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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: December 24th, 2017 – December 30th, 2017

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<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 24 03:09
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 24 03:09
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytesDec 24 08:58
schestowitz> Hi, Roy,Dec 24 09:11
schestowitz>Dec 24 09:11
schestowitz> Here's today's batch.  It's already Christmas Eve.Dec 24 09:11
schestowitzThanks for the reminder ;-)Dec 24 09:11
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 24 09:32
schestowitz 24 12:57
schestowitz"Dec 24 12:57
schestowitz a published decision of the Enlarged Board!Dec 24 12:57
schestowitzI haven't come across any in the Official Journal in the last couple of years ... :-)Dec 24 12:57
schestowitz"Dec 24 12:57
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: The ILO rules reinstatement of Board of Appeal member, but EPO resistsDec 24 12:57
schestowitz 24 12:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@akaSassinak: @schestowitz @ggreenwald @barryeisler What about animals raised in wholesome farms? The meat is much more expensive… 24 12:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@akaSassinak: @schestowitz @ggreenwald @barryeisler What about animals raised in wholesome farms? The meat is much more expensive… 24 12:58
schestowitz"Dec 24 12:58
schestowitzWhat about animals raised in wholesome farms? The meat is much more expensive, so, you eat less, but the animal is raised in humane conditions.Dec 24 12:58
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesDec 24 12:58
schestowitz"Dec 24 12:58
schestowitzThe animals are still only raised for the purpose of consumption (eventually). I think we need to scale down consumption as a whole.Dec 24 12:58
schestowitz> 24 13:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@isaac_abraham: @vivainio @schestowitz @webmink Sure. But it was a conscious choice to do it OSS. Obviously there were benefits mor… 24 13:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@isaac_abraham: @vivainio @schestowitz @webmink Sure. But it was a conscious choice to do it OSS. Obviously there were benefits mor… 24 13:34
schestowitz 24 13:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PunctualGore: 🤔 24 13:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: No, you #microsoft liars. No such thing as "Open Source .Net" .NET is proprietary Just #openwashing tactics 24 13:34
schestowitz 24 13:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@linuxuser3: @schestowitz That's it Roy, they're on 2 u, it's all over now, Redmond here he comes 🤣Dec 24 13:34
schestowitz 24 13:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@linuxuser3: @schestowitz 🤪😆Dec 24 13:34
schestowitz 24 13:34
schestowitz 24 16:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iglesiasp_: @clarkis117 @schestowitz Fake Software Engineer, I'd rather say.Dec 24 16:16
schestowitz 24 16:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@plmaheu: @schestowitz I fail to understand how sushis made outside Japan demonstrate that .NET is not open source.Dec 24 16:16
schestowitz 24 16:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ethomson: I'm putting "#microsoft liar" on my resume. 24 16:17
schestowitz 24 16:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Rzhevsky: @schestowitz @SenSanders @uspto “The trouble isn’t his ethnic background, .... which I’m bringing up first anyway,… 24 16:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Rzhevsky: @schestowitz @SenSanders @uspto “The trouble isn’t his ethnic background, .... which I’m bringing up first anyway,… 24 16:17
schestowitz"“The trouble isn’t his ethnic background, .... which I’m bringing up first anyway, for no particular reason, I’m not a McCarthyite, why I’ve even seen a Russian dude on the street once, and didn’t run away in terror.”"Dec 24 16:17
schestowitz 24 16:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@GaborFari: @schestowitz Now you are sounding just like a Bannonite. Grow up, get over your hate, and get a grip.Dec 24 16:19
schestowitz 24 16:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@_omar009: @RadioFreeTom @schestowitz The one b4 him managed to bomb 7 countries anywayDec 24 16:32
schestowitz 24 16:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Oiver9: 24 16:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Creator The Book of Truth 創造者. 真理之書 الخالق كتاب الحقيقة - YouTubeDec 24 16:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @FreedomofPress @Snowden @guardianproject @gethavenapp Why do you support Signal (private company) and not Wikileak… 24 16:39
schestowitz 24 18:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jjrdk: @DrPizza @isaac_abraham @tiksn @5kyn0d3 @schestowitz @Microsoft OK, I missed the change to MIT license. Will fork and create my own.Dec 24 18:31
schestowitz 24 19:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ICooper: Wow the Fake News accounts are really excelling themselves. Obviously, a disciple of Trump account, given how litt… 24 19:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ICooper: Wow the Fake News accounts are really excelling themselves. Obviously, a disciple of Trump account, given how litt… 24 19:19
schestowitz"Dec 24 19:19
schestowitzWow the Fake News accounts are really excelling themselves.Dec 24 19:19
schestowitzObviously, a disciple of Trump account, given how little understanding is here, just hate.Dec 24 19:19
schestowitz"Dec 24 19:19
schestowitz 24 20:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@guyfawx75: @schestowitz @DrJillStein Its ok Jill.I rented a cottage from Russians in Canada in August.Im expecting a visit fro… 24 20:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@guyfawx75: @schestowitz @DrJillStein Its ok Jill.I rented a cottage from Russians in Canada in August.Im expecting a visit fro… 24 20:35
schestowitz"Dec 24 20:35
schestowitzIts ok Jill.I rented a cottage from Russians in Canada in August.Im expecting a visit from the FBI at anytime now.Hee hee, oh i forgot its Canada, and nobody cares if you are near russiansDec 24 20:35
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesDec 24 20:35
schestowitz"Dec 24 20:35
schestowitz 24 20:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz Same here. SO commented "Feels just like Spring" a couple of days ago.Dec 24 20:36
schestowitzexcept I had a typo... sprungDec 24 20:36
<--MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Dec 24 20:37
-->MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytesDec 24 20:39
schestowitz 25 05:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@olfashdeb: @schestowitz He's trending on Twitter here in the states,,,,maybe cryptokitties,,,will get adapted,,,,heheDec 25 05:44
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 25 06:04
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 25 06:05
schestowitz 25 06:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@manfromatlan: @WLTaskForce @schestowitz @ggreenwald @Snowden @ACLU @wikileaks Assange acct deactivated? 25 06:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Dec 25 06:06
schestowitznobody is sure yetDec 25 06:06
schestowitz 25 06:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@neur0atypical: @schestowitz I say good riddance to him, coming next : expulsion from the Ecuadorian embassyDec 25 06:07
schestowitz 25 06:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wesleynyc: @kgosztola @schestowitz Blah blah who caresDec 25 06:14
schestowitz 25 06:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TGPower7: @schestowitz Julian's account is still down !Dec 25 06:33
schestowitzyes, I know, so it's not an accident like that 11-minute Trump incidentDec 25 06:33
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 25 08:33
-->schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 25 08:34
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 25 08:34
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 25 08:34
schestowitz 25 09:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@klahaya: @WLTaskForce @micahflee @schestowitz @FreedomofPress @GreenPartyUS Look at Freedom of the Press again. Snowden said… 25 09:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@klahaya: @WLTaskForce @micahflee @schestowitz @FreedomofPress @GreenPartyUS Look at Freedom of the Press again. Snowden said… 25 09:24
schestowitz"Look at Freedom of the Press again. Snowden said this was his mission, yet how long did he let FoP sit idle in need of updates of a simple nature for a guy like Snowden so that the public could easily interface with the website and organization?  What FoP really a priority?"Dec 25 09:24
schestowitz>>>> Here's today's batch.  I expect there is a lot of dirty stuff happeningDec 25 10:31
schestowitz>>>> in politics and elsewhere, timed to take advantage of journalists beingDec 25 10:31
schestowitz>>>> on holiday.  However, it will be hard to find out even after they return.Dec 25 10:31
schestowitz>>>>Dec 25 10:31
schestowitz>>>>Dec 25 10:31
schestowitz>>> Speaking of which, here's a tidbit which popped up since this morning:Dec 25 10:31
schestowitz>>>Dec 25 10:31
schestowitz>>> 25 10:31
schestowitz>> I'm still active and watching/covering things. In a sense, I can takeDec 25 10:31
schestowitz>> advance of the vacuum in all sorts of ways, inc. EPO leaks, not justDec 25 10:31
schestowitz>> exclusives of happenings.Dec 25 10:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Julian Assange's Twitter account goes mysteriously offline on Christmas and no one knows whyDec 25 10:31
schestowitz> Great.  EPO is problem that is really dragging on and on withoutDec 25 10:31
schestowitz> corrective actions from the EU.  I'm not sure but it may look like theDec 25 10:31
schestowitz> whole EPO has become unsalvageable and ought to be dismantled.  It isDec 25 10:31
schestowitz> rather redundant with the national offices anyway.  Is there really andDec 25 10:31
schestowitz> value added by even having an EPO?Dec 25 10:31
schestowitzNo, but it would not be nice to say this to my readers.Dec 25 10:31
schestowitz> About JA, Gizmodo seems really working to smear him and WL:Dec 25 10:31
schestowitz>Dec 25 10:31
schestowitz> 25 10:31
-TechBytesBot/ | storybreak stars');background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center}.editor .editor-inner div.legacy-raw-html,.post-content div.legacy-raw-html{border:3px solid #eeb544;padding:5px;margin-bottom:20px}.editor .editor-inner div.legacy-raw-html:before,.post-content div.legacy-raw-html:before{content:'Before this post can be saved, this block must be removed.';font-size:12px;display:inline-block}.editor .editor-inner div.legaDec 25 10:31
schestowitzI asked him what happened. No reply...Dec 25 10:31
schestowitz 25 10:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ventuckyspaz: @schestowitz What a horrible writer!Dec 25 10:45
schestowitz 25 10:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@InfiniteCoincid: @schestowitz He's a rapist who helped get a climate-lying white supremacist into the White House. #AssangeFactsDec 25 10:45
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Dec 25 10:53:32 2017
-->You are now talking on #techbytesDec 25 10:53
---Topic for #techbytes is Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 25 10:53
---Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 25 10:53
-->schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 25 10:54
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 25 10:54
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 25 10:54
schestowitz 25 11:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ventuckyspaz: @InfiniteCoincid @schestowitz Facts: you're a nasty troll and getting blocked right now. Hillary was a horrible can… 25 11:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ventuckyspaz: @InfiniteCoincid @schestowitz Facts: you're a nasty troll and getting blocked right now. Hillary was a horrible can… 25 11:10
schestowitz"Facts: you're a nasty troll and getting blocked right now. Hillary was a horrible candidate and she deserved to lose. Get over yourself."Dec 25 11:10
schestowitz 25 11:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jsalsman: @schestowitz How about pen and post-its on the nightstand?Dec 25 11:17
schestowitztried it, but the very minor things I tend to forget before I even typeDec 25 11:18
schestowitz 25 11:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dr_rita39: I think he's got ticked off with the constant false allegations that keeps being circulated. We all get frustrated… 25 11:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dr_rita39: I think he's got ticked off with the constant false allegations that keeps being circulated. We all get frustrated… 25 11:18
schestowitz"I think he's got ticked off with the constant false allegations that keeps being circulated. We all get frustrated with crazy people who insist on propagating false allegations."Dec 25 11:18
schestowitzBut this again is speculativeDec 25 11:18
schestowitz 25 11:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dr_rita39: @schestowitz Won't he come back.? Look I got this specially for him @WLTaskForce . If he's got miffed, I don't bla… 25 11:23
schestowitz"Won't he come back.? Look I got this specially for him @WLTaskForce .  If he's got miffed, I don't blame him."Dec 25 11:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dr_rita39: @schestowitz Won't he come back.? Look I got this specially for him @WLTaskForce . If he's got miffed, I don't bla… 25 11:23
schestowitz 25 11:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jsalsman: @schestowitz It can't be typing, and voice recorders don't work for me unless I'm wide awake, like walking. Post-it… 25 11:23
schestowitz"It can't be typing, and voice recorders don't work for me unless I'm wide awake, like walking. Post-its or top-bound pocket spiral pad and pen (not pencil) are the only thing that ever freed me of that feeling you described"Dec 25 11:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jsalsman: @schestowitz It can't be typing, and voice recorders don't work for me unless I'm wide awake, like walking. Post-it… 25 11:23
schestowitzNot an issue for me while asleep, just when many thoughts pass through mind while workingDec 25 11:23
schestowitzAnd the less important the thing, the more likely I am to forget it, which is annoying because there's really not much point recalling these things anywayDec 25 11:24
schestowitz 25 11:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dr_rita39: @schestowitz Yes true. Nevertheless, my point is it's a horrible thing to deal with. I've had to handle it on many… 25 11:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dr_rita39: @schestowitz Yes true. Nevertheless, my point is it's a horrible thing to deal with. I've had to handle it on many… 25 11:25
schestowitz"Yes true. Nevertheless, my point is it's a horrible thing to deal with. I've had to handle it on many occasions and it's tiring dealing with stupid people who can't be bothered to read"Dec 25 11:25
schestowitzI only vaguely remember your story. I think there's always that 'post-15 mins of fame' thing anticlimaxDec 25 11:25
schestowitz 25 11:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dzxi: @schestowitz why mess with stuff, if its too unstable just throw em awayDec 25 11:26
schestowitz 25 11:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dr_rita39: @schestowitz UK coverage 25 11:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Julian Assange Twitter DOWN – Wikileaks hacktivist ‘deletes account’ on Christmas | World | News | 25 11:26
schestowitz 25 11:37
schestowitz"I don't talk about it much but there are a number of false allegations flying around the authorities like a cesspit of rubbish fueled by stupid people for stupid people. It does impact on my life.  After you clear it once, there's always another fool with the same argument"Dec 25 11:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dr_rita39: @schestowitz I don't talk about it much but there are a number of false allegations flying around the authorities l… 25 11:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dr_rita39: @schestowitz I don't talk about it much but there are a number of false allegations flying around the authorities l… 25 11:37
schestowitzI don't talk about it much but there are a number of false allegations flying around the authorities like a cesspit of rubbish fueled by stupid people for stupid people. It does impact on my life.  After you clear it once, there's always another fool with the same argumentDec 25 11:37
schestowitz 25 11:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dr_rita39: @schestowitz The submission on the UN website is there with Wikileaks on the WB report but this is the summary .Dec 25 11:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Experiences of an NHS whistleblower: Interview with Dr Rita Pal - ExpolinkDec 25 11:37
schestowitz 25 12:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@laurilove: @neiltyson @schestowitz (you can wish a merry christmas to non-christians you silly sausage. have a good one yourself regardless :)Dec 25 12:19
schestowitz 25 12:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DodgerYSF: @laurilove @neiltyson @schestowitz Pretty sure I saw "Neil deGrasse Tyson is a silly sausage" scribbled on the wall… 25 12:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DodgerYSF: @laurilove @neiltyson @schestowitz Pretty sure I saw "Neil deGrasse Tyson is a silly sausage" scribbled on the wall… 25 12:19
schestowitz"Pretty sure I saw "Neil deGrasse Tyson is a silly sausage" scribbled on the wall of a Wetherspoons toilet, can't remember which one"Dec 25 12:19
schestowitz 25 14:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DawnUnicorn: @schestowitz Are you able to private message me at all?Dec 25 14:05
schestowitzabout wikileaks?Dec 25 14:05
schestowitz 25 14:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jjrdk: @DrPizza @adamralph @isaac_abraham @tiksn @5kyn0d3 @schestowitz @Microsoft My problem is not so much about access t… 25 14:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jjrdk: @DrPizza @adamralph @isaac_abraham @tiksn @5kyn0d3 @schestowitz @Microsoft My problem is not so much about access t… 25 14:05
schestowitz"My problem is not so much about access to code and compiling, but the fact that all implementations must be compliant - …. A slim implementation is not compliant and would not have protection against patent claims."Dec 25 14:05
-TechBytesBot/ | coreclr/PATENTS.TXT at master · dotnet/coreclr · GitHubDec 25 14:05
schestowitzTwitter communications are not private (not even DMs), so if there's something you cannot tell me publicly, then you need to set up encrypted channelDec 25 14:06
schestowitz 25 14:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jsalsman: @schestowitz Importance is a matter of context. Some vital things often seem unimportant when focused on an unrelated taskDec 25 14:08
schestowitz"Importance is a matter of context. Some vital things often seem unimportant when focused on an unrelated task"Dec 25 14:08
schestowitzI'm talking about things like "check weather" or "mail a friend about time"Dec 25 14:08
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 25 14:22
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 25 14:22
schestowitz 25 14:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jjrdk: @Cookstein @isaac_abraham @tiksn @5kyn0d3 @schestowitz @Microsoft This doesn’t actually show number of alternate im… 25 14:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jjrdk: @Cookstein @isaac_abraham @tiksn @5kyn0d3 @schestowitz @Microsoft This doesn’t actually show number of alternate im… 25 14:46
schestowitz"This doesn’t actually show number of alternate implementations. Since only compliant implementations are allowed I assume these are essentially duplicates where some are used as basis for PR."Dec 25 14:46
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 25 15:22
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 25 15:29
schestowitz 25 15:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Flavia0847: @davidschneider @schestowitz Good he did a disservice to his country.Dec 25 15:34
schestowitz 25 15:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Lars9596: #JulianAssange account reinstated. #Wikileaks #TwitterPurge #Censorship 25 15:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @JulianAssange With zero followers! Used to be over 600,000 (since February).Dec 25 15:34
schestowitz 25 15:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Lars9596: @schestowitz @JulianAssange Is it known what triggered it?Dec 25 15:34
schestowitzNot even sure it's really him (yet)Dec 25 15:34
schestowitz 25 16:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AlimonteLina: @schestowitz @BarackObama Ohh no let’s hope no more dictators as Trump but a loyal and true president who loves Ame… 25 16:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AlimonteLina: @schestowitz @BarackObama Ohh no let’s hope no more dictators as Trump but a loyal and true president who loves Ame… 25 16:16
schestowitz"Dec 25 16:16
schestowitzOhh no let’s hope no more dictators as Trump but a loyal and true president who loves America and the Americans peapelsDec 25 16:16
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesDec 25 16:16
schestowitz"Dec 25 16:16
schestowitz 25 16:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Lars9596: @SDKRMWEB @schestowitz Evidence my dear Watson, hard evidence.Dec 25 16:22
schestowitz 25 16:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AlimonteLina: @schestowitz @BarackObama 😂😂😂😂I know about and thatswhy he’s not abel to make a decent speech as president why he l… 25 16:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AlimonteLina: @schestowitz @BarackObama 😂😂😂😂I know about and thatswhy he’s not abel to make a decent speech as president why he l… 25 16:22
schestowitz"I know about and thatswhy he’s not abel to make a decent speech as president why he learned and learn still from Hittler his book"Dec 25 16:22
schestowitz"blood and soil"... "American carnage"Dec 25 16:22
schestowitz 25 16:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AlimonteLina: @schestowitz @BarackObama Ohh no let’s hope he will not come till this and will go soonDec 25 16:25
schestowitzHe already crushes political opponents and even his investigators, e.g. Comey, R.M.Dec 25 16:26
schestowitzyes, it's fine nowDec 25 17:15
schestowitz 25 17:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Robbin_Young: @schestowitz @JulianAssange ID has been “verified.” ❗️Dec 25 17:15
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 25 17:30
schestowitz 25 18:01
-TechBytesBot/ | Xmas is rooted in paganism and agriculture (harvest cycles). It’s i… | Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Dec 25 18:01
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:01
schestowitzAren’t pagan beliefs religious? If you are setting up a tree in your house with lights, leaving food out for a mysterious seasonal gift-god, and kissing under mistletoe…you are participating in a religion. If you are going to mass, lighting candles, feasting, and playing with a dreidel, its religion. You don’t have to believe a faith to participate in the practices.Dec 25 18:01
schestowitzHalloween is timed with the equinox, sure. But our human cultures have adapted that time to be religious. Some of the causal origins may be impartial physical events, but not after the human mind filters it.Dec 25 18:01
