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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: November 15th, 2015-November 21st, 2015

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*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 15 01:00
schestowitz"Yes, s a user only"Nov 15 06:06
schestowitz 15 06:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Looks familiar. Pressure builds for big military response to ISIS Jerusalem Post @schestowitz from JpostNov 15 06:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | After Paris attacks, pressure builds for big military response to ISIS - Middle East - Jerusalem PostNov 15 06:06
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Nov 15 06:44
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesNov 15 07:04
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesNov 15 09:18
schestowitz 15 10:02
-TechBytesBot/ Firms of #Patent Lawyers Continue Their Battle to Restore Software Patentability in the United States #swpatsNov 15 10:02
schestowitz"More like pigs fertilizing the field to see what will grow."Nov 15 10:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Firms of Patent Lawyers Continue Their Battle to Restore Software Patentability in the United States | TechrightsNov 15 10:02
schestowitz 15 10:02
schestowitz"I’ll get over it I suppose"Nov 15 10:02
schestowitz"Good to see both of you came to an understanding. =)"Nov 15 10:02
schestowitz 15 10:03
-TechBytesBot/ Rand Paul says he won’t ban encryption if president that's like saying you won't execute all minorities, a non-starterNov 15 10:03
schestowitz"Rand Paul says a lot of things."Nov 15 10:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Rand Paul says he won't ban encryption if president, chides Chris Christie over governor's stance - Washington TimesNov 15 10:03
schestowitz"Rand Paul says a lot of things.Nov 15 10:03
schestowitz"Nov 15 10:03
schestowitz 15 10:07
-TechBytesBot/ With 'Off-Planet' Mining Bill, #US Congress Seeks to Privatize Outer Space taking 'free' market inter-galacticNov 15 10:07
schestowitz"I like plans to exploit space resources. I also like that there’s a way around some of these anti-democratic treaties. It would be nice to think of ways it will benefit everyone, besides there being yet more things owned by someone else."Nov 15 10:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | With 'Off-Planet' Mining Bill, US Congress Seeks to Privatize Outer Space | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive CommunityNov 15 10:07
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 15 10:09
schestowitz> 15 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | Indonesian fires: Japanese tech used to extinguish Sumatran blazes- Nikkei Asian ReviewNov 15 10:16
schestowitz>Nov 15 10:16
schestowitz> ==Nov 15 10:16
schestowitz>Nov 15 10:16
schestowitz> 15 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | Pirate Bay Censorship Marks the End of Open Internet, ISP Warns - TorrentFreakNov 15 10:16
schestowitz>Nov 15 10:16
schestowitz> ==Nov 15 10:17
schestowitz>Nov 15 10:17
schestowitz> 15 10:17
-TechBytesBot/ | Where cops can track your location without a warrant | The VergeNov 15 10:17
schestowitz>Nov 15 10:17
schestowitz> ==Nov 15 10:17
schestowitz>Nov 15 10:17
schestowitz> 15 10:17
-TechBytesBot/ | Freeciv founded 20 years ago today! | Freeciv-web blogNov 15 10:17
schestowitz>Nov 15 10:17
schestowitz> ==Nov 15 10:17
schestowitz>Nov 15 10:17
schestowitz> 15 10:17
-TechBytesBot/ | T-Mobile is writing the manual on how to fuck up the internet | The VergeNov 15 10:17
schestowitz>Nov 15 10:17
schestowitz> did I send that already?Nov 15 10:17
schestowitzNot yet.Nov 15 10:17
schestowitz 15 11:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FollowBSE: Hi Messgorough, You should Follow For Updates ! 15 11:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | BSE India (@BSEIndia) | TwitterNov 15 11:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #facebook probably has strategists to figure out how to make the most money (and PR gain) from #ParisAttacks - based on FB's actions ATM.Nov 15 11:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- (Re-tweeted by Messgorough)Nov 15 11:21
schestowitz 15 11:50
-TechBytesBot/ Rand Paul says he won’t ban encryption if president that's like saying you won't execute all minorities, a non-starterNov 15 11:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Rand Paul says he won't ban encryption if president, chides Chris Christie over governor's stance - Washington TimesNov 15 11:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: A "symbiosis between terrorists, media and politicians ever since the USA financed and glorified the Muhajadin" 15 11:50
-TechBytesBot/ If you go to a public place and shout "there's a fire" (in vain), you can get arrested. But not #dailymail or baiting (terrorising) tabloidsNov 15 11:50
schestowitz 15 11:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fflandro: @schestowitz The Ancient Evil Technique of Deploying One's Unpopular Agenda. The Hegelian Dialectic. Thesis + Anti-Thesis = Synthesis.Nov 15 11:55
schestowitz 15 12:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fflandro: @schestowitz aka You Create The Problem ...Then You Introduce the Pre-Planned Solution that Benefits interests of your group at the expenseNov 15 12:07
schestowitz 15 12:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dawnbazely: @schestowitz, which again goes to show why it takes 10x the energy to refute BS as to create it. cc @SnowdenNov 15 12:16
schestowitz 15 12:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jurasick: @schestowitz not a chance. In fact, more money will be demanded to make this more "effective".Nov 15 12:40
schestowitzExactly my pointNov 15 12:40
schestowitz 15 13:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@backavar: @schestowitz well, if i would get the support and care that i was promised then I wouldn't be trying to find a better life. Stupid Gov'mtNov 15 13:24
*al4nc4ds (~mitm@unaffiliated/al4nc4ds) has joined #techbytesNov 15 13:55
*oiaohm has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Nov 15 15:07
schestowitz 15 15:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Nov 15 15:26
schestowitz 15 15:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cbalasankar: I am laughing my ass off reading this article, just like @schestowitz said. 15 15:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Students learn codes to help prevent cyberattacks | Local News - KMBC HomeNov 15 15:30
*al4nc4ds has quit (Quit: Leaving)Nov 15 16:25
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Nov 15 18:42
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesNov 15 19:32
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesNov 15 20:22
schestowitz 15 23:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kstallett: @schestowitz The biggest problem is continuing bombing and killing bystanders will only motivate more soldiers for them.Nov 15 23:14
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Nov 15 23:58
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesNov 15 23:58
schestowitz 16 00:02
-TechBytesBot/ | CIA says U.S should be ready for do more in SyriaNov 16 00:02
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Nov 16 00:03
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 16 00:03
schestowitz"#ProxyWar"Nov 16 00:15
schestowitz 16 00:15
-TechBytesBot/ Rebels Have #CIA Weapons Capable of Downing Planes Flying Above 10Km Range later we wonder why planes sinkNov 16 00:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Rebels Have CIA Weapons Capable of Downing Planes Flying Above 10Km RangeNov 16 00:16
schestowitz"they gave sting rockets to al-qaida in Afghanistan, to down soviet helicopters."Nov 16 00:16
schestowitzThese stingers are still around and used not only against helicoptersNov 16 00:16
schestowitz"I agree, close the borders and no one goes outside Europe, like troops and aircraft carriers. Africa and the Middle East might be happy with that."Nov 16 00:19
schestowitz 16 00:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 16 00:20
schestowitz 16 00:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@backavar: @schestowitz well, if i would get the support and care that i was promised then I wouldn't be trying to find a better life. Stupid Gov'mtNov 16 00:22
schestowitz 16 00:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Microsoft BitLocker Has Bug/Back Doors, Windows Laptop/Desktop Encryption Just a Farce @ruskin147 16 00:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft BitLocker Has Bug/Back Doors, Windows Laptop/Desktop Encryption Just a Farce | TechrightsNov 16 00:44
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 16 01:00
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Nov 16 01:06
*oiaohm has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Nov 16 02:25
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesNov 16 02:25
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesNov 16 02:27
schestowitz 16 08:42
-TechBytesBot/ As of tonight, #france continues its already failed strategy in #syria Doing same again, expecting different outcomeNov 16 08:42
schestowitz"No, they are relying upon the same outcome #phoneywar"Nov 16 08:42
schestowitz"Like wrestling matches - rigged.Nov 16 08:42
schestowitz"Nov 16 08:43
schestowitzThey know where the bases are - why aren’t they being bombed daily? Like they really meant it? It isn’t a foreign government with whom they can negotiate surrender terms. Shit - the russians are going in quite differently - they bomb all the rebels because, as Putin said, they’re all clandestine mercenaries - no favourites nor just-pretend enemies.Nov 16 08:43
schestowitzThe Hollande has proven that the war-on-terror is a farce - an Orwellian farce.Nov 16 08:43
schestowitz"Nov 16 08:43
schestowitz"Nov 16 08:43
schestowitzWhen people realise that terrorism has had state support since the late 1970s, then they will be one step free-er from being media manipulated - except that they will only believe it if the media tells them…Nov 16 08:43
schestowitzThe way people use “quotes” to say something they could have said in their own words, shows how much they crave “authority” for approval.Nov 16 08:43
schestowitz"Nov 16 08:43
schestowitz /camo/7abea3cf02cddf2f4daf7320de379fe142b32959/68747470733a2f2f646573706f72612e64652f75706c6f6164732f696d616765732f7363616c65645f66756c6c5f64363633353933363466653162353164623136372e6a7067Nov 16 08:43
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 16 09:11
schestowitz 16 09:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WillieWilson39: @schestowitz @Snowden @TechTimes_News The talk was conducted through Google Hangout. Not Skype.Nov 16 09:13
schestowitzSo several articles I saw got the facts wrongNov 16 09:13
schestowitz 16 09:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WillieWilson39: @schestowitz @TechTimes_News Right! (but not in a forthcomin @Linknewspaper piece) which is sily cuz any1 there could see hangout on screenNov 16 09:26
schestowitzMaybe some people think that "skype" is now a generic word for VOIP :(Nov 16 09:26
schestowitz 16 09:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WillieWilson39: @schestowitz @TechTimes_News @Linknewspaper Oh the humanity!Nov 16 09:34
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 16 10:07
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 16 10:18
schestowitz 16 10:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ArchiveBot: Archiving 16 10:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ArchiveBot: Archiving 16 10:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Former Microsoft Engineer Working on Windows BitLocker Confirms Government Asks Microsoft for Back Doors | TechrightsNov 16 10:19
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Nov 16 10:31
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesNov 16 10:31
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Nov 16 10:31
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 16 10:31
schestowitz 16 11:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@docmorry: @Thomas_Drake1 @schestowitz more security or perhaps more control we need is to implant GPS tracking devices in the brains of every childNov 16 11:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Reconquista1970: @DavidAllenGreen @schestowitz Seems you haven't learnt a thing from history, appeasement of Fascism in all its forms doesn't work.Nov 16 11:11
schestowitzNo-one suggested appeasementNov 16 11:11
schestowitz 16 11:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DavidAllenGreen: @schestowitz @Reconquista1970 Appeasement means giving into demands; I think your vocab is wonky.Nov 16 11:14
schestowitzOn BBC5 I heard one pundit saying that ISIS has the will/demand that the West will strike/attackNov 16 11:14
schestowitz 16 11:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Reconquista1970: @schestowitz @DavidAllenGreen What are you suggesting? Put ISIS on the naughty step until they can be good.Nov 16 11:15
schestowitzCurrent response may serve to strengthen it (in the recruitment sense)Nov 16 11:15
schestowitz 16 11:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Reconquista1970: @DavidAllenGreen @schestowitz Appeasement in the political sphere is doing nothingNov 16 11:16
schestowitz 16 11:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Reconquista1970: @schestowitz @DavidAllenGreen Of course they want us to strike. But I'm afraid we have no choice.Nov 16 11:17
schestowitz 16 11:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Reconquista1970: @schestowitz @DavidAllenGreen Hitting a rabid dog with a little stick only antagonises it, we need to put it down.Nov 16 11:19
schestowitzISIS is not a dog, it's more like rabiesNov 16 11:20
schestowitz 16 11:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Reconquista1970: @schestowitz @DavidAllenGreen And how do you deal with rabies in a dog?Nov 16 11:25
schestowitzWhen you kill a dog with a half-tonne bomb, you can kill healthy dogs too. Better inoculate. Ideology can spread.Nov 16 11:26
schestowitzRe: EPO matters: More information about key players in "Team Battistelli"Nov 16 11:28
schestowitzThank you. Multi-part series due to length...Nov 16 11:29
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Nov 16 12:23
*r_schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesNov 16 12:23
*r_schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Nov 16 12:23
*r_schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 16 12:23
r_schestowitztestNov 16 12:23
r_schestowitztestNov 16 12:23
schestowitz_logtestNov 16 12:23
r_schestowitz>> Remind me to pressure Red Hat for a response (I think they'll ignore).Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz>Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz> Ok.  What's the time frame and which kind of response?Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitzThey need to elaborate on the patent deal, maybe release a (at least) redacted version of it.Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz>> Canonical used to ignore privacy-aware critics until shortly after RMSNov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz>> spoke out (I asked him to).Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz>Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz> I also think that your site helped reduce the damage of Mono in Ubuntu.Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitzYes, we definitely changed the public dialogue about Mono.Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz>> I've just received a large bundle of info (with docs and everything)Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz>> about the EPO...Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz>Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz> PS.  Speaking of Red Hat, one of the vigorously pro-M$ forum moderatorsNov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz> at Ubuntu Forums erased the two posts below last week from a discussionNov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz> of Red Hat's deal with M$.  Please don't publish them, I'm sending themNov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz> just in case it is interesting to see what the Softers don't want peopleNov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz> to read.Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz>Nov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> monkeybrain20122:Nov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz>Nov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz>     "Yeah but who cares about .NET? It is a Windows only technology andNov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> MS itself is moving away from it. It would be like Adobe opensourcingNov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> some parts of flash after the web has moved to HTML5. As for openingNov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> Azure to Linux, remember Linux is dominant on the cloud, it is not soNov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> much a good will but a necessity if Azure is going to get any traction.Nov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz>Nov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> I agree with others that it is still the same MS at the core, the soNov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> called "New MicroSoft" meme is just PR. It wouldn't be so insidious ifNov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> people are not actually drinking its Kool Aid. "Nov 16 12:31
r_schestowitzWas this deleted? Was it considered off topic? Was the user of bad reputation/karma?Nov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> buzzingrobot:Nov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz>Nov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> "If Microsoft really is as Evil and hellbent to cheat Linux of its dayNov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> in the sun, it's wasting its money. If MS and Windows vanished, vendorsNov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> would want a direct pre-installable replacement. That would not be LinuxNov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> as currently and distributed. "Nov 16 12:31
r_schestowitzNo reason why such a comment should ever be removed.Nov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz 16 13:20
r_schestowitz"He may actually think it’s true but just doesn’t care because he will be gone before shit really hits the fan. These are politicians remember."Nov 16 13:21
r_schestowitzHe'll drop/kick the bucket before Florida is engulfed by wavesNov 16 13:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 16 13:21
r_schestowitz 16 13:21
r_schestowitz"|We hackers will always get around it."Nov 16 13:21
r_schestowitzOne way or another..Nov 16 13:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 16 13:22
r_schestowitz 16 13:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ellenmarie162: @schestowitz @JohnKiriakou @vandebum we need petraeus backNov 16 13:27
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Nov 16 14:47
*oiaohm_ (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesNov 16 16:36
*oiaohm has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Nov 16 16:39
*oiaohm_ is now known as oiaohmNov 16 16:39
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesNov 16 18:15
r_schestowitz 16 18:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@agente_smithe: RT @schestowitz: Age Of Fear: The #UndeadKing & Age Of Fear 2: The Chaos Lord Now On #SteamOS & #Linux 16 18:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Age Of Fear: The Undead King & Age Of Fear 2: The Chaos Lord Now On SteamOS & Linux | GamingOnLinuxNov 16 18:31
*r_schestowitz has quit (Read error: No route to host)Nov 16 21:21
*Disconnected ().Nov 16 21:22
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Nov 16 21:22:15 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Nov 16 21:22:29 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 16 21:22
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 16 21:22
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 16 21:22
*r_schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesNov 16 21:23
*r_schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Nov 16 21:23
*r_schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 16 21:23
*r_schestowitz has quit (Client Quit)Nov 16 21:24
*r_schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 16 21:56
*r_schestowitz has quit (Client Quit)Nov 16 21:58
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 16 22:00
*liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytesNov 16 23:00
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytesNov 16 23:01
*liberty_box has quit (*.net *.split)Nov 16 23:06
*MinceR has quit (*.net *.split)Nov 16 23:06
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceRNov 16 23:16
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 17 01:01
schestowitz 17 01:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@calvin_stamps00: @schestowitz pats and them do that shitNov 17 01:27
schestowitzwot?Nov 17 01:27
schestowitz 17 01:49
-TechBytesBot/ "France already has more extensive surveillance laws than UK, and the atrocities still happened." 17 01:49
schestowitz"Terrorism - a gift to politicians that keeps on giving"Nov 17 01:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The “Carlile Doctrine” | Jack of Kent blogNov 17 01:49
schestowitz"Nov 17 01:49
schestowitz“I was a bit surprised just by how quickly and blatantly — how shamelessly — some of them jumped to exploit the emotions prompted by the carnage in France to blame Snowden…”Nov 17 01:49
schestowitz~ Glenn GreenwaldNov 17 01:49
schestowitz 17 01:49
schestowitz"Nov 17 01:50
-TechBytesBot/ | Exploiting Emotions About Paris to Blame Snowden, Distract from Actual Culprits Who Empowered ISISNov 17 01:50
schestowitz 17 01:50
schestowitz"This reminds me how ISIL checked on occupied towns what kind of muslims residents were."Nov 17 01:50
-TechBytesBot/ Following Paris Attacks, Right-Wing Media Echo GOP Call To Accept Only Christian Refugees #gop #newscorpNov 17 01:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Following Paris Attacks, Right-Wing Media Echo GOP Call To Accept Only Christian Refugees | Research | Media Matters for AmericaNov 17 01:50
schestowitz"Nov 17 01:51
schestowitzHey I’m no apologist for Obama, but he was responding directly to those right-wingers here.Nov 17 01:51
schestowitz“When I hear folks say that, well, maybe we should just admit the Christians but not the Muslims; when I hear political leaders suggesting that there would be a religious test for which a person who’s fleeing from a war-torn country is admitted, when some of those folks themselves come from families who benefited from protection when they were fleeing political persecution—that’s shameful. That’s not American. That’s not who weNov 17 01:51
schestowitzare. We don’t have religious tests to our compassion.” —President Obama: 17 01:51
-TechBytesBot/ | The President Holds a Press Conference in Turkey - YouTubeNov 17 01:51
schestowitz"Nov 17 01:51
schestowitzNice...Nov 17 01:51
schestowitz 17 01:51
-TechBytesBot/ #Firefox Enables #FFmpeg Support By Default #mozillaNov 17 01:51
schestowitz"Now that sounds desperate"Nov 17 01:51
schestowitz"Nov 17 01:52
schestowitzwhy ? that’s for interoperability."Nov 17 01:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Firefox Enables FFmpeg Support By Default - PhoronixNov 17 01:52
schestowitzAnd it's Free softwareNov 17 01:52
schestowitz 17 01:52
-TechBytesBot/ Was any direct connection found between #parisAttacks and #syria other than FAKE passport claims and some shoutings by a shooter?Nov 17 01:52
schestowitz"ISIS reportedly claimed responsibility. That’s about all there is."Nov 17 01:52
schestowitz"ISIS claims responsibility of what they do and what they wished they did."Nov 17 01:53
schestowitz 17 01:53
-TechBytesBot/ Your Text Editor Is Malware #emacs #unix #linuxNov 17 01:53
schestowitz"Just plain old vi here, but I’m not a programmer…"Nov 17 01:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Deciphering Glyph :: Your Text Editor Is MalwareNov 17 01:53
schestowitz"I’m Emacs user, but would never install anything, that is not properly packaged in Debian and an “apt install” away. Same with pip/Python, npm/Node.js, Firefox extensions etc. I don’t trust Debian, but everyone else much less."Nov 17 01:53
schestowitz 17 01:54
schestowitz":o"Nov 17 01:54
-TechBytesBot/ #newscorp #wsj "Linking Climate Change And Terrorism" 17 01:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WSJ's Peggy Noonan Says Bernie Sanders Looked "Daffy" By Linking Climate Change And Terrorism | Video | Media Matters for AmericaNov 17 01:54
schestowitz 17 01:54
-TechBytesBot/ Dropping oversized bombs - the long-term effects (2015) trying to annihilate #isis with sledgehammer, not a scalpelNov 17 01:54
schestowitz"Nov 17 01:54
schestowitzUnexploded bombs wait in a lot of european cities. German bombs in England, english bombs in Germany, german and english bombs in France…Nov 17 01:54
schestowitzSo many bombs sown, not surprising war grow well on this landNov 17 01:54
schestowitz"Nov 17 01:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Unexploded 500-Pound World War II Bomb In London Isn’t The Only Nazi Bomb Lurking In EnglandNov 17 01:54
schestowitz 17 01:55
-TechBytesBot/ #drones #torture and airstrikes (half-tonne bombs) more an act of revenge rather than a strategy striving to reduce overall riskNov 17 01:55
schestowitz"Revenge would mean a dumb but honest mistake, what it has been happening is something carefully planned."Nov 17 01:55
schestowitz 17 01:56
-TechBytesBot/ A lot of today's themes of stories in the mass media composed as if the target audience is kids. Like in children's books. "Jihadi John"?!Nov 17 01:56
schestowitz"You read my mind. =)"Nov 17 01:56
schestowitz 17 01:56
-TechBytesBot/ "around 60 per cent of the prison population is Muslim" incubators?Nov 17 01:56
