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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: February 4th, 2018 – February 10th, 2018

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-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesFeb 04 07:31
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">China's Surveillance State Should Scare Everyone</a></h5>Feb 04 08:10
schestowitz<blockquote>Feb 04 08:10
schestowitz <p>Even more worrying is that the government will be technically capable of considering the behavior of a Chinese citizen’s friends and family in determining his or her score. For example, it is possible that your friend’s anti-government political post could lower your own score. Thus, the scoring system would isolate dissidents from their friends and the rest of society, rendering them complete pariahs.  </p>Feb 04 08:10
schestowitz</blockquote>Feb 04 08:10
-TechBytesBot/ | China's Surveillance State Should Scare Everyone - The AtlanticFeb 04 08:10
schestowitz</li>Feb 04 08:10
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 04 08:16
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesFeb 04 08:17
schestowitzvFeb 04 08:30
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Police kept tabs on Stockholm terrorist until three months before attack</a></h5>Feb 04 08:30
schestowitz# islamism is encouraged in TOS; criticism of it will cause the banhammer to come downFeb 04 08:30
schestowitz<blockquote>Feb 04 08:30
schestowitz <p> “One must remember that it is not uncommon for people on social media and chats connected to militant Islamism to propose exalted throught and plans for attacks in order to boost their statuses.”  </p>Feb 04 08:30
schestowitz</blockquote>Feb 04 08:30
schestowitz</li>Feb 04 08:30
-TechBytesBot/ | Police kept tabs on Stockholm terrorist until three months before attack - The LocalFeb 04 08:30
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Feb 04 09:10
-->schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesFeb 04 09:11
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Feb 04 09:11
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesFeb 04 09:11
<--acer-box has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Feb 04 10:28
-->acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesFeb 04 10:28
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 04 12:25
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesFeb 04 12:26
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 04 16:33
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesFeb 04 16:34
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Feb 04 17:18
-->schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesFeb 04 17:18
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Feb 04 17:18
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesFeb 04 17:18
schestowitz 04 17:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Democrats4Trump: @MediocreDave @schestowitz that kill children in killing terrorists, or "to kill children"?Feb 04 17:34
schestowitz 04 17:35
-TechBytesBot/ | 41 men targeted but 1,147 people killed: US drone strikes – the facts on the ground | US news | The Guardian [ ]Feb 04 17:35
schestowitz 04 17:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@medavinci: If this is,the REAL @KeithOlbermann he needs to check into a psychiatric hospital asap. @dbongino @TuckerCarlson… 04 17:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@medavinci: If this is,the REAL @KeithOlbermann he needs to check into a psychiatric hospital asap. @dbongino @TuckerCarlson… 04 17:35
schestowitz"Feb 04 17:35
schestowitz 🇺🇸MsMedavinci 🇺🇸 Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Feb 04 17:35
schestowitzIf this is,the REAL @KeithOlbermann  he needs to check into a psychiatric hospital asap. @dbongino @TuckerCarlson @DonaldJTrumpJr @greggutfeld @JudgeJeanine @JesseBWatters 🇺🇸MsMedavinci 🇺🇸 added,Feb 04 17:35
schestowitz"Feb 04 17:35
schestowitz 04 17:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Democrats4Trump: @schestowitz @MediocreDave It's funny when people on the right quote the Guardian. Very selective. The Guardian has… 04 17:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Democrats4Trump: @schestowitz @MediocreDave It's funny when people on the right quote the Guardian. Very selective. The Guardian has… 04 17:51
schestowitz"Feb 04 17:51
schestowitzIt's funny when people on the right quote the Guardian. Very selective. The Guardian has a lot to say about Trump as well!Feb 04 17:51
schestowitzRatio of "enemy dead" to total casualties in WAR, including displacement and disease, is faaar worse. AND here we are dealing with real baddies.Feb 04 17:51
schestowitz"Feb 04 17:51
schestowitzThis has nothing to do with the Guardian. It was covered by MANY papers/sites, follow through to the original source.Feb 04 17:51
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Sweden plagued by gang [sic] shootings, bombings and sexual assaults</a></h5></li>Feb 04 18:09
-TechBytesBot/ | Sweden plagued by gang shootings, bombings and sexual assaultsFeb 04 18:09
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Teens roam streets with rifles as crime swamps Sweden</a></h5>Feb 04 18:09
schestowitz<blockquote>Feb 04 18:09
schestowitz <p>Attacks on the police are increasingly frequent. Rosengard’s force works from a black fortress of reinforced concrete with narrow windows and a 10ft-high electric fence.</p>Feb 04 18:09
schestowitz</blockquote>Feb 04 18:09
schestowitz</li>Feb 04 18:09
-TechBytesBot/ | Teens roam streets with rifles as crime swamps Sweden | World | The Sunday TimesFeb 04 18:09
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Danish government: Muslims are violent and commit terror</a></h5>Feb 04 18:09
schestowitz<blockquote>Feb 04 18:09
-TechBytesBot/ | Danish government: Muslims are violent and commit terrorFeb 04 18:09
schestowitz <p>“The point is that we have lost. We have let ourselves become scared of a religion whose fanatics have threatened us to silence. And we are not even willing to admit it,” she claims. </p>Feb 04 18:09
schestowitz</blockquote>Feb 04 18:09
schestowitz</li>Feb 04 18:09
schestowitz 04 18:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Democrats4Trump: @schestowitz @MediocreDave No no I believe it. For sure huge collateral toll. But. Compare Israel's attempt to ba… 04 18:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Democrats4Trump: @schestowitz @MediocreDave No no I believe it. For sure huge collateral toll. But. Compare Israel's attempt to ba… 04 18:24
schestowitz"Feb 04 18:24
schestowitzNo no I believe it. For sure huge collateral toll.Feb 04 18:24
schestowitzBut.Feb 04 18:24
schestowitzCompare Israel's attempt to batter Hamas in Gaza, similar number of dead. Did they kill even 47 real Hamas terrorists? Doubt it.Feb 04 18:24
schestowitz"Feb 04 18:24
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">My First Night on Death Row as an Innocent Man</a></h5>Feb 04 19:07
schestowitz<blockquote>Feb 04 19:07
schestowitz <p>Anthony Graves was convicted in 1994 for killing six people in 1992. He was exonerated in 2010 after having served 18 and a half years in prison, 16 of which were spent in solitary confinement and 12 of which were on death row. The prosecutor in Graves’ case was eventually disbarred for misconduct, and Texas had to pay Graves $1.45 million in compensation for the damage the state had done to him. Graves now works at the ACLU of Texas asFeb 04 19:07
schestowitzthe Smart Justice Initiatives Manager. Below is an excerpt from Graves’ recently published book, “Infinite Hope: How Wrongful Conviction, Solitary Confinement, and 12 years on Death Row Failed to Kill My Soul” (Beacon Press, 2018). It is reprinted with permission from Beacon Press. </p>Feb 04 19:07
-TechBytesBot/ | My First Night on Death Row as an Innocent Man | American Civil Liberties UnionFeb 04 19:07
schestowitz</blockquote>Feb 04 19:07
schestowitz</li>Feb 04 19:07
schestowitz=Feb 04 19:23
schestowitz 04 19:23
schestowitz=Feb 04 19:23
schestowitz 04 19:23
schestowitz=Feb 04 19:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Google TranslateFeb 04 19:23
schestowitz 04 19:23
schestowitz=Feb 04 19:23
schestowitz 04 19:23
schestowitz=Feb 04 19:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Donald Trump's Long History With Hush Money - The AtlanticFeb 04 19:23
schestowitzold:Feb 04 19:23
schestowitz 04 19:23
schestowitz# paywall.  twitter failFeb 04 19:23
-TechBytesBot/ | James Damore vs. Google: Class Action Lawsuit | Bias | ComplaintFeb 04 19:23
schestowitz=Feb 04 19:23
schestowitz 04 19:23
schestowitz=Feb 04 19:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Google TranslateFeb 04 19:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Freedom for the World’s Most Famous Hostages Came at a Heavy Price - WSJFeb 04 19:23
-TechBytesBot/ | What's Your Story SummitFeb 04 19:23
schestowitz 04 19:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KhanDoomy: @schestowitz @JulianAssange That’s what I’m wondering, is this a matter of Julian’s status now?Feb 04 19:23
schestowitz 04 19:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KhanDoomy: @schestowitz @JulianAssange Had the Russia BS prevented people from leaking to @WikileaksFeb 04 19:24
schestowitzIt did not helpFeb 04 19:24
schestowitz 04 22:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fflandro: @schestowitz @JulianAssange Obama: 'Anti-Propaganda' Ban Repealed, Freeing State Dept. To Direct Its Broadcasting A… 04 22:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fflandro: @schestowitz @JulianAssange Obama: 'Anti-Propaganda' Ban Repealed, Freeing State Dept. To Direct Its Broadcasting A… 04 22:28
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Feb 04 23:37
-->ubyourmom ( has joined #techbytesFeb 04 23:45
<--ubyourmom has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 04 23:46
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 05 00:51
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesFeb 05 00:52
schestowitz 05 05:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@linuxuser3: @slashdot .@schestowitz so effing cool !! 👏🏻 #AwesomeFeb 05 05:23
schestowitz=Feb 05 07:29
schestowitzold:Feb 05 07:29
schestowitzx 05 07:29
schestowitz# spin and revisionismFeb 05 07:29
schestowitz# before slashdot began manually editing "tags" there were many articles tagged "vista failure"Feb 05 07:29
schestowitz=Feb 05 07:29
-TechBytesBot/ | The World According to BenBob: What Really Happened with Vista: An Insider's RetrospectiveFeb 05 07:29
schestowitz 05 07:29
schestowitz=Feb 05 07:29
schestowitzx 05 07:29
schestowitz=Feb 05 07:29
-TechBytesBot/ | What’s happening in Illinois – Lessig – MediumFeb 05 07:29
-TechBytesBot/ | The Gig Economy's Tipping Point | WIREDFeb 05 07:29
schestowitzold:Feb 05 07:29
schestowitz 05 07:29
schestowitz# M$ fifth-columnists at work at ACM.  A very great many pages linked to the now missing pageFeb 05 07:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Feb 05 07:29
schestowitz# a redirect to the remaining document would cost them *nothing*Feb 05 07:29
schestowitz# 05 07:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Reflections on trusting trustFeb 05 07:29
schestowitz 05 07:34
schestowitz=Feb 05 07:34
schestowitz 05 07:34
schestowitz=Feb 05 07:34
-TechBytesBot/ | The Nuclear Posture Review - PaulCraigRoberts.orgFeb 05 07:34
-TechBytesBot/ | OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC | ObligationFeb 05 07:34
schestowitz 05 08:07
schestowitz=Feb 05 08:07
schestowitz 05 08:07
schestowitz# some FOSDEM 2018 presentation videos online nowFeb 05 08:07
-TechBytesBot/ | Edge.orgFeb 05 08:07
schestowitz=Feb 05 08:07
-TechBytesBot/ | FOSDEM - YouTubeFeb 05 08:07
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesFeb 05 08:43
schestowitz 05 09:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@patent_maven: Paice v Ford Federal Circuit 2/1/18 important for prosecutors--PTAB erred in concluding patentee didn't property in… 05 09:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@patent_maven: Paice v Ford Federal Circuit 2/1/18 important for prosecutors--PTAB erred in concluding patentee didn't property in… 05 09:06
schestowitz"Paice v Ford Federal Circuit 2/1/18 important for prosecutors--PTAB erred in concluding patentee didn't property incorporate by reference its earlier app so as to avoid an intervening reference. But written description support issues remain for remand."Feb 05 09:06
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 05 09:08
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesFeb 05 09:09
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytesFeb 05 09:52
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Feb 05 09:56
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Feb 05 13:09
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytesFeb 05 14:09
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Feb 05 14:50
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytesFeb 05 16:48
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesFeb 05 17:29
schestowitz 05 17:57
-TechBytesBot/ Open Hardware: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and RISC-V 05 17:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Open Hardware: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and RISC-V | Tux MachinesFeb 05 17:57
schestowitz"Feb 05 17:57
schestowitzFeb 05 17:57
schestowitzThanks for the good news about RISC-VFeb 05 17:57
schestowitz"Feb 05 17:57
schestowitz 05 18:23
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:23
schestowitz"Global warming denialists are clearly linked through money obtained from the fossil-fuel companies.  Heartland Institute in the U.S., Global Warming Policy Foundation in the U.K. (their "policy" is to do nothing), the Galileo Movement in Australia.  All getting fossil-fuel funds."Feb 05 18:23
schestowitz 05 18:23
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:23
schestowitz 05 18:24
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:24
schestowitz"Faecesbook is being flushed down the toilet where faeces belongs!"Feb 05 18:24
schestowitz 05 18:24
schestowitz"Trump and Assange are still working together to prosecute the Democrat corruption anyway. On that they are in lockstep agreement. #gabfam"Feb 05 18:24
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:25
schestowitz 05 18:25
schestowitz"You don't half talk some lost a legal referendum.. So shut up and be adult about it..xenophobia.. Bollocks absolute bollocks"Feb 05 18:25
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:25
schestowitz 05 18:26
schestowitzCheck out this 05 18:26
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:26
-TechBytesBot/ | United States of America v. Lauri Love on VimeoFeb 05 18:26
schestowitz 05 18:26
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:26
schestowitz"It’s very sad 2C people R dying in high #s because of opioid abuse I feel 4 people who get involved at an early age with alcohol & drugs It’s a no win situation 4 the user Legalizing marijuana 2 me is nuts Y encourage something that can cause lung cancer later on? If U don’t start drinking smoking or taking drugs U won’t get addicted "Feb 05 18:26
schestowitz 05 18:27
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:27
schestowitz"Feb 05 18:27
schestowitzWhile I hardly do anything more than few letters in Word, or simple worksheets, I find One Note close to indispensable (Google keep & Evernote are really not up there).Feb 05 18:27
schestowitzHope LibreOffice guys come up with something similarFeb 05 18:27
schestowitz"Feb 05 18:27
schestowitz 05 18:27
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:27
schestowitz""Feb 05 18:27
schestowitz""Feb 05 18:27
schestowitz"And with each new system added, more security vulnerabilities are viable to exist and go unnoticed."Feb 05 18:27
schestowitz 05 18:30
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:30
schestowitz"Been using elementaryOS as my daily driver for the last 6 months or so. So far I've been enjoying it."Feb 05 18:30
schestowitz 05 18:30
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:30
schestowitz"Well then it's rime to hide your nav profile, with a vpn..."Feb 05 18:30
schestowitz 05 18:30
schestowitz"That is absolutely fabulous!"Feb 05 18:30
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:30
schestowitz 05 18:30
schestowitz"Was showing property yesterday when one of these things went off... I guess it thought we asked a question or something. Never, ever assume that anything you say, anywhere, ever, is private."Feb 05 18:31
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:31
schestowitzNot with these things...Feb 05 18:31
schestowitz 05 18:31
schestowitz"Feb 05 18:31
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:31
schestowitzTime for open-source processors, or for AMD to make the right decision and eliminate these back-door mechanisms. Intel never will...Feb 05 18:31
schestowitzCannot wait for my Purism phone in 2019 (or Eelo, whichever appears better... anything to retire my iPhone)Feb 05 18:31
schestowitz"Feb 05 18:31
schestowitzAMD is propped up by governments for this, I'm guessingFeb 05 18:31
schestowitz 05 18:32
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:32
schestowitz"Feb 05 18:32
schestowitzWe get it.  It's totally righteous when your party does it, though.  Other party, not so much.  Pot, meet kettle.  You're just mad that the other team is #winning.  Buck up, snowflake; elections have consequences, or so we've been told.Feb 05 18:32
schestowitz#RockTheDeadVote #RockTheIllegalVote #RockTheFelonVote #RockThoseHangingChadsFeb 05 18:32
schestowitz"Feb 05 18:32
schestowitz 05 18:33
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:33
schestowitz"Feb 05 18:33
schestowitzArticle: a "snapshot". Conclusion: "If the sea ice moves faster under their paws, polar bears have to walk faster — or for longer — to remain in the same spot, which forces them to expend more energy, she says.Feb 05 18:33
