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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: December 31st, 2017 – January 6th, 2018

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schestowitz 31 00:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MhsinYyla_29_: @schestowitz @Reuters 👍You are honest man. Fucking american imperialism.Dec 31 00:39
schestowitz 31 00:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MrTumnusInfosec: @schestowitz @KAzarhoosh Confused: To Mastodon or not to Mastodon!!?Dec 31 00:54
schestowitzthe federation can be illiberal 31 00:54
-TechBytesBot/ | » Blog Archive » Mastodon is Actually a Lot Worse Than Twitter When it Comes to Free Speech. Avoid It.Dec 31 00:55
-TechBytesBot/ | » Blog Archive » Mastodon is Free Software, But It Does Not Respect Free Speech (Updated)Dec 31 00:55
-->pidgin_log (~roy@ has joined #techbytesDec 31 01:01
schestowitz 31 01:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PhillipLuttazi: @schestowitz @YalePrivacyLab I was being sarcastic. Trump recognizing Jerusalem, especially a Jerusalem without def… 31 01:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PhillipLuttazi: @schestowitz @YalePrivacyLab I was being sarcastic. Trump recognizing Jerusalem, especially a Jerusalem without def… 31 01:16
schestowitz"I was being sarcastic. Trump recognizing Jerusalem, especially a Jerusalem without defined borders, abrogated the long standing role of the U.S. as mediator. He simply pleased the GOPs largest donor whose wife was born in occupied (palestinian) Jerusalem."Dec 31 01:16
schestowitz 31 01:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fuolpit: @schestowitz @MrTumnusInfosec @KAzarhoosh what if you get kicked out of twitter? That's exactly the same thing, you… 31 01:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fuolpit: @schestowitz @MrTumnusInfosec @KAzarhoosh what if you get kicked out of twitter? That's exactly the same thing, you… 31 01:16
schestowitz"what if you get kicked out of twitter? That's exactly the same thing, you sign up on one instance, you agree to the rules, otherwise you go somewhere else or make your own"Dec 31 01:16
schestowitz 31 01:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fuolpit: @schestowitz @MrTumnusInfosec @KAzarhoosh *yourDec 31 01:16
-->liberty_box (~liberty@ has joined #techbytesDec 31 01:23
schestowitz 31 07:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MemKidDelux: @schestowitz @Snowden How few people with a brain realize events to this end; decently troubling to me.Dec 31 07:16
schestowitz 31 07:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MrTumnusInfosec: @fuolpit @schestowitz @KAzarhoosh That seems to make sense....after all,someone can always kick you out , just like… 31 07:16
schestowitz"That seems to make sense....after all,someone can always kick you out , just like in the real world , right?"Dec 31 07:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MrTumnusInfosec: @fuolpit @schestowitz @KAzarhoosh That seems to make sense....after all,someone can always kick you out , just like… 31 07:16
schestowitz 31 07:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fuolpit: @MrTumnusInfosec @schestowitz @KAzarhoosh yeahDec 31 07:17
schestowitz 31 07:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@QuakingJose: @schestowitz Excusinho happened to Man Utd. One win in 12?!Dec 31 07:18
schestowitz 31 07:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FreeThree333: @schestowitz @Snowden The only time you ever see this miserable crook smiling is when it's about murder.Dec 31 07:18
schestowitz 31 07:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ezsense: Murderous Nobel peace laureate boasted many times about his ability to kill (mostly innocent) people with drones 31 07:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @Snowden Obama brag, in new book: I’m ‘really good at killing people’ with drones 31 07:19
schestowitz""Dec 31 07:19
schestowitznagana Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Dec 31 07:19
schestowitzMurderous Nobel peace laureate boasted many times about his ability to kill (mostly innocent) people with dronesDec 31 07:19
schestowitz"Dec 31 07:19
schestowitz> Here's today's batch along with some general rights links.Dec 31 07:56
schestowitz>Dec 31 07:56
schestowitz> Not included are that small SJWs are going after the CCC now to stop itDec 31 07:56
schestowitz> from being a technical conference.  I won't send any of those links soDec 31 07:56
schestowitz> they don't benefit from the publicity.Dec 31 07:56
schestowitzBetter this way.Dec 31 07:56
schestowitz> There were a lot of audio problems this year at the CCC, perhaps due toDec 31 07:56
schestowitz> venue change and growth.  However, at least of the EnglishDec 31 07:56
schestowitz> presentations, there were quite a few very good ones, few duds:Dec 31 07:56
schestowitz>Dec 31 07:56
schestowitz> 31 07:56
schestowitz>Dec 31 07:56
-TechBytesBot/ | - 34C3: TUWATDec 31 07:56
schestowitz> Do you want any recommendations about talks to see?  Most are notDec 31 07:56
schestowitz> dependent on visual aids and can be listened to while away from theDec 31 07:56
schestowitz> computer.Dec 31 07:56
schestowitzI no longer do this because I rarely do housework anymore. I recently listened to Lunduke on Mozilla, but did that while doing computer work, which is distracting.Dec 31 07:56
schestowitz 31 08:06
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 31 08:06
schestowitz"That's factually incorrect. For starters, there are no elections in Russia, nor there have ever been. You can't mess up something that doesn't exist."Dec 31 08:06
schestowitz 31 08:06
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 31 08:06
schestowitz"This pretty much sums up the difference between right and left: right-wingers are upset about presence of censorship as such, while left-wingers only get upset when it's their views that get censored."Dec 31 08:06
schestowitz 31 08:06
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 31 08:06
schestowitz"It is more or less 100% political problem. You can use technical means to work around it, but the problem itself isn't solved by whatever technologies you can use."Dec 31 08:06
schestowitz 31 08:07
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 31 08:07
schestowitz"Are you prone to sleep talking or something?"Dec 31 08:07
schestowitz 31 08:07
schestowitz""Dec 31 08:07
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 31 08:08
schestowitzstopped reading when the author said most countries have laws against pirating, Total bs, most countries don't"Dec 31 08:08
schestowitz"If this is even remotely true people should be hung over this "Dec 31 08:08
schestowitz 31 08:09
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 31 08:09
schestowitz"Superlight and secure? hmmmm Debian Woody."Dec 31 08:09
schestowitz 31 08:09
schestowitz"Thank God for Vulkan. It's about time that we Linux folks get decent gaming opportunity."Dec 31 08:10
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 31 08:10
schestowitz 31 08:10
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 31 08:10
schestowitz"Google needs to be MOAB'ed!!"Dec 31 08:10
schestowitz 31 08:10
-TechBytesBot/ | GABDec 31 08:10
schestowitz"I don't really get what this means. Even magnet schools are jumping on to the anti-white Marxism train"Dec 31 08:10
schestowitz 31 08:15
-TechBytesBot/ Can #China Contain #Bitcoin ? "impossible for any one country to shut it down."Dec 31 08:15
schestowitz"Why is it all about Bitcoin? There are a number of equally credible (?) alternatives available."Dec 31 08:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Can China Contain Bitcoin? - MIT Technology ReviewDec 31 08:15
schestowitz"I’m sure plenty of others are good too, but even with all other things equal, Bitcoin has the largest userbase, has been around the longest, has had the most transactions, has created a notorious reputation, is backed by the biggest currency exchange & tangible goods marketplaces, has stood the longest test of time, and has only increased in purchasing power (someone once spent thousands of BTC on a single pizza, now 1 BTC will buy a fewDec 31 08:16
schestowitzounces of solid gold). Why not keep driving the Bitcoin spike into the heart of world governments and banks if it is the spike that hurts the most?'"Dec 31 08:16
schestowitz"I’ve heard that transaction costs have also skyrocketed."Dec 31 08:16
schestowitz"Dec 31 08:17
schestowitzI’ve heard that, too. And that transactions are taking a long time to complete. My very basic understanding is that the original Bitcoin system is slow due to the archaic but resilient network design coupled with the mass influx of speculators gumming up the tubes.Dec 31 08:17
schestowitzThis problem has resulted in some developers creating their own Bitcoin forks to address these problems (Bitcoin Cash, for example) but I don’t think developers are going to abandon the original Bitcoin project… they will want to work on fixing these problems and keep the currency competitive for the long term.Dec 31 08:17
schestowitz"Dec 31 08:17
schestowitz 31 08:18
-TechBytesBot/ Ditch android and iOS and give Ubuntu touch a try! #linux #ubuntutouch #mobileDec 31 08:18
schestowitz"Dec 31 08:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Can Ubuntu Touch replace your android or iOS phone? - YouTubeDec 31 08:18
schestowitzUbuntu touch is a great OS.Dec 31 08:18
schestowitzIf you are interested in a different OS, Ubuntu is the best choice.Dec 31 08:18
schestowitz"Dec 31 08:18
schestowitz"Ubuntu on desktop is good, but don’t forget there are many other good linux distros for desktop. I’ve been using Solus OS :D"Dec 31 08:18
schestowitz 31 08:18
-TechBytesBot/ "Chain migrant" #trump (grandpa, his two foreign wives etc.) is at it again 31 08:18
schestowitz"We do not want to count people who do not count as people."Dec 31 08:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Trump Justice Department Pushes for Citizenship Question… — ProPublicaDec 31 08:18
schestowitz"Wow"Dec 31 08:18
schestowitz"sarcasm."Dec 31 08:19
schestowitz"Wasn’t replying to you."Dec 31 08:19
schestowitzgood wow?Dec 31 08:19
schestowitz 31 08:20
-TechBytesBot/ My online dating profile only attracts ants BUT I WANTED AUNTS!!! #stanleythoughtsDec 31 08:20
schestowitz"Unlike some Republicans who wanted nieces and/or nephews to meet at the Mall.|""Dec 31 08:20
schestowitz"Dec 31 08:20
schestowitzI prefer, the hot new dating site for first cousinsDec 31 08:20
schestowitz 31 08:20
schestowitz"Dec 31 08:20
schestowitzlolDec 31 08:20
-TechBytesBot/ | THE LIBRARIAN - YouTubeDec 31 08:20
schestowitz 31 08:21
-TechBytesBot/ #NYTimes Trumpwashes 70 Years of US Crimes how common a pattern. And sickening...Dec 31 08:21
schestowitz"Trump is yet another cover for class warfare and the industrial/military complex. But Trump is completely new to this, and barely comprehends his part. Yeah, blame it all on Him."Dec 31 08:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | NYT Trumpwashes 70 Years of US Crimes | FAIRDec 31 08:21
schestowitz 31 08:21
-TechBytesBot/ "Students who engage in pro- #Palestine activism are often faced with incredible obstacles to their free expression" 31 08:21
schestowitz"yeah, whatever"Dec 31 08:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Pro-Palestinian Groups Are The Real Victims Of Campus CensorshipDec 31 08:21
schestowitzThat attitude contributes to everything that’s wrong with this world.""Dec 31 08:21
schestowitzNot to mention the commute…Dec 31 08:22
schestowitz"Not to mention the commute…"Dec 31 08:22
schestowitz"Sometimes I’ll get OT, but then the bog bosses come and cut everybody down to 40."Dec 31 08:22
schestowitzPlus shaving, dressing up smart etc. when you dpn't work from home like we doDec 31 08:22
schestowitz 31 08:23
-TechBytesBot/ I sell things I can trade, e.g. hardware. Money is still a man-made concept, whether bills or bitcoin 31 08:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: Time to sell your bitcoins? #34c3 31 08:23
schestowitz"Crass materialist apes."Dec 31 08:23
schestowitz"Isn’t any barter also abstract - involving the “value” of two distinct items?"Dec 31 08:24
schestowitztrue when I think/rethinkDec 31 08:24
schestowitz 31 08:27
-TechBytesBot/ He doesn't know it's impossible #caturdayDec 31 08:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | He doesn't know it's impossible - GIF on ImgurDec 31 08:27
schestowitz"#Spidercat ;)"Dec 31 08:27
schestowitz"“But I have claws, heheheheheh…”"Dec 31 08:27
schestowitz 31 08:31
-TechBytesBot/ @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊);} *Wrote this some few years back. Pasting it without even re-reading. My overall conclusion has yet to be contradicted by anything I've learned in the interim.* Okay, GLOBAL FUCKING WARMING.* All the hype. All the controversy. All the seriously concerned individuals on both sides of the debate -- and all the individuals for whom climate change is juDec 31 08:31
schestowitz"Dec 31 08:31
schestowitzWrote this some few years back. Pasting it without even re-reading. My overall conclusion has yet to be contradicted by anything I’ve learned in the interim.Dec 31 08:31
schestowitzOkay, GLOBAL FUCKING WARMING.* All the hype. All the controversy. All the seriously concerned individuals on both sides of the debate – and all the individuals for whom climate change is just a handy tool of propaganda to further their agendas.Dec 31 08:31
schestowitzMeh. Am I the only one who knows how to step back from an issue, see the forest for the trees, and apply a little common sense? Srsly?Dec 31 08:31
schestowitzSo, let’s start with #Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing because anyone can contribute. On the other hand, it’s a curse because… anyone can contribute.Dec 31 08:31
schestowitzBut, while I’m on the subject, let’s dispense with an erroneous line of thinking that I hear all the time. Surely you’ve heard it too: (sarcastically – you’ll be right with me if you imagine a retarded, inbred drawl, too) “Oh yah? Where’d ya hear that? Tha INTERNET?”Dec 31 08:31
schestowitzFFS…Dec 31 08:31
schestowitzAnyone dumb enough to utter that as rebuttal is also dumb enough to entirely overlook that all sources of information ultimately originate from a human mind. What, you think people can’t be incorrect or lie in books? Newspapers? Magazines? Television? To borrow a colloquialism I’ve always found especially apt for such occasions, “Nigga please.” (Again, you’ll be right with me if you imagined a melodramatic rolling of the eyes there.Dec 31 08:31
schestowitzFacepalm works, too.)Dec 31 08:31
schestowitzSo. Back to the subject at hand. Global warming, climate change, however you want to phrase it.Dec 31 08:31
schestowitzWikipedia’s article describes global warming caused by humans as an established fact before going on to discuss alternate viewpoints and the resultant controversy. What caught my attention, however, is the third sentence of the article:Dec 31 08:31
schestowitz“No scientific body of national or international standing disagrees with this view, though a few organizations hold non-committal positions.”Dec 31 08:31
schestowitzHmmm. Hmmmmmmm… (You’ll be right with me if you can picture me ostentatiously rubbing my chin.) "Of national or international standing Hmmmmmmm…Dec 31 08:31
schestowitzIn other words, those groups of scientists approved of by “the establishment.” I’ll get back to that in a minute.Dec 31 08:31
schestowitzNow, I’ve repeatedly heard this statistic that “31,000 scientists have signed a declaration to the effect that they have ascertained global warming to be a natural phenomena and not (or mostly not) attributable to human actions.” In looking for confirmation or denial of this statistic and for more information about these scientists and their statement, I found this. Some excerpts are (all emphasis mine):Dec 31 08:31
schestowitz“…cites thousands of peer-reviewed articles the United Nations-sponsored panel on climate change ignored…”Dec 31 08:31
schestowitz“NIPCC 'has no formal attachment to or sponsorship from any government or governmental agency” and is “wholly independent of political pressures and influences and therefore is not predisposed to produce politically motivated conclusions or policy recommendations.’”Dec 31 08:31
schestowitz(NIPCC stands for Non-governmental International Panel on Climate Change.)Dec 31 08:31
schestowitzNow, let’s put aside any pretense of being amateur climatologists and instead look at this from a common-sense understanding of human nature – with a nod to the “revelations” (well, revelations for some people) that have been coming hard and fast in recent years about all our “established” institutions. That includes what I know about the international political agenda. (What? If you’ve never read a UN or CFR whitepaper, you canDec 31 08:31
schestowitzsit down and shut up now. Thank you.)Dec 31 08:31
schestowitzReal simply:Dec 31 08:31
schestowitzThe established political entities of the world, under the umbrella of the United Nations – which cherry-picked the evidence – say that global warming is caused by humans, will culminate in ecological disaster, and that global regulations should override the sovereignty of every country in order to stop it.Dec 31 08:31
schestowitzThousands of independent scientists say that the current global warming trend is part of a natural cycle and is harmless.Dec 31 08:31
schestowitzHmmm… Hmmmmmmm…Dec 31 08:31
schestowitzIsn’t this one really a no-brainer? Well, it depends:Dec 31 08:32
schestowitzHow many established institutions does someone have to leak apalling documentation from before you realize that lying is as natural and reflexive to them as breathing is to us?Dec 31 08:32
schestowitzHow many examples of establishment fear-mongering to propagandize for an agenda do you need before you learn to recognize it?Dec 31 08:32
schestowitzHow many examples need to exist in the world around you of Nature’s absolute supremacy over human stupidity and of Nature’s amazing intrinsic propensity for balance, healing, and regeneration, before you get the message?Dec 31 08:32
schestowitzWith those fundamental conceptual truths in mind, it is ridiculously self-evident that the astronomically more probable truth is that we are being lied to… once again.Dec 31 08:32
schestowitz"Dec 31 08:32
schestowitz 31 08:32
-TechBytesBot/ On #radv "good time to look back and talk about just how far the driver has come in such a short time" #amd #linuxDec 31 08:32
schestowitz"Now how about ARM Mali? (Does Mali mean “bad”?)"Dec 31 08:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Some reflections on radv, the first open source Vulkan driver for AMD GPUs | GamingOnLinuxDec 31 08:32
schestowitz 31 08:32
-TechBytesBot/ Mobile 'phones', nowadays, are not phones They're repositories of contacts, data, photos etc. With lots of sensory things on them It has gotten so bad that the business model is now access to these repositories and sensors Access for sale 31 08:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | That Game on Your Phone May Be Tracking What You’re Watching on TV - The New York TimesDec 31 08:32
schestowitz"It’s funny, in a paranoiac sort of way, that we cannot trust our very own personal devices not to “inform” on us."Dec 31 08:32
schestowitzMaybe they're not truly oursDec 31 08:32
schestowitz 31 08:33
-TechBytesBot/ #LLVM #Clang Gets Support For Configuration Files #programmingDec 31 08:33
schestowitz"Clang - yet another attempt to end-run around the GPL."Dec 31 08:33
schestowitzSeems soDec 31 08:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | LLVM Clang Gets Support For Configuration Files - PhoronixDec 31 08:33
schestowitz 31 08:34
-TechBytesBot/ I'd love for someone to show #trump a blank map and ask him to point at #kashmir Might lead to another "Palin moment"Dec 31 08:34
schestowitz"Since the earth is flat, and since these are the tallest mountains… I’ll take a look and maybe I can see them!"Dec 31 08:34
schestowitz 31 08:35
schestowitz"Nice! I did this with my PS3 when reboot came out."Dec 31 08:35
-TechBytesBot/ #gnu #linux will probably 'dominate' #ps4 pretty soon and #sony will be hopping mad 31 08:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | PS4 Jailbreak possible with newly identified exploitDec 31 08:35
schestowitzLater Sony screwed us allDec 31 08:35
schestowitz 31 08:36
-TechBytesBot/ For for "impression of balance" (a term "professional" aka corporate 'journalists' like to use), positive on LF: 31 08:36
schestowitz"There was already the Free Software Foundation.Dec 31 08:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Call for Proposals Now Open for Open Networking Summit North America 2018 - The Linux FoundationDec 31 08:36
schestowitz"Dec 31 08:36
schestowitz 31 08:36
-TechBytesBot/ #Facebook Says It Is Deleting Accounts at the Direction of the U.S. and Israeli Governments 31 08:36
schestowitz"Whhhhhhaaaaat?"Dec 31 08:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Facebook Says It Is Deleting Accounts at the Direction of the U.S. and Israeli GovernmentsDec 31 08:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Pulitzer Winner Exposes Facebook's 'Censorship Rampage' at US & Israel's Behest - Sputnik InternationalDec 31 08:36
schestowitz 31 08:37
-TechBytesBot/ What society succumbed to: Playing with #emoji when people no longer express themselves using wordsDec 31 08:37
schestowitz"Words are for luddite schlubs."Dec 31 08:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Aubergine – Playing with emoji – Blog :: Sune VuorelaDec 31 08:37
