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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: January 7th, 2018 – January 13th, 2018

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*TweetTuxMachines @josanneves favourited '#Canonical Plans to Release #Ubuntu 17.10 Respin ISOs...'Jan 07 00:02
XRevan86DaemonFC: That's what people get for using devices with no detachable battery.Jan 07 00:07
XRevan86I remember it was a big argument against detachable batteries from Apple that they make the phone more fragile as it's less solid. But isn't it the other way round?Jan 07 00:09
-->acer-box ( has joined #techrightsJan 07 00:37
<--acer-box has quit (Changing host)Jan 07 00:37
-->acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 07 00:37
<--acer-box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 07 00:53
-->acer-box ( has joined #techrightsJan 07 00:53
<--acer-box has quit (Changing host)Jan 07 00:53
-->acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 07 00:53
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)Jan 07 00:53
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Jan 07 00:54
*TweetTuxMachines @josanneves favourited '#Ubuntu 17.04, the Last Release with Unity 7,...'Jan 07 01:12
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 07 01:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 01:25
TweetTuxMachines                 #4MLinux 23.2 released.Jan 07 01:25
TweetTuxMachines        ( 07 01:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 4MLinux 23.2 released. | Tux MachinesJan 07 01:25
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 01:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 01:42
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #4MLinux 23.2 released.Jan 07 01:42
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 07 01:42
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 01:42
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 01:49
TweetTuxMachines                 #Solaris 11.4 To Move From #GNOME 2 Desktop To GNOMEJan 07 01:49
TweetTuxMachines                 ShellJan 07 01:49
TweetTuxMachines         ( #unixJan 07 01:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Solaris 11.4 To Move From GNOME 2 Desktop To GNOME Shell | Tux MachinesJan 07 01:49
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 01:49
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Solaris 11.4 To Move From #GNOME 2 Desktop...'Jan 07 01:49
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@ has joined #techrightsJan 07 02:19
oiaohmXRevan86: the reason for embedded batteries on Android has been water proofing.Jan 07 02:34
oiaohmXRevan86: at least that kind of makes sense.Jan 07 02:34
cubexyzgot some interesting new info about spectre and meltdown:Jan 07 03:23
cubexyz 07 03:23
cubexyzevidently P3's are fineJan 07 03:24
cubexyz 07 03:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Can We Replace Intel x86 With an Open Source Chip? - SlashdotJan 07 03:28
cubexyznewer computers aren't that great... that's the sad truthJan 07 03:46
cubexyzlate 1980s motherboards had many socketed chips, you could fix those foreverJan 07 03:47
cubexyzor you could get one of those Talos IIJan 07 03:56
cubexyzfor $6,750 :)Jan 07 03:56
cubexyzwell, $4,750 for a baseline modelJan 07 03:57
<--amarsh04 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 07 04:53
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@ has joined #techrightsJan 07 04:59
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 05:05
TweetTuxMachines                 Security: Meltdown & Spectre, Critical CSRF SecurityJan 07 05:05
TweetTuxMachines                 Vulnerability, OpenVPN and MoreJan 07 05:05
TweetTuxMachines        ( 07 05:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security: Meltdown & Spectre, Critical CSRF Security Vulnerability, OpenVPN and More | Tux MachinesJan 07 05:05
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 05:05
oiaohmcubexyz: that would be spectre I had seen meltdown tests back to 1995Jan 07 05:17
cubexyzwhich one is worse?Jan 07 05:17
oiaohmcubexyz: the google tests of meltdown on intel hardware says it 1995 and newer.Jan 07 05:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Meltdown (security vulnerability) - WikipediaJan 07 05:21
oiaohmcubexyz: also spectre is a lot harder to confirmJan 07 05:22
oiaohmcubexyz: to be effected by spectre cpu has to have speculative execution and that means has to have out of order execution.Jan 07 05:24
oiaohmcubexyz: the first Intel cpu with out of order execution/speculative execution is P6  and still 1995Jan 07 05:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | P6 (microarchitecture) - WikipediaJan 07 05:27
oiaohmcubexyz: the problem here spectre exploits have to be customised to CPU so without very detailed testing its hard to rule it completley out..Jan 07 05:28
oiaohmcubexyz: meltdown is picking on MMU.   Spectre is picking on execution orderJan 07 05:30
cubexyzI seeJan 07 05:30
DaemonFCSo PowerPC CPUs tend to be in order, right?Jan 07 05:30
DaemonFCThe Xenon CPU in the XBOX 360 is.Jan 07 05:30
oiaohmDaemonFC: depends on the powerpc chip.Jan 07 05:30
cubexyzhow about you tell us which CPUs are _not_ affected? :)Jan 07 05:31
DaemonFCcubexyz: That's a little harder.Jan 07 05:31
DaemonFCMost x86 CPUs are out of order. Even very old ones.Jan 07 05:31
DaemonFCThe K6/2 was out of order.Jan 07 05:31
oiaohmDaemonFC: Powerpc is one of the places out of order execution started.Jan 07 05:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | History of the PowerPC ArchitectureJan 07 05:32
DaemonFCThe Xenon performed okay.Jan 07 05:33
oiaohmDaemonFC: the Xenon is a out of order cpu.Jan 07 05:33
cubexyztime for AMD I thinkJan 07 05:33
cubexyzseems like the logical choice Jan 07 05:34
oiaohmDaemonFC: spectre has been confirmed in some powerpc cpu designs.   I don't know if Xenon is based off of one of those.Jan 07 05:34
oiaohmcubexyz: amd has some spectre problems.Jan 07 05:35
oiaohmcubexyz: funny things are 100 percent not meltdown or spectre like raspberry pis.Jan 07 05:35
cubexyzwhat about FPGAs?Jan 07 05:36
oiaohmcubexyz: FPGA comes down to what you programmed into it.Jan 07 05:36
oiaohmcubexyz: and in arm it even gets complex because you have the out of order arm64 designs by quacomm and samsung that don't have either fault.Jan 07 05:37
cubexyzI heard Atom chips are safeJan 07 05:38
oiaohmcubexyz: only some.Jan 07 05:39
cubexyzer, Atom chips before 2013 that isJan 07 05:39
oiaohmcubexyz: the some are the ones with the powervr graphics.Jan 07 05:39
oiaohmcubexyz: that windows 10 and Linux don't support well.   To be correct windows 10 does not support at all and Linux support is iffy.Jan 07 05:39
oiaohmcubexyz: fairly much we have got it to the neck for having a mono-culture and lack of design auditing..Jan 07 05:41
MinceR 07 06:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Isn't this a punderful world we live in? - Album on ImgurJan 07 06:31
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 06:53
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Security: Meltdown & Spectre, Critical CSRF SecurityJan 07 06:53
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    Vulnerability, OpenVPN and MoreJan 07 06:53
TweetTuxMachines        ( 07 06:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security: Meltdown & Spectre, Critical CSRF Security Vulnerability, OpenVPN and More | Tux MachinesJan 07 06:53
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 06:53
MinceR 07 07:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Another Fine Cat Dump - Album on ImgurJan 07 07:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 07:58
TweetTuxMachines                 #Chrome and #Mozilla (Robert O'Callahan Unlocks Secrets)Jan 07 07:58
TweetTuxMachines         ( 07 07:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chrome and Mozilla (Robert O'Callahan Unlocks Secrets) | Tux MachinesJan 07 07:58
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 07:58
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 08:28
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #Chrome and #Mozilla (Robert O'Callahan Unlocks Secrets)Jan 07 08:28
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 07 08:28
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 08:28
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsJan 07 08:36
MinceR 07 09:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Cobra Weave Stick Bomb Reaction - Album on ImgurJan 07 09:22
schestowitzrniceJan 07 09:29
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@wikileaks "Witches now existed in droves, and to...'Jan 07 09:36
TweetTuxMachines@shutd  07 10:07
TweetTuxMachines                 @tuxmachines Please read recent threads on Alpha andJan 07 10:07
TweetTuxMachines                 #litebook at ( 07 10:07
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 10:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | linuxhardware: For GNU/Linux hardware questions and needsJan 07 10:07
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 10:11
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #4MLinux 23.2 released.Jan 07 10:11
TweetTuxMachines @MyNameIsZK1234 ( 07 10:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 4MLinux 23.2 released. | Tux MachinesJan 07 10:11
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 10:11
MinceR 07 10:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Genius! - Album on ImgurJan 07 10:44
MinceR 07 10:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-AMD PSP Affected By Remote Code Execution Vulnerability - PhoronixJan 07 10:46
<--TweetTuxMachines has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jan 07 11:42
-->TweetTuxMachines ( has joined #techrightsJan 07 11:47
MinceR 07 12:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Mexican Standoff (ft. Key & Peele) - YouTubeJan 07 12:00
MinceR 07 12:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Overcrowding in British prisons. - ImgurJan 07 12:18
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 07 12:20
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@ has joined #techrightsJan 07 12:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 13:03
TweetTuxMachines                 Today in TechrightsJan 07 13:03
TweetTuxMachines         ( 07 13:03
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 13:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJan 07 13:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 13:05
TweetTuxMachines                 #Android Leftovers 07 13:05
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 07 13:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 07 13:05
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 13:05
*TweetTuxMachines @Mark7475 favourited '#Android Leftovers'Jan 07 13:05
MinceR 07 13:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | They are becoming sentientJan 07 13:12
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Android Leftovers'Jan 07 13:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 13:45
TweetTuxMachines                 #Linux 4.16 To Feature More BFQ OptimizationsJan 07 13:45
TweetTuxMachines         ( 07 13:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux 4.16 To Feature More BFQ Optimizations | Tux MachinesJan 07 13:45
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 13:45
<--brendyn has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Jan 07 13:49
MinceR 07 13:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Living on Gotland - one year review - Album on ImgurJan 07 13:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 14:06
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #Linux 4.16 To Feature More BFQ OptimizationsJan 07 14:06
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 07 14:06
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 14:06
*TweetTuxMachines @TechJournalist favourited '#Linux 4.16 To Feature More BFQ Optimizations ...'Jan 07 14:24
MinceR 07 14:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Living with a fox - GIF on ImgurJan 07 14:50
MinceR 07 15:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Whipped Cream + Cat Nose = AdorableJan 07 15:03
MinceR 07 15:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Military to Business translation guide - Album on ImgurJan 07 15:27
<--XRevan86 has quit (Quit: Gateway shutdown)Jan 07 15:29
-->XRevan86 ( has joined #techrightsJan 07 15:33
MinceR 07 15:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-. - Album on ImgurJan 07 15:41
XRevan86MinceR: It's the first time I saw Latin cursive and I read it %).Jan 07 15:43
MinceR:)Jan 07 15:45
XRevan86The "l" has an unexpected shape though.Jan 07 15:45
XRevan86more… lambda shapedJan 07 15:46
XRevan86the "I", I mean %)Jan 07 15:48
XRevan86was thinking of lambda, influnced my typingJan 07 15:48
XRevan86influencedJan 07 15:48
-->robobox_ (~robobox@ has joined #techrightsJan 07 15:48
robobox_now that linspire 7 is outJan 07 15:56
robobox_is the boycott of linspire still in effect?Jan 07 15:56
robobox_or does it not matter anymore?Jan 07 15:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 15:58
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Today in TechrightsJan 07 15:58
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 07 15:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJan 07 15:58
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 15:58
oiaohmrobobox_: really have you read over the new linspire 7 can check out the claims.   Does not take much looking to find claims not based in fact.Jan 07 15:59
oiaohmrobobox_: and other items that a questionable.Jan 07 16:00
oiaohmrobobox_: please note it was not like the novell case and patents with linspire historically it was quality issues and license compliance issues.   The new version of linspire looks to have all those old problems again.Jan 07 16:02
XRevan86It appears to be a pretty worthless distro. Is there anything to boycott?Jan 07 16:05
oiaohmXRevan86: really its not like there is a need to boycott when its a item that going to have trouble passing basic legal department license compliance inspection.Jan 07 16:07
robobox_reddit has more microsoft boosting, from jason perlowJan 07 16:18
robobox_ 07 16:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Why Intel x86 must die: Our cloud-centric future depends on open source chips | ZDNetJan 07 16:18
robobox_of course everyone is angry in the commentsJan 07 16:19
XRevan86> to the core DNA of the semiconductor industryJan 07 16:25
XRevan86what…Jan 07 16:25
XRevan86DNA? Really?Jan 07 16:25
XRevan86The new business IT terminology, fillies and gentlecolts: DNA in the cloudJan 07 16:27
XRevan86> And they may be some of the worst computer bugs in history -- if not the worstJan 07 16:34
XRevan86Well, I wouldn't call it THAT bad.Jan 07 16:34
XRevan86Because they can be "fixed" in software.Jan 07 16:35
XRevan86So pretty bad but not the WORSTJan 07 16:35
XRevan86Though the fact that the bug is around for 20 years can promote it to that status :).Jan 07 16:36
robobox_this is why i am using amd on my new laptopJan 07 16:38
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 16:47
TweetTuxMachines                 #Ubuntu 17.10 Will Be Re-Released on January 11, Will NoJan 07 16:47
TweetTuxMachines                 Longer Brick LaptopsJan 07 16:47
TweetTuxMachines         ( 07 16:47
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 16:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 17.10 Will Be Re-Released on January 11, Will No Longer Brick Laptops | Tux MachinesJan 07 16:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 16:48
TweetTuxMachines                 Security: CPU Bugs, Western Digital Back DoorsJan 07 16:49
TweetTuxMachines         ( 07 16:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security: CPU Bugs, Western Digital Back Doors | Tux MachinesJan 07 16:49
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 16:49
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Ubuntu 17.10 Will Be Re-Released on January 11,...'Jan 07 16:49
<--robobox_ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jan 07 16:49
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Security: CPU Bugs, Western Digital Back Doors ...'Jan 07 16:51
*TweetTuxMachines @GamerGeekNews retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Ubuntu 17.10 Will Be Re-Released on January 11,...'Jan 07 16:52
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 16:56
TweetTuxMachines                 OSS and SharingJan 07 16:56
TweetTuxMachines         ( 07 16:57
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 16:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OSS and Sharing | Tux MachinesJan 07 16:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 16:59
TweetTuxMachines                 today's howtosJan 07 16:59
TweetTuxMachines         ( 07 16:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJan 07 16:59
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 16:59
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'OSS and Sharing'Jan 07 16:59
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'today's howtos'Jan 07 17:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 17:03
TweetTuxMachines                 Games: Wine 3.0 RC5, Super Indie Kart and MoreJan 07 17:03
TweetTuxMachines         ( 07 17:03
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 17:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Wine 3.0 RC5, Super Indie Kart and More | Tux MachinesJan 07 17:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 17:04
TweetTuxMachines                 #Kernel and Graphics: LightNVM, Year 2038 and MoreJan 07 17:04
TweetTuxMachines         ( 07 17:04
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 17:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kernel and Graphics: LightNVM, Year 2038 and More | Tux MachinesJan 07 17:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 17:05
TweetTuxMachines                 Leftovers: Containers in Research, Opera, KDE Software,Jan 07 17:05
TweetTuxMachines                 Thunderbolt 3, Android and Chrome OSJan 07 17:05
TweetTuxMachines         ( 07 17:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Leftovers: Containers in Research, Opera, KDE Software, Thunderbolt 3, Android and Chrome OS | Tux MachinesJan 07 17:05
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 17:05
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Games: Wine 3.0 RC5, Super Indie Kart and...'Jan 07 17:05
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Kernel and Graphics: LightNVM, Year 2038 and More...'Jan 07 17:09
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Leftovers: Containers in Research, Opera, KDE Software, Thunderbolt...'Jan 07 17:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 17:23
TweetTuxMachines                 Links 7/1/2018: New Latte Dock and 4MLinux ReleasesJan 07 17:23
TweetTuxMachines        ( 07 17:23
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 17:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 7/1/2018: New Latte Dock and 4MLinux Releases | TechrightsJan 07 17:23
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@SenSanders Protect the US instead'Jan 07 17:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: @SenSanders Protect the US instead 07 17:27
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techrightsJan 07 17:31
MinceR 07 17:59
-->mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsJan 07 18:52
-->Firee (~Firee@unaffiliated/firee) has joined #techrightsJan 07 18:56
-->robobox_ (~robobox@ has joined #techrightsJan 07 19:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 07 19:34
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Links 7/1/2018: New Latte Dock and 4MLinux ReleasesJan 07 19:34
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 07 19:34
TweetTuxMachines Jan 07 19:34
<--robobox_ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Jan 07 19:44
-->robobox_ (~robobox@ has joined #techrightsJan 07 19:45
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<--MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jan 07 20:38
-->MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrightsJan 07 20:39
XRevan86 07 21:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Climate Change is Boring - YouTubeJan 07 21:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-13 Misconceptions About Global Warming - YouTubeJan 07 21:28
MinceR 07 22:00
<--Researcher- has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Jan 07 22:01
-->brendyn ( has joined #techrightsJan 07 22:03
-->Researcher- ( has joined #techrightsJan 07 22:10
<--robobox_ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Jan 07 22:26
<--Firee has quit (Quit: lolmoi)Jan 07 23:54
<--DaemonFC has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 08 00:05
<--oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 08 00:13
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsJan 08 00:14
-->DaemonFC (daemonfcma@gateway/shell/ has joined #techrightsJan 08 00:14
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@wikileaks Years later EFF hired Micah Lee and...'Jan 08 00:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 00:45
TweetTuxMachines                 #Linux 4.15-rc7 08 00:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux 4.15-rc7 | Tux MachinesJan 08 00:45
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 08 00:45
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 00:45
-->robobox_ (~robobox@ has joined #techrightsJan 08 00:52
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 00:59
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #Linux 4.15-rc7 08 00:59
TweetTuxMachines @GamerGeekNews  ( 08 00:59
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 00:59
<--robobox_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 08 01:10
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 01:12
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #Linux 4.15-rc7 08 01:12
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    ( 08 01:12
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 01:12
-->robobox_ (~robobox@ has joined #techrightsJan 08 01:19
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 08 01:21
<--robobox_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Jan 08 01:34
schestowitz 08 01:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ China’s hi-tech missile ambitions are marching ahead at warp speed "excess of five times the speed of sound" Good luck shooting THAT downJan 08 01:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | China’s hi-tech missile ambitions are marching ahead at warp speed | South China Morning PostJan 08 01:36
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@wikileaks Free publicity for the book'Jan 08 01:40
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 01:40
TweetTuxMachines                 #Meltdown and #Spectre #Linux PerspectiveJan 08 01:40
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 01:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Meltdown and Spectre Linux Perspective | Tux MachinesJan 08 01:40
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 01:40
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jan 08 02:12
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 02:13
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #Meltdown and #Spectre #Linux PerspectiveJan 08 02:13
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 08 02:13
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 02:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 02:15
TweetTuxMachines                 #GhostBSD 11.1 - FreeBSD for the desktopJan 08 02:15
TweetTuxMachines         ( #bsdJan 08 02:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GhostBSD 11.1 - FreeBSD for the desktop | Tux MachinesJan 08 02:15
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 02:15
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 08 02:21
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 08 02:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 02:32
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #GhostBSD 11.1 - FreeBSD for the desktopJan 08 02:32
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( #bsdJan 08 02:32
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 02:32
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 02:34
TweetTuxMachines                 LinuxAndUbuntu Review Of #TrueOS A Unix Based OSJan 08 02:34
TweetTuxMachines         ( #bsd #unixJan 08 02:34
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 02:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LinuxAndUbuntu Review Of TrueOS A Unix Based OS | Tux MachinesJan 08 02:34
<--brendyn has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 08 02:51
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 03:13
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    LinuxAndUbuntu Review Of #TrueOS A Unix Based OSJan 08 03:13
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( #bsd #unixJan 08 03:13
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 03:13
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 08 03:28
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@ has joined #techrightsJan 08 03:34
*TweetTuxMachines @adymitruk favourited '#GhostBSD 11.1 - FreeBSD for the desktop ...'Jan 08 03:59
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 08 04:22
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsJan 08 04:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 05:13
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #GhostBSD 11.1 - FreeBSD for the desktopJan 08 05:13
TweetTuxMachines @adymitruk ( #bsdJan 08 05:13
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 05:13
-->Firee (~Firee@unaffiliated/firee) has joined #techrightsJan 08 05:51
MinceR 08 07:10
TweetTuxMachines@2green 08 07:47
TweetTuxMachines                 The latest Linux Stuff Daily! 08 07:47
TweetTuxMachines                 ( Thanks to @tuxmachines @linuxarm @LibrePCJan 08 07:47
TweetTuxMachines                 #linux #armJan 08 07:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Stuff DailyJan 08 07:47
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 07:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 08:08
TweetTuxMachines                 Today in TechrightsJan 08 08:08
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 08:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJan 08 08:08
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 08:08
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 08 08:30
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsJan 08 08:31
<--XRevan86 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 08 08:51
-->XRevan86 (~XRevan86@2002:4089:fdba::1) has joined #techrightsJan 08 08:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 08:57
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Today in TechrightsJan 08 08:57
TweetTuxMachines @Pyrokitteh ( 08 08:57
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 08:57
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Today in Techrights'Jan 08 09:13
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jan 08 09:14
-->liberty_box (~liberty@ has joined #techrightsJan 08 09:19
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@jeremycorbyn I like the red bus without lies...'Jan 08 09:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 09:32
TweetTuxMachines                 #Gemini Runs GNU/Linux and #AndroidJan 08 09:32
TweetTuxMachines         ( #gnu #linuxJan 08 09:32
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 09:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gemini Runs GNU/Linux and Android | Tux MachinesJan 08 09:32
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Gemini Runs GNU/Linux and #Android #gnu...'Jan 08 09:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 09:42
TweetTuxMachines                 Security: #Meltdown and #Spectre , #Kaspersky , #PowerPCJan 08 09:42
TweetTuxMachines        ( 08 09:42
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 09:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security: Meltdown and Spectre, Kaspersky, PowerPC | Tux MachinesJan 08 09:43
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 09:45
TweetTuxMachines                 today's howtosJan 08 09:45
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 09:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJan 08 09:45
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 09:45
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Security: #Meltdown and #Spectre , #Kaspersky , #PowerPC...'Jan 08 09:45
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'today's howtos'Jan 08 09:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 09:48
TweetTuxMachines                 Why I Find #Nginx Practically Better Than #ApacheJan 08 09:48
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 09:48
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 09:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why I Find Nginx Practically Better Than Apache | Tux MachinesJan 08 09:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 09:49
TweetTuxMachines                 Games: Steam, SuperTux and MoreJan 08 09:49
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 09:49
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 09:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Steam, SuperTux and More | Tux MachinesJan 08 09:49
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Why I Find #Nginx Practically Better Than #Apache...'Jan 08 09:53
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 09:54
TweetTuxMachines                 Software: Eddy, KDE, and GNUJan 08 09:54
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 09:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Software: Eddy, KDE, and GNU | Tux MachinesJan 08 09:54
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 09:54
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Games: Steam, SuperTux and More'Jan 08 09:56
