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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: April 16th, 2017 – April 22nd, 2017

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TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | Workers cheated as federal contractors prosper | Center for Public IntegrityApr 16 00:00
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 00:00
TweetSchestowitz                 #Louisiana Offers Clear Example Why States Should ExpandApr 16 00:00
TweetSchestowitz                 #Medicaid – Not Reduce It 16 00:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ( health society is a safer societyApr 16 00:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Louisiana Offers Clear Example Why States Should Expand Medicaid – Not Reduce It | Occupy.comApr 16 00:00
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 00:01
TweetSchestowitz                 Sausage testing 16 00:01
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 00:01
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sausage testing - ✨From Deco to Atom✨Apr 16 00:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Sausage testing 16 00:01
TweetSchestowitz@vladlyesin 16 00:01
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @doctorow #taxmarch #eugene 16 00:01
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       Apr 16 00:01
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@vladlyesin: @doctorow #taxmarch #eugene 16 00:01
TweetSchestowitz@volumesbooks 16 00:05
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Cory @doctorow is coming to Chicago 5/7 He'll beApr 16 00:05
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       discussing his new book w/ @MaxTemkin @RoyalGeorgeCHI GetApr 16 00:05
TweetSchestowitz                 your TIX!Apr 16 00:05
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 00:05
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | An Evening with Cory DoctorowApr 16 00:05
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 00:06
TweetSchestowitz                 "The United States consistently spends only about 1Apr 16 00:06
TweetSchestowitz                 percent of its budget on foreign aid"Apr 16 00:06
TweetSchestowitz        ( not whatApr 16 00:06
TweetSchestowitz                 #trump pretendsApr 16 00:06
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | US foreign aid, explainedApr 16 00:06
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 00:13
TweetSchestowitz                 The problem I've come across with #USAID is that it'sApr 16 00:13
TweetSchestowitz                 corporate aid for US corporations abroad, at taxpayers'Apr 16 00:13
TweetSchestowitz                 expense. AID to Empire.Apr 16 00:13
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:13
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 00:19
TweetSchestowitz                 Syria: Cui Bono? 16 00:19
TweetSchestowitz                 ( "war is the continuation ofApr 16 00:19
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Could not resolve host:; Unknown error ( status 0 @ )Apr 16 00:19
TweetSchestowitz                 politics by other means."Apr 16 00:19
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:19
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 00:26
TweetSchestowitz                 Pilger: "greatest military power, the United States, andApr 16 00:26
TweetSchestowitz                 the... second economic power, China, both nuclear-armed"Apr 16 00:26
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 00:26
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Trump Finds His Groove with Warmaking – ConsortiumnewsApr 16 00:26
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 00:27
TweetSchestowitz                 #singapore 'news' sites kowtow to the regime by mockingApr 16 00:27
TweetSchestowitz                 #amosyee but only serve to reveal the power of brainwashApr 16 00:27
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 00:27
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:27
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Old ad starring a young Amos Yee & Steven Lim will make you curl up & cringe | Mothership.SGApr 16 00:27
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Apr 16 00:28
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 00:29
TweetSchestowitz                 Seeing what the regime in #singapore has done to a teenApr 16 00:29
TweetSchestowitz                 over dissent/humour, what news site would be brave enoughApr 16 00:29
TweetSchestowitz                 to stand up to PAP?Apr 16 00:29
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 00:30
TweetSchestowitz                 #singapore is 'diverse'...Apr 16 00:30
TweetSchestowitz                 except in political viewsApr 16 00:30
TweetSchestowitz                 functional political partiesApr 16 00:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ...Apr 16 00:30
TweetSchestowitz                 in the name of 'harmony'Apr 16 00:30
TweetSchestowitz                 religious, ethnic, economicApr 16 00:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:30
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 00:30
TweetSchestowitz                 Poster for Soviet Space Program c. 1960.Apr 16 00:30
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 00:30
TweetSchestowitz        16 00:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mitch's Other Blog — fragrantvexing: Poster for Soviet Space Program...Apr 16 00:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Poster for Soviet Space Program c. 1960. 16 00:31
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 00:32
TweetSchestowitz                 The supposedly benevolent dictator of #singapore (LKY)Apr 16 00:32
TweetSchestowitz                 spoke negatively about Islam (is that a -- gasp -- hateApr 16 00:32
TweetSchestowitz                 crime?), justified Maoism!Apr 16 00:32
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:32
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 00:36
TweetSchestowitz                 The way things are going in #singapore with PAP keepingApr 16 00:36
TweetSchestowitz                 power in the family endlessly, it'll soon be just SinApr 16 00:36
TweetSchestowitz                 (China), not Singapore. Red.Apr 16 00:36
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:36
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot 16 00:40
TweetSchestowitz                 Burger King Won't Take Hint, Updates Ad To Trigger GoogleApr 16 00:40
TweetSchestowitz                 Home Devices Again 16 00:40
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 00:40
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | Burger King Won't Take Hint, Updates Ad To Trigger Google Home Devices Again - SlashdotApr 16 00:40
<--DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Apr 16 00:41
TweetSchestowitz@KrangTNelson 16 00:48
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       The same #resistance that stopped #iraq war got the gangApr 16 00:48
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        back together ( 16 00:48
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ I have never been more ready to dieApr 16 00:48
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ 16 00:48
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:48
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@KrangTNelson: I have never been more ready to die 16 00:48
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@KrangTNelson: I have never been more ready to die 16 00:48
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 00:52
TweetSchestowitz                 #Singapore facts 16 00:52
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #pap is like the military junta inApr 16 00:52
TweetSchestowitz                 #thailand - less opposition, due to brainwash/fearApr 16 00:52
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Singapore Is A Really Bad Country - YouTubeApr 16 00:52
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:52
TweetSchestowitz@davidfrum 16 00:53
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Melania took a separate plane. Enjoy Tax Day everybodyApr 16 00:53
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz ( 16 00:53
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:53
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BraddJaffy: President Trump is again at Trump International Golf Club in FL, per pool. It is his 17th golf course trip since taking office 12 weeks ago.Apr 16 00:53
TweetSchestowitz@davidschneider 16 00:53
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Still, at least the Tories have looked after ourApr 16 00:53
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    schools... 16 00:53
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:53
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@davidschneider: Still, at least the Tories have looked after our schools... 16 00:53
TweetSchestowitz@adambanksdotcom 16 00:54
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Turkish prisons are full of journalists but BBCApr 16 00:54
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    journalists must report rise of dictatorship as anApr 16 00:54
TweetSchestowitz                 everyday democratic event because balanceApr 16 00:54
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:54
-->DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialApr 16 00:55
TweetSchestowitz@jackmirkinson 16 00:55
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    The Andrew Sullivan take is so old that Martin LutherApr 16 00:55
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        King was shooting it down in 1966 16 00:55
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 00:55
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | MLK: A riot is the language of the unheard - CBS NewsApr 16 00:55
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jackmirkinson: The Andrew Sullivan take is so old that Martin Luther King was shooting it down in 1966 16 00:55
TweetSchestowitz@morganastra 16 00:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    the term for these is "concentration camps"Apr 16 00:56
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 ( 16 00:56
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@justinhendrix: Don't lose sight of the fact that Donald Trump is building a massive infrastructure for detention and deportation. 16 00:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@businessinsider: Trump to open a new private-prison immigration-detention center in Texas — via @texastribune 16 00:56
TweetSchestowitz@AnnemarieBridy 16 00:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    How about this: Someone take his Internet away. Then makeApr 16 00:56
TweetSchestowitz @mmasnick       him choose btw healthcare and a smartphone.Apr 16 00:56
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 00:56
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@washingtonpost: "Nobody's got to use the Internet": A GOP lawmaker's response to concerns about Web privacy 16 00:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | ‘Nobody’s got to use the Internet’: A GOP lawmaker’s response to concerns about Web privacy - The Washington PostApr 16 00:56
TweetSchestowitz@upulie 16 00:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    I regret to inform you that Andrew Sullivan is at theApr 16 00:56
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        "race realism" again 16 00:56
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 00:56
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@montie: Not for the closed-minded; Andrew Sullivan asks a question about race in America 16 00:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Why Do Democrats Feel Sorry for Hillary Clinton?Apr 16 00:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@montie: Not for the closed-minded; Andrew Sullivan asks a question about race in America 16 00:56
TweetSchestowitz@upulie 16 00:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    What's fun to do is to wake up and find out who's theApr 16 00:56
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        model minority and who's oriental todayApr 16 00:56
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:56
TweetSchestowitz@upulie 16 00:57
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    I do not appreciate having someone pit PoC against eachApr 16 00:57
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        other in an ultimately meaningless competition for worthApr 16 00:57
TweetSchestowitz                 on a daily basisApr 16 00:57
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 00:57
MinceRProof of Concept!Apr 16 00:59
TweetSchestowitz@upulie 16 01:00
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Don't think this kind of hierarchy isn't developing inApr 16 01:00
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        Australia. Don't buy into the model minority mythApr 16 01:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 01:00
-->DaemonFC` (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialApr 16 01:07
<--DaemonFC` has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Apr 16 01:07
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 01:09
TweetSchestowitz                 The Desert Inn, Lancaster, CaliforniaApr 16 01:09
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 01:09
TweetSchestowitz        16 01:09
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 01:09
-TechrightsSocial/ | mudwerks: The Desert Inn, Lancaster, California... | Raiders of the Lost TumblrApr 16 01:09
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: The Desert Inn, Lancaster, California 16 01:09
<--DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Apr 16 01:10
TweetSchestowitz@nicoleperlroth 16 01:15
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       Not mentioned 1) 2 different stories fr 2013 alreadyApr 16 01:15
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     showed NSA hacked SWIFT 2) US has front-door access 3)Apr 16 01:15
TweetSchestowitz                 NYT broke story of SWIFT access 16 01:15
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ The US is leading inquiry into NK's possible Swift heist,Apr 16 01:15
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ while #TheShadowBrokers leak suggest it hacked Swift too.Apr 16 01:15
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 01:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@nicoleperlroth: The US is leading inquiry into NK's possible Swift heist, while #TheShadowBrokers leak suggest it hacked Swift too. 16 01:15
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 01:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Cookies are Not Accepted - New York TimesApr 16 01:15
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel 16 01:19
TweetSchestowitz                 And yes, some of us have been pointing out that NSA beatApr 16 01:19
TweetSchestowitz                 the Bangladesh hackers to the punch.Apr 16 01:19
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 01:19
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 01:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | NSA, Lazarus, and Odinaff – emptywheelApr 16 01:19
TweetSchestowitz@ColeenRowley 16 01:22
TweetSchestowitz                 Excellent discussion by foreign policy experts: CrossTalkApr 16 01:22
TweetSchestowitz                 on Russia-US relations: Shattered RelationsApr 16 01:22
TweetSchestowitz        ( via @YouTubeApr 16 01:22
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 01:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-CrossTalk on Russia-US relations: Shattered Relations - YouTubeApr 16 01:22
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks 16 01:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    WikiLeaks statement responding to #CIA Director MikeApr 16 01:29
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  #Pompeo #Vault7 16 01:29
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 01:29
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@wikileaks: WikiLeaks statement responding to #CIA Director Mike #Pompeo #Vault7 16 01:29
TweetSchestowitz@LToddWood 16 01:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    The US & China: Why The Sudden Convergence On NorthApr 16 01:30
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Korea?Apr 16 01:30
TweetSchestowitz                 Apr 16 01:30
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 01:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 01:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | The US & China: Why The Sudden Convergence On North Korea? | Zero HedgeApr 16 01:30
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 01:34
TweetSchestowitz                 Cakes ( 16 01:34
TweetSchestowitz        16 01:34
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 01:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cakes - ✨From Deco to Atom✨Apr 16 01:34
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Cakes 16 01:34
TweetSchestowitz@KimDotcom 16 01:48
TweetSchestowitz                 Happy Easter Bunny 🐰 Huggy Kissy 16 01:48
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 01:48
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@KimDotcom: Happy Easter Bunny 🐰 Huggy Kissy 16 01:48
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 479 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 2508 msgs sent (~ 5% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesApr 16 01:56
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (133), @umairh (50), @doctorow (32)Apr 16 01:56
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (62), @schestowitz (37), @qu1j0t3 (18)Apr 16 01:56
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #taxmarch (22), #trump (18), #singapore (12)Apr 16 01:56
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 31 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 304 msgs sent (~ 1% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesApr 16 01:56
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (28)Apr 16 01:56
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @schestowitz (1), @jesusguevarauto (1), @argumento_ (1)Apr 16 01:56
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #containers (1), #linux (1)Apr 16 01:56
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 01:56
TweetSchestowitz                 Stroller suck so these designers made their own amazing,Apr 16 01:56
TweetSchestowitz                 lightweight, compact marvelApr 16 01:56
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 01:56
TweetSchestowitz        16 01:56
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 01:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stroller suck so these designers made their own amazing, lightweight, compact marvel / Boing BoingApr 16 01:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Stroller suck so these designers made their own amazing, lightweight, compact marvel 16 01:56
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 01:57
TweetSchestowitz                 IJWTS my local hardware store is SO FREAKING GREAT. WhatApr 16 01:57
TweetSchestowitz                 a treat to live w/this in walking distanceApr 16 01:57
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 01:57
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 01:57
-TechrightsSocial/ | Do it CenterApr 16 01:57
TweetSchestowitz@jonobacon 16 01:57
TweetSchestowitz                 This'll work. 16 01:57
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 01:57
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jonobacon: This'll work. 16 01:57
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 01:58
TweetSchestowitz                 If you are anywhere near Burbank and you need pretty muchApr 16 01:58
TweetSchestowitz                 anything, during very extended hours, with helpfulApr 16 01:58
TweetSchestowitz                 staff...Apr 16 01:58
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 01:58
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 01:59
TweetSchestowitz                 It's my go-to for everything from BBQ/outdoor furnitureApr 16 01:59
TweetSchestowitz                 to odd parts for crafting to Christmas lights. I go in atApr 16 01:59
TweetSchestowitz                 least 3x/week it seemsApr 16 01:59
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 01:59
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 01:59
TweetSchestowitz                 This is totally unsolicited. AFAICT they don't useApr 16 01:59
TweetSchestowitz                 Twitter so they won't see this. But srsly a goodApr 16 01:59
TweetSchestowitz                 neighborhood hardware store is a godsendApr 16 01:59
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 01:59
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 02:00
TweetSchestowitz                 Multigenerational family hardware store with cats andApr 16 02:00
TweetSchestowitz                 long hours - what more could you ask for?Apr 16 02:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 02:00
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 02:02
TweetSchestowitz                 Vintage Buffet 16 02:02
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 02:02
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 02:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | danismm: Vintage Buffet There are so many... | WIL WHEATON dot TUMBLRApr 16 02:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Vintage Buffet 16 02:02
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold 16 02:03
TweetSchestowitz                 Military Police Unit Home From #Guantanamo. DeployedApr 16 02:03
TweetSchestowitz                 During Both Obama And Trump AdministrationsApr 16 02:03
TweetSchestowitz                 Apr 16 02:03
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 02:03
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 02:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Military Police Unit Home From Guantanamo Bay | Wisconsin Public RadioApr 16 02:03
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold 16 02:03
TweetSchestowitz                 50 Nebraska National Guard soldiers leaving for a nearlyApr 16 02:03
TweetSchestowitz                 year-long deployment to #Guantanamo.Apr 16 02:03
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 02:03
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 02:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Nebraska National Guard soldiers leaving for Cuba deploymentApr 16 02:03
TweetSchestowitz@Thomas_Drake1 16 02:04
TweetSchestowitz                 .@JulianAssange cites indictment J Pulitzer speakingApr 16 02:04
TweetSchestowitz                 truth to power in public interest. Blame tune on "pianoApr 16 02:04
TweetSchestowitz                 player" ( 16 02:04
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 02:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | Julian Assange: WikiLeaks has the same mission as The Post and the Times - The Washington PostApr 16 02:04
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold 16 02:05
TweetSchestowitz                 Kuwaiti ISIS suspect deported to Kuwait; 34 million USDApr 16 02:05
TweetSchestowitz                 spent for the release of 12 Kuwaitis detained inApr 16 02:05
TweetSchestowitz                 Guantanamo 16 02:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 02:05
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 02:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Kuwaiti ISIS suspect deported to Kuwait; 34 million USD spent for the release of 12 Kuwaitis detained in Guantanamo Bay prison - ARAB TIMESApr 16 02:05
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold 16 02:08
TweetSchestowitz                 Kuwait spent a total of $34M between 2002 and 2016 forApr 16 02:08
TweetSchestowitz                 the release of 12 Kuwaitis who were detained inApr 16 02:08
TweetSchestowitz                 #Guantanamo 16 02:08
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 02:08
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 02:08
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold 16 02:10
TweetSchestowitz                 There's more info in this single paragraph of Arab TimesApr 16 02:10
TweetSchestowitz                 report than US govt has disclosed in more than a decadeApr 16 02:10
TweetSchestowitz                 related to Gitmo and $$$ 16 02:10
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 02:10
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 02:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JasonLeopold: There's more info in this single paragraph of Arab Times report than US govt has disclosed in more than a decade re… 16 02:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JasonLeopold: There's more info in this single paragraph of Arab Times report than US govt has disclosed in more than a decade re… 16 02:10
TweetSchestowitz@JasonLeopold 16 02:16
TweetSchestowitz                 Very short statement regarding North KoreaApr 16 02:16
TweetSchestowitz        16 02:16
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 02:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JasonLeopold: Very short statement regarding North Korea 16 02:16
TweetSchestowitz@RonanFarrow 16 02:21
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    This community theater production of Mad Max is gettingApr 16 02:21
TweetSchestowitz @umairh         weird. ( 16 02:21
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 02:21
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@shane_bauer: Alt-right spoiling for a fight. 16 02:21
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@shane_bauer: Alt-right spoiling for a fight. 16 02:21
TweetSchestowitz@mechapoetic 16 02:23
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    liberals who cheer on dropping a 21,000lb lungApr 16 02:23
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        incinerator on Afghanistan are upset about nazis gettingApr 16 02:23
TweetSchestowitz                 hit again lolApr 16 02:23
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 02:23
TweetSchestowitz@SubMedina 16 02:24
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    when you can DIY better than anyoneApr 16 02:24
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3 16 02:24
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 02:24
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SubMedina: when you can DIY better than anyone 16 02:24
TweetSchestowitz@historyinflicks 16 02:24
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by 16 02:24
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        Apr 16 02:24
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 02:24
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@historyinflicks: 16 02:25
TweetSchestowitz@non_bona_dicta 16 02:30
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       + the #war sector ( 16 02:30
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        ▏ Would love it if Americans were as pissed off at taxesApr 16 02:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ going toward propping up the financial sector as they areApr 16 02:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ at Trump's Mar a Lago tripsApr 16 02:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@non_bona_dicta: Would love it if Americans were as pissed off at taxes going toward propping up the financial sector as they are at Trump's Mar a Lago tripsApr 16 02:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 02:30
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 02:39
TweetSchestowitz                 Mademoiselle Yvette 16 02:39
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 02:39
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 02:39
-TechrightsSocial/ | Attack of the Bonniegrrl : danismm: Mademoiselle YvetteApr 16 02:39
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Mademoiselle Yvette 16 02:39
TweetSchestowitz@drnelk 16 02:51
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Another unrealistic body image for women HT @doctorowApr 16 02:51
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow 16 02:51
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 02:51
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@drnelk: Another unrealistic body image for women HT @doctorow 16 02:51
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot 16 02:51
TweetSchestowitz                 North Korea Parades Hybrid 'Frankenmissile', Then FailsApr 16 02:51
TweetSchestowitz                 Yet Another Missile Launch Test 16 02:51
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 02:51
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 02:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | North Korea Parades Hybrid 'Frankenmissile', Then Fails Yet Another Missile Launch Test - SlashdotApr 16 02:51
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 03:10
TweetSchestowitz                 ROBOTApr 16 03:10
TweetSchestowitz        16 03:10
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 03:10
TweetSchestowitz        16 03:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Vault Of The Atomic Space AgeApr 16 03:10
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 03:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: ROBOT 16 03:10
TweetSchestowitz@anivar 16 03:30
TweetSchestowitz                 .@CashlessConsumr @logic @medianama @NPCI_BHIMApr 16 03:30
TweetSchestowitz                 @suchetadalal @AnupamSaraph @PMOIndia @narendramodiApr 16 03:30
TweetSchestowitz                 @UPI_NPCI @Mayank1029 @MoneylifeIndia ( 16 03:30
TweetSchestowitz                 #DoYouKnow : BHIM app Terms and conditions  authorisesApr 16 03:30
TweetSchestowitz                 NPCI to monitor & record any/all your telephone callsApr 16 03:30
TweetSchestowitz                 #surveillance #india 16 03:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 03:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@anivar: .@CashlessConsumr @logic @medianama @NPCI_BHIM @suchetadalal @AnupamSaraph @PMOIndia @narendramodi @UPI_NPCI… 16 03:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@anivar: .@CashlessConsumr @logic @medianama @NPCI_BHIM @suchetadalal @AnupamSaraph @PMOIndia @narendramodi @UPI_NPCI… 16 03:30
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 03:33
TweetSchestowitz                 Jakob Tuggener’s In The Office Of The Oerlikon Factory,Apr 16 03:33
TweetSchestowitz                 1937 ( 16 03:33
TweetSchestowitz        16 03:33
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 03:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Richard Kadrey's Damn Tumblr — furtho: Jakob Tuggener’s In The Office Of The...Apr 16 03:33
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Jakob Tuggener’s In The Office Of The Oerlikon Factory, 1937 16 03:33
TweetSchestowitz@anivar 16 03:51
TweetSchestowitz                 Indian Prime minister promoted #cashless App #BHIM'sApr 16 03:51
TweetSchestowitz                 terms & conditions authorize #NPCI to monitor & recordApr 16 03:51
TweetSchestowitz                 your phone calls #surveillance 16 03:51
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 03:51
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 03:51
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@anivar: Indian Prime minister promoted #cashless App #BHIM's terms & conditions authorize #NPCI to monitor & record your ph… 16 03:51
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@anivar: Indian Prime minister promoted #cashless App #BHIM's terms & conditions authorize #NPCI to monitor & record your ph… 16 03:51
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 03:56
TweetSchestowitz                 Local postbox being repainted 16 03:56
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 03:56
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 03:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-FlickrApr 16 03:56
TweetSchestowitz@ChrisReason7 16 04:00
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Former Guantanamo detainee Mamdouh Habib and wife MahaApr 16 04:00
TweetSchestowitz @JasonLeopold   detained in Lebanon again. Facing deportation to Egypt.Apr 16 04:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 04:00
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 04:01
TweetSchestowitz                 Rough day at the office? 16 04:01
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 04:01
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 04:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | Attack of the Bonniegrrl : danismm: Rough day at the office?Apr 16 04:01
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Rough day at the office? 16 04:01
TweetSchestowitz@logic  16 04:06
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       .@CashlessConsumr @logic @medianama @NPCI_BHIMApr 16 04:06