schestowitz 31 08:37
-TechBytesBot/ " #WhatsApp did not have a legal basis to share user data under French law for “business intelligence” purposes" 31 08:37
schestowitz"keep his privacy is the same for everybody, no ?'Dec 31 08:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | France orders WhatsApp to stop sharing user data with Facebook without consent | Technology | The GuardianDec 31 08:37
schestowitz 31 08:38
-TechBytesBot/ Another Option for #EPO Whistleblowers #de #munich #theHague #vienna #berlin #epoLeaksDec 31 08:38
schestowitz"I see. But the way you wrote gave me the impression that Proton Mail is more secure, while actually the only advantage is that encryption is already set-up out of the box."Dec 31 08:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Another Option for EPO Whistleblowers | TechrightsDec 31 08:38
schestowitzYes, that is it. Senders might otherwise use gmailDec 31 08:38
schestowitz 31 08:39
schestowitz"To pre-empt any possibility of free individuals choosing to act as first responders to their manufactured crises. Free individuals allowed to come to the scene of their own volition may observe realities that contradict the official [dishonest] narrative; better for them if they can control the situation completely."Dec 31 08:39
-TechBytesBot/ All 50 states agree to use AT&T first responder network state-connected #surveillance giantDec 31 08:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | All 50 states agree to use AT&T first responder network | TheHillDec 31 08:39
<--oiaohm has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Dec 31 08:48
schestowitz 31 08:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@GraceColasurdo: @awhawth @schestowitz Too bad #45 doesn't stand with the American people.Dec 31 08:58
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesDec 31 10:13
schestowitz> I just realised that the last URL I gave you is mistaken: The list ofDec 31 10:14
schestowitz> the town councillors is to be found in:Dec 31 10:14
schestowitz> 31 10:14
schestowitz> and not the link I quoted. Sorry for that.Dec 31 10:14
schestowitz> RegardsDec 31 10:14
-TechBytesBot/ | Annuaires des élus | Ville de Saint-GermainDec 31 10:14
schestowitz"Dec 31 10:22
schestowitzI am preparing a forthcoming submission on the subject "diplomatic immunity in criminal law". A very hot subject applicable for next summer!Dec 31 10:22
schestowitzRoy, enjoy the last day of 2017. We'll "see" each other next year!Dec 31 10:22
schestowitz"Dec 31 10:22
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 31 11:19
-->schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesDec 31 11:20
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Dec 31 11:20
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 31 11:20
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Dozens of Companies Are Using Facebook to Exclude Older Workers From Job Ads</a></h5>Dec 31 13:20
schestowitz<blockquote>Dec 31 13:20
schestowitz <p>Among the companies we found doing it: Amazon, Verizon, UPS and Facebook itself. “It’s blatantly unlawful,” said one employment law expert.  </p>Dec 31 13:20
schestowitz</blockquote>Dec 31 13:20
-TechBytesBot/ | Dozens of Companies Are Using Facebook to Exclude Older… — ProPublicaDec 31 13:20
schestowitz</li>Dec 31 13:20
schestowitz 31 13:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kaddourkardio: @schestowitz the did this just to piss off #scientology !Dec 31 13:20
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">From jail near Patiala, a trail to Thai border, Rohingya arms route</a></h5>Dec 31 13:37
schestowitz# illegal squatters, insurgents, and violent militants - with a brand nameDec 31 13:37
schestowitz<blockquote>Dec 31 13:37
-TechBytesBot/ | From jail near Patiala, a trail to Thai border, Rohingya arms route | The Indian ExpressDec 31 13:37
schestowitz <p> Thailand’s intelligence services had begun noticing the use of Rohingya refugees by jihadists as early as 2007, claiming they were being used as mercenaries by Islamist insurgents operating in the country’s conflict-torn southern provinces.</p>Dec 31 13:37
schestowitz</blockquote>Dec 31 13:37
schestowitz</li>Dec 31 13:37
schestowitz 31 13:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@luismoran: Diversity fails: Turkey edition. #tcot #altright 31 13:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: In Turkey, Repression of the Kurdish Language Is Back, With No End in Sight #turkey #erdoganDec 31 13:37
schestowitz 31 13:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@akaSassinak: @schestowitz Behavioural Sink, more likely.Dec 31 13:38
schestowitzWrong from referee. Referee wins game.Dec 31 13:55
schestowitz 31 13:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ManCity: 90. SAVE | @edersonmoraes93 saves it! #cpfcvcity 🔴 0-0 🔵Dec 31 13:55
schestowitz 31 14:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @ManCity Could be worse though; could turn out to be a loss. Hopefully did not lose Jesus and DB for the rest of t… 31 14:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @ManCity Could be worse though; could turn out to be a loss. Hopefully did not lose Jesus and DB for the rest of t… 31 14:05
schestowitz 31 14:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @ManCity Crystal Palace played well. Gave it everything. Still 27 unbeaten games in a row, which is a record to aim for (Arsenal's).Dec 31 14:06
schestowitz 31 14:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@io_r_us: @schestowitz Look at what Holland achieved. Huge export for a small country. Vertical farming and vegetarianism,… 31 14:07
schestowitz"Dec 31 14:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@io_r_us: @schestowitz Look at what Holland achieved. Huge export for a small country. Vertical farming and vegetarianism,… 31 14:07
schestowitzLook at what Holland achieved. Huge export for a small country.Dec 31 14:07
schestowitzVertical farming and vegetarianism, mimimal meat consumption and we're good. No need for GMO, no need for chemical fertilizers.Dec 31 14:07
schestowitz"Dec 31 14:07
schestowitz 31 14:28
-TechBytesBot/ | GNUsocial.deDec 31 14:28
schestowitz"Yeah eventually there has to be someone to push the button somewhere in that food chain, it can't all be automation yet ;)"Dec 31 14:28
schestowitz 31 15:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HeatherLaLache: @schestowitz What's amazing is it still happens in the US, too, imo. 31 15:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Laws to End Child Marriage | Unchained At LastDec 31 15:03
schestowitzI didn't know the US too was lax/lenient on it...Dec 31 15:03
schestowitz 31 15:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HeatherLaLache: @schestowitz Probably less of an issue by percentage but, like most things, got to clean up your own house first.Dec 31 15:06
schestowitz 31 15:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HeatherLaLache: @schestowitz Similarly, it's done under the guise of (in this case, Christian sect) religious custom.Dec 31 15:07
schestowitz 31 15:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Providential: @schestowitz Semantics, my apologies. More than 300 a DAY? Trust that I am no advocate of ONE a day, I am merely questioning the data.Dec 31 15:08
schestowitz"Dec 31 15:08
schestowitzSemantics, my apologies.  More than 300 a DAY?  Trust that I am no advocate of ONE a day, I am merely questioning the data.Dec 31 15:08
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesDec 31 15:08
schestowitz"Dec 31 15:08
schestowitzDepends what what they measure and howDec 31 15:08
schestowitzIn the tram here I saw the same guy hitting on girls twice; nothing sexual about it, but still a nuisance to these ladiesDec 31 15:08
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 31 16:26
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**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Dec 31 17:00:59 2017
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Dec 31 17:01:27 2017
-->You are now talking on #techbytesDec 31 17:01
---Topic for #techbytes is Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastDec 31 17:01
---Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Dec 31 17:01
schestowitz=Dec 31 17:09
schestowitz 31 17:09
schestowitz# teaching disregard, disrespect, and contempt for natural resources as well as causing physical damageDec 31 17:09
-TechBytesBot/ | 6,300 Michigan forest roads will open to off-road vehiclesDec 31 17:09
schestowitz=Dec 31 17:11
schestowitz        " Either Snopes is remarkably lazy or they are actively misleading readers to serve an agenda. "Dec 31 17:11
schestowitz? 31 17:11
schestowitz 31 17:11
-TechBytesBot/ | Snopes Fails Readers on Muhammad's MisdeedsDec 31 17:11
-TechBytesBot/ | Anti-Muslim billboard owned by businessman with history of inflammatory rhetoricDec 31 17:11
schestowitz 31 17:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz Leopard has spots, news at 11Dec 31 17:13
schestowitz"Dec 31 17:25
schestowitz=Dec 31 17:25
schestowitz 31 17:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Google TranslateDec 31 17:25
schestowitz=Dec 31 17:25
schestowitz 31 17:25
schestowitz=Dec 31 17:25
schestowitz 31 17:25
schestowitz=Dec 31 17:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Google TranslateDec 31 17:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Google TranslateDec 31 17:25
schestowitz 31 17:25
schestowitz=Dec 31 17:25
schestowitz 31 17:25
schestowitz=Dec 31 17:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Google TranslateDec 31 17:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Google TranslateDec 31 17:25
schestowitz 31 17:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Google TranslateDec 31 17:25
schestowitz# contrast : 31 17:25
schestowitz=Dec 31 17:25
schestowitz 31 17:25
schestowitz"Dec 31 17:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Swedish Police Set to Take Over Pirate Bay Domains - TorrentFreakDec 31 17:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Google TranslateDec 31 17:25
schestowitzRe: To Doctor Ph. double Dee SchestowitzDec 31 17:32
schestowitz> You were right on. I simply edited 10 articles updated (temporarily) to 2018 and then checked back to the site to see if I eliminated the culprit. On the 11th try I was successful...the culprit was an an article about lobsters and their preparation, which is now residing in Drafts and will soon be deep-sixed back into the sea with their cousin lobsters.Dec 31 17:32
schestowitz>Dec 31 17:33
schestowitz> I was beginning to have doubts but I persisted because I have had the same problem in the past and it was usually due to an oversized article, but this time it was not the size, it was something else that corrupted the site. Who cares why? It's fixed and I am a happy blogger again.Dec 31 17:33
schestowitz>Dec 31 17:33
schestowitz> Please, during next week, may I see stats for 2017?Dec 31 17:33
schestowitzAha, let me check now...Dec 31 17:33
schestowitz(while I'm still not bury under work... yet :-) )Dec 31 17:33
schestowitzOh, cool. the numbers are all up, see attachment.Dec 31 17:33
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 31 17:36
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 31 17:46
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesDec 31 17:47
schestowitz 31 17:53
schestowitz"Dec 31 17:53
schestowitz No comments from women. Why not? Are the men not letting them have their say, or are they busy working behind the scenes discriminating against men in the profession to increase numbers?Dec 31 17:53
schestowitzWrite a disgraceful blog and then blof off instead of responding to the comments. Female bravery at its best?Dec 31 17:53
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Females and felines in intellectual property lawDec 31 17:53
schestowitz"Dec 31 17:53
schestowitz 31 18:00
-TechBytesBot/ 51 girls rescued from Uttar Pradesh's Shahadatganj madrasa, manager arrested on sexual assault charges #indiaDec 31 18:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | 51 girls rescued from Uttar Pradesh's Shahadatganj madrasa, manager arrested on sexual assault chargesDec 31 18:00
schestowitz 31 18:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: 51 girls rescued from Uttar Pradesh's Shahadatganj madrasa, manager arrested on sexual assault charges #indiaDec 31 18:00
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Dec 31 19:35
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesDec 31 19:46
schestowitz 31 20:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kayesem: @schestowitz A very Happy New Year to you!Dec 31 20:06
schestowitz 31 20:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@royhanley1: @schestowitz @jeremycorbyn lovely. What are you a Doctor of? Talking bollocks and stereotyping?Dec 31 20:11
schestowitz"Dec 31 20:13
schestowitzDear Mr Kongstad, dear members of the Administrative Council, dear MrDec 31 20:13
schestowitzBattistelli,Dec 31 20:13
schestowitzEnclosed you will find a letter of the Central Executive Committee ofDec 31 20:13
schestowitzSUEPO informing you of the current unrest in the Office and theDec 31 20:13
schestowitzoutcome of the ballot on industrial actions.Dec 31 20:13
schestowitzYours sincerely,Dec 31 20:13
schestowitzSecretariatDec 31 20:13
schestowitzSUEPO Central Executive CommitteeDec 31 20:13
schestowitz"Dec 31 20:13
schestowitz 31 20:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@xoobi84: @schestowitz Failed attempt...Dec 31 20:27
schestowitz 31 20:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jedichaz: There is a crude logic to it: the smaller, the easier to control, right? 31 20:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "Taking back control" We become smaller #brexit #ireland #uk #euDec 31 20:27
schestowitz 31 20:28
schestowitz 31 20:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@minijew: @schestowitz Happy new year enjoy 🥂🎊🎉🍾Dec 31 20:34
schestowitz3.5 more hours, thanks ;-) how much for you?Dec 31 20:35
<--MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 31 20:36
-->MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techbytesDec 31 20:38
schestowitz 31 20:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@minijew: @schestowitz 3.30 hours let’s hope the rain stops for-you it’s raining here also 🙄 let’s hope it will be amazing for you 👍Dec 31 20:42
schestowitz"Dec 31 20:42
schestowitz3.30 hours let’s hope the rain stops for-you it’s raining here also  let’s hope it will be amazing for youDec 31 20:42
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesDec 31 20:42
schestowitz"Dec 31 20:42
schestowitz 31 20:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MaryPoff10: @brackin @JDsMindcrime @schestowitz, thanks for recent engagements in the last week, happy to have you in my commun… 31 20:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MaryPoff10: @brackin @JDsMindcrime @schestowitz, thanks for recent engagements in the last week, happy to have you in my commun… 31 20:48
schestowitz"engagements in the last week, happy to have you in my community as my top recently engaged followers :) -  Grow your followers with"Dec 31 20:48
-TechBytesBot/ | Twitter Community Management Dashboard | Twitter Marketing ToolDec 31 20:48
schestowitz 31 20:57
schestowitz"The polygraph, when used as a lie detector, is a scam. It's the longest running con game in the history of the world. It's a sad commentary on the intelligence – or lack thereof - exhibited by our Congress and Senate and the heads of the gov't agencies who employ these con men."Dec 31 20:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DougWilliams_PG: @schestowitz The polygraph, when used as a lie detector, is a scam. It's the longest running con game in the histor… 31 20:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DougWilliams_PG: @schestowitz The polygraph, when used as a lie detector, is a scam. It's the longest running con game in the histor… 31 20:57
schestowitz 31 20:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Providential: @schestowitz Yes, that's my point. They might. But is it? This issue has become ridiculously dangerous.Dec 31 20:58
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Dec 31 22:35
schestowitz"Dec 31 23:21
schestowitzWASTING GOOD BRAINSDec 31 23:21
schestowitz- and EPO investmentsDec 31 23:21
schestowitzIn the past, EuroContractors who did a good job could count upon becoming taken over asDec 31 23:21
schestowitzpermanent staff sooner or later. Whereas SUEPO objected to the use of contract staff on for whatDec 31 23:21
schestowitzwas mostly permanent work, thereby essentially extending the probation period from 6 months toDec 31 23:21
schestowitzseveral years, in the end things usually worked out both for the EPO and for staff. This is no longerDec 31 23:21
schestowitzthe case. Last year about a dozen EuroContractors saw their contracts discontinued. The lastDec 31 23:21
schestowitzsurvivors, mostly in Patent Administration but also in DGs 0, 4 and 5 are to be thrown out in theDec 31 23:21
schestowitzcoming months.Dec 31 23:21
schestowitzSUEPO-Dec 31 23:21
schestowitz-Dec 31 23:21
schestowitz-Dec 31 23:21
schestowitz-Dec 31 23:22
schestowitzconsiders this WRONG, for the following reasons:Dec 31 23:22
schestowitzThe statistical basis for the discontinuation of the contracts is all but clear. We have tried for aDec 31 23:22
schestowitzlong time to get to the bottom of benefit calculations, but PD 2.1 denies meaningful access forDec 31 23:22
schestowitzfear of their use in internal appeals procedures. If they were bullet-proof, he needn’t fear.Dec 31 23:22
schestowitzWhat we do have, though, are notes indicating that line managers and staff are finding itDec 31 23:22
schestowitzincreasingly difficult to deal with the workload. There is no slack in the system, and that isDec 31 23:22
schestowitzbefore releasing EuroContractors! They do permanent work and are NEEDED where they are.Dec 31 23:22
schestowitzIn the case of DG5 contractors we also fear a negative impact on our already bogged-upDec 31 23:22
schestowitzappeals system if experienced staff is discontinued, only to be replaced by new contractors.Dec 31 23:22
schestowitzMany of the EuroContractors are excellent, highly qualified staff, in the case of staff in PatentDec 31 23:22
schestowitzAdministration often hired away from attorneys’ offices. The EuroContractors are young staff.Dec 31 23:22
schestowitzNon-recruitment and discontinuation of our youngest staff will have a negative impact on theDec 31 23:22
schestowitzEPO's age pyramid.Dec 31 23:22
schestowitzThe EPO invested in the competence and skills of these EuroContractors, which will almostDec 31 23:22
schestowitzcertainly be required at some later stage. Throwing these colleagues out now is wasting EPODec 31 23:22
schestowitzinvestments. EuroContractors are (illegally) excluded from internal recruitment. They do not build upDec 31 23:22
schestowitzpension rights, unless taken over by the Office as permanent staff. Since they did not contribute toDec 31 23:22
schestowitzany national social security system during their time at the Office, they do not receive anyDec 31 23:22
schestowitzunemployment benefits. The EuroContractors, and in case of single earners also their families, loseDec 31 23:22
schestowitztheir health insurance at the end of their contract. In particular at a time of economic crises thisDec 31 23:22
schestowitzleads to personal dramas. With a 89 million positive operating result last year and an expected 120Dec 31 23:22
schestowitzmillion positive result this year the EPO can afford converting these EuroContracts into permanentDec 31 23:22
schestowitzemployment contracts, safeguarding a quality approach to work in Patent Administration and theDec 31 23:22
schestowitzInternal Appeals Committee.Dec 31 23:22
schestowitzThe EPO can easily afford keeping the EuroContractors, so why not do the ethical thing?Dec 31 23:22
schestowitzCentral Executive Committee of SUEPODec 31 23:22
schestowitz'Dec 31 23:22
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesJan 01 00:21
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<--oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 01 09:42
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesJan 01 09:43
schestowitz[PRIVATE STUFF]Jan 01 09:59
schestowitzInteresting idea. I wouldn't dare contact him, but hey, I ain't Roy. ;-)Jan 01 09:59
schestowitzI wasn't acquainted with the guy, merely chatted with him at officialJan 01 09:59
schestowitzfunctions such as new year's greetings. It's been 13 years, but I kindJan 01 09:59
schestowitzof remember him as shy or not quite in his place. He sure made aJan 01 09:59
schestowitzdifferent impression than his wheeling and dealing predecessor xxxJan 01 09:59
schestowitzxxxx.Jan 01 09:59
schestowitzIf I Google him I see he leaves plenty of footprints.Jan 01 09:59
schestowitzIt looks like he's running a specialised headhunting firm near Paris.Jan 01 09:59
schestowitzThe e-mail address is visible right on the Google results, see screenJan 01 09:59
schestowitzcapture. (Don't publish that image, it shows "googlexxxx")Jan 01 09:59
schestowitz 01 10:00
schestowitzThat's the guy I knew on the picture .Jan 01 10:00
-TechBytesBot/ | Antal International - Executive Recruitment | AntalJan 01 10:00
schestowitz 01 10:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @schestowitz @glynmoody @FOSSpatents I heard the money goes into the Ministry of Justice, and if that's the case, t… 01 10:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @schestowitz @glynmoody @FOSSpatents I heard the money goes into the Ministry of Justice, and if that's the case, t… 01 10:22
