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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 22nd, 2019 – April 28th, 2019

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<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 22 00:21
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 22 00:21
schestowitz 22 03:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@extremelabs: @schestowitz @BrideOfLinux For one, search on monilithic.Apr 22 03:00
schestowitzThanks. Odd how it managed to sneak in and wasn't highlighted eitherApr 22 03:00
schestowitz 22 04:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@extremelabs: @schestowitz @BrideOfLinux It also missed "nontechnical" as non-technical is likely the better choice. As a writer,… 22 04:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@extremelabs: @schestowitz @BrideOfLinux It also missed "nontechnical" as non-technical is likely the better choice. As a writer,… 22 04:00
schestowitz"It also missed "nontechnical" as non-technical is likely the better choice. As a writer, these things glare at me, and I don't want to be a grammar authoritarian. The gist was pertinent, and that's what counts."Apr 22 04:00
schestowitznontechnical is now accepted by dictionaries and spellcheckersApr 22 04:00
schestowitz 22 04:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: @extremelabs @schestowitz If your writing to AP Style, "nontechnical" is correct.Apr 22 04:01
schestowitz 22 04:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@extremelabs: @BrideOfLinux @schestowitz And those in the know (engineers) believe even the AP has missed targets, viz "internet"… 22 04:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@extremelabs: @BrideOfLinux @schestowitz And those in the know (engineers) believe even the AP has missed targets, viz "internet"… 22 04:01
schestowitz"And those in the know (engineers) believe even the AP has missed targets, viz "internet" as opposed to "Internet". An internet is a group of connected networks. The Internet was invented by DARPA. Language changes, I admit, but correctness never goes out of style."Apr 22 04:01
schestowitzThe Internet is always Internet, I agree...Apr 22 04:01
schestowitz 22 04:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: @extremelabs @schestowitz Agree with the internet, although both publications for which I write (as well as one I p… 22 04:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: @extremelabs @schestowitz Agree with the internet, although both publications for which I write (as well as one I p… 22 04:18
schestowitz 22 04:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JamieXML: @schestowitz A guy can dream. Happy Easter.Apr 22 04:18
schestowitz 22 06:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@bastianbest: @schestowitz Beware of hindsight! This one was invented almost 15 years ago, so you have to assess what was obvious then, not today.Apr 22 06:17
schestowitz"Beware of hindsight! This one was invented almost 15 years ago, so you have to assess what was obvious then, not today."Apr 22 06:17
schestowitzNot about obviousness or prior art but scope hereApr 22 06:17
schestowitz> reddit is brutal, but it looks like they havent missed the points entirely.Apr 22 06:23
schestowitz> Apr 22 06:23
schestowitz> im of the opinion that if the next incarnation of techrights goes from 3 columns to 2, or even expands to use more of the screen its on (its using less than 2/3 of my laptop screen in terms of width) it will help readability substantially.Apr 22 06:23
schestowitz> Apr 22 06:23
schestowitz> i also think your paragraphs are too long for many readers, but i make mine very short, so either yours are fine or the ideal is somewhere in the middle.Apr 22 06:23
schestowitz> Apr 22 06:23
schestowitz> im truly happy just to have the article out there and have it get this much of a response. it has taken a couple of tries to realise that your editing is very minimal, and your use of [...] is the proper thing to do with a quote, but as an editor you have some right to edit paragraphs without placing everything in quotes.Apr 22 06:23
schestowitz> Apr 22 06:23
schestowitz> at least-- if you send back a version with your edits, i can approve it and you wont feel the need to use all the ellipses.Apr 22 06:23
schestowitz> Apr 22 06:23
schestowitz> as for overall length and paragraph length, if you give me a range to work within i can try to keep it trimmed down for you.Apr 22 06:23
schestowitz> Apr 22 06:23
schestowitz> like i said, im happy. this is just for some of your harder-to-please readers. id drop the number of columns in the next techrights. 3 used to be common, and i know its all about as much info as possible, but a lot of readers are back to expecting a single column. 2 will make it easier on them than 3.Apr 22 06:23
schestowitz> Apr 22 06:23
schestowitz> just options to consider. im honestly very grateful for the whole thing. cheers.Apr 22 06:23
schestowitz> Apr 22 06:23
schestowitz> p.s. the coloured code was just to show that coding isnt just creating shortcuts. i mean its not great code, but i wrote all 1500 lines of it.Apr 22 06:23
schestowitzreddit was always this nasty towards the site. many of the comment came from microsoft people (or novell).Apr 22 06:23
schestowitzRe: techworm apr 17 former mozilla vp blames googles for sab ffApr 22 06:24
schestowitz> 22 06:24
-TechrightsBN/ | Former Mozilla VP blames Google For Sabotaging FirefoxApr 22 06:24
schestowitz> Apr 22 06:24
schestowitz> kavita iyerApr 22 06:24
schestowitz> Apr 22 06:24
schestowitz> reminds me of microsoft tactics against gnu, probably a story worth promoting (these sorts of tactics in general would be a great thing for techrights to help the world keep track of. it makes me want to come up with a term even broader than redix)Apr 22 06:24
schestowitzI saw that article and put it in techrights at the time Apr 22 06:24
schestowitz> everyone is applauing how sam hartman is going to make debian fun--Apr 22 06:25
schestowitz> Apr 22 06:25
schestowitz> fun seems to imply a controversy-free atmosphere, where when users and developers are shit on, they dont have the audacity to speak up.Apr 22 06:25
schestowitz> Apr 22 06:25
schestowitz> jono bacons openrespect has finally moved into debian, on wings of the code of conduct. (i nevre had a problem with debians community guidelines-- they were used to try to silence dissent about systemd, which to me proved that they had allowed guidelines to become a muzzle instead of a social agreement) none of this sounds like fun, it sounds like corporatespeak.Apr 22 06:25
schestowitzhartman seems OK to me.Apr 22 06:25
schestowitzphoronix sam hartman, openrespectApr 22 06:25
schestowitz 22 06:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@EuroPleasureMac: @schestowitz Good bless!Apr 22 06:29
schestowitz> hartman seems OK to me.Apr 22 06:44
schestowitz> Apr 22 06:44
schestowitz> its only the words that bother me. im confident you know more about the guy than i do. i would like for debian to get more honest about its past 5 years away from its mission-- not that i think that will ever happen, it would be nice.Apr 22 06:44
schestowitzI would love pocock to have won, but never mind...Apr 22 06:44
schestowitz 22 07:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@bastianbest: @schestowitz “Scope” is not a patentability requirement in any patent system I’m aware of.Apr 22 07:47
schestowitzAliceApr 22 07:47
schestowitz 22 07:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@aral: “We shouldn’t allow the government to have such broad access to our digital lives” * corporations—governments only… 22 07:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@aral: “We shouldn’t allow the government to have such broad access to our digital lives” * corporations—governments only… 22 07:48
schestowitz"Apr 22 07:48
schestowitzMore Aral Balkan ( Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Apr 22 07:48
schestowitz“We shouldn’t allow the government to have such broad access to our digital lives”Apr 22 07:48
schestowitz* corporations—governments only have access because all our new everyday things are designed for corporations to spy on us. You can’t fight one without fighting the other.Apr 22 07:48
schestowitz#SurveillanceCapitalismApr 22 07:48
schestowitz"Apr 22 07:48
schestowitz 22 07:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@RatesKwite: @newmeistheoldme @schestowitz @wikileaks ultra high definition photo rhApr 22 07:51
schestowitz 22 07:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@wfvoogd: @schestowitz FaceboocracyApr 22 07:57
schestowitzThey influence, as a corporation with shareholders, the outcome and profit while they influence, from this very influence. But hey "social!"Apr 22 07:58
schestowitz 22 08:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Joshua52438407: @schestowitz Then why are you posting it?Apr 22 08:15
schestowitz 22 08:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ygo2_0: @schestowitz for "too late" put signatureApr 22 08:28
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 22 17:30
schestowitz 22 17:35
-TechrightsBN/ | NixiИ: " recall the recent sabot…" - LinuxRocks.OnlineApr 22 17:35
schestowitz" recall the recent sabotage of loading speeds in Edge?"Apr 22 17:35
-TechrightsBN/ | Why YouTube is so slow in Microsoft Edge (and how to fix it) | Windows CentralApr 22 17:35
schestowitz 22 17:35
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaApr 22 17:35
schestowitz"This could change. It’s still a while until December."Apr 22 17:35
schestowitz 22 17:36
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaApr 22 17:36
schestowitz"Apr 22 17:36
schestowitz“via unidentified fingerprints of another user and a pack of chewing gum.”Apr 22 17:36
schestowitzawkward_new.jpgApr 22 17:36
schestowitz"Apr 22 17:36
schestowitz 22 17:37
-TechrightsBN/ | Stephen Michael Kellat: " Even the stupid regulat…" - Mastodon @ SDFApr 22 17:37
schestowitz"Even the stupid regulations?  Some got pruned for good cause."Apr 22 17:37
schestowitzOK, tell me whichApr 22 17:37
schestowitz 22 17:38
schestowitz"Apr 22 17:39
schestowitzThanks for being a worthless NPC @schestowitz! Apr 22 17:39
schestowitzYour social networks counterintelligence services was rewarded into your account.Apr 22 17:39
schestowitz"Apr 22 17:39
schestowitz 22 17:39
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaApr 22 17:39
schestowitz" thank you doctor for your wisdom"Apr 22 17:39
schestowitz 22 17:40
schestowitz"Apr 22 17:40
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaApr 22 17:40
schestowitz if there's evidence they're editorializing, i can't see it in your link. am i missing something?Apr 22 17:40
schestowitzthe article, and google's blog post it links to announcing the changes, mentions that this utilizes a third party ( "claimreview") to surface the cards. the other thing they're doing is prioritizing results from "authoritative news sources," although i saw fox news in their top news results.Apr 22 17:40
schestowitzall of this could be done automatically.Apr 22 17:40
schestowitz"Apr 22 17:40
schestowitzThey write algos for itApr 22 17:40
schestowitz 22 17:41
-TechrightsBN/ | Andrew Miloradovsky: " Just add an upper-case …" - Functional CaféApr 22 17:41
schestowitz" Just add an upper-case letter, a lower-case one, and a punctuation sign, and you'll be OK…"Apr 22 17:41
schestowitz 22 17:41
schestowitz" seems interesting how we created memory problems with the philosophy of "we have enough RAM", and now it's revolutionary to solve the problem that was created by lazy design."Apr 22 17:41
schestowitz 22 17:42
schestowitz"Apr 22 17:42
schestowitz I had GNU LibreJS disabled for about a week. The machine resource loads went high.Apr 22 17:42
schestowitzSince Firefox announced defenses by default against cryptominers, there seems to be a rise in embedded miners in javascript on websites.Apr 22 17:42
schestowitzOn another note, the dmesg security issue is bound to draw attention from bad actors now. Even though the problem had mostly always been how to determine the priority level/severity code of a message (info, warning, error, critical etc.).Apr 22 17:42
-TechrightsBN/ | NixiИ: " I had GNU LibreJS disab…" - LinuxRocks.OnlineApr 22 17:42
schestowitz"Apr 22 17:42
schestowitz 22 17:42
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaApr 22 17:42
schestowitz"Apr 22 17:43
schestowitz wouldnt need this driver if ttys behaved more like filesApr 22 17:43
schestowitzApr 22 17:43
schestowitz"Apr 22 17:43
schestowitz 22 17:43
-TechrightsBN/ | Jack Lhasa: " journalism cannot be do…" - Layer8 in SpaceApr 22 17:43
schestowitz" journalism cannot be done by a machine. It relies of the human quality of Liberty. Anchors, Reporters, Hosts, Talking heads, however could be fully automated without much issue b"Apr 22 17:43
schestowitz 22 17:44
-TechrightsBN/ | vmaudlwx: " I would like to visit t…" - MastodonApr 22 17:44
schestowitz" I would like to visit the link, but i dont want to make MITM-attacks inside of my browser possible. Why is the website missing simple, no-cost (free) HTTPS?"Apr 22 17:44
schestowitz 22 17:44
-TechrightsBN/ | TheBest: " Convinced or paid off?" - SwitterApr 22 17:44
schestowitz"Convinced or paid off?"Apr 22 17:44
schestowitzSame thing to themApr 22 17:44
schestowitz 22 17:45
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaApr 22 17:45
schestowitz"Apr 22 17:45
schestowitz> Anarchists come in all shapes and sizes.Apr 22 17:45
schestowitzThis is not true. Anarchists are standardized. For example, if you are a sexist or an anti-Semite, you will no longer be allowed to be called an anarchist. Moreover, if you live at the expense of the state and the financial system, you work for them but at the same time support feminism or Zionism - then you are allowed to be called an anarchist if you want it. In the West, the word anarchism is uncreditable.Apr 22 17:45
schestowitzBut in the Slavic tradition that i think anarchism is not discredited. In the Slavonic understanding, an anarchist is one who does not recognize any authority (including the power and authority of the monetary system - denial of which is tabooed in the West).Apr 22 17:45
schestowitzLiterally, the Western anarchist is forced to submit to the power of women, homosexuals and Semites, if they have any power. The Slavic anarchist does not recognize any authority, even the authority of women, homosexuals and Semites are also unacceptable for him, as the authority of democratic deputies or policemen.Apr 22 17:45
schestowitz"Apr 22 17:45
schestowitz 22 17:45
-TechrightsBN/ | Alexei Sorokin ('s status on Sunday, 21-Apr-2019 10:55:08 UTC - LoadAverageApr 22 17:45
schestowitz"| Anarchists come in all shapes and sizes."Apr 22 17:45
schestowitz 22 17:47
-TechrightsBN/ | Rain 🚱: " so what you're saying i…" - CybrespaceApr 22 17:47
schestowitz" so what you're saying is, making municipal broadband is now cooler than ever?"Apr 22 17:47
schestowitz 22 17:47
-TechrightsBN/ | SecondJon: " yes, when "at least hin…" - QOTO MastodonApr 22 17:47
schestowitz"z yes, when "at least hint at right-wing bias" is labeled as Far Right and White Supremacist as the article does, they're doing it wrong."Apr 22 17:47
schestowitz 22 17:48
-TechrightsBN/ | fC: " dawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww…" - THIS IS CETI ALPHA V!!!Apr 22 17:48
schestowitz"Apr 22 17:48
schestowitzdawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwApr 22 17:48
schestowitz   Apr 22 17:48
schestowitz"Apr 22 17:48
schestowitz 22 17:48
-TechrightsBN/ | NixiИ: " #TL;DR collaboration; n…" - LinuxRocks.OnlineApr 22 17:48
schestowitz"Apr 22 17:48
schestowitz#TL;DR collaboration; not open sourceApr 22 17:48
schestowitzNot to detract the graveness of the situation in 22 17:48
-TechrightsBN/ | bellingcat - An Open Source Survey of the Shooting of Lyra McKee - bellingcatApr 22 17:48
schestowitzThe use of the term "open source" instead of "collaborative" seems to imply being infected with the buzzword bug that's been going around. Apr 22 17:48
schestowitzThe collaboration among the journalists and the law is recommendable. This is not open source. What would be is having a repository with all the input from the scene available for others to push to and draw data to compile stories.Apr 22 17:48
schestowitz"Apr 22 17:48
schestowitzThe term "open source" was originally borrowed from the intel community, so they were firstApr 22 17:49
schestowitz 22 17:49
-TechrightsBN/ | avocado goblin: " again, if we're discuss…" - CybrespaceApr 22 17:49
schestowitz"again, if we're discussing IF and Lisp, AdvSys is also interesting :p"Apr 22 17:49
schestowitz 22 17:50
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaApr 22 17:50
schestowitz" it's nerf or nothing"Apr 22 17:50
schestowitz 22 17:50
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaApr 22 17:50
schestowitz" worse. websockets."Apr 22 17:50
schestowitz 22 17:50
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaApr 22 17:50
schestowitz"I wish Frendica was more popular. It seems to have more features, but not all of them work on many of the instances I've tried. I also currently lack the resources to host my own. Oh well."Apr 22 17:50
schestowitz 22 17:50
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaApr 22 17:50
schestowitz" akismet sucks :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D"Apr 22 17:50
schestowitzI was one of its very first testers. Sane fir 22 17:51
schestowitz I was one of its very first testers. Same for 22 17:51
schestowitz 22 17:52
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaApr 22 17:52
schestowitz" notice how this study doesnt mention eating fruits or vegetables just meat and bread. fucking trash study"Apr 22 17:52
schestowitz 22 18:08
-TechrightsBN/ | Gopal: " no https? :(" - Mastodon 🔐 privacytools.ioApr 22 18:08
schestowitz" no https? :("Apr 22 18:08
schestowitzwill be added in the future when it's redesigned and upgradedApr 22 18:09
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 22 21:03
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 22 21:04
-->rianne__ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 22 23:14
<--rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Apr 22 23:16