schestowitz"'around'"Nov 17 01:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Paris attacks: French interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve calls for 'dissolution of mosques where hate is preached' | Europe | News | The IndependentNov 17 01:56
schestowitz 17 02:02
-TechBytesBot/ Spaghetti Strainer Helmet Driver’s License Photo Approved On Religious Grounds good. Makes a statement.Nov 17 02:02
schestowitz"Ramen."Nov 17 02:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Spaghetti Strainer Helmet Driver's License Photo Approved On Religious GroundsNov 17 02:02
schestowitz 17 02:11
-TechBytesBot/ #WikiLeaks Provides #CIA Brennan’s Hacked Emails Online nothing to hide, they say... (excluding themselves)Nov 17 02:11
schestowitz"Any interesting porn? If the NSA pays attention to it must be important."Nov 17 02:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks Provides CIA Brennan’s Hacked Emails Online | Top Secret WritersNov 17 02:11
schestowitz 17 02:12
schestowitz"Do people pay to to hear Petraeus? Hope he tell something interesting about cheating to be worth it."Nov 17 02:12
schestowitzHe cheated the system, not just his wifeNov 17 02:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 17 02:13
schestowitz"spontaneously or remotely?"Nov 17 02:14
schestowitz 17 02:14
-TechBytesBot/ Very weird that my laptop's >physical< keys are spontaneously being 'pressed' (switching off my network) over this past weekNov 17 02:14
schestowitzHard to tell, it happened again this evening. I didn't touch it.Nov 17 02:14
schestowitz 17 02:15
schestowitz"It must be contagious: I have less ans less sympathy to genocidal Europeans. Blowing innocent people to pieces every day with drones is not an act of war?"Nov 17 02:15
schestowitz 17 02:15
schestowitz"If only closing borders to French invaders was as easy."Nov 17 02:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 17 02:15
schestowitzAir powerNov 17 02:15
-TechBytesBot/ Right wing media's approach to refugees 17 02:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Fox's Ralph Peters Endorses Closing Borders To Muslim Refugees | Video | Media Matters for AmericaNov 17 02:15
*pidgin_log has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Nov 17 03:18
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 17 03:19
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 17 08:01
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Nov 17 08:03
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 17 08:11
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schestowitz 17 09:56
schestowitz"Did someone spill a drink on it?"Nov 17 09:56
schestowitzNo, nothing of that kindNov 17 09:56
schestowitz 17 09:56
-TechBytesBot/ "Palm oil is a systemic problem, and requires a systemic solution. Not each of us “making a difference.”" 17 09:56
schestowitz"We actually just stopped putting palm oil in our soap :)"Nov 17 09:56
schestowitzvery goodNov 17 09:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The World Runs on Palm Oil, and That’s Fueling Climate Change - The Daily BeastNov 17 09:56
schestowitz 17 09:57
-TechBytesBot/ In the name of "War on Terror" US bombed the Hell (then shot survivors) of French group's hospital; can France now do same to US 'rebels'?Nov 17 09:57
schestowitz"I suppose we are all going to forget about the hospital now."Nov 17 09:57
schestowitzThey too were French, some of them...Nov 17 09:57
schestowitz 17 10:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeaH2ONymph: #Bataclan #Paris: threats made for hosting pro #IDF funding events. Owners sold venue 2 months before #ParisAttacks 17 10:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Chilling video warned of attack on #Paris #Bataclan SEVEN years ago it took too long for responseNov 17 10:14
schestowitz 17 10:18
-TechBytesBot/ #MSF surely feels forgotten now that other French victims grab headlines and they're victims of ISIS rather than US bombs and heavy gunfireNov 17 10:18
schestowitz"Nov 17 10:18
schestowitzI’m french and I have the same reflection.Nov 17 10:18
schestowitzThe fact is, this sad event mask the others but it is not the biggest one.Nov 17 10:18
schestowitz"Nov 17 10:18
schestowitzI guess one way to counter is would be to recall the older newsNov 17 10:18
schestowitz 17 10:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Jari_Hyle: @schestowitz That distribution is gonna get confused with #netrunner lcg a lot.Nov 17 10:43
schestowitzyes, I thought so tooNov 17 10:43
schestowitzme: "Please make a mirror of all my articles about EPO... just in case. Make it known to EPO that it exists (e.g. in Twitter), to discourage them from thinking they can suppress information."Nov 17 13:16
schestowitzThe EPO lawyers now stalk meNov 17 13:16
schestowitzThey might try to take some nasty actionNov 17 13:16
schestowitz 17 13:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tecknocrat: @schestowitz I have one better. How about XP running your train system?!?! With 6 CPUs per carriage running everything from doors to satnavNov 17 13:28
schestowitz 17 13:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheNiceBot: @schestowitz You are always the best version of you. #TheNiceBotNov 17 13:28
*liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Nov 17 13:46
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Nov 17 20:22
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Nov 17 20:22:36 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Nov 17 20:23:02 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 17 20:23
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 17 20:23
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 17 20:23
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesNov 17 23:15
liberty_box 17 23:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rixstepnews: @schestowitz Protecting sources? #Assange #RubberhoseNov 17 23:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Rubberhose (file system) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNov 17 23:19
liberty_box 17 23:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tecknocrat: @ghabuntu @schestowitz Hopefully it's only there to operate the Toilet Doors & that has it's issues to!!!Nov 17 23:19
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Nov 18 00:54
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesNov 18 08:15
liberty_box 18 08:59
liberty_box 18 09:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: The #epo 's shameful behaviour will lead me only to >accelerating< coverage of its abuses, even though I'm away on vacation at the momentNov 18 09:18
liberty_box 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: EPO labor dispute getting completely out of hand: three union leaders suspended, others pressured #epoNov 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | FOSS Patents: EPO labor dispute getting completely out of hand: three union leaders suspended, others pressuredNov 18 09:19
liberty_box 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FOSSpatents: TechRights (@schestowitz): Still No Disclosure From #RedHat Regarding #Patent Agreement With #Microsoft 18 09:19
liberty_box 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Still No Disclosure From Red Hat Regarding Patent Agreement With Microsoft | TechrightsNov 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "Opera 33 brings a special fix for Linux users" 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Opera 33 No Longer Starts FFmpeg If Codecs Are Already LoadedNov 18 09:19
liberty_box 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Review of #dell #debian based machine 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Alienware Steam Machine (2015) review - CNETNov 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Alienware Steam Machine Review: PC Gaming With Console ComfortsNov 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Review: Alienware Steam MachineNov 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Alienware Steam Machine Review & Rating | PCMag.comNov 18 09:19
liberty_box 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Xamarin Studio does nor even run on #gnu #linux the traitors show true colours 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Xamarin releases version 4.0 of its cross-platform mobile developer suite • The RegisterNov 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Xamarin - TechrightsNov 18 09:19
liberty_box 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #LLVM 's #Clang Lands More #CUDA Improvements 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | LLVM's Clang Lands More CUDA Improvements - PhoronixNov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Vetr Inc. Downgrades Red Hat to Hold (RHT) #redhat downgradedNov 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Vetr Inc. Downgrades Red Hat to Hold (RHT) | STORMNov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #canonical engages in community-washing (like #redhat with #fedora and "Open Organization") 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Announcing the Ubuntu Community Appreciation Day on November 20, 2015Nov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Funny headline because UOS has only been running for a few years #ubuntuNov 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu Online Summit 2015 Was the Most Attended UOS Event of All TimesNov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) Will Soon be Rebased on Linux Kernel 4.3 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) Will Soon be Rebased on Linux Kernel 4.3Nov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #Canonical Announces #OpenStack Autopilot Tool for Major Cloud Cost Savings #ubuntuNov 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Canonical Announces OpenStack Autopilot Tool for Major Cloud Cost SavingsNov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Ubuntu MATE Developers Are Preparing Something Special for 16.04 LTS #ubuntu #gnu #linuxNov 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu MATE Developers Are Preparing Something Special for 16.04 LTSNov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #RoboTutor team using open source tools to address short supply of teachers, schools 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | RoboTutor team using open source tools to address short supply of teachers, schools | Network WorldNov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #Plotly to open source its dataviz code #freesw #githubNov 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Plotly to open source its dataviz code | ComputerworldNov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #UbuntuStudio Is a Treasure Trove for Creative Types #gnu #linux #ubuntuNov 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu Studio Is a Treasure Trove for Creative Types | Reviews | LinuxInsiderNov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Rugged SODIMM-style COM and SBC run Linux on i.MX7 #linuxNov 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Rugged SODIMM-style COM and SBC run Linux on i.MX7 ·  LinuxGizmos.comNov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Best Android Phones: Holiday 2015 #android #linuxNov 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Best Android Phones: Holiday 2015Nov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: China's supercomputer growth is exploding "no surprise that #Linux is the operating system of choice"Nov 18 09:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | China's supercomputer growth is exploding while the US is losing steam | ZDNetNov 18 09:21
liberty_box 18 09:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #LXCFS Vulnerabilities Fixed in Ubuntu 15.10 and Ubuntu 15.04 #ubuntu #gnu #linuxNov 18 09:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | LXCFS Vulnerabilities Fixed in Ubuntu 15.10 and Ubuntu 15.04Nov 18 09:21
liberty_box 18 09:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #UbuntuTouch OTA-9 Will be Released Next Year, on January 20, 2016 #ubunru #linuxNov 18 09:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu Touch OTA-9 Will Be Released Next Year, on January 20, 2016Nov 18 09:21
liberty_box 18 09:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Another recent failure of French.Belgian mass #surveillance like in NYC 2010, action on ground saved the dayNov 18 09:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 2 U.S. service members overpower attacker on train in Belgium - CNN.comNov 18 09:21
liberty_box 18 09:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: People who wonder why there are so many suicides in #epo should read and context in #euNov 18 09:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | EPO - TechrightsNov 18 09:26
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Nov 18 10:08
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesNov 18 10:35
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Nov 18 14:09
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*liberty_box is now known as roy_awayNov 18 14:18
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roy_away 18 16:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: One of these days.... 18 16:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Meltdown at the EPO, Massive Staff Protests This Afternoon #epo #europe 18 16:02
roy_away 18 16:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: One Of These Days.... 18 16:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #epo would grind to a total half/standstill if it fired the many thousands of staff who publicly protest, so it now aims at leaders (first)Nov 18 16:36
roy_away 18 18:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iridesce57: @schestowitz this is such a 'doh moment that so many just missNov 18 18:49
roy_away 18 18:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheKochtopus: @schestowitz Thugs? You wound us. #Koch2016Nov 18 18:57
roy_away 18 19:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @schestowitz "Money. And Money alone!" (Sir Oswald Mosley)Nov 18 19:31
*roy_away has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Nov 18 20:03
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liberty_box 18 20:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @schestowitz PLS HELP PREVENT GHANA FARMERS BEING FORCED 2 GROW #toxic #GMO CROPS #STOPARUSHAPVP #LANDGRAB … … … … …Nov 18 20:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Speaker, Parliament of Ghana: Reject Ratification of Arusha Plant Variety Protection ProtocolNov 18 20:30
liberty_box 18 20:32
-TechBytesBot/ Let's assume for a second that global mass #surveillance is against terrorism and not for domination. Why spy >so much< on South America?Nov 18 20:32
liberty_box"Are three the global groups whon want world domination and slave humanity, they all cooperate and compete. Read some texts by Olavo de Carvalho about that topic.Nov 18 20:33
liberty_box-Islamic DominationNov 18 20:33
liberty_box-Ocidental Elite of SocialistNov 18 20:33
liberty_box-Russia-China communismNov 18 20:33
liberty_boxBut about your questio, Do you known that the countrie of Foro de São Paulo are cooperating with many terrorist groups?Nov 18 20:33
liberty_boxThe socialist american dont give dam to it because it can help your agenda in the context of cenary placed above about the three schems of world domination."Nov 18 20:33
liberty_box"Wow, this is new, that Brazil is cooperating with terrorists. It seems there is always a good reason for the US to spy and invade.Nov 18 20:33
liberty_boxWhat about Bahamas, does Bahamas harbour or cooperate with terrorists? I would like to hear your outlandish opinion."Nov 18 20:33
liberty_box 18 20:33
-TechBytesBot/ Western Presidential bows to Saudi monarchs do nothing to dissuade & discourage #isis whose rituals (like beheading) similar to Saudi ones.Nov 18 20:33
liberty_box"No differency between in kernel! Only in strategy! Wertern is very good in help enemies! When is to help good people like the Kurds they do nothing!Nov 18 20:33
liberty_box"Nov 18 20:33
*liberty_box is now known as roy_yorkshireNov 18 21:09
roy_yorkshire 18 21:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@readergordonbp: @schestowitz Maybe as the messages were in clear, the mass-surveillance people overlooked them... ;-)Nov 18 21:30
roy_yorkshireOr maybe they obsessed over law-abiding citizensNov 18 21:31
roy_yorkshireWatch out when linking to blogspot/IP Kat. I've complained for years about #google giving away linkers' location in TLDNov 18 21:52
roy_yorkshire(to some EPO person...)Nov 18 21:53
*roy_yorkshire has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Nov 18 23:24
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesNov 19 05:16
liberty_box"Thanks Dr. Schestowitz for the hint! Indeed, I noticed the .nl extension in the link disclosing the location after I've posted the link. I will take care when posting new tweets. Is it possible for them to unveil my real location due to such an extension?"Nov 19 05:19
liberty_boxIt helps know which countryNov 19 05:19
liberty_box 19 05:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@agonarch: @zoobab @schestowitz Jonathan Zuck always seemed to be a nice person to me. Not that I agreed with his agenda... butNov 19 05:20
liberty_boxLobbyists needs to seem amicable to get their wayNov 19 05:21
*roy_yorkshire ( has joined #techbytesNov 19 05:32
roy_yorkshire 19 11:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @zoobab @schestowitz "Niemand had die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten!" (W.Ulbricht, 1961)Nov 19 11:09
*TechBytesBot has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Nov 19 11:36
*roy_yorkshire has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Nov 19 12:10
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r_schestowitz 19 17:25
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 19 17:31
*TechBytesBot ( has joined #techbytesNov 19 17:35
TechBytesBotHello World! I'm TechBytesBot running phIRCe v0.75Nov 19 17:35
r_schestowitz>> Please make a mirror of all my articles about EPO... just in case. MakeNov 19 17:49
r_schestowitz>> > it known to EPO that it exists (e.g. in Twitter), to discourage themNov 19 17:49
r_schestowitz>> > from thinking they can suppress information.Nov 19 17:49
r_schestowitz> Do you have a list of articles which could be mirrorable?Nov 19 17:50
r_schestowitz>Nov 19 17:50
r_schestowitz> I will take care of the rest.Nov 19 17:50
r_schestowitz>Nov 19 17:50
r_schestowitz> I thought filtering by tags with "Europe" + "Patents" would make it,Nov 19 17:50
r_schestowitz> but there are articles which have nothing to do with the EPO.Nov 19 17:50
r_schestowitzJust got back home, I think we're safer now. The EPO can probably see, in due course, that articles are being mirrored. Thanks.Nov 19 17:50
r_schestowitz> Also the print button javascript does not work on my chromium.Nov 19 17:50
r_schestowitzInteresting. I don't think I've tested it in like a decade...Nov 19 17:50
r_schestowitz> Hey Roy,Nov 19 18:03
r_schestowitz>Nov 19 18:03
r_schestowitz> I hope you are well. Have you seen the latest IPKat post publishedNov 19 18:03
r_schestowitz> yesterday? 19 18:03
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Plunging off the abyss -- or merely grinding to a halt? More bad news from EponiaNov 19 18:03
r_schestowitz>Nov 19 18:03
r_schestowitz> My colleague is writing a report on developments at the EPO today. He isNov 19 18:03
r_schestowitz> in a discussion with Ms. Hardon, who I believe has been suspended. He isNov 19 18:03
r_schestowitz> looking to confirm so please don't Tweet or publish anything until we'veNov 19 18:04
r_schestowitz> verified this (unless of course you are able to verify it yourself -Nov 19 18:04
r_schestowitz> then go right ahead). I'll send you a link to the story once it is up.Nov 19 18:04
r_schestowitz>Nov 19 18:04
r_schestowitz> Also, the FOSS Patents blogNov 19 18:04
r_schestowitz> <>Nov 19 18:04
-TechBytesBot/ | FOSS Patents: EPO labor dispute getting completely out of hand: three union leaders suspended, others pressuredNov 19 18:04
r_schestowitz> has mentioned the legal action taken by the EPO against you? Are we ableNov 19 18:04
r_schestowitz> to run a report on your dispute? I think it is important people knowNov 19 18:04
r_schestowitz> about the EPO's targeting of you. However, I do appreciate this is aNov 19 18:04
r_schestowitz> sensitive matter for you.Nov 19 18:04
r_schestowitzHi,Nov 19 18:04
r_schestowitzI have just returned home from Yorkshire, so was away from E-mail.... FOSS Patents blog was not 'supposed' to mention the threats, but it 'interpolated' over my tweets, which were very fague.Nov 19 18:04
r_schestowitzYes, please do go on a publish a report about this dispute now that it's more or less becoming public knowledge (not my intention). I think it can help discourage EPO from harassing people like Mr Schneider (whoever that is, I spoke to one who works for EPO, but it's not him, he says there's like a dozen with his name), as the letter with the wrong name suggests... not to mention what they sent to me, twice even (they got my name right theNov 19 18:04
r_schestowitzsecond time around).Nov 19 18:04
r_schestowitzAlso useful for context (under Battistelli's management):Nov 19 18:04
r_schestowitz 19 18:04
r_schestowitzContact details for the victim: Gérald Sédrati-Dinet <>Nov 19 18:04
r_schestowitzI think, from what I've heard, many journalists are just afraid to criticise the EPO. This has got to stop...Nov 19 18:04
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO is Trademark-Bullying Its Critics, Trying Repeatedly to Remove Bad Publicity With Help From Menacing Legal Threats (SLAPP) | TechrightsNov 19 18:04
r_schestowitzBest regards and thank you for having the courage to stand up to the EPO.Nov 19 18:04
r_schestowitzRoyNov 19 18:04
r_schestowitzPS - if you speak German: 19 18:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Europas Patentamt schasst Gewerkschafter | WirtschaftNov 19 18:04
r_schestowitzWhy are you linking to this FRAUD on your website? Does he have any verifiable evidence for delivering computers to school children? go on, do a story on it, get some contact details and ask them, how many computers and the names of the pupils.Nov 19 18:19
r_schestowitz 19 18:19
r_schestowitzThere is NO evidence of a Karen of Austin School District (AISD) ever emailing Starks - none what so ever. Do you care nothing for your reputation by linking to this deluded parasite? There was NO Karen at AISD who complained about Linux CDs. They never heard of her. The whole incident is bogus.Nov 19 18:19
r_schestowitz 19 18:19
r_schestowitz"Ken Starks the fake Linux advocate ..."Nov 19 18:19
-TechBytesBot/ | Senior Tech: Sometimes Linux Isn't the Solution | FOSS ForceNov 19 18:19
r_schestowitz(QUOTED)Nov 19 18:19
-TechBytesBot/ | The Blog of Helios: Linux - Stop holding our kids backNov 19 18:19
r_schestowitz 19 18:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iridesce57: @schestowitz Recharge and recuperate - you deserve itNov 19 18:46
r_schestowitzThank you, Sir.Nov 19 20:18
r_schestowitzI shall get around to this once the backlog is exhausted... just got back from vacation. I need to decide what's most urgent to publish ASAP.Nov 19 20:18
r_schestowitz^ re EPONov 19 20:18
r_schestowitz 19 20:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@virusguides: @schestowitz thanks for sharing Dr. Roy Schestowitz, have a great Thursday :) (insight by 19 20:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Twitter Community Management Dashboard | Twitter Marketing Tool | Commun.itNov 19 20:27
*pidgin_log1 ( has joined #techbytesNov 19 20:29
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schestowitz 19 21:02
-TechBytesBot/ When you claim to represent #freedom & #democracy & in order to spread ideologies you bomb countries, what does it say about your ideology?Nov 19 21:02
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:02
schestowitzYou cant spread ideology by bomb! You bomb to destroy your enemie moral and his life. Other things will say if you are moral superior over your enemies.Nov 19 21:02
schestowitzIf you have one enemie that will kill you and you dont fight, your ideology is a suicidal ideology.Nov 19 21:02
schestowitzThere is no paradise in earth.Nov 19 21:02
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:02
schestowitz"It’s surprising how most people around Earth hate the US for no good reason. I wonder why don’t hate countries like Luxembourg or Bhutan for no good reason as well."Nov 19 21:02
schestowitz"Here millions are trapped in a bubble, they even want U.S. to bomb our country if with that they can feel free of “comunism”. The bubble is in part because they think that our country is comunist, it is very amazing to watch my fellow venezuelans asking Obama to invade our country and “save” us from a non-existent comunism. We are only trying to do a transition to socialism, but capitalism is very present still here. My point is thatNov 19 21:03
schestowitzwhat you call ideology is not such thing, it is only media propaganda and it works because even the affected people want to be bombed and “saved” with that."Nov 19 21:03
schestowitz"Rafael the only transition is give tital power to Havana and from oil to cocaina! The only transition is to slavery! And probanly you arenot in Vendzuela!"Nov 19 21:03
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:03
schestowitzI am a bachaquero, now you believe I am in Venezuela JAJAJAJAJJAJANov 19 21:03
schestowitz 19 21:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Bachaquero - H&F La Explosion - YouTubeNov 19 21:03
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:03
schestowitz"Ah, and Lorenzo Mendoza is our only chance to survive starvation, that is very important, sorry JAJJAJAJAJJAJAJ"Nov 19 21:03
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:04
schestowitzPeople here is the same, are so dumb that wish the republic would be another US state. People here is indeed so dumb that have the government they deserve.Nov 19 21:04