schestowitz"Jan 01 10:22
schestowitzI heard the money goes into the Ministry of Justice, and if that's the case, they also decide on UPC, so there might be a serious conflict of interest there. During the swpat directive, competence was transferred from the ministry of economics to the ministry of justice.Jan 01 10:22
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 01 10:22
schestowitz"Jan 01 10:22
schestowitz"I copied a little while back several pages of a 1990s law treatise [in English] dealing precisely with the issue of impunity/immunity in international organisations."Jan 01 12:12
schestowitz"There is at least one chapter specifically dealing with the EPO. If I can find the scans, I'll send them to you. [I can't just go back to the library, as it is located in Germany, and I don't travel that much]. I think this material would be more appropriate as ammunition for your counsel than for a TechRights post."Jan 01 12:14
schestowitz" I noticed you disappeared from my timeline. but there is also a glitch that causes random unfollows of people you've followed so assumed it was thatI think admins *should* have been more transparent but agree with paul this could happen on any network you don't admin yourself; also "lazy" folk doing admin/mod work who see a user with a Jewish family name (and Chinese characters) from Manchester who knows an "unusual" amount about SE AsiaJan 01 14:29
schestowitzmay assume you are a bot! 1/2"Jan 01 14:29
schestowitz 01 14:29
-TechBytesBot/ | GNUsocial.deJan 01 14:29
schestowitz 01 14:30
-TechBytesBot/ | GNUsocial.deJan 01 14:30
schestowitz" the worst part of these incidents (on both birbsite and here) is there *are* so many bad actors/fake stuff around; so someone who is genuine but passionate about their views and also has an "unusually multicultural" family background (which from your blog is legit) is just mistrusted! I've seen a lot of folk criticise organised religion on here (including Islam) and *not* get trouble. I still consider myself Christian but accept why peopleJan 01 14:30
schestowitzdo not believe any more.. 2/2"Jan 01 14:30
schestowitzIn this particular case the mod/admin knew I was a real person; he just didn't like the amount I was postingJan 01 14:30
schestowitz 01 16:00
-TechBytesBot/ | GNUsocial.deJan 01 16:00
schestowitz"Jan 01 16:00
schestowitzthat's why I advice everyone who has a need for that to use #hubzilla. Your connections are stored as keypares that create a #nomadicidentity.Jan 01 16:00
schestowitzWith that you can travel around the servers and don't loose your connections. ...unforunalty only hubzilla has that implemented. Means you you would still loose the contacts from other plattforms.Jan 01 16:00
schestowitzBut it's a start.Jan 01 16:00
schestowitz"Jan 01 16:00
schestowitz 01 16:00
-TechBytesBot/ | GNUsocial.deJan 01 16:00
schestowitz" Well that amount is indeed an issue. It will also be on this instance an issue. Why not limit yourself to post max. once in 10 min. time (excl. replies)? That will have more impact."Jan 01 16:00
schestowitzThis was never my style. And people whose chose to follow/subscribe had no problem with it; they knew what they were gettingJan 01 16:01
schestowitz This was never my style. And people who chose to follow/subscribe had no problem with it; they knew what they were gettingJan 01 16:01
schestowitz 01 16:08
-TechBytesBot/ | GNUsocial.deJan 01 16:08
schestowitz"Jan 01 16:08
schestowitzbut you didn't made your posts for follower only, as I remember correct.Jan 01 16:09
schestowitzby that you have been posting into the local and federated timeline of others. I followed you, told you at one point that I like your posts, but not the amount, and then I unfollwed after it didn't changed.Jan 01 16:09
schestowitz"Jan 01 16:09
schestowitzThere are more people who prefer high volume (compared to those who complain), the followers base evolved around that assumptionJan 01 16:09
schestowitz 01 16:14
-TechBytesBot/ | GNUsocial.deJan 01 16:14
schestowitz"But you have to understand that on Mastodon, GNU social, etc. we have public timelines. Your posts are overwhelmingly present on those timelines (especially local ones)."Jan 01 16:14
schestowitzThey already shadowbanned me from thatJan 01 16:14
schestowitz 01 16:18
-TechBytesBot/ | GNUsocial.deJan 01 16:18
schestowitz"Jan 01 16:18
schestowitzwhen ppl don't complain, it doesn't mean that they don't dislike it. If there is an issue with something, I believe this should never be the argumentJan 01 16:18
schestowitz'the majority prefers so'....with this mindset you easly miss the needs of minorities.And in the end it's proofen to have worked out bad for you and others, as you've got kicked. (I do not know the exact reason, just seeing the result)Jan 01 16:18
schestowitz"Jan 01 16:18
schestowitz>> On no, the person behind #Consortiumnews just had a strokeJan 01 17:11
schestowitz>> it's aJan 01 17:11
schestowitz>> decent news site.Jan 01 17:11
schestowitz> Bit of trivia.  A friend who was a reputable brain surgeon mentioned oneJan 01 17:11
schestowitz> time that certain chemicals have a 100% chance of causing strokes, afterJan 01 17:11
-TechBytesBot/ | An Apology and Explanation – ConsortiumnewsJan 01 17:11
schestowitz> a delay, if one is exposed.  The uncertainty was only which part of theJan 01 17:11
schestowitz> brain was affected.  He had also trained in acupuncture for a while andJan 01 17:11
schestowitz> mentioned being able to induce / suppress cardiac arrhythmias from twoJan 01 17:11
schestowitz> or three needles.  I did not get to learn which points where involvedJan 01 17:11
schestowitz> because of an interruption.  One of the Chinese herbs banned from hisJan 01 17:11
schestowitz> wife's practice caused bladder cancer in 100% of cases.  I don't knowJan 01 17:11
schestowitz> the case nowadays, but 20+ years ago the herb was still used frequentlyJan 01 17:11
schestowitz> on Mainland China as part of traditional medicine.Jan 01 17:11
schestowitz>Jan 01 17:12
schestowitz> tldr; people remain alive because of accumulated luckJan 01 17:12
schestowitzYou might already know this, but Assange gets his foods through friend he trusts and they buy the food at random places, stochastically.Jan 01 17:12
schestowitzCrisis? What crisis?Jan 01 17:15
schestowitz> FYI see attached documentJan 01 17:15
schestowitzThanks, has anything been sent to  ProtonMail yet?Jan 01 17:15
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">The IQ level drops among Norwegians and Danes</a></h5>Jan 01 18:44
schestowitz# dare the commonality be mentioned ...Jan 01 18:44
-TechBytesBot/ | The IQ level drops among Norwegians and Danes | Leakedreality.comJan 01 18:45
schestowitz 01 18:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KrapulaPhD: God bless the day we’ll get at the bottom of this. 01 18:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @KrapulaPhD I am still learning... 01 18:49
schestowitz"Jan 01 20:39
schestowitz3. Re-establishing conformity with International LawJan 01 20:39
schestowitzThe President also declared a desire to solve the question of having put the burden of theJan 01 20:39
schestowitztax adjustment on the EPO in an illegal manner at the initiative of Germany. Contrary to theJan 01 20:39
schestowitzprinciples of international law according to which Member States of an internationalJan 01 20:39
schestowitzorganisation should be treated equally, Germany is the country which financially benefits3most. Since the Member States refuse to pay back the tax adjustment any longer, theJan 01 20:39
schestowitzPresident wishes to introduce an internal tax on EPO pensions that will be recognised byJan 01 20:39
schestowitzthe Member States, in line with what is done for all the EU institutions.Jan 01 20:39
schestowitzThe Central Staff Committee shares these three goals with the President. However, theseJan 01 20:39
schestowitz2Jan 01 20:39
schestowitz"Jan 01 20:39
schestowitz 01 21:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RachellePavlova: @schestowitz @Snowden The "coerce to suicide" letter they sent to MLK Jr ( calling him a fraud & beast) is a tactic… 01 21:06
schestowitz"The "coerce to suicide" letter they sent to MLK Jr ( calling him a fraud & beast) is a tactic they continue to use. Cointelpro is alive."Jan 01 21:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RachellePavlova: @schestowitz @Snowden The "coerce to suicide" letter they sent to MLK Jr ( calling him a fraud & beast) is a tactic… 01 21:06
schestowitz 01 21:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dr_rita39: @schestowitz What's your view on Haven?Jan 01 21:06
schestowitzinfringing innocent people's privacy in the name of privacyJan 01 21:07
schestowitz 01 21:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dr_rita39: @schestowitz That is what my first instinct was. Glad you feel the same way as you're more knowledgeable in these m… 01 21:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dr_rita39: @schestowitz That is what my first instinct was. Glad you feel the same way as you're more knowledgeable in these m… 01 21:12
schestowitz"That is what my first instinct was. Glad you feel the same way as you're more knowledgeable in these matters. Julian didn't say anything on it."Jan 01 21:12
schestowitz 01 21:43
schestowitz"Jan 01 21:43
-TechBytesBot/ | My New Year’s Wishes for the EPO (in Russian) - Kluwer Patent BlogJan 01 21:43
schestowitzFuture will tell what the current tenant of the 10th floor is up to. I have no own independent information about this, but the only thing I know is that I would be deeply disappointed and even shocked if the Macron government allowed this to happen. In any case, Article 14 of the UPC Statute will have to be observed:Jan 01 21:43
schestowitz(1) The President of the Court of First Instance shall be elected by all judges of the Court of First Instance who are full-time judges, for a term of three years, from among their number. The President of the Court of First Instance may be re-elected twice.Jan 01 21:43
schestowitz(2) The first President of the Court of First Instance shall be a national of the Contracting Member State hosting the seat of the central division.Jan 01 21:43
schestowitzI take from (1) that the President of the UPC’s CFI must be a full-time judge. If you are right and Mr. Battistelli has “absolutely no qualification as a judge”, then this should exclude him from this post.Jan 01 21:43
schestowitz"Jan 01 21:43
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 01 22:08
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesJan 01 22:08
schestowitz 01 22:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Credico2016: @schestowitz @kpfa @JulianAssange @WLTaskForce @SamAdamsAward @AnonScan @FlashpointsNews @WBAINews @JohnKiriakou Oops...haste makes wasteJan 01 22:29
schestowitztwitter could use an edit option; instead it double chars (nobody asked for that)Jan 01 22:29
schestowitztwitter could use an edit option; instead it doubled # of chars (nobody asked for that)Jan 01 22:29
schestowitz 01 22:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Metztli_IT: @thehill @schestowitz Seems like #Syria redux, i.e., #USA troops to provide cover for #Brzezinski-fathered, #Israel… 01 22:29
schestowitz"Seems like #Syria redux, i.e., #USA troops to provide cover for #Brzezinski-fathered, #Israel/#Saudi/#Qatar-support/financed #terrorists air-lifted from Syria by unmarked helicopters & dumped into #Afghanistan—to cross into #Iran during this 'revolution'"Jan 01 22:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Metztli_IT: @thehill @schestowitz Seems like #Syria redux, i.e., #USA troops to provide cover for #Brzezinski-fathered, #Israel… 01 22:29
schestowitz 01 23:10
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @schestowitz @Snowden Government just ignored it.Jan 01 23:10
schestowitzNot exactly. They're now apprehensive about him coming in...Jan 01 23:10
schestowitz 01 23:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kaddourkardio: @schestowitz GNU/Linux desktops dont have to look like MacOS or Vista 10 to be beautiful and ergonomicJan 01 23:11
schestowitz 01 23:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Camilian1Sabel: @schestowitz @Snowden @Google @tedlieu @RonWyden @justinamash @RandPaul We will not import Islamists!Jan 01 23:41
schestowitzmany are atheists (closeted)Jan 01 23:41
schestowitz 02 00:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz Our perennial reminder that the Establishment in UK and US had a huge fascist component before, during and after WWIIJan 02 00:14
schestowitz 02 00:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz people like to cite that, but it was far more than just the Queen. it's a pity that this ugly part has… 02 00:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz people like to cite that, but it was far more than just the Queen. it's a pity that this ugly part has… 02 00:14
schestowitz"Jan 02 00:14
schestowitzpeople like to cite that, but it was far more than just the Queen. it's a pity that this ugly part has been suppressed and largely supplanted by the hollywood myth of WWIIJan 02 00:14
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 02 00:14
schestowitz"Jan 02 00:14
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesJan 02 00:59
schestowitz 02 01:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lucas_bullivant: @schestowitz @democracynow I admit that I do that to a point, but I do it for sound, and moral, reasons. It tends t… 02 01:13
schestowitz"I admit that I do that to a point, but I do it for sound, and moral, reasons. It tends to move as a unit in our political system. In a parliamentary system, I would probably treat the opposition differently."Jan 02 01:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lucas_bullivant: @schestowitz @democracynow I admit that I do that to a point, but I do it for sound, and moral, reasons. It tends t… 02 01:13
schestowitz 02 01:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@falazar: @schestowitz Share: #Casey calls for #Trump to #resign amid sexual assault allegations |… 02 01:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Central PA Local News, Breaking News, Sports & Weather - PennLive.comJan 02 01:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@falazar: @schestowitz Share: #Casey calls for #Trump to #resign amid sexual assault allegations |… 02 01:14
schestowitz"Share: #Casey calls for #Trump to #resign amid sexual assault allegations |   #SmartNews … …"Jan 02 01:14
-TechBytesBot/ | Casey calls for Trump to resign amid sexual assault allegations | PennLive.comJan 02 01:14
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 02 02:16
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<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Jan 02 04:14
schestowitz 02 07:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz @Snowden @Google @tedlieu @RonWyden @justinamash @RandPaul & even hillary has made her signature cynic… 02 07:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz @Snowden @Google @tedlieu @RonWyden @justinamash @RandPaul & even hillary has made her signature cynic… 02 07:28
schestowitz 02 07:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@emilia_suze: @schestowitz @wikileaks this comes from the era of a reprehensible Obama, the supporter of Islamic dictatorships an… 02 07:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@emilia_suze: @schestowitz @wikileaks this comes from the era of a reprehensible Obama, the supporter of Islamic dictatorships an… 02 07:28
schestowitz"this comes from the era of a reprehensible Obama, the supporter of Islamic dictatorships and terror groups like Hamas-"Jan 02 07:28
schestowitz 02 07:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FreeThree333: @schestowitz @wikileaks This is the only time I've ever seen that woman truly happy. Sick.Jan 02 07:28
schestowitz 02 07:29
schestowitz"Geeze. This was 2 guys bragging caught on tape in a private conversation of what some women would  LET him do."Jan 02 07:29
schestowitz 02 07:29
schestowitz"Jan 02 07:29
schestowitzGeeze. This was 2 guys bragging caught on tape in a private conversation of what some women would  LET him do.Jan 02 07:29
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 02 07:29
schestowitz"Jan 02 07:29
schestowitz 02 07:29
schestowitz"It's truth and it's repetition should be celebrated, why are you so insular that you can't comprehend that? Hillary Clinton is a war criminal, like Bush. Partisan nonsense has no place in this discussion, stop that cartoonish view of reality and accept that this is fair reporting"Jan 02 07:29
schestowitz 02 07:29
schestowitz"It's truth and its repetition should be celebrated. You suffer from insularity. Exposing "liberal" US media for being pro war is a key requirement for progress. Hillary Clinton is a war criminal, like Bush. Why do you even bring partisanship?Jan 02 07:29
schestowitz 02 07:29
schestowitz"What are "far right" goals next to establishment pro war practices? the former has never achieved anything for decades, the latter has devastated an entire region of the planet for decades. You have very pathetic priorities."Jan 02 07:29
schestowitz 02 07:29
schestowitz"Your logic is also borderline racist: caring for brown people from abroad will never be as important as your personal fear of the "far right", which has no power whatsoever. You need to travel more and see what the establishment has done to the world."Jan 02 07:29
schestowitz 02 07:30
schestowitz""Far right" is a non existent term in the countries devastated by US foreign policy. "Hillary Clinton" and neoliberal war crimes surely are. Your priorities are a perfect manifestation of the echo chamber you live in."Jan 02 07:30
schestowitz 02 07:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RagazzaSirena: @schestowitz @nscrowba @democracynow Geeze. This was 2 guys bragging caught on tape in a private conversation of wh… 02 07:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RagazzaSirena: @schestowitz @nscrowba @democracynow Geeze. This was 2 guys bragging caught on tape in a private conversation of wh… 02 07:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RagazzaSirena: @schestowitz @democracynow Geeze. This was 2 guys bragging caught on tape in a private conversation of what some women would LET him do.Jan 02 07:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-No status found with that ID.Jan 02 07:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@max_rontgen: @schestowitz @wikileaks @ScottShaneNYT It's truth and its repetition should be celebrated. You suffer from insulari… 02 07:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@max_rontgen: @schestowitz @wikileaks @ScottShaneNYT It's truth and its repetition should be celebrated. You suffer from insulari… 02 07:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@max_rontgen: @schestowitz @wikileaks @ScottShaneNYT What are "far right" goals next to establishment pro war practices? the form… 02 07:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@max_rontgen: @schestowitz @wikileaks @ScottShaneNYT What are "far right" goals next to establishment pro war practices? the form… 02 07:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@max_rontgen: @schestowitz @wikileaks @ScottShaneNYT Your logic is also borderline racist: caring for brown people from abroad wi… 02 07:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@max_rontgen: @schestowitz @wikileaks @ScottShaneNYT Your logic is also borderline racist: caring for brown people from abroad wi… 02 07:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@max_rontgen: @schestowitz @wikileaks @ScottShaneNYT "Far right" is a non existent term in the countries devastated by US foreign… 02 07:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@max_rontgen: @schestowitz @wikileaks @ScottShaneNYT "Far right" is a non existent term in the countries devastated by US foreign… 02 07:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Catloia: @francis19841086 @schestowitz @SenWarren 💩Jan 02 07:31
schestowitz> incidentally, when i chose the name fig, i was not aware of fig forth orJan 02 07:39
schestowitz> fig vis a vis docker (which was abandoned for docker compose anyway,Jan 02 07:39
schestowitz> just about the time i started working on fig.) fig was originally calledJan 02 07:39
schestowitz> "fig basic."Jan 02 07:39
schestowitz>Jan 02 07:39
schestowitz> i thought this was interesting wording about docker-- and since i dontJan 02 07:39
schestowitz> follow containers much, i wasnt aware that all this was going on. youreJan 02 07:39
schestowitz> an incredible news source, even if youre mostly aggregating, youreJan 02 07:39
schestowitz> amazing at it.Jan 02 07:39
schestowitz>Jan 02 07:39
schestowitz> "It is said that, 'Great civilizations are not murdered. They commitJan 02 07:39
schestowitz> suicide.' Docker has done just that."Jan 02 07:39
schestowitz>Jan 02 07:39
schestowitz>Jan 02 07:39
schestowitz> ow. that really stings, when docker was the last big thing that ianJan 02 07:39
schestowitz> murdock was doing before he died.Jan 02 07:39
schestowitz>Jan 02 07:39
schestowitz> its 2018 and he died in 2015 i believe, so im not jumping on drawing aJan 02 07:39
schestowitz> parallel to steve jobs here. i was not under the impression that murdockJan 02 07:39
schestowitz> was somehow carrying docker, just on board.Jan 02 07:39
schestowitz>Jan 02 07:39
schestowitz> still, ow.Jan 02 07:39
schestowitz>Jan 02 07:39
schestowitz> cheers.Jan 02 07:39
schestowitz>Jan 02 07:39
