirmed CIADec 14 15:45
TweetSchestowitz                 torturer?Dec 14 15:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:45
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@BradMossEsq Would you have prosecutedDec 14 15:47
TweetSchestowitz                 @DanielEllsberg for disclosing #PentagonPapersDec 14 15:47
TweetSchestowitz                 to the press?@JesselynRadack @MarkSZaidEsqDec 14 15:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:47
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Betting NBC's bookers' logic like this: BackDec 14 15:47
TweetSchestowitz                 when Cheney 1st lied w/no challenge abt Iraq/AQDec 14 15:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ties, MTP considered credible! Let's relive itDec 14 15:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:47
*roy ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 15:47
*roy has quit (Changing host)Dec 14 15:47
*roy (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 15:47
TweetSchestowitz@SenFeinstein    CIA personnel “disturbed” by use of torture,Dec 14 15:50
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    “some to the point of tears and choking up.”Dec 14 15:50
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     Source: CIA email, page 44. #ReadTheReportDec 14 15:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:50
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      MTP booker continued: "Surely we can reclaimDec 14 15:50
TweetSchestowitz                 our glory if we do what Saint Tim did: letDec 14 15:50
TweetSchestowitz                 Cheney lie abt AQ and Iraq unchallenged."Dec 14 15:50
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:50
TweetSchestowitz@AlecMuffett     Delightful observation re: the #Sony hack:Dec 14 15:51
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Dec 14 15:51
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel 14 15:51
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 15:51
TweetSchestowitz                 Dec 14 15:51
TweetSchestowitz                 #mandiant #cyber 14 15:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:51
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq So u won't prosecute torturers,Dec 14 15:51
TweetSchestowitz                 but will prosecute anyone who didn't torture,Dec 14 15:51
TweetSchestowitz                 but discloses names of torturers?Dec 14 15:51
TweetSchestowitz                 @steve_vladeckDec 14 15:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 15:51
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack retweeted @Thomas_Drake1: '.@bradmossesq So u won't prosecute torturers, but will...'Dec 14 16:00
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Nobody Wants #Pollution, So Why Is There SoDec 14 16:00
TweetSchestowitz                 Much of It? 14 16:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ( via @BuzzFlashDec 14 16:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:00
TweetSchestowitz@SenFeinstein    It's not "unknowable" if we could have gottenDec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the intel other ways. Study shows it ISDec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  knowable: CIA had info before torture.Dec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz                 #ReadTheReportDec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz@SenFeinstein    On Meet the Press: Former CIA Director TenetDec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    said he never briefed the president. PagesDec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  38-40. #ReadTheReport #TortureReportDec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz@SenFeinstein    Face the Nation: On the number of reports,Dec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Zubaydah produced more intel reports beforeDec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  torture used. Page 45, footnote 215.Dec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz                 #ReadTheReportDec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz@SenFeinstein    Now on Meet the Press: Torture didn't work.Dec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Ineffectiveness is covered in the executiveDec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  summary on pages 172 to 401. #ReadTheReportDec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz@SenFeinstein    Meet the Press: 100+ interview transcripts,Dec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    oral/written testimony, CIA response & numerousDec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  CIA meetings contributed to studyDec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz                 #ReadTheReportDec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz@SenFeinstein    On Face the Nation: Votes to initiate, approveDec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    and declassify CIA study all had Republican yesDec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  votes. #ReadTheReport #TortureReportDec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz@SenFeinstein    American Medical Association rebukes doctorsDec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    for role in CIA torture, from The Hill.Dec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  #ReadTheReport 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz@SenFeinstein    Now on Meet the Press: Rectal feeding andDec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    rectal rehydration are absolutely not medicalDec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  procedures. #ReadTheReportDec 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz        14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:01
TweetSchestowitz@SenFeinstein    ABC This Week: Hayden says he doesn't knowDec 14 16:02
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    details of 26 wrongfully-detained individuals.Dec 14 16:02
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Details are in the report. Page 16.Dec 14 16:02
TweetSchestowitz                 #ReadTheReportDec 14 16:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:02
TweetSchestowitz@SenFeinstein    Now on Fox News Sunday: CIA sanitized its ownDec 14 16:02
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    records of House briefings, "short and sweet."Dec 14 16:02
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  #ReadTheReport Page 438Dec 14 16:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:02
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Das Keyboard, a chunky, clicky, satisfyingDec 14 16:10
TweetSchestowitz                 keyboard 14 16:10
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 16:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:10
TweetSchestowitz@PamelaDrew      Heartbreaking you @bobschieffer suggest 9-11Dec 14 16:10
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    fears should outweigh public release ofDec 14 16:10
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  #TortureReport & our moral obligation isn'tDec 14 16:10
TweetSchestowitz                 paramount!Dec 14 16:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:10
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Meet the Press: 12 Years of Unchallenged CheneyDec 14 16:10
TweetSchestowitz                 Claims about Iraq and Al QaedaDec 14 16:10
TweetSchestowitz                 Dec 14 16:10
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 16:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:10
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Author Dawn Paley Says the Drug War Is aDec 14 16:11
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Pretense to Expand Transnational CapitalismDec 14 16:11
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        Southward: 14 16:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 16:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:11
TweetSchestowitz@elizabeth_joh   Worth a repost: Richmond CA police chief joinedDec 14 16:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    commty #BlackLivesMatter protest & unionDec 14 16:13
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     response: you broke the lawDec 14 16:13
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 16:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:13
TweetSchestowitz@ArarMaher       Despite torture, kidnapping, rendition, blackDec 14 16:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    sites, drones & illegal wars some journos stillDec 14 16:13
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        speak of US as if it still has moral standing.Dec 14 16:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:13
TweetSchestowitz@Krhawkins5      So it turns out there's a medical consensusDec 14 16:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    that sodomizing prisoners for "control" is notDec 14 16:15
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     okay. 14 16:15
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 16:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:15
TweetSchestowitz@witchyrichy     @doctorow but teacher on @DonorsChoose has toDec 14 16:20
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    beg for $271 to get math manipulatives to helpDec 14 16:20
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       her students learn #21stcenturybakesaleDec 14 16:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:20
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq Does your firm rep any CIA or DoDDec 14 16:20
TweetSchestowitz                 employee or CIA or DoD contractor allegedlyDec 14 16:20
TweetSchestowitz                 involved in EIT? @markszaidesq @JesselynRadackDec 14 16:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:20
TweetSchestowitz@StevenTDennis   Senate took 28 roll call votes yesterday.Dec 14 16:21
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    That's 7.9% of their votes for the entire year.Dec 14 16:21
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     Dec 14 16:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:21
TweetSchestowitz@joshgerstein    NBC: Axelrod says Obama 'made the right call'Dec 14 16:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    in rejecting truth commission on torture cc:Dec 14 16:22
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  @SenatorLeahyDec 14 16:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:22
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        The Illustrated Guide to Criminal ProcedureDec 14 16:22
TweetSchestowitz        ( #reviewDec 14 16:22
TweetSchestowitz                 #fourthamendment #law #educationDec 14 16:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:22
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @emptywheel: 'Meet the Press: 12 Years of Unchallenged Cheney...'Dec 14 16:26
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq Look in mirror. Important toDec 14 16:26
TweetSchestowitz                 have discussion for historical record & why IDec 14 16:26
TweetSchestowitz                 continue to engage. @bradmossesqDec 14 16:26
TweetSchestowitz                 @jesselynradackDec 14 16:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:26
TweetSchestowitz@digby56         I wonder how the White House feels aboutDec 14 16:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    helping to cover up Dick Cheney's crimes thisDec 14 16:30
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     morning?Dec 14 16:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:30
TweetSchestowitz@OnTheMarkDesign  Interview with @jonobacon senior director ofDec 14 16:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    community for XPRIZE 14 16:30
TweetSchestowitz @jonobacon      ( 14 16:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:30
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@royshanqq Many forget that US gov't & NatSecDec 14 16:36
TweetSchestowitz                 FAILED to protect US & foreign citizens onDec 14 16:36
TweetSchestowitz                 9/11. Fear & dark side was responseDec 14 16:36
TweetSchestowitz                 @senfeinsteinDec 14 16:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:36
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq Projecting? Redirects don't workDec 14 16:36
TweetSchestowitz                 on me. NatSecState broken record. HistoryDec 14 16:36
TweetSchestowitz                 eyewitness to account @bradmossesqDec 14 16:36
TweetSchestowitz                 @jesselynradackDec 14 16:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:36
TweetSchestowitz@AnonyOps        .@BradMossEsq is no advocate forDec 14 16:44
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    whistleblowers. As proof, he spends most hisDec 14 16:44
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  days attacking @Thomas_Drake1 andDec 14 16:45
TweetSchestowitz                 @JesselynRadackDec 14 16:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:45
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot        Last Three Years the Quietest For TornadoesDec 14 16:45
TweetSchestowitz                 Ever 14 16:45
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 16:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:45
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Second Avenue Caper: When Goodfellas, Divas,Dec 14 16:45
TweetSchestowitz                 and Dealers Plotted Against the Plague #reviewDec 14 16:45
TweetSchestowitz                 #aids #actup #comics 14 16:45
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 16:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:45
TweetSchestowitz@MikeScarcella   55-min audio in 4th Circuit cell tower locationDec 14 16:49
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    data case, argued Dec. 11, posted here:Dec 14 16:49
TweetSchestowitz @csoghoian ( 14 16:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:49
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        How Fear of #OccupyWallStreet Undermined theDec 14 16:49
TweetSchestowitz                 #RedCross' Sandy Relief Effort:Dec 14 16:49
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 16:49
TweetSchestowitz                 @OccupySandyDec 14 16:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:49
TweetSchestowitz@DanielSerwer    Reading Saudi Tea Leaves in #YemenDec 14 16:51
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by 14 16:51
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     ( Danya Greenfield andDec 14 16:51
TweetSchestowitz                 Owen Daniels blame #KSA policies for its lossDec 14 16:51
TweetSchestowitz                 of influence.Dec 14 16:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:51
TweetSchestowitz@woolfhound      @doctorow IDWTBF includes most articulate "whyDec 14 16:54
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    should you care" explanations for friends notDec 14 16:54
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       tuned into digital freedom issues. Nicely doneDec 14 16:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:54
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq "Whether" CIA committed crime?Dec 14 16:54
