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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: September 4th, 2016 – September 10th, 2016

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-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesSep 04 01:01
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesSep 04 01:16
r_schestowitz 04 06:36
-TechBytesBot/ How to Change Your #WhatsApp Settings Before #Facebook Data Sharing Begins just delete the damn thingSep 04 06:36
r_schestowitz"Using this after Facebook bought it is just stupid imo."Sep 04 06:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | How to Change Your WhatsApp Settings Before Facebook Data Sharing Begins | Electronic Frontier FoundationSep 04 06:36
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:36
r_schestowitzlol, just did last week. It’s a bit worrying that EFF gives so little emphasis to the fact that WhatsApp will still share your data even after you have gone through the opt-out process. I can see the point of web page, since some people are heavily reliant on this app, but the final paragraph should have been given more prominence.Sep 04 06:36
r_schestowitz    Note that your WhatsApp information will still be passed to Facebook for other purposes such as “improving infrastructure and delivery systems, understanding how [Facebook and WhatsApp] services…are used, securing systems, and fighting spam, abuse, or infringement activities." Changing your settings does ensure, however, that Facebook will not use your WhatsApp data to suggest friends or serve ads.Sep 04 06:36
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:36
r_schestowitz"Oh yeah because being suggested friends was what I was worried about.Sep 04 06:36
r_schestowitz'Sep 04 06:36
r_schestowitzBeing assigned a relations graph (even people nearby) for selling is a problem, recommendations just a side effectSep 04 06:36
r_schestowitz 04 06:38
-TechBytesBot/ Predictive Policing Software Is More Accurate at Predicting Policing #surveillance and self-fulfilling propheciesSep 04 06:38
r_schestowitz"Gee who could have seen that coming?"Sep 04 06:38
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Predictive Policing Software Is More Accurate at Predicting Policing Than Predicting Crime | American Civil Liberties UnionSep 04 06:38
r_schestowitz    predictive tools are only as good as the data they are fedSep 04 06:38
r_schestowitzThere is a more fundamental problem. Unlike computer software, human beings are not machines which reliably carry out the actions that have been programmed into them. Even with the best data, such predictive software will only have a limited effectiveness.Sep 04 06:38
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:38
r_schestowitz#pseudoscience like #polygraphSep 04 06:38
r_schestowitz 04 06:40
-TechBytesBot/ "Israel often acts as if a simmering state of war with its Muslim neighbors is the only possible future" #israelSep 04 06:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Israel’s Abnormal ‘Normal’ with its Neighbors – ConsortiumnewsSep 04 06:40
r_schestowitz"the arabian side refuses peace and started the wars, but hey, who cares about historical facts? letz hate the jews o0'Sep 04 06:40
r_schestowitz"@murdeRED dreams: Yes, who cares about historical facts. Like that Israel founded itself on somebody else’s land!"Sep 04 06:40
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:40
r_schestowitzlike the “oriental jews” which lived 2000years in hebron and jerusalem?Sep 04 06:40
r_schestowitzbut nice, a german right winger critizing jews, something new harka, you little piece of nazi shit, against the “islamination” of europe and aginst the jews, @least youre franklySep 04 06:40
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:40
r_schestowitz"@murdeRED dream: Go and fuck yourself, little Apartheid-Sympathizer. Interesting also to note, that you have nothing to say about the validity of my claim. Because there is nothing to say, since history proves me right and you, as usual, wrong! :-*'Sep 04 06:40
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:41
r_schestowitzoh, there didnt had been jews in “palestine” before 1948? or before 1921? or before 1850? get a history book, nazi-fuckerSep 04 06:41
r_schestowitzps if there are non-jewish high judges and members of the parliement then the term “apartheid” is obviously wrong, except if your an antisemitic nazi-idiot :-*Sep 04 06:41
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:41
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:41
r_schestowitzYou got it the other way around. An Egyptian refused to shake hands with an Israeli. Israel keeps reaching out for Egyptians. However an Egyptian who contacts Israeli will be publicly scoffed. An writer visiting Israel will be thrown out of the writers guild. There are some brave Egyptians who will truly keep the peace. But most either hate Israelis or don’t care enough.Sep 04 06:41
r_schestowitzThey spread nasty lies about Israel in Egypt. An Egyptian visiting Israel was surprised to see Arabs treated with full rights and was surprised that the lie they told him at home about Israel being an apartheid state was false.Sep 04 06:41
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:41
r_schestowitz"Of course there were some Jews in the area. But they had no need to proclaim a State. That only happened after mass-immigration into the British-occupied zone and they didn’t really care. And just because you have some people on the ground doesn’t give you the right to take the ground away from those already there. Otherwise I’d love to come to your apartment and then declare it mine because hey, why not? Deal, Nazi-Fucker? :-*'Sep 04 06:42
r_schestowitz"But funny, how upset you get. You’re just a fascist bootlicker. Disgusting, really.'Sep 04 06:42
r_schestowitz"lol, you are so obviously not knowing about the history harka, itz cute and i really would like 2 invite you to my place"Sep 04 06:42
r_schestowitz 04 06:42
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:43
r_schestowitzwould get the “antisemite-cure” :DSep 04 06:43
r_schestowitzbtw you should check wikipedia about the term “nationalsozialismus”, you really should learn some thing, moronSep 04 06:43
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:43
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:43
r_schestowitz@murdeRED dreams: So with other words, you still have zero argument. Right!Sep 04 06:43
r_schestowitzNot that I think you’d have any mental capacity for making one, but anyway… ;-DSep 04 06:43
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:43
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:43
r_schestowitzlol, you wouldnt rekognize an argument, when it hits your head, like you wanted to abuse rosa luxemburg to support your racist nazi-bullshit :DSep 04 06:43
r_schestowitzjewish people live in that area since more then 2000years, the arabian national-movement was a strong allie to nazi-germany and after the un-decision (and the belfour-declaration, the weizmann-faisal-agreement etc) the “arabian side” refused the un-decisison and started the wars, but hey, historical facts, dont become confused by them :DSep 04 06:43
r_schestowitz@dr.roy schestowitz, can i introduce you to a german afd- and pegida-supporter :DSep 04 06:43
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:43
r_schestowitz 04 06:44
-TechBytesBot/ With many internal problems (like impossibility of housing for most people, racism etc.) #israel regime needs an external bogeymanSep 04 06:44
r_schestowitz"iran has biger problems about that or syria, turkey and so on"Sep 04 06:44
r_schestowitz"It’s not “impossible to find”. It’s that the prices keep rising. Rose by 70% by average since 2008. Prices of rented apartments keep rising as well, though not as sharply. The prices in Tel-Aviv generally saw a sharper rise."Sep 04 06:44
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:44
r_schestowitzhousing-problem?Sep 04 06:44
r_schestowitz 04 06:44
r_schestowitzbtw how much is the price for a flat in london? and how many homeless people live in london?Sep 04 06:44
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:44
-TechBytesBot/ | Lead Levels Are Forcing More Than 1,000 Indiana Residents To Relocate : The Two-Way : NPRSep 04 06:44
r_schestowitz 04 06:45
-TechBytesBot/ Trading #Politics for Medical Profits "exploit political influence to maximize business profits" (bluntly: bribery)Sep 04 06:45
r_schestowitz"Lobbyists have been doing that for years"Sep 04 06:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Trading Politics for Medical Profits – ConsortiumnewsSep 04 06:45
r_schestowitzIn various industries, too, not just medicalSep 04 06:45
r_schestowitz 04 06:46
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Solitary for Suicide Attempts: The Brutal Punishment of Chelsea Manning more #torture for wanting to dieSep 04 06:46
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:46
r_schestowitzWrite to Chelsea :Sep 04 06:46
r_schestowitz 04 06:46
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Solitary for Suicide Attempts: The Brutal Punishment of Chelsea ManningSep 04 06:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 04 06:46
r_schestowitz"Bernie Sanders would have end this may be. But he was betrayed by the Democratic Party from the first day of his campaign on. Electoral fraud in the US. I am from East Germany. In 1989 the communist party here manipulated elections. Result: the party lost power and half a year later the former republic of East Germany was history. In 2016 in the USA Sanders was betrayed by electoral manipulations in the same style. consequences? non. WhatSep 04 06:47
r_schestowitzMichael Gorbatschev said is correct: This time the US and their whole rotten, corrupt neoliberal systems are deeply in need of glasnost and perestroika."Sep 04 06:47
r_schestowitz 04 06:47
-TechBytesBot/ #microsoft has new #malware for #gnu #linux for the truly brave fools? 04 06:47
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:47
r_schestowitzSwitch to Ring or uTox projects instead. I bet this is more worth something."Sep 04 06:47
r_schestowitz"Sss, Sss; Sss…Still Skip Skype ! ;-)'Sep 04 06:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft Finally Releases Skype 1.6 for LinuxSep 04 06:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Skype is Spy Campaign - TechrightsSep 04 06:48
r_schestowitz 04 06:48
-TechBytesBot/ When #Putin Bailed Out #Obama "three years ago after a sarin attack" in #syriaSep 04 06:48
r_schestowitz"please, please, please Roy… Pu does not deserve even to be mentioned. He is aging KGB clown, who had been put on the throne by his own clout because Russians are stupid enough to not be able live without tsar. You will make yourself better service if you skip even mentioned him - you won’t look then rolled in tar and feathers then.'Sep 04 06:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | When Putin Bailed Out Obama – ConsortiumnewsSep 04 06:49
r_schestowitzThat's the headline from the site of former CIA analystsSep 04 06:49
r_schestowitz 04 06:50
-TechBytesBot/ #europe defends #netneutrality for now (limited), but on #copyright it sold out to #hollywood 04 06:50
r_schestowitz"That's the headline from the site of former CIA analysts"Sep 04 06:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Latest Leak Confirms European Copyright Plans Offer Little for Users | Electronic Frontier FoundationSep 04 06:50
r_schestowitz"there are thick media interests in Europe, they lobby it like there is no tomorrow"Sep 04 06:50
r_schestowitz 04 06:50
-TechBytesBot/ People who buy Android found to be more humble and honest than iPhone users #android #linuxSep 04 06:50
r_schestowitz"What about people like me and RMS who won’t own a “smart” phone?"Sep 04 06:50
r_schestowitzAhead of the restSep 04 06:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | People who buy Android found to be more humble and honest than iPhone users | Daily Mail OnlineSep 04 06:50
r_schestowitz 04 06:50
-TechBytesBot/ “Privacy is a fundamental human right." 04 06:50
r_schestowitz"was'Sep 04 06:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Privacy Act IRR Released – NPC to Educate Public about Privacy | Foundation for Media AlternativesSep 04 06:50
r_schestowitzStill can be, at least in theorySep 04 06:50
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Sep 04 06:51
r_schestowitz 04 06:53
-TechBytesBot/ #canonical isn't tolerant towards critics, in my personal experience. I think this spirit isn't quite compatible with #freesw principles.Sep 04 06:53
r_schestowitz"I prefer to use XFCE over all other desktops. Your wife must be the one in a million who likes that vile desktop."Sep 04 06:53
r_schestowitz 04 06:53
-TechBytesBot/ #brexit opposition shut out by May 04 06:53
r_schestowitz"no chance if they know what’s best for them"Sep 04 06:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Theresa May tells pro-EU civil servants to get on with the job of delivering BrexitSep 04 06:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Chancellor blamed as cabinet splits over single market | News | The Times & The Sunday TimesSep 04 06:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Theresa May, the Brexit enforcer, orders her Cabinet ministers to come up with blueprint for EU exitSep 04 06:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Whitehall must not try to block Brexit Sep 04 06:54
r_schestowitz 04 06:54
-TechBytesBot/ Bee farm 'looks like it's been nuked' after millions die in spraying for Zika mosquitos #zika #beesSep 04 06:54
r_schestowitz"Yes more destruction of the bees under the guise of the Zika psychological operation. If its not scares about H2N2 flu then its Zika and all of them are hype for devious agendas."Sep 04 06:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Bee farm 'looks like it's been nuked' after millions die in spraying for Zika mosquitosSep 04 06:54
r_schestowitz 04 06:54
-TechBytesBot/ Do electronic voting machines put 2016 election at risk? yes. See 04 06:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Do electronic voting machines put 2016 election at risk? - CSMonitor.comSep 04 06:54
r_schestowitz"Its the Zionists and Diebold who’re the threat not hackers."Sep 04 06:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | How Microsoft Squashed Free/Open Source Software in Voting Systems in the United States | TechrightsSep 04 06:54
r_schestowitz 04 06:54
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Surprise! European Union Adopts #NetNeutrality Guidelines That Don't Suck #internet #euSep 04 06:54
r_schestowitz"for real???"Sep 04 06:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Surprise! European Union Adopts Net Neutrality Guidelines That Don't Suck | TechdirtSep 04 06:54
r_schestowitzmany other sites agreeSep 04 06:55
r_schestowitz 04 06:55
-TechBytesBot/ #Climate simulations show effects of releasing permafrost carbon #globalwarmingSep 04 06:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Climate simulations show effects of releasing permafrost carbon | Ars TechnicaSep 04 06:55
r_schestowitz"show effects of releasing bombs on yemen, syria ,iraq, libya, ect ect , boming the world is a crime against us all"Sep 04 06:55
r_schestowitz 04 06:55
-TechBytesBot/ No, the Internet Has Not Killed the Printed Book. Most People Still Prefer Them. maybe they experienced #drm ...Sep 04 06:55
r_schestowitz"and #laas as well (library-as-a-service)'Sep 04 06:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Log In - The New York TimesSep 04 06:55
r_schestowitznever heard of that oneSep 04 06:55
r_schestowitz 04 06:55
-TechBytesBot/ The Corrupting Influence of Money in the Linux Foundation (Bias for Sale) 04 06:55
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:55
r_schestowitzWell, I would like to see a usable hurd nevertheless. And it’s always nice to have a fallback option.Sep 04 06:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Corrupting Influence of Money in the Linux Foundation (Bias for Sale) | TechrightsSep 04 06:55
r_schestowitzAre you fixing the LF in the meanwhile? ;)Sep 04 06:55
r_schestowitz'Sep 04 06:56
r_schestowitzI write about the issues, but it's them who need to fix themselves, if it's not too late (they've hired a lot of ex Microsoft managers already)Sep 04 06:56
r_schestowitz 04 06:57
-TechBytesBot/ Called it: The TTIP (“the US-European TPP”) is all but dead #tpp #ttip #isdsSep 04 06:57
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:57
r_schestowitzexpect they will try again with another one ,they want everyone enslaved to their nwoSep 04 06:57
r_schestowitzwe say no ,but they don`t care ,agenda21-30 is in placeSep 04 06:57
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Called it: The TTIP ("the US-European TPP") is all but dead | Privacy Online NewsSep 04 06:57
r_schestowitzThey'll try CETA and TISASep 04 06:57
r_schestowitz 04 06:57
-TechBytesBot/ #Btrfs scrub sometime recalculate wrong parity in raid5 maybe still premature to use it?Sep 04 06:57
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:57
r_schestowitzwell i made a soloution myself:Sep 04 06:57
r_schestowitz 04 06:57
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | [BUG] Btrfs scrub sometime recalculate wrong parity in raid5Sep 04 06:57
-TechBytesBot/ | I updated my "pls save me" - btrfs snapper snapshots script on gith...Sep 04 06:57
r_schestowitz 04 06:57
-TechBytesBot/ If you classify #android as "Linux", then number of Linux "users" is huge (needs JS enabled)Sep 04 06:57
r_schestowitz"Its running on top of older Linux kernel, so it may be Linux"Sep 04 06:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Simple Request BreakdownsSep 04 06:57
r_schestowitz 04 06:58
-TechBytesBot/ Forking #Docker will lead to more fragmentation #freesw #containerSep 04 06:58
r_schestowitz"we can say the same thing about the GNU(or not)/Linux distributions'Sep 04 06:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | » Blog Archive » Forking Docker will lead to more fragmentationSep 04 06:58
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesSep 04 08:47
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Sep 04 09:08
<--ChanServ has quit (shutting down)Sep 04 14:04
-->ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #techbytesSep 04 14:16 gives channel operator status to ChanServSep 04 14:16
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**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Sep 4 14:35:49 2016
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Sep 4 14:45:05 2016
-->You are now talking on #techbytesSep 04 14:45
---Topic for #techbytes is Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastSep 04 14:45
---Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Sep 04 14:45
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesSep 04 14:50
schestowitz> Please send stats.Sep 04 14:51
schestowitz>Sep 04 14:51
schestowitz> Is there a reason you can think of as to why my traffic has taken such a sharp drop compared to last year. It’s true that I do a lot of recycling, but I think I choose only the good stuff and leave all the inane postings to R.I.P.Sep 04 14:51
schestowitzThat often depends on how you are ranked in search engines. It's hard to tell without an in-depth analysis.Sep 04 14:51
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> "such as social media and apps. It’s instant gratification and justSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> another distraction from being present. "Sep 04 15:08
-TechBytesBot/ | Court Sides With Time Warner Cable Over Cable Box Rentals | MotherboardSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
schestowitz> astroturfer != trollSep 04 15:08
-TechBytesBot/ | Why parents are getting angrier: ‘Children are bored out of their skulls with real life’ | Life and style | The GuardianSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
-TechBytesBot/ | Feds Spend $499,571 to ‘Combat Online Trolling’Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> "It may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS. TheSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> money's rolling in….This is fun."Sep 04 15:08
-TechBytesBot/ | FBI releases Hillary Clinton email report, interview notes - CNNPolitics.comSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
-TechBytesBot/ | How Trigger Warnings Are Hurting Mental Health on Campus - The AtlanticSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> "Only one in eight animals caught by the fishery is actually aSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> swordfish. The unlucky, non-targeted species trapped by the nets areSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> known as bycatch."Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
-TechBytesBot/ | Donald Trump&apos;s campaign is based on the NFL&apos;s business model. Here&apos;s how - LA TimesSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> "If you’re looking for a new TV, save yourself some money by picking upSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> a dumb TV and a modestly priced set-top accessory or streaming stick. "Sep 04 15:08
-TechBytesBot/ | Hidden Clauses Coming To Software Licensing Agreements | Cracked.comSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
schestowitz> Silicon valley goes all in for cargo cults.Sep 04 15:08
-TechBytesBot/ | California’s waters, a death trap: Uncovering the Golden State’s secret whale and dolphin massacre - Salon.comSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> "If Adblock is looking for real-life horror stories of internet adsSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> gone wrong to feature in a commercial, might I suggest my own? TheSep 04 15:08
-TechBytesBot/ | YouTube disappearing from 50 Sony Bravia sets highlights why smart TVs suck | PCWorldSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> recommendation started following me around the internet"Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:09
schestowitz> 04 15:09
-TechBytesBot/ | Log In - The New York TimesSep 04 15:09
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:09
schestowitz> 04 15:09
-TechBytesBot/ | Amazon Thinks I'm Some Sort Of Serial Killer In Training | Cracked.comSep 04 15:09
-TechBytesBot/ | Top Torrent Sites See Traffic Surge After 'Shutdowns' - TorrentFreakSep 04 15:09
-TechBytesBot/ | Publishers Fail to Block Russia's Top Search Engine Over Pirate Links - TorrentFreakSep 04 15:09
schestowitz 04 15:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jrobertson: I've been thinking about this and the same is true of video games. It's like eating desert before your dinner. 04 15:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "such as social media and apps. It’s instant gratification and just another distraction from being present." 04 15:13
schestowitz 04 15:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jolla_usa: @schestowitz same here i cut cord years agoSep 04 15:13
schestowitz 04 15:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@profcjdotorg: @NTechlibre @BadQuakerBen @schestowitz @sovryntech @jeffreyatucker I'm intrigued!Sep 04 15:14
schestowitz 04 15:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: So You Want to be a Functional Programmer (Part 1) @schestowitz @gnutelephony @ggreve 04 15:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | So You Want to be a Functional Programmer (Part 1) – MediumSep 04 15:14
schestowitz 04 15:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@paulhindes: @schestowitz Imposing unelected, absolute authority won't work. See Michigan.Sep 04 15:22
schestowitz 04 15:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mrgus27_b: @schestowitz @pjrgb1 see the partSep 04 15:31
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Sep 04 19:17
schestowitz> The bar graph was vivid and descriptive to look at but I am not sure I have the right reading on what each category represents.Sep 04 19:36
schestowitz>Sep 04 19:36
schestowitz> At the yellow? blue? Aqua?Sep 04 19:36
schestowitz>Sep 04 19:36
schestowitz> At the bottom...the green?Sep 04 19:36
schestowitzRemind me to send these each month...Sep 04 19:36
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesSep 04 21:23
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Sep 04 23:07
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesSep 05 01:02
schestowitz 05 01:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@paulhindes: @DrJillStein Along DC's beltway would be better. @realDonaldTrump @schestowitzSep 05 01:12
schestowitz 05 01:22
-TechBytesBot/ 05 01:22
schestowitz"May Jill Stein turned down a lesbian fling with Clinton. Good job Jill as Hillary had been herpes tainted by Susan Estrich."Sep 05 01:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DrJillStein: Clinton now pays right-wing hatchet man David Brock, mastermind of Anita Hill smear campaign, to smear me. Feminist? 05 01:22
schestowitz 05 01:22
-TechBytesBot/ 05 01:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DrJillStein: And you can learn a lot about politicians by the donors they treat. #FollowTheMoney 05 01:22
schestowitz"Hillary Clinton begging Donald J. Trump for cash because Donald is a smart Dragon with more wealth than the Clinton’s could imagine."Sep 05 01:22
schestowitz 05 01:23
-TechBytesBot/ 05 01:23
schestowitz"Jill Stein is a dangerous and wasted vote that could instead go onto Donald J. Trump. Jill Stein is a definite pawn of the Duke of Edinburgh and the House of Windsor and Club of Rome’s genocide. Al Gore Jr is also controlled by the Duke for the same reason as is Hillary Clinton and this is why Gore supports her even though Hillary attempted to assassinate him in Chicago.'Sep 05 01:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DrJillStein: Gore's support for Clinton sounds regretful. Seems he knows the 2-party system has failed people who want a livable world for our children.Sep 05 01:23
schestowitzWelcome to your comedy show...Sep 05 01:23
schestowitz 05 01:24
-TechBytesBot/ Poll: Clinton Unpopularity at New High, on Par With Trump because people aren't as dumb as "necessary"Sep 05 01:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Poll: Clinton Unpopularity at New High, on Par With Trump - ABC NewsSep 05 01:24
schestowitz"Sep 05 01:24
schestowitzThe reason she lost to Obama in 2008 is because of her Iraq vote. But as unpopular as Trump? That’s due to the success of the “crooked Hillary” campaign of the right. She is probably the most investigated US politician in history and they really haven’t found anything on her yet, have they? Quite frankly, I’m surprised. I didn’t think any politician could withstand such scrutiny.Sep 05 01:24
schestowitzBut to oppose her, from the left, on Iraq, Honduras, Libya, TPP, fracking, etc, is legitimate, as long as you acknowledge that Trump would be worse on all counts (corruption too).Sep 05 01:24
schestowitz"Sep 05 01:24
schestowitzyes, Trump is worse.Sep 05 01:24
schestowitz 05 01:25
-TechBytesBot/ Matt Funiciello and the Giant Sucking Sound Coming Off Lake Champlain #sanders not the way anymoreSep 05 01:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Sep 05 01:25
schestowitz"Sep 05 01:25
schestowitz    It’s the sound of Bernie Sanders operatives sucking Bernie supporters back into the corporate Democratic Party.Sep 05 01:25
schestowitzHAHAHAHAHASep 05 01:25
schestowitz"Sep 05 01:25
schestowitz 05 01:25
-TechBytesBot/ What the Green Party's Jill Stein believes in 2 minutes #greensUSASep 05 01:25
schestowitz"Stein and Johnson should be in the debates. 15% is too high of a requirement. Corrupt political monopoly."Sep 05 01:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | What the Green Party's Jill Stein believes in 2 minutes - CNN VideoSep 05 01:25
schestowitzYes, maybe 3% should be enough, given that they lack a platform to build following to begin withSep 05 01:25
schestowitz 05 01:25
-TechBytesBot/ First the #w3c and the Web and now the #linux #kernel as well. For those who think #drm is dead: 05 01:25
schestowitz"my machine. I should decide what happens with the data that gets donwloaded onto my machine"Sep 05 01:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | SMAF Still Hasn't Landed In Linux Kernel, Would Allow Better Protecting Video Playback - PhoronixSep 05 01:26
schestowitz 05 01:26
-TechBytesBot/ GNU Libreboot, version 20160902 released #libreboot #gnuSep 05 01:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Sep 05 01:26
schestowitz"Great!!!"Sep 05 01:26
schestowitz 05 01:27
-TechBytesBot/ Showerthought: if #Microsoft really "loves Linux" they would contribute to WINE. bribes LF 05 01:27
schestowitz"If Microsoft loved free software, they would liberate their own users. They don’t, and they hate your freedom. Their whole business model is abusing their power over users."Sep 05 01:27
schestowitzLike the Letter to Hobbyists...Sep 05 01:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Showerthought: if Microsoft really "loves Linux" they would contribute to WINE. : linuxSep 05 01:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Corrupting Influence of Money in the Linux Foundation (Bias for Sale) | TechrightsSep 05 01:27
schestowitz 05 01:28
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: "Mother Teresa was a moral monster, a sadistic religious fanatic guilty of medical malpractice." 05 01:28
schestowitz"That’s why she became a saint…"Sep 05 01:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Sadistic Religious Fanatic: Mother Teresa Was No SaintSep 05 01:28
schestowitz"She did the God of Abraham’s work. Of course they canonized her for it."Sep 05 01:28
schestowitzShe sent people to Hell faster... 6 feet underground...Sep 05 01:28
schestowitz 05 01:28
-TechBytesBot/ Scientists should not contribute anything at all to/through #matlab or #Mathematica 05 01:28
schestowitz"I became disenchanted by Wolfram’s aggressive marketing year ago then found Maxima and its frontend wxMaxima to be able to do most of what I needed."Sep 05 01:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Wolfram Research - TechrightsSep 05 01:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Mathematica - TechrightsSep 05 01:29
schestowitzI moved to Scilab and OctaveSep 05 01:29
schestowitz 05 01:29
schestowitzI can recommend as well. They are based in Berlin/Germany but have an english UI and support. They focus strongly on security and open standards."Sep 05 01:29
-TechBytesBot/ Why Linux Users Will Love FastMail #gnu #linux fastmailSep 05 01:29
schestowitz"Has anyone checked out"Sep 05 01:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Why Linux Users Will Love FastMail - My Linux RigSep 05 01:29
schestowitz"@Redneck Great provider!"Sep 05 01:29
schestowitz"I thought that also when I read about it. Still trying to learn some features like the labels."Sep 05 01:29
schestowitzProton folks sound legitimateSep 05 01:29
schestowitz 05 01:30
-TechBytesBot/ Blacks in #Missouri Are Fighting to Preserve the Right to Vote had to check my system clock. Yes, >still< 2016.Sep 05 01:30
schestowitz"Amerikkka: land of the thief, home of the slave…"Sep 05 01:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Black Activists in Missouri Are Fighting to Preserve the Right to VoteSep 05 01:30
schestowitz"The grand imperial guard where the dollar is sacred and power is God."Sep 05 01:30
schestowitzSee the Anthem... still celebrating the murder of slaves who escapedSep 05 01:30
schestowitz 05 01:31
-TechBytesBot/ WoSign's secret purchase of #StartCom ; #WoSign threatened legal actions over the disclosure #github #israelSep 05 01:31
schestowitz"A sad thing to read. I hold great respect to StartCom. They have been involved with the community by providing free certificates. For instance, in the past they provided free certificates to Jabber servers through Later on they started providing free personal certificates (one of which I used in my own server). This helped me witness the pain in the process of gaining and using a certificate."Sep 05 01:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Thoughts and Observations: WoSign's secret purchase of StartCom; WoSign threatened legal actions over the disclosureSep 05 01:31
schestowitzWoSign folks seem very dodge after that Github kerkuffleSep 05 01:31
schestowitz 05 01:33
-TechBytesBot/ I Have Never Stood Up for the National #Anthem —and Never Will #slavery #nationalism #racismSep 05 01:33
schestowitz"Sep 05 01:33
schestowitzHere in Banana Republic, the month of our independence anniversary, the poorer the neighbourhood the more national flags you see.Sep 05 01:33
schestowitzI wonder why.Sep 05 01:33
schestowitz"Sep 05 01:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Sonali Kolhatkar: I Have Never Stood Up for the National Anthem—and Never Will - Sonali Kolhatkar - TruthdigSep 05 01:33
schestowitzPride by association, same as in sportSep 05 01:33
schestowitz 05 01:34
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Solitary for Suicide Attempts: The Brutal Punishment of Chelsea Manning more #torture for wanting to dieSep 05 01:34
schestowitz"Sanders endorsed Clinton. His campaign was just a scam in my opinion. A little something to divert progressive and liberal attention away from the authoritarian, draconian policy practiced during the entire Obama era. The left have always been the crowd in every civil rights movement, anti war protest ect… The right “conservatives/republican” have been the flag waving nationalist morons. So I hate to see the word “liberal” take theSep 05 01:34
schestowitzblame here. It’s more like the Democrat party shifted right and are attempting to keep leftist votes. Fuck em. Hello Green and Libertarian party!"Sep 05 01:34
schestowitzExactlySep 05 01:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Solitary for Suicide Attempts: The Brutal Punishment of Chelsea ManningSep 05 01:34
schestowitz 05 01:34
-TechBytesBot/ Is it time to switch from iOS to Android? #linux #androidSep 05 01:34
schestowitz"Time to switch was in 2008"Sep 05 01:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Is it time to switch from iOS to Android? | Technology | The GuardianSep 05 01:34
schestowitzMaybe too early for some. I'd say 2010 for those already stuck with Apple.Sep 05 01:35
schestowitz 05 01:37
-TechBytesBot/ "Israel often acts as if a simmering state of war with its Muslim neighbors is the only possible future" #israelSep 05 01:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Israel’s Abnormal ‘Normal’ with its Neighbors – ConsortiumnewsSep 05 01:37
schestowitz 05 01:37
-TechBytesBot/ | ‘Wings of Lebanon’ Lands at Ben Gurion - HamodiaSep 05 01:37
schestowitz"Those things can get silly. Lebanon now boycotts an areoplane."Sep 05 01:37
schestowitz"Sep 05 01:38
schestowitz@murdeRED dreams: What makes you an expert on Rosa Luxemburg? She’d spit in your face, dude!Sep 05 01:38
schestowitzAnd I haven’t heard an argument from you yet, since all you do is sprout useless propaganda. Balfour Declaration was UN? LOL…your absolute ignorance of historical facts is astounding. Please don’t make more of a fool out of yourself than you have already. But then, you’re pretty consistent with that, so my words are likely lost on the 3 brain cells you got. ;-*Sep 05 01:38
schestowitzFact remains: Mass-immigrated new jewish arrivals started little terrorism campaigns against the locals (Haganah ring a bell? Probably not), settling in the areas oh so kindly given to them by the british occupiers and then founded themselves. No, dear MR, the UN did not found Israel, as you would be able to read in any actual history book. Not that you’d understand it, of course…you’re too dumb.Sep 05 01:38
schestowitz"Sep 05 01:38
schestowitz 05 01:38
-TechBytesBot/ | #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #warSep 05 01:38
schestowitz"zu dumm, um eine aufzählung zu erkennen und rosa luxemburg hätte mit faschisten wie dir kurzen prozess gemacht"Sep 05 01:38
schestowitz 05 01:39
-TechBytesBot/ | United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaSep 05 01:39
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 05 02:00
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesSep 05 02:01
schestowitz 05 02:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Keith Vaz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaSep 05 02:04
schestowitzShortly after being elected in 1989, Vaz led a march of several thousands of Muslims in Leicester calling for Salman Rushdie's book The Satanic Verses to be banned"Sep 05 02:04
schestowitz"In February 1990, after a bombing attack by the Provisional Irish Republican Army against a British Army recruiting centre in Leicester, Vaz publicly suggested that the Army had stored explosives on the premises'Sep 05 02:04
schestowitz"Following allegations in the British tabloid the Sunday Mirror that he was involved with male prostitutes and drugs, Vaz apologised for his actions.[citation needed] Labour MP Naz Shah has told Sky News that Vaz intends to "stand aside" from the role of Chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee, a position he has held since 2007.[50][51][52] He deplored what he believed to be a sting operation.[50][52]"Sep 05 02:04
schestowitz 05 02:14
-TechBytesBot/ KDE Connect links your Android phone with your Linux desktop 05 02:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | KDE Connect links your Android phone with your Linux desktop | PCWorldSep 05 02:14
schestowitz"not on whqheezy? :('Sep 05 02:14
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesSep 05 02:27
-->acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesSep 05 02:35
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 05 09:28
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Sep 05 09:29
-->schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesSep 05 09:29
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Sep 05 09:29
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesSep 05 09:29
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:15
schestowitz> 05 10:15
-TechBytesBot/ | FBI Says a Laptop That Held Clinton’s E-Mails Has Gone Missing - Bloomberg PoliticsSep 05 10:15
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:15
schestowitz> "Once impacts become noticeable, they’re going to be upon you quickly"Sep 05 10:15
schestowitz> 05 10:15
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:15
schestowitz> "I will personally look for a prosecutor in Sweden who wants to take onSep 05 10:15
schestowitz> the case of charging the CEO of this troll company with preparing forSep 05 10:15
schestowitz> advanced mail fraud (förberedelse till grovt bedrägeri)"Sep 05 10:15
-TechBytesBot/ | Log In - The New York TimesSep 05 10:15
schestowitz> 05 10:15
schestowitz> there is a lot more than just movies and music on TPB trackersSep 05 10:15
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:15
schestowitz> ""How are you supposed to cover news?" A clearly baffled DeFrancoSep 05 10:15
-TechBytesBot/ | Copyright trolls come to Sweden: A deeper analysis | Privacy Online NewsSep 05 10:15
schestowitz> worried that YouTube might be setting a dangerous precedent: "This is aSep 05 10:15
schestowitz> much bigger situation than me.""Sep 05 10:15
schestowitz> ...Sep 05 10:15
schestowitz> "YouTube has reportedly stated it will not be issuing further commentSep 05 10:15
schestowitz> on the policy."Sep 05 10:15
schestowitz> 05 10:15
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:15
schestowitz> 05 10:15
schestowitz> -Sep 05 10:15
-TechBytesBot/ | YouTube's "ad-friendly" content policy may push one of its biggest stars off the website - VoxSep 05 10:16
schestowitz> old:Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> "It was easy. Suspend democracy. Cut taxes for the rich. Make the poorSep 05 10:16
schestowitz> drink toxic river water. And everybody’s happy."Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | EPA: Flint's new water will need 3 months or more of testing | Michigan RadioSep 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | 10 Things They Won’t Tell You About the Flint Water Tragedy. But I Will. | MICHAEL MOORESep 05 10:16
schestowitz> older:Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> newsstands allow anonymous purchases, for now, such rights need to beSep 05 10:16
schestowitz> carried over into the digital realm.Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | Publishers must let online readers pay for news anonymously | Technology | The GuardianSep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> rerunSep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | Brexit is truly daunting: this is the biggest crisis I have known | Business | The GuardianSep 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> -Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | FTC warns consumers of rental car data theft risk | The Security LedgerSep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | What is your phone telling your rental car? | Consumer InformationSep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | Log In - The New York TimesSep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | Modern life is killing our children: Cancer rate in young people up 40 per cent in 16 years Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | QtCon Closing Keynote with Julia Reda MEP | KDE.newsSep 05 10:16
schestowitz> " Yet a large portion of Tor is so drunk on self-righteousness theySep 05 10:16
schestowitz> can’t recognize they are piloting into their adversaries’ hands."Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> ...Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> "I admired Tor’s skillfull treading on the tightrope separating threeSep 05 10:16
schestowitz> groups who typically don’t get along:"Sep 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | Copyright extortion letters | HAXSep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:17
-TechBytesBot/ | iTWire - Apple mired in a mess entirely of its own makingSep 05 10:17
-TechBytesBot/ | iTWire - Linux project mum after man indicted for 2011 breachSep 05 10:17
-TechBytesBot/ | LLVM/Clang imported into -currentSep 05 10:17
-TechBytesBot/ | German free software proponents approach lawmakers | JoinupSep 05 10:17
-TechBytesBot/ | Tor’s Branding Pivot is Going to Get Someone Killed – MediumSep 05 10:17
schestowitz 05 10:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@natecochrane: @schestowitz @schestowitz Not quite. When you buy printed mag you buy it all not just the page you want. Stallman wants cake & eat it, too.Sep 05 10:46
schestowitz 05 10:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @schestowitz unelected ministers will meet and provide a small patch for the UK case. Until someone fixes European Democracy.Sep 05 10:56
<--MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Sep 05 12:40
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-->r_schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesSep 05 16:46
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r_schestowitz 05 20:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@oddfox: @schestowitz it's sometimes amusing seeing what people will blindly copy and paste into a terminal, though :)Sep 05 20:19
r_schestowitz 05 20:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Peterwyck29: @schestowitz fair question - 05 20:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Eastern District of Texas Federal Court Practice: 2016 EDTX patent trials update - 36% win rate for plaintiffsSep 05 20:58
r_schestowitzThank you!Sep 05 20:58
r_schestowitz 05 21:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jhamby: I've always been a fan of what they did with Chromium OS. Much less prone to malware, but still hacker-friendly. 05 21:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @jhamby @T3dotcom Done both... several timesSep 05 21:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jhamby: I haven't had as much experience with installing Linux on ARM Chromebooks. It's easy to rebuild Chromium OS at least. @schestowitz @T3dotcomSep 05 21:01
r_schestowitz 05 21:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jhamby: The situation right now with Google & Qualcomm not wanting to support Snapdragon 800 on Android Nougat is shameful. 😞 @schestowitz @T3dotcomSep 05 21:02
-->MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytesSep 05 21:05
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<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Sep 05 23:16
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesSep 06 01:02
r_schestowitz 06 01:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #QEMU 2.7.0 Open-Source #Hypervisor Adds Support for #Xen Paravirtualized USB, More 06 01:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | QEMU 2.7.0 Open-Source Hypervisor Adds Support for Xen Paravirtualized USB, MoreSep 06 01:13
r_schestowitz 06 01:20
-TechBytesBot/ "Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein on her campaign and building an alternative to the two corporate parties." 06 01:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 06 01:20
<--r_schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 06 01:21
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesSep 06 01:21
schestowitz 06 01:37
-TechBytesBot/ 06 01:37
schestowitz"I’m certainly not talking about the farce polling results that Cable News Network constantly claim have Hillary in the lead. If Donald Trump hadn’t been in this race from the start then I guarantee that the election would’ve been between Jeb and Hillary. For Trump’s actions the Scherff family (Bushfraud) are trying everything in their Operation Paperclip power to hinder Trump’s victory. Do I think Trump is perfect? No! He’s theSep 06 01:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DrJillStein: And you can learn a lot about politicians by the donors they treat. #FollowTheMoney 06 01:37
