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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: January 22nd, 2017 – January 28th, 2017

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<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jan 22 00:53
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesJan 22 02:05
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 22 07:44
-->liberty_box (~liberty@ has joined #techbytesJan 22 13:12
liberty_box 22 13:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@1jdadam: Voltaire may even find this stream of absurdity to Atrocity falls into the purely Grotesque! 22 13:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: .@WLTaskForce "Orwellian irony of Sen. John McCain... asking ...James Clapper.. if Julian Assange has any cred" ha!!Jan 22 13:14
liberty_box 22 13:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@GremlynP: @CaliDeplorable @schestowitz @wikileaks 22 13:14
liberty_box 22 13:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WorldGoneCraZ: @schestowitz think it was a combined effort.. since it failed right after he said he was going to kill it... why not share the goodiesJan 22 13:28
liberty_boxToo many false claims, inc. about jobsJan 22 13:29
liberty_box 22 13:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@denkiii: OR ELSE you might have stumbled upon news items such as this one! :O 22 13:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Newsroom : New Wearable Feedbags Let Americans Eat More, Move Less - YouTubeJan 22 13:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Yesterday at #kfc they had a serious violation of #netneutrality Can only access #sky (i.e. mostly News Corp.) for anything including 'news'Jan 22 13:37
liberty_box 22 13:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WorldGoneCraZ: @schestowitz hard to say.. I will wait for more stats... MSM is corporate owned with agenda. now only 6 companies own over 90%..Jan 22 13:37
liberty_box 22 13:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WorldGoneCraZ: @schestowitz I voted Green but I have a love for the truth.. and I am more issue based.. he says some things I like.. less war.. termlimitsJan 22 13:38
liberty_boxSame hereJan 22 13:38
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 22 13:44
schestowitz 22 21:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @qu1j0t3 @schestowitz i always thought he was but this isbt the motivation here this go around.Jan 22 21:53
schestowitz 22 21:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WorldGoneCraZ: @schestowitz can u say what part? (real question)Jan 22 21:54
schestowitz 22 21:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WorldGoneCraZ: @schestowitz by what part I mean what were they protesting?Jan 22 21:54
schestowitz 22 21:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sonialena11: @schestowitz actually it was long overdue some cause or idea will move Americans in masses. Obama silenced, killed it all.Jan 22 21:54
schestowitz 22 21:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lightworx78: @CaliDeplorable @schestowitz @wikileaks Stop following Breitbart and Fox. Apply critical thinking. Clearly @realDonaldTrump lack of.Jan 22 21:55
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesJan 22 22:25
schestowitz 22 22:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NealMastel: @SmartBlackMan @schestowitz What freedoms exactly?Jan 22 22:25
schestowitz 22 22:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@amazingatheist: Why are Trump supporters mad at a huge anti-Trump protest? Must be sexism. 22 22:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: The very hostile reactions from #trump fans to #WomensMarch reinforces the suspicion or belief of disdain for gender equality and progressJan 22 22:25
schestowitz 22 22:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AgentsOfLogic: @amazingatheist @schestowitz "I don't believe you are oppressed"= "you are oppressing me!"Jan 22 22:26
schestowitz 22 22:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@igotthisfirst: @schestowitz especially this case 22 22:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | RAW video: Thug punches Rebel reporter - YouTubeJan 22 22:27
schestowitz 22 22:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ABCRoosevelt: @amazingatheist @schestowitz LOL these fools will never learn.Jan 22 22:27
schestowitz 22 22:27
schestowitz 22 22:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@We_R_Network: @schestowitz You forget to pontificate that much of the #womensmarch was highly viscious anti-Trump rehtoric. #MadonnaJan 22 22:28
schestowitz 22 22:28
schestowitz 22 22:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TerminalLost: @schestowitz Your speakers wanted to blow stuff up.... then smashed windows..... lit cars on fire..... who's hostile again I'm confused...Jan 22 22:29
schestowitz 22 22:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheAddictedDuck: @schestowitz LOLJan 22 22:29
schestowitz 22 22:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Jmax528: @schestowitz Trump supporters who don't like an anti trump protest...nope, can't see the connectionJan 22 22:29
schestowitz 22 22:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mrbubbles4200: @schestowitz lmfao yup you nailed it thats all it can be only logical reason some viginas where speaking out of turn yupJan 22 22:29
schestowitz 22 22:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PudgeButcher: @schestowitz 22 22:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PudgeButcher: @schestowitz 22 22:30
schestowitz 22 22:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mrbubbles4200: @schestowitz god your such a toolJan 22 22:30
schestowitz 22 22:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Cl0seT0ThE3dge: @schestowitz Trump supporters dislike anti-trump protest. Hm Gotta be sexism. Wow that was an easy one.Jan 22 22:30
schestowitz 22 22:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@paulhindes: @GreenPartyUS Not a failure to biparties: No donors lost. We failed & continue to fail by not focusing on just $ influence. @schestowitzJan 22 22:31
schestowitz 22 22:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ryan_ketner: @Cl0seT0ThE3dge @schestowitz 22 22:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ryan_ketner: @Cl0seT0ThE3dge @schestowitz 22 22:35
schestowitz 22 22:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FrenchieOwl: @schestowitz Of course it does. Keep telling yourself that. All the way to a republican repeat of this election cycle.Jan 22 22:36
schestowitz 22 22:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Incred_Canemian: @schestowitz 22 22:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Incred_Canemian: @schestowitz 22 22:37
schestowitz 22 22:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@haniefhaider: There were well-meaning critique too why these women mainly Hillary supporters not march against endless wars and t… 22 22:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@haniefhaider: There were well-meaning critique too why these women mainly Hillary supporters not march against endless wars and t… 22 22:37
schestowitz"There were well-meaning critique too why these women mainly Hillary supporters not march against endless wars and their impact on women?"Jan 22 22:37
schestowitzHope they march against bothJan 22 22:37
schestowitz 22 22:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Zutto__: @amazingatheist @schestowitz does everything have to be oversimplified as ""gender issues"?Jan 22 22:38
schestowitz 22 22:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@nscrowba: @schestowitz #womensmarchwas agenda driven,intimidation,not inclusive,not transparent. 22 22:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Pro-Life Women Show Up To "Women's March" What Happens Next Is TERRIBLE - SARAH PALINJan 22 22:38
schestowitz 22 22:38
schestowitz 22 22:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@paulhindes: @TrumpDBA So sad. So many relationships will break up because of this. @schestowitzJan 22 22:38
schestowitz 22 22:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AllieMaisie: @schestowitz what the heck are you talking about?Jan 22 22:39
schestowitz 22 22:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mvolterano: @schestowitz but I find women who protect offenders more concerning.Jan 22 22:39
schestowitz 22 22:40
schestowitz 22 22:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@geekgirlrules: @schestowitz Good thing he didn't shove cigars in there.... Oh wait that was ClintonJan 22 22:40
schestowitz 22 22:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@nscrowba: @schestowitz that's #FakeNews. I can file a lawsuit against you just before,say, you are waiting for a promotion,then drop it afterJan 22 22:41
schestowitz 22 22:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@paulhindes: @voxdotcom I don't see the half person. @schestowitzJan 22 22:54
schestowitz 22 22:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@VaTeuton: @schestowitz Or maybe because Trump supporters don't like it when people burn shit in the street in protest to the President.Jan 22 22:54
schestowitz 22 22:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@theDenissDen: @amazingatheist @schestowitz I wish there were more marches. Haven't seen so many 1class memes in such a short span of time for ages.Jan 22 22:54
schestowitz 22 23:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@maxpolk: @schestowitz So far I can only find dropped lawsuits, a few accusations that didn't go anywhere., Is there something more solid?Jan 22 23:00
schestowitz 22 23:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ComaCrow: @schestowitz you understand feminists are like super sexist right? they don't want equal rights, they want men to h… 22 23:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ComaCrow: @schestowitz you understand feminists are like super sexist right? they don't want equal rights, they want men to h… 22 23:01
schestowitz"you understand feminists are like super sexist right? they don't want equal rights, they want men to have no rights "equality""Jan 22 23:03
schestowitz 22 23:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ComaCrow: you understand feminists are like super sexist right? they don't want equal rights, they want men to have no rights… 22 23:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ComaCrow: you understand feminists are like super sexist right? they don't want equal rights, they want men to have no rights… 22 23:03
schestowitz"you understand feminists are like super sexist right? they don't want equal rights, they want men to have no rights THATS NOT EQUALITYJan 22 23:03
schestowitz 22 23:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @JesselynRadack @schestowitz One suspects this whole emphasis on "SIZE" must stem frm certain other insecurititties! 22 23:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Small Penis Syndrome: Characteristics and Self-Help Treatment Suggestions - Anxiety DisordersJan 22 23:04
schestowitz 22 23:04
schestowitzThere is no duty to accept people when dissent is part of a democracyJan 22 23:04
schestowitz 22 23:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Swoboderz: @amazingatheist @schestowitz I know they have a right to protest, but why can't anyone just accept our democratically elected president.Jan 22 23:05
schestowitzFirst Amendment is stronger than blind acceptance of one who won an election, unless you disrupt/defraud the electionJan 22 23:06
schestowitz 22 23:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Swoboderz: @schestowitz @amazingatheist we aren't a democracy. We are a republic with democratic valuesJan 22 23:07
schestowitz 22 23:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Swoboderz: @schestowitz @amazingatheist you can say #notmyprez all you want. He still is. That's the problem, no one is getting over it.Jan 22 23:07
schestowitzThey are fighting not over the legitimacy of the election anymore, but against their President's policy/behaviourJan 22 23:08
schestowitz 22 23:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Swoboderz: @schestowitz that's not what I'm asking for. Blind acceptance isn't it It's the fact that HE WON the presidency yet people are protesting itJan 22 23:08
schestowitz 22 23:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Swoboderz: @schestowitz there was no fraud. In fact there is even some evidence of fraud IN FAVOR of Hillary!Jan 22 23:09
schestowitz 22 23:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Swoboderz: @schestowitz @amazingatheist like any psychologist tells me, you can't change a person! You only change their behaviors. As in you are 1/2Jan 22 23:12
schestowitz 22 23:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Swoboderz: @schestowitz @amazingatheist shoving them in a cage where they go insane!Jan 22 23:12
schestowitz 22 23:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Swoboderz: @schestowitz @amazingatheist trumps policies and what he thinks will never change Protesting something like that is meaninglessJan 22 23:12
schestowitzIf exercising the right to protest can influence policy (like all those lobbyists), then it's legitimate and a sign of healthJan 22 23:13
schestowitz 22 23:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Swoboderz: @schestowitz I don't think you are getting my point. Those protests ARENT changing anythingJan 22 23:20
schestowitzto you they don't. To many around the world they do.Jan 22 23:21
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 22 23:23
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesJan 22 23:24
schestowitz 23 06:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cynthia_gail: @LPDonovan @schestowitz Obviously @JulianAssange_ is not tweeting these.If so, he is more ignorant than anyone imagined. Don't think so.Jan 23 06:30
schestowitz 23 06:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Bladezedits: @schestowitz who gave you your PhD, university of Phoenix online?Jan 23 06:30
schestowitz 23 08:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jmcest: RT @schestowitz The "Fake News" #Censorship Industry 23 08:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The "Fake News" Censorship IndustryJan 23 08:26
schestowitz 23 08:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jeffcliff1: RT @schestowitz Cheong Wa Dae's #censorship " President is primaril ...Jan 23 08:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Cheong Wa Dae's censorshipJan 23 08:26
schestowitz 23 08:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jeffcliff1: RT @schestowitz The real secret of Chinese internet censorship? Distraction ...Jan 23 08:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Jan 23 08:26
schestowitz 23 08:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@robclarke: wow! 23 08:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #Lloyds of London are leaving London #brexit #uk @glynmoodyJan 23 08:26
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | Jogger punched into Acocks Green canal by thug, escaped by speaking ARABIC - Birmingham MailJan 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> “We absolutely don’t believe the military should go in and to theJan 23 08:28
schestowitz> police’s job.Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> old:Jan 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | Politician demands military intervention in Malmo to stop crime surge | World | News | Daily Express [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | Office of Multicultural Affairs opens women's lunchroom | | [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | Log In - New York Times [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | We could’ve avoided President Donald Trump. Now, we must learn the lessons | Rebecca Solnit | Opinion | The Guardian [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> the last failure was SCOTUS, which ended up swearing him inJan 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | Michael Moore & Mark Ruffalo Lead Inauguration Protest At Trump Hotel | Variety [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | Advice Goddess Blog [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | City devastated by OxyContin use sues Purdue Pharma, claims drugmaker put profits over citizens&apos; welfare - LA Times [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | Why Tolkien’s fantastic imaginary languages have had more impact than Esperanto | The Independent [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | St. Louis' public library computers hacked for ransom - Jan. 19, 2017 [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> Those who installed Windows on them have not been brought to justiceJan 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | Maintainers Don't Scale [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump reportedly wants to cut cultural programs that make up 0.02 percent of federal spending - The Washington Post [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> -Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump team prepares dramatic cuts | TheHill [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> "anyone with access to browsing histories -- a great number ofJan 23 08:28
schestowitz> companies and organizations -- can identify many users by analyzingJan 23 08:28
schestowitz> public information from social media accounts"Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | NO TITLE [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | All References to Climate Change Have Been Deleted From the White House Website | Motherboard [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> -Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump begins with action on Obamacare, regulation freeze and confirmations [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Texas lawmaker polls mosque leaders on Sharia law support | KRWG [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Muslim clerics attack rally for missing Pakistani activists [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Microsoft Targets Chrome Users With Windows 10 Pop-up Ad | News & Opinion | [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | How to Protest Without Sacrificing Your Digital Privacy | Motherboard [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | London Has Fallen Copyright Trolls Test Norway After US Retreat - TorrentFreak [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Netflix VPN Crackdown, A Year of Frustrations - TorrentFreak [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Megaupload 2.0 News Delayed By 'Expected' Roadblock - TorrentFreak [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Head of US Patent Office Michelle Lee will remain under President Trump | Ars Technica [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | How I turned a traffic ticket into the constitutional trial of the century | Ars Technica [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | President Trump's first White House petition: release your tax returns - The Verge [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | On his first day in office, Trump’s top issues don’t include health care - The Verge [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Donald Trump Plagiarized Bane in His Inaugural Speech [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> probably more there too from other moviesJan 23 08:29
schestowitz> -Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Donald Trump Quoted Batman Villain Bane at Inauguration - Us Weekly [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | President Donald Trump parades through Washington as unprecedented clashes erupt just a few blocks away | The Independent [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
schestowitz> maybe people ought to actually read them for a change, especially thoseJan 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | It’s time to spring-clean your IT contracts | IT Management | Computerworld UK [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> with M$Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | The Great Trump Heist Is Underway | The Nation [ ]Jan 23 08:30
schestowitz 23 08:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@grasuth: Hard brexit shambles. Looking bleak unless we can get govt to stop. 23 08:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #Lloyds of London are leaving London #brexit #uk @glynmoodyJan 23 08:42
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 23 09:42
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesJan 23 09:42
schestowitz 23 11:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Voyagee_Air: Learn Entropy @schestowitz @baudwraith @waterhoarder 23 11:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Voyagee_Air: Learn Entropy @schestowitz @baudwraith @waterhoarder 23 11:40
schestowitz 23 12:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ElinaBeauchamp: I have had proton for a while now 23 12:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Fighting #Censorship with #ProtonMail Encrypted Email Over #Tor 23 12:14
schestowitz 23 12:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@baudwraith: @Voyagee_Air @schestowitz @waterhoarder this scientist dude getting real serious about my dick disappearing forever.. well i cant blame himJan 23 12:14
schestowitz 23 12:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@baudwraith: @Voyagee_Air @schestowitz @waterhoarder 23 12:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Bad Religion - Entropy [Lyrics] - YouTubeJan 23 12:24
schestowitz 23 12:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Voyagee_Air: the Impotence of the @baudwraith @schestowitz @waterhoarder minds stopping them to deal with elementary arithmetic… 23 12:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Voyagee_Air: the Impotence of the @baudwraith @schestowitz @waterhoarder minds stopping them to deal with elementary arithmetic… 23 12:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Shtgun3211: @schestowitz @Swoboderz You say Protest, i think you mean "riot"Jan 23 12:33
schestowitz"the Impotence of the @baudwraith @schestowitz @waterhoarder minds stopping them to deal with elementary arithmetic & physics"Jan 23 12:33
schestowitz>>> x x 23 12:39
-TechBytesBot/ | Microsoft Open Sources Visual Studio Test [ ]Jan 23 12:39
schestowitz>>> spam.  did not even clickJan 23 12:39
schestowitz>> It's a Microsoft fan siteJan 23 12:39
schestowitz> Yep.  But occasionally I check to see what their current talking pointsJan 23 12:39
schestowitz> are.Jan 23 12:39
schestowitz>Jan 23 12:39
schestowitz> I just moved my last Ubuntu machine to Devuan as of a few minutes ago.Jan 23 12:39
schestowitz> There are a few rough edges, but that's mostly me having forgotten theJan 23 12:40
schestowitz> details of configuring XFCE.Jan 23 12:40
schestowitz 23 12:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Voyagee_Air: Religion is like football keeping @baudwraith @schestowitz @waterhoarder minds busy 23 12:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Voyagee_Air: Religion is like football keeping @baudwraith @schestowitz @waterhoarder minds busy 23 12:47
schestowitz 23 12:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LBrain1010011: @schestowitz When was the last time the White House press office was credible?Jan 23 12:47
<--TechBytesBot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 23 14:33
<--oiaohm has quit ()Jan 23 15:14
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesJan 23 15:14
<--oiaohm has quit ()Jan 23 15:48
schestowitz[14:10] <tessier> techrights is having some issue. I'm restarting httpd...Jan 23 19:11
schestowitz[14:10] <schestowitz> yeahJan 23 19:11
schestowitz[14:10] <schestowitz> I tried tooJan 23 19:11
schestowitz[14:10] <schestowitz> and it's not helpingJan 23 19:11
schestowitz[14:10] <schestowitz> I checked 'messages' tooJan 23 19:11
schestowitz[14:11] <schestowitz> httpd the process isn't getting too much traffic, db not overworked, no idea what's going onJan 23 19:11
schestowitz[14:12] <schestowitz> I stopped httpd service for nowJan 23 19:11
schestowitz[14:12] <schestowitz> not sure if you want to reboot it, maybe looking into it right now (which I assume you do)Jan 23 19:11
schestowitz[14:19] <schestowitz> might it be related to networking? Everything seems slow, and even the bots cannot reach their destination at times.Jan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:21] <schestowitz> one hour ago there was a high loadJan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:21] <schestowitz> I restarted httpd, then managed to post something as usualJan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:21] <schestowitz> about 10 minutes later it started again. Now the load is 120, so I stopped httpd againJan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:24] <schestowitz> mariadb stops and started without warningsJan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:28] <schestowitz> even when the load is moderate, after starting httpd, at about 16 avg load, I still can't load a page successfullyJan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:29] <schestowitz> tessier, are you still there?Jan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:31] <schestowitz> I need to get going (meeting someone in a few minutes), but site still down. Might restarting help?Jan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:34] <schestowitz> ah, ok, looks like you're restarted/shut it down just nowJan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:37] <schestowitz> back online, the load already increases above 10, looks like pages are not loading, even light onesJan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:38] <schestowitz> one light page has just loaded, others did not, if that means anything...Jan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:39] <schestowitz> I need to leave the house, can you look into it in the meantime and attempt to resolve?Jan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:42] <schestowitz> it appears to have improved, as if something you did resolved itJan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:42] <schestowitz> OK, gotta run now (late for meeting)Jan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:42] <schestowitz> thanks for the helpJan 23 19:12
schestowitz[15:32] <tessier> I ~.~.Jan 23 19:12
schestowitz[15:32] <tessier> oops...Jan 23 19:12
schestowitz[15:32] <tessier> I rebooted the server but didn't do anything else.Jan 23 19:12
schestowitz 23 19:31
-->TechBytesBot ( has joined #techbytesJan 23 19:32
TechBytesBotHello World! I'm TechBytesBot running phIRCe v0.75Jan 23 19:32
schestowitz 23 19:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheAnarchist54: I guess you didn't see the people breaking windows and setting fire to the streets? 23 19:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: The very hostile reactions from #trump fans to #WomensMarch reinforces the suspicion or belief of disdain for gender equality and progressJan 23 19:32
schestowitz 23 19:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Wikinaut: @zoobab @schestowitz @presroiJan 23 19:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Streit über Mitarbeitervertretung: Niederländisches Verfassungsgericht stellt Europäischem Patentamt Freibrief aus | heise onlineJan 23 19:33
schestowitz 23 19:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Wikinaut: @zoobab @schestowitz @presroi 23 19:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@heiseonline: Streit über Mitarbeitervertretung: Niederländisches Verfassungsgericht stellt Europäischem Patentamt Freibrief aus 23 19:33
schestowitz 23 19:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz if current logic states 'punch a Nazi because- nazi is unchanging,' then this logic applies to terrorists of any creed.Jan 23 19:33
schestowitz 23 19:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tutone64: "Peaceful' If your protest violates existing property laws & it takes force to move you, you own the responsibility 23 19:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Lawmakers in Eight States Have Proposed Laws Criminalizing Peaceful Protest #gop #trumpJan 23 19:34
schestowitz 23 19:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz um, go after places like China first?Jan 23 19:34
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 23 21:43
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acer-box__ 24 00:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@skeptical_david: @schestowitz good for U.K.? #brexitJan 24 00:39
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 24 08:17
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-->You are now talking on #techbytesJan 24 11:50
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<--liberty_box has quit (Read error: Connection timed out)Jan 24 11:54
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schestowitz 24 13:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hydarscouser: Lmao 😂 24 13:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Hard to find eloquent women who support #trump KellyAnne Conway looks like a porn star on broccoli diet with 50-year timewarp to the futureJan 24 13:57
schestowitz 24 14:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ElinaBeauchamp: You are a doctor so when you just throw your feelings out there as absolute truth you are only destroying your cred… 24 14:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ElinaBeauchamp: You are a doctor so when you just throw your feelings out there as absolute truth you are only destroying your cred… 24 14:02
schestowitzWhat about my observations about China was not correct?Jan 24 14:02
schestowitzThey're playing with fire and openly, repeatedly, berate factsJan 24 14:03
schestowitz 24 14:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@realityisagoodt: @schestowitz tpp gone. Isis on notice Unions hopeful Aca penalty relief Growing government freeze Hillary not in oval office Well done!Jan 24 14:03
schestowitzUnions hopeful? Trump is against minimum wage among other thingsJan 24 14:03
schestowitz 24 14:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@realityisagoodt: @schestowitz See, you have your facts, I present alternative facts. Is that ok or no?Jan 24 14:04
schestowitzThose are not facts, unless the unions are "hopefuls" because they got conned/fooled, in which case it's spinJan 24 14:04
<--MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jan 24 14:04
schestowitz*hopefulJan 24 14:04
schestowitz"You are a doctor so when you just throw your feelings out there as absolute truth you are only destroying your credibility."Jan 24 14:05
-->MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytesJan 24 14:06
schestowitz 24 14:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ElinaBeauchamp: "Close to war" with USA? why don't you refresh history,check out how "the Soviets" tamed China's expansion ambition… 24 14:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ElinaBeauchamp: "Close to war" with USA? why don't you refresh history,check out how "the Soviets" tamed China's expansion ambition… 24 14:11
schestowitzThe Soviets are also problematic and pushing for tension with either one is unwiseJan 24 14:11
schestowitz 24 14:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@realityisagoodt: @schestowitz here you go in case you missed it Maybe you are smarter than them and know more about the meeting thoJan 24 14:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | RickWells.US Union Leaders Pledge To Work With Trump After Meeting - YouTubeJan 24 14:12
schestowitz""Close to war" with USA? why don't you refresh history,check out how "the Soviets" tamed China's expansion ambition in the 60s,#papertiger"Jan 24 14:12
schestowitz 24 14:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gregorylent: @schestowitz he has advisors, and people who know how to say noJan 24 14:59
schestowitzI hope he doesn't just put "yes men" on the CIAJan 24 15:00
schestowitz 24 15:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hydarscouser: @schestowitz 24 15:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SilkySadio: 32. Your favourite account on Twitter?Jan 24 15:00
schestowitzThank you, mateJan 24 15:00
schestowitz 24 15:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KimberlyMangus: @schestowitz arrogant ass hatJan 24 15:01
schestowitzMost US citizens feel the same way about their PresidentJan 24 15:01
schestowitz 24 15:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoMoreWarTy: @schestowitz @wikileaks. Thing is it don't matter who it is. They are all puppets. Sit back and enjoy the show. 😈 24 15:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoMoreWarTy: @schestowitz @wikileaks. Thing is it don't matter who it is. They are all puppets. Sit back and enjoy the show. 😈 24 15:01
schestowitz 24 15:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KimberlyMangus: @schestowitz then they should have voted lmao... really is that the best you got??? you know nothingJan 24 15:07
schestowitzFine, I "know nothing"; you know everything. Yet it's me who's "arrogant ass hat"?Jan 24 15:07
schestowitz 24 15:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KimberlyMangus: @schestowitz ahhh yes the liberal pretzel of i know you are but what am i... hahahaha boringJan 24 15:11
schestowitz 24 15:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz little late to try and gain some populist votes by Harry Potter there.Jan 24 15:26
schestowitz 24 15:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @GreenPartyUS @schestowitz dont worry, there is always the #Matrix route...Jan 24 15:33
schestowitz 24 15:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@garyzac61: @schestowitz @AdamBienkov @TheGreenParty @New_Europe Don't be stupid. UK will soar when free of EU.Jan 24 15:47
schestowitzHope so but doubt soJan 24 15:47
schestowitz 24 16:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gregorylent: whole indian isp banned by spamhaus clients .. and other spam filters don't allow comments from indian isp 24 16:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: The amount of spam calls we receive from people with an Indian accent stigmatises an accent to the point where legit calls from them ignoredJan 24 16:26
schestowitz 24 16:37
schestowitz 24 16:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gorgashouse: @schestowitz @KimberlyMangus But then again u are a DEFEATED country. The UK is allowing it's children to be tortured by the MUSLIM VICTORS!Jan 24 16:40
schestowitzYou need to calm down and stop shoutingJan 24 16:40
schestowitz 24 16:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gorgashouse: @schestowitz @KimberlyMangus When ur country openly participates in this u're a 3rd world country I'd stop this 1stJan 24 16:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Rotherham Authorities Still Ignoring Massive Child Sex RingJan 24 16:42
schestowitz 24 16:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nancique: @CaliDeplorable @schestowitz @wikileaks Big Wigs are ruining the WORLD.. get to know your fellow man, it's crucial to PEACE..THINK ,4 urselfJan 24 16:42
schestowitz 24 16:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: key point is that so-called "trade" deals have gone way beyond tariffs - & require deep changes to society that nob… 24 16:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: key point is that so-called "trade" deals have gone way beyond tariffs - & require deep changes to society that nob… 24 16:43
schestowitzReminds me of when people equate a certain position with national security, think of children, or feminismJan 24 16:44
schestowitz"key point is that so-called "trade" deals have gone way beyond tariffs - & require deep changes to society that nobody voted for #CETA #TISA"Jan 24 16:44
schestowitz 24 16:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gorgashouse: @schestowitz @KimberlyMangus You need to worry about THE CHILDREN in your country and stop playing Twitter James Bond -- wouldn't u agree?Jan 24 16:45
schestowitzchildren, children. You sound like a dishonest politician now.Jan 24 16:45
schestowitz 24 16:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gorgashouse: @schestowitz @KimberlyMangus You sound like exactly what you are.Jan 24 16:48
schestowitz 24 16:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: @schestowitz the old tricksJan 24 16:48
schestowitz 24 16:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@V5M1000: EU/EC and Malmstroem are all dishonest corrupt puppets. 24 16:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Incredible remark from Cecilia Malmstroem about #ceta How dishonest does she try to make the EU/EC look?Jan 24 16:54
schestowitzIncreasingly looks like a job requirement there. Worrisome. It helps Brexiters.Jan 24 16:54
schestowitz 24 17:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Analysis: Methods and Monetization of a Botnet Attacking WordPress @schestowitz 24 17:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Analysis: Methods and Monetization of a Botnet Attacking WordPressJan 24 17:30
schestowitz 24 17:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Gasuniek: @WLTaskForce @schestowitz @Donal_OKeeffe #ExxonTaskForce We explain without the need to leak #JudicialTreason #ExxonJan 24 17:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Redirecting...Jan 24 17:56
schestowitz> Roy, for youJan 24 17:57
schestowitz>Jan 24 17:57
schestowitz> Welcome to NL said...Jan 24 17:57
schestowitz>Jan 24 17:57
schestowitz> @ Tulips from AmsterdamJan 24 17:57
schestowitz>Jan 24 17:57
schestowitz> The judgement of the Supreme court of the Netherlands is obviously aJan 24 17:57
schestowitz> good news.Jan 24 17:57
schestowitz> After the Dominique Strauss-Kahn case, French diplomats feared that itJan 24 17:57
schestowitz> would be impossible to violate human rights abroad anymore.Jan 24 17:58
schestowitz> Hope comes back.Jan 24 17:58
schestowitz> Obviously they have to avoid the USA but the Netherlands is the newJan 24 17:58
schestowitz> dreamland.Jan 24 17:58
schestowitz> The Supreme court of the Netherlands gives full immunity/impunity.Jan 24 17:58
schestowitz> Psychopaths with diplomatic status are allowed to violate human rights,Jan 24 17:58
schestowitz> to harass individuals, to push their victims to suicide.Jan 24 17:58
schestowitz> Dutch police covers his ears. The Dutch government covers his eyes. TheJan 24 17:58
schestowitz> Dutch Supreme court covers his mouth. (don’t hear, don’t see and don’tJan 24 17:58
schestowitz> speak)Jan 24 17:58
schestowitz> The victims suicide. The psychopath is laughing.Jan 24 17:58
schestowitz> Welcome to the Netherlands.Jan 24 17:58
schestowitz>Jan 24 17:58
schestowitz> Monday, 23 January 2017 at 17:37:00 GMTJan 24 17:58
schestowitz Jan 24 17:58
schestowitzI saw that and quoted that. I see all the comments there.Jan 24 17:58
schestowitzSatirical comment found on IPKATJan 24 17:58
schestowitz 24 18:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@timlince: @schestowitz While I despise the Express, if he said "it is going to make life hard for Assange" then it isn't 'fake' just paraphrased badlyJan 24 18:02
schestowitzDid he speak of himself as a third person or is this not an exact quote? #defendWLJan 24 18:02
schestowitz 24 18:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ElinaBeauchamp: Remember when western news outlets were the gold standard in journalism ?good times 24 18:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Each time #assange speaks on the record there are #fakenews 'reporters' looking to take a lot out of context. See 24 18:15
schestowitz 24 18:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@V5M1000: @schestowitz defo a prerequisite.Jan 24 18:22
schestowitz 24 19:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@walden_mathews: @schestowitz @DrJillStein Trolls coming here to bash Jill need to a) grow up, b) do your #DAPL homework, c) say no to troll-for-hire jobs.Jan 24 19:04
schestowitzBetter a Fairphone with a story to tellJan 24 19:09
schestowitz 24 19:09
-TechBytesBot/ | FairphoneJan 24 19:09
schestowitz 24 19:09
-TechBytesBot/ Diaspora test... who wants some invites?Jan 24 19:09
schestowitz 24 19:09
-TechBytesBot/ Google Android One $200 Smartphones To Hit US Markets Soon 24 19:09
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Google Android One $200 Smartphones To Hit US Markets Soon : News : Mobile & AppsJan 24 19:09
schestowitzBetter a Fairphone with a story to tellJan 24 19:09
schestowitz 24 19:09
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:09
schestowitz 24 19:09
-TechBytesBot/ Google seeks dev feedback for putting AI on Raspberry Pi 24 19:09
schestowitz"We are building our own replacement'Jan 24 19:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Google seeks dev feedback for putting AI on Raspberry Pi [ ]Jan 24 19:09
schestowitz";-)"Jan 24 19:09
schestowitzC.H.I.P. makes the price hard to beatJan 24 19:10
schestowitz 24 19:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@timlince: @schestowitz I only directly quoted their quote (and something in speech marks should be verbatim). If it isn't, then agreed it's false.Jan 24 19:21
schestowitz 24 19:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@UtaJohansdottir: @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein Jill, thanks so much for DAPL, Keystone, & the global gag rule. Cuz there… 24 19:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@UtaJohansdottir: @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein Jill, thanks so much for DAPL, Keystone, & the global gag rule. Cuz there… 24 19:21
schestowitz 24 19:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OutstandingWC: @walden_mathews Assholes coming to @DrJillStein's defense need to NEVER in their lives tone police. Sit the fuck down. @schestowitzJan 24 19:21
schestowitz" Jill, thanks so much for DAPL, Keystone, & the global gag rule. Cuz there's no diff btwn Dems & Trump. Nope. None. So, yeah, thanks."Jan 24 19:21
schestowitz 24 19:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PoliticalAnt: .@beayahus @drjillstein @realdonaldtrump @schestowitz The #FlintWaterCrisis is the fault of MI's @GOP governor who took over Flint.Jan 24 19:22
schestowitz 24 19:24
-TechBytesBot/ Some #Trump protesters to face rioting charges will help #gop 24 19:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Some Trump protesters to face rioting charges | WUSA9.comJan 24 19:24
schestowitz"HillaryProtesters for Prison! :D"Jan 24 19:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Republican Lawmakers in Five States Propose Bills to Criminalize Peaceful Protest [ ]Jan 24 19:24
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:24
schestowitzpeaceful people are not vandalsJan 24 19:24
schestowitzits more one proof of there are insane people everywhere payed to disturb the democracyJan 24 19:24
schestowitzthey cannot do nothing against peaceful people on the streets, making what they wantJan 24 19:24
schestowitzbut the insane vandals should be arrested.Jan 24 19:24
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:24
schestowitz"this is a WomensMarch protester in action ?"Jan 24 19:24
schestowitz 24 19:24
schestowitz 24 19:25
-TechBytesBot/ Reminder that Thomas Edison was a #patent troll, not an inventor but a famous thief see 24 19:25
schestowitz"Patents are a bogus legalism for monopoly - if you can afford it."Jan 24 19:25
schestowitz"“The book is historical fiction”"Jan 24 19:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Last Days of Night - a brief reviewJan 24 19:25
schestowitzYup, says soJan 24 19:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Truth About Thomas Edison and New Species of Patent Trolls | Techrights [ ]Jan 24 19:25
schestowitz 24 19:26
-TechBytesBot/ #obama and #bush were war criminals #trump has not yet managed to even start a war, but he'll be a (class) war criminalJan 24 19:26
schestowitz"Why do I get the feeling all presidents post JFK were war criminals?"Jan 24 19:26
schestowitz"'cause it’s the only way for USA to keep status-quo in world dominance"Jan 24 19:26
schestowitz 24 19:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Vrais66: @schestowitz #Trump #TrumpTaxesMarch #TrumpInauguration #TrumpGlobalGag THINK FACT NO ALTERNATIVE 24 19:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Vrais66: @schestowitz #Trump #TrumpTaxesMarch #TrumpInauguration #TrumpGlobalGag THINK FACT NO ALTERNATIVE 24 19:32
schestowitz 24 19:33
-TechBytesBot/ New Inkscape 0.92 breaks your previous works done with #Inkscape ooops.Jan 24 19:33
schestowitz"Sorry hear about that :( but we need to understand developers and help them"Jan 24 19:33
schestowitz"retrocompatibility is essential"Jan 24 19:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | New Inkscape 0.92 breaks your previous works done with Inkscape - Pepper&CarrotJan 24 19:34
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:34
schestowitzI think that is necessary, but sometimes is a compromise to accept (but rarely should be used, often it is poorly designed).Jan 24 19:34
schestowitzWhat you have to offer but is a passing script.Jan 24 19:34
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:34
schestowitzI think they're aware and it's being treated as a bug to be fixedJan 24 19:34
schestowitz 24 19:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@keast7544: @schestowitz @wikileaks no you are wrong! We the people is the reason President Trump was elected!Jan 24 19:39
schestowitz 24 19:42
-TechBytesBot/ "it wasn't just me, #KDE #Plasma really is unstable for normal use." I left it over a year ago, after 16 yearsJan 24 19:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | New Debian Mans, 10 Reasons to Cinnamon, Anatomy of LinuxJan 24 19:42
schestowitz"I use plasma since years. I’m very happy with it. It’s surely more stable than gnome3. I tried a lot of other desktops, but I still love KDE ! :)"Jan 24 19:42
schestowitz"At least on Debian the last time I looked, Gnome3 was working just fine but KDE was a mess. There may have been some improvements since then but I still would not recommend Plasma to anyone. KDE PIM has been in the toilet for years. In my move to GNewSense, I have started to abandon KDE 4 for Trinity. I blame Microsoft’s destruction of Suse and Nokia and think the rapid swap of toolsets from KDE 3 and then KDE 4 wrecked the community byJan 24 19:43
schestowitzexhausting developer and user patience."Jan 24 19:43
schestowitz"Ah okay, debian. I never really used it. I’m on Arch… :)"Jan 24 19:43
schestowitz"Debian has been conservative with KDE, like they are with most software, and KDE was good to excellent for more than a decade. Their Gnome desktops work very well. The collapse of KDE there mirrors their abominable force of systemd on users and their new embrace of Firefox instead of Icecat."Jan 24 19:43
schestowitzKDE applications are thankfully still usable, even without PlasmaJan 24 19:43
schestowitz 24 19:45
-TechBytesBot/ I’m a Refugee. In America, I Felt Safe for the First Time. Now All I Feel Is Fear. #goldenDawnald #trumpJan 24 19:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Could not resolve host:; Unknown error ( status 0 @ )Jan 24 19:45
schestowitz"lol ^^^"Jan 24 19:45
schestowitz" your so full of it I worked in refugee resettlement for 20 years had 11 refugee foster children and NEVER EVER HEARD ON REFUGEE SAY THAT .but I guess your the expert right ?"Jan 24 19:45
schestowitz 24 19:45
-TechBytesBot/ Optimizing #Linux for Slow Computers With #windows all computers are slowJan 24 19:45
schestowitz"Eh, to be fair and honest, I’ve had installations of Windows perform faster than installations of some of the more reknown distros. I’ve also had the inverse. My laptop at home is the latter."Jan 24 19:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Optimizing Linux for Slow Computers | Hackaday [ ]Jan 24 19:45
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:45
schestowitzNvidia is a performance killer on any distro that tries to do accelerated graphics, Theatre X. There are many other, intentional traps for free software. That the perpetrator of that sabotage does well on such hardware is not a surprise. The surprise is that free software is able to overcome that malice with a little bit of work. That work is often difficult, and that’s what Microsoft wants.Jan 24 19:45
schestowitzI’m going to enjoy reading this article.Jan 24 19:45
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:45
schestowitzDepends which versions of Windows, too. w2000 was relatively light. I ran Win98 for 5 years on just 32MB of RAMJan 24 19:46
schestowitz 24 19:47
-TechBytesBot/ The only device still worthy of the name "phone" is landline gear. The rest is #surveillance (self-bugging) crap that can also make calls.Jan 24 19:47
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:47
schestowitzWill Hill: “…documented fact…”Jan 24 19:47
schestowitzPlease give us a link to the document or documents in question. I want to download it. I prefer to keep my own copies. Sometimes documents disappear from the internet.Jan 24 19:47
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:47
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:47
schestowitzYou can verify how easy it is to transcribe speech with any Android device, or by visiting your google voice recording page. My wife and I regularly IM by voice transcription while she’s exercising and we’ve demonstrated it works in a fast moving car, without network. Small arm computers have all the power needed to do this while making a pretty GUI display.Jan 24 19:47
schestowitzTV privacy warnings are easy to find,Jan 24 19:47
schestowitz 24 19:47
schestowitzRecently, there has been something of a show trial where a judge in a murder case is demanding Amazon voice records. That too should be easy to find by search engine. I say it’s a sham because Snowden has already demonstrated government’s vast reach into corporate records in ways I do not have time to document here.Jan 24 19:47
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:47
-TechBytesBot/ | Samsung smart TV issues personal privacy warning - BBC News [ ]Jan 24 19:47
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:47
schestowitzI wrote, “All phone OSes secretly have the mike on all the time, sending the FBI and NSA audio. Agents can sit at the desks in Maryland or Virginia and tune into anyone they want to whenever they want to.”Jan 24 19:47
schestowitzYou wrote, “It’s a documented fact, not a conspiracy theory.”Jan 24 19:47
schestowitzA “documented fact” requires a document. No document, no documented fact.Jan 24 19:47
schestowitzI already knew surveillance of this kind was technically possible, but what you claimed was a government document saying they were actually doing this here and now.Jan 24 19:47
schestowitzWhere’s the document, similar to the documents supplied to us by Manning and Snowden, wherein the government admits that what is quoted above is happening here and now?Jan 24 19:47
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:47
schestowitz"You are not likely to get that documentation under Trump. Snowden documented the close government cooperation with companies that admit to always having your microphone on. He also showed us that the NSA did not trust that cooperation and cracked all their partners anyway. You should assume they have access to your transcribed conversations, just as they had access to your email and web traffic. That’s what “collect it all” means.Jan 24 19:48
schestowitzDocumenting this would take another whistle blower, but I don’t think anyone would take that risk to prove something that should be obvious. Outside of an unlikely, democratic revolution and change of government, all of the activity Snowden documented will be expanded."Jan 24 19:48
schestowitzI agree with Will on thisJan 24 19:48
schestowitz 24 19:48
-TechBytesBot/ The very hostile reactions from #trump fans to #WomensMarch reinforces the suspicion or belief of disdain for gender equality and progressJan 24 19:48
schestowitz 24 19:48
schestowitz"Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline"Jan 24 19:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline - BBC News [ ]Jan 24 19:48
schestowitz"The differences between the two cases aside, few of Assanges supporters would like to see him as president for a country."Jan 24 19:49
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:49
schestowitzTo be honest, I’m baffled by what these Women’s Marches are all about.Jan 24 19:49
schestowitzIf it’s simply a matter of not liking Trump, than my guess would be that there sort of a defacto “Pro Clinton” marches…Jan 24 19:49
schestowitzWhat’s in and of itself would seem to mean to me that getting rapist off the hook and laughing about it (which Hillary did), regularly hanging out with pedophiles as friends (which both Clinton’s have), working in support of the growing wealth disparity gaps (which again, both Clintons along with the who neoliberal movement has in bi-partisan fashion)… all of that and more amounts to o.k.Jan 24 19:49
schestowitzBasically, if these Women’s Marches are about simply about being anti-Trump I’m left baffled.Jan 24 19:49
schestowitzI mean I’m all for disavowing Trump, but that in and of itself doesn’t change the eco-politico system or the thought processes that lead one to granting it legitmacy.Jan 24 19:49
schestowitzWould women still be getting up and arms about Clinton presiding over the very same systems and institutions?Jan 24 19:49
schestowitzGiven the Clinton background, where were these marches prior to the election?Jan 24 19:49
schestowitzBy all means sir Schestowitz, please do tell what these marches are about.Jan 24 19:49
schestowitzI am perplexed.Jan 24 19:49
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:49
schestowitzAssange is irrelevant to this unless the point you are making is that police (or women) make stuff up sometimesJan 24 19:49
schestowitz 24 19:50
-TechBytesBot/ Women have VERY legitimise concerns about #trump (corruption and racism aside). He sexually assaulted women, got away with it [2/2]Jan 24 19:50
schestowitz"Yeah, just like Julian Assange raped women in Sweden."Jan 24 19:50
schestowitz"If they go to streets for protest, Why they didnt vote to elect Hillary?"Jan 24 19:50
schestowitz 24 19:50
schestowitz"They’re sore losers. Trump won with white women (55% for him)! xD"Jan 24 19:50
schestowitz 24 19:51
-TechBytesBot/ Your Computer's Clipboard is a #Security Problem - Fix it in Linux With xsel and cron 24 19:51
schestowitz"There wasn’t anything about the software that disabled all sound on your computer right? There isn’t really a valid security reasons for hijacking your computer and disabling sound. That’s just a nuisance."Jan 24 19:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Your Computer's Clipboard is a Security Problem - Fix it in Linux with xsel and cron [ ]Jan 24 19:51
schestowitz"Not at all. Xsel is designed to manipulate the clipboard. Did you fix it?"Jan 24 19:51