schestowitzTo be honest I do not like Venezuela’s government, but what happened to Libya made me understand the value of a non-intervention policy. If Venezuelans have the government they have is because they deserve it, for bad or good. And no one cares most about you than yourself so if you thing someone else will save you from yourselves then that’s delusional.Nov 19 21:04
schestowitzFor sure the US will not save us for free.Nov 19 21:04
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:04
schestowitz"You are right, in your special case I will take the freedom to advice that Venezuelan goverment is the less bad that can be right now in Venezuela, other kind of goverment would be worse, specially at killing social leaders between farmers, indigenous, poors, all venezuelan goverments that have been in Venezuela different than this one killed and dissapeared lots of people for political or social reasons, like Ayotzinapa Normalists in MexicoNov 19 21:04
schestowitzor some sort of that… Of course I don’t think that way, for me is the best goverment in the world, not just the less bad as a starting point I advice you to help venezuelan people with your conscious. Here nobody goes disapeared, neither mass tombs, since 1998 that started this goverment, zero disapeared like it was before 1998 in Venezuela."Nov 19 21:04
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:05
schestowitzWhat the fuck! A venezuelan saing that is very nice have a tirannic govern, that is a betrayer given the Venezuelan soberany e freedom of the people to bastards from Havana!Nov 19 21:05
schestowitzWhat if was the USA statal company to control all the birth registher in Venezuela?Nov 19 21:05
schestowitzYou are all bastards! Many students killed by the govern and you here saying the narcocommunism is very good!Nov 19 21:05
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:05
schestowitz"Obama and american socialiste elite are all bastards cumplices of Havanaand Foro e São Paulo."Nov 19 21:05
schestowitz"The world is crownded of bastards that say love freedom but in actions are always helping the construction of tyrranies! It is the age of hipocrisy!"Nov 19 21:05
schestowitz 19 21:06
-TechBytesBot/ Not news: Rupert Murdoch is vile 19 21:06
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Rupert Murdoch Endorses Religious Test For Refugees, Calls For "Special Exception For Proven Christians" | Blog | Media Matters for America [ ]Nov 19 21:06
schestowitz“Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about the universe.”Nov 19 21:06
schestowitzEinstein might have not said that but I like it anyway.Nov 19 21:06
schestowitz 19 21:06
-TechBytesBot/ | Two Things Are Infinite: the Universe and Human Stupidity | Quote Investigator [ ]Nov 19 21:06
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:06
schestowitz"^ I love that quote, whoever said it."Nov 19 21:06
schestowitz 19 21:06
-TechBytesBot/ The corporations (mostly from US), with help from corporate media, managed to bamboozle everyone -- except terrorists -- into "the Cloud"Nov 19 21:06
schestowitz"I wonder if that makes me a terrorist"Nov 19 21:06
schestowitz"^ Maybe not, but that puts you (and me) on the suspect list."Nov 19 21:06
schestowitzit's harder to watch those not in "the cloud"Nov 19 21:06
schestowitz 19 21:14
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:15
schestowitz“For the vast majority of container users, they get a file from somewhere, it’s full of stuff that doesn’t make a lot of sense. Then they run some commands they found on the internet, then some magic happens, then they repeat this twiddling things here and there until on try 47 they have a working container.”Nov 19 21:15
schestowitzI prefer to use LXC directly. And by the way, I update my containers as my other Linux servers.Nov 19 21:15
-TechBytesBot/ "we are starting to see reports of how many security flaws exist in docker images." 19 21:15
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Sober Security: Your containers were built in some guy's barn!Nov 19 21:15
schestowitz 19 21:41
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: The European Patent OfficeNov 19 21:41
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:41
schestowitzSoon we will welcome the Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands and Columbia as Member States. For the sake of strenghtening BBs position in the AOC.Nov 19 21:41
schestowitzSame error in the construction of regulations as with the Fifa. When will the number of votes adjusted to the filing numbers of countries?Nov 19 21:41
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:41
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:42
schestowitz@SilverSurfer:Nov 19 21:42
schestowitzI cannot find the "publicly available rules, designed to ensure the fair treatment and protection of employees (Code of Conduct; Circular 342)" on Anyone? Or are they only "publically available" to staff as disclosing them would trigger an internal investigation with the known consequences?Nov 19 21:42
schestowitz@Falsifying...Nov 19 21:42
schestowitzI sincerely fear that at least some staff of the EPOrg might sooner or later be considered as members of a (international) criminal organisation if things go on like this.Nov 19 21:42
schestowitzWe need answers, aber: Ein Teil dieser Antworten würde die Bevölkerung verunsichern...Nov 19 21:42
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:42
schestowitz"Why does anyone expect the president or administrative council to follow any article or rule of the EPC (or any other law) if they can not be bothered to follow even a simple Article 4a of the EPC? "Nov 19 21:42
schestowitz"Re: Ken Starks the fake Linux advocate ..."Nov 19 22:08
schestowitz>> I like Ken, like or not...Nov 19 22:08
schestowitz>Nov 19 22:08
schestowitz> What ever .. I'm watch the second series of Fargo ..Nov 19 22:08
schestowitzEnjoy :-)Nov 19 22:08
schestowitz 19 22:09
-TechBytesBot/ #MSF surely feels forgotten now that other French victims grab headlines and they're victims of ISIS rather than US bombs and heavy gunfireNov 19 22:09
schestowitz"indeed and don’t be paranoid or call war"Nov 19 22:09
schestowitz 19 22:16
-TechBytesBot/ 19 22:16
schestowitz"Nov 19 22:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: Good luck installing governmental backdoors in open source crypto chats 19 22:16
schestowitzOne day I’ll stop reading world news as I did related to Banana Republic, I already know enough to have a good idea what might happen in the future and how to cope with that.Nov 19 22:16
schestowitzI do not like to me reminded daily of people’s stupidity, reading news like these is masochistic and depressing. It’s not like I was to going to forget all next week.Nov 19 22:16
schestowitz"Nov 19 22:16
schestowitz 20 00:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@alvfig: @sapo2025 @eliaspraciano @coisasdogeek @hgfernan @Mackellsud @Darkwings1Mr @schestowitz @brigserman @ro7_so67 feriado ou não, ótima sexta!Nov 20 00:50
schestowitz 20 01:11
-TechBytesBot/ #Encryption is not the enemy: A 21st century response to terror even the anti #freesw provocateur thinks soNov 20 01:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Encryption is not the enemy: A 21st century response to terror | ZDNetNov 20 01:11
schestowitz"^ much smarter - analog privacy"Nov 20 01:11
schestowitz 20 01:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: @Twpalovi @Ipkat They are doing overtime these days hell I'm not wondering! Thumbs up for Ipkat, Techrights a.o. for the excellent reports!Nov 20 01:14
schestowitz 20 01:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: Eponia: Land of Suspense and Suspensions 20 01:14
schestowitz 20 01:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The IPKat: Eponia: Land of Suspense and SuspensionsNov 20 01:14
schestowitz 20 01:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Twpalovi: @Sheikh_al_Touar Busy at @Ipkat today.Nov 20 01:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Twpalovi: @Sheikh_al_Touar Indeed...Nov 20 01:14
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 20 01:16
schestowitz"They are kidding the vast majority who are frightened and who take the “news” at face value without fact checking."Nov 20 01:26
schestowitz 20 01:26
-TechBytesBot/ So terrorists who had access to @snowden leaks STILL used tracking devices (phones) AND unencrypted SMS. Who are our politicians kidding?Nov 20 01:26
schestowitzyes, I saw some examples today at the newsstand in yorkshireNov 20 01:27
schestowitz 20 01:31
-TechBytesBot/ 20 01:31
schestowitz"^ so true"Nov 20 01:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lhfang: How anti-Jewish refugee rhetoric during the 1930s/1940s compares to anti-Syrian refugee rhetoric today. 20 01:31
schestowitzMaybe they won't care this time because it's Islam...Nov 20 01:31
schestowitz 20 01:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@deborahrrichter: RT #uk "government was rapidly dropping the subsidy for solar energy down to zero." "I am…Nov 20 01:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #uk "government was rapidly dropping the subsidy for solar energy down to zero." "I am lost for words."Nov 20 01:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Craig Murray » Blog Archive » A Change of Political ClimateNov 20 01:35
schestowitz 20 01:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@eliaspraciano: @alvfig @sapo2025 @coisasdogeek @hgfernan @Mackellsud @Darkwings1Mr @schestowitz @brigserman @ro7_so67 semana passou voando...Nov 20 01:52
schestowitz 20 01:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mojaprvatv: #bigbrother #Live #SocialStream #Hash4Tag 20 01:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | #bigbrother | Hash4Tag.comNov 20 01:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: A Police State to Avoid Any Critical Evaluation? #police #bigbrother manics benefit from #panic in #franceNov 20 01:53
schestowitz 20 01:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@alvfig: @eliaspraciano @sapo2025 @coisasdogeek @hgfernan @Mackellsud @Darkwings1Mr @schestowitz @brigserman @ro7_so67 verdade, semana curta.Nov 20 01:53
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Nov 20 02:03
*Disconnected ().Nov 20 02:14
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Nov 20 02:14:47 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Nov 20 02:15:06 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 20 02:15
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 20 02:15
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 20 02:15
-NickServ-You are now identified for schestowitz.Nov 20 02:15
schestowitz 20 02:15
schestowitzRe: The Man in the High Castle ..Nov 20 02:38
schestowitz> They've made a television series out of 'The Man in the High Castle' byNov 20 02:38
schestowitz> Philip K. Dick. his stuff was just too weird in his lifetime to beNov 20 02:38
schestowitz> mainstream. Interesting how many top movies got made later on: BladeNov 20 02:38
schestowitz> Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report, A scanner Darkly. Shows you whatNov 20 02:38
schestowitz> the world looks like to a druggie, without having to take drugs.Nov 20 02:38
schestowitz>Nov 20 02:38
schestowitz> The Man in the High Castle <>Nov 20 02:38
schestowitz>Nov 20 02:38
-TechBytesBot/ | The Man in the High Castle (TV Series 2015– ) - IMDbNov 20 02:38
schestowitz> You should also take a look at "Dark Matter", starts out likeNov 20 02:38
schestowitz> conventional Syfy and then gets more interesting as it goes along.Nov 20 02:38
schestowitz>Nov 20 02:38
schestowitz> Dark Matter (TV Series 2015– ) <>Nov 20 02:38
-TechBytesBot/ | Dark Matter (TV Series 2015– ) - IMDbNov 20 02:38
schestowitz"Let's get rid of our freedom so that we can get rid of terrorists who try to get rid of our freedom. "Nov 20 02:40
schestowitzI read somewhere “Let’s get rid of our freedom” so they can’t take it from us.Nov 20 02:40
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Nov 20 02:59:20 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 20 02:59
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 20 02:59
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 20 02:59
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 20 02:59
*pidgin_log has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Nov 20 02:59
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesNov 20 03:00
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Nov 20 03:00
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 20 03:00
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Nov 20 05:07
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytesNov 20 05:09
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesNov 20 11:27
schestowitz> You'd asked for a reminder about pressing Red Hat for answers regardingNov 20 12:01
schestowitz> the details of their patent arrangement with M$.  I guess Red Hat isNov 20 12:01
schestowitz> hoping everyone will forget.Nov 20 12:01
schestowitzFunny you mention it. This morning I thought about asking you to contact them for updates. I want more people to pressure them a little...Nov 20 12:01
schestowitz"Mirroring is important for posterity"Nov 20 15:18
schestowitz 20 15:18
-TechBytesBot/ Whatever happened to the #Leveson Inquiry website? 20 15:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Whatever happened to the Leveson Inquiry website? | Jack of Kent blogNov 20 15:18
schestowitz> "After reaching 20%..."Nov 20 15:39
schestowitz>Nov 20 15:39
schestowitz> 20 15:39
schestowitzVery thought-provoking analysis. I was in Bradford the other day, for three days.Nov 20 15:39
schestowitzGoogle it to find out the relevance... I felt like I was in Pakistan. Just an hour drive away from here...Nov 20 15:39
-TechBytesBot/ | Advice Goddess BlogNov 20 15:39
schestowitz> olderNov 20 15:44
schestowitz>Nov 20 15:44
schestowitz> 20 15:44
schestowitzI mentioned this several times in TR at the timeNov 20 15:44
-TechBytesBot/ | Dag Hammarskjöld: UN To Reopen Investigation Of 1961 Crash That Killed Secretary-GeneralNov 20 15:44
schestowitz 20 15:50
-TechBytesBot/ | The Leveson InquiryNov 20 15:50
schestowitzMight be of interest to @DavidAllenGreenNov 20 15:50
schestowitz 20 15:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ZULU401: @schestowitz this one? 20 15:50
schestowitz 20 15:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DavidAllenGreen: @schestowitz @ZULU401 I mention that at my post, if you look,Nov 20 15:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ZULU401: @schestowitz i did send him that link yesterday Im guseeing he still has me blocked fr previous acc @DavidAllenGreenNov 20 15:52
schestowitz 20 16:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ZULU401: @schestowitz i did send him that link yesterday Im guessing he still has me blocked fr previous acc @DavidAllenGreenNov 20 16:02
schestowitz> 20 16:18
-TechBytesBot/ | Microsoft open-sources Visual Studio Code, launches free Visual Studio Dev Essentials program | VentureBeat | Dev | by Emil ProtalinskiNov 20 16:18
schestowitzMicrosoft Emil back to the RP business? I thought he quit being a MS rep.Nov 20 16:18
schestowitz 20 16:52
-TechBytesBot/ UK cops allegedly snooped on journalists to hunt down police whistleblower this is what #gchq is REALLY after? Power.Nov 20 16:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | UK cops allegedly snooped on journalists to hunt down police whistleblower | Ars Technica UKNov 20 16:52
schestowitz> 20 17:01
schestowitz>Nov 20 17:01
schestowitz> -Nov 20 17:01
-TechBytesBot/ | Indonesia's forest fires will happen again - The Science Show - ABC Radio National (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)Nov 20 17:01
schestowitz>Nov 20 17:01
schestowitz> 20 17:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 401 @ )Nov 20 17:01
schestowitz>Nov 20 17:01
schestowitz> paywallNov 20 17:01
schestowitzLong term casualitiesNov 20 17:01
schestowitz> 20 17:06
schestowitz>Nov 20 17:06
schestowitz> the ocean can only absorb so much more, especially with the risingNov 20 17:06
-TechBytesBot/ | Nasa releases carbon map that shows which countries are polluting the world | Environment | The IndependentNov 20 17:06
schestowitz> temperatures ...Nov 20 17:06
schestowitzWell, some people still believe in apocalypse and afterlife/raptureNov 20 17:06
schestowitz> 20 17:10
schestowitz>Nov 20 17:10
schestowitz> -Nov 20 17:10
-TechBytesBot/ | Facebook is making it easier to donate to charity - Nov. 19, 2015Nov 20 17:10
schestowitz>Nov 20 17:10
schestowitz> "Facebook will institute a fee sometime next year, though the companyNov 20 17:10
schestowitz> would not disclose how much it will be. ... at industry standards"Nov 20 17:10
schestowitz>Nov 20 17:10
schestowitz> 20 17:10
schestowitz>Nov 20 17:10
schestowitz> How much do they skim off each transaction?Nov 20 17:10
schestowitzFor profit, like Gates FoundationNov 20 17:10
-TechBytesBot/ | Facebook's New 'Donate' Button Aims to Make it Charitable Giving Hub - Fortune [ ]Nov 20 17:10
schestowitz> 20 17:12
schestowitz>Nov 20 17:12
schestowitz> Very dumb mistakes.Nov 20 17:12
schestowitzI don't like this writer. Bad karma... Microsoft promotion.Nov 20 17:12
-TechBytesBot/ | 10 dumb security mistakes sys admins make | InfoWorldNov 20 17:12
schestowitz> 20 17:18
-TechBytesBot/ | Saudi Wahhabi dilemma in spotlight after Paris attack | ReutersNov 20 17:18
schestowitz>Nov 20 17:18
schestowitz> This is where your oil money goes.Nov 20 17:18
schestowitzYes, I've long considered them a core issue.Nov 20 17:18
schestowitz 20 17:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EvilWrangler: @schestowitz @annejanbrouwer concerned readers should remember NASA has been politicized & their data is suspect 20 17:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | NASA's New Mission: Boost the Muslim World's Self-Esteem | Human EventsNov 20 17:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@annejanbrouwer: @EvilWrangler @schestowitz concerned readers remember christianity has been politicized & their data is suspect 20 17:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | BibViz Project - Bible Contradictions, Misogyny, Violence, Inaccuracies interactively visualizedNov 20 17:22
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 20 17:30
schestowitzSalinger 3Nov 20 17:36
schestowitz#yemenNov 20 17:36
schestowitzSalinger 3Nov 20 17:36
schestowitz#yemenNov 20 17:36
schestowitz 20 17:36
-TechBytesBot/ #isis killed over a hundred in #france & meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, where ISIS support is relatively high, used our weapons to kill thousandsNov 20 17:36
schestowitz 20 17:40
-TechBytesBot/ #Moon landing tapes got erased, #NASA admits bloody weird...Nov 20 17:40
schestowitz"It seems they reused the tapes to record the last episode of Dinasty."Nov 20 17:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Moon landing tapes got erased, NASA admits | ReutersNov 20 17:40
schestowitzThey now serve to legitimise some theoristsNov 20 17:41
schestowitz 20 17:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Rabeel_Tariq: Here @SarfarazA_54 presents "Flying bat" 😂😂😜🎈🎈 #PAKvENG 20 17:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cricingif: .@SarfarazA_54's bat went flying away like a kite there! #PAKvENG #cricingif 20 17:43
schestowitz"Re: NYC Map the Homeless .."Nov 20 18:22
schestowitz>> BorisismNov 20 18:22
schestowitz>Nov 20 18:22
schestowitz> What do you mean. Why not write a similar app for London, release it,Nov 20 18:22
schestowitz> and then get lots of publicity for your work.Nov 20 18:22
schestowitzI am currently occupied doing other things, but I think that helping the homeless is very important; not sure if app development is the best approach... core issues that leave them in the streets in the first places are worth addressing.Nov 20 18:22
schestowitz 20 18:23
-TechBytesBot/ Jewish teacher stabbed in #Marseilles by purported ISIS supporters #isis again..Nov 20 18:23
schestowitz"Nov 20 18:23
schestowitzThe same day in the same city, a muslim woman was assaulted and woundedNov 20 18:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Jewish teacher stabbed in Marseilles by purported ISIS supporters - Diaspora - Jerusalem PostNov 20 18:23
schestowitzAlso, anti-muslims and xenophobic aggressions are skyrocketting. Not really surprisingNov 20 18:23
schestowitz"Nov 20 18:23
schestowitz 20 18:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Une jeune femme voilée agressée à MarseilleNov 20 18:23
schestowitz>> 20 18:55
schestowitz>>> >>Nov 20 18:55
schestowitz>>> >> and conversely keeping M$ running in society requires large scaleNov 20 18:55
-TechBytesBot/ | Open source projects rely on donated time—what motivates participants? | Ars TechnicaNov 20 18:55
schestowitz>>> >> donations of time, and would go away if people did not work for freeNov 20 18:55
schestowitz>>> >> fixing others' computersNov 20 18:55
schestowitz>> >Nov 20 18:55
schestowitz>> > Rianne did it for her aunt the other day. I told her not to, but sheNov 20 18:55
schestowitz>> > wanted to help family. See what Microsoft does there?Nov 20 18:55
schestowitz>> >Nov 20 18:55
schestowitz> There's help and there's help, as they say.  In my case, I decided itNov 20 18:55
schestowitz> called for 'tough love' and told them I'd help with anything except M$.Nov 20 18:55
schestowitz>  At one point, back in 2003 IIRC, I went as far as buying an iMac for myNov 20 18:55
schestowitz> mom.  (I wouldn't do that now.  Apple is now crap and getting worse bothNov 20 18:55
schestowitz> in quality and freedom.)  They're using FOSS otherwise, except forNov 20 18:55
schestowitz> EndNote which has no analog.  But they see themselves that it is the endNov 20 18:55
schestowitz> of the line soon for OS X too.Nov 20 18:55
schestowitzI moved from EndNote (2003) to BibTex, with Jabref (java) at the time...Nov 20 18:55
schestowitz 20 19:10
schestowitz"Nov 20 19:10
schestowitz18:46 Nov 20ProfileNov 20 19:10
-TechBytesBot/ | | Log InNov 20 19:10
schestowitzgoogle.nlNov 20 19:10
schestowitzNov 20 19:10
schestowitz18:56 Nov 14ProfileNov 20 19:10 20 19:10
schestowitzMunichNov 20 19:10
schestowitz20:15 Nov 5ProfileNov 20 19:10
schestowitzGoogleNov 20 19:10
schestowitzNov 20 19:10
schestowitz22:16 Oct 27ProfileNov 20 19:10 20 19:10
schestowitzMunichNov 20 19:10
schestowitz14:08 Oct 17ProfileNov 20 19:10
schestowitzGoogle UKNov 20 19:10
schestowitzNov 20 19:10
schestowitz13:29 Oct 13ProfileNov 20 19:10 20 19:10
schestowitzDen HaagNov 20 19:10
schestowitz16:07 Oct 12ProfileNov 20 19:10 20 19:10
schestowitzDen HaagNov 20 19:10
schestowitz14:44 Oct 12ProfileNov 20 19:10 20 19:11
schestowitzRijswijkNov 20 19:11
schestowitz"Nov 20 19:11
schestowitzvery privacy-infringing siteNov 20 19:11
schestowitzIn some cases, based on city, I could guess the identity of the visitorNov 20 19:11
schestowitzthey even say times!Nov 20 19:11
schestowitzWTF?Nov 20 19:11
schestowitzgates-funded site, in part...Nov 20 19:11
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Nov 20 19:52
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesNov 20 19:53
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Nov 20 19:53
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 20 19:53
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Nov 20 21:20
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesNov 20 21:23
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 20 22:19
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 20 22:20
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*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 20 22:25
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 20 22:55
schestowitz 20 23:24
-TechBytesBot/ Doing more of the cause won't suppress the effect but rather inflame it. Amazing what airstrikes & spying/profiling do to reinforce radicalsNov 20 23:24
schestowitz"Nov 20 23:24
schestowitzI have been thinking lately that Canada was not fed up with so much peace and clean environment but that made a mistake with Harper that is fixed now, it seems to me that Canada is going back to what it used to be before Harper, thanks to people’s will.Nov 20 23:24
schestowitzI do not know so much about France, but what I have been noticing does not make me think France is going back to something better, but more that the current situation is business as planned. About the UK do not know so much more, wonder if UK’s people want to change and Corbyn is the result of that.Nov 20 23:24
schestowitzAbout the US, I would be really surprised if someone like Sanders is elected, and even more surprised if is not killed soon after being elected.Nov 20 23:24
schestowitz"Nov 20 23:24
schestowitz 20 23:25
-TechBytesBot/ Imagine the notion of "medical alcohol". Because for some people it's legal and for some it isn't, Misguided policy. Let it sink in...Nov 20 23:25
schestowitz"Nov 20 23:25
schestowitzIn Banana Republic there is a tale about a Revolutionary Army doctor that, given the short supply of medicines cured everything with alcohol, so I consider my alcohol intake as medical.Nov 20 23:25
schestowitzOne never knows what might happen if I suspend the treatmenNov 20 23:25
schestowitz"Nov 20 23:25
schestowitzCan be good for sanitation, not for digestionNov 20 23:25
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 20 23:57
*pidgin_log has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Nov 20 23:57
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 20 23:59
schestowitz"Maybe terrorists hate France for its freedom and baguettes."Nov 21 01:02
schestowitz 21 01:02
-TechBytesBot/ Let's get rid of our freedom so that we can get rid of terrorists who try to get rid of our freedom. Oh wait...Nov 21 01:02
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 21 01:30
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Nov 21 02:00
MinceRi have baguettes too, from time to timeNov 21 02:39
MinceRshould i worry?Nov 21 02:39
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesNov 21 03:58
schestowitz 21 08:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PrinsBernhardH: @schestowitz Wy you ask that? Are you afraid it is not enough ? dirty tracking sham? 45621 answer please TLD him self you speak with. #gHelpNov 21 08:36
schestowitzMinceR: it starts with pastryNov 21 08:36