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:01
schestowitzVery true. I think it boils down to what we define as religion, e.g. even worship of food, the Sun...Dec 25 18:02
schestowitz 25 18:22
schestowitz"lol"Dec 25 18:22
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:22
schestowitz 25 18:22
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:22
schestowitz"Words have a powerful impact on the mind, and one way in beating back the swamp is to not use their soft power terminology."Dec 25 18:22
schestowitz 25 18:23
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:23
schestowitz"So maybe in an age of free contraception it might be a great idea to stop pushing hedonism and return to a more adult thoughtful attitude to sex being a route to parenthood rather than a toy."Dec 25 18:23
schestowitz 25 18:23
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:23
schestowitz"Nice tool. Cheers for the post"Dec 25 18:23
schestowitzglad you found it handyDec 25 18:24
schestowitz 25 18:25
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:25
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:25
schestowitzThat's mighty white of you. First decent thing I've ever heard you say.Dec 25 18:25
schestowitzMerry Christmas & Happy New Year!Dec 25 18:25
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:25
schestowitz 25 18:25
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:25
schestowitz"Reality Loser goes to jail, goes straight to jail, does not pass go, does not collect two hundred dollars."Dec 25 18:25
schestowitz 25 18:26
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:26
schestowitz"Beginners' mind: Please explain why EFF was for net neutrality? A bit confused."Dec 25 18:26
schestowitzIt's pro-Internet, not pro-Big TelecomDec 25 18:26
schestowitz 25 18:26
schestowitz"When I was there I had to use a VPN just to send international emails. I couldn't even do my job without a VPN. Everyone had one and used it for multiple activities. VPNs were considered another internet expense. But, I lived in an "economic prosperity zone" next to Hong Kong."Dec 25 18:26
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:27
schestowitzHow times change....Dec 25 18:27
schestowitz 25 18:27
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:27
schestowitz"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."Dec 25 18:27
schestowitz 25 18:27
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:27
schestowitz"👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 thank you'Dec 25 18:27
schestowitz 25 18:27
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:27
schestowitz"i salute you sir thats a noble thing,i dont do holidays and spend them all by my self but its by choice"Dec 25 18:28
schestowitz 25 18:29
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:29
schestowitz"And only support tls 1.3 w/non-broken crypto ecdhe_aes_gcm_sha3'Dec 25 18:29
schestowitz 25 18:29
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:29
schestowitz"Im in...30yrs of sw dev exp. Suggestion : only support 5G comms"Dec 25 18:29
schestowitz 25 18:29
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:29
schestowitz"That would be all of them. Some are very very bad, some dont need security at all."Dec 25 18:29
schestowitz 25 18:29
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:29
schestowitz"Sharia May must be jealousDec 25 18:29
schestowitzWill happen here too, eventually...Dec 25 18:30
schestowitz 25 18:30
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:30
schestowitz"Firefox is confusing me. Why was firefox supporting net neutrality? Beginners mind."Dec 25 18:30
schestowitz 25 18:33
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:33
schestowitz"I have a couple of older Acers, #Kubuntu 17.10 on Aspire 5000 and #Lubuntu 17.10 on Aspire One, no problems. #Linux #ubuntu"Dec 25 18:33
schestowitzvery good..Dec 25 18:33
schestowitz 25 18:34
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:34
schestowitz"my family multiplied when they got here (well after that had been decided). I'm not a history teacher but I would like to see something to support that statement. And how much welfare then? While were at it I don't tell UK not to let people in to kill citizens who are you to tell the US that?"Dec 25 18:34
schestowitz 25 18:34
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:34
schestowitz"What kind of activism?"Dec 25 18:34
schestowitztech issues, some patentsDec 25 18:34
schestowitz 25 18:38
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:38
schestowitz"That article is pure FUD, even to using the "viral" term that MS used to describe the GPL 10 years ago. Disinformation about the requirements of the GPL are also included. Total bunk. Probably paid for by MS."Dec 25 18:38
schestowitzThey still do pay to seed misinformation... and sometimes get caughtDec 25 18:38
schestowitz 25 18:40
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:40
schestowitz"What is tuxmachines? I don't tweet so can't look for myself."Dec 25 18:40
schestowitzsee 25 18:40
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:40
schestowitz 25 18:40
schestowitz"Zero fucks given as to what foreigners think of US."Dec 25 18:41
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:41
schestowitz 25 18:41
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:41
schestowitz">witz"Dec 25 18:41
schestowitz 25 18:41
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:41
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:41
schestowitzWhile I don't get the IDE circle-jerk, if she likes it, then it's good for her usecase. It appears to have a lot of nice features, does she need more?Dec 25 18:41
schestowitzI use vim so what do I know lolDec 25 18:41
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:41
schestowitzShe wanted a decent debuggerDec 25 18:41
schestowitz 25 18:42
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:42
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:42
schestowitzI mean, is that really fair?Dec 25 18:42
schestowitz"Architectural design" is an extremely vague term. Though this does mean that he has had a hand in other areas of design, which is interesting. He was always first and foremost business so it shouldn't surprise anyone. Did people think he coded the OS?Dec 25 18:42
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:42
schestowitzMany people still think of him as a geek/coderDec 25 18:42
schestowitz 25 18:43
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:43
schestowitz"We must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."Dec 25 18:43
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:43
schestowitzI'm the last one to move, when I take a stand on an issue...but if we don't unite against our common enemy, we shall each, in the end, die alone and separately. Martyrs only, to our own egos.Dec 25 18:43
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:43
schestowitz 25 18:43
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:43
schestowitz"Couldn't resist. Have a Merry Christmas."Dec 25 18:43
schestowitzhaha, that's a good one actuallyDec 25 18:43
schestowitz 25 18:44
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:44
schestowitz""#JulianAssangeDec 25 18:44
schestowitz 25 18:44
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:44
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:44
schestowitzHow many times a career politician has to prove his hers incompetents before it's OK to let them go? Muller has done it too many times already.Dec 25 18:44
schestowitzGetting rid of incompetent people is good for everyone. Impeached for that?Dec 25 18:44
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:44
schestowitz 25 18:44
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 18:44
schestowitz"Nothing wrong with surveillance per se. Putting it on the internet is unwise"Dec 25 18:44
schestowitzTtueDec 25 18:44
schestowitz 25 18:46
-TechBytesBot/ Did Twitter just ban Julian Assange or did he delete his account? #wikileaks #defendWLDec 25 18:46
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Julian Assange 🔹 (@JulianAssange) on TwitterDec 25 18:46
schestowitzmy guess would be it was wiki/spooks crew themselves.Dec 25 18:46
schestowitzone of the interesting things I’ve noticed with Twitter is that they can get really sneaky with “disabling” accounts.Dec 25 18:46
schestowitzIn regards to a former associate Trick, they just straight hijacked his account, had em say some strange things he’d never say, then blew em up with a drone (true story, freaked me out).Dec 25 18:46
schestowitzOn my own ends, I simply couldn’t log in one day. I still had bots that could access it though, and then eventually not even they could. Account still exist, I just couldn’t do anything with it and all attempts to have them re-allow me access went nowhere. Account still sits there to this day, I just can’t do anything with it and ceased trying to contact Twitter on the matter after numerous attempts.Dec 25 18:46
schestowitzTrue stories on when Twitter n co want to be sneaky on “taking accounts down”Dec 25 18:46
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:46
schestowitz"Since Twitter is “private property”, they can do anything they want in “their” space. And once everything on earth is private property, you will not be able to do anything. But you will consider yourself lucky to have a job."Dec 25 18:46
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:46
schestowitzAnyone who wishes to learn some self-sufficiency can have 2 acres of land from us that we don’t use. They can do what they like with the land except poison it or destroy trees which produce food. They can obtain firewood by helping us when we obtain it in Spring.Dec 25 18:46
schestowitzIf they wish to buy the land on making enough income from it, they will pay us the same price we paid plus ownership transfer fees which would be around €150.Dec 25 18:46
schestowitzNO trustafarians etc. No “you come and work for us and you can have some food and a tent in the garden”. i.e. no slave labour.Dec 25 18:46
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:46
schestowitz 25 18:47
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:47
schestowitzWhere bouts are you @Axidentalists AxisDec 25 18:47
schestowitzIf I make it out to Euro as planned next year, I may take you up on that offer, more so on a temp basis while moving through Euro though than anything long term. I’d be totally happy n fine with kicking in on working things and what not.Dec 25 18:47
schestowitz@Tom Grz I’m not CONsenting to such nonsense. Lets look to the mass realizing granting such CONsents are in fact NONSENSE. Time for this madness to start coming to a close.Dec 25 18:47
schestowitzThe markets are completely rigged, politics under them are completely rigged, I have no idea why so many are acting like there is a single bit of legitimacy to any of this nonsense anymore honestly.Dec 25 18:47
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:47
schestowitz"We are at the end of the world where #thehaciendamustbebuilt where the population is still declining!"Dec 25 18:47
schestowitz 25 18:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Firefighter1428: @schestowitz @UNESCO You are so full of crap, take off the tinfoil hat it's cutting circulation to your brainDec 25 18:47
schestowitzThat admission came from Trump himself, he's a fan of old-age bigots: 25 18:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Twitter Drags Trump for Bringing Confederate Statues, ‘Heritage’ Debate into Virginia Gov Election | MediaiteDec 25 18:49
schestowitz 25 18:50
-TechBytesBot/ #mozilla #rust is still coming along nicely #programmingDec 25 18:50
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:50
schestowitza systems language pursuing the trifecta: safety, concurrency, and speed.Dec 25 18:50
schestowitzWhat would C be? A systems language for: simplicity, transparency and speed?Dec 25 18:50
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | This Week in Rust 213 · This Week in RustDec 25 18:50
schestowitz"A systems language for: memory corruption, format string attacks and null-pointer dereferences?'Dec 25 18:50
schestowitz 25 18:51
-TechBytesBot/ #Spotify does not allow to play music locally though Proprietary too Sure, #gnu #linux support is nice, but... 25 18:51
schestowitz"All your music belong to US!"Dec 25 18:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | You Can Now Install Spotify on Linux as a SnapDec 25 18:51
schestowitz"I gotta stand up for Spotify here… …not fully kosher but come on, it plays sweet music and feeds the soul natively on Linux. I’m not sure, but I’ve got a feeling the Linux app should even allow offline playback."Dec 25 18:51
schestowitz"I’m all against proprietary services and that stuff, but I think it can be useful to ease the transition of new Linux users.Dec 25 18:51
schestowitz"Yet another mechanism for collecting personal data."Dec 25 18:51
schestowitzWhat Tom said. I grew up in a generation in which we downloaded our music and passed it between devices.Dec 25 18:52
schestowitz 25 18:52
-TechBytesBot/ systemd-resolved is broken " #systemd #redhatDec 25 18:53
schestowitz"Really good essay - technically, I learned a few things!"Dec 25 18:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | edge of sanity . systemd-resolved is brokenDec 25 18:53
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:53
schestowitzThe insistence of Red Hat to absorb everything they feel is not the job of the kernel into systemd has turned Linux into the nightmare that was Windows NT. Lack of visibility of service startup, an absolutely obtuse set of tools, horrible documentation and the outright arrogance of the systemd crew gives the company a black eye.Dec 25 18:53
schestowitzAs an init system, systemd is bad enough but tolerable. Everything else shoved into systemd is an attempt to cement it into Linux making it exceptionally difficult to replace systemd with something else.Dec 25 18:53
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:53
schestowitz"Even as simple a thing as adding a device via /etc/fstab will cause systemd to log errors/warnings…"Dec 25 18:53
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:53
schestowitz@Electric Watusi more infos :-)Dec 25 18:53
schestowitz 25 18:53
-TechBytesBot/ | Without Systemd [ ]Dec 25 18:53
schestowitz'Dec 25 18:53
schestowitz"Dec 25 18:54
schestowitzIf it even boots at all. Systemd halts the boot and presents a prompt for maintenance should it encounter any mount point that fails. This could be a local disk, removable media or a network mount. The latter is utterly unforgivable and shows a complete disregard for an operating system that has made its mark as a reliable server operating system.Dec 25 18:54
schestowitzThink about it, an entire rack of gear goes down in a data center and several boxes are looking for an NFS or SMB mount, but that system has been up for so long that it does a file system check on 10 TB of data. Those systems wanting the NFS are not booting. They’ll all be hung waiting for human intervention unless the admin takes actions to add special systemd parameters to fstab in order to avert this stupidity.Dec 25 18:54
schestowitzFor far more uses cases for Linux, systemd has made the system more complex, less documented and less resilient than for the uses cases where concurrency during boot is required. But hey, if it makes the job easier for the developers at to manage system settings in a GUI, I guess that is a fair compromise (not like I had a choice).Dec 25 18:54
schestowitz'Dec 25 18:54
schestowitz"funny - init system breaks boot!"Dec 25 18:54
schestowitzMore support contracts for Red Hat. 20% rise this past quarter.Dec 25 18:54
schestowitz 25 18:55
-TechBytesBot/ #Trump administration withdraws rule forcing airlines to disclose baggage fees #deregulation for oligarchs. Us hurt.Dec 25 18:55
schestowitz"I think you understand Mr. Trump, daypet.'Dec 25 18:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Trump administration withdraws rule forcing airlines to disclose baggage fees - The VergeDec 25 18:55
schestowitz"Sad."Dec 25 18:55
schestowitzBig league! (bigly) but small hands..Dec 25 18:55
schestowitz 25 18:56
-TechBytesBot/ I've been very consistent in my views on #us #politics for many years. I did not expect #trump to crash the 1% economy. He+HRC= Wall Street.Dec 25 18:56
schestowitz"Its a 2 Party system. You opposed the current President with slander and lies.'Dec 25 18:56
schestowitz"I wouldnt worry, Doc. Nobody whose opinion counts for anything will fail to recognize and ignore the troll. :)"Dec 25 18:56
schestowitz"troll? Stom slander made by a dumb ass Goy. What else is knew? The Prez election was not that far ago anybody who wants to check what Dr. Roy said about candidate Trump can easily, with a bit of patience, review what Dr. Roy wrote prior to Hillery’s defeat."Dec 25 18:56
schestowitzWhat a cretinDec 25 18:56
schestowitz 25 18:57
-TechBytesBot/ Hey, #mozilla Tell them to move to #gnu #linux Don't help #microsoft sell more keyloggers like #vista10 25 18:57
schestowitz"Well, you could run Firefox and LibreOffice on it so thats free enough. But it still ils quite buggy. The guys there certainly need help for the project. :-)"Dec 25 18:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Another Stay of Execution for Firefox Users on Windows XP – chuttenblogDec 25 18:57
schestowitz"Not interested in “Free as in free beer”."Dec 25 18:57
schestowitzJust gimme the beer, mate..Dec 25 18:57
schestowitz 25 18:58
-TechBytesBot/ #Aaeon ’s “PICO-APL3” has a motherboard with a back door from #intel and #tpm (very malicious) Please fix...Dec 25 18:58
schestowitz"I have begun a personal boycott of Intel. (this will be difficult).'Dec 25 18:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Pico-ITX SBC offers TPM and a pair each of M.2 and MIPI-CSIDec 25 18:58
schestowitz"Ha! “unstated price”"Dec 25 18:58
schestowitzBecause it's not goodDec 25 18:58
schestowitz 25 19:23
schestowitz"Dec 25 19:23
-TechBytesBot/ Another reason to avoid #intel Not to avoid #gnu #linux 25 19:23
schestowitzAlso Ubuntu:Dec 25 19:23
schestowitzWe’re told Canonical will remove the SPI driver from its kernel, and rerelease Artful Aardvark. The driver is not normally built nor included in the standard default Linux kernel, from what we can tell: its documentation warns you to stay away from it “unless you know what you are doing. Overwriting the SPI flash may render the system unbootable.”Dec 25 19:23
schestowitz"Dec 25 19:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu 17.10 PULLED: Linux OS knackers laptop BIOSes, Intel kernel driver fingered • The RegisterDec 25 19:23
schestowitzOh, I see now... wonder why staff member will get the slap over thisDec 25 19:23
schestowitz 25 19:23
-TechBytesBot/ An armed zealot like Nikki Haley in the #un merely gives the UN even more credibility and makes the US look erratic 25 19:23
schestowitz"“Among the principal takeaways from the General Assembly’s action is that an international sense of justice and fairness matters.” Like the right for a country to decide where its capital is, except when you are Jews."Dec 25 19:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | UN Members Show Spine in Rebuffing Trump – ConsortiumnewsDec 25 19:23
schestowitz 25 19:24
-TechBytesBot/ Almost ran out of partition space (again) on #techrights server. I really hate it when the rm command fails because "too many arguments" (files). Can't it just figure out how to slice these down (like I do manually, e.g. a*, b*...)?Dec 25 19:24
schestowitz"I’ve done that! When a hammer is your only tool…"Dec 25 19:24
schestowitz 25 19:24
-TechBytesBot/ 3 days before Xmas Eve! Intentional. 25 19:24
schestowitz"Maybe they will not have to meet.Dec 25 19:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Key NSA surveillance program’s reauthorization hits roadblock in Congress - The Washington PostDec 25 19:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Spy Coalition In Congress Rushes Through Plan To Keep The NSA Spying On Americans | TechdirtDec 25 19:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Edward Snowden and human rights groups slam NSA bill that's rushing through CongressDec 25 19:24
schestowitz 25 19:25
-TechBytesBot/ Don't believe that #trump will stop at treating some #lgbt as non-humans only in the military/Army context. That's just how it starts.Dec 25 19:26
schestowitz""Dec 25 19:26
-TechBytesBot/ | Trumps first 7 Months in Office and his Actions Towards LGBT People : lgbtDec 25 19:26
schestowitzA man of his word. Repugnant.Dec 25 19:26
schestowitz 25 19:27
-TechBytesBot/ Don't believe media propaganda from the Establishment pseudo-left. #assange is a leftist from a leftist family. 25 19:27
schestowitz"Far left, actually, at least by American standards. However, he’s also been quoted as pro-libertarian in Forbes (or the Atlantic, can’t remember) from a number of years ago. Libertarians and the “far left” are both live and let live on social issues. They depart ways for the role of government/state."Dec 25 19:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | IQ.ORG [ ]Dec 25 19:27
schestowitzYesDec 25 19:27
schestowitz 25 19:27
-TechBytesBot/ #brexit in a nutshell Based on lies and misconception from the get-go 25 19:27
schestowitz"low-level jingoismDec 25 19:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Blue passports could have been re-introduced without Brexit, Government admits | The IndependentDec 25 19:27
schestowitzAlso low-IQDec 25 19:27
schestowitz 25 19:28
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 25 19:28
schestowitz"Dec 25 19:28
schestowitzThank you. I started Linux with a stack of diskettes. Survived the (lack of) driver doldrums. Former member of Metro Detroit LUG. Still with it.Dec 25 19:28
schestowitzCheat now -- use Ubuntu. Thinking about going back to 'real' Linux but would have a lot of catching up to do.Dec 25 19:28
schestowitz"Dec 25 19:28
schestowitzWe keep the sites updated and complete, probably fastest in this domainDec 25 19:28
schestowitz 25 19:31
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Spotify gives Linux users an early Christmas present: a new desktop client 25 19:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Spotify gives Linux users an early Christmas present: a new desktop client | Tux MachinesDec 25 19:31
schestowitz""Dec 25 19:31
schestowitz"I don’t want no snaps. Too hard to know what you are installing."Dec 25 19:31
schestowitzIt's to help sell proprietary crapDec 25 19:31
schestowitz 25 19:32
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: #SparkyLinux Operating System Launches for Raspberry Pi, Based on Debian Stretch 25 19:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | SparkyLinux Operating System Launches for Raspberry Pi, Based on Debian Stretch | Tux MachinesDec 25 19:32
schestowitz"Yes, but “based upon” leaves a lot of room for who-knows-what."Dec 25 19:32
schestowitz 25 19:32
schestowitz"Mostly one-man shows?"Dec 25 19:32
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Linux Distros That Discontinued Unexpectedly 25 19:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Linux Distros That Discontinued Unexpectedly | Tux MachinesDec 25 19:32
schestowitzor one man and some volunteers who worship him/her (e.g. Patrick)Dec 25 19:32