TweetSchestowitz                 There's doubt? & none w/ @JohnKiriakou?Dec 14 16:54
TweetSchestowitz                 What&who are u defending? @jesselynradackDec 14 16:54
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 16:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:54
TweetSchestowitz@davidgerard     UK prisoner curfew tags, made by G4S, oftenDec 14 16:54
TweetSchestowitz                 fail. Prosecutions for tampering are withdrawnDec 14 16:54
TweetSchestowitz                 when an expert comes in.Dec 14 16:54
TweetSchestowitz        14 16:54
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 16:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 16:54
TweetSchestowitz@Cryptomeorg     Only CIA Agent Jailed for Torture Program IsDec 14 17:05
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Whistleblower Who Confirmed Its Existence -Dec 14 17:05
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 ( 14 17:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:05
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        El Deafo: moving, fresh YA comic-book memoirDec 14 17:05
TweetSchestowitz                 about growing up deaf #ya #comics,#reviewsDec 14 17:05
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 17:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:05
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Stop trashing artists who disclose theirDec 14 17:08
TweetSchestowitz                 finances 14 17:08
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 17:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:08
TweetSchestowitz@joshgerstein    Not sure can flatly say it's criminal to leakDec 14 17:08
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    info disclosing a crime RT @BradMossEsq:Dec 14 17:08
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  @joshgerstein Not sure what part is true reDec 14 17:08
TweetSchestowitz                 Kiriakou?Dec 14 17:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:08
TweetSchestowitz@joshgerstein    .@BradMossEsq Not sure that's true re Kiriakou.Dec 14 17:08
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    In Kim leak case plea feds disclaimedDec 14 17:08
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  whistleblowing, suggesting that might beDec 14 17:08
TweetSchestowitz                 defenseDec 14 17:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:08
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Seriously tho--those of you who're resigningDec 14 17:08
TweetSchestowitz                 yourselves to watch PapaDick's anal rapeDec 14 17:08
TweetSchestowitz                 defense, watch how buggy his eyes have gotten.Dec 14 17:09
TweetSchestowitz                 Good.Dec 14 17:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:09
TweetSchestowitz@adamgoldmanwp   .@emptywheel One thing I new but never got aDec 14 17:11
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    second source: Jessen helped interrogate GulDec 14 17:11
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     Rahman.Dec 14 17:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:11
TweetSchestowitz@pan_optician    .@ggreenwald @TiloJung Nah, @mathieuvonrohr &Dec 14 17:11
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @holger_stark spent last 72hrs trying toDec 14 17:11
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     explain @Max_Fisher's mistake to him, noDec 14 17:11
TweetSchestowitz                 response.Dec 14 17:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:11
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@joshgerstein Similar to my criminal case whenDec 14 17:21
TweetSchestowitz                 gov't filed motion to dismiss my w'blowing asDec 14 17:21
TweetSchestowitz                 irrelevant&inadmissible evidence. @bradmossesqDec 14 17:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:21
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      Pro-NSA "journalists" who claimed a) GermanDec 14 17:21
TweetSchestowitz                 prosecutor called Spiegel doc a fraud & b) NSADec 14 17:21
TweetSchestowitz                 didn't target Merkel, got story *completelyDec 14 17:21
TweetSchestowitz                 wrongDec 14 17:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:21
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      And that's on top of the inherent disgrace ofDec 14 17:21
TweetSchestowitz                 calling yourself a "journalist" yet saying:Dec 14 17:21
TweetSchestowitz                 "Prosecutor claims X, therefore X is true."Dec 14 17:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:21
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      And yes, I'm talking about Vox's @Max_Fisher,Dec 14 17:22
TweetSchestowitz                 but not only him. His story was filled withDec 14 17:22
TweetSchestowitz                 falsehoods: 14 17:22
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 17:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:22
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq Any evidence M. Cole revealed,Dec 14 17:22
TweetSchestowitz                 outed or passed along @johnkiriakou's name toDec 14 17:22
TweetSchestowitz                 anyone at any time? @bradmossesqDec 14 17:22
TweetSchestowitz                 @jesselynradackDec 14 17:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:22
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Strong Female Protagonist Book One #comicsDec 14 17:22
TweetSchestowitz                 #reviews 14 17:22
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 17:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:22
TweetSchestowitz@trevortimm      @ggreenwald The NSA inspector general defendedDec 14 17:25
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the NSA tapping Merkel's phone just a few daysDec 14 17:25
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     ago: ( 14 17:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:26
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq So all DoJ orders lawful? & asDec 14 17:26
TweetSchestowitz                 long as one follow orders one is protected?Dec 14 17:26
TweetSchestowitz                 What about those issuing the orders?Dec 14 17:26
TweetSchestowitz                 @steve_vladeckDec 14 17:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:26
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      Ex-FBI agent Ali Soufan-"Now we have AmericanDec 14 17:31
TweetSchestowitz                 hostages in orange jumpsuits because we putDec 14 17:31
TweetSchestowitz                 people in orange jumpsuits"Dec 14 17:31
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 17:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:31
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      6 men put in a cage for 12 years by US with noDec 14 17:31
TweetSchestowitz                 trial at GITMO stroll the streets of Uruguay,Dec 14 17:31
TweetSchestowitz                 greeted warmly by nation 14 17:31
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 17:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:31
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq So torture gets a pass fromDec 14 17:31
TweetSchestowitz                 prosecution? Y? Not torture? Fletcher followedDec 14 17:31
TweetSchestowitz                 orders? @georgemaschke @markszaidesqDec 14 17:31
TweetSchestowitz                 @johnkiriakouDec 14 17:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:31
TweetSchestowitz@LitThom         .@Max_Fisher @voxdotcom Fisher says ObamaDec 14 17:31
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    called Merkel to "tell her it wasn't true."Dec 14 17:31
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     Here's the article he links:Dec 14 17:31
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 17:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:31
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 0 tweets, 1 cnx to Twitter, 0 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesDec 14 17:32
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: Dec 14 17:32
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: Dec 14 17:32
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: Dec 14 17:32
TweetSchestowitz@LitThom         Astonishing. @Max_Fisher of @voxdotcom isDec 14 17:33
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    straight up making shit up in this article reDec 14 17:33
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     Obama/Merkel phone call. 14 17:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 17:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:33
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Software Patents Are Dying in the US, ButDec 14 17:33
TweetSchestowitz                 Patent Lawyers Refuse to Admit ItDec 14 17:33
TweetSchestowitz        ( #swpatsDec 14 17:33
TweetSchestowitz                 #uspto #scotus #cafcDec 14 17:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:33
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq Why not a simple yes or no?YouDec 14 17:33
TweetSchestowitz                 leave open possibility that your firm does repDec 14 17:33
TweetSchestowitz                 such people. @markszaidesq @jesselynradackDec 14 17:33
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:33
TweetSchestowitz@qu1j0t3         Ask Mayor John Tory to end Ford's disgustingDec 14 17:33
TweetSchestowitz                 funding war on Toronto's popular library.Dec 14 17:33
TweetSchestowitz                 #NewMayorNewChapter 14 17:34
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 17:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:34
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Somehow @EliLake doesn't mention Ibn SheikhDec 14 17:38
TweetSchestowitz                 al-Libi in his article claiming torture "works"Dec 14 17:38
TweetSchestowitz                 for foreign govts.Dec 14 17:38
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 17:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:38
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Language policies in US schools are overtly andDec 14 17:38
TweetSchestowitz                 covertly racist and discriminatory, saysDec 14 17:38
TweetSchestowitz                 @jason_cervone 14 17:38
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 17:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:38
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq Is legal advice an option or anDec 14 17:38
TweetSchestowitz                 order? Do u believe in prosecuting those whoDec 14 17:38
TweetSchestowitz                 gave the orders or legal advice? @steve_vladeckDec 14 17:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:38
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq So why aren't you publiclyDec 14 17:40
TweetSchestowitz                 calling for prosecution of torturers when lawDec 14 17:40
TweetSchestowitz                 is broken? @georgemaschke @bradmossesqDec 14 17:40
TweetSchestowitz                 @johnkiriakouDec 14 17:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:40
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq So if DoJ legal advice is lawfulDec 14 17:40
TweetSchestowitz                 & one follows advice no law is broken? And inDec 14 17:40
TweetSchestowitz                 absence of advice? @danalbanese1 @steve_vladeckDec 14 17:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:40
TweetSchestowitz@billmon1        That awkward moment when dean of 1 UC lawDec 14 17:42
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    school says prof at another UC law schoolDec 14 17:42
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     should be prosecuted 4 war crimesDec 14 17:42
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 17:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:42
TweetSchestowitz@BobBrigham      Cheney wouldn't be on MTP had Obama not givenDec 14 17:42
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    him a Get Out of Jail Free card. In fact,Dec 14 17:42
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     @TheDemocrats continue to shield Cheney fromDec 14 17:42
TweetSchestowitz                 justiceDec 14 17:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:42
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        The Expeditioners and the Secret of KingDec 14 17:45
TweetSchestowitz                 Triton's Lair 14 17:45
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #reviews #yaDec 14 17:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:45
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      Obama protected torturers from criminal chargesDec 14 17:45
TweetSchestowitz                 but also civil suits ( 14 17:45
TweetSchestowitz                 ( & int'l investigationDec 14 17:45
TweetSchestowitz                 ( ( 14 17:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:45
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq Discretionary not to prosecuteDec 14 17:45
TweetSchestowitz                 torture bcuz DoJ authorizing memos were lawful?Dec 14 17:45
TweetSchestowitz                 @georgemaschke @markszaidesq @johnkiriakouDec 14 17:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:45
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot        Job Postings Offer Clues to Future of GoogleDec 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz                 Fiber 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz@MazMHussain     For some people the fact that the U.S.Dec 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    committed torture actually ends up beingDec 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     ennobling, because hey "look how we're talkingDec 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz                 about it".Dec 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   All note .@BradMossEsq says following ordersDec 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz                 defensible as lawful & gives pass to orderersDec 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz                 sanctioning torture @danalbanese1Dec 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz                 @steve_vladeckDec 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq so your legal standard is notDec 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz                 upholding a law you support that prosecutesDec 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz                 torture? @georgemaschke @bradmossesqDec 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz                 @johnkiriakouDec 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      "Lawmakers on both sides...opposed to...notionDec 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz                 that US or foreign govts should press chargesDec 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz                 against...CIA officials" 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:49
TweetSchestowitz@jeremyscahill   I just drank a glass of, what some have dubbed,Dec 14 17:52
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    water. ( 14 17:52
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     Dec 14 17:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:52
