Join us now at the IRC channel.
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 06 01:00 | |
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 06 02:43 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 07:34 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wcwinc: @schestowitz @CindyBarnettUSA @wikileaks and she laughs... | Nov 06 07:34 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 07:35 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Q8ijin: @Bugs_Byte @schestowitz @SapientHetero @wikileaks nothing in these emails that is criminal | Nov 06 07:35 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Q8ijin: @SapientHetero @schestowitz @wikileaks citing the RU gvmt would be too obvious. Look at the actions not the words | Nov 06 07:35 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Q8ijin: @SapientHetero @Bugs_Byte @schestowitz @wikileaks why do you post the email that clearly shows a criminal act by Hillary | Nov 06 07:35 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 07:35 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Bugs_Byte: @Q8ijin @schestowitz @SapientHetero @wikileaks that is irrelevant | Nov 06 07:35 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 07:36 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JaimeCalaveras: @schestowitz @teleSURtv @wikileaks @HillaryClinton @DrJillStein My kind of guy, right here! | Nov 06 07:36 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 07:37 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iphonetechtips: @schestowitz @wikileaks charities founded by wealthy have always been organizations for power and control. Good deeds hide many evils. | Nov 06 07:37 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Q8ijin: @Bugs_Byte @schestowitz @SapientHetero @wikileaks what? How so if that is all trump/Wikileaks are saying | Nov 06 07:37 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 07:37 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SapientHetero: @Q8ijin @Bugs_Byte @schestowitz @wikileaks Yeah, like you've even looked at them. You're just a disinformation-spreading troll. | Nov 06 07:37 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 07:38 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Q8ijin: @SapientHetero @Bugs_Byte @schestowitz @wikileaks I have but I ask you to present the ones u see her being criminal | Nov 06 07:38 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 08:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@davvidmcdow: @MarcyHolroyd @schestowitz @wikileaks This is garbage.It borders on libel.Facts people facts | Nov 06 08:49 | |
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Nov 06 09:48 | |
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Nov 06 09:49 | |
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 06 10:22 | |
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | Nov 06 10:25 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 11:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz I still have one, with Debian on it, because it is great to travel with. | Nov 06 11:19 | |
schestowitz | ith Debian on it, | Nov 06 11:55 |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 11:55 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz yep, hence Biden's otherwise weird and dangerous threat to shutdown Russia on election day. I bet US uses that kill switch. | Nov 06 11:55 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 11:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sextonlady30: @schestowitz @DrJillStein i donated and it makes me sick If they fall in line now they will continue to im scared dems having control senate | Nov 06 11:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 11:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz if ordering providers to shut down they force businesses to close, and hope many not motivated to vote HRC may the still do so | Nov 06 11:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 11:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: SO lamentable, what is happening in U.S #Election2016. Is it possible for citizens of the world to serve an… | Nov 06 11:56 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: SO lamentable, what is happening in U.S #Election2016. Is it possible for citizens of the world to serve an… | Nov 06 11:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 11:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @stedsimple @schestowitz @stedsimple Correction! See above (#Election2016). Am deleting first tweet but feel free to RT above tweet! | Nov 06 11:57 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:12 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:12 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:12 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Did the Mirai Botnet Really Take Liberia Offline? — Krebs on Security | Nov 06 12:12 | |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > US venture capital works to knock the bottom out of the already poor | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > taxi market. quite a shameful situation, starting with the original | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > deregulation | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Taxichaufförer slog larm till ledningen och tvingades sluta: ”Vi är taxislavar” - Sydsvenskan | Nov 06 12:13 | |
schestowitz | > x | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > "All for the cost of a $200 annual paperwork fee. So basically, because | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > Nestle owns the “private property” they get to pump ALL of that water | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > out for FREE." | Nov 06 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Aftonbladet avslöjar: Flera unga våldtagna – särskild grupp utreder | Nyheter | Aftonbladet | Nov 06 12:13 | |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Flint Michigan Water Crisis Is Still A Crisis | | Nov 06 12:13 | |
schestowitz | > - | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > "Flint seems more like the opening of the floodgates than water under | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > the bridg" | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Is Flint the Tip of the Iceberg? | Georgetown Environmental Law Review | Nov 06 12:13 | |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > "militants" | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > "In a campaign speech, Ahok told Indonesians that the religious verse | Nov 06 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Yet another young woman is seen being publicly caned ‘for standing too close to her boyfriend’ as Indonesia becomes the latest country to embrace radical Islamic law | Nov 06 12:13 | |
schestowitz | > did not prohibit them from voting for a non-Muslim. His interpretation | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > of the text is what elicited protests and charges of blasphemy." | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > meanwhile Jokowi sits on his hands and watches | Nov 06 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Somali militants intensify attacks, death count doubles: experts | Reuters | Nov 06 12:13 | |
schestowitz | > and the 1st world technorati continue to dig a hole | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > - | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Jakarta protest: Thousands rally over Governor Ahok's alleged blasphemy - | Nov 06 12:13 | |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > once people are on USB-C and the old devices disposed of, Apple will | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > move again to fully proprietary ports | Nov 06 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Indonesia’s Blasphemy Protest Prompts President to Postpone Australia Visit - WSJ | Nov 06 12:13 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > "The Guggenheim Foundation bullies our government for enormous | Nov 06 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Apple temporarily cuts prices on all USB-C cables and accessories | Ars Technica | Nov 06 12:13 | |
schestowitz | > financial subventions, enhancing corruption. We need to be asking the | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > question, why on earth would Guggenheim want to build a museum in | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > Helsinki, a city with 83 museums and St. Petersburg just next door with | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > the Hermitage? They have tried it in so many other cities, and in all of | Nov 06 12:14 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Speaking from prison, incarcerated reporter maintains innocence | Ars Technica | Nov 06 12:14 | |
schestowitz | > them, failed due to corruption allegations. " | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > They are trying this in other countries too. It's some kind of | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > corporate welfare scam. | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:14 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Democracy needs to know how sausage is made: NO Guggenheim Museum in Helsinki | Nov 06 12:14 | |
schestowitz | > "persisted as more third party companies develop ultrasonic tools for a | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > range of uses, like data transmission without Wi-Fi or other | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > connectivity.1 The more the technology evolves, the easier it is to use | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > in marketing." | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > SA | Nov 06 12:14 |
-TechBytesBot/ | How to block the ultrasonic signals you didn’t know were tracking you | Ars Technica | Nov 06 12:14 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > - | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Tunisian PM sacks minister over criticism of Saudi Arabian Islam | News by Country | Reuters | Nov 06 12:14 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > "if a woman refused to cover up, I can honestly say I don't know how we | Nov 06 12:14 |
-TechBytesBot/ | KAROSHI IN DENTSU: Accuracy of employees’ overtime records in question:The Asahi Shimbun | Nov 06 12:14 | |
schestowitz | > would handle it." | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
-TechBytesBot/ | KAROSHI IN DENTSU: Corporate culture fixated on ‘Devil’s 10 principles’:The Asahi Shimbun | Nov 06 12:14 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > "If Trump left clean energy alone, he’d only save $29.3 billion over | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > eight years. Of course, that would still mean zeroing out essentially | Nov 06 12:14 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Why Non-Immigrant Visas are Unconstitutional (H-1B, L-1, etc.) - Sundial Services | Nov 06 12:14 | |
schestowitz | > the entire U.S. climate science effort." | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Bare-chest activist plans to show up on Md. beaches | Nov 06 12:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | Scheduled Speakers | Aaron Swartz Day and International Hackathon | Nov 06 12:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump just proposed ending all federal clean energy development | Nov 06 12:15 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | The Election Will Decide if Obama’s Clean Power Plan Lives or Dies | Motherboard | Nov 06 12:15 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 12:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LeoXonit: @gnutelephony @schestowitz Tuesday will happen Please VOTE go find a first time voter help them to Vote Trump Tell us how you did it #MAGA | Nov 06 12:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 12:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fflandro: @schestowitz coming soon to a street corner in the UK | Nov 06 12:25 | |
schestowitz | You know about this, yes? | Nov 06 12:32 |
schestowitz | … | Nov 06 12:32 |
schestowitz | Ooops! I mean this: | Nov 06 12:32 |
schestowitz | … | Nov 06 12:32 |
schestowitz | Ta | Nov 06 12:32 |
-TechBytesBot/ | You're going to Media Democracy Festival 2016 | Nov 06 12:32 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | Media Democracy Festival 2016 Tickets, Sat, 10 Dec 2016 at 10:00 a.m. | Eventbrite | Nov 06 12:32 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 12:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BellaMagnani: .@schestowitz It came out #Sweden was turning part of Arlanda airport over to US border control 2 years ago #Assange | Nov 06 12:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 12:52 |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 12:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: come on, sensible Dutch people, stop this happening: it's madness. e-voting is not safe now, and probably never wil… | Nov 06 12:53 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: come on, sensible Dutch people, stop this happening: it's madness. e-voting is not safe now, and probably never wil… | Nov 06 12:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 12:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Bugs_Byte: @Q8ijin @schestowitz @SapientHetero @wikileaks Wikileaks is authentic and legit, you literally have no argument against it. Face it. | Nov 06 12:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 12:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Bugs_Byte: @Q8ijin @schestowitz @SapientHetero @wikileaks Your lovely Islamic leaders are to blame for ISIS, as everyone knew all along | Nov 06 12:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 12:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@march4progress: @schestowitz | Nov 06 12:53 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@march4progress: .@WikiLeaks #PodestaEmails32 is here! Search for a needle in the haystack! U've got an extra hour! #SundayMorning | Nov 06 12:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 12:54 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jordantcarter: The Dutch to try online voting.. cc @KoenBroekema | Nov 06 12:54 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Netherlands to trial Internet voting terrible idea. /cc @glynmoody | Nov 06 12:54 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PaddyBriggs: @glynmoody @schestowitz Of course online voting is safe. What nonsense. I vote frequently online. Paranoid. | Nov 06 12:54 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 13:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@nwstate: @BellaMagnani @schestowitz Like Shannon Airport? Joy. | Nov 06 13:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 13:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Cadrieu: @glynmoody @PaulbernalUK @schestowitz Why is it unsafe, if I can access my tax or bank account via Internet why shouldn't I be able to vote | Nov 06 13:13 | |
schestowitz | With banks you keep checks and balances of your own, for election you need paper trail collectively | Nov 06 13:13 |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 13:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Always a good read @schestowitz China, the true cost of clean, green wind power.... | Nov 06 13:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | In China, the true cost of Britain's clean, green wind power experiment: Pollution on a disastrous scale | Daily Mail Online | Nov 06 13:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 13:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AJimenez1988: @schestowitz Actually HRC is less tolerant than Trump. And so are her followers. | Nov 06 13:15 | |
schestowitz | Not in my experience... | Nov 06 13:15 |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 13:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lbmansour1: @schestowitz @LifeZette @wikileaks @ | Nov 06 13:16 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lbmansour1: @schestowitz @LifeZette @wikileaks @ | Nov 06 13:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 13:18 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Britain’s cybersecurity policy needs common sense, not just cash | John Naughton @schestowitz | Nov 06 13:18 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Britain’s cybersecurity policy needs common sense, not just cash | John Naughton | Opinion | The Guardian | Nov 06 13:18 | |
-->acer-box__ (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Nov 06 15:15 | |
<--acer-box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | Nov 06 15:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stonehead: @schestowitz I also seriously doubt an article suggesting that people holding a certain plausible logic are Democratic Party spokespersons | Nov 06 19:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@josephmobbs: @paperghost @PaddyBriggs @glynmoody @schestowitz Well seems to me that them internet pirates think small if they don't empty bank accs | Nov 06 19:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@laurelrusswurm: @schestowitz Here in Canada too. Across the pond as well? | Nov 06 19:47 | |
schestowitz | US. For sure. | Nov 06 19:47 |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@caldwellb02: @schestowitz Dr. Caldwell here. Too much at stake. POTUS, SCOTUS, Roe v Wade, and on and on. Not the time for Stein. I miss Bernie. | Nov 06 19:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bkylnboy11205: @3puppies4kids @HardlyApathetic @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri This one is better...cuz it has stamina: | Nov 06 19:48 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bkylnboy11205: @3puppies4kids @HardlyApathetic @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri This one is better...cuz it has stamina: | Nov 06 19:48 | |
schestowitz | Seems more like an ardent GOP proponent | Nov 06 19:48 |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stonehead: @schestowitz Btw, Dutch news quoted one voter for Johnson, saying he's the one candidate that would limit the NSA's power (more than Greens) | Nov 06 19:48 | |
schestowitz | he might, yes... | Nov 06 19:48 |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stonehead: @schestowitz I think Gary Johnson is a complete idiot but I'll give him that. (Chinese and Russian agencies will be more than happy...) | Nov 06 19:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@3puppies4kids: @bkylnboy11205 @HardlyApathetic @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri Hillary brought shame to this country. She's a murderer. #ChrisStevens | Nov 06 19:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stonehead: @schestowitz I must admit that I'm very happy with the European system, where many political parties exist and have to work together. | Nov 06 19:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CAoutcast: LOL, Very good..... | Nov 06 19:52 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks Have they blamed Russia again? Is it claims of "fakes" now? Just keep shuffling the lies to fool the cult, @jmpalmieri | Nov 06 19:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kropp_kandi: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri | Nov 06 19:52 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kropp_kandi: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri | Nov 06 19:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@terminsane: @PheroNike @CindysShopping @jcrum417 @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz oh that must be why he's appointing all the same ppl as hillary? | Nov 06 19:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@terminsane: @PheroNike @CindysShopping @jcrum417 @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz he's appointing a goldman sachs exec for treasury. So is hillary | Nov 06 19:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@terminsane: @PheroNike @CindysShopping @jcrum417 @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz if you keep voting for the two corrupt parties, youre corrupt | Nov 06 19:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bkylnboy11205: @3puppies4kids @HardlyApathetic @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri | Nov 06 19:53 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bkylnboy11205: @3puppies4kids @HardlyApathetic @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri | Nov 06 19:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@namidehya: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri For this particular lie, I hope the FBI are digging deep into her personal involvement. #Hillary4Prison | Nov 06 19:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BrianAustin3465: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Jill steins not going to win. Trump is our only hope | Nov 06 19:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:54 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@namidehya: @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost Or is it Putin on the FBI's payroll? These duplicitous automatons are as STUPID as they think we R | Nov 06 19:54 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:54 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PheroNike: Kindergarten lesson @terminsane : ALL $$ ISN'T CREATED &USED EQUALLY #🇱🇷1st @CindysShopping @jcrum417 @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz | Nov 06 19:54 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Brad_Kayl: @schestowitz The ramping up of a new cold war by HRC is both dismaying and disgusting. | Nov 06 19:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RoyCalbeck: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri REVEALED: the mysterious cause for so many Americans voting Trump. #Crazy | Nov 06 19:56 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RoyCalbeck: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri REVEALED: the mysterious cause for so many Americans voting Trump. #Crazy | Nov 06 19:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EerkeBoiten: @glynmoody @schestowitz Politician's evidence-free action. Run fake election to find out security risks. Scientific iterature knows already. | Nov 06 19:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Whtapl: @Econghost @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri All the eddies head for the waterfall at some point | Nov 06 19:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@katywh20: @Econghost @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri Her supporters don't care what she did. Her biggest asset is Trump | Nov 06 19:57 | |
schestowitz | dafaq The 2016 Kernel Summit group photo | Nov 06 20:08 |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:08 |
-TechBytesBot/ | I May Have An Obsession With OpenSuse : linux | Nov 06 20:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yes_that_dolly: .@jmpalmieri can't decide which plays better in Peoria: the Russian or the "fake" hypothesis. So they'll try both!… | Nov 06 20:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yes_that_dolly: @Econghost @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri True. It really is like shooting fish in a barrel, to fool the naive non-critical-thinkers. | Nov 06 20:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yes_that_dolly: @schestowitz @Econghost And don't forget they're "hackers" too -- that's another favorite lie about @wikileaks. They PUBLISH leaked docs. | Nov 06 20:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:18 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yes_that_dolly: @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost Oh yeahhhhhh. Now the ol' FBI is in on it, too. So many enemies, so little time! :) | Nov 06 20:18 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:18 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @glynmoody @schestowitz isolation booth cannot be replaced. | Nov 06 20:18 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:18 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stoutmoose: Good luck @HillaryClinton Im that woman demographic and I'm voting green @DrJillStein | Nov 06 20:18 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "I agree on white women. We are definitely doing that in our paid media..." #PodestaEmails32 | Nov 06 20:18 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@noreallyhowcome: @schestowitz @Econghost The spat w/ Russia is abt an oil pipeline thru Syria. Hill has the war plan set. All she needed was a justification | Nov 06 20:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DONALD_IS_LIFE: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri Russ-(gurgling noise) ff t-th-the russians? Sorry what? I cant hear you over the #spiritcooking | Nov 06 20:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@okertbrian: @DrJillStein @schestowitz | Nov 06 20:19 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@okertbrian: Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote Without Fear! | Nov 06 20:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@benhutchingsuk: @josephmobbs @glynmoody @PaddyBriggs @schestowitz @electoralreform Voting needs anonymity - makes other security properties much harder | Nov 06 20:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wiccahaxan: @kropp_kandi @LarsFermi @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri Is that the new and smoking hot #HiHat | Nov 06 20:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@auerswald: .@schestowitz twenty years ago, I was you. | Nov 06 20:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:55 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yitzpritz: @katywh20 @schestowitz @Econghost @wikileaks @jmpalmieri but trumps biggest asset is a ongoing proof of establishment corruption. | Nov 06 20:55 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kropp_kandi: @wiccahaxan @LarsFermi @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri For 5150's. | Nov 06 20:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EllenKinnally: @schestowitz u meant to write discourse! & I agree Cringing to b a Yankee right now:) oh yeah &HRC is both nuts &corrupt | Nov 06 20:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JillSteinHQ: @ItsGEEnotGEE @schestowitz @wikileaks #JillStein #DonaldTrump is a "dangerous, destructive" choice for president | Nov 06 20:57 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Economists' Letter Warns That Electing Trump Would Be Dangerous For The Country : NPR | Nov 06 20:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Song4Bernie: @noreallyhowcome @schestowitz @Econghost All the time & money they could have saved. Entire campaign in 20 seconds: | Nov 06 20:58 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | With Us or Against Us - YouTube | Nov 06 20:58 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MrIvanJohnson: @schestowitz saw that elementary OS post via Hacker News... have you tried it? | Nov 06 20:58 | |
schestowitz | No, I don't want an OSuX clone | Nov 06 20:58 |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tedkidd: Sigh. Yep, beginning to get #woke #DemExit | Nov 06 20:58 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @DrJillStein Democratic with capital letter, because it's not to be confused with democracy; it's just a misleading brand | Nov 06 20:58 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Deplorable_KeK: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri It has to be Russia because hackers would never use VPNs to hide their location | Nov 06 20:58 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Thor_ROCKS: @aspiesmom @EarlNash @AchmarBinSchibi @katalin_pota @schestowitz @Econghost If they play enough "cards" they can play "52 PU" | Nov 06 20:59 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@leesamonique: @schestowitz @wikileaks maybe he should've thought about that before going after the country that is hosting him in their embassy as well?? | Nov 06 20:59 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 21:01 |
-TechBytesBot/ | My friend, new to linux, was trying to type some colors into terminal for fun. He sent me this picture. You can just feel the desperation and confusion setting in : linux | Nov 06 21:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 21:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@johgfnt: @Econghost @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri At this point, only the truly stupid trust shillary. Too bad there are so many of them | Nov 06 21:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 21:15 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Get your speedy Pentium 3's out of here! : linux | Nov 06 21:15 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 21:21 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Windows and Linux according to mighty Google | Nov 06 21:21 | |
-->XWGYgmPseSv (~XWGYgmPse@ has joined #techbytes | Nov 06 22:03 | |
XWGYgmPseSv | &, & (ctrl+f qatar) - please don't let these be buried | Nov 06 22:03 |
<--XWGYgmPseSv (~XWGYgmPse@ has left #techbytes | Nov 06 22:03 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | MARINA ABRAMOVIC SPIRIT COOKING - YouTube | Nov 06 22:03 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 06 22:03 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | Clinton's charity confirms Qatar's $1 million gift while she was at State Dept | Reuters | Nov 06 22:03 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 06 22:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jcrum417: @terminsane @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz A vote for Trump is not a vote for the Republican party though | Nov 06 22:12 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jcrum417: @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @terminsane @schestowitz We are all accomplices to corruption until we stand against it | Nov 06 22:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jcrum417: @terminsane @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz No appointments have been made yet. Biased media says that | Nov 06 22:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@terminsane: @jcrum417 @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz his corporate sponsors paid a lot of money for that illusion. | Nov 06 22:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jcrum417: @terminsane @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz No way to rationalize with people influenced by media spin | Nov 06 22:13 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@terminsane: @jcrum417 @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz even foxnews admits he wants goldman sachs exec for treasury | Nov 06 22:13 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@terminsane: @jcrum417 @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz trump campaign hasnt denied it. | Nov 06 22:13 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@terminsane: @jcrum417 @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz honestly hope trump wins just so his voters can realize the fraud | Nov 06 22:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jcrum417: @terminsane @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz Who are you for in this race? | Nov 06 22:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PheroNike: Well as he said "What Do U Have 2Loose?" Can't afford HillBilly! @terminsane @jcrum417 @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz | Nov 06 22:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BaryMcCochiner: @schestowitz @MIAuniverse @wikileaks @NoiseyMusic @YouTube They've already been all over #PodestaEmails both Eric Schmidt and Zuckerburg | Nov 06 22:14 | |
schestowitz |] | Nov 06 22:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@silner: @DrJillStein @schestowitz I'd probably vote Clinton if I lived in the USA, but I'd never forgive the Democratic Party for it | Nov 06 22:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wheresmikehunt: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri What's Russian for 'fake? | Nov 06 22:15 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jcrum417: @terminsane @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz BTW, I work in finance, and treasury sec should be from finance | Nov 06 22:15 | |
schestowitz | They could hire some pro emeritus | Nov 06 22:16 |
schestowitz | They could hire some prof emeritus | Nov 06 22:16 |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MrNickNak: Kun je kappen met al die onzinnige 'omg putin zit erachter' retweets @victorginori | Nov 06 22:17 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks Russia. When all else fails ask Putin for help.. | Nov 06 22:17 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SkyeShepard: Erroneous justification @noreallyhowcome @mednurse202 @schestowitz @Econghost | Nov 06 22:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@floata: @schestowitz @kgosztola @wikileaks its not gonna put that witch in jail unfortunately | Nov 06 22:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:31 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jcrum417: @schestowitz @terminsane @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein I guess, but the point was rather ridiculous | Nov 06 22:31 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jenbrunelle2: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmier Employing the Alinsky Method it's what Hillary and her cult do best. | Nov 06 22:31 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:31 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@anonygooose: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri they can have a vid of Shillary tossing a baby in a woodchipper and the Hiltards will still vote for her | Nov 06 22:31 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@anonygooose: @schestowitz @Econghost Speaking of Cults Hillary took over a million $ from Gulen Charter Schools Your edu. tax money laundered look it up | Nov 06 22:31 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:32 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@katywh20: @yitzpritz @schestowitz @Econghost @wikileaks @jmpalmieri What I mean is she'd have a lot more trouble w/a convetional candidate | Nov 06 22:32 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:32 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@richdoll54: @aspiesmom @EarlNash @AchmarBinSchibi @katalin_pota @schestowitz @Econghost hillary a nasty campaign based on hate/lies | Nov 06 22:32 | |
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) | Nov 06 23:07 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 23:18 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tours182nd: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein #good point @ debate | Nov 06 23:18 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 23:18 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KJ_Jeller: @Econghost @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri You really don't see the irony here? It's almost entertaining actually. | Nov 06 23:18 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 23:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ValosTheComment: @dangillmor @schestowitz What? Journalism is already dead. Just alot of political hacks pushing agendas disguised as journalists. 😒 | Nov 06 23:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 00:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TX_1: @kropp_kandi @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri Yes & she told us it was all about a horrible internet video! She tells BIG LIES, not well | Nov 07 00:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 00:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FactuaLogic: @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost who is "they" | Nov 07 00:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 00:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@focusonlifenotf: @schestowitz @kgosztola @wikileaks we are doomed if Trump doesn't get in | Nov 07 00:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 00:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TX_1: @AllBeef_Sushi @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri Yep they burned the GOP headquarters in NC. Fire bombed a pickup in CA because of sticker | Nov 07 00:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 00:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@belindacarreiro: @schestowitz @wikileaks ...redistribution 2 a 501(c)rime org??? Enact ANTI-Corruption Act once & 4 ALL!! | Nov 07 00:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 00:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mipesom: @schestowitz Other guy has "Mark media I tweet as containing material that may be sensitive" in settings, for sure. @WLTaskForce | Nov 07 00:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 00:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MrIvanJohnson: @schestowitz | Nov 07 00:10 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@GlennF: New computer book rushed to press. | Nov 07 00:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 00:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@clarissamehler: @schestowitz @Econghost Hillary follows Ailinski rule book to the last detail | Nov 07 00:11 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DrunkinSeamus: @schestowitz @Storify @WLTaskForce @LouiseMensch let's continue this conversation over on | Nov 07 00:11 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ ) | Nov 07 00:11 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 00:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@deplorablechcki: @schestowitz @Storify @WLTaskForce @LouiseMensch | Nov 07 00:11 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Class A drugs caused me long-term mental damage: Tory MP Louise Mensch's candid confession | Daily Mail Online | Nov 07 00:12 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@clarissamehler: @Julian_A_Cox @Econghost @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri 50% of this country wants same old same old as I body snatchers got to them | Nov 07 00:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 00:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@412V70: CC @es_snipes | Nov 07 00:12 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #clinton staff: "Don't want to hit crack-cocaine again?" #PodestaEmails32 | Nov 07 00:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 00:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@refluffednest: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @robertcaruso Nothing has changed for me. Not seeing what he posted. | Nov 07 00:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 00:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@refluffednest: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @robertcaruso Ahh, never mind. It appears to have been a joke..:/ | Nov 07 00:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 00:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EllenKinnally: Whoa ! While talking about attending an NNACP letter dinner they r attending they make crack cocaine jokes! No raci… | Nov 07 00:13 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EllenKinnally: Whoa ! While talking about attending an NNACP letter dinner they r attending they make crack cocaine jokes! No raci… | Nov 07 00:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 00:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @glynmoody @schestowitz isolation booth cannot be replaced. | Nov 07 00:59 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 01:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoWayBackToEU: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @LouiseMensch @Storify Mensch not given to principle, ex pop groupie now power groupie. Murdoch feeds her scraps | Nov 07 01:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 01:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PlayerSue: Well said, I worry about the future of my country. | Nov 07 01:13 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Whenever I hear #StrongerTogether I think of the corporations, stronger with a bought and paid-for US President. #PodestaEmails32 | Nov 07 01:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 01:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AchmarBinSchibi: @FactuaLogic @schestowitz @Econghost The #Hillbots and the high clergy of her cult of personality in the corporate media | Nov 07 01:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@IamFran13: @schestowitz 😂😂😂😂She's the worst example for women EVER! | Nov 07 01:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 01:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sandyshark: bIG PHARMA WANTS TO KEEP MILKING ITS CASH COWS | Nov 07 01:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: The Empire of Corporations of the United States threatens Indian lives by trying to take away generics from them | Nov 07 01:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 01:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@__SERIOUSLY___: This is SICK.... | Nov 07 01:15 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #clinton seems to derive great pleasure out of death of people (without trial, anally raped to death by bayonet) | Nov 07 01:15 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 01:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@__SERIOUSLY___: hrc's buddy............ | Nov 07 01:15 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: From: Abedin, Huma To: HRC "Silsby knew she had broken Haitian law." #PodestaEmails32 #ClintonEmails #haiti | Nov 07 01:15 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 01:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BBfromPA: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce That, along w/the fact that he was the only GOP candidate she could beat. Polls showed her losing to everyone else | Nov 07 01:15 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 01:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@paperghost: @josephmobbs @PaddyBriggs @glynmoody @schestowitz thing is, you can get your money back. votes? not so easy. Friday: | Nov 07 01:16 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Cylance Discloses Voting Machine Vulnerability | Nov 07 01:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 01:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schex9: Those fire #experts are the worst. | Nov 07 01:16 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: 25 Years After Junk Science Conviction, Texas Finally Admits Sonia Cacy’s Innocence #texas anti #science | Nov 07 01:16 | |
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 07 01:19 | |
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 07 02:13 | |
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Nov 07 02:15 | |
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | Nov 07 05:41 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 07:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RealHPT: @schestowitz Mag not totally objective, spins on Trump, too. MSM speaks only good of Clinton but bad on Trump, half news, 11 YO stories etc. | Nov 07 07:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 07:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RealHPT: @schestowitz Oligarchy loves shill Clinton but hates Trump, much FUD toward him. His actual speaking and alt news show a different story. | Nov 07 07:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 07:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EllenKinnally: @schestowitz @kgosztola @wikileaks could I send u a check to go buy some chocolates & flowers to lie at the Ecuadorean embassy for my hero | Nov 07 07:07 | |
schestowitz | They wouldn't just let any random person in | Nov 07 07:07 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 07:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Shadow14US: @Econghost @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri They stay focused on the bright shiny objects. | Nov 07 07:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 07:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Joeydoughnuts75: @schestowitz @wikileaks @the_intercept | Nov 07 07:08 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Joeydoughnuts75: @schestowitz @wikileaks @the_intercept | Nov 07 07:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 07:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CBerry1974: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein @Independent at this point that would be a #WastedVote... | Nov 07 07:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 07:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@israel_prenger: @schestowitz @wikileaks Cinderella? You mean nasty little horse face...sorry, thought it warranted a correction. | Nov 07 07:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 07:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jspuckett73: @schestowitz @KristineTully @WLTaskForce not enough!!!!!!!! | Nov 07 07:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 07:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Archdemonduncu3: @schestowitz @DrJillStein its funny you say this yet Trumps has been saying this for the last year and you people called him a conspiracy | Nov 07 07:11 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 07:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@_joshburgess: hmmm... | Nov 07 07:11 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Why I won’t recommend #Signal anymore I never really trusted them... | Nov 07 07:11 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 07:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Archdemonduncu3: @schestowitz @DrJillStein Theorist fucking unbelievable | Nov 07 07:11 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 07:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Johnsawyer1013: @schestowitz @devinecelt @wikileaks @jmpalmieri can we give them a big dose of kool-aid tomorrow before the election? | Nov 07 07:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 07:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Dagny_Taggart78: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri well the New Yorker just published an article claiming Putin joined trump at his rallies this weekend! | Nov 07 07:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 07:51 |
-TechBytesBot/ Dutch? Let me think. Where the #epo brags about ignoring the HIGHEST court and busts union | Nov 07 07:51 | |
schestowitz | "Philips or Unilever?" | Nov 07 07:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@IdeasPowered: ____________ is the world's largest #patent applicant at the European Patent Office! Tweet your guesses (Hint ... t… | Nov 07 07:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 07:51 |
schestowitz | "As a man who loves java mightily (it’s about all I drink beside water), that crappy language’s name seems a travesty. ;)" | Nov 07 07:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Leaked: An Out-of-Control EPO Union-Busting Parade of Battistelli Marches on in The Hague | Techrights | Nov 07 07:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/ Garbage collection in progress, please wait #java is not for the Web... | Nov 07 07:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: You feel Java when booking a train ticket with, even activting an account takes forever #crap | Nov 07 07:51 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 07 07:51 |
schestowitz | #java is not for the Web… | Nov 07 07:51 |
schestowitz | Benchmarks please ? :) (I’ll laugh) | Nov 07 07:51 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 07 07:51 |
schestowitz | Gut feeling when it comes to java-based sites that I use | Nov 07 07:52 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 07:54 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Leslie_H20: @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost Next she'll be saying the video maker she blamed for Benghazi was a Russian. | Nov 07 07:54 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 07:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ #plasma mobile I don't like Plasma on my desktop (after KF5) I don't want any phones Why would people want this? | Nov 07 07:58 | |
schestowitz | "Why don t you like Plasma 5? :)" | Nov 07 07:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | plasma-mobile – Plasma in your pocket | Nov 07 07:58 | |
schestowitz | Many reasons, including the bugs. I should write an article about it some day... | Nov 07 07:59 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 07:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ #OrangePi Zero is a $7 quad-core dev board/mini PC #linux | Nov 07 07:59 | |
schestowitz | "Funny, no mention of its power consumption anywhere: an important point for these kinds of devices, I would say. Other than that, very interesting for some of my project ideas. Although I can’t imagine why both RPi and Orange made it mandatory to solder GPIO connections…but I guess they know their market." | Nov 07 07:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Orange Pi Zero is a $7 quad-core dev board/mini PC - Liliputing [ ] | Nov 07 07:59 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 07:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ Hitler rants about the new 2016 #MacBook Pro #apple | Nov 07 07:59 | |
schestowitz | "Sadly it doesn’t work if you understand german." | Nov 07 07:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Hitler rants about the new 2016 MacBook Pro - YouTube [ ] | Nov 07 07:59 | |
schestowitz | Yes, I always thought that... same for Spanish in | Nov 07 08:00 |
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO President Benoit Hernandez About the Social Atmosphere and Life's Great Joys - YouTube [ ] | Nov 07 08:00 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:02 |
-TechBytesBot/ Linus #Torvalds Announces the Fourth RC of #Linux #Kernel 4.9 | Nov 07 08:02 | |
schestowitz | "That’s what she said." | Nov 07 08:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Linus Torvalds Announces the Fourth RC of Linux Kernel 4.9, Things Are Still Big | Nov 07 08:02 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Linux-Kernel Archive: Linux 4.9-rc4 | Nov 07 08:02 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Linux 4.9-rc4 Kernel Released - Phoronix | Nov 07 08:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:02 |
-TechBytesBot/ Got source for this? #podestaemails27 | Nov 07 08:02 | |
schestowitz | "Says so in the article." | Nov 07 08:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: | Nov 07 08:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:02 |
-TechBytesBot/ Making #clinton appear as though she cares for non-privileged and non-whites #PodestaEmails30 | Nov 07 08:02 | |
schestowitz | "Glad to hear you say that, but if you think he is even worse, why you don’t oppose him more? You spend 90% of your posts helping to defeat his opponent. Do you think she can loose without him winning?" | Nov 07 08:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 07 08:02 | |
schestowitz | There's not much new info about Trump right now, so I focus on what's new | Nov 07 08:03 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:03 |
-TechBytesBot/ How Bureaucrats and Spies Turned #Canada Into a #Surveillance State not just #harper | Nov 07 08:03 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | How Bureaucrats and Spies Turned Canada Into a Surveillance State | Motherboard | Nov 07 08:03 | |
schestowitz | "pigs and politicians = lies and evasion" | Nov 07 08:03 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:05 |
-TechBytesBot/ The connectivity of #assange remains limited or non-existent in a failed effort to stop publication or make him bored/depressed like Manning | Nov 07 08:05 | |
schestowitz | "Sounds like cruel and unusual punishment… I wonder if they keep repainting the inside of the embassy so that he’s also forced to watch paint dry? Somewhere in a locked room, there’s a faucet dripping at a carefully modulated rate of 1 drop per second into standing water. It’s being amplified over hundreds of perfectly spaced loudspeakers (like at Disney World) throughout the entire house so that he can’t ever truly tell where the | Nov 07 08:05 |
schestowitz | sound is coming from and there’s no escape from it. I bet they’ll replace the lighting in the house with lights that are just barely bright enough to see… His only supplied reading material? Printed articles, carefully chosen to be as non-controversial as possible, from mainstream news websites like HuffPo and NYTimes. All the images are stripped from each article except one. There’s a button at the bottom of each page that says, “ | Nov 07 08:05 |
schestowitz | Click here to learn more.” EXCEPT HE CAN’T CLICK IT BECAUSE IT’S A PIECE OF PAPER." | Nov 07 08:05 |
schestowitz | he'll have a lot of catching up to do once they reconnect him | Nov 07 08:05 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:05 |
-TechBytesBot/ Lots of explosions here tonight, non-stop ( #bonfirenight ). Does #wikileaks too have something explosive coming? #podestaemails31 | Nov 07 08:05 | |
schestowitz | "" | Nov 07 08:05 |
schestowitz | Curious, whereabouts are these fireworks, if you don’t mind my asking?" | Nov 07 08:06 |
schestowitz | Near Etihad Stadium | Nov 07 08:06 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:06 |
-TechBytesBot/ "using 'unlicensed' jQuery code." | Nov 07 08:06 | |
schestowitz | "Lol." | Nov 07 08:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Anti-Piracy Group Uses 'Pirated' Code on its Website - TorrentFreak [ ] | Nov 07 08:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:06 |
-TechBytesBot/ #Turkey blocks access to #Twitter , #WhatsApp and #Facebook good riddance? Not fair to #ergodan victims. | Nov 07 08:06 | |
schestowitz | "this has some good side, too. People are forced to use to consume much less crap on those commercial shit platforms. Whoever wants can use diaspora, gnusocial or jabber /xmpp instead . Just a question of knowledge and education." | Nov 07 08:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Turkey blocks access to Twitter, WhatsApp and Facebook | IT PRO [ ] | Nov 07 08:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:07 |
-TechBytesBot/ Improvements in apt-file 3.1.2 #apt #debian #gnu #linux | Nov 07 08:07 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Improvements in apt-file 3.1.2 | nthykier [ ] | Nov 07 08:07 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 07 08:07 |
schestowitz | Debian with systemd. | Nov 07 08:07 |
schestowitz | Devuan! | Nov 07 08:07 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 07 08:07 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:08 |
-TechBytesBot/ That won't be enough to convince those exposed by these E-mails that not "Russia Russia!" "fake fake fake!" | Nov 07 08:08 | |
schestowitz | "“For those who believe, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not, NONE WILL SUFFICE.” And there is the root of the problem: people don’t care to KNOW; instead, they’re accustomed to settling for BELIEFS, which are much easier." | Nov 07 08:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wikileaks: DKIM certification of email authenticity in plain english: More: | Nov 07 08:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:08 |
-TechBytesBot/ #techrights will write about #Amdocs Limited v #Opnet Telecom very soon; if not, then in the weekend. #cafc #swpats #patents #uspto | Nov 07 08:08 | |
schestowitz | "Let me know, I am interested to know what they write about. BTW, it is Openet" | Nov 07 08:08 |
schestowitz | Ah, OK | Nov 07 08:08 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:09 |
-TechBytesBot/ So once again we see Martin and Snowden treated like major criminals, #clinton not so much... | Nov 07 08:09 | |
schestowitz | "When did Sandy Berger pass away? It sounded like the drive went missing in 2009?" | Nov 07 08:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wikileaks: Two terrabyte drive with Clinton White House emails missing, presumed stolen from National Archives… | Nov 07 08:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:09 |
-TechBytesBot/ Some people say, #wikileaks is too much material to be digestible as substitute to "journalism". So find out the highlights, they do exist. | Nov 07 08:09 | |
schestowitz | "All those idiots in MSM ( mainstream media) are doing the same, just taking stuff which Jordan of TYT politics or HA Goodman are reporting. I don’t understand how they (MSNBC,CNN,NBC,Fox,NYTime,Washingtonpost) can call themselves journalists?" | Nov 07 08:09 |
schestowitz | Posturing is important for impact | Nov 07 08:09 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:10 |
-TechBytesBot/ Sega/Steam Took Down A Bunch Of Legitimate Steam Workshop Mods Over Copyright Concerns #sega #copyright | Nov 07 08:10 | |
schestowitz | "still playing on Saturn and Mega Drive - it’s hi-octane fuel for nostalgic feelings …" | Nov 07 08:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Sega/Steam Took Down A Bunch Of Legitimate Steam Workshop Mods Over Copyright Concerns | Techdirt [ ] | Nov 07 08:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:10 |
-TechBytesBot/ "Russia Tries to Disrupt Election" Clintonite (NBC) media just keeps repeating this nonsense. | Nov 07 08:10 | |
schestowitz | "MSNBC is full of it." | Nov 07 08:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | U.S. Govt. Hackers Ready to Hit Back If Russia Tries to Disrupt Election - NBC News [ ] | Nov 07 08:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:11 |
-TechBytesBot/ Remember these facts: Democrats coordinated media attacks on #sanders In spite of this, his popularity rose Then they let HRC steal it | Nov 07 08:11 | |
schestowitz | "Not even a pro-Bernie DNC would have gotten him a win. (Better minority outreach would have helped!) I say this as a strong Bernie supporter who voted for him and knocked on doors and made phone calls for him.' | Nov 07 08:11 |
schestowitz | Surveys suggested otherwise | Nov 07 08:11 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:11 |
-TechBytesBot/ #plasma mobile I don't like Plasma on my desktop (after KF5) I don't want any phones Why would people want this? | Nov 07 08:11 | |
schestowitz | "And what you advice as alternative? I need to prepare my new Thinkpad T500 with Parabola GNU/Linux, thanks for help." | Nov 07 08:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | plasma-mobile – Plasma in your pocket | Nov 07 08:11 | |
schestowitz | I just use plain openbox now | Nov 07 08:11 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:12 |
-TechBytesBot/ [Old] The Clintons Shrug At Sex Trafficking relevant to #podestaemails29 though | Nov 07 08:12 | |
schestowitz | "Would love to read it, but apparently I’d need a subscription. :(" | Nov 07 08:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Clintons Shrug At Sex Trafficking - WSJ [ ] | Nov 07 08:12 | |
schestowitz | Typical WSJ | Nov 07 08:12 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:12 |
-TechBytesBot/ Nearly 9 out of 10 smartphones shipped run on Android #linux inside them all | Nov 07 08:12 | |
schestowitz | "everyone talking about new IOS and Android phones … and I still use and love my Lumia 735 …" | Nov 07 08:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Nearly 9 out of 10 smartphones shipped run on Android - CNET [ ] | Nov 07 08:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:12 |
-TechBytesBot/ Meet Meow, a Purfect GNOME Menu Editor | Nov 07 08:12 | |
schestowitz | "It is, but I am from Germany, where the things are always of highest quality and stable, therefore we never, never talk about wonky things :)" | Nov 07 08:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Meet Meow, a Purfect GNOME Menu Editor - OMG! Ubuntu! [ ] | Nov 07 08:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ Just resign? Shouldn't she be fired? | Nov 07 08:13 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 07 08:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PatrickSvitek: Cruz on WikiLeaks exchange: "That official who gave the heads-up to the Hillary campaign should be terminated & Loretta Lynch should resign” | Nov 07 08:13 | |
schestowitz | If he starts using direct terminology like, “fired”, people might start thinking he’s decided to be, “insensitive”, like Trump. Then he wouldn’t be allowed to play big league politics anymore. :( | Nov 07 08:14 |
schestowitz | Ha. | Nov 07 08:14 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 07 08:14 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:14 |
-TechBytesBot/ (javascript required) #SystemD Awesomeness | Nov 07 08:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Dropbox - SystemD Awesomeness [ ] | Nov 07 08:14 | |
schestowitz | "not sure if sarcastic or not, it’s not “awesome” for systemd to be crappy I’d say." | Nov 07 08:14 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:14 |
-TechBytesBot/ It sure sounds as though the bankers use Clinton and Bill as political vehicles for interests abroad, even via Bill and Hill's son in law. | Nov 07 08:14 | |
schestowitz | "all one happy, fracking Empire." | Nov 07 08:14 |
schestowitz | yes, pretty much... | Nov 07 08:14 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:15 |
-TechBytesBot/ It doesn't matter who wins the election next week; what #wikileaks shows is very profound; it shows the rot within the US political system. | Nov 07 08:15 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 07 08:15 |
schestowitz | It matters a lot!!! Easy for you to say from an extreme position of privilege. Families will be torn apart, black churches will be firebombed, tens of millions will lose health insurance, minorities will lose many rights, women will lose the right to control their own bodies, voting will be a privilege whites enjoy, the poor will get poorer, the military will expand, the rich will stop paying inheritance taxes, racist militias will patrol the | Nov 07 08:15 |
schestowitz | country with relative impunity. | Nov 07 08:15 |
schestowitz | Clinton is about an order of magnitude less corrupt than the Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, who is by no means the most corrupt Governor in the US (wouldn’t even make it to the top 5). Trump would be many orders of magnitude worse than Cuomo in terms of pay-to-play and representing the rich more than the poor. | Nov 07 08:15 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 07 08:15 |
schestowitz | I didn't even mention Trump, Clinton or any other politician | Nov 07 08:15 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 08:16 |
-TechBytesBot/ #israel increases #internet #censorship ... because "think about the children!" - of course! | Nov 07 08:16 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 07 08:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Jewish Press » » Anti-Porn Censorship Bill Passes Unanimously in Ministerial Committee | Nov 07 08:16 | |
schestowitz | Well, it was blocked by the government (well, the Ministry of Justice, the part of the government that cares the most human rights issues. But still). In some previous cases some serious public lobbying was needed to block it. | Nov 07 08:16 |
schestowitz | ISPs offer it as a service anyway because it’s popular and because not all people know how to install their own blockers. | Nov 07 08:16 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 07 08:16 |
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Nov 07 08:49 | |
-->schestowitz ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 07 08:50 | |
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host) | Nov 07 08:50 | |
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Nov 07 08:50 | |
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Nov 07 09:08 | |
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 07 09:40 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:57 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:57 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Man shot and killed by off-duty officer after ‘road rage incident’ escalated | WGN-TV | Nov 07 10:57 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:57 |
schestowitz | > x | Nov 07 10:57 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:57 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Log In - New York Times [ ] | Nov 07 10:57 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:57 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:57 |
-TechBytesBot/ | A Guy Put Amazon's 'Alexa' In Big Mouth Billy Bass' Body And People Are Rightly Horrified | Huffington Post [ ] | Nov 07 10:57 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:57 |
schestowitz | > "They expect to be training replacements from India-based contractor | Nov 07 10:57 |
schestowitz | > HCL. The layoff affects more than 500 IT workers, according to the | Nov 07 10:57 |
schestowitz | > insurance firm. " | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ | CEO's message a jolt to IT workers facing layoffs | Computerworld [ ] | Nov 07 10:58 | |
schestowitz | > MBAs | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Nigeria frees Muslims accused of murder over blasphemy | News24 [ ] | Nov 07 10:58 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | Fresh attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh, houses torched | world-news | Hindustan Times [ ] | Nov 07 10:58 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Britain’s cybersecurity policy needs common sense, not just cash | John Naughton | Opinion | The Guardian [ ] | Nov 07 10:58 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ ) | Nov 07 10:58 | |
schestowitz | > DMCA | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Mythbuntu Linux Is No More, the Distribution Has Been Officially Discontinued [ ] | Nov 07 10:58 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Clinton v. Trump on copyrights and patents: Reading the platform and the tea leaves | Ars Technica UK [ ] | Nov 07 10:58 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > "as fears grow Russian hackers will target him" | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > Utter BS on many levels, probably written for the US election. | Nov 07 10:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ | King of chess Magnus Carlsen fears being a pawn in hackers' game [ ] | Nov 07 10:58 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > " It’s better if your developers contact the developers inside the | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > company and say ‘What can we do to help you get your code merged into | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > the kernel?’" | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Fireside Chat: GKH Talks Licensing, Email, and Aging Maintainers | | The source for Linux information [ ] | Nov 07 10:58 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > "And there are other people out there creating troubles for us...NSF..." | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > ... | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > "... current DARPA ..." | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > ... | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > "This is diplomacy time. Skill counts. Agility counts. Discretion | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > counts. Long credibility counts. Ammunition? Ammunition is worthless | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > because wherever we fire it, we work everywhere and it’s only going to | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > hit us." | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Eben Moglen on GPL Compliance and Building Communities: What Works | | The source for Linux information [ ] | Nov 07 10:58 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > "Ayyadurai’s settlement with Gawker Media represents a victory for a | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > version of the history of email’s development that isn’t supported by | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > evidence." | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Internet Pioneers Slam $750,000 Settlement for the 'Man Who Invented Email' [ ] | Nov 07 10:59 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > "Internet Explorer was already on a downward trajectory when Windows 10 | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > released a little over a year ago" | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Chrome Crushing In The Browser Wars While Edge Continues To Sputter | HotHardware [ ] | Nov 07 10:59 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Movie Companies Want to Hold Search Engines Liable For Piracy - TorrentFreak [ ] | Nov 07 10:59 | |
schestowitz | > " donation records suggest that the top entertainment industries | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > clearly favor Hillary Clinton. " | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > ... | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > "surprisingly little has been said about future policy. " | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > x | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Copyright Industries Back Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign - TorrentFreak [ ] | Nov 07 10:59 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ | What is a blockchain, and why is it growing in popularity? | Ars Technica [ ] | Nov 07 10:59 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ | China Adopts Cybersecurity Law Despite Foreign Opposition - Bloomberg [ ] | Nov 07 10:59 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Why I won't recommend Signal anymore - Sander Venema [ ] | Nov 07 10:59 | |
schestowitz | > PS. Congratulations on 10 years of TechRights (formerly BoycottNovell) | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 10:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rixstepnews: @schestowitz @Econghost Yeah and who is teaching them? | Nov 07 10:59 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 10:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@INDXT: @schestowitz @rixstepnews @wikileaks @jmpalmieri how can we emigrate to Russia! | Nov 07 10:59 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 10:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rixstepnews: @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost WAIT! That's not true? ;) | Nov 07 10:59 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rixstepnews: @aspiesmom @EarlNash @AchmarBinSchibi @katalin_pota @schestowitz @Econghost Nice! | Nov 07 10:59 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tonnasellscars: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein @Independent We're trying to save our country and you want me to vote for who? | Nov 07 11:04 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:32 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pax_se: Looks authentic. | Nov 07 11:32 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: DNC staffers prepared CNN anchors Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper for interviews with Trump #dncleak2 | Nov 07 11:32 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:33 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AtlantaPopRock: This sums it up: DNC, CNN and WaPo together forever. | Nov 07 11:33 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:33 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AJimenez1988: @schestowitz I don't blame him, nor Comey. They don't want to die in a bizarre weightlifting accident or commit suicide by double gunshot. | Nov 07 11:33 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:33 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MamaWolfe613: @schestowitz @wikileaks even if it did legally effect him it says that the new system won't be in effect until the end of 2019. | Nov 07 11:33 | |
<--MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) | Nov 07 11:43 | |
-->MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytes | Nov 07 11:44 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:46 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Cosmopolitka: LOL #paranoia | Nov 07 11:46 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "as fears grow Russian hackers will target him" Utter BS on many levels, probably written for the US election. | Nov 07 11:46 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:46 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OstracizedCom: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein @Independent Insane to waste a vote on Jill Stein. | Nov 07 11:46 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gregorylent: @schestowitz don't like using my data on ads .. that link is prefaced with one .. no big deal, except it adds up .. | Nov 07 11:46 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoMoreAmazon: #ImWitHer peeps, you have an alternative in @DrJillStein who is honest, has values & integrity; not a corrupt corpo… | Nov 07 11:47 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoMoreAmazon: #ImWitHer peeps, you have an alternative in @DrJillStein who is honest, has values & integrity; not a corrupt corpo… | Nov 07 11:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@miely0199: @schestowitz @torrentfreak good luck finding them... | Nov 07 11:47 | |
schestowitz | > Addenda: | Nov 07 11:48 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 11:48 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Eben Moglen on GPL Compliance and Building Communities: What Works | | The source for Linux information [ ] | Nov 07 11:48 | |
schestowitz | > - | Nov 07 11:48 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 11:48 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Eben Moglen, Software Freedom Through Diplomacy, SFLC 16 - YouTube [ ] | Nov 07 11:48 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 11:48 |
schestowitz | > "There’s been a lot of discussion lately about GPL enforcement..." | Nov 07 11:48 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 11:48 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Fireside Chat: GKH Talks Licensing, Email, and Aging Maintainers | | The source for Linux information [ ] | Nov 07 11:48 | |
schestowitz | > - | Nov 07 11:48 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 11:48 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Keynote: A Fireside Chat with Greg Kroah-Hartman, Linux Foundation Fellow - YouTube [ ] | Nov 07 11:49 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 11:49 |
schestowitz | Thanks, added/posted | Nov 07 11:50 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:54 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DTrumpIsAGenius: @DrJillStein instead of HRC? She's a far better candidate any day. | Nov 07 11:54 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "progressives have an alternative to establishment Democrats." #dncleak2 #podestaemails33 | Nov 07 11:54 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@brando5112: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Not in my lifetime... That woman is a nutcase! | Nov 07 11:58 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Green Party's Jill Stein: Case Against Presidential Nominee - Rolling Stone | Nov 07 11:58 | |