TweetSchestowitz @anivar         @suchetadalal @AnupamSaraph @PMOIndia @narendramodiApr 16 04:06
TweetSchestowitz                 @UPI_NPCI @Mayank1029 @MoneylifeIndia ( TermsApr 16 04:06
TweetSchestowitz                 and Conditions Documented here 16 04:06
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( ScreenshotsApr 16 04:06
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ of #BHIM 1.3 TnC for future referenceApr 16 04:06
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 04:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@logic: Screenshots of #BHIM 1.3 TnC for future referenceApr 16 04:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | BHIM 1.3 ToS - Google PhotosApr 16 04:06
TweetSchestowitz@Choplogik 16 04:13
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       Pepsi beat them to it 16 04:13
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        ( 16 04:13
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ now that anti-fascism is the new fascism, Nazis will beApr 16 04:13
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ bringing back 'Fascism Classic' by JulyApr 16 04:13
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Choplogik: now that anti-fascism is the new fascism, Nazis will be bringing back 'Fascism Classic' by JulyApr 16 04:13
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 04:13
TweetSchestowitz@Inanity101 16 04:17
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @non_bona_dicta I'm most pissed that taxes are fundingApr 16 04:17
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        murderApr 16 04:17
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 04:17
TweetSchestowitz@anivar 16 04:17
TweetSchestowitz                 Vice News calls an end to news anchors and journalisticApr 16 04:17
TweetSchestowitz                 ego-tripping ( 16 04:17
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 04:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | Vice News calls an end to news anchors and journalistic ego-tripping | The DrumApr 16 04:17
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 04:18
TweetSchestowitz                 I just backed Bit Bar : The Pocket Friendly EDCApr 16 04:18
TweetSchestowitz                 Screwdriver on @Kickstarter 16 04:18
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 04:18
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 04:18
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Bit Bar : The Pocket Friendly EDC Screwdriver by chadwick parker & joe huang —KickstarterApr 16 04:18
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 04:30
TweetSchestowitz                 I just backed FOCUSPIN - Worlds First Carbon Fiber FidgetApr 16 04:30
TweetSchestowitz                 Spinner Desk Toy on @Kickstarter 16 04:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 04:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 04:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-FOCUSPIN - Worlds First Carbon Fiber Fidget Spinner Desk Toy by Joel Hayes and JD Sessler —KickstarterApr 16 04:30
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 04:35
TweetSchestowitz                 Mid-Century Modern Design 16 04:35
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 04:35
TweetSchestowitz        16 04:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: therealspa: Mid-Century Modern Design...Apr 16 04:35
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 04:35
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Mid-Century Modern Design 16 04:35
TweetSchestowitz@_DigitalIndia 16 04:47
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       Chanting "#Aadhaar is safe and secure" wont make itApr 16 04:47
TweetSchestowitz @anivar         secure. #Infosec cannot be acquired via foreign keyApr 16 04:47
TweetSchestowitz                 encrypted proprietary device usageApr 16 04:47
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 04:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ #Aadhaar is safe and secure... #DigitalIndiaApr 16 04:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ #Infographics 16 04:48
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 04:48
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@_DigitalIndia: #Aadhaar is safe and secure... #DigitalIndia #Infographics 16 04:48
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@_DigitalIndia: #Aadhaar is safe and secure... #DigitalIndia #Infographics 16 04:48
*TweetTuxMachines @ConnorVazquez1 favourited 'Links 15/4/2017: OpenELEC 8.0.1 Released, Windows Security Up...'Apr 16 04:51
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot 16 04:55
TweetSchestowitz                 Ask Slashdot: What Was Your First Home Computer?Apr 16 04:55
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 04:55
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 04:55
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ask Slashdot: What Was Your First Home Computer? - SlashdotApr 16 04:55
TweetSchestowitz@geetaseshu 16 04:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    BHIM app's blatant violation of privacy! Has @PMOIndiaApr 16 04:56
TweetSchestowitz @anivar         downloaded BHIM? Is it only for lesser mortals?Apr 16 04:56
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 04:56
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 04:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@anivar: Indian Prime minister promoted #cashless App #BHIM's terms & conditions authorize #NPCI to monitor & record your ph… 16 04:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@anivar: Indian Prime minister promoted #cashless App #BHIM's terms & conditions authorize #NPCI to monitor & record your ph… 16 04:56
TweetSchestowitz@KapoorAstha 16 04:57
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    How is this blatant exclusion permissible?Apr 16 04:57
TweetSchestowitz @anivar ( 16 04:57
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 04:57
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@no2uid: However, smart cards will not be issued to those who fail to link their Aadhaar. Likewise, around 1 lakh members... 16 04:57
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Minus Aadhaar link, about 16,000 ration cards may be declared bogus in Trichy | Trichy News - Times of IndiaApr 16 04:57
TweetSchestowitz@jonobacon 16 04:57
TweetSchestowitz                 Bloody Nora... 16 04:57
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 04:57
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jonobacon: Bloody Nora... 16 04:57
TweetSchestowitz@logic  16 05:00
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @Soliloquyist @calamur @NPCI_BHIM @privacyisrightApr 16 05:00
TweetSchestowitz @anivar         @internetfreedom Many apps have call permission, but TnCApr 16 05:00
TweetSchestowitz                 on monitoring calls is new highApr 16 05:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 05:00
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 05:10
TweetSchestowitz                 Motel in Colorado 16 05:10
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 05:10
TweetSchestowitz        16 05:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: limegum: Motel in Colorado Photo:  Kent...Apr 16 05:10
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 05:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Motel in Colorado 16 05:10
TweetSchestowitz@accessnow 16 05:27
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Cost of #Cameroon Internet shutoff an estimated €2.69Apr 16 05:27
TweetSchestowitz @anivar         million – and counting #KeepitOn 16 05:27
TweetSchestowitz                 ( via @_AfricaTimesApr 16 05:27
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 05:27
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cost of Cameroon Internet shutoff an estimated €2.69 million – and counting | Africa TimesApr 16 05:27
TweetSchestowitz@DDSez  16 05:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    BHarat Interface for Intrusive Monitoring. #BHIMApr 16 05:30
TweetSchestowitz @anivar ( 16 05:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 05:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@anivar: Indian Prime minister promoted #cashless App #BHIM's terms & conditions authorize #NPCI to monitor & record your ph… 16 05:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@anivar: Indian Prime minister promoted #cashless App #BHIM's terms & conditions authorize #NPCI to monitor & record your ph… 16 05:30
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 05:33
TweetSchestowitz                 1961 Brach’s Easter Candies Ad 16 05:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 05:33
TweetSchestowitz        16 05:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: vintageholidays: 1961 Brach’s Easter Candies AdApr 16 05:33
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 05:33
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: 1961 Brach’s Easter Candies Ad 16 05:33
TweetSchestowitz@ColeenRowley 16 05:45
TweetSchestowitz                 How Trump and Obama are Exactly AlikeApr 16 05:45
TweetSchestowitz        ( And sayApr 16 05:45
TweetSchestowitz                 NO to #NuclearWinterIsComingApr 16 05:45
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 05:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | How Trump and Obama are Exactly Alike - Sam HusseiniApr 16 05:45
TweetSchestowitz@kingslyj 16 05:45
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    This is not empowerment but enslavement of users byApr 16 05:45
TweetSchestowitz @anivar         @NPCI_BHIM and @PMOIndia in the name of Dr. BhimraoApr 16 05:45
TweetSchestowitz                 Ambedkar!Apr 16 05:45
TweetSchestowitz                 Apr 16 05:45
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 05:45
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 05:45
TweetSchestowitz@ReinH  16 06:00
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    My taxes should pay forApr 16 06:00
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        Apr 16 06:00
TweetSchestowitz                 - food for the hungryApr 16 06:00
TweetSchestowitz                 - homes for the homelessApr 16 06:00
TweetSchestowitz                 - healthcare for the sickApr 16 06:00
TweetSchestowitz                 Apr 16 06:00
TweetSchestowitz                 instead ofApr 16 06:00
TweetSchestowitz                 Apr 16 06:00
TweetSchestowitz                 - bombing brown peopleApr 16 06:00
TweetSchestowitz                 - golfApr 16 06:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 06:00
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 06:00
TweetSchestowitz                 Flamatt II (1960-61) in Wünnewil, Switzerland, arch:Apr 16 06:00
TweetSchestowitz                 Atelier 5 ( 16 06:00
TweetSchestowitz        16 06:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 06:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | Flamatt II (1960-61) in Wünnewil, Switzerland,... - ✨From Deco to Atom✨Apr 16 06:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Flamatt II (1960-61) in Wünnewil, Switzerland, arch: Atelier 5 16 06:00
TweetSchestowitz@anivar 16 06:01
TweetSchestowitz                 .@CashlessConsumr @logic @medianama @NPCI_BHIMApr 16 06:01
TweetSchestowitz                 @suchetadalal @AnupamSaraph @PMOIndia @narendramodiApr 16 06:01
TweetSchestowitz                 @UPI_NPCI @Mayank1029 @MoneylifeIndia ( EvenApr 16 06:01
TweetSchestowitz                 in Industry, There will be a legal review of code & TnCApr 16 06:01
TweetSchestowitz                 beforeApr 16 06:01
TweetSchestowitz                 CEO level endorsement. Did  @pmoindia  approved this /Apr 16 06:01
TweetSchestowitz                 failed2 review?Apr 16 06:01
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 06:01
TweetSchestowitz@anivar 16 06:30
TweetSchestowitz                 .@NPCI_BHIM @narendramodi @PMOIndia @CashlessConsumrApr 16 06:30
TweetSchestowitz                 @pbhushan1 @MamataOfficial @quizderek @SitaramYechuryApr 16 06:30
TweetSchestowitz                 @ShashiTharoor Even in Industry, ( There willApr 16 06:30
TweetSchestowitz                 be a legal review of code & TnC beforeApr 16 06:30
TweetSchestowitz                 CEO level endorsement. Did  @pmoindia  approved this /Apr 16 06:30
TweetSchestowitz                 failed2 review?Apr 16 06:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 06:30
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 06:44
TweetSchestowitz                 Bunny Line, art by Stevan Dohanos. Detail from SaturdayApr 16 06:44
TweetSchestowitz                 Evening Post cover March 25, 1950.Apr 16 06:44
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 06:44
TweetSchestowitz        16 06:44
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 06:44
-TechrightsSocial/ | Bunny Line, art by Stevan Dohanos.  Detail from... - Roger Wilkerson, The Suburban Legend!Apr 16 06:44
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Bunny Line, art by Stevan Dohanos. Detail from Saturday Evening Post cover March 25, 1950. 16 06:44
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 07:30
TweetSchestowitz                 Red Road flats, Glasgow 16 07:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 07:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 07:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | How We Imagined It Would Be — furtho: Red Road flats, Glasgow (via here)Apr 16 07:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Red Road flats, Glasgow 16 07:30
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 07:50
TweetSchestowitz                 Red Road flats, Glasgow 16 07:50
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 07:50
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 07:50
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Red Road flats, Glasgow 16 07:50
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 08:09
TweetSchestowitz                 Famous Monsters ‘Topstone’ Vampire or 'Bug-Eyed Vampire’Apr 16 08:09
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 08:09
TweetSchestowitz        16 08:09
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:09
-TechrightsSocial/ | swampthingy: Famous Monsters ‘Topstone’ Vampire or... | Raiders of the Lost TumblrApr 16 08:09
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Famous Monsters ‘Topstone’ Vampire or 'Bug-Eyed Vampire’ 16 08:09
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody 16 08:16
TweetSchestowitz                 Moody’s Microblog Daily Digest 170415 -Apr 16 08:16
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 08:16
TweetSchestowitz                 yesterday’s tweets as a single pageApr 16 08:16
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | Moody's Microblog Daily Digest: 170415Apr 16 08:16
TweetSchestowitz@NSeditor 16 08:19
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Last week: MPs hail nurses as heroes for their responseApr 16 08:19
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    to the London terror attackApr 16 08:19
TweetSchestowitz                 This week: MPs approve 1% pay rise for nursesApr 16 08:19
TweetSchestowitz                 #scandalApr 16 08:19
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:19
TweetSchestowitz@Asher_Wolf 16 08:19
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Like Jesus, it's Easter weekend and this is the line youApr 16 08:19
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      run...? ( 16 08:19
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:19
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Asher_Wolf: Because no one with fabulous parents ever becomes pregnant out of wedlock ffs right? 16 08:19
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Asher_Wolf: Because no one with fabulous parents ever becomes pregnant out of wedlock ffs right? 16 08:19
TweetSchestowitz@blahah404 16 08:19
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by ( - check ifApr 16 08:19
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      any paper has been retracted. 3722 retracted DOIs now,Apr 16 08:19
TweetSchestowitz                 more tomorrow. made in one day w/ @treblestephApr 16 08:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | Open retractions: a searchable database of retracted journal articlesApr 16 08:19
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:20
TweetSchestowitz@clarinette02 16 08:20
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #Barbarie ( 16 08:20
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Apr 16 08:20
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Judge halts Arkansas plan to execute 8 inmates in 11 days - ABC NewsApr 16 08:20
TweetSchestowitz@JamesPiotr 16 08:21
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Essential reading from @NickCohen4 on how nationalistsApr 16 08:21
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      across the world have invented a bogey man in GeorgeApr 16 08:21
TweetSchestowitz                 Soros ( 16 08:21
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | The dirty tricks that demonise George Soros | Nick Cohen | Opinion | The GuardianApr 16 08:21
TweetSchestowitz@nitot  16 08:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Microsoft says U.S. foreign intelligence surveillanceApr 16 08:22
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      requests more than doubled 16 08:22
TweetSchestowitz                 ( via @ReutersApr 16 08:22
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Microsoft says U.S. foreign intelligence surveillance requests more than doubled | ReutersApr 16 08:22
TweetSchestowitz@eyemarble 16 08:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Gotta give it to North Korea, that's a record number ofApr 16 08:22
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      pussy hats. #WomensMarch 16 08:22
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@eyemarble: Gotta give it to North Korea, that's a record number of pussy hats. #WomensMarch 16 08:22
TweetSchestowitz@JolyonMaugham 16 08:23
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    At this rate of increase all of Great Britain will beApr 16 08:23
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Irish passport holders inside four years. That'll fix theApr 16 08:23
TweetSchestowitz                 NHS. ( 16 08:23
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JolyonMaugham: Brexit makes patriots of us all. Irish patriots. Passport applications from GB increase by 69%. 16 08:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Irish passport applications to top one million post-Brexit | BreakingNews.ieApr 16 08:23
TweetSchestowitz@Mikel_Jollett 16 08:23
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    TRUMP: The only ones who care about my tax returns areApr 16 08:23
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      reporters.Apr 16 08:23
TweetSchestowitz                 Apr 16 08:23
TweetSchestowitz                 AMERICA: 16 08:23
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Mikel_Jollett: TRUMP: The only ones who care about my tax returns are reporters. AMERICA: 16 08:23
TweetSchestowitz@JolyonMaugham 16 08:24
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Brexit means... a huge, carbon-emitting, bonfire of yourApr 16 08:24
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      children's future. 16 08:24
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:24
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JolyonMaugham: Brexit means... a huge, carbon-emitting, bonfire of your children's future. 16 08:24
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody deleted 'RT @JolyonMaugham: Brexit means... a huge, carbon-emitting, bonfire...'Apr 16 08:24
TweetSchestowitz@JolyonMaugham 16 08:25
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       but then the selfish old gits who voted for #brexit don'tApr 16 08:25
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      care about young people or their future, so why shouldApr 16 08:25
TweetSchestowitz                 they worry...? ( 16 08:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Brexit means... a huge, carbon-emitting, bonfire of yourApr 16 08:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ children's future. 16 08:25
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JolyonMaugham: Brexit means... a huge, carbon-emitting, bonfire of your children's future. 16 08:25
TweetSchestowitz@NHSMillion 16 08:26
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       the man's an economic illiterate #NHSApr 16 08:26
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 16 08:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ So the £4K nursing bursary has been scrapped & they faceApr 16 08:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ a pay cut, yet we pay £5k to recruit from overseas.Apr 16 08:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Jeremy Hunt makes no sense ever ( 16 08:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NHSMillion: So the £4K nursing bursary has been scrapped & they face a pay cut, yet we pay £5k to recruit from overseas. Jeremy… 16 08:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ 16 08:26
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NHSMillion: So the £4K nursing bursary has been scrapped & they face a pay cut, yet we pay £5k to recruit from overseas. Jeremy… 16 08:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NHSMillion: So the £4K nursing bursary has been scrapped & they face a pay cut, yet we pay £5k to recruit from overseas. Jeremy… 16 08:26
TweetSchestowitz@edyong209 16 08:28
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    A UKIP Politician Is Selling A Health Product CalledApr 16 08:28
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      "Aerobic Oxygen"  And It's Actually "Bleach"Apr 16 08:28
TweetSchestowitz        ( viaApr 16 08:28
TweetSchestowitz                 @tomchiversApr 16 08:28
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:28
-TechrightsSocial/ | This UKIP Guy Is Selling "Bleach" As A Health SupplementApr 16 08:28
TweetSchestowitz@DSMeu  16 08:38
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       unless you're British, of course... #WellDoneBrexitersApr 16 08:38
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 16 08:38
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ "People will be able to stop turning off their data whenApr 16 08:38
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ crossing borders in the EU" @Ansip_EUApr 16 08:38
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ #roaming 16 08:38
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@DSMeu: "People will be able to stop turning off their data when crossing borders in the EU" @Ansip_EU… 16 08:38
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:38
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@DSMeu: "People will be able to stop turning off their data when crossing borders in the EU" @Ansip_EU… 16 08:38
-TechrightsSocial/ | European Commission - PRESS RELEASES - Press release - End of roaming charges for travellers in the EU in 2017Apr 16 08:39
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@DSMeu: "People will be able to stop turning off their data when crossing borders in the EU" @Ansip_EU… 16 08:39
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 08:40
TweetSchestowitz                 Later this morning #mastodon will reach the 800 instancesApr 16 08:40
TweetSchestowitz                 milestone, with 300,000 users, i.e. almost 10 times asApr 16 08:40
TweetSchestowitz                 many as month ago!Apr 16 08:40
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:40
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 08:43
TweetSchestowitz                 Boostnote: Open Source Note Taking App For ProgrammersApr 16 08:43
TweetSchestowitz        ( #Boostnote #freeswApr 16 08:43
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:44
-TechrightsSocial/ | Boostnote: Open Source Note Taking App For ProgrammersApr 16 08:44
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 08:46
TweetSchestowitz                 #AVLinux 2017.4.9 Released! 16 08:46
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #gnu #linuxApr 16 08:46
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | AV Linux 2017.4.9 Released!Apr 16 08:46
-->liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialApr 16 08:50
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 08:50
TweetSchestowitz                 More Details On UBports' Plans For Unity, Mir & AnboxApr 16 08:50
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 08:50
TweetSchestowitz        ( #ubportsApr 16 08:50
TweetSchestowitz                 #ubuntu #unity #mir #anboxApr 16 08:50
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-More Details On UBports' Plans For Unity, Mir & Anbox - PhoronixApr 16 08:50
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | UBports Community Q&A: April 15, 2017Apr 16 08:50
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot 16 08:56
TweetSchestowitz                 Researchers Determine What Makes Software DevelopersApr 16 08:56
TweetSchestowitz                 Unhappy ( 16 08:56
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Researchers Determine What Makes Software Developers Unhappy - SlashdotApr 16 08:56
TweetSchestowitz@zoobab 16 08:57
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Stallman: Vote Mélenchon for President of France. TheApr 16 08:57
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    only candidate that doesn't treat big business as theApr 16 08:57
TweetSchestowitz                 master ( 16 08:57
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:57
-TechrightsSocial/ | Richard Stallman's Personal PageApr 16 08:57
TweetSchestowitz@captn3m0 16 08:57
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @pranesh This has cost implications as well. The cost ofApr 16 08:57
TweetSchestowitz @anivar         every Aadhaar PoS device increases because of the addedApr 16 08:57
TweetSchestowitz                 GPS module.Apr 16 08:57
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:57
TweetSchestowitz@pranesh 16 08:58
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #UPI specifications *require* that the device's locationApr 16 08:58
TweetSchestowitz @anivar         be noted for every financial transaction. #privacyApr 16 08:58
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 08:58
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:58
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@logic: @nikhilkumarks #FactCheck From the specifications. Min=1 is optional is like voluntarily mandatory?… 16 08:58
TweetSchestowitz@logic  16 08:59
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    .@India_Stack @Product_Nation @sharads Thoughts fromApr 16 08:59
TweetSchestowitz @anivar         @CashlessConsumr on this : 16 08:59
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 08:59
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 08:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | List of Problems with BHIM TnC – TelegraphApr 16 08:59
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:03
TweetSchestowitz                 Publcity stunt protest against mass #surveillanceApr 16 09:03
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 09:03
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 09:03
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:03
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-NSA surveillance protested with mock prayers, chants | NewsdayApr 16 09:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hippies Exorcise New York 'Spyscraper' of NSA Demons - The Daily BeastApr 16 09:03
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:07
TweetSchestowitz                 Guide To Finding a Home-Based Linux JobApr 16 09:07
TweetSchestowitz        ( #gnu #linuxApr 16 09:07
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:07
-TechrightsSocial/ - Guide To Finding a Home-Based Linux JobApr 16 09:07
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 16 09:07
TweetTuxMachines                 AV Linux 2017.4.9 Released! 16 09:07
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 16 09:07
TweetTuxMachines Apr 16 09:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | AV Linux 2017.4.9 Released! | Tux MachinesApr 16 09:07
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@tuxmachines: AV Linux 2017.4.9 Released! 16 09:07
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 16 09:07
TweetTuxMachines                 UBports Update 16 09:07
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 16 09:07
TweetTuxMachines Apr 16 09:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | UBports Update | Tux MachinesApr 16 09:07
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 16 09:07
TweetTuxMachines                 Leftovers: Software 16 09:07
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 16 09:07
TweetTuxMachines Apr 16 09:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | Leftovers: Software | Tux MachinesApr 16 09:07
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 16 09:08
TweetTuxMachines                 Guide To Finding a Home-Based Linux JobApr 16 09:08
TweetTuxMachines        ( 16 09:08
TweetTuxMachines        16 09:08
TweetTuxMachines Apr 16 09:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | Guide To Finding a Home-Based Linux Job | Tux MachinesApr 16 09:08
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@tuxmachines: Guide To Finding a Home-Based Linux Job 16 09:08
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:15
TweetSchestowitz                 57,115 new #mastodon accounts in the past dayApr 16 09:15
TweetSchestowitz                 156,786 in the past weekApr 16 09:15
TweetSchestowitz                 So it's definitely growth that accelerates, does notApr 16 09:15
TweetSchestowitz                 stallApr 16 09:15
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:15
TweetSchestowitz@eduardo_LACS 16 09:16
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    RT & wish legendary @DrBrianMay a Happy Easter! Thank youApr 16 09:16
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    for all you do. Your legacy will go on #keepthebanApr 16 09:16
TweetSchestowitz        16 09:16
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@eduardo_LACS: RT & wish legendary @DrBrianMay a Happy Easter! Thank you for all you do. Your legacy will go on #keeptheban 16 09:16
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody 16 09:17
TweetSchestowitz                 Britain set to lose EU ‘crown jewels’ of banking &Apr 16 09:17
TweetSchestowitz                 medicine agencies - 16 09:17
TweetSchestowitz                 ( another #brexit victory inApr 16 09:17
TweetSchestowitz                 self-harming gameApr 16 09:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | Britain set to lose EU ‘crown jewels’ of banking and medicine agencies | Politics | The GuardianApr 16 09:17
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:17
TweetSchestowitz@Stephen_Curry 16 09:18
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    As with Brexit, ideologue May is clinging to an educ.Apr 16 09:18
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      policy that is manifestly not in the interests of theApr 16 09:18
TweetSchestowitz                 people. ( 16 09:18
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:18
-TechrightsSocial/ | Revealed: how free schools boom helps England’s richest regions | Education | The GuardianApr 16 09:18
TweetSchestowitz@NataliaAntonova 16 09:18
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Just like Bannon wants. Violence = his eventual excuseApr 16 09:18
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      for martial law. ( 16 09:18
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:18
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@RVAwonk: Umm.. so here is "Based Stick Man" (& his followers) talking about using lethal force & possibly needing to "put pe… 16 09:18
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@RVAwonk: Umm.. so here is "Based Stick Man" (& his followers) talking about using lethal force & possibly needing to "put pe… 16 09:18
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz                 Current US President is to United States people whatApr 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz                 United is to people. Crushing them for profit...Apr 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:19
TweetSchestowitz@statnews 16 09:20
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       I expect the @nytimes will be giving him a regular columnApr 16 09:20
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      since so many people agree with him...Apr 16 09:20
