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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: March 22nd, 2015-March 28th, 2015

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*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrightsMar 21 23:49
schestowitz 22 00:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Aungaungsittwe: @schestowitz In some places, Pentagon fight against #terrorism but in some like in #Myanmar,it praise #terrorism as if #democracy reform,whyMar 22 00:18
msb_ 22 02:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Washington’s War on Russia » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names [ ]Mar 22 02:24
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsMar 22 02:48
DaemonFC 22 02:48
MinceRpity the galaxy s6* aren't even waterproofMar 22 02:53
MinceRalso, they have no memory card slot or removable batteryMar 22 02:54
MinceRall that for an impractical metal frame and counterproductive glass backMar 22 02:54
DaemonFC 22 03:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Customer Discussions: The Indiana government wants to destroy a Native American burial site to construct a pointless reservoir. [ ]Mar 22 03:07
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Mar 22 03:08
DaemonFCThe Republicans remind me of that pet shop in that episode of South Park.Mar 22 03:08
DaemonFC"You built your pet shop on an Indian burial ground!?"Mar 22 03:08
DaemonFCShop Owner: "Yeah, but it's OK. I dug them up, urinated on them, and stuck them back in the ground upside down first."Mar 22 03:08
MinceR 22 03:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | QDB: Quote #301866Mar 22 03:17
MinceRgnMar 22 03:39
*balrog has quit (Excess Flood)Mar 22 04:05
*balrog (~balrog@discferret/developer/balrog) has joined #techrightsMar 22 04:06
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 22 04:23
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Mar 22 06:17
*msb_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 22 06:23
*msb_ ( has joined #techrightsMar 22 06:23
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Mar 22 06:23
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsMar 22 06:24
*prurigro has quit (*.net *.split)Mar 22 06:27
*amarsh04 ( has joined #techrightsMar 22 06:29
*prurigro ( has joined #techrightsMar 22 06:46
*jono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 22 06:51
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsMar 22 06:52
schestowitz 22 08:09
schestowitzMinceR: good morning...Mar 22 08:09
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsMar 22 08:17
DaemonFCMinceR, I don't know if I'm going to upgrade my phone or not this year.Mar 22 09:40
DaemonFCI might just switch to a cheaper plan and keep it for another year or two. It'll be paid for.Mar 22 09:41
cubexyzUEFI and HDMI both have nasty stuff embedded inside themMar 22 10:11
cubexyzthere's a general attack on computing nowMar 22 10:11
cubexyzeven TVO uses DRM, it's a bad jokeMar 22 10:12
cubexyzeducational shows with DRMMar 22 10:12
cubexyzand if you have an older HDTV which is not HDCP compliant you can't watch some shows at allMar 22 10:14
cubexyzBell is using silverlight for online content...Mar 22 10:14
cubexyzit's a frigging messMar 22 10:14
cubexyzthey're trying to turn everything into an unknowable black boxMar 22 10:22
cubexyzit will probably be the case that we need to avoid devices with "designed for windows 8/10/etc"Mar 22 10:28
cubexyzlook for ones without the stickerMar 22 10:28
cubexyzin fact, I could argue that there is actually two different Microsoft Taxes nowMar 22 10:29
cubexyzthe preloaded windows and the firmware itselfMar 22 10:29
cubexyzit's obvious from the leaked firmware code that it's all heavily microsoft-orientedMar 22 10:30
cubexyzlooking back into the history of BIOS I've found that originally this was not the caseMar 22 10:33
cubexyzbut soon afterwards guess what happened?Mar 22 10:35
cubexyzIBM used microsoft assemblerMar 22 10:35
cubexyzoriginally it was Intel ASM86 for the IBM PCMar 22 10:35
cubexyzIBM PC AT BIOS was assembled by MASM 1.0 under DOSMar 22 10:36
cubexyzso even in the BIOS era Microsoft had a lot of influence, it's not something that just started recentlyMar 22 10:37
cubexyzto get away from Microsoft's influence you need to go outside of the x86 worldMar 22 10:38
cubexyzROM BASIC source code has never been publishedMar 22 10:40
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrightsMar 22 10:42
cubexyzif OEMs want the "made for windows" sticker ... the obvious next step for Microsoft is to pressure them to make it impossible to disable secure bootMar 22 10:44
cubexyzFedora's using a microsoft key isn't a good answer at allMar 22 10:46
cubexyzan example of the recent situation:Mar 22 10:48
cubexyz 22 10:48
cubexyzI think Matthew Garrett has a method that will delete all existing keys and replace them with your own keysMar 22 10:58
cubexyzyou could even create a system that will boot Fedora and not windowsMar 22 10:58
cubexyzunfortunately there are Microsoft signed UEFI drivers for graphics cardsMar 22 10:59
schestowitzNewsCorp 22 11:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CIA torture report: US spy agency to focus on digital [ ]Mar 22 11:17
schestowitz 22 11:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@digital_human: @schestowitz @wikileaks maybe?..... :-}Mar 22 11:44
schestowitzI know about #germany involvement, not SwedenMar 22 11:44
msb_Maybe one way to fight back against all these UEFI-type attacks is to choose a good state-of-the-art sweet-spot CPU, like the AMD FX-8350, and a good mobo company like ASUS, and choose a good Nvidia graphics card, and get these companies to make a non- cpu, mobo, graphics combination -- each about $150-200 -- so Linux users Mar 22 12:02
msb_Maybe one way to fight back against all these UEFI-type attacks is to choose a good state-of-the-art sweet-spot CPU, like the AMD FX-8350, and a good mobo company like ASUS, and choose a good Nvidia graphics card, and get these companies to make a non-DRM  cpu, mobo, graphics combination -- each about $150-200 -- so Linux users users could build a good desktop computer.Mar 22 12:03
msb_It's easy enough to assemble a desktop.  I always do it.  And if each component costs $150-200, then the price/performance of the whole thing is optimized, and if one of the parts goes bad you can afford to buy a replacement for it.Mar 22 12:04
msb_Desktop mobos and cabinets use a standard form-factor -- I forget what it's called -- so it's easy to find a cabinet and power supply.Mar 22 12:06
cubexyzthere's only really three players in the UEFI game:Mar 22 12:08
msb_The point is, by settling on one good design for a general-purpose Linux computer (which of course would work for BSD too), we could make it worthwhile for these companies to manufacture what we need for it, regardless of Microsoft's attacks.Mar 22 12:08
cubexyzInsyde, Phoenix and AMIMar 22 12:09
msb_Or just get ASUS to make a mobo with a socketed ROM, so we can put CoreBoot in it.Mar 22 12:10
cubexyzI'm not sure what the deal is with UEFI and socketsMar 22 12:10
msb_EPROM  burners are cheap.  LUGs could each have one and burn the EPROMs,Mar 22 12:11
cubexyzmost of the new stuff I fear is surface mountedMar 22 12:12
cubexyzit's not a problem for old stuff (yes back to old stuff again)Mar 22 12:12
msb_Get ASUS to make one good AMD mobo with a socket that just disregards UEFI.Mar 22 12:12
msb_These mobos would NOT be designed to run Mar 22 12:12
msb_These mobos would NOT be designed to run Windows.Mar 22 12:12
msb_So would not need UEFI at all.Mar 22 12:13
msb_ASUS would just have to make one good mobo for an AMD FX-8350 with an EPROM socket, and hundreds of thousands of Linux users would buy it.Mar 22 12:15
schestowitz 22 12:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@digital_human: @schestowitz @wikileaks well there is a lot going on in Sweden atm in relation to the US.Mar 22 12:15
cubexyzI wonder what will happen if you change your motherboard on Windows 10Mar 22 12:15
cubexyzyour UEFI will changeMar 22 12:16
cubexyzso do you have to reinstall the OS?Mar 22 12:16
msb_I think there must be lots of people who never want to run Windows at all.Mar 22 12:16
msb_I haven't used it for 20 years.Mar 22 12:17
cubexyzthere are some who will replace the mobo thoughMar 22 12:17
cubexyzright... just thinking about my customersMar 22 12:17
msb_Get your customers to switch to Linux.Mar 22 12:17
cubexyzI'd love to say all my customers are linux/bsd/plan 9Mar 22 12:17
cubexyzoh I try to do that :)Mar 22 12:17
cubexyzsome of them have chromebooks and Linux desktopsMar 22 12:18
cubexyzmsb_, I don't think you can avoid UEFI, all motherboards have that nowMar 22 12:18
cubexyzto avoid UEFI and use old BIOS you need old hardwareMar 22 12:19
XRevan86(15:15:50) cubexyz: I wonder what will happen if you change your motherboard on Windows 10Mar 22 12:20
XRevan86(15:16:05) cubexyz: your UEFI will changeMar 22 12:20
XRevan86What do you mean?Mar 22 12:20
msb_I'm saying get a lot of Linux users to promise ASUS that they will buy a non-UEFI mobo with an EPROM socket.  Thus make it profitable for ASUS to make one.Mar 22 12:20
cubexyzXRevan86, will it still run the OS Mar 22 12:20
msb_Linux and BSD usersMar 22 12:21
XRevan86cubexyz: If Windows was OEM, it'll become unactivated because key is stored in ACPI.Mar 22 12:21
XRevan86(actually, it'll become unactivated anyway because changing motherboard triggers that but if it's not OEM Microsoft will allow to reactivate it)Mar 22 12:21
cubexyzthe graphics chipset could be different tooMar 22 12:21
cubexyzso would it even run?Mar 22 12:22
XRevan86Graphics is not a problem.Mar 22 12:22
cubexyzI guess it could go into safe mode or somethingMar 22 12:22
XRevan86cubexyz: YeahMar 22 12:22
XRevan86Nothing UEFI-specific in all that.Mar 22 12:23
msb_People who just do general purpose computing do not need Windows.  There's enough FOSS to give them everything they need.Mar 22 12:24
msb_Commercial users who are using windows-specific programs can try to get the vendors to make them run under WINE.Mar 22 12:25
cubexyzPMON is still referred to as a "BIOS"Mar 22 12:25
cubexyzso Lemote might not have UEFIMar 22 12:25
XRevan86cubexyz: UEFI is a BIOS you know.Mar 22 12:25
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 22 12:26
msb_Gamers can either stay with MS or pressure the vendors to make Linux or WINE versions.Mar 22 12:26
cubexyzXRevan86, everyone says that UEFI is the replacment for BIOSMar 22 12:26
XRevan86cubexyz: It's a marketing way of saying things.Mar 22 12:26
cubexyze.g. it doesn't have the old limits of 16-bit mode and 1 megabyte of addressable memoryMar 22 12:27
XRevan86cubexyz: Yes, because UEFI suggest an other way for booting.Mar 22 12:28
XRevan86as a replacement for MBR ("Legacy BIOS")Mar 22 12:28
msb_If ASUS won't make one socketed non-UEFI mobo because they don't want to piss off microsoft, they could secretly license the requisite mobo design to some PCB fab company and they could make and sell it.Mar 22 12:29
XRevan86cubexyz: Still, every known BIOS for know support booting via MBR.Mar 22 12:29
XRevan86for now*Mar 22 12:29
cubexyzI wonder what the folks in the local computer stores would say if I asked for a mobo with socketed UEFIMar 22 12:30
cubexyzI'd probably get a blank stareMar 22 12:30
cubexyzI think there are all surface mount nowadaysMar 22 12:30
XRevan86cubexyz: I don't know what socketed BIOS is, too %).Mar 22 12:31
cubexyzeh? It's pin in hole package you can remove Mar 22 12:31
cubexyzlike a DIPMar 22 12:31
cubexyzdual in-line packageMar 22 12:32
XRevan86cubexyz: What's the point for modern BIOS's?Mar 22 12:32
XRevan86which are reprogrammableMar 22 12:32
msb_It's a ZIF socket like for the CPU, but smaller.Mar 22 12:32
cubexyzprogrammable under Plan 9? programmable under any OS?Mar 22 12:32
XRevan86cubexyz: By the way, have you heard that UEFI is going to standardize reprogramming of BIOS's?Mar 22 12:33
cubexyzof course it's not, because you have no utilityMar 22 12:33
msb_cubexyz: with modern Linux, the current BIOSes don't impose any limits on disk or memory size, right?  Because Linux doesn't even use the BIOS after bootup.Mar 22 12:34
XRevan86msb_: Um, what?Mar 22 12:35
cubexyzXRevan86, how is it going to do that without an external programmer?Mar 22 12:35
cubexyzstandardize unde windows maybeMar 22 12:35
XRevan86cubexyz: In a way it works now.Mar 22 12:35
XRevan86cubexyz: That means one can write an utility all by himself.Mar 22 12:36
cubexyzok, that's a fair pointMar 22 12:36
cubexyzbut more difficult surelyMar 22 12:36
msb_I'm asking whether current BIOS will be good for bigger disks and RAM sizes in the foreseeable future for Linux.Mar 22 12:36
cubexyzobviously if I can remove the chip (whatever it is) I save myself from a bricked motherboard if something goes wrong or I'm in the middle of developmentMar 22 12:37
msb_It's a very basic question.Mar 22 12:37
cubexyzmsb_, there's a limit, I forget exactly what it isMar 22 12:37
XRevan86msb_: I'm trying to understand how can it be not %).Mar 22 12:37
cubexyzmy first coreboot project I bricked the board several timesMar 22 12:38
cubexyzso I removed the flash rom and reprogrammed it again until I got it workingMar 22 12:39
msb_On Linux bootup, all the BIOS has to access is the MBR on one disk, right?  So that disk could be 1000TB and it could still do it.Mar 22 12:39
XRevan86msb_: That's with MBR, right.Mar 22 12:39
XRevan86msb_: Oh, I see what limitation you're talking about.Mar 22 12:40
XRevan86it's a limitation not in BIOS but in a MBR partition table itselfMar 22 12:40
msb_So we don't even need a BIOS socket.  We just need ASUS to keep making an AMD-CPU mobo with the current BIOS.Mar 22 12:41
cubexyzI'd still rather have the source code for my firmwareMar 22 12:41
XRevan86msb_: So you'll get no limitation neither with UEFI bootup (because it recommends GPT by default) nor with MBR bootup with GPT partition tableMar 22 12:41
msb_But Linux -- grub or whatever -- can write whatever we want in the MBR.Mar 22 12:41
msb_So GPT can handle any huge disks or RAM size we will be using in the foreseeable future -- before the Singularity?Mar 22 12:44
XRevan86msb_: It's not about handling.Mar 22 12:44
msb_what then?Mar 22 12:45
XRevan86msb_: MBR partition table can't bear long size numbersMar 22 12:45
XRevan86it's too small and unextendableMar 22 12:45
msb_So isn't there a substitute for MBR used by Linux for big disks?Mar 22 12:45
XRevan86> On GPT for disks with 512-byte sectors, maximum size is 9.4 ZBMar 22 12:45
XRevan86msb_: It's GPT.Mar 22 12:46
cubexyzit's probably some silly coding limitationMar 22 12:46
XRevan86GRUB can work with GPT without UEFI on MBR bootup.Mar 22 12:46
cubexyzthere's no reason why things couldn't be modded to work with bigger drivesMar 22 12:47
msb_OK, I'm happy with 9.4ZB.  That's probably enough for me to upload into.Mar 22 12:47
XRevan86cubexyz: Not with MBR for sure.Mar 22 12:48
XRevan86unless you use some hack with partitioningMar 22 12:48
XRevan86but you can aswell use GPT :)Mar 22 12:48
cubexyzright, that's probably why no one bothered (that I know of)Mar 22 12:49
msb_OK, now please summarize for me, because I don't know this stuff.  Linux can now write a GPT on a huge disk, and plenty of mobos now will use it.  Is that right?Mar 22 12:49
XRevan86msb_: What's a mobo?Mar 22 12:50
msb_motherboardMar 22 12:50
XRevan86msb_: I think I need a more abstract way of telling things :)Mar 22 12:50
msb_Esperanto?Mar 22 12:51
XRevan86MBR is an old standard for storing boot information including partition table and execution code (bootloader).Mar 22 12:51
msb_I understand that.Mar 22 12:52
XRevan86it has a size of 512 bytes where first 446 are the bootloaderMar 22 12:52
msb_And GPT is a new standard that works for much bigger disks, right?Mar 22 12:52
XRevan86Anyway, point is that partition table in MBR has a limitation of size in 2 TiBMar 22 12:52
XRevan86GPT is a partition table that has no such limitationMar 22 12:53
cubexyzbtw the 512 byte boot loader predates microsoft Mar 22 12:53
msb_But LInux can write a GPT onto a drive, yes?Mar 22 12:53
XRevan86msb_: sureMar 22 12:53
XRevan86UEFI standard prescibes to use GPT.Mar 22 12:53
XRevan86Without UEFI with MBR bootloading GRUB can work with GPTMar 22 12:54
XRevan86and it can't load Windows because Windows sucks so very much it can't abstract GPT support code from UEFI support code.Mar 22 12:54
cubexyzin the old days you had uboot.s and assembled that to generate the 512 byte boot loaderMar 22 12:55
XRevan86cubexyz: 446 byte :)Mar 22 12:55
cubexyzok, but the file itself is 512 bytesMar 22 12:56
cubexyzI know because I assembled itMar 22 12:56
msb_So as long as ASUS continues to make one good mobo for AMD CPUs (fuck Intel) that can take 32GB or so of DDR3 RAM, and has a UEFI/BIOS/whatever-you-call it that can access a GPT, then Linux users are OK.  Is that right?Mar 22 12:56
cubexyzthe partition table is 64 bytes yesMar 22 12:57
XRevan86cubexyz: Maybe it also has the partition table for some reason?Mar 22 12:57
cubexyzXRevan86, it does yesMar 22 12:57
XRevan86don't see a reason to put it into a file for flashingMar 22 12:57
XRevan86dd doesn't care whether to copy 446 or 512 bytes.Mar 22 12:57
XRevan86msb_: Linux users are okay in either way :).Mar 22 12:58
msb_XRevan86: either?Mar 22 12:58
XRevan86msb_: Linux user can use GPT everywhere.Mar 22 12:59
cubexyzXRevan86, all the PDP-11 documents say to load 512 bytes into locations 0-776 then start program execution at 0Mar 22 12:59
cubexyzI think the only different way is paper tapeMar 22 13:00
XRevan86cubexyz: Maybe they also hack the partition table and put it into that file.Mar 22 13:00
XRevan86or not fileMar 22 13:00
msb_cubexyz: Do you actually _have_ a PDP-11, not just some simulator or FPGA version?Mar 22 13:00
cubexyzit is a file... the assembled uboot.s Mar 22 13:00
msb_cubexyz: Because I think you should get one.Mar 22 13:01
msb_It's your nirvana.Mar 22 13:01
msb_Get one with VM so it will run Linux.Mar 22 13:01
XRevan86My point is that when you already have a MBR record, you don't have to touch last bytes just to alter first 446Mar 22 13:02
msb_It can be argued that the PDP-11 instruction set is the best ever designed, right?Mar 22 13:03
cubexyzmsb_, I think it's important that people know there's a history of computers that has nothing to do with microsoftMar 22 13:04
msb_And I'll bet modern Linux is so modular that you could make the kernel run on a PDP-11.Mar 22 13:04
cubexyzreal PDP-11's are hard to come by nowMar 22 13:04
msb_You can't get an old 11/70 for $5K or so?Mar 22 13:04
cubexyzwell for 5 grand yes, maybe $2K would be enoughMar 22 13:05
msb_I knew a guy who had a DG Eclipse in his garage.Mar 22 13:05
cubexyzbut it would be power hungry and the mag core could be troublesome, so I run simh insteadMar 22 13:05
msb_Well, shit, snap it up, along with whatever spares you can find.Mar 22 13:05
cubexyzI was thinking microvax would be better, rather than an old PDP-11Mar 22 13:06
cubexyzwe'll seeMar 22 13:06
msb_11/70s still used core mem?Mar 22 13:06
cubexyzearly ones didMar 22 13:06
cubexyzlater ones probably notMar 22 13:06
cubexyzthere were several versionsMar 22 13:07
cubexyzSSI CPU would be interesting to have Mar 22 13:07
msb_Anyhow, it's probably just the driver chips that go out on those, and they're easy to replace.  I've done it.Mar 22 13:07
cubexyzmicrovax I could get for $300 maybeMar 22 13:08
msb_12AX7 CPU even more interesting.Mar 22 13:08
msb_How fast are those?Mar 22 13:08
cubexyzmy timing was bad, I didn't appreciate the old tech when it was cheapMar 22 13:08
msb_Is a microvax a single-chip cpu?Mar 22 13:09
cubexyzdepends on the modelMar 22 13:09
cubexyzMicroVAX 3100 was KA41-A running at 11 mhzMar 22 13:09
msb_So about 1/200th the speed of a modern cpu?Mar 22 13:10
msb_or lessMar 22 13:10
cubexyzit's still VLSIMar 22 13:10
msb_in  mips or whateverMar 22 13:10
cubexyzso microprocessorMar 22 13:11
cubexyzSCSI 50 pin drivesMar 22 13:12
cubexyznot that hard get thoseMar 22 13:12
msb_but if it only does about one instruction per clock cycle, and has an 11MHz clock, while current cpus have an 8800 MHz clock (I'm guessing here) then a uvax is 1/800 of thespeed of a current cpu.Mar 22 13:12
msb_It could take 10 minutes for firefox to run up a page.Mar 22 13:13
cubexyzwell I figure it would be roughly similar to a 286 running XenixMar 22 13:14
cubexyzmaybe a bit slowerMar 22 13:14
cubexyzwell, not enough memory to run firefox, I wouldn't even consider it :)Mar 22 13:15
msb_A lot of progress has been made since then.Mar 22 13:15
cubexyzmaybe some text based browserMar 22 13:15
cubexyzI run emulated 2.11BSD which isn't bad, but no web browserMar 22 13:15
cubexyzit has tcp/ip with ftp, ntp, ping, telnet, and sendmailMar 22 13:17
msb_Please, everybody, watch Transcendent Man (2009) and then Transcendence (2014).  They will change your life!Mar 22 13:17
msb_Both can be found if you look for them.Mar 22 13:18
msb_We are Linux users.  We are already outlaws!Mar 22 13:19
cubexyzprobably DEC Alpha would be closer to a modern CPUMar 22 13:20
cubexyzAlpha got phased out when Compaq bought DEC in 1998Mar 22 13:21
cubexyzso welcome to x86-only landMar 22 13:21
msb_Antitrust (2001) is also a must-see.  It is also available.  Maybe it will convince some of your customers to switch from windows to Linux.Mar 22 13:25
cubexyzthey have hung around me long enough to know the score :)Mar 22 13:26
cubexyzbut I'll mention the movie to themMar 22 13:26
cubexyzas I said, they have started buying chromebooks (and a few have Fedora boxes) so it's a startMar 22 13:26
cubexyzI also sold some Dell laptops with Fedora and WindowsMar 22 13:27
cubexyzit's interesting the historical prespective of different peopleMar 22 13:28
cubexyzthe Sun guys used to think DEC was the "bad guy"Mar 22 13:29
msb_I think we should try to stay away from Fedora.  systemd is another sabotage job against Linux.Mar 22 13:29
cubexyzmsb_, this was pre-systemd eraMar 22 13:29
msb_rightMar 22 13:29
cubexyzI wouldn't suggest it nowMar 22 13:29
msb_No KDE4/5/Plasma either.  That was designed to kill multiple named virtual desktops, one of the most important features of Linux.Mar 22 13:30
msb_Greatly improves mind extension via the computer.Mar 22 13:31
msb_Now use Trinity DE -- 22 13:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Mar 22 13:32
msb_Now use Trinity DE -- 22 13:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Trinity Desktop EnvironmentMar 22 13:33
XRevan86 22 13:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Use KDE Plasma Activities [ ]Mar 22 13:33
msb_Bot doesn't like https?Mar 22 13:33
XRevan86 22 13:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Plasma - KDE UserBase Wiki [ ]Mar 22 13:34
msb_XRevan86: How would I get 20 different _named_ "activities" (spit!) with a switcher applet in the same position in each one, and the names visible in the switcher buttons?  Like I have in KDE3/Trinity.  Because the KDE4 experts I talked to said they don't use lots of named desktops.Mar 22 13:38
XRevan86msb_: No idea, I don't have KDE around.Mar 22 13:40
msb_The german guy in charge of the KDE4 window manager wrote 4 or 5 web articles telling the Trinity people to go kill themselves (or at least the project).  KDE4 is EVIL.Mar 22 13:40
msb_XRevan86: Right, you can't.  Because the desktop names are overwritten with garbage in the switcher applet buttons.Mar 22 13:41
msb_KDE4 and systemd are both designed to sabotage Linux.Mar 22 13:41
msb_I don't need a GD "dashboard" or different (or any) wallpapers.Mar 22 13:43
msb_And any "widgets" I want (whatever they mean by that) can be called via icons in a panel or with a script.Mar 22 13:44
msb_Ten years ago when I asked (intelligent) Linux users what feature was most important to them, they said multiple desktops in KDE3.  Mar 22 13:45
msb_So KDE4 killed that.Mar 22 13:46
msb_Trinity DE is under active maintenance/development, is available for major distros, and the source is easily accessible.Mar 22 13:49
msb_If you have to load a few extra libraries for it, well, suck it!Mar 22 13:49
msb_That's why Linux is flexible.Mar 22 13:49
msb_So you can get the functionality you want.Mar 22 13:50
msb_And Trinity will never require systemd.Mar 22 13:51
msb_Alright, I will stop now and take a pill.Mar 22 13:52
XRevan86msb_: I think I need to check Plasma 5 out :).Mar 22 13:53
msb_Be sure to run it with systemd!Mar 22 13:54
msb_and pulseaudioMar 22 13:54
XRevan86msb_: I have both.Mar 22 13:54
XRevan86And copy of my current environment is booted up.Mar 22 13:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Wine 1.7.39 Released With 24 Bug Fixes AndMar 22 13:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Improvements, Install In Ubuntu/Linux MintMar 22 13:56
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 13:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 22 13:56
msb_Don't miss this article: 22 13:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wine 1.7.39 Released With 24 Bug Fixes And Improvements, Install In Ubuntu/Linux Mint | Tux MachinesMar 22 13:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Washington’s War on Russia » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names [ ]Mar 22 13:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Netscape: the web browser that came back toMar 22 13:57
TweetTuxMachines                 haunt Microsoft 22 13:57
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Netscape: the web browser that came back to haunt Microsoft | Tux MachinesMar 22 13:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 22 13:57
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesMar 22 13:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 22 13:57
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesMar 22 13:57
cubexyzmsb_, in the 'old' days there was this:Mar 22 14:31
cubexyz 22 14:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | System Management Mode - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ]Mar 22 14:31
XRevan86msb_: Can you give a screenshot of your KDE? :)Mar 22 14:32
msb_cubexyz: InterestingMar 22 14:34
msb_XRevan86: what program records a whole screen?Mar 22 14:41
XRevan86msb_: scrot, ksnapshot, xfce4-screenshooter, mate-screenshoot…Mar 22 14:42
cubexyz 22 14:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Mar 22 14:43
cubexyzthere's one of mine :)Mar 22 14:43
XRevan86cubexyz: 404 :)Mar 22 14:45
cubexyzI never used the system management daughter cardMar 22 14:45
cubexyz 22 14:45
cubexyztypoMar 22 14:45
XRevan86Anyway, msb_ has special KDE with many desktops so I want to look at itMar 22 14:45
XRevan86and mimic it if possible using modern PlasmaMar 22 14:47
cubexyzwith the SMDC card you can monitor your server even if the OS failsMar 22 14:49
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrightsMar 22 14:51
msb_XRevan86: 22 14:55
*siel has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 22 14:56
cubexyzcoolMar 22 14:57
cubexyzlet's see a screenshot from XRevan86 Mar 22 14:57
cubexyz 22 14:59
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Software 22 14:59
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux MachinesMar 22 14:59
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Android Leftovers 22 14:59
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesMar 22 14:59
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Links 22/3/2015: GNOME 3.16 Shaping Up,Mar 22 14:59
TweetTuxMachines                 LibrePlanet 2015 22 14:59
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 14:59
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 22/3/2015: GNOME 3.16 Shaping Up, LibrePlanet 2015 | TechrightsMar 22 14:59
msb_It's plain old KDE3.  Bottom panel (same in all desktops) has main menu and a few app icons, desktop switcher, notifiers, clockcal.  Top panel is taskbar.  SimpleMar 22 15:00
*siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrightsMar 22 15:01
msb_I have 139 user processes plus 24 instances of konsole (which all run out of a single process).Mar 22 15:08
msb_cpu usage is about 12%, mostly Firefox, which has 5 windows and hundreds of tabsMar 22 15:10
msb_By leaving several konsole/mc instances running in each desktop, I have instant access to various (you should excuse the expression) activities within each desktop.  All these use little or no cpu when I'm not using them.Mar 22 15:13
msb_For example, in the TVRec(ording) desktop I have the recorder (mencoder), the (ongoing instant) playback (mplayer), and an instance of top so I can get the PIDs of these and set their priorities high (since my old two-core cpu gets 90% used making xvids).Mar 22 15:17
msb_That's the desktop shown.Mar 22 15:17
msb_The TV recording and immediate playback are done with scripts that call mencoder and mplayer.  I also have a direct tvview script that doesn't record.  These all have interlocks to pass the name of the recorded file and avoid stepping on each other.Mar 22 15:21
msb_The TV card was about $25, 50% off at Fry's.  8^)Mar 22 15:23
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Mar 22 15:24
XRevan86Plasma 5 is horribleMar 22 15:24
msb_Big surprise.Mar 22 15:24
XRevan86 22 15:25
msb_See those rectangles in the switcher button for the Mail desktop?  (Hey, you stole my desktop names!)  Those rectangles are stupid window outlines, and once you have a few of them the desktop names in the buttons become unreadable.Mar 22 15:28
*amarsh04 ( has joined #techrightsMar 22 15:28
cubexyzhahaMar 22 15:28
XRevan86msb_: Nope, still readable. And they are almost hidden when desktop is changed.Mar 22 15:30
msb_I hacked the switcher code to remove the rectangles, but the KDE4 devs weren't interested.  They said they didn't use desktops at all, just "activities" (pfui!).Mar 22 15:30
cubexyzhere's a classy pre-microsoft picture:Mar 22 15:31
cubexyz 22 15:31
msb_XRevan86: Your picture was taken with only two windows in one desktop.Mar 22 15:31
XRevan86msb_: I know, I've checked afterwardsMar 22 15:31
XRevan86msb_: I'll make another screenshot after I'd figure out how to remove cashewsMar 22 15:32
msb_Yeah, WTF are those for anyhow?Mar 22 15:32
cubexyzsnacks?Mar 22 15:33
cubexyz:)Mar 22 15:33
msb_IBM-1401 -- 4 huge magtapes, a card reader and a lineprinter!Mar 22 15:36
cubexyzyeah!Mar 22 15:36
cubexyzand a huge consoleMar 22 15:37
msb_This one stored everything in mercury delaylines in hyperspace: 22 15:37
msb_And some storage tubes.Mar 22 15:37
cubexyzmine pic is real :)Mar 22 15:37
cubexyzmyMar 22 15:38
msb_And an IBM babe in a matching blue dress!Mar 22 15:38
cubexyzwith teletype interface and Fortran :)Mar 22 15:39
cubexyzyeah they really went with lots of blue thereMar 22 15:39
cubexyzI bet that old fart knows machine language :)Mar 22 15:40
XRevan86eh, scriptengines are not available in openSUSE for Plasma5Mar 22 15:40
XRevan86can't tell if cashews are removable with old good extension or notMar 22 15:40
msb_cubexyz: Fortran at the very least!Mar 22 15:42
msb_KDE4 cashews are added crap just for the sake of adding crap.  They do that a lot.Mar 22 15:43
XRevan86 22 15:44
XRevan86msb_: That's what it's like to have windows on other desktops.Mar 22 15:45
msb_There was s--t in there I was never able to figure out, and that was only in version 4.6Mar 22 15:45
msb_Try having 5 windows of various sizes in most of the desktops.Mar 22 15:46
msb_Since switching desktops is one of the most frequent things I do, I don't like having to deal with pointless eyestrain when I do it.Mar 22 15:46
msb_XRevan86: And make sure they overlap a lot.Mar 22 15:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     #Canonical Goes to Bed With Company That SuesMar 22 15:48
TweetTuxMachines                 #Linux Using Software Patents and CopyrightsMar 22 15:48
TweetTuxMachines                 (Through #SCO)Mar 22 15:48
TweetTuxMachines        ( #swpatsMar 22 15:48
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 22 15:48
*TweetTuxMachines @sizeof favourited '#Canonical Goes to Bed With Company That Sues...'Mar 22 15:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Canonical Goes to Bed With Company That Sues Linux Using Software Patents and Copyrights (Through SCO) | TechrightsMar 22 15:48
msb_Doesn't Ubuntu have a store where they _sell_ apps?Mar 22 15:50
msb_KDE4 has some kind of icon in the panel that looks like a smashed up car, and when you click it most of the windows disappear. ?? Maybe it's actually a cashew covered in mold.Mar 22 15:54
XRevan86msb_: I can't bear it anymore.Mar 22 15:55
msb_It's EVIL I tell you!Mar 22 15:55
msb_So why did every distro immediately adopt KDE4 and dump KDE3?  (Except SuSE, which still keeps KDE3, at least it did in version 3.1.)Mar 22 15:58
msb_Just like every distro adopted systemd and dumped sysVinit.  Did somebody threaten their families?Mar 22 15:59
msb_XRevan86: This is why I assign ZERO weight to the newer-is-better criterion.Mar 22 16:01
msb_It allows any saboteur to poetter around with your system.Mar 22 16:01
cubexyzmy point exactlyMar 22 16:03
cubexyznewer is better... sometimesMar 22 16:05
cubexyzI remember one old guy going on and on about 1940s cars and how 1950s cars were rubbishMar 22 16:05
msb_There are tens of thousands of people inventing useless new crap simply to justify their salaries.Mar 22 16:05
cubexyzthat's planned obsolescenceMar 22 16:06
cubexyzit's been around quite a long time, but it's worse nowMar 22 16:06
msb_immediate obsolescenceMar 22 16:06
cubexyzI still have my 1997 laserjetMar 22 16:07
cubexyzworks good Mar 22 16:07
msb_it's crapitalismMar 22 16:07
cubexyzsome of my DEC crazy associates have decwritersMar 22 16:08
cubexyzthen I hear about the opposite, one shoe repair guy still uses 1920s technologyMar 22 16:08