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Apr 23 01:10
schestowitz 23 02:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Joshua52438407: @schestowitz Where would the money come from?Apr 23 02:32
schestowitzMilitary wastes trillions. Cut that.Apr 23 02:32
schestowitz 23 03:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Joshua52438407: @schestowitz Does jealousy and spite for America determine everything about British outlooks these days?Apr 23 03:12
schestowitz"Does jealousy and spite for America determine everything about British outlooks these days?"Apr 23 03:12
schestowitzYour country is ruining oursApr 23 03:12
schestowitz 23 03:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Joshua52438407: @schestowitz How is that?Apr 23 03:26
schestowitz 23 03:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@EuroPleasureMac: @schestowitz That's how you know that #capitalism is awaiting last rites.Apr 23 03:38
schestowitz 23 04:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Deprogrammer9: @schestowitz Is Atari making news games or something?Apr 23 04:06
schestowitzno, the "nostalgia"/retro crowd Apr 23 04:06
schestowitz 23 04:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Joshua52438407: Is this what the royaltry is telling the peasants these days? That the failure of Britain is due to the US? oh my L… 23 04:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Joshua52438407: Is this what the royaltry is telling the peasants these days? That the failure of Britain is due to the US? oh my L… 23 04:07
schestowitz"Apr 23 04:07
schestowitzMore Joshua Zeidner Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Apr 23 04:07
schestowitzIs this what the royaltry is telling the peasants these days? That the failure of Britain is due to the US? oh my Lord the Brits are in sorry shape indeed. Mostly Americans don't care about the British and I think that is what is irking them. #brexitApr 23 04:07
schestowitz"Apr 23 04:07
schestowitz 23 04:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Deprogrammer9: @schestowitz 23 04:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Deprogrammer9: @schestowitz 23 04:20
schestowitz 23 04:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Joshua52438407: @schestowitz Do you promote every fake retarded politician we have in The United States of America?Apr 23 04:20
schestowitzRe: im THIS CLOSE to banning mozilla forever and just use webkit, i cant f---ing stand it anymoreApr 23 05:33
schestowitz> brand new install. worked fine until a crash. none of the usual fixes iApr 23 05:33
schestowitz> rely on (stupid windows-like workarounds, because all software isApr 23 05:33
schestowitz> broken) are working. im not surprised, this is all sabotage.Apr 23 05:33
schestowitz> Apr 23 05:33
schestowitz> this is one more reason im constantly calling out the fsf to get real,Apr 23 05:33
schestowitz> fast. its been FIVE YEARS and sound is broken for that long.Apr 23 05:33
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Fixing the icon regression in Pop!_OS 19.04</a></h5>Apr 23 05:50
-TechrightsBN/ | Fixing the icon regression in Pop!_OS 19.04 – Aral BalkanApr 23 05:50
schestowitz<blockquote>Apr 23 05:50
schestowitz <p>Here’s hoping that Linux distributions understand that the biggest problem with desktop Linux today isn’t lack of apps, functionality, or performance… it’s consistency. </p>Apr 23 05:50
schestowitz</blockquote>Apr 23 05:50
schestowitz</li>Apr 23 05:50
schestowitz瑨灴㩳⼯睴瑩整�潣⽭物摩獥散㜵猯慴畴⽳ㄱ〲㔵㠶〲㈰㘲㌰㜷Apr 23 06:17
schestowitz 23 06:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@iridesce57: @schestowitz 23 06:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ExtinctionRebel: Truth. 23 06:17
schestowitz 23 06:52
-TechrightsBN/ | Debian User Forums • View topic - Linux Foundation Exec. Director's Statement on ImmigrationApr 23 06:52
schestowitzx 23 07:03
-TechrightsBN/ | Microsoft urged to shield China's overworked computer programmers from censorship after '996 ICU' campaign goes viralApr 23 07:03
schestowitz 23 08:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@NaomiPitcairn: @schestowitz They probably expected a job where they didn’t have to be evil. #DontBeEvil Orwell always warned about… 23 08:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@NaomiPitcairn: @schestowitz They probably expected a job where they didn’t have to be evil. #DontBeEvil Orwell always warned about… 23 08:26
schestowitz 23 08:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@glynmoody: yet another reason to get the hell out of @facebook if by any chance you are still there... #surveillance 23 08:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Patriot Act's co-author, i.e. abuser of human rights, joins a crime syndicate #facebook #fb… 23 08:51
schestowitz 23 09:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@tobie: @schestowitz I don't want to start an argument, but given I'm both extensively quoted in this article and have trac… 23 09:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@tobie: @schestowitz I don't want to start an argument, but given I'm both extensively quoted in this article and have trac… 23 09:43
schestowitz"Apr 23 09:43
schestowitzI don't want to start an argument, but given I'm both extensively quoted in this article and have track record of shipping open and proprietary software, I'm curious what you consider buzzwords salad here.Apr 23 09:44
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesApr 23 09:44
schestowitz"Apr 23 09:44
schestowitzNot you, the author and the publisherApr 23 09:44
schestowitz 23 09:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jaffamonkey: 🤓 23 09:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Games: GNU/Linux-Based #Ataris VCS Delayed and #Epic #Games Store is Now Available on #GNU / #Linux 23 09:44
schestowitz 23 09:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@HiFalutinWays: @schestowitz @SwaziJAF @wikileaks On the contrary, it’s not framed as a joke. It’s like dead pan satire. It’s an ab… 23 09:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@HiFalutinWays: @schestowitz @SwaziJAF @wikileaks On the contrary, it’s not framed as a joke. It’s like dead pan satire. It’s an ab… 23 09:46
schestowitz"On the contrary, it’s not framed as a joke. It’s like dead pan satire. It’s an absurd take on the truth. The best was bitcoin - imaginary internet money lol."Apr 23 09:46
schestowitzI prefer tokens at an arcade. At least I can exchange these for some useless things. At that one arcade at least.Apr 23 09:47
schestowitz 23 10:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@prosaole: @schestowitz I find it more constructive to tell people an alternative to GitHub. So #movetogitlab instead of #deletegithub.Apr 23 10:41
schestowitzgitlab is not the solution as they then depend on another, less problematic masterApr 23 10:41
schestowitz 23 11:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Joshua52438407: @schestowitz Copyright is a right. You may disagree with it but it is a clearly defined right of an individual in U… 23 11:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Joshua52438407: @schestowitz Copyright is a right. You may disagree with it but it is a clearly defined right of an individual in U… 23 11:04
schestowitz"Copyright is a right. You may disagree with it but it is a clearly defined right of an individual in UK and US. The GPL relies on the definition of copyright in fact."Apr 23 11:04
schestowitzNo, it's a misnomerApr 23 11:04
schestowitz 23 11:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Joshua52438407: @schestowitz Then you don't believe on the gplApr 23 11:07
schestowitz 23 13:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@tobie: @schestowitz If you look at the article, it's clear that the buzzwords are there to nudge the kind of people buzzwo… 23 13:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@tobie: @schestowitz If you look at the article, it's clear that the buzzwords are there to nudge the kind of people buzzwo… 23 13:00
schestowitz"If you look at the article, it's clear that the buzzwords are there to nudge the kind of people buzzwords appeal to into thinking about the more social aspects of open source. I don't think that's a bad thing."Apr 23 13:01
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 23 13:37
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 23 13:38
schestowitz 23 14:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@purplepumprnckl: @schestowitz Hmm, Rudy saying outrageous things didn't work, how else can we distract and deflect from the Mueller Report?...Apr 23 14:05
schestowitz 23 15:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Gantry-gate: CIPA releases statement on FD4/P6 (Infringement and Validity) - The IPKatApr 23 15:09
schestowitz"Apr 23 15:09
schestowitzI would also like to see more improvements in the PEB exams especially FD4. I think its important for the PEB and CIPA to address the concerns of many e.g. amount of time given in exams, suitability of topics/subject matter in FD6 (and possibly FD1), syllabus, training and development in the profession. One area I find difficult with FD4 is that I do not know what the Examiners are looking for in an answer and what skills are being tested.Apr 23 15:09
schestowitz Are we testing candidates the ability to speed write an answer? It is not clear what the objectives are for FD4 and the PEB could do with releasing excellent templates/guidelines/model statements & example answers on each section of FD6. What are they looking for in each section of FD4 and why. These are not vitriol comments but a way to provide candidates better understanding as to what they need to do in each section. Apr 23 15:09
schestowitzI don't think any of these exist (certainly the EPO provide much better training materials) and therefore, I won't be taking it this year until some of the concerns about FD4 are addressed. Apr 23 15:09
schestowitz"Apr 23 15:09
schestowitz 23 15:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Gantry-gate: CIPA releases statement on FD4/P6 (Infringement and Validity) - The IPKatApr 23 15:09
schestowitz"I believe part of the issue is that candidates do not have sufficient GB work. Even when qualified, the amount of UK work is minimal and quite limited. Therefore, I truly understand why the PEB exams may seem irrelevant and have little value to many. As a result, many industrial roles do not expect UK qualification requirements. I would urge private practice to relax their insistence on gaining UK qualification(s) as it does not allow Apr 23 15:09
schestowitztheir employees to progress. I personally don't think UK qualification should be a condition for gaining promotion in private practice firms and that UK exams should be optional given how little UK work the profession carries out as a whole. "Apr 23 15:09
schestowitz 23 15:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: 1984 finally snuck up on you while you weren't looking. 23 15:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #wnd tells the public what we already knew decades ago (and contrary to what this shitty site says, it's not limite… 23 15:28
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 23 17:29
schestowitz>>>> What will you look for?Apr 23 18:49
schestowitz>>> I don't know.  Data mining is completely outside of my limitedApr 23 18:50
schestowitz>>> expertise.  I've gotten a binary of hercules / labours and not sure whatApr 23 18:50
schestowitz>>> to aim it towards.  The tools are rather complex and, again, outside ofApr 23 18:50
schestowitz>>> my limited expertise, and the capabilities are still unfamiliar and notApr 23 18:50
schestowitz>>> known.Apr 23 18:50
schestowitz>>>Apr 23 18:50
schestowitz>>> Hercules is still at M$ GitHub :( but the binaries save a lot of workApr 23 18:50
schestowitz>>> because things won't build out of the box and it is time consuming toApr 23 18:50
schestowitz>>> keep chasing down the build errors:Apr 23 18:50
schestowitz>>>Apr 23 18:50
schestowitz>>> 23 18:50
-TechrightsBN/ | Releases · src-d/hercules · GitHubApr 23 18:50
schestowitz>>>Apr 23 18:50
schestowitz>>> For some others it might be clear what to look for.  But I would lookApr 23 18:50
schestowitz>>> for sudden changes in what's worked on or who is working on it, or maybeApr 23 18:50
schestowitz>>> even changes in the rates of changes.  It will require a lot of manualApr 23 18:50
schestowitz>>> tweaking to get the author affiliations accurate.Apr 23 18:50
schestowitz>>>Apr 23 18:50
schestowitz>>> Gource was interesting in other ways though.  You could see clearly whenApr 23 18:50
schestowitz>>> interest in ARM increased, same for documentation, and some otherApr 23 18:50
schestowitz>>> components.  But by the turn of the century already it was too big toApr 23 18:50
schestowitz>>> get anything useful out of it.Apr 23 18:50
schestowitz>> I would not know how to search for more complex patterns, just wordApr 23 18:50
schestowitz>> matches and counts.Apr 23 18:50
schestowitz> Part of the task would be to look for changes that are not part of theApr 23 18:50
schestowitz> normal work flow.  That requires some background as a developer. git,Apr 23 18:50
schestowitz> and, ideally, some familiarity with the Linux project specifically.Apr 23 18:50
schestowitz 23 18:51
-TechrightsBN/ New: Are non-LTS Releases of Ubuntu Still Necessary? #ubuntu #debian #gnu #linux #discodingoApr 23 18:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Are non-LTS Releases of Ubuntu Still Necessary? - YouTubeApr 23 18:51
schestowitz"Yes - someone has to run it to debug the LTS version"Apr 23 18:51
schestowitz"I agree with @Alan Cox. If it weren’t for the non LTS releases, there wouldn’t be any room for experimentation, and without that, there would be no LTS release."Apr 23 18:51
schestowitz 23 18:53
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: Tell us something we don't yet know, #oracle 23 18:53
schestowitz"Apr 23 18:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Google Is Using Wi-Fi To Track Your Precise Location: OracleApr 23 18:53
schestowitzNo, no they are not. No one is using WiFi to precisely track anything. If they were, Google’s tracking in Maps would be MUCH more accurate than the current “maybe on this city block” level. That whole “3 to 5 meters” (9 to 15 feet) is based on having 3 points of reference to do the math on, assuming those points are not being interfered with by electrical lines, light poles, neon signs, walls, trees, etc., etc. So 9 to 15 ft is Apr 23 18:53
schestowitzthe current best accuracy in lab grade conditions.Apr 23 18:53
schestowitzI don’t know about where you live, but in the metroplexes I have lived in a person is lucky to have a single reliable access point available, much less three, and asking for no obstructions on top of that? Not a chance. Even in the country, even if there are no obstructions good luck finding 3 access points within a good measurable range. Google can see you’re in the area, but their data is so skewed on where you might actually be Apr 23 18:53
schestowitzthat even if they’re using AI to filter it, that is going to be mis-trained.Apr 23 18:53
schestowitz"Apr 23 18:53
schestowitz"Side note and fair warning: Doc Roy tends to put out a lot of false info around here."Apr 23 18:53
schestowitzTriangulation can be improved through the mobile device one carriesApr 23 18:54
schestowitz 23 18:55
-TechrightsBN/ Chris Hedges: Our Ever-Deadlier Police State "SWAT teams with military weapons burst into homes often under warrants for nonviolent offenses"Apr 23 18:55
schestowitz"We are seeing more and more shooting excused by police who claim that they were “afraid for their lives”, even when the victims were unarmed. The latest, in New Haven, wounded a woman who was not involved in any crime and was only sitting in her car."Apr 23 18:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Our Ever-Deadlier Police State - TruthdigApr 23 18:55
schestowitzThere's worse: cases of being shot by police when staying at home, minding one's own business. Some high-profile case recently, Texas, female officer, wrong house.Apr 23 18:55
schestowitz 23 18:57
-TechrightsBN/ “Mention the War” (of Microsoft Against GNU/Linux) #gnu #linux #microsoft #entryism Apr 23 18:57
schestowitz"very pertinent piece"Apr 23 18:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | “Mention the War” (of Microsoft Against GNU/Linux) | TechrightsApr 23 18:57
schestowitz"Apr 23 18:59
schestowitzAlso, I have been watching this Development for Years and see the Efforts of Microsoft and IBM not as a friendly Gesture but recognize it in a hostile Takeover. Yes you can call it War, only the Front has shifted.Apr 23 18:59
schestowitzThe Windows Users and those willing to migrate the Ubuntu or one of the 89 forks of these gladly accept these Offers, but it plays their Ideas of an Operating System in the Cards. This is also the Top Dog among the GNU/Linux Distributions, Red Hat, because I’m very worried.Apr 23 18:59
schestowitzEverything is sold to you as Progress and the normal User (I would rather say the most stupid accepting User [DAU]) does not realize what’s happening because he does not live the Philosophy of unixoid Systems, free Software, and openSource.Apr 23 18:59
schestowitzAnd the statements by Microsoft at the Time when Linux just grew up “Forks lead to more and more Decomposition of the System” gets more and more Reality.Apr 23 18:59
schestowitzThe Freedom that everyone can build their own Distribution is in my Eyes a Curse and a Blessing at the same Time. Even worse, it is that within the Linux World more and more Trench Battles between the different Distributions are. In the process, I catch myself calling Ubuntu a worse Linux than, for example, openSUSE or Debian. Take the most widely used Linux System, Android, it has become so popular because it meets the needs of the Apr 23 18:59
schestowitzsimple User. In my opinion, it is the worst Implementation of a GNU/Linux Distribution, but still better than any Windows.Apr 23 18:59
schestowitzHow many Compromises someone makes to use a GNU/Linux System the Way he imagines it is as diverse as there are People. The One looks pragmatic and says “If there’s no better alternative, I’ll just use the closed-source Driver instead of the Free one, so I’ll have at least a third more FPS in my Applications.”Apr 23 19:00