schestowitz | The person who wrote this merely libeled her and she responded | Nov 07 11:58 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:00 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AchmarBinSchibi: @Hanks323 @schestowitz @Econghost Leaks will be forthcoming I imagine. Comey cleared her but rumors are the agents are in revolt | Nov 07 12:00 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@saint_anon: @AchmarBinSchibi @Hanks323 @schestowitz @Econghost In the NYPD | Nov 07 12:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EvolveQuickly: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein If this had been a fair election we could've had that luxury, They will not let Jill win. HRC is evil. | Nov 07 12:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@xBenJamminx: @schestowitz it's called paraphrasing. 👌🏼 the point was not lost in translation I guarantee you. | Nov 07 12:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:35 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@brando5112: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein She's a waste of a vote in an election that can really hurt women & minorities if Trump should win. | Nov 07 12:35 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@trumphillarypol: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein he's already dead | Nov 07 12:35 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:35 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@trumphillarypol: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein or locked away for good. | Nov 07 12:35 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@trumphillarypol: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein they can take pic for proof of life. | Nov 07 12:35 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@trumphillarypol: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein but for all other purposes-dead | Nov 07 12:35 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:35 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@drcogent: @schestowitz @wikileaks more corruption please! | Nov 07 12:35 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:36 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DReaDPiRaTe9: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein nothing positive to say about her, just that she is not trump, sooo typical. | Nov 07 12:36 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:36 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DReaDPiRaTe9: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein she never said anything like this | Nov 07 12:36 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DReaDPiRaTe9: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein she never said anything like this | Nov 07 12:36 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:36 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mrsswiercz: @Hanks323 @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost FBI okay today? Lol | Nov 07 12:36 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:44 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Hillaryousness: We came. We saw. He died. Hahaha (and some other innocent people too) hahaha. Laugh with me or you might be next.… | Nov 07 12:44 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Hillaryousness: We came. We saw. He died. Hahaha (and some other innocent people too) hahaha. Laugh with me or you might be next.… | Nov 07 12:44 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:44 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@StephenDelRey: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein @brando5112 The politics of fear doesn't work on Greens. We don't support billionaires. | Nov 07 12:44 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:44 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CharlesLewis12: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein You're an establishment #sexist! Keep defending evil! #Sexism #NeverHillary #ImWithJill | Nov 07 12:44 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JoyMarie007: @schestowitz @pyfgcrl @wikileaks @jmpalmieri Moral of the story: it's illegal to read hacked fake emails from Russia | Nov 07 13:15 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JoyMarie007: @schestowitz @pyfgcrl @wikileaks @jmpalmieri The logic of the Democratic Party never ceases to elude me | Nov 07 13:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@miely0199: @amiraminiMD @schestowitz in the Global Intelligence Files...Stratfor Corporation | Nov 07 13:16 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BrittPettibone: So does this suggest a coverup of the nature of Vince Foster's and Ron Brown's deaths? #DNCLeak2… | Nov 07 13:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Physicstocks: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein right. Yemen is starving and ISIS is armed because hillary committ… | Nov 07 13:16 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Physicstocks: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein right. Yemen is starving and ISIS is armed because hillary committ… | Nov 07 13:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JoyMarie007: @pyfgcrl @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri I was being sarcastic (translates poorly in writing) | Nov 07 13:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Jannesod: @schestowitz Homeland security goes abroad! They know Sweden is an obedient lapdog to the US administration. | Nov 07 13:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: @schestowitz Meme harder. | Nov 07 13:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@citizen_clean: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein your fear is disgustingly misinformed. Hillary does more to hurt those groups.. | Nov 07 13:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@negrilgirl62: @henrymance @schestowitz @guardian Looks like your AG is as corrupt as U.S. AG | Nov 07 13:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@davewfpboyle: Russians?:-) | Nov 07 13:20 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Not sure I can publish much, let alone leave the house today, due to problems with #techrights on its 10th year (anniversary today) | Nov 07 13:20 | |
schestowitz | yes, RUSSIANS! And Martians. | Nov 07 13:20 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FactChek: #Democrats #Latinos #CollegeStudents #Veterans #Women #Feminists #MilitaryFamilies #BlackPeople #Millennials… | Nov 07 13:20 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FactChek: #Democrats #Latinos #CollegeStudents #Veterans #Women #Feminists #MilitaryFamilies #BlackPeople #Millennials… | Nov 07 13:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EmaGabi23: 😂😂😂mind blowing... | Nov 07 13:21 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: If often sounds as though even #clinton aides would not vote for her unless they got paid. Why would people do it voluntarily? #dncleak2 | Nov 07 13:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@eliredwine: @BlacksForBernie @WomenForBernieS @WomenforTrump @BlacksForTrump @CarmineZozzora WAKEUP-WeR slaves 2 gov't-VoteTrump | Nov 07 13:21 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks This is from #podestaemails32 and it shows that even those who are very close to Clinton don't trust the "witch" | Nov 07 13:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@giosgroi: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein @RollingStone thanks for the info piece 👍 | Nov 07 13:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WLTaskForce: @schestowitz The issue is that they falsely claim that the procceds are going to Assange, which is what the buyer intended. | Nov 07 13:22 | |
schestowitz | Scammers gonna scam | Nov 07 13:22 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:34 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jacobgadikian: @schestowitz sorry what does defending wiki leaks have to do with the Twitter commentary? | Nov 07 14:34 | |
schestowitz | Scammers target Wikileaks | Nov 07 14:34 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:34 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AndrewAtter: @johnauthers @schestowitz you mean continued growth post-referendum? | Nov 07 14:34 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:35 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Pitch_Mechanic: RT @auerswald: .@schestowitz twenty years ago, I was you. #entrepreneurship | Nov 07 14:35 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Our political process is bigger than our political parties – Medium | Nov 07 14:35 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Expect a lot of "Russia" and "Terrorism" (or both) in tomorrow's newspapers. Uniting the masses under the "protect us!" umbrella. | Nov 07 14:35 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:35 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@callanan_bob: @schestowitz @wikileaks As an Irish Citizen the shame of Shannon.. | Nov 07 14:35 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:35 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kathrynkopasz: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce Doesn't mean Wikileaks supporters shouldn't do their best to stop them, right? | Nov 07 14:35 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:35 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MeemsKaso: @schestowitz Link? Please. @AlwaysIntegrity @wikileaks | Nov 07 14:35 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:36 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Not_the_boat: @schestowitz @wikileaks big misinfo right now is all the stratfor emails submitted through contact form. People think it's legit. | Nov 07 14:36 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:36 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@markone1blog: @schestowitz Considering the number of attacks against women by a particular minority, I am not sure easier travel to the US is a good thing | Nov 07 14:36 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:37 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Boofyre: @schestowitz @brando5112 @wikileaks @DrJillStein wrong no vote is wasted. Stop listening 2 MSM. | Nov 07 14:37 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:38 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pharmerMillerDC: @schestowitz @CBSNews of course , they are wanting to have something ready to divert attention away from HRC If the dump has a smoking gun | Nov 07 14:38 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:38 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@markone1blog: @schestowitz @ChrisSalcedoTX @LanceRoberts I wonder if it can be proven that the @HillaryClinton campaign is behind the DDOS | Nov 07 14:38 | |
schestowitz | Hard to attribute attacks | Nov 07 14:38 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:39 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@palatofino: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein @RollingStone This was timely - I must admit that I was a bit confuse about her | Nov 07 14:39 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:39 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@micahnytes: @schestowitz @wikileaks You're a lost cause, go vote for the 70 yr old that got his phone taken away like a little kid 😂😂😂 | Nov 07 14:39 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:39 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@encyclopath: @PoliticalAnt @DrJillStein @HillaryClinton @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks shea perfectly sane, just a foreign collaborator | Nov 07 14:39 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:40 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz we all know it isnt anyone in the us govt hiring a private firm to cause the outages | Nov 07 14:40 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:40 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@plasticlenses: @schestowitz @wikileaks This is terrifying!!! | Nov 07 14:40 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:40 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@1BryanLi: @JoyMarie007 @schestowitz @pyfgcrl @wikileaks @jmpalmieri It is really the corruption and level of deceit that amaz… | Nov 07 14:40 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@1BryanLi: @JoyMarie007 @schestowitz @pyfgcrl @wikileaks @jmpalmieri It is really the corruption and level of deceit that amaz… | Nov 07 14:41 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:45 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stonehead: @BLongStPaul @schestowitz Having a two-party system doesn't help there. Obama could have done _so_ much more if Congress had done its job | Nov 07 14:45 | |
schestowitz | > Hi, Roy, | Nov 07 15:07 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 15:07 |
schestowitz | > Someone made a small attempt at DDoSing my home connection last week. | Nov 07 15:07 |
schestowitz | > Though neither abuse address wrote back, mailing the abuse addresses for | Nov 07 15:07 |
schestowitz | > the networks appearing to cause the attack seemed to work. Both times | Nov 07 15:07 |
schestowitz | > about an hour after writing, the attacks ceased. If you are not mailing | Nov 07 15:07 |
schestowitz | > the abuse addresses, I would recommend it adding it to your mitigation | Nov 07 15:07 |
schestowitz | > efforts. | Nov 07 15:07 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | > There's not a consistent, machine readable marking for the abuse address | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | > in whois database entries. Sadly it has to be retrieved manually, but | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | > then basically a form letter works. | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | > whois | less | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | > Look up the abusing IP number in whois, scroll to the end, and then work | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | > backwards until the first 'abuse' address is mentioned. | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | > However, if you want to block a whole AS network, I have a formula for | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | > that. | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | Thanks for the tip. at the moment fail2san sends me email reports with the details of the offending addresses and whois info. | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | I'll keep on fighting to keep the site online. Cancelled plans to go out today due to it... | Nov 07 15:08 |
-->acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Nov 07 15:36 | |
<--acer-box__ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | Nov 07 15:40 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:45 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Pyramidal_cell: @schestowitz MAKING FACEBOOK A DEAD ZONE WILL BE HISTORICAL! BOYCOTT of the 2016 USA ELECTIONS | Nov 07 15:45 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | BOYCOTT of the 2016 USA ELECTIONS - YouTube | Nov 07 15:45 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:45 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wickerman987661: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein they know she can't win | Nov 07 15:45 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:45 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OstracizedCom: @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost yeah...right. No. Our @FBI director is afraid for his life. Cozy with Clintons and Obamas | Nov 07 15:45 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:46 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OstracizedCom: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri @HillaryClinton @johnpodesta What happened to #MadelineMcCann - is she one of your Sex now Slaves Too? | Nov 07 15:46 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:46 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wickerman987661: @Boofyre @schestowitz @brando5112 @wikileaks @DrJillStein it is wasted. | Nov 07 15:46 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wickerman987661: @Boofyre @schestowitz @brando5112 @wikileaks @DrJillStein u fool | Nov 07 15:46 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sandita30: @schestowitz @wikileaks is she sure she's on a team consistent with her values? I think these reveals keep her employed in the end. | Nov 07 15:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Drjoyce54: Keep this monster out of our White House | Nov 07 15:49 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @DailyCaller @wikileaks But it's OK 'coz her old 'buddy' got anally raped to death | Nov 07 15:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @DrJillStein @schestowitz id vote for you instead of trump if you were his direct competator | Nov 07 15:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sandita30: @schestowitz @wikileaks I'll see your woman card and raise you any ethnicity. Anyone? Anyone? Going for the double down...female Latino. | Nov 07 15:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@VoteNeither2016: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein How so? Isn't threatening Russia, like Hill. Isn't trying 2 ban a religion, like Drumpf.. | Nov 07 15:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@VoteNeither2016: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Clinton will also hurt women & minorities, if you want to endorse that shame on you. | Nov 07 15:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CannonballRoll: Even the Democrats know that raising taxes on the middle class is stupid. Hilary wants all Americans to be dependen… | Nov 07 15:50 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CannonballRoll: Even the Democrats know that raising taxes on the middle class is stupid. Hilary wants all Americans to be dependen… | Nov 07 15:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sci_solar: @schestowitz STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND WATCH THIS !! >> Podestas, Pizza and Pedos #PodestaEmails33 | Nov 07 15:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Podestas, Pizza and Pedos - YouTube | Nov 07 15:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Angelicanang: What you want to bet since they LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING, they WOULDN'T remember if they told the truth OR LIED! DISGU… | Nov 07 15:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Angelicanang: What you want to bet since they LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING, they WOULDN'T remember if they told the truth OR LIED! DISGU… | Nov 07 15:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jacobgadikian: @schestowitz they're jerks. | Nov 07 15:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EllenKinnally: They turned their Daughter into a hustling grifter | Nov 07 15:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "Spoiled Brat" (Chelsea Clinton): "how to become covered under privilege" (mentions daddy a lot) #PodestaEmails33 | Nov 07 15:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DrunkinSeamus: I never even suspected Webster Hubbell was still so involved | Nov 07 15:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EllenKinnally: @jasoninthehouse go get the whole lot of them! | Nov 07 15:52 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "But no, they are not asking for all 55k. But nevertheless gives us an excuse." #servergate #PodestaEmails33 | Nov 07 15:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@oohx3murf: @schestowitz @TheTrueJeanette | Nov 07 15:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@barcleydottie: @schestowitz @wikileaks CNN has lost my trust. I'd like to see viewership pollings after the election on trustworthiness | Nov 07 15:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@2MuchDebt: @stonehead @BLongStPaul @schestowitz Stupid blockhead stay out of USA election. You don't matter. | Nov 07 15:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kmf829: @barcleydottie @schestowitz @wikileaks. @CNN has #LostCredibility Everyone, even #Hillary voters know that they are the #ClintonNewsNetwork | Nov 07 15:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MrIvanJohnson: @schestowitz the MSM have lost all credibility... hope their beloved HRC makes it worthwhile for them, 30 pieces of… | Nov 07 15:57 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MrIvanJohnson: @schestowitz the MSM have lost all credibility... hope their beloved HRC makes it worthwhile for them, 30 pieces of… | Nov 07 15:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kmf829: @CannonballRoll @schestowitz #HillaryClinton is dependent on #UsefulIdiots to get her elected. #MAGA #NeverHillary #TrumpPence16 | Nov 07 15:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 20:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Timothytrippin: @ggreenwald @schestowitz @jmpalmieri Yup- I asked her for a heads-up. Should we be looking for treason, pedophilia or suspicious deaths?! | Nov 07 20:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 20:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JohnBosch68: @1BryanLi @JoyMarie007 @schestowitz @pyfgcrl @wikileaks @jmpalmieri Woman in gif needs armpit hair and to be triple in weight. | Nov 07 20:57 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AlwaysIntegrity: @MeemsKaso @schestowitz @wikileaks the link is right there click on it | Nov 07 20:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 20:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jlboul: @schestowitz Ha! | Nov 07 20:59 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 20:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JefferySYoung2: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Jill Stein...llolololol😂😂😂😂😂 | Nov 07 20:59 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:00 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Areejsiddig: @schestowitz @DrJillStein 😂 yup! | Nov 07 21:00 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:00 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@trucemovement: @schestowitz @DailyCaller @wikileaks Wheres the full version of this video? With Huma handing her the phone with news Can't find it anymore. | Nov 07 21:00 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:00 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BLinz7: @schestowitz @wikileaks We need to demand they ALL go to prison. | Nov 07 21:00 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @reportrai3 @sole24ore @ipwatch @WorldIPReview @WorldIPReview @ilgiornale @LaStampa @Corriere @ItalyMFA… | Nov 07 21:02 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @reportrai3 @sole24ore @ipwatch @WorldIPReview @WorldIPReview @ilgiornale @LaStampa @Corriere @ItalyMFA… | Nov 07 21:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@steveklotz2: @MysticPhoeniix @MarcyHolroyd @schestowitz @wikileaks | Nov 07 21:02 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@steveklotz2: @MysticPhoeniix @MarcyHolroyd @schestowitz @wikileaks | Nov 07 21:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: Fatevi due risate, voi che potete ...@reportrai3 @ipwatch @sole24ore @ilgiornale @LaStampa @Corriere @ItalyMFA… | Nov 07 21:02 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: Fatevi due risate, voi che potete ...@reportrai3 @ipwatch @sole24ore @ilgiornale @LaStampa @Corriere @ItalyMFA… | Nov 07 21:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wesleynyc: @schestowitz @wikileaks and you are a nasty deplorable | Nov 07 21:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Beckbert84G: #NastyWoman #FL #GA #NC #PA #NV #CO #IA #WI #ME #OH #VA #MI #NH #IL #UT #TX #AZ #DE #VT #MN #CT #TN #NJ #IN #AL #WV… | Nov 07 21:03 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Beckbert84G: #NastyWoman #FL #GA #NC #PA #NV #CO #IA #WI #ME #OH #VA #MI #NH #IL #UT #TX #AZ #DE #VT #MN #CT #TN #NJ #IN #AL #WV… | Nov 07 21:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@emmamac0920: @WLTaskForce @schestowitz @Nnedi @brodiegal @zeynep blocked them all! No time for lies! #LongLiveWikileaks | Nov 07 21:04 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DavidHudson04: @schestowitz @wikileaks It is a cinch that the MSM won't do anything that hasn't already been approved by Hillary/DNC/Obama administration! | Nov 07 21:05 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fitfeather1903: @silner @DrJillStein @schestowitz You never forgive somebody for voting for them. That's really consequential. | Nov 07 21:05 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tekstar77: Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (@schestowitz): @wikileaks This is from #podestaemails32 and it shows that even... | Nov 07 21:05 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Peter Asher - Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz... | Facebook | Nov 07 21:05 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@studentpower16: @femfreq @FemMajority @FeministPress From one sister to another : say NO to enabler @HillaryClinton & her rapist ma… | Nov 07 21:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@studentpower16: @femfreq @FemMajority @FeministPress From one sister to another : say NO to enabler @HillaryClinton & her rapist ma… | Nov 07 21:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wesleynyc: @JordanChariton @schestowitz @DrJillStein @realDonaldTrump @HillaryClinton lmao go home Jill Whine you are drunk. | Nov 07 21:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schex9: #Unflippinbelievable | Nov 07 21:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #cnn says that because it sort of ghost-writes with both corporate parties that makes it OK ^_^ | Nov 07 21:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AthenaLetsDoDis: @schestowitz Boring! nobody cares; irrelevant; You guys keep trying to find treasure where there is none? Move On! | Nov 07 21:07 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #clinton 'donor' list - new one just released in #PodestaEmails33 as an attachment #ImWithHer #money | Nov 07 21:07 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Terra_Nulius: Theyre pushing the narrative per their directives..despicable! @thehill Retract your statement | Nov 07 21:07 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks @thehill Wow, they can't help repeating the lie, almost a week after it had been REPEATEDLY debunked dozens of times | Nov 07 21:07 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FairyJackFrost: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein What a waste of a vote | Nov 07 21:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cinemashotime: @schestowitz you say that because that's what you're hoping for. | Nov 07 21:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ZoilaHadley: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Invest? You call throwing away our vote an investment? In what? Go drink some more Kool Aid. | Nov 07 21:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheSlySlytherin: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein How so? If anything, she and Johnson need to give their percentage points to Trump! | Nov 07 21:08 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wizegie: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Agreed. Establishment is rotten to the core. Time to #BreakThe2PartyTrap. #VoteGreen2016 | Nov 07 21:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@petrakramer: Cheers @schestowitz, here's to tenth anniversary of Techrights. May you continue to shine light on patent trolls and their enablers. | Nov 07 21:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@junnuravikumar: @schestowitz @wikileaks you are just giving advantage to Hillary by neutralizing your vote. | Nov 07 21:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PriceofHisToys: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein I don't think he will win but I would not vote for Jill | Nov 07 21:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DeplorableJosh1: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Uhm...if Trump loses, because Hillary rigged the election, we will March on the Capitol. | Nov 07 21:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tcarrcreations: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Ahhh NO.. Hahaha! | Nov 07 21:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yitzpritz: @schestowitz @DrJillStein @wikileaks what are you saying vote for trump irregardless whether he wins | Nov 07 21:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hravida: @ZoilaHadley @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein If #GreenPartyUS gets 5% of vote, they receive federal funding to develop party of the ppl | Nov 07 21:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bmark5472: @schestowitz @wikileaks BE SAFE!! | Nov 07 21:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KellyPlumer: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein. | Nov 07 21:10 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KellyPlumer: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein. | Nov 07 21:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MarlaMartinez93: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Invest it on jill stein😂😂that's ironic! You mean waste your vote! If you really want change vote Trump | Nov 07 21:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@deadhandwriter: @schestowitz @PardonManning @wikileaks It's appears that if you get right down to it, Russia and America operate much in the same way. | Nov 07 21:11 | |
MinceR | if you really want change for the worse, vote trump | Nov 07 21:11 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ZoilaHadley: @hravida @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein If Hillary wins, all will be lost. Jill doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell... | Nov 07 21:11 | |
schestowitz | MinceR: yes | Nov 07 21:11 |
schestowitz | notice how rude they are | Nov 07 21:11 |
schestowitz | MinceR: I just ignore them | Nov 07 21:11 |
schestowitz | if I reply, they get even worse | Nov 07 21:12 |
schestowitz | I ignore all those "Deplorables" (by their OWN description) | Nov 07 21:12 |
schestowitz | Lost causes | Nov 07 21:12 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Daveinwi4trump: @schestowitz @thehill @wikileaks they have tentacles into every corporation and most of the CEO podesta emails show it. Huge machine. Scary | Nov 07 21:12 | |
schestowitz | trump in username | Nov 07 21:12 |
schestowitz | even though later this week he'll be history | Nov 07 21:12 |
schestowitz | (Trump) | Nov 07 21:12 |
schestowitz | Reminds me of Hitler's cult mentality | Nov 07 21:13 |
schestowitz | based on my readings on that famous/infamous election | Nov 07 21:13 |
schestowitz | except Hitler wasn't a billionaire, just a bigot | Nov 07 21:13 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AlJimJuma: @schestowitz @wikileaks only Betray-us made prison great again. Hillary hasn't. | Nov 07 21:15 | |
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Nov 07 23:35 | |
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 08 01:01 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AFK_10: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri Putin stole my hamster..... | Nov 08 01:11 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tomwoods55: Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (@schestowitz): Clinton-leaning media is everywhere | Nov 08 01:11 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | New WikiLeaks email suggests possible ‘collusion’ between CNBC, Clinton campaign – TheBlaze | Nov 08 01:11 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kragen: @schestowitz i put on my robe and wizard hat | Nov 08 01:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HillaryGuess: @schestowitz Happy birthday. I keep trying 2 get off but just trapped! | Nov 08 01:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@1bellaragazza: WOW! This is something. | Nov 08 01:13 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: The Democratic(TM) delusion is coming apart this election season, thanks primarily (but not only) to #wikileaks | Nov 08 01:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Russhole24: @schestowitz @wikileaks @democracynow you have no take or words about what's going on in America worry about UK idiot troll | Nov 08 01:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Timethinker: I agree. . . | Nov 08 01:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks Julian Assange: "Choosing Between Trump or Clinton is Like Picking Between Cholera or Gonorrhea" | Nov 08 01:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AJimenez1988: At least gonorrhoea doesn't kill you. | Nov 08 01:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Julian Assange: "Choosing Between Trump or Clinton is Like Picking Between Cholera or Gonorrhea" | Nov 08 01:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@more_ice_cream: @Russhole24 @schestowitz @wikileaks @democracynow This tweet tells a lot about the subject but nothing about the object. | Nov 08 01:15 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@seansreading: @schestowitz @wikileaks that's apt. Gonorrhea is unpleasant but treatable. Cholera is often fatal. That seems like an easy choice. | Nov 08 01:15 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@woundedtroop: @schestowitz @wikileaks @democracynow ....Hillary Clinton is more like Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus. A weaponized zoonotic disease. | Nov 08 01:15 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:16 |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HelloKiddies: I don't know anyone who thinks that way. | Nov 08 01:16 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: People who think they can salvage the US, their country, by armed rebellion should look at ND. Build another, new party for the 99%. | Nov 08 01:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ExposeMediaBias: @schestowitz who are you voting for so? It'll be one or the other. | Nov 08 01:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Douche_Bagdad: @schestowitz at least @realDonaldTrump can be fixed with a big shot in the ass - No cure for @HillaryClinton other… | Nov 08 01:17 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Douche_Bagdad: @schestowitz at least @realDonaldTrump can be fixed with a big shot in the ass - No cure for @HillaryClinton other… | Nov 08 01:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DeplorableTLB: @schestowitz @wikileaks @democracynow Not at all. How many public offices has Trump held. He hasn't mishandled classified info. | Nov 08 01:17 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LauraOutThere: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein F progressives. | Nov 08 01:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HippyDippy6: @schestowitz @wikileaks Since she was SecofState, their existence alone should give her 10x the sentencing that Manning got. | Nov 08 01:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:18 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ehopkinz: Agreed. | Nov 08 01:18 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks I bet when it's all over the Clintons and Trumps will be back to rubbing each others' backs and playing golf | Nov 08 01:18 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:18 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TimelessJules: @schestowitz @wikileaks @democracynow One will kill you and the other can be cured. | Nov 08 01:18 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:18 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TimelessJules: @schestowitz @DailyCaller @wikileaks There's something so haunting about someone celebrating death like that. | Nov 08 01:18 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@belindacarreiro: @schestowitz ..2 many hands in the cookie jar. | Nov 08 01:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@belindacarreiro: @schestowitz ..@wikileaks is all the transparency needed to break the code of silence. | Nov 08 01:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SydNeCoh: @schestowitz @wikileaks it was on Clinton's Private server? | Nov 08 01:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@belindacarreiro: @schestowitz @wltaskforce ..@jackdorsey donated 2 @hillaryclinton, twitter has been twisted from start Filtering Facts. | Nov 08 01:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sr_Penalosa: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks And did you write an article, approved by an editor, and published before Wikileaks announced them? | Nov 08 01:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EllenKinnally: @schestowitz sadly they r.We know DWS made Tim Canova's votes disappear Same District just got caught last wk invalidating mail in ballots | Nov 08 01:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MrIvanJohnson: @schestowitz :) | Nov 08 01:21 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HistoricalPics: 5MB IBM hard drive, 1956. | Nov 08 01:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Lucy60670099: #MAGA #MAGA3X @TGowdySC @ChuckGrassley @SpeakerRyan @AnnCoulter @SharylAttkisson | Nov 08 01:21 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks What were those things doing on public servers in the first place? | Nov 08 01:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ejwensing: @schestowitz @North_Socialist @wikileaks @democracynow Did he say which was which? Generally do not die from gonorrhea. Cholera more deadly. | Nov 08 01:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LouLasher: @schestowitz I hadn't seen "ImwithHerr" before. It has me chuckling. #ImwithHer -> #JillNotHill | Nov 08 01:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FactuaLogic: @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost who is the corporate media? You know it was the @nytimes that broke the HRC email story right? | Nov 08 01:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kallllisti: .@schestowitz There was a subtle extra 1000 email drop this afternoon. Not sure if it counts as #PodestaEmails34. Also... 1/2 | Nov 08 01:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ann_M_C: @schestowitz You could tweet to @wikileaks and ask them | Nov 08 01:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ejwensing: @cmarslett @schestowitz @North_Socialist @wikileaks @democracynow Tho cannot speak for Julian, with her impact history I'm inclined to agree | Nov 08 01:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kallllisti: .@schestowitz I am waiting on some specific emails that I am tracking (originals in threads, that will have attachments), so it's not over.. | Nov 08 01:24 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:24 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AchmarBinSchibi: @FactuaLogic @schestowitz @Econghost @nytimes yeah and WaPo broke Snowden's leak only to turn around & crucify him later 1/ | Nov 08 01:24 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:24 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AchmarBinSchibi: @FactuaLogic @schestowitz @Econghost @nytimes Moral of the story is we can't trust any news outlet owned by a conglomerate 2 report w/o bias | Nov 08 01:24 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:24 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FactuaLogic: @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost @nytimes are you confusing the op-ed columns with actual news reporting? There is a difference. | Nov 08 01:24 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FactuaLogic: @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost @nytimes reporting something that happened and then criticizing it in an op-ed is not biased. | Nov 08 01:25 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AchmarBinSchibi: @FactuaLogic @schestowitz @Econghost @nytimes Even what passes for reporting is often biased. Current Russia paranoia fed by both | Nov 08 01:25 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AchmarBinSchibi: @FactuaLogic @schestowitz @Econghost @nytimes Yes but often times reporters are just PR propagandists trading puff pieces for access | Nov 08 01:25 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@miely0199: @schestowitz 34 is out right now | Nov 08 01:25 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@nebrgenius: You mean the PLUTOCRATS RULE 😜😝 | Nov 08 01:25 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: JULIAN ASSANGE: "whatever political party gets into gov't is going to merge with the bureaucracy pretty damn fast." | Nov 08 01:25 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:26 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JL00t: Don't click on this without AdBlock. The New York Times conspired to install Clinton. Don't give them money. | Nov 08 01:26 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "more than eight in 10 voters saying the campaign has left them repulsed " #podestaemails33 | Nov 08 01:26 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:26 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jetreahy: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein educate yourself. HRCs policies have killed & suppresssd women & POC all over the world. | Nov 08 01:26 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:26 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MrIvanJohnson: Can’t imagine why! | Nov 08 01:26 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:26 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RobPFL1: @seanhannity @andersoncooper @AJDelgado13 @EricTrump #Podestemails34 just dropped! More cheating from Donna Brazile | Nov 08 01:26 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "Betsaida - can you send her answer on death penalty?" Hill answers like a bot (memorised) #podestaemails34 | Nov 08 01:26 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:26 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MrIvanJohnson: @schestowitz speaking of elections cc @DrJillStein | Nov 08 01:26 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@phpress: B.. But Trump!!! #GoGreen | Nov 08 01:26 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KahunaHawaii: @schestowitz @wikileaks Donna Brazille leaking in her Depends ... Karma | Nov 08 01:27 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SlickandLil: AP sucks - Clinton collusion on Sid emails. | Nov 08 01:27 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: More #ap and #clinton #collusion (remember how they helps her stole nomination from #sanders ) #podestaemails34 | Nov 08 01:27 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@thetigero: @schestowitz @wikileaks is this a PAC directly coordinating ad messaging and strategy with the DNC? | Nov 08 01:27 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:28 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@GiftsAndTalents: They talk @ Bernie supporters like a bag of groceries, not like they are people, just a commodity to be scammed.… | Nov 08 01:28 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@GiftsAndTalents: They talk @ Bernie supporters like a bag of groceries, not like they are people, just a commodity to be scammed.… | Nov 08 01:28 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:28 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ctrm045: @schestowitz @wikileaks I doubt that Bush and Hillary will be having spirit cooking dinners | Nov 08 01:28 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:28 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@riggedmachines: @schestowitz @wikileaks m stands for molesta podesta | Nov 08 01:28 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:29 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jlboul: @schestowitz FBI & Justice Dept. pushing past public questioning about new emails by saying there's nothing there. Need experts to verify. | Nov 08 01:29 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:29 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Scrambu11: PODESTA TORTURE CHAMBER REVEALED | Nov 08 01:29 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Podesta to Podesta: "Last night was fun Still in torture chamber" #podestaemails34 | Nov 08 01:29 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OnaCorner: @schestowitz @wikileaks Good God Almighty what does that even mean? | Nov 08 01:29 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:29 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Fdyrud: ATTN BERNIE FANS! U MUST READ | Nov 08 01:29 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Re: John and Roy Team #clinton scheming to undermine #sanders "Bernie followers" #podestaemails34 | Nov 08 01:29 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:30 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@GiftsAndTalents: Can they NOT afford their OWN Netflix accts? Is there anything they DON'T cheat on? #draintheswamp | Nov 08 01:30 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Netflix username:<div>Password: mpchai34</div> #podesta is paying... ;-) #podestaemails34 | Nov 08 01:30 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:30 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Krighton_: @Netflixhelps password sharing is against TOS Yeah? | Nov 08 01:30 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 01:31 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@eflask: hey, @SenWarren! nice to see what your friends think of you. was selling your soul worth it? bernie would be doing… | Nov 08 01:31 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@eflask: hey, @SenWarren! nice to see what your friends think of you. was selling your soul worth it? bernie would be doing… | Nov 08 01:31 | |
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 08 01:45 | |
schestowitz | See attachment. More tonight | Nov 08 06:48 |
schestowitz | [off-record: I don't have more news from Munich than in the attached pdf] | Nov 08 06:48 |
schestowitz | Check your MAILBOX." | Nov 08 06:52 |
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | Nov 08 07:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 07:45 |
-TechBytesBot/ Make Your Own Miniature Linux Laptop for Less Than $100 | Nov 08 07:45 | |
schestowitz | "cool" | Nov 08 07:45 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Make Your Own Miniature Linux Laptop for Less Than $100 [ ] | Nov 08 07:45 | |
schestowitz | Re: Hi, I did not make it tonight. I'll try tomorrow. | Nov 08 07:49 |
schestowitz | Thank you for working so hard, so late, for your colleagues. | Nov 08 07:49 |
schestowitz | Reminds me why I sacrifice so much time to the good people of EPO | Nov 08 07:49 |
schestowitz | >>> Hi, Roy, | Nov 08 07:54 |
schestowitz | >>> | Nov 08 07:54 |
schestowitz | >>> Will you have some other announcement or press release to post tomorrow? | Nov 08 07:54 |
schestowitz | >>> | Nov 08 07:54 |
schestowitz | >>> | Nov 08 07:54 |
schestowitz | >> | Nov 08 07:54 |
schestowitz | >> No point to it. It's actually a busy day for articles... | Nov 08 07:54 |
schestowitz | >> | Nov 08 07:54 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Techrights Turns 10 This Monday | Techrights [ ] | Nov 08 07:54 | |
schestowitz | > Ok. Do you have an older link to the most concise summary of TR goals | Nov 08 07:54 |
schestowitz | > past and present? The announcement yesterday starts off mentioning sw | Nov 08 07:54 |
schestowitz | > patents but then talks more about sources. | Nov 08 07:54 |
schestowitz | I haven't written about goals in a while and I'm busier in Diaspora (and Twitter as CC) these days, recently helping Wikileaks and the Green Party a lot. | Nov 08 07:54 |
schestowitz | Rianne bought me a cake and we'll do a small celebration today. Yesterday the DDOS attacks ruined all our plans. | Nov 08 07:54 |
schestowitz | >>> Hi, Roy, | Nov 08 07:55 |
schestowitz | >>> >> | Nov 08 07:55 |
schestowitz | >>> >> Someone made a small attempt at DDoSing my home connection last week. | Nov 08 07:55 |
schestowitz | >>> >> Though neither abuse address wrote back, mailing the abuse addresses for | Nov 08 07:55 |
schestowitz | >>> >> the networks appearing to cause the attack seemed to work. Both times | Nov 08 07:55 |
schestowitz | >>> >> about an hour after writing, the attacks ceased. If you are not mailing | Nov 08 07:55 |
schestowitz | >>> >> the abuse addresses, I would recommend it adding it to your mitigation | Nov 08 07:55 |
schestowitz | >>> >> efforts. | Nov 08 07:55 |
schestowitz | >>> >> | Nov 08 07:55 |
schestowitz | >>> >> There's not a consistent, machine readable marking for the abuse address | Nov 08 07:55 |
schestowitz | >>> >> in whois database entries. Sadly it has to be retrieved manually, but | Nov 08 07:55 |
schestowitz | >>> >> then basically a form letter works. | Nov 08 07:55 |
schestowitz | >>> >> | Nov 08 07:56 |
schestowitz | >>> >> whois | less | Nov 08 07:56 |
schestowitz | >>> >> | Nov 08 07:56 |
schestowitz | >>> >> Look up the abusing IP number in whois, scroll to the end, and then work | Nov 08 07:56 |
schestowitz | >>> >> backwards until the first 'abuse' address is mentioned. | Nov 08 07:56 |
schestowitz | >>> >> | Nov 08 07:56 |
schestowitz | >>> >> However, if you want to block a whole AS network, I have a formula for | Nov 08 07:56 |
schestowitz | >>> >> that. | Nov 08 07:56 |
schestowitz | >> > | Nov 08 07:56 |
schestowitz | >> > Thanks for the tip. at the moment fail2san sends me email reports with | Nov 08 07:56 |
schestowitz | >> > the details of the offending addresses and whois info. | Nov 08 07:56 |
schestowitz | >> > | Nov 08 07:56 |
schestowitz | >> > I'll keep on fighting to keep the site online. Cancelled plans to go out | Nov 08 07:56 |
schestowitz | >> > today due to it... | Nov 08 07:56 |
schestowitz | > Well, it means your writing is effective, but I think some way of | Nov 08 07:56 |
schestowitz | > automating the task or spreading the load is needed to make the | Nov 08 07:56 |
schestowitz | > mitigation efforts sustainable. | Nov 08 07:56 |
schestowitz | I thought we had staved off the attacks for good, but I was wrong. This stopped around 7pm last night. If this becomes a repetitive issue, I'll automate it all (there was a time when it carried on all the time for about 10 days). | Nov 08 07:56 |
schestowitz | > Hi Roy, | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > You already reported the gist of the situation, but this newly arrived | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > report might provide additional details. | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > I was again rather ill lately; I experienced a serious adverse reaction | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > to medications, an allergy to antibiotics. (It was IMO rather | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > spectacular but I was told it could have been worse). I was admitted to | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > hospital for nearly a fortnight. Recovery wasn't particularly swift. I'm | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > mostly OK now, with the exception that I easily get exhausted. | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > I haven't achieved much since late August, except having found a new | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > flat and moved into it last week, which was something of an exploit in | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > view of the circumstances. There was otherwise hardly any progress | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > w.r.t. my EPO stuff, despite the emergency. | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > Someone offered an urgent job last week, and I accepted. I don't need | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > the money, but I do need to see people and become familiar with the | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > professional environment here. To be honest, I had lost touch with it | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > since almost two decades. | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > I will be commuting and working 9-to-5 this entire week. I hope I'll | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > make it. | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | > Regards, | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | I have retained plenty of notes regarding the EPO so we can always resume where we left off and carry on trying to save the EPO before it goes down the bin, which I fear might happen. | Nov 08 08:00 |
schestowitz | Keep in good health. There's no substitute for it. I remember getting ill around March when I worked really hard on EPO stuff. | Nov 08 08:00 |
<--schestowitz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Nov 08 08:08 | |
-->schestowitz ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 08 08:10 | |
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host) | Nov 08 08:10 | |
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Nov 08 08:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jlboul: @schestowitz FBI & Justice Dept. pushing past public questioning about new emails by saying there's nothing there. Need experts to verify. | Nov 08 08:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@riggedmachines: @schestowitz @wikileaks m stands for molesta podesta | Nov 08 08:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Scrambu11: PODESTA TORTURE CHAMBER REVEALED | Nov 08 08:22 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Podesta to Podesta: "Last night was fun Still in torture chamber" #podestaemails34 | Nov 08 08:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OnaCorner: @schestowitz @wikileaks Good God Almighty what does that even mean? | Nov 08 08:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Fdyrud: ATTN BERNIE FANS! U MUST READ | Nov 08 08:22 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Re: John and Roy Team #clinton scheming to undermine #sanders "Bernie followers" #podestaemails34 | Nov 08 08:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@GiftsAndTalents: Can they NOT afford their OWN Netflix accts? Is there anything they DON'T cheat on? #draintheswamp | Nov 08 08:22 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Netflix username:<div>Password: mpchai34</div> #podesta is paying... ;-) #podestaemails34 | Nov 08 08:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Krighton_: @Netflixhelps password sharing is against TOS Yeah? | Nov 08 08:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@eflask: hey, @SenWarren! nice to see what your friends think of you. was selling your soul worth it? bernie would be doing… | Nov 08 08:23 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@eflask: hey, @SenWarren! nice to see what your friends think of you. was selling your soul worth it? bernie would be doing… | Nov 08 08:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TempieLyons: HRC is cold hearted and evil. She has no mutual friends, only people she uses. | Nov 08 08:23 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @DailyCaller @wikileaks But it's OK 'coz her old 'buddy' got anally raped to death | Nov 08 08:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jgogohary: @schestowitz @wikileaks @latifyahia funny - | Nov 08 08:23 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ ) | Nov 08 08:23 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jgogohary: @DrJillStein @schestowitz @latifyahia funny - | Nov 08 08:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:24 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@typesfast: @Serafinos @FoxNews @schestowitz @wikileaks link to more discussion? | Nov 08 08:24 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:24 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Serafinos: @typesfast @FoxNews @schestowitz @wikileaks Click on the good Dr's tweet and it's right there :) | Nov 08 08:24 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:24 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Serafinos: @FoxNews @schestowitz @wikileaks #PodestaPizza #SpiritCooking #NeverHillary #ImWitHer #Hillary See top thread tweet | Nov 08 08:24 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:24 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bubbly4rcl: @schestowitz @wikileaks | Nov 08 08:24 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | reddit: the front page of the internet | Nov 08 08:24 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:24 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@leroydonahue: @schestowitz @BoslerJohn @wikileaks Wouldn't it be revealing to see all of tRump's emails? Or Bush and Cheney's 22 MILLION? Oh, sorry, facts | Nov 08 08:24 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DonPier27990569: @schestowitz @wikileaks does it matter | Nov 08 08:25 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SandyMSantiago: Keep @johnpodesta away fromWhite House forever! #VoteTrump #VoteTrump2016 #MAGA @realDonaldTrump @KellyannePolls… | Nov 08 08:25 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SandyMSantiago: Keep @johnpodesta away fromWhite House forever! #VoteTrump #VoteTrump2016 #MAGA @realDonaldTrump @KellyannePolls… | Nov 08 08:25 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Janmcknight5: @schestowitz @wikileaks @democracynow But I see he hasn't released any damaging leaks about Trump!! | Nov 08 08:25 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Jentastic23: @schestowitz @wikileaks @democracynow I would definitely pick gonorrhea. But yeah, I think he meant Clinton is cholera. Look at Haiti. | Nov 08 08:25 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NomarClintons: @schestowitz @wikileaks This was all a scheme by Bill and Donald. It's the only way she could have won. | Nov 08 08:25 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:26 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iLluFe: @Janmcknight5 @schestowitz @wikileaks @democracynow without Wikileaks, we would have been ignorant as usual. If you got dirt on trump submit | Nov 08 08:26 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iLluFe: @Janmcknight5 @schestowitz @wikileaks @democracynow besides, who is saying you have to vote for trump with all the HRC corruptions and lies | Nov 08 08:26 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 08:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Heallowsmebow: @schestowitz Alright then, your best advice for telecommute research work employ? | Nov 08 08:27 | |
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Nov 08 09:13 | |
schestowitz | Re DDOS: | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | > They'll probably give up once it becomes fully ineffective. Have you | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | > been complaining to the abuse@ addresses? I'm under the belief that it | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | > helps. I got the idea when working in Denmark. There, our network | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | > admin had a shrill phone voice and she'd actually call up local | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | > violators and give them an earful. After a week or two of that, the | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | > attacks dropped off to a small fraction. We couldn't get rid of them | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | > all because were were co-located with Windows machines and there was | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | > never a minute that at least a handful were not infected and attacking | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | > from inside the LAN. | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | > Police are probably too politicized to get them to file a report, but if | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | > you can document the attack with an official report, even if they do | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | > nothing, you can document the problem (either the attack or the inaction | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | > of the police) and take it higher politically later. The police there | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | > in DK tried to do nothing, but she'd at least register a complaint: get | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | > them to acknowledge a) that an attack is going on, b) that it is a | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | > crime, and c) police deal with crime reports: therefore the next step is | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | > up to them. | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | The process is very time consuming. I tried it before. | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | When I do something that ruins my day I engrave in my mind a promise never to do it again. | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | Such is the case with complaints to ISPs, among other things in life. | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | Even talking to the police in general... (they never help. | Nov 08 09:51 |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 09:51 |
-TechBytesBot/ | » Blog Archive » Why I Believe British Police Serves and Protects Only Itself (and Maybe the Rich/Powerful) [ ] | Nov 08 09:51 | |
schestowitz | >> ... recently helping Wikileaks ... | Nov 08 09:56 |
schestowitz | > Here is the crap spewed by NPR, and similar, about the case. | Nov 08 09:56 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 08 09:56 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 08 09:56 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 08 09:56 |
schestowitz | > Looks like fact-checking is not done if it interferes with pressing an | Nov 08 09:56 |
schestowitz | > agenda or a specific narrative. | Nov 08 09:56 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Sweden Says Julian Assange To Face Questioning Next Week : The Two-Way : NPR | Nov 08 09:56 | |
schestowitz | I'm aware. Strategic timing for distraction. | Nov 08 09:56 |
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 08 12:38 | |
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 08 14:32 | |
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Nov 08 14:35 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jgrant_reno_nv: @hzaolmr @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks but a career criminal, habitual liar with a body count of 100+ and a rapist husband is GRRREAT | Nov 08 17:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hzaolmr: @jgrant_reno_nv @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks body count of 100+. Seek therapy. | Nov 08 17:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jgrant_reno_nv: @hzaolmr @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks | Nov 08 17:02 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jgrant_reno_nv: @hzaolmr @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks | Nov 08 17:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hzaolmr: @jgrant_reno_nv @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks But yes, a career criminal could run the country better than a retarded person. | Nov 08 17:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hzaolmr: @jgrant_reno_nv @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks Hail Satan | Nov 08 17:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jgrant_reno_nv: @hzaolmr @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks | Nov 08 17:03 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jgrant_reno_nv: @hzaolmr @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks | Nov 08 17:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hzaolmr: @jgrant_reno_nv @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks you should get checked for schizophrenia, believing in a cabal of shadow assassins | Nov 08 17:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hzaolmr: @jgrant_reno_nv @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks cool photo, check this one out | Nov 08 17:04 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hzaolmr: @jgrant_reno_nv @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks cool photo, check this one out | Nov 08 17:04 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@America4Liberty: Wow! Take a look at this overview of the #44MostDamningStoriesFromWikiLeaks | Nov 08 17:04 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: The 44 Most Damning Stories From WikiLeaks #podestaemails35 | Nov 08 17:04 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stonehead: @schestowitz COME ON FUCK THOSE EMAILS | Nov 08 17:05 | |
schestowitz | We need to better know the best US Pres | Nov 08 17:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Late Night with Seth Meyers - Timeline | Facebook | Nov 08 17:05 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BenEnkio: HERE'S WHY #HillarysEmails MATTER #ElectionDay #ohio #VoteTrump #myvote2016 #michigan #nevada #CrookedHillary #MAGA… | Nov 08 17:05 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BenEnkio: HERE'S WHY #HillarysEmails MATTER #ElectionDay #ohio #VoteTrump #myvote2016 #michigan #nevada #CrookedHillary #MAGA… | Nov 08 17:05 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stonehead: @schestowitz just stop being a wikileaks zealot! You can do sooo much better | Nov 08 17:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Tinahay85373271: @schestowitz his phone, his passport, lost his dignity a long time ago | Nov 08 17:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RonTamber: THIS IS AGAINST THE LAW PERIOD WE MUST FRY @johnpodesta once and for @FBI @FoxNews @ericbolling @BretBaier… | Nov 08 17:07 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RonTamber: THIS IS AGAINST THE LAW PERIOD WE MUST FRY @johnpodesta once and for @FBI @FoxNews @ericbolling @BretBaier… | Nov 08 17:07 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pamjms: Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (@schestowitz): It seems like #wikileaks crowdsourced the job of Congress and the... | Nov 08 17:07 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Pamela Marcum - Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz... | Facebook | Nov 08 17:07 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@_ukkie_: @schestowitz | Nov 08 17:08 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@_ukkie_: @schestowitz | Nov 08 17:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JakeBlues23231: @schestowitz no they aren't. They are covering this crap up like the Kennedy murder. weiner laptop in comeys hands now.. nothing will happen | Nov 08 17:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ElinaBeauchamp: Remarkable liars #PodestaEmails35 | Nov 08 17:10 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Wow. "Do we have an answer for why there are no emails from the Oct. 8 trip to Libya?" #podestaemails35 | Nov 08 17:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@brad_sando: @schestowitz It matters! #clownkaine is laughing at he waits his turn. #NeverHillary | Nov 08 17:11 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@veggie911: #podestaemails35 | Nov 08 17:12 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Gabe #podesta sends photos from #qatar and area (weapons trade etc.) classified! #podestaemails35 | Nov 08 17:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Millwood09: @schestowitz @TweetingYarnie Love it! Spin the Nov election results, #Podesta the #Spindoctor | Nov 08 17:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kcchiefzgirl: Yes, Photos are no worse than a photo of a submarine. Needs arrested, too! #PodestaEmails35 | Nov 08 17:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RickyBird11811: .@schestowitz Stein should've been the candidate.But she isn't &she can't win in 2016. Neither should we allow #CrookedHillary @DrJillStein | Nov 08 17:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LucidGlow: @_ukkie_ @schestowitz It happened well before 2016 | Nov 08 17:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kevinbocky: CLASSIFIED INFO #Election2016 #electionday #ElectionDay #PodestaEmails35 #ElectionNight #ClintonFoundation… | Nov 08 17:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kevinbocky: CLASSIFIED INFO #Election2016 #electionday #ElectionDay #PodestaEmails35 #ElectionNight #ClintonFoundation… | Nov 08 17:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AnikSuman: @schestowitz @wikileaks agreed, she s clueless as ever. | Nov 08 17:21 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@diner2014: @kcchiefzgirl @Emperipolisis @schestowitz "Qatar is sterile. Glad to be here but I also kind of miss Afghanistan." no pizza available! | Nov 08 17:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:41 |
-TechBytesBot/ #ciapost the #clintonfoundation and the money laundering/bribe-passing apparatus of HRC #podestaemails35 #podestaemails | Nov 08 17:41 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 08 17:41 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:46 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ictcowgrrl: @schestowitz @wikileaks Fix your own damn country. | Nov 08 17:46 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:46 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@miely0199: @schestowitz did you see this one? Why is someone from Citigroup emailed info on CIA candidate vetting? | Nov 08 17:46 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@miely0199: @schestowitz sorry | Nov 08 17:47 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 08 17:47 | |
schestowitz | Seen it | Nov 08 17:47 |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PaulSorrentino3: I want some inside information @johnpodesta go ahead tweet it #PodestaEmails35 no way in hell can u be allowed to b… | Nov 08 17:47 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PaulSorrentino3: I want some inside information @johnpodesta go ahead tweet it #PodestaEmails35 no way in hell can u be allowed to b… | Nov 08 17:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SwaderPolly: #CollusionPodestaPizzaBoys has contract 4 Republic of India in US @WhiteHouse influence over #IndiaIntelligence re… | Nov 08 17:47 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SwaderPolly: #CollusionPodestaPizzaBoys has contract 4 Republic of India in US @WhiteHouse influence over #IndiaIntelligence re… | Nov 08 17:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@_ukkie_: @schestowitz Agreed. Sad, but true! | Nov 08 17:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:48 |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BareUncbare: @schestowitz @wikileaks You're obsessed. You must want to suck Soros's .... | Nov 08 17:48 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@venimdenim1: @hzaolmr @jgrant_reno_nv @schestowitz @wikileaks CTR troll 36 followers...Block | Nov 08 17:48 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PaulSorrentino3: ethics are out the window in a Clinton administration @HillaryClinton #PodestaEmails35 | Nov 08 17:48 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: So 'reporter' @chucktodd is again ousted as #ImWithHerrClinton 'operative' #wallstreet #ImWithHer #podestaemails35 | Nov 08 17:48 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:48 |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@baggins77: @schestowitz @ElleLatham don't worry didn't vote for him either | Nov 08 17:48 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LuckyMomIAm: @TGowdySC @GOP @SenateGOP @seanhannity @JudgeJeanine | Nov 08 17:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:49 |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jlboul: @schestowitz Latest email given pass by Comey were not properly analyzed. Not making this up. Expert agrees. Citizens believe him, however. | Nov 08 17:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dianapop: Gonorrhea can be treated.Not sure about HRC's bloodlust though. Cataclysm/calamity.With cataclysm (Trump)=u're f-ed☢ | Nov 08 17:49 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks Julian Assange: "Choosing Between Trump or Clinton is Like Picking Between Cholera or Gonorrhea" | Nov 08 17:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Rhonda9080: @schestowitz I dunno - I think we're looking at a precedent of an Elitist class above the law if #Trump doesn't win. | Nov 08 17:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EllenKinnally: @schestowitz @stonehead Don't listen to a stoner in the Netherlands. This American loves ur tweets and transparency and Julian and Jill:) | Nov 08 17:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@judy_stasack: Evidence Pedo Bros working at/with the WH on international affairs. What a racket! #podestaemails35 #India | Nov 08 17:50 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Lobbyist for Saudi Podesta to brother Podesta: "Who has India portfolio at White House?" #podestaemails35 #india | Nov 08 17:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CarolGarofolo: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein my family are all with Stein, Peace is the way. | Nov 08 17:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KillersLie: @schestowitz @wikileaks @lemonandshallot | Nov 08 17:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Assange Statement on the US Election | Nov 08 17:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@leejac424: Hillary/Obama created ISIS. Obama's "War on ISIS" is fake. | Nov 08 17:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "HRC to meet informally with the general in charge of war on Isis" #podestaemails35 see | Nov 08 17:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kmclc2016brutus: @schestowitz @stonehead Especially when they are getting their info from our own intelligence agencies to stop the corruption.Why no denials | Nov 08 18:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cherylduitsman: TRUMP MUST WIN | Nov 08 18:19 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Remember while studying #podestaemails35 doesn't matter who wins the election today ...HRC is in deep trouble. Chelsea and Bill also. | Nov 08 18:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Rhonda9080: @schestowitz Unfortunately, many #Hillary voters know all of this and don't care. Or they don't know and don't care abt what they don't know | Nov 08 18:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@plsmith57: @schestowitz @WoffordN Indeed it does matter who wins.HRC Prez will end 2nd Amend rights/protects abortion harvesting/rewrites Constitution | Nov 08 18:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@plsmith57: @schestowitz @WoffordN 2). HRC prez will tax the already over taxed middle class.As Dr u should be very concerned re continued Obamacare.... | Nov 08 18:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@plsmith57: @schestowitz @WoffordN 3). Jobs will continue to be shipped overseas=no 'fair competition' of which you advocate, and Alinsky rules new norm | Nov 08 18:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@plsmith57: @schestowitz @WoffordN 4).So yes Dr it does matter very much who wins election today.Yes,all 3Clintons should bheld acctble,but DOJ corrupt. | Nov 08 18:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FactuaLogic: @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost @nytimes well I would just try to remember, bias does not necessarily mean wrong | Nov 08 18:22 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FactuaLogic: @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost @nytimes a journalist or media org can be biased, but still accurate in their reporting. | Nov 08 18:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AchmarBinSchibi: @FactuaLogic @schestowitz @Econghost @nytimes It does when those puff piece writing journalists ignore blatant corruption | Nov 08 18:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AchmarBinSchibi: @FactuaLogic @schestowitz @Econghost @nytimes Yeah but the corporate media is wrong in how it covers US military adventurism | Nov 08 18:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Koreaunida: @schestowitz @wikileaks and Donald Trump is smart??? | Nov 08 18:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FactuaLogic: @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost @nytimes that sounds like a cop-out to me. ignoring corruption of what? and how does that relate ? | Nov 08 18:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FactuaLogic: @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost @nytimes corruption around unrelated/irrelevant issues? No clue what you mean without some context | Nov 08 18:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@brando5112: @VoteNeither2016 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Go Hillary, today women make History! | Nov 08 18:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@VoteNeither2016: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Rich neoliberal boomer WASP women... | Nov 08 18:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:24 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MLB37167: @schestowitz @DailyCaller @wikileaks Instead of casting a 3rd party ballot voters might consider selecting best available VIABLE candidate. | Nov 08 18:24 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:24 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@maxpolk: @schestowitz @infoworld Hardware vendor fails to break into software vendor stronghold. Yaaaawn. It's called business. Get used to it. | Nov 08 18:24 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:24 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz probably not if they win as you see from the email they control everyone | Nov 08 18:24 | |
