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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: December 24th, 2017 – December 30th, 2017

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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 24 00:21
TweetTuxMachines                 Today in TechrightsDec 24 00:21
TweetTuxMachines         ( 24 00:21
TweetTuxMachines Dec 24 00:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesDec 24 00:21
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'OSS Leftovers'Dec 24 00:25
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Software and howtos'Dec 24 00:28
<--Firee has quit (Quit: lolmoi)Dec 24 00:34
<--brendyn has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Dec 24 01:51
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 24 02:03
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Automotive Grade Linux, Red Hat Earns Common CriteriaDec 24 02:03
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    Certification and MoreDec 24 02:03
TweetTuxMachines         ( 24 02:03
TweetTuxMachines Dec 24 02:03
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 24 03:09
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsDec 24 03:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 24 03:20
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Best #Xfce distro of 2017Dec 24 03:20
TweetTuxMachines @jesusguevarauto ( 24 03:20
TweetTuxMachines Dec 24 03:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Best Xfce distro of 2017 | Tux MachinesDec 24 03:20
DaemonFC 24 05:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | oss-sec: Qualys Security Advisory - Buffer overflow in glibc&apos;s ld.soDec 24 05:06
DaemonFCOuch. Glibc vulnerability that dates back to May 1999.Dec 24 05:06
DaemonFCAnd another from August 2006.Dec 24 05:08
DaemonFCWhy are they finding so many bugs in open source software that have been there since the 90s?Dec 24 05:12
DaemonFCThere seems to have been a spike in those lately.Dec 24 05:12
oiaohmDaemonFC: there has been a lift in quality control processes.Dec 24 05:14
oiaohmDaemonFC: 24 05:19
oiaohmDaemonFC: reality is a pure test suite quality control used in the 90s only find the faults it designed to find.  Dec 24 05:21
oiaohmDaemonFC: its not like the more modern fuzzing and compiler improvements.   Most code bases over 4 years old should be expected to have bugs in their older time frame that were not located.Dec 24 05:22
amarsh04how many security issues have there been with libtiff?Dec 24 07:25
-->Firee (~Firee@unaffiliated/firee) has joined #techrightsDec 24 07:26
amarsh04brb, restartDec 24 07:26
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 24 07:26
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-->brendyn (~brendyn@ has joined #techrightsDec 24 07:38
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 24 08:17
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Today in TechrightsDec 24 08:17
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 24 08:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesDec 24 08:17
TweetTuxMachines Dec 24 08:17
<--brendyn has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Dec 24 08:19
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 24 08:44
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Links 23/12/2017: LibreELEC 8.2.2, Mesa 17.2.8, NewDec 24 08:44
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    SlackEX ( 24 08:44
TweetTuxMachines Dec 24 08:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 23/12/2017: LibreELEC 8.2.2, Mesa 17.2.8, New SlackEX | TechrightsDec 24 08:44
*TweetTuxMachines @softpedialinux favourited '#Mozilla Announces #Firefox 60 as Next ESR (Extended...'Dec 24 08:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 24 08:55
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #Mozilla Announces #Firefox 60 as Next ESR (ExtendedDec 24 08:55
TweetTuxMachines @Myway500       Support Release) BranchDec 24 08:55
TweetTuxMachines         ( 24 08:55
TweetTuxMachines Dec 24 08:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla Announces Firefox 60 as Next ESR (Extended Support Release) Branch | Tux MachinesDec 24 08:55
-->liberty_box_ ( has joined #techrightsDec 24 08:58
<--siel has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Dec 24 09:02
-->siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrightsDec 24 09:07
<--liberty_box_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 24 09:32
-->Firre ( has joined #techrightsDec 24 10:33
<--Firee has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Dec 24 10:37
---Firre is now known as FireeDec 24 10:37
*TweetTuxMachines @MariusNestor favourited '#Mozilla Announces #Firefox 60 as Next ESR (Extended...'Dec 24 11:14
-->SopaXorzTaker (~SopaXorzT@unaffiliated/sopaxorztaker) has joined #techrightsDec 24 12:09
---SopaXorzTaker is now known as SopaXmasTakerDec 24 12:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 24 12:31
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #Mozilla Announces #Firefox 60 as Next ESR (ExtendedDec 24 12:31
TweetTuxMachines @linux_en       Support Release) BranchDec 24 12:31
TweetTuxMachines         ( 24 12:31
TweetTuxMachines Dec 24 12:31
<--nader2000 has quit (Quit: Page closed)Dec 24 12:34
<--siel has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Dec 24 12:45
-->siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrightsDec 24 12:47
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-->siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrightsDec 24 13:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 24 13:27
TweetTuxMachines                 #Grsecurity SLAPP Case DefeatedDec 24 13:27
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 13:27
TweetTuxMachines Dec 24 13:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Grsecurity SLAPP Case Defeated | Tux MachinesDec 24 13:27
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Grsecurity SLAPP Case Defeated'Dec 24 13:28
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 24 13:29
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux 4.15 RC5Dec 24 13:29
TweetTuxMachines        ( 24 13:29
TweetTuxMachines Dec 24 13:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux 4.15 RC5 | Tux MachinesDec 24 13:29
<--siel has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Dec 24 13:31
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 24 13:32
TweetTuxMachines                 Android Leftovers 24 13:32
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 24 13:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesDec 24 13:32
TweetTuxMachines Dec 24 13:32
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Linux 4.15 RC5'Dec 24 13:32
-->siel (~siel@unaffiliated/motley) has joined #techrightsDec 24 13:33
MinceR 24 13:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Best Life AdviceDec 24 13:55
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Android Leftovers'Dec 24 14:14
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 24 14:18
TweetTuxMachines                 Ubuntu Phones Will Soon Run Android Apps Thanks to Anbox,Dec 24 14:18
TweetTuxMachines                 Says #UBportsDec 24 14:18
TweetTuxMachines         ( 24 14:18
TweetTuxMachines Dec 24 14:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Phones Will Soon Run Android Apps Thanks to Anbox, Says UBports | Tux MachinesDec 24 14:18
MinceR>ubuntu phonesDec 24 14:19
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 24 14:19
TweetTuxMachines                 Merry Christmas: #BlackLab Software Offers Free Copies ofDec 24 14:19
TweetTuxMachines                 #Linspire 7.0 Linux OSDec 24 14:19
TweetTuxMachines         ( 24 14:19
MinceRas if those still existedDec 24 14:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Merry Christmas: Black Lab Software Offers Free Copies of Linspire 7.0 Linux OS | Tux MachinesDec 24 14:19
TweetTuxMachines Dec 24 14:19
schestowitznopeDec 24 14:19
schestowitzdeadDec 24 14:19
schestowitzlike Win PhoneDec 24 14:19
schestowitzthey just don't want to admit itDec 24 14:19
schestowitzAs some useds are still out thereDec 24 14:19
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Ubuntu Phones Will Soon Run Android Apps Thanks...'Dec 24 14:19
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Merry Christmas: #BlackLab Software Offers Free Copies of...'Dec 24 14:23
*TweetTuxMachines @softpedialinux favourited 'Ubuntu Phones Will Soon Run Android Apps Thanks...'Dec 24 14:23
*TweetTuxMachines @softpedialinux favourited 'Merry Christmas: #BlackLab Software Offers Free Copies of...'Dec 24 14:24
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 24 14:25
TweetTuxMachines                 #Darktable 2.4.0 is OutDec 24 14:25
TweetTuxMachines         ( 24 14:25
TweetTuxMachines Dec 24 14:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Darktable 2.4.0 is Out | Tux MachinesDec 24 14:25
MinceRRageOmega: my gf's father yelled at me when he found out i took her virginity, i told him it wouldnt happen again and he let me off the hookDec 24 14:25
schestowitzlolDec 24 14:29
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Darktable 2.4.0 is Out'Dec 24 14:36
*TweetTuxMachines @TheBrendanYears retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Merry Christmas: #BlackLab Software Offers Free Copies of...'Dec 24 14:45
*TweetTuxMachines @kayesem favourited 'Merry Christmas: #BlackLab Software Offers Free Copies of...'Dec 24 15:14
MinceR 24 15:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-"Surprise!" - GIF on ImgurDec 24 15:19
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 24 15:20
TweetTuxMachines                 Graphics: Chromium Embedded Framework, Intel, and AMDDec 24 15:20
TweetTuxMachines         ( 24 15:20
TweetTuxMachines Dec 24 15:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Graphics: Chromium Embedded Framework, Intel, and AMD | Tux MachinesDec 24 15:20
schestowitzcuteDec 24 15:24
schestowitzthere's a ssimilar one with red pandaDec 24 15:24
schestowitzand a human in boots Dec 24 15:24
schestowitzbecame a classicDec 24 15:24
schestowitzant the sneezign great pandaDec 24 15:24
schestowitzwas viral on youitubeDec 24 15:24
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 24 15:25
TweetTuxMachines                 Graphics: New GIMP and Blender Coming SoonDec 24 15:25
TweetTuxMachines         ( 24 15:25
TweetTuxMachines Dec 24 15:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Graphics: New GIMP and Blender Coming Soon | Tux MachinesDec 24 15:25
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Graphics: Chromium Embedded Framework, Intel, and AMD ...'Dec 24 15:25
MinceR 24 15:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-"Trust Me, I'm an Idiot!" - 9GAGDec 24 15:47
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Graphics: New GIMP and Blender Coming Soon ...'Dec 24 15:52
*TweetTuxMachines @MariusNestor favourited 'Merry Christmas: #BlackLab Software Offers Free Copies of...'Dec 24 15:52
MinceR 24 15:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Psychology of HeavenDec 24 15:55
MinceR 24 15:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Happy Holidays MFs - 9GAGDec 24 15:59
*TweetTuxMachines @MariusNestor favourited 'Ubuntu Phones Will Soon Run Android Apps Thanks...'Dec 24 16:11
MinceR 24 16:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-White Christmas - Album on ImgurDec 24 16:45
MinceR 24 16:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Fairy Tale Architecture of Norway - Album on ImgurDec 24 16:53
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@SenSanders The #trump family and #aristocracy that he...'Dec 24 17:31
*TweetTuxMachines @sopanx favourited 'Merry Christmas: #BlackLab Software Offers Free Copies of...'Dec 24 17:33
*TweetTuxMachines @sopanx favourited 'Ubuntu Phones Will Soon Run Android Apps Thanks...'Dec 24 18:11
MinceR 24 18:25
MinceR 24 18:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Discount FlightDec 24 18:57
MinceR 24 19:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - NaughtyDec 24 19:01
MinceR 24 19:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - 8 NightsDec 24 19:03
schestowitzMinceR: first link 404sDec 24 19:18
MinceRwhich one?Dec 24 19:19
schestowitzfirstDec 24 19:21
schestowitzof the 4Dec 24 19:21
MinceRworks for meDec 24 19:22
schestowitz ?Dec 24 19:22
XRevan86schestowitz: 24 19:25
MinceRthat's a bit smaller though :>Dec 24 19:49
XRevan86 <> now?Dec 24 19:53
XRevan86jeezDec 24 19:53
XRevan86 24 19:53
XRevan86not that with these artefacts the image size matters %)Dec 24 19:54
MinceR:>Dec 24 19:54
MinceRyeah, that looks like the originalDec 24 19:54
MinceR 24 20:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | I Didn’t Vaccinate My Kids and the One Who Lived Turned out FineDec 24 20:03
XRevan86MinceR: Poe's Law in action, I'm not sure whether this is legit from reading the first two paragraphsDec 24 20:07
MinceR:)Dec 24 20:07
XRevan86> And we just found out she has polio so she may very well be the next Stephen Hawking.Dec 24 20:09
XRevan86%)Dec 24 20:09
XRevan86It's not a very funny line on itself, but it caught me off guard :)Dec 24 20:10
MinceR:)Dec 24 20:14
<--SopaXmasTaker has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 24 20:22
*XRevan86 got 3 days this email: 24 20:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SUSE PasteDec 24 20:22
XRevan86Not sure how it reached me, but here it is.Dec 24 20:22
XRevan86It seems Mark Bilk (msb_) has disappeared and no one knows where he is.Dec 24 20:23
cubexyzwow, again?Dec 24 20:25
XRevan86cubexyz: yeahDec 24 20:25
XRevan86On a sidenote: "X-Spam-Status: No, score=2.20" on Yahoo Mail (Business Mail by Yahoo?) – he-heDec 24 20:26
cubexyzhis web site still worksDec 24 20:27
DaemonFC 24 20:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Gentrification and the Criminalization of Neighborhoods - The AtlanticDec 24 20:27
DaemonFCThis is why people hate liberals.Dec 24 20:27
DaemonFCWho is moving into these neighborhoods? Rich white assholes who voted for Hillary Clinton and drive a Prius.Dec 24 20:28
XRevan86DaemonFC: Don't forget to specify the countryDec 24 20:28
DaemonFCWhat do they complain of?Dec 24 20:28
XRevan86For one, in Russia there's a specific opinion about liberals too :)Dec 24 20:28
DaemonFCThe police that THEY sent in there arrested people who are shooting at each other.Dec 24 20:28
cubexyzeh? is there any group people don't hate?Dec 24 20:29
XRevan86and, of course, a "liberal" is a very broad image and can mean very different things depending on the regionDec 24 20:29
cubexyzexactly what I was thinking XRevan86 Dec 24 20:29
XRevan86pretty much like any other political stamp of courseDec 24 20:29
DaemonFCRich white people are moving in and taking over areas that poor black people used to live in.Dec 24 20:30
DaemonFCAt first, the crime goes up, but then the police go in and do "gang sweeps" and arrest hundreds of them and the neighborhood settles down and costs a fortune to live in.Dec 24 20:31
cubexyznot sure what is going on with BilkDec 24 20:31
DaemonFCXRevan86: Do they have the saying "When there's blood on the streets, buy real estate." over there?Dec 24 20:32
cubexyzXRevan86, did you get a message from Ralph Schoenman?Dec 24 20:32
XRevan86cubexyz: That's what "From:" states…Dec 24 20:32
XRevan86Damn, I masked my own email but forgot his. That was inconsiderate…Dec 24 20:33
XRevan86cubexyz: I don't know who that is…Dec 24 20:33
XRevan86DaemonFC: I'm very confused…Dec 24 20:34
DaemonFCYou buy land while it's dirt cheap because it's a shitty neighborhood.Dec 24 20:35
DaemonFCThen you sit on it and wait for the gentrification. Dec 24 20:35
cubexyzXRevan86, there's a wikipedia page for that nameDec 24 20:35
cubexyzno idea if it's the same person thoughDec 24 20:35
cubexyzsounds like the sort of person msb would talk to thoughDec 24 20:36
XRevan86DaemonFC: No, I'm not aware of that…Dec 24 20:36
XRevan86cubexyz: Indeed.Dec 24 20:36
<--MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Dec 24 20:37
XRevan86DaemonFC: And the cheap land usually stays cheap here %)Dec 24 20:37
XRevan86DaemonFC: There's a different thing going on from the powers that be though, maybe you heard about it: the renovation programme in MoscowDec 24 20:38
XRevan86There's A LOT of controversy around it.Dec 24 20:39
-->MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrightsDec 24 20:39
schestowitz[20:22] * XRevan86 got 3 days this email: 24 20:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SUSE PasteDec 24 20:39
schestowitzhe was on IRC not too long agoDec 24 20:39
XRevan86* 3 days agoDec 24 20:39
DaemonFCI haven't heard much. RT isn't a very good source.Dec 24 20:39
DaemonFCThey change things around. Run false stories.Dec 24 20:39
cubexyzyeah I got the same emailDec 24 20:40
XRevan86DaemonFC: Around Russia? – I can bet :)Dec 24 20:40
XRevan86DaemonFC: The idea is to demolish building of a certain type or that are deemed dangerous and move the people to new buildings.Dec 24 20:43
XRevan86new buildings that are built on govt's requestDec 24 20:44
XRevan86on the whole area of MoscowDec 24 20:44
XRevan86DaemonFC: One can see the possible issues with that plan %)Dec 24 20:44
XRevan861. some 4 floor ("ground" is not counted, right?) buildings are not all the sameDec 24 20:46
XRevan862. buildings are deemed dangerous because someone said soDec 24 20:46
XRevan863. the centre of Moscow is yummy, a lot of territory is already scheduled for other purposes; new houses have to be located in same districts, but districts can be pretty large.Dec 24 20:48
XRevan864. there are cases when new houses don't actually have all the necessary infrastructure (schools, hospitals, all that stuff) for the density of population requiredDec 24 20:49
XRevan865. new buildings are very densly packed, unlike 4 floor buildingsDec 24 20:50
XRevan86The biggest problem with this topic is its complexity, because of how vast the programme isDec 24 20:51
XRevan86there are instances when this actually benefits peopleDec 24 20:51
XRevan86probably why in English there isn't much info about it, it's really hard to make good apply-to-all generalisationsDec 24 20:52
XRevan86DaemonFC: So, why buy cheap soil and wait, when one can get it after it's expensive and good from current residents with lies and hand-outs? %)Dec 24 20:54
XRevan86 24 21:00
XRevan86schestowitz: 16 days ago?Dec 24 21:04
DaemonFC 24 21:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Merry Christmas: Black Lab Software Offers Free Copies of Linspire 7.0 Linux OSDec 24 21:24
DaemonFCLinspire is back. schestowitz  MinceR Dec 24 21:24
MinceRdoes it have systemd?Dec 24 21:25
XRevan86DaemonFC: Why is it needed?Dec 24 21:26
DaemonFCMinceR: Probably. It's still based on Debian, it seems.Dec 24 21:28
DaemonFCXRevan86: I don't think there's a good reason to use it.Dec 24 21:28
oiaohmLinspire dispeared for 10+ years now back with a short term trial form.Dec 24 21:29
XRevan86> LinspireOS is the ONLY Debian and Ubuntu based system that is certified by Oracle and IBM to host and deploy their respective cloud technologies.Dec 24 21:29
XRevan86Oh boy!Dec 24 21:29
XRevan86So much caring from me!Dec 24 21:29
XRevan86is it Debian-based or Ubuntu-based?Dec 24 21:30
XRevan86it's both?Dec 24 21:30
DaemonFCI guess they mean Debian based by way of Ubuntu?Dec 24 21:31
XRevan86I suspect it's Ubuntu-based (and so indirectly Debian-based), and they throw "Debian" to the list for search relevanceDec 24 21:32
XRevan86reasonsDec 24 21:33
cubexyzubuntu is based on debian :)Dec 24 21:33
XRevan86> Since 2007, we have created our own custom Linux solution.Dec 24 21:34
XRevan86Is this proper English? %)Dec 24 21:34
cubexyzthen I guess other stuff like Kubuntu is based on Ubuntu...Dec 24 21:34
XRevan86I read it as this: in some time between 2007 and now we had a moment when we created our own custom Linux solution.Dec 24 21:34
MinceRthen it still lives up to its old nameDec 24 21:34
cubexyzbut you could still say Kubuntu is based on debian...Dec 24 21:35
XRevan86cubexyz: Kubuntu is just an other ISO image with different presetsDec 24 21:35
XRevan86cubexyz: Technically, yes. But it would be misleading.Dec 24 21:36
oiaohmBased on debian/ubuntu can be a horrible hybred of parts not tested with each other.Dec 24 21:37
XRevan86> 5 years of supportDec 24 21:38
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 24 21:38
XRevan86okay, definitely Ubuntu-basedDec 24 21:38
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@ has joined #techrightsDec 24 21:40
oiaohmXRevan86:  5 years support can be LTS debian.Dec 24 21:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LTS - Debian WikiDec 24 21:40
XRevan86oiaohm: Oh, right.Dec 24 21:41
XRevan86> at leastDec 24 21:42
XRevan86but notice thisDec 24 21:42
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 24 21:42
TweetTuxMachines                 Today in TechrightsDec 24 21:42
TweetTuxMachines         ( 24 21:42
TweetTuxMachines Dec 24 21:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesDec 24 21:42
XRevan86oiaohm: With Debian it can be supported as long as there's interestDec 24 21:42