schestowitz 25 19:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SDKRMWEB: @Lars9596 @schestowitz Evidence? We are talking about Julian here, a man so evidently angling for a "Friday night f… 25 19:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SDKRMWEB: @Lars9596 @schestowitz Evidence? We are talking about Julian here, a man so evidently angling for a "Friday night f… 25 19:33
schestowitz""Dec 25 19:33
schestowitz"Evidence? We are talking about Julian here, a man so evidently angling for a "Friday night for the ratings" pardon at any cost. Just not to himself."Dec 25 19:33
schestowitzWikileaks confirmed it's him and all is fine, except Twitter sucksDec 25 19:33
schestowitz 25 19:34
-TechBytesBot/ #EPO 'study' which is actually #UPC advocacy/lobbing disguised as 'research' 25 19:34
schestowitz"Kind of reminds me of all those “think tanks”. Not much real thinking goes on, mostly propagandizing - corrupting logic and facts with false “analysis”.Dec 25 19:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CIT_UPC: Impact of patent protection on trade and FDI in the EU: Patents, trade and foreign direct investment vía @EPOorgDec 25 19:34
schestowitzWith suits, media staff, strategists, and a decent Web site... because they're well funded by those who they do propaganda forDec 25 19:34
schestowitz 25 19:35
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Linux-driven IoT gateway hooks up to Google Cloud analytics 25 19:35
schestowitz"Uh, No thank you!"Dec 25 19:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Linux-driven IoT gateway hooks up to Google Cloud analytics | Tux MachinesDec 25 19:35
schestowitzBut cloud! CLOUD Tom!Dec 25 19:35
schestowitz 25 19:36
-TechBytesBot/ For for "impression of balance" (a term "professional" aka corporate 'journalists' like to use), positive on LF: 25 19:36
schestowitz'For something called “Open Networking”, I would think that there might be some interest in networking that was able to retain Net Neutrality. Don’t see anything there…"Dec 25 19:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Call for Proposals Now Open for Open Networking Summit North America 2018 - The Linux FoundationDec 25 19:36
schestowitzAT&T et al backedDec 25 19:36
schestowitzAnd LF obviously said not a peep about DRM on the Web and NN repealDec 25 19:36
schestowitz 25 19:37
-TechBytesBot/ #FCC Boss Claims #NetNeutrality Supporters Were Clearly Wrong Because Twitter Still Works The Day After Repeal 25 19:37
schestowitz"Logic has no meaning to these people. For one thing, the net neutrality regulation does not end for another 60 days. For another thing, Twitter will aways be able to pay what is demanded of them - but will You?Dec 25 19:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | FCC Boss Claims Net Neutrality Supporters Were Clearly Wrong Because Twitter Still Works The Day After Repeal | TechdirtDec 25 19:37
schestowitz 25 19:37
-TechBytesBot/ Fairy Tale Architecture of #Norway 25 19:37
schestowitz"🎁☃️🎄🎅"Dec 25 19:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Fairy Tale Architecture of Norway - Album on ImgurDec 25 19:37
schestowitztyDec 25 19:37
schestowitz 25 19:37
-TechBytesBot/ Everyone in my family is a computer scientist (4 of us). They still teach useless things like ML and algebra but not ethics!Dec 25 19:37
schestowitz"You can still take other courses!Dec 25 19:37
schestowitz 25 19:38
-TechBytesBot/ Every 4 years the US voters get a chance to outdo the 'electors' and overthrow the oligarchy, but the nominations are rigged. 1% everywhere.Dec 25 19:38
schestowitz"The 2016 Democratic Primaries are a lesson in anti-democratic process. Be aware."Dec 25 19:38
schestowitz 25 19:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@GerritASmit: @schestowitz @wikileaks @USNavy @aavelle @JulianAssange i see. not allowed to type it themselves. ;-)Dec 25 19:38
schestowitzThe military hired low-cost, low-skill people. Otherwise the staff may have something dangerous called "morals"Dec 25 19:39
schestowitz 25 19:41
-TechBytesBot/ Monetary systems are a man-made concept. Does not exist in nature. I think #bitcoin is a perpetual reminder of how fragile a concept...Dec 25 19:41
schestowitz"yes. the only thing that can come after bitcoin is no more money at all."Dec 25 19:41
schestowitzDirect bartering?Dec 25 19:41
schestowitz 25 19:41
-TechBytesBot/ "He will continue on the board as a science and technical advisor" 'Advisor’ Like telling #google to censor newsDec 25 19:41
schestowitz"He’ll sit on the board of other companies, report back to Google with the interesting tidbits."Dec 25 19:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Eric Schmidt to step down as executive chairman of AlphabetDec 25 19:41
schestowitzGovernments tooDec 25 19:41
schestowitz 25 19:42
-TechBytesBot/ Gov't Committee: #UK Should Move To Holding Platforms Liable For Third-Party Content Post- #Brexit #censorshipDec 25 19:42
schestowitz"All the rest, not-so-well. Plus complete loss of dignity as human beings."Dec 25 19:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Gov't Committee: UK Should Move To Holding Platforms Liable For Third-Party Content Post-Brexit | TechdirtDec 25 19:42
schestowitz 25 19:42
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Sixth record country on Earth (but wealth managed by few barons) 25 19:42
schestowitz"and still we’re spending money on foreign (dictators) aid…"Dec 25 19:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Rachael_Swindon: "I've got the letter I sent to Santa, I asked him for a house". 128,000 children will wake up without a home of the… 25 19:42
schestowitz 25 19:42
-TechBytesBot/ Former #nsa chief referring to spying programs ("cyber") as ‘Manhattan Project’ reveals #us #imperialism at its worst; disregard for livesDec 25 19:42
schestowitz"Dec 25 19:42
schestowitzNeedless to say, he is proud of both!"Dec 25 19:42
schestowitzWould not be in such a job otherwiseDec 25 19:42
schestowitz 25 19:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@GerritASmit: @schestowitz @wikileaks @USNavy @aavelle @JulianAssange ;-)Dec 25 19:42
schestowitz 25 20:17
-TechBytesBot/ [Old] I Didn’t Vaccinate My Kids and the One Who Lived Turned out Fine 25 20:17
schestowitz"Dafuq?Dec 25 20:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | I Didn’t Vaccinate My Kids and the One Who Lived Turned out FineDec 25 20:17
schestowitzSatireDec 25 20:17
schestowitz 25 20:17
-TechBytesBot/ #NVIDIA blobs aren't worth using anyway. Buy #amd for #graphics - at least they share code 25 20:17
schestowitz"err… but recent amd cards just won’t work without blobs (firmware), unlike most nvidia cards I’m familiar with, that work fine with nouveau drivers"Dec 25 20:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Nvidia Ends Driver Support For Devices Running 32-Bit Operating SystemsDec 25 20:17
schestowitzInteresting, so what to buy next? Onboard ARM OKish?Dec 25 20:18
schestowitz 25 20:18
-TechBytesBot/ #nsa is not national security but a national threat 25 20:18
schestowitz"With “security” like that, who needs enemies?"Dec 25 20:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Hackers running cryptocurrency mining operation using NSA exploitsDec 25 20:18
schestowitz 25 20:18
-TechBytesBot/ Not only proprietary graphics drivers (blobs) have bugs and #security issues in them (and crashes). But with #freesw fixes come fast.Dec 25 20:18
schestowitz"Has anyone decompiled the huge blobs in the Raspberry PI firmware yet? I very much wonder what is in there…"Dec 25 20:18
schestowitzblueberries and bambisDec 25 20:18
schestowitz 25 20:19
-TechBytesBot/ "It's a very good feature and it should be implemented by default in all web browsers available on the market." 25 20:19
schestowitz"Dec 25 20:19
schestowitzNot sure what you mean. Netscape was a great browser in its day, far superior to IE (IMO).Dec 25 20:19
schestowitzAll I’m saying is browsing web pages securely is one thing. Mining and protecting digital currency is something else entirely. If people wish to interact with their currency accounts through a browser then it should be added as an addon/extension. Why add more code to the browser only increases the size and opens more security issues that the majority of users aren’t even interested in.Dec 25 20:19
schestowitz'Dec 25 20:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Opera 50 Web Browser Will Bring a Cryptocurrency Mining Protection FeatureDec 25 20:19
schestowitzIt was better than IE (Microsoft cheated and broke laws), but NS was also adding lots of bloat, inc. a mail client, composer etc.Dec 25 20:20
schestowitz 25 20:21
-TechBytesBot/ #ROSA R10 "LXQt" was released in #russia today. It ought to be a decent distro of #gnu #linux but I never tried it 25 20:21
schestowitz"I have seen a Russian using it. You are right. It is a decent distro."Dec 25 20:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | – LLC NTC IT ROSA. A Russian Linux developer companyDec 25 20:21
schestowitzIt's one of the "bigger" ones' Zorin is also well rated. ALTLinux vanished.Dec 25 20:21
schestowitzIt's one of the "bigger" ones. Zorin is also well rated. ALTLinux vanished.Dec 25 20:22
schestowitz 25 20:22
-TechBytesBot/ Reorganising my RSS feeds today. I wish to write more about technology and less about stuff like #politics (if possible)....Dec 25 20:22
schestowitz"I think you may nave said this before ;-)"Dec 25 20:22
schestowitzyes, but it doesn't always work out that way. I did better in the past 5 days, I think.Dec 25 20:22
schestowitz 25 20:23
-TechBytesBot/ PATRIOT Act Rights Act Freedom Act Have they not run out of euphemisms? Orwell might have some in his bag of words. 25 20:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @dnvolz @justinamash PATRIOT Act Rights Act Freedom Act Have they not run out of euphemisms? Orwell might have some in his bag of words....Dec 25 20:23
schestowitz"It’s easy, just pick an antonym to the word that you would legitimately use…"Dec 25 20:23
schestowitzI want to see HELL Act passed by NYE.Dec 25 20:23
schestowitz 25 20:23
-TechBytesBot/ #Patenttrolls are digging into the #blockchain As expected, #techrights warned about it #swpatsDec 25 20:23
schestowitz"Dec 25 20:23
schestowitzgah, the kind of “blockchain” that has nothing to do with bitcoinDec 25 20:24
schestowitzbanks discovering git and database clustering.Dec 25 20:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | A new form of bitcoin mining: Patent trolls coming for the blockchainDec 25 20:24
schestowitz"Dec 25 20:24
schestowitzstill all about algorithms. right?Dec 25 20:24
schestowitz 25 20:25
-TechBytesBot/ Stepped on the power cord, machines went off. Can't believe I did this. Now working to recover some stuff...Dec 25 20:25
schestowitz"Computers are too complicated! :-)"Dec 25 20:25
schestowitzThis old laptop (200i9) has not had a battery for at least 5 yearsDec 25 20:25
schestowitz 25 20:26
-TechBytesBot/ Sounds like? It IS #censorship #trump censors #science & #technology Because they rely on evidence Which debunks him 25 20:26
schestowitz"Like gender and racism redefined?"Dec 25 20:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Sounds like censorship: Letter to the editor | OregonLive.comDec 25 20:26
schestowitz 25 20:26
-TechBytesBot/ So glad I moved to #falkon aka #qupzilla #kde would never do things like these #mozilla #firefoxDec 25 20:26
schestowitz"Meant to write that turning JavaScript on and off globally is not good enough. We need the ability to white-list domains. We need a built-in NoScript for QupZilla."Dec 25 20:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Firefox users angry after Mozilla secretly installs Mr. Robot add-on | CSO OnlineDec 25 20:26
schestowitzyes, it's one of the main things I lack. I stay away from MSM sites due to this.Dec 25 20:26
schestowitzI only open those in thunderbrowse with adblock+Dec 25 20:26
schestowitz 25 20:27
-TechBytesBot/ Russia runs the world According to US The tactic backfires on those who perpetrate it Makes Russia look omnipotent and omnipresentDec 25 20:27
schestowitz"Dec 25 20:27
schestowitzRussia is a poor and isolated country compared to the US. Granted they are trying to expand their sphere of control, but they are far from a first-rate power at this point.Dec 25 20:27
schestowitzChina would be the one to fear.Dec 25 20:27
schestowitz"Dec 25 20:27
schestowitzBut picking on one's largest producers is fiscally suicidalDec 25 20:27
schestowitz 25 20:28
-TechBytesBot/ "RUSHA" hysteria helps defund sites for whistleblowers 25 20:28
schestowitz"Wikileaks exposed the undemocratic operation of the Democratic Party. Hillary famously wanted to launch a drone missile at Julian Assange. No wonder the Freedom of the Press Foundation is afraid to proceed."Dec 25 20:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks loses support of Freedom of the Press Foundation, major donation facilitator - Washington TimesDec 25 20:28
schestowitzThey too get pressuredDec 25 20:28
schestowitz 25 20:29
-TechBytesBot/ The Quantum of Firefox: Why is this one unlike any other Firefox? I've enhanced #falkon enough to stay with itDec 25 20:29
schestowitz"After the Mr Robot debacle, I’m trying Falkon. So far, so good 👍"Dec 25 20:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Quantum of Firefox: Why is this one unlike any other Firefox? • The RegisterDec 25 20:29
schestowitzGreat, same hereDec 25 20:29
schestowitz 25 20:29
-TechBytesBot/ The #Libretro Team and other emulators are being ripped off by companies trying to make a quick buck 25 20:29
schestowitz"I have only one thing to say “copyright © 2017 Darren Drapkin all rights reserved”"Dec 25 20:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Libretro Team and other emulators are being ripped off by companies trying to make a quick buck | GamingOnLinuxDec 25 20:29
schestowitz 25 20:30
-TechBytesBot/ The Internet is a communication framework/platform which facilitates broad-band communication. But if it died, 'indie' voices would still find a way through to the 'masses', provided the masses too leave, e.g. a dead 'corporate' Net with DRM and access 'packages'. Sod it.Dec 25 20:30
schestowitz"Come on Dr Roy are you saying that things will go back to the 90’s with, extensions here, plugins there, and the war of the browsers everywhere ? As I recall this came to an end with enhancements to server side scripting. In other words, this is a technical problem that will have a technical solution, such as a recognized independently monitored points system, allowing the small players to compete on price, by having lower overheads."Dec 25 20:30
schestowitzTHis isn't about the browsers but the physical (or wireless) mediumDec 25 20:31
schestowitz 25 20:31
-TechBytesBot/ The #GOP Tax Plan Will Complete the Destruction of America’s Middle Class Wealth #us #oligarchy led by #trumpDec 25 20:31
schestowitz"Dec 25 20:31
schestowitzThis tax plan has two major objectives, working together, separated only by their chronology:Dec 25 20:31
schestowitzimmediate and continuing pay-off to major profitable corporations and very wealthy stock holders.Dec 25 20:32
schestowitzLong-term bankruptcy of federal and state government, which will be attended by cutbacks in social services of all sorts, leading to depauperating family expenses as the middle classes attempt to pay for health, education, and retirement.Dec 25 20:32
schestowitz(3.) The poor and the new-poor can just go away and die.Dec 25 20:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The GOP Tax Plan Will Complete the Destruction of America’s Middle Class Wealth | By Bob Lord | Common DreamsDec 25 20:32
schestowitz"Dec 25 20:32
schestowitzOr work even harder (for less) just to be able to surviveDec 25 20:32
schestowitz 25 20:32
-TechBytesBot/ The Criminalization of Gentrifying Neighborhoods 25 20:32
schestowitz"a bit of day-to-day-life militarization/police-state, anyone? :)"Dec 25 20:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Gentrification and the Criminalization of Neighborhoods - The AtlanticDec 25 20:32
schestowitzLittle by little, Nazi Germany lasted 12 years, it took 3 years to sanction minorities and 6 to start a major warDec 25 20:33
schestowitz 25 20:34
-TechBytesBot/ This is laughable. #microsoft should be blamed, not thanked see 25 20:34
schestowitz"The Big Lie."Dec 25 20:34
schestowitzit Works(TM)Dec 25 20:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | White House defends NSA, thanks Microsoft, Facebook for countering North Korean hackers - CyberscoopDec 25 20:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft and the NSA - Techrights [ ]Dec 25 20:34
schestowitz 25 20:34
-TechBytesBot/ The Thunderbird Email Client Is Getting a New Look thought about buying a #thunderbird shirt today. Go #mozillaDec 25 20:34
schestowitz"Dec 25 20:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Thunderbird Email Client Is Getting a New Look - OMG! Ubuntu!Dec 25 20:34
schestowitzthankfully the article leaded me to 25 20:34
schestowitzmeanwhile i think that thunderbird couldt have some other improvements, that where more important in my opinionDec 25 20:34
schestowitz"Dec 25 20:34
-TechBytesBot/ | That Slick Thunderbird Mockup? It's Now a Real Theme (Updated) - OMG! Ubuntu!Dec 25 20:34
schestowitzIt'll have those too. I hope TB extension developers will return; many have moved on.Dec 25 20:34
schestowitz 25 20:35
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 25 20:35
-TechBytesBot/ "The teen was found with at least 15 bullet wounds." 25 20:35
schestowitz"cartel drugs is a problem in mexico… a great… problem…"Dec 25 20:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | A 17-year-old YouTube star insulted a notorious drug lord. The teen was found with at least 15 bullet wounds. - The Washington PostDec 25 20:35
schestowitz 25 20:35
-TechBytesBot/ "There appeared to be some inconsistencies in the enforcement." #twitter #censorship capriciousDec 25 20:35
schestowitz"Inconsistencies in enforcement of censorship?!?!?! Who knew?!"Dec 25 20:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Twitter Suspends White Nationalist Accounts Under New Rules | TimeDec 25 20:35
schestowitz 25 20:35
-TechBytesBot/ The real, full cost of #nsa isn't just the black budget it receives a yoke on computingDec 25 20:35
schestowitz"Once again, greed took away any attempt at fairness on cryptocurrencies. We are back to winner takes all"Dec 25 20:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | NSA Cyberweapons Help Hackers Mine Cryptocurrency | News & Opinion | PCMag.comDec 25 20:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Zealot Attack Uses Apache Struts, NSA Exploits to Mine Crypto-CurrencyDec 25 20:35
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 25 20:35
schestowitz 25 20:36
-TechBytesBot/ Well, chlorinate is good for you, says the not "evidence-based" EPA/FDA. Where they say pollution is healthy. 25 20:36
schestowitz"Chlorinated amino acids are carcinogens!"Dec 25 20:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jwildeboer: So the new red lines for #Brexit are no chlorinated chicken and blue passports, did I get that right?Dec 25 20:36
schestowitzI might have to stop eating any kind of meat (poultry too) with this Brexshit.. and then worry about GMOsDec 25 20:37
schestowitz 25 20:37
-TechBytesBot/ Very busy day today. Trying to publish all articles before Xmas Ever. Lots to say about #epo now that Office is closed.Dec 25 20:37
schestowitz"what is Xmas Ever? Slow down a bit ;)"Dec 25 20:37
schestowitzOops.Dec 25 20:37
schestowitz 25 20:37
-TechBytesBot/ #trump "long tradition of wielding the narrative to its pleasure, with dangerous consequences for the rest of us." 25 20:37
schestowitz"Censorship is the hallmark of unpopular despotic regimes."Dec 25 20:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | It's Still Censorship: On the CDC Banned Word ListDec 25 20:37
schestowitzYes, incapable of tolerating voicesDec 25 20:38
schestowitz 25 20:38
-TechBytesBot/ #trump is a good example for claim that wealth does not imply wisdom (and vice versa) He doesn't read much Golf, Fox 'news', chasing 'pussy'Dec 25 20:38
schestowitz"He’s rich… Maybe he should be fixing the leaky gutters or rotating his tires?Dec 25 20:38
schestowitz 25 20:38
-TechBytesBot/ This will be used as a pretext for more #security at expense of taxpayers 25 20:38
schestowitz"Will we Ever be safe from more horseshit?"Dec 25 20:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | storybreak stars');background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center}.editor .editor-inner div.legacy-raw-html,.post-content div.legacy-raw-html{border:3px solid #eeb544;padding:5px;margin-bottom:20px}.editor .editor-inner div.legacy-raw-html:before,.post-content div.legacy-raw-html:before{content:'Before this post can be saved, this block must be removed.';font-size:12px;display:inline-block}.editor .editor-innerDec 25 20:38
schestowitzHe did not appreciate finding himself wrapped upDec 25 20:38
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 26 01:18
schestowitz 26 06:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@neur0atypical: @schestowitz But isn't the real reason "Gusto ko kayong patay" ? 26 06:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Duterte: Pulis na sangkot sa droga, I want you dead | ABS-CBN NewsDec 26 06:05
schestowitz 26 06:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Dissenter_9: @schestowitz @wikileaks @USNavy @aavelle @JulianAssange "covfefe moment"... the mthafcker in the White house is tro… 26 06:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Dissenter_9: @schestowitz @wikileaks @USNavy @aavelle @JulianAssange "covfefe moment"... the mthafcker in the White house is tro… 26 06:05
schestowitz""covfefe moment"... the mthafcker in the White house is trolling you with that, and your gullible asses fall for it. "Dec 26 06:05
schestowitz 26 06:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@linuxuser3: @schestowitz I 1st read this & dirty glasses 👓 thought it said "new Fail Creators Update" 😆Dec 26 06:06
schestowitz 26 06:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@neur0atypical: @schestowitz they're still showing 'em for Trump's monstrosities lol 26 06:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@neur0atypical: I know something else that "is a disaster" 😏 26 06:06
schestowitz 26 06:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RachellePavlova: @schestowitz @wikileaks @USNavy @aavelle @JulianAssange Not the best role modeling from the DoD: pressing buttons in error.Dec 26 06:06
schestowitz 26 06:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@1umbrella: @schestowitz I would like to be able easily scan a person's entire tweet history by year or something similar. I wa… 26 06:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@1umbrella: @schestowitz I would like to be able easily scan a person's entire tweet history by year or something similar. I wa… 26 06:07
schestowitz"I would like to be able easily scan a person's entire tweet history by year or something similar. I was hoping #Twitter would also serve as a historical keeper of people's tweets to help provide a fuller picture of an individual but we will see."Dec 26 06:07
schestowitz 26 06:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pyram1d: @GerritASmit @schestowitz @wikileaks @USNavy @aavelle @JulianAssange Could be a boolean search placed in the wrong field... ?Dec 26 06:07
schestowitz 26 06:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kcchiefzgirl: @schestowitz @wikileaks @USNavy @aavelle @JulianAssange So could someone on the inside of the Navy be signaling? I'… 26 06:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kcchiefzgirl: @schestowitz @wikileaks @USNavy @aavelle @JulianAssange So could someone on the inside of the Navy be signaling? I'… 26 06:08