schestowitz“If I had to walk an extra thousand kilometres this year I would be a lot skinnier — or my energy intake would have to go up to compensate,” Derocher says.Feb 05 18:33
schestowitzYepFeb 05 18:33
schestowitz"Feb 05 18:33
schestowitz 05 18:34
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:34
schestowitz"I'm sorry, but everyone has their own responsibility their shit don't belong to me. If you want to be a "heart donor" go for it :-)"Feb 05 18:34
schestowitz 05 18:34
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:34
schestowitz"I Am I U Fool....don't be stealing my identity."Feb 05 18:34
schestowitz 05 18:34
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:34
schestowitz"Rubbish"Feb 05 18:34
schestowitz 05 18:34
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:34
schestowitz"He was the inspiration for Dr Strange Love, still a very sick bastard and treasonous. Kissinger should have been hanged 30 years ago for his crimes."Feb 05 18:34
schestowitz 05 18:36
schestowitz"In the UK it's primarily women who are responsible for allowing #FGM to be perpetrated against 130,000 young girls despite it being a crime since 1985 with not a single prosecution of parents for this barbarism | Namely; Alison Saunders head of #CrownProsecutionService - Theresa May #PrimeMinister - Amber Rudd #HomeSecretary"Feb 05 18:36
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:36
schestowitz 05 18:36
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:36
schestowitz"Feb 05 18:36
schestowitzLol I watched the movie and people need to calm down with the hysteria.Feb 05 18:36
schestowitzI can’t belive my people (hindus) out of all had such a collective meltdown over this movie.Feb 05 18:36
schestowitz"Feb 05 18:36
schestowitz 05 18:36
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:36
schestowitz"Excellent! Go KDE!"Feb 05 18:36
schestowitz 05 18:37
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:37
schestowitz"Generally, screwing over your fans is not a good way to do business. But I guess game companies like Blizzard haven't lived in the real world for a while."Feb 05 18:37
schestowitzNot the first time they do thisFeb 05 18:37
schestowitz 05 18:37
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:37
schestowitz"What a stupid quote (whoever was Harlan Ellison). Everyone is ignorant at times, even the smartest and best informed'Feb 05 18:37
schestowitz 05 18:39
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:39
schestowitz"I wrote a 432 page book titled "It's Over" in 2010 and told the story of Asia Bibi. She's still there."Feb 05 18:39
schestowitzBeing made an example ofFeb 05 18:39
schestowitz 05 18:39
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:39
schestowitz"Wouldn't it be great if muslims practiced male genital mutilation? "Feb 05 18:39
schestowitz 05 18:49
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:49
schestowitz"Of courss, they aim to follow microsoft, so they can look big"Feb 05 18:49
schestowitz 05 18:49
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:49
schestowitz""CLUELESS" LGBTQ SHEEPLE..."Feb 05 18:49
schestowitz 05 18:49
schestowitz"Love the cat!"Feb 05 18:49
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:49
schestowitz 05 18:50
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:50
schestowitz"If Western MSM is hailing him, he's prolly not a good guy."Feb 05 18:50
schestowitzBetter than lassoFeb 05 18:50
schestowitz 05 18:50
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:50
schestowitz"Feb 05 18:50
schestowitzYup, it's BS.Feb 05 18:50
schestowitzThe first strike was a freebee for the White Helmets to send a msg to China.Feb 05 18:50
schestowitz"Feb 05 18:50
schestowitz 05 18:51
schestowitz"Oh yes doom and gloom, the sky is falling down too right chicken little's? Go back to eating your Tide Pods, and let adults not afflicted by lib-stupid (Yeah that's what ya are if you eat laundry soap) handle things like nuclear policy of the U.S."Feb 05 18:51
-TechBytesBot/ | GABFeb 05 18:51
schestowitz 05 19:35
-TechBytesBot/ Data is the new lifeblood of capitalism – don't hand corporate America control #privacyFeb 05 19:35
schestowitz"Information IS power."Feb 05 19:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Data is the new lifeblood of capitalism – don't hand corporate America control | Technology | The GuardianFeb 05 19:35
schestowitz"Oh, no. That’s why we’re here after all :-)"Feb 05 19:35
schestowitz 05 19:37
-TechBytesBot/ #brexitMeansBrexit #IllegalMeansIllegal #bigbrother #uk #gchqFeb 05 19:37
schestowitz"“inconsistent with EU law” - And inconsistent with human rights and human dignity in general."Feb 05 19:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jwildeboer: "Snooper's Charter", The UK mass digital surveillance regime has been ruled unlawful. Why? “inconsistent with EU la… 05 19:37
schestowitz"yes beacause what does iy mean ? that not enough strong ?"Feb 05 19:37
schestowitz 05 19:38
-TechBytesBot/ #ge was created by a famous #patentTroll If it dissolves, not much will be missed (that others do too) 05 19:38
schestowitz"GE put all of its money into nuclear power and fossil-fuel power. Both big mistakes."Feb 05 19:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | How GE Went From American Icon to Astonishing Mess - BloombergFeb 05 19:38
schestowitz"As for “great management”, wasn’t GE infamous for arbitrarily firing 5% of their workers every year, just to keep everyone anxious to “succeed” (i.e. keep their job)?"Feb 05 19:38
schestowitz"In summary GE - another ugly example of capitalism run amok."Feb 05 19:38
schestowitzNot only GE does thus any longer. And Fukushima told us all we needed to know about GE.Feb 05 19:38
schestowitzNot only GE does this any longer. And Fukushima told us all we needed to know about GE.Feb 05 19:39
schestowitz 05 19:39
-TechBytesBot/ How to install #LibreOffice 6 on #Linux Today was one of the very rare cases I use an 'Open Suite', LO #nhs reportFeb 05 19:39
schestowitz"Libre Office is absolutely super. IMHO when compared to MS Office in most cases it is much better in usability. Range of features is much more than needed by the average business user. And the files are usable with Linux as well as with Windows, try that with MS Office ;-)"Feb 05 19:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | How to install LibreOffice 6 on Linux - TechRepublicFeb 05 19:40
schestowitz"I just hope that libreoffice draw is able to hold a candle to visio someday…'Feb 05 19:40
schestowitz"Is Draw the weak point? I only usw it to edit PDF files.'Feb 05 19:40
schestowitz"I’d say it falls a bit short compared to visio. Most of the other programs are somewhat on par, but draw isn’t quite as quick or easy to use.'Feb 05 19:40
schestowitz"Ok, good to know. My office software experience is text editing and data sheet processing. That makes more than 90 per cent of an average office work. At least that was so in my several office jobs."Feb 05 19:40
schestowitzFro drawings one can use other libre programsFeb 05 19:40
schestowitz 05 19:41
-TechBytesBot/ #IBM Announces 'Game-Changing' #Power9 Servers For AI,36054.html but IBM still a #patent bullyFeb 05 19:41
schestowitz"Feb 05 19:41
schestowitzPeople are making free bios for PowerPC. If they can do it, that’s a tremendous advantage. Intel, AMD, and ARM have basically made software freedom impossible on their platforms. The FSF is running a free firmware campaign right now.Feb 05 19:41
schestowitz 05 19:41
schestowitz'Feb 05 19:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | IBM Announces 'Game-Changing' Power9 Servers For AIFeb 05 19:41
schestowitz"There are not many PowerPC’s left - they were never a big seller, and now it is 18 years later."Feb 05 19:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Intel Management Engine – Take Action — Free Software Foundation — working together for free softwareFeb 05 19:41
schestowitz"If IBM were smart (which they are not), they could still give Intel some competition - if they would invest in a truly open platform. There is quite a lot of interest in open hardware, and not all from hobbyists."Feb 05 19:42
schestowitzIBM pushes TPM now. It's NOT interesting in open computing.Feb 05 19:42
schestowitzIBM pushes TPM now. It's NOT interested in open computing.Feb 05 19:42
schestowitz 05 19:42
-TechBytesBot/ #howtogeek wrongly assumes everyone uses #microsoft $windows These USB sticks would be better off with #gnu #linux 05 19:42
schestowitz"Microphone Swindows?'Feb 05 19:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | How to Create the Ultimate USB Key Ring to Solve Any Computer ProblemFeb 05 19:43
schestowitz"Howtogeek is a normie / surface-level site. Of course to them and their readers, Windows is all that exists. The Microsoft monopoly is to the point such that Windows has become a household name like Kleenex."Feb 05 19:43
schestowitzWhat's Kleenex? ;-)Feb 05 19:43
schestowitz 05 19:44
-TechBytesBot/ Japanese-Americans (born in the US to people with Japanese ancestry) had rights. Until they didn't. 05 19:44
schestowitz"“War Powers” are a dangerous nullification of the Constitution. This over-riding power should never be allowed."Feb 05 19:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | George Carlin - You have no rights - YouTube [ ]Feb 05 19:44
schestowitz"“Dangerous” is an understatement. “Disasterous?”'Feb 05 19:44
schestowitzDevastatingFeb 05 19:44
schestowitz 05 19:45
-TechBytesBot/ Let's be clear about facts #skype had #linux support long, long before #microsoft and #nsa #prism took over Microsoft just almost, sort of maintains GNU/Linux support because it needs more fools to spy on, to sell their secrets for profit/favours from governmentsFeb 05 19:45
schestowitz"Lets be honest about Skype besides the spying; it is just horrible software."Feb 05 19:45
schestowitz"Had to use the web version last year, ditto it shit software. VOIP only.'Feb 05 19:45
schestowitz"Skype had Linux support, but the support was always lacking. They refused to publish 64bit versions, did not respond to bugs and security problems, forced iffy requirements (first, it was pain to use it with pulseaudio, then they removed support for anything but pulseaudio). And, to add salt to injury, after they confiscated credits they outright refused to deal with customers who used a Linux client. It was bad, it is still bad."Feb 05 19:46
schestowitz"Do not trust Skype unless it is made open source."Feb 05 19:46
schestowitz"Telegram is superior anyway. All it’s missing is group calling."Feb 05 19:46
schestowitz 05 19:46
schestowitz"You can do #Videoconferencing with #OpenSource tools #WebRTC (#Firefox) and or mumble: (audio only but very good quality) there isFeb 05 19:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Feb 05 19:46
schestowitzeven an App called #plumble."Feb 05 19:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Could not resolve host:; Unknown error ( status 0 @ )Feb 05 19:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Could not resolve host:; Unknown error ( status 0 @ )Feb 05 19:46
schestowitz'"Skype is part of Microsoft. I can’t imagine why somebody should use Skype today? It never worked right on Linux, all we had were buggy alpha or beta software. There must be better (FOSS) solutions for that purpose."Feb 05 19:47
schestowitz"Today, there are alternatives. But few years back, when I was traveling in less prosperous places, Skype was the only platform that was sort of usable. SIP, xmpp, and any other open-source solution just could not cope with crappy bandwidth.'Feb 05 19:47
schestowitz 05 19:47
-TechBytesBot/ #microsoft lies. No #skype on #gnu #linux - this is a web-version. the native linux version was killed in the acquisitionFeb 05 19:47
schestowitz"Feb 05 19:47
schestowitz>using micro$oft software under linuxFeb 05 19:47
schestowitzI also don’t like google but hangouts works better in linux than skypeFeb 05 19:47
schestowitz"I prefer to use telegram.Feb 05 19:47
schestowitz"jabber/xmpp"Feb 05 19:48
schestowitz"There are other tools →, torchat, utox, qtox, wire, mumble, etc. Who needs $kipe?"Feb 05 19:48
schestowitzSIP and MumbleFeb 05 19:48
schestowitz 05 19:48
-TechBytesBot/ #MultiChoice 's #ANN7 decision a political act of #censorship - #MKMVA #southafrica #africaFeb 05 19:48
schestowitz"Feb 05 19:48
schestowitz White Dragon **Feb 05 19:48
schestowitzFeb 05 19:48
schestowitzIf I have to read another article that includes the lie of "white monopoly capital" from another white person again... I'm going to disavow every last one of you supplicating sycophantic communist self-loathing whites here in South Africa. You simply don't want to fight for your future as a race in this country. You deserve what's coming.Feb 05 19:48
schestowitz"Feb 05 19:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | MultiChoice`s ANN7 decision a political act of censorship - MKMVA - POLITICS | PoliticswebFeb 05 19:48
schestowitz"Communism at it’s finest."Feb 05 19:49
schestowitzYou deleted the longer reply?Feb 05 19:49
schestowitz 05 19:50
-TechBytesBot/ #Minnesota #SupremeCourt overrides the #law in the #us so as to serve the fascists in power when the law is voidedFeb 05 19:50
schestowitz"More proof that the courts will not save us. The Law belongs to the powerful."Feb 05 19:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Minnesota Supreme Court Says Unlocking A Phone With A Fingerprint Isn't A Fifth Amendment Issue | TechdirtFeb 05 19:50
schestowitz"Feb 05 19:50
schestowitzBecause we conclude that producing a fingerprint is more like exhibiting the body than producing documents, we hold that providing a fingerprint to unlock a cellphone is not a testimonial communication under the Fifth Amendment.Feb 05 19:50
schestowitzI don’t see that these acts need to be interpreted as mutually exclusive.Feb 05 19:50
schestowitz"Feb 05 19:50
schestowitzRely in technical hacks rather than the law or amendments. Courts don't always guard the latter.Feb 05 19:50
schestowitz 05 19:51
-TechBytesBot/ Our digital children’s conversations are muted on a per-topic basis #surveillance #censorshipFeb 05 19:51
schestowitz"Let us talk then in metaphors."Feb 05 19:51
schestowitz"Feb 05 19:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Analog equivalent privacy rights: Digital talk is being prevented per subjectFeb 05 19:51
schestowitzYup. :)Feb 05 19:51
schestowitzLet us go then, you and I,Feb 05 19:51
schestowitzWhen the evening is spread out against the skyFeb 05 19:51
schestowitzLike a patient etherized upon a table…Feb 05 19:51
schestowitz"Feb 05 19:51
schestowitz"Nurse, hand me the #2 scalpel…Feb 05 19:51
schestowitz 05 19:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JohnWal02711893: proof we are in the middle of the world's greatest mass hypnosis ever,,, Trump Anthem 05 19:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | TRUMP NATIONAL-ANTHEM SONG TRYOUTS👎🏾by John Alan Wales - YouTubeFeb 05 19:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @JulianAssange Watch TV Believe Obey Question nothing 05 19:52
schestowitz"Feb 05 19:52
schestowitzJohn Alan Wales *Maga Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Feb 05 19:52
schestowitzproof we are in the middle of the world's greatest mass hypnosis ever,,,Feb 05 19:52
schestowitz … Trump AnthemFeb 05 19:52
schestowitz"Feb 05 19:52
schestowitz 05 19:53
-TechBytesBot/ #redhat seems compromised #microsoft executives in management And .NET pushers as staff Move to #debianFeb 05 19:53
schestowitz"Thats dangerous news indeed. Redhat pays most of the upstream contributions and thats the main reason why it was able to push #systemd down our throats."Feb 05 19:53
schestowitz"This is where “Open Source” ends.'Feb 05 19:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | A heroic day. Or a few?Feb 05 19:53
schestowitz 05 19:53
-TechBytesBot/ Regarding that latest (today) #dilbert 05 19:54
schestowitz"Was Hastings known to be a reckless driver? Are Mercedes vehicles prone to unintended acceleration?"Feb 05 19:54
schestowitz"Why would the car burst into flames? Again, that does not seem like a Mercedes kind-of-thing. But what do I know…"Feb 05 19:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Did the CIA kill Michael Hastings? WikiLeaks release says vehicles targeted in ‘undetectable’ hitsFeb 05 19:54
schestowitzHe was known to drive "like a grandma." 05 19:55
-TechBytesBot/ | WikiLeaks Stratfor Emails: A Secret Indictment Against Julian Assange? - Rolling StoneFeb 05 19:55
schestowitzBy Michael HastingsFeb 05 19:55
schestowitz 05 19:56
-TechBytesBot/ Tax cuts to billionaires does not mean "creating" jobs or even raising wages #trumpFeb 05 19:56
schestowitz"I disagree, lets see what if the bosses and shareholders of these big companies get a pay rise or larger payouts."Feb 05 19:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | What Companies Are Doing With Their Tax Windfall | IndustryWeekFeb 05 19:56
schestowitz"Walmart, which claims to be giving all of it’s workers “bonuses” because of the tax cuts is seriously misleading people: 1.) a bonus is not a raise 2.) for almost all of the employees, the bonus is small: $200-$300. 3.) at the same time, Walmart is actually cutting head-count, laying-off thousands of hourly workers and firing many hundreds of salary staff. 4.) at the same time, Walmart is cutting worker’s weekly hours by 5 or more aFeb 05 19:56
schestowitzweek. After a few weeks, much of the bonus is gone."Feb 05 19:56
schestowitz"The classic give with one hand, take with the other, is this the fault of Trump he is trying to help people or is this the fault of the rich, capitalism, and they way things will always be until the masses start to fight back, which many can’t."Feb 05 19:57
schestowitz"Trump is a non-entity, a distraction. He does not run things."Feb 05 19:57