oiaohmXRevan86:  3 years on all packages 5 years on LTS selected.Dec 24 21:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | DebianReleases - Debian WikiDec 24 21:42
XRevan86with Ubuntu it's 5 years, solidDec 24 21:42
XRevan865 years over and the release's deadDec 24 21:43
oiaohmXRevan86: the fact that linspire only lists particular packages as support for 5 years does suggest it could be debian LTS with ubuntu parts on top.Dec 24 21:43
XRevan86oiaohm: I think it's just bad layout :)Dec 24 21:44
oiaohmXRevan86: its not like they are talking about carrier form of debian that is aiming for the o my god 20 years support.Dec 24 21:44
XRevan86oiaohm: It's amusing and annoying how little relevant information they give.Dec 24 21:45
oiaohmLike Linux kernel support mainline the LTS are moving to 6 years.Dec 24 21:46
XRevan86They state their features, and I see nothing that would say "this OS has something special"Dec 24 21:47
XRevan86they only thing I see that could interest Tinterprise is "LinspireOS is the ONLY Debian and Ubuntu based system that is certified by Oracle and IBM to host and deploy their respective cloud technologies"Dec 24 21:47
MinceR 24 21:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Everyone Knows - SCP FoundationDec 24 21:48
oiaohmXRevan86: but I cannot find their listed certification anywhere.Dec 24 21:48
XRevan86- Hello, Oracle?Dec 24 21:48
XRevan86- Yes?Dec 24 21:48
XRevan86- Can we run Oracle DB on Linspire?Dec 24 21:48
XRevan86- Sure, whatever.Dec 24 21:48
XRevan86Maybe it went like that :)Dec 24 21:49
oiaohmXRevan86:   Ubuntu listed.Dec 24 21:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Oracle-Provided ImagesDec 24 21:50
oiaohmXRevan86: linspire is hell not listed.Dec 24 21:50
XRevan86oiaohm: awesomeDec 24 21:51
oiaohmXRevan86: and IBM list is here.Dec 24 21:51
MinceR 24 21:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Cloud server software | IBM CloudDec 24 21:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | wowwee go kill ursefl - SCP FoundationDec 24 21:51
oiaohmXRevan86: so that line does kind of suggest Ubuntu.   But its not that their OS mix of Ubuntu is certified.Dec 24 21:52
XRevan86> is the ONLY Debian and Ubuntu based systemDec 24 21:52
XRevan86they even captioned *ONLY*Dec 24 21:52
oiaohmXRevan86: Yep that 5 mins of research raises the bogus flag.Dec 24 21:53
XRevan86 I like it how their website is not available without www. %)Dec 24 21:53
XRevan86it's as if I travelled back to 90sDec 24 21:54
oiaohmXRevan86: no that is the old school godaddy domian registeration stuff up.Dec 24 21:55
XRevan86or with https, but that's only back to like 2014, so I'll let it slideDec 24 21:55
XRevan86oiaohm: What? O_ODec 24 21:56
oiaohmXRevan86: LinspireOS remember when it was Lindows and all the garbage claims.   All these years latter they have not changed.Dec 24 21:56
XRevan86oiaohm: dig +short – the IP is thereDec 24 21:57
XRevan86it's the HTTP server that doesn't serve without www.Dec 24 21:57
oiaohmXRevan86: when you register a domain with godaddy it will offer to put the www in.  If you do they register the address under you as well and point it to themselves.Dec 24 21:58
oiaohm dig +short and compare the ip addresses.Dec 24 21:58
oiaohmXRevan86: its the normal godady is a rat.Dec 24 21:58
XRevan86> Server: GSEDec 24 21:59
XRevan86What the heck is thatDec 24 21:59
XRevan86oiaohm: ohDec 24 21:59
MinceRbut now they have systemd to go with the rest of the garbage :>Dec 24 22:00
oiaohmXRevan86: when registering domain names you have to be careful.Dec 24 22:00
XRevan86Oh, it's Google Blogger's hosting thing %)Dec 24 22:00
XRevan86ah, of course, how couldn't I notice the header on the page…Dec 24 22:00
XRevan86They don't host their own websiteDec 24 22:01
oiaohmXRevan86: and this page makes you cringe.Dec 24 22:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PC/OpenSystems LLC: Open Source LabsDec 24 22:04
oiaohmXRevan86: ie cringe is this going to be copyright violation.Dec 24 22:04
XRevan86oiaohm: How? %)Dec 24 22:04
oiaohmXRevan86: you would expect to see source trackers up before they selling stuff and possiblely like redhat subscription only.Dec 24 22:05
oiaohmXRevan86: so that you can get the source of what they changed to be GPL compliant. Dec 24 22:06
oiaohmXRevan86: do read down here and notice that Microsoft SQL Server for Linux Support is on the list.    So if they don't have licensing in order not only could you have GPL people up you ribs that is minorally annoying but you could have Microsoft as well.Dec 24 22:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PC/OpenSystems LLC: LinspireOSDec 24 22:08
oiaohmXRevan86: basically the more I read of the linspireOS web site I really don't want to be inside a 20 foot barge pole length of a system with it.Dec 24 22:09
DaemonFCFort Wayne news reports a man drove into a tree and is in a coma.Dec 24 22:13
DaemonFCI should really make out a living will.Dec 24 22:13
XRevan86DaemonFC: A what?Dec 24 22:26
MinceR 24 22:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - ChooseDec 24 22:45
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Today in Techrights'Dec 24 23:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesDec 24 23:07
MinceR 24 23:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | storybreak stars');background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center}.editor .editor-inner div.legacy-raw-html,.post-content div.legacy-raw-html{border:3px solid #eeb544;padding:5px;margin-bottom:20px}.editor .editor-inner div.legacy-raw-html:before,.post-content div.legacy-raw-html:before{content:'Before this post can be saved, this block must be removed.';font-size:12px;display:inline-block}.editor ...Dec 24 23:37
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 00:30
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Merry Christmas: #BlackLab Software Offers Free Copies ofDec 25 00:30
TweetTuxMachines @AlejosAngel    #Linspire 7.0 Linux OSDec 25 00:30
TweetTuxMachines         ( 25 00:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Merry Christmas: Black Lab Software Offers Free Copies of Linspire 7.0 Linux OS | Tux MachinesDec 25 00:30
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 00:30
<--Firee has quit (Quit: lolmoi)Dec 25 01:23
MinceR 25 01:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Time MachineDec 25 01:30
MinceR 25 01:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-My reaction when it rains and I don't have an umbrella. - 9GAGDec 25 01:46
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited 'Did Twitter just ban Julian Assange or did...'Dec 25 05:22
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 25 06:04
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 08:43
TweetTuxMachines                 Today in TechrightsDec 25 08:43
TweetTuxMachines         ( 25 08:43
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 08:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesDec 25 08:43
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 08:44
TweetTuxMachines                 Debian: #Slax 9.3 Released, Russ Allbery Reports ProgressDec 25 08:44
TweetTuxMachines                 and Retires BundleDec 25 08:44
TweetTuxMachines         ( 25 08:44
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 08:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Debian: Slax 9.3 Released, Russ Allbery Reports Progress and Retires Bundle | Tux MachinesDec 25 08:44
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Today in Techrights'Dec 25 08:54
*TweetTuxMachines @Pyrokitteh retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Debian: #Slax 9.3 Released, Russ Allbery Reports Progress...'Dec 25 08:54
-->Firee (~Firee@unaffiliated/firee) has joined #techrightsDec 25 08:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 08:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Managing tasks, time, and making sure one takes a break:Dec 25 08:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Integrating Taskwarrior, Timewarrior, and Gnome PomodoroDec 25 08:56
TweetTuxMachines         ( 25 08:56
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 08:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Managing tasks, time, and making sure one takes a break: Integrating Taskwarrior, Timewarrior, and Gnome Pomodoro | Tux MachinesDec 25 08:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 08:57
TweetTuxMachines                 AMDVLK vs. RADV vs. AMDGPU-PRO 17.50 Vulkan PerformanceDec 25 08:57
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 08:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMDVLK vs. RADV vs. AMDGPU-PRO 17.50 Vulkan Performance | Tux MachinesDec 25 08:57
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 08:57
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Debian: #Slax 9.3 Released, Russ Allbery Reports Progress...'Dec 25 08:57
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Managing tasks, time, and making sure one takes...'Dec 25 08:57
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'AMDVLK vs. RADV vs. AMDGPU-PRO 17.50 Vulkan Performance...'Dec 25 09:00
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 09:03
TweetTuxMachines                 Android Leftovers 25 09:03
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 09:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesDec 25 09:03
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 09:03
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Android Leftovers'Dec 25 09:05
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 09:18
TweetTuxMachines                 today's howtosDec 25 09:18
TweetTuxMachines         ( 25 09:18
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 09:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesDec 25 09:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 09:22
TweetTuxMachines                 KDE and GNOME: KDE 2.*, Krita and 25 09:22
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 25 09:22
TweetTuxMachines         ( 25 09:22
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 09:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GnomeAsiaSummit2017Dec 25 09:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE and GNOME: KDE 2.*, Krita and GNOME.Asia | Tux MachinesDec 25 09:22
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'today's howtos'Dec 25 09:23
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'KDE and GNOME: KDE 2.*, Krita and'Dec 25 10:07
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 10:09
TweetTuxMachines                 Games: Free/Libre CodeDec 25 10:09
TweetTuxMachines         ( 25 10:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Free/Libre Code | Tux MachinesDec 25 10:10
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 10:10
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Games: Free/Libre Code'Dec 25 10:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 10:27
TweetTuxMachines                 #RedHat Upgraded and More Financial NewsDec 25 10:27
TweetTuxMachines         ( 25 10:28
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 10:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat Upgraded and More Financial News | Tux MachinesDec 25 10:28
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*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#RedHat Upgraded and More Financial News'Dec 25 10:57
*TweetTuxMachines @muhdzamri favourited 'Ubuntu Phones Will Soon Run Android Apps Thanks...'Dec 25 10:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 11:29
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Ubuntu Phones Will Soon Run Android Apps Thanks to Anbox,Dec 25 11:29
TweetTuxMachines @muhdzamri      Says #UBportsDec 25 11:29
TweetTuxMachines         ( 25 11:29
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 11:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Phones Will Soon Run Android Apps Thanks to Anbox, Says UBports | Tux MachinesDec 25 11:29
-->SopaXorzTaker (~SopaXorzT@unaffiliated/sopaxorztaker) has joined #techrightsDec 25 12:41
MinceR 25 13:57
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<--cube-chrome has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)Dec 25 14:13
XRevan86MinceR: Don't they?Dec 25 14:19
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 25 14:22
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MinceR¯\_(ツ)_/¯Dec 25 14:23
-->cube-chrome ( has joined #techrightsDec 25 14:27
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@JulianAssange Welcome back Sir'Dec 25 14:48
MinceR 25 14:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - NaughtyDec 25 14:50
XRevan86 25 14:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ :: Центризбирком отказал Навальному в участии в выборах президента РФ из-за судимостиDec 25 14:52
XRevan86The ECHR's invalidation of the conviction? Like that matters.Dec 25 14:53
<--cube-chrome has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 25 14:53
schestowitzXRevan86: what does it say?Dec 25 14:57
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@JulianAssange With zero followers! Used to be over...'Dec 25 14:57
schestowitzI just saw 25 14:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Putin critic Navalny barred from Russian presidential election | ReutersDec 25 14:57
schestowitzseems like a very big deal if trueDec 25 14:57
XRevan86schestowitz: Yes, that's what it says.Dec 25 14:57
MinceRas if russia had free electionsDec 25 14:58
XRevan86MinceR: It's like a final kick.Dec 25 14:58
XRevan86 Navalny announces a strike against the elections.Dec 25 15:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Объявляем забастовку избирателей - YouTubeDec 25 15:00
schestowitzold?Dec 25 15:01
XRevan86schestowitz: A few minutes old.Dec 25 15:01
-->cube-chrome ( has joined #techrightsDec 25 15:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 15:22
TweetTuxMachines                 #MXLinux 17 An Easy To Use Linux Distro For Noobs #linuxDec 25 15:22
TweetTuxMachines                 #security ( 25 15:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | MX Linux 17 An Easy To Use Linux Distro For Noobs #linux #security | Tux MachinesDec 25 15:22
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 15:22
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 25 15:22
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#MXLinux 17 An Easy To Use Linux Distro...'Dec 25 15:22
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsDec 25 15:29
*TweetTuxMachines @GentooBot retweeted @tuxmachines: '#MXLinux 17 An Easy To Use Linux Distro...'Dec 25 15:29
*TweetTuxMachines @titanve retweeted @tuxmachines: '#MXLinux 17 An Easy To Use Linux Distro...'Dec 25 15:45
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@JulianAssange Hey, @wikileaks or @WLTaskForce Can either...'Dec 25 15:45
MinceR 25 15:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ●●|●●●●●|●●|● - SCP FoundationDec 25 15:59
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@JulianAssange I don’t mean to plant seeds of...'Dec 25 16:07
<--cubexyz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 25 16:07
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@BarackObama Can you come back for a year?'Dec 25 16:08
-->cubexyz ( has joined #techrightsDec 25 16:08
XRevan86> BarackObama Can you come back for a year?Dec 25 16:13
XRevan86Navalny for president of the US, maybe? :)Dec 25 16:13
schestowitzhahaDec 25 16:17
schestowitzmight workDec 25 16:17
schestowitzat least the US and Russia will go into nuclear mode overnightDec 25 16:17
MinceRWe Will All Go Together When We GoDec 25 16:18
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@BarackObama An Orange Plague sweeps across the nation...'Dec 25 16:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 16:23
TweetTuxMachines                 4 Awesome Places to Find Beautiful Linux Themes and IconsDec 25 16:23
TweetTuxMachines         ( 25 16:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 4 Awesome Places to Find Beautiful Linux Themes and Icons | Tux MachinesDec 25 16:23
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 16:23
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '4 Awesome Places to Find Beautiful Linux Themes...'Dec 25 16:32
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@JulianAssange Please verify ID'Dec 25 16:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 16:52
TweetTuxMachines                 #LinuxMint 18.3 Sylvia - Very niceDec 25 16:52
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 16:52
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 16:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Mint 18.3 Sylvia - Very nice | Tux MachinesDec 25 16:52
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@wikileaks @JulianAssange OK. so now is looks legit....'Dec 25 16:54
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@wikileaks @JulianAssange Any other accounts affected by this...'Dec 25 16:57
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#LinuxMint 18.3 Sylvia - Very nice'Dec 25 16:58
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 17:04
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux 4.14.9, 4.9.72, 4.4.108, and 3.18.90Dec 25 17:04
TweetTuxMachines         ( 25 17:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux 4.14.9, 4.9.72, 4.4.108, and 3.18.90 | Tux MachinesDec 25 17:04
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 17:04
schestowitz[16:18] <MinceR> We Will All Go Together When We GoDec 25 17:09
schestowitzTom LehrerDec 25 17:09
MinceRindeedDec 25 17:09
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Linux 4.14.9, 4.9.72, 4.4.108, and 3.18.90'Dec 25 17:17
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@wikileaks @USNavy @aavelle @JulianAssange Did they knock down...'Dec 25 17:24
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 17:24
TweetTuxMachines                 Debian: Salsa is OutDec 25 17:24
TweetTuxMachines         ( 25 17:24
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 17:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Debian: Salsa is Out | Tux MachinesDec 25 17:24
gde33 25 17:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Dec 25 17:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 17:26
TweetTuxMachines quoted by       Tweet von Tux Machines (@tuxmachines) -Dec 25 17:26
TweetTuxMachines @verfassungklage  Dec 25 17:26
TweetTuxMachines                 Debian: Salsa is OutDec 25 17:26
TweetTuxMachines         ( 25 17:26
TweetTuxMachines                 Dec 25 17:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Debian: Salsa is Out | Tux MachinesDec 25 17:26
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 17:26
TweetTuxMachines                 ▏ Debian: Salsa is OutDec 25 17:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@tuxmachines: Debian: Salsa is Out 25 17:26
TweetTuxMachines                 ▏ ( 25 17:26
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 17:26
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 17:27
TweetTuxMachines                 more howtosDec 25 17:27
TweetTuxMachines         ( 25 17:27
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 17:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | more howtos | Tux MachinesDec 25 17:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 17:29
TweetTuxMachines                 Graphics: NVIDIA, Mesa, AMD, FreedrenoDec 25 17:29
TweetTuxMachines         ( 25 17:29
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 17:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Graphics: NVIDIA, Mesa, AMD, Freedreno | Tux MachinesDec 25 17:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 17:29
TweetTuxMachines                 Software: LibreOffice, Android Web Browsers, VLC 3, EeloDec 25 17:29
TweetTuxMachines         ( 25 17:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Software: LibreOffice, Android Web Browsers, VLC 3, Eelo | Tux MachinesDec 25 17:29
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 17:29
*TweetTuxMachines @dzxi favourited 'Software: LibreOffice, Android Web Browsers, VLC 3, Eelo...'Dec 25 17:29
*TweetTuxMachines @dzxi retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Software: LibreOffice, Android Web Browsers, VLC 3, Eelo...'Dec 25 17:30
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techrightsDec 25 17:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 17:31
TweetTuxMachines                 today's leftoversDec 25 17:31
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 17:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux MachinesDec 25 17:31
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 17:31
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Debian: Salsa is Out'Dec 25 17:31
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'more howtos'Dec 25 17:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Debian: Salsa is Out | Tux MachinesDec 25 17:31
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Graphics: NVIDIA, Mesa, AMD, Freedreno'Dec 25 17:31
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Software: LibreOffice, Android Web Browsers, VLC 3, Eelo...'Dec 25 17:31
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'today's leftovers'Dec 25 17:31
TweetTuxMachines@h_ups  25 17:31