schestowitzI was thinking about his role too when I read this....Jan 02 07:39
schestowitz 02 07:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz @Snowden @Google @tedlieu @RonWyden @justinamash @RandPaul & even hillary has made her signature cynic… 02 07:40
schestowitz"& even hillary has made her signature cynical, hypocritical token tweet about it"Jan 02 07:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz @Snowden @Google @tedlieu @RonWyden @justinamash @RandPaul & even hillary has made her signature cynic… 02 07:40
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 02 09:14
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytesJan 02 09:26
schestowitz> Hi, Roy,Jan 02 09:40
schestowitz>Jan 02 09:40
schestowitz> News is still quite sparse.Jan 02 09:40
schestowitzyup, same hereJan 02 09:40
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Germany starts enforcing hate speech law</a></h5>Jan 02 09:42
schestowitz# with an exception allowing islam : 02 09:42
-TechBytesBot/ | Germany starts enforcing hate speech law - BBC NewsJan 02 09:42
-TechBytesBot/ | German AfD MP under fire for anti-Muslim new year tweets - BBC NewsJan 02 09:42
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jan 02 09:43
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schestowitz 02 18:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@PhillipLuttazi: @schestowitz Good. Now will he just disappear?Jan 02 18:11
<--oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 02 19:21
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesJan 02 19:22
schestowitz 02 19:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@binarybits: @schestowitz @arstechnica Yeah, I am sad that the Bitcoin world has become so polarized. I liked it better in the e… 02 19:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@binarybits: @schestowitz @arstechnica Yeah, I am sad that the Bitcoin world has become so polarized. I liked it better in the e… 02 19:48
schestowitz"Yeah, I am sad that the Bitcoin world has become so polarized. I liked it better in the early days when everyone in the Bitcoin world was just excited about bitcoin and focused on solving problems."Jan 02 19:48
schestowitz 02 20:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: "One reason for UC Browser’s success is its tiny app size and portal-like approach to showing news" #alibaba #china 02 20:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: A Browser You’ve Never Heard of Is Dethroning Google in Asia #chinaRising @glynmoodyJan 02 20:19
schestowitz"Jan 02 20:19
schestowitzGlyn Moody Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Jan 02 20:19
schestowitz"One reason for UC Browser’s success is its tiny app size and portal-like approach to showing news" #alibaba #chinaJan 02 20:19
schestowitz"Jan 02 20:19
schestowitz 02 20:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @schestowitz The source seems to come from insurance rules and owners of the place. Probably from people that never… 02 20:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @schestowitz The source seems to come from insurance rules and owners of the place. Probably from people that never… 02 20:19
schestowitz"The source seems to come from insurance rules and owners of the place. Probably from people that never soldered electronics before."Jan 02 20:19
schestowitzI did as a kidJan 02 20:19
schestowitz 02 20:27
-TechBytesBot/ | GNUsocial.deJan 02 20:27
schestowitz" I saw (and even briefly used) UC browser on a windows mobile phone a few years ago. It wasn't that bad from what I remember. Apparently it could do adblocking but I never trusted mobile browsing that much and now when I (rarely) use it I use firefox with ublock origin.."Jan 02 20:27
schestowitz 02 20:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@COPi314: @schestowitz Weird! Just also learned researchers used JavaScript to attack aslr.Jan 02 20:55
schestowitz 02 20:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jparise858: @schestowitz @wikileaks @RobbyMook @es_snipes @sansanders I love this guy, Wikileaks fav trollJan 02 20:55
schestowitz 02 20:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Rumbleboffin: @DianeRosemond @schestowitz @wikileaks 02 20:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@geertwilderspvv: Turkish Ministry of Religious Affairs Diyanet: It’s OK to marry 9 year old girls and make them PREGNANT. As Muhamm… 02 20:57
schestowitz 02 21:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jimwhispers: @schestowitz @wikileaks Fair competition... they were of age? Interesting pic though....Jan 02 21:17
schestowitz 02 21:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ventuckyspaz: @schestowitz @wikileaks @micahflee @kfractal @WLTaskForce @MorningBluberry @DanaBoos3 @CKeefeShea @JulianAssange… 02 21:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ventuckyspaz: @schestowitz @wikileaks @micahflee @kfractal @WLTaskForce @MorningBluberry @DanaBoos3 @CKeefeShea @JulianAssange… 02 21:18
schestowitz"I still enjoy Greenwald and a few other writers but I'm cautious about anything I read from that publication. It shouldn't be that way..."Jan 02 21:18
schestowitz 02 21:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Evrybdywasanegg: @schestowitz @wikileaks Lmfao. Yea. Because when guys say "like a bitch" its always about how alpha an powerful they are.Jan 02 21:19
schestowitz"Jan 02 21:19
schestowitzLmfao.Jan 02 21:19
schestowitzYea.Jan 02 21:19
schestowitzBecause when guys say "like a bitch" its always about how alpha an powerful they are.Jan 02 21:19
schestowitz"Jan 02 21:19
schestowitz 02 21:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@saebraut: @schestowitz @wikileaks Problem is when shtheads think all women want what the ho’s do to get a little sugar. He pr… 02 21:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@saebraut: @schestowitz @wikileaks Problem is when shtheads think all women want what the ho’s do to get a little sugar. He pr… 02 21:20
schestowitz"Problem is when shtheads think all women want what the ho’s do to get a little sugar. He probably had it easy being a millionaire. But judge a man by what he does when in power"Jan 02 21:20
schestowitz 02 21:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @ManCity @aguerosergiokun So many blues in the boxJan 02 21:21
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 03 00:41
<--acer-box__ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 03 09:04
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schestowitz 03 13:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mobinfiltrator: @schestowitz Yep, aware. Thats why when we were DMing I confirmed he was at home, then sent him a picture with an I… 03 13:56
schestowitz"Yep, aware. Thats why when we were DMing I confirmed he was at home, then sent him a picture with an IP grabber attached. Its a rural Bell tower with only one ‘senior’ police officer in range, living on Golf Club Rd."Jan 03 13:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mobinfiltrator: @schestowitz Yep, aware. Thats why when we were DMing I confirmed he was at home, then sent him a picture with an I… 03 13:56
schestowitz 03 15:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dachrinne: @schestowitz Stop spamming crap then on his tweets. Make your own channel.Jan 03 15:47
schestowitzwelcome to twitter. you must be new here as you obviously don't know how it works...Jan 03 15:47
schestowitz 03 15:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@adrianshort: @schestowitz Not really. You just need the sysadmin's email address.Jan 03 15:47
schestowitzand URL of the interface for that adminJan 03 15:48
schestowitz 03 15:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@adrianshort: @schestowitz True. Easily found for many hosts though.Jan 03 15:53
schestowitzyes, but for most script kiddies still not a walk in the part; hosts will patch this for users who otherwise would notJan 03 15:54
schestowitzthere's a social eng aspect to this "critical" "flaw"Jan 03 15:54
schestowitz this plagiarism has just entered google news 03 16:14
-TechBytesBot/ | Open-source civil war: Olive branch offered in trademark spat… with live grenade attachedJan 03 16:14
schestowitz 03 16:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jlboul: @schestowitz Thank you.Jan 03 16:15
schestowitz 03 16:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Sorry to bang on about the Microsoft Advantage @schestowitz But.. Borg, borg, borg: Another one bites the dust as… 03 16:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Sorry to bang on about the Microsoft Advantage @schestowitz But.. Borg, borg, borg: Another one bites the dust as… 03 16:29
schestowitz"Jan 03 16:29
schestowitzSorry to bang on about the Microsoft Advantage @schestowitzJan 03 16:29
schestowitzBut..  Borg, borg, borg: Another one bites the dust as Microsoft assimilates Avere.  I know where I want to go tomorrow.  GNU/Linux..Jan 03 16:29
schestowitz 03 16:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Borg, borg, borg: Another one bites the dust as Microsoft assimilates Avere • The RegisterJan 03 16:29
schestowitz"Jan 03 16:29
schestowitzSaw it and ignored it, for several reasonsJan 03 16:29
schestowitz 03 16:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iamanoracle: @schestowitz @SenWarren @SenateMajLdr That’s just stupid. Sure she is, she fights for #illegalaliens instead of… 03 16:29
schestowitz"That’s just stupid. Sure she is, she fights for #illegalaliens instead of #Americans  Seek help ASAP as #liberalismisamentaldisorder"Jan 03 16:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@iamanoracle: @schestowitz @SenWarren @SenateMajLdr That’s just stupid. Sure she is, she fights for #illegalaliens instead of… 03 16:29
schestowitz 03 17:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jethrotoll: @micahflee @WLTaskForce @AssangeFreedom @schestowitz @wikileaks @JulianAssange @FreedomofPress if not mistaken refe… 03 17:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jethrotoll: @micahflee @WLTaskForce @AssangeFreedom @schestowitz @wikileaks @JulianAssange @FreedomofPress if not mistaken refe… 03 17:35
schestowitzif not mistaken referring to micha lee's comment should not have said it ok don't misrepresent things in life""Jan 03 17:35
schestowitz"if not mistaken referring to micha lee's comment should not have said it ok don't misrepresent things in life"Jan 03 17:35
schestowitz 03 17:37
-TechBytesBot/ #Linux resolutions for 2018 03 17:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Linux resolutions for 2018 | Tux MachinesJan 03 17:37
schestowitz"Try out a 100% free/libre distribution ( Many of them are awesome and they fully respect your freedom :-D"Jan 03 17:37
-TechBytesBot/ | List of Free GNU/Linux Distributions - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation [ ]Jan 03 17:37
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 03 18:08
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesJan 03 18:08
schestowitz 03 18:12
-TechBytesBot/ | LLVM 7.0 / Clang 7.0 Is Now Under Development - PhoronixJan 03 18:12
schestowitz"Good selection however i will not use Google Chrome as i do not trust Google. No 5 probably OK but i do not play games.And i do not have a mobile phone so no need for those apps. Otherwise good choice"Jan 03 18:12
schestowitzyes, chrome cannot be trustedJan 03 18:12
schestowitz 03 19:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@powerglobalus: @schestowitz @wikileaks If you watch the whole thing, it is a total gee up by Billy Bush and his team, bush is alwa… 03 19:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@powerglobalus: @schestowitz @wikileaks If you watch the whole thing, it is a total gee up by Billy Bush and his team, bush is alwa… 03 19:41
schestowitz"If you watch the whole thing, it is a total gee up by Billy Bush and his team, bush is always suggestive of hugs, loves scenes and how hard it is to compete with someone like Trump. Trump was just playing along, joked but never did anything unacceptable to the woman involved."Jan 03 19:41
schestowitzDozens of women disagree, even in 2018Jan 03 19:41
<--acer-box has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jan 03 21:00
-->acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 03 21:00
<--acer-box has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 03 21:01
-->acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 03 21:02
schestowitz 03 22:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ventuckyspaz: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald Trump derangement syndrome. I don't really… 03 22:32
schestowitz"Trump derangement syndrome. I don't really care for Trump. Most of his policies are terrible but I don't pretend that Hillary would be any better. TDS shuts down the critical thinking portion of the person's brain."Jan 03 22:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ventuckyspaz: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald Trump derangement syndrome. I don't really… 03 22:32
schestowitzVery divisive, too. To the point where a freedom of press body, created by Wikileaks with EFF, shuts out Wikileaks, which is the press in need of defenseJan 03 22:32
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 03 22:41
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 03 22:41
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 03 23:50
schestowitz 04 06:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ventuckyspaz: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald I look at the statements from Micah Lee, B… 04 06:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ventuckyspaz: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald I look at the statements from Micah Lee, B… 04 06:22
schestowitz"Martin and it's absolutely disgusting. Robbie is more reasonable but you have Micah calling Assange a "rapist" and Brown blaming Julian for Trump winning. Insanity!"Jan 04 06:22
schestowitz"I look at the statements from Micah Lee, Barrett Brown and Robbie Martin and it's absolutely disgusting. Robbie is more reasonable but you have Micah calling Assange a "rapist" and Brown blaming Julian for Trump winning. Insanity!"Jan 04 06:22
schestowitz 04 06:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ventuckyspaz: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald If any of these people really supported Wi… 04 06:22
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ventuckyspaz: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald If any of these people really supported Wi… 04 06:22
schestowitzIf any of these people really supported WikiLeaks they would stop being so partisan and simply support WikiLeaks. With a 100% accuracy record you can't say that WL tried to manipulate truth, they exposed the democrats own actions and behavior which, frankly, I'm grateful for.""Jan 04 06:22
schestowitz 04 06:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Platipuss298: @Ventuckyspaz @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald In defense of BB, he seems t… 04 06:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Platipuss298: @Ventuckyspaz @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald In defense of BB, he seems t… 04 06:23
schestowitz"In defense of BB, he seems to have chosen his desire for his project to be successful over standing in judgment of all fairness.."Jan 04 06:23
schestowitz 04 06:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@miely0818: @Ventuckyspaz @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald I sometimes wonder what happened to Brown....😒Jan 04 06:24
schestowitz 04 06:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SkyVendor3: @Ventuckyspaz @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald You are assuming most people… 04 06:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SkyVendor3: @Ventuckyspaz @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald You are assuming most people… 04 06:24
schestowitz"You are assuming most people are able to apply critical thinking, cumulative learning, advanced logic & common sense simultaneously."Jan 04 06:24
schestowitz 04 06:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@luffman_joyce: @schestowitz @wikileaks @realDonaldTrump Ha ha ha..#TheStormIsHereJan 04 06:24
schestowitz 04 06:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NanoAged: @Ventuckyspaz @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald Its crazy. Barret will forev… 04 06:26
schestowitz"Its crazy. Barret will forever hold a special place in history but this nee manifestation i dont know about"Jan 04 06:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NanoAged: @Ventuckyspaz @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald Its crazy. Barret will forev… 04 06:26
schestowitz 04 06:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NanoAged: @Platipuss298 @Ventuckyspaz @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald So...he compro… 04 06:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NanoAged: @Platipuss298 @Ventuckyspaz @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald So...he compro… 04 06:27
schestowitz"Jan 04 06:27
schestowitzSo...he compromised his principles and sold out out to the darkside smearung Julian and Wikileaks...?Jan 04 06:27
schestowitzOk....Jan 04 06:27
schestowitzJust checking.Jan 04 06:27
schestowitz#gtfohJan 04 06:27
schestowitz"Jan 04 06:27
schestowitz 04 06:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Platipuss298: @NanoAged @Ventuckyspaz @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald Do you mean @micahflee ? Or BB?Jan 04 06:27
schestowitz 04 06:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ventuckyspaz: @Platipuss298 @NanoAged @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald Both of them! They… 04 06:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ventuckyspaz: @Platipuss298 @NanoAged @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald Both of them! They… 04 06:28
schestowitz"Both of them! They both are nasty trolls now, hating on Assange and trying to harm Wikileaks. Go do a search of either of their accounts in reference to Assange. Really disturbing..."Jan 04 06:28
schestowitz 04 06:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Platipuss298: @Ventuckyspaz @NanoAged @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald I know exactly wha… 04 06:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Platipuss298: @Ventuckyspaz @NanoAged @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald I know exactly wha… 04 06:28
schestowitz"I know exactly what you are saying. I had this convo with BB and since have not seen anything like the attacks he has been leveling previously."Jan 04 06:28
schestowitz 04 06:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Platipuss298: @Ventuckyspaz @NanoAged @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald Not to say he hasn… 04 06:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Platipuss298: @Ventuckyspaz @NanoAged @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald Not to say he hasn… 04 06:29
schestowitz"Not to say he hasn’t I have not seen it on twitter"Jan 04 06:29
schestowitz 04 06:29
schestowitz"Interesting thing is that there is a certain click who use the same phrases and words in their attacks attacks..."Jan 04 06:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Platipuss298: @Ventuckyspaz @NanoAged @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald Interesting thing… 04 06:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Platipuss298: @Ventuckyspaz @NanoAged @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald Interesting thing… 04 06:29
schestowitz 04 06:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ventuckyspaz: @Platipuss298 @NanoAged @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald I interacted in hi… 04 06:29
schestowitz"I interacted in him a couple times I believe in November but I blocked him before he blocked me. There was no point in further discussions. I just saw a few minutes ago Micah Lee blocked me, we interacted also but he did this from comments I didn't have him tagged in. "Jan 04 06:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ventuckyspaz: @Platipuss298 @NanoAged @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald I interacted in hi… 04 06:29
schestowitz 04 06:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ventuckyspaz: @NanoAged @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald Nah I'm over it with him. Someon… 04 06:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ventuckyspaz: @NanoAged @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald Nah I'm over it with him. Someon… 04 06:30
schestowitz"Nah I'm over it with him. Someone who targets Assange and WikiLeaks isn't cool in my book."Jan 04 06:30
schestowitz 04 06:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Platipuss298: @Ventuckyspaz @NanoAged @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald 🤔 @micahflee is bl… 04 06:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Platipuss298: @Ventuckyspaz @NanoAged @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald 🤔 @micahflee is bl… 04 06:30
schestowitz" @micahflee is blocking the world, has clearly lost his marbles.."Jan 04 06:30
schestowitz 04 06:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@estocker8: @schestowitz @wikileaks true!Jan 04 06:30