schestowitzPart of the problem itself. 05 19:57
-TechBytesBot/ | Trump Signs Tax Plan, Reportedly Tells Friends “You All Just Got a Lot Richer” | Democracy Now!Feb 05 19:57
schestowitz 05 19:58
-TechBytesBot/ #solaris is not dead yet. #oracle #unixFeb 05 19:58
schestowitz"Feb 05 19:58
schestowitzFor Free/OpenSource people, even better is OpenIndiana:Feb 05 19:58
schestowitz 05 19:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Oracle Releases Solaris 11.4 Public Beta With GNOME 3 Desktop, Secure UEFI Boot - PhoronixFeb 05 19:58
schestowitz"Feb 05 19:58
-TechBytesBot/ | openindiana – Community-driven illumos DistributionFeb 05 19:58
schestowitz"tfs, Tom. I’d never heard of it until now."Feb 05 19:58
schestowitz"Feb 05 19:59
schestowitz 05 19:59
schestowitzI’ve used it, and it seems very solid and quite up-to-date. Can use ZFS natively and NO systemd! :-)Feb 05 19:59
schestowitz 05 19:59
schestowitz"Feb 05 19:59
-TechBytesBot/ | ZFS - OpenIndiana - OpenIndiana WikiFeb 05 19:59
schestowitzNot yetFeb 05 19:59
schestowitz 05 19:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Saule1508: @schestowitz Nice new functionality: journalctl gained a new --grep= option to list only entries in which the messa… 05 19:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Saule1508: @schestowitz Nice new functionality: journalctl gained a new --grep= option to list only entries in which the messa… 05 19:59
schestowitzNice new functionality: journalctl gained a new --grep= option to list only entries in which the message matches a certain pattern. I like systemd !""Feb 05 19:59
schestowitzcat| grepFeb 05 20:00
schestowitz 05 20:00
-TechBytesBot/ "extend unconstitutional, invasive NSA surveillance powers. Before it passed the House, the Senate, and received the president?s signature, the law was misrepresented by several members of Congress and by the president himself." 05 20:00
schestowitz"If ISIS is vanquished, why do we need a massive increase in the military budget? Some really beautiful great new enemies are being found!"Feb 05 20:00
schestowitz"The very best enemies for a Great Amerika!"Feb 05 20:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The State of the Union: What Wasn’t Said | Electronic Frontier FoundationFeb 05 20:00
schestowitzWait, henryKissy says it's "tempting" to nuke NK (which would get Russia and China involved again)Feb 05 20:01
schestowitz 05 20:02
-TechBytesBot/ 20 years since a bunch of "biz-heads" decided to marginalise RMS, steal his movement, not mention #freedom #freeswFeb 05 20:02
schestowitz"Sounds like a bad business man or promoter. Much like Tesla couldn’t sell his wares."Feb 05 20:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Open source turns 20 this weekendFeb 05 20:02
schestowitz"RMS was not in business - but he did invent an new movement. Now the task is to make the act of “sharing” more central.Feb 05 20:03
schestowitz 05 20:03
-TechBytesBot/ I have never heard #trump say anything funny He lacks a sense of humour He's dry like a toaster I asked others; they can't recall a DJT jokeFeb 05 20:03
schestowitz"If you can’t laugh with him, you can laugh at him."Feb 05 20:03
schestowitzhe is used to thatFeb 05 20:03
schestowitz 05 20:04
-TechBytesBot/ #intel must start a recall and replace operation for all its chips. They're all sold defective. 05 20:04
schestowitz"Are there not class action law suits in the pipeline? If there ever was a situation that justified them, this is it!"Feb 05 20:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Reckoning The Spectre And Meltdown Performance Hit For HPCFeb 05 20:04
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:04
schestowitzI think they are on the hook for some form of compensation. The hours I have spent at work determining the performance effects of the updates, the escalated deprecation of hardware due to the flaw.Feb 05 20:04
schestowitzI have a 3 month old computer, clearly in the window of when Intel knew about the flaw and yet continued to sell product.Feb 05 20:04
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:04
schestowitzTrue, they continues to profit by selling products they knew to be seriously faulty!Feb 05 20:05
schestowitz 05 20:06
-TechBytesBot/ Maybe Linus Pauling wasn't that much of a crank on vitamins after all 05 20:06
schestowitz"I’ve been taking D3 for years. When I first tried it, I found that my dreams were more vivid. I thought, wow, this stuff is actually doing something."Feb 05 20:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Study shows vitamin D3 could help heal or prevent cardiovascular damageFeb 05 20:06
schestowitz""Feb 05 20:06
schestowitzUnfortunately, the vivid-dream effect wore off after a while. The benefits of the D3 I hope continue…"Feb 05 20:06
schestowitzI spent a year taking vitamin supplements until I read they were a waste of time/money. So I stopped...Feb 05 20:06
schestowitz\Feb 05 20:08
-TechBytesBot/ Pair programming is like using #windows at the back end. One server doing the work, another fallback doing nada 05 20:08
schestowitz"I once worked at a firm which had a “pair” system where one person wrote the program while the other did QA on the output. So, in order speed-up development and improve my program, I took a look at some of the QA code, and then used some (with minor modifications). Then I got in big trouble for this and almost lost my job. Amazing."Feb 05 20:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Cornelius' Blog: Pair programming with gitFeb 05 20:08
schestowitz 05 20:09
-TechBytesBot/ "phone companies (CSPs) will store records of websites visited by every customer for 12 months for access by police" 05 20:09
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:09
schestowitzI imagine they already do this and want to legalize the practice so that they can start using it. In the US, at least, the spooks have to go to the trouble of making a “parallel evidence train” which they present to the public and the jury, but are allowed to present the real evidence to the judge. It is a horrible miscarriage of justice, because people are convicted with evidence they never get to see or defend themselves against. I doFeb 05 20:09
schestowitznot know if police in the UK do something similar. The potential for fraud and abuse won’t go away when they make the supposed evidence public, so they should simply not keep the records. Your ISP, as a man in the middle, can make up anything they want.Feb 05 20:09
schestowitzRecently, I’ve been reviewing Jeremy Hammond’s conviction. I wonder if he was a victim of parallel evidence.Feb 05 20:09
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Snoopers' Charter: What you need to know about the Investigatory Powers Act | Security | Computerworld UKFeb 05 20:09
schestowitzConstruction?Feb 05 20:09
schestowitz 05 20:09
-TechBytesBot/ People who have done #cpp #programming will 'get' this 05 20:09
schestowitz"FATALITY! hahahaha! I did some C++ back in the day… that’s a good one."Feb 05 20:09
schestowitz"I love that there are actually contests to generate the longest error message with smallest code, and the winners have created gigabytes of error message with only a handful of bytes of code."Feb 05 20:10
schestowitz"THAT is shocking… and yet somehow I can believe it… LOL'Feb 05 20:10
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:10
schestowitzFound it: 05 20:10
-TechBytesBot/ | The Grand C++ Error Explosion CompetitionFeb 05 20:10
schestowitzThere’s some hilarious stuff in there, like apparently one 256 byte long program creates 1.5 gigabytes of error.Feb 05 20:10
schestowitzThen there’s this:Feb 05 20:10
schestowitz#include "golf.cpp"Feb 05 20:10
schestowitz#include "golf.cpp"Feb 05 20:10
schestowitzwith a file named golf.cpp, which allegedly produces 85*2^140 terabytes of error in some version of GCC.Feb 05 20:10
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:10
schestowitz"atomic facepalm"Feb 05 20:10
schestowitz"not using auto"Feb 05 20:10
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:11
schestowitzauto wouldn’t help in this case. The return type is actually okay, and the coder may even have deliberately wanted to convert the iterator to a const_iterator. (Nowadays the right way to do that would be use .cbegin() and .cend() plus auto. But doing it as in the image was correct for C++98.)Feb 05 20:11
schestowitzThe error is searching for an int in a vector<vector<int>>. The messages are probably all complaining that there is no operator== for comparing an int to a vector<int>. (Also, a is uninitialized, so undefined behaviour, but that would probably only trigger a warning.)Feb 05 20:11
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:11
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:11
schestowitzoh shiet didn’t notice that it was searching for an int xDFeb 05 20:11
schestowitzmy bad.Feb 05 20:11
schestowitz"AND WHY THE F*CK CAN’T I GREENTEXT AHHHHFeb 05 20:11
schestowitz"why you do dis diaspora"Feb 05 20:11
schestowitz"The only reason I was able to spot the mistake is because I’ve done it so many damn times… and got a similar error explosion. When find() generates an error, this is the first thing I look for."Feb 05 20:11
schestowitz 05 20:12
-TechBytesBot/ Our beloved #Manchester Art Gallery, if it did this as a publicity stunt, succeeded see 05 20:12
schestowitz"v"Feb 05 20:12
schestowitz"Isn’t that the opposite of what someone does to “encourage debate”?"Feb 05 20:12
schestowitz"Oh - I’m debating!"Feb 05 20:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Gallery denies censorship after removing Victorian nymphs painting - BBC NewsFeb 05 20:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Presenting the female body: Challenging a Victorian fantasy | Manchester Art GalleryFeb 05 20:12
schestowitzWent past it again today. Now it always makes me think of what they did...Feb 05 20:12
schestowitz 05 20:13
-TechBytesBot/ #SiFive Introduces #RISCV #Linux -Capable Multicore Processor 05 20:13
schestowitz"Uh, that price tag…"Feb 05 20:13
schestowitz"v"Feb 05 20:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | SiFive Introduces RISC-V Linux-Capable Multicore Processor | HackadayFeb 05 20:13
schestowitz"Yeah, due to limited production, I think"Feb 05 20:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Pics from the FOSDEM SiFive talk | Richard WM JonesFeb 05 20:13
schestowitzRaspi managed to hit mass production. Now sure about CHIP.Feb 05 20:13
schestowitz*NOTFeb 05 20:14
schestowitz 05 20:14
-TechBytesBot/ The world's richest person runs a colossal sweatshop #amazon #jeffBezosFeb 05 20:14
schestowitz"Good luck enforcng “intellectual property” with IPFS.'Feb 05 20:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Amazon worker: paid £18,000 a year to shift 250 items an hour | Money | The GuardianFeb 05 20:14
schestowitz""Of course. Bezos would not be quite so rich if he actually paid people a fair/living wage."Feb 05 20:14
schestowitz"Oh, it is the Market that dictates that you Must pay people the minimum possible. Wait… I hear some other instructions coming through now…"Feb 05 20:14
schestowitzRace to the bottomFeb 05 20:15
schestowitz 05 20:15
-TechBytesBot/ This is very dangerous. We've spoken about this for years. 'Democrats' become the right, GOP far right 05 20:15
schestowitz"Not to mention a growing tolerance of dumb-but-wealthy military/industrial complex shills."Feb 05 20:15
schestowitz"Whatever happened to Peace, Love, and Understanding? :-("Feb 05 20:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Why Democrats Love Bush Now – ConsortiumnewsFeb 05 20:15
schestowitzIt never existed except in a nicheFeb 05 20:15
schestowitz 05 20:16
-TechBytesBot/ The WIRED Guide to the #Blockchain Wall Street publisher explains its rival? Hmmm... OK..Feb 05 20:16
schestowitz"The enemies of bitcoin try to promote the phrase “blockchain technology” instead…"Feb 05 20:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Blockchain: The Complete Guide | WIREDFeb 05 20:16
schestowitz"Useless big bank coins etc. to blurr the purpose of Bitcoin, which is replacing banks…"Feb 05 20:16
schestowitzTrue, diffusion tacticsFeb 05 20:16
schestowitz 05 20:16
-TechBytesBot/ The #us almost always fights its wars in other people's territory, which basically guarantees that all the US dead are US soldiers on foreign territory, whereas the other side loses mostly civilians where they live (e.g. to napalm) unless they flee home/cross borderFeb 05 20:17
schestowitz"Of course. Much better (for us) that way."Feb 05 20:17
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:17
schestowitzThat’s why the “alpha” or “beta” release of the angry man with the fake hair in the white house who is very bad for his country refused to talk to a woman named Cindy Sheehan. It happened a few years ago, but it’s kind of a haunting story for another day from someone who isn’t me.Feb 05 20:17
schestowitzI can’t even misquote Virgil without making a fool of myself, lol.Feb 05 20:17
schestowitz 05 20:17
-TechBytesBot/ The " #socialcontrolmedia , especially #mastodon and #twitter ," a friend told me, lets people shut themselves away from realityFeb 05 20:17
schestowitz"Why is Mastodon among social control media?"Feb 05 20:17
schestowitz"I’m curious too."Feb 05 20:17
schestowitz\Feb 05 20:18
schestowitz 05 20:18
-TechBytesBot/ | » Blog Archive » Mastodon is Actually a Lot Worse Than Twitter When it Comes to Free Speech. Avoid It.Feb 05 20:18
-TechBytesBot/ | » Blog Archive » Mastodon is Free Software, But It Does Not Respect Free Speech (Updated)Feb 05 20:18
schestowitz 05 20:19
-TechBytesBot/ Too busy talking about #trump lies, MSM mostly ignores his #miliatarism "The first year of the Trump administration has resulted in more loss of life from drone strikes than all eight years of Obama’s presidency. "Feb 05 20:19
schestowitz"Wow. :-("Feb 05 20:19
schestowitz"What a way to continue Obama’s legacy."Feb 05 20:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Reprieve - Trump’s secret assassinations programme Feb 05 20:19
schestowitzEach President boosts the drone by an order or magnitude or so.Feb 05 20:19
schestowitzEach President boosts the drone strikes by an order or magnitude or so.Feb 05 20:19
schestowitz*ofFeb 05 20:20
schestowitz 05 20:20
-TechBytesBot/ Trump’s Infrastructure Plan Could Destroy Our Nation’s #Water Systems 05 20:20
schestowitz"I got an impression from @NaturalNews Diaspora that water supplies are already being poisoned."Feb 05 20:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Trump’s Infrastructure Plan Could Destroy Our Nation’s Water Systems | The NationFeb 05 20:20
schestowitz"Another question Is Amtrak a state owned or private company, given the recent safety problems, if it is the latter then your worries are probably justified. State owned, means someone is accountable., to the government, providing the government has the balls to actually DO something if something goes wrong e.g accidents, weather fatal or otherwise."Feb 05 20:20
schestowitz"Nigger, we are not in South Africa (yet)Feb 05 20:21
schestowitz"Deregulation is an invitation to problems - sometimes serious. When there are few or no constraints the tendency is inevitably towards higher prices, poorer quality, or both, as profits are demanded to continue to increase year-after-year."Feb 05 20:21
schestowitz"Profits will always come first as you have to keep shareholders happy."Feb 05 20:21
schestowitzOr get fired, i.e. replacedFeb 05 20:21
schestowitz 05 20:21
-TechBytesBot/ Tutorial: Install #Ubuntu on a #Chromebook it's very easy and gives a perfectly-functioning #gnu #linuxFeb 05 20:21
schestowitz"v"Feb 05 20:21
schestowitz"If you want to install Linux on a Chromebook “natively” i.e. independently of ChromeOS, it is quite a bit more difficult."Feb 05 20:21
schestowitz"v"Feb 05 20:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Tutorial: Install Ubuntu on a Chromebook | Ubuntu InsightsFeb 05 20:22
schestowitz"Google’s intent, I’m sure."Feb 05 20:22
schestowitzI've done bothFeb 05 20:22
schestowitz 05 20:22
-TechBytesBot/ Urgent Threats to Academic Freedom in #Thailand growingly dangerous to travel thereFeb 05 20:22
schestowitz"Thailand, like many countries these days, is becoming more and more repressive. It seems we are well into a new Dark Ages."Feb 05 20:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Urgent Threats to Academic Freedom in Thailand - Scholars at RiskFeb 05 20:22
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:22
schestowitzI cannot believe how quickly Poland turned from being a “New Democracy” into yet another fascist state.Feb 05 20:23
schestowitzSpain looks pretty bad.Feb 05 20:23
schestowitzTurkey, of course.Feb 05 20:23
schestowitzAustralia…Feb 05 20:23
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:23
schestowitzAustralia too?Feb 05 20:23
schestowitz 05 20:23
-TechBytesBot/ Watch how much damage the #nsa is causing it's almost as though it exists to cause chaosFeb 05 20:23
schestowitz"Seriously, I believe that the neoliberal elite believe that they can “create new reality” through destruction of the old. It works like this: 1.) disrupt 2.) exploit the disruption 3.) profit."Feb 05 20:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Cryptocurrency Mining Malware That Uses an NSA Exploit Is On the Rise - MotherboardFeb 05 20:23
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:24
schestowitz@Tom Grz yes read schumpeterFeb 05 20:24
schestowitzSchumpeter popularized the term “creative destruction” in economics.Feb 05 20:24
schestowitz[4] 05 20:24
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:24
-TechBytesBot/ | Joseph Schumpeter - WikipediaFeb 05 20:24
schestowitz"There is a distinction to be made between “creative destruction” and destruction to create chaos upon which to profit. Big difference in entropy."Feb 05 20:24
schestowitzPR is being raided already (more than it always was)Feb 05 20:24
schestowitz 05 20:25