TweetTuxMachines                 @tuxmachines @schestowitz #WomanRiseDec 25 17:31
TweetTuxMachines                 #hijackAdvertisingSpreadKnowledgeDec 25 17:31
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 17:31
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 17:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Witches and how they are silenced | Heather MarshDec 25 17:31
*TweetTuxMachines @theGuruWithin favourited 'more howtos'Dec 25 17:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | more howtos | Tux MachinesDec 25 17:33
gde33schestowitz: there are no nukesDec 25 17:37
schestowitzwhere?Dec 25 17:39
gde33schestowitz: they dont existDec 25 17:39
gde33its all theatherDec 25 17:39
<--cube-chrome has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 25 17:40
gde33the short story: everything is much worse than it looksDec 25 17:40
gde33schestowitz: I suspect the Euro patent office circus has something to do with the 1000 hidden agendas that need to be carefully preservedDec 25 17:43
schestowitznaaaaDec 25 17:48
gde33this guy put together a "fun" resource 25 17:48
schestowitzjust lots of corruptionDec 25 17:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Surviving DepopDec 25 17:48
schestowitzand UPC agenda at the topDec 25 17:48
schestowitz"Dec 25 17:48
schestowitzSalt and Milk Dec 25 17:48
schestowitzFluoridation and DepopDec 25 17:49
schestowitz"Dec 25 17:49
schestowitzhahaDec 25 17:49
schestowitzso does he think it's all part of a grand plan to depolulateDec 25 17:49
schestowitzIf so, we aren't doing a great job at a global scaleDec 25 17:49
gde33yes the eugenicists put together a giant planDec 25 17:49
schestowitzthose least wealthy reproduce like rabbitsDec 25 17:49
gde33oh but we areDec 25 17:49
gde33everyone is stairing blindly at one or two segements of the agendaDec 25 17:50
schestowitzlol 25 17:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NewsDec 25 17:50
schestowitzyes, there's intention to reduce reproductionDec 25 17:50
schestowitza justified oneDec 25 17:50
schestowitzas China too found outDec 25 17:50
gde33the fun part is that the stuff he talks about is actually well documented and known to be trueDec 25 17:50
schestowitzbut how it's done breeds lots of paranoiaDec 25 17:51
gde33plastic in packaging in tiny dosages will mess with fertility for 3 generationsDec 25 17:51
gde33we are all kept ill and weak, relationships and kids are prevented then we are killed before we get to oldDec 25 17:52
gde33cellphones dont need to be harmful sources of radiation at allDec 25 17:52
gde33neither does wifiDec 25 17:53
gde33the spectrum was reserved, they actually called it the biological spectrumDec 25 17:54
schestowitzcellphones on a call transmits a lotDec 25 17:56
schestowitzlong distance tooDec 25 17:56
schestowitzsomeone told me wi-fi is similar to radio freqsDec 25 17:56
schestowitzbut it also broadcasts outwards, umlike radio receiversDec 25 17:57
gde33the harmful properties are well known to the point that they are written up inside the phone user manualDec 25 17:57
schestowitzanyway, it's not my area of science, so I rely on what I readDec 25 17:57
gde33it says there: keep it 5 cm away from your skinDec 25 17:57
schestowitzfor legal reasons, there were lawsuits from victims of brain cancerDec 25 17:57
gde33dont hold it against your headDec 25 17:57
schestowitzuse headphones, yesDec 25 17:58
gde33sure, the brain cancer is also well documentedDec 25 17:58
schestowitzbut it's not enoughDec 25 17:58
gde33use headphones with airtubesDec 25 17:58
gde33or just hands freeDec 25 17:58
schestowitzor speak in person :-)Dec 25 17:58
schestowitzmuch saferDec 25 17:58
schestowitzalso richer an interactionDec 25 17:58
gde33rightDec 25 17:58
schestowitzbetter quality sound, pictureDec 25 17:58
schestowitzstereoDec 25 17:58
gde33heheDec 25 17:58
schestowitzyou can touch the other endpointDec 25 17:59
schestowitzhit/grope/shake hands, kissDec 25 17:59
gde33if they say you have a beutiful body you can hold it against themDec 25 17:59
schestowitzI honestly stopped answering most phonecallsDec 25 17:59
schestowitzusually I just phone back if it's importantDec 25 17:59
gde33I got rid of the phoneDec 25 17:59
gde33its lonely but requiredDec 25 18:00
gde33schestowitz: humm, I think a combination of these  and these 25 18:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-DefenderShield Cell Phone EMF Radiation Protection CasesDec 25 18:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Anti Radiation Earphone Spiral Transparent Air Tube Headset With Mic Control Handsfree for 3.5mm Connector device in Anti-Radiation Earphone Spiral Transparent Air Tube Headset With Mic Control Handsfree for 3.5mm Connector device van Oortelefoon & Hoofdtelefoon op | Alibaba GroepDec 25 18:04
gde33with the 2 of those you might be able to reduce enough of the payloadDec 25 18:05
gde33can just put it in your pocket without microwaving your ass or chestDec 25 18:06
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 18:19
TweetTuxMachines                 Links 25/12/2017: Linux 4.15 RC5 and New Stable KernelsDec 25 18:19
TweetTuxMachines        ( 25 18:19
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 18:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 25/12/2017: Linux 4.15 RC5 and New Stable Kernels | TechrightsDec 25 18:19
-->cube-chrome ( has joined #techrightsDec 25 18:38
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@MMFlint 'The Donald' keeps his favourite carols under...'Dec 25 19:02
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@JulianAssange Nearly 400,000 domains (!!) are already blocked...'Dec 25 19:02
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@JulianAssange Free speech is dying here under 'Conservatives''Dec 25 19:16
DaemonFCschestowitz: My watch tells me the number and lets me answer.Dec 25 19:20
DaemonFCIt's nice because the watch vibrates on my wrist and I can decide whether it's important or not right away without disturbing anyone else.Dec 25 19:21
DaemonFCI really wish Sprint would offer a free junk call block feature like T-Mobile does.Dec 25 19:21
schestowitzDaemonFC: gimmicksDec 25 19:21
DaemonFCT-Mobile has one of  those ##xxx# codes that turns junk calls on or off.Dec 25 19:22
DaemonFCschestowitz: It monitors my sleep and a lot of other stuff.Dec 25 19:22
DaemonFCI seem to wake up about every three hours for a few minutes. Probably using the bathroom and just don't remember it the next day.Dec 25 19:22
DaemonFCschestowitz: They're a little gimmicky, I'll admit, but it was cheap.Dec 25 19:24
DaemonFCPeople get them and then they pawn them the next time they need money, just like a lot of other things.Dec 25 19:24
DaemonFCI swoop in and get a barely used product for half price.Dec 25 19:24
DaemonFCschestowitz: It's not my fault these people are bad with money.Dec 25 19:25
DaemonFCschestowitz: That's also how I get my cars.Dec 25 19:25
DaemonFCSome old lady has a car that's been barely used. Their kids don't want it. They sell it to me for a couple grand in cash.Dec 25 19:26
DaemonFCI drive it for the next 10 years until it falls apart.Dec 25 19:26
DaemonFCschestowitz: That's one reason why we're able to save money in a 401(k) account.Dec 25 19:27
DaemonFCI just buy things I need or want at a huge discount.Dec 25 19:27
DaemonFCIf there's one thing Capitalism is good at, it's that there's such an overabundance of everything that there's always a liquidation sale.Dec 25 19:28
DaemonFCNeed a new winter coat and don't want to pay $250 at Macy's? Go to Marshall's and get last year's model for $100.Dec 25 19:28
DaemonFCThe big stores have these buyback deals with their suppliers. It's one of the reasons everything there is so expensive.Dec 25 19:28
schestowitzbuy a printer?Dec 25 19:29
schestowitzRiskyDec 25 19:29
schestowitzoh, wait...Dec 25 19:29
DaemonFCWhatever is left at the end of the season gets bought back and then stores like Ross or Marshall's get huge discounts on it and put it in their stores.Dec 25 19:29
DaemonFCYou see good stuff there too. Nautica. The North Face.Dec 25 19:29
schestowitzwe got to m&s outletDec 25 19:29
DaemonFCI got a $150 pair of North Face winter boots for $50.Dec 25 19:29
schestowitzit does not always have great salesDec 25 19:29
schestowitzbut you go 2-3 times a weekDec 25 19:29
schestowitzuntil there's 'jackpot', then you come back with lotsDec 25 19:30
DaemonFCYeah. Stay away from the food aisles though.Dec 25 19:30
schestowitzsame in jdDec 25 19:30
DaemonFC:)Dec 25 19:30
schestowitzwe can get cheap sneakers thereDec 25 19:30
schestowitz5 pounds, 10 poundsDec 25 19:30
schestowitzdown from about 50Dec 25 19:30
schestowitzbut it's rare, must visit oftenDec 25 19:30
schestowitzwill try after boxing dayDec 25 19:30
DaemonFCIt's kind of obscene really.Dec 25 19:31
DaemonFCWait until Sears and JC Penneys go under.Dec 25 19:31
DaemonFCSomeone has to liquidate all those Craftsman tools and bicycles and lawnmowers and clothes and applicances. :DDec 25 19:31
<--SopaXorzTaker has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 25 19:31
DaemonFCThey'll probably have a going out of business sale for the first round and then ship whatever is left to other stores.Dec 25 19:32
DaemonFCThe last of the malls will go under.Dec 25 19:32
DaemonFCschestowitz: But don't worry because Trump says the economy is fine!Dec 25 19:32
DaemonFCWhatever tax cuts most people get will not stimulate the economy at all.Dec 25 19:32
DaemonFCIn fact, it will do the opposite.Dec 25 19:32
DaemonFCPeople with debt who get a windfall tend to pay off debt.Dec 25 19:32
DaemonFCThe debt came from things they already bought.Dec 25 19:33
DaemonFCThe rich people who get a windfall will just accumulate more wealth.Dec 25 19:33
DaemonFCIt's a contest to them to see who can die with the most money.Dec 25 19:33
DaemonFCWhy does Warren Buffet or Bill Gates care how much more money they make? They're old. They have 10 or 20 years left and enough money to last until the stars burn out. Meanwhile, 80% have nothing.Dec 25 19:34
DaemonFCBut worse, the Republican tax bill phases out individual income tax cuts  completely by the year 2025, but the deductions are never ever coming  back. Never. And the formula to index earned income to tax brackets will  push people into higher brackets.Dec 25 19:38
DaemonFCSo it's a mirage. A total mirage. At first, people will be like  "Extra money! Cool!", but long term it's a tax increase. Forever.Dec 25 19:38
DaemonFCWhoever is in office when these things expire gets all the blame.Dec 25 19:41
DaemonFCI do agree with some of the things the new tax code does, but only a few.Dec 25 19:42
DaemonFCThe federal government has been using mortgage interest deductions for years to take money out of the pockets of people who can't buy a home and give it to people who can.Dec 25 19:43
DaemonFCThat has been curtailed somewhat.Dec 25 19:43
schestowitz[19:32] <DaemonFC> schestowitz: But don't worry because Trump says the economy is fine!Dec 25 19:43
schestowitzIs it for himDec 25 19:43
schestowitzhe even admitted this in xmasDec 25 19:43
DaemonFCThe CBO estimates that the number of tax filers who itemize will fall from 49 million to 10 million.Dec 25 19:43
schestowitzhe said he made himself and mates richerDec 25 19:43
schestowitzoff the recordDec 25 19:43
schestowitzdid not deny press reports about itDec 25 19:43
DaemonFCschestowitz: The bill repeals the fine for not having health insurance.Dec 25 19:43
DaemonFCTrump was gloating, but nobody seems to remember that Obama didn't want that in the first place.Dec 25 19:44
schestowitzthe young are hit the worstDec 25 19:44
schestowitznot youDec 25 19:44
schestowitzyoungerDec 25 19:44
schestowitz10 -ishDec 25 19:44
DaemonFCIt will cause premiums to go up, but the premium subsidies will go up as well.Dec 25 19:44
schestowitzvery little career prospect for themDec 25 19:44
DaemonFCPeople under 400% of the FPL will get bigger credits or will still get Medicaid.Dec 25 19:44
schestowitzfpl?Dec 25 19:45
DaemonFCSo it's not a win on healthcare. Trump just screwed the middle class.Dec 25 19:45
DaemonFCIt won't affect the poor at all.Dec 25 19:45
schestowitzyeahDec 25 19:45
schestowitz"but hillary"Dec 25 19:45
schestowitzso it's okDec 25 19:45
DaemonFCfederal poverty guidelineDec 25 19:45
schestowitzahaDec 25 19:45
DaemonFCschestowitz: The premiums aren't capped as that would not be allowed under budget reconciliation.Dec 25 19:45
DaemonFCIt's mandatory spending and the only way to stop it would be with 60 votes in the Senate, which is now 9 more than the Republicans have.Dec 25 19:46
DaemonFC*premium creditsDec 25 19:46
schestowitzI don't quite follow personal and corporate accounting in the USDec 25 19:46
schestowitzThe terminology and allDec 25 19:46
DaemonFCAlso, all of the essential health benefits and most of the other regulations on policies are still in place, including guaranteed issue.Dec 25 19:47
schestowitzAs I don't live thereDec 25 19:47
DaemonFCSo the bulk of it is still there. All of the most popular parts are still there.Dec 25 19:47
schestowitzand it seems outlandish to me, not of much use. Like the IRSDec 25 19:47
DaemonFCschestowitz: The IRS is incredibly bloated.Dec 25 19:47
DaemonFCThere are so many rules for filing your taxes that nobody can know them all. Even tax lawyers get things wrong sometimes.Dec 25 19:47
schestowitzTBH, Income Revenue isn't a big thing in my mind either in the UK... I try not to think of those things and just do the bare minimumDec 25 19:48
DaemonFCSo, yeah. H&R Block? Pfft.Dec 25 19:48
DaemonFCThey screwed my dad's taxes up real bad.Dec 25 19:48
schestowitzwaste of brain capacityDec 25 19:48
schestowitzall these thingsDec 25 19:48
DaemonFCHe qualified to get his Illinois taxes deducted from his Indiana ones.Dec 25 19:48
schestowitzpeople memorise things like theseDec 25 19:48
DaemonFCAnd they made him pay both.Dec 25 19:48
schestowitzand need to hire accountants, lawyers, etc.Dec 25 19:48
DaemonFCAnd before I could tell him, the deadline to file and extended return had passed.Dec 25 19:48
schestowitzthey have lobbyists to keep it complicatedDec 25 19:48
DaemonFCschestowitz: I just use TurboTax online for ours.Dec 25 19:49
DaemonFCIf you make under $100,000 you get state and federal filing for free.Dec 25 19:49
DaemonFCAnd it knows the rules.Dec 25 19:49
DaemonFCI wonder if that will change now that almost everyone can use the simpler tax forms.Dec 25 19:49
DaemonFCschestowitz: Indiana screws over poor people really bad. Tells them just use the simple forms and then doesn't include a schedule for deducting your county income taxes.Dec 25 19:50
DaemonFCWhich is usually at least a $400-$500 credit.Dec 25 19:50
schestowitzI don;t get itDec 25 19:51
schestowitzIRSDec 25 19:51
schestowitzfor personal/home financingDec 25 19:51
DaemonFCThe only time the state sends you a letter saying "You got something wrong and we fixed that for you." is if you owe them money.Dec 25 19:51
schestowitzhere we don't do such thingsDec 25 19:51
schestowitzunless a businessDec 25 19:51
DaemonFCThey never EVER correct it if it means returning money you overpaid.Dec 25 19:51
schestowitzfor things like tax deductible purchases, like office equipmentDec 25 19:52
schestowitzdon't tax just get deducted from the salary and that is all?Dec 25 19:52
schestowitzcity council tax? fine.Dec 25 19:52
schestowitzthen there's the stuff deducted from salary here and that's itDec 25 19:52
schestowitzrather simple for usDec 25 19:53
schestowitzinc. healthcare, national tax, local (town hall) tax.... the whole lotDec 25 19:53
schestowitzso we can focus on our workDec 25 19:53
schestowitznot this "federal" choreDec 25 19:53
DaemonFCYou control what your employer withholds. Dec 25 19:55
DaemonFCThen at the end of the year you basically have to do a bunch of tax forms to figure out the difference between what you owe and what they already have.Dec 25 19:55
DaemonFCThen you either pay up or they refund some of it.Dec 25 19:56
DaemonFCPeople are ignorant of what it is. I've actually heard people say "It's so nice that the government returns the part of my money that it didn't use.".Dec 25 19:56
schestowitzhehDec 25 20:00
schestowitzpoor reasoningDec 25 20:00
schestowitzas if it's really discally responsibleDec 25 20:00
schestowitzfiscallyDec 25 20:00
schestowitzthen it goes awry and ships tax cuts worth trillions to few oligarchsDec 25 20:00
schestowitz"It's so nice that the government returns the part of my money that it didn't use.".Dec 25 20:00
schestowitz[20:00] <schestowitz> hehDec 25 20:00
schestowitzYeah, whatever.... BOB!Dec 25 20:00
schestowitzTurboTax:  "It's so nice that the government sends us so many sheep to buy proprietary crap they didn't use.".Dec 25 20:02
DaemonFCAt least I could use the paper forms if I had to.Dec 25 20:18
DaemonFCSome countries make you use proprietary software to file. In some cases it only works on Windows.Dec 25 20:18
DaemonFC 25 20:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Windows Fall Creators update wreaks havoc on computer displaysDec 25 20:19
DaemonFCSpeaking of Windows.Dec 25 20:19
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 25 20:35
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schestowitzDaemonFC: excellent!Dec 25 20:39
schestowitzit worksDec 25 20:39
oiaohmDaemonFC: I like now that Windows is updating more often how the broken driver due to update is happening more often on Windows maybe users on Windows will wake up they were avoid that due to running non updated software.Dec 25 20:44
<--cube-chrome has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Dec 25 20:52
schestowitz 25 21:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ My new year's resolution will be to give up trying to recall minor things I planned to do and then forgot. Happened again this morning.Dec 25 21:03
schestowitz"It’s like CPU gridlock… Remembering requires a resource that that’s already in use by a process and that process requires a resource that’s in use while trying to remember. Actively trying to remember puts that process at highest priority, so the second process can’t complete and free up its resources. Deciding you don’t care what you forgot puts the process into much lower priority and it completes when the appropriate resource Dec 25 21:03
schestowitzis free"Dec 25 21:03
schestowitzGreat analogy, thanks for the tip!Dec 25 21:03
-->Firre ( has joined #techrightsDec 25 21:04
schestowitz 25 21:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ "It's a very good feature and it should be implemented by default in all web browsers available on the market." 25 21:04
schestowitz"Yes, that’s true. I guess that’s why Firefox became so popular. It was slimmer with tabbed browsing. And faster than any competitor. No bloat! Today? Well, let’s just say, I’m waiting for the next brand to come along to take their place.Dec 25 21:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | Opera 50 Web Browser Will Bring a Cryptocurrency Mining Protection FeatureDec 25 21:04
<--Firee has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Dec 25 21:06
---Firre is now known as FireeDec 25 21:06
oiaohmschestowitz: firefox was not the fastest browser even at it prime.Dec 25 22:11
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 22:15
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Merry Christmas: #BlackLab Software Offers Free Copies ofDec 25 22:15
TweetTuxMachines @Myway500       #Linspire 7.0 Linux OSDec 25 22:15
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TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 22:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Merry Christmas: Black Lab Software Offers Free Copies of Linspire 7.0 Linux OS | Tux MachinesDec 25 22:15
-->cube-chrome ( has joined #techrightsDec 25 22:19
cube-chromewell how do you know the update won't break something?Dec 25 22:21
cube-chromeyou don'tDec 25 22:21
DaemonFCFirefox works and it isn't Chrome. Today that's as good as it gets.Dec 25 22:37
DaemonFC 25 22:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-storybreak stars');background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center}.editor .editor-inner div.legacy-raw-html,.post-content div.legacy-raw-html{border:3px solid #eeb544;padding:5px;margin-bottom:20px}.editor .editor-inner div.legacy-raw-html:before,.post-content div.legacy-raw-html:before{content:'Before this post can be saved, this block must be removed.';font-size:12px;display:inline-block}.editor .editor-inner div.lega ...Dec 25 22:39
DaemonFCSpeaking of taxes again, the tax return gets delayed by weeks if you claim the earned income credit, which is what poor people tend to do.Dec 25 22:41
DaemonFCIt makes you three times as likely to be audited.Dec 25 22:42
DaemonFCThe audits cost the IRS several times what the maximum earned income credit could be.Dec 25 22:42
DaemonFCThe eic isn't that big unless you ha e kids and you can't claim it at all unless you're over 25.Dec 25 22:43
DaemonFC25 without kids and a horrible job that pays like $15,000 per year, you might get $150 between federal and state eic.Dec 25 22:43