schestowitz"So could someone on the inside of the Navy be signaling? I'm completely confused. Too many changes and not the same ambiance on reinstated Assange acct.  What am I missing? Any concrete news? This entire thing is odd. Now about 4 "I'm the real Assange" accts."Dec 26 06:08
schestowitz 26 06:09
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@linuxuser3: @HeadLeaks 😆 @schestowitzDec 26 06:09
schestowitz"Dec 26 07:35
schestowitz=Dec 26 07:35
schestowitz 26 07:35
schestowitz=Dec 26 07:35
schestowitzold:Dec 26 07:35
-TechBytesBot/ | In the travel industry, resentment towards tourists grows - Salon.comDec 26 07:35
schestowitz 26 07:35
schestowitz=Dec 26 07:35
schestowitz 26 07:35
-TechBytesBot/ | Net information about the Jon Johansen (“DVD Jon”) caseDec 26 07:35
schestowitz=Dec 26 07:35
schestowitz 26 07:35
-TechBytesBot/ | Google TranslateDec 26 07:35
-TechBytesBot/ | Google TranslateDec 26 07:35
schestowitz=Dec 26 07:35
schestowitz"Dec 26 07:35
schestowitz 26 08:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@grrokk: #TheLawOfUnintendedConsequences: as #universal and as #iron as #Gravity. And it #sucks, too. 26 08:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Navigation Apps Are Turning Quiet Neighborhoods Into Traffic Nightmares better live away from roads if possibleDec 26 08:16
schestowitz"Dec 26 08:16
schestowitzgrok grokkster‏ @grrokk  18m18 minutes agoDec 26 08:16
schestowitzMoreDec 26 08:16
schestowitzgrok grokkster Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Dec 26 08:16
schestowitz#TheLawOfUnintendedConsequences: as #universal and as #iron as #Gravity.Dec 26 08:16
schestowitzAnd it #sucks, too.Dec 26 08:16
schestowitz"Dec 26 08:16
schestowitz"Dec 26 09:55
schestowitzDear colleagues,Dec 26 09:55
schestowitzIn the January Gazette (p.10-11), the Administration reported about the activities of a Working Group they calledDec 26 09:55
schestowitz"Future career system". They claim that this working group has finalised the analysis phase of the project and isDec 26 09:55
schestowitznow working on the main elements of the career reform.Dec 26 09:55
schestowitzThe Gazette article omits to mention an important detail: this Working Group has no Staff RepresentativeDec 26 09:55
schestowitzamongst its members. For the sake of transparency the CSC wants to clarify the status of the discussions inDec 26 09:55
schestowitzthe area of Promotions and Careers and some preliminary remarks on the project. In the Annex we alsoDec 26 09:55
schestowitzcomment on the lack of consultation.Dec 26 09:55
schestowitzFrom the limited information available through the Gazette article and the Intranet, we note that a studyDec 26 09:55
schestowitzundertaken in July 2013 1Dec 26 09:55
schestowitz has led the consultants (Deloitte) to propose a “new” model they call a "CompetencyDec 26 09:55
schestowitzFramework". However, the most striking thing about this proposal is that it is not new: the concept wasDec 26 09:55
schestowitz2Dec 26 09:55
schestowitzconsidered and discarded by the Office several years ago as not fit for purpose . In areas where projects andDec 26 09:55
schestowitzadministrative tasks are the rule (like DG0, DG2, DG4 and DG5) it might be possible that such a model could beDec 26 09:55
schestowitzinterpreted as improving the "harmonisation of job classification". However, its application in DGs 1 and 3 isDec 26 09:55
schestowitz3Dec 26 09:55
schestowitzcompletely inappropriate , and since these DGs account for over 88% of the EPO A-grades (see table), theDec 26 09:56
schestowitzproposal seems both irrational and a waste of Office money on misguided consultancy.Dec 26 09:56
schestowitzThe success of the present career system results from its acceptance as a form of "contract" between the staffDec 26 09:56
schestowitz4Dec 26 09:56
schestowitzand the Office . Staff does not compete for "diplomas" of "titles", but rather, they are rewarded for theirDec 26 09:56
schestowitzcontribution towards the goals of the Office. We believe that the proposed approach jeopardises theDec 26 09:56
schestowitztransparency and the balance of the significant performance related component of the current A-career, and willDec 26 09:56
schestowitzthreaten a well-functioning system which has played a significant role in achieving the Office's increasing levelsDec 26 09:56
schestowitzof performance over the past two decades. The main reason for this increase of performance is the effort ofDec 26 09:56
schestowitzstaff. The promotions they have enjoyed have therefore been earned and are completely consistent with theDec 26 09:56
schestowitzrequirement of Circ. 271 (A-career).Dec 26 09:56
schestowitzThe budgetary quotas -which the EPO claim are part of the career system - are unfair and ignore the legitimateDec 26 09:56
schestowitzexpectation of staff who have otherwise met the criteria set out in current A-career. These constraints are overDec 26 09:56
schestowitz40 years old and were superseded by the present Career jointly agreed between staff and the Office in 2002.Dec 26 09:56
schestowitzThe EPO also seems to have forgotten that original purpose a current A-career was to solve the effect of theDec 26 09:56
schestowitz5.Dec 26 09:56
schestowitzquotas The application of the budgetary limits also fails to take into account the growth of the Office and theDec 26 09:56
schestowitzdemographics due to the sporadic recruitment policy over 40 years (see diagram).Dec 26 09:56
schestowitz"Dec 26 09:56
schestowitz"Dec 26 09:56
schestowitzAs a result, what appears on the surface as an a bizarre proposal from a renowned consultancy firm may wellDec 26 09:56
schestowitz6Dec 26 09:56
schestowitzturn out to be a smoke screen hiding serious cuts in career opportunities for large groups of staff . If that is theDec 26 09:56
schestowitzcase, it would of course solve the budgetary problem...but at the cost of the staff and would have seriousDec 26 09:56
schestowitzimplications on long term motivation.Dec 26 09:56
schestowitzTo address the loss of long term career perspectives, the subtle plan seems to consist of introducing, moreDec 26 09:56
schestowitz"hurdles", in the form of increased requirements and additional promotions grades steps. This will be combinedDec 26 09:56
schestowitzwith more "means to address insufficient performance"7Dec 26 09:56
schestowitz. Models like this, often called “carrot and stick” areDec 26 09:56
schestowitzknown to fail when it comes down to what really matters which is the long term motivation of staff.Dec 26 09:56
schestowitzThe CSC is convinced that before discussing the development of a new career system, the Office must make8Dec 26 09:56
schestowitzunambiguous commitment that any new career will offer (on average) the same "career trend" , as with theDec 26 09:56
schestowitzcurrent system (without quotas). Such a reassurance is of paramount importance for the acceptance of a newDec 26 09:56
schestowitzsocial contract between the Office and the staff.Dec 26 09:56
schestowitzUnfortunately, the latest developments seem to confirm that the Office is preparing to implement its ideasDec 26 09:56
schestowitzregarding a new A-career regardless of the views of staff. The CSC considers this a breach of the obligationsDec 26 09:56
schestowitztowards staff, which will not only harm staff but the long term interests of the Office.Dec 26 09:57
schestowitzanDec 26 09:57
schestowitz"Dec 26 09:57
schestowitz>> The way I look it at, they're well-educated people who deserve supportDec 26 10:27
schestowitz>> which media does not give them.Dec 26 10:27
schestowitz> Yep, but perhaps only the union can help them.  That would be one reason whyDec 26 10:27
schestowitz> The management founded a fake one.  Again, I'm not sure how they couldDec 26 10:27
schestowitz> clear house 100% of existing management.Dec 26 10:27
schestowitz>Dec 26 10:27
schestowitz>>>>> About JA, Gizmodo seems really working to smear him and WL:Dec 26 10:27
schestowitz>>>>>Dec 26 10:27
schestowitz>>>>> 26 10:27
schestowitz>>>> I asked him what happened. No reply...Dec 26 10:27
schestowitz>>> I suppose there will be an official statement from him on it some day.Dec 26 10:27
schestowitz>> See my latest tweets. Account back, but I'm not sure it's him.Dec 26 10:27
-TechBytesBot/ | storybreak stars');background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center}.editor .editor-inner div.legacy-raw-html,.post-content div.legacy-raw-html{border:3px solid #eeb544;padding:5px;margin-bottom:20px}.editor .editor-inner div.legacy-raw-html:before,.post-content div.legacy-raw-html:before{content:'Before this post can be saved, this block must be removed.';font-size:12px;display:inline-block}.editor .editor-inner div.legaDec 26 10:27
schestowitz> It looks like it is a new account re-using the old name.Dec 26 10:27
schestowitz>Dec 26 10:27
schestowitz>Dec 26 10:27
schestowitz> PS.  Heads up.  It looks like enigmail has a regressed bug which causesDec 26 10:27
schestowitz> saved drafts to get  the encryption option deselected.  This bug hadDec 26 10:27
schestowitz> been gone for a long time.Dec 26 10:27
schestowitzkmail had the same bug.Dec 26 10:27
schestowitz"Dec 26 11:05
schestowitzSu14012cp – 0.2.1/0.4.2Dec 26 11:05
schestowitzLack of Governance over Intergovernmental OrganisationsDec 26 11:05
schestowitzIntergovernmental organisations1, usually referred to as international organisations, are created byDec 26 11:05
schestowitzsovereign states. Their legal basis is a treaty between the Member States. Examples include the UnitedDec 26 11:05
schestowitzNations, the Council of Europe and the World Trade Organisation. At present about 250 of suchDec 26 11:05
schestowitzorganisations exist.Dec 26 11:05
schestowitzIn order to avoid undue interference by any of the Member States, in particular of the host country,Dec 26 11:05
schestowitzinternational organisations are routinely granted inviolability of their premises and immunity fromDec 26 11:05
schestowitzjurisdiction by national courts.Dec 26 11:05
schestowitzInternational organisations act very much like a “state within a state”. They may have their ownDec 26 11:05
schestowitzfinancial regulations, their own labour law (often not made public) and their own social securityDec 26 11:05
schestowitzsystem. Unlike states, international organisations know no true separation of powers. The HeadDec 26 11:05
schestowitz(Director-General or President) formally represents the executive. In practice, however, he alsoDec 26 11:05
schestowitzfunctions as legislator since changes in employment law proposed by him are usually accepted by theDec 26 11:05
schestowitzGoverning Body. Within the organisation the Director-General or President acts as head of the policeDec 26 11:05
schestowitz(Internal Audit or the Investigation Unit), as prosecutor (initiating disciplinary proceedings) andDec 26 11:05
schestowitzfinally as judge in the sense that he decides on relief granted to or punishment imposed upon staff.Dec 26 11:05
schestowitzThe internal checks & balances in international organisations are purely based on respect. InternalDec 26 11:05
schestowitzbodies (staff committees, disciplinary committees, appeals committees) are all advisory bodies. TheDec 26 11:05
schestowitzfull decision-making power remains with the Head of the Organisation.Dec 26 11:05
schestowitzDecisions concerning staff can only be challenged at the Administrative Tribunal responsible for theDec 26 11:05
schestowitzOrganisation after exhaustion of internal remedies. Appeals have no suspensive effect. The duration ofDec 26 11:05
schestowitzthe overall procedure can be problematic2. The Tribunals base their judgments on the actual law inDec 26 11:05
schestowitzforce in the Organisation. They exercise little normative control on the legislation itself 3,. TheDec 26 11:05
schestowitzTribunals have no means to enforce implementation of their judgments. At least in the case of the ILO-Dec 26 11:05
schestowitzAT, responsible for some 60 international organisations, the independence of the judges can beDec 26 11:05
schestowitzquestioned4.Dec 26 11:05
schestowitzExternal control over international organisations is exercised by a governing body that typically meetsDec 26 11:05
schestowitzseveral times a year. The information that is provided to this body is largely controlled by the Head ofDec 26 11:05
schestowitzthe International Organisation. The resources available to the members of the delegation that make upDec 26 11:05
schestowitz1Dec 26 11:05
schestowitz 26 11:06
schestowitz2Dec 26 11:06
-TechBytesBot/ | Intergovernmental organization - WikipediaDec 26 11:06
schestowitzUnless existing backlogs are dealt with delays for some organisations, e.g. the EPO, are expected toDec 26 11:06
schestowitzexceed 10 years.Dec 26 11:06
schestowitz3Dec 26 11:06
schestowitz 26 11:06
-TechBytesBot/ | Rule of LawDec 26 11:06
schestowitz4Dec 26 11:06
schestowitzThe judges are nominated by the governing body of ILO (a defendant organisation) on the basis of 3 yearDec 26 11:06
schestowitzrenewable contracts. The nomination is prestigious and comes with a twice yearly all expenses paid trip toDec 26 11:06
schestowitzGeneva.Dec 26 11:06
schestowitz"Dec 26 11:06
schestowitz"Dec 26 11:06
schestowitzthe governing body do not necessarily allow for an in-depth and independent examination of theDec 26 11:06
schestowitzactivities of the organization. Normally, the public is denied access to the meetings of the governingDec 26 11:06
schestowitzbodies and to the majority of the documents discussed there.Dec 26 11:06
schestowitzThe governance of international organisations has been subject to criticism5. The organisations havehowever, thus far resisted efforts to improved transparency and accountability both towards theirDec 26 11:06
schestowitzown staff and towards the public.Dec 26 11:06
schestowitzThe Central SUEPO CommitteeDec 26 11:06
schestowitz"Dec 26 11:06
schestowitz"Dec 26 11:08
schestowitzDear colleagues,Dec 26 11:08
schestowitzsc14009cpe – 0.3.2/0.2.1Dec 26 11:08
schestowitzA delegation of the CSC met the President yesterday.Dec 26 11:09
schestowitzThree main issues were discussed: the P.E.A.C.E.S. initiative, the so-called “social democracy” (alsoDec 26 11:09
schestowitzone claim of the P.E.A.C.E.S.), and the salary method.Dec 26 11:09
schestowitzOn the salary method:Dec 26 11:09
schestowitzWe took note of the intention of management to come to an agreement at the end of the discussions inDec 26 11:09
schestowitzthe dedicated WG that would be supported both by management and staff, and that could be acceptedDec 26 11:09
schestowitzby the Administrative Council in its June 2014 session.Dec 26 11:09
schestowitzIt is therefore surprising that we cannot report positively on the two remaining points.Dec 26 11:09
schestowitzOn the P.E.A.C.E.S. initiative:Dec 26 11:09
schestowitzDec 26 11:09
schestowitzDec 26 11:09
schestowitzthe President rejected half of the requests from the P.E.A.C.E.S. initiative as being notDec 26 11:09
schestowitzlegitimate and/or illegal:Dec 26 11:09
schestowitzoDec 26 11:09
schestowitz “Managing IP” interview (Chinese prior art),Dec 26 11:09
schestowitzoDec 26 11:09
schestowitz a Gazette forum for the SRDec 26 11:09
schestowitzoDec 26 11:09
schestowitz the ban on mass email and the withdrawal of the (threats of) disciplinaryDec 26 11:09
schestowitzmeasures on staff and their representatives,Dec 26 11:09
schestowitzoDec 26 11:09
schestowitz change of the nomination in the Disciplinary Committee,Dec 26 11:09
schestowitzthe President was not ready during the meeting to change position on the three otherDec 26 11:09
schestowitzP.E.A.C.E.S. claims ([real] social democracy, investigation guidelines, strike regulations).Dec 26 11:09
schestowitzHence, the administration will organise a ballot on strike, likely in electronic form in February.Dec 26 11:09
schestowitzOn real social democracy:Dec 26 11:09
schestowitzDec 26 11:09
schestowitzDec 26 11:09
schestowitzThe President ignored the proposals from the CSC delegation concerning [real] socialDec 26 11:09
schestowitzdemocracy. Instead he tabled a document concerning his proposal for “social democracy” onDec 26 11:09
schestowitzus during the meeting. He intends to send this document to the GAC in about one (!) week’s time.Dec 26 11:09
schestowitzThis does not correspond to our understanding of good faith consultation.Dec 26 11:09
schestowitzThe President appears to be intent on forcing upon staff his very peculiar concept of “socialDec 26 11:09
schestowitzdemocracy”, causing even more unrest in the EPO. The new system, if introduced, will lead toDec 26 11:09
schestowitzsevere hindrance of the Central and Local Staff Committees, e.g. by forbidding appointmentDec 26 11:09
schestowitzof experts to the different statutory bodies and working groups therefore actively depriving usDec 26 11:09
schestowitzof the long-serving resources on which the staff representation has heavily relied on in the past,Dec 26 11:09
schestowitzas well as a proposed decoupling of Central and Local teams => divide et impera.Dec 26 11:09
schestowitzThere are important issues at stake in the coming months, among which the salary method,Dec 26 11:09
schestowitzautonomous and efficient Staff Representation, career and performance management (both last itemsDec 26 11:09
schestowitzwere not touched during the meeting). We remain committed to good faith negotiations on any of theseDec 26 11:10
schestowitztopics in the interest of staff in spite of the tense social atmosphere.Dec 26 11:10
schestowitzYours Central Staff CommitteeDec 26 11:10
schestowitz"Dec 26 11:10
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 26 13:08
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schestowitz 26 19:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MrXenyo: @schestowitz Bit like saying the Washington Post isn’t adversarial to Jeff Bezos & Amazon, or the New York Times go… 26 19:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MrXenyo: @schestowitz Bit like saying the Washington Post isn’t adversarial to Jeff Bezos & Amazon, or the New York Times go… 26 19:04
schestowitz"Dec 26 19:04
schestowitzBit like saying the Washington Post isn’t adversarial to Jeff Bezos & Amazon, or the New York Times goes easy on the Sulzbergers.Dec 26 19:04
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesDec 26 19:04
schestowitz"Dec 26 19:04
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schestowitz 26 22:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@saveinventors: @schestowitz Doesn’t matter what “you think” inventors are quitting. At least trade secrets have been “federalized”… 26 22:25
schestowitz"Doesn’t matter what “you think” inventors are quitting. At least trade secrets have been “federalized”. As for inventors - they’ll go to where the rights are strong & history will show you were wrong"Dec 26 22:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@saveinventors: @schestowitz Doesn’t matter what “you think” inventors are quitting. At least trade secrets have been “federalized”… 26 22:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Page Cannot be FoundDec 26 22:25
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 26 23:30
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schestowitz 27 06:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kaddourkardio: @schestowitz Python is pretty polyvalentDec 27 06:04
schestowitz 27 06:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@blue_democrats: Quick question Who controls the media in CA ? 27 06:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Corporate media 27 06:48
schestowitz 27 06:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@1stAmendAlive: @schestowitz it's not him behind that acct. now.Dec 27 06:52
schestowitzIt's him, the wikileaks account verified itDec 27 06:52
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">FreeBSD Quarterly Status Report - Third Quarter 2017</a></h5></li>Dec 27 08:44
-TechBytesBot/ | [FreeBSD-Announce] FreeBSD Quarterly Status Report - Third Quarter 2017Dec 27 08:44
schestowitz 27 08:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Messgorough: @schestowitz Dafuq?Dec 27 08:47
schestowitz 27 08:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: @alastairmcgowan @schestowitz indeedDec 27 08:49
schestowitz=Dec 27 08:51
schestowitz 27 08:51
schestowitz=Dec 27 08:51
-TechBytesBot/ | Google TranslateDec 27 08:51
schestowitz 27 08:51
schestowitz=Dec 27 08:51
-TechBytesBot/ | Schedule 34th Chaos Communication CongressDec 27 08:51
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesDec 27 09:31
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schestowitz 27 15:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@_branzo_: cuz gentoo rocks! 27 15:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @mmasnick ChromeOS is Gentoo based and doing alright. Majority share in US schools.Dec 27 15:23
schestowitz 27 15:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Tasha35540196: @GreatDismal @schestowitz VictimsDec 27 15:23
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 27 16:05
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schestowitz 27 16:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Jenniferhoffman: @Harryslaststand @schestowitz Obama is a CIA plant he was never president. His corruption nearly ruined the USA. He… 27 16:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Jenniferhoffman: @Harryslaststand @schestowitz Obama is a CIA plant he was never president. His corruption nearly ruined the USA. He… 27 16:51
schestowitz"cia plant" [citation needed]Dec 27 16:52
schestowitz 27 16:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PinkBling2017: @funder @krassenstein @EdKrassen @kylegriffin1 Have you seen this article? Ominous if true. 27 16:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Russia Could Cut NATO's Internet Connections, As Traffic For World's Top Sites Is Mysteriously Routed Via...Russia 27 16:54
schestowitz 27 16:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JeremySteptoe: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn @johnmcdonnellMP 27 16:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JeremySteptoe: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn @johnmcdonnellMP 27 16:57
schestowitzgrow up, trollDec 27 16:57
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 27 17:31
schestowitz|Dec 27 17:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @| )Dec 27 17:59
schestowitz"Dec 27 17:59
schestowitzProf. Dr. Siegried BroßDec 27 17:59
schestowitzEuropean Patent Convention, Unified Patent Court and the German Basic LawDec 27 17:59
schestowitzSpeech at the opening ceremony of the office of the patent attorneys and lawyers Cohausz und Florack in Munich on 28 November 2017Dec 27 17:59
schestowitz 27 17:59
schestowitz"Dec 27 17:59
-TechBytesBot/ | Article enDec 27 18:00
-->acer-box__ ( has joined #techbytesDec 27 18:03
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schestowitz 27 18:12
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 27 18:12
schestowitz"I'm not a fan of Microsoft exactly, but c'mon, if you think nobody else came up with the concept of a holographic display via glasses, you're ignoring 50 years of science fiction."Dec 27 18:12
schestowitz18 minutesDec 27 18:12
schestowitzTwitter angers me too much now. It always did, but it's worse than ever. I don't suppose that will improve. #toxicDec 27 18:12
schestowitz18 minutesDec 27 18:12
schestowitzTwitter angers me too much now. It always did, but it's worse than ever. I don't suppose that will improve. #toxicDec 27 18:12
schestowitz 27 18:12