schestowitzonly being who’s claiming proper changes and talking about seriously dangerous areas. People who speak about doing things to certain organizations in the way Trump has will usually end up dead regardless of their status so please recognize that Trump is most definitely putting his life on the line and quite possibly his daughter’s life (they’ll go for her over the other family members as she’s his favourite, pretty and admired). AlSep 06 01:37
schestowitzGore Jr was shafted out of his four million extra votes over George W. Scherff and so the duly-elected President Gore gave in after the Scherff’s threatened the life of his daughter."Sep 06 01:37
schestowitz"Sep 06 01:37
schestowitz    I’m certainly not talking about the farce polling results that Cable News Network constantly claim have Hillary in the lead.Sep 06 01:37
schestowitzOk but all those polls that you are talking about are totaling popular votes. America does not elect their president via total votes. Al Gore won the popular vote. In the electoral college (how America elects their president) Hillary slaughters Trump.Sep 06 01:37
schestowitz 06 01:37
schestowitzThe only reason the media wants you to believe popular vote means anything is because they are trying to rope the Bernie crowd back into the Democratic party instead of going third party.Sep 06 01:37
-TechBytesBot/ | RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House [ ]Sep 06 01:37
schestowitz    If Donald Trump hadn’t been in this race from the start then I guarantee that the election would’ve been between Jeb and Hillary.Sep 06 01:37
schestowitzThe current highest favorability among GOP candidates is Kucinich. Probably because he is the most moderate and the GOP is remorseful about Alt. Right Trump. I think if not for Trump, Cruz would be the candidate.Sep 06 01:37
schestowitzJeb has the charisma of a damp rag.Sep 06 01:37
schestowitz"Sep 06 01:37
schestowitz 06 01:38
-TechBytesBot/ 30 Linux Questions With Answers – Online Test for Geeks technical. #gnu #linuxSep 06 01:38
schestowitz"Site does canvas fingerprinting."Sep 06 01:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Linux Questions and Answers - Online Test for Geeks [ ]Sep 06 01:39
schestowitz 06 01:39
-TechBytesBot/ Sanders: Debate threshold 'probably too high' 06 01:39
schestowitz"“Oh fuck…” - Sanders"Sep 06 01:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Sanders: Debate threshold 'probably too high' - POLITICO [ ]Sep 06 01:39
schestowitzStill hanging in there for H->Sep 06 01:39
schestowitz 06 01:40
-TechBytesBot/ Why Linux Users Will Love FastMail #gnu #linux fastmailSep 06 01:40
schestowitz“I felt bad using a Microsoft product—albeit a fantastic one!”Sep 06 01:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Why Linux Users Will Love FastMail - My Linux RigSep 06 01:40
schestowitzWhat?! We have to use Outlook at work, and it sucks! Who is this guy?Sep 06 01:40
schestowitzOh, he’s talking about their web site, not their mail client. Well hell, why did he even consider Why is the article full of all this shit about calendars? We don’t even use that at work with the stand-alone client!Sep 06 01:40 06 01:40
schestowitzIdeally, we should use mail clients for email, and not web mail pages. Thunderbird (using POP3) checks all of my accounts once a minute. If it finds something, it downloads it and deletes it from the server. My stuff stays on devices I physically control.Sep 06 01:40
schestowitz"Sep 06 01:40
schestowitz"Can also use encryption with TB. Just that from what I’ve seen so far Protonmail is taking tight control of their system and refuses to let out clients mails. Choice for free for small usages or pay for bigger storages. I like control of my mail also but if using a web for security I think theirs is one of the better so far."Sep 06 01:40
schestowitz 06 01:40
-TechBytesBot/ #Patent System in the #US Must Revert Back to Original Goals or Lose Credibility #uspto #swpatsSep 06 01:41
schestowitz"Credibility was lost a long time ago."Sep 06 01:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Patent System in the US Must Revert Back to Original Goals or Lose Credibility | TechrightsSep 06 01:41
schestowitzBut it can be restored somewhat, over the course of decadesSep 06 01:41
schestowitz 06 01:41
-TechBytesBot/ "Yet a large portion of Tor is so drunk on self-righteousness... piloting into their adversaries’ hands." 06 01:41
schestowitz"Sep 06 01:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Tor’s Branding Pivot is Going to Get Someone Killed – MediumSep 06 01:41
schestowitzOne of the complaint letters is by a former Microsoft employee,Sep 06 01:41
schestowitz 06 01:41
schestowitzIt would not be surprising to find Microsoft people on both sides of the disagreement, seeking to maximize conflict and damage.Sep 06 01:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 06 01:41
schestowitz"Sep 06 01:42
schestowitzBut that's just probably because Jacob is from SeattleSep 06 01:42
schestowitz 06 01:42
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Richard Stallman: Publishers should let readers buy articles anonymously #gnu #rmsSep 06 01:42
schestowitz"To be honest, I don’t really mind ads – it’s the tracking stuff that scares me."Sep 06 01:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Richard Stallman: Publishers should let readers buy articles anonymouslySep 06 01:42
schestowitz 06 01:42
-TechBytesBot/ #snowden is no #nsa veteran (worked for contractor a few years, left aged 29), had no access to NSA system. Can't blame Russia w/ evidence.Sep 06 01:42
schestowitz"Before Booz Allen."Sep 06 01:42
schestowitzOnly CIASep 06 01:42
schestowitz 06 01:43
-TechBytesBot/ Democrats used a cheat sheet to deal with Black Lives Matter, leak reveals #blm #clintonSep 06 01:43
schestowitz"Pelosi is indirectly denying the authenticity of this cheat sheet according to the Huffington post article. She says she does not have a personal computer so this document could not have come from it. Also says she disagrees with it. She does not directly deny it’s real or that it was distributed."Sep 06 01:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Democrats used a cheat sheet to deal with Black Lives Matter, leak reveals | VICE News [ ]Sep 06 01:43
schestowitztrying to shed uncertainty and doubt. Not a bad strategy, to avoid being called a "liar".Sep 06 01:44
schestowitz 06 01:45
-TechBytesBot/ "Most hardware that has the #ME doesn't really work without the ME. #libreboot doesn't fix that" #x86 has back doorSep 06 01:45
schestowitz"Sep 06 01:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | ELI5: Why do we need an open source BIOS firmware such as LibreBoot? : linux [ ]Sep 06 01:45
schestowitzThat’s a known problem. Once again, software owners have used hardware to deny most people their freedom. Intel x86 systems post 2010 are impossible to liberate. AMD followed Intel soon after and AMD is doing the same now. An unlikely change in Intel/AMD/ARM culture or migration to PowerPC or MIPS are the only solutions. PowerPC seems to be the most practical route and Raptor Engineering is preparing workstations and servers. I’m remindedSep 06 01:45
schestowitzof Winmodems, nasty wifi hardware, and nasty device communication protocols like MTP. These efforts seem to be continuations of difficult to deal with ACPI firmware and Microsoft’s “trusted path” intiatives started with “Paladium” and brought to fruition with the Windows Vista hardware certification program.Sep 06 01:45
schestowitzThis is very bad for software freedom and society. Unless China bucks the system, hardware without backdoors will be prohibitively expensive for most people. Rich and powerful people will buy them, just as they deploy GNU/Linux to protect themselves today. These barriers will make it difficult for young developers and that can ultimately be fatal to free software communities.Sep 06 01:45
schestowitz'Sep 06 01:45
schestowitzBut the national security apparatus would have greater dominationSep 06 01:45
schestowitz 06 01:46
-TechBytesBot/ Censorship, corruption and a commitment to Communism: Inside China's media landscape #china #censorshipSep 06 01:46
schestowitz"China = Supa Communism"Sep 06 01:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Censorship, corruption and a commitment to Communism: Inside China's media landscape | SBS News [ ]Sep 06 01:46
schestowitzChommunismSep 06 01:46
schestowitz 06 01:46
-TechBytesBot/ #OnePlus merging #OxygenOS and #HydrogenOS to improve updates #android #linuxSep 06 01:46
schestowitz"So now OnePlus phone will use WaterOS ?"Sep 06 01:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | OnePlus merging Oxygen OS and Hydrogen OS to improve updates [ ]Sep 06 01:46
schestowitz"Hydroxide is not water but is sure close to being water, just needs one more hydrogen atom."Sep 06 01:47
schestowitz 06 01:48
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: #Torvalds at #LinuxCon Part II: Fragmentation and the GPL nothing mean-spirited. #linux #gpl #gnuSep 06 01:48
schestowitz"what’s was wrong with fragmentation? Wanna join the USSR?"Sep 06 01:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Torvalds at LinuxCon Part II: Fragmentation and the GPL | FOSS Force [ ]Sep 06 01:48
schestowitzHe father wanted to (Nils)Sep 06 01:48
schestowitz 06 01:48
-TechBytesBot/ Three Open Source Business Models #freeswSep 06 01:48
schestowitz"Sep 06 01:48
schestowitzInteresting, this would seem to be an unintended consequence of copyleft:Sep 06 01:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Three Open Source Business Models | Development content from Dev Pro [ ]Sep 06 01:48
schestowitz    developers taking this route would probably be best advised to license the free version under the GPL or another so-called “copyleft” license to avoid the unintended consequence of another developer creating a competitive proprietary product on the back of your codeSep 06 01:48
schestowitz"Sep 06 01:48
schestowitz 06 01:50
-TechBytesBot/ Sanders: Debate threshold 'probably too high' 06 01:50
schestowitz"H→itlery"Sep 06 01:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Sanders: Debate threshold 'probably too high' - POLITICO [ ]Sep 06 01:50
schestowitz 06 01:50
-TechBytesBot/ #un says it supports #amosyee and his #freespeech (against religion) after the UN actually lobbied for anti-blasphemy gags years ago?Sep 06 01:50
schestowitz"Osiris damn it. I missed that episode. Thanks for bringing the point."Sep 06 01:50
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesSep 06 01:57
schestowitz 06 07:28
-TechBytesBot/ | The Corrupting Influence of Money in the Linux Foundation (Bias for Sale) : linuxmasterraceSep 06 07:28
schestowitz 06 07:28
schestowitz"The Linux foundation is indeed a piece of shit, their products aren't even available for Linux."Sep 06 07:28
-TechBytesBot/ | The Linux Foundation recommends Windows and Mac, and requires Adobe Flash Player, and says that Linux "may experience difficulties" with webinars... : linuxmasterrace [ ]Sep 06 07:28
schestowitz"What? Last I checked, on24 (the website actually giving that error) isn't affiliated or run by the Linux Foundation."Sep 06 07:28
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:29
schestowitzYes, but The Linux Foundation uses on24's services. TLF linked to on24. They are indeed affiliated. From the thread:Sep 06 07:29
schestowitz    It is clearly on24, not the Linux Foundation. Unfortunately they don't do everything themselves and at this point they are farming out some of the things they aren't set up to do.Sep 06 07:29
schestowitz    I have taken the LFCS course and test - all on is a bit peculiar their choice of vendor, but I don't think that the Linux Foundation is as hard core as say The GNU Project or the like....Sep 06 07:29
schestowitzand then the next person saidSep 06 07:29
schestowitz    The Linux foundation should be more careful who they partner with though. I get that a lot of their audience maybe only use Linux on the server, but this is just careless.Sep 06 07:29
schestowitz"I'd take this as more of a "Whoops we should have checked first" situation rather than their intent to screw Linux users accessing the service.Sep 06 07:29
schestowitz"Carelessness is enough for me to not want to deal with them. If they're not specifically checking for support of their platform when choosing a partner, then I don't want to deal with them.'Sep 06 07:30
schestowitzOh, here come the hatersSep 06 07:30
schestowitz"Stop linking to techrights, dude. It's completely horseshit as a "news" source."Sep 06 07:30
schestowitz"This isn't news, it's an opinion piece."Sep 06 07:30
schestowitzExactlySep 06 07:30
schestowitz 06 07:31
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:31
-TechBytesBot/ | The Corrupting Influence of Money in the Linux Foundation (Bias for Sale) : opensource [ ]Sep 06 07:31
schestowitzEqually importantly to this is the influence of money from Oracle on the Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC) which has an indirect influence over the FSF.Sep 06 07:31
schestowitzI mentioned this issue six months ago on this subreddit and was downvoted to hell:Sep 06 07:31
schestowitz 06 07:31
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Why is SFLC siding with Oracle over Linux developers? — Emacsen's Blog [ ]Sep 06 07:31
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:32
schestowitzCorrect me if I'm wrong, but to me it seems your points in your blog were a) Oracle released ZFS under a non-GPL-compatible licence, but b) Ubuntu wants to release the same code under GPL and somehow c) the SFLC is in the wrong for pointing out that you can't force Oracle to release the code under a GPL-compatible licence?Sep 06 07:32
schestowitzI agree it would be fantastic if Oracle would make ZFS GPL-compatible - but they are certainly under no requirement to do so. Let's say I decided to to take .NET and try to release it under GPL. Does the SFLC have to back me up because I'm releasing GPL code? Or are they also in the pay of Microsoft?Sep 06 07:32
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:32
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:32
schestowitzCannonical is releasing a binary kernel with ZFS. Thus they are in violation.Sep 06 07:32
schestowitzSFLC is saying "Meh, don't worry about it... even if it's a violation".Sep 06 07:32
schestowitzAnd I'm not saying SFLC is paid by Oracle BECAUSE of this position. I'm saying they are paid by Oracle, and this is evidence of Oracle's influence. The fact that they're paid by Oracle is something I know but can't release information to prove. That is, I can't release the evidence I have, but it would be very easy for SFLC to disclaim if it were untrue, but they can't disclaim it because it's a fact.Sep 06 07:32
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:32
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:33
schestowitzIt refers to the earlier removal of individual memberships, do believe back then i basically said that this would likely lead to inevitable erosion. It is a shame that, here too, corporate power and cultures march on.Sep 06 07:33
schestowitzSearching for that, i did come across a lot of good news. But what point, if core libre/open source ideas are lost. Such things as this can be considered mainstreamrolling, and illustrate how feminism and safe-space -like ideas can be co-opted as threats. I am of course not saying that discrimination, poor behavior or "missing stairwell steps"("just step over") are acceptable. Just that the ideas behind them might be used as wedge.Sep 06 07:33
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:33
schestowitz 06 07:33
-TechBytesBot/ | Linux Foundation quietly scraps individual memberships : linux [ ]Sep 06 07:33
schestowitz 06 07:33
-TechBytesBot/ | Linux Foundation begins clampdown on Torvalds : linux [ ]Sep 06 07:33
schestowitz"This article, and more importantly - the fundamental issue of where Linux would head if driven by MS and VMWARE - needs more attention!'Sep 06 07:34
schestowitz"You don't corrupts?!?!"Sep 06 07:34
schestowitz 06 07:38
-TechBytesBot/ | The Corrupting Influence of Money in the Linux Foundation (Bias for Sale) : linux [ ]Sep 06 07:38
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:39
schestowitzLinux Foundation does help Linux, but it does not matter if the Linux Foundation even exists - true Linux is, was and will always be open source and belong to the community.Sep 06 07:39
schestowitzThe Linux Foundation helps corporates make money off of Linux and even contribute to its development - in money, code or kind. This does give the corporate world a say in the Linux Foundation. Is that a bad thing? If someone - even if it is Microsoft - wants to use Linux in their own way, shouldn't we, the Linux Community, embrace the spirit of Freedom and encourage it? Isn't that a win for Linux?Sep 06 07:39
schestowitzOf course, we, the Linux Community, the EFF and many such organisations are guarding against unjust influences on Linux.Sep 06 07:39
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:39
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:39
schestowitz    true LinuxSep 06 07:39
schestowitznahSep 06 07:39
schestowitzThere is no such thing as a true linux. There is just code, and people who do stuff with that code.Sep 06 07:39
schestowitz'Sep 06 07:39
schestowitz"Yeah. I meant Linux code without proprietary blobs - which respects freedom respecting licenses. (Just my viewpoint on a philosophical term)"Sep 06 07:39
schestowitz"As in 'we redefine the meaning of a word until it means what we like it to mean'?"Sep 06 07:39
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:39
schestowitz    Yeah. I meant Linux code without proprietary blobsSep 06 07:39
schestowitzSo not the kernel from then.Sep 06 07:39
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:39
schestowitz"Linux is more of an idea, a feeling in ones hard. There is no true Linux, you could even say that its not the code as much, as the belief in Linux.'Sep 06 07:40
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:40
schestowitzIs this news? That's how these foundations get money at all, companies pay for voting rights so they get a say.Sep 06 07:40
schestowitzThe LF may be nonprofit, but it's in the end still just a bunch of companies getting together to decide on how to best corporately apply Linux.Sep 06 07:40
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:40
schestowitz"The Linux Foundation represents Linux in the same way the MPAA represents motion pictures.'Sep 06 07:40
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:40
schestowitzNot for me. The linux mailing lists represents Linux (the kernel) for me.Sep 06 07:40
schestowitzSome months ago, when the LF announced this embedded OS that has nothing to do with Linux at all was the last time I thought they represent Linux. It was at this time that I arrived at the conclusion that this is just another lobbying organisation, looking for the best of it's money-givers, but without any greater view for Linux.Sep 06 07:40
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:41
schestowitzThe LF has substantial power because:Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz    They own the Linux trademarkSep 06 07:41
schestowitz    They employ Linus Torvalds who has the ultimate autocratic veto on what goes into the kernel.Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz    They administrate numerous powerful standards which see widespread adoption.Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz'Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz    They own the Linux trademarkSep 06 07:41
schestowitzLinus owns Linux trade mark not LF afaik.Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:41
schestowitzAs it reads on the web site of Linux Foundation:Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz    Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz 06 07:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Trademark Attribution | The Linux Mark InstituteSep 06 07:41
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:41
schestowitzAlmost like the GNOME foundation and GNOME's relationship.Sep 06 07:41
schestowitzExcept the difference being that Linux is actually a good kernel whereas MPAA motion pictures and GNOME being dogshit for the intellectually inferior.Sep 06 07:42
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:42
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:42
schestowitzAlmost.Sep 06 07:42
schestowitzYou just have to ignore for a moment that the GNOME foundation isn't ruled by corporations but instead by its individual members who have the voting rights.Sep 06 07:42
schestowitzSo Greg Kroah-Hartman has more say about the GNOME foundation than about the Linux foundation.Sep 06 07:42
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:42
schestowitz 06 07:42
-TechBytesBot/ | Membership – GNOMESep 06 07:42
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:42
schestowitzYeah, except all members of the board are employees of some company and are obviously under the influence of said company's political whip. It works via a similar principle, whichever company employs the most contributors is capable of steering the elections most and get the most people who owe fealty to them on the board.Sep 06 07:42
schestowitzSo a company instead of paying a price in liquid currency to get voting rights now pays in lines of code, here's the current board:Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz    Alan Day (Red Hat)Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz    Andrea Veri (Red Hat)Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz    Christian Hergert (Red Hat)Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz    Cosimo Cecchi (Endless, Formerly Red Hat)Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz    Ekaterina Gerasimova (Collabora)Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz    Jeff Fortin Tam (couldn't find whom this one works for)Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz    Shaun McCance (Red Hat, Open Help Conference)Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz"That's a lot of Red Hat isn't it?'Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:43
schestowitzExcept that is not the current board, but the previous one. And back then, neither Andrea nor Christian worked for Red Hat.Sep 06 07:43
schestowitzIn fact, the Gnome foundation charter states:Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz    No single organization or company will be allowed to control more than 40% of the board seats, regardless of election resultsSep 06 07:43
schestowitzAnd that means that no more than 2 of the 7 board seats will be occupied by Red Hat employees.Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz 06 07:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 06 07:43
-TechBytesBot/ | The GNOME Foundation – GNOMESep 06 07:43
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:44
schestowitzThe key issue raised in the article, by Roy:Sep 06 07:44
schestowitz    "How long before the Linux Foundation is truly/entirely incapable of defending Linux from patent lawsuits and upholding the GPL because Linux foes and GPL foes develop financial strings, making them harder (or riskier) to publicly criticise?"Sep 06 07:44
schestowitzI get Roy's concerns here. Really, really do. Being scheptical and concerned about corporate, big-money influence over important things (like Linux and other Free Software) is something I share with Roy. But, in this case, I think he's looking at things from the wrong direction.Sep 06 07:44
schestowitzThe more involvement companies -- that have, traditionally, been opposed to both Linux and Free Software -- have in the Linux world (and, in this case, with the Linux Foundation) the more influence we have over them.Sep 06 07:44
schestowitzCan Microsoft stop Linux development? No.Sep 06 07:44
schestowitzCan Microsoft force Linus to accept patches that remove support for non-Microsoft hardware? No.Sep 06 07:44
schestowitzDoes Microsoft react to market forces -- and influence by companies they do business with -- to begin supporting Linux on Azure? Yes.Sep 06 07:44
schestowitzSo I say get these companies involved in the Linux Foundation. If there are specific decisions and actions taken by the Linux Foundation (or the companies involved within it) that we, as a community, don't like... we can raise those issues with them. And we will. Immediately. And loudly. It's how we roll. :)Sep 06 07:45
schestowitzFor me, personally, the more companies and organizations involved in Linux and Free Software... the better.Sep 06 07:45
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:45
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:46
schestowitz    Can Microsoft stop Linux development? No.Sep 06 07:46
schestowitz    Can Microsoft force Linus to accept patches that remove support for non-Microsoft hardware? No.Sep 06 07:46
schestowitzWe could argue about how much buying power and source code maintainership proprietary loving companies have, To cause a massive disruption of Linux development. O.G. devs are getting older, Corp Linux maintainership is up, and young programmers are not exposed to C as much. (in general) If demand for engineering data of drivers (source code) begins to wane we're in trouble.Sep 06 07:46
schestowitzOf course this is a mythical fantasy land because they would never have the balls to conspire and coordinate such an assault , the outrage would be real. Over a few years though, maybe not so many people catch what happened when all of their newer shiny stuff just doesn't support Linux, and all of their older stuff doesn't run on new kernels.Sep 06 07:46
schestowitzremove support for could also mean break something by accident, oopsSep 06 07:46
schestowitzI love speculation but I don't want to give them any ideas so I'll refrain from explaining specific details of how various attacks could be carried out and making a tree of who controls what.Sep 06 07:46
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:46
schestowitz"But Linux Foundation is still in charge of enforcing the GPL in Linux"Sep 06 07:46
schestowitz"But Linux Foundation is still in charge of enforcing the GPL in Linux'Sep 06 07:46
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:46
schestowitzNo, it's not. And it never has been in charge of this.Sep 06 07:46
schestowitzThe Linux kernel copyright holders are responsible for enforcing the GPL in the Linux kernel.Sep 06 07:46
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:46
schestowitz"They won't have to bother enforcing GPL in a few years becauses TPP nullifies GPL and similiar licences."Sep 06 07:47
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:47
schestowitzI think things can get problematic more if people are shut out because they are saying uncomfortable things about member companies of Linux Foundation. That will only get worse though as more members join and it gets harder to deal with things when some member companies turn out to be bad actors. Those who call them out may not be able to be at Linux Foundation events.Sep 06 07:47
schestowitzThat is probably okay, and these LF are pretty corporate run and not particularly community based, but it is where all the influence is. Instead, people are forced to go to Linuxfests across the country or other places.Sep 06 07:47
schestowitz'Sep 06 07:47
schestowitz"One of the big things we have going in our (the community's) favor is the people involved within many of these companies. These are, for the most part, Free and Open Source Software evangelist type people. In many cases they are representing the interests of a specific company... but they are, at their core, Free Software folk. They are... us. That's not true across the board, of course... but predominantly.Sep 06 07:48
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:48
schestowitzOh sure, and I was one of those people :-) Why a company is a bad actor can be something as silly as an over-inflated sense of entitlement.Sep 06 07:48
schestowitzIn general, community is the strongest defense against bad actors who are invested in community. You don't want to be perceived as a jerk as that can definitely affect your relationship with upstream.Sep 06 07:48
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:48
schestowitz 06 07:48
schestowitz"Archived version for those who don't want to drive traffic to Tech Rights."Sep 06 07:48
schestowitz"I do not know anything about Tech Rights... Why would one not want to go there?"Sep 06 07:49
-TechBytesBot/ | The Corrupting Influence of Money in the Linux Foundation (Bias for Sale) | TechrightsSep 06 07:49
schestowitz"The guy who runs it, Roy Schestowitz, is a crazy person and isn't someone that most FOSS advocates would want the public to think of when they think free or open source software. Richard Stallman eating something off of his foot during a public talk or attempting to defend pedophilia is less embarrassing than Schestowitz."Sep 06 07:49
schestowitz"In which way is he crazy? I think that we all are crazy in one way or another."Sep 06 07:49
schestowitz"So I actually wasn't being a snob when I got that exact impression from reading one article?"Sep 06 07:49
schestowitz"Ok, but can you say something more specific? Besides this (, I didn't find anything in my quick search, besides that he looks like a grown up frat boy."Sep 06 07:50
-TechBytesBot/ | Linux liars and "advocates" to avoid: The Roy Schestowitz liar [ ]Sep 06 07:50
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:50
schestowitzI can't take a source that says "and his poor parents have been supporting his butt for many years" as a good source. The tone there is demeaning in itself. So whatever they say about other people, e.g. "poor parents", is just trying to influence your mind.Sep 06 07:50
schestowitzJust look at this attribute "poor" for the parents. This is of absolutely no inconsequence, it's just put there to create some impression, or feeling. Similar "word art" is happening all over the place. And it's fun that this page, which is accussing someone as to be a liar, is lying in itself: "spends 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (including all holidays) posting lies". So Roy doesn't need any sleep for a whole week? Surely he's by now inSep 06 07:50
schestowitzthe Guiness Book of World Records?Sep 06 07:50
schestowitzGuys, learn to differentiate between news and comment, fact and fiction, and insist that your information sources (TV, magacines, web sites) follow this basic principle. Or dismiss / ignore them.Sep 06 07:50
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:50
schestowitz"I agree, my point was that that source wasn't good enough, that's why I was asking for more info about it.'Sep 06 07:51
schestowitz"Being a "crazy person" is a VERY strong accusation. Even if his mental health is bad, you wouldn't know. And if it isn't, then titling a person that you oppose publically this way is also slandering or at least demeaning."Sep 06 07:52
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:54
schestowitzThat defending paedophilia stuff is so so so taken out of context.Sep 06 07:54
schestowitzIt was in context about a proposed law change of switching the "age of consent" in the Netherlands from 16 to 12, which it is in many places. The problem is that the term 'age of consent' translates poorly between cultures. The age of consent is in theory 0 in the Netherlands when using the Anglo-American term for it because it works in reverse. The age of consent in the US is where it stops being statutory rape, in the Netherlands it's theSep 06 07:54
schestowitzage where you loose the right to retroactively recant consent and fall back on 'I said yes, but I was a kid, I didn't know what I was doing, I should've said no', 16 and older they say 'You're old enough to make your own choices now, if you meant no you should've said it'Sep 06 07:54
schestowitzIn say the US if a 24 year old fucks a 13 year old that's statutory rape, flat and simple, in the Netherlands it only is if the 13 year old says as much, which the 13 year old can still do like 20 years later and say that it wasn't true consent. But if the 13 year old just says 'No, I consented, I knew what I was doing and I liked it.' then it's not statutory rape here.Sep 06 07:54
schestowitzSo in the US, the age of consent is like being able to drink alcohol, you gain a right at that age, the right to consent to sex. Whereas in the Netherlands it works in reverse, you loose a right at that age, similar to how you can get out from under a contract at certain ages. You effectively have the right up to 16 to get out under verbal consent, but above that not any more.Sep 06 07:54
schestowitzThere was a proposed change to change that to 12 which of course wasn't going to happen exactly because it works in reverse and the law is already way more lenient than in a lot of places. RMS took that out of context and thought it would be like the US where the proposed change would mean that people would gain a right to have sex at 12, which they already have. And then people took that out of context again and thought RMS was advocatingSep 06 07:54
schestowitzfor like 7 year old boys to have sex with their priest.Sep 06 07:54
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:54
schestowitz"I still think conspiracy-tinged articles like this are a sign of healthy skepticism. The pursuit of counterfactuals is an important exercise, even when the findings are a bit hyperbolic. Hopefully it's just a stepping stone to that leads the author to a better appreciation of the subject."Sep 06 07:54
schestowitz"Does Roy still think Apple is on the verge of bankruptcy?"Sep 06 07:54
schestowitz 06 07:56
schestowitz"Everything this bloke posts on here is nothing more than quotes from reddit or else a quote from someone elses article followed by the reddit reaction of said article. Why is this rubbish even approved? "Sep 06 07:56
-TechBytesBot/ | LXer: Eye on Open? More like 'Eye On Reddit': Why did Gentoo Linux fade into obscurity?Sep 06 07:56
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:56
schestowitzGreetings arm,Sep 06 07:56
schestowitzSorry that you didn't like the article. I've been posting EOO articles here on Lxer for quite some time, and some people really do enjoy them.Sep 06 07:56
schestowitzRegarding Reddit, I often find interesting discussions in various subreddits (as well as in the comment threads and forums on other sites). So I like to include them in the open source roundups. I found the Gentoo topic quite illuminating, though it's pretty clear that you did not. But many people do like getting a heads up about such discussions, so I will continue to include them in the roundups.Sep 06 07:56
schestowitzSorry that EOO isn't your cup of tea, but thanks for the feedback. :)Sep 06 07:56
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:56
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:56
schestowitzHi Jim.Sep 06 07:57
schestowitzI suppose I should think myself lucky that I didn't get a reply full of the `reddit` discussion of this thread. :PSep 06 07:57
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:57
schestowitz"I'm currently writing a news article to publish through lxer about news articles based on Reddit comments being posted as news articles, based on comments from a Reddit discussion I created about news articles based on Reddit comments."Sep 06 07:57
schestowitz"I'm currently writing a news article to publish through lxer about news articles based on Reddit comments being posted as news articles, based on comments from a Reddit discussion I created about news articles based on Reddit comments."Sep 06 07:57
schestowitz"Hahaha, this is the Internet! 'Journalists' have to produce quantity, not quality, and try to clickbait it up some.'Sep 06 07:57
schestowitz 06 09:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yurihentai6969: Lol fuck off kike 06 09:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #London City Airport flights disrupted after 'Black Lives Matter' protesters occupy runway. Protests work only when they're disruptive. #blmSep 06 09:13
schestowitzstay classy...Sep 06 09:13
schestowitzMinceR: 06 09:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@andreascseh: We don't need any of you! Hungarian coders among the best in the world #Hungary @schestowitz 06 09:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | PORTFOLIO.HU | Hungarian coders among the best in the worldSep 06 09:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@andreascseh: We don't need any of you! Hungarian coders among the best in the world #Hungary @schestowitz 06 09:32
schestowitz 06 09:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ManagingIP: @schestowitz Our events are free for in-house counsel, academics & R&D professionals. Come next year as our guest! #EUpatent16Sep 06 09:47
schestowitz 06 09:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@d4v3nu11: So, you mean... If you give root access to the attacker, you're screwed? like in # apt-get install malware-nonfree 06 09:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Media hyping up "Linux" threat which requires 1) the cracker has access to the device. 2) cracker installs malware 06 09:50
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Sep 06 10:51
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Sep 06 11:17
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:40
schestowitz> older:Sep 06 11:40
schestowitz> 06 11:40
-TechBytesBot/ | Two Years as a High School Mentor « null programSep 06 11:40
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:40
schestowitz> 06 11:40
-TechBytesBot/ | Replicant 6.0 early work, upstream work and F-Droid issue | ReplicantSep 06 11:40
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:40
schestowitz> 06 11:40
schestowitz> vbulletin -- againSep 06 11:40
-TechBytesBot/ | Nearly 800,000 Brazzers Porn Site Accounts Exposed in Forum Hack | Motherboard [ ]Sep 06 11:40
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:40
schestowitz> 06 11:40
schestowitz> -Sep 06 11:40
-TechBytesBot/ | Indonesia team threatened with death for looking into fires, haze:The Asahi Shimbun [ ]Sep 06 11:40
schestowitz> 06 11:40
-TechBytesBot/ | Indonesia Condemns Palm Oil Firm's Hostage-Taking Over Fires - ABC News [ ]Sep 06 11:40
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:40
schestowitz> 06 11:40
-TechBytesBot/ | Toxic air pollution particles found in human brains | Society | The Guardian [ ]Sep 06 11:40
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:40
schestowitz> 06 11:40
-TechBytesBot/ | Hong Kongers 'thumb their noses at Beijing' with pro-independence votes - [ ]Sep 06 11:40
schestowitz> -Sep 06 11:40
schestowitz> 06 11:40
-TechBytesBot/ | Hong Kong elections: anti-Beijing activists gain foothold in power | World news | The Guardian [ ]Sep 06 11:40
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:40
schestowitz> 70,000Sep 06 11:40
schestowitz> 06 11:40
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> "I remain confident that we can get TPP passed."Sep 06 11:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Burning Man's loving engine powered by wealth, privilege [ ]Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> 06 11:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Obama still thinks Pacific trade deal can pass Congress - - Everett and Snohomish County news [ ]Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> 06 11:41
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Americans now spend more time in apps than on open web: ComScore - Business Insider [ ]Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> 06 11:41
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> 06 11:41
-TechBytesBot/ | doas mastery [ ]Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:41
-TechBytesBot/ | German BND ordered to delete illegally collected data, including use of XKeyscore | HAX [ ]Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> 06 11:41
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> 06 11:41
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> old:Sep 06 11:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Log In - The New York Times [ ]Sep 06 11:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump vs. Clinton: 2016’s Race to the Bottom | US News [ ]Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> 06 11:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> 06 11:41
schestowitz> too soft on Z thereSep 06 11:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Facebook’s satellite went up in smoke, but its developing world land grab goes on | Emily Reynolds | Opinion | The Guardian [ ]Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> 06 11:41
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Police unions are a public enemy / Boing Boing [ ]Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> "assessing the sustainability of the abolition of retail roamingSep 06 11:41
schestowitz> surcharges"Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> 06 11:41
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Implementing Regulation Fair Use Policy sustainability | European Commission [ ]Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> 06 11:41
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Devs Rename Game to 'DMCA's Sky' Following Nintendo Legal Threats - TorrentFreak [ ]Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> 06 11:41
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Swedish ISP Attacks Copyright Trolls, Over Trademark Infringement - TorrentFreak [ ]Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> 06 11:41
-TechBytesBot/ | German spies violated law, must delete XKeyscore database—watchdog | Ars Technica [ ]Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> 06 11:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Communities Dominate Brands: Bad Time for Bad Batteries - Galaxy Recall by Samsung after exploding batteries [ ]Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> 06 11:41
-TechBytesBot/ | g2k16 Hackathon Report: Marc Espie on package signing evolution [ ]Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> 06 11:41
-TechBytesBot/ | OpenOffice coders debate retiring the free, open-source productivity suite | PCWorld [ ]Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> 06 11:41
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:41
schestowitz> 06 11:42
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:42
-TechBytesBot/ | Screens In Schools Are a $60 Billion HoaxSep 06 11:42
schestowitz> 06 11:42
schestowitz> =Sep 06 11:42
-TechBytesBot/ | Obama cancels meeting with leader who called him ‘son of a b----’ | TheHill [ ]Sep 06 11:42
schestowitz> 06 11:42
-TechBytesBot/ | Russia, Saudi Arabia plan oil output task force [ ]Sep 06 11:42
-TechBytesBot/ | Saudi Arabia oil facilities and Yemen campaign - Business Insider [ ]Sep 06 11:42
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesSep 06 11:59
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 06 17:46
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesSep 06 17:46
schestowitz 06 19:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FACLC: .@schestowitz @DrJillStein I can't wait for #EndMuslimImmigration to gain awareness by violently seizing Charing Cross rail station. #ukpoliSep 06 19:24
schestowitz 06 20:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MariusNestor: @schestowitz 24 also in Bucharest :)Sep 06 20:02
schestowitzMy best friend flies there tomorrow afternoonSep 06 20:02
schestowitz 06 20:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ThomasPaine5: @zoobab @schestowitz #TaxationIsTheftSep 06 20:03
schestowitz 06 20:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @schestowitz i doubt that he cannot declare w/o the house. We do have fail safe system on this topic. And its so toothless because of aquinoSep 06 20:03
schestowitzhope they can stop his Marcosism early enoughSep 06 20:03
schestowitz 06 20:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@elhombretequila: Fear monger detected. Stop meddling our affairs! False analogy on Pol Pot. Get your facts straight. 06 20:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: With "State of Lawlessness" things are going according to plan for #PolPot #Duterte - much as I predicated all along. Next stop: Martial LawSep 06 20:04
schestowitz 06 20:05
schestowitz 06 20:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JesselynRadack: #HandGrenade has shut down my DC neighborhood #Scary 06 20:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Hand grenade surrendered to police spurs shop closures, evacuations in Northwest | WTOPSep 06 20:05
schestowitzcommon in Sweden these days 06 20:05
-TechBytesBot/ | List of grenade attacks in Sweden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaSep 06 20:05
schestowitz 06 20:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @schestowitz to far he has a insane number supporter. He has to do more damage if you want him out. The worst luck is ph might get lazy.Sep 06 20:12
schestowitzhis 15mil voters are vocal and passionate, but many also disagree with E-J killingsSep 06 20:12
schestowitz 06 20:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @schestowitz i doubt that it would be the case. I would believe he might get sack on obama case ph is a loyalist to america. Worst case.Sep 06 20:16
schestowitzAlso Goldberg ("Bakla")Sep 06 20:16