schestowitz"Another user had sound issues (I had no such problem), so I updated the article to use xclip instead of xsel. Hopefully, that will solve it."Jan 24 19:51
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:51
schestowitzUh, what password managers use a clipboard? Why do remote websites have access to my clipboard?Jan 24 19:51
schestowitzI have not run into these problems but I’ve seen them coming. A host of stupid problems has created real security issues for less cautious free software users. AJAX and Javascript surrender your browser to software owners, so it’s not surprising to see browsers screwing people. I’m also not surprised to see all of these heavily promoted password managers doing stupid things.Jan 24 19:51
schestowitzI don’t think these problems happen to people who use GNU endorsed distributions. KDE’s wallet program never used a clipboard and neither does Iceweasel’s remember password feature. I doubt Gnome is so stupid. The javascript problem is real enough but there are answers. I don’t have much trust for Mozilla these days, and that’s why I’m sticking with Iceweasel until I get Icecat. Chromium browser simply died on me, so I don’tJan 24 19:51
schestowitzhave to worry about it anymore.Jan 24 19:51
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:51
schestowitzJS in itself is OK, but JS programs people write and send for you to run when you visit sites are truly dangerousJan 24 19:52
schestowitz 24 19:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OdinOfAsgard078: @UtaJohansdottir @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein really so the dems that stopped the pipeline are the same as the RepublicanJan 24 19:53
schestowitz 24 19:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OdinOfAsgard078: @UtaJohansdottir @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein pushing forward with it hmmmmJan 24 19:53
schestowitz 24 19:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rltsurf: @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein good bye fake enviro issuesJan 24 19:53
schestowitz 24 19:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OdinOfAsgard078: @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein wait you mean the pipeline that doesn't do any of the lies claimed by protesters guess you didn'tJan 24 19:53
schestowitz 24 19:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OdinOfAsgard078: @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein do your researchJan 24 19:54
schestowitz 24 20:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@UtaJohansdottir: @OdinOfAsgard078 @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein That was sarcasmJan 24 20:08
schestowitz 24 20:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Drummerguy2009: @schestowitz @wikileaks we are a deplorable, uneducated, and racist group of people after all...Jan 24 20:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JosephFesterbun: @schestowitz @TheYoungTurks @wikileaks compared to a cold war with Russia? China needs the US market.Jan 24 20:09
schestowitz 24 20:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@georgepitaru: @schestowitz @TheYoungTurks @wikileaks he won't until he figures out where to burry them all.Jan 24 20:14
schestowitz 24 20:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gorgashouse: What #CulturalMaxism did to Europe: MASS CHILD gang rape/torture/grooming/trafficking have become OK! EVEN a JOKE!… 24 20:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gorgashouse: What #CulturalMaxism did to Europe: MASS CHILD gang rape/torture/grooming/trafficking have become OK! EVEN a JOKE!… 24 20:15
schestowitz 24 20:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@walden_mathews: @OdinOfAsgard078 @schestowitz @DrJillStein They all leak. Do *your* research. No new jobs, all for export to Asia.Jan 24 20:17
schestowitz 24 20:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@firesign1969: @JosephFesterbun Or worse, WWIII! @schestowitz @TheYoungTurks @wikileaksJan 24 20:19
schestowitz 24 20:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz well actually- arent the states supposed to be independent structures with self governance?Jan 24 20:21
schestowitznot disagreeing with youJan 24 20:21
schestowitz 24 20:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JaimeCalaveras: @firesign1969 @JosephFesterbun @schestowitz @TheYoungTurks @wikileaks How about all 3 are idiotic and bad ideas!Jan 24 20:25
schestowitz 24 20:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@firesign1969: @JaimeCalaveras Like I've said...this election, the American people got screwed. @JosephFesterbun @schestowitz @TheYoungTurks @wikileaksJan 24 20:25
schestowitz 24 20:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz well goodie :D although we have differences of thought- its nice to see ure side of things too :PJan 24 20:28
schestowitz 24 20:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Misc_X_: @schestowitz @wikileaks Actually, can argue Clinton responsible for liberal fear currently being experienced, like… 24 20:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Misc_X_: @schestowitz @wikileaks Actually, can argue Clinton responsible for liberal fear currently being experienced, like… 24 20:28
schestowitz 24 20:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ADHD_Panther: @schestowitz We aren't gullible, Trump didn't care about being PC and said what hard working Americans felt and thought. @wikileaksJan 24 20:48
schestowitz 24 20:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JosephFesterbun: @firesign1969 @JaimeCalaveras @schestowitz @TheYoungTurks @wikileaks If anyone screwed Americans it was Hillary.Jan 24 20:48
schestowitz 24 20:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@firesign1969: @JosephFesterbun I agree. @JaimeCalaveras @schestowitz @TheYoungTurks @wikileaksJan 24 20:48
schestowitz 24 21:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BakerPaul_JoAnn: @schestowitz @wikileaks And mostly ignorant MSM. "Like attracts LIKE" - not opposites!!!!! 24 21:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BakerPaul_JoAnn: @schestowitz @wikileaks And mostly ignorant MSM. "Like attracts LIKE" - not opposites!!!!! 24 21:05
schestowitz 24 21:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@seanhavens: @schestowitz @DrJillStein @Tim_Canova some people need to realize there are times u need to work together or else nothing gets done.Jan 24 21:11
schestowitzyes, Sanders was invited by the Greens, but he ignored, not even declined. Who's snubbing/insulating?Jan 24 21:11
schestowitz 24 21:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bleaklefty: @schestowitz which is the right thing to do. That was a bad trade deal. It was approved by both sides of the establishment.Jan 24 21:16
schestowitzyes, progressives nailed the last nail on its coffin, now #trump resorts to "landslide" revisionism to take creditJan 24 21:16
schestowitz 24 21:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bleaklefty: @schestowitz Nope. 30 years of third way Dem politics is reason Trump won. You can't blame Russia for that.Jan 24 21:23
schestowitzWhere did I blame Russia?Jan 24 21:23
schestowitzThe Democrats did.Jan 24 21:23
schestowitz 24 21:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mvolterano: @DrJillStein @schestowitz @Tim_Canova how can you debate when you are counting votes!?Jan 24 21:24
schestowitz 24 21:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bleaklefty: @schestowitz How would you like to rationalize that left wing politics hurt HRC losing then?Jan 24 21:26
schestowitz 24 21:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz @DZone he is talking about visual studio code, a microsoft editor written in electron that tries to displace atom, actually.Jan 24 21:41
schestowitz 24 21:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Peterwyck29: @schestowitz nothing of the kind - just the facts #serialinfringers #efficientinfringement 24 21:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Peterwyck29: @schestowitz nothing of the kind - just the facts #serialinfringers #efficientinfringement 24 21:42
schestowitz 24 21:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Eng_Socialist: Sanders was always anti-TPP, though. Those who're attacking him for this are being ridiculous. 24 21:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @DrJillStein @Tim_Canova Sanders is now offering to work WITH #trump on #tpp -like trade issues. I think Greens is the last hope.Jan 24 21:42
schestowitz 24 21:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gregorylent: @schestowitz he'll be snatched up in daysJan 24 21:47
schestowitz 24 21:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz @DZone they are using confusing product naming to intentionally decieveJan 24 21:49
schestowitzOld tactic of Microsoft, decades oldJan 24 21:49
schestowitz 24 22:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PeopleSucc: @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein Jill is a fucking idiotJan 24 22:08
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> "American journalists should stop him from dividing their ranksJan 24 22:24
schestowitz> –however hard their professional competition may be"Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> ...Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> "The next time Donald Trump tries to single out a reporter, or doesn’tJan 24 22:24
schestowitz> answer a question, the next reporter who’s allowed to speak shouldJan 24 22:24
schestowitz> repeat the question of the journalist Trump has snubbed."Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> 24 22:24
-TechBytesBot/ | We broke the Panama Papers story. Here's how to investigate Donald Trump | Opinion | The GuardianJan 24 22:24
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> 24 22:24
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:24
-TechBytesBot/ | Bus driver sexually assaulted while driving on Lougheed Highway [ ]Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> 24 22:24
-TechBytesBot/ | Why Trump brings clapping, laughing sycophants to his press events and appearances / Boing Boing [ ]Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> 24 22:24
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:24
-TechBytesBot/ | China's richest man buys Nordic cinema firm for $930m - The Local [ ]Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> 24 22:24
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> 24 22:24
-TechBytesBot/ | Policing criticism of Islam: the new Star Chamber | Free speech | Press freedom | Religion and atheism | spiked [ ]Jan 24 22:24
-TechBytesBot/ | How many metro rides were taken during Women's March Vs Trump inauguration / Boing Boing [ ]Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> 24 22:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump Administration Imposes Freeze On EPA Grants and Contracts - ProPublica [ ]Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> 24 22:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Breaking: White House Implies DAPL, Keystone XL, Are On - Indian Country Media Network [ ]Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> -Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> 24 22:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump orders revival of Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines | US news | The Guardian [ ]Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> 24 22:25
-TechBytesBot/ | A Day With the Women Scientists Protesting Trump - The Atlantic [ ]Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> 24 22:25
-TechBytesBot/ | "Claque": how Trump revived the ancient practice of paid applauders / Boing Boing [ ]Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> 24 22:25
-TechBytesBot/ | I Was at Trump’s Inauguration. It Was Tiny. | The Nation [ ]Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> xJan 24 22:25
schestowitz> 24 22:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Google Translate [ ]Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> xJan 24 22:25
schestowitz> 24 22:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Google Translate [ ]Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> 24 22:25
-TechBytesBot/ | The Unknown Enemy in Plain Sight — Quadrant Online [ ]Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz 24 22:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@angrymofo: @schestowitz The Hollywood studios are next.Jan 24 22:36
schestowitz 24 22:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mvolterano: @schestowitz @guardian kinda his point right?! Get to work you lazy journalists!Jan 24 22:37
schestowitz 24 22:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz wont hold up- there will always be now new journalists and internet bloggers to choose from past the established #MSM .Jan 24 22:37
schestowitz 24 23:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OdinOfAsgard078: @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein wow you really don't have a clue what you are talking aboutJan 24 23:05
<--schestowitz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 25 00:35
-->schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesJan 25 00:37
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Jan 25 00:37
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 25 00:37
schestowitz 25 00:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@_Schwifty: @bleaklefty @schestowitz Easily conned fools and bigots (two different groups, albeit with some overlap) are why Trump won. Welcome to 1984.Jan 25 00:59
schestowitz 25 00:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ChaWeb: @schestowitz @keast7544 @wikileaks Clinton beat Bernie by even more votes (3.6M) than she beat Trump (2.9M).Jan 25 00:59
schestowitz 25 00:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bleaklefty: @_Schwifty @schestowitz in this case both are true and that's because of our broken system in a very general way of putting it.Jan 25 00:59
schestowitz 25 00:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@_Schwifty: @bleaklefty @schestowitz Mcdonald's abandoning the Big N' Tasty is why Trump won. #AlternativeFactsJan 25 00:59
schestowitz 25 01:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@alice_corrine: @schestowitz and my metro station ran out of cards at 10am and let us in for free - were we counted?… 25 01:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@alice_corrine: @schestowitz and my metro station ran out of cards at 10am and let us in for free - were we counted?… 25 01:00
schestowitz 25 01:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bellarosemand86: @ADHD_Panther @schestowitz Like grabbing pussy?Jan 25 01:00
schestowitz"and my metro station ran out of cards at 10am and let us in for free - were we counted? #MarchOnWashington"Jan 25 01:00
schestowitz 25 01:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz @MannySchecter @IBM probablyJan 25 01:00
schestowitz 25 01:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DouglasRatcliff: @schestowitz @DrJillStein @Tim_Canova If Greens are the last hope, then that's the game! Prosperity and sanity have won! Praise Kek!Jan 25 01:18
schestowitz 25 01:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cheetah2018: @schestowitz @bleaklefty Actually. Voter suppression was one of the reasons Trump won and the electoral college gave him the votesJan 25 01:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cheetah2018: @bleaklefty @schestowitz You forgot voter suppression was another reason why Trump wonJan 25 01:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cheetah2018: @bleaklefty @schestowitz We have a government that's influenced by moneyJan 25 01:27
schestowitz 25 01:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cheetah2018: @bleaklefty @schestowitz from rich corporations that's been going on for many years yet no one took action against it until nowJan 25 01:28
schestowitz 25 01:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bleaklefty: @cheetah2018 @schestowitz I pointed that out to another individual in this thread but yes. There are many factors for why trump won.Jan 25 01:47
schestowitz 25 01:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bleaklefty: @cheetah2018 @schestowitz Yep!!Jan 25 01:47
schestowitz 25 01:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bkylnboy11205: @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein Stein supporters should drink the bitter oily tears of their success. #EnjoyDAPL #OwnItPuristsJan 25 01:47
schestowitz 25 01:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cheetah2018: @bleaklefty @schestowitz Supreme Court doesn't place strong restrictions on our government that prevents corporations influence since ourJan 25 01:48
schestowitz 25 01:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cheetah2018: @bleaklefty @schestowitz Court been governed under the Republican Party for yearsJan 25 01:48
schestowitz 25 01:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cheetah2018: @bleaklefty @schestowitz Yes. It's going to be even more difficult to prevent this as we already GOP will do anything to keep their seats.Jan 25 01:48
schestowitzRe: Hi there, you have got mail.Jan 25 01:56
schestowitz"I need more info, even if mere rumours, about Roland.Jan 25 01:56
schestowitz-meJan 25 01:56
schestowitz 25 07:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Jan 25 07:38
schestowitz 25 07:38
-TechBytesBot/ Shiva Ayyadurai is a liar and a fraud. Why is #fossbyes even feeding this troll? Dancing on Tomilson's grave? 25 07:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Who Invented Email? Ray Tomlinson Or Shiva Ayyadurai? Here's The Truth - FossbytesJan 25 07:38
schestowitz 25 07:39
schestowitz>       *Dear Roy,*Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz>Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> Our customer care team has created a ticket, #000527Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> <>Jan 25 07:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-302 redirect with weird Location: tickets.php?id=528Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> on your behalf, with the following details and summary:Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz>Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> Topic: *Report a Problem*Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> Subject: *Legal Demand Notice Roy S. Request*Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz>Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz>;Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz>Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> 25 07:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz>Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz>Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> Hey Roy,Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz>Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> a law company contacted me in respect of:Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> 25 07:41
schestowitz> andJan 25 07:41
schestowitz> 25 07:41
schestowitz>Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> I am afraid that it violates German lawJan 25 07:41
schestowitz> ( 25 07:41
schestowitz> :\Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> Could you please remove the posts?Jan 25 07:41
-TechBytesBot/ | GERMAN CRIMINAL CODE [ ]Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz>Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> Thank you,Jan 25 07:41
schestowitzThanks for letting me know. He has a reputation for silencing people who point out the truth. I've removed these posts.Jan 25 07:41
schestowitzYour special 'friend' is now demanding takedown of my tweets/social media posts. Because it doesn't matter that he is lying...Jan 25 07:42
schestowitz>> Why the X'es?Jan 25 07:45
schestowitz>>Jan 25 07:45
schestowitz> It's a new site and I'm not sure of the owners and everything.  So farJan 25 07:45
schestowitz> I've not noticed any errors or exaggerations, having double checked withJan 25 07:45
schestowitz> other source what they have.Jan 25 07:45
schestowitz>Jan 25 07:45
schestowitz> Maybe it's just easier to list the Swedish cities that haven't hadJan 25 07:45
schestowitz> islamist rapes during each week.  :(   FWIW the islamists were alliedJan 25 07:45
schestowitz> with the nazis during WWII and picked up a good portion of theirJan 25 07:45
schestowitz> attitudes, though that is not yet covered outside of scholarly works.Jan 25 07:45
schestowitz> But only the latter group was stomped into submission.  The latter wereJan 25 07:45
schestowitz> not just allowed but encouraged in the decades since.Jan 25 07:45
schestowitz 25 07:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cheetah2018: @bleaklefty @schestowitz This is the true reason why the Democratic party are always loosing. People won't stop voting for Republican forJan 25 07:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cheetah2018: @bleaklefty @schestowitz the Republican party as they are known to cheat elections by trampling over the Democratic partyJan 25 07:46
schestowitz 25 07:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ADHD_Panther: @bellarosemand86 that was 11 years ago. But, yes real men love grabbing pussies. @schestowitzJan 25 07:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bellarosemand86: @ADHD_Panther @schestowitz So go grab your mothers and get back to meJan 25 07:46
schestowitz 25 07:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ADHD_Panther: @bellarosemand86 another, vile, discusting liberal. @schestowitzJan 25 07:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DeeCTown: @schestowitz @wikileaks While Hitlery voters Dem-ented enough to ignore depravity from Travelgate-WH looting-War Whore-Suicide magnet &more?Jan 25 07:47
schestowitz 25 07:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Asa789: @firesign1969 @JaimeCalaveras @JosephFesterbun @schestowitz @TheYoungTurks @wikileaks Hardly, 2 days accomplished more than ....Jan 25 07:47
schestowitz 25 07:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@patrick7901: @schestowitz The thing is if the media would have covered Hillary and Trump the same Hillary would have lost by way more than she did.Jan 25 07:48
schestowitz 25 07:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TexasBaseballMa: @keast7544 @TrinityBeliever @schestowitz @wikileaks No 1 worked harder & won more ppl over. That was their plan but they underestimated himJan 25 07:48
schestowitz 25 07:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: Dear @schestowitz I wondered if u cld advise? I hadn't used my pc for some months & took to my sister's to use. Inv… 25 07:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: Dear @schestowitz I wondered if u cld advise? I hadn't used my pc for some months & took to my sister's to use. Inv… 25 07:48
schestowitz 25 07:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @schestowitz Restarted & SEEMS to be ok but now giving me choice to install updates. What would you do if pc illit… 25 07:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @schestowitz Restarted & SEEMS to be ok but now giving me choice to install updates. What would you do if pc illit… 25 07:48
schestowitz" I wondered if u cld advise? I hadn't used my pc for some months & took to my sister's to use. Involuntary updates result:"Jan 25 07:48
schestowitz" Restarted & SEEMS to be ok but now giving me choice to install updates. What would you do if pc illiterate like me?"Jan 25 07:48
schestowitz 25 07:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @schestowitz ..and would you "check online for solution"? Apols for being cheeky but I know it will take you two s… 25 07:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @schestowitz ..and would you "check online for solution"? Apols for being cheeky but I know it will take you two s… 25 07:49
schestowitz" ..and would you "check online for solution"? Apols for being cheeky but I know it will take you two seconds! ;)"Jan 25 07:49
schestowitz> The links are now removed.  What were they?Jan 25 08:01
schestowitzThese links were about Shiva Ayyadurai.Jan 25 08:01
schestowitzI cannot find the corresponding tweets either (based on a quick search), so maybe Twitter complied without even letting me know?Jan 25 08:01
schestowitzJust comes to show how far Shiva Ayyadurai would go. Now social media and even Diaspora...Jan 25 08:01
schestowitz 25 08:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Kylapatricia4: @UtaJohansdottir @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein not disagreeing with you but all we can do to is fight ☹️Jan 25 08:04
schestowitz>>>> First Shiva Ayyadurai sued Gawker (news), for saying the truth about E-mailJan 25 08:29
schestowitz>>>> Then sued TechDirt (blog)Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz>>>> Now threatens SOCIAL MEDIA sitesJan 25 08:29
schestowitz>>> Divide and conquer.  If he takes them on one at a time and none bandJan 25 08:29
schestowitz>>> together and crush him, he will win if only one site at a time.Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz>>>Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz>>> He's such a charlatan I'm surprised he's not at M$ or hanging out withJan 25 08:29
schestowitz>>> Gates.Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz>>Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz>> I'm already on contact with Mike Masnick regarding this threat. LookingJan 25 08:29
schestowitz>> for media contacts that may be interested. Told Doctorow and EFF. AnyoneJan 25 08:29
schestowitz>> else?Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz>Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz> Not off the top of my head.  Post something to slashdot and soylentnews,Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz> even if only a link to a new TR article on the topic.  That would getJan 25 08:29
schestowitz> the word out that he is aiming for a divide and conquer strategy.   IsJan 25 08:29
schestowitz> there a way to do a class action against an individual charlatan?Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz>Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz> A lot of sites had articles exposing his fraud.  For starters there areJan 25 08:29
schestowitz> these sites:Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz>Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz> gizmodoJan 25 08:29
schestowitz> quoraJan 25 08:29
schestowitz> thevergeJan 25 08:29
schestowitz>Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz> Searching more, there is this:Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz>Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz> 25 08:29
schestowitz>Jan 25 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Charlatan Watch List: V. A. Shiva Ayyadurai [ ]Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz> They might be interested.Jan 25 08:29
schestowitzI have attempted to reach an old contact of mine at The Verge, but he's no longer working there. Contacting random people rarely get the right response.Jan 25 08:29
schestowitzI'm still gathering more info before writing an article about it.Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz 25 09:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PatchouliW: @schestowitz @jurylady5 Do not let him litigate Techradar into silence for calling his bull.Jan 25 09:01
schestowitz 25 09:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PatchouliW: @schestowitz @jurylady5 thousands of people made email. first it was textfiles held and sent on delays, then machine-agnostic protocols...Jan 25 09:02
schestowitz 25 09:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PatchouliW: @schestowitz @jurylady5 then actually sticking files right into the sends... Now we have reputational checking and even virtual postage.Jan 25 09:02
schestowitz 25 09:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@UtaJohansdottir: @Kylapatricia4 @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein We can both fight and learn constructive lessons about the real world.Jan 25 09:02
schestowitz 25 09:02
schestowitz 25 09:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Kylapatricia4: @UtaJohansdottir @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein agree it's happens every fucking eight years and the GOP get worseJan 25 09:03
schestowitz 25 09:06
schestowitz 25 09:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PatchouliW: @schestowitz @jurylady5 (though to be fair the latter is still rarely seen outside of limited setups)Jan 25 09:06
schestowitz 25 09:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PoliticalWilli: @schestowitz @Variety thought it was shut down a few weeks prior to BHO leaving. Was staffed by volunteers, who were presumably Dems..Jan 25 09:06
schestowitz 25 09:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PoliticalWilli: @schestowitz @Variety here is a link 25 09:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | White House shuts down call-in line - Washington TimesJan 25 09:06
schestowitz 25 09:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ra_Dig75: @Kylapatricia4 @UtaJohansdottir @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein Now they want Dems to unite with them? lol Their/your battleJan 25 09:07
schestowitz 25 09:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz yep, a shame people aren't getting brain damage from lead in gasoline anymore, too. Make America Gasp (for air) Again...Jan 25 09:07
schestowitz 25 09:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pspicerwensley: The only hope for Detroit is to build compelling products that ppl will buy. NOT gas guzzling behemoths #FakePOTUS 25 09:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Donald #Trump claims 'environmentalism is out of control' mental issues don't always have curesJan 25 09:07
schestowitz 25 09:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PatchouliW: @schestowitz The man is a fool. He can't silence all of us. Some of us were around when we shovelled text files across raw cabling.Jan 25 09:07
schestowitz 25 09:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EPOorg: The biotechnology sector is very important to the European economy. Read about #biotech patents @ the EPO here:… 25 09:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EPOorg: The biotechnology sector is very important to the European economy. Read about #biotech patents @ the EPO here:… 25 09:46
schestowitz 25 10:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@UtaJohansdottir: @Kylapatricia4 @Ra_Dig75 @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein Efficacy requires the unsexy grown-up work of lo… 25 10:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@UtaJohansdottir: @Kylapatricia4 @Ra_Dig75 @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein Efficacy requires the unsexy grown-up work of lo… 25 10:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@UtaJohansdottir: @Kylapatricia4 @Ra_Dig75 @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein It's not nearly as fun as bulldozer graffiti, di… 25 10:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@UtaJohansdottir: @Kylapatricia4 @Ra_Dig75 @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein It's not nearly as fun as bulldozer graffiti, di… 25 10:09
schestowitz 25 10:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WorldGoneCraZ: @schestowitz Dr. Schestowitz.. read the article but didn't find the orders??? did I miss the link? or can you tell me the executive order #Jan 25 10:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WorldGoneCraZ: @schestowitz I am a little tired so I might have missed itJan 25 10:09
schestowitzhe links to Clinton New NetworkJan 25 10:10
schestowitzhe links to Clinton News NetworkJan 25 10:10
schestowitz 25 10:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Kylapatricia4: @UtaJohansdottir @Ra_Dig75 @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein agree and I think it was immature and dangerous what she saidJan 25 10:17
schestowitz[09:18] <schestowitz> tuxmachines acting weirdJan 25 10:39
schestowitz[09:18] <schestowitz> and it doesn't respond to mysqld and httpd stop/restartJan 25 10:39
schestowitz[09:19] <schestowitz> doesn't seem to want to reboot eitherJan 25 10:39
schestowitz[09:21] <schestowitz> load is high all the time, but mostly processes that do nohing, even after I killed httpd processes, as they won't shut down any other wayJan 25 10:39
schestowitz[09:24] <schestowitz> I think it needs to be restarted from the hypervisor, it hardly responds to commands and it's getting hard to even access it over sshJan 25 10:39
schestowitz[09:26] <schestowitz> [I think it's 1:20 where you are, will make a quick call shortly if I can't find my way out of this]Jan 25 10:39
schestowitz[10:13] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Looks like tuxmachines is having trouble again. Someone must be pretty unhappy with you today. :)Jan 25 10:39
schestowitz[10:13] <schestowitz> is this some kind of attack, httpd?Jan 25 10:39
schestowitz[10:13] <schestowitz> oh, I see nowJan 25 10:39
schestowitz[10:13] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  02:13:36 up 17 min,  3 users,  load average: 134.66, 115.95, 66.95Jan 25 10:39
schestowitz[10:14] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Yes, looks like some sort of attack via httpd but I don't know exactly what yet.Jan 25 10:39
schestowitz[10:14] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Load is coming back down now...Jan 25 10:39
schestowitz[10:14] <schestowitz> I will check the losJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:14] <schestowitz> logsJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:14] <schestowitz> in the past it was baiduJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:14] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Yeah, I notice lots of bot traffic.Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:14] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Do you care about bot traffic? Maybe only allow google?Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:15] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> I can configure fail2ban to block the others.Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:15] <schestowitz> That's always good to have too, it tends to helpJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:15] <schestowitz> some bots don't obey robots file, and I DO block many spidersJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:15] <schestowitz> esp. the ones not associated with big enginesJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:16] <schestowitz> I'm stopping httpd now to investigate the logs, as it's not responsive otherwiseJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:19] <schestowitz> Baidu blockjedJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:20] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> I would love to put some more resources behind these sites such as a database cluster and a couple web app servers to distribute the load over. We do have some extra resources right now. But there are two issues with that: 1. I don't know how wordpress does when running two copies simultaneously behind a load balancer and 2. We have the resources now but if we became tight on resources we might have to reduce yourJan 25 10:40
schestowitzcluster back down to single machJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:21] <schestowitz> Thanks, that sounds like a possibilityJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:21] <schestowitz> BTW, did you receive our payment?Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:21] <schestowitz> [I don't know if Baidu alone was the culprit, but I've just blocked it and the site is more accessible now]Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:25] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Yes, I did receive the $1k! Thanks very much!Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:28] <schestowitz> thank you too, I hope the ads will bring you more customersJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:28] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> did you send it and what was the amount?Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:29] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> I thought I had seen it go through but I'm looking at one account and not seeing it.Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:29] <schestowitz> I sent it with commissions on my side, about 800 pounds after our Brexit disaster, which lowered the poundJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:29] <schestowitz> sent to the same account I sent it to last yearJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:30] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> paypal or wire transfer?Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:30] <schestowitz> paypalJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:30] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Oh!Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:30] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Ok... Let me go check over there. I thought I saw the email but looked at one bank account and didn't see it....checking paypal. It's surely sitting there.Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:32] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Confirmed. $1k sitting in my paypal account. Thanks again!Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:33] <schestowitz> :)Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz 25 13:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Unexpected responseJan 25 13:01
schestowitz 25 13:02
<--TechBytesBot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 25 13:38
schestowitz 25 13:41
schestowitz"is it licensed free as in freedom like oolite?"Jan 25 13:41
-->TechBytesBot ( has joined #techbytesJan 25 14:06
TechBytesBotHello World! I'm TechBytesBot running phIRCe v0.75Jan 25 14:06
schestowitz[13:43] <schestowitz> similar patterns used against techrights the past 3-4 hoursJan 25 14:12
schestowitz[13:43] <schestowitz> I was habitually restarting apacheJan 25 14:12
schestowitz[13:43] <schestowitz> and sometimes it was accessible for a whileJan 25 14:12
schestowitz[13:43] <schestowitz> the same pattern used against tuxmachines until now, in burstsJan 25 14:12
schestowitz[13:43] <schestowitz> last time I restarted apache it failedJan 25 14:12
schestowitz[13:44] <schestowitz> and could not recoverJan 25 14:13
schestowitz[13:44] <schestowitz> I attempted to rebootJan 25 14:13
schestowitz[13:44] <schestowitz> still waiting for the server to come back online, maybe it's in fsckJan 25 14:13
schestowitz[13:52] <xxxxxxxxxx> Checking...Jan 25 14:13
schestowitz[13:52] <schestowitz> sorry so much for the timeJan 25 14:13
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> it's just totally offline, too long for fsck to be the cause, I've read the systemd log items, checked the apache configs (in tact), maybe socket of httpd got clogged up, didn't go that far though before rebootingJan 25 14:13
schestowitz[13:57] <xxxxxxxxxx> Hmm....some filesystem issue. Let me see if I can fsck it...Jan 25 14:13
schestowitz[13:57] <schestowitz> thanksJan 25 14:13
schestowitz[14:05] <xxxxxxxxxx> Back cleared some corruption in the fsck though. Hope everything is ok.Jan 25 14:13
schestowitz[14:06] <schestowitz> excellent, thank youJan 25 14:13
schestowitz[14:06] <schestowitz> as long as no damage to files, db etc.Jan 25 14:13
schestowitz[14:06] <schestowitz> I guess fsck would have said it there was some permanent damageJan 25 14:13
schestowitz[14:06] <schestowitz> thanks SO much for helping at this timeJan 25 14:13
schestowitz[14:08] <xxxxxxxxxx> You're welcomeJan 25 14:13
schestowitz[14:08] <schestowitz> :-)Jan 25 14:13
schestowitz[14:08] <schestowitz> gnJan 25 14:13
schestowitz 25 14:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EPOorg: There's no such thing as the perfect patent search, but this course can help you search more effectively: 25 14:22
schestowitzhahaJan 25 14:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Course: Search strategies| European Patent AcademyJan 25 14:22
schestowitz 25 14:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OdinOfAsgard078: @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein really you spout of a bunch of false statements and I'm using rhetoric you're hilariousJan 25 14:23
<--TechBytesBot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 25 16:11
schestowitz> Thanks. I've read the letter. It looks like a takedown notice but they are serious about it. Since they claim the letter can't be published or disseminated for copyright reasons, I'd be careful, though fair use is not always a simple question.Jan 25 19:53
schestowitzThanks for having a look. I asked for the letter mainly because I think passing it to TechDirt's pro bono people can bolster their case.Jan 25 19:53
schestowitzI am not too eager to become personally embroiled in this shitstorm. :-)Jan 25 19:53
schestowitzI'll proceed with it slowly and cautiously.Jan 25 19:53
schestowitz 25 21:21
schestowitz"@schestowitz @nytimes no evidence of that so far"Jan 25 21:21
schestowitz 25 21:21
schestowitz"@keast7544 @schestowitz @wikileaks Selling the most burgers doesn't make McDonald's a good restaurant."Jan 25 21:21
schestowitz 25 21:21
schestowitz 25 21:22
schestowitz"Jan 25 21:22
schestowitz54 minutes agoJan 25 21:22
schestowitz@AltNatParkSer @schestowitz lol . based surely on reality...Jan 25 21:22
schestowitz"Jan 25 21:22
schestowitz 25 21:22
schestowitz"Jan 25 21:23
schestowitz@schestowitz @motherboard Obama gives up Internet Control To the UNJan 25 21:23
schestowitz … ...and yeah it's Trump's fault?! #ICANNJan 25 21:23
schestowitz"Jan 25 21:23
-->acer-box ( has joined #techbytesJan 25 21:26
<--acer-box has quit (Changing host)Jan 25 21:26
-->acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 25 21:26
<--acer-box__ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 25 21:29
schestowitz 25 21:34
schestowitz" "If you kill your enemies, they win" -Justin Trudeau"Jan 25 21:34
schestowitzThis was not said in relation to #tortureJan 25 21:34
schestowitz 25 21:36
schestowitz""Jan 25 21:36
schestowitz"no but its just as retarded as your logic, anyone can make propoganda out of anything"Jan 25 21:36
schestowitzThey now use Trump for their recruitment propaganda, as many warned last yearJan 25 21:36
MinceRmaybe Useless Justin could focus on undoing harper's crap instead of coming up with this shitJan 25 21:45
schestowitz 25 21:54
schestowitz"How ignorant of Trudeau. Think how that would've played out in WW2"Jan 25 21:54
MinceRlolJan 25 22:03
schestowitz 25 22:08
schestowitz""Jan 25 22:08
schestowitz"Said the ISIS terrorists with a machete to your throat."Jan 25 22:08
schestowitz"FALSE. If you kill your enemies they DIE. Then you get to write the history books. To the #winner goes the spoils."Jan 25 22:08
schestowitz 25 22:23
schestowitz"You're quoting Justin Trudeau on warfare? Laughable. And pitiful. Mostly laughable."Jan 25 22:23
schestowitz 25 22:46
schestowitz"Jan 25 22:46
schestowitz Regardless of one's views on membership of the EU, this is surely a good day for democracy in the UK. We can now rest assured that rights granted to citizens under laws that have effect in the UK cannot be taken away by the stroke of a minister's pen.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzIn previous commentary, I had questioned what legal recourse there would be if, against the national interest, the government were bribed to withdraw from a treaty having effect under UK law. I never got a satisfactory answer to that question (especially if one considers that it may be impossible to prove that the ministerial action was a direct result of bribery). Having looked at the rather ineffectual options mentioned in the dissentingJan 25 22:46
schestowitzopinions (pretty much amounting to "shut the stable door after the horse has bolted"), I am rather glad that I need worry about this no more.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzYou have to feel sorry for Scotland, though. Cue lots of U-turns on points of principle by all parties involved, with Brexiteers extolling the virtue of countries remaining in an economic and political union and Scottish remainers highlighting the benefits of leaving such a union.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzHard not to see the huge dollops of irony in this... much like the Brexiteers who wanted to leave the EU in order to regain Parliamentary sovereignty (though, as the Supreme Court decision explains, this was never actually undermined by EU membership)... only to then take umbrage at litigation aimed at upholding that very principle.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzIt is also quite astonishing that the government seems to have come out of this feeling like it was a "win" for them, solely because the Supreme Court's decision will likely not delay their plans for Brexit. But a quick recap on key facts reveals a completely different story.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzFact 1: Cameron got it badly wrong by assuming that he would win the referendum, and therefore not making any plans for what he would do if this did not happen (other than resign and leave the mess he created for someone else to clear up).Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzFact 2: May's government consistently got it wrong on the mechanism for triggering Article 50. In doing so, they not only ignored many reasonable (and well-reasoned) calls for Parliamentary involvement, but they also unnecessarily delayed the process of Parliamentary scrutiny. Worse still, they seemingly briefed against (and encouraged media criticism of) the litigants and the Divisional Court, leading to the astonishing situation where theJan 25 22:46
schestowitzlegal profession had to call for the Lord Chancellor to defend the independence of the judiciary.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzFact 3: whilst Theresa has ruled out a few options regarding the UK's departure from the EU, it seems that the government is pursuing objectives that are mutually exclusive (e.g. securing free trade with Europe without submitting to the jurisdiction of the CJEU in settling disputes over common rules governing that trade), and with no plausible explanation as to how those objectives can be achieved.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzPerhaps the last point is little bit harsh, as I'm sure it's not easy to satisfy the Brexiteers whilst simultaneously avoiding trashing important parts of the UK's economy. But with all of the delay that Theresa's Brexit strategy has so far (deliberately?) involved, I would have hoped for something a little bit more coherent by now.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzAll in all, it is fair to say the Brexit process has been a total shambles from the very start (with Cameron) right up to now. For all of our sakes, let's hope that things improve rapidly from here.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitz"Jan 25 22:46
schestowitz"Jan 25 22:46
schestowitz", I had questioned what legal recourse there would be if, against the national interest, the government were bribed to withdraw from a treaty having effect under UK law. I never got a satisfactory answer to that question (especially if one considers that it may be impossible to prove that the ministerial action was a direct result of bribery)."Jan 25 22:46
schestowitz1) Pretty obviously receiving bribes is a crime, a potentially treasonous one depending on the facts.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitz2) The governments acts in that case could potentially be JR'ed at the point they were proposed as unreasonable (in the Wednesbury sense). Doing so in response to a referendum is an entirely different matter since they can clearly show their acts to have been reasonable (at least in the Wednesbury sense).Jan 25 22:46
schestowitz3) Parliament could take a vote of no-confidence in the government, or legislate to constrain them.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitz4) You are asking, essentially, "what would you like the law to be" which is the wrong question.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitz"Having looked at the rather ineffectual options mentioned in the dissenting opinions (pretty much amounting to "shut the stable door after the horse has bolted"), I am rather glad that I need worry about this no more."Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzThe majority were pretty clear that their ruling should be limited to the facts of the case and is not likely to be of broad application. See para. 98 where they say it does not apply to double-taxation treaties (and thus to many other kinds of similar treaties) and the numerous other places where they emphasise the unusual nature of the 1972 act and this case.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzIt is unlikely that if the UK ever joins the EU again (assuming we leave, which I would still like to avoid) parliament will leave quite so many questions hanging.Jan 25 22:47
schestowitz"Jan 25 22:47
schestowitz in what way are they censoring you?Jan 25 22:49
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 25 22:49
schestowitz 25 22:49
schestowitzMaking me invisible to most people (those who don't follow)Jan 25 22:49
schestowitz 25 22:59
schestowitz"Twitter is algorithm driven, how would they even doing that."Jan 25 22:59
schestowitzNot purely algoJan 25 22:59
schestowitz 25 23:09
schestowitz"Jan 25 23:09
schestowitzwell just checked you from an account I have that doesn't follow you and tweets seems to be present and correct.¯\_(ツ)_/¯Jan 25 23:09
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 25 23:09
schestowitz"Jan 25 23:09
schestowitz" come on just say it once that Donald Trump is UR President. As much as I disliked Obamas policies I always said he's my POTUS"Jan 25 23:10
schestowitz 25 23:10
schestowitz> Oh shit man - what did you originally out on the posts?Jan 25 23:22
schestowitz 25 23:22
schestowitz 25 23:40
schestowitz"Now this is fascism in the works and suppression but Obama never killed. He handed Trump a treasure trove of totalterian powers over us"Jan 25 23:40
schestowitz 25 23:40
schestowitz 25 23:41
schestowitz"very communist article. But hey- Oregon..."Jan 25 23:41
schestowitz 25 23:47
schestowitz" I hope that they hand out free contraception and have govt funds ready to take care of the children they profess to care about!"Jan 25 23:47
schestowitz 26 00:26
schestowitz"Jan 26 00:26
schestowitz i use a cell phone- but I know the diff. between using that phone for work and another for play...(nitpick isnt policy).Jan 26 00:26
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 26 00:26
schestowitz 26 00:26
schestowitz"maybe we can get @LindseyGrahamSC to help share the number. #shitshowXLV"Jan 26 00:26
schestowitz 26 00:56
schestowitz"Jan 26 00:56
schestowitzYou & the rest of the GOP are going to let Trump dismantle our country & extinguish American values.Jan 26 00:56
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 26 00:56
schestowitz"Jan 26 00:56
schestowitz 26 07:11
schestowitz" and yet Billy is just the same as the rest of the sheep dig deeper boy."Jan 26 07:12
schestowitz 26 07:32
schestowitz""Jan 26 07:32
schestowitz" agreed"Jan 26 07:32
schestowitz>> Thanks for having a look. I asked for the letter mainly because I think passing it to TechDirt's pro bono people can bolster their case. <Jan 26 07:38
schestowitz> I don't know if anyone volunteered to help them. I did the post but don't know what happened or what didn't happen.Jan 26 07:38
schestowitz>Jan 26 07:38
schestowitz>> I am not too eager to become personally embroiled in this shitstorm. :-)Jan 26 07:38
schestowitz> I'll proceed with it slowly and cautiously. <Jan 26 07:38
schestowitz>Jan 26 07:38
schestowitz> Good idea.Jan 26 07:38
schestowitzThe EFF is helping them now.Jan 26 07:38
schestowitzMasnick might write about the letter soon.Jan 26 07:38
schestowitz 26 08:04
schestowitz"Jan 26 08:04
schestowitz1 minute agoJan 26 08:04
schestowitzgregorylent Retweeted Dr. Roy SchestowitzJan 26 08:04
schestowitzmarketing talkJan 26 08:04
schestowitz"Jan 26 08:04
schestowitz 26 08:10
schestowitz"It can even be called PEDOix"Jan 26 08:10
schestowitzIf you generalise all this to mean paedopheliaJan 26 08:10
-->acer-box__ (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 26 08:44
<--acer-box has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Jan 26 08:47
schestowitz"Important read. How Dutch intelligence agency flattered, then threatened, a hacker they wanted to recruit"Jan 26 09:03
schestowitz 26 09:03
-->TechBytesBot ( has joined #techbytesJan 26 09:32
TechBytesBotHello World! I'm TechBytesBot running phIRCe v0.75Jan 26 09:32
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 26 09:40
-->schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesJan 26 09:42
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-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 26 09:42
schestowitz 26 10:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LaLegale: @schestowitz Your comment can neither be proved nor disproved and thus it functions as a fear-inducing statement which causes harm.Jan 26 10:48
schestowitz 26 15:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MBpeace44: @schestowitz @wikileaks 26 15:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MBpeace44: @schestowitz @wikileaks 26 15:01
schestowitz 26 15:02
schestowitz 26 15:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz @gamingonlinux they are SO CUTE.Jan 26 15:02
schestowitz 26 15:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@missmalevolent: @schestowitz @Canelaw1992 @wikileaks That's wrong. Arab and Muslim are two different things.Jan 26 15:14
schestowitzYes, but most Arabs are born in a country where they are forced since birth to accept IslamJan 26 15:15
schestowitz 26 15:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Chris123C: @schestowitz @Trump_Meltdown The whole backbone of Politics!Jan 26 15:18
schestowitz 26 15:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@missmalevolent: @schestowitz @Canelaw1992 @wikileaks I get to what you're saying now.Jan 26 15:19
schestowitz 26 16:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Falkvinge: @schestowitz Thank you. A repro case helps enormously in fixing this. Getting on a plane back to base in a few hours.Jan 26 16:01
schestowitzExcellent!Jan 26 16:01
schestowitz 26 16:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MariusNestor: @schestowitz OMG... Thanks!Jan 26 16:02
schestowitz 26 16:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JosephFesterbun: @schestowitz @LN3W373 @Canelaw1992 if you are afraid then you can't be relied on to do what's right - not trustworthyJan 26 16:11