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      "Some" = the rest of the world, hundreds ofDec 14 17:52
TweetSchestowitz                 years of legal precedent & the US Govt itselfDec 14 17:52
TweetSchestowitz                 when prosecuting others 14 17:52
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 17:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:52
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @billmon1: 'That awkward moment when dean of 1 UC...'Dec 14 17:54
TweetSchestowitz@qu1j0t3         Here we are in 2014 having to spell outDec 14 17:54
TweetSchestowitz                 "#Torture is unChristian." Meanwhile,Dec 14 17:54
TweetSchestowitz                 Torquemada rules the Sunday shows @MCurryAustinDec 14 17:54
TweetSchestowitz                 @ggreenwaldDec 14 17:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:54
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq Y not call for prosecution of USDec 14 17:54
TweetSchestowitz                 persons now when #TortureReport  shows peopleDec 14 17:54
TweetSchestowitz                 engaged in torture? @bradmossesq @johnkiriakouDec 14 17:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:54
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot        Check out ilumi's LED smartbulb, "the world'sDec 14 17:57
TweetSchestowitz                 smartest light." Change color & intensity fromDec 14 17:57
TweetSchestowitz                 Android/iOS device.Dec 14 17:57
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 17:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:57
TweetSchestowitz@jermsguy        @ggreenwald NBC's "Meet What Some Have CalledDec 14 17:57
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the Press"Dec 14 17:57
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     Dec 14 17:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:57
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  Despite being duped 1st time, #MSM trips overDec 14 17:57
TweetSchestowitz                 itself to give #Cheney cabal media platform toDec 14 17:57
TweetSchestowitz                 lie abt #torture againDec 14 17:57
TweetSchestowitz                 #shamefulDec 14 17:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 17:57
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq NOT a twitter standard. USDec 14 18:01
TweetSchestowitz                 8A/law/int'l conventions. But you let yourselfDec 14 18:01
TweetSchestowitz                 off the hook. @bradmossesq @johnkiriakouDec 14 18:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:01
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq If you want torturersDec 14 18:01
TweetSchestowitz                 prosecuted, would you prosecute Cheney for USDec 14 18:01
TweetSchestowitz                 sponsored torture program? @bradmossesqDec 14 18:01
TweetSchestowitz                 @johnkiriakouDec 14 18:01
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:01
TweetSchestowitz@georgemaschke   @thomas_drake1 @bradmossesq @markszaidesqDec 14 18:08
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @johnkiriakou USG refusal to prosecuteDec 14 18:08
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  torturers violates U.S. treaty obligations.Dec 14 18:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:08
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq Yet you know all reasons why CIADec 14 18:08
TweetSchestowitz                 filed crim complaints w/ DoJ & why DoJDec 14 18:08
TweetSchestowitz                 prosecuted? @johnkiriakou?@georgemaschkeDec 14 18:08
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 18:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:08
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq You didn't answer the specificDec 14 18:08
TweetSchestowitz                 question. Would you prosecute Cheney forDec 14 18:08
TweetSchestowitz                 torture? Simple yes or no. @bradmossesqDec 14 18:08
TweetSchestowitz                 @johnkiriakouDec 14 18:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:08
schestowitz 14 18:09
schestowitz"In some countries joining army is mandatory."Dec 14 18:09
schestowitz"By chance Facebook is not yet!"Dec 14 18:09
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Rust 1.0: Scheduling the trains: rust: As 2014Dec 14 18:14
TweetSchestowitz                 is drawing to a close, it’s time to begin theDec 14 18:14
TweetSchestowitz                 Rust 1.0 release cycle! 14 18:14
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 18:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:14
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq So until evidence is in anDec 14 18:14
TweetSchestowitz                 indictment it's not allegedly criminal forDec 14 18:14
TweetSchestowitz                 prosecution? @johnkiriakou @georgemaschkeDec 14 18:14
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 18:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:14
TweetSchestowitz@JohnKiriakou    Just had a great visit in prison with John. HeDec 14 18:14
TweetSchestowitz                 is so encouraged by all the support. In lessDec 14 18:14
TweetSchestowitz                 than two months he can speak for himself again.Dec 14 18:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:14
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq Your basis for criminal act isDec 14 18:16
TweetSchestowitz                 indictment info&absent indictment it's notDec 14 18:16
TweetSchestowitz                 criminal? @johnkiriakou @georgemaschkeDec 14 18:16
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 18:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:16
TweetSchestowitz@brian_reiter    @Thomas_Drake1 looking a lot like CIA and NSADec 14 18:16
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    are rogue agencies. Consequence-freeDec 14 18:16
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  environment for leadership. Blame minions whenDec 14 18:16
TweetSchestowitz                 caught.Dec 14 18:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:16
schestowitz"Dec 14 18:17
schestowitzI'm a QA. Where there is coding, there is testing. I don't ask for a job. I do not want money from you. I'm sick. And I want to keep my testing skills, and help open source at the same time.Dec 14 18:17
schestowitzFor example, test if bug have correctly fixed between releases. Check if there is no regression, as the one I've noticed for "Sum" button. The first thing I could do, is check the whole list of bugs fixed, and see if there is no regression. I'll learn Calligra Sheets, and it's good for software health.Dec 14 18:17
schestowitz'Dec 14 18:17
schestowitzCurrently I code a bit of Drupal.(PHP), mostly hacking some code like polls. Are you familiar with the syntax?Dec 14 18:18
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq So no existing evidence risingDec 14 18:23
TweetSchestowitz                 to level of criminal act committed by CheneyDec 14 18:23
TweetSchestowitz                 you would prosecute? @bradmossesq @johnkiriakouDec 14 18:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:23
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      Dear @Vox: Just check @Max_fisher's claims onDec 14 18:23
TweetSchestowitz                 Spiegel/Merkel & spend 10 minutes Googling &Dec 14 18:23
TweetSchestowitz                 you'll see how badly many corrections areDec 14 18:23
TweetSchestowitz                 needed.Dec 14 18:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:23
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq Let me twitter 'cross' you. AnyDec 14 18:23
TweetSchestowitz                 evidence on Cheney that rises to level ofDec 14 18:23
TweetSchestowitz                 criminal act? Yes or no? @bradmossesqDec 14 18:23
TweetSchestowitz                 @johnkiriakouDec 14 18:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:23
TweetSchestowitz@drownhot        @Thomas_Drake1 @DeadPrecariat @BradMossEsqDec 14 18:24
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @DanAlbanese1 @steve_vladeck  "chain ofDec 14 18:24
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  command" issues can be resolved justly.Dec 14 18:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:24
TweetSchestowitz@MazMHussain     For some people the fact that the U.S.Dec 14 18:25
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    committed torture actually ends up beingDec 14 18:25
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  ennobling, because hey "look how we're talkingDec 14 18:25
TweetSchestowitz                 about it".Dec 14 18:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:25
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        #MichaelBrown and #EricGarner: Killed in theDec 14 18:25
TweetSchestowitz                 Name of the State​ - 14 18:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ( via @BuzzFlashDec 14 18:25
TweetSchestowitz                 #BlackLivesMatterDec 14 18:25
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:25
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      Obama protected torturers from criminal chargesDec 14 18:26
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    but also civil suits ( 14 18:26
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  ( & int'l investigationDec 14 18:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ( ( 14 18:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:26
TweetSchestowitz@SpyTalker       Good question fm davidcolegtown: If #EITs wereDec 14 18:26
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    approved, why did the #CIA still lie aboutDec 14 18:26
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  #torture? 14 18:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 18:26
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:26
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        Truthdiggers of the Week: Sens. DianneDec 14 18:27
TweetSchestowitz                 Feinstein and Sen. John McCain #torture #ciaDec 14 18:27
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 18:27
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:27
TweetSchestowitz@Variety         The "24" effect: How "liberal Hollywood"Dec 14 18:27
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    carried water for tortureDec 14 18:27
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 ( 14 18:27
TweetSchestowitz        14 18:27
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:27
TweetSchestowitz@DavidColeGtown  Ice baths for innocents. NYTimes: Amid DetailsDec 14 18:31
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    on Torture, Data on 26 Who Were Held in ErrorDec 14 18:31
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 ( 14 18:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:31
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq Y do u hesitate on prosecutingDec 14 18:31
TweetSchestowitz                 lawyers for giving advice? What if adviceDec 14 18:31
TweetSchestowitz                 violates law or enables/covers crime?Dec 14 18:31
TweetSchestowitz                 @steve_vladeckDec 14 18:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:31
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Now put #Blair and #Straw on trial for torture,Dec 14 18:32
TweetSchestowitz                 says diplomat who was fired when he warnedDec 14 18:32
TweetSchestowitz                 Labour Government of #UK 14 18:32
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 18:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:32
TweetSchestowitz@BreakingTheBong  @Thomas_Drake1 @BradMossEsq @steve_vladeckDec 14 18:32
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    What happened to the Third Reich's lawyers?Dec 14 18:32
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 ( 14 18:32
TweetSchestowitz                 #NuremburgNeverHappenedDec 14 18:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:32
TweetSchestowitz@BreakingTheBong  Man who illegally destroys video evidence isDec 14 18:34
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    allowed on @FoxNews to defend @CIA torture.Dec 14 18:34
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Dec 14 18:34
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 18:34
TweetSchestowitz        14 18:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:34
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Carrying tracking devices in the carDec 14 18:35
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 18:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:35
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq So Y was Nixon pardoned? Why doDec 14 18:35
TweetSchestowitz                 people plea out? Guilty or wrongfullyDec 14 18:35
TweetSchestowitz                 prosecuted? @georgemaschke @bradmossesqDec 14 18:35
TweetSchestowitz                 @johnkiriakouDec 14 18:35
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:35
TweetSchestowitz@MarkSZaidEsq    @emptywheel @georgemaschke @BradMossEsqDec 14 18:37
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @Thomas_Drake1 @JohnKiriakou And what coerciveDec 14 18:37
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  measures were used?Dec 14 18:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:37
TweetSchestowitz@BradMossEsq     @emptywheel @MarkSZaidEsq @georgemaschkeDec 14 18:37
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @Thomas_Drake1 @JohnKiriakou Tough. Welcome toDec 14 18:37
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  geopoliticsDec 14 18:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:37
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Tanglu 2 (Bartholomea annulata) released!Dec 14 18:42
TweetSchestowitz        ( #tangluDec 14 18:42
TweetSchestowitz                 #gnu #linuxDec 14 18:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:42
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq How do you see it when violationsDec 14 18:42
TweetSchestowitz                 of law are sanctioned at highest levels of USDec 14 18:42
TweetSchestowitz                 gov't? All gray? Discretionary?@steve_vladeckDec 14 18:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:42
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot        Raspberry Pi In Space 14 18:42
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 18:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:42
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq No influence or advice fromDec 14 18:43
TweetSchestowitz                 Cheney? :-) @markszaidesq @georgemaschkeDec 14 18:43
TweetSchestowitz                 @johnkiriakouDec 14 18:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:43
TweetSchestowitz@anubiszz        @Thomas_Drake1 @MarkSZaidEsq @BradMossEsqDec 14 18:43
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @JohnKiriakou backed into moral corner manDec 14 18:43
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  FINALLY agrees to call for prosecution of ALLDec 14 18:43
TweetSchestowitz                 torturersDec 14 18:43
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:43
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "Not every email client for Android out thereDec 14 18:45