schestowitz 06 20:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @schestowitz not much on that american president is like king for most naive filipino which is the ph weakness. 5m ph in america is proof.Sep 06 20:20
schestowitzBecause you're effectively occupied by them for 120 years now, except briefly (japan reign)Sep 06 20:20
schestowitz 06 20:24
-TechBytesBot/ "Yet a large portion of Tor is so drunk on self-righteousness... piloting into their adversaries’ hands." 06 20:25
schestowitz"Sep 06 20:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Tor’s Branding Pivot is Going to Get Someone Killed – MediumSep 06 20:25
schestowitzI thought he was from California and spent most of his youth living with his father there. That is where he first learned to program, on a stolen computer from one of his father’s friends.Sep 06 20:25
schestowitzAnyway, what does living in Seattle have to do with a former Microsoft employee sticking up for him now?Sep 06 20:25
schestowitz"Sep 06 20:25
schestowitzI think he just worked in Seattle there (a university)Sep 06 20:25
schestowitz 06 20:25
-TechBytesBot/ "Most hardware that has the #ME doesn't really work without the ME. #libreboot doesn't fix that" #x86 has back doorSep 06 20:25
schestowitz"Sep 06 20:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | ELI5: Why do we need an open source BIOS firmware such as LibreBoot? : linuxSep 06 20:25
schestowitzThey might think that, but what they will get is incompetence and inability to trust or do anything. Trying to compute without a healthy free software community is like trying to have medicine without science. They will slowly slide backwards towards a stewardship that looks like Microsoft or some other software owner’s handling. Resources used to maintain the work will be minimized and the positions filled with overworked slaves. It willSep 06 20:25
schestowitzcollapse as surely as Windows and BSD did. It’s not a case we should even consider.Sep 06 20:25
schestowitzIt’s better to keep the community alive by encouraging hardware makers to do the right thing. That should be easy to do because the hardware vendor that provides people with computers they can trust will quickly take over the business market and they will always be tempted to make yet more money by selling “consumer” devices too.Sep 06 20:26
schestowitz"Sep 06 20:26
schestowitz 06 20:26
-TechBytesBot/ Regarding #dakota and the indigenous population there #greensUSA #oil #energy #waterSep 06 20:26
schestowitz"Perhaps this is the true meaning of democracy.'Sep 06 20:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ajamubaraka: Is it really a democracy when corporations can make decisions about the land in direct opposition to the needs and demands of the people?Sep 06 20:26
schestowitz"So, when are we going to start calling it corporate terrorism?'Sep 06 20:26
schestowitzWhen we get to define words, which is rareSep 06 20:26
schestowitz 06 20:26
-TechBytesBot/ 06 20:26
schestowitz"It’s good to see her criticizing Trump."Sep 06 20:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DrJillStein: Flip-flopping @realDonaldTrump has done it again. #OpenDebates #BreakThe2PartyTrap 06 20:26
schestowitzShe does bothSep 06 20:26
schestowitz 06 20:27
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: **A bit of #poetry ,some immensity and #humanity** ? ### Immersion in the #spirit of #carlsagan 06 20:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by 06 20:27
schestowitz"Sep 06 20:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Carl Sagan quotes will make you realize how precious life is - Business InsiderSep 06 20:27
schestowitzDr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Sep 06 20:27
schestowitzNeil DeGrasse TysonSep 06 20:27
schestowitz"Sep 06 20:27
schestowitzDoesn't look like him at all, is this over her Pluto thing?Sep 06 20:27
schestowitz 06 20:27
-TechBytesBot/ #OnePlus merging #OxygenOS and #HydrogenOS to improve updates #android #linuxSep 06 20:27
schestowitz"Sep 06 20:27
schestowitzI was sure that someone will say this :pSep 06 20:27
schestowitzSo I better said “If we add one other HydrogenOS we will get WaterOS ?”Sep 06 20:27
schestowitz"Sep 06 20:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | OnePlus merging Oxygen OS and Hydrogen OS to improve updatesSep 06 20:27
schestowitzAQUOS?Sep 06 20:27
schestowitz 06 20:28
-TechBytesBot/ It's true. With #gnu #linux one can brick or compromise one's own PC/server. With #microsoft #windows however the #nsa can do it remotely.Sep 06 20:28
schestowitz"I thought you would say that with windows the computer already comes bricked/compromised."Sep 06 20:28
schestowitz"@mgmillani yes, with windows, computers are already compromised by default'Sep 06 20:28
schestowitzJust not remotely enabled to join the botnet (yet)Sep 06 20:28
schestowitz 06 20:30
-TechBytesBot/ #clinton smashes evidence of her criminality with a hammer barbarian politician, funded by Saudi BarbariaSep 06 20:30
schestowitz"I remember the UK smashing harddrives assumed holding Snowden documents…both acts seem dumb and barbaric, and ultimately futile. It’s like when a Caesar ordered the legion to hold back the tide ;)"Sep 06 20:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jeffmgould: Making Tim Cook's day - Hillary had 5 iPads in 4 years at State (buy new one at retail, smash old one with hammer) 06 20:30
schestowitzyes, those became epic videos. I bet people like Theresa May think it was a good idea (at the time), she's clueless, I spoke to her in lengthSep 06 20:30
schestowitz 06 20:31
-TechBytesBot/ In just 2 months #duterte took his country back more than two decades. How much damage will he do before inevitable impeachment? #bastosSep 06 20:31
schestowitz"He’s perfect example of a Trumpster…but imagine such a person also in charge of a nuclear arsenal…"Sep 06 20:31
schestowitzI reckon that not only Guam but MAYBE also .ph has nukes somewhere (like NATO in Turkey), in case of conflict with S.E.A. nations/ChinaSep 06 20:31
schestowitz 06 21:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @Kenlloyd1Cruz @schestowitz i am not a fortune teller so i cannot say it by i am not risk type butSep 06 21:39
schestowitz 06 21:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @Kenlloyd1Cruz @schestowitz base on the flow of news i think pres duterte might pull it and get most profit with the china tension.Sep 06 21:45
schestowitz 06 21:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @Kenlloyd1Cruz @schestowitz my thinking too short sorry i think i know his plan and would rock the world it pure genius amazing. Not joking.Sep 06 21:45
schestowitzRight now he makes enemies from the outside and the inside, not a good atmosphere for development IMHOSep 06 21:45
schestowitz 06 21:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @schestowitz @Kenlloyd1Cruz lol you got fooled his plan is easy but effective their a saying in our coutry "namangka sa dalawa ilog"Sep 06 21:48
schestowitz 06 21:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @schestowitz @Kenlloyd1Cruz whi is literal mean using it both at the same time. He his going to do it lol he has guts play china and americaSep 06 21:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @schestowitz @Kenlloyd1Cruz what a cunning old man.Sep 06 21:52
schestowitzBoth have nukes, not seeing the benefit of thatSep 06 21:52
schestowitz 06 22:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @schestowitz @Kenlloyd1Cruz lol you are not seing the whole picture he want america and china to clash with money. Aid, investment etcSep 06 22:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Kenlloyd1Cruz: @schestowitz @NoobyScholar who told you he mke enemy from the inside? He has 91% approval ratings.Filipino support him bcoz its for the goodSep 06 22:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Kenlloyd1Cruz: @NoobyScholar @schestowitz pag gumanda ang pinas balang araw lumayas ka sa pinas kasi kontra ka..Sep 06 22:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Kenlloyd1Cruz: @NoobyScholar @schestowitz hahaha!! Stupid idea.. You dont know anything and yet you're speaking like you are righteous..Sep 06 22:06
schestowitz 06 22:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @schestowitz @Kenlloyd1Cruz nothing venture nothing gain you know this is right? Just see and read more new specially on au and jp.Sep 06 22:07
schestowitz 06 22:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @Kenlloyd1Cruz @schestowitz this is fruitfull discussion w/o it i would not notice duterte plan. Too bad the other one cannot see it. Ty 2Sep 06 22:14
schestowitz 06 22:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Kenlloyd1Cruz: @NoobyScholar @schestowitz are you sure? Maybe you are blinded and you cannot see the pure intentions of duterte..Sep 06 22:22
schestowitz 06 22:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @Kenlloyd1Cruz @schestowitz yep it is very noble and pure. I am just a little bit late reading it. But it is not a lost you know.Sep 06 22:26
schestowitz 06 22:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Kenlloyd1Cruz: @NoobyScholar @schestowitz U are reading bias news.Which is control by the people who r affected with the fight against drugs and corruptionSep 06 22:26
schestowitz 07 00:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@greenunicorn_hk: @schestowitz 🖕🏾with that pol pot comment about DuterteSep 07 00:40
schestowitz 07 08:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@veniviedivici: @schestowitz Let's write a song about Keith Vaz and Lord #Leveson !Sep 07 08:15
schestowitz 07 08:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FisherBurton: @schestowitz Trump isn't the one who claimed to care about the well-being of Native Americans. So she's the only hypocrite.Sep 07 08:16
schestowitz 07 08:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WaddyBean: @schestowitz It's NOT ok to have sex with whomever you like! There are ethics involved.Sep 07 08:16
schestowitz 07 08:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fcassia: MSFT moles inside Big Blue, 2004. For your archive, @schestowitz 07 08:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fcassia: MSFT moles inside Big Blue, 2004. For your archive, @schestowitz 07 08:17
schestowitz 07 08:20
-TechBytesBot/ Ubuntu 16.04 kisses the cloud, disses the desktop 07 08:20
schestowitz"Since when you need a Ubuntu One account to install snaps?"Sep 07 08:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu 16.04 kisses the cloud, disses the desktop | Network WorldSep 07 08:20
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Sep 07 10:32
schestowitz 07 15:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: EU General Data Protection Regulation–Part I (Read OV's comment on #EPO D.P.R. posted on Friday, 02-09-16) 07 15:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The IPKat: EU General Data Protection Regulation – Part ISep 07 15:57
schestowitzStill no articles from #merpel after that #epo #censorship of #ipkat - people rely on VERY OLD comment threadsSep 07 15:58
schestowitz 07 16:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: @schestowitz "En Suisse, Centredoc a acheté, en 2015, les 90 millions de données de l'Office européen des brevets"! 07 16:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: Sur le Net, les entreprises se montrent trop naïves - Le Matin Online 07 16:00
schestowitzneed info/translationSep 07 16:00
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesSep 07 16:02
schestowitz 07 17:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: @schestowitz Maybe the kat is getting old and grumpy?Sep 07 17:59
schestowitz 07 17:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: @schestowitz Unfortunately no translation yetSep 07 18:00
schestowitzI can wait...Sep 07 18:00
schestowitz 07 18:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DrJillStein: The TPP is NAFTA on steroids. Stop it before it's too late. #NoTPPSep 07 18:46
schestowitzNAFTA did not have ISDS. This is a whole new scary beast. And #clinton supports it. Kaine also.Sep 07 18:47
schestowitz 07 19:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AJimenez1988: @schestowitz @INQ ...he would have finished GNU Hurd years ago.Sep 07 19:29
schestowitz>       *Dear Roy Schestowitz,*Sep 07 20:00
schestowitz>Sep 07 20:00
schestowitz> Hi Roy,Sep 07 20:00
schestowitz>Sep 07 20:00
schestowitz> Email should work again : 07 20:00
-TechBytesBot/ <strong> ![Avatar](/camo/2e62b8ad61ced5627720be2c7dc38bbdf4865cff/68747470733a2f2f6a6f696e64696173706f72612e73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f75706c6f6164732f696d616765732f7468756d625f736d616c6c5f36356131613466613730643339613730303135612e6a7067) @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;} </strong><sup> [9/3/2016, 12:13:35 PM](/posts/ff5890c053ec0134e61a0242ac110007)</sup> > Over the past 3 or 4 daSep 07 20:00
schestowitz>Sep 07 20:00
schestowitz> Thanks for the heads-up,Sep 07 20:00
schestowitz> LukasSep 07 20:00
schestowitz 07 20:00
schestowitz"Why change the address instead of just using a different SMTP server? Were there problems with bounced emails?"Sep 07 20:00
schestowitz"the JD domain uses gmail which has pretty strict limits if it comes to bulk emails. Since maxwell still needs the gmail thing and I don’t want to pay extra money to google. I decided to use a different provider without any additional costs."Sep 07 20:00
schestowitzExcellent, thank you so much!Sep 07 20:01
schestowitz> 07 21:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 07 21:22
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:22
schestowitz>"Sep 07 21:22
-TechBytesBot/ | The Sun slams Corbyn for advocating ‘open source’ software, but uses it for its own website | Political Scrapbook [ ]Sep 07 21:22
schestowitz> -Sep 07 21:22
schestowitz> 07 21:22
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:22
schestowitz> 07 21:22
-TechBytesBot/ | Site report for [ ]Sep 07 21:22
-TechBytesBot/ | Tencent Is Now the Most Valuable Company in Asia [ ]Sep 07 21:22
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:22
schestowitz> 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Activists to FBI: Show Us Your Warrant for Mass Hack of TorMail Users | Motherboard [ ]Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> " I didn’t already know about how pervasive this technology have become."Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Location Privacy: The Purview of the Rich and Indigent — Krebs on Security [ ]Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> xSep 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Want a Free Market? Abolish Cash - Bloomberg View [ ]Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> " IT [sic] glitch"Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
schestowitz> M$ ?Sep 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | British Airways apologises to delayed passengers - BBC NewsSep 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | E-sport lockar fler tittare än traditionell sport online | [ ]Sep 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Google Translate [ ]Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Norwegian politicians want to censor the Internet, because Rule 34 ("because all the pornography") | Privacy Online News [ ]Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz>;list=PLXhdHq3mTmVvQKStiS5Eyvm8mH9s0Tmpx&amp;index=3Sep 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | BIST2016 / Christian Engström: Basic Income – A Concrete and Calculated Proposal - YouTube [ ]Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Operatörer om piratjakten: Vill ha tusentals ip-adresser | SvD [ ]Sep 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Google Translate [ ]Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> solid presentation ( BUT too many of  the politicians push FB in Sweden,Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> even the ones that should know better )Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Finnish nuclear company fired whistleblower over safety concerns | Yle Uutiset | [ ]Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz>That got pasted wrong.  It should be:Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz>Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> "I would much rather subsidize people than subsidize industries"Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz>;list=PLXhdHq3mTmVvQKStiS5Eyvm8mH9s0Tmpx&amp;index=3Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> solid presentation ( BUT too many of  the politicians push FB in Sweden,Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> even the ones that should know better )Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:24
schestowitzYes, I noticedSep 07 21:24
schestowitz 07 21:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sanmay44: @schestowitz @DrJillStein Cmon Its not like Jill took a hammer & beat the bulldozer like Hillary did to her gov. computers.Sep 07 21:25
schestowitztouché!Sep 07 21:26
schestowitz 07 22:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jsalsman: @schestowitz @krebsonsec is it really expensive to put address, phone & vehicle in hidden corporate name? I.e. tens not hundreds of dollars?Sep 07 22:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sandra_Stork: Problem is the same in all the #EU it seems #whistleblowers save many lives at their and families expense 07 22:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Finnish nuclear company fired whistleblower over safety concerns remember #trident WB?Sep 07 22:06
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Sep 08 02:00
-->bcanon_book ( has joined #techbytesSep 08 02:19
-->Phlogiston231212 (49a6fa1c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techbytesSep 08 02:21
bcanon_bookHey phlog - didn't know this channel existed already, but we might share the waters for an hour or two.Sep 08 02:24
<--Phlogiston231212 has quit (Quit: Page closed)Sep 08 02:28
schestowitz 08 02:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Symbo1ics: @schestowitz of course many typesafe compilers to JS exist already: Most notably #ghcjs & #PureScript, but also #RoyLang, #FayLang, etc.Sep 08 02:35
schestowitz[02:34] <qu1j0t3> btw, this is also me 08 02:35
schestowitz[02:35] <schestowitz> cheers, will followSep 08 02:35
schestowitz[02:35] <qu1j0t3> :)Sep 08 02:35
schestowitzthe first one sounds like something @gchq madeSep 08 02:37
-->phliKtid ( has joined #techbytesSep 08 02:37
schestowitzhi phliKtidSep 08 02:37
phliKtidgr33tzSep 08 02:37
-->ArIck (~arick@ has joined #techbytesSep 08 02:41
<--bcanon_book has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Sep 08 02:45
<--ArIck has quit (Client Quit)Sep 08 02:45
schestowitzlots of new people all of a sudden?Sep 08 02:47
schestowitzor same with many name?Sep 08 02:47
-->ArIck (~arick@ has joined #techbytesSep 08 02:55
<--ArIck has quit (Client Quit)Sep 08 02:58
<--phliKtid has quit (Quit: phliKtid)Sep 08 03:58
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesSep 08 09:31
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/ | What the 21st Century Has Done to Our News | The NationSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/ | Weak Sales Reorg - Dilbert Comic Strip on 2016-09-07 | Dilbert by Scott AdamsSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> "With its own custom "Bluetooth-like" chip..."Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/ | Free Isn't Freedom: How Silicon Valley Tricks Us | MotherboardSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/ | Apple 'AirPods' to target high end of headphone market with custom 'Bluetooth-like' low-power techSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/ | Fingeravtrykk - DagbladetSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
schestowitz> -Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> older:Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/ | Google TranslateSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> "contain a number of restrictions intended to prevent mobile phoneSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> users shopping around for the best deal"Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/ | New Assange case details expected from Sweden - The LocalSep 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> "When you are told that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance, thisSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> is what it means. This struggle will continue throughout your life. WeSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> have to succeed every time; they have to succeed only once. Never dropSep 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/ | How surveillance capitalism tracks you without cookies / Boing BoingSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> your guard."Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/ | Internet Tracking Has Moved Beyond Cookies | FiveThirtyEightSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/ | EU free roaming to be restricted by 'fair use' clause | TheINQUIRERSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
schestowitz> so will he be allowed to carry on from inside the jail?Sep 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/ | The transatlantic trade deal TTIP may be dead, but something even worse is coming | George Monbiot | Opinion | The GuardianSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> xSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
schestowitz> LinkedIn spam from M$ via TelegraphSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/ | New Docs Show How the NSA Used the Iraq War to Build its Surveillance Apparatus | MotherboardSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/ | Ferguson activist Darren Seals dies at 29 | Local News | stlamerican.comSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/ | Congressional Report Slams OPM on Data Breach — Krebs on SecuritySep 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> "However, the CJEU doesn't rule on the dispute itself. It's left up toSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> the national court, in this case the French Cour de Cassation."Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/ | Anjem Choudary, UK's 'most hated man' jailed - CNN.comSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> "The 138-year-old technology will be replaced by headsets that plugSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> into the device’s Lightning connector, which is also used for charging."Sep 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/ | Gwyneth Paltrow: 'I walked away from a career where people kissed my ass — and I couldn’t be happier' Sep 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
schestowitz> and fragile and unreliable and proprietary.  sounds like a winSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/ | Automated systems fight ISIS propaganda, but at what cost? | The VergeSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> "Friday a Swedish regional high court will – once again – look into theSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> issue of Mr. Assanges’ arrest warrant. "Sep 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/ | Porn Sites Feel Exposed by Flash, Get It on With HTML5 | MotherboardSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/ | Microsoft will reportedly gun for Slack with Skype Teams | TheINQUIRERSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/ | Sony wins battle over preinstalled Windows in Europe’s top court | Ars TechnicaSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> "headphone jack is gone"Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> xSep 08 11:48
schestowitz> 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Algeria: 3-Year Sentence for Insulting Islam | Human Rights WatchSep 08 11:48
schestowitz> DRMSep 08 11:48
schestowitz> -Sep 08 11:48
schestowitz> "so who cares."Sep 08 11:48
schestowitz> xSep 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | iPhone 7 launch: Apple gambles on headphone jack and introduces new Apple Watch | Technology | The GuardianSep 08 11:48
schestowitz> 08 11:48
schestowitz> actually anyone that ever plans on listening via computer, regardless ofSep 08 11:48
schestowitz> whether on Apple or not...Sep 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Internet Disinformation Service for Hire - Schneier on SecuritySep 08 11:48
schestowitz> -Sep 08 11:48
schestowitz> "And they're both consumer-friendly"Sep 08 11:48
schestowitz> x 08 11:48
schestowitz> wrong, DRM is a kick the crotch for consumers.  Why are all theSep 08 11:48
schestowitz> mainstream media ignoring the most significant issue dropping the analogSep 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Showdown in the Assange case? | HAXSep 08 11:48
schestowitz> jack represents?Sep 08 11:48
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:48
schestowitz> "The recommendations include not only how much kids should move around,Sep 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Megaupload: Court Copy-Pasted U.S. Lawyers, Made Glaring Errors - TorrentFreakSep 08 11:48
schestowitz> but also how long kids should sit still. "Sep 08 11:48
schestowitz> 08 11:48
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:48
schestowitz> 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Anti-Piracy Groups Petition Clinton & Trump for Tough Copyright Laws - TorrentFreakSep 08 11:48
schestowitz> probably a lot of M$ under all thatSep 08 11:48
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:48
schestowitz> 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Scary Torrent Site Blocking Message Has to Change, Judge Rules - TorrentFreakSep 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Hands on with the iPhone 7: A brief peek at the wireless future | Ars TechnicaSep 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Communities Dominate Brands: Nice Camera and Waterproofing - iPhone 7, oh and Apple Watch 2Sep 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | iPhone 7 Storage Will Start at 32GB Instead of 16GBSep 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Education Minister: Three hours a day exercise for kids under 8 | Yle Uutiset | yle.fiSep 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Eight of the biggest ever public sector IT disasters | Gallery | Computerworld UKSep 08 11:49
-TechBytesBot/ | How to Raise a Genius: Lessons from a 45-Year Study of Supersmart Children - Scientific AmericanSep 08 11:49
schestowitz 08 12:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeaH2ONymph: Brains but no humanity: top 1% kids "become our eminent Fortune 500 CEOs, federal judges, senators & billionaires” 08 12:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: How to Raise a Genius: Lessons from a 45-Year Study of Supersmart Children Joseph Bates...Sep 08 12:39
schestowitz 08 12:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@matthewstinar: @schestowitz I've historically used LVM for encrypted root, but I ran into trouble with my last clean install.Sep 08 12:54
---Disconnected ().Sep 08 13:21
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-->You are now talking on #techbytesSep 08 13:22
---Topic for #techbytes is Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastSep 08 13:22
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-->You are now talking on #techbytesSep 08 17:48
---Topic for #techbytes is Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastSep 08 17:48
---Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Sep 08 17:48
schestowitz 08 19:09
-TechBytesBot/ "How can people who do the work in America receive a fair share of the wealth we create" 08 19:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Once Again, America Seeks the Answer to The Labor Question - BillMoyers.comSep 08 19:09
schestowitz"Hahahaha… Nah. Labor isn’t back yet. When it is they’re going to take everything explicitly for the reason that the Capitalist class wont budge on any concessions."Sep 08 19:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Super rich hold $32 trillion in offshore havens | ReutersSep 08 19:09
schestowitz 08 19:19
-TechBytesBot/ <strong> ![Avatar](/camo/2e62b8ad61ced5627720be2c7dc38bbdf4865cff/68747470733a2f2f6a6f696e64696173706f72612e73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f75706c6f6164732f696d616765732f7468756d625f736d616c6c5f36356131613466613730643339613730303135612e6a7067) @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;} </strong><sup> [9/3/2016, 12:13:35 PM](/posts/ff5890c053ec0134e61a0242ac110007)</sup> > Over the past 3 or 4 daSep 08 19:19
schestowitz"Gandi \o/"Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz"Wow thanks for letting us know. I am so happy we are out of google. So google has until now mined all the notifications + emails we got 😱"Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz"Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz    Wow thanks for letting us know. I am so happy we are out of google. So google has until now mined all the notifications + emails we got 😱Sep 08 19:19
schestowitzwell its email right and now mines instead of google ;)Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz"Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz"Why the domain name change? That shouldn’t be necessary?'Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz"Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz    Since maxwell still needs the gmail thing and I don’t want to pay extra money to google […]Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz@Vlijmen it is necessary since I cannot use the MX records for JDSep 08 19:19
schestowitz"Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz"Sorry for the offtop, just wondering if we still have that XMPP chat feature (and I idiotically can’t find it in new design) or is it gone for a while?"Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz"@shadwen go on the main stream its a bit hidden:"Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz"Thanks for the answer! The problem is me: some settings in Firefox prevent chat from loading, will have to figure out )"Sep 08 19:20
schestowitz 08 19:20
-TechBytesBot/ Julita Inca Chiroque: How Do You Fedora? #gnu #linux #fedora #redhatSep 08 19:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 08 19:20
schestowitz"Really, how so? It seems simple enough, how could it be bloated?"Sep 08 19:20
schestowitz"Code-wise?"Sep 08 19:21
schestowitzI remember the graphical installer back in the old daysSep 08 19:21
schestowitz 08 19:23
-TechBytesBot/ #mozilla saying that #firefox needs #drm (or #eme to use the 'damage control') to remain competitive is lying for business objectivesSep 08 19:23
schestowitz"The new headphone socket on the new iPhone is also designed for DRM purposes."Sep 08 19:23
schestowitz"theunhived. care to elaborate on that?"Sep 08 19:23
schestowitz"The analogue audio jack has always been the pain in the backside to the copyright trolls in their attempts to stop piracy. Do a study into this new socket and how it can be used with DRM to prevent you from listening to unauthorized material. These companies make tools for the establishment not for the people, its a veil that Apple etc make products to help the people. If you don’t already know what DRM means then its Digital RightsSep 08 19:24
schestowitzManagement.'Sep 08 19:24
schestowitz"Yes I do understand what apita DRm is. Just didn’t think about it before but sure you can still ripeverything with the audio-jack"Sep 08 19:24
schestowitzyes, they'll make it less convenient over time. Not that DRM in Vista and successors (now Vista 10) ever stopped copying. It's a losing games.Sep 08 19:24
schestowitz*gameSep 08 19:25
schestowitz 08 19:25
-TechBytesBot/ I remember #linuxinsider having an editor who admitted he had never used #gnu #linux - that's like me running a site called Apple InsiderSep 08 19:25
schestowitz":V"Sep 08 19:25
schestowitz"or #MS Insider as well'Sep 08 19:25
schestowitz"Crazy…"Sep 08 19:25
schestowitz"Like the pope talking about sexuality and parenting xD"Sep 08 19:25
schestowitz"Or someone in the US talking about freedom and democracy :)"Sep 08 19:25
schestowitz Another Anonymous: but I actually know the company (not software) very, very well, having written about it for decades and spoken to insiders. I try to know the enemy....Sep 08 19:26
schestowitz 08 19:27
-TechBytesBot/ Incredibly important #GNU #Libreboot Adds Support For Another (Outdated) Intel Motherboard so no bad doors in it yetSep 08 19:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | GNU Libreboot Adds Support For Another (Outdated) Intel Motherboard - PhoronixSep 08 19:27
schestowitz"That’s why EOMA68 is important."Sep 08 19:27
-TechBytesBot/ | Earth-friendly EOMA68 Computing Devices | Crowd SupplySep 08 19:27
schestowitz"Eoma68 is gonna be freakin great"Sep 08 19:27
schestowitzI keep reading about it. Now seen it yet...Sep 08 19:27
schestowitz*NotSep 08 19:27
schestowitz 08 19:28
-TechBytesBot/ Dive Deep Into Python Vs Perl Debate – What Should I Learn Python or Perl? #python #perlSep 08 19:28
schestowitz"Python'Sep 08 19:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Dive Deep Into Python Vs Perl Debate - What Should I Learn Python or Perl?Sep 08 19:28
schestowitz"Python too"Sep 08 19:28
schestowitz"Feel the snake’s cool embrace"Sep 08 19:28
schestowitzSounds like something Microsoft needs to embrace.. and stretchSep 08 19:28
schestowitz 08 19:29
-TechBytesBot/ A #snowden pseudonym became an award-winning movie title 08 19:29
schestowitz"Sep 08 19:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Snowden: @Paulmd199 For those who don't know what "citizenfour" is: 08 19:29
schestowitzRather old news, isn’t it? Released in 2014.Sep 08 19:29
schestowitz 08 19:29
schestowitz"Sep 08 19:29
schestowitzbut the reports about the families that protected him are very newSep 08 19:29
schestowitz 08 19:29
schestowitz"from the dutch pro-erdogan-party, makes sense"Sep 08 19:29
schestowitz 08 19:30
schestowitz"Sep 08 19:30
schestowitzIt is a pretty good trick.Sep 08 19:30
schestowitzApparently it is in the regex standardSep 08 19:30
schestowitzI never find someone who uses Kate, I am happy to meet you lolSep 08 19:30
schestowitz"Sep 08 19:30
schestowitz 08 19:30
schestowitzI don't think I have had the need for regex in search and replace yetSep 08 19:30
schestowitz 08 19:31
schestowitz"Sep 08 19:31
schestowitzmoney-quote:Sep 08 19:31
schestowitz    Stability is sometimes more a feeling and it’s measured in how much dread you feel when your finger is hovering over the icon to launch the applicationSep 08 19:31
schestowitz"Sep 08 19:31
schestowitzGreat quote, I agree!Sep 08 19:31
schestowitz 08 19:32
schestowitz""Sep 08 19:32
<--TechBytesBot has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 08 19:32
schestowitzAh, so that's where the claims that Green Party "is Russia!" comes from. Guilt by association.Sep 08 19:33
schestowitz 08 19:33
schestowitz"But that may be Trump."Sep 08 19:33
schestowitzDoubt it, he's just exploiting racists and foolsSep 08 19:34
schestowitz 08 19:34
schestowitz"and so, the last vestiges of the analog hole was closed and the publishers rejoiced.'Sep 08 19:34
schestowitzSad daySep 08 19:34
schestowitz“based on Electron” - stopped readingSep 08 19:34
schestowitz"“based on Electron” - stopped reading"Sep 08 19:34
schestowitz 08 19:34
schestowitzCan't blame youSep 08 19:34
-->TechBytesBot ( has joined #techbytesSep 08 19:35
TechBytesBotHello World! I'm TechBytesBot running phIRCe v0.75Sep 08 19:35
schestowitz 08 19:36
-TechBytesBot/ #Samsung Z2 Tizen 4G/ LTE Smartphone Released in South Africa – Z200Y #tizen #linux #africaSep 08 19:36
schestowitz"don’t think it’s cheap enough to hit the market they’re after"Sep 08 19:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Samsung Z2 Tizen 4G/ LTE Smartphone Released in South Africa - Z200Y - Tizen Experts [ ]Sep 08 19:36
schestowitzI guess they rely on distributors thereSep 08 19:36
schestowitz 08 19:36
-TechBytesBot/ Right wing sites complain that #cnn uses #censorship to shut up Golden Dawnald 08 19:36
schestowitz"So you don’t believe there is mass censorship against Donald J. Trump? He’s censored by the minute."Sep 08 19:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | CNN: The Censoring News Network - Michael Brown [ ]Sep 08 19:36
schestowitzThere isSep 08 19:36
schestowitz 08 19:36
-TechBytesBot/ NYT: Corbyn Has Marginalized Labour With His Popular Positions well, we already know #nytimes works for oligarchsSep 08 19:36
schestowitz"Which puts me somewhere around the moon."Sep 08 19:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | NYT: Corbyn Has Marginalized Labour With His Popular Positions | FAIR [ ]Sep 08 19:36
schestowitz 08 19:37
-TechBytesBot/ #Norway politicians want to censor the Internet, because Rule 34 (“because all the pornography”) #censorshipSep 08 19:37
schestowitz"According to the Norwegian paper I read yesterday they were inspired by Cameron’s net-filter."Sep 08 19:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Norwegian politicians want to censor the Internet, because Rule 34 ("because all the pornography") | Privacy Online News [ ]Sep 08 19:37
schestowitzSorry for our PM...Sep 08 19:37
schestowitz 08 19:37
-TechBytesBot/ Morton County Sheriff's Department announces arrest warrants against people in #facebook - as if Facebook and #police separate entities?Sep 08 19:37
schestowitz"#facebook is social networking with a built-in snitch…"Sep 08 19:37
schestowitzSince its inception, that's why it attracted funding from the likes of Goldman and Thiel perhaps...Sep 08 19:38
schestowitz 08 19:38
-TechBytesBot/ Lots of articles about how #snowden was sheltered by #hk families 08 19:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Log In - The New York Times [ ]Sep 08 19:38
schestowitz"If you need help, ask the poor…"Sep 08 19:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Fugitive Snowden hid amongst Hong Kong refugees: report | News , World | THE DAILY STAR [ ]Sep 08 19:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Snowden sought refuge with asylum-seekers - The Standard [ ]Sep 08 19:38
schestowitzTrue, so says the proverb(ish), unless what you need is money.Sep 08 19:38
schestowitz 08 19:39
-TechBytesBot/ Let's pretend only two people run for President (in reality: only two are backed by corporations that own the US) 08 19:39
schestowitz"I wish more people saw this farce as you do."Sep 08 19:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Hillary Clinton Comes Predictably Prepared, Trump Swaggers but Falters at Commander-in-Chief Forum - Truthdig [ ]Sep 08 19:39
schestowitzMore and more people see it like this, and the more who do... the more likely we are to break the duopoly among with corporate mediaSep 08 19:39
schestowitz 08 19:39
-TechBytesBot/ Krita 3.0.1: new features and bug fixes #krita #kde #gnu #linuxSep 08 19:39
schestowitz"#snap #appimage"Sep 08 19:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Krita 3.0.1: new features and bug fixes | Krita [ ]Sep 08 19:39
schestowitz 08 19:39
-TechBytesBot/ Julita Inca Chiroque: How Do You Fedora? #gnu #linux #fedora #redhatSep 08 19:39
schestowitz"Now adays it’s great. I never used the old one, I am new to Fedora."Sep 08 19:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 08 19:39
schestowitz"I only remember Ubuntu in “the old days”.'Sep 08 19:40
schestowitzI talk about anaconda around 2007Sep 08 19:40
schestowitzor 2009Sep 08 19:40
schestowitz 08 19:40
-TechBytesBot/ #jillstein made a mistake. She forgot to wear a #clinton mask, so no immunity granted. 08 19:40
schestowitz"But in this case it just adds to her environmental “cred”."Sep 08 19:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Arrest warrant issued for Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein | News | KFGO-790 [ ]Sep 08 19:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Arrest warrant issued for Jill Stein in vandalism investigation | Washington Examiner [ ]Sep 08 19:40
schestowitzTurns out, she just needs to stay out of Dakota now and she'll be fine. No arrest or anything.Sep 08 19:41
schestowitz 08 19:41
-TechBytesBot/ "Stein & her running mate, Ajamu Baraka, have each been charged" but neither #clinton nor Trump (for bigger things)Sep 08 19:41
schestowitz"I do like her even more now"Sep 08 19:41
schestowitz 08 19:42
-TechBytesBot/ State of #Florida Seems to be Sending Automated #Foreclosure Notices En Masse 08 19:42
schestowitz"When were these letter mailed? Your blog post makes no mention of that!"Sep 08 19:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | » Blog Archive » State of Florida Seems to be Sending Automated Foreclosure Notices En Masse [ ]Sep 08 19:42
schestowitzI think last year, I got more info which I didn't have time to publishSep 08 19:42
schestowitz 08 19:42
-TechBytesBot/ "so who cares." actually anyone that ever plans on listening via computer, regardless of whether on Apple or not...Sep 08 19:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Communities Dominate Brands: Nice Camera and Waterproofing - iPhone 7, oh and Apple Watch 2 [ ]Sep 08 19:42
schestowitz"what a scam it all is - as 3.5 mm headphone socket is removed ,means buying new blue tooth phones that is danger to health ! and wallet ! but then only the rich can afford apple products ,and they have no sense it seems !"Sep 08 19:42
schestowitzPlanned obsolescence, thanks Apple!Sep 08 19:43
schestowitz 08 19:43
-TechBytesBot/ Trying Out The #FreeBSD -Powered #TrueOS With Its Custom Qt Desktop #qt #pcbsdSep 08 19:43
schestowitz"Oh yaeh. Features are so cool"Sep 08 19:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Trying Out The FreeBSD-Powered TrueOS With Its Custom Qt Desktop - PhoronixSep 08 19:43
schestowitz 08 19:44
-TechBytesBot/ Trump is terrible, saying that Clinton is too isn't supporting the Golden Dawnald. But holy crap, neither should EVER become US President.Sep 08 19:44
schestowitz"the reality is - one will"Sep 08 19:44
schestowitzYes, sadlySep 08 19:44
schestowitz 08 19:44
-TechBytesBot/ Tools To Password Protect Folder In Linux #gnu #linux #securitySep 08 19:44
schestowitz"better have something like NoScript to see that site, lurkers there includng goo."Sep 08 19:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Tools To Password Protect Folder In Linux - LinuxAndUbuntuSep 08 19:44
schestowitzI didn't know it was 'infected', I use noscript all the timeSep 08 19:44
schestowitz 08 19:44
schestowitz"We need to fix that problem."Sep 08 19:44
-TechBytesBot/ "This struggle will continue throughout your life. We have to succeed every time; they have to succeed only once." 08 19:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The transatlantic trade deal TTIP may be dead, but something even worse is coming | George Monbiot | Opinion | The GuardianSep 08 19:45
schestowitzThere's no simply fix, other than radical steps against the perpetratorsSep 08 19:45
schestowitz*simpleSep 08 19:45
schestowitz 08 19:45
-TechBytesBot/ The Dutertards now defend "Martial Law" #marcos and using votes for his son as "proof" people "moved on". Nope, clueless younger generation.Sep 08 19:45
schestowitz"… the second word should be tagged. but hey! no, i will not “follow” it. =)"Sep 08 19:45
MinceRbluetooth uses even lower transmission power than cell phone networkingSep 08 19:46
schestowitzI doubt many people bother looking for this one specifically, unless they view themselves as such (same for yellowtards and Abnoys)Sep 08 19:46
schestowitzMinceR: yesSep 08 19:46
schestowitzbut stillSep 08 19:46
schestowitzthe old wires have 0 radiation almost, except magnetic pulsesSep 08 19:47
schestowitzwhich the wireless ones will have anywaySep 08 19:47
schestowitzso it's an addition of radiation source, very close to the eardrum where you can't operate to remove tumoursSep 08 19:47
*schestowitz looks for new linkSep 08 19:48
schestowitzthere.Sep 08 19:48
schestowitz 08 19:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Modern life is killing our children: Cancer rate in young people up 40 per cent in 16 years Sep 08 19:49
schestowitzthere are worse sources of radiation than headphonesSep 08 19:49
schestowitzbut every little thing can contribute, any reduction helpsSep 08 19:49
MinceRthen don't use phones :>Sep 08 19:49
schestowitzincluding pollutants like cars, for those living close to a road and sleeping not far from a busy highwaySep 08 19:49
schestowitzMinceR: good, me neitherSep 08 19:49
schestowitzbut rianne has one in the room, I reckon it's not much worse than all the wireless devicesSep 08 19:49
schestowitz5 of them in the bedroom aloneSep 08 19:50
MinceRit's the only way for me to access the Internet in some placesSep 08 19:50
MinceRgood thing i'm not afraid of microwaves :>Sep 08 19:50
schestowitz 08 19:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dtmfman: @schestowitz @wizegie @DrJillStein what's criminal are the DNC, election process, and the presstitutes who spin truth to match paid agendas.Sep 08 19:50
schestowitzMinceR: I try not to use ours, unless or except in special casesSep 08 19:50
schestowitzsome people cook plastics in itSep 08 19:51
schestowitzand then they get the airborne residues, tooSep 08 19:51
MinceRmicrowave oven != cellular phone :>Sep 08 19:51
schestowitzlots more radiationSep 08 19:51
schestowitzbut for shorter timeSep 08 19:51
schestowitzand furhter away from the headSep 08 19:51
schestowitzalso, with one you digest what was in the source of radiationSep 08 19:52
schestowitzingestion of particular objects that were in it can be harmful I thinjkSep 08 19:52