schestowitzEncourage secularism and reformism among them; help them defeat the Islamists among them. It's accomplishable.Jan 26 16:12
schestowitz 26 16:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JosephFesterbun: @schestowitz @LN3W373 maybe before the US started bombing 8 countries but the ME is chaos nowJan 26 16:15
schestowitzyes, Obama's stupid policy. With his sidekick: 26 16:16
-TechBytesBot/ | Hillary Clinton on Gaddafi: We came, we saw, he died - YouTubeJan 26 16:16
schestowitz 26 16:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JosephFesterbun: @schestowitz @LN3W373 @YouTube Hillary should be executed like Bush and CheneyJan 26 16:20
schestowitzMaybe "with", not "like" (Obama never even put them on trial)Jan 26 16:20
schestowitz 26 16:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JosephFesterbun: @schestowitz @LN3W373 @YouTube Obama by not putting them on trial showed the reality that there are no parties merely a political classJan 26 16:25
schestowitz 26 16:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SDGMasterglass: @schestowitz @Trump_Meltdown He is ready to sacrifice the world peace for his narcism.Jan 26 16:26
schestowitz 26 16:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dteprg: @schestowitz @wikileaks I guess... they still coddled him too long, Assange mistakenly thought trump would actually bring changeJan 26 16:28
schestowitzTrump did bring change. Lots of changes. But not beneficial to ordinary people.Jan 26 16:28
schestowitz 26 16:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dteprg: @schestowitz @wikileaks I'm referring to the kind of changes Assange would want regarding whistleblowersJan 26 16:38
schestowitz 26 16:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@smaley2727: @schestowitz I love Obama but you're right. He needed to be more aggressive in his beliefsJan 26 16:38
schestowitz 26 16:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Thinking_Helps: Umm..he put him in office. 26 16:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks Glad to see that #wikileaks is not too easily impressed (fooled) by #TrumpTheSwampJan 26 16:42
schestowitz 26 17:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Redbaron9495: @schestowitz @JosephFesterbun That is what is happening right now in Syria for last 5 years....Secularists fighting extreme Islamic JihadisJan 26 17:58
schestowitzThey're not secularistJan 26 17:58
schestowitz 26 18:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@drlm_org: @schestowitz @amedee @luruke @aperezdc @jonsneyers @MasoudAbkenar @mciurcio Sorry, this is the correct link: 26 18:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The DRLM workshop at FOSDEM17 Backup and Disaster Recovery Devroom - DRLM ProjectJan 26 18:02
schestowitz 26 18:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@foodisdecent: @schestowitz And you don't think that affected opinions at all?Jan 26 18:06
schestowitzBy means of exposure (of facts) rather than persuasionJan 26 18:06
schestowitz 26 18:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dteprg: @schestowitz @wikileaks I was thinking of another right wing fanatic my mistake, Sean was still against Assange from the startJan 26 18:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dteprg: @schestowitz @wikileaks Sean Hannity Suddenly Loves Julian Assange Now That He’s Anti-Hillary via @thedailybeastJan 26 18:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Sean Hannity Suddenly Loves Julian Assange Now That He’s Anti-Hillary - The Daily BeastJan 26 18:07
schestowitzThe Daily Chelsea Clinton is wrong; he was always against ClintonJan 26 18:07
schestowitz 26 18:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dteprg: @Rosannasfriend @schestowitz @wikileaks well now we see how much of a difference his 'outsiderness' is making right? Same nonsenseJan 26 18:08
schestowitz 26 18:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@foodisdecent: @schestowitz Unilaterally going after one candidate and ignoring things on the other isn't persuasion? Assange said he had things on Trump.Jan 26 18:08
schestowitzNo, nothing that was not already published elsewhereJan 26 18:08
schestowitz 26 18:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dteprg: @schestowitz @wikileaks @thedailybeast I'm only referring to Sean Hannitys viewsJan 26 18:16
schestowitz 26 18:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@foodisdecent: @schestowitz No, he said nothing that wasn't akin to what Trump said everyday. Assange knew he was a temporary alt-right icon.Jan 26 18:16
schestowitz 26 18:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Redbaron9495: @schestowitz Assad and his Syrian Army are very much secularist and protect all minorities & religions in Syria including ChristiansJan 26 18:24
schestowitz 26 18:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Rosannasfriend: @dteprg @schestowitz @wikileaks no other republican would have turned down the tpp. Not a fan of his, and im sure the bad will outweigh theJan 26 18:30
schestowitzWait till RCEP and #tisa resurface. #defendWL #rcep #TrojanHorseJan 26 18:31
schestowitz 26 18:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Rosannasfriend: @dteprg @schestowitz @wikileaks good, but he does have done differences from other repubs that get on their nerves , which we can exploit.Jan 26 18:33
schestowitz 26 18:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NJGirl4Trump: @schestowitz WRONG, it's not our job to hand-hold these people. If Muslims can't get thier own act together, oh well.Jan 26 18:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MelvinNudelman: @schestowitz misquoting must be one of your Forte'sJan 26 18:35
schestowitzThat's a direct quoteJan 26 18:35
schestowitzIt even links to the source (the horse's own mouth)Jan 26 18:36
schestowitz 26 18:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Rosannasfriend: @schestowitz @dteprg @wikileaks we'll fight thenJan 26 18:36
schestowitz 26 18:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MelvinNudelman: @schestowitz your spelling is bad to it's PenceJan 26 18:39
schestowitzI spelled it as I intended (and had done for months)Jan 26 18:39
schestowitz 26 18:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mars_vzx: @Canelaw1992 @schestowitz @wikileaks Christianity and Islam are different sides of the same coin. Both ideologies are deluded.Jan 26 18:45
schestowitz 26 18:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mars_vzx: @JosephFesterbun @schestowitz @LN3W373 @Canelaw1992 or maybe because being an atheist in Saudi Arabia makes you a terrorist and will kill uJan 26 18:45
schestowitzTechnically, SA is like Islamic State with a permanent state and a green flag (with swords)Jan 26 18:46
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 26 18:51
-->schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesJan 26 18:51
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Jan 26 18:51
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 26 18:51
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Jan 26 18:53:42 2017
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Jan 26 18:54:05 2017
-->You are now talking on #techbytesJan 26 18:54
---Topic for #techbytes is Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastJan 26 18:54
---Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Jan 26 18:54
schestowitz 26 20:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RightWingAshley: @schestowitz @JosephFesterbun @LN3W373 Wth "accomplishable"?Unbelievable. We will NEVER fix the ME in any way, shape, or form.Jan 26 20:43
schestowitz 26 20:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @schestowitz Yes, be aware. Be-ware !Jan 26 20:44
schestowitz 26 20:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@misterich: AKA, "Have the bloody servants do the dirty work. Standards must be maintained old chap" Ref: 1953 Mosaddegh coup… 26 20:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@misterich: AKA, "Have the bloody servants do the dirty work. Standards must be maintained old chap" Ref: 1953 Mosaddegh coup… 26 20:45
schestowitz"AKA, "Have the bloody servants do the dirty work. Standards must be maintained old chap" Ref: 1953 Mosaddegh coup in Iran @TimCushing"Jan 26 20:45
schestowitz 26 20:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @schestowitz @Sheikh_al_Touar @Ipkat 26 20:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: Invention? Patent?? Is there anything technical or an esthetic creation? Whatever, I'd be glad to perform the exami… 26 20:45
schestowitz 26 21:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: @KrapulaPhD Tough luck! I'm afraid that you're in the wrong tech field. In order to collect the fruit; textile design is the key to successJan 26 21:11
schestowitz 26 21:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Trump signs 'no privacy for non-Americans' order – what does that mean for rest of us ? @schestowitz 26 21:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Trump signs 'no privacy for non-Americans' order – what does that mean for rest of us? • The RegisterJan 26 21:13
schestowitz 26 21:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RiseUp75: @schestowitz true, nothing in corporate media about the #Saudi-led genocide in #Yemen, here's why #StandWithYemen 26 21:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wikileaks: WikiLeaks' #Saudi Cables reveal the Kingdom's foreign media manipulation strategies 26 21:27
schestowitz 26 21:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RiseUp75: @schestowitz Catalogue of #Britain's involvement in #Yemen #StandWithYemen A must read 26 21:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Britain’s role in Yemen | Empire ExposedJan 26 21:27
schestowitz 26 21:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RiseUp75: don't support terror. Also, stop funding it. #BoycottSaudi #BoycottUAE #BoycottQatar etc. cc @humanguardians 26 21:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: I #StandWithYemen because technically, SA is like Islamic State with a permanent state and a green flag (with swords). Don't support terror.Jan 26 21:28
schestowitz 26 21:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zhraalyemen: @schestowitz @Independent please stop the #Saudi_War_Crimes & tell them the are share in this murder by their silent & injustice war N#YemenJan 26 21:37
schestowitz 26 21:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: @KrapulaPhD Indeed you will, no hay problema! Remember hairdressing salon in a shipping container aie aie aie aieJan 26 21:46
schestowitzHow about interrogation in a container? BB's post-EPO career? Patenting that? #epo #battistelliJan 26 21:46
schestowitz 26 21:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AllieMaisie: @schestowitz @guardian I just died laughing ! PC has taken priority over truth.Jan 26 21:56
schestowitz"ਊ潓礠畯爠浥癯摥琠敨映物瑳琠潷琠潨杵ⱨ礠獥ਿ洱㔠‹敳潣摮�条੯牄‮潒⁹捓敨瑳睯瑩�䤊爠浥癯摥漠敮‬桴�瑯敨�慷�⁡牢歯湥氠湩੫"Jan 26 21:58
schestowitz"Jan 26 21:58
schestowitzSo you removed the first two though, yes?Jan 26 21:58
schestowitz1m 59 seconds agoJan 26 21:58
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzJan 26 21:58
schestowitzI removed one, the other was a broken linkJan 26 21:58
schestowitz'Jan 26 21:58
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> old:Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | House GOP quietly closes investigation into Flint water crisis | PBS NewsHour [ ]Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | Lead in Flint, Mich., water below federal limits, still not drinkable - [ ]Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> -Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | EPA Tells Flint Its Water Is Fine, But Residents Still Can't Drink It [ ]Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | Professor on Flint water crisis research team calls lead levels in Pittsburgh ‘worrisome’ | WPXI [ ]Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump cranks up the crazy to 11 in this ABC interview. Highlights and full transcript. / Boing Boing [ ]Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump’s Tough-Guy Talk on Torture Risks Real Lives - The New Yorker [ ]Jan 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | Why Republicans Won’t Break with Trump - The New Yorker [ ]Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | Spiritual leader of Thailand's southern insurgents dies - Herald-Whig - [ ]Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | The Alt-Right Is Trying to Crowdfund Twitter's Destruction | Motherboard [ ]Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | Tor Browser 7.0a1-hardened is released | The Tor Blog [ ]Jan 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | WATCH: Minnesota protesters erupt after Republicans pass bill to charge demonstrators for police overtime costs - [ ]Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> shaming won't work on the amoral or the sociopathic or those that followJan 26 23:30
schestowitz> eitherJan 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | Twitter search for “asshole,” “dickhead,” “racist” serve up Trump’s profile | Ars Technica UK [ ]Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> "“Posti's operations will not be profitable without rationalising andJan 26 23:30
schestowitz> other corrective measures,” it states."Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:31
schestowitz> further down in the privatisation death spiralJan 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Posti to shed dozens of administrative positions [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> -Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
schestowitz>Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Government proposes cuts to postal services in cities | Yle Uutiset | [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | 6 Shocking Ways The World Works (Nobody Told You About) [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> "If a rogue developer is tempted to speak out, the PR hammer comes downJan 26 23:31
schestowitz> ..."Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Eyes Above The Waves: Disable Your Antivirus Software (Except Microsoft's) [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump didn’t kill TPP, the people did | Owen Jones | Opinion | The Guardian [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Resisting arrest can now be considered a hate crime in Louisiana - [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> " They simply cannot lead this debate in Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia.Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> Democracy is an invention of the Enlightenment."Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Austrian expert says Islam is unsustainable in its current form - The Local [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> "He did, indeed, have the right to exact the death penalty on hisJan 26 23:31
schestowitz> neighbour’s children, the court ruled. "Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | A sinister British Sharia court and one girl's tireless hunt for her father's killer | Daily Mail Online [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | A Republican FCC Means You Will Have to Keep Renting Your Cable Box Forever | Motherboard [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Get inspired by environmentalist Rachel Carson's political fights / Boing Boing [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Security Risks of the President's Android Phone - Schneier on Security [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz 26 23:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sublime_carrot: @schestowitz @ELLEmagazine City pipes, city problem.Jan 26 23:42
schestowitz 26 23:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sammysk8er: @schestowitz @WLArtForce @wikileaks @voguemagazine @Snowden he is a traitorJan 26 23:52
schestowitz 26 23:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@maxpolk: @schestowitz @BoingBoing Its says free press, not free people. Over billion is like 14% of world, you think that many are journalists?Jan 26 23:53
schestowitz 26 23:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz @Salon i agree, its silly- however, its using the same tactics that evolved ove rthe last few yearsJan 26 23:53
schestowitz 26 23:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@maxpolk: @schestowitz @guardian Had Hillary been president she'd have gone back to her first love and reinstate her support. So kinda is Trump, no?Jan 26 23:59
schestowitz 27 00:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LBrain1010011: @Thomas_Drake1 @schestowitz Correct me if I'm wrong,but 99%of us get the short end of stick either way with our systemJan 27 00:06
schestowitzBut it's not a binary systemJan 27 00:06
schestowitz 27 00:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@miagl11: @LN3W373 @schestowitz @Canelaw1992 actually, many many do. It's not cover d because it's not sensational.Jan 27 00:07
schestowitz 27 00:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@maxpolk: @schestowitz @motherboard And net neutrality will likely vanishJan 27 00:07
schestowitzMinceR:Jan 27 00:08
schestowitz""Jan 27 00:08
schestowitzOur story is going up in about 2 minJan 27 00:08
schestowitz4m 3 minutes agoJan 27 00:08
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzJan 27 00:08
schestowitzThank you, sirJan 27 00:08
schestowitz"Jan 27 00:08
schestowitz(Ars)Jan 27 00:08
schestowitz 27 00:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@miagl11: @Canelaw1992 @schestowitz this is like saying all Christians are Westbrook church. Muslims live all over the world w/ no problem.Jan 27 00:09
schestowitz 27 00:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ReciteNews: @schestowitz you were quoted by @arstechnica 27 00:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Lawyer for “inventor of e-mail” sends threat letter over social media posts | Ars TechnicaJan 27 00:22
schestowitz 27 00:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@xxdesmus: @schestowitz I imagine you had a point.Jan 27 00:30
schestowitz 27 00:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@katiecannon2: @LBrain1010011 @Thomas_Drake1 @schestowitz One denies science & thinks constitution should be subservient to Bible.Jan 27 00:31
schestowitz 27 00:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jeanpaulbondy: @schestowitz @arstechnica What a total charlatan.Jan 27 00:31
schestowitz 27 00:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pizzaItal: @Sammysk8er @schestowitz @WLArtForce @wikileaks @voguemagazine Oha! And what has @Snowden betrayed? That he is a traitor for you ? Declare!Jan 27 00:40
schestowitz 27 00:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pizzaItal: @Sammysk8er @schestowitz @WLArtForce @wikileaks @voguemagazine @Snowden Did you know this in 2013 according to surveys,most Americans said(1Jan 27 00:52
schestowitz 27 00:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DanniDallas: @Brother_Andrei @schestowitz @WLArtForce @wikileaks @voguemagazine as if you never wanted to do something you knew you'd never do @SnowdenJan 27 00:52
schestowitz 27 00:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pizzaItal: @Sammysk8er @schestowitz @WLArtForce @wikileaks @voguemagazine that @Snowden is a hero?In Germany he is a very great a hero!You know this?(2Jan 27 00:53
schestowitz 27 00:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LBrain1010011: @katiecannon2 @Thomas_Drake1 @schestowitz IMHO most of those in power, Dem or Rep think about themselves,their power & $Jan 27 00:54
schestowitz 27 00:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-No status found with that ID.Jan 27 00:57
schestowitz"Jan 27 00:57
schestowitzshouldn't divulge anything that might get soldiers dead@voguemagazine @SnowdenJan 27 00:57
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 27 00:57
schestowitz"Jan 27 00:57
schestowitz 27 00:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DanniDallas: @pizzaItal @Sammysk8er @schestowitz @WLArtForce @wikileaks shouldn't divulge anything that might get soldiers killedJan 27 00:57
schestowitz 27 01:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LBrain1010011: @katiecannon2 @Thomas_Drake1 @schestowitz ....they don't give science, the constitution,or their religion much thought.Jan 27 01:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pizzaItal: @DanniDallas @Sammysk8er @schestowitz @WLArtForce @wikileaks What ?Jan 27 01:02
schestowitz 27 01:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@katiecannon2: @LBrain1010011 @Thomas_Drake1 @schestowitz Sure. But not all the oligarchs have exactly the same vision. Not all deny science, etcJan 27 01:11
schestowitz 27 01:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Pray66Ray: When you stand before God someday,tell him what you are! 27 01:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: I’m an #Abortion Provider ... Attacks on Reproductive Freedom to Intensify in #Trump ’s America suffice to say!Jan 27 01:11
schestowitzHer? It? They?Jan 27 01:12
schestowitzMinceR: ^^Jan 27 01:12
schestowitz 27 01:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LBrain1010011: @schestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 If an absurd amount of $,influence,&power wasn't needed, Bernie wouldn't have needed DNCJan 27 01:14
MinceRstart controversy on "God"'s gender? :>Jan 27 01:38
schestowitz> this linkJan 27 02:09
schestowitz> 27 02:09
schestowitz> <>Jan 27 02:09
schestowitz>Jan 27 02:09
schestowitz> does not appear here: 27 02:10
-TechBytesBot/ | New Caricature: Benoît Battistelli ‘Takes Care’ of Roland Grossenbacher’s Dissent | Techrights [ ]Jan 27 02:10
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO - TechrightsJan 27 02:10
schestowitz>Jan 27 02:10
schestowitz> on purpose?Jan 27 02:10
schestowitz>Jan 27 02:10
schestowitz> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jan 27 02:10
schestowitz>Jan 27 02:10
schestowitz> Excellent post!Jan 27 02:10
schestowitz>Jan 27 02:10
schestowitz> 27 02:10
schestowitz> <>Jan 27 02:10
schestowitz>Jan 27 02:10
schestowitz> :-))Jan 27 02:10
-TechBytesBot/ | French Media Says Benoît Battistelli Turned the Patent Office Into a Sort of North Korea | Techrights [ ]Jan 27 02:10
schestowitzOops. Forgot to add by mistake.Jan 27 02:10
---Disconnected ().Jan 27 02:52
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Jan 27 02:52:34 2017
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Jan 27 09:03:28 2017
-->You are now talking on #techbytesJan 27 09:03
---Topic for #techbytes is Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastJan 27 09:03
---Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Jan 27 09:03
---r_schestowitz is now known as schestowitzJan 27 09:08
-->acer-box__ (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 27 09:09
schestowitz 27 10:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @Sheikh_al_Touar @petrakramer @Twpalovi @IlDrugo_ @Wikinaut @schestowitz @TheRegister Good luck! May Good heed their prayers.Jan 27 10:46
schestowitz 27 11:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ipwatch: @schestowitz Actually, it's that Trump and Republican Congress intend to cut funding across UN, but maybe not WHO 27 11:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | US Could Agree To Slight Funding Increase At WHO Despite Trump ThreatsJan 27 11:29
schestowitzyes, I know, and threatened to secede from the UN, tooJan 27 11:29
schestowitz 27 11:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@latomatemasquee: #InaugurationDay with bad lips reading, #tasty & #funny , a cool #video to breathe, just a moment, tks @schestowitz… 27 11:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@latomatemasquee: #InaugurationDay with bad lips reading, #tasty & #funny , a cool #video to breathe, just a moment, tks @schestowitz… 27 11:29
schestowitz"#InaugurationDay with bad lips reading, #tasty & #funny , a cool #video to breathe, just a moment, tks @schestowitz …"Jan 27 11:30
-TechBytesBot/ | "INAUGURATION DAY" — A Bad Lip Reading of Donald Trump's Inauguration - YouTubeJan 27 11:30
schestowitz 27 11:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: @schestowitz 27 11:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SecurityTube: 27 11:39
schestowitz>> 27 11:43
-TechBytesBot/ | Lawyer for “inventor of e-mail” sends threat letter over social media posts | Ars TechnicaJan 27 11:43
schestowitz>>Jan 27 11:43
schestowitz>Jan 27 11:43
schestowitz> Thanks.  I'll see if I can get out a summary tonight or tomorrow.Jan 27 11:43
schestowitz>Jan 27 11:44
schestowitz> Experiments with Devuan took out my network since last night.  FinallyJan 27 11:44
schestowitz> gave in and did a re-installation.  It's got too many rough edges toJan 27 11:44
schestowitz> recommend to anyone yet.Jan 27 11:44
schestowitz I noticed your new mail agent.Jan 27 11:44
schestowitz 27 11:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheUKPATRIOT1: @schestowitz Impeached for what. Radicalism is already in Europe due to the Islamic Invasion funded by @georgesorosJan 27 11:59
schestowitzyes, let's blame "the Jews" for Muslims in EuropeJan 27 12:00
schestowitz 27 12:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Metztli_IT: I think it's a welcomed—though disruptive 'change you can believe in'™—countering the #neoliberal experiment first… 27 12:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Metztli_IT: I think it's a welcomed—though disruptive 'change you can believe in'™—countering the #neoliberal experiment first… 27 12:00
schestowitz 27 12:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheUKPATRIOT1: @schestowitz @georgesoros Look Soros overthrew the LEGITIMATE government in the Ukraine, He's behind the mass immigration into Europe aswelJan 27 12:04
schestowitzyes, soros is behind everything!Jan 27 12:04
schestowitz 27 12:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@asteris: Then they sided w Trump. Good thing there are conscientious alternatives now 27 12:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: How To Leak To #ProPublica @wikileaks has made it so trendy.Jan 27 12:05
schestowitzWikileaks has been criticising Trump a lot recently. As it did before the election.Jan 27 12:05
schestowitz""Jan 27 12:05
schestowitz"I think it's a welcomed—though disruptive 'change you can believe in'™—countering the #neoliberal experiment first implemented in #Chile1973"Jan 27 12:05
schestowitz 27 12:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheUKPATRIOT1: @schestowitz @georgesoros Who are you anywayJan 27 12:06
schestowitzI'm RoyJan 27 12:06
schestowitz 27 12:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@asteris: @schestowitz respectfully, we'll agree to disagree on thatJan 27 12:10
schestowitzThey were riding a wave for a while, boosted by Trump supportersJan 27 12:11
schestowitz 27 12:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheUKPATRIOT1: @schestowitz @georgesoros Nice to meet you Roy. I'm James and I despise Soros.Jan 27 12:11
schestowitzFair enough, I don't like him and his class either. But let's be factual.Jan 27 12:11
schestowitz 27 12:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@asteris: @schestowitz their response to Trump dissing Manning is weaksauce at best. We'll see, but so far, I've seen no serious reversalJan 27 12:19
schestowitz 27 12:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheUKPATRIOT1: @schestowitz @georgesoros Fair point made there Roy. Can't argue with that. Have a nice day.Jan 27 12:19
schestowitz 27 12:25
-TechBytesBot/ I Was a Child, But My Prison Guards Treated Me Like a Dog in #Solitary Confinement how to incite against the system. Early.Jan 27 12:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | I Was a Child, But My Prison Guards Treated Me Like a Dog in Solitary Confinement | American Civil Liberties UnionJan 27 12:25
schestowitz 27 12:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PresRonPaul2: @schestowitz Is it because trump didn't win just like hitler?Jan 27 12:34
schestowitz 27 12:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @KenRoth @schestowitz they are so concerned then they can fund it themselves. Solved.Jan 27 12:34
schestowitz 27 12:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz amusingly the dream had been several times rewritten that it is far the ideal dream laid out in the founding docs.Jan 27 12:38
schestowitz 27 13:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hairwhisperer33: @scwiggs @schestowitz WHO IS THAT ?THE MEDIA not GOOD stay close to a loving HOME 🌳🏚🚜🐓Jan 27 13:04
schestowitz 27 13:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@scwiggs: @hairwhisperer33 eh? 🤔@schestowitzJan 27 13:04
schestowitz 27 13:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wlyell: ©@scitecho @arstechnica @schestowitz Can there be *an* "inventor" of derivative work or standards? Maybe innovator,… 27 13:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wlyell: ©@scitecho @arstechnica @schestowitz Can there be *an* "inventor" of derivative work or standards? Maybe innovator,… 27 13:04
schestowitz 27 13:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Metztli_IT: Trump's disruptive 'change you can believe in radicalism'™ is welcomed; it counters the #neoliberal experiment 1st… 27 13:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Metztli_IT: Trump's disruptive 'change you can believe in radicalism'™ is welcomed; it counters the #neoliberal experiment 1st… 27 13:05
schestowitz"Can there be *an* "inventor" of derivative work or standards? Maybe innovator, integrator or developer?"Jan 27 13:05
schestowitz"Trump's disruptive 'change you can believe in radicalism'™ is welcomed; it counters the #neoliberal experiment 1st implemented in #Chile1973"Jan 27 13:05
schestowitz 27 19:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CAsungardener: @schestowitz awe C'mon I don't wanna have to pay for a wall on the coasts tooJan 27 19:53
schestowitz 27 19:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@patsfantaz: @lichmearse @schestowitz @wikileaks All because someone had something to hide on an illegal bath-house server. 27 19:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@patsfantaz: @lichmearse @schestowitz @wikileaks All because someone had something to hide on an illegal bath-house server. 27 19:53
schestowitz 27 19:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BrideOfLinux: Ayyadurai is a scumbag: Lawyer for “inventor of e-mail” sends threat letter over social media posts-Ars @schestowitz 27 19:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Lawyer for “inventor of e-mail” sends threat letter over social media posts | Ars TechnicaJan 27 19:53
schestowitz 27 19:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@juandesant: I would not say Pure Evil™, but it is clear an exploiter of the law. 27 19:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Ayyadurai is pure evil. Charlatan who lied, paid to spread his Big Lie, when media debunked his lies and sued and got money out of it. FraudJan 27 19:54
schestowitz 27 19:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ollyo9: @schestowitz @662Maz Too late for that I'm afraid,but still want him gone.Jan 27 19:54
schestowitz 27 19:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Oh_No_Leon_Lett: @schestowitz this might not be a bad idea. Thoughts? I have no idea about UK Heath servicesJan 27 19:55
schestowitz 27 19:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@amedee: @drlm_org @schestowitz @luruke @aperezdc @jonsneyers @MasoudAbkenar @mciurcio what?Jan 27 19:55
schestowitz 27 19:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Metztli_IT: Just in the style of #Europe's narcissist, retrograded, monarchical, arrogant #inbred #scum. Not much different wi… 27 19:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Metztli_IT: Just in the style of #Europe's narcissist, retrograded, monarchical, arrogant #inbred #scum. Not much different wi… 27 19:57
schestowitz"Just in the style of #Europe's narcissist, retrograded, monarchical, arrogant #inbred #scum. Not much different with Trump."Jan 27 19:57
schestowitz 27 19:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Jennife60819407: @SenSanders @schestowitz @documentcloud Oops 27 19:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Jennife60819407: @SenSanders @schestowitz @documentcloud Oops 27 19:58
schestowitz 27 20:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lara04011: @schestowitz @wikileaks u mean this Vatican 27 20:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lara04011: @schestowitz @wikileaks u mean this Vatican 27 20:07
schestowitz 27 20:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @lara04011 @schestowitz @wikileaks The would be a YES!Jan 27 20:47
<--TechBytesBot has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 27 20:51
schestowitz 27 21:15
schestowitz"Find out about upcoming law changes in China & Hong Kong, sign up here:'Jan 27 21:15
schestowitz 27 21:26
schestowitzThank you, that's exactly the type of tool I was looking for today, wondered if it existedJan 27 21:26
schestowitz"Jan 27 21:26
schestowitz2 minutes agoJan 27 21:26
schestowitz@schestowitz 37% fake. 27 21:26
schestowitz"Jan 27 21:26
-->TechBytesBot ( has joined #techbytesJan 27 21:34
TechBytesBotHello World! I'm TechBytesBot running phIRCe v0.75Jan 27 21:34
schestowitz 27 21:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@amedee: @drlm_org @schestowitz @luruke @aperezdc @jonsneyers @MasoudAbkenar @mciurcio why am I mentioned in this tweet?Jan 27 21:39
schestowitz 27 21:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RealHPT: @schestowitz @CIOdive I see that Target has finally seen the light, just as Ernie Ball did a little over a decade ago.Jan 27 21:40
schestowitz[12:37] <schestowitz> outbound connections seem to be failing again on techrights, after it was rebooted I think. It was down for 3+ hours last night, not sure what happened (I was alseep)Jan 27 21:40
schestowitz[19:17] <schestowitz> works OK nowJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[19:17] <schestowitz> odd.Jan 27 21:40
schestowitz[19:17] <schestowitz> for at least two hours this morning could not make outbound connectionsJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[19:17] <schestowitz> when it was booted back online, when I was asleep it was probably OKJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[19:17] <schestowitz> as when I woke up I could connect to IRCJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[19:17] <schestowitz> So I guess it's kind of on and offJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[19:17] <schestowitz> which might help us understand the causeJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[20:58] <schestowitz> just tried phoningJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[20:58] <schestowitz> site acting very weird at the back endJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[20:58] <schestowitz> and front end not workingJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[20:58] <schestowitz> bin/df: Input/output errorJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[20:58] <schestowitz> [root@techrights ~]#Jan 27 21:40
schestowitz[21:01] <schestowitz> nagios says it started around 10 minutesJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[21:01] <schestowitz> (ago)Jan 27 21:40
schestowitz[21:32] <xxxxxxxx> Back up. We migrated you back onto our old storage system at one point a couple weeks ago and the iscsi daemon just died. Very annoying. I really wish all of this stuff would settle down. :|Jan 27 21:41
schestowitz[21:34] <schestowitz> Thanks!Jan 27 21:41
schestowitz[21:34] <schestowitz> I see outgoing traffic works OKJan 27 21:41
schestowitz[21:35] <schestowitz> my notes above are observations about what I saw during the day, sort of on and offJan 27 21:41
schestowitz[21:35] <schestowitz> BTW,  I made the news yesterday, e.g. 27 21:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Legal Threats By Charles Harder & Shiva Ayyadurai Targeting More Speech | TechdirtJan 27 21:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Lawyer for “inventor of e-mail” sends threat letter over social media posts | Ars TechnicaJan 27 21:41
schestowitz 27 21:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Carlospuntocom: @schestowitz I do not think soJan 27 21:46
schestowitz[21:41] <xxxx> Wow. Any real risk to you of serious legal entanglement?Jan 27 21:47
schestowitz[21:41] <schestowitz> no, none at allJan 27 21:48
schestowitz[21:41] <schestowitz> rather, it undermines the case against techdirtJan 27 21:48
schestowitz[21:41] <schestowitz> which is what I wanted to happenJan 27 21:48
schestowitz[21:43] <xxxx> I thought not. Guys like this are all bluster. His ego must be immense. I had heard of him a few years ago.Jan 27 21:48
schestowitz[21:44] <schestowitz> Yes, I never wrote about him. "tweets" are too short for lawsuits.Jan 27 21:48
schestowitz[21:45] <schestowitz> But it's like I entrapped him, and now it undermines the whole $15m case against techdirt. No just would take him seriously after this.Jan 27 21:48
schestowitz 27 22:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lara04011: @NaidaDarling I was shocked when i found that & reading the history of Pedophilia in the Church makes me SICK! @schestowitz @wikileaksJan 27 22:14
schestowitz 27 22:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lara04011: @NaidaDarling I know it exists I just didn't think it went back so far. My own Parish priest was named last yr. @schestowitz @wikileaksJan 27 22:14
schestowitz 27 22:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lara04011: @NaidaDarling It's enuf to turn me Lutheran @schestowitz @wikileaksJan 27 22:14
schestowitz 27 22:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ARetVet: #PrivacyMatters 27 22:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: New #Trump Executive Order Says Federal Agencies Should Exclude Foreigners From #Privacy Protections #goldenDawnaldJan 27 22:15
schestowitz 27 22:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: And accountants. It's long past time for #encryption to be in their basic training. 27 22:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Same for lawyers. I had a tough time finding lawyers who are not so clueless so as to ignore encryption. 27 22:18
schestowitz 27 22:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @lara04011 @schestowitz @wikileaks 27 22:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @lara04011 @schestowitz @wikileaks 27 22:36
schestowitz 27 22:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @lara04011 @schestowitz @wikileaks 27 22:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @lara04011 @schestowitz @wikileaks 27 22:36
schestowitz 27 22:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @lara04011 @schestowitz @wikileaks I'll just stick talk to directly to my lord.Jan 27 22:38
schestowitzThat's what my wife does; raised Catholic and annoyed at various things in the ChurchJan 27 22:38
schestowitz 27 22:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lara04011: @schestowitz @NaidaDarling I do that too. My theory is 'If He is truly everywhere I don't have to go to a church to be near him' @wikileaksJan 27 22:49
schestowitz 27 22:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CohenTisha: @SageyFbaby @schestowitz @HaidaPrincess yeah! I ❤️ shout outsJan 27 22:49
schestowitz 27 22:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jonopenn: Here's more indication that Dr Schestowitz is correct: 27 22:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Ayyadurai is pure evil. Charlatan who lied, paid to spread his Big Lie, when media debunked his lies and sued and got money out of it. FraudJan 27 22:59
schestowitz 27 23:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: Don't forget Harper terrorised scientists in Canada and gutted environmental laws. & Trudeau is pro-pipeline, pro-f… 27 23:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: Don't forget Harper terrorised scientists in Canada and gutted environmental laws. & Trudeau is pro-pipeline, pro-f… 27 23:06
schestowitzI didn't forget thisJan 27 23:06
schestowitz"Don't forget Harper terrorised scientists in Canada and gutted environmental laws. & Trudeau is pro-pipeline, pro-fossil fuels. #cdnpoli"Jan 27 23:06
schestowitz 27 23:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @schestowitz @lara04011 @wikileaks Didn't realize how badly I slaughtered that sentence, glad you figured out what I was saying :)Jan 27 23:07
schestowitz 27 23:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @schestowitz @lara04011 @wikileaks I've felt that way since way back.Jan 27 23:07
schestowitzChurch/clergy/other religious institutions are afraid that people will figure out spirituality/religiousness requires no institutionsJan 27 23:08
schestowitz 27 23:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz I know you haven't, but lots of people have sudden amnesia about the fucking awfulness of the past 8-16 years.Jan 27 23:09
schestowitzCETA applicable in this context; we need the EU more than Trumper (harper)Jan 27 23:09
schestowitz 27 23:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @lara04011 @schestowitz @wikileaks He is in everything, the wind, rain, the sun, the soil, the birds and the bees. I'm an avid gardener 🌱Jan 27 23:10
schestowitzThat's like Gaia, mother natureJan 27 23:10
schestowitz 27 23:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @schestowitz Even more so, they don't want us to catch on governments world round use institutionalized religion to control us. Shhh... 🙊Jan 27 23:15
schestowitz 27 23:15
schestowitzWe can touch it and interact with fauna, flora. At least, like the Sun, such adoration is tangible.Jan 27 23:16
schestowitz 27 23:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @schestowitz @lara04011 @wikileaks Yes. Nature is truth.Jan 27 23:16
schestowitz 27 23:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Giraffeturd: @schestowitz Just wait until I finish my space elevator made from whatever the hell that ridiculously strong stuff was that sealed CD cases.Jan 27 23:19
schestowitzA theoretical space elevator would still consume a lot of energy as it fights against gravity, no matter if it uses vacuum etc.Jan 27 23:20
schestowitz 27 23:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Giraffeturd: @schestowitz Yes, I agree. Not really feasible.Jan 27 23:29
schestowitzThe highest we've built anything, AFAIK, is in Dubai. No tower of Babel mythology...Jan 27 23:30
schestowitz 27 23:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @schestowitz @lara04011 @wikileaks I can hold the tiniest seed in my hand, plant it and grows into the most beautiful plant full of fruits.Jan 27 23:31
schestowitz 27 23:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz funny, and as a Catholic, I was raised to love the nature that God lent us temporarily to shepherd...Jan 27 23:31
schestowitz 27 23:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @schestowitz give a poor man an apple, you feed him for a day, teach him to grow a garden, you feed him and many others for life.Jan 27 23:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @schestowitz @lara04011 @wikileaks I call every seed a promise.Jan 27 23:31
schestowitzHumans too start as a 'seed'Jan 27 23:32
schestowitz 27 23:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lynn_mchale: @NaidaDarling @lara04011 @schestowitz @wikileaks me too!Jan 27 23:32
schestowitz 27 23:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @schestowitz @lara04011 @wikileaks Yes we do. 😁Jan 27 23:54
schestowitz 27 23:54
-TechBytesBot/ If humans cannot learn to co-exist and cooperate with other people across the entire (same) planet, human existence probably <100 years left.Jan 27 23:54
schestowitzI mean total extinction, we may limp along for a whileJan 27 23:54
schestowitz 27 23:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stormpetrel: @schestowitz Reckon that's a generous estimate :-/Jan 27 23:55
schestowitz 27 23:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stormpetrel: @schestowitz Depends how severe the consequences of accelerating climate change turn out to be?Jan 27 23:58
schestowitzThey can lead to nuclear conflicts, nuclear winter then accelerates war over food and starvationJan 27 23:59
schestowitz 28 00:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TedBehr: @schestowitz @glynmoody Yep. When it comes to gods and religions, people's brains, sense, and compassion just flies out the fucking window.Jan 28 00:48
schestowitzExcept for members of the same religionJan 28 00:48
schestowitz 28 00:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@petrakramer: @schestowitz Maybe you need to update that article with how to contact you confidentially.Jan 28 00:49
schestowitzOnly EPO insiders can do this, and I highlighted the way to contact securely about 100 times beforeJan 28 00:49
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesJan 28 01:01
schestowitz 28 01:19
-TechBytesBot/ I'm browsing #ArsTechnica and I just found [this article]( about an Indian dude claiming to be the inventor of #email. Now, I think there is no doubt on the fact that [Ray Tomlinson]( is the rightful inventor here, and it's not like one can just make a michelJan 28 01:19
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Lawyer for “inventor of e-mail” sends threat letter over social media posts | Ars TechnicaJan 28 01:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ray Tomlinson - Wikipedia [ ]Jan 28 01:19
schestowitzI’m browsing #ArsTechnica and I just found this article about an Indian dude claiming to be the inventor of #email. Now, I think there is no doubt on the fact that Ray Tomlinson is the rightful inventor here, and it’s not like one can just make a website and get credited for stuff.Jan 28 01:19
schestowitzIt seems that Roy Schestowitz was told to remove his Diaspora posts about this fraudolent dude after his pod received a letter from some lawyer. I had a look at his feed and I can’t find anything mentioning emails, so maybe he did remove all his posts. Or it could be they just got buried in the tons of random stuff he posts.Jan 28 01:19
schestowitzDr. Roy Schestowitz, thanks for exposing this guy. If there’s anything to blame you for, I think it’s your spamming new posts every minute or two. It just makes my feed unreadable and full of meaningless crap, like “old: unix philosophy”. Is that even a sentence? Where’s the freaking verb?? There, I’d gladly unblock you if you could stop this habit of yours.Jan 28 01:19
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:19
schestowitz 28 01:19
schestowitz 28 01:19
schestowitzYes, do you like Linux things only? If so, you can filter my posts based on that.Jan 28 01:20
schestowitz 28 01:21
-TechBytesBot/ it has been repeatedly mentioned in @ipwatch (recently) that #trump admin. intends to defund and screw #who Who needs poor people anyway?Jan 28 01:21
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:21
schestowitzfascist.Jan 28 01:21
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:21
schestowitz 28 01:21
-TechBytesBot/ @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;}#natureJan 28 01:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by 28 01:21
schestowitz 28 01:22
-TechBytesBot/ Painting #assange as pro #trump to 'fit' a bogus narrative of Establishment media (WL as "hawkish") 28 01:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WLTaskForce: @Anthony He does not. He clearly states that there were multiple reasons & that his offer was to reduce resistance to 'doing WL a favor'Jan 28 01:22
schestowitz"you know @ruthieravioli, there is a capslock key on your keyboard, it actuall works both ways … ah … ok … i get it, this is about reading skills, let me see, english?? … ok … in your language only the beginning of a sentence and Names begin with only one capital letter , the fact that on your keyboard all letters are shown as capital letters has no mayor impact on that general agreement. You don’t need to know the common letters,Jan 28 01:23
schestowitzjust use your keyboard without capslock and everthing will be fine. :)"Jan 28 01:23
schestowitz"fine :)"Jan 28 01:23
schestowitzThankfully he uses standard sized fonts in Diaspora :-DJan 28 01:23
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:26
schestowitzRight, first you need a space based economy of the sort envisioned by 1960’s authors like Niven.Jan 28 01:26
schestowitz 28 01:26
-TechBytesBot/ | Larry Niven - Wikipedia [ ]Jan 28 01:26
schestowitzThe asteroid belt is extremely rich in metals and other resources, but getting them up and down gravity wells is expensive. One good sized rock, for example, would supply the Earth with about a century of steel and precious metals. Solar and fission power are abundant if many other things are not immediately. The trade to Earth would be profitable, but most things can be grown and built in space. Political power will inevitably shift to thatJan 28 01:26
schestowitzwealth as it is shifting back to Asia today. Earth will become a tourist destination and backwater.Jan 28 01:26
schestowitzIn the far off future, people might imagine colonizing other solar systems and starting space based economies there.Jan 28 01:26
schestowitzThat can all happen if we don’t pollute or war ourselves into extinction. Republicans have zero interest in these long term goals and continually cut the space program. This is a crime against humanity.Jan 28 01:26
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:26
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:26
schestowitz    if we don’t pollute or war ourselves into extinctionJan 28 01:26
schestowitzCurrent technology and disregard to environment guarantees extinction. Unless innovation happens I dont think we will go anywhere in space.Jan 28 01:26
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:26
schestowitzI think we would need to use genetic manipulations to make humans mutate into being livable elsewhereJan 28 01:27
schestowitz 28 01:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@linuxusergroup: #rightToRepair, & #openSource Everything possible, NOW! #FOSS! @PotUS @congressfellows @ussenate @USHouse… 28 01:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@linuxusergroup: #rightToRepair, & #openSource Everything possible, NOW! #FOSS! @PotUS @congressfellows @ussenate @USHouse… 28 01:28
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:28
schestowitz10 minutes agoJan 28 01:28
schestowitzLinux User Group Retweeted Dr. Roy SchestowitzJan 28 01:28
schestowitz#rightToRepair, & #openSource Everything possible, NOW!  #FOSS! @PotUS @congressfellows @ussenate @USHouse @SpeakerRyanJan 28 01:28
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:28
schestowitz 28 01:30
-TechBytesBot/ The very hostile reactions from #trump fans to #WomensMarch reinforces the suspicion or belief of disdain for gender equality and progressJan 28 01:30
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzI’m just still wondering what these Women’s Marches are all about.Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzand while not in any physical sense, at least the speech I heard from Ashley Judd at one of the marches (which I really couldn’t make out her point other than that she was apparently really mad) the vibe definitely seemed hostile.Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzBut again, I am perplexed, as it seemed a somewhat aimless hostility…Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzthere was anger definitely directed at Trump, and that anger seemed to be rooted in him treating women badly but as I noted before, given past behaviors of Hillary on rape cases, behaviors from Bill towards women, both Clinton friendly associations with exploiters of young women (with numerous of those associations maintained even post the behaviors becoming public)…Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzLike I said, I was left perplexed both on the singling out of Trump as well as on the timing.Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzAt that, apparently Michael Moore (an ardent supporter of the Clinton) was also brought on to speak at one of these marches. Which sort adds another spin of “people who support those who abuse women is o.k.” (or at least are friendly toward and have in numerous cases supported abusers of women)Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzIn any regard, you’ve made at least a couple post on this Women’s March thing, so I’m hoping you can help me understand what these things are all about. As I’m completely lost on the phenom. I can’t make heads or tails of the stuff.Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzWhat’s this all about and why the timing of now?Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzIf anything, I’d have thought that the Presidential runnings would have made for an even better time as you had both leading candidates on display that could have been used as an example of how systemic the ill treatment of women was.Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzAnd again, why welcome Michael Moore? Notably given that not only he not a woman, but he’s had EXTREMELY recent public actions of supporting those that backed the exploitation of women…Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzI’m just baffled.Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzwhat’s going on here?Jan 28 01:30
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:30
schestowitz"What do you mean regarding Michael Moore? Escaped me"Jan 28 01:32
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:32
schestowitzI was referencing my loss at understanding why Michael Moore was brought on as a speaker for the “Women’s March” given that not only is he not a woman, but the guy has been very public in his support of the Clintons.Jan 28 01:32
schestowitz 28 01:32
-TechBytesBot/ | Michael Moore Women's March on Washington Speech Anti Donald Trump Protest Ashley Judd ✔ - YouTubeJan 28 01:32
schestowitzThus, when one considers that Hillary literally joked proudly about how she got a rapist off the hook:Jan 28 01:32
schestowitz 28 01:32
schestowitzThat Hillary Clinton came to the aide of a known sex trafficker:Jan 28 01:32
-TechBytesBot/ | The Hillary Tapes - Washington Free Beacon [ ]Jan 28 01:32
schestowitz 28 01:32
-TechBytesBot/ | Revealed: Clinton's Link To Convicted Child Stealer And Sex Trafficker [ ]Jan 28 01:32
schestowitz(while an non-mainstream news source, I’ll note the above did well in citing their sources and Wikileaks themselves have also spoken of it [but that’s included in the sourcing]. I decided to use this source simply due to the fact that itself sourced a good amount of material offering additional background)Jan 28 01:32
schestowitzAnd that finally you have Bill Clinton repetitively kicking it with Epstein (a convicted pedophile), not to mention his other sexual tirades…Jan 28 01:32