-TechBytesBot/ Western nations have "citizen scores" too (they just don't call it or classify like that) 05 20:25
schestowitz"The US maintains a number of Black lists - the Air Flight Black List is perhaps the most famous, but there are a number of others."Feb 05 20:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | China's Surveillance State Should Scare Everyone - The AtlanticFeb 05 20:25
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:25
schestowitzThe United States stands on the precipice of becoming a similar state. Every time it supports China’s oppression because it is in the financial interests of some corporation, it takes another step towards the edge.Feb 05 20:25
schestowitzWe have states trying to cut each other off at the knees to woo a retailer of primarily Chinese goods. Taxpayers of that state will subsidize the shipping of more jobs overseas for consumer goods, all in the name of “jobs” for that one location.Feb 05 20:25
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:25
schestowitz"^Walmart Redux. And worse."Feb 05 20:25
schestowitzAmazonFeb 05 20:25
schestowitz 05 20:26
-TechBytesBot/ What is WannaMine? New fileless malware uses NSA's leaked #EternalBlue exploit to mine #cryptocurrency #microsoft #windowsFeb 05 20:26
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:26
schestowitzMy terror and horror is that bitcoin isn’t any different than currency and the recent donation to the fsf isn’t worth any more than German currency was when…Feb 05 20:26
schestowitzWell, that’s too offensive and ignorant to belong on your profile, Dr. Schestowitz. Enough meanderings and moanings from my new “alternate” account yesterday. :)Feb 05 20:26
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | What is WannaMine? New fileless malware uses NSA's leaked EternalBlue exploit to mine cryptocurrencyFeb 05 20:26
schestowitzSome places do honour payments with these currencies, so for now they have material valueFeb 05 20:26
schestowitz 05 20:27
-TechBytesBot/ What MSM does in pursuit of scandals"Feb 05 20:27
schestowitz"Yet THIS article is lying: “the memo omits key information that could impact its veracity.” It does not. Uh, yes it does. It omits information that probably indicates that the Steele dossier was not the only evidence submitted to the FISA court and furthermore was probably not essential to the granting of the Warrant (which was then renewed three times upon the receipt of additional evidence). The additional sources of informationFeb 05 20:27
schestowitzprobably still need to be covered-up for god-only-knows-what reasons.Feb 05 20:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Press Prostitutes Lie Through Their Teeth About House Intelligence Committee Report - PaulCraigRoberts.orgFeb 05 20:27
schestowitz"Trump’s people are probably guilty of something having to do with obtaining some sort of campaign aid from the Russians. As for Trump himself, the total incompetent that he is, may have been kept out of the loop. Maybe."Feb 05 20:27
schestowitz 05 20:28
-TechBytesBot/ Why can't more people respect the religion of Neptunism? Unlike Santaism or Satanism, there's a book that proves it's true. It's called The Little Mermaid. It's a "bible", too.Feb 05 20:28
schestowitz"Psst. It’s called The Satanic Bible. There is also Dante’s Inferno."Feb 05 20:28
schestowitz"The Satanic Bible really isn’t a Bible in the conventional sense. It doesn’t convey any real history of the Devil or construct a particular religious viewpoint. It’s more of a mash-up of Objectivism and (some aspects of) Nihilism, with some reflection on the idea that “Old gods are often transformed into the villains of new religions”.Feb 05 20:28
schestowitz"Any system of beliefs can be construed to be a “religion”. Does religion need a god or gods? What if the god is hidden behind a construct, such as the “invisible hand”?"Feb 05 20:28
schestowitzThat's more of a metaphysical and hypothetical  'god' or 'religion'Feb 05 20:29
schestowitz 05 20:29
-TechBytesBot/ "You think you own whatever land you land on The earth is just a dead thing you can claim .... You think the only people who are people Are the people who look and think like you But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger You'll learn things you never knew, you never knew"Feb 05 20:29
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:29
schestowitzWhatever claim you can makeFeb 05 20:29
schestowitzIs yours to takeFeb 05 20:30
schestowitzAnd defendFeb 05 20:30
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:30
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:30
schestowitzWhatever claim you stakeFeb 05 20:30
schestowitzIs yours to takeFeb 05 20:30
schestowitzAnd defend to the endFeb 05 20:30
schestowitz 05 20:32
-TechBytesBot/ **Tkx to**@{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊);} _for the inspiration_ **Quand tu te rappelles plus du tout de la fin de la soirée d'hier... et que ta meilleure amie te met sur la piste...bon dimanche!**Feb 05 20:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by 05 20:32
schestowitz 05 20:32
schestowitz 05 20:34
-TechBytesBot/ 7-year-old boy handcuffed in #Florida school after allegedly attacking teacher laughable?Feb 05 20:34
schestowitz|"Feb 05 20:34
schestowitz 05 20:34
schestowitz(probably closer to an exclamation or an expletive than practical advice, but still…)Feb 05 20:34
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 7-year-old boy handcuffed in Florida school after allegedly attacking teacher - ABC NewsFeb 05 20:34
schestowitz 05 20:34
-TechBytesBot/ | More Complete John Holt Collection (download torrent) - TPBFeb 05 20:34
schestowitz"I use Brasero all the time. No problems. Xfburn works well also.'Feb 05 20:34
-TechBytesBot/ 2018 and CD burning still painful I rarely do it. Only once in the past 5 years.Feb 05 20:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 2018 and CD burning still painful – There and back againFeb 05 20:34
schestowitzI use the KDE option, but so so rarelyFeb 05 20:34
schestowitz 05 20:35
-TechBytesBot/ 12 Practical Examples Of wget Command In #Linux Manning used #gnu #wget to give #assange leaks for #wikileaksFeb 05 20:35
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:35
schestowitzOuch!Feb 05 20:35
schestowitz$ wget –m <URL>Feb 05 20:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 12 Practical Examples Of wget Command On LinuxFeb 05 20:35
schestowitzshould beFeb 05 20:35
schestowitz$ wget –m -k <URL>Feb 05 20:35
schestowitzso the links are all comverted to point to the files in the local copy. -m alone is not a great idea.Feb 05 20:35
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:35
schestowitz 05 20:35
-TechBytesBot/ 100+ MSM 'reports' about #assange accidentally speaking to a troll, none about this except RT #wikileaks #defendWLFeb 05 20:35
schestowitz"Who are the warmongers? We are!'Feb 05 20:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Assange blasts US ‘subservience to Saudis’ as Trump triples drone strikes in Yemen — RT World NewsFeb 05 20:35
schestowitz 05 20:36
-TechBytesBot/ A girl gets married every 2 seconds somewhere in the world like births, not unique/accomplishmentFeb 05 20:36
schestowitz"16 is the age of consent in most places in the US. 16/17 may not be “adult”, but neither is it “child”.Feb 05 20:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | A girl gets married every 2 seconds somewhere in the world - CNNFeb 05 20:36
schestowitz 05 20:36
-TechBytesBot/ A game of chicken: how Indian poultry farming is creating global superbugs 05 20:36
schestowitz"This is capitalism for you - if it can be done and a buck made, it will be done, consequences be damned. Well, we will all be damned.Feb 05 20:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | A game of chicken: how Indian poultry farming is creating global superbugs — The Bureau of Investigative JournalismFeb 05 20:36
schestowitz 05 20:36
-TechBytesBot/ Affects #Microsoft #Windows #lenovo #thinkpadFeb 05 20:36
schestowitz"What is the purpose of fingerprint access? Security?"Feb 05 20:36
schestowitzGimmick IMHOFeb 05 20:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Lenovo Says It Shipped A Hackable Fingerprint Manager With Its LaptopsFeb 05 20:36
schestowitz 05 20:37
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: This map is nothing new, Russia already knew all these cables, and stop pushing such anti-Russia hysteria please? 05 20:37
schestowitz"Indeed disappointing to see the Independent promote hysteria.Feb 05 20:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | This incredible map shows the undersea cables that keep the internet alive — and security services are worried Russia could cut them | The IndependentFeb 05 20:37
schestowitz'"Feb 05 20:38
schestowitzI always wondered why The Guardian, well known anti-Russian propaganda unit, didn’t actually run with this story. I see today headlines from various sources, after the issue cooled down, that the UK Defence Minister, who brought up this story again on Friday, also admitted in another interview that he cheated on his wife, and the Guardian is investigating abuse allegations against him.Feb 05 20:38
schestowitzBut hey, don;t worry about that, worry about the Russians who are coming to cause “hundreds and hundreds of thousands of deaths” [actual quote from an actual defence minister of a nuclear nation].Feb 05 20:38
schestowitz'Feb 05 20:38
schestowitzIt's sickening at timesFeb 05 20:38
schestowitz 05 20:41
-TechBytesBot/ AMP - Fully Featured Text Editor for Linux Terminal #gnu #linuxFeb 05 20:41
schestowitz"I don’t see any advantage over emacs. (but then, I already use emacs, so it would take something really impressive for me to change my ways)."Feb 05 20:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | AMP - Fully Featured Text Editor for Linux TerminalFeb 05 20:41
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:41
schestowitzI was going to take a peek at it compared to vim/gvim, but when I saw that it wasn’t an out-of-the-box installation for Debian, I decided I had better things to do. :|Feb 05 20:41
schestowitzI’m willing to bet that happens with a lot of people, too. I wonder why developers don’t take a little bit more time to ensure a better testing and/or adoption; researching the different OS’s install scripts can’t be that much of a pain in the ass…Feb 05 20:41
schestowitz6 days agoFeb 05 20:41
schestowitz"Feb 05 20:41
schestowitz 05 20:44
-TechBytesBot/ All the Roystons are always so.... old. 05 20:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NobelPrize: The father of quantum optics, Roy Glauber, published “Photon Correlations” #OTD 55 years ago. He succeeded in descr… 05 20:44
schestowitz"“correct picture”? How about a “good-enough picture for the time-being”."Feb 05 20:44
schestowitz 05 20:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SamFStewart: @schestowitz @SenWarren @MickMulvaneyOMB @CFPB B-b-but Paul Ryan said that teacher got $1.50 more per week!Feb 05 20:44
schestowitz 05 20:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SamFStewart: @schestowitz @SenWarren @MickMulvaneyOMB @CFPB If this isn't criminal I don't know what is. Exchange salaries of Congress with teachers.Feb 05 20:48
schestowitz 06 00:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Pentagon's Defense Logistics Agency loses track of $800m @schestowitz 06 00:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Pentagon's Defense Logistics Agency loses track of $800m - BBC NewsFeb 06 00:39
schestowitz 06 00:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kayesem: @schestowitz @JulianAssange @Conservatives @jeremycorbyn @wikileaks SO mild that there’s not a peep from him about human rights infractions!Feb 06 00:40
schestowitz 06 00:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Every NHS trust tested for cybersecurity has failed, officials admit @Schestowitz 06 00:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Every NHS trust tested for cybersecurity has failed, officials admit | Technology | The GuardianFeb 06 00:40
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Feb 06 01:12
schestowitz 06 02:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fcassia: @quetool @schestowitz Win2k. It ran on a 128MB RAM PII. Full win32 api without the bloat.Feb 06 02:55
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Feb 06 03:00
schestowitz 06 03:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ARetVet: This really is creepy!!!!! 06 03:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: One can hope that people will stop sending money to #amazon before it's too late 06 03:15
schestowitz 06 03:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@datahoarse: @schestowitz Reading the article it is obvious the great firewall is already at work based on the actions. just lik… 06 03:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@datahoarse: @schestowitz Reading the article it is obvious the great firewall is already at work based on the actions. just lik… 06 03:38
schestowitz"Reading the article it is obvious the great firewall is already at work based on the actions. just like China. & Theresa May has been harping about implementing censorship on UK internet for a LONG time"Feb 06 03:38
schestowitz 06 03:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rabbitlover81: @schestowitz First rule : no more multiple choice answers. Learn the book.Feb 06 03:38
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytesFeb 06 09:55
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Senate approves Trump's nominee to head Patent Office</a></h5>Feb 06 11:33
schestowitz<blockquote>Feb 06 11:33
schestowitz <p>Iancu’s vote was met with no pushback from Democrats, even though some voiced opposition over another Trump tech nominee, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai, last October. </p>Feb 06 11:33
schestowitz<p>[...]</p>Feb 06 11:33
-TechBytesBot/ | Senate approves Trump's nominee to head Patent Office | TheHillFeb 06 11:33
schestowitz<p>Iancu is an intellectual property [sic] lawyer at the firm Irell & Manella, which once defended Trump, Mark Burnett Productions and NBC Universal in a case involving copyright claims over the reality TV show "The Apprentice."</p>Feb 06 11:33
schestowitz</blockquote>Feb 06 11:33
schestowitz</li>Feb 06 11:33
schestowitz 06 11:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Andrew_R33: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn @JulianAssange @wikileaks How many votes would that get him? It’s a numbers game you see.Feb 06 11:37
schestowitz 06 12:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #redhat report from #SnowCamp 06 12:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | SnowCamp 2018 Trip Report - RHD BlogFeb 06 12:02
schestowitz 06 12:03
-TechBytesBot/ "Iancu’s vote was met with no pushback from Democrats, even though some voiced opposition over another Trump tech nominee" #ajitPai #iancu 06 12:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Andrei Iancu’s Firm Has a History Working With Trump, But Senate Says OK to Him Becoming USPTO Director | TechrightsFeb 06 12:03
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Feb 06 12:48
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytesFeb 06 17:30
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Feb 06 19:12
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesFeb 06 19:13
schestowitz 06 19:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Emma as a pawn of politics, not justice #assange #wikileaksFeb 06 19:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | British judge upholds arrest warrant for Julian Assange - The Washington PostFeb 06 19:49
schestowitz 06 19:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Can You #Copyright a Pose? oh, piss off, copyright maximalists!Feb 06 19:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Written Description: Can You Copyright a Pose?Feb 06 19:51
schestowitz 06 20:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LaLegale: @schestowitz Exactly right. It's one of the biggest puzzles that media organisations have not supported… 06 20:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@LaLegale: @schestowitz Exactly right. It's one of the biggest puzzles that media organisations have not supported… 06 20:07
schestowitz"Exactly right. It's one of the biggest puzzles that media organisations have not supported @JulianAssange unlike support for @PeterGreste."Feb 06 20:07
schestowitz 06 20:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DawnUnicorn: @schestowitz @JulianAssange Hope it isn’t 😔Feb 06 20:09
schestowitzI'm just guessing, and they can always just attempt to blame it on some "politically motivated" long wolf, serving to scare embassy staff and jeopardise asylum statusFeb 06 20:10
schestowitz 06 20:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fcassia: @lproven @jyarow @schestowitz @brunoborges @robilad I didn't knew trademark registration depended on the brand awareness. News to me...Feb 06 20:19
schestowitz 06 22:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Pretty Songs with Death Metal Lyrics! 06 22:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Pretty Songs with Death Metal Lyrics! - YouTubeFeb 06 22:05
schestowitz 06 22:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@neur0atypical: @ggreenwald .@schestowitz One wonders, would they allow extradition of @JulianAssange to the U.S. ? 🤔Feb 06 22:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CourthouseNews: London Judge Won’t Drop Warrant for #JulianAssange @amandaottaway 06 22:26
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Feb 06 23:03
<--schestowitz has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Feb 07 00:16
-->r_schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesFeb 07 00:16
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Feb 7 00:17:16 2018
