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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: December 6th, 2015-December 12th, 2015

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*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 06 01:00
*liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytesDec 06 01:15
schestowitzsomeone mirrored my artilcle before the EPO sent the letters, I didn't see this before...Dec 06 01:34
schestowitz 06 01:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Dec 06 01:34
schestowitz"The only question remaining is, does he stay bought? 'Dec 06 01:34
schestowitz"Just like politicians. Fill my piggy bank and I'll take care of you. Unless someone else gives me more."Dec 06 01:34
schestowitz""Dec 06 01:35
schestowitz"Dec 06 01:35
schestowitzSA - international Searching AuthorityDec 06 01:35
schestowitzIPEA - International Preliminary Examining AuthorityDec 06 01:35
schestowitzPACE - Accelerated prosecution of applications [] (see also article 489 []Dec 06 01:35
schestowitzAVM/Computers mission - ???Dec 06 01:35
schestowitzKIPO - Korean Intellectual Property Office (?)Dec 06 01:35
schestowitzRAEX - ???Dec 06 01:35
schestowitzThe accelerated procedure does not seem like anything mysterious. The applicant gives up rights to amendments of the patent claims and needs to pay more in exchanged for a faster examination procedure, which could otherwise involve two or more years waiting time after filing. Apparently Microsoft had complained that their accelerated patent applications were taking more time than promised and the EPO boss is telling his staff to work harder,Dec 06 01:35
schestowitzbecause otherwise Microsoft might take their business to a different patent office (KIPO) in the future.Dec 06 01:35
schestowitzIt's more interesting to speculate why the EPO examiners are stalling these applications and leaking this email. Is there something fundamentally wrong with accelerated applications? Is it related to the bad working conditions at EPO? For example, EPO in Rijswijk, The Netherlands was in the headlines a while ago because of intimidation practices and the organization is not bound to local labor laws.Dec 06 01:35
schestowitz"Dec 06 01:35
schestowitzSomeone even posted the whole thing here, from cache:Dec 06 01:36
schestowitz 06 01:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Dec 06 01:36
schestowitz"The google cache of it is still online."Dec 06 01:37
schestowitz""Dec 06 01:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Dec 06 01:37
*liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Dec 06 06:54
oiaohmschestowitz: accelerated applications equals pay more.Dec 06 06:59
schestowitz> Yes I know of Prescott Bush and his indictment for dealing with the enemy...the Nazis. I believe his dealings were not politically motivated but simply avarice and an obsession to make money. I do not mean to imply that he was anything but a rotten son-of-a-bitch.Dec 06 07:58
schestowitzoiaohm: discriminating anywayDec 06 07:59
schestowitzoiaohm: different lane for the richDec 06 07:59
schestowitzlike, pay us more, we'll let you jump the queueDec 06 07:59
schestowitzbut the EPO denies itDec 06 07:59
schestowitzand says anyone can apply for freeDec 06 07:59
oiaohmschestowitz: correct anyone can apply for it  for free but how many extra charges after that do they get hit with.Dec 06 08:06
schestowitzwell, here'a a recapDec 06 08:11
schestowitzas I understand itDec 06 08:11
schestowitzhow it startedDec 06 08:11
schestowitzMS made a complaintDec 06 08:12
schestowitzthat's why the programme was introducedDec 06 08:12
schestowitzNow there's just a pulotDec 06 08:12
schestowitzwith just massive corporations in itDec 06 08:12
schestowitzit lets them speed up examinationDec 06 08:12
schestowitzat no extra costDec 06 08:12
schestowitzEPO says anyone else can applyDec 06 08:12
schestowitzbut oddly enough nobody didDec 06 08:13
schestowitzand they don't advertise this as far as I can tellDec 06 08:13
schestowitzand what if it was free and anyone could apply??Dec 06 08:13
schestowitzAnyone WOULD applyDec 06 08:13
schestowitzto speed things upDec 06 08:13
schestowitzso what would be the advantage?Dec 06 08:13
oiaohmOnly advantage to speeding up patent application is if you are wanting to use it.Dec 06 08:15
oiaohmLike you have protection under patent pending until patent is granted any how.Dec 06 08:15
oiaohmOnly reason I can see to need it sooner is if you were needing to do a patent case against someone or wanting to threaten someone with a patent case.Dec 06 08:16
schestowitz 06 08:16
-TechBytesBot/ | Introducing Facebook Timeline: The End of Free Will - YouTubeDec 06 08:16
-TechBytesBot/ A Journey Into the Heart of #Facebook #surveillance company masquerading as 'social'. #nsa #prismDec 06 08:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | An Inside Look at a Facebook Data Center - The AtlanticDec 06 08:16
schestowitzoiaohm: so it's for weaponised patentsDec 06 08:17
schestowitzlike the anti-TomTom caseDec 06 08:17
schestowitz 06 08:18
-TechBytesBot/ #linkedin - like #twitter (increasingly) - tries to emulate the world's worst spying engine. 06 08:18
schestowitz"It’s weird how it seems Stallman says Twitter is less bad than Facebook, and yet on there there isn’t any way to switch privacy settings. The only privacy feature is making the entire profile private. And I’ve still seen even supposedly private tweets get broadcast."Dec 06 08:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | LinkedIn's revised Android app emulates Facebook | ITworldDec 06 08:18
oiaohmPatent pending alone is normally enough to stop someone else copying your work.Dec 06 08:18
schestowitzFair point, and Twitter is getting worseDec 06 08:18
schestowitzoiaohm: yeah, but no litigationDec 06 08:18
schestowitzonly threatsDec 06 08:18
schestowitzwhich might not be legalDec 06 08:18
schestowitzyou can't threat to take action that you can't really takreDec 06 08:19
schestowitzthe EPO tried this against meDec 06 08:19
oiaohmBut think about it you don't know if you patent will be granted or not.   Patent pending is enough.Dec 06 08:19
oiaohmRemember if someone has used something without permission while in the patent pending stage then patent granted they owe for all the time they have been using it.Dec 06 08:20
oiaohmSo patent pending is a serous threat level.Dec 06 08:20
oiaohmschestowitz: basically patent pending you cannot take action now but you are free to take action in future.Dec 06 08:21
oiaohmschestowitz: for what is happening now if patent is granted.Dec 06 08:21
oiaohmSo there is no exact need for a rush on a patent.   By rushing a patent you get shorter time frame covered by patent pending on invalid patents.Dec 06 08:22
schestowitz 06 08:23
oiaohmschestowitz: once you understand this it make absolutely no sense for a company to want to rush patent applications unless they are troll wanting to use cases quickly to get money.Dec 06 08:23
schestowitz"Dec 06 08:23
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Keeping PACE with the European Patent OfficeDec 06 08:23
schestowitzHere is the prioritisation of applications according to ECfSDec 06 08:23
schestowitz(taken from one of the slides of a presentation during the EPO-US Bar Partnership for Quality Meeting earlier this year,Dec 06 08:23
schestowitz 06 08:23
schestowitzPriority 1 : MUST BE DONE ON TIMEDec 06 08:23
schestowitzDec 06 08:23
schestowitzFirst filings searchesDec 06 08:23
schestowitzSearch for First Filings (National, PCT Chap I, including SIS, and EP)Dec 06 08:24
schestowitzSearches with committed dates:Dec 06 08:24
schestowitzSearch PCT Chap I 2nd filingsDec 06 08:24
schestowitzRASE and promised datesDec 06 08:24
schestowitzPCT Chapter II examinationDec 06 08:24
schestowitzOpposition, Limitation, RevocationDec 06 08:24
schestowitzSecond filings searchesDec 06 08:24
schestowitzA1 publications for all EP 2nd filingsDec 06 08:24
schestowitzEuro-PCT supplementary searchesDec 06 08:24
schestowitzNational second filingsDec 06 08:24
schestowitzFast track examinationDec 06 08:24
schestowitzDirect Grants after positive ESOP or WOISADec 06 08:24
schestowitzRequest for Accelerated Examination (RAEX), promised dates and non-anonymousDec 06 08:24
schestowitzNot anonymous and substantiated third party observationsDec 06 08:24
schestowitzDec 06 08:24
schestowitzPriority 2 : Further examination actionsDec 06 08:24
schestowitzDec 06 08:24
schestowitzPriority 3 : First examination actionsDec 06 08:24
schestowitzDec 06 08:24
schestowitzPriority 4 : Search backlog on 01/07/2014Dec 06 08:24
schestowitzAll EP 2nd filings which have been published without search report (A2) before 01/07/2014Dec 06 08:24
schestowitzAll Euro-PCT supplementary search already overdue on 01/07/2014Dec 06 08:24
schestowitzThe due date depends on the type of file (eg 1st or 2nd filing) as indicated in the presentation in the link given above.Dec 06 08:24
schestowitzJiggyDec 06 08:24
schestowitz"Dec 06 08:24
oiaohmHmm what is required for a RAEXDec 06 08:29
oiaohm A request for accelerated examination may be filed once the examining division becomes responsible for examining the European patent application.   that is warpedDec 06 08:31
oiaohm 06 08:32
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO - Notice from the European Patent Office dated 30 November 2015 concerning the programme for accelerated prosecution of European patent applications ("PACE")Dec 06 08:32
oiaohmschestowitz: basically RAEX is free and its basically send them a memo and hope they do something other than file it in trash.Dec 06 08:32
*liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytesDec 06 08:35
oiaohmschestowitz: this is funny.   Its like the not connect walk buttons at some cross roads to keep people happy while waiting.Dec 06 08:35
oiaohmschestowitz: there is nothing special in The European Patent Convention to allow accelerated processing.   But nothing preventing providing an option to request it.   I think EPO has been wasting Microsoft time because they are too stupid to read the rules.Dec 06 08:37
oiaohmschestowitz:  eepDec 06 08:44
-TechBytesBot/ | E‑VII, 3.2 Accelerated examination - Guidelines for ExaminationDec 06 08:44
oiaohmthe more I read about Accelerated examination there is no way I would use it on a patent applciation.Dec 06 08:44
oiaohmYou are waving your right to argue with the patent ruling in many places by doing it.Dec 06 08:45
oiaohmParticuarlly where you are allowed to alter you patent application correcting any errors that are causing it rejection.Dec 06 08:46
-TechBytesBot/ | Rule 161 – Amendment of the application - The European Patent Convention, Implementing Regulations – to the Convention on the Grant of European Patents, Part IX – Implementing Regulations to Part X of the ConventionDec 06 08:46
oiaohmSo result of giving up Rule 161 is that if there is anything wrong in your application you have to put in a fresh application and pay all the fees over again.Dec 06 08:46
schestowitzoiaohm: reading..Dec 06 08:49
schestowitz[08:37] <oiaohm> schestowitz: there is nothing special in The European Patent Convention to allow accelerated processing.Dec 06 08:50
schestowitzDidn't know that or think of it from this angleDec 06 08:50
schestowitzoiaohm: so now there are different lanesDec 06 08:51
schestowitzfor different procedures for processingDec 06 08:51
schestowitzwhich is weirdDec 06 08:51
schestowitzI don't think any patent system is intended to work like thisDec 06 08:51
schestowitzand whether the fundamental rules permit facilitation as such? Highly unlikely...Dec 06 08:52
schestowitzoiaohm: notice what they call PACEDec 06 08:52
schestowitz"Closer contact with large applicants"Dec 06 08:52
schestowitzCLOSERDec 06 08:52
schestowitzCONTACTDec 06 08:52
schestowitzmeaning MORE communicationDec 06 08:52
schestowitznot lessDec 06 08:52
schestowitzoiaohm: EPO is stressed over what I revealed because, based on what I read, many people no longer applyDec 06 08:53
schestowitzthey go to their national patent office insteadDec 06 08:53
schestowitzwhich puts the EPO maybe even at existential risk in the long runDec 06 08:53
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 06 08:55
oiaohmschestowitz: It is more communications if parties have to repeatily do applications over and over again to correct minor errors because they give up Rule 161.2Dec 06 09:07
oiaohmschestowitz: basically its accelerated processing for who.    With the client not having means to alter application in the accelerated mode means its faster for EPO to close the application.Dec 06 09:08
schestowitzok...Dec 06 09:12
*liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Dec 06 10:00
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesDec 06 10:01
schestowitz"I used Linux and the project is very interesting"Dec 06 10:24
schestowitz 06 10:24
-TechBytesBot/ "Ben Corrie discusses Project Bonneville, how to create a shared Linux kernel for privileged containers" 06 10:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Exploding the Linux Container HostDec 06 10:24
schestowitz 06 10:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jmcest: 🐺 RT @schestowitz New software watches for license plates, turning you into Little Brother #privacy #trackingDec 06 10:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | New software watches for license plates, turning you into Little Brother | Ars TechnicaDec 06 10:37
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 06 17:24
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 06 17:25
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 06 17:25
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 06 17:25
schestowitzjust been speaking to someone from EPO and sent this reply:Dec 06 17:34
schestowitzI have reviewed all the material I have, including attachments, and I've decided to cover such a personal case with anonymity would be impractical. It would be too obvious who the complainer is. As such, I'd like to ask: would you object to taking this story public, with your consent and review before publication? It would help show grievances among staff reps ahead of me releasing some details of ludicrous accusations against other staffDec 06 17:34
schestowitzreps (upcoming series).Dec 06 17:34
schestowitzStories like these can help increase support among the staff for their staff reps. These stories can also shed light on the horrible treatment of EPO staff and shift focus to the core of these matters (a la ILO, but having to wait several years for determinations).Dec 06 17:34
schestowitz 06 17:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kstallett: @schestowitz Is this a parody of the that's amore song? Diaspora kinda fits.Dec 06 17:35
schestowitzi can't see the relation to That's AmoreDec 06 17:35
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Dec 06 20:13
schestowitz> I have prepared an answer, but first this:Dec 06 20:25
schestowitz>Dec 06 20:25
schestowitz> Thunderbird gave me error when answering automatically (i.e. using theDec 06 20:25
schestowitz> "answer" button) saying that the address was not associated with aDec 06 20:25
schestowitz> public key. I have noticed that in the gmail program, your mail wasDec 06 20:25
schestowitz> received with, while in Thunderbird it is s@...Dec 06 20:25
schestowitz> See the annexed pic.Dec 06 20:25
schestowitz>Dec 06 20:25
schestowitz> Any reason? trouble?Dec 06 20:25
schestowitzWhichever address you send a reply to will be fine. I'd cope...Dec 06 20:25
schestowitz 06 21:36
schestowitz"in Germany : Europäisches Patentamt: Belegschaft gegen Sonnenkönig (23/11/2015 - translated title: EPO: staff against the Sun King)"Dec 06 21:36
-TechBytesBot/ | LabourNet Germany: Treffpunkt für Ungehorsame, mit und ohne Job, basisnah, gesellschaftskritisch » Europäisches Patentamt: Belegschaft gegen SonnenkönigDec 06 21:36
schestowitz 06 21:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WarOnTerrorTop: Column: War on Terror is creating more terror - Opinion - Waxahachie Daily Light - Waxahachie, TX via @schestowitzDec 06 21:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | TopicalDec 06 21:53
schestowitz 06 22:16
schestowitz"Dec 06 22:16
schestowitzTo waht "PublicOpinion said.."Dec 06 22:16
schestowitzI have to note that 40 years of negligence does not result in the EPO being the best patent office, but exactly this is what BB propagates. Or is BB not telling the truth?Dec 06 22:16
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Boards of Appeal tell AC: we were never consultedDec 06 22:16
schestowitzSo, just perhaps: Is the "PublicOpinion" not well misinformed or well uniformed?Dec 06 22:16
schestowitzBarones Much-RefusalsDec 06 22:16
schestowitz"Dec 06 22:16
schestowitz"Dec 06 22:16
schestowitzHonestOpinion says...Dec 06 22:16
schestowitz@PublicOpinion & MoralOpinionDec 06 22:16
schestowitz"There is probably a perverse pride in my administration... that we were going to do the right thing, even if short-term it was unpopular. And I think anybody who's occupied this office has to remember that success is determined by an intersection in policy and politics and that you can't be neglecting of marketing and P.R. and public opinion."Dec 06 22:16
schestowitzBarack ObamaDec 06 22:16
schestowitz"Dec 06 22:16
schestowitz"Dec 06 22:17
schestowitzMeldrew,Dec 06 22:17
schestowitzOf course examiners' salaries are paid by the public ! Every time you buy a product or service from a company who owns patents, a fraction of what you pay goes to the company's patent portfolio, and therefore (in part) to procedural fees and renewal fees at the EPO. It is not because it is not directly levied from the public that it is not paid by the public. For comparison, would you say that officers dealing with personal taxation at HMDec 06 22:17
schestowitzRevenues & Customs are paid by the public, but those dealing with corporate taxes are not ?Dec 06 22:17
schestowitzAnonymous from above.Dec 06 22:17
schestowitz"Dec 06 22:17
schestowitz"Dec 06 22:17
schestowitz@TreatyNotifier:Dec 06 22:17
schestowitz"To all those discussing the wish/plan to shift jurisdiction from E(BA) to the UPC. Do we have any formal or informal suggestions of that by EPO, or its member states?"Dec 06 22:17
schestowitzThe clearest informal suggestion of this has come from the President himself through the Sueddeutsche Zeitung:Dec 06 22:17
schestowitzUnd um so zu verhindern, dass das Amt den größten Wandel seiner Geschichte durchläuft: den Übergang zum europäischen Einheitspatent und einer neuen Gerichtsbarkeit, mit Gerichtshof in Paris samt Außenstellen, auch in München. Die Große Beschwerdekammer würde abgelöst, sobald alle Staaten das Abkommen ratifiziert haben. Der Mann und seine Kollegen würden ihre Positionen einbüßen.Dec 06 22:18
schestowitzEntry into force of the UPC agreement obviously does not mean the immediate end of the boards of appeal (or even of the EBA), but this strange twist seems to say something about what is on the mind of the person it came from.Dec 06 22:18
schestowitzAn earlier suggestion (in a slightly different direction) was given last year in Juve:Dec 06 22:18
schestowitzDas Europäische Patentamt plant offensichtlich, seine Beschwerdekammern dem Europäischen Gerichtshof (EuGH) zu unterstellen. Vorbild sollen die Regelungen für das Harmonisierungsamt für den Binnenmarkt in Alicante sein.Dec 06 22:18
schestowitz(There are of course many reasons why the CJEU will never be made an appeal instance for decisions by the EPO BOAs. And the OHIM example gives a couple of the strongest reasons.)Dec 06 22:18
schestowitzAny view on the compatibility with the (unamended) EPC of Vienna as a location for the EPO BOAs? See in particular articles 6 and 7 EPC and the protocol on centralisation. T 1012/03 shows just one way how quickly a move to Vienna could end in a catastrophe (well... in a very urgent need to convene a diplomatic conference to fix a rather big mess).Dec 06 22:18
schestowitzIf the AC is wise, it will decide that the BOA reform cannot be left to the present dysfunctional Office, but has to be worked out by the member states themselves and decided upon in a diplomatic conference amending the EPC. The amended articles could be made provisionally applicable so it would not have to take 10 years for the reform to take effect.Dec 06 22:18
schestowitz"Dec 06 22:18
schestowitz"    Working overtime in the Isar building are we?"Dec 06 22:18
schestowitzLOLDec 06 22:18
schestowitz"Dec 06 22:19
schestowitzAmicus Curiae:Dec 06 22:19
schestowitzRe Public Opinion:Dec 06 22:19
schestowitz"Maybe Mr. Battistellli tends to go a little bit to far especially in case of the BoA, but in principle he is right. He deals with an office full of examiners that are overpaid, slow and often unexperienced and not well educated in patent law."Dec 06 22:19
schestowitzYou certainly have an axe to grind. I cannot say about the basis of your statements. Not being an examiner, I would not know exact details, but there are some principles:Dec 06 22:19
schestowitzInternational Agencies usually offer the highest wage of any member state, for the EPO that will be Swiss or Norway, frequently higher than the local wages. Why: to attract staff from these countries. I cannot say whether that qualifies as "overpaid".Dec 06 22:19
schestowitzAs for the other points: Who, may I ask, is responsible, if examiners today behave as you state? Correct, the management. Assuming your statements are correct, the EPO was not properly managed for an extended period of time. In other terms, the Council in the last years or decades did not do its job.Dec 06 22:19
schestowitzWhat makes you think they do their job now, exercising oversight and control?Dec 06 22:19
schestowitz"Dec 06 22:19
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 07 01:00
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Dec 7 01:07:57 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Dec 7 01:09:17 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 07 01:09
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 07 01:09
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 07 01:09
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 07 01:23
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesDec 07 01:35
*r_schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 07 01:43
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 07 01:44
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 07 01:44
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 07 01:44
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 07 05:24
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 07 05:27
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Dec 07 07:06
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 07 09:32
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesDec 07 09:49
schestowitz 07 11:22
schestowitz"Dec 07 11:22
schestowitzI'll do it, didn't saw your reply earlier.Dec 07 11:22
schestowitzI'll send it after work, so it can be reviewed.Dec 07 11:22
-TechBytesBot/ | Diaspora* - Sign inDec 07 11:22
schestowitz"Dec 07 11:22
schestowitz 07 11:22
-TechBytesBot/ #bbc and #npr part of the misleading campaign to lull the public back into sleep as if #surveillance doesn't exist 07 11:22
schestowitz"At this point, those who don’t realize their data is being tracked and logged are willfully ignorant."Dec 07 11:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | NSA Ends Sept. 11-Era Surveillance Program | Nevada Public RadioDec 07 11:22
schestowitzYesDec 07 11:24
schestowitzThe letter shown at the top of the article is very much worth translating, still... not seen any translation yetDec 07 11:25
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Dec 07 14:53
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesDec 07 18:05
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 07 18:19
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 07 18:20
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 07 18:20
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 07 18:20
schestowitz 07 19:00
schestowitz"Dec 07 19:00
schestowitz Pondering over some of the comments above, things become clear to me.Dec 07 19:00
schestowitzI always thought Battistelli was aiming for another job within the French government, once Sarkozy would be president again. It may be more probable he is aiming for a position with the UPC. For which reason he is already getting rid of the appellate bodies with the EPO. Their decisions would be a mere nuisiance to the UPC.Dec 07 19:00
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Boards of Appeal tell AC: we were never consultedDec 07 19:00
schestowitzSo Battistelli is serving EU interests rather than EPO interests. But wait, the UPC is not part of the EU? Correct - that is the way Great Britain wanted it to be implemented. But with a larger pan-European federalist lobby (hello Guy Verhofstadt c.s.), I expect the UPC to be part of the EU in no-time. With support of the AC, instructed by national governments who are supporting the same federalist movement.Dec 07 19:00
schestowitzAnd EU federalism is an unstoppable train. We have seen two clear wins by the people in referenda (France, Netherlands) opposing matter that was introduced in the EU later on, against all democratic principles. And the same will happen with the referendum on Ukraine (April 2016, Netherlands).Dec 07 19:00
schestowitzBut why does the UCP with case law need to replace the BoA case law? Because EU bodies are easier to access and control for the corporate lobby. If not directly, then still via the EU parliament.Dec 07 19:00
schestowitzIn other words, I am beginning to feel this circus is not about Battistelli vs. the Boards of Appeal, but fits in a larger scheme of EU federalism - for the benefit of corporate lobby to establish one single body they can focus their lobby efforts on.Dec 07 19:00
schestowitzConspiracy theory? Perhaps. But I have seen too many pointers already.Dec 07 19:00
schestowitz"Dec 07 19:00
schestowitz"Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzanother reason why it is not to be expected that the UPV will replace the BoA is that the BoA are still cheaper and more technical directed thatn the UPC.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzAn opposition (eventually followed by an appeal to the BoA) has much lower fees than the (proposed) UPC court fees for a revocation action.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzSecondly, the EPO Opposition Division has three technically qualified members and the EPO BoA has two technically qualified members and only one legally qualififed member. At the EPO the technically qualified people thus are in the majority over the legally qualiified members. For the UPC this is the other way around: there we have one techniclaly qualified Judge and two legally qualififed judges and in the appeal bord of the UPC the ratio isDec 07 19:01
