The EPO staff are trying to make their voice heard by a series of actions against the undermining of the European Patent Organisation by its own governing body (see below). On October 22nd, some 500 staff took part in a demonstration during a meeting of the Administrative Council, symbolically showering delegates with chocolate coins to signify that the member states are solely interested in milking the organisation as a cash cow. On September 18th, during one of the strikes of EPO staff at all four sites of employment, over 250 travelled to Brussels to take part in a demonstration. The demonstration route went from Square Frère Orban to the Berlaymont, the seat of the European Commission. A petition was delivered to the German, British and French embassies. At the Berlaymont, the seat of European Commission, speeches were held by the SUEPO chairmen as well as by Sylvie Jacobs, Vice-President of USF. On September 19th, a SUEPO delegation was further invited to discuss their concerns with the European Commission. IAM Magazine, and in particular Mr. Joff Wild, have repeatedly challenged the SUEPO views behind these actions as unfounded and disingenious. In a letter to Mr. Wild SUEPO provided as much evidence as our duty of discretion allows. Follow the link to also find Mr. Wild's response. Some of the many other reports in the media are as follows: |
Heise: Prüfer am Europäischen Patentamt rebellieren (22/10/08).
VDI Nachrichten: Streit im Europäischen Patentamt - Reproduced with kind permission(2/10/08).
USF - Agora: No to an anti-European Management (09/08).
The Register: EPO staff strike over patent quality, Accuse office directors of profiteering (25/09/08).
EU Observer: Europe handing out patents like candy, strikers say (24/09/08).
Slashdot: EU Patent Staff Go On Strike (23/09/08).
Stop Software Patents Blog - "Alison demission" shout EPO examiners in Brussels (23/09/08).
IAM:: European patent examiners need to level with us, not hide behind dubious stats (16/09/08). Patent Demonstration and Workforce Strike (13/09/08).
Heise: Mitarbeiter des Europäischen Patentamts wollen für Reformen demonstrieren (12/09/08).
IAM: Union calls European patent examiners out on strike (08/09/08).