schestowitz | Information still grants you leverage | Nov 08 18:25 |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:33 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hubbard2015: wasting time rebuilding Am if she wins #ClintonCrimeFamily is guilty of taking bribes, giving bribes, tax evasion,… | Nov 08 18:33 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hubbard2015: wasting time rebuilding Am if she wins #ClintonCrimeFamily is guilty of taking bribes, giving bribes, tax evasion,… | Nov 08 18:33 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:34 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PuttytatandMax: @schestowitz Doesn't matter the wolves are all in chg of the hen house. Who will do anything about it? | Nov 08 18:34 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 21:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Snowden: @jeffjarvis Drop non-responsive To:/CC:/BCC:, hash both sets, then subtract those that match. Old laptops could do it in minutes-to-hours. | Nov 08 21:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@backwaterdogs: @JohnJHarwood is a dispicable piece of shit | Nov 08 23:04 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: More evidence of media meddling by Team #clinton " #Benghazi "talking points"" #podestaemails35 | Nov 08 23:04 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@belindacarreiro: @schestowitz ...performance over preference, assertive is the golden standard. | Nov 08 23:04 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Jim1981T: @schestowitz @La_Cooks I've been so preoccupied with #ElectionDay tweets and #voterfraud Is there anything good in this batch? | Nov 08 23:05 | |
schestowitz | Yes, lots | Nov 08 23:05 |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@krowrideout: @Boofyre @schestowitz @brando5112 @wikileaks @DrJillStein In US if U don't vote the government will vote 4 U. An the person of THEIR choice. | Nov 08 23:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ChrisCharabaruk: @schestowitz I don't know what's stupider -- that he keeps getting reported off of Facebook, or that he wants an account there at all | Nov 08 23:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ollie_renee: You said it honey! They're all #FASCISTPIGS 🐷 🐷 #PIGS | Nov 08 23:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks No meddling at all. Just look up #nytimes in #podestaemails to see how they're all in bed with Wall[ary] Street's campaign | Nov 08 23:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: this will become common | Nov 08 23:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #Vancouver Considers Abandoning Parts of the Coast Because of #ClimateChange #canada | Nov 08 23:07 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoneYa777: @schestowitz He doesn't have the freedom of speach right at a private event. | Nov 08 23:07 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ACROPOLITESSE: Les naufragés climatiques | Nov 08 23:07 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Serafinos: @schestowitz @geekwire 👍🏼TY :) | Nov 08 23:07 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz Trump will put a stop to this | Nov 08 23:08 | |
schestowitz | By putting them out... of their misery | Nov 08 23:08 |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@diner2014: @schestowitz Dye them pink | Nov 08 23:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pamjms: Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (@schestowitz): old: The Sorcerer's Code RMS on #freesw | Nov 08 23:09 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Sorcerer's Code | Psychology Today | Nov 08 23:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeaH2ONymph: @schestowitz @ProfessorsBlogg Best explanation I've heard: "Slow Motion Fascism." | Nov 08 23:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeaH2ONymph: Best explanation I've heard: "Slow Motion Fascism" | Nov 08 23:09 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @ProfessorsBlogg Sweden is rapidly becoming like a 51th state, or a jumping spring for waterboarding and more | Nov 08 23:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Jannesod: Guess they wanna see him buried and gone. Like so many other opponents. | Nov 08 23:10 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #clinton camp hopes that #assange will run out of happiness, hope, funds, or lawyers who protect him (two of whom died this year) #defendwl | Nov 08 23:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MelvinNudelman: I heard 121 people mysteriosly died opposing Clinton crime mafia | Nov 08 23:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MrIvanJohnson: @schestowitz Conde bloody Nast took over @arstechnica? | Nov 08 23:10 | |
schestowitz | Ages ago, Wired and Reddit also | Nov 08 23:10 |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@IamFran13: @schestowitz @wikileaks 👍 | Nov 08 23:11 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Gorby181: FUCK ARE YOU THAT STUPID??? WHY would you even say that, the dummy hasn't lost yet!! Just a pile of shit wake up an… | Nov 08 23:11 | |
schestowitz | LOL | Nov 08 23:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Gorby181: FUCK ARE YOU THAT STUPID??? WHY would you even say that, the dummy hasn't lost yet!! Just a pile of shit wake up an… | Nov 08 23:11 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@juchetony: @ejwensing @schestowitz @North_Socialist @wikileaks @democracynow not really, as long as you rehydrate early. | Nov 08 23:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@nancystonge: @schestowitz @wikileaks I can get any? | Nov 08 23:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JillSteinHQ: @schestowitz | Nov 08 23:12 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JillSteinHQ: @schestowitz | Nov 08 23:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FrankViewZ: @schestowitz @ProfessorsBlogg I guess that's how hard they are working to get Assange | Nov 08 23:13 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@judy_shwabe: @schestowitz @wikileaks But won't she just get pardoned after election? 😞 | Nov 08 23:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ietsist: so #VoteGreen2016 | Nov 08 23:13 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks Julian Assange: "Choosing Between Trump or Clinton is Like Picking Between Cholera or Gonorrhea" | Nov 08 23:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DeadSuperHero: @schestowitz I agree that patents are outdated; but if AI can be sufficiently deemed a personhood, it should have ownership of its creation. | Nov 08 23:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz @futurism fuck that | Nov 08 23:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HereNow71: And #Hillary gets NOTHING for what she has done!!! #RiggedJusticeSystem #HillaryForPrison | Nov 08 23:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: War on #journalism by punishment of sources... And they tell us #obama was OK on human rights?! | Nov 08 23:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OpenThePrimary: Download #Wikileaks WLTaskForce | Nov 08 23:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: .@wikileaks This would prevent attempts to bring #wikileaks down as a single point of failiure. Security/insurance like #cablegate mirrors. | Nov 08 23:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ecuagallos: most definetely so. | Nov 08 23:15 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks HRC is dangerously clueless. Would cause deadly wars. | Nov 08 23:15 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DenyJean1: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein LOVE DR.STEIN but there was no chance, sad she was my first choice. | Nov 08 23:15 | |
schestowitz | She just needs 5% this time around | Nov 08 23:15 |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@adlangston75: @schestowitz @AssangeFreedom @wikileaks I think she knows exactly what she is doing | Nov 08 23:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MosherPhil: @Greg_Palast @schestowitz Mine, in #Ohio, was save electronic to a card w/ a chip, &secondarily printed each vote as I entered it. 1/2. | Nov 08 23:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MosherPhil: @Greg_Palast @schestowitz Then when done, could review all. Then cast. Our machines don't work as described above. | Nov 08 23:17 | |
schestowitz | >> I'll probably have wine later, but also have a pile of EPO articles to | Nov 08 23:35 |
schestowitz | >> > do; I try not to write anything when drinking, just watch football matches. | Nov 08 23:35 |
schestowitz | > Well, at least one site picked up the news: | Nov 08 23:35 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 08 23:35 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 08 23:35 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Techrights Turns 10 Years Old - SoylentNews | Nov 08 23:35 | |
schestowitz | Didn't find time to write articles today. Will freshen up, see if I can produce something today. | Nov 08 23:35 |
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Nov 08 23:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 00:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kiuwalsh: @HillaryClinton crook lying traitor HC | Nov 09 00:56 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: if #clinton is not winning states so far, blame #dnc for rigging the nomination so badly and sabotaging one who could EASILY beat Trump | Nov 09 00:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:00 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FrancisJeffrey7: @schestowitz @wikileaks | Nov 09 09:00 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FrancisJeffrey7: Hillary Clinton is, PRIVATELY, only G"D knows WHAT ! | Nov 09 09:00 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:00 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DenyJean1: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Please explain Dr. S | Nov 09 09:00 | |
schestowitz | 5% of votes would give the Greens a big chance in 2020 | Nov 09 09:00 |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:01 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@beezageeza: After blatant manipulation of Primaries against Sanders, in favour of HRC, the Democrats deserve to lose… | Nov 09 09:01 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@beezageeza: After blatant manipulation of Primaries against Sanders, in favour of HRC, the Democrats deserve to lose… | Nov 09 09:01 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sandita30: @schestowitz I hear you. I just voted. And my hands were shaking. I'm terrified either way. I pray for no violence in our country. #green | Nov 09 09:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@IamFran13: @schestowitz @wikileaks Who is this message really for? And why is it not working? | Nov 09 09:02 | |
schestowitz | You need a torrent client | Nov 09 09:02 |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RealHPT: @schestowitz To do right, voting hardware+software should be open source w/open source OS #Linux w/code published openly for all to examine. | Nov 09 09:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@imposh007: #BrexitPlusPlusPlus | Nov 09 09:04 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: It looks as though the US is getting its own #brexit (wait until market opens). #sanders won, but #dnc stopped him | Nov 09 09:04 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pamjms: @wikileaks @schestowitz NYT forecasts look like your hourglass icon. Hahahahahaha. Oh the irony. | Nov 09 09:04 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@donaltc: @wikileaks @schestowitz the lesson: no one is immune to info bubbles | Nov 09 09:04 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hotcitykitty: Think so👉@DWStweets should have learned Gerrymandering will eventually backfire Sanders was a TODAY candidate MyL… | Nov 09 09:05 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hotcitykitty: Think so👉@DWStweets should have learned Gerrymandering will eventually backfire Sanders was a TODAY candidate MyL… | Nov 09 09:05 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SoCalBIGmike: How do you people NOT get this? It's like you live...In an Elitist Bubble! | Nov 09 09:05 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Had #sanders not been sabotaged, there would be no "Trumpland". Remember it was #dnc and crooked Wall Street that did this... sad day. | Nov 09 09:05 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@We3forDemocracy: @schestowitz Nonsense. He lost credibility by shilling for Hillary | Nov 09 09:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz yep, a neoliberal dem establishing unwilling to compromise & a truly selfish candidate blind in her own power lust | Nov 09 09:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iridesce57: @schestowitz How'd that work out for you? | Nov 09 09:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz brexit isnt even in effect for you yet jesus | Nov 09 09:11 | |
schestowitz | yes, can get worse | Nov 09 09:11 |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Jvas2727: @schestowitz Seriously, I hope he doesn't sell out and start cutting deals with she devil now. | Nov 09 09:11 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mickjosi: @schestowitz @greg_jenner All are changing $> €¥ but no one is taking £ . | Nov 09 09:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KSISKProduction: @schestowitz next Wednesday works for me 😊 She'll probably get pardoned by Obama | Nov 09 09:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iridesce57: @schestowitz THIS | Nov 09 09:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iridesce57: @schestowitz Truth be told, it's on many of us Americans for taking an incredible society for granted and not putting in the work every day | Nov 09 09:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz he was a shill from the start , had a non aggression policy with hitlery | Nov 09 09:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iridesce57: @AngelaRichter_ @schestowitz Can't help but think today would have ended differently with him still with us | Nov 09 09:15 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fflandro: @schestowitz Have Evidence ... will Travel! | Nov 09 09:15 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-No status found with that ID. | Nov 09 09:17 | |
schestowitz | "I don't blame Sanders for keeping his word. It was honourable. But i don't think he should have made that promise." | Nov 09 09:17 |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:18 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Big_Chill53: @schestowitz @NewsweekEurope @wikileaks @DrJillStein audios Biz Wk | Nov 09 09:18 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kragen: Do you think President Trump's DoJ will indict his opponent Clinton in 2017 or will they wait until 2018? cc @schestowitz | Nov 09 09:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RealHPT: @schestowitz Left would like all to believe that Joe Deplorable who shoots clay pigeons and loves his wife & child is a danger to society. | Nov 09 09:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Jvas2727: @schestowitz let the chips fall where they may Roy, everything happens for a reason. | Nov 09 09:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@We3forDemocracy: @schestowitz If Sanders shilled for Stein it would have been consistent w principles Sanders claimed he had. Instead he supported oligarchy | Nov 09 09:22 | |
schestowitz | t | Nov 09 09:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz you sure do try to predict the future alot | Nov 09 09:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JSGlasgow49: r u 4 real? lol THE SKY IS FALLING WTF? lol | Nov 09 09:23 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Trump will ruin the US economically (especially people of colour) Trump will literally kill people abroad The whole world is affected | Nov 09 09:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:24 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz @YouTube all men talk like this | Nov 09 09:24 | |
schestowitz | >>>>>> WL grew in strength recently. They're our best chance for many things... | Nov 09 09:26 |
schestowitz | >>>>>>> >>>>>> Yes, very much so. After the election the established parties will | Nov 09 09:26 |
schestowitz | >>>>>>> >>>>>> produce all kinds of distractions and delays to prevent WL material from | Nov 09 09:26 |
schestowitz | >>>>>>> >>>>>> becoming more prominent. That is because that is the time to press. | Nov 09 09:27 |
schestowitz | >>>>>>> >>>>>> There will be enough dissatisfaction that WL might be able to overcome | Nov 09 09:27 |
schestowitz | >>>>>>> >>>>>> the attacks and become mainstream, if JA is not rendered. | Nov 09 09:27 |
schestowitz | >>>>>>> >>>>>> | Nov 09 09:27 |
schestowitz | >>>>>>> >>>>>> I think the continued survival of Europe as well as Australia hang in | Nov 09 09:27 |
schestowitz | >>>>>>> >>>>>> the outcome of the election as well. | Nov 09 09:27 |
schestowitz | >>>>> >>>> | Nov 09 09:27 |
schestowitz | >>>>> >>>> World Police affects everyone. The corporations from there are | Nov 09 09:27 |
schestowitz | >>>>> >>>> everywhere, not just the Army. | Nov 09 09:27 |
schestowitz | >>> >> Corporations can't manage even themselves. It will be a clusterfuck. | Nov 09 09:27 |
schestowitz | >>> >> Donna Brazile and Debbie Wasserman Schultz just fucked over the whole | Nov 09 09:27 |
schestowitz | >>> >> world, it looks like. | Nov 09 09:27 |
schestowitz | >> > | Nov 09 09:27 |
schestowitz | >> > Sad. | Nov 09 09:27 |
schestowitz | > Understatement. This is far worse than when Bush II was appointed. | Nov 09 09:27 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:27 |
schestowitz | > The DNC won't reform either. My bet now, being profoundly pessimistic, | Nov 09 09:27 |
schestowitz | > is that they might try to float His Billness in 2020, if there is an | Nov 09 09:27 |
schestowitz | > election then. | Nov 09 09:27 |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:29 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sharko67: Yip. For the elite, it was anyone but Bernie... | Nov 09 09:29 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Had #sanders not been sabotaged, there would be no "Trumpland". Remember it was #dnc and crooked Wall Street that did this... sad day. | Nov 09 09:29 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:34 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:34 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Environmentalists Target Bankers Behind Pipeline - The New York Times | Nov 09 09:34 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:34 |
schestowitz | > "Eight-years after taxpayers rescued the U.S. financial system, some of | Nov 09 09:34 |
schestowitz | > the country's largest banks, including JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo, | Nov 09 09:34 |
schestowitz | > continue to receive billions in bailout money, according to government | Nov 09 09:34 |
schestowitz | > data." | Nov 09 09:34 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:34 |
schestowitz | > Normally in business when you assume a company's debts you then own the | Nov 09 09:34 |
schestowitz | > company. Time to nationalize. | Nov 09 09:34 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:34 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Taxpayers are still bailing out Wall Street, eight years later - The Washington Post | Nov 09 09:34 | |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:34 |
schestowitz | > oxymoron | Nov 09 09:34 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:34 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:34 |
-TechBytesBot/ | A Liberal Mother of Six Jailed for Challenging Saudi Taboos - The New York Times | Nov 09 09:34 | |
schestowitz | > help by running a guard node or bridge node | Nov 09 09:34 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:34 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:34 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:34 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Turks Are Flocking to Tor After Government Orders Block of Anti-Censorship Tools | Motherboard | Nov 09 09:34 | |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:34 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:34 |
schestowitz | > "Definitely go out of your way to make them work for their money, but | Nov 09 09:34 |
schestowitz | > they are not going to be stopped by 2FA, PGP, iPhones, Signal or vendor | Nov 09 09:34 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Ecological Impact Assessments Aren't Protecting Bats from Wind Farms | Motherboard | Nov 09 09:34 | |
schestowitz | > solutions." | Nov 09 09:34 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > "The systems that were attacked tried to respond to the attack by | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > rebooting the main control circuit. This was repeated over and over so | Nov 09 09:35 |
-TechBytesBot/ | iTWire - BSA settles Australian software piracy cases | Nov 09 09:35 | |
schestowitz | > that heating was never working." | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > - | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:35 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Security, Cyber, and Elections (part 1) – the grugq – Medium | Nov 09 09:35 | |
schestowitz | > Combination of DDoS and bad design | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > older: | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > "They believe if a woman doesn’t have a clitoris she won’t be | Nov 09 09:35 |
-TechBytesBot/ | DDoS attack halts heating in Finland amidst winter | | Nov 09 09:35 | |
schestowitz | > interested in sex and won’t have it before marriage. The villages | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > support killings of such girls." | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:35 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Communications watchdog: Criminals behind home automation system cyber attack | Yle Uutiset | | Nov 09 09:35 | |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > - | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > why are they even considering *anything* developed secret? | Nov 09 09:35 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Russia orders inquiry into claims of FGM in Dagestan | Society | The Guardian | Nov 09 09:35 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > "The speech, marked "for internal use only", was published in full by | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > Wikileaks today." | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:35 |
-TechBytesBot/ | TPP ratification down to the wire in waning Obama White House - The Globe and Mail | Nov 09 09:35 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:35 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Obama will push for TPP trade deal in last days of term: ambassador | CTV News | Nov 09 09:35 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > "the clinic receives several distress calls a day, as the situation has | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > dramatically deteriorated in recent years." | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:35 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Revealed: Bill Clinton says Jeremy Corbyn is 'the maddest person in the room' in private speech | Nov 09 09:35 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:35 |
-TechBytesBot/ | [tor-talk] Tor is released | Nov 09 09:35 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:35 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:35 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Total agrees $2 billion deal to develop Iran's giant gas field - Nov. 8, 2016 | Nov 09 09:36 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:36 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:36 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:36 |
schestowitz | > " In fact, Lenovo says it’s not officially supporting the new BIOS | Nov 09 09:36 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Islamist 'Morality Police' Lurk in Troubled Swedish Suburbs | Nov 09 09:36 | |
schestowitz | > either… if you want to install it, you’re pretty much on your own if you | Nov 09 09:36 |
schestowitz | > run into any problems." | Nov 09 09:36 |
schestowitz | > x | Nov 09 09:36 |
-TechBytesBot/ | China’s Internet Controls Will Get Stricter, to Dismay of Foreign Business - The New York Times | Nov 09 09:36 | |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:36 |
schestowitz | > Lenovo appologists | Nov 09 09:36 |
schestowitz | > - | Nov 09 09:36 |
schestowitz | > "The PC maker is not providing support for the BIOS, and users have to | Nov 09 09:36 |
-TechBytesBot/ | “Don’t boo, vote”: This election could be democracy’s last stop - | Nov 09 09:36 | |
schestowitz | > assume any risks of system problems." | Nov 09 09:36 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:36 |
schestowitz | > don't buy Lenovo | Nov 09 09:36 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:36 |
-TechBytesBot/ | "DRM is Used to Lock in, Control and Spy on Users" - TorrentFreak | Nov 09 09:36 | |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:36 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:36 |
schestowitz | > "dispels that fiction. From these measured accounts, Grissom emerges as | Nov 09 09:36 |
schestowitz | > a quick-thinking hero. He reacted decisively in an uncertain situation | Nov 09 09:36 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Researchers hack Philips Hue smart bulbs from the sky | PCWorld | Nov 09 09:36 | |
schestowitz | > when otherwise this mission would have ended in death." | Nov 09 09:36 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:36 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 09 09:36 |
-TechBytesBot/ | 4chan may have brought down pro-Clinton phone lines the day before the election - The Verge | Nov 09 09:36 | |
schestowitz | > | Nov 09 09:36 |
schestowitz | > M$ influence on way of thinking? | Nov 09 09:36 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Lenovo releases BIOS for loading Linux on Yoga 900, IdeaPad 710S BIOS - Liliputing | Nov 09 09:36 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | After protest, Lenovo adds Linux compatibility to Yoga 900 and 900S laptops | PCWorld | Nov 09 09:36 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 09:36 |
-TechBytesBot/ | CBC threatens podcast app makers, argues that RSS readers violate copyright / Boing Boing | Nov 09 09:36 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | Gus Grissom taught NASA a hard lesson: “You can hurt yourself in the ocean” | Ars Technica | Nov 09 09:36 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | Linux Foundation Fumbles | Robert Pogson | Nov 09 09:37 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Carol_Rinn: Absolutely true. Bernie Sanders would be our future president right now, had the DNC not fucked it up. Congrats DNC | Nov 09 09:37 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Had #sanders not been sabotaged, there would be no "Trumpland". Remember it was #dnc and crooked Wall Street that did this... sad day. | Nov 09 09:37 | |
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 09 09:38 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 10:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SaltElementsFL: @schestowitz blah blah blah. Stand down. Time for bed. | Nov 09 10:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 10:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@insightful_econ: @schestowitz That's just the half of it...tensions mounting in #SouthChinaSea may erupt...and then? Many many will suffer | Nov 09 10:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 10:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HelloKiddies: What a positive vision that is... not. | Nov 09 10:22 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: My prediction: Trump refuses to pay debt China gets into conflict w/ US US cannot import from China Average people suffer most "Great again" | Nov 09 10:22 | |
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 09 11:42 | |
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Nov 09 11:44 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 13:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@StaceyMaLaine: @schestowitz Only corrupt wanted her! CLINTON FOUNDATION cronies will be selling their stock...LOCK EM ALL UP! #DRAINTHESWAMP | Nov 09 13:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 13:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz actually a good things and gives new investors an oppertunity | Nov 09 13:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 13:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TexConsrvative: @schestowitz You were wrong stocks are going back up market will settle today. | Nov 09 13:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 13:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz i feel good | Nov 09 13:52 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@akashikrecordss: @schestowitz a lot of big money had a lot invested in Clinton, I think that's why there's such an economical reaction | Nov 09 13:52 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CatherineCace: @schestowitz It'll go back up-Same thing after Brexit | Nov 09 13:52 | |
schestowitz | The currency worth 15% less | Nov 09 13:52 |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 13:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @schestowitz @TheRegister common, r you going to say like Obama that goverments creates jobs. Entenprener risking their own money create job | Nov 09 13:52 | |
schestowitz | Investors is another matter, or capital | Nov 09 13:53 |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 14:01 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @schestowitz they are scared. Hillary is probably taking all her money out as well | Nov 09 14:01 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @schestowitz Only the elite has no faith in USA | Nov 09 14:01 | |
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | Nov 09 15:54 | |
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 09 18:27 | |
<--MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Nov 09 19:49 | |
-->MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytes | Nov 09 20:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 23:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@GetergdeBurger: Wat er mis is met de wereld volgens Trump supporters #pauw #LockHerUp | Nov 09 23:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Here we go again. #lawlessness by #obama White House open to a #Clinton pardon Amazing. #podestaemails36 | Nov 09 23:06 | |
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | Nov 10 00:35 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 08:39 |
schestowitz | Good to hear. | Nov 10 08:39 |
schestowitz | It's surprising that a critic of the EPO does so much to support its staff, and to save the Office. | Nov 10 08:39 |
schestowitz | You would expect the AC to do that. But for political reasons they are (or at least were) against staff. | Nov 10 08:39 |
schestowitz | Thanks a lot for your efforts and good work! | Nov 10 08:39 |
schestowitz | It's almost 2am here. I go to bed. | Nov 10 08:39 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 08:39 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 08:42 |
-TechBytesBot/ Ubuntu Budgie Is Now an Official Ubuntu Flavor | Nov 10 08:42 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu Budgie Is Now an Official Ubuntu Flavor | Nov 10 08:42 | |
schestowitz | "The Budgie Desktop is well designed and looks great. Good Choice, hope to see it for debian too" | Nov 10 08:42 |
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 10 08:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 12:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CarolGarofolo: @JulianInsange @schestowitz @dcexaminer @wikileaks triggered you though, why so easy? Got something to hide? Truth hurts & that's awesome. | Nov 10 12:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 12:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Magameupfam: @TerryGlotfelty @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC Actually he still won the college vote. | Nov 10 12:19 | |
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 10 17:31 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KellySpringer11: @NtimeWelearn @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC go back 30 years and see/read what Trump stood for. He's speaking the same truth today. | Nov 10 17:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NtimeWelearn: @KellySpringer11 @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC Trump was for a national health system just a few yrs ago.. he could be the new FDR? | Nov 10 17:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@412V70: @schestowitz no. Just a very hateful primary voter, as far as I could tell | Nov 10 17:48 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pinguinpatje: @schestowitz here we go again... | Nov 10 17:48 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HeyJude34: @schestowitz I keep trying to tell them the same fucking thing | Nov 10 17:48 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HeyJude34: @schestowitz @animalequipment @wikileaks lmfao funny how it turns around once he realizes he can use them for his advantage of they're alive | Nov 10 17:48 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HeyJude34: @NSchadenfreude @schestowitz @wikileaks I hope you are kidding because I'm pretty sure most of us remember this because I KNOW I do | Nov 10 17:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iridesce57: @schestowitz @DrJillStein thanks | Nov 10 17:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sylvia1_v: @buffalloid @schestowitz @wikileaks Clinton's look down on anyone without MONEY! | Nov 10 17:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@IngSocJus: @TerryGlotfelty @schestowitz @wikileaks Sorry, I'm educated. In STEM. It's not just "simple folk" who know the media only lies now. | Nov 10 17:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@eimaj66: More media collusion. Wake up America, you have been betrayed! #TrumpProtest #PodestaEmails37 | Nov 10 17:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Lynn Forester de Rothschild: "we need to fight back against both of these attacks" #podestaemails37 #podestaemails36 | Nov 10 17:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz @TIME obama is the one that started that he doesnt want it to stop | Nov 10 17:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz @TIME you people think obama was a messiah but he did worse things than bush | Nov 10 17:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz @doctorow @BoingBoing luuuullll damn dude you are funny , i want it stopped too but hes not a madman | Nov 10 17:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BethComans: @dcexaminer @schestowitz Good. She's plagued us for 30+yrs. | Nov 10 17:52 | |
schestowitz | > Hi Roy, | Nov 10 18:01 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 10 18:01 |
schestowitz | > Here's one more situation report I received. | Nov 10 18:01 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 10 18:01 |
schestowitz | > I've been going "OH CRAP!" for the last 24 hours, and stepping through | Nov 10 18:01 |
schestowitz | > the stages of grief. Last time I was in the US was more than 16 years | Nov 10 18:01 |
schestowitz | > ago. I'm not about to go back, unless I decide to make a farewell | Nov 10 18:01 |
schestowitz | > excursion before the third week of January 2017. | Nov 10 18:01 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 10 18:01 |
schestowitz | > OH CRAP!. | Nov 10 18:02 |
schestowitz | I was in the US 10 years ago (not first time) visiting family and presenting a paper in the IEEE conference for medical imaging at Virginia. I remember they took my fingerprints (airport) and I didn't quite enjoy that visit, haven't come back there since. Not planning to either. | Nov 10 18:02 |
schestowitz | I was in Montreal 14 years ago. Wasn't a huge fan either TBH... | Nov 10 18:02 |
schestowitz | I like it here in Manchester and the area. I hope Brexit never happens... | Nov 10 18:02 |
schestowitz | 4 major elections in Europe in the coming 6 months. Trump and his advisor Farage will help the right wingers gain greater power; it's already happening, they form alliances across border and fear of Islam seems to be the unifying force... | Nov 10 18:02 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AdV007: @glynmoody @schestowitz I wonder if the similarities are a product of rigid neoliberalism in both countries... | Nov 10 18:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: @AdV007 @schestowitz I think so... | Nov 10 18:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AdV007: @glynmoody @schestowitz first you leave people behind, then a "duce" type leader shows up to "save" them from all the wrongs... | Nov 10 18:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AdV007: @glynmoody @schestowitz ... by blaming all others (in case of Wall street, partially correct) | Nov 10 18:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: @AdV007 @schestowitz yup | Nov 10 18:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:20 |
-TechBytesBot/ | We are the WikiLeaks staff. Despite our editor Julian Assange's increasingly precarious situation WikiLeaks continues publishing : IAmA | Nov 10 18:20 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 18:20 |
schestowitz | ikil | Nov 10 18:20 |
schestowitz | We are the WikiLeaks staff, including Sarah Harrison. Over the last months we have published over 25,000 emails from the DNC, over 30,000 emails from Hillary Clinton, over 50,000 emails from Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta and many chapters of the secret controversial Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA). | Nov 10 18:20 |
schestowitz | The Clinton campaign unsuccessfully tried to claim that our publications are inaccurate. WikiLeaks’ decade-long pristine record for authentication remains. As Julian said: "Our key publications this round have even been proven through the cryptographic signatures of the companies they passed through, such as Google. It is not every day you can mathematically prove that your publications are perfect but this day is one of them." | Nov 10 18:20 |
schestowitz | We have been very excited to see all the great citizen journalism taking place here at Reddit on these publications, especially on the DNC email archive and the Podesta emails. | Nov 10 18:20 |
schestowitz | Recently, the White House, in an effort to silence its most critical publisher during an election period, pressured for our editor Julian Assange's publications to be stopped. The government of Ecuador then issued a statement saying that it had "temporarily" severed Mr. Assange's internet link over the US election. As of the 10th his internet connection has not been restored. There has been no explanation, which is concerning. | Nov 10 18:20 |
schestowitz | WikiLeaks has the necessary contingency plans in place to keep publishing. WikiLeaks staff, continue to monitor the situation closely. | Nov 10 18:20 |
schestowitz | You can follow for any updates on Julian Assange's case at his legal defence website and support his defence here. You can suport WikiLeaks, which is tax deductible in Europe and the United States, here. | Nov 10 18:21 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:21 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet | Nov 10 18:21 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 18:21 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lara_edelman: @terminsane @laurelrusswurm @ajamubaraka @schestowitz Dems saw her steal nom. From Bernie. Clean out the DNC | Nov 10 18:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@esserab: @schestowitz @ThePolitiChicks le monde à l'envers, ils font le terrorisme, mettent les autres dans la liste, qu'ils commencent par eux même! | Nov 10 18:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@heidischroll: @schestowitz @dcexaminer @wikileaks I'm waiting for the release of proof of her involvement with pedophilia, please wikileaks, expose her | Nov 10 18:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ The chance of Trump approach RMS for advice is close to zero... Now fellow oligarch #billgates on the other hand... | Nov 10 18:58 | |
schestowitz | "This was something he said months and months ago. I think this was during the primaries that he first began stating this. This was my clear and unquestionable indication that this man should not be president. He doesn’t know the first fucking thing about what to say, what it means or who is appropriate to talk to. Nothing about that statement made any sense at all.' | Nov 10 18:58 |
schestowitz | "mouarf" | Nov 10 18:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Forbes Welcome | Nov 10 18:58 | |
schestowitz | President Lunatic | Nov 10 18:58 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ Supporting #wikileaks does not at all mean supporting Trump. It just means supporting #transparency and truth, even when inconvenient. | Nov 10 18:59 | |
schestowitz | "Wrong. You supported Trump. Putin too. You spread lie after lie. I will not forgive. I will not forget. Expect us." | Nov 10 18:59 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 18:59 |
schestowitz | I understand your anger Joe. Let’s not forget that both the big parties are the parties of corporations. | Nov 10 18:59 |
schestowitz | I think Trump will be a combination of Berlusconi and Putin. Despite the fact that the people who voted for him see him as a reformer, I think Trump will be more of the same only more intense. We’ll never know what wars Clinton would have led us into, but now we’ll have to worry about Trump’s wars. All that stuff about bringing back jobs to America was bullshit; Trump has no interest in doing that at all. The best and worst thing about | Nov 10 18:59 |
schestowitz | Trump now is that there’s no telling what he might try to do. | Nov 10 18:59 |
schestowitz | I don’t know yet about Congress. What happened there? | Nov 10 18:59 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 18:59 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 18:59 |
schestowitz | A clean sweep and now they will get the scotus too. It’s fucking over. You do not understand my anger. If you did you would be just as angry. The both parties are the same bullshit is bullshit. Scotus rulings by Republican appointed justices made them both dependent on corporations. | Nov 10 18:59 |
schestowitz | Berlusconi and Putin in America? Say goodbye to the neutral internet. Say goodby to press freedom. Say hello to fear. All of us. Not just Americans. | Nov 10 19:00 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:00 |
schestowitz | I agree with what you both said except the utterly false accusation that I supported Trump and Putin. I never did. Not even once. Stick to facts please, be polite. | Nov 10 19:00 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:02 |
-TechBytesBot/ #putin now "congratulates Trump" I can imagine how US corporate media will spin that 9am ET #wikileaks has new major leaks coming. | Nov 10 19:02 | |
schestowitz | "You asshole the corporations just hit a home run, with your help. They will fall in line just as you have." | Nov 10 19:02 |
schestowitz | "Clinton was also the candidate of the corporations. The Democrats are no less controlled by the corporations. There rhetoric is different, but Democrats and Republicans in office are barely distinguishable at all." | Nov 10 19:02 |
schestowitz | "@joe Dr Roy or Wleaks are not responsible of US voters’stupidity ! Stop offending, better sit down and start to think…" | Nov 10 19:02 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:03 |
schestowitz | You better start to think. Wikileaks is definitely responsible for exploiting the US voters stupidity with the intention of defeating Clinton - which could only mean electing Trump. Everybody who spent more energy dissing Clinton than dissing Trump also shares responsibility. | Nov 10 19:03 |
schestowitz | David the Supreme court rulings that made all US politicians hostage to corporate financing, were passed by Republican Appointees. One significant case, called “Citizens United” after the corporate front of the same name, was about an anti-Hillary Clinton movie/video. The court ruled that the rich, resourced corporations who produced the video had the same free speech rights as individual ordinary people. The Republican/conservative | Nov 10 19:03 |
schestowitz | SCOTUS majority ruled against Hillary. The democrats, while still controlled by the corporations, or more precisely, the market, are quite definitely less controlled by them. The republicans would have, and now will, invade Iran and bomb Tehran. Is that indistinguishable? The Republicans would have overthrown Assad in 2013. Is that indistinguishable? No it is not. It is distinguishable. A lesser evil. Yes a lesser fucking evil. You are about | Nov 10 19:03 |
schestowitz | to see the difference. | Nov 10 19:03 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:03 |
schestowitz | I think that defusing the chance of nuclear conflict with Russia is a factor you have not taken into account. I supported neither candidate, as I made SUPER clear all along (posted THOUSANDS or pro-Green Party stuff in Twitter). | Nov 10 19:04 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:09 |
-TechBytesBot/ New #Tor "The Onion Router" Anonymity Network Stable Branch Getting Closer #privacy | Nov 10 19:09 | |
schestowitz | "I don’t know if TOR still actually does what it’s supposed to do. I’ve heard a lot that suggests otherwise. And for Americans, as of this month, the law has gone into effect (quietly, of course) stating that the FBI may hack into anyone’s computer just on the basis that they are using TOR." | Nov 10 19:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | New Tor "The Onion Router" Anonymity Network Stable Branch Getting Closer | Nov 10 19:09 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | I don’t know if TOR still actually does what it’s supposed to do | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | It is not perfect and several improvements are ongoing. | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | It is often misused because you can easily shoot in the foot as you use it for protecting against big actors. | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | TOR only provides onion routing safety, it does not protect from vulnerable apps, it does not protect from what happens end to end (except for onion services). | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | We know TOR suffers from global timing correlations attacks that a couple of big actors can more or less handle at a certain cost (targeted surveillance vs mass surveillance). | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | he law has gone into effect (quietly, of course) stating that the FBI may hack | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | You relate to rule41 ( | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | Article mentions: | Nov 10 19:10 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Rule 41 | The Tor Blog | Nov 10 19:10 | |
schestowitz | The broad search warrants allowable under these new rules will apply to people using Tor in any country | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | I wonder how is that legal as FBI is a local law enforcement, right? And what they are surely not allowed to crash any foreign country law for users abroad? Or are we all part of USA across the world? … | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | ' | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | "I think I know enough to use TOR without shooting myself in the foot. As for the FBI, all I can say is that the entire government of the United States is criminal and illegitimate; nothing they do surprises me anymore." | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | My personal view if that Tor is not easy but safe to use outside the US if your enemy if not the US. AFAIK, Russia tries hard to crack it while the US sits on some zero-days it habitually exploits, not to mention police raids on nodes. Country of original: majority of devs, master key, army connections. | Nov 10 19:12 |
schestowitz | *Country of origin | Nov 10 19:12 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:15 |
-TechBytesBot/ My expectation of the outcome in #us #election today: HRC gets crown, media and election officials harassed by Trump and co for months. | Nov 10 19:15 | |
schestowitz | "If I was a corrupt government who wanted one particular side to win I would make sure I was rigging the votes to keep them neck and neck so that at the last minute I would not have to alter many votes to get what I wanted. … So I do not trust voting machines at all. :-)" | Nov 10 19:15 |
schestowitz | Me neither, but even worse are the voter suppression tactics | Nov 10 19:15 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:16 |
-TechBytesBot/ My prediction: Trump refuses to pay debt China gets into conflict w/ US US cannot import from China Average people suffer most "Great again" | Nov 10 19:16 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | Glass #Steagall Act | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | Debt #WRITEOFF | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | Removal of Wall St from the US | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | NATIONAL CREDIT! | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | Love it, FREEDOM, #REPUBLIC | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | Hooray for Freedom! | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | Exactly. Nazi kind of "freedom"... | Nov 10 19:16 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Donald Trump on Edward Snowden: Kill the 'traitor' - Washington Times | Nov 10 19:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:17 |
-TechBytesBot/ Microsoft moles from #accenture are behind the latest 'news' from #munich reminding us just how much Microsoft looooves (hates) #linux | Nov 10 19:17 | |
schestowitz | "Small stump overturn big cart … I hope" | Nov 10 19:17 |
schestowitz | We need to be vigilant | Nov 10 19:17 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:18 |
-TechBytesBot/ WinBeta (today): "Windows 10 news recap: Lenovo Yogas block Linux" (it's still in the news) #lenovo #microsoft #linux | Nov 10 19:18 | |
schestowitz | "The Yoga was bought in the US with American keyboard layout etc." | Nov 10 19:18 |
schestowitz | Interesting... | Nov 10 19:18 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:19 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Trump would cause domestic wars | Nov 10 19:19 | |
schestowitz | "Its time for left to come to where it is supposed to be on the real progressive side. The fake social democratic agenda wont work anymore with idiots like Trump. I see that the democratic establishment saying People are not yet ready for women president which is real mature thinking!!" | Nov 10 19:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sandita30: @schestowitz Julian's freedom is at stake too. I fear Clinton for him as well as us. She will bring us to war. All of our allies as well. | Nov 10 19:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:19 |
-TechBytesBot/ #WikiLeaks releases #Clinton campaign chair #podestaemails35 "hacked account"? Why be so sure not a leaker? | Nov 10 19:19 | |
schestowitz | "“Internal Server Error”" | Nov 10 19:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | #PodestaEmails35: N. Korean official threatened US during frosty Bill Clinton visit — RT America | Nov 10 19:19 | |
schestowitz | They have fixed that since | Nov 10 19:20 |
-TechBytesBot/ | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 10 19:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:20 |
-TechBytesBot/ #WikiLeaks not letting up on Clinton, #Podesta | Nov 10 19:20 | |
schestowitz | "And it’s a good thing! The Usonian peoples need real left-wing movements, not a corporate neoliberal party that keeps on co-opting left-wing efforts and struggles!" | Nov 10 19:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks not letting up on Clinton, Podesta | Washington Examiner | Nov 10 19:20 | |
schestowitz | Maybe some people will be registered as or vote (locally) for Greens | Nov 10 19:20 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:21 |
-TechBytesBot/ This is bad news for the US and another reminder that if the corrupt #dnc didn't fail #sanders it would be avoided | Nov 10 19:21 | |
schestowitz | "Sorry. Nazi enabler. Talk about vile! I have stopped sharing with you but still get notification for this post. You will be able to fight your fight against the antifascists in peace now." | Nov 10 19:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Donald Trump meeting President Obama at White House - BBC News | Nov 10 19:22 | |
schestowitz | Antifascists sometimes only feed them, by reinforcing their views. We need understanding and de-escalation. Same with radical Islam. | Nov 10 19:22 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:22 |
schestowitz | "Say goodbye to internet freedom asshole" | Nov 10 19:23 |
-TechBytesBot/ The nightmare has only begun for #clinton family #accountability after #wikileaks | Nov 10 19:23 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Clinton Probe Uses All Little Rock Agents | The Daily Caller | Nov 10 19:23 | |
schestowitz | it's not about the Internet in this case. | Nov 10 19:23 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:23 |
-TechBytesBot/ The long tail in a common’s man journey to #debconf16 #debian #gnu #linux #freesw | Nov 10 19:23 | |
schestowitz | "Written by . Tag him next time." | Nov 10 19:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The long tail in a common’s man journey to debconf16 | Experiences in the community | Nov 10 19:23 | |
schestowitz | Would do, if I knew or remembered | Nov 10 19:23 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:23 |
-TechBytesBot/ The Linux Setup - Bruce Byfield, Writer #gnu #linux | Nov 10 19:23 | |
schestowitz | "Yeah, in Wheezy, Jessie, Stretch, and SID." | Nov 10 19:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Linux Setup - Bruce Byfield, Writer - My Linux Rig | Nov 10 19:23 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | Debian -- Package Search Results -- bluefish | Nov 10 19:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:24 |
-TechBytesBot/ Supporting #wikileaks does not at all mean supporting Trump. It just means supporting #transparency and truth, even when inconvenient. | Nov 10 19:24 | |
schestowitz | "De-facto support is support, intentional or not." | Nov 10 19:24 |
schestowitz | You're giving me far more credit than I deserve. It's not me who determined the outcome of US election. | Nov 10 19:24 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:25 |
-TechBytesBot/ #snowden won't be coming back to the #us any time soon #trump wants him murdered | Nov 10 19:25 | |
schestowitz | "Snowden Live tonight ;)" | Nov 10 19:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Snowden: | Nov 10 19:25 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Donald Trump on Edward Snowden: Kill the 'traitor' - Washington Times | Nov 10 19:25 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | Snowden Live | Nov 10 19:25 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:25 |
-TechBytesBot/ Slow news day today for #linux Either people celebrate or sob Trump clogging up the news by shocking'surprising everyone #freesw | Nov 10 19:25 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:25 |
schestowitz | Nov 10 19:25 | |
schestowitz | Sadly, Gnux is far more interesting. | Nov 10 19:25 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:25 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:25 |
-TechBytesBot/ Should bugs with brands and cheesy logos be tackled first?,32994.html | Nov 10 19:25 | |
schestowitz | "Ha! Who gives a fig what happens to Android users? Not me! :)" | Nov 10 19:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Android Patch For High-Severity 'Dirty COW' Linux Kernel Flaw Delayed For At Least Another Month | Nov 10 19:25 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Fix for critical Android rooting bug is a no-show in November patch release | Ars Technica | Nov 10 19:26 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Android patches fix Drammer RAM attack, but not Dirty Cow exploit | InfoWorld | Nov 10 19:26 | |
schestowitz | if Android died, some proprietary platform might take over | Nov 10 19:26 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:27 |
-TechBytesBot/ "Stein spoke to TIME on the eve of the election about what she’s seem from voters this year" #greensUSA | Nov 10 19:27 | |
schestowitz | "Not in the way she’s thinking…" | Nov 10 19:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Election: Jill Stein Says "We Have Crossed The Rubicon" | Nov 10 19:27 | |
schestowitz | yes, too much TV and all | Nov 10 19:27 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:27 |
-TechBytesBot/ Sort of #nsfw When your First Lady had her vagina and all exposed for profit What a farce of a Presidency | Nov 10 19:27 | |
schestowitz | "She wasn’t the First Lady at that time." | Nov 10 19:27 |
schestowitz | True. | Nov 10 19:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Melania Trump’s girl-on-girl photos from racy shoot revealed | New York Post | Nov 10 19:27 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:28 |
-TechBytesBot/ So many scams add imposters trying to masquerade as @wikileaks these days to discredit & so-called journalists pretend not to understand WL | Nov 10 19:28 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:28 |
schestowitz | I stumbled upon this old article recently. You may or may not find it interesting. | Nov 10 19:28 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:28 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:28 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Log In - New York Times | Nov 10 19:28 | |
schestowitz | Blame games like these have been used by both political parties in the US as well... depending on who WL revelations hurt. Remember they also embarrassed Bush a lot. It's a clever 'damage control' tactic. | Nov 10 19:29 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:29 |
-TechBytesBot/ Trump hardly ever disclosed any policy regarding #patents and #copyright Does anybody know? URLs maybe? | Nov 10 19:29 | |
schestowitz | "He haven’t disclosed any policy at all. It’s just one-liners." | Nov 10 19:29 |
schestowitz | Which makes him even more dangerous. Committed to nothing, not even his own word | Nov 10 19:30 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:30 |
-TechBytesBot/ Trump crazy? Yes, he wanted to assassinate #Snowden No friend of #Assange Don't fall for it | Nov 10 19:30 | |
schestowitz | "No further proof is needed that this world is overwhelmed by evil, than that the people doing the most good are wanted “criminals”, while the people doing the most wrong are occupying our capitols." | Nov 10 19:30 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Donald Trump on Edward Snowden: Kill the 'traitor' - Washington Times | Nov 10 19:30 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ ) | Nov 10 19:30 | |
schestowitz | Exactly. All this while TV glorifies them because they buy the TV programs | Nov 10 19:30 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Gates Foundation Critique - Techrights | Nov 10 19:31 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:31 |
schestowitz | "Hey, finally something we might disagree on. I know people in the UK have been disarmed for so long, it’s become normal to them and private gun ownership seems strange." | Nov 10 19:31 |
-TechBytesBot/ To some people (no ordinary people), an automatic rifle is a "baby" Like in Full Metal Jacket? | Nov 10 19:31 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeamusOTwomey: About sums it up. #PodestaEmails36 #MAGA #PresidentTrump | Nov 10 19:31 | |
schestowitz | Gun crime is low as a result. I prefer it that way. I'm less scared walking around the streets. | Nov 10 19:31 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:32 |
-TechBytesBot/ The nightmare has only begun for #clinton family #accountability after #wikileaks | Nov 10 19:32 | |
schestowitz | "Yes it is. You will see. It is about absolutely everything. We have crossed the brink." | Nov 10 19:32 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Clinton Probe Uses All Little Rock Agents | The Daily Caller | Nov 10 19:32 | |
schestowitz | had I done no activism, he would still be elected. Try to put aside your focus on me for a moment, treat it as though I just observe what happens and report on it. I am as disturbed as you are, Trump is a friggin' lunatic. | Nov 10 19:33 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:33 |
-TechBytesBot/ Supporting #wikileaks does not at all mean supporting Trump. It just means supporting #transparency and truth, even when inconvenient. | Nov 10 19:33 | |
schestowitz | "Of course it is not you alone. You are just one of millions who helped take Clinton down/bring Trump up. She is the most to blame. But you are too. Sorry that upsets you but it should." | Nov 10 19:33 |
schestowitz | I blame DNC for rigging noms for the weaker candidate. It didn't have to end up like this. | Nov 10 19:34 |
schestowitz | My father has hated with a passion Trump for decades, and his reaction to all this was exactly the same as mine. | Nov 10 19:34 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:35 |
-TechBytesBot/ #wikileaks #podestaemails have already demonstrated #obama involved/implicated in #servergate hence this: | Nov 10 19:35 | |
schestowitz | "Tact? Embarrassment? From Trump? Adolph Giuliani will do his best to jail her and all dissenters. It is all over. Too late." | Nov 10 19:35 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | White House doesn't take potential Clinton pardon off the table - POLITICO | Nov 10 19:35 | |
schestowitz | If she got jailed, it would be the least among the public worries not that gays are reportedly being beaten up and university students march and yell "white power" | Nov 10 19:36 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:36 |
-TechBytesBot/ Why Trump is President (to be inaugurated) source: #wikilleaks leak. #podestaemails36 #dncleak2 | Nov 10 19:36 | |
schestowitz | "Too late to help stop it now. This is how the world ends. You are about to see what is worse than the “establishment”." | Nov 10 19:36 |
schestowitz | Establishment and violent mobs are not opposites. It's a false dichotomy. | Nov 10 19:36 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:37 |
-TechBytesBot/ Why is #nyc mayor attacking #sanders and now this in #podestaemails36 compare to | Nov 10 19:37 | |
schestowitz | "“As all my Jesuit friends say, the Pope is the real deal.” HMMMM…" | Nov 10 19:37 |
schestowitz | Sounds like a business transaction | Nov 10 19:37 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 10 19:37 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 10 19:37 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:37 |
-TechBytesBot/ Why do people call those who voted Clinton and media that supported her "liberal"? The Establishment is NOT liberal but neolib. Different. | Nov 10 19:37 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:37 |
schestowitz | Clinton supports many things on paper but not in practice. | Nov 10 19:37 |
schestowitz | Do you have any real evidence for that? We will never know how a Clinton presidency pans out, but we will certainly see Trump’s promises disappear into thin air (partly because he contradicted himself so often). | Nov 10 19:37 |
schestowitz | It’s not really what the US needs | Nov 10 19:38 |
schestowitz | What the US (and the rest of the world) needs is for progressives to stop living in fantasy land. | Nov 10 19:38 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:38 |
schestowitz | Clinton herself told in private speeches that her "public policy" is not her "private policy" | Nov 10 19:38 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:39 |
-TechBytesBot/ Who was stripped by #police before he committed suicide? The founder of #debian Ian Murdock. SF Police. Notorious in their community. | Nov 10 19:39 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:39 |
schestowitz | oh, okay :) | Nov 10 19:39 |
schestowitz | no police induced civilian deaths from our side though, the police here don’t have guns =D | Nov 10 19:39 |
schestowitz | in fact almost no one does… | Nov 10 19:39 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:39 |
schestowitz | Apparently cops in London now carry some. Not in Manchester though. Hope it stays like that. | Nov 10 19:39 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:40 |
-TechBytesBot/ What you WON'T find today after #podestaemails33 is #cnn preparing an article about Tapper and revelations about his conduct. #dncleak2 | Nov 10 19:40 | |
schestowitz | "‘Change does not come from within’, oddly enuff…" | Nov 10 19:40 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:40 |
-TechBytesBot/ What were those things doing on public servers in the first place? | Nov 10 19:40 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wikileaks: Nominee intelligence briefing content controlled by Obama; oppo research for Manafort (attachment) #PodestaEmails | Nov 10 19:40 | |
schestowitz | "People are dumb – their IQ drops to double-digits outside their fields of expertise." | Nov 10 19:40 |
schestowitz | True | Nov 10 19:40 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:42 |
-TechBytesBot/ We should describe or introduce people based on their professional background, not age/race/gender. It's that SJW thing creeping in. | Nov 10 19:42 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:42 |
schestowitz | Yes, I think so ev | Nov 10 19:42 |
schestowitz | en though I agree with you about introductions. It’s probably better to avoid the term SJW because it’s an empty insult that mostly undermines good causes. | Nov 10 19:43 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:43 |
schestowitz | True, the term got a bad rap, like "deplorable" | Nov 10 19:43 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:43 |
-TechBytesBot/ We're a FOSS company and almost 50% of staff are women, technical too. Don't believe those who argue it's impossible. #freesw #uk | Nov 10 19:43 | |
schestowitz | "A human being is a human being is a human being. I wish I’d been born far in the future, when everyone finally catches up to that fact and we don’t have to hear about racism and sexism anymore. :P | Nov 10 19:43 |
schestowitz | agreed... | Nov 10 19:43 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:44 |
-TechBytesBot/ We need a Brexit deal that heals the north-south divide | Nov 10 19:44 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:44 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Gordon Brown: We need a Brexit deal that heals the north-south divide | Opinion | The Guardian | Nov 10 19:44 | |
schestowitz | Scotland wishing to stay in the Eu while the majority of the rest of the U.K wishes to leave is a mass divide! | Nov 10 19:44 |
schestowitz | Scotland’s stance doesn’t make much sense when they are forever wishing to be free of England but now they are wishing to chain themselves to the EU? (Just my personal opinion!) | Nov 10 19:44 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:44 |
schestowitz | We leave in an are of national divisions that seem unprecedented. See the US as well this week... | Nov 10 19:44 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SaintGoar: @terminsane @ajamubaraka @schestowitz Former lifelong DNC here to tell you that the DNC is the Whig Party now. Time to move on. | Nov 10 19:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:49 |
-TechBytesBot/ #wikileaks #podestaemails have already demonstrated #obama involved/implicated in #servergate hence this: | Nov 10 19:49 | |
schestowitz | "If she gets jailed it will be just the beginning and will indeed become the least of worries. | Nov 10 19:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | White House doesn't take potential Clinton pardon off the table - POLITICO | Nov 10 19:49 | |
schestowitz | Symbolic step. | Nov 10 19:49 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Carl von Ossietzky - Wikipedia | Nov 10 19:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:50 |
-TechBytesBot/ Why Trump is President (to be inaugurated) source: #wikilleaks leak. #podestaemails36 #dncleak2 | Nov 10 19:50 | |
schestowitz | "life and death are opposites. All I can do is warn you. I cant prove that I will turn out to be right. Time will tell. I do know that you should be much more concerned than you are. | Nov 10 19:50 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:50 |
schestowitz | I actively encourage people around wikileaks now (huge audience) to solicit leaks from the Trump campaign. Wikileaks said it would publish those (an hour ago, Reddit AMA). | Nov 10 19:51 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:52 |
-TechBytesBot/ Why do people call those who voted Clinton and media that supported her "liberal"? The Establishment is NOT liberal but neolib. Different. | Nov 10 19:52 | |
schestowitz | "A single remark taken out of context, typical pro-Trump propaganda. | Nov 10 19:52 |
schestowitz | ' | Nov 10 19:52 |
schestowitz | What does that mean within context? | Nov 10 19:52 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:53 |
-TechBytesBot/ US corporation sues a government funded by tax of all people in a city in another country #ceta #ttip #tpp #isds | Nov 10 19:53 | |
schestowitz | "You know that happens regularly with #NAFTA, and would happen even more with #TPP, #TTIP, #CETA, etc., which the #US and #Canada are pushing HARD for, right?" | Nov 10 19:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: I'd missed this: McDonald's sues Florence, demanding the *right* to open one of its restaurant in the Piazza del Du… | Nov 10 19:53 | |
schestowitz | Yes, thanks for emphasising this | Nov 10 19:53 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:54 |
-TechBytesBot/ Truth is expensive, lies are cheap. Lies (or PR/marketing) are everywhere, for truth you need to work/dig a little. No business model to it. | Nov 10 19:54 | |
schestowitz | "Well, isn’t that a strong sign that maybe “business” shouldn’t be our first priority? ;)" | Nov 10 19:54 |
schestowitz | Not all people agree sadly... they go to BUSINESS school | Nov 10 19:54 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:54 |
-TechBytesBot/ #Trump will be another #Nixon Only a lot richer And potentially a lot more violent, too Just give him time | Nov 10 19:54 | |
schestowitz | "I wonder what his reaction’s going to be when he finds out in his first White House intelligence briefing that WE ARE ISIS?" | Nov 10 19:54 |
schestowitz | Or "sympathisers" | Nov 10 19:54 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Donald Trump on terrorists: 'Take out their families' - | Nov 10 19:54 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:55 |
-TechBytesBot/ Trump said, "call me Mr. Brexit" We're already seeing the same symptoms in the #us as we saw in the #uk >shortly< after the #brexit vote | Nov 10 19:55 | |
schestowitz | "news source?" | Nov 10 19:55 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:55 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump: call me ‘Mr Brexit’ | The campaign minute | Global | The Guardian | Nov 10 19:55 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:56 |
-TechBytesBot/ #TrumpProtest Enjoying the right to publicly assemble While it still lasts 70 days before inauguration >2 people=public assembly=illegal | Nov 10 19:56 | |
schestowitz | "Religion, speech, press, and assembly are the first four things protected by our Bill of Rights. If they try to enforce that, they’ll get severe backlash from the people. | Nov 10 19:56 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:56 |
schestowitz | many people don't feel the denial of these rights, even when there are violations thereof | Nov 10 19:56 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:56 |
-TechBytesBot/ Trump inherits a powerful legal toolset from Bush and Obama: Armed #drones Bizarre executive orders Mass #surveillance War on whistleblowers | Nov 10 19:56 | |
schestowitz | "i am sure he will like it.' | Nov 10 19:56 |
schestowitz | Like a spoiled kid with his toys and tantrums | Nov 10 19:56 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:57 |
-TechBytesBot/ It would be wise for #wikileaks to immediately start publishing non-US leaks, to shake off the bogus impression that it meddles. #defendWL | Nov 10 19:57 | |
schestowitz | "Yeah it would be wise to distract attention to the apocalyptic global crime that they have committed. #fuckwl #fucktrump" | Nov 10 19:57 |
schestowitz | "…and as soon as they get their first batch of Trump administration’s documents the subjective among us will be cheering Wikileaks again." | Nov 10 19:57 |
schestowitz | "It’s too fucking late. It is done." | Nov 10 19:57 |
schestowitz | "And Pence is only 1,000 times worse than Clinton. A vast improvement if Trump is impeached." | Nov 10 19:57 |
schestowitz | I hope we can accomplish this, get the election redone with PROPER candidates, even if it takes some revolt. #TrumpProtest #NotMyPresident | Nov 10 19:58 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ I don't view #android as an enemy of #freedom Without Android, maybe proprietary iOS would dominate Now we have #Replicant & #FDroid | Nov 10 19:59 | |
schestowitz | "I don’t view android as an enemy of freedom, just google. They have opportunities to push freedom out to the hardware manufacturers in the form of android, but they don’t.' | Nov 10 19:59 |
schestowitz | "Google kills AOSP for years… At the beginning, they attracted devs through an open source community. Then they stopped updating AOSP apps to replace them by their proprietary solutions. Today, it can be really hard to use an Android phone without Google proprietary stuff." | Nov 10 19:59 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:59 |
schestowitz | Yes and it’s bullshit. | Nov 10 19:59 |
schestowitz | #fuckers | Nov 10 19:59 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:59 |
schestowitz | There are quite a few Android forks though, and they seem functional enough | Nov 10 19:59 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:00 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: #podesta says "we are going to have to dump all those emails so better to do so sooner than later" #podestaemails35 | Nov 10 20:00 | |