schestowitzNearly no one writes to the Hardware Manufacturer and urges you to provide Drivers for Linux or at least to reveal the Specifications of your Hardware.Apr 23 19:00
schestowitzEven with the Manufacturers of Software, it is the same Picture. Everyone hacks around it the device X does not work or does not work well with Linux, sees the Blame in Linux rather than clearly recognizing the real Cause and Name!Apr 23 19:00
schestowitzSince it is criticized that there is not Adobe Photoshop for Linux, why Linux does not do it anyway. But if you asked the other Way around “What does Microsoft do to run Linux native Software” then came for a long Time only a Shrug or terse Comments that you would not need that as a Market Leader. Since there is now this Linux Subsystem for Windows, the Argument does not matter anymore.Apr 23 19:00
schestowitzIt’s up to the Users - to All that Development takes that Direction - we get what we ask for!Apr 23 19:00
schestowitz####################################### Deutsch Original ###################################Apr 23 19:00
schestowitzAuch ich beobachte diese Entwicklung seit Jahren und sehe die Bemühungen seitens Microsoft und IBM auch nicht als freundliche Geste sondern erkenne darin eine feindliche Übernahme. Ja man kann es auch Krieg nennen, nur die Front hat sich verschoben.Apr 23 19:00
schestowitzDie Windows Benutzer und die umsteigewilligen die Ubuntu oder einen der 89 Forks davon verwenden nehmen diese Angebote gerne an, spielt es ihren Vorstellungen eines Betriebssystems doch in die Karten. Das auch der Platzhirsch unter den GNU/Linux Distributionen, Red Hat, da mit macht besorgt mich sehr.Apr 23 19:00
schestowitzAlles wird einem als Fortschritt verkauft und der normale Anwender (Ich würde lieber dümmster anzunehmender User [DAU] sagen) erkennt nicht was passiert weil er die Philosophie von unixoiden Systemen, von freier Software und von openSource nicht lebt.Apr 23 19:00
schestowitzUnd die Aussagen seitens Microsoft, zur Zeit als Linux gerade heran wuchs “Gabeln führen zu immer weiterer Zersetzung des Systems” bekommt immer mehr Realität.Apr 23 19:00
schestowitzDie Freiheit das jeder eine eigene Distribution bauen darf ist in meinen Augen ein Fluch und ein Segen zugleich. Noch schlimmer ist es aber das es innerhalb der Linux-Welt immer mehr Grabenkämpfe zwischen den verschiedenen Distributionen gibt. Dabei erwische ich mich selbst dabei das ich Ubuntu als schlechteres Linux bezeichne als beispielsweise openSUSE oder Debian sind. Nehmen wir das am weitesten verbreitete Linux-System, Android, es Apr 23 19:00
schestowitzhat sich so sehr verbreitet weil es die Bedürfnisse des einfachen Benutzers erfüllt. Nach meinem Dafürhalten ist es die schlechteste Umsetzung einer GNU/Linux Distribution, aber immer noch lieber als jedes Windows.Apr 23 19:00
schestowitzWie viele Kompromisse jemand eingeht um ein GNU/Linux-System so benutzen zu können wie er es sich vorstellt ist so vielseitig wie es Menschen gibt. Der eine sieht es pragmatisch und sagt “Wenn es keine bessere Alternative gibt nehme ich halt den Closed Source Treiber statt des freien, dadurch habe ich ja mindestens ein Drittel mehr FPS in meinen Anwendungen”Apr 23 19:00
schestowitzNahezu niemand schreibst die Hardware Hersteller an und fordert von Ihnen eindringlich auch Treiber für Linux bereitzustellen oder wenigstens die Spezifikationen seiner Hardware offen zu legen.Apr 23 19:00
schestowitzAuch bei den Herstellern von software ist es das gleiche Bild. Jeder hackt darauf herum das Gerät X nicht oder nicht gut mit Linux funktioniert, sieht die Schuld bei Linux anstatt den wirklichen Verursacher klar zu erkennen und zu nennen!Apr 23 19:00
schestowitzDa wird bemängelt das es Adobe Photoshop nicht für Linux gibt, warum Linux nicht macht das es dennoch geht. Wenn man aber anders herum fragte “Was tut denn Microsoft um native Linux Software auszuführen” dann kam lange Zeit nur ein Achselzucken oder lapidare Kommentare das man das als Markführer nicht nötig hätte. Seit es nun dieses Linux Subsystem für windows gibt zieht das Argument überhaupt nicht mehr.Apr 23 19:00
schestowitzEs liegt an den Benutzern - an Allen das die Entwicklung diese Richtung nimmt - Wir bekommen was wir verlangen.Apr 23 19:00
schestowitz"Apr 23 19:00
schestowitzTrench BattlesApr 23 19:00
schestowitzor bedrock linux. ;) re-united.Apr 23 19:00
schestowitz'Apr 23 19:00
schestowitz 23 19:00
-TechrightsBN/ #turbotax a predatory scam of #proprietarysoftware with its lobbyists #irs #scam Apr 23 19:00
schestowitz"TurboTax is a “dark pattern”."Apr 23 19:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Here’s How TurboTax Just Tricked You Into Paying to File Your Taxes — ProPublicaApr 23 19:00
schestowitz"You can start filling-out TurboTax for free, but chances are you cannot completely file the return for free. They gotcha, and you don’t want to start over again with another avenue."Apr 23 19:00
schestowitzStrange one needs a massive application just to carry out what should have been an easy taskApr 23 19:00
schestowitz 23 19:01
-TechrightsBN/ Additional coverage by @MichaelLarabel about latest changes in #kde #gnu #linuxApr 23 19:01
schestowitz"He’s excited about non free Nvidia crap…"Apr 23 19:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | KDE Saw More System Settings Work While EGLStreams KWin Support Stole The Show - PhoronixApr 23 19:01
schestowitz"Apr 23 19:02
schestowitzmoving on to the KDE page proper …Apr 23 19:02
schestowitz“ambiguous shortcut” I hate that. It’s nice to see they fixed one instance of it, but what an awful problem to have. supporting all the short cuts was one of KDE’s primary strengths. Maybe if they spent less time with non free software they would have fewer problems like that?Apr 23 19:02
schestowitzthe other stuff looks like nice bug fixes, for bug that mostly should not have happened.Apr 23 19:02
schestowitz"Apr 23 19:02
schestowitz 23 19:02
-TechrightsBN/ ### Full Circle Weekly News #127 **First episode with new host, Leo Chavez.** * First Arch Linux ISO Snapshot Powered by Linux Kernel 5.0 Is Here * MX Linux 18.2 is here — download the Debian-based operating system now * Fedora 30 Beta Released For Bleeding-edge Linux Experience * GNOME 3.32 “Taipei” Desktop Environment Gets First Point Release, Update Now * Red Hat And Fedora Working To Bring LinuxApr 23 19:02
schestowitz"Apr 23 19:02
schestowitzFull Circle Weekly News #127Apr 23 19:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Full Circle Weekly News #127 | Full Circle MagazineApr 23 19:03
schestowitzFirst episode with new host, Leo Chavez.Apr 23 19:03
schestowitzFirst Arch Linux ISO Snapshot Powered by Linux Kernel 5.0 Is HereApr 23 19:03
schestowitzMX Linux 18.2 is here — download the Debian-based operating system nowApr 23 19:03
schestowitzFedora 30 Beta Released For Bleeding-edge Linux ExperienceApr 23 19:03
schestowitzGNOME 3.32 “Taipei” Desktop Environment Gets First Point Release, Update NowApr 23 19:03
schestowitzRed Hat And Fedora Working To Bring Linux-powered ARM LaptopsApr 23 19:03
schestowitzUbuntu MATE 19.04 and 18.04.2 Are Now Available for GPD Pocket & GDP Pocket 2Apr 23 19:03
schestowitz‘SPURV’ Project Lets You Run Android Apps On Desktop LinuxApr 23 19:03
schestowitzprivacyIDEA 3.0 releasedApr 23 19:03
schestowitz 23 19:03
schestowitz#ubuntu #linux #news #podcastApr 23 19:03
schestowitzcc/ @Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Apr 23 19:03
schestowitz"Apr 23 19:03
schestowitz"Apr 23 19:03
-TechrightsBN/ The @LinuxFoundation Needs to Change Course Before #GNU / #Linux (as a Free Operating System) is Dead #kernel Apr 23 19:03
schestowitz"been looking at the #bsd's because #gnulinux is dying.Apr 23 19:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Linux Foundation Needs to Change Course Before GNU/Linux (as a Free Operating System) is Dead | TechrightsApr 23 19:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Linux Foundation - TechrightsApr 23 19:03
schestowitz"If anything, Linux will become more popular over time. Hardly anyone gives a cent about such things as code transparency, binary blobs in the kernel, or some ideological truths. The binary blobs make life convenient, and that’s much more important. It’s enough to look at distribution stats. Clearly, convenient is much more popular than safe, free, or simple."Apr 23 19:03
schestowitz"The #GNU/ #Linux and #freesoftware community needs to be more active than ever to defend the four freedoms defined by the #FSF. That means those that simply use free software will need to play more active roles in the community. These include promoting, supporting, donating, joining, translating, testing and perhaps even learning to develop, maintain and contribute code to free software."Apr 23 19:03
schestowitz 23 19:04
-TechrightsBN/ | What is free software? - GNU Project - Free Software FoundationApr 23 19:04
schestowitzThings like chromeos are gaining, but they're spying jails with gnu/linux as base platformApr 23 19:04
schestowitz 23 19:05
-TechrightsBN/ With mpv removed last night, all laptops now work perfectly fine. The main one's uptime approaches 200 days (6 more). Processing IRC logs (much faster than I expected this time around).Apr 23 19:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- Photo by 23 19:05
schestowitz"The really good thing about laptops is that they will stay up even during a power glitch (which is common around here).'Apr 23 19:05
schestowitz"What OS are you running?'Apr 23 19:06
schestowitz"Apr 23 19:06
schestowitzhow can mpv affect the system just for being installed, I ask myselfApr 23 19:06
schestowitzdoes the package install any permanent daemons, services or whatever?Apr 23 19:06
schestowitzI have it installed, and I use it every now and then, but it seems to have no ill effects on my systems. I suppose the maintainer of the binary package you presumably used might appreciate a bug report, in case you haven’t filed one yetApr 23 19:06
schestowitz"Apr 23 19:06
schestowitzIf only I knew why inserting a headphones cord causes like 100 processes of mpv to open up until the machines goes nuts. It's RAMv7.Apr 23 19:06
schestowitz 23 19:07
-TechrightsBN/ You could do the same with a cheap old #gnu #linux box and #mame emulator. Would cost less than a hundred bucks and do a lot more, too. 23 19:07
schestowitz"Turns out, that’s just what Capcom did, anyway."Apr 23 19:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Capcom Home Arcade is a pricey plug-and-play arcade stick with 16 games - PolygonApr 23 19:07
schestowitz"Also, it’s a tad misleading to say that you can do the same thing under $100. Capcom used Sanwa hardware for this controller, which is really pricey. A two player set of Sanwa controls on Ebay goes for about $100 by itself. You could just use a pair of cheap USB console-style controllers, but whether or not that’s still the “same thing” is debatable."Apr 23 19:07
schestowitzGood point, I agree...Apr 23 19:08
schestowitz 23 19:09
-TechrightsBN/ Jonathan Carter: Debian project leader elections 2019 23 19:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Jonathan Carter: Debian project leader elections 2019 | Tux MachinesApr 23 19:09
schestowitz"Apr 23 19:09
schestowitzid love to know.Apr 23 19:09
schestowitzincidentally, that was deliberate hyperbole. they may not literally all be scum. more like “im so tired of this” than “here is a factual, objective summary of the situation.” in other words, it was cynical. i try to be a lot better than that on average, sometimes its just fun to vent. we used to do that all the time, before some corporations came in and said basically “ok, new rules: we act like corporate drones.” honesty Apr 23 19:09
schestowitzdoesnt preclude the occasional cynical outburst. it would be less fun if it did.Apr 23 19:09
schestowitzbut its good to point this out sometimes, lest everybody take each unicode glyph literally. the real community is organic, imperfect, and sincerity is a spectrum. the corporate community of course, is an example of narcissistic (dishonest, contrived) flawlessness. at least until you read matt asay or zdnet, and then they make equally absurd statements that they never admit to. most of my comments are more sincere than this one.Apr 23 19:09
schestowitz"Apr 23 19:09
schestowitz"see also:"Apr 23 19:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Dame Edna Everage - WikipediaApr 23 19:09
schestowitz 23 19:09
-TechrightsBN/ Sam Hartman seems like a good, uncontroversial #dpl #debian #gnu linuxApr 23 19:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Debian Project Leader Election 2019 Results (Sam Hartman Won) | Tux MachinesApr 23 19:09
schestowitz"Apr 23 19:09
schestowitzsure but its far from a “universal distro” anymore, and it would be nice if they hadnt half-abandoned the concept.Apr 23 19:09
schestowitzthe next #dpl i can admire is the one who points this out and tries to fix it. hard to be pleased with the outcome of debians 5 years of denial, amidst so many people pointing out their problems.Apr 23 19:09
schestowitz"Apr 23 19:10
schestowitz 23 19:14
-TechrightsBN/ #earthday #extinction #extinctionrebellion #plastic #climatechange 23 19:14
schestowitz"Maybe we should have a “Humanity day” to help us learn about ourselves…'Apr 23 19:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Earth Day 2019: 7 things we’ve learned since the last Earth Day - VoxApr 23 19:14
schestowitz"At least weekly"Apr 23 19:14
schestowitz 23 19:14
-TechrightsBN/ The most boring task tonight (3 times per year): processing and publishing #techrights IRC logs. Should take about 5 hours of very repetitive work.Apr 23 19:14
schestowitz"I find it nearly impossible to successfully accomplish boring work. ;-)'Apr 23 19:15
schestowitzIt's much needed in this case though. Was done without exception for 11 years.Apr 23 19:15
schestowitz 23 19:15
-TechrightsBN/ The Great GNU/Linux Division by @bbyfield at @fossforce (sometimes I agree with him, but not always)Apr 23 19:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Great GNU/Linux Division | Tux MachinesApr 23 19:15
schestowitz"Let me read and I tell you."Apr 23 19:15
schestowitz"Apr 23 19:16
schestowitzcorporations, like IBM/Red Rat.Apr 23 19:16
schestowitzThe fact that everything that is GPL3 has a green pass, oh, boy, there’s lots of malice under the hood. And systemdick is the best example. Once I went to its repository and could not make sense of the sources I’ve read: poorly documented, obscurity by complexity and, of course, control.Apr 23 19:16
schestowitzThe true divide nowadays is corporations vs users and sysadmins of Free Linux, not a corporate controlled one.Apr 23 19:16
schestowitz"Apr 23 19:16
schestowitzcorporations, like IBM/Red Rat.Apr 23 19:16
schestowitzThe fact that everything that is GPL3 has a green pass, oh, boy, there’s lots of malice under the hood. And systemdick is the best example. Once I went to its repository and could not make sense of the sources I’ve read: poorly documented, obscurity by complexity and, of course, control.Apr 23 19:16
schestowitzThe true divide nowadays is corporations vs users and sysadmins of Free Linux, not a corporate controlled one.Apr 23 19:16
schestowitz"Apr 23 19:16
schestowitz"I write to you just to say that I love what you post here. Always instructive and useful. Thanks."Apr 23 19:17
schestowitzThanks for these kind wordsApr 23 19:17
schestowitz 23 19:18
-TechrightsBN/ So does #microsoft which uses #facebook as its #surveillance "warehouse" 23 19:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Google's Infinite Reach - How Google Builds a Profile on EveryoneApr 23 19:18
schestowitz"facebook do the same :( ghost profil as they said."Apr 23 19:18
schestowitz"Apr 23 19:18
schestowitzit is hard to avoid without breaking A LOT of sites who rely on these malicious tracking services.Apr 23 19:18
schestowitzbut it s possibleApr 23 19:18
schestowitz"Apr 23 19:18
schestowitz 23 19:19
-TechrightsBN/ We nowadays study and work on #python code for the #nhs (which does use #freesw at the back end). My wife practices #programming and for that she uses an IDE and videos, sometimes online tutorials that are interactive. Books obsolete.Apr 23 19:19
schestowitz"Interesting. I wonder if books are, in essence, obsolete for essentially all programming cases, or are more generally just obsolete for the casual practitioner?"Apr 23 19:19
schestowitz"i’ve never found books for any language that useful, they get old to fast. but books on the nature of programming, or patterns, or design, or any of the myriad of the more abstract and theoretical aspects are still worth the paperApr 23 19:19
schestowitz 23 19:20
schestowitz"Apr 23 19:20
schestowitzLike others who started learning, as hobbyists, in 1980, my first languages were Applesoft BASIC and 6502 Assembly. I had great books for both. Really excellent. Don’t have either book now.Apr 23 19:20
schestowitzI started C with a book (Christmas gift one year).Apr 23 19:20
schestowitzWith all the languages I learned in pre-Internet days, I learned as much from others’ code as from the books. The user’s manual for the Apple ][ Plus had the full assembly source code for the ROM. As far as I know it was all Wozniak’s work, and it was very well-coded. There was very little room for the object code, so some clever techniques were required.Apr 23 19:20
schestowitzWhen I learned JavaScript in about 2003, I had reference in HTML (files on my machine; not online). Never even checked out a JavaScript book from the library.Apr 23 19:20
schestowitzThe important thing is to write a real project in the language. Not some homework assignment from a book, but a real project you want to use yourself. That’s how to learn.Apr 23 19:20
schestowitz'Apr 23 19:20
schestowitzI keep telling her that...Apr 23 19:20
schestowitz 24 01:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@GlennaJMoore: @schestowitz WILL ALL THE GOVERNMENT PEOPLE CHARGED, BE SENT TO GITMO?Apr 24 01:08
schestowitz 24 01:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@bastianbest: @schestowitz 24 01:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@bastianbest: @schestowitz 24 01:09