schestowitz3:2. Thus in both cases a majority of legally qualified judges.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzThis means that applicants/opponents that want to decide the case on technical issues - which is most often the case in invalidations - better could address the EPO.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzAn additional reason is that the EPO Opposition Division and the BoA may invalidated the patent for all 38 EPC States, while the UPC can only invalidate for the (max 27) UPC States.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitz"Dec 07 19:01
schestowitz"Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzThe advantages of the EPO Opposition Division as well as the Boards of Appeal (the latter ones in particular) are exactly the reasons why these institutes need to be decapitated - this applies to the BoA in particular.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzBecause the UPC will not be able to beat the EPO institutions - at least not on the short term. So they need to be deactivated or at least be set back - for the EU to be on top of matter as soon as possible. As the EU is better to control by industry.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzOops, but UPC is not part of the EU, how could I forget???Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzNot *yet*, I'd say.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitz'Dec 07 19:01
schestowitz"    From the comments above, a couple raise questions in my mind. TreatyNotifier suggested Norway wouldn't be happy about combining BAs and UPC. What would the UK think in the event it left the EU? How will Cameron and his chums play this during the debate within the UK and will it become relevant in the "renegotiations" as some sort of pawn? Maybe the UKIPO likes to have more revocation actions for itself, though how this would be financedDec 07 19:01
schestowitzbeats me, with current tiny official fee. And as to BB's ambitions, is mayoralty of a French village in his dotage not sufficient anymore? I'm not one for conspiracy theories normally, but the lack of openness in the shenanigans in eponia recently doesn't half scream out for them."Dec 07 19:01
schestowitz"Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzSome people complain about costs and patent examiners being paid too much. With all due respect, the two are different things. It is not because BB lowers the costs of search and examination that he intends to lower taxes.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzAnd as to what the office invests in search and examination, there is an old business saying which runs like "in the long term, you generally get what you pay for". If the position is not attractive for competent examiners, the office will not get them. It is that simple.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzAlso: applicants do not only pay so that the Office grants patents. They also pay so that the Office refuses their competitor's patents. How much is that worth to you?Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzLast but not least, the President is French. The French had a patent system without examination where all work was done by litigation courts. It may simply be that this kind of solution is what the President wants for the future: a simplified grant procedure, maybe through automation of search and examination, and the whole burden transferred to a litigation court. You don't really need examiners in that future.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzA concerned examiner.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitz"Dec 07 19:01
schestowitz 07 21:51
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Boards of Appeal tell AC: we were never consultedDec 07 21:51
schestowitz"Dec 07 21:51
schestowitzDiscussing this situation with a studious colleague, he pointed out to me that, back in 1973 when the EPC was being written, a European Patent Court was part of the plan. But back then politicians ran scared of that idea, so nothing came of it, and instead we ended up with EPO DG3.Dec 07 21:51
schestowitzWhat has changed since 1973? Patent litigation has become global big business, not just in Big Pharma but also in telephony.Dec 07 21:51
schestowitzPoliticians in Europe today are more scared of the world-wide Big Corp forces that reprimand them for having made no progress since 1973, and up till now have STILL failed to create a single instance where patents can be litigated once and for all, for all of Europe.Dec 07 21:51
schestowitzBB is tasked with making the UPC a success. One way is to push up pendency in DG3 to 5 years or more, another to clear out of DG3 all the wisdom and experience. When the UPC starts up, it will have judges but no cases to try. Business will be brisk. Pendency will be short, and so compare very favourably with that at the EPO. A flying start, you might say.Dec 07 21:52
schestowitzAnd Big Corp will show its appreciation to those that helped it. Nice consultancies for those who pulled the strings behind the scenes.Dec 07 21:52
schestowitzRemember, DG3 can't try infringement but the UPC can. And it can also do validity, and revoke patents; like DG3 does only more forcefully. What's not to like?Dec 07 21:52
schestowitz"Dec 07 21:52
schestowitz"Dec 07 21:52
schestowitzAs pointed out above, the planned restrition, i. e. the cooling period virtually for all staff, has nothing to do with the reform of the BA.Dec 07 21:52
schestowitzAs to why it is proposed now, the obvious possible answer is that the president is planning already a further reform, which he expets that will drive staff out of the EPO in masses and this roblem must be prevented by appropriate strategic prior reform that prevents the staf from doing so.Dec 07 21:52
schestowitzBarbiDec 07 21:52
schestowitz"Dec 07 21:52
schestowitz"Dec 07 21:52
schestowitzEPO’s Academic Coffee-corner quotes…Dec 07 21:52
schestowitz“Firstly you must always implicitly obey orders,Dec 07 21:52
schestowitzwithout attempting to form any opinion of your ownDec 07 21:52
schestowitzregarding their propriety.Dec 07 21:52
schestowitzSecondly, you must consider every man your enemy who speaks ill of your king;Dec 07 21:52
schestowitzand thirdly you must hate a Frenchman as you hate the devil.”Dec 07 21:52
schestowitz- Horatio Nelson-Dec 07 21:52
schestowitz"Dec 07 21:52
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Dec 07 22:36
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Dec 7 22:36:13 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Dec 7 22:36:38 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 07 22:36
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 07 22:36
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 07 22:36
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Dec 08 00:28
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesDec 08 00:28
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 08 01:04
schestowitz"You will be assimilated!"Dec 08 01:56
schestowitz 08 01:57
-TechBytesBot/ Android Will Own 81.2 Percent Of Smartphone Market By The End Of 2015 08 01:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Android Will Own 81.2 Percent Of Smartphone Market By The End Of 2015 : PERSONAL TECH : Tech TimesDec 08 01:57
schestowitzLegal case against Hardon (just came here...) contains refs to Fosspatents...Dec 08 02:16
schestowitzJust read it all very quickly... will need to decide what to do as there are other stories/issues in the pipelineDec 08 02:27
schestowitz>> Just read it all very quickly... will need to decide what to do as thereDec 08 02:49
schestowitz>> > are other stories/issues in the pipelineDec 08 02:49
schestowitz>Dec 08 02:49
schestowitz> Ya betcha!Dec 08 02:49
schestowitz>Dec 08 02:49
schestowitz> Thanks for the articles on FTI.Dec 08 02:49
schestowitz>Dec 08 02:49
schestowitz> I didn't research them, so I just thought they were yet anotherDec 08 02:49
schestowitz> high-powered PR firm, but now I see that they are pretty much of theDec 08 02:49
schestowitz> same ilk as Control Risks.Dec 08 02:49
schestowitz>Dec 08 02:49
schestowitz> Working the graveyard shift again?Dec 08 02:49
schestowitzYes, tonight too...Dec 08 02:49
schestowitzstarted drafting some crap... (yes, that's what my TODO looks like...)Dec 08 02:49
schestowitz 08 03:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Writer says "free software (that’s “free-as-in-speech”" and mocks #apple for #openwashing and #hype 08 03:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Apple is proud of its open source software Swift. A bit too proud | Technology | The GuardianDec 08 03:02
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 08 08:15
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 08 08:15
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 08 08:18
schestowitz> Thanks for letting me know. Keep up your great work. I'm too busy this week (after losing productive time last week due to surgery) to do anything about the EPO, ut I may do one more post about it before Xmas.Dec 08 08:20
schestowitzWatch what I'll write about Els later today...Dec 08 08:20
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 08 08:23
schestowitz> Hi Roy,Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz>Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz>>From EPO circles I got the following feedback when I mentioned my efforts to promote your blog:Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz>Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz> "the problem with Roy is that he would be brilliant if he wrote no more than 10% of what he does, so that the average person (or even the average examiner) could actually read what he writes. now he is losing readers because people give up.Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz> you may tell him if you have the occasion"Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz>Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz> Just wanted to share this. Now, I don't agree on 10% as an exact figure. And I don't think you should write much less, but it would probably be helpful if you could structure things differently and generally streamline your EPO coverage. By that I mean that instead of doing 5 posts a day on the EPO you might consider doing no more than 1 per day, and a second one on the same day only under exceptional circumstances (breaking news thatDec 08 08:24
schestowitzwarrants immediate coverage), and to then focus on hard facts that speak for themselves and keep the commentary more concise, especially because there's a risk of it getting too repetitive.Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz>Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz> I haven't been able to follow your coverage either because it's too much. Again, I don't think the insider who gave the 10% number is "on the money", but that insider does have a point to consider.Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz>Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz> Best regards,Dec 08 08:24
schestowitzThe same was true back in the days when I wrote, on average, more than 10 items per day. It's always possible to go back and retrospectively read things. The goal is to make as much info publicly available for the willing reader.Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz> The paranoia even reaches me...Dec 08 08:27
schestowitz>Dec 08 08:27
schestowitz> I actually thought about sticking little pieces of papers around theDec 08 08:27
schestowitz> frame of my flat's door to check whether sneaked in when I was out...Dec 08 08:27
schestowitz>Dec 08 08:27
schestowitz> Good night, and watch for Bulgarians with umbrellas!Dec 08 08:27
schestowitzI know it must be some kind of idiom-ish, but a Bulgarian lady was in the house the other day looking to sign us up for monthly donations to the blind (which we did). My wife even left her alone downstairs for a while, as she was getting some stuff upstairs. ;-) I wasn't too happy with a stranger being left alone like this...Dec 08 08:27
schestowitz"EPO folks find it hard to keep up with your many posts"Dec 08 08:48
schestowitzThat's what they say...Dec 08 08:48
schestowitzApparentlyDec 08 08:48
schestowitzbased on someone...Dec 08 08:48
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 08 09:11
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Dec 08 11:17
schestowitz> Dear Roy,Dec 08 12:35
schestowitz>Dec 08 12:35
schestowitz> Would you still like to review a Librem? We have been holding off onDec 08 12:35
schestowitz> sending review units until today's news:Dec 08 12:35
schestowitz>Dec 08 12:35
schestowitz> Today, Purism announced that the Qubes operating system will beDec 08 12:36
schestowitz> preinstalled. This begins a partnership between both companies to createDec 08 12:36
schestowitz> a very private, very secure computer that is more resistant to modernDec 08 12:36
schestowitz> day threats.Dec 08 12:36
schestowitz>Dec 08 12:36
schestowitz> Conventional security approaches such as antivirus and malware detectionDec 08 12:36
schestowitz> programs are no longer enough to keep out sophisticated attackers. QubesDec 08 12:36
schestowitz> OS isolates the operating system’s components into "virtual computers"Dec 08 12:36
schestowitz> allowing for better security than Microsoft Windows or Apple OSX canDec 08 12:36
schestowitz> provide. You can also run multiple OSs at the same time on a Librem withDec 08 12:36
schestowitz> Qubes, even an insecure OS like Windows, because it is contained in aDec 08 12:36
schestowitz> separate "compartment" that if hacked, will not compromise the rest ofDec 08 12:36
schestowitz> the files on the computer.Dec 08 12:36
schestowitz>Dec 08 12:36
schestowitz> Here's the final release with screen shots and logos:Dec 08 12:36
schestowitz>Dec 08 12:36
schestowitz> 08 12:36
-TechBytesBot/ | Session ExpiredDec 08 12:36
schestowitz>Dec 08 12:36
schestowitz> If you would like a word with either Joanna Rutkowska (Qubes) or ToddDec 08 12:36
schestowitz> Weaver (Purism), let me know. Joanna is at the high-level conference onDec 08 12:36
schestowitz> protecting privacy at the EU Parliament today and difficult to reach.Dec 08 12:36
schestowitz> 08 12:36
schestowitz> <>Dec 08 12:36
schestowitz>Dec 08 12:36
schestowitz> All the best,Dec 08 12:36
schestowitz>Dec 08 12:36
-TechBytesBot/ | STOA | WorkshopsDec 08 12:36
schestowitz> GiselleDec 08 12:36
schestowitzHi,Dec 08 12:36
-TechBytesBot/ | STOA | Protecting online privacy by enhancing IT security and strengthening EU IT capabilitiesDec 08 12:36
schestowitzMy wife and I will be happy to review a unit. Also, for our Web site (Tux Machine), we would be happy to have an interview with Rutkowska, if that's possible...Dec 08 12:36
schestowitz>>>>>> 08 12:37
schestowitz>>>>>>Dec 08 12:37
schestowitz>>>>>> behind all the smoke and noise ...Dec 08 12:37
-TechBytesBot/ | Donald Trump thinks he can call Bill Gates to 'close up' the internet | The VergeDec 08 12:37
schestowitz>>>>Dec 08 12:37
schestowitz>>>> he knows how to get attention...Dec 08 12:37
schestowitz>> Yes, and he's trained much of the public to expect his style of anticsDec 08 12:37
schestowitz>> through years of "reality" tv.  However, with this proposal, andDec 08 12:37
schestowitz>> government backing, Bill could achieve his old dream of a proprietary,Dec 08 12:37
schestowitz>> M$-only network that everyone is forced to use.  The Internet, in aDec 08 12:37
schestowitz>> worst case scenario, could be forced out of the way like Usenet.Dec 08 12:37
schestowitz>> M$-only shops already do not use standards except for externalDec 08 12:37
schestowitz>> communication.Dec 08 12:37
schestowitz>Dec 08 12:37
schestowitz> I tried to ignore both, but I can't...Dec 08 12:37
schestowitz> He and the media owned by his friends are good at keeping him in theDec 08 12:37
schestowitz> spotlight.  Though maybe he's just a foil to keep attention off BernieDec 08 12:37
schestowitz> Sanders and to make Hillary Clinton appear reasonable.Dec 08 12:37
schestowitzSanders looks OK to me. Like Corbyn here...Dec 08 12:37
schestowitz> To be clear, I wasn't talking about money: SUEPO won't pay you for this, nor will industry.Dec 08 12:40
schestowitz>Dec 08 12:40
schestowitz> It's about fighting the good fight effectively, not about a profit motive.Dec 08 12:40
schestowitz>Dec 08 12:40
schestowitz> I know very well that I, too, like to put things out there so I can link to them later. But you could still put more things into a single story.Dec 08 12:40
schestowitz>Dec 08 12:40
schestowitz> No one can expect you to do this or that. But you're trying to advance a good cause and what you're doing on that front appears to have turned into an overkill that won't influence the ones who call the shots.Dec 08 12:40
schestowitzI'm not an influencer, and I don't want to frame or strategise writing as such... like wasting time contacting journalists (as you did) for citations. I want to just write my stuff and those who appreciate it will perhaps pursue the right people (like sending them links).Dec 08 12:40
schestowitzYou and I have different styles. That's fine. I have a big backlog of stuff here, I want to reduce it or else not get my xmas leave ;-pDec 08 12:40
schestowitzprio1 articles first....Dec 08 12:40
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesDec 08 12:46
schestowitz 08 13:05
-TechBytesBot/ | Blogger: The IPKat - Post a CommentDec 08 13:05
schestowitz"Oh, but it can. Therein lies the problem - there is no effective mechanism to bring change. The EPC framers were not general law experts, let alone consitutional experts, and it is beginning to show. Same problem with WIPO, which has become moribund, same problem with WTO, EU institutions, and so on, so forth. In pursuing a laudable goal, the framers assumed that all successors would be as noble as they, and forgot to create a mechanism forDec 08 13:05
schestowitzusers of the system to challenge systemic failure under an independent external body with eyes, ears and teeth. Thus, the present situation can and will continue, must to the disappointment of all who watch, until a major EPC state threatens secession due to incompatibility with its own national law."Dec 08 13:05
schestowitzMehDec 08 13:05
schestowitzTrying to frame this as a general problemDec 08 13:05
schestowitzserving to distract from the EPo situationDec 08 13:05
schestowitzI know this TYPE of propagandaDec 08 13:05
schestowitzMicrosoft uses that tooDec 08 13:05
oiaohmschestowitz: please note Microsoft and Apple and many others had the idea of closed source networking.Dec 08 13:07
schestowitz 08 14:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: Resist this abuse ! 08 14:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #epo practices an approach of divide and rule, by insisting on secrecy and gagging its victims. Resist this abuse.Dec 08 14:58
schestowitz 08 15:03
-TechBytesBot/ | BRIEF-Immunicum: EPO intends to grant patent to its cancer immune primer INTUVAX | ReutersDec 08 15:03
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 08 15:06
schestowitz> On Tuesday 08 December 2015 07:59 PM, Roy Schestowitz wrote:Dec 08 16:33
schestowitz>> two identical posts with the title "What Are Massive Open Online CoursesDec 08 16:33
schestowitz>> (MOOCs) ? How Can You Benefit Out Of MOOCs?" were published thisDec 08 16:33
schestowitz>> morning. In succession. I unpublished one of them to avoid theDec 08 16:33
schestowitz>> duplication, hoping it'll be just fine (I checked to be sure that bothDec 08 16:33
schestowitz>> entries were identical)Dec 08 16:34
schestowitz>>Dec 08 16:34
schestowitz>> I'm really sorry I just mistakenly submitted that post. I forgot that IDec 08 16:34
schestowitz> had posted the same post before. Thank you for notifying me. Have aDec 08 16:34
schestowitz> great time.Dec 08 16:34
schestowitzWe are always happy to see you contribute and publish new articles,Dec 08 16:34
schestowitzRegards from Roy and Rianne...Dec 08 16:34
schestowitz> Hello Schestowitz, I just want to ask something which I really want toDec 08 19:01
schestowitz> better publish my content on tuxmachine. As you would have seen myDec 08 19:01
schestowitz> submissions, all of them look different than other submitter. Could youDec 08 19:01
schestowitz> please help me out with the technique that you guys use to publishDec 08 19:01
schestowitz> content in better way and specially format of the posts. Thank you!Dec 08 19:01
schestowitzUse the following template, with the following 3 variables (replace with yours):Dec 08 19:02
schestowitz[IMAGE URL]Dec 08 19:02
schestowitz[TEXT]Dec 08 19:02
schestowitz[ARTICLE URL]Dec 08 19:02
schestowitz<p><img src=""[IMAGE URL]" border="0" align="left" width="160" hspace="20" vspace="20" style="padding: 17px 17px 17px 17px; box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #222;" />Dec 08 19:02
schestowitz<p class="dropcap-first">[TEXT]Dec 08 19:02
schestowitz<a href="[ARTICLE URL]"><img src="/files/read-on-white.png" alt="Read more" title="Read the rest of this article" /></a>Dec 08 19:02
schestowitz> Roy,Dec 08 19:08
schestowitz>Dec 08 19:08
schestowitz>Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz> - re-post redacted originals to Wikileaks. They have a secure inbox.Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz>   To have safe copies there. Just in case.Dec 08 19:09
schestowitzThere are copies of article in github. Some FFII people now maintain these. These articles include the redacted documents.Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz> - re-post and report, and put onto your boat:Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz>Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz>  The InterceptDec 08 19:09
schestowitz>  DemocracyNowDec 08 19:09
schestowitz>  Jan Philipp Albrecht (Green MEP for Northern Germany)Dec 08 19:09
schestowitzI need the help of readers who are concerned. I spoke a lot to Florian today and unlike him I make no effort to contact journalists. It's not slowing down further publication/work.Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz>  German best newspaper and magazines:Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz>Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz>  Sueddeutsche Zeitung (contact Katja Riedel / Christopher Schrader)Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz>  together with Investigative Research/Recherche Pool with NDR/WDRDec 08 19:09
schestowitz>Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz>  HEISE Newsticker (contact Stefan Krempl)Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz>  Die ZEIT  (Has a secure inbox)Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz>  Der SPIEGELDec 08 19:09
schestowitzCan readers not send links or material to these people. Surely, if the topic is important, they ought to at least consider covering. One linking to one's own articles serves to discredit oneself (conflict of interest/shameless self promotion)Dec 08 19:09
schestowitzI did notice that some people spread the work in sites like Reddit. This increases visibility.Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz> EPO scandal must become public in the mainstream.Dec 08 19:09
schestowitzYes, but I'm not a PR agency or Maja Mitternmaier (spelling). I don't have the capacity to research, write and then do "PR". I hope readers will help...Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz> And:Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz> And EPO staff must be made aware of correct crypto tools (How stupid is it to use a gmail-address ?)Dec 08 19:09
schestowitzyes, but I'm not there to lecture people, I gave some public advice before.Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz> And:Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz> Pls. make your PGP/GPG key more apparent. Link to it via all "Contact" urls on bottom of all your numerous pages.Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz> Currently, this is not the case, and your key is very difficult to find.Dec 08 19:09
schestowitzit's right there in my twitter and diaspora profile (my fingerprint)Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz> And:Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz> Pls. upload your 4096 public key to the keyservers! (only your old key is present there)Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz> Use (-> "Submit a Key to the Server"). Your mail tool may also be able to upload your public key to the keyservers. In Enigmail you can select your (4096) key and directly upload it, it's a matter of seconds, but cannot make it undone!Dec 08 19:09
schestowitzWeird. I uploaded it before. I guess something didn't take effect. I'll retry.Dec 08 19:09
-TechBytesBot/ | SKS Keyservers: Interact with the keyserversDec 08 19:09
schestowitz 08 22:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dwdeeds: Raspberry Pi based 3D printer has huge build space #edtech #stem #steam via @schestowitz 08 22:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Raspberry Pi based 3D printer has huge build sp...Dec 08 22:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dwdeeds: Raspberry Pi based 3D printer has huge build space #edtech #stem #steam via @schestowitz 08 22:57
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 09 00:36
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 09 01:04
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 09 04:56
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 09 05:07
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*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Dec 09 15:09
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesDec 09 18:08
schestowitz"Dec 09 18:51
schestowitzThank you for sharing the latest Linux gaming news as part of the feed! I particularly appreciate the information! :)Dec 09 18:51
schestowitzKeep up the awesome work!Dec 09 18:51
schestowitzNick.Dec 09 18:51
schestowitz"Dec 09 18:51
schestowitzShould I post more such linksDec 09 18:51
schestowitz"People say Donald has no chance of getting into power.  I say otherwise – I hope I’m wrong."Dec 09 19:29
schestowitz 09 19:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Tiles,Windows and other ramblings. « OpenBytes - Goblin's Domain [ ]Dec 09 19:29
schestowitz"IMHO: It's a healthy amount of game-related content right now... not too many posts on that topic but enough to be informative! More gaming content might alienate other interest groups from the general Linux base and require a separate "Linux Games" feed (which I would definitely subscribe to!)"Dec 09 19:50
schestowitzThanksDec 09 19:50