cubexyzno reason you have to use latest and greatestMar 22 16:09
msb_The steam-powered shoe buffers were the best!Mar 22 16:10
cubexyza shoe iron doesn't really wear outMar 22 16:11
msb_I watched a very weird anime' yesterday called Steamboy.  All weird steam technology.Mar 22 16:11
cubexyzI think there's a novel about Babbage era technologyMar 22 16:13
cubexyza sort of what if the Babbage computer was successful sort of thingMar 22 16:13
msb_For a while DEC displays were round.  I liked that.Mar 22 16:13
cubexyzit's the natural form factor for early CRTsMar 22 16:16
cubexyzconical CRT is easier to makeMar 22 16:16
msb_Apparently photographers in 1860 didn't tell people to smile.  Or maybe he died in 1859. 22 16:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Charles Babbage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ]Mar 22 16:17
msb_cubexyz: right -- convex surfaces withstand the pressure betterMar 22 16:17
cubexyzI think that was due to the long exposure time of cameras of that era, but yeah Babbage looks a bit grumpy in that picMar 22 16:18
cubexyzI think I remember seeing some 1950s or older ... it looked like the monitor was circular but cut off at the top and bottomMar 22 16:20
cubexyz1950s tv setsMar 22 16:21
cubexyznot really cut off but hidden by the bezelMar 22 16:21
msb_Lots of Babbage-oriented fiction: 22 16:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Analytical Engine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ]Mar 22 16:30
schestowitz 22 16:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Messgorough: @schestowitz With BRICS it might just happen.Mar 22 16:33
msb_schestowitz: What an idiot!  We now know that Venezuela is the real menace to the US!Mar 22 16:45
msb_They are secretly planning to all fart in our general direction!Mar 22 16:46
MinceRgeekingsMar 22 17:33
MinceRit's possible to be told to smile and yet not smileMar 22 17:34
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Quit: ◀▬▬ •••They Must've taken my marbles away••◀▬▬)Mar 22 17:40
cubexyz 22 17:45
MinceR 22 17:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IKEA named their new pillow cover Putin. - ImgurMar 22 17:53
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Plague Inc: Evolved Game Is Now For LinuxMar 22 17:56
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 17:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 22 17:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Plague Inc: Evolved Game Is Now For Linux | Tux MachinesMar 22 17:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Sébastien Jodogne, ReGlue are Free SoftwareMar 22 17:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Award winners 22 17:56
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 17:56
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sébastien Jodogne, ReGlue are Free Software Award winners | Tux MachinesMar 22 17:56
MinceR(probably fake though)Mar 22 17:56
cubexyzdon't forget you can buy The Evil Within at the microsoft storeMar 22 17:59
cubexyzjust look at this highly appealing ad:Mar 22 18:00
cubexyz 22 18:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Evil Within for Xbox | Xbox Canada [ ]Mar 22 18:00
MinceRschestowitz: which days do you want logs for?Mar 22 18:01
msb_If you have an Xbox you already have the Evil Within.Mar 22 18:11
cubexyz 22 18:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Setting Up The Raspberry PI 2  Mar 22 18:41
TweetTuxMachines        22 18:41
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 18:41
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Setting Up The Raspberry PI 2 « Everyday Linux UserMar 22 18:41
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GNOME’s Mutter Can Now Scale Window DecorationsMar 22 18:42
TweetTuxMachines                 on HiDPI DisplaysMar 22 18:42
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 18:42
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME’s Mutter Can Now Scale Window Decorations on HiDPI Displays - SoftpediaMar 22 18:42
*balrog has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 22 18:57
*balrog (~balrog@discferret/developer/balrog) has joined #techrightsMar 22 19:06
amarsh04msb_ I have steamboy but haven't watched it yetMar 22 19:11
msb_amarsh04: It's visually clever.  Plotwise confused.Mar 22 19:12
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrightsMar 22 19:13
msb_Not as good as Ghost in the Shell or Cowboy BebopMar 22 19:14
amarsh04ok... I've seen some of each of thoseMar 22 19:16
amarsh04but I like the music more than the anime - one can enjoy it while doing other thingsMar 22 19:16
*TweetTuxMachines @StephDAVOS favourited 'Setting Up The Raspberry PI 2 ...'Mar 22 19:37
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Setting Up The Raspberry PI 2Mar 22 19:39
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 19:39
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Setting Up The Raspberry PI 2 | Tux MachinesMar 22 19:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GNOME’s Mutter Can Now Scale Window DecorationsMar 22 19:39
TweetTuxMachines                 on HiDPI Displays 22 19:39
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 19:39
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME’s Mutter Can Now Scale Window Decorations on HiDPI Displays | Tux MachinesMar 22 19:40
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Today in Techrights 22 19:50
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 19:50
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesMar 22 19:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Pinguy OS 14.04.2 Point ReleaseMar 22 19:50
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 19:50
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 22 19:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pinguy OS 14.04.2 Point Release - Pinguy OSMar 22 19:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Manjaro KDE 0.9.0-pre5 edition releasedMar 22 19:50
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 19:50
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 22 19:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Manjaro KDE 0.9.0-pre5 edition released – Manjaro Linux – Enjoy the simplicityMar 22 19:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     4MLinux 11.1 Allinone Edition FINAL released.Mar 22 20:05
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 20:05
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 22 20:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 4MLinux Blog: NewsMar 22 20:05
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     YUMI- released 22 20:05
TweetTuxMachines                 ( "can be used to createMar 22 20:05
TweetTuxMachines                 a Multiboot USB Flash Drive containing multipleMar 22 20:05
TweetTuxMachines                 operating systems"Mar 22 20:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | YUMI- releasedMar 22 20:05
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 22 20:05
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     "AMD Is Hiring Two More Open-Source Linux GPUMar 22 20:05
TweetTuxMachines                 Driver Developers" 22 20:05
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 20:05
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 22 20:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMD Is Hiring Two More Open-Source Linux GPU Driver Developers - PhoronixMar 22 20:05
schestowitz 22 20:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New SecureBoot Concerns Arise With Windows 10 - Phoronix [ ]Mar 22 20:09
schestowitz"Mar 22 20:09
schestowitzMost Linux distributions out there are now SecureBoot-supported, but there's still fears over Microsoft some day revoking the Linux key or otherwise locking out users from their own operating system. Those running custom kernels and other environments that aren't SecureBoot signed could also be a problem in the future.Mar 22 20:09
schestowitzRight now I'm cautiously optimistic though that most motherboard vendors will still offer the option to disable SecureBoot, so it's not a nightmare scenario quite yet. At least these days more IHVs are concerning themselves with Linux thanks to SteamOS & Co. Windows 10 computers will start surfacing later this year.Mar 22 20:09
schestowitz"Mar 22 20:09
cubexyzthis is a "boil the frog" thingMar 22 20:38
cubexyzM$ is turning up the heatMar 22 20:38
cubexyzthey don't have to make it impossible to boot linux, that would attract attention from the DOJMar 22 20:40
cubexyzthey'll just keep making it more and more difficultMar 22 20:40
balrogexpect low end stuff to be locked outMar 22 20:41
balroglike the 7" acer tabletsMar 22 20:41
cubexyz"it's not a nightmare scenario quite yet"Mar 22 20:41
cubexyzthat's not very reassuringMar 22 20:42
balrogit's stuff for which they don't even bother to make a stable UEFI firmwareMar 22 20:43
cubexyzMicrosoft might not revoke the linux key? Wow, that's not something I can really count onMar 22 20:44
schestowitz 22 20:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Michael Silver Back to Acting as #Gartner 's Microsoft Agent, Promoting #Vista10 Based on False Promises 22 20:45
schestowitz"In the Netherlands we say "Bijt niet in de hand die je voert." (never bite the hand that feeds you). So their reports wont have any importance because it's more of an ad than a report?"Mar 22 20:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Michael Silver Back to Acting as Gartner’s Microsoft Agent, Promoting Vista 10 Based on False Promises | Techrights [ ]Mar 22 20:45
schestowitzMany reporters do reprint what Gartners saysMar 22 20:45
cubexyzI'm not using any microsoft key that can be revoked, ridiculous ideaMar 22 20:46
cubexyzfact: the OEMs can lock secure boot onMar 22 20:48
cubexyzdoesn't mean they will of courseMar 22 20:48
MinceRnot in the beginning, that isMar 22 20:48
cubexyzI hear even if you remove the cmos battery secure boot will stay onMar 22 20:50
cubexyzthe board has to support Legacy BootMar 22 20:52
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Mar 22 20:52
cubexyzif it does, you're fineMar 22 20:52
MinceRuntil you step in a bug because it's a bloated messMar 22 20:53
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsMar 22 20:53
cubexyzI know one of my motherboards quite well as I put coreboot on itMar 22 20:56
cubexyzeven did some ISA card testing with itMar 22 20:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     A Look At BCache vs. LVM Cache For HDD+SSDMar 22 20:59
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux Systems 22 20:59
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 20:59
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 22 20:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Look At BCache vs. LVM Cache For HDD+SSD Linux Systems - PhoronixMar 22 20:59
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited '"AMD Is Hiring Two More Open-Source Linux GPU...'Mar 22 20:59
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsMar 22 21:35
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     User reviews: Applications provided by #JollaMar 22 21:35
TweetTuxMachines        22 21:35
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Review #Jolla #SailfishOS: User reviews: Applications provided by JollaMar 22 21:35
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 22 21:35
*TweetTuxMachines @JollaBot retweeted @tuxmachines: 'User reviews: Applications provided by #Jolla'Mar 22 21:35
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     4MLinux 11.1 Allinone Edition FINAL released.Mar 22 21:35
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 21:35
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 22 21:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 4MLinux 11.1 Allinone Edition FINAL released. | Tux MachinesMar 22 21:35
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     101 Open Source Tools for DevelopersMar 22 21:36
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 21:36
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 101 Open Source Tools for Developers | Tux MachinesMar 22 21:36
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     A Look At BCache vs. LVM Cache For HDD+SSDMar 22 21:36
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux Systems 22 21:36
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 21:36
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Look At BCache vs. LVM Cache For HDD+SSD Linux Systems | Tux MachinesMar 22 21:36
DaemonFC 22 21:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Windows 10 to make the Secure Boot alt-OS lock out a reality | Ars Technica [ ]Mar 22 21:36
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     User reviews: Applications provided by JollaMar 22 21:38
TweetTuxMachines        ( 22 21:38
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | User reviews: Applications provided by Jolla | Tux MachinesMar 22 21:38
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Telco sector OPNFV project champions openMar 22 21:38
TweetTuxMachines                 network services 22 21:38
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 22 21:38
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Telco sector OPNFV project champions open network services | Tux MachinesMar 22 21:39
*siel has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Mar 22 22:15
*siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrightsMar 22 22:18
*gde33 ( has joined #techrightsMar 22 22:25
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 22 23:50
*jono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 23 00:55
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsMar 23 00:57
MinceRgnMar 23 01:24
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited '101 Open Source Tools for Developers'Mar 23 01:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Running for DPL 23 01:27
TweetTuxMachines                 ( "I nominated myself as aMar 23 01:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Crazy world...: Running for DPLMar 23 01:27
TweetTuxMachines                 candidate for the 2015 DPL election."Mar 23 01:27
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 01:27
schestowitz 23 01:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ .@STcom and @govsingapore have changed their whole brand/background to a shrine of Lee Kuan Yew. So much for free press and gov... #singaporeMar 23 01:37
*nj3ma|mobile (~MosheNjem@ has joined #techrightsMar 23 01:42
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Want to run Android on your PC? AMI’s DuOS isMar 23 02:01
TweetTuxMachines                 the answer 23 02:01
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 02:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android on Windows: AMI DuOS review | Digital TrendsMar 23 02:01
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 02:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Big Manjaro Linux refreshMar 23 02:01
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 02:01
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 02:01
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 02:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Manjaro Linux KDE 0.9.0 Pre5 Out Now, Ships with KDE Plasma 5.2.1 and KDE Frameworks 5.8.0 - SoftpediaMar 23 02:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Manjaro Linux Update Pack Brings Lots of KDE Plasma 5 and Xfce 4.12 Fixes, Linux Kernel 3.19.2 - SoftpediaMar 23 02:01
*jono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 23 02:41
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsMar 23 02:42
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsMar 23 04:36
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 23 04:36
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsMar 23 04:37
DaemonFCRyan FarmerMar 23 04:38
DaemonFC3 mins · Edited · Mar 23 04:38
DaemonFCI guess that would make it tortoise interruptus?Mar 23 04:38
DaemonFC 23 04:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Man Interrupts Tortoise Sex, World's Slowest Chase Scene EnsuesMar 23 04:38
DaemonFCRyan FarmerMar 23 04:39
DaemonFC6 mins · Mar 23 04:39
DaemonFCMario coming to the iPhone.... Why is this news? I'm sure that Android has an NES emulator that can load ROMs. The only reason it would be news for Apple users is because they're forbidden to install things like that.Mar 23 04:39
DaemonFC 23 04:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Top iOS news of the week: Mario coming to iPhone, iOS 8 growing, trade Android for iPhone | ZDNet [ ]Mar 23 04:39
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Mar 23 04:53
*nj3ma|mobile has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Mar 23 05:03
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 23 05:41
*TweetTuxMachines @sjodogne favourited 'Sébastien Jodogne, ReGlue are Free Software Award winners...'Mar 23 06:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The Demise of Open Source Hosting ProvidersMar 23 06:04
TweetTuxMachines                 Codehaus and Google Code 23 06:04
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 06:04
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Demise of Open Source Hosting Providers Codehaus and Google Code | Tux MachinesMar 23 06:04
*prurigro has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Mar 23 07:02
*prurigro ( has joined #techrightsMar 23 07:08
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 23 07:12
*amarsh04 ( has joined #techrightsMar 23 07:31
*nj3ma|mobile (~MosheNjem@ has joined #techrightsMar 23 07:49
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsMar 23 07:49
schestowitz 23 08:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ After receiving comments with people attacking me personally and calling me an anti-semite for sharing political cartoons regarding the state of Israel, I have taken down some of the cartoons. I wonder if anyone would have said anything had I shared cartoons about the prophet Mohammad? Probably not considering the feedback. #doublestandards #hypocrisy #freespeechMar 23 08:41
schestowitz"There are jokes about Catholic priests everywhere just the same about Muslims, but when you say "hey Rabbi" they get their panties in a bunch. LOL Im glad it is quite obvious to some of you ;)"Mar 23 08:41
schestowitz"Mar 23 08:42
schestowitzLefties/Progressives would have attacked you either way (Israel or Muhammad cartoons), probably even more on the latter since many lefties are raving anti-semites. Others usually have individual preferences. While there definitely is a strong political control with such hypocrisy (e.g. in France), I dunno if there is any of that on Diaspora.Mar 23 08:42
schestowitzI generally stay away from the topic Israel/Jews/Palestine/, since it's just one big mess and I have no idea what is actually going on – like ISIS, the US is/was probably behind some of it, but to what degree is pure speculation.Mar 23 08:42
schestowitzIt's good that you're willing to risk your neck going in there, but besides my adamant support for your right to free speech I cannot back you up on the issue; except that the attackers should go fuck themselves. Repeatedly. Against their own will. With chainsaws.Mar 23 08:42
schestowitz"Mar 23 08:42
schestowitz"well said"Mar 23 08:42
schestowitz"Be careful who you generalize about."Mar 23 08:42
schestowitz"Mar 23 08:42
schestowitzxDDDMar 23 08:42
schestowitzSeems someone is so horribly traumatized by rambo's movies about "lefties/progressives", that forgets that are the righties the ones who are funding the righties in israel, ukraine, venezuela, and everywhere :) I know there are many childish here (exactly the same as in righties) but this is Off-topic isn't it? :)Mar 23 08:42
schestowitz"Mar 23 08:42
schestowitz 23 08:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #Mexicoleaks shows promise 23 08:46
schestowitz"Mar 23 08:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Mexican Wikileaks Launched: Will Mexicoleaks Unearth Corruption? [ ]Mar 23 08:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Mexico’s version of WikiLeaks causes controversy before its first story - The Washington Post [ ]Mar 23 08:46
schestowitzDo you mean the country that voted for the most handsome candidate and now seems to regret it? I would not hold my breadth.Mar 23 08:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Mexico's own 'WikiLeaks' already making waves [ ]Mar 23 08:46
schestowitz 23 08:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pena nieto faces human rights demos | Daily Mail Online [ ]Mar 23 08:46
schestowitz"Mar 23 08:46
schestowitz 23 08:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #police for the affluent knowing who they really serve and protect (except themselves)Mar 23 08:46
schestowitz"Maybe the hawk did not want problems with the police."Mar 23 08:46
schestowitz 23 08:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: After receiving comments with people attacking me personally and calling me an anti-semite for sharing political cartoons regarding the state of Israel, I have taken down some of the cartoons. I wonder if anyone would have said anything had I shared cartoons about the prophet Mohammad? Probably not considering the feedback. #doublestandards #hypocrisy #freespeechMar 23 08:47
schestowitz"Regardless of if they were or they weren't, the double standards have been exposed. Its ok to poke fun at Catholic priests, Muslims, Russians etc but if you open your mouth about a Rabbi, the whole mob goes after you."Mar 23 08:47
schestowitzIf you introduce swastikas and Nazi-era cartoons, then it's becoming tastelessMar 23 08:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Raspberry Pi 2: Ubuntu MATE 15.04 v RaspbianMar 23 09:21
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 09:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 09:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi 2: Ubuntu MATE 15.04 v Raspbian | Tux MachinesMar 23 09:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Google Makes Open Source Tablet To Help DoctorsMar 23 09:21
TweetTuxMachines                 Fight Ebola 23 09:21
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 09:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 09:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google Makes Open Source Tablet To Help Doctors Fight Ebola | Tux MachinesMar 23 09:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Red Hat unveils enterprise mobility strategyMar 23 09:25
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 09:25
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 09:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat unveils enterprise mobility strategy | Tux MachinesMar 23 09:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Final 4MLinux 11.1 Allinone Edition Is NowMar 23 09:25
TweetTuxMachines                 Available for Download with MakeMKVMar 23 09:25
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 09:25
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 09:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Final 4MLinux 11.1 Allinone Edition Is Now Available for Download with MakeMKV | Tux MachinesMar 23 09:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linus Torvalds Releases Linux Kernel 4.0 RC5Mar 23 09:25
TweetTuxMachines                 with Several Updated DriversMar 23 09:25
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 09:25
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 09:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linus Torvalds Releases Linux Kernel 4.0 RC5 with Several Updated Drivers | Tux MachinesMar 23 09:25
*nj3ma (~MosheNjem@ has joined #techrightsMar 23 09:31
*nj3ma|mobile has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 23 09:32
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrightsMar 23 09:33
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Sosumi 23 10:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Windows 10 may not play well with a another OS - GSMArena Blog [ ]Mar 23 10:49
Sosumidisabling secure boot is no longer mandatoryMar 23 10:49
Sosumiwell, having an option to disableMar 23 10:50
SosumiitMar 23 10:50
schestowitz> 23 10:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 2015 Open Source DonationsMar 23 10:51
schestowitz> Mar 23 10:51
schestowitz> Nice to see Tails and GPG on the list.Mar 23 10:51
schestowitzDDG? Yikes.Mar 23 10:51
schestowitzSosumi: MS PeterMar 23 10:52
schestowitzI think it matMar 23 10:52
schestowitzmay be overstatedMar 23 10:52
schestowitzto attract attentionMar 23 10:52
schestowitzSosumi: see what I published half an hour ago...Mar 23 10:52
Sosumiyep, sorryMar 23 10:54
Sosumifor republishingMar 23 10:54
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited 'Google Makes Open Source Tablet To Help Doctors...'Mar 23 11:03
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 23 11:21
cubexyzPMON did something interestingMar 23 11:23
cubexyzit simulates x86 to handle VGA codeMar 23 11:24
cubexyzalso supports booting from USB devicesMar 23 11:24
cubexyzDebian Wheezy does a pretty good job supporting LemoteMar 23 11:25
cubexyzthe Lemote folks have ported Debian to Loongson archMar 23 11:26
cubexyzGentoo & Slackware also workMar 23 11:27
cubexyzeven java was ported to LoongsonMar 23 11:27
cubexyzalas, no distribution at all in North AmericaMar 23 11:29
cubexyzwell someone is buying them... everyone seems to be sold outMar 23 11:33
cubexyzalibaba russian has someMar 23 11:36
cubexyzwow, some models are pretty cheapMar 23 11:37
cubexyz$109.50 but tiny 7" screenMar 23 11:37
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     No More Probes, A Really Stylish Survival RTSMar 23 11:37
TweetTuxMachines                 Coming To Linux 23 11:37
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 11:37
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 11:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Mar 23 11:37
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Raspberry Pi 2: Ubuntu MATE 15.04 v RaspbianMar 23 11:37
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 11:37
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 11:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi 2: Ubuntu MATE 15.04 v Raspbian - Linux Links - The Linux Portal SiteMar 23 11:37
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Google Makes Open Source Tablet To Help DoctorsMar 23 11:38
TweetTuxMachines                 Fight Ebola 23 11:38
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 11:38
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 11:38
cubexyzthis is strange... only alibaba russia has stockMar 23 11:39
cubexyzis google pulling something here?Mar 23 11:40
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Red Hat unveils enterprise mobility strategyMar 23 11:41
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 11:41
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 11:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat unveils enterprise mobility strategy | Networks AsiaMar 23 11:41
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Final 4MLinux 11.1 Allinone Edition Is NowMar 23 11:41
TweetTuxMachines                 Available for Download with MakeMKVMar 23 11:41
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 11:41
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 11:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Final 4MLinux 11.1 Allinone Edition Is Now Available for Download with MakeMKV - SoftpediaMar 23 11:41
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linus Torvalds Releases Linux Kernel 4.0 RC5Mar 23 11:41
TweetTuxMachines                 with Several Updated DriversMar 23 11:41
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 11:41
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 11:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linus Torvalds Releases Linux Kernel 4.0 RC5 with Several Updated Drivers - SoftpediaMar 23 11:41
*TweetTuxMachines @evankirstel favourited 'Red Hat unveils enterprise mobility strategy'Mar 23 11:41
cubexyzVIA WM8850 android laptop 7" for $47 but only 20 piece ordersMar 23 11:43
msb_Wow, computers for less than $50!Mar 23 11:47
msb_Soon everyone in the world will have one, or access to one.Mar 23 11:48
cubexyzyeah kind of crazyMar 23 11:48
cubexyzsomething funny is going on with lemote thoughMar 23 11:48
msb_Free software will be vital to enable uncensored communication.Mar 23 11:48
cubexyzmsb_, don't you think it's a bit odd that alibaba russian has tons of lemote laptops but when I log onto my alibaba account there's no lemote computers at all?Mar 23 11:49
msb_There is also Raspberry Pi 2, and this one, which has so many hardware features it is thrilling: 23 11:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | MIPS® Creator CI20 | Imagination Store [ ]Mar 23 11:51
msb_cubexyz: Sure.  Maybe XRevan86 could try logging in.Mar 23 11:53
XRevan86I don't have an account there.Mar 23 11:53
cubexyzmsb_, CI20 creator looks interesting but what about the firmware?Mar 23 11:54
msb_Not sure.  Everything may be opensource.  Mar 23 11:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | MIPS Creator CI20 - eLinux.orgMar 23 11:57
cubexyznah, looks like binary blobs to meMar 23 11:57
msb_ 23 11:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CI20 Downloads - eLinux.orgMar 23 11:57
msb_We are entering the era of system on a chip.  For sure, somebody will do it right.Mar 23 11:58
msb_China manufactures very inexpensive chips.Mar 23 11:59
msb_Like and AtoMar 23 11:59
msb_Like and AtoD to USB convertor for a couple of dollars.Mar 23 12:00
msb_Like an AtoD to USB convertor for a couple of dollars.Mar 23 12:00
cubexyzI see that ARM-based chromebooks also use U-bootMar 23 12:00
cubexyzlike the CI20 Mar 23 12:00
cubexyzyeah I think I'll probably get one of the chromeboxesMar 23 12:01
msb_If widespread uncensored Net access can be achieved, along with computers for $50-100 complete with keyboard and screen, then the fascist attacks by the US Empire will be more difficult to carry out, or at least to lie about.Mar 23 12:04
msb_Controlling entire populations is difficult.  Bombing has a bad reputation.Mar 23 12:06
cubexyzsomething up in YemenMar 23 12:06
cubexyzthere's talk of civil war :-/Mar 23 12:06
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrightsMar 23 12:06
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrightsMar 23 12:07
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrightsMar 23 12:08
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrightsMar 23 12:09
msb_Here's a recent article from the most accurate news site I've found: 23 12:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Yemen: American Weapons Once More “Landed Up in the Wrong Hands”. Mistakenly in the Hands of Al Qaeda | Global Research [ ]Mar 23 12:11
*siel has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 23 12:22
*siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrightsMar 23 12:31
msb_The primary goal of US policy is to destroy socialism, because socialism gives the profits to workers instead of to ultra-wealthy psychopath owners like the ones who control the US govt.Mar 23 12:41
msb_To this end, the US backs the most murderous dictators it can find, to keep workers from organizing.  About half a century ago, the US got rid of socialist leaders in Iraq and Iran, replacing them with torturing murdering Saddam Hussein and Shah Reza Pahlavi.Mar 23 12:44
MinceRyeah, we had so much profit under socialismMar 23 12:45
msb_In stage two, Saddam got a bit uppity, and was declared to be a monster by the US.  So he and Iraq were declared war targets by the US, which murdered millions of Iraqis.  The US neglected to mention that it had put Saddam into power in the first place.Mar 23 12:47
msb_Pahlavi got sick and died, and was replaced by Ayatollah Khomeini.Mar 23 12:48
*jgay (jgay@2601:6:5500:2175:5eac:4cff:feba:15f8) has joined #techrightsMar 23 12:48
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*jgay (jgay@fsf/staff/jgay) has joined #techrightsMar 23 12:48
MinceRmust be a reptoid conspiracy.Mar 23 12:48
msb_Here the anti-human insanity of the Moslem religion came in handy.  If you can get people down on their knees worshipping a non-existent deity several times a day, instead of several times a year as with judaism and christianity, then you have pretty much destroyed their minds and capacity for critical thinking.  You can get them to do anything  you tell them.Mar 23 12:50
msb_So both Iraq and Iran were controlled by murderous lunatics, thanks to the US.  The US armed both of them to fight wars against each other.Mar 23 12:51
msb_The US armed, financed and trained Al-Qaeda, back when it was called the Mujahideen and sent by Reagan to overthrow the secular socialist government of Afghanistan, in order to cause trouble for the USSR ("Russia's Vietnam").Mar 23 12:55
msb_Now the US has created ISIS, and is arming and funding it through one or more cut-outs, and claiming it is the current Mar 23 12:56
msb_Now the US has created ISIS, and is arming and funding it through one or more cut-outs, and claiming it is the current Great Menace.Mar 23 12:56
msb_It's easy to create armies of insane Moslem warriors with a few billion dollars.  The religion makes them crazy, and also teaches them "Jihad" -- mass-murdering whatever group the leader tells them are not true Moslems.Mar 23 13:00
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrightsMar 23 13:58
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsMar 23 15:36
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*libertybox_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 23 16:12
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*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited 'Google Makes Open Source Tablet To Help Doctors...'Mar 23 16:32