schestowitzand next thing you know you run with AKs in Town...Nov 21 08:37
schestowitzBe a social Justice Warrior :)Nov 21 08:40
schestowitz>>  I am currently occupied doing other things, but I think that helpingNov 21 08:40
schestowitz> the homeless is very important; not sure if app development is the bestNov 21 08:40
schestowitz> approach... core issues that leave them in the streets in the firstNov 21 08:40
schestowitz> places are worth addressing.Nov 21 08:40
schestowitz>Nov 21 08:40
schestowitz> As usual you only see the most literal meaning in a thing, if you makeNov 21 08:40
schestowitz> this app and post it, every time someone uses it, you get a free advert,Nov 21 08:40
schestowitz> which will bring in loads more business and get you big points in theNov 21 08:40
schestowitz> social justice department. People will want to interview you, attendNov 21 08:41
schestowitz> conferences, where you will meet top people who will direct businessNov 21 08:41
schestowitz> your way. So over time you will make LOADS MORE MONEY.Nov 21 08:41
schestowitz>Nov 21 08:41
schestowitz> ps: What is 'Borisism'Nov 21 08:41
schestowitz>Nov 21 08:41
schestowitz> pps: I'm watching 'Starship Trooper', it's meant to be satire, but someNov 21 08:41
schestowitz> of that stuff could be said by the current crop of politicians.Nov 21 08:41
schestowitzI don't need loads of money, I just need to find something which makes me and others happy. Right now I promote FOSS.Nov 21 08:41
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesNov 21 08:53
schestowitz> xNov 21 09:49
schestowitz> 21 09:49
-TechBytesBot/ | Happy 30th, Windows: What we've loved through the years | InfoWorldNov 21 09:49
schestowitz>Nov 21 09:49
schestowitz> spam, notice misuse of 'announce' dates instead of shipping dates andNov 21 09:49
schestowitz> revisionism regarding cut and dried court cases.  In practice, M$Nov 21 09:49
schestowitz> Windows did not afflict businesses until the early 90's.Nov 21 09:49
schestowitzWell, look at the author. Says it all. Why are you read this site? It's full of Microsoft staff and peripheral PR.Nov 21 09:49
schestowitz> xNov 21 09:49
schestowitz> 21 09:49
schestowitz>Nov 21 09:49
schestowitz> -Nov 21 09:49
schestowitz>Nov 21 09:49
-TechBytesBot/ | Windows turns 30: A visual tour of Windows through the ages | PCWorldNov 21 09:49
schestowitz> xNov 21 09:49
schestowitz> 21 09:50
schestowitz>Nov 21 09:50
schestowitz> What other news from 30 years ago are they trying to distract from?Nov 21 09:50
schestowitz> Certainly not the court cases caused by M$ misdeeds.Nov 21 09:50
schestowitzLike I said, watch who writes those puff pieces. It's agenda.Nov 21 09:50
-TechBytesBot/ | Windows turns 30: a visual history | The Verge [ ]Nov 21 09:50
schestowitz> 21 09:53
schestowitz>Nov 21 09:53
-TechBytesBot/ | Reuters Issues a Worldwide Ban on RAW PhotosNov 21 09:53
schestowitz> WTF?Nov 21 09:53
schestowitzWell, conglomerates in mediaNov 21 09:53
schestowitz 21 10:04
-TechBytesBot/ Ally in War Against [sic] Islamic Extremism Sentences Poet to Death for Insulting Islam S.A. AGAINST extremism!?Nov 21 10:04
schestowitz"Against OTHER extremists (for leadership and business purposes)"Nov 21 10:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Poet Ashraf Fayadh sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia for insulting Islam.Nov 21 10:05
schestowitzNot 'our' extremists who try to overthrow Assad...Nov 21 10:05
schestowitz 21 10:05
-TechBytesBot/ At least 27 dead as gunmen seize more than 100 at Mali hotel if only matters in our newspapers if whites at riskNov 21 10:05
schestowitz"I had the idea that closing Europe’s borders Europeans would be fine."Nov 21 10:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | At least 27 dead in Mali hotel attack claimed by Al-Qaeda affiliate - Yahoo NewsNov 21 10:05
schestowitzAs long as we don't go abroad... :/Nov 21 10:05
schestowitz 21 10:06
schestowitz"Nov 21 10:06
schestowitzwell Blair and other Tories back religious schools and “ethnicity”.Nov 21 10:06
schestowitzbtw - toffs like cameron also grew up not “knowing anyone from a different background”.Nov 21 10:06
schestowitz"Nov 21 10:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 21 10:06
schestowitzyeah, I'm opposed to these...Nov 21 10:07
schestowitz"Extreme conservatism."Nov 21 10:08
schestowitz 21 10:08
-TechBytesBot/ Radicalism is on the rise. Surely the foreign policy of the West at least contributes to that. But helps sell weapons ($).Nov 21 10:08
schestowitz"Radicalism breeds radicalism. The global military industrial economy is radical. It runs on guns and oil/energy. Radical right-wing globalism breeds radical right-wing nationalism and nativism. Global, or international, human solidarity is hard to find."Nov 21 10:08
schestowitz"Nov 21 10:08
schestowitzThe word “radicalism” means changing things at a fundamental level - radix meaning root.Nov 21 10:08
schestowitzI don’t think the word “radicalism” is appropiate - it’s all Islam (same root), but everything is moving in an extreme conservative, intolerant and authoritarian way. Just as neo-cons liked it - remember them courting the Christian Fundamentalists vote?Nov 21 10:08
schestowitz"Nov 21 10:08
schestowitzFair point about he point radicalNov 21 10:08
schestowitzFair point about the word radicalNov 21 10:08
schestowitz 21 10:09
-TechBytesBot/ They've rescued the "important" white/Western persons ("members of America's diplomatic mission to Mali") #mali 21 10:09
schestowitz"far, far, far more muslim victims than non-muslim victims."Nov 21 10:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | UN Confirms 29 People Killed in Mali Siege, Including 2 AttackersNov 21 10:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ashleymontanae: pray for #mali and all muslims worldwide who are going to become the face of the enemy in a war that they're victims of too.Nov 21 10:09
schestowitz 21 14:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@redlocal: The #ElementaryOS Developers Have Decided To Fork #Geary Under A New Name: #Pantheon Mail… 21 14:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 508 @ )Nov 21 14:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: The #ElementaryOS Developers Have Decided To Fork #Geary Under A New Name: #Pantheon Mail #freeswNov 21 14:16
schestowitzRe: Be a social Justice Warrior :)Nov 21 14:33
schestowitz>> I don't need loads of money, I just need to find something which makesNov 21 14:33
schestowitz> me and others happy. Right now I promote FOSS.Nov 21 14:33
schestowitz>Nov 21 14:33
schestowitz> Do you mind giving me some pointers as to what tools I would need toNov 21 14:33
schestowitz> write such an app. You see, I'm not as clever as you are.Nov 21 14:33
schestowitzDo you have experience with Java or have used Eclipse before? Now there's Android Studio, but should be similar...Nov 21 14:34
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Nov 21 17:33
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesNov 21 17:34
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Nov 21 17:34
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 21 17:34
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 21 17:34
schestowitz 21 18:13
-TechBytesBot/ #Moon landing tapes got erased, #NASA admits bloody weird...Nov 21 18:13
schestowitz"Reusing tapes was common practice. NASA official policy probably considered their film images to be the historical record and the TV broadcast to be ephemeral. We can be sure that many people disagreed because they kept copies. The people who erased the 200,000 batch tapes probably did not know what was on them. The lowest bidder would not have given them time to watch what they destroyed and some of it may have been secret anyway."Nov 21 18:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Moon landing tapes got erased, NASA admits | ReutersNov 21 18:13
schestowitzThey spend so much on space missions and can't buy new tapes?Nov 21 18:13
schestowitz 21 18:14
-TechBytesBot/ Can anyone genuinely report startup speed gain owing to #systemd (the 'selling point' of so-called 'just init system')? For me it's slower.Nov 21 18:14
schestowitz"Faster startup times was officially abandoned by the very systemd developers some time ago. It’s like WMD on Iraq: those were the original pretexts, were officially debunked long time ago but nothing happened."Nov 21 18:14
schestowitz"Really? I was shocked at how much faster systemd was."Nov 21 18:14
schestowitz 21 18:15
schestowitz""Yet another article blaming Snowden for recent terrorist acts?Nov 21 18:15
schestowitz"Oh wow, now I see they collected 15 articles about it. Brennan is not the only ass saying that. I like how Soylent news says he might be talking about the Church committee that lead to all the domestic spying laws he’s broken."Nov 21 18:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 21 18:15
schestowitzEither you are with us or you are with the terroristsNov 21 18:15
schestowitz 21 18:26
-TechBytesBot/ Ally in War Against [sic] Islamic Extremism Sentences Poet to Death for Insulting Islam S.A. AGAINST extremism!?Nov 21 18:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Poet Ashraf Fayadh sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia for insulting Islam.Nov 21 18:26
schestowitz"Well, Assad seems prefer ISIS than his people. Supporting him is like supporting SA to monitoring extremists: don’t work very well"Nov 21 18:26
schestowitz 21 18:26
-TechBytesBot/ 21 Android-only apps that will make your iPhone friends jealous #android #linuxNov 21 18:26
schestowitz"Nov 21 18:26
schestowitzSome nice tips, but mostly bogus… Stars apps are not just for Android and there is a reason why iOS does not have/need a virus scanner.Nov 21 18:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The best Android apps you can't get on iPhone in 2015 - Business InsiderNov 21 18:26
schestowitzMind you, I am on android myself.Nov 21 18:26
schestowitz"Nov 21 18:26
schestowitz"Nothing like KDE connect."Nov 21 18:26
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Nov 21 19:39
schestowitz 21 19:57
-TechBytesBot/ #Syria secretly sentenced free software developer #BasselKhartabil to death major loss to #freeswNov 21 19:57
schestowitz""Nov 21 19:57
schestowitzDamn weird. And everyone acting as if it weren’t.Nov 21 19:57
schestowitzBritish taxi driver as aid worker…Nov 21 19:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Syria secretly sentenced free software developer Bassel Khartabil to death / Boing BoingNov 21 19:57
schestowitz"Nov 21 19:57
schestowitz 21 19:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Wikinaut: punished or published? publish or perish! 21 19:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Thanks to all those who are sending article translations regarding #epo - some to be punished tomorrow 21 19:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Wikinaut: @schestowitz punished or ... published? "Publish. Or perish."Nov 21 19:59
schestowitzUnfortunate typo in twitter. Meant "published".Nov 21 19:59
schestowitzMinceR:Nov 21 20:47
schestowitzDear FSF licensing folks,Nov 21 20:47
schestowitzAs discussed earlier in IRC (freenode), I have been pursuing answers from Red Hat regarding an urgent matter. I previously interviewed their CEO regarding patents and last week I spoke to a fairly senior person from Red Hat (unnamed for his own protection), for the third time this month. I wrote about 10 articles on this subject and it led to others writing about it as well, including some prominent bloggers.Nov 21 20:47
schestowitzTo put it concisely, Red Hat signed a deal with Microsoft which not only involved technical work but also what they call patent "standstill". Who is this "standstill" for? Apparently Red Hat and its customers. I strongly doubt, especially in light of Alice v. CLS Bank, that a "standstill" should be needed. Red Hat does not threaten to sue Microsoft, whereas Microsoft did in the past threaten Red Hat (even publicly). This leaves those outsideNov 21 20:47
schestowitzRed Hat in an awkward position and ever since this deal I have taken note of at least two companies being coerced by Microsoft using patents (over "Android" or "Linux" [sic]) or sued by one of its patent trolls, e.g. Intellectual Ventures. This isn't really a "standstill". It's more like the notorious "peace of mind" that Novell was after back in 2006.Nov 21 20:47
schestowitzRed Hat has also admitted to me that it is still pursuing some software patents in the USPTO -- a fact that does not surprising me, especially giving the soaring market cap of RHT and the growing budget. This serves to contradict what people like Rob Tiller say to the courts; it shows double standards and no principled lead by example.Nov 21 20:47
schestowitzI have asked the FSF's Joshua if it had looked into the patent agreement between Red Hat and Microsoft. Their lawyers in this case, Mr. Piana and Mr. Tiller (probably amongst others whom we don't know about yet), would probably claim and even insist that it's GPL-compatible, but the wording in the FAQ make it look exclusionary and there's no transparency, so one cannot verify these claims.Nov 21 20:47
schestowitzWe need to understand what Red Hat agreed on with Microsoft on as Microsoft can use this behind closed doors against other companies, for pressure/leverage. I am genuinely worried and fellow journalists who focus on GNU/Linux (Sean Michael Kerner for instance) tell me that they are too.Nov 21 20:47
schestowitzThe analysis and the voice of the FSF may be needed at this stage. I have politely urged Red Hat for a number of weeks to become more transparent, whereupon some in the company said they had escalated these requests, but evidently nothing is being done, hence I feel the need to turn to the FSF.Nov 21 20:47
schestowitzI would gladly provide additional information that I have upon request.Nov 21 20:47
schestowitzWith kind regards,Nov 21 20:47
schestowitzMinceR: will let you know of any updatesNov 21 20:47
schestowitzi don't want this in the main channel yetNov 21 20:47
schestowitzas it may discourage action, maybe they want to be discreet about itNov 21 20:48
schestowitzso for now, few people are in the know about thisNov 21 20:48
schestowitzI haven't even told Red HatNov 21 20:48
MinceRniceNov 21 20:51
MinceRand if the FSF won't reply, maybe the SFLC could be approachedNov 21 20:51
schestowitzor conservancyNov 21 20:55
schestowitzalthough Kuhn doesn't seem to be a big fan of mineNov 21 20:55
schestowitzbecause some people who contacted me and Tuxera were being pushy on themNov 21 20:56
schestowitzand on Samsung alsoNov 21 20:56
schestowitzmaking amicable compliance harderNov 21 20:56
schestowitz(maybe you still recall that, it was years ago)Nov 21 20:56
schestowitz 21 21:08
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Plunging off the abyss -- or merely grinding to a halt? More bad news from EponiaNov 21 21:08
schestowitz"    On the subject of slow moving applications, I have a regional phase entry (EPO the ISA) and three divisionals filed from it, all in March 2010. They were quite long applications and, if I recall correctly, we paid excess claims fees for each application. The total EPO fees came to over €20K. We have yet to receive the examination report on the parent or a search report for any of the three divisionals and of course, since then haveNov 21 21:08
schestowitzpaid a substantial amount in renewal fees. The applicant is considering abandoning a couple of them. One might think that since the excess pages and claims fees allegedly required to compensate the EPO for the extra work required when an application is longer than 35 pages or has large numbers of claims and, therefore, when that work isn't even attempted, they would be refundable. Of course we know this is not the case and, according to someNov 21 21:08
schestowitzon here, the problem is that the applicant hasn't filed a PACE request!"Nov 21 21:08
schestowitz"That is what you get when the computer, fed by management rules, decides the order of the cases the examiners have to deal with. "Nov 21 21:09
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:10
schestowitzDealing with opinions that diverge from his own is not one of MrNov 21 21:10
schestowitzBattistelli's main strengths. During the BFC meeting a critical comment from the Norwegian delegation concerning the inappropriate lack of information provided to the BFC for making informed decisions, and the voting pattern of the French delegation (abstention on the 2016 EPO budget, vote against the President's proposal on the tax adjustment for pensioners) triggered instant and brusque responses from the President.Nov 21 21:10
schestowitzBut Mr Battistelli went even further. After the meeting had concluded he went in turn to the French and Norwegian delegations whom he fiercely rebuked for their respective actions and in such an overbearing manner that it caused visible emotional distress to a member of the French delegation. These incidents took place in full view of the other (speechless) delegations.Nov 21 21:10
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:10
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:14
schestowitzListen up, all you non-politicians.Nov 21 21:14
schestowitzThe highest political imperative is that the UPC is popular from the get go. So any threat to that imperative must be disappeared forthwith.Nov 21 21:14
schestowitzThe best way to push business in the direction of the UPC is to turn the EPO into an authority for granting patents on the nod, with no functioning channel at the EPO for correcting erroneous grants. BB is well on his way to reaching those objectives.Nov 21 21:14
schestowitzThe seat of the UPC is in Paris. Having as President of the EPO for the time being a politician from France is rather fortuitous then isn't it? Any criticism of BB from the representative of France on the EPO AC is explained by the fact that BB is on the other side of the political divide from Hollande.Nov 21 21:14
schestowitzWhy no sound at AC Level from DE or GB?Nov 21 21:14
schestowitzGermany is just as peeved as France, that patent litigation takes place at the EPO rather than in the German Federal Patents Court. They want their ball back please.Nov 21 21:14
schestowitzThe UK is obsessed with "efficiency" and that is BB's Big Thing too, so it does not lie in the mouth of the UK at AC level to utter even a murmur of protest.Nov 21 21:14
schestowitzAnd what about the Rule of Law? What's that then? Come on, be sensible. We live in difficult times. Something has to give, when there are higher priorities to meet.Nov 21 21:14
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:14
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:19
schestowitz    Some anonymous said:Nov 21 21:19
schestowitz    "Mr Kongstadt recently paid a visit to DG3 to threaten them in case they fail to obey the order to dismiss the DG3 member much for independence."Nov 21 21:19
schestowitz    That is a serious allegation. Any proof?Nov 21 21:19
schestowitz    But I would not surprised if this were to be true. We have seen more examples Mr. Kongstadt acts as Mr. Battistelli's sidekick - rather than the AC president who is to ensure Mr. Battistelli is doing his work properly: secret one-on-one deals on remuneration, contacting the EBoA on his own rather than on behalf of the AC.Nov 21 21:19
schestowitz    Could this be part of Mr. Kongstadt's personal agenda to succeed Mr. Battistelli?Nov 21 21:19
schestowitz    Yet, I do not draw conclusions until I have more proof.Nov 21 21:19
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:19
schestowitz" Maybe the full decision will make it clearer, but I'm surprised that a committee led by an eminent UK judge and having BoA members could not formulate a prosecution case or an explanation of the facts sufficiently to satisfy the EBoA. VP Lutz told us in the By Juve article that the AC organised disciplinary committee had come to the conclusion that the procedure had been carried out in a legally correct way. Perhaps they forgot to check ifNov 21 21:21
schestowitzthe conclusions were also correct? Or were they only there to rubber stamp BB's case as to the procedure and not to actually consider the disciplinary issue on its own merits?"Nov 21 21:21
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:21
schestowitzIn his internal communique dated 16.10.2015 ("Defending our values"), Battistelli referred to the "Disciplinary Committee [...] chaired by an eminent UK judge and former judge at the European Court of Justice".Nov 21 21:21
schestowitzSo "eminent" this UK judge was that all that the Disciplinary Committee was able to provide was "insufficient substantiation to allow proper, adversarial, judicial proceedings to be fairly conducted"????Nov 21 21:21
schestowitzAfter the case of Mr. Rutz and his answer to Professor Broß, one really asks if Mr. Battistelli specially select these people between the clowns of the Circus passing in town ...Nov 21 21:21
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:21
schestowitz 21 21:22
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Why the Enlarged Board rejected the AC in SeptemberNov 21 21:22
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:22
schestowitz    The following article in the French newspaper Les Echos presents a seriously biased picture of what currently happens in the EPO.Nov 21 21:22
schestowitz    They should read and re-read it again and again until they have got enough for their money: as pointed out some months ago by IPKat, Les Echos is a privileged "media partner" of this office, which actually means that applicants are paying for such stories.Nov 21 21:22
schestowitz 21 21:22
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:22
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:23
schestowitz HVA said...Nov 21 21:23
schestowitzWaiting for this important and wise decision to be published in the OJ with a glossy picture of an eminent (and failing) ENArque. Vive le ROY.Nov 21 21:23
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:23
schestowitzHeh.Nov 21 21:23
schestowitzthat's me..Nov 21 21:23
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:24
schestowitzA subsidiary question to the decision points 7.4 (fundamentals of adversorial inter parte proceedings), 7.5 (EBoA must be presented clear facts and exhibits), 7.6 (AC request did not present any fact) and 7.7 (Kongstadt's representative went on with his allegations and said exhibits are all on a USB stick): how can one rely on digital evidence provided by the EPO since its powers are absolute?Nov 21 21:24
schestowitzEvery single piece of digital evidence it produces comes from systems and networks it (allegedly) fully controls and there is no independent authority able to check whether the ruly "investigation" unit is actually collecting information or planting future "evidence" to advance the case. Too powerful to be worth trust?Nov 21 21:24
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:24
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:24
schestowitz    Most probably the report of the Disciplinary Committee was not intended to provide a substantiated case but merely to advise the AC.Nov 21 21:24
schestowitz    Relying upon it and placing all the evidence in front of the Enlarged Board without a substantiated case was, as anybody who appeared in court proceedings knows very well, a recipe for disaster. Apparently the representative of the Council were unfamiliar with court proceedings.Nov 21 21:24
schestowitz    The request that the Enlarged Board essentially formulates the requests at their place speaks for itself and is extremely embarassing. I imagine that the external judges were, if possible, even less amused than the internal members of the Enlarged Board by this procedural conduct.Nov 21 21:24
schestowitz    I only hope that the Council takes the lesson that it should seek a sound legal advice independent from the (clearly low-quality) advice provided by the President. This story, like the problems with the trade union, is extremely damaging for the EPO and the Council should seek professional advice and act swiftly.Nov 21 21:25
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:25
*TechBytesBot has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Nov 21 21:26
schestowitz 21 21:34
schestowitz"    According to usually well informed sources, the decision of the EBoA rejecting the AC´s request for dismissal of a judge for alleged misconduct is to be published soon, and its publication might be devastating for both the AC and BB."Nov 21 21:34
*TechBytesBot ( has joined #techbytesNov 21 21:34
TechBytesBotHello World! I'm TechBytesBot running phIRCe v0.75Nov 21 21:34
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:35
schestowitzHmm. This seems to be long on platitudes and short on actual content, neatly side-stepping the substance of most of the criticisms made by Bross...Nov 21 21:35
schestowitz"Broß has made this assessment in the light of the "ongoing disciplinary proceedings before the Board, obviously without knowledge of the facts alleged and even without reading the available information"."Nov 21 21:35
schestowitzAll I can say there is: Wow. Not at all a high-handed and arrogant response, is it?Nov 21 21:35
schestowitzIt's redolent of the infamous "response" from VP1 to Sir Robin Jacob's letter of concern ( 21 21:35
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Judicial Independence - the EPO Responds to Sir Robin Jacob's LetterNov 21 21:35
schestowitz"Sir Jacob 1) is not aware of all factsNov 21 21:35
schestowitz2) is not aware of what the decision of the president was (office ban)Nov 21 21:35
schestowitz3) does not understand that the AC took the decision based on facts!Nov 21 21:35
schestowitz4) does not understand that this case has nothing to do with the independence of the Boards!Nov 21 21:35
schestowitz5) and nevertheless writes this letter!"Nov 21 21:35
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:35
schestowitz"    Well, what could you expect from an a) official repesentative of the EPO who b) knows that any critical remarks would result in a visit by the Investigative Unit and subsequent suspension (preemptive to avoid any harms to the office; authorisation by the AC can be ordered later)"Nov 21 21:35