schestowitz 09 20:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @rionero11 @altreconomia 09 20:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "at the EPO, where oppositions can take 12 years" what a crappy system, clearly dysfunctional nowDec 09 20:10
schestowitz 09 20:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: Ganz nette Leit'... @schestowitz @rionero11 09 20:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KellerZoe: Suicidio alla Commissione Europea 09 20:10
schestowitz 09 20:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@redlocal: Lots of spin zone in #opensource news this week. PR people totally took over. "Apple Open Source, "Microsoft Loves… 09 20:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Lots of spin zone in #opensource news this week. PR people totally took over. "Apple Open Source, "Microsoft Loves Linux". Gimme a break.Dec 09 20:28
schestowitz 09 20:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @wallstreetita 09 20:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | EPO “Synonymous With Psychological Depressions, Nervous Breakdowns, and Even Suicides” | TechrightsDec 09 20:33
schestowitz 09 20:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @wallstreetitaDec 09 20:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | No Wonder Staff of the EPO Gets Sick of the Management, Which Games Sickness Statistics in Order to Delude the World | TechrightsDec 09 20:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @wallstreetita ...Prego, servitevi senza complimenti! 09 20:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | EPO - TechrightsDec 09 20:44
schestowitz 09 20:51
-TechBytesBot/ | European Patent Office reacts to claims by blogger of preferential treatment towards MicrosoftDec 09 20:51
schestowitz 09 21:09
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Merpel pays a brief visit to EponiaDec 09 21:09
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:09
schestowitz(To Anonymous Disheartened)Dec 09 21:09
schestowitzI don't see that the ILO decision linked by Kant reveals poor behaviour on both sides. What I see is that, already at the time, Suepo was fighting nepotism (giving the lavishly paid posts in the top floors of the Isar building to members of your family...) and that Elisabeth Hardon signed for Suepo. No wonder that more and more people are joining the union either as members or in demonstrations.Dec 09 21:09
schestowitzThe result of these complaints, as you may know, is that the regulations were changed so that complaints by Suepo are not admissible. And that basically, no complaint on this kind of subject (nepotism) is admissible any more. The next results, you see on the linked graph.Dec 09 21:09
schestowitzI don't know what the administrative council is thinking but one may wonder why they are so passive. Basically, Battistelli insults them at each meeting and made them lose face on the Suepo story: he was instructed to renew social dialogue and start a social study, his answer was to intimidate, investigate and dismiss the persons he was supposed to talk to. Is there any clearer way to tell your boss that you don't care about his orders?Dec 09 21:09
schestowitzIn the mean time, Battistelli his putting chosen people at key posts. So with each day of delay, the Administrative Council is digging a deeper hole. Eventually, they will have to remove Battistelli, he is obviously becoming too much of a liability. But the latter he is removed, the more friends of him will be at key posts and the more difficult it will be.Dec 09 21:09
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:09
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:09
schestowitzRumours are currently circulating that in the context of his newly publicised "Anti-Mafia Campaign", BB is planning the most daring stroke of all.Dec 09 21:09
schestowitzAs 2015 draws to a close, Old Moore now makes the following predictions:Dec 09 21:09
schestowitzShortly before the next sitting of the AC, it will be announced that a number of members of DG3 have been implicated in the execrable "orchestrated campaign" of defamation and terror currently menacing senior management and that these miscreants have been subject to a "house ban" pending further investigation into their misconduct.Dec 09 21:10
schestowitzThereupon the DPO will rubber-stamp an approval for the seizure of their computers and the IU will commence a fishing expedition to uncover "evidence" to support the claims which have been raised.Dec 09 21:10
schestowitzAt the upcoming meeting of the AC, a pre-cooked document explaining the "well-founded suspicions" of high-level links between members of the EPO's judicial organs and the SUEPO "mafia" will be presented to the AC delegates who will dutifully gasp in horror and unhesitatingly approve all extraordinary measures proposed by the President. They will then adjourn for their Christmas lunch.Dec 09 21:10
schestowitzIt looks like 2016 will be a busy year for the disciplinary committee of the AC and the (remaining) members of the EBA.Dec 09 21:10
schestowitzAt some point in the not too distant future, we may expect BB to assume the "painful duty" of announcing to the world that the clear and irrefutable evidence of "Mafia infiltration of the judiciary" uncovered by his investigators requires that DG3 be finally dissolved due to its ignominious failure to maintain the necessary standards of judicial independence and incorruptibility.Dec 09 21:10
schestowitzGarbed in his magnificent Emperor's New Clothes bearing the logo of "Defender of Judicial Independence", he will then commence his final triumphant march towards the Presidential throne of the UPC in Paris ...Dec 09 21:10
schestowitzMesdames et messieurs, faites vos jeux !Dec 09 21:10
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:10
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:12
schestowitzRegardless of whether one's sympathies lie with the management or the staff in what has become an impossibly acrimonious debate about conditions of employment, there is mounting evidence that the management of the EPO indeed has scant regard for the fundamental human rights of its staff.Dec 09 21:12
schestowitzCiting highly dubious reasons for blocking independent investigations into staff suicides is simply unacceptable in view of the obligations under Article 20(1) of the Protocol on Privileges and Immunities to ensure the observance of (e.g. labour) regulations that apply under national law.Dec 09 21:12
schestowitzFurther, failing to recognise a decision of a national court (involving a finding of violation of human rights) is hardly consistent with the obligation under Article 20(1) PPI to "facilitate the proper administration of justice". Relying upon an appeal to suspend implementation of a judgement is one thing, but seeking to assert immunity from a judgement relating to human rights is just completely unacceptable.Dec 09 21:12
schestowitzAnd now we learn that the abuses do not stop there. Regardless of what one thinks of Ms Hardon (and here I have to confess that I do not know anywhere near enough of the facts to pass judgement), it is impossible to not react with outrage that the management at the EPO forced her to respond to accusations against her from an unidentified source who then turns out to be the very person who is investigating those allegations! The mind bogglesDec 09 21:12
schestowitzas to how it is that no one in the EPO management failed to spot the very obvious problems with pursuing such allegations, including (but not confined to) conflict of interest, abuse of process, denial of the rights of the accused and failing to separate the accuser from the judge / jury.Dec 09 21:12
schestowitzWhether or not there are justifiable concerns regarding the past or present behaviour of SUEPO (again, I have to confess ignorance of the facts on this point), nothing can justify the EPO management stepping over the line in this way. The failure of the AC to act to prevent such abuses underlines what others have already pointed to, namely a lack of laws, systems and procedures that are designed to ensure good governance and a properDec 09 21:12
schestowitzseparation of powers at the EPO.Dec 09 21:12
schestowitzWith the AC seemingly unwilling (or unable) to step in, who is there left who can restore a respect for human rights and the rule of law at the EPO? I understand that this is a very difficult question to answer. However, I cannot help but wonder whether anyone (e.g. a journalist) has sought comments on the situation at the EPO from the large applicant companies with which the EPO has established "close" contact (which I understand includeDec 09 21:12
schestowitzCanon, Philips, Microsoft, Qualcomm, BASF, Bayer, Samsung, Huawei, Siemens, Ericsson and Fujitsu). Whilst some might well refuse to comment, it is hard to believe that any would condone the abuses of the EPO management outlined above. If we're lucky, some might even be prepared to make statements of principle that are supportive of the human rights of the workers of Eponia. If that happened, then the AC just might find themselves forced toDec 09 21:12
schestowitzact...Dec 09 21:12
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:12
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:12
schestowitz"Each side blames the other". So BB blames SUEPO. And Ras-le-bol blames BB and the AC.Dec 09 21:12
schestowitzAnd neither side will change, and the problems go on.Dec 09 21:12
schestowitz:-(Dec 09 21:13
schestowitz'Dec 09 21:13
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:13
schestowitzRas-le-bol says:Dec 09 21:14
schestowitz(to Disheartened)Dec 09 21:14
schestowitzThere is a simple solution to that problem: let a third person sort it out. Normally, that would simply involve waiving the Office immunity and let an external, independent tribunal find out who is to blame for the mess the Office is in.Dec 09 21:14
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:14
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:14
schestowitzWhilst some might well refuse to comment, it is hard to believe that any would condone the abuses of the EPO management outlined above.Dec 09 21:14
schestowitzAbuses, what abuses ?Dec 09 21:14
schestowitzFrom whence come such strange rumours ?Dec 09 21:14
schestowitzI am profoundly shocked by these accusations !Dec 09 21:14
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:14
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:14
schestowitz@ DisheartenedDec 09 21:14
schestowitzI would respectfully draw your attention that there is a huge disproportion between the involved parties as far as the employed resources are concerned. The EPO management has nearly unlimited power and money, on the other side the trade union has a very limited capacity. It is not a question of "each side blaming the other" or "neither side will change". There is absolutely no symmetry in their behaviour. The EPO management is pushing brutalDec 09 21:14
schestowitzreforms and savagely attacks is own staff. The trade union is committed to defeat all the "coup-bas" perpetrated by the management.Dec 09 21:14
schestowitzRemember the EPO used to be a functioning office and SUEPO was already there.Dec 09 21:14
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:14
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:15
schestowitzA third party could help, but not to lay blame. Just look for solutions. Didn't the AC request a third party at a recent meeting?Dec 09 21:15
schestowitzForget who is to blame. That's for Merpel's squabbling children in the back of the car. "He started it." "No, she started it."Dec 09 21:15
schestowitzBoth sides must be willing to forget the past and cooperate for the future. Otherwise even a third party will fail.Dec 09 21:15
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:15
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:15
schestowitzThe EPO JesterDec 09 21:15
schestowitz(to Disheartened)Dec 09 21:15
schestowitzAre you an AC delegate?Dec 09 21:15
schestowitzIt's exactly this form of behaviour, blaming simply both parties of the conflict, not knowing anything about the substance of the conflict, not making your mind and not taking a position, because it's so easy and prevents of taking on any responsibility, which led to such developments in societies. And after all is brought to light you will claim you were completely unaware of the inhumanity, because it was all hearsay and everything soDec 09 21:15
schestowitzconfusing.Dec 09 21:15
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:15
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:17
schestowitzVPO said...Dec 09 21:17
schestowitz    Perhaps now is the time for Merpel to conduct some hardcore undercover reporting?Dec 09 21:17
schestowitz 09 21:17
-TechBytesBot/ | EuroBrussels - Top Executive Management Assistant (Secretary) in the President’s Office - EPO - European Patent Office, Munich [ ]Dec 09 21:17
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:17
schestowitz 09 21:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Twpalovi: @schestowitz What? Really?Dec 09 21:18
schestowitzNo, see context, it's an hypothesisDec 09 21:18
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 09 23:37
schestowitz 10 01:21
-TechBytesBot/ The terrorists won in Paris: without using encryption, anonymity and Internet (just SMS) they killed them all 10 01:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | French police want to ban Tor, public Wi-Fi | PCWorld [ ]Dec 10 01:21
schestowitz"the identity of the shooters is very uncertain. the official story has many flaws. i know that has little to do with banning access for everyone, which is the topic here, but it is the starting point."Dec 10 01:21
schestowitz"Among others, below is a link to an article that casts doubt on the official story. "Dec 10 01:21
-TechBytesBot/ | San Bernardino Attack Eye-Witness: "Three Tall White Men Did It" | Zero Hedge [ ]Dec 10 01:21
schestowitz 10 01:22
-TechBytesBot/ #Nodejs Developer Fedor Indutny Weighs Performance and API Elegance #linux #wwwDec 10 01:23
schestowitz"By the way if someone posts your blog, that’s me. Don’t know why I still use Twitter the updates are driving me nuts, but thought while I’m there I’d help out."Dec 10 01:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Node.js Developer Fedor Indutny Weighs Performance and API Elegance | [ ]Dec 10 01:23
schestowitz"Hatchling_Song. Yes yes, named after my book. Changing it soon."Dec 10 01:23
schestowitz 10 01:23
-TechBytesBot/ #microsoft sites mention me... odd. 10 01:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | European Patent Office reacts to claims by blogger of preferential treatment towards Microsoft [ ]Dec 10 01:23
schestowitz"Well you’ve got their attention…"Dec 10 01:23
schestowitz 10 01:24
schestowitz""Dec 10 01:24
schestowitz"Just shows you how much Faux news advocates surveillance."Dec 10 01:24
-TechBytesBot/ #murdoch #propaganda rags compare human rights to "handcuffs" uses #newscorp (Fox) liesDec 10 01:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Opinion Journal: Handcuffing the NSA [ ]Dec 10 01:24
schestowitz 10 01:25
schestowitz"Check out how they are forcing Windows 10 on people who resist. 10 01:25
schestowitz"Dec 10 01:25
schestowitzShamefulDec 10 01:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Dec 10 01:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Microsoft sets stage for massive Windows 10 upgrade strategy | ComputerworldDec 10 01:25
schestowitz 10 01:26
-TechBytesBot/ The @linuxfoundation won't allow #torvalds to criticise #microsoft for much longer 10 01:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft partners with The Linux Foundation for 'Linux on Azure' certificationDec 10 01:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft to offer a Linux-based cert for Azure admins | Network WorldDec 10 01:26
schestowitz"Not sure if we should be happy or sad about this…"Dec 10 01:26
schestowitzWhat would be the rationale for happiness?Dec 10 01:26
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 10 02:40
schestowitz> Roy,Dec 10 03:47
schestowitz>Dec 10 03:47
schestowitz> This came in today...Dec 10 03:47
schestowitz>Dec 10 03:47
schestowitz> I fear I finally ran out of superlatives.Dec 10 03:47
schestowitz>Dec 10 03:47
schestowitz> The title is obviously to evoke Kafka, but I think that Roland FreislerDec 10 03:48
schestowitz> or Andrey Vyshinsky are apter references...Dec 10 03:48
schestowitz>Dec 10 03:48
schestowitz> hardon-the-trial-e-mail.pdf : the original cover e-mail [html].Dec 10 03:48
schestowitz>Dec 10 03:48
schestowitz> "The trial - part 1 - accusations_against_EH.pdf" : the "accusation brief".Dec 10 03:48
schestowitz>Dec 10 03:48
schestowitz> The-Trial-Hardon.txt : a good quality OCR, but without any corrections.Dec 10 03:48
schestowitz>Dec 10 03:48
schestowitz> Regards,Dec 10 03:48
schestowitz>Dec 10 03:48
schestowitz> ps: I've been pretty busy in the last days on related stuff...Dec 10 03:48
schestowitz"FUD. See FirefoxOS will still be developed, but for a different purpose. Instead of being driven by carriers and commercial sales, we’ll be using it to drive the platform for many connected devices."Dec 10 05:36
-TechBytesBot/ | #firefoxos Pleae don’t relay techcrunch Fud. Wait for an official a...Dec 10 05:36
schestowitz 10 05:36
-TechBytesBot/ #Mozilla Will Stop Developing And Selling #FirefoxOS Smartphones sad, hard to compete with #googleDec 10 05:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Mozilla Will Stop Developing And Selling Firefox OS Smartphones | TechCrunchDec 10 05:36
schestowitz"Dec 10 05:37
schestowitzThat link asks me to login. Anyway is that not what the article says?Dec 10 05:37
schestowitz“Mozilla today announced an end to its smartphone experiment, and said that it would stop developing and selling Firefox OS smartphones. It will continue to experiment on how it might work on other connected devices and Internet of Things networks.”Dec 10 05:37
schestowitzI could not care less for Firefox on the IoT, I’m not interested in TV sets or appliances that spy on me. I had a lot of interest in FirefoxOS in phones and tablets due to privacy concerns. If I wanted to run WhatsApp and Angry Birds without caring about privacy I would kept buying Android phones.Dec 10 05:37
schestowitzThis is very disappointing but somehow I saw it coming, since the Pocket introduction Mozilla seems more interested in getting money and going mainstream rather than in privacy.Dec 10 05:37
schestowitzBetter to start thinking what my next phone would be.Dec 10 05:37
schestowitz"Dec 10 05:37
schestowitzJolla is having trouble tooDec 10 05:37
schestowitz 10 05:37
-TechBytesBot/ More malware from #facebook never install "Facebook" >anything<. Their "apps" harvest audio, photos, contacts, etc.Dec 10 05:37
schestowitz"The idea of having Facebook tell you if your privacy and security are up to snuff, is positively laughable… or it would be if it wasn’t so tragic.'Dec 10 05:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Facebook's Security Check comes to Android [ ]Dec 10 05:37
schestowitzIt's a publicity stunt perhapsDec 10 05:37
schestowitz 10 05:38
-TechBytesBot/ #newscorp 'solution' to guns (which it promotes MOAR of) 10 05:38
schestowitz"After reading this article I realize I was wrong at suggesting Happy Meals for kids with toy guns at McDonald’s. With toy guns children would not be able to defend themselves."Dec 10 05:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Fox News Tells Young Children To Run At Active Shooters | Blog | Media Matters for America [ ]Dec 10 05:38
schestowitzGive them pepper sprayDec 10 05:38
schestowitz 10 05:38
-TechBytesBot/ Nobody except warlords or war companies (profiteering) love war, but many can be brainwashed to think this one "right" and "no other choice"Dec 10 05:38
schestowitz"Personally, I think we should regard war as a crime. Apparently, I’m not alone."Dec 10 05:38
-TechBytesBot/ | The Reality of War | The Office of His Holiness The Dalai Lama [ ]Dec 10 05:38
schestowitz"Nope, you’re not.'Dec 10 05:38
schestowitzCrimes are things poor people do, usually...Dec 10 05:39
schestowitz 10 05:39
schestowitz"These war criminals are not prosecuted, and others are now emboldened."Dec 10 05:39
-TechBytesBot/ US must investigate Bush, aides in #CIA torture, rights group says 10 05:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | US must investigate Bush, aides in CIA torture, rights group says | Daily Mail Online [ ]Dec 10 05:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Obama should probe Bush, others over CIA torture: rights group | The Japan Times [ ]Dec 10 05:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Top Stories - In Pursuit of Investigation and Prosecution of CIA Torture Program Perpetrators - AllGov - News [ ]Dec 10 05:39
schestowitzIf Obama goes after them, Trump could go after him later...Dec 10 05:39
MinceRobama should probe bush, trump should probe obama, and they could build a human centipedeDec 10 05:43
schestowitzyeah, but nobody would want to start prosecutingDec 10 05:51
schestowitzthat's the issueDec 10 05:51
schestowitz 10 05:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@horakanwalt: RT PatentWire "An Introduction and an Overview of European Patent Office (EPO) Scandals"Dec 10 05:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | An Introduction and an Overview of European Patent Office (EPO) Scandals | TechrightsDec 10 05:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Not a bad day for British football as nearly a quarter of 16 #uefa 'finalists' are from the #ukDec 10 05:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #Vista10 is a keylogger, so Microsoft gets all your passwords as you type them. It's amazing that some people tolerate #openssh on Windows.Dec 10 05:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #epo Wiki/overview 43 articles this month alone (so far) because a lot has been happeningDec 10 05:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | EPO - TechrightsDec 10 05:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PatentWire: An Introduction and an Overview of European Patent Office (EPO) Scandals 10 05:57
schestowitz 10 05:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: HEISE.DE News: Europäisches Patentamt: Streit zwischen Führung und Mitarbeitern spitzt sich rasch zu 10 05:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Europäisches Patentamt: Streit zwischen Führung und Mitarbeitern spitzt sich rasch zu | heise onlineDec 10 05:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: WIPR: EPO staff to hold third demo in as many weeks 10 05:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | EPO staff to hold third demo in as many weeksDec 10 05:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EconomistRadio: Whistleblowers uncover 42% of exposed corporate fraud. Coming clean isn't always easy—but this may soon change 10 05:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Money talks: How to help whistleblowers? by The Economist | Free Listening on SoundCloudDec 10 05:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: providing a backdoor for thousands of US companies to sue EU using CETA's ISDS is hardly "good for citizens"... 10 05:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TTIPBeware: #CETA "good for citizens in Canada and the EU" claims @MarietjeSchaake- yet @yjadot shows how it torpedoed key law 10 05:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Union Busting at the European Patent Office, Dressed Up as 'Investigation' #epoDec 10 05:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Union Busting at the European Patent Office, Dressed Up as ‘Investigation’ | TechrightsDec 10 05:58
schestowitz 10 05:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ghabuntu: An Introduction and an Overview of European Patent Office (EPO) Scandals: A beginner's guide to the EPO crisis... 10 05:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | An Introduction and an Overview of European Patent Office (EPO) Scandals | TechrightsDec 10 05:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tuxmachines: GNU/Linux Hosted by Microsoft Means Lock-in, Ransom, and Back Doors 10 05:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | GNU/Linux Hosted by Microsoft Means Lock-in, Ransom, and Back Doors | TechrightsDec 10 05:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Information about #epo protest today at noon attend in large number, make a statement this way. Management afraid.Dec 10 05:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: The #epo threats against me clearly had the intended effort. A lot of EPO-hostile sites are now afraid to criticise EPO, or do so gently.Dec 10 05:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: I used to find interesting pointers in #ipkat comments but nowadays I find little more than jokes, speculations, and #epo #AstroTurfingDec 10 05:58
schestowitz 10 05:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #wipr falls for the #greenwashing campaign from the #epo just senseless PR: 10 05:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Europe at the heart of green technology, EPO claimsDec 10 05:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Watch Out for the Latest EPO Charm Offensive in the Media, Greenwashing Being the Theme Du Jour | TechrightsDec 10 05:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ghabuntu: Links 9/12/2015: Linux Foundation Endorses PRISM, End for Firefox OS: Links for the day 10 05:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Links 9/12/2015: Linux Foundation Endorses PRISM, End for Firefox OS | TechrightsDec 10 05:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: An Introduction and an Overview of European Patent Office (EPO) Scandals ... 10 05:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | An Introduction and an Overview of European Patent Office (EPO) Scandals | TechrightsDec 10 05:59
schestowitz 10 05:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 503 @ )Dec 10 05:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Software Patents and EPO Coverage #epoDec 10 06:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Software Patents and EPO Coverage | TechrightsDec 10 06:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: GNU/Linux Hosted by Microsoft Means Lock-in, Ransom, and Back Doors couldn't help dropping pointers to old articlesDec 10 06:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tuxmachines: Links 9/12/2015: Linux Foundation Endorses PRISM, End for Firefox OS 10 06:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Links 9/12/2015: Linux Foundation Endorses PRISM, End for Firefox OS | TechrightsDec 10 06:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Links 9/12/2015: Linux Foundation Endorses PRISM, End for Firefox OS #techrightsDec 10 06:00