schestowitz | "… he recommends a crime …" | Nov 10 20:00 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 10 20:00 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:00 |
schestowitz | No shit, Sherlock. | Nov 10 20:00 |
schestowitz | :D | Nov 10 20:00 |
schestowitz | But since the entire Capitalist order is one big Crime Against Humanity, the point is sort of moot for me. | Nov 10 20:00 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:00 |
schestowitz | And nobody would enforce the law any time soon | Nov 10 20:00 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:01 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Black Mesa, the very popular fan-made recreation of Half-Life is now on Linux in beta #gnu #linux | Nov 10 20:01 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:01 |
schestowitz | Trying to make me feel old, huh? | Nov 10 20:01 |
schestowitz | :D | Nov 10 20:01 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:01 |
schestowitz | :-p | Nov 10 20:01 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Black Mesa, the very popular fan-made recreation of Half-Life is now on Linux in beta | GamingOnLinux | Nov 10 20:01 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:01 |
-TechBytesBot/ Had #sanders not been sabotaged, there would be no "Trumpland". Remember it was #dnc and crooked Wall Street that did this... sad day. | Nov 10 20:01 | |
schestowitz | "Simply not true! Had Sanders not been sabotaged, most likely (a) Clinton would have won the primary anyway but (b) if Sanders had won the primary, disgusting Trumpland might still be here." | Nov 10 20:01 |
schestowitz | "Fully agreed" | Nov 10 20:01 |
schestowitz | "With the first statement' | Nov 10 20:02 |
schestowitz | Remember that DNC uses the media to sabotage their own candidate and it showed | Nov 10 20:02 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Washington Post Ran 16 Negative Stories on Bernie Sanders in 16 Hours | FAIR | Nov 10 20:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:03 |
-TechBytesBot/ How many newspapers are in trouble right now because they heavily criticised, annoyed and got boycotted by Don the Con only to see him win? | Nov 10 20:03 | |
schestowitz | "All of them. And will the internet be in trouble too?" | Nov 10 20:03 |
schestowitz | "the FBI voted him in, so, just ask yourselves what kind of internet they probably want." | Nov 10 20:03 |
schestowitz | IANA got the Internet, so less power for Trump to harm it, thankfully. One good legacy of Obama. | Nov 10 20:03 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:03 |
-TechBytesBot/ Florian got a ton of flak for expressing support for Trump. But that's #politics - too much for some? | Nov 10 20:03 | |
schestowitz | "Only politics kids. It’s just a game. Nothing serious. Play on." | Nov 10 20:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FOSSpatents: @brianshall Not a lot of pro-Trump tech tweeters out there but never felt better to be part of an endangered species :-) | Nov 10 20:03 | |
schestowitz | "" " | Nov 10 20:04 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Cuba announces nationwide military exercises to confront ‘enemy actions’ - The Washington Post | Nov 10 20:04 | |
schestowitz | If you don't tolerate an opposite viewpoint, you won't defuse it, you might actually fuel you | Nov 10 20:04 |
schestowitz | *it | Nov 10 20:04 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:05 |
-TechBytesBot/ France wants a 'monster' database of citizens' info #france #surveillance | Nov 10 20:05 | |
schestowitz | "ohhh, France…" | Nov 10 20:05 |
schestowitz | ":(" | Nov 10 20:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | France wants a 'monster' database of citizens' info - The Local | Nov 10 20:05 | |
schestowitz | Land of fine pastry and CCTV to ensure you don't choke on it ;-) | Nov 10 20:05 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:05 |
-TechBytesBot/ #erdogan attacked teachers, judges, newspapers, rival politicians etc. after he had seized power. #duterte getting there, will #DonCon too? | Nov 10 20:05 | |
schestowitz | "Yes." | Nov 10 20:05 |
schestowitz | "plan for it." | Nov 10 20:05 |
schestowitz | I do. We need to take the f*er down. | Nov 10 20:06 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:06 |
-TechBytesBot/ Can #FBI review 650,000 emails in nine days? Absolutely, says Edward #Snowden ha! | Nov 10 20:06 | |
schestowitz | "Wow." | Nov 10 20:06 |
schestowitz | "Even without the help of computers that’s not so terribly much. Don’t forget the manpower of the FBI. Give 650,000 emails to 650 people. Makes 1000 per person. 111 emails per person per day. Many of them consists of a few sentences or even words. Even in most of the longer ones you can skim over the text to declare it as irrelevant. So where is the problem?" | Nov 10 20:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Can FBI check 650,000 emails in 9 days? You bet | Nov 10 20:06 | |
schestowitz | True, learned this while seeing 55k #podestaemails - can scan through them very quickly, one per minute, then highlight | Nov 10 20:07 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:08 |
-TechBytesBot/ Celebrating Our 10th Birthday #techrights | Nov 10 20:08 | |
schestowitz | " recognizes this as well. Congratulations." | Nov 10 20:08 |
schestowitz | "Congratulations!!! | Nov 10 20:08 |
schestowitz | Thank you! | Nov 10 20:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Celebrating Our 10th Birthday | Techrights | Nov 10 20:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:08 |
-TechBytesBot/ A vote for Trump was a vote against gun control. Oh dear. | Nov 10 20:08 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | NO TITLE | Nov 10 20:08 | |
schestowitz | "" | Nov 10 20:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ ) | Nov 10 20:08 | |
schestowitz | "@JCF “These are not the kittens you’re looking for. Move along.”" | Nov 10 20:08 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:08 |
schestowitz | ^^ yes, I remove it to rewrite it, my bad. | Nov 10 20:08 |
schestowitz | This is better, indeed : | Nov 10 20:08 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:08 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Heuuu c’est moi ou il fait un vieux salut nazi (qui a dit godwin ?)... | Nov 10 20:09 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:09 |
schestowitz | "" | Nov 10 20:09 |
schestowitz | "It’s all French to me anyway! :)" | Nov 10 20:09 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:09 |
schestowitz | indeed | Nov 10 20:09 |
schestowitz | look at the video :) even if it is with left hand, it seems Trump does hail as a nazi | Nov 10 20:09 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:09 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:09 |
-TechBytesBot/ After #ectrights -sourced protest, #Lenovo brings #Linux compatibility to Yoga 900 and 900S | Nov 10 20:09 | |
schestowitz | "Awesome. I like Lenovo’s products." | Nov 10 20:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | After protest, Lenovo brings Linux compatibility to Yoga 900 and 900S - CIO | Nov 10 20:09 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Guest Post: Lenovo Forums Possibly Banned All Comcast Users in Illinois in Order to Silence Discussion of Linux on Yoga Problems | Techrights | Nov 10 20:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:10 |
-TechBytesBot/ Here we go again. #lawlessness by #obama White House open to a #Clinton pardon Amazing. #podestaemails36 | Nov 10 20:10 | |
schestowitz | "Wow. You’re still at it. Presidential pardons are the law not lawlessness. I suppose you support the FBI in opposing a “lawless” pardon for Peltier too. I see you have discovered Murdochs NY Post. Is this the kind of posts I should be expecting from now on? There are so many posts from you on my stream every day. They didn’t used to be all lies and propaganda." | Nov 10 20:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | White House open to a Clinton pardon | New York Post | Nov 10 20:10 | |
schestowitz | This was also in non-GOP-leaning news sites. Look, we got HRC's career finished, now with all those sexual assault victims and hopefully new leaks let's get Trump's career finished as well | Nov 10 20:11 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:12 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post? | Nov 10 20:12 | |
schestowitz | @{Avatar Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;} 11/1/2016, 6:49:03 AM | Nov 10 20:12 |
schestowitz | 3 Reasons #Hyperledger Has #Blockchain 's Best Development Model #freesw | Nov 10 20:12 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:12 |
-TechBytesBot/ | CoinDesk 3 Reasons Hyperledger Has Blockchain's Best Development Model - CoinDesk | Nov 10 20:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:12 |
-TechBytesBot/ Does anyone think #sanders 1. got fair coverage from media (attack pieces/leak, Brock PAC money etc.)? 2. voting was fair? #podestaemails27 | Nov 10 20:12 | |
schestowitz | "No, but with the rise of the internet traditional media outlets are losing their power. I think there is still hope in the not too distant future.' | Nov 10 20:12 |
schestowitz | same here, leak sites also... | Nov 10 20:12 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:13 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ Does anyone know if there is #podestaemails35 today? Based on the count, it's all over now, I think (more than 55k). #wikileaks | Nov 10 20:13 | |
schestowitz | hi ! you’re our source, Roy, for these matters…If you dont know, who will ? | Nov 10 20:13 |
schestowitz | By the way absolutely disgusting the way Clinton saved her ass ! | Nov 10 20:13 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:13 |
schestowitz | Trump will be easier to take down though impeachment than Clinton, I think, with all those cons and sexual assault victims. We're about to start a bold journey. | Nov 10 20:13 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:14 |
-TechBytesBot/ Making #clinton appear as though she cares for non-privileged and non-whites #PodestaEmails30 | Nov 10 20:14 | |
schestowitz | "" | Nov 10 20:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 10 20:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | Reposted from a friend on another site. "The latest poll in Florida... | Nov 10 20:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:14 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:14 |
schestowitz | Reposted from a friend on another site. | Nov 10 20:14 |
schestowitz | “The latest poll in Florida put Trump up by .2%. That is two-tenths of one percent. Stein is polling at 1% - enough to tip the State and 29 electoral votes to Trump”. | Nov 10 20:14 |
schestowitz | “Ah, the moral choice? Really!” | Nov 10 20:14 |
schestowitz | “I think there is an accounting due.” | Nov 10 20:14 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:14 |
schestowitz | Florida blame games like these (seen them) are distracting from the real problem, which is people who vote Trump and call themselves "deplorables"... they feel betrayed by the neolib system | Nov 10 20:15 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:16 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Blaming #russia without evidence and claiming "fake" when NONE are fake (in 10 years!) is an autocrat's strategy | Nov 10 20:16 | |
schestowitz | "This made me smile just because you actually used the word “autocrat”. Nobody does that. :)' | Nov 10 20:16 |
schestowitz | "Not I used the word, I just re-shared the post :)" | Nov 10 20:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Clinton and Cybersecurity: Has She Learned From Hacks and WikiLeaks Dumps? | Nov 10 20:16 | |
schestowitz | Maybe he was talking to me :-) | Nov 10 20:16 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:17 |
-TechBytesBot/ #privatepolicy #publicpolicy and #politico hacks #podestaemails36 #clinton | Nov 10 20:17 | |
schestowitz | "Zzzz…" | Nov 10 20:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jimmysllama: Clinton's public and private stance on the 1%. This is exactly what we all suspected. #PodestaEmails36 | Nov 10 20:17 | |
schestowitz | Trump is next. Don't think you have no power... therein lies the biggest weakness. Look what we made Lenovo do. And Marcos decades ago... | Nov 10 20:17 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jaraparilla: The thing is, people leaking against Trump (esp. Dems) are probably more likely to go via MSM eg NYT and WaPo.… | Nov 10 20:25 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jaraparilla: The thing is, people leaking against Trump (esp. Dems) are probably more likely to go via MSM eg NYT and WaPo.… | Nov 10 20:25 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:26 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JTRM79: @schestowitz how many eligible to vote minus dead, illegals and felons? | Nov 10 20:26 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:26 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Boese_Zunge_: @schestowitz You have happily contributed to #Trump winning. Your flow of RTs on #Podesta mails made me sick. Now please stop complaining. | Nov 10 20:26 | |
schestowitz | I was not trying to help Trump, I was trying to expose abuse | Nov 10 20:27 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LauriLoveX: @Boese_Zunge_ @schestowitz try not to blame the truth for bad things that the truth might have helped you avoid | Nov 10 20:27 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:29 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared:  #trump #quote #history #politics #president #election #usa #whitehouse #crime | Nov 10 20:30 | |
schestowitz | "FAKE!" | Nov 10 20:30 |
schestowitz | "Amercia? seems legit" | Nov 10 20:30 |
schestowitz | I can't find an articles to establish that it's fake for sure. Though I accept it's dodgy | Nov 10 20:31 |
schestowitz | *article | Nov 10 20:31 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:32 |
schestowitz | :"Doesn’t make him right. I was fighting real estate moguls in NY before trump when the big star was Harry Helmsley. New York voted against him. Did you see the protests there last night? I lived under the future Attorney General when he destroyed New York as mayor. We know these people. You should listen to us more carefully." | Nov 10 20:32 |
schestowitz | But again, you preach to the converted as I've always hated Trump. Even ages ago. | Nov 10 20:32 |
schestowitz | "Thx" | Nov 10 20:33 |
-TechBytesBot/ Supporting #wikileaks does not at all mean supporting Trump. It just means supporting #transparency and truth, even when inconvenient. | Nov 10 20:33 | |
-TechBytesBot/ Trump said, "call me Mr. Brexit" We're already seeing the same symptoms in the #us as we saw in the #uk >shortly< after the #brexit vote | Nov 10 20:33 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:33 |
-TechBytesBot/ The nightmare has only begun for #clinton family #accountability after #wikileaks | Nov 10 20:33 | |
schestowitz | "I do not focus on you. Your posts are relentless. That is why I have stopped sharing with you. You alone didn’t do it. You just helped. You spread a lot of rightist-generated lies about her mixed in with a few truths. A lot of them." | Nov 10 20:33 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Clinton Probe Uses All Little Rock Agents | The Daily Caller | Nov 10 20:33 | |
schestowitz | Right now that HRC is out I will get back to what I did before, which is try to toppled the narcissist who is NOT YET in the WHite House. Not that we all have a good chance, but we can try. Need leaks... | Nov 10 20:34 |
schestowitz | toppled -> topple | Nov 10 20:34 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:36 |
-TechBytesBot/ Yes, #wikileaks proved it with a leak last week. #sanders was co-opted contractually by the #dnc | Nov 10 20:36 | |
schestowitz | "You are a conspiracy monger. That is total bullshit. Sanders ran an insurgency candidacy in a party that he was not in. The party favored its own. Sanders had a greater effect than any 3rd party has ever had. He said from the very start that he would support the democratic candidate. You are mad that he kept his fucking word! He would have been in charge of the Senate Budget committee. Now he is in charge of nothing. He forced a leftward | Nov 10 20:36 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz he was a shill from the start , had a non aggression policy with hitlery | Nov 10 20:36 | |
schestowitz | shift in the democratic party platform, now irrelevant. You novices with your sophomoric conspiracy theories in lieu of critical analysis have fucked everything up for everybody, including yourselves. Believe it." | Nov 10 20:36 |
schestowitz | Did you actually examine the leak about it? | Nov 10 20:36 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:36 |
-TechBytesBot/ #xkcd should have been with @drjillstein but the corporate media is hiding non-corporate options | Nov 10 20:36 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | xkcd: I'm With Her | Nov 10 20:36 | |
schestowitz | "so disappointing…" | Nov 10 20:36 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:36 |
-TechBytesBot/ Why Trump is President (to be inaugurated) source: #wikilleaks leak. #podestaemails36 #dncleak2 | Nov 10 20:36 | |
schestowitz | "Too late." | Nov 10 20:37 |
schestowitz | Not really, depends what you accomplish and at what stage | Nov 10 20:37 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:37 |
-TechBytesBot/ Who was stripped by #police before he committed suicide? The founder of #debian Ian Murdock. SF Police. Notorious in their community. | Nov 10 20:37 | |
schestowitz | "Well that’s sad 😦' | Nov 10 20:37 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:38 |
-TechBytesBot/ | These anti-terrorism posters echo Nazi propaganda | Susie Symes | Opinion | The Guardian | Nov 10 20:38 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:47 |
-TechBytesBot/ Yes, #wikileaks proved it with a leak last week. #sanders was co-opted contractually by the #dnc | Nov 10 20:47 | |
schestowitz | "Does it prove that we are better off with Trump? No it does not. I do not have to read it. Nothing would surprise me." | Nov 10 20:47 |
schestowitz | Again, missing the point. What Wikileaks got was enough to finish the career of HRC and staff; if it got Trump leaks, we'd press on those. Now is the time to expose the other corrupt party and if you're no longer sharing with me, then you're missing out the stuff you'd probably agree with | Nov 10 20:48 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:49 |
-TechBytesBot/ Supporting #wikileaks does not at all mean supporting Trump. It just means supporting #transparency and truth, even when inconvenient. | Nov 10 20:49 | |
schestowitz | "You hated Clinton more and you know it." | Nov 10 20:49 |
schestowitz | "…and if you still believe she was as bad or worse then you are not “the converted” and you have no idea how bad trump or fascism really is.' | Nov 10 20:49 |
schestowitz | I never hated it. | Nov 10 20:49 |
schestowitz | I never hated her. | Nov 10 20:49 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:50 |
-TechBytesBot/ #erdogan attacked teachers, judges, newspapers, rival politicians etc. after he had seized power. #duterte getting there, will #DonCon too? | Nov 10 20:50 | |
schestowitz | "The time to do that was last week." | Nov 10 20:50 |
schestowitz | "yup. stopping the brown menace should have happed a little earlier" | Nov 10 20:50 |
schestowitz | "orange is the new brown" | Nov 10 20:50 |
schestowitz | #TrumpTape could take him down (I posted lots about it) but without new #trumpleaks we have too little material to work with ahead of the election | Nov 10 20:50 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:51 |
-TechBytesBot/ But it's OK 'coz her old 'buddy' got anally raped to death | Nov 10 20:51 | |
schestowitz | "Trump would be like - I came, I did not understand, I nuked em …" | Nov 10 20:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Hillary Clinton on Gaddafi: We came, we saw, he died - YouTube | Nov 10 20:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DailyCaller: Hillary Clinton Knew She Was Helping Islamists Move Into Power In Libya #WikiLeaks… | Nov 10 20:51 | |
schestowitz | It's funny, but not a realistic description of what would happen | Nov 10 20:51 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:52 |
-TechBytesBot/ Boo hoo. #nsa does not like #wikileaks - as if that surprises anyone. repeats the "Russia" smear | Nov 10 20:52 | |
schestowitz | "Pretty fly-on-the-wall for a Tor guy." | Nov 10 20:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks 'sowing seeds of own destruction': Former NSA deputy director Chris Inglis | Nov 10 20:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:52 |
-TechBytesBot/ "Bernie stands unequivocally, constructively, on one side of economic dichotomy. Trump pretends" #podestaemails35 | Nov 10 20:52 | |
schestowitz | "Bernie Sanders is an utter fraud. He’s with Killary. | Nov 10 20:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 10 20:52 | |
schestowitz | He sold out | Nov 10 20:52 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:53 |
-TechBytesBot/ #Accenture "runs a joint venture with Microsoft called Avanade" #microsoft HATES #linux Moles in #munich | Nov 10 20:53 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Open-source pioneer Munich debates report that suggests abandoning Linux for Windows 10 - TechRepublic | Nov 10 20:53 | |
schestowitz | The report looks like über-bullshit. | Nov 10 20:53 |
schestowitz | For example, if some opensource PDF reader does not render some PDF properly, why not use Acrobat Reader, which is available on Linux? | Nov 10 20:53 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:53 |
schestowitz | Exactly, contact the authorities, they're being fooled by Microsoft goons. AGAIN. | Nov 10 20:53 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:53 |
-TechBytesBot/ 11/9. #berlin wall fall anniversary and another new wall builder, because 9/11 and "terror". #trump | Nov 10 20:53 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PeterJBon: @maxschrems He's building a wall around the US. Like the Soviets did in Berlin, to control East Berlin. I'm not happy about this. | Nov 10 20:53 | |
schestowitz | today in the world are more walls like in time of cold war! | Nov 10 20:53 |
schestowitz | Mit offenen Karten - Sich schließende Grenzen | Nov 10 20:53 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:53 |
schestowitz | ' | Nov 10 20:53 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Mit offenen Karten - Sich schließende Grenzen - YouTube | Nov 10 20:53 | |
schestowitz | While at the same time many nations integrate migrants. Odd. | Nov 10 20:53 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:54 |
-TechBytesBot/ #0AD. Alpha 21 "Ulysses" Open-Source Game of Ancient Warfare Adds New Features #games | Nov 10 20:54 | |
schestowitz | "this game is awsome" | Nov 10 20:54 |
schestowitz | And libre | Nov 10 20:54 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 0 A.D. Alpha 21 "Ulysses" Open-Source Game of Ancient Warfare Adds New Features | Nov 10 20:54 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:55 |
-TechBytesBot/ #clinton has a daughter (only child) whose surname is a lot more Russian-sounding than #assange and probably trades with #russia | Nov 10 20:55 | |
schestowitz | "He might have a black love child. That young man has been going to the media in an attempt to get Bill Clinton to recognize him." | Nov 10 20:55 |
schestowitz | Ewww | Nov 10 20:55 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:55 |
-TechBytesBot/ Clinton emails: FBI chief may have broken law, says top Democrat this is getting serious | Nov 10 20:55 | |
schestowitz | "perhaps the real work begins, for the ‘new normal’ is always a work in progress. unless you possess a time machine that could transport us all back to the garden of eden. would you have one of those, Dr. Roy ?" | Nov 10 20:55 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Clinton emails: FBI chief may have broken law, says top Democrat - BBC News | Nov 10 20:55 | |
schestowitz | well, now we need to encourage people from Trump camp to blow the whistle so that the career of the other horrible candidate is in ruins | Nov 10 20:56 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:56 |
-TechBytesBot/ #ciapost tells us what we already knew--that #cia #nsa etc. wanted to take commands against foreigners, not domestic | Nov 10 20:56 | |
schestowitz | "The CIA is a particularly evil entity. I don’t care what they say, because it cannot be trusted." | Nov 10 20:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Intelligence community is already feeling a sense of dread about Trump - The Washington Post | Nov 10 20:56 | |
schestowitz | Except what their whistleblowers say, like Kiriakou and Sterling | Nov 10 20:56 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:57 |
-TechBytesBot/ China’s Internet Controls Will Get Stricter, to Dismay of Foreign Business #china #internet | Nov 10 20:57 | |
schestowitz | "There’s only so long they can stay anti-competitive before their work in turning poorer nations into productive outsourcing destinations backfires and China loses the corner it has on the market." | Nov 10 20:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Log In - New York Times | Nov 10 20:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:57 |
-TechBytesBot/ "Can they get counts on Italian Americans on voter lists" Imagine if he said "get counts on Jews" #podestaemails35 | Nov 10 20:57 | |
schestowitz | "I doubt they count the ‘commie’ vote." | Nov 10 20:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 10 20:58 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ Can a French-speaking person translate this for publication at #techrights please? | Nov 10 20:58 | |
schestowitz | "Thank you!" | Nov 10 20:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Billet d’humeur : le président de l’OEB a de nouveau frappé! – Neuhausen Café | Nov 10 20:58 | |
schestowitz | Will post this tonight/tomorrow | Nov 10 21:00 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 21:01 |
-TechBytesBot/ Canada's immigration website just crashed #canada #TrumpEffect #WellDoneDeplorables | Nov 10 21:01 | |
schestowitz | "just been to' | Nov 10 21:01 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Canadian immigration site crash: Election 2016 - Business Insider | Nov 10 21:01 | |
schestowitz | Microsoft IIS ;) | Nov 10 21:01 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Immigrate to Canada | Nov 10 21:01 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 21:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@StephenSyncox: @schestowitz @MABardino @dcexaminer @wikileaks The plague is corrupt politicians, Of all stripes. | Nov 10 21:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 21:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@IamFran13: @schestowitz @wikileaks ? You never made these comments during election. | Nov 10 21:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 21:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Boese_Zunge_: @schestowitz I am afraid you have been a useful idiot to some (no personal offense). There is a time for idealism. But not 2 weeks ahead of》 | Nov 10 21:23 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Boese_Zunge_: @schestowitz 》US prez #election when alternative to #Clinton is #PresidentTrump. BTW #Assange not an idealist. Exposed Manning recklessly | Nov 10 21:23 | |
schestowitz | No, FBI informant @6 ratted him out | Nov 10 21:23 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 21:24 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Boese_Zunge_: @schestowitz maybe good intentions & I share your views on the pol. system. But you & those thinking alike were #Trump s best allies. | Nov 10 21:24 | |
schestowitz | > tuxmachines with javascript turned on automatically forwards to here: | Nov 10 22:21 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 10 22:21 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 10 22:21 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 10 22:21 |
schestowitz | > Thought you would want to know. | Nov 10 22:21 |
schestowitz | Yes, thanks, Rianne overlooked a spam submission | Nov 10 22:21 |
schestowitz | We're just deleted it. | Nov 10 22:21 |
schestowitz | Wish we spotted them more easily. | Nov 10 22:21 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 00:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Opinionated45: @schestowitz @dcexaminer @wikileaks There is much she has to be held accountable for, including treason. Life in jail would be 2 good 4 her. | Nov 11 00:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 00:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheDestro123: @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC HaHa #Brexit and #Trump forever! | Nov 11 00:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 00:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@janejohnson8793: @TerryGlotfelty @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC I just LOL. What does that say about education? BTW I'm educated and I stopped believing | Nov 11 00:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 00:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TerryGlotfelty: @janejohnson8793 @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC I think most of us are, Jane. It's a popular buzzword along with racist & misogynist. | Nov 11 00:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 00:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@miely0199: @schestowitz @charlenemckenn | Nov 11 00:21 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PIX11News: 'Subway therapy' Post-it notes give New Yorkers relief after election @DanMannarino | Nov 11 00:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 00:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@snowberry: @sircool099 @TerryGlotfelty @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC Told my CNN watching coworkers today they're the 6% LMAO | Nov 11 00:22 | |
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | Nov 11 00:49 | |
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Nov 11 01:22 | |
schestowitz | "Regarding your latest post referring to Battistelli's increasingly erratic | Nov 11 01:39 |
schestowitz | behaviour," one source told us, "I heard that he caused something of an éclat at the AIPPI conference back in September, where he gave a speech. It seems that he was adamant that he should sit flanked by his two bodyguards at the banquet's officials table." | Nov 11 01:39 |
schestowitz | Even though I trust my source, it is better to treat this as gossip, as | Nov 11 01:39 |
schestowitz | I don't have independent confirmation. | Nov 11 01:39 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 02:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-No status found with that ID. | Nov 11 02:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 02:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@linuxusergroup: @RonDeibert @WSJ Russia is wisely abandoning 💩Micro$oft whereas the lumbering monster basically owns USAGov't.#wtf #FOSS #Linux @schestowitz | Nov 11 02:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 02:16 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Microsoft influence in the United States government - Techrights | Nov 11 02:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 02:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TerryGlotfelty: @kookyspooky1031 @schestowitz @wikileaks educated - intolerance to different political/ideological beliefs. uneducated - opposite of. | Nov 11 02:17 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz dude hope the fuck off you are an idiot | Nov 11 02:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 02:18 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jacquel25229231: @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC I fear those lessons will never be learned. | Nov 11 02:18 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 02:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jacquel25229231: @schestowitz @PatHenryPatriot @wikileaks right. Because being demonized in public when ur a billionaire with nothing to gain seems fun. | Nov 11 02:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 02:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AnnCoulterChat: @schestowitz Yes, you are the only person in entire world who can learn & adjust. @PatHenryPatriot @NtimeWelearn @wikileaks @Model101RC | Nov 11 02:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 02:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@nataleecoward: @Sheikh_al_Touar @schestowitz @HuffPostEnt Not everyone | Nov 11 02:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 02:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@timmycu: @AnnCoulterChat @NtimeWelearn @KellySpringer11 @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC Our Healthcare needs Healthcare! 💔 | Nov 11 02:21 | |
schestowitz |] | Nov 11 02:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DD_BigApple: @schestowitz was there #podestaemails37 today, if you know? thanks! | Nov 11 02:22 | |
schestowitz | No, it's over | Nov 11 02:22 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 02:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NtimeWelearn: @AnnCoulterChat @schestowitz @PatHenryPatriot @wikileaks @Model101RC Lesson dont run a proven liar & criminal. | Nov 11 02:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 02:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lilRipplemaker: @schestowitz What truth? I missed it. | Nov 11 02:23 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@speng_c: @schestowitz you have a great ego/ just not that interesting | Nov 11 02:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 02:24 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DD_BigApple: @schestowitz that's the end of leaks all together nothing more? | Nov 11 02:24 | |
schestowitz | I think there's something about 'trade' deals next, some say Google leaks also but I doubt they got such a leak | Nov 11 02:24 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 02:34 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@emmamac0920: It Berns both ways guys. We are out here and ready to work! #FeelTheBern | Nov 11 02:34 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Trump fans don't care for truth in my experience. Were all giddy when I wrote about HRC and DNC abuses, now curse at me coz I target Trump. | Nov 11 02:34 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 02:34 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KellySpringer11: @NtimeWelearn @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC Because of one issue? He was not a politician and was voicing an opinion. Opinions change | Nov 11 02:34 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 02:34 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DD_BigApple: @schestowitz oh so podesta is over, how about those torrent files, r they on Clinton? Sorry I'm new to all this it's all Greek to me😉thanks! | Nov 11 02:34 | |
schestowitz | These are for FUTURE publications | Nov 11 02:34 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 02:35 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Not_the_boat: @schestowitz lots of "deplorable" followers when I was tweeting about #wikileaks, lots left when I started suggesting Dems regroup for 2020 | Nov 11 02:35 | |
schestowitz | [07:05] <xxx> Hi Roy, my computer restarted during the night, I couldn't see if you left any message after I left. | Nov 11 08:32 |
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 11 09:00 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 09:55 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@angelneptustar: Violence, attacks on police, racist graffiti, Nazi slogans from Hillary supporters She makes no attempt to quell ri… | Nov 11 09:55 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@angelneptustar: Violence, attacks on police, racist graffiti, Nazi slogans from Hillary supporters She makes no attempt to quell ri… | Nov 11 09:55 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 09:55 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Forrest_UUID: @schestowitz although some of that graffiti is counterproductive protestor graffiti | Nov 11 09:55 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 09:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@We3forDemocracy: @schestowitz @thenation Snowden pointed out expanded spying programs etc could be more seriously abused by tyrants. Need urgent law changes | Nov 11 09:59 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Forrest_UUID: Hey @POTUS, I know Congress won't fund closing GTMO, but you could make noise about crowdsourcing it. Score some pr… | Nov 11 10:07 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Forrest_UUID: Hey @POTUS, I know Congress won't fund closing GTMO, but you could make noise about crowdsourcing it. Score some pr… | Nov 11 10:07 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheWay2TheHeart: He's going to try to push the #TPP through before he leaves office. Be Ever Watchful, America! #CorruptObama | Nov 11 10:07 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: 2 months left for #obama to close down #gitmo Better hurry up | Nov 11 10:07 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:18 |
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Firings will continue until morale improves - Merpel revisits the EPO | Nov 11 10:18 | |
schestowitz | " "For so long as there shall but one hundred of us remain alive we will never give consent to subject ourselves to the dominion of the tyrant. For it is not glory, it is not riches, neither is it honours, but it is liberty alone that we fight and contend for, which no honest man will lose but with his life."" | Nov 11 10:18 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @schestowitz @thenation you are a fake | Nov 11 10:27 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @schestowitz Trump did not give control of the internet away. OBAMA did | Nov 11 10:27 | |
schestowitz | The transition to IANA was a good thing. Cruz is a liar. | Nov 11 10:27 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@We3forDemocracy: @schestowitz But who did it??? There's been so many dirty tricks, Dirty Politics & Dirty PR from Clintonites, this is a reasonable question. | Nov 11 10:28 | |
schestowitz | Some people tell me that the protesters did it | Nov 11 10:28 |
schestowitz | Clinton's career is finished, I don't see what she can still hope to accomplish with this | Nov 11 10:28 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:29 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @schestowitz why dont you go away somewhere if you dont like Trump | Nov 11 10:29 | |
schestowitz | That's what Trump would want. "America for the white Republicans" or GTFO. | Nov 11 10:29 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:30 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @schestowitz What do you mean by this statement, Roy? | Nov 11 10:30 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz Don't you see? You're not some tiny fucking harmless island in some remote part of the globe.. | Nov 11 10:30 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz You inhabit one of the largest, most dangerous, warmongering, landgrabbing, criminal countries this planet has seen | Nov 11 10:30 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:31 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz The world is in peril... there will be NO escaping Trump & his megalomaniacal, irresponsible, greedy decisions | Nov 11 10:31 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:31 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz are you talking about yourself | Nov 11 10:31 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:32 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz THERE IS NO GOING AWAY ANYWHERE! You've got a man w mentality of 6yr old in charge(-ish) of that ecocidal machine! | Nov 11 10:32 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @schestowitz you must be one of those controlling it. Most tech people in USA felt it was treason by Obama. Can even support 1st US ammendme | Nov 11 10:32 | |
schestowitz | I guess you don't even know what IANA and ICANN are and how they operate, but you'd nod to technophobes like Cruz | Nov 11 10:33 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:33 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz My God! WHAT PLANET ARE YOU ON you bunch of murderers | Nov 11 10:33 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:34 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz a 6 yr old that run his business like a pro. He will run USA the same way. We dont need another lawyer in the WH | Nov 11 10:34 | |
schestowitz | Serial bankruptcies, born super-wealthy, to rely on lawyer connections in the WH to embezzle the public. Treats women like objects. | Nov 11 10:35 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:36 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@We3forDemocracy: @schestowitz The shadow government wanted Clinton. She has a huge $multi-million dollar military like PR operation | Nov 11 10:36 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz So a country is just a "business", now? Is that REALLY all you think a country is (or should be?)? A business? | Nov 11 10:36 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz the peril world was not created by Trump, it was created by Obama and Hillary and the EU that thought ME solve prob | Nov 11 10:36 | |
schestowitz | A lot was continuation of Bush's invasions in the Middle East, based on lies | Nov 11 10:36 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:37 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@We3forDemocracy: @schestowitz The obsession with power and influence (like money) - is an irresistible addiction for some | Nov 11 10:37 | |
schestowitz | That's all they've got and get recognition for | Nov 11 10:37 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:37 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz what do you think? A country sells to others the same a business sells its wares. | Nov 11 10:37 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:38 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz It may not have been 'created' by him bt you can bet yr VERY bottom dollar his business practices were unscrupulous | Nov 11 10:38 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:39 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@We3forDemocracy: @schestowitz In other words, I am sceptical that these "protests", especially violent/ vandal type ones are "spontaneous" | Nov 11 10:39 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:40 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @schestowitz i am not in technology but I saw one of their leaders saying that they would not support freedom of speech. | Nov 11 10:40 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:44 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @schestowitz @Nani194347 Exactly! Capitalist maggot has been eating its way in2 the social/ environmental fabric of our society 4 decades + | Nov 11 10:44 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:45 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz have you done business with Trump? Aren't you judgemental to speak that way about someone you dont know | Nov 11 10:45 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz But WHAT ware's made from WHICH resources stolen from WHO's lands? | Nov 11 10:45 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz do you call capitalism to working hard? Socialism is failing in Europe. I am housing a 27 yr old with 3 degrees | Nov 11 10:45 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz that cant find a job in her country and bounces from country to country hoping she can find one. She works hard | Nov 11 10:47 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz goods and services sold by USA corp. England does the same. | Nov 11 10:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz ..on the back of WHO'S toil the suffering of HOW MANY, the blood of WHAT NUMBER, the future of ALL OF OUR CHILDREN? | Nov 11 10:47 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz man you are crazy. Find yourself a therapist | Nov 11 10:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz Yes, you're absolutely right. England does (much..) the same. But your guy is blatently PROUD of his intentions | Nov 11 10:48 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz ..& threatens to set a most dangerous example/ precedent for leaders the world over. | Nov 11 10:57 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz We are SUPPOSED TO BE CUSTODIANS OF THIS PLANET & OF EACHOTHER! WHERE THE FUCK IS THE HUMANITY? | Nov 11 10:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JazzoRenee: @schestowitz @wikileaks Name 1 President that didn't benefit Wall Street,if you have a 401k or own a home you're being a hypocrite right now | Nov 11 10:57 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JazzoRenee: @schestowitz @wikileaks Oh look a Brit talking nonsense about American history. | Nov 11 10:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz Already found 1! With likes of EITHER of yr criminal candidates running our planet in2 the abyss we'll ALL need it! | Nov 11 11:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz please check the definition of Humanity. Humanity is not to riot and destroy personal property. Prejudging is not | Nov 11 11:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@amy_ciocan: @schestowitz is out my "religion"read cnn ... @POTUS | Nov 11 11:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz That's a different issue, no doubt supported with #Soros 'Open Society Foundation' funding! So, #NotOnOurTurf, huh? | Nov 11 11:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Snowden: OH: "Democracy means people get the government they deserve." "not helping." | Nov 11 11:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @schestowitz the best of the two evils. Hillary is not an angel. She became multimillionaire selling her country. Trump u laws created by ot | Nov 11 11:21 | |
schestowitz | They're both bad | Nov 11 11:21 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz so what exactly do you support? | Nov 11 11:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz Honestly...why do you have 2 follow me? I don't make it my habit to argue & I don't follow people in pursuit of it! | Nov 11 11:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz Something better, fairer and more peaceful than where it looks like we're headed. | Nov 11 11:22 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz because I like to know how others think. 69, working, survivor of breast cancer etc | Nov 11 11:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz if aging is wisdom, most aging people thought Trump was the best choice. You cant relate to that unless u are old | Nov 11 11:23 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rarename91: @schestowitz @wikileaks they have nothing on him. | Nov 11 11:23 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rarename91: @schestowitz @alegendarylad @wikileaks @WashTimes yes he did its on the website ] | Nov 11 11:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz I PROMISE you I'm not as young as my photo depicts! I guess its all so relative/ multifactoral. | Nov 11 11:27 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@1Hendorable1: Don't tell me the US is going to start using drones again when Trump is President! | Nov 11 11:27 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: When #goldendawnald sends #drones to kill people will he say "you're fired" or "you're fried"? See #blowback assured | Nov 11 11:27 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz Not socialistically knowledgable enough 4 accurate response but understand there's almost NO TRUE examples anywhere | Nov 11 11:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dcmarti1992: @schestowitz @LinuxSocist @Microsoft THIS is all I ever need to know about your products. | Nov 11 11:50 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Steve Ballmer Going CRAZY!!! - YouTube | Nov 11 11:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @maradydd @proximus same arrassment here. Proximus violates the 1998 law on personal data. I had to complain to the Mediator of telecoms. | Nov 11 11:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 12:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz ...the very existence of Capitalism will not permit a true model to exist. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong | Nov 11 12:16 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz agree. Not pure form of any discipline | Nov 11 12:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 12:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rckchalk: Noooo | Nov 11 12:16 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #wikileaks showed that #obama personally implicated in #servergate (he knew), so this is what he'll waste time doing | Nov 11 12:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 12:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz I assume only hope of trying 2 make it work is 2 barricade yourself off as a country: thereby creating dictatorship | Nov 11 12:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 12:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz as an accountant I have seen many abuses by illegal immigrants. They use all possible resources available in the | Nov 11 12:17 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz ...and destroying foundation of what socialism should be. Meanwhile, the world looks on in horror or laughs! :( | Nov 11 12:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 12:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz country but they do not pay taxes. It is expensive for the country and frequently US citizens are neglected | Nov 11 12:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 12:18 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz socialism does not work. It rewards apathy and laziness | Nov 11 12:18 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz ...I do understand but it's difficult when yr from a country that's been brought to its knees (often by your host!) | Nov 11 12:18 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz yes by Obama and Hillary | Nov 11 12:18 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 12:31 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KateLeah030: @JillFilipovic @schestowitz MSM is no longer valid. After the MSM Goebbel's like behavior Trump shud ignore them & use only REAL journalists | Nov 11 12:31 | |
schestowitz | The problem is, this category will extend, over time, to any person who only ever writes positively about Trump. #erdogan | Nov 11 12:32 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 12:41 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KateLeah030: @schestowitz That would be true if the outlets weren't owned & controlled by NWO-which our MSM is. Ministries of NWO propaganda not news | Nov 11 12:41 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 12:41 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sandita30: @schestowitz @yournewswire This wouldn't bother me if it included closing CGI and giving all the money to Haiti as a penalty. | Nov 11 12:42 | |
schestowitz | Nice idea | Nov 11 12:42 |
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | Nov 11 16:17 | |
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 11 17:29 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:38 |
-TechBytesBot/ SUSE plans container as a service platform | Nov 11 17:38 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 17:38 |
schestowitz | That’s two SUSEs in a row. | Nov 11 17:38 |
schestowitz | Do you have anything article-wise that compares SUSE to Debian and/or SUSE to Linux Mint/Ubuntu? | Nov 11 17:38 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 17:38 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | iTWire - SUSE plans container as a service platform | Nov 11 17:38 | |
schestowitz | Not anything recent, and I read news very closely. Not seen such a comparison for years, except phoronix benchmarks | Nov 11 17:38 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ElinaBeauchamp: @donnabrazile is obviously trying to legitimize cheating. If I did that in school I'd be expelled immediately | Nov 11 17:48 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Chronic liar who helped #trump win "recycles discredited claims that Russians altered email" #defendWL #DonnaBrazile | Nov 11 17:48 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mobilejpop: @terminsane @ajamubaraka @schestowitz Either Green is the new Progressive movement, or an entirely new party needs to form. No more Dems!! | Nov 11 17:48 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mobilejpop: @terminsane @laurelrusswurm @ajamubaraka @schestowitz the moment is ripe to leave Dem all together. They lost all four branches of govt | Nov 11 17:48 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mobilejpop: @terminsane @laurelrusswurm @ajamubaraka @schestowitz not just four years, let's hit midterms 2018. Start pushing candidates now! Right now! | Nov 11 17:49 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TnTrumpFan1: @schestowitz @wikileaks @WashTimes We are not loyal to the GOP. We know they are guilty of corruption too. That's why Trump over other 15. | Nov 11 17:49 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mobilejpop: @laurelrusswurm @terminsane @ajamubaraka @schestowitz I don't think so. How many voted for HRC just bc they thought they'd stop Trump? | Nov 11 17:49 | |
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 11 17:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mobilejpop: @terminsane @laurelrusswurm @ajamubaraka @schestowitz #Truth | Nov 11 17:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mobilejpop: @terminsane @laurelrusswurm @ajamubaraka @schestowitz this is the point! The time is NOW to start pushing Progressive Green candidates, 2018 | Nov 11 17:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: #indonesia must sort this - a problem of global importance | Nov 11 17:50 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "As the recurrence of the haze crisis this year has shown, mere regulations alone do not prevent forest fires." | Nov 11 17:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@belindacarreiro: @schestowitz ...micro-mgnt at it's best, are we justice or just soft target$? | Nov 11 17:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoWayBackToEU: Interesting take on pollster micromodelling and targeted Facebook ads. It obviously doesn't work @LordAshcroft | Nov 11 17:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "This ought to be a wake-up call for all this stuff, but I bet it won’t be." | Nov 11 17:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@belindacarreiro: @schestowitz ..filtering fact 2 adhere 2 an altered-ego is population control(leggo our eggos??? | Nov 11 17:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz And the trillions syphoned by the #banks / #banksters, that's ay-ok? Man, the powers that be play us like orchestra | Nov 11 17:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz I guess that's what we're spoon-fed! Strange how countries closer to approximating model don't have that problem! | Nov 11 17:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz | Nov 11 17:53 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | socialist countries - Google Search | Nov 11 17:53 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@smallbiztool: @schestowitz It's President Trump to you | Nov 11 17:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@smallbiztool: @schestowitz Take your Climate Change and get lost! | Nov 11 17:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hotcitykitty: Myron Ebell, director of Center for Energy 👉Trump’s transition plans for EPA Take Note: The Guy who will finish off… | Nov 11 17:53 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hotcitykitty: Myron Ebell, director of Center for Energy 👉Trump’s transition plans for EPA Take Note: The Guy who will finish off… | Nov 11 17:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Scriptonite: @schestowitz @guardian Love how the MSM which has been inciting racial hatred and neoliberal economics now blames everyone else. | Nov 11 17:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:54 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@heyjdey: | Nov 11 17:54 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ ) | Nov 11 17:54 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: .@Econghost And like all cults, they have a common enemy and they've been taught that Wikileaks is malicious Russian "fakes" operation ^_^ | Nov 11 17:54 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:54 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MissyPassMeyer: @schestowitz What abtdemographics that have altered r culture since 1965? All illegals O bused in? If we don't deport& repeal US willvanish | Nov 11 17:54 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:54 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Home monitoring will soon monitor you. @schestowitz | Nov 11 17:54 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Internet of Things Will Help Home Monitoring Monitor You - The Atlantic | Nov 11 17:54 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:55 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Jvas2727: @schestowitz Racketeering? How about we start with the Clinton Foundation which I'm sure would've been pardoned and overlooked if she'd won | Nov 11 17:55 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dj_dwjohns1: @NicholsUprising @schestowitz @thenation yes we know so did the founders of this country | Nov 11 17:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ShanaLin4: @NicholsUprising @schestowitz What this tells us is that the majority of wealthy ppl picked HRC. | Nov 11 17:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@manticlops: @schestowitz Big Pence fan? | Nov 11 17:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@seywarddarby: @Diamandbacks @schestowitz that was disproven. Not the KKK. | Nov 11 17:57 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@buderfly7: @schestowitz @wikileaks Why would a 70 yr old billionaire put his family and self thru this? Worked his ass off and took a lot of slander | Nov 11 17:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@brookselaine70: @ShanaLin4 @NicholsUprising @schestowitz Get real. | Nov 11 17:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ShanaLin4: @brookselaine70 @NicholsUprising @schestowitz You don't know how the electoral college works or why it exists. | Nov 11 17:58 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@brookselaine70: @ShanaLin4 @NicholsUprising @schestowitz Actually, I do. Wanna try me? | Nov 11 17:58 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ShanaLin4: @brookselaine70 @NicholsUprising @schestowitz Sure. Have at it. | Nov 11 17:58 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@svagdis: @schestowitz well maybe there's nothing to hide Wikileaks has said they hav found nothing on GOP @wikileaks @WashTimes | Nov 11 17:58 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SBBsuechtig: Na zum Glück ist mein PC immer stromlos, wenn ich ihn nicht benutze 😊 | Nov 11 17:58 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #intel chips "can be used remotely even while the PC is powered off" | Nov 11 17:58 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hotcitykitty: Trump @GOP determined to kill the planet 😜Trump probably thinks he can alter Physics | Nov 11 17:58 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #Trump Picks Top Climate Skeptic to Lead #EPA Transition deniers, not 'skeptics' | Nov 11 17:58 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ItsAllLies: @schestowitz @wikileaks NOT SO! One thing can never be said abt @realDonaldTrump is he forgets his friends or his enemies! #Freejulian PLZ!! | Nov 11 17:59 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:00 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Wesley_Inman: @schestowitz @wikileaks Please sign and share the Pardon Assange/Snowden Petition! | Nov 11 18:00 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Petition · President Donald Trump: President Trump- Pardon American Heroes Snowden and Assange · | Nov 11 18:00 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:00 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Wesley_Inman: @alegendarylad @schestowitz @wikileaks @WashTimes Please sign and share the Pardon Assange/Snowden Petition! | Nov 11 18:00 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:01 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Samoan_Attorney: Ping @schestowitz | Nov 11 18:01 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mlake9: @ggreenwald remember how you didn't think the Russians were Wikileaks' source? | Nov 11 18:01 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@laurelrusswurm: @mobilejpop That is the problem with #WinnerTakeAll politics... nobody knows. Why need system change. @ajamubaraka @schestowitz @terminsane | Nov 11 18:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@laurelrusswurm: @mobilejpop Approx 25% voted #HRC, Approx 25% voted #Trump. Approx 50% voted for none of the above. @ajamubaraka @schestowitz @terminsane | Nov 11 18:02 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@laurelrusswurm: Do you think this system is working well? @ajamubaraka @mobilejpop @schestowitz @terminsane | Nov 11 18:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@laurelrusswurm: @terminsane No. HRC lost because she could not get enough support. Trump won because he could win enough support. @ajamubaraka @schestowitz | Nov 11 18:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@laurelrusswurm: @terminsane As it stands, the system is weighted to elect just such governments. @ajamubaraka @schestowitz | Nov 11 18:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@readergordonbp: @schestowitz ?????? | Nov 11 18:03 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EPietrafesa: “18 Seconds Are Enough” — Security Researchers Hack Microsoft’s #Windows10 Browser #stiamosereni #stiamodifesi va | Nov 11 18:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@laurelrusswurm: @mobilejpop Also engage the unengaged, raise awareness the system badly broken 2 accomplish anything. @ajamubaraka @schestowitz @terminsane | Nov 11 18:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@momg1952: @schestowitz @wikileaks @WashTimes you're an asshat-plain and simple | Nov 11 18:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@victorRuivoBR: Brazil's FedGov (@MichelTemer) falls to Micro$oft lobby. A sad day for free/libre sftware activists. @schestowitz | Nov 11 18:04 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:04 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ ) | Nov 11 18:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheRaticals: | Nov 11 18:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #wikileaks keeps on combating #corruption | Nov 11 18:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- (Re-tweeted by davewfpboyle) | Nov 11 18:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wood_luce: @schestowitz @wikileaks too busy turning out thousands of violent drug dealers all over the country | Nov 11 18:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:16 |
-TechBytesBot/ #OpenMW 0.40 - Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind on Linux #gnu #linux #games | Nov 11 18:16 | |
schestowitz | "Super!" | Nov 11 18:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Linux Rain - OpenMW 0.40 - Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind on Linux | Nov 11 18:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:16 |
-TechBytesBot/ Open-source database #PostgreSQL powering #GOVUK portal lots of #postgres in #uk gov now | Nov 11 18:16 | |
schestowitz | "Never intended to use MySQL. Don’t know about Maria." | Nov 11 18:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Open-source database PostgreSQL powering GOV.UK portal | Joinup | Nov 11 18:17 | |
schestowitz | Very similar, quite good for Web applications | Nov 11 18:17 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:17 |
-TechBytesBot/ Passage of the political sceptre to Trump reminds me of these times when a firm is passed to an aggressive liquidator. He'll ruin everything | Nov 11 18:17 | |
schestowitz | "Actually, myself and I think a lot of other Americans are more than ready for some large-scale liquidatiion. There’s just entirely too much government over here! | Nov 11 18:17 |
schestowitz | 'Shutting down government depts is not liquidation though | Nov 11 18:17 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:19 |
-TechBytesBot/ Expect a lot of "Russia" and "Terrorism" (or both) in tomorrow's newspapers. Uniting the masses under the "protect us!" umbrella. | Nov 11 18:19 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 18:19 |
schestowitz | “To repress rebellion is to maintain the status quo, a condition which binds the mortal creature in a state of intellectual or physical slavery. But it is impossible to chain man merely by slaving his body; the mind also must be held, and to accomplish this, fear is the accepted weapon. The common man must fear life, fear death, fear God, fear the Devil, and fear most the overlords, the keepers of his destiny.” | Nov 11 18:19 |
schestowitz | - Manly P. Hall | Nov 11 18:19 |
schestowitz | '" Manly P. Hall" | Nov 11 18:19 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Secret Teachings of All Ages Index | Nov 11 18:19 | |
schestowitz | Eventually no terror attacks. Nothing. | Nov 11 18:20 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:20 |
-TechBytesBot/ #erdogan attacked teachers, judges, newspapers, rival politicians etc. after he had seized power. #duterte getting there, will #DonCon too? | Nov 11 18:20 | |
schestowitz | "Ahead of what election? The election is over. You had too little material back then to go posting partisan half truths but you did it anyway." | Nov 11 18:20 |
schestowitz | If there were leaks about Trump, I'd analyse and report on them too. Would rather take two bags of trash out at the same time, but this time could only do one at a time. based on reports, it's possible to impeach Trump, though his buddy Pants is miles worse | Nov 11 18:21 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:23 |
-TechBytesBot/ From the man who called political opponent "nasty woman" (to her face!) after sexually assaulting women | Nov 11 18:23 | |
schestowitz | "I think some are worried too much about things Trump’s probably not going to have time to deal with. Some of his bolder ideas, the ones more central to his platform and nearer to his heart, will surely keep him too busy to “wage war on reproductive rights”.' | Nov 11 18:23 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 18:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | American Women Are Preparing for a War on Reproductive Rights Under President Trump | Nov 11 18:23 | |
schestowitz | @Seven How close to his heart is this?: | Nov 11 18:23 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:23 |
schestowitz | ' | Nov 11 18:23 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Donald Trump on Edward Snowden: Kill the 'traitor' - Washington Times | Nov 11 18:23 | |
schestowitz | It's very clear that Rump and Pants will go after reproductive rights and abortion rights. Not a question of capacity. | Nov 11 18:24 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:24 |
-TechBytesBot/ Atom 1.12 #atom new release of an editor for #programming Does anyone here use it? I use #kate | Nov 11 18:24 | |
schestowitz | "I use it more and more… Development on Zed seems to have stopped, and as I get used to it there’s some really nice extensions for Atom." | Nov 11 18:24 |
schestowitz | "I use sins one year now… to code (Fortran, C++) and to write notes (Markdown)." | Nov 11 18:24 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Atom 1.12 - Atom Blog | Nov 11 18:24 | |
schestowitz | Does Atom work well with Qt and GTK envs? | Nov 11 18:25 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:25 |
-TechBytesBot/ Re "Microsoft shill #Accenture at work. MS works through proxies even more now that it "loves" Linux""-iophk | Nov 11 18:25 | |
schestowitz | "Do people still read Zdnet?" | Nov 11 18:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | City that swapped Windows for Linux debates proposed Windows 10 move | ZDNet | Nov 11 18:25 | |
schestowitz | "Even the smallest Microsoft use causes great pain, so it’s better to dump all of it and wall off what can’t be avoided. That’s exactly what Munich has done but Microsoft continues to make as much trouble for them as possible.' | Nov 11 18:25 |
schestowitz | Zdnet is in google news and this article was 'borrowed' from a sister site. it helps make us aware of Microsoft's latest attack plan, the author is not anti-Linux at all. | Nov 11 18:26 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:27 |
-TechBytesBot/ #Ubuntu 16.10 Flavors Comparison: Ubuntu vs #UbuntuGNOME vs #Kubuntu vs #Xubuntu #gnu #linux | Nov 11 18:27 | |
schestowitz | "I’m a bit bored of Ubuntu. Is it the most known distro? Yes. Does it suck because you have to change it every 6 months,but LTS? Yes. It could be good talking about programs, repositories instead of just flavors." | Nov 11 18:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu 16.10 Flavors Comparison: Ubuntu vs Ubuntu GNOME vs Kubuntu vs Xubuntu | Nov 11 18:27 | |
schestowitz | "yes, so bored' | Nov 11 18:27 |
schestowitz | LTS release last long and have quick patches. Wife and I use LTS releases. She uses 12.04 still... | Nov 11 18:28 |
schestowitz | *releases | Nov 11 18:28 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:28 |
-TechBytesBot/ This Photo Of Sad Obama Staffers Isn’t From Trump’s White House Visit people rightly worry. | Nov 11 18:28 | |
schestowitz | "Remember Every One Of These Jackwagons…especially the skanky one on the left…" | Nov 11 18:28 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | This Photo Of Sad Obama Staffers Isn't From Trump's White House Visit - BuzzFeed News | Nov 11 18:29 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 18:29 |
schestowitz | to Alfred E. Neuman- if your spirit is representative of what the Trumpster will bring to us, may God have mercy on your soul and on all of us, for certainly there is no grace in your heart. A real American Champion would allow the losers a little space in their defeat; you would rather kick a man when he is down, a cowardly gesture worthy of an insecure bully and not in the tradition of any ‘great’ American hero. Where is your shame , | Nov 11 18:29 |
schestowitz | sir. After you destroy America, will you then prefer to drag the whole world into your cesspool of hate. At least post a real photo so we can see what a knuckle-dragging throwback of a human you are. | Nov 11 18:29 |
schestowitz | A true patriot you are not. Lose the negativity, bud, or find a less enlightened board to post on. | Nov 11 18:29 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 18:29 |
schestowitz | Yes, sad... | Nov 11 18:30 |
schestowitz | Not sure if you noticed, but I posted a lot of material from wikileaks for several weeks, had a big impact. Got millions of impressions per day in Twitter alone and it helped expose her true nature. But I'm not happy about Trump winning. | Nov 11 18:31 |
schestowitz | *impact on Clinton | Nov 11 18:31 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:33 |
-TechBytesBot/ Yes, #wikileaks proved it with a leak last week. #sanders was co-opted contractually by the #dnc | Nov 11 18:33 | |
schestowitz | "I found nothing under the tag #trumptapes but more antihillary dribble. I don’t believe you have anything. If you do, post it on one of these threads where I still get notifications. I can’t stand to read your posts anymore." | Nov 11 18:33 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz he was a shill from the start , had a non aggression policy with hitlery | Nov 11 18:33 | |
schestowitz | Instead of getting all angry, let's work together to bring down the Trump camp. It's attainable, and I tried repeatedly to solicit Trump leaks. I still try. | Nov 11 18:35 |
schestowitz | Not sure if you noticed, but I posted a lot of material from wikileaks for several weeks, had a big impact on Clinton not because I wanted her to lose (I assumed she would win either way). I'm not happy about Trump winning. | Nov 11 18:35 |
schestowitz | Both candidates this time around were a disgrace. Low voter turnout in spite of all the fear tactics. Let's try to set things rights... it's never too late and I think leaks will facilitate Big Change. | Nov 11 18:35 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:39 |
-TechBytesBot/ It would be wise for #wikileaks to immediately start publishing non-US leaks, to shake off the bogus impression that it meddles. #defendWL | Nov 11 19:39 | |
schestowitz | "Well you better get to work. I did not wait till after the election to become an antifascist. | Nov 11 19:39 |
schestowitz | Fair point | Nov 11 19:39 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:39 |
-TechBytesBot/ It's unlikely that Trump fans will accept it, but he won't win and it's better to invest one's vote in @DrJillStein | Nov 11 19:39 | |
schestowitz | "It is better to NOT VOTE (bourgeois) – and to take your ‘vote’ to the streets." | Nov 11 19:39 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-No status found with that ID. | Nov 11 19:39 | |
schestowitz | Sometimes you can do - and should do - both | Nov 11 19:40 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:40 |
-TechBytesBot/ Lots of explosions here tonight, non-stop ( #bonfirenight ). Does #wikileaks too have something explosive coming? #podestaemails31 | Nov 11 19:40 | |
schestowitz | "Australia or Manchester?" | Nov 11 19:40 |
schestowitz | manchester | Nov 11 19:40 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:41 |
-TechBytesBot/ #linux good flooded this month. Flooded in the headlines. "Dirty" and "COW". Anything to make it look bad? Even >local-only< bug? | Nov 11 19:41 | |
schestowitz | "Given how connected everything is these days, calling it ‘local only’ isn’t much help. Remember the ‘shatter attack’ on Windows? Local only… ;-)" | Nov 11 19:41 |
schestowitz | This flaw can be chained with another to be remotely-exploitable, but not on its own (remote to local to root) | Nov 11 19:41 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:42 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: #NES Classic Is a Quad-Core Linux Computer #linux #gnu | Nov 11 19:42 | |
schestowitz | "Hacking à prévoir? :)" | Nov 11 19:42 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | NES Classic Is a Quad-Core Linux Computer - Console Games - Products | Nov 11 19:42 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:42 |
-TechBytesBot/ #KStars Lite 1.0.0 is released on Google Play! #kde #freesw #android | Nov 11 19:42 | |
schestowitz | "Will it be coming to #F-Droid soon/at_all for us Google-less folk?" | Nov 11 19:42 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Jasem's Ekosphere: KStars Lite 1.0.0 is released on Google Play! | Nov 11 19:42 | |
schestowitz | What about mobile-less people like myself ;-) ? | Nov 11 19:42 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:43 |
-TechBytesBot/ Mr @snowden is going to have to stay in #russia for a long time to come | Nov 11 19:43 | |