schestowitz"    PS Not sure who did the translation, but strangely VP Lutz became VIce-Chairman Lutz by the last paragraph. Unlikely mistake for anyone at the EPO to make. Maybe done by an outsider? The PR company, perhaps. Or Google Translate? Similarly the reference to a Board of Directors rather than the Administrative Council is glaringly odd. Did Lutz read it? Is it an official EPO translation? Maybe better check the rest for inaccuracies."Nov 21 21:36
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:37
schestowitzCynic, see Art. 11(3) and (4), 10(2)(h) and 23(1) EPC.Nov 21 21:37
schestowitz@IPKat:Nov 21 21:37
schestowitzAre you sure this translation was provided by the EPO??Nov 21 21:37
schestowitzOne would assume that the EPO knows the proper translation of the term Verwaltungsrat or would have looked it up in the EPC...Nov 21 21:37
schestowitz"Lutz refers to a number of high court judgments from Member States in which courts of final instance of the Board of Appeal to grant a patent has been challenged in the national courts."Nov 21 21:37
schestowitzGoogle translate, I say.Nov 21 21:37
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:37
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:37
schestowitzIt seems ludicrous even for laypersons that the EBA has simply been asked to endorse a decision taken by the AC.Nov 21 21:37
schestowitzWhere is the independence of a judicial body when the decision it has to take has already been decided elsewhere?Nov 21 21:37
schestowitzThat even for a former judge, what VP 5 claims to be, this contradiction is vehemently denied, shows how the denial attitude of the higher management has obscured some minds who actually should know better.Nov 21 21:37
schestowitzIt is time to stop this stupidity. The reputation of the EPO is already so tarnished, that one wonders what the AC is good for, beside grappling some money, the big man of EPO, just decides at his whim to give them.Nov 21 21:37
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:37
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:37
schestowitzIt seems ludicrous even for laypersons that the EBA has simply been asked to endorse a decision taken by the AC.Nov 21 21:37
schestowitzWhere is the independence of a judicial body when the decision it has to take has already been decided elsewhere?Nov 21 21:37
schestowitzThat even for a former judge, what VP 5 claims to be, this contradiction is vehemently denied, shows how the denial attitude of the higher management has obscured some minds who actually should know better.Nov 21 21:37
schestowitzIt is time to stop this stupidity. The reputation of the EPO is already so tarnished, that one wonders what the AC is good for, beside grappling some money, the big man of EPO, just decides at his whim to give them.Nov 21 21:37
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:37
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:38
schestowitzThe Kats have now received from the EPO an English-language translation of the Lutz rebuttal.Nov 21 21:38
schestowitzSpooky or what? Now they start to engage in the debate in this forum? The cynics amongst us would possibly think they starting to run scared? Have they reached the point of no return?Nov 21 21:38
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:38
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:38
schestowitzThe opinion of Mr. Lutz is more and more irrelevant, nowadays.Nov 21 21:38
schestowitzIn any other place, someone who allowed the Organization to be found in breach of Human Rights should have fired a long time ago.Nov 21 21:38
schestowitzHe is only used by the President to give an air of "legality" to his actions.Nov 21 21:38
schestowitzActually, it is well know within the Office that Mr. Lutz is able to write his signature upside down, so that he can sign whatever the President pushes across the table to him without having to turn it round to read it.Nov 21 21:38
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:38
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:39
schestowitz This kind of carefully-managed press statement may be better than nothing, but it makes my skin crawl.Nov 21 21:39
schestowitz"The judgement adopted in the light of an action brought by Spain alleging a lack of independence of the European patent system was completely disregarded. This illustrates that the CJEU does not share the view of Professor Broß"Nov 21 21:39
schestowitzYou can read this and understand that the CJEU disagrees with Broß, which is of course Lutz's intention. But in reality the CJEU did not even look at the question of the EPO's independence. Spain objected that unitary patents will be granted by the EPO without judicial review, but the CJEU dismissed the action on the grounds that Regulation 1257/2012 had nothing to do with the granting process. It did not examine the question of theNov 21 21:39
schestowitzindependence of the EPO boards of appeal.Nov 21 21:40
schestowitzLutz has either not understood, or he is deliberately trying to mislead. I'm not sure which is more worrying.Nov 21 21:40
schestowitz'Nov 21 21:40
schestowitz""Nov 21 21:40
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:40
schestowitz Amazing, that Mr. Lutz does not even bother to touch the main point, that the EPC and its associated regulations may be incompatible with ECHR. I do not think that the CJEU had been engaged with this question. The CJEU usually rules precisely (maybe over-precisely) on the questions referred to it and I am pretty sure that this question has never been asked before the CJEU. The rest of his justification is "we are doing everything perfectlyNov 21 21:40
schestowitzin line with the EPC", which is rather pointless if the compatibility of the EPC with the ECHR is put into question.Nov 21 21:40
schestowitzAnd naturally, the "famous" decision of the Dutch court is not mentioned at all, but other Court decisions favorable for his sidestep of argumentation are cited; however, these Courts had not been engaged with analyzing the compatibility of the EPC and the ECHR, the independence of the BoA on substantive issues was not at question here.Nov 21 21:40
schestowitzThema verfehlt, sechs, setzen.Nov 21 21:40
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:40
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:41
schestowitzAs usual, this EPO statement is nothing more than a blatent attempt to muddy the waters.Nov 21 21:41
schestowitzThose familiar with the cited case law of the German Federal Constitional Court (BVerfG) and the European Court of Human Rights will notice immediately that their application to the present situation at the EPO is - to be careful - very limited.Nov 21 21:41
schestowitzOf course, once again, the EPO tries to rely on old case law of said courts which dates from a time - the most recent ones from around the year 2000 - when the EPO still acted like an institution bound by the Rule of Law. As we all know, this has little to do with what it has developed into in recent time and with the actual situation, especially the "house ban" incident from December 2014. Therefore, the idea that these decisions could beNov 21 21:41
schestowitzseen as a confirmation of the legality of the EPO's most recent conduct is certainly very bold, but has nothing to do with a competent, well-founded and realistic legal analysis.Nov 21 21:41
schestowitzLikewise bold is Mr Lutz' idea that the CJEU had dealt with BoA independence in its decisions on the unitary patent "by silence". If I remember it correctly, the court's position was that the "unitary effect" being attached to the granted EP to constitute the unitary patent comes "downstream" of EPO institutional matters. Hence it did not address Spain's arguments in relation to BoA independence. Based on the aforementioned (admittedly aNov 21 21:41
schestowitzlittle weird) understanding of the court, this is logical, but means nothing more than that they have not ruled on the issue. Presenting this silence as an approval of the legality of the EPO's conduct speaks for itself.Nov 21 21:42
schestowitzThe declaration that the EPO was bound "not by national rules" is a remarkable one to make for a former German Federal judge like Mr Lutz. He should be well aware that, at least from the German constitutional law perspective, the EPO is, of course, bound by national rules, namely by the fundamental constitutional law principles, especially by the fundamental rights and the Rule of Law. The EPO must abide by them, only then is its operationNov 21 21:42
schestowitzcompatible with the German constitution.Nov 21 21:42
schestowitzIn the past, as indicated, the German BVerfG repeatedly confirmed that this compatibility was given. There are currently at least five constitutional complaints pending at the BVerfG relating to the moreNov 21 21:42
schestowitzrecent of the EPO. We should, sooner or later, be told by the court whether this compatibility with the German constituion still stands.Nov 21 21:42
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:42
schestowitz""Nov 21 21:42
schestowitzOne additional remark:Nov 21 21:42
schestowitzIn this thread (and in another one), it could be read that Mr Lutz was "President of BGH", i.e. of the German Federal Supreme Court. This seems to be a misunderstanding.Nov 21 21:42
schestowitzAs far as known, Mr Lutz was a judge at the German Federal Patent Court (Bundespatentgericht), but not at the BGH.Nov 21 21:42
schestowitzCertainly, being critical about public institutions and their top personnel seems to be more and more imperative these days, but hope lives that at least the courts are not - yet? - as degenerated as other public authorities.Nov 21 21:42
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:42
schestowitzBS comment:Nov 21 21:42
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:42
schestowitz"The Board of Directors and President are acting on the legal basis of the European Patent Convention, the Constitution of the European Patent Organisation (EPO)."Nov 21 21:42
schestowitzI suggest that if the anti-EPO campaigners are unhappy, they lobby their government representatives to lobby for a change in the EPC. Clearly it is in such a sorry state that it is better to have nothing. One other small thought; if people don't like the EPO, they can always use the national route for obtaining patent protection. Just saying.Nov 21 21:42
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:42
schestowitzMaybe some apologist of managementNov 21 21:42
schestowitz"    EBoA decision is now out.Lutz last seen hanging by his toes from the 10th floor."Nov 21 21:43
schestowitzMaybe that's what they called "threats of violance"Nov 21 21:43
schestowitzbut these are jokes about suicide, not threatsNov 21 21:43
schestowitz"    EPO just jumped the shark..."Nov 21 21:44
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:44
schestowitzDisgression perhaps. Some people in UK and other popularists think that "Human Rights" and International Court for them is a scam and not needed, and doing it is like a treason.Nov 21 21:44
schestowitzHey people look at EPO situation and count your lucky stars. There is no such thing as a benign dictator, every one went bad and history prove it.Nov 21 21:44
schestowitzAt least colleagues from old East Block no more suffer from their "Ostalgie".Nov 21 21:44
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:44
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:44
schestowitzprayforepoNov 21 21:44
schestowitznot related to this topic but interesting for the readers : the EPO published a wonderful job offer : investigator in the famous investigation unit! So if you have, inter alia, a master's degree in " law, criminology, forensic science, fraud investigation, or related subjects" here is your chance of getting the job. See .Fees could be better spent on e.g. hiring administrativeNov 21 21:44
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO - Investigator (Investigative Unit) (INT/EXT/5918) [ ]Nov 21 21:44
schestowitzsupport whose number has shrunk so much...Nov 21 21:44
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:44
schestowitz"    After reading all this - exacerbated by the (incompetently?) doubtful translation - I wonder if Merpel will ever hear from the official EPO again! The old, "it's better to be thought a...." springs to mind. It couldn't have gone worse if a Translakator had provided an English version in less than purr-fect English."Nov 21 21:45
schestowitz""Nov 21 21:45
schestowitz    Human Rights are damned inconvenient: but less so than Human Wrongs."Nov 21 21:45
schestowitzLOL:Nov 21 21:45
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:45
schestowitz    To Prayforepo:Nov 21 21:45
schestowitz    Amongst the key requirements for the mentioned job of an investigator you will have noted: "the ability to handle multiple cases simultaneously".Nov 21 21:45
schestowitz    Perhaps submit five union members simultaneously to torture, of whom two in The Hague and three in Munich?Nov 21 21:45
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:45
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:45
schestowitz Amongst the key requirements for the mentioned job of an investigator you will have noted: "the ability to handle multiple cases simultaneously".Nov 21 21:45
schestowitzAre they allowed to advertise a selection criterion which clearly favours women?Nov 21 21:45
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:45
schestowitz 21 21:48
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Blogger: The IPKat - Post a Comment [ ]Nov 21 21:48
schestowitzWhat a lucid presentation! I am particularly fond of para. 5.6 in this unpaginated document.Nov 21 21:48
schestowitzHowever, there is one thing that worries me slightly. Why on earth have apostrophies in quite a few places been replaced by superscript '1's? To me it indicates that this text has been obtained by optical character recognition and is not a copy of an official pdf file.Nov 21 21:48
schestowitzIt is the same problem that we see with all electronic versions: to verify their authenticity. One example that features in the decision is the stick that was filed too late in several versions.Nov 21 21:48
schestowitzI cannot believe the spectacle that we have in front of us. How can anybody well versed in the adversarial procedure not file the proper requests, and timely? The only explanation I can see is that the petitioners thought that the rules could be defined as the case proceeded. And that they did not know the rules is indicated by the fact that they asked for instructions on how to proceed in order to succeeed.Nov 21 21:48
schestowitzUtterly shaken,Nov 21 21:49
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:49
schestowitz 21 21:59
schestowitz"Nov 21 21:59
schestowitzTo other person,Nov 21 21:59
schestowitzthis would be possible if we were facing competent, wise and sensed people at the management level. Because we have in fact a band of blind followers run by a tyran,Nov 21 21:59
schestowitzBB will on the contrary:Nov 21 21:59
schestowitzFire the suspended and investigated staff rep (preferably more)Nov 21 21:59
schestowitzClaim that he has signed an historical agreement (with a union representing less than 0,57% of the staff)Nov 21 21:59
schestowitzBoast that the production level (obtained from terrorized staff and fallacious methods) has never been so high at such a quality level (the lowest and faked ever)Nov 21 21:59
schestowitzHire more investigators (with the worst morale ever)Nov 21 21:59
schestowitzAnd this will be the end for the EPO.Nov 21 21:59
schestowitzThe clowns will return home, with brand new teethes, happy and satisfied for this unprecedented campaign of destruction.Nov 21 21:59
schestowitz"Nov 21 22:00
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Nov 21 23:36
-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz)Nov 21 23:37
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 21 23:37
schestowitzEarlier today a European patent attorney told us: "As a practising European Patent Attorney I am deeply concerned by the news emerging from the EPO and thank you for your good work in exposing the outrageous conditions.  Of course, I would appreciate it if you could keep the source of this translation confidential."Nov 21 23:57
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 15 01:00
schestowitz"Yes, s a user only"Nov 15 06:06
schestowitz 15 06:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Looks familiar. Pressure builds for big military response to ISIS Jerusalem Post @schestowitz from JpostNov 15 06:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | After Paris attacks, pressure builds for big military response to ISIS - Middle East - Jerusalem PostNov 15 06:06
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Nov 15 09:18
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Nov 15 09:18:19 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 15 09:18:45 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 15 09:18
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 15 09:18
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 15 09:18
schestowitz 15 10:02
-TechBytesBot/ Firms of #Patent Lawyers Continue Their Battle to Restore Software Patentability in the United States #swpatsNov 15 10:02
schestowitz"More like pigs fertilizing the field to see what will grow."Nov 15 10:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Firms of Patent Lawyers Continue Their Battle to Restore Software Patentability in the United States | TechrightsNov 15 10:02
schestowitz 15 10:02
schestowitz"I’ll get over it I suppose"Nov 15 10:02
schestowitz"Good to see both of you came to an understanding. =)"Nov 15 10:02
schestowitz 15 10:03
-TechBytesBot/ Rand Paul says he won’t ban encryption if president that's like saying you won't execute all minorities, a non-starterNov 15 10:03
schestowitz"Rand Paul says a lot of things."Nov 15 10:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Rand Paul says he won't ban encryption if president, chides Chris Christie over governor's stance - Washington TimesNov 15 10:03
schestowitz"Rand Paul says a lot of things.Nov 15 10:03
schestowitz"Nov 15 10:03
schestowitz 15 10:07
-TechBytesBot/ With 'Off-Planet' Mining Bill, #US Congress Seeks to Privatize Outer Space taking 'free' market inter-galacticNov 15 10:07
schestowitz"I like plans to exploit space resources. I also like that there’s a way around some of these anti-democratic treaties. It would be nice to think of ways it will benefit everyone, besides there being yet more things owned by someone else."Nov 15 10:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | With 'Off-Planet' Mining Bill, US Congress Seeks to Privatize Outer Space | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive CommunityNov 15 10:07
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 15 10:09
schestowitz> 15 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | Indonesian fires: Japanese tech used to extinguish Sumatran blazes- Nikkei Asian ReviewNov 15 10:16
schestowitz>Nov 15 10:16
schestowitz> ==Nov 15 10:16
schestowitz>Nov 15 10:16
schestowitz> 15 10:16
-TechBytesBot/ | Pirate Bay Censorship Marks the End of Open Internet, ISP Warns - TorrentFreakNov 15 10:16
schestowitz>Nov 15 10:16
schestowitz> ==Nov 15 10:16
schestowitz>Nov 15 10:16
schestowitz> 15 10:17
-TechBytesBot/ | Where cops can track your location without a warrant | The VergeNov 15 10:17
schestowitz>Nov 15 10:17
schestowitz> ==Nov 15 10:17
schestowitz>Nov 15 10:17
schestowitz> 15 10:17
-TechBytesBot/ | Freeciv founded 20 years ago today! | Freeciv-web blogNov 15 10:17
schestowitz>Nov 15 10:17
schestowitz> ==Nov 15 10:17
schestowitz>Nov 15 10:17
schestowitz> 15 10:17
-TechBytesBot/ | T-Mobile is writing the manual on how to fuck up the internet | The VergeNov 15 10:17
schestowitz>Nov 15 10:17
schestowitz> did I send that already?Nov 15 10:17
schestowitzNot yet.Nov 15 10:17
schestowitz 15 11:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FollowBSE: Hi Messgorough, You should Follow For Updates ! 15 11:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | BSE India (@BSEIndia) | TwitterNov 15 11:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #facebook probably has strategists to figure out how to make the most money (and PR gain) from #ParisAttacks - based on FB's actions ATM.Nov 15 11:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- (Re-tweeted by Messgorough)Nov 15 11:21
schestowitz 15 11:49
-TechBytesBot/ Rand Paul says he won’t ban encryption if president that's like saying you won't execute all minorities, a non-starterNov 15 11:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Rand Paul says he won't ban encryption if president, chides Chris Christie over governor's stance - Washington TimesNov 15 11:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: A "symbiosis between terrorists, media and politicians ever since the USA financed and glorified the Muhajadin" 15 11:49
-TechBytesBot/ If you go to a public place and shout "there's a fire" (in vain), you can get arrested. But not #dailymail or baiting (terrorising) tabloidsNov 15 11:50
schestowitz 15 11:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fflandro: @schestowitz The Ancient Evil Technique of Deploying One's Unpopular Agenda. The Hegelian Dialectic. Thesis + Anti-Thesis = Synthesis.Nov 15 11:55
schestowitz 15 12:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fflandro: @schestowitz aka You Create The Problem ...Then You Introduce the Pre-Planned Solution that Benefits interests of your group at the expenseNov 15 12:07
schestowitz 15 12:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dawnbazely: @schestowitz, which again goes to show why it takes 10x the energy to refute BS as to create it. cc @SnowdenNov 15 12:16
schestowitz 15 12:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jurasick: @schestowitz not a chance. In fact, more money will be demanded to make this more "effective".Nov 15 12:40
schestowitzExactly my pointNov 15 12:40
schestowitz 15 13:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@backavar: @schestowitz well, if i would get the support and care that i was promised then I wouldn't be trying to find a better life. Stupid Gov'mtNov 15 13:24
*al4nc4ds (~mitm@unaffiliated/al4nc4ds) has joined #techbytesNov 15 13:55
*oiaohm has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Nov 15 15:07
schestowitz 15 15:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Nov 15 15:26
schestowitz 15 15:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cbalasankar: I am laughing my ass off reading this article, just like @schestowitz said. 15 15:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Students learn codes to help prevent cyberattacks | Local News - KMBC HomeNov 15 15:30
*al4nc4ds has quit (Quit: Leaving)Nov 15 16:25
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Nov 15 19:31
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*Now talking on #techbytesNov 15 19:32
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 15 19:32
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 15 19:32
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesNov 15 20:22
schestowitz 15 23:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kstallett: @schestowitz The biggest problem is continuing bombing and killing bystanders will only motivate more soldiers for them.Nov 15 23:14
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Nov 15 23:58
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesNov 15 23:58
schestowitz 16 00:02
-TechBytesBot/ | CIA says U.S should be ready for do more in SyriaNov 16 00:02
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Nov 16 00:03
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 16 00:03
schestowitz"#ProxyWar"Nov 16 00:15
schestowitz 16 00:15
-TechBytesBot/ Rebels Have #CIA Weapons Capable of Downing Planes Flying Above 10Km Range later we wonder why planes sinkNov 16 00:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Rebels Have CIA Weapons Capable of Downing Planes Flying Above 10Km RangeNov 16 00:15
schestowitz"they gave sting rockets to al-qaida in Afghanistan, to down soviet helicopters."Nov 16 00:15
schestowitzThese stingers are still around and used not only against helicoptersNov 16 00:16
schestowitz"I agree, close the borders and no one goes outside Europe, like troops and aircraft carriers. Africa and the Middle East might be happy with that."Nov 16 00:19
schestowitz 16 00:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 16 00:20
schestowitz 16 00:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@backavar: @schestowitz well, if i would get the support and care that i was promised then I wouldn't be trying to find a better life. Stupid Gov'mtNov 16 00:22
schestowitz 16 00:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Microsoft BitLocker Has Bug/Back Doors, Windows Laptop/Desktop Encryption Just a Farce @ruskin147 16 00:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft BitLocker Has Bug/Back Doors, Windows Laptop/Desktop Encryption Just a Farce | TechrightsNov 16 00:44
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 16 01:00
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Nov 16 02:26
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**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Nov 16 02:27:11 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 16 02:27
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 16 02:27
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 16 02:27
schestowitz 16 08:42
-TechBytesBot/ As of tonight, #france continues its already failed strategy in #syria Doing same again, expecting different outcomeNov 16 08:42
schestowitz"No, they are relying upon the same outcome #phoneywar"Nov 16 08:42
schestowitz"Like wrestling matches - rigged.Nov 16 08:42
schestowitz"Nov 16 08:43
schestowitzThey know where the bases are - why aren’t they being bombed daily? Like they really meant it? It isn’t a foreign government with whom they can negotiate surrender terms. Shit - the russians are going in quite differently - they bomb all the rebels because, as Putin said, they’re all clandestine mercenaries - no favourites nor just-pretend enemies.Nov 16 08:43