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 09:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Dear Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,Apr 16 09:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Apr 16 09:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Your anti-vaccine crusade is a disgrace to science.Apr 16 09:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@statnews: Dear Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Your anti-vaccine crusade is a disgrace to science. | OPINION 16 09:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Apr 16 09:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( | OPINIONApr 16 09:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Your anti-vaccine crusade is a disgrace to scienceApr 16 09:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ 16 09:20
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@statnews: Dear Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Your anti-vaccine crusade is a disgrace to science. | OPINION 16 09:20
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:20
TweetSchestowitz                 #brexit means economic suicide, which meansApr 16 09:20
TweetSchestowitz                 poverty/insecurity, which tends to increase racialApr 16 09:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ('sectarian')tensions 16 09:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 09:20
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Britain set to lose EU ‘crown jewels’ of banking and medicine agencies | Politics | The GuardianApr 16 09:20
TweetSchestowitz@ottocrat 16 09:21
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       we are officially a nobody now... 16 09:21
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( 16 09:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ The two pillars on which UK foreign policy influence hasApr 16 09:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ rested for half a century have melted away: leadershipApr 16 09:21
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ottocrat: The two pillars on which UK foreign policy influence has rested for half a century have melted away: leadership within EU, & US hegemony.Apr 16 09:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ within EU, & US hegemony.Apr 16 09:21
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:21
TweetSchestowitz@mertennikell 16 09:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Continue demonstrations in Budapest, more and more peopleApr 16 09:22
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #LexCEU #istandwithCEU #aCEUvalvagyok #Hungary #CEU #NGOsApr 16 09:22
TweetSchestowitz        16 09:22
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mertennikell: Continue demonstrations in Budapest, more and more people #LexCEU #istandwithCEU #aCEUvalvagyok #Hungary #CEU #NGOs 16 09:22
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:23
TweetSchestowitz                 #United gave doctor's luggage the runaround, too Apr 16 09:23
TweetSchestowitz        ( addingApr 16 09:23
TweetSchestowitz                 injury to injuryApr 16 09:23
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:23
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sneed exclusive: United gave doctor's luggage the runaround, too | Chicago Sun-TimesApr 16 09:23
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:24
TweetSchestowitz                 Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Triggers Cost and Ethics ConcernsApr 16 09:24
TweetSchestowitz        ( culmination andApr 16 09:24
TweetSchestowitz                 subsequent collapse of predatory oligarchy?Apr 16 09:24
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:24
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trump's Mar-a-Lago Travel Triggers Cost and Ethics Concerns - NBC NewsApr 16 09:24
TweetSchestowitz@RickyPo 16 09:24
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Trump administration is killing its open data portalApr 16 09:24
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( via @engadgetApr 16 09:24
TweetSchestowitz                 #rickypoApr 16 09:24
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:24
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trump administration is killing its open data portalApr 16 09:24
TweetSchestowitz@NickCohen4 16 09:24
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Why the global right must turn George Soros into aApr 16 09:24
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      villain with supernatural conspiratorial powerApr 16 09:24
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 09:24
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:24
-TechrightsSocial/ | The dirty tricks that demonise George Soros | Nick Cohen | Opinion | The GuardianApr 16 09:24
TweetSchestowitz@RickyPo 16 09:24
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Toronto at the Centre of the Race To Save Climate ChangeApr 16 09:24
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Data from Trump - 16 09:24
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #rickypoApr 16 09:24
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:24
-TechrightsSocial/ | Toronto at the Centre of the Race To Save Climate Change Data from TrumpApr 16 09:24
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:25
TweetSchestowitz                 Am I #Shadowbanned on Twitter? 16 09:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ( being banned without being aware ofApr 16 09:25
TweetSchestowitz                 it. #joindiaspora and #mastodonApr 16 09:25
-TechrightsSocial/ | Am I Shadowbanned on Twitter? | Scott Adams' BlogApr 16 09:25
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:25
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:26
TweetSchestowitz                 [Older] Subpoena reveals federal grand jury investigationApr 16 09:26
TweetSchestowitz                 of Flint water crisis 16 09:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #flint #michigan #water #gop #snyderApr 16 09:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Subpoena reveals federal grand jury investigation of Flint water crisis | MLive.comApr 16 09:26
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:26
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:26
TweetSchestowitz                 "If one asks how all of this jibes with British law, theApr 16 09:26
TweetSchestowitz                 answer is that it does not." 16 09:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #uk #shariaApr 16 09:26
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:26
-TechrightsSocial/ | Sharia Councils and Sexual Abuse in BritainApr 16 09:26
TweetSchestowitz@seatrout 16 09:26
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    I believe that "a nail gun" was actually theApr 16 09:26
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      theologically correct answer. But the question!!!Apr 16 09:26
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 09:26
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Teddicchi: I'm never leaving twitter. 16 09:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Teddicchi: I'm never leaving twitter. 16 09:26
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody 16 09:26
TweetSchestowitz                 #Copyright Society’s ‘World IP Day’ Lesson: Give Us YourApr 16 09:26
TweetSchestowitz                 Copyrights For Nothing - 16 09:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ( well, of course…Apr 16 09:26
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Copyright Society's 'World IP Day' Lesson: Give Us Your Copyrights For Nothing | TechdirtApr 16 09:26
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:27
TweetSchestowitz                 #trump goes even darker 16 09:27
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 09:27
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:27
-TechrightsSocial/ | White House says it will keep visitor logs secret, reversing transparency policy introduced by Barack Obama | The IndependentApr 16 09:27
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody 16 09:27
TweetSchestowitz                 Outcry as Utah judge calls Mormon bishop who raped girl aApr 16 09:27
TweetSchestowitz                 ‘good man’ - 16 09:27
TweetSchestowitz                 ( his brother “compared Vallejo toApr 16 09:27
TweetSchestowitz                 Jesus”Apr 16 09:27
-TechrightsSocial/ | Outcry as Utah judge calls Mormon bishop who raped girl a ‘good man’ | US news | The GuardianApr 16 09:27
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:27
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:29
TweetSchestowitz                 #Jakarta election challenger Anies accused of courtingApr 16 09:29
TweetSchestowitz                 Islamic vote amid religious divideApr 16 09:29
TweetSchestowitz        ( "politicalApr 16 09:29
TweetSchestowitz                 islam"Apr 16 09:29
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | Jakarta election challenger Anies accused of courting Islamic vote amid religious divide | World news | The GuardianApr 16 09:29
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:29
TweetSchestowitz                 "religion with fellow students broke out at the dorm andApr 16 09:29
TweetSchestowitz                 led to people accusing Khan of blasphemy against Islam."Apr 16 09:29
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 09:29
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:29
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Dorm debate led to death in Pakistan 'blasphemy killing': witnesses | ReutersApr 16 09:29
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody 16 09:30
TweetSchestowitz                 Initiative for Open Citations Takes Alternative ApproachApr 16 09:30
TweetSchestowitz                 To Freeing Up Knowledge - 16 09:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ( nice, but not enough #openaccessApr 16 09:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Initiative for Open Citations Takes Alternative Approach To Freeing Up Knowledge | TechdirtApr 16 09:30
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @schestowitz: '#Jakarta election challenger Anies accused of courting Islamic...'Apr 16 09:30
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:32
TweetSchestowitz                 Easter time. Time to delete #windows and #joindiaspora orApr 16 09:32
TweetSchestowitz                 #mastodonApr 16 09:32
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 09:32
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:32
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLEApr 16 09:32
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:33
TweetSchestowitz                 #fbi on #BitTorrent 16 09:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 09:33
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:33
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-FBI Uses BitTorrent to Find and Catch Child Porn Offenders - TorrentFreakApr 16 09:33
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:34
TweetSchestowitz                 "system that supplies people w/ fingertip access toApr 16 09:34
TweetSchestowitz                 everything from encyclopedias to investment advice" andApr 16 09:34
TweetSchestowitz                 now #DRM ( 16 09:34
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | Robert Taylor, internet and computer pioneer, dies aged 85 | Technology | The GuardianApr 16 09:34
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:35
TweetSchestowitz                 "generating speculation that the reporters were tied toApr 16 09:35
TweetSchestowitz                 the NSA." ( 16 09:35
TweetSchestowitz                 #microsoft #nsa ( 16 09:35
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mysterious Microsoft patch killed 0days released by NSA-leaking Shadow Brokers | Ars TechnicaApr 16 09:35
-TechrightsSocial/ | Microsoft and the NSA - TechrightsApr 16 09:35
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:36
TweetSchestowitz                 Forgotten audio formats: The flexi discApr 16 09:36
TweetSchestowitz        ( with the helpApr 16 09:36
TweetSchestowitz                 of Jeff Jaffe and Tim B-L the Web is not infected withApr 16 09:36
TweetSchestowitz                 #drmApr 16 09:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Forgotten audio formats: The flexi disc | Ars TechnicaApr 16 09:36
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:36
TweetSchestowitz@timbray 16 09:36
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       this. is. amazing. ( 16 09:36
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ▏ Steed, Peel, and tragic loss (feat Len Bullard):Apr 16 09:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 09:36
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:36
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@timbray: Steed, Peel, and tragic loss (feat Len Bullard): 16 09:36
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Life Among The Mammals: You Dont Know Me (Walker/Arnold)Apr 16 09:36
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:36
TweetSchestowitz                 [Older] University System of Maryland gives 21 grants toApr 16 09:36
TweetSchestowitz                 promote open-source textbook use 16 09:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #openaccess #educationApr 16 09:37
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | University System of Maryland gives 21 grants to promote open-source textbook use - The DiamondbackApr 16 09:37
TweetSchestowitz@asteris 16 09:37
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       nice ( 16 09:37
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ▏ 🌞 16 09:37
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:37
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@asteris: 🌞 16 09:37
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@asteris: 🌞 16 09:37
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:38
TweetSchestowitz                 Five Obama-era tech policies on the chopping blockApr 16 09:38
TweetSchestowitz        ( an #antiscienceApr 16 09:38
TweetSchestowitz                 regime is now seeking to maximise just profitApr 16 09:38
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:38
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Five Obama-era tech policies on the chopping block | TheHillApr 16 09:38
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody 16 09:38
TweetSchestowitz                 Thai Government Forbids Any Online Contact With ThreeApr 16 09:38
TweetSchestowitz                 Overseas Critics Of The Monarchy -Apr 16 09:38
TweetSchestowitz        ( uh-huhApr 16 09:38
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:38
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Thai Government Forbids Any Online Contact With Three Overseas Critics Of The Monarchy | TechdirtApr 16 09:38
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:39
TweetSchestowitz                 The women who sleep with a stranger to save theirApr 16 09:39
TweetSchestowitz                 marriage ( "part inApr 16 09:39
TweetSchestowitz                 "halala" Islamic marriages"Apr 16 09:39
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:39
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-The women who sleep with a stranger to save their marriage - BBC NewsApr 16 09:39
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody retweeted @schestowitz: '[Older] University System of Maryland gives 21 grants...'Apr 16 09:39
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody 16 09:39
TweetSchestowitz                 NB: Latest In @techdirt First Amendment Fight; PleaseApr 16 09:39
TweetSchestowitz                 Help Keep True Independent Journalism From Being SilencedApr 16 09:39
TweetSchestowitz                 - ( 16 09:39
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:39
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Latest Filings In Our First Amendment Fight; Please Help Keep True Independent Journalism From Being Silenced | TechdirtApr 16 09:39
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:40
TweetSchestowitz                 #indonesia assaults not the people who burn the countryApr 16 09:40
TweetSchestowitz                 but these ( 16 09:40
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | Indonesian gay couple beaten on video before vigilantes hand them over to religious police | The IndependentApr 16 09:40
TweetSchestowitz@charlieconnelly 16 09:41
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       well, at least we get cucumber sandwiches...Apr 16 09:41
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 16 09:41
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Take *that* people saying it's going to be little EnglandApr 16 09:41
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ here after Brexit. ( 16 09:41
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:41
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@charlieconnelly: Take *that* people saying it's going to be little England here after Brexit. 16 09:41
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@TelegraphNews: Values of the vicarage can bring the UK together after Brexit, Theresa May says in her Easter message… 16 09:41
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 09:41
TweetSchestowitz                 #Mastodon is open source - but this is a "TwitterApr 16 09:41
TweetSchestowitz                 killer"? ( 16 09:41
TweetSchestowitz                 press in #norwayApr 16 09:41
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | Google TranslateApr 16 09:41
TweetSchestowitz@grahamfarmelo 16 09:42
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Einstein—'dreamer, rebel, lover'—soon to be the subjectApr 16 09:42
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      of a ten-part TV directed by Ron Howard: Apr 16 09:42
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 09:42
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:42
-TechrightsSocial/ | Dreamer, rebel, lover: the hidden sides of Albert Einstein | Science | The GuardianApr 16 09:42
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody 16 09:43
TweetSchestowitz                 British spies were first to spot Trump team's links withApr 16 09:43
TweetSchestowitz                 Russia - ( 16 09:43
TweetSchestowitz                 will make "special relationship" very specialApr 16 09:43
-TechrightsSocial/ | British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia | UK news | The GuardianApr 16 09:43
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:43
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody 16 09:46
TweetSchestowitz                 European couple stunned as UK-born children deniedApr 16 09:46
TweetSchestowitz                 residency - ( 16 09:46
TweetSchestowitz                 this is on you, bigoted #brexitersApr 16 09:46
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | UK denies residency to London-born children of Dutch-Spanish couple | Politics | The GuardianApr 16 09:46
TweetSchestowitz@marcuschown 16 09:46
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       another reason old people's vote for #brexit was an actApr 16 09:46
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      of staggering selfishness... 16 09:46
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 09:46
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Low birth rate means fewer young supporting ever moreApr 16 09:46
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ older people in UK. Immigration eases problem. Without itApr 16 09:46
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@marcuschown: Low birth rate means fewer young supporting ever more older people in UK. Immigration eases problem. Without it everyone must work longer.Apr 16 09:46
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ everyone must work longer.Apr 16 09:46
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:46
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody 16 09:47
TweetSchestowitz                 Legal Threat From Creator Of Wall St. Bull Statue EvenApr 16 09:47
TweetSchestowitz                 More Full Of Bull Than Expected - 16 09:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #copyrightApr 16 09:47
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:47
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Legal Threat From Creator Of Wall St. Bull Statue Even More Full Of Bull Than Expected | TechdirtApr 16 09:47
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody 16 09:49
TweetSchestowitz                 #Taser Seeking To Lock Down Body Camera Market WithApr 16 09:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ‘Free’ Camera Offer To Law Enforcement Agencies -Apr 16 09:49
TweetSchestowitz        ( #razorbladesApr 16 09:49
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:49
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Taser Seeking To Lock Down Body Camera Market With 'Free' Camera Offer To Law Enforcement Agencies | TechdirtApr 16 09:49
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody 16 09:52
TweetSchestowitz                 #Portugal Pushes Law To Partially Ban #DRM, AllowApr 16 09:52
TweetSchestowitz                 Circumvention - 16 09:52
TweetSchestowitz                 ( sets hugely important precedentApr 16 09:52
TweetSchestowitz                 #copyrightApr 16 09:52
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Portugal Pushes Law To Partially Ban DRM, Allow Circumvention | TechdirtApr 16 09:52
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:52
TweetSchestowitz@marcuschown 16 09:52
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Tens of millions of OUR money will be spent by Tory govtApr 16 09:52
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      on police to keep protesting people away from Trump.Apr 16 09:52
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 09:52
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:52
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Joannechocolat: Of course he does. 16 09:52
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Ian_Fraser: Donald Trump sees riding in a gilded carriage as "essential ingredient" of UK state visit 16 09:52
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody 16 09:56
TweetSchestowitz                 Johnson has been humiliated – his circus show isn’t funnyApr 16 09:56
TweetSchestowitz                 any more - ( 16 09:56
TweetSchestowitz                 “shown himself incapable and must be sidelined”Apr 16 09:56
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Boris Johnson has been humiliated – his circus show isn’t funny any more | Tim Farron | Opinion | The GuardianApr 16 09:56
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody 16 09:58
TweetSchestowitz                 A century of rubbing salt in #Palestinian wounds isApr 16 09:58
TweetSchestowitz                 surely enough, even for Britain - 16 09:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( “Britain will be haunted”Apr 16 09:58
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 09:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | A century of rubbing salt in Palestinian wounds is surely enough, even for Britain | Manuel Hassassian | Opinion | The GuardianApr 16 09:58
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody 16 10:01
TweetSchestowitz                 Top 8 effects of #Brexit on the future EU policies -Apr 16 10:01
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 10:01
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 10:01
-TechrightsSocial/ | Top 8 effects of Brexit on the future EU policiesVoteWatch | VoteWatchApr 16 10:01
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 10:03
TweetSchestowitz                 Rock band ( 16 10:03
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 10:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Full Frontal Nerdity by Aaron Williams - 04/06/2017Apr 16 10:03
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 10:04
TweetSchestowitz                 U.S. Insurers Sue Saudis For $4.2 Billion Over 9/11Apr 16 10:04
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 10:04
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 10:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | U.S. Insurers Sue Saudis For $4.2 Billion Over 9/11 | Zero HedgeApr 16 10:04
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz                 Magnets ( 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 10:06
-TechrightsSocial/ | How to cheat at the Claw gamesApr 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz@SCMP_News 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       wut? ( 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ▏ Public toilet paper theft spreads to southwest ChinaApr 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ 16 10:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SCMP_News: Public toilet paper theft spreads to southwest China 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 10:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Public toilet paper theft spreads to southwest China | South China Morning PostApr 16 10:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SCMP_News: Public toilet paper theft spreads to southwest China 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz@gautambhatia88 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    "War is peace.Apr 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz @anivar         Freedom is slavery.Apr 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz                 Ignorance is strength.Apr 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz                 Mandatory is voluntary."Apr 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz                 Apr 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz                 - George Orwell, "2017"Apr 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 10:06
TweetSchestowitz@arzugeybulla 16 10:07
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Voting is Underway in Turkey's Referendum. What is atApr 16 10:07
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Stake? (error) quick update forApr 16 10:07
TweetSchestowitz                 @globalvoices on #ReferendumTurkeyApr 16 10:07
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 10:07
-TechrightsSocial/ | Voting is Underway in Turkey’s Referendum. What is at Stake? · Global VoicesApr 16 10:07
TweetSchestowitz@joshrogin 16 10:08
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    There should be pool coverage of the WH entrances toApr 16 10:08
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      track visitors if the WH won't release the logs.Apr 16 10:08
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 10:08
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 16 11:16
TweetTuxMachines                 today's howtos 16 11:16
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 16 11:16
TweetTuxMachines Apr 16 11:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesApr 16 11:16
TweetSchestowitz@anivar 16 11:32
TweetSchestowitz                 .@NPCI_BHIM @narendramodi @PMOIndia @CashlessConsumrApr 16 11:32
TweetSchestowitz                 @pbhushan1 @MamataOfficial @quizderek @SitaramYechuryApr 16 11:33
TweetSchestowitz                 @ShashiTharoor Since @narendramodi ( endorsedApr 16 11:33
TweetSchestowitz                 apps are increasing, I think this is high time for PMO toApr 16 11:33
TweetSchestowitz                 prepare a Standard operating procedure and checklistApr 16 11:33
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 11:33
TweetSchestowitz@anivar 16 11:36
TweetSchestowitz                 .@NPCI_BHIM @narendramodi @PMOIndia @CashlessConsumrApr 16 11:36
TweetSchestowitz                 @pbhushan1 @MamataOfficial @quizderek @SitaramYechuryApr 16 11:36
TweetSchestowitz                 @ShashiTharoor SoP is essential ( to makeApr 16 11:36
TweetSchestowitz                 sure software/code/TnC are in citizen interest &Apr 16 11:36
TweetSchestowitz                 compatible to GoI policies 2 avoid conflicts inApr 16 11:36
TweetSchestowitz                 #DigitalIndia planApr 16 11:36
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 11:36
*TweetTuxMachines @xtenik_audio favourited 'A Linux-friendly DAC and headphone amplifier for listening...'Apr 16 11:41
TweetSchestowitz@anivar 16 11:43
TweetSchestowitz                 .@NPCI_BHIM @narendramodi @PMOIndia @CashlessConsumrApr 16 11:43
TweetSchestowitz                 @pbhushan1 @MamataOfficial @quizderek @SitaramYechuryApr 16 11:43
TweetSchestowitz                 @ShashiTharoor Eg of conflict: ( Most of NPCIApr 16 11:43
TweetSchestowitz                 code is proprietary and not compatible to Mandatory FOSSApr 16 11:43
TweetSchestowitz                 adoption policy of GoIApr 16 11:43
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 11:43
TweetSchestowitz@nikhilkumarks 16 11:44
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @NPCI_BHIM now supports 12 languages. Expected to coverApr 16 11:44
TweetSchestowitz @anivar         most of the read/write population in the country. 7/NApr 16 11:44
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 11:44
TweetSchestowitz@nikhilkumarks 16 11:52
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       Happy to see my request for optout option implemented.Apr 16 11:52
TweetSchestowitz @anivar ( 16 11:52
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ BHIM also allows you to disable USSD or *99#Apr 16 11:52
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ transactions. Go to your profile - 3 dot menu - settings.Apr 16 11:52
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ 5/NApr 16 11:52
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@nikhilkumarks: BHIM also allows you to disable USSD or *99# transactions. Go to your profile - 3 dot menu - settings. 5/NApr 16 11:52
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 11:52
TweetSchestowitz@vinaykesari 16 12:02
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Wow, achievement unlocked HT. Managed to bring casualApr 16 12:02
TweetSchestowitz @anivar         sexism even into this fluff piece.Apr 16 12:03
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 12:03
TweetSchestowitz        16 12:03
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 12:03
-TechrightsSocial/ | Home-cooked food, gossip and bonhomie: How SC judges bond over weekly lunches | india-news | Hindustan TimesApr 16 12:03
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@vinaykesari: Wow, achievement unlocked HT. Managed to bring casual sexism even into this fluff piece. 16 12:03
TweetSchestowitz@anivar 16 12:21
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       Keeping a personal reference for  *99# optout query inApr 16 12:21
TweetSchestowitz @anivar         this threadApr 16 12:21
TweetSchestowitz                 Twitter seems to be the only bugtracker for BHIMApr 16 12:21
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 12:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ @nikhilkumarks Any document on NUUP2.0 ?  Also is thereApr 16 12:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ any way to opt out from *99#?   @logic @sonyjoy @rselvaApr 16 12:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ @CashlessConsumrApr 16 12:21
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 12:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | TwitterApr 16 12:21
TweetSchestowitz@pranesh 16 12:40
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Don't worry, Saheb won't listen in. #BigSaheb #snoopingApr 16 12:40
TweetSchestowitz @anivar         #surveillance ( 16 12:40
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 12:40
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@anivar: .@CashlessConsumr @logic @medianama @NPCI_BHIM @suchetadalal @AnupamSaraph @PMOIndia @narendramodi @UPI_NPCI… 16 12:41
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@anivar: .@CashlessConsumr @logic @medianama @NPCI_BHIM @suchetadalal @AnupamSaraph @PMOIndia @narendramodi @UPI_NPCI… 16 12:41
TweetSchestowitz@adamjohnsonNYC 16 12:44
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       This is a growing faction, and it's fueled by aApr 16 12:44
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     collective mania, an online group pathology, I've neverApr 16 12:44
TweetSchestowitz                 quite seen before. ( 16 12:44
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ everyone is a Russian spy dot jpg 16 12:44
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 12:44
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@adamjohnsonNYC: everyone is a Russian spy dot jpg 16 12:44
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@adamjohnsonNYC: everyone is a Russian spy dot jpg 16 12:44
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald 16 12:46
TweetSchestowitz                 Now that Trump is bombing things & affirming DC pieties,Apr 16 12:46
TweetSchestowitz                 the WashPost's establishment-centrist pundits areApr 16 12:46
TweetSchestowitz                 starting to welcome him 16 12:46
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 12:46