TweetTuxMachines@Teamharmonie    Enterprise Mobility Daily is out!Mar 23 16:32
TweetTuxMachines        23 16:32
TweetTuxMachines                 ( Stories viaMar 23 16:32
TweetTuxMachines                 @Tekriti @SMGCasey @tuxmachinesMar 23 16:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Enterprise Mobility DailyMar 23 16:32
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 16:32
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Apparently, Ubuntu Doesn’t Need Blu-ray BurningMar 23 16:49
TweetTuxMachines                 Support 23 16:49
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 16:49
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 16:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Apparently, Ubuntu Doesn’t Need Blu-ray Burning Support - SoftpediaMar 23 16:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     How to Set Up Your Linux Dev Station to WorkMar 23 16:50
TweetTuxMachines                 From Anywhere 23 16:50
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 16:50
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 16:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Set Up Your Linux Dev Station to Work From Anywhere | Linux.comMar 23 16:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Neptune 4.3 available 23 16:50
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 16:50
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 16:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Neptune 4.3 available | It runs on LinuxMar 23 16:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ten years of Kubuntu 23 17:10
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 17:10
MinceRgeekingsMar 23 17:10
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 17:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ten years of Kubuntu []Mar 23 17:10
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Tails 1.3.1 Is an Emergency Release to PatchMar 23 17:10
TweetTuxMachines                 Critical Security Issues in Tor BrowserMar 23 17:10
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 17:10
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 17:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tails 1.3.1 Is an Emergency Release to Patch Critical Security Issues in Tor Browser - SoftpediaMar 23 17:10
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leveraging the power of academia in your openMar 23 17:10
TweetTuxMachines                 source project 23 17:10
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 17:10
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 17:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leveraging the power of academia in your open source project | Tux MachinesMar 23 17:10
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Android Leftovers 23 17:10
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 17:10
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 17:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesMar 23 17:10
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Screenshots 23 17:10
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 17:10
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Screenshots | Tux MachinesMar 23 17:10
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 23 17:10
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesMar 23 17:10
*sabalmyrak ( has joined #techrightsMar 23 18:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's releases and howtosMar 23 18:31
TweetTuxMachines        ( 23 18:31
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's releases and howtos | Tux MachinesMar 23 18:31
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Links 23/3/2015: Linux 4.0 RC5, KubuntuMar 23 18:31
TweetTuxMachines                 Celebrates Ten Years 23 18:31
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 18:31
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 18:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 23/3/2015: Linux 4.0 RC5, Kubuntu Celebrates Ten Years | TechrightsMar 23 18:31
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Software freedom 23 18:31
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 23 18:31
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 23 18:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Software freedom | Tux MachinesMar 23 18:31
MinceR 23 18:41
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Mar 23 18:52
*jgay has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Mar 23 18:54
*TRIdentica has quit (*.net *.split)Mar 23 19:04
*TRIdentica ( has joined #techrightsMar 23 19:04
schestowitzMinceR: George Bush could not recall this proverbMar 23 19:28
schestowitz!google bush shame on youMar 23 19:28
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Bush "Fool Me Once..." - YouTube | 23 19:28
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - George W. Bush - Wikiquote | 23 19:28
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Quote by George W. Bush: “There's an old saying in Tennessee — I ... | 23 19:28
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Bushism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | 23 19:28
MinceRindeedMar 23 19:28
schestowitzdo you have this in the weekend to look into logs?Mar 23 19:29
schestowitzI hope to publish the logs next week :-pMar 23 19:29
MinceRindeedMar 23 19:29
MinceRwhich days do you need logs for?Mar 23 19:29
schestowitzcheers mate  :-)Mar 23 19:29
schestowitzbest to go back to 24/2Mar 23 19:29
schestowitzfor the 4 channelsMar 23 19:29
MinceRso everything since 2015-02-24?Mar 23 19:30
schestowitzyes, please, if possible...Mar 23 19:30
MinceRokMar 23 19:30
schestowitzI didn't lose data since 2008...Mar 23 19:30
*TweetTuxMachines @StephDAVOS favourited 'Raspberry Pi 2: Ubuntu MATE 15.04 v Raspbian...'Mar 23 19:41
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter...Mar 23 19:41
*__martin__ (~martin@unaffiliated/--martin--/x-1730694) has joined #techrightsMar 23 19:43
MinceRschestowitz: is it ok if i package a bigger range? it would take less work for me :)Mar 23 19:47
schestowitzsure :-)Mar 23 19:47
*siel has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Mar 23 20:04
*siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrightsMar 23 20:08
MinceRschestowitz: which email address should i send it to? or should i just upload it to sendspace and paste the link?Mar 23 20:25
*jono (~jono@ has joined #techrightsMar 23 20:28
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MinceR“I have to explain that I’m not an anarchist – I have a pro-state gland.” Mar 23 20:32
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)Mar 23 20:38
schestowitzMinceR: r at schestowitz com, thank you :-)Mar 23 20:42
MinceRis it ok if i send it via gmail?Mar 23 20:45
MinceRthe file is too big for mail2tor :)Mar 23 20:45
schestowitzsure no secrets in itMar 23 20:45
schestowitzmuch of it is to be published as HTMLMar 23 20:46
MinceRsentMar 23 20:47
*jono (~jono@ has joined #techrightsMar 23 20:50
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*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Mar 23 21:09
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Mar 23 21:11
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-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz)Mar 23 21:23
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsMar 23 21:23
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrightsMar 23 21:23
schestowitzMinceR: that's awesome, thank you!Mar 23 21:25
MinceRnpMar 23 21:28
*sabalmyrak has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Mar 23 21:48
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)Mar 23 21:52
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*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)Mar 24 00:02
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*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsMar 24 00:52
schestowitzMinceR: #Debian Project Leader 2010-2013 and board director at #OSI /opensource dot org considers asking a question about #systemd 'trolling' 24 01:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Re: [Dng] rumors on RMS about systemd at libreplanet [ ]Mar 24 01:23
MinceRseen itMar 24 01:23
MinceRalso, Stefano Zacchiroli is also a member of Free Software Foundation's High Priority Projects committee, according to wikipediaMar 24 01:24
schestowitz 24 01:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@FrancisJeffrey7: @schestowitz Did you catch? -- (Banks; Cards; "Consumer Credit / Reporting Agencies",e.g.,"TRW"=CIA contractor, etc)Mar 24 01:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Mar 24 01:47
schestowitzSeen it, tweeted it days ago, posted in techrightsMar 24 01:48
schestowitzMinceR: wowMar 24 01:48
schestowitz 24 01:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@FrancisJeffrey7: @schestowitz Excellent: have you drawn and inferences or connections from it? Like to hearMar 24 01:55
schestowitzNot my area of expertise TBHMar 24 01:55
schestowitzMinceR: 24 01:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Metztli_IT: .@zacchiro considers asking@ question about #systemd 'trolling' via @schestowitz cc:@mbJunior 24 01:56
MinceR:>Mar 24 01:56
schestowitz 24 01:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@FrancisJeffrey7: @schestowitz darn!Mar 24 01:57
MinceRgnMar 24 02:30
schestowitznn, wow, late...Mar 24 02:31
schestowitz 24 02:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #idg helps people run #windows stuff on #gnu #linux as if GNU/Linux hasn't got #freesw for everythingMar 24 02:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | How to run Windows software in Linux: Everything you need to know | PCWorld [ ]Mar 24 02:31
schestowitz"I don't think pure GNU 100% free software allows for wine or virtual machine due to proprietary code...."Mar 24 02:31
schestowitzNothing prevents it from running, but I guess prebundling it in a distro is another matter...Mar 24 02:31
MinceRthey can even run systemd, wayland and gnomeMar 24 02:34
schestowitz> 24 02:39
schestowitz> Mar 24 02:39
schestowitz> kind of missing the pointMar 24 02:39
schestowitzNo, maybe this IS the point of IDG.Mar 24 02:40
XFaCEschestowitz: your recent microsoft articles are excellent. I didn't know Win 10 had no off secure boot requirement for OEMsMar 24 04:12
XFaCEbut we knew that would eventually happen. Even Nathan Lineback knew. Doesn't take a geniusMar 24 04:12
XFaCEschestowitz: but I love how we were all paranoidMar 24 04:12
XFaCEsomehowMar 24 04:12
*TweetTuxMachines has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 24 04:28
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrightsMar 24 04:28
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsMar 24 04:36
XFaCE"Meanwhile, as revealed to us by a tip, Microsoft’s booster Julie Bort writes “LEAKED” to mean “press release” or “public relations”. It is yet another puff piece/ad framed as “leak” for some extra attention or allure. Again, this is typical for Microsoft. Watch this other article titled “Microsoft leak shows plans for cloud-first Nano Server”."Mar 24 04:39
XFaCEschestowitz: of course, this shit's been going on since the 90sMar 24 04:39
XFaCECairo, Longhorn, et al.Mar 24 04:39
XFaCEMany promises during ChicagoMar 24 04:39
XFaCEOS/2. Windows NT, Windows 1.xMar 24 04:40
XFaCElots of obfuscating bullshit encrusting the substanceMar 24 04:41
XFaCEThe perpetual fluff machine by MicrosoftMar 24 04:41
tessierWindows 3.1 was the last version of Windows I ever seriously used.Mar 24 04:50
XFaCE"Microsoft loves Linux like a shark loves fish." - IndeedMar 24 05:12
*cubelog has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 24 06:01
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)Mar 24 06:37
DaemonFCI posted to Apple's Facebook wall.Mar 24 07:58
DaemonFCRyan Farmer‎Apple Inc.Mar 24 07:58
DaemonFC1 min · Mar 24 07:58
DaemonFCThe Tor Project (which allows for people to browse the web without being spied on by third parties) has been investigating barriers to people being able to use the Tor software.Mar 24 07:58
DaemonFCOne of the biggest problems is the Mac's so-called "security" option, which prevents Tor from being installed.Mar 24 07:58
DaemonFCEventually, you won't be able to turn off the so-called Mac "security" option, and only app store apps will run, and then Apple will be censoring your Mac software the same way they do with the ipad and iphone.Mar 24 07:58
DaemonFCAll of Apple's products are malware, because they attack the user's freedoms, beginning with the freedom to run any software, for any purpose, at any time.Mar 24 07:58
DaemonFCApple should fix their products if they're seriously concerned about security problems that allowed malware like Mac Defender and Flashback to install themselves on 1 in 4 Macs at their peak. Attacking the user isn't the right way to do that.Mar 24 07:58
DaemonFCApple banned Tor software from the iThings already, without any explanation. A power that they have over users only because those users foolishly surrendered their freedom to Apple.Mar 24 07:59
DaemonFC 24 07:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | UX Sprint 2015 wrapup | The Tor Blog [ ]Mar 24 07:59
DaemonFCMinceR, You figure they'll block me for that?Mar 24 08:00
DaemonFCSeems their wall is full of complaints.Mar 24 08:01
DaemonFCBad customer service.Mar 24 08:01
DaemonFCOne guy said he got a brand new iPad with a huge dent in it and Apple won't replace it.Mar 24 08:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Fedora 22 Alpha Gnome Edition : Video OverviewMar 24 08:23
TweetTuxMachines                 and Screenshot Tours 24 08:23
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora 22 Alpha Gnome Edition : Video Overview and Screenshot Tours | Tux MachinesMar 24 08:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GNOME Shell & Mutter 3.16.0 ReleasedMar 24 08:27
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME Shell & Mutter 3.16.0 Released | Tux MachinesMar 24 08:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Some cool Plasma tips and tricksMar 24 08:27
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Some cool Plasma tips and tricks | Tux MachinesMar 24 08:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     KWinception 24 08:27
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KWinception | Tux MachinesMar 24 08:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     4 reasons why people should stop associatingMar 24 08:27
TweetTuxMachines                 open source with a lack of securityMar 24 08:27
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 08:27
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 4 reasons why people should stop associating open source with a lack of security | Tux MachinesMar 24 08:27
zoobabpongMar 24 09:16
zoobabErrorMar 24 09:25
zoobabThe website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.Mar 24 09:25
zoobabError messagePDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1040] Too many connections in lock_may_be_available() (line 167 of /home/boycottn/public_html/home/includes/ 24 09:25
zoobab 24 09:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 500 @ )Mar 24 09:25
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited '4 reasons why people should stop associating open...'Mar 24 09:29
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 24 09:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux-based COMs gain WiFi AP and BLE 4.1Mar 24 10:22
TweetTuxMachines                 functions 24 10:22
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux-based COMs gain WiFi AP and BLE 4.1 functions | Tux MachinesMar 24 10:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Fears of Windows Lock-out Here NowMar 24 10:22
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 10:22
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Fears of Windows Lock-out Here Now | Tux MachinesMar 24 10:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux-based COMs gain WiFi AP and BLE 4.1Mar 24 10:22
TweetTuxMachines                 functions 24 10:22
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 10:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux-based COMs gain WiFi AP and BLE 4.1 functions ·  LinuxGizmos.comMar 24 10:22
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Companies Plan to Hire More Linux ProsMar 24 10:28
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 10:28
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Companies Plan to Hire More Linux ProsMar 24 10:28
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     "Stallman had no opinion on systemd other thanMar 24 10:28
TweetTuxMachines                 it being more of a "convenience question" thanMar 24 10:28
TweetTuxMachines                 an open source issue." 24 10:28
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 10:28
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-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Mar 24 10:28
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Female kernel developer for fedoraMar 24 10:28
TweetTuxMachines        ( signsMar 24 10:28
TweetTuxMachines                 of changeMar 24 10:28
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 10:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Another new Fedora team member. - The Grand FallacyMar 24 10:28
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The Return of Bodhi Linux's KingMar 24 10:28
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 10:28
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD.Mar 24 10:28
cubexyzif motherboard manufacturers and security gurus really wanted safe BIOS they would go back to using read-only PROMsMar 24 10:47
cubexyzor at the very least a physical read-only switchMar 24 10:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Black Lab Linux 6.5 Released with Xfce 4.12,Mar 24 10:48
TweetTuxMachines                 KDE 4.14, MATE 1.8, and GNOME 3.10Mar 24 10:48
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 10:48
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Black Lab Linux 6.5 Released with Xfce 4.12, KDE 4.14, MATE 1.8, and GNOME 3.10 - SoftpediaMar 24 10:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     antiX 14.4 MX "Symbiosis" Linux DistributionMar 24 10:48
TweetTuxMachines                 Brings Xfce 4.12, Based on Debian 7 WheezyMar 24 10:48
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 10:48
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | antiX 14.4 MX "Symbiosis" Linux Distribution Brings Xfce 4.12, Based on Debian 7 Wheezy - SoftpediaMar 24 10:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Shotwell 0.22.0 Released Ahead of GNOME 3.16Mar 24 10:48
TweetTuxMachines                 with Metadata Support for Facebook UploadMar 24 10:48
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 10:48
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 10:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Shotwell 0.22.0 Released Ahead of GNOME 3.16 with Metadata Support for Facebook Upload - SoftpediaMar 24 10:48
cubexyzbasically we have a crap system of SMT UEFI BIOS insteadMar 24 10:50
cubexyzeven worse, a proprietary closed source SMT BIOSMar 24 10:50
cubexyzesstentially we are moving towards computers which are user-hostileMar 24 10:51
cubexyzon the original Amigas we had PROMsMar 24 10:54
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsMar 24 10:55
cubexyzand they were socketedMar 24 10:55
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrightsMar 24 11:00
cubexyzanyways the whole UEFI is crapMar 24 11:23
cubexyzthe motherboard manufacturers could have used read-only PROMs if they were serious about stopping malware on the BIOSMar 24 11:23
cubexyzmaking your own BIOS takes a serious amount of effortMar 24 11:31
cubexyzif you don't get help from the manufacturer it could take 5 years or even longer to reverse-engineer a BIOSMar 24 11:31
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 24 11:38
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Red Eclipse 1.5 Overview & ScreenshotsMar 24 11:44
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Eclipse 1.5 Overview & Screenshots | TuxArenaMar 24 11:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Radeon DisplayPort MST Queued For Linux 4.1Mar 24 11:45
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Radeon DisplayPort MST Queued For Linux 4.1 - PhoronixMar 24 11:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Companies Plan to Hire More Linux ProsMar 24 11:45
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 11:45
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Companies Plan to Hire More Linux Pros | Tux MachinesMar 24 11:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Why OpenStack is different from other openMar 24 11:45
TweetTuxMachines                 source projects 24 11:45
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 11:45
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why OpenStack is different from other open source projects | Tux MachinesMar 24 11:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     antiX 14.4 MX "Symbiosis" Linux DistributionMar 24 11:45
TweetTuxMachines                 Brings Xfce 4.12, Based on Debian 7 WheezyMar 24 11:45
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 11:45
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | antiX 14.4 MX "Symbiosis" Linux Distribution Brings Xfce 4.12, Based on Debian 7 Wheezy | Tux MachinesMar 24 11:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The Return of Bodhi Linux's KingMar 24 11:45
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 11:45
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Return of Bodhi Linux's King | Tux MachinesMar 24 11:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Radeon DisplayPort MST Queued For Linux 4.1Mar 24 11:45
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 11:45
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Radeon DisplayPort MST Queued For Linux 4.1 | Tux MachinesMar 24 11:45
*TweetTuxMachines @techmuser favourited 'The Return of Bodhi Linux's King'Mar 24 11:45
*TweetTuxMachines @techmuser favourited 'Radeon DisplayPort MST Queued For Linux 4.1'Mar 24 12:04
XRevan86cubexyz: SecureBoot "secures" from unsigned stuff on EFI partition. Question: how did this unsigned appear on EFI partition?Mar 24 12:40
XRevan86unsigned stuff*Mar 24 12:40
XRevan86Can't Windows make an FS read-only or anything?Mar 24 12:40
cubexyzit's FAT I thinkMar 24 12:41
XRevan86cubexyz: Yeah, FAT{16,32}Mar 24 12:41
cubexyzI've never heard of a ready only FAT partitionMar 24 12:42
XRevan86cubexyz: OS can restrict anything.Mar 24 12:42
cubexyzyou can always erase the BIOS, at least everything I've ever used can be erasedMar 24 12:43
XRevan86cubexyz: SecureBoot doesn't secure from that :D.Mar 24 12:43
cubexyzbut if you erase the BIOS you need to replace it with somethingMar 24 12:43
cubexyzso you need something hardware that either coreboot or PMON understandsMar 24 12:44
cubexyzs/something/some/Mar 24 12:44
cubexyzthe more I learn about this stuff the more I see that Microsoft has a lot of control over the firmwareMar 24 12:46
cubexyzI assume coreboot allows booting from usb devices with ext2 partitionsMar 24 12:48
cubexyzI've never tried it Mar 24 12:49
cubexyzjust cdrom and hard driveMar 24 12:49
msb_Since we know of other ways to lock out malware that don't lock out non-MS OSs, we know that Microsoft is lying when they give their reasons for doing it their way.  Right?Mar 24 12:50
cubexyzit's all bullshitMar 24 12:51
cubexyzthis is round #2, round #1 was locking out BeOSMar 24 12:51
cubexyzI guess though that the BIOS on x86 has always stored in a FAT partitionMar 24 12:53
XRevan86msb_: The biggest proof is their last statement that ability to SecureBoot is not mandatory.Mar 24 12:53
cubexyzability to disable, yesMar 24 12:53
XRevan86there is no reason for making it possible for vendors to not make SecureBoot disablableMar 24 12:53
msb_So if they don't want to lock out non-MS OSen, they could have just stayed with that.Mar 24 12:54
cubexyzit's totally stupid, what if some hobbyist wants to run their own OS?Mar 24 12:54
XRevan86msb_: Yeah.Mar 24 12:54
XRevan86msb_: Maintain status-quoMar 24 12:54
cubexyzyou could end up with a windows only motherboardMar 24 12:55
cubexyzwhich I thought was a possibility years agoMar 24 12:55
msb_There used to be a program that could be run on windows that would load Linux (loadlin?).  Will that work on a locked-down mobo?Mar 24 12:55
cubexyzthat's msdos and real mode I thinkMar 24 12:57
cubexyznot NT based Mar 24 12:57
cubexyzso msdos, win95, win98 stuffMar 24 12:57
msb_So we can make a clear and simple statement that MS's labelling/certification criterion for Windows 8.1 was just as secure as its criterion for Windows 10, but the latter also locks out all non-MS operating systems.  Right?Mar 24 13:03
cubexyzno, you can't really say that yetMar 24 13:03
XFaCE[08:54:45]<cubexyz> you could end up with a windows only motherboardMar 24 13:03
cubexyzit depends on whether or not you can disable secure bootMar 24 13:03
XFaCEwe are going to end up with XDA devs having to "root" PCs nextMar 24 13:03
XFaCEfucking ridiculousMar 24 13:03
cubexyzright, it's a bad situationMar 24 13:03
XFaCEcubexyz: It's basically like Android phones nowMar 24 13:04
*TweetTuxMachines @HardwareNewz favourited 'Radeon DisplayPort MST Queued For Linux 4.1'Mar 24 13:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Radeon DisplayPort MST Queued For Linux 4.1 | Tux MachinesMar 24 13:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Today and Yesterday in TechrightsMar 24 13:04
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today and Yesterday in Techrights | Tux MachinesMar 24 13:04
XFaCESome vendors allow phone bootloader unlocks, some don'tMar 24 13:04
cubexyzI remember you could put OpenBSD on zaurus, but that was a PDA not a phoneMar 24 13:04
XFaCEthe problem is that unlike Google, which doesn't care either way if vendor unlock or keep locked bootloadersMar 24 13:05
XFaCEat least for the most partMar 24 13:05
XFaCEMicrosoft DOES have a strong incentive to keep it lockedMar 24 13:05
msb_cubexyz: But the Windows 10 criterion specifically forbids the ability to disable secure boot, right?Mar 24 13:05
cubexyzthe Google chromebook has developer modeMar 24 13:05
XFaCEmsb_: noMar 24 13:05
XFaCEit doesn't mandate that OEMs have to put a switch inMar 24 13:05
cubexyzno, merely that disabling secure boot is optionalMar 24 13:05
XRevan86msb_: No, it doesn't.Mar 24 13:06
XRevan86msb_: It allows to forbid.Mar 24 13:06
XRevan86Vendor can do what they like.Mar 24 13:06
cubexyzstill, no one wants to rely on thatMar 24 13:06
cubexyzrather programming in the ability to disable secure boot is optionalMar 24 13:07
XRevan86It is also possible that Microsoft will deal with some vendors to create hardware without ability to disable SecureBoot.Mar 24 13:07
cubexyzI think surface computers are like that already?Mar 24 13:07
cubexyznot sureMar 24 13:07
XRevan86cubexyz: The x86 ones are not.Mar 24 13:08
XRevan86and ARM ones would not recieve Windows 10 %).Mar 24 13:08
XRevan86"You bought Microsoft Surface on ARM? Even Microsoft hates you."Mar 24 13:09
schestowitz 24 13:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ The world's next credit crunch no accident, not inevitable. Designed, benefits the plutocracy (loans/cheap labour).Mar 24 13:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The world's next credit crunch could make 2008 look like a hiccup - Telegraph [ ]Mar 24 13:09
schestowitz"almost 700 trillion is owed to somebody. joke."Mar 24 13:09
schestowitzmoney created in a vacuumMar 24 13:09
XFaCEschestowitz: what's your opinion of Rick Falkvinge?Mar 24 13:09
msb_So maybe a publicity campaign would work that tells people "Don't buy X, Y, and Z brand computers because they will lock you in to Windows forever.  Buy A, B, or C brand, which are OK."Mar 24 13:10
XFaCEI didn't realize he was former MicrosoftMar 24 13:10
schestowitz 24 13:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Stallman has been reading #techrights for many years. It's viewed by him as one of those few (usually small) sites that he can trust.Mar 24 13:10
schestowitz"Congratulations!Mar 24 13:10
schestowitz"Mar 24 13:10
schestowitz"How do you know that? How does he read the web? With links or something?"Mar 24 13:10
XRevan86msb_: Unless all brands would do that.Mar 24 13:10
schestowitzBrowser (in GNOME) and ncursesMar 24 13:10
XRevan86not for all models of courseMar 24 13:10
schestowitzXFaCE: he's OKMar 24 13:10
schestowitzI trust himMar 24 13:10
cubexyzdoes techrights site work well with lynx? :)Mar 24 13:11
schestowitzwe talk sometimes onlineMar 24 13:11
schestowitzcubexyz: I think so, the wordpress and drupal parts shouldMar 24 13:11
schestowitzprobably mediawiki tooMar 24 13:11
cubexyzyeah, seems to work pretty well Mar 24 13:12
schestowitzthe appearance is all in CSSMar 24 13:12
schestowitzbut i modified the themes a bit, it may hamper readingMar 24 13:12
schestowitzlike menus as contentMar 24 13:12
XFaCEschestowitz: I noticed a glitch in your drupal headerMar 24 13:12
XFaCEyour photo is covering part of the tagline at the topMar 24 13:13
schestowitzI know of one, anything else?Mar 24 13:13
schestowitzAh, depends on the browser I guessMar 24 13:13
schestowitzI never access the drupal side, it's there because I needed to train myself in drupal 2 years agoMar 24 13:13
schestowitzfor my jobMar 24 13:13
schestowitzI help maintain nowMar 24 13:14
XFaCEI thought you went Drupal because of WordPress' issuesMar 24 13:14
schestowitzto a lesser degree (by choice) 24 13:14
schestowitzXFaCE: that led me to knowing drupal betterMar 24 13:14
schestowitzso I could better see WordPress' flawsMar 24 13:14
XFaCEahaMar 24 13:14
schestowitzand we bought tuxmachines at the same time, it runs Drupal 6Mar 24 13:14
XFaCE[09:13:02]<schestowitz> Ah, depends on the browser I guessMar 24 13:15
XFaCEI'm just running firefox, nothing fancyMar 24 13:15
schestowitz[09:25] <zoobab> The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.Mar 24 13:15
schestowitzusually happens when crackers overwhelm the site with attemptsMar 24 13:16
schestowitzhappens several times per day now for 6 months... started around the time I did EPO articlesMar 24 13:16
msb_schestowitz: So you work for the government, eh?  That explains why you won't talk about the evidence for 9/11 inside job.  8^)Mar 24 13:16
schestowitz9/11 likely to have enjoyed apathyMar 24 13:17
schestowitzas were the anthrax attack, which deHart leaks could suggest were an inside jobMar 24 13:18
schestowitzIOW, 9/11 by terroristsMar 24 13:18
schestowitzBut oversight in intel' raises question, also Saudi roleMar 24 13:18
cubexyza government job could be OK, like working for the EPAMar 24 13:18
cubexyzor health CanadaMar 24 13:18
schestowitzthe anthrax attacks seem to have had a hand in them from those selling Iraq warMar 24 13:18
schestowitzBTW, deHart's dad now follows me in twitterMar 24 13:19
schestowitzCanada was deporting him after he had been tortured by the FBI despite being US citizenMar 24 13:19
schestowitzThey try to paint him "pedo"Mar 24 13:19
schestowitzBut it's a cover for espionage vendettaMar 24 13:19
msb_schestowitz: I can't parse "9/11 likely to have enjoyed apathy" "IOW, 9/11 by terrorists"Mar 24 13:20
schestowitznot much done to stop itMar 24 13:21
schestowitzbut it's clear what took the buildings doneMar 24 13:21
schestowitzand what took 4 planes downMar 24 13:21
msb_What took WTC 1, 2, and 7 was explosives.Mar 24 13:21
schestowitz!google globalresearch bush osama brother Mar 24 13:21
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - George W. Bush: “My Dad Was Meeting with the Brother of Osama ... | 24 13:21
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - George W. Bush and the Bin Laden Family ... - Global Research | 24 13:22
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Is Kissing a “State Sponsor of Terrorism” a ... - Global Research | 24 13:22
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - GW Bush: “My Dad Was Meeting with the Brother of Osama on 9/11 ... | 24 13:22
XFaCEschestowitz: The US intelligence depts were apatheticMar 24 13:22
schestowitznot sure, but some people inside the system suggest soMar 24 13:22
schestowitzlike Thomas DrakeMar 24 13:22
schestowitzthey ignored warningsMar 24 13:22
schestowitzat several levelsMar 24 13:22
schestowitzeven those warning not to give the hijackers a visaMar 24 13:23
schestowitzdeclining them, then overriden by a higher levelMar 24 13:23
schestowitzmost were saudiMar 24 13:23
schestowitz!google report pages 9/11 saudiMar 24 13:23
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Claims Against Saudis Cast New Light on Secret Pages of 9/11 Report | 24 13:23
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - 9/11 report missing pages - | 24 13:23
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Bob Graham: Redacted Pages in 9/11 Report 'Point' to Saudis | 24 13:23
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - ​Lawmakers to Obama: Declassify remaining pages of 9/11 report ... | 24 13:23
schestowitzSo there are legitimate questions to be answertMar 24 13:23
schestowitz*redMar 24 13:23
schestowitzthe government would rather we obsess over nonsense like a theory about laser, explosives, and whatnot...Mar 24 13:24
XFaCEschestowitz: indeedMar 24 13:24
XFaCEDeliberate apathy is much smarter - provides a scapegoatMar 24 13:24
schestowitzthere can be a serious conspiracy without introducing these unbacked claimsMar 24 13:24
XFaCEschestowitz: exactly, like with Bill GatesMar 24 13:24
cubexyzXRevan86, this could help us:Mar 24 13:25