schestowitz | "He couldn’t have returned with Clinton in charge, either." | Nov 11 19:43 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Donald Trump on Edward Snowden: Kill the 'traitor' - Washington Times | Nov 11 19:43 | |
schestowitz | True, Stein and Johnson both made explicit promises to pardon him. Stein even said she'd give him a gov. position. | Nov 11 19:43 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:44 |
-TechBytesBot/ #microsoft site mocks #gnu #linux users how fitting #MicrosoftHatesLinux | Nov 11 19:44 | |
schestowitz | "Good work on these posts. We’re long overdue for rebooting the anti-Microsoft campaigns from the 90s. More people than ever are using Microsoft products, not knowing the history and philosophy of the company. Microsoft’s poison is in phones, cars, people’s workstations, and everything between. There are plenty of reasons to hit Microsoft’s philosophy and product line like we used to, and even more people are online now to see the | Nov 11 19:44 |
schestowitz | message: MS is an enemy of freedom." | Nov 11 19:44 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Dishonored 2 Linux support is only a pipe dream | Nov 11 19:45 | |
schestowitz | it's now trying to undermine Munich's Linux success story, by proxy (#Accenture) | Nov 11 19:45 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:46 |
-TechBytesBot/ Maybe one day IAM won't be #battistelli poodle anymore. I sure hope so, They can do better. #journalism not churnalism for #epo | Nov 11 19:46 | |
schestowitz | "As I read your post a thought springs to mind. Is there any potential for some kind of network-reputational-veracity-journalism webthing? Why don’t we have some protocol for good journalists attributing a unique ID to every fact that they purport, linked back to their profile, enduring and liable to falsification over time. Maybe block chained so there ain’t no denyin it. Undislcosed sources? Over time they would eventually be disclosed | Nov 11 19:46 |
schestowitz | and the subject would be yet another potential witness to refine the rating of the item and ultimately the hack’s reputation. We might then begin to see who is feeding us the truth" | Nov 11 19:46 |
schestowitz | I have done this before and got flak for it, from those mentioned negatively | Nov 11 19:46 |
-TechBytesBot/ | The Free Software Credibility Index | Techrights | Nov 11 19:46 | |
schestowitz | > Wow, that's more than the entire states of New York and Pennsylvania | Nov 11 19:48 |
schestowitz | > combined. Be careful though, is there any way they can trace you? | Nov 11 19:48 |
schestowitz | I do this under my real name, I'm not directly affiliated with WL, I just help out where I can. | Nov 11 19:49 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:49 |
-TechBytesBot/ Making #clinton appear as though she cares for non-privileged and non-whites #PodestaEmails30 | Nov 11 19:49 | |
schestowitz | "Awe they got their wittle feewings hurt? The fucking assholes just got neoliberalism on steriods. The fools! Their deplorable stupidity is their own damn fault. And we will all pay. And wikileaks did this." | Nov 11 19:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 11 19:49 | |
schestowitz | No, it fed or spread this, not by intention (WL does not even wish to be associated with them) | Nov 11 19:49 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:49 |
-TechBytesBot/ Mafia talk. See the #podestaemail where he compares himself to Mafiosos from Hollywood. | Nov 11 19:50 | |
schestowitz | "yep" | Nov 11 19:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wikileaks: Podesta on Bernie Sanders: "I agree.. Where should we stick the knife in?" | Nov 11 19:50 | |
schestowitz | Well, you never know... | Nov 11 19:50 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:52 |
-TechBytesBot/ One more day of #us #election final stretch and then I can go back to focusing on #freesw and #patents as before. Sad vision of US... :( | Nov 11 19:52 | |
schestowitz | "Thanks for thinking kindly of us. Goodness knows we’re all in for a wild ride now. Tomorrow they announce our driver for the trip. :P" | Nov 11 19:52 |
schestowitz | My fear became true. And now we need to crank up the antifac machine. | Nov 11 19:52 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:53 |
-TechBytesBot/ No matter if your calendar says 9/11 or 11/9 (M/D, D/M), it's date #chile got horrible regime installed, US got same, & buildings collapsed | Nov 11 19:53 | |
schestowitz | "A LOT of predictive programming concerning that date has been found in mainstream U.S. entertainment by many people. I don’t know what to make of it; almost certainly, some of it is people just reading too much into things. But I’ve seen SO MUCH that I find it hard to think it’s ALL delusion. The oligarchs seem to have a fascination for that date, and it’s not surprising, considering their interest in the occult." | Nov 11 19:53 |
schestowitz | No, that's all bullshit. Don't fall for it. Decoy for people who don't grasp probabilities. | Nov 11 19:54 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:55 |
-TechBytesBot/ New E-mails in #podestaemails33 show yet more examples of Clinton staff SLAMMING her (Hill and Chelsea, both) | Nov 11 19:55 | |
schestowitz | "Even if one oligarchic faction ‘takes out’ another oligarchic faction here… we’re still left with oligarchic factions ruling over us. ‘Collectively’." | Nov 11 19:55 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FoxBusiness: #Clinton aide says @ClintonFdn paid for Chelsea’s wedding, @WikiLeaks emails show. | Nov 11 19:55 | |
schestowitz | yes, but we can take two bags of trash at the same time. Now we need to focus on the remaining faction. Some trials over fraud, racketeering and sexual assault on their way. need leaks... | Nov 11 19:56 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:57 |
-TechBytesBot/ "Nearly 700 000 people are killed by hepatitis C yearly, where preventive vaccines are lacking." When greed kills | Nov 11 19:57 | |
schestowitz | "Wait…you can vaccinate against Hep-C??" | Nov 11 19:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WHO Makes Headway In Hepatitis C Treatment Access Campaign - Intellectual Property Watch | Nov 11 19:57 | |
schestowitz | Why not? | Nov 11 19:57 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ Nationalism in #poland faces #facebook #censorship | Nov 11 19:58 | |
schestowitz | "Diaspora seem to be the way to go for them." | Nov 11 19:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Far-right groups in Poland protest Facebook 'censorship' after social media accounts removed | Nov 11 19:58 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Facebook Blocks Profiles Of Far-Right Polish Groups, Sparks Protests « CBS San Francisco | Nov 11 19:58 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Journal 11/05/2016 | Far-right Polish groups protest Facebook profile blockages | Nov 11 19:58 | |
schestowitz | maybe, but I'm not sure I'd welcome there, they can set up their own pod and talk to one another | Nov 11 19:58 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ Myron Ebell: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know #trump crushes #epa | Nov 11 19:59 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Myron Ebell: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | | Nov 11 19:59 | |
schestowitz | "had heard that-“Idiocracy” comes to reality, and we thought it was only a movie." | Nov 11 19:59 |
schestowitz | happened here with #brexit | Nov 11 19:59 |
schestowitz | Re: Pence speaking sincerely | Nov 11 20:04 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 11 20:04 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Mike Pence says "shalom" to Israel's Republicans - YouTube | Nov 11 20:04 | |
schestowitz | Bullshit pandering from the new nazi party, playing along the same lines the nazi party did when it came to power and offered Jews 'transfer' to Palestine. | Nov 11 20:04 |
schestowitz | Don't be fooled. Rump and Pants will do enormous damage to what's left of the US, where many now live in poverty and high gun crime areas. | Nov 11 20:04 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Totenleserin: @schestowitz @dcexaminer @wikileaks taxes..... I want to study tax leaks or didnt Putin approve them | Nov 11 20:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce except the evidence was literally screenshots and the idea that wikileaks is biased is hardly a conspiracy | Nov 11 20:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PunkleJones: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @SwiftOnSecurity No it isnt. I took this screenshot right now. And here is the archive s… | Nov 11 20:10 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PunkleJones: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @SwiftOnSecurity No it isnt. I took this screenshot right now. And here is the archive s… | Nov 11 20:10 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce you're acting like its some outlandish horrifying suggestion that wikileaks is partisan lmao | Nov 11 20:10 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce if you block people for sending followers to spam your page with shite you're clearly not worth entertaining sure | Nov 11 20:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PunkleJones: @ProfAlySnape @schestowitz @WLTaskForce for what? Nothing is deleted. Anyway here is a archive check timesig | Nov 11 20:11 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | SwiftOnSecurity on Twitter: "You got fucking played by Putin's buttplug and you called him a hero." | Nov 11 20:11 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce why the fuck should someone be forced to get spammed by 50000 twitter users to prove them right. You actual weapon | Nov 11 20:11 | |
schestowitz | corrections are not "spam". You clearly cannot distinguish between the two. | Nov 11 20:11 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce like im not expecting anybody who doesn't notice that wikileaks is biased to see any common sense but still | Nov 11 20:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce also why do u favourite your own tweets | Nov 11 20:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PunkleJones: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @SwiftOnSecurity Fuck link got by some force of nature not pasted. | Nov 11 20:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rckchalk: @hectormorenco @tomkawczynski @Cernovich @tponews @JamesOKeefeIII @schestowitz since you all should read all these,… | Nov 11 20:13 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rckchalk: @hectormorenco @tomkawczynski @Cernovich @tponews @JamesOKeefeIII @schestowitz since you all should read all these,… | Nov 11 20:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce except they weren't corrections it was just 50k people shouting "PROOOVE IT" when its an obvious fact | Nov 11 20:14 | |
schestowitz | Neither fact nor obvious. Your comments here are more like "spam" (or "troll") than people who say "prove it" | Nov 11 20:15 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce wikileaks is either in cahoots with the russians or too stupid to notice the influence. Its p blatant | Nov 11 20:16 | |
schestowitz | X useful to Y does not imply Y controls X and you know it. Stop playing Establishment media's blame games. | Nov 11 20:16 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:19 |
-TechBytesBot/ "Nearly 700 000 people are killed by hepatitis C yearly, where preventive vaccines are lacking." When greed kills | Nov 11 20:19 | |
schestowitz | "Because there is no vaccine against Hep-C! Only A and B." | Nov 11 20:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WHO Makes Headway In Hepatitis C Treatment Access Campaign - Intellectual Property Watch | Nov 11 20:19 | |
schestowitz | Interesting. I'll need to ask around or research this. | Nov 11 20:20 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:21 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Chronic liar who helped #trump win "recycles discredited claims that Russians altered email" #defendWL #DonnaBrazile | Nov 11 20:21 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 20:21 |
schestowitz | Dig a little deeper, its convincing. Look at the police sketches of suspects in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann and compare then to the Podesta brothers, Anthony Weiner and Ghisaine Maxwell (Jeffery Epstein’s wife). 4 people who know each other that look like the sketches… | Nov 11 20:21 |
schestowitz | Also look at wikileaks podesta file pic on card game with a young girl who looks remarkably like a age-progression picture of Madeleine, and may have her wrists bound in the pic. | Nov 11 20:21 |
schestowitz | Urban dictionary was purged of the code word definitions late morning of that particular podesta email release, but they are available elsewhere. Also, the emails in question read rather odd if they are not written in code. Especially when the podesta brothers who are known for there dinner parties of much fancier foods than are served at say the Ecuadorian embassy. “Missing your hotdog stand?” | Nov 11 20:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Donna Brazile: I’m sorry only that I got caught cheating with debate questions - | Nov 11 20:21 | |
schestowitz | It should be no surprise that our elitist overlords are sexual predators when every other part of there lives are lived in that manner… The Republican elites have Bohemian Grove while Democrats fly to pedo island with Jeffery Epstein. | Nov 11 20:21 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 20:21 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:22 |
-TechBytesBot/ Reminder: War criminal #bush deleted MILLIONS of E-mails. Conveniently blaming #microsoft #exchange & no backups #podestaemails35 | Nov 11 20:22 | |
schestowitz | "Never forget. 'cause the ‘Media’ sure does.' | Nov 11 20:22 |
schestowitz | I wrote about this many times over the years, usually in relation to Microsoft (because that's what I write about) | Nov 11 20:22 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:22 |
-TechBytesBot/ #putin now "congratulates Trump" I can imagine how US corporate media will spin that 9am ET #wikileaks has new major leaks coming. | Nov 11 20:22 | |
schestowitz | "Oh yes I did take that into account and I think war is absolutely inevitable now. That is one of my primary concerns. It is you who failed to take critical things into account. Too late now." | Nov 11 20:22 |
schestowitz | I agree that both political candidates were on path to wars, the question is what kind of wars and where. I think nuclear wars with Russia are less likely now, but not sure about China or Pakistan. | Nov 11 20:23 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:25 |
-TechBytesBot/ #putin "asked the US to abstain from provoking Russia" but stupid Clinton will keep calling her exposers "Russia!" | Nov 11 20:25 | |
schestowitz | "I’m very, very, VERY skeptical of this recent characterization of Putin as a “good guy”. Maybe he is, I don’t claim to know; but it would be an exception to several very consistent rules, and the timing is a little suspicious. We seem to be being offered a lot of saviors lately. A lot of Americans see Trump as one. Some are hoping Putin will save us from the New World Order. I’ve actually seen Americans express their wish for Putin | Nov 11 20:25 |
schestowitz | to invade the U.S. and arrest all our politicians. But the timing is suspicious to me. If I were an oligarch, and I was nearly finished maneuvering a permanent technological control grid into place, but people were starting to recognize my manipulations in significant numbers, right about now I’d be doing everything I could to delay an actual, physical rebellion – and getting people to believe that it’s all going to be okay soon, just | Nov 11 20:25 |
schestowitz | as soon as Trump gets elected or Putin’s had enough or whatever, seems like a perfect way to keep their rebellious intentions on hold. I’m not claiming ANY certainty, just thinking that if I can come up with it, they’ve definitely reviewed the idea long ago. And it’s not out of line with the oligarchs’ modus operandi." | Nov 11 20:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | President Putin’s Valdai Speech: Obama’s Legacy Can Be Rectified | Nov 11 20:25 | |
schestowitz | Russia hasn't much left except nukes and lots of territory. I don't think the US needs to taunt Russia, but some in central Europe do too, esp. after Russia had invaded almost half of Europe. There are iffy times ahead; I'm glad we're an island and quite distant from the US and Russia (China is even more distant) | Nov 11 20:26 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:27 |
schestowitz | "You mean, ‘cook the books’?" | Nov 11 20:27 |
-TechBytesBot/ 'Polls' "We need to re-weight the data for the study because there are concerns" #podestaemails35 #election2016 | Nov 11 20:27 | |
schestowitz | Or the souls | Nov 11 20:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 11 20:27 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:28 |
-TechBytesBot/ #plasma mobile I don't like Plasma on my desktop (after KF5) I don't want any phones Why would people want this? | Nov 11 20:28 | |
schestowitz | "Some years ago, i used Openbox with simple window manager, my ArchLinux was very speedy with SSD (like 2/3 seconds to boot ad make me operative). Now i’m using Plasma but i think it’s too much heavy. I’ll try Openbox :)" | Nov 11 20:28 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | plasma-mobile – Plasma in your pocket | Nov 11 20:28 | |
schestowitz | Use feh for desktop background and set up some keyboard shortcuts with xbindkeys (apt-get install xbindkeys), which isn't too hard to configure | Nov 11 20:28 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:30 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce I'm genuinely not going to bother because if you're unable to notice how partisan wikileaks is now you never will | Nov 11 20:30 | |
schestowitz | Wikileaks used to expose the right, whereupon "liberal" media hailed it as exposer of abuse (prior to cablegate) | Nov 11 20:31 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:32 |
-TechBytesBot/ THAT WAS FAST! Didn't like what he saw in Microsoft which hates #linux and quit (Wim Coekaerts) we forgive you | Nov 11 20:32 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 20:32 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Wim Coekaerts Returns to Oracle After Brief Microsoft Stint - InternetNews. | Nov 11 20:32 | |
schestowitz | Not quite sure how your summary (“Didn’t like what he saw”) and “It was a personal decision and from my short time here, I saw a company that really does love Linux and has a bright future in open source” (a quote from Coekaerts) go together… | Nov 11 20:32 |
schestowitz | Not that I would touch MS with a 10-foot pole, but still… | Nov 11 20:32 |
schestowitz | ' | Nov 11 20:32 |
schestowitz | Non-disparagement agreements are integral part of employment there (I wrote articles about these) | Nov 11 20:32 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:33 |
-TechBytesBot/ Tech founders want California to secede a #scotland moment... | Nov 11 20:33 | |
schestowitz | "Please do. Maybe California will just sink into the ocean. That would be providence…" | Nov 11 20:33 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Tech founders want California to secede after Trump win - Nov. 9, 2016 | Nov 11 20:33 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:34 |
-TechBytesBot/ #SUSE Deal Includes #redhat #Ceph Storage Project growing | Nov 11 20:34 | |
schestowitz | "Suse can kiss my furry Mediterranean arse…" | Nov 11 20:34 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | SUSE Deal Includes Ceph Storage Project | Nov 11 20:34 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | SUSE Growing Linux Biz Revenue at 18 percent in 2016 - InternetNews. | Nov 11 20:34 | |
schestowitz | Yes, I don't trust them after the Novell/Microsoft dealings | Nov 11 20:34 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:34 |
-TechBytesBot/ Supporting #wikileaks does not at all mean supporting Trump. It just means supporting #transparency and truth, even when inconvenient. | Nov 11 20:34 | |
schestowitz | "Assange sure did. Putin too." | Nov 11 20:34 |
schestowitz | True | Nov 11 20:34 |
schestowitz | > It's good to be able to disagree with a dear friend and not be in the least offended by differences. | Nov 11 20:36 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 11 20:36 |
schestowitz | > I voted for Trump only because Hillary would have been a worse choice. | Nov 11 20:36 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 11 20:36 |
schestowitz | > The little voice in my head is telling me to watch the first few days that Trump takes office and focus on the appointments he makes. Obama's appointees to three important posts e.g. (secretary of Treasury, Tim Geithner) all later left office because of malfeasance. With good people around him Trump can succeed but virulent disagreement on all issues from democrats will hurt, unless Trump can prove to be a magical negotiator a la Lyndon | Nov 11 20:36 |
schestowitz | Johnson who was hated but accomplished many good things, especially on civil rights. | Nov 11 20:36 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:38 |
-TechBytesBot/ #WellDoneDeplorables Here's what your idol thinks of you Should have votes @drjillstein | Nov 11 20:38 | |
schestowitz | "Sorry I feel for this whole “democratic” farce…" | Nov 11 20:38 |
schestowitz | I meant fell | Nov 11 20:38 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:38 |
-TechBytesBot/ vendor lock-in is expensive and it's difficult to escape from. Only solution: try to get out of it and don't look back! #LiMux #Munich #Linux | Nov 11 20:38 | |
schestowitz | "See also:" | Nov 11 20:38 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Open-source pioneer Munich debates report that suggests abandoning Linux for Windows 10 - TechRepublic | Nov 11 20:38 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | "Experts" advise city of Munich to move from Linux to MS Windows | Nov 11 20:38 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | “Experts” advise city of Munich to move from Linux to MS Windows | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | The “unbiased experts” turn out to be the infamous consultants of Accidenture and their IT consulting joint venture with Microsoft, Avanade, who praise themselves as follows: | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | 12-time winner of Microsoft Partner of the Year | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | 24,000+ certifications in Microsoft technology | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | 90+ Microsoft partner awards | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | 23 Microsoft Gold Competencies | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | Of course, Accidenture has no Linux knowhow at all, MS and SAP is all they ever heard of. | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | The fact, that the German HQ of MS moved from the hinterland to Munich recently and paying taxes there, might also help them to get rid of the Debian-based LiMux. | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | Instead of throwing money on inapt consultants, Munich should join forces with the more than 2000 city administrations of Germany, developing a trustworthy and cost-efficient alternative to secret-code vendor lock-in. | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | #munich #limux #accenture #accidenture #debian #microsoft #corruption #freesoftware | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | Good post, thank you, will cite it in later | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:41 |
-TechBytesBot/ #tvlicensing just sent a letter about "final stages of our investigation." They waste their money. I told them for 15 years now, #noTV | Nov 11 20:41 | |
schestowitz | "It’s best to not make contact with them" | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:42 |
-TechBytesBot/ Trump fans don't care for truth in my experience. Were all giddy when I wrote about HRC and DNC abuses, now curse at me coz I target Trump. | Nov 11 20:42 | |
schestowitz | "Well you’re all right in my book Dr. Roy. I salute you." | Nov 11 20:42 |
schestowitz | Thank you | Nov 11 20:42 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:42 |
-TechBytesBot/ Today is Remembrance Day, commemorating the lives of people who died (mostly) because of Nazis. And US now experiences a #goldenDawnald | Nov 11 20:42 | |
schestowitz | "Big mistake: Novembre the 11th is the commemoration of the end of WW1 … no nazis around at that time !!!' | Nov 11 20:42 |
schestowitz | Sad that we have all those memories and new realities (now US) coinciding... | Nov 11 20:42 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:43 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JeremyKarbowski: @schestowitz @ProfAlySnape your narrative is wrong. WikiLeaks used to expose corruption with care and forethought. Now they have an agenda | Nov 11 20:43 | |
schestowitz | OK, what is the "agenda"? Explain please. | Nov 11 20:43 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 20:44 |
schestowitz | Hello Dr. Roy Schestowitz, | Nov 11 20:44 |
schestowitz | We received a request with a wrong/missing CSRF token from your account. To prevent any possible damage you have been logged out. | Nov 11 20:44 |
schestowitz | For more information on CSRF see | Nov 11 20:44 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ ) | Nov 11 20:44 | |
schestowitz | Sorry, | Nov 11 20:44 |
schestowitz | The diaspora* email robot! | Nov 11 20:44 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 20:44 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce "the reason we dont release any trump emails is because we only release important stuff" *releases risotto recipe* | Nov 11 20:48 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @JeremyKarbowski the agenda in this case is p blatant. Denounce the democrats to allow trump to gain power. | Nov 11 20:48 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @JeremyKarbowski hence why they doxed people who donated 10 quid to the DNC by releasing their social security numbers | Nov 11 20:48 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @JeremyKarbowski Thats deliberate punishment of political enemies | Nov 11 20:48 | |
schestowitz | This quote appears to be forged and is unsourced. Provide citation or retract. | Nov 11 20:50 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:52 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Trump would cause domestic wars | Nov 11 20:52 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sandita30: @schestowitz Julian's freedom is at stake too. I fear Clinton for him as well as us. She will bring us to war. All of our allies as well. | Nov 11 20:52 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 20:52 |
schestowitz | It seems that the establishment hates women even more than black people or Jews. | Nov 11 20:52 |
schestowitz | The more this reality sinks in, the less comfortable I am. | Nov 11 20:52 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 20:52 |
schestowitz | I don't think Clinton's gender was the reason it lost, but I detest Trump's remark that play the gender card ("nasty woman" not "nasty person"). | Nov 11 20:52 |
schestowitz | I don't think Clinton's gender was the reason she lost, but I detest Trump's remarks that play the gender card ("nasty woman" not "nasty person"). | Nov 11 20:53 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:53 |
-TechBytesBot/ Why Trump is President (to be inaugurated) source: #wikilleaks leak. #podestaemails36 #dncleak2 | Nov 11 20:53 | |
schestowitz | "Okay. Let me see you defeat Trump now that he is elected. If you do. You will be my hero forever. And I (unlike you) will admit my mistakes." | Nov 11 20:53 |
schestowitz | I live in a different country, so I can more safely battle him (same with the EPO). Notice I'm careful not to shake up my own country's boat too much... I know the limits of leaks and all. EPO hired London solicitors to bug and harass me, but the EPO is based in Germany and cannot touch me legally (without exposing themselves to a storm of lawsuits). | Nov 11 20:55 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:56 |
-TechBytesBot/ Who was stripped by #police before he committed suicide? The founder of #debian Ian Murdock. SF Police. Notorious in their community. | Nov 11 20:56 | |
schestowitz | "Horrors. I wish I’d been wrong about that kind of racism and hysteria being brought back.' | Nov 11 20:56 |
schestowitz | Yes, it looks like Germany in 1935 here, with the scapegoats changed a little. | Nov 11 20:56 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:57 |
-TechBytesBot/ "We’re going to double down on our commitment to internet freedom and equality for all people." | Nov 11 20:57 | |
schestowitz | "His idea of Internet freedom is letting ATT and Microsoft own it." | Nov 11 20:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Here’s How President Trump Could Destroy Net Neutrality | Motherboard | Nov 11 20:57 | |
schestowitz | Donald J Trump, CEO and chairman of U S A, Inc. | Nov 11 20:57 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ old: #michaelmoore was right | Nov 11 20:58 | |
schestowitz | "Actually that article was pretty good. I guess Moore saw it coming too." | Nov 11 20:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win | MICHAEL MOORE | Nov 11 20:58 | |
schestowitz | He voted HRC at the end, after endlessly criticising her. He also made the Trumpland film. | Nov 11 20:58 |
schestowitz | > True, le pen etc, this could be a turning point, the mainstream media is | Nov 11 21:07 |
schestowitz | > culpable in my view, for stirring up racial, gender and sexuality based | Nov 11 21:07 |
schestowitz | > rivalry, fuelling divisions in society with saturation coverage. Lord | Nov 11 21:07 |
schestowitz | > help us all. | Nov 11 21:07 |
schestowitz | Express, Daily Mail, etc. | Nov 11 21:07 |
schestowitz | I agree with you on that. | Nov 11 21:07 |
schestowitz | Dutch, German etc. elections coming soon too and it doesn't look encouraging. Not much space/places left where bigotry is frowned upon. | Nov 11 21:07 |
schestowitz | > Neither of them were ideal, but Trump is an interesting one, will have | Nov 11 21:08 |
schestowitz | > to see what happens. My worry is the rise of the hard left, they seem to | Nov 11 21:08 |
schestowitz | > be turning to violence more and more and with their history of global | Nov 11 21:08 |
schestowitz | > genocide and conflict, this does not bode well. | Nov 11 21:08 |
schestowitz | I am not sure what you mean by "hard left". In the US what remains of the left is the Green Party, which is pacifist and anti-racist. | Nov 11 21:08 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 22:18 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Diamandbacks: @seywarddarby @schestowitz OK thanks. Seemed odd although I remember the Greensboro CWP klan killings, | Nov 11 22:18 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 22:18 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Diamandbacks: @seywarddarby @schestowitz also a friend went undercover in NC militia (disbanded) and klan were there | Nov 11 22:18 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Nov 11 22:21:04 2016 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Nov 11 22:21:43 2016 | ||
-->You are now talking on #techbytes | Nov 11 22:21 | |
---Topic for #techbytes is Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | Nov 11 22:21 | |
---Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | Nov 11 22:21 | |
schestowitz | > Hard left=National Socialists (WW2), Marxists, Communists, over one | Nov 11 22:40 |
schestowitz | > hundred million deaths in the 20th century alone. China's Great leap | Nov 11 22:40 |
schestowitz | > forward, Stalins camps, Great purge, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea. | Nov 11 22:40 |
schestowitz | > Economically the left is a proven basket case, now maybe they are trying | Nov 11 22:40 |
schestowitz | > to destroy capitalism from within. | Nov 11 22:40 |
schestowitz | > .....which all happen to be from the left, your 'authoritarian regime' | Nov 11 22:40 |
schestowitz | > is the state. | Nov 11 22:40 |
schestowitz | Those are not left. Just a magic blanket term that frames every bad regime - even bigoted racists - as "left. | Nov 11 22:40 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 22:40 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Korn_Flower: @ProfAlySnape @schestowitz @WLTaskForce All wikileaks does is publish, like a journo is supposed to do. Insane conclusions are on you. | Nov 11 22:40 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@canuckforbernie: @TerryGlotfelty @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC I wouldnt say uneducated if they no they r being lied 2... the… | Nov 11 22:40 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@canuckforbernie: @TerryGlotfelty @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC I wouldnt say uneducated if they no they r being lied 2... the… | Nov 11 22:40 | |
schestowitz | > Why would it be a 'Russian Conspiracy', are you saying the left is | Nov 11 22:44 |
schestowitz | > exclusively Russian. Clearly that cannot be true. The 'left' is a state | Nov 11 22:44 |
schestowitz | > of mind, it can be present in anyone from anywhere, they do not have to | Nov 11 22:44 |
schestowitz | > be 'Russian', a lot of them work for the BBC or the Guardian, it's not | Nov 11 22:44 |
schestowitz | > an organised conspiracy either, just a state of mind that spreads and | Nov 11 22:44 |
schestowitz | > often destroys. | Nov 11 22:44 |
schestowitz | I was being sarcastic, ridiculing the damage control mode of DNC in the face of Podesta E-mail leaks. | Nov 11 22:44 |
schestowitz | > The left have cornered the market for votes from minority groups, they | Nov 11 23:19 |
schestowitz | > purport to represent their interests but at the same time have a vested | Nov 11 23:19 |
schestowitz | > interest in maintaining their sense of victimhood this breeds a | Nov 11 23:19 |
schestowitz | > separatist society. Welfare claimants in this country for example have | Nov 11 23:19 |
schestowitz | > historically voted left, but beyond expanding the welfare budget we need | Nov 11 23:19 |
schestowitz | > to see a genuine attempt to help these people help themselves, over | Nov 11 23:19 |
schestowitz | > reliance on welfare creates a dependency culture and stifles personal | Nov 11 23:20 |
schestowitz | > progress with generational dysfunctionality. They do a lot of good | Nov 11 23:20 |
schestowitz | > stuff, but i think on welfare they had it wrong for a long time, it | Nov 11 23:20 |
schestowitz | > caused a lot of damage | Nov 11 23:20 |
schestowitz | > That's not correct they are all based on Communist/Marxist ideology, are | Nov 11 23:20 |
schestowitz | > you saying Communism isn't 'left'?! | Nov 11 23:20 |
schestowitz | > not sure what you mean, what worries me most right now is the lefts | Nov 11 23:20 |
schestowitz | > attempt to create massive social unrest and chaos, by stirring up | Nov 11 23:20 |
schestowitz | > resentment amongst minority groups, advocating violence and in some | Nov 11 23:21 |
schestowitz | > cases murder, many peoples lives and businesses have been utterley | Nov 11 23:21 |
schestowitz | > destroyed this year through left leaning thuggery and the 'well to do' | Nov 11 23:21 |
schestowitz | > people that should know better who empower them through their support..... | Nov 11 23:21 |
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Nov 12 01:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 01:26 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Korn_Flower: @ProfAlySnape @schestowitz @WLTaskForce Citation? Is this a quote from @wikileaks, or merely something infered from #leaks? #defendWL | Nov 12 01:26 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 01:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @Korn_Flower @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks its literally a quote from wikileaks. They retweeted some looney. Maybe actually read it? | Nov 12 01:27 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 01:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @Korn_Flower @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks if you're defending something and don't even know what its been saying its kinda odd | Nov 12 01:27 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 01:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RenoWrestleGuy: @alegendarylad @schestowitz @7zed1 This article provided does not qualify it as "damaging". It says they have no information. | Nov 12 01:27 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RenoWrestleGuy: @alegendarylad @schestowitz @7zed1 Plus the info should be shared whether good or bad, b/c that is the essence of transparency. | Nov 12 01:27 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 01:28 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@angelobucciarel: @schestowitz Putin is going to teach him everything he can... | Nov 12 01:28 | |
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | Nov 12 01:52 | |
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Nov 12 02:01 | |
-->schestowitz ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 12 02:02 | |
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host) | Nov 12 02:02 | |
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Nov 12 02:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 06:01 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-No status found with that ID. | Nov 12 06:01 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@petrock: @SwiftOnSecurity Why would WL care to spend the time on you? @schestowitz is right regardless. I saw some of your deleted rants against WL. | Nov 12 06:01 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 06:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@petrock: @schestowitz I think "she" believes WL cost Clinton the election so she's whining instead of reflecting on actual problems @SwiftOnSecurity | Nov 12 06:02 | |
schestowitz | "" | Nov 12 06:02 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 12 06:02 |
schestowitz | be chill man. Not the kind of folks to make enemies of. | Nov 12 06:02 |
schestowitz | 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes | Nov 12 06:02 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 12 06:02 |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 06:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Korn_Flower: @ProfAlySnape @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks Whas it a retweet, or a statement made by @wikileaks? The two are not the same. | Nov 12 06:03 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Korn_Flower: @ProfAlySnape @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks It would be od if I knew even 1% of the 10,000,000 verified docs published by @wikileaks | Nov 12 06:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 06:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Korn_Flower: @ProfAlySnape @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks @AssangeFreedom Please provide a link to this alleged inference. #wikileakstaskforce | Nov 12 06:04 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@akwala: Headline has attribution that's in byline. Did @ggreenwald have an out-of-body experience and interview himself? | Nov 12 06:04 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Glenn Greenwald: Trump will have vast powers. He can thank Democrats for them. | Nov 12 06:04 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 06:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ClintonCorrupt1: @TerryGlotfelty @janejohnson8793 @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC I got you post but at first thought it was crazy. You're right though | Nov 12 06:04 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 06:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bigwill205: @schestowitz @alegendarylad @wikileaks @WashTimes Trump says lots of things. LOL You take it with a grain of salt until he does it. | Nov 12 06:05 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 06:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-No status found with that ID. | Nov 12 06:05 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 06:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@alegendarylad: @bigwill205 @schestowitz @wikileaks @WashTimes Julian said it. Read the comment | Nov 12 06:05 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 06:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HILLARYCL1NT0N: @schestowitz @SwiftOnSecurity Salty. | Nov 12 06:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HILLARYCL1NT0N: @schestowitz @SwiftOnSecurity Salty. | Nov 12 06:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HILLARYCL1NT0N: @schestowitz @dcexaminer @wikileaks @JulianInsange doesn't do grammar | Nov 12 06:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 06:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @Korn_Flower @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks @AssangeFreedom 😂😂 literally just look it up. Podesta spirit cooking. How lazy are y'all | Nov 12 06:07 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @Korn_Flower @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks @AssangeFreedom I'd post a link to let me Google that for you but I'm sure u can manage | Nov 12 06:07 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @Korn_Flower @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @AssangeFreedom some of the quotes are literally in the post of the person you tried to spam you melt | Nov 12 06:07 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @Korn_Flower @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @AssangeFreedom like do you even read the posts or do you just assume it's wrong and ask for evidence | Nov 12 06:07 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 06:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Terra_Nulius: It will be done #freejulian | Nov 12 06:08 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks #trump would not do that. No merciful character and #assange can target GOP next | Nov 12 06:08 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TavaresJones1: @alegendarylad @schestowitz @wikileaks @WashTimes Maybe he saving what he really has on Trump for when it serves HIS agenda! Not the US! | Nov 12 06:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 06:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Korn_Flower: @ProfAlySnape @schestowitz I've read the emails mentioning spirit cooking, but nowhere have I seen wikileaks call it devil wirship. | Nov 12 06:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 06:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@412V70: .@schestowitz @wikileaks but it'll be great. Terrific. We'll get the best leakers and waterboard until we find out what the hell is going on | Nov 12 06:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 06:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Serafinos: @schestowitz @wikileaks Haven't been watching news today Do you mind explaining :) | Nov 12 06:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 06:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ranger1964: @schestowitz @wikileaks pretty cool that the shareholders are the whole citizenry of this soon to be great again country. Always negative.. | Nov 12 06:15 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Korn_Flower: @ProfAlySnape @schestowitz You litterally said wikileaks litterally refered to devil worship, yet you provide bn evidence. #FalseNarrative | Nov 12 06:15 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jamesspicer40: @schestowitz @wikileaks and what rights are those? The right we have to a country?or maybe our right to actually have a good job?Dr.DUMBASS | Nov 12 06:15 | |
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 12 07:33 | |
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*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer). | Nov 06 02:42 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Nov 6 02:42:47 2016 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 6 02:43:10 2016 | ||
*Now talking on #techbytes | Nov 06 02:43 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | Nov 06 02:43 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | Nov 06 02:43 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 07:33 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wcwinc: @schestowitz @CindyBarnettUSA @wikileaks and she laughs... | Nov 06 07:34 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 07:35 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Q8ijin: @Bugs_Byte @schestowitz @SapientHetero @wikileaks nothing in these emails that is criminal | Nov 06 07:35 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Q8ijin: @SapientHetero @schestowitz @wikileaks citing the RU gvmt would be too obvious. Look at the actions not the words | Nov 06 07:35 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Q8ijin: @SapientHetero @Bugs_Byte @schestowitz @wikileaks why do you post the email that clearly shows a criminal act by Hillary | Nov 06 07:35 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 07:35 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Bugs_Byte: @Q8ijin @schestowitz @SapientHetero @wikileaks that is irrelevant | Nov 06 07:35 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 07:36 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JaimeCalaveras: @schestowitz @teleSURtv @wikileaks @HillaryClinton @DrJillStein My kind of guy, right here! | Nov 06 07:36 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 07:36 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iphonetechtips: @schestowitz @wikileaks charities founded by wealthy have always been organizations for power and control. Good deeds hide many evils. | Nov 06 07:37 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Q8ijin: @Bugs_Byte @schestowitz @SapientHetero @wikileaks what? How so if that is all trump/Wikileaks are saying | Nov 06 07:37 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 07:37 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SapientHetero: @Q8ijin @Bugs_Byte @schestowitz @wikileaks Yeah, like you've even looked at them. You're just a disinformation-spreading troll. | Nov 06 07:37 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 07:38 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Q8ijin: @SapientHetero @Bugs_Byte @schestowitz @wikileaks I have but I ask you to present the ones u see her being criminal | Nov 06 07:38 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 08:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@davvidmcdow: @MarcyHolroyd @schestowitz @wikileaks This is garbage.It borders on libel.Facts people facts | Nov 06 08:49 | |
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Nov 06 09:48 | |
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Nov 06 09:49 | |
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 6 10:22:42 2016 | ||
*Now talking on #techbytes | Nov 06 10:22 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | Nov 06 10:22 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | Nov 06 10:22 | |
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | Nov 06 10:25 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 11:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz I still have one, with Debian on it, because it is great to travel with. | Nov 06 11:19 | |
schestowitz | ith Debian on it, | Nov 06 11:55 |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 11:55 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz yep, hence Biden's otherwise weird and dangerous threat to shutdown Russia on election day. I bet US uses that kill switch. | Nov 06 11:55 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 11:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sextonlady30: @schestowitz @DrJillStein i donated and it makes me sick If they fall in line now they will continue to im scared dems having control senate | Nov 06 11:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 11:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz if ordering providers to shut down they force businesses to close, and hope many not motivated to vote HRC may the still do so | Nov 06 11:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 11:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: SO lamentable, what is happening in U.S #Election2016. Is it possible for citizens of the world to serve an… | Nov 06 11:56 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: SO lamentable, what is happening in U.S #Election2016. Is it possible for citizens of the world to serve an… | Nov 06 11:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 11:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @stedsimple @schestowitz @stedsimple Correction! See above (#Election2016). Am deleting first tweet but feel free to RT above tweet! | Nov 06 11:57 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:12 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:12 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:12 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Did the Mirai Botnet Really Take Liberia Offline? — Krebs on Security | Nov 06 12:12 | |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:12 |
schestowitz | > US venture capital works to knock the bottom out of the already poor | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > taxi market. quite a shameful situation, starting with the original | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > deregulation | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Taxichaufförer slog larm till ledningen och tvingades sluta: ”Vi är taxislavar” - Sydsvenskan | Nov 06 12:13 | |
schestowitz | > x | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > "All for the cost of a $200 annual paperwork fee. So basically, because | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > Nestle owns the “private property” they get to pump ALL of that water | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > out for FREE." | Nov 06 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Aftonbladet avslöjar: Flera unga våldtagna – särskild grupp utreder | Nyheter | Aftonbladet | Nov 06 12:13 | |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Flint Michigan Water Crisis Is Still A Crisis | | Nov 06 12:13 | |
schestowitz | > - | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > "Flint seems more like the opening of the floodgates than water under | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > the bridg" | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Is Flint the Tip of the Iceberg? | Georgetown Environmental Law Review | Nov 06 12:13 | |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > "militants" | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > "In a campaign speech, Ahok told Indonesians that the religious verse | Nov 06 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Yet another young woman is seen being publicly caned ‘for standing too close to her boyfriend’ as Indonesia becomes the latest country to embrace radical Islamic law | Nov 06 12:13 | |
schestowitz | > did not prohibit them from voting for a non-Muslim. His interpretation | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > of the text is what elicited protests and charges of blasphemy." | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > meanwhile Jokowi sits on his hands and watches | Nov 06 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Somali militants intensify attacks, death count doubles: experts | Reuters | Nov 06 12:13 | |
schestowitz | > and the 1st world technorati continue to dig a hole | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > - | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Jakarta protest: Thousands rally over Governor Ahok's alleged blasphemy - | Nov 06 12:13 | |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > once people are on USB-C and the old devices disposed of, Apple will | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > move again to fully proprietary ports | Nov 06 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Indonesia’s Blasphemy Protest Prompts President to Postpone Australia Visit - WSJ | Nov 06 12:13 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > "The Guggenheim Foundation bullies our government for enormous | Nov 06 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Apple temporarily cuts prices on all USB-C cables and accessories | Ars Technica | Nov 06 12:13 | |
schestowitz | > financial subventions, enhancing corruption. We need to be asking the | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > question, why on earth would Guggenheim want to build a museum in | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > Helsinki, a city with 83 museums and St. Petersburg just next door with | Nov 06 12:13 |
schestowitz | > the Hermitage? They have tried it in so many other cities, and in all of | Nov 06 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Speaking from prison, incarcerated reporter maintains innocence | Ars Technica | Nov 06 12:13 | |
schestowitz | > them, failed due to corruption allegations. " | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > They are trying this in other countries too. It's some kind of | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > corporate welfare scam. | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:14 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Democracy needs to know how sausage is made: NO Guggenheim Museum in Helsinki | Nov 06 12:14 | |
schestowitz | > "persisted as more third party companies develop ultrasonic tools for a | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > range of uses, like data transmission without Wi-Fi or other | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > connectivity.1 The more the technology evolves, the easier it is to use | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > in marketing." | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > SA | Nov 06 12:14 |
-TechBytesBot/ | How to block the ultrasonic signals you didn’t know were tracking you | Ars Technica | Nov 06 12:14 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > - | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Tunisian PM sacks minister over criticism of Saudi Arabian Islam | News by Country | Reuters | Nov 06 12:14 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > "if a woman refused to cover up, I can honestly say I don't know how we | Nov 06 12:14 |
-TechBytesBot/ | KAROSHI IN DENTSU: Accuracy of employees’ overtime records in question:The Asahi Shimbun | Nov 06 12:14 | |
schestowitz | > would handle it." | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
-TechBytesBot/ | KAROSHI IN DENTSU: Corporate culture fixated on ‘Devil’s 10 principles’:The Asahi Shimbun | Nov 06 12:14 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > "If Trump left clean energy alone, he’d only save $29.3 billion over | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > eight years. Of course, that would still mean zeroing out essentially | Nov 06 12:14 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Why Non-Immigrant Visas are Unconstitutional (H-1B, L-1, etc.) - Sundial Services | Nov 06 12:14 | |
schestowitz | > the entire U.S. climate science effort." | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 06 12:14 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 06 12:14 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Bare-chest activist plans to show up on Md. beaches | Nov 06 12:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | Scheduled Speakers | Aaron Swartz Day and International Hackathon | Nov 06 12:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump just proposed ending all federal clean energy development | Nov 06 12:15 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | The Election Will Decide if Obama’s Clean Power Plan Lives or Dies | Motherboard | Nov 06 12:15 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 12:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LeoXonit: @gnutelephony @schestowitz Tuesday will happen Please VOTE go find a first time voter help them to Vote Trump Tell us how you did it #MAGA | Nov 06 12:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 12:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fflandro: @schestowitz coming soon to a street corner in the UK | Nov 06 12:25 | |
schestowitz | You know about this, yes? | Nov 06 12:32 |
schestowitz | … | Nov 06 12:32 |
schestowitz | Ooops! I mean this: | Nov 06 12:32 |
schestowitz | … | Nov 06 12:32 |
schestowitz | Ta | Nov 06 12:32 |
-TechBytesBot/ | You're going to Media Democracy Festival 2016 | Nov 06 12:32 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | Media Democracy Festival 2016 Tickets, Sat, 10 Dec 2016 at 10:00 a.m. | Eventbrite | Nov 06 12:32 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 12:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BellaMagnani: .@schestowitz It came out #Sweden was turning part of Arlanda airport over to US border control 2 years ago #Assange | Nov 06 12:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 12:52 |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 12:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: come on, sensible Dutch people, stop this happening: it's madness. e-voting is not safe now, and probably never wil… | Nov 06 12:53 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: come on, sensible Dutch people, stop this happening: it's madness. e-voting is not safe now, and probably never wil… | Nov 06 12:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 12:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Bugs_Byte: @Q8ijin @schestowitz @SapientHetero @wikileaks Wikileaks is authentic and legit, you literally have no argument against it. Face it. | Nov 06 12:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 12:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Bugs_Byte: @Q8ijin @schestowitz @SapientHetero @wikileaks Your lovely Islamic leaders are to blame for ISIS, as everyone knew all along | Nov 06 12:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 12:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@march4progress: @schestowitz | Nov 06 12:53 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@march4progress: .@WikiLeaks #PodestaEmails32 is here! Search for a needle in the haystack! U've got an extra hour! #SundayMorning | Nov 06 12:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 12:54 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jordantcarter: The Dutch to try online voting.. cc @KoenBroekema | Nov 06 12:54 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Netherlands to trial Internet voting terrible idea. /cc @glynmoody | Nov 06 12:54 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PaddyBriggs: @glynmoody @schestowitz Of course online voting is safe. What nonsense. I vote frequently online. Paranoid. | Nov 06 12:54 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 13:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@nwstate: @BellaMagnani @schestowitz Like Shannon Airport? Joy. | Nov 06 13:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 13:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Cadrieu: @glynmoody @PaulbernalUK @schestowitz Why is it unsafe, if I can access my tax or bank account via Internet why shouldn't I be able to vote | Nov 06 13:13 | |
schestowitz | With banks you keep checks and balances of your own, for election you need paper trail collectively | Nov 06 13:13 |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 13:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Always a good read @schestowitz China, the true cost of clean, green wind power.... | Nov 06 13:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | In China, the true cost of Britain's clean, green wind power experiment: Pollution on a disastrous scale | Daily Mail Online | Nov 06 13:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 13:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AJimenez1988: @schestowitz Actually HRC is less tolerant than Trump. And so are her followers. | Nov 06 13:15 | |
schestowitz | Not in my experience... | Nov 06 13:15 |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 13:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lbmansour1: @schestowitz @LifeZette @wikileaks @ | Nov 06 13:16 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lbmansour1: @schestowitz @LifeZette @wikileaks @ | Nov 06 13:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 13:18 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Britain’s cybersecurity policy needs common sense, not just cash | John Naughton @schestowitz | Nov 06 13:18 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Britain’s cybersecurity policy needs common sense, not just cash | John Naughton | Opinion | The Guardian | Nov 06 13:18 | |
*acer-box__ (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Nov 06 15:15 | |
*acer-box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | Nov 06 15:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stonehead: @schestowitz I also seriously doubt an article suggesting that people holding a certain plausible logic are Democratic Party spokespersons | Nov 06 19:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@josephmobbs: @paperghost @PaddyBriggs @glynmoody @schestowitz Well seems to me that them internet pirates think small if they don't empty bank accs | Nov 06 19:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@laurelrusswurm: @schestowitz Here in Canada too. Across the pond as well? | Nov 06 19:47 | |
schestowitz | US. For sure. | Nov 06 19:47 |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@caldwellb02: @schestowitz Dr. Caldwell here. Too much at stake. POTUS, SCOTUS, Roe v Wade, and on and on. Not the time for Stein. I miss Bernie. | Nov 06 19:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bkylnboy11205: @3puppies4kids @HardlyApathetic @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri This one is better...cuz it has stamina: | Nov 06 19:48 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bkylnboy11205: @3puppies4kids @HardlyApathetic @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri This one is better...cuz it has stamina: | Nov 06 19:48 | |
schestowitz | Seems more like an ardent GOP proponent | Nov 06 19:48 |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stonehead: @schestowitz Btw, Dutch news quoted one voter for Johnson, saying he's the one candidate that would limit the NSA's power (more than Greens) | Nov 06 19:48 | |
schestowitz | he might, yes... | Nov 06 19:48 |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stonehead: @schestowitz I think Gary Johnson is a complete idiot but I'll give him that. (Chinese and Russian agencies will be more than happy...) | Nov 06 19:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@3puppies4kids: @bkylnboy11205 @HardlyApathetic @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri Hillary brought shame to this country. She's a murderer. #ChrisStevens | Nov 06 19:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stonehead: @schestowitz I must admit that I'm very happy with the European system, where many political parties exist and have to work together. | Nov 06 19:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CAoutcast: LOL, Very good..... | Nov 06 19:52 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks Have they blamed Russia again? Is it claims of "fakes" now? Just keep shuffling the lies to fool the cult, @jmpalmieri | Nov 06 19:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kropp_kandi: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri | Nov 06 19:52 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kropp_kandi: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri | Nov 06 19:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@terminsane: @PheroNike @CindysShopping @jcrum417 @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz oh that must be why he's appointing all the same ppl as hillary? | Nov 06 19:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@terminsane: @PheroNike @CindysShopping @jcrum417 @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz he's appointing a goldman sachs exec for treasury. So is hillary | Nov 06 19:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@terminsane: @PheroNike @CindysShopping @jcrum417 @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz if you keep voting for the two corrupt parties, youre corrupt | Nov 06 19:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bkylnboy11205: @3puppies4kids @HardlyApathetic @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri | Nov 06 19:53 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bkylnboy11205: @3puppies4kids @HardlyApathetic @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri | Nov 06 19:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@namidehya: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri For this particular lie, I hope the FBI are digging deep into her personal involvement. #Hillary4Prison | Nov 06 19:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BrianAustin3465: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Jill steins not going to win. Trump is our only hope | Nov 06 19:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:54 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@namidehya: @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost Or is it Putin on the FBI's payroll? These duplicitous automatons are as STUPID as they think we R | Nov 06 19:54 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:54 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PheroNike: Kindergarten lesson @terminsane : ALL $$ ISN'T CREATED &USED EQUALLY #🇱🇷1st @CindysShopping @jcrum417 @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz | Nov 06 19:54 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Brad_Kayl: @schestowitz The ramping up of a new cold war by HRC is both dismaying and disgusting. | Nov 06 19:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RoyCalbeck: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri REVEALED: the mysterious cause for so many Americans voting Trump. #Crazy | Nov 06 19:56 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RoyCalbeck: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri REVEALED: the mysterious cause for so many Americans voting Trump. #Crazy | Nov 06 19:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EerkeBoiten: @glynmoody @schestowitz Politician's evidence-free action. Run fake election to find out security risks. Scientific iterature knows already. | Nov 06 19:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Whtapl: @Econghost @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri All the eddies head for the waterfall at some point | Nov 06 19:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 19:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@katywh20: @Econghost @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri Her supporters don't care what she did. Her biggest asset is Trump | Nov 06 19:57 | |
schestowitz | dafaq The 2016 Kernel Summit group photo | Nov 06 20:08 |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:08 |
-TechBytesBot/ | I May Have An Obsession With OpenSuse : linux | Nov 06 20:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yes_that_dolly: .@jmpalmieri can't decide which plays better in Peoria: the Russian or the "fake" hypothesis. So they'll try both!… | Nov 06 20:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yes_that_dolly: @Econghost @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri True. It really is like shooting fish in a barrel, to fool the naive non-critical-thinkers. | Nov 06 20:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yes_that_dolly: @schestowitz @Econghost And don't forget they're "hackers" too -- that's another favorite lie about @wikileaks. They PUBLISH leaked docs. | Nov 06 20:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:18 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yes_that_dolly: @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost Oh yeahhhhhh. Now the ol' FBI is in on it, too. So many enemies, so little time! :) | Nov 06 20:18 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:18 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @glynmoody @schestowitz isolation booth cannot be replaced. | Nov 06 20:18 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:18 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stoutmoose: Good luck @HillaryClinton Im that woman demographic and I'm voting green @DrJillStein | Nov 06 20:18 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "I agree on white women. We are definitely doing that in our paid media..." #PodestaEmails32 | Nov 06 20:18 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@noreallyhowcome: @schestowitz @Econghost The spat w/ Russia is abt an oil pipeline thru Syria. Hill has the war plan set. All she needed was a justification | Nov 06 20:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DONALD_IS_LIFE: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri Russ-(gurgling noise) ff t-th-the russians? Sorry what? I cant hear you over the #spiritcooking | Nov 06 20:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@okertbrian: @DrJillStein @schestowitz | Nov 06 20:19 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@okertbrian: Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote Without Fear! | Nov 06 20:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@benhutchingsuk: @josephmobbs @glynmoody @PaddyBriggs @schestowitz @electoralreform Voting needs anonymity - makes other security properties much harder | Nov 06 20:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wiccahaxan: @kropp_kandi @LarsFermi @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri Is that the new and smoking hot #HiHat | Nov 06 20:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@auerswald: .@schestowitz twenty years ago, I was you. | Nov 06 20:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:55 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yitzpritz: @katywh20 @schestowitz @Econghost @wikileaks @jmpalmieri but trumps biggest asset is a ongoing proof of establishment corruption. | Nov 06 20:55 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kropp_kandi: @wiccahaxan @LarsFermi @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri For 5150's. | Nov 06 20:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EllenKinnally: @schestowitz u meant to write discourse! & I agree Cringing to b a Yankee right now:) oh yeah &HRC is both nuts &corrupt | Nov 06 20:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JillSteinHQ: @ItsGEEnotGEE @schestowitz @wikileaks #JillStein #DonaldTrump is a "dangerous, destructive" choice for president | Nov 06 20:57 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Economists' Letter Warns That Electing Trump Would Be Dangerous For The Country : NPR | Nov 06 20:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Song4Bernie: @noreallyhowcome @schestowitz @Econghost All the time & money they could have saved. Entire campaign in 20 seconds: | Nov 06 20:58 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | With Us or Against Us - YouTube | Nov 06 20:58 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MrIvanJohnson: @schestowitz saw that elementary OS post via Hacker News... have you tried it? | Nov 06 20:58 | |
schestowitz | No, I don't want an OSuX clone | Nov 06 20:58 |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tedkidd: Sigh. Yep, beginning to get #woke #DemExit | Nov 06 20:58 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @DrJillStein Democratic with capital letter, because it's not to be confused with democracy; it's just a misleading brand | Nov 06 20:58 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Deplorable_KeK: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri It has to be Russia because hackers would never use VPNs to hide their location | Nov 06 20:58 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Thor_ROCKS: @aspiesmom @EarlNash @AchmarBinSchibi @katalin_pota @schestowitz @Econghost If they play enough "cards" they can play "52 PU" | Nov 06 20:59 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 20:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@leesamonique: @schestowitz @wikileaks maybe he should've thought about that before going after the country that is hosting him in their embassy as well?? | Nov 06 20:59 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 21:01 |
-TechBytesBot/ | My friend, new to linux, was trying to type some colors into terminal for fun. He sent me this picture. You can just feel the desperation and confusion setting in : linux | Nov 06 21:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 21:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@johgfnt: @Econghost @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri At this point, only the truly stupid trust shillary. Too bad there are so many of them | Nov 06 21:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 21:15 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Get your speedy Pentium 3's out of here! : linux | Nov 06 21:15 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 21:21 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Windows and Linux according to mighty Google | Nov 06 21:21 | |
*XWGYgmPseSv (~XWGYgmPse@ has joined #techbytes | Nov 06 22:03 | |
XWGYgmPseSv | &, & (ctrl+f qatar) - please don't let these be buried | Nov 06 22:03 |
*XWGYgmPseSv (~XWGYgmPse@ has left #techbytes | Nov 06 22:03 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | MARINA ABRAMOVIC SPIRIT COOKING - YouTube | Nov 06 22:03 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 06 22:03 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | Clinton's charity confirms Qatar's $1 million gift while she was at State Dept | Reuters | Nov 06 22:03 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 06 22:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jcrum417: @terminsane @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz A vote for Trump is not a vote for the Republican party though | Nov 06 22:12 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jcrum417: @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @terminsane @schestowitz We are all accomplices to corruption until we stand against it | Nov 06 22:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jcrum417: @terminsane @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz No appointments have been made yet. Biased media says that | Nov 06 22:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@terminsane: @jcrum417 @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz his corporate sponsors paid a lot of money for that illusion. | Nov 06 22:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jcrum417: @terminsane @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz No way to rationalize with people influenced by media spin | Nov 06 22:13 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@terminsane: @jcrum417 @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz even foxnews admits he wants goldman sachs exec for treasury | Nov 06 22:13 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@terminsane: @jcrum417 @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz trump campaign hasnt denied it. | Nov 06 22:13 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@terminsane: @jcrum417 @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz honestly hope trump wins just so his voters can realize the fraud | Nov 06 22:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jcrum417: @terminsane @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz Who are you for in this race? | Nov 06 22:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PheroNike: Well as he said "What Do U Have 2Loose?" Can't afford HillBilly! @terminsane @jcrum417 @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz | Nov 06 22:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BaryMcCochiner: @schestowitz @MIAuniverse @wikileaks @NoiseyMusic @YouTube They've already been all over #PodestaEmails both Eric Schmidt and Zuckerburg | Nov 06 22:14 | |