schestowitz 04 06:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Platipuss298: @Ventuckyspaz @NanoAged @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald I will thoroughly… 04 06:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Platipuss298: @Ventuckyspaz @NanoAged @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @micahflee @FreedomofPress @ubuntu @ggreenwald I will thoroughly… 04 06:31
schestowitz"I will thoroughly enjoy the time without attacks flying bc the see eye aye won’t get any satisfaction there..."Jan 04 06:31
schestowitz 04 06:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FreeThree333: @InjectDLL @schestowitz @wikileaks Why do people automatically assume that if someone isn't a fan of Trump-that the… 04 06:31
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FreeThree333: @InjectDLL @schestowitz @wikileaks Why do people automatically assume that if someone isn't a fan of Trump-that the… 04 06:31
schestowitz"Why do people automatically assume that if someone isn't a fan of Trump-that they support(ed) Hillary? Many DID vote 3rd party, you know. Some of us choose to not fall for the 2 party system. How has the 2 party duopoly been working out so far? #TwoPartyMindsetIsAcancer"Jan 04 06:31
schestowitzI dumped Ars and can use links to important Ars links again (there was too much noise there)Jan 04 07:01
schestowitz 04 07:10
schestowitz"Jan 04 07:10
schestowitzreply thumb_up thumb_downJan 04 07:11
schestowitzCrazyJan 04 07:11
-TechBytesBot/ | 2 would-be copper thieves electrocuted at Detroit substationJan 04 07:11
schestowitz'Jan 04 07:11
schestowitz=Jan 04 08:18
schestowitz 04 08:18
schestowitz=Jan 04 08:18
schestowitz 04 08:18
schestowitz# twitter is being used to lay the foundation for a nuclear war.Jan 04 08:18
-TechBytesBot/ | SoylentNews Comments | Desktop Devuan on ZFSJan 04 08:18
schestowitz# seems fine by twitters owners as long as neither fags nor islam are not insulted along the way.Jan 04 08:18
schestowitz=Jan 04 08:18
-TechBytesBot/ | Ban World Leaders from Twitter - The AtlanticJan 04 08:18
schestowitzx 04 08:18
-TechBytesBot/ | Microsoft acquires Avere Systems to further hybrid computing mission | TechCrunchJan 04 08:18
schestowitz=Jan 04 08:18
schestowitz 04 08:18
-TechBytesBot/ | WWW Reprint of 1973 Rolling Stone Interview with Daniel Ellsberg - SoylentNewsJan 04 08:18
schestowitz=Jan 04 08:18
schestowitz 04 08:18
schestowitz=Jan 04 08:18
-TechBytesBot/ | Orrin Hatch Was Never a ‘Public Servant’ | The NationJan 04 08:18
schestowitz>> I dumped Ars and can use links to important Ars links again (there wasJan 04 08:19
schestowitz>> too much noise there)Jan 04 08:19
schestowitz> Ok.  I'll add them back in.Jan 04 08:19
schestowitzThey have patent coverage.Jan 04 08:19
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytesJan 04 08:33
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Jan 04 11:14
schestowitz 04 14:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@QuakingJose: @schestowitz Not so sure. How long can fans blame Wenger if the players aren't good enough?Jan 04 14:47
schestowitzHe chooses the playersJan 04 14:47
schestowitz 04 14:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@adders: @schestowitz Which was my point…Jan 04 14:48
schestowitz 04 14:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Glambertoo1: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @neeratanden @wikileaks per emails, Podesta/Clinton planned to blame Russia if/when she l… 04 14:48
schestowitz"per emails, Podesta/Clinton planned to blame Russia if/when she lost, why they conflated WikiLeaks/Russia knowing it was #DNC employee Seth Rich gave emails to Assange b/c Seth didn't agree w/rig/theft of primary #RIPSethRich no hacks, no Russians #SethRichCoverUp"Jan 04 14:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Glambertoo1: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @neeratanden @wikileaks per emails, Podesta/Clinton planned to blame Russia if/when she l… 04 14:48
schestowitz 04 14:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Glambertoo1: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @neeratanden @wikileaks per DNC Exit Polls, silenced by MSM, Bernie Sanders won primary b… 04 14:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Glambertoo1: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @neeratanden @wikileaks per DNC Exit Polls, silenced by MSM, Bernie Sanders won primary b… 04 14:48
schestowitz"Jan 04 14:48
schestowitzper DNC Exit Polls, silenced by MSM, Bernie Sanders won primary by a landslide> … ~ #CorpCoup over we the people~ #BernieWouldHaveWonJan 04 14:48
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 04 14:48
-TechBytesBot/ | The Latest from Cliff Arnebeck in Ohio Better Read this one Folks | Justice News NetworkJan 04 14:49
schestowitz"Jan 04 14:49
schestowitz 04 14:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@conspiracywoman: @schestowitz YES, YES, YES!Jan 04 14:49
schestowitz 04 14:53
schestowitz"Jan 04 14:53
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Linking for profit, technical means and burden of proof - German BGH applies CJEU case law to Google’s Image SearchJan 04 14:53
schestowitz RE: As a result, under the circumstances at hand, an unlawful act of communication to the public by the defendant (or Google, for that matter), can only by found once the defendant knew or should have known of the unlawful nature of the work that is linked to. Such knowledge would be present once the defendant was expressly informed by the rightholder of the unlawful nature of the information appearing on the site.”Jan 04 14:53
schestowitzThat makes sense.Jan 04 14:54
schestowitzThe most interesting part here is " would be present once the defendant was expressly informed by the rightholder of the unlawful nature".Jan 04 14:54
schestowitzIn case the notification from the content rightholder to a search engine can happen automatically, for example, via digital content identifiers/permissions, as explained in Discussion 2 here:Jan 04 14:54
schestowitz 04 14:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 999 @ )Jan 04 14:54
schestowitzand here:Jan 04 14:54
schestowitz 04 14:54
-TechBytesBot/ | ‘Communication to the Public’ as an Open Norm of Article 3(1) of InfoSoc Directive by Olena Butriy :: SSRNJan 04 14:54
schestowitzthe copyrights in the digital space would be quite straightforward to assess/oversee and respect/enforce accordingly.Jan 04 14:54
schestowitz"Jan 04 14:54
schestowitz 04 14:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @MZHillebrandt @schestowitz At least someone who realize that the EU is an undemocratic institution. Plus the Counc… 04 14:54
schestowitz"At least someone who realize that the EU is an undemocratic institution. Plus the Council of Minister does not follow the Monstesquieu's basic principle of seperation of powers, Ministers are part of the executive."Jan 04 14:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @MZHillebrandt @schestowitz At least someone who realize that the EU is an undemocratic institution. Plus the Counc… 04 14:54
schestowitz 04 14:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @schestowitz @slashdot Golden parachutes.Jan 04 14:54
schestowitz 04 14:57
schestowitz"Jan 04 14:57
schestowitz Steau Bucharest have never won the UEFA Champions League. What they have won is the precursor to that competition: the European Champion Clubs' Cup. The UEFA Champions League has only been run since 1992 (when a "league" or group stage was introduced, the competition being a straight knockout before that).Jan 04 14:57
schestowitzFurther, "UEFA Champions League" is a registered trade mark of UEFA. I would have expected more care about the proper use of a trade mark from an IP blog.Jan 04 14:57
schestowitz"Jan 04 14:57
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: "Stars" on the football field; less so in the Trademark Office?Jan 04 14:57
schestowitz"Jan 04 14:57
schestowitz Thanks for your comment.Jan 04 14:57
schestowitzYou are perfectly right with the former name of the competition. As on both websites, UEFA`s and FCSB`s, the name for the trophy is UEFA Champions League (on UEFA`s website both names are available), I have used the name that is currently and more prominently used, without any intention to discredit former names or trade mark rights.Jan 04 14:57
schestowitzSports and trade marks are a never ending source of debate.Jan 04 14:57
schestowitz"Jan 04 14:57
schestowitz 04 14:58
schestowitz"Jan 04 14:58
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Brussels court in FN Herstal v Heckler & Koch wrestles with combination invention v mere aggregation of featuresJan 04 14:58
schestowitz Reminds me of a discussion awhile back at Patently-0 in which I was corrected by a USPTO examiner in that the MPEP specifically states that rejections of "mere aggregations" are not proper.Jan 04 14:58
schestowitzNot sure where the MPEP gets this (given Funk Brothers), but it would not be the first time that the MPEP simply gets the law wrong.Jan 04 14:59
schestowitz"Jan 04 14:59
schestowitz 04 15:18
schestowitz" Let's start identifying the elected officials who enable these police crimes and vote them out.  "Jan 04 15:18
-TechBytesBot/ | ‘You’re Fucked’: The Acquittal of Officer Brailsford and the Crisis of Police ImpunityJan 04 15:18
schestowitz 04 16:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fcassia: @schestowitz or support the underdog, the ones that created the amd64 architecture at the time Intel wanted to go I… 04 16:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@fcassia: @schestowitz or support the underdog, the ones that created the amd64 architecture at the time Intel wanted to go I… 04 16:42
schestowitz"or support the underdog, the ones that created the amd64 architecture at the time Intel wanted to go ITANIUM and make all x86 legacy code obsolete."Jan 04 16:42
schestowitz 04 16:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@psema4: @stmanfr @schestowitz @laurilove @zoobab One thing I've been meaning to try is something along the lines of Project… 04 16:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@psema4: @stmanfr @schestowitz @laurilove @zoobab One thing I've been meaning to try is something along the lines of Project… 04 16:54
schestowitz"One thing I've been meaning to try is something along the lines of Project Oberon 2013... need to get a bigger FPGA though :("Jan 04 16:54
schestowitz 04 16:54
schestowitz 04 17:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jack_craypo: @schestowitz @SenWarren @BosPublicRadio @jimbraude @MargeryEagan @GreenPartyUS The green party works for Russia, an… 04 17:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jack_craypo: @schestowitz @SenWarren @BosPublicRadio @jimbraude @MargeryEagan @GreenPartyUS The green party works for Russia, an… 04 17:18
schestowitzYour brain works for McCarthyJan 04 17:18
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesJan 04 17:30
schestowitz 04 17:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Is this hateful? #canada #censorship (same in #london these days)Jan 04 17:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | ‘Sounds more like North Korea’: Anti-censorship Toronto subway art delayed over hate speech fears | National PostJan 04 17:38
schestowitz 04 17:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dr_rita39: An eye opener 04 17:44
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #Censorship in #Venezuela Fuels #SocialControlMedia Growth just bear in mind 04 17:44
schestowitz 04 17:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dr_rita39: @schestowitz Tony says a lot. Just look through the Iraq Inquiry. Let's just ignore the entire story until further evidence from either sideJan 04 17:48
schestowitz"Tony says a lot. Just look through the Iraq Inquiry. Let's just ignore the entire story until further evidence from either side"Jan 04 17:48
schestowitz 04 17:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dr_rita39: @schestowitz ???????Jan 04 17:49
schestowitzexactlyJan 04 17:49
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytesJan 04 17:52
schestowitzRe: Wibu-Systems Blurry Box Cryptography Named Product of the Year by Electronic Products MagazineJan 04 17:54
schestowitzStop sending me this garbage or I'll publicly shame you for doing this for yearsJan 04 17:55
schestowitz 04 17:59
schestowitz"Jan 04 17:59
schestowitz    It grows in the ground, it's part of #nature But humans found the justification to put #patents on it …Jan 04 17:59
-TechBytesBot/ | It grows in the ground, it’s part of #nature But humans found the j… | Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Jan 04 17:59
schestowitzThanks for sharing 😊Jan 04 17:59
schestowitz"Jan 04 17:59
schestowitz 04 17:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dr_rita39: @schestowitz Unbelievable.Jan 04 17:59
schestowitz 04 23:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@riscy: @schestowitz Just use NoScript add on. Should be a first install on any browser.Jan 04 23:56
schestowitz 04 23:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@surrealintel: @schestowitz @wikileaks Just wondering if self-styled Progressive Feminists like Rachel Maddow will cover the story… 04 23:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@surrealintel: @schestowitz @wikileaks Just wondering if self-styled Progressive Feminists like Rachel Maddow will cover the story… 04 23:57
schestowitz"Just wondering if self-styled Progressive Feminists like Rachel Maddow will cover the story of Erica Gradner , her father's murder and #BlackLivesmatter  or will she simply proclaim Erica a Paid Putin Stooge?""Jan 04 23:57
schestowitz 05 00:21
-TechBytesBot/ | GABJan 05 00:21
schestowitz"This one's a given. A lot of folks have seen that coming a mile off."Jan 05 00:21
schestowitz 05 00:21
-TechBytesBot/ | GABJan 05 00:21
schestowitz"Funny you say that. I work for a guy that deals in wholesale computer electronics. Primarily Intel & apple 🤣 "Jan 05 00:21
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 05 01:14
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 05 01:16
schestowitz 05 02:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ishmael_0o0: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @intercept @FreedomofPress That this inverted logic is probably true certainly illustrate… 05 02:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ishmael_0o0: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @intercept @FreedomofPress That this inverted logic is probably true certainly illustrate… 05 02:12
schestowitz 05 05:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Fneal1231: @BryanBroome1 @RebeccaAnneBla2 @schestowitz @wikileaks @StateDept LOL Maybe SOME times.Jan 05 05:15
schestowitz 05 05:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ishmael_0o0: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks @FreedomofPress Wonder how much of this is rivalry. Mantaing "reputation" etc.… 05 05:17
schestowitz"Wonder how much of this is rivalry. Mantaing "reputation" etc. I wasn't totally againt some points she made (not in the film, I never watched it) but I'v a bad feeling. None are doing themselves any favours in my eyes atm. Wikileaks is the thin end-. Wake up people."Jan 05 05:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ishmael_0o0: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks @FreedomofPress Wonder how much of this is rivalry. Mantaing "reputation" etc.… 05 05:17
schestowitzYes, pointless turf wars, IMHO. Life of Brian-like.... but there are oligarchs fueling these wars. Don't lose sight of how many people now feed off the palm of @pierreJan 05 05:18
schestowitz 05 06:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dr_rita39: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @JulianAssange Yes, I know but Julian existed before it and will exist and raise its own… 05 06:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dr_rita39: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @JulianAssange Yes, I know but Julian existed before it and will exist and raise its own… 05 06:02
schestowitz"Yes, I know but Julian existed before it and will exist and raise its own money after it. You can't force those who haven't a clue to understand or to side with you."Jan 05 06:02
schestowitzbut they try to marginalise and suppress support for Wikileaks in various means, inc. films like "Risk"Jan 05 06:03
schestowitz 05 06:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KristinaJulia2: @dr_rita39 @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @JulianAssange Wow, you’re a Dr? I hope not in mental health..Jan 05 06:36
schestowitzWhy the mockery, Kristina?Jan 05 06:37
schestowitz 05 06:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KristinaJulia2: @schestowitz @dr_rita39 @WLTaskForce @JulianAssange Not you, the woman Dr lolJan 05 06:40
schestowitz 05 06:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KristinaJulia2: @schestowitz @dr_rita39 @WLTaskForce @JulianAssange She’s being harsh on a guy who just spent 8 yrs so far in a.m.… 05 06:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KristinaJulia2: @schestowitz @dr_rita39 @WLTaskForce @JulianAssange She’s being harsh on a guy who just spent 8 yrs so far in a.m.… 05 06:40
schestowitz"She’s being harsh on a guy who just spent 8 yrs so far in a.m. embassy, that’s not a nice person."Jan 05 06:40
schestowitz 05 06:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RachellePavlova: @schestowitz @wikileaks Like the hit piece they wrote as corrupt watchlisting is being exposed. NYT now getting kar… 05 06:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@RachellePavlova: @schestowitz @wikileaks Like the hit piece they wrote as corrupt watchlisting is being exposed. NYT now getting kar… 05 06:41
schestowitz"Like the hit piece they wrote as corrupt watchlisting is being exposed. NYT now getting karma 4 fake news like:"Jan 05 06:41
schestowitz 05 06:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@KristinaJulia2: @schestowitz @dr_rita39 @WLTaskForce @JulianAssange Glad you asked btw, I would hate for YOU to think I meant you, def not!Jan 05 06:41
schestowitzYou must have misunderstood as she supports JAJan 05 06:41
schestowitz 05 06:42
-TechBytesBot/ | United States of Paranoia: They See Gangs of Stalkers - NYTimes.comJan 05 06:42
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytesJan 05 08:27
schestowitz 05 08:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-No status found with that ID.Jan 05 08:53
schestowitz"Canonical relies on the agreed coordinated go public date being the 9th. So they are fighting hard to get things out the door earlier. See"Jan 05 08:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Jan 05 08:54
schestowitz 05 08:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jwildeboer: @harishpillay @schestowitz @whvholst @RedHatNews @CentOSProject Canonical relied on the agreed public release date… 05 08:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jwildeboer: @harishpillay @schestowitz @whvholst @RedHatNews @CentOSProject Canonical relied on the agreed public release date… 05 08:54
schestowitz"Canonical relied on the agreed public release date being the 9th of January. But Google broke that agreement. So now they work really hard to speed it up. See"Jan 05 08:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Jan 05 08:54
schestowitz 05 08:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jwildeboer: @schestowitz @harishpillay @whvholst @RedHatNews @CentOSProject „Ubuntu users of the 64-bit x86 architecture (aka,… 05 08:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jwildeboer: @schestowitz @harishpillay @whvholst @RedHatNews @CentOSProject „Ubuntu users of the 64-bit x86 architecture (aka,… 05 08:54
schestowitz"„Ubuntu users of the 64-bit x86 architecture (aka, amd64) can expect updated kernels by the original January 9, 2018 coordinated release date, and sooner if possible.“"Jan 05 08:54
schestowitz 05 08:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@harishpillay: @jwildeboer @schestowitz @whvholst @RedHatNews @CentOSProject ah, good to know. i do realize that some media jumped… 05 08:54
schestowitz"ah, good to know. i do realize that some media jumped the gun on this which caused the scramble."Jan 05 08:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@harishpillay: @jwildeboer @schestowitz @whvholst @RedHatNews @CentOSProject ah, good to know. i do realize that some media jumped… 05 08:54
schestowitzSimpler solution: arrest Intel's CEO for insider trading, dissolve the company, use its offshore assets (tax evasion) to fund AMD cracking out new chips to replace old onesJan 05 08:55
schestowitz*crankingJan 05 08:56
schestowitz"Jan 05 09:02
schestowitz/LarsJan 05 09:02
schestowitzPS.  Something big and maybe FOSS might be happening in DK but theJan 05 09:02
schestowitzarticle is short:Jan 05 09:02
schestowitz 05 09:02
-TechBytesBot/ | Moderne IT presser de gamle monopoler ud af kommunerne – nu skal der samarbejdes på tværs | Berlingske BusinessJan 05 09:02
schestowitz"Jan 05 09:02
schestowitz 05 09:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jwildeboer: @harishpillay @schestowitz @whvholst @RedHatNews @CentOSProject Here you track their progress: 05 09:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/SpectreAndMeltdown - Ubuntu WikiJan 05 09:04
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Is Facebook Enabling The African Exodus To Europe?</a></h5>Jan 05 09:05
schestowitz# key: smugglers' ads are in arabic...Jan 05 09:05
schestowitz# coastguards are failing to incercept and repatriateJan 05 09:05
-TechBytesBot/ | Is Facebook Enabling The African Exodus To Europe? | Zero HedgeJan 05 09:05