TweetSchestowitz                 supports encryption; and when it does, it doesDec 14 18:45
TweetSchestowitz                 not work like Enigmail" 14 18:45
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 18:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:45
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Using encryption on Android – A rantDec 14 18:45
TweetSchestowitz        14 18:45
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #android #linux #pgpDec 14 18:45
TweetSchestowitz                 #securityDec 14 18:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:45
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq Tough to prosecute for followingDec 14 18:45
TweetSchestowitz                 orders? What were Nuremberg Trials&PrinciplesDec 14 18:45
TweetSchestowitz                 about? US exempt? @danalbanese1 @steve_vladeckDec 14 18:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:45
TweetSchestowitz@Jmart4info      @Thomas_Drake1 @BradMossEsq @steve_vladeck Mr.Dec 14 18:47
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Drake U should know Lawyers don't prosecuteDec 14 18:47
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  each other! it's part of #Omerta!Dec 14 18:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:47
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq Supervening authority trumpsDec 14 18:47
TweetSchestowitz                 orders, advice, memos? What if same authorityDec 14 18:47
TweetSchestowitz                 issues? @markszaidesq @georgemaschkeDec 14 18:47
TweetSchestowitz                 @johnkiriakouDec 14 18:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:47
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #Debian 8.0 Jessie - #GNU #Linux vs. GNUDec 14 18:48
TweetSchestowitz                 #kFreeBSD #Benchmarks 14 18:48
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 18:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:48
TweetSchestowitz@anubiszz        @Thomas_Drake1 @MarkSZaidEsq @BradMossEsqDec 14 18:48
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @JohnKiriakou OK if there is evidence CheneyDec 14 18:48
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  tortured or ordered torture WHY ISN'T HEDec 14 18:48
TweetSchestowitz                 PROSECUTED?Dec 14 18:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:48
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Unity 8 for Ubuntu 15.04 Is Showing GreatDec 14 18:49
TweetSchestowitz                 Progress 14 18:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #unity #ubuntu #gnu #linuxDec 14 18:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:49
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      .@EliLake "Third world"?Dec 14 18:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:49
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Mesa 10.4.0 released 14 18:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #mesa #graphics #linuxDec 14 18:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:49
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack  Despite being duped 1st time, #MSM trips overDec 14 18:53
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    itself to give #Cheney cabal media platform toDec 14 18:53
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  lie abt #torture againDec 14 18:53
TweetSchestowitz                 #shamefulDec 14 18:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:53
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Krita 2.9: First Beta Released!Dec 14 18:53
TweetSchestowitz        ( #krita #qtDec 14 18:53
TweetSchestowitz                 #kde #gnu #linuxDec 14 18:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:53
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     How And Why The World Is Trending Towards OpenDec 14 18:57
TweetSchestowitz                 Source ( 14 18:57
TweetSchestowitz                 #freeswDec 14 18:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:57
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq No conflict w/ prosecution ofDec 14 18:57
TweetSchestowitz                 @johnkiriakou outing torture & torturer whileDec 14 18:57
TweetSchestowitz                 rep'n client outing him? @anubiszz @bradmossesqDec 14 18:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:57
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     "Mono is an open source, programmable platform"Dec 14 18:57
TweetSchestowitz        ( not toDec 14 18:57
TweetSchestowitz                 be confused with the illness and MS TrojanDec 14 18:57
TweetSchestowitz                 horse MonoDec 14 18:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:57
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        It's an ambitious project, but with your help,Dec 14 18:57
TweetSchestowitz                 it can happen. Help us get it done:Dec 14 18:57
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 18:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 18:57
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 418 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 1814 msgs sent (~ 4% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesDec 14 19:06
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (68), @Thomas_Drake1 (51), @emptywheel (34)Dec 14 19:06
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @Thomas_Drake1 (67), @glynmoody (35), @ggreenwald (17)Dec 14 19:06
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #torture (27), #ReadTheReport (13), #TortureReport (11)Dec 14 19:06
*TweetSchestowitz @truthout deleted 'It's an ambitious project, but with your help,...'Dec 14 19:07
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     The Backed Pack: An open source platform,Dec 14 19:07
TweetSchestowitz                 sensor & tablet 14 19:07
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #freeswDec 14 19:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:07
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq Two simple Qs. Was @JohnKiriakouDec 14 19:07
TweetSchestowitz                 a source for Cole? What did Cole provide GITMODec 14 19:07
TweetSchestowitz                 investigators? @anubiszz @bradmossesqDec 14 19:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:07
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Will Government Try to Expose James Risen toDec 14 19:07
TweetSchestowitz                 Jeffrey Sterling Cross-Examination about HisDec 14 19:07
TweetSchestowitz                 Sources?Dec 14 19:07
TweetSchestowitz                 Dec 14 19:07
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 19:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:07
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Highest Performance ARM Desktop EverDec 14 19:09
TweetSchestowitz        ( #arm #gnuDec 14 19:09
TweetSchestowitz                 #linuxDec 14 19:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:09
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq & .@MarkSZaidEsq Would youDec 14 19:09
TweetSchestowitz                 prosecute John Yoo for authoring legal memoDec 14 19:09
TweetSchestowitz                 authorizing torture? & what if he was followingDec 14 19:09
TweetSchestowitz                 orders?Dec 14 19:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:09
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     New Features Proposed For Fedora 22Dec 14 19:09
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 19:09
TweetSchestowitz                 #fedora #gnu #linuxDec 14 19:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:09
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     MIPS Has An "Unusually Large Pull" For LinuxDec 14 19:13
TweetSchestowitz                 3.19 Kernel 14 19:13
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #linux #kernel #mipsDec 14 19:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:13
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq Then how do you knowDec 14 19:13
TweetSchestowitz                 @johnkiriakou confirmed w/ a reporter a CIADec 14 19:13
TweetSchestowitz                 official engaged in torture? @anubiszzDec 14 19:13
TweetSchestowitz                 @bradmossesqDec 14 19:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:13
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq U know as absolute unimpeachableDec 14 19:13
TweetSchestowitz                 fact journalist "A" in @johnkiriakou'sDec 14 19:13
TweetSchestowitz                 indictment never revealed src? @anubiszzDec 14 19:13
TweetSchestowitz                 @bradmossesqDec 14 19:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:13
TweetSchestowitz@walterwkatz     One last time, ICYMI, my essay, "The road fromDec 14 19:14
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    9/11 to Ferguson" 14 19:14
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     ( 14 19:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:14
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Compiling 14 19:14
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 19:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:14
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq What are you saying? If I amDec 14 19:18
TweetSchestowitz                 wrong? Does that mean I could be right?Dec 14 19:18
TweetSchestowitz                 @johnkiriakou @anubiszz @bradmossesqDec 14 19:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:18
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        8 Ways to Support #Protests Against theDec 14 19:18
TweetSchestowitz                 Criminal Punishment System, if You Can't GetDec 14 19:18
TweetSchestowitz                 Out on the Street: 14 19:18
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 19:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:18
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     How to install Fedora: Hands-on with #AnacondaDec 14 19:18
TweetSchestowitz                 installer 14 19:18
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #fedora #redhat #gnu #linuxDec 14 19:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:18
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq Would you prosecute all fourDec 14 19:20
TweetSchestowitz                 lawyers who wrote legal memo authorizingDec 14 19:20
TweetSchestowitz                 torture? And the advocates? The orderers?Dec 14 19:20
TweetSchestowitz                 @bradmossesqDec 14 19:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:20
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq U disagree with the torture memoDec 14 19:20
TweetSchestowitz                 on what grounds? But those who followed memoDec 14 19:20
TweetSchestowitz                 are covered legally? @bradmossesq @emptywheelDec 14 19:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:20
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Open or Fauxpen? Use the OSS Watch OpennessDec 14 19:20
TweetSchestowitz                 Rating tool to find out 14 19:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #freesw #openwashingDec 14 19:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:20
TweetSchestowitz@ArarMaher       So Cheney considers terror suspects "bad guys"Dec 14 19:23
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    even if they're found innocent but he's a goodDec 14 19:23
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     guy even if he'd repeat torture if asked to.Dec 14 19:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:23
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #copyright #drones from #obama - "MegauploadDec 14 19:23
TweetSchestowitz                 takedown a “death sentence without trial"Dec 14 19:23
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 19:23
TweetSchestowitz                 collateral damage tooDec 14 19:23
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:23
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq So are you saying @johnkiriakouDec 14 19:29
TweetSchestowitz                 revealed a protected name based on emails youDec 14 19:29
TweetSchestowitz                 have seen? To whom? @anubiszz @bradmossesqDec 14 19:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #Calligra 2.9 Beta ReleasedDec 14 19:29
TweetSchestowitz        ( #kdeDec 14 19:29
TweetSchestowitz                 #gnu #linux #odfDec 14 19:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:29
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq Court records in my case prove IDec 14 19:29
TweetSchestowitz                 didn't retain/disclose ANY class info contraryDec 14 19:29
TweetSchestowitz                 to govt proof. Proof enuf for u? @bradmossesqDec 14 19:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     A Third Party Developer Has Created An AwesomeDec 14 19:39
TweetSchestowitz                 Radial Bottom Edge Menu For #UbuntuTouchDec 14 19:39
TweetSchestowitz        ( #ubuntuDec 14 19:39
TweetSchestowitz                 #linuxDec 14 19:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:39
TweetSchestowitz@harrym          @doctorow i have one. It's super. Everyone atDec 14 19:39
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    work really loves it too (*cough*)Dec 14 19:39
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Dec 14 19:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:39
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      I see the Real Housewives of NFC East has aDec 14 19:39
TweetSchestowitz                 typically catty episode on today.Dec 14 19:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:39
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot        Forbes Blasts Latests Windows 7 Patch asDec 14 19:46
TweetSchestowitz                 Malware 14 19:46
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 19:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:46
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq I earlier agreed to meet. YouDec 14 19:47
TweetSchestowitz                 didn't get the memo? Can eat broken bread. AndDec 14 19:47
TweetSchestowitz                 I fold my corners per Twitter law!Dec 14 19:47
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 19:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:47
TweetSchestowitz@davidgerard     Rocknerd: LOUDEST LINKS OF THE DAY. SpanishDec 14 19:47
TweetSchestowitz                 newspapers in thermonuclear foot-bulletDec 14 19:47
TweetSchestowitz                 hilarity. 14 19:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 19:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:47
TweetSchestowitz@thecomingwar    More than 1000 funders in the last four days.Dec 14 19:48
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Thank you so much! 14 19:48
TweetSchestowitz @johnpilger     ( 14 19:48
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 19:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:48
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq I was! I followed lawful ordersDec 14 19:48
TweetSchestowitz                 under Constitution, reported & disclosedDec 14 19:48
TweetSchestowitz                 unlawful conduct. Gov't made it illegalDec 14 19:48
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 19:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:48