schestowitzThe Hollande has proven that the war-on-terror is a farce - an Orwellian farce.Nov 16 08:43
schestowitz"Nov 16 08:43
schestowitz"Nov 16 08:43
schestowitzWhen people realise that terrorism has had state support since the late 1970s, then they will be one step free-er from being media manipulated - except that they will only believe it if the media tells them…Nov 16 08:43
schestowitzThe way people use “quotes” to say something they could have said in their own words, shows how much they crave “authority” for approval.Nov 16 08:43
schestowitz"Nov 16 08:43
schestowitz /camo/7abea3cf02cddf2f4daf7320de379fe142b32959/68747470733a2f2f646573706f72612e64652f75706c6f6164732f696d616765732f7363616c65645f66756c6c5f64363633353933363466653162353164623136372e6a7067Nov 16 08:43
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 16 09:11
schestowitz 16 09:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WillieWilson39: @schestowitz @Snowden @TechTimes_News The talk was conducted through Google Hangout. Not Skype.Nov 16 09:13
schestowitzSo several articles I saw got the facts wrongNov 16 09:13
schestowitz 16 09:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WillieWilson39: @schestowitz @TechTimes_News Right! (but not in a forthcomin @Linknewspaper piece) which is sily cuz any1 there could see hangout on screenNov 16 09:25
schestowitzMaybe some people think that "skype" is now a generic word for VOIP :(Nov 16 09:26
schestowitz 16 09:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WillieWilson39: @schestowitz @TechTimes_News @Linknewspaper Oh the humanity!Nov 16 09:34
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 16 10:06
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 16 10:18
schestowitz 16 10:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ArchiveBot: Archiving 16 10:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ArchiveBot: Archiving 16 10:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Former Microsoft Engineer Working on Windows BitLocker Confirms Government Asks Microsoft for Back Doors | TechrightsNov 16 10:19
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Nov 16 10:31
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesNov 16 10:31
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Nov 16 10:31
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 16 10:31
schestowitz 16 11:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@docmorry: @Thomas_Drake1 @schestowitz more security or perhaps more control we need is to implant GPS tracking devices in the brains of every childNov 16 11:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Reconquista1970: @DavidAllenGreen @schestowitz Seems you haven't learnt a thing from history, appeasement of Fascism in all its forms doesn't work.Nov 16 11:11
schestowitzNo-one suggested appeasementNov 16 11:11
schestowitz 16 11:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DavidAllenGreen: @schestowitz @Reconquista1970 Appeasement means giving into demands; I think your vocab is wonky.Nov 16 11:14
schestowitzOn BBC5 I heard one pundit saying that ISIS has the will/demand that the West will strike/attackNov 16 11:14
schestowitz 16 11:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Reconquista1970: @schestowitz @DavidAllenGreen What are you suggesting? Put ISIS on the naughty step until they can be good.Nov 16 11:15
schestowitzCurrent response may serve to strengthen it (in the recruitment sense)Nov 16 11:15
schestowitz 16 11:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Reconquista1970: @DavidAllenGreen @schestowitz Appeasement in the political sphere is doing nothingNov 16 11:16
schestowitz 16 11:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Reconquista1970: @schestowitz @DavidAllenGreen Of course they want us to strike. But I'm afraid we have no choice.Nov 16 11:17
schestowitz 16 11:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Reconquista1970: @schestowitz @DavidAllenGreen Hitting a rabid dog with a little stick only antagonises it, we need to put it down.Nov 16 11:19
schestowitzISIS is not a dog, it's more like rabiesNov 16 11:20
schestowitz 16 11:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Reconquista1970: @schestowitz @DavidAllenGreen And how do you deal with rabies in a dog?Nov 16 11:25
schestowitzWhen you kill a dog with a half-tonne bomb, you can kill healthy dogs too. Better inoculate. Ideology can spread.Nov 16 11:26
schestowitzRe: EPO matters: More information about key players in "Team Battistelli"Nov 16 11:28
schestowitzThank you. Multi-part series due to length...Nov 16 11:28
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Nov 16 12:23
*r_schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesNov 16 12:23
*r_schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Nov 16 12:23
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r_schestowitztestNov 16 12:23
r_schestowitztestNov 16 12:23
schestowitz_logtestNov 16 12:23
r_schestowitz>> Remind me to pressure Red Hat for a response (I think they'll ignore).Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz>Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz> Ok.  What's the time frame and which kind of response?Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitzThey need to elaborate on the patent deal, maybe release a (at least) redacted version of it.Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz>> Canonical used to ignore privacy-aware critics until shortly after RMSNov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz>> spoke out (I asked him to).Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz>Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz> I also think that your site helped reduce the damage of Mono in Ubuntu.Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitzYes, we definitely changed the public dialogue about Mono.Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz>> I've just received a large bundle of info (with docs and everything)Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz>> about the EPO...Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz>Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz> PS.  Speaking of Red Hat, one of the vigorously pro-M$ forum moderatorsNov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz> at Ubuntu Forums erased the two posts below last week from a discussionNov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz> of Red Hat's deal with M$.  Please don't publish them, I'm sending themNov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz> just in case it is interesting to see what the Softers don't want peopleNov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz> to read.Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz>Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz> monkeybrain20122:Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz>Nov 16 12:30
r_schestowitz>     "Yeah but who cares about .NET? It is a Windows only technology andNov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> MS itself is moving away from it. It would be like Adobe opensourcingNov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> some parts of flash after the web has moved to HTML5. As for openingNov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> Azure to Linux, remember Linux is dominant on the cloud, it is not soNov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> much a good will but a necessity if Azure is going to get any traction.Nov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz>Nov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> I agree with others that it is still the same MS at the core, the soNov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> called "New MicroSoft" meme is just PR. It wouldn't be so insidious ifNov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> people are not actually drinking its Kool Aid. "Nov 16 12:31
r_schestowitzWas this deleted? Was it considered off topic? Was the user of bad reputation/karma?Nov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> buzzingrobot:Nov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz>Nov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> "If Microsoft really is as Evil and hellbent to cheat Linux of its dayNov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> in the sun, it's wasting its money. If MS and Windows vanished, vendorsNov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> would want a direct pre-installable replacement. That would not be LinuxNov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz> as currently and distributed. "Nov 16 12:31
r_schestowitzNo reason why such a comment should ever be removed.Nov 16 12:31
r_schestowitz 16 13:20
r_schestowitz"He may actually think it’s true but just doesn’t care because he will be gone before shit really hits the fan. These are politicians remember."Nov 16 13:20
r_schestowitzHe'll drop/kick the bucket before Florida is engulfed by wavesNov 16 13:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 16 13:21
r_schestowitz 16 13:21
r_schestowitz"|We hackers will always get around it."Nov 16 13:21
r_schestowitzOne way or another..Nov 16 13:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 16 13:22
r_schestowitz 16 13:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ellenmarie162: @schestowitz @JohnKiriakou @vandebum we need petraeus backNov 16 13:27
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Nov 16 18:15
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Nov 16 18:15:21 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Nov 16 18:15:47 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 16 18:15
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 16 18:15
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 16 18:15
r_schestowitz 16 18:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@agente_smithe: RT @schestowitz: Age Of Fear: The #UndeadKing & Age Of Fear 2: The Chaos Lord Now On #SteamOS & #Linux 16 18:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Age Of Fear: The Undead King & Age Of Fear 2: The Chaos Lord Now On SteamOS & Linux | GamingOnLinuxNov 16 18:31
*r_schestowitz has quit (Read error: No route to host)Nov 16 21:21
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*schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 16 21:22
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*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Nov 16 23:00
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*Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).Nov 16 23:00
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Nov 16 23:00:14 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Nov 16 23:00:41 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 16 23:00
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 16 23:00
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 16 23:00
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytesNov 16 23:01
*liberty_box has quit (*.net *.split)Nov 16 23:06
*MinceR has quit (*.net *.split)Nov 16 23:06
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceRNov 16 23:16
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 17 01:01
schestowitz 17 01:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@calvin_stamps00: @schestowitz pats and them do that shitNov 17 01:27
schestowitzwot?Nov 17 01:27
schestowitz 17 01:49
-TechBytesBot/ "France already has more extensive surveillance laws than UK, and the atrocities still happened." 17 01:49
schestowitz"Terrorism - a gift to politicians that keeps on giving"Nov 17 01:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The “Carlile Doctrine” | Jack of Kent blogNov 17 01:49
schestowitz"Nov 17 01:49
schestowitz“I was a bit surprised just by how quickly and blatantly — how shamelessly — some of them jumped to exploit the emotions prompted by the carnage in France to blame Snowden…”Nov 17 01:49
schestowitz~ Glenn GreenwaldNov 17 01:49
schestowitz 17 01:49
schestowitz"Nov 17 01:49
-TechBytesBot/ | Exploiting Emotions About Paris to Blame Snowden, Distract from Actual Culprits Who Empowered ISISNov 17 01:50
schestowitz 17 01:50
schestowitz"This reminds me how ISIL checked on occupied towns what kind of muslims residents were."Nov 17 01:50
-TechBytesBot/ Following Paris Attacks, Right-Wing Media Echo GOP Call To Accept Only Christian Refugees #gop #newscorpNov 17 01:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Following Paris Attacks, Right-Wing Media Echo GOP Call To Accept Only Christian Refugees | Research | Media Matters for AmericaNov 17 01:50
schestowitz"Nov 17 01:51
schestowitzHey I’m no apologist for Obama, but he was responding directly to those right-wingers here.Nov 17 01:51
schestowitz“When I hear folks say that, well, maybe we should just admit the Christians but not the Muslims; when I hear political leaders suggesting that there would be a religious test for which a person who’s fleeing from a war-torn country is admitted, when some of those folks themselves come from families who benefited from protection when they were fleeing political persecution—that’s shameful. That’s not American. That’s not who weNov 17 01:51
schestowitzare. We don’t have religious tests to our compassion.” —President Obama: 17 01:51
-TechBytesBot/ | The President Holds a Press Conference in Turkey - YouTubeNov 17 01:51
schestowitz"Nov 17 01:51
schestowitzNice...Nov 17 01:51
schestowitz 17 01:51
-TechBytesBot/ #Firefox Enables #FFmpeg Support By Default #mozillaNov 17 01:51
schestowitz"Now that sounds desperate"Nov 17 01:51
schestowitz"Nov 17 01:51
schestowitzwhy ? that’s for interoperability."Nov 17 01:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Firefox Enables FFmpeg Support By Default - PhoronixNov 17 01:52
schestowitzAnd it's Free softwareNov 17 01:52
schestowitz 17 01:52
-TechBytesBot/ Was any direct connection found between #parisAttacks and #syria other than FAKE passport claims and some shoutings by a shooter?Nov 17 01:52
schestowitz"ISIS reportedly claimed responsibility. That’s about all there is."Nov 17 01:52
schestowitz"ISIS claims responsibility of what they do and what they wished they did."Nov 17 01:53
schestowitz 17 01:53
-TechBytesBot/ Your Text Editor Is Malware #emacs #unix #linuxNov 17 01:53
schestowitz"Just plain old vi here, but I’m not a programmer…"Nov 17 01:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Deciphering Glyph :: Your Text Editor Is MalwareNov 17 01:53
schestowitz"I’m Emacs user, but would never install anything, that is not properly packaged in Debian and an “apt install” away. Same with pip/Python, npm/Node.js, Firefox extensions etc. I don’t trust Debian, but everyone else much less."Nov 17 01:53
schestowitz 17 01:54
schestowitz":o"Nov 17 01:54
-TechBytesBot/ #newscorp #wsj "Linking Climate Change And Terrorism" 17 01:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WSJ's Peggy Noonan Says Bernie Sanders Looked "Daffy" By Linking Climate Change And Terrorism | Video | Media Matters for AmericaNov 17 01:54
schestowitz 17 01:54
-TechBytesBot/ Dropping oversized bombs - the long-term effects (2015) trying to annihilate #isis with sledgehammer, not a scalpelNov 17 01:54
schestowitz"Nov 17 01:54
schestowitzUnexploded bombs wait in a lot of european cities. German bombs in England, english bombs in Germany, german and english bombs in France…Nov 17 01:54
schestowitzSo many bombs sown, not surprising war grow well on this landNov 17 01:54
schestowitz"Nov 17 01:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Unexploded 500-Pound World War II Bomb In London Isn’t The Only Nazi Bomb Lurking In EnglandNov 17 01:54
schestowitz 17 01:55
-TechBytesBot/ #drones #torture and airstrikes (half-tonne bombs) more an act of revenge rather than a strategy striving to reduce overall riskNov 17 01:55
schestowitz"Revenge would mean a dumb but honest mistake, what it has been happening is something carefully planned."Nov 17 01:55
schestowitz 17 01:56
-TechBytesBot/ A lot of today's themes of stories in the mass media composed as if the target audience is kids. Like in children's books. "Jihadi John"?!Nov 17 01:56
schestowitz"You read my mind. =)"Nov 17 01:56
schestowitz 17 01:56
-TechBytesBot/ "around 60 per cent of the prison population is Muslim" incubators?Nov 17 01:56
schestowitz"'around'"Nov 17 01:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Paris attacks: French interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve calls for 'dissolution of mosques where hate is preached' | Europe | News | The IndependentNov 17 01:56
schestowitz 17 02:02
-TechBytesBot/ Spaghetti Strainer Helmet Driver’s License Photo Approved On Religious Grounds good. Makes a statement.Nov 17 02:02
schestowitz"Ramen."Nov 17 02:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Spaghetti Strainer Helmet Driver's License Photo Approved On Religious GroundsNov 17 02:02
schestowitz 17 02:11
-TechBytesBot/ #WikiLeaks Provides #CIA Brennan’s Hacked Emails Online nothing to hide, they say... (excluding themselves)Nov 17 02:11
schestowitz"Any interesting porn? If the NSA pays attention to it must be important."Nov 17 02:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks Provides CIA Brennan’s Hacked Emails Online | Top Secret WritersNov 17 02:11
schestowitz 17 02:12
schestowitz"Do people pay to to hear Petraeus? Hope he tell something interesting about cheating to be worth it."Nov 17 02:12
schestowitzHe cheated the system, not just his wifeNov 17 02:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 17 02:13
schestowitz"spontaneously or remotely?"Nov 17 02:14
schestowitz 17 02:14
-TechBytesBot/ Very weird that my laptop's >physical< keys are spontaneously being 'pressed' (switching off my network) over this past weekNov 17 02:14
schestowitzHard to tell, it happened again this evening. I didn't touch it.Nov 17 02:14
schestowitz 17 02:15
schestowitz"It must be contagious: I have less ans less sympathy to genocidal Europeans. Blowing innocent people to pieces every day with drones is not an act of war?"Nov 17 02:15
schestowitz 17 02:15
schestowitz"If only closing borders to French invaders was as easy."Nov 17 02:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 17 02:15
schestowitzAir powerNov 17 02:15
-TechBytesBot/ Right wing media's approach to refugees 17 02:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Fox's Ralph Peters Endorses Closing Borders To Muslim Refugees | Video | Media Matters for AmericaNov 17 02:15
*pidgin_log has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Nov 17 03:18
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 17 03:19
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 17 08:01
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Nov 17 08:03
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 17 08:11
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 17 08:12
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 17 09:12
schestowitz 17 09:56
schestowitz"Did someone spill a drink on it?"Nov 17 09:56
schestowitzNo, nothing of that kindNov 17 09:56
schestowitz 17 09:56
-TechBytesBot/ "Palm oil is a systemic problem, and requires a systemic solution. Not each of us “making a difference.”" 17 09:56
schestowitz"We actually just stopped putting palm oil in our soap :)"Nov 17 09:56
schestowitzvery goodNov 17 09:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The World Runs on Palm Oil, and That’s Fueling Climate Change - The Daily BeastNov 17 09:56
schestowitz 17 09:57
-TechBytesBot/ In the name of "War on Terror" US bombed the Hell (then shot survivors) of French group's hospital; can France now do same to US 'rebels'?Nov 17 09:57
schestowitz"I suppose we are all going to forget about the hospital now."Nov 17 09:57
schestowitzThey too were French, some of them...Nov 17 09:57
schestowitz 17 10:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeaH2ONymph: #Bataclan #Paris: threats made for hosting pro #IDF funding events. Owners sold venue 2 months before #ParisAttacks 17 10:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Chilling video warned of attack on #Paris #Bataclan SEVEN years ago it took too long for responseNov 17 10:14
schestowitz 17 10:18
-TechBytesBot/ #MSF surely feels forgotten now that other French victims grab headlines and they're victims of ISIS rather than US bombs and heavy gunfireNov 17 10:18
schestowitz"Nov 17 10:18
schestowitzI’m french and I have the same reflection.Nov 17 10:18
schestowitzThe fact is, this sad event mask the others but it is not the biggest one.Nov 17 10:18
schestowitz"Nov 17 10:18
schestowitzI guess one way to counter is would be to recall the older newsNov 17 10:18
schestowitz 17 10:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Jari_Hyle: @schestowitz That distribution is gonna get confused with #netrunner lcg a lot.Nov 17 10:43
schestowitzyes, I thought so tooNov 17 10:43
schestowitzme: "Please make a mirror of all my articles about EPO... just in case. Make it known to EPO that it exists (e.g. in Twitter), to discourage them from thinking they can suppress information."Nov 17 13:16
schestowitzThe EPO lawyers now stalk meNov 17 13:16
schestowitzThey might try to take some nasty actionNov 17 13:16
schestowitz 17 13:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tecknocrat: @schestowitz I have one better. How about XP running your train system?!?! With 6 CPUs per carriage running everything from doors to satnavNov 17 13:28
schestowitz 17 13:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheNiceBot: @schestowitz You are always the best version of you. #TheNiceBotNov 17 13:28
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Nov 17 23:18:44 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 17 23:18
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 17 23:18
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 17 23:18
liberty_box 17 23:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rixstepnews: @schestowitz Protecting sources? #Assange #RubberhoseNov 17 23:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Rubberhose (file system) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNov 17 23:19
liberty_box 17 23:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tecknocrat: @ghabuntu @schestowitz Hopefully it's only there to operate the Toilet Doors & that has it's issues to!!!Nov 17 23:19
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Nov 18 08:14
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Nov 18 08:14:37 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Nov 18 08:15:01 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 18 08:15
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 18 08:15
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 18 08:15
liberty_box 18 08:59
liberty_box 18 09:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: The #epo 's shameful behaviour will lead me only to >accelerating< coverage of its abuses, even though I'm away on vacation at the momentNov 18 09:18
liberty_box 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: EPO labor dispute getting completely out of hand: three union leaders suspended, others pressured #epoNov 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | FOSS Patents: EPO labor dispute getting completely out of hand: three union leaders suspended, others pressuredNov 18 09:19
liberty_box 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FOSSpatents: TechRights (@schestowitz): Still No Disclosure From #RedHat Regarding #Patent Agreement With #Microsoft 18 09:19
liberty_box 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Still No Disclosure From Red Hat Regarding Patent Agreement With Microsoft | TechrightsNov 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "Opera 33 brings a special fix for Linux users" 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Opera 33 No Longer Starts FFmpeg If Codecs Are Already LoadedNov 18 09:19
liberty_box 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Review of #dell #debian based machine 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Alienware Steam Machine (2015) review - CNETNov 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Alienware Steam Machine Review: PC Gaming With Console ComfortsNov 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Review: Alienware Steam MachineNov 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Alienware Steam Machine Review & Rating | PCMag.comNov 18 09:19
liberty_box 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Xamarin Studio does nor even run on #gnu #linux the traitors show true colours 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Xamarin releases version 4.0 of its cross-platform mobile developer suite • The RegisterNov 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Xamarin - TechrightsNov 18 09:19