schestowitz |] | Nov 06 22:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@silner: @DrJillStein @schestowitz I'd probably vote Clinton if I lived in the USA, but I'd never forgive the Democratic Party for it | Nov 06 22:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wheresmikehunt: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri What's Russian for 'fake? | Nov 06 22:15 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jcrum417: @terminsane @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein @schestowitz BTW, I work in finance, and treasury sec should be from finance | Nov 06 22:15 | |
schestowitz | They could hire some pro emeritus | Nov 06 22:16 |
schestowitz | They could hire some prof emeritus | Nov 06 22:16 |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MrNickNak: Kun je kappen met al die onzinnige 'omg putin zit erachter' retweets @victorginori | Nov 06 22:17 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks Russia. When all else fails ask Putin for help.. | Nov 06 22:17 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SkyeShepard: Erroneous justification @noreallyhowcome @mednurse202 @schestowitz @Econghost | Nov 06 22:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@floata: @schestowitz @kgosztola @wikileaks its not gonna put that witch in jail unfortunately | Nov 06 22:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:31 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jcrum417: @schestowitz @terminsane @PheroNike @CindysShopping @AffinityxD @DrJillStein I guess, but the point was rather ridiculous | Nov 06 22:31 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jenbrunelle2: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmier Employing the Alinsky Method it's what Hillary and her cult do best. | Nov 06 22:31 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:31 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@anonygooose: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri they can have a vid of Shillary tossing a baby in a woodchipper and the Hiltards will still vote for her | Nov 06 22:31 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@anonygooose: @schestowitz @Econghost Speaking of Cults Hillary took over a million $ from Gulen Charter Schools Your edu. tax money laundered look it up | Nov 06 22:31 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:31 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@katywh20: @yitzpritz @schestowitz @Econghost @wikileaks @jmpalmieri What I mean is she'd have a lot more trouble w/a convetional candidate | Nov 06 22:32 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 06 22:32 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@richdoll54: @aspiesmom @EarlNash @AchmarBinSchibi @katalin_pota @schestowitz @Econghost hillary a nasty campaign based on hate/lies | Nov 06 22:32 | |
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer). | Nov 07 01:19 | |
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*Now talking on #techbytes | Nov 07 01:19 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | Nov 07 01:19 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | Nov 07 01:19 | |
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Nov 7 02:13:51 2016 | ||
*Now talking on #techbytes | Nov 07 02:13 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | Nov 07 02:13 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | Nov 07 02:13 | |
*liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Nov 07 02:15 | |
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*Now talking on #techbytes | Nov 07 09:40 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | Nov 07 09:40 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | Nov 07 09:40 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:57 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:57 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Man shot and killed by off-duty officer after ‘road rage incident’ escalated | WGN-TV | Nov 07 10:57 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:57 |
schestowitz | > x | Nov 07 10:57 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:57 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:57 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Log In - New York Times [ ] | Nov 07 10:57 | |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:57 |
-TechBytesBot/ | A Guy Put Amazon's 'Alexa' In Big Mouth Billy Bass' Body And People Are Rightly Horrified | Huffington Post [ ] | Nov 07 10:57 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:57 |
schestowitz | > "They expect to be training replacements from India-based contractor | Nov 07 10:57 |
schestowitz | > HCL. The layoff affects more than 500 IT workers, according to the | Nov 07 10:57 |
schestowitz | > insurance firm. " | Nov 07 10:57 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ | CEO's message a jolt to IT workers facing layoffs | Computerworld [ ] | Nov 07 10:58 | |
schestowitz | > MBAs | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Nigeria frees Muslims accused of murder over blasphemy | News24 [ ] | Nov 07 10:58 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Fresh attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh, houses torched | world-news | Hindustan Times [ ] | Nov 07 10:58 | |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Britain’s cybersecurity policy needs common sense, not just cash | John Naughton | Opinion | The Guardian [ ] | Nov 07 10:58 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Couldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ ) | Nov 07 10:58 | |
schestowitz | > DMCA | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Mythbuntu Linux Is No More, the Distribution Has Been Officially Discontinued [ ] | Nov 07 10:58 | |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Clinton v. Trump on copyrights and patents: Reading the platform and the tea leaves | Ars Technica UK [ ] | Nov 07 10:58 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > "as fears grow Russian hackers will target him" | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > Utter BS on many levels, probably written for the US election. | Nov 07 10:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ | King of chess Magnus Carlsen fears being a pawn in hackers' game [ ] | Nov 07 10:58 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > " It’s better if your developers contact the developers inside the | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > company and say ‘What can we do to help you get your code merged into | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > the kernel?’" | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Fireside Chat: GKH Talks Licensing, Email, and Aging Maintainers | | The source for Linux information [ ] | Nov 07 10:58 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > "And there are other people out there creating troubles for us...NSF..." | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > ... | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > "... current DARPA ..." | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > ... | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > "This is diplomacy time. Skill counts. Agility counts. Discretion | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > counts. Long credibility counts. Ammunition? Ammunition is worthless | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > because wherever we fire it, we work everywhere and it’s only going to | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > hit us." | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Eben Moglen on GPL Compliance and Building Communities: What Works | | The source for Linux information [ ] | Nov 07 10:58 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > "Ayyadurai’s settlement with Gawker Media represents a victory for a | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > version of the history of email’s development that isn’t supported by | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > evidence." | Nov 07 10:58 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Internet Pioneers Slam $750,000 Settlement for the 'Man Who Invented Email' [ ] | Nov 07 10:58 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > "Internet Explorer was already on a downward trajectory when Windows 10 | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > released a little over a year ago" | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Chrome Crushing In The Browser Wars While Edge Continues To Sputter | HotHardware [ ] | Nov 07 10:59 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Movie Companies Want to Hold Search Engines Liable For Piracy - TorrentFreak [ ] | Nov 07 10:59 | |
schestowitz | > " donation records suggest that the top entertainment industries | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > clearly favor Hillary Clinton. " | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > ... | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > "surprisingly little has been said about future policy. " | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > x | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Copyright Industries Back Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign - TorrentFreak [ ] | Nov 07 10:59 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ | What is a blockchain, and why is it growing in popularity? | Ars Technica [ ] | Nov 07 10:59 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ | China Adopts Cybersecurity Law Despite Foreign Opposition - Bloomberg [ ] | Nov 07 10:59 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 10:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Why I won't recommend Signal anymore - Sander Venema [ ] | Nov 07 10:59 | |
schestowitz | > PS. Congratulations on 10 years of TechRights (formerly BoycottNovell) | Nov 07 10:59 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 10:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rixstepnews: @schestowitz @Econghost Yeah and who is teaching them? | Nov 07 10:59 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 10:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@INDXT: @schestowitz @rixstepnews @wikileaks @jmpalmieri how can we emigrate to Russia! | Nov 07 10:59 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 10:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rixstepnews: @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost WAIT! That's not true? ;) | Nov 07 10:59 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rixstepnews: @aspiesmom @EarlNash @AchmarBinSchibi @katalin_pota @schestowitz @Econghost Nice! | Nov 07 10:59 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tonnasellscars: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein @Independent We're trying to save our country and you want me to vote for who? | Nov 07 11:04 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:32 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pax_se: Looks authentic. | Nov 07 11:32 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: DNC staffers prepared CNN anchors Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper for interviews with Trump #dncleak2 | Nov 07 11:32 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:33 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AtlantaPopRock: This sums it up: DNC, CNN and WaPo together forever. | Nov 07 11:33 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:33 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AJimenez1988: @schestowitz I don't blame him, nor Comey. They don't want to die in a bizarre weightlifting accident or commit suicide by double gunshot. | Nov 07 11:33 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:33 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MamaWolfe613: @schestowitz @wikileaks even if it did legally effect him it says that the new system won't be in effect until the end of 2019. | Nov 07 11:33 | |
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) | Nov 07 11:43 | |
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytes | Nov 07 11:44 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:46 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Cosmopolitka: LOL #paranoia | Nov 07 11:46 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "as fears grow Russian hackers will target him" Utter BS on many levels, probably written for the US election. | Nov 07 11:46 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:46 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OstracizedCom: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein @Independent Insane to waste a vote on Jill Stein. | Nov 07 11:46 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gregorylent: @schestowitz don't like using my data on ads .. that link is prefaced with one .. no big deal, except it adds up .. | Nov 07 11:46 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoMoreAmazon: #ImWitHer peeps, you have an alternative in @DrJillStein who is honest, has values & integrity; not a corrupt corpo… | Nov 07 11:47 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoMoreAmazon: #ImWitHer peeps, you have an alternative in @DrJillStein who is honest, has values & integrity; not a corrupt corpo… | Nov 07 11:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@miely0199: @schestowitz @torrentfreak good luck finding them... | Nov 07 11:47 | |
schestowitz | > Addenda: | Nov 07 11:48 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 11:48 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Eben Moglen on GPL Compliance and Building Communities: What Works | | The source for Linux information [ ] | Nov 07 11:48 | |
schestowitz | > - | Nov 07 11:48 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 11:48 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Eben Moglen, Software Freedom Through Diplomacy, SFLC 16 - YouTube [ ] | Nov 07 11:48 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 11:48 |
schestowitz | > "There’s been a lot of discussion lately about GPL enforcement..." | Nov 07 11:48 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 11:48 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Fireside Chat: GKH Talks Licensing, Email, and Aging Maintainers | | The source for Linux information [ ] | Nov 07 11:48 | |
schestowitz | > - | Nov 07 11:48 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 11:48 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Keynote: A Fireside Chat with Greg Kroah-Hartman, Linux Foundation Fellow - YouTube [ ] | Nov 07 11:48 | |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 07 11:48 |
schestowitz | Thanks, added/posted | Nov 07 11:50 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:54 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DTrumpIsAGenius: @DrJillStein instead of HRC? She's a far better candidate any day. | Nov 07 11:54 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "progressives have an alternative to establishment Democrats." #dncleak2 #podestaemails33 | Nov 07 11:54 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 11:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@brando5112: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Not in my lifetime... That woman is a nutcase! | Nov 07 11:58 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Green Party's Jill Stein: Case Against Presidential Nominee - Rolling Stone | Nov 07 11:58 | |
schestowitz | The person who wrote this merely libeled her and she responded | Nov 07 11:58 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:00 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AchmarBinSchibi: @Hanks323 @schestowitz @Econghost Leaks will be forthcoming I imagine. Comey cleared her but rumors are the agents are in revolt | Nov 07 12:00 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@saint_anon: @AchmarBinSchibi @Hanks323 @schestowitz @Econghost In the NYPD | Nov 07 12:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EvolveQuickly: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein If this had been a fair election we could've had that luxury, They will not let Jill win. HRC is evil. | Nov 07 12:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@xBenJamminx: @schestowitz it's called paraphrasing. 👌🏼 the point was not lost in translation I guarantee you. | Nov 07 12:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:35 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@brando5112: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein She's a waste of a vote in an election that can really hurt women & minorities if Trump should win. | Nov 07 12:35 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@trumphillarypol: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein he's already dead | Nov 07 12:35 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:35 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@trumphillarypol: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein or locked away for good. | Nov 07 12:35 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@trumphillarypol: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein they can take pic for proof of life. | Nov 07 12:35 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@trumphillarypol: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein but for all other purposes-dead | Nov 07 12:35 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:35 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@drcogent: @schestowitz @wikileaks more corruption please! | Nov 07 12:35 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:36 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DReaDPiRaTe9: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein nothing positive to say about her, just that she is not trump, sooo typical. | Nov 07 12:36 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:36 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DReaDPiRaTe9: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein she never said anything like this | Nov 07 12:36 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DReaDPiRaTe9: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein she never said anything like this | Nov 07 12:36 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:36 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mrsswiercz: @Hanks323 @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost FBI okay today? Lol | Nov 07 12:36 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:44 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Hillaryousness: We came. We saw. He died. Hahaha (and some other innocent people too) hahaha. Laugh with me or you might be next.… | Nov 07 12:44 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Hillaryousness: We came. We saw. He died. Hahaha (and some other innocent people too) hahaha. Laugh with me or you might be next.… | Nov 07 12:44 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:44 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@StephenDelRey: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein @brando5112 The politics of fear doesn't work on Greens. We don't support billionaires. | Nov 07 12:44 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 12:44 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CharlesLewis12: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein You're an establishment #sexist! Keep defending evil! #Sexism #NeverHillary #ImWithJill | Nov 07 12:44 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JoyMarie007: @schestowitz @pyfgcrl @wikileaks @jmpalmieri Moral of the story: it's illegal to read hacked fake emails from Russia | Nov 07 13:15 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JoyMarie007: @schestowitz @pyfgcrl @wikileaks @jmpalmieri The logic of the Democratic Party never ceases to elude me | Nov 07 13:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@miely0199: @amiraminiMD @schestowitz in the Global Intelligence Files...Stratfor Corporation | Nov 07 13:16 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BrittPettibone: So does this suggest a coverup of the nature of Vince Foster's and Ron Brown's deaths? #DNCLeak2… | Nov 07 13:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Physicstocks: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein right. Yemen is starving and ISIS is armed because hillary committ… | Nov 07 13:16 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Physicstocks: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein right. Yemen is starving and ISIS is armed because hillary committ… | Nov 07 13:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JoyMarie007: @pyfgcrl @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri I was being sarcastic (translates poorly in writing) | Nov 07 13:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Jannesod: @schestowitz Homeland security goes abroad! They know Sweden is an obedient lapdog to the US administration. | Nov 07 13:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: @schestowitz Meme harder. | Nov 07 13:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@citizen_clean: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein your fear is disgustingly misinformed. Hillary does more to hurt those groups.. | Nov 07 13:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@negrilgirl62: @henrymance @schestowitz @guardian Looks like your AG is as corrupt as U.S. AG | Nov 07 13:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@davewfpboyle: Russians?:-) | Nov 07 13:20 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Not sure I can publish much, let alone leave the house today, due to problems with #techrights on its 10th year (anniversary today) | Nov 07 13:20 | |
schestowitz | yes, RUSSIANS! And Martians. | Nov 07 13:20 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FactChek: #Democrats #Latinos #CollegeStudents #Veterans #Women #Feminists #MilitaryFamilies #BlackPeople #Millennials… | Nov 07 13:20 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FactChek: #Democrats #Latinos #CollegeStudents #Veterans #Women #Feminists #MilitaryFamilies #BlackPeople #Millennials… | Nov 07 13:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EmaGabi23: 😂😂😂mind blowing... | Nov 07 13:21 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: If often sounds as though even #clinton aides would not vote for her unless they got paid. Why would people do it voluntarily? #dncleak2 | Nov 07 13:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@eliredwine: @BlacksForBernie @WomenForBernieS @WomenforTrump @BlacksForTrump @CarmineZozzora WAKEUP-WeR slaves 2 gov't-VoteTrump | Nov 07 13:21 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks This is from #podestaemails32 and it shows that even those who are very close to Clinton don't trust the "witch" | Nov 07 13:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@giosgroi: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein @RollingStone thanks for the info piece 👍 | Nov 07 13:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 13:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WLTaskForce: @schestowitz The issue is that they falsely claim that the procceds are going to Assange, which is what the buyer intended. | Nov 07 13:22 | |
schestowitz | Scammers gonna scam | Nov 07 13:22 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:34 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jacobgadikian: @schestowitz sorry what does defending wiki leaks have to do with the Twitter commentary? | Nov 07 14:34 | |
schestowitz | Scammers target Wikileaks | Nov 07 14:34 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:34 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AndrewAtter: @johnauthers @schestowitz you mean continued growth post-referendum? | Nov 07 14:34 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:35 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Pitch_Mechanic: RT @auerswald: .@schestowitz twenty years ago, I was you. #entrepreneurship | Nov 07 14:35 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Our political process is bigger than our political parties – Medium | Nov 07 14:35 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Expect a lot of "Russia" and "Terrorism" (or both) in tomorrow's newspapers. Uniting the masses under the "protect us!" umbrella. | Nov 07 14:35 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:35 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@callanan_bob: @schestowitz @wikileaks As an Irish Citizen the shame of Shannon.. | Nov 07 14:35 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:35 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kathrynkopasz: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce Doesn't mean Wikileaks supporters shouldn't do their best to stop them, right? | Nov 07 14:35 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:35 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MeemsKaso: @schestowitz Link? Please. @AlwaysIntegrity @wikileaks | Nov 07 14:35 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:36 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Not_the_boat: @schestowitz @wikileaks big misinfo right now is all the stratfor emails submitted through contact form. People think it's legit. | Nov 07 14:36 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:36 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@markone1blog: @schestowitz Considering the number of attacks against women by a particular minority, I am not sure easier travel to the US is a good thing | Nov 07 14:36 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:37 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Boofyre: @schestowitz @brando5112 @wikileaks @DrJillStein wrong no vote is wasted. Stop listening 2 MSM. | Nov 07 14:37 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:38 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pharmerMillerDC: @schestowitz @CBSNews of course , they are wanting to have something ready to divert attention away from HRC If the dump has a smoking gun | Nov 07 14:38 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:38 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@markone1blog: @schestowitz @ChrisSalcedoTX @LanceRoberts I wonder if it can be proven that the @HillaryClinton campaign is behind the DDOS | Nov 07 14:38 | |
schestowitz | Hard to attribute attacks | Nov 07 14:38 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:39 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@palatofino: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein @RollingStone This was timely - I must admit that I was a bit confuse about her | Nov 07 14:39 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:39 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@micahnytes: @schestowitz @wikileaks You're a lost cause, go vote for the 70 yr old that got his phone taken away like a little kid 😂😂😂 | Nov 07 14:39 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:39 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@encyclopath: @PoliticalAnt @DrJillStein @HillaryClinton @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks shea perfectly sane, just a foreign collaborator | Nov 07 14:39 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:40 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz we all know it isnt anyone in the us govt hiring a private firm to cause the outages | Nov 07 14:40 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:40 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@plasticlenses: @schestowitz @wikileaks This is terrifying!!! | Nov 07 14:40 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:40 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@1BryanLi: @JoyMarie007 @schestowitz @pyfgcrl @wikileaks @jmpalmieri It is really the corruption and level of deceit that amaz… | Nov 07 14:40 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@1BryanLi: @JoyMarie007 @schestowitz @pyfgcrl @wikileaks @jmpalmieri It is really the corruption and level of deceit that amaz… | Nov 07 14:41 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 14:45 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stonehead: @BLongStPaul @schestowitz Having a two-party system doesn't help there. Obama could have done _so_ much more if Congress had done its job | Nov 07 14:45 | |
schestowitz | > Hi, Roy, | Nov 07 15:07 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 15:07 |
schestowitz | > Someone made a small attempt at DDoSing my home connection last week. | Nov 07 15:07 |
schestowitz | > Though neither abuse address wrote back, mailing the abuse addresses for | Nov 07 15:07 |
schestowitz | > the networks appearing to cause the attack seemed to work. Both times | Nov 07 15:07 |
schestowitz | > about an hour after writing, the attacks ceased. If you are not mailing | Nov 07 15:07 |
schestowitz | > the abuse addresses, I would recommend it adding it to your mitigation | Nov 07 15:07 |
schestowitz | > efforts. | Nov 07 15:07 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 15:07 |
schestowitz | > There's not a consistent, machine readable marking for the abuse address | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | > in whois database entries. Sadly it has to be retrieved manually, but | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | > then basically a form letter works. | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | > whois | less | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | > Look up the abusing IP number in whois, scroll to the end, and then work | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | > backwards until the first 'abuse' address is mentioned. | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | > However, if you want to block a whole AS network, I have a formula for | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | > that. | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | Thanks for the tip. at the moment fail2san sends me email reports with the details of the offending addresses and whois info. | Nov 07 15:08 |
schestowitz | I'll keep on fighting to keep the site online. Cancelled plans to go out today due to it... | Nov 07 15:08 |
*acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytes | Nov 07 15:36 | |
*acer-box__ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | Nov 07 15:40 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:45 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Pyramidal_cell: @schestowitz MAKING FACEBOOK A DEAD ZONE WILL BE HISTORICAL! BOYCOTT of the 2016 USA ELECTIONS | Nov 07 15:45 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | BOYCOTT of the 2016 USA ELECTIONS - YouTube | Nov 07 15:45 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:45 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wickerman987661: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein they know she can't win | Nov 07 15:45 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:45 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OstracizedCom: @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost yeah...right. No. Our @FBI director is afraid for his life. Cozy with Clintons and Obamas | Nov 07 15:45 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:46 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OstracizedCom: @schestowitz @wikileaks @jmpalmieri @HillaryClinton @johnpodesta What happened to #MadelineMcCann - is she one of your Sex now Slaves Too? | Nov 07 15:46 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:46 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wickerman987661: @Boofyre @schestowitz @brando5112 @wikileaks @DrJillStein it is wasted. | Nov 07 15:46 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wickerman987661: @Boofyre @schestowitz @brando5112 @wikileaks @DrJillStein u fool | Nov 07 15:46 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sandita30: @schestowitz @wikileaks is she sure she's on a team consistent with her values? I think these reveals keep her employed in the end. | Nov 07 15:48 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Drjoyce54: Keep this monster out of our White House | Nov 07 15:49 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @DailyCaller @wikileaks But it's OK 'coz her old 'buddy' got anally raped to death | Nov 07 15:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @DrJillStein @schestowitz id vote for you instead of trump if you were his direct competator | Nov 07 15:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sandita30: @schestowitz @wikileaks I'll see your woman card and raise you any ethnicity. Anyone? Anyone? Going for the double down...female Latino. | Nov 07 15:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@VoteNeither2016: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein How so? Isn't threatening Russia, like Hill. Isn't trying 2 ban a religion, like Drumpf.. | Nov 07 15:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@VoteNeither2016: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Clinton will also hurt women & minorities, if you want to endorse that shame on you. | Nov 07 15:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CannonballRoll: Even the Democrats know that raising taxes on the middle class is stupid. Hilary wants all Americans to be dependen… | Nov 07 15:50 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CannonballRoll: Even the Democrats know that raising taxes on the middle class is stupid. Hilary wants all Americans to be dependen… | Nov 07 15:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sci_solar: @schestowitz STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND WATCH THIS !! >> Podestas, Pizza and Pedos #PodestaEmails33 | Nov 07 15:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Podestas, Pizza and Pedos - YouTube | Nov 07 15:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Angelicanang: What you want to bet since they LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING, they WOULDN'T remember if they told the truth OR LIED! DISGU… | Nov 07 15:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Angelicanang: What you want to bet since they LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING, they WOULDN'T remember if they told the truth OR LIED! DISGU… | Nov 07 15:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jacobgadikian: @schestowitz they're jerks. | Nov 07 15:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EllenKinnally: They turned their Daughter into a hustling grifter | Nov 07 15:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "Spoiled Brat" (Chelsea Clinton): "how to become covered under privilege" (mentions daddy a lot) #PodestaEmails33 | Nov 07 15:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DrunkinSeamus: I never even suspected Webster Hubbell was still so involved | Nov 07 15:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EllenKinnally: @jasoninthehouse go get the whole lot of them! | Nov 07 15:52 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "But no, they are not asking for all 55k. But nevertheless gives us an excuse." #servergate #PodestaEmails33 | Nov 07 15:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@oohx3murf: @schestowitz @TheTrueJeanette | Nov 07 15:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@barcleydottie: @schestowitz @wikileaks CNN has lost my trust. I'd like to see viewership pollings after the election on trustworthiness | Nov 07 15:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@2MuchDebt: @stonehead @BLongStPaul @schestowitz Stupid blockhead stay out of USA election. You don't matter. | Nov 07 15:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kmf829: @barcleydottie @schestowitz @wikileaks. @CNN has #LostCredibility Everyone, even #Hillary voters know that they are the #ClintonNewsNetwork | Nov 07 15:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MrIvanJohnson: @schestowitz the MSM have lost all credibility... hope their beloved HRC makes it worthwhile for them, 30 pieces of… | Nov 07 15:57 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MrIvanJohnson: @schestowitz the MSM have lost all credibility... hope their beloved HRC makes it worthwhile for them, 30 pieces of… | Nov 07 15:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 15:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kmf829: @CannonballRoll @schestowitz #HillaryClinton is dependent on #UsefulIdiots to get her elected. #MAGA #NeverHillary #TrumpPence16 | Nov 07 15:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 20:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Timothytrippin: @ggreenwald @schestowitz @jmpalmieri Yup- I asked her for a heads-up. Should we be looking for treason, pedophilia or suspicious deaths?! | Nov 07 20:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 20:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JohnBosch68: @1BryanLi @JoyMarie007 @schestowitz @pyfgcrl @wikileaks @jmpalmieri Woman in gif needs armpit hair and to be triple in weight. | Nov 07 20:57 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AlwaysIntegrity: @MeemsKaso @schestowitz @wikileaks the link is right there click on it | Nov 07 20:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 20:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jlboul: @schestowitz Ha! | Nov 07 20:59 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 20:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JefferySYoung2: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Jill Stein...llolololol😂😂😂😂😂 | Nov 07 20:59 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:00 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Areejsiddig: @schestowitz @DrJillStein 😂 yup! | Nov 07 21:00 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:00 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@trucemovement: @schestowitz @DailyCaller @wikileaks Wheres the full version of this video? With Huma handing her the phone with news Can't find it anymore. | Nov 07 21:00 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:00 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BLinz7: @schestowitz @wikileaks We need to demand they ALL go to prison. | Nov 07 21:00 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @reportrai3 @sole24ore @ipwatch @WorldIPReview @WorldIPReview @ilgiornale @LaStampa @Corriere @ItalyMFA… | Nov 07 21:02 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @reportrai3 @sole24ore @ipwatch @WorldIPReview @WorldIPReview @ilgiornale @LaStampa @Corriere @ItalyMFA… | Nov 07 21:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@steveklotz2: @MysticPhoeniix @MarcyHolroyd @schestowitz @wikileaks | Nov 07 21:02 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@steveklotz2: @MysticPhoeniix @MarcyHolroyd @schestowitz @wikileaks | Nov 07 21:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: Fatevi due risate, voi che potete ...@reportrai3 @ipwatch @sole24ore @ilgiornale @LaStampa @Corriere @ItalyMFA… | Nov 07 21:02 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: Fatevi due risate, voi che potete ...@reportrai3 @ipwatch @sole24ore @ilgiornale @LaStampa @Corriere @ItalyMFA… | Nov 07 21:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wesleynyc: @schestowitz @wikileaks and you are a nasty deplorable | Nov 07 21:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Beckbert84G: #NastyWoman #FL #GA #NC #PA #NV #CO #IA #WI #ME #OH #VA #MI #NH #IL #UT #TX #AZ #DE #VT #MN #CT #TN #NJ #IN #AL #WV… | Nov 07 21:03 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Beckbert84G: #NastyWoman #FL #GA #NC #PA #NV #CO #IA #WI #ME #OH #VA #MI #NH #IL #UT #TX #AZ #DE #VT #MN #CT #TN #NJ #IN #AL #WV… | Nov 07 21:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@emmamac0920: @WLTaskForce @schestowitz @Nnedi @brodiegal @zeynep blocked them all! No time for lies! #LongLiveWikileaks | Nov 07 21:04 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DavidHudson04: @schestowitz @wikileaks It is a cinch that the MSM won't do anything that hasn't already been approved by Hillary/DNC/Obama administration! | Nov 07 21:05 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fitfeather1903: @silner @DrJillStein @schestowitz You never forgive somebody for voting for them. That's really consequential. | Nov 07 21:05 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tekstar77: Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (@schestowitz): @wikileaks This is from #podestaemails32 and it shows that even... | Nov 07 21:05 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Peter Asher - Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz... | Facebook | Nov 07 21:05 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@studentpower16: @femfreq @FemMajority @FeministPress From one sister to another : say NO to enabler @HillaryClinton & her rapist ma… | Nov 07 21:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@studentpower16: @femfreq @FemMajority @FeministPress From one sister to another : say NO to enabler @HillaryClinton & her rapist ma… | Nov 07 21:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wesleynyc: @JordanChariton @schestowitz @DrJillStein @realDonaldTrump @HillaryClinton lmao go home Jill Whine you are drunk. | Nov 07 21:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schex9: #Unflippinbelievable | Nov 07 21:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #cnn says that because it sort of ghost-writes with both corporate parties that makes it OK ^_^ | Nov 07 21:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AthenaLetsDoDis: @schestowitz Boring! nobody cares; irrelevant; You guys keep trying to find treasure where there is none? Move On! | Nov 07 21:07 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #clinton 'donor' list - new one just released in #PodestaEmails33 as an attachment #ImWithHer #money | Nov 07 21:07 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Terra_Nulius: Theyre pushing the narrative per their directives..despicable! @thehill Retract your statement | Nov 07 21:07 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks @thehill Wow, they can't help repeating the lie, almost a week after it had been REPEATEDLY debunked dozens of times | Nov 07 21:07 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FairyJackFrost: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein What a waste of a vote | Nov 07 21:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cinemashotime: @schestowitz you say that because that's what you're hoping for. | Nov 07 21:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ZoilaHadley: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Invest? You call throwing away our vote an investment? In what? Go drink some more Kool Aid. | Nov 07 21:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheSlySlytherin: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein How so? If anything, she and Johnson need to give their percentage points to Trump! | Nov 07 21:08 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wizegie: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Agreed. Establishment is rotten to the core. Time to #BreakThe2PartyTrap. #VoteGreen2016 | Nov 07 21:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@petrakramer: Cheers @schestowitz, here's to tenth anniversary of Techrights. May you continue to shine light on patent trolls and their enablers. | Nov 07 21:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@junnuravikumar: @schestowitz @wikileaks you are just giving advantage to Hillary by neutralizing your vote. | Nov 07 21:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PriceofHisToys: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein I don't think he will win but I would not vote for Jill | Nov 07 21:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DeplorableJosh1: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Uhm...if Trump loses, because Hillary rigged the election, we will March on the Capitol. | Nov 07 21:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tcarrcreations: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Ahhh NO.. Hahaha! | Nov 07 21:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yitzpritz: @schestowitz @DrJillStein @wikileaks what are you saying vote for trump irregardless whether he wins | Nov 07 21:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hravida: @ZoilaHadley @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein If #GreenPartyUS gets 5% of vote, they receive federal funding to develop party of the ppl | Nov 07 21:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bmark5472: @schestowitz @wikileaks BE SAFE!! | Nov 07 21:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KellyPlumer: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein. | Nov 07 21:10 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KellyPlumer: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein. | Nov 07 21:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MarlaMartinez93: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Invest it on jill stein😂😂that's ironic! You mean waste your vote! If you really want change vote Trump | Nov 07 21:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@deadhandwriter: @schestowitz @PardonManning @wikileaks It's appears that if you get right down to it, Russia and America operate much in the same way. | Nov 07 21:11 | |
MinceR | if you really want change for the worse, vote trump | Nov 07 21:11 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ZoilaHadley: @hravida @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein If Hillary wins, all will be lost. Jill doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell... | Nov 07 21:11 | |
schestowitz | MinceR: yes | Nov 07 21:11 |
schestowitz | notice how rude they are | Nov 07 21:11 |
schestowitz | MinceR: I just ignore them | Nov 07 21:11 |
schestowitz | if I reply, they get even worse | Nov 07 21:12 |
schestowitz | I ignore all those "Deplorables" (by their OWN description) | Nov 07 21:12 |
schestowitz | Lost causes | Nov 07 21:12 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Daveinwi4trump: @schestowitz @thehill @wikileaks they have tentacles into every corporation and most of the CEO podesta emails show it. Huge machine. Scary | Nov 07 21:12 | |
schestowitz | trump in username | Nov 07 21:12 |
schestowitz | even though later this week he'll be history | Nov 07 21:12 |
schestowitz | (Trump) | Nov 07 21:12 |
schestowitz | Reminds me of Hitler's cult mentality | Nov 07 21:13 |
schestowitz | based on my readings on that famous/infamous election | Nov 07 21:13 |
schestowitz | except Hitler wasn't a billionaire, just a bigot | Nov 07 21:13 |
schestowitz | | Nov 07 21:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AlJimJuma: @schestowitz @wikileaks only Betray-us made prison great again. Hillary hasn't. | Nov 07 21:15 | |
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer). | Nov 08 01:45 | |
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*Now talking on #techbytes | Nov 08 01:45 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | Nov 08 01:45 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | Nov 08 01:45 | |
schestowitz | See attachment. More tonight | Nov 08 06:48 |
schestowitz | [off-record: I don't have more news from Munich than in the attached pdf] | Nov 08 06:48 |
schestowitz | Check your MAILBOX." | Nov 08 06:52 |
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer). | Nov 08 12:37 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Nov 8 12:37:52 2016 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Nov 8 12:38:16 2016 | ||
*Now talking on #techbytes | Nov 08 12:38 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | Nov 08 12:38 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | Nov 08 12:38 | |
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Nov 8 14:32:39 2016 | ||
*Now talking on #techbytes | Nov 08 14:32 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | Nov 08 14:32 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | Nov 08 14:32 | |
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Nov 08 14:35 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jgrant_reno_nv: @hzaolmr @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks but a career criminal, habitual liar with a body count of 100+ and a rapist husband is GRRREAT | Nov 08 17:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hzaolmr: @jgrant_reno_nv @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks body count of 100+. Seek therapy. | Nov 08 17:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jgrant_reno_nv: @hzaolmr @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks | Nov 08 17:02 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jgrant_reno_nv: @hzaolmr @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks | Nov 08 17:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hzaolmr: @jgrant_reno_nv @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks But yes, a career criminal could run the country better than a retarded person. | Nov 08 17:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hzaolmr: @jgrant_reno_nv @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks Hail Satan | Nov 08 17:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jgrant_reno_nv: @hzaolmr @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks | Nov 08 17:03 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jgrant_reno_nv: @hzaolmr @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks | Nov 08 17:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hzaolmr: @jgrant_reno_nv @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks you should get checked for schizophrenia, believing in a cabal of shadow assassins | Nov 08 17:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hzaolmr: @jgrant_reno_nv @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks cool photo, check this one out | Nov 08 17:04 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hzaolmr: @jgrant_reno_nv @venimdenim1 @schestowitz @wikileaks cool photo, check this one out | Nov 08 17:04 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@America4Liberty: Wow! Take a look at this overview of the #44MostDamningStoriesFromWikiLeaks | Nov 08 17:04 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: The 44 Most Damning Stories From WikiLeaks #podestaemails35 | Nov 08 17:04 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stonehead: @schestowitz COME ON FUCK THOSE EMAILS | Nov 08 17:04 | |
schestowitz | We need to better know the best US Pres | Nov 08 17:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Late Night with Seth Meyers - Timeline | Facebook | Nov 08 17:05 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BenEnkio: HERE'S WHY #HillarysEmails MATTER #ElectionDay #ohio #VoteTrump #myvote2016 #michigan #nevada #CrookedHillary #MAGA… | Nov 08 17:05 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BenEnkio: HERE'S WHY #HillarysEmails MATTER #ElectionDay #ohio #VoteTrump #myvote2016 #michigan #nevada #CrookedHillary #MAGA… | Nov 08 17:05 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stonehead: @schestowitz just stop being a wikileaks zealot! You can do sooo much better | Nov 08 17:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Tinahay85373271: @schestowitz his phone, his passport, lost his dignity a long time ago | Nov 08 17:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RonTamber: THIS IS AGAINST THE LAW PERIOD WE MUST FRY @johnpodesta once and for @FBI @FoxNews @ericbolling @BretBaier… | Nov 08 17:07 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RonTamber: THIS IS AGAINST THE LAW PERIOD WE MUST FRY @johnpodesta once and for @FBI @FoxNews @ericbolling @BretBaier… | Nov 08 17:07 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pamjms: Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (@schestowitz): It seems like #wikileaks crowdsourced the job of Congress and the... | Nov 08 17:07 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Pamela Marcum - Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz... | Facebook | Nov 08 17:07 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@_ukkie_: @schestowitz | Nov 08 17:08 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@_ukkie_: @schestowitz | Nov 08 17:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JakeBlues23231: @schestowitz no they aren't. They are covering this crap up like the Kennedy murder. weiner laptop in comeys hands now.. nothing will happen | Nov 08 17:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ElinaBeauchamp: Remarkable liars #PodestaEmails35 | Nov 08 17:10 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Wow. "Do we have an answer for why there are no emails from the Oct. 8 trip to Libya?" #podestaemails35 | Nov 08 17:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@brad_sando: @schestowitz It matters! #clownkaine is laughing at he waits his turn. #NeverHillary | Nov 08 17:11 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@veggie911: #podestaemails35 | Nov 08 17:12 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Gabe #podesta sends photos from #qatar and area (weapons trade etc.) classified! #podestaemails35 | Nov 08 17:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Millwood09: @schestowitz @TweetingYarnie Love it! Spin the Nov election results, #Podesta the #Spindoctor | Nov 08 17:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kcchiefzgirl: Yes, Photos are no worse than a photo of a submarine. Needs arrested, too! #PodestaEmails35 | Nov 08 17:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RickyBird11811: .@schestowitz Stein should've been the candidate.But she isn't &she can't win in 2016. Neither should we allow #CrookedHillary @DrJillStein | Nov 08 17:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LucidGlow: @_ukkie_ @schestowitz It happened well before 2016 | Nov 08 17:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kevinbocky: CLASSIFIED INFO #Election2016 #electionday #ElectionDay #PodestaEmails35 #ElectionNight #ClintonFoundation… | Nov 08 17:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kevinbocky: CLASSIFIED INFO #Election2016 #electionday #ElectionDay #PodestaEmails35 #ElectionNight #ClintonFoundation… | Nov 08 17:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AnikSuman: @schestowitz @wikileaks agreed, she s clueless as ever. | Nov 08 17:21 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@diner2014: @kcchiefzgirl @Emperipolisis @schestowitz "Qatar is sterile. Glad to be here but I also kind of miss Afghanistan." no pizza available! | Nov 08 17:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:41 |
-TechBytesBot/ #ciapost the #clintonfoundation and the money laundering/bribe-passing apparatus of HRC #podestaemails35 #podestaemails | Nov 08 17:41 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 08 17:41 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:46 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ictcowgrrl: @schestowitz @wikileaks Fix your own damn country. | Nov 08 17:46 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:46 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@miely0199: @schestowitz did you see this one? Why is someone from Citigroup emailed info on CIA candidate vetting? | Nov 08 17:46 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@miely0199: @schestowitz sorry | Nov 08 17:47 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 08 17:47 | |
schestowitz | Seen it | Nov 08 17:47 |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PaulSorrentino3: I want some inside information @johnpodesta go ahead tweet it #PodestaEmails35 no way in hell can u be allowed to b… | Nov 08 17:47 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PaulSorrentino3: I want some inside information @johnpodesta go ahead tweet it #PodestaEmails35 no way in hell can u be allowed to b… | Nov 08 17:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SwaderPolly: #CollusionPodestaPizzaBoys has contract 4 Republic of India in US @WhiteHouse influence over #IndiaIntelligence re… | Nov 08 17:47 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SwaderPolly: #CollusionPodestaPizzaBoys has contract 4 Republic of India in US @WhiteHouse influence over #IndiaIntelligence re… | Nov 08 17:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@_ukkie_: @schestowitz Agreed. Sad, but true! | Nov 08 17:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:48 |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BareUncbare: @schestowitz @wikileaks You're obsessed. You must want to suck Soros's .... | Nov 08 17:48 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@venimdenim1: @hzaolmr @jgrant_reno_nv @schestowitz @wikileaks CTR troll 36 followers...Block | Nov 08 17:48 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PaulSorrentino3: ethics are out the window in a Clinton administration @HillaryClinton #PodestaEmails35 | Nov 08 17:48 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: So 'reporter' @chucktodd is again ousted as #ImWithHerrClinton 'operative' #wallstreet #ImWithHer #podestaemails35 | Nov 08 17:48 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:48 |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@baggins77: @schestowitz @ElleLatham don't worry didn't vote for him either | Nov 08 17:48 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LuckyMomIAm: @TGowdySC @GOP @SenateGOP @seanhannity @JudgeJeanine | Nov 08 17:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:49 |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jlboul: @schestowitz Latest email given pass by Comey were not properly analyzed. Not making this up. Expert agrees. Citizens believe him, however. | Nov 08 17:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dianapop: Gonorrhea can be treated.Not sure about HRC's bloodlust though. Cataclysm/calamity.With cataclysm (Trump)=u're f-ed☢ | Nov 08 17:49 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks Julian Assange: "Choosing Between Trump or Clinton is Like Picking Between Cholera or Gonorrhea" | Nov 08 17:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Rhonda9080: @schestowitz I dunno - I think we're looking at a precedent of an Elitist class above the law if #Trump doesn't win. | Nov 08 17:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EllenKinnally: @schestowitz @stonehead Don't listen to a stoner in the Netherlands. This American loves ur tweets and transparency and Julian and Jill:) | Nov 08 17:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@judy_stasack: Evidence Pedo Bros working at/with the WH on international affairs. What a racket! #podestaemails35 #India | Nov 08 17:50 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Lobbyist for Saudi Podesta to brother Podesta: "Who has India portfolio at White House?" #podestaemails35 #india | Nov 08 17:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CarolGarofolo: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein my family are all with Stein, Peace is the way. | Nov 08 17:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KillersLie: @schestowitz @wikileaks @lemonandshallot | Nov 08 17:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Assange Statement on the US Election | Nov 08 17:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 17:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@leejac424: Hillary/Obama created ISIS. Obama's "War on ISIS" is fake. | Nov 08 17:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "HRC to meet informally with the general in charge of war on Isis" #podestaemails35 see | Nov 08 17:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kmclc2016brutus: @schestowitz @stonehead Especially when they are getting their info from our own intelligence agencies to stop the corruption.Why no denials | Nov 08 18:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cherylduitsman: TRUMP MUST WIN | Nov 08 18:19 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Remember while studying #podestaemails35 doesn't matter who wins the election today ...HRC is in deep trouble. Chelsea and Bill also. | Nov 08 18:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Rhonda9080: @schestowitz Unfortunately, many #Hillary voters know all of this and don't care. Or they don't know and don't care abt what they don't know | Nov 08 18:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@plsmith57: @schestowitz @WoffordN Indeed it does matter who wins.HRC Prez will end 2nd Amend rights/protects abortion harvesting/rewrites Constitution | Nov 08 18:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@plsmith57: @schestowitz @WoffordN 2). HRC prez will tax the already over taxed middle class.As Dr u should be very concerned re continued Obamacare.... | Nov 08 18:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@plsmith57: @schestowitz @WoffordN 3). Jobs will continue to be shipped overseas=no 'fair competition' of which you advocate, and Alinsky rules new norm | Nov 08 18:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@plsmith57: @schestowitz @WoffordN 4).So yes Dr it does matter very much who wins election today.Yes,all 3Clintons should bheld acctble,but DOJ corrupt. | Nov 08 18:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FactuaLogic: @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost @nytimes well I would just try to remember, bias does not necessarily mean wrong | Nov 08 18:22 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FactuaLogic: @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost @nytimes a journalist or media org can be biased, but still accurate in their reporting. | Nov 08 18:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AchmarBinSchibi: @FactuaLogic @schestowitz @Econghost @nytimes It does when those puff piece writing journalists ignore blatant corruption | Nov 08 18:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AchmarBinSchibi: @FactuaLogic @schestowitz @Econghost @nytimes Yeah but the corporate media is wrong in how it covers US military adventurism | Nov 08 18:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Koreaunida: @schestowitz @wikileaks and Donald Trump is smart??? | Nov 08 18:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FactuaLogic: @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost @nytimes that sounds like a cop-out to me. ignoring corruption of what? and how does that relate ? | Nov 08 18:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FactuaLogic: @AchmarBinSchibi @schestowitz @Econghost @nytimes corruption around unrelated/irrelevant issues? No clue what you mean without some context | Nov 08 18:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@brando5112: @VoteNeither2016 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Go Hillary, today women make History! | Nov 08 18:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@VoteNeither2016: @brando5112 @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein Rich neoliberal boomer WASP women... | Nov 08 18:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:24 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MLB37167: @schestowitz @DailyCaller @wikileaks Instead of casting a 3rd party ballot voters might consider selecting best available VIABLE candidate. | Nov 08 18:24 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:24 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@maxpolk: @schestowitz @infoworld Hardware vendor fails to break into software vendor stronghold. Yaaaawn. It's called business. Get used to it. | Nov 08 18:24 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:24 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz probably not if they win as you see from the email they control everyone | Nov 08 18:24 | |
schestowitz | Information still grants you leverage | Nov 08 18:25 |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:33 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hubbard2015: wasting time rebuilding Am if she wins #ClintonCrimeFamily is guilty of taking bribes, giving bribes, tax evasion,… | Nov 08 18:33 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hubbard2015: wasting time rebuilding Am if she wins #ClintonCrimeFamily is guilty of taking bribes, giving bribes, tax evasion,… | Nov 08 18:33 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 18:34 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PuttytatandMax: @schestowitz Doesn't matter the wolves are all in chg of the hen house. Who will do anything about it? | Nov 08 18:34 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 21:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Snowden: @jeffjarvis Drop non-responsive To:/CC:/BCC:, hash both sets, then subtract those that match. Old laptops could do it in minutes-to-hours. | Nov 08 21:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@backwaterdogs: @JohnJHarwood is a dispicable piece of shit | Nov 08 23:04 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: More evidence of media meddling by Team #clinton " #Benghazi "talking points"" #podestaemails35 | Nov 08 23:04 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@belindacarreiro: @schestowitz ...performance over preference, assertive is the golden standard. | Nov 08 23:04 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Jim1981T: @schestowitz @La_Cooks I've been so preoccupied with #ElectionDay tweets and #voterfraud Is there anything good in this batch? | Nov 08 23:05 | |
schestowitz | Yes, lots | Nov 08 23:05 |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@krowrideout: @Boofyre @schestowitz @brando5112 @wikileaks @DrJillStein In US if U don't vote the government will vote 4 U. An the person of THEIR choice. | Nov 08 23:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ChrisCharabaruk: @schestowitz I don't know what's stupider -- that he keeps getting reported off of Facebook, or that he wants an account there at all | Nov 08 23:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ollie_renee: You said it honey! They're all #FASCISTPIGS 🐷 🐷 #PIGS | Nov 08 23:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks No meddling at all. Just look up #nytimes in #podestaemails to see how they're all in bed with Wall[ary] Street's campaign | Nov 08 23:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: this will become common | Nov 08 23:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #Vancouver Considers Abandoning Parts of the Coast Because of #ClimateChange #canada | Nov 08 23:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoneYa777: @schestowitz He doesn't have the freedom of speach right at a private event. | Nov 08 23:07 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ACROPOLITESSE: Les naufragés climatiques | Nov 08 23:07 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Serafinos: @schestowitz @geekwire 👍🏼TY :) | Nov 08 23:07 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz Trump will put a stop to this | Nov 08 23:08 | |
schestowitz | By putting them out... of their misery | Nov 08 23:08 |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@diner2014: @schestowitz Dye them pink | Nov 08 23:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pamjms: Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (@schestowitz): old: The Sorcerer's Code RMS on #freesw | Nov 08 23:09 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Sorcerer's Code | Psychology Today | Nov 08 23:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeaH2ONymph: @schestowitz @ProfessorsBlogg Best explanation I've heard: "Slow Motion Fascism." | Nov 08 23:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeaH2ONymph: Best explanation I've heard: "Slow Motion Fascism" | Nov 08 23:09 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @ProfessorsBlogg Sweden is rapidly becoming like a 51th state, or a jumping spring for waterboarding and more | Nov 08 23:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Jannesod: Guess they wanna see him buried and gone. Like so many other opponents. | Nov 08 23:10 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #clinton camp hopes that #assange will run out of happiness, hope, funds, or lawyers who protect him (two of whom died this year) #defendwl | Nov 08 23:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MelvinNudelman: I heard 121 people mysteriosly died opposing Clinton crime mafia | Nov 08 23:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MrIvanJohnson: @schestowitz Conde bloody Nast took over @arstechnica? | Nov 08 23:10 | |
schestowitz | Ages ago, Wired and Reddit also | Nov 08 23:10 |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@IamFran13: @schestowitz @wikileaks 👍 | Nov 08 23:11 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Gorby181: FUCK ARE YOU THAT STUPID??? WHY would you even say that, the dummy hasn't lost yet!! Just a pile of shit wake up an… | Nov 08 23:11 | |
schestowitz | LOL | Nov 08 23:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Gorby181: FUCK ARE YOU THAT STUPID??? WHY would you even say that, the dummy hasn't lost yet!! Just a pile of shit wake up an… | Nov 08 23:11 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@juchetony: @ejwensing @schestowitz @North_Socialist @wikileaks @democracynow not really, as long as you rehydrate early. | Nov 08 23:11 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@nancystonge: @schestowitz @wikileaks I can get any? | Nov 08 23:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JillSteinHQ: @schestowitz | Nov 08 23:12 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JillSteinHQ: @schestowitz | Nov 08 23:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FrankViewZ: @schestowitz @ProfessorsBlogg I guess that's how hard they are working to get Assange | Nov 08 23:13 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@judy_shwabe: @schestowitz @wikileaks But won't she just get pardoned after election? 😞 | Nov 08 23:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ietsist: so #VoteGreen2016 | Nov 08 23:13 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks Julian Assange: "Choosing Between Trump or Clinton is Like Picking Between Cholera or Gonorrhea" | Nov 08 23:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DeadSuperHero: @schestowitz I agree that patents are outdated; but if AI can be sufficiently deemed a personhood, it should have ownership of its creation. | Nov 08 23:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz @futurism fuck that | Nov 08 23:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HereNow71: And #Hillary gets NOTHING for what she has done!!! #RiggedJusticeSystem #HillaryForPrison | Nov 08 23:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: War on #journalism by punishment of sources... And they tell us #obama was OK on human rights?! | Nov 08 23:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OpenThePrimary: Download #Wikileaks WLTaskForce | Nov 08 23:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: .@wikileaks This would prevent attempts to bring #wikileaks down as a single point of failiure. Security/insurance like #cablegate mirrors. | Nov 08 23:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ecuagallos: most definetely so. | Nov 08 23:15 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks HRC is dangerously clueless. Would cause deadly wars. | Nov 08 23:15 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:15 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DenyJean1: @schestowitz @wikileaks @DrJillStein LOVE DR.STEIN but there was no chance, sad she was my first choice. | Nov 08 23:15 | |
schestowitz | She just needs 5% this time around | Nov 08 23:15 |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@adlangston75: @schestowitz @AssangeFreedom @wikileaks I think she knows exactly what she is doing | Nov 08 23:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MosherPhil: @Greg_Palast @schestowitz Mine, in #Ohio, was save electronic to a card w/ a chip, &secondarily printed each vote as I entered it. 1/2. | Nov 08 23:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 08 23:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MosherPhil: @Greg_Palast @schestowitz Then when done, could review all. Then cast. Our machines don't work as described above. | Nov 08 23:17 | |
schestowitz | >> I'll probably have wine later, but also have a pile of EPO articles to | Nov 08 23:35 |
schestowitz | >> > do; I try not to write anything when drinking, just watch football matches. | Nov 08 23:35 |
schestowitz | > Well, at least one site picked up the news: | Nov 08 23:35 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 08 23:35 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 08 23:35 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Techrights Turns 10 Years Old - SoylentNews | Nov 08 23:35 | |
schestowitz | Didn't find time to write articles today. Will freshen up, see if I can produce something today. | Nov 08 23:35 |
*Disconnected (Connection timed out). | Nov 09 09:38 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Nov 9 09:38:17 2016 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Nov 9 09:38:43 2016 | ||
*Now talking on #techbytes | Nov 09 09:38 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | Nov 09 09:38 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | Nov 09 09:38 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 10:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SaltElementsFL: @schestowitz blah blah blah. Stand down. Time for bed. | Nov 09 10:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 10:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@insightful_econ: @schestowitz That's just the half of it...tensions mounting in #SouthChinaSea may erupt...and then? Many many will suffer | Nov 09 10:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 10:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HelloKiddies: What a positive vision that is... not. | Nov 09 10:22 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: My prediction: Trump refuses to pay debt China gets into conflict w/ US US cannot import from China Average people suffer most "Great again" | Nov 09 10:22 | |
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Nov 9 11:42:27 2016 | ||
*Now talking on #techbytes | Nov 09 11:42 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | Nov 09 11:42 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | Nov 09 11:42 | |
*liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Nov 09 11:44 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 13:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@StaceyMaLaine: @schestowitz Only corrupt wanted her! CLINTON FOUNDATION cronies will be selling their stock...LOCK EM ALL UP! #DRAINTHESWAMP | Nov 09 13:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 13:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz actually a good things and gives new investors an oppertunity | Nov 09 13:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 13:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TexConsrvative: @schestowitz You were wrong stocks are going back up market will settle today. | Nov 09 13:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 13:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz i feel good | Nov 09 13:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@akashikrecordss: @schestowitz a lot of big money had a lot invested in Clinton, I think that's why there's such an economical reaction | Nov 09 13:52 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CatherineCace: @schestowitz It'll go back up-Same thing after Brexit | Nov 09 13:52 | |
schestowitz | The currency worth 15% less | Nov 09 13:52 |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 13:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @schestowitz @TheRegister common, r you going to say like Obama that goverments creates jobs. Entenprener risking their own money create job | Nov 09 13:52 | |
schestowitz | Investors is another matter, or capital | Nov 09 13:53 |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 14:01 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @schestowitz they are scared. Hillary is probably taking all her money out as well | Nov 09 14:01 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @schestowitz Only the elite has no faith in USA | Nov 09 14:01 | |