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Feb 7 00:19:49 2018
-->You are now talking on #techbytesFeb 07 00:19
---Topic for #techbytes is Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastFeb 07 00:19
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r_schestowitz 07 06:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Hamburg_klein: @schestowitz @immolations of Course!!! and paper ballots , group countedFeb 07 06:51
r_schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Open Source as a driver of VoIP communications innovation</a></h5>Feb 07 08:56
r_schestowitz<blockquote>Feb 07 08:56
r_schestowitz <p>Today, we’re seeing the same software giants ride the wave of popularity surrounding open source solutions, releasing portions of their code to users at no cost. Is this a generous gesture to help the cause or a more calculated attempt to get the developer community to offer up advice on how to improve their products? You can be the judge.  </p>Feb 07 08:56
r_schestowitz</blockquote>Feb 07 08:56
r_schestowitz</li>Feb 07 08:56
-TechBytesBot/ | Open Source as a driver of VoIP communications innovationFeb 07 08:56
r_schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Google Won’t Take Down ‘Pirate’ VLC With Five Million Downloads</a></h5>Feb 07 09:17
r_schestowitz<blockquote>Feb 07 09:17
r_schestowitz <p> VideoLAN, the team behind the VLC media player, recently revealed that they turned down several tens of millions of euros to bundle their software with advertising. The same cannot be said of third-party developers cloning VLC for profit, however. An ad-supported clone discovered on Google Play has a staggering five to ten million downloads and breaches VLC's GPL license, yet Google refuses to take it down.  </p>Feb 07 09:17
r_schestowitz<p>[...]</p>Feb 07 09:17
-TechBytesBot/ | Google Won't Take Down 'Pirate' VLC With Five Million Downloads - TorrentFreakFeb 07 09:17
r_schestowitz<p>Perhaps the most amazing thing is the popularity of the software. According to stats provided by Google, 321 Media Player has amassed between five and ten million downloads. That’s not an insignificant amount when one considers that unlike VLC, 321 Media Player contains revenue-generating ads.</p>Feb 07 09:17
r_schestowitz</blockquote>Feb 07 09:17
r_schestowitz</li>Feb 07 09:17
r_schestowitz 07 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TrumpsCloset: @schestowitz Unelected global governance is fascism. The end of the failed EU project is near. 07 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TrumpsCloset: @schestowitz Unelected global governance is fascism. The end of the failed EU project is near. 07 09:20
r_schestowitz 07 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dimitris_xenos: @zoobab @Sheikh_al_Touar The Council (not the European Council @schestowitz) has more than 150 working groups + ad… 07 09:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dimitris_xenos: @zoobab @Sheikh_al_Touar The Council (not the European Council @schestowitz) has more than 150 working groups + ad… 07 09:20
r_schestowitz"Feb 07 09:20
r_schestowitzThe Council (not the European Council @schestowitz) has more than 150 working groups + ad hoc experts who run the show. We have to find out what they do with the #UPC. I have also written toFeb 07 09:20
r_schestowitz@EUombudsman regarding their inquiry on the Council's groupsFeb 07 09:20
r_schestowitz"Feb 07 09:20
r_schestowitzLet me know the outcome, I write about UPC at this very momentFeb 07 09:20
r_schestowitz 07 09:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iyouport_news: [#Facebook 删除了对苏格兰民族党2015年大选具有吹嘘性影响的信息]其中包括一个名为“触发山崩”的页面,声称Facebook帮助SNP在选举期间取得了苏格兰近乎完全的胜利。FB最近透露启动一个不起眼的政府和政治部门,声称… 07 09:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iyouport_news: [#Facebook 删除了对苏格兰民族党2015年大选具有吹嘘性影响的信息]其中包括一个名为“触发山崩”的页面,声称Facebook帮助SNP在选举期间取得了苏格兰近乎完全的胜利。FB最近透露启动一个不起眼的政府和政治部门,声称… 07 09:43
r_schestowitz"removed information that boasted about the Scottish National Party's 2015 general election] including a page called "triggering landslides", claiming that Facebook helped SNP achieve a near-total victory in Scotland during the election. FB recently revealed the launch of an obscure government and political department, claiming to have helped a number of political movements, "advising and advertising voters" ... This is a sign, with theFeb 07 09:43
r_schestowitznature of censorship #ttps://"Feb 07 09:43
r_schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">The new puritans waging war on art</a></h5>Feb 07 09:46
r_schestowitz# SJWs at catspaws for sharia activistsFeb 07 09:46
r_schestowitz<blockquote>Feb 07 09:46
-TechBytesBot/ | The new puritans waging war on art | Arts & Culture | Feminism | spikedFeb 07 09:46
r_schestowitz <p>But this incident isn’t simply a matter of bad judgement on the part of MAG’s curators. After all, this was not an isolated example of censorship in the arts. Feminist and anti-racist campaigners are increasingly targeting the arts to further their causes, and arts institutions are capitulating to their demands – or, even worse, pre-empting them by engaging in self-censorship. </p>Feb 07 09:46
r_schestowitz</blockquote>Feb 07 09:46
r_schestowitz</li>Feb 07 09:47
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytesFeb 07 09:47
r_schestowitz"Feb 07 10:31
r_schestowitz=Feb 07 10:31
r_schestowitz 07 10:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Maldives’ former President Nasheed seeks Indian military intervention in crisis-ridden country - The HinduFeb 07 10:31
r_schestowitz=Feb 07 10:31
r_schestowitz 07 10:31
r_schestowitz=Feb 07 10:31
r_schestowitzx 07 10:31
r_schestowitz# excludes GNU explicity from its digestFeb 07 10:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Glad you talked about corruption, now walk the talk, Siddaramaiah tweets to PM Modi | IndiaTodayFeb 07 10:31
r_schestowitz=Feb 07 10:31
r_schestowitz"Feb 07 10:31
-TechBytesBot/ | What lies ahead for open source? | ITWebFeb 07 10:31
r_schestowitz>>> Apparently the region's bus drivers, including school buses, will beFeb 07 10:47
r_schestowitz>>> fired in June.  What's left of the bus service will be outsourced to aFeb 07 10:47
r_schestowitz>>> company a 3-hour drive away in Oulu.  It's just an intermediate step toFeb 07 10:47
r_schestowitz>>> shutting down the service, it's already rather poor outside of schoolFeb 07 10:47
r_schestowitz>>> hours and trips.Feb 07 10:47
r_schestowitz>>>Feb 07 10:47
r_schestowitz>>> Also, more foreign mining companies are moving in upstream from us onFeb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz>>> the network of rivers.  They are ostensibly after gold in what had beenFeb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz>>> the nature reserves.  However, if the mine to the south of us is a modelFeb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz>>> it will be primarily uranium extraction.  That one had been deniedFeb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz>>> permission to dig for uranium, but reapplied to look for gold on theFeb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz>>> condition that if the found uranium they could keep it.  That wasFeb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz>>> approved.  And if the other mine to the south of us is a model, eachFeb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz>>> will replace the European record for environmental disaster.Feb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz>> Not a good world to bring kids into. They would likely suffer.Feb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz> Most people don't look ahead.  Funny how 99% of the time, 99% of peopleFeb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz> cannot extrapolate even a linear slope, let alone a curve.  They onlyFeb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz> see the point on the curve where they are at that instant and neitherFeb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz> the slope of the curve at that point nor the rate of change.Feb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz>Feb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz> Anyway, many years ago the buses were quite reasonable.  PrivatizationFeb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz> has harmed them, reducing both the routes and the departure times.  ThatFeb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz> makes for long walks and long waits, sometimes of many hours, if theFeb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz> buses show up at all.  The waiting has caused people we know to have toFeb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz> drop out of vocational and other training.  Also, it did not help that aFeb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz> few years ago the downtown suddenly became very unsafe for women alone.Feb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz> It has gradually improved but the politicians only moved the problemFeb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz> around and have not faced it.Feb 07 10:48
r_schestowitzMy brother expects to have his first child ("Michael") later this week. I don't envy him. I think he's one of those doing this for "acceptance". As if it's a unique accomplishment.Feb 07 10:48
r_schestowitz 07 11:09
r_schestowitz"But the COREPER, the main committee that assists the Council, is actively involved, esp. the configuration of Competitiveness Council (COMPET), see, e.g.,… So, we can ask them how they supervise the work of the #UPC Preparatory Committee #unitarypatent"Feb 07 11:09
-TechBytesBot/ | TwitterFeb 07 11:09
r_schestowitz 07 11:09
-TechBytesBot/ | TwitterFeb 07 11:09
r_schestowitz"darkness. Maybe one day citizens of the EU will realize the Council is an undemocratic institution. "Feb 07 11:09
<--r_schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Feb 07 11:09
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesFeb 07 11:10
schestowitz 07 11:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@0o0Exit: @schestowitz @MFAEcuador On this case issue, I was thinking aren't there issues around impartially, eg, why she may… 07 11:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@0o0Exit: @schestowitz @MFAEcuador On this case issue, I was thinking aren't there issues around impartially, eg, why she may… 07 11:31
schestowitz"Feb 07 11:31
schestowitzOn this case issue, I was thinking aren't there issues around impartially, eg, why she may not have studied the case?Feb 07 11:31
schestowitzI know we all look at it from a firmiliar standpoint, but isun't it some requirement not bias oneself as a judge?Feb 07 11:31
schestowitzPs, great stuff Ecuador. Champion nation.Feb 07 11:31
schestowitz"Feb 07 11:31
schestowitz 07 11:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@0o0Exit: @schestowitz @MFAEcuador On this case issue, I was thinking aren't there issues around impartially, eg, why she may… 07 11:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@0o0Exit: @schestowitz @MFAEcuador On this case issue, I was thinking aren't there issues around impartially, eg, why she may… 07 11:35
schestowitz"Feb 07 11:35
schestowitzOn this case issue, I was thinking aren't there issues around impartially, eg, why she may not have studied the case?Feb 07 11:35
schestowitzI know we all look at it from a firmiliar standpoint, but isun't it some requirement not to bias oneself as a judge?Feb 07 11:36
schestowitzPs, great stuff Ecuador. Champion nation.Feb 07 11:36
schestowitz"Feb 07 11:36
schestowitz 07 12:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@h_ups: @schestowitz 07 12:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@h_ups: Hey @krassenstein say the obvious. Just spit it out. White. Evangelical. Christians. Are Nazis. Are Racist… 07 12:03
schestowitz 07 13:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SnapInsGoo: @schestowitz Good doctor supported Amos Yee who does nothing now but waits for weekend sex. A kept woman of sorts y… 07 13:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SnapInsGoo: @schestowitz Good doctor supported Amos Yee who does nothing now but waits for weekend sex. A kept woman of sorts y… 07 13:05
schestowitz"Feb 07 13:05
schestowitzGood doctor supported Amos Yee who does nothing now but waits for weekend sex.Feb 07 13:05
schestowitzA kept woman of sorts your so called political free speech activist turns out to be.Feb 07 13:05
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesFeb 07 13:05
schestowitz"Feb 07 13:05
schestowitz 07 13:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fflandro: @schestowitz Good start... But Go Deeper.Feb 07 13:09
schestowitz 07 13:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fflandro: @schestowitz Good start... But Go Deeper. The Rabbit Hole is much deeper. The Nightmare that lies at the bottom .… 07 13:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fflandro: @schestowitz Good start... But Go Deeper. The Rabbit Hole is much deeper. The Nightmare that lies at the bottom .… 07 13:16
schestowitz"Feb 07 13:16
schestowitzGood start... But Go Deeper.Feb 07 13:16
schestowitzThe Rabbit Hole is much deeper.Feb 07 13:16
schestowitzThe Nightmare that lies at the bottom ... will be revealed sooner than later.Feb 07 13:16
schestowitz"Feb 07 13:16
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesFeb 07 17:30
schestowitz 07 19:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: @schestowitz @Twpalovi @KrapulaPhD @zoobab @bosson @AnaGomesMEP @HelgaTruepel @MarcAngel_lu @Carlospuntocom Complet… 07 19:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: @schestowitz @Twpalovi @KrapulaPhD @zoobab @bosson @AnaGomesMEP @HelgaTruepel @MarcAngel_lu @Carlospuntocom Complet… 07 19:41
schestowitz"Complete media silence about this extremely important topic! Remarkable, isn't it ? Are the big 2 (DE & FR) craving for more power within the EU?"Feb 07 19:41
schestowitz 07 21:06
schestowitz"Big issue that requires the distribution of one use syringes in prisons. As it stand, sharing needles in prison then being released into the community is acting like an incubator of the disease. I guess in the US the issue is worse because of the lack of universal healthcare. HIV has a life in the environment of 2 hours, HepC is 2 weeks."Feb 07 21:06
-TechBytesBot/ Prison's deadliest inmate, hepatitis C, escaping hard to avoid due to unsanitary conditions, @LauriLoveFeb 07 21:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Prison's deadliest inmate, hepatitis C, escaping - Health - Infectious diseases | NBC NewsFeb 07 21:06
schestowitz"Feb 07 21:06
schestowitzI did a research project on it years ago. Using Drupal for the presentation.Feb 07 21:06
schestowitz 07 21:06
schestowitz"Feb 07 21:06
-TechBytesBot/ | HCV Intervention | Reducing infection rates within the female prison population of NSWFeb 07 21:06
schestowitz 07 21:07
schestowitz"Feb 07 21:07
schestowitzThe Australian government has listed yet another drug to cure hepatitis C on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). The drug Epclusa® – a combination of sofosbuvir 400mg and velpatasvir 100mg – is the first of the direct-acting antiviral treatments effective for all types of the disease. It will cost most patients A$38.80, and A$6.30 for concession card holders. Before the PBS listing, the cost exceeded A$20,000.Feb 07 21:07
schestowitzA number of hepatitis C treatments have been listed on the PBS since March 2016. The government has committed to investing A$1 billion over five years to treat the 230,000 Australians living with the disease.Feb 07 21:07
schestowitzAustralia is a leading country in the global response to hep C. Since March 2016, around 40,000 people with hep C have had treatment. An estimated 95% of them have been cured.Feb 07 21:07
schestowitz 07 21:07
schestowitz"Feb 07 21:07
-TechBytesBot/ | Australia leads the world in hepatitis C treatment – what's behind its success?Feb 07 21:07
schestowitz"Feb 07 21:07
schestowitzThe Australian government has listed yet another drug to cure hepatitis C on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). The drug Epclusa® – a combination of sofosbuvir 400mg and velpatasvir 100mg – is the first of the direct-acting antiviral treatments effective for all types of the disease. It will cost most patients A$38.80, and A$6.30 for concession card holders. Before the PBS listing, the cost exceeded A$20,000.Feb 07 21:07
schestowitzA number of hepatitis C treatments have been listed on the PBS since March 2016. The government has committed to investing A$1 billion over five years to treat the 230,000 Australians living with the disease.Feb 07 21:07
schestowitzAustralia is a leading country in the global response to hep C. Since March 2016, around 40,000 people with hep C have had treatment. An estimated 95% of them have been cured.Feb 07 21:07
schestowitz 07 21:07
schestowitz"Feb 07 21:07
schestowitz"There’s the real value of universal healthcare run by the government. If the government ignore preventative medicine and health promotion then the cost of healthcare can bankrupt the government. Caring becomes the rational choice and the ideological diversions become unaffordable costs."Feb 07 21:07
schestowitz"Most times the humanitarian thing to do also makes “economic” sense. What is good for all of us is good for all of us!"Feb 07 21:08
schestowitz"Exactly. Not just the cost of the infection but the cost involved in supporting a person with a disease on social security, hospitalisation and other healthcare."Feb 07 21:08
schestowitz 07 21:09
schestowitz"Duckduckgo too?"Feb 07 21:09
-TechBytesBot/ Please do not use #google (nor Microsoft/DDG) They drop pages from their index, like articles of mine as recent as 5 years agoFeb 07 21:09
schestowitz"What to use?"Feb 07 21:09
schestowitz"sounds like a market niche for a startup."Feb 07 21:09