schestowitz 24 01:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@kay41981: @schestowitz @wikileaks Biden is a disgusting TOOL. Mr. Im a Zionist. Pedo Joe doesn't stand a chance.Apr 24 01:11
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Apr 24 01:13
schestowitz 24 01:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@StarLord35: @zerohedge @PackManSamm @VM_Y_Trader @maxydeartino @Smelt_Dipper @v_laguardia @LPASSETMGT @eemzyy @daretocontraire… 24 01:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@StarLord35: @zerohedge @PackManSamm @VM_Y_Trader @maxydeartino @Smelt_Dipper @v_laguardia @LPASSETMGT @eemzyy @daretocontraire… 24 01:28
schestowitz"Apr 24 01:28
schestowitz@HURRICANEPAUL @rjkok2 @3Sigma3 Apr 24 01:28
schestowitzWhy don't #Microsoft disclosed they have a collaborative with the NSA.Apr 24 01:28
schestowitz 24 01:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Microsoft and the NSA - TechrightsApr 24 01:28
schestowitz"Apr 24 01:28
schestowitz 24 01:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: This one topped the "Links" list on Techrights yesterday: The Great GNU/Linux Division | FOSS Force 24 01:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Great GNU/Linux Division | FOSS ForceApr 24 01:28
schestowitz 24 01:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@StarLord35: @zerohedge @PackManSamm @VM_Y_Trader @maxydeartino @Smelt_Dipper @v_laguardia @LPASSETMGT @eemzyy @daretocontraire… 24 01:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@StarLord35: @zerohedge @PackManSamm @VM_Y_Trader @maxydeartino @Smelt_Dipper @v_laguardia @LPASSETMGT @eemzyy @daretocontraire… 24 01:29
schestowitz"It's sad #Microsoft doesn't also disclose that they have a backdoor in their Windows Operating System for the NSA,CIA, FBI agencies."Apr 24 01:30
schestowitz 24 02:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AtkaLiona3311: @schestowitz @JulianAssange Piolin😂Apr 24 02:05
schestowitz 24 02:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Joshua52438407: @schestowitz Pls stay in englandApr 24 02:43
schestowitz"The brutal reality of immigrants without papers. They are often detained by anti-immigrant groups (qualified in this note as ' terrorists ') who act illegally and are then made available to U.S. immigration authorities for deportation."Apr 24 03:26
schestowitz 24 03:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@op_hector: La brutal realidad de los inmigrantes sin papeles. Muchas veces son detenidos por grupos antiinmigrantes (calificad… 24 03:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@op_hector: La brutal realidad de los inmigrantes sin papeles. Muchas veces son detenidos por grupos antiinmigrantes (calificad… 24 03:26
schestowitz"Apr 24 03:26
schestowitzMore The Interessador Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Apr 24 03:26
schestowitzLa brutal realidad de los inmigrantes sin papeles. Muchas veces son detenidos por grupos antiinmigrantes (calificados en esta nota como 'terroristas') que actúan ilegalmente y luego son puestos a disposición de las autoridades migratorias de Estados Unidos para su deportación.Apr 24 03:26
schestowitz"Apr 24 03:26
schestowitz 24 03:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@NTechlibre: How Microsoft works with the NSA to backdoor their products. TechRights Archive: 24 03:47
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 24 04:07
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 04:08
schestowitz 24 04:11
-TechrightsBN/ | IP and Sociology: the symbolism of IP - The IPKatApr 24 04:11
schestowitz"It's a shame such an important topic is being discussed on a highly technical IP blog, and not by the broader community. The US Supreme Court's controversial eligibility decisions (Mayo, Myriad, Alice) had the laudable purpose of not allowing the 'building blocks' of innovation to be monopolised, preventing others from innovating. To my knowledge no one has ever tried to define what these building blocks are and how our IP laws could be Apr 24 04:11
schestowitzamended to prevent IP covering them. Human society seems incapable of this thinking, which would require expertise in IP, economics, morality and a little bit of philosophy to tackle properly. Instead our IP laws and practices seem to come about due to historical accidents and immediate commercial needs, with little thought given to how IP laws impact or reflect the aims of our civilisation. Sociologists by themselves have no hope of Apr 24 04:11
schestowitzreally understanding IP down the nuts and bolts of it, and IP lawyers and practitioners don't have the language or concepts to translate the world of IP into something intelligible to wider society, to allow a really meaningful discussion of these issues."Apr 24 04:11
schestowitz> On all my devices the words “Not Secure” appears at the top in the search box where the URL of the weblog appears.Apr 24 05:06
schestowitz> Apr 24 05:06
schestowitz> Is this simply Word Press trying to upgrade me to a premium package or something else to be concerned about?Apr 24 05:06
schestowitzProbably just Google pretending to care about HTTPS. While working for the NSA itself.Apr 24 05:06
schestowitz 24 05:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@nomibwave: @schestowitz that's what they said Sadam did... but funny how they are not saying there are WMDs in Saudi..Apr 24 05:07
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 17:30
schestowitz 24 17:37
-TechrightsBN/ | flywheel: " Anybody who kn…" - DO:TOPIAApr 24 17:37
schestowitz"Anybody who knows why it was forked ?"Apr 24 17:37
schestowitzone can guessApr 24 17:37
schestowitzRe: update and yet another idea-- lock-in rankApr 24 17:50
schestowitz> Maybe you can maintain such a list for techrights to have online?Apr 24 17:50
schestowitz> Apr 24 17:50
schestowitz> im still trying to figure out the best way to do that. i wanted to throw the idea your way if you wanted it or could use it.Apr 24 17:50
schestowitz> Apr 24 17:50
schestowitz> whether it is done or not done, obviously it is a theme in the current software ecosystem. if theres an update on this ill certainly let you know.Apr 24 17:50
schestowitz> As mentioned the other day, I propose some changes to the databaseApr 24 17:57
schestowitz> backup script.  See TR ~/ 24 17:58
schestowitzI've just diffed the two versions and it looks good, much better, with date factorised. Solved the "technical debt". Keep a copy somewhere (maybe .old) of the current file (I like to keep things for nostalgic value) and overwrite current, let's see if it doesn't fail to delete older backups of the old form (might have to delete these manually to prevent disk from running empty.Apr 24 17:58
schestowitzBonus: every month or so I ranApr 24 17:58
schestowitz rm -f drupaldatabase-0*Apr 24 17:58
schestowitzrm -f wikidatabase-2*Apr 24 17:58
schestowitzto free up disk space. might be worth improving retention intervals to save disk space too. When I set these up the DBs were tiny, but that's no longer the case.Apr 24 17:58
schestowitz> No problem.  I'm not sure how much progress I will be able to make withApr 24 17:59
schestowitz> the Git analysis tomorrow.  It's out of my league and the spare machineApr 24 17:59
schestowitz> I have been using will be occupied elsewhere for a few weeks startingApr 24 17:59
schestowitz> Friday.Apr 24 17:59
schestowitzI'm not even sure what I would look for...Apr 24 17:59
schestowitzcleaning up after systemd before /tmp runs empty Apr 24 18:04
schestowitz[root@techrights ~]# pwdApr 24 18:04
schestowitz/rootApr 24 18:04
schestowitz[root@techrights ~]# cat Apr 24 18:04
schestowitzrm -f /root/phirce-techrights/archive/*Apr 24 18:04
schestowitzrm -f /root/phirce-techbytes/archive/*Apr 24 18:04
schestowitzrm -f /root/phirce/archive/*Apr 24 18:04
schestowitzrm -f /root/phirce-social/archive/*Apr 24 18:04
schestowitz# rm -f /tmp/systemd-private-de73d421a34c44468b886c6384536864-httpd.service-ZvyCSQ/tmp/*Apr 24 18:04
schestowitz find /tmp -maxdepth 3 -type f -name "magick-*"  -deleteApr 24 18:04
<--rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Apr 24 18:08
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schestowitz>>> No problem.  I'm not sure how much progress I will be able to make withApr 24 18:11
schestowitz>>> the Git analysis tomorrow.  It's out of my league and the spare machineApr 24 18:11
schestowitz>>> I have been using will be occupied elsewhere for a few weeks startingApr 24 18:11
schestowitz>>> Friday.Apr 24 18:11
schestowitz>> I'm not even sure what I would look for...Apr 24 18:11
schestowitz> Probably changes in the rate of commits in certain parts of the kernel.Apr 24 18:11
schestowitz> Apr 24 18:11
schestowitz> I spoke briefly with someone who had some ideas, dealt with big data,Apr 24 18:11
schestowitz> and if they could be motivated would be able to help but have no way toApr 24 18:11
schestowitz> cause that motivation.Apr 24 18:11
schestowitz> Apr 24 18:11
schestowitz> I'm starting to suspect that most quantitative studies are not aimed atApr 24 18:11
schestowitz> what would be useful to study but what is easy albeit irrelevant toApr 24 18:11
schestowitz> measure and then try to shoehorn the results into some shape that oneApr 24 18:11
schestowitz> can pretend is meaningful.  That certainly seemed the case I got fromApr 24 18:11
schestowitz> the WikiMedia crowd.Apr 24 18:12
schestowitzor focus on social justice angles (hugs) rather than more problematic things like DRM (they don't call it that), TPM, back doors...Apr 24 18:12
schestowitz>> /rootApr 24 18:23
schestowitz>> [root@techrights ~]# cat clear-archive.shApr 24 18:23
schestowitz>> rm -f /root/phirce-techrights/archive/*Apr 24 18:23
schestowitz>> rm -f /root/phirce-techbytes/archive/*Apr 24 18:23
schestowitz>> rm -f /root/phirce/archive/*Apr 24 18:23
schestowitz>> rm -f /root/phirce-social/archive/*Apr 24 18:23
schestowitz>> # rm -fApr 24 18:23
schestowitz>> /tmp/systemd-private-de73d421a34c44468b886c6384536864-httpd.service-ZvyCSQ/tmp/*Apr 24 18:23
schestowitz>>  find /tmp -maxdepth 3 -type f -name "magick-*"  -deleteApr 24 18:23
schestowitz>>Apr 24 18:23
schestowitz> Hmm.  I'm not sure what would have been in those areas, especially theApr 24 18:23
schestowitz> systemd zone.  As for phirce, maybe next time,Apr 24 18:23
schestowitz> Apr 24 18:23
schestowitz> Apr 24 18:23
schestowitz> find /root/phirce*/archive/ -type f -daystart -not -mtime 7 -deleteApr 24 18:23
schestowitz> Apr 24 18:23
schestowitz> test withApr 24 18:23
schestowitz> Apr 24 18:23
schestowitz> find /root/phirce*/archive/ -type f -daystart -not -mtime 7 -printApr 24 18:23
schestowitz> Apr 24 18:23
schestowitz> Substitute 7 for the age in days.  Older files will then be zapped.Apr 24 18:23
schestowitzThis was more useful before Twitter killed the APIs and we got local copies or URLs that would disappear later.Apr 24 18:23
schestowitz>>>> Maybe use a selector on commiters of this DRM shit and see what elseApr 24 19:56
schestowitz>>>> they're working on and on whose behalfApr 24 19:56
schestowitz>>> I'll see if I can figure that out.Apr 24 19:56
schestowitz>> If we can give a list of developers and their affiliations, then we canApr 24 19:56
schestowitz>> at least call out the "DRM people". Attrition they would not wantApr 24 19:56
schestowitz>> (companies and people).Apr 24 19:56
schestowitz> Again, it would be quantitative and not say anything about motive etc.Apr 24 19:56
schestowitz> Apr 24 19:56
schestowitz> Without knowing more it would be unwise to push.Apr 24 19:56
schestowitz> Apr 24 19:56
schestowitz> git log --name-status -i --grep='hdcp' | \Apr 24 19:56
schestowitz> grep -iE 'Date:|Author:|Signed-Off-By:|Reviewed-By:' | \Apr 24 19:56
schestowitz> sed -r 's/^; s/^Author/\n&/;'Apr 24 19:56
schestowitz> Apr 24 19:56
-TechrightsBN/ | :space: // - Search results - WikipediaApr 24 19:56
schestowitz> There are some interesting affiliations there however.Apr 24 19:56
schestowitz> Maybe this pattern is better:Apr 24 19:56
schestowitz> Apr 24 19:56
schestowitz> git log --name-status -i --grep='hdcp' | \Apr 24 19:56
schestowitz> grep -iE 'commit |Date:|Author:|Signed-Off-By:|Reviewed-By:'| \Apr 24 19:56
schestowitz> sed -r 's/^; s/^commit/\n&/;'Apr 24 19:56
schestowitz> Apr 24 19:56
schestowitz> Since it preserves the commit identifier.Apr 24 19:56
schestowitz 24 19:59
-TechrightsBN/ #techrights could really use some pointers from @{Alexandre Oliva;} at this moment in time. We're studying the kernel source tree (full) and try to find ways to identify malicious features, inc. blobs. Not so easy a task.Apr 24 19:59
schestowitz"The folks at GNewSense made scripts to remove binary blobs and other non free software."Apr 24 19:59
schestowitz"Apr 24 19:59
schestowitzblobs disguised as sources are kind of easy to find, though you get tons of false positives.Apr 24 19:59
schestowitzidentifying malicious features in general is most likely not computable/undecidable, I’m afraidApr 24 19:59
schestowitz"Apr 24 19:59
schestowitz"heh. maybe we could use hey hi? :-)"Apr 24 19:59
schestowitz"use the deblob-check script to look for the patterns we use to find blobs in Linux to make GNU Linux-libre. give it a tarball or a filename. if the named file doesn’t match linux-., pass “-i linux-x.y” for it to recognize and ignore known false positives. -B and -C will show you the matches (extended to the enclosing statement, with -C). if you’re not interested in finding known blob names, only blobs proper, change blobna() and Apr 24 20:00
schestowitzrelated functions so as to do nothing."Apr 24 20:00
schestowitzThanks, I will pass on this adviceApr 24 20:00
schestowitzLooking at DRM in the kernel at the moment.Apr 24 20:01
schestowitzgit log --name-status -i --grep='hdcp' | \Apr 24 20:01
schestowitzgrep -iE 'commit |Date:|Author:|Signed-Off-By:|Reviewed-By:'| \Apr 24 20:01
schestowitzsed -r 's/^; s/^commit/\n&/;'Apr 24 20:01
schestowitz> Would this link be relevant?Apr 24 20:03
schestowitz> Apr 24 20:03
schestowitz> 24 20:03
schestowitz> Apr 24 20:03
-TechrightsBN/ | Why Linux HDCP Isn't the End of the World | | The source for Linux informationApr 24 20:03
schestowitz> I'm not deep enough in to assess that one but am suspicious of HDCPApr 24 20:03
schestowitzHave a look at Apr 24 20:03
schestowitz 24 20:03
schestowitzOliva there.Apr 24 20:03
schestowitz 24 20:03
-TechrightsBN/ today's howtos 24 20:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | today's howtos | Tux MachinesApr 24 20:03
schestowitz"find -type f | -c “p = arrstdin | fsortplus | groupbyleft 64 | groupsortlen | cat” will show the largest number of duplicates at the bottom. id love to figure out how to get fsortplus to stop crashing on very large files though."Apr 24 20:03
schestowitz 24 20:04
-TechrightsBN/ #microsoft de Icaza and his Microsoft minions are largely responsible for inciting people in #reddit against me. Team #mono is there. They even tried to throw the "sexist" smear at me, i.e. the desperate last resorts when you have nothing to say.Apr 24 20:04
schestowitz"The sincerest sort of flattery."Apr 24 20:04
schestowitz 24 20:04
-TechrightsBN/ #microsoft de Icaza today: "While Silverlight might have died" he had helped it: RMS called him "traitor" 24 20:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | - Miguel de IcazaApr 24 20:04
schestowitz"Icaza was perhaps the earliest person to attempt to infiltrate Microsoft into GNU/Linux.'"Apr 24 20:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Moonlight - TechrightsApr 24 20:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Miguel de Icaza - TechrightsApr 24 20:04
schestowitz"@tomgrz who / what else can you think of in that category?"Apr 24 20:05
schestowitz 24 20:06
-TechrightsBN/ #ecuador now belongs to Donald #trump and Mike Pants. @lenin is a traitor to the whole of #LatAm 24 20:06
schestowitz"What a pathetic sell-out. What ever happened to national autonomy?'Apr 24 20:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | For Ecuador’s Lenín Moreno, Evicting Julian Assange Is Only the Beginning – Foreign PolicyApr 24 20:06
schestowitz"#judasmoreno'Apr 24 20:06
schestowitz 24 20:07
-TechrightsBN/ Politicians with 10 years left to live (or at most 20) won't care about #GreenNewDeal They didn't make it into career #politics for anything other than being selfish and serving the rich corporations that pollute the mostApr 24 20:08
schestowitz"All politicians are like that regardless of the party they belong to"Apr 24 20:08
schestowitz"Politicians generally do not look beyond their careers or even beyond the next election. Businesses generally do not look beyond the next quarter."Apr 24 20:08
schestowitzTrueApr 24 20:08
schestowitz 24 20:10
-TechrightsBN/ What the “White Irish Slaves” Meme Tells Us About #IdentityPolitics 24 20:10
schestowitz"Part of US history that is usually glossed-over was the industrial phenomenon of the “company town”, where the workers were for all intents and purposes serfs."Apr 24 20:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | What the “White Irish Slaves” Meme Tells Us About Identity PoliticsApr 24 20:10
schestowitz 24 20:11
-TechrightsBN/ Trump’s Latest #Iran Sanctions Show an Unraveling of US Foreign Policy similar tactics in #venezuela and it's about #oil Apr 24 20:11
schestowitz"This action is incredibly provocative, and will be quite costly for everyone - even in the USA."Apr 24 20:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Trump's Latest Iran Sanctions Show an Unraveling of US Foreign PolicyApr 24 20:11
schestowitz"Apr 24 20:11
schestowitzNo one knows what it’s likeApr 24 20:11
schestowitzTo be the bad manApr 24 20:11
schestowitzTo be the sad manApr 24 20:11
schestowitzBehind blue eyesApr 24 20:11
schestowitzAnd no one knows what it’s likeApr 24 20:11
schestowitzTo be hatedApr 24 20:11
schestowitzTo be fatedApr 24 20:11
schestowitzto telling only liesApr 24 20:11
schestowitzBut my dreams, they aren’t as emptyApr 24 20:11
schestowitzAs my conscience seems to beApr 24 20:11
schestowitzI have hours, only lonelyApr 24 20:11
schestowitzMy love is vengeanceApr 24 20:11
schestowitzThat’s never free. - Pete TownshendApr 24 20:11
schestowitz"Apr 24 20:11
schestowitz 24 20:12