schestowitzyou wouldn't want to drink liters of water each day after boiling it (or close to boiling) in a microwaveSep 08 19:53
MinceRi'm not afraid to ingest water molecules that were heated via microwaves :>Sep 08 20:35
MinceRthat said, a microwave oven can make some foods rather unappealingSep 08 20:35
MinceRlike a bunch of potato cubes that became sticky and unpleasantSep 08 20:36
MinceRbut it probably has nothing to do with microwaves being scarySep 08 20:36
MinceRand everything to do with how the heat was distributedSep 08 20:36
schestowitzthat's a convienience or taste argumentSep 08 20:36
schestowitzrather than healthSep 08 20:36
schestowitzbut more important is where the water came fromSep 08 20:37
schestowitzthe water in some nations is disgustingSep 08 20:37
schestowitzboth the taste and the chemicals in themSep 08 20:37
MinceRi haven't encountered that yetSep 08 20:37
MinceRat least our water isn't too badSep 08 20:37
MinceRespecially after using a water filter to remove chlorine compounds from itSep 08 20:37
schestowitzif you need a filter and many others do, then maybe the water isn't quite as clean as can be anymoreSep 08 20:39
schestowitzeven in north US, near Canada, watrer is now horribleSep 08 20:39
schestowitzmichigan and allSep 08 20:39
schestowitzand because of industries, not oil leaksSep 08 20:39
schestowitzClinton promotes fracking and here, nearby, they now explore frackingSep 08 20:39
schestowitzotherwsise the water here is good, better than London's by farSep 08 20:39
MinceRwell, i need a filter because it's disinfected with lots of chlorine compounds and i dislike the smellSep 08 20:52
MinceRhelps kill the bacteria in the water, i guessSep 08 20:52
MinceRozone might be better but i don't get to chooseSep 08 20:52
schestowitzozone?Sep 08 21:02
schestowitzin relation to water?Sep 08 21:02
*schestowitz having a "What is Aleppo" momentSep 08 21:03
MinceRyes, afaik water can also be disinfected with ozoneSep 08 21:06
MinceRit's probably more expensiveSep 08 21:06
schestowitz> I can see why Gene Quinn, since you call him WatchTroll, doesn't want toSep 08 21:12
schestowitz> get tweets that mention him. He might have seen them just because othersSep 08 21:12
schestowitz> retweeted them.Sep 08 21:12
schestowitzHe actually blocked me after we had a long discussion about software patents (200+ tweets) and I think he lost the argument.Sep 08 21:12
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Sep 09 01:21
schestowitz 09 01:34
-TechBytesBot/ "This struggle will continue throughout your life. We have to succeed every time; they have to succeed only once." 09 01:34
schestowitz"Sep 09 01:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The transatlantic trade deal TTIP may be dead, but something even worse is coming | George Monbiot | Opinion | The Guardian [ ]Sep 09 01:34
schestowitzBased on the American election cycle and Wikileaks’ behaviour. Do a Google search on “Assange says” and check the results.Sep 09 01:34
schestowitz“We’re going to release something soon! Just you wait for it! It’s on it’s way! Don’t blink; you might miss it! It’s really gonna be mighty! Heads will roll! Careers will be ended!!” Not a real quote, but it might as well be. Honestly, the maguffin has grown relentlessly wearisome.Sep 09 01:34
schestowitzIf there is information that needs freeing, free it. Don’t tease everyone with it.Sep 09 01:34
schestowitz"Sep 09 01:34
schestowitz"Sep 09 01:34
schestowitzhat's something I never tried before, dglas, and the results are very interesting but I don't think they support your grandstanding theory. What I see I do a search on Wikileaks is mostly what big publishers are writing about Wikileaks and that's overwhelmingly negative. You should narrow your search to sources that you trust, or at least check the target's own explanation.Sep 09 01:34
schestowitzAssange himself has very interesting theories of what he's doing and how. Try this article, for example, 09 01:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 09 01:34
schestowitz    it was my view early on that the whole of the existing Fourth Estate was not big enough for the task of making sense of information that hadn’t previously been public. ... what we wanted to do was to take all that volunteer labor that is spent on writing about things that are not terribly important, and redirect it to material that we released, material that has a real potential for change if people assess it, analyze it, contextualizeSep 09 01:34
schestowitzit and push it back into local communities. I tried very hard to make that happen, but it didn’t.Sep 09 01:34
schestowitz    we sent it to 3,000 people. Nothing appeared for five days. Then, a small report by a friend of mine, Shaun Waterman at UPI, appeared as a newswire, and then another one by a guy, Davis Isenberg, who spends half his time at the Cato Institute, but published this for the Asia Times. But before the UPI report, there was nothing by any bloggers, by any Wikipedia-type people, by any leftist intellectuals, by any Arab intellectuals, nothing.Sep 09 01:34
schestowitzWhat’s going on? Why didn’t anyone spend time on this extraordinary document? My conclusion is twofold. First, to be generous, these groups don’t know how to lead the intellectual debate. They’ve been pacified into being reactive by the presence of the mainstream press. The front page of The New York Times says something and they react to that. ...Sep 09 01:34
schestowitzThere are other interesting ideas in there about censorship and an argument for better public libraries.Sep 09 01:34
schestowitz"Sep 09 01:34
schestowitz"In short, publication of facts and documents might not change things, but nothing else really will. If we don’t do this, we will continue to be lead around by bullies who manipulate the emotions of ignorant people."Sep 09 01:34
schestowitz 09 01:35
-TechBytesBot/ Who's Banking on the #Dakota Access Pipeline? corporations that lobby and bribe politiciansSep 09 01:35
schestowitz"Oh yes! No doubt!"Sep 09 01:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Who's Banking on the Dakota Access Pipeline? | Food & Water Watch [ ]Sep 09 01:35
schestowitz 09 01:35
-TechBytesBot/ #jillstein made a mistake. She forgot to wear a #clinton mask, so no immunity granted. 09 01:35
schestowitz"Sep 09 01:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Arrest warrant issued for Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein | News | KFGO-790 [ ]Sep 09 01:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Arrest warrant issued for Jill Stein in vandalism investigation | Washington Examiner [ ]Sep 09 01:35
schestowitzExactly. I’m in Canada.Sep 09 01:35
schestowitzThe only danger I am concerned about is that a groundswell of support to Stein may split the left-centre vote.Sep 09 01:35
schestowitz"Sep 09 01:35
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Sep 09 03:11
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schestowitz 09 17:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@huehuehuio: @schestowitz 09 17:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Metallica - The Call of Ktulu (HD) - YouTubeSep 09 17:54
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesSep 09 17:57
schestowitz 09 18:04
-TechBytesBot/ 5 Lightweight Linux Desktop Environments #gnu #linuxSep 09 18:04
schestowitz"I just love the stability of MATE… it is quite the allrounder"Sep 09 18:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 5 Lightweight Linux Desktop Environments - LinuxAndUbuntuSep 09 18:04
schestowitz"I’m finding that the choice of applications matters more than the d.e. I like Xfce for it’s simplicity and lightness."Sep 09 18:04
schestowitz"XFCE master race."Sep 09 18:05
schestowitzI don't like the widget looks in XFCESep 09 18:05
schestowitz 09 18:05
-TechBytesBot/ Banksters want #clinton 09 18:05
schestowitz"You know you gotta wonder. All the elites hate Trump. Maybe he’s onto something?"Sep 09 18:05
schestowitz"that the eLites are pro clinton?"Sep 09 18:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Goldman Sachs tells employees they cannot donate to Trump campaign - but no restriction on Clinton's | The IndependentSep 09 18:05
schestowitzTrump is one of the elites, maybe they think he'll be harder to control and dominate policy-wise?Sep 09 18:06
schestowitz 09 18:06
-TechBytesBot/ A week now since we got back from #Llandudno 09 18:06
schestowitz"That’s lovely."Sep 09 18:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | IMG 1862Sep 09 18:06
schestowitzWe'll go back there soonSep 09 18:06
schestowitz 09 19:00
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Hyperlinks and communication to the public: early thoughts on the GS Media decisionSep 09 19:00
schestowitz"Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz Further to my comment of 17.50 yesterday:Sep 09 19:00
schestowitzAlthough the way that the ECJ has expressed itself in the operative part of the judgment tends to imply otherwise, the logic of their reasoning in the main body of the judgment is that for hyperlinks to unauthorised content there is basically one test: did the person posting the link know or should they have reasonably known that the content was unauthorised ("illegal")?Sep 09 19:00
schestowitzThe question of pursuit of profit then acts as a presumption in two directions:Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz- those not pursuing profit are presumed not to know and thus will not be liable (but the presumption can be rebutted, eg if it is shown they were put on notice)Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz- those pursuing profit are presumed to know and thus be liable (but this is in theory rebuttable, probably only in unusual circumstances).Sep 09 19:00
schestowitzThis leaves the problem of the implication otherwise in the operative part of the judgment - no doubt there are previous cases where there have also been such conflict between the summary and the reasoning?Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz"Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz 09 19:00
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Does David Davis want to ratify the UPC Agreement?Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz" Because France had already ratified!"Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz"Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz The best that can be said for this exchange is that it is marginally less vacuous than what currently passes for "debate" in the Australian parliament.Sep 09 19:00
schestowitzThe sad fact is that Westminster-style parliaments, with their modern use of "questions" primarily as a form of political point-scoring, rather than as a means of actually advancing the business of government (i.e. what we taxpayers employ then to do), are increasingly giving democracy a bad name. This is why Australia had five Prime Ministers in as many years. It's stupid, it's unproductive, and its main purpose is to trip people up and/orSep 09 19:00
schestowitzto make them look bad, to undermine their positions.Sep 09 19:00
schestowitzIn this case, what that means is that neither the question, not the answer (both of which display alarming ignorance) are of any consequence.Sep 09 19:00
schestowitzAs an aside, I'm not sure what the final exchange between the Speaker and Mr Davis contributes to this post, other than to make Mr Davis look like a bit of a n00b!Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz"Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz" Not quite sure who or what prompted Mrs Gillan's question but she obviously has not see IPFed's policy position - which is very clear: no UK ratification without a guarantee of UK participation in the UPC post Brexit. That guarantee cannot be given at the moment - the legal position is very far from clear - so it would seem she is not aware that UK industry, at least as represented by IPFed, does not want a mad rush to ratify when we don'tSep 09 19:00
schestowitzknow what that will lead to. All sorts of complications will arise if the system starts with the UK and then the UK has to leave. Worst of all worlds. Great if the UK can participate ultimately but that is miles from being clear, so miles from a guarantee. UK ratification now would be politically impossible to justify as things stand, and contrary to the express position of UK industry at least as stated by IPFed. An awful lot needs to happenSep 09 19:00
schestowitzfor the UK to contemplate ratification. "Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz" Mark, David Davis is an extremely experienced government minister and MP. The exchange with the speaker is meant to be ironic and is an example of what passes for wit in the house of commons. At best, such wit is at approximately the same intellectual level as teenage boys' banter. "Sep 09 19:01
schestowitz 09 19:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FOSSpatents: Thanks! That's 100% right. But Google's lawyers/witnesses told the jury it doesn't. Jury verdict was based on that. 09 19:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Android runs on desktops also lots about it in the news these days...Sep 09 19:06
schestowitz 09 19:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Tunnel - SFL Subtitled Foreign Language Tickets | Film Trailer | Preview | Release DateSep 09 19:29
schestowitz 09 19:56
-TechBytesBot/ Smash graves of thousands while pursuing arrest for one who stood up against it 09 19:56
schestowitz"Welp she just earned my vote."Sep 09 19:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | In Omaha, Jill Stein defends spray-painting bulldozer at North Dakota pipeline protest | Politics | omaha.comSep 09 19:56
schestowitzI hope some from the right wing, those rightly disgusted by Clinton, can defect to her and give some the US Green States, for a change. Sends out a strong message to Establishment politics.Sep 09 19:57
schestowitz 09 19:57
-TechBytesBot/ Lots of articles about how #snowden was sheltered by #hk families 09 19:57
schestowitz"In that case, seek for an ex-poor… :-)"Sep 09 19:57
schestowitzGood pointSep 09 19:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Log In - The New York TimesSep 09 19:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 503 @ )Sep 09 19:57
schestowitz 09 19:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Snowden sought refuge with asylum-seekers - The StandardSep 09 19:57
-TechBytesBot/ 09 19:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DrJillStein: Peace doesn't come with more spending on the military. We need to re-think our role in the world. #PeaceOffensive 09 19:58
schestowitz"Sep 09 19:58
schestowitzGracefully? It sounds like you would have liked to see a Tienanmen Square soluton.Sep 09 19:58
schestowitzThe US does not want regime change in Syria. At best, they would like to see a different leader of the same regime. And that is only because they know that there will never be stability or peace as long a Assad is in power.Sep 09 19:58
schestowitzIt is the people of Syria who want regime change. The chant of the Arab Spring, from Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, and Syria, is: “the people want the fall of the regime”.Sep 09 19:58
schestowitz 09 19:58
schestowitz"Sep 09 19:58
schestowitz"Sep 09 19:58
schestowitzGracefully? It sounds like you would have liked to see a Tienanmen Square soluton.Sep 09 19:58
-TechBytesBot/ | Ash-shab yurid isqat an-nizam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaSep 09 19:58
schestowitzThe US does not want regime change in Syria. At best, they would like to see a different leader of the same regime. And that is only because they know that there will never be stability or peace as long a Assad is in power.Sep 09 19:58
schestowitzIt is the people of Syria who want regime change. The chant of the Arab Spring, from Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, and Syria, is: “the people want the fall of the regime”.Sep 09 19:58
schestowitz 09 19:58
schestowitz"Sep 09 19:58
schestowitzSyria was >relatively< stable before all that 'moderate' 'rebel' idiocy of Clinton, McCain et al. started. Same goes for Saddam in Iraq. I don't think stability (but domination) was the goal.Sep 09 19:59
schestowitz 09 20:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: Batteries, especially lithium batteries took down this UPS 747F in Dubai 09 20:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | UPS Airlines Flight 6 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaSep 09 20:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: A device on fire (due to faulty batteries or whatever) will never take a plane down. #Australianairlines just show how ignorant they are.Sep 09 20:09
schestowitzNo passengers or crew to put out the fireSep 09 20:09
schestowitz 09 22:11
schestowitz"Sep 09 22:11
schestowitzNo you are mixing up Democrats and Republicans, and more significantly, you are confusing Iraq and Syria. You display a complete lack of comprehension of US politics. And you are using a cookie-cutter, a template, by which to judge all world events as a single conspiracy. The US started Iraq. There was no Arab Spring then. There was no domestic popular movement against Saddam in the streets which he suppressed or opened fire on. The war inSep 09 22:11
schestowitzIraq was an unprovoked US invasion and imposed “regime change” by Bush, Cheney and the neocons.Sep 09 22:11
schestowitzSyria is the Arab Spring. That is what “destabilized” Syria. The two situations could not be more different.Sep 09 22:11
schestowitz'Sep 09 22:11
schestowitzSo when there's Arab Sprint, then it's OK for other countries to step in?Sep 09 22:12
schestowitz*Arab SpringSep 09 22:12
schestowitz 09 22:12
-TechBytesBot/ 09 22:12
schestowitz 09 22:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DrJillStein: .@POTUS, stand up for indigenous people demonstrating against Big Oil's desecration of their sacred land. #NoDAPL 09 22:12
-TechBytesBot/ | Obama administration orders ND pipeline construction to stop | TheHillSep 09 22:12
schestowitzWinSep 09 22:12
schestowitz 09 22:15
-TechBytesBot/ Smash graves of thousands while pursuing arrest for one who stood up against it 09 22:15
schestowitz"They won’t because they think Hillary is on the verge of losing which is BS."Sep 09 22:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | In Omaha, Jill Stein defends spray-painting bulldozer at North Dakota pipeline protest | Politics | omaha.comSep 09 22:15
schestowitz2 more months. Much can change...Sep 09 22:15
schestowitz"It should. I was pointing out BDS in part specifically because our state govt chose to blacklist companies that support BDS. 'Sep 09 22:15
schestowitzAh, yes, I absolutely agree with you on thatSep 09 22:15
<--schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 09 22:53
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesSep 09 23:06
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Sep 10 01:13
schestowitz 10 01:27
-TechBytesBot/ 5 Lightweight Linux Desktop Environments #gnu #linuxSep 10 01:27
schestowitzthe mouse rules!"Sep 10 01:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 5 Lightweight Linux Desktop Environments - LinuxAndUbuntuSep 10 01:27
schestowitz 10 01:28
-TechBytesBot/ Banksters want #clinton 10 01:28
schestowitz"I don’t think it’s intended for him to win, I’m too cynical. Still, I find it a bit heart wrenching to see the way they all play their “useful idiots” - no scruples, no remorse, like poison with the wrong label. Know what I mean?'Sep 10 01:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Goldman Sachs tells employees they cannot donate to Trump campaign - but no restriction on Clinton's | The IndependentSep 10 01:28
schestowitzYesSep 10 01:28
schestowitz 10 01:29
-TechBytesBot/ 10 01:29
schestowitz"Sep 10 01:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DrJillStein: Peace doesn't come with more spending on the military. We need to re-think our role in the world. #PeaceOffensive 10 01:29
schestowitzcall out Assad for the monster that he is and offer whatever solidarity I can to his victims. And to acknowledge the existence of the Syrian Revolution. Because it is real. I acknowledge the Syrian people as more than just a bunch of stupid Muslims with no will of their own, being directed by puppeteers McCain and Clinton (rotflmao!).Sep 10 01:29
schestowitzI throw this question back at you.Sep 10 01:29
schestowitzSo when there’s an Arab Spring, then it’s okay to open fire on peaceful (or rowdy) protestors and bomb your major population centers relentlessly for 6 years and more? It’s okay for Iran to step in? It’s okay for Russia to join in?Sep 10 01:29
schestowitz"Sep 10 01:29
schestowitz"Do you support the Saudi’s in Yemen? Why not? Like Russia and Assad, they are also fighting against the Arab Spring and calling it a war on terrorism."Sep 10 01:29
schestowitzIn my view and interpretation, Iran and Russia came in much later and it was reactionarySep 10 01:29
schestowitz 10 01:30
schestowitz"Sep 10 01:30
schestowitzYup.:) Stein helped (a little). It’s good that she was there. So did this Malaysian journalist. His answer was terrible - pure doubletalk, It seemed like he was unaware of the issue. But that was yesterday and today, this.Sep 10 01:30
schestowitzOf course the real credit must go to the protesters on the scene - the resistance.Sep 10 01:30
schestowitz"Sep 10 01:30
schestowitzyes, definitelySep 10 01:30
-TechBytesBot/ | President Barack Obama on #NoDAPL and Dakota Access Pipeline - YouTubeSep 10 01:30
schestowitz 10 01:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@angrymofo: @POTUS Hate no more ! 10 01:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Chelsea Manning Begins Hunger Strike to Protest Bullying by Prison and US Government 10 01:33
schestowitz 10 01:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DrJillStein: .@nytimes flubbed #DefinitionOfAleppo. MSNBC's @JoyAnnReid calls Russia "communist". As POTUS I'll fully fund geography & history education🌍Sep 10 01:33
schestowitzYes, #nytimes called Aleppo capital of #syria - that was funny given the context of the error.Sep 10 01:34
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Sep 10 01:40
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schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:02
schestowitz> 10 09:02
-TechBytesBot/ | Cuba is blocking text messages that contain words like 'democracy' | The VergeSep 10 09:02
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:02
schestowitz> 10 09:02
-TechBytesBot/ | The Real Impact Of Your Phone | Motherboard [ ]Sep 10 09:02
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | University of California hires India-based IT outsourcer, lays off tech workers | Computerworld [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> they completely forget the role of the univ in developing IT, theySep 10 09:03
schestowitz> should have their funding canceledSep 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Apology - Thamar Alsabhan | The Independent [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | The Limits of SMS for 2-Factor Authentication — Krebs on Security [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Don't buy the new iPhone until Apple pays its taxes | Mike Daisey | Opinion | The Guardian [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Why don’t bankers go to jail? You asked Google – here’s the answer | Jill Treanor | Opinion | The Guardian [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> "their classification as independent contractors upset drivers, becauseSep 10 09:03
schestowitz> it meant the company would not be responsible for all sorts of costs,Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> including Social Security, health insurance, paid sick days and overtime."Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Uber drivers dealt setback in background-check lawsuit - CNET [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
schestowitz> .se & .dkSep 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | 'Marriage is for ADULTS' Sweden hit by huge number of child brides as young as ELEVEN | World | News | Daily Express [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> “Will she do it this time? I don’t know. But based on the experience ofSep 10 09:03
schestowitz> the last six years I’m extremely skeptical,”Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
schestowitz> -Sep 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | 'I saw no reason to give Assange special treatment' - The Local [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Julian Assange case: Sweden puts pressure on Ecuador - [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> "That means there's a Finnish Yale of HVAC technicians."Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | 5 Foreign School Rules Way Better Than The American Version [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Denmark to pay for Panama Papers data on tax evaders - The Local [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Indian workers staged one of the largest strikes in human history and no one in the USA noticed / Boing Boing [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> "old headphones to plug into the iPhone 7's charging port"Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Apple iPhone 7 AirPods, explained: price, release date, battery life - Business Insider [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> charge XOR listenSep 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
schestowitz> US-style labor marketSep 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | When one job won’t pay the bills and several gigs is the new normal | Yle Uutiset | [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Saudi Arabia cannot pay its workers or bills – yet continues to fund a war in Yemen | The Independent [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> any foreigners still working there are going to get stiffed badlySep 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | html email comments [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> "So clearly, in practice, this proposal does threaten the ability ofSep 10 09:04
schestowitz> Europeans to share links to news online the way they are used to."Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
schestowitz> -Sep 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Julia Reda – Freedom to link threatened by EU court decision and copyright plans [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | EU Court: Not-For-Profit Hyperlinking Usually Not Copyright Infringement - TorrentFreak [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
schestowitz> (Google translate seems blocked at the moment, sorry)Sep 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Lagar riktade mot terrorister – nu vänds de mot fildelare - Sydsvenskan [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Why the Pirate Party could end up running Iceland / Boing Boing [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz>,-says-internet-australia.htmlSep 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | iTWire - Australia’s ‘innovation future’ needs a kick along, says Internet Australia [ ]Sep 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | The FCC Has a Plan to Free Us From Our Cable Boxes | WIRED [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | FBI arrests hackers who allegedly leaked info on government agents | PCWorld [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Why water sports and the iPhone 7 don't mix | TheINQUIRER [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | ISP Deletes IP-address Logs to Fend Off Piracy "Extortion Letters" - TorrentFreak [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Your brain is sponging up toxic nanomagnets from polluted air | Ars Technica [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Open source algorithm helps spot social media shams | Network World [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> astroturfingSep 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Anti-depressants given to children soar by nearly 30 per cent in 10 years | The Independent [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> soma! soma! ( 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Soma in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World (1932) [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | The 100% correct way to validate email addresses [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> older:Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> -Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:05
-TechBytesBot/ | ShodanSep 10 09:05
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:05
-->Researcher- (iana@ has joined #techbytesSep 10 09:05
schestowitz> 10 09:05
-TechBytesBot/ | Sri Lanka conquers malaria - The Hindu [ ]Sep 10 09:05
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesSep 10 09:25
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<--liberty_box has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 10 09:26
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schestowitz> 10 09:55
schestowitz> Was Techrights on their list?Sep 10 09:55
-TechBytesBot/ | Israeli Online Attack Service ‘vDOS’ Earned $600,000 in Two Years — Krebs on SecuritySep 10 09:55
schestowitzIt's a problem when one asks to 'test' a rival site, like EPO rival, but I assume they verify identity of requester of such a service. Israel is often a victim of DDOS attacks, so there's demand for that there, I guess...Sep 10 09:55
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 10 10:23
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schestowitz 10 11:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MariusNestor: @schestowitz :( We all know that Google works in mysterious ways... :|Sep 10 11:20
schestowitzhopefully won't penalise the originals. Some of the other plagiarisers vanished.Sep 10 11:20
schestowitz 10 11:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MariusNestor: @schestowitz This also reminds me of "good guys always get it, and bad guys are getting away" #itsasadworld #sotrueSep 10 11:21
schestowitzlet's keep our eyes open and report these things. The ripoff artists need to perish, not the hard workers.Sep 10 11:21
schestowitzcc @TechJournalistSep 10 11:21
schestowitz 10 11:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@xaxat: @schestowitz @glynmoody How long until there is an Uber for drone pilots? Substitute Eric Prince for Kalanick. 10 11:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@xaxat: @schestowitz @glynmoody How long until there is an Uber for drone pilots? Substitute Eric Prince for Kalanick. 10 11:45
schestowitz 10 12:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wood5y: @schestowitz I think #Facebook's management would have trouble finding its own arse, even if it used both hands.Sep 10 12:10
schestowitz 10 12:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Heidentweet: #facebook has no problem with seeing battered women as 'humor'. 10 12:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Petulant Facebook claims it can't tell the difference between child abuse and war photography #facebookSep 10 12:24
schestowitz 10 12:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jampadd: "There's a reason why we don't put kids in charge of anything important." 10 12:33
schestowitz 10 13:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AJimenez1988: @schestowitz @guardian You mean who forced smut peddlers and libelers to pay up.Sep 10 13:04
schestowitzThat's a loaded statementSep 10 13:04
schestowitz 10 13:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AJimenez1988: @schestowitz @guardian So is calling him an arsehole.Sep 10 13:07
schestowitz 10 13:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AJimenez1988: @schestowitz @guardian Besides, he peddled smut and lost a libel case. So it's factually true.Sep 10 13:07
schestowitz 10 13:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FrankViewZ: @schestowitz @MeganGeuss Beggars belief that a mere engineer in such massive company takes the rap for emissions scandal #vwemissionsSep 10 13:13
schestowitz 10 14:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gnutelephony: I may still try #gitlab, definitely not #github. We are setting up a free software entity thru our tribal govt. @schestowitz @dam1anSep 10 14:00
schestowitz 10 16:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jayviemortel1: @schestowitz sir, thank you for the retweet on my post I haven't had a software engineer known but I would like to develop an app. It's coolSep 10 16:25
schestowitz 10 16:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DrJillStein: I call for a new investigation into the #Sept11 attacks to address information gaps about that horrific day. 10 16:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Jill Stein calls for new 9/11 investigation | TheHillSep 10 16:42
schestowitzWait for Establishment tools to now associate you with "controlled demolition" nonsense.Sep 10 16:42
schestowitz 10 16:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SafaaDib: Tanta idiotice. 10 16:45
schestowitz 10 16:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz no shit. somebody's gotta say it.Sep 10 16:47
schestowitz 10 18:27
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Get #Facebook to see the difference between child pornography and history 10 18:27
schestowitz"Fucking dumb Facebook. I can understand their guidelines (which are correct) but in this case, this is a vital part of our history. We have to learn from our mistakes in war and erasing this image will take away what we have learnt."Sep 10 18:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Facebook (FB) capitulated and restored an iconic Vietnam War photo — QuartzSep 10 18:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Norway Is Right to Be Pissed at Facebook Over Photo Censorship | WIREDSep 10 18:27
schestowitz"Sep 10 18:27
schestowitzThey don’t respect their own guidelines. They tolerate racist or hate speech, or bullying, but overreact when they see a square centimetre of naked skin.Sep 10 18:27
schestowitzFacebook is a caricature of USA, they are really sick.Sep 10 18:27
schestowitz"Sep 10 18:27
schestowitzThey rarely if ever censor politicians or people in power as they fear the backlash. It's easy to squash and silence the voiceless.Sep 10 18:27
schestowitz 10 18:30
-TechBytesBot/ Against self- #censorship and political correctness already a growing problemSep 10 18:30
schestowitz"I agree with this."Sep 10 18:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Against self-censorship and political correctness | ArtsHub United KingdomSep 10 18:30
schestowitz 10 18:30
-TechBytesBot/ A friend of mine mistook water resistant for waterproof and ruined his wearable 'smart' device in the jacuzzi. Misleading labels, marketing.Sep 10 18:30
schestowitz"Not as bad as the butcher who confused disinfectant and detergent."Sep 10 18:30
schestowitzLink?Sep 10 18:30
schestowitz 10 18:30
-TechBytesBot/ 7 Reasons Why You Should Buy a #Chromebook we have two here and they run #gnu #linuxSep 10 18:30
schestowitz'Indeed."Sep 10 18:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 7 Reasons Why You Should Buy a ChromebookSep 10 18:30
schestowitz 10 18:30
-TechBytesBot/ 12 Android Gestures You Might Not Know About #android #linuxSep 10 18:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 12 Android Gestures You Might Not Know AboutSep 10 18:31
schestowitz"Nice. I wish I would’ve known about controlling the cursor with the spacebar earlier. It’s very useful."Sep 10 18:31
schestowitz 10 18:31
-TechBytesBot/ 10 18:31
schestowitz"That’s pretty cool."Sep 10 18:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BiellaColeman: North Dakota becomes first US state to legalise use of armed drones by police (b/c there is so much crime in ND)Sep 10 18:31
schestowitzFor the police- yes. Not so much for anyone else...Sep 10 18:31
schestowitz 10 18:31
-TechBytesBot/ #facebook 'cares' about your #freespeech only when its shareholders face FINANCIAL backlash 10 18:31
schestowitz"You know what really annoys me, how un-educated do you have to be to not understand the significance of this image."Sep 10 18:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Facebook backtracks on 'napalm girl' censorship and reinstates the iconic photoSep 10 18:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Napalm Girl Photo Uncensored: Facebook Reinstates Iconic Vietnam War Photo After Censorship OutrageSep 10 18:31
schestowitzI guess she should have  clothed herself for more impact and exposure...Sep 10 18:32
schestowitz 10 18:32
-TechBytesBot/ #darktable 2.0.6 Open-Source RAW Image Editor Supports Canon EOS-1D X Mark II 10 18:32
schestowitz"I love Darktable, I use it for #DeavmiArt"Sep 10 18:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | darktable 2.0.6 Open-Source RAW Image Editor Supports Canon EOS-1D X Mark IISep 10 18:32
schestowitz 10 18:32
-TechBytesBot/ #Cuba is blocking text messages that contain words like #democracy #latam #sms #censorshipSep 10 18:32
schestowitz"Typical Cuba. Bloody commies."Sep 10 18:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Cuba is blocking text messages that contain words like 'democracy' | The VergeSep 10 18:32
schestowitzsurrounded or close to nations that try to undermine themSep 10 18:32
schestowitz 10 18:33
-TechBytesBot/ Clinton: No US ground troops in Iraq, Syria; Trump: Steal Iraqi Oil Golden Dawnald lunacy...Sep 10 18:33
schestowitz"Oh please, like Hillary will actually do that. I don’t trust Hillary as far as an infant could throw her."Sep 10 18:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Clinton: No US ground troops in Iraq, Syria; Trump: Steal Iraqi Oil | Informed CommentSep 10 18:33
schestowitzShe'll send moderate rebels rather than troops.... terrorist troops like McCain's.Sep 10 18:33
schestowitz 10 18:34
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: For-profit prisons with forced labour is #slavery by another name 10 18:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ajamubaraka: Forcing people to work for little to no pay is slavery. Plain and simple. #EndPrisonSlavery #PrisonStrikeSep 10 18:34
schestowitz\Sep 10 18:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Sep 10 18:34
schestowitz"Sep 10 18:34
schestowitz    Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.Sep 10 18:34
schestowitzThe thirteenth amendment, which abolished slavery in other cases, actually explicitly allows slavery of prisoners.Sep 10 18:34
schestowitz"Sep 10 18:34
schestowitz"Sep 10 18:34
schestowitzGermany : 0,80 €/hour jobs for refugees, 1,05 €/hour for GermansSep 10 18:34
schestowitzGreat Britain : 0 hour worksSep 10 18:34
schestowitz… isn’t it slavery too ?Sep 10 18:34
schestowitz"Sep 10 18:34
schestowitzOr work just to get benefit... i.e. around a pound per hourSep 10 18:34
schestowitzbenefitsSep 10 18:35
schestowitz 10 18:35
-TechBytesBot/ I'm seeing at least 300 English-speaking articles right now about #facebook #censorship - this is a massive fiasco, hence #streisandEffectSep 10 18:35
schestowitz"The worst part IMHO is that newspapers relayed the information."Sep 10 18:35
schestowitz 10 18:36
-TechBytesBot/ Let #NSA whistleblower Edward #Snowden return to US, urges #ZacharyQuinto 10 18:36
schestowitz"Well, something positive about that movie, that pesonnally, I won’t care to see…"Sep 10 18:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Let nsa whistleblower edward snowden return to us, urges zachary quinto | Daily Mail OnlineSep 10 18:36
schestowitzme neither, unless it's CC and streamable on the WebSep 10 18:36
schestowitz 10 18:37
-TechBytesBot/ People need to reject social [control] networks and read the writings on the wall. Your #freespeech is not compatible with shareholders.Sep 10 18:37
schestowitz"True that."Sep 10 18:37
schestowitzit's only they who decide, not even sites' foundersSep 10 18:37
schestowitz 10 18:37
-TechBytesBot/ One million Norwegians have a government mailbox #norway #egovSep 10 18:37
schestowitz"i refused also."Sep 10 18:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | One million Norwegians have a government mailbox | JoinupSep 10 18:37
schestowitz 10 18:38
-TechBytesBot/ New-ishEstablishment words for dissent: radicalism, extremism New Establishment words for alternative information: conspiracy theory, k00kSep 10 18:38
schestowitz"Sep 10 18:38
schestowitzFirst sentence is correct.Sep 10 18:38
schestowitzSecond sentence is false.Sep 10 18:38
schestowitzActually the new red-brown alliance has a new word for unprovable scapegoating conspiranoia - "alternative information."Sep 10 18:38
schestowitzMost pf your so-called “alternative information”, ie conspiracy theories, have its origins in the alt-right.Sep 10 18:38
schestowitzRed-brown alliance.Sep 10 18:38
schestowitz"Sep 10 18:38
schestowitzThey use to have different words for this, like "crank" and "buff"Sep 10 18:38
schestowitz 10 18:38
-TechBytesBot/ Mexico Threatens to Cancel Treaty That Ceded Texas&California to U.S. If Trump Elected #mexico #texas #californiaSep 10 18:38
schestowitz"Cascape, surely."Sep 10 18:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Mexico Threatens to Cancel Treaty That Ceded Texas and California to U.S. If Trump Gets Elected | AlternetSep 10 18:38
schestowitz 10 18:38
-TechBytesBot/ 'Marriage is for ADULTS' Sweden hit by huge number of child brides as young as ELEVEN .se & .dkSep 10 18:38
schestowitz"That’s really fucked up."Sep 10 18:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 'Marriage is for ADULTS' Sweden hit by huge number of child brides as young as ELEVEN | World | News | Daily ExpressSep 10 18:38
schestowitzWhat are you, against multiculturalism !!Sep 10 18:38
schestowitz 10 18:39
-TechBytesBot/ Standoff at Standing Rock: Even Attack Dogs Can’t Stop the Native American Resistance militarising even animalsSep 10 18:39
schestowitz"#Abuse"Sep 10 18:39
schestowitzAnimal abuse, tooSep 10 18:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Standoff at Standing Rock: Even Attack Dogs Can’t Stop the Native American Resistance - TruthdigSep 10 18:39
schestowitz 10 18:39
-TechBytesBot/ Social [control] media is now escalating the "control" part to basically everything that make upset someone 10 18:39
schestowitzThat’s really bad. The truth in knowledge must be shared or else we are living in a fake world."Sep 10 18:39
schestowitzOr in Facebook ;-)Sep 10 18:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Norway accuses Facebook of censorship - The West AustralianSep 10 18:39
schestowitz 10 18:39
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: European #Copyright Ruling Ushers in New Dark Era for Hyperlinks elites killing the #internet one step at a timeSep 10 18:39
schestowitz"Comme pour vous on peut tout faire paser au nom de la religion, regardons l’exemple du kopism et ajoutons le droit au lien vers des contenus illégaux comme faisant parti intégrante du kopisme ?"Sep 10 18:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | European Copyright Ruling Ushers in New Dark Era for Hyperlinks | Electronic Frontier FoundationSep 10 18:40
-TechBytesBot/ | Le piratage reconnu religion officielle en SuèdeSep 10 18:40
schestowitz 10 18:40
-TechBytesBot/ Rendition Victim “Staggered” as MI6 Official Implicated in His Abuse Breaks Silence #mi6 #torture #ukSep 10 18:40
schestowitz"I agree with the conclusions. There is an economic aspect no doubt but this is the crusades playing out all over again and unfortunately we’re all sort of in the cross hairs."Sep 10 18:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Rendition Victim “Staggered” as MI6 Official Implicated in His Abuse Breaks Silence | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive CommunitySep 10 18:40
schestowitz 10 18:40
-TechBytesBot/ Provoking #police 10 18:40
schestowitz"Sep 10 18:40
schestowitzto insert an image, you must write :Sep 10 18:40
schestowitz![text](http://link of image)Sep 10 18:40
schestowitz"Sep 10 18:40
schestowitzyes, I know how to do it, but it doesn't export well to TwitterSep 10 18:40
schestowitz 10 18:41
-TechBytesBot/ Wonder how #zuckerberg parent in law (who is from #vietnam BTW) feels about #facebook #censorship of US carnage in the country. #censorbookSep 10 18:41
schestowitz"Dude, why you post on the same topic two dozen times? It fills up my stream. Blocking you now.'Sep 10 18:41
schestowitzNo need to block, you can just stop sharing (you did decide to share to begin with). I think it's a very important subject and highly relevant to Diaspora.Sep 10 18:42
schestowitz 10 18:42
-TechBytesBot/ #Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) Now Has a Default Wallpaper, Available in Two Flavors #gnu #linuxSep 10 18:42
schestowitz"I see their GUIs have a new theme if I am correct? More flat. Looks nice.'Sep 10 18:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) Now Has a Default Wallpaper, Available in Two FlavorsSep 10 18:42
schestowitz 10 18:42
-TechBytesBot/ This USB stick will fry your unsecured computer #usb port as a weaponSep 10 18:42
schestowitz"So wait, does it charge up any USB flash drive using the USB Killer? How does this work?"Sep 10 18:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | This USB stick will fry your unsecured computer | ComputerworldSep 10 18:42
schestowitzI wonder who buys such stuff. If you have physical access to a machine, just use a hammer :-)Sep 10 18:42
schestowitz>>>>> 10 19:00
schestowitz>>>>>>> >>>>>> (Google translate seems blocked at the moment, sorry)Sep 10 19:00
