Originally posted by ender2070
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And my postings are completely in this thread, and nowhere else. And I've done virtually nothing here but to respond to the various lies and defamations from your accomplice, MICHAEL RUDRA NATH/JASON CHRISTOPHER HUGHES and you, [Name redacted] [Name redacted].
I think you need to add "Schlesianer"'s postings to your own score, in any case.
Given that you've stolen, defaced and illegally republished my photographs, as well as the photographs of James Duncan Davidson, on not one, but multiple occasions, and had to be forced to take them down via a valid DMCA complaint?unlike your own bogus one, and that you've maintained multiple IDs and web-sites dedicated to nothing other than harassing me, you're on pretty shaky ground here. I've got a slam-dunk showing a pattern of ongoing public harassment on your part, Mr. [Name redacted].
Just like your friend there.