DaemonFCIt's worth claiming, but it's not going to make a lot of difference.Dec 25 22:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 25 23:18
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Ubuntu Phones Will Soon Run Android Apps Thanks to Anbox,Dec 25 23:18
TweetTuxMachines @Myway500       Says #UBportsDec 25 23:18
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu Phones Will Soon Run Android Apps Thanks to Anbox, Says UBports | Tux MachinesDec 25 23:18
TweetTuxMachines Dec 25 23:18
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 26 02:35
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Links 25/12/2017: Linux 4.15 RC5 and New Stable KernelsDec 26 02:35
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TweetTuxMachines Dec 26 02:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 25/12/2017: Linux 4.15 RC5 and New Stable Kernels | TechrightsDec 26 02:35
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 26 03:28
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #MXLinux 17 An Easy To Use Linux Distro For Noobs #linuxDec 26 03:28
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | MX Linux 17 An Easy To Use Linux Distro For Noobs #linux #security | Tux MachinesDec 26 03:28
TweetTuxMachines Dec 26 03:28
*TweetTuxMachines @ohiotechlibrary favourited '#MXLinux 17 An Easy To Use Linux Distro...'Dec 26 03:34
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 26 03:59
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Linux-driven IoT gateway hooks up to Google CloudDec 26 03:59
TweetTuxMachines @EpicRelevance  analyticsDec 26 03:59
TweetTuxMachines         ( 26 03:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux-driven IoT gateway hooks up to Google Cloud analytics | Tux MachinesDec 26 03:59
TweetTuxMachines Dec 26 03:59
*TweetTuxMachines @akdm_bot retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Linux-driven IoT gateway hooks up to Google Cloud...'Dec 26 05:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 26 05:14
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    The Open Source Funding Conundrum in 2018Dec 26 05:14
TweetTuxMachines @ekoskaiphos ( 26 05:14
TweetTuxMachines Dec 26 05:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The Open Source Funding Conundrum in 2018 - DatamationDec 26 05:14
*TweetTuxMachines @ekoskaiphos favourited 'The Open Source Funding Conundrum in 2018'Dec 26 05:14
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 26 06:22
TweetTuxMachines                 Android Leftovers 26 06:22
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 06:22
TweetTuxMachines Dec 26 06:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesDec 26 06:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 26 06:23
TweetTuxMachines                 Display Animated Christmas Tree in Linux TerminalDec 26 06:23
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 06:23
TweetTuxMachines Dec 26 06:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Display Animated Christmas Tree in Linux Terminal | Tux MachinesDec 26 06:23
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Android Leftovers'Dec 26 06:26
*TweetTuxMachines @softlockup favourited 'Display Animated Christmas Tree in Linux Terminal'Dec 26 06:28
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Display Animated Christmas Tree in Linux Terminal'Dec 26 06:34
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 26 06:37
TweetTuxMachines                 #4MLinux 23.1.1 released.Dec 26 06:37
TweetTuxMachines        ( 26 06:37
TweetTuxMachines Dec 26 06:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 4MLinux 23.1.1 released. | Tux MachinesDec 26 06:37
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 26 06:39
TweetTuxMachines                 Fedora Rawhide Flips On New SATA Power Management PolicyDec 26 06:39
TweetTuxMachines         ( 26 06:39
TweetTuxMachines Dec 26 06:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora Rawhide Flips On New SATA Power Management Policy | Tux MachinesDec 26 06:40
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#4MLinux 23.1.1 released.'Dec 26 06:40
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Fedora Rawhide Flips On New SATA Power Management...'Dec 26 06:53
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 26 06:55
TweetTuxMachines                 today's howtosDec 26 06:55
TweetTuxMachines         ( 26 06:55
TweetTuxMachines Dec 26 06:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesDec 26 06:56
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'today's howtos'Dec 26 08:13
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<--XRevan86 has quit (Quit: Gateway shutdown)Dec 26 10:21
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cubexyzwow, "alien existence proven beyond reasonable doubt" says slashdotDec 26 12:33
cubexyzI talked to this old guy who said he saw one of those cylindrical UFOsDec 26 12:41
cubexyzin 1947Dec 26 12:41
cubexyzpretty freaky... he send me an email describing it in 2016Dec 26 12:41
-->SopaXorzTaker (~SopaXorzT@unaffiliated/sopaxorztaker) has joined #techrightsDec 26 12:48
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 26 13:08
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MinceRno, it says "UFO Existence 'Proven Beyond Reasonable Doubt', Says Former Head of Pentagon Alien Program"Dec 26 14:34
MinceRUFO means we don't know what it is, not that it's alienDec 26 14:34
cubexyzok, you're rightDec 26 14:35
MinceR 26 14:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - HappyDec 26 14:56
MinceR 26 15:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Church ScienceDec 26 15:05
MinceR 26 15:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Fox vs Fence - 9GAGDec 26 15:13
<--[dmb] has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Dec 26 15:13
MinceR 26 15:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - A Vicious CycleDec 26 15:22
MinceR 26 16:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Maine Coon kittehs - Album on ImgurDec 26 16:00
MinceR 26 16:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-¡¡¡ɹɐǝ⅄ ʍǝN ʎddɐH ɐ puɐ˙˙˙˙ - Album on ImgurDec 26 16:07
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 26 16:12
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #4MLinux 23.1.1 released.Dec 26 16:12
TweetTuxMachines @MyNameIsZK1234 ( 26 16:12
TweetTuxMachines Dec 26 16:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 4MLinux 23.1.1 released. | Tux MachinesDec 26 16:12
MinceR 26 16:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - SpecializationDec 26 16:42
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 26 16:52
TweetTuxMachines                 Today in TechrightsDec 26 16:52
TweetTuxMachines         ( 26 16:52
TweetTuxMachines Dec 26 16:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesDec 26 16:53
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 26 16:59
TweetTuxMachines                 Red Hat Financial NewsDec 26 16:59
TweetTuxMachines         ( 26 16:59
TweetTuxMachines Dec 26 16:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat Financial News | Tux MachinesDec 26 16:59
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 26 17:01
TweetTuxMachines                 Swatantra 2017 Draws Attention to Possibilities of FreeDec 26 17:01
TweetTuxMachines                 and Open Source Software; Highlights Kerala's ITDec 26 17:01
TweetTuxMachines                 InitiativesDec 26 17:01
TweetTuxMachines         ( 26 17:01
TweetTuxMachines Dec 26 17:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Swatantra 2017 Draws Attention to Possibilities of Free and Open Source Software; Highlights Kerala’s IT Initiatives | Tux MachinesDec 26 17:01
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Swatantra 2017 Draws Attention to Possibilities of Free...'Dec 26 17:01
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Red Hat Financial News'Dec 26 17:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 26 17:05
TweetTuxMachines                 #Paytm Supports FOSS in #IndiaDec 26 17:05
TweetTuxMachines         ( 26 17:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Paytm Supports FOSS in India | Tux MachinesDec 26 17:05
TweetTuxMachines Dec 26 17:05
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Paytm Supports FOSS in #India'Dec 26 17:05
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Today in Techrights'Dec 26 17:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 26 17:23
TweetTuxMachines                 Games: Maia, ASTRONEER, Albion Online, Puppet Kings, AllDec 26 17:23
TweetTuxMachines                 Walls Must FallDec 26 17:23
TweetTuxMachines         ( 26 17:23
TweetTuxMachines Dec 26 17:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Maia, ASTRONEER, Albion Online, Puppet Kings, All Walls Must Fall | Tux MachinesDec 26 17:23
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Games: Maia, ASTRONEER, Albion Online, Puppet Kings, All...'Dec 26 17:30
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techrightsDec 26 17:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 26 17:32
TweetTuxMachines                 Graphics: AMD, VIA. NVIDIADec 26 17:32
TweetTuxMachines         ( 26 17:32
TweetTuxMachines Dec 26 17:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Graphics: AMD, VIA. NVIDIA | Tux MachinesDec 26 17:32
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 26 17:33
TweetTuxMachines                 today's howtosDec 26 17:33
TweetTuxMachines         ( 26 17:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesDec 26 17:33
TweetTuxMachines Dec 26 17:33
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Graphics: AMD, VIA. NVIDIA'Dec 26 17:34
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 26 17:38
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schestowitzcubexyz: I notice that cubelog log format changedDec 26 18:25
schestowitzafter you flipped to -2017Dec 26 18:25
schestowitzmight not be compatible with my script, in fact I think it would yield something differentDec 26 18:26
schestowitz--- Day changed Wed Sep 20 2017Dec 26 18:26
schestowitz00:11 -!- amarsh04 [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]Dec 26 18:26
schestowitzit does not include more info like data on each lineDec 26 18:26
MinceR 26 18:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Cyka blyat - 9GAGDec 26 18:32
MinceR 26 18:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - FlawedDec 26 18:49
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'today's howtos'Dec 26 18:57
MinceR 26 19:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Run run run - Album on ImgurDec 26 19:06
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsDec 26 19:25
cubexyzit's irssi nowDec 26 19:33
cubexyzprobably why it's differentDec 26 19:33
MinceR 26 19:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - SubconsciousDec 26 19:36
<--SopaXorzTaker has quit (Quit: Leaving)Dec 26 20:24
schestowitzcubexyz: ok, thanksDec 26 20:29
schestowitzstill good for merging if I get disconnected for a whileDec 26 20:30
<--Firee has quit (Quit: lolmoi)Dec 26 20:41
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MinceR 26 22:51
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 26 23:17
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Games: Maia, ASTRONEER, Albion Online, Puppet Kings, AllDec 26 23:17
TweetTuxMachines @timbagames     Walls Must FallDec 26 23:17
TweetTuxMachines         ( 26 23:17
TweetTuxMachines Dec 26 23:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Maia, ASTRONEER, Albion Online, Puppet Kings, All Walls Must Fall | Tux MachinesDec 26 23:17
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 26 23:18
TweetTuxMachines                 Android Leftovers 26 23:18
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 26 23:18
TweetTuxMachines Dec 26 23:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesDec 26 23:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 26 23:21
TweetTuxMachines                 speedtest-cli - Internet Speed Test In Linux TerminalDec 26 23:21
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LinuxAndUbuntu Review Of Fedora 27 | Tux MachinesDec 26 23:35
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 27 00:12
TweetTuxMachines                 Popular #MPV Open-Source Media Player Gets FFmpeg 3.4,Dec 27 00:12
TweetTuxMachines                 Vulkan, and D3D11 Support 27 00:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Popular MPV Open-Source Media Player Gets FFmpeg 3.4, Vulkan, and D3D11 Support | Tux MachinesDec 27 00:12
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MinceR 27 01:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BOFH: We're only here because they said there would be biscuits • The RegisterDec 27 01:52
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TweetTuxMachines @AlejosAngel    Vulkan, and D3D11 Support 27 02:28
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MinceR 27 02:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BOFH: Come on, PFY, let's pick a Boss • The RegisterDec 27 02:49
cubexyzprobably why it's differentqqqqqDec 27 02:53
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TweetTuxMachines                 Programming: Unit Testing, podlators, FRustrationsDec 27 05:26
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TweetTuxMachines                 ▏ Devices: Raspberry Pi, WiFi Repeater, Adlink, NUCDec 27 05:57
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Devices: Raspberry Pi, WiFi Repeater, Adlink, NUC | Tux MachinesDec 27 05:57
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-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- (Re-tweeted by schestowitz)Dec 27 05:57
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TweetTuxMachines                 Ubuntu: Canonical's Finances, UBPorts Keeping CanonicalDec 27 05:59
TweetTuxMachines                 Products Going, Mint Has Monthly NewsDec 27 05:59
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TweetTuxMachines                 Microsoft and Apple Self HarmDec 27 06:03
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TweetTuxMachines                 FreeBSD Quarterly Status Report 27 06:07
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TweetTuxMachines                 Top 10 Microsoft Visio Alternatives for LinuxDec 27 07:18
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-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-As an adult, I miss that feeling of excited anticipation of waiting to rush downstairs on Christmas morning. - GIF on ImgurDec 27 15:19
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schestowitz 27 17:44
schestowitz"Dec 27 17:44
schestowitzI have rarely read anything bordering so much on self-suggestion, but the poor chap cannot say anything different.Dec 27 17:44
schestowitzIf the complaint before the Federal Constitutional Court is dismissed, which is hard to believe, then may be towards the end of 2018, there might be some light at the end of the tunnel. But then we still have the Brexit problem, contrary to what Tilmann, Pors, Johnson and consorts may say.Dec 27 17:44
schestowitzIf the complaint before the FCC is admitted, which looks far more probable, you can add at least two to three years. But may be by then, the Brexit saga will have come to an end.Dec 27 17:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Preparatory Committee hopes Unified Patent Court to open its doors in 2018 - Kluwer Patent BlogDec 27 17:44
schestowitzThat “the Unified Patent Court will become a reality providing benefit of growth and European competitiveness” is nothing but certain. A cool analysis of the real situation leads rather to a different conclusion. But some people, who have put a lot of efforts in it, would get their return on investment. I doubt this being to the benefit of growth, at least for Europe at large.Dec 27 17:44
schestowitzWhich ever way one looks at the UPC, its future is not very bright. There is too much uncertainty at the moment, and probably in the future. And investors hate uncertainty. This should not be forgotten by anybody praising the UPC.Dec 27 17:44
schestowitz"Dec 27 17:44
schestowitzHow trueDec 27 17:44
schestowitz 27 17:45
schestowitz"Dec 27 17:45
schestowitzThe article in GRUR is merely an adapted version of a lecture given by Mr T. at a gathering organised by the University of Düsseldorf at Schloss Mickeln on 24.10.2017.Dec 27 17:45
schestowitzI have some difficulties in following the quite apodictic views of Mr T.Dec 27 17:45
schestowitzFirst it does not appear plausible that the FCC would ask the president of the German Republic to postpone signing the ratification act if it could be dismissed as simply as is claimed. It has too far reaching consequences to request such an unusual move, without considering that prima facie that the complaint could have some merit. The same applies to the fact that the time limit for amicus curiae briefs has been extended until the end of Dec 27 17:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Prof. Tilmann: FCC could have several reasons to reject as inadmissible complaint against UPCA - Kluwer Patent BlogDec 27 17:45
schestowitzthis year. Does Mr T think that the FCC would take all those steps in order to summarily dismiss the complaint? He would be very naive, what I do not think for one second.Dec 27 17:45
schestowitzI do not rule out that eventually the complaint will not be admitted, but the reasons for this would have a bit more substance than Mr T’s performance.Dec 27 17:45
schestowitzThe views expressed are very personal and are not supported by any precise case law of the FCC. Examples: “In my mind it is not sufficient…”, “I personally have come to the result…”, “In my opinion, all four arguments are not founded and,…” “I expect…”Dec 27 17:45
schestowitzDecisions of the FCC are mentioned, but not identified. In such a situation, it is very easy to claim whatever suits your case. Examples: “On the basis of recent decisions of the FCC I expect…”,Dec 27 17:45
schestowitzMr T. quotes two decisions of the FCC, but the conclusions he draws are not quite apparent from the decisions themselves.Dec 27 17:45
schestowitzWhen Mr T is alleging that “An extensive research by EPLA has shown….”, he probably meant EPLAW (and not the old EPLA), and there I could only find one article of Mr Pagenberg “PC Judges – How will the Judges of the UPC be chosen and appointed?”, in which nothing comes near to the allegation made. If he really meant EPLA, he will have to explain what the dead borne EPLA has in common with the UPC. Wherefrom Mr T. takes the Dec 27 17:45
schestowitzconclusion that “The election and re-election procedure is squarely within the practice regarding international courts. An appeal of a judge who has been removed from office may be introduced by a simple decision of the Administrative Committee” remains a mystery. The last sentence is further not a model of clarity.Dec 27 17:45
schestowitzFurther, it is a bit easy to claim that the RoP were known by the parliament when it ratified the UPC. As far as I know we are still at the 18th draft, but a draft is not a firm version of the RoP. Th parliament might have known a draft version of the RoP, but certainly not the final one. And when one knows that the RoP have been concocted by a committee which co-opted all its members, it is hard to see that the genesis of the RoP has been a Dec 27 17:45
schestowitzclearly democratic exercise.Dec 27 17:45
schestowitzIn order to dismiss the argument according to which the rules on the recovery of costs by the successful party as being disadvantageous for SME, Mr T. says that : “Presently such rules exist only as a draft awaiting a decision of the Administrative Committee after the beginning of the preliminary application. The draft is the result of a compromise between different national systems.”Dec 27 17:45
schestowitzHowever the rules of recovery of costs are part of the RoP. Hence the RoP are still a draft. How can it then be that in one case the parliament knew the RoP as being firmly decided, and in the other case the parliament did not know, but in both cases a dismissal of the complaint should be acted by the FCC? I would expect a bit more coherence from Mr T.Dec 27 17:45
schestowitzWhen Mr T. refers to opinion C 1/09, it is worth reminding him that when the opinion came out, Mr T. was of the opinion that the future unitary patent could only be open to member states in the EU, but after the Brexit, Mr T. was adamant that the UK could stay in the UPC post-Brexit, and that even other non-EU member states could join.Dec 27 17:45
schestowitzI think that harmonisation in Europe is to be welcomed, but not the kind of harmonisation, some people want us to swallow.Dec 27 17:46
schestowitzMr T. has vested interests in the success of the UPC, and every statement he is uttering has to be seen in this context. I have therefore strong doubts about the objectivity of Mr T., the more so that he has shown in the past, that he is quite prompt in changing his mind, when his interests could suffer.Dec 27 17:46
schestowitz"Dec 27 17:46