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Software: Eddy, KDE, and GNU'Jan 08 10:16
MinceR 08 10:53
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Jan 08 10:58
MinceR 08 11:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-It Took Only Three Days For Germany's New Hate Speech Law To Cause Collateral Damage | TechdirtJan 08 11:33
MinceR 08 11:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Russia Does A 'Copy/Paste' Of Germany's New 'Hate Speech' Online Censorship Law | TechdirtJan 08 11:38
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 11:41
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #Gemini Runs GNU/Linux and #AndroidJan 08 11:41
TweetTuxMachines @BashNews ( #gnu #linuxJan 08 11:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gemini Runs GNU/Linux and Android | Tux MachinesJan 08 11:41
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 11:41
-->robobox_ (~robobox@ has joined #techrightsJan 08 11:57
<--robobox_ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jan 08 12:06
<--DrFeelGood has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 08 12:32
-->DrFeelGood (~DrFeelGoo@unaffiliated/olufunmilayo) has joined #techrightsJan 08 12:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 12:38
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #Gemini Runs GNU/Linux and #AndroidJan 08 12:38
TweetTuxMachines @linux_en ( #gnu #linuxJan 08 12:38
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 12:38
MinceR 08 14:12
<--DrFeelGood has quit (Quit: DrFeelGood)Jan 08 14:21
-->DrFeelGood (~DrFeelGoo@unaffiliated/olufunmilayo) has joined #techrightsJan 08 14:21
-->mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsJan 08 14:32
MinceR 08 14:43
MinceR 08 14:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-So mesmerised - Album on ImgurJan 08 14:52
<--XRevan86 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 08 15:00
MinceR 08 15:06
-->XRevan86 (~XRevan86@2002:4089:fdba::1) has joined #techrightsJan 08 15:21
*TweetTuxMachines @BazeBekes favourited '#GhostBSD 11.1 - FreeBSD for the desktop ...'Jan 08 15:40
MinceR 08 15:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-First drawing of 2018 - Album on ImgurJan 08 15:48
MinceR 08 16:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Got think big - Album on ImgurJan 08 16:35
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 08 16:47
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsJan 08 16:48
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsJan 08 17:40
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 17:46
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #GhostBSD 11.1 - FreeBSD for the desktopJan 08 17:46
TweetTuxMachines @BazeBekes ( #bsdJan 08 17:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GhostBSD 11.1 - FreeBSD for the desktop | Tux MachinesJan 08 17:46
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 17:46
MinceR 08 17:56
schestowitzhe's highJan 08 18:39
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@SenWarren @realDonaldTrump Agent Orange doing it for his...'Jan 08 19:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 19:03
TweetTuxMachines                 Sub-1GHz IoT gateway combines BB Black and TI #LaunchPadJan 08 19:03
TweetTuxMachines                 boards ( 08 19:03
TweetTuxMachines                 #linuxJan 08 19:03
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 19:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sub-1GHz IoT gateway combines BB Black and TI LaunchPad boards | Tux MachinesJan 08 19:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 19:08
TweetTuxMachines                 5 Differences Between Linux And WindowsJan 08 19:08
TweetTuxMachines        ( #gnu #linuxJan 08 19:08
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 19:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 5 Differences Between Linux And Windows | Tux MachinesJan 08 19:08
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '5 Differences Between Linux And Windows #gnu...'Jan 08 19:08
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Sub-1GHz IoT gateway combines BB Black and TI...'Jan 08 19:12
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 19:14
TweetTuxMachines                 Hands-on with the Gemini PDA handheld PC with Android,Jan 08 19:14
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux and a 6 inch display 08 19:14
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 08 19:14
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 19:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands-on with the Gemini PDA handheld PC with Android, Linux and a 6 inch display | Tux MachinesJan 08 19:14
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 19:15
TweetTuxMachines                 You GNOME it: Windows and Apple devs get a compellingJan 08 19:15
TweetTuxMachines                 reason to turn to Linux 08 19:15
TweetTuxMachines                 ( #gnu #linuxJan 08 19:15
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 19:15
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Hands-on with the Gemini PDA handheld PC with...'Jan 08 19:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | You GNOME it: Windows and Apple devs get a compelling reason to turn to Linux | Tux MachinesJan 08 19:15
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'You GNOME it: Windows and Apple devs get...'Jan 08 19:19
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 19:23
TweetTuxMachines                 5 arcade-style #games for #Linux 08 19:23
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 08 19:23
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 19:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 5 arcade-style games for Linux | Tux MachinesJan 08 19:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 19:25
TweetTuxMachines                 Benchmarking #Linux With The #Retpoline Patches ForJan 08 19:25
TweetTuxMachines                 #Spectre ( 08 19:25
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 19:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Benchmarking Linux With The Retpoline Patches For Spectre | Tux MachinesJan 08 19:26
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 19:27
TweetTuxMachines                 #Android Leftovers 08 19:27
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 08 19:27
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 19:27
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '5 arcade-style #games for #Linux'Jan 08 19:27
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Benchmarking #Linux With The #Retpoline Patches For #Spectre...'Jan 08 19:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 08 19:28
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Android Leftovers'Jan 08 19:29
-->abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsJan 08 19:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 19:42
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Benchmarking #Linux With The #Retpoline Patches ForJan 08 19:42
TweetTuxMachines @GentooBot      #Spectre ( 08 19:42
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 19:42
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 20:07
TweetTuxMachines                 Games: Boson, Descenders, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of WarJan 08 20:07
TweetTuxMachines                 IIIJan 08 20:07
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 20:07
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 20:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Boson, Descenders, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III | Tux MachinesJan 08 20:07
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Games: Boson, Descenders, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War...'Jan 08 20:11
MinceR 08 20:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Totally Legal - Album on ImgurJan 08 20:21
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@jeremycorbyn It's estimated that 120,000 people have already...'Jan 08 20:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 20:35
TweetTuxMachines                 #ASUS #TinkerBoard S Is New Raspberry Pi-killer WithJan 08 20:35
TweetTuxMachines                 #Linux And #Android Support (CES 2018)Jan 08 20:35
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 20:35
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 20:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ASUS Tinker Board S Is New Raspberry Pi-killer With Linux And Android Support (CES 2018) | Tux MachinesJan 08 20:35
MinceR 08 20:41
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 20:48
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #ASUS #TinkerBoard S Is New Raspberry Pi-killer WithJan 08 20:48
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    #Linux And #Android Support (CES 2018)Jan 08 20:48
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 20:48
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 20:48
-->robobox_ (~robobox@ has joined #techrightsJan 08 21:00
*TweetTuxMachines @JeremyReads82 favourited '#ASUS #TinkerBoard S Is New Raspberry Pi-killer With...'Jan 08 21:01
<--Firee has quit (Quit: lolmoi)Jan 08 21:05
MinceR 08 21:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 21:17
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #ASUS #TinkerBoard S Is New Raspberry Pi-killer WithJan 08 21:17
TweetTuxMachines @BashNews       #Linux And #Android Support (CES 2018)Jan 08 21:17
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 21:17
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 21:17
TweetTuxMachines                 Security: Cryptocurrency Mining, Meltdown and Spectre,Jan 08 21:17
TweetTuxMachines                 Updates, Cryptographic Key GenerationJan 08 21:17
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 21:17
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:17
*TweetTuxMachines @dzxi favourited 'Security: Cryptocurrency Mining, Meltdown and Spectre, Updates, Cryptographic...'Jan 08 21:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security: Cryptocurrency Mining, Meltdown and Spectre, Updates, Cryptographic Key Generation | Tux MachinesJan 08 21:17
MinceR 08 21:19
*TweetTuxMachines @dzxi retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Security: Cryptocurrency Mining, Meltdown and Spectre, Updates, Cryptographic...'Jan 08 21:20
XRevan86MinceR: Time to check the pronunciation guideline on "Monica"Jan 08 21:22
XRevan86mOnikaJan 08 21:22
XRevan86not even closeJan 08 21:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 21:23
TweetTuxMachines                 Mozilla: AMO, Socorro, Rust and Alliance for Open MediaJan 08 21:23
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 21:23
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla: AMO, Socorro, Rust and Alliance for Open Media | Tux MachinesJan 08 21:24
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 21:26
TweetTuxMachines                 Programming: Forking Bazaar, #Qt 5.9 on FreeBSD, #NetlifyJan 08 21:26
TweetTuxMachines                 Reaches 1.0Jan 08 21:26
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 21:26
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:26
TweetTuxMachines@ArhaanK48856763 08 21:26
TweetTuxMachines                 @tuxmachines Daily 50-300% profit trading signalsJan 08 21:26
TweetTuxMachines                 Telegram no.1 channelJan 08 21:26
TweetTuxMachines                 60000 active membersJan 08 21:26
TweetTuxMachines                 Join this channel now for huge profitJan 08 21:26
TweetTuxMachines                 👉 ( 08 21:26
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Programming: Forking Bazaar, Qt 5.9 on FreeBSD, Netlify Reaches 1.0 | Tux MachinesJan 08 21:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Telegram: Contact @crypto_experts_signalJan 08 21:26
XRevan86MinceR: Did that stupid prick go golfing again?Jan 08 21:27
MinceRprobablyJan 08 21:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 21:29
TweetTuxMachines                 The #Openwashing of AT&T (Sponsored) and #MonsantoJan 08 21:29
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 21:29
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Openwashing of AT&T (Sponsored) and Monsanto | Tux MachinesJan 08 21:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 21:31
TweetTuxMachines                 OSS LeftoversJan 08 21:31
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 21:31
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OSS Leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 08 21:31
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 21:32
TweetTuxMachines                 #Fedora and Red Hat: New ISO, AArch64, ARM, OpenShift,Jan 08 21:32
TweetTuxMachines                 KubernetesJan 08 21:32
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 21:32
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora and Red Hat: New ISO, AArch64, ARM, OpenShift, Kubernetes | Tux MachinesJan 08 21:32
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 21:36
TweetTuxMachines                 Tizen: Refrigerators and PhonesJan 08 21:36
TweetTuxMachines         ( #tizenosJan 08 21:36
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tizen: Refrigerators and Phones | Tux MachinesJan 08 21:36
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 21:37
TweetTuxMachines                 today's howtosJan 08 21:37
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 21:37
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJan 08 21:37
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 21:39
TweetTuxMachines                 Software: BadISO, MusE 3.0.0, Krita, GNOME and MoreJan 08 21:39
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 21:39
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Software: BadISO, MusE 3.0.0, Krita, GNOME and More | Tux MachinesJan 08 21:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 21:41
TweetTuxMachines                 today's leftoversJan 08 21:41
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 21:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 08 21:41
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:41
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 21:41
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Security: Cryptocurrency Mining, Meltdown and Spectre,Jan 08 21:41
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    Updates, Cryptographic Key GenerationJan 08 21:41
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 21:41
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security: Cryptocurrency Mining, Meltdown and Spectre, Updates, Cryptographic Key Generation | Tux MachinesJan 08 21:41
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 21:44
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Mozilla: AMO, Socorro, Rust and Alliance for Open MediaJan 08 21:44
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 08 21:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla: AMO, Socorro, Rust and Alliance for Open Media | Tux MachinesJan 08 21:44
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 21:44
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Programming: Forking Bazaar, #Qt 5.9 on FreeBSD, #NetlifyJan 08 21:44
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    Reaches 1.0Jan 08 21:44
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 21:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Programming: Forking Bazaar, Qt 5.9 on FreeBSD, Netlify Reaches 1.0 | Tux MachinesJan 08 21:44
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 21:45
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    The #Openwashing of AT&T (Sponsored) and #MonsantoJan 08 21:45
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 08 21:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Openwashing of AT&T (Sponsored) and Monsanto | Tux MachinesJan 08 21:45
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 21:46
TweetTuxMachines                 Links 8/1/2018: Final RC of Linux Kernel 4.15, Linux atJan 08 21:46
TweetTuxMachines                 CES ( 08 21:46
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 8/1/2018: Final RC of Linux Kernel 4.15, Linux at CES | TechrightsJan 08 21:46
*TweetTuxMachines @KraeuterVerbena retweeted @tuxmachines: 'The #Openwashing of AT&T (Sponsored) and #Monsanto ...'Jan 08 21:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 21:47
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    OSS LeftoversJan 08 21:47
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 08 21:47
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OSS Leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 08 21:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 21:49
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #Fedora and Red Hat: New ISO, AArch64, ARM, OpenShift,Jan 08 21:49
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    KubernetesJan 08 21:49
TweetTuxMachines         ( 08 21:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora and Red Hat: New ISO, AArch64, ARM, OpenShift, Kubernetes | Tux MachinesJan 08 21:49
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 21:50
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Tizen: Refrigerators and PhonesJan 08 21:50
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( #tizenosJan 08 21:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tizen: Refrigerators and Phones | Tux MachinesJan 08 21:50
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 21:57
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    today's howtosJan 08 21:57
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 08 21:57
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJan 08 21:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 21:57
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Software: BadISO, MusE 3.0.0, Krita, GNOME and MoreJan 08 21:57
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 08 21:57
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 21:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Software: BadISO, MusE 3.0.0, Krita, GNOME and More | Tux MachinesJan 08 21:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 22:00
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    today's leftoversJan 08 22:00
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 08 22:00
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 22:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 08 22:00
*TweetTuxMachines @adoptbuddy favourited 'Links 8/1/2018: Final RC of Linux Kernel 4.15,...'Jan 08 22:04
MinceR 08 22:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Majestic af - GIF on ImgurJan 08 22:24
*XRevan86 read "majestic alf"Jan 08 22:25
<--robobox_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 08 22:27
MinceR:)Jan 08 22:27
-->robobox_ (~robobox@ has joined #techrightsJan 08 22:38
<--robobox_ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jan 08 22:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 08 23:02
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Links 8/1/2018: Final RC of Linux Kernel 4.15, Linux atJan 08 23:02
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    CES ( 08 23:02
TweetTuxMachines Jan 08 23:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 8/1/2018: Final RC of Linux Kernel 4.15, Linux at CES | TechrightsJan 08 23:02
<--DrFeelGood has quit (Quit: DrFeelGood)Jan 08 23:05
-->DrFeelGood (~DrFeelGoo@unaffiliated/olufunmilayo) has joined #techrightsJan 08 23:21
<--abeNd-org has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 08 23:33
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Jan 09 00:11
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jan 09 00:41
<--XRevan86 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 09 05:49
-->XRevan86 (~XRevan86@2002:4089:fdba::1) has joined #techrightsJan 09 05:50
-->Firee (~Firee@unaffiliated/firee) has joined #techrightsJan 09 05:51
MinceR 09 06:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-D&D needs more Horses - Album on ImgurJan 09 06:34
MinceR 09 06:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-It's an oldie but a goldie - Album on ImgurJan 09 06:54
schestowitzckassuc!Jan 09 07:24
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 09 07:24
-->schestowitz ( has joined #techrightsJan 09 07:25
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Jan 09 07:25
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 09 07:25
MinceR 09 07:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-If you go and act confident, they'll include you - Album on ImgurJan 09 07:51
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 07:51
TweetTuxMachines                 Tiny industrial temperature module runs Linux on aJan 09 07:51
TweetTuxMachines                 Zynq-7000Jan 09 07:51
TweetTuxMachines         ( #linuxJan 09 07:51
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 07:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tiny industrial temperature module runs Linux on a Zynq-7000 | Tux MachinesJan 09 07:51
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Tiny industrial temperature module runs Linux on a...'Jan 09 07:58
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@jeremycorbyn Young is OUT! Good riddance. This...'Jan 09 08:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 08:54
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Tiny industrial temperature module runs Linux on aJan 09 08:54
TweetTuxMachines @Pyrokitteh     Zynq-7000Jan 09 08:54
TweetTuxMachines         ( #linuxJan 09 08:54
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 08:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 08:55
TweetTuxMachines                 Security: MalwareTech, Linux vs Meltdown and Spectre,Jan 09 08:55
TweetTuxMachines                 Linus Torvalds Rage, Microsoft Bricks MachinesJan 09 08:55
TweetTuxMachines         ( 09 08:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security: MalwareTech, Linux vs Meltdown and Spectre, Linus Torvalds Rage, Microsoft Bricks Machines | Tux MachinesJan 09 08:55
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 08:55
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Security: MalwareTech, Linux vs Meltdown and Spectre, Linus...'Jan 09 08:56
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsJan 09 09:58
<--Valfor has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 09 10:18
-->Valfor ( has joined #techrightsJan 09 10:18
<--Valfor has quit (Changing host)Jan 09 10:18
-->Valfor (~Valfor@unaffiliated/mrpps) has joined #techrightsJan 09 10:18
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-->Valfor ( has joined #techrightsJan 09 10:21
<--Valfor has quit (Changing host)Jan 09 10:21
-->Valfor (~Valfor@unaffiliated/mrpps) has joined #techrightsJan 09 10:21
*TweetTuxMachines @softlockup favourited 'Security: MalwareTech, Linux vs Meltdown and Spectre, Linus...'Jan 09 10:26
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 10:27
TweetTuxMachines                 #Asus #TinkerBoard S adds 16GB eMMC and moreJan 09 10:27
TweetTuxMachines        ( #linuxJan 09 10:27
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 10:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Asus Tinker Board S adds 16GB eMMC and more | Tux MachinesJan 09 10:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 10:28
TweetTuxMachines                 Who Was To Blame For The Ubuntu BIOS Bug?Jan 09 10:28
TweetTuxMachines        ( #ubuntuJan 09 10:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Who Was To Blame For The Ubuntu BIOS Bug? | Tux MachinesJan 09 10:28
TweetTuxMachines                 #gnu #linuxJan 09 10:28
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 10:28
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Asus #TinkerBoard S adds 16GB eMMC and more...'Jan 09 10:28
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Who Was To Blame For The Ubuntu BIOS...'Jan 09 10:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 10:30
TweetTuxMachines                 How to set up a Raspberry Pi for retro gamingJan 09 10:30
TweetTuxMachines        ( #raspiJan 09 10:30
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 10:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to set up a Raspberry Pi for retro gaming | Tux MachinesJan 09 10:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 10:40
TweetTuxMachines                 #Android Leftovers 09 10:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 09 10:40
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 09 10:40
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 10:40
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'How to set up a Raspberry Pi for...'Jan 09 10:40
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Android Leftovers'Jan 09 10:52
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 11:44
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Who Was To Blame For The Ubuntu BIOS Bug?Jan 09 11:44
TweetTuxMachines @GamerGeekNews ( #ubuntuJan 09 11:44
TweetTuxMachines                 #gnu #linuxJan 09 11:44
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 11:44
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@MMFlint The United Stated deserves a President who...'Jan 09 11:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 12:03
TweetTuxMachines                 Security: Microsoft, Twitter, Korea and DHSJan 09 12:03
TweetTuxMachines         ( 09 12:03
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 12:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security: Microsoft, Twitter, Korea and DHS | Tux MachinesJan 09 12:03
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 09 12:03
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Security: Microsoft, Twitter, Korea and DHS'Jan 09 12:05
*TweetTuxMachines @pro_aktv retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Security: Microsoft, Twitter, Korea and DHS'Jan 09 12:06
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@ has joined #techrightsJan 09 12:15
*TweetTuxMachines @pro_aktv favourited 'Security: Microsoft, Twitter, Korea and DHS'Jan 09 12:39
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 09 12:50
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 09 12:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 13:12
TweetTuxMachines                 Today in TechrightsJan 09 13:12
TweetTuxMachines        ( 09 13:12
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 13:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJan 09 13:12
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 13:13
TweetTuxMachines                 Games: GOG, The Station, EVERSPACE, TurnoverJan 09 13:13
TweetTuxMachines         ( #games #gnuJan 09 13:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: GOG, The Station, EVERSPACE, Turnover | Tux MachinesJan 09 13:13
TweetTuxMachines                 #linuxJan 09 13:13
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 13:13
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Games: GOG, The Station, EVERSPACE, Turnover'Jan 09 13:14
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 13:36
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Today in TechrightsJan 09 13:36
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 09 13:36
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 13:36
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 13:38
TweetTuxMachines                 Future Tumbleweed Snapshot to Bring YaST ChangesJan 09 13:38
TweetTuxMachines         ( #suse #yastJan 09 13:38
TweetTuxMachines                 #opensuseJan 09 13:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Future Tumbleweed Snapshot to Bring YaST Changes | Tux MachinesJan 09 13:38
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 13:38
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 13:38
TweetTuxMachines                 today's howtosJan 09 13:38
TweetTuxMachines         ( 09 13:38
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 13:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJan 09 13:38
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Future Tumbleweed Snapshot to Bring YaST Changes ...'Jan 09 13:40
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'today's howtos'Jan 09 13:44
*TweetTuxMachines @vermintidefans favourited 'Games: GOG, The Station, EVERSPACE, Turnover'Jan 09 13:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 13:45
TweetTuxMachines                 The 5 best Linux distros for the enterprise: Red Hat,Jan 09 13:45
TweetTuxMachines                 Ubuntu, Linux Mint and moreJan 09 13:45
TweetTuxMachines         ( 09 13:45
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 13:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The 5 best Linux distros for the enterprise: Red Hat, Ubuntu, Linux Mint and more | Tux MachinesJan 09 13:45
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'The 5 best Linux distros for the enterprise:...'Jan 09 13:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 13:57
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Who Was To Blame For The Ubuntu BIOS Bug?Jan 09 13:57
TweetTuxMachines @linux_en ( #ubuntuJan 09 13:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Who Was To Blame For The Ubuntu BIOS Bug? | Tux MachinesJan 09 13:57
TweetTuxMachines                 #gnu #linuxJan 09 13:57
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 13:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 13:58
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    The 5 best Linux distros for the enterprise: Red Hat,Jan 09 13:58
TweetTuxMachines @tecknocrat     Ubuntu, Linux Mint and moreJan 09 13:58
TweetTuxMachines         ( 09 13:58
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 13:58
*TweetTuxMachines @tecknocrat favourited 'The 5 best Linux distros for the enterprise:...'Jan 09 14:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 14:02
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Security: MalwareTech, Linux vs Meltdown and Spectre,Jan 09 14:02
TweetTuxMachines @tecknocrat     Linus Torvalds Rage, Microsoft Bricks MachinesJan 09 14:02