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesDec 10 10:04
schestowitz 10 10:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Aluenvey: @EconomistRadio @schestowitz Sure but doesn't do Snowden any good.:/Dec 10 10:05
schestowitz 10 10:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Aluenvey: @schestowitz What is openssh? Using a cloud just seems awfully ignorant.Dec 10 10:05
schestowitz 10 10:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@GreyBservices: @FOSSpatents @schestowitz surprised to find SUEPO person getting fired on the basis that s/he was in contact with a blogger.Dec 10 10:07
schestowitz 10 10:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@GreyBservices: @FOSSpatents @schestowitz they got annoyed because of your posts which they say attacking them and doubt her to be in touch with you.Dec 10 10:07
schestowitz 10 10:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @julianbond12 @NativeSunMuzik @MoAnsar @ChrisMusForum @ActivistPost @Juliafionabrown @71Big_Ric @jncatron @Mivasair @schestowitz @RKSPhoenixDec 10 10:08
schestowitz 10 11:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Aluenvey: @schestowitz Me thinks he has a bit of an ego problem. Let's see him tackle end to end one time pads.Dec 10 11:04
schestowitz 10 11:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @wallstreetitaDec 10 11:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | No Wonder Staff of the EPO Gets Sick of the Management, Which Games Sickness Statistics in Order to Delude the World | TechrightsDec 10 11:20
schestowitz 10 11:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RealJamesWoods: Does the executioner have his visa yet? 10 11:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@borderfox116: Woman Beheaded In Broad Daylight in ‘Moderate’ Muslim Nation While Police Watch - @IsraelVideos 10 11:21
schestowitz 10 11:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@redlocal: #elementaryOS Freya 0.3.2 now available -- download the #Linux distro now #gnu 10 11:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | elementary OS Freya 0.3.2 now available -- download the Linux distro nowDec 10 11:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #elementaryOS Freya 0.3.2 now available -- download the #Linux distro now #gnuDec 10 11:48
schestowitz"Dec 10 16:55
schestowitzMr Minnoye (current VP1) appears not toDec 10 16:55
schestowitzbe amused that (DG1) documents areDec 10 16:55
schestowitzregularly leaking to the outside world.Dec 10 16:55
schestowitzAfter WikiLeaks, WillyLeaks?Dec 10 16:55
schestowitz"Dec 10 16:55
schestowitz|Dec 10 16:55
schestowitzDue to a technical mistake, the joke planned by DG4 andDec 10 16:56
schestowitzDG5 for the 1st of April has been published on 2 October.Dec 10 16:56
schestowitzWe are looking forward for the next piece from theDec 10 16:56
schestowitzamazing VP4-VP5 tandem!Dec 10 16:56
schestowitz|Dec 10 16:56
schestowitz 10 16:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: not an ordinary institution but an out-of-control nut house, run by a cabal of people drunk on power. @wallstreetita 10 16:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @FOSSpatents Tightening Media Control: European Patent Office Silences Blogs of Critics by Intimidation, Lawsuits 10 16:56
schestowitzWe are looking forward for the next piece from theDec 10 17:02
schestowitzamazing VP4-VP5 tandem!Dec 10 17:02
schestowitz 10 17:02
-TechBytesBot/ "Due to a technical mistake," we've learned, "the joke planned by DG4 and DG5 for the 1st of April has been published on 2 October." #epoDec 10 17:02
schestowitz"well the institution is not responsible in front of a court, so changing the management won't change anython"Dec 10 17:03
schestowitzTrue, but I don't want to be seen as attacking the WHOLEDec 10 17:03
schestowitz"DG2: External quality audits completed positively"Dec 10 17:12
schestowitz" A translation of the announcement into plain English seemed useful and is herewith provided.""Dec 10 17:18
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 10 17:19
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 10 17:30
schestowitz"this is why this campaign was never published"Dec 10 17:33
schestowitz"some FFIIers were against Pieter"Dec 10 17:33
schestowitz"but Hartmut was also working for the EPO, so he had a personal interest to be against"Dec 10 17:33
schestowitz"in read mode"Dec 10 17:33
schestowitz"just for you to have a look at what was done at the time'Dec 10 17:33
schestowitz"just collecting some links etc..."Dec 10 17:33
schestowitz"otherwise I can send you a ZIP file with the backup of the pages"Dec 10 17:33
schestowitzPlease send, I can reuse with attribution sometimes, gives more stuff to use against them...Dec 10 17:33
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 10 17:59
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 10 18:07
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 10 18:07
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 10 18:07
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 10 18:07
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 10 18:07
schestowitz>>>>> Are people taking this seriously?Dec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >> To a certain extent.  It is now an officially accepted religion in Sweden:Dec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >>Dec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >> 10 18:10
-TechBytesBot/ | File Sharing Approved As An Official Religion In Sweden - Falkvinge on InfopolicyDec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >>Dec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >> How much slack they actually get from the authorities is another matter.Dec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >>  But some on the net point out that it would be appropriate for IslandDec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >> since many are unsubscribing from the official church and signing up forDec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >> something Sumerian.Dec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >>Dec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>>>> >>> > IMHO as self-discrediting as "Church of emacs/gnu"Dec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >> Probably, but also less harmful to society and the world at large asDec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >> some things that pass themselves off as religions. *cough*islam*cough*Dec 10 18:10
schestowitz>> >Dec 10 18:11
schestowitz>> > A lot of politicians are religious, which does not help.Dec 10 18:11
schestowitz> I guess, for some values of religion.  But this is timely:Dec 10 18:11
schestowitz>Dec 10 18:11
schestowitz> 10 18:11
-TechBytesBot/ | Realistic Reasons WWIII Could Start Anytime Now | [ ]Dec 10 18:11
schestowitz>Dec 10 18:11
schestowitz> However, I thought that the doctrine was that armageddon was somethingDec 10 18:11
schestowitz> to be resisted by the good.  Then again maybe that was and is the case...Dec 10 18:11
schestowitz 10 18:11
-TechBytesBot/ Fewer choices in mobile as #firefoxos dies 10 18:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | It's official: Mobile means only iOS and Android | InfoWorld [ ]Dec 10 18:11
schestowitz"Well, #SailfishOS isn’t dead :)"Dec 10 18:11
schestowitz"breaking news - brought to you by the author of a couple of iOS books, it seems …"Dec 10 18:12
schestowitzJust got some major news regarding EPODec 10 18:33
schestowitzgetting more details ARMDec 10 18:33
schestowitzme: I am going to research the allegations to ensure nothing leaves leeway for BB to threaten me. In the mean time, please send any further updates my way. Did BB ever publicly comment on this?Dec 10 18:33
schestowitzA Munich staff rep published the threat letters sent to the local SR members [about five PDFs]. The Hague SUEPO published a brief one page account of the events of Friday the 13th, referring to the colleagues only by their first name.Dec 10 19:41
schestowitz"Keep up the good work," someone told me, not sure who...  never spoke to any of themDec 10 19:41
schestowitz7 7DFs   in my cahce nowDec 10 19:42
schestowitzbetter get cracking... as in processing the info..Dec 10 19:42
schestowitzI didn't intend to publish the legal threats made to me as I know there would be consequences, but having received threatening letters myself (will be in the news soon), I wanted to compare and might write about this soon.Dec 10 19:42
schestowitzI will write about Les Echoes soon, having not received any additional input ;-)Dec 10 19:43
schestowitzEPO is buying the media nowDec 10 19:43
schestowitzwhat a gross bunch of a-holesDec 10 19:43
schestowitzI guess EPO now knows I manged to gain access, so might as well paste the accompanying text:Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz> Here's the blurb on the internal SUEPO website:Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz> -------------------------------------------------Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz> Letter to Mr Kongstad: "Further investigation of staff representativesDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> and/or union executives"Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz> A copy of the letter to Mr Kongstad can be found here.Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz>Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz> Ms Bergot (PD4.3) has again sent highly threatening letters (Annex 1,Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz> Annex 2, Annex 3 and Annex 4 referred in the letter to Mr Kongstad) toDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> staff representatives and/or union executives i.e. to:Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz>Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz>     Mr Michels, SUEPO Central Chair, and Ms Hardon, SUEPO Munich Chair,Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz> continuing allegations raised following a SUEPO publication concerningDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> an investigation in which Ms Hardon was summoned for interrogation asDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> accused;Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz>Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz>     Mr Brumme, SUEPO Munich, and Ms Weaver, SUEPO Munich on financialDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> and legal support by SUEPO for staff members - linked to the allegationsDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> of VP4 and VP5 in their Communiqué of 2 October 2015 titled “Your rights”.Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz>Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz> Prof. Zegveld, SUEPO lawyer, represents Mr Michels in this matter and MsDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> Hardon in the investigation. She sees the allegations unfounded and hasDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> sent letters of reply to Ms Bergot. A copy of the reply on behalf of MsDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> Hardon can be found here (Annex 5 of the letter to Mr Kongstad) and theDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> reply on behalf of Mr Michels can be found here (Annex 6 of the letterDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> to Mr Kongstad).Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz> In a similar way RA Holtz, SUEPO lawyer, represents Mr Brumme and MsDec 10 20:18
schestowitz> Weaver in this matter. He also sees the allegations unfounded and ratherDec 10 20:18
schestowitz> intimidating and has sent a letter of reply to Ms Bergot with copy toDec 10 20:18
schestowitz> Heiko Maas, BMJ. The letter of Mr Holtz was also submitted to Mr Kongstad.Dec 10 20:18
schestowitz>Dec 10 20:18
schestowitz> -------------------------------------------------Dec 10 20:18
schestowitz>Dec 10 20:18
schestowitzA Little Taste of European Patent Office 'Justice'Dec 10 22:00
schestowitz 10 22:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@saveinventors: @zoobab @patentbuddy property is not equivalent with tangibility: property is a bundle of rights (which are quite intangible). Pencil that.Dec 10 22:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @saveinventors @patentbuddy @schestowitz if they are the same in both worlds, then they should have same rules. Roy had an article on that?Dec 10 22:00
schestowitz 10 22:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @patentbuddy @saveinventors this equals to say paper is physical.Dec 10 22:00
schestowitz 10 22:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@patentbuddy: Who knows. Using a pen and paper to make indicia from 0 and 1 employs tangible, physical media, not abstract. 10 22:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @patentbuddy @saveinventors 101 I mean. 102 and othr filters don't matter much to me.Dec 10 22:01
schestowitz 10 22:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: IAM Dec 3: @zoobab @KrapulaPhD @schestowitz Folk who believe we are in the pay of the EPP are best off not reading us. Farewell.Dec 10 22:01
schestowitz 10 22:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@patentbuddy: @zoobab @saveinventors @schestowitz Laws are not the same. US has no utility model; Cultures are dif't.; Taking IP not wrong in China.Dec 10 22:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@saveinventors: @zoobab @patentbuddy @schestowitz To argue for harmonization when the US patent system out-produced ROW is inexplicable & anti-AmericanDec 10 22:02
schestowitz 10 22:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@saveinventors: @zoobab @patentbuddy @schestowitz An excellent piece by @AdamMossoff w historical perspective of #patents 10 22:02
schestowitz> Please reuse public quotes at will, but do not mention the existanceDec 10 22:09
schestowitz> of the site.Dec 10 22:09
schestowitzExcellent. So what I have now are 10 page, including a 'cover' page, each containing quotes from a large PDF that's still online. These quotes from the pages I can use without referring to the site itself, only to the PDF.Dec 10 22:09
schestowitzIf I'm not correct, let me know, otherwise I'll assume it's good to go.Dec 10 22:09
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 10 22:16
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 10 22:17
-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz)Dec 10 22:17
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 10 22:17
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 10 22:17
schestowitz 10 22:23
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Merpel pays a brief visit to EponiaDec 10 22:23
schestowitz"Dec 10 22:23
schestowitzThe replacement of the chairwoman is probably related to the change in the business distribution scheme of the EBA:Dec 10 22:23
schestowitzUntil 30/06: M-B T-D first legal member (=chair pursuant to RPEAB);Dec 10 22:23
schestowitzFrom 01/07: I. B. first legal member.Dec 10 22:24
schestowitzG2301/15, page 3, point VI.: The decision concerning the composition of the EBA was taken on 30 June 2015, but the corresponding letter dates 2 July 2015. Hence, it was probably argued that the business distribution scheme from 01/07 has to be applied.Dec 10 22:24
schestowitzThe fact that M-B T-D is the only chairWOMAN before I. B. in the list of legal members and could still take part in the decision after stepping back from the chair would also support the assumption made above.Dec 10 22:24
schestowitz"Dec 10 22:24
schestowitz"Dec 10 22:24
schestowitzM-B T-D was not the replaced Chairperson.Dec 10 22:24
schestowitzThat was the Chair of the legal board.Dec 10 22:24
schestowitzBut the reasons for the replacement will never be published.Dec 10 22:24
schestowitz'Dec 10 22:24
schestowitz 10 22:25
schestowitz"They have been doing all these silly stuff for quite a long time. Does anyone other than corporates bother?"Dec 10 22:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Dec 10 22:26
schestowitzI have started looking into Battistelli's INPI scandals/days...Dec 10 22:36
schestowitzDear Laurent Mouton,Dec 10 22:36
schestowitzI would like to inquire about the Benoit Battistelli Mouton story. I am an investigative blogger who is looking into the past practices of Mr. Battistelli -- a subject on which I wrote many articles, as seen in 10 22:36
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO - TechrightsDec 10 22:36
schestowitzCan you speak English?Dec 10 22:36
schestowitzanti-Fury sections start being addedDec 11 00:04
schestowitz 11 00:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Tyson Fury - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaDec 11 00:04
schestowitz"Dec 11 00:05
schestowitzIn 2013 Fury told an interviewer before his first fight at Madison Square Garden that he would “hang” his own sister if she was promiscuous. That same year he was fined £3,000 for calling fellow boxers David Price and Tony Bellew "gay lovers".[41]Dec 11 00:05
schestowitzShortly before winning the world titles in November 2015, Fury publicly argued that performance-enhancing drugs (which he denied taking) should be permitted in boxing and other sports. He said: "Why don't they just make drugs totally legal in sports, then everybody would be taking drugs then it would be fully fair then wouldn't it? ... It's none of my concern really but if the governing bodies want to do that then I think it would be a bitDec 11 00:05
schestowitzfairer because you've got all them people taking drugs and when you face a man who is not taking drugs it becomes unfair doesn't it?”[42]Dec 11 00:05
schestowitzAfter winning the titles he was controversially named as a finalist of the 2015 BBC Sports Personality of the Year. Over 124,000 people signed an online petition saying that what they saw as his homophobic and sexist views made him an unsuitable recipient for the award.[43] The controversy began even before the Klitschko fight, when Fury seemed to compare homosexuality and abortion to paedophilia and then attempted to play down hisDec 11 00:05
schestowitzcomments by saying they came straight from "the holy scriptures".Dec 11 00:05
schestowitz"Dec 11 00:05
schestowitz"Dec 11 00:07
schestowitzAfter the world championship fight, he stated that he had been cautious against what he claimed (without evidence) were possible cheating tactics by the Klitschko camp and he would not even drink water in the locker room post-fight because of fears that he would be drugged.[46]Dec 11 00:07
schestowitzHe courted further controversy by stating that Olympic and world champion heptathlete, Jessica Ennis-Hill, a fellow contender for the BBC award, "slaps up good" and that "a woman’s best place is in the kitchen and on her back – that’s my personal belief." Fury responded to the controversy by denying he was homophobic and telling iFL TV that his critics could "suck my balls" - and labelled those who signed the petition as "50,000 wankersDec 11 00:07
schestowitz.[47][48] On 9 December, BBC bosses were fighting a frantic battle to save the Sports Personality of the Year awards, after a leading contender, Olympic athletic Greg Rutherford, threatened to pull out because of the controversy.[49] Despite his disgust at Fury, Rutherford later agreed to stay in the award show. In a separate development, the Sports Journalists' Association withdrew an invitation to Fury to attend the British Sports Awards inDec 11 00:07
schestowitzLondon.[50]Dec 11 00:07
schestowitzOn 8 December 2015 the SNP's John Nicolson, a member of the Culture, Media and Sport Committee, challenged the BBC over Fury’s Sports Personality of the Year nomination.[51] On 9 December Greater Manchester Police confirmed that they were investigating an allegation of hate crime against Fury in relation to comments made about homosexuality on Victoria Derbyshire's BBC television programme.[52]Dec 11 00:07
schestowitzThe British Boxing Board of Control met on 9 December and agreed to summon Fury to explain his recent controversial commentsDec 11 00:07
schestowitz"Dec 11 00:07
schestowitz 11 00:09
-TechBytesBot/ | Wythenshawe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaDec 11 00:09
schestowitz"Wythenshawe has been referred to as one of the largest council housing estates in Europe"Dec 11 00:09
schestowitz"The Civic Centre in Wythenshawe. The Park Court multi-storey flats at the far end were demolished in 2007, replaced by new retail and office buildings."Dec 11 00:10
schestowitzThey look much better nowDec 11 00:10
schestowitz 11 00:11
-TechBytesBot/ | Baguley Hall and Blackcarr Wood, Baguley, 1927 | Britain from Above [ ]Dec 11 00:11
*Disconnected ().Dec 11 00:27
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Dec 11 00:27:00 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Dec 11 00:27:15 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 11 00:27
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 11 00:27
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 11 00:27
*r_schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 11 00:28
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r_schestowitz[00:25] <schestowitz> there's some network issue, I thinkDec 11 00:28
r_schestowitz[00:25] <schestowitz> can't reach any of the servers, neither over http nor sshDec 11 00:28
r_schestowitz[00:25] <schestowitz> Oh, I think it's backDec 11 00:28
*schestowitz has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Dec 11 00:30
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r_schestowitz 11 02:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Today I finally crossed 200,000 tweets in total. Didn't even notice at the time because #twitter abbreviates with "K".Dec 11 02:17
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 11 03:16
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Dec 11 05:08
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r_schestowitz 11 11:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@shridharsiddhi: @schestowitz For free #Android technical guidence visit 11 11:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Android Course | Android Training in Pune | Android JobsDec 11 11:54
r_schestowitz 11 11:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jfoxdev: @tuxmachines Speak not of #2 for it only gives it power!Dec 11 11:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jfoxdev: @tuxmachines And #5 is more reassuring than scary to a control freakDec 11 11:58
r_schestowitz 11 12:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Blue_Wode: Nice to see @DavidAllenGreen of @Preiskel mentioned in Private Eye 1407 re his representing @schestowitz (European Patent Office dispute).Dec 11 12:07
r_schestowitzcan you please take a photo and send to me?Dec 11 12:07
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Dec 11 14:37
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 11 17:30
r_schestowitz 11 17:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @fattoquotidiano @ilgiornale @Corriereit @LaGabbiaTw @reportrai3 @Serv_Pubblico @VirusRai2 @redazioneiene 11 17:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Contacting National Delegations to Complain About the European Patent Office (EPO) #epoDec 11 17:46
r_schestowitz 11 17:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @WarOnWant @schestowitz @HarpendenMP Interesting. To me it appears as #TTIP was actually designed to escape democratic control.Dec 11 17:46
r_schestowitz 11 17:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ACROPOLITESSE: @schestowitz might interest you 11 17:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@silviasela: @EPOorg EuropeanPatentOffice's President discusses the long-awaited #UnitaryPatent 11 17:46
r_schestowitz 11 17:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @silviasela @viEUws @EPOorg the only thing the Unitary Patent will boost is patent litigation and patent filings.Dec 11 17:46
r_schestowitz 11 17:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: not an ordinary institution but an out-of-control nut house, run by a cabal of people drunk on power. @wallstreetita 11 17:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @FOSSpatents Tightening Media Control: European Patent Office Silences Blogs of Critics by Intimidation, Lawsuits 11 17:50
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 11 18:09
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesDec 11 18:12
*r_schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 11 18:39
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**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Dec 11 20:31:53 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 11 20:31
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 11 20:31
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 11 20:31
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 11 20:32
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schestowitz 11 21:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@flayman: @DavidAllenGreen "You need to set out how my client’s words refer or relate to an organization which is not named by him" That is humorous.Dec 11 21:01
schestowitz 11 21:48
-TechBytesBot/ €30 #Ubuntu #MATE 15.10 8GB Flash Drive Is Just Wrong #gnu #linuxDec 11 21:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | €30 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 8GB Flash Drive Is Just Wrong - Update [ ]Dec 11 21:48
schestowitz"Dec 11 21:48
schestowitzMartin Wimpress from the Ubuntu MATE project reached out to us and explained the following:Dec 11 21:48
schestowitz"I personally endorsed HELLOTUX making the USB flash drives pre-installed with Ubuntu MATE. The Ubuntu MATE project gets a small commission on every one sold which helps cover the projects expenses, just like all the other items you’ll find in the Ubuntu MATE Boutique -"Dec 11 21:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Dec 11 21:48
schestowitzIn Lower Alabama, people still sell empty 8GB flash for that kind of money.Dec 11 21:48
schestowitz"Dec 11 21:48
schestowitz 11 21:48
-TechBytesBot/ It was a bad move from #openbsd taking #microsoft money and then letting #nist and #nsa #prism closer to #bsd #linux 11 21:48
schestowitz"Dec 11 21:48
schestowitzHeh, look at all the Windows keyloggers,Dec 11 21:48
schestowitz 11 21:48
schestowitzIt’s almost as if the OS were made for it all along.Dec 11 21:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Vista 10 is ‘Swiss Cheese’ With Critical Bugs, More Microsoft Layoffs (HoloLens) Announced. So Why Did OpenBSD Accept Microsoft’s $1,000,000 Bribe? | Techrights [ ]Dec 11 21:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Top keyloggers of 2015 for home monitoring, parental control and employee monitoring tested, compared and reviewedDec 11 21:48