schestowitzHaving someone that in the VERY recent voices that’s the sort of people he backs, people that very obviously, at the least, have supported and keep company with abusers of women, just doesn’t add up to me. I mean it’s sorta like grabbing a Marquis de Sade super fan to speak on the behalf of women’s oppression.Jan 28 01:32
schestowitzIt just doesn’t make any sense to me.Jan 28 01:32
schestowitz'Jan 28 01:32
schestowitz 28 01:33
-TechBytesBot/ The very hostile reactions from #trump fans to #WomensMarch reinforces the suspicion or belief of disdain for gender equality and progressJan 28 01:33
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:33
schestowitzThank you for that clarification, I appreciate it. I am only familiar with Moore’s movies.Jan 28 01:33
schestowitzStill the women’s march is something very amazing to me as a woman, since I hardly ever experienced female solidarity. Trump must have pissed them off seriously :-DJan 28 01:33
schestowitz'Jan 28 01:33
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:33
schestowitzI’m all for “solidarity”, but “solidarity” normally has a purpose and direction.Jan 28 01:33
schestowitzIt’s the purpose and direction ends of the Woman’s March that has me baffled.Jan 28 01:33
schestowitzAs noted, if it’s purely a “WE HATE TRUMP” thing, that in and of itself doesn’t change the state of things for women as much as it’s just a bunch of people “hatin just to hate”Jan 28 01:33
schestowitzI’d like to think there’s more to this Women’s March thing than just a temper tantrum over a man that really has next to nothing to do with creating obstacles women face in their lives. At that, again, I end up perplexed on the "Trump bad, but other people that we KNOW support actions against women are just fine."Jan 28 01:33
schestowitzSo I’d like to think there’s something more to the story than “They’re mad at Trump”.Jan 28 01:33
schestowitz'Jan 28 01:33
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:34
schestowitzI’m just lost as to what that “something(s)” is or are.Jan 28 01:34
schestowitzAnd thus far, no one has been able to tell me.Jan 28 01:34
schestowitz(Roy, you there? What do you make of all this?)Jan 28 01:34
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:34
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:34
schestowitzThere was an agenda, they were demonstrating against his openly lived sexism, for pro choice, which he stopped funding immediately, environmental issues which he also immediately stopped funding, corruption, freedom of the press and his constant lying (or giving alternative facts) and of course his racism.Jan 28 01:34
schestowitzThe problems were there before partly but never in such a shameless way.Jan 28 01:34
schestowitzYou can find collections of the signs that were carried around by the women.Jan 28 01:34
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:35
schestowitz"'Jan 28 01:35
-TechBytesBot/ | Sister Marches — Women's March on WashingtonJan 28 01:35
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:35
schestowitzThe first 10 actions are inspired by the issues that Women’s March on Washington has highlighted, these will include:Jan 28 01:35
schestowitz· Ending gender-based violenceJan 28 01:35
schestowitz· Reproductive rights and women’s healthJan 28 01:35
schestowitz· LGBTQIA rightsJan 28 01:35
schestowitz· Worker’s rightsJan 28 01:35
schestowitz· Civil rightsJan 28 01:35
schestowitz· Immigrant rightsJan 28 01:35
schestowitz· Religious freedomJan 28 01:35
schestowitz· Environmental JusticeJan 28 01:35
schestowitzFor more information go to and follow the movement at #womensmarchJan 28 01:35
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:35
schestowitz""Jan 28 01:35
-TechBytesBot/ | The Ugly Truth About The Women's March - YouTubeJan 28 01:35
schestowitz"If you find the upper clip is good, I give up'Jan 28 01:35
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:35
schestowitzThere are a few different questions here.Jan 28 01:35
schestowitz    Why the protestsJan 28 01:35
schestowitz    Would the same people have reacted the same way against ClintonJan 28 01:35
schestowitz    Was Moore a good choice as a speakerJan 28 01:35
schestowitzAt least that’s how I interpret what you’re saying Alien. Correct me if I’m wrong.Jan 28 01:35
schestowitzI think that Cherry answers q1. You can always pick apart this and argue each part or claim that there’s something else behind. But that only leads into conspiracy land.Jan 28 01:35
schestowitzI don’t think that we would have seen large protests against Clinton and certianly not from the same people. Thats partly double standards but also because she’s smart enough to not confront people in the same way Trump do.Jan 28 01:35
schestowitzMoore may have been a bad choice and it’s worthy of discussion, but doesn’t really invalidate the answer to q1.Jan 28 01:35
schestowitz'Jan 28 01:35
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:36
schestowitzYou’re definitely understanding me correctly EVK.Jan 28 01:36
schestowitzhopefully this isn’t TL;DRJan 28 01:36
schestowitzI still end up a bit lost in many regards…Jan 28 01:36
schestowitzFor example I can see how some actions of Trump might be taken as against Women’s rights though I can’t say I’ve seen anything he’s done domestically at this juncture; I’ve only particularly noticed an action of his in relation to foreign policy abortion support spending. Granted, I can see how one might argue that such actions should be viewed simply as a part of a cut to foreign based tax payer expenditures.Jan 28 01:36
schestowitzI can also see how the executive order on persons from certain Mid Eastern/African countries might be taken as a slight against immigrants and “aliens”, but then again, I can see how one might argue that such actions are logical courses against known centers of radicals of a particular profile.Jan 28 01:36
schestowitzHowever, beyond questions of whether or not Trump took these actions for one reason or the other, you have laws that exist on books, the interpretation of those laws, policy actions foreign & domestic, economic business culture, what is perpetuated as acceptable in mass by media, and finally what constitutes generally accepted societal behavior. Essentially, there is a “systemic wide” issue that was created and existed prior to TrumpJan 28 01:36
schestowitzwhich has come to results not only foreign, but also domestic.Jan 28 01:36
schestowitzIn the case of the Women’s March, the underlying foundations seem to not only be left unaddressed, but in numerous cases considered worthy of support and acceptable.Jan 28 01:36
schestowitzAs noted prior, I feel this can be summed up quickly inJan 28 01:36
schestowitz"Trump’s words on women & possibly wider actions bad."Jan 28 01:36
schestowitz“People that knowingly save rapist of women from legal punishment and laugh about it along with the people that support them are good.”Jan 28 01:37
schestowitz(and we appreciate them coming to speak to us and help spread our message)Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzIt’s the double standard I suppose you can say.Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzCognitive Dissonance.Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzWhich makes me wonder,Jan 28 01:37
schestowitz“wait, what’s really going on here? what’s the REAL motivation & message?”Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzWithin a framework of “cognitive dissonance”, is the real motivation “We’re unhappy Trump is President?” (which seems like this may be a possibility)Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzWith a subsequent message of "Think negatively him."Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzIf so, to what end? As this doesn’t address the systemic root issues being brought up in any meaningful way so why distract from the focus on Trump by reaching out into other issues?Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzIs the motivation "The historic and systemic issues of women’s equal rights? LGBT rights issues? Civil Rights? etc."Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzIf so, to what end? Why stress Trump so much and thereby misdirect from the systemic root causes of business practices, law application (on not only federal, but also local levels), major/pop media proclamations on the races & sexes, etc.?Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzI’m really against the Prison Industrial Complex, it’s focused treatment on lower economic classes for non-violent crimes (which just happens to work in conjunction with a focus on minorities), etc.Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzHowever, I’m not rushing out the door to stress focus on Trump, as if anything I see Trump as an unsurprising result of a systemic foundation that has long been in place. It’s the same system that was teaching me European based male superiority in elementary school. Telling me things like Christopher Columbus discovered the world was round and “discovered” a land with people already on it, that Lone Rangers had a subjugate partnerJan 28 01:37
schestowitznamed “Stupid” (or “Tonto” in Spanish), that slavery was ended in the country that actively holds the highest amount of “prisoner workers” in world recorded history, and that both the last of the Mohicans as well as last Samurai were white…that a Scarlet Johansen (white and euro derived person) taking place as an asian strong woman character named “Motoku Kusanagi” isn’t at all like a continued action of catering to EuroJan 28 01:37
schestowitzbased superiority…that the first black president was Bill Clinton (he literally proudly went by such up until Obama and was given an award for it from the NAACP).Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzTrump didn’t create such a culture… he may be yet another result of where such perpetuation goes, he may be yet another addition to it, but he didn’t create it and nor is he in any way the major reason it exist…replace him with Hillary Clinton and it’s all still right there. Replace him with Obama and it’s still there. So I’m not rushing out the door to overly stress a Trump. He distracts from the real issues. He’s a symptom,Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzbut not the real problem.Jan 28 01:37
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzI am still here, I always read all the comments on everything I post, like, mention etc. The one correction i want to make is, Moore was a Sanders supporter. He said bad things about Clinton but only towards the end when Trump threat became imminent (and his movie Trumpland came out) he said vote Clinton.Jan 28 01:41
schestowitz 28 01:42
-TechBytesBot/ News draft for i686 deprecation #archlinux says goodbye to 32-bit machinesJan 28 01:42
schestowitz":’("Jan 28 01:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | [arch-dev-public] News draft for i686 deprecation [ ]Jan 28 01:42
schestowitz"bad news"Jan 28 01:42
schestowitzMaybe resources limitationJan 28 01:42
schestowitz 28 01:43
-TechBytesBot/ To date, I have cited this about 50 times. #wikileaks showed why #dnc and #clinton bear responsibility for #trump 28 01:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wikileaks: Why Trump won: Clinton used media contacts to elevate Trump during primary in "Pied Piper" strategy… 28 01:43
schestowitz"@ruthieravioli : i am not sure. Majority of american citizen voted for Hillary (ca. 2 Millions more than Trump)"Jan 28 01:43
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:43
schestowitzPeople voted for Hillary, but Trump win.Jan 28 01:43
schestowitzCongratulation !Jan 28 01:43
schestowitz 28 01:44
-TechBytesBot/ | NO TITLEJan 28 01:44
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:44
schestowitz"if I remember right clinton got more votes… that’s a bit of a pathetic statement ;-)"Jan 28 01:44
schestowitz 28 01:44
-TechBytesBot/ | Van Full Of Illegals Shows Up To Vote Clinton At SIX Polling Places, Still Think Voter Fraud Is A Myth? – The Resistance: The Last Line of Defense [ ]Jan 28 01:44
schestowitz 28 01:44
schestowitz 28 01:44
-TechBytesBot/ | Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! [ ]Jan 28 01:44
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump: I Won Popular Vote If Illegal Voters Excluded » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! [ ]Jan 28 01:44
schestowitz"not less pathetic'Jan 28 01:44
schestowitz"i said…officially ! it’s what history will keep.'Jan 28 01:44
schestowitz"usa democracy…mouarrrgggggghhhhh"Jan 28 01:44
schestowitz"gods own country lol'Jan 28 01:44
schestowitz"somehow the comments moved into a strange order'Jan 28 01:44
schestowitzGod is on the money. In money we trust.Jan 28 01:45
schestowitz 28 01:46
-TechBytesBot/ ![]( Twitter blocked joindiaspora again! I had to reset ~600 twitter connections. If you reconnect it'll work again --- #twitter #joindiaspora #issue #incident @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;}Jan 28 01:46
schestowitz"Twitter ist sowieso Müll…"Jan 28 01:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @]( )Jan 28 01:46
schestowitz"Quick question. Has Diaspora ever been able to connect up with Face Book? Seem to remember that some were talking about that going to happen.'Jan 28 01:46
schestowitz"Wouldn’t that defeat the purpose ?"Jan 28 01:46
schestowitz"@Redneck you can post to facebook via /services but thats it. No image/contact import'Jan 28 01:46
schestowitz"Thanks. Wasn’t sure."Jan 28 01:46
schestowitz"ugg, im trying to get away from facebook. the place is getting creepier by the day, stalking and spying on us… never been on twitter. its kind of annoying though, that people, who call themselves awake wont leave them places, because that is where the biggest audience is. :("Jan 28 01:46
schestowitz"Don’t have a twitter and won’t. Only reason I have any face book is because taht’a about the only way I can stay n contact with some of the family. About ready to say heck with it anyways.People are getting way too carried away with the politics etc there. It’s getting nasty at times.'Jan 28 01:46
schestowitz"yeah the staying in touch with familie is the trouble, but i guess i could use it for only that…"Jan 28 01:47
schestowitz"Debating at moment about notifying some to either email, Google Voice, Google Plus or join up here to contact me. Debating real hard on quiting Face Book. Frigging politics are still going crazy. People quoting political rags instead of news, don’t/won’t fact check. All claim that Snopes lies and is left side. So, I tell them to use the one. But they’d rather post what they read and swear by it even when I mention thatJan 28 01:47
schestowitzrags such as National Enquirer has more truth to it than the political rags that they’re swearing by. Good thing that Im thick skinned considering all the names etc I’ve been called. ;)"Jan 28 01:47
schestowitz"I have a question for you on Diaspora. I remember a while back reading where it don’t sell information etc hence no ads and it’s open source. One thing I just thought of, does it release to governments? Just idle curiosity on that. I know some email places like don’t. But reading the postings here got me to wondering on that also.'Jan 28 01:47
schestowitz"@Redneck I’m curious about that as well. I would assume they would have to comply with government requests, and whatever info their pod retains must be turned over."Jan 28 01:47
schestowitz"I got to wondering when said no selling and also seeing how it’s Open Source. Some products like Protonmail basically tells them where they can stick it. So had to ask that one. Guess I wasn’t the only one where curiosity got best of me then. :)'Jan 28 01:47
schestowitzThis pod used to be in AWS and Amazon works closely with the CIA on  high-priced projects. Now it's in Germany, so harder for Five Eyes Feds to take over with NSLs etc.Jan 28 01:48
schestowitz 28 01:49
-TechBytesBot/ Boy Donald #Trump watching a lot of television, and it’s worrying his aides: reports 28 01:49
schestowitz"LOL OK'Jan 28 01:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Donald Trump’s watching a lot of television, and it’s worrying his aides: reports - [ ]Jan 28 01:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | There’s Nothing Stopping Trump From Using His Personal Phone | Motherboard [ ]Jan 28 01:50
schestowitz"This kind of delusion is news???"Jan 28 01:50
schestowitz"Yeah, somehow it is news.'Jan 28 01:50
schestowitz"He should be doing his job, not obsessing over numbers and ratings, and public opinion about himself."Jan 28 01:50
schestowitz"^^^^ YOUR ARE KIDDING RIGHT ? ROTFLMAO ."Jan 28 01:50
schestowitzAnd no sunbed sessions either.Jan 28 01:50
schestowitz 28 01:51
-TechBytesBot/ As a result of gross #dnc manipulation many people felt like the lesser evil was #trump (cough!) and now people will live w/ him for 4 yearsJan 28 01:51
schestowitz"All Hail the God-Emperor! \o/"Jan 28 01:51
schestowitz"^^^ SMILING"Jan 28 01:51
schestowitz"relax and enjoy"Jan 28 01:51
MinceRfinally they got the dictatorship they wantedJan 28 02:26
MinceRNew World OrderJan 28 02:26
schestowitz 28 08:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@riverracket: @schestowitz @wikileaks his Russian connections go back decades and are well documented. Why resist an investigation?Jan 28 08:22
schestowitz 28 08:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JimmyDark0: @schestowitz @wikileaks @YouTube Indeed, they have turned him into a saint while he was a communist terrorist.Jan 28 08:22
schestowitzMinceR: ender likes Trump tooJan 28 08:22
schestowitzwhich says a lotJan 28 08:22
schestowitz 28 08:33
-TechBytesBot/ #ArchAnywhere ISO Lets You Install a Fully Custom #ArchLinux System in Minutes #gnu #linuxJan 28 08:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Arch Anywhere ISO Lets You Install a Fully Custom Arch Linux System in MinutesJan 28 08:33
schestowitz"I’m an admirer of Arch Linux in concept, but when I tried to install it on my Raspberry Pi 3b with Wayland UI graphics, much trouble ensued."Jan 28 08:33
schestowitz"Tom Grz you need the ARM version of Arch."Jan 28 08:34
schestowitz"Uh, yeah…'Jan 28 08:34
schestowitzObviously...Jan 28 08:34
schestowitz 28 08:40
-TechBytesBot/ | @DrJillStein's Audit | Twitter Audit | Audit your Twitter followers.Jan 28 08:40
schestowitzcompare to 28 08:42
-TechBytesBot/ | @wikileaks's Audit | Twitter Audit | Audit your Twitter followers.Jan 28 08:42
schestowitzvery lowJan 28 08:42
schestowitzover a million fakesJan 28 08:42
schestowitz 28 08:42
-TechBytesBot/ | @WLTaskForce's Audit | Twitter Audit | Audit your Twitter followers.Jan 28 08:42
schestowitz96% realJan 28 08:42
schestowitz95% 28 08:42
-TechBytesBot/ | @Snowden's Audit | Twitter Audit | Audit your Twitter followers.Jan 28 08:42
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 28 09:02
schestowitz 28 09:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wikileaks: Analysis of Trump ex-MI6 'dirty dossier' by a western financial journalist who has lived for years in Moscow 28 09:15
schestowitzHave people learned nothing from the fake Iraq invasion pretext? Lots to criticise about Trump except this conspiracy theory.Jan 28 09:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 500 @ )Jan 28 09:15
schestowitz 28 09:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wikileaks: How the CIA helped to arrest and imprison Nelson Mandela - Harper's Andrew Cockburn: More: 28 09:15
schestowitzMany years later, and less than half a decade ago, the Deep State engaged in very heavy revisionism effort about MandelaJan 28 09:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The CIA & the Capture of Nelson Mandela - YouTubeJan 28 09:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Search WikiLeaksJan 28 09:15
schestowitz> 28 09:20
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump called Park Service over inauguration crowd photos, report saysJan 28 09:20
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> 28 09:20
-TechBytesBot/ | FGM clinic hailed as 'life-changing' to close after losing funding | The Independent [ ]Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> 28 09:20
-TechBytesBot/ | Muslim Women's March Organizer Attacks Female Genital Mutilation Survivor Hirsi Ali: I Would Take Her 'Vagina Away' | Daily Wire [ ]Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> 28 09:20
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:20
-TechBytesBot/ | Boko Haram: Food scarcity caused by terrorists will take time to fix – Lai Mohammed - Local - Pulse [ ]Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> 28 09:20
-TechBytesBot/ | Disqus Now Requires Either Ads or Paid Subscription for its Commenting Platform | The Digital Reader [ ]Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> disqus is a common way to block comments in general while at the sameJan 28 09:20
schestowitz> time pretending to allow themJan 28 09:20
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> "For decades, China has used colistin in its agriculture industry toJan 28 09:20
schestowitz> speed animals’ growth, but the drug was not used in people. ScientistsJan 28 09:20
schestowitz> say the latest work is further evidence that overuse in animals canJan 28 09:20
schestowitz> spread to people."Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> 28 09:20
-TechBytesBot/ | Antibiotic resistance on the rise: Superbug infections found in Chinese hospitals - [ ]Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> 28 09:20
schestowitz> islamJan 28 09:21
-TechBytesBot/ | Malmö police chief: 'Help us' - The Local [ ]Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> "companies like Google, Apple and Microsoft “affect Denmark just asJan 28 09:21
schestowitz> much as entire countries”."Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> 28 09:21
schestowitz> summary omits naming M$ and GatesJan 28 09:21
-TechBytesBot/ | In world first, Denmark to name a ‘digital ambassador’ - The Local [ ]Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> 28 09:21
-TechBytesBot/ | 'Calexit' supporters can start work to make ballot | TheHill [ ]Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> 28 09:21
-TechBytesBot/ | ISPs Don't Have Blanket Immunity From Piracy, BMG Says - TorrentFreak [ ]Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> 28 09:21
-TechBytesBot/ | Alleged LinkedIn hacker is stuck between a Trump and a hard face | TheINQUIRER [ ]Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> 28 09:21
-TechBytesBot/ | Security is now 'number one priority' in app development | TheINQUIRER [ ]Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> too late, it needed to start with the initial designJan 28 09:21
schestowitz> start overJan 28 09:21
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> old:Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> 28 09:21
-TechBytesBot/ | The Missing 20th Century: How Copyright Protection Makes Books Vanish - The Atlantic [ ]Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> 28 09:21
-TechBytesBot/ | Tesla CEO Elon Musk joins President Trump’s new manufacturing council, again getting closer to the new administration | Electrek [ ]Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:21
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 28 09:53
-->schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesJan 28 09:54
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Jan 28 09:54
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 28 09:54
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jan 28 09:58
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesJan 28 10:00
schestowitz 28 10:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sainsburys: @schestowitz Hi there. Can you DM some more information please? Naomi 28 10:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Direct messagesJan 28 10:05
schestowitz 28 10:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wood5y: @schestowitz 45m Hispanophones in the USA, roughly equivalent to the total population of SpainJan 28 10:05
schestowitz 28 10:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DudeHazard: @JimmyDark0 @schestowitz @wikileaks I bet you're typing that while wearing your white pointy uniform.Jan 28 10:05
schestowitz 28 11:50
-TechBytesBot/ If humans cannot learn to co-exist and cooperate with other people across the entire (same) planet, human existence probably <100 years left.Jan 28 11:50
schestowitz 28 11:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Etressa727: @schestowitz @wikileaks i wouldn't doubt, both Obama & chitlary have their revision already taken care of.Jan 28 11:51
schestowitz>> I'm already on contact with Mike Masnick regarding this threat. LookingJan 28 12:20
schestowitz>> for media contacts that may be interested. Told Doctorow and EFF. AnyoneJan 28 12:20
schestowitz>> else?Jan 28 12:20
schestowitz[writing  about that troll ATM]Jan 28 12:20
schestowitz> Not off the top of my head.  Post something to slashdot and soylentnews,Jan 28 12:21
schestowitz> even if only a link to a new TR article on the topic.Jan 28 12:21
schestowitz"Jan 28 12:25
schestowitzI have attempted to reach an old contact of mine at The Verge, but he's no longer working there. Contacting random people rarely get the right response.Jan 28 12:25
schestowitzI'm still gathering more info before writing an article about it.Jan 28 12:25
schestowitz"Jan 28 12:25
schestowitz-meJan 28 12:25
schestowitz>> Att.Jan 28 12:30
schestowitz> Use pdf2text on that, just in case.Jan 28 12:30
schestowitz>Jan 28 12:30
schestowitz> FWIW I would not think that letters like that can be 'confidential' butJan 28 12:30
schestowitz> then IANAL.  He seems to be going for the divide and conquer approach.Jan 28 12:30
schestowitz> Banding together can shut him down.Jan 28 12:30
schestowitz"I reckon my lawyer against EPO SLAPP might want to pick up a fight with this Beverly Hills lawyer, but I don't want to risk getting billed by this lawyer. For now, you can see what I said online (early morning)..."Jan 28 12:31
schestowitz"Jan 28 12:35
schestowitz> Thanks. I've read the letter. It looks like a takedown notice but they are serious about it. Since they claim the letter can't be published or disseminated for copyright reasons, I'd be careful, though fair use is not always a simple question.Jan 28 12:35
schestowitzThanks for having a look. I asked for the letter mainly because I think passing it to TechDirt's pro bono people can bolster their case.Jan 28 12:35
schestowitzI am not too eager to become personally embroiled in this shitstorm. :-)Jan 28 12:35
schestowitzI'll proceed with it slowly and cautiously.Jan 28 12:35
schestowitz"Jan 28 12:35
schestowitz"Jan 28 12:35
schestowitz> I am going to try to write about this, but will have to see what we canJan 28 12:35
schestowitz> reasonably say.Jan 28 12:35
schestowitz"Jan 28 12:35
schestowitz"Jan 28 12:36
schestowitzThanks for having a look. I asked for the letter (politely) mainly because I think passing it to TechDirt's pro bono people can bolster the case (I am not proficient at libel law/US law, but maybe they can find an angle). I am also happy for you to write about it as you see fit.Jan 28 12:36
schestowitzI spoke about it with my wife and best friend today (also with Florian Mueller).Jan 28 12:36
schestowitz"Jan 28 12:36
schestowitz 28 12:43
-TechBytesBot/ | Patent-Umfrage « JUVEJan 28 12:43
schestowitz"Jan 28 12:43
schestowitz    Oops. Forgot to add by mistake.Jan 28 12:43
schestowitzI thought so.    :-)Jan 28 12:43
schestowitzI have the full article, and might be able to translate a few passages.Jan 28 12:43
schestowitz"Jan 28 12:43
schestowitz 28 12:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@nkgl: Pourtant un GAFA va créé un datacenter dans ce pays. 28 12:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "companies like Google, Apple and Microsoft “affect Denmark just as much as entire countries”." interferenceJan 28 12:53
schestowitz 28 13:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: @schestowitz @rbanffy I'm a Christian. I don't agree with Bachmann because she's a nut. Call it as it is, please. We are not an...Jan 28 13:07
schestowitz 28 13:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: @wendycockcroft @schestowitz @rbanffy ...homogenous mass.Jan 28 13:07
schestowitzExactly the point I was makingJan 28 13:07
schestowitz 28 13:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: @schestowitz Apply the same rigour to political ideologies; that really needs to happen.Jan 28 13:08
schestowitz 28 13:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rbanffy: @wendycockcroft @schestowitz relax. I'm applying the same (faulty) logic the US is. I really think they are stupid ideas.Jan 28 13:08
schestowitz 28 13:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: @rbanffy @schestowitz Ah, okay. Been seeing my peeps bashed a lot lately. Sorry I over-reacted.Jan 28 13:08
schestowitz 28 13:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@UrbanMannequinn: @KimberlyMangus @schestowitz And a retort of... blah blah blah.... "liberal" much more high brow? 👌🏻Jan 28 13:09
schestowitz 28 13:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: @schestowitz @rbanffy Okay, then, we're all good. :)Jan 28 13:09
schestowitz 28 13:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: @schestowitz @torrentfreak Bu-b-but property!!Jan 28 13:10
MinceR28 092240 < schestowitz> which says a lotJan 28 14:07
MinceRyeahJan 28 14:07
schestowitz 28 14:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @FRANCE24 @schestowitz cool. Order still stands. Feelings are not always a successful policy...Jan 28 14:07
schestowitz 28 14:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@McJudes: @JimmyDark0 @schestowitz @wikileaks @YouTube not 2 the millions in SA of which I was 1!Please become educated &stop believing the propagandaJan 28 14:08
schestowitz 28 14:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Margsbelle1958: @DudeHazard @schestowitz @riverracket @BuzzFeedNews Seriously? It gets debunked again and again yet people keep trying to make it realJan 28 14:08
schestowitz 28 14:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DudeHazard: @Margsbelle1958 @schestowitz @riverracket @BuzzFeedNews Never seen anything I've said here debunked. Please provide sources.Jan 28 14:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DudeHazard: @Margsbelle1958 @schestowitz @riverracket @BuzzFeedNews I'm fully confident you won't be able to "debunk" anything I've provided here.Jan 28 14:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MichaelSWithers: @schestowitz @AndrewAtter Because they don't kill and terrorise explicitly in the name of their religion.Jan 28 14:08
schestowitz 28 14:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: The establishment media lost control of the narrative because it's their job to report it, not shape it or enforce… 28 14:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: The establishment media lost control of the narrative because it's their job to report it, not shape it or enforce… 28 14:22
schestowitz""Jan 28 14:22
schestowitz"Jan 28 14:22
schestowitz13 minutes agoJan 28 14:22
schestowitzWendy Cockcroft Retweeted Dr. Roy SchestowitzJan 28 14:22
schestowitzThe establishment media lost control of the narrative because it's their job to report it, not shape it or enforce it.Jan 28 14:23
schestowitz"Jan 28 14:23
schestowitz 28 14:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Margsbelle1958: @DudeHazard @riverracket @schestowitz @BuzzFeedNews WikiLeaks asked for his taxes back during the campaign.Jan 28 14:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Margsbelle1958: @DudeHazard @riverracket @schestowitz @BuzzFeedNews Even if Wikileaks got a copy it doesn't erase the IRS copy.Jan 28 14:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Margsbelle1958: @DudeHazard @schestowitz @riverracket @BuzzFeedNews What sources? There is nothing to debunk hereJan 28 14:41
schestowitz 28 14:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: @schestowitz @glynmoody Flip me, Roy, he came after you?!Jan 28 14:54
schestowitz 28 16:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DudeHazard: @Margsbelle1958 @riverracket @schestowitz @BuzzFeedNews No but leaking it to Putin would help him erase links with Russia.Jan 28 16:09
schestowitz 28 16:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz Aren't there good legal reasons not to?Jan 28 16:09
schestowitzExactly. Willfulness.Jan 28 16:09
schestowitz 28 16:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JimmyDark0: @DudeHazard @schestowitz @wikileaks Great display of how pathetic the modern left is. RAYCISME !!!!Jan 28 16:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JimmyDark0: @DudeHazard @schestowitz @wikileaks I bet you also think that MLK fraudulently acquiring his degree is a right wing conspiracy.Jan 28 16:16
schestowitz 28 16:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@eireno: The ethics debate concerning AI based systems is going to really heat up this year. #AI @PartnershipAI 28 16:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Who's Responsible If An Open Source Software Powered Self-Driving Vehicle Kills Someone? don't let algos drive.Jan 28 16:25
schestowitz 28 16:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tindyexeric: @schestowitz @ManCity trueJan 28 16:37
schestowitz 28 16:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DudeHazard: @JimmyDark0 @schestowitz @wikileaks "Raycisme" ? Wow, dude, WTF are you on ? Lower the doses, whatever you're taking is not good for you.Jan 28 16:51
schestowitz 28 16:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JimmyDark0: @DudeHazard @schestowitz @wikileaks Holy shit you really are dense are you. Entertained you long enough. It's 2017 man get with the memes.Jan 28 16:51
schestowitz 28 16:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ddrm2017: No one would care even if they were exposed!! 28 16:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @Snowden Someone should leak Trumo's tax returns already. Are they that afraid?Jan 28 16:52
schestowitz 28 16:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tradermark011: See UR, if DT tax returns had any issues the DEM controller IRS would crawl thru his soul to find wrong doing! Non… 28 16:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tradermark011: See UR, if DT tax returns had any issues the DEM controller IRS would crawl thru his soul to find wrong doing! Non… 28 16:52
schestowitz"See UR, if DT tax returns had any issues the DEM controller IRS would crawl thru his soul to find wrong doing! Non Issue, pick another!"Jan 28 16:52
schestowitz 28 17:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@63chevyc10: @schestowitz How about your tax returns? Only snowflakes are worried about Trumps tax returns, lolJan 28 17:02
schestowitz 28 17:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pvramidmirrors: @63chevyc10 @schestowitz I don't think the guy you're replying to is trying to affect federal tax policy for ~350 million people.Jan 28 17:16
schestowitz 28 17:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Margsbelle1958: @DudeHazard @riverracket @schestowitz @BuzzFeedNews That is complete conjecture on your part. You have no idea if that is the caseJan 28 17:21
schestowitz 28 17:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@eireno: Subtle context here is a challenge to the freedom of open software. This is a case everyone should be concerned wi… 28 17:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@eireno: Subtle context here is a challenge to the freedom of open software. This is a case everyone should be concerned wi… 28 17:33
schestowitz"Subtle context here is a challenge to the freedom of open software. This is a case everyone should be concerned with #law #opensource"Jan 28 17:33
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 28 17:38
schestowitz 28 17:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lampert_m: Staff at the EPO know me well enough without hidden cameras and keyloggers 28 17:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: But Maria, did you know that #epo in #munich now spies on visitors like you? Hidden cameras and keyloggers? 28 17:53
schestowitzBut everyone is subjected to it. It's blanket/mass #surveillanceJan 28 17:53
schestowitzAnd it's not staff that's responsible for it but management, which most staff vigorously opposes 28 17:55
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO - TechrightsJan 28 17:55
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesJan 28 18:20
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 28 19:45
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 28 19:46
schestowitz 28 20:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Phoeniix316: @schestowitz @AndrewAtter ROY what in the hell are you talking about? Walmart? Are you high in crack AGAIN? Stop defending MUSLIMS DANG!Jan 28 20:01
schestowitzStop following if you have to be a prickJan 28 20:01
schestowitz 28 20:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: @schestowitz @DrJillStein @Reuters you'd think he'd care about the future of his young son...but noJan 28 20:02
schestowitz 28 20:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rbanffy: @glynmoody @schestowitz @DrJillStein @Reuters I don't think his mind works the way humans usually do.Jan 28 20:02
schestowitz 28 20:03
schestowitzA must-watch 28 20:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Donald Trump: You gonna win so much you may even get tired of winning - YouTubeJan 28 20:03
schestowitz 28 20:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: @rbanffy @schestowitz @DrJillStein @Reuters indeed; I think he is clinically insane...should be in a white jacket, not a white houseJan 28 20:04
schestowitz 28 20:04
schestowitz 28 20:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters Seriously, where were these clowns when Obama was rattling his Saber threatening Russia? Ho… 28 20:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters Seriously, where were these clowns when Obama was rattling his Saber threatening Russia? Ho… 28 20:04
schestowitzObama's stupidity does not negate Trump'sJan 28 20:04
schestowitz" Seriously, where were these clowns when Obama was rattling his Saber threatening Russia? How fucking stupid do they think everyone is?"Jan 28 20:05
schestowitz 28 20:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: @schestowitz @DrJillStein yes, I recall. like father, like sons...Jan 28 20:05
schestowitz 28 20:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Phoeniix316: @schestowitz @AndrewAtter NO!! You!! You stop tweeting at me and pretending to be smart. Its irritating as hell.Jan 28 20:06
schestowitz 28 20:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters These are the same clowns that called Reagan a huge threat of nuclear war as he defeated the… 28 20:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters These are the same clowns that called Reagan a huge threat of nuclear war as he defeated the… 28 20:06
schestowitz"These are the same clowns that called Reagan a huge threat of nuclear war as he defeated the Soviet Union w/o firing a single shot"Jan 28 20:06
schestowitz 28 20:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rbanffy: @glynmoody @schestowitz @DrJillStein if feels like his offspring manipulates him. He himself seems remarkably shallow, almost a p-zombie.Jan 28 20:07
schestowitz 28 20:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: @rbanffy @schestowitz @DrJillStein very much soJan 28 20:07
schestowitz 28 20:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters The point is where were these idiots with their stupid clock then? If we are 2 1/2 minutes no… 28 20:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters The point is where were these idiots with their stupid clock then? If we are 2 1/2 minutes no… 28 20:08
schestowitz"The point is where were these idiots with their stupid clock then? If we are 2 1/2 minutes now we were under 2 minutes then and crickets"Jan 28 20:08
schestowitz 28 20:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters Obama took the world closer to Nuclear war just to discredit Trump Which didn't delay nuclear… 28 20:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters Obama took the world closer to Nuclear war just to discredit Trump Which didn't delay nuclear… 28 20:11
schestowitzI'm not disagreeing with you. I wrote that at the time, several times in fact.Jan 28 20:11
schestowitz"Jan 28 20:11
schestowitzObama took the world closer to Nuclear war just to discredit TrumpJan 28 20:11
schestowitzWhich didn't delay nuclear war but served to accelerate itJan 28 20:11
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 1 likeJan 28 20:12
schestowitz"Jan 28 20:12
schestowitz 28 20:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters By remaining silent then these idiots undermine their own credibility now! This comes across… 28 20:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters By remaining silent then these idiots undermine their own credibility now! This comes across… 28 20:13
schestowitzThat said, Trump does increase risk of nuclear conflict with ChinaJan 28 20:14
schestowitz" By remaining silent then these idiots undermine their own credibility now! This comes across a a political stunt easily ignored as noise"Jan 28 20:14
schestowitz"By remaining silent then these idiots undermine their own credibility now! This comes across as a political stunt easily ignored as noise"Jan 28 20:15
schestowitz 28 20:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters I doubt that I'd actually have to see a detailed analysis comparing Obama's indifference to T… 28 20:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters I doubt that I'd actually have to see a detailed analysis comparing Obama's indifference to T… 28 20:39
schestowitz"Jan 28 20:39
schestowitz doubt thatJan 28 20:39
schestowitzI'd actually have to see a detailed analysis comparing Obama's indifference to Trump's tough talk on tradeJan 28 20:39
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 28 20:39
schestowitz"Jan 28 20:39
schestowitz 28 20:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rbanffy: @schestowitz @Snowden we can figure out the plan - that much seems obvious. We need evidence that can be used to impeach and prosecute.Jan 28 20:40
schestowitz 28 20:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters Nobody in China is so stupid as to believe they could win a nuclear war On the other hand Ira… 28 20:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters Nobody in China is so stupid as to believe they could win a nuclear war On the other hand Ira… 28 20:41
schestowitz""Jan 28 20:42
schestowitz" Nobody in China is so stupid as to believe they could win a nuclear war On the other hand Iran is bold, brazen & flush with cash"Jan 28 20:42
schestowitzNobody wins a nuclear war. Both sides lose, hence the acronym M.A.D. (neighbours suffer a lot too)Jan 28 20:42
schestowitz 28 20:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mistersaxon: After his Krystalnacht, obviously. And that will come. 28 20:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "And he's just getting started" So, Kellyanne, when does his final solution come?Jan 28 20:43
schestowitz 28 20:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters Of all the threats of nuclear war Iran, Korea & general instability in ME seem biggest and most likelyJan 28 20:47
schestowitz 28 20:47
schestowitz 28 20:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mistersaxon: @schestowitz @glynmoody @KellyannePolls @POTUS 28 20:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mistersaxon: @schestowitz @glynmoody @KellyannePolls @POTUS 28 20:47
schestowitz 28 20:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @KatDevlon @schestowitz @PeopleofWalmart 😅i was only being silly.Jan 28 20:48
schestowitz 28 20:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DavidJRicher: @schestowitz @Snowden If the 'leaks' supported your narrative, I assure you, you would have themJan 28 20:48
schestowitz 28 20:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters I'm starting to think these radical libs believe a Nuclear winter is a solution to their climate change nonsenseJan 28 20:49
schestowitzThat makes no sense. Nuclear winter is not about cooling.Jan 28 20:49
schestowitz 28 20:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mikebrya: @schestowitz @Snowden Poor liberals. Your tears taste soooooo good.Jan 28 20:50
schestowitzPoor Trumpiters. Your vision makes me so envious. 28 20:51
-TechBytesBot/ | Berlin in July 1945 (HD 1080p color footage) - YouTubeJan 28 20:51
schestowitz 28 20:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters That was an attempt at sarcasm Not sure the climate hysterics would understand the difference thoughJan 28 20:54
schestowitz 28 21:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-No status found with that ID.Jan 28 21:34
schestowitz 28 21:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ellen_progress: @schestowitz @DudeHazard @riverracket @BuzzFeedNews exactly Roy! People on social media can b so lazy They type without researching factsJan 28 21:35
schestowitzMaybe they just read too much Breitfart and Info [sic] WarsJan 28 21:35
schestowitz 28 21:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@abelrosen: @schestowitz Neither of these links are appropriate to your comment. U Could delete your orig post. Looks like PURPOSEFUL MIS-DIRECTING. SadJan 28 21:36
schestowitzDid you watch the video? I already pointed out that I had accidentally pasted the wrong link the first time.Jan 28 21:36
schestowitz 28 21:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @MimaE1013 @Snowden yes, I realised after I had posted this. The correct link: 28 21:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | President Elect Trump Admits He Lied During Campaign - YouTubeJan 28 21:37
schestowitz 28 21:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@abelrosen: @schestowitz Deleted my comment...sorry. :-(Jan 28 21:48
schestowitzNo worries, appreciate the concernJan 28 21:49
schestowitz 28 21:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@terminsane: @schestowitz boo'ing is free speech. Nobody has the right to say bullshit & not have anyone challenge it lolJan 28 21:49
schestowitz 28 21:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HenryChalder: @lara04011 @blondenfun1 @schestowitz @wikileaks it looks like a 'Cradle of Filth' film setJan 28 21:55
schestowitz 28 21:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Matricetotale: @lara04011 @blondenfun1 @schestowitz @wikileaks !!!Jan 28 21:59
schestowitz 28 22:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@blondenfun1: @HenryChalder @lara04011 @schestowitz @wikileaks 😂 😂 Hi Henry!!:)) ❤️Jan 28 22:12
schestowitz 28 22:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tedkidd: @schestowitz @wikileaks @bpolitics Yep, they do know evil....Jan 28 22:13
schestowitz 28 22:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Silvertub: @schestowitz @Snowden you shouldn't protest something you know nothing about.Jan 28 22:13
schestowitz 28 22:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @GreenPartyUS @schestowitz we are also not based in the middle east or we would have been killed already. Good effort tho...Jan 28 22:25
schestowitzHave you heard of countries in the middle east that are not extreme, e.g. Jordan?Jan 28 22:25
schestowitz 28 22:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yomoi2001: @schestowitz @Snowden Yes! Democracy is like a seesaw, balanced by a right & a left - when left move toward center, seesaw shifts to right.Jan 28 22:36
schestowitzAnd leftists stay home and don't vote (or vote Greens -- those who know it exists!) @debatesJan 28 22:36
schestowitz 28 22:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LBTheDemocrat: @schestowitz @Snowden Idiots like you are why this is happeningJan 28 22:37
schestowitz 28 22:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iam_sam75: @schestowitz @yomoi2001 @Snowden @debates all the "never Hillary" folks got Trump elected. Real numbers don't lie!Jan 28 22:44
schestowitz 28 22:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yomoi2001: @iam_sam75 @schestowitz @Snowden @debates Cite the # you're talking about - cause the votes Stein got wouldn't have made differenceJan 28 22:44
schestowitz 28 22:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz @GreenPartyUS yep. Been to a few. Including turkey. Why.Jan 28 22:44
schestowitz 28 22:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iam_sam75: @yomoi2001 @schestowitz @Snowden @debates just do the damn math. Green Party votes = 5 swing statesJan 28 22:49
schestowitz 28 22:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yomoi2001: @iam_sam75 @schestowitz @Snowden @debates Could be mistaken, but I believe that where votes were recounted - it did not hold trueJan 28 22:51
schestowitz 28 22:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yomoi2001: @iam_sam75 @schestowitz @Snowden @debates Many people that I know in swing-states did Trump trade votes.Jan 28 22:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iam_sam75: @yomoi2001 @schestowitz @Snowden @debates girl, Johnson and Stein took 5 swing states from Dems.Sorry 4 cussin I'm tiredJan 28 22:54
schestowitzYou wrongly assume Johnson voters would voter Clinton over TrumpJan 28 22:54
schestowitz*voteJan 28 22:54
schestowitz 28 22:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yomoi2001: @iam_sam75 @schestowitz @Snowden @debates I'm pretty active in PA & know of no leftie that voted Johnson - those were prob semi-sane Rep.Jan 28 22:55
schestowitz 28 22:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iam_sam75: @yomoi2001 @schestowitz @debates thanks or engaging- I think I better skip social media for a while-so sorry. ✌🏼🇺🇸Jan 28 22:55
schestowitzThanks for the chat, enjoy the breakJan 28 22:55
schestowitz 28 22:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iam_sam75: @yomoi2001 @schestowitz @debates yeah I don't think it was Penn. I can't remember which onesJan 28 22:56
schestowitz 28 23:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iam_sam75: @yomoi2001 @schestowitz @debates my math stated 5 states and shift of 77 electoral votesJan 28 23:03
schestowitz 28 23:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WizleySnipes: @schestowitz @wikileaks @BBCNews for what? having an opinion? What are you a Doctor of? Bullshit?Jan 28 23:15
schestowitz 28 23:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@graydowney: @schestowitz @wikileaks @BBCNews It is to us! We have one news that is honest and fair, FOX NEWS! George Soros is in control of the others!Jan 28 23:16
schestowitzI love sarcasm.Jan 28 23:16
schestowitz 28 23:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ty00271972: @schestowitz do you need a blankey and a safe spaceJan 28 23:17
schestowitz 28 23:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeanGGodley: @schestowitz @wikileaks @BBCNews Farage is a legend who stands up for real people and real values.Jan 28 23:19
schestowitzFarage is a liar, who lied about the NHS, takes a salary from the EU he attacks, and now works for Murdoch 28 23:19
-TechBytesBot/ | This terrifying Rupert Murdoch quote is possibly the best reason to stay in the EU yet | indy100Jan 28 23:19
schestowitz 28 23:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@carllocavanagh: @ty00271972 @schestowitz they need a switch to them behind the barnJan 28 23:24
schestowitz 28 23:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks @YouTube If Blair was Bush's poodle, then May is Trump's Chihuahua. After #trump win we need the EU even more.Jan 28 23:24
schestowitz 28 23:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz @the_intercept so, per article, USA and its population will enact more climate damage than say- China, India, cont. of Africa?Jan 28 23:24
schestowitz 28 23:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: .@DavidAFrench This is one of those unfortunate misapplications you wrote about. There are more. Many more. 28 23:25
schestowitz 28 23:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kenzabo: @graydowney @schestowitz @wikileaks @BBCNews so you like being controlled by Murdoch?Jan 28 23:29
schestowitzMurdoch is the fountain of truth and Soros magically (covertly?) controls 5 media conglomerates ^_^Jan 28 23:30
schestowitz 28 23:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mikebrya: @schestowitz @Snowden @YouTube And your liberal vision has been nothing but a failure for the past 8yrs. Why do you think you lost???Jan 28 23:31
schestowitz 28 23:31
schestowitz 28 23:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeanGGodley: @schestowitz @indy100 So all MEPs should agree with everything it says? Farage is pro direct democracy and stood up for Ireland in 2008.Jan 28 23:32
schestowitz 28 23:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iam_sam75: @schestowitz @yomoi2001 @debates I'm not assuming anything. Green votes= 5 swing states.Jan 28 23:33
schestowitz 28 23:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iam_sam75: @schestowitz @yomoi2001 @debates I never said anything about who voted for either - I said greenJan 28 23:33
schestowitz 28 23:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mcdee_andy: @SeanGGodley @schestowitz @wikileaks @BBCNews Farage is a fascist.Jan 28 23:34
schestowitz 28 23:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kenzabo: @schestowitz @graydowney @wikileaks @BBCNews Murdoch is a racist billionaire who seeks only his own best. Try @guardian they're independentJan 28 23:34
schestowitzThey aren't either. Funded by billionaires like Rockefeller and Gates.Jan 28 23:34
schestowitz 28 23:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ready_for_us: @schestowitz @wikileaks @BBCNews mixing half truths? r u msm? being against trump is sexist xenophobic & racist. Just using dems argumentJan 28 23:41
schestowitz 28 23:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MyInfidelAnna: @schestowitz @wikileaks @BBCNews thanks for speaking up when Obama destroyed Syria and banned refugees for six months. Oh wait 🙄Jan 28 23:41
schestowitzI did speak up. I was never pro-Obama.Jan 28 23:41
schestowitz 28 23:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DavidBrooke_IP: @glynmoody @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn @UKLabour he's respecting the referendum result and submitted a number of important amendments.Jan 28 23:42
schestowitzAmong Labour voters almost two-third votes RemainJan 28 23:42
schestowitz*votedJan 28 23:42
schestowitz 28 23:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DavidBrooke_IP: @schestowitz @glynmoody @jeremycorbyn @UKLabour yup and the country voted to leave. are we the party that ignores referendum results?Jan 28 23:45
schestowitzthe referendum was never legally-bindingJan 28 23:45
schestowitz 28 23:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MyInfidelAnna: @schestowitz @wikileaks @BBCNews so it's not bias to be biased against politicians you personally dislike? You're a fucking idiot. ByeJan 28 23:46