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 27 18:12
schestowitz 27 18:13
schestowitz"They still have to go back."Dec 27 18:13
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 27 18:13
schestowitz 27 18:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jperlow: @schestowitz @sjvn @ZDNet I don’t work for Microsoft. And they have been selling Android phones in their retail loc… 27 18:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jperlow: @schestowitz @sjvn @ZDNet I don’t work for Microsoft. And they have been selling Android phones in their retail loc… 27 18:13
schestowitz"I don’t work for Microsoft. And they have been selling Android phones in their retail locations and online at @MicrosoftStore for a while."Dec 27 18:13
schestowitzGlad you left them. Good choice.Dec 27 18:13
schestowitz 27 18:21
schestowitz"noise from a Hillery supporter."Dec 27 18:21
-TechBytesBot/ I've been very consistent in my views on #us #politics for many years. I did not expect #trump to crash the 1% economy. He+HRC= Wall Street.Dec 27 18:21
schestowitz"WelI I supported Barack Obama for the first term. For the second I lacked the vision to oppose. But then came the TPP, and I realized just how wrong I was…'Dec 27 18:21
schestowitz"A little more left every day… soon I’ll be right back around?Dec 27 18:21
schestowitzIt doesn't work like this. It's a myth that comes from centrists. like Tanden and Brazile who came up with "alt left" (to make it sound like Greens are the moral equivalent of nazis)Dec 27 18:22
schestowitz 27 18:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jperlow: @schestowitz @sjvn @ZDNet @MicrosoftStore I still have huge respect for them and they are a valued partner. All amicus preserved.Dec 27 18:23
schestowitz"I still have huge respect for them and they are a valued partner. All amicus preserved."Dec 27 18:23
schestowitzAnyway, they reason they 'sell' 'Android' 'phones' (scare quotes -> CAPS) is because they LICENSE patents for MICROSOFT data-uploading devices which mostly SPYDec 27 18:24
schestowitzWhat do you mean with ‘Ubuntu died’?Dec 27 18:26
schestowitzI think UB ports is doing a great job keeping Ubuntu touch alive.Dec 27 18:26
schestowitz 27 18:26
-TechBytesBot/ I'm going to keep a keen eye on #SailfishOS and #jolla We need a replacement for #google and #android in the #linux world #ubuntu died.Dec 27 18:26
schestowitz"Dec 27 18:26
schestowitzWhat do you mean with ‘Ubuntu died’?Dec 27 18:26
schestowitzI think UB ports is doing a great job keeping Ubuntu touch alive.Dec 27 18:26
schestowitz"Dec 27 18:26
schestowitz"I agree wit you And beside, SailfishOS has some closed source parts, which could easily be opened…but are not."Dec 27 18:26
schestowitz"Well said, Roy! There are not many trustworthy alternatives, but there is one more on the way: The Purism Librem 5 project! It will take an other year to complete, but hopefully it’ll have a great OS (as they also co-operate with the KDE project).'Dec 27 18:27
schestowitz"Thank-you!"Dec 27 18:27
schestowitzThere are several more, but Jolla got some support from China and Russia, so it might take off. Tizen does OK because of non-phone devices.Dec 27 18:27
schestowitz 27 18:28
-TechBytesBot/ I'm adding more #rss feeds and reassembling for greater focus on #gnu #linux Any good feeds about esoteric and noteworthy projects?Dec 27 18:28
schestowitz"#mageia blog has weekly updates…"Dec 27 18:28
schestowitz"I’d like to hear more about “mesh” networking projects and software."Dec 27 18:28
schestowitzThanks, just added mageia...Dec 27 18:28
schestowitz 27 18:30
-->derwand ( has joined #techbytesDec 27 18:30
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Top 10 Microsoft Visio Alternatives for Linux 27 18:30
schestowitz"But LibreOffice Draw comes bundled with LibreOffice… oh."Dec 27 18:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Top 10 Microsoft Visio Alternatives for Linux | Tux MachinesDec 27 18:30
schestowitzTrue, but GIMP is so much betterDec 27 18:30
<--derwand ( has left #techbytesDec 27 18:31
schestowitz 27 18:31
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Spotify gives Linux users an early Christmas present: a new desktop client 27 18:31
schestowitz"Dec 27 18:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Spotify gives Linux users an early Christmas present: a new desktop client | Tux MachinesDec 27 18:31
schestowitzguix has an interesting mechanism for keeping environments separated:Dec 27 18:31
schestowitz 27 18:31
schestowitz"Dec 27 18:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Invoking guix environment (GNU Guix Reference Manual)Dec 27 18:31
schestowitz 27 18:31
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Linux-driven IoT gateway hooks up to Google Cloud analytics 27 18:31
schestowitz"Has it ever occurred to network engineers that IPv6 has enough address space to give every device on earth it’s own internet address, which you could then connect-to directly?"Dec 27 18:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Linux-driven IoT gateway hooks up to Google Cloud analytics | Tux MachinesDec 27 18:31
schestowitz"But that would not be very profitable."Dec 27 18:31
schestowitzMaybe not as secure, either (direct access, not NATed)Dec 27 18:32
schestowitz 27 18:32
-TechBytesBot/ #canonical is a rich company that keeps growing #ubuntu #gnu #linuxDec 27 18:32
schestowitz"Ubuntu has become a major force in the ARM SBC world."Dec 27 18:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | A Look At Canonical's Financial Performance From 2009 To 2017 - PhoronixDec 27 18:32
schestowitzAnd they make money from it. Patching services and Ubuntu Core.Dec 27 18:32
schestowitz 27 18:33
schestowitz":DDec 27 18:33
-TechBytesBot/ #brexit in a nutshell Based on lies and misconception from the get-go 27 18:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Blue passports could have been re-introduced without Brexit, Government admits | The IndependentDec 27 18:33
schestowitz' 27 18:34
-TechBytesBot/ #facebook is in #nsa #prism So this is misleading marketing Grossly lowballs the real scale of #surveillance 27 18:34
schestowitz"All that info, compiled, categorized, and analyzed, must be incredibly useful (and valuable) for the alphabet agencies. I’ll bet anything that it is a significant part of Facebook’s business."Dec 27 18:34
schestowitzExactlyDec 27 18:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Facebook Transparency Report: Lots Of Government Surveillance, Bad Copyright Takedown Requests | TechdirtDec 27 18:34
schestowitz 27 18:34
-TechBytesBot/ #EPO 'study' which is actually #UPC advocacy/lobbing disguised as 'research' 27 18:34
schestowitz"It takes dollars to develop buzz words."Dec 27 18:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CIT_UPC: Impact of patent protection on trade and FDI in the EU: Patents, trade and foreign direct investment vía @EPOorgDec 27 18:34
schestowitzit's a big industry.. can it even be called industry?Dec 27 18:34
schestowitz 27 18:34
-TechBytesBot/ AstroTurfers are not "Trolls" but AstroTurfers The US has those too 27 18:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@adamentous: Obama asked the CIA to plan a half-dozen covert operations against Russia under a secret global cyber “finding.” Wh… 27 18:34
schestowitz"I can’t believe they’re still peddling the “Russian interference” story. How pathetic."Dec 27 18:34
schestowitzRussia, like the US, interferes in many things. All nations do.Dec 27 18:35
schestowitz 27 18:35
-TechBytesBot/ #assange "has angered Spain's government by using Twitter to post messages of support for Catalan independence." 27 18:35
schestowitz"Why should anyone “shut-the-f-up” just because Spain’s government tells them to?"Dec 27 18:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told to keep out of Catalonia crisisDec 27 18:35
schestowitzExactly.Dec 27 18:35
schestowitzBut they can pressure Moreno over it. He's his asylum giver, after CorreaDec 27 18:36
schestowitz 27 18:36
-TechBytesBot/ And again, distraction from FB and #CambridgeAnalytica #facebookDec 27 18:36
schestowitz"Wasn’t it Documented that only a very tiny number of Facebook posts could be attributed to “Russian” sources? Some where no-doubt missed, but some could also have been mistaken positives."Dec 27 18:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Kremlin trolls burned across the Internet as Washington debated options - The Washington PostDec 27 18:36
schestowitzIt doesn't matter when "her" wants to construct misleading - gasp - "propaganda"Dec 27 18:37
schestowitz 27 18:37
-TechBytesBot/ Analog Equivalent #Privacy Rights (7/21): Analog Libraries Were Private Searches for Information 27 18:37
schestowitz"Preserve the card catalog - before it’s too late!"Dec 27 18:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Analog equivalent privacy rights: Libraries were analog search enginesDec 27 18:37
schestowitz 27 18:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ManCity: Team News | How we line-up tonight at St. James’ Park! Presented by @HAYSWorldwide #nufcvcity #mancity 27 18:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ManCity: Team News | How we line-up tonight at St. James’ Park! Presented by @HAYSWorldwide #nufcvcity #mancity 27 18:49
schestowitzStill no Mendy and Stones    Nevertheless, WWWWW WWWWW WWWWW WWWDec 27 18:49
schestowitz 27 18:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TheProneBear: @schestowitz @ManCity @HaysWorldwide Yeah unfortunatelyDec 27 18:50
schestowitz 27 19:12
-TechBytesBot/ #Vietnam Deploys 10,000 Cyber Warriors to Fight ‘Wrongful Views’ compare to 27 19:12
schestowitz"And what they gonna say?"Dec 27 19:12
schestowitz"Thanks for adding two great #astroturfing articles to my collection. :)"Dec 27 19:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Vietnam Deploys 10,000 Cyber Warriors to Fight ‘Wrongful Views’ - BloombergDec 27 19:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | British army creates team of Facebook warriors | UK news | The GuardianDec 27 19:13
schestowitz"Also, the lack of public outcry against these openly-admitted mass-manipulation efforts is downright creepy. And makes one disappointed in his whole species. :("Dec 27 19:13
schestowitzSeriously worrying, yes.... thought control by  thought police as per 1984 already existsDec 27 19:13
schestowitz 27 19:14
-TechBytesBot/ Wife is busy writing some simple games in #python these days. Yesterday I used Python to generate IRC logs for #techrights (~400MB of them)Dec 27 19:14
schestowitz"I remember advocating the python language and having people look at me, perplexed. First, the name seemed strange, and then the syntax really threw them. Funny how things change as they become popular."Dec 27 19:14
schestowitzYeah, it's not a leading choiceDec 27 19:14
schestowitz*nowDec 27 19:14
schestowitz 27 19:15
-TechBytesBot/ #us #censorship : Feds plot to control dialogue 27 19:15
schestowitz"As much as I hate #censorship, I also value #practical #realism. Though I disagree with this particular solution, I understand the frustration engendered by the problem it was formulated to solve. The entire “SJW” act is out of hand, and an obvious mass-manipulation that needs to be stopped. (Not that I think the “Trump administration” has any real intention of stopping it – this is some kind of dishonestly-offered token gesture,Dec 27 19:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Censorship: Feds plot to control dialogue | The News TribuneDec 27 19:15
schestowitzor an attempt to protect big business.) It’s also kind of ironic, eh? Censorship fighting censorship. ;)"Dec 27 19:15
schestowitz 27 19:15
-TechBytesBot/ Trump’s Continuation of #US Interventionism obviously. Only gullible people would think/expect otherwise.Dec 27 19:15
schestowitz"What you cannot gain by legitimate means (such as trade and political ideals) you can try to gain by military threat."Dec 27 19:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Trump’s Continuation of US Interventionism – ConsortiumnewsDec 27 19:15
schestowitz 27 19:16
-TechBytesBot/ Not "great again": One-Third of #PuertoRico Won’t Have Christmas Tree Lights Because They Still Don’t Have Power 27 19:16
schestowitz"Clearly, some areas in the “United” States are Greater than others…"Dec 27 19:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | One-Third of Puerto Rico Won't Have Christmas Tree Lights Because They Still Don't Have Power | naked capitalismDec 27 19:16
schestowitzSAD.Dec 27 19:16
schestowitz 27 19:17
-TechBytesBot/ #NetNeutrality is so bad that it takes DEAD people to publicly hate and lie about it #internetDec 27 19:17
schestowitz"This give-a-way of the public space may well backfire. We shall see."Dec 27 19:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Months Later, And People Are Still Discovering Their Dead Loved Ones Were Used To Support Killing Net Neutrality | TechdirtDec 27 19:17
schestowitz 27 19:17
-TechBytesBot/ My new year's resolution will be to give up trying to recall minor things I planned to do and then forgot. Happened again this morning.Dec 27 19:17
schestowitz"It’s been my experience, anyway… I can’t guarantee that it works the same for everyone"Dec 27 19:17
schestowitz 27 19:17
-TechBytesBot/ More and more Web sites use CMSs that lack atom/xml/rss support. They in turn just link to #socialControlMedia which is worrying. Spying.Dec 27 19:17
schestowitz"That is true. I try to avoid these sites, but sometimes I make my own rss-feed of them with some “scraping” tools."Dec 27 19:17
schestowitzSame hereDec 27 19:17
schestowitz 27 19:18
-TechBytesBot/ Monetary systems are a man-made concept. Does not exist in nature. I think #bitcoin is a perpetual reminder of how fragile a concept...Dec 27 19:18
schestowitz"AI and robots doing all the work for us useless humans"Dec 27 19:18
schestowitz 27 19:19
schestowitz"Dec 27 19:19
-TechBytesBot/ #ROSA R10 "LXQt" was released in #russia today. It ought to be a decent distro of #gnu #linux but I never tried it 27 19:19
schestowitzZorin is awesome. We distributed Zorin Education 64 bit DVDs after this event.Dec 27 19:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | – LLC NTC IT ROSA. A Russian Linux developer companyDec 27 19:19
schestowitz 27 19:19
schestowitz'Dec 27 19:19
-TechBytesBot/ | Activities • Digital Freedom FoundationDec 27 19:19
schestowitzhope they succeed in Russia as wellDec 27 19:19
schestowitz 27 19:19
-TechBytesBot/ "release the code behind the Apple Lisa operating system for free as open source, for anyone to try and tinker with" 27 19:19
schestowitz"Cool! I very much dreamed of owning a Lisa at the time, but could only afford an Atari."Dec 27 19:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Apple's Lisa operating system is going open source in 2018 - Business InsiderDec 27 19:19
schestowitzJobs could not afford Lisa either. He lied about being sterile so they he doesn't have to pay her.Dec 27 19:20
schestowitz 27 19:20
-TechBytesBot/ [Old] I Didn’t Vaccinate My Kids and the One Who Lived Turned out Fine 27 19:20
schestowitz"Well, I noticed. I’ll be terribly disappointed if it turns out you’re drinking the establishment Kool-Aid on the subject of vaccine safety. :("Dec 27 19:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | I Didn’t Vaccinate My Kids and the One Who Lived Turned out FineDec 27 19:20
schestowitzGood luck with no herd immunityDec 27 19:20
schestowitz 27 19:21
-TechBytesBot/ #NVIDIA blobs aren't worth using anyway. Buy #amd for #graphics - at least they share code 27 19:21
schestowitz"no 3D accel without blobs on those, I’m afraid. as even Intel has started requiring blobs in recent video cards, the situation is bleak :-("Dec 27 19:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Nvidia Ends Driver Support For Devices Running 32-Bit Operating SystemsDec 27 19:21
schestowitzThere's appalling video playback on my arm laptop. It's like there's no accel at all!Dec 27 19:21
schestowitz 27 19:24
schestowitz"I’m sure."Dec 27 19:24
-TechBytesBot/ Not only proprietary graphics drivers (blobs) have bugs and #security issues in them (and crashes). But with #freesw fixes come fast.Dec 27 19:24
schestowitz 27 20:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @ManCity @sterling7 About time. 4 more please!Dec 27 20:33
schestowitz 27 20:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @ManCity @sterling7 Could be 3-4 goals up. NC lucky.Dec 27 20:33
schestowitz""Dec 27 20:42
schestowitz"Dec 27 20:42
-TechBytesBot/ | Cost of Living Index by Country 2017 Mid-YearDec 27 20:42
schestowitzSpain 60Dec 27 20:42
schestowitzGermany 73Dec 27 20:42
schestowitzUk 76Dec 27 20:42
schestowitzSwitzeland 138!!! o_0Dec 27 20:42
schestowitz"Dec 27 20:42
schestowitzSalaries are high too and there's basic wage already, IIRC. But it's a small population, so few in the world can enjoy this, less than one in a thousandDec 27 20:43
schestowitz 27 20:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SueHayman1: This Tory Government - which once promised to be the 'greenest ever' - has allowed illegal air pollution to escalat… 27 20:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SueHayman1: This Tory Government - which once promised to be the 'greenest ever' - has allowed illegal air pollution to escalat… 27 20:58
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schestowitz 27 21:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@tufnailsteve: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn Like Lady Nugee?Dec 27 21:31
schestowitz 27 21:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schism26: @schestowitz @SenSanders @GOP What are those, precisely? I keep hearing talking points but little substance beyond… 27 21:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schism26: @schestowitz @SenSanders @GOP What are those, precisely? I keep hearing talking points but little substance beyond… 27 21:31
schestowitz"What are those, precisely?  I keep hearing talking points but little substance beyond feel-good bumper sticker slogans."Dec 27 21:31
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 27 21:34
schestowitz 27 22:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sherisspace: @schestowitz @wikileaks @JulianAssange @SMaurizi Sounds like it's straight out of the Hillary Clinton playbook.Dec 27 22:10
schestowitz 27 22:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @ManCity @sterling7 Aguero and Jesus didn't do much or convert into goals. 80% possession, barely a goal. Fortunately, job done.Dec 27 22:10
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 28 01:29
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<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 28 05:40
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schestowitz> The turning of a New Year does not excite me to celebrate and that is mainly because celebrating means overindulging in alcohol and food, all really begins at the midnight hour. I am exhausted merely writing the words. Haha. So, pre-nonagenarians like me carry on with our usual routine and celebrate the New Year by going to bed before midnight and knowing we will awaken without a hangover or the awful feeling of having over-indulged.Dec 28 14:26
schestowitzYes, same here. We still wonder whether to leave the house at all that night. We typically just catch up with fireworks videos afterwards :-) London has a nice fireworks show with music each year.Dec 28 14:26
schestowitz> That's the way it is at age 89, but there was no harm in asking the question.Dec 28 14:26
schestowitz>Dec 28 14:26
schestowitz> Anita and I wish you and Rianne a Happy, Healthy New Year and may all your enterprises blossom. Also, if 2018 is the year your family increases, so be it.Dec 28 14:26
schestowitzMy brother expects a birth. As for us, we're not pursuing it. The world is overpopulated as it is...Dec 28 14:26
schestowitz> This is a time of the year when we reflect on the past; in doing so, I conclude that our friendship has enriched my life and I am so happy we were able to visit your home in xxx 18 years ago to meet the Schestowitz family.Dec 28 14:26
schestowitzYes, let's hope you guys live another decade or two. We spent time with an old neighbour over xmas to give her some company. Husband died 6 years ago.Dec 28 14:27
schestowitzThe birthday card you sent is now in a frame next to my side in the bedroom.Dec 28 14:28
schestowitz 28 14:54
-TechBytesBot/ | Pamela Anderson Opens Up About Her History of Sexual Abuse | PEOPLE.comDec 28 14:54
schestowitz 28 15:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dreambig313: @schestowitz @ggreenwald @GreenPartyUS Nah. I voted green party. Jill sent it down the 💩 hole. Now Baracka is doing the same. Im out.Dec 28 15:05
schestowitz"Nah. I voted green party. Jill sent it down the  hole. Now Baracka is doing the same. Im out."Dec 28 15:05
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 28 16:57
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 28 16:57
schestowitzRe: The postcardDec 28 17:17
schestowitz> You wrote: The birthday card you sent is now in a frame next to my side in the bedroom.Dec 28 17:17
schestowitz>Dec 28 17:17
schestowitz> There was a time when the postcard was one of the the most popular forms of communication in the U.S., almost like a Tweet or a text. Over the years I compiled a collection of about 200 select actual old postcards dating back to the 1800's, which I recently gave to a grandson. In future years they may have some value as there is a market by collectors similar to philately. Some have very interesting historical photos on the face and allDec 28 17:17
schestowitzhave messages by the sender and of course, the name and address of the recipient.Dec 28 17:17
schestowitz>Dec 28 17:17
schestowitz> I feel the fact that postcards are as outdated as horse and buggy whips and almost a joke in our high tech world, is exactly what makes them appealing.Dec 28 17:17
schestowitz>Dec 28 17:17
schestowitz> In any case, I am so happy to learn that you enjoyed my postcard to the extent of framing it. Wow! I am so happy My small effort has been rewarded with a place in your bedroom.Dec 28 17:17
schestowitzDigital media, either online or on one's hard drive, becomes inaccessible after a relatively short time for all sorts of reasons (expired sites, old format, bad disk, person's death), whereas physical thing, on long-lasting paper, can last hundreds of years. So these ones are for a lifetime. I still have all your older cards and gifts, which I cherish.Dec 28 17:17
schestowitz 28 17:19
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 28 17:19
schestowitz"Oh please- we just went through 10 years of Al Gore predicting world destruction on global warming, and found out that was bullshit- now you??"Dec 28 17:19
schestowitz 28 17:20
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 28 17:20
schestowitz"Whenever an agent of The State says 'nation' he does not mean the nation but that constituted legal person The State. #smokeandmirrors"Dec 28 17:20
schestowitz 28 17:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: @schestowitz @zoobab @FOSSpatents really? sounds unacceptable...Dec 28 17:20
schestowitz 28 17:29
-TechBytesBot/ | GNUsocial.deDec 28 17:29
schestowitz"...they are literly mosters"Dec 28 17:29
schestowitz"Dec 28 19:40
schestowitzZentraler Vorstand . Central Executive Committee . Bureau CentralDec 28 19:40
schestowitzMunich, 24.07.2013Dec 28 19:40
schestowitzsu13102cp -0.21/4.3Dec 28 19:40
schestowitzIf you believe the management will reward your efforts, think again !Dec 28 19:40
schestowitzDear colleagues,Dec 28 19:40