schestowitzlike, why did the people who complain that their superior overrode their warnings and declination of visas not get much coverage?Mar 24 13:25
XFaCEBill Gates does some very bad things - we don't need to add in conspiracies about eugenics or what notMar 24 13:25
cubexyzMicrosoft?s hardware certification requires that OEMs let users enter their system into UEFI ?custom? mode, where they can manually modify the Secure Boot databases and the PK. The system can be put into UEFI Setup Mode, where the user could even specify their own PK, and sign bootloaders themselves.Mar 24 13:25
schestowitzor, why are so many hijackers saudi?Mar 24 13:25
XFaCEBill Gates does these shady financial things because this is the way Bill Gates always wasMar 24 13:25
XFaCEmoney and powerMar 24 13:25
schestowitzWhy did the anthrax come from within the US?Mar 24 13:25
XRevan86cubexyz: This is too complicated.Mar 24 13:25
XRevan86cubexyz: Will make Linux an impossible choice for many people.Mar 24 13:26
schestowitzWhy did journalists advised by unnamed gov officials asked to write about the anthrax having roots/links to iraq?Mar 24 13:26
schestowitz[13:25] <XFaCE> Bill Gates does some very bad things - we don't need to add in conspiracies about eugenics or what notMar 24 13:26
schestowitzBut wait, what's eugenicsMar 24 13:26
schestowitzthe word is often attributed to conpiracy nutsMar 24 13:27
schestowitzbut it's about a real beliefMar 24 13:27
XFaCEschestowitz: I just mean the crap put forward by InfowarsMar 24 13:27
schestowitzthat did get popularised around ww2Mar 24 13:27
XFaCEthat Bill Gates wants to build a society etc.Mar 24 13:27
schestowitzGates does want to decrease population sizeMar 24 13:27
schestowitzin a managed way, as an autocratMar 24 13:27
msb_Those political matters -- saudi hijackers, intelligence apathy, head of Air Force was in a meeting, etc. -- can always be excused in some way.  But physical proof of explosives and thermite _can't_.Mar 24 13:27
cubexyzEugenics: e.g. Hilter killing disabled or mental ill peopleMar 24 13:27
XFaCEschestowitz: I guess my point is that it doesn't matter what we think Bill Gates thinksMar 24 13:27
XFaCEhis actions are not acceptable and should be criticizedMar 24 13:28
schestowitzmsb_: there's no good proof of such a thingMar 24 13:28
schestowitzand it's not needed, eitherMar 24 13:28
schestowitzthe planes alone can take down the buildingsMar 24 13:28
schestowitzby softening the metal, which already has high pressure on itMar 24 13:28
XFaCEBill Gates could want to create a society ruled by Japanese sex robots for all I knowMar 24 13:28
XFaCEall that matters is that his common core activities and other crap needs to be opposedMar 24 13:29
cubexyzGates is easy to understand.. he wants control over thingsMar 24 13:29
msb_No they couldn't.  The structural alloys were designed to withstand the temperature of burning kerosene.Mar 24 13:29
schestowitzmsb_: you're right to worry about 9/11,  but I think you focus on what controlled opposition wants you to focus onMar 24 13:29
XFaCEif Bill Gates wasn't allowed to do anything like that, then he can believe all he wantsMar 24 13:29
schestowitzIt's not just GatesMar 24 13:30
schestowitza lot of rich people want thatMar 24 13:30
schestowitzbut Gates does it publiclyMar 24 13:30
schestowitzand he spins/frames that as him being "responsible adult", rich uncle BillMar 24 13:30
schestowitzHe'd be better off if he shut upMar 24 13:30
schestowitzand chose lower profile and less role in poltics, more like RockerfellerMar 24 13:31
XFaCEschestowitz: I guess my point is that talk about guessing his personal motivations is obfuscating the real demonstrable issues of his actionsMar 24 13:31
schestowitzhis ability to bribe the papers for puff pieces will degrade over timeMar 24 13:31
msb_The point is that 9/11 was done by the US govt, which then used it to justify the entire War of Terror and the murders of millions of people and the destruction of several nations.  That is extremely important for people to know, an to use to evaluate the current situation.Mar 24 13:31
cubexyzXRevan86, my point was at least there is a way to sign your own key without giving $$$ to verisignMar 24 13:31
schestowitzpeople already speak about what he's up to, with or without relying on corporate-owned 'news'papersMar 24 13:31
cubexyzI'll help people to do that, or even sell motherboards/systems myselfMar 24 13:31
XFaCEschestowitz: sure, what he's up to, but interjecting the "leader of the NWO movement" crap is just a distractionMar 24 13:32
schestowitzNWO is a discredited temMar 24 13:32
XFaCEi.e. focus on the actions, not on guessing internal thoughtsMar 24 13:32
schestowitz*termMar 24 13:32
schestowitzeven though elitists like Gordon Brown used itMar 24 13:32
XFaCElol really?Mar 24 13:33
schestowitzif you use this term, you're playing into their handsMar 24 13:33
XFaCEschestowitz: and that's my pointMar 24 13:33
schestowitzand they can generalise opposition to some caricatureMar 24 13:33
schestowitzlike msb_Mar 24 13:33
XFaCEexactly schestowitz Mar 24 13:33
XFaCEexactly my pointMar 24 13:33
schestowitzwho insists here for years that some dudes put explosives in WTC buildings without anyone noticing or blowing the whistleMar 24 13:33
XFaCEschestowitz: Now any criticism of Gates' can be dismissed as conspiratorial nonsenseMar 24 13:33
schestowitznot reallyMar 24 13:34
schestowitzhe'd wish soMar 24 13:34
cubexyzGates stole PDP-10 time, used to run 8080 simulators (the other side of the story)Mar 24 13:34
cubexyzpot, kettle, blackMar 24 13:34
XFaCEthat's why I say focus on the actions, and don't interject about personal theories about his personal motivationsMar 24 13:34
schestowitzmy wiki page about gates foundation got a quarter million hits so farMar 24 13:34
schestowitzthis was also mention in radio and some official news sites, so it's not being treated as BSMar 24 13:34
schestowitzXFaCE: leave that for corporate media to doMar 24 13:35
cubexyzpeople don't really trust Gates, so that's main-streamMar 24 13:35
schestowitzlike claiming what Hillary of Obama might be thinking, feeling, etc.Mar 24 13:35
schestowitzThe GOP sites like to talk about how Obama thinks, not what he doesMar 24 13:35
XFaCEcubexyz: I'm just tired of hearing the "There are many rich people like Bill Gates who do really good things", ala The Young TurksMar 24 13:35
XFaCEthe assumption of benevolenceMar 24 13:36
cubexyzask any former Digital Research employee :)Mar 24 13:36
schestowitzI've noticed their style. It's very pathetic sometimes and comes across as potentially racistMar 24 13:36
XFaCE[09:35:02]<schestowitz> like claiming what Hillary of Obama might be thinking, feeling, etc.Mar 24 13:36
XFaCEexactly my pointMar 24 13:36
schestowitzXFaCE: yeah, I noticed TYT doing thatMar 24 13:36
schestowitzand was disgustedMar 24 13:36
schestowitzthey repeat what they've read in Gates-bribed paperMar 24 13:36
XFaCEAnd that seems to be the general view of the public unfortuantelyMar 24 13:37
XFaCEand goes back to my pointMar 24 13:37
schestowitzinseminated with propaganda and mythologyMar 24 13:37
cubexyzAARD code... I haven't forgottenMar 24 13:37
XFaCEthe infowars paranoia allows for the people with legitimate criticism of gates to be pushed aside as part of the same groupMar 24 13:37
XFaCEalthough it's been getting better with the common core revelationsMar 24 13:37
XFaCEschestowitz: like you said, Gates is definitely being seen through a more skeptical eyeMar 24 13:38
schestowitzdepends how you measure itMar 24 13:38
schestowitzask people vs ask 'journalists'Mar 24 13:38
XFaCEschestowitz: It's kinda like the situation with GamergateMar 24 13:38
schestowitzyou might not find it much in the published (written) recordMar 24 13:38
schestowitzbut if you ask people in academia, you'll see something elseMar 24 13:39
XFaCEif you support Gamergate, you are a sexist, homophobe, harasser etc.Mar 24 13:39
XFaCEIf you don't support Gates, you are a conspiracist nutjobMar 24 13:39
schestowitzpeople in the streets are more probably going to recite what's in the papersMar 24 13:39
XFaCESource: "Journalists"Mar 24 13:39
schestowitzThey think truth comes from authorityMar 24 13:39
XFaCEexactlyMar 24 13:39
schestowitzoutcome of school/indoctrination systemMar 24 13:39
schestowitz[13:39] <XFaCE> If you don't support Gates, you are a conspiracist nutjobMar 24 13:39
schestowitzJealous a more common labelMar 24 13:39
schestowitznot just wrt GatesMar 24 13:40
XFaCEyeahMar 24 13:40
schestowitzany rich peopleMar 24 13:40
schestowitzthe "job creators"Mar 24 13:40
schestowitzdebate reframedMar 24 13:40
schestowitzpoor people as parasitesMar 24 13:40
XFaCEschestowitz: How can you be for Gamergate if you support equality for men and women - how can you support Gates if his charity does so much good in the world?Mar 24 13:40
schestowitzrich people as the solutionMar 24 13:40
XFaCEyepMar 24 13:41
schestowitz!google gates richer ten percentMar 24 13:41
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Haves and have nots: America's rich get richer - Journalism | 24 13:41
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Rich Get Richer: Bill Gates Tops Forbes 400 List of Richest ... | 24 13:41
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Bill Gates net worth: He's $9 billion richer than a year ago, but most ... | 24 13:41
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Billionaires Worth $3.7 Trillion Surge as Gates Wins 2013 - Bloomberg | 24 13:41
schestowitznot bad for a "gover"Mar 24 13:41
schestowitz"giver"Mar 24 13:41
XFaCEschestowitz: That is the great cognitive dissonance I ever seenMar 24 13:41
schestowitz10% in one yearMar 24 13:41
schestowitzmore than bad loan shark ratesMar 24 13:41
XFaCEHow can Gates be so applauded for being so charitable, when he's still makign money?Mar 24 13:41
schestowitztell journalistsMar 24 13:42
schestowitzthose that are still in the businessMar 24 13:42
schestowitzthey usually rely on fundsMar 24 13:42
schestowitz!google bill gates pays bbcMar 24 13:42
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - BBC Radio 4 - Today, 22/01/2015, Bill Gates: Rich should pay their ... | 24 13:42
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - BBC News - Bill Gates: I don't pay enough tax | 24 13:42
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - BBC News - Bill Gates: 'US should pay more tax' | 24 13:42
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Bill Gates: Africa needs better international aid audit - BBC News | 24 13:42
schestowitz!google bill gates pays pbsMar 24 13:42
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - NOW: Printable Transcript - Bill Moyers Interviews Bill Gates ... - PBS | 24 13:42
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - NOW: Printable Transcript - Bill Moyers interviews Bill Gates | PBS | 24 13:42
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Triumph of the Nerds: The Transcripts, Part II - PBS | 24 13:42
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Bill Gates Pays National Television (This Time PBS) for Self-Serving ... | 24 13:42
schestowitz!google bill gates pays guardianMar 24 13:42
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Bill Gates preaches the aid gospel, but is he just a ... - The Guardian | 24 13:42
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Bill Gates dismisses criticism of high prices for ... - The Guardian | 24 13:42
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Bill Gates: nice charity work, shame about the ... - The Guardian | 24 13:42
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Inside the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation | World ... - The Guardian | 24 13:42
schestowitzwow, gogole totally spammedMar 24 13:42
XFaCEschestowitz: They make it sound like the money gives is such a cost to himselfMar 24 13:42
schestowitzyou don't even get the news anymoreMar 24 13:42
XFaCE*he givesMar 24 13:42
schestowitzjust articles from the bribes media, which obviously has Gates puff pieces he paid forMar 24 13:43
schestowitz!google bill gates pays allafricaMar 24 13:43
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Bill Gates Pays Media to Portray Him As a Saint Alex Jones' Infowars ... | 24 13:43
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Nigeria: Bill and Melinda Gates' Big Bet | 24 13:43
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Ethiopia: 2015-2030 Critical in Improving Lives of the ... | 24 13:43
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Gates Foundation Critique - Techrights | 24 13:43
schestowitz!google bill gates pays nprMar 24 13:44
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Timeline: Bill Gates - NPR | 24 13:44
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Bill And Melinda Gates: Benefits Of Global Health Aid - NPR | 24 13:44
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - The Gates Grant | StateImpact Florida - NPR StateImpact | 24 13:44
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Bored? Try Doodling To Keep The Brain On Task : NPR | 24 13:44
schestowitzwow, the news is buriedMar 24 13:44
schestowitzit's hard to even know that he bribed them (millions of dollars)Mar 24 13:44
schestowitzinstead it's all spam/PRMar 24 13:44
schestowitzwhich worries me actually..Mar 24 13:44
XFaCEschestowitz: John Oliver did a good piece on thatMar 24 13:44
schestowitzI thought the opposition will have gained some places in search enginesMar 24 13:44
XFaCE!john oliver sponsored newsMar 24 13:44
schestowitzso maybe Google DOES have a spam issueMar 24 13:44
XFaCE!google john oliver sponsored newsMar 24 13:45
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Native Advertising (HBO ... | 24 13:45
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Ad Industry Execs Weigh In On John Oliver's Native Advertising ... | 24 13:45
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - John Oliver On Native Advertising - Business Insider | 24 13:45
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - ICYMI: John Oliver Flunks the NCAA for its High-Revenue Hypocrisy ... | 24 13:45
XFaCEschestowitz: Gates does a lot of native advertisingMar 24 13:45
schestowitzwhat's that?Mar 24 13:46
XFaCEschestowitz: online advertisements disguised as storiesMar 24 13:47
XFaCEschestowitz: with minimal, obfuscated disclaimersMar 24 13:47
XFaCEschestowitz: studies show that most people can't tell native advertsing apart from real newsMar 24 13:47
schestowitzit's hardMar 24 13:48
schestowitzif done wellMar 24 13:48
schestowitzclever PR peopleMar 24 13:48
XFaCEand that's the pointMar 24 13:48
schestowitzthey won't give it awayMar 24 13:48
XFaCE 24 13:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 503 @ )Mar 24 13:48
schestowitzit's like trying to create a bot to fool an observerMar 24 13:48
XFaCEhmmMar 24 13:48
schestowitzand appear like a human across the keyboard and screenMar 24 13:48
XFaCEschestowitz: something wrong with the botMar 24 13:49
XFaCEschestowitz: 24 13:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Native Advertising (HBO) - YouTube [ ]Mar 24 13:50
schestowitz 24 13:53
msb_The explosives, but not the detonators, were built in when the towers were constructed in 1969, so they could be demolished at the end of their useful life.  No one but the NY Port Authority knew about it, or they would not have moved into the bldgs.Mar 24 13:59
schestowitzso nobody involved in the construction knew and buildings are now (apparently) made with lots of explosives in them, by design. Go explain that to contractors of skyscrapers. :-pMar 24 14:02
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Mar 24 14:02
*schestowitz ( has joined #techrightsMar 24 14:03
-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz)Mar 24 14:03
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Mar 24 14:03
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsMar 24 14:03
schestowitzEnemies of the US would be salivating if they know that US already implants explosives in its biggest buildings ;-)Mar 24 14:04
schestowitzIncidentally, from yesterday..Mar 24 14:04
schestowitz!google tower bridge london unexploded bombMar 24 14:04
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Tower Bridge shut after 'unexploded bomb' found on building site ... | 24 14:04
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Pictured: unexploded WWII bomb found on building site near Tower ... | 24 14:04
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Suspected unexploded WWII bomb found near Tower Bridge - City AM | 24 14:04
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Unexploded Bermondsey WWII bomb causes chaos in London after ... | 24 14:04
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Mar 24 14:04
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrightsMar 24 14:05
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New Linux Kernel Vulnerabilities Patched inMar 24 14:10
TweetTuxMachines                 Ubuntu 14.10, 14.04 LTS and 12.04 LTSMar 24 14:10
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 14:10
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Linux Kernel Vulnerabilities Patched in Ubuntu 14.10, 14.04 LTS and 12.04 LTS | Tux MachinesMar 24 14:10
msb_schestowitz: You are using the straw-man technique.  According to a video that people saw in 1990, welders with security clearances were brought in to weld each next level of rebars, which is what the explosives were coated on.  But the video didn't say the welders knew they were explosives.Mar 24 14:10
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Xiaomi's New Mi TV 2: A 40-Inch Android-PoweredMar 24 14:11
TweetTuxMachines                 Smart TV for $320 24 14:11
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 14:11
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Xiaomi's New Mi TV 2: A 40-Inch Android-Powered Smart TV for $320 | Tux MachinesMar 24 14:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Today and Yesterday in TechrightsMar 24 14:11
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 14:11
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today and Yesterday in Techrights | Tux MachinesMar 24 14:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New Linux Foundation Members Invest in Linux toMar 24 14:11
TweetTuxMachines                 Advance Embedded Devices, SystemsMar 24 14:11
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 14:11
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 14:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Linux Foundation Members Invest in Linux to Advance Embedded Devices, Systems | Tux MachinesMar 24 14:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GNOME’s Epiphany Web Browser Gets Support forMar 24 14:12
TweetTuxMachines                 HTML5 Web Notifications 24 14:12
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 14:12
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 14:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME’s Epiphany Web Browser Gets Support for HTML5 Web Notifications | Tux MachinesMar 24 14:12
msb_schestowitz: And I never said that any other buildings were made with explosives.  YOU made that up and sneered at it.  That is totally dishonest.Mar 24 14:13
schestowitzwhich video?Mar 24 14:17
msb_It's no longer available.  Was removed from library shelves.Mar 24 14:18
msb_Back in 1990 very few  people recorded it.Mar 24 14:18
msb_Chris Brown and a few other people saw it.Mar 24 14:19
schestowitzok, makes my pointMar 24 14:20
schestowitzanyway, I'm back to posting news nowMar 24 14:20
msb_Run away!Mar 24 14:21
*schestowitz runningMar 24 14:21
msb_ 24 14:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The 9-11 Attacks Were Perpetrated By Agents Of The U.S. And Israeli GovernmentsMar 24 14:21
msb_"5. In 1990 a PBS video..."Mar 24 14:22
cubexyzif it's a PBS video someone must have a copyMar 24 14:34
MinceRgeekingsMar 24 14:35
XFaCEcubexyz: That's Pubic Broadcast SystemMar 24 14:38
cubexyzI think you're missing an L :)Mar 24 14:39
XFaCEcubexyz: wrong PBSMar 24 14:39
cubexyzI was just thinking 1990 was the peak of the VHS eraMar 24 14:57
XRevan86I have some VHS :).Mar 24 14:58
*balrog has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Mar 24 14:59
*moshe (~moshe@ has joined #techrightsMar 24 15:00
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux music players, 2015 edition Mar 24 15:04
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 15:04
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | jmtd → log → Linux music players, 2015 editionMar 24 15:04
TweetTuxMachines@rmsthebot       @tuxmachines Linux is only the kernel.Mar 24 15:04
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 15:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Reversi, A Classic Board Game Released On SteamMar 24 15:04
TweetTuxMachines                 For Linux, Developer PostmortemMar 24 15:04
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 15:04
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 15:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Reversi, A Classic Board Game Released On Steam For Linux, Developer Postmortem | GamingOnLinuxMar 24 15:04
*moshe is now known as nj3ma|pcMar 24 15:06
*balrog (~balrog@discferret/developer/balrog) has joined #techrightsMar 24 15:10
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Warlocks Renamed To Warlocks Vs Shadows & NowMar 24 15:16
TweetTuxMachines                 On Steam For Linux 24 15:16
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 15:16
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 15:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Warlocks Renamed To Warlocks Vs Shadows & Now On Steam For Linux | GamingOnLinuxMar 24 15:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Q&A: IBM's Adam Jollans talks Linux & OpenMar 24 15:16
TweetTuxMachines                 Source strategy 24 15:16
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 15:16
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 15:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Q&A: IBM's Adam Jollans talks Linux & Open Source strategy - Computer Business ReviewMar 24 15:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New Linux Kernel Vulnerabilities Patched inMar 24 15:16
TweetTuxMachines                 Ubuntu 14.10, 14.04 LTS and 12.04 LTSMar 24 15:16
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 15:16
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Linux Kernel Vulnerabilities Patched in Ubuntu 14.10, 14.04 LTS and 12.04 LTS - SoftpediaMar 24 15:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Xiaomi's New Mi TV 2: A 40-Inch Android-PoweredMar 24 15:17
TweetTuxMachines                 Smart TV for $320 24 15:17
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 15:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Xiaomi's New Mi TV 2: A 40-Inch Android-Powered Smart TV for $320Mar 24 15:17
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 15:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New Linux Foundation Members Invest in Linux toMar 24 15:17
TweetTuxMachines                 Advance Embedded Devices, Systems Mar 24 15:17
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 15:17
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 15:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Linux Foundation Members Invest in Linux to Advance Embedded Devices, Systems - MarketWatchMar 24 15:17
*TweetTuxMachines @ReleaseTEAMLTD retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Q&amp;A: IBM's Adam Jollans talks Linux &amp; Open...'Mar 24 15:20
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GNOME’s Epiphany Web Browser Gets Support forMar 24 15:21
TweetTuxMachines                 HTML5 Web Notifications 24 15:21
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 15:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME’s Epiphany Web Browser Gets Support for HTML5 Web Notifications - SoftpediaMar 24 15:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 15:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     How to do fast, repeatable GNU/LinuxMar 24 15:21
TweetTuxMachines                 installations 24 15:21
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 15:21
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Automate everything: Another lesson from the Linux philosophy | Opensource.comMar 24 15:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New version of SecureDrop, open-sourceMar 24 15:21
TweetTuxMachines                 whistleblower submission system originallyMar 24 15:21
TweetTuxMachines                 created by Aaron Swartz 24 15:21
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 15:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 15:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New version of SecureDrop, open-source whistleblower submission system originally created by Aaron Swartz | Tux MachinesMar 24 15:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     A Trip Down (Computer) Memory LaneMar 24 15:21
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 15:21
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Trip Down (Computer) Memory Lane | Tux MachinesMar 24 15:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Federal open source software activities areMar 24 15:21
TweetTuxMachines                 growing 24 15:21
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 15:21
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Federal open source software activities are growing | Tux MachinesMar 24 15:21
*balrog_ (~balrog@discferret/developer/balrog) has joined #techrightsMar 24 15:23
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*Disconnected ().Mar 24 15:48
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Mar 24 15:48:30 2015
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*Now talking on #techrightsMar 24 15:48
*Topic for #techrights is: | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovellMar 24 15:48
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 17:16:19 2012Mar 24 15:48
-NickServ-You are now identified for schestowitz.Mar 24 15:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     How to do fast, repeatable Linux installationsMar 24 15:58
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 15:58
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to do fast, repeatable Linux installations | Tux MachinesMar 24 15:58
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     "It was 2010 when the first 600 Linux laptopsMar 24 15:58
TweetTuxMachines                 began rolling out to classrooms in our sevenMar 24 15:58
TweetTuxMachines                 elementary school" 24 15:59
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 15:59
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 15:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | DevOps too cool for schools? | Opensource.comMar 24 15:59
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GParted 0.22.0 Brings Support for GPT PartitionMar 24 15:59
TweetTuxMachines                 Names and Unpartitioned Disk DrivesMar 24 15:59
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 15:59
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GParted 0.22.0 Brings Support for GPT Partition Names and Unpartitioned Disk Drives - SoftpediaMar 24 15:59
*liberty_back ( has joined #techrightsMar 24 16:00
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsMar 24 16:00
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schestowitz__ 24 16:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "only 15% of Britain is using broadband of 30 Mbps or higher" #uk #internetMar 24 16:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Mar 24 16:02
schestowitz__"Mar 24 16:02
schestowitz__Delaware tops that list that I linked to at 10.88 Mbps.Mar 24 16:02
schestowitz__Not as bad as 0.6Mbps though. Holy shit. I think I might just give up and go to the library.Mar 24 16:02
schestowitz__"Mar 24 16:02
*jono has quit (Client Quit)Mar 24 16:03
schestowitz__ 24 16:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Fox is not news but a political party's #propaganda network, admits Fox staff 24 16:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Fox's Bernie Goldberg Debunks O'Reilly's Assertion That Fox News Is Not A Conservative Network | Video | Media Matters for America [ ]Mar 24 16:05
*jono (~jono@ has joined #techrightsMar 24 16:23
*jono has quit (Changing host)Mar 24 16:23
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schestowitz__ 24 16:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Kneeling to those in charge 24 16:27
schestowitz__"the location of that image is interesting- is that an amazon server being used for Diaspora?"Mar 24 16:27
schestowitz__And has odd/bad mimetypes for JPEGMar 24 16:27
schestowitz__ 24 16:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #idg helps people run #windows stuff on #gnu #linux as if GNU/Linux hasn't got #freesw for everythingMar 24 16:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | How to run Windows software in Linux: Everything you need to know | PCWorld [ ]Mar 24 16:27
schestowitz__"Yes but not all distributions are GNU....."Mar 24 16:27
schestowitz__Which ones are not?Mar 24 16:27
schestowitz__"Hi re. Kneeling to those in charge post Does that mean we are hosted on Amazon?!!"Mar 24 16:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Mar 24 16:28
schestowitz__Yes, old news and pretty bad stuffMar 24 16:28
*jono has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)Mar 24 16:29
MinceR172737 < schestowitz__> Which ones are not?Mar 24 16:30
MinceRAndroid :>Mar 24 16:30
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsMar 24 16:32
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Links 24/3/2015: WebKitGTK+ 2.8.0, Black LabMar 24 16:32
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux 6.5Mar 24 16:32
TweetTuxMachines         ( 24 16:32
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 24/3/2015: WebKitGTK+ 2.8.0, Black Lab Linux 6.5 | TechrightsMar 24 16:32
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Android Leftovers 24 16:32
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 16:32
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 16:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesMar 24 16:32
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Screenshots 24 16:32
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Screenshots | Tux MachinesMar 24 16:32
*nj3ma|pc has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Mar 24 16:32
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 24 17:33
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesMar 24 17:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 24 17:33
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesMar 24 17:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Software 24 17:33
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux MachinesMar 24 17:33
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Quit: ◀▬▬ •••They Must've taken my marbles away••◀▬▬)Mar 24 18:11
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MinceR 24 18:39
MinceR 24 18:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Skeptic » Reading Room » Religious Belief & Societal Health: New Study Reveals that Religion Does Not Lead to a Healthier Society [ ]Mar 24 18:48
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The Latest Microsoft Attacks on GNU/Linux andMar 24 22:06
TweetTuxMachines                 Free/Libre SoftwareMar 24 22:06
TweetTuxMachines         ( 24 22:06
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 24 22:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Latest Microsoft Attacks on GNU/Linux and Free/Libre Software | TechrightsMar 24 22:06
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Tiny COM adds wireless and storage to i.MX6Mar 24 22:06
TweetTuxMachines                 Dual SoC 24 22:06
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 22:06
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tiny COM adds wireless and storage to i.MX6 Dual SoC | Tux MachinesMar 24 22:06
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsMar 24 22:08
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Plasma 5.2 Bugfix Update 24 23:11
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Plasma 5.2 Bugfix Update | Tux MachinesMar 24 23:12
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Report: Linux takes leading role inMar 24 23:12
TweetTuxMachines                 IoT-obsessed market 24 23:12
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 23:12
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Report: Linux takes leading role in IoT-obsessed market | Tux MachinesMar 24 23:12
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     HP Expands Open Source Cloud PushMar 24 23:12
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | HP Expands Open Source Cloud Push | Tux MachinesMar 24 23:12
*jono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 24 23:27
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*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 17:16:19 2012Mar 24 23:51
-NickServ-You are now identified for schestowitz.Mar 24 23:51
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Five key skills for Linux job seekersMar 25 01:02
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Five key skills for Linux job seekers | Tux MachinesMar 25 01:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GNOME Shell and Mutter Updated for GNOME 3.14,Mar 25 01:02
TweetTuxMachines                 Nvidia Corruption Fixed 25 01:02
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 01:02
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME Shell and Mutter Updated for GNOME 3.14, Nvidia Corruption Fixed | Tux MachinesMar 25 01:02