liberty_box 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #LLVM 's #Clang Lands More #CUDA Improvements 18 09:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | LLVM's Clang Lands More CUDA Improvements - PhoronixNov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Vetr Inc. Downgrades Red Hat to Hold (RHT) #redhat downgradedNov 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Vetr Inc. Downgrades Red Hat to Hold (RHT) | STORMNov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #canonical engages in community-washing (like #redhat with #fedora and "Open Organization") 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Announcing the Ubuntu Community Appreciation Day on November 20, 2015Nov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Funny headline because UOS has only been running for a few years #ubuntuNov 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu Online Summit 2015 Was the Most Attended UOS Event of All TimesNov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) Will Soon be Rebased on Linux Kernel 4.3 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) Will Soon be Rebased on Linux Kernel 4.3Nov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #Canonical Announces #OpenStack Autopilot Tool for Major Cloud Cost Savings #ubuntuNov 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Canonical Announces OpenStack Autopilot Tool for Major Cloud Cost SavingsNov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Ubuntu MATE Developers Are Preparing Something Special for 16.04 LTS #ubuntu #gnu #linuxNov 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu MATE Developers Are Preparing Something Special for 16.04 LTSNov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #RoboTutor team using open source tools to address short supply of teachers, schools 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | RoboTutor team using open source tools to address short supply of teachers, schools | Network WorldNov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #Plotly to open source its dataviz code #freesw #githubNov 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Plotly to open source its dataviz code | ComputerworldNov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #UbuntuStudio Is a Treasure Trove for Creative Types #gnu #linux #ubuntuNov 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu Studio Is a Treasure Trove for Creative Types | Reviews | LinuxInsiderNov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Rugged SODIMM-style COM and SBC run Linux on i.MX7 #linuxNov 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Rugged SODIMM-style COM and SBC run Linux on i.MX7 ·  LinuxGizmos.comNov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Best Android Phones: Holiday 2015 #android #linuxNov 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Best Android Phones: Holiday 2015Nov 18 09:20
liberty_box 18 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: China's supercomputer growth is exploding "no surprise that #Linux is the operating system of choice"Nov 18 09:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | China's supercomputer growth is exploding while the US is losing steam | ZDNetNov 18 09:21
liberty_box 18 09:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #LXCFS Vulnerabilities Fixed in Ubuntu 15.10 and Ubuntu 15.04 #ubuntu #gnu #linuxNov 18 09:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | LXCFS Vulnerabilities Fixed in Ubuntu 15.10 and Ubuntu 15.04Nov 18 09:21
liberty_box 18 09:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #UbuntuTouch OTA-9 Will be Released Next Year, on January 20, 2016 #ubunru #linuxNov 18 09:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu Touch OTA-9 Will Be Released Next Year, on January 20, 2016Nov 18 09:21
liberty_box 18 09:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Another recent failure of French.Belgian mass #surveillance like in NYC 2010, action on ground saved the dayNov 18 09:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 2 U.S. service members overpower attacker on train in Belgium - CNN.comNov 18 09:21
liberty_box 18 09:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: People who wonder why there are so many suicides in #epo should read and context in #euNov 18 09:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | EPO - TechrightsNov 18 09:26
liberty_box"Nov 18 10:20
liberty_boxstatify your pages, put them in a GIT repoNov 18 10:20
liberty_boxzoobabNov 18 10:20
liberty_boxuse scrapbook firefox plugin to snapshot your pagesNov 18 10:20
liberty_box29m 28 minutes agoNov 18 10:20
liberty_boxzoobabNov 18 10:20
liberty_boxThis is a scrapbook test:Nov 18 10:20
liberty_boxzoobabNov 18 10:20
liberty_box Nov 18 10:20
liberty_boxzoobabNov 18 10:20
liberty_boxI would just need a list of URLs with all the articles that I need to snapshotNov 18 10:20
liberty_boxzoobabNov 18 10:20
liberty_boxone URL per lineNov 18 10:20
liberty_boxzoobabNov 18 10:20
liberty_box 18 10:20
liberty_boxzoobabNov 18 10:20
liberty_boxin the past I was piloting Firefox+Scrapbook with a telnet interface so that I could scrape websites on the command lineNov 18 10:20
liberty_boxzoobabNov 18 10:20
liberty_boxbut I think I lost the scriptNov 18 10:20
liberty_box"Nov 18 10:20
liberty_boxI will look into that when I get back home, you can slowly (not too fast) wget all the HTTP things in the Wiki page (grep and cut will get them nicely listed), even some Firefox plugins like FLashGotNov 18 10:21
liberty_boxImportant to publicly make it known that mirrors do exist, ASAPNov 18 10:22
liberty_boxI will mirror all the pages in the section "Patents"Nov 18 10:24
liberty_boxThank you.Nov 18 10:24
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Nov 18 10:35
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Nov 18 10:35:20 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Nov 18 10:35:45 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 18 10:35
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 18 10:35
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 18 10:35
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Nov 18 14:09
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesNov 18 14:09
*You are now known as roy_awayNov 18 14:18
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Nov 18 14:45
roy_away 18 16:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: One of these days.... 18 16:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Meltdown at the EPO, Massive Staff Protests This Afternoon #epo #europe 18 16:02
roy_away 18 16:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: One Of These Days.... 18 16:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #epo would grind to a total half/standstill if it fired the many thousands of staff who publicly protest, so it now aims at leaders (first)Nov 18 16:36
roy_away 18 18:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iridesce57: @schestowitz this is such a 'doh moment that so many just missNov 18 18:49
roy_away 18 18:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheKochtopus: @schestowitz Thugs? You wound us. #Koch2016Nov 18 18:57
roy_away 18 19:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @schestowitz "Money. And Money alone!" (Sir Oswald Mosley)Nov 18 19:31
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Nov 18 20:26:34 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 18 20:26
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 18 20:26
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 18 20:26
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Nov 18 20:30:44 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 18 20:30
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 18 20:30
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 18 20:30
liberty_box 18 20:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @schestowitz PLS HELP PREVENT GHANA FARMERS BEING FORCED 2 GROW #toxic #GMO CROPS #STOPARUSHAPVP #LANDGRAB … … … … …Nov 18 20:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Speaker, Parliament of Ghana: Reject Ratification of Arusha Plant Variety Protection ProtocolNov 18 20:30
liberty_box 18 20:32
-TechBytesBot/ Let's assume for a second that global mass #surveillance is against terrorism and not for domination. Why spy >so much< on South America?Nov 18 20:32
liberty_box"Are three the global groups whon want world domination and slave humanity, they all cooperate and compete. Read some texts by Olavo de Carvalho about that topic.Nov 18 20:32
liberty_box-Islamic DominationNov 18 20:32
liberty_box-Ocidental Elite of SocialistNov 18 20:32
liberty_box-Russia-China communismNov 18 20:32
liberty_boxBut about your questio, Do you known that the countrie of Foro de São Paulo are cooperating with many terrorist groups?Nov 18 20:32
liberty_boxThe socialist american dont give dam to it because it can help your agenda in the context of cenary placed above about the three schems of world domination."Nov 18 20:32
liberty_box"Wow, this is new, that Brazil is cooperating with terrorists. It seems there is always a good reason for the US to spy and invade.Nov 18 20:33
liberty_boxWhat about Bahamas, does Bahamas harbour or cooperate with terrorists? I would like to hear your outlandish opinion."Nov 18 20:33
liberty_box 18 20:33
liberty_box"No differency between in kernel! Only in strategy! Wertern is very good in help enemies! When is to help good people like the Kurds they do nothing!Nov 18 20:33
liberty_box"Nov 18 20:33
-TechBytesBot/ Western Presidential bows to Saudi monarchs do nothing to dissuade & discourage #isis whose rituals (like beheading) similar to Saudi ones.Nov 18 20:33
*You are now known as roy_yorkshireNov 18 21:09
roy_yorkshire 18 21:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@readergordonbp: @schestowitz Maybe as the messages were in clear, the mass-surveillance people overlooked them... ;-)Nov 18 21:30
roy_yorkshireOr maybe they obsessed over law-abiding citizensNov 18 21:31
roy_yorkshireWatch out when linking to blogspot/IP Kat. I've complained for years about #google giving away linkers' location in TLDNov 18 21:52
roy_yorkshire(to some EPO person...)Nov 18 21:53
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Nov 19 05:19:10 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 19 05:19
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 19 05:19
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 19 05:19
liberty_box"Thanks Dr. Schestowitz for the hint! Indeed, I noticed the .nl extension in the link disclosing the location after I've posted the link. I will take care when posting new tweets. Is it possible for them to unveil my real location due to such an extension?"Nov 19 05:19
liberty_boxIt helps know which countryNov 19 05:19
liberty_box 19 05:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@agonarch: @zoobab @schestowitz Jonathan Zuck always seemed to be a nice person to me. Not that I agreed with his agenda... butNov 19 05:20
liberty_boxLobbyists needs to seem amicable to get their wayNov 19 05:21
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Nov 19 05:32
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Nov 19 05:32:24 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Nov 19 05:32:45 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 19 05:32
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 19 05:32
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 19 05:32
*roy_yorkshire ( has joined #techbytesNov 19 05:32
roy_yorkshire 19 11:09
roy_yorkshire 19 11:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @zoobab @schestowitz "Niemand had die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten!" (W.Ulbricht, 1961)Nov 19 11:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @zoobab @schestowitz "Niemand had die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten!" (W.Ulbricht, 1961)Nov 19 11:09
*TechBytesBot has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Nov 19 11:36
*TechBytesBot has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Nov 19 11:36
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Nov 19 17:25:35 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 19 17:25
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 19 17:25
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 19 17:25
r_schestowitz 19 17:25
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 19 17:31
*TechBytesBot ( has joined #techbytesNov 19 17:35
TechBytesBotHello World! I'm TechBytesBot running phIRCe v0.75Nov 19 17:35
r_schestowitz>> Please make a mirror of all my articles about EPO... just in case. MakeNov 19 17:49
r_schestowitz>> > it known to EPO that it exists (e.g. in Twitter), to discourage themNov 19 17:49
r_schestowitz>> > from thinking they can suppress information.Nov 19 17:49
r_schestowitz> Do you have a list of articles which could be mirrorable?Nov 19 17:49
r_schestowitz>Nov 19 17:50
r_schestowitz> I will take care of the rest.Nov 19 17:50
r_schestowitz>Nov 19 17:50
r_schestowitz> I thought filtering by tags with "Europe" + "Patents" would make it,Nov 19 17:50
r_schestowitz> but there are articles which have nothing to do with the EPO.Nov 19 17:50
r_schestowitzJust got back home, I think we're safer now. The EPO can probably see, in due course, that articles are being mirrored. Thanks.Nov 19 17:50
r_schestowitz> Also the print button javascript does not work on my chromium.Nov 19 17:50
r_schestowitzInteresting. I don't think I've tested it in like a decade...Nov 19 17:50
r_schestowitz> Hey Roy,Nov 19 18:03
r_schestowitz>Nov 19 18:03
r_schestowitz> I hope you are well. Have you seen the latest IPKat post publishedNov 19 18:03
r_schestowitz> yesterday? 19 18:03
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Plunging off the abyss -- or merely grinding to a halt? More bad news from EponiaNov 19 18:03
r_schestowitz>Nov 19 18:03
r_schestowitz> My colleague is writing a report on developments at the EPO today. He isNov 19 18:03
r_schestowitz> in a discussion with Ms. Hardon, who I believe has been suspended. He isNov 19 18:03
r_schestowitz> looking to confirm so please don't Tweet or publish anything until we'veNov 19 18:03
r_schestowitz> verified this (unless of course you are able to verify it yourself -Nov 19 18:04
r_schestowitz> then go right ahead). I'll send you a link to the story once it is up.Nov 19 18:04
r_schestowitz>Nov 19 18:04
r_schestowitz> Also, the FOSS Patents blogNov 19 18:04
r_schestowitz> <>Nov 19 18:04
-TechBytesBot/ | FOSS Patents: EPO labor dispute getting completely out of hand: three union leaders suspended, others pressuredNov 19 18:04
r_schestowitz> has mentioned the legal action taken by the EPO against you? Are we ableNov 19 18:04
r_schestowitz> to run a report on your dispute? I think it is important people knowNov 19 18:04
r_schestowitz> about the EPO's targeting of you. However, I do appreciate this is aNov 19 18:04
r_schestowitz> sensitive matter for you.Nov 19 18:04
r_schestowitzHi,Nov 19 18:04
r_schestowitzI have just returned home from Yorkshire, so was away from E-mail.... FOSS Patents blog was not 'supposed' to mention the threats, but it 'interpolated' over my tweets, which were very fague.Nov 19 18:04
r_schestowitzYes, please do go on a publish a report about this dispute now that it's more or less becoming public knowledge (not my intention). I think it can help discourage EPO from harassing people like Mr Schneider (whoever that is, I spoke to one who works for EPO, but it's not him, he says there's like a dozen with his name), as the letter with the wrong name suggests... not to mention what they sent to me, twice even (they got my name right theNov 19 18:04
r_schestowitzsecond time around).Nov 19 18:04
r_schestowitzAlso useful for context (under Battistelli's management):Nov 19 18:04
r_schestowitz 19 18:04
r_schestowitzContact details for the victim: Gérald Sédrati-Dinet <>Nov 19 18:04
r_schestowitzI think, from what I've heard, many journalists are just afraid to criticise the EPO. This has got to stop...Nov 19 18:04
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO is Trademark-Bullying Its Critics, Trying Repeatedly to Remove Bad Publicity With Help From Menacing Legal Threats (SLAPP) | TechrightsNov 19 18:04
r_schestowitzBest regards and thank you for having the courage to stand up to the EPO.Nov 19 18:04
r_schestowitzRoyNov 19 18:04
r_schestowitzPS - if you speak German: 19 18:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Europas Patentamt schasst Gewerkschafter | WirtschaftNov 19 18:04
r_schestowitzWhy are you linking to this FRAUD on your website? Does he have any verifiable evidence for delivering computers to school children? go on, do a story on it, get some contact details and ask them, how many computers and the names of the pupils.Nov 19 18:19
r_schestowitz 19 18:19
r_schestowitzThere is NO evidence of a Karen of Austin School District (AISD) ever emailing Starks - none what so ever. Do you care nothing for your reputation by linking to this deluded parasite? There was NO Karen at AISD who complained about Linux CDs. They never heard of her. The whole incident is bogus.Nov 19 18:19
r_schestowitz 19 18:19
r_schestowitz"Ken Starks the fake Linux advocate ..."Nov 19 18:19
-TechBytesBot/ | Senior Tech: Sometimes Linux Isn't the Solution | FOSS ForceNov 19 18:19
r_schestowitz(QUOTED)Nov 19 18:19
-TechBytesBot/ | The Blog of Helios: Linux - Stop holding our kids backNov 19 18:19
r_schestowitz 19 18:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iridesce57: @schestowitz Recharge and recuperate - you deserve itNov 19 18:46
r_schestowitzThank you, Sir.Nov 19 20:18
r_schestowitzI shall get around to this once the backlog is exhausted... just got back from vacation. I need to decide what's most urgent to publish ASAP.Nov 19 20:18
r_schestowitz^ re EPONov 19 20:18
r_schestowitz 19 20:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@virusguides: @schestowitz thanks for sharing Dr. Roy Schestowitz, have a great Thursday :) (insight by 19 20:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Twitter Community Management Dashboard | Twitter Marketing Tool | Commun.itNov 19 20:27
*pidgin_log1 ( has joined #techbytesNov 19 20:29
*pidgin_log2 ( has joined #techbytesNov 19 20:29
*pidgin_log3 ( has joined #techbytesNov 19 20:29
*pidgin_log1 has quit (Client Quit)Nov 19 20:30
*pidgin_log2 has quit (Client Quit)Nov 19 20:30
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 19 20:30
*pidgin_log3 has quit (Client Quit)Nov 19 20:30
*r_schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Nov 19 20:38
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 19 20:49
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesNov 19 20:54
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Nov 19 20:54
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 19 20:54
schestowitz 19 21:02
-TechBytesBot/ When you claim to represent #freedom & #democracy & in order to spread ideologies you bomb countries, what does it say about your ideology?Nov 19 21:02
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:02
schestowitzYou cant spread ideology by bomb! You bomb to destroy your enemie moral and his life. Other things will say if you are moral superior over your enemies.Nov 19 21:02
schestowitzIf you have one enemie that will kill you and you dont fight, your ideology is a suicidal ideology.Nov 19 21:02
schestowitzThere is no paradise in earth.Nov 19 21:02
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:02
schestowitz"It’s surprising how most people around Earth hate the US for no good reason. I wonder why don’t hate countries like Luxembourg or Bhutan for no good reason as well."Nov 19 21:02
schestowitz"Here millions are trapped in a bubble, they even want U.S. to bomb our country if with that they can feel free of “comunism”. The bubble is in part because they think that our country is comunist, it is very amazing to watch my fellow venezuelans asking Obama to invade our country and “save” us from a non-existent comunism. We are only trying to do a transition to socialism, but capitalism is very present still here. My point is thatNov 19 21:03
schestowitzwhat you call ideology is not such thing, it is only media propaganda and it works because even the affected people want to be bombed and “saved” with that."Nov 19 21:03
schestowitz"Rafael the only transition is give tital power to Havana and from oil to cocaina! The only transition is to slavery! And probanly you arenot in Vendzuela!"Nov 19 21:03
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:03
schestowitzI am a bachaquero, now you believe I am in Venezuela JAJAJAJAJJAJANov 19 21:03
schestowitz 19 21:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Bachaquero - H&F La Explosion - YouTubeNov 19 21:03
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:03
schestowitz"Ah, and Lorenzo Mendoza is our only chance to survive starvation, that is very important, sorry JAJJAJAJAJJAJAJ"Nov 19 21:03
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:04
schestowitzPeople here is the same, are so dumb that wish the republic would be another US state. People here is indeed so dumb that have the government they deserve.Nov 19 21:04
schestowitzTo be honest I do not like Venezuela’s government, but what happened to Libya made me understand the value of a non-intervention policy. If Venezuelans have the government they have is because they deserve it, for bad or good. And no one cares most about you than yourself so if you thing someone else will save you from yourselves then that’s delusional.Nov 19 21:04
schestowitzFor sure the US will not save us for free.Nov 19 21:04
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:04
schestowitz"You are right, in your special case I will take the freedom to advice that Venezuelan goverment is the less bad that can be right now in Venezuela, other kind of goverment would be worse, specially at killing social leaders between farmers, indigenous, poors, all venezuelan goverments that have been in Venezuela different than this one killed and dissapeared lots of people for political or social reasons, like Ayotzinapa Normalists in MexicoNov 19 21:04
schestowitzor some sort of that… Of course I don’t think that way, for me is the best goverment in the world, not just the less bad as a starting point I advice you to help venezuelan people with your conscious. Here nobody goes disapeared, neither mass tombs, since 1998 that started this goverment, zero disapeared like it was before 1998 in Venezuela."Nov 19 21:04
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:05
schestowitzWhat the fuck! A venezuelan saing that is very nice have a tirannic govern, that is a betrayer given the Venezuelan soberany e freedom of the people to bastards from Havana!Nov 19 21:05
schestowitzWhat if was the USA statal company to control all the birth registher in Venezuela?Nov 19 21:05
schestowitzYou are all bastards! Many students killed by the govern and you here saying the narcocommunism is very good!Nov 19 21:05
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:05
schestowitz"Obama and american socialiste elite are all bastards cumplices of Havanaand Foro e São Paulo."Nov 19 21:05
schestowitz"The world is crownded of bastards that say love freedom but in actions are always helping the construction of tyrranies! It is the age of hipocrisy!"Nov 19 21:05
schestowitz 19 21:06
-TechBytesBot/ Not news: Rupert Murdoch is vile 19 21:06
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Rupert Murdoch Endorses Religious Test For Refugees, Calls For "Special Exception For Proven Christians" | Blog | Media Matters for America [ ]Nov 19 21:06
schestowitz“Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about the universe.”Nov 19 21:06
schestowitzEinstein might have not said that but I like it anyway.Nov 19 21:06
schestowitz 19 21:06
-TechBytesBot/ | Two Things Are Infinite: the Universe and Human Stupidity | Quote Investigator [ ]Nov 19 21:06
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:06
schestowitz"^ I love that quote, whoever said it."Nov 19 21:06
schestowitz 19 21:06
-TechBytesBot/ The corporations (mostly from US), with help from corporate media, managed to bamboozle everyone -- except terrorists -- into "the Cloud"Nov 19 21:06
schestowitz"I wonder if that makes me a terrorist"Nov 19 21:06
schestowitz"^ Maybe not, but that puts you (and me) on the suspect list."Nov 19 21:06
schestowitzit's harder to watch those not in "the cloud"Nov 19 21:06
schestowitz 19 21:14
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:14
schestowitz“For the vast majority of container users, they get a file from somewhere, it’s full of stuff that doesn’t make a lot of sense. Then they run some commands they found on the internet, then some magic happens, then they repeat this twiddling things here and there until on try 47 they have a working container.”Nov 19 21:15
schestowitzI prefer to use LXC directly. And by the way, I update my containers as my other Linux servers.Nov 19 21:15
-TechBytesBot/ "we are starting to see reports of how many security flaws exist in docker images." 19 21:15
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Sober Security: Your containers were built in some guy's barn!Nov 19 21:15
schestowitz 19 21:41
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: The European Patent OfficeNov 19 21:41
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:41
schestowitzSoon we will welcome the Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands and Columbia as Member States. For the sake of strenghtening BBs position in the AOC.Nov 19 21:41
schestowitzSame error in the construction of regulations as with the Fifa. When will the number of votes adjusted to the filing numbers of countries?Nov 19 21:41
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:41
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:42
schestowitz@SilverSurfer:Nov 19 21:42
schestowitzI cannot find the "publicly available rules, designed to ensure the fair treatment and protection of employees (Code of Conduct; Circular 342)" on Anyone? Or are they only "publically available" to staff as disclosing them would trigger an internal investigation with the known consequences?Nov 19 21:42
schestowitz@Falsifying...Nov 19 21:42
schestowitzI sincerely fear that at least some staff of the EPOrg might sooner or later be considered as members of a (international) criminal organisation if things go on like this.Nov 19 21:42
schestowitzWe need answers, aber: Ein Teil dieser Antworten würde die Bevölkerung verunsichern...Nov 19 21:42
schestowitz"Nov 19 21:42
schestowitz"Why does anyone expect the president or administrative council to follow any article or rule of the EPC (or any other law) if they can not be bothered to follow even a simple Article 4a of the EPC? "Nov 19 21:42
schestowitz"Re: Ken Starks the fake Linux advocate ..."Nov 19 22:08
schestowitz>> I like Ken, like or not...Nov 19 22:08
schestowitz>Nov 19 22:08
schestowitz> What ever .. I'm watch the second series of Fargo ..Nov 19 22:08
schestowitzEnjoy :-)Nov 19 22:08
schestowitz 19 22:09
-TechBytesBot/ #MSF surely feels forgotten now that other French victims grab headlines and they're victims of ISIS rather than US bombs and heavy gunfireNov 19 22:09
schestowitz"indeed and don’t be paranoid or call war"Nov 19 22:09
schestowitz 19 22:16
-TechBytesBot/ 19 22:16
schestowitz"Nov 19 22:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: Good luck installing governmental backdoors in open source crypto chats 19 22:16