schestowitz 28 23:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DavidBrooke_IP: @schestowitz @glynmoody @jeremycorbyn @UKLabour now is the time to protect workers right in any Brexit deal.Jan 28 23:46
schestowitzIt doesn't seem like going down the current path has been beneficial for workers (so far)Jan 28 23:47
schestowitz 28 23:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: .@schestowitz @DavidBrooke_IP @jeremycorbyn @UKLabour among UK voters 63% *didn't* vote for #brexit - who's representing them? no oneJan 28 23:48
schestowitzSNP, Greens etc. but too small. Labour folded like a cheap suit.Jan 28 23:48
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Jan 22 01:09
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Jan 22 01:09:23 2017
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Jan 22 02:05:31 2017
*Now talking on #techbytesJan 22 02:05
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastJan 22 02:05
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Jan 22 02:05
*Disconnected (Invalid argument).Jan 22 07:57
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Jan 22 07:57:23 2017
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Jan 22 13:12:51 2017
*Now talking on #techbytesJan 22 13:12
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastJan 22 13:12
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Jan 22 13:12
liberty_box 22 13:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@1jdadam: Voltaire may even find this stream of absurdity to Atrocity falls into the purely Grotesque! 22 13:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: .@WLTaskForce "Orwellian irony of Sen. John McCain... asking ...James Clapper.. if Julian Assange has any cred" ha!!Jan 22 13:14
liberty_box 22 13:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@GremlynP: @CaliDeplorable @schestowitz @wikileaks 22 13:14
liberty_box 22 13:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WorldGoneCraZ: @schestowitz think it was a combined effort.. since it failed right after he said he was going to kill it... why not share the goodiesJan 22 13:28
liberty_boxToo many false claims, inc. about jobsJan 22 13:29
liberty_box 22 13:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@denkiii: OR ELSE you might have stumbled upon news items such as this one! :O 22 13:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Newsroom : New Wearable Feedbags Let Americans Eat More, Move Less - YouTubeJan 22 13:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Yesterday at #kfc they had a serious violation of #netneutrality Can only access #sky (i.e. mostly News Corp.) for anything including 'news'Jan 22 13:37
liberty_box 22 13:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WorldGoneCraZ: @schestowitz hard to say.. I will wait for more stats... MSM is corporate owned with agenda. now only 6 companies own over 90%..Jan 22 13:37
liberty_box 22 13:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WorldGoneCraZ: @schestowitz I voted Green but I have a love for the truth.. and I am more issue based.. he says some things I like.. less war.. termlimitsJan 22 13:38
liberty_boxSame hereJan 22 13:38
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Jan 22 17:32
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Jan 22 17:32:15 2017
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Jan 22 22:25:03 2017
*Now talking on #techbytesJan 22 22:25
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastJan 22 22:25
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Jan 22 22:25
schestowitz 22 22:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NealMastel: @SmartBlackMan @schestowitz What freedoms exactly?Jan 22 22:25
schestowitz 22 22:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@amazingatheist: Why are Trump supporters mad at a huge anti-Trump protest? Must be sexism. 22 22:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: The very hostile reactions from #trump fans to #WomensMarch reinforces the suspicion or belief of disdain for gender equality and progressJan 22 22:25
schestowitz 22 22:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AgentsOfLogic: @amazingatheist @schestowitz "I don't believe you are oppressed"= "you are oppressing me!"Jan 22 22:26
schestowitz 22 22:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@igotthisfirst: @schestowitz especially this case 22 22:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | RAW video: Thug punches Rebel reporter - YouTubeJan 22 22:27
schestowitz 22 22:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ABCRoosevelt: @amazingatheist @schestowitz LOL these fools will never learn.Jan 22 22:27
schestowitz 22 22:27
schestowitz 22 22:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@We_R_Network: @schestowitz You forget to pontificate that much of the #womensmarch was highly viscious anti-Trump rehtoric. #MadonnaJan 22 22:28
schestowitz 22 22:28
schestowitz 22 22:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TerminalLost: @schestowitz Your speakers wanted to blow stuff up.... then smashed windows..... lit cars on fire..... who's hostile again I'm confused...Jan 22 22:29
schestowitz 22 22:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheAddictedDuck: @schestowitz LOLJan 22 22:29
schestowitz 22 22:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Jmax528: @schestowitz Trump supporters who don't like an anti trump protest...nope, can't see the connectionJan 22 22:29
schestowitz 22 22:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mrbubbles4200: @schestowitz lmfao yup you nailed it thats all it can be only logical reason some viginas where speaking out of turn yupJan 22 22:29
schestowitz 22 22:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PudgeButcher: @schestowitz 22 22:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PudgeButcher: @schestowitz 22 22:30
schestowitz 22 22:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mrbubbles4200: @schestowitz god your such a toolJan 22 22:30
schestowitz 22 22:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Cl0seT0ThE3dge: @schestowitz Trump supporters dislike anti-trump protest. Hm Gotta be sexism. Wow that was an easy one.Jan 22 22:30
schestowitz 22 22:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@paulhindes: @GreenPartyUS Not a failure to biparties: No donors lost. We failed & continue to fail by not focusing on just $ influence. @schestowitzJan 22 22:31
schestowitz 22 22:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ryan_ketner: @Cl0seT0ThE3dge @schestowitz 22 22:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ryan_ketner: @Cl0seT0ThE3dge @schestowitz 22 22:35
schestowitz 22 22:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FrenchieOwl: @schestowitz Of course it does. Keep telling yourself that. All the way to a republican repeat of this election cycle.Jan 22 22:36
schestowitz 22 22:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Incred_Canemian: @schestowitz 22 22:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Incred_Canemian: @schestowitz 22 22:37
schestowitz 22 22:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@haniefhaider: There were well-meaning critique too why these women mainly Hillary supporters not march against endless wars and t… 22 22:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@haniefhaider: There were well-meaning critique too why these women mainly Hillary supporters not march against endless wars and t… 22 22:37
schestowitz"There were well-meaning critique too why these women mainly Hillary supporters not march against endless wars and their impact on women?"Jan 22 22:37
schestowitzHope they march against bothJan 22 22:37
schestowitz 22 22:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Zutto__: @amazingatheist @schestowitz does everything have to be oversimplified as ""gender issues"?Jan 22 22:38
schestowitz 22 22:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@nscrowba: @schestowitz #womensmarchwas agenda driven,intimidation,not inclusive,not transparent. 22 22:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Pro-Life Women Show Up To "Women's March" What Happens Next Is TERRIBLE - SARAH PALINJan 22 22:38
schestowitz 22 22:38
schestowitz 22 22:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@paulhindes: @TrumpDBA So sad. So many relationships will break up because of this. @schestowitzJan 22 22:38
schestowitz 22 22:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AllieMaisie: @schestowitz what the heck are you talking about?Jan 22 22:39
schestowitz 22 22:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mvolterano: @schestowitz but I find women who protect offenders more concerning.Jan 22 22:39
schestowitz 22 22:40
schestowitz 22 22:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@geekgirlrules: @schestowitz Good thing he didn't shove cigars in there.... Oh wait that was ClintonJan 22 22:40
schestowitz 22 22:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@nscrowba: @schestowitz that's #FakeNews. I can file a lawsuit against you just before,say, you are waiting for a promotion,then drop it afterJan 22 22:41
schestowitz 22 22:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@paulhindes: @voxdotcom I don't see the half person. @schestowitzJan 22 22:54
schestowitz 22 22:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@VaTeuton: @schestowitz Or maybe because Trump supporters don't like it when people burn shit in the street in protest to the President.Jan 22 22:54
schestowitz 22 22:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@theDenissDen: @amazingatheist @schestowitz I wish there were more marches. Haven't seen so many 1class memes in such a short span of time for ages.Jan 22 22:54
schestowitz 22 23:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@maxpolk: @schestowitz So far I can only find dropped lawsuits, a few accusations that didn't go anywhere., Is there something more solid?Jan 22 23:00
schestowitz 22 23:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ComaCrow: @schestowitz you understand feminists are like super sexist right? they don't want equal rights, they want men to h… 22 23:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ComaCrow: @schestowitz you understand feminists are like super sexist right? they don't want equal rights, they want men to h… 22 23:01
schestowitz"you understand feminists are like super sexist right? they don't want equal rights, they want men to have no rights "equality""Jan 22 23:03
schestowitz 22 23:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ComaCrow: you understand feminists are like super sexist right? they don't want equal rights, they want men to have no rights… 22 23:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ComaCrow: you understand feminists are like super sexist right? they don't want equal rights, they want men to have no rights… 22 23:03
schestowitz"you understand feminists are like super sexist right? they don't want equal rights, they want men to have no rights THATS NOT EQUALITYJan 22 23:03
schestowitz 22 23:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @JesselynRadack @schestowitz One suspects this whole emphasis on "SIZE" must stem frm certain other insecurititties! 22 23:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Small Penis Syndrome: Characteristics and Self-Help Treatment Suggestions - Anxiety DisordersJan 22 23:04
schestowitz 22 23:04
schestowitzThere is no duty to accept people when dissent is part of a democracyJan 22 23:04
schestowitz 22 23:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Swoboderz: @amazingatheist @schestowitz I know they have a right to protest, but why can't anyone just accept our democratically elected president.Jan 22 23:05
schestowitzFirst Amendment is stronger than blind acceptance of one who won an election, unless you disrupt/defraud the electionJan 22 23:06
schestowitz 22 23:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Swoboderz: @schestowitz @amazingatheist we aren't a democracy. We are a republic with democratic valuesJan 22 23:07
schestowitz 22 23:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Swoboderz: @schestowitz @amazingatheist you can say #notmyprez all you want. He still is. That's the problem, no one is getting over it.Jan 22 23:07
schestowitzThey are fighting not over the legitimacy of the election anymore, but against their President's policy/behaviourJan 22 23:08
schestowitz 22 23:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Swoboderz: @schestowitz that's not what I'm asking for. Blind acceptance isn't it It's the fact that HE WON the presidency yet people are protesting itJan 22 23:08
schestowitz 22 23:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Swoboderz: @schestowitz there was no fraud. In fact there is even some evidence of fraud IN FAVOR of Hillary!Jan 22 23:08
schestowitz 22 23:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Swoboderz: @schestowitz @amazingatheist like any psychologist tells me, you can't change a person! You only change their behaviors. As in you are 1/2Jan 22 23:12
schestowitz 22 23:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Swoboderz: @schestowitz @amazingatheist shoving them in a cage where they go insane!Jan 22 23:12
schestowitz 22 23:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Swoboderz: @schestowitz @amazingatheist trumps policies and what he thinks will never change Protesting something like that is meaninglessJan 22 23:12
schestowitzIf exercising the right to protest can influence policy (like all those lobbyists), then it's legitimate and a sign of healthJan 22 23:13
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Jan 22 23:24:49 2017
*Now talking on #techbytesJan 22 23:24
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastJan 22 23:24
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Jan 22 23:24
schestowitz 23 06:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cynthia_gail: @LPDonovan @schestowitz Obviously @JulianAssange_ is not tweeting these.If so, he is more ignorant than anyone imagined. Don't think so.Jan 23 06:30
schestowitz 23 06:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Bladezedits: @schestowitz who gave you your PhD, university of Phoenix online?Jan 23 06:30
schestowitz 23 08:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jmcest: RT @schestowitz The "Fake News" #Censorship Industry 23 08:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The "Fake News" Censorship IndustryJan 23 08:26
schestowitz 23 08:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jeffcliff1: RT @schestowitz Cheong Wa Dae's #censorship " President is primaril ...Jan 23 08:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Cheong Wa Dae's censorshipJan 23 08:26
schestowitz 23 08:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jeffcliff1: RT @schestowitz The real secret of Chinese internet censorship? Distraction ...Jan 23 08:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Jan 23 08:26
schestowitz 23 08:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@robclarke: wow! 23 08:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #Lloyds of London are leaving London #brexit #uk @glynmoodyJan 23 08:26
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | Jogger punched into Acocks Green canal by thug, escaped by speaking ARABIC - Birmingham MailJan 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> “We absolutely don’t believe the military should go in and to theJan 23 08:28
schestowitz> police’s job.Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> old:Jan 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | Politician demands military intervention in Malmo to stop crime surge | World | News | Daily Express [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | Office of Multicultural Affairs opens women's lunchroom | | [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | Log In - New York Times [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | We could’ve avoided President Donald Trump. Now, we must learn the lessons | Rebecca Solnit | Opinion | The Guardian [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> the last failure was SCOTUS, which ended up swearing him inJan 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | Michael Moore & Mark Ruffalo Lead Inauguration Protest At Trump Hotel | Variety [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | Advice Goddess Blog [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | City devastated by OxyContin use sues Purdue Pharma, claims drugmaker put profits over citizens&apos; welfare - LA Times [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | Why Tolkien’s fantastic imaginary languages have had more impact than Esperanto | The Independent [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | St. Louis' public library computers hacked for ransom - Jan. 19, 2017 [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> Those who installed Windows on them have not been brought to justiceJan 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | Maintainers Don't Scale [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump reportedly wants to cut cultural programs that make up 0.02 percent of federal spending - The Washington Post [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> -Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump team prepares dramatic cuts | TheHill [ ]Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> "anyone with access to browsing histories -- a great number ofJan 23 08:28
schestowitz> companies and organizations -- can identify many users by analyzingJan 23 08:28
schestowitz> public information from social media accounts"Jan 23 08:28
schestowitz> 23 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ | NO TITLE [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | All References to Climate Change Have Been Deleted From the White House Website | Motherboard [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> -Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump begins with action on Obamacare, regulation freeze and confirmations [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Texas lawmaker polls mosque leaders on Sharia law support | KRWG [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Muslim clerics attack rally for missing Pakistani activists [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Microsoft Targets Chrome Users With Windows 10 Pop-up Ad | News & Opinion | [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | How to Protest Without Sacrificing Your Digital Privacy | Motherboard [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | London Has Fallen Copyright Trolls Test Norway After US Retreat - TorrentFreak [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Netflix VPN Crackdown, A Year of Frustrations - TorrentFreak [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Megaupload 2.0 News Delayed By 'Expected' Roadblock - TorrentFreak [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Head of US Patent Office Michelle Lee will remain under President Trump | Ars Technica [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | How I turned a traffic ticket into the constitutional trial of the century | Ars Technica [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | President Trump's first White House petition: release your tax returns - The Verge [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | On his first day in office, Trump’s top issues don’t include health care - The Verge [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Donald Trump Plagiarized Bane in His Inaugural Speech [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> probably more there too from other moviesJan 23 08:29
schestowitz> -Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Donald Trump Quoted Batman Villain Bane at Inauguration - Us Weekly [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | President Donald Trump parades through Washington as unprecedented clashes erupt just a few blocks away | The Independent [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
schestowitz> maybe people ought to actually read them for a change, especially thoseJan 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | It’s time to spring-clean your IT contracts | IT Management | Computerworld UK [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> with M$Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> =Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz> 23 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | The Great Trump Heist Is Underway | The Nation [ ]Jan 23 08:29
schestowitz 23 08:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@grasuth: Hard brexit shambles. Looking bleak unless we can get govt to stop. 23 08:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #Lloyds of London are leaving London #brexit #uk @glynmoodyJan 23 08:42
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 23 09:42
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesJan 23 09:42
schestowitz 23 11:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Voyagee_Air: Learn Entropy @schestowitz @baudwraith @waterhoarder 23 11:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Voyagee_Air: Learn Entropy @schestowitz @baudwraith @waterhoarder 23 11:40
schestowitz 23 12:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ElinaBeauchamp: I have had proton for a while now 23 12:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Fighting #Censorship with #ProtonMail Encrypted Email Over #Tor 23 12:14
schestowitz 23 12:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@baudwraith: @Voyagee_Air @schestowitz @waterhoarder this scientist dude getting real serious about my dick disappearing forever.. well i cant blame himJan 23 12:14
schestowitz 23 12:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@baudwraith: @Voyagee_Air @schestowitz @waterhoarder 23 12:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Bad Religion - Entropy [Lyrics] - YouTubeJan 23 12:24
schestowitz 23 12:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Voyagee_Air: the Impotence of the @baudwraith @schestowitz @waterhoarder minds stopping them to deal with elementary arithmetic… 23 12:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Voyagee_Air: the Impotence of the @baudwraith @schestowitz @waterhoarder minds stopping them to deal with elementary arithmetic… 23 12:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Shtgun3211: @schestowitz @Swoboderz You say Protest, i think you mean "riot"Jan 23 12:33
schestowitz"the Impotence of the @baudwraith @schestowitz @waterhoarder minds stopping them to deal with elementary arithmetic & physics"Jan 23 12:33
schestowitz>>> x x 23 12:39
-TechBytesBot/ | Microsoft Open Sources Visual Studio Test [ ]Jan 23 12:39
schestowitz>>> spam.  did not even clickJan 23 12:39
schestowitz>> It's a Microsoft fan siteJan 23 12:39
schestowitz> Yep.  But occasionally I check to see what their current talking pointsJan 23 12:39
schestowitz> are.Jan 23 12:39
schestowitz>Jan 23 12:39
schestowitz> I just moved my last Ubuntu machine to Devuan as of a few minutes ago.Jan 23 12:39
schestowitz> There are a few rough edges, but that's mostly me having forgotten theJan 23 12:39
schestowitz> details of configuring XFCE.Jan 23 12:39
schestowitz 23 12:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Voyagee_Air: Religion is like football keeping @baudwraith @schestowitz @waterhoarder minds busy 23 12:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Voyagee_Air: Religion is like football keeping @baudwraith @schestowitz @waterhoarder minds busy 23 12:47
schestowitz 23 12:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LBrain1010011: @schestowitz When was the last time the White House press office was credible?Jan 23 12:47
*TechBytesBot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 23 14:33
*oiaohm has quit ()Jan 23 15:14
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesJan 23 15:14
*oiaohm has quit ()Jan 23 15:48
schestowitz[14:10] <tessier> techrights is having some issue. I'm restarting httpd...Jan 23 19:11
schestowitz[14:10] <schestowitz> yeahJan 23 19:11
schestowitz[14:10] <schestowitz> I tried tooJan 23 19:11
schestowitz[14:10] <schestowitz> and it's not helpingJan 23 19:11
schestowitz[14:10] <schestowitz> I checked 'messages' tooJan 23 19:11
schestowitz[14:11] <schestowitz> httpd the process isn't getting too much traffic, db not overworked, no idea what's going onJan 23 19:11
schestowitz[14:12] <schestowitz> I stopped httpd service for nowJan 23 19:11
schestowitz[14:12] <schestowitz> not sure if you want to reboot it, maybe looking into it right now (which I assume you do)Jan 23 19:11
schestowitz[14:19] <schestowitz> might it be related to networking? Everything seems slow, and even the bots cannot reach their destination at times.Jan 23 19:11
schestowitz[14:21] <schestowitz> one hour ago there was a high loadJan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:21] <schestowitz> I restarted httpd, then managed to post something as usualJan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:21] <schestowitz> about 10 minutes later it started again. Now the load is 120, so I stopped httpd againJan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:24] <schestowitz> mariadb stops and started without warningsJan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:28] <schestowitz> even when the load is moderate, after starting httpd, at about 16 avg load, I still can't load a page successfullyJan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:29] <schestowitz> tessier, are you still there?Jan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:31] <schestowitz> I need to get going (meeting someone in a few minutes), but site still down. Might restarting help?Jan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:34] <schestowitz> ah, ok, looks like you're restarted/shut it down just nowJan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:37] <schestowitz> back online, the load already increases above 10, looks like pages are not loading, even light onesJan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:38] <schestowitz> one light page has just loaded, others did not, if that means anything...Jan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:39] <schestowitz> I need to leave the house, can you look into it in the meantime and attempt to resolve?Jan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:42] <schestowitz> it appears to have improved, as if something you did resolved itJan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:42] <schestowitz> OK, gotta run now (late for meeting)Jan 23 19:12
schestowitz[14:42] <schestowitz> thanks for the helpJan 23 19:12
schestowitz[15:32] <tessier> I ~.~.Jan 23 19:12
schestowitz[15:32] <tessier> oops...Jan 23 19:12
schestowitz[15:32] <tessier> I rebooted the server but didn't do anything else.Jan 23 19:12
schestowitz 23 19:31
*TechBytesBot ( has joined #techbytesJan 23 19:32
TechBytesBotHello World! I'm TechBytesBot running phIRCe v0.75Jan 23 19:32
schestowitz 23 19:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheAnarchist54: I guess you didn't see the people breaking windows and setting fire to the streets? 23 19:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: The very hostile reactions from #trump fans to #WomensMarch reinforces the suspicion or belief of disdain for gender equality and progressJan 23 19:32
schestowitz 23 19:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Wikinaut: @zoobab @schestowitz @presroiJan 23 19:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Streit über Mitarbeitervertretung: Niederländisches Verfassungsgericht stellt Europäischem Patentamt Freibrief aus | heise onlineJan 23 19:33
schestowitz 23 19:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Wikinaut: @zoobab @schestowitz @presroi 23 19:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@heiseonline: Streit über Mitarbeitervertretung: Niederländisches Verfassungsgericht stellt Europäischem Patentamt Freibrief aus 23 19:33
schestowitz 23 19:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz if current logic states 'punch a Nazi because- nazi is unchanging,' then this logic applies to terrorists of any creed.Jan 23 19:33
schestowitz 23 19:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tutone64: "Peaceful' If your protest violates existing property laws & it takes force to move you, you own the responsibility 23 19:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Lawmakers in Eight States Have Proposed Laws Criminalizing Peaceful Protest #gop #trumpJan 23 19:34
schestowitz 23 19:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz um, go after places like China first?Jan 23 19:34
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 23 21:43
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesJan 23 21:44
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Jan 23 21:44
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 23 21:44
acer-box__ 24 00:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@skeptical_david: @schestowitz good for U.K.? #brexitJan 24 00:38
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 24 08:17
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesJan 24 08:18
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Jan 24 08:18
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 24 08:18
*Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).Jan 24 11:54
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Jan 24 11:54:47 2017
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Jan 24 11:55:12 2017
*Now talking on #techbytesJan 24 11:55
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastJan 24 11:55
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Jan 24 11:55
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesJan 24 13:47
schestowitz 24 13:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hydarscouser: Lmao 😂 24 13:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Hard to find eloquent women who support #trump KellyAnne Conway looks like a porn star on broccoli diet with 50-year timewarp to the futureJan 24 13:57
schestowitz 24 14:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ElinaBeauchamp: You are a doctor so when you just throw your feelings out there as absolute truth you are only destroying your cred… 24 14:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ElinaBeauchamp: You are a doctor so when you just throw your feelings out there as absolute truth you are only destroying your cred… 24 14:02
schestowitzWhat about my observations about China was not correct?Jan 24 14:02
schestowitzThey're playing with fire and openly, repeatedly, berate factsJan 24 14:03
schestowitz 24 14:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@realityisagoodt: @schestowitz tpp gone. Isis on notice Unions hopeful Aca penalty relief Growing government freeze Hillary not in oval office Well done!Jan 24 14:03
schestowitzUnions hopeful? Trump is against minimum wage among other thingsJan 24 14:03
schestowitz 24 14:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@realityisagoodt: @schestowitz See, you have your facts, I present alternative facts. Is that ok or no?Jan 24 14:04
schestowitzThose are not facts, unless the unions are "hopefuls" because they got conned/fooled, in which case it's spinJan 24 14:04
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jan 24 14:04
schestowitz*hopefulJan 24 14:04
schestowitz"You are a doctor so when you just throw your feelings out there as absolute truth you are only destroying your credibility."Jan 24 14:05
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytesJan 24 14:06
schestowitz 24 14:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ElinaBeauchamp: "Close to war" with USA? why don't you refresh history,check out how "the Soviets" tamed China's expansion ambition… 24 14:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ElinaBeauchamp: "Close to war" with USA? why don't you refresh history,check out how "the Soviets" tamed China's expansion ambition… 24 14:11
schestowitzThe Soviets are also problematic and pushing for tension with either one is unwiseJan 24 14:11
schestowitz 24 14:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@realityisagoodt: @schestowitz here you go in case you missed it Maybe you are smarter than them and know more about the meeting thoJan 24 14:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | RickWells.US Union Leaders Pledge To Work With Trump After Meeting - YouTubeJan 24 14:12
schestowitz""Close to war" with USA? why don't you refresh history,check out how "the Soviets" tamed China's expansion ambition in the 60s,#papertiger"Jan 24 14:12
schestowitz 24 14:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gregorylent: @schestowitz he has advisors, and people who know how to say noJan 24 14:59
schestowitzI hope he doesn't just put "yes men" on the CIAJan 24 15:00
schestowitz 24 15:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hydarscouser: @schestowitz 24 15:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SilkySadio: 32. Your favourite account on Twitter?Jan 24 15:00
schestowitzThank you, mateJan 24 15:00
schestowitz 24 15:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KimberlyMangus: @schestowitz arrogant ass hatJan 24 15:01
schestowitzMost US citizens feel the same way about their PresidentJan 24 15:01
schestowitz 24 15:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoMoreWarTy: @schestowitz @wikileaks. Thing is it don't matter who it is. They are all puppets. Sit back and enjoy the show. 😈 24 15:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NoMoreWarTy: @schestowitz @wikileaks. Thing is it don't matter who it is. They are all puppets. Sit back and enjoy the show. 😈 24 15:01
schestowitz 24 15:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KimberlyMangus: @schestowitz then they should have voted lmao... really is that the best you got??? you know nothingJan 24 15:07
schestowitzFine, I "know nothing"; you know everything. Yet it's me who's "arrogant ass hat"?Jan 24 15:07
schestowitz 24 15:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KimberlyMangus: @schestowitz ahhh yes the liberal pretzel of i know you are but what am i... hahahaha boringJan 24 15:11
schestowitz 24 15:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz little late to try and gain some populist votes by Harry Potter there.Jan 24 15:26
schestowitz 24 15:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @GreenPartyUS @schestowitz dont worry, there is always the #Matrix route...Jan 24 15:33
schestowitz 24 15:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@garyzac61: @schestowitz @AdamBienkov @TheGreenParty @New_Europe Don't be stupid. UK will soar when free of EU.Jan 24 15:47
schestowitzHope so but doubt soJan 24 15:47
schestowitz 24 16:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gregorylent: whole indian isp banned by spamhaus clients .. and other spam filters don't allow comments from indian isp 24 16:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: The amount of spam calls we receive from people with an Indian accent stigmatises an accent to the point where legit calls from them ignoredJan 24 16:26
schestowitz 24 16:37
schestowitz 24 16:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gorgashouse: @schestowitz @KimberlyMangus But then again u are a DEFEATED country. The UK is allowing it's children to be tortured by the MUSLIM VICTORS!Jan 24 16:40
schestowitzYou need to calm down and stop shoutingJan 24 16:40
schestowitz 24 16:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gorgashouse: @schestowitz @KimberlyMangus When ur country openly participates in this u're a 3rd world country I'd stop this 1stJan 24 16:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Rotherham Authorities Still Ignoring Massive Child Sex RingJan 24 16:42
schestowitz 24 16:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Nancique: @CaliDeplorable @schestowitz @wikileaks Big Wigs are ruining the WORLD.. get to know your fellow man, it's crucial to PEACE..THINK ,4 urselfJan 24 16:42
schestowitz 24 16:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: key point is that so-called "trade" deals have gone way beyond tariffs - & require deep changes to society that nob… 24 16:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: key point is that so-called "trade" deals have gone way beyond tariffs - & require deep changes to society that nob… 24 16:43
schestowitzReminds me of when people equate a certain position with national security, think of children, or feminismJan 24 16:44
schestowitz"key point is that so-called "trade" deals have gone way beyond tariffs - & require deep changes to society that nobody voted for #CETA #TISA"Jan 24 16:44
schestowitz 24 16:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gorgashouse: @schestowitz @KimberlyMangus You need to worry about THE CHILDREN in your country and stop playing Twitter James Bond -- wouldn't u agree?Jan 24 16:45
schestowitzchildren, children. You sound like a dishonest politician now.Jan 24 16:45
schestowitz 24 16:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gorgashouse: @schestowitz @KimberlyMangus You sound like exactly what you are.Jan 24 16:48
schestowitz 24 16:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: @schestowitz the old tricksJan 24 16:48
schestowitz 24 16:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@V5M1000: EU/EC and Malmstroem are all dishonest corrupt puppets. 24 16:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Incredible remark from Cecilia Malmstroem about #ceta How dishonest does she try to make the EU/EC look?Jan 24 16:54
schestowitzIncreasingly looks like a job requirement there. Worrisome. It helps Brexiters.Jan 24 16:54
schestowitz 24 17:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Analysis: Methods and Monetization of a Botnet Attacking WordPress @schestowitz 24 17:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Analysis: Methods and Monetization of a Botnet Attacking WordPressJan 24 17:30
schestowitz 24 17:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Gasuniek: @WLTaskForce @schestowitz @Donal_OKeeffe #ExxonTaskForce We explain without the need to leak #JudicialTreason #ExxonJan 24 17:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Redirecting...Jan 24 17:56
schestowitz> Roy, for youJan 24 17:57
schestowitz>Jan 24 17:57
schestowitz> Welcome to NL said...Jan 24 17:57
schestowitz>Jan 24 17:57
schestowitz> @ Tulips from AmsterdamJan 24 17:57
schestowitz>Jan 24 17:57
schestowitz> The judgement of the Supreme court of the Netherlands is obviously aJan 24 17:57
schestowitz> good news.Jan 24 17:57
schestowitz> After the Dominique Strauss-Kahn case, French diplomats feared that itJan 24 17:57
schestowitz> would be impossible to violate human rights abroad anymore.Jan 24 17:57
schestowitz> Hope comes back.Jan 24 17:58
schestowitz> Obviously they have to avoid the USA but the Netherlands is the newJan 24 17:58
schestowitz> dreamland.Jan 24 17:58
schestowitz> The Supreme court of the Netherlands gives full immunity/impunity.Jan 24 17:58
schestowitz> Psychopaths with diplomatic status are allowed to violate human rights,Jan 24 17:58
schestowitz> to harass individuals, to push their victims to suicide.Jan 24 17:58
schestowitz> Dutch police covers his ears. The Dutch government covers his eyes. TheJan 24 17:58
schestowitz> Dutch Supreme court covers his mouth. (don’t hear, don’t see and don’tJan 24 17:58
schestowitz> speak)Jan 24 17:58
schestowitz> The victims suicide. The psychopath is laughing.Jan 24 17:58
schestowitz> Welcome to the Netherlands.Jan 24 17:58
schestowitz>Jan 24 17:58
schestowitz> Monday, 23 January 2017 at 17:37:00 GMTJan 24 17:58
schestowitz Jan 24 17:58
schestowitzI saw that and quoted that. I see all the comments there.Jan 24 17:58
schestowitzSatirical comment found on IPKATJan 24 17:58
schestowitz 24 18:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@timlince: @schestowitz While I despise the Express, if he said "it is going to make life hard for Assange" then it isn't 'fake' just paraphrased badlyJan 24 18:02
schestowitzDid he speak of himself as a third person or is this not an exact quote? #defendWLJan 24 18:02
schestowitz 24 18:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ElinaBeauchamp: Remember when western news outlets were the gold standard in journalism ?good times 24 18:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Each time #assange speaks on the record there are #fakenews 'reporters' looking to take a lot out of context. See 24 18:15
schestowitz 24 18:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@V5M1000: @schestowitz defo a prerequisite.Jan 24 18:22
schestowitz 24 19:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@walden_mathews: @schestowitz @DrJillStein Trolls coming here to bash Jill need to a) grow up, b) do your #DAPL homework, c) say no to troll-for-hire jobs.Jan 24 19:04
schestowitzBetter a Fairphone with a story to tellJan 24 19:09
schestowitz 24 19:09
-TechBytesBot/ | FairphoneJan 24 19:09
schestowitz 24 19:09
-TechBytesBot/ Diaspora test... who wants some invites?Jan 24 19:09
schestowitz 24 19:09
-TechBytesBot/ Google Android One $200 Smartphones To Hit US Markets Soon 24 19:09
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Google Android One $200 Smartphones To Hit US Markets Soon : News : Mobile & AppsJan 24 19:09
schestowitzBetter a Fairphone with a story to tellJan 24 19:09
schestowitz 24 19:09
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:09
schestowitz 24 19:09
-TechBytesBot/ Google seeks dev feedback for putting AI on Raspberry Pi 24 19:09
schestowitz"We are building our own replacement'Jan 24 19:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Google seeks dev feedback for putting AI on Raspberry Pi [ ]Jan 24 19:09
schestowitz";-)"Jan 24 19:09
schestowitzC.H.I.P. makes the price hard to beatJan 24 19:10
schestowitz 24 19:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@timlince: @schestowitz I only directly quoted their quote (and something in speech marks should be verbatim). If it isn't, then agreed it's false.Jan 24 19:21
schestowitz 24 19:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@UtaJohansdottir: @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein Jill, thanks so much for DAPL, Keystone, & the global gag rule. Cuz there… 24 19:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@UtaJohansdottir: @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein Jill, thanks so much for DAPL, Keystone, & the global gag rule. Cuz there… 24 19:21
schestowitz 24 19:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OutstandingWC: @walden_mathews Assholes coming to @DrJillStein's defense need to NEVER in their lives tone police. Sit the fuck down. @schestowitzJan 24 19:21
schestowitz" Jill, thanks so much for DAPL, Keystone, & the global gag rule. Cuz there's no diff btwn Dems & Trump. Nope. None. So, yeah, thanks."Jan 24 19:21
schestowitz 24 19:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PoliticalAnt: .@beayahus @drjillstein @realdonaldtrump @schestowitz The #FlintWaterCrisis is the fault of MI's @GOP governor who took over Flint.Jan 24 19:22
schestowitz 24 19:24
-TechBytesBot/ Some #Trump protesters to face rioting charges will help #gop 24 19:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Some Trump protesters to face rioting charges | WUSA9.comJan 24 19:24
schestowitz"HillaryProtesters for Prison! :D"Jan 24 19:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Republican Lawmakers in Five States Propose Bills to Criminalize Peaceful Protest [ ]Jan 24 19:24
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:24
schestowitzpeaceful people are not vandalsJan 24 19:24
schestowitzits more one proof of there are insane people everywhere payed to disturb the democracyJan 24 19:24
schestowitzthey cannot do nothing against peaceful people on the streets, making what they wantJan 24 19:24
schestowitzbut the insane vandals should be arrested.Jan 24 19:24
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:24
schestowitz"this is a WomensMarch protester in action ?"Jan 24 19:24
schestowitz 24 19:24
schestowitz 24 19:25
-TechBytesBot/ Reminder that Thomas Edison was a #patent troll, not an inventor but a famous thief see 24 19:25
schestowitz"Patents are a bogus legalism for monopoly - if you can afford it."Jan 24 19:25
schestowitz"“The book is historical fiction”"Jan 24 19:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Last Days of Night - a brief reviewJan 24 19:25
schestowitzYup, says soJan 24 19:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Truth About Thomas Edison and New Species of Patent Trolls | Techrights [ ]Jan 24 19:25
schestowitz 24 19:26
-TechBytesBot/ #obama and #bush were war criminals #trump has not yet managed to even start a war, but he'll be a (class) war criminalJan 24 19:26
schestowitz"Why do I get the feeling all presidents post JFK were war criminals?"Jan 24 19:26
schestowitz"'cause it’s the only way for USA to keep status-quo in world dominance"Jan 24 19:26
schestowitz 24 19:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Vrais66: @schestowitz #Trump #TrumpTaxesMarch #TrumpInauguration #TrumpGlobalGag THINK FACT NO ALTERNATIVE 24 19:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Vrais66: @schestowitz #Trump #TrumpTaxesMarch #TrumpInauguration #TrumpGlobalGag THINK FACT NO ALTERNATIVE 24 19:32
schestowitz 24 19:33
-TechBytesBot/ New Inkscape 0.92 breaks your previous works done with #Inkscape ooops.Jan 24 19:33
schestowitz"Sorry hear about that :( but we need to understand developers and help them"Jan 24 19:33
schestowitz"retrocompatibility is essential"Jan 24 19:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | New Inkscape 0.92 breaks your previous works done with Inkscape - Pepper&CarrotJan 24 19:34
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:34
schestowitzI think that is necessary, but sometimes is a compromise to accept (but rarely should be used, often it is poorly designed).Jan 24 19:34
schestowitzWhat you have to offer but is a passing script.Jan 24 19:34
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:34
schestowitzI think they're aware and it's being treated as a bug to be fixedJan 24 19:34
schestowitz 24 19:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@keast7544: @schestowitz @wikileaks no you are wrong! We the people is the reason President Trump was elected!Jan 24 19:39
schestowitz 24 19:42
-TechBytesBot/ "it wasn't just me, #KDE #Plasma really is unstable for normal use." I left it over a year ago, after 16 yearsJan 24 19:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | New Debian Mans, 10 Reasons to Cinnamon, Anatomy of LinuxJan 24 19:42
schestowitz"I use plasma since years. I’m very happy with it. It’s surely more stable than gnome3. I tried a lot of other desktops, but I still love KDE ! :)"Jan 24 19:42
schestowitz"At least on Debian the last time I looked, Gnome3 was working just fine but KDE was a mess. There may have been some improvements since then but I still would not recommend Plasma to anyone. KDE PIM has been in the toilet for years. In my move to GNewSense, I have started to abandon KDE 4 for Trinity. I blame Microsoft’s destruction of Suse and Nokia and think the rapid swap of toolsets from KDE 3 and then KDE 4 wrecked the community byJan 24 19:43
schestowitzexhausting developer and user patience."Jan 24 19:43
schestowitz"Ah okay, debian. I never really used it. I’m on Arch… :)"Jan 24 19:43
schestowitz"Debian has been conservative with KDE, like they are with most software, and KDE was good to excellent for more than a decade. Their Gnome desktops work very well. The collapse of KDE there mirrors their abominable force of systemd on users and their new embrace of Firefox instead of Icecat."Jan 24 19:43
schestowitzKDE applications are thankfully still usable, even without PlasmaJan 24 19:43
schestowitz 24 19:45
-TechBytesBot/ I’m a Refugee. In America, I Felt Safe for the First Time. Now All I Feel Is Fear. #goldenDawnald #trumpJan 24 19:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Could not resolve host:; Unknown error ( status 0 @ )Jan 24 19:45
schestowitz"lol ^^^"Jan 24 19:45
schestowitz" your so full of it I worked in refugee resettlement for 20 years had 11 refugee foster children and NEVER EVER HEARD ON REFUGEE SAY THAT .but I guess your the expert right ?"Jan 24 19:45
schestowitz 24 19:45
-TechBytesBot/ Optimizing #Linux for Slow Computers With #windows all computers are slowJan 24 19:45
schestowitz"Eh, to be fair and honest, I’ve had installations of Windows perform faster than installations of some of the more reknown distros. I’ve also had the inverse. My laptop at home is the latter."Jan 24 19:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Optimizing Linux for Slow Computers | Hackaday [ ]Jan 24 19:45
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:45
schestowitzNvidia is a performance killer on any distro that tries to do accelerated graphics, Theatre X. There are many other, intentional traps for free software. That the perpetrator of that sabotage does well on such hardware is not a surprise. The surprise is that free software is able to overcome that malice with a little bit of work. That work is often difficult, and that’s what Microsoft wants.Jan 24 19:45
schestowitzI’m going to enjoy reading this article.Jan 24 19:45
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:45
schestowitzDepends which versions of Windows, too. w2000 was relatively light. I ran Win98 for 5 years on just 32MB of RAMJan 24 19:46
schestowitz 24 19:47
-TechBytesBot/ The only device still worthy of the name "phone" is landline gear. The rest is #surveillance (self-bugging) crap that can also make calls.Jan 24 19:47
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:47
schestowitzWill Hill: “…documented fact…”Jan 24 19:47
schestowitzPlease give us a link to the document or documents in question. I want to download it. I prefer to keep my own copies. Sometimes documents disappear from the internet.Jan 24 19:47
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:47
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:47
schestowitzYou can verify how easy it is to transcribe speech with any Android device, or by visiting your google voice recording page. My wife and I regularly IM by voice transcription while she’s exercising and we’ve demonstrated it works in a fast moving car, without network. Small arm computers have all the power needed to do this while making a pretty GUI display.Jan 24 19:47
schestowitzTV privacy warnings are easy to find,Jan 24 19:47
schestowitz 24 19:47
schestowitzRecently, there has been something of a show trial where a judge in a murder case is demanding Amazon voice records. That too should be easy to find by search engine. I say it’s a sham because Snowden has already demonstrated government’s vast reach into corporate records in ways I do not have time to document here.Jan 24 19:47
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:47
-TechBytesBot/ | Samsung smart TV issues personal privacy warning - BBC News [ ]Jan 24 19:47
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:47
schestowitzI wrote, “All phone OSes secretly have the mike on all the time, sending the FBI and NSA audio. Agents can sit at the desks in Maryland or Virginia and tune into anyone they want to whenever they want to.”Jan 24 19:47
schestowitzYou wrote, “It’s a documented fact, not a conspiracy theory.”Jan 24 19:47
schestowitzA “documented fact” requires a document. No document, no documented fact.Jan 24 19:47
schestowitzI already knew surveillance of this kind was technically possible, but what you claimed was a government document saying they were actually doing this here and now.Jan 24 19:47
schestowitzWhere’s the document, similar to the documents supplied to us by Manning and Snowden, wherein the government admits that what is quoted above is happening here and now?Jan 24 19:47
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:47
schestowitz"You are not likely to get that documentation under Trump. Snowden documented the close government cooperation with companies that admit to always having your microphone on. He also showed us that the NSA did not trust that cooperation and cracked all their partners anyway. You should assume they have access to your transcribed conversations, just as they had access to your email and web traffic. That’s what “collect it all” means.Jan 24 19:48
schestowitzDocumenting this would take another whistle blower, but I don’t think anyone would take that risk to prove something that should be obvious. Outside of an unlikely, democratic revolution and change of government, all of the activity Snowden documented will be expanded."Jan 24 19:48
schestowitzI agree with Will on thisJan 24 19:48
schestowitz 24 19:48
-TechBytesBot/ The very hostile reactions from #trump fans to #WomensMarch reinforces the suspicion or belief of disdain for gender equality and progressJan 24 19:48
schestowitz 24 19:48
schestowitz"Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline"Jan 24 19:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline - BBC News [ ]Jan 24 19:48
schestowitz"The differences between the two cases aside, few of Assanges supporters would like to see him as president for a country."Jan 24 19:48
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:49
schestowitzTo be honest, I’m baffled by what these Women’s Marches are all about.Jan 24 19:49
schestowitzIf it’s simply a matter of not liking Trump, than my guess would be that there sort of a defacto “Pro Clinton” marches…Jan 24 19:49
schestowitzWhat’s in and of itself would seem to mean to me that getting rapist off the hook and laughing about it (which Hillary did), regularly hanging out with pedophiles as friends (which both Clinton’s have), working in support of the growing wealth disparity gaps (which again, both Clintons along with the who neoliberal movement has in bi-partisan fashion)… all of that and more amounts to o.k.Jan 24 19:49
schestowitzBasically, if these Women’s Marches are about simply about being anti-Trump I’m left baffled.Jan 24 19:49
schestowitzI mean I’m all for disavowing Trump, but that in and of itself doesn’t change the eco-politico system or the thought processes that lead one to granting it legitmacy.Jan 24 19:49
schestowitzWould women still be getting up and arms about Clinton presiding over the very same systems and institutions?Jan 24 19:49
schestowitzGiven the Clinton background, where were these marches prior to the election?Jan 24 19:49
schestowitzBy all means sir Schestowitz, please do tell what these marches are about.Jan 24 19:49
schestowitzI am perplexed.Jan 24 19:49
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:49
schestowitzAssange is irrelevant to this unless the point you are making is that police (or women) make stuff up sometimesJan 24 19:49
schestowitz 24 19:50
-TechBytesBot/ Women have VERY legitimise concerns about #trump (corruption and racism aside). He sexually assaulted women, got away with it [2/2]Jan 24 19:50
schestowitz"Yeah, just like Julian Assange raped women in Sweden."Jan 24 19:50
schestowitz"If they go to streets for protest, Why they didnt vote to elect Hillary?"Jan 24 19:50
schestowitz 24 19:50
schestowitz"They’re sore losers. Trump won with white women (55% for him)! xD"Jan 24 19:50