schestowitz"It is not worth commenting this in detail, this is Tilmann’s dreamland. T distorts the facts just as it suits him, already his allegations on the complaint’s contents are erroneous in several respects (and changing with each piece he publishes). The BverfG decisions he cites are discussed in the complaint, he simply attributes to them the meaning he needs for his fabrications. I don’t know for whom he is writing this, but the court Dec 27 17:46
schestowitzwill certainly not be impressed."Dec 27 17:47
schestowitz"Dec 27 17:47
schestowitzWinfried,Dec 27 17:47
schestowitzI did not realise that you were such an expert in constitutional law. It remains to be seen whether there is any substance to your allegations that the BVerfG will only be concerned with “fundamental” breaches of the basic law, and that the grounds raised by the complaint do not reach that threshold (despite the fact that ratification of the UPC Agreement would result in the transfer of sovereignty away from the national courts). Forgive Dec 27 17:47
schestowitzme if I have serious doubts on this point.Dec 27 17:47
schestowitzAs to the oft-repeated assertion that the CJEU’s rulings on Spain’s challenges (either alone or together with Opinion C-1/09) have already dealt with all of the points relating to EU law, please stop with this nonsense! Indeed, it is not that hard to understand why that assertion cannot possibly be correct. Firstly, the challenges by Spain were against the two EU Regulations that form part of the UPP: allegations regarding non-compliance Dec 27 17:47
schestowitzwith EU law were rejected as inadmissible. Secondly, Opinion C-1/09 does not relate to the UPC Agreement at all. Thus, the CJEU has decided nothing of any substance on the issue of whether the implementation of the UPC Agreement under the national law of a Member State would lead to that Member State breaching EU law.Dec 27 17:47
schestowitzIf compliance of the UPC Agreement were that simple, then someone would have answered the question that I have been (repeatedly) posing for a long time now: is the UPC “an international court” or a Benelux-style “court common to the (EU) Member States”)?Dec 27 17:47
schestowitzIf it is the latter, then the UK clearly cannot participate post-Brexit. However, if it is the former, then the UPC will not comply with EU law (as it will be incapable of making preliminary references to the CJEU under Article 267 TFEU).Dec 27 17:47
schestowitzSo which of those two options would you pick, Winfried?Dec 27 17:47
schestowitz"Dec 27 17:47
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'OSS: BlueZ, Haven, Lisa, NodeSource, LLVM and Legal...'Dec 27 17:49
-->acer-box__ ( has joined #techrightsDec 27 18:03
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*TweetTuxMachines @jpbeneke favourited 'Popular #MPV Open-Source Media Player Gets FFmpeg 3.4,...'Dec 27 18:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 27 18:04
TweetTuxMachines                 Best Programming Languages To Learn In 2018Dec 27 18:04
TweetTuxMachines        ( 27 18:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Best Programming Languages To Learn In 2018 | Tux MachinesDec 27 18:04
TweetTuxMachines Dec 27 18:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 27 18:05
TweetTuxMachines quoted by       Tweet von Tux Machines (@tuxmachines) - Best ProgrammingDec 27 18:05
TweetTuxMachines @verfassungklage  Languages To Learn In 2018 27 18:05
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 27 18:05
TweetTuxMachines                 Dec 27 18:05
TweetTuxMachines        ( 27 18:05
TweetTuxMachines                 ▏ Best Programming Languages To Learn In 2018Dec 27 18:05
TweetTuxMachines                 ▏ ( 27 18:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Best Programming Languages To Learn In 2018 | Tux MachinesDec 27 18:05
TweetTuxMachines Dec 27 18:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@tuxmachines: Best Programming Languages To Learn In 2018 27 18:05
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 27 18:06
TweetTuxMachines                 #SoftMaker for Linux Is a Solid Microsoft OfficeDec 27 18:06
TweetTuxMachines                 Alternative ( 27 18:06
TweetTuxMachines Dec 27 18:06
<--acer-box has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Dec 27 18:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SoftMaker for Linux Is a Solid Microsoft Office Alternative | Tux MachinesDec 27 18:06
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 27 18:06
TweetTuxMachines                 #Linux #Kernel Developer: Shuah KhanDec 27 18:06
TweetTuxMachines        ( 27 18:06
TweetTuxMachines Dec 27 18:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Kernel Developer: Shuah Khan | Tux MachinesDec 27 18:06
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 27 18:07
TweetTuxMachines                 Android Leftovers 27 18:07
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 27 18:07
TweetTuxMachines Dec 27 18:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesDec 27 18:07
MinceR(audio) (video) 27 18:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Who's your daddy - 9GAGDec 27 18:26
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@ManCity @HaysWorldwide Nevertheless, WWWWW WWWWW WWWWW WWW'Dec 27 18:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@schestowitz: @ManCity @HaysWorldwide Nevertheless, WWWWW WWWWW WWWWW WWW 27 18:47
<--Glyphie_____ has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Dec 27 19:14
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@ManCity @HaysWorldwide Still no Mendy and Stones'Dec 27 19:35
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<--SopaXorzTaker has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Dec 27 20:08
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@wikileaks Keep on going. Wikileaks has done a...'Dec 27 20:24
MinceR 27 20:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Remove my password from lists so hackers won't be able to hack me by assafnativ · Pull Request #155 · danielmiessler/SecLists · GitHubDec 27 20:54
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@SenSanders When facts do not support You then...'Dec 27 20:58
MinceR 27 21:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Wait a secDec 27 21:01
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@SueHayman1 They just keep saying "Green Brexit" while...'Dec 27 21:02
---Disconnected ().Dec 27 21:15
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Mathematical MethodsDec 27 21:21
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techrightsDec 27 21:34
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@jeremycorbyn Homelessness on the rise while the rich...'Dec 27 21:36
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@ManCity @sterling7 Until you get tired of winning......'Dec 27 21:37
MinceR 27 21:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | "UHEC" - SCP FoundationDec 27 21:51
MinceR 27 22:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - How?Dec 27 22:03
MinceR 27 22:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Anime Trump - Album on ImgurDec 27 22:19
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@ManCity @sterling7 Aguero and Jesus didn't do much...'Dec 27 23:01
<--Firee has quit (Quit: lolmoi)Dec 27 23:18
*TweetTuxMachines @hsyn_ckr favourited 'Popular #MPV Open-Source Media Player Gets FFmpeg 3.4,...'Dec 28 01:28
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 01:28
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Android Leftovers 28 01:28
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    ( 28 01:28
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 01:28
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 01:28
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #Linux #Kernel Developer: Shuah KhanDec 28 01:28
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 28 01:28
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 01:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Kernel Developer: Shuah Khan | Tux MachinesDec 28 01:28
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 01:29
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #SoftMaker for Linux Is a Solid Microsoft OfficeDec 28 01:29
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz    Alternative ( 28 01:29
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 01:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SoftMaker for Linux Is a Solid Microsoft Office Alternative | Tux MachinesDec 28 01:29
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 28 01:29
MinceR<Zowayix> Magneto optical disc? I didn't know there was licensed X-Men computer storage merchandiseDec 28 01:58
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Dec 28 02:13
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Dec 28 02:53
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 03:38
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Best Programming Languages To Learn In 2018Dec 28 03:38
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 28 03:38
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 03:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Best Programming Languages To Learn In 2018 | Tux MachinesDec 28 03:38
-->brendyn (~brendyn@ has joined #techrightsDec 28 03:40
DaemonFCSoftmaker is proprietary.Dec 28 05:22
DaemonFCWe should recommend LibreOffice first.Dec 28 05:23
acer-box__+-Dec 28 05:25
-->Firee (~Firee@unaffiliated/firee) has joined #techrightsDec 28 05:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 05:31
TweetTuxMachines                 A Closer Look At The AMDVLK vs. RADV vs. AMDGPU-PRODec 28 05:31
TweetTuxMachines                 Vulkan Performance 28 05:31
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 28 05:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A Closer Look At The AMDVLK vs. RADV vs. AMDGPU-PRO Vulkan Performance | Tux MachinesDec 28 05:31
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 05:31
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 28 05:40
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-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsDec 28 05:40
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'A Closer Look At The AMDVLK vs. RADV...'Dec 28 05:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 05:57
TweetTuxMachines                 Red Hat takes different path in app design as enterpriseDec 28 05:57
TweetTuxMachines                 scales outDec 28 05:57
TweetTuxMachines         ( 28 05:57
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 05:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat takes different path in app design as enterprise scales out | Tux MachinesDec 28 05:57
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Red Hat takes different path in app design...'Dec 28 05:58
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 05:59
TweetTuxMachines                 Android: Huawei, eelo, Android 8.1Dec 28 05:59
TweetTuxMachines         ( 28 05:59
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 05:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android: Huawei, eelo, Android 8.1 | Tux MachinesDec 28 05:59
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Android: Huawei, eelo, Android 8.1'Dec 28 06:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 06:09
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Linux-driven IoT gateway hooks up to Google CloudDec 28 06:09
TweetTuxMachines @HighTechPro    analyticsDec 28 06:09
TweetTuxMachines         ( 28 06:09
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 06:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux-driven IoT gateway hooks up to Google Cloud analytics | Tux MachinesDec 28 06:09
oiaohmDaemonFC: it will be interesting to see when this gets updated for Libreoffice 6.0.Dec 28 06:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Feature Comparison: LibreOffice - Microsoft Office - The Document Foundation WikiDec 28 06:37
oiaohmDaemonFC: really softmaker does not support all the formats Libreoffice does neither does MS Office.  Reality is neither MS Office or Softmaker is alternative for what Libreoffice can do.Dec 28 06:37
schestowitz> Hi, Roy,Dec 28 06:47
schestowitz> Dec 28 06:47
schestowitz> Here's today's batch.Dec 28 06:47
schestowitz> Dec 28 06:47
schestowitz> Do 'ex' microsofters still have unenforceable non-disparagement clausesDec 28 06:47
schestowitz> in their termination agreements?  Such clauses are common in industryDec 28 06:47
schestowitz> and obeyed because they have not been challenged in court yet evenDec 28 06:47
schestowitz> though they are considered invalid and unenforceable.  If theDec 28 06:47
schestowitz> non-disparagement clauses could be eliminated there might be a lot ofDec 28 06:47
schestowitz> real ex microsofters that could confirm how that cult / company works.Dec 28 06:48
schestowitzPerlow left Microsoft, still pushes their agenda as ZDNet chief editorDec 28 06:48
*TweetTuxMachines @Pyrokitteh retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Red Hat takes different path in app design...'Dec 28 07:07
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 07:09
TweetTuxMachines                 #Ubuntu 17.10's Laptop Issue Appears To Be Under Control,Dec 28 07:09
TweetTuxMachines                 FixableDec 28 07:09
TweetTuxMachines         ( 28 07:09
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 07:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu 17.10's Laptop Issue Appears To Be Under Control, Fixable | Tux MachinesDec 28 07:09
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Ubuntu 17.10's Laptop Issue Appears To Be Under...'Dec 28 07:28
*TweetTuxMachines @RelevantTrack favourited 'Web Browsers and #Blockchain #www #brave...'Dec 28 07:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Web Browsers and Blockchain | Tux MachinesDec 28 07:36
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 08:55
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Web Browsers and #BlockchainDec 28 08:55
TweetTuxMachines @RelevantTrack ( #www #braveDec 28 08:55
TweetTuxMachines                 #firefox #mozilla #blockstackDec 28 08:55
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 08:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 08:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Security: Nation-State Hacking, Microsoft/WannaCry,Dec 28 08:56
TweetTuxMachines                 End-to-End Encryption, Updates and Client SecurityDec 28 08:56
TweetTuxMachines         ( 28 08:57
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 08:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security: Nation-State Hacking, Microsoft/WannaCry, End-to-End Encryption, Updates and Client Security | Tux MachinesDec 28 08:57
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Security: Nation-State Hacking, Microsoft/WannaCry, End-to-End Encryption, Updates and...'Dec 28 10:03
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsDec 28 10:25
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 28 10:43
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 11:24
TweetTuxMachines                 Today in TechrightsDec 28 11:24
TweetTuxMachines         ( 28 11:24
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 11:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesDec 28 11:24
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 11:26
TweetTuxMachines                 #Whitehouse Moves From #Drupal to #WordPress in #CMSDec 28 11:26
TweetTuxMachines                 Shift ( stillDec 28 11:26
TweetTuxMachines                 #freesw and #gplDec 28 11:26
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 11:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Moves From Drupal to WordPress in CMS Shift | Tux MachinesDec 28 11:26
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 11:27
TweetTuxMachines                 8 resources for understanding the open source cloud inDec 28 11:27
TweetTuxMachines                 2017 ( 28 11:27
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 11:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 8 resources for understanding the open source cloud in 2017 | Tux MachinesDec 28 11:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 11:31
TweetTuxMachines                 #Android Leftovers 28 11:31
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 28 11:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesDec 28 11:31
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 11:31
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Android Leftovers'Dec 28 11:31
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '8 resources for understanding the open source cloud...'Dec 28 11:31
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Whitehouse Moves From #Drupal to #WordPress in #CMS...'Dec 28 11:32
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Today in Techrights'Dec 28 11:38
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 11:41
TweetTuxMachines                 OSS: Computer History Museum, Small Open-Source OSs forDec 28 11:41
TweetTuxMachines                 Small IoT Devices, Spirit of Open SourceDec 28 11:41
TweetTuxMachines         ( 28 11:41
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 11:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OSS: Computer History Museum, Small Open-Source OSs for Small IoT Devices, Spirit of Open Source | Tux MachinesDec 28 11:41
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 11:41
TweetTuxMachines                 Red Hat and Fedora NewsDec 28 11:41
TweetTuxMachines         ( 28 11:41
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 11:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat and Fedora News | Tux MachinesDec 28 11:41
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'OSS: Computer History Museum, Small Open-Source OSs for...'Dec 28 11:42
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 28 11:44
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*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Red Hat and Fedora News'Dec 28 11:45
*TweetTuxMachines @Julien_Lau favourited '8 resources for understanding the open source cloud...'Dec 28 11:45
*TweetTuxMachines @Julien_Lau retweeted @tuxmachines: '8 resources for understanding the open source cloud...'Dec 28 11:47
*TweetTuxMachines @rbanffy favourited 'Red Hat and Fedora News'Dec 28 11:47
*TweetTuxMachines @rbanffy favourited 'OSS: Computer History Museum, Small Open-Source OSs for...'Dec 28 11:58
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 11:59
TweetTuxMachines                 #LinuxLite 3.8 Beta ReleasedDec 28 11:59
TweetTuxMachines         ( 28 11:59
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 11:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Lite 3.8 Beta Released | Tux MachinesDec 28 11:59
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#LinuxLite 3.8 Beta Released'Dec 28 12:09
*TweetTuxMachines @danielhikel favourited '#Whitehouse Moves From #Drupal to #WordPress in #CMS...'Dec 28 12:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 12:29
TweetTuxMachines                 The #KDE Community in 2017Dec 28 12:29
TweetTuxMachines        ( 28 12:29
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 12:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The KDE Community in 2017 | Tux MachinesDec 28 12:29
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'The #KDE Community in 2017'Dec 28 12:35
*TweetTuxMachines @jeffreyneillong retweeted @tuxmachines: 'The #KDE Community in 2017'Dec 28 12:35
*TweetTuxMachines @jeffreyneillong favourited 'The #KDE Community in 2017'Dec 28 12:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 12:44
TweetTuxMachines                 Top 10 Most Popular Linux Distributions of 2017Dec 28 12:44
TweetTuxMachines         ( 28 12:44
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 12:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Top 10 Most Popular Linux Distributions of 2017 | Tux MachinesDec 28 12:44
*TweetTuxMachines @dzxi favourited 'Top 10 Most Popular Linux Distributions of 2017...'Dec 28 12:44
*TweetTuxMachines @dzxi retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Top 10 Most Popular Linux Distributions of 2017...'Dec 28 12:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 12:46
TweetTuxMachines                 today's howtosDec 28 12:46
TweetTuxMachines         ( 28 12:46
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 12:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesDec 28 12:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 12:50
TweetTuxMachines                 BSD: LLVM 6 is Near, NetBSD 7.1.1 ReleasedDec 28 12:50
TweetTuxMachines         ( 28 12:50
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 12:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BSD: LLVM 6 is Near, NetBSD 7.1.1 Released | Tux MachinesDec 28 12:50
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Top 10 Most Popular Linux Distributions of 2017...'Dec 28 12:50
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'today's howtos'Dec 28 12:50
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'BSD: LLVM 6 is Near, NetBSD 7.1.1 Released...'Dec 28 12:51
-->SopaXorzTaker (~SopaXorzT@unaffiliated/sopaxorztaker) has joined #techrightsDec 28 12:51