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: Perfect 14 19:52
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 19:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:52
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow        Photo: indophilia: Krishna in space - withDec 14 19:52
TweetSchestowitz                 beautiful feminine featuresDec 14 19:52
TweetSchestowitz        14 19:52
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 19:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:52
TweetSchestowitz@wundergrrl      @doctorow Also check out lively, funny, magicalDec 14 19:52
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    and strong-girl goodness LUMBERJANES,  byDec 14 19:52
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Noelle Stevenson, creator of NIMONA.Dec 14 19:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:52
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@MarkSZaidEsq 3rd branch of gov't due processDec 14 19:58
TweetSchestowitz                 not good enough or sufficient evidence for you?Dec 14 19:58
TweetSchestowitz                 What further proof do you need? @BradMossEsqDec 14 19:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:58
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      My pup: "I don't care if you DO have to finishDec 14 19:58
TweetSchestowitz                 reading abt torture, Alpha. It's Sunday and I'mDec 14 19:58
TweetSchestowitz                 entitled to pack time in front of football."Dec 14 19:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:58
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      New Snowden story is "first documented exampleDec 14 19:58
TweetSchestowitz                 to show one EU member state mounting a cyberDec 14 19:58
TweetSchestowitz                 attack on another": UK 14 19:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 19:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:58
TweetSchestowitz@rj_gallagher    GCHQ asked us censor "CADDIS" & "NEXUS" hereDec 14 19:59
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    for sole reason it could "lead to speculationDec 14 19:59
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     that could be unhelpful."Dec 14 19:59
TweetSchestowitz        14 19:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 19:59
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      GCHQ hacking attack on Belgacom cost theDec 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz                 Belgian telecom (who aren't terrorists)Dec 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz                 millions of dollars 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald      So ironic how US & UK have been warning theDec 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz                 world about dangers of cyber-attacks whileDec 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz                 being the primary perpetrators of it (withDec 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz                 Israel)Dec 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq Not if ex post facto. My oath notDec 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz                 to orders, but to Constitution. & I didn'tDec 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz                 follow any unConstitutional order.Dec 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        At #COP20 UN Climate Talks, #Canada IsDec 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz                 Representing the #FossilFuel Industry:Dec 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz                 @LeehiYonaDec 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz@Krhawkins5      Why are those things "sadism" (Cheney's words!)Dec 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    when 19 year old privates do them...Dec 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     Dec 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:07
TweetSchestowitz@Krhawkins5      but something to be proud of when Jim MitchellDec 14 20:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    gets rich off of them, when Jose RodriguezDec 14 20:09
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     orders interrogators to keep going?Dec 14 20:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:09
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Miss 'World': feminist protest against beautyDec 14 20:09
TweetSchestowitz                 contest falls flat thanks to 'cold weather'Dec 14 20:09
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 20:09
TweetSchestowitz                 plastic surgeries contestDec 14 20:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:09
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq You're now putting words in myDec 14 20:09
TweetSchestowitz                 mouth to bolster your straw man. @JohnKiriakouDec 14 20:09
TweetSchestowitz                 took a plea. He accepted guilt ,@markszaidesqDec 14 20:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:09
TweetSchestowitz@techdirt        Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The WeekDec 14 20:11
TweetSchestowitz                 At Techdirt 14 20:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 20:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:11
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold    3 yrs ago, I obtained handwritten notes ofDec 14 20:11
TweetSchestowitz                 psychologist & CIA torture program co-architectDec 14 20:11
TweetSchestowitz                 Bruce Jessen. 14 20:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 20:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:11
TweetSchestowitz@We3forDemocracy  @Thomas_Drake1 @MarkSZaidEsq @JohnKiriakouDec 14 20:14
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @anubiszz @BradMossEsq What's a "protectedDec 14 20:14
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  name" mean?Dec 14 20:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:14
TweetSchestowitz@arbolioto       @Thomas_Drake1 It's the thin end of the wedgeDec 14 20:14
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    of fascism.Dec 14 20:14
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Dec 14 20:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:14
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Remember who's behind so-called "beautyDec 14 20:14
TweetSchestowitz                 pageant" that reduce women to objectsDec 14 20:14
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 20:14
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 20:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:14
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq I will follow up in privateDec 14 20:19
TweetSchestowitz                 e-mail to both of you over next week or so toDec 14 20:19
TweetSchestowitz                 coordinate a breaking of bread meetingDec 14 20:19
TweetSchestowitz                 @bradmossesqDec 14 20:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:19
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Sony Was Hacked in February and Chose to StayDec 14 20:19
TweetSchestowitz                 Silent ( 14 20:19
TweetSchestowitz                 #sonyDec 14 20:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:19
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     It seems like #sony gets cracked every year,Dec 14 20:19
TweetSchestowitz                 but it only tells this to the news/outsideDec 14 20:19
TweetSchestowitz                 world when crude Sony propaganda film imminentDec 14 20:19
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:19
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq No. Written orders enablingDec 14 20:21
TweetSchestowitz                 crimes and violations of standing prohibitionDec 14 20:21
TweetSchestowitz                 against torture are not ex post factoDec 14 20:21
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 20:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:21
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #google a good example why noDec 14 20:21
TweetSchestowitz                 site/business/software should rely on 3rd-partyDec 14 20:21
TweetSchestowitz                 APIs/mashup. Google does it againDec 14 20:21
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 20:21
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:21
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     5tFTW: Five Fedora 21 FAQs Dec 14 20:21
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 20:22
TweetSchestowitz                 #fedora #redhat #gnu #linuxDec 14 20:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:22
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq Quite certain. I even questionedDec 14 20:22
TweetSchestowitz                 lawful orders w/ respect to procedures. If DoJDec 14 20:22
TweetSchestowitz                 disagrees, they don't make law @markszaidesqDec 14 20:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:22
TweetSchestowitz@GoddamnedBear   If the attitude toward Kiriakou is "he brokeDec 14 20:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the law", why not pursue war crimes?Dec 14 20:22
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  @MarkSZaidEsq @Thomas_Drake1 @BradMossEsqDec 14 20:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:22
TweetSchestowitz@GoddamnedBear   Do you include in that US officials complicitDec 14 20:24
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    in war crimes? @MarkSZaidEsq @Thomas_Drake1Dec 14 20:24
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  @BradMossEsqDec 14 20:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:24
TweetSchestowitz@csoghoian       If the Norwegian security agency isDec 14 20:24
TweetSchestowitz                 investigating suspicious IMSI catchers in Oslo,Dec 14 20:24
TweetSchestowitz                 why won't the FBI investigate IMSI catchers inDec 14 20:24
TweetSchestowitz                 DC?Dec 14 20:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:24
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     XLennart: A Game For Systemd Haters WithDec 14 20:28
TweetSchestowitz                 Nothing Better To Do 14 20:28
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 20:28
TweetSchestowitz                 #lennux #systemd #gamesDec 14 20:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:28
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq Becuz I asked if ur client outedDec 14 20:28
TweetSchestowitz                 @JohnKiriakou as a source to anyone at anyDec 14 20:28
TweetSchestowitz                 time. No conflict of interest rep'n?Dec 14 20:28
TweetSchestowitz                 @bradmossesqDec 14 20:28
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:28
TweetSchestowitz@csoghoian       Even if you think it is fine for the US gov toDec 14 20:29
TweetSchestowitz                 spy on Americans' calls, there is no reason toDec 14 20:29
TweetSchestowitz                 allow other govs to do it too w/ IMSI catchersDec 14 20:29
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Steam Gaming On PC-BSD 14 20:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #pcbsd #unix #bsd #steamDec 14 20:30
TweetSchestowitz                 #gamesDec 14 20:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:30
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        The Federal Budget Just Gave JP Morgan's CEODec 14 20:30
TweetSchestowitz                 Your Savings Account 14 20:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 20:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:30
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig        The UN climate talks in Lima have ended withDec 14 20:30
TweetSchestowitz                 deadlines set to curb emissions and adapt toDec 14 20:30
TweetSchestowitz                 climate change. 14 20:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 20:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:30
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@tolstoved It's not. Saying if DoJ says notDec 14 20:34
TweetSchestowitz                 illegal, doesn't override existing law unlessDec 14 20:34
TweetSchestowitz                 legislatively changed. @bradmossesqDec 14 20:34
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 20:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:34
TweetSchestowitz@Tolstoved       @Thomas_Drake1 @BradMossEsq @MarkSZaidEsq CanDec 14 20:34
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    you or I find a whack job lawyer to write aDec 14 20:34
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  brief and escape criminal prosecution?Dec 14 20:34
TweetSchestowitz                 Ridiculous.Dec 14 20:34
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:34
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #Nautilus port to GAction, GMenu, and PopoversDec 14 20:38
TweetSchestowitz                 – Penultimate last step 14 20:38
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #gnome gettingDec 14 20:38
TweetSchestowitz                 betterDec 14 20:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:38
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq I'm calling for prosecuting pplDec 14 20:38
TweetSchestowitz                 who authorized, enabled&implemented torture.Dec 14 20:38
TweetSchestowitz                 Following orders is NOT a defense.Dec 14 20:38
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 20:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:38
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot        French Cabbies Say They'll Block Paris Roads OnDec 14 20:38
TweetSchestowitz                 Monday Over Uber 14 20:38
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 20:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:38
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq i'll clarify. Conflict ofDec 14 20:38
TweetSchestowitz                 interest assailing @johnkiriakou while rep'ingDec 14 20:38
TweetSchestowitz                 client supportive of govt side of case?Dec 14 20:38
TweetSchestowitz                 @bradmossesqDec 14 20:38
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:38
TweetSchestowitz@MarkSZaidEsq    @Thomas_Drake1 @JohnKiriakou @BradMossEsq Sigh,Dec 14 20:39
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    are we doing this dance again? No, no conflictDec 14 20:39
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  of interest. Certainly none asserted by JKDec 14 20:39
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:39
TweetSchestowitz@xaviermalina    @Thomas_Drake1 @MarkSZaidEsq | @BradMossEsqDec 14 20:42
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Bradley--What is the line not to cross? What isDec 14 20:42
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  proper response to: "Torture this prisoner."?Dec 14 20:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:42
TweetSchestowitz@Tolstoved       @Thomas_Drake1 @BradMossEsq @MarkSZaidEsq Yes,Dec 14 20:42
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    that seems obvious to me. Otherwise we'd allDec 14 20:42
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  just find lawyers to write crazy briefs.Dec 14 20:42