-TechrightsBN/ Worse: that assumes monopoly on mere concepts #swpats worse than #copyright #monopoly Apr 24 20:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: Requiring writers of software to know all potentially relevant patents is the same as requiring writers of literatu… 24 20:12
schestowitz"“nor it is not desirable” ???"Apr 24 20:12
schestowitz"I think the intent here is that it is not good for precedent to thwart practice. Perfect knowledge, of course, is wonderful. That prior art should discourage people is an abomination, and a common one. I quit painting, for example, after seeing some of the better photo-realistic works of Rosenquist. He’d done everything that I wanted to do, and done it very well, so I was discouraged."Apr 24 20:13
schestowitz 24 20:14
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: The Government Shouldn’t Keep the Public in the Dark Just Because Private Companies Ask It to (aka: why the world needs @wikileaks more than ever) 24 20:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Government Shouldn’t Keep the Public in the Dark Just Because Private Companies Ask It to | American Civil Liberties UnionApr 24 20:14
schestowitz"Apr 24 20:14
schestowitz“Democracies die behind closed doors.”Apr 24 20:14
schestowitz– Judge Damon J. Keith, in a ruling declaring that the Bush administration acted unlawfully in holding deportation hearings in secret.Apr 24 20:14
schestowitz"Apr 24 20:14
schestowitz"+1"Apr 24 20:14
schestowitz"@V. T. Eric Layton We do need Wikileaks, but not run by an irresponsible, self-serving creep.Apr 24 20:14
schestowitzOr maybe that's just what media wants you to think he isApr 24 20:15
schestowitz 24 20:17
-TechrightsBN/ "At least in the USA, copyright is nothing more than a temporary monopoly privilege granted by the government for the purpose of encouraging the creation of works. Essentially, all works inherently belong to the Public Domain, but society lets the creators borrow control of them for a while as an incentive for those creators motivated by profit. "Admittedly, the French basis of copyright is "droit d'auteur," butApr 24 20:17
schestowitz"vApr 24 20:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | GNU/Linux is Being Eaten Alive by Large Corporations With Their Agenda : StallmanWasRightApr 24 20:17
schestowitzHa! I’ve seen that coming for a long time now.Apr 24 20:17
schestowitzSince Canonical started to make waves, GNU Linux companies were never the same: Red Rat, Novell/Suse and Mandriva, either died or were corrupted.Apr 24 20:17
schestowitz"Apr 24 20:17
schestowitz 24 20:17
-TechrightsBN/ "app" = #surveillance #gafam #surveillancecapitalismApr 24 20:17
schestowitz"No privacy for You!"Apr 24 20:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Your Mental Health App Might Be Selling Your Data To Google Or FacebookApr 24 20:17
schestowitz 24 20:18
-TechrightsBN/ " #CNN cited US legal scholar Orin Kerr, who bluntly stated that the two publicly-revealed US charges against #Assange —alleging he was involved in a conspiracy to gain unauthorised access to a US government computer" 24 20:18
schestowitz"This is political persecution, not criminal prosecution. Britain must not extradite this man to the US."Apr 24 20:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Legal experts: Assange likely faces espionage charges if extradited to US - World Socialist Web SiteApr 24 20:18
schestowitzSurelyApr 24 20:18
schestowitz 24 20:18
-TechrightsBN/ 'A New Day in New York': City Council Passes Visionary #Climate Bill #nyc #newyork #politics Apr 24 20:18
schestowitz"Good to see that #climate change mitigation efforts are now defeating the #FUD argument of the fossil fuel lobby that jobs will be lost if we try to reduce emissions and energy use.'Apr 24 20:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 'A New Day in New York': City Council Passes Visionary Climate Bill - EcoWatchApr 24 20:18
schestowitz 24 20:19
-TechrightsBN/ ...about 8 or 9 out of 10 Linux developers is employed to do so, based on Apr 24 20:19
schestowitz"thats why nothing works anymore. if they fix it, they lose revenue"Apr 24 20:19
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Apr 25 01:10
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Apr 25 11:23
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schestowitz 25 19:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JJjlawler10: @schestowitz And the military industrial complex keeps chugging along..Apr 25 19:12
schestowitz 25 19:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@qu1j0t3: @schestowitz And racism makes threeApr 25 19:29
schestowitz 25 19:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JJjlawler10: @schestowitz The US is an ally of SA and Yemen, however, they are only targeting ISIS and AQIP.Apr 25 19:46
schestowitz 25 19:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jhamby: "Kill Anything That Moves" is well worth reading. US troops and our allies committed so many atrocities that were c… 25 19:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jhamby: "Kill Anything That Moves" is well worth reading. US troops and our allies committed so many atrocities that were c… 25 19:58
schestowitz"Apr 25 19:58
schestowitzMore Jake Hamby Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Apr 25 19:58
schestowitz"Kill Anything That Moves" is well worth reading. US troops and our allies committed so many atrocities that were covered up for PR reasons.Apr 25 19:58
schestowitz"Apr 25 19:58
schestowitz 26 01:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Kastoremaru: @KyleBennett 26 01:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #Compulab #Airtop3 #LinuxMint mini computer has fanless Intel Core i9 9900K and NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000 26 01:02
schestowitz 26 01:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ProfRisch: @schestowitz @PatentJosh @ccianet This doesn't actually answer my point, by the way. There's a long leap from, "I'm… 26 01:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ProfRisch: @schestowitz @PatentJosh @ccianet This doesn't actually answer my point, by the way. There's a long leap from, "I'm… 26 01:02
schestowitz"Apr 26 01:02
schestowitzThis doesn't actually answer my point, by the way. There's a long leap from, "I'm not sure that question phrasing gets to the answer we're seeking," to "The Koch's are driving all this."Apr 26 01:02
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesApr 26 01:02
schestowitz"Apr 26 01:02
-->MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 04:07
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schestowitz"Being arrested immediately after trying to leave wouldn't really be "walking out". It isn't like could just leave without the embassy or the UK government knowing about it immediately. It's also not in Ecuadors interest to just let him go, especially not the current presidents."Apr 26 17:59
schestowitz 26 17:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@DatRedronn: @SharonPeetz @schestowitz @wikileaks Being arrested immediately after trying to leave wouldn't really be "walking o… 26 17:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@DatRedronn: @SharonPeetz @schestowitz @wikileaks Being arrested immediately after trying to leave wouldn't really be "walking o… 26 17:59
-->rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 18:34
<--rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Apr 26 18:37
schestowitz 26 19:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@aimathopti: #EU Tells #InternetArchive That Much Of Its Site Is 'Te -expanded 26 19:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #EU Tells #InternetArchive That Much Of Its Site Is 'Terrorist Content' (yes, these fools in #europe now want to KI… 26 19:38
schestowitz 26 19:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@tonyskapunk: wee!!! 26 19:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #redhat will release #fedora 30 or #f30 on 30th of April, 2019 #gnu #linuxApr 26 19:38
schestowitz 26 19:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jlboul: @schestowitz Based on Biden's affinity for big money, which will probably include representatives of big Wall Stree… 26 19:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jlboul: @schestowitz Based on Biden's affinity for big money, which will probably include representatives of big Wall Stree… 26 19:56
schestowitz"Apr 26 19:56
schestowitzBased on Biden's affinity for big money, which will probably include representatives of big Wall Street banks, it appears he could waltz in for a coronation-style Presidency. Obama said he wouldn't take $ from Wall Street banks, but he did take & from their lawyers & lobbyists.Apr 26 19:56
schestowitz0 replies 1 retweet 0 likesApr 26 19:56
schestowitzApr 26 19:56
schestowitz"Apr 26 19:56
schestowitz 26 21:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@GeorginioGlory: @schestowitz @LFC Are you daftApr 26 21:56
schestowitz 26 21:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@_TomLFC_: @schestowitz @LFC Cheers Geoff, didn’t know that...thank you DrApr 26 21:56
schestowitz 26 21:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@leedavison81: @schestowitz @LFC 26 21:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@leedavison81: @schestowitz @LFC 26 21:56
schestowitz 26 22:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SiSenorFirminoo: @schestowitz @LFC Can't trust anyone that likes his own tweets.Apr 26 22:03
schestowitz 26 22:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MartinDiamond17: @schestowitz @LFC Oi! Roy! Fuck right off, you fucking melt!Apr 26 22:03
schestowitz 26 22:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MartinDiamond17: @schestowitz @LFC Hey Roy! Fuck right off!Apr 26 22:03
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 27 01:02
schestowitz Software Releases of #Weblate and #GNU ToollsApr 27 01:12
schestowitz #gcc #freesw Apr 27 01:12
-TechrightsBN/ | Software Releases of Weblate and GNU Toolls | Tux MachinesApr 27 01:12
schestowitz 27 05:50
-TechrightsBN/ | Mh. Jeff Cliff, BSc(CompSci): " @birdsite > "The oper…" - niu.moeApr 27 05:50
schestowitz"Apr 27 05:50
schestowitz @birdsiteApr 27 05:50
schestowitz> "The operating system is called Linux and was created in 1991 by Finnish student Linus Torvalds." #gnu and RMS don't exist. They lives in a parallel universe for a decade.Apr 27 05:50
schestowitz 27 05:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: "The operating system is called Linux and was created in 1991 by Finnish student Linus Torvalds." #gnu and RMS don'… 27 05:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: "The operating system is called Linux and was created in 1991 by Finnish student Linus Torvalds." #gnu and RMS don'… 27 05:50
schestowitz" 27 05:51
-TechrightsBN/ | avocado goblin: " https://blog.rust-lang.…" - CybrespaceApr 27 05:51
schestowitz""Apr 27 05:51
-TechrightsBN/ | Mozilla IRC Sunset and the Rust Channel | Rust BlogApr 27 05:51
schestowitz 27 05:52
schestowitz"Apr 27 05:52
schestowitzI'm not sure I interpret that as not a ban. Still can't win an Oscar if the film doesn't get a theatrical release. This is what Spielberg wanted (from my interpretation).Apr 27 05:52
schestowitzI find it silly, and I don't take the Oscars seriously for a few reasons, but this rule is a big one for me.Apr 27 05:52
schestowitz"Apr 27 05:52
schestowitz 27 05:52
-TechrightsBN/ | DashEquals: " Wow, that's actually re…" - LinuxRocks.OnlineApr 27 05:52
schestowitz"Wow, that's actually really useful!"Apr 27 05:52
schestowitz 27 05:52
-TechrightsBN/ | Lubomir Rintel: " hi. What makes you beli…" - OctodonApr 27 05:52
schestowitz" hi. What makes you believe GitHub controls our project? Also, if you believe there are good reasons we should delete our GitHub mirror, why didn't you tell us directly..."Apr 27 05:52
schestowitzThe hashtag is a generic one. We need to make giyhub as redundant as myspace; it gives Microsoft control over many things, including narrative.Apr 27 05:53
schestowitz 27 05:54
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaApr 27 05:54
schestowitz" the title is misleading but interesting read"Apr 27 05:54
schestowitz 27 05:54
-TechrightsBN/ | DoudouOSM: " For content to be refer…" - En OSM Town | Mapstodon for OpenStreetMapApr 27 05:54
schestowitz" For content to be referenced on twitter, an account must be created by the someone who wants his content to appear there, so it’s an opt-in, deliberate action. And anyway what’s wrong with calling (and counting him as) twitter user someone who uses twitter ?"Apr 27 05:54
schestowitz 27 05:55
-TechrightsBN/ | booklord: " i love that the URL is …" - Scholar SocialApr 27 05:55
schestowitz"Apr 27 05:55
schestowitzz i love that the URL isApr 27 05:55
schestowitzseriously fuck that guyApr 27 05:55
schestowitz"Apr 27 05:55
schestowitz 27 05:55
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaApr 27 05:55
schestowitz" Instead of Microsoft doing EEE against its competitors, Microsoft and its competitors do EEE together against all individuals and small businesses."Apr 27 05:55
schestowitz 27 05:56
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaApr 27 05:56
schestowitz"Apr 27 05:56
schestowitz i expanded on it a little bit, hopefully more clearer for copy-zealotsApr 27 05:56
schestowitzcopy.pngApr 27 05:56
schestowitz"Apr 27 05:56
schestowitz 27 05:56
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaApr 27 05:56
schestowitz" i've been making this argument for years, no1 wants to listen"Apr 27 05:56
schestowitz 27 05:57
-TechrightsBN/ | Pie-jacker875: " This is a silly argumen…" - LinuxRocks.OnlineApr 27 05:57
schestowitz"This is a silly argument, but maybe there's a scenario where someone stole a copy of a document or something off a desk and then made further copies of that. In that case, something was stolen, even though the original owner still has other copies."Apr 27 05:57
schestowitz 27 05:57
-TechrightsBN/ | hrthu: " I hope the #machinelear…" - FosstodonApr 27 05:57
schestowitz" I hope the #machinelearning does not come at the expense of #privacy."Apr 27 05:57
schestowitz 27 05:58
-TechrightsBN/ | Tidux: " also AWS just isn't tha…" - Mastodon @ SDFApr 27 05:58
schestowitz"also AWS just isn't that cost effective for spinning up small numbers of persistent VMs.  I know Amazon employees that use DigitalOcean for their personal VPSes since Lightsail is expensive and EC2 is overly complex."Apr 27 05:58
schestowitz 27 05:58
-TechrightsBN/ | Decentralize.Today: " can’t wait this phone a…" - MastodonApr 27 05:58
schestowitz"can’t wait this phone actually gets done. We supposed to have it in our hands by now, but I will patiently waiting to finally get it"Apr 27 05:58
schestowitz 27 05:59
-TechrightsBN/ | NixiИ: " I have not read that ar…" - LinuxRocks.OnlineApr 27 05:59
schestowitz"Apr 27 05:59
schestowitz I have not read that article (seeing the excerpt, don't want to). What matters is not how many distributions exist. All of them spring from one kernel and a subset of tools. [All humans spring from a spermatozoa and an ovum.] Likewise, the variety is not a problem. It is the purpose and the outcome.Apr 27 05:59
schestowitzReproducible builds are a goal worth attaining. The number of distributions have nothing to do with that. Better to put efforts in getting hardware to be as open, free and available.Apr 27 05:59
schestowitz"Apr 27 05:59
schestowitz 27 05:59
-TechrightsBN/ | RebellePoetica: ""This horrifying precedent stands against the his…" - MastodonApr 27 05:59
schestowitz"Apr 27 05:59
schestowitz"This horrifying precedent stands against the history of the ‘Samizdat’ press, an underground publishing network that held critical opinions on Soviet policy and eventually stoked the atmosphere for Glasnost and Perestroika. Their fearless journalism, published at the risk of their lives, shone a light on the moral abyss of the totalitarian state."Apr 27 06:00
schestowitz@xeb @jz @schestowitz Apr 27 06:00
schestowitz#freeassange #freechelsea #freeolabini Apr 27 06:00
schestowitz 27 06:00
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:00
-TechrightsBN/ | Our whistleblowing laws must change - DiEM25Apr 27 06:00
schestowitz 27 06:00
-TechrightsBN/ | RebellePoetica: "The last paragraph was edited in such a way that …" - MastodonApr 27 06:00
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:00
schestowitzThe last paragraph was edited in such a way that it now means the opposite of what I meant, but the rest is good: "In May 2011, in a resplendent Norfolk jail, Julian Assange reflected on the seismic uprising of a global counterculture, of united students and workers, which could have, and did, scare a thousand kings by reviving the ideals of the 1871 Paris commune within the context of the Information Age."Apr 27 06:00
schestowitz#freeassange #freechelsea #freeolabiniApr 27 06:00
schestowitz@jz @xeb @schestowitz 27 06:00
-TechrightsBN/ | 21st Century Prophet: History Will Vindicate Julian Assange ~ The Ghion JournalApr 27 06:00
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:00
schestowitz> Ouch.  I'm usually fully offline during that time and will be missingApr 27 06:12
schestowitz> anything during those hours until we find some out of band option likeApr 27 06:12
schestowitz> SMS.  Maybe I can wire a buzzer to my router.  If I remove theApr 27 06:12
schestowitz> antiquated wifi and antenna, neither are in use, there will be an accessApr 27 06:12
schestowitz> hole for wires.Apr 27 06:12
schestowitzAnything that would let either of us detect downtime at night would help. The latest two downtimes happened at night. This one for 2.5 hours, previous was 6 hours (TR).Apr 27 06:12
schestowitz> Did adding the -d to the script on hv, as mentioned a while back, saveApr 27 06:12
schestowitz> any Qemu logs?Apr 27 06:12
schestowitzI have not checked.Apr 27 06:12
schestowitz> I notice that the patch below could still be applied to the TM on HV soApr 27 06:12
schestowitz> that VNC listens for a tunnel like TR now does.  Right now it isApr 27 06:12
schestowitz> listening to the world.Apr 27 06:12
schestowitzI suppose it would still require an intruder knowing two passwords to do any damage that way. VNC password, then TM password. The latter would not be tied to any VNC flaws (if any exist).Apr 27 06:12
schestowitz 27 06:15