schestowitzgiven the growing stress level staff is supposed to work in, due to aDec 28 19:40
schestowitzcompletely insecure situation of the individual while using management byDec 28 19:40
schestowitzfear an isolation tactics (no respect for the private sphere: investigationDec 28 19:40
schestowitzincluding your apartment, unannounced medical control at your homeDec 28 19:40
schestowitzaddress, home arrest during your sick leave; destruction of strike rights andDec 28 19:41
schestowitzcommunication; no access to any effective legal system) SUEPO advises youDec 28 19:41
schestowitzto take care of your own well-being because, in the end, once your health isDec 28 19:41
schestowitzruined or worse, it is you and your family who pay the price.Dec 28 19:41
schestowitzNow that the Administration has successfully destroyed the career of aroundDec 28 19:41
schestowitz90% of the staff and tricked everyone out of some significant fundamentalDec 28 19:41
schestowitzrights you should not continue to sacrifice your health and give support to thisDec 28 19:41
schestowitzkind of Office.Dec 28 19:41
schestowitzTherefore:Dec 28 19:41
schestowitz- Do not invest any extra effort to excel above the high performanceDec 28 19:41
schestowitzlevel of your peers;Dec 28 19:41
schestowitz- Do not accept any additional tasks beside your core work;Dec 28 19:41
schestowitz- Do not wait too long before requesting advise from your treatingDec 28 19:41
schestowitzmedical staff to see if you are still able to work without risking yourDec 28 19:41
schestowitzhealth.Dec 28 19:41
schestowitz- If you feel weak or disorientated talk to your colleagues, your staffDec 28 19:41
schestowitzrepresentation, the occupational health service ... do not stay isolated !Dec 28 19:41
schestowitzSUEPO is confident that as long as we all take care of each other, thisDec 28 19:41
schestowitzunacceptable political system will be gone with the wind in a, let us hope, notDec 28 19:41
schestowitztoo far away future.Dec 28 19:41
schestowitzRemember: solidarity is invincible !Dec 28 19:41
schestowitz""Dec 28 19:43
schestowitzImmunity of the EPO lifted in case regarding invalidity allowanceDec 28 19:43
schestowitzOn 16 July 2013 a court in The Hague lifted the immunity of the EPO (in Dutch)unofficial translation is available here).Dec 28 19:43
schestowitz(a shortDec 28 19:43
schestowitzThe court referred to the excessive delays to be expected at the Administrative Tribunal ofDec 28 19:43
schestowitzthe International Labour Organisation (ILOAT) and stated that this was not consistent withDec 28 19:43
schestowitzaccess to justice. In line with previous case law of the European Court of Human Rights, theDec 28 19:43
schestowitzcourt stated that in this case the immunity of the EPO is not proportional and may be waived.Dec 28 19:43
schestowitzThe main case will be addressed in a later session scheduled for 13 August 2013.Dec 28 19:43
schestowitzThis reaction of national courts was to be expected following the unacceptable pendencyDec 28 19:43
schestowitztimes at the ILOAT. When these, and other problems, were discussed with the President, heDec 28 19:43
schestowitzinitially refused to act. He has subsequently informed the Staff Committee that he hasDec 28 19:43
schestowitzrequested a special session of the ILOAT for EPO cases. The Staff Committee submittedDec 28 19:43
schestowitzfurther information on this matter to the Administrative Council (CA/59/13), which included aDec 28 19:43
schestowitzletter from Public Services International (PSI) to the Chairman of the WorkersDec 28 19:43
schestowitzRepresentatives of the Governing Body of the ILO requesting urgent action, and a request forDec 28 19:43
schestowitzan update on the additional session(s) to the AC and the Staff Committee. Neither the ACDec 28 19:43
schestowitznor the President commented on the document, and the Staff Representatives were notDec 28 19:43
schestowitzgiven the floor to introduce it. It was simply not discussed. We have no further informationDec 28 19:43
schestowitzas to the form or outcome of the President's request to the ILOAT. However, feedback weDec 28 19:43
schestowitzhave from the Tribunal's registry is not optimistic that the capacity of the Tribunal can beDec 28 19:43
schestowitzincreased to meet demand.Dec 28 19:43
schestowitzThe President continues to claim that he is not responsible, and that he has no means toDec 28 19:43
schestowitzresolve the problems. Neither claim is correct, whilst the ILOAT is not under the directDec 28 19:43
schestowitzcontrol of the EPO, more could be done by both the President and the EPO member states toDec 28 19:43
schestowitzencourage the ILO Governing Body to address this problem. There are also a number ofDec 28 19:43
schestowitzsolutions within the authority of the EPO.Dec 28 19:44
schestowitzWe have repeatedly reminded the President of the seriousness of the situation, and informedDec 28 19:44
schestowitzhim of possible solutions. To date he has flatly rejected any meaningful discussion on theDec 28 19:44
schestowitzmatter, rather asserting that staff have caused the problem and that we will have to live withDec 28 19:44
schestowitzthe consequences. His discourse fails to acknowledge that there are decisions at the root ofDec 28 19:44
schestowitzeach appeal. Better decision-taking would have a bigger impact on the number of appealsDec 28 19:44
schestowitzthan creating hurdles for their filing. We remain open to dialogue should the PresidentDec 28 19:44
schestowitzchange his mind.Dec 28 19:44
schestowitz"Dec 28 19:44
schestowitz"Dec 28 19:44
schestowitzIn the meantime, the waiver of immunity is a positive step, and it recognises the need forDec 28 19:44
schestowitztimely justice for EPO staff. It is likely that the EPO Administration will present this as aDec 28 19:44
schestowitzthreat to the integrity of the EPO which will put everything into question including taxDec 28 19:44
schestowitzexemptions. This is mere scare mongering, and the waiver is of course limited toDec 28 19:44
schestowitzemployment issues; it has no effect on core work for which immunity remains intact, or forDec 28 19:44
schestowitzprivileges such as tax exemption of EPO salaries which are not dependent on immunity, theyDec 28 19:44
schestowitzare treaty level exemptions of national law.Dec 28 19:44
schestowitzWe will keep you informed of any feedback we receive on this matter and any discussionsDec 28 19:44
schestowitzthat may take place with the President.Dec 28 19:44
schestowitzThe Central Staff CommitteeDec 28 19:44
schestowitz"Dec 28 19:44
schestowitz 28 21:17
-TechBytesBot/ | Computer History Museum makes original MacPaint source code available to publicDec 28 21:17
schestowitz 28 21:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: They did this and more. @reportrai3 @ItalyMFA @minGiustizia @MinSviluppo @ilgiornale 28 21:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: Raw: Bergot and Topić Sent Threats to Hundreds of EPO Staff as Far Back as Half a Decade Ago … #epo #de #munichDec 28 21:54
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 28 23:10
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<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Dec 29 00:14
schestowitzSmall favour: can you do me an OCR of this?Dec 29 06:28
schestowitz>> There you go!Dec 29 06:28
schestowitz[ It is better not to quote any of the following, as my special interestDec 29 06:28
schestowitzin OCR was widely known at the xxx. ]Dec 29 06:28
schestowitzI include "xxx.pdf". The pages with two columns were split, as I initially thought the original was a kind of booklet. If anything, this simplifies the column recognition.Dec 29 06:43
schestowitz"Dec 29 06:44
schestowitzI also include "xxxx.txt", which was actually producedDec 29 06:44
schestowitzby a Microsoft product called "Microsoft Office Document Imaging" (MODI).Dec 29 06:44
schestowitzI tested again Tesseract, but the results this time weren't that good,Dec 29 06:44
schestowitzso I didn't include them.Dec 29 06:44
schestowitzMODI is a basic TIF viewer capable of performing OCR which was includedDec 29 06:44
schestowitzwith two older versions Microsoft Office. I understand that RedmondDec 29 06:44
schestowitzsimply licensed a commercial engine (ABBYY?) and slapped its own APIDec 29 06:44
schestowitzonto it.Dec 29 06:44
schestowitz"Dec 29 06:44
schestowitz"Dec 29 06:45
schestowitzWhen I was still at the xxxx, I reverse engineered (on my own time) theDec 29 06:45
schestowitzfiles produced by the version which came out in xxxx, and was able toDec 29 06:45
schestowitzextract the text with their location on the page, and automate theDec 29 06:45
schestowitzrecognition process.Dec 29 06:45
schestowitzAll staff had Office on their machine and could get a copy for free forDec 29 06:45
schestowitzhome use. (The "home use" program has since been discontinued by Microsoft).Dec 29 06:45
schestowitzxxxx deal with a huge amount of paper, and OCR is a godsend. BeingDec 29 06:45
schestowitzable to look for an arbitrary string in a 3000+ page dossier is invaluable.Dec 29 06:46
schestowitz"Dec 29 06:46
schestowitz"Dec 29 06:46
schestowitzThe next version of Office had a new release of MODI. Alas, theDec 29 06:46
schestowitzsupplemental TIFF tags containing the position data were now obfuscated.Dec 29 06:46
schestowitzThe raw text is stored under different tags, and is still readable.Dec 29 06:46
schestowitzThat's a pity, since MODI also provides an API which allows anDec 29 06:46
schestowitzapplication to retrieve the location, size, font, etc. of recognisedDec 29 06:46
schestowitzstrings. But it is horrendously slow. (it uses "COM automation" and APIDec 29 06:46
schestowitzcalls must be iterated individually for each and every word recognisedDec 29 06:46
schestowitzon the page).Dec 29 06:46
schestowitzI have only contempt for Microsoft Office, but this OCR bit redeemed itDec 29 06:46
schestowitza bit.Dec 29 06:46
schestowitz"Dec 29 06:46
schestowitzThe next step for me was to produce searchable PDFs, as well as creatingDec 29 06:47
schestowitza special tool for highlighting entire passages using colour codes, andDec 29 06:47
schestowitztry to make sense out of the structure of the document.Dec 29 06:47
schestowitzIt would have been inspired by the internal xxxx document viewer, butDec 29 06:47
schestowitzextended to show exactly where the string is located in the originalDec 29 06:47
schestowitzbitmap document. I wasn't quite up to speed in Windows GUI programmingDec 29 06:47
schestowitz[I still am not], PDF creation and the Acrobat API was another issue [myDec 29 06:47
schestowitzfirst attempts were rather inefficient, but many years later I finallyDec 29 06:47
schestowitzfound good, usable, libraries] and a fair amount of experimentation inDec 29 06:47
schestowitzalgorithms was necessary. (This last bit is the most important).Dec 29 06:47
schestowitzAt that point some bozo to whom I had explained in intimate detail theDec 29 06:47
schestowitzresult of my efforts claimed my work as his own, and profiled himself asDec 29 06:47
schestowitzsome sort of "innovator" with a basic and trivial application. I wasDec 29 06:47
schestowitzrather disgusted and withdrew, keeping my OCR stuff to myself and closeDec 29 06:48
schestowitzfriends. The guy went nowhere anyway.Dec 29 06:48
schestowitz"Dec 29 06:48
schestowitzIn its next version of Office, Microsoft scrapped its OCR applicationDec 29 06:48
schestowitzaltogether, but is now offering it for FREE for download for stand-aloneDec 29 06:48
schestowitzuse. I keep the installation files preciously, in case these are deletedDec 29 06:48
schestowitztoo.Dec 29 06:48
schestowitzThe OCR languages offered are dependent on the installed UI languageDec 29 06:48
schestowitz(why?). The French UI offers the best selection of OCR languages: NL,Dec 29 06:48
schestowitzDE, EN, FR, SP.Dec 29 06:48
schestowitzBTW, there are two copies of apparently the same "xxxx" inDec 29 06:48
schestowitzthe document. I left them "as is".Dec 29 06:48
schestowitzThe very expression "xxxxx" makes me cringe. The wholeDec 29 06:48
schestowitzenterprise sounds like a new version of the Luther or CatholicDec 29 06:48
schestowitzcatechism. I better stop here before I throw up.Dec 29 06:48
schestowitzRegards,Dec 29 06:48
schestowitz"Dec 29 06:48
schestowitz"Dec 29 06:48
schestowitzThanks so much for that. I will keep these notes only to myself. Still trying to figure out how to frame next week's article in time for the xxxx meeting (maybe sacking).Dec 29 06:48
schestowitz2 ATTACHDec 29 06:48
schestowitzHi,Dec 29 06:48
schestowitzI got the whole thing OCRed. I was asked to warn you that the original PDF had some metadata in it, could elaborate if needed.Dec 29 06:48
schestowitzI shall contact you soon regarding progress.Dec 29 06:49
schestowitz"Dec 29 06:49
schestowitz 29 06:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@alexatarxias: @schestowitz @JulianAssange Didn’t Julian “publish” the keys to Telegram, of course with a certain target in mind? 29 06:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Forbes WelcomeDec 29 06:49
schestowitz"Dec 29 07:23
schestowitzI'm including three examples of tenders found on the EU's TED (TenderDec 29 07:23
schestowitzElectronic Daily) system, as well as a screen capture of the most recentDec 29 07:23
schestowitzsearch results. (Please don't use this capture).Dec 29 07:23
schestowitzOne is for the BlueCoat stuff, another one is for customer surveys, andDec 29 07:23
schestowitzthe third one for managerial recruiting services.Dec 29 07:23
schestowitzIf you use this material, PLEASE don't quote me and write as if you hadDec 29 07:23
schestowitzresearched this on your own.Dec 29 07:24
schestowitz"Dec 29 07:24
schestowitz>> If you use this material, PLEASE don't quote me and write as if you hadDec 29 07:25
schestowitz>> researched this on your own.Dec 29 07:25
schestowitz>Dec 29 07:25
schestowitz> Does this apply to the "private" part of the part about xxxxxx?Dec 29 07:25
schestowitz>Dec 29 07:25
schestowitzOnly the private part, the first part you can copy verbatim if you wish,Dec 29 07:25
schestowitzif you think it's OK -- you're the one who's exposed.. I don't thinkDec 29 07:25
schestowitzit's a problem to merely mention that the name of Mrs. xxxxx isDec 29 07:25
schestowitzmentioned at a certain place. This really doesn't sound like a bigDec 29 07:25
schestowitzoperator, I wonder where the EPO found them.Dec 29 07:25
schestowitzYou needn't research TED yourself, just don't emphasize "X told me" orDec 29 07:25
schestowitz"someone told me". The reason it's slightly touchy is that I may haveDec 29 07:25
schestowitzmyself commented on RFPs elsewhere.Dec 29 07:25
schestowitz"Dec 29 08:51
schestowitzEuropean Patent Office | 80298 MUNICH | GERMANYDec 29 08:51
schestowitzMr Benoît BattistelliDec 29 08:51
schestowitzPresident of the EPODec 29 08:51
schestowitzR. 1081 - ISARDec 29 08:51
schestowitzOpen letterDec 29 08:51
schestowitzEuropean Patent OfficeDec 29 08:51
schestowitz80298 MunichDec 29 08:51
schestowitzGermanyDec 29 08:51
schestowitzZentraler PersonalausschussDec 29 08:51
schestowitzCentral Staff CommitteeDec 29 08:51
schestowitzLe Comité Central du PersonnellDec 29 08:51
schestowitzRoom A1032Dec 29 08:51
schestowitzTel. +49 (0)89 2399 - 4355Dec 29 08:51
schestowitzFax +49 (0)89 2399 - 8470Dec 29 08:51
schestowitzcentralstcom@epo.orgDec 29 08:51
schestowitzReference: sc13090cl - 0.3.1./4.6Dec 29 08:51
schestowitzDate: 24.06.2013Dec 29 08:51
schestowitzThe "Social Dialogue" that never wasDec 29 08:51
schestowitzCancellation of participation to the planned meeting onDec 29 08:51
schestowitz28 June 2013Dec 29 08:51
schestowitzDear Mr Battistelli,Dec 29 08:51
schestowitzIn Communiqués, Council documents and statements to staff youDec 29 08:51
schestowitzregularly refer to the social dialogue which you claim to have with staffDec 29 08:51
schestowitzrepresentation. We have repeatedly raised concerns regarding theDec 29 08:51
schestowitzdisparity between what you communicate to staff and others, and ourDec 29 08:51
schestowitzexperiences of the dialogue between yourself and the Staff Committee.Dec 29 08:51
schestowitzWe strongly support the concept of dialogue as a means to addressDec 29 08:51
schestowitzissues of concern to staff and solve problems in the interests of allDec 29 08:51
schestowitzparties, However, the reality we have experienced in discussions withDec 29 08:51
schestowitzyou, is an interlocutor who does not reply to letters, refuses to provide theDec 29 08:52
schestowitzessential data, imposes specific compositions on the CSC delegations,Dec 29 08:52
schestowitzignores the concerns of staff, and pushes unilateral solutions to dubiousDec 29 08:52
schestowitzor poorly defined problems. In addition, your behaviour during theDec 29 08:52
schestowitzmeetings has sometimes been dismissive and disrespectful towards staffDec 29 08:52
schestowitzrepresentatives.Dec 29 08:52
schestowitzIn our view the "social dialogue" you offer is an illusion, with which we areDec 29 08:52
schestowitzno longer willing to co-operate. We do not consider that this “socialDec 29 08:52
schestowitz Grasserstr. European Patent 9Dec 29 08:52
schestowitz OfficeDec 29 08:52
schestowitzdialogue” conforms to the definition of “suitable contacts” in Article 34(1)Dec 29 08:52
schestowitz 80339 MunichDec 29 08:52
schestowitzGermanyDec 29 08:52
schestowitzService Regulations. It is rather the case that the participation of the StaffDec 29 08:52
schestowitzCommittee in such dialogue gives you the possibility to mislead othersDec 29 08:52
schestowitzinto believing that bona fide discussion has taken place.Dec 29 08:52
schestowitzwww.epo.orgDec 29 08:52
schestowitz- 2 -Dec 29 08:52
schestowitzIn practice we often cannot reconcile the documents you present forDec 29 08:52
schestowitzapproval to the Council with our understanding of the basis behind theDec 29 08:52
schestowitzworking groups. We have also noticed an increasing tendency to pushDec 29 08:52
schestowitzproposals through the formal approval process, regardless of opposition,Dec 29 08:52
schestowitzand often at very short notice.Dec 29 08:52
schestowitzMany of your proposals have seriously eroded the rights of staff. ADec 29 08:52
schestowitznumber of recent proposals also undermine fundamental rights protected,Dec 29 08:52
schestowitzinter alia, under international conventions. Examples of these are yourDec 29 08:52
schestowitzproposals regarding sick leave control and regulation of strikes.Dec 29 08:52
schestowitzOur views in this respect are reflected in the opinion of staff as found inDec 29 08:52
schestowitzthe results of the recent survey undertaken by the CSC. In this the levelDec 29 08:52
schestowitzof trust in senior management is alarmingly low, and information from theDec 29 08:52
schestowitzstaff representation remains the most important source of information forDec 29 08:52
schestowitzstaff. Respondents to the survey also clearly rejected the view that yourDec 29 08:52
schestowitzadministration is engaging in bona fide social dialogue.Dec 29 08:52
schestowitzWe feel that the current situation misrepresents the role of the StaffDec 29 08:52
schestowitzCommittee in the working groups and meetings, whilst at the same timeDec 29 08:52
schestowitzpermits you to sell the outcome of such discussions as the result ofDec 29 08:52
schestowitzdialogue, which it is not. Under the circumstances we inform you that weDec 29 08:52
schestowitzwill not attend the planned meeting between yourself and the CSC onDec 29 08:52
schestowitzFriday 28th June.Dec 29 08:52
schestowitzIf you reconsider your current proposals, and are willing to enter into aDec 29 08:52
schestowitztrue dialogue, we remain at your disposal. We would also like to reiterateDec 29 08:53
schestowitzour view, that any such dialogue must also involve SUEPO and ideally beDec 29 08:53
schestowitzmoderated by an independent person with recognised experience in theDec 29 08:53
schestowitzarea of industrial relations.Dec 29 08:53
schestowitzYours sincerely,Dec 29 08:53
schestowitzDesmond RadfordDec 29 08:53
schestowitzChairmanDec 29 08:53
schestowitzCentral Staff CommitteeDec 29 08:53
schestowitzsc13090cl - The 'social dialogue' that never wasDec 29 08:53
schestowitzCentralSTCOM to: PresidentDec 29 08:53
schestowitzSent by: Desmond RadfordDec 29 08:53
schestowitz25-06-2013 15:02Dec 29 08:53
schestowitzDear Mr Battistelli,Dec 29 08:53
schestowitzEnclosed please find an open letter of the Central Staff Committee cancelling the participation to theDec 29 08:53
schestowitzforeseen meeting on 28 June 2013.Dec 29 08:53
schestowitzsc13090cl.pdfDec 29 08:53
schestowitzKind regards / Mit freundlichem Gruß / Meilleures salutationsDec 29 08:53
schestowitzSecretariat of the Central Staff CommitteeDec 29 08:53
schestowitzemail: CentralSTCOM@epo.orgDec 29 08:53
schestowitzTel: +31-70-340 2028/+49-30-25901 649Dec 29 08:53
schestowitzGSM: +49 163 83 99 730Dec 29 08:53
schestowitzP.S.: It would help us a lot if, whenever addressing the (Chairman of)Dec 29 08:53
schestowitzthe Central Staff Committee in emails or meeting-notices, you couldDec 29 08:53
schestowitzcopy the note/invitation also to 29 08:53
schestowitzThank you very much in advance for your assistance.Dec 29 08:53
schestowitz"Dec 29 08:53
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesDec 29 09:28
schestowitz]Dec 29 09:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Tonishka1921: @schestowitz @JulianAssange @micahflee @rolandelfeghaly unfortunately it does not exist particularly in #Lebanon &… 29 09:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Tonishka1921: @schestowitz @JulianAssange @micahflee @rolandelfeghaly unfortunately it does not exist particularly in #Lebanon &… 29 09:35
schestowitz"@rolandelfeghaly unfortunately it does not exist particularly in #Lebanon & generally in the #Arab Countries ..TB"Dec 29 09:35
schestowitz 29 09:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FreeThree333: @schestowitz @foreignoffice These pictures are vile.Dec 29 09:35
schestowitz 29 09:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dialtfortrouble: They are disgusting, sub-human scum - that's why. 29 09:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Is it mostly rich people who collect bodyparts (like ivory) and corpses (like stuffed animals) because they can aff… 29 09:56
schestowitz> Yes, indeed!Dec 29 10:01
schestowitz> I can also provide you with the PW, if you want.Dec 29 10:01
schestowitzLet us know if/when something comes inDec 29 10:01
schestowitz 29 10:01
-TechBytesBot/ | Another Option for EPO Whistleblowers | TechrightsDec 29 10:01
schestowitz> Hi, Roy,Dec 29 10:22
schestowitz>Dec 29 10:23
schestowitz> If you are still tracking KSA there is a presentation on it:Dec 29 10:23
schestowitz>Dec 29 10:23
schestowitz> 29 10:23
-TechBytesBot/ | - Catch me if you can: Internet Activism in Saudi ArabiaDec 29 10:23
<--acer-box__ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 29 10:24
-->acer-box__ ( has joined #techbytesDec 29 10:25
<--acer-box__ has quit (Changing host)Dec 29 10:25
-->acer-box__ (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 29 10:25
schestowitz\Dec 29 10:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Pb781Pat: @schestowitz @MMFlint If that offends you then you should probably get Hemingway’s statues taken down as well.Dec 29 10:29
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)Dec 29 12:27
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 29 13:40
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 29 13:40
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schestowitz=Dec 29 18:14
schestowitz 29 18:14
schestowitz=Dec 29 18:14