TweetTuxMachines         ( 09 14:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security: MalwareTech, Linux vs Meltdown and Spectre, Linus Torvalds Rage, Microsoft Bricks Machines | Tux MachinesJan 09 14:02
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 14:02
oiaohm  ???Jan 09 14:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Says No More Windows Security Updates Unless AVs Set a Registry KeyJan 09 14:17
oiaohmNow that like set this key wrong to prevent updates sounds idea for malware.Jan 09 14:17
MinceRfinally a way to disable updates on Backdoors10 :>Jan 09 14:23
schestowitzgood for LinuxJan 09 14:28
schestowitzdo more of that, Microsoft!Jan 09 14:29
schestowitzfucking destroy their machines too!Jan 09 14:29
*TweetTuxMachines @tecknocrat favourited 'Security: MalwareTech, Linux vs Meltdown and Spectre, Linus...'Jan 09 14:54
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@SenSanders #Trump 'base' calls people who oppose Wall...'Jan 09 14:54
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@SenSanders #MAGA'Jan 09 15:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: @SenSanders #MAGA 09 15:00
oiaohm 09 15:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | It gets worse: Microsoft’s Spectre-fixer wrecks some AMD PCs • The RegisterJan 09 15:10
oiaohmMicrosoft is really on a roll.Jan 09 15:10
MinceRthey've been for 42 yearsJan 09 15:10
MinceRand countingJan 09 15:10
oiaohmMinceR: normally not these ammount of stuffing things up.Jan 09 15:14
MinceRor rather, other kinds of stuffing things upJan 09 15:16
schestowitzMicrosoft loves LinuxJan 09 15:23
schestowitzand helps it nowJan 09 15:23
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@SenSanders @docdanielle No money for health. $700,000,000,000+...'Jan 09 15:29
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 09 15:35
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsJan 09 15:35
MinceR 09 15:38
<--XRevan86 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 09 15:41
-->XRevan86 ( has joined #techrightsJan 09 15:43
schestowitzda faqJan 09 15:44
schestowitzmaybe Hans Reiser will find that amusingJan 09 15:44
MinceRi doubt thatJan 09 15:58
MinceRhm, maybeJan 09 16:00
*TweetTuxMachines @dyegomb favourited 'Benchmarking #Linux With The #Retpoline Patches For #Spectre...'Jan 09 16:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 16:48
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Security: MalwareTech, Linux vs Meltdown and Spectre,Jan 09 16:48
TweetTuxMachines @kyloarien      Linus Torvalds Rage, Microsoft Bricks MachinesJan 09 16:48
TweetTuxMachines         ( 09 16:48
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 16:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security: MalwareTech, Linux vs Meltdown and Spectre, Linus Torvalds Rage, Microsoft Bricks Machines | Tux MachinesJan 09 16:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 16:49
TweetTuxMachines                 #System76 Continues to Improve HiDPI Support for TheirJan 09 16:49
TweetTuxMachines                 Ubuntu-Based OS in 2018 09 16:49
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 09 16:49
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 16:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 16:49
TweetTuxMachines                 #IPFire Open Source Firewall Linux Distro Gets HugeJan 09 16:49
TweetTuxMachines                 Number of #Security Fixes 09 16:49
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 09 16:49
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 16:49
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#System76 Continues to Improve HiDPI Support for Their...'Jan 09 16:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | System76 Continues to Improve HiDPI Support for Their Ubuntu-Based OS in 2018 | Tux MachinesJan 09 16:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IPFire Open Source Firewall Linux Distro Gets Huge Number of Security Fixes | Tux MachinesJan 09 16:50
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#IPFire Open Source Firewall Linux Distro Gets Huge...'Jan 09 16:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 16:57
TweetTuxMachines                 #Benchmarking Clear Linux With #KPTI + #Retpoline SupportJan 09 16:57
TweetTuxMachines        ( 09 16:57
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 16:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Benchmarking Clear Linux With KPTI + Retpoline Support | Tux MachinesJan 09 16:57
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Benchmarking Clear Linux With #KPTI + #Retpoline Support...'Jan 09 17:02
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@SenSanders Same in the UK these days...'Jan 09 17:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: @SenSanders Same in the UK these days... 09 17:10
*TweetTuxMachines @softpedialinux favourited '#System76 Continues to Improve HiDPI Support for Their...'Jan 09 17:10
*TweetTuxMachines @softpedialinux favourited '#IPFire Open Source Firewall Linux Distro Gets Huge...'Jan 09 17:15
*TweetTuxMachines @MariusNestor favourited '#IPFire Open Source Firewall Linux Distro Gets Huge...'Jan 09 17:15
*TweetTuxMachines @MariusNestor favourited '#System76 Continues to Improve HiDPI Support for Their...'Jan 09 17:19
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@SenSanders Russia has not much to do with...'Jan 09 17:20
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 17:32
TweetTuxMachines                 9 Best Linux Distros For Programming And Developers (2018Jan 09 17:32
TweetTuxMachines                 Edition)Jan 09 17:32
TweetTuxMachines         ( #gnu #linuxJan 09 17:32
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 17:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 9 Best Linux Distros For Programming And Developers (2018 Edition) | Tux MachinesJan 09 17:32
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 18:18
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    9 Best Linux Distros For Programming And Developers (2018Jan 09 18:18
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    Edition)Jan 09 18:18
TweetTuxMachines         ( #gnu #linuxJan 09 18:18
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 18:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 18:18
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #System76 Continues to Improve HiDPI Support for TheirJan 09 18:18
TweetTuxMachines @tecknocrat     Ubuntu-Based OS in 2018 09 18:18
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 09 18:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | System76 Continues to Improve HiDPI Support for Their Ubuntu-Based OS in 2018 | Tux MachinesJan 09 18:18
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 18:18
*TweetTuxMachines @tecknocrat favourited '#System76 Continues to Improve HiDPI Support for Their...'Jan 09 18:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 18:18
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #IPFire Open Source Firewall Linux Distro Gets HugeJan 09 18:18
TweetTuxMachines @tecknocrat     Number of #Security Fixes 09 18:18
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 09 18:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IPFire Open Source Firewall Linux Distro Gets Huge Number of Security Fixes | Tux MachinesJan 09 18:18
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 18:18
*TweetTuxMachines @tecknocrat favourited '#IPFire Open Source Firewall Linux Distro Gets Huge...'Jan 09 18:38
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@wikileaks Peace can be started by not selectively...'Jan 09 18:45
*TweetTuxMachines @pedrojmartm favourited '#System76 Continues to Improve HiDPI Support for Their...'Jan 09 18:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 18:57
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    9 Best Linux Distros For Programming And Developers (2018Jan 09 18:57
TweetTuxMachines @tecknocrat     Edition)Jan 09 18:57
TweetTuxMachines         ( #gnu #linuxJan 09 18:57
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 18:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 9 Best Linux Distros For Programming And Developers (2018 Edition) | Tux MachinesJan 09 18:57
MinceR 09 19:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | I’m harvesting credit card numbers and passwords from your site. Here’s how.Jan 09 19:05
schestowitzseen that and linked to itJan 09 19:17
schestowitzmedium slaughters my siteJan 09 19:17
schestowitzI mean, myu browserJan 09 19:17
schestowitzsomething in the JSJan 09 19:17
MinceRyeah, their layout is nasty as wellJan 09 19:18
MinceRbig fucking bar on the bottom trying to get me to subscribe to somethingJan 09 19:18
MinceRso it got a shiny new rule on ublock origin :>Jan 09 19:18
MinceR 09 19:21
XRevan86SourceForge has changed it's UI a bit: 09 19:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Introducing the new SourceForge - SourceForge Community BlogJan 09 19:25
XRevan86It's actually… still pretty bad.Jan 09 19:25
MinceR:>Jan 09 19:26
XRevan86the overcomplicated hierarchy that makes it so inferior to GitLab, gogs, anything else is… unchangedJan 09 19:26
*TweetTuxMachines @tecknocrat favourited '9 Best Linux Distros For Programming And Developers...'Jan 09 19:34
MinceR 09 19:48
*TweetTuxMachines @cpbjackson favourited '#System76 Continues to Improve HiDPI Support for Their...'Jan 09 19:58
MinceR 09 20:06
XRevan86MinceR: aliens with antigravityJan 09 20:07
MinceRor just this weird trick with a ropeJan 09 20:07
XRevan86MinceR: The famous rope invisibility cloak?Jan 09 20:08
XRevan86First there's a person and then BAM, there's no person.Jan 09 20:08
MinceRnoJan 09 20:08
MinceRthis one takes a bit longerJan 09 20:08
XRevan86MinceR: So it's like a gradual mysterious disappearing into the darknessJan 09 20:27
MinceRnot even all that mysteriousJan 09 20:27
MinceRrather, a transition from living to dead followed by a transition from mostly intact to unrecognizableJan 09 20:28
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@SenSanders Trump supporters aren't the sharpest tool in...'Jan 09 20:34
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@SenWarren "Republican colleagues"'Jan 09 20:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: @SenWarren "Republican colleagues" 09 20:35
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@Lyrical_Mullbag @guardian No, would be detained if he...'Jan 09 20:38
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 20:43
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #IPFire Open Source Firewall Linux Distro Gets HugeJan 09 20:43
TweetTuxMachines @AlejosAngel    Number of #Security Fixes 09 20:43
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 09 20:43
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 20:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IPFire Open Source Firewall Linux Distro Gets Huge Number of Security Fixes | Tux MachinesJan 09 20:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 20:47
TweetTuxMachines                 Security: Updates, Western Digital, Microsoft, WPA3, NSAJan 09 20:47
TweetTuxMachines         ( 09 20:47
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 20:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security: Updates, Western Digital, Microsoft, WPA3, NSA | Tux MachinesJan 09 20:47
MinceR 09 21:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-More Mechanical Problems - GIF on ImgurJan 09 21:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 21:08
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Security: Updates, Western Digital, Microsoft, WPA3, NSAJan 09 21:08
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 09 21:08
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 21:08
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@SenSanders Small man feels empowered over foreign men...'Jan 09 21:34
<--Firee has quit (Quit: lolmoi)Jan 09 21:47
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@SenSanders He said the wall in Germany worked...'Jan 09 21:51
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 21:53
TweetTuxMachines                 Best Linux Screenshot & Screencasting ToolsJan 09 21:53
TweetTuxMachines        ( 09 21:53
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 21:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Best Linux Screenshot & Screencasting Tools | Tux MachinesJan 09 21:53
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 21:54
TweetTuxMachines                 #openSUSE Based #GeckoLinux Receives New, RevampedJan 09 21:54
TweetTuxMachines                 Releases Built with KIWI 09 21:54
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 09 21:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | openSUSE-Based GeckoLinux Receives New, Revamped Releases Built with KIWI | Tux MachinesJan 09 21:54
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 21:54
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Best Linux Screenshot & Screencasting Tools'Jan 09 21:54
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#openSUSE Based #GeckoLinux Receives New, Revamped Releases Built...'Jan 09 21:58
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 21:59
TweetTuxMachines                 #Chakra GNU/Linux Users Get KDE #Plasma 5.11.5, #KDEJan 09 21:59
TweetTuxMachines                 Applications 17.12 and Qt 5.10 09 21:59
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 09 21:59
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 21:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chakra GNU/Linux Users Get KDE Plasma 5.11.5, KDE Applications 17.12 and Qt 5.10 | Tux MachinesJan 09 21:59
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 21:59
TweetTuxMachines                 #Android Leftovers 09 21:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 09 21:59
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 09 21:59
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 21:59
*TweetTuxMachines @softpedialinux favourited '#openSUSE Based #GeckoLinux Receives New, Revamped Releases Built...'Jan 09 21:59
*TweetTuxMachines @softpedialinux favourited '#Chakra GNU/Linux Users Get KDE #Plasma 5.11.5, #KDE...'Jan 09 22:00
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 22:05
TweetTuxMachines                 #PartedMagic Disk Partitioning, Cloning and Rescue LinuxJan 09 22:05
TweetTuxMachines                 OS Has a New Release 09 22:05
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 09 22:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Parted Magic Disk Partitioning, Cloning and Rescue Linux OS Has a New Release | Tux MachinesJan 09 22:05
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 22:05
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 22:06
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #Chakra GNU/Linux Users Get KDE #Plasma 5.11.5, #KDEJan 09 22:06
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    Applications 17.12 and Qt 5.10 09 22:06
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 09 22:06
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 22:06
*TweetTuxMachines @softpedialinux favourited '#PartedMagic Disk Partitioning, Cloning and Rescue Linux OS...'Jan 09 22:10
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 22:11
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #Android Leftovers 09 22:11
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    ( 09 22:11
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 22:11
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#PartedMagic Disk Partitioning, Cloning and Rescue Linux OS...'Jan 09 22:14
*TweetTuxMachines @PABHERE retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Chakra GNU/Linux Users Get KDE #Plasma 5.11.5, #KDE...'Jan 09 22:14
*TweetTuxMachines @PABHERE favourited '#Chakra GNU/Linux Users Get KDE #Plasma 5.11.5, #KDE...'Jan 09 22:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 22:18
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #PartedMagic Disk Partitioning, Cloning and Rescue LinuxJan 09 22:18
TweetTuxMachines @PABHERE        OS Has a New Release 09 22:18
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 09 22:18
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 22:18
*TweetTuxMachines @PABHERE favourited '#PartedMagic Disk Partitioning, Cloning and Rescue Linux OS...'Jan 09 22:20
-->mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsJan 09 22:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 22:29
TweetTuxMachines                 #Debian vs. Linux Mint: The Winner Is?Jan 09 22:29
TweetTuxMachines         ( 09 22:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Debian vs. Linux Mint: The Winner Is? | Tux MachinesJan 09 22:29
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 22:29
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Debian vs. Linux Mint: The Winner Is? ...'Jan 09 22:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 22:48
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #Debian vs. Linux Mint: The Winner Is?Jan 09 22:48
TweetTuxMachines @Purrcival ( 09 22:48
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 22:48
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@wikileaks Bully @Conservatives party.... They have been...'Jan 09 22:49
*TweetTuxMachines @MariusNestor favourited '#PartedMagic Disk Partitioning, Cloning and Rescue Linux OS...'Jan 09 22:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 22:49
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #IPFire Open Source Firewall Linux Distro Gets HugeJan 09 22:49
TweetTuxMachines @ohiotechlibrary  Number of #Security Fixes 09 22:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IPFire Open Source Firewall Linux Distro Gets Huge Number of Security Fixes | Tux MachinesJan 09 22:49
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 09 22:49
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 22:49
*TweetTuxMachines @MariusNestor favourited '#Chakra GNU/Linux Users Get KDE #Plasma 5.11.5, #KDE...'Jan 09 22:49
*TweetTuxMachines @ohiotechlibrary favourited '#IPFire Open Source Firewall Linux Distro Gets Huge...'Jan 09 22:49
*TweetTuxMachines @MariusNestor favourited '#openSUSE Based #GeckoLinux Receives New, Revamped Releases Built...'Jan 09 22:59
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 23:47
TweetTuxMachines                 #Fedora 28 Toolchain: #GCC 8, #Binutils 2.29.1, #GlibcJan 09 23:47
TweetTuxMachines                 2.27 ( #redhatJan 09 23:47
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 23:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Fedora 28 Toolchain: GCC 8, Binutils 2.29.1, Glibc 2.27 - PhoronixJan 09 23:47
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines deleted '#Fedora 28 Toolchain: #GCC 8, #Binutils 2.29.1, #Glibc...'Jan 09 23:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 23:49
TweetTuxMachines                 Programming/Development: QC, Rust, GCCJan 09 23:49
TweetTuxMachines         ( 09 23:49
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 23:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Programming/Development: QC, Rust, GCC | Tux MachinesJan 09 23:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 23:53
TweetTuxMachines                 BSD: #LLVM and #OpenBSDJan 09 23:53
TweetTuxMachines         ( 09 23:53
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 23:53
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 23:54
TweetTuxMachines                 OSS leftoversJan 09 23:54
TweetTuxMachines         ( 09 23:54
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 23:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BSD: LLVM and OpenBSD | Tux MachinesJan 09 23:54
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'BSD: #LLVM and #OpenBSD'Jan 09 23:54
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Programming/Development: QC, Rust, GCC'Jan 09 23:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OSS leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 09 23:54
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'OSS leftovers'Jan 09 23:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 09 23:59
TweetTuxMachines                 Huawei's Android and Razer's #AndroidJan 09 23:59
TweetTuxMachines         ( 09 23:59
TweetTuxMachines Jan 09 23:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Huawei's Android and Razer's Android | Tux MachinesJan 09 23:59
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 00:01
TweetTuxMachines                 Red Hat and FedoraJan 10 00:01
TweetTuxMachines         ( 10 00:01
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 00:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat and Fedora | Tux MachinesJan 10 00:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 00:05
TweetTuxMachines                 Security leftoversJan 10 00:05
TweetTuxMachines         ( 10 00:05
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 00:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 10 00:05
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 00:07
TweetTuxMachines                 Mozilla leftoversJan 10 00:07
TweetTuxMachines         ( 10 00:07
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 00:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 10 00:07
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 00:09
TweetTuxMachines                 today's howtosJan 10 00:09
TweetTuxMachines         ( 10 00:09
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 00:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJan 10 00:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 00:11
TweetTuxMachines                 Software and Games: TEA Ebook, Akiee, KDE DiscoverJan 10 00:11
TweetTuxMachines                 Software Center and MoreJan 10 00:11
TweetTuxMachines         ( 10 00:11
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 00:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Software and Games: TEA Ebook, Akiee, KDE Discover Software Center and More | Tux MachinesJan 10 00:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 00:12
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux, the Linux Foundation, and GraphicsJan 10 00:12
TweetTuxMachines         ( 10 00:12
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 00:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux, the Linux Foundation, and Graphics | Tux MachinesJan 10 00:12
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 00:16
TweetTuxMachines                 Servers: Private Servers, Kubernetes HighlightsJan 10 00:16
TweetTuxMachines         ( 10 00:16
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 00:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Servers: Private Servers, Kubernetes Highlights | Tux MachinesJan 10 00:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 00:17
TweetTuxMachines                 today's leftovers 10 00:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 10 00:17
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 00:17
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 00:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 00:17
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #PartedMagic Disk Partitioning, Cloning and Rescue LinuxJan 10 00:17
TweetTuxMachines @ilox101        OS Has a New Release 10 00:17
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 00:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Parted Magic Disk Partitioning, Cloning and Rescue Linux OS Has a New Release | Tux MachinesJan 10 00:17
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 00:17
*TweetTuxMachines @ilox101 favourited '#PartedMagic Disk Partitioning, Cloning and Rescue Linux OS...'Jan 10 00:20
*TweetTuxMachines @ilox101 favourited '#openSUSE Based #GeckoLinux Receives New, Revamped Releases Built...'Jan 10 00:20
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 00:22
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #openSUSE Based #GeckoLinux Receives New, RevampedJan 10 00:22
TweetTuxMachines @ilox101        Releases Built with KIWI 10 00:22
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 00:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | openSUSE-Based GeckoLinux Receives New, Revamped Releases Built with KIWI | Tux MachinesJan 10 00:22
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 00:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 00:22
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Huawei's Android and Razer's #AndroidJan 10 00:22
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 10 00:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Huawei's Android and Razer's Android | Tux MachinesJan 10 00:22
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 00:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 00:24
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Red Hat and FedoraJan 10 00:24
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 10 00:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat and Fedora | Tux MachinesJan 10 00:24
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 00:24
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 00:27
TweetTuxMachines                 Links 9/1/2018: CES Products and DRM in LinuxJan 10 00:27
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 00:27
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 00:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 9/1/2018: CES Products and DRM in Linux | TechrightsJan 10 00:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 00:27
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Linux, the Linux Foundation, and GraphicsJan 10 00:27
TweetTuxMachines @X_Pensive_Wino ( 10 00:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux, the Linux Foundation, and Graphics | Tux MachinesJan 10 00:27
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 00:27
*TweetTuxMachines @X_Pensive_Wino favourited 'Linux, the Linux Foundation, and Graphics'Jan 10 00:52
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 00:53
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Security leftoversJan 10 00:53
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 10 00:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 10 00:53
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 00:53
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Security leftovers'Jan 10 00:53
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 01:00
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Mozilla leftoversJan 10 01:00
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 10 01:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 10 01:00
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 01:00
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techrightsJan 10 01:00
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 01:00
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    today's howtosJan 10 01:00
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 10 01:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJan 10 01:00
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 01:00
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 01:01
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Software and Games: TEA Ebook, Akiee, KDE DiscoverJan 10 01:01
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    Software Center and MoreJan 10 01:01
TweetTuxMachines         ( 10 01:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Software and Games: TEA Ebook, Akiee, KDE Discover Software Center and More | Tux MachinesJan 10 01:01
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 01:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 01:01
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Linux, the Linux Foundation, and GraphicsJan 10 01:01
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 10 01:01
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 01:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 01:01
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Servers: Private Servers, Kubernetes HighlightsJan 10 01:01
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 10 01:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Servers: Private Servers, Kubernetes Highlights | Tux MachinesJan 10 01:01
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 01:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 01:01
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    today's leftovers 10 01:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 10 01:01
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    ( 10 01:01
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 01:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 01:03
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Links 9/1/2018: CES Products and DRM in LinuxJan 10 01:03
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 10 01:03
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 01:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 9/1/2018: CES Products and DRM in Linux | TechrightsJan 10 01:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 01:03
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #openSUSE Based #GeckoLinux Receives New, RevampedJan 10 01:03
TweetTuxMachines @AlejosAngel    Releases Built with KIWI 10 01:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | openSUSE-Based GeckoLinux Receives New, Revamped Releases Built with KIWI | Tux MachinesJan 10 01:03
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 01:03
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 01:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 01:03
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #Chakra GNU/Linux Users Get KDE #Plasma 5.11.5, #KDEJan 10 01:03
TweetTuxMachines @AlejosAngel    Applications 17.12 and Qt 5.10 10 01:03
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 01:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chakra GNU/Linux Users Get KDE Plasma 5.11.5, KDE Applications 17.12 and Qt 5.10 | Tux MachinesJan 10 01:03
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 01:03
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)Jan 10 01:07