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:43
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq Constitution supreme Law of theDec 14 20:45
TweetSchestowitz                 Land. DID learn in civics class growingDec 14 20:45
TweetSchestowitz                 up&noone in US above it @theboutiquefirmDec 14 20:45
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 20:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:45
TweetSchestowitz@BradMossEsq     @Thomas_Drake1 @MarkSZaidEsq Says who? You? WhoDec 14 20:45
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    is determining this distinction?Dec 14 20:45
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Dec 14 20:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:45
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq Not me. 8th Amend, statute, int'lDec 14 20:46
TweetSchestowitz                 conventions. Can't violate supervening publicDec 14 20:46
TweetSchestowitz                 law w/ secret NatSec memo/order @markszaidesqDec 14 20:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:46
TweetSchestowitz@SpaceCoastLaw   None of this unconstitutional totalitarianismDec 14 20:46
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    supports rule of law. Sad. @TolstovedDec 14 20:46
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  @Thomas_Drake1 @BradMossEsq @MarkSZaidEsqDec 14 20:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:46
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #diaspora pods keep multiplying (expansionDec 14 20:49
TweetSchestowitz                 horizontally), whereas the vertical (top-downDec 14 20:49
TweetSchestowitz                 censorship and spying) diesDec 14 20:49
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 20:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:49
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq Simple yes if violations rose toDec 14 20:49
TweetSchestowitz                 level of criminal conduct. Overseas easy toDec 14 20:49
TweetSchestowitz                 violate/circumvent local/nation lawDec 14 20:49
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 20:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:49
schestowitz> ==Dec 14 20:50
schestowitz> Dec 14 20:50
schestowitz> "In regards to FreeBSD, we’ve begun the work necessaryDec 14 20:50
schestowitz> to get it supported in DO. We’ve already begun testingDec 14 20:50
schestowitz> it internally and hope to launch within the next 2 months."Dec 14 20:50
schestowitz> Dec 14 20:51
schestowitz> 14 20:51
schestowitz> Dec 14 20:51
schestowitz> It's not ready yet, but could be coming in the next few months.Dec 14 20:51
schestowitzI guess diversity is good, but I'm not fan of DO.Dec 14 20:51
TweetSchestowitz@ashishnfl       @Thomas_Drake1 @AnonymousPress @BradMossEsqDec 14 20:51
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @MarkSZaidEsq SoDec 14 20:51
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  "Architects" and Adminitration gets immunity?Dec 14 20:51
TweetSchestowitz                 not good for who take oath2serveDec 14 20:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:51
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq Defense by ignorance becauseDec 14 20:51
TweetSchestowitz                 someone else wrote or said it was legal?Dec 14 20:51
TweetSchestowitz                 "Thought was legal" doesn't make it legalDec 14 20:51
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 20:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:51
TweetSchestowitz@ustvmedia       @Thomas_Drake1 @BradMossEsq @MarkSZaidEsqDec 14 20:52
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Intellectual obfuscation to question theDec 14 20:52
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  legality of torture. Few things as cut andDec 14 20:52
TweetSchestowitz                 dried as that.Dec 14 20:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:52
TweetSchestowitz@peterkofod      #FF: @Thomas_Drake1 @JesselynRadack @ArarMaherDec 14 20:52
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @JohnKiriakou @Ali_H_Soufan @ColeenRowleyDec 14 20:52
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  @JamesRisen @CraigMurrayOrg @suigenerisjenDec 14 20:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:52
TweetSchestowitz@mcclure111      FUCK YOU 14 20:52
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Dec 14 20:52
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        Dec 14 20:52
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:52
schestowitz 14 20:54
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     In #NATS "faulty server caused the problem"Dec 14 20:55
TweetSchestowitz                 (read: #microsoft #windows fail), not an outageDec 14 20:55
TweetSchestowitz                 on its own 14 20:55
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 20:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:55
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #DigitalOcean will bring some #bsd OSesDec 14 20:55
TweetSchestowitz        14 20:55
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #unixDec 14 20:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:55
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        WATCH: Roger Annis on the issues at play asDec 14 20:55
TweetSchestowitz                 events in #Ukraine and Crimea challenge USDec 14 20:55
TweetSchestowitz                 imperial power: 14 20:55
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 20:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:55
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #microsoft hides the scale of layoffs by hiringDec 14 20:57
TweetSchestowitz                 cheap temporary staff without worker privilegesDec 14 20:57
TweetSchestowitz                 and #harper helps 14 20:57
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 20:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:57
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq Unequivocally no. U prosecuteDec 14 20:57
TweetSchestowitz                 officials for torture bcuz ANY torture theyDec 14 20:57
TweetSchestowitz                 approve/enable is a crime. NO immunityDec 14 20:57
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 20:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:57
TweetSchestowitz@BradMossEsq     @Thomas_Drake1 @theboutiquefirm @MarkSZaidEsqDec 14 20:57
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    That was a lovely little bit of snark butDec 14 20:57
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  didn't address my questionsDec 14 20:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:57
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Warren Buffet's a Suh fan?Dec 14 20:57
TweetSchestowitz                 Dec 14 20:57
TweetSchestowitz        14 20:57
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:57
TweetSchestowitz@terminsane      laws are only applied to the poorest & mostDec 14 20:58
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    powerless. US govt seems to have gone rogueDec 14 20:58
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  @Thomas_Drake1 @Tolstoved @BradMossEsqDec 14 20:58
TweetSchestowitz                 @MarkSZaidEsqDec 14 20:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:58
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Former #iTunes Engineer Tells Court He WorkedDec 14 20:58
TweetSchestowitz                 to Block Competitors 14 20:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #apple #monopoly #drm #abuseDec 14 20:58
TweetSchestowitz                 #hypetoonsDec 14 20:58
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:58
TweetSchestowitz@ANomadicView    @Thomas_Drake1 #HumanRights: What YourDec 14 20:59
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Government Doesn't Want You to Know  Dec 14 20:59
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 14 20:59
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 20:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:59
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      If Warren Buffet's a Suh fan, can he provideDec 14 20:59
TweetSchestowitz                 Suh the huge raise we're gonna need to keepDec 14 20:59
TweetSchestowitz                 him?Dec 14 20:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:59
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Ah, of course. RT @MattVoldness: NebraskaDec 14 20:59
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 20:59
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Sony Planned to Flood Torrent Sites WithDec 14 21:02
TweetSchestowitz                 “Promo” TorrentsDec 14 21:02
TweetSchestowitz        ( #ddosDec 14 21:02
TweetSchestowitz                 is legit if you're #fbi #nsa .. or #sonyDec 14 21:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:02
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq Yes, given secret power vested inDec 14 21:02
TweetSchestowitz                 NSA & systems I directly/indirectly supportedDec 14 21:02
TweetSchestowitz                 for intel I had core obligation @markszaidesqDec 14 21:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:02
schestowitz> 14 21:02
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #amazon #aws is now knowingly and willinglyDec 14 21:02
TweetSchestowitz                 aiding #sony conduct #ddos attacks. No wonderDec 14 21:02
TweetSchestowitz                 #cia deemed Amazon worthy of $600m partnership.Dec 14 21:02
schestowitz> Dec 14 21:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:02
schestowitz> probable astroturfingDec 14 21:02
schestowitzI saw that yesterday and it looked innocent enough.Dec 14 21:02
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq I didn't follow legal advice. IDec 14 21:03
TweetSchestowitz                 followed the law&NSA protocols/procedures inDec 14 21:03
TweetSchestowitz                 statute/USSIDs (secret directives)Dec 14 21:03
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 21:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:03
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Here's Buffet training Suh to be a billionaire.Dec 14 21:03
TweetSchestowitz                 RT @mindchangeframe: 14 21:03
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 21:03
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:03
TweetSchestowitz@FrancisJeffrey7  @Thomas_Drake1 @MarkSZaidEsq @JohnKiriakouDec 14 21:05
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @BradMossEsq US effective Law has degenerated,Dec 14 21:05
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  by #1776_Denial, to "Crown Prerogatives"Dec 14 21:05
TweetSchestowitz                 paradigm.Dec 14 21:05
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:05
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Artificial life expert: We are in danger ofDec 14 21:05
TweetSchestowitz                 losing control of our technology and our livesDec 14 21:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( Dec 14 21:06
TweetSchestowitz                 #science #technologyDec 14 21:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:06
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #whitehouse New Commitments to Support ComputerDec 14 21:06
TweetSchestowitz                 Science Education 14 21:06
TweetSchestowitz                 ( stop teaching kids toDec 14 21:06
TweetSchestowitz                 memorise MSFT menusDec 14 21:06
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:06
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     New Windows 7 Patch Is Effectively Malware,Dec 14 21:10
TweetSchestowitz                 Disables Graphics Driver Updates And WindowsDec 14 21:10
TweetSchestowitz                 Defender 14 21:10
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #vista7 #windowsDec 14 21:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:10
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Quite old: "don't want a system like FacebookDec 14 21:10
TweetSchestowitz                 to become the e-mail platform for people forDec 14 21:10
TweetSchestowitz                 two reasons."Dec 14 21:10
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 21:10
TweetSchestowitz                 #facebookDec 14 21:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:10
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq Common law doesn't hold? Mens reaDec 14 21:10
TweetSchestowitz                 doesn't matter? Due process requires act ofDec 14 21:10
TweetSchestowitz                 intent for criminal liability. @markszaidesqDec 14 21:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:10
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Secret #surveillance of #Norway ’s leadersDec 14 21:12
TweetSchestowitz                 detected 14 21:12
TweetSchestowitz                 ( it's not about #terrorismDec 14 21:12
TweetSchestowitz                 at allDec 14 21:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:12
TweetSchestowitz@shokufeyesib    Read this thread, on the #TortureReportDec 14 21:12
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    prosecution & whistleblowing by @Thomas_Drake1.Dec 14 21:12
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  V important.Dec 14 21:12
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 21:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:12
schestowitz 14 21:13
schestowitz"Dec 14 21:13
schestowitzActually, you have to install APG first, then install K-9. I'm not really happy with either of these packages, but they mostly work.Dec 14 21:13
schestowitzFrom what I can see, nothing else does.Dec 14 21:13
schestowitz"Dec 14 21:13
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #Amazon 1p glitch: hundreds of items sold forDec 14 21:14
TweetSchestowitz                 fractions of their valueDec 14 21:14
TweetSchestowitz         ( 14 21:14
TweetSchestowitz                 almost as expensive as tax Amazon pays!Dec 14 21:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:14
TweetSchestowitz@adambanksdotcom  @Thomas_Drake1 @BradMossEsq @MarkSZaidEsq “WeDec 14 21:14
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    were advised it was legal to separate JewishDec 14 21:14
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  prisoners and execute them” has equalDec 14 21:14
TweetSchestowitz                 credibilityDec 14 21:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:14
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Whoa.Dec 14 21:14
TweetSchestowitz                 Dec 14 21:14
TweetSchestowitz                 Did the Bills just beat the Pack?Dec 14 21:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:14
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Ut oh. Eddie Lacey fuckup.Dec 14 21:14
TweetSchestowitz                 Dec 14 21:14
TweetSchestowitz                 Go Bills!!!!!Dec 14 21:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:14
TweetSchestowitz@twoscooters     I've been listening to and RTing the voices ofDec 14 21:18
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Black women, and I'd be remiss if I didn'tDec 14 21:18
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        include my eloquent niece:Dec 14 21:18