schestowitz 29 18:14
schestowitz=Dec 29 18:14
schestowitzx 29 18:14
-TechBytesBot/ | Measuring And Disrupting Anti-Adblockers Using Differential Execution Analysis - SoylentNewsDec 29 18:14
-TechBytesBot/ | Google TranslateDec 29 18:14
schestowitz=Dec 29 18:14
schestowitzx xttps:// 29 18:14
-TechBytesBot/ | Carlsberg and Microsoft are tired of waiting for beerDec 29 18:14
schestowitz# sjws have trained their guns on the ccc to take it down and make it no longer about techDec 29 18:14
schestowitz=Dec 29 18:14
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 29 19:53
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 29 19:53
schestowitz 29 20:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TallElfin: The Global Information War is being fought in Hollow Minds. You are mistaken. 29 20:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: The global cyber war is being fought in your hollow hand "sponsored by accounts associated with Russia."Dec 29 20:11
schestowitz 29 20:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MarcBlacke: @schestowitz The lands of the free My a$$Dec 29 20:29
schestowitz 29 20:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RebeccaAnneBla2: @radleybalko @schestowitz I think this statistic has more to do with protecting all the lives that really matter in… 29 20:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RebeccaAnneBla2: @radleybalko @schestowitz I think this statistic has more to do with protecting all the lives that really matter in… 29 20:29
schestowitz"I think this statistic has more to do with protecting all the lives that really matter in NYC i.e the elites and the tourists."Dec 29 20:29
schestowitzsimilar in LondonDec 29 20:29
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Dec 29 21:53
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesDec 30 00:56
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesDec 30 01:02
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 30 05:04
schestowitz 30 06:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@revdope1: @schestowitz @wikileaks I know what you were talking about. It's ridiculous to suggest he meant murder.Dec 30 06:03
schestowitz 30 06:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TerryLeeAllen: @revdope1 @schestowitz @wikileaks Some people play dumb just to prove how great they are.Dec 30 06:04
schestowitz 30 06:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@13Sylv13: @schestowitz @wikileaks Lawyers must be very busy these days.. Just an observation.Dec 30 06:04
schestowitz 30 06:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SandyJohn67: @schestowitz @wikileaks 30 06:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SandyJohn67: @schestowitz @wikileaks 30 06:04
schestowitz 30 06:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jjilmary: @schestowitz @wikileaks There is a lot that you don't know - not saying you are ignorant or anything (really), So I… 30 06:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jjilmary: @schestowitz @wikileaks There is a lot that you don't know - not saying you are ignorant or anything (really), So I… 30 06:05
schestowitz"There is a lot that you don't know - not saying you are ignorant or anything (really), So I can understand that you might tweet out something like this.  However, Trump knows exactly what he is doing."Dec 30 06:05
schestowitz 30 06:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-No status found with that ID.Dec 30 06:05
schestowitz"You do realize that there have been at lease two attempts on Trump's life and HIllary wanted to "drone" Julian Assange?  Could you send the source about insinuating it was OK to kill his political opponent?  Just for my info...  Thanks!"Dec 30 06:05
schestowitz 30 06:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@revdope1: @schestowitz @wikileaks That's a shallow argument. What president could you not accuse of "murder"? Carter? No.… 30 06:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@revdope1: @schestowitz @wikileaks That's a shallow argument. What president could you not accuse of "murder"? Carter? No.… 30 06:06
schestowitz"Dec 30 06:06
schestowitzThat's a shallow argument.  What president could you not accuse of "murder"?  Carter?  No.  The American Bureaucracy is far larger than the presidency.Dec 30 06:06
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesDec 30 06:06
schestowitz"Dec 30 06:06
schestowitz 30 06:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glockmatics: @schestowitz @wikileaks Only in self defense would that be OKDec 30 06:06
schestowitz 30 06:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ToDiaspora: @schestowitz That explains a lot. Missed you.Dec 30 06:06
schestowitz 30 06:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ToDiaspora: @schestowitz I guess there is a double meaning now for "booting your own instance."Dec 30 06:06
schestowitz 30 06:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@shawnc77261194: @schestowitz @wikileaks Ok, why would you be so ignorant as to put on Twitter that someone e wants to use you? Not… 30 06:50
schestowitz"Ok, why would you be so ignorant as to put on Twitter that someone e wants to use you? Not to bright. It doesn't make you look good."Dec 30 06:50
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@shawnc77261194: @schestowitz @wikileaks Ok, why would you be so ignorant as to put on Twitter that someone e wants to use you? Not… 30 06:50
schestowitz 30 06:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@shawnc77261194: @schestowitz @wikileaks Oh brother. Typical lib manoeuvre. Take a pic, add some crazy story to it, and all the litt… 30 06:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@shawnc77261194: @schestowitz @wikileaks Oh brother. Typical lib manoeuvre. Take a pic, add some crazy story to it, and all the litt… 30 06:51
schestowitz"Oh brother. Typical lib manoeuvre. Take a pic, add some crazy story to it, and all the little libs eat it up like ants. Really odd that u do it though. Ur not helping your ppl or ur party. It's not going to turn out how you think."Dec 30 06:51
schestowitz 30 06:51
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 30 06:51
schestowitz 30 06:53
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 30 06:53
schestowitz 30 06:55
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 30 06:55
schestowitzCat's outta the bag.Dec 30 06:56
schestowitzIt's the CIA that's the threat to US national security.Dec 30 06:56
schestowitzI don't see Wikileaks IT and private info leaked all over the world. The CIA's is, though.Dec 30 06:56
schestowitzI don't see Wikileaks attempting a coup. The CIA is, though.Dec 30 06:56
schestowitz#ShutdownTheCIADec 30 06:56
schestowitz"Dec 30 06:56
schestowitz 30 06:56
schestowitz"My thoughts too. No Wikileak has ever dropped a bomb on someone."Dec 30 06:56
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 30 06:56
schestowitz 30 06:56
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 30 06:56
schestowitz"Dec 30 06:56
schestowitzI remember #india, and his #TedTalk. Thank you for pointing this out, which has been going on for at least two years 30 06:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 500 @ )Dec 30 06:56
schestowitz 30 06:56
schestowitz"Dec 30 06:56
-TechBytesBot/ | India Holds Bill Gates Accountable For His Vaccine Crimes ⋆ VacTruth.comDec 30 06:56
schestowitz 30 06:57
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 30 06:57
schestowitz"That's crazy - are you gonna report to authorities ?"Dec 30 06:57
schestowitz 30 06:58
schestowitz"I wonder how's it going to end for European internet users. These ppl. won't give it up. OpenMedia still tries 2 fight against the Eu politicos. Hopefully Theresa May, the EU or anyone else won't ruin the free and open Internet. #saveTheLink #OpenMedia #savetheInternet #FreedomMatters #Internet4al"Dec 30 06:58
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 30 06:58
schestowitz"OpenMedia org. finds out that Euro politicians will try again 2 ruin the open & free Internet. Why r they still trying to pass their mad laws? #saveTheLink #OpenMedia #savetheInternet #CensoringEuropeans #FreedomMatters #Internet4all #OpenMedia"Dec 30 06:58
schestowitzI wonder how's it going to end for European internet users. Hopefully Theresa May, the EU or anyone else won't ruin the free and open Internet. #saveTheLink #OpenMedia #savetheInternet #FreedomMatters #Internet4all"Dec 30 06:59
schestowitz 30 06:59
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 30 06:59
schestowitz"My Acer V3-771G running KDE Neon User Edition using Btrfs takes about 50 seconds to get to the login screen and another 50 seconds to display the Plasma 5.14.4 desktop. Considering that my laptop runs 12+ hours a day saving a minute or two on boot up time is insignificant."Dec 30 06:59
schestowitz 30 07:00
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 30 07:00
schestowitz"My Acer V3-771G running KDE Neon User Edition using Btrfs takes about 50 seconds to get to the login screen and another 50 seconds to display the Plasma 5.14.4 desktop. Considering that my laptop runs 12+ hours a day saving a minute or two on boot up time is insignificant.|Dec 30 07:00
schestowitz 30 07:00
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 30 07:00
schestowitz"This is true, it happened to many many 6s phones forcing to buy news phone, tech support saying nothing could be done"Dec 30 07:00
schestowitz 30 07:01
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 30 07:01
schestowitz"How does Clear Linux (optimized for speed) measure up for security? I'd be willing to trade a GUI for those two. Thinking about firing up a Postfix server (separate boxen, sub-netted) except that no.ip doesn't seem to offer Mx."Dec 30 07:01
schestowitz 30 07:02
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 30 07:02
schestowitz"Curse you! I can see me making an all-day backup just so I can start compiling kernels again. ;-))))"Dec 30 07:02
schestowitz 30 07:03
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 30 07:03
schestowitz"Dec 30 07:03
schestowitzSo, #FakeNews ... no social comments.Dec 30 07:03
schestowitzGab'ers w/ Twitter accounts should chime in on this, read the absurd comments:Dec 30 07:03
schestowitz 30 07:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-No status found with that ID.Dec 30 07:03
schestowitz"Dec 30 07:03
schestowitz 30 07:18
schestowitz"Moo Crumpus has their birthday today. Wish them 'Happy Birthday'!"Dec 30 07:18
-TechBytesBot/ | JoinDiaspora* - Sign in [ ]Dec 30 07:18
schestowitz 30 07:21
-TechBytesBot/ I'm going to keep a keen eye on #SailfishOS and #jolla We need a replacement for #google and #android in the #linux world #ubuntu died.Dec 30 07:21
schestowitz"I use Jolla and SailfishOS from the first day. Jolla Phone, Tablet and now Xperia X. It is cute, but partly lacking some basic features. That said, I no longer use google, nor apple."Dec 30 07:21
schestowitz"Dec 30 07:21
schestowitz@Ingo Huber Is Sailfish really that user friendly? I mean security-wise: No data collection, no spying on the user?Dec 30 07:21
schestowitzOtherwise I read positive reviews about Sailfish with Xperia X, some issues (wifi sharing, camera support, gyro, fingerprint) have to be fixed though. What other basic features do you mean?Dec 30 07:21
schestowitz"Dec 30 07:22
schestowitz 30 07:22
schestowitz"SailfisOS really does not spy on any data. You can use Android apps that run in a sandbox. They can be allowed or denied access to contacts. The limitations of the operating system affect the workflow. F.e. copying text from e-mails is not possible, from web pages it is difficult. It is sometimes difficult to hit an input field in the browser. When zooming, the buttons sometimes do not seem to scale correctly. CalDav/CardDav has problemsDec 30 07:23
schestowitzwith synchronization and duplicates appointments, calendars, addresses - which bothers me the most. BlueTooth is sometimes prone to failure. Tethering via BlueTooth is not possible. NFS is not activated. NFC is not activated. These are details that sometimes annoy me a bit - but nothing fundamental, which restricts my use. is a good Internet site to get an idea."Dec 30 07:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Questions - together.jolla.comDec 30 07:23
schestowitz"Dec 30 07:23
schestowitz Thanks for the details. I think the most important thing is: “SailfisOS really does not spy on any data.” Everything else can be fixed.Dec 30 07:23
schestowitzWith Google-Android it’s the exact opposite: It’s fundamentally broken, there is no way to fix that.Dec 30 07:23
schestowitz"Dec 30 07:23
schestowitz"Could you expand “fundamentally broken” ?"Dec 30 07:23
schestowitz"If i may speak for Tani, the entire concept of Android is fundamentally flawed, in that Android is an unnecessary layer built on top of Linux, mostly for the purpose of giving Google control over the user."Dec 30 07:23
schestowitz"You have no control over your data on the phone (g* has) - that was the whole purpose of buying the (linux-)android-project."Dec 30 07:24
schestowitz"Haha, that was cross-posting… :)"Dec 30 07:24
schestowitz"Dec 30 07:24
schestowitzAnother fairly happy #SailfishOS user here… Jolla 1 and now Xperia X. I’ve not had the need to add any android apps yet as all my minimum requirements are met by apps from the official store or 30 07:24
schestowitzThe main annoyances for me are that you can’t cut and paste from the email client as Ingo already mentioned. The second is that there is no support for encryption (OTR or OMEMO) in the inbuilt chat client and the lack of PGP support in the email client. These are the only reason I occasionally contemplate android apps, but then I don’t use the chat client enough and not many of my email partners use PGP anyway.Dec 30 07:25
schestowitzFortunately I’ve not had any issues with Carddav/Caldav synchronisation, it just works for me.Dec 30 07:25
schestowitz"Dec 30 07:25
schestowitz 30 07:26
-TechBytesBot/ Only a particular >type< of person would >still< trust #apple 30 07:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@marcoarment: Apple has incurred huge reputation damage from the battery-throttling issue that will likely linger for years, but… 30 07:26
schestowitz"I happen to have an old iporn lying about, but reluctant to even sink another $29.'"Dec 30 07:26
schestowitz- 30 07:36
-TechBytesBot/ My interest is in the future, because I'm going to be spending the rest of my life there --- Charles Kettering---Dec 30 07:36
schestowitz"Nope. You will be spending your life in the Present. The future is just a projection."Dec 30 07:36
schestowitzA movie that has not played yet.""Dec 30 07:36
schestowitz 30 07:39
-TechBytesBot/ "Students who engage in pro- #Palestine activism are often faced with incredible obstacles to their free expression" 30 07:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Pro-Palestinian Groups Are The Real Victims Of Campus CensorshipDec 30 07:39
schestowitz"mean, some people critizes their antisemitism, so mean these days, how was their slogan? “jews will not replace us”!"Dec 30 07:39
schestowitz"More uneducated, emotionally-immature, easily-used college students, who’ve been led right past the difference between a Jew and a Zionist. Still, it’s worse to defend anything that chooses a six-pointed star to represent it, @murdeRED dreams."Dec 30 07:40
schestowitz 30 07:41
-TechBytesBot/ The #apple store in #manchester is based right next to the #disney store (dolls etc.). Maybe for convenience of shoppers, believing fairies.Dec 30 07:41
schestowitz"Well, aren’t you handy with a match today, Doc? ;)"Dec 30 07:41
schestowitz 30 07:41
schestowitz"Careful, Seven, especially if you’re in the US; after all, Rodney Coronado was arrested for a speech…"Dec 30 07:41
-TechBytesBot/ | David Rovics Burn It Down - YouTubeDec 30 07:41
schestowitz 30 07:48
-TechBytesBot/ The year everything was politicised "shallow virtue-signaling and narcissistic moralism"Dec 30 07:48
schestowitz"Dec 30 07:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The year everything was politicised | Arts & Culture | USA | spikedDec 30 07:48
schestowitzPlane Wreck at Los Gatos - Woody GuthrieDec 30 07:48
schestowitzThe crops are all in and the peaches are rott’ning,Dec 30 07:48
schestowitzThe oranges piled in their creosote dumps;Dec 30 07:48
schestowitzThey’re flying 'em back to the Mexican borderDec 30 07:48
schestowitzTo pay all their money to wade back againDec 30 07:48
schestowitzGoodbye to my Juan, goodbye, Rosalita,Dec 30 07:48
schestowitzAdios mis amigos, Jesus y Maria;Dec 30 07:48
schestowitzYou won’t have your names when you ride the big airplane,Dec 30 07:48
schestowitzAll they will call you will be “deportees”Dec 30 07:48
schestowitzMy father’s own father, he waded that river,Dec 30 07:48
schestowitzThey took all the money he made in his life;Dec 30 07:48
schestowitzMy brothers and sisters come working the fruit trees,Dec 30 07:48
schestowitzAnd they rode the truck till they took down and died.Dec 30 07:48
schestowitzSome of us are illegal, and some are not wanted,Dec 30 07:48
schestowitzOur work contract’s out and we have to move on;Dec 30 07:48
schestowitzSix hundred miles to that Mexican border,Dec 30 07:48
schestowitzThey chase us like outlaws, like rustlers, like thieves.Dec 30 07:48
schestowitzWe died in your hills, we died in your deserts,Dec 30 07:48
schestowitzWe died in your valleys and died on your plains.Dec 30 07:48
schestowitzWe died 'neath your trees and we died in your bushes,Dec 30 07:48
schestowitzBoth sides of the river, we died just the same.Dec 30 07:48
schestowitzThe sky plane caught fire over Los Gatos Canyon,Dec 30 07:48
schestowitzA fireball of lightning, and shook all our hills,Dec 30 07:48
schestowitzWho are all these friends, all scattered like dry leaves?Dec 30 07:49
schestowitzThe radio says, “They are just deportees”Dec 30 07:49
schestowitzIs this the best way we can grow our big orchards?Dec 30 07:49
schestowitzIs this the best way we can grow our good fruit?Dec 30 07:49
schestowitzTo fall like dry leaves to rot on my topsoilDec 30 07:49
schestowitzAnd be called by no name except “deportees”?Dec 30 07:49
schestowitz"Dec 30 07:49
schestowitz 30 07:49
-TechBytesBot/ China's Social Credit Systems #ccc #chinaDec 30 07:49
schestowitz 30 07:49
schestowitz"theres a good related video from the same #ccc too"Dec 30 07:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | - Gamified Control?Dec 30 07:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Schedule 34th Chaos Communication CongressDec 30 07:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Missing content type. Ignoring.Dec 30 07:49
schestowitz 30 07:51
-TechBytesBot/ At the time #mozilla abandoned #thunderbird development it was saying something like #gmail is the future; Mozilla was mostly Google-funded.Dec 30 07:51
schestowitz"I stopped trusting Mozilla some years ago. I know how to read the signs…"Dec 30 07:51
schestowitzi think mozilla is something very human - with its own ideas, achievements, milestones, failures, downsides and wrong ways - i think its more than black and white…""Dec 30 07:51
schestowitz"It’s called “an OVERALL assessment”, @Thomas. They’ve been turned to the dark side. Overall."Dec 30 07:51
schestowitz 30 07:52
-TechBytesBot/ | Mozilla is Not Trustworthy - YouTubeDec 30 07:52
schestowitz 30 07:52
-TechBytesBot/ #apple does not apologise Corporations never "apologise" Neither does Tim Crook Apple suffered PR/value loss, reacts 30 07:52
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Apple Apologizes For Slowing Down iPhones, Offers Solutions And Cuts Battery PricesDec 30 07:52
schestowitz"With Apple we pay more for obtain less and it’s a gold jail…"Dec 30 07:52
schestowitz"It sure feels good when a major corporation shows some sympathy after putting one over on us."Dec 30 07:53
schestowitz 30 08:04
-TechBytesBot/ Hawaiian Supreme Court Says The First Amendment Protects Filming #police #hawaiiDec 30 08:04
schestowitz"Sadly, few cops are going to update their awareness of Supreme Court rulings beyond their eagerness to commit wanton, arbitrary violence."Dec 30 08:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Hawaiian Supreme Court Says The First Amendment Protects Filming Law Enforcement | TechdirtDec 30 08:04
schestowitz"“The camera looked like a pistol pointed at me.”"Dec 30 08:04
schestowitz 30 08:05
-TechBytesBot/ But #microsoft does not even have a phone business anymore. It's dead. Troll. 30 08:05
schestowitz"Microsoft probably thinks they can make a comeback under Trump. It would not surprise me to see them slap a label onto something that someone else made a long time ago and call it “innovation”."Dec 30 08:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Surface Phone: Microsoft explains why a foldable phone makes senseDec 30 08:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Another Microsoft patent for a Surface Phone with foldable displays shows up - GizbotDec 30 08:05
schestowitz 30 08:05
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: #brexit in a nutshell Based on lies and misconception from the get-go 30 08:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Blue passports could have been re-introduced without Brexit, Government admits | The IndependentDec 30 08:05
schestowitz"heh we could paint how passports back to that dark red as a little protest thing hehe"Dec 30 08:05
schestowitz 30 08:06
-TechBytesBot/ #AutoBootDisk : copy Linux distributions to bootable USB drives #gnu #linuxDec 30 08:06
schestowitz"OpenSource, but no License indicated in the GitHub repository…"Dec 30 08:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | AutoBootDisk: copy Linux distributions to bootable USB drives - gHacks Tech NewsDec 30 08:06
schestowitz 30 08:06
-TechBytesBot/ Another Option for #EPO Whistleblowers #de #munich #theHague #vienna #berlin #epoLeaksDec 30 08:06
schestowitz"Dec 30 08:06
schestowitz(self-hosted, but lacking end-to-end encryption except PGP)Dec 30 08:06
schestowitzWhat is the problem of PGP?Dec 30 08:06
schestowitz"Dec 30 08:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Another Option for EPO Whistleblowers | TechrightsDec 30 08:06
schestowitznot many people use itDec 30 08:06
schestowitz 30 08:07
-TechBytesBot/ Ditch android and iOS and give Ubuntu touch a try! #linux #ubuntutouch #mobileDec 30 08:07
schestowitz"Dec 30 08:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Can Ubuntu Touch replace your android or iOS phone? - YouTubeDec 30 08:07
schestowitzThat, is pretty slick!Dec 30 08:07
schestowitzHey @Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) … seen this??Dec 30 08:07
schestowitz"Dec 30 08:07
schestowitzhave not yetDec 30 08:07
schestowitz 30 08:08
-TechBytesBot/ News sites or #freesw ought not crumble and fall/fold due to lack of income. Unless the main goal is personal gain of course...Dec 30 08:08
schestowitz"The world of computing has not been built by people whose motivation was financial profit."Dec 30 08:08
schestowitz 30 08:08
-TechBytesBot/ My passport is red and it's ranked first in the world for access to countries. After #brexit the British passport will be ranked ~40th.Dec 30 08:08
schestowitz"Dec 30 08:08
schestowitzAh, but from your post I had assumed your passport was British, which is also red and which until now I thought was first on the list. Now I understand that you meant German passport. Your statistic is confirmed Here.Dec 30 08:09
schestowitzNo need to worry about requesting British citizenship now. I’ve learnt today that even the Italian passport is well ranked.Dec 30 08:09