schestowitz 24 19:51
-TechBytesBot/ Your Computer's Clipboard is a #Security Problem - Fix it in Linux With xsel and cron 24 19:51
schestowitz"There wasn’t anything about the software that disabled all sound on your computer right? There isn’t really a valid security reasons for hijacking your computer and disabling sound. That’s just a nuisance."Jan 24 19:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Your Computer's Clipboard is a Security Problem - Fix it in Linux with xsel and cron [ ]Jan 24 19:51
schestowitz"Not at all. Xsel is designed to manipulate the clipboard. Did you fix it?"Jan 24 19:51
schestowitz"Another user had sound issues (I had no such problem), so I updated the article to use xclip instead of xsel. Hopefully, that will solve it."Jan 24 19:51
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:51
schestowitzUh, what password managers use a clipboard? Why do remote websites have access to my clipboard?Jan 24 19:51
schestowitzI have not run into these problems but I’ve seen them coming. A host of stupid problems has created real security issues for less cautious free software users. AJAX and Javascript surrender your browser to software owners, so it’s not surprising to see browsers screwing people. I’m also not surprised to see all of these heavily promoted password managers doing stupid things.Jan 24 19:51
schestowitzI don’t think these problems happen to people who use GNU endorsed distributions. KDE’s wallet program never used a clipboard and neither does Iceweasel’s remember password feature. I doubt Gnome is so stupid. The javascript problem is real enough but there are answers. I don’t have much trust for Mozilla these days, and that’s why I’m sticking with Iceweasel until I get Icecat. Chromium browser simply died on me, so I don’tJan 24 19:51
schestowitzhave to worry about it anymore.Jan 24 19:51
schestowitz"Jan 24 19:51
schestowitzJS in itself is OK, but JS programs people write and send for you to run when you visit sites are truly dangerousJan 24 19:52
schestowitz 24 19:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OdinOfAsgard078: @UtaJohansdottir @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein really so the dems that stopped the pipeline are the same as the RepublicanJan 24 19:53
schestowitz 24 19:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OdinOfAsgard078: @UtaJohansdottir @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein pushing forward with it hmmmmJan 24 19:53
schestowitz 24 19:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rltsurf: @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein good bye fake enviro issuesJan 24 19:53
schestowitz 24 19:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OdinOfAsgard078: @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein wait you mean the pipeline that doesn't do any of the lies claimed by protesters guess you didn'tJan 24 19:53
schestowitz 24 19:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OdinOfAsgard078: @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein do your researchJan 24 19:54
schestowitz 24 20:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@UtaJohansdottir: @OdinOfAsgard078 @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein That was sarcasmJan 24 20:08
schestowitz 24 20:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Drummerguy2009: @schestowitz @wikileaks we are a deplorable, uneducated, and racist group of people after all...Jan 24 20:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JosephFesterbun: @schestowitz @TheYoungTurks @wikileaks compared to a cold war with Russia? China needs the US market.Jan 24 20:09
schestowitz 24 20:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@georgepitaru: @schestowitz @TheYoungTurks @wikileaks he won't until he figures out where to burry them all.Jan 24 20:14
schestowitz 24 20:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gorgashouse: What #CulturalMaxism did to Europe: MASS CHILD gang rape/torture/grooming/trafficking have become OK! EVEN a JOKE!… 24 20:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gorgashouse: What #CulturalMaxism did to Europe: MASS CHILD gang rape/torture/grooming/trafficking have become OK! EVEN a JOKE!… 24 20:15
schestowitz 24 20:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@walden_mathews: @OdinOfAsgard078 @schestowitz @DrJillStein They all leak. Do *your* research. No new jobs, all for export to Asia.Jan 24 20:17
schestowitz 24 20:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@firesign1969: @JosephFesterbun Or worse, WWIII! @schestowitz @TheYoungTurks @wikileaksJan 24 20:19
schestowitz 24 20:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz well actually- arent the states supposed to be independent structures with self governance?Jan 24 20:21
schestowitznot disagreeing with youJan 24 20:21
schestowitz 24 20:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JaimeCalaveras: @firesign1969 @JosephFesterbun @schestowitz @TheYoungTurks @wikileaks How about all 3 are idiotic and bad ideas!Jan 24 20:25
schestowitz 24 20:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@firesign1969: @JaimeCalaveras Like I've said...this election, the American people got screwed. @JosephFesterbun @schestowitz @TheYoungTurks @wikileaksJan 24 20:25
schestowitz 24 20:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz well goodie :D although we have differences of thought- its nice to see ure side of things too :PJan 24 20:28
schestowitz 24 20:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Misc_X_: @schestowitz @wikileaks Actually, can argue Clinton responsible for liberal fear currently being experienced, like… 24 20:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Misc_X_: @schestowitz @wikileaks Actually, can argue Clinton responsible for liberal fear currently being experienced, like… 24 20:28
schestowitz 24 20:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ADHD_Panther: @schestowitz We aren't gullible, Trump didn't care about being PC and said what hard working Americans felt and thought. @wikileaksJan 24 20:48
schestowitz 24 20:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JosephFesterbun: @firesign1969 @JaimeCalaveras @schestowitz @TheYoungTurks @wikileaks If anyone screwed Americans it was Hillary.Jan 24 20:48
schestowitz 24 20:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@firesign1969: @JosephFesterbun I agree. @JaimeCalaveras @schestowitz @TheYoungTurks @wikileaksJan 24 20:48
schestowitz 24 21:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BakerPaul_JoAnn: @schestowitz @wikileaks And mostly ignorant MSM. "Like attracts LIKE" - not opposites!!!!! 24 21:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BakerPaul_JoAnn: @schestowitz @wikileaks And mostly ignorant MSM. "Like attracts LIKE" - not opposites!!!!! 24 21:05
schestowitz 24 21:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@seanhavens: @schestowitz @DrJillStein @Tim_Canova some people need to realize there are times u need to work together or else nothing gets done.Jan 24 21:11
schestowitzyes, Sanders was invited by the Greens, but he ignored, not even declined. Who's snubbing/insulating?Jan 24 21:11
schestowitz 24 21:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bleaklefty: @schestowitz which is the right thing to do. That was a bad trade deal. It was approved by both sides of the establishment.Jan 24 21:16
schestowitzyes, progressives nailed the last nail on its coffin, now #trump resorts to "landslide" revisionism to take creditJan 24 21:16
schestowitz 24 21:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bleaklefty: @schestowitz Nope. 30 years of third way Dem politics is reason Trump won. You can't blame Russia for that.Jan 24 21:23
schestowitzWhere did I blame Russia?Jan 24 21:23
schestowitzThe Democrats did.Jan 24 21:23
schestowitz 24 21:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mvolterano: @DrJillStein @schestowitz @Tim_Canova how can you debate when you are counting votes!?Jan 24 21:24
schestowitz 24 21:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bleaklefty: @schestowitz How would you like to rationalize that left wing politics hurt HRC losing then?Jan 24 21:26
schestowitz 24 21:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz @DZone he is talking about visual studio code, a microsoft editor written in electron that tries to displace atom, actually.Jan 24 21:41
schestowitz 24 21:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Peterwyck29: @schestowitz nothing of the kind - just the facts #serialinfringers #efficientinfringement 24 21:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Peterwyck29: @schestowitz nothing of the kind - just the facts #serialinfringers #efficientinfringement 24 21:42
schestowitz 24 21:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Eng_Socialist: Sanders was always anti-TPP, though. Those who're attacking him for this are being ridiculous. 24 21:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @DrJillStein @Tim_Canova Sanders is now offering to work WITH #trump on #tpp -like trade issues. I think Greens is the last hope.Jan 24 21:42
schestowitz 24 21:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gregorylent: @schestowitz he'll be snatched up in daysJan 24 21:47
schestowitz 24 21:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz @DZone they are using confusing product naming to intentionally decieveJan 24 21:49
schestowitzOld tactic of Microsoft, decades oldJan 24 21:49
schestowitz 24 22:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PeopleSucc: @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein Jill is a fucking idiotJan 24 22:08
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> "American journalists should stop him from dividing their ranksJan 24 22:24
schestowitz> –however hard their professional competition may be"Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> ...Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> "The next time Donald Trump tries to single out a reporter, or doesn’tJan 24 22:24
schestowitz> answer a question, the next reporter who’s allowed to speak shouldJan 24 22:24
schestowitz> repeat the question of the journalist Trump has snubbed."Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> 24 22:24
-TechBytesBot/ | We broke the Panama Papers story. Here's how to investigate Donald Trump | Opinion | The GuardianJan 24 22:24
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> 24 22:24
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:24
-TechBytesBot/ | Bus driver sexually assaulted while driving on Lougheed Highway [ ]Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> 24 22:24
-TechBytesBot/ | Why Trump brings clapping, laughing sycophants to his press events and appearances / Boing Boing [ ]Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> 24 22:24
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:24
-TechBytesBot/ | China's richest man buys Nordic cinema firm for $930m - The Local [ ]Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> 24 22:24
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> 24 22:24
-TechBytesBot/ | Policing criticism of Islam: the new Star Chamber | Free speech | Press freedom | Religion and atheism | spiked [ ]Jan 24 22:24
-TechBytesBot/ | How many metro rides were taken during Women's March Vs Trump inauguration / Boing Boing [ ]Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> 24 22:24
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump Administration Imposes Freeze On EPA Grants and Contracts - ProPublica [ ]Jan 24 22:24
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> 24 22:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Breaking: White House Implies DAPL, Keystone XL, Are On - Indian Country Media Network [ ]Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> -Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> 24 22:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump orders revival of Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines | US news | The Guardian [ ]Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> 24 22:25
-TechBytesBot/ | A Day With the Women Scientists Protesting Trump - The Atlantic [ ]Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> 24 22:25
-TechBytesBot/ | "Claque": how Trump revived the ancient practice of paid applauders / Boing Boing [ ]Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> 24 22:25
-TechBytesBot/ | I Was at Trump’s Inauguration. It Was Tiny. | The Nation [ ]Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> xJan 24 22:25
schestowitz> 24 22:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Google Translate [ ]Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> xJan 24 22:25
schestowitz> 24 22:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Google Translate [ ]Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> =Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz> 24 22:25
-TechBytesBot/ | The Unknown Enemy in Plain Sight — Quadrant Online [ ]Jan 24 22:25
schestowitz 24 22:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@angrymofo: @schestowitz The Hollywood studios are next.Jan 24 22:36
schestowitz 24 22:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mvolterano: @schestowitz @guardian kinda his point right?! Get to work you lazy journalists!Jan 24 22:37
schestowitz 24 22:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz wont hold up- there will always be now new journalists and internet bloggers to choose from past the established #MSM .Jan 24 22:37
schestowitz 24 23:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OdinOfAsgard078: @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein wow you really don't have a clue what you are talking aboutJan 24 23:05
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 25 00:35
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesJan 25 00:36
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Jan 25 00:36
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 25 00:36
schestowitz 25 00:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@_Schwifty: @bleaklefty @schestowitz Easily conned fools and bigots (two different groups, albeit with some overlap) are why Trump won. Welcome to 1984.Jan 25 00:59
schestowitz 25 00:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ChaWeb: @schestowitz @keast7544 @wikileaks Clinton beat Bernie by even more votes (3.6M) than she beat Trump (2.9M).Jan 25 00:59
schestowitz 25 00:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bleaklefty: @_Schwifty @schestowitz in this case both are true and that's because of our broken system in a very general way of putting it.Jan 25 00:59
schestowitz 25 00:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@_Schwifty: @bleaklefty @schestowitz Mcdonald's abandoning the Big N' Tasty is why Trump won. #AlternativeFactsJan 25 00:59
schestowitz 25 01:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@alice_corrine: @schestowitz and my metro station ran out of cards at 10am and let us in for free - were we counted?… 25 01:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@alice_corrine: @schestowitz and my metro station ran out of cards at 10am and let us in for free - were we counted?… 25 01:00
schestowitz 25 01:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bellarosemand86: @ADHD_Panther @schestowitz Like grabbing pussy?Jan 25 01:00
schestowitz"and my metro station ran out of cards at 10am and let us in for free - were we counted? #MarchOnWashington"Jan 25 01:00
schestowitz 25 01:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz @MannySchecter @IBM probablyJan 25 01:00
schestowitz 25 01:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DouglasRatcliff: @schestowitz @DrJillStein @Tim_Canova If Greens are the last hope, then that's the game! Prosperity and sanity have won! Praise Kek!Jan 25 01:18
schestowitz 25 01:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cheetah2018: @schestowitz @bleaklefty Actually. Voter suppression was one of the reasons Trump won and the electoral college gave him the votesJan 25 01:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cheetah2018: @bleaklefty @schestowitz You forgot voter suppression was another reason why Trump wonJan 25 01:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cheetah2018: @bleaklefty @schestowitz We have a government that's influenced by moneyJan 25 01:27
schestowitz 25 01:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cheetah2018: @bleaklefty @schestowitz from rich corporations that's been going on for many years yet no one took action against it until nowJan 25 01:28
schestowitz 25 01:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bleaklefty: @cheetah2018 @schestowitz I pointed that out to another individual in this thread but yes. There are many factors for why trump won.Jan 25 01:47
schestowitz 25 01:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bleaklefty: @cheetah2018 @schestowitz Yep!!Jan 25 01:47
schestowitz 25 01:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bkylnboy11205: @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein Stein supporters should drink the bitter oily tears of their success. #EnjoyDAPL #OwnItPuristsJan 25 01:47
schestowitz 25 01:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cheetah2018: @bleaklefty @schestowitz Supreme Court doesn't place strong restrictions on our government that prevents corporations influence since ourJan 25 01:48
schestowitz 25 01:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cheetah2018: @bleaklefty @schestowitz Court been governed under the Republican Party for yearsJan 25 01:48
schestowitz 25 01:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cheetah2018: @bleaklefty @schestowitz Yes. It's going to be even more difficult to prevent this as we already GOP will do anything to keep their seats.Jan 25 01:48
schestowitzRe: Hi there, you have got mail.Jan 25 01:56
schestowitz"I need more info, even if mere rumours, about Roland.Jan 25 01:56
schestowitz-meJan 25 01:56
schestowitz 25 07:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?Jan 25 07:38
schestowitz 25 07:38
-TechBytesBot/ Shiva Ayyadurai is a liar and a fraud. Why is #fossbyes even feeding this troll? Dancing on Tomilson's grave? 25 07:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Who Invented Email? Ray Tomlinson Or Shiva Ayyadurai? Here's The Truth - FossbytesJan 25 07:38
schestowitz 25 07:39
schestowitz>       *Dear Roy,*Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz>Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> Our customer care team has created a ticket, #000527Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> <>Jan 25 07:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-302 redirect with weird Location: tickets.php?id=528Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> on your behalf, with the following details and summary:Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz>Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> Topic: *Report a Problem*Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> Subject: *Legal Demand Notice Roy S. Request*Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz>Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz>;Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz>Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> 25 07:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz>Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz>Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> Hey Roy,Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz>Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> a law company contacted me in respect of:Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> 25 07:41
schestowitz> andJan 25 07:41
schestowitz> 25 07:41
schestowitz>Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> I am afraid that it violates German lawJan 25 07:41
schestowitz> ( 25 07:41
schestowitz> :\Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> Could you please remove the posts?Jan 25 07:41
-TechBytesBot/ | GERMAN CRIMINAL CODE [ ]Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz>Jan 25 07:41
schestowitz> Thank you,Jan 25 07:41
schestowitzThanks for letting me know. He has a reputation for silencing people who point out the truth. I've removed these posts.Jan 25 07:41
schestowitzYour special 'friend' is now demanding takedown of my tweets/social media posts. Because it doesn't matter that he is lying...Jan 25 07:42
schestowitz>> Why the X'es?Jan 25 07:45
schestowitz>>Jan 25 07:45
schestowitz> It's a new site and I'm not sure of the owners and everything.  So farJan 25 07:45
schestowitz> I've not noticed any errors or exaggerations, having double checked withJan 25 07:45
schestowitz> other source what they have.Jan 25 07:45
schestowitz>Jan 25 07:45
schestowitz> Maybe it's just easier to list the Swedish cities that haven't hadJan 25 07:45
schestowitz> islamist rapes during each week.  :(   FWIW the islamists were alliedJan 25 07:45
schestowitz> with the nazis during WWII and picked up a good portion of theirJan 25 07:45
schestowitz> attitudes, though that is not yet covered outside of scholarly works.Jan 25 07:45
schestowitz> But only the latter group was stomped into submission.  The latter wereJan 25 07:45
schestowitz> not just allowed but encouraged in the decades since.Jan 25 07:45
schestowitz 25 07:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cheetah2018: @bleaklefty @schestowitz This is the true reason why the Democratic party are always loosing. People won't stop voting for Republican forJan 25 07:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cheetah2018: @bleaklefty @schestowitz the Republican party as they are known to cheat elections by trampling over the Democratic partyJan 25 07:46
schestowitz 25 07:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ADHD_Panther: @bellarosemand86 that was 11 years ago. But, yes real men love grabbing pussies. @schestowitzJan 25 07:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bellarosemand86: @ADHD_Panther @schestowitz So go grab your mothers and get back to meJan 25 07:46
schestowitz 25 07:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ADHD_Panther: @bellarosemand86 another, vile, discusting liberal. @schestowitzJan 25 07:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DeeCTown: @schestowitz @wikileaks While Hitlery voters Dem-ented enough to ignore depravity from Travelgate-WH looting-War Whore-Suicide magnet &more?Jan 25 07:47
schestowitz 25 07:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Asa789: @firesign1969 @JaimeCalaveras @JosephFesterbun @schestowitz @TheYoungTurks @wikileaks Hardly, 2 days accomplished more than ....Jan 25 07:47
schestowitz 25 07:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@patrick7901: @schestowitz The thing is if the media would have covered Hillary and Trump the same Hillary would have lost by way more than she did.Jan 25 07:48
schestowitz 25 07:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TexasBaseballMa: @keast7544 @TrinityBeliever @schestowitz @wikileaks No 1 worked harder & won more ppl over. That was their plan but they underestimated himJan 25 07:48
schestowitz 25 07:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: Dear @schestowitz I wondered if u cld advise? I hadn't used my pc for some months & took to my sister's to use. Inv… 25 07:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: Dear @schestowitz I wondered if u cld advise? I hadn't used my pc for some months & took to my sister's to use. Inv… 25 07:48
schestowitz 25 07:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @schestowitz Restarted & SEEMS to be ok but now giving me choice to install updates. What would you do if pc illit… 25 07:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @schestowitz Restarted & SEEMS to be ok but now giving me choice to install updates. What would you do if pc illit… 25 07:48
schestowitz" I wondered if u cld advise? I hadn't used my pc for some months & took to my sister's to use. Involuntary updates result:"Jan 25 07:48
schestowitz" Restarted & SEEMS to be ok but now giving me choice to install updates. What would you do if pc illiterate like me?"Jan 25 07:48
schestowitz 25 07:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @schestowitz ..and would you "check online for solution"? Apols for being cheeky but I know it will take you two s… 25 07:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stedsimple: @schestowitz ..and would you "check online for solution"? Apols for being cheeky but I know it will take you two s… 25 07:49
schestowitz" ..and would you "check online for solution"? Apols for being cheeky but I know it will take you two seconds! ;)"Jan 25 07:49
schestowitz> The links are now removed.  What were they?Jan 25 08:01
schestowitzThese links were about Shiva Ayyadurai.Jan 25 08:01
schestowitzI cannot find the corresponding tweets either (based on a quick search), so maybe Twitter complied without even letting me know?Jan 25 08:01
schestowitzJust comes to show how far Shiva Ayyadurai would go. Now social media and even Diaspora...Jan 25 08:01
schestowitz 25 08:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Kylapatricia4: @UtaJohansdottir @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein not disagreeing with you but all we can do to is fight ☹️Jan 25 08:04
schestowitz>>>> First Shiva Ayyadurai sued Gawker (news), for saying the truth about E-mailJan 25 08:29
schestowitz>>>> Then sued TechDirt (blog)Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz>>>> Now threatens SOCIAL MEDIA sitesJan 25 08:29
schestowitz>>> Divide and conquer.  If he takes them on one at a time and none bandJan 25 08:29
schestowitz>>> together and crush him, he will win if only one site at a time.Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz>>>Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz>>> He's such a charlatan I'm surprised he's not at M$ or hanging out withJan 25 08:29
schestowitz>>> Gates.Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz>>Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz>> I'm already on contact with Mike Masnick regarding this threat. LookingJan 25 08:29
schestowitz>> for media contacts that may be interested. Told Doctorow and EFF. AnyoneJan 25 08:29
schestowitz>> else?Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz>Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz> Not off the top of my head.  Post something to slashdot and soylentnews,Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz> even if only a link to a new TR article on the topic.  That would getJan 25 08:29
schestowitz> the word out that he is aiming for a divide and conquer strategy.   IsJan 25 08:29
schestowitz> there a way to do a class action against an individual charlatan?Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz>Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz> A lot of sites had articles exposing his fraud.  For starters there areJan 25 08:29
schestowitz> these sites:Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz>Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz> gizmodoJan 25 08:29
schestowitz> quoraJan 25 08:29
schestowitz> thevergeJan 25 08:29
schestowitz>Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz> Searching more, there is this:Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz>Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz> 25 08:29
schestowitz>Jan 25 08:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Charlatan Watch List: V. A. Shiva Ayyadurai [ ]Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz> They might be interested.Jan 25 08:29
schestowitzI have attempted to reach an old contact of mine at The Verge, but he's no longer working there. Contacting random people rarely get the right response.Jan 25 08:29
schestowitzI'm still gathering more info before writing an article about it.Jan 25 08:29
schestowitz 25 09:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PatchouliW: @schestowitz @jurylady5 Do not let him litigate Techradar into silence for calling his bull.Jan 25 09:01
schestowitz 25 09:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PatchouliW: @schestowitz @jurylady5 thousands of people made email. first it was textfiles held and sent on delays, then machine-agnostic protocols...Jan 25 09:02
schestowitz 25 09:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PatchouliW: @schestowitz @jurylady5 then actually sticking files right into the sends... Now we have reputational checking and even virtual postage.Jan 25 09:02
schestowitz 25 09:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@UtaJohansdottir: @Kylapatricia4 @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein We can both fight and learn constructive lessons about the real world.Jan 25 09:02
schestowitz 25 09:02
schestowitz 25 09:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Kylapatricia4: @UtaJohansdottir @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein agree it's happens every fucking eight years and the GOP get worseJan 25 09:03
schestowitz 25 09:06
schestowitz 25 09:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PatchouliW: @schestowitz @jurylady5 (though to be fair the latter is still rarely seen outside of limited setups)Jan 25 09:06
schestowitz 25 09:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PoliticalWilli: @schestowitz @Variety thought it was shut down a few weeks prior to BHO leaving. Was staffed by volunteers, who were presumably Dems..Jan 25 09:06
schestowitz 25 09:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PoliticalWilli: @schestowitz @Variety here is a link 25 09:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | White House shuts down call-in line - Washington TimesJan 25 09:06
schestowitz 25 09:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ra_Dig75: @Kylapatricia4 @UtaJohansdottir @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein Now they want Dems to unite with them? lol Their/your battleJan 25 09:07
schestowitz 25 09:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gnutelephony: @schestowitz yep, a shame people aren't getting brain damage from lead in gasoline anymore, too. Make America Gasp (for air) Again...Jan 25 09:07
schestowitz 25 09:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pspicerwensley: The only hope for Detroit is to build compelling products that ppl will buy. NOT gas guzzling behemoths #FakePOTUS 25 09:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Donald #Trump claims 'environmentalism is out of control' mental issues don't always have curesJan 25 09:07
schestowitz 25 09:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PatchouliW: @schestowitz The man is a fool. He can't silence all of us. Some of us were around when we shovelled text files across raw cabling.Jan 25 09:07
schestowitz 25 09:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EPOorg: The biotechnology sector is very important to the European economy. Read about #biotech patents @ the EPO here:… 25 09:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EPOorg: The biotechnology sector is very important to the European economy. Read about #biotech patents @ the EPO here:… 25 09:46
schestowitz 25 10:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@UtaJohansdottir: @Kylapatricia4 @Ra_Dig75 @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein Efficacy requires the unsexy grown-up work of lo… 25 10:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@UtaJohansdottir: @Kylapatricia4 @Ra_Dig75 @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein Efficacy requires the unsexy grown-up work of lo… 25 10:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@UtaJohansdottir: @Kylapatricia4 @Ra_Dig75 @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein It's not nearly as fun as bulldozer graffiti, di… 25 10:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@UtaJohansdottir: @Kylapatricia4 @Ra_Dig75 @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein It's not nearly as fun as bulldozer graffiti, di… 25 10:09
schestowitz 25 10:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WorldGoneCraZ: @schestowitz Dr. Schestowitz.. read the article but didn't find the orders??? did I miss the link? or can you tell me the executive order #Jan 25 10:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WorldGoneCraZ: @schestowitz I am a little tired so I might have missed itJan 25 10:09
schestowitzhe links to Clinton New NetworkJan 25 10:10
schestowitzhe links to Clinton News NetworkJan 25 10:10
schestowitz 25 10:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Kylapatricia4: @UtaJohansdottir @Ra_Dig75 @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein agree and I think it was immature and dangerous what she saidJan 25 10:17
schestowitz[09:18] <schestowitz> tuxmachines acting weirdJan 25 10:39
schestowitz[09:18] <schestowitz> and it doesn't respond to mysqld and httpd stop/restartJan 25 10:39
schestowitz[09:19] <schestowitz> doesn't seem to want to reboot eitherJan 25 10:39
schestowitz[09:21] <schestowitz> load is high all the time, but mostly processes that do nohing, even after I killed httpd processes, as they won't shut down any other wayJan 25 10:39
schestowitz[09:24] <schestowitz> I think it needs to be restarted from the hypervisor, it hardly responds to commands and it's getting hard to even access it over sshJan 25 10:39
schestowitz[09:26] <schestowitz> [I think it's 1:20 where you are, will make a quick call shortly if I can't find my way out of this]Jan 25 10:39
schestowitz[10:13] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Looks like tuxmachines is having trouble again. Someone must be pretty unhappy with you today. :)Jan 25 10:39
schestowitz[10:13] <schestowitz> is this some kind of attack, httpd?Jan 25 10:39
schestowitz[10:13] <schestowitz> oh, I see nowJan 25 10:39
schestowitz[10:13] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  02:13:36 up 17 min,  3 users,  load average: 134.66, 115.95, 66.95Jan 25 10:39
schestowitz[10:14] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Yes, looks like some sort of attack via httpd but I don't know exactly what yet.Jan 25 10:39
schestowitz[10:14] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Load is coming back down now...Jan 25 10:39
schestowitz[10:14] <schestowitz> I will check the losJan 25 10:39
schestowitz[10:14] <schestowitz> logsJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:14] <schestowitz> in the past it was baiduJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:14] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Yeah, I notice lots of bot traffic.Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:14] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Do you care about bot traffic? Maybe only allow google?Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:15] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> I can configure fail2ban to block the others.Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:15] <schestowitz> That's always good to have too, it tends to helpJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:15] <schestowitz> some bots don't obey robots file, and I DO block many spidersJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:15] <schestowitz> esp. the ones not associated with big enginesJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:16] <schestowitz> I'm stopping httpd now to investigate the logs, as it's not responsive otherwiseJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:19] <schestowitz> Baidu blockjedJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:20] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> I would love to put some more resources behind these sites such as a database cluster and a couple web app servers to distribute the load over. We do have some extra resources right now. But there are two issues with that: 1. I don't know how wordpress does when running two copies simultaneously behind a load balancer and 2. We have the resources now but if we became tight on resources we might have to reduce yourJan 25 10:40
schestowitzcluster back down to single machJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:21] <schestowitz> Thanks, that sounds like a possibilityJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:21] <schestowitz> BTW, did you receive our payment?Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:21] <schestowitz> [I don't know if Baidu alone was the culprit, but I've just blocked it and the site is more accessible now]Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:25] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Yes, I did receive the $1k! Thanks very much!Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:28] <schestowitz> thank you too, I hope the ads will bring you more customersJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:28] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> did you send it and what was the amount?Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:29] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> I thought I had seen it go through but I'm looking at one account and not seeing it.Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:29] <schestowitz> I sent it with commissions on my side, about 800 pounds after our Brexit disaster, which lowered the poundJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:29] <schestowitz> sent to the same account I sent it to last yearJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:30] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> paypal or wire transfer?Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:30] <schestowitz> paypalJan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:30] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Oh!Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:30] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Ok... Let me go check over there. I thought I saw the email but looked at one bank account and didn't see it....checking paypal. It's surely sitting there.Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:32] <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Confirmed. $1k sitting in my paypal account. Thanks again!Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz[10:33] <schestowitz> :)Jan 25 10:40
schestowitz 25 13:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Unexpected responseJan 25 13:01
schestowitz 25 13:02
*TechBytesBot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 25 13:38
schestowitz 25 13:41
schestowitz"is it licensed free as in freedom like oolite?"Jan 25 13:41
*TechBytesBot ( has joined #techbytesJan 25 14:06
TechBytesBotHello World! I'm TechBytesBot running phIRCe v0.75Jan 25 14:06
schestowitz[13:43] <schestowitz> similar patterns used against techrights the past 3-4 hoursJan 25 14:12
schestowitz[13:43] <schestowitz> I was habitually restarting apacheJan 25 14:12
schestowitz[13:43] <schestowitz> and sometimes it was accessible for a whileJan 25 14:12
schestowitz[13:43] <schestowitz> the same pattern used against tuxmachines until now, in burstsJan 25 14:12
schestowitz[13:43] <schestowitz> last time I restarted apache it failedJan 25 14:12
schestowitz[13:44] <schestowitz> and could not recoverJan 25 14:12
schestowitz[13:44] <schestowitz> I attempted to rebootJan 25 14:13
schestowitz[13:44] <schestowitz> still waiting for the server to come back online, maybe it's in fsckJan 25 14:13
schestowitz[13:52] <xxxxxxxxxx> Checking...Jan 25 14:13
schestowitz[13:52] <schestowitz> sorry so much for the timeJan 25 14:13
schestowitz[13:53] <schestowitz> it's just totally offline, too long for fsck to be the cause, I've read the systemd log items, checked the apache configs (in tact), maybe socket of httpd got clogged up, didn't go that far though before rebootingJan 25 14:13
schestowitz[13:57] <xxxxxxxxxx> Hmm....some filesystem issue. Let me see if I can fsck it...Jan 25 14:13
schestowitz[13:57] <schestowitz> thanksJan 25 14:13
schestowitz[14:05] <xxxxxxxxxx> Back cleared some corruption in the fsck though. Hope everything is ok.Jan 25 14:13
schestowitz[14:06] <schestowitz> excellent, thank youJan 25 14:13
schestowitz[14:06] <schestowitz> as long as no damage to files, db etc.Jan 25 14:13
schestowitz[14:06] <schestowitz> I guess fsck would have said it there was some permanent damageJan 25 14:13
schestowitz[14:06] <schestowitz> thanks SO much for helping at this timeJan 25 14:13
schestowitz[14:08] <xxxxxxxxxx> You're welcomeJan 25 14:13
schestowitz[14:08] <schestowitz> :-)Jan 25 14:13
schestowitz[14:08] <schestowitz> gnJan 25 14:13
schestowitz 25 14:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@EPOorg: There's no such thing as the perfect patent search, but this course can help you search more effectively: 25 14:22
schestowitzhahaJan 25 14:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Course: Search strategies| European Patent AcademyJan 25 14:22
schestowitz 25 14:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OdinOfAsgard078: @walden_mathews @schestowitz @DrJillStein really you spout of a bunch of false statements and I'm using rhetoric you're hilariousJan 25 14:23
*TechBytesBot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 25 16:11
schestowitz> Thanks. I've read the letter. It looks like a takedown notice but they are serious about it. Since they claim the letter can't be published or disseminated for copyright reasons, I'd be careful, though fair use is not always a simple question.Jan 25 19:53
schestowitzThanks for having a look. I asked for the letter mainly because I think passing it to TechDirt's pro bono people can bolster their case.Jan 25 19:53
schestowitzI am not too eager to become personally embroiled in this shitstorm. :-)Jan 25 19:53
schestowitzI'll proceed with it slowly and cautiously.Jan 25 19:53
schestowitz 25 21:21
schestowitz"@schestowitz @nytimes no evidence of that so far"Jan 25 21:21
schestowitz 25 21:21
schestowitz"@keast7544 @schestowitz @wikileaks Selling the most burgers doesn't make McDonald's a good restaurant."Jan 25 21:21
schestowitz 25 21:21
schestowitz 25 21:22
schestowitz"Jan 25 21:22
schestowitz54 minutes agoJan 25 21:22
schestowitz@AltNatParkSer @schestowitz lol . based surely on reality...Jan 25 21:22
schestowitz"Jan 25 21:22
schestowitz 25 21:22
schestowitz"Jan 25 21:23
schestowitz@schestowitz @motherboard Obama gives up Internet Control To the UNJan 25 21:23
schestowitz … ...and yeah it's Trump's fault?! #ICANNJan 25 21:23
schestowitz"Jan 25 21:23
*acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 25 21:26
*acer-box__ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 25 21:29
schestowitz 25 21:34
schestowitz" "If you kill your enemies, they win" -Justin Trudeau"Jan 25 21:34
schestowitzThis was not said in relation to #tortureJan 25 21:34
schestowitz 25 21:36
schestowitz""Jan 25 21:36
schestowitz"no but its just as retarded as your logic, anyone can make propoganda out of anything"Jan 25 21:36
schestowitzThey now use Trump for their recruitment propaganda, as many warned last yearJan 25 21:36
MinceRmaybe Useless Justin could focus on undoing harper's crap instead of coming up with this shitJan 25 21:45
schestowitz 25 21:54
schestowitz"How ignorant of Trudeau. Think how that would've played out in WW2"Jan 25 21:54
MinceRlolJan 25 22:03
schestowitz 25 22:08
schestowitz""Jan 25 22:08
schestowitz"Said the ISIS terrorists with a machete to your throat."Jan 25 22:08
schestowitz"FALSE. If you kill your enemies they DIE. Then you get to write the history books. To the #winner goes the spoils."Jan 25 22:08
schestowitz 25 22:23
schestowitz"You're quoting Justin Trudeau on warfare? Laughable. And pitiful. Mostly laughable."Jan 25 22:23
schestowitz 25 22:46
schestowitz"Jan 25 22:46
schestowitz Regardless of one's views on membership of the EU, this is surely a good day for democracy in the UK. We can now rest assured that rights granted to citizens under laws that have effect in the UK cannot be taken away by the stroke of a minister's pen.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzIn previous commentary, I had questioned what legal recourse there would be if, against the national interest, the government were bribed to withdraw from a treaty having effect under UK law. I never got a satisfactory answer to that question (especially if one considers that it may be impossible to prove that the ministerial action was a direct result of bribery). Having looked at the rather ineffectual options mentioned in the dissentingJan 25 22:46
schestowitzopinions (pretty much amounting to "shut the stable door after the horse has bolted"), I am rather glad that I need worry about this no more.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzYou have to feel sorry for Scotland, though. Cue lots of U-turns on points of principle by all parties involved, with Brexiteers extolling the virtue of countries remaining in an economic and political union and Scottish remainers highlighting the benefits of leaving such a union.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzHard not to see the huge dollops of irony in this... much like the Brexiteers who wanted to leave the EU in order to regain Parliamentary sovereignty (though, as the Supreme Court decision explains, this was never actually undermined by EU membership)... only to then take umbrage at litigation aimed at upholding that very principle.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzIt is also quite astonishing that the government seems to have come out of this feeling like it was a "win" for them, solely because the Supreme Court's decision will likely not delay their plans for Brexit. But a quick recap on key facts reveals a completely different story.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzFact 1: Cameron got it badly wrong by assuming that he would win the referendum, and therefore not making any plans for what he would do if this did not happen (other than resign and leave the mess he created for someone else to clear up).Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzFact 2: May's government consistently got it wrong on the mechanism for triggering Article 50. In doing so, they not only ignored many reasonable (and well-reasoned) calls for Parliamentary involvement, but they also unnecessarily delayed the process of Parliamentary scrutiny. Worse still, they seemingly briefed against (and encouraged media criticism of) the litigants and the Divisional Court, leading to the astonishing situation where theJan 25 22:46
schestowitzlegal profession had to call for the Lord Chancellor to defend the independence of the judiciary.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzFact 3: whilst Theresa has ruled out a few options regarding the UK's departure from the EU, it seems that the government is pursuing objectives that are mutually exclusive (e.g. securing free trade with Europe without submitting to the jurisdiction of the CJEU in settling disputes over common rules governing that trade), and with no plausible explanation as to how those objectives can be achieved.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzPerhaps the last point is little bit harsh, as I'm sure it's not easy to satisfy the Brexiteers whilst simultaneously avoiding trashing important parts of the UK's economy. But with all of the delay that Theresa's Brexit strategy has so far (deliberately?) involved, I would have hoped for something a little bit more coherent by now.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzAll in all, it is fair to say the Brexit process has been a total shambles from the very start (with Cameron) right up to now. For all of our sakes, let's hope that things improve rapidly from here.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitz"Jan 25 22:46
schestowitz"Jan 25 22:46
schestowitz", I had questioned what legal recourse there would be if, against the national interest, the government were bribed to withdraw from a treaty having effect under UK law. I never got a satisfactory answer to that question (especially if one considers that it may be impossible to prove that the ministerial action was a direct result of bribery)."Jan 25 22:46
schestowitz1) Pretty obviously receiving bribes is a crime, a potentially treasonous one depending on the facts.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitz2) The governments acts in that case could potentially be JR'ed at the point they were proposed as unreasonable (in the Wednesbury sense). Doing so in response to a referendum is an entirely different matter since they can clearly show their acts to have been reasonable (at least in the Wednesbury sense).Jan 25 22:46
schestowitz3) Parliament could take a vote of no-confidence in the government, or legislate to constrain them.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitz4) You are asking, essentially, "what would you like the law to be" which is the wrong question.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitz"Having looked at the rather ineffectual options mentioned in the dissenting opinions (pretty much amounting to "shut the stable door after the horse has bolted"), I am rather glad that I need worry about this no more."Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzThe majority were pretty clear that their ruling should be limited to the facts of the case and is not likely to be of broad application. See para. 98 where they say it does not apply to double-taxation treaties (and thus to many other kinds of similar treaties) and the numerous other places where they emphasise the unusual nature of the 1972 act and this case.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitzIt is unlikely that if the UK ever joins the EU again (assuming we leave, which I would still like to avoid) parliament will leave quite so many questions hanging.Jan 25 22:46
schestowitz"Jan 25 22:47
schestowitz in what way are they censoring you?Jan 25 22:49
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 25 22:49
schestowitz 25 22:49
schestowitzMaking me invisible to most people (those who don't follow)Jan 25 22:49
schestowitz 25 22:59
schestowitz"Twitter is algorithm driven, how would they even doing that."Jan 25 22:59
schestowitzNot purely algoJan 25 22:59
schestowitz 25 23:09
schestowitz"Jan 25 23:09
schestowitzwell just checked you from an account I have that doesn't follow you and tweets seems to be present and correct.¯\_(ツ)_/¯Jan 25 23:09
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 25 23:09
schestowitz"Jan 25 23:09
schestowitz" come on just say it once that Donald Trump is UR President. As much as I disliked Obamas policies I always said he's my POTUS"Jan 25 23:10
schestowitz 25 23:10
schestowitz> Oh shit man - what did you originally out on the posts?Jan 25 23:22
schestowitz 25 23:22
schestowitz 25 23:40
schestowitz"Now this is fascism in the works and suppression but Obama never killed. He handed Trump a treasure trove of totalterian powers over us"Jan 25 23:40
schestowitz 25 23:40
schestowitz 25 23:41
schestowitz"very communist article. But hey- Oregon..."Jan 25 23:41
schestowitz 25 23:47
schestowitz" I hope that they hand out free contraception and have govt funds ready to take care of the children they profess to care about!"Jan 25 23:47
schestowitz 26 00:26
schestowitz"Jan 26 00:26
schestowitz i use a cell phone- but I know the diff. between using that phone for work and another for play...(nitpick isnt policy).Jan 26 00:26
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 26 00:26
schestowitz 26 00:26
schestowitz"maybe we can get @LindseyGrahamSC to help share the number. #shitshowXLV"Jan 26 00:26
schestowitz 26 00:56
schestowitz"Jan 26 00:56
schestowitzYou & the rest of the GOP are going to let Trump dismantle our country & extinguish American values.Jan 26 00:56
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 26 00:56
schestowitz"Jan 26 00:56
schestowitz 26 07:11
schestowitz" and yet Billy is just the same as the rest of the sheep dig deeper boy."Jan 26 07:12
schestowitz 26 07:32
schestowitz""Jan 26 07:32
schestowitz" agreed"Jan 26 07:32
schestowitz>> Thanks for having a look. I asked for the letter mainly because I think passing it to TechDirt's pro bono people can bolster their case. <Jan 26 07:38
schestowitz> I don't know if anyone volunteered to help them. I did the post but don't know what happened or what didn't happen.Jan 26 07:38
schestowitz>Jan 26 07:38
schestowitz>> I am not too eager to become personally embroiled in this shitstorm. :-)Jan 26 07:38
schestowitz> I'll proceed with it slowly and cautiously. <Jan 26 07:38
schestowitz>Jan 26 07:38
schestowitz> Good idea.Jan 26 07:38
schestowitzThe EFF is helping them now.Jan 26 07:38
schestowitzMasnick might write about the letter soon.Jan 26 07:38
schestowitz 26 08:04
schestowitz"Jan 26 08:04
schestowitz1 minute agoJan 26 08:04
schestowitzgregorylent Retweeted Dr. Roy SchestowitzJan 26 08:04
schestowitzmarketing talkJan 26 08:04
schestowitz"Jan 26 08:04
schestowitz 26 08:10
schestowitz"It can even be called PEDOix"Jan 26 08:10
schestowitzIf you generalise all this to mean paedopheliaJan 26 08:10
*acer-box__ (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 26 08:44
*acer-box has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Jan 26 08:47
schestowitz"Important read. How Dutch intelligence agency flattered, then threatened, a hacker they wanted to recruit"Jan 26 09:03
schestowitz 26 09:03
*TechBytesBot ( has joined #techbytesJan 26 09:32
TechBytesBotHello World! I'm TechBytesBot running phIRCe v0.75Jan 26 09:32
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 26 09:40
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 26 09:42
schestowitz 26 10:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LaLegale: @schestowitz Your comment can neither be proved nor disproved and thus it functions as a fear-inducing statement which causes harm.Jan 26 10:48
schestowitz 26 15:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MBpeace44: @schestowitz @wikileaks 26 15:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MBpeace44: @schestowitz @wikileaks 26 15:01
schestowitz 26 15:02
schestowitz 26 15:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz @gamingonlinux they are SO CUTE.Jan 26 15:02
schestowitz 26 15:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@missmalevolent: @schestowitz @Canelaw1992 @wikileaks That's wrong. Arab and Muslim are two different things.Jan 26 15:14
schestowitzYes, but most Arabs are born in a country where they are forced since birth to accept IslamJan 26 15:15
schestowitz 26 15:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Chris123C: @schestowitz @Trump_Meltdown The whole backbone of Politics!Jan 26 15:18
schestowitz 26 15:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@missmalevolent: @schestowitz @Canelaw1992 @wikileaks I get to what you're saying now.Jan 26 15:19
schestowitz 26 16:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Falkvinge: @schestowitz Thank you. A repro case helps enormously in fixing this. Getting on a plane back to base in a few hours.Jan 26 16:01
schestowitzExcellent!Jan 26 16:01
schestowitz 26 16:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MariusNestor: @schestowitz OMG... Thanks!Jan 26 16:02