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 12:46
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ggreenwald: Now that Trump is bombing things & affirming DC pieties, the WashPost's establishment-centrist pundits are starting… 16 12:46
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ggreenwald: Now that Trump is bombing things & affirming DC pieties, the WashPost's establishment-centrist pundits are starting… 16 12:46
TweetSchestowitz@warkin 16 12:51
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       Is there a day on DOD's calendar called "Declare the needApr 16 12:51
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     for more troops in Afghanistan before summer fightingApr 16 12:51
TweetSchestowitz                 season day"? ( 16 12:51
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Nat sec advisor McMaster in Afghanistan to assess moreApr 16 12:51
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ American troops ( 16 12:51
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 12:51
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@warkin: Nat sec advisor McMaster in Afghanistan to assess more American troops 16 12:51
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Top US Security Official in Afghanistan for Crucial TalksApr 16 12:51
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot 16 12:54
TweetSchestowitz                 Embarrassing Ex-Employee Complaint Against SnapchatApr 16 12:54
TweetSchestowitz                 Unsealed ( 16 12:54
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 12:54
-TechrightsSocial/ | Embarrassing Ex-Employee Complaint Against Snapchat Unsealed - SlashdotApr 16 12:54
TweetSchestowitz@joshrogin 16 12:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    There should be pool coverage of the WH entrances toApr 16 12:56
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    track visitors if the WH won't release the logs.Apr 16 12:56
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 12:56
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel 16 12:56
TweetSchestowitz                 @ggreenwald It's the Ignatius one I find most telling.Apr 16 12:56
TweetSchestowitz                 Does that reflect the chatter among those he serves as aApr 16 12:56
TweetSchestowitz                 mouthpiece for?Apr 16 12:56
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 12:56
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald 16 13:00
TweetSchestowitz                 @emptywheel Everything he says is that. I think they feelApr 16 13:00
TweetSchestowitz                 they've coopted him. The Generals are pretty clearly inApr 16 13:00
TweetSchestowitz                 charge of foreign policy.Apr 16 13:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 13:00
TweetSchestowitz@d_Norte 16 13:03
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       A maioria dos políticos mentira, mas poucos mentem tãoApr 16 13:03
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     descaradamente e felizmente como Aécio. Assista:Apr 16 13:03
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 13:03
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Vídeo de como Aécio combateria a corrupção, cai na rede eApr 16 13:03
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ vira piada!Apr 16 13:03
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ É só tirar o PT… diz ele:Apr 16 13:03
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@d_Norte: Vídeo de como Aécio combateria a corrupção, cai na rede e vira piada! É só tirar o PT… diz ele: Falandoverdades 2 16 13:03
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Apr 16 13:03
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Falandoverdades 2 16 13:03
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@d_Norte: Vídeo de como Aécio combateria a corrupção, cai na rede e vira piada! É só tirar o PT… diz ele: Falandoverdades 2 16 13:03
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 13:03
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald 16 13:05
TweetSchestowitz                 Big accounts here spent all day yesterday sayingApr 16 13:05
TweetSchestowitz                 Putin/Kremlin orchestrated Berkeley clashes. RT'd byApr 16 13:05
TweetSchestowitz                 1,000s. Have to read it to believe it.Apr 16 13:05
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 13:05
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel 16 13:06
TweetSchestowitz                 @ggreenwald Silly Glenn. Muricans don't have agencyApr 16 13:06
TweetSchestowitz                 anymore. Putin has become THAT powerful.Apr 16 13:06
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 13:06
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald 16 13:09
TweetSchestowitz                 @emptywheel Americans are too nice and good to do badApr 16 13:09
TweetSchestowitz                 things on their own. It must come from some badApr 16 13:09
TweetSchestowitz                 foreigners.Apr 16 13:09
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 13:09
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel 16 13:13
TweetSchestowitz                 @ggreenwald Also, Murica never had rabid racism before,Apr 16 13:13
TweetSchestowitz                 not even during slavery, nor did it have rat-fucking,Apr 16 13:13
TweetSchestowitz                 before Putin taught us kompromat. ( 16 13:13
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 13:13
*TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald deleted 'A maioria dos políticos mentira, mas poucos mentem...'Apr 16 13:13
TweetSchestowitz@d_Norte 16 13:14
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       A maioria dos políticos mente, mas poucos mentem tãoApr 16 13:14
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     descaradamente e felizmente como Aécio. Assista:Apr 16 13:14
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 13:14
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Vídeo de como Aécio combateria a corrupção, cai na rede eApr 16 13:14
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ vira piada!Apr 16 13:14
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ É só tirar o PT… diz ele:Apr 16 13:14
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@d_Norte: Vídeo de como Aécio combateria a corrupção, cai na rede e vira piada! É só tirar o PT… diz ele: Falandoverdades 2 16 13:14
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Apr 16 13:14
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Falandoverdades 2 16 13:14
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 13:14
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@d_Norte: Vídeo de como Aécio combateria a corrupção, cai na rede e vira piada! É só tirar o PT… diz ele: Falandoverdades 2 16 13:14
TweetSchestowitz@kgosztola 16 13:16
TweetSchestowitz                 Interview with @MichaelEMann: climate denial & attacks onApr 16 13:16
TweetSchestowitz                 scientists in age of Trump 16 13:16
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 13:16
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 13:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Resurgence Of Attacks On Scientists & Climate Change DenialApr 16 13:16
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Apr 16 13:19
-->schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialApr 16 13:20
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Apr 16 13:20
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialApr 16 13:20
Messaging Indicator 0.3.11 plugin unloaded.Apr 16 13:20
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---Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010Apr 16 13:21
TweetSchestowitz@JornalismoWando 16 13:24
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Governo está comprando apoio editorial à Reforma daApr 16 13:24
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     Previdência ( 16 13:24
TweetSchestowitz                 por @jornalismowandoApr 16 13:24
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 13:24
-TechrightsSocial/ | Governo está comprando apoio editorial à Reforma da PrevidênciaApr 16 13:24
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald 16 13:26
TweetSchestowitz                 Apparently, the belief that Hillary is a hawk was alsoApr 16 13:26
TweetSchestowitz                 just a Kremlin plot - one that alarmingly infiltratedApr 16 13:26
TweetSchestowitz                 many US media outlets 16 13:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 13:26
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 13:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ggreenwald: Apparently, the belief that Hillary is a hawk was also just a Kremlin plot - one that alarmingly infiltrated many U… 16 13:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ggreenwald: Apparently, the belief that Hillary is a hawk was also just a Kremlin plot - one that alarmingly infiltrated many U… 16 13:26
TweetSchestowitz@birgittaj 16 13:26
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Tremendous honour to be trusted to be on the Committee ofApr 16 13:26
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  Human Rights of Parliamentarians @IPUparliament. I feelApr 16 13:26
TweetSchestowitz                 humbled. #IPU136Apr 16 13:26
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 13:26
TweetSchestowitz@birgittaj 16 13:34
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    It was unforgettable to participate in this documentary.Apr 16 13:34
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  To finally meet Snowden in person and embark on a...Apr 16 13:34
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 13:34
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 13:34
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-MEETING SNOWDEN - Official Trailer - Sur Arte le 15 juin 2017 - YouTubeApr 16 13:34
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Apr 16 13:50
TweetSchestowitz@anivar 16 13:50
TweetSchestowitz                 RTI: Low-down on Aadhaar enrolments (specifically aboutApr 16 13:50
TweetSchestowitz                 biometrics) 16 13:50
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 13:50
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 13:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | RTI: Low-down on Aadhaar enrolments (specifically about biometrics) | Bulletman ReportingApr 16 13:51
-->schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialApr 16 13:51
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Apr 16 13:51
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialApr 16 13:51
TweetSchestowitz@theintercept 16 13:51
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       “'These airstrikes are the biggest of all of the crimesApr 16 13:51
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     in this war,' Alia said. 'They’re killing families andApr 16 13:51
TweetSchestowitz                 children.'" ( 16 13:51
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ A father describes saving his daughter from a U.S.Apr 16 13:51
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ bombing in Mosul 16 13:51
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 13:51
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@theintercept: A father describes saving his daughter from a U.S. bombing in Mosul 16 13:51
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 13:51
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | A Father Describes Saving His Daughter From U.S. Bombardment of MosulApr 16 13:51
TweetSchestowitz@AdamSchefter 16 13:53
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       NFL prolly makes sure no drafts coincide w/BillBel'sApr 16 13:53
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     birthday because of this. A bigger unfair advantage thanApr 16 13:53
TweetSchestowitz                 playing in AFC East. 16 13:53
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 13:53
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ 17-year anniversary of this draft pick, which came onApr 16 13:53
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Bill Belichick's 48th birthday: 16 13:53
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@AdamSchefter: 17-year anniversary of this draft pick, which came on Bill Belichick's 48th birthday: 16 13:53
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 13:53
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@AdamSchefter: 17-year anniversary of this draft pick, which came on Bill Belichick's 48th birthday: 16 13:53
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 13:55
TweetSchestowitz                 #Vulkan 1.0.48 Released 16 13:55
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #graphics #openglApr 16 13:55
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 13:55
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Vulkan 1.0.48 Released - PhoronixApr 16 13:55
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 173 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 914 msgs sent (~ 2% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesApr 16 13:56
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @schestowitz (31), @glynmoody (25), @doctorow (22)Apr 16 13:56
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top re-tweeters: @glynmoody (23), @anivar (13), @qu1j0t3 (5)Apr 16 13:56
-TweetSchestowitz/#boycottnovell-social-Top hashtags: #mastodon (5), #brexit (5), #copyright (3)Apr 16 13:56
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Last 12 hrs: 5 tweets, 0 cnx to Twitter, 46 msgs sent (~ 0% of max rate), 0 throttle noticesApr 16 13:56
-TweetTuxMachines/#boycottnovell-social-Top tweeters: @tuxmachines (5)Apr 16 13:56
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 14:00
TweetSchestowitz                 #MontyPython - The man who is alternately rude and politeApr 16 14:00
TweetSchestowitz         ( 16 14:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Monty Python - The man who is alternately rude and polite - YouTubeApr 16 14:00
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig 16 14:08
TweetSchestowitz                 The #nuclear industry is heading into a financial blackApr 16 14:08
TweetSchestowitz                 hole that threatens any future expansion #climatechangeApr 16 14:08
TweetSchestowitz        16 14:08
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:08
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-The Nuclear Industry Is Heading Into a Financial Black Hole That Threatens Any Future Expansion - TruthdigApr 16 14:08
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Truthdig: The #nuclear industry is heading into a financial black hole that threatens any future expansion #climatechange… 16 14:08
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Truthdig: The #nuclear industry is heading into a financial black hole that threatens any future expansion #climatechange… 16 14:08
TweetSchestowitz@theintercept 16 14:08
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    A father describes saving his daughter from a U.S.Apr 16 14:08
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      bombing in Mosul 16 14:08
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 14:09
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:09
-TechrightsSocial/ | A Father Describes Saving His Daughter From U.S. Bombardment of MosulApr 16 14:09
TweetSchestowitz@DrRimmer 16 14:10
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    A very nasty #Easter Egg surprise - #Dataretention forApr 16 14:10
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      all Australians ( 16 14:10
TweetSchestowitz                 #auslaw #auspol Happy Easter.Apr 16 14:10
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | Metadata capture begins but information not to be used for civil cases - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)Apr 16 14:10
TweetSchestowitz@JolyonMaugham 16 14:10
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       "uniting behind the opportunities": this woman is eitherApr 16 14:10
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      a cynical liar, or a deluded idiot #brexitApr 16 14:10
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 14:10
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ 'Christian' values: trashing the environment, ditchingApr 16 14:10
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ the Human Rights Act, rewarding liars, alienating ourApr 16 14:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ friends, promoting tax havens. 16 14:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JolyonMaugham: 'Christian' values: trashing the environment, ditching the Human Rights Act, rewarding liars, alienating our friend… 16 14:11
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JolyonMaugham: 'Christian' values: trashing the environment, ditching the Human Rights Act, rewarding liars, alienating our friend… 16 14:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@JolyonMaugham: 'Christian' values: trashing the environment, ditching the Human Rights Act, rewarding liars, alienating our friend… 16 14:11
TweetSchestowitz@bbw1984 16 14:11
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Happy Easter from Big Brother Watch! 🐰Apr 16 14:11
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody 16 14:11
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@bbw1984: Happy Easter from Big Brother Watch! 🐰 16 14:11
TweetSchestowitz@NatashaBertrand 16 14:11
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Pretty savage @CNN graphic here. 16 14:11
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Apr 16 14:11
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NatashaBertrand: Pretty savage @CNN graphic here. 16 14:11
TweetSchestowitz@Asher_Wolf 16 14:12
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    These hackathon hustlers make their living from corporateApr 16 14:12
TweetSchestowitz @Thomas_Drake1  coding contests 16 14:12
TweetSchestowitz                 ( via @technologyApr 16 14:12
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-These Hackathon Hustlers Make Their Living From Corporate Coding Contests - BloombergApr 16 14:12
TweetSchestowitz@PCGTW  16 14:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    .@ChrisDHamby #ISDS investigation made him a finalist forApr 16 14:13
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      a 2017 #Pulitzer.Read again his exposé on corporateApr 16 14:13
TweetSchestowitz                 greed: ( 16 14:13
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:13
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-The Secret Threat That Makes Corporations More Powerful Than Countries - BuzzFeed NewsApr 16 14:13
TweetSchestowitz@ChrisReason7 16 14:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Former Guantanamo detainee Mamdouh Habib and wife MahaApr 16 14:13
TweetSchestowitz @glynco         detained in Lebanon again. Facing deportation to Egypt.Apr 16 14:13
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:13
TweetSchestowitz@billmckibben 16 14:14
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Artist reimagines National Park Service posters to showApr 16 14:14
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      what we're actually leaving our kidsApr 16 14:14
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 14:14
TweetSchestowitz        16 14:14
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:14
-TechrightsSocial/ | New Posters Imagine National Parks in 2050; It’s Not Pretty | Climate CentralApr 16 14:14
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@billmckibben: Artist reimagines National Park Service posters to show what we're actually leaving our kids 16 14:14
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialApr 16 14:14
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Apr 16 14:15
TweetSchestowitz@Klangable 16 14:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Oslo's Brilliantly Simple Plan to Get Rid of Cars by 2019Apr 16 14:15
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 16 14:15
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Oslo, Norway's Brilliantly Simple Plan to Get Rid of Cars | InverseApr 16 14:15
TweetSchestowitz@RazAkkoc 16 14:16
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       why would any kurd vote to give erdogan more powers toApr 16 14:16
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      oppress them? #hayır 16 14:16
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 14:16
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Kurds vote in key #Turkeyreferendum battleground: @AFP inApr 16 14:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@RazAkkoc: Kurds vote in key #Turkeyreferendum battleground: @AFP in Diyarbakir where 2 killed in fighting in a school garden 16 14:16
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Diyarbakir where 2 killed in fighting in a school gardenApr 16 14:16
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 14:16
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Turkey's Kurds vote in key referendum battlegroundApr 16 14:16
TweetSchestowitz@brianklaas 16 14:16
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Trump called China a currency manipulator 30 times onApr 16 14:16
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Twitter, repeatedly attacking Obama over it.Apr 16 14:16
TweetSchestowitz                 Apr 16 14:16
TweetSchestowitz                 Now: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 16 14:16
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@brianklaas: Trump called China a currency manipulator 30 times on Twitter, repeatedly attacking Obama over it. Now: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 16 14:16
TweetSchestowitz@nytimes 16 14:17
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       Kremlinology ( 16 14:17
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     ▏ The shifting alliances and rival factions insideApr 16 14:17
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ President Trump’s West Wing 16 14:17
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 14:17
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@nytimes: The shifting alliances and rival factions inside President Trump’s West Wing 16 14:17
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:17
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Cookies are Not Accepted - New York TimesApr 16 14:17
TweetSchestowitz@POLITICOEurope 16 14:17
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Political cartoons of the week 16 14:17
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( 16 14:17
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:17
-TechrightsSocial/ | World’s cartoonists on this week’s events – POLITICOApr 16 14:17
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@POLITICOEurope: Political cartoons of the week 16 14:17
TweetSchestowitz@cathywilcox1 16 14:18
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Our great loss. My Sun-Herald @smh cartoon.Apr 16 14:18
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody 16 14:18
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:18
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@cathywilcox1: Our great loss. My Sun-Herald @smh cartoon. 16 14:18
TweetSchestowitz@FinancialTimes 16 14:19
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       "begin moving staff out of London" #WellDoneBrexitersApr 16 14:19
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 16 14:19
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Legal and accounting services fear Brexit lossesApr 16 14:19
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 14:19
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:19
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@FinancialTimes: Legal and accounting services fear Brexit losses 16 14:19
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Subscribe to readApr 16 14:19
TweetSchestowitz@accessnow 16 14:20
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Watch @TurkeyBlocks which has been watching #TurkeyApr 16 14:20
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      during the elections #KeepItOn: 16 14:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 14:20
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Turkey Blocks to monitor internet access for censorship during referendum - Turkey BlocksApr 16 14:20
TweetSchestowitz@GuardianAus 16 14:22
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       AU public lending money to destroy the Great BarrierApr 16 14:22
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Reef... #australia ( 16 14:22
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ John Hewson says $1bn loan to Adani the 'last thing'Apr 16 14:22
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Coalition should be doing 16 14:22
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 14:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@GuardianAus: John Hewson says $1bn loan to Adani the 'last thing' Coalition should be doing 16 14:22
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | John Hewson says $1bn loan to Adani the 'last thing' Coalition should be doing | Business | The GuardianApr 16 14:22
TweetSchestowitz@ProPublica 16 14:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Fun fact:Apr 16 14:22
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Apr 16 14:22
TweetSchestowitz                 The Trump admin is secretly issuing waivers to its ownApr 16 14:22
TweetSchestowitz                 ethics rules.Apr 16 14:22
TweetSchestowitz                 Apr 16 14:22
TweetSchestowitz         ( 16 14:22
TweetSchestowitz        16 14:22
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:22
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cookies are Not Accepted - New York TimesApr 16 14:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ProPublica: Fun fact: The Trump admin is secretly issuing waivers to its own ethics rules. 16 14:22
TweetSchestowitz@malwareunicorn 16 14:23
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    This should replace hacker stock photosApr 16 14:23
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody 16 14:23
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@malwareunicorn: This should replace hacker stock photos 16 14:23
TweetSchestowitz@dangillmor 16 14:25
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    These people run the United States government, and haveApr 16 14:25
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      control over nuclear weapons. 16 14:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 14:25
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@dandrezner: Jesus F**king Christ. 16 14:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | The Inside Story of the Kushner-Bannon Civil War | Vanity FairApr 16 14:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@dandrezner: Jesus F**king Christ. 16 14:25
TweetSchestowitz@cstross 16 14:26
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       #brexiters don't; they simply don't grasp the magnitudeApr 16 14:26
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      of what is going on, because they are too busy wrappingApr 16 14:26
TweetSchestowitz                 themselves in Union Jacks 16 14:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 14:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ .@ytterbiumcon You know there's a strong risk of ALLApr 16 14:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ flights in/out of the UK being screwed by Brexit aroundApr 16 14:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@cstross: .@ytterbiumcon You know there's a strong risk of ALL flights in/out of the UK being screwed by Brexit around then? 16 14:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ then? ( 16 14:26
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Brexit: Impact on aviation law | Insights | DLA Piper Global Law FirmApr 16 14:26
TweetSchestowitz@hasavrat 16 14:26
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Those who are taking photos of their votes are havingApr 16 14:26
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      their votes cancelled (because it is against electionApr 16 14:26
TweetSchestowitz                 laws). ( 16 14:26
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BirGun_Gazetesi: Oy pusulasının fotoğrafını çekenlerin oyları iptal ediliyor 16 14:26
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody deleted 'RT @hasavrat: Those who are taking photos of...'Apr 16 14:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Oy pusulasının fotoğrafını çekenlerin oyları bir bir iptalApr 16 14:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BirGun_Gazetesi: Oy pusulasının fotoğrafını çekenlerin oyları iptal ediliyor 16 14:26
TweetSchestowitz@hasavrat 16 14:27
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       IOW there will be no way to prevent fraud by theApr 16 14:27
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      government, because no records... 16 14:27
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 14:27
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Those who are taking photos of their votes are havingApr 16 14:27
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ their votes cancelled (because it is against electionApr 16 14:27
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@hasavrat: Those who are taking photos of their votes are having their votes cancelled (because it is against election laws). 16 14:27
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ laws). ( 16 14:27
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:27
TweetSchestowitz@tef_ebooks 16 14:30
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       shame on May ( 16 14:30
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ▏ 16 14:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@tef_ebooks: 16 14:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@tef_ebooks: 16 14:30
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody 16 14:30
TweetSchestowitz                 Campbell: PM is wrong to hint that ‘God would have votedApr 16 14:30
TweetSchestowitz                 leave’ - ( coApr 16 14:30
TweetSchestowitz                 #brexit means theocracy? May is clearly mad nowApr 16 14:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | Alastair Campbell: Theresa May is wrong to hint that ‘God would have voted Leave’ | Politics | The GuardianApr 16 14:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:30
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 14:31
TweetSchestowitz                 Atomic Aviation GasolineApr 16 14:31
TweetSchestowitz        16 14:31
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 14:31
TweetSchestowitz        16 14:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow:Apr 16 14:31
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:31
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Atomic Aviation Gasoline 16 14:31
TweetSchestowitz@truthout 16 14:31
TweetSchestowitz                 Ask Yourself: Will #DonaldTrump Ever Become President?Apr 16 14:31
TweetSchestowitz         ( @BillMoyersApr 16 14:31
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Ask Yourself: Will Donald Trump Ever Become President?Apr 16 14:31
TweetSchestowitz@lorenzoFB 16 14:31
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    This bug is interesting but real story is that multipleApr 16 14:31
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     people found same bug, which supposedly doesn't happenApr 16 14:31
TweetSchestowitz                 often ( 16 14:31
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Why Did Microsoft Wait Six Months To Patch a Critical Word Zero-Day? - MotherboardApr 16 14:32
TweetSchestowitz@glynmoody 16 14:32
TweetSchestowitz                 “I don’t think I have ever known Britain more divided" -Apr 16 14:33
TweetSchestowitz        ( damn right:Apr 16 14:33
TweetSchestowitz                 don't let May get away with new "unity" lieApr 16 14:33
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:33
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @glynmoody: '“I don’t think I have ever known Britain...'Apr 16 14:33
TweetSchestowitz@Glinner 16 14:33
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    WE PAID GOVE'S SALARY. How many of you out there wouldApr 16 14:33
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      pay Gove to clean your windows?Apr 16 14:33
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:33
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @glynmoody: 'Campbell: PM is wrong to hint that ‘God...'Apr 16 14:34
TweetSchestowitz@johnupton 16 14:35
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       USians, you may like to protect the environment yourApr 16 14:35
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      children will inherit.... #EPA 16 14:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 14:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ As required by law, EPA calling for public comment onApr 16 14:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ planned rollback of enviro regulations.Apr 16 14:36