schestowitz 05 09:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ishmael_0o0: @_JoAnnBP @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks @FreedomofPress @pierre Hmm, Conflicting narrative. Directing for pa… 05 09:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Ishmael_0o0: @_JoAnnBP @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks @FreedomofPress @pierre Hmm, Conflicting narrative. Directing for pa… 05 09:11
schestowitz"Hmm, Conflicting narrative. Directing for payment VS career choice by the individual eg "turf war". I don't doupt both dynamics have some validity in many situations. Don't see much use in reducing it I guess, even If awar of an indaviduals motivations, they will do what they do."Jan 05 09:11
schestowitz 05 09:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HayleyS92342243: Kiriakou was charged in 2012 with leaking classified information about the CIA waterboarding of an Al-Qaeda suspect… 05 09:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@HayleyS92342243: Kiriakou was charged in 2012 with leaking classified information about the CIA waterboarding of an Al-Qaeda suspect… 05 09:11
schestowitz"Jan 05 09:11
schestowitzHayley Scott Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Jan 05 09:11
schestowitzKiriakou was charged in 2012 with leaking classified information about the CIA waterboarding of an Al-Qaeda suspect at a secret site in Thailand. He eventually pleaded guilty to 1 count of leaking the identity of a fellow CIA officer to a reporter &was sentenced to 30 monthsJan 05 09:11
schestowitz"Jan 05 09:11
schestowitz 05 09:25
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@NisseMoss: @schestowitz @wikileaks That is a good thibg, anyone that helps to enable Russia needs to be publicly humiliated.Jan 05 09:25
schestowitz=Jan 05 09:58
schestowitzx 05 09:58
schestowitz#gnu not mentioned by Adrian BridgwaterJan 05 09:58
-TechBytesBot/ | 20 years of the Open Source Initiative (OSI) - Open Source InsiderJan 05 09:58
schestowitz=Jan 05 09:58
schestowitzx 05 09:59
schestowitz# bill sezJan 05 09:59
schestowitz=Jan 05 09:59
-TechBytesBot/ | Bill Gates: 6 Innovations That Will Change the World | TimeJan 05 09:59
schestowitz 05 10:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WLswampcleaner: @FreeThree333 @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @JulianAssange @FreedomofPress @wikileaks @pierre But Pierre has only conte… 05 10:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WLswampcleaner: @FreeThree333 @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @JulianAssange @FreedomofPress @wikileaks @pierre But Pierre has only conte… 05 10:00
schestowitz"But Pierre has only contempt for prostitutes like Micah"Jan 05 10:00
schestowitz"Jan 05 10:31
schestowitzI think you brought the situation of Techrights to the point. There are sometimes real nuggets of information to be found, but there are buried in the midst of a maze of conspiracy theories and affabulations, and sometimes meaningless, or as you say “misguided” attacks. It is not by formulating such nonsense that the causes that Techrights claims to defend will move forward. I do not want to contribute to this nonsense.Jan 05 10:31
schestowitzBy the way, the crusade of Techrights against software patents reminds a bit of Don Quichotte’s fight against wind mills. The reason why programs were not accepted, as such, has a very practical background. There are lots of computer languages and they have all different versions, changing with time, and all have their own syntax. It was simply not possible to request from search examiners to be knowledgeable about all those languages,Jan 05 10:31
schestowitzwhich lead to the exclusion of programs as such. No more, but no less.Jan 05 10:31
schestowitzIt was never the intention of the legislator to forbid inventions implemented by computers. Whether you control a steel mill with a program or with a series of individual circuits is irrelevant. What matters is the control function, and if it is new and inventive, it has to be stated in plain words in the description and the claims.Jan 05 10:31
schestowitzThe situation is a bit more complicated when everything occurs within the computer itself, but here the case law of the boards of appeal has made clear what is patentable or not. For a time the EPO even admitted short excerpts in program language, but all applications stemming from the US in which tens of pages of listing were added, the latter had to be deleted.Jan 05 10:31
schestowitzThe famous decision in the European Parliament about the prohibition of software patents was the result of a strong lobbying action from the free software world, which for once was stronger than the Alliance for Industry. What the late former Prime Minister of France, Michel Rocard; said at the time, showed clearly that he did not know what he was talking about. He was parroting what he was told. There, he missed an opportunity to keep quite.Jan 05 10:31
schestowitzThis does not mean that I am in favour of the software alliance, which tries to get everything patented, even if it is not patentable! On the contrary, but there again, the case law of the boards of appeal, has made things pretty clear.Jan 05 10:31
schestowitz2)Absence of reaction of interested circlesJan 05 10:31
schestowitzI have always been surprised at the lack of reaction of the interested circles, be it “epi” or national associations of professional representatives, vis-à-vis the destructive effect of the tenant of the 10th floor on the EPO.Jan 05 10:31
schestowitzAccepting a 40% increase of patents granted in a hurry, without even questioning the figure or the quality is a poor show. The EPO management can say what it wants, even claiming that quality has improved, no voice against it, beside may be Thorsten Bausch or the odd chap. This is not enough. The same goes with the amendments of the status of the boards of appeal and their exile to Haar. The silence was deafening.Jan 05 10:31
schestowitzIt is amazing that the EPO makes still a lot of profits in spite of the very expensive trips of the Napoleon of the 10th floor. There is probably no country beside the Samoa islands which was not gratified by a visit from him. When at a meeting in Paris or elsewhere in Europe, he turns up with is own car and driver, this is not cheap either.Jan 05 10:32
schestowitzI take bets that he will want a secretary and a car once he has left the EPO. And he might even get it, with on top some body guards, seen how he is controlling the AC. The whole security measures when entering the EPO are also not cheap, and merely there for the comfort of his ego. All at the costs of the users.Jan 05 10:32
schestowitzThe EPO has not been set up as a cash cow, but as providing service to the users of the system. With all those profits, there are also no reasons for increasing the appeal fee to the levels envisaged. But it looks different if the boards of appeal have to be punished because they are not abiding by the will of the great master of EPO.Jan 05 10:32
schestowitzIn other words, the members of the boards should not be dependent on the president of the EPO, but from the chairman of the boards of appeal, and have their own set of staff regulations, and not merely those applicable to all staff of the EPO. It is only then that they will be truly independent. This was the pretext which led to the house ban of Mr Corcoran. Separation of powers has a deep meaning!Jan 05 10:32
schestowitzAs another commenter said, the present situation at the EPO makes you want to puke.Jan 05 10:32
schestowitzI hope that 2018 will bring some changes, but to be honest I am pessimistic.Jan 05 10:32
schestowitzTechrights: fingers off §2)! Directly and indirectly, even as a mere link! I do not want to see my comments used by you!!!Jan 05 10:32
schestowitzAs §1) concerns you directly, it would be unfair not to let you comment one way or the other. But I request a polite reply, and that it is not embedded in a lot of nonsense.Jan 05 10:32
schestowitz"Jan 05 10:32
schestowitz"Jan 05 10:32
schestowitzI accept what you say, but to me it still remains barely possible that the Napoleon of the 10th floor becomes the first president of the court of first instance of the UPC.Jan 05 10:32
schestowitzThe lead in this matter does not lie with the Ministry of Finance or Industry, but with the Ministry of Justice. That among ENA alumni there are strong ties, is certain. But there are limits. I cannot see that some of the judges of the Paris TGI or of the Paris Court of Appeal, will simply accept that a chap like the tenant of the 10th floor takes precedence. There are also strong ties among the alumni of the “Ecole Supérieure de laJan 05 10:32
schestowitzMagistrature”.Jan 05 10:32
schestowitzThe position of the President of the UPC is not mainly to administer the UPC, it is to take position in matters of procedure and substance. And here the “maire-adjoint” of St Germain en Laye, in charge of “culture”, has no qualifications whatsoever. I might be wrong, and I am prepared to accept this as well, but the more I think of it, the less likely it appears possible that the first president of the court of first instance is not aJan 05 10:32
schestowitzfully qualified judge.Jan 05 10:32
schestowitz"Jan 05 10:32
schestowitz"Jan 05 10:32
schestowitzWe examiners appreciate very much what you are doing. Please accept as new year gift one more Russian word for your list:Jan 05 10:32
schestowitzgulag.Jan 05 10:32
schestowitzThis is how we feel. Emprisoned and powerless in our (golden?) cages. Blindly undergoing useless restructuring (for example, in the next 3 months everyone will be moving office room at the EPO), scared to speak out for fear of retaliation (every month a list of colleagues who “end service” for no reason is published on our intranet ). Everyone wanting to listen and possibly publish our incredible stories having been silenced anyway.Jan 05 10:32
schestowitzCounting the days left (180) until “le roi” is gone. Hoping that we don’t end up with an “o rei” at his place.Jan 05 10:32
schestowitz"Jan 05 10:32
schestowitz 05 11:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@therealdanelee: @ShaunKing @schestowitz It is remarkable how easily you types get your panties in a wad making something out of not… 05 11:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@therealdanelee: @ShaunKing @schestowitz It is remarkable how easily you types get your panties in a wad making something out of not… 05 11:41
schestowitz"It is remarkable how easily you types get your panties in a wad making something out of nothing. I’m sure @realDonaldTrump could care less about your inept perspective and childish assertions, he’s too busy working to #MAGA"Jan 05 11:41
schestowitz 05 11:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@neur0atypical: @schestowitz oh ya @pyrokitteh @AsIfUknow we've all had that 🐈🐱Jan 05 11:41
schestowitz 05 12:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@InkDiary: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks @FreedomofPress I don't agree with the last sentence but the rest makes perfect sense.Jan 05 12:28
schestowitz 05 12:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@InkDiary: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks @FreedomofPress Micah stated in a tweet that Assange is lying about his role i… 05 12:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@InkDiary: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks @FreedomofPress Micah stated in a tweet that Assange is lying about his role i… 05 12:28
schestowitz"Micah stated in a tweet that Assange is lying about his role in founding the group. Is there any verification of that statement either way?"Jan 05 12:28
schestowitz 05 12:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Hanissee: @InkDiary @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks @FreedomofPress at least he isn't mentioned here 05 12:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Edward Snowden To Join Daniel Ellsberg, Others on Freedom of the Press Foundation’s Board of DirectorsJan 05 12:38
schestowitz 05 12:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @BristowsUPC 6 weeks counting to file a challenge.Jan 05 12:57
schestowitz 05 14:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lxdgn: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @pierre Well trumpist government is as far from green as can be imagined, it’s an antithe… 05 14:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lxdgn: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @pierre Well trumpist government is as far from green as can be imagined, it’s an antithe… 05 14:51
schestowitz"Well trumpist government is as far from green as can be imagined, it’s an antithesis of any environmental action completely captured by fossil fuel oligarchy, and Wikileaks colluded and openly and clandestinely worked with them to put into power!"Jan 05 14:51
schestowitz 05 14:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Flavia0847: A few 'patent infringement' suits are just what any start-up needs. 05 14:51
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: The #patent microcosm uses this stupid buzzword to promote #swpats see 05 14:51
schestowitz 05 15:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: @schestowitz needs investigating, certainlyJan 05 15:13
schestowitzwatch how it doesn't happen. Never happened when MSFT execs got caught, either. Law only for the poor...Jan 05 15:14
schestowitz 05 15:19
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Flavia0847: @schestowitz I love your intel idea.Jan 05 15:19
schestowitz 05 15:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Flavia0847: @schestowitz Why would Assange want to go to the USA? He has no real connection with Americans other than revealing… 05 15:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Flavia0847: @schestowitz Why would Assange want to go to the USA? He has no real connection with Americans other than revealing… 05 15:32
schestowitz"Jan 05 15:32
schestowitzWhy would Assange want to go to the USA? He has no real connection with Americans other than revealing their top secrets.    He'd prefer to be free in GB or the EU or Australia.Jan 05 15:32
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesJan 05 15:32
schestowitz"Jan 05 15:32
schestowitzyes, that tooJan 05 15:32
schestowitz 05 16:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@io_r_us: @schestowitz Last I checked this is exactly what microcode updates are for. I imagine in concert with software patching. Not?Jan 05 16:15
schestowitz"Jan 05 16:15
schestowitzLast I checked this is exactly what microcode updates are for. I imagine in concert with software patching.Jan 05 16:15
schestowitzNot?Jan 05 16:15
schestowitz"Jan 05 16:15
schestowitzBut these are workaroundsJan 05 16:16
schestowitz 05 16:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@io_r_us: @schestowitz AFAIK microcode is always a workaround, to work around is the reason for its very existence.Jan 05 16:18
schestowitz"AFAIK microcode is always a workaround, to work around is the reason for its very existence.Jan 05 16:18
schestowitzThis one can have massive performance tollJan 05 16:18
schestowitz 05 16:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@nomisbigwave: "“Or is Intel basically saying “we are committed to selling you shit forever and ever, and never fixing anything”?… 05 16:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@nomisbigwave: "“Or is Intel basically saying “we are committed to selling you shit forever and ever, and never fixing anything”?… 05 16:28
schestowitz"Jan 05 16:28
schestowitzpsychic_wave Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Jan 05 16:28
schestowitz"“Or is Intel basically saying “we are committed to selling you shitJan 05 16:28
schestowitzforever and ever, and never fixing anything”? - Linus Torvalds cc @kevinmitnick @rootkovska @EFF @ACLU @thegrugq @mattblaze @mrkoot @matthew_d_green @timberners_lee @tim_cook @nntaleb @RT_com @MadMoneyOnCNBCJan 05 16:28
schestowitz"Jan 05 16:28
schestowitz 05 16:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dr_rita39: So one wonders what the influence of globalisation and China's new found global Kung Fu leadership will have on all… 05 16:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dr_rita39: So one wonders what the influence of globalisation and China's new found global Kung Fu leadership will have on all… 05 16:47
schestowitz"Jan 05 16:47
schestowitzDr Rita Pal Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Jan 05 16:47
schestowitzSo one wonders what the influence of globalisation and China's new found global Kung Fu leadership will have on all of us free thinkers ....Jan 05 16:48
schestowitz"Jan 05 16:48
schestowitz 05 17:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Flavia0847: @schestowitz A shotgun could revolutionize duck hunting. Just add a 'quack' speaker and a set of tongs for retrievi… 05 17:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Flavia0847: @schestowitz A shotgun could revolutionize duck hunting. Just add a 'quack' speaker and a set of tongs for retrievi… 05 17:28
schestowitz"Jan 05 17:29
schestowitzA shotgun could revolutionize duck hunting. Just add a 'quack' speaker and a set of tongs for retrieving the carcass.Jan 05 17:29
schestowitzThink I should patent the idea Roy?Jan 05 17:29
schestowitz"Jan 05 17:29
schestowitzTry in China. They grant anything.Jan 05 17:29
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesJan 05 17:30
<--acer-box has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 05 23:16
schestowitz 05 23:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Brains3: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce 1/2 OK listen up pls,before the Bad became Good again there was a fella an American screa… 05 23:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Brains3: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce 1/2 OK listen up pls,before the Bad became Good again there was a fella an American screa… 05 23:53
schestowitz"1/2 OK listen up pls,before the Bad became Good again there was a fella an American screaming out loud from somewhere in Europe He was a Horseman,Western Horse Trainer had moved there after being screwed over by business partners His rants,texts all one line No punctuation gaps-"Jan 05 23:53
schestowitz 05 23:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@io_r_us: @schestowitz I can't comment on that. I'd assume microcode would be issued to avoid performance hits and/or softwar… 05 23:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@io_r_us: @schestowitz I can't comment on that. I'd assume microcode would be issued to avoid performance hits and/or softwar… 05 23:53
schestowitz"I can't comment on that. I'd assume microcode would be issued to avoid performance hits and/or software may need to be recompiled or patched to work well and avoid performance hits."Jan 05 23:53
schestowitz 05 23:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Brains3: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce 1a/2 -were that of a madman most laughed,I hang in there deciphering - CIA took over His… 05 23:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Brains3: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce 1a/2 -were that of a madman most laughed,I hang in there deciphering - CIA took over His… 05 23:54
schestowitz"1a/2 -were that of a madman most laughed,I hang in there deciphering -  CIA took over His Horse facility in Europe telling Him, Do Business as usual they would bring people from afar & Torturing them,He had an illness requiring medication & that CIA were farking his head through-"Jan 05 23:54
schestowitz 05 23:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Brains3: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce 2/2 hopes -his Medication (having learned the lessons what sociopath's can do I hang in,i… 05 23:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Brains3: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce 2/2 hopes -his Medication (having learned the lessons what sociopath's can do I hang in,i… 05 23:54
schestowitz"Jan 05 23:54
schestowitz2/2 hopes -his MedicationJan 05 23:54
schestowitz(having learned the lessons what sociopath's can do I hang in,it's coming back to Me,I'll get via wayback-machine,my brain,Mean while reading this any bells ringing? there's CIA torture files,didn't read 'em He's statements may be in them,I'll BB when)Jan 05 23:54
schestowitz 05 23:54
schestowitz"Jan 05 23:54
schestowitz2/2 hopes -his MedicationJan 05 23:54
schestowitz(having learned the lessons what sociopath's can do I hang in,it's coming back to Me,I'll get via wayback-machine,my brain,Mean while reading this any bells ringing? there's CIA torture files,didn't read 'em He's statements may be in them,I'll BB when)Jan 05 23:54
schestowitz"Jan 05 23:54
schestowitz 05 23:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@lxdgn: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @pierre Don't you help with file dumps' processing?Jan 05 23:55
schestowitzNo, nothingJan 05 23:55
schestowitz 06 00:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@nomisbigwave: @jedisct1 @schneierblog @schestowitz @hackerfantastic @thegrugq @matthew_d_green @mattblaze @mrkoot @ChainfireXDA… 06 00:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@nomisbigwave: @jedisct1 @schneierblog @schestowitz @hackerfantastic @thegrugq @matthew_d_green @mattblaze @mrkoot @ChainfireXDA… 06 00:24
schestowitz"Jan 06 00:24
schestowitzpsychic_wave Retweeted CopperheadOSJan 06 00:24