schestowitz"Dec 11 21:48
schestowitzThe Wow starts nowDec 11 21:48
schestowitz 11 21:49
-TechBytesBot/ Join the depression and suicides club see #epoDec 11 21:49
schestowitz"I don’t think they would hire me."Dec 11 21:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EPOorg: We have vacancies for engineers and scientists. Have a look: 11 21:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Labor relations turn toxic in the European Patent Office – POLITICO [ ]Dec 11 21:49
schestowitzI don't think they would manage to get talented peopleDec 11 21:49
schestowitz 11 21:49
-TechBytesBot/ #Linux smartphones took a serious step back in 2015 11 21:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Linux smartphones took a serious step back in 2015 [ ]Dec 11 21:49
schestowitz"Did any of them offer a phone like Open Moko that was not easy to corrupt through a non free radio control computer?"Dec 11 21:49
schestowitz 11 21:49
-TechBytesBot/ Nearly 72% of Android users are using an OS that’s more than 2 years old wait, how many still use Windows XP?Dec 11 21:49
schestowitz"How much of any version of Windows is newer than 10 years old? Exploits typically go back as many versions as sites will list because the code is all at least 10 years old"Dec 11 21:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Android Vs iOS Adoption: Nearly 72% of Android users are on an old OS | BGR [ ]Dec 11 21:49
schestowitz 11 21:50
-TechBytesBot/ The @linuxfoundation won't allow #torvalds to criticise #microsoft for much longer 11 21:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft partners with The Linux Foundation for 'Linux on Azure' certification [ ]Dec 11 21:50
schestowitz"No. But at least they acknowledge that Linux is here to stay and they go with the flow. I personally wouldn’t put even a test vm on azure but as Windows vs Linux ratio on Azure increases in favor of Linux, that will drag more companies to use the penguin.'Dec 11 21:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft to offer a Linux-based cert for Azure admins | Network World [ ]Dec 11 21:50
schestowitz 11 21:50
schestowitz"Given how expensive and oppressive the games have become, no free state should hold them."Dec 11 21:50
-TechBytesBot/ Time has come for an ‘honorable retreat’ from #Tokyo 2020 over #Fukushima #japanDec 11 21:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Time has come for an 'honorable retreat' from Tokyo 2020 over Fukushima | The Japan Times [ ]Dec 11 21:50
schestowitz> I opened the decision during the brief period during which it wasDec 11 23:56
schestowitz> available, but did not save it, and it wasn't in the downloads [CTRL+J]Dec 11 23:56
schestowitz> list as I had only looked at in within the browser window.Dec 11 23:56
schestowitz>Dec 11 23:56
schestowitz> It was fortunately still in my Firefox cache in my piece, and I ran anDec 11 23:56
schestowitz> ugly little program of mine to locate and retrieve it.Dec 11 23:56
schestowitz>Dec 11 23:56
schestowitz> To my horror, I saw some crap dangling after the %EOF marker, which wasDec 11 23:56
schestowitz> the text of the HTTP reply, from which a moderately savvy sysadmin couldDec 11 23:56
schestowitz> see when and whence I downloaded it. But saving the file from the PDFDec 11 23:56
schestowitz> viewer was enough to clean it up, so I did not have to update my uglyDec 11 23:56
schestowitz> little program.Dec 11 23:56
schestowitz>Dec 11 23:56
schestowitz> One shouldn't trust HTTP headers to determine when a document was madeDec 11 23:56
schestowitz> available to the public [I could tell you an interesting EPO story aboutDec 11 23:56
schestowitz> that, but it would easily lead to me even if paraphrased], but lookingDec 11 23:56
schestowitz> at the said dangling crap at the end of the PDF is possibly revealing:Dec 11 23:56
schestowitz>Dec 11 23:56
schestowitz> Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 19:29:31 GMTDec 11 23:56
schestowitz> Server: ApacheDec 11 23:57
schestowitz> Last-Modified: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 06:06:14 GMTDec 11 23:57
schestowitz>Dec 11 23:57
schestowitz> The document was put online at 7 AM.Dec 11 23:57
schestowitzI have organised about 10 article drafts just now. Am ready for more input/info/docs regarding battistelli, in preparation for something special...Dec 11 23:59
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 12 01:36
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 12 02:08
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schestowitzsome progress in the BB probeDec 12 18:02
schestowitz(B Battistelli)Dec 12 18:02
schestowitzGot some info...Dec 12 18:02
schestowitzThanks, no reply yet from the accuser who claims to have witnessed or heard of direct contact between BB and the Rothschilds (I've asked him/her). Without it, the tone of the story would have to be significantly more cautious. I don't like guilt by association (Lagarde in this case); it would be like stooping to the same tactics used against Hardon, via P Corcoran.Dec 12 18:02
schestowitz-meDec 12 18:02
schestowitz 12 18:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PattieGardner: @schestowitz @glynmoody The entire ZONE is nothing but a "cartel" The coin an ICON of roma papa #GlobalMinotaur #EUDec 12 18:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Europe is Kaput. Long live Europe! - Slavoj Žižek, Yanis Varoufakis and Julian Assange - full event - YouTubeDec 12 18:11
schestowitz    Rapporteur,Dec 12 18:19
schestowitz    Thanks for those details from the AC minutes. This is clearly just travel insurance to cover emergencies, as part of the AC delegates' travel expenses, as I suggested.Dec 12 18:19
schestowitz    MaxDrei,Dec 12 18:19
schestowitz    This is a minute written by an administrator to provide a summary of an announcement made at an AC meeting. It is not a legal definition of the insurance cover written by a lawyer.Dec 12 18:19
schestowitz    So I completely disagree that the word "urgent" relates only to medical treatment but not to dental treatment. It would be very strange to provide comprehensive cover for non-urgent dental work, even for cosmetic dentistry, but then to limit the medical insurance in the manner of a travel insurance policy. If that was the announcement intended for the AC delegates, then surely it would have been spelled out more clearly?Dec 12 18:19
schestowitz    Furthermore, if this dental work is intended as a "sweetener" for the AC delegates, why must it take place only during official AC and EPO meetings? I don't doubt the excellence of Munich dentists, but surely it would be more sensible (and no more expensive) to pay for treatment with a dentist of the delegate's choice, in his or her home country, at a time which did not conflict with AC or EPO business?Dec 12 18:19
schestowitz    The insurance is clearly intended as a top-up to cover emergencies not covered by any existing travel insurance held by the delegate. It is an absolutely normal condition of most insurance policies that the insurer will decline to pay out if the risk is also covered by a more specific policy with another insurer. Please note that this condition also applies to the cover for medical treatment, and you are not suggesting that it wouldDec 12 18:19
schestowitztherefore cover non-urgent medical treatment.Dec 12 18:19
schestowitz    I'm disheartened not only that a few EPO staff members are jumping to wild conclusions with inadequate evidence, but also that you have been taken in by it. There is strong evidence of many things that are wrong with the management of the EPO. This allegation about dental insurance is not one of them. Those who continually raise it are weakening their own case. Why should anyone believe what they say?Dec 12 18:19
schestowitz 12 18:19
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Merpel pays a brief visit to Eponia [ ]Dec 12 18:19
schestowitzSounds like spinDec 12 18:19
schestowitzmaybe astroturfersDec 12 18:19
schestowitzresponse to this turfer (IMHO):Dec 12 18:20
schestowitz"Dec 12 18:20
schestowitzThe insurance is clearly intended as a top-up to cover emergencies not covered by any existing travel insurance held by the delegate. It is an absolutely normal condition of most insurance policies that the insurer will decline to pay out if the risk is also covered by a more specific policy with another insurer. Please note that this condition also applies to the cover for medical treatment, and you are not suggesting that it would thereforeDec 12 18:20
schestowitzcover non-urgent medical treatment.Dec 12 18:20
schestowitzSo how come this insurance was never considered a "must-have" for AC delegates until the current VP4 arrived at the EPO ? For almost 40 years, the AC delegates have managed to survive without it. Why is it now necessary to introduce it in the present era of "financial streamlining" ?Dec 12 18:20
schestowitzI'm disheartened not only that a few EPO staff members are jumping to wild conclusions with inadequate evidence, but also that you have been taken in by it. There is strong evidence of many things that are wrong with the management of the EPO. This allegation about dental insurance is not one of them.Dec 12 18:20
schestowitzHow can you be so sure ? Where are the figures showing how many claims were made on this insurance and by whom and for what amount ? How can you be so sure that there is no abuse of what you claim is a purely innocuous top-up insurance ? If EPO staff can be arbitrarily accused of rampant abuse of sick-leave etc. without any evidence, why should anybody be expected to believe that AC delegates are squeaky clean ?Dec 12 18:20
schestowitzThose who continually raise it are weakening their own case. Why should anyone believe what they say?Dec 12 18:20
schestowitzUnfortunately, precisely the same question can be asked of the President and the AC.Dec 12 18:20
schestowitz"Dec 12 18:20
schestowitzLOL:Dec 12 18:20
schestowitz""Dec 12 18:20
schestowitz"Dec 12 18:20
schestowitzHow we we be sure that MaxDrei is not in cahoots with the mafia-like entity of SUEPO?Dec 12 18:20
schestowitzThis needs to be clarified.Dec 12 18:20
schestowitzCall the Investigative Unit immediately and put him under surveillance ...Dec 12 18:20
schestowitz"Dec 12 18:20
schestowitz"Dec 12 18:21
schestowitz"How can you be so sure ? Where are the figures showing how many claims were made on this insurance and by whom and for what amount ? How can you be so sure that there is no abuse of what you claim is a purely innocuous top-up insurance ?"Dec 12 18:21
schestowitzSo we agree that there are no figures and no evidence. Yet you are the ones making wild accusations of wrong-doing. How can you be so sure? It's your accusation. Why do I have to prove anything?Dec 12 18:21
schestowitz"Unfortunately, precisely the same question can be asked of the President and the AC."Dec 12 18:21
schestowitzYes. As I've said, there is poor behaviour on both sides. And both sides react badly to the other side's poor behaviour. So the problems just get worse and worse. That's why I'm so disheartened.Dec 12 18:22
schestowitz"Dec 12 18:22
schestowitz"Dec 12 18:22
schestowitz    I would like to know if some of you have written to their AC delegate? and with some protection or not?Dec 12 18:22
schestowitz    My intention was to do so (and I still have it) but some comments on IPkat have slightly cooled down my (good) intentions. I will do it using a proxy and/or the Tor browser.Dec 12 18:22
schestowitz    By the way congratulation for the good little troll called Disheartened. What a joker, I almost fall down from my coach. Thanks for the good stories.Dec 12 18:22
schestowitz"Dec 12 18:22
schestowitzGood, they write to delegates!Dec 12 18:22
schestowitz"Dec 12 18:25
schestowitz    @Co-Rapporteur:Dec 12 18:25
schestowitz    "Those who continually raise it are weakening their own case. Why should anyone believe what they say?Dec 12 18:25
schestowitz    Unfortunately, precisely the same question can be asked of the President and the AC."Dec 12 18:25
schestowitz    The important point here is that continually bringing up the dental non-issue is weakening the EPO staff's case. An outsider reading the comments will think "if EPO staff has to rely on THAT argument, then they cannot have a real case to begin with".Dec 12 18:25
schestowitz    A second point is that you want/need AC delegates to choose your side. Suggesting that they are a corrupt bunch without anything to back that up is not the best approach to achieving that.Dec 12 18:25
schestowitz    Filling comments (and letters to delegations and to national authorities, etc. etc.) with evident hyperbole is simply unhelpful. It is tiring to read and does not give the recipient a reason to read on or to care at all. (This is not directed at you but a general comment of mine.)Dec 12 18:25
schestowitz    And who cares if the President is doing the same? If he is putting himself in a bad light, then all the better, so just let him but don't copy it.Dec 12 18:25
schestowitz"Dec 12 18:25
schestowitz,1473632,32455448.htmlDec 12 20:09
-TechBytesBot/ | Epa in München: Patentamt feuert Gewerkschafter | Arbeit & Soziales - Frankfurter Rundschau [ ]Dec 12 20:09
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 12 20:29
schestowitz 12 20:52
-TechBytesBot/ These are the Android apps that kill your battery and use up all your data #android malware in placesDec 12 20:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Top Android apps to avoid for better Battery Life, storage and data | BGR [ ]Dec 12 20:52
schestowitz"And I have neither from the list. That explains why battery isn’t drained :-)."Dec 12 20:52
schestowitz 12 20:52
-TechBytesBot/ Running Windows executables on #gnu #linux gets easier by the day 12 20:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Wine Developers Are Preparing Packages for Debian, Fedora, and Other Distros [ ]Dec 12 20:52
schestowitz"For me at least, WINE was never particularly difficult (though there’s only one (abandoned) Windows program I still use, and I’ve considered making a clone; it’s FOSS, but it’s written in pre-.NET Visual Basic), even back when you had to manually create the directory structure."Dec 12 20:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | It Will Soon Be Easier To Run The Latest Wine On Popular Linux Distributions - Phoronix [ ]Dec 12 20:52
schestowitz 12 20:53
-TechBytesBot/ #Microsoft is Getting Utterly Desperate #gnu #linuxDec 12 20:53
schestowitz"They might get a boost now that Donald Trump wants to consult Bill Gates about closing up parts of the Internet."Dec 12 20:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft is Getting Utterly Desperate | Techrights [ ]Dec 12 20:53
schestowitzBillionaires want "national security", i.e. security from those whom they oppressDec 12 20:53
*Disconnected ().Dec 12 21:27
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Dec 12 21:27:09 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Dec 12 21:27:26 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 12 21:27
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 12 21:27
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 12 21:27
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesDec 12 21:39
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Dec 06 01:12
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Dec 6 01:12:33 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Dec 6 01:15:07 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 06 01:15
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 06 01:15
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 06 01:15
schestowitzsomeone mirrored my artilcle before the EPO sent the letters, I didn't see this before...Dec 06 01:34
schestowitz 06 01:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Dec 06 01:34
schestowitz"The only question remaining is, does he stay bought? 'Dec 06 01:34
schestowitz"Just like politicians. Fill my piggy bank and I'll take care of you. Unless someone else gives me more."Dec 06 01:34
schestowitz""Dec 06 01:35
schestowitz"Dec 06 01:35
schestowitzSA - international Searching AuthorityDec 06 01:35
schestowitzIPEA - International Preliminary Examining AuthorityDec 06 01:35
schestowitzPACE - Accelerated prosecution of applications [] (see also article 489 []Dec 06 01:35
schestowitzAVM/Computers mission - ???Dec 06 01:35
schestowitzKIPO - Korean Intellectual Property Office (?)Dec 06 01:35
schestowitzRAEX - ???Dec 06 01:35
schestowitzThe accelerated procedure does not seem like anything mysterious. The applicant gives up rights to amendments of the patent claims and needs to pay more in exchanged for a faster examination procedure, which could otherwise involve two or more years waiting time after filing. Apparently Microsoft had complained that their accelerated patent applications were taking more time than promised and the EPO boss is telling his staff to work harder,Dec 06 01:35
schestowitzbecause otherwise Microsoft might take their business to a different patent office (KIPO) in the future.Dec 06 01:35
schestowitzIt's more interesting to speculate why the EPO examiners are stalling these applications and leaking this email. Is there something fundamentally wrong with accelerated applications? Is it related to the bad working conditions at EPO? For example, EPO in Rijswijk, The Netherlands was in the headlines a while ago because of intimidation practices and the organization is not bound to local labor laws.Dec 06 01:35
schestowitz"Dec 06 01:35
schestowitzSomeone even posted the whole thing here, from cache:Dec 06 01:36
schestowitz 06 01:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Dec 06 01:36
schestowitz"The google cache of it is still online."Dec 06 01:37
schestowitz""Dec 06 01:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Dec 06 01:37
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Dec 06 08:34
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Dec 6 08:34:36 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Dec 6 08:34:59 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 06 08:34
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 06 08:34
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 06 08:34
oiaohmschestowitz: this is funny.   Its like the not connect walk buttons at some cross roads to keep people happy while waiting.Dec 06 08:35
oiaohmschestowitz: there is nothing special in The European Patent Convention to allow accelerated processing.   But nothing preventing providing an option to request it.   I think EPO has been wasting Microsoft time because they are too stupid to read the rules.Dec 06 08:37
oiaohmschestowitz:  eepDec 06 08:44
-TechBytesBot/ | E‑VII, 3.2 Accelerated examination - Guidelines for ExaminationDec 06 08:44
oiaohmthe more I read about Accelerated examination there is no way I would use it on a patent applciation.Dec 06 08:44
oiaohmYou are waving your right to argue with the patent ruling in many places by doing it.Dec 06 08:45
oiaohmParticuarlly where you are allowed to alter you patent application correcting any errors that are causing it rejection.Dec 06 08:46
-TechBytesBot/ | Rule 161 – Amendment of the application - The European Patent Convention, Implementing Regulations – to the Convention on the Grant of European Patents, Part IX – Implementing Regulations to Part X of the ConventionDec 06 08:46
oiaohmSo result of giving up Rule 161 is that if there is anything wrong in your application you have to put in a fresh application and pay all the fees over again.Dec 06 08:46
schestowitzoiaohm: reading..Dec 06 08:49
schestowitz[08:37] <oiaohm> schestowitz: there is nothing special in The European Patent Convention to allow accelerated processing.Dec 06 08:50
schestowitzDidn't know that or think of it from this angleDec 06 08:50
schestowitzoiaohm: so now there are different lanesDec 06 08:51
schestowitzfor different procedures for processingDec 06 08:51
schestowitzwhich is weirdDec 06 08:51
schestowitzI don't think any patent system is intended to work like thisDec 06 08:51
schestowitzand whether the fundamental rules permit facilitation as such? Highly unlikely...Dec 06 08:52
schestowitzoiaohm: notice what they call PACEDec 06 08:52
schestowitz"Closer contact with large applicants"Dec 06 08:52
schestowitzCLOSERDec 06 08:52
schestowitzCONTACTDec 06 08:52
schestowitzmeaning MORE communicationDec 06 08:52
schestowitznot lessDec 06 08:52
schestowitzoiaohm: EPO is stressed over what I revealed because, based on what I read, many people no longer applyDec 06 08:53
schestowitzthey go to their national patent office insteadDec 06 08:53
schestowitzwhich puts the EPO maybe even at existential risk in the long runDec 06 08:53
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 06 08:55
oiaohmschestowitz: It is more communications if parties have to repeatily do applications over and over again to correct minor errors because they give up Rule 161.2Dec 06 09:07
oiaohmschestowitz: basically its accelerated processing for who.    With the client not having means to alter application in the accelerated mode means its faster for EPO to close the application.Dec 06 09:08
schestowitzok...Dec 06 09:12
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Dec 6 10:04:32 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 06 10:04
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 06 10:04
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 06 10:04
schestowitz"I used Linux and the project is very interesting"Dec 06 10:24
schestowitz 06 10:24
-TechBytesBot/ "Ben Corrie discusses Project Bonneville, how to create a shared Linux kernel for privileged containers" 06 10:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Exploding the Linux Container HostDec 06 10:24
schestowitz 06 10:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jmcest: 🐺 RT @schestowitz New software watches for license plates, turning you into Little Brother #privacy #trackingDec 06 10:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | New software watches for license plates, turning you into Little Brother | Ars TechnicaDec 06 10:37
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 06 17:24
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 06 17:25
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schestowitzjust been speaking to someone from EPO and sent this reply:Dec 06 17:34
schestowitzI have reviewed all the material I have, including attachments, and I've decided to cover such a personal case with anonymity would be impractical. It would be too obvious who the complainer is. As such, I'd like to ask: would you object to taking this story public, with your consent and review before publication? It would help show grievances among staff reps ahead of me releasing some details of ludicrous accusations against other staffDec 06 17:34
schestowitzreps (upcoming series).Dec 06 17:34
schestowitzStories like these can help increase support among the staff for their staff reps. These stories can also shed light on the horrible treatment of EPO staff and shift focus to the core of these matters (a la ILO, but having to wait several years for determinations).Dec 06 17:34
schestowitz 06 17:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kstallett: @schestowitz Is this a parody of the that's amore song? Diaspora kinda fits.Dec 06 17:35
schestowitzi can't see the relation to That's AmoreDec 06 17:35
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Dec 7 01:38:09 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 07 01:38
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 07 01:38
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 07 01:38
*r_schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 07 01:43
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*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 07 05:24
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 07 05:27
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Dec 07 09:49
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Dec 7 09:49:10 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Dec 7 09:49:35 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 07 09:49
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 07 09:49
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 07 09:49
schestowitz 07 11:22
schestowitz"Dec 07 11:22
schestowitzI'll do it, didn't saw your reply earlier.Dec 07 11:22
schestowitzI'll send it after work, so it can be reviewed.Dec 07 11:22
-TechBytesBot/ | Diaspora* - Sign inDec 07 11:22
schestowitz"Dec 07 11:22
schestowitz 07 11:22
-TechBytesBot/ #bbc and #npr part of the misleading campaign to lull the public back into sleep as if #surveillance doesn't exist 07 11:22
schestowitz"At this point, those who don’t realize their data is being tracked and logged are willfully ignorant."Dec 07 11:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | NSA Ends Sept. 11-Era Surveillance Program | Nevada Public RadioDec 07 11:22
schestowitzYesDec 07 11:24
schestowitzThe letter shown at the top of the article is very much worth translating, still... not seen any translation yetDec 07 11:25
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Dec 07 18:05
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Dec 7 18:05:23 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Dec 7 18:05:46 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 07 18:05
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 07 18:05
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 07 18:05
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 07 18:19
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 07 18:20
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 07 18:20
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 07 18:20
schestowitz 07 19:00
schestowitz"Dec 07 19:00
schestowitz Pondering over some of the comments above, things become clear to me.Dec 07 19:00
schestowitzI always thought Battistelli was aiming for another job within the French government, once Sarkozy would be president again. It may be more probable he is aiming for a position with the UPC. For which reason he is already getting rid of the appellate bodies with the EPO. Their decisions would be a mere nuisiance to the UPC.Dec 07 19:00
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Boards of Appeal tell AC: we were never consultedDec 07 19:00
schestowitzSo Battistelli is serving EU interests rather than EPO interests. But wait, the UPC is not part of the EU? Correct - that is the way Great Britain wanted it to be implemented. But with a larger pan-European federalist lobby (hello Guy Verhofstadt c.s.), I expect the UPC to be part of the EU in no-time. With support of the AC, instructed by national governments who are supporting the same federalist movement.Dec 07 19:00