schestowitz 26 16:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JosephFesterbun: @schestowitz @LN3W373 @Canelaw1992 if you are afraid then you can't be relied on to do what's right - not trustworthyJan 26 16:11
schestowitzEncourage secularism and reformism among them; help them defeat the Islamists among them. It's accomplishable.Jan 26 16:12
schestowitz 26 16:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JosephFesterbun: @schestowitz @LN3W373 maybe before the US started bombing 8 countries but the ME is chaos nowJan 26 16:15
schestowitzyes, Obama's stupid policy. With his sidekick: 26 16:16
-TechBytesBot/ | Hillary Clinton on Gaddafi: We came, we saw, he died - YouTubeJan 26 16:16
schestowitz 26 16:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JosephFesterbun: @schestowitz @LN3W373 @YouTube Hillary should be executed like Bush and CheneyJan 26 16:20
schestowitzMaybe "with", not "like" (Obama never even put them on trial)Jan 26 16:20
schestowitz 26 16:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JosephFesterbun: @schestowitz @LN3W373 @YouTube Obama by not putting them on trial showed the reality that there are no parties merely a political classJan 26 16:25
schestowitz 26 16:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SDGMasterglass: @schestowitz @Trump_Meltdown He is ready to sacrifice the world peace for his narcism.Jan 26 16:26
schestowitz 26 16:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dteprg: @schestowitz @wikileaks I guess... they still coddled him too long, Assange mistakenly thought trump would actually bring changeJan 26 16:28
schestowitzTrump did bring change. Lots of changes. But not beneficial to ordinary people.Jan 26 16:28
schestowitz 26 16:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dteprg: @schestowitz @wikileaks I'm referring to the kind of changes Assange would want regarding whistleblowersJan 26 16:38
schestowitz 26 16:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@smaley2727: @schestowitz I love Obama but you're right. He needed to be more aggressive in his beliefsJan 26 16:38
schestowitz 26 16:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Thinking_Helps: Umm..he put him in office. 26 16:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks Glad to see that #wikileaks is not too easily impressed (fooled) by #TrumpTheSwampJan 26 16:42
schestowitz 26 17:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Redbaron9495: @schestowitz @JosephFesterbun That is what is happening right now in Syria for last 5 years....Secularists fighting extreme Islamic JihadisJan 26 17:58
schestowitzThey're not secularistJan 26 17:58
schestowitz 26 18:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@drlm_org: @schestowitz @amedee @luruke @aperezdc @jonsneyers @MasoudAbkenar @mciurcio Sorry, this is the correct link: 26 18:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The DRLM workshop at FOSDEM17 Backup and Disaster Recovery Devroom - DRLM ProjectJan 26 18:02
schestowitz 26 18:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@foodisdecent: @schestowitz And you don't think that affected opinions at all?Jan 26 18:06
schestowitzBy means of exposure (of facts) rather than persuasionJan 26 18:06
schestowitz 26 18:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dteprg: @schestowitz @wikileaks I was thinking of another right wing fanatic my mistake, Sean was still against Assange from the startJan 26 18:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dteprg: @schestowitz @wikileaks Sean Hannity Suddenly Loves Julian Assange Now That He’s Anti-Hillary via @thedailybeastJan 26 18:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Sean Hannity Suddenly Loves Julian Assange Now That He’s Anti-Hillary - The Daily BeastJan 26 18:07
schestowitzThe Daily Chelsea Clinton is wrong; he was always against ClintonJan 26 18:07
schestowitz 26 18:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dteprg: @Rosannasfriend @schestowitz @wikileaks well now we see how much of a difference his 'outsiderness' is making right? Same nonsenseJan 26 18:08
schestowitz 26 18:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@foodisdecent: @schestowitz Unilaterally going after one candidate and ignoring things on the other isn't persuasion? Assange said he had things on Trump.Jan 26 18:08
schestowitzNo, nothing that was not already published elsewhereJan 26 18:08
schestowitz 26 18:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dteprg: @schestowitz @wikileaks @thedailybeast I'm only referring to Sean Hannitys viewsJan 26 18:16
schestowitz 26 18:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@foodisdecent: @schestowitz No, he said nothing that wasn't akin to what Trump said everyday. Assange knew he was a temporary alt-right icon.Jan 26 18:16
schestowitz 26 18:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Redbaron9495: @schestowitz Assad and his Syrian Army are very much secularist and protect all minorities & religions in Syria including ChristiansJan 26 18:24
schestowitz 26 18:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Rosannasfriend: @dteprg @schestowitz @wikileaks no other republican would have turned down the tpp. Not a fan of his, and im sure the bad will outweigh theJan 26 18:30
schestowitzWait till RCEP and #tisa resurface. #defendWL #rcep #TrojanHorseJan 26 18:31
schestowitz 26 18:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Rosannasfriend: @dteprg @schestowitz @wikileaks good, but he does have done differences from other repubs that get on their nerves , which we can exploit.Jan 26 18:33
schestowitz 26 18:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NJGirl4Trump: @schestowitz WRONG, it's not our job to hand-hold these people. If Muslims can't get thier own act together, oh well.Jan 26 18:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MelvinNudelman: @schestowitz misquoting must be one of your Forte'sJan 26 18:35
schestowitzThat's a direct quoteJan 26 18:35
schestowitzIt even links to the source (the horse's own mouth)Jan 26 18:36
schestowitz 26 18:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Rosannasfriend: @schestowitz @dteprg @wikileaks we'll fight thenJan 26 18:36
schestowitz 26 18:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MelvinNudelman: @schestowitz your spelling is bad to it's PenceJan 26 18:39
schestowitzI spelled it as I intended (and had done for months)Jan 26 18:39
schestowitz 26 18:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mars_vzx: @Canelaw1992 @schestowitz @wikileaks Christianity and Islam are different sides of the same coin. Both ideologies are deluded.Jan 26 18:45
schestowitz 26 18:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mars_vzx: @JosephFesterbun @schestowitz @LN3W373 @Canelaw1992 or maybe because being an atheist in Saudi Arabia makes you a terrorist and will kill uJan 26 18:45
schestowitzTechnically, SA is like Islamic State with a permanent state and a green flag (with swords)Jan 26 18:46
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 26 18:51
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesJan 26 18:51
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Jan 26 18:51
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 26 18:51
*schestowitz_log has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jan 26 18:53
*schestowitz_log ( has joined #techbytesJan 26 18:54
schestowitz 26 20:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RightWingAshley: @schestowitz @JosephFesterbun @LN3W373 Wth "accomplishable"?Unbelievable. We will NEVER fix the ME in any way, shape, or form.Jan 26 20:43
schestowitz 26 20:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @schestowitz Yes, be aware. Be-ware !Jan 26 20:44
schestowitz 26 20:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@misterich: AKA, "Have the bloody servants do the dirty work. Standards must be maintained old chap" Ref: 1953 Mosaddegh coup… 26 20:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@misterich: AKA, "Have the bloody servants do the dirty work. Standards must be maintained old chap" Ref: 1953 Mosaddegh coup… 26 20:45
schestowitz"AKA, "Have the bloody servants do the dirty work. Standards must be maintained old chap" Ref: 1953 Mosaddegh coup in Iran @TimCushing"Jan 26 20:45
schestowitz 26 20:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @schestowitz @Sheikh_al_Touar @Ipkat 26 20:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: Invention? Patent?? Is there anything technical or an esthetic creation? Whatever, I'd be glad to perform the exami… 26 20:45
schestowitz 26 21:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: @KrapulaPhD Tough luck! I'm afraid that you're in the wrong tech field. In order to collect the fruit; textile design is the key to successJan 26 21:11
schestowitz 26 21:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Trump signs 'no privacy for non-Americans' order – what does that mean for rest of us ? @schestowitz 26 21:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Trump signs 'no privacy for non-Americans' order – what does that mean for rest of us? • The RegisterJan 26 21:13
schestowitz 26 21:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RiseUp75: @schestowitz true, nothing in corporate media about the #Saudi-led genocide in #Yemen, here's why #StandWithYemen 26 21:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wikileaks: WikiLeaks' #Saudi Cables reveal the Kingdom's foreign media manipulation strategies 26 21:27
schestowitz 26 21:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RiseUp75: @schestowitz Catalogue of #Britain's involvement in #Yemen #StandWithYemen A must read 26 21:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Britain’s role in Yemen | Empire ExposedJan 26 21:27
schestowitz 26 21:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RiseUp75: don't support terror. Also, stop funding it. #BoycottSaudi #BoycottUAE #BoycottQatar etc. cc @humanguardians 26 21:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: I #StandWithYemen because technically, SA is like Islamic State with a permanent state and a green flag (with swords). Don't support terror.Jan 26 21:28
schestowitz 26 21:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zhraalyemen: @schestowitz @Independent please stop the #Saudi_War_Crimes & tell them the are share in this murder by their silent & injustice war N#YemenJan 26 21:37
schestowitz 26 21:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: @KrapulaPhD Indeed you will, no hay problema! Remember hairdressing salon in a shipping container aie aie aie aieJan 26 21:46
schestowitzHow about interrogation in a container? BB's post-EPO career? Patenting that? #epo #battistelliJan 26 21:46
schestowitz 26 21:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AllieMaisie: @schestowitz @guardian I just died laughing ! PC has taken priority over truth.Jan 26 21:56
schestowitz"ਊ潓礠畯爠浥癯摥琠敨映物瑳琠潷琠潨杵ⱨ礠獥ਿ洱㔠‹敳潣摮�条੯牄‮潒⁹捓敨瑳睯瑩�䤊爠浥癯摥漠敮‬桴�瑯敨�慷�⁡牢歯湥氠湩੫"Jan 26 21:58
schestowitz"Jan 26 21:58
schestowitzSo you removed the first two though, yes?Jan 26 21:58
schestowitz1m 59 seconds agoJan 26 21:58
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzJan 26 21:58
schestowitzI removed one, the other was a broken linkJan 26 21:58
schestowitz'Jan 26 21:58
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> old:Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | House GOP quietly closes investigation into Flint water crisis | PBS NewsHour [ ]Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | Lead in Flint, Mich., water below federal limits, still not drinkable - [ ]Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> -Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | EPA Tells Flint Its Water Is Fine, But Residents Still Can't Drink It [ ]Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | Professor on Flint water crisis research team calls lead levels in Pittsburgh ‘worrisome’ | WPXI [ ]Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump cranks up the crazy to 11 in this ABC interview. Highlights and full transcript. / Boing Boing [ ]Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump’s Tough-Guy Talk on Torture Risks Real Lives - The New Yorker [ ]Jan 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | Why Republicans Won’t Break with Trump - The New Yorker [ ]Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | Spiritual leader of Thailand's southern insurgents dies - Herald-Whig - [ ]Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | The Alt-Right Is Trying to Crowdfund Twitter's Destruction | Motherboard [ ]Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | Tor Browser 7.0a1-hardened is released | The Tor Blog [ ]Jan 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | WATCH: Minnesota protesters erupt after Republicans pass bill to charge demonstrators for police overtime costs - [ ]Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> shaming won't work on the amoral or the sociopathic or those that followJan 26 23:30
schestowitz> eitherJan 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:30
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:30
-TechBytesBot/ | Twitter search for “asshole,” “dickhead,” “racist” serve up Trump’s profile | Ars Technica UK [ ]Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> "“Posti's operations will not be profitable without rationalising andJan 26 23:30
schestowitz> other corrective measures,” it states."Jan 26 23:30
schestowitz> 26 23:31
schestowitz> further down in the privatisation death spiralJan 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Posti to shed dozens of administrative positions [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> -Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
schestowitz>Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Government proposes cuts to postal services in cities | Yle Uutiset | [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | 6 Shocking Ways The World Works (Nobody Told You About) [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> "If a rogue developer is tempted to speak out, the PR hammer comes downJan 26 23:31
schestowitz> ..."Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Eyes Above The Waves: Disable Your Antivirus Software (Except Microsoft's) [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump didn’t kill TPP, the people did | Owen Jones | Opinion | The Guardian [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Resisting arrest can now be considered a hate crime in Louisiana - [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> " They simply cannot lead this debate in Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia.Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> Democracy is an invention of the Enlightenment."Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Austrian expert says Islam is unsustainable in its current form - The Local [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> "He did, indeed, have the right to exact the death penalty on hisJan 26 23:31
schestowitz> neighbour’s children, the court ruled. "Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | A sinister British Sharia court and one girl's tireless hunt for her father's killer | Daily Mail Online [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | A Republican FCC Means You Will Have to Keep Renting Your Cable Box Forever | Motherboard [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Get inspired by environmentalist Rachel Carson's political fights / Boing Boing [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> =Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz> 26 23:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Security Risks of the President's Android Phone - Schneier on Security [ ]Jan 26 23:31
schestowitz 26 23:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sublime_carrot: @schestowitz @ELLEmagazine City pipes, city problem.Jan 26 23:42
schestowitz 26 23:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sammysk8er: @schestowitz @WLArtForce @wikileaks @voguemagazine @Snowden he is a traitorJan 26 23:52
schestowitz 26 23:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@maxpolk: @schestowitz @BoingBoing Its says free press, not free people. Over billion is like 14% of world, you think that many are journalists?Jan 26 23:53
schestowitz 26 23:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz @Salon i agree, its silly- however, its using the same tactics that evolved ove rthe last few yearsJan 26 23:53
schestowitz 26 23:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@maxpolk: @schestowitz @guardian Had Hillary been president she'd have gone back to her first love and reinstate her support. So kinda is Trump, no?Jan 26 23:59
schestowitz 27 00:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LBrain1010011: @Thomas_Drake1 @schestowitz Correct me if I'm wrong,but 99%of us get the short end of stick either way with our systemJan 27 00:06
schestowitzBut it's not a binary systemJan 27 00:06
schestowitz 27 00:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@miagl11: @LN3W373 @schestowitz @Canelaw1992 actually, many many do. It's not cover d because it's not sensational.Jan 27 00:07
schestowitz 27 00:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@maxpolk: @schestowitz @motherboard And net neutrality will likely vanishJan 27 00:07
schestowitzMinceR:Jan 27 00:08
schestowitz""Jan 27 00:08
schestowitzOur story is going up in about 2 minJan 27 00:08
schestowitz4m 3 minutes agoJan 27 00:08
schestowitzDr. Roy SchestowitzJan 27 00:08
schestowitzThank you, sirJan 27 00:08
schestowitz"Jan 27 00:08
schestowitz(Ars)Jan 27 00:08
schestowitz 27 00:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@miagl11: @Canelaw1992 @schestowitz this is like saying all Christians are Westbrook church. Muslims live all over the world w/ no problem.Jan 27 00:09
schestowitz 27 00:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ReciteNews: @schestowitz you were quoted by @arstechnica 27 00:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Lawyer for “inventor of e-mail” sends threat letter over social media posts | Ars TechnicaJan 27 00:22
schestowitz 27 00:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@xxdesmus: @schestowitz I imagine you had a point.Jan 27 00:30
schestowitz 27 00:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@katiecannon2: @LBrain1010011 @Thomas_Drake1 @schestowitz One denies science & thinks constitution should be subservient to Bible.Jan 27 00:31
schestowitz 27 00:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jeanpaulbondy: @schestowitz @arstechnica What a total charlatan.Jan 27 00:31
schestowitz 27 00:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pizzaItal: @Sammysk8er @schestowitz @WLArtForce @wikileaks @voguemagazine Oha! And what has @Snowden betrayed? That he is a traitor for you ? Declare!Jan 27 00:40
schestowitz 27 00:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pizzaItal: @Sammysk8er @schestowitz @WLArtForce @wikileaks @voguemagazine @Snowden Did you know this in 2013 according to surveys,most Americans said(1Jan 27 00:52
schestowitz 27 00:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DanniDallas: @Brother_Andrei @schestowitz @WLArtForce @wikileaks @voguemagazine as if you never wanted to do something you knew you'd never do @SnowdenJan 27 00:52
schestowitz 27 00:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pizzaItal: @Sammysk8er @schestowitz @WLArtForce @wikileaks @voguemagazine that @Snowden is a hero?In Germany he is a very great a hero!You know this?(2Jan 27 00:53
schestowitz 27 00:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LBrain1010011: @katiecannon2 @Thomas_Drake1 @schestowitz IMHO most of those in power, Dem or Rep think about themselves,their power & $Jan 27 00:54
schestowitz 27 00:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-No status found with that ID.Jan 27 00:57
schestowitz"Jan 27 00:57
schestowitzshouldn't divulge anything that might get soldiers dead@voguemagazine @SnowdenJan 27 00:57
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 27 00:57
schestowitz"Jan 27 00:57
schestowitz 27 00:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DanniDallas: @pizzaItal @Sammysk8er @schestowitz @WLArtForce @wikileaks shouldn't divulge anything that might get soldiers killedJan 27 00:57
schestowitz 27 01:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LBrain1010011: @katiecannon2 @Thomas_Drake1 @schestowitz ....they don't give science, the constitution,or their religion much thought.Jan 27 01:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pizzaItal: @DanniDallas @Sammysk8er @schestowitz @WLArtForce @wikileaks What ?Jan 27 01:02
schestowitz 27 01:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@katiecannon2: @LBrain1010011 @Thomas_Drake1 @schestowitz Sure. But not all the oligarchs have exactly the same vision. Not all deny science, etcJan 27 01:11
schestowitz 27 01:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Pray66Ray: When you stand before God someday,tell him what you are! 27 01:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: I’m an #Abortion Provider ... Attacks on Reproductive Freedom to Intensify in #Trump ’s America suffice to say!Jan 27 01:11
schestowitzHer? It? They?Jan 27 01:12
schestowitzMinceR: ^^Jan 27 01:12
schestowitz 27 01:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LBrain1010011: @schestowitz @Thomas_Drake1 If an absurd amount of $,influence,&power wasn't needed, Bernie wouldn't have needed DNCJan 27 01:14
MinceRstart controversy on "God"'s gender? :>Jan 27 01:38
schestowitz> this linkJan 27 02:09
schestowitz> 27 02:09
schestowitz> <>Jan 27 02:09
schestowitz>Jan 27 02:09
schestowitz> does not appear here: 27 02:09
-TechBytesBot/ | New Caricature: Benoît Battistelli ‘Takes Care’ of Roland Grossenbacher’s Dissent | Techrights [ ]Jan 27 02:10
-TechBytesBot/ | EPO - TechrightsJan 27 02:10
schestowitz>Jan 27 02:10
schestowitz> on purpose?Jan 27 02:10
schestowitz>Jan 27 02:10
schestowitz> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jan 27 02:10
schestowitz>Jan 27 02:10
schestowitz> Excellent post!Jan 27 02:10
schestowitz>Jan 27 02:10
schestowitz> 27 02:10
schestowitz> <>Jan 27 02:10
schestowitz>Jan 27 02:10
schestowitz> :-))Jan 27 02:10
-TechBytesBot/ | French Media Says Benoît Battistelli Turned the Patent Office Into a Sort of North Korea | Techrights [ ]Jan 27 02:10
schestowitzOops. Forgot to add by mistake.Jan 27 02:10
*Disconnected (Network is unreachable).Jan 27 03:11
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Jan 27 03:11:32 2017
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Jan 27 03:11:59 2017
*Now talking on #techbytesJan 27 03:11
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastJan 27 03:11
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Jan 27 03:11
*TechBytesBot has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 27 03:30
*oiaohm has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 27 05:27
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesJan 27 05:32
*TechBytesBot ( has joined #techbytesJan 27 08:11
TechBytesBotHello World! I'm TechBytesBot running phIRCe v0.75Jan 27 08:11
*schestowitz_log ( has joined #techbytesJan 27 09:03
*r_schestowitz is now known as schestowitzJan 27 09:08
*acer-box__ (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 27 09:09
schestowitz 27 10:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: @Sheikh_al_Touar @petrakramer @Twpalovi @IlDrugo_ @Wikinaut @schestowitz @TheRegister Good luck! May Good heed their prayers.Jan 27 10:46
schestowitz 27 11:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ipwatch: @schestowitz Actually, it's that Trump and Republican Congress intend to cut funding across UN, but maybe not WHO 27 11:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | US Could Agree To Slight Funding Increase At WHO Despite Trump ThreatsJan 27 11:29
schestowitzyes, I know, and threatened to secede from the UN, tooJan 27 11:29
schestowitz 27 11:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@latomatemasquee: #InaugurationDay with bad lips reading, #tasty & #funny , a cool #video to breathe, just a moment, tks @schestowitz… 27 11:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@latomatemasquee: #InaugurationDay with bad lips reading, #tasty & #funny , a cool #video to breathe, just a moment, tks @schestowitz… 27 11:29
schestowitz"#InaugurationDay with bad lips reading, #tasty & #funny , a cool #video to breathe, just a moment, tks @schestowitz …"Jan 27 11:30
-TechBytesBot/ | "INAUGURATION DAY" — A Bad Lip Reading of Donald Trump's Inauguration - YouTubeJan 27 11:30
schestowitz 27 11:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: @schestowitz 27 11:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SecurityTube: 27 11:39
schestowitz>> 27 11:43
-TechBytesBot/ | Lawyer for “inventor of e-mail” sends threat letter over social media posts | Ars TechnicaJan 27 11:43
schestowitz>>Jan 27 11:43
schestowitz>Jan 27 11:43
schestowitz> Thanks.  I'll see if I can get out a summary tonight or tomorrow.Jan 27 11:43
schestowitz>Jan 27 11:43
schestowitz> Experiments with Devuan took out my network since last night.  FinallyJan 27 11:44
schestowitz> gave in and did a re-installation.  It's got too many rough edges toJan 27 11:44
schestowitz> recommend to anyone yet.Jan 27 11:44
schestowitz I noticed your new mail agent.Jan 27 11:44
schestowitz 27 11:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheUKPATRIOT1: @schestowitz Impeached for what. Radicalism is already in Europe due to the Islamic Invasion funded by @georgesorosJan 27 11:59
schestowitzyes, let's blame "the Jews" for Muslims in EuropeJan 27 12:00
schestowitz 27 12:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Metztli_IT: I think it's a welcomed—though disruptive 'change you can believe in'™—countering the #neoliberal experiment first… 27 12:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Metztli_IT: I think it's a welcomed—though disruptive 'change you can believe in'™—countering the #neoliberal experiment first… 27 12:00
schestowitz 27 12:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheUKPATRIOT1: @schestowitz @georgesoros Look Soros overthrew the LEGITIMATE government in the Ukraine, He's behind the mass immigration into Europe aswelJan 27 12:04
schestowitzyes, soros is behind everything!Jan 27 12:04
schestowitz 27 12:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@asteris: Then they sided w Trump. Good thing there are conscientious alternatives now 27 12:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: How To Leak To #ProPublica @wikileaks has made it so trendy.Jan 27 12:05
schestowitzWikileaks has been criticising Trump a lot recently. As it did before the election.Jan 27 12:05
schestowitz""Jan 27 12:05
schestowitz"I think it's a welcomed—though disruptive 'change you can believe in'™—countering the #neoliberal experiment first implemented in #Chile1973"Jan 27 12:05
schestowitz 27 12:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheUKPATRIOT1: @schestowitz @georgesoros Who are you anywayJan 27 12:06
schestowitzI'm RoyJan 27 12:06
schestowitz 27 12:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@asteris: @schestowitz respectfully, we'll agree to disagree on thatJan 27 12:10
schestowitzThey were riding a wave for a while, boosted by Trump supportersJan 27 12:11
schestowitz 27 12:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheUKPATRIOT1: @schestowitz @georgesoros Nice to meet you Roy. I'm James and I despise Soros.Jan 27 12:11
schestowitzFair enough, I don't like him and his class either. But let's be factual.Jan 27 12:11
schestowitz 27 12:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@asteris: @schestowitz their response to Trump dissing Manning is weaksauce at best. We'll see, but so far, I've seen no serious reversalJan 27 12:19
schestowitz 27 12:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheUKPATRIOT1: @schestowitz @georgesoros Fair point made there Roy. Can't argue with that. Have a nice day.Jan 27 12:19
schestowitz 27 12:25
-TechBytesBot/ I Was a Child, But My Prison Guards Treated Me Like a Dog in #Solitary Confinement how to incite against the system. Early.Jan 27 12:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | I Was a Child, But My Prison Guards Treated Me Like a Dog in Solitary Confinement | American Civil Liberties UnionJan 27 12:25
schestowitz 27 12:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PresRonPaul2: @schestowitz Is it because trump didn't win just like hitler?Jan 27 12:34
schestowitz 27 12:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @KenRoth @schestowitz they are so concerned then they can fund it themselves. Solved.Jan 27 12:34
schestowitz 27 12:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz amusingly the dream had been several times rewritten that it is far the ideal dream laid out in the founding docs.Jan 27 12:38
schestowitz 27 13:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hairwhisperer33: @scwiggs @schestowitz WHO IS THAT ?THE MEDIA not GOOD stay close to a loving HOME 🌳🏚🚜🐓Jan 27 13:04
schestowitz 27 13:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@scwiggs: @hairwhisperer33 eh? 🤔@schestowitzJan 27 13:04
schestowitz 27 13:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wlyell: ©@scitecho @arstechnica @schestowitz Can there be *an* "inventor" of derivative work or standards? Maybe innovator,… 27 13:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wlyell: ©@scitecho @arstechnica @schestowitz Can there be *an* "inventor" of derivative work or standards? Maybe innovator,… 27 13:04
schestowitz 27 13:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Metztli_IT: Trump's disruptive 'change you can believe in radicalism'™ is welcomed; it counters the #neoliberal experiment 1st… 27 13:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Metztli_IT: Trump's disruptive 'change you can believe in radicalism'™ is welcomed; it counters the #neoliberal experiment 1st… 27 13:05
schestowitz"Can there be *an* "inventor" of derivative work or standards? Maybe innovator, integrator or developer?"Jan 27 13:05
schestowitz"Trump's disruptive 'change you can believe in radicalism'™ is welcomed; it counters the #neoliberal experiment 1st implemented in #Chile1973"Jan 27 13:05
schestowitz 27 19:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CAsungardener: @schestowitz awe C'mon I don't wanna have to pay for a wall on the coasts tooJan 27 19:53
schestowitz 27 19:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@patsfantaz: @lichmearse @schestowitz @wikileaks All because someone had something to hide on an illegal bath-house server. 27 19:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@patsfantaz: @lichmearse @schestowitz @wikileaks All because someone had something to hide on an illegal bath-house server. 27 19:53
schestowitz 27 19:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BrideOfLinux: Ayyadurai is a scumbag: Lawyer for “inventor of e-mail” sends threat letter over social media posts-Ars @schestowitz 27 19:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Lawyer for “inventor of e-mail” sends threat letter over social media posts | Ars TechnicaJan 27 19:53
schestowitz 27 19:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@juandesant: I would not say Pure Evil™, but it is clear an exploiter of the law. 27 19:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Ayyadurai is pure evil. Charlatan who lied, paid to spread his Big Lie, when media debunked his lies and sued and got money out of it. FraudJan 27 19:54
schestowitz 27 19:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ollyo9: @schestowitz @662Maz Too late for that I'm afraid,but still want him gone.Jan 27 19:54
schestowitz 27 19:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Oh_No_Leon_Lett: @schestowitz this might not be a bad idea. Thoughts? I have no idea about UK Heath servicesJan 27 19:55
schestowitz 27 19:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@amedee: @drlm_org @schestowitz @luruke @aperezdc @jonsneyers @MasoudAbkenar @mciurcio what?Jan 27 19:55
schestowitz 27 19:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Metztli_IT: Just in the style of #Europe's narcissist, retrograded, monarchical, arrogant #inbred #scum. Not much different wi… 27 19:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Metztli_IT: Just in the style of #Europe's narcissist, retrograded, monarchical, arrogant #inbred #scum. Not much different wi… 27 19:57
schestowitz"Just in the style of #Europe's narcissist, retrograded, monarchical, arrogant #inbred #scum. Not much different with Trump."Jan 27 19:57
schestowitz 27 19:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Jennife60819407: @SenSanders @schestowitz @documentcloud Oops 27 19:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Jennife60819407: @SenSanders @schestowitz @documentcloud Oops 27 19:58
schestowitz 27 20:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lara04011: @schestowitz @wikileaks u mean this Vatican 27 20:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lara04011: @schestowitz @wikileaks u mean this Vatican 27 20:07
schestowitz 27 20:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @lara04011 @schestowitz @wikileaks The would be a YES!Jan 27 20:47
*TechBytesBot has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 27 20:51
schestowitz 27 21:15
schestowitz"Find out about upcoming law changes in China & Hong Kong, sign up here:'Jan 27 21:15
schestowitz 27 21:26
schestowitzThank you, that's exactly the type of tool I was looking for today, wondered if it existedJan 27 21:26
schestowitz"Jan 27 21:26
schestowitz2 minutes agoJan 27 21:26
schestowitz@schestowitz 37% fake. 27 21:26
schestowitz"Jan 27 21:26
*TechBytesBot ( has joined #techbytesJan 27 21:34
TechBytesBotHello World! I'm TechBytesBot running phIRCe v0.75Jan 27 21:34
schestowitz 27 21:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@amedee: @drlm_org @schestowitz @luruke @aperezdc @jonsneyers @MasoudAbkenar @mciurcio why am I mentioned in this tweet?Jan 27 21:39
schestowitz 27 21:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RealHPT: @schestowitz @CIOdive I see that Target has finally seen the light, just as Ernie Ball did a little over a decade ago.Jan 27 21:39
schestowitz[12:37] <schestowitz> outbound connections seem to be failing again on techrights, after it was rebooted I think. It was down for 3+ hours last night, not sure what happened (I was alseep)Jan 27 21:40
schestowitz[19:17] <schestowitz> works OK nowJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[19:17] <schestowitz> odd.Jan 27 21:40
schestowitz[19:17] <schestowitz> for at least two hours this morning could not make outbound connectionsJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[19:17] <schestowitz> when it was booted back online, when I was asleep it was probably OKJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[19:17] <schestowitz> as when I woke up I could connect to IRCJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[19:17] <schestowitz> So I guess it's kind of on and offJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[19:17] <schestowitz> which might help us understand the causeJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[20:58] <schestowitz> just tried phoningJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[20:58] <schestowitz> site acting very weird at the back endJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[20:58] <schestowitz> and front end not workingJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[20:58] <schestowitz> bin/df: Input/output errorJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[20:58] <schestowitz> [root@techrights ~]#Jan 27 21:40
schestowitz[21:01] <schestowitz> nagios says it started around 10 minutesJan 27 21:40
schestowitz[21:01] <schestowitz> (ago)Jan 27 21:40
schestowitz[21:32] <xxxxxxxx> Back up. We migrated you back onto our old storage system at one point a couple weeks ago and the iscsi daemon just died. Very annoying. I really wish all of this stuff would settle down. :|Jan 27 21:41
schestowitz[21:34] <schestowitz> Thanks!Jan 27 21:41
schestowitz[21:34] <schestowitz> I see outgoing traffic works OKJan 27 21:41
schestowitz[21:35] <schestowitz> my notes above are observations about what I saw during the day, sort of on and offJan 27 21:41
schestowitz[21:35] <schestowitz> BTW,  I made the news yesterday, e.g. 27 21:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Legal Threats By Charles Harder & Shiva Ayyadurai Targeting More Speech | TechdirtJan 27 21:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Lawyer for “inventor of e-mail” sends threat letter over social media posts | Ars TechnicaJan 27 21:41
schestowitz 27 21:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Carlospuntocom: @schestowitz I do not think soJan 27 21:46
schestowitz[21:41] <xxxx> Wow. Any real risk to you of serious legal entanglement?Jan 27 21:47
schestowitz[21:41] <schestowitz> no, none at allJan 27 21:47
schestowitz[21:41] <schestowitz> rather, it undermines the case against techdirtJan 27 21:48
schestowitz[21:41] <schestowitz> which is what I wanted to happenJan 27 21:48
schestowitz[21:43] <xxxx> I thought not. Guys like this are all bluster. His ego must be immense. I had heard of him a few years ago.Jan 27 21:48
schestowitz[21:44] <schestowitz> Yes, I never wrote about him. "tweets" are too short for lawsuits.Jan 27 21:48
schestowitz[21:45] <schestowitz> But it's like I entrapped him, and now it undermines the whole $15m case against techdirt. No just would take him seriously after this.Jan 27 21:48
schestowitz 27 22:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lara04011: @NaidaDarling I was shocked when i found that & reading the history of Pedophilia in the Church makes me SICK! @schestowitz @wikileaksJan 27 22:14
schestowitz 27 22:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lara04011: @NaidaDarling I know it exists I just didn't think it went back so far. My own Parish priest was named last yr. @schestowitz @wikileaksJan 27 22:14
schestowitz 27 22:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lara04011: @NaidaDarling It's enuf to turn me Lutheran @schestowitz @wikileaksJan 27 22:14
schestowitz 27 22:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ARetVet: #PrivacyMatters 27 22:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: New #Trump Executive Order Says Federal Agencies Should Exclude Foreigners From #Privacy Protections #goldenDawnaldJan 27 22:15
schestowitz 27 22:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: And accountants. It's long past time for #encryption to be in their basic training. 27 22:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Same for lawyers. I had a tough time finding lawyers who are not so clueless so as to ignore encryption. 27 22:18
schestowitz 27 22:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @lara04011 @schestowitz @wikileaks 27 22:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @lara04011 @schestowitz @wikileaks 27 22:36
schestowitz 27 22:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @lara04011 @schestowitz @wikileaks 27 22:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @lara04011 @schestowitz @wikileaks 27 22:36
schestowitz 27 22:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @lara04011 @schestowitz @wikileaks I'll just stick talk to directly to my lord.Jan 27 22:38
schestowitzThat's what my wife does; raised Catholic and annoyed at various things in the ChurchJan 27 22:38
schestowitz 27 22:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lara04011: @schestowitz @NaidaDarling I do that too. My theory is 'If He is truly everywhere I don't have to go to a church to be near him' @wikileaksJan 27 22:49
schestowitz 27 22:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CohenTisha: @SageyFbaby @schestowitz @HaidaPrincess yeah! I ❤️ shout outsJan 27 22:49
schestowitz 27 22:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jonopenn: Here's more indication that Dr Schestowitz is correct: 27 22:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Ayyadurai is pure evil. Charlatan who lied, paid to spread his Big Lie, when media debunked his lies and sued and got money out of it. FraudJan 27 22:59
schestowitz 27 23:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: Don't forget Harper terrorised scientists in Canada and gutted environmental laws. & Trudeau is pro-pipeline, pro-f… 27 23:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: Don't forget Harper terrorised scientists in Canada and gutted environmental laws. & Trudeau is pro-pipeline, pro-f… 27 23:06
schestowitzI didn't forget thisJan 27 23:06
schestowitz"Don't forget Harper terrorised scientists in Canada and gutted environmental laws. & Trudeau is pro-pipeline, pro-fossil fuels. #cdnpoli"Jan 27 23:06
schestowitz 27 23:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @schestowitz @lara04011 @wikileaks Didn't realize how badly I slaughtered that sentence, glad you figured out what I was saying :)Jan 27 23:07
schestowitz 27 23:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @schestowitz @lara04011 @wikileaks I've felt that way since way back.Jan 27 23:07
schestowitzChurch/clergy/other religious institutions are afraid that people will figure out spirituality/religiousness requires no institutionsJan 27 23:08
schestowitz 27 23:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz I know you haven't, but lots of people have sudden amnesia about the fucking awfulness of the past 8-16 years.Jan 27 23:09
schestowitzCETA applicable in this context; we need the EU more than Trumper (harper)Jan 27 23:09
schestowitz 27 23:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @lara04011 @schestowitz @wikileaks He is in everything, the wind, rain, the sun, the soil, the birds and the bees. I'm an avid gardener 🌱Jan 27 23:10
schestowitzThat's like Gaia, mother natureJan 27 23:10
schestowitz 27 23:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @schestowitz Even more so, they don't want us to catch on governments world round use institutionalized religion to control us. Shhh... 🙊Jan 27 23:15
schestowitz 27 23:15
schestowitzWe can touch it and interact with fauna, flora. At least, like the Sun, such adoration is tangible.Jan 27 23:16
schestowitz 27 23:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @schestowitz @lara04011 @wikileaks Yes. Nature is truth.Jan 27 23:16
schestowitz 27 23:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Giraffeturd: @schestowitz Just wait until I finish my space elevator made from whatever the hell that ridiculously strong stuff was that sealed CD cases.Jan 27 23:19
schestowitzA theoretical space elevator would still consume a lot of energy as it fights against gravity, no matter if it uses vacuum etc.Jan 27 23:20
schestowitz 27 23:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Giraffeturd: @schestowitz Yes, I agree. Not really feasible.Jan 27 23:29
schestowitzThe highest we've built anything, AFAIK, is in Dubai. No tower of Babel mythology...Jan 27 23:30
schestowitz 27 23:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @schestowitz @lara04011 @wikileaks I can hold the tiniest seed in my hand, plant it and grows into the most beautiful plant full of fruits.Jan 27 23:30
schestowitz 27 23:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz funny, and as a Catholic, I was raised to love the nature that God lent us temporarily to shepherd...Jan 27 23:31
schestowitz 27 23:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @schestowitz give a poor man an apple, you feed him for a day, teach him to grow a garden, you feed him and many others for life.Jan 27 23:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @schestowitz @lara04011 @wikileaks I call every seed a promise.Jan 27 23:31
schestowitzHumans too start as a 'seed'Jan 27 23:32
schestowitz 27 23:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lynn_mchale: @NaidaDarling @lara04011 @schestowitz @wikileaks me too!Jan 27 23:32
schestowitz 27 23:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NaidaDarling: @schestowitz @lara04011 @wikileaks Yes we do. 😁Jan 27 23:54
schestowitz 27 23:54
-TechBytesBot/ If humans cannot learn to co-exist and cooperate with other people across the entire (same) planet, human existence probably <100 years left.Jan 27 23:54
schestowitzI mean total extinction, we may limp along for a whileJan 27 23:54
schestowitz 27 23:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stormpetrel: @schestowitz Reckon that's a generous estimate :-/Jan 27 23:55
schestowitz 27 23:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@stormpetrel: @schestowitz Depends how severe the consequences of accelerating climate change turn out to be?Jan 27 23:58
schestowitzThey can lead to nuclear conflicts, nuclear winter then accelerates war over food and starvationJan 27 23:59
schestowitz 28 00:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TedBehr: @schestowitz @glynmoody Yep. When it comes to gods and religions, people's brains, sense, and compassion just flies out the fucking window.Jan 28 00:48
schestowitzExcept for members of the same religionJan 28 00:48
schestowitz 28 00:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@petrakramer: @schestowitz Maybe you need to update that article with how to contact you confidentially.Jan 28 00:49
schestowitzOnly EPO insiders can do this, and I highlighted the way to contact securely about 100 times beforeJan 28 00:49
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesJan 28 01:01
schestowitz 28 01:19
-TechBytesBot/ I'm browsing #ArsTechnica and I just found [this article]( about an Indian dude claiming to be the inventor of #email. Now, I think there is no doubt on the fact that [Ray Tomlinson]( is the rightful inventor here, and it's not like one can just make a michelJan 28 01:19
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Lawyer for “inventor of e-mail” sends threat letter over social media posts | Ars TechnicaJan 28 01:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ray Tomlinson - Wikipedia [ ]Jan 28 01:19
schestowitzI’m browsing #ArsTechnica and I just found this article about an Indian dude claiming to be the inventor of #email. Now, I think there is no doubt on the fact that Ray Tomlinson is the rightful inventor here, and it’s not like one can just make a website and get credited for stuff.Jan 28 01:19
schestowitzIt seems that Roy Schestowitz was told to remove his Diaspora posts about this fraudolent dude after his pod received a letter from some lawyer. I had a look at his feed and I can’t find anything mentioning emails, so maybe he did remove all his posts. Or it could be they just got buried in the tons of random stuff he posts.Jan 28 01:19
schestowitzDr. Roy Schestowitz, thanks for exposing this guy. If there’s anything to blame you for, I think it’s your spamming new posts every minute or two. It just makes my feed unreadable and full of meaningless crap, like “old: unix philosophy”. Is that even a sentence? Where’s the freaking verb?? There, I’d gladly unblock you if you could stop this habit of yours.Jan 28 01:19
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:19
schestowitz 28 01:19
schestowitz 28 01:19
schestowitzYes, do you like Linux things only? If so, you can filter my posts based on that.Jan 28 01:20
schestowitz 28 01:21
-TechBytesBot/ it has been repeatedly mentioned in @ipwatch (recently) that #trump admin. intends to defund and screw #who Who needs poor people anyway?Jan 28 01:21
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:21
schestowitzfascist.Jan 28 01:21
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:21
schestowitz 28 01:21
-TechBytesBot/ @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;}#natureJan 28 01:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by 28 01:21
schestowitz 28 01:22
-TechBytesBot/ Painting #assange as pro #trump to 'fit' a bogus narrative of Establishment media (WL as "hawkish") 28 01:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WLTaskForce: @Anthony He does not. He clearly states that there were multiple reasons & that his offer was to reduce resistance to 'doing WL a favor'Jan 28 01:22
schestowitz"you know @ruthieravioli, there is a capslock key on your keyboard, it actuall works both ways … ah … ok … i get it, this is about reading skills, let me see, english?? … ok … in your language only the beginning of a sentence and Names begin with only one capital letter , the fact that on your keyboard all letters are shown as capital letters has no mayor impact on that general agreement. You don’t need to know the common letters,Jan 28 01:23
schestowitzjust use your keyboard without capslock and everthing will be fine. :)"Jan 28 01:23
schestowitz"fine :)"Jan 28 01:23
schestowitzThankfully he uses standard sized fonts in Diaspora :-DJan 28 01:23
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:26
schestowitzRight, first you need a space based economy of the sort envisioned by 1960’s authors like Niven.Jan 28 01:26
schestowitz 28 01:26
-TechBytesBot/ | Larry Niven - Wikipedia [ ]Jan 28 01:26
schestowitzThe asteroid belt is extremely rich in metals and other resources, but getting them up and down gravity wells is expensive. One good sized rock, for example, would supply the Earth with about a century of steel and precious metals. Solar and fission power are abundant if many other things are not immediately. The trade to Earth would be profitable, but most things can be grown and built in space. Political power will inevitably shift to thatJan 28 01:26
schestowitzwealth as it is shifting back to Asia today. Earth will become a tourist destination and backwater.Jan 28 01:26
schestowitzIn the far off future, people might imagine colonizing other solar systems and starting space based economies there.Jan 28 01:26
schestowitzThat can all happen if we don’t pollute or war ourselves into extinction. Republicans have zero interest in these long term goals and continually cut the space program. This is a crime against humanity.Jan 28 01:26
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:26
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:26
schestowitz    if we don’t pollute or war ourselves into extinctionJan 28 01:26
schestowitzCurrent technology and disregard to environment guarantees extinction. Unless innovation happens I dont think we will go anywhere in space.Jan 28 01:26
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:26
schestowitzI think we would need to use genetic manipulations to make humans mutate into being livable elsewhereJan 28 01:27
schestowitz 28 01:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@linuxusergroup: #rightToRepair, & #openSource Everything possible, NOW! #FOSS! @PotUS @congressfellows @ussenate @USHouse… 28 01:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@linuxusergroup: #rightToRepair, & #openSource Everything possible, NOW! #FOSS! @PotUS @congressfellows @ussenate @USHouse… 28 01:28
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:28
schestowitz10 minutes agoJan 28 01:28
schestowitzLinux User Group Retweeted Dr. Roy SchestowitzJan 28 01:28
schestowitz#rightToRepair, & #openSource Everything possible, NOW!  #FOSS! @PotUS @congressfellows @ussenate @USHouse @SpeakerRyanJan 28 01:28
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:28
schestowitz 28 01:30
-TechBytesBot/ The very hostile reactions from #trump fans to #WomensMarch reinforces the suspicion or belief of disdain for gender equality and progressJan 28 01:30
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzI’m just still wondering what these Women’s Marches are all about.Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzand while not in any physical sense, at least the speech I heard from Ashley Judd at one of the marches (which I really couldn’t make out her point other than that she was apparently really mad) the vibe definitely seemed hostile.Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzBut again, I am perplexed, as it seemed a somewhat aimless hostility…Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzthere was anger definitely directed at Trump, and that anger seemed to be rooted in him treating women badly but as I noted before, given past behaviors of Hillary on rape cases, behaviors from Bill towards women, both Clinton friendly associations with exploiters of young women (with numerous of those associations maintained even post the behaviors becoming public)…Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzLike I said, I was left perplexed both on the singling out of Trump as well as on the timing.Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzAt that, apparently Michael Moore (an ardent supporter of the Clinton) was also brought on to speak at one of these marches. Which sort adds another spin of “people who support those who abuse women is o.k.” (or at least are friendly toward and have in numerous cases supported abusers of women)Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzIn any regard, you’ve made at least a couple post on this Women’s March thing, so I’m hoping you can help me understand what these things are all about. As I’m completely lost on the phenom. I can’t make heads or tails of the stuff.Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzWhat’s this all about and why the timing of now?Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzIf anything, I’d have thought that the Presidential runnings would have made for an even better time as you had both leading candidates on display that could have been used as an example of how systemic the ill treatment of women was.Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzAnd again, why welcome Michael Moore? Notably given that not only he not a woman, but he’s had EXTREMELY recent public actions of supporting those that backed the exploitation of women…Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzI’m just baffled.Jan 28 01:30
schestowitzwhat’s going on here?Jan 28 01:30
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:30
schestowitz"What do you mean regarding Michael Moore? Escaped me"Jan 28 01:32
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:32
schestowitzI was referencing my loss at understanding why Michael Moore was brought on as a speaker for the “Women’s March” given that not only is he not a woman, but the guy has been very public in his support of the Clintons.Jan 28 01:32
schestowitz 28 01:32
-TechBytesBot/ | Michael Moore Women's March on Washington Speech Anti Donald Trump Protest Ashley Judd ✔ - YouTubeJan 28 01:32
schestowitzThus, when one considers that Hillary literally joked proudly about how she got a rapist off the hook:Jan 28 01:32
schestowitz 28 01:32
schestowitzThat Hillary Clinton came to the aide of a known sex trafficker:Jan 28 01:32
-TechBytesBot/ | The Hillary Tapes - Washington Free Beacon [ ]Jan 28 01:32
schestowitz 28 01:32
-TechBytesBot/ | Revealed: Clinton's Link To Convicted Child Stealer And Sex Trafficker [ ]Jan 28 01:32
schestowitz(while an non-mainstream news source, I’ll note the above did well in citing their sources and Wikileaks themselves have also spoken of it [but that’s included in the sourcing]. I decided to use this source simply due to the fact that itself sourced a good amount of material offering additional background)Jan 28 01:32