schestowitzThe problem is that all of them digest the "big 3" now, except for very broad searchesFeb 07 21:10
schestowitz 07 21:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BissetteDarren: @schestowitz @LBC so your suggesting no platform for someone you disagree with, not very stable or reasonable is it Dr?Feb 07 21:10
schestowitz"so your suggesting no platform for someone you disagree with, not very stable or reasonable is it Dr?"Feb 07 21:10
schestowitz 07 21:11
-TechBytesBot/ "To keep a long story short, Rust, as a language, did not meet my expectations" #rust #mozillaFeb 07 21:11
schestowitz"Feb 07 21:11
schestowitzHaha!Feb 07 21:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Rust Creator Graydon Hoare Says Current Software Development Practices Terrify Him - SlashdotFeb 07 21:11
schestowitz(…) the Rust community was very heavily into promoting “diversity” and “tolerance” and all of those other left-wing buzzwords,Feb 07 21:11
schestowitzThere’s some valid criticism in there too, though, but on the whole this guy seems rather confused.Feb 07 21:11
schestowitz"Feb 07 21:11
schestowitz"What would the direct alternatives to the Rust language be? C++ is what we are all trying to avoid!"Feb 07 21:11
schestowitzYes. c++ is hard even for me to cope with (and I tried many times)Feb 07 21:12
schestowitz 07 21:13
schestowitz"Feb 07 21:13
-TechBytesBot/ #### This 1400-Year-Old Tree shedding an ocean of Golden Leaves ![]( reshared via @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊);} #buddhist #temple #Feb 07 21:13
schestowitz 07 21:13
schestowitzreshared via @Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Feb 07 21:13
schestowitz#buddhist #temple #goldenleaves #chinaFeb 07 21:13
schestowitz"Feb 07 21:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | This Buddhist temple's 1,400-year-old ginkgo tree is dropping a sea of yellow | The IndependentFeb 07 21:13
schestowitz 07 22:07
-TechBytesBot/ Just a reminder that #sanders was never much of an antiwar person except perhaps in #iraq 07 22:07
schestowitz"Bernie is a Democrat at heart, only a few decades out of sync."Feb 07 22:07
schestowitzHaha, sp trueFeb 07 22:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Responding to Bernie’s Promotion of the New Cold War – ConsortiumnewsFeb 07 22:07
schestowitz 07 22:08
-TechBytesBot/ Julian #Assange could walk free today 07 22:08
schestowitz"And about time, too!"Feb 07 22:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Julian Assange could walk free today after more than five years in Ecuadorian embassy | The IndependentFeb 07 22:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Julian Assange asks UK court to drop his arrest warrant - BBC NewsFeb 07 22:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Julian Assange pleads to leave Ecuadorian embassy because of 'depression and bad tooth' Feb 07 22:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Julian Assange asks UK court to drop arrest warrant | Media | The GuardianFeb 07 22:08
schestowitzDidn't happen, but another ruling next TuesdayFeb 07 22:08
schestowitz 07 22:08
-TechBytesBot/ Jeff Bezos, the world's richest man, may actually convince enough fools to PAY him to SPY on THEM 07 22:08
schestowitz"I mounted mine in the bowl of my toilet."Feb 07 22:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Four Creative Ways You Can Mount Your Echo DotFeb 07 22:08
schestowitzThat's a pretty shitty thing to doFeb 07 22:08
schestowitz 07 22:08
-TechBytesBot/ Japanese-Americans (born in the US to people with Japanese ancestry) had rights. Until they didn't. 07 22:08
schestowitz"Yes."Feb 07 22:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | George Carlin - You have no rights - YouTube [ ]Feb 07 22:08
schestowitz 07 22:09
-TechBytesBot/ Sean Hannity's employer is responsible for almost all the attack pieces against #assange lately. it all started there. Why even speak to Hannity? Never made sense to me. #newscorp ('Trump TV') was the spreader of a lot of #fakenews about #wikileaks this month and last month.Feb 07 22:09
schestowitz"Yep. “fakenews” is everywhere. Trump supporters swim in it."Feb 07 22:09
schestowitzIF.... they can swimFeb 07 22:09
schestowitz 07 22:09
-TechBytesBot/ #ScottWalker Is Literally Preventing Wisconsinites From Voting #WisconsinFeb 07 22:09
schestowitz"What is wrong with these people? As Bill Maher has said, “we’re witnessing a slow motion coup”."Feb 07 22:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Scott Walker Is Literally Preventing Wisconsinites From Voting | The NationFeb 07 22:09
schestowitzConfederate coupFeb 07 22:10
schestowitz 07 22:10
-TechBytesBot/ Scientist: temperatures rise over time. Data shows this. Fool: But this month was cold (weather, not climate). Scientist: yes, climate changes. Fool: Aha, so it's not ALWAYS warming. Scientist: On average, actually, it does. Fool: Errr... hrm... Science; So? Fool: Geo-engineering! Fake data! Soros!Feb 07 22:10
schestowitz"“Look: Contrails!”"Feb 07 22:10
schestowitz 07 22:10
-TechBytesBot/ Russian media uses the old tactics of recruiting women for fascist movements, I think 07 22:10
schestowitz"Isn’t that insanely low compared to the US and the UK? I thought it was over half in “developed” countries, depending, of course, on socioeconomic caste."Feb 07 22:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | One in eight Swedish women will be raped in their lifetimes and that is a low estimateFeb 07 22:10
schestowitzFar more than I'd expectFeb 07 22:10
schestowitz 07 22:11
-TechBytesBot/ Russian media tries to poison the "wiiimiin" against immigration in #europe to cause societal rot 07 22:11
schestowitz"And how, exactly was “safety” measured? Reports of spousal abuse?Feb 07 22:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The safest country for women in continental Europe is PolandFeb 07 22:11
schestowitzI was implying the source is shiteFeb 07 22:11
schestowitz 07 22:12
-TechBytesBot/ "Russian game" 07 22:12
schestowitz"You get out what you put in?"Feb 07 22:12
schestowitzYupFeb 07 22:12
schestowitz 07 22:12
-TechBytesBot/ #russia isn't really the enemy of "the West" Sure, it has nukes But real competition comes from CKJ (East Asia) We need to be better on techFeb 07 22:12
schestowitz"Seems the US wants to delude itself that China is not on the verge of economic dominance and thus also technical and geo-political dominance as well."Feb 07 22:12
schestowitzChina is already there, but per capita it does not look as good as the USFeb 07 22:13
schestowitz 07 22:13
-TechBytesBot/ #russia has nothing left but nukes (almost) it's what makes them feel strongFeb 07 22:13
schestowitz"One of the reasons that the US hates Russia so much is that Russia is maybe a mirror of our future here."Feb 07 22:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Lithuania: Russia Deploying More Missiles into KaliningradFeb 07 22:13
schestowitzFair pointFeb 07 22:13
schestowitz 07 22:14
-TechBytesBot/ #rpx has just mentioned the #Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) #ptab 07 22:14
schestowitz"I hate PTAB."Feb 07 22:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Semiconductors - LexologyFeb 07 22:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | RPX - TechrightsFeb 07 22:14
schestowitz 07 22:14
-TechBytesBot/ Ray McGovern says "the majority of Americans deceived by the prevailing narrative on Russia-gate." #trump has been used to improve the image of the IC, which not only lies a lot but also kills a lotFeb 07 22:14
schestowitz"The “alleged malfeasance” would not be possible, if it were not for passage of the FISA Act by the Congress of the United States.Feb 07 22:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Will Congress Face Down the Deep State? – ConsortiumnewsFeb 07 22:14
schestowitz 07 22:15
-TechBytesBot/ Race to the top, not to the bottom #germany #deFeb 07 22:15
schestowitz"Funding has to come from somewhere. Taxes are a Good thing.Feb 07 22:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FOSSpatents: Germany's potential old&new "Grand Coalition" has agreed to seek ways to "ensure fair taxation of the digital econo… 07 22:15
schestowitzhe's a very avid Trump supporter and Breitbart supporter, so don't get me started...Feb 07 22:15
schestowitz 07 22:15
-TechBytesBot/ Private #censorship is not the best way to fight hate or defend democracy: Here are some better ideas 07 22:15
schestowitz"Its called IPFS, and it’s a thing.Feb 07 22:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Private censorship is not the best way to fight hate or defend democracy: Here are some better ideas - IFEXFeb 07 22:15
schestowitz 07 22:16
-TechBytesBot/ "preachers inciting anti-Semitic violence aren’t prosecuted or even permanently banished by the leadership of their mosques" 07 22:16
schestowitz"Incitement to violence should not be tolerated. Let that sink-in."Feb 07 22:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Radical imams are spewing anti-Semitism in the US with impunity | New York PostFeb 07 22:16
schestowitz 07 22:16
-TechBytesBot/ #PiCluster 2.3 is out! #raspi #gnu #linuxFeb 07 22:16
schestowitz"seems like a waste of time. The Pi suffers from terrible i/o, and i/o is the heart and soul of a cluster.Feb 07 22:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Manage your containers better with PiCluster 2.3 | Linux-toys.comFeb 07 22:16
schestowitzLatency you mean?Feb 07 22:16
schestowitz 07 22:16
-TechBytesBot/ #Patent Sharks Hope to Regain Control of the #US Patent System With #Iancu Appointment Likely Just 4 Days Away 07 22:16
schestowitz"A more corrupt patent system would be much to the Republican’s liking."Feb 07 22:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Patent Sharks Hope to Regain Control of the US Patent System With Iancu Appointment Likely Just 4 Days Away | TechrightsFeb 07 22:16
schestowitzI dread thinking what Iancu might do next. He was approved Monday with 'Democrats' not opposing: 07 22:17
-TechBytesBot/ | Andrei Iancu’s Firm Has a History Working With Trump, But Senate Says OK to Him Becoming USPTO Director | TechrightsFeb 07 22:17
schestowitz 07 22:18
-TechBytesBot/ The Earth's Magnetic Field Is Shifting, Poles May Flip "how badly will this affect #SSD storage?"-iophkFeb 07 22:18
schestowitz"My Boy Scout compass has stopped working… :-)"Feb 07 22:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Earth's Magnetic Field Is Shifting, Poles May Flip: "This Could Get Bad" | Zero HedgeFeb 07 22:18
schestowitzI forgot where mine isFeb 07 22:18
schestowitz 07 22:18
-TechBytesBot/ "the cloud computing has survived its own hype." And now they tell you to give all your (and customers' data) away 07 22:18
schestowitz"Yet :“The trend now is for traditional systems of record to stay in house,” said Bartoletti. “There is no reason for them not to.”Feb 07 22:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Top Ten Cloud Storage Trends - DatamationFeb 07 22:18
schestowitzPeople not PAY to be listened to 24/7, along with THEIR FRIENDS/FAMILY (in same house)Feb 07 22:19
schestowitz 07 22:19
-TechBytesBot/ The 7 Best Linux Terminal Emulators 07 22:19
schestowitz"Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site."Feb 07 22:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The 7 Best Linux Terminal Emulators | Tux MachinesFeb 07 22:19
schestowitzCan you try again and say if it's OKFeb 07 22:19
schestowitz 07 22:19
-TechBytesBot/ Ten Days in #Shenzhen #china #technologyFeb 07 22:19
schestowitz"The title has good sound.Feb 07 22:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ten Days in Shenzhen - On my way to ...Feb 07 22:19
schestowitz10 years in TibetFeb 07 22:19
schestowitz 07 22:20
-TechBytesBot/ Stupid #Patent of the Month: Bigger Screen Patent Highlights a Bigger Problem petition #ptab against itFeb 07 22:20
schestowitz"There has got to be some open-source X11 code out there that does what this patent describes. Challenge - find it!"Feb 07 22:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Stupid Patent of the Month: Bigger Screen Patent Highlights a Bigger Problem | Electronic Frontier FoundationFeb 07 22:20
schestowitzXerox patents were used by a Microsoft troll against X: 07 22:20
-TechBytesBot/ | Acacia - Techrights [ ]Feb 07 22:20
schestowitz 07 22:21
-TechBytesBot/ #IBM Announces 'Game-Changing' #Power9 Servers For AI,36054.html but IBM still a #patent bullyFeb 07 22:21
schestowitz"Perhaps the main reason the IBM-standard PC was such a success was it’s openness. Where is that vision now?Feb 07 22:21
schestowitz"@Tom Grz Outsourced to Raptor Engineering?"Feb 07 22:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | IBM Announces 'Game-Changing' Power9 Servers For AIFeb 07 22:21
schestowitzNot Lenovo?Feb 07 22:21
schestowitz 07 22:26
-TechBytesBot/ #canonical itself is now advertising #microsoft #malware Used to do it in #ubuntu front page. Very bad.Feb 07 22:26
schestowitz"This is a bad sign. Time to abandon Ubuntu."Feb 07 22:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Skype now available as a snap for Linux users | Ubuntu InsightsFeb 07 22:26
schestowitzI worry Microsoft might buy Canonical one day to confuse lots of gnu/linux users and cause a riotFeb 07 22:27
schestowitz 07 22:27
-TechBytesBot/ #canonical forgot that #ubnuntu or #debian was supposed to be about #freesw #snapFeb 07 22:27
schestowitz"Freedom includes someone doing something you may not like… You know, like Google using a Linux kernel in devices that they’ve successfully penetrated the majority of the mobile market with to slurp incredible amounts of data about people.Feb 07 22:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Building Slack for the Linux community and adopting snaps | Ubuntu InsightsFeb 07 22:27
schestowitz 07 22:27
schestowitz"Time for an immune response.Feb 07 22:27
-TechBytesBot/ #canonical announces #snap #microsoft 'steals their thunder' by pushing malware with it 07 22:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Skype now available as a snap for Linux users - Software - Press Release - HEXUS.netFeb 07 22:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Use Ubuntu's snap to install Skype on any Linux desktop | ZDNetFeb 07 22:27
schestowitzMicrosoft gradually testing the water for Canonical takeover? I hope never.Feb 07 22:28
schestowitz 07 22:28
-TechBytesBot/ #California defies #FCC , approves #netneutrality #law in a fact-based world this would not be a partisan issueFeb 07 22:28
schestowitz"Feb 07 22:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | California Senate defies FCC, approves net neutrality law | Ars TechnicaFeb 07 22:28
schestowitzUnfortunately, "although well-intentioned, the legislators sadly chose an approach that is vulnerable to legal attack."Feb 07 22:28
schestowitz 07 22:28
-TechBytesBot/ | California’s Senate Misfires on Network Neutrality, Ignores Viable Options | Electronic Frontier FoundationFeb 07 22:28
schestowitz 07 22:28
schestowitz"If these ‘experts’ are anything to go by they have apparently been wrong, they said the economy would crash if we voted to leave, it wobbled but has now started to grow, jobs are being created etc. About time these experts were given the boot,"Feb 07 22:28
-TechBytesBot/ #brexit is dumb 07 22:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | This Leaked Government Brexit Analysis Says The UK Will Be Worse Off In Every ScenarioFeb 07 22:28
schestowitzNo, it's tanking and the NHS is on the brink of collapse, thanks to Tory policies that have lots of other things destroyedFeb 07 22:29
schestowitz 07 22:30
-TechBytesBot/ #china arrests corrupt officials (sometimes) meanwhile #intel CEO is walking free... 07 22:30
schestowitz"In the US, corruption is perfectly legal.Feb 07 22:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Huawei's Top Executive Detained On Charges Of Corruption | Androidheadlines.comFeb 07 22:30
schestowitzIf you can afford the lawyers like OJFeb 07 22:30
schestowitz 07 22:30
-TechBytesBot/ Children run an empire, claim victory by passing all the wealth/assets to oligarchs, labeling them "job creators" 07 22:30
schestowitz"I don’t want a job - just a life."Feb 07 22:30
schestowitz 07 22:31
-TechBytesBot/ " #Chevrolet spent $600 million in a sponsorship deal for the English soccer team #Manchester United." trainwreckFeb 07 22:31
schestowitz"Infinite growth!"Feb 07 22:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | storybreak stars');background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center}.editor .editor-inner div.legacy-raw-html,.post-content div.legacy-raw-html{border:3px solid #eeb544;padding:5px;margin-bottom:20px}.editor .editor-inner div.legacy-raw-html:before,.post-content div.legacy-raw-html:before{content:'Before this post can be saved, this block must be removed.';font-size:12px;display:inline-block}.editor .editor-inner div.Feb 07 22:31
schestowitzMan United and American cars. Too things in perpetual collapse.Feb 07 22:31
schestowitz 07 22:31
-TechBytesBot/ Censorship suggested as air quality data intermittently disappearing from Apple’s Weather app in China @glynmoodyFeb 07 22:31
schestowitz"May we only hear good news!Feb 07 22:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Censorship suggested as air quality data intermittently disappearing from Apple’s Weather app in China | 9to5MacFeb 07 22:31
schestowitz 07 22:31
schestowitz":))Feb 07 22:31
-TechBytesBot/ #caturday 07 22:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | ImgurFeb 07 22:31
schestowitz 07 22:32
schestowitz"Corporate mafia?"Feb 07 22:32
-TechBytesBot/ Caruana Galizia murder 'shining example of impunity' - #Assange #epo management can get away with murder. Really.Feb 07 22:32
schestowitzGovernments too sometimesFeb 07 22:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Caruana Galizia murder 'shining example of impunity' - AssangeFeb 07 22:32
schestowitz 07 22:32
-TechBytesBot/ Blocking decent #linux phones because they're from #china #verizonFeb 07 22:32