schestowitzAnd EU federalism is an unstoppable train. We have seen two clear wins by the people in referenda (France, Netherlands) opposing matter that was introduced in the EU later on, against all democratic principles. And the same will happen with the referendum on Ukraine (April 2016, Netherlands).Dec 07 19:00
schestowitzBut why does the UCP with case law need to replace the BoA case law? Because EU bodies are easier to access and control for the corporate lobby. If not directly, then still via the EU parliament.Dec 07 19:00
schestowitzIn other words, I am beginning to feel this circus is not about Battistelli vs. the Boards of Appeal, but fits in a larger scheme of EU federalism - for the benefit of corporate lobby to establish one single body they can focus their lobby efforts on.Dec 07 19:00
schestowitzConspiracy theory? Perhaps. But I have seen too many pointers already.Dec 07 19:00
schestowitz"Dec 07 19:00
schestowitz"Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzanother reason why it is not to be expected that the UPV will replace the BoA is that the BoA are still cheaper and more technical directed thatn the UPC.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzAn opposition (eventually followed by an appeal to the BoA) has much lower fees than the (proposed) UPC court fees for a revocation action.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzSecondly, the EPO Opposition Division has three technically qualified members and the EPO BoA has two technically qualified members and only one legally qualififed member. At the EPO the technically qualified people thus are in the majority over the legally qualiified members. For the UPC this is the other way around: there we have one techniclaly qualified Judge and two legally qualififed judges and in the appeal bord of the UPC the ratio isDec 07 19:01
schestowitz3:2. Thus in both cases a majority of legally qualified judges.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzThis means that applicants/opponents that want to decide the case on technical issues - which is most often the case in invalidations - better could address the EPO.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzAn additional reason is that the EPO Opposition Division and the BoA may invalidated the patent for all 38 EPC States, while the UPC can only invalidate for the (max 27) UPC States.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitz"Dec 07 19:01
schestowitz"Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzThe advantages of the EPO Opposition Division as well as the Boards of Appeal (the latter ones in particular) are exactly the reasons why these institutes need to be decapitated - this applies to the BoA in particular.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzBecause the UPC will not be able to beat the EPO institutions - at least not on the short term. So they need to be deactivated or at least be set back - for the EU to be on top of matter as soon as possible. As the EU is better to control by industry.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzOops, but UPC is not part of the EU, how could I forget???Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzNot *yet*, I'd say.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitz'Dec 07 19:01
schestowitz"    From the comments above, a couple raise questions in my mind. TreatyNotifier suggested Norway wouldn't be happy about combining BAs and UPC. What would the UK think in the event it left the EU? How will Cameron and his chums play this during the debate within the UK and will it become relevant in the "renegotiations" as some sort of pawn? Maybe the UKIPO likes to have more revocation actions for itself, though how this would be financedDec 07 19:01
schestowitzbeats me, with current tiny official fee. And as to BB's ambitions, is mayoralty of a French village in his dotage not sufficient anymore? I'm not one for conspiracy theories normally, but the lack of openness in the shenanigans in eponia recently doesn't half scream out for them."Dec 07 19:01
schestowitz"Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzSome people complain about costs and patent examiners being paid too much. With all due respect, the two are different things. It is not because BB lowers the costs of search and examination that he intends to lower taxes.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzAnd as to what the office invests in search and examination, there is an old business saying which runs like "in the long term, you generally get what you pay for". If the position is not attractive for competent examiners, the office will not get them. It is that simple.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzAlso: applicants do not only pay so that the Office grants patents. They also pay so that the Office refuses their competitor's patents. How much is that worth to you?Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzLast but not least, the President is French. The French had a patent system without examination where all work was done by litigation courts. It may simply be that this kind of solution is what the President wants for the future: a simplified grant procedure, maybe through automation of search and examination, and the whole burden transferred to a litigation court. You don't really need examiners in that future.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitzA concerned examiner.Dec 07 19:01
schestowitz"Dec 07 19:01
schestowitz 07 21:51
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Boards of Appeal tell AC: we were never consultedDec 07 21:51
schestowitz"Dec 07 21:51
schestowitzDiscussing this situation with a studious colleague, he pointed out to me that, back in 1973 when the EPC was being written, a European Patent Court was part of the plan. But back then politicians ran scared of that idea, so nothing came of it, and instead we ended up with EPO DG3.Dec 07 21:51
schestowitzWhat has changed since 1973? Patent litigation has become global big business, not just in Big Pharma but also in telephony.Dec 07 21:51
schestowitzPoliticians in Europe today are more scared of the world-wide Big Corp forces that reprimand them for having made no progress since 1973, and up till now have STILL failed to create a single instance where patents can be litigated once and for all, for all of Europe.Dec 07 21:51
schestowitzBB is tasked with making the UPC a success. One way is to push up pendency in DG3 to 5 years or more, another to clear out of DG3 all the wisdom and experience. When the UPC starts up, it will have judges but no cases to try. Business will be brisk. Pendency will be short, and so compare very favourably with that at the EPO. A flying start, you might say.Dec 07 21:52
schestowitzAnd Big Corp will show its appreciation to those that helped it. Nice consultancies for those who pulled the strings behind the scenes.Dec 07 21:52
schestowitzRemember, DG3 can't try infringement but the UPC can. And it can also do validity, and revoke patents; like DG3 does only more forcefully. What's not to like?Dec 07 21:52
schestowitz"Dec 07 21:52
schestowitz"Dec 07 21:52
schestowitzAs pointed out above, the planned restrition, i. e. the cooling period virtually for all staff, has nothing to do with the reform of the BA.Dec 07 21:52
schestowitzAs to why it is proposed now, the obvious possible answer is that the president is planning already a further reform, which he expets that will drive staff out of the EPO in masses and this roblem must be prevented by appropriate strategic prior reform that prevents the staf from doing so.Dec 07 21:52
schestowitzBarbiDec 07 21:52
schestowitz"Dec 07 21:52
schestowitz"Dec 07 21:52
schestowitzEPO’s Academic Coffee-corner quotes…Dec 07 21:52
schestowitz“Firstly you must always implicitly obey orders,Dec 07 21:52
schestowitzwithout attempting to form any opinion of your ownDec 07 21:52
schestowitzregarding their propriety.Dec 07 21:52
schestowitzSecondly, you must consider every man your enemy who speaks ill of your king;Dec 07 21:52
schestowitzand thirdly you must hate a Frenchman as you hate the devil.”Dec 07 21:52
schestowitz- Horatio Nelson-Dec 07 21:52
schestowitz"Dec 07 21:52
*schestowitz_log has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Dec 07 22:23
*schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 07 22:36
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Dec 8 00:31:43 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 08 00:31
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 08 00:31
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 08 00:31
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 08 01:04
schestowitz"You will be assimilated!"Dec 08 01:56
schestowitz 08 01:57
-TechBytesBot/ Android Will Own 81.2 Percent Of Smartphone Market By The End Of 2015 08 01:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Android Will Own 81.2 Percent Of Smartphone Market By The End Of 2015 : PERSONAL TECH : Tech TimesDec 08 01:57
schestowitzLegal case against Hardon (just came here...) contains refs to Fosspatents...Dec 08 02:16
schestowitzJust read it all very quickly... will need to decide what to do as there are other stories/issues in the pipelineDec 08 02:27
schestowitz>> Just read it all very quickly... will need to decide what to do as thereDec 08 02:49
schestowitz>> > are other stories/issues in the pipelineDec 08 02:49
schestowitz>Dec 08 02:49
schestowitz> Ya betcha!Dec 08 02:49
schestowitz>Dec 08 02:49
schestowitz> Thanks for the articles on FTI.Dec 08 02:49
schestowitz>Dec 08 02:49
schestowitz> I didn't research them, so I just thought they were yet anotherDec 08 02:49
schestowitz> high-powered PR firm, but now I see that they are pretty much of theDec 08 02:49
schestowitz> same ilk as Control Risks.Dec 08 02:49
schestowitz>Dec 08 02:49
schestowitz> Working the graveyard shift again?Dec 08 02:49
schestowitzYes, tonight too...Dec 08 02:49
schestowitzstarted drafting some crap... (yes, that's what my TODO looks like...)Dec 08 02:49
schestowitz 08 03:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Writer says "free software (that’s “free-as-in-speech”" and mocks #apple for #openwashing and #hype 08 03:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Apple is proud of its open source software Swift. A bit too proud | Technology | The GuardianDec 08 03:02
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 08 08:15
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 08 08:15
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 08 08:18
schestowitz> Thanks for letting me know. Keep up your great work. I'm too busy this week (after losing productive time last week due to surgery) to do anything about the EPO, ut I may do one more post about it before Xmas.Dec 08 08:20
schestowitzWatch what I'll write about Els later today...Dec 08 08:20
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 08 08:23
schestowitz> Hi Roy,Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz>Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz>>From EPO circles I got the following feedback when I mentioned my efforts to promote your blog:Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz>Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz> "the problem with Roy is that he would be brilliant if he wrote no more than 10% of what he does, so that the average person (or even the average examiner) could actually read what he writes. now he is losing readers because people give up.Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz> you may tell him if you have the occasion"Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz>Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz> Just wanted to share this. Now, I don't agree on 10% as an exact figure. And I don't think you should write much less, but it would probably be helpful if you could structure things differently and generally streamline your EPO coverage. By that I mean that instead of doing 5 posts a day on the EPO you might consider doing no more than 1 per day, and a second one on the same day only under exceptional circumstances (breaking news thatDec 08 08:24
schestowitzwarrants immediate coverage), and to then focus on hard facts that speak for themselves and keep the commentary more concise, especially because there's a risk of it getting too repetitive.Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz>Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz> I haven't been able to follow your coverage either because it's too much. Again, I don't think the insider who gave the 10% number is "on the money", but that insider does have a point to consider.Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz>Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz> Best regards,Dec 08 08:24
schestowitzThe same was true back in the days when I wrote, on average, more than 10 items per day. It's always possible to go back and retrospectively read things. The goal is to make as much info publicly available for the willing reader.Dec 08 08:24
schestowitz> The paranoia even reaches me...Dec 08 08:27
schestowitz>Dec 08 08:27
schestowitz> I actually thought about sticking little pieces of papers around theDec 08 08:27
schestowitz> frame of my flat's door to check whether sneaked in when I was out...Dec 08 08:27
schestowitz>Dec 08 08:27
schestowitz> Good night, and watch for Bulgarians with umbrellas!Dec 08 08:27
schestowitzI know it must be some kind of idiom-ish, but a Bulgarian lady was in the house the other day looking to sign us up for monthly donations to the blind (which we did). My wife even left her alone downstairs for a while, as she was getting some stuff upstairs. ;-) I wasn't too happy with a stranger being left alone like this...Dec 08 08:27
schestowitz"EPO folks find it hard to keep up with your many posts"Dec 08 08:48
schestowitzThat's what they say...Dec 08 08:48
schestowitzApparentlyDec 08 08:48
schestowitzbased on someone...Dec 08 08:48
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 08 09:11
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Dec 08 12:46
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Dec 8 12:46:00 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Dec 8 12:46:25 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 08 12:46
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 08 12:46
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 08 12:46
schestowitz 08 13:05
-TechBytesBot/ | Blogger: The IPKat - Post a CommentDec 08 13:05
schestowitz"Oh, but it can. Therein lies the problem - there is no effective mechanism to bring change. The EPC framers were not general law experts, let alone consitutional experts, and it is beginning to show. Same problem with WIPO, which has become moribund, same problem with WTO, EU institutions, and so on, so forth. In pursuing a laudable goal, the framers assumed that all successors would be as noble as they, and forgot to create a mechanism forDec 08 13:05
schestowitzusers of the system to challenge systemic failure under an independent external body with eyes, ears and teeth. Thus, the present situation can and will continue, must to the disappointment of all who watch, until a major EPC state threatens secession due to incompatibility with its own national law."Dec 08 13:05
schestowitzMehDec 08 13:05
schestowitzTrying to frame this as a general problemDec 08 13:05
schestowitzserving to distract from the EPo situationDec 08 13:05
schestowitzI know this TYPE of propagandaDec 08 13:05
schestowitzMicrosoft uses that tooDec 08 13:05
oiaohmschestowitz: please note Microsoft and Apple and many others had the idea of closed source networking.Dec 08 13:07
schestowitz 08 14:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: Resist this abuse ! 08 14:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #epo practices an approach of divide and rule, by insisting on secrecy and gagging its victims. Resist this abuse.Dec 08 14:58
schestowitz 08 15:03
-TechBytesBot/ | BRIEF-Immunicum: EPO intends to grant patent to its cancer immune primer INTUVAX | ReutersDec 08 15:03
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 08 15:06
schestowitz> On Tuesday 08 December 2015 07:59 PM, Roy Schestowitz wrote:Dec 08 16:33
schestowitz>> two identical posts with the title "What Are Massive Open Online CoursesDec 08 16:33
schestowitz>> (MOOCs) ? How Can You Benefit Out Of MOOCs?" were published thisDec 08 16:33
schestowitz>> morning. In succession. I unpublished one of them to avoid theDec 08 16:33
schestowitz>> duplication, hoping it'll be just fine (I checked to be sure that bothDec 08 16:33
schestowitz>> entries were identical)Dec 08 16:33
schestowitz>>Dec 08 16:34
schestowitz>> I'm really sorry I just mistakenly submitted that post. I forgot that IDec 08 16:34
schestowitz> had posted the same post before. Thank you for notifying me. Have aDec 08 16:34
schestowitz> great time.Dec 08 16:34
schestowitzWe are always happy to see you contribute and publish new articles,Dec 08 16:34
schestowitzRegards from Roy and Rianne...Dec 08 16:34
schestowitz> Hello Schestowitz, I just want to ask something which I really want toDec 08 19:01
schestowitz> better publish my content on tuxmachine. As you would have seen myDec 08 19:01
schestowitz> submissions, all of them look different than other submitter. Could youDec 08 19:01
schestowitz> please help me out with the technique that you guys use to publishDec 08 19:01
schestowitz> content in better way and specially format of the posts. Thank you!Dec 08 19:01
schestowitzUse the following template, with the following 3 variables (replace with yours):Dec 08 19:02
schestowitz[IMAGE URL]Dec 08 19:02
schestowitz[TEXT]Dec 08 19:02
schestowitz[ARTICLE URL]Dec 08 19:02
schestowitz<p><img src=""[IMAGE URL]" border="0" align="left" width="160" hspace="20" vspace="20" style="padding: 17px 17px 17px 17px; box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #222;" />Dec 08 19:02
schestowitz<p class="dropcap-first">[TEXT]Dec 08 19:02
schestowitz<a href="[ARTICLE URL]"><img src="/files/read-on-white.png" alt="Read more" title="Read the rest of this article" /></a>Dec 08 19:02
schestowitz> Roy,Dec 08 19:08
schestowitz>Dec 08 19:08
schestowitz>Dec 08 19:08
schestowitz> - re-post redacted originals to Wikileaks. They have a secure inbox.Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz>   To have safe copies there. Just in case.Dec 08 19:09
schestowitzThere are copies of article in github. Some FFII people now maintain these. These articles include the redacted documents.Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz> - re-post and report, and put onto your boat:Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz>Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz>  The InterceptDec 08 19:09
schestowitz>  DemocracyNowDec 08 19:09
schestowitz>  Jan Philipp Albrecht (Green MEP for Northern Germany)Dec 08 19:09
schestowitzI need the help of readers who are concerned. I spoke a lot to Florian today and unlike him I make no effort to contact journalists. It's not slowing down further publication/work.Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz>  German best newspaper and magazines:Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz>Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz>  Sueddeutsche Zeitung (contact Katja Riedel / Christopher Schrader)Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz>  together with Investigative Research/Recherche Pool with NDR/WDRDec 08 19:09
schestowitz>Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz>  HEISE Newsticker (contact Stefan Krempl)Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz>  Die ZEIT  (Has a secure inbox)Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz>  Der SPIEGELDec 08 19:09
schestowitzCan readers not send links or material to these people. Surely, if the topic is important, they ought to at least consider covering. One linking to one's own articles serves to discredit oneself (conflict of interest/shameless self promotion)Dec 08 19:09
schestowitzI did notice that some people spread the work in sites like Reddit. This increases visibility.Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz> EPO scandal must become public in the mainstream.Dec 08 19:09
schestowitzYes, but I'm not a PR agency or Maja Mitternmaier (spelling). I don't have the capacity to research, write and then do "PR". I hope readers will help...Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz> And:Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz> And EPO staff must be made aware of correct crypto tools (How stupid is it to use a gmail-address ?)Dec 08 19:09
schestowitzyes, but I'm not there to lecture people, I gave some public advice before.Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz> And:Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz> Pls. make your PGP/GPG key more apparent. Link to it via all "Contact" urls on bottom of all your numerous pages.Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz> Currently, this is not the case, and your key is very difficult to find.Dec 08 19:09
schestowitzit's right there in my twitter and diaspora profile (my fingerprint)Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz> And:Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz> Pls. upload your 4096 public key to the keyservers! (only your old key is present there)Dec 08 19:09
schestowitz> Use (-> "Submit a Key to the Server"). Your mail tool may also be able to upload your public key to the keyservers. In Enigmail you can select your (4096) key and directly upload it, it's a matter of seconds, but cannot make it undone!Dec 08 19:09
schestowitzWeird. I uploaded it before. I guess something didn't take effect. I'll retry.Dec 08 19:09
-TechBytesBot/ | SKS Keyservers: Interact with the keyserversDec 08 19:09
schestowitz 08 22:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dwdeeds: Raspberry Pi based 3D printer has huge build space #edtech #stem #steam via @schestowitz 08 22:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Raspberry Pi based 3D printer has huge build sp...Dec 08 22:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dwdeeds: Raspberry Pi based 3D printer has huge build space #edtech #stem #steam via @schestowitz 08 22:57
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Dec 09 10:07
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Dec 9 10:07:42 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Dec 9 10:08:07 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 09 10:08
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 09 10:08
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 09 10:08
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 09 15:02
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Dec 09 18:08
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Dec 9 18:08:17 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Dec 9 18:08:43 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 09 18:08
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 09 18:08
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 09 18:08
schestowitz"Dec 09 18:51
schestowitzThank you for sharing the latest Linux gaming news as part of the feed! I particularly appreciate the information! :)Dec 09 18:51
schestowitzKeep up the awesome work!Dec 09 18:51
schestowitzNick.Dec 09 18:51
schestowitz"Dec 09 18:51
schestowitzShould I post more such linksDec 09 18:51
schestowitz"People say Donald has no chance of getting into power.  I say otherwise – I hope I’m wrong."Dec 09 19:29
schestowitz 09 19:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Tiles,Windows and other ramblings. « OpenBytes - Goblin's Domain [ ]Dec 09 19:29
schestowitz"IMHO: It's a healthy amount of game-related content right now... not too many posts on that topic but enough to be informative! More gaming content might alienate other interest groups from the general Linux base and require a separate "Linux Games" feed (which I would definitely subscribe to!)"Dec 09 19:50
schestowitzThanksDec 09 19:50
schestowitz 09 20:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @rionero11 @altreconomia 09 20:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "at the EPO, where oppositions can take 12 years" what a crappy system, clearly dysfunctional nowDec 09 20:10
schestowitz 09 20:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: Ganz nette Leit'... @schestowitz @rionero11 09 20:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KellerZoe: Suicidio alla Commissione Europea 09 20:10
schestowitz 09 20:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@redlocal: Lots of spin zone in #opensource news this week. PR people totally took over. "Apple Open Source, "Microsoft Loves… 09 20:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Lots of spin zone in #opensource news this week. PR people totally took over. "Apple Open Source, "Microsoft Loves Linux". Gimme a break.Dec 09 20:28
schestowitz 09 20:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @wallstreetita 09 20:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | EPO “Synonymous With Psychological Depressions, Nervous Breakdowns, and Even Suicides” | TechrightsDec 09 20:33
schestowitz 09 20:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @wallstreetitaDec 09 20:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | No Wonder Staff of the EPO Gets Sick of the Management, Which Games Sickness Statistics in Order to Delude the World | TechrightsDec 09 20:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @wallstreetita ...Prego, servitevi senza complimenti! 09 20:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | EPO - TechrightsDec 09 20:44
schestowitz 09 20:51
-TechBytesBot/ | European Patent Office reacts to claims by blogger of preferential treatment towards MicrosoftDec 09 20:51
schestowitz 09 21:09
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Merpel pays a brief visit to EponiaDec 09 21:09
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:09
schestowitz(To Anonymous Disheartened)Dec 09 21:09
schestowitzI don't see that the ILO decision linked by Kant reveals poor behaviour on both sides. What I see is that, already at the time, Suepo was fighting nepotism (giving the lavishly paid posts in the top floors of the Isar building to members of your family...) and that Elisabeth Hardon signed for Suepo. No wonder that more and more people are joining the union either as members or in demonstrations.Dec 09 21:09
schestowitzThe result of these complaints, as you may know, is that the regulations were changed so that complaints by Suepo are not admissible. And that basically, no complaint on this kind of subject (nepotism) is admissible any more. The next results, you see on the linked graph.Dec 09 21:09