schestowitzOne day I’ll stop reading world news as I did related to Banana Republic, I already know enough to have a good idea what might happen in the future and how to cope with that.Nov 19 22:16
schestowitzI do not like to me reminded daily of people’s stupidity, reading news like these is masochistic and depressing. It’s not like I was to going to forget all next week.Nov 19 22:16
schestowitz"Nov 19 22:16
schestowitz 20 00:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@alvfig: @sapo2025 @eliaspraciano @coisasdogeek @hgfernan @Mackellsud @Darkwings1Mr @schestowitz @brigserman @ro7_so67 feriado ou não, ótima sexta!Nov 20 00:50
schestowitz 20 01:11
-TechBytesBot/ #Encryption is not the enemy: A 21st century response to terror even the anti #freesw provocateur thinks soNov 20 01:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Encryption is not the enemy: A 21st century response to terror | ZDNetNov 20 01:11
schestowitz"^ much smarter - analog privacy"Nov 20 01:11
schestowitz 20 01:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: @Twpalovi @Ipkat They are doing overtime these days hell I'm not wondering! Thumbs up for Ipkat, Techrights a.o. for the excellent reports!Nov 20 01:14
schestowitz 20 01:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: Eponia: Land of Suspense and Suspensions 20 01:14
schestowitz 20 01:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The IPKat: Eponia: Land of Suspense and SuspensionsNov 20 01:14
schestowitz 20 01:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Twpalovi: @Sheikh_al_Touar Busy at @Ipkat today.Nov 20 01:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Twpalovi: @Sheikh_al_Touar Indeed...Nov 20 01:14
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 20 01:16
schestowitz"They are kidding the vast majority who are frightened and who take the “news” at face value without fact checking."Nov 20 01:26
schestowitz 20 01:26
-TechBytesBot/ So terrorists who had access to @snowden leaks STILL used tracking devices (phones) AND unencrypted SMS. Who are our politicians kidding?Nov 20 01:26
schestowitzyes, I saw some examples today at the newsstand in yorkshireNov 20 01:27
schestowitz 20 01:31
-TechBytesBot/ 20 01:31
schestowitz"^ so true"Nov 20 01:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lhfang: How anti-Jewish refugee rhetoric during the 1930s/1940s compares to anti-Syrian refugee rhetoric today. 20 01:31
schestowitzMaybe they won't care this time because it's Islam...Nov 20 01:31
schestowitz 20 01:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@deborahrrichter: RT #uk "government was rapidly dropping the subsidy for solar energy down to zero." "I am…Nov 20 01:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #uk "government was rapidly dropping the subsidy for solar energy down to zero." "I am lost for words."Nov 20 01:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Craig Murray » Blog Archive » A Change of Political ClimateNov 20 01:35
schestowitz 20 01:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@eliaspraciano: @alvfig @sapo2025 @coisasdogeek @hgfernan @Mackellsud @Darkwings1Mr @schestowitz @brigserman @ro7_so67 semana passou voando...Nov 20 01:52
schestowitz 20 01:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mojaprvatv: #bigbrother #Live #SocialStream #Hash4Tag 20 01:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | #bigbrother | Hash4Tag.comNov 20 01:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: A Police State to Avoid Any Critical Evaluation? #police #bigbrother manics benefit from #panic in #franceNov 20 01:53
schestowitz 20 01:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@alvfig: @eliaspraciano @sapo2025 @coisasdogeek @hgfernan @Mackellsud @Darkwings1Mr @schestowitz @brigserman @ro7_so67 verdade, semana curta.Nov 20 01:53
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Nov 20 11:27
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Nov 20 11:27:01 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Nov 20 11:27:27 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 20 11:27
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 20 11:27
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 20 11:27
schestowitz> You'd asked for a reminder about pressing Red Hat for answers regardingNov 20 12:01
schestowitz> the details of their patent arrangement with M$.  I guess Red Hat isNov 20 12:01
schestowitz> hoping everyone will forget.Nov 20 12:01
schestowitzFunny you mention it. This morning I thought about asking you to contact them for updates. I want more people to pressure them a little...Nov 20 12:01
schestowitz"Mirroring is important for posterity"Nov 20 15:18
schestowitz 20 15:18
-TechBytesBot/ Whatever happened to the #Leveson Inquiry website? 20 15:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Whatever happened to the Leveson Inquiry website? | Jack of Kent blogNov 20 15:18
schestowitz> "After reaching 20%..."Nov 20 15:39
schestowitz>Nov 20 15:39
schestowitz> 20 15:39
schestowitzVery thought-provoking analysis. I was in Bradford the other day, for three days.Nov 20 15:39
schestowitzGoogle it to find out the relevance... I felt like I was in Pakistan. Just an hour drive away from here...Nov 20 15:39
-TechBytesBot/ | Advice Goddess BlogNov 20 15:39
schestowitz> olderNov 20 15:44
schestowitz>Nov 20 15:44
schestowitz> 20 15:44
schestowitzI mentioned this several times in TR at the timeNov 20 15:44
-TechBytesBot/ | Dag Hammarskjöld: UN To Reopen Investigation Of 1961 Crash That Killed Secretary-GeneralNov 20 15:44
schestowitz 20 15:50
-TechBytesBot/ | The Leveson InquiryNov 20 15:50
schestowitzMight be of interest to @DavidAllenGreenNov 20 15:50
schestowitz 20 15:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ZULU401: @schestowitz this one? 20 15:50
schestowitz 20 15:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DavidAllenGreen: @schestowitz @ZULU401 I mention that at my post, if you look,Nov 20 15:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ZULU401: @schestowitz i did send him that link yesterday Im guseeing he still has me blocked fr previous acc @DavidAllenGreenNov 20 15:52
schestowitz 20 16:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ZULU401: @schestowitz i did send him that link yesterday Im guessing he still has me blocked fr previous acc @DavidAllenGreenNov 20 16:02
schestowitz> 20 16:18
-TechBytesBot/ | Microsoft open-sources Visual Studio Code, launches free Visual Studio Dev Essentials program | VentureBeat | Dev | by Emil ProtalinskiNov 20 16:18
schestowitzMicrosoft Emil back to the RP business? I thought he quit being a MS rep.Nov 20 16:18
schestowitz 20 16:51
-TechBytesBot/ UK cops allegedly snooped on journalists to hunt down police whistleblower this is what #gchq is REALLY after? Power.Nov 20 16:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | UK cops allegedly snooped on journalists to hunt down police whistleblower | Ars Technica UKNov 20 16:52
schestowitz> 20 17:01
schestowitz>Nov 20 17:01
schestowitz> -Nov 20 17:01
-TechBytesBot/ | Indonesia's forest fires will happen again - The Science Show - ABC Radio National (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)Nov 20 17:01
schestowitz>Nov 20 17:01
schestowitz> 20 17:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 401 @ )Nov 20 17:01
schestowitz>Nov 20 17:01
schestowitz> paywallNov 20 17:01
schestowitzLong term casualitiesNov 20 17:01
schestowitz> 20 17:06
schestowitz>Nov 20 17:06
schestowitz> the ocean can only absorb so much more, especially with the risingNov 20 17:06
-TechBytesBot/ | Nasa releases carbon map that shows which countries are polluting the world | Environment | The IndependentNov 20 17:06
schestowitz> temperatures ...Nov 20 17:06
schestowitzWell, some people still believe in apocalypse and afterlife/raptureNov 20 17:06
schestowitz> 20 17:10
schestowitz>Nov 20 17:10
schestowitz> -Nov 20 17:10
-TechBytesBot/ | Facebook is making it easier to donate to charity - Nov. 19, 2015Nov 20 17:10
schestowitz>Nov 20 17:10
schestowitz> "Facebook will institute a fee sometime next year, though the companyNov 20 17:10
schestowitz> would not disclose how much it will be. ... at industry standards"Nov 20 17:10
schestowitz>Nov 20 17:10
schestowitz> 20 17:10
schestowitz>Nov 20 17:10
schestowitz> How much do they skim off each transaction?Nov 20 17:10
schestowitzFor profit, like Gates FoundationNov 20 17:10
-TechBytesBot/ | Facebook's New 'Donate' Button Aims to Make it Charitable Giving Hub - Fortune [ ]Nov 20 17:10
schestowitz> 20 17:12
schestowitz>Nov 20 17:12
schestowitz> Very dumb mistakes.Nov 20 17:12
schestowitzI don't like this writer. Bad karma... Microsoft promotion.Nov 20 17:12
-TechBytesBot/ | 10 dumb security mistakes sys admins make | InfoWorldNov 20 17:12
schestowitz> 20 17:18
-TechBytesBot/ | Saudi Wahhabi dilemma in spotlight after Paris attack | ReutersNov 20 17:18
schestowitz>Nov 20 17:18
schestowitz> This is where your oil money goes.Nov 20 17:18
schestowitzYes, I've long considered them a core issue.Nov 20 17:18
schestowitz 20 17:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EvilWrangler: @schestowitz @annejanbrouwer concerned readers should remember NASA has been politicized & their data is suspect 20 17:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | NASA's New Mission: Boost the Muslim World's Self-Esteem | Human EventsNov 20 17:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@annejanbrouwer: @EvilWrangler @schestowitz concerned readers remember christianity has been politicized & their data is suspect 20 17:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | BibViz Project - Bible Contradictions, Misogyny, Violence, Inaccuracies interactively visualizedNov 20 17:22
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 20 17:30
schestowitzSalinger 3Nov 20 17:36
schestowitz#yemenNov 20 17:36
schestowitzSalinger 3Nov 20 17:36
schestowitz#yemenNov 20 17:36
schestowitz 20 17:36
-TechBytesBot/ #isis killed over a hundred in #france & meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, where ISIS support is relatively high, used our weapons to kill thousandsNov 20 17:36
schestowitz 20 17:40
-TechBytesBot/ #Moon landing tapes got erased, #NASA admits bloody weird...Nov 20 17:40
schestowitz"It seems they reused the tapes to record the last episode of Dinasty."Nov 20 17:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Moon landing tapes got erased, NASA admits | ReutersNov 20 17:40
schestowitzThey now serve to legitimise some theoristsNov 20 17:41
schestowitz 20 17:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Rabeel_Tariq: Here @SarfarazA_54 presents "Flying bat" 😂😂😜🎈🎈 #PAKvENG 20 17:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cricingif: .@SarfarazA_54's bat went flying away like a kite there! #PAKvENG #cricingif 20 17:43
schestowitz"Re: NYC Map the Homeless .."Nov 20 18:22
schestowitz>> BorisismNov 20 18:22
schestowitz>Nov 20 18:22
schestowitz> What do you mean. Why not write a similar app for London, release it,Nov 20 18:22
schestowitz> and then get lots of publicity for your work.Nov 20 18:22
schestowitzI am currently occupied doing other things, but I think that helping the homeless is very important; not sure if app development is the best approach... core issues that leave them in the streets in the first places are worth addressing.Nov 20 18:22
schestowitz 20 18:23
-TechBytesBot/ Jewish teacher stabbed in #Marseilles by purported ISIS supporters #isis again..Nov 20 18:23
schestowitz"Nov 20 18:23
schestowitzThe same day in the same city, a muslim woman was assaulted and woundedNov 20 18:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Jewish teacher stabbed in Marseilles by purported ISIS supporters - Diaspora - Jerusalem PostNov 20 18:23
schestowitzAlso, anti-muslims and xenophobic aggressions are skyrocketting. Not really surprisingNov 20 18:23
schestowitz"Nov 20 18:23
schestowitz 20 18:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Une jeune femme voilée agressée à MarseilleNov 20 18:23
schestowitz>> 20 18:55
schestowitz>>> >>Nov 20 18:55
schestowitz>>> >> and conversely keeping M$ running in society requires large scaleNov 20 18:55
-TechBytesBot/ | Open source projects rely on donated time—what motivates participants? | Ars TechnicaNov 20 18:55
schestowitz>>> >> donations of time, and would go away if people did not work for freeNov 20 18:55
schestowitz>>> >> fixing others' computersNov 20 18:55
schestowitz>> >Nov 20 18:55
schestowitz>> > Rianne did it for her aunt the other day. I told her not to, but sheNov 20 18:55
schestowitz>> > wanted to help family. See what Microsoft does there?Nov 20 18:55
schestowitz>> >Nov 20 18:55
schestowitz> There's help and there's help, as they say.  In my case, I decided itNov 20 18:55
schestowitz> called for 'tough love' and told them I'd help with anything except M$.Nov 20 18:55
schestowitz>  At one point, back in 2003 IIRC, I went as far as buying an iMac for myNov 20 18:55
schestowitz> mom.  (I wouldn't do that now.  Apple is now crap and getting worse bothNov 20 18:55
schestowitz> in quality and freedom.)  They're using FOSS otherwise, except forNov 20 18:55
schestowitz> EndNote which has no analog.  But they see themselves that it is the endNov 20 18:55
schestowitz> of the line soon for OS X too.Nov 20 18:55
schestowitzI moved from EndNote (2003) to BibTex, with Jabref (java) at the time...Nov 20 18:55
schestowitz 20 19:10
schestowitz"Nov 20 19:10
schestowitz18:46 Nov 20ProfileNov 20 19:10
-TechBytesBot/ | | Log InNov 20 19:10
schestowitzgoogle.nlNov 20 19:10
schestowitzNov 20 19:10
schestowitz18:56 Nov 14ProfileNov 20 19:10 20 19:10
schestowitzMunichNov 20 19:10
schestowitz20:15 Nov 5ProfileNov 20 19:10
schestowitzGoogleNov 20 19:10
schestowitzNov 20 19:10
schestowitz22:16 Oct 27ProfileNov 20 19:10 20 19:10
schestowitzMunichNov 20 19:10
schestowitz14:08 Oct 17ProfileNov 20 19:10
schestowitzGoogle UKNov 20 19:10
schestowitzNov 20 19:10
schestowitz13:29 Oct 13ProfileNov 20 19:10 20 19:10
schestowitzDen HaagNov 20 19:10
schestowitz16:07 Oct 12ProfileNov 20 19:10 20 19:10
schestowitzDen HaagNov 20 19:10
schestowitz14:44 Oct 12ProfileNov 20 19:10 20 19:11
schestowitzRijswijkNov 20 19:11
schestowitz"Nov 20 19:11
schestowitzvery privacy-infringing siteNov 20 19:11
schestowitzIn some cases, based on city, I could guess the identity of the visitorNov 20 19:11
schestowitzthey even say times!Nov 20 19:11
schestowitzWTF?Nov 20 19:11
schestowitzgates-funded site, in part...Nov 20 19:11
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Nov 20 19:52
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesNov 20 19:53
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Nov 20 19:53
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*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Nov 20 21:22
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Nov 20 21:22:55 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Nov 20 21:23:20 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 20 21:23
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 20 21:23
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 20 21:23
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 20 22:19
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schestowitz 20 23:24
-TechBytesBot/ Doing more of the cause won't suppress the effect but rather inflame it. Amazing what airstrikes & spying/profiling do to reinforce radicalsNov 20 23:24
schestowitz"Nov 20 23:24
schestowitzI have been thinking lately that Canada was not fed up with so much peace and clean environment but that made a mistake with Harper that is fixed now, it seems to me that Canada is going back to what it used to be before Harper, thanks to people’s will.Nov 20 23:24
schestowitzI do not know so much about France, but what I have been noticing does not make me think France is going back to something better, but more that the current situation is business as planned. About the UK do not know so much more, wonder if UK’s people want to change and Corbyn is the result of that.Nov 20 23:24
schestowitzAbout the US, I would be really surprised if someone like Sanders is elected, and even more surprised if is not killed soon after being elected.Nov 20 23:24
schestowitz"Nov 20 23:24
schestowitz 20 23:25
-TechBytesBot/ Imagine the notion of "medical alcohol". Because for some people it's legal and for some it isn't, Misguided policy. Let it sink in...Nov 20 23:25
schestowitz"Nov 20 23:25
schestowitzIn Banana Republic there is a tale about a Revolutionary Army doctor that, given the short supply of medicines cured everything with alcohol, so I consider my alcohol intake as medical.Nov 20 23:25
schestowitzOne never knows what might happen if I suspend the treatmenNov 20 23:25
schestowitz"Nov 20 23:25
schestowitzCan be good for sanitation, not for digestionNov 20 23:25
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 20 23:57
*pidgin_log has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Nov 20 23:57
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 20 23:58
schestowitz"Maybe terrorists hate France for its freedom and baguettes."Nov 21 01:02
schestowitz 21 01:02
-TechBytesBot/ Let's get rid of our freedom so that we can get rid of terrorists who try to get rid of our freedom. Oh wait...Nov 21 01:02
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 21 01:30
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Nov 21 08:53
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Nov 21 08:53:05 2015
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Nov 21 08:53:29 2015
*Now talking on #techbytesNov 21 08:53
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastNov 21 08:53
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Nov 21 08:53
schestowitz> xNov 21 09:49
schestowitz> 21 09:49
-TechBytesBot/ | Happy 30th, Windows: What we've loved through the years | InfoWorldNov 21 09:49
schestowitz>Nov 21 09:49
schestowitz> spam, notice misuse of 'announce' dates instead of shipping dates andNov 21 09:49
schestowitz> revisionism regarding cut and dried court cases.  In practice, M$Nov 21 09:49
schestowitz> Windows did not afflict businesses until the early 90's.Nov 21 09:49
schestowitzWell, look at the author. Says it all. Why are you read this site? It's full of Microsoft staff and peripheral PR.Nov 21 09:49
schestowitz> xNov 21 09:49
schestowitz> 21 09:49
schestowitz>Nov 21 09:49
schestowitz> -Nov 21 09:49
schestowitz>Nov 21 09:49
-TechBytesBot/ | Windows turns 30: A visual tour of Windows through the ages | PCWorldNov 21 09:49
schestowitz> xNov 21 09:49
schestowitz> 21 09:49
schestowitz>Nov 21 09:50
schestowitz> What other news from 30 years ago are they trying to distract from?Nov 21 09:50
schestowitz> Certainly not the court cases caused by M$ misdeeds.Nov 21 09:50
schestowitzLike I said, watch who writes those puff pieces. It's agenda.Nov 21 09:50
-TechBytesBot/ | Windows turns 30: a visual history | The Verge [ ]Nov 21 09:50
schestowitz> 21 09:53
schestowitz>Nov 21 09:53
-TechBytesBot/ | Reuters Issues a Worldwide Ban on RAW PhotosNov 21 09:53
schestowitz> WTF?Nov 21 09:53
schestowitzWell, conglomerates in mediaNov 21 09:53
schestowitz 21 10:04
-TechBytesBot/ Ally in War Against [sic] Islamic Extremism Sentences Poet to Death for Insulting Islam S.A. AGAINST extremism!?Nov 21 10:04
schestowitz"Against OTHER extremists (for leadership and business purposes)"Nov 21 10:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Poet Ashraf Fayadh sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia for insulting Islam.Nov 21 10:05
schestowitzNot 'our' extremists who try to overthrow Assad...Nov 21 10:05
schestowitz 21 10:05
-TechBytesBot/ At least 27 dead as gunmen seize more than 100 at Mali hotel if only matters in our newspapers if whites at riskNov 21 10:05
schestowitz"I had the idea that closing Europe’s borders Europeans would be fine."Nov 21 10:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | At least 27 dead in Mali hotel attack claimed by Al-Qaeda affiliate - Yahoo NewsNov 21 10:05
schestowitzAs long as we don't go abroad... :/Nov 21 10:05
schestowitz 21 10:06
schestowitz"Nov 21 10:06
schestowitzwell Blair and other Tories back religious schools and “ethnicity”.Nov 21 10:06
schestowitzbtw - toffs like cameron also grew up not “knowing anyone from a different background”.Nov 21 10:06
schestowitz"Nov 21 10:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 21 10:06
schestowitzyeah, I'm opposed to these...Nov 21 10:07
schestowitz"Extreme conservatism."Nov 21 10:07
schestowitz 21 10:08
-TechBytesBot/ Radicalism is on the rise. Surely the foreign policy of the West at least contributes to that. But helps sell weapons ($).Nov 21 10:08
schestowitz"Radicalism breeds radicalism. The global military industrial economy is radical. It runs on guns and oil/energy. Radical right-wing globalism breeds radical right-wing nationalism and nativism. Global, or international, human solidarity is hard to find."Nov 21 10:08
schestowitz"Nov 21 10:08
schestowitzThe word “radicalism” means changing things at a fundamental level - radix meaning root.Nov 21 10:08
schestowitzI don’t think the word “radicalism” is appropiate - it’s all Islam (same root), but everything is moving in an extreme conservative, intolerant and authoritarian way. Just as neo-cons liked it - remember them courting the Christian Fundamentalists vote?Nov 21 10:08
schestowitz"Nov 21 10:08
schestowitzFair point about he point radicalNov 21 10:08
schestowitzFair point about the word radicalNov 21 10:08
schestowitz 21 10:09
-TechBytesBot/ They've rescued the "important" white/Western persons ("members of America's diplomatic mission to Mali") #mali 21 10:09
schestowitz"far, far, far more muslim victims than non-muslim victims."Nov 21 10:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | UN Confirms 29 People Killed in Mali Siege, Including 2 AttackersNov 21 10:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ashleymontanae: pray for #mali and all muslims worldwide who are going to become the face of the enemy in a war that they're victims of too.Nov 21 10:09
schestowitz 21 14:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@redlocal: The #ElementaryOS Developers Have Decided To Fork #Geary Under A New Name: #Pantheon Mail… 21 14:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 508 @ )Nov 21 14:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: The #ElementaryOS Developers Have Decided To Fork #Geary Under A New Name: #Pantheon Mail #freeswNov 21 14:16
schestowitzRe: Be a social Justice Warrior :)Nov 21 14:33
schestowitz>> I don't need loads of money, I just need to find something which makesNov 21 14:33
schestowitz> me and others happy. Right now I promote FOSS.Nov 21 14:33
schestowitz>Nov 21 14:33
schestowitz> Do you mind giving me some pointers as to what tools I would need toNov 21 14:33
schestowitz> write such an app. You see, I'm not as clever as you are.Nov 21 14:33
schestowitzDo you have experience with Java or have used Eclipse before? Now there's Android Studio, but should be similar...Nov 21 14:33
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Nov 21 17:33
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesNov 21 17:34
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Nov 21 17:34
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesNov 21 17:34
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesNov 21 17:34
schestowitz 21 18:13
-TechBytesBot/ #Moon landing tapes got erased, #NASA admits bloody weird...Nov 21 18:13
schestowitz"Reusing tapes was common practice. NASA official policy probably considered their film images to be the historical record and the TV broadcast to be ephemeral. We can be sure that many people disagreed because they kept copies. The people who erased the 200,000 batch tapes probably did not know what was on them. The lowest bidder would not have given them time to watch what they destroyed and some of it may have been secret anyway."Nov 21 18:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Moon landing tapes got erased, NASA admits | ReutersNov 21 18:13
schestowitzThey spend so much on space missions and can't buy new tapes?Nov 21 18:13
schestowitz 21 18:14
-TechBytesBot/ Can anyone genuinely report startup speed gain owing to #systemd (the 'selling point' of so-called 'just init system')? For me it's slower.Nov 21 18:14
schestowitz"Faster startup times was officially abandoned by the very systemd developers some time ago. It’s like WMD on Iraq: those were the original pretexts, were officially debunked long time ago but nothing happened."Nov 21 18:14
schestowitz"Really? I was shocked at how much faster systemd was."Nov 21 18:14
schestowitz 21 18:15
schestowitz""Yet another article blaming Snowden for recent terrorist acts?Nov 21 18:15
schestowitz"Oh wow, now I see they collected 15 articles about it. Brennan is not the only ass saying that. I like how Soylent news says he might be talking about the Church committee that lead to all the domestic spying laws he’s broken."Nov 21 18:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Nov 21 18:15
schestowitzEither you are with us or you are with the terroristsNov 21 18:15
schestowitz 21 18:26
-TechBytesBot/ Ally in War Against [sic] Islamic Extremism Sentences Poet to Death for Insulting Islam S.A. AGAINST extremism!?Nov 21 18:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Poet Ashraf Fayadh sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia for insulting Islam.Nov 21 18:26
schestowitz"Well, Assad seems prefer ISIS than his people. Supporting him is like supporting SA to monitoring extremists: don’t work very well"Nov 21 18:26
schestowitz 21 18:26
-TechBytesBot/ 21 Android-only apps that will make your iPhone friends jealous #android #linuxNov 21 18:26
schestowitz"Nov 21 18:26
schestowitzSome nice tips, but mostly bogus… Stars apps are not just for Android and there is a reason why iOS does not have/need a virus scanner.Nov 21 18:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The best Android apps you can't get on iPhone in 2015 - Business InsiderNov 21 18:26
schestowitzMind you, I am on android myself.Nov 21 18:26
schestowitz"Nov 21 18:26
schestowitz"Nothing like KDE connect."Nov 21 18:26
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 22 12:20:18 2015

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