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 02:26
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #PartedMagic Disk Partitioning, Cloning and Rescue LinuxJan 10 02:26
TweetTuxMachines @AlejosAngel    OS Has a New Release 10 02:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Parted Magic Disk Partitioning, Cloning and Rescue Linux OS Has a New Release | Tux MachinesJan 10 02:26
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 02:26
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 02:26
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 10 02:26
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 03:24
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #IPFire Open Source Firewall Linux Distro Gets HugeJan 10 03:24
TweetTuxMachines @Myway500       Number of #Security Fixes 10 03:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IPFire Open Source Firewall Linux Distro Gets Huge Number of Security Fixes | Tux MachinesJan 10 03:24
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 03:24
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 03:24
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 03:29
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #Chakra GNU/Linux Users Get KDE #Plasma 5.11.5, #KDEJan 10 03:29
TweetTuxMachines @Myway500       Applications 17.12 and Qt 5.10 10 03:29
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 03:29
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 03:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 03:29
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #PartedMagic Disk Partitioning, Cloning and Rescue LinuxJan 10 03:30
TweetTuxMachines @Myway500       OS Has a New Release 10 03:30
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 03:30
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 03:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 03:54
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #openSUSE Based #GeckoLinux Receives New, RevampedJan 10 03:54
TweetTuxMachines @Myway500       Releases Built with KIWI 10 03:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | openSUSE-Based GeckoLinux Receives New, Revamped Releases Built with KIWI | Tux MachinesJan 10 03:54
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 03:54
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 03:54
<--cubelog has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 10 05:10
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MinceR 10 06:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Sweet dreams - Album on ImgurJan 10 06:59
MinceR 10 07:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Rusty Spotted Cat - GIF on ImgurJan 10 07:11
*TweetTuxMachines @jpbeneke favourited '#PartedMagic Disk Partitioning, Cloning and Rescue Linux OS...'Jan 10 08:46
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 10 09:14
<--ohama has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 10 09:14
DaemonFC 10 09:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Device Battery Overheats in Apple Store, Injures SevenJan 10 09:18
-->ohama ( has joined #techrightsJan 10 09:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 10:07
TweetTuxMachines                 With Linux, You Don't Get One Kernel of Truth... You GetJan 10 10:07
TweetTuxMachines                 ManyJan 10 10:07
TweetTuxMachines         ( 10 10:07
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 10:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | With Linux, You Don't Get One Kernel of Truth... You Get Many | Tux MachinesJan 10 10:07
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 10:09
TweetTuxMachines                 Sayonara: A Beautiful Lightweight Music Player Has ItsJan 10 10:09
TweetTuxMachines                 First Stable Release 10 10:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sayonara: A Beautiful Lightweight Music Player Has Its First Stable Release | Tux MachinesJan 10 10:09
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 10:09
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 10:09
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'With Linux, You Don't Get One Kernel of...'Jan 10 10:09
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Sayonara: A Beautiful Lightweight Music Player Has Its...'Jan 10 10:10
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 10:11
TweetTuxMachines                 The Combined Impact Of #Retpoline + #KPTI On #UbuntuJan 10 10:11
TweetTuxMachines                 #LinuxJan 10 10:11
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 10:11
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 10:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Combined Impact Of Retpoline + KPTI On Ubuntu Linux | Tux MachinesJan 10 10:11
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'The Combined Impact Of #Retpoline + #KPTI On...'Jan 10 10:19
<--XRevan86 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 10 11:11
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*TweetTuxMachines @IrdiMerzheku favourited '#Chakra GNU/Linux Users Get KDE #Plasma 5.11.5, #KDE...'Jan 10 11:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 11:19
TweetTuxMachines                 Security: Meltdown and Spectre PatchesJan 10 11:19
TweetTuxMachines         ( 10 11:19
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 11:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security: Meltdown and Spectre Patches | Tux MachinesJan 10 11:19
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 11:19
TweetTuxMachines                 Ubuntu Releases Security Patch For #MeltdownJan 10 11:19
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 11:19
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 11:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Releases Security Patch For Meltdown | Tux MachinesJan 10 11:19
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 11:24
TweetTuxMachines                 #Android Things and Google Assistant appear in new smartJan 10 11:24
TweetTuxMachines                 speakers, smart displays, and modulesJan 10 11:24
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 11:24
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 11:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Things and Google Assistant appear in new smart speakers, smart displays, and modules | Tux MachinesJan 10 11:24
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Security: Meltdown and Spectre Patches'Jan 10 11:25
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Ubuntu Releases Security Patch For #Meltdown'Jan 10 11:25
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Android Things and Google Assistant appear in new...'Jan 10 11:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 11:30
TweetTuxMachines                 8 unusual FOSS tools for agile teamsJan 10 11:30
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 11:30
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 11:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 8 unusual FOSS tools for agile teams | Tux MachinesJan 10 11:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 11:32
TweetTuxMachines                 Top 5 Open Source Firewalls for BusinessJan 10 11:32
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 11:32
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 11:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Top 5 Open Source Firewalls for Business | Tux MachinesJan 10 11:32
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '8 unusual FOSS tools for agile teams'Jan 10 11:32
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '8 unusual FOSS tools for agile teams'Jan 10 11:32
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Top 5 Open Source Firewalls for Business'Jan 10 11:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 12:23
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Top 5 Open Source Firewalls for BusinessJan 10 12:23
TweetTuxMachines @hughbarnard ( 10 12:23
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 12:24
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jan 10 13:15
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-->julius__ (c25e2c0a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrightsJan 10 15:20
julius__European Parliament mission to the EPO in Dec 2017Jan 10 15:21
julius__Programme and report: 10 15:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Missions | Events | JURI | Committees | European ParliamentJan 10 15:21
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 17:35
TweetTuxMachines                 Release | #EndlessOS Version 3.3.8Jan 10 17:35
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 17:35
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 17:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Release | Endless OS Version 3.3.8 | Tux MachinesJan 10 17:35
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Release | #EndlessOS Version 3.3.8'Jan 10 17:40
DaemonFCMinceR: Watching American Greed again. This one is about some guy who ripped off a bunch of rich wine snobs in California.Jan 10 18:59
DaemonFCHe turned a "pre-order" system into a ponzi scheme and nobody noticed for a long time because it's apparently normal to buy wine that won't finish aging for years.Jan 10 19:00
DaemonFCIf he hadn't called attention to himself by buying over a dozen sports cars and a bunch of escorts that were young enough to be his daughters, he probably would have kept going for many years.Jan 10 19:04
DaemonFC 10 19:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Intel Releases Processor Microcode Patch for Linux OSes, Here's How to UpdateJan 10 19:07
DaemonFC"While the regular approach to getting this microcode update is via a  BIOS update, Intel realizes that this can be an administrative hassle."Jan 10 19:07
DaemonFCYeah, maybe bricking your $1,400 computer is an administrative hassle.Jan 10 19:08
MinceRtickling bugs in the unreliable, byzantine, baroque mess that is uefi (in part via intel's fault) is "an administrative hassle" nowJan 10 19:09
DaemonFCMinceR: When a driver from Intel that addresses the firmware in a way that should work and then ends up setting it all to read only happens.... Well, consider that. Intel can't make it work right and they invented it.Jan 10 19:12
DaemonFCSystem firmware *should* be the minimum possible to get the system in a state where the operating system can take over and finish from there.Jan 10 19:13
DaemonFCuEFI is an operating system, and a terrible one.Jan 10 19:13
DaemonFCThe only reason it would ever need to have this much stuff is if it wanted to be able to do nasty things to the user.Jan 10 19:14
*TweetTuxMachines @hsyn_ckr favourited 'The 5 best Linux distros for the enterprise:...'Jan 10 19:16
DaemonFC 10 19:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 19:18
TweetTuxMachines                 Security: WPA3, Intel, and TailsJan 10 19:18
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 19:18
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 19:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security Flaw in macOS 10.13 Lets App Store Preferences Access with Any PasswordJan 10 19:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security: WPA3, Intel, and Tails | Tux MachinesJan 10 19:18
schestowitzDaemonFC: ahJan 10 19:29
schestowitzagainJan 10 19:29
schestowitz"errata"Jan 10 19:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 19:37
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Security: WPA3, Intel, and TailsJan 10 19:37
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 10 19:37
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 19:37
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 19:38
TweetTuxMachines                 Vipul Siddharth: How Do You Fedora?Jan 10 19:38
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 19:38
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 19:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Vipul Siddharth: How Do You Fedora? | Tux MachinesJan 10 19:38
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 19:41
TweetTuxMachines                 Rugged mobile gateway runs Linux 10 19:41
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 19:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Rugged mobile gateway runs Linux | Tux MachinesJan 10 19:41
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 19:41
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Vipul Siddharth: How Do You Fedora?'Jan 10 19:41
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Rugged mobile gateway runs Linux'Jan 10 19:43
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 19:43
TweetTuxMachines                 Hands-on: Raspberry Pi Zero 3-Port USB Hub with EthernetJan 10 19:43
TweetTuxMachines        ( 10 19:43
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 19:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands-on: Raspberry Pi Zero 3-Port USB Hub with Ethernet | Tux MachinesJan 10 19:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 19:44
TweetTuxMachines                 Oath’s Top 5 Open Source Goals 10 19:44
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 19:44
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 19:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Oath’s Top 5 Open Source Goals | Tux MachinesJan 10 19:44
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Hands-on: Raspberry Pi Zero 3-Port USB Hub with...'Jan 10 19:46
*TweetTuxMachines @zerosecunclosed retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Hands-on: Raspberry Pi Zero 3-Port USB Hub with...'Jan 10 19:46
*TweetTuxMachines @zerosecunclosed favourited 'Hands-on: Raspberry Pi Zero 3-Port USB Hub with...'Jan 10 19:47
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Oath’s Top 5 Open Source Goals'Jan 10 19:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 19:52
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux Kernel: Linux 4.14.13, Linux 4.9.76 and LinuxJan 10 19:52
TweetTuxMachines                 4.4.111 ( 10 19:52
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 19:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Kernel: Linux 4.14.13, Linux 4.9.76 and Linux 4.4.111 | Tux MachinesJan 10 19:52
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 19:53
TweetTuxMachines                 Android Leftovers 10 19:53
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 10 19:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 10 19:53
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 19:53
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Linux Kernel: Linux 4.14.13, Linux 4.9.76 and Linux...'Jan 10 19:54
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Android Leftovers'Jan 10 19:59
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 20:02
TweetTuxMachines                 Games on GNU/LinuxJan 10 20:02
TweetTuxMachines         ( 10 20:02
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 20:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games on GNU/Linux | Tux MachinesJan 10 20:02
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MinceR 10 20:52
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 21:03
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Games on GNU/LinuxJan 10 21:03
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 10 21:03
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 21:03
<--Firee has quit (Quit: lolmoi)Jan 10 21:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 21:25
TweetTuxMachines                 OSMC's December update is here with Debian Stretch andJan 10 21:25
TweetTuxMachines                 Kodi 17.6Jan 10 21:25
TweetTuxMachines         ( 10 21:25
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 21:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 10 21:26
TweetTuxMachines                 #Kubuntu 17.10 upgrade - Should you?Jan 10 21:26
TweetTuxMachines         ( 10 21:26
TweetTuxMachines Jan 10 21:26
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'OSMC's December update is here with Debian Stretch...'Jan 10 21:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OSMC's December update is here with Debian Stretch and Kodi 17.6 | Tux MachinesJan 10 21:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kubuntu 17.10 upgrade - Should you? | Tux MachinesJan 10 21:26
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Kubuntu 17.10 upgrade - Should you?'Jan 10 21:31
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TweetTuxMachines                 Software: Cockpit, notmuch, Jumble Password, Tableau andJan 10 21:49
TweetTuxMachines                 GNOMEJan 10 21:49
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Software: Cockpit, notmuch, Jumble Password, Tableau and GNOME | Tux MachinesJan 10 21:49
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TweetTuxMachines                 Links 19/1/2018: Cockpit 159, Endless OS 3.3.8, Tails 3.4Jan 10 21:52
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 19/1/2018: Cockpit 159, Endless OS 3.3.8, Tails 3.4 | TechrightsJan 10 21:52
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*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Software: Cockpit, notmuch, Jumble Password, Tableau and GNOME...'Jan 10 21:53
MinceR 10 21:53
XRevan86MinceR: I don't get itJan 10 21:54
XRevan86Is that related to him wearing gloves? %)Jan 10 21:55
MinceRnoJan 10 21:55
MinceRmedusa turned people into stone with a gazeJan 10 21:55
XRevan86He looks like he's about to do a surgical operationJan 10 21:55
XRevan86MinceR: Ah, the greek mythos medusaJan 10 21:55
XRevan86So, Jesus was about to make a surgical operation and then Medusa turned him into stone.Jan 10 21:56
XRevan86possibly accidentally, maybe he was making an operation on herJan 10 21:56
DaemonFC 10 22:02
DaemonFCMinceR: Jan 10 22:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | macOS High Sierra's App Store System Preferences Can Be Unlocked With Any Password - Mac RumorsJan 10 22:02
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MinceR>Our customers deserve better.Jan 10 22:40
MinceRthen why do they buy crApple products?Jan 10 22:40
schestowitztrueJan 10 22:46
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DaemonFCMinceR: You'd think some basic regression testing would have caught "Anyone can change software installation settings with any password they type in.".Jan 11 02:43
oiaohmDaemonFC: the problem with regression testing some to the most direct is presumed correct and never checked.Jan 11 02:46
oiaohmDaemonFC: think grub password issue.Jan 11 02:47
oiaohmDaemonFC:   << This oneJan 11 02:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | You can Hack into a Linux Computer just by pressing 'Backspace' 28 timesJan 11 02:48
cubexyzanother wrinkle with the old scsi scanner: it has to be on and connected to the computer during a bootJan 11 03:25
oiaohmcubexyz: so old enough not to support hotplug.Jan 11 03:27
oiaohmcubexyz: some of the early scsi are not hotplug.Jan 11 03:28
cubexyzunfortunately my BC-20 ink cartridge has fossilizedJan 11 03:28
cubexyzthe damed things should be date coded :-/Jan 11 03:28
cubexyzoiaohm, very plausibleJan 11 03:28
cubexyzthe scsi controller card seems a bit problematicJan 11 03:29
DaemonFCConsumer electronics seem to be getting worse in more ways than one.Jan 11 03:29
oiaohmcubexyz: you would have to check the specification some of the early controllers also were not hotplug.Jan 11 03:30
oiaohmcubexyz: scsi hotplugging with 1 item not hotplug equal at times insanely.Jan 11 03:30
cubexyzalso my old laserjet (1997) needs a new fuser... but I'm determinted to get it working againJan 11 03:30
DaemonFCHe has a computer from 1998 that still works and my Lenovo Yoga that I bought in 2016 already has a fan  rattling.Jan 11 03:30
cubexyzold stuff is good :)Jan 11 03:31
oiaohmDaemonFC: there are differences in build quality.Jan 11 03:31
cubexyzthis dell I'm typing on is from 2001... I thinkJan 11 03:31
oiaohmDaemonFC: I had a laptop from 1998 that was dead by 1999Jan 11 03:31
cubexyzlaptops go faster thoughJan 11 03:32
oiaohmDaemonFC: basically my first laptop only lasted its 12 month warnaty and 1 day.Jan 11 03:32
cubexyzyes, confirmed, Dell GX110 from 2001... of course it's a P3Jan 11 03:33
oiaohmI have a pent MMX 233 mhz that still works.Jan 11 03:34
cubexyzmy amiga 500 from 1987 works too, although I only turn it on to check it once a yearJan 11 03:34
oiaohmBut I also on my 5 CPU in that system.Jan 11 03:34
oiaohmDaemonFC: some items last some items don't/Jan 11 03:34
cubexyzfan failure is a big problem in laptopsJan 11 03:37
cubexyzthe fan _has_ to work or the computer could damage itself... assuming it's not fanlessJan 11 03:37
cubexyzoiaohm, if I knew of any fanless P3 laptops I'd probably buy oneJan 11 03:38
cubexyzvery suspicious that the cpu failed that many times thoughJan 11 03:40
oiaohmcubexyz: I am not sure you want a fanless P3 laptop.   Its more of a lug it top.Jan 11 03:42
oiaohmcubexyz: I know of one from military usage.   Is only 20cm thick.Jan 11 03:42
cubexyzmaybe I'll just stick with the chromebook thenJan 11 03:43
oiaohmcubexyz: scary part is is weight was 30kgJan 11 03:43
oiaohmcubexyz: what happens when you decide to build totally durablity.Jan 11 03:44
oiaohmcubexyz: it was one of the early Getac laptops.Jan 11 03:46
cubexyzvery expensive brand if I remember correctlyJan 11 03:47
oiaohmcubexyz: o yes expensive and some of their laptops are strong enough to use as a hammer without damaging them.Jan 11 03:49
oiaohmcubexyz: so price is partly justified by some of the insane build quality.Jan 11 03:49
cubexyzpeople chuck out so much stuff I've got a whole room filled with old computer fixer uppersJan 11 03:53
oiaohmcubexyz: key word fixer uppers.   A lot was not good build quality to start with.Jan 11 03:58
cubexyzps -Jan 11 03:59
cubexyzthe inkjets will probably never get fixedJan 11 04:01
cubexyzbut the laserjets... I can fix thoseJan 11 04:01
-->Firee (~Firee@unaffiliated/firee) has joined #techrightsJan 11 04:16
*TweetTuxMachines @BazeBekes favourited '#openSUSE Based #GeckoLinux Receives New, Revamped Releases Built...'Jan 11 04:17
oiaohmcubexyz: inkjet print heads die when not in usage.  Laser printers have ablity to be stored.Jan 11 04:48
cubexyzoiaohm, $100 for a new fuser for the old laserjet... OR I can buy a new laserjet for about $200Jan 11 04:51
cubexyzor if one is feeling extra brave you can just buy the fuser film sleeve and DIYJan 11 04:53
oiaohmcubexyz: I mostly don't repair laser normally by time fuser goes the transport system for paper is getting questionable.Jan 11 04:54
oiaohmcubexyz: like if the laser is like 6 months old and it does it then repair but 4 to 5 year+ old in 24/7 usage and it goes they are mostly at the point of everythng else is stuffed.Jan 11 04:55
oiaohmcubexyz: injects in the hot climent where I am there is a big habit to replacement every 6 to 12 months because the heads will show trouble otherwise.Jan 11 04:56
cubexyzcouldn't you fix the transport system?Jan 11 04:57
oiaohmcubexyz: when you add in the cost of doing the rollers bearings .... in the paper transport system without you time its normally more than the new machine.Jan 11 04:57
oiaohmcubexyz: it that questionable roller bearings and rollers that see the older lasers get every increasing printer jam problems.Jan 11 04:59
oiaohmcubexyz: it if was properly cost effective I would repair them.Jan 11 04:59
<--Firee has quit (Quit: lolmoi)Jan 11 05:01
oiaohmcubexyz: I have rebuilt a few really old lasers form display usage.   But that a different matter since it a historic display item spending up to twice as much as a new printer can be justified.Jan 11 05:01
oiaohmcubexyz: also the really really old ones from the 1980s were in fact designed to be disassembled.Jan 11 05:02
oiaohmThe most insane thing about 1980 printers is some of the internal cabling is exact length requires + 0.5 of a mm so run wire slightly wrong way its not connecting up ever.Jan 11 05:04
oiaohmThere is more slack in the non repairable plastic clip assembled of the 1990sJan 11 05:05
oiaohmcubexyz: my first computer job was rebuilding printers.Jan 11 05:07
cubexyzyou do seem pretty knowledgeable about printers :)Jan 11 05:07
oiaohmAfter doing the job for 3 years doing about 4 printers a day if I had not learnt anything there would have been a problem.Jan 11 05:10
oiaohmPlease note that was printers and photocopiers.Jan 11 05:10
oiaohmback then.Jan 11 05:10
oiaohmcubexyz: when I stopped it has started to become not that cost effective to repair.   Mostly because the newer printers were not being built to be disasmbled without risking breaking stuff.Jan 11 05:12
cubexyzI have a HP laserjet 5NJan 11 05:12
oiaohmcubexyz: breaking the kind of the wrong word.  breaking or warping it should be.Jan 11 05:13
oiaohmcubexyz: HP LaserJet 5 they are lighter in fram than the HP LaserJet 4.   You can work the 4 simple.   5 you have to be careful not to warp the frame.Jan 11 05:15
oiaohmcubexyz: a HP LaserJet 5 with a warpped frame will paper jam every second page at times.  And I am only talking a 2 mm warp as well.Jan 11 05:16
oiaohmcubexyz: with care that HP Laserjet 5N can be fixed up.   It is a 1990s machine needing more care in the process.   Its not like the year 2000+ stuff that is even worse.Jan 11 05:18
cubexyzyeah I'm going to try to fix itJan 11 05:18
oiaohmcubexyz: big thing don't think of using brute force to attempt to get it apart.Jan 11 05:19
cubexyzreplacing the fuser is easy... just remove two screwsJan 11 05:19
oiaohmcubexyz: or you will fail for sure.Jan 11 05:19
cubexyznever force anything, yes :)Jan 11 05:19
oiaohmAlso have it on a nice stable bench before removing screws.Jan 11 05:19
oiaohmIe make sure its support properly so it does not warp on you just because you have opened an area up.Jan 11 05:20
oiaohmcubexyz: Basically this is just higher level of due care.Jan 11 05:21
oiaohmcubexyz: HP LaserJet 4 you could get away with doing a fuser change with it sitting on you lap.Jan 11 05:21
oiaohmcubexyz: do that to a HP LaserJet 5 and it will absolutely be out to get you after.Jan 11 05:22
oiaohmcubexyz: HP was slower at degrading the frame quality than many of the other laser makers.Jan 11 05:24
MinceRDaemonFC: but testing is not "modern"Jan 11 06:15
MinceRit's a lot more profitable to slap a crApple sticker on half-baked crap that's never been testedJan 11 06:15
MinceRand the consumers buy it all the sameJan 11 06:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 11 06:16
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TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 06:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | openSUSE-Based GeckoLinux Receives New, Revamped Releases Built with KIWI | Tux MachinesJan 11 06:16
MinceR 11 06:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Majestic little fur beast. - Album on ImgurJan 11 06:25
MinceR 11 06:33
MinceR 11 06:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Just man things - Album on ImgurJan 11 06:45
oiaohmMinceR: testing is kind of modern.    Old Enterprise was don't change anything ever and work around what ever bugs you find,Jan 11 07:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 11 07:54
TweetTuxMachines                 NVIDIA GeForce vs. AMD Radeon Linux Gaming Performance AtJan 11 07:54
TweetTuxMachines                 The Start Of 2018 11 07:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NVIDIA GeForce vs. AMD Radeon Linux Gaming Performance At The Start Of 2018 | Tux MachinesJan 11 07:54
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TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 07:54
oiaohm   This makes windows 10  only supporting hardware back to 2012 look so far in fail its not funny.Jan 11 07:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Science Project: “Make the 486 Great Again!” – Modern Linux in an ancient PC | YKM's corner on the webJan 11 07:55
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TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 08:06
*TweetTuxMachines @HiTechWorldNews favourited 'NVIDIA GeForce vs. AMD Radeon Linux Gaming Performance...'Jan 11 09:02
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 11 11:04
TweetTuxMachines                 City of #Barcelona Kicks Out Microsoft in Favor of LinuxJan 11 11:04
TweetTuxMachines                 and Open Source 11 11:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | City of Barcelona Kicks Out Microsoft in Favor of Linux and Open Source | Tux MachinesJan 11 11:04
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TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 11:04
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 11 11:05
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TweetTuxMachines                 Security: Meltdown and Spectre, Apple and MoreJan 11 11:14
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security: Meltdown and Spectre, Apple and More | Tux MachinesJan 11 11:14
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TweetTuxMachines                 Android Leftovers 11 11:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 11 11:16
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TweetTuxMachines                 Ubuntu 17.04 EoL and PatchesJan 11 12:00
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 17.04 EoL and Patches | Tux MachinesJan 11 12:00
TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 12:00
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Ubuntu 17.04 EoL and Patches'Jan 11 12:02
cubexyzyou know when we should have kicked out Microsoft?Jan 11 12:03
cubexyz1994Jan 11 12:03
cubexyzI suppose 1987 was possible with minixJan 11 12:04
cubexyzyou were really lucky you would have used Unix in 1974... before Microsoft even existedJan 11 12:05
cubexyzif...Jan 11 12:05
schestowitz1994Jan 11 12:05
schestowitzwhich distro?Jan 11 12:06
schestowitzBSD?Jan 11 12:06
cubexyzwell I used darkstar which was derived from slackwareJan 11 12:06
cubexyzyeah FreeBSD or Yggdrasil even before thatJan 11 12:07
cubexyzthings seemed to start coalescing around 1994Jan 11 12:08