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@johnupton: As required by law, EPA calling for public comment on planned rollback of enviro regulations. So go ahead, comment… 16 14:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Apr 16 14:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ So go ahead, comment: 16 14:36
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@johnupton: As required by law, EPA calling for public comment on planned rollback of enviro regulations. So go ahead, comment… 16 14:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 14:36
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Regulatory Reform | Laws & Regulations | US EPAApr 16 14:36
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@johnupton: As required by law, EPA calling for public comment on planned rollback of enviro regulations. So go ahead, comment… 16 14:36
TweetSchestowitz@LDNsciencemarch 16 14:36
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       sadly, UK government won't give a damn... after all,Apr 16 14:36
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #BrexitMeansTheocracy - 16 14:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 14:36
-TechrightsSocial/ | Alastair Campbell: Theresa May is wrong to hint that ‘God would have voted Leave’ | Politics | The GuardianApr 16 14:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 14:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Thrilled to announce the speakers who will be addressingApr 16 14:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ the crowd at the March for Science!Apr 16 14:36
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@LDNsciencemarch: Thrilled to announce the speakers who will be addressing the crowd at the March for Science! 16 14:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Apr 16 14:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 14:36
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:36
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Speakers - March for Science LondonApr 16 14:36
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot 16 14:37
TweetSchestowitz                 Oracle Charged $293M In South Korean Back TaxesApr 16 14:37
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 14:37
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | Oracle Charged $293M In South Korean Back Taxes - SlashdotApr 16 14:37
TweetSchestowitz@lesmondine 16 14:37
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Someone on Facebook has just discovered the concept ofApr 16 14:37
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      plants. 16 14:37
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:37
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@lesmondine: Someone on Facebook has just discovered the concept of plants. 16 14:37
TweetSchestowitz@faisalislam 16 14:40
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       #brexit ( 16 14:40
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ▏ UCAS apps stats last week - Nursing in England down 23%Apr 16 14:40
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ after bursary abolished - with 27k vacancies, fewer EU -Apr 16 14:40
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ 2020 could be interesting 16 14:40
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@faisalislam: UCAS apps stats last week - Nursing in England down 23% after bursary abolished - with 27k vacancies, fewer EU - 20… 16 14:40
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 14:40
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:40
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@faisalislam: UCAS apps stats last week - Nursing in England down 23% after bursary abolished - with 27k vacancies, fewer EU - 20… 16 14:40
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@faisalislam: UCAS apps stats last week - Nursing in England down 23% after bursary abolished - with 27k vacancies, fewer EU - 20… 16 14:40
TweetSchestowitz@arzugeybulla 16 14:42
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       hurry hurry #hayır ( 16 14:42
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ▏ last 25 min for final votes in #Turkey #TurkeyReferendumApr 16 14:42
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:42
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@arzugeybulla: last 25 min for final votes in #Turkey #TurkeyReferendumApr 16 14:42
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 14:43
TweetSchestowitz                 #Apple 's Legal Actions Against Android and AgainstApr 16 14:43
TweetSchestowitz                 #Qualcomm Could Eventually Weaken Patents at Two LevelsApr 16 14:43
TweetSchestowitz        ( #swpatsApr 16 14:43
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:43
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple’s Legal Actions Against Android and Against Qualcomm Could Eventually Weaken Patents at Two Levels | TechrightsApr 16 14:43
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 14:43
TweetSchestowitz                 @zoobab Apple's Legal Actions Against Android and AgainstApr 16 14:43
TweetSchestowitz                 Qualcomm Could Eventually Weaken Patents at Two LevelsApr 16 14:43
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 14:43
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:43
*TweetSchestowitz @zoobab retweeted @schestowitz: '@zoobab Apple's Legal Actions Against Android and Against...'Apr 16 14:43
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 14:49
TweetSchestowitz                 @glynmoody Apple's Legal Actions Against Android andApr 16 14:49
TweetSchestowitz                 Against Qualcomm Could Eventually Weaken Patents at TwoApr 16 14:49
TweetSchestowitz                 Levels ( 16 14:49
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 14:49
TweetSchestowitz@jackerhack 16 15:00
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    2009-era iPod nano to steal ATM PINs? Who would haveApr 16 15:00
TweetSchestowitz @anivar         thought? ( 16 15:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@latirmusic: when you try and take out £10 but your card gets stuck in the machine and you find a hidden video device... be care… 16 15:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@latirmusic: when you try and take out £10 but your card gets stuck in the machine and you find a hidden video device... be care… 16 15:00
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig 16 15:00
TweetSchestowitz                 This one group in society is probably the most vulnerableApr 16 15:00
TweetSchestowitz                 to #climatechange 16 15:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 15:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-This One Group in Society Is Probably the Most Vulnerable to Climate Change - TruthdigApr 16 15:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Truthdig: This one group in society is probably the most vulnerable to #climatechange 16 15:00
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 15:05
TweetSchestowitz                 Dr. Murray Banks 16 15:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 15:05
TweetSchestowitz        16 15:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cory Doctorow: danismm: Dr. Murray Banks via Troy PaivaApr 16 15:05
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Dr. Murray Banks 16 15:05
TweetSchestowitz@EFF    16 15:05
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    EFF is hiring! Join our growing team of digital rightsApr 16 15:05
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      defenders. ( 16 15:05
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:05
-TechrightsSocial/ | Job Openings at EFF | Electronic Frontier FoundationApr 16 15:05
TweetSchestowitz@starwars 16 15:06
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Destinies are revealed in the final season ofApr 16 15:06
TweetSchestowitz @TechJournalist  #StarWarsRebels. This fall, on @DisneyXD.Apr 16 15:06
TweetSchestowitz        16 15:06
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@starwars: Destinies are revealed in the final season of #StarWarsRebels. This fall, on @DisneyXD. 16 15:06
TweetSchestowitz@AnnemarieBridy 16 15:07
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Undermining or reversing #netneutrality rules won't fixApr 16 15:07
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      any problem that Google and Facebook have created.Apr 16 15:07
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 15:07
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:07
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@HalSinger: Given their business models, Google/Facebook can't be faces of #netneutrality, by @NewsCEO 16 15:07
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Google and Facebook oppose managing the Internet. Except when they’re doing it. - The Washington PostApr 16 15:07
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@HalSinger: Given their business models, Google/Facebook can't be faces of #netneutrality, by @NewsCEO 16 15:07
TweetSchestowitz@hakique 16 15:18
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Dammit. That Prince was real. 16 15:18
TweetSchestowitz @mmasnick       ( 16 15:18
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:18
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ctvedmonton: $43M in cash found in empty Nigerian apartment 16 15:18
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | $43M in cash found in empty Nigerian apartment | CTV NewsApr 16 15:18
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ctvedmonton: $43M in cash found in empty Nigerian apartment 16 15:18
TweetSchestowitz@thegrugq 16 15:19
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Well, that tweet aged pretty poorly. It was certainly aApr 16 15:19
TweetSchestowitz @mmasnick       great dump, but the bugs are all dead, rest is marginallyApr 16 15:19
TweetSchestowitz                 😎 ( 16 15:19
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:19
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@thegrugq: This Shadow Brokers release is definitely the most substantial yet. "God mode" exploits + an attack framework, complete operational data,Apr 16 15:19
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 15:19
TweetSchestowitz                 Alice Decision and #PTAB Are Both Constantly Under AttackApr 16 15:19
TweetSchestowitz                 From the #Patent Microcosm and Its LobbyistsApr 16 15:19
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 15:19
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | Alice Decision and PTAB Are Both Constantly Under Attack From the Patent Microcosm and Its Lobbyists | TechrightsApr 16 15:19
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 15:19
TweetSchestowitz                 @zoobab Alice Decision and PTAB Are Both Constantly UnderApr 16 15:19
TweetSchestowitz                 Attack From the Patent Microcosm and Its LobbyistsApr 16 15:19
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 15:20
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:20
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 15:20
TweetSchestowitz                 @glynmoody Alice Decision and PTAB Are Both ConstantlyApr 16 15:20
TweetSchestowitz                 Under Attack From the Patent Microcosm and Its LobbyistsApr 16 15:20
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 15:20
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:20
TweetSchestowitz@truthout 16 15:21
TweetSchestowitz                 Is Soil the Great New Integrator? 16 15:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #farming #agricultureApr 16 15:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | Is Soil the Great New Integrator?Apr 16 15:21
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:21
TweetSchestowitz@MapleLeafs 16 15:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    .@kasperikapanen1 ending it in 2OT. #StandWitnessApr 16 15:22
TweetSchestowitz @TechJournalist 16 15:22
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MapleLeafs: .@kasperikapanen1 ending it in 2OT. #StandWitness 16 15:22
TweetSchestowitz@neeratanden 16 15:23
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       It's 5 months after the election, and still no autopsy.Apr 16 15:23
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     They're *still* blaming everyone for their devastatingApr 16 15:23
TweetSchestowitz                 failures - except themselves. ( 16 15:23
TweetSchestowitz        16 15:23
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Of course he's not credible. Quick- who used WikileaksApr 16 15:23
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ more to batter Hillary- Trump or The Intercept? I sayApr 16 15:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@neeratanden: Of course he's not credible. Quick- who used Wikileaks more to batter Hillary- Trump or The Intercept? I say toss u… 16 15:23
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ toss up. ( 16 15:23
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@neeratanden: Of course he's not credible. Quick- who used Wikileaks more to batter Hillary- Trump or The Intercept? I say toss u… 16 15:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@armandodkos: Think about that - Glenn Greenwald fails to note massive government hypocrisy. He's simply not credible on the Russia-Wikileaks story.Apr 16 15:23
TweetSchestowitz@ProPublica 16 15:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Fun fact:Apr 16 15:29
TweetSchestowitz @mmasnick       Apr 16 15:29
TweetSchestowitz                 The Trump admin is secretly issuing waivers to its ownApr 16 15:29
TweetSchestowitz                 ethics rules.Apr 16 15:29
TweetSchestowitz                 Apr 16 15:29
TweetSchestowitz         ( 16 15:29
TweetSchestowitz        16 15:29
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:29
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cookies are Not Accepted - New York TimesApr 16 15:29
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ProPublica: Fun fact: The Trump admin is secretly issuing waivers to its own ethics rules. 16 15:29
TweetSchestowitz@neeratanden 16 15:30
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       When GOP lost in 2012, autopsy published in March. It'sApr 16 15:30
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     April: no autopsy from Dems - in far worse shape: stillApr 16 15:30
TweetSchestowitz                 nothing but blame-shifting. 16 15:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Of course he's not credible. Quick- who used WikileaksApr 16 15:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ more to batter Hillary- Trump or The Intercept? I sayApr 16 15:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ toss up. ( 16 15:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:30
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 15:33
TweetSchestowitz                 David Schleinkofer 1/2Apr 16 15:33
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 15:33
TweetSchestowitz        16 15:33
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | 70sscifiart: David Schleinkofer | Raiders of the Lost TumblrApr 16 15:33
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: David Schleinkofer 1/2 16 15:33
TweetSchestowitz@lesmondine 16 15:34
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Someone on Facebook has just discovered the concept ofApr 16 15:34
TweetSchestowitz @mmasnick       plants. 16 15:34
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:34
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@lesmondine: Someone on Facebook has just discovered the concept of plants. 16 15:34
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot 16 15:37
TweetSchestowitz                 Religion Meets Virtual Reality:  Christianity-Themed VRApr 16 15:37
TweetSchestowitz                 Demo Scheduled For Easter 16 15:37
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 15:37
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:37
-TechrightsSocial/ | Religion Meets Virtual Reality: Christianity-Themed VR Demo Scheduled For Easter - SlashdotApr 16 15:37
TweetSchestowitz@samgeall 16 15:38
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Sorry this is a very interesting bit on Al Jazeera but IApr 16 15:38
TweetSchestowitz @mmasnick       can't be the only one who is still just watching the doorApr 16 15:38
TweetSchestowitz        16 15:38
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:38
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@samgeall: Sorry this is a very interesting bit on Al Jazeera but I can't be the only one who is still just watching the door 16 15:38
TweetSchestowitz@steve_vladeck 16 15:39
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    "...the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and toApr 16 15:39
TweetSchestowitz @glynco         petition the Government for a redress of grievances…"Apr 16 15:39
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 15:39
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:39
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@realDonaldTrump: Someone should look into who paid for the small organized rallies yesterday. The election is over!Apr 16 15:39
TweetSchestowitz@kylegriffin1 16 15:40
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    "I've never been so concerned, as I am now, for the stateApr 16 15:40
TweetSchestowitz @glynco         of this country & world relations"—Col. LawrenceApr 16 15:40
TweetSchestowitz                 Wilkerson ( 16 15:40
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:40
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@amjoyshow: "I've never been so concerned for this country and world relationships" Col. Lawrence Wilkerson RETWEET2AGREE #AMJoy 16 15:40
TweetSchestowitz@cshperspectives 16 15:46
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    "FASEB permits the submission of preprint manuscripts”Apr 16 15:46
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      :-) ( 16 15:46
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:46
-TechrightsSocial/ | EDITORIAL POLICIESApr 16 15:46
TweetSchestowitz@reihan 16 15:46
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Resolution of "Fearless Girl" dilemma: Add new statuaryApr 16 15:46
TweetSchestowitz @mmasnick       around fearless girl to create impression she wantonlyApr 16 15:46
TweetSchestowitz                 murdered bull's family?Apr 16 15:46
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:46
TweetSchestowitz@reihan 16 15:47
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Eventually we'll have this amazing menagerie of statuesApr 16 15:47
TweetSchestowitz @mmasnick       and counter-statues covering much of Lower Manhattan.Apr 16 15:47
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:47
TweetSchestowitz@AnshelPfeffer 16 15:48
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    So an hour ago I wrote about how most Turks seem to trustApr 16 15:48
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      the vote-counting and now this happens.Apr 16 15:48
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 15:48
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:48
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@nateschenkkan: Um, last minute change by elections board to allow votes without official stamp to be counted? 16 15:48
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@cnnturk: #SONDAKİKA YSK açıkladı: Mühürsüz oylar da sayılacak #TürkiyeninKararı 16 15:48
TweetSchestowitz@selingirit 16 15:48
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    High Electoral Board rules to accept unsealed ballotApr 16 15:48
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      papers in the vote. The No campaigners say this isApr 16 15:48
TweetSchestowitz                 scandalous ( 16 15:48
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:48
-TechrightsSocial/ | YSK Başkanı'ndan son dakika açıklaması - Son Dakika Gündem HaberleriApr 16 15:48
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 15:49
TweetSchestowitz                 An Australian #Patent Troll, Global Equity Management, isApr 16 15:49
TweetSchestowitz                 a Bully Not Just in the Patent Sense, Explains the #EFFApr 16 15:49
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 15:49
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | An Australian Patent Troll, Global Equity Management (SA) Pty Ltd (GEMSA), is a Bully Not Just in the Patent Sense, Explains the EFF | TechrightsApr 16 15:49
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 15:49
TweetSchestowitz                 @zoobab An Australian Patent Troll, #GEMSA , is a BullyApr 16 15:49
TweetSchestowitz                 Not Just in the Patent  Sense, Explains the EFF Apr 16 15:49
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 15:49
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:49
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 15:49
TweetSchestowitz                 @glynmoody An Australian Patent Troll, GEMSA , is a BullyApr 16 15:49
TweetSchestowitz                 Not Just in the Patent  Sense, Explains the EFF Apr 16 15:49
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 15:49
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:49
TweetSchestowitz@EricLiptonNYT 16 15:50
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Trump administration is secretly granting waivers toApr 16 15:50
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      former lobbyists so they can ignore White House ethicsApr 16 15:50
TweetSchestowitz                 rules ( 16 15:50
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:50
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cookies are Not Accepted - New York TimesApr 16 15:50
TweetSchestowitz@Nick_Ashdown 16 15:51
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Votes without the required seal to be accepted. CNNTürkApr 16 15:51
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      said the same. Is it safe to day this is unprecedented?Apr 16 15:51
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 15:51
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:51
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@eerdem: I'm announcing the result of the #Turkeyreferendum: Yes wins. This, from election board website, is an invitation t… 16 15:51
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@eerdem: I'm announcing the result of the #Turkeyreferendum: Yes wins. This, from election board website, is an invitation t… 16 15:51
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 15:52
TweetSchestowitz                 If you're following #DRM at @W3C, this is a pretty goodApr 16 15:52
TweetSchestowitz                 summary of the state of play if I do say so myselfApr 16 15:52
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 15:52
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:52
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Formal objection: new browsers and EME · Issue #379 · w3c/encrypted-media · GitHubApr 16 15:52
TweetSchestowitz@TefoMohapi 16 15:54
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Terrestrial fiber optic cables in Africa.Apr 16 15:54
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody 16 15:54
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:54
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@TefoMohapi: Terrestrial fiber optic cables in Africa. 16 15:54
TweetSchestowitz@EU_Commission 16 15:54
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       #brexiters say: "peace, democracy, solidarity" - whoApr 16 15:54
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      needs it? - nah, not us, we're leaving...Apr 16 15:54
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 15:54
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ From a continent ravaged by war and famine to a uniqueApr 16 15:54
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Union with strong common values, this is the story of theApr 16 15:54
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ EU 🇪🇺 #EU60 ( 16 15:54
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@EU_Commission: From a continent ravaged by war and famine to a unique Union with strong common values, this is the story of the EU… 16 15:54
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:54
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@EU_Commission: From a continent ravaged by war and famine to a unique Union with strong common values, this is the story of the EU… 16 15:54
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@EU_Commission: From a continent ravaged by war and famine to a unique Union with strong common values, this is the story of the EU… 16 15:54
TweetSchestowitz@bykevinj 16 15:55
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       Hey @JohnBostain - was this what it was like for you andApr 16 15:55
TweetSchestowitz @glynco         Dante Speller? ( 16 15:55
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Community policing--Camden style: 16 15:55
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 15:55
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@bykevinj: Community policing--Camden style: 16 15:55
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:55
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@CamdenCountyPD: Officer Omari Clark having fun while on patrol today; showing he's ready for some playing time with the @sixers 16 15:55
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 15:55
TweetSchestowitz                 #epo cannot complain about new terrible leaks if it'sApr 16 15:55
TweetSchestowitz                 Easter Sunday... ( 16 15:55
TweetSchestowitz                 coming up soon...Apr 16 15:55
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:55
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Twitter web playerApr 16 15:55
TweetSchestowitz@prisonlegalnews 16 15:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Charged fees on a prison or jail debit release card?Apr 16 15:56
TweetSchestowitz @JohnKiriakou   Contact LearnApr 16 15:56
TweetSchestowitz                 more: ( 16 15:56
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:56
-TechrightsSocial/ | Stop Prison Profiteering | Nation InsideApr 16 15:56
TweetSchestowitz@KFILE  16 15:56
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       Nobody rational could deny that 1) NYT, WP, NBC & manyApr 16 15:56
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     others covered WL emails more than we; 2) their impactApr 16 15:56
TweetSchestowitz                 was far bigger. ( 16 15:56
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ @neeratanden @ggreenwald @armando Imperfect, but GoogleApr 16 15:56
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ site search by date shows more mentions on NY and WaPo ofApr 16 15:56
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Wikileaks than The Intercept ( July-November.Apr 16 15:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@KFILE: @neeratanden @ggreenwald @armando Imperfect, but Google site search by date shows more mentions on NY and WaPo of W… 16 15:56
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:56
TweetSchestowitz@arzugeybulla 16 15:57
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    .@Hurriyet shares its online link to watch results liveApr 16 15:57
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      as they are officially announced 16 15:57
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #TurkeyReferendumApr 16 15:57
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:57
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Hurriyet: #SONDAKİKA Oy verme işlemi bitti! İnternette asılsız veriler dolaşıyor.. Gerçek sonuçlar'de… 16 15:57
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @'de… )Apr 16 15:57
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Hurriyet: #SONDAKİKA Oy verme işlemi bitti! İnternette asılsız veriler dolaşıyor.. Gerçek sonuçlar'de… 16 15:57
TweetSchestowitz@KFILE  16 15:59
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       And it's not a persuasive excuse for party operatives toApr 16 15:59
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     say: "we would've win if only media hadn't reported badApr 16 15:59
TweetSchestowitz                 things about our candidate" ( 16 15:59
TweetSchestowitz        16 15:59
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ @neeratanden @ggreenwald @armando Imperfect, but GoogleApr 16 15:59
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ site search by date shows more mentions on NY and WaPo ofApr 16 15:59
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Wikileaks than The Intercept ( July-November.Apr 16 15:59
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:59
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 15:59
TweetSchestowitz                 The #manchester United lineup against #chelsea today isApr 16 15:59
TweetSchestowitz                 so appalling that I won't even bother watching. #muncheApr 16 15:59
TweetSchestowitz                 #mufcApr 16 15:59
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 15:59
TweetSchestowitz@lmartods 16 16:00
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    and there's this whopper 16 16:00
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        Apr 16 16:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@lmartods: and there's this whopper 16 16:00
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig 16 16:00
TweetSchestowitz                 Many Democrats worried about @HillaryClinton & stillApr 16 16:00
TweetSchestowitz                 unable to blame her & themselves for #Election2016Apr 16 16:00
TweetSchestowitz                 #larryslist 16 16:00
TweetSchestowitz        16 16:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Why Do Democrats Feel Sorry for Hillary Clinton? - Larry's List - TruthdigApr 16 16:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Truthdig: Many Democrats worried about @HillaryClinton & still unable to blame her & themselves for #Election2016 #larryslist… 16 16:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Truthdig: Many Democrats worried about @HillaryClinton & still unable to blame her & themselves for #Election2016 #larryslist… 16 16:00
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 16:02
TweetSchestowitz                 David Schleinkofer 2/2Apr 16 16:02
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 16:02
TweetSchestowitz        16 16:02
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | 70sscifiart: David Schleinkofer | Raiders of the Lost TumblrApr 16 16:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: David Schleinkofer 2/2 16 16:02
TweetSchestowitz@PCGTW  16 16:04
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       Italy wants to protect the environment and avoidApr 16 16:04
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      earthquakes; Rockhopper says its profits are moreApr 16 16:04
TweetSchestowitz                 important than those... #ISDS 16 16:04
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 16:04
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Drilling multinaltional Rockhopper launches #ISDS claimApr 16 16:04
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ against Italy on the basis of future lost profits.Apr 16 16:04
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PCGTW: Drilling multinaltional Rockhopper launches #ISDS claim against Italy on the basis of future lost profits. 16 16:04
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 16:04
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:04
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Rockhopper launches arbitration claim against Italy | ISDS PlatformApr 16 16:04
TweetSchestowitz@rudemrlang 16 16:05
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       we must speak up against this new, insidious lie at everyApr 16 16:05
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      turn. reality is that UK has not been this divided forApr 16 16:05
TweetSchestowitz                 centuries... #brexit 16 16:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 16:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ She's on glue. 16 16:05
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@rudemrlang: She's on glue. 16 16:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@rudemrlang: She's on glue. 16 16:05
TweetSchestowitz@truthout 16 16:11
TweetSchestowitz                 Single-Payer #healthcare Is Seeing Record Support inApr 16 16:11
TweetSchestowitz                 Congress ( 16 16:11
TweetSchestowitz                 #medicare4all @mcorcoran3Apr 16 16:11
-TechrightsSocial/ | Single-Payer Health Care Is Seeing Record Support in CongressApr 16 16:11
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:11