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 12:53
TweetTuxMachines                 Kernel: Jailhouse 0.8 Released, Intel Lockdown, BtrfsDec 28 12:53
TweetTuxMachines                 RAID1/RAID10 ImprovementsDec 28 12:53
TweetTuxMachines         ( 28 12:53
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 12:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kernel: Jailhouse 0.8 Released, Intel Lockdown, Btrfs RAID1/RAID10 Improvements | Tux MachinesDec 28 12:53
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Kernel: Jailhouse 0.8 Released, Intel Lockdown, Btrfs RAID1/RAID10...'Dec 28 12:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 12:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Software: Frogr, Tasker, darktable, BlueworxDec 28 12:56
TweetTuxMachines        ( 28 12:56
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 12:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Software: Frogr, Tasker, darktable, Blueworx | Tux MachinesDec 28 12:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 12:59
TweetTuxMachines                 Games and Graphics: Unigine and ArmA 3Dec 28 12:59
TweetTuxMachines         ( 28 12:59
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 12:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games and Graphics: Unigine and ArmA 3 | Tux MachinesDec 28 12:59
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Software: Frogr, Tasker, darktable, Blueworx'Dec 28 12:59
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Games and Graphics: Unigine and ArmA 3 ...'Dec 28 13:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 13:02
TweetTuxMachines                 Devices: Raspberry Pi, Tizen and Android/EeloDec 28 13:02
TweetTuxMachines         ( 28 13:02
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 13:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Devices: Raspberry Pi, Tizen and Android/Eelo | Tux MachinesDec 28 13:02
<--SopaXorzTaker has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 28 13:19
-->SopaXorzTaker (~SopaXorzT@unaffiliated/sopaxorztaker) has joined #techrightsDec 28 13:19
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Devices: Raspberry Pi, Tizen and Android/Eelo'Dec 28 13:27
<--brendyn has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Dec 28 13:34
TweetTuxMachines@ContMgtSys_Tp 28 13:50
TweetTuxMachines        ( Moves FromDec 28 13:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Home Page | The White HouseDec 28 13:50
TweetTuxMachines                 Drupal to WordPress ... 28 13:50
TweetTuxMachines                 ( via @tuxmachines 28 13:50
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 13:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Moves From Drupal to WordPress in CMS ShiftDec 28 13:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@ContMgtSys_Tp: Moves From Drupal to WordPress ... via @tuxmachines 28 13:50
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 28 13:56
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 14:01
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    The #KDE Community in 2017Dec 28 14:01
TweetTuxMachines @linux_en ( 28 14:01
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 14:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The KDE Community in 2017 | Tux MachinesDec 28 14:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 14:04
TweetTuxMachines                 #GNOME DevelopmentDec 28 14:04
TweetTuxMachines        ( 28 14:04
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 14:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME Development | Tux MachinesDec 28 14:04
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#GNOME Development'Dec 28 14:06
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 14:07
TweetTuxMachines                 Syzbot: Google Continuously Fuzzing The Linux KernelDec 28 14:07
TweetTuxMachines         ( 28 14:07
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 14:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Syzbot: Google Continuously Fuzzing The Linux Kernel | Tux MachinesDec 28 14:07
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Syzbot: Google Continuously Fuzzing The Linux Kernel ...'Dec 28 14:13
-->mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsDec 28 14:26
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<--Firee has quit (Quit: lolmoi)Dec 28 16:02
-->Firee (~Firee@unaffiliated/firee) has joined #techrightsDec 28 16:32
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 16:43
TweetTuxMachines                 Dual Boot Ubuntu And Arch Linux 28 16:43
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 28 16:43
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 16:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Dual Boot Ubuntu And Arch Linux | Tux MachinesDec 28 16:43
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Dual Boot Ubuntu And Arch Linux'Dec 28 16:52
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 16:54
TweetTuxMachines                 #GCC 8 vs. #LLVM Clang 6 Performance At End Of Year 2017Dec 28 16:54
TweetTuxMachines        ( 28 16:54
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 16:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GCC 8 vs. LLVM Clang 6 Performance At End Of Year 2017 | Tux MachinesDec 28 16:54
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#GCC 8 vs. #LLVM Clang 6 Performance At...'Dec 28 16:55
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 28 16:57
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsDec 28 16:57
schestowitzRe: Your Recent Post on MeDec 28 17:11
schestowitz>  1. You seem angry—in a few days that anger is only going to get worseDec 28 17:11
schestowitz>     when you realize you are just fucking wrong (again)Dec 28 17:11
schestowitz>  2. Is the anger because you are poor, stupid and irrelevant?  Dec 28 17:11
schestowitz>  3. I can’t imagine how horrible it must feel to know that you are poorDec 28 17:11
schestowitz>     and stupid--but the worst has to be knowing that a few weeks afterDec 28 17:11
schestowitz>     you depart this earth no one will remember youDec 28 17:11
schestowitz>  4. If you can afford counseling you might want to consider this as aDec 28 17:11
schestowitz>     way to deal with this anger – it will not fix the problem, but mayDec 28 17:11
schestowitz>     make your miserable pathetic existence slightly more palatable forDec 28 17:11
schestowitz>     you – of course, there are other options and you should giveDec 28 17:11
schestowitz>     consideration to more definitive solutions to finally address theseDec 28 17:11
schestowitz>     issues (Holland is just a short trip if you can afford the flight)  Dec 28 17:11
schestowitz>  5. BestDec 28 17:11
schestowitz> Dec 28 17:11
schestowitz> Erich SpangenbergDec 28 17:11
schestowitzFirst time (almost) a patent troll writes to me like thisDec 28 17:11
schestowitzhe's one of the worst trollsDec 28 17:11
schestowitzbut at least he's not threatening Dec 28 17:11
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@jeremycorbyn @Conservatives #brexit “Remainers are a largely harmonious...'Dec 28 17:34
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 17:35
TweetTuxMachines                 #Security and #DRM LeftoversDec 28 17:35
TweetTuxMachines         ( 28 17:35
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 17:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security and DRM Leftovers | Tux MachinesDec 28 17:35
MinceR 28 17:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - ForgetfulnessDec 28 17:38
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Security and #DRM Leftovers'Dec 28 17:41
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 17:42
TweetTuxMachines                 Games and Education: Parkitect, Reigns: Her Majesty,Dec 28 17:42
TweetTuxMachines                 Krita in ColombiaDec 28 17:42
TweetTuxMachines         ( 28 17:42
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 17:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games and Education: Parkitect, Reigns: Her Majesty, Krita in Colombia | Tux MachinesDec 28 17:42
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 17:44
TweetTuxMachines                 today's howtosDec 28 17:44
TweetTuxMachines         ( 28 17:44
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 17:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesDec 28 17:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 17:48
TweetTuxMachines                 today's leftoversDec 28 17:48
TweetTuxMachines         ( 28 17:48
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 17:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux MachinesDec 28 17:48
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Games and Education: Parkitect, Reigns: Her Majesty, Krita...'Dec 28 17:48
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'today's howtos'Dec 28 17:48
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'today's leftovers'Dec 28 17:49
MinceR 28 18:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Helping a new user figure out the basics on this site.. - GIF on ImgurDec 28 18:01
MinceR 28 19:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SCP-3304 - SCP FoundationDec 28 19:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 19:31
TweetTuxMachines                 Links 28/12/2017: Jailhouse 0.8, Linux Lite 3.8 BetaDec 28 19:31
TweetTuxMachines        ( 28 19:31
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 19:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 28/12/2017: Jailhouse 0.8, Linux Lite 3.8 Beta | TechrightsDec 28 19:31
cubexyzI don't suppose there's a way to seach for images of a certain size?Dec 28 19:47
MinceRgoogle images has some size criteriaDec 28 19:47
MinceRunder Tools, iircDec 28 19:47
cubexyzhmmm, unfortunately nothing is really appropriate... easier to make somethingDec 28 19:51
DaemonFCWell, I got stuck in Indiana for another day.Dec 28 19:57
DaemonFCMy brake line went out right before I got on the interstate yesterday and I just barely got it into Meineke.Dec 28 19:58
cubexyzsounds pretty dangerousDec 28 19:58
DaemonFCIt's fixed but now just waiting for a ride back to Fort Wayne.Dec 28 19:58
cubexyzphotobucket doesn't seem to offer free image hosting any moreDec 28 20:06
cubexyz"Please update your account to enable 3rd party hosting"Dec 28 20:07
cubexyzah, another problem which can be solved via the power of $$$Dec 28 20:08
cubexyzmuch better to run your own hostingDec 28 20:12
cubexyztripod is seems to work thoughDec 28 20:31
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 20:31
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Links 28/12/2017: Jailhouse 0.8, Linux Lite 3.8 BetaDec 28 20:31
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 28 20:31
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 20:31
cubexyzs/is/still/Dec 28 20:32
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 20:40
TweetTuxMachines                 #Android Leftovers 28 20:40
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 28 20:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesDec 28 20:40
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 20:40
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Android Leftovers'Dec 28 20:41
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 20:43
TweetTuxMachines                 Puppy Linux Derivative #Fatdog64 Gets New Release withDec 28 20:43
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux 4.14, UEFI Installer 28 20:43
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 28 20:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Puppy Linux Derivative Fatdog64 Gets New Release with Linux 4.14, UEFI Installer | Tux MachinesDec 28 20:43
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 20:43
*TweetTuxMachines @softpedialinux favourited 'Puppy Linux Derivative #Fatdog64 Gets New Release with...'Dec 28 20:44
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Puppy Linux Derivative #Fatdog64 Gets New Release with...'Dec 28 21:07
*TweetTuxMachines @PABHERE retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Puppy Linux Derivative #Fatdog64 Gets New Release with...'Dec 28 21:07
*TweetTuxMachines @PABHERE favourited 'Puppy Linux Derivative #Fatdog64 Gets New Release with...'Dec 28 21:16
schestowitzMinceR: 28 21:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Orangutan Babysits Tiger Cubs ( - YouTubeDec 28 21:32
MinceR:3Dec 28 21:33
MinceR 28 21:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - BioreactionDec 28 21:40
<--Firee has quit (Quit: lolmoi)Dec 28 21:47
MinceR 28 21:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 28 21:50
TweetTuxMachines                 How Linux Performance Changed In 2017 With Clear Linux &Dec 28 21:50
TweetTuxMachines                 UbuntuDec 28 21:50
TweetTuxMachines         ( 28 21:50
TweetTuxMachines Dec 28 21:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How Linux Performance Changed In 2017 With Clear Linux & Ubuntu | Tux MachinesDec 28 21:50
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'How Linux Performance Changed In 2017 With Clear...'Dec 28 22:23
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 28 23:10
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsDec 28 23:10
*TweetTuxMachines @MariusNestor favourited 'Puppy Linux Derivative #Fatdog64 Gets New Release with...'Dec 28 23:19
-->brendyn (~brendyn@ has joined #techrightsDec 28 23:25
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Dec 29 00:14
MinceR 29 00:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Suspicious snekDec 29 00:24
MinceR 29 00:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Heart AttackDec 29 00:40
MinceR 29 00:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Super close up stuff - Album on ImgurDec 29 00:59
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 29 01:20
-->Firee (~Firee@unaffiliated/firee) has joined #techrightsDec 29 05:56
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 29 10:36
TweetTuxMachines                 Today in TechrightsDec 29 10:36
TweetTuxMachines         ( 29 10:36
TweetTuxMachines Dec 29 10:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesDec 29 10:36
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 29 10:37
TweetTuxMachines                 Linux Lite 3.8 Is the Last One to Be Released for SeriesDec 29 10:37
TweetTuxMachines                 3, Coming February 1 29 10:37
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 29 10:37
TweetTuxMachines Dec 29 10:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Lite 3.8 Is the Last One to Be Released for Series 3, Coming February 1 | Tux MachinesDec 29 10:37
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 29 10:39
TweetTuxMachines                 Happy 48th Birthday Linus Torvalds! Here are 20 FactsDec 29 10:39
TweetTuxMachines                 About Him ( 29 10:39
TweetTuxMachines Dec 29 10:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Happy 48th Birthday Linus Torvalds! Here are 20 Facts About Him | Tux MachinesDec 29 10:39
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Linux Lite 3.8 Is the Last One to...'Dec 29 10:39
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Happy 48th Birthday Linus Torvalds! Here are 20...'Dec 29 10:43
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 29 10:44
TweetTuxMachines                 #Android Leftovers 29 10:44
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 29 10:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesDec 29 10:44
TweetTuxMachines Dec 29 10:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 29 10:45
TweetTuxMachines                 The source code is the license 29 10:45
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 29 10:45
TweetTuxMachines Dec 29 10:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The source code is the license | Opensource.comDec 29 10:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 29 10:45
TweetTuxMachines                 Open source, sandwich-style CubieAIO SBCs tap the ActionsDec 29 10:45
TweetTuxMachines                 S700 and S500 SoCs 29 10:45
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 29 10:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open source, sandwich-style CubieAIO SBCs tap the Actions S700 and S500 SoCs | Tux MachinesDec 29 10:45
TweetTuxMachines Dec 29 10:45
*TweetTuxMachines @jst_A_tech retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Android Leftovers'Dec 29 10:46
*TweetTuxMachines @jst_A_tech favourited '#Android Leftovers'Dec 29 10:46
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Today in Techrights'Dec 29 10:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesDec 29 10:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 29 10:48
TweetTuxMachines quoted by       Tweet von Tux Machines (@tuxmachines) - #AndroidDec 29 10:48
TweetTuxMachines @verfassungklage  Leftovers ( 29 10:48
TweetTuxMachines                 Dec 29 10:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesDec 29 10:48
TweetTuxMachines        ( 29 10:48
TweetTuxMachines                 ▏ #Android Leftovers 29 10:48
TweetTuxMachines                 ▏ ( 29 10:48
TweetTuxMachines Dec 29 10:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@tuxmachines: #Android Leftovers 29 10:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 29 10:49
TweetTuxMachines quoted by       Tweet von Tux Machines (@tuxmachines) - The source codeDec 29 10:49
TweetTuxMachines @verfassungklage  is the license… ( 29 10:49
TweetTuxMachines                 Dec 29 10:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Dec 29 10:49
TweetTuxMachines        ( 29 10:49
TweetTuxMachines                 ▏ The source code is the license 29 10:49
TweetTuxMachines                 ▏ ( 29 10:49
TweetTuxMachines Dec 29 10:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@tuxmachines: The source code is the license 29 10:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The source code is the license | Opensource.comDec 29 10:49
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Open source, sandwich-style CubieAIO SBCs tap the Actions...'Dec 29 10:50
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'The source code is the license'Dec 29 10:50
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Android Leftovers'Dec 29 10:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesDec 29 10:57
*TweetTuxMachines @softpedialinux favourited 'Linux Lite 3.8 Is the Last One to...'Dec 29 10:58
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 29 10:59
TweetTuxMachines                 Canonical/Ubuntu 'Versus' AmazonDec 29 10:59
TweetTuxMachines         ( 29 10:59
TweetTuxMachines Dec 29 10:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Canonical/Ubuntu 'Versus' Amazon | Tux MachinesDec 29 10:59
DaemonFC 29 11:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Apple’s flagship Chicago retail store wasn’t designed to handle snow - The VergeDec 29 11:08
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Canonical/Ubuntu 'Versus' Amazon'Dec 29 11:34
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@MMFlint'Dec 29 11:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Impeach Trump: Add Your NameDec 29 11:41
DaemonFC 29 12:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft, Apple Products Top iFixit’s “Worst Devices of 2017” ListDec 29 12:00
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@jeremycorbyn @theresa_may Another half a trillion in deficit...'Dec 29 12:24
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)Dec 29 12:27
<--XRevan86 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 29 12:43
-->XRevan86 ( has joined #techrightsDec 29 12:44
-->mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsDec 29 12:49
*TweetTuxMachines @MariusNestor favourited 'Linux Lite 3.8 Is the Last One to...'Dec 29 12:51
TweetTuxMachines@technologytales 29 12:55
TweetTuxMachines                 The latest Technology Tales Daily!Dec 29 12:55
TweetTuxMachines        ( Thanks to @tuxmachinesDec 29 12:55
TweetTuxMachines                 #design #newsDec 29 12:55
TweetTuxMachines Dec 29 12:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Technology Tales DailyDec 29 12:55
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 29 13:14
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@ has joined #techrightsDec 29 13:19
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MinceR 29 15:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - AIDec 29 15:12
<--brendyn has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Dec 29 15:13
MinceR 29 15:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Moon bridge - ImgurDec 29 15:31
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 29 16:30
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Linux Lite 3.8 Is the Last One to Be Released for SeriesDec 29 16:30
TweetTuxMachines @AlejosAngel    3, Coming February 1 29 16:30
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 29 16:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Lite 3.8 Is the Last One to Be Released for Series 3, Coming February 1 | Tux MachinesDec 29 16:30
TweetTuxMachines Dec 29 16:30
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsDec 29 16:51