-TechrightsBN/ 10 Reasons To Change Windows For Linux In 2019 27 06:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 10 Reasons To Change Windows For Linux In 2019 | Tux MachinesApr 27 06:15
schestowitz"#gnu"Apr 27 06:15
schestowitzshould say thatApr 27 06:15
schestowitz 27 06:16
-TechrightsBN/ Greg K-H (Microsoft/Novell, then #zemlinpac ): OK, #drm , come to #linux 27 06:16
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Merge tag 'topic/mei-hdcp-2019-02-26' of git://anongit.freedesktop.or… · GalliumOS/linux@f699f9f · GitHubApr 27 06:16
schestowitzi didnt know gkh worked at microsoft.Apr 27 06:16
schestowitztheyre literally handing over the entire operating system to a former microsoftie?Apr 27 06:16
schestowitzWOW.Apr 27 06:16
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:16
schestowitz"(they think its an operating system, and the gnu project isnt sounding any alarms about the takeover, so…)"Apr 27 06:16
schestowitz"Gnu project being silent about it is worrisome."Apr 27 06:16
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:16
schestowitzl help to build a backup fsf (a multi-organisation one)Apr 27 06:16
schestowitz“how?”Apr 27 06:16
schestowitzjust try, youll figure it out. #bethechangeApr 27 06:16
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:16
schestowitz"+1"Apr 27 06:17
schestowitz"let’s ask Richard Stallman, Matthew Lee, etc., all these people… i’m very curious about what all these people have to say'Apr 27 06:17
schestowitz"even Linus Torvalds might have something to say about…"Apr 27 06:17
schestowitz 27 06:18
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:18
schestowitzlet’s ask Richard Stallman, Matthew Lee, etc., all these people… i’m very curious about what all these people have to sayApr 27 06:18 one of the reasons i started the free media alliance was to lobby the fsf to respond to some of the key threats theyve sat on for half a decade.Apr 27 06:18
schestowitznot only do i recommend asking rms and matt lee why they arent doing more about this, i started my own organisation to encourage letter campaigns about it. i can of course, tell you exactly the sort of feedback you will get (polite-- terse-- useless.) one thing im not trying to do is sum up/reduce the legacy of the free software foundation to the ground it is losing now. we wouldnt be here if not for them. that doesnt change the iceberg Apr 27 06:18
schestowitztheyre headed for at full steam.Apr 27 06:18
schestowitz 27 06:18
-TechrightsBN/ | fsf_2.0_first_draft_odt_pdf : figosdev : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet ArchiveApr 27 06:18
schestowitz“That sort of gloating should be a huge red flag to any free software advocate that something is amiss-- You’ve heard itApr 27 06:18
schestowitzfrom GNOME fans, you’ve heard it from Systemd authors, and you shouldn’t tolerate a coup to threaten the users freedom, no matter how it is licensed.” – same chapter, a couple pages after the linkApr 27 06:18
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:18
schestowitz 27 06:19
-TechrightsBN/ Greg K-H (Microsoft/Novell, then #zemlinpac ): OK, #drm , come to #linux 27 06:19
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Merge tag 'topic/mei-hdcp-2019-02-26' of git://anongit.freedesktop.or… · GalliumOS/linux@f699f9f · GitHubApr 27 06:19
schestowitzeven Linus Torvalds might have something to say about…Apr 27 06:19
schestowitzvery unlikely: 27 06:19
-TechrightsBN/ | Torvalds' Hatred of Microsoft Critics is a Disease | SlatedApr 27 06:19
schestowitzeven less likely these days: 27 06:19
schestowitz“Months ago Torvalds ‘escorted’ himself out, came back weeks later (from that ‘penalty box’) and has said nothing particularly critical/negative since.”Apr 27 06:19
-TechrightsBN/ | GNU/Linux is Being Eaten Alive by Large Corporations With Their Agenda | TechrightsApr 27 06:19
schestowitzthe person you really want to talk to is ben mako hill: 27 06:19
-TechrightsBN/ | In Defense of Negativity :: Benjamin Mako HillApr 27 06:19
schestowitz'Apr 27 06:19
schestowitz 27 06:19
-TechrightsBN/ GNU/Linux Domination in Devices #gnu #linux Apr 27 06:20
schestowitz"Ubuntu has invested a tremendous amount of time (and money?) in support of ARM, while Debian has been slow on the pick-up. I wonder how this came to be?"Apr 27 06:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | GNU/Linux Domination in Devices | Tux MachinesApr 27 06:20
schestowitz"Ubuntu has invested a tremendous amount of time (and money?) in support of ARM, while Debian has been slow on the pick-up. I wonder how this came to be?"Apr 27 06:20
schestowitz"Have you actually tried to get Debian running on some of these SBC? In many cases only Ubuntu can run. Probably because of the need for BLOBS which are not supported by Debian - but at least they could document what was needed and how to plug it in."Apr 27 06:20
schestowitz"Oops, I’ve kind of gone on a tangent here which I do not really want to take. My main point is that Ubuntu seems to have an inside track with the vendors, and is quite willing to work with whatever proprietary stuff the vendor feeds them. Of course you then end-up with a sort of hybrid beast: Proprietary/Gnu/Linux. Debian is quite right to avoid this mess - but we are left with virtually no alternative to Ubuntu. What ever happened to Apr 27 06:20
schestowitzthe fine art of reverse-engineering?"Apr 27 06:21
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:21
schestowitzWhat ever happened to the fine art of reverse-engineering?Apr 27 06:21
schestowitzlinux is being handed over to be maintained by a former microsoftie. that may not be the cause of all this, but its certainly a sign of the times.Apr 27 06:21
schestowitzwith microsoft and ibm deeply entrenched in the linux (kernel) ecosystem, why would they bother reverse-engineering? so that you can have free drivers? what do they care about that? (further eroding the ecosystem while being cheered on for it.) remember when we thought ubuntu was great for gnu/linux? nope… not so great now. (hey, i thought it too.)Apr 27 06:21
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:21
schestowitzGreg K-H isn't former Microsoft but former Novell when Novell was controlled by Microsoft and thus some of his salary came from  Microsoft. Apr 27 06:22
schestowitz 27 06:22
-TechrightsBN/ Misuse of the word "theft" by #patent and #readesecrets zealots. They mean copying. 27 06:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- Photo by 27 06:22
schestowitz"Misuse of the word piracy."Apr 27 06:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Counterfeiting and trade secret theft top IP concerns in China, say counsel | Managing Intellectual PropertyApr 27 06:22
schestowitz""Apr 27 06:22
-TechrightsBN/ | Words to Avoid (or Use with Care) Because They Are Loaded or Confusing - GNU Project - Free Software FoundationApr 27 06:22
schestowitz" #gnuspeak #meh #prescriptive #makeyourownwords'Apr 27 06:23
-TechrightsBN/ | Words to Avoid (or Use with Care) Because They Are Loaded or Confusing - GNU Project - Free Software FoundationApr 27 06:23
schestowitz 27 06:24
-TechrightsBN/ More people will realise that the "D" is not really opposition to #trump and does not stand up for civility as opposed to Wall Street (like "R") 27 06:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Democratic Refusal to Impeach Could Be DisastrousApr 27 06:24
schestowitz"R for Real, D for Disguised, but it looks all the same to me, from this far away"Apr 27 06:24
schestowitz 27 06:24
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:24
schestowitzdemocrats are just #progressiverepublicans, oliva.Apr 27 06:24
schestowitzwhat are you doing to fight the war on free software (probably a lot, the question stands)Apr 27 06:24
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:24
schestowitz 27 06:24
schestowitz 27 06:24
-TechrightsBN/ | “Mention the War” (of Microsoft Against GNU/Linux) | TechrightsApr 27 06:24
-TechrightsBN/ | Linux-libre - WikipediaApr 27 06:24
schestowitz"right now I’m preparing a new lecture on free mobile computing, trying to inspire maybe an OLPC-like project, with free software, free hardware and surveillance-free networking"Apr 27 06:25
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:25
schestowitzbeing curious about olpc/sugar is actually what got me into trisquel (first distro i used with linux-libre and ultimately python.Apr 27 06:25
schestowitzid heard of python, it didnt look interesting or friendly until i used pippy. its too bad that microsoft has more or less bought out pycon. (having tried both i still prefer python 2 anyway, im more or less ready to switch to pypy.)Apr 27 06:25
schestowitzgood luck with your lecture. if its in portuguese and theres a transcript, ill read the english translation.Apr 27 06:25
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:25
schestowitz"I’m preparing it in English, will probably translate to pt_BR afterwards; I’ve just submitted it to DebConf and LinuxDev-Br"Apr 27 06:25
schestowitzPyCon seems to be feeling the negative publicity. Let's see if they do something about it at present or in the future.Apr 27 06:26
schestowitz 27 06:27
-TechrightsBN/ Why the US bears the most responsibility for climate change, in one chart #china takes #climatechange more seriouslyApr 27 06:27
schestowitz"We live in a world where we are free to pollute. I think some inevitable lawsuits will change that,"Apr 27 06:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Climate change: animation shows US leading the world in carbon emissions - VoxApr 27 06:27
schestowitz" class action lawsuits against bad multinational corporations are a wonderful thing."Apr 27 06:27
schestowitz"I wonder if they’re taking the US military’s emissions outside the US into account.Apr 27 06:27
schestowitz" Yes they are. Large Oil Corporations have already admitted they know about it and do nothing about it."Apr 27 06:27
schestowitzI have read in numerous places that the US Army is the world's largest polluter (in several aspects). But they have more secrecy than most corporations.Apr 27 06:28
schestowitz 27 06:29
-TechrightsBN/ The WIRED Guide to Open Source Software #freesw but old: 27 06:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Open Source Software: The Complete Wired Guide | WIREDApr 27 06:29
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Is Stallman Stalled? | WIREDApr 27 06:29
schestowitz“Open source isn’t counterculture anymore. It’s the establishment.”Apr 27 06:29
schestowitztruest words wired has published in years (though i did just find larry sangers declaration from last month, via your irc.)Apr 27 06:29
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:29
schestowitz"+1"Apr 27 06:29
schestowitzIt was supposed to, in a sense, replace "the establishment" and put the people at large in chargeApr 27 06:30
schestowitz 27 06:30
-TechrightsBN/ Siding With Corporate Power Over Worker Rights, Supreme Court #scotus Supports Company That Sought to Block Class Action Lawsuit 27 06:30
schestowitz"Our Supreme Court is now an activist court - molding the law to it’s own ends."Apr 27 06:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Siding With Corporate Power Over Worker Rights, Supreme Court Supports Company That Sought to Block Class Action LawsuitApr 27 06:30
schestowitz"Then the arguments hinge on subtleties and precedent instead of clear logic, you know they have strayed."Apr 27 06:30
schestowitz 27 06:31
-TechrightsBN/ Look at this face. Look at it. Like a blood-sucking vampire with lots of makeup on, trying hard to make him look human(e). #biden #corruption #bigmoney #greed #dnc 27 06:31
schestowitz"take back what you said about comparing blood-sucking vampires to that guy #notallbloodsuckingvampires"Apr 27 06:31
schestowitz 27 06:32
-TechrightsBN/ Latest #scientificlinux eulogies 27 06:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Scientific Linux is dead, and that's a good thingApr 27 06:32
schestowitz"I never saw the point in Scientific Linux. The main difference between it and Centos was the selection of applications installed by default."Apr 27 06:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Scientific Linux Will Be Discontinued After 14 Years as Fermilab Moves to CentOSApr 27 06:32
schestowitz"Any new distro, to be worth while, should at least offer a desktop different from its closest neighbor, or better-yet, offer another (better?) way of working: a different package manager, or init, or even a different paradigm such as GUIX.'Apr 27 06:32
schestowitzI don't know how much it cost to maintain SL, but I guess it's cheaper to just maintain metapackages for it on top of centos repos (soon to be IBM's)Apr 27 06:33
schestowitz 27 06:33
-TechrightsBN/ Imagine what #article13 or #article17 in #eu #copyright directive would accomplish 27 06:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AdV007: #Copyright overreach, part gazillion: Emilio Estevez Uses Some Public Domain Footage In Film, So Universal Studios… 27 06:33
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:33
schestowitzPublic Domain works are the “intellectual property” of everybody. Therefore we all can sue them for millions and millions.Apr 27 06:33
schestowitzOK, some jurisdictions do not permit it. But some do! And the damage to the cultural heritage is certainly to be valued much higher than simple profits from sales.Apr 27 06:33
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:33
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:34
schestowitzArguably, the best thing about the GNU GPL is that it’s infectious. If you include my GPLed work in your work, you have to license your work under the GPL.Apr 27 06:34
schestowitzWork in the public domain can be included in work that is not released into the public domain. In fact, in the USA, at least, it has not been made clear in courts of law that declaring your work to be in the public domain has any legal effect.Apr 27 06:34
schestowitzThis needs to be fixed.Apr 27 06:34
schestowitzWe need a statute that explicitly gives legal effect to an author’s declaration that a her/his work is in the public domain.Apr 27 06:34
schestowitzWe need a new category that doesn’t exist now. We need to be able to release our work as “infectiously public domain.” Any work that includes any content in that is infectiously public domain would be, automatically, infectiously public domain.Apr 27 06:34
schestowitzOne advantage to the new category is that its status wouldn’t expire when the copyright expires. We do all realize that, when the copyright on a GPLed work expires, the GPL is no longer enforceable for that work, right? Infectious public domain would be permanent.Apr 27 06:34
schestowitzOf course, this is just another of my interim solutions. I’d rather see the end of copyrights, altogether. I don’t think copyright is really necessary. It usually benefits Amazon much more than authors or even publishers.Apr 27 06:34
schestowitzPatents, of course, are prima face nonsensical. Not everything is able to be owned, and an idea should definitely not be something that can be owned. Do we own emotions?Apr 27 06:34
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:34
schestowitz"+1"Apr 27 06:34
schestowitz 27 06:35
-TechrightsBN/ Impeaching #Trump Shouldn’t Mean Abandoning Other Key Battles "the 2020 presidential election is a full 558 days away."Apr 27 06:35
schestowitz"Apr 27 06:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Impeaching Trump Shouldn't Mean Abandoning Other Key BattlesApr 27 06:35
schestowitzGood article. But I don’t see the logic of the last 5 words of that last sentence.Apr 27 06:35
schestowitz“If the Democrats are incapable of forming a winning coalition out of voters concerned about climate disruption, racism, immigration policy, institutional Islamophobia, LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights and the crimes described in detail by the Mueller report, not to mention issues like student debt, gun violence and worker’s rights, they will join the Whigs in the dustbin of history, and they will deserve it.”Apr 27 06:35
schestowitz“…and they will deserve it”? We’re the ones (the people of the USA, and of the world) who will pay the price, not them.Apr 27 06:35
schestowitz'Apr 27 06:35
schestowitz 27 06:36
-TechrightsBN/ SDK for #proprietarysoftware is still a trap. #deletegithub and stay well away from #microsoft 27 06:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Dead Windows Media Center returns? Ex-Microsoft employee posts SDK on GitHub | ZDNetApr 27 06:36
schestowitz"i made a backup to gitlab, removed everything from github and closed my account as soon i heard about github being bought by micosoft, done everything in some minutes"Apr 27 06:36
schestowitz"notabug,, others. #deletegithub asap"Apr 27 06:36
schestowitzIt needs to be made redundant and obsolete, the ashtray of history like NovellApr 27 06:37
schestowitz> Here's today's batch.Apr 27 06:41
schestowitz> Apr 27 06:41
schestowitz> Now that I think about it, I have a Raspberry Pi Zero running most ofApr 27 06:41
schestowitz> the time, even during the night.  That has some free GPIO pins and wouldApr 27 06:41
schestowitz> be easier and less risky to mess with than the router.  I'll look intoApr 27 06:41
schestowitz> it this weekend.  That might work with monitoring TR and TM.  ThoughApr 27 06:41
schestowitz> it'd still be better to drill down in the Qemu logs and check what mightApr 27 06:41
schestowitz> be the cause of these frequent lock-ups.Apr 27 06:41
schestowitz> Apr 27 06:41
schestowitz> It's almost May 1st.Apr 27 06:41
schestowitzThanks, I gave up looking for causes as the incentive decreased with infrequencies of these incidents. We had two such incidents, for 2 sites, in about 2 month. So that's on average not as bad as at the start (after migration).Apr 27 06:41
schestowitz 27 06:42
-TechrightsBN/ OSS Leftovers #freesw #sharing Apr 27 06:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | OSS Leftovers | Tux MachinesApr 27 06:42
schestowitz"#floss"Apr 27 06:42
-TechrightsBN/ | Now Ponder Mistakes: NPM's heavy-handed management prompts JS code registry challenger • The RegisterApr 27 06:42
<--schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Apr 27 09:28
-->schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 27 09:28