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Mar 25 01:43
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MinceRgnMar 25 02:38
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DaemonFCRyan Farmer Live in Indiana? Can't get an erection. You might have Crystal Dick. Ask your doctor about Crystal Dick today and see if you might be eligible for a free trial of Viagra! Remember to ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex.Mar 25 04:04
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsMar 25 04:45
DaemonFCRyan FarmerMar 25 05:07
DaemonFCJust now · Mar 25 05:07
DaemonFCI just got my second load of laundry folded. The stuff I washed in my bathtub with a (new) toilet plunger and tide pods. It came out of there and it was like "Ahhhhhhh!". :) Much better than the $3 per load "Brump brump brump. Here's your dirty clothes back, asshole!" washing machines.Mar 25 05:07
DaemonFCI hate front loading washing machines to begin with, much less ones that have been used by 400 people for the last 5 years.Mar 25 05:07
*gde33 has quit ()Mar 25 05:24
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Docker's No Flash in the PanMar 25 07:42
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 07:42
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Docker's No Flash in the Pan | Tux MachinesMar 25 07:42
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 25 07:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Tiny COM adds wireless and storage to i.MX6Mar 25 07:49
TweetTuxMachines                 Dual SoC 25 07:49
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 07:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tiny COM adds wireless and storage to i.MX6 Dual SoC ·  LinuxGizmos.comMar 25 07:49
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 25 07:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Plasma 5.2 Bugfix UpdateMar 25 07:50
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 07:50
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Plasma 5.2 Bugfix Update | KDE.newsMar 25 07:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Report: Linux takes leading role inMar 25 07:50
TweetTuxMachines                 IoT-obsessed market 25 07:50
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 07:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Report: Linux takes leading role in IoT-obsessed market ·  LinuxGizmos.comMar 25 07:50
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 25 07:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Five key skills for Linux job seekersMar 25 07:50
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 07:50
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 25 07:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Five key skills for Linux job seekers - SD TimesMar 25 07:50
*TweetTuxMachines @techmuser favourited 'Five key skills for Linux job seekers'Mar 25 07:50
schestowitz__ 25 07:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why #OpenStack is...Mar 25 07:52
schestowitz__ 25 07:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Why #OpenStack is different from other open source projects by #hp guy who is a longtime #microsoft booster (and staff)Mar 25 07:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | How OpenStack compares to other open source project | [ ]Mar 25 07:52
schestowitz__ 25 07:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@citycloud: @schestowitz Interesting!Mar 25 07:57
schestowitz__"FYI: The below email was sent to the Delegations of the EPO's Administrative Council"Mar 25 08:02
*schestowitz__ working on itMar 25 08:03
schestowitz__"Heads and members of the Member States' delegations to the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation, dear Chairman, dear Mr Grandjean,"Mar 25 08:08
schestowitz__"Please find attached a cover letter to the heads of delegation, and EPO-FLIER No. 16 – Five reasons."Mar 25 08:09
schestowitz__Please find attached a cover letter to the heads of delegation, and EPO-FLIER No. 16 – Five reasons.Mar 25 08:09
schestowitz__"Mar 25 08:13
schestowitz__After the EPO's reaction to the WIPR publication," told us a source, "the EPO-FLIER team spontaneously decided to go for another publication: EPO-FLIER No. 17 [which] also reflects some statements Mr Battistelli made in the interview with NRC Handelsblad. This publication was NOT sent to the Administrative Council but distributed to EPO staff via private email addresses (as usual).Mar 25 08:13
schestowitz__It is public, and you can make use of it and its content, in case you want to.Mar 25 08:13
schestowitz__The previous Flier No. 16 contains an error: When mentioning the head of internal audit,Mar 25 08:13
schestowitz__the intention was to refer to one of the external (not internal) auditors, who is a French Battistelli recruit. Mar 25 08:13
schestowitz__"Mar 25 08:13
schestowitz__"Our sources tell us that "Mr Battistelli is even more under pressure, and he apparently has difficulties in explaining his policy: A number of articles in Dutch newspapers were published on Saturday 21 March, one of them contains an interview with Mr. Battistelli: NRC Handelsblad 'Ik ben geen zonnekoning' ('I am not a sunking'). There is a link to this article and to a google translation of it on the suepo page"Mar 25 08:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GNOME Shell and Mutter Updated for GNOME 3.14,Mar 25 08:50
TweetTuxMachines                 Nvidia Corruption Fixed 25 08:50
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 08:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME Shell and Mutter Updated for GNOME 3.14, Nvidia Corruption Fixed - SoftpediaMar 25 08:50
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 25 08:50
*TweetTuxMachines @kdecommunity favourited 'Plasma 5.2 Bugfix Update'Mar 25 08:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Plasma 5.2 Bugfix Update | KDE.newsMar 25 08:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Introducing The Library Operating System ForMar 25 09:21
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux ( 25 09:21
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Introducing The Library Operating System For Linux - PhoronixMar 25 09:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Introducing The Library Operating System ForMar 25 09:21
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux 25 09:21
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 09:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 25 09:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Introducing The Library Operating System For Linux | Tux MachinesMar 25 09:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     One-armed manipulation robot runs Linux and ROSMar 25 09:21
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 09:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 25 09:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | One-armed manipulation robot runs Linux and ROS ·  LinuxGizmos.comMar 25 09:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     11 Activities for KDE PlasmaMar 25 09:26
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 09:26
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 25 09:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 11 Activities for KDE Plasma - DatamationMar 25 09:26
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited '11 Activities for KDE Plasma'Mar 25 09:26
*tessier has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Mar 25 09:32
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrightsMar 25 09:41
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     "Red Hat has published a new KMS driver for theMar 25 09:52
TweetTuxMachines                 VirtIO GPU used within their LinuxMar 25 09:52
TweetTuxMachines                 virtualization stack." 25 09:52
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 09:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat Is Rolling Out A VirtIO DRM/KMS GPU Driver - PhoronixMar 25 09:52
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 25 09:52
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Impression Pi is everything a VR headset shouldMar 25 09:52
TweetTuxMachines                 be — it just can't pull it offMar 25 09:52
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 09:52
TweetTuxMachines                 "based around a Samsung smartphone"Mar 25 09:52
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 25 09:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Impression Pi is everything a VR headset should be — it just can't pull it off | The VergeMar 25 09:52
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     18-GPU NVIDIA/AMD Linux Comparison Of BioShock:Mar 25 09:52
TweetTuxMachines                 Infinite 25 09:52
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 09:52
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 18-GPU NVIDIA/AMD Linux Comparison Of BioShock: Infinite - PhoronixMar 25 09:52
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     One-armed manipulation robot runs Linux and ROSMar 25 09:53
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 09:53
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | One-armed manipulation robot runs Linux and ROS | Tux MachinesMar 25 09:53
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Azul tackles Oracle with open-source Java forMar 25 09:53
TweetTuxMachines                 Internet of Stuff 25 09:53
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 09:53
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 25 09:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Azul tackles Oracle with open-source Java for Internet of Stuff | Tux MachinesMar 25 09:53
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     11 Activities for KDE PlasmaMar 25 09:53
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 09:53
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 11 Activities for KDE Plasma | Tux MachinesMar 25 09:53
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     18-GPU NVIDIA/AMD Linux Comparison Of BioShock:Mar 25 09:53
TweetTuxMachines                 Infinite 25 09:53
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 09:53
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 18-GPU NVIDIA/AMD Linux Comparison Of BioShock: Infinite | Tux MachinesMar 25 09:53
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schestowitz__ 25 10:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Federal Register | Request for Public Comment on Activities Under Executive Order 12333 [ ]Mar 25 10:25
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*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited 'Azul tackles Oracle with open-source Java for Internet...'Mar 25 10:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Open source and DevOps aren’t mandatory, butMar 25 10:58
TweetTuxMachines                 neither is survival 25 10:58
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 10:58
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open source and DevOps aren’t mandatory, but neither is survival | Tux MachinesMar 25 10:58
*TweetTuxMachines @guydelamarta favourited 'Open source and DevOps aren’t mandatory, but neither...'Mar 25 10:58
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Mar 25 11:19
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*Now talking on #techrightsMar 25 11:20
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*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 17:16:19 2012Mar 25 11:20
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roy_ 25 11:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Deprogrammer9: .@schestowitz good old public relations!Mar 25 11:39
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*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsMar 25 12:27
DaemonFCI bought some more refilled ink cartridges for my HP printer on eBay.Mar 25 12:34
DaemonFCThe 901XL is up to $38.50 for a new HP cartridge, and the refilled cartridges on eBay are only $4.25.Mar 25 12:34
msb_inkjet or laser?Mar 25 12:36
DaemonFCinkjetMar 25 12:36
DaemonFCFor $4 each, I'm not complaining.Mar 25 12:37
DaemonFCYou can go through 10 refilled cartridges for the price of 1 HP new.Mar 25 12:37
msb_that's great!Mar 25 12:37
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrights ("Replaced by new connection")Mar 25 12:38
msb_HP is a ripoff.  I had an inkjet printer that stopped working but was out of warranty and they wouldn't even talk to me on the phone unless I paid them $75.Mar 25 12:39
msb_would never buy anything from HPMar 25 12:39
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrightsMar 25 12:39
msb_guess they are military company used to ripping off the govtMar 25 12:40
DaemonFCTheir printers are alright. They sell them cheap because their ink is way more expensive.Mar 25 12:43
DaemonFCRefilled cartridges work because if they stopped you, they'd be sued. There's a warning box that pops up on the screen.Mar 25 12:43
DaemonFCThe refilled cartridges say "Close the warning box that appears.".Mar 25 12:43
msb_There must be a program that puts up a box that says "Don't click this box!" and if you do it puts up a picture of your whole screen with big cracks in it and makes a crashing noise.Mar 25 12:47
msb_A full-screen-size picture of course.  That would get the adrenalin flowing!Mar 25 12:49
msb_Maybe people write that kind of thing only for Windows.Mar 25 12:50
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 25 13:18
balrogSo according to mjg59, the new Secure Boot requirements do require desktop vendors to allow you to provision your own Secure Boot keys.Mar 25 14:08
balrogIf that's the case, it's a loss in convenience, but fortunately not control (yet)Mar 25 14:09
balrogsince the UI for loading new keys will be cryptic, of courseMar 25 14:09
cubexyzfolks will still want to turn off secure boot for booting msdos or any home brew OSMar 25 14:11
cubexyze.g. msdos/drdos/freedosMar 25 14:12
MinceRand maybe they'll get in a provision for dropping warranty, including hardwareMar 25 14:16
MinceRmost folks won't care, they'll bleat on and keep rebooting windowsMar 25 14:16
cubexyzI'll be watching coreboot more closely from now onMar 25 14:18
MinceRhow can we convince hw manufacturers to shop coreboot?Mar 25 14:19
MinceRintel actually put a roadblock up against corebootMar 25 14:19
MinceR"intel boot guard"Mar 25 14:19
cubexyzbug them with emails I guessMar 25 14:19
MinceRs/shop/ship/Mar 25 14:19
MinceRlike they'll careMar 25 14:19
balrogcubexyz: based on what I see, BIOS support will be dropped in the near futureMar 25 14:26
balrogso a shim will be needed to load msdos/drdos/freedosMar 25 14:26
balrogMinceR: Intel Boot Guard would make sense if they put the key somewhere other than fused inside the CPUMar 25 14:26
MinceRbut they didn'tMar 25 14:26
MinceRand that's how you know their true intentionsMar 25 14:26
cubexyzbalrog, with corebot we have seabios which will support real mode OSesMar 25 14:26
balrogcubexyz: I'm not arguing against coreboot, I'm discussing support for mainstream systemsMar 25 14:26
cubexyzcan't we just turn off intel boot guard?Mar 25 14:27
MinceRbut the campaign against the general-purpose computer will lock you out of coreboot and seabiosMar 25 14:27
MinceRno, we can'tMar 25 14:27
balrogcubexyz: yeah, by replacing the CPUMar 25 14:27
cubexyzahMar 25 14:27
balrogBoot Guard actually has two modesMar 25 14:27
balrogMeasured Boot (where the chipset sends a hash of the boot code to a TPM) is fine for coreboot and suchMar 25 14:28
MinceRwhat if there's no TPM? (as there shouldn't)Mar 25 14:28
balrogthen there would be no authenticationMar 25 14:28
balrog(a TPM doesn't have to be there for evil; these days it's generally used in enterprise for things like full disk encryption as it doesn't seem to have caught on as quickly as expected)Mar 25 14:29
balrogthe difference is that a TPM allows you to control what keys are in it, while the CPU fuses don'tMar 25 14:29
MinceRyeah, the TPM is totally innocuous, that's why it has an Endorsement Key, which has many benign use cases as...Mar 25 14:29
balrogeh, not totally innocuousMar 25 14:29
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsMar 25 14:30
balrogisn't the EK supposed to be randomly generated? (though of course the manufacturer could be deriving it or storing it someplace)Mar 25 14:32
MinceRdoesn't matterMar 25 14:32
balrogimho: being able to verify boot code is not a bad thing; having keys fused inside the CPU isMar 25 14:33
cubexyzso which cpus do I need to watch out for to avoid intel secure boot?Mar 25 14:33
cubexyzer, intel boot guardMar 25 14:33
balrogIntel CPUs sold for building PCs would most likely have it turned offMar 25 14:33
MinceRwhat matters is that they have both halves of the key and you don'tMar 25 14:34
balrogI expect to see it mostly in mass market / pre-built PCsMar 25 14:34
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited 'Open source and DevOps aren’t mandatory, but neither...'Mar 25 14:34
balrogwhat I said is that they shouldn't have both halves of the key (not that this is necessarily the case)Mar 25 14:34
balrogthat doesn't even get into the potential issues of poorly generated keysMar 25 14:35
balrog(which could be a problem for generating and programming a key on first power-on, in addition to it possibly changing even if OTP PROM was used)Mar 25 14:35
balrogthere's no definite answer :/Mar 25 14:36
MinceRwell, if DRM, tivoization and other lock-in keys are generated poorly, that's a good thingMar 25 14:37
cubexyzDell has a fairly fast chromebox with i3Mar 25 14:38
cubexyzall x86 chromebooks/boxes have corebootMar 25 14:39
MinceRi don't trust dHell to make reliable machines or to provide warranty for themMar 25 14:42
*nj3ma has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 25 15:17
abeNd-orgive had better luck with dell in the enterprise than lenovo/hpMar 25 15:35
abeNd-orgcant say a thing about consumer level products thoughMar 25 15:35
MinceRi had better experience with lenovo, but i only ever had thinkpads from themMar 25 15:36
abeNd-orgthe latitude/optiplex/precision/poweredges ive usually had good hardware luck with, & when needed warrantyMar 25 15:38
abeNd-orgvostra/inspiron/dimension, hah, all junkMar 25 15:38
cubexyzthis computer is an optiplex from 2001 :)Mar 25 15:39
abeNd-orgcripes, what is that a gx210?Mar 25 15:39
cubexyzyou're close, gx110Mar 25 15:39
abeNd-orgoh man, thats a whitecase one eh?Mar 25 15:40
cubexyzit's one of those slimline desktop casesMar 25 15:40
abeNd-orghavent seen one of those in ages, about the oldest i see in use these days is the 755 (core2duo)Mar 25 15:40
cubexyzI'm a preservationist :)Mar 25 15:41
MinceRi had an inspironMar 25 15:41
MinceRwell, i still have it, i just don't trust itMar 25 15:41
abeNd-orgi have a gx620 i was looking at making into a pfSense boxMar 25 15:42
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsMar 25 16:09
cubexyz 25 16:14
cubexyz 25 16:16
XRevan86cubexyz: True clarity.Mar 25 16:16
cubexyz:)Mar 25 16:16
MinceRclear blueMar 25 16:16
MinceRalso, you clearly won't get anything ddoneMar 25 16:17
MinceRs/dd/d/Mar 25 16:17
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrightsMar 25 16:28
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Install UFW Firewall In Linux And SecureMar 25 16:43
TweetTuxMachines                 Computer From Harmful Incoming/OutgoingMar 25 16:43
TweetTuxMachines                 Connections 25 16:43
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Install UFW Firewall In Linux And Secure Computer From Harmful Incoming/Outgoing Connections | Tux MachinesMar 25 16:43
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The Companies That Support Linux: Treasure DataMar 25 16:44
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Companies That Support Linux: Treasure Data | Linux.comMar 25 16:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GParted Live Switches to Systemd, IncludesMar 25 16:46
TweetTuxMachines                 GParted 0.22.0 25 16:46
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GParted Live Switches to Systemd, Includes GParted 0.22.0 - SoftpediaMar 25 16:46
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*TweetTuxMachines @gagalago favourited 'GParted Live Switches to Systemd, Includes GParted 0.22.0...'Mar 25 16:46
roy_LOL WTF? 25 16:55
roy_ 25 17:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@galoppini: @schestowitz the DevOps term at least helped to recognize that a systematic approach to delivery was needed @mrhinkle @gregdekMar 25 17:03
roy_They are marketing/management terms. If we're forced to use them, like 'cloud', we dumb down and screw the industryMar 25 17:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Gnome 3.16 sneak peek: A preview from the eyesMar 25 17:13
TweetTuxMachines                 of a KDE Plasma user 25 17:13
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gnome 3.16 sneak peek: A preview from the eyes of a KDE Plasma user | ITworldMar 25 17:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Red Hat clears up its software-defined storageMar 25 17:13
TweetTuxMachines                 options ( 25 17:13
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat clears up its software-defined storage options | ZDNetMar 25 17:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The Companies That Support Linux: Treasure DataMar 25 17:13
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Companies That Support Linux: Treasure Data | Tux MachinesMar 25 17:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GParted Live Switches to Systemd, IncludesMar 25 17:13
TweetTuxMachines                 GParted 0.22.0 25 17:13
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 17:13
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GParted Live Switches to Systemd, Includes GParted 0.22.0 | Tux MachinesMar 25 17:13
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__martin__lolMar 25 17:39
__martin__I meanMar 25 17:40
__martin__OEM/ODM cartel threatened to install M$ bloatwareMar 25 17:40
MinceRfinally, just what i wanted: an unreliable gparted live versionMar 25 17:41
__martin__ 25 17:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IBM to share technology with China in strategy shift: CEO | Reuters [ ]Mar 25 17:51
__martin__it just feels likeMar 25 17:51
__martin__how much these corporations know about human brain albeit keeping from public?Mar 25 17:54
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Gnome 3.16 sneak peek: A preview from the eyesMar 25 18:18
TweetTuxMachines                 of a KDE Plasma user 25 18:18
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gnome 3.16 sneak peek: A preview from the eyes of a KDE Plasma user | Tux MachinesMar 25 18:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Red Hat clears up its software-defined storageMar 25 18:18
TweetTuxMachines                 options 25 18:18
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat clears up its software-defined storage options | Tux MachinesMar 25 18:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Links 25/3/2015: India Moving to Free SoftwareMar 25 18:18
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 25/3/2015: India Moving to Free Software | TechrightsMar 25 18:18
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Mar 25 18:35
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*TweetTuxMachines @BookrDewit favourited '18-GPU NVIDIA/AMD Linux Comparison Of BioShock: Infinite'Mar 25 18:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 18-GPU NVIDIA/AMD Linux Comparison Of BioShock: Infinite - PhoronixMar 25 18:52
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*TweetTuxMachines @BookrDewit favourited '18-GPU NVIDIA/AMD Linux Comparison Of BioShock: Infinite'Mar 25 19:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 18-GPU NVIDIA/AMD Linux Comparison Of BioShock: Infinite | Tux MachinesMar 25 19:34
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's leftovers 25 19:34
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux MachinesMar 25 19:34
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 25 19:34
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesMar 25 19:35
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     How to create QR Codes easily in Gentoo LinuxMar 25 19:35
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to create QR Codes easily in Gentoo Linux | Tux MachinesMar 25 19:35
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     LibreOffice in the browser, revealed in 2011,Mar 25 19:35
TweetTuxMachines                 finally close to reality 25 19:35
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LibreOffice in the browser, revealed in 2011, finally close to reality | Tux MachinesMar 25 19:35
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GNOME 3.16 Has Been Officially Released, Here’sMar 25 20:42
TweetTuxMachines                 What’s New 25 20:42
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*TweetTuxMachines @StephDAVOS favourited 'Five key skills for Linux job seekers'Mar 25 20:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME 3.16 Has Been Officially Released, Here’s What’s New | Tux MachinesMar 25 20:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Five key skills for Linux job seekers - SD TimesMar 25 20:42
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Intro to Grace: an open source educationalMar 25 20:42
TweetTuxMachines                 programming language 25 20:42
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Intro to Grace: an open source educational programming language | Tux MachinesMar 25 20:42
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Former Tesla Intern Releases $60 Full OpenMar 25 20:42
TweetTuxMachines                 Source Car Hacking Kit For The MassesMar 25 20:42
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Former Tesla Intern Releases $60 Full Open Source Car Hacking Kit For The Masses | Tux MachinesMar 25 20:42
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GParted Live Switches to Systemd, IncludesMar 25 20:42
TweetTuxMachines                 GParted 0.22.0 25 20:42
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GParted Live Switches to Systemd, Includes GParted 0.22.0 | Tux MachinesMar 25 20:42
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New Ubuntu Phone Flash Sale Confirmed for MarchMar 25 23:44
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Ubuntu Phone Flash Sale Confirmed for March 26 | Tux MachinesMar 25 23:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Firefox OS ported to MIPS on Ingenic tabletMar 25 23:44
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox OS ported to MIPS on Ingenic tablet | Tux MachinesMar 25 23:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) Final Beta FreezeMar 25 23:44
TweetTuxMachines                 Is Now in Effect, Will Be Released on March 26Mar 25 23:44
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) Final Beta Freeze Is Now in Effect, Will Be Released on March 26 | Tux MachinesMar 25 23:44
*lenngray has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)Mar 26 00:16
MinceR 26 00:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The first Cyanogen phone without Google could be from Blu [ ]Mar 26 00:20
MinceRcyanogen shows its true colors as yet another front for microsoftMar 26 00:20
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsMar 26 00:26
schestowitz__yes, I mentjoned it and have article draft about itMar 26 00:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Neptune 4.3.1 Linux Distro Released to Fix anMar 26 00:30
TweetTuxMachines                 Installation Issue with EXT4 PartitionsMar 26 00:30
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 00:30
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Neptune 4.3.1 Linux Distro Released to Fix an Installation Issue with EXT4 Partitions | Tux MachinesMar 26 00:31
msb_  "a colorless, toxic gas"  "Cyanogen is a highly toxic compound"  "Lethal dose through inhalation typically ranges from 100 to 150 mg."Mar 26 00:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cyanogen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMar 26 00:31
msb_"cyanogen is very toxic, as it readily undergoes reduction to cyanide, which poisons the cytochrome c oxidase complex, thus interrupting the mitochondrial electron transfer chain"Mar 26 00:32
schestowitz__MinceR: my wife says Cyanogen is Judas, like Miguel de IcazaMar 26 00:32
msb_Why in the world would anyone name their software product after a deadly poison?  Perhaps their subconscious mind is warning people.Mar 26 00:34
schestowitz__indeedMar 26 00:37
schestowitz__i'll quote you on that in tecrightsMar 26 00:37
msb_Thanks!Mar 26 00:37
schestowitz__MinceR alsoMar 26 00:37
MinceRafaik it was named after the nickname of its first authorMar 26 00:37
schestowitz__yeahMar 26 00:38
schestowitz__is he still with them? He worked for samsung for a while, I think he quitMar 26 00:38
MinceRdunnoMar 26 00:39
schestowitz__Steve Ruberick or something (the surname is def wrong)Mar 26 00:39
schestowitz__!google steve cyanogenMar 26 00:39
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Steve Kondik - Google+ | 26 00:39
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - CyanogenMod - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | 26 00:39
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - cyanogen (@cyanogen) | Twitter | 26 00:39
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Steve Kondik on India, Micromax, and OnePlus | Android Central | 26 00:39
schestowitz__MinceR: msb_ I wrote about 4 articles about it in the past 1.5 weeks aloneMar 26 00:40
schestowitz__and prior to that I warned about Cyanogen, since JanuaryMar 26 00:40
schestowitz__So this would add little new info, just present more viewsMar 26 00:40
schestowitz__I've put references and some additional details, looks like Cyanogen is a bit like NovellMar 26 00:41
schestowitz__And a company to fight hard to destory nowMar 26 00:41
schestowitz__it tries to turn Android into WindowsMar 26 00:41
schestowitz__Murdoch now funds it personallyMar 26 00:41
MinceRi wonder what's in it for murdochMar 26 00:47
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msb_Rupert Murdoch is the ultra-wealthy owner of a huge empire of newspapers and radio/TV channels with a rightwing bias.  With mobile phones being the most widely used form of personal computer, and thus access device for news information, Murdoch probably hopes to get his fascist news channels onto the phones, which will make him a huge profit and swamp out people's access to accurate news sources like   and   Mar 26 01:04
msb_    Mar 26 01:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Global Research - Centre for Research on GlobalizationMar 26 01:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Eastern OutlookMar 26 01:04
MinceRand google is impeding that somehow?Mar 26 01:06
msb_I know nothing about mobile phones and their software -- I've never had one.  But if Murdoch is contributing large sums of money  to Cyanogen-Mod, he'll have a say in what apps are included for accessing news, which channels they primarily make available, and whether access of his channels funnels money to him.  I have no idea what Google does regarding Mar 26 01:11
msb_Web access in Mar 26 01:12
msb_Android.Mar 26 01:12
MinceRperhaps it's a relatively cheap way for him to try out this channelMar 26 01:12
msb_The worldwide fascist empire, led by the US, UK, EU and Israel, exists to funnel the profits of commerce to the ultrawealthy, to the detriment of working people everywhere.  The Internet is a great threat to this empire, because it contains sources that tell the truth about fascism, the murderous US attacks on nation after nation, etc.Mar 26 01:17
MinceR...and the bot is in rant-mode again.Mar 26 01:18
msb_So the fascist leaders would like to push people into accessing their lying sources of "news" -- like Murdoch's publications -- so the people don't realize how they're being robbed.Mar 26 01:19
msb_MinceR: I suggest you access Global Research and NEO, and you will learn what's going on in the world.Mar 26 01:20
MinceRsureMar 26 01:20
msb_MinceR: This is not the world of 60 years ago when the USSR was attacking Hungary.Mar 26 01:21
MinceRyes, this is the world of 40 years ago when hungary was a faithful toady to the ussrMar 26 01:23
MinceRyour favorite empire is a post-communist mafia state like the hellhole i have the misfortune of living inMar 26 01:23
msb_MinceR: Hungary is not the whole world.  Mar 26 01:23
msb_No, my favorite organization of nations is the BRICS coalition (plus Venezuela and hopefully Greece) whose goal is a fair economic deal for ordinary people.Mar 26 01:25
msb_MinceR: you should stop lying about me and putting words in my mouthMar 26 01:26
balrognow I remember why I quit this channelMar 26 01:26
balrogthe politics were getting to me.Mar 26 01:26
MinceRooh, a "fair economic deal for ordinary people" from russia and china?Mar 26 01:26
balrogand not the tech politicsMar 26 01:26
MinceRyou should try living there and find out how much they care about thatMar 26 01:27
msb_MinceR: you lie and call me a "bot", yet it's you who won't access any news sources that might give you information that differs from your current beliefs.Mar 26 01:27
MinceRbut i'm sure it's more comfortable to relay propaganda from your armchair in the usaMar 26 01:27
MinceRwithout having any idea what your favorite empire did in the eastern bloc, for instanceMar 26 01:28
MinceRmsb_: those nutcase sites are not "news sources", they're garbage.Mar 26 01:28
balrogMinceR: exactlyMar 26 01:28