TweetSchestowitz@jackerhack 16 16:17
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Just tried. This is real. @ceo_uidai please get thisApr 16 16:17
TweetSchestowitz @anivar         fixed. 16 16:17
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:17
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@jackerhack: Just tried. This is real. @ceo_uidai please get this fixed. 16 16:17
TweetSchestowitz@anivar 16 16:18
TweetSchestowitz                 Hacked: How $171 mn stolen from Union Bank was recoveredApr 16 16:18
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 16:18
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:18
-TechrightsSocial/ | Hacked: How $171 mn stolen from Union Bank was recovered - The HinduApr 16 16:18
TweetSchestowitz@rudemrlang 16 16:18
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    She's on glue. 16 16:18
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        Apr 16 16:18
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:18
TweetSchestowitz@beastoftraal 16 16:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    This is *HILARIOUS* :) 16 16:22
TweetSchestowitz @anivar         Apr 16 16:22
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@beastoftraal: This is *HILARIOUS* :) 16 16:22
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 16:30
TweetSchestowitz                 #IAM is a Think Tank for #Patent Trolls, SoftwareApr 16 16:30
TweetSchestowitz                 Patents, the EPO, Microsoft, and Whoever Else is WillingApr 16 16:30
TweetSchestowitz                 to Pay ( 16 16:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:30
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 16:30
TweetSchestowitz                 Convection ovenApr 16 16:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | IAM is a Think Tank for Patent Trolls, Software Patents, the EPO, Microsoft, and Whoever Else is Willing to Pay | TechrightsApr 16 16:30
TweetSchestowitz        16 16:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 16:30
TweetSchestowitz        16 16:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Vault Of The Atomic Space AgeApr 16 16:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Convection oven 16 16:30
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 16:30
TweetSchestowitz                 @zoobab IAM is a Think Tank for Patent Trolls, SoftwareApr 16 16:30
TweetSchestowitz                 Patents, the EPO, and  Whoever Else is Willing to Pay Apr 16 16:30
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 16:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:30
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 16:36
TweetSchestowitz                 @glynmoody IAM is a Think Tank for Patent Trolls,Apr 16 16:36
TweetSchestowitz                 Software Patents, the EPO, and  Whoever Else is WillingApr 16 16:36
TweetSchestowitz                 to Pay ( 16 16:36
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:36
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot 16 16:40
TweetSchestowitz                 88% Of Medical 'Second Opinions' Give A DifferentApr 16 16:40
TweetSchestowitz                 Diagnosis - And So Do Some AI 16 16:40
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 16:40
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | 88% Of Medical 'Second Opinions' Give A Different Diagnosis - And So Do Some AI - SlashdotApr 16 16:40
TweetSchestowitz@BrendanNyhan 16 16:44
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    The irony of demanding to find out who paid for ralliesApr 16 16:44
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      about his undisclosed tax returns... wowApr 16 16:44
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 16:44
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:44
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@realDonaldTrump: Someone should look into who paid for the small organized rallies yesterday. The election is over!Apr 16 16:44
TweetSchestowitz@arzugeybulla 16 16:45
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    72.4% ballots opened 54.6% yes vs. 45.4% noApr 16 16:45
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #Turkeyreferendum #TurkeyVotes #ReferendumTurkeyApr 16 16:45
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:45
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 16:45
TweetSchestowitz                 “The situation is unfortunately getting out of control atApr 16 16:45
TweetSchestowitz                 the EPO.” ( 16 16:45
TweetSchestowitz                 #epo #battistelliApr 16 16:45
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:45
-TechrightsSocial/ | The EPO and the Problem of the Right Speed (II) - Examination Proceedings - Kluwer Patent BlogApr 16 16:45
TweetSchestowitz@TheWorldPost 16 16:47
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    The U.S. military thinks missiles and bombs work betterApr 16 16:47
TweetSchestowitz @glynco         with a strategy, too 16 16:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 16:47
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:47
-TechrightsSocial/ | The U.S. Military Thinks Missiles And Bombs Work Better With A Strategy, Too | The Huffington PostApr 16 16:47
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@TheWorldPost: The U.S. military thinks missiles and bombs work better with a strategy, too 16 16:47
TweetSchestowitz@CNN    16 16:48
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       The US media's excitement over, and admiration of, USApr 16 16:48
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     Govt bombing is as grotesque as it is illuminating.Apr 16 16:48
TweetSchestowitz                 Listen to @DanRather on this: 16 16:48
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 16:48
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ What makes a person presidential is whether or not theyApr 16 16:48
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ can "keep the peace," @DanRather tells @brianstelterApr 16 16:48
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@CNN: What makes a person presidential is whether or not they can "keep the peace," @DanRather tells @brianstelter 16 16:48
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 16:48
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:48
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | NO TITLEApr 16 16:48
TweetSchestowitz@KurtWagner8 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    More than half his holdings 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:49
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Recode: WhatsApp’s Jan Koum sold or gifted more than $5 billion worth of Facebook stock last year 16 16:49
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | WhatsApp’s Jan Koum sold or gifted more than $5 billion worth of Facebook over the past year - RecodeApr 16 16:49
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Recode: WhatsApp’s Jan Koum sold or gifted more than $5 billion worth of Facebook stock last year 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz@ggreenwald 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       If Trump embraces bipartisan imperial consensus, willApr 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     pundits realize how toxic it is, or rehabilitate him asApr 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz                 statesman? So far, the latter: ( 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz        16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Now that Trump is bombing things & affirming DC pieties,Apr 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ the WashPost's establishment-centrist pundits areApr 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ starting to welcome him 16 16:49
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ggreenwald: Now that Trump is bombing things & affirming DC pieties, the WashPost's establishment-centrist pundits are starting… 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:49
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ggreenwald: Now that Trump is bombing things & affirming DC pieties, the WashPost's establishment-centrist pundits are starting… 16 16:49
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ggreenwald: Now that Trump is bombing things & affirming DC pieties, the WashPost's establishment-centrist pundits are starting… 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz@ManUtd 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       Such a great result (so far) with so weak - at least onApr 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    paper - squad. Maybe Jose knows the rival too well. ;-)Apr 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ HT: #MUFC 1 Chelsea 0. So far, so good! We're deservedlyApr 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ahead thanks to @MarcusRashford's clinical early strike.Apr 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ #MUNCHE ( 16 16:49
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ManUtd: HT: #MUFC 1 Chelsea 0. So far, so good! We're deservedly ahead thanks to @MarcusRashford's clinical early strike.… 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:49
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ManUtd: HT: #MUFC 1 Chelsea 0. So far, so good! We're deservedly ahead thanks to @MarcusRashford's clinical early strike.… 16 16:49
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ManUtd: HT: #MUFC 1 Chelsea 0. So far, so good! We're deservedly ahead thanks to @MarcusRashford's clinical early strike.… 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz@ABCWorldNews 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       #GeeseLivesMatter protest? 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz @glynco         ( 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ A Clarksville Police Department detective was walkingApr 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ back into the station when a Canada goose jumped on him,Apr 16 16:49
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ABCWorldNews: A Clarksville Police Department detective was walking back into the station when a Canada goose jumped on him, send… 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ sending him scrambling 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 16:49
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ABCWorldNews: A Clarksville Police Department detective was walking back into the station when a Canada goose jumped on him, send… 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:49
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ABCWorldNews: A Clarksville Police Department detective was walking back into the station when a Canada goose jumped on him, send… 16 16:49
TweetSchestowitz@Roran_Stehl 16 16:55
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       "Presidential" - #USMedia 16 16:55
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     ( 16 16:55
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ @ggreenwald @DanRather 16 16:55
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:55
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Roran_Stehl: @ggreenwald @DanRather 16 16:55
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Roran_Stehl: @ggreenwald @DanRather 16 16:55
TweetSchestowitz@aral   16 16:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    According to this MP, Instanbul stands at 54.26% for No.Apr 16 16:56
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      CNN Turk puts it at 47.9%.Apr 16 16:56
TweetSchestowitz                 Apr 16 16:56
TweetSchestowitz                 #TurkishReferendum ( 16 16:56
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MTanal: İstanbul da açılan sandıklarda %54.26 Hayır .Apr 16 16:56
TweetSchestowitz@arzugeybulla 16 16:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #Istanbul just reached full equality in yes and no votesApr 16 16:56
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #Turkeyreferendum #Turkeyvotes #referendumTurkeyApr 16 16:56
TweetSchestowitz        16 16:56
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@arzugeybulla: #Istanbul just reached full equality in yes and no votes #Turkeyreferendum #Turkeyvotes #referendumTurkey 16 16:56
TweetSchestowitz@ReutersWorld 16 16:57
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    MORE: Deputy chairman of Turkey's main opposition CHPApr 16 16:57
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      says illegal acts being carried out in favor ofApr 16 16:57
TweetSchestowitz                 governmentApr 16 16:57
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:57
TweetSchestowitz@aral   16 16:58
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       not suspicious at all... #turkey 16 16:58
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( 16 16:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Last minute: Election board stops sending stats toApr 16 16:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ members of opposition CHP after they use them to refuteApr 16 16:58
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@aral: Last minute: Election board stops sending stats to members of opposition CHP after they use them to refute stats by… 16 16:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ stats by state-run @anadoluagency ( 16 16:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ 16 16:58
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@aral: Last minute: Election board stops sending stats to members of opposition CHP after they use them to refute stats by… 16 16:58
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:58
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@denizhkymz: Son dakika haberi… YSK, CHP’ye verdiği verileri kesti – Sözcü Gazetesi #gazetesozcu @gazetesozcu aracılığıylaApr 16 16:58
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Son dakika haberi… YSK, CHP’ye verdiği verileri kesti – Sözcü GazetesiApr 16 16:58
TweetSchestowitz@aral   16 16:58
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Istanbul swings to “no”Apr 16 16:58
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Apr 16 16:58
TweetSchestowitz                 #TurkishReferendum 16 16:58
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:58
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@aral: Istanbul swings to “no” #TurkishReferendum 16 16:58
TweetSchestowitz@NatashaBertrand 16 16:59
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Pretty savage @CNN graphic here. 16 16:59
TweetSchestowitz @glynco         Apr 16 16:59
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 16:59
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NatashaBertrand: Pretty savage @CNN graphic here. 16 16:59
TweetSchestowitz@BaFana3 16 17:00
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       If KSA had an army like this ready to go why didn't theyApr 16 17:00
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     prevent the massacres in Syria?Apr 16 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 Apr 16 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 (Don't answer that.) 16 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ #Saudi Arabia military spox Gen Assiri : We have 100,000Apr 16 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Saudi soldiers on the border, and they will be able toApr 16 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BaFana3: #Saudi Arabia military spox Gen Assiri : We have 100,000 Saudi soldiers on the border, and they will be able to occ… 16 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ occupy #Yemen in a few days. ( 16 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ 16 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BaFana3: #Saudi Arabia military spox Gen Assiri : We have 100,000 Saudi soldiers on the border, and they will be able to occ… 16 17:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BaFana3: #Saudi Arabia military spox Gen Assiri : We have 100,000 Saudi soldiers on the border, and they will be able to occ… 16 17:00
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig 16 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 We are witnessing the spread of a new, progressive formApr 16 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 of #federalism. By @BlumsLaw 16 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 17:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Bill Blum: A New, Progressive Form of Federalism Is Spreading With the GOP in Control - TruthdigApr 16 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Truthdig: We are witnessing the spread of a new, progressive form of #federalism. By @BlumsLaw 16 17:00
TweetSchestowitz@truthout 16 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 The "Mother of All Bombs" Is Big, Deadly -- and Won'tApr 16 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 Lead to Peace ( 16 17:00
TweetSchestowitz                 #MOAB @medeabenjaminApr 16 17:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | The "Mother of All Bombs" Is Big, Deadly -- and Won't Lead to PeaceApr 16 17:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:00
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 17:08
TweetSchestowitz                 Zenith Portable Radios,Apr 16 17:08
TweetSchestowitz        16 17:08
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 17:08
TweetSchestowitz        16 17:08
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Vault Of The Atomic Space AgeApr 16 17:08
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:08
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Zenith Portable Radios, 16 17:08
TweetSchestowitz@KimDotcom 16 17:10
TweetSchestowitz                 Must read: Don’t underestimate what Kim Dotcom could pullApr 16 17:10
TweetSchestowitz                 off with Megaupload 2.0 16 17:10
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 17:10
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | Don’t underestimate what Kim Dotcom could pull off with Megaupload 2.0 - The ParallaxApr 16 17:10
TweetSchestowitz@nateschenkkan 16 17:10
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Erdogan won the presidency with 52% against a patheticApr 16 17:10
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      MHP-CHP candidate & Demirtas. He won't care if he winsApr 16 17:10
TweetSchestowitz                 with 50 + 1 vote.Apr 16 17:10
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:10
TweetSchestowitz@nateschenkkan 16 17:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Weaker monitoring of overseas votes winds up being quiteApr 16 17:13
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      important ( 16 17:13
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:13
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@06JAnk: Looks like the addition of overseas votes will swing the total just 1% in the Yes direction overall 16 17:13
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@dw_turkce: Anayasa Referandumu (Yurt dışı) Açılan Sandık: %84,26 EVET %60,38, HAYIR %39,62 16 17:13
TweetSchestowitz@AnshelPfeffer 16 17:13
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Despite dramatically closing gap, most Turkish channelsApr 16 17:13
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      predicting "Yes" win, showing archive footage of ErdoganApr 16 17:13
TweetSchestowitz                 rallies. Creating narrativeApr 16 17:13
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:13
TweetSchestowitz@helenprejean 16 17:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Aren't you the same guy who just yesterday was clamoringApr 16 17:15
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      to kill prisoners? ( 16 17:15
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@TomCottonAR: Happy Easter to all! He is risen. He is risen indeed!Apr 16 17:15
TweetSchestowitz@TimCushing 16 17:21
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       The fine print on Delta's new generous voluntary bumpingApr 16 17:21
TweetSchestowitz @mmasnick       process is kind of important, apparently.Apr 16 17:21
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 17:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Delta will now pay up to $9,950 to overbooked passengers,Apr 16 17:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ but don’t count on cash ( 16 17:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ 16 17:21
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@TimCushing: Delta will now pay up to $9,950 to overbooked passengers, but don’t count on cash 16 17:21
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:21
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Delta will now pay up to $9,950 to overbooked passengers, but don’t count on cash — QuartzApr 16 17:21
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@TimCushing: Delta will now pay up to $9,950 to overbooked passengers, but don’t count on cash 16 17:21
TweetSchestowitz@arzugeybulla 16 17:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    92.3% ballots opened and some 91.2% votes counted here isApr 16 17:22
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      most recent update on #TurkeyReferendum resultsApr 16 17:22
TweetSchestowitz        16 17:22
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@arzugeybulla: 92.3% ballots opened and some 91.2% votes counted here is most recent update on #TurkeyReferendum results 16 17:22
*TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody deleted 'RT @arzugeybulla: 92.3% ballots opened and some 91.2%...'Apr 16 17:22
TweetSchestowitz@arzugeybulla 16 17:25
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       bit suspicious how these votes keep ending up 52%/48%....Apr 16 17:25
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #brexit ( 16 17:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ 92.3% ballots opened and some 91.2% votes counted here isApr 16 17:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ most recent update on #TurkeyReferendum resultsApr 16 17:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ 16 17:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@arzugeybulla: 92.3% ballots opened and some 91.2% votes counted here is most recent update on #TurkeyReferendum results 16 17:25
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:25
TweetSchestowitz@gordogan 16 17:25
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @doctorow ...and this is how it looks like today...Apr 16 17:25
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow 16 17:25
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@gordogan: @doctorow ...and this is how it looks like today... 16 17:25
TweetSchestowitz@Harpers 16 17:28
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    “As far as we know, there were 5 of us [who] receivedApr 16 17:28
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      duplicates of Snowden’s shipment”–@DaleMaharidge &Apr 16 17:28
TweetSchestowitz                 @jessbruder ( 16 17:28
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:28
-TechrightsSocial/ | [Report] | Snowden’s Box, Jessica Bruder and Dale Maharidge | Harper's MagazineApr 16 17:28
TweetSchestowitz@mgerrydoyle 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       I was wondering whether (given all the shit TAO has takenApr 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     this weekend) we had them to thank for yesterday'sApr 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz                 fizzle. Here's a case against. 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ important bit is it's not giving u.s. the power to zapApr 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ missiles or order them to self destruct. it's creatingApr 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ destructive flaws in them 16 17:29
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mgerrydoyle: important bit is it's not giving u.s. the power to zap missiles or order them to self destruct. it's creating destr… 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:29
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mgerrydoyle: important bit is it's not giving u.s. the power to zap missiles or order them to self destruct. it's creating destr… 16 17:29
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mgerrydoyle: here's a good look at what "cyber interference" in dprk missile program looks like: 16 17:29
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Cookies are Not Accepted - New York TimesApr 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz@davidsirota 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Theory: The word "resist" is used by DC Dems to meanApr 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        "resist any progressive threat to the Dem PartyApr 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz                 establishment" 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:29
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@davidsirota: Theory: The word "resist" is used by DC Dems to mean "resist any progressive threat to the Dem Party establishment" 16 17:29
TweetSchestowitz@adamjohnsonNYC 16 17:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    if North Korea nuclear tests are "provocations"Apr 16 17:30
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        justifying bombing by foreign powers what are AmericanApr 16 17:30
TweetSchestowitz                 nuclear tests ( 16 17:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-US conducts a new nuclear bomb test - AxiosApr 16 17:30
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 17:33
TweetSchestowitz                 International RescueApr 16 17:33
TweetSchestowitz        16 17:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 17:33
TweetSchestowitz        16 17:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Vault Of The Atomic Space AgeApr 16 17:33
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:33
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: International Rescue 16 17:33
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 17:34
TweetSchestowitz                 #EPO #Patent Quality and Quality of Service Have Become aApr 16 17:34
TweetSchestowitz                 Disaster, Say EPO Stakeholders 16 17:34
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #battistelliApr 16 17:34
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:34
-TechrightsSocial/ | EPO Patent Quality and Quality of Service Have Become a Disaster, Say EPO Stakeholders | TechrightsApr 16 17:34
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 17:36
TweetSchestowitz                 @zoobab EPO Patent Quality and Quality of Service HaveApr 16 17:36
TweetSchestowitz                 Become a Disaster, Say EPO StakeholdersApr 16 17:36
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 17:36
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:36
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 17:37
TweetSchestowitz                 @glynmoody  #EPO #Patent Quality and Quality of ServiceApr 16 17:37
TweetSchestowitz                 Have Become a Disaster, Say  EPO Stakeholders Apr 16 17:37
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 17:37
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:37
TweetSchestowitz@cfcpac 16 17:37
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       Hell yeah lol ( 16 17:37
TweetSchestowitz @kgosztola ( 16 17:37
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ == Troll Alert == Kevin Gosztola @kgosztola:  Apr 16 17:37
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( #Troll_AlertApr 16 17:37
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Radioactive - The Firm - YouTubeApr 16 17:37
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ 16 17:38
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:38
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@cfcpac: == Troll Alert == Kevin Gosztola @kgosztola: #Troll_Alert 16 17:38
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> == Troll Alert == Kevin Gosztola @kgosztola | CITIZENS FOR CHANGE - Linkis.comApr 16 17:38
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@cfcpac: == Troll Alert == Kevin Gosztola @kgosztola: #Troll_Alert 16 17:38
TweetSchestowitz@kgosztola 16 17:38
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    In defense of skepticism around narrative for allegedApr 16 17:38
TweetSchestowitz @kgosztola      chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun in SyriaApr 16 17:38
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 17:38
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:38
-TechrightsSocial/ | In Defense Of Skepticism Around Alleged Chemical Attack In SyriaApr 16 17:38
TweetSchestowitz@arzugeybulla 16 17:40
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Turks in #Azerbaijan voted No in #TurkeyreferendumApr 16 17:40
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody 16 17:40
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:40
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@arzugeybulla: Turks in #Azerbaijan voted No in #Turkeyreferendum 16 17:40
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks 16 17:41
TweetSchestowitz                 #CIA fired more people for a food fight than it did forApr 16 17:41
TweetSchestowitz                 its bogus reports that led to the Iraq war and ISIS Apr 16 17:41
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 17:41
TweetSchestowitz        16 17:41
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:41
-TechrightsSocial/ | The CIA fired "three or four" employees over a cafeteria food fightApr 16 17:41
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@wikileaks: #CIA fired more people for a food fight than it did for its bogus reports that led to the Iraq war and ISIS… 16 17:41
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@wikileaks: #CIA fired more people for a food fight than it did for its bogus reports that led to the Iraq war and ISIS… 16 17:41
TweetSchestowitz@AP     16 17:41
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       Why of course the all-powerful lib dark lord EmperorApr 16 17:41
TweetSchestowitz @kgosztola      George Soros paid for them! No one actually is genuinelyApr 16 17:41
TweetSchestowitz                 upset with you! ( 16 17:41
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Trump reacts to rallies demanding release of his taxApr 16 17:41
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ returns by saying someone "paid for" protests.Apr 16 17:41
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 17:41
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@AP: Trump reacts to rallies demanding release of his tax returns by saying someone "paid for" protests. 16 17:41
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:41
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Trump: 'Who paid for' rallies seeking release of tax returnsApr 16 17:41
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 17:42
TweetSchestowitz                 @wikileaks In the eyes of one who "thinks big" (likeApr 16 17:42
TweetSchestowitz                 assassination), a business card is cause for greaterApr 16 17:42
TweetSchestowitz                 disturbance. #AmericanPsycho #CIAApr 16 17:42
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:42
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@ManUtd @MarcusRashford Such a great result (so far)...'Apr 16 17:42
*TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz retweeted @schestowitz: '@wikileaks In the eyes of one who "thinks...'Apr 16 17:45
TweetSchestowitz@truthout 16 17:51
TweetSchestowitz                 The Legacy of #Monsanto's #PCBs: Oozing Pus, BirthApr 16 17:51
TweetSchestowitz                 Defects and Immune Problems 16 17:51
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 17:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Legacy of Monsanto's PCBs: Oozing Pus, Birth Defects and Immune ProblemsApr 16 17:51
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:51
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot 16 17:51
TweetSchestowitz                 Researchers Find 25,000 Domains Used In Tech SupportApr 16 17:51
TweetSchestowitz                 Scams ( 16 17:51
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:51
-TechrightsSocial/ | Researchers Find 25,000 Domains Used In Tech Support Scams - SlashdotApr 16 17:51
TweetSchestowitz@06JAnk 16 17:52
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Some AKP-supporting extremists, seeing the vote on aApr 16 17:52
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      knife edge, are already calling for warApr 16 17:52
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 17:52
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:52
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@cumhuriyetgzt: Cem Küçük 'HAYIR' oyları yükselince bu tweeti attı: Savaşa hazır olun 16 17:52