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Apr 27 09:28
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellApr 27 09:28
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzApr 27 09:28
schestowitz 27 09:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@glynmoody: indeed: #brexiters have it exactly wrong: outside the EU we have *less* sovereignty because we are vulnerable and l… 27 09:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@glynmoody: indeed: #brexiters have it exactly wrong: outside the EU we have *less* sovereignty because we are vulnerable and l… 27 09:58
schestowitz"indeed: #brexiters have it exactly wrong: outside the EU we have *less* sovereignty because we are vulnerable and less able to assert ourselves globally"Apr 27 09:58
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 27 10:55
schestowitz 27 13:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lilycaliber: Strange pic! Hes in bed with a huge table of food and not one or two but three dinner place settings? Is this consi… 27 13:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lilycaliber: Strange pic! Hes in bed with a huge table of food and not one or two but three dinner place settings? Is this consi… 27 13:00
schestowitz"Apr 27 13:00
schestowitzMore michele dinsmore Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Apr 27 13:00
schestowitzStrange pic! Hes in bed with a huge table of food and not one or two but three dinner place settings? Is this considered appropriate imagery for the jefe of his country?  Strange even for Lenin!michele dinsmore added,Apr 27 13:00
schestowitz"Apr 27 13:00
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Google is eating our mail</a></h5>Apr 27 13:04
schestowitz<blockquote>Apr 27 13:04
schestowitz <p>So why am I writing all of this? Unfortunately, email is starting to become synonymous with Google's mail, and Google's machines have decided that mail from my server is simply not worth receiving. Being a good administrator and a well-behaved player on the network is no longer enough: [...] </p>Apr 27 13:04
schestowitz</blockquote>Apr 27 13:04
schestowitz</li>Apr 27 13:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 503 @ )Apr 27 13:05
schestowitz 27 13:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@FOSSpatents: @schestowitz You should credit @PatentJosh not me :-)Apr 27 13:43
schestowitzah, okApr 27 13:43
schestowitzIn my view, the #apologetics of #zemlin for #microsoft boil down to the logic fallacy of:Apr 27 14:54
schestowitz1) if you criticise a crime of a large corporation/bank, then say, "what are you? AGAINST CAPITALISM!!???"Apr 27 14:54
schestowitz1) if you criticise a crime of a billionaire, then say, "why are you SO JEALOUS?"Apr 27 14:54
schestowitzZemlin loves Big Money.Apr 27 14:54
schestowitz 27 15:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@letoams: The biggest thread to email is gmail. Welcome to the club of gmail sporadic rejects 27 15:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: "So why am I writing all of this? Unfortunately, email is starting to become synonymous with Google's mail, and Goo… 27 15:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- (Re-tweeted by whvholst)Apr 27 15:08
-->rianne ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 27 16:22
<--rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)Apr 27 16:25
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Apr 27 17:03
-->rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 27 17:04
<--rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Apr 27 17:06
schestowitz 27 17:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@EDub56: @schestowitz Have you been to the Philippines? Interviewed Filipinos? I have, and guess what, the story I see and h… 27 17:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@EDub56: @schestowitz Have you been to the Philippines? Interviewed Filipinos? I have, and guess what, the story I see and h… 27 17:07
schestowitz"Have you been to the Philippines? Interviewed Filipinos? I have, and guess what, the story I see and hear is completely different than what you read in western media. ,  are getting their info from western media sources."Apr 27 17:07
-TechrightsBN/ | FAIRApr 27 17:07
-TechrightsBN/ | Democracy Now! | Democracy Now!Apr 27 17:07
schestowitzBeen there twice since 2015Apr 27 17:07
schestowitz 27 19:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jhamby: @schestowitz Very perceptive. Thanks for sharing. #neoliberalismApr 27 19:38
schestowitzI hope you now have more hope for humanity than you had years agoApr 27 19:38
schestowitz 27 19:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: Tux Machines seems to be down this evening. Verified on the "Down for Everybody or Just Me website. 27 19:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Is down? Click to check.Apr 27 19:53
schestowitz"Tux Machines seems to be down this evening. Verified on the "Down for Everybody or Just Me website. "Apr 27 19:53
schestowitzyes, it was down due to a crash. fixed when I woke up 2 hours later.Apr 27 19:53
schestowitz 27 20:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: @schestowitz As they used to say about MTV, we want our Tux Machines!Apr 27 20:03
schestowitza friend in Finland was also asleep at the time. Will set up RasPi for alerting...Apr 27 20:04
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 28 01:02
schestowitz 28 02:25
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaApr 28 02:25
schestowitz" goof night then (or afternoon or morning, depending were you live)"Apr 28 02:26
schestowitz 28 02:26
-TechrightsBN/ | Ξινόμηλο: " from "uk '82" to "la '9…" - Todon.nlApr 28 02:26
schestowitz"Apr 28 02:26
schestowitzfrom "uk '82" to "la '92" to "athens '08"...Apr 28 02:26
schestowitzApr 28 02:26
schestowitz"Apr 28 02:26
schestowitz 28 02:27
-TechrightsBN/ | . . .: " What a deplorable art…" - Writing ExchangeApr 28 02:27
schestowitz"Apr 28 02:27
schestowitzWhat a deplorable article in every respect, not least of which that it was even written. But let's count a few other ways:Apr 28 02:27
schestowitz1. TeenVogueApr 28 02:27
schestowitz2. Solely rehash material from Daily Beast and The IndependentApr 28 02:27
schestowitz3. tRump whining, getting attention, his face, againApr 28 02:27
schestowitz4. Dorsey and Twitter, only slightly less annoying that tRumpApr 28 02:27
schestowitz5. UBlock Origin blocks 31 trackers, Privacy Badger blocks 8Apr 28 02:27
schestowitzI blame society as a whole for seeing this.Apr 28 02:27
schestowitzBut thanks for reminding me to create a 'teenvogue' filter.Apr 28 02:27
schestowitzApr 28 02:28
schestowitz"Apr 28 02:28
schestowitz 28 02:29
-TechrightsBN/ | Peter: " So anyone can nominate …" - Mastodon.nlApr 28 02:29
schestowitz" So anyone can nominate someone for a nobel peace price?"Apr 28 02:29
schestowitz 28 02:29
-TechrightsBN/ | The_Mechanarchist: " There are alternatives.…" - HomunyanApr 28 02:29
schestowitz"There are alternatives...just a bit difficult to actualize them without the fascist-like shitheads allowing us to be freer from them."Apr 28 02:29
schestowitz 28 02:30
-TechrightsBN/ | Andrew Miloradovsky: " Just serve well, and yo…" - Functional CaféApr 28 02:30
schestowitz" Just serve well, and you'll be reborn in a higher caste…"Apr 28 02:30
schestowitz 28 02:31
-TechrightsBN/ | avocado goblin: " drawbridge?" - CybrespaceApr 28 02:31
schestowitz"drawbridge?"Apr 28 02:31
schestowitz 28 02:32
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaApr 28 02:32
schestowitz" the fear of being branded antisemetic makes people do strange things."Apr 28 02:32
schestowitz 28 02:33
-TechrightsBN/ | Mouse: "quote from comment on article [pt.2]" - ChitterApr 28 02:33
schestowitz"Apr 28 02:33
schestowitz [cont] "But of course, you own the tool, you get to design the workflow and do your best to shape your users worldview.Apr 28 02:33
schestowitz"I do wish developers would be a little wiser around these things, especially when they see companies taking such huge amounts of capital. I found it quite depressing to watch the unquestioning way development communities assimilated the docker worldview."Apr 28 02:33
schestowitz"Apr 28 02:33
schestowitz"quote from comment on article [pt.2] SHOW LESS"Apr 28 02:34
schestowitz 28 02:34
-TechrightsBN/ | econig: " You're quoting an arti…" - QuodVerum ForumApr 28 02:34
schestowitz"Apr 28 02:34
schestowitz You're quoting an article from...Teen Vogue????Apr 28 02:34
schestowitzApr 28 02:34
schestowitz"Apr 28 02:34
schestowitz 28 02:35
schestowitz"Apr 28 02:35
-TechrightsBN/ | Mouse: "quote from comment on article [pt.1]" - ChitterApr 28 02:35
schestowitz "it was possible to see this trouble coming from way back. Docker, Inc. took on over $150m of VC investment before the end of 2015. One hundred and fifty million dollars. How do you possibly plan to show a return on such an investment? The only way is to get one of your "services" injected into peoples pipelines as a critical component, no matter how questionable the fundamental necessity of that service is. [cont]Apr 28 02:35
schestowitzApr 28 02:35
schestowitz"Apr 28 02:35
schestowitz 28 02:35
-TechrightsBN/ | booklord: " Such a petty, narcissis…" - Scholar SocialApr 28 02:35
schestowitz"Apr 28 02:35
schestowitzSuch a petty, narcissistic, cockwomblerApr 28 02:35
schestowitzApr 28 02:35
schestowitz"Apr 28 02:35
-->NewBee (~newbee@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 28 02:36
schestowitz 28 02:36
schestowitz"Apr 28 02:36
schestowitz oh man if only dracut wouldn't refuse to work on nvme ssds & threadripper cpu combo. I really liked Fedora until the point I've tried to run it for several hours.Apr 28 02:36
schestowitzApr 28 02:36
schestowitz"Apr 28 02:36
NewBeehiApr 28 02:37
NewBeeanyone here online ?Apr 28 02:39
schestowitz>> IIRC, the main impediment was just me logging in?Apr 28 02:44
schestowitz>>Apr 28 02:44
schestowitz> With the tunnel, you'd connect to instead of TM or TRApr 28 02:44
schestowitz> directly.  It's easy enough to put into the SSH client's configuration file:Apr 28 02:44
schestowitz> Apr 28 02:44
schestowitz> $ sed -n -e '/Host hv/,/^$/p' ~/.ssh/configApr 28 02:44
schestowitz> Host hvApr 28 02:44
schestowitz>         HostName 28 02:44
schestowitz>         User zzzzzApr 28 02:44
schestowitz>         Port 22Apr 28 02:44
schestowitz>         IdentitiesOnly yesApr 28 02:45
schestowitz>         IdentityFile /home/lars/.ssh/techrights-hv.ed25519Apr 28 02:45
schestowitz>         LocalForward 5900 localhost:5900Apr 28 02:45
schestowitz>         LocalForward 5901 localhost:5901Apr 28 02:45
schestowitz>         LocalCommand printf '\033]11;#102010\007' 1>&2Apr 28 02:45
schestowitz> Apr 28 02:45
schestowitz> So with LocalForward, the tunnel can be built automatically.Apr 28 02:45
<--NewBee has quit ()Apr 28 02:47
schestowitzRe: Wired for soundApr 28 02:48
schestowitz> Hi, Roy,Apr 28 02:49
schestowitz> Apr 28 02:49
schestowitz> The Raspberry Pi Zero is not usually connected to the net, even if it isApr 28 02:49
schestowitz> on and doing stuff, so I wired a "buzzer" and an LED to the GPIO of theApr 28 02:49
schestowitz> router instead.  It is available 24/7.Apr 28 02:49
schestowitz> Apr 28 02:50
schestowitz> The wiring worked on the first try, though two reboots to get the GPIOApr 28 02:50
schestowitz> logic correct.  It makes a several short, bad whistling sounds inApr 28 02:50
schestowitz> series, which annoys both the cat and Satu.  Modifying the script tookApr 28 02:50
schestowitz> longer, and setting it to correctly autostart.  Hopefully it won't goApr 28 02:50
schestowitz> off frequently.  The shell script now uses it, and it gets launched atApr 28 02:50
schestowitz> startup inside two tmux panes dedicated to the task.Apr 28 02:50
schestowitz> Apr 28 02:50
schestowitz> Including time for lunch the whole process took just under 2 hours.Apr 28 02:50
schestowitz> Apr 28 02:50
schestowitz> We'll see how it goes now.  However this is a temporary solution theApr 28 02:50
schestowitz> router is overdue for replacement, it is 10 years old this year.  ItApr 28 02:50
schestowitz> chirps once during reboot.Apr 28 02:50
schestowitzThanks a lot for that! Sometimes, like tonight, I work overnight, but when I don't there's a blind spot and no easy way to generate alerts (I tried).Apr 28 02:50
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Apr 28 05:34
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 28 05:34
schestowitz 28 06:01
-TechrightsBN/ Both 'wings' of the elite party (The Corporate Party, D and R) are enemies of #wikileaks with politicians who want #assange executed 28 06:01
schestowitz"well saidApr 28 06:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Former Obama Official Demonizes Julian Assange To Justify ProsecutionApr 28 06:01
schestowitz 28 06:01
-TechrightsBN/ Corrupt #epa protects #monsanto #bayer saw #roundup at the store today; they try hard not to mention the company name. Intentional? Bad press?Apr 28 06:01
schestowitz"Disgusting poison"Apr 28 06:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | States Weigh Banning a Widely Used Pesticide Even Though EPA Won’tApr 28 06:01
schestowitz"could we say the name of the pesticide at least? are we talking about glyphosate?"Apr 28 06:01
schestowitzThat's the most notorious one. Some know it as "RoundUp"Apr 28 06:02
schestowitz 28 06:02
-TechrightsBN/ Tonight, overnight, the only living thing in our house (other than us) died. Goldfish we've had for 6 years.Apr 28 06:02
schestowitz"sorry. Even goldfish can be loved."Apr 28 06:02
schestowitz"condolances."Apr 28 06:02
schestowitzWife weptApr 28 06:03
schestowitz 28 06:04
-TechrightsBN/ Why Linux stands out amongst other OSes #gnu #linux Apr 28 06:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Why Linux stands out amongst other OSes | Tux MachinesApr 28 06:04
schestowitz"that is part of the profound difference between Linux and other operating systems. Linux works flawlessly for new users. At the same time, Linux makes it possible for experienced users to tinker to their heart’s content. When things do go wrong, Linux gives you all the tools necessary to fix the problems."Apr 28 06:04
schestowitz 28 06:04
-TechrightsBN/ When it comes to #trump #corruption and legitimate grounds for #impachment focusing on #russia still misses the point 28 06:04
schestowitz"Apr 28 06:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Obstructiongate! | OffGuardianApr 28 06:04
schestowitzReally bad article. It is a defacto defense of trump and it spreads utter falsehoods about trump being some kind of alternative to the (supposedly) exclusive Democratic Party ideology of “neoliberalism”.Apr 28 06:04
schestowitzIt is a falsification of reality - the kind of post-truth rightism that got trump elected, and sealed the victory of neoliberalism forever.Apr 28 06:04
schestowitz"Apr 28 06:04
schestowitzI wait to see D actually accepting that it needs to change and accommodate voters, not wealthy sponsors like in RApr 28 06:05
schestowitz 28 06:05
-TechrightsBN/ We should all be concerned, no matter which country we live in, that #warcriminals with documents are driving foreign policy of US Empire. Unprecedented and dangerous. Nuclear war as likely as it gets (since Cold War) 28 06:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | What’s Driving Bolton’s Attacks on the “Troika of Tyranny”?Apr 28 06:05
schestowitz"The US is the premier rogue state."Apr 28 06:05
schestowitz 28 06:05
-TechrightsBN/ Updated #Debian 9: 9.9 released #gnu #linux Apr 28 06:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Updated Debian 9: 9.9 released | Tux MachinesApr 28 06:05
schestowitz"Sorry but why your web site doesn’t have https?Apr 28 06:05
schestowitzTechnical issuesApr 28 06:05
schestowitz 28 06:06
-TechrightsBN/ Two years ago #microsoft used corrupt (paid through publishers/ads) people to spreads this big lie/meme. #sqlserver DOES NOT EVEN RUN ON LINUX (!!), it runs on #drawbridge #Falsemarketing #proprietarysoftwareApr 28 06:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- Photo by 28 06:06
schestowitz"Ugly ad, to boot."Apr 28 06:06
schestowitz 28 06:08
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: #proprietarysoftware is shoddy (and kept secret to hide this shoddiness and dodge accountability) @glynmoody articleApr 28 06:08
schestowitz"There’s shoddy software and there is also decent software that simply hasn’t been exercised against a sufficiently wide range of conditions. I see this all the time - probably because I build test tools to create network conditions so that developers have ways to do that kind of testing. Some things are very uncommon - for instance I can stop (and sometimes crash) every IP stack I’ve found (including Linux) simply by inducing Apr 28 06:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Shoddy Software Is Eating The World, And People Are Dying As A Result | TechdirtApr 28 06:08
schestowitzvarious patterns of IPv4 fragmentation. That doesn’t happen very much in normal practice - but it could be a vector for a hostile attacker."Apr 28 06:08
schestowitz"Blaming “lazy engineers” for management’s mistakes is a cop out. Ralph Nader wrote an article about this which explains some of those mistakes. Having only one set of instruments, overriding the pilot, and the whole late market response of the 737 max, those are bad management decisions more than design decisions. Redundancy and checks should always be part of a design and the pilot should always be in charge."Apr 28 06:08
schestowitz"@Will Hill - I’ve seen too many companies in which QA and test people get much less respect (and pay) than developers. We had really good luck where the company (and management) culture recognized QA people as peers to developers - and if the QA people said “this product does not go out the door” the product did not go out the door."Apr 28 06:09
schestowitz"It’s unfortunate how few companies dominate these important industries and how out of luck someone would be if they dedicated their career to them and then got fired.Apr 28 06:09
schestowitz"@Will Hill like the poor guy that invented fm radio while working for rca."Apr 28 06:09
schestowitzWas it invention or extension of one?Apr 28 06:09
schestowitz 28 06:10