schestowitz@jedisct1 @schneierblog @schestowitz @hackerfantastic @thegrugq @matthew_d_green @mattblaze @mrkoot @ChainfireXDA @tkdsl8655 @rootkovska @Snowden @JulianAssange @KimDotcomJan 06 00:24
schestowitz"Jan 06 00:24
schestowitz 06 00:37
-TechBytesBot/ Desktop GNU/Linux: Distros and Dell XPS 13 06 00:38
schestowitz"Jan 06 00:38
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Desktop GNU/Linux: Distros and Dell XPS 13 | Tux MachinesJan 06 00:38
schestowitzJan 06 00:38
schestowitzThank you!Jan 06 00:38
schestowitz"Jan 06 00:38
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 06 00:43
-->schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesJan 06 00:43
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Jan 06 00:43
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 06 00:43
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 06 01:14
-->acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 06 01:20
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Jan 06 02:01
schestowitz]Jan 06 03:17
schestowitz"Jan 06 03:17
schestowitz As the UPC was not part of stage 1 of the Brexit negotiations, there is little chance that it will be part of the 2d stage. There are other, more urgent, problems to tackle than to care for the possible loss of trade of lawyers firms.Jan 06 03:17
schestowitzPost Brexit participation in the UPC means accepting supremacy of EU Law and acceptance of decisions of the CJEU. How can this be politically sold as part of Brexit? You cannot have the cake and eat it!Jan 06 03:17
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Brexit: requests to Govt from IP professional bodiesJan 06 03:17
schestowitzWhat matters with this plea is not post Brexit participation, but ensuring that there is a return on investment, and that envisaged profits for the lawyer firms are not lost.Jan 06 03:17
schestowitzSee alsoJan 06 03:17
schestowitz 06 03:17
schestowitzI would take more seriously what the House of Lords intends to do:Jan 06 03:17
-TechBytesBot/ | Don't throw out Euro patent court along with EU, IP experts urge | News | Law Society GazetteJan 06 03:17
schestowitz 06 03:17
schestowitzAs UK remains member of the EPC, at least patent attorneys can still continue to act before the EPO, so the problem is indeed primarily for the lawyers firms.Jan 06 03:17
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat: Role of CJEU post-Brexit to be considered by House of Lords inquiryJan 06 03:17
schestowitzTough luck, but c'est la vie!Jan 06 03:17
schestowitz"Jan 06 03:17
schestowitz 06 03:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@FrancisJeffrey7: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks @FreedomofPress Looks like FPF board was stacked/polluted with a couple baddies.Jan 06 03:41
schestowitz"Looks like FPF board was stacked/polluted with a couple baddies."Jan 06 03:41
schestowitz 06 03:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Matt_Monroe_: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks @FreedomofPress Fitting Song.. It is like @AnonScan could tell things were not… 06 03:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Matt_Monroe_: @schestowitz @WLTaskForce @wikileaks @FreedomofPress Fitting Song.. It is like @AnonScan could tell things were not… 06 03:42
schestowitz"Jan 06 03:42
schestowitzFitting Song.. It is like @AnonScan could tell things were not "Kosher"Jan 06 03:42
schestowitz 06 03:42
schestowitz"Jan 06 03:42
-TechBytesBot/ | NO TITLEJan 06 03:42
schestowitz 06 04:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jeffreyneillong: @mektronik 06 04:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: "software patents are much more difficult to get through the Patent Office these days, especially after the Supreme… 06 04:00
schestowitz 06 06:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@OccupyThisMOFO: @PayPal is one of the easiest brands to #Boycott, easier than the #BoycottNFL war against @NFL kneelers. 06 06:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @FreedomofPress @Snowden @guardianproject @gethavenapp @wikileaks And Omidyar's staff is now kicking out Wikileaks… 06 06:07
schestowitz"Jan 06 06:07
schestowitz@OccupyThisMOFO Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Jan 06 06:07
schestowitz@PayPal is one of the easiest brands to #Boycott, easier than the #BoycottNFL war against @NFL kneelers.Jan 06 06:07
schestowitz"Jan 06 06:07
schestowitz 06 06:30
-TechBytesBot/ | GNUsocial.deJan 06 06:30
schestowitz"That also gives a good explanation of modern chip architecture: #Pipelining, #Scalar vs. #NonScalar, OutOfOrderProcessing, #SpeculativeExecution. #Spectre #Meltdown #Security"Jan 06 06:30
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 06 06:37
-->schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesJan 06 06:38
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Jan 06 06:38
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 06 06:38
schestowitz 06 07:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Tommi_M_Elo: @schestowitz ”To suggest we are crazy, is wrong. It’s the russians...” ffs. What is it going to take to wake such p… 06 07:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Tommi_M_Elo: @schestowitz ”To suggest we are crazy, is wrong. It’s the russians...” ffs. What is it going to take to wake such p… 06 07:47
schestowitz"”To suggest we are crazy, is wrong. It’s the russians...” ffs. What is it going to take to wake such people up? I can only think one bomb strong enough to do that:"Jan 06 07:47
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #techbytesJan 06 08:54
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesJan 06 09:54
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Jan 06 09:57
schestowitz#manchester City is already guaranteed the #bpl title and will be in the final of League Cup. Will it take triple this year?Jan 06 12:36
schestowitz#mancity #mcfcJan 06 12:36
schestowitz 06 13:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@_SmartUK: @_kipper_ 06 13:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @Acosta Very smart man 06 13:30
schestowitz 06 14:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@plummer_an: @schestowitz @Acosta I'm exhausted after reading this. 06 14:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@plummer_an: @schestowitz @Acosta I'm exhausted after reading this. 06 14:02
schestowitz 06 14:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dolores_wagner: @schestowitz @Acosta U of Penn, and esp The Wharton School, should hang its collective head in shame that they hand… 06 14:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@dolores_wagner: @schestowitz @Acosta U of Penn, and esp The Wharton School, should hang its collective head in shame that they hand… 06 14:02
schestowitz"U of Penn, and esp The Wharton School, should hang its collective head in shame that they handed this class clown a university degree."Jan 06 14:02
schestowitz 06 14:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@3johnablack: @schestowitz @Acosta On the basis of that sentence alone unleash the 25th amendment.Jan 06 14:03
schestowitz 06 14:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Biffcheese: @schestowitz @Acosta It hurts... 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️Jan 06 14:03
schestowitz 06 14:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Biffcheese: It hurts. 🤦🏾‍♂️ 06 14:03
schestowitz 06 14:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@ceectgee: @schestowitz @Acosta So, so, smart!Jan 06 14:03
schestowitz 06 14:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cesidio: @schestowitz @Acosta WITAF?!?Jan 06 14:03
schestowitz 06 14:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@donnarf59: @schestowitz @Acosta What was that?? My head hurts 😩Jan 06 14:03
schestowitz 06 14:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Kimsuesmom: @schestowitz @Acosta Any questions ?Jan 06 14:03
schestowitz 06 14:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Astrearedux: @charlessr1956 @schestowitz @Acosta To get the full effect, put that next to a W-manufactured sentence who looks li… 06 14:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Astrearedux: @charlessr1956 @schestowitz @Acosta To get the full effect, put that next to a W-manufactured sentence who looks li… 06 14:04
schestowitz"To get the full effect, put that next to a W-manufactured sentence who looks like Stephen Crane by comparison."Jan 06 14:04
schestowitz 06 14:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@TiernanCregan: @schestowitz @ManCity @HaysWorldwide QuadrupleJan 06 14:04
schestowitz 06 14:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @TiernanCregan @ManCity @HaysWorldwide One can hope. Did any club ever make it?Jan 06 14:04
schestowitz 06 14:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@keyleowalter: @TiernanCregan @schestowitz @ManCity @HaysWorldwide And UCL? HahJan 06 14:04
schestowitzLess likely than the triple, which just requires beating Arsenal/Chelsea and the  taking the FA CupJan 06 14:04
schestowitz*thenJan 06 14:05
schestowitz 06 14:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@IndivisibleEug: Like, the smartest-only the smartest-like, very good genes... 06 14:05
schestowitz 06 14:06
schestowitz 06 15:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Anticipatlaw: There is some debate about the Two-Way Media v Comcast's Federal Circuit decision. A read of Two-Way may suggest th… 06 15:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Anticipatlaw: There is some debate about the Two-Way Media v Comcast's Federal Circuit decision. A read of Two-Way may suggest th… 06 15:56
schestowitz"There is some debate about the Two-Way Media v Comcast's Federal Circuit decision. A read of Two-Way may suggest that novelty and non-obviousness evidence has no relevance to patent-eligibility. Was this the holding or was it dicta?"Jan 06 15:56
schestowitz 06 16:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@gm2esamtab: @schestowitz @Acosta Truly terrifying.Jan 06 16:06
schestowitz 06 16:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CynthiaConciatu: @schestowitz @Acosta I hope you realize every time this cray Cray sentence appears on Twitter a homeroom/grammar nun dies.Jan 06 16:07
schestowitz 06 16:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@CynthiaConciatu: @dash_bandy @schestowitz @Acosta Equine excrement!Jan 06 16:07
schestowitz 06 16:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@mxwts61: Could not be a better outline of this idiots idiocy! Seriously WTF was said in all that gibberish- 06 16:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @Acosta Very smart man 06 16:07
schestowitz 06 16:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@celticfanfc: @TiernanCregan @schestowitz @ManCity @HaysWorldwide Celtic have done itJan 06 16:07
schestowitz 06 16:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@verfassungklage: #OpenBSD & #FreeBSD Are Still Formulating Kernel Plans To Address #Meltdown + #Spectre… 06 16:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Linux Hardware Reviews, Open-Source Benchmarks & Linux Performance - PhoronixJan 06 16:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: #OpenBSD & #FreeBSD Are Still Formulating Kernel Plans To Address #Meltdown + #Spectre 06 16:07
schestowitzabout time, could be 3 by nowJan 06 16:13
schestowitz 06 16:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @ManCity about time, could be 3 by nowJan 06 16:15
schestowitz 06 16:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Shiloh_2005: Why don't the Dems put this out there, stating THIS IS THE U.S. PRESIDENT SPEAKING... WHERE IS THE DEMS OUTRAGE ON… 06 16:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Shiloh_2005: Why don't the Dems put this out there, stating THIS IS THE U.S. PRESIDENT SPEAKING... WHERE IS THE DEMS OUTRAGE ON… 06 16:16
schestowitz"Jan 06 16:16
schestowitzDiana Marie Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Jan 06 16:16
schestowitzWhy don't the Dems put this out there, stating THIS IS THE U.S. PRESIDENT SPEAKING...Jan 06 16:16
schestowitzP.S. Sorry for all caps...had to vent!Jan 06 16:16
schestowitz"Jan 06 16:16
schestowitz 06 16:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@AGAINSTtheMAN: @Vinnylegsnapper @charlessr1956 @schestowitz @Acosta It's cute that he turned you psychopaths into the doomsday preppersJan 06 16:16
schestowitz 06 16:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@smalljonesy: @JoyResists @schestowitz @Acosta They're in too deep.Jan 06 16:16
schestowitz 06 16:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DickWad49513835: @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump @EricTrump @FLOTUS @DonaldJTrumpJr 😳😂😳😂😳😂 06 16:17
schestowitz=Jan 06 16:30
schestowitz 06 16:30
schestowitz# doesn't or can't. is there a difference?Jan 06 16:30
schestowitz=Jan 06 16:30
schestowitz 06 16:30
-TechBytesBot/ | The President Who Doesn't Read - The AtlanticJan 06 16:30
-TechBytesBot/ | New Reporting Suggests the Trump Presidency Is Even Scarier and More Dysfunctional Than We Realized | The NationJan 06 16:30
schestowitz# electoral college completely failed in its one, single dutyJan 06 16:30
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Intel facing class-action lawsuits over Meltdown and Spectre bugs</a></h5>Jan 06 16:34
schestowitz<blockquote>Jan 06 16:34
schestowitz <p>“What [Intel’s cloud customers] are going to say is, ‘you wronged us, we hate you, but if we can get a discount, we’ll still buy from you’,” Forrest said. </p>Jan 06 16:34
schestowitz</blockquote>Jan 06 16:34
-TechBytesBot/ | Intel facing class-action lawsuits over Meltdown and Spectre bugs | Technology | The GuardianJan 06 16:34
schestowitz</li>Jan 06 16:34
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">The inventor of Linux is furious at Intel</a></h5>Jan 06 16:35
schestowitz<blockquote>Jan 06 16:35
-TechBytesBot/ | The inventor of Linux is furious at Intel - Business Insider NordicJan 06 16:35
schestowitz <p> "I think somebody inside of Intel needs to really take a long hard look at their CPU's, and actually admit that they have issues instead of writing PR blurbs that say that everything works as designed," Torvalds wrote in a sharply-worded email sent on to a Linux list on Wendesday.Jan 06 16:35
schestowitz </p> <p>Jan 06 16:35
schestowitz"Or is Intel basically saying 'we are committed to selling you shit forever and ever, and never fixing anything'?" Torvalds continued.  </p>Jan 06 16:35
schestowitz</blockquote>Jan 06 16:35
schestowitz</li>Jan 06 16:35
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Corel Patents System to Monetize Software Piracy</a></h5>Jan 06 16:43
schestowitz<blockquote>Jan 06 16:43
-TechBytesBot/ | Corel Patents System to Monetize Software Piracy - TorrentFreakJan 06 16:43
schestowitz <p> Canadian software company Corel, known for iconic products such as CorelDRAW and Winzip, has a new anti-piracy patent. Instead of implementing tougher restrictions, the company proposes to reach out to pirates through a messaging system, offering 'amnesty' to those who are willing to pay up.  </p>Jan 06 16:43
schestowitz</blockquote>Jan 06 16:43
schestowitz</li>Jan 06 16:43
schestowitz 06 16:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JoyResists: @JonaSaxBFaulder @schestowitz @Acosta Yes, those are the GOP goals but how can they swear an oath to protect and de… 06 16:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@JoyResists: @JonaSaxBFaulder @schestowitz @Acosta Yes, those are the GOP goals but how can they swear an oath to protect and de… 06 16:45
schestowitz"Yes, those are the GOP goals but how can they swear an oath to protect and defend this country & then put us at such risk, at home & abroad?"Jan 06 16:45
schestowitz 06 16:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@nobodysxangel: @schestowitz @Acosta Reading this made my head hurt.Jan 06 16:46
schestowitz 06 16:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@charlessr1956: @AGAINSTtheMAN @Vinnylegsnapper @schestowitz @Acosta 'Survivalists' used to be a very small minority. Trump has made it go 'mainstream'Jan 06 16:46
schestowitz 06 16:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BlitzandGrins: @schestowitz @Chloe221199 @Acosta Even Gabriel Garcia Marquez would be like “dude, that’s a run-on sentence” *thre… 06 16:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BlitzandGrins: @schestowitz @Chloe221199 @Acosta Even Gabriel Garcia Marquez would be like “dude, that’s a run-on sentence” *thre… 06 16:46
schestowitz"Jan 06 16:46
schestowitzEven Gabriel Garcia Marquez would be like “dude, that’s a run-on sentence”Jan 06 16:46
schestowitz*three English lit majors nod approvingly at this tweet*Jan 06 16:46
schestowitz"Jan 06 16:46
schestowitz 06 16:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@studentsabrina: @schestowitz @Acosta This makes me feel very nauseousdizzy trying to keep up with where he was trying (?) to go with this.Jan 06 16:46
schestowitz 06 16:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kidibekele: @schestowitz @JennySampson16 @Acosta Oh lord!Jan 06 16:46
schestowitz 06 16:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Glambertoo1: @ARetVet @schestowitz to think Obama promised transparency n government🤥 Corrupt government always wants to keep th… 06 16:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Glambertoo1: @ARetVet @schestowitz to think Obama promised transparency n government🤥 Corrupt government always wants to keep th… 06 16:46
schestowitz"to think Obama promised transparency n government Corrupt government always wants to keep their corruptions against their citizens silenced~"Jan 06 16:46
schestowitz 06 16:46
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Chloe221199: @BlitzandGrins @schestowitz @Acosta <——- one English lit major nodding right here already 😉Jan 06 16:46
schestowitz 06 16:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rubyvol: @schestowitz @Acosta Incoherent!!! As usual!!!Jan 06 16:47
schestowitz 06 16:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@rubyvol: @JoyResists @schestowitz @Acosta Greed!!!Jan 06 16:47
schestowitz 06 16:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Glambertoo1: @schestowitz Art of the Deal co-writer says Trump could end civilization if elected, says he feels deep remorse for… 06 16:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Glambertoo1: @schestowitz Art of the Deal co-writer says Trump could end civilization if elected, says he feels deep remorse for… 06 16:47
schestowitz"Art of the Deal co-writer says Trump could end civilization if elected, says he feels deep remorse for ‘putting lipstick on a pig>"Jan 06 16:47
schestowitz 06 16:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@BlitzandGrins: @Chloe221199 @schestowitz @Acosta Autumn of the Patriarch for the win. 👊 🤓Jan 06 16:47
schestowitz 06 16:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@IAPInsNJ: @schestowitz @Acosta We are all in trouble.Jan 06 16:47
schestowitz 06 16:47
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@pcandec: @schestowitz @Acosta The musings of a sheer genius.Jan 06 16:47
schestowitz 06 16:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@chgodem: When he'said talking, he sounds like a toddler with severe ADHD, but when you see it in writing - wow. He''s unabl… 06 16:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@chgodem: When he'said talking, he sounds like a toddler with severe ADHD, but when you see it in writing - wow. He''s unabl… 06 16:48
schestowitz"When he'said talking, he sounds like a toddler with severe ADHD, but when you see it in writing - wow.  He''s unable to express a coherent thought.@chgodem added,"Jan 06 16:48
schestowitz 06 16:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@1lawyerforlex: @charlessr1956 @schestowitz @Acosta They’re made in China...Jan 06 16:48
schestowitz 06 16:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sdaye411: @schestowitz @Acosta Dear God, attempting to read this made my head: 06 16:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@sdaye411: @schestowitz @Acosta Dear God, attempting to read this made my head: 06 16:48
schestowitzfantastic game. Like all the matches this season. Pleasure to watch. Bravo Bravo (no mistakes made).Jan 06 16:49
schestowitz 06 16:51
-TechBytesBot/ | Manchester City (@ManCity) on TwitterJan 06 16:51
schestowitz 06 16:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@csolisr: @schestowitz Yeah, so far the system is more like a "I pinky swear I'm old enough for boobs" Maybe even a "I pinky… 06 16:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@csolisr: @schestowitz Yeah, so far the system is more like a "I pinky swear I'm old enough for boobs" Maybe even a "I pinky… 06 16:53
schestowitz"Jan 06 16:53
schestowitzYeah, so far the system is more like a "I pinky swear I'm old enough for boobs"Jan 06 16:53
schestowitzMaybe even a "I pinky swear this is my ID card, officer"Jan 06 16:53
schestowitz"Jan 06 16:53
schestowitz 06 16:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cursedwizard01: @schestowitz @ManCity even the shaktar game lolJan 06 16:53
schestowitzPep put a weak squad on. They were already secure in top of their group with another game imminentJan 06 16:53
schestowitz 06 16:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@StresingCathy: @charlessr1956 @Vinnylegsnapper @schestowitz @Acosta 06 16:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@StresingCathy: @charlessr1956 @Vinnylegsnapper @schestowitz @Acosta 06 16:53
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Why Raspberry Pi isn’t vulnerable to Spectre or Meltdown</a></h5>Jan 06 16:56