TweetSchestowitz        14 21:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:18
TweetSchestowitz@trackography_   When governments collect data we call itDec 14 21:18
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    "surveillance", but when companies do the same,Dec 14 21:18
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        we mistakenly call it "user services"Dec 14 21:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:18
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq You're dissembling torture memo.Dec 14 21:18
TweetSchestowitz                 WH/DoJ knew torture criminal. Wanted to labelDec 14 21:18
TweetSchestowitz                 different & make legal in secret @markszaidesqDec 14 21:18
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:18
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Hey Bills? Sure, Schwartz got carried off inDec 14 21:22
TweetSchestowitz                 Ford Field. But thanks for the payoff onDec 14 21:22
TweetSchestowitz                 lending you the field.Dec 14 21:22
TweetSchestowitz                 Dec 14 21:22
TweetSchestowitz                 Love, meow.Dec 14 21:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:22
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #DuckDuckGo (Amazon #surveillance -hosted withDec 14 21:22
TweetSchestowitz                 #microsoft results via #yahoo proxy) advocatedDec 14 21:22
TweetSchestowitz                 to #apple ( 14 21:22
TweetSchestowitz                 use #ixquickDec 14 21:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:22
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Heroes of Fedora QA: Fedora 21 Dec 14 21:22
TweetSchestowitz        ( bugDec 14 21:22
TweetSchestowitz                 reports ranking. #fedora #redhat #gnu #linuxDec 14 21:22
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:22
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq DoJ can't re-interpret law.Dec 14 21:24
TweetSchestowitz                 Calling torture legal thru covering memoDec 14 21:24
TweetSchestowitz                 doesn't make whats unlawful legal in secretDec 14 21:24
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 21:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:24
TweetSchestowitz@AriaDanika      Mass arrests of journalists in TurkeyDec 14 21:24
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( viaDec 14 21:24
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        @mashableDec 14 21:24
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:24
TweetSchestowitz@headhntr        Think you've got nothing to hide? So did SantaDec 14 21:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    until the government forced him to turn overDec 14 21:30
TweetSchestowitz @ioerror        his naughty or nice listDec 14 21:30
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 21:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:30
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq act not culpable unless mind isDec 14 21:30
TweetSchestowitz                 guilty, but don't forget strict/imputedDec 14 21:30
TweetSchestowitz                 liability crimes. Torture is torture.Dec 14 21:30
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 21:30
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:30
TweetSchestowitz@CiteEvidence    @Thomas_Drake1 @BradMossEsq @steve_vladeck ThatDec 14 21:31
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    article is just a repackaging of the NurembergDec 14 21:31
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  def. No prosecutions = supreme moral hazard.Dec 14 21:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:31
TweetSchestowitz@bkfViking123    @Thomas_Drake1 @BradMossEsq @MarkSZaidEsq 2Dec 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    kinds of people, those that know torture isDec 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  wrong , and those that need PsychopathyDec 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz                 testing.Dec 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot        Ask Slashdot:  Best Software For ImageDec 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz                 Organization? 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        #ClimateChange Creates New Geography of Food:Dec 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz                 #COP20 #UNFCCCDec 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq  Answer no. '11 Obama sedDec 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz                 wouldn't enforce S3, DOMA. SCOTUS ruledDec 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz                 unconstitutional US v Windsor: 5A due processDec 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz                 @MarkSZaidEsqDec 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz@IdeaPDish       RT @Thomas_Drake1: .@bradmossesq act notDec 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    culpable?? does this mean that accidentalDec 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  manslaughter isn't punishable?Dec 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz                 Dec 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:48
TweetSchestowitz@futureidentity  @Thomas_Drake1 Seldom seen such craven specialDec 14 21:54
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    pleading as lawyers maintaining that the lawDec 14 21:54
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  has gray areas and they're around torture.Dec 14 21:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:54
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@fatherofmaddog Critical to have discussionDec 14 21:54
TweetSchestowitz                 for today&arc of history. Willing to sacrificeDec 14 21:54
TweetSchestowitz                 my Sunday to engage in public debate viaDec 14 21:54
TweetSchestowitz                 twitterDec 14 21:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:54
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Plus a home and away win in Detroit! RTDec 14 21:54
TweetSchestowitz                 @jakemcintyre: After sweeping the division, theDec 14 21:54
TweetSchestowitz                 Bills are NFC North champs, right?Dec 14 21:54
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 21:54
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @bkfViking123: '@Thomas_Drake1 @BradMossEsq @MarkSZaidEsq 2 kinds of people, those...'Dec 14 21:56
schestowitz 14 21:59
TweetSchestowitz@bungdan         Maybe Cheney can single-handedly kill off theDec 14 22:04
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    "exceptionalism/indispensable nation" claptrapDec 14 22:04
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     and get us looking at ourselves as we are.Dec 14 22:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:04
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@BradMossEsq I was prosecuted once forDec 14 22:04
TweetSchestowitz                 espionage, obstructing justice. If again amDec 14 22:04
TweetSchestowitz                 sure @JesselynRadack would provide superbDec 14 22:04
TweetSchestowitz                 public defenseDec 14 22:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:04
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Notice the lack of news about #isis as of late.Dec 14 22:04
TweetSchestowitz                 IMHO, media hype just used as a gateway forDec 14 22:04
TweetSchestowitz                 daily bombardment of #syria and #iraqDec 14 22:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:04
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       Alexa O'Brien speech at Parliament de CatalunyaDec 14 22:04
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( 14 22:04
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    Dec 14 22:04
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:04
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       Manning was tortured using shamed CIADec 14 22:08
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    techniques - family 14 22:08
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    ( More:Dec 14 22:08
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 22:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:08
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks       Manning was tortured using CIA techniques -Dec 14 22:08
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    family 14 22:08
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    ( More:Dec 14 22:08
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 22:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:08
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     What a Dick #Cheney - STILL lying about #iraqDec 14 22:11
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 22:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:11
TweetSchestowitz@sysprog3        @Thomas_Drake1 Now even John Yoo is saying someDec 14 22:11
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    of the torturers "are at risk legally" (for NOTDec 14 22:11
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  following orders) 14 22:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 22:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:11
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Cheney: 'I'd do it again in a minute'Dec 14 22:11
TweetSchestowitz        ( whenDec 14 22:11
TweetSchestowitz                 wondering why people join #isis read aboutDec 14 22:11
TweetSchestowitz                 #cheneyDec 14 22:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:11
TweetSchestowitz@surfnorcal      Dick Cheney says we didn't torture anyone andDec 14 22:12
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    that we successfully captured Bin Laden. Yes,Dec 14 22:12
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    on live TV. 14 22:12
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 22:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:12
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Dick Cheney Says Forced Rectal Feedings WereDec 14 22:12
TweetSchestowitz                 for "Medical Reasons" 14 22:12
TweetSchestowitz                 ( the "humane gas" defence...Dec 14 22:12
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:13
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq Secret NatSec rules underDec 14 22:13
TweetSchestowitz                 purview, privilege & prerogative of unitaryDec 14 22:13
TweetSchestowitz                 'crown' exec. Torture still unsettled law?Dec 14 22:13
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 22:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:13
TweetSchestowitz@vladsavov       I humbly submit that no one in the history ofDec 14 22:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    humanity has had a more fitting first name thanDec 14 22:13
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    Dick Cheney.Dec 14 22:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:13
TweetSchestowitz@ActuallyEmerson  Dear Dick Cheney, things that are definitelyDec 14 22:14
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    torture:Dec 14 22:14
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    Dec 14 22:14
TweetSchestowitz                 Listening to you talk.Dec 14 22:14
TweetSchestowitz                 You still being a thing.Dec 14 22:14
TweetSchestowitz                 RECTAL FREAKING FEEDING.Dec 14 22:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:14
TweetSchestowitz@PoliticaILine   How I feel when I see Dick Cheney on my tee veeDec 14 22:14
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    machine 14 22:14
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    Dec 14 22:14
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:14
TweetSchestowitz@Zackfig         I think Dick Cheney would say Jesus wasn'tDec 14 22:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    crucified but enhancedly interrogated by theDec 14 22:15
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    romans. -- 14 22:15
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 22:15
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:15
TweetSchestowitz@AnonyOps        Cheney says he would authorize the rape ofDec 14 22:16
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    innocents all over again.Dec 14 22:16
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz ( 14 22:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:16
TweetSchestowitz@linuxtoday      Release of KDE Frameworks 5.5.0: KDE FrameworksDec 14 22:16
TweetSchestowitz                 are 60 addon libraries to Qt which provide aDec 14 22:16
TweetSchestowitz                 wide variety of c... 14 22:16
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 22:16
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:16
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     How #gop defends # cheneyDec 14 22:20
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 22:20
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:20
*TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 retweeted @ActuallyEmerson: 'Dear Dick Cheney, things that are definitely torture:...'Dec 14 22:20
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     #washington against #torture but not Bush's andDec 14 22:31
TweetSchestowitz                 Obama's Washington 14 22:31
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 22:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:31
TweetSchestowitz@Liese_Mueller   @glynmoody 14 22:31
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    ( aboutDec 14 22:31
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      neoliberalistic IdelogieDec 14 22:31
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:31
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@JesselynRadack on @NPRWeekend Edition: "CruelDec 14 22:32
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    irony .@JohnKiriakou is only #CIA agent n jailDec 14 22:32
TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou   related to #torture & he blew whistle on it."Dec 14 22:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:32
TweetSchestowitz@JamesRisen      From my lawyer, Joel Kurtzberg: "We have notDec 14 22:32
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    yet heard from the government. They have madeDec 14 22:32
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     us no offers. When they do, we will respond."Dec 14 22:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:32
TweetSchestowitz@jeremyscahill   Thurs in NYC, join me @ggreenwaldDec 14 22:32
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @PardissKebriaei @IFCCenter for @DirtyWarsDec 14 22:32
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     showing & CIA torture report discussionDec 14 22:32
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 22:32
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:32
TweetSchestowitz@FrancisJeffrey7  @schestowitz Massive, crooked GOP response toDec 14 22:36
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Torture Report, still obfuscating that TortureDec 14 22:36
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    was after (false) evidence justifying Iraq War.Dec 14 22:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:36