schestowitzI don't know what the administrative council is thinking but one may wonder why they are so passive. Basically, Battistelli insults them at each meeting and made them lose face on the Suepo story: he was instructed to renew social dialogue and start a social study, his answer was to intimidate, investigate and dismiss the persons he was supposed to talk to. Is there any clearer way to tell your boss that you don't care about his orders?Dec 09 21:09
schestowitzIn the mean time, Battistelli his putting chosen people at key posts. So with each day of delay, the Administrative Council is digging a deeper hole. Eventually, they will have to remove Battistelli, he is obviously becoming too much of a liability. But the latter he is removed, the more friends of him will be at key posts and the more difficult it will be.Dec 09 21:09
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:09
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:09
schestowitzRumours are currently circulating that in the context of his newly publicised "Anti-Mafia Campaign", BB is planning the most daring stroke of all.Dec 09 21:09
schestowitzAs 2015 draws to a close, Old Moore now makes the following predictions:Dec 09 21:09
schestowitzShortly before the next sitting of the AC, it will be announced that a number of members of DG3 have been implicated in the execrable "orchestrated campaign" of defamation and terror currently menacing senior management and that these miscreants have been subject to a "house ban" pending further investigation into their misconduct.Dec 09 21:09
schestowitzThereupon the DPO will rubber-stamp an approval for the seizure of their computers and the IU will commence a fishing expedition to uncover "evidence" to support the claims which have been raised.Dec 09 21:10
schestowitzAt the upcoming meeting of the AC, a pre-cooked document explaining the "well-founded suspicions" of high-level links between members of the EPO's judicial organs and the SUEPO "mafia" will be presented to the AC delegates who will dutifully gasp in horror and unhesitatingly approve all extraordinary measures proposed by the President. They will then adjourn for their Christmas lunch.Dec 09 21:10
schestowitzIt looks like 2016 will be a busy year for the disciplinary committee of the AC and the (remaining) members of the EBA.Dec 09 21:10
schestowitzAt some point in the not too distant future, we may expect BB to assume the "painful duty" of announcing to the world that the clear and irrefutable evidence of "Mafia infiltration of the judiciary" uncovered by his investigators requires that DG3 be finally dissolved due to its ignominious failure to maintain the necessary standards of judicial independence and incorruptibility.Dec 09 21:10
schestowitzGarbed in his magnificent Emperor's New Clothes bearing the logo of "Defender of Judicial Independence", he will then commence his final triumphant march towards the Presidential throne of the UPC in Paris ...Dec 09 21:10
schestowitzMesdames et messieurs, faites vos jeux !Dec 09 21:10
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:10
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:12
schestowitzRegardless of whether one's sympathies lie with the management or the staff in what has become an impossibly acrimonious debate about conditions of employment, there is mounting evidence that the management of the EPO indeed has scant regard for the fundamental human rights of its staff.Dec 09 21:12
schestowitzCiting highly dubious reasons for blocking independent investigations into staff suicides is simply unacceptable in view of the obligations under Article 20(1) of the Protocol on Privileges and Immunities to ensure the observance of (e.g. labour) regulations that apply under national law.Dec 09 21:12
schestowitzFurther, failing to recognise a decision of a national court (involving a finding of violation of human rights) is hardly consistent with the obligation under Article 20(1) PPI to "facilitate the proper administration of justice". Relying upon an appeal to suspend implementation of a judgement is one thing, but seeking to assert immunity from a judgement relating to human rights is just completely unacceptable.Dec 09 21:12
schestowitzAnd now we learn that the abuses do not stop there. Regardless of what one thinks of Ms Hardon (and here I have to confess that I do not know anywhere near enough of the facts to pass judgement), it is impossible to not react with outrage that the management at the EPO forced her to respond to accusations against her from an unidentified source who then turns out to be the very person who is investigating those allegations! The mind bogglesDec 09 21:12
schestowitzas to how it is that no one in the EPO management failed to spot the very obvious problems with pursuing such allegations, including (but not confined to) conflict of interest, abuse of process, denial of the rights of the accused and failing to separate the accuser from the judge / jury.Dec 09 21:12
schestowitzWhether or not there are justifiable concerns regarding the past or present behaviour of SUEPO (again, I have to confess ignorance of the facts on this point), nothing can justify the EPO management stepping over the line in this way. The failure of the AC to act to prevent such abuses underlines what others have already pointed to, namely a lack of laws, systems and procedures that are designed to ensure good governance and a properDec 09 21:12
schestowitzseparation of powers at the EPO.Dec 09 21:12
schestowitzWith the AC seemingly unwilling (or unable) to step in, who is there left who can restore a respect for human rights and the rule of law at the EPO? I understand that this is a very difficult question to answer. However, I cannot help but wonder whether anyone (e.g. a journalist) has sought comments on the situation at the EPO from the large applicant companies with which the EPO has established "close" contact (which I understand includeDec 09 21:12
schestowitzCanon, Philips, Microsoft, Qualcomm, BASF, Bayer, Samsung, Huawei, Siemens, Ericsson and Fujitsu). Whilst some might well refuse to comment, it is hard to believe that any would condone the abuses of the EPO management outlined above. If we're lucky, some might even be prepared to make statements of principle that are supportive of the human rights of the workers of Eponia. If that happened, then the AC just might find themselves forced toDec 09 21:12
schestowitzact...Dec 09 21:12
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:12
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:12
schestowitz"Each side blames the other". So BB blames SUEPO. And Ras-le-bol blames BB and the AC.Dec 09 21:12
schestowitzAnd neither side will change, and the problems go on.Dec 09 21:12
schestowitz:-(Dec 09 21:13
schestowitz'Dec 09 21:13
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:13
schestowitzRas-le-bol says:Dec 09 21:14
schestowitz(to Disheartened)Dec 09 21:14
schestowitzThere is a simple solution to that problem: let a third person sort it out. Normally, that would simply involve waiving the Office immunity and let an external, independent tribunal find out who is to blame for the mess the Office is in.Dec 09 21:14
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:14
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:14
schestowitzWhilst some might well refuse to comment, it is hard to believe that any would condone the abuses of the EPO management outlined above.Dec 09 21:14
schestowitzAbuses, what abuses ?Dec 09 21:14
schestowitzFrom whence come such strange rumours ?Dec 09 21:14
schestowitzI am profoundly shocked by these accusations !Dec 09 21:14
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:14
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:14
schestowitz@ DisheartenedDec 09 21:14
schestowitzI would respectfully draw your attention that there is a huge disproportion between the involved parties as far as the employed resources are concerned. The EPO management has nearly unlimited power and money, on the other side the trade union has a very limited capacity. It is not a question of "each side blaming the other" or "neither side will change". There is absolutely no symmetry in their behaviour. The EPO management is pushing brutalDec 09 21:14
schestowitzreforms and savagely attacks is own staff. The trade union is committed to defeat all the "coup-bas" perpetrated by the management.Dec 09 21:14
schestowitzRemember the EPO used to be a functioning office and SUEPO was already there.Dec 09 21:14
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:14
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:15
schestowitzA third party could help, but not to lay blame. Just look for solutions. Didn't the AC request a third party at a recent meeting?Dec 09 21:15
schestowitzForget who is to blame. That's for Merpel's squabbling children in the back of the car. "He started it." "No, she started it."Dec 09 21:15
schestowitzBoth sides must be willing to forget the past and cooperate for the future. Otherwise even a third party will fail.Dec 09 21:15
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:15
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:15
schestowitzThe EPO JesterDec 09 21:15
schestowitz(to Disheartened)Dec 09 21:15
schestowitzAre you an AC delegate?Dec 09 21:15
schestowitzIt's exactly this form of behaviour, blaming simply both parties of the conflict, not knowing anything about the substance of the conflict, not making your mind and not taking a position, because it's so easy and prevents of taking on any responsibility, which led to such developments in societies. And after all is brought to light you will claim you were completely unaware of the inhumanity, because it was all hearsay and everything soDec 09 21:15
schestowitzconfusing.Dec 09 21:15
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:15
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:17
schestowitzVPO said...Dec 09 21:17
schestowitz    Perhaps now is the time for Merpel to conduct some hardcore undercover reporting?Dec 09 21:17
schestowitz 09 21:17
-TechBytesBot/ | EuroBrussels - Top Executive Management Assistant (Secretary) in the President’s Office - EPO - European Patent Office, Munich [ ]Dec 09 21:17
schestowitz"Dec 09 21:17
schestowitz 09 21:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Twpalovi: @schestowitz What? Really?Dec 09 21:18
schestowitzNo, see context, it's an hypothesisDec 09 21:18
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 09 23:37
schestowitz 10 01:21
-TechBytesBot/ The terrorists won in Paris: without using encryption, anonymity and Internet (just SMS) they killed them all 10 01:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | French police want to ban Tor, public Wi-Fi | PCWorld [ ]Dec 10 01:21
schestowitz"the identity of the shooters is very uncertain. the official story has many flaws. i know that has little to do with banning access for everyone, which is the topic here, but it is the starting point."Dec 10 01:21
schestowitz"Among others, below is a link to an article that casts doubt on the official story. "Dec 10 01:21
-TechBytesBot/ | San Bernardino Attack Eye-Witness: "Three Tall White Men Did It" | Zero Hedge [ ]Dec 10 01:21
schestowitz 10 01:22
-TechBytesBot/ #Nodejs Developer Fedor Indutny Weighs Performance and API Elegance #linux #wwwDec 10 01:22
schestowitz"By the way if someone posts your blog, that’s me. Don’t know why I still use Twitter the updates are driving me nuts, but thought while I’m there I’d help out."Dec 10 01:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Node.js Developer Fedor Indutny Weighs Performance and API Elegance | [ ]Dec 10 01:23
schestowitz"Hatchling_Song. Yes yes, named after my book. Changing it soon."Dec 10 01:23
schestowitz 10 01:23
-TechBytesBot/ #microsoft sites mention me... odd. 10 01:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | European Patent Office reacts to claims by blogger of preferential treatment towards Microsoft [ ]Dec 10 01:23
schestowitz"Well you’ve got their attention…"Dec 10 01:23
schestowitz 10 01:24
schestowitz""Dec 10 01:24
schestowitz"Just shows you how much Faux news advocates surveillance."Dec 10 01:24
-TechBytesBot/ #murdoch #propaganda rags compare human rights to "handcuffs" uses #newscorp (Fox) liesDec 10 01:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Opinion Journal: Handcuffing the NSA [ ]Dec 10 01:24
schestowitz 10 01:25
schestowitz"Check out how they are forcing Windows 10 on people who resist. 10 01:25
schestowitz"Dec 10 01:25
schestowitzShamefulDec 10 01:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Dec 10 01:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Microsoft sets stage for massive Windows 10 upgrade strategy | ComputerworldDec 10 01:25
schestowitz 10 01:26
-TechBytesBot/ The @linuxfoundation won't allow #torvalds to criticise #microsoft for much longer 10 01:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft partners with The Linux Foundation for 'Linux on Azure' certificationDec 10 01:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft to offer a Linux-based cert for Azure admins | Network WorldDec 10 01:26
schestowitz"Not sure if we should be happy or sad about this…"Dec 10 01:26
schestowitzWhat would be the rationale for happiness?Dec 10 01:26
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Dec 10 10:04
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Dec 10 10:04:32 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Dec 10 10:04:55 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 10 10:04
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 10 10:04
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 10 10:04
schestowitz 10 10:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Aluenvey: @EconomistRadio @schestowitz Sure but doesn't do Snowden any good.:/Dec 10 10:05
schestowitz 10 10:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Aluenvey: @schestowitz What is openssh? Using a cloud just seems awfully ignorant.Dec 10 10:05
schestowitz 10 10:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@GreyBservices: @FOSSpatents @schestowitz surprised to find SUEPO person getting fired on the basis that s/he was in contact with a blogger.Dec 10 10:07
schestowitz 10 10:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@GreyBservices: @FOSSpatents @schestowitz they got annoyed because of your posts which they say attacking them and doubt her to be in touch with you.Dec 10 10:07
schestowitz 10 10:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @julianbond12 @NativeSunMuzik @MoAnsar @ChrisMusForum @ActivistPost @Juliafionabrown @71Big_Ric @jncatron @Mivasair @schestowitz @RKSPhoenixDec 10 10:08
schestowitz 10 11:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Aluenvey: @schestowitz Me thinks he has a bit of an ego problem. Let's see him tackle end to end one time pads.Dec 10 11:04
schestowitz 10 11:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @wallstreetitaDec 10 11:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | No Wonder Staff of the EPO Gets Sick of the Management, Which Games Sickness Statistics in Order to Delude the World | TechrightsDec 10 11:20
schestowitz 10 11:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RealJamesWoods: Does the executioner have his visa yet? 10 11:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@borderfox116: Woman Beheaded In Broad Daylight in ‘Moderate’ Muslim Nation While Police Watch - @IsraelVideos 10 11:21
schestowitz 10 11:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@redlocal: #elementaryOS Freya 0.3.2 now available -- download the #Linux distro now #gnu 10 11:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | elementary OS Freya 0.3.2 now available -- download the Linux distro nowDec 10 11:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #elementaryOS Freya 0.3.2 now available -- download the #Linux distro now #gnuDec 10 11:48
schestowitz"Dec 10 16:55
schestowitzMr Minnoye (current VP1) appears not toDec 10 16:55
schestowitzbe amused that (DG1) documents areDec 10 16:55
schestowitzregularly leaking to the outside world.Dec 10 16:55
schestowitzAfter WikiLeaks, WillyLeaks?Dec 10 16:55
schestowitz"Dec 10 16:55
schestowitz|Dec 10 16:55
schestowitzDue to a technical mistake, the joke planned by DG4 andDec 10 16:56
schestowitzDG5 for the 1st of April has been published on 2 October.Dec 10 16:56
schestowitzWe are looking forward for the next piece from theDec 10 16:56
schestowitzamazing VP4-VP5 tandem!Dec 10 16:56
schestowitz|Dec 10 16:56
schestowitz 10 16:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: not an ordinary institution but an out-of-control nut house, run by a cabal of people drunk on power. @wallstreetita 10 16:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @FOSSpatents Tightening Media Control: European Patent Office Silences Blogs of Critics by Intimidation, Lawsuits 10 16:56
schestowitzWe are looking forward for the next piece from theDec 10 17:02
schestowitzamazing VP4-VP5 tandem!Dec 10 17:02
schestowitz 10 17:02
-TechBytesBot/ "Due to a technical mistake," we've learned, "the joke planned by DG4 and DG5 for the 1st of April has been published on 2 October." #epoDec 10 17:02
schestowitz"well the institution is not responsible in front of a court, so changing the management won't change anython"Dec 10 17:03
schestowitzTrue, but I don't want to be seen as attacking the WHOLEDec 10 17:03
schestowitz"DG2: External quality audits completed positively"Dec 10 17:12
schestowitz" A translation of the announcement into plain English seemed useful and is herewith provided.""Dec 10 17:18
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 10 17:19
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 10 17:30
schestowitz"this is why this campaign was never published"Dec 10 17:33
schestowitz"some FFIIers were against Pieter"Dec 10 17:33
schestowitz"but Hartmut was also working for the EPO, so he had a personal interest to be against"Dec 10 17:33
schestowitz"in read mode"Dec 10 17:33
schestowitz"just for you to have a look at what was done at the time'Dec 10 17:33
schestowitz"just collecting some links etc..."Dec 10 17:33
schestowitz"otherwise I can send you a ZIP file with the backup of the pages"Dec 10 17:33
schestowitzPlease send, I can reuse with attribution sometimes, gives more stuff to use against them...Dec 10 17:33
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 10 17:59
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 10 18:07
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 10 18:07
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schestowitz>>>>> Are people taking this seriously?Dec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >> To a certain extent.  It is now an officially accepted religion in Sweden:Dec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >>Dec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >> 10 18:10
-TechBytesBot/ | File Sharing Approved As An Official Religion In Sweden - Falkvinge on InfopolicyDec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >>Dec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >> How much slack they actually get from the authorities is another matter.Dec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >>  But some on the net point out that it would be appropriate for IslandDec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >> since many are unsubscribing from the official church and signing up forDec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >> something Sumerian.Dec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >>Dec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>>>> >>> > IMHO as self-discrediting as "Church of emacs/gnu"Dec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >> Probably, but also less harmful to society and the world at large asDec 10 18:10
schestowitz>>> >> some things that pass themselves off as religions. *cough*islam*cough*Dec 10 18:10
schestowitz>> >Dec 10 18:11
schestowitz>> > A lot of politicians are religious, which does not help.Dec 10 18:11
schestowitz> I guess, for some values of religion.  But this is timely:Dec 10 18:11
schestowitz>Dec 10 18:11
schestowitz> 10 18:11
-TechBytesBot/ | Realistic Reasons WWIII Could Start Anytime Now | [ ]Dec 10 18:11
schestowitz>Dec 10 18:11
schestowitz> However, I thought that the doctrine was that armageddon was somethingDec 10 18:11
schestowitz> to be resisted by the good.  Then again maybe that was and is the case...Dec 10 18:11
schestowitz 10 18:11
-TechBytesBot/ Fewer choices in mobile as #firefoxos dies 10 18:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | It's official: Mobile means only iOS and Android | InfoWorld [ ]Dec 10 18:11
schestowitz"Well, #SailfishOS isn’t dead :)"Dec 10 18:11
schestowitz"breaking news - brought to you by the author of a couple of iOS books, it seems …"Dec 10 18:12
schestowitzJust got some major news regarding EPODec 10 18:33
schestowitzgetting more details ARMDec 10 18:33
schestowitzme: I am going to research the allegations to ensure nothing leaves leeway for BB to threaten me. In the mean time, please send any further updates my way. Did BB ever publicly comment on this?Dec 10 18:33
schestowitzA Munich staff rep published the threat letters sent to the local SR members [about five PDFs]. The Hague SUEPO published a brief one page account of the events of Friday the 13th, referring to the colleagues only by their first name.Dec 10 19:41
schestowitz"Keep up the good work," someone told me, not sure who...  never spoke to any of themDec 10 19:41
schestowitz7 7DFs   in my cahce nowDec 10 19:42
schestowitzbetter get cracking... as in processing the info..Dec 10 19:42
schestowitzI didn't intend to publish the legal threats made to me as I know there would be consequences, but having received threatening letters myself (will be in the news soon), I wanted to compare and might write about this soon.Dec 10 19:42
schestowitzI will write about Les Echoes soon, having not received any additional input ;-)Dec 10 19:43
schestowitzEPO is buying the media nowDec 10 19:43
schestowitzwhat a gross bunch of a-holesDec 10 19:43
schestowitzI guess EPO now knows I manged to gain access, so might as well paste the accompanying text:Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz> Here's the blurb on the internal SUEPO website:Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz> -------------------------------------------------Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz> Letter to Mr Kongstad: "Further investigation of staff representativesDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> and/or union executives"Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz> A copy of the letter to Mr Kongstad can be found here.Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz>Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz> Ms Bergot (PD4.3) has again sent highly threatening letters (Annex 1,Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz> Annex 2, Annex 3 and Annex 4 referred in the letter to Mr Kongstad) toDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> staff representatives and/or union executives i.e. to:Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz>Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz>     Mr Michels, SUEPO Central Chair, and Ms Hardon, SUEPO Munich Chair,Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz> continuing allegations raised following a SUEPO publication concerningDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> an investigation in which Ms Hardon was summoned for interrogation asDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> accused;Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz>Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz>     Mr Brumme, SUEPO Munich, and Ms Weaver, SUEPO Munich on financialDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> and legal support by SUEPO for staff members - linked to the allegationsDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> of VP4 and VP5 in their Communiqué of 2 October 2015 titled “Your rights”.Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz>Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz> Prof. Zegveld, SUEPO lawyer, represents Mr Michels in this matter and MsDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> Hardon in the investigation. She sees the allegations unfounded and hasDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> sent letters of reply to Ms Bergot. A copy of the reply on behalf of MsDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> Hardon can be found here (Annex 5 of the letter to Mr Kongstad) and theDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> reply on behalf of Mr Michels can be found here (Annex 6 of the letterDec 10 19:48
schestowitz> to Mr Kongstad).Dec 10 19:48
schestowitz> In a similar way RA Holtz, SUEPO lawyer, represents Mr Brumme and MsDec 10 20:18
schestowitz> Weaver in this matter. He also sees the allegations unfounded and ratherDec 10 20:18
schestowitz> intimidating and has sent a letter of reply to Ms Bergot with copy toDec 10 20:18
schestowitz> Heiko Maas, BMJ. The letter of Mr Holtz was also submitted to Mr Kongstad.Dec 10 20:18
schestowitz>Dec 10 20:18
schestowitz> -------------------------------------------------Dec 10 20:18
schestowitz>Dec 10 20:18
schestowitzA Little Taste of European Patent Office 'Justice'Dec 10 22:00
schestowitz 10 22:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@saveinventors: @zoobab @patentbuddy property is not equivalent with tangibility: property is a bundle of rights (which are quite intangible). Pencil that.Dec 10 22:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @saveinventors @patentbuddy @schestowitz if they are the same in both worlds, then they should have same rules. Roy had an article on that?Dec 10 22:00
schestowitz 10 22:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @patentbuddy @saveinventors this equals to say paper is physical.Dec 10 22:00
schestowitz 10 22:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@patentbuddy: Who knows. Using a pen and paper to make indicia from 0 and 1 employs tangible, physical media, not abstract. 10 22:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @patentbuddy @saveinventors 101 I mean. 102 and othr filters don't matter much to me.Dec 10 22:01
schestowitz 10 22:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: IAM Dec 3: @zoobab @KrapulaPhD @schestowitz Folk who believe we are in the pay of the EPP are best off not reading us. Farewell.Dec 10 22:01