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer). | Nov 09 18:26 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Nov 9 18:26:34 2016 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Nov 9 18:26:59 2016 | ||
*Now talking on #techbytes | Nov 09 18:26 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | Nov 09 18:26 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | Nov 09 18:26 | |
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Nov 09 19:49 | |
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytes | Nov 09 20:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 09 23:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@GetergdeBurger: Wat er mis is met de wereld volgens Trump supporters #pauw #LockHerUp | Nov 09 23:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Here we go again. #lawlessness by #obama White House open to a #Clinton pardon Amazing. #podestaemails36 | Nov 09 23:06 | |
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer). | Nov 10 08:49 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Nov 10 08:49:48 2016 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Nov 10 08:50:10 2016 | ||
*Now talking on #techbytes | Nov 10 08:50 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | Nov 10 08:50 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | Nov 10 08:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 12:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CarolGarofolo: @JulianInsange @schestowitz @dcexaminer @wikileaks triggered you though, why so easy? Got something to hide? Truth hurts & that's awesome. | Nov 10 12:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 12:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Magameupfam: @TerryGlotfelty @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC Actually he still won the college vote. | Nov 10 12:19 | |
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 10 17:31 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KellySpringer11: @NtimeWelearn @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC go back 30 years and see/read what Trump stood for. He's speaking the same truth today. | Nov 10 17:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NtimeWelearn: @KellySpringer11 @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC Trump was for a national health system just a few yrs ago.. he could be the new FDR? | Nov 10 17:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@412V70: @schestowitz no. Just a very hateful primary voter, as far as I could tell | Nov 10 17:48 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pinguinpatje: @schestowitz here we go again... | Nov 10 17:48 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HeyJude34: @schestowitz I keep trying to tell them the same fucking thing | Nov 10 17:48 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HeyJude34: @schestowitz @animalequipment @wikileaks lmfao funny how it turns around once he realizes he can use them for his advantage of they're alive | Nov 10 17:48 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HeyJude34: @NSchadenfreude @schestowitz @wikileaks I hope you are kidding because I'm pretty sure most of us remember this because I KNOW I do | Nov 10 17:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iridesce57: @schestowitz @DrJillStein thanks | Nov 10 17:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sylvia1_v: @buffalloid @schestowitz @wikileaks Clinton's look down on anyone without MONEY! | Nov 10 17:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@IngSocJus: @TerryGlotfelty @schestowitz @wikileaks Sorry, I'm educated. In STEM. It's not just "simple folk" who know the media only lies now. | Nov 10 17:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@eimaj66: More media collusion. Wake up America, you have been betrayed! #TrumpProtest #PodestaEmails37 | Nov 10 17:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Lynn Forester de Rothschild: "we need to fight back against both of these attacks" #podestaemails37 #podestaemails36 | Nov 10 17:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz @TIME obama is the one that started that he doesnt want it to stop | Nov 10 17:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz @TIME you people think obama was a messiah but he did worse things than bush | Nov 10 17:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz @doctorow @BoingBoing luuuullll damn dude you are funny , i want it stopped too but hes not a madman | Nov 10 17:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 17:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BethComans: @dcexaminer @schestowitz Good. She's plagued us for 30+yrs. | Nov 10 17:52 | |
schestowitz | > Hi Roy, | Nov 10 18:01 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 10 18:01 |
schestowitz | > Here's one more situation report I received. | Nov 10 18:01 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 10 18:01 |
schestowitz | > I've been going "OH CRAP!" for the last 24 hours, and stepping through | Nov 10 18:01 |
schestowitz | > the stages of grief. Last time I was in the US was more than 16 years | Nov 10 18:01 |
schestowitz | > ago. I'm not about to go back, unless I decide to make a farewell | Nov 10 18:01 |
schestowitz | > excursion before the third week of January 2017. | Nov 10 18:01 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 10 18:01 |
schestowitz | > OH CRAP!. | Nov 10 18:01 |
schestowitz | I was in the US 10 years ago (not first time) visiting family and presenting a paper in the IEEE conference for medical imaging at Virginia. I remember they took my fingerprints (airport) and I didn't quite enjoy that visit, haven't come back there since. Not planning to either. | Nov 10 18:02 |
schestowitz | I was in Montreal 14 years ago. Wasn't a huge fan either TBH... | Nov 10 18:02 |
schestowitz | I like it here in Manchester and the area. I hope Brexit never happens... | Nov 10 18:02 |
schestowitz | 4 major elections in Europe in the coming 6 months. Trump and his advisor Farage will help the right wingers gain greater power; it's already happening, they form alliances across border and fear of Islam seems to be the unifying force... | Nov 10 18:02 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AdV007: @glynmoody @schestowitz I wonder if the similarities are a product of rigid neoliberalism in both countries... | Nov 10 18:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: @AdV007 @schestowitz I think so... | Nov 10 18:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AdV007: @glynmoody @schestowitz first you leave people behind, then a "duce" type leader shows up to "save" them from all the wrongs... | Nov 10 18:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AdV007: @glynmoody @schestowitz ... by blaming all others (in case of Wall street, partially correct) | Nov 10 18:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: @AdV007 @schestowitz yup | Nov 10 18:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:20 |
-TechBytesBot/ | We are the WikiLeaks staff. Despite our editor Julian Assange's increasingly precarious situation WikiLeaks continues publishing : IAmA | Nov 10 18:20 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 18:20 |
schestowitz | ikil | Nov 10 18:20 |
schestowitz | We are the WikiLeaks staff, including Sarah Harrison. Over the last months we have published over 25,000 emails from the DNC, over 30,000 emails from Hillary Clinton, over 50,000 emails from Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta and many chapters of the secret controversial Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA). | Nov 10 18:20 |
schestowitz | The Clinton campaign unsuccessfully tried to claim that our publications are inaccurate. WikiLeaks’ decade-long pristine record for authentication remains. As Julian said: "Our key publications this round have even been proven through the cryptographic signatures of the companies they passed through, such as Google. It is not every day you can mathematically prove that your publications are perfect but this day is one of them." | Nov 10 18:20 |
schestowitz | We have been very excited to see all the great citizen journalism taking place here at Reddit on these publications, especially on the DNC email archive and the Podesta emails. | Nov 10 18:20 |
schestowitz | Recently, the White House, in an effort to silence its most critical publisher during an election period, pressured for our editor Julian Assange's publications to be stopped. The government of Ecuador then issued a statement saying that it had "temporarily" severed Mr. Assange's internet link over the US election. As of the 10th his internet connection has not been restored. There has been no explanation, which is concerning. | Nov 10 18:20 |
schestowitz | WikiLeaks has the necessary contingency plans in place to keep publishing. WikiLeaks staff, continue to monitor the situation closely. | Nov 10 18:20 |
schestowitz | You can follow for any updates on Julian Assange's case at his legal defence website and support his defence here. You can suport WikiLeaks, which is tax deductible in Europe and the United States, here. | Nov 10 18:20 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:21 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet | Nov 10 18:21 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 18:21 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lara_edelman: @terminsane @laurelrusswurm @ajamubaraka @schestowitz Dems saw her steal nom. From Bernie. Clean out the DNC | Nov 10 18:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@esserab: @schestowitz @ThePolitiChicks le monde à l'envers, ils font le terrorisme, mettent les autres dans la liste, qu'ils commencent par eux même! | Nov 10 18:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@heidischroll: @schestowitz @dcexaminer @wikileaks I'm waiting for the release of proof of her involvement with pedophilia, please wikileaks, expose her | Nov 10 18:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ The chance of Trump approach RMS for advice is close to zero... Now fellow oligarch #billgates on the other hand... | Nov 10 18:58 | |
schestowitz | "This was something he said months and months ago. I think this was during the primaries that he first began stating this. This was my clear and unquestionable indication that this man should not be president. He doesn’t know the first fucking thing about what to say, what it means or who is appropriate to talk to. Nothing about that statement made any sense at all.' | Nov 10 18:58 |
schestowitz | "mouarf" | Nov 10 18:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Forbes Welcome | Nov 10 18:58 | |
schestowitz | President Lunatic | Nov 10 18:58 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 18:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ Supporting #wikileaks does not at all mean supporting Trump. It just means supporting #transparency and truth, even when inconvenient. | Nov 10 18:59 | |
schestowitz | "Wrong. You supported Trump. Putin too. You spread lie after lie. I will not forgive. I will not forget. Expect us." | Nov 10 18:59 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 18:59 |
schestowitz | I understand your anger Joe. Let’s not forget that both the big parties are the parties of corporations. | Nov 10 18:59 |
schestowitz | I think Trump will be a combination of Berlusconi and Putin. Despite the fact that the people who voted for him see him as a reformer, I think Trump will be more of the same only more intense. We’ll never know what wars Clinton would have led us into, but now we’ll have to worry about Trump’s wars. All that stuff about bringing back jobs to America was bullshit; Trump has no interest in doing that at all. The best and worst thing about | Nov 10 18:59 |
schestowitz | Trump now is that there’s no telling what he might try to do. | Nov 10 18:59 |
schestowitz | I don’t know yet about Congress. What happened there? | Nov 10 18:59 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 18:59 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 18:59 |
schestowitz | A clean sweep and now they will get the scotus too. It’s fucking over. You do not understand my anger. If you did you would be just as angry. The both parties are the same bullshit is bullshit. Scotus rulings by Republican appointed justices made them both dependent on corporations. | Nov 10 18:59 |
schestowitz | Berlusconi and Putin in America? Say goodbye to the neutral internet. Say goodby to press freedom. Say hello to fear. All of us. Not just Americans. | Nov 10 18:59 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:00 |
schestowitz | I agree with what you both said except the utterly false accusation that I supported Trump and Putin. I never did. Not even once. Stick to facts please, be polite. | Nov 10 19:00 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:02 |
-TechBytesBot/ #putin now "congratulates Trump" I can imagine how US corporate media will spin that 9am ET #wikileaks has new major leaks coming. | Nov 10 19:02 | |
schestowitz | "You asshole the corporations just hit a home run, with your help. They will fall in line just as you have." | Nov 10 19:02 |
schestowitz | "Clinton was also the candidate of the corporations. The Democrats are no less controlled by the corporations. There rhetoric is different, but Democrats and Republicans in office are barely distinguishable at all." | Nov 10 19:02 |
schestowitz | "@joe Dr Roy or Wleaks are not responsible of US voters’stupidity ! Stop offending, better sit down and start to think…" | Nov 10 19:02 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:03 |
schestowitz | You better start to think. Wikileaks is definitely responsible for exploiting the US voters stupidity with the intention of defeating Clinton - which could only mean electing Trump. Everybody who spent more energy dissing Clinton than dissing Trump also shares responsibility. | Nov 10 19:03 |
schestowitz | David the Supreme court rulings that made all US politicians hostage to corporate financing, were passed by Republican Appointees. One significant case, called “Citizens United” after the corporate front of the same name, was about an anti-Hillary Clinton movie/video. The court ruled that the rich, resourced corporations who produced the video had the same free speech rights as individual ordinary people. The Republican/conservative | Nov 10 19:03 |
schestowitz | SCOTUS majority ruled against Hillary. The democrats, while still controlled by the corporations, or more precisely, the market, are quite definitely less controlled by them. The republicans would have, and now will, invade Iran and bomb Tehran. Is that indistinguishable? The Republicans would have overthrown Assad in 2013. Is that indistinguishable? No it is not. It is distinguishable. A lesser evil. Yes a lesser fucking evil. You are about | Nov 10 19:03 |
schestowitz | to see the difference. | Nov 10 19:03 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:03 |
schestowitz | I think that defusing the chance of nuclear conflict with Russia is a factor you have not taken into account. I supported neither candidate, as I made SUPER clear all along (posted THOUSANDS or pro-Green Party stuff in Twitter). | Nov 10 19:04 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:09 |
-TechBytesBot/ New #Tor "The Onion Router" Anonymity Network Stable Branch Getting Closer #privacy | Nov 10 19:09 | |
schestowitz | "I don’t know if TOR still actually does what it’s supposed to do. I’ve heard a lot that suggests otherwise. And for Americans, as of this month, the law has gone into effect (quietly, of course) stating that the FBI may hack into anyone’s computer just on the basis that they are using TOR." | Nov 10 19:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | New Tor "The Onion Router" Anonymity Network Stable Branch Getting Closer | Nov 10 19:09 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | I don’t know if TOR still actually does what it’s supposed to do | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | It is not perfect and several improvements are ongoing. | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | It is often misused because you can easily shoot in the foot as you use it for protecting against big actors. | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | TOR only provides onion routing safety, it does not protect from vulnerable apps, it does not protect from what happens end to end (except for onion services). | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | We know TOR suffers from global timing correlations attacks that a couple of big actors can more or less handle at a certain cost (targeted surveillance vs mass surveillance). | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | he law has gone into effect (quietly, of course) stating that the FBI may hack | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | You relate to rule41 ( | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | Article mentions: | Nov 10 19:10 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Rule 41 | The Tor Blog | Nov 10 19:10 | |
schestowitz | The broad search warrants allowable under these new rules will apply to people using Tor in any country | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | I wonder how is that legal as FBI is a local law enforcement, right? And what they are surely not allowed to crash any foreign country law for users abroad? Or are we all part of USA across the world? … | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | ' | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | "I think I know enough to use TOR without shooting myself in the foot. As for the FBI, all I can say is that the entire government of the United States is criminal and illegitimate; nothing they do surprises me anymore." | Nov 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | My personal view if that Tor is not easy but safe to use outside the US if your enemy if not the US. AFAIK, Russia tries hard to crack it while the US sits on some zero-days it habitually exploits, not to mention police raids on nodes. Country of original: majority of devs, master key, army connections. | Nov 10 19:11 |
schestowitz | *Country of origin | Nov 10 19:12 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:15 |
-TechBytesBot/ My expectation of the outcome in #us #election today: HRC gets crown, media and election officials harassed by Trump and co for months. | Nov 10 19:15 | |
schestowitz | "If I was a corrupt government who wanted one particular side to win I would make sure I was rigging the votes to keep them neck and neck so that at the last minute I would not have to alter many votes to get what I wanted. … So I do not trust voting machines at all. :-)" | Nov 10 19:15 |
schestowitz | Me neither, but even worse are the voter suppression tactics | Nov 10 19:15 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:16 |
-TechBytesBot/ My prediction: Trump refuses to pay debt China gets into conflict w/ US US cannot import from China Average people suffer most "Great again" | Nov 10 19:16 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | Glass #Steagall Act | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | Debt #WRITEOFF | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | Removal of Wall St from the US | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | NATIONAL CREDIT! | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | Love it, FREEDOM, #REPUBLIC | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | Hooray for Freedom! | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | Exactly. Nazi kind of "freedom"... | Nov 10 19:16 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Donald Trump on Edward Snowden: Kill the 'traitor' - Washington Times | Nov 10 19:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:17 |
-TechBytesBot/ Microsoft moles from #accenture are behind the latest 'news' from #munich reminding us just how much Microsoft looooves (hates) #linux | Nov 10 19:17 | |
schestowitz | "Small stump overturn big cart … I hope" | Nov 10 19:17 |
schestowitz | We need to be vigilant | Nov 10 19:17 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:18 |
-TechBytesBot/ WinBeta (today): "Windows 10 news recap: Lenovo Yogas block Linux" (it's still in the news) #lenovo #microsoft #linux | Nov 10 19:18 | |
schestowitz | "The Yoga was bought in the US with American keyboard layout etc." | Nov 10 19:18 |
schestowitz | Interesting... | Nov 10 19:18 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:19 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Trump would cause domestic wars | Nov 10 19:19 | |
schestowitz | "Its time for left to come to where it is supposed to be on the real progressive side. The fake social democratic agenda wont work anymore with idiots like Trump. I see that the democratic establishment saying People are not yet ready for women president which is real mature thinking!!" | Nov 10 19:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sandita30: @schestowitz Julian's freedom is at stake too. I fear Clinton for him as well as us. She will bring us to war. All of our allies as well. | Nov 10 19:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:19 |
-TechBytesBot/ #WikiLeaks releases #Clinton campaign chair #podestaemails35 "hacked account"? Why be so sure not a leaker? | Nov 10 19:19 | |
schestowitz | "“Internal Server Error”" | Nov 10 19:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | #PodestaEmails35: N. Korean official threatened US during frosty Bill Clinton visit — RT America | Nov 10 19:19 | |
schestowitz | They have fixed that since | Nov 10 19:19 |
-TechBytesBot/ | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 10 19:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:20 |
-TechBytesBot/ #WikiLeaks not letting up on Clinton, #Podesta | Nov 10 19:20 | |
schestowitz | "And it’s a good thing! The Usonian peoples need real left-wing movements, not a corporate neoliberal party that keeps on co-opting left-wing efforts and struggles!" | Nov 10 19:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks not letting up on Clinton, Podesta | Washington Examiner | Nov 10 19:20 | |
schestowitz | Maybe some people will be registered as or vote (locally) for Greens | Nov 10 19:20 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:21 |
-TechBytesBot/ This is bad news for the US and another reminder that if the corrupt #dnc didn't fail #sanders it would be avoided | Nov 10 19:21 | |
schestowitz | "Sorry. Nazi enabler. Talk about vile! I have stopped sharing with you but still get notification for this post. You will be able to fight your fight against the antifascists in peace now." | Nov 10 19:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Donald Trump meeting President Obama at White House - BBC News | Nov 10 19:22 | |
schestowitz | Antifascists sometimes only feed them, by reinforcing their views. We need understanding and de-escalation. Same with radical Islam. | Nov 10 19:22 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:22 |
schestowitz | "Say goodbye to internet freedom asshole" | Nov 10 19:22 |
-TechBytesBot/ The nightmare has only begun for #clinton family #accountability after #wikileaks | Nov 10 19:23 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Clinton Probe Uses All Little Rock Agents | The Daily Caller | Nov 10 19:23 | |
schestowitz | it's not about the Internet in this case. | Nov 10 19:23 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:23 |
-TechBytesBot/ The long tail in a common’s man journey to #debconf16 #debian #gnu #linux #freesw | Nov 10 19:23 | |
schestowitz | "Written by . Tag him next time." | Nov 10 19:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The long tail in a common’s man journey to debconf16 | Experiences in the community | Nov 10 19:23 | |
schestowitz | Would do, if I knew or remembered | Nov 10 19:23 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:23 |
-TechBytesBot/ The Linux Setup - Bruce Byfield, Writer #gnu #linux | Nov 10 19:23 | |
schestowitz | "Yeah, in Wheezy, Jessie, Stretch, and SID." | Nov 10 19:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Linux Setup - Bruce Byfield, Writer - My Linux Rig | Nov 10 19:23 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | Debian -- Package Search Results -- bluefish | Nov 10 19:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:24 |
-TechBytesBot/ Supporting #wikileaks does not at all mean supporting Trump. It just means supporting #transparency and truth, even when inconvenient. | Nov 10 19:24 | |
schestowitz | "De-facto support is support, intentional or not." | Nov 10 19:24 |
schestowitz | You're giving me far more credit than I deserve. It's not me who determined the outcome of US election. | Nov 10 19:24 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:25 |
-TechBytesBot/ #snowden won't be coming back to the #us any time soon #trump wants him murdered | Nov 10 19:25 | |
schestowitz | "Snowden Live tonight ;)" | Nov 10 19:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Snowden: | Nov 10 19:25 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Donald Trump on Edward Snowden: Kill the 'traitor' - Washington Times | Nov 10 19:25 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | Snowden Live | Nov 10 19:25 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:25 |
-TechBytesBot/ Slow news day today for #linux Either people celebrate or sob Trump clogging up the news by shocking'surprising everyone #freesw | Nov 10 19:25 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:25 |
schestowitz | Nov 10 19:25 | |
schestowitz | Sadly, Gnux is far more interesting. | Nov 10 19:25 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:25 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:25 |
-TechBytesBot/ Should bugs with brands and cheesy logos be tackled first?,32994.html | Nov 10 19:25 | |
schestowitz | "Ha! Who gives a fig what happens to Android users? Not me! :)" | Nov 10 19:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Android Patch For High-Severity 'Dirty COW' Linux Kernel Flaw Delayed For At Least Another Month | Nov 10 19:25 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Fix for critical Android rooting bug is a no-show in November patch release | Ars Technica | Nov 10 19:26 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Android patches fix Drammer RAM attack, but not Dirty Cow exploit | InfoWorld | Nov 10 19:26 | |
schestowitz | if Android died, some proprietary platform might take over | Nov 10 19:26 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:27 |
-TechBytesBot/ "Stein spoke to TIME on the eve of the election about what she’s seem from voters this year" #greensUSA | Nov 10 19:27 | |
schestowitz | "Not in the way she’s thinking…" | Nov 10 19:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Election: Jill Stein Says "We Have Crossed The Rubicon" | Nov 10 19:27 | |
schestowitz | yes, too much TV and all | Nov 10 19:27 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:27 |
-TechBytesBot/ Sort of #nsfw When your First Lady had her vagina and all exposed for profit What a farce of a Presidency | Nov 10 19:27 | |
schestowitz | "She wasn’t the First Lady at that time." | Nov 10 19:27 |
schestowitz | True. | Nov 10 19:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Melania Trump’s girl-on-girl photos from racy shoot revealed | New York Post | Nov 10 19:27 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:28 |
-TechBytesBot/ So many scams add imposters trying to masquerade as @wikileaks these days to discredit & so-called journalists pretend not to understand WL | Nov 10 19:28 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:28 |
schestowitz | I stumbled upon this old article recently. You may or may not find it interesting. | Nov 10 19:28 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:28 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:28 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Log In - New York Times | Nov 10 19:28 | |
schestowitz | Blame games like these have been used by both political parties in the US as well... depending on who WL revelations hurt. Remember they also embarrassed Bush a lot. It's a clever 'damage control' tactic. | Nov 10 19:29 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:29 |
-TechBytesBot/ Trump hardly ever disclosed any policy regarding #patents and #copyright Does anybody know? URLs maybe? | Nov 10 19:29 | |
schestowitz | "He haven’t disclosed any policy at all. It’s just one-liners." | Nov 10 19:29 |
schestowitz | Which makes him even more dangerous. Committed to nothing, not even his own word | Nov 10 19:30 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:30 |
-TechBytesBot/ Trump crazy? Yes, he wanted to assassinate #Snowden No friend of #Assange Don't fall for it | Nov 10 19:30 | |
schestowitz | "No further proof is needed that this world is overwhelmed by evil, than that the people doing the most good are wanted “criminals”, while the people doing the most wrong are occupying our capitols." | Nov 10 19:30 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Donald Trump on Edward Snowden: Kill the 'traitor' - Washington Times | Nov 10 19:30 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ ) | Nov 10 19:30 | |
schestowitz | Exactly. All this while TV glorifies them because they buy the TV programs | Nov 10 19:30 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Gates Foundation Critique - Techrights | Nov 10 19:31 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:31 |
schestowitz | "Hey, finally something we might disagree on. I know people in the UK have been disarmed for so long, it’s become normal to them and private gun ownership seems strange." | Nov 10 19:31 |
-TechBytesBot/ To some people (no ordinary people), an automatic rifle is a "baby" Like in Full Metal Jacket? | Nov 10 19:31 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeamusOTwomey: About sums it up. #PodestaEmails36 #MAGA #PresidentTrump | Nov 10 19:31 | |
schestowitz | Gun crime is low as a result. I prefer it that way. I'm less scared walking around the streets. | Nov 10 19:31 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:32 |
-TechBytesBot/ The nightmare has only begun for #clinton family #accountability after #wikileaks | Nov 10 19:32 | |
schestowitz | "Yes it is. You will see. It is about absolutely everything. We have crossed the brink." | Nov 10 19:32 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Clinton Probe Uses All Little Rock Agents | The Daily Caller | Nov 10 19:32 | |
schestowitz | had I done no activism, he would still be elected. Try to put aside your focus on me for a moment, treat it as though I just observe what happens and report on it. I am as disturbed as you are, Trump is a friggin' lunatic. | Nov 10 19:33 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:33 |
-TechBytesBot/ Supporting #wikileaks does not at all mean supporting Trump. It just means supporting #transparency and truth, even when inconvenient. | Nov 10 19:33 | |
schestowitz | "Of course it is not you alone. You are just one of millions who helped take Clinton down/bring Trump up. She is the most to blame. But you are too. Sorry that upsets you but it should." | Nov 10 19:33 |
schestowitz | I blame DNC for rigging noms for the weaker candidate. It didn't have to end up like this. | Nov 10 19:33 |
schestowitz | My father has hated with a passion Trump for decades, and his reaction to all this was exactly the same as mine. | Nov 10 19:34 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:35 |
-TechBytesBot/ #wikileaks #podestaemails have already demonstrated #obama involved/implicated in #servergate hence this: | Nov 10 19:35 | |
schestowitz | "Tact? Embarrassment? From Trump? Adolph Giuliani will do his best to jail her and all dissenters. It is all over. Too late." | Nov 10 19:35 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | White House doesn't take potential Clinton pardon off the table - POLITICO | Nov 10 19:35 | |
schestowitz | If she got jailed, it would be the least among the public worries not that gays are reportedly being beaten up and university students march and yell "white power" | Nov 10 19:36 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:36 |
-TechBytesBot/ Why Trump is President (to be inaugurated) source: #wikilleaks leak. #podestaemails36 #dncleak2 | Nov 10 19:36 | |
schestowitz | "Too late to help stop it now. This is how the world ends. You are about to see what is worse than the “establishment”." | Nov 10 19:36 |
schestowitz | Establishment and violent mobs are not opposites. It's a false dichotomy. | Nov 10 19:36 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:37 |
-TechBytesBot/ Why is #nyc mayor attacking #sanders and now this in #podestaemails36 compare to | Nov 10 19:37 | |
schestowitz | "“As all my Jesuit friends say, the Pope is the real deal.” HMMMM…" | Nov 10 19:37 |
schestowitz | Sounds like a business transaction | Nov 10 19:37 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 10 19:37 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 10 19:37 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:37 |
-TechBytesBot/ Why do people call those who voted Clinton and media that supported her "liberal"? The Establishment is NOT liberal but neolib. Different. | Nov 10 19:37 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:37 |
schestowitz | Clinton supports many things on paper but not in practice. | Nov 10 19:37 |
schestowitz | Do you have any real evidence for that? We will never know how a Clinton presidency pans out, but we will certainly see Trump’s promises disappear into thin air (partly because he contradicted himself so often). | Nov 10 19:37 |
schestowitz | It’s not really what the US needs | Nov 10 19:37 |
schestowitz | What the US (and the rest of the world) needs is for progressives to stop living in fantasy land. | Nov 10 19:38 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:38 |
schestowitz | Clinton herself told in private speeches that her "public policy" is not her "private policy" | Nov 10 19:38 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:39 |
-TechBytesBot/ Who was stripped by #police before he committed suicide? The founder of #debian Ian Murdock. SF Police. Notorious in their community. | Nov 10 19:39 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:39 |
schestowitz | oh, okay :) | Nov 10 19:39 |
schestowitz | no police induced civilian deaths from our side though, the police here don’t have guns =D | Nov 10 19:39 |
schestowitz | in fact almost no one does… | Nov 10 19:39 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:39 |
schestowitz | Apparently cops in London now carry some. Not in Manchester though. Hope it stays like that. | Nov 10 19:39 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:39 |
-TechBytesBot/ What you WON'T find today after #podestaemails33 is #cnn preparing an article about Tapper and revelations about his conduct. #dncleak2 | Nov 10 19:40 | |
schestowitz | "‘Change does not come from within’, oddly enuff…" | Nov 10 19:40 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:40 |
-TechBytesBot/ What were those things doing on public servers in the first place? | Nov 10 19:40 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wikileaks: Nominee intelligence briefing content controlled by Obama; oppo research for Manafort (attachment) #PodestaEmails | Nov 10 19:40 | |
schestowitz | "People are dumb – their IQ drops to double-digits outside their fields of expertise." | Nov 10 19:40 |
schestowitz | True | Nov 10 19:40 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:42 |
-TechBytesBot/ We should describe or introduce people based on their professional background, not age/race/gender. It's that SJW thing creeping in. | Nov 10 19:42 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:42 |
schestowitz | Yes, I think so ev | Nov 10 19:42 |
schestowitz | en though I agree with you about introductions. It’s probably better to avoid the term SJW because it’s an empty insult that mostly undermines good causes. | Nov 10 19:42 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:43 |
schestowitz | True, the term got a bad rap, like "deplorable" | Nov 10 19:43 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:43 |
-TechBytesBot/ We're a FOSS company and almost 50% of staff are women, technical too. Don't believe those who argue it's impossible. #freesw #uk | Nov 10 19:43 | |
schestowitz | "A human being is a human being is a human being. I wish I’d been born far in the future, when everyone finally catches up to that fact and we don’t have to hear about racism and sexism anymore. :P | Nov 10 19:43 |
schestowitz | agreed... | Nov 10 19:43 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:44 |
-TechBytesBot/ We need a Brexit deal that heals the north-south divide | Nov 10 19:44 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:44 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Gordon Brown: We need a Brexit deal that heals the north-south divide | Opinion | The Guardian | Nov 10 19:44 | |
schestowitz | Scotland wishing to stay in the Eu while the majority of the rest of the U.K wishes to leave is a mass divide! | Nov 10 19:44 |
schestowitz | Scotland’s stance doesn’t make much sense when they are forever wishing to be free of England but now they are wishing to chain themselves to the EU? (Just my personal opinion!) | Nov 10 19:44 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:44 |
schestowitz | We leave in an are of national divisions that seem unprecedented. See the US as well this week... | Nov 10 19:44 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SaintGoar: @terminsane @ajamubaraka @schestowitz Former lifelong DNC here to tell you that the DNC is the Whig Party now. Time to move on. | Nov 10 19:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:49 |
-TechBytesBot/ #wikileaks #podestaemails have already demonstrated #obama involved/implicated in #servergate hence this: | Nov 10 19:49 | |
schestowitz | "If she gets jailed it will be just the beginning and will indeed become the least of worries. | Nov 10 19:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | White House doesn't take potential Clinton pardon off the table - POLITICO | Nov 10 19:49 | |
schestowitz | Symbolic step. | Nov 10 19:49 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Carl von Ossietzky - Wikipedia | Nov 10 19:49 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:50 |
-TechBytesBot/ Why Trump is President (to be inaugurated) source: #wikilleaks leak. #podestaemails36 #dncleak2 | Nov 10 19:50 | |
schestowitz | "life and death are opposites. All I can do is warn you. I cant prove that I will turn out to be right. Time will tell. I do know that you should be much more concerned than you are. | Nov 10 19:50 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:50 |
schestowitz | I actively encourage people around wikileaks now (huge audience) to solicit leaks from the Trump campaign. Wikileaks said it would publish those (an hour ago, Reddit AMA). | Nov 10 19:51 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:52 |
-TechBytesBot/ Why do people call those who voted Clinton and media that supported her "liberal"? The Establishment is NOT liberal but neolib. Different. | Nov 10 19:52 | |
schestowitz | "A single remark taken out of context, typical pro-Trump propaganda. | Nov 10 19:52 |
schestowitz | ' | Nov 10 19:52 |
schestowitz | What does that mean within context? | Nov 10 19:52 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:53 |
-TechBytesBot/ US corporation sues a government funded by tax of all people in a city in another country #ceta #ttip #tpp #isds | Nov 10 19:53 | |
schestowitz | "You know that happens regularly with #NAFTA, and would happen even more with #TPP, #TTIP, #CETA, etc., which the #US and #Canada are pushing HARD for, right?" | Nov 10 19:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: I'd missed this: McDonald's sues Florence, demanding the *right* to open one of its restaurant in the Piazza del Du… | Nov 10 19:53 | |
schestowitz | Yes, thanks for emphasising this | Nov 10 19:53 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:54 |
-TechBytesBot/ Truth is expensive, lies are cheap. Lies (or PR/marketing) are everywhere, for truth you need to work/dig a little. No business model to it. | Nov 10 19:54 | |
schestowitz | "Well, isn’t that a strong sign that maybe “business” shouldn’t be our first priority? ;)" | Nov 10 19:54 |
schestowitz | Not all people agree sadly... they go to BUSINESS school | Nov 10 19:54 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:54 |
-TechBytesBot/ #Trump will be another #Nixon Only a lot richer And potentially a lot more violent, too Just give him time | Nov 10 19:54 | |
schestowitz | "I wonder what his reaction’s going to be when he finds out in his first White House intelligence briefing that WE ARE ISIS?" | Nov 10 19:54 |
schestowitz | Or "sympathisers" | Nov 10 19:54 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Donald Trump on terrorists: 'Take out their families' - | Nov 10 19:54 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:55 |
-TechBytesBot/ Trump said, "call me Mr. Brexit" We're already seeing the same symptoms in the #us as we saw in the #uk >shortly< after the #brexit vote | Nov 10 19:55 | |
schestowitz | "news source?" | Nov 10 19:55 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:55 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump: call me ‘Mr Brexit’ | The campaign minute | Global | The Guardian | Nov 10 19:55 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:56 |
-TechBytesBot/ #TrumpProtest Enjoying the right to publicly assemble While it still lasts 70 days before inauguration >2 people=public assembly=illegal | Nov 10 19:56 | |
schestowitz | "Religion, speech, press, and assembly are the first four things protected by our Bill of Rights. If they try to enforce that, they’ll get severe backlash from the people. | Nov 10 19:56 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:56 |
schestowitz | many people don't feel the denial of these rights, even when there are violations thereof | Nov 10 19:56 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:56 |
-TechBytesBot/ Trump inherits a powerful legal toolset from Bush and Obama: Armed #drones Bizarre executive orders Mass #surveillance War on whistleblowers | Nov 10 19:56 | |
schestowitz | "i am sure he will like it.' | Nov 10 19:56 |
schestowitz | Like a spoiled kid with his toys and tantrums | Nov 10 19:56 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:57 |
-TechBytesBot/ It would be wise for #wikileaks to immediately start publishing non-US leaks, to shake off the bogus impression that it meddles. #defendWL | Nov 10 19:57 | |
schestowitz | "Yeah it would be wise to distract attention to the apocalyptic global crime that they have committed. #fuckwl #fucktrump" | Nov 10 19:57 |
schestowitz | "…and as soon as they get their first batch of Trump administration’s documents the subjective among us will be cheering Wikileaks again." | Nov 10 19:57 |
schestowitz | "It’s too fucking late. It is done." | Nov 10 19:57 |
schestowitz | "And Pence is only 1,000 times worse than Clinton. A vast improvement if Trump is impeached." | Nov 10 19:57 |
schestowitz | I hope we can accomplish this, get the election redone with PROPER candidates, even if it takes some revolt. #TrumpProtest #NotMyPresident | Nov 10 19:58 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 19:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ I don't view #android as an enemy of #freedom Without Android, maybe proprietary iOS would dominate Now we have #Replicant & #FDroid | Nov 10 19:59 | |
schestowitz | "I don’t view android as an enemy of freedom, just google. They have opportunities to push freedom out to the hardware manufacturers in the form of android, but they don’t.' | Nov 10 19:59 |
schestowitz | "Google kills AOSP for years… At the beginning, they attracted devs through an open source community. Then they stopped updating AOSP apps to replace them by their proprietary solutions. Today, it can be really hard to use an Android phone without Google proprietary stuff." | Nov 10 19:59 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:59 |
schestowitz | Yes and it’s bullshit. | Nov 10 19:59 |
schestowitz | #fuckers | Nov 10 19:59 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 19:59 |
schestowitz | There are quite a few Android forks though, and they seem functional enough | Nov 10 19:59 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:00 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: #podesta says "we are going to have to dump all those emails so better to do so sooner than later" #podestaemails35 | Nov 10 20:00 | |
schestowitz | "… he recommends a crime …" | Nov 10 20:00 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 10 20:00 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:00 |
schestowitz | No shit, Sherlock. | Nov 10 20:00 |
schestowitz | :D | Nov 10 20:00 |
schestowitz | But since the entire Capitalist order is one big Crime Against Humanity, the point is sort of moot for me. | Nov 10 20:00 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:00 |
schestowitz | And nobody would enforce the law any time soon | Nov 10 20:00 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:01 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Black Mesa, the very popular fan-made recreation of Half-Life is now on Linux in beta #gnu #linux | Nov 10 20:01 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:01 |
schestowitz | Trying to make me feel old, huh? | Nov 10 20:01 |
schestowitz | :D | Nov 10 20:01 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:01 |
schestowitz | :-p | Nov 10 20:01 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Black Mesa, the very popular fan-made recreation of Half-Life is now on Linux in beta | GamingOnLinux | Nov 10 20:01 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:01 |
-TechBytesBot/ Had #sanders not been sabotaged, there would be no "Trumpland". Remember it was #dnc and crooked Wall Street that did this... sad day. | Nov 10 20:01 | |
schestowitz | "Simply not true! Had Sanders not been sabotaged, most likely (a) Clinton would have won the primary anyway but (b) if Sanders had won the primary, disgusting Trumpland might still be here." | Nov 10 20:01 |
schestowitz | "Fully agreed" | Nov 10 20:01 |
schestowitz | "With the first statement' | Nov 10 20:01 |
schestowitz | Remember that DNC uses the media to sabotage their own candidate and it showed | Nov 10 20:02 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Washington Post Ran 16 Negative Stories on Bernie Sanders in 16 Hours | FAIR | Nov 10 20:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:03 |
-TechBytesBot/ How many newspapers are in trouble right now because they heavily criticised, annoyed and got boycotted by Don the Con only to see him win? | Nov 10 20:03 | |
schestowitz | "All of them. And will the internet be in trouble too?" | Nov 10 20:03 |
schestowitz | "the FBI voted him in, so, just ask yourselves what kind of internet they probably want." | Nov 10 20:03 |
schestowitz | IANA got the Internet, so less power for Trump to harm it, thankfully. One good legacy of Obama. | Nov 10 20:03 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:03 |
-TechBytesBot/ Florian got a ton of flak for expressing support for Trump. But that's #politics - too much for some? | Nov 10 20:03 | |
schestowitz | "Only politics kids. It’s just a game. Nothing serious. Play on." | Nov 10 20:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FOSSpatents: @brianshall Not a lot of pro-Trump tech tweeters out there but never felt better to be part of an endangered species :-) | Nov 10 20:03 | |
schestowitz | "" " | Nov 10 20:04 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Cuba announces nationwide military exercises to confront ‘enemy actions’ - The Washington Post | Nov 10 20:04 | |
schestowitz | If you don't tolerate an opposite viewpoint, you won't defuse it, you might actually fuel you | Nov 10 20:04 |
schestowitz | *it | Nov 10 20:04 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:05 |
-TechBytesBot/ France wants a 'monster' database of citizens' info #france #surveillance | Nov 10 20:05 | |
schestowitz | "ohhh, France…" | Nov 10 20:05 |
schestowitz | ":(" | Nov 10 20:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | France wants a 'monster' database of citizens' info - The Local | Nov 10 20:05 | |
schestowitz | Land of fine pastry and CCTV to ensure you don't choke on it ;-) | Nov 10 20:05 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:05 |
-TechBytesBot/ #erdogan attacked teachers, judges, newspapers, rival politicians etc. after he had seized power. #duterte getting there, will #DonCon too? | Nov 10 20:05 | |
schestowitz | "Yes." | Nov 10 20:05 |
schestowitz | "plan for it." | Nov 10 20:05 |
schestowitz | I do. We need to take the f*er down. | Nov 10 20:06 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:06 |
-TechBytesBot/ Can #FBI review 650,000 emails in nine days? Absolutely, says Edward #Snowden ha! | Nov 10 20:06 | |
schestowitz | "Wow." | Nov 10 20:06 |
schestowitz | "Even without the help of computers that’s not so terribly much. Don’t forget the manpower of the FBI. Give 650,000 emails to 650 people. Makes 1000 per person. 111 emails per person per day. Many of them consists of a few sentences or even words. Even in most of the longer ones you can skim over the text to declare it as irrelevant. So where is the problem?" | Nov 10 20:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Can FBI check 650,000 emails in 9 days? You bet | Nov 10 20:06 | |
schestowitz | True, learned this while seeing 55k #podestaemails - can scan through them very quickly, one per minute, then highlight | Nov 10 20:07 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:08 |
-TechBytesBot/ Celebrating Our 10th Birthday #techrights | Nov 10 20:08 | |
schestowitz | " recognizes this as well. Congratulations." | Nov 10 20:08 |
schestowitz | "Congratulations!!! | Nov 10 20:08 |
schestowitz | Thank you! | Nov 10 20:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Celebrating Our 10th Birthday | Techrights | Nov 10 20:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:08 |
-TechBytesBot/ A vote for Trump was a vote against gun control. Oh dear. | Nov 10 20:08 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | NO TITLE | Nov 10 20:08 | |
schestowitz | "" | Nov 10 20:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ ) | Nov 10 20:08 | |
schestowitz | "@JCF “These are not the kittens you’re looking for. Move along.”" | Nov 10 20:08 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:08 |
schestowitz | ^^ yes, I remove it to rewrite it, my bad. | Nov 10 20:08 |
schestowitz | This is better, indeed : | Nov 10 20:08 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:08 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Heuuu c’est moi ou il fait un vieux salut nazi (qui a dit godwin ?)... | Nov 10 20:08 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:08 |
schestowitz | "" | Nov 10 20:09 |
schestowitz | "It’s all French to me anyway! :)" | Nov 10 20:09 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:09 |
schestowitz | indeed | Nov 10 20:09 |
schestowitz | look at the video :) even if it is with left hand, it seems Trump does hail as a nazi | Nov 10 20:09 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:09 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:09 |
-TechBytesBot/ After #ectrights -sourced protest, #Lenovo brings #Linux compatibility to Yoga 900 and 900S | Nov 10 20:09 | |
schestowitz | "Awesome. I like Lenovo’s products." | Nov 10 20:09 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | After protest, Lenovo brings Linux compatibility to Yoga 900 and 900S - CIO | Nov 10 20:09 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Guest Post: Lenovo Forums Possibly Banned All Comcast Users in Illinois in Order to Silence Discussion of Linux on Yoga Problems | Techrights | Nov 10 20:09 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:10 |
-TechBytesBot/ Here we go again. #lawlessness by #obama White House open to a #Clinton pardon Amazing. #podestaemails36 | Nov 10 20:10 | |
schestowitz | "Wow. You’re still at it. Presidential pardons are the law not lawlessness. I suppose you support the FBI in opposing a “lawless” pardon for Peltier too. I see you have discovered Murdochs NY Post. Is this the kind of posts I should be expecting from now on? There are so many posts from you on my stream every day. They didn’t used to be all lies and propaganda." | Nov 10 20:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | White House open to a Clinton pardon | New York Post | Nov 10 20:10 | |
schestowitz | This was also in non-GOP-leaning news sites. Look, we got HRC's career finished, now with all those sexual assault victims and hopefully new leaks let's get Trump's career finished as well | Nov 10 20:11 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:12 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post? | Nov 10 20:12 | |
schestowitz | @{Avatar Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;} 11/1/2016, 6:49:03 AM | Nov 10 20:12 |
schestowitz | 3 Reasons #Hyperledger Has #Blockchain 's Best Development Model #freesw | Nov 10 20:12 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:12 |
-TechBytesBot/ | CoinDesk 3 Reasons Hyperledger Has Blockchain's Best Development Model - CoinDesk | Nov 10 20:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:12 |
-TechBytesBot/ Does anyone think #sanders 1. got fair coverage from media (attack pieces/leak, Brock PAC money etc.)? 2. voting was fair? #podestaemails27 | Nov 10 20:12 | |
schestowitz | "No, but with the rise of the internet traditional media outlets are losing their power. I think there is still hope in the not too distant future.' | Nov 10 20:12 |
schestowitz | same here, leak sites also... | Nov 10 20:12 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:13 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:13 |
-TechBytesBot/ Does anyone know if there is #podestaemails35 today? Based on the count, it's all over now, I think (more than 55k). #wikileaks | Nov 10 20:13 | |
schestowitz | hi ! you’re our source, Roy, for these matters…If you dont know, who will ? | Nov 10 20:13 |
schestowitz | By the way absolutely disgusting the way Clinton saved her ass ! | Nov 10 20:13 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:13 |
schestowitz | Trump will be easier to take down though impeachment than Clinton, I think, with all those cons and sexual assault victims. We're about to start a bold journey. | Nov 10 20:13 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:14 |
-TechBytesBot/ Making #clinton appear as though she cares for non-privileged and non-whites #PodestaEmails30 | Nov 10 20:14 | |
schestowitz | "" | Nov 10 20:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 10 20:14 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | Reposted from a friend on another site. "The latest poll in Florida... | Nov 10 20:14 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:14 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:14 |
schestowitz | Reposted from a friend on another site. | Nov 10 20:14 |
schestowitz | “The latest poll in Florida put Trump up by .2%. That is two-tenths of one percent. Stein is polling at 1% - enough to tip the State and 29 electoral votes to Trump”. | Nov 10 20:14 |
schestowitz | “Ah, the moral choice? Really!” | Nov 10 20:14 |
schestowitz | “I think there is an accounting due.” | Nov 10 20:14 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:14 |
schestowitz | Florida blame games like these (seen them) are distracting from the real problem, which is people who vote Trump and call themselves "deplorables"... they feel betrayed by the neolib system | Nov 10 20:15 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:16 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Blaming #russia without evidence and claiming "fake" when NONE are fake (in 10 years!) is an autocrat's strategy | Nov 10 20:16 | |
schestowitz | "This made me smile just because you actually used the word “autocrat”. Nobody does that. :)' | Nov 10 20:16 |
schestowitz | "Not I used the word, I just re-shared the post :)" | Nov 10 20:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Clinton and Cybersecurity: Has She Learned From Hacks and WikiLeaks Dumps? | Nov 10 20:16 | |
schestowitz | Maybe he was talking to me :-) | Nov 10 20:16 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:17 |
-TechBytesBot/ #privatepolicy #publicpolicy and #politico hacks #podestaemails36 #clinton | Nov 10 20:17 | |
schestowitz | "Zzzz…" | Nov 10 20:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jimmysllama: Clinton's public and private stance on the 1%. This is exactly what we all suspected. #PodestaEmails36 | Nov 10 20:17 | |
schestowitz | Trump is next. Don't think you have no power... therein lies the biggest weakness. Look what we made Lenovo do. And Marcos decades ago... | Nov 10 20:17 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jaraparilla: The thing is, people leaking against Trump (esp. Dems) are probably more likely to go via MSM eg NYT and WaPo.… | Nov 10 20:25 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jaraparilla: The thing is, people leaking against Trump (esp. Dems) are probably more likely to go via MSM eg NYT and WaPo.… | Nov 10 20:25 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:26 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JTRM79: @schestowitz how many eligible to vote minus dead, illegals and felons? | Nov 10 20:26 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:26 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Boese_Zunge_: @schestowitz You have happily contributed to #Trump winning. Your flow of RTs on #Podesta mails made me sick. Now please stop complaining. | Nov 10 20:26 | |
schestowitz | I was not trying to help Trump, I was trying to expose abuse | Nov 10 20:27 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LauriLoveX: @Boese_Zunge_ @schestowitz try not to blame the truth for bad things that the truth might have helped you avoid | Nov 10 20:27 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:29 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared:  #trump #quote #history #politics #president #election #usa #whitehouse #crime | Nov 10 20:29 | |
schestowitz | "FAKE!" | Nov 10 20:29 |
schestowitz | "Amercia? seems legit" | Nov 10 20:30 |
schestowitz | I can't find an articles to establish that it's fake for sure. Though I accept it's dodgy | Nov 10 20:31 |
schestowitz | *article | Nov 10 20:31 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:32 |
schestowitz | :"Doesn’t make him right. I was fighting real estate moguls in NY before trump when the big star was Harry Helmsley. New York voted against him. Did you see the protests there last night? I lived under the future Attorney General when he destroyed New York as mayor. We know these people. You should listen to us more carefully." | Nov 10 20:32 |
schestowitz | But again, you preach to the converted as I've always hated Trump. Even ages ago. | Nov 10 20:32 |
schestowitz | "Thx" | Nov 10 20:33 |
-TechBytesBot/ Supporting #wikileaks does not at all mean supporting Trump. It just means supporting #transparency and truth, even when inconvenient. | Nov 10 20:33 | |
-TechBytesBot/ Trump said, "call me Mr. Brexit" We're already seeing the same symptoms in the #us as we saw in the #uk >shortly< after the #brexit vote | Nov 10 20:33 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:33 |
-TechBytesBot/ The nightmare has only begun for #clinton family #accountability after #wikileaks | Nov 10 20:33 | |
schestowitz | "I do not focus on you. Your posts are relentless. That is why I have stopped sharing with you. You alone didn’t do it. You just helped. You spread a lot of rightist-generated lies about her mixed in with a few truths. A lot of them." | Nov 10 20:33 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Clinton Probe Uses All Little Rock Agents | The Daily Caller | Nov 10 20:33 | |
schestowitz | Right now that HRC is out I will get back to what I did before, which is try to toppled the narcissist who is NOT YET in the WHite House. Not that we all have a good chance, but we can try. Need leaks... | Nov 10 20:34 |
schestowitz | toppled -> topple | Nov 10 20:34 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:36 |
-TechBytesBot/ Yes, #wikileaks proved it with a leak last week. #sanders was co-opted contractually by the #dnc | Nov 10 20:36 | |
schestowitz | "You are a conspiracy monger. That is total bullshit. Sanders ran an insurgency candidacy in a party that he was not in. The party favored its own. Sanders had a greater effect than any 3rd party has ever had. He said from the very start that he would support the democratic candidate. You are mad that he kept his fucking word! He would have been in charge of the Senate Budget committee. Now he is in charge of nothing. He forced a leftward | Nov 10 20:36 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz he was a shill from the start , had a non aggression policy with hitlery | Nov 10 20:36 | |
schestowitz | shift in the democratic party platform, now irrelevant. You novices with your sophomoric conspiracy theories in lieu of critical analysis have fucked everything up for everybody, including yourselves. Believe it." | Nov 10 20:36 |
schestowitz | Did you actually examine the leak about it? | Nov 10 20:36 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:36 |
-TechBytesBot/ #xkcd should have been with @drjillstein but the corporate media is hiding non-corporate options | Nov 10 20:36 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | xkcd: I'm With Her | Nov 10 20:36 | |
schestowitz | "so disappointing…" | Nov 10 20:36 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:36 |
-TechBytesBot/ Why Trump is President (to be inaugurated) source: #wikilleaks leak. #podestaemails36 #dncleak2 | Nov 10 20:36 | |
schestowitz | "Too late." | Nov 10 20:36 |
schestowitz | Not really, depends what you accomplish and at what stage | Nov 10 20:37 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:37 |
-TechBytesBot/ Who was stripped by #police before he committed suicide? The founder of #debian Ian Murdock. SF Police. Notorious in their community. | Nov 10 20:37 | |
schestowitz | "Well that’s sad 😦' | Nov 10 20:37 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:38 |
-TechBytesBot/ | These anti-terrorism posters echo Nazi propaganda | Susie Symes | Opinion | The Guardian | Nov 10 20:38 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:47 |
-TechBytesBot/ Yes, #wikileaks proved it with a leak last week. #sanders was co-opted contractually by the #dnc | Nov 10 20:47 | |
schestowitz | "Does it prove that we are better off with Trump? No it does not. I do not have to read it. Nothing would surprise me." | Nov 10 20:47 |
schestowitz | Again, missing the point. What Wikileaks got was enough to finish the career of HRC and staff; if it got Trump leaks, we'd press on those. Now is the time to expose the other corrupt party and if you're no longer sharing with me, then you're missing out the stuff you'd probably agree with | Nov 10 20:48 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:49 |
-TechBytesBot/ Supporting #wikileaks does not at all mean supporting Trump. It just means supporting #transparency and truth, even when inconvenient. | Nov 10 20:49 | |
schestowitz | "You hated Clinton more and you know it." | Nov 10 20:49 |
schestowitz | "…and if you still believe she was as bad or worse then you are not “the converted” and you have no idea how bad trump or fascism really is.' | Nov 10 20:49 |
schestowitz | I never hated it. | Nov 10 20:49 |
schestowitz | I never hated her. | Nov 10 20:49 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:50 |
-TechBytesBot/ #erdogan attacked teachers, judges, newspapers, rival politicians etc. after he had seized power. #duterte getting there, will #DonCon too? | Nov 10 20:50 | |
schestowitz | "The time to do that was last week." | Nov 10 20:50 |
schestowitz | "yup. stopping the brown menace should have happed a little earlier" | Nov 10 20:50 |
schestowitz | "orange is the new brown" | Nov 10 20:50 |
schestowitz | #TrumpTape could take him down (I posted lots about it) but without new #trumpleaks we have too little material to work with ahead of the election | Nov 10 20:50 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:51 |
-TechBytesBot/ But it's OK 'coz her old 'buddy' got anally raped to death | Nov 10 20:51 | |
schestowitz | "Trump would be like - I came, I did not understand, I nuked em …" | Nov 10 20:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Hillary Clinton on Gaddafi: We came, we saw, he died - YouTube | Nov 10 20:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DailyCaller: Hillary Clinton Knew She Was Helping Islamists Move Into Power In Libya #WikiLeaks… | Nov 10 20:51 | |
schestowitz | It's funny, but not a realistic description of what would happen | Nov 10 20:51 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:52 |
-TechBytesBot/ Boo hoo. #nsa does not like #wikileaks - as if that surprises anyone. repeats the "Russia" smear | Nov 10 20:52 | |
schestowitz | "Pretty fly-on-the-wall for a Tor guy." | Nov 10 20:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks 'sowing seeds of own destruction': Former NSA deputy director Chris Inglis | Nov 10 20:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:52 |
-TechBytesBot/ "Bernie stands unequivocally, constructively, on one side of economic dichotomy. Trump pretends" #podestaemails35 | Nov 10 20:52 | |
schestowitz | "Bernie Sanders is an utter fraud. He’s with Killary. | Nov 10 20:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 10 20:52 | |
schestowitz | He sold out | Nov 10 20:52 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:53 |
-TechBytesBot/ #Accenture "runs a joint venture with Microsoft called Avanade" #microsoft HATES #linux Moles in #munich | Nov 10 20:53 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Open-source pioneer Munich debates report that suggests abandoning Linux for Windows 10 - TechRepublic | Nov 10 20:53 | |
schestowitz | The report looks like über-bullshit. | Nov 10 20:53 |
schestowitz | For example, if some opensource PDF reader does not render some PDF properly, why not use Acrobat Reader, which is available on Linux? | Nov 10 20:53 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:53 |
schestowitz | Exactly, contact the authorities, they're being fooled by Microsoft goons. AGAIN. | Nov 10 20:53 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:53 |
-TechBytesBot/ 11/9. #berlin wall fall anniversary and another new wall builder, because 9/11 and "terror". #trump | Nov 10 20:53 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 10 20:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PeterJBon: @maxschrems He's building a wall around the US. Like the Soviets did in Berlin, to control East Berlin. I'm not happy about this. | Nov 10 20:53 | |
schestowitz | today in the world are more walls like in time of cold war! | Nov 10 20:53 |
schestowitz | Mit offenen Karten - Sich schließende Grenzen | Nov 10 20:53 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:53 |
schestowitz | ' | Nov 10 20:53 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Mit offenen Karten - Sich schließende Grenzen - YouTube | Nov 10 20:53 | |
schestowitz | While at the same time many nations integrate migrants. Odd. | Nov 10 20:53 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:54 |
-TechBytesBot/ #0AD. Alpha 21 "Ulysses" Open-Source Game of Ancient Warfare Adds New Features #games | Nov 10 20:54 | |
schestowitz | "this game is awsome" | Nov 10 20:54 |
schestowitz | And libre | Nov 10 20:54 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 0 A.D. Alpha 21 "Ulysses" Open-Source Game of Ancient Warfare Adds New Features | Nov 10 20:54 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:54 |
-TechBytesBot/ #clinton has a daughter (only child) whose surname is a lot more Russian-sounding than #assange and probably trades with #russia | Nov 10 20:55 | |
schestowitz | "He might have a black love child. That young man has been going to the media in an attempt to get Bill Clinton to recognize him." | Nov 10 20:55 |
schestowitz | Ewww | Nov 10 20:55 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:55 |
-TechBytesBot/ Clinton emails: FBI chief may have broken law, says top Democrat this is getting serious | Nov 10 20:55 | |
schestowitz | "perhaps the real work begins, for the ‘new normal’ is always a work in progress. unless you possess a time machine that could transport us all back to the garden of eden. would you have one of those, Dr. Roy ?" | Nov 10 20:55 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Clinton emails: FBI chief may have broken law, says top Democrat - BBC News | Nov 10 20:55 | |
schestowitz | well, now we need to encourage people from Trump camp to blow the whistle so that the career of the other horrible candidate is in ruins | Nov 10 20:56 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:56 |
-TechBytesBot/ #ciapost tells us what we already knew--that #cia #nsa etc. wanted to take commands against foreigners, not domestic | Nov 10 20:56 | |
schestowitz | "The CIA is a particularly evil entity. I don’t care what they say, because it cannot be trusted." | Nov 10 20:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Intelligence community is already feeling a sense of dread about Trump - The Washington Post | Nov 10 20:56 | |
schestowitz | Except what their whistleblowers say, like Kiriakou and Sterling | Nov 10 20:56 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:57 |
-TechBytesBot/ China’s Internet Controls Will Get Stricter, to Dismay of Foreign Business #china #internet | Nov 10 20:57 | |
schestowitz | "There’s only so long they can stay anti-competitive before their work in turning poorer nations into productive outsourcing destinations backfires and China loses the corner it has on the market." | Nov 10 20:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Log In - New York Times | Nov 10 20:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:57 |
-TechBytesBot/ "Can they get counts on Italian Americans on voter lists" Imagine if he said "get counts on Jews" #podestaemails35 | Nov 10 20:57 | |
schestowitz | "I doubt they count the ‘commie’ vote." | Nov 10 20:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 10 20:58 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 20:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ Can a French-speaking person translate this for publication at #techrights please? | Nov 10 20:58 | |
schestowitz | "Thank you!" | Nov 10 20:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Billet d’humeur : le président de l’OEB a de nouveau frappé! – Neuhausen Café | Nov 10 20:58 | |
schestowitz | Will post this tonight/tomorrow | Nov 10 21:00 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 21:01 |
-TechBytesBot/ Canada's immigration website just crashed #canada #TrumpEffect #WellDoneDeplorables | Nov 10 21:01 | |
schestowitz | "just been to' | Nov 10 21:01 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Canadian immigration site crash: Election 2016 - Business Insider | Nov 10 21:01 | |
schestowitz | Microsoft IIS ;) | Nov 10 21:01 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Immigrate to Canada | Nov 10 21:01 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 21:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@StephenSyncox: @schestowitz @MABardino @dcexaminer @wikileaks The plague is corrupt politicians, Of all stripes. | Nov 10 21:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 21:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@IamFran13: @schestowitz @wikileaks ? You never made these comments during election. | Nov 10 21:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 21:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Boese_Zunge_: @schestowitz I am afraid you have been a useful idiot to some (no personal offense). There is a time for idealism. But not 2 weeks ahead of》 | Nov 10 21:23 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Boese_Zunge_: @schestowitz 》US prez #election when alternative to #Clinton is #PresidentTrump. BTW #Assange not an idealist. Exposed Manning recklessly | Nov 10 21:23 | |
schestowitz | No, FBI informant @6 ratted him out | Nov 10 21:23 |
schestowitz | | Nov 10 21:24 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Boese_Zunge_: @schestowitz maybe good intentions & I share your views on the pol. system. But you & those thinking alike were #Trump s best allies. | Nov 10 21:24 | |
schestowitz | > tuxmachines with javascript turned on automatically forwards to here: | Nov 10 22:21 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 10 22:21 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 10 22:21 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 10 22:21 |
schestowitz | > Thought you would want to know. | Nov 10 22:21 |
schestowitz | Yes, thanks, Rianne overlooked a spam submission | Nov 10 22:21 |
schestowitz | We're just deleted it. | Nov 10 22:21 |
schestowitz | Wish we spotted them more easily. | Nov 10 22:21 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 00:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Opinionated45: @schestowitz @dcexaminer @wikileaks There is much she has to be held accountable for, including treason. Life in jail would be 2 good 4 her. | Nov 11 00:19 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 00:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheDestro123: @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC HaHa #Brexit and #Trump forever! | Nov 11 00:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 00:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@janejohnson8793: @TerryGlotfelty @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC I just LOL. What does that say about education? BTW I'm educated and I stopped believing | Nov 11 00:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 00:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TerryGlotfelty: @janejohnson8793 @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC I think most of us are, Jane. It's a popular buzzword along with racist & misogynist. | Nov 11 00:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 00:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@miely0199: @schestowitz @charlenemckenn | Nov 11 00:21 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PIX11News: 'Subway therapy' Post-it notes give New Yorkers relief after election @DanMannarino | Nov 11 00:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 00:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@snowberry: @sircool099 @TerryGlotfelty @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC Told my CNN watching coworkers today they're the 6% LMAO | Nov 11 00:22 | |
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer). | Nov 11 09:00 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Nov 11 09:00:14 2016 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Nov 11 09:00:40 2016 | ||