-TechrightsBN/ Without #Impeachment , We’re Lowering Standards for All Future Presidents the electoral college failed to do its job. He should have been disqualified.Apr 28 06:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Without Impeachment, We’re Lowering Standards for All Future PresidentsApr 28 06:10
schestowitz"Impeachment is a must, yet it is a distraction. Which is to say, unless there is some way to get the Republicans on board, the Democrats will be taking time away from other topics, such as Climate Change and Medicare for All. Damn, there is no winning here.Apr 28 06:10
schestowitzSame was said about Brexit, but now some Tories oppose it and it seems like it will be stopped eventually Apr 28 06:11
schestowitz 28 06:11
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: US #election for sale. Not just to American oligarchs but to multinational tycoons and militaries. It's all a rich people's shitshow. 28 06:11
schestowitz"Undeaded? Since when?"Apr 28 06:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Nothing Wrong With Help From Russians, Trump Lawyer Says - TruthdigApr 28 06:11
schestowitz 28 06:11
-TechrightsBN/ Tom Watson is right. We need another #brexit referendum because things have changed since 2016. A lot. I met Tom Watson in person half a decade ago. He said he knows #techrightsApr 28 06:11
schestowitz"I meant in general not the specific site. I wouldn’t be the least surprised if he did."Apr 28 06:11
schestowitzHe was mentioned in daily links there about a decade ago when he commented a lot on technical mattersApr 28 06:12
schestowitz 28 06:13
-TechrightsBN/ This is very low-quality 'virtue-signalling' (to use a silly term that demonises morality) from #lizwarren Who is she trying to appease/impress?Apr 28 06:13
schestowitz"Apr 28 06:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | "I'm a Capitalist," Says Warren…But Why?Apr 28 06:13
schestowitzoh, now i get the post you made after this one.Apr 28 06:13
schestowitzliz warren is constantly rebranding herself in a desperate appeal to voters, because she likes being in office. shes been native american, capitalist, pro-whatever-- all politicians do this and so do people in careers and activism “software engineer, interdisciplinary researcher, and an advocate of fair competition” but warren is trying to move mountains with it. with her there is very little substance.Apr 28 06:13
schestowitzlabels are not substitutes for deeds. politicians are best summed up by their voting records. election campaigns are about promises, most of which will be broken and i doubt their sincerity in general.Apr 28 06:13
schestowitz"Apr 28 06:13
schestowitzMy description has been completely identical for over a decade. I cannot undo what I wrote, but I don't need to update it anymore. Same in other contexts. I can always say, "look, I literally wrote that 15 years ago and I know it's out of date"Apr 28 06:15
schestowitz 28 06:15
-TechrightsBN/ There's your problem, #ibm You just rebranded #server as "cloud" And didn't actually do anything useful and practical #redhat will not save you if you resort to pure marketing like "Watson" and "AI" BS. 28 06:15
schestowitz"Now they have the minions trooping into the office."Apr 28 06:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Subscribe to read | Financial TimesApr 28 06:15
schestowitz 28 06:16
-TechrightsBN/ The WIRED Guide to Open Source Software #freesw but old: 28 06:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Open Source Software: The Complete Wired Guide | WIREDApr 28 06:16
schestowitz"v#grimasoft"Apr 28 06:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Is Stallman Stalled? | WIREDApr 28 06:16
schestowitz\"#grimasoft"Apr 28 06:16
schestowitz 28 06:16
-TechrightsBN/ The raping nazi from the White House keeps breaking the law while "D" party keeps moaning about "RUSHA" and saying #impeachment is not an option 28 06:16
schestowitz"Apr 28 06:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Trump’s Offshore Oil-Drilling Plan Sidelined Indefinitely - WSJApr 28 06:16
schestowitzim not comfortable calling trump a rapist until it is proven that he raped someone.Apr 28 06:16
schestowitzthat sort of thing is done a lot, very casually, and i think its a bad precedent every time.Apr 28 06:16
schestowitz"Apr 28 06:16
schestowitzMaybe rapist is too strong a word, but mind his own wordsApr 28 06:16
schestowitzMaybe rapist is too strong a word, but mind his own words in Hollywood Access tapeApr 28 06:17
schestowitz 28 06:17
-TechrightsBN/ The Case for #Environmental #Justice "Climate change and widening inequality are not two separate issues. They’re intimately connected. And there’s at least one solution to both."Apr 28 06:17
schestowitz";→"Apr 28 06:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Robert Reich (The Case for Environmental Justice  Climate change...)Apr 28 06:17
-->oiaohm_ (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 28 07:09
<--oiaohm has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Apr 28 07:09
schestowitz> No problem.  I logged in and checked the tmux session on the router andApr 28 08:30
schestowitz> it is still polling away every 6 minutes.Apr 28 08:30
schestowitz> Apr 28 08:30
schestowitz> In the long term it will be essential to track down and fix the cause ofApr 28 08:30
schestowitz> the server's instability instead of weird hacks.Apr 28 08:30
schestowitz> Apr 28 08:30
schestowitz> Also if you know of any hardware which runs headless and supportsApr 28 08:30
schestowitz> OpenBSD and has five to eight gigabit Ethernet ports, please let meApr 28 08:30
schestowitz> know.  Bonus if it has GPIO pins and / or a speaker (but not aApr 28 08:30
schestowitz> microphone).Apr 28 08:30
schestowitz 28 09:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lululul12691743: @schestowitz @ChrisMa68264470 @FlowerGrl143 @JerryNatureNET @Oscarchars9 @helene713 @LIzGordonMartin… 28 09:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lululul12691743: @schestowitz @ChrisMa68264470 @FlowerGrl143 @JerryNatureNET @Oscarchars9 @helene713 @LIzGordonMartin… 28 09:10
schestowitz 28 09:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@getridoftrumpx: @schestowitz @wikileaks lmao.... We unfortunately nominated Trump so we're obviously not too worried about long las… 28 09:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@getridoftrumpx: @schestowitz @wikileaks lmao.... We unfortunately nominated Trump so we're obviously not too worried about long las… 28 09:10
schestowitz"lmao.... We unfortunately nominated Trump so we're obviously not too worried about long lasting stains on our nations image."Apr 28 09:10
schestowitz 28 09:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@getridoftrumpx: @DatRedronn @SharonPeetz @schestowitz @wikileaks so he shouldn't have ran from the rape charges? they say he's inno… 28 09:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@getridoftrumpx: @DatRedronn @SharonPeetz @schestowitz @wikileaks so he shouldn't have ran from the rape charges? they say he's inno… 28 09:11
schestowitz"so he shouldn't have ran from the rape charges? they say he's innocent then why not stay and defend yourself instead of making yourself look guilty af?"Apr 28 09:11
schestowitz 28 09:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@vmcowboy: @schestowitz @herrold Rule #1 of any software (or any tech): don't break stuff. But we've had a *lot* of new develo… 28 09:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@vmcowboy: @schestowitz @herrold Rule #1 of any software (or any tech): don't break stuff. But we've had a *lot* of new develo… 28 09:11
schestowitz"Rule #1 of any software (or any tech): don't break stuff. But we've had a *lot* of new developments, promoted by our leaders and luminaries, which *intentionally* break stuff."Apr 28 09:11
schestowitz 28 09:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@uri_herrera: @HaashirMohammed @schestowitz Are you referring to the Maui apps? If so, it means that the code base is the same fo… 28 09:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@uri_herrera: @HaashirMohammed @schestowitz Are you referring to the Maui apps? If so, it means that the code base is the same fo… 28 09:12
schestowitz"Are you referring to the Maui apps? If so, it means that the code base is the same for the supported platforms."Apr 28 09:12
schestowitz 28 09:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@marcdraco63: @schestowitz @gael_duval Microsoft is in on it increasingly now too. I’m even careful which Linux I install (and wh… 28 09:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@marcdraco63: @schestowitz @gael_duval Microsoft is in on it increasingly now too. I’m even careful which Linux I install (and wh… 28 09:12
schestowitz"Apr 28 09:12
schestowitzMicrosoft is in on it increasingly now too. I’m even careful which Linux I install (and which apps). Apr 28 09:12
schestowitzIt’s time we owned the devices we PAY for ans were not forced to sign contracts only lawyers understand that only benefit Google, Amazon, etc.Apr 28 09:12
schestowitz"Apr 28 09:12
schestowitz 28 09:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@HaashirMohammed: @uri_herrera @schestowitz So if I were to run Maui apps on Android, will they automatically take up Material design?Apr 28 09:14
schestowitz 28 09:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@uri_herrera: @HaashirMohammed @schestowitz No, they use their own style and their own interface guidelines.Apr 28 09:14
schestowitz 28 09:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Ventuckyspaz: @schestowitz @wikileaks Very clintonesque of @Lenin Moreno to do that. Shame on him!Apr 28 09:15
schestowitz 28 09:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jhamby: @schestowitz I do, actually.Apr 28 09:15
schestowitz 28 09:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@sandyhewett71: @schestowitz @wikileaks after seeing these images vrs images Julian in Embassy, It drives home to me WHO had the $M… 28 09:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@sandyhewett71: @schestowitz @wikileaks after seeing these images vrs images Julian in Embassy, It drives home to me WHO had the $M… 28 09:18
schestowitz"Apr 28 09:18
schestowitzafter seeing these images vrs images Julian in Embassy, It drives home to me WHO had the $M diet Budget, Moreno claimed Assange but it appears it was him'Apr 28 09:18
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 2 likesApr 28 09:18
schestowitzApr 28 09:18
schestowitz"Apr 28 09:18
schestowitz 28 09:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AtkaLiona3311: #FreeCatalanPoliticalPrisoners 28 09:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @JulianAssange The rights of self determination are not being respected only by those whose iron fist they know to be an affront to societyApr 28 09:18
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Apr 28 09:20
schestowitz 28 11:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pceebee23: @schestowitz gosh does the US export oil?Apr 28 11:00
schestowitzit exports wars over oilApr 28 11:00
---oiaohm_ is now known as oiaohmApr 28 11:02
schestowitz 28 11:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pceebee23: @schestowitz always follow the $$$ with can be sure one of his buddies will make a profitApr 28 11:22
schestowitz 28 11:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@fluidvoice: @schestowitz NotebookCheck needs to note that it's unavailable on Amazon now. Did they sell out? Will they restock? We don't know.Apr 28 11:45
schestowitz 28 12:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jrobertson: #mobilephone #marketing #sameold 28 12:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: No, #5g itself is a "blatant marketing lie" Lots of inane, delirious hype that #corporatemedia is paid to encourage… 28 12:35
schestowitz 28 13:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jaffamonkey: Oh #ffs, "Industry 4.0"? Not only journalism that dead, tech is still full of way too many idiots building careers… 28 13:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jaffamonkey: Oh #ffs, "Industry 4.0"? Not only journalism that dead, tech is still full of way too many idiots building careers… 28 13:05
schestowitz"Apr 28 13:05
schestowitzMore jaffamonkey Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Apr 28 13:05
schestowitzOh #ffs, "Industry 4.0"? Not only journalism that dead, tech is still full of way too many idiots building careers on buzz. My message to them is: Fuck off.Apr 28 13:05
schestowitz"Apr 28 13:05
schestowitz\Apr 28 13:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MoreSocialism: @schestowitz Is there any way to do cloud while keeping your data private? I'm guessing the answer is no.Apr 28 13:22
schestowitzdefine "cloud"Apr 28 13:22
schestowitz 28 13:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MoreSocialism: @schestowitz Basically renting someone else's hardware instead of using your own. Particularly AWS and its competition.Apr 28 13:41
schestowitzobviously if you rent from these spying firms, then you're not going to have privacyApr 28 13:42
schestowitz 28 14:56
-TechrightsBN/ | Diary: Notes on LA’s UndergroundApr 28 14:56
schestowitz 28 15:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jrobertson: #2FA #areYouReallyYou #idontbelieveyou #airportSecurity2020 #biometrics #socialCreditScore #verified 28 15:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Soon your driver’s license might not get you through #airport security [sic] #tsa Ihre Papiere, bitte!Apr 28 15:29
schestowitz"Apr 28 15:29
schestowitzMore James Robertson Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Apr 28 15:29
schestowitz#2FA #areYouReallyYou #idontbelieveyou #airportSecurity2020 #biometrics #socialCreditScore #verifiedApr 28 15:29
schestowitz"Apr 28 15:29
schestowitz 28 16:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@alantaxi: @FCBarcelona ? You’d have played @AFCAjax if were not knocked out by @SpursOfficial ... 😂😂😂😂😂 28 16:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: @ManCity This was likely the hardest of the three final matches (away and a good recent run from Burnley). Almost t… 28 16:10
schestowitz"Apr 28 16:10
schestowitzMore The Alster Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Apr 28 16:10
schestowitz@FCBarcelona ? You’d have played @AFCAjax if were not knocked out by @SpursOfficial ... Apr 28 16:10
schestowitz"Apr 28 16:10
schestowitz 28 16:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@sandssims: @schestowitz @ManCity In a tight title run in, pressure does strange things. Absolutely Pep knows that there are still 2 tough games leftApr 28 16:11
schestowitz"In a tight title run in, pressure does strange things. Absolutely Pep knows that there are still 2 tough games left"Apr 28 16:11
schestowitz 28 16:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@theGuruWithin: @schestowitz #TYLibreOfficeApr 28 16:55
schestowitz 28 16:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@NJC31615432: @schestowitz @wikileaks Pompass is a total black hatApr 28 16:55
schestowitz 28 16:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@creator7777: @schestowitz @wikileaks 創価の放火魔を捕まえたらいい。Apr 28 16:55
schestowitzI used to have two 32-bit laptop systems. Both of them came factory equipped with a version of Windows software. As each laptop aged, it became increasingly difficult to update and maintain Windows software.Apr 28 18:11
schestowitzIn fairness, it also became increasingly difficult to run any software, but there were a few 32-bit Linux distributions that ran on them. As the software became more difficult to find and update, it was more of a curiosity than a need to continue to work with these systems. Finally I sent all of them to recycle centers.Apr 28 18:11
schestowitzLinux 64-bit systems, an "after thought" long ago, are common now, yet even these can easily be replaced with a Chromebook or a phone for many functions, including forum and blog communication.Apr 28 18:11
schestowitz 28 18:11
-TechrightsBN/ | LXer: As with Brave: How to Install Opera Web Browser on Ubuntu 18.04Apr 28 18:11
schestowitz<li><h5><a href="" rel="nofollow">Judge Dodges Legality of NSA Mass Spying, Citing Secrecy Claims</a></h5>Apr 28 18:19
-TechrightsBN/ | Judge Dodges Legality of NSA Mass Spying, Citing Secrecy Claims | Electronic Frontier FoundationApr 28 18:19
schestowitz<blockquote>Apr 28 18:19
schestowitz <p>The Justice Department insists that our legal fight against this spying is bound by a Catch-22: no one can sue unless the court first determines that they were certainly touched by the vast surveillance mechanisms of the NSA. But, the government argued successfully, the court cannot decide whether any particular person’s email, web searches, social media or phone calls were touched by the surveillance unless the government admits it.Apr 28 18:19
schestowitz Which, of course, it will not do. </p>Apr 28 18:19
schestowitz</blockquote>Apr 28 18:19
schestowitz</li>Apr 28 18:19
schestowitz 28 18:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@masacuna: @schestowitz @ManUtd Alexis been their best player since coming on. Have you watched?Apr 28 18:33
schestowitz 28 18:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Yoyo__24: @masacuna @schestowitz @ManUtd Have you?Apr 28 18:33
schestowitzdribbling and losing possession. Immortalised and overhyped brand.Apr 28 18:34
schestowitz 28 18:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Gone2theBeach: @schestowitz @wikileaks @realDonaldTrump And just like that he's POTUS and YOU ARENT. SIT DOWN. Up your meds, they aren't workingApr 28 18:49
schestowitz 28 18:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@masacuna: @Yoyo__24 @schestowitz @ManUtd Yes that is why I made that comment.Apr 28 18:57
schestowitz 28 18:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@masacuna: @schestowitz @Yoyo__24 @ManUtd Not today he wasnt. Watch the game before commenting.Apr 28 18:57
schestowitz 28 19:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@mistersaxon: @schestowitz @glynmoody That really made my ears ring. "Interesting but not remotely musical" is my 4-word review.Apr 28 19:56

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