msb_MinceR: stop your lying about me.  The USSR was not at all my "favorite empire".  Mar 26 01:29
balrog 26 01:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | - RationalWiki [ ]Mar 26 01:29
msb_That article is lying in lots of different ways.  For example, it says "New Eastern Outlook, a Moscow-based Russian Government propaganda site".  I know personally one of the contributors to it, Janet Phelan, and she has no connection whatsoever to the Russian government.Mar 26 01:38
MinceRas far as you know and admitMar 26 01:39
balrogThey are Moscow-based thoughMar 26 01:39
MinceRalso, i see no claims on that page about _all_ contributors being connected to the russian governmentMar 26 01:39
msb_If you look at the articles on NEO, you'll see that few of them have anything to do with Russia.Mar 26 01:41
MinceRnot all russian propaganda is directly connected to russiaMar 26 01:41
MinceRand not all nutcasery is, eitherMar 26 01:41
balrogthe home page is pretty much all arguably pro-Russia propaganda (also it looks like lots of stuff that's unsourced)Mar 26 01:42
balrog(as well as lots of stuff that reads like opinion)Mar 26 01:42
balrogthat said, this site is probably worth tossing into the archive botMar 26 01:43
MinceRarchive bot?Mar 26 01:43
msb_The article says that the sites are oriented toward "conspiracy theory".  Here  it uses the definition of that term from Daniel Pipes, one of the most notorious American Fascist/Zionists.Mar 26 01:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Conspiracy theory - RationalWiki [ ]Mar 26 01:44
balrog 26 01:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ArchiveBot - Archiveteam [ ]Mar 26 01:44
MinceRicMar 26 01:44
msb_Read about him!Mar 26 01:45
balrogmsb_: that's an ad-hominem attack; his definition may very well still be accurate.Mar 26 01:45
MinceRWARC is interestingMar 26 01:45
msb_No, he is a right-wing zionist political propagandist.Mar 26 01:46
balrogs/about//Mar 26 01:46
balrogdid you read his conspiracy theory article?Mar 26 01:46
msb_balrog: You say the Global Research articles on the home page are unsourced.  Mar 26 01:46
balrogI clicked on some and didn't see much if any sourcingMar 26 01:47
balrognot globalresearch, neoMar 26 01:47
balrogI didn't look at globalresearchMar 26 01:47
msb_balrog: But those are only the beginnings of the articles.  If you read them you will find sources.Mar 26 01:47
balrog[21:46:43]  <balrog>*****I clicked on some*****Mar 26 01:47
balrogthat said considering the contents of your website, I don't expect anything different from you. I vote this discussion extremely offtopic for this channel and move to end itMar 26 01:48
MinceRsadly, we're not that organized :)Mar 26 01:49
msb_Here's an article that I chose at random in NEO from Tony  Cartalucci, a frequent contributer.  It's full of references. 26 01:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | US Propaganda in Korea Exposes American TV as Social Engineering Tool | New Eastern Outlook [ ]Mar 26 01:50
msb_Here's an article by Janet Phelan with references about innovative methods for recycling garbage. 26 01:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Drowning in Garbage — Some Creative Solutions | New Eastern Outlook [ ]Mar 26 01:52
balrogI see four outside links, two of which are to a conspiracy-theory blog, and two which don't mean muchMar 26 01:52
msb_balrog: what "conspiracy-theory blog"?Mar 26 01:53
balrog(also lots and lots of clickbait headlines)Mar 26 01:53
msb_balrog: so you smear links to informative articles as "clickbait".Mar 26 01:54
balrognot that one in particular.Mar 26 01:55
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msb_One of the topics that the so-called "rationalwiki" cites as "conspiracist" is Water Fluoridation.  I can show you dozens of article proving that fluoridation reduces IQ, causes cancer, and mineralizes the pineal gland, depriving people of the melatonin and dimethyltryptamine that the gland would otherwise produce.Mar 26 02:00
*TweetTuxMachines @userbob_com followed @tuxmachinesMar 26 02:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Firefox OS ported to MIPS on Ingenic tabletMar 26 02:02
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 02:02
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox OS ported to MIPS on Ingenic tablet ·  LinuxGizmos.comMar 26 02:02
balrogmsb_: articles, or well-referenced scientific studies?Mar 26 02:02
balrog(or academic papers)Mar 26 02:03
msb_balrog: One of the most frequently labelled topics called "conspiracy theory" is 9/11 being done by the US and Israel.  I'm a 9/11 researcher, and I've assembled lots of good information about it here:   Watch the linked videos and read the linked pages.Mar 26 02:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Human Society That Works For EveryoneMar 26 02:06
balrogI've been through plenty of this already. I don't need to lose more years of my life to this crap.Mar 26 02:07
balrogIt's not worth it.Mar 26 02:07
msb_balrog: That's the exact opposite of intellectual honesty and critical thinking.Mar 26 02:08
msb_Refuse to access any information that differs from your current model of the world and you _guarantee_ that you will never learn anything, and will remain an ignorant victim of lying propaganda.Mar 26 02:09
MinceRintellectual honesty and critical thinking means ruminating on the same arguments over and over?Mar 26 02:10
msb_Note that the only reason I started talking about this stuff is because MinceR suggested motives for Murdoch contributing to Mar 26 02:11
msb_Cyanogen, and when I proposed a different theory he called me a "ranting bot".Mar 26 02:11
msb_MinceR: If you keep telling the same lies, I will keep giving the same corrections.Mar 26 02:12
balrogI've spent enough time learning about these things and why they're ridiculously unlikely.Mar 26 02:13
balrogYou don't know this but I grew up around a lot of this crap. I am quite familiar with itMar 26 02:13
balrogSomething tells me this isn't the first time.Mar 26 02:13
balrogs/theory/hypothesisMar 26 02:13
balrogWhat are said lies and motivesMar 26 02:13
msb_"<MinceR> your favorite empire is a post-communist mafia state like the hellhole i have the misfortune of living in"Mar 26 02:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GNOME 3.16 Has Been Officially Released, Here’sMar 26 02:15
TweetTuxMachines                 What’s New 26 02:15
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME 3.16 Has Been Officially Released, Here’s What’s New - SoftpediaMar 26 02:15
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 02:15
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Introducing GNOME 3.16, the Best GNOME Release Yet - Video - SoftpediaMar 26 02:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New Ubuntu Phone Flash Sale Confirmed for MarchMar 26 02:16
TweetTuxMachines                 26 ( 26 02:16
TweetTuxMachines                 yes, that's TODAY.Mar 26 02:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Ubuntu Phone Flash Sale Confirmed for March 26 - SoftpediaMar 26 02:16
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) Final Beta FreezeMar 26 02:16
TweetTuxMachines                 Is Now in Effect, Will Be Released on March 26Mar 26 02:16
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 02:16
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) Final Beta Freeze Is Now in Effect, Will Be Released on March 26 - SoftpediaMar 26 02:16
MinceRmsb_: i did not call you for that, but for going into your usual routine combination of tired conspiracy theoriesMar 26 02:16
msb_MinceR refuses to quote anything I've ever written in support of that idea because he _can't_.  Because he is lying.  And he repeats that lie over and over again.Mar 26 02:16
MinceRs/you/& a bot/Mar 26 02:16
MinceRmsb_: you keep propping putler up in hereMar 26 02:17
msb_I have said that Putin is countering US fascist attacks like the one in Ukraine that installed a Nazi government there.Mar 26 02:18
msb_MinceR: your claim of "propping up" is a vague smear generalization.Mar 26 02:19
MinceRand you have not supported those statements with any factsMar 26 02:19
MinceRonly diatribes about how the usa is the greatest evil in the world and that putler is opposing them, which makes him a saintMar 26 02:20
msb_MinceR: That the US installed a Nazi government in Ukraine?Mar 26 02:20
MinceRmultiple evils opposed to each other is a world that's apparently too complex for your mind to processMar 26 02:20
MinceRyou keep calling it simply a "nazi government" because it contains nazi parties as a minorityMar 26 02:21
MinceRmeanwhile your favorite dictator is maintaining a brutal dictatorship that's allied with his favorite cultMar 26 02:21
MinceRwhich is also nationalistMar 26 02:21
msb_MinceR: Are you saying that the statement that  the US installed a Nazi government in Ukraine is not supported with any facts?Mar 26 02:22
MinceRand where the dictator controls businessMar 26 02:22
MinceRmsb_: it is notMar 26 02:22
MinceRmsb_: and i'm saying that your saint is more of a nazi than those people.Mar 26 02:22
msb_They were wearing uniforms with swastikas. shooting into the crowd from roof tops, and they took over the govt by force.Mar 26 02:23
MinceRof course to see this one must realize that communism and nazism are mostly the same kind of fascism dressed up in different symbolsMar 26 02:23
MinceRwhich of course makes it understandable how people move between the two, allegedly diametrically opposed sides freely.Mar 26 02:23
msb_They also shot down an airliner with 300 people and blamed it on the Russians.Mar 26 02:23
MinceRno, the russians (or russian rebels propped up by the russian government) shot it down and blamed it on them.Mar 26 02:24
msb_The cockpit metal showed holes that had been made by projectiles coming in from both left and right, where the two Nazi-Ukraine jet fighters were.  A ground to air missile would have exploded on one side only, and so would not have made holes coming from both sides.Mar 26 02:25
MinceRso you allege.Mar 26 02:26
msb_So people report who inspected the debris.Mar 26 02:27
MinceRwho?Mar 26 02:27
MinceRalso, from what does it follow that only one missile was fired at it?Mar 26 02:27
MinceRalso, do we only have hearsay or some more tangible evidence?Mar 26 02:27
msb_The Nazis claimed that only one missile was fired.Mar 26 02:27
msb_The metal is tangible evidence.Mar 26 02:28
MinceRi can't see it.Mar 26 02:28
MinceRso basically there's allegedly a piece of metal that some russians saw and i'm to take your word about their word about itMar 26 02:28
MinceRso convincing.Mar 26 02:28
msb_See the non russian links in this article: 26 02:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Evidence Is Now Conclusive: Two Ukrainian Government Fighter-Jets Shot Down Malaysian Airlines MH17. It was Not a ‘Buk’ Surface to Air Missile | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization [ ]Mar 26 02:31
MinceRooh, global"research"Mar 26 02:31
msb_malaysian-mh-17-cockpit-photo-shows-ukrainian-government-shot-plane.htmlMar 26 02:32
MinceRsuch a nice, _complete_ URLMar 26 02:32
msb_ 26 02:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | First Examination of Malaysian MH-17 Cockpit Photo Shows Ukrainian Government Shot that Plane Down Washington's Blog [ ]Mar 26 02:32
msb_The links IN the globalresearch article, you liar.Mar 26 02:33
MinceRif you have dependable links, why don't you post those instead of that garbage?Mar 26 02:33
msb_ 26 02:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NEW MH17 SENSATION: German experts point finger at Ukrainian air-force jets. [ ]Mar 26 02:34
MinceRand no relevant images in sightMar 26 02:34
msb_I'm posting articles in order from a google searchMar 26 02:34
MinceRand a "german" expert called HaisenkoMar 26 02:34
MinceRi think my time is better spent sleeping than hunting for a diamond ring in the sewer network you're pointing me atMar 26 02:35
MinceRgnMar 26 02:35
msb_MinceR: Once again, like every other time, MinceR lies and demands I give proof for my statements.  Mar 26 02:36
msb_When I give the proof he refuses to access it.Mar 26 02:36
MinceRyeah, demanding proof is lyingMar 26 02:36
MinceRpointing out issues with your argumentation is also lyingMar 26 02:36
msb_MinceR: You lied and then demanded proof.Mar 26 02:37
MinceRand walls of texts with no images and some hearsay are "proof"Mar 26 02:37
MinceRbut i'm sure you'd have the same standards of evidence if saint putin was accused of wrongdoingMar 26 02:37
msb_The texts did not come from pro-russian sourcesMar 26 02:37
msb_MinceR: you're changing  the subject to avoid admitting that I've disproved your lies.Mar 26 02:38
msb_ 26 02:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AnderweltOnline: Shocking Analysis of the ‘Shooting Down’ of Malaysian MH17 [ ]Mar 26 02:42
msb_ 26 02:42
msb_There's the picture of cockpit skin showing holes from bullets coming from both sides.Mar 26 02:44
msb_MinceR: What do you think of that?Mar 26 02:45
msb_balrog: ?Mar 26 02:45
msb_Is it still a "conspiracy theory"?Mar 26 02:46
msb_Looks like they've buggered off.Mar 26 02:47
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Neptune 4.3.1 Linux Distro Released to Fix anMar 26 06:43
TweetTuxMachines                 Installation Issue with EXT4 PartitionsMar 26 06:43
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Neptune 4.3.1 Linux Distro Released to Fix an Installation Issue with EXT4 Partitions - SoftpediaMar 26 06:43
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     "a spin of Raspbian with Mopidy that allowsMar 26 06:43
TweetTuxMachines                 users to play all sorts of streaming services"Mar 26 06:43
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tinkering with Pi MusicBox | Opensource.comMar 26 06:43
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roy_ 26 09:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@FrancisJeffrey7: @schestowitz Good point!...Maybe "public sources"...etc.Mar 26 09:06
roy_ 26 09:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@Bruciebabe: @schestowitz How the spooks own you: 26 09:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The spooks own you • Bruce On PoliticsMar 26 09:06
roy_ 26 09:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #Germanwings Pilot Was Locked Out of Cockpit Over #France "one of the pilots left the cockpit and could not re-enter."Mar 26 09:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Log In - The New York Times [ ]Mar 26 09:11
roy_ 26 09:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Impression Pi is everything a VR headset should be — it just can't pull it off "based around a Samsung smartphone" #android #linuxMar 26 09:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Impression Pi is everything a VR headset should be — it just can't pull it off | The Verge [ ]Mar 26 09:12
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Mozilla cares for community with educationalMar 26 10:40
TweetTuxMachines                 resources 26 10:40
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla cares for community with educational resources | Tux MachinesMar 26 10:40
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrightsMar 26 10:51
schestowitz__ 26 11:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ WW3 yet? #ibm never had qualms about working with human rights violators if it means more income 26 11:20
schestowitz__"USA is the champion of human rights violations - it used to reserve these violations, however, for foreigners. Now it turns on its own citizens. At least China keeps its (supposed) crimes domestic rather than terrorising the world."Mar 26 11:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | IBM to share technology with China in strategy shift: CEO | Reuters [ ]Mar 26 11:20
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Hands-on learning with “Linux From Scratch”Mar 26 11:49
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands-on learning with "Linux From Scratch" - TechzimMar 26 11:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Red Hat launches certified, end-to-endMar 26 11:49
TweetTuxMachines                 ecosystem for Linux containersMar 26 11:49
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat launches certified, end-to-end ecosystem for Linux containers | Tux MachinesMar 26 11:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Hands-on learning with “Linux From Scratch”Mar 26 11:49
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands-on learning with “Linux From Scratch” | Tux MachinesMar 26 11:50
schestowitz__> "Jimmy Wales's Wikimedia Foundation offered free access> to Wikipedia from mobile phones. The program, WikipediaMar 26 11:55
schestowitz__> Zero, launched in India and other parts of theMar 26 11:55
schestowitz__> developing world, including Thailand, Myanmar, Morocco,Mar 26 11:55
schestowitz__> Ghana and Malaysia. "Mar 26 11:55
schestowitz__> Mar 26 11:55
schestowitz__> 26 11:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [ ]Mar 26 11:55
schestowitz__> Mar 26 11:55
schestowitz__> Zero-rating deal bites 15k students directly on the ass.Mar 26 11:55
schestowitz__> Mar 26 11:55
schestowitz__> -Mar 26 11:56
schestowitz__> older:Mar 26 11:56
schestowitz__> 26 11:56
schestowitz__> 26 11:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Blog | Access [ ]Mar 26 11:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Net Neutrality and the Global Digital Divide | Electronic Frontier Foundation [ ]Mar 26 11:56
*arossdotme ( has joined #techrightsMar 26 12:06
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     CentOS-Based NethServer 6.6 Distro OfficiallyMar 26 12:13
TweetTuxMachines                 Released with New Software CenterMar 26 12:13
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CentOS-Based NethServer 6.6 Distro Officially Released with New Software Center | Tux MachinesMar 26 12:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Deepin 2014.2 review 26 12:13
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Deepin 2014.2 review | Tux MachinesMar 26 12:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     LibreOffice is Now in the CloudMar 26 12:13
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LibreOffice is Now in the Cloud | Tux MachinesMar 26 12:13
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsMar 26 12:17
*TweetTuxMachines @ale_fattorini favourited 'CentOS-Based NethServer 6.6 Distro Officially Released with New...'Mar 26 12:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Why Singapore's Yale-NUS College is using RedMar 26 12:30
TweetTuxMachines                 Hat technology 26 12:30
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why Singapore’s Yale-NUS College is using Red Hat technology | 2015-03-25 | FutureGovMar 26 12:30
*TweetTuxMachines @RedditComTech favourited 'Why Singapore's Yale-NUS College is using Red Hat...'Mar 26 12:31
*TweetTuxMachines @PostTechNews favourited 'Why Singapore's Yale-NUS College is using Red Hat...'Mar 26 12:33
*TweetTuxMachines @ChirpstoryTech favourited 'Why Singapore's Yale-NUS College is using Red Hat...'Mar 26 12:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Red Hat profit forecast matches estimatesMar 26 12:55
TweetTuxMachines                 despite strong dollar 26 12:55
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat profit forecast matches estimates despite strong dollar | ReutersMar 26 12:55
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Why the UK government must adopt Open DocumentMar 26 12:55
TweetTuxMachines                 Format 26 12:55
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why the UK government must adopt Open Document Format | Tux MachinesMar 26 12:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     A Cautionary Open Source Tale, Apple Buys AndMar 26 12:55
TweetTuxMachines                 Shutters FoundationDB 26 12:55
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Cautionary Open Source Tale, Apple Buys And Shutters FoundationDB | Tux MachinesMar 26 12:55
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MinceRgeekingsMar 26 13:06
XRevan86MinceR: hiMar 26 13:07
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MinceR"Source for all photos: Internet"Mar 26 13:07
MinceRwell, that settles it, thenMar 26 13:07
MinceRif it's on the Internet, it must be true.Mar 26 13:07
schestowitz__mehMar 26 13:08
schestowitz__ 26 13:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ Apparently the Airbus crashed has been caused intentionally by the co-pilot. And yet, no talk about "#terrorism" in the media. Wonder what the narrative would be had the co-pilot been named "Ahmed" or "Rashid"...Mar 26 13:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Red Hat profit forecast matches estimatesMar 26 13:14
TweetTuxMachines                 despite strong dollar 26 13:14
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat profit forecast matches estimates despite strong dollar | Tux MachinesMar 26 13:14
*TweetTuxMachines @OpenSourceRDT favourited 'A Cautionary Open Source Tale, Apple Buys And...'Mar 26 13:14
DaemonFCMinceR, It's the law!Mar 26 13:14
DaemonFCNot just a good idea....Mar 26 13:15
DaemonFCWhenever someone says "There ought to be a law.", there probably shouldn't.Mar 26 13:15
schestowitz__good for the 1%Mar 26 13:15
schestowitz__lawmakers usually are funded by themMar 26 13:15
schestowitz__if not part of the 1% themselvesMar 26 13:15
DaemonFCI call them lawfakers.Mar 26 13:15
schestowitz__SolicitorsMar 26 13:15
schestowitz__Masked as "lawmakers"Mar 26 13:16
DaemonFCThey make laws that say things can't happen.Mar 26 13:16
schestowitz__For their "clients"Mar 26 13:16
DaemonFCLaws can't do that.Mar 26 13:16
schestowitz__!google taxas law photographing copsMar 26 13:16
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Texas Bill Makes it a Crime to Photograph Police From Within 25 ... | 26 13:16
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Texas Lawmaker Receiving Death Threats for His Bill That Limits ... | 26 13:16
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Bill restricting rights of citizens to videotape police introduced in ... | 26 13:16
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - ​Texas lawmaker wants to make it illegal to film police — RT USA | 26 13:16
DaemonFCLaws can only say what the state is going to do when something happens. They can't stop something from happening.Mar 26 13:16
schestowitz__rightMar 26 13:16
balrogWhenever someone says "There ought to be a law.", the correct answer is "There probably already is a law!"Mar 26 13:17
schestowitz__hopefully more people will escape school-age indoctrination and accept that laws are arbitrary, biasedMar 26 13:17
DaemonFCIndiana has a new "religious freedom law".Mar 26 13:17
schestowitz__heheMar 26 13:17
schestowitz__"freedom"Mar 26 13:17
DaemonFCCode word for "You can tell the gays to leave.".Mar 26 13:17
schestowitz__I love freedomMar 26 13:17
schestowitz__who would oppose freedom?Mar 26 13:17
schestowitz__freedom... religion loves freedomMar 26 13:17
schestowitz__so let's love religion and give it "freedom"Mar 26 13:17
DaemonFCI said....Mar 26 13:18
DaemonFCInstead of complaining about the new religious discrimination enablement law in Indiana, why not find ways to fuck with them?Mar 26 13:18
DaemonFCCan smoking marijuana be a religious belief? Why yes, it can. Part of the reason the federal RFRA was enacted was because of a case where the federal government came in and told a Native American tribe that they couldn't use peyote as part of a religious ritual.Mar 26 13:18
DaemonFCIndiana's RFRA allows you to cite your religious beliefs as an affirmative defense if you're being sued. Maybe it's against my religion to pay medical bills.Mar 26 13:18
DaemonFCGet creative. Clog up their fascist court system.Mar 26 13:18
balrog(like with all the stuff about internet harassment. there *are laws* on the books, but it seems like police don't want to investigate, and judges think telling people "just stop using the internet" is an acceptable answer.)Mar 26 13:18
schestowitz__The Religious Freedom Act? the G.O.D. Act?Mar 26 13:18
balrogmore like the Right to Discriminate Using Your Religion as an Excuse ActMar 26 13:18
schestowitz__No way !!Mar 26 13:19
DaemonFCI have a rainbow-colored credit card. I got it just to see if anyone complained.Mar 26 13:19
DaemonFCNobody has yet, but that could just mean that they don't know what it is.Mar 26 13:19
cubexyzhow about some motherboard laws? You have the right to disable secure bootMar 26 13:19
cubexyzmake it part of the customer protection act Mar 26 13:20
balrogcubexyz: if what mjg59 says is true (and I have no reason to believe it's not) I'm a lot less worried about that.Mar 26 13:20
balrogI'm much more concerned about Boot GuardMar 26 13:20
DaemonFCThere are some rumors this morning that suggest that Samsung has bought AMD.Mar 26 13:23
DaemonFCI hope it's not true. I don't want the open source graphics driver project to be killed off by Samsung.Mar 26 13:23
DaemonFCOr worse, driver support, period.Mar 26 13:23
balrogwhat's samsung's track record with driver/linux support for their SoCs?Mar 26 13:24
MinceRtechnically most of their SoCs only run linux :>Mar 26 13:25
balrogdo they work with upstream?Mar 26 13:25
cubexyzanother thing I should mention, it's clear to me that AMI is building BIOS/UEFI with microsoft toolsMar 26 13:26
MinceReveryone isMar 26 13:26
cubexyzwith coreboot you can build it with linux tools, or even port the tools to another OSMar 26 13:26
MinceRintel did used microsoft crap to build TianoCoreMar 26 13:26
MinceRand everyone else is using TianoCoreMar 26 13:26
MinceRs/did //Mar 26 13:27
cubexyzyou mean the UEFI development kit?Mar 26 13:27
MinceRthe hw-independent code at the core of uefiMar 26 13:28
cubexyzTiano Core is just one type of boot loader thoughMar 26 13:29
MinceRi wouldn't be surprised if it was hacked up at m$ and distributed by intel under their own nameMar 26 13:29
cubexyzwell, blame intel I thinkMar 26 13:30
MinceRblame them bothMar 26 13:30
MinceRblame crApple too, they jumped on the bandwagon earlyMar 26 13:30
balrogMinceR: based on what I've been told, the blame falls squarely on Intel.Mar 26 13:31
cubexyzintel also started the whole "use microsoft tools" thing, all the way back to IBM PCMar 26 13:31
balrog -- boot.efi for older Macs. Yes, uses MS tools.Mar 26 13:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Piker-Alpha/macosxbootloader · GitHub [ ]Mar 26 13:32
balrogMinceR: is it a coincidence that EFI uses PE as its native executable format?Mar 26 13:32
cubexyzthere's BaseTools for Unix alsoMar 26 13:33
MinceRobviously notMar 26 13:33
MinceRneither is that they use FATMar 26 13:33
balrogwell FAT is basic and easy to implementMar 26 13:33
MinceRor that they _mandate_ the system clock to be set to local timeMar 26 13:33
MinceRforcing windows design flaws on other OSesMar 26 13:33
MinceRthat is, if they allow you to boot another OS on your hardwareMar 26 13:33
balrogyou saw that about Linux have to lie that it only supports ACPI 2.0Mar 26 13:34
cubexyzFAT is a patent encumbered filesystem, yes?Mar 26 13:34
balrog 26 13:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | mjg59 | Vendors continue to break thingsMar 26 13:34
balrogcubexyz: FAT with LFN isMar 26 13:34
balrogFAT without LFN is notMar 26 13:34
cubexyzokMar 26 13:34
MinceRexFAT is also encumberedMar 26 13:34
balrogbtw did you see the prior art on exFAT?Mar 26 13:35
MinceRalso, according to Matthew Garrett, a patent license is provided for purposes of UEFIMar 26 13:35
MinceRi didMar 26 13:35
balrog 26 13:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | TRS-DOS as possible prior art for MS patent on exFAT, and reference request | What's All This Brouhaha? [ ]Mar 26 13:35
MinceRoh, not on exFATMar 26 13:35
balrogalso see the commentsMar 26 13:35
MinceRon VFATMar 26 13:35
cubexyzjust to point out you can use gcc to build BaseToolsMar 26 13:35
balrog> I found another instance of a file system using a hash table for fast file lookup, the HP 64000 development system, introduced in 1979. The directory format is described on page 10 and 12 of the October 1980 issue of the Hewlett-Packard Journal.Mar 26 13:35
balrogI read that, and it pretty much is the same as what is claimed in the patentMar 26 13:35
balrog 26 13:35
MinceRinterestingMar 26 13:36
MinceRcrApple claims they invented the rounded rectangleMar 26 13:36
MinceRmicro$atan claims they invented the hash tableMar 26 13:36
*MinceR goes and files a patent on the wheelMar 26 13:36
balrogif you spend enough time looking at patents, you'll probably find one.Mar 26 13:36
cubexyzbalrog, wouldn't prior use invalidate the patent?Mar 26 13:36
balrogcubexyz: yes, but someone has to prove that in court.Mar 26 13:36
cubexyzmicrosatan lolMar 26 13:39
balrog(FWIW, I find calling companies like that very ... off-putting, and distracting from the actual problems)Mar 26 13:40
MinceRnot my problemMar 26 13:40
balrog(it also makes you look less credible)Mar 26 13:41
MinceR(to people who have already dismissed my side)Mar 26 13:41
MinceR(it's just an excuse used by people butthurt by others not venerating their god-companies)Mar 26 13:42
cubexyzI think M$ is prefectly reasonable, given that Microsoft does try hard to suck money out of everybodyMar 26 13:42
MinceR 26 13:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Satiric misspelling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ]Mar 26 13:42
balrogMinceR: the satire is lost if they're overused.Mar 26 13:43
balrog(i.e. context matters)Mar 26 13:43
balroganywayMar 26 13:44
cubexyzif Microsoft tops with the windows tax, e.g. every OEM offers all models of computer with no OS option, I'll stop using M$Mar 26 13:44
balrogI'm sure you all have seen 26 13:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | It’s Comcastic, or: I Accidentally Bought a House Without Cable | An Open Book [ ]Mar 26 13:44
cubexyzs/tops/stops/Mar 26 13:44
MinceRif m$ stops trying to destroy my freedoms and my computers and the general-purpose computer and repays the damage they've caused i will stop using m$ & co.Mar 26 13:46
MinceR(like that will ever happen)Mar 26 13:46
MinceR(also, no, m$ going bankrupt or otherwise defunct doesn't count)Mar 26 13:46
cubexyzyou know what I thought might happen in the past? The Microsoft-Only ComputerMar 26 13:46
MinceR(well, obviously, since that would not repay the damage)Mar 26 13:46
MinceRthat may yet happenMar 26 13:47
MinceRwe're going that way, thanks to uefi and intel boot guardMar 26 13:47
MinceRand treacherous computing, and drm everywhere, including html5Mar 26 13:47
cubexyzI remember one guy warning me over 20 years ago about itMar 26 13:47
MinceRit probably won't be much of a computerMar 26 13:48
cubexyzaround the time win95 came outMar 26 13:48
MinceRafter all, fog computing finally lets them move all the data they don't want you to touch where you can't access itMar 26 13:48
cubexyzthat guy farting around with Comcast should get satellite internetMar 26 13:50
cubexyzok, he doesn't want satellite because of VPN useMar 26 13:51
cubexyzOLPC uses openfirmwareMar 26 13:55
cubexyzand pre-intel Apple Macintoshes?Mar 26 13:56
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)Mar 26 13:56
cubexyzand of course Sun SPARC and IBM PowerMar 26 13:56
*liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsMar 26 13:58
schestowitz__ 26 14:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ French prosecutor says pilot deliberately crashed plane "no terrorism links" (read: not Arab)Mar 26 14:02
schestowitz__"Mar 26 14:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | French prosecutor says pilot deliberately crashed plane - Al Jazeera English [ ]Mar 26 14:02
schestowitz__correction; read (not muslims)Mar 26 14:02
schestowitz__the way you say it implies arab= islam, which is wrong.Mar 26 14:02
balrogcubexyz: yeah, from what I hear the switch to EFI was not at all popular within Apple.Mar 26 14:02
schestowitz__"Mar 26 14:02
zoobab_pongMar 26 14:02
schestowitz__This was intentional. The media likes to generalise so as to berate Arabs, under the guise of religionMar 26 14:02
MinceRbecause it was also a switch to x86? :>Mar 26 14:02
schestowitz__ohama: pingMar 26 14:03
balrogtechnically they could have done OF on x86Mar 26 14:03
schestowitz__zoobab_: pingMar 26 14:03
zoobab_what's up?Mar 26 14:03
MinceRbut that wouldn't have been broken or evil enough for appleMar 26 14:03
balrogor especially intelMar 26 14:03
schestowitz__1 Profile ViewMar 26 14:03
schestowitz__"Mar 26 14:03
MinceRit's sad that christians don't realize their religion is about as crazy as islamMar 26 14:03
schestowitz__Bill WeinbergMar 26 14:03
schestowitz__Senior Director, Black Duck SoftwareMar 26 14:03
zoobab_seems like you are in good connexion with those poor EPO employeesMar 26 14:03
schestowitz__"Mar 26 14:03
schestowitz__So Black Duck stalk me a bit right now, i must have hit a nerveMar 26 14:03
schestowitz__zoobab_: I have lots of docs from HollandMar 26 14:04
schestowitz__about 12 PDFsMar 26 14:04
schestowitz__I need to make time available today/Friday/weekend to publish thoseMar 26 14:04
schestowitz__There's an AC meeting today and tomorrowMar 26 14:04
zoobab_yopMar 26 14:05
zoobab_I am making a new campaignMar 26 14:05
zoobab_online soonMar 26 14:05
schestowitz__If Benoit is out, maybe they'll revoke nasty deals and agreementsMar 26 14:05
schestowitz__zoobab_: excellent, let me know when it's up, so I can promote it, link, etc.Mar 26 14:05
zoobab_yoMar 26 14:06
zoobab_I still have to publish the appeal I filed 2 weeks ago at the Belgian Constitutional CourtMar 26 14:06
schestowitz__appeal to decision made?Mar 26 14:06
schestowitz__or appeal for action?Mar 26 14:06