schestowitz>>>>> >>>>Sep 10 19:00
schestowitz>>>>> >>>> What's the gist or relevance? Also,  I can never use links toSep 10 19:00
schestowitz>>>>> >>>> non-English articles (or garbled automated translations) in Techrights,Sep 10 19:00
-TechBytesBot/ | Lagar riktade mot terrorister – nu vänds de mot fildelare - SydsvenskanSep 10 19:00
schestowitz>>>>> >>>> only read them.Sep 10 19:00
schestowitz>>> >> Sweden has some laws about tracking down people on the net.  Now theySep 10 19:00
schestowitz>>> >> are being used (or ignored) to allow fishing expeditions against variousSep 10 19:00
schestowitz>>> >> IP addresses and some of the ISPs are playing along, some are not.  HAXSep 10 19:00
schestowitz>>> >> and others have blogged about this in English.  It's something to beSep 10 19:00
schestowitz>>> >> aware of because there are similar problems going on in Germany.  IfSep 10 19:01
schestowitz>>> >> Spridningskollen is successful in perpetrating mail fraud, then theSep 10 19:01
schestowitz>>> >> others will get in on the action just as the mail fraud the banks wereSep 10 19:01
schestowitz>>> >> allowed at the end of the 90's allowed this.  There will be more inSep 10 19:01
schestowitz>>> >> English I expect, so this was just to show that attention is being paidSep 10 19:01
schestowitz>>> >> even in the mainstream papers.Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz>> >Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz>> > Thanks, that's why I always delete old logs.Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz> That's good policy IMHO.  If the world were different they would beSep 10 19:01
schestowitz> useful to have around and mine for trends and such.  But given thatSep 10 19:01
schestowitz> things are as they are, the logs are only a liability.Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz>Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz> About the mainstream papers, I follow .se and .dk a lot.  For .se I readSep 10 19:01
schestowitz> a lot of small local papers too, relatively speaking.  There is a metricSep 10 19:01
schestowitz> shitload of unrest that makes it neither to the regional or nationalSep 10 19:01
schestowitz> papers and, especially, stays out of the foreign-market English languageSep 10 19:01
schestowitz> papers.  Case in point:Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz>Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz> 10 19:01
schestowitz>Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz> In other articles, it seems that there are orders of magnitudes too fewSep 10 19:01
schestowitz> police to deal with the situation(s) in the way they are currentlySep 10 19:01
schestowitz> dealing with them which is by dealing with the symptoms rather thanSep 10 19:01
-TechBytesBot/ | Maskerade ungdomar kastade sten på polis i Trollhättan | GTSep 10 19:01
schestowitz> going to the sources.  What looks like what is happening is that theySep 10 19:01
schestowitz> pool regional forces and go after one crisis to another.Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz>Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz> My assessment is that a) Sweden is on the edge of collapsing intoSep 10 19:01
schestowitz> unrest, b) politicians are too PC to address the cause.Sep 10 19:01
schestowitzThe crises that Sweden may be even are far smaller than the vast majority of countries, still. Unless you have an IKEA-like idealistic vision of the country (I don't) :-)Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz 10 19:02
-TechBytesBot/ People need to reject social [control] networks and read the writings on the wall. Your #freespeech is not compatible with shareholders.Sep 10 19:02
schestowitz"Yep."Sep 10 19:02
schestowitz 10 19:02
-TechBytesBot/ Social [control] media is now escalating the "control" part to basically everything that make upset someone 10 19:02
schestowitz"Or atleast won’t be so popular."Sep 10 19:02
schestowitzThe next MyspaceSep 10 19:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Norway accuses Facebook of censorship - The West AustralianSep 10 19:02
schestowitz 10 19:03
-TechBytesBot/ 'Marriage is for ADULTS' Sweden hit by huge number of child brides as young as ELEVEN .se & .dkSep 10 19:03
schestowitz"I disagree with underaged marriages and arranged marriages.'Sep 10 19:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 'Marriage is for ADULTS' Sweden hit by huge number of child brides as young as ELEVEN | World | News | Daily ExpressSep 10 19:03
schestowitzThe hypothetical argument i can come up for the latter is that many girls end up not finding a partner and fall into a depression. There are no guarantees of a spouse for them. I think China adopts some solutions to that. For guys it's different for several cultural and psychological reasons.Sep 10 19:04
schestowitz 10 19:04
-TechBytesBot/ #mozilla saying that #firefox needs #drm (or #eme to use the 'damage control') to remain competitive is lying for business objectivesSep 10 19:04
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:04
schestowitzIt would be better to never let a Prism OS see your media collection. Both Apple and Microsoft demand the right to search and delete your files for copyright reasons. Both have been caught doing the same for anti-competitive reasons. Apple was sued for wiping user music that did not come from the iTunes store. Microsoft designed IE6 search to not find music not formatted the Microsoft way. There are more examples that I can’t think of nowSep 10 19:04
schestowitzand that I don’t know about it. You should simply take their awful user licenses at their word and expect them to delete your music.Sep 10 19:04
schestowitzI’ve been organizing and improving my music collection recently,Sep 10 19:05
schestowitzhttp:// 10 19:05
schestowitzhttp:// 10 19:05
schestowitzI ran into Michael Mozart’s excellent description of media company’s hypocrisy while writing up my tape recovery fun. I mirrored three of his excellent SOPA and Viacom lawsuit videos. He documented how every major publisher basically created the music sharing world of the late 1990s and early 2000s by underwriting, distributing, and publishing favored sharing network software. He also documents commercial copyright infringement bySep 10 19:05
schestowitzViacom’s Spike TV. Basically, big publishers are parasites who want to keep their position as owners of your culture.Sep 10 19:05
schestowitzhttp:// 10 19:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- | Audio Tape RecoverySep 10 19:05
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- | Media Clean UpSep 10 19:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- | Michael MozartSep 10 19:05
schestowitz"I'm really sorry Roy. It was late and I forgot I was looking at a #syria page, so when I saw those posts near the top, I thought you had posted them after our dialog last night. I wish I hadn't posted them and you hadn't seen them, as they were completely unwarranted. I do apologize. "Sep 10 19:05
schestowitzYou worry over nothing at all. I wasn't offended at all.Sep 10 19:05
schestowitz 10 19:06
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Don't buy the new iPhone until Apple pays its taxes same for #microsoft then: 10 19:06
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:06
schestowitz    that site counted back thenSep 10 19:06
schestowitzWhat does that mean?Sep 10 19:06
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Don't buy the new iPhone until Apple pays its taxes | Mike Daisey | Opinion | The GuardianSep 10 19:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft - Tax - TechrightsSep 10 19:06
schestowitzSlashdot is circling down the drain, new management tries to salvage it now 10 19:06
-TechBytesBot/ | Slashdot - TechrightsSep 10 19:06
schestowitz 10 19:07
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: #Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) Now Has a Default Wallpaper, Available in Two Flavors #gnu #linuxSep 10 19:07
schestowitz"lol"Sep 10 19:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) Now Has a Default Wallpaper, Available in Two FlavorsSep 10 19:07
schestowitzI didn't post the UbuCon stuff much, until it was a Friday. Unimportant news, but slow news daySep 10 19:07
schestowitz 10 19:08
-TechBytesBot/ What Is #Aleppo ? This. 10 19:08
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:08
schestowitzDefeat in elections? Of course! Believing in revolution through elections is delusional. Either vote for the lesser evil or don’t vote. Stop expecting anything else.Sep 10 19:08
schestowitzWe have been defeated since 1980, or was it 1970 at Kent and Jackson State? (I refer to the left, not “liberals”, not the US government, as “we”.) If I was a liberal, I would be a Clinton supporter like the rest of them.Sep 10 19:08
schestowitzI am an anti-fascist, not a “liberal”.Sep 10 19:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | What Is Aleppo? This. | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive CommunitySep 10 19:08
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:08
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:08
schestowitzYes you do slam Trump too. But even giving them equal slamming time does not do the situation justice.Sep 10 19:08
schestowitzMy previous comment was responding to Sean’s “defeat” and “#Liberal” comments.Sep 10 19:08
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:08
schestowitzAh, OKSep 10 19:08
schestowitz 10 19:08
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Get #Facebook to see the difference between child pornography and history 10 19:08
schestowitz"Yes, which is very cruel. :("Sep 10 19:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Facebook (FB) capitulated and restored an iconic Vietnam War photo — QuartzSep 10 19:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Norway Is Right to Be Pissed at Facebook Over Photo Censorship | WIREDSep 10 19:09
schestowitzthey have no platform in which to publicly complain - let alone report - the censorshipSep 10 19:09
schestowitz 10 19:10
-TechBytesBot/ What’s Behind Barack Obama’s Ongoing Accommodation of Vladimir Putin? where are the Russophobes now?Sep 10 19:10
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:10
schestowitzA pleasure sir."Sep 10 19:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | What’s Behind Barack Obama’s Ongoing Accommodation of Vladimir Putin?Sep 10 19:10
schestowitz 10 19:10
-TechBytesBot/ Dissecting the #Propaganda on #Syria “The U.S. peace movement has been demobilized by disinformation on Syria.”Sep 10 19:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 10 19:10
schestowitz"Glad to hear that. Thanks. I still apologize."Sep 10 19:10
schestowitz 10 19:11
-TechBytesBot/ 10 19:11
schestowitz"Lol."Sep 10 19:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BiellaColeman: North Dakota becomes first US state to legalise use of armed drones by police (b/c there is so much crime in ND)Sep 10 19:11
schestowitzNo, seriously, it cover the subject, sort ofSep 10 19:11
schestowitzNo, seriously, it covers the subject, sort ofSep 10 19:11
schestowitz 10 19:11
-TechBytesBot/ 10 19:11
schestowitz"My opinion is the same with her."Sep 10 19:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TaylorArluck: Statistic of the day: Obama has sold more arms ($115 billion) to Saudis than any other administration. @theinterceptSep 10 19:11
schestowitz 10 19:11
-TechBytesBot/ Social [control] media is now escalating the "control" part to basically everything that make upset someone 10 19:11
schestowitz"Yep. :)"Sep 10 19:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Norway accuses Facebook of censorship - The West AustralianSep 10 19:11
schestowitz 10 19:12
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Don't buy the new iPhone until Apple pays its taxes same for #microsoft then: 10 19:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Don't buy the new iPhone until Apple pays its taxes | Mike Daisey | Opinion | The GuardianSep 10 19:12
schestowitz"Is the new management anti-FOSS and pandering to the “hip society of closed source crap”?"Sep 10 19:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft - Tax - TechrightsSep 10 19:12
schestowitzNot sure about the latest management, it's still under a year oldSep 10 19:12
schestowitz 10 19:12
-TechBytesBot/ Standoff at Standing Rock: Even Attack Dogs Can’t Stop the Native American Resistance militarising even animalsSep 10 19:12
schestowitz"That’s what I meant hahaha…"Sep 10 19:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Standoff at Standing Rock: Even Attack Dogs Can’t Stop the Native American Resistance - TruthdigSep 10 19:12
schestowitzNo dog wants to attack another species to guard bloody oil pipesSep 10 19:13
schestowitz"Thanks. That's you. Some people have blocked me for less."Sep 10 19:13
schestowitzThere are some real pricks around here, including some neonazis (maybe not anymore)Sep 10 19:13
schestowitz 10 19:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Air2Vent: @schestowitz Study history of heavy rain events in #Louisiana 10 19:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CitizenFour5: In 1927 New Orleans got 15" of rain in 18 hrs during the largest flood in US history! #Flooding #GlobalWarming 10 19:28
schestowitz 10 19:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Air2Vent: Moreover @schestowitz follow @RogerAPielkeSr and @RogerPielkeJr 10 19:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RogerAPielkeSr: July-Sept T & precip analyses for LA courtesy of John Christy. I would expect mean precip to go up if extremes have. 10 19:28
schestowitz 10 19:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bastianbest: .@schestowitz I'm notSep 10 19:28
schestowitz 10 19:37
-TechBytesBot/ "This struggle will continue throughout your life. We have to succeed every time; they have to succeed only once." 10 19:37
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:37
schestowitzYou can’t emulate Bill Gates because you don’t have $100 billion to buy media companies. We need to reduce their ability to own everything, < a href=“”>starting with spectrum</a> and media consolidation.Sep 10 19:37
schestowitzWikileaks is publishing information that undermines corrupt media and it’s working. Just look at how publishers are changing their narrative and how shrill their messengers are becoming. Google plays a roll in this with relatively organic search. It’s not perfect, and we need better, but it is becoming more difficult for rich and powerful people to maintain their control over society’s story.Sep 10 19:37
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The transatlantic trade deal TTIP may be dead, but something even worse is coming | George Monbiot | Opinion | The GuardianSep 10 19:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @”>starting )Sep 10 19:37
schestowitzvery true, wikileaks compels some media to at least pretend to tell the accurate story, or face backlashSep 10 19:37
schestowitz>> - - [10/Sep/2016:09:49:50 -0700] "POST /wp-login.phpSep 10 19:42
schestowitz>> > HTTP/1.1" 200 4417 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:5.0)Sep 10 19:42
schestowitz>> > Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0"Sep 10 19:42
schestowitz> Thanks.  That shows some interesting User Agent info but what I wasSep 10 19:42
schestowitz> aiming for would be the actual HTTP referer [sic] information.  That'sSep 10 19:42
schestowitz> not collected in the default configuration of Apache.  It tells youSep 10 19:42
schestowitz> where people's browsers self-report where they are coming from.Sep 10 19:42
schestowitz>Sep 10 19:42
schestowitz> In the configuration file, there will be a pre-configured option or twoSep 10 19:42
schestowitz> starting with "LogFormat" and containing some variant ofSep 10 19:42
schestowitz>Sep 10 19:42
schestowitz> "%{Referer}"Sep 10 19:42
schestowitz>Sep 10 19:42
schestowitz> Usually it goes to a separate log file, since it creates large logs.  IfSep 10 19:42
schestowitz> you have that already, then it would be great to have a sample.  But ifSep 10 19:42
schestowitz> it's not already collected, then don't worry about it.Sep 10 19:42
schestowitz>Sep 10 19:42
schestowitz> PS.  That small sample shows what appear to be a lot of crackingSep 10 19:42
schestowitz> attempts against Wordpress.Sep 10 19:42
schestowitzYes, I'm going to upgrade tonight.Sep 10 19:42
schestowitz>> The crises that Sweden may be even are far smaller than the vastSep 10 20:05
schestowitz>> > majority of countries, still. Unless you have an IKEA-like idealisticSep 10 20:05
schestowitz>> > vision of the country (I don't) :-)Sep 10 20:05
schestowitz> I've watched it change. I visited a lot and lived there on and off fromSep 10 20:05
schestowitz> 1991 through 2010.  Once I even got to make a study visit to one of theSep 10 20:05
schestowitz> prisons and talk with a few prisoners.  As you know, that was worlds ofSep 10 20:05
schestowitz> difference from the US system.  However, for the last 20 years or soSep 10 20:06
schestowitz> there have been ever increasing amounts of settlers coming in andSep 10 20:06
schestowitz> establishing, for lack of other words, colonies.  These have only grownSep 10 20:06
schestowitz> and become entrenched with no movement towards assimilation, rather theSep 10 20:06
schestowitz> opposite is happening.Sep 10 20:06
schestowitz>Sep 10 20:06
schestowitz> Nowadays there is a lot of arson, rapes and sexual assaults, beatings,Sep 10 20:06
schestowitz> bombings, and general mob violence.  There in Trollhättan it was 40 - 60Sep 10 20:06
schestowitz> "youths" burning tires, throwing rocks, and more.Sep 10 20:06
schestowitz>Sep 10 20:06
schestowitz> At the turn of the century there were still old-timers that had proudlySep 10 20:06
schestowitz> never locked their doors a day in their life, even in an urban setting.Sep 10 20:06
schestowitz> However, now people keep their doors locked even when home out ofSep 10 20:06
schestowitz> necessity even in quiet areas.Sep 10 20:06
schestowitzI used to sleep with my door unlocked in an apartment until an intruder opened the door at night. That's when I started locking it.  It was a horrifying experience, even though the guy wasn't big or hostile, just very strange.Sep 10 20:06
schestowitz 10 20:08
-TechBytesBot/ Pretend Another President Didn't Give #Iran Their Money "$12 billion in Iranian assets that Jimmy Carter had frozen"Sep 10 20:08
schestowitz"Only rightists say that Sean. Plus I think both parties are on the right. The bullshit is that there is a left. All there is, is the lesser of two rightists."Sep 10 20:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ronald Reagan Gave Iran Their Money Back After They Released American HostagesSep 10 20:09
schestowitzI agree with Joe. RMS told me that when he was younger the GOP was where Democrats are today and democrats were further to the left.Sep 10 20:09
schestowitz""BTW Whitewater was a huge fucking Capitalist scheme." Did somebody tell you that the Clinton's were not capitalists?????? That's exactly what I mean. what do you expect from right wing Democrats like the Clintons? Socialism? rotfl."Sep 10 20:10
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 10 21:18
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesSep 10 21:18
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*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Sep 04 01:15
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Sep 4 01:15:45 2016
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Sep 4 01:16:09 2016
*Now talking on #techbytesSep 04 01:16
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastSep 04 01:16
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Sep 04 01:16
r_schestowitz 04 06:36
-TechBytesBot/ How to Change Your #WhatsApp Settings Before #Facebook Data Sharing Begins just delete the damn thingSep 04 06:36
r_schestowitz"Using this after Facebook bought it is just stupid imo."Sep 04 06:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | How to Change Your WhatsApp Settings Before Facebook Data Sharing Begins | Electronic Frontier FoundationSep 04 06:36
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:36
r_schestowitzlol, just did last week. It’s a bit worrying that EFF gives so little emphasis to the fact that WhatsApp will still share your data even after you have gone through the opt-out process. I can see the point of web page, since some people are heavily reliant on this app, but the final paragraph should have been given more prominence.Sep 04 06:36
r_schestowitz    Note that your WhatsApp information will still be passed to Facebook for other purposes such as “improving infrastructure and delivery systems, understanding how [Facebook and WhatsApp] services…are used, securing systems, and fighting spam, abuse, or infringement activities." Changing your settings does ensure, however, that Facebook will not use your WhatsApp data to suggest friends or serve ads.Sep 04 06:36
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:36
r_schestowitz"Oh yeah because being suggested friends was what I was worried about.Sep 04 06:36
r_schestowitz'Sep 04 06:36
r_schestowitzBeing assigned a relations graph (even people nearby) for selling is a problem, recommendations just a side effectSep 04 06:36
r_schestowitz 04 06:37
-TechBytesBot/ Predictive Policing Software Is More Accurate at Predicting Policing #surveillance and self-fulfilling propheciesSep 04 06:38
r_schestowitz"Gee who could have seen that coming?"Sep 04 06:38
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Predictive Policing Software Is More Accurate at Predicting Policing Than Predicting Crime | American Civil Liberties UnionSep 04 06:38
r_schestowitz    predictive tools are only as good as the data they are fedSep 04 06:38
r_schestowitzThere is a more fundamental problem. Unlike computer software, human beings are not machines which reliably carry out the actions that have been programmed into them. Even with the best data, such predictive software will only have a limited effectiveness.Sep 04 06:38
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:38
r_schestowitz#pseudoscience like #polygraphSep 04 06:38
r_schestowitz 04 06:40
-TechBytesBot/ "Israel often acts as if a simmering state of war with its Muslim neighbors is the only possible future" #israelSep 04 06:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Israel’s Abnormal ‘Normal’ with its Neighbors – ConsortiumnewsSep 04 06:40
r_schestowitz"the arabian side refuses peace and started the wars, but hey, who cares about historical facts? letz hate the jews o0'Sep 04 06:40
r_schestowitz"@murdeRED dreams: Yes, who cares about historical facts. Like that Israel founded itself on somebody else’s land!"Sep 04 06:40
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:40
r_schestowitzlike the “oriental jews” which lived 2000years in hebron and jerusalem?Sep 04 06:40
r_schestowitzbut nice, a german right winger critizing jews, something new harka, you little piece of nazi shit, against the “islamination” of europe and aginst the jews, @least youre franklySep 04 06:40
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:40
r_schestowitz"@murdeRED dream: Go and fuck yourself, little Apartheid-Sympathizer. Interesting also to note, that you have nothing to say about the validity of my claim. Because there is nothing to say, since history proves me right and you, as usual, wrong! :-*'Sep 04 06:40
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:41
r_schestowitzoh, there didnt had been jews in “palestine” before 1948? or before 1921? or before 1850? get a history book, nazi-fuckerSep 04 06:41
r_schestowitzps if there are non-jewish high judges and members of the parliement then the term “apartheid” is obviously wrong, except if your an antisemitic nazi-idiot :-*Sep 04 06:41
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:41
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:41
r_schestowitzYou got it the other way around. An Egyptian refused to shake hands with an Israeli. Israel keeps reaching out for Egyptians. However an Egyptian who contacts Israeli will be publicly scoffed. An writer visiting Israel will be thrown out of the writers guild. There are some brave Egyptians who will truly keep the peace. But most either hate Israelis or don’t care enough.Sep 04 06:41
r_schestowitzThey spread nasty lies about Israel in Egypt. An Egyptian visiting Israel was surprised to see Arabs treated with full rights and was surprised that the lie they told him at home about Israel being an apartheid state was false.Sep 04 06:41
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:41
r_schestowitz"Of course there were some Jews in the area. But they had no need to proclaim a State. That only happened after mass-immigration into the British-occupied zone and they didn’t really care. And just because you have some people on the ground doesn’t give you the right to take the ground away from those already there. Otherwise I’d love to come to your apartment and then declare it mine because hey, why not? Deal, Nazi-Fucker? :-*'Sep 04 06:42
r_schestowitz"But funny, how upset you get. You’re just a fascist bootlicker. Disgusting, really.'Sep 04 06:42
r_schestowitz"lol, you are so obviously not knowing about the history harka, itz cute and i really would like 2 invite you to my place"Sep 04 06:42
r_schestowitz 04 06:42
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:43
r_schestowitzwould get the “antisemite-cure” :DSep 04 06:43
r_schestowitzbtw you should check wikipedia about the term “nationalsozialismus”, you really should learn some thing, moronSep 04 06:43
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:43
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:43
r_schestowitz@murdeRED dreams: So with other words, you still have zero argument. Right!Sep 04 06:43
r_schestowitzNot that I think you’d have any mental capacity for making one, but anyway… ;-DSep 04 06:43
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:43
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:43
r_schestowitzlol, you wouldnt rekognize an argument, when it hits your head, like you wanted to abuse rosa luxemburg to support your racist nazi-bullshit :DSep 04 06:43
r_schestowitzjewish people live in that area since more then 2000years, the arabian national-movement was a strong allie to nazi-germany and after the un-decision (and the belfour-declaration, the weizmann-faisal-agreement etc) the “arabian side” refused the un-decisison and started the wars, but hey, historical facts, dont become confused by them :DSep 04 06:43
r_schestowitz@dr.roy schestowitz, can i introduce you to a german afd- and pegida-supporter :DSep 04 06:43
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:43
r_schestowitz 04 06:44
-TechBytesBot/ With many internal problems (like impossibility of housing for most people, racism etc.) #israel regime needs an external bogeymanSep 04 06:44
r_schestowitz"iran has biger problems about that or syria, turkey and so on"Sep 04 06:44
r_schestowitz"It’s not “impossible to find”. It’s that the prices keep rising. Rose by 70% by average since 2008. Prices of rented apartments keep rising as well, though not as sharply. The prices in Tel-Aviv generally saw a sharper rise."Sep 04 06:44
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:44
r_schestowitzhousing-problem?Sep 04 06:44
r_schestowitz 04 06:44
r_schestowitzbtw how much is the price for a flat in london? and how many homeless people live in london?Sep 04 06:44
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:44
-TechBytesBot/ | Lead Levels Are Forcing More Than 1,000 Indiana Residents To Relocate : The Two-Way : NPRSep 04 06:44
r_schestowitz 04 06:45
-TechBytesBot/ Trading #Politics for Medical Profits "exploit political influence to maximize business profits" (bluntly: bribery)Sep 04 06:45
r_schestowitz"Lobbyists have been doing that for years"Sep 04 06:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Trading Politics for Medical Profits – ConsortiumnewsSep 04 06:45
r_schestowitzIn various industries, too, not just medicalSep 04 06:45
r_schestowitz 04 06:46
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Solitary for Suicide Attempts: The Brutal Punishment of Chelsea Manning more #torture for wanting to dieSep 04 06:46
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:46
r_schestowitzWrite to Chelsea :Sep 04 06:46
r_schestowitz 04 06:46
r_schestowitz"Sep 04 06:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Solitary for Suicide Attempts: The Brutal Punishment of Chelsea ManningSep 04 06:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 04 06:46
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Sep 04 08:47
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Sep 4 08:47:28 2016
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Sep 4 08:47:52 2016
*Now talking on #techbytesSep 04 08:47
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastSep 04 08:47
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Sep 04 08:47
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Sep 04 09:08
*ChanServ has quit (shutting down)Sep 04 14:04
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*Disconnected (Invalid argument).Sep 04 14:50
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*Now talking on #techbytesSep 04 14:50
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastSep 04 14:50
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Sep 04 14:50
schestowitz> Please send stats.Sep 04 14:51
schestowitz>Sep 04 14:51
schestowitz> Is there a reason you can think of as to why my traffic has taken such a sharp drop compared to last year. It’s true that I do a lot of recycling, but I think I choose only the good stuff and leave all the inane postings to R.I.P.Sep 04 14:51
schestowitzThat often depends on how you are ranked in search engines. It's hard to tell without an in-depth analysis.Sep 04 14:51
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> "such as social media and apps. It’s instant gratification and justSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> another distraction from being present. "Sep 04 15:08
-TechBytesBot/ | Court Sides With Time Warner Cable Over Cable Box Rentals | MotherboardSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
schestowitz> astroturfer != trollSep 04 15:08
-TechBytesBot/ | Why parents are getting angrier: ‘Children are bored out of their skulls with real life’ | Life and style | The GuardianSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
-TechBytesBot/ | Feds Spend $499,571 to ‘Combat Online Trolling’Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> "It may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS. TheSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> money's rolling in….This is fun."Sep 04 15:08
-TechBytesBot/ | FBI releases Hillary Clinton email report, interview notes - CNNPolitics.comSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
-TechBytesBot/ | How Trigger Warnings Are Hurting Mental Health on Campus - The AtlanticSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> "Only one in eight animals caught by the fishery is actually aSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> swordfish. The unlucky, non-targeted species trapped by the nets areSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> known as bycatch."Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
-TechBytesBot/ | Donald Trump&apos;s campaign is based on the NFL&apos;s business model. Here&apos;s how - LA TimesSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> "If you’re looking for a new TV, save yourself some money by picking upSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> a dumb TV and a modestly priced set-top accessory or streaming stick. "Sep 04 15:08
-TechBytesBot/ | Hidden Clauses Coming To Software Licensing Agreements | Cracked.comSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
schestowitz> Silicon valley goes all in for cargo cults.Sep 04 15:08
-TechBytesBot/ | California’s waters, a death trap: Uncovering the Golden State’s secret whale and dolphin massacre - Salon.comSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> "If Adblock is looking for real-life horror stories of internet adsSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> gone wrong to feature in a commercial, might I suggest my own? TheSep 04 15:08
-TechBytesBot/ | YouTube disappearing from 50 Sony Bravia sets highlights why smart TVs suck | PCWorldSep 04 15:08
schestowitz> recommendation started following me around the internet"Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:08
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:08
schestowitz> 04 15:09
-TechBytesBot/ | Log In - The New York TimesSep 04 15:09
schestowitz> =Sep 04 15:09
schestowitz> 04 15:09
-TechBytesBot/ | Amazon Thinks I'm Some Sort Of Serial Killer In Training | Cracked.comSep 04 15:09
-TechBytesBot/ | Top Torrent Sites See Traffic Surge After 'Shutdowns' - TorrentFreakSep 04 15:09
-TechBytesBot/ | Publishers Fail to Block Russia's Top Search Engine Over Pirate Links - TorrentFreakSep 04 15:09
schestowitz 04 15:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jrobertson: I've been thinking about this and the same is true of video games. It's like eating desert before your dinner. 04 15:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "such as social media and apps. It’s instant gratification and just another distraction from being present." 04 15:13
schestowitz 04 15:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jolla_usa: @schestowitz same here i cut cord years agoSep 04 15:13
schestowitz 04 15:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@profcjdotorg: @NTechlibre @BadQuakerBen @schestowitz @sovryntech @jeffreyatucker I'm intrigued!Sep 04 15:14
schestowitz 04 15:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: So You Want to be a Functional Programmer (Part 1) @schestowitz @gnutelephony @ggreve 04 15:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | So You Want to be a Functional Programmer (Part 1) – MediumSep 04 15:14
schestowitz 04 15:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@paulhindes: @schestowitz Imposing unelected, absolute authority won't work. See Michigan.Sep 04 15:22
schestowitz 04 15:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mrgus27_b: @schestowitz @pjrgb1 see the partSep 04 15:31
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Sep 04 21:23
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**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Sep 4 21:23:54 2016
*Now talking on #techbytesSep 04 21:23
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastSep 04 21:23
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Sep 04 21:23
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Sep 05 02:27
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Sep 5 02:27:10 2016
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Sep 5 02:27:35 2016
*Now talking on #techbytesSep 05 02:27
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastSep 05 02:27
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Sep 05 02:27
*acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesSep 05 02:35
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 05 09:28
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schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:15
schestowitz> 05 10:15
-TechBytesBot/ | FBI Says a Laptop That Held Clinton’s E-Mails Has Gone Missing - Bloomberg PoliticsSep 05 10:15
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:15
schestowitz> "Once impacts become noticeable, they’re going to be upon you quickly"Sep 05 10:15
schestowitz> 05 10:15
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:15
schestowitz> "I will personally look for a prosecutor in Sweden who wants to take onSep 05 10:15
schestowitz> the case of charging the CEO of this troll company with preparing forSep 05 10:15
schestowitz> advanced mail fraud (förberedelse till grovt bedrägeri)"Sep 05 10:15
-TechBytesBot/ | Log In - The New York TimesSep 05 10:15
schestowitz> 05 10:15
schestowitz> there is a lot more than just movies and music on TPB trackersSep 05 10:15
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:15
schestowitz> ""How are you supposed to cover news?" A clearly baffled DeFrancoSep 05 10:15
-TechBytesBot/ | Copyright trolls come to Sweden: A deeper analysis | Privacy Online NewsSep 05 10:15
schestowitz> worried that YouTube might be setting a dangerous precedent: "This is aSep 05 10:15
schestowitz> much bigger situation than me.""Sep 05 10:15
schestowitz> ...Sep 05 10:15
schestowitz> "YouTube has reportedly stated it will not be issuing further commentSep 05 10:15
schestowitz> on the policy."Sep 05 10:15
schestowitz> 05 10:15
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:15
schestowitz> 05 10:15
schestowitz> -Sep 05 10:15
-TechBytesBot/ | YouTube's "ad-friendly" content policy may push one of its biggest stars off the website - VoxSep 05 10:15
schestowitz> old:Sep 05 10:15
schestowitz> "It was easy. Suspend democracy. Cut taxes for the rich. Make the poorSep 05 10:16
schestowitz> drink toxic river water. And everybody’s happy."Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | EPA: Flint's new water will need 3 months or more of testing | Michigan RadioSep 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | 10 Things They Won’t Tell You About the Flint Water Tragedy. But I Will. | MICHAEL MOORESep 05 10:16
schestowitz> older:Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> newsstands allow anonymous purchases, for now, such rights need to beSep 05 10:16
schestowitz> carried over into the digital realm.Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | Publishers must let online readers pay for news anonymously | Technology | The GuardianSep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> rerunSep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | Brexit is truly daunting: this is the biggest crisis I have known | Business | The GuardianSep 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> -Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | FTC warns consumers of rental car data theft risk | The Security LedgerSep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | What is your phone telling your rental car? | Consumer InformationSep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | Log In - The New York TimesSep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | Modern life is killing our children: Cancer rate in young people up 40 per cent in 16 years Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
schestowitz> =Sep 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | QtCon Closing Keynote with Julia Reda MEP | KDE.newsSep 05 10:16
schestowitz> " Yet a large portion of Tor is so drunk on self-righteousness theySep 05 10:16
schestowitz> can’t recognize they are piloting into their adversaries’ hands."Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> ...Sep 05 10:16
schestowitz> "I admired Tor’s skillfull treading on the tightrope separating threeSep 05 10:16
schestowitz> groups who typically don’t get along:"Sep 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | Copyright extortion letters | HAXSep 05 10:16
schestowitz> 05 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | iTWire - Apple mired in a mess entirely of its own makingSep 05 10:17
-TechBytesBot/ | iTWire - Linux project mum after man indicted for 2011 breachSep 05 10:17
-TechBytesBot/ | LLVM/Clang imported into -currentSep 05 10:17
-TechBytesBot/ | German free software proponents approach lawmakers | JoinupSep 05 10:17
-TechBytesBot/ | Tor’s Branding Pivot is Going to Get Someone Killed – MediumSep 05 10:17
schestowitz 05 10:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@natecochrane: @schestowitz @schestowitz Not quite. When you buy printed mag you buy it all not just the page you want. Stallman wants cake & eat it, too.Sep 05 10:46
schestowitz 05 10:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @schestowitz unelected ministers will meet and provide a small patch for the UK case. Until someone fixes European Democracy.Sep 05 10:56
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Sep 05 12:40
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytesSep 05 12:42
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Sep 05 18:22
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*Now talking on #techbytesSep 05 18:23
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastSep 05 18:23
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Sep 05 18:23
r_schestowitz 05 20:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@oddfox: @schestowitz it's sometimes amusing seeing what people will blindly copy and paste into a terminal, though :)Sep 05 20:19
r_schestowitz 05 20:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Peterwyck29: @schestowitz fair question - 05 20:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Eastern District of Texas Federal Court Practice: 2016 EDTX patent trials update - 36% win rate for plaintiffsSep 05 20:58
r_schestowitzThank you!Sep 05 20:58
r_schestowitz 05 21:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jhamby: I've always been a fan of what they did with Chromium OS. Much less prone to malware, but still hacker-friendly. 05 21:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @jhamby @T3dotcom Done both... several timesSep 05 21:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jhamby: I haven't had as much experience with installing Linux on ARM Chromebooks. It's easy to rebuild Chromium OS at least. @schestowitz @T3dotcomSep 05 21:01
r_schestowitz 05 21:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jhamby: The situation right now with Google & Qualcomm not wanting to support Snapdragon 800 on Android Nougat is shameful. 😞 @schestowitz @T3dotcomSep 05 21:02
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytesSep 05 21:05
*MinceR has quit (*.net *.split)Sep 05 21:10
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceRSep 05 21:10
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Sep 06 01:56
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Sep 6 01:56:42 2016
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Sep 6 01:57:08 2016
*Now talking on #techbytesSep 06 01:57
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastSep 06 01:57
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Sep 06 01:57
schestowitz 06 07:28
-TechBytesBot/ | The Corrupting Influence of Money in the Linux Foundation (Bias for Sale) : linuxmasterraceSep 06 07:28
schestowitz 06 07:28
schestowitz"The Linux foundation is indeed a piece of shit, their products aren't even available for Linux."Sep 06 07:28
-TechBytesBot/ | The Linux Foundation recommends Windows and Mac, and requires Adobe Flash Player, and says that Linux "may experience difficulties" with webinars... : linuxmasterrace [ ]Sep 06 07:28
schestowitz"What? Last I checked, on24 (the website actually giving that error) isn't affiliated or run by the Linux Foundation."Sep 06 07:28
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:29
schestowitzYes, but The Linux Foundation uses on24's services. TLF linked to on24. They are indeed affiliated. From the thread:Sep 06 07:29
schestowitz    It is clearly on24, not the Linux Foundation. Unfortunately they don't do everything themselves and at this point they are farming out some of the things they aren't set up to do.Sep 06 07:29
schestowitz    I have taken the LFCS course and test - all on is a bit peculiar their choice of vendor, but I don't think that the Linux Foundation is as hard core as say The GNU Project or the like....Sep 06 07:29
schestowitzand then the next person saidSep 06 07:29
schestowitz    The Linux foundation should be more careful who they partner with though. I get that a lot of their audience maybe only use Linux on the server, but this is just careless.Sep 06 07:29
schestowitz"I'd take this as more of a "Whoops we should have checked first" situation rather than their intent to screw Linux users accessing the service.Sep 06 07:29
schestowitz"Carelessness is enough for me to not want to deal with them. If they're not specifically checking for support of their platform when choosing a partner, then I don't want to deal with them.'Sep 06 07:30
schestowitzOh, here come the hatersSep 06 07:30
schestowitz"Stop linking to techrights, dude. It's completely horseshit as a "news" source."Sep 06 07:30
schestowitz"This isn't news, it's an opinion piece."Sep 06 07:30
schestowitzExactlySep 06 07:30
schestowitz 06 07:31
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:31
-TechBytesBot/ | The Corrupting Influence of Money in the Linux Foundation (Bias for Sale) : opensource [ ]Sep 06 07:31
schestowitzEqually importantly to this is the influence of money from Oracle on the Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC) which has an indirect influence over the FSF.Sep 06 07:31
schestowitzI mentioned this issue six months ago on this subreddit and was downvoted to hell:Sep 06 07:31
schestowitz 06 07:31
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Why is SFLC siding with Oracle over Linux developers? — Emacsen's Blog [ ]Sep 06 07:31
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:32
schestowitzCorrect me if I'm wrong, but to me it seems your points in your blog were a) Oracle released ZFS under a non-GPL-compatible licence, but b) Ubuntu wants to release the same code under GPL and somehow c) the SFLC is in the wrong for pointing out that you can't force Oracle to release the code under a GPL-compatible licence?Sep 06 07:32