schestowitzAnd that finally you have Bill Clinton repetitively kicking it with Epstein (a convicted pedophile), not to mention his other sexual tirades…Jan 28 01:32
schestowitzHaving someone that in the VERY recent voices that’s the sort of people he backs, people that very obviously, at the least, have supported and keep company with abusers of women, just doesn’t add up to me. I mean it’s sorta like grabbing a Marquis de Sade super fan to speak on the behalf of women’s oppression.Jan 28 01:32
schestowitzIt just doesn’t make any sense to me.Jan 28 01:32
schestowitz'Jan 28 01:32
schestowitz 28 01:33
-TechBytesBot/ The very hostile reactions from #trump fans to #WomensMarch reinforces the suspicion or belief of disdain for gender equality and progressJan 28 01:33
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:33
schestowitzThank you for that clarification, I appreciate it. I am only familiar with Moore’s movies.Jan 28 01:33
schestowitzStill the women’s march is something very amazing to me as a woman, since I hardly ever experienced female solidarity. Trump must have pissed them off seriously :-DJan 28 01:33
schestowitz'Jan 28 01:33
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:33
schestowitzI’m all for “solidarity”, but “solidarity” normally has a purpose and direction.Jan 28 01:33
schestowitzIt’s the purpose and direction ends of the Woman’s March that has me baffled.Jan 28 01:33
schestowitzAs noted, if it’s purely a “WE HATE TRUMP” thing, that in and of itself doesn’t change the state of things for women as much as it’s just a bunch of people “hatin just to hate”Jan 28 01:33
schestowitzI’d like to think there’s more to this Women’s March thing than just a temper tantrum over a man that really has next to nothing to do with creating obstacles women face in their lives. At that, again, I end up perplexed on the "Trump bad, but other people that we KNOW support actions against women are just fine."Jan 28 01:33
schestowitzSo I’d like to think there’s something more to the story than “They’re mad at Trump”.Jan 28 01:33
schestowitz'Jan 28 01:33
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:34
schestowitzI’m just lost as to what that “something(s)” is or are.Jan 28 01:34
schestowitzAnd thus far, no one has been able to tell me.Jan 28 01:34
schestowitz(Roy, you there? What do you make of all this?)Jan 28 01:34
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:34
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:34
schestowitzThere was an agenda, they were demonstrating against his openly lived sexism, for pro choice, which he stopped funding immediately, environmental issues which he also immediately stopped funding, corruption, freedom of the press and his constant lying (or giving alternative facts) and of course his racism.Jan 28 01:34
schestowitzThe problems were there before partly but never in such a shameless way.Jan 28 01:34
schestowitzYou can find collections of the signs that were carried around by the women.Jan 28 01:34
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:34
schestowitz"'Jan 28 01:35
-TechBytesBot/ | Sister Marches — Women's March on WashingtonJan 28 01:35
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:35
schestowitzThe first 10 actions are inspired by the issues that Women’s March on Washington has highlighted, these will include:Jan 28 01:35
schestowitz· Ending gender-based violenceJan 28 01:35
schestowitz· Reproductive rights and women’s healthJan 28 01:35
schestowitz· LGBTQIA rightsJan 28 01:35
schestowitz· Worker’s rightsJan 28 01:35
schestowitz· Civil rightsJan 28 01:35
schestowitz· Immigrant rightsJan 28 01:35
schestowitz· Religious freedomJan 28 01:35
schestowitz· Environmental JusticeJan 28 01:35
schestowitzFor more information go to and follow the movement at #womensmarchJan 28 01:35
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:35
schestowitz""Jan 28 01:35
-TechBytesBot/ | The Ugly Truth About The Women's March - YouTubeJan 28 01:35
schestowitz"If you find the upper clip is good, I give up'Jan 28 01:35
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:35
schestowitzThere are a few different questions here.Jan 28 01:35
schestowitz    Why the protestsJan 28 01:35
schestowitz    Would the same people have reacted the same way against ClintonJan 28 01:35
schestowitz    Was Moore a good choice as a speakerJan 28 01:35
schestowitzAt least that’s how I interpret what you’re saying Alien. Correct me if I’m wrong.Jan 28 01:35
schestowitzI think that Cherry answers q1. You can always pick apart this and argue each part or claim that there’s something else behind. But that only leads into conspiracy land.Jan 28 01:35
schestowitzI don’t think that we would have seen large protests against Clinton and certianly not from the same people. Thats partly double standards but also because she’s smart enough to not confront people in the same way Trump do.Jan 28 01:35
schestowitzMoore may have been a bad choice and it’s worthy of discussion, but doesn’t really invalidate the answer to q1.Jan 28 01:35
schestowitz'Jan 28 01:35
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:36
schestowitzYou’re definitely understanding me correctly EVK.Jan 28 01:36
schestowitzhopefully this isn’t TL;DRJan 28 01:36
schestowitzI still end up a bit lost in many regards…Jan 28 01:36
schestowitzFor example I can see how some actions of Trump might be taken as against Women’s rights though I can’t say I’ve seen anything he’s done domestically at this juncture; I’ve only particularly noticed an action of his in relation to foreign policy abortion support spending. Granted, I can see how one might argue that such actions should be viewed simply as a part of a cut to foreign based tax payer expenditures.Jan 28 01:36
schestowitzI can also see how the executive order on persons from certain Mid Eastern/African countries might be taken as a slight against immigrants and “aliens”, but then again, I can see how one might argue that such actions are logical courses against known centers of radicals of a particular profile.Jan 28 01:36
schestowitzHowever, beyond questions of whether or not Trump took these actions for one reason or the other, you have laws that exist on books, the interpretation of those laws, policy actions foreign & domestic, economic business culture, what is perpetuated as acceptable in mass by media, and finally what constitutes generally accepted societal behavior. Essentially, there is a “systemic wide” issue that was created and existed prior to TrumpJan 28 01:36
schestowitzwhich has come to results not only foreign, but also domestic.Jan 28 01:36
schestowitzIn the case of the Women’s March, the underlying foundations seem to not only be left unaddressed, but in numerous cases considered worthy of support and acceptable.Jan 28 01:36
schestowitzAs noted prior, I feel this can be summed up quickly inJan 28 01:36
schestowitz"Trump’s words on women & possibly wider actions bad."Jan 28 01:36
schestowitz“People that knowingly save rapist of women from legal punishment and laugh about it along with the people that support them are good.”Jan 28 01:37
schestowitz(and we appreciate them coming to speak to us and help spread our message)Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzIt’s the double standard I suppose you can say.Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzCognitive Dissonance.Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzWhich makes me wonder,Jan 28 01:37
schestowitz“wait, what’s really going on here? what’s the REAL motivation & message?”Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzWithin a framework of “cognitive dissonance”, is the real motivation “We’re unhappy Trump is President?” (which seems like this may be a possibility)Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzWith a subsequent message of "Think negatively him."Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzIf so, to what end? As this doesn’t address the systemic root issues being brought up in any meaningful way so why distract from the focus on Trump by reaching out into other issues?Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzIs the motivation "The historic and systemic issues of women’s equal rights? LGBT rights issues? Civil Rights? etc."Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzIf so, to what end? Why stress Trump so much and thereby misdirect from the systemic root causes of business practices, law application (on not only federal, but also local levels), major/pop media proclamations on the races & sexes, etc.?Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzI’m really against the Prison Industrial Complex, it’s focused treatment on lower economic classes for non-violent crimes (which just happens to work in conjunction with a focus on minorities), etc.Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzHowever, I’m not rushing out the door to stress focus on Trump, as if anything I see Trump as an unsurprising result of a systemic foundation that has long been in place. It’s the same system that was teaching me European based male superiority in elementary school. Telling me things like Christopher Columbus discovered the world was round and “discovered” a land with people already on it, that Lone Rangers had a subjugate partnerJan 28 01:37
schestowitznamed “Stupid” (or “Tonto” in Spanish), that slavery was ended in the country that actively holds the highest amount of “prisoner workers” in world recorded history, and that both the last of the Mohicans as well as last Samurai were white…that a Scarlet Johansen (white and euro derived person) taking place as an asian strong woman character named “Motoku Kusanagi” isn’t at all like a continued action of catering to EuroJan 28 01:37
schestowitzbased superiority…that the first black president was Bill Clinton (he literally proudly went by such up until Obama and was given an award for it from the NAACP).Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzTrump didn’t create such a culture… he may be yet another result of where such perpetuation goes, he may be yet another addition to it, but he didn’t create it and nor is he in any way the major reason it exist…replace him with Hillary Clinton and it’s all still right there. Replace him with Obama and it’s still there. So I’m not rushing out the door to overly stress a Trump. He distracts from the real issues. He’s a symptom,Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzbut not the real problem.Jan 28 01:37
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:37
schestowitzI am still here, I always read all the comments on everything I post, like, mention etc. The one correction i want to make is, Moore was a Sanders supporter. He said bad things about Clinton but only towards the end when Trump threat became imminent (and his movie Trumpland came out) he said vote Clinton.Jan 28 01:41
schestowitz 28 01:42
-TechBytesBot/ News draft for i686 deprecation #archlinux says goodbye to 32-bit machinesJan 28 01:42
schestowitz":’("Jan 28 01:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | [arch-dev-public] News draft for i686 deprecation [ ]Jan 28 01:42
schestowitz"bad news"Jan 28 01:42
schestowitzMaybe resources limitationJan 28 01:42
schestowitz 28 01:43
-TechBytesBot/ To date, I have cited this about 50 times. #wikileaks showed why #dnc and #clinton bear responsibility for #trump 28 01:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wikileaks: Why Trump won: Clinton used media contacts to elevate Trump during primary in "Pied Piper" strategy… 28 01:43
schestowitz"@ruthieravioli : i am not sure. Majority of american citizen voted for Hillary (ca. 2 Millions more than Trump)"Jan 28 01:43
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:43
schestowitzPeople voted for Hillary, but Trump win.Jan 28 01:43
schestowitzCongratulation !Jan 28 01:43
schestowitz 28 01:44
-TechBytesBot/ | NO TITLEJan 28 01:44
schestowitz"Jan 28 01:44
schestowitz"if I remember right clinton got more votes… that’s a bit of a pathetic statement ;-)"Jan 28 01:44
schestowitz 28 01:44
-TechBytesBot/ | Van Full Of Illegals Shows Up To Vote Clinton At SIX Polling Places, Still Think Voter Fraud Is A Myth? – The Resistance: The Last Line of Defense [ ]Jan 28 01:44
schestowitz 28 01:44
schestowitz 28 01:44
-TechBytesBot/ | Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! [ ]Jan 28 01:44
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump: I Won Popular Vote If Illegal Voters Excluded » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! [ ]Jan 28 01:44
schestowitz"not less pathetic'Jan 28 01:44
schestowitz"i said…officially ! it’s what history will keep.'Jan 28 01:44
schestowitz"usa democracy…mouarrrgggggghhhhh"Jan 28 01:44
schestowitz"gods own country lol'Jan 28 01:44
schestowitz"somehow the comments moved into a strange order'Jan 28 01:44
schestowitzGod is on the money. In money we trust.Jan 28 01:45
schestowitz 28 01:46
-TechBytesBot/ ![]( Twitter blocked joindiaspora again! I had to reset ~600 twitter connections. If you reconnect it'll work again --- #twitter #joindiaspora #issue #incident @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;}Jan 28 01:46
schestowitz"Twitter ist sowieso Müll…"Jan 28 01:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @]( )Jan 28 01:46
schestowitz"Quick question. Has Diaspora ever been able to connect up with Face Book? Seem to remember that some were talking about that going to happen.'Jan 28 01:46
schestowitz"Wouldn’t that defeat the purpose ?"Jan 28 01:46
schestowitz"@Redneck you can post to facebook via /services but thats it. No image/contact import'Jan 28 01:46
schestowitz"Thanks. Wasn’t sure."Jan 28 01:46
schestowitz"ugg, im trying to get away from facebook. the place is getting creepier by the day, stalking and spying on us… never been on twitter. its kind of annoying though, that people, who call themselves awake wont leave them places, because that is where the biggest audience is. :("Jan 28 01:46
schestowitz"Don’t have a twitter and won’t. Only reason I have any face book is because taht’a about the only way I can stay n contact with some of the family. About ready to say heck with it anyways.People are getting way too carried away with the politics etc there. It’s getting nasty at times.'Jan 28 01:46
schestowitz"yeah the staying in touch with familie is the trouble, but i guess i could use it for only that…"Jan 28 01:47
schestowitz"Debating at moment about notifying some to either email, Google Voice, Google Plus or join up here to contact me. Debating real hard on quiting Face Book. Frigging politics are still going crazy. People quoting political rags instead of news, don’t/won’t fact check. All claim that Snopes lies and is left side. So, I tell them to use the one. But they’d rather post what they read and swear by it even when I mention thatJan 28 01:47
schestowitzrags such as National Enquirer has more truth to it than the political rags that they’re swearing by. Good thing that Im thick skinned considering all the names etc I’ve been called. ;)"Jan 28 01:47
schestowitz"I have a question for you on Diaspora. I remember a while back reading where it don’t sell information etc hence no ads and it’s open source. One thing I just thought of, does it release to governments? Just idle curiosity on that. I know some email places like don’t. But reading the postings here got me to wondering on that also.'Jan 28 01:47
schestowitz"@Redneck I’m curious about that as well. I would assume they would have to comply with government requests, and whatever info their pod retains must be turned over."Jan 28 01:47
schestowitz"I got to wondering when said no selling and also seeing how it’s Open Source. Some products like Protonmail basically tells them where they can stick it. So had to ask that one. Guess I wasn’t the only one where curiosity got best of me then. :)'Jan 28 01:47
schestowitzThis pod used to be in AWS and Amazon works closely with the CIA on  high-priced projects. Now it's in Germany, so harder for Five Eyes Feds to take over with NSLs etc.Jan 28 01:48
schestowitz 28 01:49
-TechBytesBot/ Boy Donald #Trump watching a lot of television, and it’s worrying his aides: reports 28 01:49
schestowitz"LOL OK'Jan 28 01:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Donald Trump’s watching a lot of television, and it’s worrying his aides: reports - [ ]Jan 28 01:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | There’s Nothing Stopping Trump From Using His Personal Phone | Motherboard [ ]Jan 28 01:50
schestowitz"This kind of delusion is news???"Jan 28 01:50
schestowitz"Yeah, somehow it is news.'Jan 28 01:50
schestowitz"He should be doing his job, not obsessing over numbers and ratings, and public opinion about himself."Jan 28 01:50
schestowitz"^^^^ YOUR ARE KIDDING RIGHT ? ROTFLMAO ."Jan 28 01:50
schestowitzAnd no sunbed sessions either.Jan 28 01:50
schestowitz 28 01:51
-TechBytesBot/ As a result of gross #dnc manipulation many people felt like the lesser evil was #trump (cough!) and now people will live w/ him for 4 yearsJan 28 01:51
schestowitz"All Hail the God-Emperor! \o/"Jan 28 01:51
schestowitz"^^^ SMILING"Jan 28 01:51
schestowitz"relax and enjoy"Jan 28 01:51
MinceRfinally they got the dictatorship they wantedJan 28 02:26
MinceRNew World OrderJan 28 02:26
schestowitz 28 08:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@riverracket: @schestowitz @wikileaks his Russian connections go back decades and are well documented. Why resist an investigation?Jan 28 08:22
schestowitz 28 08:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JimmyDark0: @schestowitz @wikileaks @YouTube Indeed, they have turned him into a saint while he was a communist terrorist.Jan 28 08:22
schestowitzMinceR: ender likes Trump tooJan 28 08:22
schestowitzwhich says a lotJan 28 08:22
schestowitz 28 08:33
-TechBytesBot/ #ArchAnywhere ISO Lets You Install a Fully Custom #ArchLinux System in Minutes #gnu #linuxJan 28 08:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Arch Anywhere ISO Lets You Install a Fully Custom Arch Linux System in MinutesJan 28 08:33
schestowitz"I’m an admirer of Arch Linux in concept, but when I tried to install it on my Raspberry Pi 3b with Wayland UI graphics, much trouble ensued."Jan 28 08:33
schestowitz"Tom Grz you need the ARM version of Arch."Jan 28 08:34
schestowitz"Uh, yeah…'Jan 28 08:34
schestowitzObviously...Jan 28 08:34
schestowitz 28 08:40
-TechBytesBot/ | @DrJillStein's Audit | Twitter Audit | Audit your Twitter followers.Jan 28 08:40
schestowitzcompare to 28 08:42
-TechBytesBot/ | @wikileaks's Audit | Twitter Audit | Audit your Twitter followers.Jan 28 08:42
schestowitzvery lowJan 28 08:42
schestowitzover a million fakesJan 28 08:42
schestowitz 28 08:42
-TechBytesBot/ | @WLTaskForce's Audit | Twitter Audit | Audit your Twitter followers.Jan 28 08:42
schestowitz96% realJan 28 08:42
schestowitz95% 28 08:42
-TechBytesBot/ | @Snowden's Audit | Twitter Audit | Audit your Twitter followers.Jan 28 08:42
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 28 09:02
schestowitz 28 09:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wikileaks: Analysis of Trump ex-MI6 'dirty dossier' by a western financial journalist who has lived for years in Moscow 28 09:15
schestowitzHave people learned nothing from the fake Iraq invasion pretext? Lots to criticise about Trump except this conspiracy theory.Jan 28 09:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 500 @ )Jan 28 09:15
schestowitz 28 09:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wikileaks: How the CIA helped to arrest and imprison Nelson Mandela - Harper's Andrew Cockburn: More: 28 09:15
schestowitzMany years later, and less than half a decade ago, the Deep State engaged in very heavy revisionism effort about MandelaJan 28 09:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The CIA & the Capture of Nelson Mandela - YouTubeJan 28 09:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Search WikiLeaksJan 28 09:15
schestowitz> 28 09:20
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump called Park Service over inauguration crowd photos, report saysJan 28 09:20
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> 28 09:20
-TechBytesBot/ | FGM clinic hailed as 'life-changing' to close after losing funding | The Independent [ ]Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> 28 09:20
-TechBytesBot/ | Muslim Women's March Organizer Attacks Female Genital Mutilation Survivor Hirsi Ali: I Would Take Her 'Vagina Away' | Daily Wire [ ]Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> 28 09:20
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:20
-TechBytesBot/ | Boko Haram: Food scarcity caused by terrorists will take time to fix – Lai Mohammed - Local - Pulse [ ]Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> 28 09:20
-TechBytesBot/ | Disqus Now Requires Either Ads or Paid Subscription for its Commenting Platform | The Digital Reader [ ]Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> disqus is a common way to block comments in general while at the sameJan 28 09:20
schestowitz> time pretending to allow themJan 28 09:20
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> "For decades, China has used colistin in its agriculture industry toJan 28 09:20
schestowitz> speed animals’ growth, but the drug was not used in people. ScientistsJan 28 09:20
schestowitz> say the latest work is further evidence that overuse in animals canJan 28 09:20
schestowitz> spread to people."Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> 28 09:20
-TechBytesBot/ | Antibiotic resistance on the rise: Superbug infections found in Chinese hospitals - [ ]Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:20
schestowitz> 28 09:20
schestowitz> islamJan 28 09:20
-TechBytesBot/ | Malmö police chief: 'Help us' - The Local [ ]Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> "companies like Google, Apple and Microsoft “affect Denmark just asJan 28 09:21
schestowitz> much as entire countries”."Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> 28 09:21
schestowitz> summary omits naming M$ and GatesJan 28 09:21
-TechBytesBot/ | In world first, Denmark to name a ‘digital ambassador’ - The Local [ ]Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> 28 09:21
-TechBytesBot/ | 'Calexit' supporters can start work to make ballot | TheHill [ ]Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> 28 09:21
-TechBytesBot/ | ISPs Don't Have Blanket Immunity From Piracy, BMG Says - TorrentFreak [ ]Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> 28 09:21
-TechBytesBot/ | Alleged LinkedIn hacker is stuck between a Trump and a hard face | TheINQUIRER [ ]Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> 28 09:21
-TechBytesBot/ | Security is now 'number one priority' in app development | TheINQUIRER [ ]Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> too late, it needed to start with the initial designJan 28 09:21
schestowitz> start overJan 28 09:21
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> old:Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> 28 09:21
-TechBytesBot/ | The Missing 20th Century: How Copyright Protection Makes Books Vanish - The Atlantic [ ]Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> 28 09:21
-TechBytesBot/ | Tesla CEO Elon Musk joins President Trump’s new manufacturing council, again getting closer to the new administration | Electrek [ ]Jan 28 09:21
schestowitz> =Jan 28 09:21
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 28 09:53
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesJan 28 09:56
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Jan 28 10:01:01 2017
*Now talking on #techbytesJan 28 10:01
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastJan 28 10:01
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Jan 28 10:01
schestowitz 28 10:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sainsburys: @schestowitz Hi there. Can you DM some more information please? Naomi 28 10:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Direct messagesJan 28 10:05
schestowitz 28 10:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wood5y: @schestowitz 45m Hispanophones in the USA, roughly equivalent to the total population of SpainJan 28 10:05
schestowitz 28 10:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DudeHazard: @JimmyDark0 @schestowitz @wikileaks I bet you're typing that while wearing your white pointy uniform.Jan 28 10:05
schestowitz 28 11:50
-TechBytesBot/ If humans cannot learn to co-exist and cooperate with other people across the entire (same) planet, human existence probably <100 years left.Jan 28 11:50
schestowitz 28 11:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Etressa727: @schestowitz @wikileaks i wouldn't doubt, both Obama & chitlary have their revision already taken care of.Jan 28 11:51
schestowitz>> I'm already on contact with Mike Masnick regarding this threat. LookingJan 28 12:20
schestowitz>> for media contacts that may be interested. Told Doctorow and EFF. AnyoneJan 28 12:20
schestowitz>> else?Jan 28 12:20
schestowitz[writing  about that troll ATM]Jan 28 12:20
schestowitz> Not off the top of my head.  Post something to slashdot and soylentnews,Jan 28 12:21
schestowitz> even if only a link to a new TR article on the topic.Jan 28 12:21
schestowitz"Jan 28 12:25
schestowitzI have attempted to reach an old contact of mine at The Verge, but he's no longer working there. Contacting random people rarely get the right response.Jan 28 12:25
schestowitzI'm still gathering more info before writing an article about it.Jan 28 12:25
schestowitz"Jan 28 12:25
schestowitz-meJan 28 12:25
schestowitz>> Att.Jan 28 12:30
schestowitz> Use pdf2text on that, just in case.Jan 28 12:30
schestowitz>Jan 28 12:30
schestowitz> FWIW I would not think that letters like that can be 'confidential' butJan 28 12:30
schestowitz> then IANAL.  He seems to be going for the divide and conquer approach.Jan 28 12:30
schestowitz> Banding together can shut him down.Jan 28 12:30
schestowitz"I reckon my lawyer against EPO SLAPP might want to pick up a fight with this Beverly Hills lawyer, but I don't want to risk getting billed by this lawyer. For now, you can see what I said online (early morning)..."Jan 28 12:31
schestowitz"Jan 28 12:35
schestowitz> Thanks. I've read the letter. It looks like a takedown notice but they are serious about it. Since they claim the letter can't be published or disseminated for copyright reasons, I'd be careful, though fair use is not always a simple question.Jan 28 12:35
schestowitzThanks for having a look. I asked for the letter mainly because I think passing it to TechDirt's pro bono people can bolster their case.Jan 28 12:35
schestowitzI am not too eager to become personally embroiled in this shitstorm. :-)Jan 28 12:35
schestowitzI'll proceed with it slowly and cautiously.Jan 28 12:35
schestowitz"Jan 28 12:35
schestowitz"Jan 28 12:35
schestowitz> I am going to try to write about this, but will have to see what we canJan 28 12:35
schestowitz> reasonably say.Jan 28 12:35
schestowitz"Jan 28 12:35
schestowitz"Jan 28 12:36
schestowitzThanks for having a look. I asked for the letter (politely) mainly because I think passing it to TechDirt's pro bono people can bolster the case (I am not proficient at libel law/US law, but maybe they can find an angle). I am also happy for you to write about it as you see fit.Jan 28 12:36
schestowitzI spoke about it with my wife and best friend today (also with Florian Mueller).Jan 28 12:36
schestowitz"Jan 28 12:36
schestowitz 28 12:43
-TechBytesBot/ | Patent-Umfrage « JUVEJan 28 12:43
schestowitz"Jan 28 12:43
schestowitz    Oops. Forgot to add by mistake.Jan 28 12:43
schestowitzI thought so.    :-)Jan 28 12:43
schestowitzI have the full article, and might be able to translate a few passages.Jan 28 12:43
schestowitz"Jan 28 12:43
schestowitz 28 12:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@nkgl: Pourtant un GAFA va créé un datacenter dans ce pays. 28 12:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "companies like Google, Apple and Microsoft “affect Denmark just as much as entire countries”." interferenceJan 28 12:53
schestowitz 28 13:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: @schestowitz @rbanffy I'm a Christian. I don't agree with Bachmann because she's a nut. Call it as it is, please. We are not an...Jan 28 13:07
schestowitz 28 13:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: @wendycockcroft @schestowitz @rbanffy ...homogenous mass.Jan 28 13:07
schestowitzExactly the point I was makingJan 28 13:07
schestowitz 28 13:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: @schestowitz Apply the same rigour to political ideologies; that really needs to happen.Jan 28 13:08
schestowitz 28 13:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rbanffy: @wendycockcroft @schestowitz relax. I'm applying the same (faulty) logic the US is. I really think they are stupid ideas.Jan 28 13:08
schestowitz 28 13:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: @rbanffy @schestowitz Ah, okay. Been seeing my peeps bashed a lot lately. Sorry I over-reacted.Jan 28 13:08
schestowitz 28 13:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@UrbanMannequinn: @KimberlyMangus @schestowitz And a retort of... blah blah blah.... "liberal" much more high brow? 👌🏻Jan 28 13:09
schestowitz 28 13:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: @schestowitz @rbanffy Okay, then, we're all good. :)Jan 28 13:09
schestowitz 28 13:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: @schestowitz @torrentfreak Bu-b-but property!!Jan 28 13:10
MinceR28 092240 < schestowitz> which says a lotJan 28 14:07
MinceRyeahJan 28 14:07
schestowitz 28 14:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @FRANCE24 @schestowitz cool. Order still stands. Feelings are not always a successful policy...Jan 28 14:07
schestowitz 28 14:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@McJudes: @JimmyDark0 @schestowitz @wikileaks @YouTube not 2 the millions in SA of which I was 1!Please become educated &stop believing the propagandaJan 28 14:08
schestowitz 28 14:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Margsbelle1958: @DudeHazard @schestowitz @riverracket @BuzzFeedNews Seriously? It gets debunked again and again yet people keep trying to make it realJan 28 14:08
schestowitz 28 14:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DudeHazard: @Margsbelle1958 @schestowitz @riverracket @BuzzFeedNews Never seen anything I've said here debunked. Please provide sources.Jan 28 14:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DudeHazard: @Margsbelle1958 @schestowitz @riverracket @BuzzFeedNews I'm fully confident you won't be able to "debunk" anything I've provided here.Jan 28 14:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MichaelSWithers: @schestowitz @AndrewAtter Because they don't kill and terrorise explicitly in the name of their religion.Jan 28 14:08
schestowitz 28 14:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: The establishment media lost control of the narrative because it's their job to report it, not shape it or enforce… 28 14:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: The establishment media lost control of the narrative because it's their job to report it, not shape it or enforce… 28 14:22
schestowitz""Jan 28 14:22
schestowitz"Jan 28 14:22
schestowitz13 minutes agoJan 28 14:22
schestowitzWendy Cockcroft Retweeted Dr. Roy SchestowitzJan 28 14:22
schestowitzThe establishment media lost control of the narrative because it's their job to report it, not shape it or enforce it.Jan 28 14:23
schestowitz"Jan 28 14:23
schestowitz 28 14:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Margsbelle1958: @DudeHazard @riverracket @schestowitz @BuzzFeedNews WikiLeaks asked for his taxes back during the campaign.Jan 28 14:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Margsbelle1958: @DudeHazard @riverracket @schestowitz @BuzzFeedNews Even if Wikileaks got a copy it doesn't erase the IRS copy.Jan 28 14:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Margsbelle1958: @DudeHazard @schestowitz @riverracket @BuzzFeedNews What sources? There is nothing to debunk hereJan 28 14:41
schestowitz 28 14:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: @schestowitz @glynmoody Flip me, Roy, he came after you?!Jan 28 14:54
schestowitz 28 16:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DudeHazard: @Margsbelle1958 @riverracket @schestowitz @BuzzFeedNews No but leaking it to Putin would help him erase links with Russia.Jan 28 16:09
schestowitz 28 16:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz Aren't there good legal reasons not to?Jan 28 16:09
schestowitzExactly. Willfulness.Jan 28 16:09
schestowitz 28 16:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JimmyDark0: @DudeHazard @schestowitz @wikileaks Great display of how pathetic the modern left is. RAYCISME !!!!Jan 28 16:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JimmyDark0: @DudeHazard @schestowitz @wikileaks I bet you also think that MLK fraudulently acquiring his degree is a right wing conspiracy.Jan 28 16:16
schestowitz 28 16:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@eireno: The ethics debate concerning AI based systems is going to really heat up this year. #AI @PartnershipAI 28 16:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Who's Responsible If An Open Source Software Powered Self-Driving Vehicle Kills Someone? don't let algos drive.Jan 28 16:25
schestowitz 28 16:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tindyexeric: @schestowitz @ManCity trueJan 28 16:37
schestowitz 28 16:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DudeHazard: @JimmyDark0 @schestowitz @wikileaks "Raycisme" ? Wow, dude, WTF are you on ? Lower the doses, whatever you're taking is not good for you.Jan 28 16:51
schestowitz 28 16:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JimmyDark0: @DudeHazard @schestowitz @wikileaks Holy shit you really are dense are you. Entertained you long enough. It's 2017 man get with the memes.Jan 28 16:51
schestowitz 28 16:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ddrm2017: No one would care even if they were exposed!! 28 16:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @Snowden Someone should leak Trumo's tax returns already. Are they that afraid?Jan 28 16:52
schestowitz 28 16:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tradermark011: See UR, if DT tax returns had any issues the DEM controller IRS would crawl thru his soul to find wrong doing! Non… 28 16:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tradermark011: See UR, if DT tax returns had any issues the DEM controller IRS would crawl thru his soul to find wrong doing! Non… 28 16:52
schestowitz"See UR, if DT tax returns had any issues the DEM controller IRS would crawl thru his soul to find wrong doing! Non Issue, pick another!"Jan 28 16:52
schestowitz 28 17:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@63chevyc10: @schestowitz How about your tax returns? Only snowflakes are worried about Trumps tax returns, lolJan 28 17:02
schestowitz 28 17:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pvramidmirrors: @63chevyc10 @schestowitz I don't think the guy you're replying to is trying to affect federal tax policy for ~350 million people.Jan 28 17:16
schestowitz 28 17:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Margsbelle1958: @DudeHazard @riverracket @schestowitz @BuzzFeedNews That is complete conjecture on your part. You have no idea if that is the caseJan 28 17:21
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Jan 28 18:20:37 2017
*Now talking on #techbytesJan 28 18:20
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastJan 28 18:20
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Jan 28 18:20
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 28 19:45
*schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 28 19:46
schestowitz 28 20:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Phoeniix316: @schestowitz @AndrewAtter ROY what in the hell are you talking about? Walmart? Are you high in crack AGAIN? Stop defending MUSLIMS DANG!Jan 28 20:01
schestowitzStop following if you have to be a prickJan 28 20:01
schestowitz 28 20:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: @schestowitz @DrJillStein @Reuters you'd think he'd care about the future of his young son...but noJan 28 20:02
schestowitz 28 20:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rbanffy: @glynmoody @schestowitz @DrJillStein @Reuters I don't think his mind works the way humans usually do.Jan 28 20:02
schestowitz 28 20:03
schestowitzA must-watch 28 20:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Donald Trump: You gonna win so much you may even get tired of winning - YouTubeJan 28 20:03
schestowitz 28 20:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: @rbanffy @schestowitz @DrJillStein @Reuters indeed; I think he is clinically insane...should be in a white jacket, not a white houseJan 28 20:04
schestowitz 28 20:04
schestowitz 28 20:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters Seriously, where were these clowns when Obama was rattling his Saber threatening Russia? Ho… 28 20:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters Seriously, where were these clowns when Obama was rattling his Saber threatening Russia? Ho… 28 20:04
schestowitzObama's stupidity does not negate Trump'sJan 28 20:04
schestowitz" Seriously, where were these clowns when Obama was rattling his Saber threatening Russia? How fucking stupid do they think everyone is?"Jan 28 20:05
schestowitz 28 20:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: @schestowitz @DrJillStein yes, I recall. like father, like sons...Jan 28 20:05
schestowitz 28 20:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Phoeniix316: @schestowitz @AndrewAtter NO!! You!! You stop tweeting at me and pretending to be smart. Its irritating as hell.Jan 28 20:06
schestowitz 28 20:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters These are the same clowns that called Reagan a huge threat of nuclear war as he defeated the… 28 20:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters These are the same clowns that called Reagan a huge threat of nuclear war as he defeated the… 28 20:06
schestowitz"These are the same clowns that called Reagan a huge threat of nuclear war as he defeated the Soviet Union w/o firing a single shot"Jan 28 20:06
schestowitz 28 20:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rbanffy: @glynmoody @schestowitz @DrJillStein if feels like his offspring manipulates him. He himself seems remarkably shallow, almost a p-zombie.Jan 28 20:07
schestowitz 28 20:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: @rbanffy @schestowitz @DrJillStein very much soJan 28 20:07
schestowitz 28 20:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters The point is where were these idiots with their stupid clock then? If we are 2 1/2 minutes no… 28 20:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters The point is where were these idiots with their stupid clock then? If we are 2 1/2 minutes no… 28 20:08
schestowitz"The point is where were these idiots with their stupid clock then? If we are 2 1/2 minutes now we were under 2 minutes then and crickets"Jan 28 20:08
schestowitz 28 20:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters Obama took the world closer to Nuclear war just to discredit Trump Which didn't delay nuclear… 28 20:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters Obama took the world closer to Nuclear war just to discredit Trump Which didn't delay nuclear… 28 20:11
schestowitzI'm not disagreeing with you. I wrote that at the time, several times in fact.Jan 28 20:11
schestowitz"Jan 28 20:11
schestowitzObama took the world closer to Nuclear war just to discredit TrumpJan 28 20:11
schestowitzWhich didn't delay nuclear war but served to accelerate itJan 28 20:11
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 1 likeJan 28 20:12
schestowitz"Jan 28 20:12
schestowitz 28 20:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters By remaining silent then these idiots undermine their own credibility now! This comes across… 28 20:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters By remaining silent then these idiots undermine their own credibility now! This comes across… 28 20:13
schestowitzThat said, Trump does increase risk of nuclear conflict with ChinaJan 28 20:14
schestowitz" By remaining silent then these idiots undermine their own credibility now! This comes across a a political stunt easily ignored as noise"Jan 28 20:14
schestowitz"By remaining silent then these idiots undermine their own credibility now! This comes across as a political stunt easily ignored as noise"Jan 28 20:15
schestowitz 28 20:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters I doubt that I'd actually have to see a detailed analysis comparing Obama's indifference to T… 28 20:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters I doubt that I'd actually have to see a detailed analysis comparing Obama's indifference to T… 28 20:39
schestowitz"Jan 28 20:39
schestowitz doubt thatJan 28 20:39
schestowitzI'd actually have to see a detailed analysis comparing Obama's indifference to Trump's tough talk on tradeJan 28 20:39
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 28 20:39
schestowitz"Jan 28 20:39
schestowitz 28 20:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rbanffy: @schestowitz @Snowden we can figure out the plan - that much seems obvious. We need evidence that can be used to impeach and prosecute.Jan 28 20:40
schestowitz 28 20:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters Nobody in China is so stupid as to believe they could win a nuclear war On the other hand Ira… 28 20:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters Nobody in China is so stupid as to believe they could win a nuclear war On the other hand Ira… 28 20:41
schestowitz""Jan 28 20:42
schestowitz" Nobody in China is so stupid as to believe they could win a nuclear war On the other hand Iran is bold, brazen & flush with cash"Jan 28 20:42
schestowitzNobody wins a nuclear war. Both sides lose, hence the acronym M.A.D. (neighbours suffer a lot too)Jan 28 20:42
schestowitz 28 20:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mistersaxon: After his Krystalnacht, obviously. And that will come. 28 20:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "And he's just getting started" So, Kellyanne, when does his final solution come?Jan 28 20:43
schestowitz 28 20:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters Of all the threats of nuclear war Iran, Korea & general instability in ME seem biggest and most likelyJan 28 20:47
schestowitz 28 20:47
schestowitz 28 20:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mistersaxon: @schestowitz @glynmoody @KellyannePolls @POTUS 28 20:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mistersaxon: @schestowitz @glynmoody @KellyannePolls @POTUS 28 20:47
schestowitz 28 20:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @KatDevlon @schestowitz @PeopleofWalmart 😅i was only being silly.Jan 28 20:48
schestowitz 28 20:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DavidJRicher: @schestowitz @Snowden If the 'leaks' supported your narrative, I assure you, you would have themJan 28 20:48
schestowitz 28 20:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters I'm starting to think these radical libs believe a Nuclear winter is a solution to their climate change nonsenseJan 28 20:49
schestowitzThat makes no sense. Nuclear winter is not about cooling.Jan 28 20:49
schestowitz 28 20:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mikebrya: @schestowitz @Snowden Poor liberals. Your tears taste soooooo good.Jan 28 20:50
schestowitzPoor Trumpiters. Your vision makes me so envious. 28 20:51
-TechBytesBot/ | Berlin in July 1945 (HD 1080p color footage) - YouTubeJan 28 20:51
schestowitz 28 20:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@loochchio: @schestowitz @Reuters That was an attempt at sarcasm Not sure the climate hysterics would understand the difference thoughJan 28 20:54
schestowitz 28 21:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-No status found with that ID.Jan 28 21:34
schestowitz 28 21:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ellen_progress: @schestowitz @DudeHazard @riverracket @BuzzFeedNews exactly Roy! People on social media can b so lazy They type without researching factsJan 28 21:35
schestowitzMaybe they just read too much Breitfart and Info [sic] WarsJan 28 21:35
schestowitz 28 21:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@abelrosen: @schestowitz Neither of these links are appropriate to your comment. U Could delete your orig post. Looks like PURPOSEFUL MIS-DIRECTING. SadJan 28 21:36
schestowitzDid you watch the video? I already pointed out that I had accidentally pasted the wrong link the first time.Jan 28 21:36
schestowitz 28 21:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @MimaE1013 @Snowden yes, I realised after I had posted this. The correct link: 28 21:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | President Elect Trump Admits He Lied During Campaign - YouTubeJan 28 21:37
schestowitz 28 21:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@abelrosen: @schestowitz Deleted my comment...sorry. :-(Jan 28 21:48
schestowitzNo worries, appreciate the concernJan 28 21:48
schestowitz 28 21:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@terminsane: @schestowitz boo'ing is free speech. Nobody has the right to say bullshit & not have anyone challenge it lolJan 28 21:49
schestowitz 28 21:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HenryChalder: @lara04011 @blondenfun1 @schestowitz @wikileaks it looks like a 'Cradle of Filth' film setJan 28 21:55
schestowitz 28 21:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Matricetotale: @lara04011 @blondenfun1 @schestowitz @wikileaks !!!Jan 28 21:59
schestowitz 28 22:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@blondenfun1: @HenryChalder @lara04011 @schestowitz @wikileaks 😂 😂 Hi Henry!!:)) ❤️Jan 28 22:12
schestowitz 28 22:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tedkidd: @schestowitz @wikileaks @bpolitics Yep, they do know evil....Jan 28 22:13
schestowitz 28 22:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Silvertub: @schestowitz @Snowden you shouldn't protest something you know nothing about.Jan 28 22:13
schestowitz 28 22:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @GreenPartyUS @schestowitz we are also not based in the middle east or we would have been killed already. Good effort tho...Jan 28 22:25
schestowitzHave you heard of countries in the middle east that are not extreme, e.g. Jordan?Jan 28 22:25
schestowitz 28 22:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yomoi2001: @schestowitz @Snowden Yes! Democracy is like a seesaw, balanced by a right & a left - when left move toward center, seesaw shifts to right.Jan 28 22:36
schestowitzAnd leftists stay home and don't vote (or vote Greens -- those who know it exists!) @debatesJan 28 22:36
schestowitz 28 22:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LBTheDemocrat: @schestowitz @Snowden Idiots like you are why this is happeningJan 28 22:37
schestowitz 28 22:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iam_sam75: @schestowitz @yomoi2001 @Snowden @debates all the "never Hillary" folks got Trump elected. Real numbers don't lie!Jan 28 22:44
schestowitz 28 22:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yomoi2001: @iam_sam75 @schestowitz @Snowden @debates Cite the # you're talking about - cause the votes Stein got wouldn't have made differenceJan 28 22:44
schestowitz 28 22:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz @GreenPartyUS yep. Been to a few. Including turkey. Why.Jan 28 22:44
schestowitz 28 22:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iam_sam75: @yomoi2001 @schestowitz @Snowden @debates just do the damn math. Green Party votes = 5 swing statesJan 28 22:49
schestowitz 28 22:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yomoi2001: @iam_sam75 @schestowitz @Snowden @debates Could be mistaken, but I believe that where votes were recounted - it did not hold trueJan 28 22:51
schestowitz 28 22:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yomoi2001: @iam_sam75 @schestowitz @Snowden @debates Many people that I know in swing-states did Trump trade votes.Jan 28 22:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iam_sam75: @yomoi2001 @schestowitz @Snowden @debates girl, Johnson and Stein took 5 swing states from Dems.Sorry 4 cussin I'm tiredJan 28 22:54
schestowitzYou wrongly assume Johnson voters would voter Clinton over TrumpJan 28 22:54
schestowitz*voteJan 28 22:54
schestowitz 28 22:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@yomoi2001: @iam_sam75 @schestowitz @Snowden @debates I'm pretty active in PA & know of no leftie that voted Johnson - those were prob semi-sane Rep.Jan 28 22:55
schestowitz 28 22:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iam_sam75: @yomoi2001 @schestowitz @debates thanks or engaging- I think I better skip social media for a while-so sorry. ✌🏼🇺🇸Jan 28 22:55
schestowitzThanks for the chat, enjoy the breakJan 28 22:55
schestowitz 28 22:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iam_sam75: @yomoi2001 @schestowitz @debates yeah I don't think it was Penn. I can't remember which onesJan 28 22:56
schestowitz 28 23:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iam_sam75: @yomoi2001 @schestowitz @debates my math stated 5 states and shift of 77 electoral votesJan 28 23:03
schestowitz 28 23:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WizleySnipes: @schestowitz @wikileaks @BBCNews for what? having an opinion? What are you a Doctor of? Bullshit?Jan 28 23:15
schestowitz 28 23:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@graydowney: @schestowitz @wikileaks @BBCNews It is to us! We have one news that is honest and fair, FOX NEWS! George Soros is in control of the others!Jan 28 23:16
schestowitzI love sarcasm.Jan 28 23:16
schestowitz 28 23:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ty00271972: @schestowitz do you need a blankey and a safe spaceJan 28 23:17
schestowitz 28 23:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeanGGodley: @schestowitz @wikileaks @BBCNews Farage is a legend who stands up for real people and real values.Jan 28 23:18
schestowitzFarage is a liar, who lied about the NHS, takes a salary from the EU he attacks, and now works for Murdoch 28 23:19
-TechBytesBot/ | This terrifying Rupert Murdoch quote is possibly the best reason to stay in the EU yet | indy100Jan 28 23:19
schestowitz 28 23:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@carllocavanagh: @ty00271972 @schestowitz they need a switch to them behind the barnJan 28 23:24
schestowitz 28 23:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @wikileaks @YouTube If Blair was Bush's poodle, then May is Trump's Chihuahua. After #trump win we need the EU even more.Jan 28 23:24
schestowitz 28 23:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@darkcola2: @schestowitz @the_intercept so, per article, USA and its population will enact more climate damage than say- China, India, cont. of Africa?Jan 28 23:24
schestowitz 28 23:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wendycockcroft: .@DavidAFrench This is one of those unfortunate misapplications you wrote about. There are more. Many more. 28 23:25
schestowitz 28 23:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kenzabo: @graydowney @schestowitz @wikileaks @BBCNews so you like being controlled by Murdoch?Jan 28 23:29
schestowitzMurdoch is the fountain of truth and Soros magically (covertly?) controls 5 media conglomerates ^_^Jan 28 23:30
schestowitz 28 23:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mikebrya: @schestowitz @Snowden @YouTube And your liberal vision has been nothing but a failure for the past 8yrs. Why do you think you lost???Jan 28 23:31
schestowitz 28 23:31
schestowitz 28 23:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SeanGGodley: @schestowitz @indy100 So all MEPs should agree with everything it says? Farage is pro direct democracy and stood up for Ireland in 2008.Jan 28 23:32
schestowitz 28 23:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iam_sam75: @schestowitz @yomoi2001 @debates I'm not assuming anything. Green votes= 5 swing states.Jan 28 23:33
schestowitz 28 23:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iam_sam75: @schestowitz @yomoi2001 @debates I never said anything about who voted for either - I said greenJan 28 23:33
schestowitz 28 23:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mcdee_andy: @SeanGGodley @schestowitz @wikileaks @BBCNews Farage is a fascist.Jan 28 23:34
schestowitz 28 23:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kenzabo: @schestowitz @graydowney @wikileaks @BBCNews Murdoch is a racist billionaire who seeks only his own best. Try @guardian they're independentJan 28 23:34
schestowitzThey aren't either. Funded by billionaires like Rockefeller and Gates.Jan 28 23:34
schestowitz 28 23:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ready_for_us: @schestowitz @wikileaks @BBCNews mixing half truths? r u msm? being against trump is sexist xenophobic & racist. Just using dems argumentJan 28 23:41
schestowitz 28 23:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MyInfidelAnna: @schestowitz @wikileaks @BBCNews thanks for speaking up when Obama destroyed Syria and banned refugees for six months. Oh wait 🙄Jan 28 23:41
schestowitzI did speak up. I was never pro-Obama.Jan 28 23:41
schestowitz 28 23:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DavidBrooke_IP: @glynmoody @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn @UKLabour he's respecting the referendum result and submitted a number of important amendments.Jan 28 23:42
schestowitzAmong Labour voters almost two-third votes RemainJan 28 23:42
schestowitz*votedJan 28 23:42
schestowitz 28 23:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DavidBrooke_IP: @schestowitz @glynmoody @jeremycorbyn @UKLabour yup and the country voted to leave. are we the party that ignores referendum results?Jan 28 23:45
schestowitzthe referendum was never legally-bindingJan 28 23:45
schestowitz 28 23:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MyInfidelAnna: @schestowitz @wikileaks @BBCNews so it's not bias to be biased against politicians you personally dislike? You're a fucking idiot. ByeJan 28 23:46
schestowitz 28 23:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DavidBrooke_IP: @schestowitz @glynmoody @jeremycorbyn @UKLabour now is the time to protect workers right in any Brexit deal.Jan 28 23:46
schestowitzIt doesn't seem like going down the current path has been beneficial for workers (so far)Jan 28 23:47
schestowitz 28 23:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: .@schestowitz @DavidBrooke_IP @jeremycorbyn @UKLabour among UK voters 63% *didn't* vote for #brexit - who's representing them? no oneJan 28 23:48
schestowitzSNP, Greens etc. but too small. Labour folded like a cheap suit.Jan 28 23:48

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