zoobab_unitary patent ratificatin by BelgiumMar 26 14:07
zoobab_there are chances that we got late, but I am looking at filing appeal in other countriesMar 26 14:07
zoobab_trying to get in touch with those law professors that have written "call for sanity"Mar 26 14:07
zoobab_there is a weak answer on ipkat from a dutch guyMar 26 14:08
zoobab_in any case we have to rock the boatMar 26 14:08
zoobab_I just hope the ECJ will sink the ship, otherwise we will have to do itMar 26 14:08
*Sosumi ( has joined #techrightsMar 26 14:15
schestowitz__Who? Wouter?Mar 26 14:20
schestowitz__Por?Mar 26 14:20
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Deepin 2014.2 review 26 14:48
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 14:48
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 14:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Deepin 2014.2 review | LinuxBSDos.comMar 26 14:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     CentOS-Based NethServer 6.6 Distro OfficiallyMar 26 14:48
TweetTuxMachines                 Released with New Software CenterMar 26 14:48
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 14:48
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 14:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CentOS-Based NethServer 6.6 Distro Officially Released with New Software Center - SoftpediaMar 26 14:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Fedora conferences this summer, writing releaseMar 26 14:48
TweetTuxMachines                 notes, brainstorming a better onramp, and aMar 26 14:48
TweetTuxMachines                 GSOC reminder (error)Mar 26 14:48
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 14:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora conferences this summer, writing release notes, brainstorming a better onramp, and a GSOC reminder - Fedora MagazineMar 26 14:48
*schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Mar 26 15:22
*schestowitz__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsMar 26 15:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Red Hat Squid web-proxy not deleting filesMar 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines                 willy-nilly 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 15:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat Squid web-proxy is not deleting files willy-nilly | ZDNetMar 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Sound Juicer 3.16.0 Officially Released,Mar 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines                 GNOME’s Default Audio-CD RipperMar 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines         ( 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 15:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sound Juicer 3.16.0 Officially Released, GNOME’s Default Audio-CD Ripper - SoftpediaMar 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Win an Ubuntu Phone, Here Are the DetailsMar 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines        ( aMar 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines                 bit of a publicity stunt.Mar 26 15:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Win an Ubuntu Phone, Here Are the Details - SoftpediaMar 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Bodacious Bodhi Broadens Linux DesktopMar 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 15:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bodacious Bodhi Broadens Linux Desktop | Tux MachinesMar 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Hands-On: Linux UEFI multi-boot, part twoMar 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 15:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands-On: Linux UEFI multi-boot, part two | Tux MachinesMar 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     BQ Is Cleaning Up Their Aquaris E4.5 UbuntuMar 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines                 Kernel 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 15:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BQ Is Cleaning Up Their Aquaris E4.5 Ubuntu Kernel | Tux MachinesMar 26 15:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Red Hat Squid web-proxy is not deleting filesMar 26 15:43
TweetTuxMachines                 willy-nilly 26 15:43
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TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 15:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat Squid web-proxy is not deleting files willy-nilly | Tux MachinesMar 26 15:43
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     It's Now Easier To Try PHP 7 On Fedora & RHELMar 26 15:43
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 15:43
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | It's Now Easier To Try PHP 7 On Fedora & RHEL | Tux MachinesMar 26 15:43
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New SteamOS Beta Arrives with Updated NvidiaMar 26 15:43
TweetTuxMachines                 Video Drivers, Uses Linux Kernel 3.10.5Mar 26 15:43
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 15:43
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 15:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New SteamOS Beta Arrives with Updated Nvidia Video Drivers, Uses Linux Kernel 3.10.5 - SoftpediaMar 26 15:43
msb__That FoundationDB move is amazingly evil.  Can Apple just steal all the contributed open-source code?Mar 26 15:51
balrognot to excuse Apple, but FoundationDB wasn't open source, fwiwMar 26 15:52
balroghere's the EULA it was under: 26 15:53
msb__The Forbes article says "The core of FoundationDB was closed source, but many components around it were open sourced."Mar 26 15:55
msb__The contributed open-source code should be publicly available, and a team of devs should write an open-source workalike for the core.Mar 26 15:59
msb__Apple has sure devolved a long way from its original image of being the system for artists, hippies, leftists, etc.Mar 26 16:02
cubexyzyou would need to go back to the Apple II for thatMar 26 16:03
msb__I'm friends with a couple of socialists who only buy Macs, even though they're expensive and crippled compared to PCs.Mar 26 16:03
msb__These folks do a _radio_ program, and they buy computers that have no audio input.Mar 26 16:04
balrogI see two components (actually connectors), and some example codeMar 26 16:05
cubexyzselective blindnessMar 26 16:05
msb__yepMar 26 16:05
balrogwhich while maybe useful, don't really help you very much to rewrite the coreMar 26 16:05
cubexyzknowledgeable in social issues, not technologicalMar 26 16:05
balrogall their interesting and special stuff was in the coreMar 26 16:05
DaemonFCRyan FarmerMar 26 16:05
DaemonFCJust now · Mar 26 16:05
DaemonFCI know how to contain the HIV outbreak in Austin, Indiana.Mar 26 16:05
DaemonFCCall in the Air Force and have them drop a daisy cutter on the town.Mar 26 16:05
DaemonFCIf there are syringes littered in the streets and peoples yards, then what would be lost by incinerating the entire town?Mar 26 16:05
DaemonFCAnyone? Anyone?Mar 26 16:05
msb__cubexyz: It's not as if I haven't told them repeatedly to buy vanilla PCs and use Linux.Mar 26 16:06
cubexyzI have a friend who really likes Sun MicrosystemsMar 26 16:07
msb__balrog: The specs of the core are known.  People should be able to duplicate the capabilities.Mar 26 16:08
balrogthe API is knownMar 26 16:08
balrogand what it's capable ofMar 26 16:08
balrogthat's not the specsMar 26 16:08
balrogthe EULA contains a confidentiality agreement, not sure how enforceable that isMar 26 16:09
balrogmsb__: do you encourage them to use FOSS software on their machines? that might go over better.Mar 26 16:09
msb__Of course.Mar 26 16:10
balrog(rather than putting on a completely new OS and getting new machines)Mar 26 16:10
balrog(I mean programs, not replacing the entire thing)Mar 26 16:10
msb__I think their software is adequate for their needs, it's the hardware that's not.  They are pretty old and overworked, so no sense in changing software if they don't need to.Mar 26 16:11
DaemonFCI got my clothesline nailed up.Mar 26 16:12
DaemonFCNot bad for $2.Mar 26 16:12
DaemonFCI'll get away without using that stupid coin-op dryer that takes two hours and $3 to dry a load of laundry.Mar 26 16:13
DaemonFCAnd by "dry" I mean still wet but not wet enough that you want to put another $1.50 in it.Mar 26 16:13
balrogPerhaps their hardware is adequate then.Mar 26 16:13
balrogcubexyz: sun, you mean oracle?Mar 26 16:13
cubexyzhe's probably got a bunch of older sunsMar 26 16:13
balrogheh Mar 26 16:14
msb__balrog: These folks do a _radio_ program, and they buy computers that have no audio input.Mar 26 16:16
balrogmsb__: that seems like a minor issue that's easy to work around.Mar 26 16:16
balroga lot of newer PCs don't have an onboard audio input eitherMar 26 16:17
msb__they would have to buy an expensive audio to USB or Firewire external adapterMar 26 16:17
balrog(and most PCs have a "mic" input)Mar 26 16:17
msb__but their iMacs don'tMar 26 16:17
balrogdo they need balanced mic in or just plain line in? how many inputs do they need?Mar 26 16:18
balroginterfaces that don't have high-quality preamplification (equivalent to a line in jack) are cheapMar 26 16:19
balrogunder $10 cheapMar 26 16:19
balrogonce you start getting into interfaces with 2 or more XLR jacks, you're gonna payMar 26 16:19
msb__They should have two mikes and a mixer.Mar 26 16:20
msb__Probably about $125.Mar 26 16:21
msb__Plus the line to USB adapter.Mar 26 16:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Shadowgate (2014) Point & Click AdventureMar 26 16:21
TweetTuxMachines                 Released For Linux > 26 16:21
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 16:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 16:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Shadowgate (2014) Point & Click Adventure Released For Linux | GamingOnLinuxMar 26 16:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     PAYDAY 2 Is Not Only Coming To Linux, But WillMar 26 16:22
TweetTuxMachines                 See Another 2 Years Of SupportMar 26 16:22
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 16:22
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 16:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PAYDAY 2 Is Not Only Coming To Linux, But Will See Another 2 Years Of Support | GamingOnLinuxMar 26 16:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu And Ericsson Partner To Helps TelcosMar 26 16:22
TweetTuxMachines                 Achieve Flexibility 26 16:22
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 16:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu And Ericsson Partner To Helps Telcos Achieve Flexibility - ForbesMar 26 16:22
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 16:22
msb__My cheap old PC has two mike inputs and a stereo line input.Mar 26 16:22
balrogthey also probably sound like crapMar 26 16:23
msb__No, they sound fine.Mar 26 16:23
schestowitz__ 26 16:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #lufthansa logo #Luftwaffe 26 16:24
schestowitz__"And this is hinting at what exactly?"Mar 26 16:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Luftwaffe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ]Mar 26 16:24
schestowitz__Not a wise choice of logoMar 26 16:24
msb__I talk halfway around the world on IHU and it sounds like we're in the same room.Mar 26 16:24
msb__schestowitz__: I don't think they look similar at all.  But the Lufthansa one looks like Daffy Duck with a hat.Mar 26 16:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     linux outgrew capacity for one unifiedMar 26 16:36
TweetTuxMachines                 conference 26 16:36
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 16:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Containers Microconference Accepted into 2015 Linux Plumbers Conference –Mar 26 16:36
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 16:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Checkpoint/Restart Microconference Accepted into 2015 Linux Plumbers Conference –Mar 26 16:36
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 16:36
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Energy-Aware Scheduling and CPU Power Management Microconference Accepted into 2015 Linux Plumbers Conference –Mar 26 16:36
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     BQ Is Cleaning Up Their Aquaris E4.5 UbuntuMar 26 16:36
TweetTuxMachines                 Kernel 26 16:36
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 16:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BQ Is Cleaning Up Their Aquaris E4.5 Ubuntu Kernel - PhoronixMar 26 16:36
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 16:36
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Hands-On: Linux UEFI multi-boot, part twoMar 26 16:36
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 16:36
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 16:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands-On: Linux UEFI multi-boot, part two | ZDNetMar 26 16:36
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Bodacious Bodhi Broadens Linux DesktopMar 26 16:40
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 16:40
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bodacious Bodhi Broadens Linux Desktop | Reviews | LinuxInsiderMar 26 16:40
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu And Ericsson Partner To Helps TelcosMar 26 16:40
TweetTuxMachines                 Achieve Flexibility 26 16:40
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 16:40
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 16:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu And Ericsson Partner To Helps Telcos Achieve Flexibility | Tux MachinesMar 26 16:40
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     EP IT department: ‘We should give opennessMar 26 16:41
TweetTuxMachines                 example’ 26 16:41
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 16:41
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EP IT department: ‘We should give openness example’ | Tux MachinesMar 26 16:41
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Mar 26 16:41
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrightsMar 26 16:42
schestowitz__ 26 16:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@kstallett: @KhaledBeydoun @schestowitz I don't yet know whether this act was meant to cause terror. But it certainly disregarded the safety of others.Mar 26 16:52
schestowitz__I think the point is, Arabs often assumed to be killing for political reasons, even while evidence is lackingMar 26 16:52
schestowitz__ 26 16:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #lufthansa logo #Luftwaffe 26 16:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Luftwaffe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ ]Mar 26 16:55
schestowitz__"Well, a bird logo is quite an obvious choice for an aviation company, isn't it? But the Lufthansa bird is actually a crane, not an eagle, so the comparison seems a little far fetched."Mar 26 16:55
schestowitz__many airlines don't choose birds; in fact, Saudi Arabia chose swordsMar 26 16:55
schestowitz__ 26 16:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@kstallett: @schestowitz @KhaledBeydoun I agree that sadly is the case and I certainly don't think that personally. Sadly our media have islamophobia.Mar 26 16:56
schestowitz__ 26 16:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@FrancisJeffrey7: @schestowitz Call it: A) JANUS B) CLINTONMar 26 16:56
schestowitz__ 26 16:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ 26 16:57
schestowitz__"I was just talking about this in a broader context yesterday about how there have been more acts of terrorism in the US perpetrated by white fundamentalists, be they Christian or anti-government, or both, than by outside agents who made it in and every time they have been played off as the single-incident acts of lone crazy people."Mar 26 16:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@KhaledBeydoun: Repeated refusal to name acts of mass violence by Whites "terrorism" deepens seeing it as an exclusively Arab/Muslim act. #GermanwingsMar 26 16:57
schestowitz__The shootings in Copenhagen could be described as hate crime, not terrorism as media frames itMar 26 16:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     LibreOffice Now Toward Cloud Based Package, GetMar 26 16:57
TweetTuxMachines                 Ready To Welcome LibreOffice OnlineMar 26 16:57
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 16:57
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 16:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LibreOffice Now Toward Cloud Based Package, Get Ready To Welcome LibreOffice Online | Tux MachinesMar 26 16:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     BQ Aquaris E4.5 Ubuntu Edition Unboxing - VideoMar 26 16:57
TweetTuxMachines                 > ( 26 16:57
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BQ Aquaris E4.5 Ubuntu Edition Unboxing - Video - SoftpediaMar 26 16:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Android Wear smartwatches: The benefits forMar 26 16:58
TweetTuxMachines                 professionals 26 16:58
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 16:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Wear smartwatches: The benefits for professionals - TechRepublicMar 26 16:58
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 16:58
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     A review of Android for Work: Dual-personaMar 26 16:58
TweetTuxMachines                 support comes to Android 26 16:58
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 16:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A review of Android for Work: Dual-persona support comes to Android | Ars TechnicaMar 26 16:58
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 16:58
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrightsMar 26 17:16
TweetTuxMachines@jfoxdev         @tuxmachines Just as the wrist watch cast aMar 26 18:11
TweetTuxMachines                 shadow on the sundial, so too will be the fateMar 26 18:11
TweetTuxMachines                 of the smart phone - cast aside by theMar 26 18:11
TweetTuxMachines                 smartwatchMar 26 18:11
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 18:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Poll: Linux Use by Software Developers &Mar 26 18:11
TweetTuxMachines                 Researchers 26 18:11
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 18:11
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Poll: Linux Use by Software Developers & ResearchersMar 26 18:11
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to MinceRMar 26 18:12
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Links 26/3/2015: GNOME 3.16 Officially ReleasedMar 26 19:03
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 19:03
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Android Leftovers 26 19:03
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 19:03
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 26/3/2015: GNOME 3.16 Officially Released | TechrightsMar 26 19:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesMar 26 19:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Screenshots 26 19:03
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 19:03
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Screenshots | Tux MachinesMar 26 19:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 26 20:05
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesMar 26 20:05
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 26 20:05
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesMar 26 20:05
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Software 26 20:05
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux MachinesMar 26 20:05
schestowitz__ 26 20:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ 26 20:19
schestowitz__"Think of the revenue."Mar 26 20:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@emptywheel: Lockheed's had crazy week. Going fr earnings call expressing worry abt PEACE BREAKING OUT to the war in Yemen w/best customers USING planesMar 26 20:19
schestowitz__Bailout with bombsMar 26 20:19
schestowitz__Grooming Ramji 26 20:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cloud Foundry Summit: Speakers and Agenda Arrive [ ]Mar 26 20:32
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 26 20:32
schestowitz__ 26 20:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #Samsung Rumored to Be Eyeing #AMD Acquisition 26 20:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Samsung Rumored to Be Eyeing AMD Acquisition [ ]Mar 26 20:45
schestowitz__"Please no."Mar 26 20:45
msb__AMD is the only manufacturer of powerful x86-type desktop CPUs that is standing up to the fascist Intel.  It is extremely important that AMD remain independent and able to keep doing this.Mar 26 20:58
msb__Microsoft and Intel are both working together to implement restrictions like UEFI that will allow them and the Mar 26 21:00
msb__Microsoft and Intel are both working together to implement restrictions like UEFI that will allow them and the US Fascist Empire to control everyone's computing.  AMD is outside of this vicious gang.Mar 26 21:00
MinceRdoes amd really stand up to intel?Mar 26 21:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Microsoft Won't Let People Wipe (Off) WindowsMar 26 21:02
TweetTuxMachines                 But Happily Wipes Android, Wipes Android AppsMar 26 21:02
TweetTuxMachines                 Through Cyanogen 26 21:02
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 21:02
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Won’t Let People Wipe (Off) Windows But Happily Wipes Android, Wipes Android Apps Through Cyanogen and Blackmailed ‘Partners’ | TechrightsMar 26 21:03
balrogcan we please not use inflammatory language like "US Fascist Empire" here?Mar 26 21:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Pillars Of Eternity RPG Released For Linux,Mar 26 21:03
TweetTuxMachines                 Early Port Report IncludedMar 26 21:03
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 21:03
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 21:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pillars Of Eternity RPG Released For Linux, Early Port Report Included | GamingOnLinuxMar 26 21:03
balrogit does not add to the conversationMar 26 21:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The Linux desktop battle (and why it matters)Mar 26 21:03
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 21:03
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Linux desktop battle (and why it matters) | Tux MachinesMar 26 21:03
msb__balrog: It is the US Mar 26 21:03
balrogthen just say "US"Mar 26 21:03
msb__balrog: It is the US Fascist Empire that invaded Afghanistan and Iraq after 2001 and murdered 2,000,000 in those nations.  It is the American Mar 26 21:04
cubexyztechnically there is also VIA and MCST making x86 cpusMar 26 21:05
cubexyzand naturally you can go right off x86 if you wantMar 26 21:06
MinceRand they're all weak, including amdMar 26 21:06
msb__balrog: Fascist Empire that destroyed the nation of Libya, which thanks to Qaddafi's sharing of oil revenues with the people had the highest standard of living in Africa.Mar 26 21:06
balrogmsb__: this is #techrights, not ##politics.Mar 26 21:06
msb__balrog: It is the American Mar 26 21:06
cubexyzIBM used to make x86 cpusMar 26 21:06
MinceRwhich were cyrix designs, afaikMar 26 21:07
msb__balrog: It is the American Fascist Empire that installed a Nazi government in Ukraine.Mar 26 21:07
MinceRand here we go with the saint putin bullshit routine againMar 26 21:07
balrogseriously, stop spewing disinformation and Putinist propaganda about Ukraine.Mar 26 21:07
MinceRand we almost had reasonable discussion on topicMar 26 21:07
MinceRand cyrix was bought by via since thenMar 26 21:08
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has joined #techrightsMar 26 21:08
msb__MinceR: balrog: I am telling the truth about these things.  If it wasn't the American Fascist Empire that did these attacks and mass murders, who did?Mar 26 21:08
MinceRstop trying to derail the discussionMar 26 21:09
msb__MinceR: I proved to you that Nazi Ukraine jet fighters shot down the Malaysian airliner.  I showed you the picture but you ignored it.Mar 26 21:09
MinceRno, you did notMar 26 21:10
MinceRthat picture was unsourcedMar 26 21:10
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Kernel 3.19.3 Arrives with ARM, ARM64,Mar 26 21:10
TweetTuxMachines                 and IPv6 Fixes, Many Updated DriversMar 26 21:10
balrogDid you read the Bellingcat report?Mar 26 21:10
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 21:10
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 21:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Kernel 3.19.3 Arrives with ARM, ARM64, and IPv6 Fixes, Many Updated Drivers | Tux MachinesMar 26 21:10
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Google makes deploying software on its cloud aMar 26 21:10
TweetTuxMachines                 trivial task 26 21:10
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 21:10
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 21:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google makes deploying software on its cloud a trivial task | Tux MachinesMar 26 21:10
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Kernel Source Code of BQ Aquaris E4.5Mar 26 21:10
TweetTuxMachines                 Ubuntu Edition Published on GitHubMar 26 21:10
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 21:10
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 21:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Kernel Source Code of BQ Aquaris E4.5 Ubuntu Edition Published on GitHub | Tux MachinesMar 26 21:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Why Android's Winning The Battle Right NowMar 26 21:11
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 21:11
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 21:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why Android's Winning The Battle Right Now | Tux MachinesMar 26 21:11
msb__balrog: Bellingcat?Mar 26 21:11
balrogYesMar 26 21:11
msb__what is itMar 26 21:11
balrogThey collected pictures, video, and other reports from social media and other places indicating Russian Buk movements, and put together a timeline that indicates that it's highly likely that a Buk was used to shoot down MH17. True, it's circumstantial evidence, but it's very thorough.Mar 26 21:13
balrog 26 21:13
msb__MinceR: "that picture was unsourced"  I gave the name and article of the pilot who saved the picture before youtube removed it.  What sources do you accept?Mar 26 21:14
MinceRmsb__: for starters, where did that site get the pictures fromMar 26 21:14
MinceRthey said "Source for all photos: Internet"Mar 26 21:14
MinceRwhich is a red flagMar 26 21:14
msb__The article I gave described it.Mar 26 21:15
MinceRalso, one of the supposed evidence they link to is a 404 pageMar 26 21:15
msb__What sources do you accept?Mar 26 21:15
MinceRless suspicious ones than thatMar 26 21:15
msb__Only govt/corporatist/fascist media, right?Mar 26 21:15
MinceRyou would call all media that shows putin in a negative light "govt/corporatist/fascist", right?Mar 26 21:16
msb__Only ones that lie for the American Fascist Empire.Mar 26 21:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The Linux desktop battle (and why it matters)Mar 26 21:16
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 21:16
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 21:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Linux desktop battle (and why it matters) - TechRepublicMar 26 21:16
msb__This has nothing to do with your bete-noir Putin.Mar 26 21:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Kernel 3.19.3 Arrives with ARM, ARM64,Mar 26 21:16
TweetTuxMachines                 and IPv6 Fixes, Many Updated DriversMar 26 21:16
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 21:16
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 21:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Kernel 3.19.3 Arrives with ARM, ARM64, and IPv6 Fixes, Many Updated Drivers - SoftpediaMar 26 21:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Kernel Source Code of BQ Aquaris E4.5Mar 26 21:17
TweetTuxMachines                 Ubuntu Edition Published on GitHubMar 26 21:17
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 21:17
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 21:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Kernel Source Code of BQ Aquaris E4.5 Ubuntu Edition Published on GitHub - SoftpediaMar 26 21:17
msb__I guess the circumstantial evidence in the Bellingcat report can't account for the bidirectional holes in the metal.Mar 26 21:18
balrognow where's that sourced from?Mar 26 21:19
MinceRsome random guy who put together a halfbaked website somewhere, apparentlyMar 26 21:19
MinceRwhose source is "Internet"Mar 26 21:19
MinceRthese russian fascists aren't even trying anymore, it seemsMar 26 21:20
msb__It is the US Fascist Empire that invaded Afghanistan and Iraq after 2001 and murdered 2,000,000 in those nations.  It is the American Fascist Empire that destroyed the nation of Libya, which thanks to Qaddafi's sharing of oil revenues with the people had the highest standard of living in Africa. It is the American Fascist Empire that installed a Nazi government in Ukraine.  If it wasn't the American Fascist Empire that did these Mar 26 21:21
msb__attacks and mass murders, who and what did?Mar 26 21:22
msb__That is the brontosaurus in the room that you are trying to get us to ignore.Mar 26 21:22
msb__You will not get pictures sourced by the corporate/govt/fascist media because they all tell the same lies in order to distract people from the attacks and mass murders that I just listed.Mar 26 21:24
MinceRso basically we're to take your word for it because you're very angryMar 26 21:25
msb__MinceR: I never said any such thing.  You are lying again.Mar 26 21:25
MinceRyeah, you used different wordsMar 26 21:26
MinceRand as we know, everything can only be expressed by one word in the english languageMar 26 21:27
msb__  and  provide reports from many different people from many nations.  But MinceR and balrog call them "nutcase garbage sites" but you give no justification for labelling them that way.Mar 26 21:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Global Research - Centre for Research on GlobalizationMar 26 21:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New Eastern OutlookMar 26 21:29
MinceRyeah, from many nations, including russia and russiaMar 26 21:30
MinceRjustification was already givenMar 26 21:30
msb__Many of the reports come from people in nations other than Mar 26 21:30
msb__Many of the reports come from people in nations other than Russia.Mar 26 21:30
msb__Probably most of them.Mar 26 21:30
msb__MinceR: No you are lying.  Your justification was a website that quoted Daniel Pipes, an American Fascist associated with Stanford University's Hoover Institution, the group that programmed Yeltsin to destroy the Russian economy by selling off the state assets at a few percent of their value to ultrawealthy businessmen.Mar 26 21:34
MinceRmsb__: your "justification" was a website that reposts crap from RT.Mar 26 21:35
msb__The two websites I gave post information from many other sites than Russia Today.Mar 26 21:36
MinceRyes, they also quote "the Internet"Mar 26 21:36
MinceRand pages that don't existMar 26 21:36
msb__The site you gave quoted Daniel Pipes _defining_ "conspiracy" in order to cover up the fascist activities that he favors.Mar 26 21:37
msb__The Internet is the way the human race communicates today.  Mar 26 21:37
msb__A page that no longer exists in no way disqualifies an entire article.Mar 26 21:38
msb__It is the US Fascist Empire that invaded Afghanistan and Iraq after 2001 and murdered 2,000,000 in those nations.  It is the American Fascist Empire that destroyed the nation of Libya, which thanks to Qaddafi's sharing of oil revenues with the people had the highest standard of living in Africa. It is the American Fascist Empire that installed a Nazi government in Ukraine.  If it wasn't the American Fascist Empire that did these Mar 26 21:39
msb__attacks and mass murders, who and what did?Mar 26 21:39
MinceRhearsay or fabrication is hardly sufficient evidence to convict someone of shooting down an airplane.Mar 26 21:39
msb__Neither is circumstantial evidence that you admit doesn't prove anything.Mar 26 21:40
msb__Here's an article about the US-backed Nazi takeover of Ukraine, showing the Nazis with swastika-like symbols on their uniforms. 26 21:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The U.S. has Installed a Neo-Nazi Government in Ukraine | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization [ ]Mar 26 21:43
*tessier has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Mar 26 21:45
msb__MinceR: It is the US Fascist Empire that invaded Afghanistan and Iraq after 2001 and murdered 2,000,000 in those nations.  It is the American Fascist Empire that destroyed the nation of Libya, which thanks to Qaddafi's sharing of oil revenues with the people had the highest standard of living in Africa. It is the American Fascist Empire that installed a Nazi government in Ukraine.  If it wasn't the American Fascist Empire that did Mar 26 21:45
msb__these attacks and mass murders, who and what did?Mar 26 21:45
MinceRmsb__: stop highlighting me in your crapfloodMar 26 21:46
msb__MinceR: Why won't you answer that question?Mar 26 21:46
msb__MinceR: Why won't you answer that question?Mar 26 21:46