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        Cultivating #ClimateJustice Through Compost:Dec 14 22:36
TweetSchestowitz                 The Story of #Hernani - 14 22:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 22:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:36
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     British and international newspapers nowDec 14 22:36
TweetSchestowitz                 release "official" photos of welfare ("Royal")Dec 14 22:36
TweetSchestowitz                 baby of unemployed parents whom we subsidise.Dec 14 22:36
TweetSchestowitz                 :-)Dec 14 22:36
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:36
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot        Spanish Media Group Wants Gov't Help To KeepDec 14 22:45
TweetSchestowitz                 Google News In Spain 14 22:45
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 22:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:45
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       The high cost of low-priced oil -Dec 14 22:45
TweetSchestowitz        14 22:45
TweetSchestowitz                 ( intriguingDec 14 22:45
TweetSchestowitz                 analysisDec 14 22:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:45
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz     Links 14/12/2014: Calligra 2.9 Beta, Krita 2.9Dec 14 22:45
TweetSchestowitz                 Beta ( 14 22:45
TweetSchestowitz                 #techrightsDec 14 22:45
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:45
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Dec 14 22:49
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 22:50
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 14 22:50
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialDec 14 22:50
TweetSchestowitz@Cryptomeorg     Only CIA Agent Jailed for Torture Program IsDec 14 22:51
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Whistleblower Who Confirmed Its Existence -Dec 14 22:51
TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou ( 14 22:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:51
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@markszaidesq No. <9/11 NSA conducted targetedDec 14 22:51
TweetSchestowitz                 SIGINT under FISA/12333/USSID. >9/11 massDec 14 22:51
TweetSchestowitz                 dragnet surveillance haystack enabledDec 14 22:51
TweetSchestowitz                 @bradmossesqDec 14 22:51
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:51
TweetSchestowitz@cstross         Sony Pictures have clearly never heard of theDec 14 22:53
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Streisand Effect: 14 22:53
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( —clue: cover-ups areDec 14 22:53
TweetSchestowitz                 incriminating!Dec 14 22:53
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 22:53
TweetSchestowitz@arzugeybulla    Baku in the USSR? #Azerbaijan could be set toDec 14 23:00
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    abandon West and head EastDec 14 23:00
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( alsoDec 14 23:00
TweetSchestowitz                 on #KhadijaIsmayil #FreeKhadijaDec 14 23:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:00
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      So are Broncos lying about Peyton tweaking hisDec 14 23:00
TweetSchestowitz                 back when he stupidly threw that block?Dec 14 23:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:00
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq No legal nuances. >9/11Dec 14 23:00
TweetSchestowitz                 eyewitness to NSA enabled by secret massDec 14 23:00
TweetSchestowitz                 surveillance. Entire world targeted w/ partnersDec 14 23:00
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 23:00
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:00
TweetSchestowitz@mattdpearce     Here's a copy of Sony's letter asking newsDec 14 23:02
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    organizations to destroy the hacked documents:Dec 14 23:02
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody 14 23:02
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 23:02
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:02
TweetSchestowitz@florianklenk    Die Justiz sucht jetzt meine Informanten, dieDec 14 23:08
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    die Gefängnisskandale aufdeckten. Sie sollenDec 14 23:08
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Kriminelle sein: 14 23:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:08
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@bradmossesq OGC briefs on ethics, code ofDec 14 23:08
TweetSchestowitz                 conduct&financial reqs. When asking aboutDec 14 23:08
TweetSchestowitz                 domestic dragnet told legal, WH approvedDec 14 23:08
TweetSchestowitz                 @markszaidesqDec 14 23:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:08
TweetSchestowitz@ChrisLynnHedges  #GeorgeOrwell #TortureReportDec 14 23:08
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by 14 23:08
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Dec 14 23:08
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:08
TweetSchestowitz@ChrisLynnHedges  #PhilipElliotSlater 14 23:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Dec 14 23:09
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Dec 14 23:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:09
TweetSchestowitz@ChrisLynnHedges  "The public is not to see where power lies, howDec 14 23:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    it shapes policy & for what ends. Rather peopleDec 14 23:09
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  are to hate & fear one another."— N. ChomskyDec 14 23:09
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:09
TweetSchestowitz@martinclinton   "The legal system no longer functions toDec 14 23:10
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    protect ordinary Americans" - @chrislynnhedgesDec 14 23:10
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 ( 14 23:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:10
TweetSchestowitz@ChrisLynnHedges  #PoliceState 14 23:10
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Dec 14 23:10
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Dec 14 23:10
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:10
TweetSchestowitz@ChrisLynnHedges  Just a reminder, US funded torture inDec 14 23:11
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Uzbekistan featured rape with broken bottles,Dec 14 23:11
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  boiling young men alive. 14 23:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 23:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:11
TweetSchestowitz@ChrisLynnHedges  #TortureReport #GoreVidalDec 14 23:11
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by 14 23:11
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Dec 14 23:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:11
TweetSchestowitz@ChrisLynnHedges  Wonder where he his now... oh right.Dec 14 23:11
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by 14 23:11
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Dec 14 23:11
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:11
TweetSchestowitz@ChrisLynnHedges  From @NaomiAKlein's Shock Doctrine:Dec 14 23:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by 14 23:13
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Dec 14 23:13
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:13
TweetSchestowitz@ChrisLynnHedges  "The propagandist's purpose is to make one setDec 14 23:27
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    of people forget that certain other sets ofDec 14 23:27
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  people are human." - Aldous HuxleyDec 14 23:27
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:27
TweetSchestowitz@truthout        US Faulted for Undermining Torture Convention:Dec 14 23:27
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 23:27
TweetSchestowitz                 #TortureReport #UnitedNations #HumanRightsDec 14 23:27
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:27
*TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 retweeted @truthout: 'US Faulted for Undermining Torture Convention: #TortureReport...'Dec 14 23:34
TweetSchestowitz@cacildanc       'Le Monde' chama Bolsonaro de 'homofóbico,Dec 14 23:37
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    misógino e racista' 14 23:37
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     (error) [@AncelmoCom] 14 23:37
TweetSchestowitz                 via @lannamoraisDec 14 23:37
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:37
TweetSchestowitz@jsantana61      Bolsonaro choca mídia internacional:Dec 14 23:40
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    ‘homofóbico, misógino e racista’; 'vergonhaDec 14 23:40
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     nacional única' -Dec 14 23:40
TweetSchestowitz        14 23:40
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 14 23:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:40
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   "castigating the CIA for doing what theDec 14 23:40
TweetSchestowitz                 president ordered them to do & the JusticeDec 14 23:40
TweetSchestowitz                 Department said was legal"-CheneyDec 14 23:40
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 23:40
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:40
TweetSchestowitz@PolitiFact      False. Dick Cheney says Saddam Hussein 'had aDec 14 23:46
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    10-year relationship with al-Qaida'Dec 14 23:46
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 ( viaDec 14 23:46
TweetSchestowitz                 @PunditFactDec 14 23:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:46
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody       Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 141213 -Dec 14 23:46
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 23:46
TweetSchestowitz                 yesterday's tweets as a single Web pageDec 14 23:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:46
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Will Government Try to Expose James Risen toDec 14 23:46
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Jeffrey Sterling Cross-Examination about HisDec 14 23:46
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Sources?Dec 14 23:46
TweetSchestowitz                 Dec 14 23:46
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 23:46
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:46
TweetSchestowitz@HelpSnowden     Edward Snowden Receives Another Human RightsDec 14 23:47
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    AwardDec 14 23:47
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     Dec 14 23:47
TweetSchestowitz                 #Snowden @ggreenwald @laurapoitrasDec 14 23:47
TweetSchestowitz        … ( 14 23:47
TweetSchestowitz        14 23:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:47
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      When Cheney says torture "worked" remember theyDec 14 23:47
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    set out to exploit, not interrogate, detainees.Dec 14 23:47
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 ( 14 23:47
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:47
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      We SHOULD be talking abt accountability forDec 14 23:48
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    4,000 Americans & 100s of 1000s of IraqisDec 14 23:48
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  killed based in part on claims derived frDec 14 23:48
TweetSchestowitz                 tortureDec 14 23:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:48
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Meet the Press: Bringing you 12 years ofDec 14 23:48
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    unchallenged Dick Cheney claims Iraq had tiesDec 14 23:48
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  to Al Qarda, masquerading as hard-hittingDec 14 23:48
TweetSchestowitz                 journalism.Dec 14 23:48
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:48
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Unless I'm mistaken, Chuck Todd did not askDec 14 23:49
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Cheney why he thinks anal rape keeps countryDec 14 23:49
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  safe.Dec 14 23:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:49
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Chuck Todd asks Dick why he did what 20 yearsDec 14 23:49
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    ago he said one should never do in Iraq, and heDec 14 23:49
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  says 9/11 happened.Dec 14 23:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:49
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Cheney says Obama shouldn't pardon theDec 14 23:49
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    torturers bc no crime was committed. (He wasn'tDec 14 23:49
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  gonna in any way)Dec 14 23:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:49
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Dick: "Jose Rodriguez was one of theDec 14 23:49
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    outstanding officers in the agency."Dec 14 23:49
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  (Rodriguez flew around w/Dick's bags of bribes)Dec 14 23:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:49
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Dick Cheney says we had to use unlawful acts ofDec 14 23:49
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    war, torture, because terrorists conductedDec 14 23:49
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  unlawful acts of war against us.Dec 14 23:49
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:49
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Here's Eric Fair, only interrogator on SundayDec 14 23:55
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    shows (kudos, ABC), talking abt damage ofDec 14 23:55
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  coercive interrogationsDec 14 23:55
TweetSchestowitz        ( 14 23:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:55
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel      Glenn Carle wrote an entire book aboutDec 14 23:55
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    objecting to CIA's use of torture. Sunday showDec 14 23:55
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  bookers couldn't even find him?Dec 14 23:55
TweetSchestowitz........................................ 14 23:55
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1   .@anubiszz American exceptionalism coversDec 14 23:55
TweetSchestowitz                 misdeeds & depravities of Empire & sanitizesDec 14 23:55