schestowitzI agree it would be fantastic if Oracle would make ZFS GPL-compatible - but they are certainly under no requirement to do so. Let's say I decided to to take .NET and try to release it under GPL. Does the SFLC have to back me up because I'm releasing GPL code? Or are they also in the pay of Microsoft?Sep 06 07:32
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:32
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:32
schestowitzCannonical is releasing a binary kernel with ZFS. Thus they are in violation.Sep 06 07:32
schestowitzSFLC is saying "Meh, don't worry about it... even if it's a violation".Sep 06 07:32
schestowitzAnd I'm not saying SFLC is paid by Oracle BECAUSE of this position. I'm saying they are paid by Oracle, and this is evidence of Oracle's influence. The fact that they're paid by Oracle is something I know but can't release information to prove. That is, I can't release the evidence I have, but it would be very easy for SFLC to disclaim if it were untrue, but they can't disclaim it because it's a fact.Sep 06 07:32
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:32
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:33
schestowitzIt refers to the earlier removal of individual memberships, do believe back then i basically said that this would likely lead to inevitable erosion. It is a shame that, here too, corporate power and cultures march on.Sep 06 07:33
schestowitzSearching for that, i did come across a lot of good news. But what point, if core libre/open source ideas are lost. Such things as this can be considered mainstreamrolling, and illustrate how feminism and safe-space -like ideas can be co-opted as threats. I am of course not saying that discrimination, poor behavior or "missing stairwell steps"("just step over") are acceptable. Just that the ideas behind them might be used as wedge.Sep 06 07:33
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:33
schestowitz 06 07:33
-TechBytesBot/ | Linux Foundation quietly scraps individual memberships : linux [ ]Sep 06 07:33
schestowitz 06 07:33
-TechBytesBot/ | Linux Foundation begins clampdown on Torvalds : linux [ ]Sep 06 07:33
schestowitz"This article, and more importantly - the fundamental issue of where Linux would head if driven by MS and VMWARE - needs more attention!'Sep 06 07:34
schestowitz"You don't corrupts?!?!"Sep 06 07:34
schestowitz 06 07:38
-TechBytesBot/ | The Corrupting Influence of Money in the Linux Foundation (Bias for Sale) : linux [ ]Sep 06 07:38
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:39
schestowitzLinux Foundation does help Linux, but it does not matter if the Linux Foundation even exists - true Linux is, was and will always be open source and belong to the community.Sep 06 07:39
schestowitzThe Linux Foundation helps corporates make money off of Linux and even contribute to its development - in money, code or kind. This does give the corporate world a say in the Linux Foundation. Is that a bad thing? If someone - even if it is Microsoft - wants to use Linux in their own way, shouldn't we, the Linux Community, embrace the spirit of Freedom and encourage it? Isn't that a win for Linux?Sep 06 07:39
schestowitzOf course, we, the Linux Community, the EFF and many such organisations are guarding against unjust influences on Linux.Sep 06 07:39
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:39
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:39
schestowitz    true LinuxSep 06 07:39
schestowitznahSep 06 07:39
schestowitzThere is no such thing as a true linux. There is just code, and people who do stuff with that code.Sep 06 07:39
schestowitz'Sep 06 07:39
schestowitz"Yeah. I meant Linux code without proprietary blobs - which respects freedom respecting licenses. (Just my viewpoint on a philosophical term)"Sep 06 07:39
schestowitz"As in 'we redefine the meaning of a word until it means what we like it to mean'?"Sep 06 07:39
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:39
schestowitz    Yeah. I meant Linux code without proprietary blobsSep 06 07:39
schestowitzSo not the kernel from then.Sep 06 07:39
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:39
schestowitz"Linux is more of an idea, a feeling in ones hard. There is no true Linux, you could even say that its not the code as much, as the belief in Linux.'Sep 06 07:40
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:40
schestowitzIs this news? That's how these foundations get money at all, companies pay for voting rights so they get a say.Sep 06 07:40
schestowitzThe LF may be nonprofit, but it's in the end still just a bunch of companies getting together to decide on how to best corporately apply Linux.Sep 06 07:40
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:40
schestowitz"The Linux Foundation represents Linux in the same way the MPAA represents motion pictures.'Sep 06 07:40
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:40
schestowitzNot for me. The linux mailing lists represents Linux (the kernel) for me.Sep 06 07:40
schestowitzSome months ago, when the LF announced this embedded OS that has nothing to do with Linux at all was the last time I thought they represent Linux. It was at this time that I arrived at the conclusion that this is just another lobbying organisation, looking for the best of it's money-givers, but without any greater view for Linux.Sep 06 07:40
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:40
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:41
schestowitzThe LF has substantial power because:Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz    They own the Linux trademarkSep 06 07:41
schestowitz    They employ Linus Torvalds who has the ultimate autocratic veto on what goes into the kernel.Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz    They administrate numerous powerful standards which see widespread adoption.Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz'Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz    They own the Linux trademarkSep 06 07:41
schestowitzLinus owns Linux trade mark not LF afaik.Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:41
schestowitzAs it reads on the web site of Linux Foundation:Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz    Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz 06 07:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Trademark Attribution | The Linux Mark InstituteSep 06 07:41
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:41
schestowitzAlmost like the GNOME foundation and GNOME's relationship.Sep 06 07:41
schestowitzExcept the difference being that Linux is actually a good kernel whereas MPAA motion pictures and GNOME being dogshit for the intellectually inferior.Sep 06 07:41
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:42
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:42
schestowitzAlmost.Sep 06 07:42
schestowitzYou just have to ignore for a moment that the GNOME foundation isn't ruled by corporations but instead by its individual members who have the voting rights.Sep 06 07:42
schestowitzSo Greg Kroah-Hartman has more say about the GNOME foundation than about the Linux foundation.Sep 06 07:42
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:42
schestowitz 06 07:42
-TechBytesBot/ | Membership – GNOMESep 06 07:42
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:42
schestowitzYeah, except all members of the board are employees of some company and are obviously under the influence of said company's political whip. It works via a similar principle, whichever company employs the most contributors is capable of steering the elections most and get the most people who owe fealty to them on the board.Sep 06 07:42
schestowitzSo a company instead of paying a price in liquid currency to get voting rights now pays in lines of code, here's the current board:Sep 06 07:42
schestowitz    Alan Day (Red Hat)Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz    Andrea Veri (Red Hat)Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz    Christian Hergert (Red Hat)Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz    Cosimo Cecchi (Endless, Formerly Red Hat)Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz    Ekaterina Gerasimova (Collabora)Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz    Jeff Fortin Tam (couldn't find whom this one works for)Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz    Shaun McCance (Red Hat, Open Help Conference)Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz"That's a lot of Red Hat isn't it?'Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:43
schestowitzExcept that is not the current board, but the previous one. And back then, neither Andrea nor Christian worked for Red Hat.Sep 06 07:43
schestowitzIn fact, the Gnome foundation charter states:Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz    No single organization or company will be allowed to control more than 40% of the board seats, regardless of election resultsSep 06 07:43
schestowitzAnd that means that no more than 2 of the 7 board seats will be occupied by Red Hat employees.Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:43
schestowitz 06 07:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 06 07:43
-TechBytesBot/ | The GNOME Foundation – GNOMESep 06 07:43
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:44
schestowitzThe key issue raised in the article, by Roy:Sep 06 07:44
schestowitz    "How long before the Linux Foundation is truly/entirely incapable of defending Linux from patent lawsuits and upholding the GPL because Linux foes and GPL foes develop financial strings, making them harder (or riskier) to publicly criticise?"Sep 06 07:44
schestowitzI get Roy's concerns here. Really, really do. Being scheptical and concerned about corporate, big-money influence over important things (like Linux and other Free Software) is something I share with Roy. But, in this case, I think he's looking at things from the wrong direction.Sep 06 07:44
schestowitzThe more involvement companies -- that have, traditionally, been opposed to both Linux and Free Software -- have in the Linux world (and, in this case, with the Linux Foundation) the more influence we have over them.Sep 06 07:44
schestowitzCan Microsoft stop Linux development? No.Sep 06 07:44
schestowitzCan Microsoft force Linus to accept patches that remove support for non-Microsoft hardware? No.Sep 06 07:44
schestowitzDoes Microsoft react to market forces -- and influence by companies they do business with -- to begin supporting Linux on Azure? Yes.Sep 06 07:44
schestowitzSo I say get these companies involved in the Linux Foundation. If there are specific decisions and actions taken by the Linux Foundation (or the companies involved within it) that we, as a community, don't like... we can raise those issues with them. And we will. Immediately. And loudly. It's how we roll. :)Sep 06 07:44
schestowitzFor me, personally, the more companies and organizations involved in Linux and Free Software... the better.Sep 06 07:45
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:45
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:46
schestowitz    Can Microsoft stop Linux development? No.Sep 06 07:46
schestowitz    Can Microsoft force Linus to accept patches that remove support for non-Microsoft hardware? No.Sep 06 07:46
schestowitzWe could argue about how much buying power and source code maintainership proprietary loving companies have, To cause a massive disruption of Linux development. O.G. devs are getting older, Corp Linux maintainership is up, and young programmers are not exposed to C as much. (in general) If demand for engineering data of drivers (source code) begins to wane we're in trouble.Sep 06 07:46
schestowitzOf course this is a mythical fantasy land because they would never have the balls to conspire and coordinate such an assault , the outrage would be real. Over a few years though, maybe not so many people catch what happened when all of their newer shiny stuff just doesn't support Linux, and all of their older stuff doesn't run on new kernels.Sep 06 07:46
schestowitzremove support for could also mean break something by accident, oopsSep 06 07:46
schestowitzI love speculation but I don't want to give them any ideas so I'll refrain from explaining specific details of how various attacks could be carried out and making a tree of who controls what.Sep 06 07:46
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:46
schestowitz"But Linux Foundation is still in charge of enforcing the GPL in Linux"Sep 06 07:46
schestowitz"But Linux Foundation is still in charge of enforcing the GPL in Linux'Sep 06 07:46
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:46
schestowitzNo, it's not. And it never has been in charge of this.Sep 06 07:46
schestowitzThe Linux kernel copyright holders are responsible for enforcing the GPL in the Linux kernel.Sep 06 07:46
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:46
schestowitz"They won't have to bother enforcing GPL in a few years becauses TPP nullifies GPL and similiar licences."Sep 06 07:47
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:47
schestowitzI think things can get problematic more if people are shut out because they are saying uncomfortable things about member companies of Linux Foundation. That will only get worse though as more members join and it gets harder to deal with things when some member companies turn out to be bad actors. Those who call them out may not be able to be at Linux Foundation events.Sep 06 07:47
schestowitzThat is probably okay, and these LF are pretty corporate run and not particularly community based, but it is where all the influence is. Instead, people are forced to go to Linuxfests across the country or other places.Sep 06 07:47
schestowitz'Sep 06 07:47
schestowitz"One of the big things we have going in our (the community's) favor is the people involved within many of these companies. These are, for the most part, Free and Open Source Software evangelist type people. In many cases they are representing the interests of a specific company... but they are, at their core, Free Software folk. They are... us. That's not true across the board, of course... but predominantly.Sep 06 07:48
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:48
schestowitzOh sure, and I was one of those people :-) Why a company is a bad actor can be something as silly as an over-inflated sense of entitlement.Sep 06 07:48
schestowitzIn general, community is the strongest defense against bad actors who are invested in community. You don't want to be perceived as a jerk as that can definitely affect your relationship with upstream.Sep 06 07:48
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:48
schestowitz 06 07:48
schestowitz"Archived version for those who don't want to drive traffic to Tech Rights."Sep 06 07:48
schestowitz"I do not know anything about Tech Rights... Why would one not want to go there?"Sep 06 07:49
-TechBytesBot/ | The Corrupting Influence of Money in the Linux Foundation (Bias for Sale) | TechrightsSep 06 07:49
schestowitz"The guy who runs it, Roy Schestowitz, is a crazy person and isn't someone that most FOSS advocates would want the public to think of when they think free or open source software. Richard Stallman eating something off of his foot during a public talk or attempting to defend pedophilia is less embarrassing than Schestowitz."Sep 06 07:49
schestowitz"In which way is he crazy? I think that we all are crazy in one way or another."Sep 06 07:49
schestowitz"So I actually wasn't being a snob when I got that exact impression from reading one article?"Sep 06 07:49
schestowitz"Ok, but can you say something more specific? Besides this (, I didn't find anything in my quick search, besides that he looks like a grown up frat boy."Sep 06 07:50
-TechBytesBot/ | Linux liars and "advocates" to avoid: The Roy Schestowitz liar [ ]Sep 06 07:50
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:50
schestowitzI can't take a source that says "and his poor parents have been supporting his butt for many years" as a good source. The tone there is demeaning in itself. So whatever they say about other people, e.g. "poor parents", is just trying to influence your mind.Sep 06 07:50
schestowitzJust look at this attribute "poor" for the parents. This is of absolutely no inconsequence, it's just put there to create some impression, or feeling. Similar "word art" is happening all over the place. And it's fun that this page, which is accussing someone as to be a liar, is lying in itself: "spends 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (including all holidays) posting lies". So Roy doesn't need any sleep for a whole week? Surely he's by now inSep 06 07:50
schestowitzthe Guiness Book of World Records?Sep 06 07:50
schestowitzGuys, learn to differentiate between news and comment, fact and fiction, and insist that your information sources (TV, magacines, web sites) follow this basic principle. Or dismiss / ignore them.Sep 06 07:50
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:50
schestowitz"I agree, my point was that that source wasn't good enough, that's why I was asking for more info about it.'Sep 06 07:50
schestowitz"Being a "crazy person" is a VERY strong accusation. Even if his mental health is bad, you wouldn't know. And if it isn't, then titling a person that you oppose publically this way is also slandering or at least demeaning."Sep 06 07:52
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:54
schestowitzThat defending paedophilia stuff is so so so taken out of context.Sep 06 07:54
schestowitzIt was in context about a proposed law change of switching the "age of consent" in the Netherlands from 16 to 12, which it is in many places. The problem is that the term 'age of consent' translates poorly between cultures. The age of consent is in theory 0 in the Netherlands when using the Anglo-American term for it because it works in reverse. The age of consent in the US is where it stops being statutory rape, in the Netherlands it's theSep 06 07:54
schestowitzage where you loose the right to retroactively recant consent and fall back on 'I said yes, but I was a kid, I didn't know what I was doing, I should've said no', 16 and older they say 'You're old enough to make your own choices now, if you meant no you should've said it'Sep 06 07:54
schestowitzIn say the US if a 24 year old fucks a 13 year old that's statutory rape, flat and simple, in the Netherlands it only is if the 13 year old says as much, which the 13 year old can still do like 20 years later and say that it wasn't true consent. But if the 13 year old just says 'No, I consented, I knew what I was doing and I liked it.' then it's not statutory rape here.Sep 06 07:54
schestowitzSo in the US, the age of consent is like being able to drink alcohol, you gain a right at that age, the right to consent to sex. Whereas in the Netherlands it works in reverse, you loose a right at that age, similar to how you can get out from under a contract at certain ages. You effectively have the right up to 16 to get out under verbal consent, but above that not any more.Sep 06 07:54
schestowitzThere was a proposed change to change that to 12 which of course wasn't going to happen exactly because it works in reverse and the law is already way more lenient than in a lot of places. RMS took that out of context and thought it would be like the US where the proposed change would mean that people would gain a right to have sex at 12, which they already have. And then people took that out of context again and thought RMS was advocatingSep 06 07:54
schestowitzfor like 7 year old boys to have sex with their priest.Sep 06 07:54
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:54
schestowitz"I still think conspiracy-tinged articles like this are a sign of healthy skepticism. The pursuit of counterfactuals is an important exercise, even when the findings are a bit hyperbolic. Hopefully it's just a stepping stone to that leads the author to a better appreciation of the subject."Sep 06 07:54
schestowitz"Does Roy still think Apple is on the verge of bankruptcy?"Sep 06 07:54
schestowitz 06 07:56
schestowitz"Everything this bloke posts on here is nothing more than quotes from reddit or else a quote from someone elses article followed by the reddit reaction of said article. Why is this rubbish even approved? "Sep 06 07:56
-TechBytesBot/ | LXer: Eye on Open? More like 'Eye On Reddit': Why did Gentoo Linux fade into obscurity?Sep 06 07:56
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:56
schestowitzGreetings arm,Sep 06 07:56
schestowitzSorry that you didn't like the article. I've been posting EOO articles here on Lxer for quite some time, and some people really do enjoy them.Sep 06 07:56
schestowitzRegarding Reddit, I often find interesting discussions in various subreddits (as well as in the comment threads and forums on other sites). So I like to include them in the open source roundups. I found the Gentoo topic quite illuminating, though it's pretty clear that you did not. But many people do like getting a heads up about such discussions, so I will continue to include them in the roundups.Sep 06 07:56
schestowitzSorry that EOO isn't your cup of tea, but thanks for the feedback. :)Sep 06 07:56
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:56
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:56
schestowitzHi Jim.Sep 06 07:56
schestowitzI suppose I should think myself lucky that I didn't get a reply full of the `reddit` discussion of this thread. :PSep 06 07:57
schestowitz"Sep 06 07:57
schestowitz"I'm currently writing a news article to publish through lxer about news articles based on Reddit comments being posted as news articles, based on comments from a Reddit discussion I created about news articles based on Reddit comments."Sep 06 07:57
schestowitz"I'm currently writing a news article to publish through lxer about news articles based on Reddit comments being posted as news articles, based on comments from a Reddit discussion I created about news articles based on Reddit comments."Sep 06 07:57
schestowitz"Hahaha, this is the Internet! 'Journalists' have to produce quantity, not quality, and try to clickbait it up some.'Sep 06 07:57
schestowitz 06 09:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yurihentai6969: Lol fuck off kike 06 09:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #London City Airport flights disrupted after 'Black Lives Matter' protesters occupy runway. Protests work only when they're disruptive. #blmSep 06 09:13
schestowitzstay classy...Sep 06 09:13
schestowitzMinceR: 06 09:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@andreascseh: We don't need any of you! Hungarian coders among the best in the world #Hungary @schestowitz 06 09:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | PORTFOLIO.HU | Hungarian coders among the best in the worldSep 06 09:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@andreascseh: We don't need any of you! Hungarian coders among the best in the world #Hungary @schestowitz 06 09:31
schestowitz 06 09:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ManagingIP: @schestowitz Our events are free for in-house counsel, academics & R&D professionals. Come next year as our guest! #EUpatent16Sep 06 09:47
schestowitz 06 09:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@d4v3nu11: So, you mean... If you give root access to the attacker, you're screwed? like in # apt-get install malware-nonfree 06 09:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Media hyping up "Linux" threat which requires 1) the cracker has access to the device. 2) cracker installs malware 06 09:50
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Sep 06 10:51
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Sep 06 11:59
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Sep 6 11:59:31 2016
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Sep 6 11:59:54 2016
*Now talking on #techbytesSep 06 11:59
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastSep 06 11:59
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Sep 06 11:59
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 06 17:46
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesSep 06 17:46
schestowitz 06 19:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FACLC: .@schestowitz @DrJillStein I can't wait for #EndMuslimImmigration to gain awareness by violently seizing Charing Cross rail station. #ukpoliSep 06 19:24
schestowitz 06 20:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MariusNestor: @schestowitz 24 also in Bucharest :)Sep 06 20:02
schestowitzMy best friend flies there tomorrow afternoonSep 06 20:02
schestowitz 06 20:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ThomasPaine5: @zoobab @schestowitz #TaxationIsTheftSep 06 20:03
schestowitz 06 20:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @schestowitz i doubt that he cannot declare w/o the house. We do have fail safe system on this topic. And its so toothless because of aquinoSep 06 20:03
schestowitzhope they can stop his Marcosism early enoughSep 06 20:03
schestowitz 06 20:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@elhombretequila: Fear monger detected. Stop meddling our affairs! False analogy on Pol Pot. Get your facts straight. 06 20:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: With "State of Lawlessness" things are going according to plan for #PolPot #Duterte - much as I predicated all along. Next stop: Martial LawSep 06 20:04
schestowitz 06 20:05
schestowitz 06 20:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JesselynRadack: #HandGrenade has shut down my DC neighborhood #Scary 06 20:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Hand grenade surrendered to police spurs shop closures, evacuations in Northwest | WTOPSep 06 20:05
schestowitzcommon in Sweden these days 06 20:05
-TechBytesBot/ | List of grenade attacks in Sweden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaSep 06 20:05
schestowitz 06 20:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @schestowitz to far he has a insane number supporter. He has to do more damage if you want him out. The worst luck is ph might get lazy.Sep 06 20:12
schestowitzhis 15mil voters are vocal and passionate, but many also disagree with E-J killingsSep 06 20:12
schestowitz 06 20:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @schestowitz i doubt that it would be the case. I would believe he might get sack on obama case ph is a loyalist to america. Worst case.Sep 06 20:16
schestowitzAlso Goldberg ("Bakla")Sep 06 20:16
schestowitz 06 20:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @schestowitz not much on that american president is like king for most naive filipino which is the ph weakness. 5m ph in america is proof.Sep 06 20:20
schestowitzBecause you're effectively occupied by them for 120 years now, except briefly (japan reign)Sep 06 20:20
schestowitz 06 20:24
-TechBytesBot/ "Yet a large portion of Tor is so drunk on self-righteousness... piloting into their adversaries’ hands." 06 20:24
schestowitz"Sep 06 20:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Tor’s Branding Pivot is Going to Get Someone Killed – MediumSep 06 20:24
schestowitzI thought he was from California and spent most of his youth living with his father there. That is where he first learned to program, on a stolen computer from one of his father’s friends.Sep 06 20:25
schestowitzAnyway, what does living in Seattle have to do with a former Microsoft employee sticking up for him now?Sep 06 20:25
schestowitz"Sep 06 20:25
schestowitzI think he just worked in Seattle there (a university)Sep 06 20:25
schestowitz 06 20:25
-TechBytesBot/ "Most hardware that has the #ME doesn't really work without the ME. #libreboot doesn't fix that" #x86 has back doorSep 06 20:25
schestowitz"Sep 06 20:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | ELI5: Why do we need an open source BIOS firmware such as LibreBoot? : linuxSep 06 20:25
schestowitzThey might think that, but what they will get is incompetence and inability to trust or do anything. Trying to compute without a healthy free software community is like trying to have medicine without science. They will slowly slide backwards towards a stewardship that looks like Microsoft or some other software owner’s handling. Resources used to maintain the work will be minimized and the positions filled with overworked slaves. It willSep 06 20:25
schestowitzcollapse as surely as Windows and BSD did. It’s not a case we should even consider.Sep 06 20:25
schestowitzIt’s better to keep the community alive by encouraging hardware makers to do the right thing. That should be easy to do because the hardware vendor that provides people with computers they can trust will quickly take over the business market and they will always be tempted to make yet more money by selling “consumer” devices too.Sep 06 20:25
schestowitz"Sep 06 20:26
schestowitz 06 20:26
-TechBytesBot/ Regarding #dakota and the indigenous population there #greensUSA #oil #energy #waterSep 06 20:26
schestowitz"Perhaps this is the true meaning of democracy.'Sep 06 20:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ajamubaraka: Is it really a democracy when corporations can make decisions about the land in direct opposition to the needs and demands of the people?Sep 06 20:26
schestowitz"So, when are we going to start calling it corporate terrorism?'Sep 06 20:26
schestowitzWhen we get to define words, which is rareSep 06 20:26
schestowitz 06 20:26
-TechBytesBot/ 06 20:26
schestowitz"It’s good to see her criticizing Trump."Sep 06 20:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DrJillStein: Flip-flopping @realDonaldTrump has done it again. #OpenDebates #BreakThe2PartyTrap 06 20:26
schestowitzShe does bothSep 06 20:26
schestowitz 06 20:27
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: **A bit of #poetry ,some immensity and #humanity** ? ### Immersion in the #spirit of #carlsagan 06 20:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by 06 20:27
schestowitz"Sep 06 20:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Carl Sagan quotes will make you realize how precious life is - Business InsiderSep 06 20:27
schestowitzDr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Sep 06 20:27
schestowitzNeil DeGrasse TysonSep 06 20:27
schestowitz"Sep 06 20:27
schestowitzDoesn't look like him at all, is this over her Pluto thing?Sep 06 20:27
schestowitz 06 20:27
-TechBytesBot/ #OnePlus merging #OxygenOS and #HydrogenOS to improve updates #android #linuxSep 06 20:27
schestowitz"Sep 06 20:27
schestowitzI was sure that someone will say this :pSep 06 20:27
schestowitzSo I better said “If we add one other HydrogenOS we will get WaterOS ?”Sep 06 20:27
schestowitz"Sep 06 20:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | OnePlus merging Oxygen OS and Hydrogen OS to improve updatesSep 06 20:27
schestowitzAQUOS?Sep 06 20:27
schestowitz 06 20:28
-TechBytesBot/ It's true. With #gnu #linux one can brick or compromise one's own PC/server. With #microsoft #windows however the #nsa can do it remotely.Sep 06 20:28
schestowitz"I thought you would say that with windows the computer already comes bricked/compromised."Sep 06 20:28
schestowitz"@mgmillani yes, with windows, computers are already compromised by default'Sep 06 20:28
schestowitzJust not remotely enabled to join the botnet (yet)Sep 06 20:28
schestowitz 06 20:30
-TechBytesBot/ #clinton smashes evidence of her criminality with a hammer barbarian politician, funded by Saudi BarbariaSep 06 20:30
schestowitz"I remember the UK smashing harddrives assumed holding Snowden documents…both acts seem dumb and barbaric, and ultimately futile. It’s like when a Caesar ordered the legion to hold back the tide ;)"Sep 06 20:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jeffmgould: Making Tim Cook's day - Hillary had 5 iPads in 4 years at State (buy new one at retail, smash old one with hammer) 06 20:30
schestowitzyes, those became epic videos. I bet people like Theresa May think it was a good idea (at the time), she's clueless, I spoke to her in lengthSep 06 20:30
schestowitz 06 20:31
-TechBytesBot/ In just 2 months #duterte took his country back more than two decades. How much damage will he do before inevitable impeachment? #bastosSep 06 20:31
schestowitz"He’s perfect example of a Trumpster…but imagine such a person also in charge of a nuclear arsenal…"Sep 06 20:31
schestowitzI reckon that not only Guam but MAYBE also .ph has nukes somewhere (like NATO in Turkey), in case of conflict with S.E.A. nations/ChinaSep 06 20:31
schestowitz 06 21:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @Kenlloyd1Cruz @schestowitz i am not a fortune teller so i cannot say it by i am not risk type butSep 06 21:39
schestowitz 06 21:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @Kenlloyd1Cruz @schestowitz base on the flow of news i think pres duterte might pull it and get most profit with the china tension.Sep 06 21:45
schestowitz 06 21:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @Kenlloyd1Cruz @schestowitz my thinking too short sorry i think i know his plan and would rock the world it pure genius amazing. Not joking.Sep 06 21:45
schestowitzRight now he makes enemies from the outside and the inside, not a good atmosphere for development IMHOSep 06 21:45
schestowitz 06 21:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @schestowitz @Kenlloyd1Cruz lol you got fooled his plan is easy but effective their a saying in our coutry "namangka sa dalawa ilog"Sep 06 21:48
schestowitz 06 21:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @schestowitz @Kenlloyd1Cruz whi is literal mean using it both at the same time. He his going to do it lol he has guts play china and americaSep 06 21:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @schestowitz @Kenlloyd1Cruz what a cunning old man.Sep 06 21:52
schestowitzBoth have nukes, not seeing the benefit of thatSep 06 21:52
schestowitz 06 22:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @schestowitz @Kenlloyd1Cruz lol you are not seing the whole picture he want america and china to clash with money. Aid, investment etcSep 06 22:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Kenlloyd1Cruz: @schestowitz @NoobyScholar who told you he mke enemy from the inside? He has 91% approval ratings.Filipino support him bcoz its for the goodSep 06 22:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Kenlloyd1Cruz: @NoobyScholar @schestowitz pag gumanda ang pinas balang araw lumayas ka sa pinas kasi kontra ka..Sep 06 22:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Kenlloyd1Cruz: @NoobyScholar @schestowitz hahaha!! Stupid idea.. You dont know anything and yet you're speaking like you are righteous..Sep 06 22:06
schestowitz 06 22:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @schestowitz @Kenlloyd1Cruz nothing venture nothing gain you know this is right? Just see and read more new specially on au and jp.Sep 06 22:07
schestowitz 06 22:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @Kenlloyd1Cruz @schestowitz this is fruitfull discussion w/o it i would not notice duterte plan. Too bad the other one cannot see it. Ty 2Sep 06 22:14
schestowitz 06 22:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Kenlloyd1Cruz: @NoobyScholar @schestowitz are you sure? Maybe you are blinded and you cannot see the pure intentions of duterte..Sep 06 22:22
schestowitz 06 22:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoobyScholar: @Kenlloyd1Cruz @schestowitz yep it is very noble and pure. I am just a little bit late reading it. But it is not a lost you know.Sep 06 22:26
schestowitz 06 22:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Kenlloyd1Cruz: @NoobyScholar @schestowitz U are reading bias news.Which is control by the people who r affected with the fight against drugs and corruptionSep 06 22:26
schestowitz 07 00:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@greenunicorn_hk: @schestowitz 🖕🏾with that pol pot comment about DuterteSep 07 00:40
schestowitz 07 08:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@veniviedivici: @schestowitz Let's write a song about Keith Vaz and Lord #Leveson !Sep 07 08:15
schestowitz 07 08:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FisherBurton: @schestowitz Trump isn't the one who claimed to care about the well-being of Native Americans. So she's the only hypocrite.Sep 07 08:16
schestowitz 07 08:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WaddyBean: @schestowitz It's NOT ok to have sex with whomever you like! There are ethics involved.Sep 07 08:16
schestowitz 07 08:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fcassia: MSFT moles inside Big Blue, 2004. For your archive, @schestowitz 07 08:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fcassia: MSFT moles inside Big Blue, 2004. For your archive, @schestowitz 07 08:17
schestowitz 07 08:20
-TechBytesBot/ Ubuntu 16.04 kisses the cloud, disses the desktop 07 08:20
schestowitz"Since when you need a Ubuntu One account to install snaps?"Sep 07 08:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu 16.04 kisses the cloud, disses the desktop | Network WorldSep 07 08:20
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Sep 07 16:01
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Sep 7 16:01:58 2016
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Sep 7 16:02:22 2016
*Now talking on #techbytesSep 07 16:02
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastSep 07 16:02
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Sep 07 16:02
schestowitz 07 17:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: @schestowitz Maybe the kat is getting old and grumpy?Sep 07 17:59
schestowitz 07 17:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: @schestowitz Unfortunately no translation yetSep 07 18:00
schestowitzI can wait...Sep 07 18:00
schestowitz 07 18:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DrJillStein: The TPP is NAFTA on steroids. Stop it before it's too late. #NoTPPSep 07 18:46
schestowitzNAFTA did not have ISDS. This is a whole new scary beast. And #clinton supports it. Kaine also.Sep 07 18:47
schestowitz 07 19:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AJimenez1988: @schestowitz @INQ ...he would have finished GNU Hurd years ago.Sep 07 19:29
schestowitz>       *Dear Roy Schestowitz,*Sep 07 20:00
schestowitz>Sep 07 20:00
schestowitz> Hi Roy,Sep 07 20:00
schestowitz>Sep 07 20:00
schestowitz> Email should work again : 07 20:00
-TechBytesBot/ <strong> ![Avatar](/camo/2e62b8ad61ced5627720be2c7dc38bbdf4865cff/68747470733a2f2f6a6f696e64696173706f72612e73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f75706c6f6164732f696d616765732f7468756d625f736d616c6c5f36356131613466613730643339613730303135612e6a7067) @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;} </strong><sup> [9/3/2016, 12:13:35 PM](/posts/ff5890c053ec0134e61a0242ac110007)</sup> > Over the past 3 or 4 daSep 07 20:00
schestowitz>Sep 07 20:00
schestowitz> Thanks for the heads-up,Sep 07 20:00
schestowitz> LukasSep 07 20:00
schestowitz 07 20:00
schestowitz"Why change the address instead of just using a different SMTP server? Were there problems with bounced emails?"Sep 07 20:00
schestowitz"the JD domain uses gmail which has pretty strict limits if it comes to bulk emails. Since maxwell still needs the gmail thing and I don’t want to pay extra money to google. I decided to use a different provider without any additional costs."Sep 07 20:00
schestowitzExcellent, thank you so much!Sep 07 20:01
schestowitz> 07 21:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 07 21:22
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:22
schestowitz>"Sep 07 21:22
-TechBytesBot/ | The Sun slams Corbyn for advocating ‘open source’ software, but uses it for its own website | Political Scrapbook [ ]Sep 07 21:22
schestowitz> -Sep 07 21:22
schestowitz> 07 21:22
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:22
schestowitz> 07 21:22
-TechBytesBot/ | Site report for [ ]Sep 07 21:22
-TechBytesBot/ | Tencent Is Now the Most Valuable Company in Asia [ ]Sep 07 21:22
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:22
schestowitz> 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Activists to FBI: Show Us Your Warrant for Mass Hack of TorMail Users | Motherboard [ ]Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> " I didn’t already know about how pervasive this technology have become."Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Location Privacy: The Purview of the Rich and Indigent — Krebs on Security [ ]Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> xSep 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Want a Free Market? Abolish Cash - Bloomberg View [ ]Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> " IT [sic] glitch"Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
schestowitz> M$ ?Sep 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | British Airways apologises to delayed passengers - BBC NewsSep 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | E-sport lockar fler tittare än traditionell sport online | [ ]Sep 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Google Translate [ ]Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Norwegian politicians want to censor the Internet, because Rule 34 ("because all the pornography") | Privacy Online News [ ]Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz>;list=PLXhdHq3mTmVvQKStiS5Eyvm8mH9s0Tmpx&amp;index=3Sep 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | BIST2016 / Christian Engström: Basic Income – A Concrete and Calculated Proposal - YouTube [ ]Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Operatörer om piratjakten: Vill ha tusentals ip-adresser | SvD [ ]Sep 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Google Translate [ ]Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> solid presentation ( BUT too many of  the politicians push FB in Sweden,Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> even the ones that should know better )Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Finnish nuclear company fired whistleblower over safety concerns | Yle Uutiset | [ ]Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz>That got pasted wrong.  It should be:Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz>Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> "I would much rather subsidize people than subsidize industries"Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz>;list=PLXhdHq3mTmVvQKStiS5Eyvm8mH9s0Tmpx&amp;index=3Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> solid presentation ( BUT too many of  the politicians push FB in Sweden,Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> even the ones that should know better )Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
schestowitz> 07 21:23
schestowitz> =Sep 07 21:23
schestowitzYes, I noticedSep 07 21:24
schestowitz 07 21:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sanmay44: @schestowitz @DrJillStein Cmon Its not like Jill took a hammer & beat the bulldozer like Hillary did to her gov. computers.Sep 07 21:25
schestowitztouché!Sep 07 21:26
schestowitz 07 22:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jsalsman: @schestowitz @krebsonsec is it really expensive to put address, phone & vehicle in hidden corporate name? I.e. tens not hundreds of dollars?Sep 07 22:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sandra_Stork: Problem is the same in all the #EU it seems #whistleblowers save many lives at their and families expense 07 22:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Finnish nuclear company fired whistleblower over safety concerns remember #trident WB?Sep 07 22:06
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Sep 08 09:31
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Sep 8 09:31:00 2016
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Sep 8 09:31:22 2016
*Now talking on #techbytesSep 08 09:31
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastSep 08 09:31
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Sep 08 09:31
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/ | What the 21st Century Has Done to Our News | The NationSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/ | Weak Sales Reorg - Dilbert Comic Strip on 2016-09-07 | Dilbert by Scott AdamsSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> "With its own custom "Bluetooth-like" chip..."Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/ | Free Isn't Freedom: How Silicon Valley Tricks Us | MotherboardSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/ | Apple 'AirPods' to target high end of headphone market with custom 'Bluetooth-like' low-power techSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/ | Fingeravtrykk - DagbladetSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
schestowitz> -Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> older:Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/ | Google TranslateSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> "contain a number of restrictions intended to prevent mobile phoneSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> users shopping around for the best deal"Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/ | New Assange case details expected from Sweden - The LocalSep 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> "When you are told that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance, thisSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> is what it means. This struggle will continue throughout your life. WeSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> have to succeed every time; they have to succeed only once. Never dropSep 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/ | How surveillance capitalism tracks you without cookies / Boing BoingSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> your guard."Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/ | Internet Tracking Has Moved Beyond Cookies | FiveThirtyEightSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:46