MinceR 29 17:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - PoliticsDec 29 17:14
MinceR 29 17:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Sleep well, won't you. - Album on ImgurDec 29 17:17
MinceR 29 17:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - BaaDec 29 17:22
schestowitzMinceR: block humourDec 29 17:31
schestowitzaplentyDec 29 17:31
cubexyz 29 17:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-DXX-Rebirth – The best way to prepare for Descent!Dec 29 17:36
MinceRniceDec 29 17:38
MinceR 29 17:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-/r/bestofcraigslist Best of 2017 Nominees - Album on ImgurDec 29 17:50
cubexyzhave you tried sbopkg yet MinceR?Dec 29 18:01
cubexyzseems pretty usefulDec 29 18:01
MinceRyesDec 29 18:01
MinceRit is, but it still inexplicably lacks some thingsDec 29 18:01
MinceRand can't build qt5Dec 29 18:01
cubexyztoday's project is building vcmiDec 29 18:12
cubexyzI've been meaning to do that for a whileDec 29 18:13
cubexyzold loki games like HOMM3 bomb out occasionallyDec 29 18:14
cubexyzyeah the qt5 issue is a bit of a painDec 29 18:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 29 18:23
TweetTuxMachines                 Latest $20 Orange Pi runs Android 7.0 on new Allwinner H6Dec 29 18:23
TweetTuxMachines        ( 29 18:23
TweetTuxMachines Dec 29 18:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Latest $20 Orange Pi runs Android 7.0 on new Allwinner H6 | Tux MachinesDec 29 18:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 29 18:23
TweetTuxMachines                 #Tizen OS set to dominate 70% of the global smart TVDec 29 18:23
TweetTuxMachines                 market this year 29 18:23
TweetTuxMachines                 ( #gnu #linux #tizenosDec 29 18:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tizen OS set to dominate 70% of the global smart TV market this year | Tux MachinesDec 29 18:23
TweetTuxMachines Dec 29 18:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 29 18:25
TweetTuxMachines                 #Samsung Z4 review: Are Samsung underestimating Tizen’sDec 29 18:25
TweetTuxMachines                 smartphone capabilities 29 18:25
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 29 18:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Samsung Z4 review: Are Samsung underestimating Tizen’s smartphone capabilities | Tux MachinesDec 29 18:25
TweetTuxMachines Dec 29 18:25
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Samsung Z4 review: Are Samsung underestimating Tizen’s smartphone...'Dec 29 18:25
*TweetTuxMachines @kaddourkardio favourited '#Samsung Z4 review: Are Samsung underestimating Tizen’s smartphone...'Dec 29 18:27
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Tizen OS set to dominate 70% of the...'Dec 29 18:31
cubexyzwhy is the qt5 stuff so big?Dec 29 18:33
cubexyzover 300 megsDec 29 18:33
*TweetTuxMachines @kaddourkardio favourited '#Tizen OS set to dominate 70% of the...'Dec 29 18:44
MinceRbecause it has all of Blink in itDec 29 18:49
MinceRalso why it takes hours to buildDec 29 18:49
MinceR 29 19:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - SleepoverDec 29 19:09
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Latest $20 Orange Pi runs Android 7.0 on...'Dec 29 19:14
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 29 19:40
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #Samsung Z4 review: Are Samsung underestimating Tizen’sDec 29 19:40
TweetTuxMachines @sony_innovation  smartphone capabilities 29 19:40
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 29 19:40
TweetTuxMachines Dec 29 19:40
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Dec 29 19:52
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 29 19:53
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsDec 29 19:53
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 29 20:10
TweetTuxMachines                 Top open source solutions for designers and artists fromDec 29 20:10
TweetTuxMachines                 2017Dec 29 20:10
TweetTuxMachines         ( 29 20:10
TweetTuxMachines Dec 29 20:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Top open source solutions for designers and artists from 2017 | Tux MachinesDec 29 20:10
MinceR 29 20:14
cubexyzone thing I should mention about Lenovo...Dec 29 20:31
cubexyzthey did make chromebooksDec 29 20:31
cubexyzN23 & N42, Thinkpad 11e and Thinkpad 13Dec 29 20:32
cubexyzprobably other ones as wellDec 29 20:32
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Top open source solutions for designers and artists...'Dec 29 20:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 29 20:51
TweetTuxMachines                 Games: Rivals of Aether, Momodora: Reverie Under theDec 29 20:51
TweetTuxMachines                 Moonlight and MoreDec 29 20:51
TweetTuxMachines         ( 29 20:51
TweetTuxMachines Dec 29 20:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Rivals of Aether, Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight and More | Tux MachinesDec 29 20:51
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 29 20:52
TweetTuxMachines                 KDE: Krita's 2017 Look Back, KDE-FreeBSD,Dec 29 20:52
TweetTuxMachines                 KMarkdownWebViewDec 29 20:52
TweetTuxMachines         ( 29 20:52
TweetTuxMachines Dec 29 20:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | KDE: Krita's 2017 Look Back, KDE-FreeBSD, KMarkdownWebView | Tux MachinesDec 29 20:53
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 29 20:55
TweetTuxMachines                 today's howtos 29 20:55
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 29 20:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesDec 29 20:55
TweetTuxMachines Dec 29 20:55
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'today's howtos'Dec 29 20:55
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'KDE: Krita's 2017 Look Back, KDE-FreeBSD, KMarkdownWebView ...'Dec 29 20:55
-->brendyn (~brendyn@ has joined #techrightsDec 29 20:59
MinceR 29 21:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Puppy TestDec 29 21:09
MinceR 29 21:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BOFH: Oh dear. Did someone get lost on the Audit Trail? • The RegisterDec 29 21:22
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Games: Rivals of Aether, Momodora: Reverie Under the...'Dec 29 21:28
MinceR 29 21:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-"thing I learned"-cat - Album on ImgurDec 29 21:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 29 21:36
TweetTuxMachines                 14 Linux and open source conferences worth attending inDec 29 21:36
TweetTuxMachines                 2018Dec 29 21:36
TweetTuxMachines         ( 29 21:36
TweetTuxMachines Dec 29 21:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 14 Linux and open source conferences worth attending in 2018 | Tux MachinesDec 29 21:36
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 29 21:39
TweetTuxMachines                 OSS LeftoversDec 29 21:39
TweetTuxMachines         ( 29 21:39
TweetTuxMachines Dec 29 21:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OSS Leftovers | Tux MachinesDec 29 21:39
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'OSS Leftovers'Dec 29 21:39
MinceR 29 21:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The Revenant Problem - A Philosophical Doom 2 Map - YouTubeDec 29 21:44
schestowitzLOLDec 29 21:50
schestowitzclassicDec 29 21:50
schestowitzI feel like a child againDec 29 21:50
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Dec 29 21:53
<--Firee has quit (Quit: lolmoi)Dec 29 22:06
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '14 Linux and open source conferences worth attending...'Dec 29 22:34
<--balrog has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Dec 29 22:38
MinceR 29 23:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - HealthcareDec 29 23:31
-->mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsDec 29 23:31
MinceR 29 23:35
MinceR 29 23:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-I think about this quote a lot. - Album on ImgurDec 29 23:47
cubexyzstill compiling :-/Dec 29 23:49
cubexyzreminiscent of KDE 3.4.2 compileDec 29 23:50
cubexyzthat took 24 hours.. hopefully compiling qt5 won't take as longDec 29 23:51
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 00:01
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    #Tizen OS set to dominate 70% of the global smart TVDec 30 00:01
TweetTuxMachines @titanve        market this year 30 00:01
TweetTuxMachines                 ( #gnu #linux #tizenosDec 30 00:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tizen OS set to dominate 70% of the global smart TV market this year | Tux MachinesDec 30 00:01
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 00:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 00:52
TweetTuxMachines                 Today in TechrightsDec 30 00:52
TweetTuxMachines         ( 30 00:52
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 00:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Dec 30 00:52
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsDec 30 00:56
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techrightsDec 30 01:02
<--mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Dec 30 01:43
MinceR 30 01:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BOFH: Do I smell burning toes, I mean burning toast? • The RegisterDec 30 01:47
MinceR 30 01:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - tldrDec 30 01:52
MinceR 30 01:54
-->balrog (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) has joined #techrightsDec 30 02:53
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Dec 30 05:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 05:52
TweetTuxMachines                 `Raspberry Pi sized SBC runs Linux on single-coreDec 30 05:52
TweetTuxMachines                 Cortex-A53 SoC 30 05:52
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 30 05:52
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 05:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi sized SBC runs Linux on single-core Cortex-A53 SoC | Tux MachinesDec 30 05:52
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 05:54
TweetTuxMachines                 Stable kernels 4.14.10 and 4.9.73 30 05:54
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 30 05:54
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 05:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Stable kernels 4.14.10 and 4.9.73 | Tux MachinesDec 30 05:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 05:55
TweetTuxMachines                 Android Leftovers 30 05:55
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 30 05:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesDec 30 05:55
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 05:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 05:56
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Linux Lite 3.8 Is the Last One to Be Released for SeriesDec 30 05:56
TweetTuxMachines @Myway500       3, Coming February 1 30 05:56
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 30 05:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Lite 3.8 Is the Last One to Be Released for Series 3, Coming February 1 | Tux MachinesDec 30 05:56
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 05:56
<--gde33 has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Dec 30 06:25
*TweetTuxMachines @softlockup favourited 'Linux Lite 3.8 Is the Last One to...'Dec 30 07:20
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 30 07:24
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@ has joined #techrightsDec 30 07:36
-->Firee (~Firee@unaffiliated/firee) has joined #techrightsDec 30 08:16
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Dec 30 08:51
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Android Leftovers'Dec 30 08:56
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Stable kernels 4.14.10 and 4.9.73'Dec 30 08:56
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '`Raspberry Pi sized SBC runs Linux on single-core...'Dec 30 08:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 09:00
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Today in TechrightsDec 30 09:00
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 30 09:00
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 09:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Dec 30 09:00
-->liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsDec 30 09:08
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 09:37
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    `Raspberry Pi sized SBC runs Linux on single-coreDec 30 09:37
TweetTuxMachines @peterardennet  Cortex-A53 SoC 30 09:37
TweetTuxMachines                 ( 30 09:37
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 09:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Raspberry Pi sized SBC runs Linux on single-core Cortex-A53 SoC | Tux MachinesDec 30 09:37
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 09:38
TweetTuxMachines                 Kernel Exploit For Sony PS4 Firmware 4.05 Released, FullDec 30 09:38
TweetTuxMachines                 Jailbreak Coming SoonDec 30 09:38
TweetTuxMachines         ( 30 09:38
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 09:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kernel Exploit For Sony PS4 Firmware 4.05 Released, Full Jailbreak Coming Soon | Tux MachinesDec 30 09:38
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 09:39
TweetTuxMachines                 Orange Pi One Plus Single Board Computer With Android IsDec 30 09:39
TweetTuxMachines                 Here, Linux Images Are ComingDec 30 09:40
TweetTuxMachines         ( 30 09:40
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 09:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Orange Pi One Plus Single Board Computer With Android Is Here, Linux Images Are Coming | Tux MachinesDec 30 09:40
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Kernel Exploit For Sony PS4 Firmware 4.05 Released,...'Dec 30 09:40
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 30 10:15
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsDec 30 10:16
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Orange Pi One Plus Single Board Computer With...'Dec 30 10:36
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 10:38
TweetTuxMachines                 #Wine 3.0 RC4Dec 30 10:38
TweetTuxMachines         ( 30 10:38
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 10:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wine 3.0 RC4 | Tux MachinesDec 30 10:38
<--Firee has quit (Quit: lolmoi)Dec 30 10:44
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Wine 3.0 RC4'Dec 30 10:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 10:58
TweetTuxMachines                 And the best distro of 2017 is ... (Kubuntu)Dec 30 10:59
TweetTuxMachines         ( @kubuntuDec 30 10:59
TweetTuxMachines                 @kdeDec 30 10:59
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 10:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | And the best distro of 2017 is ... (Kubuntu) | Tux MachinesDec 30 10:59
schestowitz> Hi, Roy,Dec 30 11:05
schestowitz> Dec 30 11:05
schestowitz> FSF presentation on DRM at 34C3 was a disappointment.  A lot of wordsDec 30 11:05
schestowitz> with no content, did not redeem even in the Q&A, more talk withoutDec 30 11:05
schestowitz> saying anything, and then played SJW games at the end.  FSF is soonDec 30 11:05
schestowitz> fucked if they have more staff like that.  I donated a big chunk ofDec 30 11:05
schestowitz> change to them this year again but will watch them like a hawk now toDec 30 11:05
schestowitz> see if they make the cut for next year.Dec 30 11:05
schestowitzTheir planet/RSS has been broken for a while, so I can hardly see/tell what's going on there.Dec 30 11:05
schestowitz> In contrast the presentation on Net Neutrality was quite informative.Dec 30 11:05
schestowitz> Dec 30 11:05
schestowitz> 30 11:05
schestowitz> 30 11:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Schedule 34th Chaos Communication CongressDec 30 11:05
schestowitz> Dec 30 11:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ - Net Neutraliy Enforcement in the EUDec 30 11:05
schestowitz> News sites are drying up this year as less and less reporting is doneDec 30 11:05
schestowitz> and more copy-pasta from Twitter and other disinformation servicesDec 30 11:05
schestowitz> happens.Dec 30 11:05
schestowitz> Dec 30 11:05
schestowitz> 30 11:05
schestowitzYes, I too am guilty of it, but I still publish in "long form" daily.Dec 30 11:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ - Social Cooling - big data’s unintended side effectDec 30 11:05
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'And the best distro of 2017 is ......'Dec 30 11:09
<--XRevan86 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 30 11:10
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 11:11
TweetTuxMachines                 #RADV GraphicsDec 30 11:11
TweetTuxMachines         ( 30 11:11
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 11:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | RADV Graphics | Tux MachinesDec 30 11:12
*TweetTuxMachines @rikmills88 retweeted @tuxmachines: 'And the best distro of 2017 is ......'Dec 30 11:12
*TweetTuxMachines @kubuntu retweeted @tuxmachines: 'And the best distro of 2017 is ......'Dec 30 11:12
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#RADV Graphics'Dec 30 11:14
*TweetTuxMachines @stejmurphy favourited 'And the best distro of 2017 is ......'Dec 30 11:14
-->XRevan86 ( has joined #techrightsDec 30 11:16
*TweetTuxMachines @stejmurphy retweeted @tuxmachines: 'And the best distro of 2017 is ......'Dec 30 11:19
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 11:21
TweetTuxMachines                 Security: Updates, Quantum Computers, Liability,Dec 30 11:21
TweetTuxMachines                 CryptojackingDec 30 11:21
TweetTuxMachines         ( 30 11:21
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 11:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security: Updates, Quantum Computers, Liability, Cryptojacking | Tux MachinesDec 30 11:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 11:24
TweetTuxMachines                 Server: Kubernetes, OpenStack, KubeCon + CloudNativeConDec 30 11:24
TweetTuxMachines         ( 30 11:24
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 11:24
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Security: Updates, Quantum Computers, Liability, Cryptojacking'Dec 30 11:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Server: Kubernetes, OpenStack, KubeCon + CloudNativeCon | Tux MachinesDec 30 11:24
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Server: Kubernetes, OpenStack, KubeCon + CloudNativeCon'Dec 30 11:25
*TweetTuxMachines @BillMew retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Server: Kubernetes, OpenStack, KubeCon + CloudNativeCon'Dec 30 11:42
*TweetTuxMachines @mat_kasprzak retweeted @tuxmachines: 'And the best distro of 2017 is ......'Dec 30 12:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 12:05
TweetTuxMachines                 today's howtosDec 30 12:05
TweetTuxMachines        ( 30 12:05
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 12:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesDec 30 12:05
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 12:06
TweetTuxMachines                 Software: Git 2.16 RC, Sayonara, Darktable, Thunar,Dec 30 12:06
TweetTuxMachines                 Krita, SnapsDec 30 12:06
TweetTuxMachines         ( 30 12:06
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 12:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Software: Git 2.16 RC, Sayonara, Darktable, Thunar, Krita, Snaps | Tux MachinesDec 30 12:06
*TweetTuxMachines @Blocked_Canary favourited 'And the best distro of 2017 is ......'Dec 30 12:06
*TweetTuxMachines @Blocked_Canary retweeted @tuxmachines: 'And the best distro of 2017 is ......'Dec 30 12:07
-->mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsDec 30 12:08
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 12:08
TweetTuxMachines                 Graphics: AMD, NVIDIA, Wayland CompositorDec 30 12:08
TweetTuxMachines         ( 30 12:08
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 12:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Graphics: AMD, NVIDIA, Wayland Compositor | Tux MachinesDec 30 12:08
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 12:09
TweetTuxMachines                 today's leftoversDec 30 12:09
TweetTuxMachines         ( 30 12:09
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 12:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux MachinesDec 30 12:09
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'today's howtos'Dec 30 12:12
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Software: Git 2.16 RC, Sayonara, Darktable, Thunar, Krita,...'Dec 30 12:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 12:16
TweetTuxMachines                 Links 30/12/2017: Wine 3.0 and Git 2.16 Have New RCsDec 30 12:16
TweetTuxMachines        ( 30 12:16