schestowitz"Dec 30 08:09
schestowitz 30 08:09
-TechBytesBot/ | Revealed: The world's most powerful passports for 2017Dec 30 08:09
schestowitzand FinnishDec 30 08:09
schestowitz 30 08:10
-TechBytesBot/ "Laos's largest hospital has already implemented GNU Health" #laos uses #freesw then. Same in #Jamaica and #Argentina #gnu #GNUHealthDec 30 08:10
schestowitz"Only in Entre Ríos province, in Argentina, last time I checked.|Dec 30 08:10
schestowitzyesDec 30 08:10
schestowitz 30 08:11
-TechBytesBot/ Keep #religion out of schools This is not #censorship #education should be based on facts, not superstition 30 08:11
schestowitz"Partially agree. Religions should be studied in school. They are, have been, and will probably continue to be a huge factor in war and politics. It’s an important facet of human culture to understand. However, religious indoctrination should most certainly NOT be in school; especially in public schools."Dec 30 08:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | ‘Censoring’ of controversial Christian curriculum taken to court | Edmonton JournalDec 30 08:11
schestowitz 30 08:11
-TechBytesBot/ I sell things I can trade, e.g. hardware. Money is still a man-made concept, whether bills or bitcoin 30 08:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: Time to sell your bitcoins? #34c3 30 08:11
schestowitz""Trading objects is not a man-made concept?"Dec 30 08:11
schestowitzother apes do itDec 30 08:11
schestowitz 30 08:12
-TechBytesBot/ "Is destroying all copies of “Huckleberry Finn” or the Book of Joshua next? This is insidious censorship." 30 08:12
schestowitz"Dec 30 08:12
schestowitzHere we go…“All Quiet on the Western Front” has been banned because it makes 8th graders cry when they reach the end of the book.Dec 30 08:12
schestowitzEric Marie Remarque would reply “THAT’S THE WHOLE POINT”.Dec 30 08:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Sensitivity vetting is insidious censorship | Letters To The Editor | lancasteronline.comDec 30 08:12
schestowitz"Dec 30 08:12
schestowitz 30 08:12
-TechBytesBot/ #Intel Icelake Support Gets Further Into Shape For #LLVM #Clang 6.0 but can Intel be trusted?Dec 30 08:12
schestowitz"The company that built a “management engine” digital restrictions/spyware backdoor into every computer with stolen software can be trusted to screw you."Dec 30 08:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Intel Icelake Support Gets Further Into Shape For LLVM Clang 6.0 - PhoronixDec 30 08:12
schestowitz 30 08:14
-TechBytesBot/ Eelo, the Google-less Android OS from the creator of #Mandrake Linux #eelo #google #android #gnu #linuxDec 30 08:14
schestowitz"Il will use OnlyOffice that automatically convert all LibreOffice files into Microsoft Office files :("Dec 30 08:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Eelo, the Google-less Android OS from the creator of Mandrake Linux - NewsDec 30 08:14
schestowitzouchDec 30 08:14
schestowitz 30 08:14
-TechBytesBot/ #CIA director calls #WikiLeaks a threat to US national security see 30 08:14
schestowitz"Dec 30 08:14
schestowitzIf Wikileaks is a threat to U.S. National Security, what would Cicada3301 be to GLOBAL Security? (Remember March 7th and Vault 7)Dec 30 08:14
schestowitzYet the spooks (GLOBALLY) have nothing to say about that.Dec 30 08:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | CIA director calls WikiLeaks a threat to US national security | Luxora LeaderDec 30 08:15
schestowitz“Things that make you go hmmmmmm”Dec 30 08:15
schestowitz"Dec 30 08:15
schestowitz 30 08:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Julian Assange's Twitter Account Again Available Hours After Being DeletedDec 30 08:15
-TechBytesBot/ Chelsea Clinton-affiliated site mocks #wikileaks Trying to cast is liar/thief #assange #bitcoinDec 30 08:15
schestowitz"Where is Satoshi?"Dec 30 08:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Where Did WikiLeaks’ $25 Million Bitcoin Fortune Go?Dec 30 08:15
schestowitz 30 08:15
-TechBytesBot/ Hooray "job creators" AT&T sheds 1,000 employees after touting #GOP tax plan, giving out bonuses 30 08:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | AT&T sheds 1,000 employees after touting GOP tax plan, giving out bonuses - Salon.comDec 30 08:15
schestowitz"It’s and old strategy: “Divide and Conquor”"Dec 30 08:15
schestowitz 30 08:16
-TechBytesBot/ Happy 48th Birthday Linus Torvalds! Here are 20 Facts About Him 30 08:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Happy 48th Birthday Linus Torvalds! Here are 20 Facts About Him | Tux MachinesDec 30 08:16
schestowitz"yeah, happy birthday to Linus!"Dec 30 08:16
schestowitz 30 08:16
-TechBytesBot/ #gnu #linux distribution #OviOS reaches 2.31 this week #Canada based.Dec 30 08:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | OviOS LinuxDec 30 08:16
schestowitz"Beware anything that requires “no knowledge”."Dec 30 08:16
schestowitzBecoming US PresDec 30 08:16
schestowitz 30 08:16
-TechBytesBot/ #FCC Is Doing Away With Title II For Broadband, Will Verizon Give Back The Taxpayer Subsidies It Got Under Title II? 30 08:16
schestowitz"Water under the bridge? Too bad, suckers.'Dec 30 08:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Now That The FCC Is Doing Away With Title II For Broadband, Will Verizon Give Back The Taxpayer Subsidies It Got Under Title II? | TechdirtDec 30 08:16
schestowitz 30 08:17
-TechBytesBot/ Facebook is #hatespeech in some countries #atheism #facebook deems "offensive", censorsDec 30 08:17
schestowitz"Life on Earth has improved so much since we started believing in things like “protected categories of people”, eh? </sarcasm>"Dec 30 08:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | What does Facebook consider hate speech? | ProPublicaDec 30 08:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Facebook’s Uneven Enforcement of Hate Speech Rules… — ProPublicaDec 30 08:17
schestowitzHasn't gotten worse, has it?Dec 30 08:17
schestowitz 30 08:18
-TechBytesBot/ reshared: Father (in Switzerland ATM) says tourism there is down. Due to no Euro. Free movement is advantage for #tourism industry.Dec 30 08:18
schestowitz"Tourism means mostly people from abroad in Switzerland. That’s why it’s down."Dec 30 08:18
schestowitz 30 08:19
-TechBytesBot/ I'd love for someone to show #trump a blank map and ask him to point at #kashmir Might lead to another "Palin moment"Dec 30 08:19
schestowitz"(Psst… don’t say that too loudly, Tom; the Flatheads will think you’re one of them) ;)"Dec 30 08:19
schestowitz 30 08:19
-TechBytesBot/ How to Send a Message to Logged Users in Linux Terminal I actually wrote a program for this over 15 years agoDec 30 08:19
schestowitz"You throw the wadded paper over the cubical wall."Dec 30 08:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | How to Send a Message to Logged Users in Linux TerminalDec 30 08:19
schestowitz 30 08:20
-TechBytesBot/ Not "great again": One-Third of #PuertoRico Won’t Have Christmas Tree Lights Because They Still Don’t Have Power 30 08:20
schestowitz"I think it was Chris Hedges who coined the term “devastation zones” to describe areas of the US that were left behind by our contracting economy. Seems to apply in a very literal sense now to Puerto Rico."Dec 30 08:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | One-Third of Puerto Rico Won't Have Christmas Tree Lights Because They Still Don't Have Power | naked capitalismDec 30 08:20
schestowitz 30 08:20
-TechBytesBot/ Not better than #libreoffice Lacks of proper #opendocument support Proprietary, not #freesw Why use #softmaker ?! 30 08:20
schestowitz"I have had no problems opening Microsoft documents with Libreoffice. In fact, Libreoffice often does a better job opening older versions of MS documents than MS Office365 does!"Dec 30 08:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | SoftMaker Office 2018 for Linux reaches beta stage - NeowinDec 30 08:20
schestowitz 30 08:21
-TechBytesBot/ #Spotify does not allow to play music locally though Proprietary too Sure, #gnu #linux support is nice, but... 30 08:21
schestowitz"I grew up with physical music bought from the shop. Studied music production starry eyed 2000-2002. Finally gave up on trying to live on it last year. I don’t expect anyone to care though… Just saying that in my world it’s a shame there is no longer an industry to music."Dec 30 08:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | You Can Now Install Spotify on Linux as a SnapDec 30 08:21
schestowitz 30 08:21
-TechBytesBot/ Russia Plans National Biometric Database Starting Next Year #china #india #russia ... BRIC, then us too.Dec 30 08:21
schestowitz"Someone seems to be winning, but it ain’t us people."Dec 30 08:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Russia Plans National Biometric Database Starting Next Year - BloombergDec 30 08:21
schestowitz 30 08:22
-TechBytesBot/ "release the code behind the Apple Lisa operating system for free as open source, for anyone to try and tinker with" 30 08:22
schestowitz'^Starting to sound like Stan! :-)Dec 30 08:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Apple's Lisa operating system is going open source in 2018 - Business InsiderDec 30 08:22
schestowitz 30 08:22
-TechBytesBot/ Recursive cat Heck, s/he wants it to be #caturday already 30 08:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | "thing I learned"-cat - Album on ImgurDec 30 08:22
schestowitz"Dec 30 08:22
schestowitzObviously that guy worked once at the SCEP ;)Dec 30 08:22
schestowitz 30 08:22
schestowitz"Dec 30 08:22
-TechBytesBot/ | oss 117 les poules - YouTubeDec 30 08:22
schestowitz 30 08:22
-TechBytesBot/ [Old] I Didn’t Vaccinate My Kids and the One Who Lived Turned out Fine 30 08:22
schestowitz"Dec 30 08:22
schestowitzGood luck with that concept having any resemblance to actual reality. ;)Dec 30 08:22
schestowitzI don’t want to get into it with you… but for the record, this does make me sad. :~(Dec 30 08:22
schestowitz"Dec 30 08:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | I Didn’t Vaccinate My Kids and the One Who Lived Turned out FineDec 30 08:22
schestowitz 30 08:23
-TechBytesBot/ #trump regime takes us back centuries - not decades - back 30 08:23
schestowitz"People note: the oligarchs are in power. Now what?"Dec 30 08:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Jeff Sessions Takes a Stand for Debtors’ Prisons | American Civil Liberties UnionDec 30 08:23
schestowitzApply for Canadian nationality?Dec 30 08:23
schestowitz 30 08:24
-TechBytesBot/ #Trump is the first truly black President. Black as in oil all the way. #DeepwaterHorizonDec 30 08:24
schestowitz"Trump is all about destruction. Nothing can stand in the way of corporations and billionaires making more money. Nothing - not the environment, not safety, not democracy, justice, law or logic. Only money counts - and winning."Dec 30 08:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Trump Admin Slated to Roll Back Offshore Oil Drilling Safety Regulations | Democracy Now!Dec 30 08:24
schestowitz 30 08:24
-TechBytesBot/ #trump is a hoax made up in #china 30 08:24
schestowitz"Trump is a hoax, autogenerated by a declining empire. Make America Great Again!"Dec 30 08:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Trump wall gets permission on Irish golf courseDec 30 08:24
schestowitz 30 08:24
-TechBytesBot/ The Puppy Test 30 08:24
schestowitz"I would just sell it on ebay."Dec 30 08:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Puppy TestDec 30 08:24
schestowitz 30 08:25
-TechBytesBot/ Strings Freeze For GIMP 2.10 Is Now On major new release coming soon #gimp #gnu #freeswDec 30 08:25
schestowitz"Sure, after spending a week getting used to the multi-window interface (whose total shit idea was multi-window programs, anyway??), if you’re new to it. :PDec 30 08:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Strings Freeze For GIMP 2.10 Is Now On - GIMPDec 30 08:25
schestowitz'All about habits, experience, and how you lay out your desktop (I use many screens)Dec 30 08:25
schestowitz 30 08:26
-TechBytesBot/ Wife still uses #mozilla #firefox and wanted to donate We both still use #thunderbird it's hard to believe Mozilla will repair itself. Hope?Dec 30 08:26
schestowitz"Currently using Pale Moon and Sylpheed.Dec 30 08:26
schestowitz 30 08:26
-TechBytesBot/ When #CIA director calls #WikiLeaks a threat to US national security he means it's a threat to the ruling class in the US, not US populaceDec 30 08:26
schestowitz"Dec 30 08:26
schestowitzthere is no u.s.Dec 30 08:26
schestowitzmeh, spookopsDec 30 08:26
schestowitzGLOBAL SpookOpsDec 30 08:26
schestowitz 30 08:26
-TechBytesBot/ " #WhatsApp did not have a legal basis to share user data under French law for “business intelligence” purposes" 30 08:26
schestowitz"all governement in the world and their justice should do the same.'Dec 30 08:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | France orders WhatsApp to stop sharing user data with Facebook without consent | Technology | The GuardianDec 30 08:26
schestowitzIn spite of inherent cultural differences?Dec 30 08:26
schestowitz 30 08:27
-TechBytesBot/ Video games are unlocking child gambling. This has to be reined in depends what kind of games. I loved educational.Dec 30 08:27
schestowitz"Dec 30 08:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Video games are unlocking child gambling. This has to be reined in | Alex Hern | Opinion | The GuardianDec 30 08:27
schestowitzI didn’t play because I was from the era where you had to have quarters for the arcade machines, but I do encourage my youngest to enjoy Minetest and Hedge Wars after seeing the results in your own generation. I’m amazed by some of the young people (twenty-thirtysomethings) who have learned English as a second or third language soley from playing games.Dec 30 08:27
schestowitzThe hard part, as a non-gamer, is finding good reviews and suggestions for what is safe and age-appropriate.Dec 30 08:27
schestowitz'Yes, games helped improve in English. Broadcasting also...Dec 30 08:27
schestowitz'Yes, games helped improve my  English. Broadcasting also...Dec 30 08:28
schestowitz 30 08:28
-TechBytesBot/ "Trump's legal team in the Russia investigation plans to undermine Flynn's credibility by projecting him as a liar." 30 08:28
schestowitz"Well, he IS a liar."Dec 30 08:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Trump legal team plans to smear Flynn to damage credibility | world-news | Hindustan TimesDec 30 08:28
schestowitzThey elevated him to NSA, a high positionDec 30 08:28
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 30 08:51
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesDec 30 09:08
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 30 10:15
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schestowitz 30 16:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Mr_snores: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn 30 16:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Mr_snores: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn 30 16:00
schestowitz 30 16:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JohnTul22215834: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn It was the only referendum. The only other vote will be on what kind of deal we get. Jer… 30 16:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JohnTul22215834: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn It was the only referendum. The only other vote will be on what kind of deal we get. Jer… 30 16:02
schestowitz"Dec 30 16:02
schestowitzIt was the only referendum. The only other vote will be on what kind of deal we get.Dec 30 16:02
schestowitzJeremy Corbyn only yesterday said that Labour will not push for a second referendum. Stop giving yourself false hope, we are leaving. Deal with itDec 30 16:02
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesDec 30 16:02
schestowitz"Dec 30 16:02
schestowitz 30 16:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@robwat5062: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn More tears for Dr RoyDec 30 16:22
schestowitzNo tears, you are the one trying to add emotion rather than reasonDec 30 16:22
schestowitz 30 16:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JohnTul22215834: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn All well and good. But Corbyn knew that Labour was divided on the issue before he announ… 30 16:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JohnTul22215834: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn All well and good. But Corbyn knew that Labour was divided on the issue before he announ… 30 16:23
schestowitz"Dec 30 16:23
schestowitzAll well and good. But Corbyn knew that Labour was divided on the issue before he announced the stance. So this letter is hardly a shock or game changer. A lot of Labour voters just cannot get theirs heads around the fact that their hero Corbyn is and always has been anti EU.Dec 30 16:23
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesDec 30 16:23
schestowitz"Dec 30 16:23
schestowitz 30 16:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JohnTul22215834: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn How can he nationalise the railways etc when we are still in the EU? The EU and Corbyn’s… 30 16:23
schestowitz"How can he nationalise the railways etc when we are still in the EU? The EU and Corbyn’s socialist ideas are not compatible."Dec 30 16:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JohnTul22215834: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn How can he nationalise the railways etc when we are still in the EU? The EU and Corbyn’s… 30 16:23
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 30 18:40
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 30 18:40
schestowitz 30 18:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KristiAssange: @schestowitz @Snowden Right Then. ;p @realDonaldTrump <3 @CIA Who Ya’ Gonna Call? 30 18:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Original GhostBusters Theme Song - YouTubeDec 30 18:59
schestowitz 30 19:54
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: The ILO rules reinstatement of Board of Appeal member, but EPO resistsDec 30 19:54
schestowitz"Dec 30 19:54
schestowitzInteresting. Is there any publicly available documentation that can confirm your assertion?Dec 30 19:54
schestowitzOf course no publication in Journal Officiel my friend but I know my source and Mr Corcoran is back in DG1 under hierarchical supervision of BattistelliDec 30 19:54
schestowitz"Dec 30 19:54
schestowitz]Dec 30 20:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @schestowitz GPS is insecure and should not be used for critical applications.Dec 30 20:03
schestowitzEspecially if the US government does not like youDec 30 20:04
schestowitz 30 20:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@joquji5n324il: @schestowitz @plyshag @Snowden @telegram @durov @mozilla @firefox Are you talking about this? Why are you character… 30 20:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@joquji5n324il: @schestowitz @plyshag @Snowden @telegram @durov @mozilla @firefox Are you talking about this? Why are you character… 30 20:59
schestowitzadware at best. It tinkers with pages and covertly installs itself.Dec 30 20:59
schestowitz 30 21:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AlecMuffett: @schestowitz @eddhowes @Snowden @telegram @whispersystems @torproject @WhatsApp @CIA Which, doubtless, they acquire… 30 21:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AlecMuffett: @schestowitz @eddhowes @Snowden @telegram @whispersystems @torproject @WhatsApp @CIA Which, doubtless, they acquire… 30 21:00
schestowitz"Which, doubtless, they acquired at Roswell in a UFO Crash.'Dec 30 21:00
schestowitz 30 21:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@joquji5n324il: @schestowitz @plyshag @Snowden @telegram @durov @mozilla @firefox Seems like an honest mistake by a fairly transpar… 30 21:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@joquji5n324il: @schestowitz @plyshag @Snowden @telegram @durov @mozilla @firefox Seems like an honest mistake by a fairly transpar… 30 21:07
schestowitz"Seems like an honest mistake by a fairly transparent non-profit which is desperate for funding. If FOSS users weren't so stingy with donations this wouldn't happen. They said sorry and explained their reasoning. To me it seems like an annoying unwanted add-on, not malware."Dec 30 21:07
schestowitzWrong. Mozilla Corporation is not a non-profit. It makes about half a billion dollars a year, precisely because it does these nefarious things like pushing DRM and spying (while not telling us)Dec 30 21:08
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Dec 30 21:33
schestowitz 30 22:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Diamandbacks: A galling violation of the fourth amendment protection against arbitrary searches 30 22:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Stop frisking. They can also weed out or at least reduce the number of perverts joining the "Service" #nypdDec 30 22:13
-->XFaCE (~XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techbytesDec 30 22:16
schestowitz 30 23:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz was there no fire alarm? o_oDec 30 23:03
schestowitzYes, odd  that. They said people bonged on doors and shouted.Dec 30 23:03
schestowitz*bangedDec 30 23:03
schestowitzIf tjeu bonged on the door, that might explain the cause of the fire ;-)Dec 30 23:04
schestowitz 30 23:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz "Completed 2008". London to a brick, this is inadequate construction.Dec 30 23:05
schestowitzA ;lot of stuff need to be redone now, but you know, "Brexiit!" - no money and "those Eurocrats with their 'regulations'"Dec 30 23:06
schestowitz 30 23:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz in this building, completed early 1960s, there is a fire alarm loud enough to make your hair fall out.… 30 23:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz in this building, completed early 1960s, there is a fire alarm loud enough to make your hair fall out.… 30 23:07
schestowitz"in this building, completed early 1960s, there is a fire alarm loud enough to make your hair fall out. I trust neither developers nor regulators to ensure safety any more."Dec 30 23:07
schestowitzFire alarms building-wide and broadly adopted here; it's the ones which lack those that are a disaster waiting to happen.Dec 30 23:08
schestowitzFire alarms building-wide are broadly adopted here; it's the ones which lack those that are a disaster waiting to happen.Dec 30 23:08
schestowitzArticle says too much smoke in the staircase to climb down to the exit - another red flagDec 30 23:09
schestowitzbut that cam happen if one waits too long (no alarms) and doors don't shut properly on their ownDec 30 23:10
schestowitz 30 23:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz #brexit will weaken regulations across the board. expect more catastrophe.Dec 30 23:12
schestowitzBrexit has set our expectations so low that a catastrophe greater than 1.5 years of Brexit ref' limbo is unfathomableDec 30 23:13
schestowitz 30 23:21
-TechBytesBot/ | Who said #donkeys weren’t smart? | Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Dec 30 23:21
schestowitz'"Dec 30 23:21
schestowitzThat video is hilarious! Thank you. I tweeted it.Dec 30 23:21
schestowitzI wrote a fable called "The Donkey King." If you would like to read it, I am open to any feedback: 30 23:21
-TechBytesBot/ | The Donkey King: A Political Fable | 21st Century FilmsDec 30 23:21
schestowitz"Dec 30 23:21

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