schestowitz> 08 11:46
-TechBytesBot/ | EU free roaming to be restricted by 'fair use' clause | TheINQUIRERSep 08 11:46
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
schestowitz> so will he be allowed to carry on from inside the jail?Sep 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/ | The transatlantic trade deal TTIP may be dead, but something even worse is coming | George Monbiot | Opinion | The GuardianSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> xSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
schestowitz> LinkedIn spam from M$ via TelegraphSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/ | New Docs Show How the NSA Used the Iraq War to Build its Surveillance Apparatus | MotherboardSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/ | Ferguson activist Darren Seals dies at 29 | Local News | stlamerican.comSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/ | Congressional Report Slams OPM on Data Breach — Krebs on SecuritySep 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> "However, the CJEU doesn't rule on the dispute itself. It's left up toSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> the national court, in this case the French Cour de Cassation."Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/ | Anjem Choudary, UK's 'most hated man' jailed - CNN.comSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> "The 138-year-old technology will be replaced by headsets that plugSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> into the device’s Lightning connector, which is also used for charging."Sep 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/ | Gwyneth Paltrow: 'I walked away from a career where people kissed my ass — and I couldn’t be happier' Sep 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
schestowitz> and fragile and unreliable and proprietary.  sounds like a winSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/ | Automated systems fight ISIS propaganda, but at what cost? | The VergeSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> "Friday a Swedish regional high court will – once again – look into theSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> issue of Mr. Assanges’ arrest warrant. "Sep 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/ | Porn Sites Feel Exposed by Flash, Get It on With HTML5 | MotherboardSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/ | Microsoft will reportedly gun for Slack with Skype Teams | TheINQUIRERSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:47
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:47
-TechBytesBot/ | Sony wins battle over preinstalled Windows in Europe’s top court | Ars TechnicaSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> "headphone jack is gone"Sep 08 11:47
schestowitz> xSep 08 11:47
schestowitz> 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Algeria: 3-Year Sentence for Insulting Islam | Human Rights WatchSep 08 11:48
schestowitz> DRMSep 08 11:48
schestowitz> -Sep 08 11:48
schestowitz> "so who cares."Sep 08 11:48
schestowitz> xSep 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | iPhone 7 launch: Apple gambles on headphone jack and introduces new Apple Watch | Technology | The GuardianSep 08 11:48
schestowitz> 08 11:48
schestowitz> actually anyone that ever plans on listening via computer, regardless ofSep 08 11:48
schestowitz> whether on Apple or not...Sep 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Internet Disinformation Service for Hire - Schneier on SecuritySep 08 11:48
schestowitz> -Sep 08 11:48
schestowitz> "And they're both consumer-friendly"Sep 08 11:48
schestowitz> x 08 11:48
schestowitz> wrong, DRM is a kick the crotch for consumers.  Why are all theSep 08 11:48
schestowitz> mainstream media ignoring the most significant issue dropping the analogSep 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Showdown in the Assange case? | HAXSep 08 11:48
schestowitz> jack represents?Sep 08 11:48
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:48
schestowitz> "The recommendations include not only how much kids should move around,Sep 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Megaupload: Court Copy-Pasted U.S. Lawyers, Made Glaring Errors - TorrentFreakSep 08 11:48
schestowitz> but also how long kids should sit still. "Sep 08 11:48
schestowitz> 08 11:48
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:48
schestowitz> 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Anti-Piracy Groups Petition Clinton & Trump for Tough Copyright Laws - TorrentFreakSep 08 11:48
schestowitz> probably a lot of M$ under all thatSep 08 11:48
schestowitz> =Sep 08 11:48
schestowitz> 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Scary Torrent Site Blocking Message Has to Change, Judge Rules - TorrentFreakSep 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Hands on with the iPhone 7: A brief peek at the wireless future | Ars TechnicaSep 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Communities Dominate Brands: Nice Camera and Waterproofing - iPhone 7, oh and Apple Watch 2Sep 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | iPhone 7 Storage Will Start at 32GB Instead of 16GBSep 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Education Minister: Three hours a day exercise for kids under 8 | Yle Uutiset | yle.fiSep 08 11:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Eight of the biggest ever public sector IT disasters | Gallery | Computerworld UKSep 08 11:49
-TechBytesBot/ | How to Raise a Genius: Lessons from a 45-Year Study of Supersmart Children - Scientific AmericanSep 08 11:49
schestowitz 08 12:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeaH2ONymph: Brains but no humanity: top 1% kids "become our eminent Fortune 500 CEOs, federal judges, senators & billionaires” 08 12:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: How to Raise a Genius: Lessons from a 45-Year Study of Supersmart Children Joseph Bates...Sep 08 12:39
schestowitz 08 12:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@matthewstinar: @schestowitz I've historically used LVM for encrypted root, but I ran into trouble with my last clean install.Sep 08 12:54
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: No route to host)Sep 08 13:21
*schestowitz_log has quit (Read error: No route to host)Sep 08 13:21
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesSep 08 13:21
*schestowitz_log ( has joined #techbytesSep 08 13:21
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*schestowitz_log ( has joined #techbytesSep 08 13:22
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 08 17:27
*schestowitz_log has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 08 17:27
*schestowitz_log ( has joined #techbytesSep 08 17:27
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesSep 08 17:27
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesSep 08 17:31
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*schestowitz_log ( has joined #techbytesSep 08 17:48
schestowitz 08 19:09
-TechBytesBot/ "How can people who do the work in America receive a fair share of the wealth we create" 08 19:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Once Again, America Seeks the Answer to The Labor Question - BillMoyers.comSep 08 19:09
schestowitz"Hahahaha… Nah. Labor isn’t back yet. When it is they’re going to take everything explicitly for the reason that the Capitalist class wont budge on any concessions."Sep 08 19:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Super rich hold $32 trillion in offshore havens | ReutersSep 08 19:09
schestowitz 08 19:19
-TechBytesBot/ <strong> ![Avatar](/camo/2e62b8ad61ced5627720be2c7dc38bbdf4865cff/68747470733a2f2f6a6f696e64696173706f72612e73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f75706c6f6164732f696d616765732f7468756d625f736d616c6c5f36356131613466613730643339613730303135612e6a7067) @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;} </strong><sup> [9/3/2016, 12:13:35 PM](/posts/ff5890c053ec0134e61a0242ac110007)</sup> > Over the past 3 or 4 daSep 08 19:19
schestowitz"Gandi \o/"Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz"Wow thanks for letting us know. I am so happy we are out of google. So google has until now mined all the notifications + emails we got 😱"Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz"Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz    Wow thanks for letting us know. I am so happy we are out of google. So google has until now mined all the notifications + emails we got 😱Sep 08 19:19
schestowitzwell its email right and now mines instead of google ;)Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz"Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz"Why the domain name change? That shouldn’t be necessary?'Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz"Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz    Since maxwell still needs the gmail thing and I don’t want to pay extra money to google […]Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz@Vlijmen it is necessary since I cannot use the MX records for JDSep 08 19:19
schestowitz"Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz"Sorry for the offtop, just wondering if we still have that XMPP chat feature (and I idiotically can’t find it in new design) or is it gone for a while?"Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz"@shadwen go on the main stream its a bit hidden:"Sep 08 19:19
schestowitz"Thanks for the answer! The problem is me: some settings in Firefox prevent chat from loading, will have to figure out )"Sep 08 19:20
schestowitz 08 19:20
-TechBytesBot/ Julita Inca Chiroque: How Do You Fedora? #gnu #linux #fedora #redhatSep 08 19:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 08 19:20
schestowitz"Really, how so? It seems simple enough, how could it be bloated?"Sep 08 19:20
schestowitz"Code-wise?"Sep 08 19:21
schestowitzI remember the graphical installer back in the old daysSep 08 19:21
schestowitz 08 19:23
-TechBytesBot/ #mozilla saying that #firefox needs #drm (or #eme to use the 'damage control') to remain competitive is lying for business objectivesSep 08 19:23
schestowitz"The new headphone socket on the new iPhone is also designed for DRM purposes."Sep 08 19:23
schestowitz"theunhived. care to elaborate on that?"Sep 08 19:23
schestowitz"The analogue audio jack has always been the pain in the backside to the copyright trolls in their attempts to stop piracy. Do a study into this new socket and how it can be used with DRM to prevent you from listening to unauthorized material. These companies make tools for the establishment not for the people, its a veil that Apple etc make products to help the people. If you don’t already know what DRM means then its Digital RightsSep 08 19:24
schestowitzManagement.'Sep 08 19:24
schestowitz"Yes I do understand what apita DRm is. Just didn’t think about it before but sure you can still ripeverything with the audio-jack"Sep 08 19:24
schestowitzyes, they'll make it less convenient over time. Not that DRM in Vista and successors (now Vista 10) ever stopped copying. It's a losing games.Sep 08 19:24
schestowitz*gameSep 08 19:25
schestowitz 08 19:25
-TechBytesBot/ I remember #linuxinsider having an editor who admitted he had never used #gnu #linux - that's like me running a site called Apple InsiderSep 08 19:25
schestowitz":V"Sep 08 19:25
schestowitz"or #MS Insider as well'Sep 08 19:25
schestowitz"Crazy…"Sep 08 19:25
schestowitz"Like the pope talking about sexuality and parenting xD"Sep 08 19:25
schestowitz"Or someone in the US talking about freedom and democracy :)"Sep 08 19:25
schestowitz Another Anonymous: but I actually know the company (not software) very, very well, having written about it for decades and spoken to insiders. I try to know the enemy....Sep 08 19:26
schestowitz 08 19:27
-TechBytesBot/ Incredibly important #GNU #Libreboot Adds Support For Another (Outdated) Intel Motherboard so no bad doors in it yetSep 08 19:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | GNU Libreboot Adds Support For Another (Outdated) Intel Motherboard - PhoronixSep 08 19:27
schestowitz"That’s why EOMA68 is important."Sep 08 19:27
-TechBytesBot/ | Earth-friendly EOMA68 Computing Devices | Crowd SupplySep 08 19:27
schestowitz"Eoma68 is gonna be freakin great"Sep 08 19:27
schestowitzI keep reading about it. Now seen it yet...Sep 08 19:27
schestowitz*NotSep 08 19:27
schestowitz 08 19:28
-TechBytesBot/ Dive Deep Into Python Vs Perl Debate – What Should I Learn Python or Perl? #python #perlSep 08 19:28
schestowitz"Python'Sep 08 19:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Dive Deep Into Python Vs Perl Debate - What Should I Learn Python or Perl?Sep 08 19:28
schestowitz"Python too"Sep 08 19:28
schestowitz"Feel the snake’s cool embrace"Sep 08 19:28
schestowitzSounds like something Microsoft needs to embrace.. and stretchSep 08 19:28
schestowitz 08 19:29
-TechBytesBot/ A #snowden pseudonym became an award-winning movie title 08 19:29
schestowitz"Sep 08 19:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Snowden: @Paulmd199 For those who don't know what "citizenfour" is: 08 19:29
schestowitzRather old news, isn’t it? Released in 2014.Sep 08 19:29
schestowitz 08 19:29
schestowitz"Sep 08 19:29
schestowitzbut the reports about the families that protected him are very newSep 08 19:29
schestowitz 08 19:29
schestowitz"from the dutch pro-erdogan-party, makes sense"Sep 08 19:29
schestowitz 08 19:30
schestowitz"Sep 08 19:30
schestowitzIt is a pretty good trick.Sep 08 19:30
schestowitzApparently it is in the regex standardSep 08 19:30
schestowitzI never find someone who uses Kate, I am happy to meet you lolSep 08 19:30
schestowitz"Sep 08 19:30
schestowitz 08 19:30
schestowitzI don't think I have had the need for regex in search and replace yetSep 08 19:30
schestowitz 08 19:30
schestowitz"Sep 08 19:31
schestowitzmoney-quote:Sep 08 19:31
schestowitz    Stability is sometimes more a feeling and it’s measured in how much dread you feel when your finger is hovering over the icon to launch the applicationSep 08 19:31
schestowitz"Sep 08 19:31
schestowitzGreat quote, I agree!Sep 08 19:31
schestowitz 08 19:32
schestowitz""Sep 08 19:32
*TechBytesBot has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 08 19:32
schestowitzAh, so that's where the claims that Green Party "is Russia!" comes from. Guilt by association.Sep 08 19:33
schestowitz 08 19:33
schestowitz"But that may be Trump."Sep 08 19:33
schestowitzDoubt it, he's just exploiting racists and foolsSep 08 19:34
schestowitz 08 19:34
schestowitz"and so, the last vestiges of the analog hole was closed and the publishers rejoiced.'Sep 08 19:34
schestowitzSad daySep 08 19:34
schestowitz“based on Electron” - stopped readingSep 08 19:34
schestowitz"“based on Electron” - stopped reading"Sep 08 19:34
schestowitz 08 19:34
schestowitzCan't blame youSep 08 19:34
*TechBytesBot ( has joined #techbytesSep 08 19:35
TechBytesBotHello World! I'm TechBytesBot running phIRCe v0.75Sep 08 19:35
schestowitz 08 19:36
-TechBytesBot/ #Samsung Z2 Tizen 4G/ LTE Smartphone Released in South Africa – Z200Y #tizen #linux #africaSep 08 19:36
schestowitz"don’t think it’s cheap enough to hit the market they’re after"Sep 08 19:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Samsung Z2 Tizen 4G/ LTE Smartphone Released in South Africa - Z200Y - Tizen Experts [ ]Sep 08 19:36
schestowitzI guess they rely on distributors thereSep 08 19:36
schestowitz 08 19:36
-TechBytesBot/ Right wing sites complain that #cnn uses #censorship to shut up Golden Dawnald 08 19:36
schestowitz"So you don’t believe there is mass censorship against Donald J. Trump? He’s censored by the minute."Sep 08 19:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | CNN: The Censoring News Network - Michael Brown [ ]Sep 08 19:36
schestowitzThere isSep 08 19:36
schestowitz 08 19:36
-TechBytesBot/ NYT: Corbyn Has Marginalized Labour With His Popular Positions well, we already know #nytimes works for oligarchsSep 08 19:36
schestowitz"Which puts me somewhere around the moon."Sep 08 19:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | NYT: Corbyn Has Marginalized Labour With His Popular Positions | FAIR [ ]Sep 08 19:36
schestowitz 08 19:37
-TechBytesBot/ #Norway politicians want to censor the Internet, because Rule 34 (“because all the pornography”) #censorshipSep 08 19:37
schestowitz"According to the Norwegian paper I read yesterday they were inspired by Cameron’s net-filter."Sep 08 19:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Norwegian politicians want to censor the Internet, because Rule 34 ("because all the pornography") | Privacy Online News [ ]Sep 08 19:37
schestowitzSorry for our PM...Sep 08 19:37
schestowitz 08 19:37
-TechBytesBot/ Morton County Sheriff's Department announces arrest warrants against people in #facebook - as if Facebook and #police separate entities?Sep 08 19:37
schestowitz"#facebook is social networking with a built-in snitch…"Sep 08 19:37
schestowitzSince its inception, that's why it attracted funding from the likes of Goldman and Thiel perhaps...Sep 08 19:38
schestowitz 08 19:38
-TechBytesBot/ Lots of articles about how #snowden was sheltered by #hk families 08 19:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Log In - The New York Times [ ]Sep 08 19:38
schestowitz"If you need help, ask the poor…"Sep 08 19:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Fugitive Snowden hid amongst Hong Kong refugees: report | News , World | THE DAILY STAR [ ]Sep 08 19:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Snowden sought refuge with asylum-seekers - The Standard [ ]Sep 08 19:38
schestowitzTrue, so says the proverb(ish), unless what you need is money.Sep 08 19:38
schestowitz 08 19:39
-TechBytesBot/ Let's pretend only two people run for President (in reality: only two are backed by corporations that own the US) 08 19:39
schestowitz"I wish more people saw this farce as you do."Sep 08 19:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Hillary Clinton Comes Predictably Prepared, Trump Swaggers but Falters at Commander-in-Chief Forum - Truthdig [ ]Sep 08 19:39
schestowitzMore and more people see it like this, and the more who do... the more likely we are to break the duopoly among with corporate mediaSep 08 19:39
schestowitz 08 19:39
-TechBytesBot/ Krita 3.0.1: new features and bug fixes #krita #kde #gnu #linuxSep 08 19:39
schestowitz"#snap #appimage"Sep 08 19:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Krita 3.0.1: new features and bug fixes | Krita [ ]Sep 08 19:39
schestowitz 08 19:39
-TechBytesBot/ Julita Inca Chiroque: How Do You Fedora? #gnu #linux #fedora #redhatSep 08 19:39
schestowitz"Now adays it’s great. I never used the old one, I am new to Fedora."Sep 08 19:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 08 19:39
schestowitz"I only remember Ubuntu in “the old days”.'Sep 08 19:40
schestowitzI talk about anaconda around 2007Sep 08 19:40
schestowitzor 2009Sep 08 19:40
schestowitz 08 19:40
-TechBytesBot/ #jillstein made a mistake. She forgot to wear a #clinton mask, so no immunity granted. 08 19:40
schestowitz"But in this case it just adds to her environmental “cred”."Sep 08 19:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Arrest warrant issued for Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein | News | KFGO-790 [ ]Sep 08 19:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Arrest warrant issued for Jill Stein in vandalism investigation | Washington Examiner [ ]Sep 08 19:40
schestowitzTurns out, she just needs to stay out of Dakota now and she'll be fine. No arrest or anything.Sep 08 19:41
schestowitz 08 19:41
-TechBytesBot/ "Stein & her running mate, Ajamu Baraka, have each been charged" but neither #clinton nor Trump (for bigger things)Sep 08 19:41
schestowitz"I do like her even more now"Sep 08 19:41
schestowitz 08 19:41
-TechBytesBot/ State of #Florida Seems to be Sending Automated #Foreclosure Notices En Masse 08 19:41
schestowitz"When were these letter mailed? Your blog post makes no mention of that!"Sep 08 19:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | » Blog Archive » State of Florida Seems to be Sending Automated Foreclosure Notices En Masse [ ]Sep 08 19:42
schestowitzI think last year, I got more info which I didn't have time to publishSep 08 19:42
schestowitz 08 19:42
-TechBytesBot/ "so who cares." actually anyone that ever plans on listening via computer, regardless of whether on Apple or not...Sep 08 19:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Communities Dominate Brands: Nice Camera and Waterproofing - iPhone 7, oh and Apple Watch 2 [ ]Sep 08 19:42
schestowitz"what a scam it all is - as 3.5 mm headphone socket is removed ,means buying new blue tooth phones that is danger to health ! and wallet ! but then only the rich can afford apple products ,and they have no sense it seems !"Sep 08 19:42
schestowitzPlanned obsolescence, thanks Apple!Sep 08 19:43
schestowitz 08 19:43
-TechBytesBot/ Trying Out The #FreeBSD -Powered #TrueOS With Its Custom Qt Desktop #qt #pcbsdSep 08 19:43
schestowitz"Oh yaeh. Features are so cool"Sep 08 19:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Trying Out The FreeBSD-Powered TrueOS With Its Custom Qt Desktop - PhoronixSep 08 19:43
schestowitz 08 19:44
-TechBytesBot/ Trump is terrible, saying that Clinton is too isn't supporting the Golden Dawnald. But holy crap, neither should EVER become US President.Sep 08 19:44
schestowitz"the reality is - one will"Sep 08 19:44
schestowitzYes, sadlySep 08 19:44
schestowitz 08 19:44
-TechBytesBot/ Tools To Password Protect Folder In Linux #gnu #linux #securitySep 08 19:44
schestowitz"better have something like NoScript to see that site, lurkers there includng goo."Sep 08 19:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Tools To Password Protect Folder In Linux - LinuxAndUbuntuSep 08 19:44
schestowitzI didn't know it was 'infected', I use noscript all the timeSep 08 19:44
schestowitz 08 19:44
schestowitz"We need to fix that problem."Sep 08 19:44
-TechBytesBot/ "This struggle will continue throughout your life. We have to succeed every time; they have to succeed only once." 08 19:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The transatlantic trade deal TTIP may be dead, but something even worse is coming | George Monbiot | Opinion | The GuardianSep 08 19:45
schestowitzThere's no simply fix, other than radical steps against the perpetratorsSep 08 19:45
schestowitz*simpleSep 08 19:45
schestowitz 08 19:45
-TechBytesBot/ The Dutertards now defend "Martial Law" #marcos and using votes for his son as "proof" people "moved on". Nope, clueless younger generation.Sep 08 19:45
schestowitz"… the second word should be tagged. but hey! no, i will not “follow” it. =)"Sep 08 19:45
MinceRbluetooth uses even lower transmission power than cell phone networkingSep 08 19:46
schestowitzI doubt many people bother looking for this one specifically, unless they view themselves as such (same for yellowtards and Abnoys)Sep 08 19:46
schestowitzMinceR: yesSep 08 19:46
schestowitzbut stillSep 08 19:46
schestowitzthe old wires have 0 radiation almost, except magnetic pulsesSep 08 19:47
schestowitzwhich the wireless ones will have anywaySep 08 19:47
schestowitzso it's an addition of radiation source, very close to the eardrum where you can't operate to remove tumoursSep 08 19:47
*schestowitz looks for new linkSep 08 19:48
schestowitzthere.Sep 08 19:48
schestowitz 08 19:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Modern life is killing our children: Cancer rate in young people up 40 per cent in 16 years Sep 08 19:48
schestowitzthere are worse sources of radiation than headphonesSep 08 19:49
schestowitzbut every little thing can contribute, any reduction helpsSep 08 19:49
MinceRthen don't use phones :>Sep 08 19:49
schestowitzincluding pollutants like cars, for those living close to a road and sleeping not far from a busy highwaySep 08 19:49
schestowitzMinceR: good, me neitherSep 08 19:49
schestowitzbut rianne has one in the room, I reckon it's not much worse than all the wireless devicesSep 08 19:49
schestowitz5 of them in the bedroom aloneSep 08 19:50
MinceRit's the only way for me to access the Internet in some placesSep 08 19:50
MinceRgood thing i'm not afraid of microwaves :>Sep 08 19:50
schestowitz 08 19:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dtmfman: @schestowitz @wizegie @DrJillStein what's criminal are the DNC, election process, and the presstitutes who spin truth to match paid agendas.Sep 08 19:50
schestowitzMinceR: I try not to use ours, unless or except in special casesSep 08 19:50
schestowitzsome people cook plastics in itSep 08 19:51
schestowitzand then they get the airborne residues, tooSep 08 19:51
MinceRmicrowave oven != cellular phone :>Sep 08 19:51
schestowitzlots more radiationSep 08 19:51
schestowitzbut for shorter timeSep 08 19:51
schestowitzand furhter away from the headSep 08 19:51
schestowitzalso, with one you digest what was in the source of radiationSep 08 19:52
schestowitzingestion of particular objects that were in it can be harmful I thinjkSep 08 19:52
schestowitzyou wouldn't want to drink liters of water each day after boiling it (or close to boiling) in a microwaveSep 08 19:53
MinceRi'm not afraid to ingest water molecules that were heated via microwaves :>Sep 08 20:35
MinceRthat said, a microwave oven can make some foods rather unappealingSep 08 20:35
MinceRlike a bunch of potato cubes that became sticky and unpleasantSep 08 20:36
MinceRbut it probably has nothing to do with microwaves being scarySep 08 20:36
MinceRand everything to do with how the heat was distributedSep 08 20:36
schestowitzthat's a convienience or taste argumentSep 08 20:36
schestowitzrather than healthSep 08 20:36
schestowitzbut more important is where the water came fromSep 08 20:37
schestowitzthe water in some nations is disgustingSep 08 20:37
schestowitzboth the taste and the chemicals in themSep 08 20:37
MinceRi haven't encountered that yetSep 08 20:37
MinceRat least our water isn't too badSep 08 20:37
MinceRespecially after using a water filter to remove chlorine compounds from itSep 08 20:37
schestowitzif you need a filter and many others do, then maybe the water isn't quite as clean as can be anymoreSep 08 20:39
schestowitzeven in north US, near Canada, watrer is now horribleSep 08 20:39
schestowitzmichigan and allSep 08 20:39
schestowitzand because of industries, not oil leaksSep 08 20:39
schestowitzClinton promotes fracking and here, nearby, they now explore frackingSep 08 20:39
schestowitzotherwsise the water here is good, better than London's by farSep 08 20:39
MinceRwell, i need a filter because it's disinfected with lots of chlorine compounds and i dislike the smellSep 08 20:52
MinceRhelps kill the bacteria in the water, i guessSep 08 20:52
MinceRozone might be better but i don't get to chooseSep 08 20:52
schestowitzozone?Sep 08 21:02
schestowitzin relation to water?Sep 08 21:02
*schestowitz having a "What is Aleppo" momentSep 08 21:03
MinceRyes, afaik water can also be disinfected with ozoneSep 08 21:06
MinceRit's probably more expensiveSep 08 21:06
schestowitz> I can see why Gene Quinn, since you call him WatchTroll, doesn't want toSep 08 21:12
schestowitz> get tweets that mention him. He might have seen them just because othersSep 08 21:12
schestowitz> retweeted them.Sep 08 21:12
schestowitzHe actually blocked me after we had a long discussion about software patents (200+ tweets) and I think he lost the argument.Sep 08 21:12
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Sep 09 01:21
schestowitz 09 01:34
-TechBytesBot/ "This struggle will continue throughout your life. We have to succeed every time; they have to succeed only once." 09 01:34
schestowitz"Sep 09 01:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The transatlantic trade deal TTIP may be dead, but something even worse is coming | George Monbiot | Opinion | The Guardian [ ]Sep 09 01:34
schestowitzBased on the American election cycle and Wikileaks’ behaviour. Do a Google search on “Assange says” and check the results.Sep 09 01:34
schestowitz“We’re going to release something soon! Just you wait for it! It’s on it’s way! Don’t blink; you might miss it! It’s really gonna be mighty! Heads will roll! Careers will be ended!!” Not a real quote, but it might as well be. Honestly, the maguffin has grown relentlessly wearisome.Sep 09 01:34
schestowitzIf there is information that needs freeing, free it. Don’t tease everyone with it.Sep 09 01:34
schestowitz"Sep 09 01:34
schestowitz"Sep 09 01:34
schestowitzhat's something I never tried before, dglas, and the results are very interesting but I don't think they support your grandstanding theory. What I see I do a search on Wikileaks is mostly what big publishers are writing about Wikileaks and that's overwhelmingly negative. You should narrow your search to sources that you trust, or at least check the target's own explanation.Sep 09 01:34
schestowitzAssange himself has very interesting theories of what he's doing and how. Try this article, for example, 09 01:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 09 01:34
schestowitz    it was my view early on that the whole of the existing Fourth Estate was not big enough for the task of making sense of information that hadn’t previously been public. ... what we wanted to do was to take all that volunteer labor that is spent on writing about things that are not terribly important, and redirect it to material that we released, material that has a real potential for change if people assess it, analyze it, contextualizeSep 09 01:34
schestowitzit and push it back into local communities. I tried very hard to make that happen, but it didn’t.Sep 09 01:34
schestowitz    we sent it to 3,000 people. Nothing appeared for five days. Then, a small report by a friend of mine, Shaun Waterman at UPI, appeared as a newswire, and then another one by a guy, Davis Isenberg, who spends half his time at the Cato Institute, but published this for the Asia Times. But before the UPI report, there was nothing by any bloggers, by any Wikipedia-type people, by any leftist intellectuals, by any Arab intellectuals, nothing.Sep 09 01:34
schestowitzWhat’s going on? Why didn’t anyone spend time on this extraordinary document? My conclusion is twofold. First, to be generous, these groups don’t know how to lead the intellectual debate. They’ve been pacified into being reactive by the presence of the mainstream press. The front page of The New York Times says something and they react to that. ...Sep 09 01:34
schestowitzThere are other interesting ideas in there about censorship and an argument for better public libraries.Sep 09 01:34
schestowitz"Sep 09 01:34
schestowitz"In short, publication of facts and documents might not change things, but nothing else really will. If we don’t do this, we will continue to be lead around by bullies who manipulate the emotions of ignorant people."Sep 09 01:34
schestowitz 09 01:35
-TechBytesBot/ Who's Banking on the #Dakota Access Pipeline? corporations that lobby and bribe politiciansSep 09 01:35
schestowitz"Oh yes! No doubt!"Sep 09 01:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Who's Banking on the Dakota Access Pipeline? | Food & Water Watch [ ]Sep 09 01:35
schestowitz 09 01:35
-TechBytesBot/ #jillstein made a mistake. She forgot to wear a #clinton mask, so no immunity granted. 09 01:35
schestowitz"Sep 09 01:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Arrest warrant issued for Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein | News | KFGO-790 [ ]Sep 09 01:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Arrest warrant issued for Jill Stein in vandalism investigation | Washington Examiner [ ]Sep 09 01:35
schestowitzExactly. I’m in Canada.Sep 09 01:35
schestowitzThe only danger I am concerned about is that a groundswell of support to Stein may split the left-centre vote.Sep 09 01:35
schestowitz"Sep 09 01:35
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Sep 09 09:19
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Sep 9 09:19:03 2016
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Sep 9 09:19:27 2016
*Now talking on #techbytesSep 09 09:19
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastSep 09 09:19
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Sep 09 09:19
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Sep 09 17:57
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*Now talking on #techbytesSep 09 17:57
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastSep 09 17:57
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Sep 09 17:57
schestowitz 09 18:04
-TechBytesBot/ 5 Lightweight Linux Desktop Environments #gnu #linuxSep 09 18:04
schestowitz"I just love the stability of MATE… it is quite the allrounder"Sep 09 18:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 5 Lightweight Linux Desktop Environments - LinuxAndUbuntuSep 09 18:04
schestowitz"I’m finding that the choice of applications matters more than the d.e. I like Xfce for it’s simplicity and lightness."Sep 09 18:04
schestowitz"XFCE master race."Sep 09 18:05
schestowitzI don't like the widget looks in XFCESep 09 18:05
schestowitz 09 18:05
-TechBytesBot/ Banksters want #clinton 09 18:05
schestowitz"You know you gotta wonder. All the elites hate Trump. Maybe he’s onto something?"Sep 09 18:05
schestowitz"that the eLites are pro clinton?"Sep 09 18:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Goldman Sachs tells employees they cannot donate to Trump campaign - but no restriction on Clinton's | The IndependentSep 09 18:05
schestowitzTrump is one of the elites, maybe they think he'll be harder to control and dominate policy-wise?Sep 09 18:06
schestowitz 09 18:06
-TechBytesBot/ A week now since we got back from #Llandudno 09 18:06
schestowitz"That’s lovely."Sep 09 18:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | IMG 1862Sep 09 18:06
schestowitzWe'll go back there soonSep 09 18:06
schestowitz 09 19:00
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Hyperlinks and communication to the public: early thoughts on the GS Media decisionSep 09 19:00
schestowitz"Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz Further to my comment of 17.50 yesterday:Sep 09 19:00
schestowitzAlthough the way that the ECJ has expressed itself in the operative part of the judgment tends to imply otherwise, the logic of their reasoning in the main body of the judgment is that for hyperlinks to unauthorised content there is basically one test: did the person posting the link know or should they have reasonably known that the content was unauthorised ("illegal")?Sep 09 19:00
schestowitzThe question of pursuit of profit then acts as a presumption in two directions:Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz- those not pursuing profit are presumed not to know and thus will not be liable (but the presumption can be rebutted, eg if it is shown they were put on notice)Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz- those pursuing profit are presumed to know and thus be liable (but this is in theory rebuttable, probably only in unusual circumstances).Sep 09 19:00
schestowitzThis leaves the problem of the implication otherwise in the operative part of the judgment - no doubt there are previous cases where there have also been such conflict between the summary and the reasoning?Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz"Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz 09 19:00
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Does David Davis want to ratify the UPC Agreement?Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz" Because France had already ratified!"Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz"Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz The best that can be said for this exchange is that it is marginally less vacuous than what currently passes for "debate" in the Australian parliament.Sep 09 19:00
schestowitzThe sad fact is that Westminster-style parliaments, with their modern use of "questions" primarily as a form of political point-scoring, rather than as a means of actually advancing the business of government (i.e. what we taxpayers employ then to do), are increasingly giving democracy a bad name. This is why Australia had five Prime Ministers in as many years. It's stupid, it's unproductive, and its main purpose is to trip people up and/orSep 09 19:00
schestowitzto make them look bad, to undermine their positions.Sep 09 19:00
schestowitzIn this case, what that means is that neither the question, not the answer (both of which display alarming ignorance) are of any consequence.Sep 09 19:00
schestowitzAs an aside, I'm not sure what the final exchange between the Speaker and Mr Davis contributes to this post, other than to make Mr Davis look like a bit of a n00b!Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz"Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz" Not quite sure who or what prompted Mrs Gillan's question but she obviously has not see IPFed's policy position - which is very clear: no UK ratification without a guarantee of UK participation in the UPC post Brexit. That guarantee cannot be given at the moment - the legal position is very far from clear - so it would seem she is not aware that UK industry, at least as represented by IPFed, does not want a mad rush to ratify when we don'tSep 09 19:00
schestowitzknow what that will lead to. All sorts of complications will arise if the system starts with the UK and then the UK has to leave. Worst of all worlds. Great if the UK can participate ultimately but that is miles from being clear, so miles from a guarantee. UK ratification now would be politically impossible to justify as things stand, and contrary to the express position of UK industry at least as stated by IPFed. An awful lot needs to happenSep 09 19:00
schestowitzfor the UK to contemplate ratification. "Sep 09 19:00
schestowitz" Mark, David Davis is an extremely experienced government minister and MP. The exchange with the speaker is meant to be ironic and is an example of what passes for wit in the house of commons. At best, such wit is at approximately the same intellectual level as teenage boys' banter. "Sep 09 19:01
schestowitz 09 19:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FOSSpatents: Thanks! That's 100% right. But Google's lawyers/witnesses told the jury it doesn't. Jury verdict was based on that. 09 19:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Android runs on desktops also lots about it in the news these days...Sep 09 19:06
schestowitz 09 19:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Tunnel - SFL Subtitled Foreign Language Tickets | Film Trailer | Preview | Release DateSep 09 19:29
schestowitz 09 19:56
-TechBytesBot/ Smash graves of thousands while pursuing arrest for one who stood up against it 09 19:56
schestowitz"Welp she just earned my vote."Sep 09 19:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | In Omaha, Jill Stein defends spray-painting bulldozer at North Dakota pipeline protest | Politics | omaha.comSep 09 19:56
schestowitzI hope some from the right wing, those rightly disgusted by Clinton, can defect to her and give some the US Green States, for a change. Sends out a strong message to Establishment politics.Sep 09 19:57
schestowitz 09 19:57
-TechBytesBot/ Lots of articles about how #snowden was sheltered by #hk families 09 19:57
schestowitz"In that case, seek for an ex-poor… :-)"Sep 09 19:57
schestowitzGood pointSep 09 19:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Log In - The New York TimesSep 09 19:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 503 @ )Sep 09 19:57
schestowitz 09 19:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Snowden sought refuge with asylum-seekers - The StandardSep 09 19:57
-TechBytesBot/ 09 19:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DrJillStein: Peace doesn't come with more spending on the military. We need to re-think our role in the world. #PeaceOffensive 09 19:57
schestowitz"Sep 09 19:58
schestowitzGracefully? It sounds like you would have liked to see a Tienanmen Square soluton.Sep 09 19:58
schestowitzThe US does not want regime change in Syria. At best, they would like to see a different leader of the same regime. And that is only because they know that there will never be stability or peace as long a Assad is in power.Sep 09 19:58
schestowitzIt is the people of Syria who want regime change. The chant of the Arab Spring, from Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, and Syria, is: “the people want the fall of the regime”.Sep 09 19:58
schestowitz 09 19:58
schestowitz"Sep 09 19:58
schestowitz"Sep 09 19:58
schestowitzGracefully? It sounds like you would have liked to see a Tienanmen Square soluton.Sep 09 19:58
-TechBytesBot/ | Ash-shab yurid isqat an-nizam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaSep 09 19:58
schestowitzThe US does not want regime change in Syria. At best, they would like to see a different leader of the same regime. And that is only because they know that there will never be stability or peace as long a Assad is in power.Sep 09 19:58
schestowitzIt is the people of Syria who want regime change. The chant of the Arab Spring, from Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, and Syria, is: “the people want the fall of the regime”.Sep 09 19:58
schestowitz 09 19:58
schestowitz"Sep 09 19:58
schestowitzSyria was >relatively< stable before all that 'moderate' 'rebel' idiocy of Clinton, McCain et al. started. Same goes for Saddam in Iraq. I don't think stability (but domination) was the goal.Sep 09 19:59
schestowitz 09 20:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: Batteries, especially lithium batteries took down this UPS 747F in Dubai 09 20:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | UPS Airlines Flight 6 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaSep 09 20:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: A device on fire (due to faulty batteries or whatever) will never take a plane down. #Australianairlines just show how ignorant they are.Sep 09 20:09
schestowitzNo passengers or crew to put out the fireSep 09 20:09
schestowitz 09 22:11
schestowitz"Sep 09 22:11
schestowitzNo you are mixing up Democrats and Republicans, and more significantly, you are confusing Iraq and Syria. You display a complete lack of comprehension of US politics. And you are using a cookie-cutter, a template, by which to judge all world events as a single conspiracy. The US started Iraq. There was no Arab Spring then. There was no domestic popular movement against Saddam in the streets which he suppressed or opened fire on. The war inSep 09 22:11
schestowitzIraq was an unprovoked US invasion and imposed “regime change” by Bush, Cheney and the neocons.Sep 09 22:11
schestowitzSyria is the Arab Spring. That is what “destabilized” Syria. The two situations could not be more different.Sep 09 22:11
schestowitz'Sep 09 22:11
schestowitzSo when there's Arab Sprint, then it's OK for other countries to step in?Sep 09 22:12
schestowitz*Arab SpringSep 09 22:12
schestowitz 09 22:12
-TechBytesBot/ 09 22:12
schestowitz 09 22:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DrJillStein: .@POTUS, stand up for indigenous people demonstrating against Big Oil's desecration of their sacred land. #NoDAPL 09 22:12
-TechBytesBot/ | Obama administration orders ND pipeline construction to stop | TheHillSep 09 22:12
schestowitzWinSep 09 22:12
schestowitz 09 22:15
-TechBytesBot/ Smash graves of thousands while pursuing arrest for one who stood up against it 09 22:15
schestowitz"They won’t because they think Hillary is on the verge of losing which is BS."Sep 09 22:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | In Omaha, Jill Stein defends spray-painting bulldozer at North Dakota pipeline protest | Politics | omaha.comSep 09 22:15
schestowitz2 more months. Much can change...Sep 09 22:15
schestowitz"It should. I was pointing out BDS in part specifically because our state govt chose to blacklist companies that support BDS. 'Sep 09 22:15
schestowitzAh, yes, I absolutely agree with you on thatSep 09 22:15
*schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 09 22:53
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesSep 09 23:06
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Sep 10 01:13
schestowitz 10 01:27
-TechBytesBot/ 5 Lightweight Linux Desktop Environments #gnu #linuxSep 10 01:27
schestowitzthe mouse rules!"Sep 10 01:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 5 Lightweight Linux Desktop Environments - LinuxAndUbuntuSep 10 01:27
schestowitz 10 01:28
-TechBytesBot/ Banksters want #clinton 10 01:28
schestowitz"I don’t think it’s intended for him to win, I’m too cynical. Still, I find it a bit heart wrenching to see the way they all play their “useful idiots” - no scruples, no remorse, like poison with the wrong label. Know what I mean?'Sep 10 01:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Goldman Sachs tells employees they cannot donate to Trump campaign - but no restriction on Clinton's | The IndependentSep 10 01:28
schestowitzYesSep 10 01:28
schestowitz 10 01:29
-TechBytesBot/ 10 01:29
schestowitz"Sep 10 01:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DrJillStein: Peace doesn't come with more spending on the military. We need to re-think our role in the world. #PeaceOffensive 10 01:29
schestowitzcall out Assad for the monster that he is and offer whatever solidarity I can to his victims. And to acknowledge the existence of the Syrian Revolution. Because it is real. I acknowledge the Syrian people as more than just a bunch of stupid Muslims with no will of their own, being directed by puppeteers McCain and Clinton (rotflmao!).Sep 10 01:29