cubexyzFreeBSD 2.0 was pretty soon afterwards: Jan 1995Jan 11 12:09
cubexyzI know the first Freenet in Canada... trying to remember the year...Jan 11 12:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 11 12:12
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TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 12:12
*TweetTuxMachines @jeffreyneillong favourited 'Ubuntu 17.04 EoL and Patches'Jan 11 12:12
cubexyzaha... I found itJan 11 12:13
cubexyzCBC reported on the first freenet in Canada in 1994Jan 11 12:13
cubexyzanyways I know they were running the ISP on FreeBSDJan 11 12:14
cubexyzprobably an earlier version of:Jan 11 12:14
cubexyz 11 12:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Jan 11 12:14
cubexyzduhJan 11 12:15
cubexyz 11 12:15
cubexyzI wrote a blog about this a while agoJan 11 12:17
cubexyzI didn't emphasize the importance of the time period, but it was pretty importantJan 11 12:17
schestowitzfile renamed?Jan 11 12:18
cubexyz1995 :)Jan 11 12:18
cubexyzI corrected it afterJan 11 12:18
oiaohmcubexyz: I used that version of freebsdJan 11 12:18
schestowitzyou administer a site from the CLIJan 11 12:18
schestowitzwelcome to 1995Jan 11 12:18
oiaohmcubexyz: only last weekJan 11 12:19
cubexyz1995 was good and bad Jan 11 12:19
cubexyzdon't forget win95Jan 11 12:19
oiaohmcubexyz: to be correct found system swore and replaced it job with a rasbery piJan 11 12:19
cubexyzUnix peeps don't say CLI :)Jan 11 12:20
cubexyzwe say shellJan 11 12:20
oiaohmcubexyz: depends on the Unix group.Jan 11 12:20
cubexyzwe never said CLI... that's practically a retronymJan 11 12:21
oiaohmcubexyz:  HPUX documentation and IBM documentation around Unix does use CLI.Jan 11 12:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-IBM Knowledge Center ErrorJan 11 12:21
oiaohmcubexyz: so people trained form those on Unix do use CLIJan 11 12:22
oiaohmcubexyz: so by term usage you can guess at times the person training background.Jan 11 12:22
cubexyzyeah afterwards they didJan 11 12:23
oiaohmcubexyz: bsd and Linux people are likely to say shell instead of CLIJan 11 12:23
oiaohmcubexyz: IBM and HPUX where using CLI as a term in the late 1970 early 1980s.Jan 11 12:23
cubexyzwe said shell on the amiga tooJan 11 12:24
cubexyzyeah Command Line Interface sounds like something IBM would sayJan 11 12:25
oiaohmcubexyz: so Unix peeps don't say CLI is wrong.   some groups of Unix people don't use the term CLI.  Like those working on solaris would more likely use the word terminal not shell or CLIJan 11 12:25
oiaohmcubexyz: I understand the mistake think you are talking AIX and HPUX in the Unix world using the term CLI they were also the more expensive stuff.Jan 11 12:26
cubexyzI remember Xenix people saying "command interpreter"Jan 11 12:28
cubexyzthat's the closest I rememberJan 11 12:28
cubexyzthis CLI stuff is revisionistJan 11 12:28
oiaohmThis kind of shows mess unix was.Jan 11 12:29
cubexyzread any old Xenix or Unix bookJan 11 12:29
oiaohmWhere each unix had a different terms for the same things.Jan 11 12:29
cubexyzit won't say CLIJan 11 12:29
oiaohmThe old IBM AIX and old HPUX manuals do.Jan 11 12:29
oiaohmSo that is stuff straight from the 1970s and 1980s.Jan 11 12:30
cubexyzthat's got to be an IBM thingJan 11 12:31
oiaohmRemember that is still inside the world of Unix.Jan 11 12:31
oiaohmAnd even looking at different Unix books at the time you will find them changing between shell, terminal, tty... and few other things to describe a command line interface.Jan 11 12:32
oiaohmBasically early Unix is quite a term mangled mess.Jan 11 12:32
cubexyzoriginally it was a teletypewriter, yesJan 11 12:33
cubexyzI can only imagine how much paper was wastedJan 11 12:34
oiaohmcubexyz: I don't know how but tty is somehow the short hand for  teletypewriterJan 11 12:34
cubexyzTeleTYpewriterJan 11 12:35
oiaohm>>teleprinter (teletypewriter, Teletype or TTY) i<<   Maybe what you siad.   It might be purely from the teletype bit.Jan 11 12:36
oiaohmcubexyz: it had a few too many names as well.Jan 11 12:36
oiaohmcubexyz: so the machine had 4 names.Jan 11 12:36
cubexyzexcuse my pedantry but I never heard the term CLI until much later onJan 11 12:38
oiaohmcubexyz: unless you were playing with a lot of HPUX or IBM stuff you did not hear it until latter on.Jan 11 12:38
oiaohmcubexyz: and of course Microsoft usage of CLI as a term comes from their contact with IBM.Jan 11 12:39
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cubexyzI can't really remember anyone using straight Unix at IBMJan 11 12:40
cubexyzIBM never used PDP-11s as far as I knowJan 11 12:41
oiaohmcubexyz: AIX is a Unix from IBM in starts in 1986.  IBM writes there first manuals in 1979 for bell labs stuff.Jan 11 12:41
oiaohmcubexyz: remember IBM has been a support and training company for a very long time.Jan 11 12:42
oiaohmcubexyz: HPUX 1982 and you do see a link between people trained at IBM working at HPUX at that time.Jan 11 12:43
cubexyzAIX on IBM RTs, who used those? :)Jan 11 12:44
cubexyzyou know the hobbyists weren'tJan 11 12:44
oiaohmcubexyz: As I said we are talking the expensive end of the Unix world here.Jan 11 12:44
oiaohmcubexyz: both of us early one mostly hung out in the cheaper end.Jan 11 12:45
cubexyzthere was a lot of 68000 stuff earlier onJan 11 12:45
cubexyzSun, NCR, probably other onesJan 11 12:45
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cubexyzI just thought there should have been a bigger exodus to Unix/BSD/Linux/whatever back in 1994Jan 11 12:47
cubexyzwe had the cheap 386's by thenJan 11 12:48
oiaohmcubexyz: its easy to look back at Unix with rose colour glasses and think it was not nightmarish fragmented.Jan 11 12:48
cubexyzI thought the walnut creek CDs were very significantJan 11 12:48
oiaohmcubexyz: 1994 you wanted 3d accelerated X11 on Linux with particular video cards.   Pay for commercial X11 server.Jan 11 12:48
oiaohmcubexyz: and run what horrirlbe distribution they supported.Jan 11 12:49
oiaohmcubexyz: lot of things have improved since then.Jan 11 12:49
cubexyzif I had the money back then I would have maybe bought an SGI boxJan 11 12:49
oiaohmcubexyz: also we forget 1994 it was manually configure X11 server for everything the auto configuration back then really did not work.Jan 11 12:49
cubexyzI'm not sure I ever had X11 running in 1994Jan 11 12:50
oiaohmReality it was not possible to do a exodux to Unix/BSD/Linux in 1994 due to how badly broken stuff was.Jan 11 12:50
cubexyzjust ncurses stuffJan 11 12:50
oiaohmI was running X11 in 1995Jan 11 12:50
oiaohmAnd even then it was still quite horribleJan 11 12:50
cubexyzWaterloo had Sun4's or maybe that was later on...Jan 11 12:51
oiaohmThen you have the kde vs gnome war with esound vs artds so you had to choose one or the other.Jan 11 12:51
oiaohmOnly really now are we starting to get a Linux were the core is starting to come sane.Jan 11 12:51
cubexyzok, it wasn't easy back then I admit... but look at all the source code you gotJan 11 12:51
cubexyzit was near the beginning...Jan 11 12:52
oiaohmThe reality was windows 95 back then had less issues than using Unix or Linux or BSD from the same time frame.Jan 11 12:52
oiaohmToday you have lower issue count using Linux than Windows 10.Jan 11 12:53
cubexyzyes but compare win95 to XenixJan 11 12:53
oiaohmcubexyz: try running graphical on XenixJan 11 12:53
cubexyzhonestly I never didJan 11 12:53
oiaohmcubexyz: users had seen mac they wanted keyboard and mouse.Jan 11 12:54
oiaohmXenix runs into the same X11 messes.Jan 11 12:54
oiaohmLinux just was not readly in 1994 so chance went by.Jan 11 12:55
oiaohmItems like BeOS that were kind of ready could not get the hardware vendor support at the time.Jan 11 12:55
cubexyzmy statement stands though... the early ISPs were using FreeBSDJan 11 12:55
cubexyzI seriously doubt anyone was using win95 for thatJan 11 12:55
oiaohmLinux server growth from 1994 on never went backwards.Jan 11 12:56
oiaohmLinux has mostly won the server fight.  Its now cleaning up the toughest competitor.Jan 11 12:56
cubexyzin retrospect I think of M$ taking over to a large degree as a big abberrationJan 11 12:57
oiaohmnot really MS leavaged there desktop market share to get server market share.Jan 11 12:57
cubexyzas you said, the serious Unix graphics workstations were SGI, Sun, etcJan 11 12:57
oiaohmand expensive.Jan 11 12:58
oiaohmLot of parties could not afford Unix graphics workstations and those Unix graphics workstations would have a lot of glitches.Jan 11 12:58
cubexyzeverything is still balkanized with OSX, Android, chromeos, etcJan 11 12:59
oiaohmcubexyz: you have to remember windows 95 cost 210 dollars at the time and a Unix graphics workstation wanted a few thousand for the OS then add the hardware.Jan 11 12:59
oiaohmcubexyz: cost and hardware vendor support are both important.Jan 11 13:00
cubexyzI would have been happy with a stable Unix without X11 back in 1994Jan 11 13:01
cubexyzstupidly I didn't stick with itJan 11 13:01
oiaohmI didJan 11 13:01
oiaohmthe kde/gnome battle with fighting sound servers had me question my choice in the 2000sJan 11 13:02
oiaohmcubexyz: modern day distributions are way more pleasant than anything in the first 16 years of Linux. Jan 11 13:03
cubexyzLGP was running linux games pretty well and Loki also did before themJan 11 13:03
oiaohmcubexyz: about 2007 you start to see sanity appearing.Jan 11 13:03
cubexyzso I guess move it up to 1998Jan 11 13:03
oiaohmOf course by the time Linux is kind of ready.   Microsoft has been dug in for a long time and has defacto standards.Jan 11 13:04
oiaohmSo starting the battle to end the defecto standards.Jan 11 13:04
cubexyzpeople are telling me that they don't want windows 10 Jan 11 13:05
oiaohmat the moment Linux for a lot of users is a resonable choice.Jan 11 13:05
oiaohmHistoric that was not the case.Jan 11 13:05
cubexyzand going back to 1994 for a second... Ryerson and other polytechs were using LinuxJan 11 13:05
oiaohmcubexyz: most of that work leaded into the usage in supercomputers.Jan 11 13:06
cubexyzI assume MIT did also, but I'm not positiveJan 11 13:06
oiaohmcubexyz: so 1994 was not good for the Linux desktop.   But for the Linux internet servers and Linux super computers it was a good time.Jan 11 13:06
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oiaohmcubexyz: you have to also consider libreoffice 2010 that when you see file compadiblity with Microsoft and other closed source office suites start improving massively.Jan 11 13:09
oiaohmcubexyz: everything not in place yet to kill Microsoft off on desktop.   But we are way closer now.    Without desktop Microsoft will lose the force that holds its server market.Jan 11 13:10
cubexyzyeah it's taking too longJan 11 13:10
oiaohmI will not disagreeJan 11 13:10
oiaohmHistorically open source software developer worked without quality control processes as well.Jan 11 13:11
oiaohmThat has only really started changing since 2010 as well.Jan 11 13:11
*TweetTuxMachines @fentons54 favourited 'City of #Barcelona Kicks Out Microsoft in Favor...'Jan 11 13:11
oiaohmcubexyz: its taken FOSS way too long to work out that quality control is critically important.Jan 11 13:13
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TweetTuxMachines                 Games: Opus Magnum, Killing Floor 2, Where The WaterJan 11 13:17
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Science Project: “Make The 486 Great Again!” – Modern Linux In An Ancient PC | Tux MachinesJan 11 13:17
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TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 13:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Opus Magnum, Killing Floor 2, Where The Water Tastes Like Wine | Tux MachinesJan 11 13:17
cubexyzpeople could have read Tanenbaum's book in 1987Jan 11 13:19
oiaohmcubexyz: true but Minix in that book is like dos.   So people had seen a graphical apple the : Macintosh in 1984Jan 11 13:26
oiaohmcubexyz: Like it or not Microsoft was in fact late to the party for the graphical desktop.Jan 11 13:27
oiaohmcubexyz: and us doing Linux has been even latter to the party.Jan 11 13:28
*TweetTuxMachines @bourbon_brawler retweeted @tuxmachines: 'A Science Project: “Make The 486 Great Again!”...'Jan 11 13:29
oiaohmcubexyz: 1991 Linux was basically starting off at least 10 years behind.   Microsoft was about 4-5 years behind at 1991.Jan 11 13:29
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*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'A Science Project: “Make The 486 Great Again!”...'Jan 11 13:30
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Games: Opus Magnum, Killing Floor 2, Where The...'Jan 11 13:30
*TweetTuxMachines @refult01 favourited 'FUD Firms Versus Free Software (Licensing, Security, Gender)...'Jan 11 13:30
cubexyzLinux was already pretty decent by 1998Jan 11 13:32
cubexyzRedhat 5.2 Jan 11 13:32
cubexyzgot a pic of redhat 5.1 somewhere...Jan 11 13:36
cubexyz 11 13:37
cubexyzpeople were just weren't savvy enough to run BSD (mostly)Jan 11 13:39
cubexyzmyself includedJan 11 13:40
cubexyzI did eventually learn thoughJan 11 13:40
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oiaohmcubexyz: I have have redhat 5.2 and 7.2 discs around here somehwereJan 11 13:55
oiaohmcubexyz: Linux got decent for server work quite quickly.Jan 11 13:55
oiaohmcubexyz: also if items like ywindows, directfb and other had got vendor support desktop would have improved quicker as well.Jan 11 13:56
MinceR11 084423 < oiaohm> MinceR: testing is kind of modern.    Old Enterprise was don't change anything ever and work around what ever bugs you find,Jan 11 14:19
MinceRtell that to m$, ratcrap and crAppleJan 11 14:19
MinceR(remember, "modern" is their buzzword for all the unthinkingly hacked up bloated insecure broken shit they foist on people)Jan 11 14:20
MinceR(like cancerd and the metro ui)Jan 11 14:21
cubexyzwell, sticking to hardware, yes a lot of the old stuff was betterJan 11 14:22
MinceRyupJan 11 14:30
cubexyzout of curiousity oiaohm, is there any laser printer you recommend?Jan 11 14:33
cubexyzI'll probably replace the fuser on this one for nowJan 11 14:34
oiaohmcubexyz: I have not been looking at any recently.   Brothers and Samsung and hp I have used a lot of.Jan 11 14:43
oiaohmMinceR: scary as it sounds systemd like it or not has more complete QA than the sysvinit spreed mix of parts before it.Jan 11 14:44
cubexyzthat would be "not" :)Jan 11 14:45
oiaohmMinceR: still getting around to proper engineering based development is not there yet.Jan 11 14:45
oiaohmcubexyz: brother and samsung does come down to the current driver conditions at the time on what on the market.Jan 11 14:46
oiaohmcubexyz: HP most of the Laser printers have Linux driver support at least.Jan 11 14:46
cubexyzI don't need colour or any MFP monsterJan 11 14:46
cubexyzjust a straight B&W laser printerJan 11 14:46
oiaohmcubexyz: even in the black and whites you can have the nightmare of no Linux drivers for particular models.Jan 11 14:46
oiaohmcubexyz: and that can be just one revision number added to a model number going from with Linux drivers to without in samsung.Jan 11 14:47
cubexyzsamsung doesn't do PCL I take it?Jan 11 14:48
MinceRoiaohm: spare me of the old, tired and boring cancerd propagandaJan 11 14:50
MinceRalso please don't copy/paste any redhat brochuresJan 11 14:50
cubexyzseems they have their own thing... Samsung Printer LanguageJan 11 14:50
MinceRoiaohm: they released versions that couldn't even bootJan 11 14:50
cubexyzoiaohm, not to mention a somewhat crappy 1,500 pages per toner cart yield on the samsungJan 11 14:51
cubexyzand an even smaller 700 pages with the "starter" cartJan 11 14:52
oiaohmMinceR: reality have you ever looked at sysvinit history.   There are only about 80 releases where init binary would crash  killing the complete system.Jan 11 14:53
MinceRoiaohm: well before cancerd was even consideredJan 11 14:53
oiaohmMinceR: systemd quality control seams bad but sysvinit in real world has been worse.Jan 11 14:54
MinceRprotip: repeating "in real world" doesn't make cancerd fail any lessJan 11 14:54
MinceRno rituals will helpJan 11 14:54
MinceRonly actual real software engineering willJan 11 14:54
MinceRthat thing nobody at red hat knows how to do :>Jan 11 14:55
oiaohmMinceR: reality is sysvinit was failing before systemd because it was not being built using real software engineer process either.Jan 11 14:55
MinceR(also nobody at m$ or crApple)Jan 11 14:55
cubexyzI've seen systemd bork upJan 11 14:55
MinceRoiaohm: this would be relevant if anyone wanted to replace an ancient version of sysvinit with a current version of cancerdJan 11 14:55
oiaohmMinceR: systemd is closer to real engineer process than what the sysvinit of random collected parts.Jan 11 14:55
MinceRno, not reallyJan 11 14:56
cubexyzanyways, I've run FC1 longer than anything else and it still worksJan 11 14:56
oiaohmMinceR: how did sysvinit and udev and other parts QA that they would in fact work with each other.    That right land on end users.Jan 11 14:56
cubexyzbest by testJan 11 14:57
oiaohmMinceR: so the reality is systemd with everything under one roof means they can perform uniform QA process as engineer process says should be done.Jan 11 14:57
cubexyzalthough the openbsd box works fine tooJan 11 14:57
oiaohmopenbsd/freebsd all the core init stuff is under unified managment as mandated by good engineering process.Jan 11 14:58
MinceRoiaohm: they can, but they never did, and never willJan 11 14:58
MinceRand even the fundamental concept of that software is brokenJan 11 14:59
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FUD Firms Versus Free Software (Licensing, Security, Gender) | Tux MachinesJan 11 15:00
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oiaohmMinceR: these days systemd does use a automatic build and test suite server. 11 15:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-GitHub - systemd/systemd-fedora-ci: This project contains code to test systemdJan 11 15:03
oiaohmMinceR: really from a testing point of view systemd already is way ahead of where sysvinit was.Jan 11 15:03
oiaohmMinceR: I am not saying it perfect yet.Jan 11 15:03
MinceRno, all you keep saying that it's better than anything elseJan 11 15:04
MinceReven though it's a demonstration of how not to engineer softwareJan 11 15:04
MinceRa massive hairball with all sorts of different concerns mixed randomlyJan 11 15:04
MinceRhardly any documentation or commentsJan 11 15:04
oiaohmWhatJan 11 15:04
oiaohmHave you never read the systemd source code right.Jan 11 15:05
MinceRand of course gnome uses unofficial interfacesJan 11 15:05
MinceRi have read itJan 11 15:05
MinceRguess againJan 11 15:05
oiaohm2/3 of systemd source is documentationJan 11 15:05
oiaohmAnd that is without commentsJan 11 15:05
MinceRoh, it's nice to be able to talk to someone who lives in an alternate universeJan 11 15:05
MinceRi wonder what else is different over thereJan 11 15:05
oiaohmSo how is there hardly any documentation.Jan 11 15:05
oiaohmthere is much more than sysvinit ever had explain it logic and operation.Jan 11 15:06
MinceRand none of it belongs in an alleged "init system"Jan 11 15:06
oiaohmMinceR: if documentation is a point you must be living in a alternative universe.Jan 11 15:06
oiaohmOne thing about systemd is that is highly documented compared to the other init system options.Jan 11 15:07
oiaohmIf documentaiton is a problem and some how sysvinit is better then Systemd must have too much documentation but that cannot be right.Jan 11 15:08
MinceRi guess that documentation lives in a non-public repository i have no access toJan 11 15:08
oiaohmNo 2/3 is the public githubJan 11 15:08
oiaohmquality control is split into some other github branches that you could have missed.Jan 11 15:10
oiaohmBut documentation you should have not missed that.Jan 11 15:10
MinceRthey probably didn't even exist when they destroyed the debian project from withinJan 11 15:10
oiaohmagain noJan 11 15:10
MinceRwhich was later than when they released it in fedora as "stable"Jan 11 15:10
oiaohmby the time debian took systemd in its documetnation already exceed the documentation coming from sysvinit and it mix.Jan 11 15:11
MinceRalso, apparently those magical github branches did not prevent unusable versions from being releasedJan 11 15:11
oiaohmBecause debian and fedora took it in before they in fact started running proper quality control servers.Jan 11 15:11
oiaohmand they were not running proper quality control servers for sysvinit either.Jan 11 15:12
MinceRfor example, it did not prevent 11 15:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bug 918226 – systemd segfaults after updating from 208-23.3 to 208-28.1 [ ]Jan 11 15:12
MinceReven though it would have been trivial to detect it before committingJan 11 15:12
MinceRsame with 11 15:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 89383 – systemd-219 can't mount devicesJan 11 15:13
MinceR(afaik you can't boot a typical system if you can't mount devices)Jan 11 15:13
oiaohmMinceR: pick another bug and try again.Jan 11 15:14
MinceRand another: 11 15:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | #793932 - systemd: fails to boot default kernel with all packages up to date - Debian Bug report logsJan 11 15:14
oiaohmMinceR: why that fault was not in fact mainline systemd that was opensuse own addon patch.   And SUSE not running enginering testing.Jan 11 15:14
MinceRbut i guess i could link bugs all day and all night, you'd still cargocult cancerd and shill it all day every dayJan 11 15:15
MinceRof course suse doesn't run "engineering testing"Jan 11 15:15
MinceRsuse doesn't do engineeringJan 11 15:15
MinceRsuse pushes the microsoft agenda, attempting to destroy free softwareJan 11 15:15
MinceRthat's not engineeringJan 11 15:15
oiaohmMinceR: did you read bug why it was closed.Jan 11 15:16
MinceRdid you read the bug report?Jan 11 15:17
oiaohmMinceR: it was not repeatable and closed.Jan 11 15:17
MinceRno, the cancerd cultist handling the bug was offendedJan 11 15:17
oiaohmMinceR: I did read it you must have just googled and presumed it was right.Jan 11 15:17
MinceRi filed it in a bookmark ages agoJan 11 15:18
oiaohmthat does not mean it was right when you bookmarked it.Jan 11 15:18
MinceRit was, and it still isJan 11 15:18
MinceRthe fact that it offends you or some other cancerd apologist does not change thatJan 11 15:18
oiaohmsaying a bug is valid when it was closed for being invalid Jan 11 15:19
oiaohmMinceR: really what you there are true valid bugs without using invalid ones.Jan 11 15:19
MinceRoiaohm: sticking your head in the sand doesn't fix cancerdJan 11 15:19
MinceRredesigning it from scratch might.Jan 11 15:19
MinceRso please shut up and stick to the second thingJan 11 15:20
oiaohmMinceR: I am not sticking my head in sand I have point to valid bugs to be fixed in systemd before.Jan 11 15:20
MinceRcan someone translate that to english?Jan 11 15:20
oiaohmReally claimed lack of documentation that is not true.   Using invalid bugs.   Exactly why should be changing my point of view when you are not putting up solid information.Jan 11 15:21
MinceRexactly how could i change your opinion if you're suffering from cognitive dissonance?Jan 11 15:22
oiaohmI have change opinion in past based on evidence.    Claiming cognitive dissonance just means you don't have to assembled unbiased valid compare evidence that would change my point of view.Jan 11 15:23
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@SenWarren @realDonaldTrump You have just described the United...'Jan 11 15:25
oiaohmPlease note openrc may end up better than systemd in time and this is why I am watching what trueos and gentoo are doing.Jan 11 15:25
MinceRthat's easy, it was better than systemd at every point in time so farJan 11 15:26
MinceRand that will continue until systemd is reconceived from scratchJan 11 15:26
MinceReven an empty file is better than systemdJan 11 15:26
oiaohmThat is not a valid compared based on evidence.Jan 11 15:27
oiaohmHow can a empty file be better.Jan 11 15:27
MinceRby not being a massive blob of bloat with backdoorsJan 11 15:27
oiaohmReality it cannot because a empty file system not booting.Jan 11 15:27
MinceRalso, it is a single line away from being one of the best inits ever conceivedJan 11 15:27
MinceRthen it's not different from systemd in many casesJan 11 15:28
oiaohmLOLJan 11 15:28
MinceRint main(void) { if (fork()) while (1) wait(NULL); else execl("/etc/rc", "rc", NULL); }Jan 11 15:28
oiaohmhave you seen what happens when someone trys a single line init in dockerJan 11 15:28
MinceRput this in that empty file and you're already well ahead of most attemptsJan 11 15:28
MinceRdo i care about dockerJan 11 15:28
oiaohmYou skipped zombie collection.Jan 11 15:28
oiaohmsame mistake early systemd did.Jan 11 15:29
MinceRno i did notJan 11 15:29
MinceRread that line more carefullyJan 11 15:29
oiaohmYes you didJan 11 15:29
oiaohmI haveJan 11 15:29
MinceRwhat does while (1) wait(NULL) do?Jan 11 15:29
oiaohmthere is a type of zombie that missesJan 11 15:29
oiaohmsame one systemd missedJan 11 15:29
MinceRmaybe i will care about docker once the kernel features it relies on are matureJan 11 15:30
MinceR(cancerd and probably openrc would benefit from that too, btw)Jan 11 15:30
oiaohmthe fault was found by docter by people attempting what you did but it would also happen as a normal PID1Jan 11 15:30
oiaohmopenrc as a few extras to its zombie collection same with sysvinit and same with current systemdJan 11 15:31
MinceRso, what sort of zombie did these not catch?Jan 11 15:31
oiaohmYou in fact to connect a handler.Jan 11 15:31
oiaohmzombie sent message to parrent parrent has not cleared message zombie stuck.Jan 11 15:32
MinceRif the parent is still running, it is the parent's responsibility to take care of the process that exitedJan 11 15:32
oiaohmMinceR: it when parrent dies and the zombie is transfered to PID1. slight timing gap.Jan 11 15:32
oiaohmMinceR: so PID1 does need a signal handler.Jan 11 15:33
MinceRif you didn't mangle the language so badly, i'd probably understand this case, but i don'tJan 11 15:34
oiaohmMinceR: the wait you used catchs SIGCHILD.   But process going zombie might have sent different signals to parrent.Jan 11 15:35
oiaohmMinceR: of course it when those messages are sent.Jan 11 15:35
oiaohmMinceR: that causes the problem.Jan 11 15:35
oiaohmMinceR: the zombie parrent PID race condition.Jan 11 15:36
MinceRiirc signals aren't the problemJan 11 15:36
MinceRnot waiting on the process to let the kernel know that you no longer care about the data in the process struct is the problemJan 11 15:36
oiaohmMinceR: what about stopped.Jan 11 15:40
oiaohmMinceR: there is a list of signals you need to collect extra basically to tell a zombie to keep on moving and die to the wait.Jan 11 15:41
MinceRafaik you don't collect signalsJan 11 15:44
oiaohmMinceR:  Notice the more complex SIGCHILD handling either.Jan 11 15:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-dumb-init/dumb-init.c at master · Yelp/dumb-init · GitHubJan 11 15:44
MinceRyou have signal handlers or you have them blockedJan 11 15:44
oiaohmMinceR: to keep a zombie moving to dead you do need to send it particular signals.Jan 11 15:45
MinceRthis one seems to rely on receiving a signal to know that there's a child that needs to be waited onJan 11 15:45
MinceRbut i don't see why that would be importantJan 11 15:46
oiaohmMinceR: so you are not sending a SIGTERM to a zombie process that is not going to exit willingly because it stopped somewhere.Jan 11 15:46
oiaohmMinceR: wait function ends up waiting forever on stuck zombie processes.Jan 11 15:47
oiaohmMinceR: so you do need to do a signal handler not think wait will work.Jan 11 15:47
MinceRi doubt you can even send signals to zombie processesJan 11 15:48
MinceRthere's literally nothing that could handle signalsJan 11 15:48
MinceRyou kill zombies by waiting on themJan 11 15:48
oiaohmSIGTERM is picked up by kernel.Jan 11 15:49
MinceRi think you mean SIGKILLJan 11 15:49
MinceRbut afaik even that does nothing to zombiesJan 11 15:49
oiaohmNo I mean SIGTERMJan 11 15:49
MinceRit would be an issue for the calling process if it didJan 11 15:49
oiaohmSIGTERM from PID1 to a process ID is kind of special.Jan 11 15:50
MinceRs/calling/parent/Jan 11 15:50
MinceRsince it would mean that the struct goes away from which the parent would get the exit status when it calls wait or waitpidJan 11 15:50
oiaohmWhy you send sigterm to zombie process it to kill any children processes that can become disconnected active zombie proceses.Jan 11 15:53
oiaohmMinceR: if you don't do it you create another form of zombie.Jan 11 15:54
MinceRdo you have a citation for this?Jan 11 15:55
oiaohm that is why I quoted this.Jan 11 15:55
MinceRthat doesn't look like posix documentation to meJan 11 15:55
oiaohmIn it sigchild handle forward_signal(SIGTERM); // send SIGTERM to any remaining children<<Jan 11 15:55
MinceRpesky alternate realities...Jan 11 15:55
oiaohmwhen you look into why that is and why sysvinit has it there is a nice little trap to those attempting to make a init replacement.Jan 11 15:56
MinceRi wonder if it's even a good idea to kill children of zombiesJan 11 15:57
oiaohmYes its one of the bugs due to how posix standard designed init.Jan 11 15:57
oiaohmsysvinit does kill children of zombies so does openrc so does systemd.Jan 11 15:58
oiaohmMinceR: so killing children of zombies is expected behavour.Jan 11 15:59
oiaohmMinceR: note what I said about sysvinit lacking documentation.   Particularly about these expected behaviours its read the source to find out about them.Jan 11 15:59
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TweetTuxMachines                 A Look at Ubuntu Unity RemixJan 11 16:44
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TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 16:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Look at Ubuntu Unity Remix | Tux MachinesJan 11 16:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 11 16:46
TweetTuxMachines                 KDE: KStars, Nextcloud Talk, Akademy, Krita, Qt, KdenliveJan 11 16:46