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Cem Küçük 'HAYIR' oyları yükselince bu tweeti attı: Savaşa hazır olun - Cumhuriyet Siyaset HaberleriApr 16 17:52
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@cumhuriyetgzt: Cem Küçük 'HAYIR' oyları yükselince bu tweeti attı: Savaşa hazır olun 16 17:52
TweetSchestowitz@daeaves 16 17:52
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Ah, the irony of catching worrisome article in theApr 16 17:52
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      @nationalpost home of many a climate change denyingApr 16 17:52
TweetSchestowitz                 columnist: 16 17:52
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 17:52
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:52
-TechrightsSocial/ | NASA snapped first photos of a mysterious and worrisome crack in one of Greenland’s largest glaciers | National PostApr 16 17:52
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@wikileaks In the eyes of one who "thinks...'Apr 16 17:53
TweetSchestowitz@alaskaHQ 16 17:53
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Gentle reminder. ( 16 17:53
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Apr 16 17:53
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:53
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@m_clem: "Vote" in Turkey happening with opposition leaders jailed, newspapers shuttered, most journalists imprisoned anywhere. Outcome irrelevant.Apr 16 17:53
TweetSchestowitz@ManUtd 16 17:53
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    FT: #MUFC 2 Chelsea 0. Fantastic! 😃 #MUNCHEApr 16 17:53
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz 16 17:53
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:53
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ManUtd: FT: #MUFC 2 Chelsea 0. Fantastic! 😃 #MUNCHE 16 17:53
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 17:56
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @ManUtd Great game. Next up: Europa Cup. Bring it home!Apr 16 17:56
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    It's in your hands.Apr 16 17:56
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:56
TweetSchestowitz@toluogunlesi 16 17:56
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       lovely to see such passion for learning...Apr 16 17:56
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 16 17:56
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ The rescued #ChibokGirls speak about their education. AApr 16 17:56
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ good number of them want to become Medical DoctorsApr 16 17:56
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Full Doc: ( 16 17:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@toluogunlesi: The rescued #ChibokGirls speak about their education. A good number of them want to become Medical Doctors Full Doc… 16 17:56
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ 16 17:56
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@toluogunlesi: The rescued #ChibokGirls speak about their education. A good number of them want to become Medical Doctors Full Doc… 16 17:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-COMING HOME - CHIBOK GIRLS DOCUMENTARY - YouTubeApr 16 17:56
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@toluogunlesi: The rescued #ChibokGirls speak about their education. A good number of them want to become Medical Doctors Full Doc… 16 17:56
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 17:57
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #Apple 's Legal Actions Against Android and AgainstApr 16 17:57
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    #Qualcomm Could Eventually Weaken Patents at Two LevelsApr 16 17:57
TweetSchestowitz        ( #swpatsApr 16 17:57
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:57
-TechrightsSocial/ | Apple’s Legal Actions Against Android and Against Qualcomm Could Eventually Weaken Patents at Two Levels | TechrightsApr 16 17:57
TweetSchestowitz@nblaser18 16 17:57
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Pro-AKP pundits monopolized media, state resources, facedApr 16 17:57
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      off against a criminalized opposition, but –at best–Apr 16 17:57
TweetSchestowitz                 still only barely sold this.Apr 16 17:57
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:57
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 17:59
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Alice Decision and #PTAB Are Both Constantly Under AttackApr 16 17:59
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    From the #Patent Microcosm and Its LobbyistsApr 16 17:59
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 17:59
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | Alice Decision and PTAB Are Both Constantly Under Attack From the Patent Microcosm and Its Lobbyists | TechrightsApr 16 17:59
TweetSchestowitz@arzugeybulla 16 17:59
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    this captures precisely how i feel right now! perfect!Apr 16 17:59
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      just perfect! ( 16 17:59
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:59
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@emreayazjj: Seçim sonuçlarını izliyorum. 16 17:59
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@emreayazjj: Seçim sonuçlarını izliyorum. 16 17:59
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 17:59
TweetSchestowitz                 Today in #Techrights 16 17:59
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 17:59
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 17:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesApr 16 17:59
TweetSchestowitz@arzugeybulla 16 18:00
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       bit like #brexit... ( 16 18:00
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ▏ one thing this referendum proved yet again is that thisApr 16 18:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ country is divided in two #TurkeyVotes #TurkeyReferendumApr 16 18:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@arzugeybulla: one thing this referendum proved yet again is that this country is divided in two #TurkeyVotes #TurkeyReferendumApr 16 18:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:00
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig 16 18:00
TweetSchestowitz                 A new book explores the lives of families dealing withApr 16 18:00
TweetSchestowitz                 daily financial uncertainty and volatility. Read theApr 16 18:00
TweetSchestowitz                 review: 16 18:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Alexis Camins: The Financial Diaries - Book Review - TruthdigApr 16 18:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Truthdig: A new book explores the lives of families dealing with daily financial uncertainty and volatility. Read the review:… 16 18:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Truthdig: A new book explores the lives of families dealing with daily financial uncertainty and volatility. Read the review:… 16 18:00
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 18:02
TweetSchestowitz                 Control panelApr 16 18:02
TweetSchestowitz        16 18:02
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 18:02
TweetSchestowitz        16 18:02
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:02
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Vault Of The Atomic Space AgeApr 16 18:02
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Control panel 16 18:02
TweetSchestowitz@aral   16 18:05
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       erdogan can't claim he "won" in any meaningful senseApr 16 18:05
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      given the obstacles put in way of "#hayır"; and heApr 16 18:05
TweetSchestowitz                 clearly will, anyway... 16 18:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 18:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ “AKP has lost all of the major cities.”Apr 16 18:05
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 18:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@aral: “AKP has lost all of the major cities.” 16 18:05
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:05
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@solhaberportali: AKP tüm büyük şehirleri kaybetti 16 18:05
TweetSchestowitz@Reuters 16 18:06
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    'Yes' camp ahead, but not as strong as expected in TurkeyApr 16 18:06
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      referendum, deputy PM says: 16 18:06
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 18:06
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-'Yes' camp ahead, but not as strong as expected in Turkey referendum, deputy PM says | ReutersApr 16 18:06
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Reuters: 'Yes' camp ahead, but not as strong as expected in Turkey referendum, deputy PM says: 16 18:06
TweetSchestowitz@amberinzaman 16 18:07
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    With such a narrow margin and faced with such adversityApr 16 18:07
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      moral victory belongs to the No camp #TurkeyreferendumApr 16 18:07
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:07
TweetSchestowitz@FlyMackinnon 16 18:08
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       even before Scotland leaves, this is true...Apr 16 18:08
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 16 18:08
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ @IanDunt We are no longer a united Kingdom.Apr 16 18:08
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:08
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@FlyMackinnon: @IanDunt We are no longer a united Kingdom.Apr 16 18:08
TweetSchestowitz@IanDunt 16 18:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Just accidentally watched May's Easter message, with theApr 16 18:09
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      tatty candles, the pained face, the nonsense gibberishApr 16 18:09
TweetSchestowitz                 about Christianity andApr 16 18:09
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:09
TweetSchestowitz@nblaser18 16 18:10
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    This is the issue: lots of claims that there are moreApr 16 18:10
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      uncounted votes than number of 'unopened boxes' suggests.Apr 16 18:10
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 18:10
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:10
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@06JAnk: MHP rebel Özdağ tells Fox TV even if 93% of boxes have been opened, only 60% of the votes have been counted & 60% of them are under appealApr 16 18:10
TweetSchestowitz@EuropeElects 16 18:11
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       pretty clear division there... 16 18:11
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( 16 18:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Turkey, 95% counted:Apr 16 18:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Apr 16 18:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@EuropeElects: Turkey, 95% counted: Constitutional Referendum Yes: 51.7% No: 48.3% #Turkeyreferendum #Erdogan #Turkey 16 18:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Constitutional ReferendumApr 16 18:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Apr 16 18:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@EuropeElects: Turkey, 95% counted: Constitutional Referendum Yes: 51.7% No: 48.3% #Turkeyreferendum #Erdogan #Turkey 16 18:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Yes: 51.7%Apr 16 18:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ No: 48.3%Apr 16 18:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Apr 16 18:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ #Turkeyreferendum #Erdogan #TurkeyApr 16 18:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ 16 18:11
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:11
TweetSchestowitz@qz     16 18:12
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       yum - I can't wait ( 16 18:12
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ▏ Lab-grown meat is about to go global, and one firm isApr 16 18:12
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ feverishly paving the way 16 18:12
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 18:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@qz: Lab-grown meat is about to go global, and one firm is feverishly paving the way 16 18:12
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:12
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | The Good Food Institute is taking lab-grown and plant-based meat international, to China, Brazil, Taiwan — QuartzApr 16 18:12
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 18:15
TweetSchestowitz                 Won't be long before there are 1,000 tracked instances ofApr 16 18:15
TweetSchestowitz                 #mastodon out there in the world with half a millionApr 16 18:15
TweetSchestowitz                 users ( 16 18:15
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:15
-TechrightsSocial/ | Mastodon instancesApr 16 18:16
TweetSchestowitz@aral   16 18:19
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       what a mess ( 16 18:19
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ▏ “There are objections to the results of ~60% of theApr 16 18:19
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ballot boxes. You cannot announce a result under suchApr 16 18:19
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ circumstances” #TurkishReferendum 16 18:19
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@aral: “There are objections to the results of ~60% of the ballot boxes. You cannot announce a result under such circumsta… 16 18:19
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:19
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@aral: “There are objections to the results of ~60% of the ballot boxes. You cannot announce a result under such circumsta… 16 18:19
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@hvmoltke: Sandıkların yüzde 60'ına yakınında sonuçlarda itiraz var. Bu halde sonuç açıklanamaz bu bir.Apr 16 18:19
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 18:19
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    An Australian #Patent Troll, Global Equity Management, isApr 16 18:19
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    a Bully Not Just in the Patent Sense, Explains the #EFFApr 16 18:19
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 18:19
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:19
-TechrightsSocial/ | An Australian Patent Troll, Global Equity Management (SA) Pty Ltd (GEMSA), is a Bully Not Just in the Patent Sense, Explains the EFF | TechrightsApr 16 18:19
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 18:20
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #IAM is a Think Tank for #Patent Trolls, SoftwareApr 16 18:20
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    Patents, the EPO, Microsoft, and Whoever Else is WillingApr 16 18:20
TweetSchestowitz                 to Pay ( 16 18:20
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | IAM is a Think Tank for Patent Trolls, Software Patents, the EPO, Microsoft, and Whoever Else is Willing to Pay | TechrightsApr 16 18:20
TweetSchestowitz@nateschenkkan 16 18:20
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       no, not a mess, a fiasco... 16 18:20
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( 16 18:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ CHP says 1.5 million unstamped votes were counted, isApr 16 18:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ protesting 2.5 million votes. 16 18:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@nateschenkkan: CHP says 1.5 million unstamped votes were counted, is protesting 2.5 million votes. 16 18:20
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 18:20
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@fehimtastekin: CHP: 1.5 milyon mühürsüz oy YSK tarafından geçerli sayıldı. 2.5 milyon oya itiraz ediyoruz.Apr 16 18:20
TweetSchestowitz@nateschenkkan 16 18:20
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    It'll end in the courts... which Erdogan controls.Apr 16 18:20
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 16 18:20
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:20
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@candundaradasi: Bu sonuç, mahkemede biter.Apr 16 18:20
TweetSchestowitz@NBCPolitics 16 18:21
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    President Trump calls for investigation into Tax DayApr 16 18:21
TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack  protesters: "Election is over!" 16 18:21
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 18:21
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:21
-TechrightsSocial/ | Trump Calls for Investigation Into Tax Day Protesters, Tweets 'Election Is Over!' - NBC NewsApr 16 18:21
*TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack deleted 'RT @NBCPolitics: President Trump calls for investigation into...'Apr 16 18:21
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@ManUtd Great game. Next up: Europa Cup. Bring...'Apr 16 18:21
TweetSchestowitz@acgrayling 16 18:21
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Referendums require supermajorities for majorApr 16 18:21
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      constitutional change. They are recipes for disasterApr 16 18:21
TweetSchestowitz                 otherwise. We live the proof yet again.Apr 16 18:21
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:21
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel 16 18:21
TweetSchestowitz                 I think people don't read threads anymore unless you sayApr 16 18:21
TweetSchestowitz                 THREAD.Apr 16 18:21
TweetSchestowitz                 Apr 16 18:21
TweetSchestowitz                 Another thing Vlad made the conspiracists do to ruinApr 16 18:21
TweetSchestowitz                 Twitter.Apr 16 18:21
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:21
TweetSchestowitz@SKZCartoons 16 18:22
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    What's the Rush? 16 18:22
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Apr 16 18:22
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:22
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SKZCartoons: What's the Rush? 16 18:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 16 18:24
TweetTuxMachines                 Today in Techrights 16 18:24
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 16 18:24
TweetTuxMachines Apr 16 18:24
-TechrightsSocial/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesApr 16 18:24
TweetSchestowitz@Reuters 16 18:25
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Many feared buried as hopes dim after Sri Lanka garbageApr 16 18:25
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      dump landslide ( 16 18:25
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Many feared buried as hopes dim after Sri Lanka garbage dump landslide | ReutersApr 16 18:25
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 18:25
TweetSchestowitz                 Easter bunny ( 16 18:25
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:25
TweetSchestowitz@MikeH_PR 16 18:25
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       #MayLies ( 16 18:25
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ▏ My Easter message.Apr 16 18:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Apr 16 18:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ 1. May is lying. When a country is uniting, you don't getApr 16 18:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MikeH_PR: My Easter message. 1. May is lying. When a country is uniting, you don't get 100,000 marching against Brexit, like… 16 18:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ 100,000 marching against Brexit, like I did the otherApr 16 18:25
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ week ( 16 18:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MikeH_PR: My Easter message. 1. May is lying. When a country is uniting, you don't get 100,000 marching against Brexit, like… 16 18:25
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:25
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MikeH_PR: My Easter message. 1. May is lying. When a country is uniting, you don't get 100,000 marching against Brexit, like… 16 18:25
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 18:25
TweetSchestowitz                 Mayo ( 16 18:25
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:25
TweetSchestowitz@ThatTimWalker 16 18:26
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    More great Brexit news in The Observer via @hendopolis.Apr 16 18:26
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Anyone still amused by this sick joke?Apr 16 18:26
TweetSchestowitz        16 18:26
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ThatTimWalker: More great Brexit news in The Observer via @hendopolis. Anyone still amused by this sick joke? 16 18:26
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 18:27
TweetSchestowitz                 Patience is a virtue 16 18:27
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 18:27
-TechrightsSocial/ | Honorable mention for the Darwin AwardsApr 16 18:27
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:27
TweetSchestowitz@EricLiptonNYT 16 18:27
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       #PoisonTheGoodHealthyLivegivingSwampsApr 16 18:27
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel ( 16 18:27
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ What we know is happening: current lobbyists r talking toApr 16 18:27
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ a former K St. colleague now at WH who is helpingApr 16 18:27
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ industry rollback EPA rules 16 18:27
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@EricLiptonNYT: What we know is happening: current lobbyists r talking to a former K St. colleague now at WH who is helping industr… 16 18:27
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 18:27
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:27
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@EricLiptonNYT: What we know is happening: current lobbyists r talking to a former K St. colleague now at WH who is helping industr… 16 18:27
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@EricLiptonNYT: White House visitors logs might show some thing extraordinary. Top Trump officials (exlobbyists) meeting with forme… 16 18:27
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@EricLiptonNYT: White House visitors logs might show some thing extraordinary. Top Trump officials (exlobbyists) meeting with forme… 16 18:27
TweetSchestowitz@TonyRomm 16 18:28
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       I read this. And still think he has no point.Apr 16 18:28
TweetSchestowitz @mmasnick ( 16 18:28
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ On the "fearless girl" statue and why maybe the artistApr 16 18:28
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ behind "charging bull" has a pointApr 16 18:28
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@TonyRomm: On the "fearless girl" statue and why maybe the artist behind "charging bull" has a point 16 18:28
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 18:28
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:28
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> seriously, the guy has a point | gregfallis.comApr 16 18:28
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 18:30
TweetSchestowitz                 Pope Francis Rides Into St. Peter’s Square On GiantApr 16 18:30
TweetSchestowitz                 Glowing Lamb For Easter MassApr 16 18:30
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 18:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | Pope Francis Rides Into St. Peter’s Square On Giant Glowing Lamb For Easter Mass - The Onion - America's Finest News SourceApr 16 18:30
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 18:30
TweetSchestowitz                 Control panel.Apr 16 18:30
TweetSchestowitz        16 18:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 18:30
TweetSchestowitz        16 18:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Vault Of The Atomic Space AgeApr 16 18:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Control panel. 16 18:30
TweetSchestowitz@jdportes 16 18:31
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    The long-term economic impact of Brexit: where do weApr 16 18:31
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      stand? Good, balanced assessment by @ChrisGiles_Apr 16 18:31
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 18:31
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:31
-TechrightsSocial/ | Subscribe to readApr 16 18:31
TweetSchestowitz@nateschenkkan 16 18:32
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Now MHP dissident Aksener joins the chorus, says "No" wonApr 16 18:32
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      with 52% ( 16 18:32
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:32
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@t24comtr: Meral Akşener: YSK’daki milletvekili arkadaşlarımızdan aldığımız bilgiye göre “Hayır” yüzde 52… 16 18:32
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@t24comtr: Meral Akşener: YSK’daki milletvekili arkadaşlarımızdan aldığımız bilgiye göre “Hayır” yüzde 52… 16 18:32
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel 16 18:32
TweetSchestowitz                 How did "swamp" become the metaphor for DC corruption,Apr 16 18:32
TweetSchestowitz                 anyway?Apr 16 18:32
TweetSchestowitz                 Apr 16 18:32
TweetSchestowitz                 I mean, wetlands are really really cool.Apr 16 18:32
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:32
TweetSchestowitz@MilenaBuyum 16 18:32
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    State of emergency, most of dissenting media shut down,Apr 16 18:32
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      referendum campaign skewed, yet even if 'yes' wins itApr 16 18:32
TweetSchestowitz                 won't be a convincing victory.Apr 16 18:32
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:32
*TweetSchestowitz @mmasnick retweeted @emptywheel: 'How did "swamp" become the metaphor for DC...'Apr 16 18:33
TweetSchestowitz@BenjaminHarvey 16 18:33
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       it's almost as if he knew the result in advance...Apr 16 18:34
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 16 18:34
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Erdogan declares referendum victory in congratulatoryApr 16 18:34
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ calls to leaders of the AKP, MHP and BBP: AAApr 16 18:34
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ #TurkishReferendumApr 16 18:34
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@BenjaminHarvey: Erdogan declares referendum victory in congratulatory calls to leaders of the AKP, MHP and BBP: AA #TurkishReferendumApr 16 18:34
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:34
TweetSchestowitz@Be_Herrero 16 18:34
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #TurkeyReferendum aka Erdogan official coup is done:Apr 16 18:34
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Apr 16 18:34
TweetSchestowitz                 Yes to autocracy: 51,32%Apr 16 18:34
TweetSchestowitz                 No: 48,68%Apr 16 18:34
TweetSchestowitz                 Apr 16 18:34
TweetSchestowitz                 Too close. Expect huge revolts in the next hours.Apr 16 18:34
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:34
TweetSchestowitz@emptywheel 16 18:34
TweetSchestowitz                 Maybe we can pitch #RefillTheWetlands as a way toApr 16 18:34
TweetSchestowitz                 envision a better DC, one more holistically tied to theApr 16 18:34
TweetSchestowitz                 rest of country?Apr 16 18:34
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:34
TweetSchestowitz@brianefallon 16 18:35
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       good point; worth doing again, I'd say...maybe on aApr 16 18:35
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      regular basis ( 16 18:35
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ If you showed up at a #taxmarch event yesterday, yourApr 16 18:35
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ voice was heard and you are inside the President's head.Apr 16 18:35
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 18:35
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@brianefallon: If you showed up at a #taxmarch event yesterday, your voice was heard and you are inside the President's head. 16 18:35
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:35
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@realDonaldTrump: Someone should look into who paid for the small organized rallies yesterday. The election is over!Apr 16 18:35
TweetSchestowitz@NBCPolitics 16 18:36
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       I call for @realDonaldTrump to read the Constitution.Apr 16 18:36
TweetSchestowitz @JesselynRadack ( 16 18:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ President Trump calls for investigation into Tax DayApr 16 18:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ protesters: "Election is over!" 16 18:36
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 18:36
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@NBCPolitics: President Trump calls for investigation into Tax Day protesters: "Election is over!" 16 18:36
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:36
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Trump Calls for Investigation Into Tax Day Protesters, Tweets 'Election Is Over!' - NBC NewsApr 16 18:36
TweetSchestowitz@WikiTerms 16 18:36
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @aral (& over 900,000 Kurdish IDPs who can't vote either)Apr 16 18:36
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Apr 16 18:36
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:36
TweetSchestowitz@TheBigPharaoh 16 18:37
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Failed coup, massive purge, jailing journos, unstampedApr 16 18:37
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ballots counted & you lost Istanbul for the first time.Apr 16 18:37
TweetSchestowitz                 Let that sink in @RT_ErdoganApr 16 18:37
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:37
TweetSchestowitz@pharmagossip 16 18:38
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Big pharma is “getting away with murder”: Drugmakers helpApr 16 18:38
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      turn patients with rare diseases into D.C. lobbyistsApr 16 18:38
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 18:38
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:38
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Big pharma is “getting away with murder”: Drugmakers help turn patients with rare diseases into D.C. lobbyists - Salon.comApr 16 18:38
TweetSchestowitz@selingirit 16 18:39
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Main opp party CHP contests  announced results: "AA isApr 16 18:39
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      manipulating votes. Our data show No votes ahead. NooneApr 16 18:39
TweetSchestowitz                 shd leave polling stations"Apr 16 18:39
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:39
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 18:40
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #EPO #Patent Quality and Quality of Service Have Become aApr 16 18:40
TweetSchestowitz @schestowitz    Disaster, Say EPO Stakeholders 16 18:40
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #battistelliApr 16 18:40
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:40
TweetSchestowitz@truthout 16 18:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | EPO Patent Quality and Quality of Service Have Become a Disaster, Say EPO Stakeholders | TechrightsApr 16 18:40
TweetSchestowitz                 Israeli Government Is Petrified of the Boycott,Apr 16 18:40
TweetSchestowitz                 Divestment and Sanctions Movement 16 18:40
TweetSchestowitz                 ( #BDSApr 16 18:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | Israeli Government Is Petrified of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions MovementApr 16 18:40
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:40
TweetSchestowitz@jricole 16 18:49
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    In 3 months, Trump has Charged into 4 Mideast Wars, to noApr 16 18:49