schestowitz 10 22:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@patentbuddy: @zoobab @saveinventors @schestowitz Laws are not the same. US has no utility model; Cultures are dif't.; Taking IP not wrong in China.Dec 10 22:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@saveinventors: @zoobab @patentbuddy @schestowitz To argue for harmonization when the US patent system out-produced ROW is inexplicable & anti-AmericanDec 10 22:02
schestowitz 10 22:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@saveinventors: @zoobab @patentbuddy @schestowitz An excellent piece by @AdamMossoff w historical perspective of #patents 10 22:02
schestowitz> Please reuse public quotes at will, but do not mention the existanceDec 10 22:09
schestowitz> of the site.Dec 10 22:09
schestowitzExcellent. So what I have now are 10 page, including a 'cover' page, each containing quotes from a large PDF that's still online. These quotes from the pages I can use without referring to the site itself, only to the PDF.Dec 10 22:09
schestowitzIf I'm not correct, let me know, otherwise I'll assume it's good to go.Dec 10 22:09
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 10 22:16
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schestowitz 10 22:23
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Merpel pays a brief visit to EponiaDec 10 22:23
schestowitz"Dec 10 22:23
schestowitzThe replacement of the chairwoman is probably related to the change in the business distribution scheme of the EBA:Dec 10 22:23
schestowitzUntil 30/06: M-B T-D first legal member (=chair pursuant to RPEAB);Dec 10 22:23
schestowitzFrom 01/07: I. B. first legal member.Dec 10 22:24
schestowitzG2301/15, page 3, point VI.: The decision concerning the composition of the EBA was taken on 30 June 2015, but the corresponding letter dates 2 July 2015. Hence, it was probably argued that the business distribution scheme from 01/07 has to be applied.Dec 10 22:24
schestowitzThe fact that M-B T-D is the only chairWOMAN before I. B. in the list of legal members and could still take part in the decision after stepping back from the chair would also support the assumption made above.Dec 10 22:24
schestowitz"Dec 10 22:24
schestowitz"Dec 10 22:24
schestowitzM-B T-D was not the replaced Chairperson.Dec 10 22:24
schestowitzThat was the Chair of the legal board.Dec 10 22:24
schestowitzBut the reasons for the replacement will never be published.Dec 10 22:24
schestowitz'Dec 10 22:24
schestowitz 10 22:25
schestowitz"They have been doing all these silly stuff for quite a long time. Does anyone other than corporates bother?"Dec 10 22:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Dec 10 22:26
schestowitzI have started looking into Battistelli's INPI scandals/days...Dec 10 22:36
schestowitzDear Laurent Mouton,Dec 10 22:36
schestowitzI would like to inquire about the Benoit Battistelli Mouton story. I am an investigative blogger who is looking into the past practices of Mr. Battistelli -- a subject on which I wrote many articles, as seen in 10 22:36
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO - TechrightsDec 10 22:36
schestowitzCan you speak English?Dec 10 22:36
schestowitzanti-Fury sections start being addedDec 11 00:04
schestowitz 11 00:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Tyson Fury - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaDec 11 00:04
schestowitz"Dec 11 00:05
schestowitzIn 2013 Fury told an interviewer before his first fight at Madison Square Garden that he would “hang” his own sister if she was promiscuous. That same year he was fined £3,000 for calling fellow boxers David Price and Tony Bellew "gay lovers".[41]Dec 11 00:05
schestowitzShortly before winning the world titles in November 2015, Fury publicly argued that performance-enhancing drugs (which he denied taking) should be permitted in boxing and other sports. He said: "Why don't they just make drugs totally legal in sports, then everybody would be taking drugs then it would be fully fair then wouldn't it? ... It's none of my concern really but if the governing bodies want to do that then I think it would be a bitDec 11 00:05
schestowitzfairer because you've got all them people taking drugs and when you face a man who is not taking drugs it becomes unfair doesn't it?”[42]Dec 11 00:05
schestowitzAfter winning the titles he was controversially named as a finalist of the 2015 BBC Sports Personality of the Year. Over 124,000 people signed an online petition saying that what they saw as his homophobic and sexist views made him an unsuitable recipient for the award.[43] The controversy began even before the Klitschko fight, when Fury seemed to compare homosexuality and abortion to paedophilia and then attempted to play down hisDec 11 00:05
schestowitzcomments by saying they came straight from "the holy scriptures".Dec 11 00:05
schestowitz"Dec 11 00:05
schestowitz"Dec 11 00:07
schestowitzAfter the world championship fight, he stated that he had been cautious against what he claimed (without evidence) were possible cheating tactics by the Klitschko camp and he would not even drink water in the locker room post-fight because of fears that he would be drugged.[46]Dec 11 00:07
schestowitzHe courted further controversy by stating that Olympic and world champion heptathlete, Jessica Ennis-Hill, a fellow contender for the BBC award, "slaps up good" and that "a woman’s best place is in the kitchen and on her back – that’s my personal belief." Fury responded to the controversy by denying he was homophobic and telling iFL TV that his critics could "suck my balls" - and labelled those who signed the petition as "50,000 wankersDec 11 00:07
schestowitz.[47][48] On 9 December, BBC bosses were fighting a frantic battle to save the Sports Personality of the Year awards, after a leading contender, Olympic athletic Greg Rutherford, threatened to pull out because of the controversy.[49] Despite his disgust at Fury, Rutherford later agreed to stay in the award show. In a separate development, the Sports Journalists' Association withdrew an invitation to Fury to attend the British Sports Awards inDec 11 00:07
schestowitzLondon.[50]Dec 11 00:07
schestowitzOn 8 December 2015 the SNP's John Nicolson, a member of the Culture, Media and Sport Committee, challenged the BBC over Fury’s Sports Personality of the Year nomination.[51] On 9 December Greater Manchester Police confirmed that they were investigating an allegation of hate crime against Fury in relation to comments made about homosexuality on Victoria Derbyshire's BBC television programme.[52]Dec 11 00:07
schestowitzThe British Boxing Board of Control met on 9 December and agreed to summon Fury to explain his recent controversial commentsDec 11 00:07
schestowitz"Dec 11 00:07
schestowitz 11 00:09
-TechBytesBot/ | Wythenshawe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaDec 11 00:09
schestowitz"Wythenshawe has been referred to as one of the largest council housing estates in Europe"Dec 11 00:09
schestowitz"The Civic Centre in Wythenshawe. The Park Court multi-storey flats at the far end were demolished in 2007, replaced by new retail and office buildings."Dec 11 00:09
schestowitzThey look much better nowDec 11 00:10
schestowitz 11 00:11
-TechBytesBot/ | Baguley Hall and Blackcarr Wood, Baguley, 1927 | Britain from Above [ ]Dec 11 00:11
*schestowitz_log has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Dec 11 00:26
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r_schestowitz[00:25] <schestowitz> there's some network issue, I thinkDec 11 00:28
r_schestowitz[00:25] <schestowitz> can't reach any of the servers, neither over http nor sshDec 11 00:28
r_schestowitz[00:25] <schestowitz> Oh, I think it's backDec 11 00:28
*schestowitz has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Dec 11 00:30
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 11 01:27
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Dec 11 10:21
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Dec 11 10:21:10 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Dec 11 10:21:36 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 11 10:21
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 11 10:21
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 11 10:21
r_schestowitz 11 11:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@shridharsiddhi: @schestowitz For free #Android technical guidence visit 11 11:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Android Course | Android Training in Pune | Android JobsDec 11 11:54
r_schestowitz 11 11:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jfoxdev: @tuxmachines Speak not of #2 for it only gives it power!Dec 11 11:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jfoxdev: @tuxmachines And #5 is more reassuring than scary to a control freakDec 11 11:58
r_schestowitz 11 12:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Blue_Wode: Nice to see @DavidAllenGreen of @Preiskel mentioned in Private Eye 1407 re his representing @schestowitz (European Patent Office dispute).Dec 11 12:07
r_schestowitzcan you please take a photo and send to me?Dec 11 12:07
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Dec 11 18:12
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Dec 11 18:12:23 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Dec 11 18:12:47 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 11 18:12
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 11 18:12
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 11 18:12
*r_schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 11 18:38
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schestowitz 11 21:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@flayman: @DavidAllenGreen "You need to set out how my client’s words refer or relate to an organization which is not named by him" That is humorous.Dec 11 21:01
schestowitz 11 21:48
-TechBytesBot/ €30 #Ubuntu #MATE 15.10 8GB Flash Drive Is Just Wrong #gnu #linuxDec 11 21:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | €30 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 8GB Flash Drive Is Just Wrong - Update [ ]Dec 11 21:48
schestowitz"Dec 11 21:48
schestowitzMartin Wimpress from the Ubuntu MATE project reached out to us and explained the following:Dec 11 21:48
schestowitz"I personally endorsed HELLOTUX making the USB flash drives pre-installed with Ubuntu MATE. The Ubuntu MATE project gets a small commission on every one sold which helps cover the projects expenses, just like all the other items you’ll find in the Ubuntu MATE Boutique -"Dec 11 21:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL connect error ( status 0 @ )Dec 11 21:48
schestowitzIn Lower Alabama, people still sell empty 8GB flash for that kind of money.Dec 11 21:48
schestowitz"Dec 11 21:48
schestowitz 11 21:48
-TechBytesBot/ It was a bad move from #openbsd taking #microsoft money and then letting #nist and #nsa #prism closer to #bsd #linux 11 21:48
schestowitz"Dec 11 21:48
schestowitzHeh, look at all the Windows keyloggers,Dec 11 21:48
schestowitz 11 21:48
schestowitzIt’s almost as if the OS were made for it all along.Dec 11 21:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Vista 10 is ‘Swiss Cheese’ With Critical Bugs, More Microsoft Layoffs (HoloLens) Announced. So Why Did OpenBSD Accept Microsoft’s $1,000,000 Bribe? | Techrights [ ]Dec 11 21:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Top keyloggers of 2015 for home monitoring, parental control and employee monitoring tested, compared and reviewedDec 11 21:48
schestowitz"Dec 11 21:48
schestowitzThe Wow starts nowDec 11 21:48
schestowitz 11 21:49
-TechBytesBot/ Join the depression and suicides club see #epoDec 11 21:49
schestowitz"I don’t think they would hire me."Dec 11 21:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EPOorg: We have vacancies for engineers and scientists. Have a look: 11 21:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Labor relations turn toxic in the European Patent Office – POLITICO [ ]Dec 11 21:49
schestowitzI don't think they would manage to get talented peopleDec 11 21:49
schestowitz 11 21:49
-TechBytesBot/ #Linux smartphones took a serious step back in 2015 11 21:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Linux smartphones took a serious step back in 2015 [ ]Dec 11 21:49
schestowitz"Did any of them offer a phone like Open Moko that was not easy to corrupt through a non free radio control computer?"Dec 11 21:49
schestowitz 11 21:49
-TechBytesBot/ Nearly 72% of Android users are using an OS that’s more than 2 years old wait, how many still use Windows XP?Dec 11 21:49
schestowitz"How much of any version of Windows is newer than 10 years old? Exploits typically go back as many versions as sites will list because the code is all at least 10 years old"Dec 11 21:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Android Vs iOS Adoption: Nearly 72% of Android users are on an old OS | BGR [ ]Dec 11 21:49
schestowitz 11 21:50
-TechBytesBot/ The @linuxfoundation won't allow #torvalds to criticise #microsoft for much longer 11 21:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft partners with The Linux Foundation for 'Linux on Azure' certification [ ]Dec 11 21:50
schestowitz"No. But at least they acknowledge that Linux is here to stay and they go with the flow. I personally wouldn’t put even a test vm on azure but as Windows vs Linux ratio on Azure increases in favor of Linux, that will drag more companies to use the penguin.'Dec 11 21:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft to offer a Linux-based cert for Azure admins | Network World [ ]Dec 11 21:50
schestowitz 11 21:50
schestowitz"Given how expensive and oppressive the games have become, no free state should hold them."Dec 11 21:50
-TechBytesBot/ Time has come for an ‘honorable retreat’ from #Tokyo 2020 over #Fukushima #japanDec 11 21:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Time has come for an 'honorable retreat' from Tokyo 2020 over Fukushima | The Japan Times [ ]Dec 11 21:50
schestowitz> I opened the decision during the brief period during which it wasDec 11 23:56
schestowitz> available, but did not save it, and it wasn't in the downloads [CTRL+J]Dec 11 23:56
schestowitz> list as I had only looked at in within the browser window.Dec 11 23:56
schestowitz>Dec 11 23:56
schestowitz> It was fortunately still in my Firefox cache in my piece, and I ran anDec 11 23:56
schestowitz> ugly little program of mine to locate and retrieve it.Dec 11 23:56
schestowitz>Dec 11 23:56
schestowitz> To my horror, I saw some crap dangling after the %EOF marker, which wasDec 11 23:56
schestowitz> the text of the HTTP reply, from which a moderately savvy sysadmin couldDec 11 23:56
schestowitz> see when and whence I downloaded it. But saving the file from the PDFDec 11 23:56
schestowitz> viewer was enough to clean it up, so I did not have to update my uglyDec 11 23:56
schestowitz> little program.Dec 11 23:56
schestowitz>Dec 11 23:56
schestowitz> One shouldn't trust HTTP headers to determine when a document was madeDec 11 23:56
schestowitz> available to the public [I could tell you an interesting EPO story aboutDec 11 23:56
schestowitz> that, but it would easily lead to me even if paraphrased], but lookingDec 11 23:56
schestowitz> at the said dangling crap at the end of the PDF is possibly revealing:Dec 11 23:56
schestowitz>Dec 11 23:56
schestowitz> Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 19:29:31 GMTDec 11 23:56
schestowitz> Server: ApacheDec 11 23:57
schestowitz> Last-Modified: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 06:06:14 GMTDec 11 23:57
schestowitz>Dec 11 23:57
schestowitz> The document was put online at 7 AM.Dec 11 23:57
schestowitzI have organised about 10 article drafts just now. Am ready for more input/info/docs regarding battistelli, in preparation for something special...Dec 11 23:59
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 12 01:36
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Dec 12 09:00
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Dec 12 09:00:34 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Dec 12 09:00:55 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 12 09:00
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 12 09:00
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 12 09:00
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Dec 12 12:10:43 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesDec 12 12:10
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 12 12:10
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 12 12:10
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 12 17:46
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schestowitzsome progress in the BB probeDec 12 18:02
schestowitz(B Battistelli)Dec 12 18:02
schestowitzGot some info...Dec 12 18:02
schestowitzThanks, no reply yet from the accuser who claims to have witnessed or heard of direct contact between BB and the Rothschilds (I've asked him/her). Without it, the tone of the story would have to be significantly more cautious. I don't like guilt by association (Lagarde in this case); it would be like stooping to the same tactics used against Hardon, via P Corcoran.Dec 12 18:02
schestowitz-meDec 12 18:02
schestowitz 12 18:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PattieGardner: @schestowitz @glynmoody The entire ZONE is nothing but a "cartel" The coin an ICON of roma papa #GlobalMinotaur #EUDec 12 18:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Europe is Kaput. Long live Europe! - Slavoj Žižek, Yanis Varoufakis and Julian Assange - full event - YouTubeDec 12 18:11
schestowitz    Rapporteur,Dec 12 18:19
schestowitz    Thanks for those details from the AC minutes. This is clearly just travel insurance to cover emergencies, as part of the AC delegates' travel expenses, as I suggested.Dec 12 18:19
schestowitz    MaxDrei,Dec 12 18:19
schestowitz    This is a minute written by an administrator to provide a summary of an announcement made at an AC meeting. It is not a legal definition of the insurance cover written by a lawyer.Dec 12 18:19
schestowitz    So I completely disagree that the word "urgent" relates only to medical treatment but not to dental treatment. It would be very strange to provide comprehensive cover for non-urgent dental work, even for cosmetic dentistry, but then to limit the medical insurance in the manner of a travel insurance policy. If that was the announcement intended for the AC delegates, then surely it would have been spelled out more clearly?Dec 12 18:19
schestowitz    Furthermore, if this dental work is intended as a "sweetener" for the AC delegates, why must it take place only during official AC and EPO meetings? I don't doubt the excellence of Munich dentists, but surely it would be more sensible (and no more expensive) to pay for treatment with a dentist of the delegate's choice, in his or her home country, at a time which did not conflict with AC or EPO business?Dec 12 18:19
schestowitz    The insurance is clearly intended as a top-up to cover emergencies not covered by any existing travel insurance held by the delegate. It is an absolutely normal condition of most insurance policies that the insurer will decline to pay out if the risk is also covered by a more specific policy with another insurer. Please note that this condition also applies to the cover for medical treatment, and you are not suggesting that it wouldDec 12 18:19
schestowitztherefore cover non-urgent medical treatment.Dec 12 18:19
schestowitz    I'm disheartened not only that a few EPO staff members are jumping to wild conclusions with inadequate evidence, but also that you have been taken in by it. There is strong evidence of many things that are wrong with the management of the EPO. This allegation about dental insurance is not one of them. Those who continually raise it are weakening their own case. Why should anyone believe what they say?Dec 12 18:19
schestowitz 12 18:19
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Merpel pays a brief visit to Eponia [ ]Dec 12 18:19
schestowitzSounds like spinDec 12 18:19
schestowitzmaybe astroturfersDec 12 18:19
schestowitzresponse to this turfer (IMHO):Dec 12 18:20
schestowitz"Dec 12 18:20
schestowitzThe insurance is clearly intended as a top-up to cover emergencies not covered by any existing travel insurance held by the delegate. It is an absolutely normal condition of most insurance policies that the insurer will decline to pay out if the risk is also covered by a more specific policy with another insurer. Please note that this condition also applies to the cover for medical treatment, and you are not suggesting that it would thereforeDec 12 18:20
schestowitzcover non-urgent medical treatment.Dec 12 18:20
schestowitzSo how come this insurance was never considered a "must-have" for AC delegates until the current VP4 arrived at the EPO ? For almost 40 years, the AC delegates have managed to survive without it. Why is it now necessary to introduce it in the present era of "financial streamlining" ?Dec 12 18:20
schestowitzI'm disheartened not only that a few EPO staff members are jumping to wild conclusions with inadequate evidence, but also that you have been taken in by it. There is strong evidence of many things that are wrong with the management of the EPO. This allegation about dental insurance is not one of them.Dec 12 18:20
schestowitzHow can you be so sure ? Where are the figures showing how many claims were made on this insurance and by whom and for what amount ? How can you be so sure that there is no abuse of what you claim is a purely innocuous top-up insurance ? If EPO staff can be arbitrarily accused of rampant abuse of sick-leave etc. without any evidence, why should anybody be expected to believe that AC delegates are squeaky clean ?Dec 12 18:20
schestowitzThose who continually raise it are weakening their own case. Why should anyone believe what they say?Dec 12 18:20
schestowitzUnfortunately, precisely the same question can be asked of the President and the AC.Dec 12 18:20
schestowitz"Dec 12 18:20
schestowitzLOL:Dec 12 18:20
schestowitz""Dec 12 18:20
schestowitz"Dec 12 18:20
schestowitzHow we we be sure that MaxDrei is not in cahoots with the mafia-like entity of SUEPO?Dec 12 18:20
schestowitzThis needs to be clarified.Dec 12 18:20
schestowitzCall the Investigative Unit immediately and put him under surveillance ...Dec 12 18:20
schestowitz"Dec 12 18:20
schestowitz"Dec 12 18:21
schestowitz"How can you be so sure ? Where are the figures showing how many claims were made on this insurance and by whom and for what amount ? How can you be so sure that there is no abuse of what you claim is a purely innocuous top-up insurance ?"Dec 12 18:21
schestowitzSo we agree that there are no figures and no evidence. Yet you are the ones making wild accusations of wrong-doing. How can you be so sure? It's your accusation. Why do I have to prove anything?Dec 12 18:21
schestowitz"Unfortunately, precisely the same question can be asked of the President and the AC."Dec 12 18:21
schestowitzYes. As I've said, there is poor behaviour on both sides. And both sides react badly to the other side's poor behaviour. So the problems just get worse and worse. That's why I'm so disheartened.Dec 12 18:21
schestowitz"Dec 12 18:22
schestowitz"Dec 12 18:22
schestowitz    I would like to know if some of you have written to their AC delegate? and with some protection or not?Dec 12 18:22
schestowitz    My intention was to do so (and I still have it) but some comments on IPkat have slightly cooled down my (good) intentions. I will do it using a proxy and/or the Tor browser.Dec 12 18:22
schestowitz    By the way congratulation for the good little troll called Disheartened. What a joker, I almost fall down from my coach. Thanks for the good stories.Dec 12 18:22
schestowitz"Dec 12 18:22
schestowitzGood, they write to delegates!Dec 12 18:22
schestowitz"Dec 12 18:25
schestowitz    @Co-Rapporteur:Dec 12 18:25
schestowitz    "Those who continually raise it are weakening their own case. Why should anyone believe what they say?Dec 12 18:25
schestowitz    Unfortunately, precisely the same question can be asked of the President and the AC."Dec 12 18:25
schestowitz    The important point here is that continually bringing up the dental non-issue is weakening the EPO staff's case. An outsider reading the comments will think "if EPO staff has to rely on THAT argument, then they cannot have a real case to begin with".Dec 12 18:25
schestowitz    A second point is that you want/need AC delegates to choose your side. Suggesting that they are a corrupt bunch without anything to back that up is not the best approach to achieving that.Dec 12 18:25
schestowitz    Filling comments (and letters to delegations and to national authorities, etc. etc.) with evident hyperbole is simply unhelpful. It is tiring to read and does not give the recipient a reason to read on or to care at all. (This is not directed at you but a general comment of mine.)Dec 12 18:25
schestowitz    And who cares if the President is doing the same? If he is putting himself in a bad light, then all the better, so just let him but don't copy it.Dec 12 18:25
schestowitz"Dec 12 18:25
schestowitz,1473632,32455448.htmlDec 12 20:09
-TechBytesBot/ | Epa in München: Patentamt feuert Gewerkschafter | Arbeit & Soziales - Frankfurter Rundschau [ ]Dec 12 20:09
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 12 20:29
schestowitz 12 20:52
-TechBytesBot/ These are the Android apps that kill your battery and use up all your data #android malware in placesDec 12 20:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Top Android apps to avoid for better Battery Life, storage and data | BGR [ ]Dec 12 20:52
schestowitz"And I have neither from the list. That explains why battery isn’t drained :-)."Dec 12 20:52
schestowitz 12 20:52
-TechBytesBot/ Running Windows executables on #gnu #linux gets easier by the day 12 20:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Wine Developers Are Preparing Packages for Debian, Fedora, and Other Distros [ ]Dec 12 20:52
schestowitz"For me at least, WINE was never particularly difficult (though there’s only one (abandoned) Windows program I still use, and I’ve considered making a clone; it’s FOSS, but it’s written in pre-.NET Visual Basic), even back when you had to manually create the directory structure."Dec 12 20:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | It Will Soon Be Easier To Run The Latest Wine On Popular Linux Distributions - Phoronix [ ]Dec 12 20:52
schestowitz 12 20:53
-TechBytesBot/ #Microsoft is Getting Utterly Desperate #gnu #linuxDec 12 20:53
schestowitz"They might get a boost now that Donald Trump wants to consult Bill Gates about closing up parts of the Internet."Dec 12 20:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft is Getting Utterly Desperate | Techrights [ ]Dec 12 20:53
schestowitzBillionaires want "national security", i.e. security from those whom they oppressDec 12 20:53
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