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TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 16:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE: KStars, Nextcloud Talk, Akademy, Krita, Qt, Kdenlive | Tux MachinesJan 11 16:46
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'A Look at Ubuntu Unity Remix'Jan 11 16:46
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'KDE: KStars, Nextcloud Talk, Akademy, Krita, Qt, Kdenlive...'Jan 11 16:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 11 16:51
TweetTuxMachines                 GeckoLinux: A Polished Distro Just Got SmootherJan 11 16:51
TweetTuxMachines        ( #GeckoLinuxJan 11 16:51
TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 16:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GeckoLinux: A Polished Distro Just Got Smoother | Tux MachinesJan 11 16:51
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 11 16:52
TweetTuxMachines                 Multimedia Apps for the Linux ConsoleJan 11 16:52
TweetTuxMachines        ( 11 16:52
TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 16:52
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'GeckoLinux: A Polished Distro Just Got Smoother'Jan 11 16:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Multimedia Apps for the Linux Console | Tux MachinesJan 11 16:52
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Multimedia Apps for the Linux Console'Jan 11 16:57
*TweetTuxMachines @jeffreyneillong favourited 'Multimedia Apps for the Linux Console'Jan 11 16:57
*TweetTuxMachines @jeffreyneillong retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Multimedia Apps for the Linux Console'Jan 11 16:58
*TweetTuxMachines @jeffreyneillong favourited 'GeckoLinux: A Polished Distro Just Got Smoother'Jan 11 16:58
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 11 17:03
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    GeckoLinux: A Polished Distro Just Got SmootherJan 11 17:03
TweetTuxMachines @jeffreyneillong ( #GeckoLinuxJan 11 17:03
TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 17:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 11 17:05
TweetTuxMachines                 KPTI + Retpoline Linux Benchmarking On Old LaptopsJan 11 17:05
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TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 17:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KPTI + Retpoline Linux Benchmarking On Old Laptops | Tux MachinesJan 11 17:05
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TweetTuxMachines                 Android Leftovers 11 17:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 11 17:07
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 11 17:07
TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 17:07
*TweetTuxMachines @frodoT9 favourited 'KPTI + Retpoline Linux Benchmarking On Old Laptops...'Jan 11 17:07
*TweetTuxMachines @frodoT9 retweeted @tuxmachines: 'KPTI + Retpoline Linux Benchmarking On Old Laptops...'Jan 11 17:07
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'KPTI + Retpoline Linux Benchmarking On Old Laptops...'Jan 11 17:07
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Android Leftovers'Jan 11 17:09
*TweetTuxMachines @jeffreyneillong favourited 'KPTI + Retpoline Linux Benchmarking On Old Laptops...'Jan 11 17:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 11 17:10
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    KPTI + Retpoline Linux Benchmarking On Old LaptopsJan 11 17:10
TweetTuxMachines @jeffreyneillong ( 11 17:10
TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 17:10
*TweetTuxMachines @jeffreyneillong favourited 'Android Leftovers'Jan 11 17:27
*TweetTuxMachines @omgopensuse favourited '#openSUSE Based #GeckoLinux Receives New, Revamped Releases Built...'Jan 11 17:36
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 11 17:40
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #openSUSE Based #GeckoLinux Receives New, RevampedJan 11 17:40
TweetTuxMachines @omgopensuse    Releases Built with KIWI 11 17:40
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | openSUSE-Based GeckoLinux Receives New, Revamped Releases Built with KIWI | Tux MachinesJan 11 17:40
TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 17:40
*TweetTuxMachines got exception: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream ; reconnecting to Twitter...Jan 11 18:08
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 11 18:13
TweetTuxMachines                 OPNsense® 18.1 Release Candidate 1Jan 11 18:13
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TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 18:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OPNsense® 18.1 Release Candidate 1 | Tux MachinesJan 11 18:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 11 18:14
TweetTuxMachines                 today's howtosJan 11 18:14
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJan 11 18:14
TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 18:14
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MinceR 11 18:44
schestowitzlolJan 11 18:45
schestowitznice jokeJan 11 18:45
MinceR 11 19:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | "Okay dad, don't let go, okay? Dad... dad? DAAAAAAAAAAD?"Jan 11 19:05
MinceR 11 19:16
XRevan86MinceR: pioneers?Jan 11 19:17
MinceRi guessJan 11 19:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 11 19:18
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    today's howtosJan 11 19:18
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 11 19:18
TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 19:18
MinceRnot very realistic thoughJan 11 19:18
MinceRas it admits that "steel production is down"Jan 11 19:18
DaemonFC 11 19:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Another iPhone Battery Explodes Right in the Apple StoreJan 11 19:21
MinceRif only there was an easier method to swap batteries in a phoneJan 11 19:22
XRevan86MinceR: One can dream…Jan 11 19:23
MinceR:>Jan 11 19:24
DaemonFCMinceR: At least I could have ubreakifix or some other store in Chicago repair my Galaxy S8+ if it's out of warranty and not worry about fake error messages like the ones you would get with Apple.Jan 11 19:35
DaemonFCSamsung sells the OEM batteries to repair shops, so even though the phone checks to see if it has a Samsung serial number, you don't have to mail it to anyone.Jan 11 19:37
DaemonFCAnd there's a good reason to check for the serial number. Third party batteries are of varying quality. I've bought some brand new that wouldn't accept a full charge, shut down randomly, and physically broke.Jan 11 19:37
DaemonFCThe seller on ebay is quick to give you your money back because they don't want bad feedback.Jan 11 19:38
DaemonFCMinceR: I actually had one of them return $15 for a $10 battery and ask me to change me feedback to neutral.Jan 11 19:41
DaemonFCI said okay, he sent me the money, and I left the bad feedback. He never said anything, probably because ebay policy forbids offering money for better feedback.Jan 11 19:41
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 11 19:53
TweetTuxMachines                 Security: Meltdown, Spectre, Apple, CoffeeMiner, EMC,Jan 11 19:53
TweetTuxMachines                 VMware and MoreJan 11 19:53
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TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 19:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security: Meltdown, Spectre, Apple, CoffeeMiner, EMC, VMware and More | Tux MachinesJan 11 19:53
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 11 19:59
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Security: Meltdown, Spectre, Apple, CoffeeMiner, EMC,Jan 11 19:59
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    VMware and MoreJan 11 19:59
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TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 19:59
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 11 20:09
TweetTuxMachines                 Android's Competition is ExplosiveJan 11 20:09
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TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 20:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android's Competition is Explosive | Tux MachinesJan 11 20:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 11 20:11
TweetTuxMachines                 Fedora Development and Red Hat's StockJan 11 20:11
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora Development and Red Hat's Stock | Tux MachinesJan 11 20:11
TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 20:11
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Fedora Development and Red Hat's Stock'Jan 11 20:11
<--Firee has quit (Quit: lolmoi)Jan 11 20:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 11 20:55
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Android's Competition is ExplosiveJan 11 20:55
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TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 20:55
MinceR 11 21:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-  - Album on ImgurJan 11 21:20
MinceR 11 21:35
MinceR 11 21:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-no feign, no gain - Album on ImgurJan 11 21:46
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@frontlineclub @pamfoundation @wikileaks Quite the ''cast' you got...'Jan 11 22:06
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TweetTuxMachines                 PiTalk, Gemini PDA, and Eelo take different paths to theJan 11 22:54
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux phoneJan 11 22:54
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PiTalk, Gemini PDA, and Eelo take different paths to the Linux phone | Tux MachinesJan 11 22:54
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TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    Linux phoneJan 11 23:42
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TweetTuxMachines                 Mozilla LeftoversJan 11 23:48
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TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 23:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla Leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 11 23:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 11 23:51
TweetTuxMachines                 Games: Endless Horde, ERSATZ, Spartan Fist, Stellaris:Jan 11 23:51
TweetTuxMachines                 Apocalypse, Feral Interactive, Unity (Mono)Jan 11 23:51
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TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 23:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Endless Horde, ERSATZ, Spartan Fist, Stellaris: Apocalypse, Feral Interactive, Unity (Mono) | Tux MachinesJan 11 23:51
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 11 23:54
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux, Linux Foundation, and GraphicsJan 11 23:54
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TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 23:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux, Linux Foundation, and Graphics | Tux MachinesJan 11 23:54
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TweetTuxMachines                 OSS and Programming LeftoversJan 11 23:56
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TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 23:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OSS and Programming Leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 11 23:57
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TweetTuxMachines                 Red Hat on Microservices and SecurityJan 11 23:59
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TweetTuxMachines Jan 11 23:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat on Microservices and Security | Tux MachinesJan 11 23:59
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 12 00:02
TweetTuxMachines                 today's leftoversJan 12 00:02
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TweetTuxMachines                 Links 11/1/2018: City of Barcelona Moves to GNU/Linux,Jan 12 00:05
TweetTuxMachines                 Julian Assange Becomes Ecuadorian 12 00:05
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 11/1/2018: City of Barcelona Moves to GNU/Linux, Julian Assange Becomes Ecuadorian | TechrightsJan 12 00:05
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TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    Apocalypse, Feral Interactive, Unity (Mono)Jan 12 00:06
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Endless Horde, ERSATZ, Spartan Fist, Stellaris: Apocalypse, Feral Interactive, Unity (Mono) | Tux MachinesJan 12 00:06
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DaemonFCMinceR: Afaik, Linux is the only operating system that lets you turn off the Meltdown fix.Jan 12 02:18
DaemonFCIt really is so horrible to live with that some people probably will.Jan 12 02:18
DaemonFCWith Windows and Mac, you have to either update and take the hit or forego installing any updates at all, which will leave you vulnerable to all new security problems.Jan 12 02:19
XRevan86 12 02:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Content Filtering Proxy Detection - AdBlock Detection, TOR Detection, Proxomitron & Privoxy Detection - BrowserLeaks.comJan 12 02:21
XRevan86DaemonFC: I saw some mentions that 'tis possible to disable it on WindowsJan 12 02:22
XRevan86 12 02:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jan 12 02:23
XRevan86Of course with GNU/Linux it is a lot easier :)Jan 12 02:25
XRevan86I just need to know about "pti=off", nothing requires copypastingJan 12 02:27
DaemonFCMinceR: From Facebook:Jan 12 02:29
DaemonFCRyan Farmer 1998: "I'll bet 2018 will be awesome. Human colonies on Mars, cures for cancer, quantum computing."Jan 12 02:30
DaemonFC2018: Trump cuts a billion more dollars from NASA, Pfizer announces that it will end research into disease and use the Trump tax cuts for share buybacks, Intel processors slowed down 30% with workaround for the worst hardware security problem ever, and Procter & Gamble has to tell teenagers that are getting passing grades in high school not to eat Tide Pods.Jan 12 02:30
XRevan86I'll bet 2038 will be awesome. Human colonies on Mars, cures for cancer, quantum computing.Jan 12 02:30
DaemonFCSeriously, don't eat laundry pods.Jan 12 02:33
DaemonFCYou have to tell this to 16 year olds now.Jan 12 02:33
DaemonFCRemember when the big worry was that a 4 year old would get into them?Jan 12 02:33
XRevan86DaemonFC: What's a laundry pod?Jan 12 02:34
XRevan86ah, got itJan 12 02:35
XRevan86DaemonFC: Soap, yummyJan 12 02:36
oiaohmXRevan86: its turning out to fix all of spectre/speculative execution problem requires a microcode update on many intel processes.Jan 12 02:37
XRevan86oiaohm: And AMD tooJan 12 02:37
oiaohmXRevan86: intel is only at this stage providing Microcode update for processors up to 5 years old.Jan 12 02:38
XRevan86DaemonFC: Although I have a bit of a confusion. Is "laudry pod" both a container with washing liquid and a small washing machine?Jan 12 02:39
XRevan86 I see this called laudry podsJan 12 02:39
XRevan86 and thisJan 12 02:39
DaemonFCXRevan86: They don't have laundry pods there?Jan 12 02:40
DaemonFCYou toss one in the laundry and it saves you from measuring out detergent.Jan 12 02:40
XRevan86DaemonFC: which ones? :)Jan 12 02:40
oiaohmAMD different you don't in fact need a microcode update if you are willing to take a 40 percent cpu performance hit by forcing in line execution.Jan 12 02:40
DaemonFCThey're a little more expensive, but not much more.Jan 12 02:40
oiaohmOpps on order execution.Jan 12 02:40
DaemonFCJust disable pti. Jan 12 02:40
XRevan86DaemonFC: There are. So you meant the one from the first photo, got it.Jan 12 02:41
DaemonFCI don't think that the chance of an attack on a home PC running Linux is high on this.Jan 12 02:41
oiaohmDaemonFC: pti is meltdown.   The 40 percent hit is AMD worse method for dealing with all of spectre.Jan 12 02:41
DaemonFCSo why take the hit?Jan 12 02:41
DaemonFCI disabled pti on my system and I'm current on the kernel stable branch.Jan 12 02:42
oiaohmAmd MMU does not suffer from what PTI fixes.Jan 12 02:42
DaemonFCI have one of the newer systems that doesn't suffer as much from KPTI, but it's still too much.Jan 12 02:42
oiaohmThis is why lattest kernel has PTI already off for AMD.Jan 12 02:42
oiaohmspectre is another mess.Jan 12 02:42
XRevan86I for one have pcid on my processor.Jan 12 02:42
XRevan86that should reduce the overhead from KPTIJan 12 02:43
DaemonFCIt seems like Intel chose fast processor over security and figured nobody would ever find out?Jan 12 02:43
oiaohmPlease note Intel you don't have option of turning speculative execution off.Jan 12 02:43
DaemonFCThey'll eventually fix it at the hardware level, but the design of Ice Lake is finalized already, so it will be at least the 10th generation Core processors that get the hardware fix.Jan 12 02:44
oiaohmAMD provided speculative execution off for real-time usage to provide absolutely predictable timings of instruction handling.Jan 12 02:44
DaemonFCSo I'm probably going to try avoiding a new computer until then.Jan 12 02:44
oiaohmMeltdown comes from the 286 time frame if you look at the cpu instruction manuanls.Jan 12 02:44
DaemonFCWe're talking late 2019 or early 2020 before the real fix is in.Jan 12 02:45
oiaohmAt that time secure OS kind did not exist.Jan 12 02:45
oiaohmspectre stuff appears around 1995Jan 12 02:45
DaemonFC286 era, people ran DOS.Jan 12 02:46
DaemonFCThere was no security at all.Jan 12 02:46
DaemonFCYou could do anything at all with the computer.Jan 12 02:46
oiaohmThe time in history where the faults are form security was basically non existance so focusing on performance was understandable.Jan 12 02:46
oiaohmform/fromJan 12 02:46
oiaohmIts just none of the latter reviews picked it up.Jan 12 02:47
oiaohmspectre faults come a IBM white paper on how PowerPC did out of order execution.Jan 12 02:47
oiaohmSo spectre is not Intel fault for getting it wrong at first.   Its Intel, AMD, ARM... fault for not noticing that IBM goofed.Jan 12 02:48
oiaohmDaemonFC: the worst part about spectre is the incorrect method made it into many silicon design courses.Jan 12 02:48
cubexyzwe ran different OSes on 286Jan 12 03:33
cubexyzVenix and Xenix mainlyJan 12 03:33
cubexyzthere was also CP/M-86Jan 12 03:34
cubexyzand Coherent, although I didn't try that one on 286, there was a version for itJan 12 03:35
cubexyz1 meg 286's were pretty commonJan 12 03:46
cubexyz286's had the 16-bit protected mode which wasn't used by msdosJan 12 03:49
cubexyzeven back then there were some choices for 286Jan 12 03:51
DaemonFCMINIX worked on it. In fact, Tanenbaum complained that Linux required a 386.Jan 12 03:53
cubexyzeasier that way thoughJan 12 03:57
cubexyzthe early 1990s were the last gasp of 286's Jan 12 03:57
DaemonFCWindows 3.1 worked on the 286 in Standard Mode. Jan 12 04:31
DaemonFC3.11 didn't, officially. Jan 12 04:31
cubexyzthe bad old days :)Jan 12 04:42
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MinceR12 031833 < DaemonFC> MinceR: Afaik, Linux is the only operating system that lets you turn off the Meltdown fix.Jan 12 06:48
MinceRno, it's a kernelJan 12 06:48
cubexyz 12 06:53
MinceRI'd like to interject. What you call Linux is actually just a kernel. Without systemd, it can't do anything at all, so I have recently started calling it systemd-kerneld. Yes, there really is a Linux, but we must give credit to the other software that makes up a complete system.Jan 12 06:58
MinceRLooking at the package count on a modern systemd-kerneld distribution, you'll find that systemd is nearly half of all packages. If you go by source lines of code, Linux, or kerneld, is only 9%. Jan 12 06:59
cubexyzI don't really like udev eitherJan 12 07:00
cubexyzudev got integrated into systemdJan 12 07:02
cubexyzso the slackware people made eudevJan 12 07:03
cubexyzactually I don't know if they made it...Jan 12 07:03
cubexyzthey used it anywaysJan 12 07:03
MinceR 12 07:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-You sure it isn't ok? - Album on ImgurJan 12 07:05
MinceRi thought the gentoo people made eudevJan 12 07:05
cubexyzyes, I think that's rightJan 12 07:05
cubexyzI got used to the pre-udev way but I'm adaptingJan 12 07:07
cubexyzI guess the general idea is good: userspace /devJan 12 07:09
MinceR 12 07:12
cubexyzI liked the old SCL system...scanner control languageJan 12 07:16
cubexyzfopen /dev/usb/scanner0 and off you goJan 12 07:17
cubexyzpretty straightforwardJan 12 07:17
cubexyzbut I'm going to relook at xscanimage and see how it's done nowadaysJan 12 07:18
cubexyzof course I can just open /dev/sg0 on the old scsi scannerJan 12 07:27
oiaohmMinceR: come on.   Linux kernel is over 22 millions lines of code.   Systemd is only about 300 000 lines of code 1 million if you incorrectly count documentation.Jan 12 07:49
MinceRoiaohm: it's satireJan 12 07:52
oiaohmMinceR: scary concept is bash alone is 181000 lines of codeJan 12 07:52
oiaohmMinceR: Complete busybox is about 188000 lines of code.   Kinda of explains why debian uses dash in a lot of places.Jan 12 07:56
MinceRat least bash does not normally listen on a tcp portJan 12 07:56
oiaohmMinceR: that is a include feature inside bash to listen on a tcp port and send data to a tcp port.Jan 12 07:56
MinceRi knowJan 12 07:56
MinceRbut it's not always onJan 12 07:56
MinceRunlike the web server built into systemdJan 12 07:57
oiaohmNeither is systemdJan 12 07:57
MinceR>systemd isn't always onJan 12 07:57
oiaohmweb server in systemd does not have to be enabled.Jan 12 07:57
MinceRcongratulations, you have comment of the dayJan 12 07:57
oiaohmAnd by default in all distributions I know its not.Jan 12 07:57
oiaohmMinceR: name a distribution with it enabled.Jan 12 07:57
oiaohmMinceR: even fedora builds with the http server/client in systemd disabled. they use this instead.Jan 12 08:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-cockpit-project · GitHubJan 12 08:08
oiaohmMinceR: now if you are thinking about journald http/https support does pay to go look at 12 08:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 7.7. Posting messages over HTTP - - The syslog-ng Open Source Edition 3.13 Administrator GuideJan 12 08:08
oiaohmMinceR: journald remote form does support using https and checking certificate where a lot of the syslog options don't have https support let alone checking that its the right server on the other end.Jan 12 08:09
MinceRoiaohm: don't waste your breath, i'm not buying cancerdJan 12 08:09
MinceRor a ratcrap support contractJan 12 08:09
MinceRi prefer free softwareJan 12 08:10
oiaohmMinceR: tell me what is the difference really with sysvinit system with syslog-ng with bad http support vs systemd joruanld with good http/https support  and both ship with the http stuff off by default.Jan 12 08:10
oiaohmMinceR:   Really why should I not see that webserver bit as just a beat up.Jan 12 08:11
MinceRit's a demonstration that they've really put everything and the kitchen sink into something people like you still try to sell as an "init system"Jan 12 08:12
oiaohmReally you think it demonstrates that. LOLJan 12 08:13
oiaohmsystemd attempt to be a complete colletion of tools to init system like busybox does supprise web server like feature is that as well.Jan 12 08:15
oiaohmMinceR: all it really says is that you like the fragment not properly QA system that sysvinit was with no hope of that being fixed.Jan 12 08:16
MinceRif you calmed down, maybe you'd be able to form meaningful sentences in englishJan 12 08:16
oiaohmNow attack my english when the arguement does not go the way you want.Jan 12 08:17
oiaohmSo predictable.Jan 12 08:17
MinceR 12 08:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-I rescued a mommy and 6 babies. They were in a box taped up in a dumpster... - Album on ImgurJan 12 08:17
MinceRi can't parse your argument because it's word saladJan 12 08:18
oiaohmIts not word saladJan 12 08:18
MinceRit's impossible to determine the purpose of individual wordsJan 12 08:18
oiaohmNopJan 12 08:18
oiaohmI have another person who just read over it and understood it perfectly.Jan 12 08:18
MinceRgood for themJan 12 08:19
MinceRmaybe they can translate it into english for the rest of usJan 12 08:19
oiaohmIt is englishJan 12 08:19
oiaohmWhat are you not understanding.Jan 12 08:19
oiaohmMaybe the problem is lack of knowledge on yourside.Jan 12 08:20
oiaohmMinceR: the webserver one is such a beat up it not funny when you work out how many of the different complete systems include web server functionality as part of logging.Jan 12 08:22
oiaohmMinceR: sysvinit was developed as fragment so at times items changed in sysvinit that would break logging or other core things.Jan 12 08:22
MinceRhint: don't put the syslog into the "init system"Jan 12 08:24
oiaohmMinceR: so when sysvinit decides to alter it zombie clean up and you end up with logging issues what to-do then..  Or any other change like that.Jan 12 08:25
oiaohmMinceR: so you have a stack of invidual piece to a jigsaw that don't always assemble.Jan 12 08:25
MinceRso you just turn an entire OS into a massive unmaintainable blobJan 12 08:27
MinceRand flame everyone who dares suggest that it was not a good ideaJan 12 08:27
oiaohmI did not say turn complete OS into a blob.Jan 12 08:27
MinceRsee, this is what you have in common with poettering -- neither of you have any clue about software engineeringJan 12 08:27
oiaohmsynced versioning does come out of software engineering.Jan 12 08:28
oiaohmIn open source projects a lot of times the only way to achieve this is group the related project under one group.Jan 12 08:29
oiaohmMinceR: sorry those who do have a clue about software engineering do see merit in the systemd or openrc path.Jan 12 08:29
MinceRthe actual solution would have been to ensure small, well defined and well documented interfaces (preferably standard ones) between the components of an OSJan 12 08:30
MinceRdon't mix openrc into this, it's not like systemd in any wayJan 12 08:30
oiaohmopenrc has a increase number of sub projectsJan 12 08:30
oiaohmlike systemd does.Jan 12 08:31
oiaohmWell defined interfaces cannot be build while you have duplicate projects breaking the compatibility all the time.Jan 12 08:31
MinceRthen maybe your idols shouldn't be breaking compatibility all the timeJan 12 08:32
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 12 08:33
TweetTuxMachines                 Tiny solderable quad Cortex-A17 module has 4GB RAM andJan 12 08:33
TweetTuxMachines                 HDMI 2.0 ( 12 08:33
TweetTuxMachines Jan 12 08:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tiny solderable quad Cortex-A17 module has 4GB RAM and HDMI 2.0 | Tux MachinesJan 12 08:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 12 08:34
TweetTuxMachines                 KDE Applications 17.12 Open Source Software Suite GetsJan 12 08:34
TweetTuxMachines                 First Point Release 12 08:34
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 12 08:34
TweetTuxMachines Jan 12 08:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE Applications 17.12 Open Source Software Suite Gets First Point Release | Tux MachinesJan 12 08:34
oiaohmMinceR: breaking compatibility all the time started in the 1980s.   So how are they my idiots.Jan 12 08:44
oiaohmMinceR: one of the reasons distributions end up on openrc and systemd   Is the fact by choosing those you have set of parts tested to in fact work with each other.Jan 12 08:44
oiaohmMinceR: this is why I say the other init options need to lift their game as well.   Just providing init is not enough you need to be sure it will in fact work with the other parties need.Jan 12 08:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 12 08:53
TweetTuxMachines                 Linspire 8.0 and Freespire 4.0 Slated for Release inJan 12 08:53
TweetTuxMachines                 mid-December 2018 12 08:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linspire 8.0 and Freespire 4.0 Slated for Release in mid-December 2018 | Tux MachinesJan 12 08:53
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 12 08:53
TweetTuxMachines Jan 12 08:53
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 12 09:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 12 09:11
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Tiny solderable quad Cortex-A17 module has 4GB RAM andJan 12 09:11
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    HDMI 2.0 ( 12 09:11
TweetTuxMachines Jan 12 09:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 12 09:11
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    KDE Applications 17.12 Open Source Software Suite GetsJan 12 09:11
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    First Point Release 12 09:11
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 12 09:11
TweetTuxMachines Jan 12 09:11
-->sebsebsebb (b019d083@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrightsJan 12 09:41
sebsebsebbhiJan 12 09:41
sebsebsebbMinceR:  AppleJan 12 09:41
sebsebsebbschestowitz:  NovellJan 12 09:41
sebsebsebbDaemonFC:  SatanJan 12 09:42
sebsebsebbcubexyz:  Fedora Core 2 patched by you !Jan 12 09:42
sebsebsebbXFaCE:   XFCE in Mageia 6 Live CD ?Jan 12 09:42
sebsebsebboiaohm:  Hows Australlia ?Jan 12 09:43
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 12 09:43
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Linspire 8.0 and Freespire 4.0 Slated for Release inJan 12 09:43
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    mid-December 2018 12 09:43
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 12 09:43
TweetTuxMachines Jan 12 09:43
cubexyzno, it wasn't Fedora Core 2 :)Jan 12 09:51
cubexyzFedora Core 1 it wasJan 12 09:51
sebsebsebbcubexyz:  oh yeah its 1 not 2Jan 12 09:51
sebsebsebbI got some odd issues with this lap top or uhmm ubuntu 16.04.3Jan 12 09:51
sebsebsebbmaybe you can help me actuallyJan 12 09:52
cubexyzmaybeJan 12 09:52
sebsebsebbcubexyz: I made Jan 12 09:53