*Now talking on #techbytes | Nov 11 09:00 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | Nov 11 09:00 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | Nov 11 09:00 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 09:55 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@angelneptustar: Violence, attacks on police, racist graffiti, Nazi slogans from Hillary supporters She makes no attempt to quell ri… | Nov 11 09:55 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@angelneptustar: Violence, attacks on police, racist graffiti, Nazi slogans from Hillary supporters She makes no attempt to quell ri… | Nov 11 09:55 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 09:55 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Forrest_UUID: @schestowitz although some of that graffiti is counterproductive protestor graffiti | Nov 11 09:55 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 09:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@We3forDemocracy: @schestowitz @thenation Snowden pointed out expanded spying programs etc could be more seriously abused by tyrants. Need urgent law changes | Nov 11 09:59 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:07 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Forrest_UUID: Hey @POTUS, I know Congress won't fund closing GTMO, but you could make noise about crowdsourcing it. Score some pr… | Nov 11 10:07 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Forrest_UUID: Hey @POTUS, I know Congress won't fund closing GTMO, but you could make noise about crowdsourcing it. Score some pr… | Nov 11 10:07 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheWay2TheHeart: He's going to try to push the #TPP through before he leaves office. Be Ever Watchful, America! #CorruptObama | Nov 11 10:07 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: 2 months left for #obama to close down #gitmo Better hurry up | Nov 11 10:07 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:18 |
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Firings will continue until morale improves - Merpel revisits the EPO | Nov 11 10:18 | |
schestowitz | " "For so long as there shall but one hundred of us remain alive we will never give consent to subject ourselves to the dominion of the tyrant. For it is not glory, it is not riches, neither is it honours, but it is liberty alone that we fight and contend for, which no honest man will lose but with his life."" | Nov 11 10:18 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @schestowitz @thenation you are a fake | Nov 11 10:27 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @schestowitz Trump did not give control of the internet away. OBAMA did | Nov 11 10:27 | |
schestowitz | The transition to IANA was a good thing. Cruz is a liar. | Nov 11 10:27 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@We3forDemocracy: @schestowitz But who did it??? There's been so many dirty tricks, Dirty Politics & Dirty PR from Clintonites, this is a reasonable question. | Nov 11 10:28 | |
schestowitz | Some people tell me that the protesters did it | Nov 11 10:28 |
schestowitz | Clinton's career is finished, I don't see what she can still hope to accomplish with this | Nov 11 10:28 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:29 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @schestowitz why dont you go away somewhere if you dont like Trump | Nov 11 10:29 | |
schestowitz | That's what Trump would want. "America for the white Republicans" or GTFO. | Nov 11 10:29 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:30 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @schestowitz What do you mean by this statement, Roy? | Nov 11 10:30 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz Don't you see? You're not some tiny fucking harmless island in some remote part of the globe.. | Nov 11 10:30 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz You inhabit one of the largest, most dangerous, warmongering, landgrabbing, criminal countries this planet has seen | Nov 11 10:30 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:31 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz The world is in peril... there will be NO escaping Trump & his megalomaniacal, irresponsible, greedy decisions | Nov 11 10:31 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:31 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz are you talking about yourself | Nov 11 10:31 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:32 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz THERE IS NO GOING AWAY ANYWHERE! You've got a man w mentality of 6yr old in charge(-ish) of that ecocidal machine! | Nov 11 10:32 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @schestowitz you must be one of those controlling it. Most tech people in USA felt it was treason by Obama. Can even support 1st US ammendme | Nov 11 10:32 | |
schestowitz | I guess you don't even know what IANA and ICANN are and how they operate, but you'd nod to technophobes like Cruz | Nov 11 10:33 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:33 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz My God! WHAT PLANET ARE YOU ON you bunch of murderers | Nov 11 10:33 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:34 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz a 6 yr old that run his business like a pro. He will run USA the same way. We dont need another lawyer in the WH | Nov 11 10:34 | |
schestowitz | Serial bankruptcies, born super-wealthy, to rely on lawyer connections in the WH to embezzle the public. Treats women like objects. | Nov 11 10:35 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:36 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@We3forDemocracy: @schestowitz The shadow government wanted Clinton. She has a huge $multi-million dollar military like PR operation | Nov 11 10:36 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz So a country is just a "business", now? Is that REALLY all you think a country is (or should be?)? A business? | Nov 11 10:36 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz the peril world was not created by Trump, it was created by Obama and Hillary and the EU that thought ME solve prob | Nov 11 10:36 | |
schestowitz | A lot was continuation of Bush's invasions in the Middle East, based on lies | Nov 11 10:36 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:37 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@We3forDemocracy: @schestowitz The obsession with power and influence (like money) - is an irresistible addiction for some | Nov 11 10:37 | |
schestowitz | That's all they've got and get recognition for | Nov 11 10:37 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:37 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz what do you think? A country sells to others the same a business sells its wares. | Nov 11 10:37 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:38 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz It may not have been 'created' by him bt you can bet yr VERY bottom dollar his business practices were unscrupulous | Nov 11 10:38 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:39 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@We3forDemocracy: @schestowitz In other words, I am sceptical that these "protests", especially violent/ vandal type ones are "spontaneous" | Nov 11 10:39 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:40 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @schestowitz i am not in technology but I saw one of their leaders saying that they would not support freedom of speech. | Nov 11 10:40 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:44 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @schestowitz @Nani194347 Exactly! Capitalist maggot has been eating its way in2 the social/ environmental fabric of our society 4 decades + | Nov 11 10:44 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:44 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz have you done business with Trump? Aren't you judgemental to speak that way about someone you dont know | Nov 11 10:45 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz But WHAT ware's made from WHICH resources stolen from WHO's lands? | Nov 11 10:45 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz do you call capitalism to working hard? Socialism is failing in Europe. I am housing a 27 yr old with 3 degrees | Nov 11 10:45 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz that cant find a job in her country and bounces from country to country hoping she can find one. She works hard | Nov 11 10:47 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz goods and services sold by USA corp. England does the same. | Nov 11 10:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:47 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz ..on the back of WHO'S toil the suffering of HOW MANY, the blood of WHAT NUMBER, the future of ALL OF OUR CHILDREN? | Nov 11 10:47 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz man you are crazy. Find yourself a therapist | Nov 11 10:47 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz Yes, you're absolutely right. England does (much..) the same. But your guy is blatently PROUD of his intentions | Nov 11 10:48 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz ..& threatens to set a most dangerous example/ precedent for leaders the world over. | Nov 11 10:57 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz We are SUPPOSED TO BE CUSTODIANS OF THIS PLANET & OF EACHOTHER! WHERE THE FUCK IS THE HUMANITY? | Nov 11 10:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 10:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JazzoRenee: @schestowitz @wikileaks Name 1 President that didn't benefit Wall Street,if you have a 401k or own a home you're being a hypocrite right now | Nov 11 10:57 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JazzoRenee: @schestowitz @wikileaks Oh look a Brit talking nonsense about American history. | Nov 11 10:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz Already found 1! With likes of EITHER of yr criminal candidates running our planet in2 the abyss we'll ALL need it! | Nov 11 11:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz please check the definition of Humanity. Humanity is not to riot and destroy personal property. Prejudging is not | Nov 11 11:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@amy_ciocan: @schestowitz is out my "religion"read cnn ... @POTUS | Nov 11 11:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:06 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz That's a different issue, no doubt supported with #Soros 'Open Society Foundation' funding! So, #NotOnOurTurf, huh? | Nov 11 11:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:20 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Snowden: OH: "Democracy means people get the government they deserve." "not helping." | Nov 11 11:20 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @schestowitz the best of the two evils. Hillary is not an angel. She became multimillionaire selling her country. Trump u laws created by ot | Nov 11 11:21 | |
schestowitz | They're both bad | Nov 11 11:21 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz so what exactly do you support? | Nov 11 11:21 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz Honestly...why do you have 2 follow me? I don't make it my habit to argue & I don't follow people in pursuit of it! | Nov 11 11:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:22 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz Something better, fairer and more peaceful than where it looks like we're headed. | Nov 11 11:22 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz because I like to know how others think. 69, working, survivor of breast cancer etc | Nov 11 11:22 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz if aging is wisdom, most aging people thought Trump was the best choice. You cant relate to that unless u are old | Nov 11 11:23 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rarename91: @schestowitz @wikileaks they have nothing on him. | Nov 11 11:23 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rarename91: @schestowitz @alegendarylad @wikileaks @WashTimes yes he did its on the website ] | Nov 11 11:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz I PROMISE you I'm not as young as my photo depicts! I guess its all so relative/ multifactoral. | Nov 11 11:27 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@1Hendorable1: Don't tell me the US is going to start using drones again when Trump is President! | Nov 11 11:27 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: When #goldendawnald sends #drones to kill people will he say "you're fired" or "you're fried"? See #blowback assured | Nov 11 11:27 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz Not socialistically knowledgable enough 4 accurate response but understand there's almost NO TRUE examples anywhere | Nov 11 11:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dcmarti1992: @schestowitz @LinuxSocist @Microsoft THIS is all I ever need to know about your products. | Nov 11 11:50 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Steve Ballmer Going CRAZY!!! - YouTube | Nov 11 11:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 11:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @maradydd @proximus same arrassment here. Proximus violates the 1998 law on personal data. I had to complain to the Mediator of telecoms. | Nov 11 11:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 12:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz ...the very existence of Capitalism will not permit a true model to exist. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong | Nov 11 12:16 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz agree. Not pure form of any discipline | Nov 11 12:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 12:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rckchalk: Noooo | Nov 11 12:16 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #wikileaks showed that #obama personally implicated in #servergate (he knew), so this is what he'll waste time doing | Nov 11 12:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 12:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz I assume only hope of trying 2 make it work is 2 barricade yourself off as a country: thereby creating dictatorship | Nov 11 12:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 12:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz as an accountant I have seen many abuses by illegal immigrants. They use all possible resources available in the | Nov 11 12:17 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz ...and destroying foundation of what socialism should be. Meanwhile, the world looks on in horror or laughs! :( | Nov 11 12:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 12:17 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz country but they do not pay taxes. It is expensive for the country and frequently US citizens are neglected | Nov 11 12:17 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 12:18 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz socialism does not work. It rewards apathy and laziness | Nov 11 12:18 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz ...I do understand but it's difficult when yr from a country that's been brought to its knees (often by your host!) | Nov 11 12:18 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nani194347: @stedsimple @schestowitz yes by Obama and Hillary | Nov 11 12:18 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 12:31 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KateLeah030: @JillFilipovic @schestowitz MSM is no longer valid. After the MSM Goebbel's like behavior Trump shud ignore them & use only REAL journalists | Nov 11 12:31 | |
schestowitz | The problem is, this category will extend, over time, to any person who only ever writes positively about Trump. #erdogan | Nov 11 12:32 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 12:41 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KateLeah030: @schestowitz That would be true if the outlets weren't owned & controlled by NWO-which our MSM is. Ministries of NWO propaganda not news | Nov 11 12:41 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 12:41 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sandita30: @schestowitz @yournewswire This wouldn't bother me if it included closing CGI and giving all the money to Haiti as a penalty. | Nov 11 12:41 | |
schestowitz | Nice idea | Nov 11 12:42 |
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer). | Nov 11 17:49 | |
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Nov 11 17:49:46 2016 | ||
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Nov 11 17:50:11 2016 | ||
*Now talking on #techbytes | Nov 11 17:50 | |
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes Audiocast | Nov 11 17:50 | |
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | Nov 11 17:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mobilejpop: @terminsane @laurelrusswurm @ajamubaraka @schestowitz #Truth | Nov 11 17:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mobilejpop: @terminsane @laurelrusswurm @ajamubaraka @schestowitz this is the point! The time is NOW to start pushing Progressive Green candidates, 2018 | Nov 11 17:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: #indonesia must sort this - a problem of global importance | Nov 11 17:50 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "As the recurrence of the haze crisis this year has shown, mere regulations alone do not prevent forest fires." | Nov 11 17:50 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@belindacarreiro: @schestowitz ...micro-mgnt at it's best, are we justice or just soft target$? | Nov 11 17:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:51 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoWayBackToEU: Interesting take on pollster micromodelling and targeted Facebook ads. It obviously doesn't work @LordAshcroft | Nov 11 17:51 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "This ought to be a wake-up call for all this stuff, but I bet it won’t be." | Nov 11 17:51 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@belindacarreiro: @schestowitz ..filtering fact 2 adhere 2 an altered-ego is population control(leggo our eggos??? | Nov 11 17:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz And the trillions syphoned by the #banks / #banksters, that's ay-ok? Man, the powers that be play us like orchestra | Nov 11 17:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz I guess that's what we're spoon-fed! Strange how countries closer to approximating model don't have that problem! | Nov 11 17:52 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @Nani194347 @schestowitz | Nov 11 17:53 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | socialist countries - Google Search | Nov 11 17:53 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@smallbiztool: @schestowitz It's President Trump to you | Nov 11 17:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@smallbiztool: @schestowitz Take your Climate Change and get lost! | Nov 11 17:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hotcitykitty: Myron Ebell, director of Center for Energy 👉Trump’s transition plans for EPA Take Note: The Guy who will finish off… | Nov 11 17:53 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hotcitykitty: Myron Ebell, director of Center for Energy 👉Trump’s transition plans for EPA Take Note: The Guy who will finish off… | Nov 11 17:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:53 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Scriptonite: @schestowitz @guardian Love how the MSM which has been inciting racial hatred and neoliberal economics now blames everyone else. | Nov 11 17:53 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:54 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@heyjdey: | Nov 11 17:54 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ ) | Nov 11 17:54 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: .@Econghost And like all cults, they have a common enemy and they've been taught that Wikileaks is malicious Russian "fakes" operation ^_^ | Nov 11 17:54 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:54 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MissyPassMeyer: @schestowitz What abtdemographics that have altered r culture since 1965? All illegals O bused in? If we don't deport& repeal US willvanish | Nov 11 17:54 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:54 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Home monitoring will soon monitor you. @schestowitz | Nov 11 17:54 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Internet of Things Will Help Home Monitoring Monitor You - The Atlantic | Nov 11 17:54 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:55 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Jvas2727: @schestowitz Racketeering? How about we start with the Clinton Foundation which I'm sure would've been pardoned and overlooked if she'd won | Nov 11 17:55 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dj_dwjohns1: @NicholsUprising @schestowitz @thenation yes we know so did the founders of this country | Nov 11 17:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ShanaLin4: @NicholsUprising @schestowitz What this tells us is that the majority of wealthy ppl picked HRC. | Nov 11 17:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:56 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@manticlops: @schestowitz Big Pence fan? | Nov 11 17:56 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@seywarddarby: @Diamandbacks @schestowitz that was disproven. Not the KKK. | Nov 11 17:57 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@buderfly7: @schestowitz @wikileaks Why would a 70 yr old billionaire put his family and self thru this? Worked his ass off and took a lot of slander | Nov 11 17:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@brookselaine70: @ShanaLin4 @NicholsUprising @schestowitz Get real. | Nov 11 17:57 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ShanaLin4: @brookselaine70 @NicholsUprising @schestowitz You don't know how the electoral college works or why it exists. | Nov 11 17:58 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@brookselaine70: @ShanaLin4 @NicholsUprising @schestowitz Actually, I do. Wanna try me? | Nov 11 17:58 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ShanaLin4: @brookselaine70 @NicholsUprising @schestowitz Sure. Have at it. | Nov 11 17:58 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@svagdis: @schestowitz well maybe there's nothing to hide Wikileaks has said they hav found nothing on GOP @wikileaks @WashTimes | Nov 11 17:58 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SBBsuechtig: Na zum Glück ist mein PC immer stromlos, wenn ich ihn nicht benutze 😊 | Nov 11 17:58 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #intel chips "can be used remotely even while the PC is powered off" | Nov 11 17:58 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hotcitykitty: Trump @GOP determined to kill the planet 😜Trump probably thinks he can alter Physics | Nov 11 17:58 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #Trump Picks Top Climate Skeptic to Lead #EPA Transition deniers, not 'skeptics' | Nov 11 17:58 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 17:59 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ItsAllLies: @schestowitz @wikileaks NOT SO! One thing can never be said abt @realDonaldTrump is he forgets his friends or his enemies! #Freejulian PLZ!! | Nov 11 17:59 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:00 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Wesley_Inman: @schestowitz @wikileaks Please sign and share the Pardon Assange/Snowden Petition! | Nov 11 18:00 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Petition · President Donald Trump: President Trump- Pardon American Heroes Snowden and Assange · | Nov 11 18:00 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:00 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Wesley_Inman: @alegendarylad @schestowitz @wikileaks @WashTimes Please sign and share the Pardon Assange/Snowden Petition! | Nov 11 18:00 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:01 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Samoan_Attorney: Ping @schestowitz | Nov 11 18:01 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mlake9: @ggreenwald remember how you didn't think the Russians were Wikileaks' source? | Nov 11 18:01 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@laurelrusswurm: @mobilejpop That is the problem with #WinnerTakeAll politics... nobody knows. Why need system change. @ajamubaraka @schestowitz @terminsane | Nov 11 18:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@laurelrusswurm: @mobilejpop Approx 25% voted #HRC, Approx 25% voted #Trump. Approx 50% voted for none of the above. @ajamubaraka @schestowitz @terminsane | Nov 11 18:02 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@laurelrusswurm: Do you think this system is working well? @ajamubaraka @mobilejpop @schestowitz @terminsane | Nov 11 18:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@laurelrusswurm: @terminsane No. HRC lost because she could not get enough support. Trump won because he could win enough support. @ajamubaraka @schestowitz | Nov 11 18:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@laurelrusswurm: @terminsane As it stands, the system is weighted to elect just such governments. @ajamubaraka @schestowitz | Nov 11 18:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@readergordonbp: @schestowitz ?????? | Nov 11 18:03 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EPietrafesa: “18 Seconds Are Enough” — Security Researchers Hack Microsoft’s #Windows10 Browser #stiamosereni #stiamodifesi va | Nov 11 18:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@laurelrusswurm: @mobilejpop Also engage the unengaged, raise awareness the system badly broken 2 accomplish anything. @ajamubaraka @schestowitz @terminsane | Nov 11 18:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@momg1952: @schestowitz @wikileaks @WashTimes you're an asshat-plain and simple | Nov 11 18:03 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@victorRuivoBR: Brazil's FedGov (@MichelTemer) falls to Micro$oft lobby. A sad day for free/libre sftware activists. @schestowitz | Nov 11 18:04 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:04 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:04 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ ) | Nov 11 18:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheRaticals: | Nov 11 18:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #wikileaks keeps on combating #corruption | Nov 11 18:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- (Re-tweeted by davewfpboyle) | Nov 11 18:06 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wood_luce: @schestowitz @wikileaks too busy turning out thousands of violent drug dealers all over the country | Nov 11 18:06 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:16 |
-TechBytesBot/ #OpenMW 0.40 - Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind on Linux #gnu #linux #games | Nov 11 18:16 | |
schestowitz | "Super!" | Nov 11 18:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Linux Rain - OpenMW 0.40 - Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind on Linux | Nov 11 18:16 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:16 |
-TechBytesBot/ Open-source database #PostgreSQL powering #GOVUK portal lots of #postgres in #uk gov now | Nov 11 18:16 | |
schestowitz | "Never intended to use MySQL. Don’t know about Maria." | Nov 11 18:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Open-source database PostgreSQL powering GOV.UK portal | Joinup | Nov 11 18:17 | |
schestowitz | Very similar, quite good for Web applications | Nov 11 18:17 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:17 |
-TechBytesBot/ Passage of the political sceptre to Trump reminds me of these times when a firm is passed to an aggressive liquidator. He'll ruin everything | Nov 11 18:17 | |
schestowitz | "Actually, myself and I think a lot of other Americans are more than ready for some large-scale liquidatiion. There’s just entirely too much government over here! | Nov 11 18:17 |
schestowitz | 'Shutting down government depts is not liquidation though | Nov 11 18:17 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:19 |
-TechBytesBot/ Expect a lot of "Russia" and "Terrorism" (or both) in tomorrow's newspapers. Uniting the masses under the "protect us!" umbrella. | Nov 11 18:19 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 18:19 |
schestowitz | “To repress rebellion is to maintain the status quo, a condition which binds the mortal creature in a state of intellectual or physical slavery. But it is impossible to chain man merely by slaving his body; the mind also must be held, and to accomplish this, fear is the accepted weapon. The common man must fear life, fear death, fear God, fear the Devil, and fear most the overlords, the keepers of his destiny.” | Nov 11 18:19 |
schestowitz | - Manly P. Hall | Nov 11 18:19 |
schestowitz | '" Manly P. Hall" | Nov 11 18:19 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Secret Teachings of All Ages Index | Nov 11 18:19 | |
schestowitz | Eventually no terror attacks. Nothing. | Nov 11 18:20 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:20 |
-TechBytesBot/ #erdogan attacked teachers, judges, newspapers, rival politicians etc. after he had seized power. #duterte getting there, will #DonCon too? | Nov 11 18:20 | |
schestowitz | "Ahead of what election? The election is over. You had too little material back then to go posting partisan half truths but you did it anyway." | Nov 11 18:20 |
schestowitz | If there were leaks about Trump, I'd analyse and report on them too. Would rather take two bags of trash out at the same time, but this time could only do one at a time. based on reports, it's possible to impeach Trump, though his buddy Pants is miles worse | Nov 11 18:21 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:23 |
-TechBytesBot/ From the man who called political opponent "nasty woman" (to her face!) after sexually assaulting women | Nov 11 18:23 | |
schestowitz | "I think some are worried too much about things Trump’s probably not going to have time to deal with. Some of his bolder ideas, the ones more central to his platform and nearer to his heart, will surely keep him too busy to “wage war on reproductive rights”.' | Nov 11 18:23 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 18:23 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | American Women Are Preparing for a War on Reproductive Rights Under President Trump | Nov 11 18:23 | |
schestowitz | @Seven How close to his heart is this?: | Nov 11 18:23 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:23 |
schestowitz | ' | Nov 11 18:23 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Donald Trump on Edward Snowden: Kill the 'traitor' - Washington Times | Nov 11 18:23 | |
schestowitz | It's very clear that Rump and Pants will go after reproductive rights and abortion rights. Not a question of capacity. | Nov 11 18:24 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:24 |
-TechBytesBot/ Atom 1.12 #atom new release of an editor for #programming Does anyone here use it? I use #kate | Nov 11 18:24 | |
schestowitz | "I use it more and more… Development on Zed seems to have stopped, and as I get used to it there’s some really nice extensions for Atom." | Nov 11 18:24 |
schestowitz | "I use sins one year now… to code (Fortran, C++) and to write notes (Markdown)." | Nov 11 18:24 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Atom 1.12 - Atom Blog | Nov 11 18:24 | |
schestowitz | Does Atom work well with Qt and GTK envs? | Nov 11 18:25 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:25 |
-TechBytesBot/ Re "Microsoft shill #Accenture at work. MS works through proxies even more now that it "loves" Linux""-iophk | Nov 11 18:25 | |
schestowitz | "Do people still read Zdnet?" | Nov 11 18:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | City that swapped Windows for Linux debates proposed Windows 10 move | ZDNet | Nov 11 18:25 | |
schestowitz | "Even the smallest Microsoft use causes great pain, so it’s better to dump all of it and wall off what can’t be avoided. That’s exactly what Munich has done but Microsoft continues to make as much trouble for them as possible.' | Nov 11 18:25 |
schestowitz | Zdnet is in google news and this article was 'borrowed' from a sister site. it helps make us aware of Microsoft's latest attack plan, the author is not anti-Linux at all. | Nov 11 18:26 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:27 |
-TechBytesBot/ #Ubuntu 16.10 Flavors Comparison: Ubuntu vs #UbuntuGNOME vs #Kubuntu vs #Xubuntu #gnu #linux | Nov 11 18:27 | |
schestowitz | "I’m a bit bored of Ubuntu. Is it the most known distro? Yes. Does it suck because you have to change it every 6 months,but LTS? Yes. It could be good talking about programs, repositories instead of just flavors." | Nov 11 18:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu 16.10 Flavors Comparison: Ubuntu vs Ubuntu GNOME vs Kubuntu vs Xubuntu | Nov 11 18:27 | |
schestowitz | "yes, so bored' | Nov 11 18:27 |
schestowitz | LTS release last long and have quick patches. Wife and I use LTS releases. She uses 12.04 still... | Nov 11 18:28 |
schestowitz | *releases | Nov 11 18:28 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:28 |
-TechBytesBot/ This Photo Of Sad Obama Staffers Isn’t From Trump’s White House Visit people rightly worry. | Nov 11 18:28 | |
schestowitz | "Remember Every One Of These Jackwagons…especially the skanky one on the left…" | Nov 11 18:28 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | This Photo Of Sad Obama Staffers Isn't From Trump's White House Visit - BuzzFeed News | Nov 11 18:29 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 18:29 |
schestowitz | to Alfred E. Neuman- if your spirit is representative of what the Trumpster will bring to us, may God have mercy on your soul and on all of us, for certainly there is no grace in your heart. A real American Champion would allow the losers a little space in their defeat; you would rather kick a man when he is down, a cowardly gesture worthy of an insecure bully and not in the tradition of any ‘great’ American hero. Where is your shame , | Nov 11 18:29 |
schestowitz | sir. After you destroy America, will you then prefer to drag the whole world into your cesspool of hate. At least post a real photo so we can see what a knuckle-dragging throwback of a human you are. | Nov 11 18:29 |
schestowitz | A true patriot you are not. Lose the negativity, bud, or find a less enlightened board to post on. | Nov 11 18:29 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 18:29 |
schestowitz | Yes, sad... | Nov 11 18:30 |
schestowitz | Not sure if you noticed, but I posted a lot of material from wikileaks for several weeks, had a big impact. Got millions of impressions per day in Twitter alone and it helped expose her true nature. But I'm not happy about Trump winning. | Nov 11 18:31 |
schestowitz | *impact on Clinton | Nov 11 18:31 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 18:33 |
-TechBytesBot/ Yes, #wikileaks proved it with a leak last week. #sanders was co-opted contractually by the #dnc | Nov 11 18:33 | |
schestowitz | "I found nothing under the tag #trumptapes but more antihillary dribble. I don’t believe you have anything. If you do, post it on one of these threads where I still get notifications. I can’t stand to read your posts anymore." | Nov 11 18:33 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@outerheaven1776: @schestowitz he was a shill from the start , had a non aggression policy with hitlery | Nov 11 18:33 | |
schestowitz | Instead of getting all angry, let's work together to bring down the Trump camp. It's attainable, and I tried repeatedly to solicit Trump leaks. I still try. | Nov 11 18:35 |
schestowitz | Not sure if you noticed, but I posted a lot of material from wikileaks for several weeks, had a big impact on Clinton not because I wanted her to lose (I assumed she would win either way). I'm not happy about Trump winning. | Nov 11 18:35 |
schestowitz | Both candidates this time around were a disgrace. Low voter turnout in spite of all the fear tactics. Let's try to set things rights... it's never too late and I think leaks will facilitate Big Change. | Nov 11 18:35 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:39 |
-TechBytesBot/ It would be wise for #wikileaks to immediately start publishing non-US leaks, to shake off the bogus impression that it meddles. #defendWL | Nov 11 19:39 | |
schestowitz | "Well you better get to work. I did not wait till after the election to become an antifascist. | Nov 11 19:39 |
schestowitz | Fair point | Nov 11 19:39 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:39 |
-TechBytesBot/ It's unlikely that Trump fans will accept it, but he won't win and it's better to invest one's vote in @DrJillStein | Nov 11 19:39 | |
schestowitz | "It is better to NOT VOTE (bourgeois) – and to take your ‘vote’ to the streets." | Nov 11 19:39 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-No status found with that ID. | Nov 11 19:39 | |
schestowitz | Sometimes you can do - and should do - both | Nov 11 19:40 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:40 |
-TechBytesBot/ Lots of explosions here tonight, non-stop ( #bonfirenight ). Does #wikileaks too have something explosive coming? #podestaemails31 | Nov 11 19:40 | |
schestowitz | "Australia or Manchester?" | Nov 11 19:40 |
schestowitz | manchester | Nov 11 19:40 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:41 |
-TechBytesBot/ #linux good flooded this month. Flooded in the headlines. "Dirty" and "COW". Anything to make it look bad? Even >local-only< bug? | Nov 11 19:41 | |
schestowitz | "Given how connected everything is these days, calling it ‘local only’ isn’t much help. Remember the ‘shatter attack’ on Windows? Local only… ;-)" | Nov 11 19:41 |
schestowitz | This flaw can be chained with another to be remotely-exploitable, but not on its own (remote to local to root) | Nov 11 19:41 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:42 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: #NES Classic Is a Quad-Core Linux Computer #linux #gnu | Nov 11 19:42 | |
schestowitz | "Hacking à prévoir? :)" | Nov 11 19:42 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | NES Classic Is a Quad-Core Linux Computer - Console Games - Products | Nov 11 19:42 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:42 |
-TechBytesBot/ #KStars Lite 1.0.0 is released on Google Play! #kde #freesw #android | Nov 11 19:42 | |
schestowitz | "Will it be coming to #F-Droid soon/at_all for us Google-less folk?" | Nov 11 19:42 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Jasem's Ekosphere: KStars Lite 1.0.0 is released on Google Play! | Nov 11 19:42 | |
schestowitz | What about mobile-less people like myself ;-) ? | Nov 11 19:42 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:43 |
-TechBytesBot/ Mr @snowden is going to have to stay in #russia for a long time to come | Nov 11 19:43 | |
schestowitz | "He couldn’t have returned with Clinton in charge, either." | Nov 11 19:43 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Donald Trump on Edward Snowden: Kill the 'traitor' - Washington Times | Nov 11 19:43 | |
schestowitz | True, Stein and Johnson both made explicit promises to pardon him. Stein even said she'd give him a gov. position. | Nov 11 19:43 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:44 |
-TechBytesBot/ #microsoft site mocks #gnu #linux users how fitting #MicrosoftHatesLinux | Nov 11 19:44 | |
schestowitz | "Good work on these posts. We’re long overdue for rebooting the anti-Microsoft campaigns from the 90s. More people than ever are using Microsoft products, not knowing the history and philosophy of the company. Microsoft’s poison is in phones, cars, people’s workstations, and everything between. There are plenty of reasons to hit Microsoft’s philosophy and product line like we used to, and even more people are online now to see the | Nov 11 19:44 |
schestowitz | message: MS is an enemy of freedom." | Nov 11 19:44 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Dishonored 2 Linux support is only a pipe dream | Nov 11 19:45 | |
schestowitz | it's now trying to undermine Munich's Linux success story, by proxy (#Accenture) | Nov 11 19:45 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:46 |
-TechBytesBot/ Maybe one day IAM won't be #battistelli poodle anymore. I sure hope so, They can do better. #journalism not churnalism for #epo | Nov 11 19:46 | |
schestowitz | "As I read your post a thought springs to mind. Is there any potential for some kind of network-reputational-veracity-journalism webthing? Why don’t we have some protocol for good journalists attributing a unique ID to every fact that they purport, linked back to their profile, enduring and liable to falsification over time. Maybe block chained so there ain’t no denyin it. Undislcosed sources? Over time they would eventually be disclosed | Nov 11 19:46 |
schestowitz | and the subject would be yet another potential witness to refine the rating of the item and ultimately the hack’s reputation. We might then begin to see who is feeding us the truth" | Nov 11 19:46 |
schestowitz | I have done this before and got flak for it, from those mentioned negatively | Nov 11 19:46 |
-TechBytesBot/ | The Free Software Credibility Index | Techrights | Nov 11 19:46 | |
schestowitz | > Wow, that's more than the entire states of New York and Pennsylvania | Nov 11 19:48 |
schestowitz | > combined. Be careful though, is there any way they can trace you? | Nov 11 19:48 |
schestowitz | I do this under my real name, I'm not directly affiliated with WL, I just help out where I can. | Nov 11 19:49 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:49 |
-TechBytesBot/ Making #clinton appear as though she cares for non-privileged and non-whites #PodestaEmails30 | Nov 11 19:49 | |
schestowitz | "Awe they got their wittle feewings hurt? The fucking assholes just got neoliberalism on steriods. The fools! Their deplorable stupidity is their own damn fault. And we will all pay. And wikileaks did this." | Nov 11 19:49 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 11 19:49 | |
schestowitz | No, it fed or spread this, not by intention (WL does not even wish to be associated with them) | Nov 11 19:49 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:49 |
-TechBytesBot/ Mafia talk. See the #podestaemail where he compares himself to Mafiosos from Hollywood. | Nov 11 19:49 | |
schestowitz | "yep" | Nov 11 19:50 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wikileaks: Podesta on Bernie Sanders: "I agree.. Where should we stick the knife in?" | Nov 11 19:50 | |
schestowitz | Well, you never know... | Nov 11 19:50 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:52 |
-TechBytesBot/ One more day of #us #election final stretch and then I can go back to focusing on #freesw and #patents as before. Sad vision of US... :( | Nov 11 19:52 | |
schestowitz | "Thanks for thinking kindly of us. Goodness knows we’re all in for a wild ride now. Tomorrow they announce our driver for the trip. :P" | Nov 11 19:52 |
schestowitz | My fear became true. And now we need to crank up the antifac machine. | Nov 11 19:52 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:53 |
-TechBytesBot/ No matter if your calendar says 9/11 or 11/9 (M/D, D/M), it's date #chile got horrible regime installed, US got same, & buildings collapsed | Nov 11 19:53 | |
schestowitz | "A LOT of predictive programming concerning that date has been found in mainstream U.S. entertainment by many people. I don’t know what to make of it; almost certainly, some of it is people just reading too much into things. But I’ve seen SO MUCH that I find it hard to think it’s ALL delusion. The oligarchs seem to have a fascination for that date, and it’s not surprising, considering their interest in the occult." | Nov 11 19:53 |
schestowitz | No, that's all bullshit. Don't fall for it. Decoy for people who don't grasp probabilities. | Nov 11 19:54 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:55 |
-TechBytesBot/ New E-mails in #podestaemails33 show yet more examples of Clinton staff SLAMMING her (Hill and Chelsea, both) | Nov 11 19:55 | |
schestowitz | "Even if one oligarchic faction ‘takes out’ another oligarchic faction here… we’re still left with oligarchic factions ruling over us. ‘Collectively’." | Nov 11 19:55 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FoxBusiness: #Clinton aide says @ClintonFdn paid for Chelsea’s wedding, @WikiLeaks emails show. | Nov 11 19:55 | |
schestowitz | yes, but we can take two bags of trash at the same time. Now we need to focus on the remaining faction. Some trials over fraud, racketeering and sexual assault on their way. need leaks... | Nov 11 19:56 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:57 |
-TechBytesBot/ "Nearly 700 000 people are killed by hepatitis C yearly, where preventive vaccines are lacking." When greed kills | Nov 11 19:57 | |
schestowitz | "Wait…you can vaccinate against Hep-C??" | Nov 11 19:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WHO Makes Headway In Hepatitis C Treatment Access Campaign - Intellectual Property Watch | Nov 11 19:57 | |
schestowitz | Why not? | Nov 11 19:57 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ Nationalism in #poland faces #facebook #censorship | Nov 11 19:58 | |
schestowitz | "Diaspora seem to be the way to go for them." | Nov 11 19:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Far-right groups in Poland protest Facebook 'censorship' after social media accounts removed | Nov 11 19:58 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Facebook Blocks Profiles Of Far-Right Polish Groups, Sparks Protests « CBS San Francisco | Nov 11 19:58 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Journal 11/05/2016 | Far-right Polish groups protest Facebook profile blockages | Nov 11 19:58 | |
schestowitz | maybe, but I'm not sure I'd welcome there, they can set up their own pod and talk to one another | Nov 11 19:58 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 19:59 |
-TechBytesBot/ Myron Ebell: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know #trump crushes #epa | Nov 11 19:59 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Myron Ebell: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | | Nov 11 19:59 | |
schestowitz | "had heard that-“Idiocracy” comes to reality, and we thought it was only a movie." | Nov 11 19:59 |
schestowitz | happened here with #brexit | Nov 11 19:59 |
schestowitz | Re: Pence speaking sincerely | Nov 11 20:04 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 11 20:04 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Mike Pence says "shalom" to Israel's Republicans - YouTube | Nov 11 20:04 | |
schestowitz | Bullshit pandering from the new nazi party, playing along the same lines the nazi party did when it came to power and offered Jews 'transfer' to Palestine. | Nov 11 20:04 |
schestowitz | Don't be fooled. Rump and Pants will do enormous damage to what's left of the US, where many now live in poverty and high gun crime areas. | Nov 11 20:04 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Totenleserin: @schestowitz @dcexaminer @wikileaks taxes..... I want to study tax leaks or didnt Putin approve them | Nov 11 20:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce except the evidence was literally screenshots and the idea that wikileaks is biased is hardly a conspiracy | Nov 11 20:08 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:10 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PunkleJones: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @SwiftOnSecurity No it isnt. I took this screenshot right now. And here is the archive s… | Nov 11 20:10 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PunkleJones: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @SwiftOnSecurity No it isnt. I took this screenshot right now. And here is the archive s… | Nov 11 20:10 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce you're acting like its some outlandish horrifying suggestion that wikileaks is partisan lmao | Nov 11 20:10 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce if you block people for sending followers to spam your page with shite you're clearly not worth entertaining sure | Nov 11 20:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:11 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PunkleJones: @ProfAlySnape @schestowitz @WLTaskForce for what? Nothing is deleted. Anyway here is a archive check timesig | Nov 11 20:11 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | SwiftOnSecurity on Twitter: "You got fucking played by Putin's buttplug and you called him a hero." | Nov 11 20:11 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce why the fuck should someone be forced to get spammed by 50000 twitter users to prove them right. You actual weapon | Nov 11 20:11 | |
schestowitz | corrections are not "spam". You clearly cannot distinguish between the two. | Nov 11 20:11 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce like im not expecting anybody who doesn't notice that wikileaks is biased to see any common sense but still | Nov 11 20:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:12 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce also why do u favourite your own tweets | Nov 11 20:12 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PunkleJones: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @SwiftOnSecurity Fuck link got by some force of nature not pasted. | Nov 11 20:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:13 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rckchalk: @hectormorenco @tomkawczynski @Cernovich @tponews @JamesOKeefeIII @schestowitz since you all should read all these,… | Nov 11 20:13 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rckchalk: @hectormorenco @tomkawczynski @Cernovich @tponews @JamesOKeefeIII @schestowitz since you all should read all these,… | Nov 11 20:13 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:14 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce except they weren't corrections it was just 50k people shouting "PROOOVE IT" when its an obvious fact | Nov 11 20:14 | |
schestowitz | Neither fact nor obvious. Your comments here are more like "spam" (or "troll") than people who say "prove it" | Nov 11 20:15 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:16 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce wikileaks is either in cahoots with the russians or too stupid to notice the influence. Its p blatant | Nov 11 20:16 | |
schestowitz | X useful to Y does not imply Y controls X and you know it. Stop playing Establishment media's blame games. | Nov 11 20:16 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:19 |
-TechBytesBot/ "Nearly 700 000 people are killed by hepatitis C yearly, where preventive vaccines are lacking." When greed kills | Nov 11 20:19 | |
schestowitz | "Because there is no vaccine against Hep-C! Only A and B." | Nov 11 20:19 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WHO Makes Headway In Hepatitis C Treatment Access Campaign - Intellectual Property Watch | Nov 11 20:19 | |
schestowitz | Interesting. I'll need to ask around or research this. | Nov 11 20:20 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:21 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Chronic liar who helped #trump win "recycles discredited claims that Russians altered email" #defendWL #DonnaBrazile | Nov 11 20:21 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 20:21 |
schestowitz | Dig a little deeper, its convincing. Look at the police sketches of suspects in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann and compare then to the Podesta brothers, Anthony Weiner and Ghisaine Maxwell (Jeffery Epstein’s wife). 4 people who know each other that look like the sketches… | Nov 11 20:21 |
schestowitz | Also look at wikileaks podesta file pic on card game with a young girl who looks remarkably like a age-progression picture of Madeleine, and may have her wrists bound in the pic. | Nov 11 20:21 |
schestowitz | Urban dictionary was purged of the code word definitions late morning of that particular podesta email release, but they are available elsewhere. Also, the emails in question read rather odd if they are not written in code. Especially when the podesta brothers who are known for there dinner parties of much fancier foods than are served at say the Ecuadorian embassy. “Missing your hotdog stand?” | Nov 11 20:21 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Donna Brazile: I’m sorry only that I got caught cheating with debate questions - | Nov 11 20:21 | |
schestowitz | It should be no surprise that our elitist overlords are sexual predators when every other part of there lives are lived in that manner… The Republican elites have Bohemian Grove while Democrats fly to pedo island with Jeffery Epstein. | Nov 11 20:21 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 20:21 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:22 |
-TechBytesBot/ Reminder: War criminal #bush deleted MILLIONS of E-mails. Conveniently blaming #microsoft #exchange & no backups #podestaemails35 | Nov 11 20:22 | |
schestowitz | "Never forget. 'cause the ‘Media’ sure does.' | Nov 11 20:22 |
schestowitz | I wrote about this many times over the years, usually in relation to Microsoft (because that's what I write about) | Nov 11 20:22 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:22 |
-TechBytesBot/ #putin now "congratulates Trump" I can imagine how US corporate media will spin that 9am ET #wikileaks has new major leaks coming. | Nov 11 20:22 | |
schestowitz | "Oh yes I did take that into account and I think war is absolutely inevitable now. That is one of my primary concerns. It is you who failed to take critical things into account. Too late now." | Nov 11 20:22 |
schestowitz | I agree that both political candidates were on path to wars, the question is what kind of wars and where. I think nuclear wars with Russia are less likely now, but not sure about China or Pakistan. | Nov 11 20:23 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:25 |
-TechBytesBot/ #putin "asked the US to abstain from provoking Russia" but stupid Clinton will keep calling her exposers "Russia!" | Nov 11 20:25 | |
schestowitz | "I’m very, very, VERY skeptical of this recent characterization of Putin as a “good guy”. Maybe he is, I don’t claim to know; but it would be an exception to several very consistent rules, and the timing is a little suspicious. We seem to be being offered a lot of saviors lately. A lot of Americans see Trump as one. Some are hoping Putin will save us from the New World Order. I’ve actually seen Americans express their wish for Putin | Nov 11 20:25 |
schestowitz | to invade the U.S. and arrest all our politicians. But the timing is suspicious to me. If I were an oligarch, and I was nearly finished maneuvering a permanent technological control grid into place, but people were starting to recognize my manipulations in significant numbers, right about now I’d be doing everything I could to delay an actual, physical rebellion – and getting people to believe that it’s all going to be okay soon, just | Nov 11 20:25 |
schestowitz | as soon as Trump gets elected or Putin’s had enough or whatever, seems like a perfect way to keep their rebellious intentions on hold. I’m not claiming ANY certainty, just thinking that if I can come up with it, they’ve definitely reviewed the idea long ago. And it’s not out of line with the oligarchs’ modus operandi." | Nov 11 20:25 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | President Putin’s Valdai Speech: Obama’s Legacy Can Be Rectified | Nov 11 20:25 | |
schestowitz | Russia hasn't much left except nukes and lots of territory. I don't think the US needs to taunt Russia, but some in central Europe do too, esp. after Russia had invaded almost half of Europe. There are iffy times ahead; I'm glad we're an island and quite distant from the US and Russia (China is even more distant) | Nov 11 20:26 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:27 |
-TechBytesBot/ 'Polls' "We need to re-weight the data for the study because there are concerns" #podestaemails35 #election2016 | Nov 11 20:27 | |
schestowitz | "You mean, ‘cook the books’?" | Nov 11 20:27 |
schestowitz | Or the souls | Nov 11 20:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails | Nov 11 20:27 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:27 |
-TechBytesBot/ #plasma mobile I don't like Plasma on my desktop (after KF5) I don't want any phones Why would people want this? | Nov 11 20:28 | |
schestowitz | "Some years ago, i used Openbox with simple window manager, my ArchLinux was very speedy with SSD (like 2/3 seconds to boot ad make me operative). Now i’m using Plasma but i think it’s too much heavy. I’ll try Openbox :)" | Nov 11 20:28 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | plasma-mobile – Plasma in your pocket | Nov 11 20:28 | |
schestowitz | Use feh for desktop background and set up some keyboard shortcuts with xbindkeys (apt-get install xbindkeys), which isn't too hard to configure | Nov 11 20:28 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:30 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce I'm genuinely not going to bother because if you're unable to notice how partisan wikileaks is now you never will | Nov 11 20:30 | |
schestowitz | Wikileaks used to expose the right, whereupon "liberal" media hailed it as exposer of abuse (prior to cablegate) | Nov 11 20:31 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:32 |
-TechBytesBot/ THAT WAS FAST! Didn't like what he saw in Microsoft which hates #linux and quit (Wim Coekaerts) we forgive you | Nov 11 20:32 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 20:32 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Wim Coekaerts Returns to Oracle After Brief Microsoft Stint - InternetNews. | Nov 11 20:32 | |
schestowitz | Not quite sure how your summary (“Didn’t like what he saw”) and “It was a personal decision and from my short time here, I saw a company that really does love Linux and has a bright future in open source” (a quote from Coekaerts) go together… | Nov 11 20:32 |
schestowitz | Not that I would touch MS with a 10-foot pole, but still… | Nov 11 20:32 |
schestowitz | ' | Nov 11 20:32 |
schestowitz | Non-disparagement agreements are integral part of employment there (I wrote articles about these) | Nov 11 20:32 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:33 |
-TechBytesBot/ Tech founders want California to secede a #scotland moment... | Nov 11 20:33 | |
schestowitz | "Please do. Maybe California will just sink into the ocean. That would be providence…" | Nov 11 20:33 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Tech founders want California to secede after Trump win - Nov. 9, 2016 | Nov 11 20:33 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:34 |
-TechBytesBot/ #SUSE Deal Includes #redhat #Ceph Storage Project growing | Nov 11 20:34 | |
schestowitz | "Suse can kiss my furry Mediterranean arse…" | Nov 11 20:34 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | SUSE Deal Includes Ceph Storage Project | Nov 11 20:34 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | SUSE Growing Linux Biz Revenue at 18 percent in 2016 - InternetNews. | Nov 11 20:34 | |
schestowitz | Yes, I don't trust them after the Novell/Microsoft dealings | Nov 11 20:34 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:34 |
-TechBytesBot/ Supporting #wikileaks does not at all mean supporting Trump. It just means supporting #transparency and truth, even when inconvenient. | Nov 11 20:34 | |
schestowitz | "Assange sure did. Putin too." | Nov 11 20:34 |
schestowitz | True | Nov 11 20:34 |
schestowitz | > It's good to be able to disagree with a dear friend and not be in the least offended by differences. | Nov 11 20:36 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 11 20:36 |
schestowitz | > I voted for Trump only because Hillary would have been a worse choice. | Nov 11 20:36 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 11 20:36 |
schestowitz | > The little voice in my head is telling me to watch the first few days that Trump takes office and focus on the appointments he makes. Obama's appointees to three important posts e.g. (secretary of Treasury, Tim Geithner) all later left office because of malfeasance. With good people around him Trump can succeed but virulent disagreement on all issues from democrats will hurt, unless Trump can prove to be a magical negotiator a la Lyndon | Nov 11 20:36 |
schestowitz | Johnson who was hated but accomplished many good things, especially on civil rights. | Nov 11 20:36 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:38 |
-TechBytesBot/ #WellDoneDeplorables Here's what your idol thinks of you Should have votes @drjillstein | Nov 11 20:38 | |
schestowitz | "Sorry I feel for this whole “democratic” farce…" | Nov 11 20:38 |
schestowitz | I meant fell | Nov 11 20:38 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:38 |
-TechBytesBot/ vendor lock-in is expensive and it's difficult to escape from. Only solution: try to get out of it and don't look back! #LiMux #Munich #Linux | Nov 11 20:38 | |
schestowitz | "See also:" | Nov 11 20:38 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Open-source pioneer Munich debates report that suggests abandoning Linux for Windows 10 - TechRepublic | Nov 11 20:38 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | "Experts" advise city of Munich to move from Linux to MS Windows | Nov 11 20:38 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | “Experts” advise city of Munich to move from Linux to MS Windows | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | The “unbiased experts” turn out to be the infamous consultants of Accidenture and their IT consulting joint venture with Microsoft, Avanade, who praise themselves as follows: | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | 12-time winner of Microsoft Partner of the Year | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | 24,000+ certifications in Microsoft technology | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | 90+ Microsoft partner awards | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | 23 Microsoft Gold Competencies | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | Of course, Accidenture has no Linux knowhow at all, MS and SAP is all they ever heard of. | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | The fact, that the German HQ of MS moved from the hinterland to Munich recently and paying taxes there, might also help them to get rid of the Debian-based LiMux. | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | Instead of throwing money on inapt consultants, Munich should join forces with the more than 2000 city administrations of Germany, developing a trustworthy and cost-efficient alternative to secret-code vendor lock-in. | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | #munich #limux #accenture #accidenture #debian #microsoft #corruption #freesoftware | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | Good post, thank you, will cite it in later | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:41 |
-TechBytesBot/ #tvlicensing just sent a letter about "final stages of our investigation." They waste their money. I told them for 15 years now, #noTV | Nov 11 20:41 | |
schestowitz | "It’s best to not make contact with them" | Nov 11 20:41 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:42 |
-TechBytesBot/ Trump fans don't care for truth in my experience. Were all giddy when I wrote about HRC and DNC abuses, now curse at me coz I target Trump. | Nov 11 20:42 | |
schestowitz | "Well you’re all right in my book Dr. Roy. I salute you." | Nov 11 20:42 |
schestowitz | Thank you | Nov 11 20:42 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:42 |
-TechBytesBot/ Today is Remembrance Day, commemorating the lives of people who died (mostly) because of Nazis. And US now experiences a #goldenDawnald | Nov 11 20:42 | |
schestowitz | "Big mistake: Novembre the 11th is the commemoration of the end of WW1 … no nazis around at that time !!!' | Nov 11 20:42 |
schestowitz | Sad that we have all those memories and new realities (now US) coinciding... | Nov 11 20:42 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:43 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JeremyKarbowski: @schestowitz @ProfAlySnape your narrative is wrong. WikiLeaks used to expose corruption with care and forethought. Now they have an agenda | Nov 11 20:43 | |
schestowitz | OK, what is the "agenda"? Explain please. | Nov 11 20:43 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 20:44 |
schestowitz | Hello Dr. Roy Schestowitz, | Nov 11 20:44 |
schestowitz | We received a request with a wrong/missing CSRF token from your account. To prevent any possible damage you have been logged out. | Nov 11 20:44 |
schestowitz | For more information on CSRF see | Nov 11 20:44 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ ) | Nov 11 20:44 | |
schestowitz | Sorry, | Nov 11 20:44 |
schestowitz | The diaspora* email robot! | Nov 11 20:44 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 20:44 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:48 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce "the reason we dont release any trump emails is because we only release important stuff" *releases risotto recipe* | Nov 11 20:48 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @JeremyKarbowski the agenda in this case is p blatant. Denounce the democrats to allow trump to gain power. | Nov 11 20:48 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @JeremyKarbowski hence why they doxed people who donated 10 quid to the DNC by releasing their social security numbers | Nov 11 20:48 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @schestowitz @JeremyKarbowski Thats deliberate punishment of political enemies | Nov 11 20:48 | |
schestowitz | This quote appears to be forged and is unsourced. Provide citation or retract. | Nov 11 20:50 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:52 |
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Trump would cause domestic wars | Nov 11 20:52 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sandita30: @schestowitz Julian's freedom is at stake too. I fear Clinton for him as well as us. She will bring us to war. All of our allies as well. | Nov 11 20:52 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 20:52 |
schestowitz | It seems that the establishment hates women even more than black people or Jews. | Nov 11 20:52 |
schestowitz | The more this reality sinks in, the less comfortable I am. | Nov 11 20:52 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 11 20:52 |
schestowitz | I don't think Clinton's gender was the reason it lost, but I detest Trump's remark that play the gender card ("nasty woman" not "nasty person"). | Nov 11 20:52 |
schestowitz | I don't think Clinton's gender was the reason she lost, but I detest Trump's remarks that play the gender card ("nasty woman" not "nasty person"). | Nov 11 20:53 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:53 |
-TechBytesBot/ Why Trump is President (to be inaugurated) source: #wikilleaks leak. #podestaemails36 #dncleak2 | Nov 11 20:53 | |
schestowitz | "Okay. Let me see you defeat Trump now that he is elected. If you do. You will be my hero forever. And I (unlike you) will admit my mistakes." | Nov 11 20:53 |
schestowitz | I live in a different country, so I can more safely battle him (same with the EPO). Notice I'm careful not to shake up my own country's boat too much... I know the limits of leaks and all. EPO hired London solicitors to bug and harass me, but the EPO is based in Germany and cannot touch me legally (without exposing themselves to a storm of lawsuits). | Nov 11 20:55 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:56 |
-TechBytesBot/ Who was stripped by #police before he committed suicide? The founder of #debian Ian Murdock. SF Police. Notorious in their community. | Nov 11 20:56 | |
schestowitz | "Horrors. I wish I’d been wrong about that kind of racism and hysteria being brought back.' | Nov 11 20:56 |
schestowitz | Yes, it looks like Germany in 1935 here, with the scapegoats changed a little. | Nov 11 20:56 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:57 |
-TechBytesBot/ "We’re going to double down on our commitment to internet freedom and equality for all people." | Nov 11 20:57 | |
schestowitz | "His idea of Internet freedom is letting ATT and Microsoft own it." | Nov 11 20:57 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Here’s How President Trump Could Destroy Net Neutrality | Motherboard | Nov 11 20:57 | |
schestowitz | Donald J Trump, CEO and chairman of U S A, Inc. | Nov 11 20:57 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 20:58 |
-TechBytesBot/ old: #michaelmoore was right | Nov 11 20:58 | |
schestowitz | "Actually that article was pretty good. I guess Moore saw it coming too." | Nov 11 20:58 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win | MICHAEL MOORE | Nov 11 20:58 | |
schestowitz | He voted HRC at the end, after endlessly criticising her. He also made the Trumpland film. | Nov 11 20:58 |
schestowitz | > True, le pen etc, this could be a turning point, the mainstream media is | Nov 11 21:07 |
schestowitz | > culpable in my view, for stirring up racial, gender and sexuality based | Nov 11 21:07 |
schestowitz | > rivalry, fuelling divisions in society with saturation coverage. Lord | Nov 11 21:07 |
schestowitz | > help us all. | Nov 11 21:07 |
schestowitz | Express, Daily Mail, etc. | Nov 11 21:07 |
schestowitz | I agree with you on that. | Nov 11 21:07 |
schestowitz | Dutch, German etc. elections coming soon too and it doesn't look encouraging. Not much space/places left where bigotry is frowned upon. | Nov 11 21:07 |
schestowitz | > Neither of them were ideal, but Trump is an interesting one, will have | Nov 11 21:08 |
schestowitz | > to see what happens. My worry is the rise of the hard left, they seem to | Nov 11 21:08 |
schestowitz | > be turning to violence more and more and with their history of global | Nov 11 21:08 |
schestowitz | > genocide and conflict, this does not bode well. | Nov 11 21:08 |
schestowitz | I am not sure what you mean by "hard left". In the US what remains of the left is the Green Party, which is pacifist and anti-racist. | Nov 11 21:08 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 22:18 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Diamandbacks: @seywarddarby @schestowitz OK thanks. Seemed odd although I remember the Greensboro CWP klan killings, | Nov 11 22:18 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 22:18 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Diamandbacks: @seywarddarby @schestowitz also a friend went undercover in NC militia (disbanded) and klan were there | Nov 11 22:18 | |
*schestowitz_log has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | Nov 11 22:20 | |
*schestowitz_log ( has joined #techbytes | Nov 11 22:21 | |
schestowitz | > Hard left=National Socialists (WW2), Marxists, Communists, over one | Nov 11 22:40 |
schestowitz | > hundred million deaths in the 20th century alone. China's Great leap | Nov 11 22:40 |
schestowitz | > forward, Stalins camps, Great purge, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea. | Nov 11 22:40 |
schestowitz | > Economically the left is a proven basket case, now maybe they are trying | Nov 11 22:40 |
schestowitz | > to destroy capitalism from within. | Nov 11 22:40 |
schestowitz | > .....which all happen to be from the left, your 'authoritarian regime' | Nov 11 22:40 |
schestowitz | > is the state. | Nov 11 22:40 |
schestowitz | Those are not left. Just a magic blanket term that frames every bad regime - even bigoted racists - as "left. | Nov 11 22:40 |
schestowitz | | Nov 11 22:40 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Korn_Flower: @ProfAlySnape @schestowitz @WLTaskForce All wikileaks does is publish, like a journo is supposed to do. Insane conclusions are on you. | Nov 11 22:40 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@canuckforbernie: @TerryGlotfelty @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC I wouldnt say uneducated if they no they r being lied 2... the… | Nov 11 22:40 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@canuckforbernie: @TerryGlotfelty @schestowitz @wikileaks @Model101RC I wouldnt say uneducated if they no they r being lied 2... the… | Nov 11 22:40 | |
schestowitz | > Why would it be a 'Russian Conspiracy', are you saying the left is | Nov 11 22:44 |
schestowitz | > exclusively Russian. Clearly that cannot be true. The 'left' is a state | Nov 11 22:44 |
schestowitz | > of mind, it can be present in anyone from anywhere, they do not have to | Nov 11 22:44 |
schestowitz | > be 'Russian', a lot of them work for the BBC or the Guardian, it's not | Nov 11 22:44 |
schestowitz | > an organised conspiracy either, just a state of mind that spreads and | Nov 11 22:44 |
schestowitz | > often destroys. | Nov 11 22:44 |
schestowitz | I was being sarcastic, ridiculing the damage control mode of DNC in the face of Podesta E-mail leaks. | Nov 11 22:44 |
schestowitz | > The left have cornered the market for votes from minority groups, they | Nov 11 23:19 |
schestowitz | > purport to represent their interests but at the same time have a vested | Nov 11 23:19 |
schestowitz | > interest in maintaining their sense of victimhood this breeds a | Nov 11 23:19 |
schestowitz | > separatist society. Welfare claimants in this country for example have | Nov 11 23:19 |
schestowitz | > historically voted left, but beyond expanding the welfare budget we need | Nov 11 23:19 |
schestowitz | > to see a genuine attempt to help these people help themselves, over | Nov 11 23:19 |
schestowitz | > reliance on welfare creates a dependency culture and stifles personal | Nov 11 23:20 |
schestowitz | > progress with generational dysfunctionality. They do a lot of good | Nov 11 23:20 |
schestowitz | > stuff, but i think on welfare they had it wrong for a long time, it | Nov 11 23:20 |
schestowitz | > caused a lot of damage | Nov 11 23:20 |
schestowitz | > That's not correct they are all based on Communist/Marxist ideology, are | Nov 11 23:20 |
schestowitz | > you saying Communism isn't 'left'?! | Nov 11 23:20 |
schestowitz | > not sure what you mean, what worries me most right now is the lefts | Nov 11 23:20 |
schestowitz | > attempt to create massive social unrest and chaos, by stirring up | Nov 11 23:20 |
schestowitz | > resentment amongst minority groups, advocating violence and in some | Nov 11 23:20 |
schestowitz | > cases murder, many peoples lives and businesses have been utterley | Nov 11 23:21 |
schestowitz | > destroyed this year through left leaning thuggery and the 'well to do' | Nov 11 23:21 |
schestowitz | > people that should know better who empower them through their support..... | Nov 11 23:21 |
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | Nov 12 01:23 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 01:26 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Korn_Flower: @ProfAlySnape @schestowitz @WLTaskForce Citation? Is this a quote from @wikileaks, or merely something infered from #leaks? #defendWL | Nov 12 01:26 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 01:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @Korn_Flower @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks its literally a quote from wikileaks. They retweeted some looney. Maybe actually read it? | Nov 12 01:27 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 01:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ProfAlySnape: @Korn_Flower @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks if you're defending something and don't even know what its been saying its kinda odd | Nov 12 01:27 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 01:27 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RenoWrestleGuy: @alegendarylad @schestowitz @7zed1 This article provided does not qualify it as "damaging". It says they have no information. | Nov 12 01:27 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RenoWrestleGuy: @alegendarylad @schestowitz @7zed1 Plus the info should be shared whether good or bad, b/c that is the essence of transparency. | Nov 12 01:27 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 12 01:28 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@angelobucciarel: @schestowitz Putin is going to teach him everything he can... | Nov 12 01:28 | |
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer). | Nov 12 07:32 | |
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*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011 | Nov 12 22:41 | |
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