schestowitzI throw this question back at you.Sep 10 01:29
schestowitzSo when there’s an Arab Spring, then it’s okay to open fire on peaceful (or rowdy) protestors and bomb your major population centers relentlessly for 6 years and more? It’s okay for Iran to step in? It’s okay for Russia to join in?Sep 10 01:29
schestowitz"Sep 10 01:29
schestowitz"Do you support the Saudi’s in Yemen? Why not? Like Russia and Assad, they are also fighting against the Arab Spring and calling it a war on terrorism."Sep 10 01:29
schestowitzIn my view and interpretation, Iran and Russia came in much later and it was reactionarySep 10 01:29
schestowitz 10 01:30
schestowitz"Sep 10 01:30
schestowitzYup.:) Stein helped (a little). It’s good that she was there. So did this Malaysian journalist. His answer was terrible - pure doubletalk, It seemed like he was unaware of the issue. But that was yesterday and today, this.Sep 10 01:30
schestowitzOf course the real credit must go to the protesters on the scene - the resistance.Sep 10 01:30
schestowitz"Sep 10 01:30
schestowitzyes, definitelySep 10 01:30
-TechBytesBot/ | President Barack Obama on #NoDAPL and Dakota Access Pipeline - YouTubeSep 10 01:30
schestowitz 10 01:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@angrymofo: @POTUS Hate no more ! 10 01:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Chelsea Manning Begins Hunger Strike to Protest Bullying by Prison and US Government 10 01:33
schestowitz 10 01:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DrJillStein: .@nytimes flubbed #DefinitionOfAleppo. MSNBC's @JoyAnnReid calls Russia "communist". As POTUS I'll fully fund geography & history education🌍Sep 10 01:33
schestowitzYes, #nytimes called Aleppo capital of #syria - that was funny given the context of the error.Sep 10 01:34
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Sep 10 08:32
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Sep 10 08:32:39 2016
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*Now talking on #techbytesSep 10 08:33
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*Now talking on #techbytesSep 10 08:51
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastSep 10 08:51
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Sep 10 08:51
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesSep 10 08:57
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**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Sep 10 09:00:49 2016
*Now talking on #techbytesSep 10 09:00
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastSep 10 09:00
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Sep 10 09:00
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:02
schestowitz> 10 09:02
-TechBytesBot/ | Cuba is blocking text messages that contain words like 'democracy' | The VergeSep 10 09:02
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:02
schestowitz> 10 09:02
-TechBytesBot/ | The Real Impact Of Your Phone | Motherboard [ ]Sep 10 09:02
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:02
schestowitz> 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | University of California hires India-based IT outsourcer, lays off tech workers | Computerworld [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> they completely forget the role of the univ in developing IT, theySep 10 09:03
schestowitz> should have their funding canceledSep 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Apology - Thamar Alsabhan | The Independent [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | The Limits of SMS for 2-Factor Authentication — Krebs on Security [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Don't buy the new iPhone until Apple pays its taxes | Mike Daisey | Opinion | The Guardian [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Why don’t bankers go to jail? You asked Google – here’s the answer | Jill Treanor | Opinion | The Guardian [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> "their classification as independent contractors upset drivers, becauseSep 10 09:03
schestowitz> it meant the company would not be responsible for all sorts of costs,Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> including Social Security, health insurance, paid sick days and overtime."Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Uber drivers dealt setback in background-check lawsuit - CNET [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
schestowitz> .se & .dkSep 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | 'Marriage is for ADULTS' Sweden hit by huge number of child brides as young as ELEVEN | World | News | Daily Express [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> “Will she do it this time? I don’t know. But based on the experience ofSep 10 09:03
schestowitz> the last six years I’m extremely skeptical,”Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
schestowitz> -Sep 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | 'I saw no reason to give Assange special treatment' - The Local [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Julian Assange case: Sweden puts pressure on Ecuador - [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> "That means there's a Finnish Yale of HVAC technicians."Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | 5 Foreign School Rules Way Better Than The American Version [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Denmark to pay for Panama Papers data on tax evaders - The Local [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Indian workers staged one of the largest strikes in human history and no one in the USA noticed / Boing Boing [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> "old headphones to plug into the iPhone 7's charging port"Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Apple iPhone 7 AirPods, explained: price, release date, battery life - Business Insider [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> charge XOR listenSep 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:03
schestowitz> US-style labor marketSep 10 09:03
-TechBytesBot/ | When one job won’t pay the bills and several gigs is the new normal | Yle Uutiset | [ ]Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:03
schestowitz> 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Saudi Arabia cannot pay its workers or bills – yet continues to fund a war in Yemen | The Independent [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> any foreigners still working there are going to get stiffed badlySep 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | html email comments [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> "So clearly, in practice, this proposal does threaten the ability ofSep 10 09:04
schestowitz> Europeans to share links to news online the way they are used to."Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
schestowitz> -Sep 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Julia Reda – Freedom to link threatened by EU court decision and copyright plans [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | EU Court: Not-For-Profit Hyperlinking Usually Not Copyright Infringement - TorrentFreak [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
schestowitz> (Google translate seems blocked at the moment, sorry)Sep 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Lagar riktade mot terrorister – nu vänds de mot fildelare - Sydsvenskan [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Why the Pirate Party could end up running Iceland / Boing Boing [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz>,-says-internet-australia.htmlSep 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | iTWire - Australia’s ‘innovation future’ needs a kick along, says Internet Australia [ ]Sep 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | The FCC Has a Plan to Free Us From Our Cable Boxes | WIRED [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | FBI arrests hackers who allegedly leaked info on government agents | PCWorld [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Why water sports and the iPhone 7 don't mix | TheINQUIRER [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | ISP Deletes IP-address Logs to Fend Off Piracy "Extortion Letters" - TorrentFreak [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Your brain is sponging up toxic nanomagnets from polluted air | Ars Technica [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Open source algorithm helps spot social media shams | Network World [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> astroturfingSep 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Anti-depressants given to children soar by nearly 30 per cent in 10 years | The Independent [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> soma! soma! ( 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Soma in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World (1932) [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | The 100% correct way to validate email addresses [ ]Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> older:Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> -Sep 10 09:04
schestowitz> 10 09:04
-TechBytesBot/ | ShodanSep 10 09:05
schestowitz> =Sep 10 09:05
*Researcher- (iana@ has joined #techbytesSep 10 09:05
schestowitz> 10 09:05
-TechBytesBot/ | Sri Lanka conquers malaria - The Hindu [ ]Sep 10 09:05
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesSep 10 09:26
*pidgin_log has quit (Client Quit)Sep 10 09:26
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Sep 10 09:29:00 2016
*Now talking on #techbytesSep 10 09:29
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastSep 10 09:29
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Sep 10 09:29
schestowitz> 10 09:55
schestowitz> Was Techrights on their list?Sep 10 09:55
-TechBytesBot/ | Israeli Online Attack Service ‘vDOS’ Earned $600,000 in Two Years — Krebs on SecuritySep 10 09:55
schestowitzIt's a problem when one asks to 'test' a rival site, like EPO rival, but I assume they verify identity of requester of such a service. Israel is often a victim of DDOS attacks, so there's demand for that there, I guess...Sep 10 09:55
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 10 10:23
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesSep 10 10:23
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Sep 10 10:23
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesSep 10 10:23
schestowitz 10 11:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MariusNestor: @schestowitz :( We all know that Google works in mysterious ways... :|Sep 10 11:20
schestowitzhopefully won't penalise the originals. Some of the other plagiarisers vanished.Sep 10 11:20
schestowitz 10 11:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MariusNestor: @schestowitz This also reminds me of "good guys always get it, and bad guys are getting away" #itsasadworld #sotrueSep 10 11:21
schestowitzlet's keep our eyes open and report these things. The ripoff artists need to perish, not the hard workers.Sep 10 11:21
schestowitzcc @TechJournalistSep 10 11:21
schestowitz 10 11:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@xaxat: @schestowitz @glynmoody How long until there is an Uber for drone pilots? Substitute Eric Prince for Kalanick. 10 11:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@xaxat: @schestowitz @glynmoody How long until there is an Uber for drone pilots? Substitute Eric Prince for Kalanick. 10 11:45
schestowitz 10 12:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wood5y: @schestowitz I think #Facebook's management would have trouble finding its own arse, even if it used both hands.Sep 10 12:10
schestowitz 10 12:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Heidentweet: #facebook has no problem with seeing battered women as 'humor'. 10 12:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Petulant Facebook claims it can't tell the difference between child abuse and war photography #facebookSep 10 12:24
schestowitz 10 12:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jampadd: "There's a reason why we don't put kids in charge of anything important." 10 12:33
schestowitz 10 13:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AJimenez1988: @schestowitz @guardian You mean who forced smut peddlers and libelers to pay up.Sep 10 13:04
schestowitzThat's a loaded statementSep 10 13:04
schestowitz 10 13:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AJimenez1988: @schestowitz @guardian So is calling him an arsehole.Sep 10 13:07
schestowitz 10 13:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AJimenez1988: @schestowitz @guardian Besides, he peddled smut and lost a libel case. So it's factually true.Sep 10 13:07
schestowitz 10 13:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FrankViewZ: @schestowitz @MeganGeuss Beggars belief that a mere engineer in such massive company takes the rap for emissions scandal #vwemissionsSep 10 13:13
schestowitz 10 14:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gnutelephony: I may still try #gitlab, definitely not #github. We are setting up a free software entity thru our tribal govt. @schestowitz @dam1anSep 10 14:00
schestowitz 10 16:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jayviemortel1: @schestowitz sir, thank you for the retweet on my post I haven't had a software engineer known but I would like to develop an app. It's coolSep 10 16:25
schestowitz 10 16:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DrJillStein: I call for a new investigation into the #Sept11 attacks to address information gaps about that horrific day. 10 16:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Jill Stein calls for new 9/11 investigation | TheHillSep 10 16:42
schestowitzWait for Establishment tools to now associate you with "controlled demolition" nonsense.Sep 10 16:42
schestowitz 10 16:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SafaaDib: Tanta idiotice. 10 16:45
schestowitz 10 16:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz no shit. somebody's gotta say it.Sep 10 16:47
schestowitz 10 18:27
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Get #Facebook to see the difference between child pornography and history 10 18:27
schestowitz"Fucking dumb Facebook. I can understand their guidelines (which are correct) but in this case, this is a vital part of our history. We have to learn from our mistakes in war and erasing this image will take away what we have learnt."Sep 10 18:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Facebook (FB) capitulated and restored an iconic Vietnam War photo — QuartzSep 10 18:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Norway Is Right to Be Pissed at Facebook Over Photo Censorship | WIREDSep 10 18:27
schestowitz"Sep 10 18:27
schestowitzThey don’t respect their own guidelines. They tolerate racist or hate speech, or bullying, but overreact when they see a square centimetre of naked skin.Sep 10 18:27
schestowitzFacebook is a caricature of USA, they are really sick.Sep 10 18:27
schestowitz"Sep 10 18:27
schestowitzThey rarely if ever censor politicians or people in power as they fear the backlash. It's easy to squash and silence the voiceless.Sep 10 18:27
schestowitz 10 18:30
-TechBytesBot/ Against self- #censorship and political correctness already a growing problemSep 10 18:30
schestowitz"I agree with this."Sep 10 18:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Against self-censorship and political correctness | ArtsHub United KingdomSep 10 18:30
schestowitz 10 18:30
-TechBytesBot/ A friend of mine mistook water resistant for waterproof and ruined his wearable 'smart' device in the jacuzzi. Misleading labels, marketing.Sep 10 18:30
schestowitz"Not as bad as the butcher who confused disinfectant and detergent."Sep 10 18:30
schestowitzLink?Sep 10 18:30
schestowitz 10 18:30
-TechBytesBot/ 7 Reasons Why You Should Buy a #Chromebook we have two here and they run #gnu #linuxSep 10 18:30
schestowitz'Indeed."Sep 10 18:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 7 Reasons Why You Should Buy a ChromebookSep 10 18:30
schestowitz 10 18:30
-TechBytesBot/ 12 Android Gestures You Might Not Know About #android #linuxSep 10 18:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 12 Android Gestures You Might Not Know AboutSep 10 18:30
schestowitz"Nice. I wish I would’ve known about controlling the cursor with the spacebar earlier. It’s very useful."Sep 10 18:31
schestowitz 10 18:31
-TechBytesBot/ 10 18:31
schestowitz"That’s pretty cool."Sep 10 18:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BiellaColeman: North Dakota becomes first US state to legalise use of armed drones by police (b/c there is so much crime in ND)Sep 10 18:31
schestowitzFor the police- yes. Not so much for anyone else...Sep 10 18:31
schestowitz 10 18:31
-TechBytesBot/ #facebook 'cares' about your #freespeech only when its shareholders face FINANCIAL backlash 10 18:31
schestowitz"You know what really annoys me, how un-educated do you have to be to not understand the significance of this image."Sep 10 18:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Facebook backtracks on 'napalm girl' censorship and reinstates the iconic photoSep 10 18:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Napalm Girl Photo Uncensored: Facebook Reinstates Iconic Vietnam War Photo After Censorship OutrageSep 10 18:31
schestowitzI guess she should have  clothed herself for more impact and exposure...Sep 10 18:32
schestowitz 10 18:32
-TechBytesBot/ #darktable 2.0.6 Open-Source RAW Image Editor Supports Canon EOS-1D X Mark II 10 18:32
schestowitz"I love Darktable, I use it for #DeavmiArt"Sep 10 18:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | darktable 2.0.6 Open-Source RAW Image Editor Supports Canon EOS-1D X Mark IISep 10 18:32
schestowitz 10 18:32
-TechBytesBot/ #Cuba is blocking text messages that contain words like #democracy #latam #sms #censorshipSep 10 18:32
schestowitz"Typical Cuba. Bloody commies."Sep 10 18:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Cuba is blocking text messages that contain words like 'democracy' | The VergeSep 10 18:32
schestowitzsurrounded or close to nations that try to undermine themSep 10 18:32
schestowitz 10 18:33
-TechBytesBot/ Clinton: No US ground troops in Iraq, Syria; Trump: Steal Iraqi Oil Golden Dawnald lunacy...Sep 10 18:33
schestowitz"Oh please, like Hillary will actually do that. I don’t trust Hillary as far as an infant could throw her."Sep 10 18:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Clinton: No US ground troops in Iraq, Syria; Trump: Steal Iraqi Oil | Informed CommentSep 10 18:33
schestowitzShe'll send moderate rebels rather than troops.... terrorist troops like McCain's.Sep 10 18:33
schestowitz 10 18:34
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: For-profit prisons with forced labour is #slavery by another name 10 18:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ajamubaraka: Forcing people to work for little to no pay is slavery. Plain and simple. #EndPrisonSlavery #PrisonStrikeSep 10 18:34
schestowitz\Sep 10 18:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Sep 10 18:34
schestowitz"Sep 10 18:34
schestowitz    Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.Sep 10 18:34
schestowitzThe thirteenth amendment, which abolished slavery in other cases, actually explicitly allows slavery of prisoners.Sep 10 18:34
schestowitz"Sep 10 18:34
schestowitz"Sep 10 18:34
schestowitzGermany : 0,80 €/hour jobs for refugees, 1,05 €/hour for GermansSep 10 18:34
schestowitzGreat Britain : 0 hour worksSep 10 18:34
schestowitz… isn’t it slavery too ?Sep 10 18:34
schestowitz"Sep 10 18:34
schestowitzOr work just to get benefit... i.e. around a pound per hourSep 10 18:34
schestowitzbenefitsSep 10 18:35
schestowitz 10 18:35
-TechBytesBot/ I'm seeing at least 300 English-speaking articles right now about #facebook #censorship - this is a massive fiasco, hence #streisandEffectSep 10 18:35
schestowitz"The worst part IMHO is that newspapers relayed the information."Sep 10 18:35
schestowitz 10 18:36
-TechBytesBot/ Let #NSA whistleblower Edward #Snowden return to US, urges #ZacharyQuinto 10 18:36
schestowitz"Well, something positive about that movie, that pesonnally, I won’t care to see…"Sep 10 18:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Let nsa whistleblower edward snowden return to us, urges zachary quinto | Daily Mail OnlineSep 10 18:36
schestowitzme neither, unless it's CC and streamable on the WebSep 10 18:36
schestowitz 10 18:37
-TechBytesBot/ People need to reject social [control] networks and read the writings on the wall. Your #freespeech is not compatible with shareholders.Sep 10 18:37
schestowitz"True that."Sep 10 18:37
schestowitzit's only they who decide, not even sites' foundersSep 10 18:37
schestowitz 10 18:37
-TechBytesBot/ One million Norwegians have a government mailbox #norway #egovSep 10 18:37
schestowitz"i refused also."Sep 10 18:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | One million Norwegians have a government mailbox | JoinupSep 10 18:37
schestowitz 10 18:38
-TechBytesBot/ New-ishEstablishment words for dissent: radicalism, extremism New Establishment words for alternative information: conspiracy theory, k00kSep 10 18:38
schestowitz"Sep 10 18:38
schestowitzFirst sentence is correct.Sep 10 18:38
schestowitzSecond sentence is false.Sep 10 18:38
schestowitzActually the new red-brown alliance has a new word for unprovable scapegoating conspiranoia - "alternative information."Sep 10 18:38
schestowitzMost pf your so-called “alternative information”, ie conspiracy theories, have its origins in the alt-right.Sep 10 18:38
schestowitzRed-brown alliance.Sep 10 18:38
schestowitz"Sep 10 18:38
schestowitzThey use to have different words for this, like "crank" and "buff"Sep 10 18:38
schestowitz 10 18:38
-TechBytesBot/ Mexico Threatens to Cancel Treaty That Ceded Texas&California to U.S. If Trump Elected #mexico #texas #californiaSep 10 18:38
schestowitz"Cascape, surely."Sep 10 18:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Mexico Threatens to Cancel Treaty That Ceded Texas and California to U.S. If Trump Gets Elected | AlternetSep 10 18:38
schestowitz 10 18:38
-TechBytesBot/ 'Marriage is for ADULTS' Sweden hit by huge number of child brides as young as ELEVEN .se & .dkSep 10 18:38
schestowitz"That’s really fucked up."Sep 10 18:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 'Marriage is for ADULTS' Sweden hit by huge number of child brides as young as ELEVEN | World | News | Daily ExpressSep 10 18:38
schestowitzWhat are you, against multiculturalism !!Sep 10 18:38
schestowitz 10 18:39
-TechBytesBot/ Standoff at Standing Rock: Even Attack Dogs Can’t Stop the Native American Resistance militarising even animalsSep 10 18:39
schestowitz"#Abuse"Sep 10 18:39
schestowitzAnimal abuse, tooSep 10 18:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Standoff at Standing Rock: Even Attack Dogs Can’t Stop the Native American Resistance - TruthdigSep 10 18:39
schestowitz 10 18:39
-TechBytesBot/ Social [control] media is now escalating the "control" part to basically everything that make upset someone 10 18:39
schestowitzThat’s really bad. The truth in knowledge must be shared or else we are living in a fake world."Sep 10 18:39
schestowitzOr in Facebook ;-)Sep 10 18:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Norway accuses Facebook of censorship - The West AustralianSep 10 18:39
schestowitz 10 18:39
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: European #Copyright Ruling Ushers in New Dark Era for Hyperlinks elites killing the #internet one step at a timeSep 10 18:39
schestowitz"Comme pour vous on peut tout faire paser au nom de la religion, regardons l’exemple du kopism et ajoutons le droit au lien vers des contenus illégaux comme faisant parti intégrante du kopisme ?"Sep 10 18:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | European Copyright Ruling Ushers in New Dark Era for Hyperlinks | Electronic Frontier FoundationSep 10 18:40
-TechBytesBot/ | Le piratage reconnu religion officielle en SuèdeSep 10 18:40
schestowitz 10 18:40
-TechBytesBot/ Rendition Victim “Staggered” as MI6 Official Implicated in His Abuse Breaks Silence #mi6 #torture #ukSep 10 18:40
schestowitz"I agree with the conclusions. There is an economic aspect no doubt but this is the crusades playing out all over again and unfortunately we’re all sort of in the cross hairs."Sep 10 18:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Rendition Victim “Staggered” as MI6 Official Implicated in His Abuse Breaks Silence | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive CommunitySep 10 18:40
schestowitz 10 18:40
-TechBytesBot/ Provoking #police 10 18:40
schestowitz"Sep 10 18:40
schestowitzto insert an image, you must write :Sep 10 18:40
schestowitz![text](http://link of image)Sep 10 18:40
schestowitz"Sep 10 18:40
schestowitzyes, I know how to do it, but it doesn't export well to TwitterSep 10 18:40
schestowitz 10 18:41
-TechBytesBot/ Wonder how #zuckerberg parent in law (who is from #vietnam BTW) feels about #facebook #censorship of US carnage in the country. #censorbookSep 10 18:41
schestowitz"Dude, why you post on the same topic two dozen times? It fills up my stream. Blocking you now.'Sep 10 18:41
schestowitzNo need to block, you can just stop sharing (you did decide to share to begin with). I think it's a very important subject and highly relevant to Diaspora.Sep 10 18:42
schestowitz 10 18:42
-TechBytesBot/ #Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) Now Has a Default Wallpaper, Available in Two Flavors #gnu #linuxSep 10 18:42
schestowitz"I see their GUIs have a new theme if I am correct? More flat. Looks nice.'Sep 10 18:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) Now Has a Default Wallpaper, Available in Two FlavorsSep 10 18:42
schestowitz 10 18:42
-TechBytesBot/ This USB stick will fry your unsecured computer #usb port as a weaponSep 10 18:42
schestowitz"So wait, does it charge up any USB flash drive using the USB Killer? How does this work?"Sep 10 18:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | This USB stick will fry your unsecured computer | ComputerworldSep 10 18:42
schestowitzI wonder who buys such stuff. If you have physical access to a machine, just use a hammer :-)Sep 10 18:42
schestowitz>>>>> 10 19:00
schestowitz>>>>>>> >>>>>> (Google translate seems blocked at the moment, sorry)Sep 10 19:00
schestowitz>>>>> >>>>Sep 10 19:00
schestowitz>>>>> >>>> What's the gist or relevance? Also,  I can never use links toSep 10 19:00
schestowitz>>>>> >>>> non-English articles (or garbled automated translations) in Techrights,Sep 10 19:00
-TechBytesBot/ | Lagar riktade mot terrorister – nu vänds de mot fildelare - SydsvenskanSep 10 19:00
schestowitz>>>>> >>>> only read them.Sep 10 19:00
schestowitz>>> >> Sweden has some laws about tracking down people on the net.  Now theySep 10 19:00
schestowitz>>> >> are being used (or ignored) to allow fishing expeditions against variousSep 10 19:00
schestowitz>>> >> IP addresses and some of the ISPs are playing along, some are not.  HAXSep 10 19:00
schestowitz>>> >> and others have blogged about this in English.  It's something to beSep 10 19:00
schestowitz>>> >> aware of because there are similar problems going on in Germany.  IfSep 10 19:01
schestowitz>>> >> Spridningskollen is successful in perpetrating mail fraud, then theSep 10 19:01
schestowitz>>> >> others will get in on the action just as the mail fraud the banks wereSep 10 19:01
schestowitz>>> >> allowed at the end of the 90's allowed this.  There will be more inSep 10 19:01
schestowitz>>> >> English I expect, so this was just to show that attention is being paidSep 10 19:01
schestowitz>>> >> even in the mainstream papers.Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz>> >Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz>> > Thanks, that's why I always delete old logs.Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz> That's good policy IMHO.  If the world were different they would beSep 10 19:01
schestowitz> useful to have around and mine for trends and such.  But given thatSep 10 19:01
schestowitz> things are as they are, the logs are only a liability.Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz>Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz> About the mainstream papers, I follow .se and .dk a lot.  For .se I readSep 10 19:01
schestowitz> a lot of small local papers too, relatively speaking.  There is a metricSep 10 19:01
schestowitz> shitload of unrest that makes it neither to the regional or nationalSep 10 19:01
schestowitz> papers and, especially, stays out of the foreign-market English languageSep 10 19:01
schestowitz> papers.  Case in point:Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz>Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz> 10 19:01
schestowitz>Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz> In other articles, it seems that there are orders of magnitudes too fewSep 10 19:01
schestowitz> police to deal with the situation(s) in the way they are currentlySep 10 19:01
schestowitz> dealing with them which is by dealing with the symptoms rather thanSep 10 19:01
-TechBytesBot/ | Maskerade ungdomar kastade sten på polis i Trollhättan | GTSep 10 19:01
schestowitz> going to the sources.  What looks like what is happening is that theySep 10 19:01
schestowitz> pool regional forces and go after one crisis to another.Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz>Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz> My assessment is that a) Sweden is on the edge of collapsing intoSep 10 19:01
schestowitz> unrest, b) politicians are too PC to address the cause.Sep 10 19:01
schestowitzThe crises that Sweden may be even are far smaller than the vast majority of countries, still. Unless you have an IKEA-like idealistic vision of the country (I don't) :-)Sep 10 19:01
schestowitz 10 19:02
-TechBytesBot/ People need to reject social [control] networks and read the writings on the wall. Your #freespeech is not compatible with shareholders.Sep 10 19:02
schestowitz"Yep."Sep 10 19:02
schestowitz 10 19:02
-TechBytesBot/ Social [control] media is now escalating the "control" part to basically everything that make upset someone 10 19:02
schestowitz"Or atleast won’t be so popular."Sep 10 19:02
schestowitzThe next MyspaceSep 10 19:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Norway accuses Facebook of censorship - The West AustralianSep 10 19:02
schestowitz 10 19:02
-TechBytesBot/ 'Marriage is for ADULTS' Sweden hit by huge number of child brides as young as ELEVEN .se & .dkSep 10 19:03
schestowitz"I disagree with underaged marriages and arranged marriages.'Sep 10 19:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 'Marriage is for ADULTS' Sweden hit by huge number of child brides as young as ELEVEN | World | News | Daily ExpressSep 10 19:03
schestowitzThe hypothetical argument i can come up for the latter is that many girls end up not finding a partner and fall into a depression. There are no guarantees of a spouse for them. I think China adopts some solutions to that. For guys it's different for several cultural and psychological reasons.Sep 10 19:04
schestowitz 10 19:04
-TechBytesBot/ #mozilla saying that #firefox needs #drm (or #eme to use the 'damage control') to remain competitive is lying for business objectivesSep 10 19:04
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:04
schestowitzIt would be better to never let a Prism OS see your media collection. Both Apple and Microsoft demand the right to search and delete your files for copyright reasons. Both have been caught doing the same for anti-competitive reasons. Apple was sued for wiping user music that did not come from the iTunes store. Microsoft designed IE6 search to not find music not formatted the Microsoft way. There are more examples that I can’t think of nowSep 10 19:04
schestowitzand that I don’t know about it. You should simply take their awful user licenses at their word and expect them to delete your music.Sep 10 19:04
schestowitzI’ve been organizing and improving my music collection recently,Sep 10 19:04
schestowitzhttp:// 10 19:05
schestowitzhttp:// 10 19:05
schestowitzI ran into Michael Mozart’s excellent description of media company’s hypocrisy while writing up my tape recovery fun. I mirrored three of his excellent SOPA and Viacom lawsuit videos. He documented how every major publisher basically created the music sharing world of the late 1990s and early 2000s by underwriting, distributing, and publishing favored sharing network software. He also documents commercial copyright infringement bySep 10 19:05
schestowitzViacom’s Spike TV. Basically, big publishers are parasites who want to keep their position as owners of your culture.Sep 10 19:05
schestowitzhttp:// 10 19:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- | Audio Tape RecoverySep 10 19:05
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- | Media Clean UpSep 10 19:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- | Michael MozartSep 10 19:05
schestowitz"I'm really sorry Roy. It was late and I forgot I was looking at a #syria page, so when I saw those posts near the top, I thought you had posted them after our dialog last night. I wish I hadn't posted them and you hadn't seen them, as they were completely unwarranted. I do apologize. "Sep 10 19:05
schestowitzYou worry over nothing at all. I wasn't offended at all.Sep 10 19:05
schestowitz 10 19:06
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Don't buy the new iPhone until Apple pays its taxes same for #microsoft then: 10 19:06
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:06
schestowitz    that site counted back thenSep 10 19:06
schestowitzWhat does that mean?Sep 10 19:06
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Don't buy the new iPhone until Apple pays its taxes | Mike Daisey | Opinion | The GuardianSep 10 19:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft - Tax - TechrightsSep 10 19:06
schestowitzSlashdot is circling down the drain, new management tries to salvage it now 10 19:06
-TechBytesBot/ | Slashdot - TechrightsSep 10 19:06
schestowitz 10 19:07
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: #Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) Now Has a Default Wallpaper, Available in Two Flavors #gnu #linuxSep 10 19:07
schestowitz"lol"Sep 10 19:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) Now Has a Default Wallpaper, Available in Two FlavorsSep 10 19:07
schestowitzI didn't post the UbuCon stuff much, until it was a Friday. Unimportant news, but slow news daySep 10 19:07
schestowitz 10 19:08
-TechBytesBot/ What Is #Aleppo ? This. 10 19:08
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:08
schestowitzDefeat in elections? Of course! Believing in revolution through elections is delusional. Either vote for the lesser evil or don’t vote. Stop expecting anything else.Sep 10 19:08
schestowitzWe have been defeated since 1980, or was it 1970 at Kent and Jackson State? (I refer to the left, not “liberals”, not the US government, as “we”.) If I was a liberal, I would be a Clinton supporter like the rest of them.Sep 10 19:08
schestowitzI am an anti-fascist, not a “liberal”.Sep 10 19:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | What Is Aleppo? This. | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive CommunitySep 10 19:08
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:08
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:08
schestowitzYes you do slam Trump too. But even giving them equal slamming time does not do the situation justice.Sep 10 19:08
schestowitzMy previous comment was responding to Sean’s “defeat” and “#Liberal” comments.Sep 10 19:08
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:08
schestowitzAh, OKSep 10 19:08
schestowitz 10 19:08
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Get #Facebook to see the difference between child pornography and history 10 19:08
schestowitz"Yes, which is very cruel. :("Sep 10 19:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Facebook (FB) capitulated and restored an iconic Vietnam War photo — QuartzSep 10 19:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Norway Is Right to Be Pissed at Facebook Over Photo Censorship | WIREDSep 10 19:09
schestowitzthey have no platform in which to publicly complain - let alone report - the censorshipSep 10 19:09
schestowitz 10 19:10
-TechBytesBot/ What’s Behind Barack Obama’s Ongoing Accommodation of Vladimir Putin? where are the Russophobes now?Sep 10 19:10
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:10
schestowitzA pleasure sir."Sep 10 19:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | What’s Behind Barack Obama’s Ongoing Accommodation of Vladimir Putin?Sep 10 19:10
schestowitz 10 19:10
-TechBytesBot/ Dissecting the #Propaganda on #Syria “The U.S. peace movement has been demobilized by disinformation on Syria.”Sep 10 19:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Sep 10 19:10
schestowitz"Glad to hear that. Thanks. I still apologize."Sep 10 19:10
schestowitz 10 19:10
-TechBytesBot/ 10 19:11
schestowitz"Lol."Sep 10 19:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BiellaColeman: North Dakota becomes first US state to legalise use of armed drones by police (b/c there is so much crime in ND)Sep 10 19:11
schestowitzNo, seriously, it cover the subject, sort ofSep 10 19:11
schestowitzNo, seriously, it covers the subject, sort ofSep 10 19:11
schestowitz 10 19:11
-TechBytesBot/ 10 19:11
schestowitz"My opinion is the same with her."Sep 10 19:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TaylorArluck: Statistic of the day: Obama has sold more arms ($115 billion) to Saudis than any other administration. @theinterceptSep 10 19:11
schestowitz 10 19:11
-TechBytesBot/ Social [control] media is now escalating the "control" part to basically everything that make upset someone 10 19:11
schestowitz"Yep. :)"Sep 10 19:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Norway accuses Facebook of censorship - The West AustralianSep 10 19:11
schestowitz 10 19:12
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Don't buy the new iPhone until Apple pays its taxes same for #microsoft then: 10 19:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Don't buy the new iPhone until Apple pays its taxes | Mike Daisey | Opinion | The GuardianSep 10 19:12
schestowitz"Is the new management anti-FOSS and pandering to the “hip society of closed source crap”?"Sep 10 19:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft - Tax - TechrightsSep 10 19:12
schestowitzNot sure about the latest management, it's still under a year oldSep 10 19:12
schestowitz 10 19:12
-TechBytesBot/ Standoff at Standing Rock: Even Attack Dogs Can’t Stop the Native American Resistance militarising even animalsSep 10 19:12
schestowitz"That’s what I meant hahaha…"Sep 10 19:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Standoff at Standing Rock: Even Attack Dogs Can’t Stop the Native American Resistance - TruthdigSep 10 19:12
schestowitzNo dog wants to attack another species to guard bloody oil pipesSep 10 19:13
schestowitz"Thanks. That's you. Some people have blocked me for less."Sep 10 19:13
schestowitzThere are some real pricks around here, including some neonazis (maybe not anymore)Sep 10 19:13
schestowitz 10 19:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Air2Vent: @schestowitz Study history of heavy rain events in #Louisiana 10 19:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CitizenFour5: In 1927 New Orleans got 15" of rain in 18 hrs during the largest flood in US history! #Flooding #GlobalWarming 10 19:28
schestowitz 10 19:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Air2Vent: Moreover @schestowitz follow @RogerAPielkeSr and @RogerPielkeJr 10 19:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RogerAPielkeSr: July-Sept T & precip analyses for LA courtesy of John Christy. I would expect mean precip to go up if extremes have. 10 19:28
schestowitz 10 19:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bastianbest: .@schestowitz I'm notSep 10 19:28
schestowitz 10 19:37
-TechBytesBot/ "This struggle will continue throughout your life. We have to succeed every time; they have to succeed only once." 10 19:37
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:37
schestowitzYou can’t emulate Bill Gates because you don’t have $100 billion to buy media companies. We need to reduce their ability to own everything, < a href=“”>starting with spectrum</a> and media consolidation.Sep 10 19:37
schestowitzWikileaks is publishing information that undermines corrupt media and it’s working. Just look at how publishers are changing their narrative and how shrill their messengers are becoming. Google plays a roll in this with relatively organic search. It’s not perfect, and we need better, but it is becoming more difficult for rich and powerful people to maintain their control over society’s story.Sep 10 19:37
schestowitz"Sep 10 19:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The transatlantic trade deal TTIP may be dead, but something even worse is coming | George Monbiot | Opinion | The GuardianSep 10 19:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @”>starting )Sep 10 19:37
schestowitzvery true, wikileaks compels some media to at least pretend to tell the accurate story, or face backlashSep 10 19:37
schestowitz>> - - [10/Sep/2016:09:49:50 -0700] "POST /wp-login.phpSep 10 19:42
schestowitz>> > HTTP/1.1" 200 4417 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:5.0)Sep 10 19:42
schestowitz>> > Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0"Sep 10 19:42
schestowitz> Thanks.  That shows some interesting User Agent info but what I wasSep 10 19:42
schestowitz> aiming for would be the actual HTTP referer [sic] information.  That'sSep 10 19:42
schestowitz> not collected in the default configuration of Apache.  It tells youSep 10 19:42
schestowitz> where people's browsers self-report where they are coming from.Sep 10 19:42
schestowitz>Sep 10 19:42
schestowitz> In the configuration file, there will be a pre-configured option or twoSep 10 19:42
schestowitz> starting with "LogFormat" and containing some variant ofSep 10 19:42
schestowitz>Sep 10 19:42
schestowitz> "%{Referer}"Sep 10 19:42
schestowitz>Sep 10 19:42
schestowitz> Usually it goes to a separate log file, since it creates large logs.  IfSep 10 19:42
schestowitz> you have that already, then it would be great to have a sample.  But ifSep 10 19:42
schestowitz> it's not already collected, then don't worry about it.Sep 10 19:42
schestowitz>Sep 10 19:42
schestowitz> PS.  That small sample shows what appear to be a lot of crackingSep 10 19:42
schestowitz> attempts against Wordpress.Sep 10 19:42
schestowitzYes, I'm going to upgrade tonight.Sep 10 19:42
schestowitz>> The crises that Sweden may be even are far smaller than the vastSep 10 20:05
schestowitz>> > majority of countries, still. Unless you have an IKEA-like idealisticSep 10 20:05
schestowitz>> > vision of the country (I don't) :-)Sep 10 20:05
schestowitz> I've watched it change. I visited a lot and lived there on and off fromSep 10 20:05
schestowitz> 1991 through 2010.  Once I even got to make a study visit to one of theSep 10 20:05
schestowitz> prisons and talk with a few prisoners.  As you know, that was worlds ofSep 10 20:05
schestowitz> difference from the US system.  However, for the last 20 years or soSep 10 20:06
schestowitz> there have been ever increasing amounts of settlers coming in andSep 10 20:06
schestowitz> establishing, for lack of other words, colonies.  These have only grownSep 10 20:06
schestowitz> and become entrenched with no movement towards assimilation, rather theSep 10 20:06
schestowitz> opposite is happening.Sep 10 20:06
schestowitz>Sep 10 20:06
schestowitz> Nowadays there is a lot of arson, rapes and sexual assaults, beatings,Sep 10 20:06
schestowitz> bombings, and general mob violence.  There in Trollhättan it was 40 - 60Sep 10 20:06
schestowitz> "youths" burning tires, throwing rocks, and more.Sep 10 20:06
schestowitz>Sep 10 20:06
schestowitz> At the turn of the century there were still old-timers that had proudlySep 10 20:06
schestowitz> never locked their doors a day in their life, even in an urban setting.Sep 10 20:06
schestowitz> However, now people keep their doors locked even when home out ofSep 10 20:06
schestowitz> necessity even in quiet areas.Sep 10 20:06
schestowitzI used to sleep with my door unlocked in an apartment until an intruder opened the door at night. That's when I started locking it.  It was a horrifying experience, even though the guy wasn't big or hostile, just very strange.Sep 10 20:06
schestowitz 10 20:08
-TechBytesBot/ Pretend Another President Didn't Give #Iran Their Money "$12 billion in Iranian assets that Jimmy Carter had frozen"Sep 10 20:08
schestowitz"Only rightists say that Sean. Plus I think both parties are on the right. The bullshit is that there is a left. All there is, is the lesser of two rightists."Sep 10 20:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ronald Reagan Gave Iran Their Money Back After They Released American HostagesSep 10 20:09
schestowitzI agree with Joe. RMS told me that when he was younger the GOP was where Democrats are today and democrats were further to the left.Sep 10 20:09
schestowitz""BTW Whitewater was a huge fucking Capitalist scheme." Did somebody tell you that the Clinton's were not capitalists?????? That's exactly what I mean. what do you expect from right wing Democrats like the Clintons? Socialism? rotfl."Sep 10 20:10
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 10 21:18
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesSep 10 21:18
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