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 12:16
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Graphics: AMD, NVIDIA, Wayland Compositor'Dec 30 12:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 30/12/2017: Wine 3.0 and Git 2.16 Have New RCs | TechrightsDec 30 12:16
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Dec 30 12:21
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*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'today's leftovers'Dec 30 12:27
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*TweetTuxMachines @NTechlibre favourited 'today's howtos'Dec 30 12:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesDec 30 12:44
*TweetTuxMachines @NTechlibre retweeted @tuxmachines: 'today's howtos'Dec 30 13:16
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 14:39
TweetTuxMachines retweeted by    Links 30/12/2017: Wine 3.0 and Git 2.16 Have New RCsDec 30 14:39
TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz ( 30 14:39
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 14:39
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@JulianAssange But not Sanders, according to people from...'Dec 30 15:40
MinceR 30 15:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BOFH: But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? • The RegisterDec 30 15:52
MinceR 30 16:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - SnowflakeDec 30 16:33
MinceR 30 16:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-He doesn't know it's impossible - GIF on ImgurDec 30 16:56
MinceR 30 17:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Darths & DroidsDec 30 17:32
MinceR 30 17:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BOFH: The trouble with, er, windows installs • The RegisterDec 30 17:47
*TweetTuxMachines @YamiYukiSenpai favourited 'And the best distro of 2017 is ......'Dec 30 18:10
*TweetTuxMachines @bruno__rey favourited 'And the best distro of 2017 is ......'Dec 30 18:27
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Dec 30 18:40
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cubexyzinteresting to think about 1994 againDec 30 18:55
cubexyzit's a pity that the Linux Journal is endingDec 30 18:56
cubexyzdidn't quite realize at the time how important Linux would becomeDec 30 18:58
MinceR 30 18:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - ApesDec 30 18:59
MinceR 30 19:06
MinceR 30 19:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Darths & DroidsDec 30 19:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 20:01
TweetTuxMachines                 48th Birthday Tribute To Linus Torvalds, The Brain BehindDec 30 20:01
TweetTuxMachines                 The Linux ( 30 20:01
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 20:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 48th Birthday Tribute To Linus Torvalds, The Brain Behind The Linux | Tux MachinesDec 30 20:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 20:04
TweetTuxMachines                 How To Sync Time Between Linux And Windows Dual BootDec 30 20:04
TweetTuxMachines        ( 30 20:04
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 20:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How To Sync Time Between Linux And Windows Dual Boot | Tux MachinesDec 30 20:04
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '48th Birthday Tribute To Linus Torvalds, The Brain...'Dec 30 20:04
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'How To Sync Time Between Linux And Windows...'Dec 30 20:24
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 20:26
TweetTuxMachines                 Kernel: Linux Releases Past and PresentDec 30 20:26
TweetTuxMachines        ( 30 20:26
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 20:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kernel: Linux Releases Past and Present | Tux MachinesDec 30 20:26
cubexyzgame engine recreations are interestingDec 30 20:28
cubexyzfinally got vcmi working todayDec 30 20:28
cubexyz 30 20:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | List of game engine recreations - WikipediaDec 30 20:29
*TweetTuxMachines @softlockup favourited 'Kernel: Linux Releases Past and Present'Dec 30 20:29
MinceR 30 20:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - CucurbitsDec 30 20:35
cubexyzyou bought soonish? :)Dec 30 20:36
MinceRno, it isn't for sale hereDec 30 20:37
MinceRdownloaded it thoughDec 30 20:37
DaemonFCI guess if Linus Torvalds himself said that Debian was too hard to set up, I feel better.Dec 30 20:39
DaemonFCAt least, that's what I thought of it with version 6.Dec 30 20:39
cubexyzI forget which one was version 6Dec 30 20:41
cubexyzoh right, squeezeDec 30 20:41
XRevan86Debian is my first OS that I tried after Windows :)Dec 30 20:41
DaemonFC 30 20:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why Linus Torvalds Doesn't Like Using Debian Or Ubuntu Linux?Dec 30 20:41
DaemonFC"Linus calls Debian a 'pointless exercise' as the point of a distribution is to make things simple and easy to install."Dec 30 20:42
cubexyzI ran lenny (5) and wheezy (7) for a whileDec 30 20:42
DaemonFCIn my opinion, a desktop role should be so easy to set up that a user can click next next, make a user, set a password, next and reboot and at least 95% of the setup is finishedd.Dec 30 20:42
cubexyzbut I ended up on slackware mostlyDec 30 20:42
XRevan86When I first say the CLI, I thought that this is what I've been missing out on Windows.Dec 30 20:43
cubexyzin the olden days, Venix and Xenix... we are a billion times better off nowDec 30 20:44
cubexyzXRevan86, you never used msdos?Dec 30 20:44
XRevan86cubexyz: I did… kind ofDec 30 20:45
cubexyzyou wanted a Xenix with the development system? you had to spent $1k+Dec 30 20:48
cubexyzI remember driving into toronto to buy a C compiler :)Dec 30 20:49
cubexyzso complaining about debian... I'm not sure that's justifiedDec 30 20:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 20:49
TweetTuxMachines                 Security: Windows Ransomware, Ukraine, and PS4Dec 30 20:49
TweetTuxMachines                 JailbreakingDec 30 20:49
TweetTuxMachines         ( 30 20:49
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 20:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security: Windows Ransomware, Ukraine, and PS4 Jailbreaking | Tux MachinesDec 30 20:49
XRevan86cubexyz: I never used any DOS as a main OS. I'm younger than that %).Dec 30 20:49
cubexyzthere's some research that older people found msdos easier to learn than GUIsDec 30 20:50
cubexyzbut then some people were introduced to computers via GUI at a young ageDec 30 20:50
MinceRLinus doesn't do well with user spaceDec 30 20:51
MinceR30 214241 < DaemonFC> In my opinion, a desktop role should be so easy to set up that a user can click next next, make a user, set a password, next and reboot and at least 95% of the setup is finishedd.Dec 30 20:51
MinceRwhat if there's another OS already installed?Dec 30 20:52
cubexyznot to mention the BIOS problems...Dec 30 20:52
cubexyzpeople definitely still need a lot of helpDec 30 20:52
DaemonFCMinceR: That's what Manual Partitioning is for.Dec 30 20:53
DaemonFCThe default setup should assume you want the OS as your only one, but warn that if you need your existing OS, to use manual partitionng.Dec 30 20:53
cubexyzthe thing about msdos was... if it got borked up you could reload it in a few minutesDec 30 20:54
MinceRand it should dismiss that warning with a button labeled "Next"?Dec 30 20:54
DaemonFCI have Fedora as the only OS on this computer.Dec 30 20:54
cubexyznowadys, reloading the OS is an epic... unless you're a minimalist BL3 or ttylinuxDec 30 20:54
DaemonFCApparently, there is a fix for the Ubuntu screws up your Insyde BIOS problem.Dec 30 20:55
MinceR"buy AMD"? :>Dec 30 20:55
DaemonFCInstall a mainline kernel, reboot into that kernel, reboot the computer into the BIOS setup, and it should no longer be read only.Dec 30 20:55
DaemonFCMinceR: Something like this could happen with AMD as well.Dec 30 20:55
DaemonFCThey use uEFI too.Dec 30 20:55
MinceR"build your own PC on an FPGA"?Dec 30 20:55
DaemonFCIt just so happened that a kernel driver for intel spi got something wrong and marked part of the firmware as read only.Dec 30 20:56
cubexyzMinceR, some ASUS and gigabyte motherboards are pretty goodDec 30 20:56
DaemonFCThe reason it didn't affect most distributions is that the default kernel config is to not build that driver.Dec 30 20:56
DaemonFCIf Ubuntu never shipped it, then the problem would have gone unnoticed probably.Dec 30 20:56
*TweetTuxMachines @tuxmachines favourited '@jeremycorbyn @manchesterfire @gmpolice Not the first time they...'Dec 30 20:56
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Kernel: Linux Releases Past and Present'Dec 30 20:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kernel: Linux Releases Past and Present | Tux MachinesDec 30 20:56
MinceRfunny how people only blamed ubuntu for thatDec 30 20:57
cubexyzyou could coreboot them at leastDec 30 20:57
DaemonFCMinceR: It was a driver fuck up, but Ubuntu got the blame because other distributions didn't include the driver.Dec 30 20:58
MinceR 30 20:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-More super close up stuff - Album on ImgurDec 30 20:59
DaemonFCThus, never provoked the bug.Dec 30 20:59
DaemonFCThe problem is with the driver. The firmware is behaving according to spec. The driver used it wrong.Dec 30 20:59
cubexyzyou have to check the hardware before you buyDec 30 20:59
MinceRlet me guess, the driver came from intelDec 30 20:59
DaemonFCMinceR: It was written by Intel, yes.Dec 30 20:59
DaemonFCWhich is really funny if you think about it, because they wrote  the spec that they ended up using incorrectly. Dec 30 21:00
MinceRi wonder if it was due to incompetence or maliceDec 30 21:00
DaemonFCMinceR: Probably incompetence. Dec 30 21:00
DaemonFCThe uEFI spec is huge and some of it isn't clarified.Dec 30 21:01
DaemonFCThey've had to release clarification documents for some parts of the spec.Dec 30 21:01
cubexyzyou have to go to a specialist to get a coreboot ATX motherboard I'm sorry to sayDec 30 21:02
cubexyzand I'm not sure Lenovo won't try to lock down their firmware...Dec 30 21:05
oiaohmDaemonFC: that recent driver issue with intel by spec intel driver should have never stuffed up the firmware.   It worked perfectly on the Intel reference firmware.Dec 30 21:05
oiaohmDaemonFC: and it also worked perfectly on the coreboot UEFI.Dec 30 21:05
MinceR 30 21:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-"There's gotta be a way in." - GIF on ImgurDec 30 21:06
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Security: Windows Ransomware, Ukraine, and PS4 Jailbreaking ...'Dec 30 21:06
MinceRif you don't use uefi at all, you don't have to worry about the uefi spec being ambiguous >> 30 21:06
oiaohmMinceR: the fault is not UEFI with the SPI driver.Dec 30 21:10
oiaohm 30 21:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-linux/intel-spi.txt at master · torvalds/linux · GitHubDec 30 21:10
oiaohmIntel SPI driver presumed that the SPI would start up in read only mode at least.Dec 30 21:10
oiaohmThe stuffing by EFI/BIOS firmware by Ubuntu is that the correct permissions were not set by makers on their SPI before starting OS.Dec 30 21:11
MinceRoiaohm: i didn't say it wasDec 30 21:11
oiaohmPoint is that was in intel specirfication for using their hardware.Dec 30 21:12
oiaohmEven when it in the specification makers still manage not to follow it.Dec 30 21:12
cubexyz'Following the release of Windows 8 in late 2012, it was discovered that certain Lenovo computer models with secure boot had firmware that was hardcoded to allow only executables named "Windows Boot Manager" orFollowing the release of Windows 8 in late 2012, it was discovered that certain Lenovo computer models with secure boot had firmware that was hardcoded to allow only executables named "Windows Boot Manager" or "Red Hat Enterprise Linux" to load, rDec 30 21:13
cubexyzegardless of any other setting "Red Hat Enterprise Linux" to load, regardless of any other setting "Red Hat Enterprise Linux" to load, regardless of any other setting'Dec 30 21:13
cubexyzoh damn, sorryDec 30 21:13
cubexyzstupid x2x bugDec 30 21:13
oiaohmHardware makers have the point of view they ship it broken its not their problem most of the time its the drivers who have to cope with it.   Iphone recently with battery problem classic example where system is slowed down to work around hardware problem but this time the regulators and courts are getting upset.Dec 30 21:16
cubexyzobviously you can't really trust Lenovo OR IntelDec 30 21:17
cubexyzyou need to own OS A to boot OS B? rubbish...Dec 30 21:18
MinceRhypePhones were always garbageDec 30 21:18
oiaohmcubexyz: really most hardware vendors have you cannot 100 percent trust.Dec 30 21:18
oiaohmMinceR: its the first time the regulators are getting up set by update decreasing performance and working around hardware issue.   This has happened with Android phones and Laptops before.Dec 30 21:19
MinceRoiaohm: it's the apple way to not give users a choice in matters like thisDec 30 21:20
cubexyzoiaohm, the first thing I do before I buy any electronics is try to find the service manualDec 30 21:20
MinceRunfortunately, it has metastasized alreadyDec 30 21:20
oiaohmMinceR: do you think carrier controlled android have given users any choice either.Dec 30 21:20
MinceRin plenty of things, yesDec 30 21:21
cubexyzHP laserjet printers have a cottage industry for repairsDec 30 21:21
MinceRand all the android phones i've ever owned also make it easy to replace a batteryDec 30 21:21
cubexyzyou can get parts and service without too much troubleDec 30 21:21
oiaohmMinceR: I can point to telstra brand android phone that did the same thing 4 years ago no regulator step in and totally sealed case.Dec 30 21:21
oiaohmMinceR: the regulator on these things have been asleep at wheel.Dec 30 21:22
MinceRoiaohm: i have yet to meet the horde of retards telling me that telstra brand phones are the best thing evar, thoughDec 30 21:22
oiaohmMinceR: some are.   Telstra buys phones from many different makers and have their brand shoved on them.Dec 30 21:23
MinceRlenovo's still making android phones with easily replaceable batteries, btwDec 30 21:23
MinceRat least some of them under the motorola brandDec 30 21:23
oiaohmMinceR: the one thing is Telstra android phones have normally got updates for 5 years.Dec 30 21:24
oiaohmMinceR: so they are not complete crap.Dec 30 21:24
MinceR 30 21:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Darths & DroidsDec 30 21:24
MinceRso you insistDec 30 21:24
cubexyzI'd rather have specific recommendations beyond not complete crap Dec 30 21:25
MinceRthis industry doesn't seem to be interested in anything better than "not complete crap", and even that is going awayDec 30 21:26
MinceRwe'll just have to do it ourselvesDec 30 21:26
oiaohmTo be correct testra 5 years is not 5 years from manufacture is 5 years from last sale.   Its basically the best maker firmware deal going other that install you own.   Kind of makes sense when they are a carrier and could be on the receiving end of phone issues.Dec 30 21:28
oiaohmBut there other things about some of the telstra models that are crap.  Like no replacable battery large fee at times to connect to different carrior...Dec 30 21:29
oiaohmAlso telstra phone make it next to impossible to install your own firmware.Dec 30 21:30
cubexyzdoes any smartphone have FOSS firmware?Dec 30 21:31
oiaohmcubexyz: not 100 percent.  oppo and few other makers do mostly FOSS.Dec 30 21:32
<--liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Dec 30 21:33
oiaohmcubexyz: even something like the Librem 5 the base-band system is outside users control or validation. Dec 30 21:34
oiaohmcubexyz: Neo FreeRunner and other Neo phones was the only time we had the base-band.Dec 30 21:36
oiaohmcubexyz: and that only works up to 2GDec 30 21:36
oiaohmcubexyz: basically Neo are historic smartphones that were FOSS completely.   We have not seen anything current like it.Dec 30 21:38
cubexyzbut one could use one as their cell phone now I assume?Dec 30 21:43
amarsh04oiaohm, Telstra are useless in recommending a mobile phone that supports frequencies/bands in use in other countriesDec 30 21:43
oiaohmcubexyz: in Australia where I am all phone towers are 3G or better straight out refuse 2G phones so make Neo paper weights.Dec 30 21:44
cubexyzhmmm, I wonder if Canada is the sameDec 30 21:45
oiaohmamarsh04: I know that one even that Testra does have a few of their own branded phones that are good all frequencies phones.Dec 30 21:46
oiaohmamarsh04: mind you the requirement to pay the carrier unlocking fee so it works overseas is common skipped as well by telstra staff.Dec 30 21:46
amarsh04any specifically, and do they list the supported frequencies/bands on their web site?Dec 30 21:46
amarsh04plus I am working at a site in the Adelaide CBD that has poor Telstra coverage but good Optus/Vodaphone coverageDec 30 21:47
amarsh04an argument for local roaming if there ever was oneDec 30 21:47
cubexyzlooks like there's still some 2G networks operatingDec 30 21:48
cubexyzoh dear, Bell shutdown 2G in may 2017Dec 30 21:48
amarsh04basically Telstra are full of it not knowing their own coverage or mobile outages and Optus and Vodaphone are no betterDec 30 21:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 21:49
TweetTuxMachines                 #Gentoo based Russian #gnu #linux distro Calculate LinuxDec 30 21:49
TweetTuxMachines                 has a new release this weekend: 30 21:49
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-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Calculate Linux 17.12 released | Tux MachinesDec 30 21:49
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 21:49
amarsh04off to sleep...Dec 30 21:49
cubexyzoiaohm, unfortunately even if I get one of those neo freerunner phones, I may not be able to operate it for longDec 30 21:50
oiaohmamarsh04: the specs on the testra site does include freqs the phone supports.   Of course the people in store at totally clueless when Testra has a good one.Dec 30 21:50
*TweetTuxMachines @GentooBot retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Gentoo based Russian #gnu #linux distro Calculate Linux...'Dec 30 21:51
oiaohmamarsh04: or that paying the unlocking fee is required when visiting many locations.Dec 30 21:51
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#Gentoo based Russian #gnu #linux distro Calculate Linux...'Dec 30 21:57
oiaohmcubexyz: please note open source versions of 3g and 4g exist  but you don't find these in phones.    Attempting to place these in phones would also equal coming under massive patent assault.Dec 30 21:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OpenLTEDec 30 21:57
oiaohmcubexyz: those with the patents want to be paid for every 3g/4g phone.Dec 30 21:58
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 22:13
TweetTuxMachines                 #LinuxConsole 2018 Gaming Operating System Released withDec 30 22:13
TweetTuxMachines                 TORCS and SuperTuxKartDec 30 22:13
TweetTuxMachines         ( 30 22:13
TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 22:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LinuxConsole 2018 Gaming Operating System Released with TORCS and SuperTuxKart | Tux MachinesDec 30 22:13
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: '#LinuxConsole 2018 Gaming Operating System Released with TORCS...'Dec 30 22:13
*TweetTuxMachines @biXoD favourited '#LinuxConsole 2018 Gaming Operating System Released with TORCS...'Dec 30 22:13
MinceR 30 22:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - EllipsisDec 30 22:14
-->XFaCE (~XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techrightsDec 30 22:16
*TweetTuxMachines @biXoD retweeted @tuxmachines: '#LinuxConsole 2018 Gaming Operating System Released with TORCS...'Dec 30 22:23
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 22:26
TweetTuxMachines                 Excellent Free Roguelike #GamesDec 30 22:26
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TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 22:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Excellent Free Roguelike Games | Tux MachinesDec 30 22:26
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-->brendyn (~brendyn@ has joined #techrightsDec 30 23:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines 30 23:52
TweetTuxMachines                 There Still Are Some Pain Points For Linux Gaming MovingDec 30 23:52
TweetTuxMachines                 Into 2018Dec 30 23:52
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TweetTuxMachines Dec 30 23:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | There Still Are Some Pain Points For Linux Gaming Moving Into 2018 | Tux MachinesDec 30 23:52
*TweetTuxMachines @schestowitz retweeted @tuxmachines: 'There Still Are Some Pain Points For Linux...'Dec 30 23:56
*TweetTuxMachines @softlockup favourited 'There Still Are Some Pain Points For Linux...'Dec 30 23:56
cubexyzwell, screw the cell phone (for now)Dec 30 23:57

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