sebsebsebbwell  I used all my usbs now erally hmmJan 12 09:54
sebsebsebbtwo didn't work Jan 12 09:54
sebsebsebbwith ethcher, well didn't burn right.  the other two did  with unetbootin, but same issueJan 12 09:54
sebsebsebbit loads up Grub, but won't go past  thatJan 12 09:54
sebsebsebbit won't load up into try ubuntuJan 12 09:54
sebsebsebbdon't know why.Jan 12 09:54
sebsebsebbwanting to Linux this lap top again,  got a new motherobard and hard disk, already done all the windows junk. the upating and uhJan 12 09:55
cubexyzdoes the laptop have a cdrom?Jan 12 09:56
cubexyzbecause it sounds like the install isn't rightJan 12 09:56
sebsebsebbno  it doens't, soem wehre i got a extrnal usb   dvd drive though, but not quite suer where, or its the cable for itJan 12 09:57
sebsebsebbcubexyz:  there is no install of Linux on here again yetJan 12 09:57
sebsebsebbsince these usb stick issuesJan 12 09:57
sebsebsebbcubexyz:  I burnt them using windows Jan 12 09:57
sebsebsebbthe two etcher ones woudn't even put grub on right for some reason or that was about it.  but the unetbootin ones put it all onJan 12 09:57
sebsebsebbetcher not working right,  unetbootin put eveyrting on from usbsJan 12 09:58
sebsebsebbbut  they won't boot up rightJan 12 09:58
cubexyzwell, I would check the integrity of the ISO image firstJan 12 09:59
cubexyzand there was some recent ubuntu problem with UEFIJan 12 10:00
cubexyzI think that was Ubuntu 17.10 thoughJan 12 10:01
cubexyzcheck the bios anyways, make sure it's working rightJan 12 10:02
cubexyzcheck the boot order...Jan 12 10:03
cubexyzalso I believe ubuntu has a dedicated boot repair discJan 12 10:04
sebsebsebbcubexyz: looks like I may have to use another burn tool,  unetbootin apparnatly doesn't even support uefi, but refus should workJan 12 10:04
sebsebsebbthat was going by #ubuntuJan 12 10:04
cubexyzif it's not uncompressing the kernel you know it's borkedJan 12 10:05
cubexyzwhich bios does it have?Jan 12 10:05
sebsebsebbcubexyz: apparnatly unetbootin doesn't adctsaully support uefiJan 12 10:07
sebsebsebbcubexyz: I need to try refusJan 12 10:08
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 12 10:16
TweetTuxMachines                 Meltdown Patches and Problems 12 10:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Meltdown Patches and Problems | Tux MachinesJan 12 10:16
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 12 10:16
TweetTuxMachines Jan 12 10:16
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Meltdown Patches and Problems'Jan 12 10:17
cubexyzsebsebsebb, some BIOS/UEFI versions are a bit linux hostileJan 12 10:18
cubexyzI know some people told me they needed to use legacy boot, or enable specific devices such as USB devicesJan 12 10:18
sebsebsebbcubexyz: apparnatly unetbootin dones't support uefiJan 12 10:18
sebsebsebbso if I burn a new with refusJan 12 10:18
sebsebsebbit should work hopefully !Jan 12 10:18
cubexyzyes, but there is also legacy boot or CSMJan 12 10:19
sebsebsebbyes there's legacy boot and that, but that's not much goodJan 12 10:19
cubexyzif you're UEFI has that, you could turn it onJan 12 10:19
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 12 10:19
sebsebsebbsince I am acgtsualy going to be multi booting with windows 10Jan 12 10:19
sebsebsebbso I need uefi set up thenJan 12 10:19
cubexyzahJan 12 10:19
cubexyzyesJan 12 10:19
sebsebsebbas rubbish as windows is Jan 12 10:20
*TweetTuxMachines @softpedialinux favourited 'Linspire 8.0 and Freespire 4.0 Slated for Release...'Jan 12 10:20
sebsebsebbon occasion there is reason to use it for somethingJan 12 10:20
cubexyzI wonder if coreboot would boot win10 :)Jan 12 10:20
sebsebsebbrarefly though once Linux on :)Jan 12 10:20
sebsebsebbcoreboot the free software only stuff, probably not quiteJan 12 10:20
sebsebsebbor that was your :)Jan 12 10:20
sebsebsebba jokeJan 12 10:20
cubexyzwell... I figured you'd never touch coreboot :)Jan 12 10:21
sebsebsebbcubexyz: I am a bit hmm to if I really want to put windows 10 back on the gpd pocket or not Jan 12 10:21
sebsebsebbnot sure quite yetJan 12 10:21
sebsebsebbbut lap top firstJan 12 10:21
sebsebsebbother devices such as gpd pocket, setting up with linux and what not later, and traking android off my xperia x for salifish os tooJan 12 10:21
sebsebsebbcubexyz: by the eway are you protcted from spectre and the other thing in your fedora core 1 h ehJan 12 10:23
cubexyzI don't think the CPU on the FC1 Box does speculative execution so it should be OK as far as spectre goesJan 12 10:24
cubexyzmeltdown, I don't knowJan 12 10:25
sebsebsebbcubexyz: I don't feel  that secure right now, since running the rubbish os /:dJan 12 10:25
sebsebsebb:dJan 12 10:25
cubexyza rogue process would have to get on the computer first...Jan 12 10:25
sebsebsebbcubexyz:  ok no razielle here to maybe try and c rack me h ehJan 12 10:26
cubexyzso I'm not that worriedJan 12 10:26
sebsebsebbcubexyz: but maybe soeone  malicous from #ubuntu saw my ip h ehJan 12 10:26
cubexyzI've spent the last 14 years securing FC1 so I'm confident :)Jan 12 10:27
sebsebsebbcubexyz: Microsoft have spent the last whatever years,  securing windows a bit, and it's still rather insecureJan 12 10:28
sebsebsebbso uhmmJan 12 10:28
cubexyzthe thing is windows will never be secure...Jan 12 10:28
cubexyzyou got no control Jan 12 10:28
*TweetTuxMachines @softpedialinux favourited 'KDE Applications 17.12 Open Source Software Suite Gets...'Jan 12 10:28
sebsebsebbyeah I guess not,s since it's designed so badly in the background etcJan 12 10:28
sebsebsebbno control ?Jan 12 10:29
cubexyzdownloading gigs of who-knows-what whenever it wantsJan 12 10:29
sebsebsebbyeahJan 12 10:29
cubexyzridiculousJan 12 10:29
cubexyzpeople pay me to take it off their computersJan 12 10:29
oiaohmsebsebsebb: watching tennis and hating the humidity.Jan 12 10:30
cubexyzoiaohm, let me guess.... Brisbane?Jan 12 10:30
oiaohmcubexyz: right state for where I am I am watching Sidney.Jan 12 10:31
sebsebsebboiaohm: hating humanity ?Jan 12 10:31
sebsebsebbhow why?Jan 12 10:31
*TweetTuxMachines @MariusNestor favourited 'KDE Applications 17.12 Open Source Software Suite Gets...'Jan 12 10:31
cubexyzwe had a -40C day recently Jan 12 10:31
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 12 10:31
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    KDE Applications 17.12 Open Source Software Suite GetsJan 12 10:31
TweetTuxMachines @PABHERE        First Point Release 12 10:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE Applications 17.12 Open Source Software Suite Gets First Point Release | Tux MachinesJan 12 10:31
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 12 10:31
TweetTuxMachines Jan 12 10:31
cubexyzoldest day I can rememberJan 12 10:31
*TweetTuxMachines @PABHERE favourited 'KDE Applications 17.12 Open Source Software Suite Gets...'Jan 12 10:32
cubexyzhumidity.... :)Jan 12 10:32
sebsebsebbohJan 12 10:32
cubexyzcoldest day ratherJan 12 10:33
cubexyzI heard that some computers you can't even hit a key to get into UEFI menuJan 12 10:35
cubexyzMinceR's worry that computers are getting locked down is becoming trueJan 12 10:35
schestowitzsebsebsebb: welcome back!Jan 12 10:36
cubexyzassuming your computer has windows preloaded, you have to boot windows to change the UEFI settingsJan 12 10:37
sebsebsebbdoes razielle still come here sometimes?Jan 12 10:38
sebsebsebbschestowitz: uh well  kind of,  but using the rubbish os right now so uhmmJan 12 10:38
sebsebsebbschestowitz: came on for ubuntu spport. seems I just need refus, see aboeJan 12 10:38
oiaohmsebsebsebb: I prefer it to rain than sit at 80 percent humity with 30C temp.Jan 12 10:40
cubexyzsebsebsebb, not for a whileJan 12 10:40
cubexyznot since the holidays I thinkJan 12 10:40
oiaohmcubexyz: true because some EFI don't fire up the keyboard so you have either pull harddrive or boot into OS and reboot back to firmware.Jan 12 10:41
*TweetTuxMachines @PABHERE favourited 'Linspire 8.0 and Freespire 4.0 Slated for Release...'Jan 12 10:52
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #techrightsJan 12 10:52
MinceRoiaohm: swearing up and down that Lendows works won't fix any of the bugs in LendowsJan 12 11:01
sebsebsebbMinceR: Apple Microsoft OpenSUSEJan 12 11:02
sebsebsebbMinceR: Hungarian wall to the rest of the EU, despite it not doing a hungerian version of Brexit :dJan 12 11:03
sebsebsebbMinceR: blamed on the imigrants illegal imigrants !Jan 12 11:03
MinceRthey'll have to be careful so the money can still get across the wallJan 12 11:03
sebsebsebbyeahJan 12 11:03
<--sebsebsebb has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jan 12 11:11
MinceR 12 11:28
*TweetTuxMachines @MariusNestor favourited 'Linspire 8.0 and Freespire 4.0 Slated for Release...'Jan 12 11:28
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 12 11:30
TweetTuxMachines                 Top 5 Firefox extensions to install nowJan 12 11:30
TweetTuxMachines        ( 12 11:30
TweetTuxMachines Jan 12 11:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Top 5 Firefox extensions to install now | Tux MachinesJan 12 11:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 12 11:31
TweetTuxMachines                 Ubuntu 17.10 "Artful Aardvark" Respin ISOs Are NowJan 12 11:31
TweetTuxMachines                 Available to DownloadJan 12 11:31
TweetTuxMachines        ( 12 11:31
TweetTuxMachines Jan 12 11:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 17.10 "Artful Aardvark" Respin ISOs Are Now Available to Download | Tux MachinesJan 12 11:31
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 12 11:34
TweetTuxMachines                 Android Leftovers 12 11:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 12 11:34
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 12 11:34
TweetTuxMachines Jan 12 11:34
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Android Leftovers'Jan 12 11:34
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Ubuntu 17.10 "Artful Aardvark" Respin ISOs Are Now...'Jan 12 11:34
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Top 5 Firefox extensions to install now'Jan 12 11:35
*TweetTuxMachines @softpedialinux favourited 'Ubuntu 17.10 "Artful Aardvark" Respin ISOs Are Now...'Jan 12 11:42
oiaohmMinceR: I have got about 10 different bugs fixed in systemd by rewriting bug reports Jan 12 11:47
oiaohmMinceR: so explaining what the fault was correctly.Jan 12 11:47
MinceRbit of an uphill battleJan 12 11:47
oiaohmMinceR: more success than what had with some of the sysvinit stack of parts bugs.Jan 12 11:48
oiaohmMinceR: I have also had success with openrc and busybox get faults fixed.Jan 12 11:48
MinceRor you could write your own initJan 12 11:48
MinceRand replace the existing one with itJan 12 11:48
oiaohmMinceR: done that beforeJan 12 11:49
oiaohmMinceR: that is how come I know the coner cases.Jan 12 11:49
oiaohmMinceR: and you cannot just plan to make a init in isolation.Jan 12 11:50
MinceRyou can, if you stick to doing init's jobJan 12 11:50
oiaohmMinceR: really you think so.   Like it or not you very quickly need service management.   You need to have the init system be able to reload self and Jan 12 11:51
oiaohmMinceR: have init system cleaning up zombies way everything core expects.Jan 12 11:51
oiaohmMinceR: reporting zombie killing to logging.Jan 12 11:52
MinceRservice management can be done outside initJan 12 11:52
MinceRand if your init is simple enough then it doesn't really need to be able to reload itselfJan 12 11:52
oiaohmYou don't know the conner cases.   you do need the reload at times for some of the device drivers out their to reset themselves.Jan 12 11:54
oiaohmBasically PID1 changes are hooked to way more things that what it should be.Jan 12 11:54
oiaohmMinceR: basically everything about PID1 on Linux/Unix is not documented completely and there are a lot of thing exploiting behavours that sysvinit had.Jan 12 11:55
oiaohmMinceR: and if you don't have those behavours bad things happen.Jan 12 11:56
oiaohmMinceR: personally i would love to go stuff having PID1 at all.Jan 12 11:56
MinceRyou could fix those other programs instead :>Jan 12 11:56
oiaohmMinceR: not when you are talking something closed source like orcale db and it addons.Jan 12 11:57
oiaohmNot every Unix had a PID1.Jan 12 11:58
oiaohmSome lose zombies was the job kernel to clean up.   Jan 12 11:58
oiaohmSo the first program run could exist.Jan 12 11:58
oiaohmopps not exist I meant exitJan 12 11:59
oiaohmMinceR: what really is the logic that the complex system dies just because PID1 segfaults or equal.Jan 12 12:00
*TweetTuxMachines @MariusNestor favourited 'Ubuntu 17.10 "Artful Aardvark" Respin ISOs Are Now...'Jan 12 12:02
MinceRoracle should die in a fire anywayJan 12 12:04
oiaohmMinceR: I understand the need of a service manager,  something being responsible to clean up zombie processes.  Really I have never really understood why have Init that failure kills the system.Jan 12 12:05
MinceRprobably because nobody wanted to think harder about how it should be recovered fromJan 12 12:05
MinceRLinux may be willing to accept a patch that improves that behavior thoughJan 12 12:06
oiaohmNever properly engineered in the first place?Jan 12 12:06
MinceR¯\_(ツ)_/¯Jan 12 12:06
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 12 12:07
TweetTuxMachines                 KDE: Nextcloud Talk, Krita (4.0 Beta and 3.3.3) and MoreJan 12 12:07
TweetTuxMachines        ( 12 12:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE: Nextcloud Talk, Krita (4.0 Beta and 3.3.3) and More | Tux MachinesJan 12 12:07
TweetTuxMachines Jan 12 12:07
oiaohmX11 has been legacy,  sysvinit was legacy.   Neither really audited to see if they worked from engineering point of view for Linux.Jan 12 12:08
oiaohmBefore 100 percent commiting to them.Jan 12 12:08
oiaohmAt some point proper quality control and engineering had to start.Jan 12 12:08
MinceRthat would be a good idea, yesJan 12 12:09
MinceRbut it's getting less likely to happenJan 12 12:09
<--acer-box has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 12 12:09
oiaohmI don't see getting there as easy process.Jan 12 12:10
oiaohmOr painless Jan 12 12:10
MinceRi've been thinking about distros and things are getting really grimJan 12 12:10
oiaohmIt need to get very grim.Jan 12 12:11
oiaohmWe have had far too many people creating distributions without the resources to support what they were doing.Jan 12 12:11
oiaohmWe need about 80% of Linux distributions to some how cease being developed.Jan 12 12:12
-->acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 12 12:12
MinceRsure, but it looks like there aren't any people leftJan 12 12:13
oiaohmAnd that is the ones without resources to do security updates and the like in reasonable time frame.Jan 12 12:13
MinceRi've seen complaints about lack of manpower in devuanJan 12 12:13
MinceRall the corporate distros are garbageJan 12 12:13
oiaohmThe man power was not there in the first place.Jan 12 12:13
MinceRmany others are just too small to do muchJan 12 12:13
oiaohmLight on man power split it a 20 000 ways does not help.Jan 12 12:14
MinceRi may end up being stuck with essentially doing all the stability and security updates myself for my own computersJan 12 12:14
oiaohmReally devuan kinda of doomed themselves.   They are attempting to support a lot of init systems that don't have enough developers behind them to make confirmed working kit.Jan 12 12:15
MinceRafaik they're only attempting to support 1, for nowJan 12 12:16
MinceRbut at least it's one that's easy to swap out for othersJan 12 12:16
oiaohmWhy were major distributions at worst choosing 2 inits is that all they had resources for.Jan 12 12:16
MinceRwhich ones were?Jan 12 12:17
oiaohmsysvinit and something else like upstart/systemd/openrcJan 12 12:17
MinceRwhich distros?Jan 12 12:17
oiaohmDebian still supports switching to sysvinit but maintaince has dropped at this point.   Even these big distributions don't have the on going resources to-do it alone.Jan 12 12:18
MinceRno, debian doesn't really support switching to sysvinitJan 12 12:18
MinceRas of version 8, they gave you a "choice" of either keeping most of systemd up or losing access to many important packagesJan 12 12:18
MinceRthat's not much of a "support"Jan 12 12:19
oiaohm 12 12:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | systemd - Debian WikiJan 12 12:20
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MinceRnot the most reassuring piece of debian documentation i've ever read, to put it lightlyJan 12 12:21
oiaohmMinceR: the reality is even something debian size has limit resources it can be put into a fragmented system like sysvinit.Jan 12 12:21
MinceRoh, so having a system built from multiple projects is "fragmented" now?Jan 12 12:21
MinceRmaybe they should do a BSD fork instead, thenJan 12 12:21
MinceRor become a reseller for microsoftJan 12 12:21
oiaohmBSD core projects do make sure all the parts around init logging... all do in fact get QA tested with each other as patches get added to them.Jan 12 12:22
MinceRi thought the whole point of a "distribution" was to put an OS together from multiple projectsJan 12 12:22
oiaohmMinceR: really the idea of distribution gluing multi projects that inter-dependant on each other and having to QA those parts and custom patch downstream and attempt to get those patches up stream sound like a hot idea.Jan 12 12:23
oiaohmMinceR: the QA has been done at the wrong point.Jan 12 12:24
MinceReven lendows won't change this until they assassinate Linus and turn Linux into systemd-kerneldJan 12 12:24
oiaohmThat point of view does not add up by what has not been merged into systemd.Jan 12 12:25
oiaohmMinceR: also you are not considering this.Jan 12 12:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | wireless/iwd.git - Wireless daemon for LinuxJan 12 12:27
MinceRshould i?Jan 12 12:27
oiaohmMinceR: the number of tools that are coming part of the because the other userspace stuff has been crap.Jan 12 12:27
oiaohmMinceR: so there is a question how long until makes it own init system because they are sick of systemd.Jan 12 12:27
MinceRwould be niceJan 12 12:28
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MinceRexcept i'm not sure if Linus has the time to deal with thatJan 12 12:28
oiaohmThis would at least have all the part under 1 unified group.Jan 12 12:28
MinceRdefinitely can't trust GKH or poettering to do it rightJan 12 12:28
oiaohmSo proper QA can be done.Jan 12 12:28
MinceRi wonder if we'll ever see proper QAJan 12 12:29
MinceRafter red hat managed to destroy much of the communityJan 12 12:29
cubexyzhonestly I never had a problem with FC1's initJan 12 12:29
oiaohmThe Linux kernel is implementing more and more proper QA with the help of Intel, google, amazon.Jan 12 12:30
MinceRthat's a bit scary tooJan 12 12:30
MinceRwhat if those corporations decide to do something like what RH did?Jan 12 12:30
cubexyzthen you make your own distro :)Jan 12 12:30
oiaohmThe companies doing  a lot of the QA work are truly more powerful than RH.Jan 12 12:31
oiaohmIf they did get serous about killing off systemd they could.Jan 12 12:31
oiaohmand something decent would most likely appear in it place.Jan 12 12:31
MinceRor just a smoking ruinJan 12 12:32
cubexyzgoogle's working on FuchsiaJan 12 12:32
MinceRfuchsia isn't even unix, is it?Jan 12 12:32
cubexyzit's a RTOSJan 12 12:32
MinceRin any case, after android i don't have high hopes for whatever google comes up withJan 12 12:32
oiaohmfuchsia has some posix but is not designed for servers.Jan 12 12:32
MinceR(sure, it's better than the mess running on mobile devices but that's about it)Jan 12 12:33
oiaohmfuchsia is highly dependant on C++ logic including namespace.Jan 12 12:33
oiaohmwith cross platform compliers and C++ glitches fuchsia could be really fun.Jan 12 12:33
cubexyzI don't know, maybe a RTOS is goodJan 12 12:33
oiaohmIts not like fuchsia is going to support everyone from 486 forwards like the Linux kernel does.Jan 12 12:34
cubexyzeveryone isn't going to switch to Plan 9Jan 12 12:34
cubexyzI wouldn't say Linux always supports 486Jan 12 12:36
cubexyzvery much not the caseJan 12 12:36
oiaohmcubexyz: a group did a tested with gentoo recently it still works.Jan 12 12:36
cubexyzwith how much ram?Jan 12 12:37
oiaohmcubexyz: 64 megsJan 12 12:37
cubexyzhaha sureJan 12 12:37
oiaohm16 mins boot time.Jan 12 12:37
MinceRlolJan 12 12:38
cubexyzhow many 486's mobo's even supported 64 megs I wonderJan 12 12:38
cubexyzyou want BL3 for a 486Jan 12 12:38
cubexyzbut that's retrocomputing specialists onlyJan 12 12:38
cubexyzdon't even bother with anything modernJan 12 12:39
cubexyznot on 486Jan 12 12:39
oiaohmcubexyz:  amd 486 clone is that video.Jan 12 12:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Gentoo Linux on a 486 PC in 2018 - YouTubeJan 12 12:39
cubexyzfor masochists :)Jan 12 12:40
oiaohmcubexyz: 64megs of ram is a standard 486/386 motherboard maxed out.Jan 12 12:40
cubexyzI did it with 16 megs Jan 12 12:40
cubexyzok, maybe my 486 board could do it with the right ram, I never triedJan 12 12:40
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 12 12:41
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    KDE: Nextcloud Talk, Krita (4.0 Beta and 3.3.3) and MoreJan 12 12:41
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE: Nextcloud Talk, Krita (4.0 Beta and 3.3.3) and More | Tux MachinesJan 12 12:41
TweetTuxMachines Jan 12 12:41
cubexyzif I was going to try something like that I would do PDP-11 on a FPGAJan 12 12:41
oiaohmcubexyz: getting the ram would be the problem.Jan 12 12:41
*TweetTuxMachines @adymitruk favourited 'KDE: Nextcloud Talk, Krita (4.0 Beta and 3.3.3)...'Jan 12 12:41
oiaohmcubexyz: 4x16 meg sticks of that ram type is hard to get.Jan 12 12:41
cubexyz 12 12:42
MinceRthose were the daysJan 12 12:42
oiaohmcubexyz: please note that 486 one was running unmodified current day gentoo other than building for 486.Jan 12 12:43
cubexyzwell there was less bloatJan 12 12:43
oiaohmcubexyz: but I was kind of shocked that 64 megs is in fact enough to turn over a modern Linux distribution admititly slowly.Jan 12 12:43
cubexyzwould 486 be safe from meltdown and spectre? :)Jan 12 12:43
MinceRyesJan 12 12:44
MinceRthey don't have out-of-order executionJan 12 12:44
oiaohmyou still have the addresss randomisation crack ona 486.Jan 12 12:44
cubexyzand no UEFI to worry aboutJan 12 12:44
oiaohmBut on 486 you most likely don't want the overhead of address randomisation.Jan 12 12:44
MinceReven rpi-s are safe from Meltdown® and Spectre®, afaikJan 12 12:44
oiaohmrpi is faster.Jan 12 12:45
MinceRyupJan 12 12:45
cubexyzmy 486 didn't even have an ethernet card, I used PLIPJan 12 12:45
oiaohmby large marginJan 12 12:45
MinceReven Cortex-A53 is in-orderJan 12 12:45
oiaohmA55 is not effected either and is faster than the A53 both are in-order.Jan 12 12:46
MinceRsure, but iirc the rpi3 has the A53Jan 12 12:46
oiaohmif you are looking in the clones.Jan 12 12:47
cubexyzBL3 was slack derived... another reason why slack is awesomeJan 12 12:47
MinceRi had too many issues with support to look at clones lightlyJan 12 12:47
cubexyzbut like MinceR said years ago... very slow for anything related to encryptionJan 12 12:48
cubexyzyou would have a lot of trouble browsing the modern webJan 12 12:48
MinceRthe "modern" web is trouble regardless :>Jan 12 12:49
cubexyzis this site lynx friendly? he asked Jan 12 12:50
*TweetTuxMachines @adymitruk retweeted @tuxmachines: 'KDE: Nextcloud Talk, Krita (4.0 Beta and 3.3.3)...'Jan 12 12:51
oiaohm  I find this fairly shocking fairly major security flaw found and major release addressing it.   I can understand why intel has gone lets support writing replacement iwd.Jan 12 12:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | wpa_supplicant - Wikipedia [ ]Jan 12 12:52
oiaohmto be correct Wpa_supplicant does not have a release that fixed the  KRACK bug Jan 12 12:52
oiaohmSo you have to run development tree.Jan 12 12:53
cubexyzbroadband on a 486 would probably not be too great eitherJan 12 12:54
cubexyzI think I was getting around 32K per sec on PLIPJan 12 12:54
oiaohmcubexyz: depends on how bad your broadband is.   I know a 486 could keep up with some of the worst ADSL out there.Jan 12 12:55
cubexyzthe parallel port could only do about 30K/sJan 12 12:55
cubexyzmaybe with an ethernet card it wouldn't be too badJan 12 12:56
oiaohmcubexyz: I have seen ADSL connections that work that are only doing 16Kilobit per second.  So good dialup moden connection faster.Jan 12 12:56
oiaohmcubexyz: so broadband from hell 486 would be suitable.   Decent broadband would not be.Jan 12 12:58
MinceR 12 13:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-DnD Dump - Album on ImgurJan 12 13:04
cubexyzwhat did Voyager 1 use for it's computer?Jan 12 13:05
MinceRprobably some old x86Jan 12 13:05
MinceRbuilt for use in spaceJan 12 13:05
cubexyzcustom built says wikipediaJan 12 13:07
oiaohmcubexyz: in the most horrible sense of the word.Jan 12 13:08
cubexyzI'm impressed it still works at allJan 12 13:09
oiaohmcubexyz:  sorry I was thinking wrong ones .   Pioneer 10 and 11 and Viking are a stack of TTL chips.Jan 12 13:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CPU History - Computers and CPUs in SpaceJan 12 13:13
cubexyzGE 18-bit TTLJan 12 13:14
MinceR:)Jan 12 13:15
MinceRinteresting hw redundancy in thereJan 12 13:15
oiaohm   << this kind of CPYU design.Jan 12 13:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEJan 12 13:15
cubexyzanything that works for over 40 years is pretty goodJan 12 13:16
oiaohmThe concept of a 18 bit cpu.Jan 12 13:17
cubexyzthe early PDPs were also 18 bitJan 12 13:17
oiaohmSo 16 bits was not quite enough.Jan 12 13:17
cubexyzI never understood why thoughJan 12 13:17
oiaohmand it was very expenise to go-to 32 bitJan 12 13:17
oiaohmSo lets do 18 bitsJan 12 13:18
cubexyzI think maybe because of the 6-bit character set?Jan 12 13:18
oiaohmTrying to get a 18 bit cpu these days is a little bit of a up hill battle.Jan 12 13:18
MinceRcould probably program one on an FPGAJan 12 13:19
cubexyzIBM did things in 8-bit multiples as EBCDIC was 8-bitJan 12 13:22
cubexyzbut exactly why 18-bit.... not sureJan 12 13:23
cubexyzI guess it's got to be the old 6-bit character setJan 12 13:25
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TweetTuxMachines                 The latest Technology Tales Daily!Jan 12 13:26
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Technology Tales DailyJan 12 13:26
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TweetTuxMachines Jan 12 14:42
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sebsebsebboh 17.10 re spin is outJan 12 15:39
sebsebsebbohJan 12 15:39
sebsebsebbI was wondering about thatJan 12 15:39
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MinceR 12 16:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Catching snowflakes - GIF on ImgurJan 12 16:35
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oiaohm   << Ok what other information can be worked out.Jan 12 16:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cisco can now sniff out malware inside encrypted traffic • The RegisterJan 12 16:57
DaemonFCPeople think that nothing can happen to Apple, but they are, in fact,  behaving like America Online was in 1999. Throwing lots of money at  businesses that are essentially worthless just to own them or just shut  them down so that it won't have to produce a better product.Jan 12 17:31
DaemonFC^From one of my posts on Facebook.Jan 12 17:31
DaemonFCMinceR: Thoughts?Jan 12 17:31
DaemonFCJust an observation I've made.Jan 12 17:31
DaemonFCMinceR: Like Shazam.Jan 12 17:33
DaemonFC$400 million to acquire an app that tells you what song is playing. Sounds an awful lot like an ICQ or a Winamp to me.Jan 12 17:34
oiaohmDaemonFC:  << Have you seen this.Jan 12 17:35
DaemonFCJust because your product is overwhelmingly popular doesn't mean you'll make money.Jan 12 17:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Apple’s Indirect Presence Fades from CES – Tech.pinionsJan 12 17:35
DaemonFCI think AOL paid, what, a billion dollars for ICQ?Jan 12 17:35
oiaohmApple without other vendors supplying stuff could be in a lot of trouble.Jan 12 17:35
DaemonFCI used ICQ for about five minutes.Jan 12 17:37
DaemonFCoiaohm: You mean like how they're trying to source their own components to save money?Jan 12 17:38
DaemonFCI don't know why that, in itself, would be a disaster.Jan 12 17:38
oiaohmDaemonFC: at CES every year there was parties selling Apple addon tools.Jan 12 17:39
oiaohmDaemonFC: this year none.Jan 12 17:39
oiaohmDaemonFC:  ICQ is not dead yet.Jan 12 17:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ICQ - WikipediaJan 12 17:40
oiaohmBut well and truly past is prime.Jan 12 17:40
DaemonFCoiaohm: Apple won't suffer for that.Jan 12 17:41
DaemonFCThey make MORE money. Eventually those $300 earbuds will be mandatory and idiots will keep buying.Jan 12 17:42
DaemonFCAnd losing them. And buying more.Jan 12 17:42
oiaohmDaemonFC:  << this is what last year looked like.Jan 12 17:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-CES 2016 Roundup: The best iPhone, iPad, Mac, & Apple Watch accessories on show this week | 9to5MacJan 12 17:45
oiaohmDaemonFC: opps year beforeJan 12 17:45
oiaohmDaemonFC: there are lot of bits that were addons to work around apples extreamly rough edges.Jan 12 17:46
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DaemonFCI called the police on some guy who tied his dog to the bumper of his pickup truck.Jan 12 19:21
DaemonFCIt's 2 degrees and snowing outside.Jan 12 19:21
DaemonFCThis guy leaves the dog out there and does his grocery shopping.Jan 12 19:22
DaemonFCI came out and three Chicago police patrol cars are waiting on him.Jan 12 19:22
cubexyzwowJan 12 19:22
cubexyzI must ask C or F Jan 12 19:22
cubexyz2 degrees fahrenheit would be very coldJan 12 19:23
DaemonFCFJan 12 19:25
cubexyzyou did the right thingJan 12 19:25
DaemonFCcubexyz: The wind is blowing so fast that Lake Michigan is crashing up over the wall onto Lake hore Drive and into traffic.Jan 12 19:25
DaemonFC*ShoreJan 12 19:26
DaemonFC 12 19:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-FacebookJan 12 19:26