TweetSchestowitz @TomDispatch    Avail ( 16 18:49
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:49
-TechrightsSocial/ | In 3 months, Trump has Charged into 4 Mideast Wars, to no Avail | Informed CommentApr 16 18:49
TweetSchestowitz@wikileaks 16 18:59
TweetSchestowitz                 How the US stoked sectarian tensions in Syria for yearsApr 16 18:59
TweetSchestowitz                 prior to yesterday's massacre of over 100 shiite refugeesApr 16 18:59
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 18:59
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 18:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | WikiLeaks Reveals How the US Aggressively Pursued Regime Change in Syria, Igniting a BloodbathApr 16 18:59
TweetSchestowitz@JesselynRadack 16 19:00
TweetSchestowitz                 My son met a man, #Mayfield, who said he prosecutedApr 16 19:00
TweetSchestowitz                 @Snowden...but he was never prsctd & it never wud'veApr 16 19:00
TweetSchestowitz                 occurred n MassachusettsApr 16 19:00
TweetSchestowitz                 #CallingBSApr 16 19:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:00
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig 16 19:00
TweetSchestowitz                 The #Trump administration is couching desperation inApr 16 19:00
TweetSchestowitz                 hyperbole. Don't be misled by big explosions: Apr 16 19:00
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 19:00
TweetSchestowitz        16 19:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-In Just Three Months, Trump Has Escalated Four Middle Eastern Wars - Juan Cole - TruthdigApr 16 19:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Truthdig: The #Trump administration is couching desperation in hyperbole. Don't be misled by big explosions:… 16 19:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Truthdig: The #Trump administration is couching desperation in hyperbole. Don't be misled by big explosions:… 16 19:00
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 19:00
TweetSchestowitz                 HalloooApr 16 19:00
TweetSchestowitz        16 19:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 19:00
TweetSchestowitz        16 19:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Vault Of The Atomic Space AgeApr 16 19:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Hallooo 16 19:00
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 16 19:00
TweetTuxMachines                 Today in Techrights 16 19:00
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 16 19:00
TweetTuxMachines Apr 16 19:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesApr 16 19:00
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot 16 19:04
TweetSchestowitz                 Disruptive AI Bots Are Aleady Delivering Radical Leaps InApr 16 19:04
TweetSchestowitz                 Productivity ( 16 19:04
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:04
-TechrightsSocial/ | Disruptive AI Bots Are Aleady Delivering Radical Leaps In Productivity - SlashdotApr 16 19:04
TweetSchestowitz@CarDroidusMax 16 19:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    #EvanSpiegel's reaction after realising today that allApr 16 19:09
TweetSchestowitz @anivar         these years he had owned a company called #Snapdeal inApr 16 19:09
TweetSchestowitz                 India. 16 19:09
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:09
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@CarDroidusMax: #EvanSpiegel's reaction after realising today that all these years he had owned a company called #Snapdeal in India. 16 19:09
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 19:09
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @zoobab Alice Decision and PTAB Are Both Constantly UnderApr 16 19:09
TweetSchestowitz @zoobab         Attack From the Patent Microcosm and Its LobbyistsApr 16 19:09
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 19:09
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:09
-TechrightsSocial/ | Alice Decision and PTAB Are Both Constantly Under Attack From the Patent Microcosm and Its Lobbyists | TechrightsApr 16 19:09
TweetSchestowitz@schestowitz 16 19:10
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @zoobab An Australian Patent Troll, #GEMSA , is a BullyApr 16 19:10
TweetSchestowitz @zoobab         Not Just in the Patent  Sense, Explains the EFF Apr 16 19:10
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 19:10
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:10
-TechrightsSocial/ | An Australian Patent Troll, Global Equity Management (SA) Pty Ltd (GEMSA), is a Bully Not Just in the Patent Sense, Explains the EFF | TechrightsApr 16 19:10
TweetSchestowitz@PCGTW  16 19:15
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    .@ChrisDHamby #ISDS investigation made him a finalist forApr 16 19:15
TweetSchestowitz @zoobab         a 2017 #Pulitzer.Read again his exposé on corporateApr 16 19:15
TweetSchestowitz                 greed: ( 16 19:15
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:15
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-The Secret Threat That Makes Corporations More Powerful Than Countries - BuzzFeed NewsApr 16 19:15
TweetSchestowitz@patentbuddy 16 19:16
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Qualcomm Strikes Back, Sues Apple for TortiousApr 16 19:16
TweetSchestowitz @zoobab         Interference: 16 19:16
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 19:16
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:16
-TechrightsSocial/ | NO TITLEApr 16 19:16
TweetSchestowitz@ipwatchdog 16 19:17
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Defining Computer Related Inventions in aApr 16 19:17
TweetSchestowitz @zoobab         post-Alice World 16 19:17
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 19:17
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:17
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Defining Computer Related Inventions in a post-Alice World - | Patents & Patent LawApr 16 19:17
TweetSchestowitz@rrs711 16 19:20
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    I'll be speaking next week on Section 101 and the FirstApr 16 19:20
TweetSchestowitz @zoobab         Amendment. ( 16 19:20
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:20
-TechrightsSocial/ | Should Patent Law Be a First Amendment Issue? - Stanford Law SchoolApr 16 19:20
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 19:23
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    If you're following #DRM at @W3C, this is a pretty goodApr 16 19:23
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      summary of the state of play if I do say so myselfApr 16 19:23
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 19:23
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:23
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Formal objection: new browsers and EME · Issue #379 · w3c/encrypted-media · GitHubApr 16 19:23
TweetSchestowitz@BenjaminHarvey 16 19:25
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    For the first time, Erdogan and AKP lost #Istanbul. AApr 16 19:25
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      majority of voters said ``no" in 4/5 of Turkey's biggestApr 16 19:25
TweetSchestowitz                 cities. #TurkishReferendumApr 16 19:25
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:25
TweetSchestowitz@bilaterals_org 16 19:26
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       .@Teamsters looking pretty hypocritical here... #ISDSApr 16 19:26
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #peru ( 16 19:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ #ICYMIApr 16 19:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ The Teamsters labor union has escalated an investorApr 16 19:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ dispute against Peru over land bond dispute #ISDSApr 16 19:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@bilaterals_org: #ICYMI The Teamsters labor union has escalated an investor dispute against Peru over land bond dispute #ISDS… 16 19:26
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ 16 19:26
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@bilaterals_org: #ICYMI The Teamsters labor union has escalated an investor dispute against Peru over land bond dispute #ISDS… 16 19:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Labor union calls out Peru over land bond dispute | bilaterals.orgApr 16 19:26
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@bilaterals_org: #ICYMI The Teamsters labor union has escalated an investor dispute against Peru over land bond dispute #ISDS… 16 19:26
TweetSchestowitz@MahirZeynalov 16 19:27
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Man stamps Yes on empty ballots. Opposition claims 1,5Apr 16 19:27
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      million such votes were counted illegally.Apr 16 19:27
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 19:27
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:27
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ZCabbara: Babamın arkadaşının bizzat çektiği video! 16 19:27
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ZCabbara: Babamın arkadaşının bizzat çektiği video! 16 19:27
TweetSchestowitz@carryonkeith 16 19:28
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       put simply, there is not enough extra trade in the ROWApr 16 19:28
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      that is feasible to win to make up for losing largeApr 16 19:28
TweetSchestowitz                 chunks of EU trade... #brxit 16 19:28
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 19:28
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ "If we lost 5% of our trade with the EU, we would need aApr 16 19:28
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@carryonkeith: "If we lost 5% of our trade with the EU, we would need a 25% increase with the BRICS just to get back to square one… 16 19:28
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ 25% increase with the BRICS just to get back to squareApr 16 19:28
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ one." #brexitshambles 16 19:28
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 19:28
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@carryonkeith: "If we lost 5% of our trade with the EU, we would need a 25% increase with the BRICS just to get back to square one… 16 19:28
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:28
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@SimonFraser00: My article in @TheWorldToday on priorities for UK #trade after #Brexit 16 19:28
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Bracing ourselves for Brexit | Chatham HouseApr 16 19:28
TweetSchestowitz@cliodiaspora 16 19:28
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       say it loud #DisunitedKingdom 16 19:28
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( 16 19:28
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ .@theresa_may this is one thing and one thing only:Apr 16 19:28
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ complete rubbish. UK has never been more divided, andApr 16 19:28
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@cliodiaspora: .@theresa_may this is one thing and one thing only: complete rubbish. UK has never been more divided, and that is e… 16 19:28
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ that is entirely your fault. 1/ 16 19:28
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 19:28
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@cliodiaspora: .@theresa_may this is one thing and one thing only: complete rubbish. UK has never been more divided, and that is e… 16 19:28
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:28
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@cliodiaspora: .@theresa_may this is one thing and one thing only: complete rubbish. UK has never been more divided, and that is e… 16 19:28
TweetSchestowitz@brianklaas 16 19:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Your electoral college victory was the 46th largest in 58Apr 16 19:29
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      elections & every candidate since 1970s showed taxApr 16 19:29
TweetSchestowitz                 returns ( 16 19:29
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:29
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@realDonaldTrump: I did what was an almost an impossible thing to do for a Republican-easily won the Electoral College! Now Tax Returns are brought up again?Apr 16 19:29
TweetSchestowitz@Cora_Bee 16 19:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    This morning's tweets from North American leadersApr 16 19:29
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody 16 19:29
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:29
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Cora_Bee: This morning's tweets from North American leaders 16 19:29
TweetSchestowitz@OmairaGill 16 19:29
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Another #referendum splits a country #TurkeyreferendumApr 16 19:29
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      #Turkey #TurkishReferendumApr 16 19:29
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:29
TweetSchestowitz@nateschenkkan 16 19:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    Seriously - international media, the story is that theApr 16 19:30
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      result is contested ( 16 19:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ETemelkuran: Why is international media is dancing to the TR state (government) news agency's tune? According to Election Board results game is not over.Apr 16 19:30
TweetSchestowitz@truthout 16 19:30
TweetSchestowitz                 Goodbye Administrative State, Hello Community ResilienceApr 16 19:30
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 19:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | Goodbye Administrative State, Hello Community ResilienceApr 16 19:30
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 19:30
TweetSchestowitz                 modern Bell ad. From ‘59 16 19:30
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 19:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:30
-TechrightsSocial/ | modern Bell ad. From ‘59. via classic rotary... - ✨From Deco to Atom✨Apr 16 19:30
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: modern Bell ad. From ‘59 16 19:30
TweetSchestowitz@KeremGulay 16 19:30
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @thevocaleurope 2. So, regardless of the specific fraudApr 16 19:30
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      reports, the Referendum is officially rigged.Apr 16 19:30
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:30
TweetSchestowitz@scsazak 16 19:32
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       I can't think what that could possibly mean... #erdoganApr 16 19:32
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 16 19:32
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Journo: "Why did you feel the need to accept unstampedApr 16 19:32
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ballots?"Apr 16 19:32
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Electoral Board chair: "There was no need. We just hadApr 16 19:32
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@scsazak: Journo: "Why did you feel the need to accept unstamped ballots?" Electoral Board chair: "There was no need. We just… 16 19:32
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ to." ( 16 19:32
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:32
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@scsazak: Journo: "Why did you feel the need to accept unstamped ballots?" Electoral Board chair: "There was no need. We just… 16 19:32
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@emrekinay: Neden ihtiyac duyuldu mühürsüz pusulalari kabul etmeye...diye soruyor gazeteci. Bir ihtiyactan degil iste oyle gerekti diyor Ysk baskani.PESApr 16 19:32
TweetSchestowitz@MuckRock 16 19:33
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    The #CIA kept this fudge recipe classified for 50 years.Apr 16 19:33
TweetSchestowitz @emptywheel     Here's why: ( 16 19:33
TweetSchestowitz        16 19:33
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:33
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cooking with FOIA: The CIA's declassified dessertsApr 16 19:33
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@MuckRock: The #CIA kept this fudge recipe classified for 50 years. Here's why: 16 19:33
TweetSchestowitz@techdirt 16 19:33
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       Meanwhile, organization promoting copyright maximalism,Apr 16 19:33
TweetSchestowitz @mmasnick       @TheCSUSA, has a pro-copyright essay contest, where *it*Apr 16 19:33
TweetSchestowitz                 gets your copyright ( 16 19:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Copyright Society's 'World IP Day' Lesson: Give Us YourApr 16 19:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Copyrights For Nothing 16 19:33
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 19:33
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@techdirt: Copyright Society's 'World IP Day' Lesson: Give Us Your Copyrights For Nothing 16 19:33
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:33
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> Copyright Society's 'World IP Day' Lesson: Give Us Your Copyrights For Nothing | TechdirtApr 16 19:33
TweetSchestowitz@mmasnick 16 19:34
TweetSchestowitz                 That's quite a "lesson" in how copyright works.Apr 16 19:34
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:34
TweetSchestowitz@NazDurakoglu 16 19:35
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    YSK = Turkey's election commissionApr 16 19:35
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 16 19:35
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:35
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@hasavrat: The YSK official website is down.Apr 16 19:35
TweetSchestowitz@mlcaritas 16 19:38
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       perfectly normal... ( 16 19:38
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ▏ Türkei-Referendum: „OSZE-Wahlbeobachter wurden von derApr 16 19:38
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Polizei festgehalten" 16 19:38
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( via @weltApr 16 19:38
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@mlcaritas: Türkei-Referendum: „OSZE-Wahlbeobachter wurden von der Polizei festgehalten" via @weltApr 16 19:38
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:38
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | Türkei-Referendum: „OSZE-Wahlbeobachter wurden von der Polizei festgehalten" - WELTApr 16 19:38
TweetSchestowitz@dainfantep 16 19:40
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    “Wreckonomics” How Economics Wrecked the World – and HowApr 16 19:40
TweetSchestowitz @umairh         to Fix ItApr 16 19:40
TweetSchestowitz                 by @umairh ( 16 19:40
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:40
-TechrightsSocial/ | Wreckonomics – umair haqueApr 16 19:40
TweetSchestowitz@arzugeybulla 16 19:40
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    !!! ( 16 19:40
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      Apr 16 19:40
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:40
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@efekerem: Photo from Election Board system: 13K more boxes to be count. (State agency Anadolu shows 4+ million valid votes) 16 19:40
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@OlcayKabaktepe: YSK'dan bildiriyorum. Hala açılmamış 13 bin 400 civarında sandık var. 16 19:40
TweetSchestowitz@StevieVanZandt 16 19:44
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    And just when you're ready to give up hope...Apr 16 19:44
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody 16 19:44
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:44
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@StevieVanZandt: And just when you're ready to give up hope... 16 19:44
TweetSchestowitz@arzugeybulla 16 19:45
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       oh, look, exactly like #brexit again... #dejavuApr 16 19:45
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 16 19:45
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ So far PM has not said anything about those who voted noApr 16 19:45
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ in #TurkeyReferendum in his speechApr 16 19:45
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:45
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@arzugeybulla: So far PM has not said anything about those who voted no in #TurkeyReferendum in his speechApr 16 19:45
TweetSchestowitz@monaghanpenguin 16 19:45
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    And we've all been ignoring his emails.Apr 16 19:45
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody ( 16 19:45
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:45
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ctvedmonton: $43M in cash found in empty Nigerian apartment 16 19:45
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> | $43M in cash found in empty Nigerian apartment | CTV NewsApr 16 19:45
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ctvedmonton: $43M in cash found in empty Nigerian apartment 16 19:45
TweetSchestowitz@PieroCastellano 16 19:47
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       yeah, bit like #brexit vote... 16 19:47
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      ( 16 19:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ International media willfully ignoring contested outcome.Apr 16 19:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ You don't close a chapter of a country's history if halfApr 16 19:47
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PieroCastellano: International media willfully ignoring contested outcome. You don't close a chapter of a country's history if half… 16 19:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ the electorate says "no". ( 16 19:47
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ 16 19:47
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@PieroCastellano: International media willfully ignoring contested outcome. You don't close a chapter of a country's history if half… 16 19:47
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:47
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ForeignPolicy: Erdogan didn’t just win his constitutional referendum — he closed a chapter of Turkey’s modern history.… 16 19:48
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ForeignPolicy: Erdogan didn’t just win his constitutional referendum — he closed a chapter of Turkey’s modern history.… 16 19:48
TweetSchestowitz@Reuters 16 19:49
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       presumably "unofficial" means the fraudulent ones stampedApr 16 19:49
TweetSchestowitz @glynmoody      by erdogan's supporters... 16 19:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 19:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ MORE: Turkish PM Yildrim says Turkey opening a new pageApr 16 19:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ in its democratic history 16 19:49
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-No status found with that ID.Apr 16 19:49
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 19:49
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:49
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-No status found with that ID.Apr 16 19:49
TweetSchestowitz@AdamParkhomenko 16 19:50
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       "Longtime aide to hillary and former national fieldApr 16 19:50
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     director, dnc. founded readyforhillary": stepping up &Apr 16 19:50
TweetSchestowitz                 taking responsibility: 16 19:50
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 19:50
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ You planted the seeds for the Trump-Putin alliance inApr 16 19:50
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ many different ways whether you realize it or not. TrueApr 16 19:50
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@AdamParkhomenko: You planted the seeds for the Trump-Putin alliance in many different ways whether you realize it or not. True patri… 16 19:50
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ patriot you are. ( 16 19:50
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:50
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@AdamParkhomenko: You planted the seeds for the Trump-Putin alliance in many different ways whether you realize it or not. True patri… 16 19:50
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@ggreenwald: @neeratanden We're sorry we forced Clinton to drown in Wall St cash, not campaign in Wisconsin, cheer every war, and have no messaging.Apr 16 19:50
TweetSchestowitz@politico 16 19:52
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    McFarland: 'Changes are coming' to Security CouncilApr 16 19:52
TweetSchestowitz @glynco ( 16 19:52
TweetSchestowitz        16 19:52
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:52
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-McFarland: 'Changes are coming' to Security Council - POLITICOApr 16 19:52
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@politico: McFarland: 'Changes are coming' to Security Council 16 19:52
TweetSchestowitz@TomDispatch 16 19:58
TweetSchestowitz                 With Trump Appointees, a Raft of Potential Conflicts andApr 16 19:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ‘No Transparency’ 16 19:58
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 19:58
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:58
-TechrightsSocial/ | Cookies are Not Accepted - New York TimesApr 16 19:58
TweetSchestowitz@r3bl_  16 19:58
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @doctorow There's a bunch of ridiculous-looking monumentsApr 16 19:58
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       from ex-Yugoslavia if you're interested:Apr 16 19:58
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 19:58
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:58
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Monuments of Former Yugoslavia - Album on ImgurApr 16 19:58
TweetSchestowitz@gordogan 16 19:59
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    @doctorow It's a WWII monument imagined by CroatianApr 16 19:59
TweetSchestowitz @doctorow       sculptor Vojin Bakic in 1981:…Apr 16 19:59
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 19:59
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | Monument - WikipediaApr 16 19:59
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 19:59
TweetSchestowitz                 Easter, 1956 ( 16 19:59
TweetSchestowitz        16 19:59
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 19:59
-TechrightsSocial/ | gameraboy: Easter, 1956 | Raiders of the Lost TumblrApr 16 19:59
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: Easter, 1956 16 19:59
TweetSchestowitz@abgutman 16 20:00
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       I get that right after election, emotions are veryApr 16 20:00
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     strong. But we're now 5 months later & Dem operativesApr 16 20:00
TweetSchestowitz                 still blame everyone but themselves ( 16 20:00
TweetSchestowitz        16 20:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ @ggreenwald @AdamParkhomenko Amazing that after losingApr 16 20:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ thousands of seats in past two decades, Dems blameApr 16 20:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@abgutman: @ggreenwald @AdamParkhomenko Amazing that after losing thousands of seats in past two decades, Dems blame individua… 16 20:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ individuals who didn't fall in line ( forApr 16 20:00
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ their systematic lossApr 16 20:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 20:00
TweetSchestowitz@Truthdig 16 20:00
TweetSchestowitz                 LISTEN: #Obamacare hasn’t gone far enough:Apr 16 20:00
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 20:00
TweetSchestowitz                 #ScheerIntelligence #Podcast 16 20:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 20:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Why the Affordable Care Act Hasn’t Gone Far Enough (Audio and Transcript) - Scheer Intelligence - TruthdigApr 16 20:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@Truthdig: LISTEN: #Obamacare hasn’t gone far enough: #ScheerIntelligence #Podcast 16 20:00
TweetSchestowitz@doctorow 16 20:00
TweetSchestowitz                 The Double Decker Golden Gate Bridge that never was, 1968Apr 16 20:00
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 20:00
TweetSchestowitz        16 20:00
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 20:00
-TechrightsSocial/ | The Double Decker Golden Gate Bridge that never... - ✨From Deco to Atom✨Apr 16 20:00
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@doctorow: The Double Decker Golden Gate Bridge that never was, 1968 16 20:00
TweetSchestowitz@techdirt 16 20:07
TweetSchestowitz                 Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At TechdirtApr 16 20:07
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 20:07
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 20:07
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirt | TechdirtApr 16 20:07
TweetSchestowitz@declanwalsh 16 20:08
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       Cairo Bureau Chief, NYT: 16 20:08
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     ( 16 20:08
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Not cool: new NYT columnist @BretStephensNYT once wroteApr 16 20:08
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ about the "disease of the Arab mind".Apr 16 20:08
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@declanwalsh: Not cool: new NYT columnist @BretStephensNYT once wrote about the "disease of the Arab mind". (h/t @hahellyer)Apr 16 20:08
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( (h/t @hahellyer)Apr 16 20:08
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 20:08
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social--> The Meaning of an Olympic Snub - WSJApr 16 20:08
TweetSchestowitz@DionNissenbaum 16 20:11
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       A reporter for the WSJ (where Bret Stephens came from) &Apr 16 20:11
TweetSchestowitz @ggreenwald     the Cairo bureau chief of NYT (where Stephens got hired):Apr 16 20:11
TweetSchestowitz        ( 16 20:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ NYT Reporter in Cairo goes public with private viewsApr 16 20:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ shared by others in the NYT newsroom:Apr 16 20:11
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ ( 16 20:11
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@DionNissenbaum: NYT Reporter in Cairo goes public with private views shared by others in the NYT newsroom: 16 20:11
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 20:11
TweetSchestowitz@existentialcoms 16 20:12
TweetSchestowitz retweeted by    It's weird how many people think the word "unbiased"Apr 16 20:12
TweetSchestowitz @qu1j0t3        means something along the lines of "supporting the statusApr 16 20:12
TweetSchestowitz                 quo".Apr 16 20:12
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 20:12
-->DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #boycottnovell-socialApr 16 20:13
TweetSchestowitz@slashdot 16 20:13
TweetSchestowitz                 Steve Wozniak Predicts The Future 16 20:13
TweetSchestowitz                 ( 16 20:13
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 20:13
-TechrightsSocial/ | Steve Wozniak Predicts The Future - SlashdotApr 16 20:13
TweetSchestowitz@LouiseMensch 16 20:16
TweetSchestowitz quoted by       Louise Mensch! Hehe. My profile is rising!Apr 16 20:16
TweetSchestowitz @kgosztola ( 16 20:16
TweetSchestowitz                 ▏ Kremlin Troll ( 16 20:16
TweetSchestowitz Apr 16 20:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@LouiseMensch: Kremlin Troll 16 20:16
-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-@kgosztola: In defense of skepticism around narrative for alleged chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun in Syria 16 20:16
TweetSchestowitz@GenderEQ 16 20:20
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-TechrightsSocial/ | Simulated space life in Collier’s Magazine,... - ✨From Deco to Atom✨