schestowitz"Good thing you can still just buy it independently."Feb 07 22:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Verizon Folds To Government Pressure To Blacklist Huawei Without A Shred Of Public Evidence | TechdirtFeb 07 22:32
schestowitzYes, but they would not reach the same numbers all in allFeb 07 22:33
schestowitz 07 22:33
schestowitz"The irony is: diamonds are not rare. There are tons of diamonds coming out of mines in Canada and Russia, much of which is being sequestered. Also, there are tons of diamonds being synthesized - the technology being highly developed now."Feb 07 22:33
-TechBytesBot/ #blockchain in a black (as in unethical) industry that kills many people 07 22:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | De Beers turns to blockchain to guarantee diamond purity | ReutersFeb 07 22:33
schestowitzThe world is full of idiots who save for months/years to buy gems and metals. My wife isn't into that fortunately... not anymoreFeb 07 22:34
schestowitz 07 22:34
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: AP coverage of tomorrow's case 07 22:34
schestowitz"Its about time they let him go …Feb 07 22:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | British judge to rule on Assange bid to get warrant dropped - The Washington PostFeb 07 22:34
schestowitz 07 22:34
-TechBytesBot/ #biometrics in exchange for food 07 22:34
schestowitz"If they want to use my face, they have to pay ME."Feb 07 22:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | California Burger Chain Allowing Customers to Pay Using Their Faces | 880 The RevolutionFeb 07 22:34
schestowitz 07 22:35
-TechBytesBot/ Being of a particular gender or race is no excuse (or defense) for doing horrible things. Pulling these 'cards' is a shameful act in the tech world.Feb 07 22:35
schestowitz"The Ends never justify the Means. It is all Means, till the end of time.Feb 07 22:35
schestowitz 07 22:35
-TechBytesBot/ #China says 'terror' risks in #Xinjiang remains serious despite #security push 07 22:35
schestowitz"That’s what happens to any country that has nexus with Pakistan.Feb 07 22:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | China says 'terror' risks in Xinjiang remains serious despite security push | ReutersFeb 07 22:35
schestowitz 07 22:36
-TechBytesBot/ Back in the days people accused #assange of being far left Now they say #wikileaks is far right Then they say Wikileaks is CIA And Russia And Putin And Trump All at the same time Maybe the problem is that some people can't handle it. They attack WL but should #defendWL instead.Feb 07 22:36
schestowitz"Feb 07 22:36
schestowitzDAVID COBB: I do think that North Americans need to have a little more humility as we look to our sisters and brothers in the Global South, who have been fighting empire for 500 years. They have a more acute understanding of actually social movements and the electoral arm of their social movements, so we should be humble and learn that lesson.Feb 07 22:36
schestowitzSad, but US Americans have absolutely NO appreciation of the fight against empire. I wonder why… :-(Feb 07 22:36
schestowitz' 07 22:36
-TechBytesBot/ Argh! Bogdan Popa, the #microsoft propagandist, has crept into #softpedia #linux section to say the lie "Microsoft Loves Linux"Feb 07 22:36
schestowitz"Microsoft loves Linux - much like I like dinner.Feb 07 22:36
schestowitzCobra and ratFeb 07 22:36
schestowitz 07 22:36
-TechBytesBot/ A Real Flamethrower millions in the US now buy these potential weaponsFeb 07 22:36
schestowitz"Are you kidding me? I can just see the consequences now…"Feb 07 22:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | A Real Flamethrower - GIF on ImgurFeb 07 22:36
schestowitzWait until some mass shooting event has those thrown inFeb 07 22:37
schestowitz 07 22:38
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Why #AmazonGo should be a no-go: We will drown in a sea of plastic #amazon is like deforestationFeb 07 22:38
schestowitz"Yeah, the irony. Everybody’s angry at bitcoins (when it’s speculators’ fault really) because omg they’re destroying the planet with high electricity usage, but buy crap at any store and put half of it to the bin the very moment you set foot back into your house? All normal, nobody blinks. Crisps wrapped in 32.5g bags, all wrapped into a larger bag which the cashier puts into a carrier bag? Check. 6 plastic bottles with just water,Feb 07 22:38
schestowitzeach with colour printed labels, all wrapped into a plastic sheet? Check. Courgettes wrapped into condoms one by one? Check. Unfortunately, it’s not just Amazon doing that."Feb 07 22:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Why Amazon Go should be a no-go: We will drown in a sea of plastic : TreeHuggerFeb 07 22:38
schestowitzI like how you've put that, in a way I never thought of before... but worst are the chocolates... individually wrappedFeb 07 22:38
schestowitz 07 22:39
-TechBytesBot/ Darul Uloom cleric says women shouldn't watch 'men playing with bare knees' says a lot about him!Feb 07 22:39
schestowitz"Wow, these “clerics” sure have sex on the mind."Feb 07 22:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Darul Uloom Deoband: Watching soccer is un-Islamic: Darul Uloom cleric says women shouldn't watch 'men playing with bare knees' | India News - Times of IndiaFeb 07 22:39
schestowitzThey need to be taken into some sort of seminar to teach them how to jerk off and get on with real life...Feb 07 22:40
schestowitz 07 22:40
-TechBytesBot/ Corrupt #AjitPai rears his head again #fccFeb 07 22:40
schestowitz"There can be no public-owned infrastructure - ALL belongs to corporate capital."Feb 07 22:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Federal 5G Network Proposal Is Panned by F.C.C. and Industry - The New York TimesFeb 07 22:40
schestowitz 07 22:40
-TechBytesBot/ Context 07 22:40
schestowitz 07 22:40
schestowitz"It’s probably some kind of army recruiting initiative."Feb 07 22:40
schestowitz 07 22:41
-TechBytesBot/ Concern Fitness Tracking App Exposed US Military Bases Just the Start aka digital exhaustFeb 07 22:41
schestowitz"Israel first. Cant let our bread and butter be exposed like this. If we lose america who is going to destabilize the middle east for us?Feb 07 22:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Concern Fitness Tracking App Exposed US Military Bases Just the StartFeb 07 22:41
schestowitz 07 22:41
schestowitz"Public servants, on the job, in public, should be open to being photographed by the public. Why would this even be a question?"Feb 07 22:41
-TechBytesBot/ Citizens with cameras need not be scary to #police There's a simple fix for cops: Don't do anything irregular to let them upload "hot stuff" to the Internet Better than confiscating cameras, arresting, deleting data Just... behave. Not hard, is it?Feb 07 22:41
schestowitzThey have a unionFeb 07 22:41
schestowitz[22:41] <tessier> I just blocked half a dozen IPs which were spidering very heavily. Unknown if it was intended to be a DDoS or what but they're gone. Load has gone from 30 back down to normal levels.Feb 07 22:43
schestowitz[22:41] <schestowitz> ahaFeb 07 22:43
schestowitz[22:42] <schestowitz> I thought it stopped on its ownFeb 07 22:43
schestowitz[22:42] <schestowitz> I stopped apache2Feb 07 22:43
schestowitz[22:42] <schestowitz> load was 100+Feb 07 22:43
schestowitz[22:42] <schestowitz> and then they never came back, now I know whyFeb 07 22:43
schestowitz[22:42] <schestowitz> main target page was 07 22:43
-TechBytesBot/ | Software Patents in Europe - Techrights [ ]Feb 07 22:43
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Feb 08 01:16
schestowitz[23:47] <tessier> The site would be a lot more resilient if WordPress was not so resilient on the database. Seems like every page load queries the database for something. I am now a big fan of the simplicity of static page generator systems like Pelican or Jekyll. Much faster and more secure. Unfortunately, converting a massive wordpress install is not trivial. :(Feb 08 01:24
schestowitz[23:47] <tessier> er... "if WordPress was not so reliant"Feb 08 01:24
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Feb 08 01:57
schestowitz 08 02:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@flexgirl21: #auspol 08 02:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @JulianAssange @wikileaks Classified Cabinet Docs Leak Down Under Via An Actual Cabinet Sale... Just As Aussies Try… 08 02:44
schestowitz 08 03:08
-TechBytesBot/ | GNUsocial.deFeb 08 03:08
schestowitz"Feb 08 03:08
schestowitzI'm sure you wrote dozens of articles on this a decade ago. Care to link the most important one?Feb 08 03:08
schestowitzI have no love for ... oh, you said MacAsay, not Matt Asay? Typo, or different person? ... by I haven't heard this story.Feb 08 03:08
schestowitz"Feb 08 03:08
schestowitzWhich aspect do you want a link about? Groklaw wrote about that too...Feb 08 03:08
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Feb 08 03:55
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesFeb 08 03:55
schestowitz 08 04:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Daradol1: @schestowitz Podesta emails very interesting look at the spying and how sausages made on campaignFeb 08 04:01
---Disconnected ().Feb 08 08:25
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Feb 8 08:25:24 2018
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Feb 8 10:00:16 2018
-->You are now talking on #techbytesFeb 08 10:00
---Topic for #techbytes is Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastFeb 08 10:00
---Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Feb 08 10:00
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytesFeb 08 11:02
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r_schestowitz=Feb 08 18:16
r_schestowitzx 08 18:16
r_schestowitz#microsoft is a growing threat to #gnu #linuxFeb 08 18:16
r_schestowitz"quantity vs quaity. entryism will become a very dangerous problem later when it comes to project leadership turnover.  look what happened to Ubuntu / Canonical with Mono"-iophkFeb 08 18:16
-TechBytesBot/ | Who really contributes to open source | ITworldFeb 08 18:16
r_schestowitz=Feb 08 18:16
r_schestowitz=Feb 08 18:41
r_schestowitzold:Feb 08 18:41
r_schestowitz 08 18:41
r_schestowitz=Feb 08 18:41
r_schestowitzold:Feb 08 18:41
r_schestowitz 08 18:41
-TechBytesBot/ | When Worlds Collide - This American LifeFeb 08 18:41
r_schestowitz=Feb 08 18:41
-TechBytesBot/ | The Pursuit of HappinessFeb 08 18:41
r_schestowitz 08 18:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Co-founder of EFF, John Perry Barlow, dead at 70 | Ars TechnicaFeb 08 18:41
r_schestowitz=Feb 08 18:41
r_schestowitz 08 18:41
-TechBytesBot/ | John Perry Barlow, Bard of the Internet, Dies at 70 | WIREDFeb 08 18:41
r_schestowitz=Feb 08 18:41
r_schestowitz 08 18:41
r_schestowitz=Feb 08 18:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Leaked NSA Tools Can Target All Windows Versions from the Past Two Decades - SoylentNewsFeb 08 18:41
r_schestowitz 08 18:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iridesce57: @NonWhiteHat 08 18:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "What if there were another parade of veterans, held in another city, on the same day? Participants could be peopl… 08 18:45
r_schestowitz"Feb 08 18:49
r_schestowitz 08 18:49
r_schestowitz=Feb 08 18:49
r_schestowitzx 08 18:49
r_schestowitz=Feb 08 18:49
-TechBytesBot/ | Military Refuses to Participate in Trump’s Parade, Citing Bone Spurs | The New YorkerFeb 08 18:49
r_schestowitz 08 18:49
-TechBytesBot/ | Microsoft is turning Progressive Web Apps into Windows apps - The VergeFeb 08 18:49
r_schestowitz=Feb 08 18:49
r_schestowitz"Feb 08 18:50
-TechBytesBot/ | The forgotten victory: votes for working-class men | British politics | spikedFeb 08 18:50
r_schestowitz 08 18:56
r_schestowitz=Feb 08 18:56
r_schestowitz 08 18:56
r_schestowitz=Feb 08 18:56
-TechBytesBot/ | Google TranslateFeb 08 18:56
r_schestowitzold:Feb 08 18:56
-TechBytesBot/ | Google TranslateFeb 08 18:56
r_schestowitz 08 18:56
-TechBytesBot/ | Google TranslateFeb 08 18:56
r_schestowitz=Feb 08 18:56
r_schestowitz 08 19:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@milkydev: @MagUra_Crypto is woke 08 19:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Jim Carrey urges people to delete their #Facebook accounts 08 19:10
r_schestowitz 08 19:22
r_schestowitz" The tag "women in IP" does no favours to anybody, I would remove it "Feb 08 19:22
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Event Report: IP inclusive - Inappropriate BehaviourFeb 08 19:22
r_schestowitz 08 19:22
r_schestowitz"Feb 08 19:22
r_schestowitz OMG "8 February 2018 at 09:33:00"Feb 08 19:22
r_schestowitzI could have written that post. I thought I was alone. We should start a group and ask CIPA for funding.Feb 08 19:23
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Event Report: IP inclusive - Inappropriate BehaviourFeb 08 19:23
r_schestowitzIt is often said that women have to work harder and be better than the men to be successful in business. I do not argue with that. I do say, however, that when you are from a 'humbler' background the hurdles can be insurmountable. The vast majority of companies/private practices never had the grace to give me an interview and some don't even bother sending a rejection. This even happened when an advertisement attracted only a handful ofFeb 08 19:23
r_schestowitzapplicants, and was not for a training role. The job description could have been copied from my CV. Absolutely nothing wrong with my qualifications, and today, my experience.Feb 08 19:23
r_schestowitzToday, my age adds an extra barrier. Who'd have thought that a company seeking people with 'significant experience' would discount someone simply because they are older and/or more experienced that the hiring manager?Feb 08 19:23
r_schestowitzLuckily for me, there are occasionally people who will hire me. One or two even pay me a competitive/equal salary, though they are in the minority. I am now out of the job-seeking game, plodding slowly towards retirement being the go-to-guy for advice from those above me, and those heading in that direction.Feb 08 19:23
r_schestowitzIP Inclusive can never be inclusive, because there is no driver in the legal profession for change. A recent survey of barristers proved as much when the majority refused to answer the questions on educational background. They can't even collect the statistics. I do not knock those extremely competent people, including colleagues, from 'less-humbler' backgrounds than my own, for whom I have the utmost respect.Feb 08 19:23
r_schestowitzThe profession discriminates against people based on background FAR MORE than any other factor.Feb 08 19:23
r_schestowitz"Feb 08 19:23
r_schestowitz 08 20:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Wrongthinker2: @schestowitz @SenSanders Hahahaha nice tryFeb 08 20:24
<--ChanServ has quit (*.net *.split)Feb 08 20:57
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r_schestowitz 09 03:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@neur0atypical: @renewables4life @schestowitz Can u believe this stuff ? To leave a trail like that, obvious to somebody like me wh… 09 03:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@neur0atypical: @renewables4life @schestowitz Can u believe this stuff ? To leave a trail like that, obvious to somebody like me wh… 09 03:23
r_schestowitz"Can u believe this stuff ? To leave a trail like that, obvious to somebody like me who works with this stuff all the time, wow lol"Feb 09 03:23
r_schestowitz 09 03:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@neur0atypical: @moixsec .@schestowitz not goodFeb 09 03:24
r_schestowitz 09 03:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@in_camden: @schestowitz @JulianAssange @Snowden ...did you mean same INsane #passport nullification thing was done to @Snowden as to JA ?...Feb 09 03:25
r_schestowitzIt was a typo, meant to have said "same" (I noticed the error, no edit option)Feb 09 03:25
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 09 06:19
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesFeb 09 06:20
r_schestowitz> I forgot how you are related to Sigmund. Was he your grandfather's brother?Feb 09 06:38
r_schestowitzYes, her older brother.Feb 09 06:38
r_schestowitz 09 06:49
r_schestowitz"Feb 09 06:49
-TechBytesBot/ | In an IAM exclusive EPO president Battistelli outlines the agency’s plans for the fourth industrial revolution - Blog - IAM - Informing IP valueFeb 09 06:49
r_schestowitzRE: In an IAM exclusive EPO president Battistelli outlines the agency’s plans for the fourth industrial revolutionFeb 09 06:49
r_schestowitzThe Patent Offices are using more and more AI-based search processes in examination: perhaps we'll have to get used to talking about MSITA - "Machine Skilled In The Art" - rather than PSITA...Feb 09 06:49
r_schestowitzLooking to the future when we could have Judges Skilled In The Art!Feb 09 06:49
r_schestowitz"Feb 09 06:49
r_schestowitz 09 07:01
r_schestowitz"Thats crazy. Do you happen to know why the guy was living at their residence?"Feb 09 07:01
-TechBytesBot/ | Thousands of Child Rape Photos Traded Out of Bill Gates’ Mansion : The_DonaldFeb 09 07:01
r_schestowitz"Dang! I am adding Gates to the list of people I will punch if I ever see them and run away yelling.. world star!"Feb 09 07:02
r_schestowitz]Feb 09 07:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iyouport_news: Thank you Roy 新浪微博被中国的审查机构指控操纵热门话题和“自我审查力度不够”,因此,该公司宣布暂时中止其几项服务,并禁止了38种热门搜索关键字和主题标签。#Censorship #China 09 07:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Sina #Weibo denounced for manipulation of trending topics and inadequate #censorship @iyouport_newsFeb 09 07:28
r_schestowitz"Thank you Roy 新浪微博被中国的审查机构指控操纵热门话题和“自我审查力度不够”,因此,该公司宣布暂时中止其几项服务,并禁止了38种热门搜索关键字和主题标签。#Censorship #ChinaFeb 09 07:28