*MinceR sets mode +q #techrights *!*msb*@*Mar 26 21:47
*tessier ( has joined #techrightsMar 26 21:51
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Why Android's Winning The Battle Right NowMar 26 22:08
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 22:08
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 22:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why Android's Winning The Battle Right Now - ForbesMar 26 22:08
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     OS X 10.10 vs. Ubuntu 15.04 vs. Fedora 21Mar 26 22:09
TweetTuxMachines                 Tests: Linux Sweeps The BoardMar 26 22:09
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 22:09
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 22:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OS X 10.10 vs. Ubuntu 15.04 vs. Fedora 21 Tests: Linux Sweeps The Board | Tux MachinesMar 26 22:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Allwinner Continues Jerking Around TheMar 26 22:09
TweetTuxMachines                 Open-Source Community 26 22:09
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 22:09
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 22:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Allwinner Continues Jerking Around The Open-Source Community | Tux MachinesMar 26 22:09
schestowitz__MinceR: can you please remove the quiet flag? It's against the spirit of the site, even when there's strong disagreements...Mar 26 22:23
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzMar 26 22:25
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz__Mar 26 22:26
*schestowitz__ gives voice to msb__Mar 26 22:26
MinceRsureMar 26 22:26
*MinceR sets mode -q #techrights *!*msb*@*Mar 26 22:26
schestowitz__thanksMar 26 22:27
MinceRi thought filling up the channel with repeated garbage was more against the spirit of the site, but it's your callMar 26 22:27
schestowitz__msb__: stick to the topicMar 26 22:28
schestowitz__FOSS/Linux/TRMar 26 22:28
msb__.Mar 26 22:28
schestowitz__Politics are for other channels, like -socialMar 26 22:28
msb__schestowitz__: Then will you order MinceR to stop attacking and lying about me.Mar 26 22:29
schestowitz__it's not him who put politics hereMar 26 22:29
*schestowitz__ scrolls back..Mar 26 22:29
schestowitz__msb__: you're gulible enough to fall for anything Russian propaganda says, and it in no way related to LinuxMar 26 22:31
msb__What I wrote has nothing to do with Russia.Mar 26 22:31
msb__I said, "Microsoft and Intel are both working together to implement restrictions like UEFI that will allow them and the US Fascist Empire to control everyone's computing.  AMD is outside of this vicious gang."Mar 26 22:31
msb__That's when balrog and mincer started in on me.Mar 26 22:32
schestowitz__You use this FOSS channel to spread your myths about US bombing its own sskyscrapers, installing Nazis, taking down planes by proxy..Mar 26 22:32
balrogthe words "Fascist Empire" in that statement only are there to provoke a political reactionMar 26 22:32
msb__They are fact, not myth.Mar 26 22:32
schestowitz__There are forums for stuff like that and quite frankly they're not respectedMar 26 22:32
balrogthey are wholly unnecessary in the discussionMar 26 22:32
schestowitz__putting that stuff here disgraces the siteMar 26 22:32
balrogthey are opinion, not fact.Mar 26 22:32
msb__balrog is lying.Mar 26 22:33
schestowitz__sughMar 26 22:33
schestowitz__either way, let's stick to topicMar 26 22:33
schestowitz__no politicsMar 26 22:33
schestowitz__only tuxmachines is echoed here because it's FOSS and LinuxMar 26 22:33
schestowitz__Politics are in -socialMar 26 22:34
msb__AMD's opposition to Intel and Microsoft has strong implications for what you call "political".Mar 26 22:35
schestowitz__Samsung wants to buy AMD, some sources say now...Mar 26 22:35
schestowitz__But it's not poltiicalMar 26 22:36
msb__If they stop AMD's non-cooperation with Intel and Microsoft, then it will be very "political" indeed.Mar 26 22:36
balrogthere's plenty of politics within FOSS. Such as GPL vs BSD licensing, and such. But that's not at all related to geopolitics or Russia or Ukraine or the USA being "fascist"Mar 26 22:37
schestowitz__AMD is worth very little nowMar 26 22:37
msb__schestowitz__: Isn't that why you wrote "Please no." ?Mar 26 22:38
schestowitz__and whatever happens do it bears little impact on the software worldMar 26 22:38
balrogisn't AMD's strongest business their graphics chip market?Mar 26 22:38
schestowitz__either way, x86 as a whole is having issuesMar 26 22:38
schestowitz__mobile devices eschew x86Mar 26 22:38
schestowitz__so it's ARM, Qualcomm even NVIDIA with Tegra that appear to be selling more units nowMar 26 22:39
schestowitz__balrog: ATI didn't quite die, I guess..Mar 26 22:39
schestowitz__But AMD suffered a lot from the bribes and other illegal tactics of IntelMar 26 22:39
balrogATI (AMD's graphics branch) is still going strong, and they are much more cooperative with FOSS than NVidiaMar 26 22:39
schestowitz__Intel is also cooperative, but not competitive performance-wiseMar 26 22:40
balrogIntel's fortunately been improving their graphics sideMar 26 22:40
balrogAnnoyingly, Linux users tend to prefer nvidia, just because their proprietary driver is much less bug-ridden than AMD's, and the open source drivers are a lot slower.Mar 26 22:40
schestowitz__If only there was some real FOSS champion in the GPU scenes... those that tried fades after a while... Phoronix chronicled the stories of a fewMar 26 22:41
balrogWhat's interesting is that nvidia has contributed Tegra code to NouveauMar 26 22:41
schestowitz__I didn't knowMar 26 22:41
schestowitz__I hate Tegra after I bought a Chromebook and worked hard to put Linux on itMar 26 22:41
balrog 26 22:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [RFC 00/16] drm/nouveau: initial support for GK20A (Tegra K1) [ ]Mar 26 22:41
schestowitz__It still doesn't work right, it also uses BGR instead of RGBMar 26 22:42
schestowitz__so the colours are still all wrong, no dual-head, etc.Mar 26 22:42
balrogugh...Mar 26 22:42
msb__Mobile devices with small screens and difficult keyboards are not suited to intelligent conscious detailed discussions that are necessary to overcome the huge flood of fascist propaganda.  It requires desktops and laptops.Mar 26 22:42
balrogwhat's that even supposed to meanMar 26 22:42
schestowitz__Tegra needs better driversMar 26 22:43
schestowitz__!google NVIDIA  torvalds wants to sell Mar 26 22:43
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Linus Torvalds: Nvidia, Fuck You! - YouTube | 26 22:43
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - You've Got To Watch Thi Video of Linux Torvalds Flipping Off Nvidia ... | 26 22:43
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Linus Torvalds Gives Nvidia the Finger. Literally | WIRED | 26 22:43
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Linus Torvalds F-bombs Nvidia over lack of Linux support | ZDNet | 26 22:43
balrogschestowitz__: are you running a mainline kernel?Mar 26 22:43
MinceRit would be nice to see how (if at all) AMD resists the war on the general purpose computerMar 26 22:43
schestowitz__they try to build an Android-Tegra empire but can't be bothered with mainline Linux supportMar 26 22:43
balrogthe problem with a lot of this stuff is that it often takes a while because it trickles down to distros.Mar 26 22:43
schestowitz__yeah, beat me to it, on mainlineMar 26 22:44
balrogmainline isn't always perfect eitherMar 26 22:44
balrogI've got a freescale i.mx6 embedded boxMar 26 22:44
schestowitz__maybe future versions of chrobuntu will work betterMar 26 22:44
balrogand mainline *finally* supports pretty much everythingMar 26 22:44
schestowitz__for now, it's a very limited laptopMar 26 22:44
schestowitz__also no sound supportMar 26 22:44
balrogbut for the longest time I've had to run 3.14 with the i.mx6 patch setMar 26 22:44
schestowitz__wasted many hours wrestling to try to get it to workMar 26 22:44
balrog:/Mar 26 22:45
balrogthis an acer Chromebook 13 with tegra K1?Mar 26 22:45
schestowitz__MinceR: I think AMD does lots of barebones stuff, inc. in serversMar 26 22:45
schestowitz__mine is HP 14 Mar 26 22:46
MinceRare they doing anything about laptops?Mar 26 22:46
balrogis it a K1?Mar 26 22:46
schestowitz__I think a newer gen of TegraMar 26 22:46
balroglooks like a K1Mar 26 22:46
schestowitz__!google processor hp chromebook 14Mar 26 22:46
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Chrome Notebook HP Chromebook | HP® Official Site | 26 22:46
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Google Chrome Notebook HP Chromebook Specs | HP® Official Site | 26 22:46
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - HP Chromebook 14" with Intel Processor, 4GB Memory, 16GB SSD ... | 26 22:46
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - HP Chromebook 14 review | The Verge | 26 22:46
balrog has info, seems it's still very "do it yourself"Mar 26 22:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jetson TK1 - eLinux.orgMar 26 22:46
schestowitz__I considered even changing x11 code and recompilingMar 26 22:47
balrogI started running this ARM i.mx6 box nearly a year ago, on kernel 3.10Mar 26 22:47
balrogit was available for half a year before thatMar 26 22:47
schestowitz__but I don't want to kill X on this machine in the processMar 26 22:47
balrogand only *now* does mainline support everythingMar 26 22:47
schestowitz__i found the patch for some bugsMar 26 22:47
balrog(except for the proprietary gpu driver. the FOSS one probably would work)Mar 26 22:47
balrog(but of course no 3D yet and slower)Mar 26 22:47
schestowitz__3d is not needed for many thingsMar 26 22:48
schestowitz__unless you render/gameMar 26 22:48
schestowitz__but I want the colour and dual-head sortedMar 26 22:48
schestowitz__it works on the ChromeOS sideMar 26 22:48
schestowitz__but ChromeOS is useflessMar 26 22:48
schestowitz__*lessMar 26 22:48
MinceRyou can put another distro on it, but then you get a pointless delay on bootMar 26 22:49
MinceRyou can probably hack coreboot (re-flash) to fix that, but that might lose warrantyMar 26 22:49
balrogas long as you can flash original bios back on :pMar 26 22:49
MinceRplus you get low-capacity mass storageMar 26 22:49
schestowitz__all in all, it's useful for some tasksMar 26 22:51
schestowitz__I worked from it whilst abroadMar 26 22:51
schestowitz__it's OK for reading news and posting some stuffMar 26 22:51
MinceRfor "some tasks" i have an android tablet :>Mar 26 22:51
schestowitz__it's light and thinMar 26 22:51
schestowitz__ 26 22:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | changi-airport-12 [ ]Mar 26 22:52
schestowitz__ 26 22:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | changi-airport-22 [ ]Mar 26 22:53
schestowitz__can use it while walking, it's light enoughMar 26 22:53
schestowitz__MinceR: mine is crackedMar 26 22:53
schestowitz__so I leave it home now, at least it's not cracked to the point of being totally unusable, yetMar 26 22:53
schestowitz__it already got severely cracked before, i had to replace the whole screen and digitizer or whatever they call the thing beneath itMar 26 22:54
schestowitz__MinceR: I'm back to my Palm PDAMar 26 22:54
schestowitz__I bought a 'new' old oneMar 26 22:54
schestowitz__unused on ebayMar 26 22:54
schestowitz__Palm TungstenMar 26 22:54
schestowitz__good for voice memosMar 26 22:54
schestowitz__ 26 23:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ The Linux desktop battle (and why it matters) 26 23:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The Linux desktop battle (and why it matters) - TechRepublic [ ]Mar 26 23:02
schestowitz__"one linux desktop? what a pile of bs!"Mar 26 23:02
schestowitz__"Lennart Poettering's dream come true - he's already suggested (demanded) it."Mar 26 23:02
MinceRmine is only rooted :>Mar 26 23:04
MinceRagain, the old bullshit of forcing one thing on everybodyMar 26 23:05
MinceRi guess some people will never see the error of their waysMar 26 23:05
cubexyzlame articleMar 26 23:08
schestowitz__dOSMar 26 23:08
schestowitz__Jack Wallen  is usually quite OKMar 26 23:08
schestowitz__blaming everything except the possibility of rogue play by rivals like MicrosoftMar 26 23:09
schestowitz__A lot of the Comes vs Microsoft sheds light on the big barriersMar 26 23:09
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@ has left #techrightsMar 26 23:10
cubexyzpeople really should study the history of Unix moreMar 26 23:11
cubexyzand I find it hard to abide linux desktop articlesMar 26 23:11
cubexyzit's been my desktop over a decadeMar 26 23:11
cubexyzand chromebooks really have changed things recentlyMar 26 23:12
cubexyzLinux on the desktop DID happenMar 26 23:13
schestowitz__ 26 23:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@FrancisJeffrey7: @schestowitz i only know the civilian airport (wonderfully air-conditioned,self-contained) & neighborhood around Orchard & old Arab Street.Mar 26 23:13
cubexyzcustomers who don't know anything about Linux bought chromebooks, that's a huge changeMar 26 23:13
schestowitz__Walk up to Little India to see what they don't want you to see. 5-minute walk from Bugis Junction.Mar 26 23:14
cubexyzgnome/kde/etc doesn't even matterMar 26 23:15
schestowitz__I ought to have taken more photos in #singapore - e.g. children in army uniform, people in their 80s doing hard labourMar 26 23:15
cubexyzcompletely superficialMar 26 23:15
schestowitz__cubexyz: did you try chromebooks?Mar 26 23:16
schestowitz__Or Chrome?Mar 26 23:16
cubexyzI haveMar 26 23:16
schestowitz__ChromeOS is scary a conceptMar 26 23:16
cubexyzI would KO chromeOS and put something else on it thoughMar 26 23:16
schestowitz__reducing people to useds of a Web browser without privacy and without control, at least Google facilitates dev modeMar 26 23:16
cubexyzright, without that I wouldn't be interested in itMar 26 23:17
cubexyzfortunately I have folks in #coreboot who are very helpfulMar 26 23:18
cubexyzif I'm going to choose between Microsoft and Google, well I'm going to pick Google Mar 26 23:19
cubexyzI can also choose between ASUS, HP, Dell, Toshiba... and Lenovo?Mar 26 23:20
cubexyznot sure about that last oneMar 26 23:20
cubexyzand Acer, not that Acer would be my top choice, but it's still another optionMar 26 23:21
cubexyzno need for one OS to 'rule them all'Mar 26 23:23
cubexyzBell Labs could have kept Research Unix going... but it stopped after version 10Mar 26 23:25
cubexyzthen they concentrated on Plan 9 after thatMar 26 23:25
cubexyzmany great ideas first appeared in Research UnixMar 26 23:26
MinceR001852 < cubexyz> if I'm going to choose between Microsoft and Google, well I'm going to pick Google Mar 26 23:28
MinceRsame hereMar 26 23:28
cubexyzUnix v8 was a modified 4.1BSD for VAX... then v9 was a sort of hybrid 4.3BSD + AT&T UnixMar 26 23:29
cubexyzso anyways, Chromebooks got a lot of OEM supportMar 26 23:30
cubexyzGoogle is strong enough to fight Microsoft nowMar 26 23:31
cubexyzbut Research Unix is worthy of study... Linux used a lot of their ideasMar 26 23:32
cubexyzof course they used some ideas from BSD as wellMar 26 23:32
cubexyzhow many educational institutions got Unix v8 you might askMar 26 23:33
cubexyzI'm sorry to say it was no more than a dozenMar 26 23:33
cubexyzthere was some massive problem releasing the source code because of IBM vs SCOMar 26 23:35
cubexyzso Linus and Stallman did something pretty necessary and importantMar 26 23:37
cubexyzStallman of course with gcc and the gplMar 26 23:37
cubexyzLinus with the kernelMar 26 23:38
cubexyza good Unix like system for commodity hardwareMar 26 23:38
schestowitz__ 26 23:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ The Linux desktop battle (and why it matters) 26 23:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The Linux desktop battle (and why it matters) - TechRepublic [ ]Mar 26 23:40
schestowitz__""one linux desktop? what a pile of bs!Mar 26 23:40
schestowitz__"Lennart Poettering's dream come true - he's already suggested (demanded) it."Mar 26 23:40
schestowitz__cubexyz: depends what from GoogleMar 26 23:41
schestowitz__Android and ChromeiumOS are FOSSMar 26 23:41
schestowitz__The hardware that comes with them doesn't prevent hackingMar 26 23:41
schestowitz__in fact, Android too have dev modeMar 26 23:41
cubexyzah but the firmware is FOSS, that's important Mar 26 23:42
cubexyz 26 23:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New attacks defeat Secure Boot and brick PCs | PCWorld [ ]Mar 26 23:43
cubexyzyou can reflash your firmware on the chromebook, then kick it back into normal modeMar 26 23:43
cubexyzso your firmware is safeMar 26 23:43
cubexyzyou have to pretty well open the case to set dev modeMar 26 23:44
MinceRjoke's on them, you don't need to attack uefi to brick itMar 26 23:44
MinceRit will brick itselfMar 26 23:44
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Changing host)Mar 26 23:45
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrightsMar 26 23:45
cubexyzif something clobbers your MBR it's not that hard to fixMar 26 23:46
schestowitz__x 26 23:47
cubexyzbackup firmware, backup mbr, backup dataMar 26 23:47
schestowitz__ 26 23:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ #PillarsOfEternity RPG Released For Linux, Early Port Report Included #games #gnu #linuxMar 26 23:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Pillars Of Eternity RPG Released For Linux, Early Port Report Included | GamingOnLinux [ ]Mar 26 23:48
schestowitz__"I'm going to buy this when I am home this evening. This may just lead me away from WoW."Mar 26 23:48
cubexyzif some uber-hacker clobbered my firmware I can reprogram it back, not that I think it's likely to happenMar 26 23:48
schestowitz__WoW is under NSA and GCHQ surveillance nowMar 26 23:48
MinceRif uefi shits into nonvolatile memory, fixing your mbr won't helpMar 26 23:50
cubexyzI have a separate eprom programmer Mar 26 23:51
cubexyzplus none of my machines have UEFI :)Mar 26 23:51
MinceRthanks to planned obsolescence, they'll breakMar 26 23:53
MinceRand the only available replacements will be crippled with uefi & co.Mar 26 23:53
MinceRmaybe they'll let you choose if your crippled web browser appliance will totally fail at its task using windows and ie or using macos and safari, thoughMar 26 23:54
cubexyzPDP-11, or older I'd worry. MicroVax parts? lots of thoseMar 26 23:59
cubexyzand the world is drowning in x86 partsMar 26 23:59
cubexyzMicroVax monitors might cost a few bucks thoughMar 27 00:00
MinceRthen the world government will declare them illegal and impound them :>Mar 27 00:01
schestowitz__cubexyz: I have a questionMar 27 00:02
schestowitz__a machine of mine died yesterday. When switched off the 2 fans at the bottom spin, the heatsink fan struggles to spin, moves sporadically if at allMar 27 00:02
schestowitz__the lights don't come on and no beep, only fans move a lot and there's a light on the mobo, not facing outwards to the user. What might be the cause?Mar 27 00:03
schestowitz__When switched off > I meant onMar 27 00:03
schestowitz__I already tried disconnecting everything, including rhe RAM chip, the hard drive, all the wires at the backMar 27 00:04
schestowitz__I even tried chansing the mobo battery to a new oneMar 27 00:04
cubexyzwell the power supply could be badMar 27 00:04
cubexyzthat's the first thing I'd checkMar 27 00:05
schestowitz__but why would the fans spin?Mar 27 00:05
MinceR 27 00:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why Every New Macbook Needs a Different Goddamn Charger - YouTube [ ]Mar 27 00:05
schestowitz__that's the genius of itMar 27 00:05
cubexyzthe capacitors inside the power supply will hold some energyMar 27 00:06
schestowitz__cubexyz: it's an old machine, at least 10 year old serverMar 27 00:06
cubexyzis the power supply the original part?Mar 27 00:06
schestowitz__I think soMar 27 00:06
cubexyzok, well, it probably needs changed :)Mar 27 00:06
schestowitz__it seems like there's lots of power coming in as 2 fans spin fast, the heatsink fan is the one strugglingMar 27 00:06
cubexyzwhich era of motherboard is this?Mar 27 00:07
schestowitz__so my theory is, maybe it detects this issue and refuses to start anything cpu-dependent?Mar 27 00:07
schestowitz__which era? Over 10 years agoMar 27 00:07
schestowitz__Intel, maybe CeleronMar 27 00:07
schestowitz__not sure which one, might need to checkMar 27 00:07
cubexyzP4?Mar 27 00:08
schestowitz__maybeMar 27 00:08
schestowitz__can it be the power supply if the fans spin?Mar 27 00:08
cubexyzI have lots of stuff older than that, but everything needs maintainanceMar 27 00:08
cubexyzcheck your memory socket for dust and dirt Mar 27 00:08
schestowitz__either it gets it all when switched on or nothing at all based on my experience with bad power unitsMar 27 00:08
cubexyzthat builds up over timeMar 27 00:08
schestowitz__I even removed the memotyMar 27 00:09
schestowitz__it made no differenceMar 27 00:09
cubexyzcompressed air, clean it all outMar 27 00:09
schestowitz__what would happen if it's dusty?Mar 27 00:09
schestowitz__won't boot? Beep? Mar 27 00:09
cubexyzfaulty connections... garbled video or no videoMar 27 00:09
cubexyzall kinds of thingsMar 27 00:09
schestowitz__I cleaned it inside less than 1 year agoMar 27 00:10
schestowitz__it crashed in a weird way (plasma crash, forze) twice recentlMar 27 00:10
cubexyzsome computers need to be cleaned more oftenMar 27 00:10
schestowitz__this time it was fatal I guessMar 27 00:10
cubexyzdo you have a cat? :)Mar 27 00:10
schestowitz__noMar 27 00:10
cubexyzalso check for bad smells, or cap damageMar 27 00:11
cubexyzsigns of discolourationMar 27 00:11
schestowitz__I did, couldn't find anyMar 27 00:11
schestowitz__the only irregular thing is the heatsink fanMar 27 00:12
schestowitz__I can 'help' it spinMar 27 00:12
schestowitz__otherwise it struggles a bitMar 27 00:12
cubexyzbearings on the fan could be worn outMar 27 00:12
schestowitz__this machine used to shut down a lot due to heat in summerMar 27 00:12
schestowitz__what would happen if the fans didn't work well. I read about this stuff online and I expect to at least hear some beepsMar 27 00:13
schestowitz__or see some message, or lightsMar 27 00:13
schestowitz__for power if now disk tooMar 27 00:13
cubexyzcan you get into the bios setup?Mar 27 00:13
cubexyzif it's not posting you won't be able to do anythingMar 27 00:13
schestowitz__ 27 00:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | POST troubleshooting steps. [ ]Mar 27 00:14
schestowitz__no, no bios setup, nowhere nearMar 27 00:14
schestowitz__usually when switched on the fans start, the two lights go on, then there's a picture on the monitorMar 27 00:14
cubexyztry a known working power supply, replace the old oneMar 27 00:14
schestowitz__this time it's just the sound of the fans spinning, nothing elseMar 27 00:14
cubexyzthat's the first thing to tryMar 27 00:14
schestowitz__I tried a working power supply from another PC, same outcomeMar 27 00:15
schestowitz__if you eamn cable and socketMar 27 00:15
schestowitz__not the internal stuffMar 27 00:15
schestowitz__*meanMar 27 00:15
cubexyzno, the psu that plugs into the motherboard, change thatMar 27 00:15
cubexyzoh you did thatMar 27 00:15
schestowitz__cable and socketMar 27 00:16
schestowitz__not the screwable thingsMar 27 00:16
cubexyzI mean the ATX power supplyMar 27 00:16
cubexyzI assume it's ATXMar 27 00:16
schestowitz__it's not a standard desktop but a rackable thing,. sort of..Mar 27 00:16
schestowitz__Even if I had a spare one, it's tricket to work with the partsMar 27 00:17
schestowitz__detaching the HDD is almost impossible, I can't get to the screws on one sideMar 27 00:17
schestowitz__I've made replacements for itMar 27 00:18
schestowitz__I guess I'll let her (liberty) rest in peace for now, unless I want a special project in my hands... already spent some hours in vain. Thanks for your advice anyway, much appreciated. gn Mar 27 00:19
cubexyzok :)Mar 27 00:19
MinceRo/Mar 27 00:19
schestowitz__o/Mar 27 00:20
cubexyzthe coppermine p3's have lasted a lot time for me... my oldest one is from 1998 :)Mar 27 00:20
cubexyzUPS will help extend the life of a computerMar 27 00:20
cubexyzalso external usb drives can muck things upMar 27 00:22
MinceRhow do they muck things up?Mar 27 00:25
cubexyzthe chips inside the usb drive die easilyMar 27 00:25
cubexyzprobably I've been buying cheap junky onesMar 27 00:25
cubexyzwhen I stopped using it the computer seemed to run betterMar 27 00:26
MinceRicMar 27 00:26
cubexyzthe drive itself will survive, but the enclosure and chips in the enclosure will stop workingMar 27 00:27
cubexyzit's happened to me 3 times so farMar 27 00:27
*lenngray (~lenny@ has joined #techrightsMar 27 01:16
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MinceRgnMar 27 03:51
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The Changing Cost of Open SourceMar 27 04:32
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Changing Cost of Open Source | Tux MachinesMar 27 04:33
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsMar 27 05:15
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet Final Beta AvailableMar 27 08:27
TweetTuxMachines                 For Download 27 08:27
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet Final Beta Available For Download ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blogMar 27 08:27
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*gde33 has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)Mar 27 08:42
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Hands-on usability improvements with GNOME 3.16Mar 27 09:03
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Source Software & Usability: Hands-on usability improvements with GNOME 3.16Mar 27 09:03
TweetTuxMachines        ( 27 09:03
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME 3.16 Released, See What's New And ImprovedMar 27 09:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     A Dell 4K laptop with Linux: Tough constructionMar 27 09:03
TweetTuxMachines                 and built for developers. Mar 27 09:03
TweetTuxMachines        ( 27 09:03
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Dell 4K laptop with Linux: Tough construction and built for developers. -Mar 27 09:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     AMDKFD Changes Queued For Linux 4.1 KernelMar 27 09:03
TweetTuxMachines        ( 27 09:03
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMDKFD Changes Queued For Linux 4.1 Kernel - PhoronixMar 27 09:03
schestowitz__ 27 09:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ The #Linux desktop battle (and why it matters) #gnuMar 27 09:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | The Linux desktop battle (and why it matters) - TechRepublic [ ]Mar 27 09:15
schestowitz__"Doesn't matter if it's one DE or 1000, that's not what holds Linux back on the Desktop. Wake me up when a corporation the size of M$, Apple, etc put money behind hardware with Linux Desktop pre-installed. That's why Linux doesn't succeed on the Desktop. Gaining that kind of market share takes a concerted effort--engineering, development, branding, marketing, a sales strategy."Mar 27 09:15
schestowitz__"Mar 27 09:15
schestowitz__So, in this person's opinion, Linux is held back by people whose favorite DE is not his favorite DE.Mar 27 09:15
schestowitz__Change for the sake of change really is stupid. I'll continue to use MATE because it's better than Unity or Gnome 3. The fact that it looks old-fashioned to this stupid git (sorry, person) is of no importance what-so-ever.Mar 27 09:15
schestowitz__It comes down to this: If someone is going to switch to Linux (as I did), it will have to be because she/he wants more choices, not fewer. People who want fewer choices will take whatever Microsoft decides to give them...and probably be irrational enough to complain about it. Reminds me of people who vote for Demopublicans complaining about the US government.Mar 27 09:15
schestowitz__We can wise up a lot of the suckers, but we can't do it gulling them the same way they're already being gulled. They'll have to abandon the herd instinct, or they're beyond hope. They'll have to start thinking for themselves.Mar 27 09:16
schestowitz__Rant finished.Mar 27 09:16
schestowitz__"Mar 27 09:16
schestowitz__"Lennart Poettering's dream come true - he's already suggested (demanded) it"Mar 27 09:16
schestowitz__"Mar 27 09:16
schestowitz__+1Mar 27 09:16
schestowitz__    The biggest difference between Windows, OS X, and Linux is simple -- choice. With Linux, you can choose whatever you want to serve as your desktop interface.Mar 27 09:16
schestowitz__Its a pitty he had to especify with "as your desktop interface"...because it is obvious it already left behind the idea of Choice...Mar 27 09:16
schestowitz__init anyone?@harry haller ( 27 09:16
schestowitz__"Mar 27 09:16
schestowitz__Subversive actions against GNU/Linux adoption, as evidence from the Comes vs Microsoft trial serve to show, play a greater role. But it's easy to just blame GNU/Linux to advance one's own agendaMar 27 09:16
schestowitz__*serves to show, playedMar 27 09:17
schestowitz__ 27 09:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ reshared: #synthesizer #modularsynthesizer #modularsynthesis #musicproduction #parenting #drugsMar 27 09:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- Photo by 27 09:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- Photo by 27 09:26
schestowitz__"lol"Mar 27 09:26
*TweetTuxMachines @ale_fattorini favourited 'CentOS-Based NethServer 6.6 Distro Officially Released with New...'Mar 27 09:35
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet Final Beta AvailableMar 27 09:35
TweetTuxMachines                 For Download 27 09:35
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 27 09:35
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet Final Beta Available For Download | Tux MachinesMar 27 09:35
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New GNOME 3.16 Getting a Lot of Attention forMar 27 11:29
TweetTuxMachines                 Improvements 27 11:29
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TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 11:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New GNOME 3.16 Getting a Lot of Attention for Improvements | Tux MachinesMar 27 11:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     A Dell 4K laptop with Linux: Tough constructionMar 27 11:29
TweetTuxMachines                 and built for developers.Mar 27 11:29
TweetTuxMachines        ( 27 11:29
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Dell 4K laptop with Linux: Tough construction and built for developers. | Tux MachinesMar 27 11:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge Review: All HailMar 27 11:30
TweetTuxMachines                 the New Android Smartphone KingsMar 27 11:30
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge Review: All Hail the New Android Smartphone Kings | Tux MachinesMar 27 11:30
schestowitz__ 27 11:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@kstallett: @schestowitz Apparently still in 'use' in some areas of the Middle East region. I guess people sold them on to cut losses.Mar 27 11:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Here are Two Android Alternatives for MeerkatMar 27 11:48
TweetTuxMachines                 and Periscope 27 11:48
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 27 11:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Here are Two Android Alternatives for Meerkat and Periscope | Droid LifeMar 27 11:48
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Android on a Stick, or how to installMar 27 11:48
TweetTuxMachines                 Android-x86 on a USB stickMar 27 11:48
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android on a Stick, or how to install Android-x86 on a USB stick | LinuxBSDos.comMar 27 11:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Remix' Big 11.6" Android Tablet With A FullMar 27 11:48
TweetTuxMachines                 Keyboard And Multi-Window Enabled OS ReachesMar 27 11:48
TweetTuxMachines                 Its $100K Kickstarter GoalMar 27 11:48
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Remix' Big 11.6" Android Tablet With A Full Keyboard And Multi-Window Enabled OS Reaches Its $100K Kickstarter Goal In A DayMar 27 11:48
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsMar 27 11:50
DaemonFCJ. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Mar 27 11:51
DaemonFCBad Grandpa said:Mar 27 11:51
DaemonFC"Imagine a teenage boy, not much younger than many of you here today, growing upMar 27 11:51
DaemonFCin Cuba. Jet black hair, skinny as a rail.Mar 27 11:51
DaemonFCImagine a young married couple, living together in the 1970s, neitherMar 27 11:51
DaemonFCone of them has a personal relationship with Jesus."Mar 27 11:51
DaemonFC------Mar 27 11:52
DaemonFCJRBD: Did they try looking in Cuba? :)Mar 27 11:52
schestowitz__ 27 12:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@TokyoRose_01: @schestowitz ⚡ Wow, that's an #ASSANGE blast from the past. What a find. ;)Mar 27 12:06
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Links 27/3/2015: Ubuntu 15.04 Second Beta, DartMar 27 12:11
TweetTuxMachines                 1.9 ( 27 12:11
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 27/3/2015: Ubuntu 15.04 Second Beta, Dart 1.9 | TechrightsMar 27 12:11
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 27 12:11
*TweetTuxMachines @LOfCollabora favourited 'LibreOffice Now Toward Cloud Based Package, Get Ready...'Mar 27 12:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Embedded Linux Keeps on Growing, IoT Next BigMar 27 12:13
TweetTuxMachines                 Win 27 12:13
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