schestowitz<blockquote>Jan 06 16:56
schestowitz <p>Both vulnerabilities exploit performance features (caching and speculative execution) common to many modern processors to leak data via a so-called side-channel attack. Happily, the Raspberry Pi isn’t susceptible to these vulnerabilities, because of the particular ARM cores that we use. </p>Jan 06 16:56
schestowitz</blockquote>Jan 06 16:56
-TechBytesBot/ | Why Raspberry Pi isn't vulnerable to Spectre or Meltdown - Raspberry PiJan 06 16:56
schestowitz</li>Jan 06 16:56
schestowitz 06 17:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cyferPtVila: @schestowitz @Acosta The operative word being "like", as in meaning nothing even remotely similar. Everything with… 06 17:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cyferPtVila: @schestowitz @Acosta The operative word being "like", as in meaning nothing even remotely similar. Everything with… 06 17:05
schestowitz"The operative word being "like", as in meaning nothing even remotely similar. Everything with him is backwards. You have to reverse his words to glimpse truth, his actions are the reverse of good, decent, sensible, or all 3, he rules not for country but for himself."Jan 06 17:05
schestowitz 06 17:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Flavia0847: It also appears to be an opportunity to 'get even' with the neighbors. 06 17:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: Spectre and Meltdown Attacks Against Microprocessors 06 17:34
schestowitz 06 17:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Venicebeachwinr: @sachie2018 @cyferPtVila @schestowitz @worldflood1 @Acosta Trump and Nunez come to mind and all of the GOP. A slid… 06 17:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Venicebeachwinr: @sachie2018 @cyferPtVila @schestowitz @worldflood1 @Acosta Trump and Nunez come to mind and all of the GOP. A slid… 06 17:34
schestowitz"Trump and Nunez come to mind and all of the GOP. A slid back to Bush Jr era of bankruptcy awaits. Jobs are down the market ready to blow up from inflated stocks just wait and see. This is crazy with the worst Congress and Senate ever. Soon Ryan will be out on his ass too."Jan 06 17:34
schestowitz 06 17:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cyferPtVila: @GermanGirl73 @schestowitz @Acosta It already has 2 sides of russian dressing, plus a bowl of borscht, and a slug o… 06 17:34
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cyferPtVila: @GermanGirl73 @schestowitz @Acosta It already has 2 sides of russian dressing, plus a bowl of borscht, and a slug o… 06 17:34
schestowitz"It already has 2 sides of russian dressing, plus a bowl of borscht, and a slug of vodka, served by 2 compromat girls in Moscow"Jan 06 17:34
schestowitz 06 17:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@cyferPtVila: @JonaSaxBFaulder @GermanGirl73 @schestowitz @Acosta scrambled eggs are more coherentJan 06 17:35
schestowitz 06 17:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@nodedog: @charlessr1956 @schestowitz @Acosta Couldn't stop laughing after reading your tweet. I mean trumps comment is way… 06 17:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@nodedog: @charlessr1956 @schestowitz @Acosta Couldn't stop laughing after reading your tweet. I mean trumps comment is way… 06 17:36
schestowitz"Couldn't stop laughing after reading your tweet.  I mean trumps comment is way past being weird.  And this is what passes for the world?"Jan 06 17:36
schestowitz 06 17:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@hewhohathears: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 best genius ever @realDonaldTrump 06 17:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @Acosta Very smart man 06 17:39
schestowitz 06 17:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@nodedog: @charlessr1956 @Vinnylegsnapper @schestowitz @Acosta Dr Strangelove-- Living underground 06 17:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Dr. Strangelove (8/8) Movie CLIP - Living Underground (1964) HD - YouTubeJan 06 17:48
schestowitz 06 17:48
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@DJHJamesDeanFan: @schestowitz @Acosta Rambling “genius” shows how unfocused and disconnected his “thoughts” are.Jan 06 17:48
schestowitz 06 18:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@janismotl1: @schestowitz @Acosta Serious case of word salad, and, we all know this disorder is usually associated with serious mental incapacity.Jan 06 18:18
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techbytesJan 06 18:53
schestowitz 06 19:05
-TechBytesBot/ It's not the future, it's the past It's not "devops", which is a buzzword #redhat likes It's just "siloed groups" 06 19:05
schestowitz"Be careful when you hop from one cloud to another!"Jan 06 19:05
schestowitz"I remember the old days, when you drew a systems diagram and put a cloud in the figure it was essentially an admission of ignorance - a type of black box."Jan 06 19:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The future of DevOps is mastery of multi-cloud environments | Opensource.comJan 06 19:05
schestowitzNot cloud means Big brotherJan 06 19:05
schestowitz 06 19:06
-TechBytesBot/ It grows in the ground, it's part of #nature But humans found the justification to put #patents on it 06 19:06
schestowitz"Forbearing prosecutions is “unnecessary”."Jan 06 19:06
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Patent Docs: Sessions's War on the Cole Memo and the New Frontier for the Canna-IP IndustryJan 06 19:06
schestowitz"Nice backhand slap at the states involved.'Jan 06 19:06
schestowitz 06 19:07
-TechBytesBot/ #microsoft #corruption in #munich - as expensive as it was - will pay for itself #gnu #linuxJan 06 19:07
schestowitz"Munich - let’s invest in Microsoft! (maybe the taxpayers won’t notice)."Jan 06 19:07
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@glynmoody: And we return to Munich's migration back to Windo- it's going to cost what now?! €100m! - t… 06 19:07
schestowitz"And How are they going to recoup this expense? (don’t know, don’t care)"Jan 06 19:07
schestowitz 06 19:08
-TechBytesBot/ More about #Spectre and the #PowerPC (or why you may want to dust that #G3 off) 06 19:08
schestowitz"If IBM was smart (which they are not), they would mass-produce el-cheapo versions of the Power chip."Jan 06 19:08
schestowitz"Perhaps the main impediment to AMD all these years is that they are working with an intrinsically inferior design.Jan 06 19:08
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | TenFourFox Development: More about Spectre and the PowerPC (or why you may want to dust that G3 off)Jan 06 19:08
schestowitzIBM is too busy suing companies with patentsJan 06 19:08
schestowitz 06 19:08
-TechBytesBot/ My fantasy world: People mock colleagues who browse with JavaScript Demand they shut down their 'smart' phones Don't visit homes with 'smart' ahem.... "things" Does #security or #privacy need to be a fantasy?Jan 06 19:08
schestowitz"Is stone age an option?"Jan 06 19:08
schestowitz"Jan 06 19:08
schestowitzBeing dirt poor and old helps a lot. Nobody questions why I don’t carry a smart phone. I just pull out my talking senior citizen’s flip phone, look confused, and tell them I think I have an email address but I can’t remember it. When they ask me if I have a facebook, i just shake my head and act like I’m going to cry.Jan 06 19:09
schestowitzThey rush me right through the line and offer to carry my bags to my car.Jan 06 19:09
schestowitzI hate them.Jan 06 19:09
schestowitz"Jan 06 19:09
schestowitzFacebook. LOL.Jan 06 19:09
schestowitz"no, thank you, I have REAL friends and I speak to people in person"Jan 06 19:10
schestowitz 06 19:11
-TechBytesBot/ "Not now" is a #microsoft #windows think and they don't even obey the users' wishes 06 19:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Snowden: You may have heard about @Intel's horrific #Meltdown bug. But have you watched it in action? When your computer ask… 06 19:11
schestowitz"Jan 06 19:11
schestowitzAlmost every system is affected by Spectre: Desktops, Laptops, Cloud Servers, as well as Smartphones. More specifically, all modern processors capable of keeping many instructions in flight are potentially vulnerable. In particular, we have verified Spectre on Intel, AMD, and ARM processors.Jan 06 19:11
schestowitzThis is just plain strange. Why would all of these CPUs have the same or similar bugs?Jan 06 19:11
schestowitz"Jan 06 19:11
schestowitz"Jan 06 19:11
schestowitzHas Meltdown or Spectre been abused in the wild?Jan 06 19:11
schestowitzThis is the Key question!Jan 06 19:11
schestowitz"Jan 06 19:11
schestowitz"pun intended."Jan 06 19:11
schestowitzMaybe it's not even a bug *wink wink, touch nose*Jan 06 19:11
schestowitz 06 19:12
-TechBytesBot/ #nsa headless again. It's collapsing. No morale. 06 19:12
schestowitz"Good riddance. May the next bolus pass through even more quickly."Jan 06 19:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Agency Transformed, NSA Chief Rogers Set for Spring DepartureJan 06 19:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | NSA director Mike Rogers announces his retirement - Business InsiderJan 06 19:12
schestowitz"Jan 06 19:12
schestowitz" steadfast publicizing Russian efforts to influence the 2016 elections."Jan 06 19:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | NSA chief to leave, expects successor this month: ReportJan 06 19:12
schestowitzUh, and WHAT were those efforts again? I seem to have missed something.Jan 06 19:12
schestowitz"Jan 06 19:12
schestowitzThey have various theories they swap between when asked difficult questionsJan 06 19:12
schestowitz 06 19:13
-TechBytesBot/ No #ubuntu patches (proper ones) until next week for #Meltdown and #Spectre #intel must pay!Jan 06 19:13
schestowitz"Most ARM devices are still using old 3.x Linux kernels. I doubt that any of these will be patched, updated and distributed."Jan 06 19:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Ubuntu will fix Meltdown and Spectre by January 9th - NeowinJan 06 19:13
schestowitz"Maybe I’ll get me an old SPARC station."Jan 06 19:13
schestowitzOracle killed such hopesJan 06 19:13
schestowitz 06 19:14
-TechBytesBot/ #police in #texas when not busy firing at people 06 19:14
schestowitz"Tom Grz"Jan 06 19:14
schestowitz"“misuse of official information,” i.e. “Publishing”."Jan 06 19:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Texas Cops Arrest Journalist For Publishing Confidential Info Given To Her By A Police Officer | TechdirtJan 06 19:14
schestowitz"exas is the tail of the Beast."Jan 06 19:14
schestowitzWould look more like a tail if Texas included MexicoJan 06 19:14
schestowitz 06 19:15
-TechBytesBot/ Publishing leaks is never easy. 06 19:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@WLTaskForce: "free press" foundation to cut off WikiLeaks after political pressure. Foundation set up to collect tax deductible… 06 19:15
schestowitz"Jan 06 19:15
schestowitzAlthough I have never met or communicated with Lee and know littleJan 06 19:15
schestowitzof him. But research shows that starting in early 2016 he has engagedJan 06 19:15
schestowitzin an online vilification campaign against WikiLeaks (and me). SomeJan 06 19:15
schestowitzexamples:Jan 06 19:15
schestowitz“…Julian [is] a rapist, liar, & ally to fascists”;Jan 06 19:15
schestowitz“I wonder, now that Obama has commuted @xychelsea’s sentence, willJan 06 19:15
schestowitzJulian Assange turn himself in for US extradition”;Jan 06 19:15
schestowitz“Julian Assange is not a co-founder of @freedomofPress. This isJan 06 19:15
schestowitzanother lie. I know, I’m a co-founder”;Jan 06 19:15
schestowitz“We can’t trust them [WikiLeaks]”;Jan 06 19:15
schestowitz“Assange’s fall to bigotry”;Jan 06 19:15
schestowitz“WikiLeaks/Julian also champion far-right conspiracy theories”;Jan 06 19:15
schestowitz“Assange makes up a narcissistic, self-serving, offensive conspiracyJan 06 19:15
schestowitztheiry (sic) to make @xychelsea’s story more about him”;Jan 06 19:15
schestowitz“This is just Julian defending a Nazi” in response to my tweetJan 06 19:15
schestowitz[“US ‘liberals’ today celebrate the censorship of right-wing UKJan 06 19:15
schestowitzprovocateur Milo Yiannopoulos over teen sex quote.”Jan 06 19:16
schestowitzSo How did Micah Lee get on the board of the Free Press Foundation, anyway? Seems quite prejudiced. Wasn’t he vetted?Jan 06 19:16
schestowitz"Jan 06 19:16
schestowitz 06 19:16
schestowitz"Jan 06 19:16
schestowitzAlthough I have never met or communicated with Lee and know littleJan 06 19:16
schestowitzof him. But research shows that starting in early 2016 he has engagedJan 06 19:16
schestowitzin an online vilification campaign against WikiLeaks (and me). SomeJan 06 19:16
schestowitzexamples:Jan 06 19:16
schestowitz“…Julian [is] a rapist, liar, & ally to fascists”;Jan 06 19:16
schestowitz“I wonder, now that Obama has commuted @xychelsea’s sentence, willJan 06 19:16
schestowitzJulian Assange turn himself in for US extradition”;Jan 06 19:16
schestowitz“Julian Assange is not a co-founder of @freedomofPress. This isJan 06 19:16
schestowitzanother lie. I know, I’m a co-founder”;Jan 06 19:16
schestowitz“We can’t trust them [WikiLeaks]”;Jan 06 19:16
schestowitz“Assange’s fall to bigotry”;Jan 06 19:16
schestowitz“WikiLeaks/Julian also champion far-right conspiracy theories”;Jan 06 19:16
schestowitz“Assange makes up a narcissistic, self-serving, offensive conspiracyJan 06 19:16
schestowitztheiry (sic) to make @xychelsea’s story more about him”;Jan 06 19:16
schestowitz“This is just Julian defending a Nazi” in response to my tweetJan 06 19:16
schestowitz[“US ‘liberals’ today celebrate the censorship of right-wing UKJan 06 19:17
schestowitzprovocateur Milo Yiannopoulos over teen sex quote.”Jan 06 19:17
schestowitzSo How did Micah Lee get on the board of the Free Press Foundation, anyway? Seems quite prejudiced. Wasn’t he vetted?Jan 06 19:17
schestowitz"Jan 06 19:17
schestowitz"Interesting the The Intercept and Greenwald connection here. Maybe these folks aren’t trustworthy."Jan 06 19:17
schestowitzGreenwald is OK, but Pierre plays them with his cashJan 06 19:17
schestowitz 06 19:17
-TechBytesBot/ Shot in its own foot at @FreedomofPress - now severely affected by #entryism by billionaire oligarch Omidyar 06 19:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@wikileaks: @micahflee @Dzigavertovv @FreedomofPress No, the public is understandably upset. You have brought @FreedomofPress i… 06 19:17
schestowitz"It is the Duty of the Freedom of the Press Foundation to support sources such as Wikileaks. If they cannot do THAT, what are they good for?"Jan 06 19:17
schestowitz"Boycott donations until they reconsider."Jan 06 19:17
schestowitzThey would not mind destroying thus foundation altogether, it was made up mostly as a front for Wikileaks (routing money)Jan 06 19:18
schestowitzThey would not mind destroying this foundation altogether, it was made up mostly as a front for Wikileaks (routing money)Jan 06 19:18
schestowitz 06 19:18
-TechBytesBot/ The Top 20 Must-Have Linux Apps from 2017 #gnu #linuxJan 06 19:18
schestowitz"Who starts the list with google chrome?!"Jan 06 19:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Top 20 Must-Have Linux Apps from 2017Jan 06 19:19
schestowitz"That article is like a joke. A bad one. Talking about google drive (odrive) instead of Nextcloud or Owncloud (or even Seafile for that matter) on fossmint is not funny. Neither promoting google chrome (instead of e.g. ungoogled chromium or iridium). And there is not even MPV on the list. Actually I don’t need any of the listed apps."Jan 06 19:19
schestowitz"Would +1 Kristijan and Tomy if there was a way to."Jan 06 19:19
schestowitzThere's a +1 comment thing, which says more then mere clicks (FB useds lost the ability to speak to people)Jan 06 19:19
schestowitz 06 19:20
-TechBytesBot/ The #EspionageAct And #NSA #Whistleblower #RealityWinner ’s Uphill Battle 06 19:20
schestowitz"Jan 06 19:20
schestowitzIt is noteworthy that President Obama (Liberal?) instituted much more draconian persecution of whistle-blowers than any previous administration. Trump carries along in that trend."Jan 06 19:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Espionage Act And NSA Whistleblower Reality Winner’s Uphill BattleJan 06 19:20
schestowitzMaybe that's the one thing Trump likes which Obama gave him, along with drones and NDAA 2012 (now used against US citizen)Jan 06 19:21
schestowitz 06 19:21
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Glambertoo1: @schestowitz @Acosta people who ARE highly intelligent don't boast how smart they are~Jan 06 19:21
schestowitz 06 19:23
-TechBytesBot/ True. Principles not so much... 06 19:23
schestowitz"States Rights - not so much."Jan 06 19:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@danielnazer: A conservative's guide to federalism. Do you like the state policy? 1. Yes → Federalism is one of freedom's cent… 06 19:23
schestowitz"Same thing also when the GOP tax cuts limited the deductibility of State income taxes from Federal taxed income: This is a disincentive for State income taxes. But How can States take up more governing responsibility if they cannot collect more taxes? (magic?) The net effect is to shift power again toward Washington."Jan 06 19:23
schestowitz"Sessions is a one-man Prohibition. Seems about right for an authoritarian regime."Jan 06 19:23
schestowitzComes from Alabama. They're used (when he was a kid) to have "dark" people do their workJan 06 19:23
<--acer-box has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 06 19:39
-->acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesJan 06 19:39
schestowitz 06 19:42
-TechBytesBot/ What is agile methodology? Modern software development explained #programmingJan 06 19:42
schestowitz"|Even if I agree and even like what agile methodologies are about, on the practice I have found that a lot of ‘agile implementations’ are just ‘learning de buzzwords’ and doing it all wrong."Jan 06 19:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | What is agile methodology? Modern software development explained | InfoWorldJan 06 19:42
schestowitz""you are soooo right, Yuusha Spacewolf >.<"Jan 06 19:42
schestowitzSame for devops with their 'silos' and s*Jan 06 19:43
schestowitz 06 19:43
-TechBytesBot/ Why You Should Still Love #Telnet #unix #linuxJan 06 19:43
schestowitz"Or use proper tools like nmap."Jan 06 19:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Why You Should Still Love TelnetJan 06 19:43
schestowitz"nmap is amazing!"Jan 06 19:43
schestowitznearly banned here (and Germany IIRC)Jan 06 19:43
schestowitz 06 19:45
-TechBytesBot/ ‘He’s totally onboard’: Wolff book describes #Trump admin’s collusion with #Israel #gopJan 06 19:45
schestowitz"To a “conspiracy theorist” like me, this is just other people catching up to what I’ve taken for granted since the moment his candidacy was announced."Jan 06 19:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | ‘He’s totally onboard’: Wolff book describes Trump admin’s collusion with Israel — RT US NewsJan 06 19:45
schestowitz"So America can’t ally itself with Russia or Israel. Go on tell me why, without being racist ?"Jan 06 19:45
schestowitz"Sure we ally ourselves with Israel, and we Have, big time. But Trump has got to stop pretending to be an fair broker with the Palestinians."Jan 06 19:45
schestowitz"Jan 06 19:45
schestowitzdarren_drapkin, in the end it’s simple :) they can’t ally with the Russia of today because they are too stupidly pretentious and lobotomized, and some rulers need to sell their weapons and impose their beliefs.Jan 06 19:45
schestowitzThey are in bed with Israel (which work to Congress corruption since decades) in a vicious circle, spreading blood and sadness.Jan 06 19:45
schestowitzI can’t see the link with racism.Jan 06 19:45
schestowitz"Jan 06 19:45
schestowitz"Jan 06 19:46
schestowitzRussians are stupid and corrupt, and Israelis corrupt and violent.Jan 06 19:46
schestowitzVery interesting, I don’t think.Jan 06 19:46
schestowitz"Jan 06 19:46
schestowitz"Hmm darren, if you refer to my comment, there’s a misunderstanding, the second ‘they’ in first sentence still points the US."Jan 06 19:46
schestowitz 06 19:54
-TechBytesBot/ | GABJan 06 19:54
schestowitz"Not for long..... That one is now burned. "Jan 06 19:54
schestowitz 06 19:54
-TechBytesBot/ | GABJan 06 19:54
schestowitz"Jan 06 19:54
schestowitzEasily better than Python 2's string/byte array/who-knows-what string vs unicode u"string"! Py3's implementation works better in practice provided you're aware of the possible exception.Jan 06 19:54
schestowitzThen you have awful languages like PHP which still has no native UTF-8 support outside mbstring.Jan 06 19:54
schestowitz"Jan 06 19:54
schestowitz 06 19:55
-TechBytesBot/ | GABJan 06 19:55
schestowitz"That's hilarious on CERT's behalf. Nearly every modern processor with the exception of a few primitive ARM cores (like the Raspberry Pi but not others) have vulnerable speculative execution implementations (including POWER and probably SPARC). Even IBM's z/Architecture is probably weak."Jan 06 19:55
schestowitzSo need to demonstrate these bugsJan 06 19:55
schestowitz 06 19:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@kristi46: @realDonaldTrump - You are dumb. Just dumb. Go away. No one likes you. #DumbLittleManWithLittleHands 06 19:57
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@schestowitz: @Acosta Very smart man 06 19:57
<--acer-box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Jan 06 20:09
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