r_schestowitz"Sina Weibo has been accused by China's censors of manipulating hot topics and "self-censorship is not enough", so the company announced a temporary suspension of several of its services and banned 38 popular search keywords and subject tags. #Censorship"Feb 09 07:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Feb 09 07:29
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Feb 9 07:42:23 2018
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Feb 9 07:42:51 2018
-->You are now talking on #techbytesFeb 09 07:42
---Topic for #techbytes is Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastFeb 09 07:42
---Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Feb 09 07:42
r_schestowitz 09 07:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: To a certain degree, there's a massive racket between #patent lawyers or law firms and #patentTrolls - they create 'business' for each otherFeb 09 07:54
r_schestowitz 09 07:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #SoundView #patent challenged as likely invalid #unifiedpatents goes after crap #patentsFeb 09 07:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Sound View patent challenged as likely invalid — Unified PatentsFeb 09 07:54
r_schestowitz 09 07:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: What the hell is a #climate model—and why does it matter? #scienceFeb 09 07:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | What the hell is a climate model—and why does it matter? - MIT Technology ReviewFeb 09 07:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: No, #microsoft is running a racket. First, it drives crazy "AI" hype Then this: 09 07:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft-Connected Patent Trolls Are Increasingly Active and Microsoft is Selling ‘Protection’ (Azure Subscriptions) | TechrightsFeb 09 07:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@erichandIPG: During this time when customers are rapidly adopting #AI solutions across industries to solve important problems, M… 09 07:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #koch funded lobby for #patentTrolls see 09 07:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AaricE: Last year = possible anomaly. This year = trend. Everyone in IP should be troubled by this. 09 07:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Anti-PTAB (Patent Trial and Appeal Board) Lobby is Partly Funded by the Koch Brothers and the Right Wing | TechrightsFeb 09 07:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: What you mean by "professional IP class" is a bunch of #patent lawyers enabling ruin in #china 09 07:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@richardglloyd: The emergence of a professional IP class in China is going to have a big impact on IP value creation in the coming… 09 07:55
r_schestowitz 09 07:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Filed a #patent But the first programmable computer was built in #manchester (here) Which actually DID something 09 07:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MicrosoftIP: #TBT: On this day in 1945, a group of engineers at Harvard University filed a patent for the Harvard Mark I, the fi… 09 07:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Micah Lee says John Barlow's "legacy will inspire people for decades." This is the same Lee who took #omidyar cash… 09 07:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Micah Lee says John Barlow's "legacy will inspire people for decades." This is the same Lee who took #omidyar cash… 09 07:55
r_schestowitz"Feb 09 07:55
r_schestowitzMicah Lee says John Barlow's "legacy will inspire people for decades."Feb 09 07:55
r_schestowitzThis is the same Lee who took #omidyar cash to destroy Barlow's Foundation, which was created by Barlow and #assange (whom Lee blacklisted).Feb 09 07:55
r_schestowitzBarlow's work ruined by oligarchs. #wikileaksFeb 09 07:56
r_schestowitz"Feb 09 07:56
r_schestowitz 09 07:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Did it become common practice to write mere speculations in headlines followed by question marks? #wikileaksFeb 09 07:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Did WikiLeaks' Julian Assange reach out to Sean Hannity to dish 'leaked' info on Senate intel Dem's texts?Feb 09 07:58
MinceR:>Feb 09 08:04
r_schestowitz>> 09 08:08
-TechBytesBot/ | Meanwhile in Finland - GIF on ImgurFeb 09 08:08
r_schestowitz>>Feb 09 08:08
r_schestowitz> Clever.  I guess they used a rope as a compass to make such a niceFeb 09 08:08
r_schestowitz> circle.  Must be very early in the season or else really far south ifFeb 09 08:08
r_schestowitz> the ice is so thin.Feb 09 08:08
r_schestowitz>Feb 09 08:08
r_schestowitz> I'm not sure why just an animated gif would need JS, however.  TheFeb 09 08:08
r_schestowitz> GIF89a standard supports animation and that needs no JS.  But that isFeb 09 08:08
r_schestowitz> part of the downward trend of the net developers' competency, and theirFeb 09 08:08
r_schestowitz> malice.Feb 09 08:08
r_schestowitzThat's just imgurFeb 09 08:08
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytesFeb 09 09:00
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r_schestowitz 09 11:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@debexpert: Of course 09 11:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #google is not a service just like banks aren't services Anything a bank does is not intended to help you but to he… 09 11:46
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesFeb 09 13:29
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Feb 09 13:29
r_schestowitz 09 14:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Consgaltx: @schestowitz @JulianAssange Yeah and they screwed up in trying to do so. Plenty to drain from the swamp and it ain't all democrats.Feb 09 14:54
r_schestowitz 09 17:43
r_schestowitz"bullshit, there is noway hed do that. but i can see him doing it and not giving a shit.'Feb 09 17:43
-TechBytesBot/ | Thousands of Child Rape Photos Traded Out of Bill Gates’ Mansion : The_DonaldFeb 09 17:43
<--acer-box__ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Feb 09 19:15
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r_schestowitz 09 20:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@0o0Exit: @schestowitz @glynmoody 3D printers etc. We need to start our own production. Contoll the means of production.Feb 09 20:29
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Feb 09 21:11
<--MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Feb 09 21:14
-->MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytesFeb 09 21:16
r_schestowitz 09 21:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Talk about brainless idiot ideas. I'm sure I could fake a palm print. @Schestowitz No more Windows 10 passwords?… 09 21:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Talk about brainless idiot ideas. I'm sure I could fake a palm print. @Schestowitz No more Windows 10 passwords?… 09 21:46
r_schestowitz"Talk about brainless idiot ideas.  I'm sure I could fake a palm print. @Schestowitz  No more Windows 10 passwords? Microsoft says Hello to palm-vein biometrics"Feb 09 21:46
r_schestowitzCracks me up. What next? Arse crack biomatricsFeb 09 21:47
r_schestowitzCracks me up. What next? Arse crack biometrics so that people can show Microsoft what they think of it?Feb 09 21:47
r_schestowitz 09 21:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: @schestowitz Might be that trying to fake someone’s rear end when it's used as biometric ID might be difficult to do...Feb 09 21:50
r_schestowitzthe laptops would smell after a whileFeb 09 21:51
r_schestowitz 09 22:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: @schestowitz Yes... woudn't like to think what the IT sciences students could do with that...Feb 09 22:04
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesFeb 10 01:01
r_schestowitz 10 01:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@0o0Exit: @schestowitz @eric_heffernan @Snowden @CIA @nytimes @washingtonpost @wikileaks The point is you can't be as strong… 10 01:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@0o0Exit: @schestowitz @eric_heffernan @Snowden @CIA @nytimes @washingtonpost @wikileaks The point is you can't be as strong… 10 01:02
r_schestowitz"Feb 10 01:02
r_schestowitzThe point is you can't be as strong as you might, the entity itself as a whole is directed top down. Nothing like having a strong small team on the same basic page doing it.Feb 10 01:02
r_schestowitzI follow individuals, but it's not ideal. As I know I'm also supporting other things I'd rather not.Feb 10 01:02
r_schestowitz"Feb 10 01:02
r_schestowitz 10 01:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@0o0Exit: @schestowitz @eric_heffernan @Snowden @CIA @nytimes @washingtonpost @wikileaks ? Did you make that word up?Feb 10 01:02
r_schestowitzit was a typoFeb 10 01:02
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesFeb 10 01:05
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schestowitz=Feb 10 13:30
schestowitzx 10 13:30
schestowitz=Feb 10 13:30
-TechBytesBot/ | Snapchat to Broadcast 2018 Winter Olympics Coverage With NBC | TimeFeb 10 13:30
schestowitzspam:Feb 10 13:30
schestowitzx 10 13:30
-TechBytesBot/ | What I Learned from Working for Both Bill Gates and Steve JobsFeb 10 13:30
schestowitz 10 13:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jQrbiKTH4ltRG1W: @schestowitz Bitcoin Gold (BTG) is gaining popularity and becoming more expensive, but you still don’t own it? You… 10 13:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jQrbiKTH4ltRG1W: @schestowitz Bitcoin Gold (BTG) is gaining popularity and becoming more expensive, but you still don’t own it? You… 10 13:30
schestowitzBitcoin Gold (BTG) is gaining popularity and becoming more expensive, but you still don’t own it? You have a unique chance to profit and exchange without commission & no confirmations! 1BTC=67BTG & 1BTG=125$ More details and info: btg-claim .com""Feb 10 13:30
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Happy birthday open source: A look back at the software that's pushing tech forward</a></h5>Feb 10 15:33
schestowitz<blockquote>Feb 10 15:33
schestowitz <p>Go on, imagine a world without the above software. Not an easy feat is it? In fact, without open source software, technology wouldn't move nearly as quickly, nor with the amount of transparency we see in today's software stacks. Would Google be Google without open source? Would Kubernetes or MySQL exist? Without MySQL, would we have the likes of Wordpress, Drupal, Nextcloud, or thousands of other titles that depend upon an open sourceFeb 10 15:33
schestowitzdatabase server? </p>Feb 10 15:33
schestowitz</blockquote>Feb 10 15:33
-TechBytesBot/ | Happy birthday open source: A look back at the software that's pushing tech forward - TechRepublicFeb 10 15:33
schestowitz</li>Feb 10 15:33
schestowitz>>> The books go off to be mulched or burned, as far as I know.  TheFeb 10 17:43
schestowitz>>> university library here got rid of most of their collections recently.Feb 10 17:43
schestowitz>>> In the public libraries here, they are required to deaccession a fixedFeb 10 17:43
schestowitz>>> percentage of their collections every year.  They are also no longerFeb 10 17:43
schestowitz>>> allowed to make decisions on acquisitions.  That has been centralize andFeb 10 17:43
schestowitz>>>  is halfway to being able to allow corporations to determine what isFeb 10 17:43
schestowitz>>> bought and put on the shelves.  Centralization does no good for localFeb 10 17:43
schestowitz>>> users.Feb 10 17:43
schestowitz>>>Feb 10 17:43
schestowitz>>> I know in Denmark the push a few years ago was to outsource theFeb 10 17:43
schestowitz>>> collection management to private firms.  There are so many things wrongFeb 10 17:43
schestowitz>>> with that it's hard to summarize, but it certainly does not and cannotFeb 10 17:43
schestowitz>>> meet the needs or interests of any community.Feb 10 17:43
schestowitz>>Feb 10 17:43
schestowitz>>Feb 10 17:43
schestowitz>> Not everything needs to have a “business model” or be rationalised by itFeb 10 17:43
schestowitz>>Feb 10 17:43
schestowitz>> But when policy and economic models are made up by businesses…Feb 10 17:43
schestowitz> I found out this week that one of the stated goals of the cityFeb 10 17:43
schestowitz> politicians is that there be no books older than five years anywhere inFeb 10 17:43
schestowitz> the library facilities.  The single employee resisting, who is one ofFeb 10 17:44
schestowitz> the few actual librarians on staff, will go into retirement next year.Feb 10 17:44
schestowitz> Most of the other staff are not librarians but brought it anyway toFeb 10 17:44
schestowitz> 'save money' through lowered service and skills and, of course, to obeyFeb 10 17:44
schestowitz> hare-brained schemes out of fear for their jobs.Feb 10 17:44
schestowitzHumans are a strange creatures that values cash more than culture/heritage/knowledge in this spyPhone generation.Feb 10 17:44
schestowitz 10 18:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DonEvansWm: @schestowitz coolFeb 10 18:06
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Feb 10 21:35
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schestowitz 10 21:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tuxmachines: Software: VLC 3, Proxmox, Screenshots, #Qvisqve 10 21:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Software: VLC 3, Proxmox, Screenshots, Qvisqve | Tux MachinesFeb 10 21:52
schestowitz 10 21:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tuxmachines: Graphics and Benchmarks: RADV, Gallium3D, LunarG. x86 10 21:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Graphics and Benchmarks: RADV, Gallium3D, LunarG. x86 | Tux MachinesFeb 10 21:52
schestowitz 10 21:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tuxmachines: #Linux and the @LinuxFoundation 10 21:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Linux and the Linux Foundation | Tux MachinesFeb 10 21:52
schestowitz 10 21:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tuxmachines: Bruce Perens Suffers for Copyleft Defense, Microsoft Still Openwashing 10 21:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Bruce Perens Suffers for Copyleft Defense, Microsoft Still Openwashing | Tux MachinesFeb 10 21:52
schestowitz 10 21:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tuxmachines: Debian: Staszek Wawrykiewicz (TeX Live Team) Dies and Other DD News 10 21:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Debian: Staszek Wawrykiewicz (TeX Live Team) Dies and Other DD News | Tux MachinesFeb 10 21:53
schestowitz 10 21:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tuxmachines: Ubuntu: Mir and Ubuntu Desktop News 10 21:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu: Mir and Ubuntu Desktop News | Tux MachinesFeb 10 21:53
schestowitz 10 21:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tuxmachines: Linux Plumbers Networking Track CFP, Discussion About Childcare in Linux/FOSS/Other Conferences 10 21:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Linux Plumbers Networking Track CFP, Discussion About Childcare in Linux/FOSS/Other Conferences | Tux MachinesFeb 10 21:53
schestowitz 10 21:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tuxmachines: today's leftovers 10 21:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | today's leftovers | Tux MachinesFeb 10 21:53
schestowitz 10 21:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tuxmachines: Introducing Zero-K, a Real-Time Strategy Game for Linux 10 21:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Introducing Zero-K, a Real-Time Strategy Game for Linux | Tux MachinesFeb 10 21:53
schestowitz 10 21:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Links 10/2/2018: GNU/Linux in Slot Machines, #VLC 3.0, #Mesa 18.0 RC4 #techrightsFeb 10 21:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Links 10/2/2018: GNU/Linux in Slot Machines, VLC 3.0, Mesa 18.0 RC4 | TechrightsFeb 10 21:53
schestowitz 10 21:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Today in #Techrights 10 21:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesFeb 10 21:53
schestowitz 10 21:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tuxmachines: Tools for GNU/Linux: Third party screenshot utilities 10 21:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Tools for GNU/Linux: Third party screenshot utilities | Tux MachinesFeb 10 21:53
schestowitz 10 22:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@riscy: @RadioFreeTom @schestowitz Let's watch Big Brother instead.Feb 10 22:15
schestowitz 10 22:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@neur0atypical: @burgerdrome .@schestowitz makes sense to me, I had my CPU's FPU crunching complex math algorithms to create enormo… 10 22:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@neur0atypical: @burgerdrome .@schestowitz makes sense to me, I had my CPU's FPU crunching complex math algorithms to create enormo… 10 22:45
schestowitz".@schestowitz makes sense to me, I had my CPU's FPU crunching complex math algorithms to create enormous answers all day long, seems like that oughta be worth a small fortune "Feb 10 22:45
schestowitz 10 23:22
schestowitz"I hope the prep comittee petions the German government, the German federal president and the consitutional court form time to time to be speedy in the matter. I am sure it has a different weight when Ms. Merkel or Mr. Steinmeier informally or even formally ask about the state of the proceedings than when I do it 😉"Feb 10 23:22
-TechBytesBot/ | 'Start of Unitary Patent system is taking too long' - Kluwer Patent BlogFeb 10 23:22
schestowitz 10 23:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Apple confirms iOS source code got leaked on GitHubFeb 10 23:41
schestowitz"Bastards"Feb 10 23:41
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 10 23:45
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