cubexyz-16 C with wind would be very unpleasantJan 12 19:27
DaemonFCIt's pretty normal here. Jan 12 19:28
DaemonFCIt was -20 the other night with wind chill. -2 without factoring that in.Jan 12 19:28
DaemonFCFahrenheitJan 12 19:28
cubexyzughJan 12 19:28
DaemonFCIt starts hurting about 5-10 minutes after you go outside, even dressed appropriately.Jan 12 19:29
DaemonFCcubexyz: I can't complain, really.Jan 12 19:29
DaemonFCThere's lots of people living in tents in this.Jan 12 19:30
DaemonFCThey got priced out of their own city and became homeless.Jan 12 19:30
DaemonFCThey got priced out of their own homes by rent and tax increases.Jan 12 19:33
DaemonFCAnd seemingly without realizing the irony, County Board President Toni Preckwinkle says "The taxes fund services for the poor.".Jan 12 19:33
DaemonFCApparently "services" being "After you lost your home to the price increase, the police come out and rip up your tent and throw your belongings away.Jan 12 19:33
DaemonFCThen they say "It's for your own safety.".Jan 12 19:35
oiaohmDaemonFC: so the dog was not something like a malamuteJan 12 19:40
oiaohmDaemonFC: the strange problem with  Antarctica and when malamute were used down there was if they were put some where heated when they went outside they would end up freezing to death.   But they were fine in  −89.2 °C −128.6 °F if they were not heated up.Jan 12 19:42
oiaohmDaemonFC: how come heating malamute was problem is that would melt the snow on their coat and wet the inner coat causing them to freese to death at -10CJan 12 19:44
oiaohmDaemonFC: so it was make sure the dog was absolutely dry if they had to be brought into somewhere heated before they could leave.Jan 12 19:45
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi: Hands-On with the Pi Server tool | Tux MachinesJan 12 19:59
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MinceRDaemonFC: dunno. was AOL a cult at some point?Jan 12 22:24
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MinceR 12 22:53
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TweetTuxMachines                 today's howtosJan 13 00:03
TweetTuxMachines        ( 13 00:03
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 00:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJan 13 00:03
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 13 00:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 00:06
TweetTuxMachines                 Software: OpenGenus, StackEdit, LightworksJan 13 00:06
TweetTuxMachines        ( 13 00:06
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 00:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Software: OpenGenus, StackEdit, Lightworks | Tux MachinesJan 13 00:06
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 00:07
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux and Graphics (Phoronix)Jan 13 00:07
TweetTuxMachines        ( 13 00:07
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 00:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux and Graphics (Phoronix) | Tux MachinesJan 13 00:07
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 00:09
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux Foundation's Work on SPDX and Work for MicrosoftJan 13 00:09
TweetTuxMachines        ( 13 00:09
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 00:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation's Work on SPDX and Work for Microsoft | Tux MachinesJan 13 00:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 00:10
TweetTuxMachines                 Servers: Concurrency, Purism, InSpec, Kubernetes,Jan 13 00:10
TweetTuxMachines                 Docker/ContainersJan 13 00:10
TweetTuxMachines        ( 13 00:10
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 00:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Servers: Concurrency, Purism, InSpec, Kubernetes, Docker/Containers | Tux MachinesJan 13 00:10
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 00:11
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux in Cars and WatchesJan 13 00:11
TweetTuxMachines        ( 13 00:11
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 00:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux in Cars and Watches | Tux MachinesJan 13 00:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 00:17
TweetTuxMachines                 today's leftoversJan 13 00:17
TweetTuxMachines        ( 13 00:17
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 00:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 13 00:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 00:18
TweetTuxMachines                 Links 12/1/2018: New *buntu ISOs. KDE ApplicationsJan 13 00:18
TweetTuxMachines                 17.12.1 ( 13 00:18
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 00:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 12/1/2018: New *buntu ISOs. KDE Applications 17.12.1 | TechrightsJan 13 00:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 00:18
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Games: Civilization VI, Hex: Shards of Fate, Next UpJan 13 00:18
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    Hero, Shoppe Keep 2, Cendric and MoreJan 13 00:18
TweetTuxMachines        ( 13 00:18
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 00:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Civilization VI, Hex: Shards of Fate, Next Up Hero, Shoppe Keep 2, Cendric and More | Tux MachinesJan 13 00:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 00:18
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    today's howtosJan 13 00:18
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 13 00:18
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 00:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJan 13 00:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 00:19
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Software: OpenGenus, StackEdit, LightworksJan 13 00:19
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 13 00:19
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 00:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Software: OpenGenus, StackEdit, Lightworks | Tux MachinesJan 13 00:19
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jan 13 00:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 00:24
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Linux and Graphics (Phoronix)Jan 13 00:24
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 13 00:24
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 00:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux and Graphics (Phoronix) | Tux MachinesJan 13 00:24
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 00:25
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Linux Foundation's Work on SPDX and Work for MicrosoftJan 13 00:25
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 13 00:25
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 00:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation's Work on SPDX and Work for Microsoft | Tux MachinesJan 13 00:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 00:27
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Servers: Concurrency, Purism, InSpec, Kubernetes,Jan 13 00:27
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    Docker/ContainersJan 13 00:27
TweetTuxMachines        ( 13 00:27
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 00:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Servers: Concurrency, Purism, InSpec, Kubernetes, Docker/Containers | Tux MachinesJan 13 00:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 00:27
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Linux in Cars and WatchesJan 13 00:27
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 13 00:27
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 00:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux in Cars and Watches | Tux MachinesJan 13 00:27
-->acer-box ( has joined #techrightsJan 13 00:27
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 00:33
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    today's leftoversJan 13 00:33
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 13 00:33
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 00:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 13 00:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 00:38
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Raspberry Pi Zero WH SBCs Are Now Available withJan 13 00:38
TweetTuxMachines @Myway500       Professionally Soldered HeadersJan 13 00:38
TweetTuxMachines        ( #raspiJan 13 00:38
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 00:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi Zero WH SBCs Are Now Available with Professionally Soldered Headers | Tux MachinesJan 13 00:38
MinceR 13 00:47
-->cd (53554904@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrightsJan 13 00:49
cdxdJan 13 00:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 00:51
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Ubuntu 17.10 "Artful Aardvark" Respin ISOs Are NowJan 13 00:51
TweetTuxMachines @Myway500       Available to DownloadJan 13 00:51
TweetTuxMachines        ( 13 00:51
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 00:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 17.10 "Artful Aardvark" Respin ISOs Are Now Available to Download | Tux MachinesJan 13 00:51
*TweetTuxMachines @tm86_develop favourited 'Ubuntu 17.10 "Artful Aardvark" Respin ISOs Are Now...'Jan 13 00:51
<--cd has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jan 13 00:54
*TweetTuxMachines @amuseum favourited 'Games: Civilization VI, Hex: Shards of Fate, Next...'Jan 13 01:55
*TweetTuxMachines @taskwarrior favourited 'Managing tasks, time, and making sure one takes...'Jan 13 03:10
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 13 03:41
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsJan 13 03:42
cubexyzrailway empire will be released soon for LinuxJan 13 06:01
cubexyzjan 26th, 2018Jan 13 06:01
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@WLTaskForce @JulianAssange AFAICT, it all started with News...'Jan 13 06:37
*TweetTuxMachines @jpbeneke favourited 'Raspberry Pi Zero WH SBCs Are Now Available...'Jan 13 06:49
schestowitz[00:47] <MinceR> 13 06:50
schestowitzMinceR: what's the meaning of it?Jan 13 06:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 06:52
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Links 12/1/2018: New *buntu ISOs. KDE ApplicationsJan 13 06:52
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    17.12.1 ( 13 06:52
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 06:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 12/1/2018: New *buntu ISOs. KDE Applications 17.12.1 | TechrightsJan 13 06:52
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 07:14
TweetTuxMachines                 *buntu 17.04 End Of Life and *buntu 17.10.1Jan 13 07:14
TweetTuxMachines         ( #ubuntuJan 13 07:14
TweetTuxMachines                 #gnu #linuxJan 13 07:14
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 07:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | *buntu 17.04 End Of Life and *buntu 17.10.1 | Tux MachinesJan 13 07:14
*TweetTuxMachines @GentooBot retweeted @tuxmachines: '*buntu 17.04 End Of Life and *buntu 17.10.1...'Jan 13 07:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 07:18
TweetTuxMachines                 #Wine 3.0 RC6Jan 13 07:18
TweetTuxMachines        ( 13 07:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wine 3.0 RC6 | Tux MachinesJan 13 07:18
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 07:18
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Wine 3.0 RC6'Jan 13 07:18
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '*buntu 17.04 End Of Life and *buntu 17.10.1...'Jan 13 07:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 07:24
TweetTuxMachines                 #Debian vs. #Ubuntu vs. #CentOS vs. #openSUSE vs.Jan 13 07:24
TweetTuxMachines                 #ClearLinux Post-Meltdown PerformanceJan 13 07:24
TweetTuxMachines         ( 13 07:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Debian vs. Ubuntu vs. CentOS vs. openSUSE vs. Clear Linux Post-Meltdown Performance | Tux MachinesJan 13 07:24
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 07:24
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Debian vs. #Ubuntu vs. #CentOS vs. #openSUSE vs....'Jan 13 07:26
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 07:28
TweetTuxMachines                 Tiny module and SBC run #Linux or #Android on i.MX8MJan 13 07:28
TweetTuxMachines         ( 13 07:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tiny module and SBC run Linux or Android on i.MX8M | Tux MachinesJan 13 07:28
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 07:28
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Tiny module and SBC run #Linux or #Android...'Jan 13 07:36
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 07:38
TweetTuxMachines                 The Top 10 Linux Distros You Never Heard AboutJan 13 07:38
TweetTuxMachines         ( #bsd #gnuJan 13 07:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Top 10 Linux Distros You Never Heard About | Tux MachinesJan 13 07:38
TweetTuxMachines                 #linuxJan 13 07:38
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 07:38
*TweetTuxMachines @GentooBot retweeted @tuxmachines: 'The Top 10 Linux Distros You Never Heard...'Jan 13 07:40
*TweetTuxMachines @Pyrokitteh retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Tiny module and SBC run #Linux or #Android...'Jan 13 07:42
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'The Top 10 Linux Distros You Never Heard...'Jan 13 07:45
*TweetTuxMachines @GamerGeekNews retweeted @tuxmachines: 'The Top 10 Linux Distros You Never Heard...'Jan 13 07:52
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 08:01
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #Debian vs. #Ubuntu vs. #CentOS vs. #openSUSE vs.Jan 13 08:01
TweetTuxMachines @GamerGeekNews  #ClearLinux Post-Meltdown PerformanceJan 13 08:01
TweetTuxMachines         ( 13 08:01
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 08:01
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsJan 13 08:13
cubexyzI've been considering the time I used my various earlier computersJan 13 08:13
cubexyzvic-20: 1982-1985Jan 13 08:13
cubexyzc64: 1985-1989 (a similar interval)Jan 13 08:14
cubexyz286: 1986-1990Jan 13 08:14
cubexyzthen a series of 386s, a 486, a pentium, etcJan 13 08:14
cubexyzbut the P3 server built in 1998? Still in useJan 13 08:15
cubexyzoh yeah, the amiga 500 was 1987-1992 or soJan 13 08:15
*TweetTuxMachines @Pyrokitteh retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Debian vs. #Ubuntu vs. #CentOS vs. #openSUSE vs....'Jan 13 08:16
cubexyzI guess the 5 year corporate cycle has some logical to itJan 13 08:17
cubexyzI used the c64 a bit longer than 1989... but that was when I stopped programming on itJan 13 08:18
cubexyza bit of a pity I didn't immediately put redhat 5.2 on the server back when I first built itJan 13 08:24
cubexyznow the monitor itself.... that probably wouldn't last 20 yearsJan 13 08:26
cubexyzmy oldest LCD is 2003... so it would have to last to 2023 to make 20Jan 13 08:27
cubexyzand printers... ugh.... I got a giant stack of broken onesJan 13 08:29
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 13 08:34
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sebsebsebhiJan 13 08:46
<--amarsh04 has quit (Client Quit)Jan 13 08:46
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cubexyzheyJan 13 08:51
cubexyzdid you get your laptop working?Jan 13 08:52
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 09:04
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Tiny module and SBC run #Linux or #Android on i.MX8MJan 13 09:04
TweetTuxMachines @BashNews ( 13 09:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tiny module and SBC run Linux or Android on i.MX8M | Tux MachinesJan 13 09:04
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 09:04
sebsebsebcubexyz: noJan 13 09:07
sebsebsebcubexyz: still issues, but  got omething to see if i can disable in bios that may help,  plus there's a kernel paramater or two i could tryJan 13 09:07
<--sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jan 13 09:26
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 13 10:35
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 13 10:35
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Jan 13 10:35:48 2018
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Jan 13 10:36:10 2018
-->You are now talking on #techrightsJan 13 10:36
---Topic for #techrights is | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovellJan 13 10:36
---Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 18:16:19 2012Jan 13 10:36
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 10:39
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    The Top 10 Linux Distros You Never Heard AboutJan 13 10:39
TweetTuxMachines @linux_en ( #bsd #gnuJan 13 10:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Top 10 Linux Distros You Never Heard About | Tux MachinesJan 13 10:39
TweetTuxMachines                 #linuxJan 13 10:39
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 10:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 10:48
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    *buntu 17.04 End Of Life and *buntu 17.10.1Jan 13 10:48
TweetTuxMachines @linux_en ( #ubuntuJan 13 10:48
TweetTuxMachines                 #gnu #linuxJan 13 10:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | *buntu 17.04 End Of Life and *buntu 17.10.1 | Tux MachinesJan 13 10:48
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 10:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 10:50
TweetTuxMachines                 #Intel is Full of HolesJan 13 10:50
TweetTuxMachines         ( #securityJan 13 10:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Intel is Full of Holes | Tux MachinesJan 13 10:50
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 10:50
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Intel is Full of Holes #security...'Jan 13 10:53
*TweetTuxMachines @Myway500 retweeted @tuxmachines: 'The Top 10 Linux Distros You Never Heard...'Jan 13 10:54
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #techrightsJan 13 10:56
-->XRevan86 (~XRevan86@2002:4089:fdba::1) has joined #techrightsJan 13 10:57
<--XRevan86 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 13 10:57
-->XRevan86 (~XRevan86@2002:4089:fdba::1) has joined #techrightsJan 13 10:58
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Jan 13 10:59
*TweetTuxMachines @Calcaware retweeted @tuxmachines: 'The Top 10 Linux Distros You Never Heard...'Jan 13 11:00
*TweetTuxMachines @Myway500 retweeted @tuxmachines: 'The Top 10 Linux Distros You Never Heard...'Jan 13 11:00
*TweetTuxMachines @Myway500 retweeted @tuxmachines: '*buntu 17.04 End Of Life and *buntu 17.10.1...'Jan 13 11:34
-->sebsebseb (b019d083@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrightsJan 13 11:59
sebsebsebcubexyz:  around?Jan 13 11:59
<--sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jan 13 12:42
MinceRschestowitz: it's Frieza from DBZ as a literal freezerJan 13 12:51
-->mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsJan 13 12:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 13:18
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #Intel is Full of HolesJan 13 13:18
TweetTuxMachines @linuxuser3 ( #securityJan 13 13:18
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 13:18
cubexyzI am nowJan 13 13:20
MinceR 13 13:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Pounding Mochi with the Fastest Mochi Maker in Japan - YouTubeJan 13 13:25
schestowitzJames Damoron lawsuit partner says Google is dominated by a racist, man-hating ‘hate group’ he has gone nuts\Jan 13 13:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEJan 13 13:44
-->robobox (~robobox@ has joined #techrightsJan 13 14:25
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<--robobox has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 13 14:57
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Jan 13 16:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 17:11
TweetTuxMachines                 Today in TechrightsJan 13 17:11
TweetTuxMachines         ( 13 17:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJan 13 17:11
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 17:11
MinceR 13 17:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-My gf wanted me to get a cock ring. Scored this for $3 at the flea market. - Album on ImgurJan 13 17:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 17:33
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Today in TechrightsJan 13 17:33
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 13 17:33
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 17:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 17:33
TweetTuxMachines                 More Intel Catastrophes and Bricking of PCs Due toJan 13 17:33
TweetTuxMachines                 Intel's #UEFIJan 13 17:33
TweetTuxMachines         ( #intelJan 13 17:33
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 17:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | More Intel Catastrophes and Bricking of PCs Due to Intel's UEFI | Tux MachinesJan 13 17:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 17:34
TweetTuxMachines                 today's howtosJan 13 17:34
TweetTuxMachines         ( 13 17:34
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 17:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJan 13 17:34
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 17:37
TweetTuxMachines                 #Android LeftoversJan 13 17:37
TweetTuxMachines         ( 13 17:37
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 17:37
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'More Intel Catastrophes and Bricking of PCs Due...'Jan 13 17:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesJan 13 17:37
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'today's howtos'Jan 13 17:37
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 17:55
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #Android LeftoversJan 13 17:55
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 13 17:55
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 17:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 17:55
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    The Top 10 Linux Distros You Never Heard AboutJan 13 17:55
TweetTuxMachines @TDLEnergy ( #bsd #gnuJan 13 17:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Top 10 Linux Distros You Never Heard About | Tux MachinesJan 13 17:55
TweetTuxMachines                 #linuxJan 13 17:55
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 17:55
MinceR 13 18:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Deer frozen in fear as mountain lion attacks - GIF on ImgurJan 13 18:36
XRevan86 13 18:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@JabberRu: Due to russian requirements to identify users by phone number we are moving out from yandex. Linode is our current… 13 18:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@JabberRu: Due to russian requirements to identify users by phone number we are moving out from yandex. Linode is our current… 13 18:37
MinceRso that's why decided they wanted my phone numberJan 13 18:38
MinceRfucking fascistsJan 13 18:38
XRevan86MinceR: Um, the Russian govt mail service?Jan 13 18:39
MinceRi guess soJan 13 18:40
XRevan86dunno about them, the requirements are about Internet (instant?) messagingJan 13 18:40
XRevan86I also dunno how I'm planning to continue to live in this country.Jan 13 18:41
-->mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsJan 13 18:46
XRevan86MinceR: Maybe you meant 13 18:58
XRevan86one of QIP's domainsJan 13 18:58
MinceRqip.ruJan 13 18:58
XRevan86I just tried to log in my old QIP account, and… they want a phone number out of me.Jan 13 18:58
XRevan86MinceR: They don't have to require it from you though, only citizens of RF are obligated to sell themselves out.Jan 13 18:59
XRevan86I guess they just didn't bother making a check of citizenship.Jan 13 19:00
MinceR:>Jan 13 19:00
XRevan86recaptcha is so time consumingJan 13 19:03
XRevan86I was answering their questions for minutesJan 13 19:04
XRevan86they just kept giving me more and moreJan 13 19:04
MinceRyeah, it's evilJan 13 19:05
*XRevan86 is trying to get authenticated there with a fake number %).Jan 13 19:07
XRevan86Services that suddenly start requiring extra stuff should at least give an hour for the usee to make amends – to delete one's account that isJan 13 19:07
MinceRi just stopped using qipJan 13 19:09
XRevan86MinceR: I will too, just after I dummify all info about myself…Jan 13 19:14
*TweetTuxMachines @softlockup favourited 'The Top 10 Linux Distros You Never Heard...'Jan 13 19:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 19:19
TweetTuxMachines                 #GCC 8.0 vs. #LLVM #Clang 6.0 On #AMD #EPYCJan 13 19:19
TweetTuxMachines        ( 13 19:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GCC 8.0 vs. LLVM Clang 6.0 On AMD EPYC | Tux MachinesJan 13 19:19
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 19:19
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#GCC 8.0 vs. #LLVM #Clang 6.0 On #AMD...'Jan 13 19:28
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 19:28
TweetTuxMachines                 Hands on With System76’s Beautiful Linux Distro #PopOSJan 13 19:28
TweetTuxMachines         ( #System76Jan 13 19:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands on With System76’s Beautiful Linux Distro Pop!_OS | Tux MachinesJan 13 19:28
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 19:28
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 19:52
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Hands on With System76’s Beautiful Linux Distro #PopOSJan 13 19:52
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( #System76Jan 13 19:52
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 19:52
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@RVAwonk he'd do it [Older] #Trump 'kept...'Jan 13 19:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 20:05
TweetTuxMachines                 #Mozilla Development and DevelopersJan 13 20:05
TweetTuxMachines        ( 13 20:05
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 20:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla Development and Developers | Tux MachinesJan 13 20:05
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 20:06
TweetTuxMachines                 Tweaking #Ubuntu 17.10 To Try To Run Like Clear LinuxJan 13 20:06
TweetTuxMachines         ( 13 20:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tweaking Ubuntu 17.10 To Try To Run Like Clear Linux | Tux MachinesJan 13 20:06
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 20:06
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Mozilla Development and Developers'Jan 13 20:06
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 13 20:15
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsJan 13 20:15
MinceR 13 20:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Perry Bible Fellowship DUMP - Album on ImgurJan 13 20:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 20:46
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Tweaking #Ubuntu 17.10 To Try To Run Like Clear LinuxJan 13 20:46
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 13 20:46
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 20:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 20:53
TweetTuxMachines                 #MXLinux MX-17 Horizon - Shaping up beautifullyJan 13 20:53
TweetTuxMachines         ( #gnu #linuxJan 13 20:53
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 20:53
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 13 20:53
TweetTuxMachines                 LittleFS: A New File-System For ARM Embedded DevicesJan 13 20:53
TweetTuxMachines         ( #LittleFSJan 13 20:53
TweetTuxMachines                 #linux #kernelJan 13 20:53
TweetTuxMachines Jan 13 20:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | MX Linux MX-17 Horizon - Shaping up beautifully | Tux MachinesJan 13 20:53
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#MXLinux MX-17 Horizon - Shaping up beautifully ...'Jan 13 20:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LittleFS: A New File-System For ARM Embedded Devices | Tux MachinesJan 13 20:53
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'LittleFS: A New File-System For ARM Embedded Devices...'Jan 13 20:57
XRevan86MinceR: After reading the comments I found out "sike" ("phych") and "псих" are one and the same %).Jan 13 21:10
MinceR:)Jan 13 21:10
XRevan86* psychJan 13 21:11
XRevan86"псих" means a nut caseJan 13 21:11
MinceRpsych doesn't, thoughJan 13 21:12
XRevan86MinceR: Indeed.Jan 13 21:12
XRevan86MinceR: Yet if I were to respell "псих" using the Latin alphabet, "psych" would be what I end up withJan 13 21:15
MinceRnot "psikh"?Jan 13 21:15
XRevan86MinceR: If I were trying to preserve the Greek origins of the word, of course :)Jan 13 21:16
XRevan86the strict transliteration rules dictate that from Russian Cyrillic to English Latin it should be transliterated as "psikh", yesJan 13 21:18
XRevan86 that didn't take long %)Jan 13 21:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 1278282 - Remove the GTK2 code (MOZ_WIDGET_GTK == 2)Jan 13 21:22
MinceRthey should also check for cancerd and quit with some misleading error message of notJan 13 21:25
XRevan86MinceR: But you know, strict transliteration rules exist as a way of consistent, reproducible and formalised transliteration.Jan 13 21:30
XRevan86so I wouldn't advise using them as an authority in more informal casesJan 13 21:31
XRevan86as they don't take into account word etymology, established conventions and quirks of both languages and pronunciationJan 13 21:31
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Jan 13 23:25

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